: i^ ^~^ gft^ RETURN Government Documents Department TO ^ 350 Main Library 642-2568 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 c 1 WT W? *L* 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW yp&fo. \L m Ann i o ibt fTvO JL v l ^ t - C?" ^ f ; 3 : : .? NOV101988 * ". , A(Jb ^ 988 i. . :--- I UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD7. 68m. 1/82 BERKELEY, CA 94720 $j4 m^:/^^m^^y 5-,?! c^ v*v > : .U..-A- ** ,^ * w Sk :*.., . . (f ^/ K "< * >-^4 .,- j* k /<f*v 4, -y ^ .. > s * ft-5 : ixr f",-; v \i *jn , ^ jSv K !^WW^^ 5*^SHSiv5^ 5^^ HISTORICAL REGISTER OF icefg of the Continental AMIJ DURING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION, APRIL, 1775, TO DECEMBER, 1783, BY P. B. HEITMAN, UNIVEBSITI WASHINGTON, D. C. 1893. -. ^ COPYRIGHT, 1892. BY F. B. HEITMAN. PREFACE. In 1873 the undersigned commenced the compilation of k The Historical -Register of Officers of the United States Army, September, 1789, to Septem ber, 1889, which was published in 1890. In the preparation of that work he found it necessary to examine the various military rolls, lists, orders, and other records of the Revolutionary War, on file in the various Executive Departments of the Government, in order to identify and show as far as possible the services of the earlier appointed officers in that eventful period of our country s history. Finding, however, as he progressed, that the * mass of Revolutionary Records was larger than anticipated, and far more than he could examine and compare in the period allotted to the task, it was for a time laid aside. The extracts then made, supplemented by additional data from the original records and other authentic sources, are presented herewith. In making the examination, his aim was only to include officers of the Continental Army ; for, to have included all the Militia, Minute Men, Rangers, Riflemen and other kindred organizations (whose terms of service in many cases were but of short duration, although most valuable at very important periods) would have entailed labor far beyond the capacity of a single individual to accomplish in a lifetime, and could never be made even approximately complete. However, the names of a number of militia officers appear herein, which have been found in such records as have been examined, who are mentioned in orders or correspondence, were killed or wounded, died, &c., and whose names are inserted to establish their identity or to trace, if possible, the personality of some whose names do not appear in full. Xor is the list of Continental officers complete, for the reason that there are no complete rolls or returns of niany of the organizations on file. It is believed, however, that fully nine-tenths of the names have been obtained. Many of the facts recorded herein are incomplete, but all that were found are here. !No doubt many of the descendants can supply the missing data concerning their ancestors. In an extensive work of this kind 4 doubtless many errors will be found, owing to the absence of many records from which positive data could be obtained. Names are spelled variously on different rolls ; dates of appointment and commission frequently vary as often as there are rolls upon which the names appear ; however, it was impossible to avoid mistakes. In the preparation of this work the compiler has also consulted and availed himself of the free use of various authentic works relating to the subject, and thus connected many of the missing links from the official, records. It gives him great pleasure to acknowledge here his obligations to Mr. S. M. Hamilton, of the State Department, for his valuable services in aiding in the preparation of this w r ork. Having been engaged for many years in work which included the care and custody of the official papers referring to the Revolutionary period, he has become thoroughly familiar with the subject. He has permitted me to avail myself of his accurate knowledge w r ith a courtesy and willingness to assist, whenever his exacting official duties allowed him, that has rendered our association most pleasant. He is now preparing, when not otherwise engaged, an index, which when completed will render it vastly more practicable to obtain information from these voluminous records. The largest and most important collection of Records of the War of the Revolution is on file in the Department of State, embracing the personal papers of General Washington, his orders and letters, rolls, regimental returns, lists of officers, commissions, casualty lists, &c. In the Pension Bureau, Department of the Interior, are about two hundred volumes of muster rolls, miscellaneous papers, and individual papers of applicants for lands or pensions. In the Treasury Department are many papers relating mainly to payments, depreciation pay accounts, transfers of funds, dis bursements, &c., and a few rolls of some militia organizations. In all these Departments the arrangement of these Records is such that information on any required point, or regarding the services of any specific individual cannot be readily obtained, if at all, for lack of a proper index, as Congress has never made any provision or appropriation for that pur pose. Many of these records are in tatters, worn to rags by handling, ink faded and otherwise defaced ; but still it is surprising to see, after the lapse of over a century, the general good condition of these most valuable papers, which have thus been preserved to the country. Will age improve their condition ? It is not to be expected ; on the contrary, it is only a question 5 of a very few years when dilapidation will have reached a point at which these important papers will have become undecipherable. The Act of Congress approved July 27, 1892, provides "That the "military records of the American Revolution * now pre- " served in the Treasury and Interior Departments be transferred to the "War Department, to be preserved in the Record and Pension Office of " that Department, and that they shall be properly indexed and arranged * for use."" The provisions of this Act are good as far as they go. The majority of the American people not only wish to know that there are in the various Departments of the Government places Avhere these records are stored, but wish to know their contents ; the simple knowledge that they are being indexed in order to be able to state that a certain individual served in a certain company or regiment is not sufficient. Why can they not be arranged, published and distributed throughout the country on a similar plan to that pursued in the case of the records of the War of the Rebellion ? Or, if that is impracticable, why not have them copied just as they are and printed for distribution to the various libraries, historical societies, and State capitals of the country, in order that all interested, either for personal use or for historical purposes, may read, examine and learn lessons of patriotism from them at their leisure. A great many of the original rolls, returns, orders, and much of the correspondence is dispersed throughout the country in possession of the different States, historical societies, libraries and individuals. All these parties would, doubtless, loan such records to the Government for the pur pose of being copied, or furnish authenticated copies thereof, in order to complete as far as possible the chain of records of that most important part of the history of our country. The course thus indicated would give us the names of all the heroes who participated in that glorious struggle for our national independence, whether they were officers, or soldiers who shouldered the musket ; for all dared, braved and suffered in order that we might partake of the blessings of that freedom which we now so happily enjoy. Many of the descendants of the revolutionary heroes and martyrs are at this time forming themselves into societies or joining the order of the Cincinnati to perpetuate the glorious deeds of their sires. And in this connection no more laudable aim should animate them than to strive to have these records, which have slumbered for over a century in the catacombs of the various Departments, resurrected and published, in order 6 that our children, and the sons and daughters of generations to follow us,, may well learn the lesson of our early history which culminated in our independence, and revere the ashes of our departed heroes. At no time in our history has the inculcating of patriotism so obtained among our people as at the present time. Above our school-houses, that for a century have had no mark to distinguish them as public edifices, now waves the flag that is the symbol of this Nation. In many of our schools the Stars and Stripes are brought every morning to be saluted by the assembled children. The modest button of the Sons and Daughters of the Revolution is accounted the proudest badge that can be worn, and rich and poor vie for its privilege. Though we have had wars for conquest and wars for the maintenance of the law and Constitution, in which valorous deeds were done and brave men died, the one great conflict concerning whose principles every American may meet on common ground is the War of Independence. To perpetuate those principles, to instil into the young mind the glowing truths for which our fathers fought and sealed with their lives, should be the foremost aim of every true American. FRANCIS B. HEITMAN. WASHINGTON, D. C., January, 1893. HISTORICAL REGISTER OF Officers of the Continental Army DURING THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION, , 1TT5, -bo 3Deoexn_"be3T., 1V83. Embracing and arranged as follows : 1st. General Officers of the Continental Army arranged a(^jording to rank,, with period of service of each. f 2d. List of Military Secretaries and Aides-de-Camp to General Washington,. with period of service as such. 3d. Chronological Roster of Field Officers of the Line in successive order,, arranged by States and Regiments. 4th. Alphabetical list of Officers of the Continental Army, including many officers of the militia, giving date of rank in each grade ; all brevet commissions ; all cases in which thanks, swords, or honors Avere conferred by Congress; date and place if killed, wounded, taken prisoner, and exchanged ; and in many cases date of death after leaving the service, 5th. List of Officers of the the Continental Army furnished to Congress by the War Department in 1827. 6th. List of French Officers who served with the American Army. 7th. Chronological and Alphabetical list of battles, actions, etc. 8th. Calendar for the vears of the Revolution. GENERAL OFFICERS OK THE CONTINENTAL ARMY, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO RANK, WITH PERIOD OF SERVICE. GENERAL AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, GEORGE WASHINGTON, loth June, 1775, to 23d December, 1783. MAJOR GENERALS. Artemus Ward, 17th June. 1775. to 23d April, 1776. Charles Lee, 17th June, 1775, to 10th January, 1780. Philip Schuyler. 19th June, 1775, to 19th April, 1779. Israel Putnam, 19th June, 1775, to 3d June, 1793. Richard Montgomery, 9th December, 1775, to 31st December, 1775. John Thomas, 6th March, 1776, to 30th May, 1776. Horatio Gates, 16th May, 1776, to 3d November, 1783. William Heath, 9th August, 1776, to 3d November, 1783. Joseph Spencer, 9th August, 1776, to 13th January, 1778. John Sullivan, 9th August, 1776, to 30th November, 1779. Nathaniel Greene, 9th August, 1776, to 3d November, 1783. Benedict ArnoLl, 17th February, 1777, to 25th September, 1780. William Alexander, 19th February, 1777, to 15th January, 1783. Thomas Mifflin, 19th February, 1777, to 25th February, 1779. Arthur St. Clair, 19th February, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Adam Stephen, 19th February, 1777, to 20th November. 1777. Benjamin Lincoln, 19th February, 1777, to 29th October, 1783. Paul J. G. de M. Lafayette, 31st July, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. -Philip De Coudray, llth August, 1777, to 15th September, 1777. John De Kalb, 15th September, 1777, to 19th August, 1780. Robert Howe, 20th October, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Alexander McDougall, 20th October, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. . Thomas Con way, 13th December, 1777, to 28th April, 1778. , Frederick W. A. Steuben, 5th May, 1778, to 15th April. 1784. William Small wood, 15th September, 1780, to 3d November, 1783. Samuel H. Parsons, 23d October, 1780, to 22d July, 1782. Henry Knox, 15th November, 1781, to 20th June, 1784. . Louis L, Duportail, 18th November, 1781, to 10th October, 1783. William Moultrie, 15th October, 1782, to 3d November, 1783. 10 BRIGADIER GENERALS. Horatio Gates, 17th June, 1775, to 16th May, 1776. John Thomas, 22d June, 1775, to 6th March, 1776. Richard Montgomery, 22d June, 1775, to 9th December, 1775. David Wooster, 22d June, 1775, to 2d May, 1777. William Heath, 22d June, 1775, to 9th August, 1776. Joseph Spencer, 22d June, 1775, to 9th August, 1776. John Sullivan, 22d June, 1775, to 9th August, 1776. Nathaniel Greene, 22d June, 1775, to 9th August, 1776. Joseph Frye, 10th January, 1776, to 23d April, 1776. Benedict Arnold, 10th January, 1776, to 17th February, 1777. John Armstrong, 1st March, 1776, to 4th April, 1777. William Thompson, 1st March, 1776, to 3d September, 1781. Andrew Lewis, 1st March, 1776, to 15th April, 1777. James Moore, 1st March, 1776, to 9th April, 1777. William Alexander, 1st March, 1776, to 19th February, 1777. Robert Howe, 1st March, 1776, to 20th October, 1777. Frederick W. de Woedtke, 16th March, 1776, to 28th July, 1776. Thomas Mifflin, 16th May, 1776, to 19th February, 1777. Hugh Mercer, 5th June, 177G, to lltli January, 1777. James Reed, 9th August, 1776, to September, 1776. John Nixon, 9th August, 1776, to 12th September, 1780. Arthur St. Clair, 9th August, 1776, to 19th February, 1777. Alexander McDougall, 9th August, 1776, to 20th October, 1777. Samuel H. Parsons, 9th August, 1776, to 23d October, 1780. James Clinton, 9th August, 1776, to 3d November, 1783. Adam Stephen, 4th September, 1776, to 19th February, 1777. Christopher Gadsden, IGth September, 1776, to 2d October, 1777. William Moultrie, 16th September, 1776, to 15th October, 1782. Lachlan Mclntosh, 16th September, 1776, to 3d November, 1783. William Maxwell, 23d October, 1776, to 25th July, 1780. William Smallwood, 23d October, 1776, to loth September, 1780. Matthias A. R. De Fermoy, 5th November, 1776, to 31st January, 1783. Prud Homme De Borre, 1st December, 1776, to 14th September, 1777. Henry Knox, 27th December, 1776, to 15th November, 1781. Francis Nash, 5th February, 1777, to 17th October, 1777. Enoch Poor, 21st February, 1777, to 8th September, 1780. John Glover, 21st February, 1777, to 22d July, 1782. John Paterson, 21st February, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Anthony Wayne, 21st February, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. James M. Varnum, 21st February, 1777, to 5th March, 1779. John P. De Haas, 21st February, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. William Woodford, 21st February, 1777, to 13th November, 1780. Peter Muhlenberg, 21st February, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. George Weedon, 21st February, 1777, to llth June, 1783. George Clinton, 25th March, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Edward Hand, 1st April, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Charles Scott, 1st April, 1777, to 3d November, 1733. Ebenezer Learned, 2d April, 1777, to 24th March, 1778. Jedediah Huntington, 12th May, 1777, to 3d November, 1783. Thomas Con way, 13th May, 1777, to 13th December, 1777. Casiinir Pulaski, 15th September, 1777, to llth October, 1779. 11 John Stark, 4th October, 1777, to 3d November, 1733. Louis L. Duportail, 17th November, 1777, to 16th November, 1781, Jethro Sunnier, Oth January, 1770, to 3d November, 1783. James Hogan, 9th January, 1779, to 4th January, 1781. Isaac Huger, 9th January, 1779, to 3d November, 1783. Mordecai Gist, 9th January, 1779, to 3d November, 1783. William Irvine, 12th May, 1770, to 3d November, 1783. Daniel Morgan, 13th October, 1780, to 3d November, 1783. Otho H. Williams, 9th May, 1782, to IGtli January, 1783. John Greaton, 7th January, 1783, to 3d November, 1783. Rufus Putnam, 7th January, 1783, to 3d November, 1783. Elias Dayton, 7th January, 1783, to 3d November, 1783. Charles T. Armand, 26th March, 1783, to 3d November, 1783. Aides-de-Camp and Military Secretaries TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. Baylies, Hodijah, A. D. C., 13th May, 1782, to 23d December, 1783. Baylor, George, A. D. C., loth August, 1775, to 9th January, 1777. Carey, Richard, A. D. C., 21st June, 1776, to - Cobb, David, A. D. C., loth January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Fitzhugh, Peregrine, A. D. C., 2d July, 1781, to - - ? Grayson, William, A. D. C., 24th August, 1776, to llth January, 1777. *Hamilton, Alexander, A. D. C., 1st March, 1777, to 23d December, 1783. Hanson, Alexander C., Assistant Secretary, 21st June, 1776, to - ? Harrison, Robert H., A. D. C., 5th November, 1775, to 16th May, 1776, and Secretary, 16th May, 1776, to 25th March, 1781. Humphreys, David, A. D. C., 23d June, 1780, to 23d December, 1783. Johnston, George, A. D. C., 20th January, 1777, to October, 1777. Laurens, John, A. D. C., 6th September, 1777, to 27th August, 1782. McHenry, James, Assistant Secretary, 15th May, 1778, to 30th October, 1780. *Meade, Richard K., A. D. C., 12th March, 1777, to 23d December, 1783. Mifflin, Thomas, Secretary, 4th July, 1775, to 14th August, 1775. Moylan, Stephen, Secretary, 6th March, 1776, to 5th June, 1776. Palfrey, William, A. D. C., 6th March, 1776, to 27th April, 1776. Randolph, Edmund, A. D. C., 15th August, 1775, to 25th March, 1776. Reed, Joseph, Secretary, 4th July, 1775, to 16th May, 1776. Smith, William S., A. D. C., 6th July, 1781, to 23d December, 1783. Thornton, Presley P., A. D. C., 6th September, 1777, to - - ? Tilghman, Tench, Volunteer Secretary and Acting A. D. C., 8th August, 1776. to 21st June, 1780, and A. D. C., 21st June, 1780, to ^3d December, 1783. Truinbull, John, A. D. C., 27th July, 1775, to 15th August, 1775. Trumbull, Jonathan, Secretary, 8th June, 1781, to 23d December, 1783. Varick, Richard, Private Secretary, 25th May, 1781, to 23d December, 1783. * Walker, Benjamin, A. D. C., 25th January, 1782, to 23d December, 1783. Walker, John, A. D. C., 17th February, 1777, to 22d December, 1777. Webb, Samuel B., A. D C.; 21st June, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. *These were probably relieved at an earlier date, records incomplete. FIELD OFFICERS OF REGIMENTS OF THE CONTINENTAL LINE. NOTE. The appointment of the first and termination of service of the last field officer of each regiment or battalion, as a general rule, indicates the term of service of each organization. While many of the regiments bore a numerical designation, they were, however, generally known and designated in orders and correspondence by the names of their respective colonels or commanders. The term battalion, instead of regiment, appears to have been the general designation. The dates here given are not in all cases dates of rank, but only the periods they belonged to the battalion; for date of rank arid continuity of service see alphabetical list. It will be observed that in many cases the successive order is somewhat irregular, which is owing to many causes, viz: absence of complete records; the several rearrangements made by law: by the authority of the com manding generals of the different departments, and by the appointment or promotion in the place of those absent on detached duty, sick, prisoners of war, &c., and who on return of such absence were returned to their former or assigned to other regiments. In addition to the list of regiments or battalions herewith there were others belonging to the Continental Line the Pulaski Legion, Lee s battalion of Light Dragoons, Armand s Partisan Corps, Corps of Engineers, Sappers and Miners, and Rangers, but only few rolls or lists of these are on file, not sufficient to make an approximately correct roster of field officers, hence they are omitted; such names, however, as were found of these organizations appear in the alphabetical list. 14 ARTILLERY. GRIDLKY S AXD Kxox s REGHMENT OF ARTILLERY. Oolonel Richard Gridley, 19th May, 1775, to 17th November, 1775. Colonel Henry Knox, 17th November, 1775, to 27th December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel William Burbeck, 19th May, 1775, to 25th May, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel David Mason, 25th May, 1776, to December, 1776. Major David Mason, 19th May, 1775, to 25th May, 1776. Major Scarborough Gridley, 19th May, 1775, to 24th September, 1775. Major John Crane, 10th December, 1775, to 1st January, 1777. Major John Lamb, 9th January, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. FIRST ARTILLERY. Colonel Charles Harrison, 30th November, 1776, to 17th June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Carrington, 30th November, 1776, to 17th June, 1783. Major Christian Holmer, 30th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1783. SECOND ARTILLERY. Colonel Jjhn Lamb, 1st January, 1777, to 17th June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Eleazer Oswald, 1st January, 1777, to 28th June, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Stevens, 30th April, 1778, to 17th June, 1783. Major Sebastian Bauman, 12th September, 1778, to 17th June, 1783. THIRD ARTILLERY. Colonel John Crane, 1st January, 1777, to 17th June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel John Popkin, loth July, 1777, to 17th June, 1783. Major William Perkins, 12th September, 1778, to 17th June, 1783. FOURTH ARTILLERY. Colonel Thomas Proctor, 5th February, 1777, to 9th April, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel John Strobagh, 3d March, 1777, to 2d December, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Forrest, 2d December, 1778, to 7th October, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Porter, 1st January, 1782, to 17th June, 1783. Major Thomas Forrest, 5th February, 1777, to 2nd December, 1778. Major Benjamin Eustis, 2d December, 1778, to 6th October, 1781. 15 Major Andrew Porter, 19th April, 1781, to 1st January, 1782. Major Isaac Craig, 7th October, 1781, to 17th June, 1783. Major Francis Proctor, Jr., 1st January, 1782, to 1st January, 1783. CORPS OF ARTILLERY. Colonel John Crane, 17th June, 1783, to 3d November, 1783. Major Sebastian Bauman, 17th June, 1783, to 20th June, 1784. ARTILLERY ARTIFICER REGIMENTS. BALDWIN S. Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin, January, 1777, to 29th March, 1781. Major Jeremiah Bruen, 12th November, 1779, to 29th March, 1781, FLOWER S. Colonel Benjamin Flower, 16th July, 1770, to 23th April, 1781. Major Joseph Seayres, 16th July, 17 f 3, to 30th August, 1730. Major Charles Lukens, 8th March, 1777, to 30th August, 1780. CANADIAN REGIMENTS. FIRST CANADIAN. Colonel James Livingston, 20th November, 1775, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Livingston, 18th December, 1776, to 2d Novem ber, 1779. Major Gfeorge C. Nicholson, 6th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. SECOND CANADIAN. (Also called "Congress"* Own."} Colonel Moses Hazen, 22d January, 1776, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Antil, 22d January, 1776, to 1st January, 1783. Major John Taylor, 13th November, 1776, to Major Joseph Torrey, 9th January, 1777, to Major Tarlton Woodson, 1st May, 1777, to 1st March, 1782. Major James R. Reid, 1st September, 1777, to Major Anthony Selin, , to 1st January, 1783. 16 CONNECTICUT LINE. FIRST CONNECTICUT. Colonel David Wooster, 1st May. 1775, to 25th June, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Ward. Isc May, 1775, to 20th December, 1775. Major Jabez Thompson, 1st May, 1775, to 20th December, 1775. (Not in service in 177G.) Colonel Jedediah Huntington, 1st January, 1777, to 12th May, 1777. Colonel Josiah Starr, 27th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel John Durkee, 1st January, 1781, to 29th May, 1782. Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Prer.tiss, 1st January, 1777, to 27th May, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel David F. Sill, 5th March, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Grosvenor, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Huntington, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783. Major David F. Sill, 1st January, 1777, to 5th March, 1778. Major Christopher Darrow, 15th April, 1778, to 27th August, 1780. Major Abner Prior, 17th August, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major Wills Clift, 1st January. 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Robert Warner, 29th May, 1782, to 1st January, 1783. Major John P. Wyllys, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783. SECOND CONNECTICUT. Colonel Joseph Spencer, 1st May, 1775, to 25th June, 1775. Colonel Samuel Wyllys, 1st July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Wyllys, 1st May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Roger Enos, 1st July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Major Roger Erios, 1st May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Major Return J. Meigs, 1st July, 1775. to 10th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel Charles Webb, 1st January, 1777, to 13th March, 1778. Colonel Zebulon Butler, 13th March, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Heman Swift, 1st January, 1781, to June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Sherman, 1st January, 1777, to ?8th October, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hait, 28th October, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Johnson, 1st January, 1781, to June, 1783. Major Hezekiah Holdridge, 1st January, 1777, to 25th May, 1778. Major Amos Walbridge, 27th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major Theodore Woodbridge, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major David Smith, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783. THIRD CONNECTICUT. Colonel Israel Putnam, 1st May, 1775, to 19th June, 1775. Colonel Experience Storrs, 1st July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Experience Storrs, 1st May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. 17 Lieutenant-Colonel John Durkee, 1st July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775.. Major John Durkee, 1st May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Major Obadiah Johnson, 1st July, 1775, to 16th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel Samuel Wyllys, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Samuel B. Webb, 1st January, 1781, to June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1st January, 1777, to 13th March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Grosvenor, 13th March, 1778, to 1st January,, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Huntington, 1st January, 1781, to 1st Jan uary, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Gray, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783- Major Thomas Grosvenor, 1st January, 1777, to 13th March, 1778. Major Wills Clift, 25th May, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major John P. Wyllys, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Joseph A. Wright, 1st January, 1783, to June, 1783. FOURTH CONNECTICUT. Colonel Benjamin Hinman, 1st May, 1775, to 20th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel George Pitkin, 1st May, 1775, to 20th December, 1775.. Major Samuel Elmore, 1st May, 1775, to 20th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel John Durkee, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Zebulon Butler, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Giles Russell, 1st January, 1777, to 5th March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Surnner, 28th x\pril, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Gray, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January 1783. Major John Sumner, 1st January, 1777, to 28th April, 1777. Major Benjamin Throop, 1st May, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major Abner Prior, 1st January, 1781, to 23th December, 1781. Major Joseph A. Wright, 28th December, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. FIFTH CONNECTICUT. Colonel David Waterbury, 1st May, 1775, to 13th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Whiting, 1st May, 1775, to 18th November, 1775. Major Thomas Hobby, 1st May, 1775, to 13th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel Philip B. Bradley, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Mead, 1st January, 1777, to 25th May, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Johnson, 25"*h May, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Sherman, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783- Major Jonathan Johnson, 1st January 1777, to 25th May, 1778. Major Albert Chapman, 5th March, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major David Smith, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Benjamin Throop, 1st January, 1731, to 1st January, 1783. 18 SIXTH CONNECTICUT. Colonel Samuel H. Parsons, 1st May, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Tyler, 1st May, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Major Samuel Prentiss, 1st May, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. (Not in .service in 1776.) Colonel William Douglas, 1st January, 1777, to 28th May, 1777. Colonel Return J. Meigs, 12th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel David Dimon, 1st January, 1777, to 18th September, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Gray, loth October, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major Ebenezer Gray, 1st January, 1777, to 15th October, 1778. Major Eli Leavenworth, 27th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. SEVENTH CONNECTICUT. Colonel Charles Webb, 6th July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Street Hall, 6tL July, 1775, to 19th December, 1775. Major Jonathan Lattimer, 6th July, 1775, to 19th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel Heman Swift, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Starr, 1st January, 1777, to 27th May, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Hezekiah Holdridge, 25th May, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major John Sedgwick, 1st January, 1777, to 10th February, 1778, Major Theodore Woodbridge, 10th February, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. CONNECTICUT. Colonel Jedediah Huntington, 6th July, 1775, to 10th December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Douglas, 6th July, 1775, to 19th December, 1775. Major Joel Clark, 6th July, 1775, to 18th December, 1775. (Not in service in 1776.) Colonel John Chandler, 1st January, 1777, to 5th March, 1778. Colonel Giles Russell, 5th March, 1778, to 28th October, 177!). Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Dyer, 1st January, 1777, to llth April, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hait, 15th September, 1777, to 28th October, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Sherman, 28th October, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Major Joseph Hait, 1st January, 1777, to loth September, 1777. Major David Smith, 13th March, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. SWIFT S CONNECTICUT BATTALION. Colonel Heman Swift, 3d June, 1783, to December, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Huntington, 3d June, 1783, to December 1783. Major John P. Wyllys, 3d June,- 1783, to December, 1783. 19 CONTINENTAL REGIMENTS OF INFANTRY, OR "FOOT." The following twenty-seven regiments ivere organized for one year from January 1, 1776. The States opposite each in parenthesis ( ) show where they were raised. FIRST CONTINENTAL INF \XTRY. (Pennsylvania.) Colonel William Thompson, 1st January, 1776, to 1st March, 1776. Colonel Edward Hand, 7th March, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel James Chambers, 7th March, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Anthony J. Morris, 1st January, 1776, to 25th October, 1776. Major James Ross, 25th October, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. SECOND CONTINENTAL IXFAXTRY. (New Hampshire.) Colonel James Reed, 1st January, 1776, to 9th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Gilman, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Nathan Hale. 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. THIRD CONTINENTAL IXFAXTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Ebenezer Learned, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel William Shepard, 1st January, 1776, to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Major Ebenezer Sprout, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. FOURTH CONTINENTAL IXFAXTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel John Nixon, 1st January, 1776, to 9th August, 1776. Colonel Thomas Nixon, 9th August, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Nixon, 1st January, 1776, to 9th August, 1776. Major Andrew Colburri, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. FIFTH CONTINENTAL IXFAXTRY. (New Hampshire.) Colonel John Stark, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Poor, 1st January, 1776, to 31st Dece nber, 1776. Major John Moor, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. SIXTH CONTINENTAL IXFAXTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Asa Whitcomb, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel William Buckminster,lst January, 1776, to 22d June, 1776. Major John GK Frazer, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. 20 SEVENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel William Prescott, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson Moulton, 1st January, 1776, to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Major Henry Woods, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. EIGHTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (New Hampshire.) Colonel Enoch Poor, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel John McDuffee, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Joseph Cilley, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. NINTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Rhode Island.) Colonel James M. Varnum, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Crary, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Christopher Smith, 1st January, 1776 to 31st December, 1776. TENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Connecticut.) Colonel Samuel H. Parsons, 1st January, 1776, to 9th August, 1776. Colonel John Tyler, 10th August, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel John Tyler. 1st January, 1776, to 10th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Prentiss, 12th August, 1776, to 31st December^ 1776. Major Samuel Prentiss, 1st January, 1776, to 12th August, 1776. Major James Chapman, loth August, 1776, to 15th September, 1776. ELEVENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Rhode Island.) Colonel Daniel Hitchcock, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezekiel Cornell, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Israel Angell, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWELFTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Moses Little, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel William Henshaw, 1st January, 1776. to 31st December, 1776. Major James Collins, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. THIRTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Joseph Read, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Clap, 1st January, 1776, to klst December, 1776. Major Calvm Smith, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. 21 FOURTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel John Glover, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Gabriel Johannet, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major William R. Lee, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. FIFTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel John Paterson, 1st January, 177G, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Seth Read, 1st January. 1776, to ? Major Henry Sherburne, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. SIXTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Paul D. Sargent, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Jackson, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Jonathan W- Austin, 1st January, 1776, to 13th November, 1776. SEVENTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Connecticut.) Colonel Jedediah Huntington, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Joel Clark, 1st January, 1776, to 19th December, 1776. Major Elihu Humphreys, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. EIGHTEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Edmund Phinney, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel March, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Jacob Brown, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. NINETEENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Connecticut.) Colonel Charles Webb, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Street Hall, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major John Brooks, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTIETH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Connecticut.) Colonel Benedict Arnold, 1st January, 1776, to 10th January, 1776. Colonel John Durkee, 12th August, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel John Durkee, 1st January, 1776, to 12th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Knowlton, 12th August, 1776, to 16th Septem ber, 1776. Major Thomas Knowlton, 1st January, 1776, to 12th August, 1776. Major Thomas Dyer, 19th August, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-FIRST CONTINENTAL, INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Jonathan Ward, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Tupper, 1st January, 1776, to 81st December,, 1776. Major Timothy Bigelow, 1st January, 1776, to Major James Melleri, 15th August, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-SECOND CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Connecticut.) Colonel Samuel Wyllys, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Rufus Putnam, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December,, 1776. Major Levi Wells, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Hezekiah Holdridge, 3d September, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-THIRD CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel John Bailey, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December. 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel John Jacobs, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Josiah Haden, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-FOURTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel John Greaton, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Yose, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Jotham Loring, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-FIFTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel William Bond, 1st January, 1776, to 31st August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Ichabod Aldeii, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Nathaniel Cudworth, 1st Jannary, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-SIXTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Loammi Baldwin, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel James Wesson, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Major Daniel Wood, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. TWENTY-SEVENTH CONTINENTAL INFANTRY. (Massachusetts.) Colonel Israel Hutchinson, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Holden, 1st January, 1776, to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Major Ezra Putnam, 1st January, 1776, to 31st December, 1776. The Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments. These regiments or battalions were authorized by the Resolve of Con gress, 27th December, 1770; they were not numbered, but were known by the names of their respective colonels, were raised at large, and are hero arranged in the alphabetical order of the names of their commanders. FORM AX S. Colonel David Forman, 12th January, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Henderson. 12th January, 1777, to Octo ber, 1777. Major William Harrison, 1st May, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. (This regiment never wax fully completed, and, on July 1, 1778, was dis banded and officers and men transferred mainly to the New Jersey Line,} GIST S. Colonel Nathaniel Gist, llth January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Major ? Major Nathaniel Mitchell, 22d April, 1770, to 1st January. 1781. GRAYSOX S. Colonel William Grayson, llth January, 1777. to 22d April, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Levin Powell, llth January, 1777, to 15th November, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Thornton, 15th November, 1778, to 22d April, 1779. Major David Ross, llth January, 1777, to 20th December, 1777. Major John Thornton, 20th March, 1777, to loth November, 1778. Major Nathaniel Mitchell, 23d December, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. (Regiment ions consolidated with Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779.) HARTLEY S. Colonel Thomas Hartley, 1st January, 1777, to 16th December, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan Connor, 9th April, 1777, to 10th December, 1778. Major Adam Hubley, 12th January, 1777, to 12th March, 1777. Major Lewis Bush, 12th March, 1777, to loth September, 1777. (Regiment transferred to the Pennsylvania Line, \$th December, 1778, and designated the Eleventh Pennsylvania,} HEXLEY S. Colonel David Henley, 1st January, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel William Tudor, 1st January, 1777, to 9th April, 1778. Major William Curtis, 1st January, 1777, to 20th May, 1778. Major Lemuel Trescott, 20th May, 1778, to 22d April, 1779. (Regiment was consolidated with Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779.) JACKSOX S. Colonel Henry Jackson, 12th January, 1777, to 23d July, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel David Cobb, 12th January, 1777, to 23d July, 1780. 24 Major John S. Tyler, 1st February, , >77, to March, 1779. Major Lemuel Trescott, 22d April, 1779, to 23d July, 1780. (Regiment was transferred to the Massachusetts Line, 23d July, 1780, and the sixteenth Massachusetts.) LEE S. Colonel William R. Lee, 1st January, 1777, to 24th June, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Smith, 1st January, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. Major Joseph Swasey, 1st January, 1777, to 9th July, 1778. (Regiment w:.is consolidated with Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779.) MALCOLM S. Colonel William Malcolm, 30th April, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Aaron Burr, 4th January, 1777, to 31st March, 1779. .Major Albert Pawling, 27th January, 1777, to 5th March, 1779. (Regiment was consolidated with Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779.) PATTON S. Colonel John Patton, llth January, 1777, to 3d February, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel - ? Major Joseph Powell, 1st January, 1778, to 13th January, 1779. (Regiment broken up in January, 1779 ; part of it was transferred to the llth Pennsylvania and the remainder to the Delaware Regiment.) RAWLINGS 1 . Colonel Moses Rawlirigs, January, 1777, to 2d June, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel ? Major - - ? (No rolls, returns, or lists of this regiment were found, but from corre spondence, orders, &c., it would appear that it never was fully organized. It was originally raised in 1776 in Maryland and Virginia as Stephensori s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, and reorganized in 1777 as one of the sixteen additional Continental Regiments.) SHERBURXE S. Colonel Henry Sherburne, 12th January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Return J. Meigs, 22d February, 1777, to 12th May, 1777. Major William Bradford, 12th January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. SPEXCER S. Colonel Oliver Spencer, 15th January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Eleazer Lindsay, January, 1777, to 27th May, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Smith, 22d April, 1779, to 1st January, 1731. Major John Burrowes, 22d July, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. 25 THRUSTON S. Colonel Charles M. Thruston, January, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel V Major ? (No rolls, returns, or lists of this regiment icere found, it would appear, hoivever, that the regiment never was fully organized, and that it WULS merged into GisVs Regiment, 22d April, 1779.) WARNER S. Colonel Seth Warner, 5th July, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Safford, 5th July, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Major Elisha Painter, 5th July, 1776, to llth October, 1778. Major Gideon Brownson, 16th July, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. (This regiment was organized under the Resolve of Congress of July 5, 1776 ; not being attached to any of the States, it was regarded in 1777 as one of the sixteen additional Continental Regiments.) WEBB S. Colonel Samuel B. Webb, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Livingston, 1st January, 1777, to 10th October, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Huntington, 10th October, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major Ebenezer Huntington, 1st January, 1777, to 10th October, 1778. Major John P. Wyllys, 10th October, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. (Regiment was transferred to the Connecticut Line January 1st, 1781, and designated the Third Connecticut.) GERMAN BATTALION. Colonel Nicholas Haussegger, 17th July, 1776, to 19th March, 1777. Colonel DeArcndt (Baron), 19th March, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel George Strieker, 17th July, 1776, to 29th April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Ludowick Weltner, 29th April, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel William Klein, 3d September, 1778, to 21st June, 1779. Major Ludowick Weltner, 17th July, 1776, to 29th April, 1777. Major William Klein, 17th July, 17715, to 3d September, 1778. Major Daniel Burchardt, 7th April, 1777, to 2d July, 1779. (This battalion or regiment was organized under the Resolve of Congress of May 25, 1776. It was raised in Pennsylvania and Maryland, but not belonging to any State, it was regarded in 1777 as one of the sixteen addi tional regiments.) CORPS OF INVALIDS. ALSO CALLED INVALID REGIMENT OR BATTALION. (Organized under the Resolve of Congress, Jane 18, 1777.) Colonel Lewis Nicola, 2Cth June, 1777, to June, 1783. 26 DELA WARE LINE. ])KLAWARK REGIMENT. Colonel John Haslet, 19th January, 1776, to 3d January, 1777. Colonel David Hall, 5th April, 1777, to - Lieutenant-Colonel Gunning Bedford, 19th January, 1776, to lot January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Pope, 5th April, 1777, to 13th December, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Vaughan, 14th December, 177!), to close of war. Major Thomas McDonough, 22d March, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. Major Joseph Vaughan, 5th April, 1777, to 14th December, 1779. Major John Patten, 14th December, 1779, to close of war. LIGHT DRAGOONS. FIRST DRAGOONS. Colonel T heodoric Bland, 31st March, 1777, to 10th December, 1779. Colonel Anthony W. White, 16th February, 1780, to 9th November, 1782. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Temple, 31st March, 1777, to 10th December, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony W. White, 10th December, 1779, to 16th Feb ruary, 1780. Major John Jameson, 31st March, 1777, to 1st August, 1779. Major Epaphras Bull, 1st August, 1779, to September, 1781. Major John Swan, 21st October, 1780, to 9th November, 1782. (Consolidated with Third Regiment c Jth November, 1782.) SECOND DRAGOONS. Colonel Elisha Sheldon, 12th December, 1776, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Blagden, 7th April, 1777, to 1st August, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel John Jameson, 1st August, 1779, to close of war. Major Samuel Blagden, 24th December, 1776, to 7th April, 1777. Major Benjamin Talmadge, 7th April, 1777, to close of war. THIRD DRAGOONS. Colonel George Baylor, 9th January, 1777, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Bird, 14th March, 1777, to 20th November, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William A. Washington, 20th November, 1778, to close of war. Major Alexander Clough, 8th January, 1777, to 28th September, 1778. Major Richard Call, 2d October, 1778, to 9th November, 1782. Major John Belfield, - , 1780, to 9th November, 1782. Major John Swan, 9th November, 1782, to close of war. (The First and Third Regiments were consolidated Qth November, 1782, and thereafter the consolidated regiment was known as Uaylor s Dragoons). 27 FOURTH DRAGOOXS. Colonel Stephen Moylan, 5th January, 1777, to close of Avar. Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony W. White, loth February, 1777, to 10th Decem ber, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Temple, 10th December, 1779, to close of war. Major William A. AVashington, 27th January, 1777, to 20th November, 1778. Major Moore Fauntleroy, 1st August, 1779, to ? Major David Hopkins, , 1780, to ? GEORGIA LINE. FIRST GEORGIA. Colonel Lachlan Mclntosh, 7th January, 1776, to 16th September, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Elbert, 7th January, 1776, to 5th July, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Habersham, 1st April, 1778, to close of war. Major Joseph Habersham, 7th January, 1776, to 1st April, 1778. Major John Habersham, 1st April, 1778, to close of war. SECOXD GEORGIA. Colonel Samuel Elbert, 5th July, 1776, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Roberts, from to ? Major B. Cortez, from to ? THIRD GEORGIA. Colonel ? Lieutenant-Colonel John Mclntosh, 3d April, 1778, to close of war. Major Philip Lowe, 18th June, 1778, to FOURTH GEORGIA. Colonel John White, 1st February, 1777, to - ? Lieutenant-Colonel ? Major ? NOTE. The rolls, returns, and lists of the Georgia Line are few and very incomplete. In addition to the above, the following field officers of the Georgia battalions appear in orders and correspondence, but regiment and date of rank are not stated : Colonel Robert Rae, Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Lowe, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Pannel, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Chisholm, Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Porter, Major Francis Moore, Major Joseph Lane. 28 MARYLAND LINE. SMALLWOOD S MARYLAND REGIMENT. Colonel William Smallwood, 14th January, 1776, to December, 177G. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Ware, 14th January, 1776, to December, 1776. Major Thomas Price, 14th January, 1776, to December, 1776. Major Mordecai Gist, 14th January, 1776, to December, 1776. FIRST MARYLAND. Colonel Francis Ware, 10th December, 1776, to 18th February, 1777. Colonel John H. Stone, 18th February, 1777, to 1st August, 1779. Colonel Otho H. Williams, 1st January, 1781, to 9th May, 1782. Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Stone, 10th December, 1776, to 18th February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Sim, 18th February, 1777, to 15th July, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Uriah Forrest, 10th April, 1777, to 1st August, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Adams, 1st August, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Liautenant-Colonel John Stewart, 10th February, 1781, to close of war. Major Patrick Sim, 10th December, 1776, to 18th February, 1777. Major Thomas Woolford, 20th February, 1777, to 17th April, 1777. Major Levin Winder, 17th April, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major William Sterrett, 10th April, 1777, to loth December, 1777. Major Alexander Roxburg, 7th April, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major John Eccleston, 1st January, 1781, to close of war. Major Jonathan Sellman, 9th May, 1782, to April, 1783. SECOND MARYLAND. Colonel Thomas Price, 10th December, 1776, to 21st April, 1780. Colonel John Gunley, 1st January, 1781, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Woolford, 17th April, 1777, to 22d October, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel John E. Howard, 22d October, 1779, to close of war. Major Benjamin Ford, 10th December, 1776, to 17th April, 1777. Major John Stewart, 17th April, 1777, to 10th February, 1781. Major John Dean, 1st January, 1781, to close of war. THIRD MARYLAND. Colonel Mordecai Gist, 10th December, 1776, to 9th January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathaniel Ramsay, 10th December, 1776, to 1st Janu ary, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Adams, 1st January, 1731, to close of war. Major Uriah Forrest, 10th December, 1776, to 10th April, 1777. Major Archibald Anderson, 10th June, 1777, to 15th March, 1781. Major Henry Hardman, 1st- January, 1781, to close of war. Major Thomas Lansdale, 19th February, 1781, to close of war. FOURTH MARYLAND Colonel Josias C. Hall. 10th December, 1773, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Smith, 22d February, 1777, to 23d May, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Tillard, 22d May, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Woolford, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Samuel Smith, 10th December, 1776, to 22d February, 1777. Major John E. Howard, 22d February, 1777, to llth March, 1778. Major John Dean, llth March, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major Levin Winder, 1st January, 1781, to 27th April, 1781. Major Alexander Roxburg, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major John Lynch, 27th April, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. FIFTH MARYLAND. Colonel William Richardson, 10th December, 1776, to 22d October, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel James Hindman, 10th December, 1776, to 4th April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel John E. Howard, llth March, 1778, to 22d October, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Woolford, 22d October, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Ford, 1st January, 1781, to 27th April, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Levin Winder, 27th A;>ril, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Thomas Smith, 10th December, 1776, to 12th March, 1778. Major John Eccleston, 10th December, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major John Davidson. 12th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Benjamin Brooks, 16th March, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major William D. Beall, from , to 1st January, 1783. SIXTH MARYLAND. Colonel Otho H. Williams, 10th December, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Shryock, 10th December, 1776, to 17th April, 1777 Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Ford, 17th April, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major Edward Tillard, 10th December, 1776, to 22d May, 1779. Major Henry Hardman, 22d May, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. SEVENTH MARYLAND. Colonel John Gunby, 17th April, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel John Gunby, 10th December, 1776, to 17th April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Adams, 20th February, 1777, to 1st August, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Uriah Forrest, 1st August, 1779, to 23d February, 1781. Major Peter Adams, 10th December, 1776, to 20th February, 1777. Major Daniel J. Adams, 1st April, 1777, to 8th June, 1779. Major Adam Grosh. 8th June, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. 30 MASSACHUSETTS LINE. Note. The following twenty-seven battalions were organized immedi ately after the Lexington Alarm ; they appear not to hare been numbered but were known by the names of their respective commanders : D. BREWER S. Colonel David Brewer, 17th June, 1775, to 24th October, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Rufus Putnam, 17th June, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Nathaniel Danielson, 17th June, 1775 to December, 1775. J. BREWER S. Colonel Jonathan Brewer, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel William Buckminster, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Nathaniel Cudworth, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. BRIDGE S. Colonel Ebenezer Bridge, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Moses Parker, 27th May, 1775, to 4th July, 1775. Major John Brooks, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. COTTON S. Colonel Theophilus Cotton, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Ichabod Alden, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Ebenezer Sprout, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. DAXIELSOX S. Colonel Timothy Danielson, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel William Shepard, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775, Major David Leonard, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. DOOLITTLE S. Colonel Ephraim Doolittle, 27th May, 1775, to October, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Holden, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major William Moore, 27th May, 1775, to 17th June, 1775. FELLOWS . Colonel John Fellows, 31st May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathan Eager, 31st May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Banjamm Tapper, 31st May, 1775, to 4th November, 1775. 81 FRYE S. Colonel James Frye, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel James Brickett, 20th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Thomas Poor, 20th May, 1775, to December, 1775. GARDNER S. Colonel Thomas Gardner, 2d June, 1775, to 3d July, 1775. Colonel William Bond, 3d July, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel William Bond, 2d June, 1775, to 3d July, 1775. Major Michael Jackson, 2d June, 1775, to December, 1775. GrERRISH S. Colonel Samuel Gerrish, 19th May, 1775, to 19th August, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Loamnii Baldwin, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major James Wesson, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. GLOVER S. Colonel John Glover, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Gerry, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Gabriel Johannet, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. HEATH S. Colonel William Heath, liith May, 1775, to 22d June, 1775. Colonel John Greatoii, 1st July, 1775, to December. 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Greaton, 19th May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Major Jotham Loring, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. LEARXED S. Colonel Ebenezer Learned, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Danforth Keyes, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Jonathan Holmaii, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. LITTLE S. Colonel Moses Little, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Smith, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major James Collins, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. MANSFIELD S. Colonel John Mansfield, 27th May, 1775, to 15th September, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Hutch inson, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Ezra Putnam, 27th May, 1775. to December, 1775. Colonel John Nixon, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Nixon, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major John Butterick, 19th May, 1775, to December, 1775. PATERSON S. Colonel John Paterson, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Seth Read, 27th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Jeremiah Cady, 27th May, 1775, to V 1775. PHIXXEY S. Colonel Edmund Phinney, July, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to Major , from , to PRESCOTT S. Colonel William Prescott, May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Robinson, May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Henry Wood, May, 1775, to December, 1775. READ S. Colonel Joseph Read, 18th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Clap, 18th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Calvin Smith, 18th May, 1775, to December, 1775. SARGENT S. Colonel Paul D. Sargent, May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Major , from , to Colonel James Scammon, May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson Moulton, May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Daniel Wood, May, 1775, to December, 1775. THOMAS 1 . Colonel John Thomas, May, 1775, to June, 1775. Colonel John Bailey, 1st July, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John Bailey, May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Mitchell, 1st July, 1775, to ?, 1775. Major Thomas Mitchell, May, 1775, to 1st July, 1775. Major John Jacobs, 1st July, 1775, to December, 1775. 33 WALKER S. Colonel Timothy Walker, 23d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathaniel Leonard, 23d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Abiel Mitchell, 23d May, 1775, to December, 1775. WARD S. Colonel Arternus Ward, 23d May, 1775, to 17th June, 1775. Colonel Jonathan Ward, 15th June, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Ward, 23d May, 1775, to 15th June, 1775. Major Edward Barnes, 23d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Timothy Bigelow, 15th June, 1775, to December, 1775. WHITCOMB S. Colonel Asa Whitcomb, 3d June, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Whitney, 3d June, 1775, to ? 1775. Major Ephraim Sawyer, 3d June, 1775, to ? 1775. WOODBRIDGE S. Colonel Benjamin R. Woodbridge, 16th June, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Abijah Brown, 10th June, 1775, to December, 1775. Major William Stacey, 16th June, 1775, to December, 1775. FIRST MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Joseph Yose, 1st January, 1777, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Elijah Vose, 21st January, 1777, to November, 1783. Major Elijah Vose, 1st January, 1777, to 21st January, 1777. Major Thomas Cogswell, 21st January, 1777, to 26th November, 1779. Major Joseph Pettingill, 1st January, 1781, to November, 1783. SECOND MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel John Bailey, 1st November, 1776, to 21st October, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Tupper, 1st November, 1776, to 7th July, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezra Badlam, 7th July, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Sprout, 1st January, 1781, to November, 1783, Major Andrew Peters, 1st January, 1777, to 1st July, 1779. Major Hugh Maxwell, 1st July, 1779, to 1st August, 1782. Major Caleb Gribbs, 1st January, 1781, to November, 1783. Major Robert Oliver, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. THIRD MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel John Greaton, 1st November, 1776, to 7th January, 1783. Colonel Michael Jackson, 12th June, 1783, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Jotham Loring, 1st January, 1777, to 12th August, 1779. 34 Lieutenant-Colonel William Hall, 12th August, 1770, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel James Melleri, 7th January, 1783, to June, 1783. Major Edward Williams. 1st January, 1777, to 25th May, 1777. Major John Popkin, 1st January, 1777, to 15th July, 1777. Major Robert Oliver, 1st November, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Major Seth Drew, 1st January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. Major Billy Porter, 12th June, 1783, to November, 1783. FOURTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel William Shepard, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Colonel Henry Jackson, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Sprout, 1st January, 1777, to 20th Septem ber, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William Stacey, 20th September, 1778, to 1st Janu ary, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel James Mellen, 1st January, 1781, to 7th January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezra Newhall, 7th January, 1783, to November, 1783. Major Warham Parks, 1st January, 1777, to July, 1778. Major Libbeus Ball, 1st November, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major Nathan Rice, 1st January, 1781, to 12th June, 1783. Major Lemuel Trescott, 12th June, 1783, to November, 1783. FIFTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Rufus Putnam, 1st November, 1776, to 7th January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel David Henley, 1st November, 1770, to 1st January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Farringtori, 1st January, 1777, to 20th May, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezra Newhall, 17th May, 1777, to 7th January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel David Cobb, 7th January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. Major Ezra Newhall, 1st November, 1770, to 17th May, 1777. Major Jonathan Allen, 17th May, 1777, to 6th January, 1780. Major Moses Ashley, 6th January, 1780, to 1st January, 1783. Major Moses Knap, 1st January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. Major John Burnham, ( Jth January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. SIXTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Thomas Nixon, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Benjamin Tupper, 1st January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Calvin Smith, 1st November, 1776, to 10th March, 1779. Lieutariant-Colonel Daniel Whiting, 29th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Calvin Smith, 1st January, 1781, to 12th June, 1783. Major Joseph Thompson, 1st November, 1776, to 19th December, 1777. Major Peter Harwood, 29th September, 1778 to 16th October, 1780. Major John Spurr, 16th October, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major John Porter, 1st January 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Moses Ashby, 1st January 1783, to 12th June, 1783. 35 SEVENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Ichabod Alden, 1st November, 1776, to 10th November, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William Stacey, 1st November, 1776, to 29th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Brooks, llth November, 1778, to 12th June, 1783. Major Daniel Whiting, 1st January, 1777, to 29th September. 1778. Major Samuel Darby, 1st November, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Major Billy Porter, 1st January, 1731, to 12th June, 1783. Major Lemuel Trescott, 1st January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. EIGHTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Michael Jackson, 1st January, 1777, to 12th June, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel John Brooks, 1st November, 1776, to llth November, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Tobias Fernald, 6th March, 1779, to 1st January, 1761. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezra Badlam, 1st January, 1781, to 1st August, 1782. Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Maxwell, 1st August, 1782, to 12th June, 1783. Major William Hull, 1st January, 1777, to 12th August, 1779. Major James Keith, 12th August, 1779, to 1st January, 1783. Major Samuel Darby, 1st January, 1783, to 12th June, 1783. NIXTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel James Wesson, 1st November, 1776. to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Henry Jackson, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel James Mellen, 1st November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel David Cobb, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major Ezra Badlam, 1st November, 1776, to 7th July, 1777. Major Joseph Pettengill, 26th July, 1779, to 1st January, 1783. Major Lemuel Trescott, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. TENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Thomas Marshall, 6th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Benjamin Tupper, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Ephraim Jackson, 6th November, 1776, to 19th Decem ber, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Thompson, 19th December, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Tobias Fernald, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1733. Major John Woodbridge, 6th November, 1776, to 31st October, 1777. Major Nathaniel Winslow, 1st November, 1777, to 26th October, 1780. Major Billy Porter, 26th October, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major Moses Knap, 1st January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. ELEVENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Ebenezer Francis, 6th November, 1776, to 7th July, 1777, Colonel Benjamin Tupper, 7th July, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. 36 Lieutenant-Colonel Noah M. Littlefield, 6th November, 1776, to 1st Janu ary, 1781. Major William Lithgow, 1st January, 1777, to 29th July, 1779. Major Moses Knap, 5th November, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. TWELFTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel , from , to ? Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Carltori, Oth November, 1770, to 28th Septem ber, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Ebenezer Sprout, 29th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Major Tobias Fernald, 6th November, 1776, to 6th March, 1779. Major Thomas Barnes, 6th March, 1779, to 7th November, 1780. THIRTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Edward Wigglesworth, 1st January, 1777, to 10th March, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathan Fuller, 1st January, 1777, to 28th June, 1777.. Lieutenant-Colonel Dudley Coleinan, 3d July, 1777, to 10th March, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Calvin Smith, 10th March, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Major Dudley Coleman, 1st January, 1777, to 3d July, 1777. Major John Porter, 30th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. FOURTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Gamaliel Bradford, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Barakiah Bassett, 19th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Major Samuel Tubbs, 1st January, 1777, to llth November, 1778. Major Joseph Morse, llth November, 1778, to loth December, 1779. Major John Wiley, 15th December, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. FIFTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS. Colonel Timothy Bigelow. 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Haskell, 1st January, 1777, to 1st July, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Peters, 1st July, 1779, to 26th November, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Cogswell, 26th November, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Major David Bradish, 1st January, 1777, to 21st July, 1777. Major Hugh Maxwell, 7th July, 1777, to 1st July, 1779. Major William H. Ballard, 1st July, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. SIXTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS. (See Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment prior t? 23r/ July, 1780.}. Colonel Henry Jackson, 23d July, 1780, to 1st January, 1731. Lieutenant-Colonel David Cobb, 23d July, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major Lemuel Trescott, 23d July, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. 37 NEW HAMPSHIRE LINE. FIRST NEW HAMPSHIRE. Colonel John Stark, 23d April, 1775. to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Wyman, 23d April, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Andrew McClarey, 23d April, 1775, to 17th June, 1775. Major John Moore, 18th June, 1775, to December, 1775. (See Fifth Continental Infantry for 1776.) Colonel John Stark, 8th November, 1776, to 23d March, 1777. Colonel Joseph Cilley, 22d February, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Alexander Scammell, 1st January, 1781, to 6th October, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Cilley, 8th November, 1776, to 22d February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel George Reid, 2d April, 1777, to 5th March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremiah Gilman, 5th March, 1778, to 24th March, 1880. Lieutenant-Colonel Benjamin Titcomb, 24th March, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dearborn, 1st January, 1781. to llth March, 1782. Major George Reid, 8th November, 1776, to 2d April, 1777. Major Jeremiah Gilman, 2d April, 1777, to 20th September, 1777. Major William Scott, 20th September, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major Jason Wait, 1st January, 1781, to 1st March, 1782. SECOND NEW HAMPSHIRE. (Alan called Third New Hampshire in 1775.) Colonel Enoch Poor, 20th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel John McDuffee, 20th May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Joseph Cilley. 20th May, 1775, to December, 1775. (See Eighth Continental Infantry for 1776.) Colonel Enoch Poor, 8th November, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Colonel Nathan Hale, 2d April, 1777, to 23d September, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Nathan Hale, 8th November, 1776, to 2d April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Winborn Adams, 2d April, 1777, to 19th September, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremiah Gilman, 20th September, 1777, to 5th March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel George Reid, 5th March, 1778, to 1st March, 1782 Major Winborn Adams, 8th November, 1776, to 2d April, 1777 Major Benjamin Titcomb, 2d April, 1777, to 24th March, 1780. Major Amos Morrill, 24th March, 1780, to 1st March, 1782. Major Caleb Robinson, 6th October, 1781, to 1st March, 1782. THIRD NEW HAMPSHIRE. (Also called Second New Hampshire in 1775.) Colonel James Reed, 28th April, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Gilman, 1st June, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Nathan Hale, 23d April, 1775, to December, 1775. (See Second Continental Infantry for 1776.) 38 Colonel Alexander Seainmell, 8th November, 1773, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Colburn, 8th November, 1776, to 20th Septem ber, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Dearborn, 19th September, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Major Henry Dearborn, 8th November, 1776, to 19th September, 1777. Major James Norris, 20th September, 1777, to 5th July, 1780. Major Jason Wait, 5th July, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. NEW HAMPSHIRE BATTALION. Lieutenant-Colonel George Reid, 1st March, 1782, to November, 1783. Major Amos Morrill, 1st March, 1782, to November, 1783. Major Jason Wait, 1st March, 1782, to 8th December, 1782. Major James Carr, 8th December, 1782, to November, 1783. NEW JERSEY LINE. FIRST NEW JERSEY. Colonel William Alexander, 7th November, 1775, to 1st March, 1776. Colonel William Winds, 7th March, 1776, to 20th November, 1776. Colonel Silas Newcoinb, 28th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. Colonel Matthias Ogden, 1st January, 1777, to 21st April, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel William Winds, 7th November, 1775, to 7th March, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Matthias Ogden, 7th March, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel David Brearley, 1st January, 1777, to 4th August, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel John Conway, 5th July, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Barber, 1st January, 1781, to 7th January, 1783. Major William D Hart, 7th November, 1775, to 1st January, 1777. Major Joseph Morris, 1st January, 1777, to 7th January, 1778. Major Daniel Piatt, 4th January, 1778, to 16th April, 1780. Major John N. Gumming, 16th April, 1780, to 29th December, 1781. Major Jonathan Forinan, 20th November, 1781, to llth February, 1783. Major Nathaniel Bowman, llth February, 1783, to April, 1783. SECOND NEW JERSEY. Colonel William Maxwell, 8th November, 1775, to 23d October, 1776. Colonel Israel Shreve, 28th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Colonel Elias Dayton, 1st January, 1781, to 7th January, 1783. Colonel Francis Barber, 7th January, 1783, to llth February, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Shreve, 7th November, 1775, is 20th November 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel David Rhea, 23th November, 1776, to 1st January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel William D Hart, 1st January, 1777, to 29th December,. 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel John N. Gumming, 29th December, 1781, to April, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Forman, llth February, 1783, to April, 1783.. 39 Major David Rhea, 8th November, 1775, to 20th November, 1770. Major Richard Howell, 28th November, 1776, to 7th April, 1779. Major John Ross, 7th April, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Major John Hollingshead, 1st January, 1781, to 20th November, 1781. Major Samuel Reading, 27th December, 1781, to April, 1783. Major Richard Cox, Gth January, 1783, to April, 1783. THIRD NEW JERSEY. Colonel Elias Dayton, 18th January, 1770, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony W. White, 18th January, 1770, to 20th Novem ber, 1770. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Barber, 28th November, 177(3, to 1st January, 1781. Major Francis Barber, 18th January, 1770, to 20th November, 1770. Major Joseph Bloomfield, 28th November, 1776, to 29th October, 1778. Major John Conway, 29th October, 1778, to 5th July, 1779. Major John Hollingshead, 7th April, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. FOURTH NEW JERSEY. Colonel Ephraim Martin, 28th November, 1770, never joined. Lieutenant-Colonel David Brearley, 2Sth November, 1770, to 1st January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel David Rhea, 1st January, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Major Ebenezer Howell, 28th November, 1770, to 17th February, 1777. Major Thomas Morrell, 17th February, 1777, to 29th October, 1777. Major Joseph Conway, 29th October, 1777, to 29th October, 1778. (_Ko77.9, return*, and lists of this regiment are very incomplete ; the regi ment was broken up about July, 1778.) NEW YORK LINE. FIRST NEW YORK. Colonel Alexander McDougall, 30th June, 1775, to November, 1775. Colonel Rudolphus Ritzema, 28th November, 1775, to 28th March, 1770. Colonel Goose Van Shaick, 8th March, 1770, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Rudolphus Ritzema, 30th June, 1775, to 28th Novem ber, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Herman Zedwitz, 8th March, 1770, to November, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Cornelius Van Dyke, 21st November, 1770, to Novem ber, 1783. Major Herman Zedwitz, 15th July, 1775, to March, 1770. Major Joseph Benedict, 8th March, 1770, to 27th April, 1770. Major Barnabas Tuthill, 27th April, 1770, to 4th September, 1770. MaJDr Christopher Yates, 21st November, 1770, to 1st January, 1778. Major Benjamin Ledyard, 29th April, 1778, to 20th March, 1779. Major John Graham, 20th March, 1779, to November, 1783. 40 SECOXD NEW YORK. Colonel Goose Van Shaick, 28th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Colonel James Clinton, 8th March, 1776, to 29th August, 1776. Colonel Philip Van Cortland, 21st November, 1776, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Yates, 30th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Gansevoort, 19th March, 1776, to November, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Weisenfels. 21st November, 1776, to 13th January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre II. de Roussi, 28th June, 1779, to 29th March, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Cochrane, 30th March, 1780, to November, 1783. Major Peter Gansevoort, 30th June, 1775, to 19th March, 1776. Major John Visscher, October, 1775, to March, 1776. Major Nicholas Fish, 21st November, 1776, to November, 1783. THIRD NEW YORK. Colonel James Clinton, 30th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Colonel Rudolphus Ritzema, 28th March, 1776, to 21st November, 1776. Colonel Peter Gansevoort, 21st November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Fleming, 30th June, 1775, to 2d August, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop, 2d August, 1775, to March, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Weisenfels, 8th March, 1776, to 21st Novem ber, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Marinus Willet, 21st November, 1776, to 1st July, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Jacobus S. Bruyn, 1st July, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Major Cornelius D. Wynkoop, 30th June, 1775, to 2d August, 1775. Major Henry B. Livingston, 2d August, 1775, March, 1776. Major Lewis Dubois, 25th November, 1775, to March, 1776. Major John Fisher, 8th March, 1776, to 21st June, 1776. Major Robert Cochrane, 21st November, 1776, to 30th March, 1780. Major James Rosekrans, 1st March, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. FOURTH NEW YORK. Colonel James Holmes, 30th June, 1775, to December, 1775. Colonel Cornelius D. Wynkoop, 8th March, 1776, to November, 1776. Colonel Henry B. Livingston, 21st November, 1776, to 13th January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Van Cortland, 30th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to , 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre de Roussi, 21st November, 1776, to 28th June, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Weisenfels, 13th January, 1779, to 1st January 1781. Major Barnabas Tuthill, 30th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Major John Visscher, 8th March, 1776, to 26th June, 1776. Major Benjamin Ledyard, 21st November, 1776, to 29th April, 1778. Major Joseph McCracken, 29th May, 1778, to 1st April, 1780. Major John Davis, 1st April, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. FIFTH NEW YORK. Colonel Lewis Dubois, 21st November, 1776, to 22d December, 1779. Colonel Marinus Willett, 22d December, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Jacobus S. Bruyn, 21st November, 1776, to 1st July, 1780. Major Samuel Logan, 21st November, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. 41 NORTH CAROLINA LINE. Note. The records of North Carolina regiments are very meagre, "few and far between," owing no doubt to the constant and arduous campaigns in the Carol-incus and Georgia, in which the regiments participated, with frequent loss of all their baggage and records, hence the following list is far from complete. FIRST NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel James Moore, 1st September, 1775, to 1st March, 1776. Colonel Francis Nash, 7th May, 1776, to 5th February, 1777. Colonel Thomas Clark, 5th February, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Nash, 1st September, 1775, to 7th May, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Clark, 7th May, 1776, to 5th February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Mebane, 1st June, 1778, to 8th June, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel William L. Davidson, 9th June, 1779, to 1st February, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel John B. Ashe, September, 1781, to Lieutenant- Colonel John Armstrong, 17th July, 1782, to close of war. Lieutenant- Colonel Hardy Murfree, ? to ? Major Thomas Clark, 1st September, 1775, to 7th May, 1776. Major William Davis, 7th May, 1776, to 5th February, 1777. Major Caleb Granger, 5th February, 1777, to 26t!i April, 1777. Major John Walker, 26th April, 1777, to V Major James Emmet, 1st June, 1778, to ? Major John B. Ashe, 1st June, 1778, to September, 1781. SECOND NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel Robert Howe, 1st September, 1775, to 1st March, 1776. Colonel Alexander Martin, 7th May, 1776, to 22d November, 1777. Colonel John Patton, 22d November, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Martin, 1st September, 1775, to 7th May, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel John Patton, 7th May, 1776, to 22d November, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Selby Harney, 22d November, 1777, to ? Major John Patton, 1st September, 1775, to 7th May, 1776. Major John White, 7th May, 1776, to 1st February, 1777. Major Hardy Murfree, 1st February, 1777, to ? THIRD NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel Jethro Sumner, 7th May, 1776, to 9th January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel William Alston, 7th May, 1776, to 4th October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Lott Brewster, 25th October, 1777, to loth March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William L. Davidson, 4th October, 1777, to 9th June, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Mebane, 8th June, 1779, to ? Major Samuel Lcskhart, 7th May, 1776, to 12th October, 1777. Major Henry Dixon, 8th July, 1777, to 20th June, 1779. Major Thomas Hogg, July, 1778. to ? Major Pinketham Eaton, from , to ? 42 FOURTH NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel Thomas Polk, lOtk April, 1776, to 28th June, 1778. Lieutenant- Colonel James Thackston, 7th May, 1770, to Major William L. Davidson, 7th May, 1776, to 4th October, 1777. Major John Armstrong, 6th October, 1777, to 17th July, 1732. FIFTH NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel Edward Buncombe, 7th May, 1776, to Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Irwin, 7th May, 1776, to 4th October, 1777. Major Levi Dawson, 7th May, 1776, to ? Major Thomas Hogg, 19th September, 1777, to July, 1778. SIXTH NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel John A. Lillington, 7th May, 1776, to - Colonel Gideon Lamb, from , to ? Lieutenant-Colonel William Taylor, 7th May, 1776, to - Major Gideon Lamb, 7th May, 1776, to Major JohnB. Ashe, 26th January, 1777, to 1st June, 1778. SEVENTH NORTH CAROL-ISA. Colonel James Hogan, 26th November, 1773, to 9th January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Mebane, 26th November, 1776, to 1st June, 1778. Major William Fenner, 24th October, 1777, to EIGHTH NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel James Armstrong, 26th November, 1776, to 1st June, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Lockhart, 12th October, 1777, to 19th October, 1777. Major Selby Harney, 26th November, 1776, to 22d November, 1777. NINTH NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel John Williams, 26th November, 1776, to Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to . Major William Polk, from , to TKNTII NORTH CAROLINA. Colonel Abraham Shephard, , 1777, to Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Major , from , to ? 43 PENNSYLVANIA LINE. THOMPSON S PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE BATTALION. Colonel William Thompson, 25th June, 1775, to 1st January, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Hand, 25th June, 1775, to 1st January, 1770. Major Robert Magaw, 25th June, 1775, to 1st January, 1776. (Reorganized and designated First Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, and again reorganized as the First Pennsylvania, \st January, 1777.) MILES PENNSYLVANIA RIFLE REGIMENT. Colonel Samuel Miles, 13th March, 1776, to 27th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel James Piper (1st battalion), 13th March, 1776, to 27th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Daniel Brodhead (3d battalion), 13th March, 1776, to 25th October, 1776. Major Ennion Williams (1st battalion), 13th March, 1776, to 4th February, 1777. Major John Patton, (3d battalion), 13th March, 1776, to llth January, 1777. (Note. Between October, 1775, and January, 1776, six battalions were organized in Pennsylvania, and numbered from 1 to 6 inclusive; in the autumn of 1776, these battalions were reorganized and five additional regi ments were raised, when the First Pennsylvania battalion was designated the Second Pennsylvania; the Second the Third ; the Third the Fourth, Fourth the Fifth ; Fifth the Sixth, and Sixth the Seventh. In January, 1777, the First Continental Infantry was reorganized as the First Pennsylvania. In the following list they are given as designated after the reorganization, although in the Alphabetical List they are shown as they were at the time.) FIRST PENNSYLVANIA. (See Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion for 1775, and First Con tinental Infantry for 1776.) Colonel Edward Hand, 1st January, 1777, to 1st April, 1777. Colonel James Chambers, 12th April, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Colonel Daniel Brodhead, 17th January, 1781, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel James Ross, 1st January, 1777, to llth June, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Robinson, llth June, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Harmar, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. Major Henry Miller (See Alphabetical List). Major James Moo:-e, 20th September, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Major Frederick Vernon, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. SECOND PENNSYLVANIA. (First Pennsylvania Battalion, November, 1775, to October, 1776.) Colonel John Bull, 25th November, 1775, to 23d January, 1776. Colonel John P. De Haas, 22d January, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Colonel James Irvine, 12th March, 1777, to 1st June, 1777. Colonel Henry Bicker, 6th June, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. 44 Colonel Walter Stewart, 1st July, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Colonel Richard Humpton, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel James Irvine, 25th November, 1773, to 23th October, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony J. Morris, 25th October, 1776, to 12th March, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Jones, 12th March, 1777, to 5th April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Miller, 1st March, 1777, to 8th December, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Murray, 10th December, 1778, to 17th January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Caleb North, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Robinson, 1st January,1783, to November, 1783. Major David Grier. 1st June, 1776, to 2d October, 1776. Major Jonathan Jones, 23th October, 1776, to 12th March, 1777. Major William Williams, 12th March, 1777, to 28th June, 1778. Major John Murray, 1st July, 1778, to 10th December, 1778. Major James Hamilton, 10th December, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Major James Moore, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. THIRD PENNSYLVANIA. (Second Pennsylvania Battalion, January to October, 1776.) Colonel Arthur St. Glair, 3d January, 1776, to 9th August, 1776. Colonel Joseph Wood, 7th September, 1776, to 31st July, 1777. Colonel Thomas Craig, 1st August, 1777, to 1st January, 1783. Colonel Richard Butler, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel William Allen, 4th January, 1776, to 24th July, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Wood, 29th July, 1776, to 7th September, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Craig, 29th September, 1773, to 1st August, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Rudolph Bunner, 1st August, 1777, to 28th June, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel William Williams, 28th June, 1778, to 17th April, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Christopher Stuart, 17th April, 1780, to 17th January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Josi ih Harmar, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Bayard, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. Major Joseph Wood, 4th January, 1776, to 29th July, 1776. Major William Butler, 7th September, 1776, to 30th September, 1776. Major Josiah Harmar, 1st October, 1776, to 6th June, 1777. Major William West, 25th October, 1776, to 16th November. 1776. Major Rudolph Bunner, 6th June, 1777, to 1st August, 1777. Major John Ruling, 1st August, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Major Thomas L. Byles, 1st July, 1778, to 16th April, 1780. Major William Alexander, 16th April, 1780, to 1st January, 1783. Major Jarnes Grier, 1st January, 1783, to November, 1783. FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA. (Third Pennsylvania Battalion, January to October, 1776.) Colonel John Shee, 3d January, 1776, to 27th September, 1776. Colonel Lambert Calwalader, 25th October, 1776, to 22d January, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Lambert Calwalader, 4th January, 1776, to 25th Octo ber, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel William Butler, 30th September, 1776, to 1st January, 1783. 45 Major Henry Bicker, 4th January, 1T7G, to 23th October, 1770. Major Marion Liiinar, 30th September, 1776, to 20th September, 1777. Major Thomas Church, September, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Major Frederick Vernori, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. ]X[ajor Evan Edwards, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA. (Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, January to October, 1776.) Colonel Anthony Wayne, 3d January, 1776, to January, 1777. Colonel Francis Johnston, 27th September, 1776, to 17th January, 1781. Colonel Richard Butler, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Johnston, 4th January, 1776, to 27th Septem ber, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Persifor Frazer, 4th October, 1776, to 9th October, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Meiitges, 9th October, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Major Nicholas Haussegger, 4th January, 1776, to 17th July, 1776. Major Thomas Robinson, 2d October, 1776, to 7th June, 1777. Major Christopher Stuart, June, 1777, to 17th April, 1780. Major George Tudor, 17th April, 1780, to 17th January, 1781. Major Thomas L. Moore, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA. (Fifth Pennsylvania Battalion, January to October, 1776.) Colonel Robert Magaw, 3d January, 1776, to 17th January, 1781. Colonel Richard Humpton, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Penrose, 3d January, 1776, to 25th October, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Bicker, 5th December, 1776, to 6th June, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Harmar, 6th June, 1777, to 9th August, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Bayard, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Major George Xagel, 5th January, 1776, to 25th October, 1776. Major Samuel Benezet, 3d October, 1776 never joined. Major John Beatty, 12th October, 1776, to 28th May, 1778. Major Jeremiah Talbot, 25th September, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Major James Grier, 17th January, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. (Sixth Pennsylvania Battalion, January to October, 1776.) Colonel William Irvine, 9th January, 1776, to 12th May, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Hartley, 10th January, 1776, to November, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel David Grier, 2d October, 1776. to 12th May, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan Connor, 12th May, 1779, to January, 1780. Lieutenant-Colonel Josiah Harmar, 9th August, 1780, to 17th January, 1781. Major James Dunlop 10th January, 1776, to 25th October 1776. Major Samuel Hay, 5th October, 1776, to 21st February, 1778. Major Francis Mentges, 1st July, 1778, to 9th October, 1778. Major James Parr, 9th October, 1778, to 17th January 1781. 46 EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA. Colonel Aenas Mackey, 20th July, 1776, to 14th February, 1777. Colonel Daniel Brodhead, 12th March, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel George Wilson, 20th July, 1776, to February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Butler, 12th March, 1777, to 7th June, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel James Ross, llth June, 1777, to 22d September, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen Bayard, 23d September, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Major Richard Butler, 20th July, 1776, to 12th March, 1777. Major Stephen Bayard, 12th March, 1777, to 23d September, 1777. Major Frederick Vernon, 7th June, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. NINTH PENNSYLVANIA. Colonel James Irvine, 25th October, 1776, to 12th March, 1777. Colonel Anthony J. Morris, 12th March, 1777, to June, 1777. Colonel Richard Butler, 7th June, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. Lieutenant- Colonel George Nagel, 25th October, 1776, to 7th February, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Matthew Smith, from , to 23d February, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Caleb North, 1st July, 1778, to 17th January, 1781. Major John Patton, 25th October, 1776, to llth January, 1777. Major Matthew Smith, llth January, 1777, to (See Alphabetical List). Major Francis Nichols, 7th February, 1777, to lth May, 1779. Major Thomas L. Moore, 12th May, 1779, to 17th January, 1781. TENTH PENNSYLVANIA. Colonel Joseph Penrose, 25th October, 1776, to 7th March, 1777. Colonel James Chambers, 12th March, 1777, to 12th April. 1777. Colonel George Nagel, 7th February, 1778, to 1st July, 1778. Colonel Richard Humpton, 1st July, 1778, to 17th January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel James Dunlop, 25th October, 1776, to 23d January, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Adam Hubley, 12th March, 1777, to 13th February, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hay, 21st February, 1778, to 17th January, 1781. Major Henry Bicker, 25th October, 1776, to 5th December, 1776. Major Adam Hubley, 6th December, 1776, to 12th January, 1777. Major Caleb North, 12th March, 1777, to 22d October, 1777. Major James Grier, 23d October, 1777, to 17th January, 1781. ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA. Colonel Richard Humpton, 25th October, 1776, to 1st July, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Gurney, 25th October, 1776, to 22d October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Caleb North, 22d October, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Major Francis Meritges, 25th October, 1770, to Isc July, 1778. (The regiment was disbanded 1st July, 1778, and on IQth December, 1778, Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment was designated as the Eleventh Pennsylvania.} 47 Colonel Thomas Hartley, 16th December, 1778, to 13th February, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan Connor, 16th December, 1778, to 12th May 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Adam Hubley, 13th May, 1779, to 17th January, 1781. Major Evan Edwards, 10th December, 1778, to 17th January, 1781. Major Joseph Powell, 13th January, 1779, to 5th June, 1779. TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA. Colonel William Cooke, 2d October, 1776, to 7th March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Neigel Gray, 5th October, 1776, to 2d June, 1778. Major James Crawford, 8th October, 1776, to 12th October, 1777. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. (Organized as the Pennsylvania State Regiment, aud by Resolve of Con gress of IZth November, 1777, it was designated as the Thirteenth Pennsyl vania, and was disbanded 1st July, 1778.) Colonel John Bull, 2d May, 1777, to 17th June, 1777. Colonel Walter Stewart, 17th June, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Farmer, 2d May, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Major Lewis Farmer, 14th March, 1777, to 2d May, 1777. Major John iJurray, 14th March, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. Major Francis Murray, 2d May, 1777, to 1st July, 1778. RHODE ISLAND LINE. FIRST RHODE ISLAND. Colonel James M. Varnum, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel James Babcock, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Christopher Greene, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. (See Ninth Continental Infantry for 1770.) Colonel James M. Varnuin, 1st January, 1777, to 27th February, 1777. Colonel Christopher Greene, 27th February, 1777, to 14th May, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Adam Comstock, 1st January, 1777, to ? Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Ward, 26th May, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremiah Olney, 1st January, 1781, to close of war. Major Henry Sherburne, 1st January, 1777, to 12th January, 1777. Major Samuel Ward, 12th January, 1777, to 26th May, 1778. Major Ebenezer Flagg, 26th May, 1778, to 14th May, 1781. Major Coggeshall Olney, 25th August, 1781, to 17th March, 1783. Major John S. Dexter, 25th August, 1781, to close of war. (After the death of Colonel Greene, in May, 1781, this organization was "known as Olney s Rhode Island Battalion.} 43 SECOND RHODE ISLAND. Colonel Daniel Hitchcock, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel Ezekiel Cornell, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major Israel Angell, 3d May, 1775, to 31st December, 1775. (See Eleventh Continental Infantry for 1770.) Colonel Daniel Hitchcock, 1st January, 1777, to 13th January, 1777. Colonel Israel Arigell, 13th January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Israel Angell, 1st January, 1777, to 13th January, 1 Lieutenant-Colonel Jeremiah Olriey, 13th January, 1777, to 1st January, 1 Major Simeon Thayer, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. THIRD RHODE ISLAND. Colonel Thomas Church, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Lieutenant-Colonel William T. Miller, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. Major John Forrester, 3d May, 1775, to December, 1775. SOUTH CAROLINA LINE. FIRST SOUTH CAROLINA. Colonel Christopher Gadsden, 17th June, 1775, to 10th September, 1770. Colonel Charles C. Pinckiiey, 10th September, 1770, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Huger, 17th June, 1775, to 10th September, 1770. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Lieutenant-Colonel William Henderson, 1st January, 1781, to close of war. Major Owen Roberts, 17th June, 1775, to 14th November, 1775. Major Francis Marion, 14th November, 1775, to 10th September, 1770. Major Adam McDonald, 10th September, 1770, to ? Major Thomas Pinckney, 1st May, 1778, to close of war. SECOND SOUTH CAROLINA. Colonel William Moultrie, 17th June, 1775, to IGth September, 1770. Colonel Isaac Motte, IGth September, 1776, to ? Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Motte, 17th June, 1775, to 16th September, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Marion, 16th September, 1776, to ? Major Alexander Mclntosh, 17th June, 1775, to ? Major Peter Horry, 16th September, 1776, to ? Major Isaac Harleston, 30th December, 1778, to ? THIRD SOUTH CAROLINA. Colonel William Thompson, May, 1776, to 1st January, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel William Henderson, 16th September, 1776, to 1st Jan uary, 1781. Major Samuel Wise, from , to 9th October, 1779. FOURTH SOUTH CAROLINA. No returns, rolls, or lists of this regiment found. 49 FIFTH SOUTH CAROLINA. Colonel Isaac Huger, 16th September, 1776, to 9th June, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Major Benjamin Huger, 16th September, 1776, to llth May. 1779. Major Edmund Hyrne, 12th May, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. The above list of South Carolina field officers is far from complete, but very few returns, rolls, or lists of South Carolina troops have been found, possibly most of them were lost or captured by the enemy in the frequent battles, raids, and skirmishes in that and adjacent States. The following additional names appear in orders and correspondence as field officers of South Carolina troops : Colonel David Hopkins. Colonel Thomas Sumter. Lieutenant-Colonel William CattelL Major Charles Motte. Major Thomas Pearman. Major William Scott. VIRGINIA LINE, FmsT VIRGINIA. Colonel James Read, 13th February, 1773, to 29th September, 1777. Colonel James Hendricks, 29th September, 1777, to 10th February, 1778. Colonel Richard Parker, 10th February, 1778, to 24th April, 1780. Colonel William Davies, 12th February, 1781, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel William Christian, 13th February, 1776, to 18th Mar-~h, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Eppes, 18th March, 1776, to 27th August, 1776, Lieutenant-Colonel John Green, 22d March, 1777, to 26th January, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Ballard,4th October, 1777, to 14th September 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Burgess Ball, llth September, 1778, t-y 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hopkins, 13th February, 1781, to close of war. Major Francis Eppes, 13th February, 1776, to 18th March, 1776. Major Andrew Leitch, 18th March, 1776, to 1st October, 1776. Major John Green, 13th August, 1773, to 22d March, 1777. Major Robert Ballard, 22d March, 1777, to 4th October, 1777. Major Edmund B. Dickinson, 26th October, 1777, to 23th June, 1778. Major James Lucas, 23d April, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Richard C. Anderson, 14th September, 1778, to ? SECOND VIRGINIA. Colonel William Wooiford, 13th February, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Colonel Alexander Spotswood, 21st February, 1777, to 9th October, 1777. Colonel Christian Febiger, 14th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. 50 Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Scott, 13th February, 1776, to 7th May, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Spotswood, 7th May, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Parker, 10th February, 1777, to 10th February, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Dabney, from, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Siniins, 14th September, 1778, to 7th December, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Taylor, 7th December, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Gustavus B. Wallace, 12th February, 1781, to close of war. Major Alexander Spotswood, 13th February, 1776, to 7th May, 1776. Major John Markham, 13th August, 1776, to 23d December, 1776. Major Morgan Alexander, 23d December, 1776, to 22d March, 1777. Major Ralph Faulkner, 22d March, 1777, to ? Major Thomas Posey, 30th April, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Thomas Massie, 14th September, 1778, to 25th June, 1779. Major Charles Pelham, 25th June, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. Major Smith Snead, 12th February, 1781, to close of war. THIRD Yi Colonel Hugh Mercer, 13th February, 1776, to 5th June, 1776. Colonel George Weedon, 13th August, 1776, to 27th February, 1777. Colonel Thomas Marshall, 21st February, 1777, to 4th December, 1777. Colonel William Heth, 30th April, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Colonel Abraham Buford, 12th February, 1781, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel George Weedon, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Marshall, 13th August, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel William Heth, 1st April, 1777, to 30th April, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Fleming, 28th June, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Gaskins, 14th September, 1778, to - ? Lieutenant-Colonel Richard C. Anderson, from , to ? Major Thomas Marshall, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Major William Taliaferro, 13th August, 1776, to 1st February, 1777. Major Charles West, 1st February, 1777, to 6th July, 1778. Major James Lucas, 14th September, 1778, to - ? Major John Hays, from , to 12th February, 1781. Major William Lewis, 12th February, 1781, to close of war. FOURTH VIRGTXIA. Colonel Adam Stephen, 13th February, 1776, to 4th September, 1776. Colonel Thomas Elliott, 3d September, 1776, to 22d September, 1777. Colonel Robert Lawson, 19th August, 1777, to 17th December, 1777. Colonel Isaac Read, 17th December, 1777, to 4th September, 1778. Colonel John Neville, 14th September, 1778, to close of war. Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac Read, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. 51 Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Lawson, 13th August, 1776, to 19th August, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel William Taliaferro, 1st February, 1777, to 1st February, I^^o I 10. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Gaskins, 16th May, 1778,to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Ballard, 14th September, 1778, to 4th July, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel J. Cabell, 4th July, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Campbell, 12th February, 1781, to 8th Septem ber, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Major Robert Lawson, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Major John Sayers, 13th August, 1776, to 22d March, 1777. Major Isaac Beall, 21st February, 1777, to 19th June, 1778. Major George Gibson, 22d March, 1777, to 5th June, 1777. Major Charles Fleming, from , to ? Major John Brent, 4th October, 1777, to 4th May, 1778. Major William Croghan, 14th September, 1778, to close of war. FIFTH VIRGINIA. Colonel William Peachy, 13th February, 1776, to 7th May, 1776. Colonel Charles Scott, 7th May, 1776, to 1st April, 1777. Colonel Josiah Parker, 1st April, 1777, to 12th July, 1778. Colonel William Russell, 14th September, 1778, to close of war. Lieutenant- Colonel William Crawford, 13th February, 1776, to 14th August, 1776. Lieutenant -Colonel Josiah Parker, 13th August, 1773, to 1st April, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Abraham Buford, 1st April, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Holt Richeson, 14th September, 1778, to 10th May. 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel John Webb, 4th July, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Towles, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hawes, 1st January, 1783, to close of war. Major Josiah Parker, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Major George Johnston, 13th August, 1776, to ? Major Burgess Ball, from , to 17th December, 1777. Major Thomas Gaskins, 5th November, 1777, to 16th May, 1778. Major David Stephenson, 4th May, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major John Webb, 14th September, 1778, to 4th July, 1779. Major John Willis, 12th May, 1779, to 1st January, 1783. Major Thomas Hill, 4th July, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. Major William Moseley, from , to 12th February, 1781. Major Joseph Crockett, 12th February, 1781, to ? SIXTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Mordecai Buckner, 13th February, 1776, to 9th February, 1777. Colonel John Gibson, 25th October, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Colonel John Green, 14th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Elliott, 13th February, 1776, to 3d September, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel James Hendricks. 13tli August, 1776. to 29th September, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Simms, 29th September, 1777, to 14th Septem ber, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hawes, 14th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Major James Hendricks, 13th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Major Richard Parker, 13th August, 1776, to 10th February, 1777. Major James Johnson, 1st April, 1777, to 15th August, 1777. Major Oliver Towles, 15th August, 1777, to 10th February, 1778. Major Samuel Hopkins, 29th November, 1777, to 19th June, 1778. Major Richard C. Anderson, 10th February, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Thomas Ridley, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Major David Stephenson, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. SEVENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel William Dangerfield, 29th February, 1776, to 13th August, 1776. Colonel William Crawford, 14th August, 1776, to 4th March, 1777. Colonel Alexander McClanachan, 22d March, 1777, to 13th May, 1778. Colonel Daniel Morgan, 14th September, 1778, to 13th October, 1780. Colonel John Gibson, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander McClanachan, 29th February, 1776, to 22d March, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel William Nelson, 7th October, 1776, to 25th October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Holt Richeson, 18th October, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Cropper, 14th September, 1778, to 16th August, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel J.Cabell, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Posey, llth September, 1782, to 10th March, 1783. Major William Nelson, 29th February, 1776, to 7th October, 1776. Major John Cropper, 7th October, 1776, to 26th October, 1777. Major William Davies, 22d March, 1777, to 20th March, 1778. Major John Webb, 26th January, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Thomas Posey, 14th September, 1778, to llth September, 1782. Major Charles Pelham, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. EIGHTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Peter Muhlenberg, 1st March, 1776, to 21st February, 1777. Colonel Abraham Bowman, 22d March, 1777, to ? Colonel John Neville, llth December, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Colonel James Wood, 14th September, 1778, to 1st January, 1783. Lieutenant-Colonel Abraham Bowman, 1st March, 1776, to 22d March, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel John Markham, 22d March, 1777, to 26th October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Fleming, 14th September, 1778, to 15th Decem ber, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel J. Cabell, 15th December, 1778, to 4th July, 1779. Lieutenant-Colonel Jonathan Clark, 10th May, 1779, to 1st January, 1783. Major Peter Helphenstine, 1st March, 1776, to October, 1776. Major William Darke, 4th January, 1777, to ? Major Morgan Alexander, 22d March, 1777, to 16th May, 1778. Major William Croghan, 16th May, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Jonathan Clark, 14th September, 1778, to 10th May, 1779. Major Andrew Waggoner, 15th December, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Major John Poulson, 12th February, 1781, to 1st January, 1783. 53 NINTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Charles Fleming, 3d March, 1776, to August, 1776. Colonel Isaac Read, 13th August, 1776, to 10th February, 1777. Colonel George Matthews, 10th February, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Colonel John Gibson, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel George Matthews, 4th March, 1776, to 10th February, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel John Sayres, 30th January, 1777, to 4th October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel George Lyne, 4th October, 1777, to 14th November, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Burgess Ball, 17th December, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Campbell, 14th September, 1778, to 12th Febru ary, 1781. Major Matthew Duncan, 4th March, 1776, to , 1776. Major James Knox, from , to ? Major Richard Taylor, 14th September, 1778, to 7th December, 1779. Major John Poulson, 12th May, 177.), to 12th February, 1781. Major William Taylor, 7th December, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. TENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Edward Stevens, 12th November, 1776, to 31st January, 1778. Colonel John Green, 26th January, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Colonel William Davies, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Lewis Willis, 13th November, 1776, to 1st March, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hawes, 1st March, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Samue.1 Hopkins, 14th September, 1778, to 12th Febru ary, 1781. Major George Nicholas, 13th November, 1776, to 26th September, 1777. Major Samuel Hawes, 4th October, 1777, to 1st March, 1778. Major Thomas Ridley, 1st March, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Samuel J. Cabell, 14th September, 1778, to loth December, 1778. Major William Lewis, 12th May, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. ELEVENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Daniel Morgan, 12th November, 1776, to 14th September, 1778. Colonel Abraham Buford, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel Christian Febiger, 13th November, 1776, to 26th Sep tember, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel George Nicholas, 26th September, 1777, to 27th Novem ber, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel John Cropper, 26th October,1777, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel Gustavus B. Wallace, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Major WilUam Heth, 13th November, 1776, to 1st April, 1777. Major Le\in Joynes, 10th February, 1777, to llth December, 1777. Major Thomas Snead, 10th July, 1777, to 8th March, 1778. Major Thomas Massie, 20th February, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major David Stephenson, 14th September, 1778, to 12th February, 1781. Major Joseph Crockett, 20th May, 1779, to 12th February, 1781. 54 TWELFTH VIRGINIA. Colonel James Wood, 12th November, 1776, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Neville, 12th November, 1776, to llth December, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Levin Joynes, llth D.ecember, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. Major Charles Sinims, 12th November, 1776, to 29th September, 1777. Major George Slaughter, 4th October, 1777, to 23d December, 1777. Major Jonathan Clark, 10th January, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. THIRTEENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel William Russell, 19th December, 1776. to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel John Gibson, 12th November, 1776, to 25th October, 1777. Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Campbell, 20th February, 1778, to 14th Septem ber, 1778. Major George Lyne, 12th November, 1776, to 4th October, 1777. Major Richard Campbell, 10th August, 1777, to 20th February, 1778. Major Richard Taylor, 4th February, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. FOURTEENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel Charles Lewis, 12th November, 1776, to 28th March, 1778. Colonel William Davies, 20th March, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel , from , to ? Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Hopkins, 19th June, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Major Abraham Buford, 13th November, 1776, to 1st April, 1777. Major George Stubblefield, 1st April, 1777, to 22d February, 1778. Major Samuel J. Cabell, 20th December, 1777, to 14th September, 1778. FIFTEENTH VIRGINIA. Colonel David Mason, 12th November, 1776, to 31st July, 1778. Colonel Abraham Buford, 15th May, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. Lieutenant-Colonel James Innis, 13th November, 1776, to ? Lieutenant-Colonel Gustavus B. Wallace, 20th March, 1778, to 14th Septem ber, 1778. Major Holt Richeson, 13th November, 1776, to 18th October, 1777. Major Gustavus B. Wallace, 4th October, 1777, to 20th March, 1778. Major Francis Taylor, 20th March, 1778, to 14th September, 1778. (Note. There are butfevj rolls, returns, and lists of Virginia troops and not of uniform dates, hence the above list appears somewhat irregular as to consecutive order, which is also in a measure due to the absence of orders directing transfers, etc.) 55 (The regiments to winch the following jield officer * belonged is not knoian.) Lieutenant- Colonel Levin Joynes, \Mh September, 1778, to 12th Feb ruary, 1781. Major Peter B. Bruin. Major Samuel Finley. Major John Fitzgerald, 28th January, 1777, to th July, 1778. In September, 1778, the number of Virginia regiments were reduced from, fifteen to eleven and designated as follows: The Ninth wis consolidated with, the First; the Si.vih with the Second; the Fifth with the Third, and the Eighth with the Fourth ; the Seventh was designated the Fifth; Tenth the Sixth; Eleventh the Seventh; Twelfth the Eighth; Thirteenth the Ninth; Fourteenth the Tenth, and Fifteenth the Eleventh. JACKSON S CONTINENTAL OR FIRST AMERICAN REGIMENT. Colonel Henry Jackson, November, 1783, to 20th June, 1784. Lieutenant-Colonel William Hull, November, 1783, to 20th June, 1784. Major Caleb Gibbs, November, 1783, to 20th June, 1784. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY, Including some officers of the Militia, during the war of the Revolution, 1775 to 1783, showing the various ranks they held, from when and how long they served, when and where wounded, taken prisoner, exchanged, died, &:c., and all cases in which thanks, swords, or medals were awarded by Congress. Following the name of each officer will be found the State or country in paren thesis ( ) from which appointed, or State in which the organization was raised, in which service was rendered. A. Abbe, Richard (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 6th February, 1778. Abbe, Thomas (Conn). Adjutant of Chester s Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776. Abbey, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May to December, 1775. Abbot, Abiel (X. H.). Paymaster of Baldwin s Regiment, New Hamp shire Militia, September, 1776, to March, 1777; served subsequently as Major New Hampshire Militia. Abbot, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. (Died August, 1836.) Abbot, John (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 27th December, 1777. Abbot, Josiah (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 19th October, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died February, 1837.) Abbot, Stephen (Mass). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Massa chusetts, 6th November, 1776: Cap tain, 28th May, 1778; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Abbott, James (Conn). Ensign of Ely s Regiment, Connecticut Militia, June, 1777; taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedition, 10th Decem ber, 1777 ; exchanged 17th December, 1781. Abbott, Joshua (N. H.). Captain 1st New Hampshire, 24th April to December, 1775 : Captain 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 (Died March. 1815.) Abbott, Thomas ( ). Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 3d November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1777. Abeel, James (N. Y.). Captain of Lasher s Regiment, New York Militia, June to December, 1776. Abel, Rufus B. (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Regi mental Paymaster, 1st June, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st June, 1778 ; resigned loth April, 1779. Ackley. 58 Adams Ackley, Bezaleel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. Adams, Amos (Mass). Chaplain of David Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; died 5th Oc tober, 1775. Adams, Benjamin (Conn). Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. Adams, Caleb Gresnleaf (N. H.). Surgeon 2d New Hampshire, 20th May to December, 1775 ; surgeon 2cl Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. Adams, Daniel Jenifer (Md). 1st Lieutenant of Captain Beall s Inde pendent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1770 ; Brigade Major to Gen eral Beall of the Maryland Flying Camp, 27th August to 1st December, 1770; Major 7th Maryland. 1st April, 1777; resigned 8th June, 1779. Adams, David (Conn). Surgeon 4thConnecticut, 3d April, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Adams, Ebenezer (R. I.). Served as a volunteer in the expedition to Quebec in December, 1775 ; Captain of Elliott s Regiment, Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1770, to June, 1777. Adams, Elijah (Conn). Surgeon s mate 3d Connecticut, May to Decem ber, 1775. Adams, Francis (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1770; 1st Lieutenant 18th April, 1777 ; cashiered 25th May, 1778. Adams, Henry (Mass). Surgeon s mate 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts 1st January, 1781 ; Surgeon Oth Massa chusetts, 14th May, 1781, and served till close of war. (Died June, 1793.) Adams, Jervis (Md). Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 1st Continental Artillery, 22d November, 1777 ; omitted September, 1778. Adams, John (X. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th March, 1781 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, Oth October, 1781 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Adams, Joseph (Mass). Surgeon s mate of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Sur geon s mate 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. Adams, Jonas (N. Y.). Second Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 20th August, 1781 ; transferred to corps of artillery 17th June, 1783, and served to November, 17d3. Adams, Josiah (Mass). Paymas ter 12th Continental Infantry, 22d September to 31st December, 1770. Adams, Nathan (Del). Captain Delaware Regiment, 19th January, 1770. (Died 27th March, 1770.) Adams, Nathan (Mass). Lieuten ant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deserted October, 1777. Adams, Oliver (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 17th December, 1777. Adams, Peter (Md). Captain of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1770 ; Major 7th Maryland, 10th December, i770 ; Lieutenant Colonel 20th February, 1777; Lieu tenant Colonel commandant, 1st Maryland, 1st August, 1779 ; trans ferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of the war. Adams, Robert (Pa). Captain Oth Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1770 ; killed in the action at Isle aux Noix, Canada, 24th June, 1770. Adams, Samuel (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; Lieutenant 9th October, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Ne\v Hampshire, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Adams, Samuel (Mass). Surgeon 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1770 ; Surgeon 3d Continental Artillery, 14th May, 1778 ; Hospital Physician and Sur geon, Oth October, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died Oth March, 1819.) Adams, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. Adams, William (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1770, and served to Adams, William (Conn). Ensign J h Connecticut, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; Regi mental Paymaster 7th September to 31st December, 1770; Paymaster 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 24th July, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant 1st May, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut 1st January, 1781 \ cashiered 19th June, 1781. Adams. Adams, William (N.Y.). Surgeon of Malcolm s New York State Regi ment, 23d July to December, 177(3. Adams, William (Pa). Surgeon 4th Continental Artillery 1st April, 1777; resigned 7th May, 1779; reap- pointed 1st October, 1779: resigned 31st July, 1780. Adams, William (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Maryland, 14th April, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 8th Jane, 1779; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to close of the war. Adams, Winborn (N. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775 ; Captain 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; Major 2d New* Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d April, 1777. Killed at Bemus Heights 19th September, 1777. Addison, John(Md). Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 27th June to 1st Decem ber, 1776. Ainsworth,Jedediah(Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 8th Connecticut, 10th June, 1778; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1782. Aitkin, James (N. C.). Chaplain 4th North Carolina ; in service in July, 1777. Albright, Philip (Pa). Captain of Miles Regiment, Pennsylvania Rifle men, 19th March, 1776 ; resigned 23d January, 1777. Albro, James (R.I. ). Ensign Rhode Island Militia in 1775 ; Captain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to March, 1777. Alden, Austin (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; cashiered 13th January, 1778. Alden, Ichabod (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel 7th Massachusetts, IsfNovember, 1776. Killed at Cherry Valley 10th Novem ber, 1773. Alden, John (Conn). Ensign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Alden, Judah(Mass). 2d Lieuten ant ot Cotton s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st 59 Alexander. Lieutenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1771*) ; Captain 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Brevet Major, 30th Septem ber, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 2d March, 1845.) Alden, Judah (Conn). Captain of Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st January, 1777. Killed on Staten Island, 22d August, 1777. Alden, Roger (Conn). Adjutant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Brigade Major to General Hunting- ton, 13th July, 1777, to 1st April, 1780 ; Captain Lieutenant 2cl Connecticut, 15th June, 1778; Captain, 1st Septem ber, 1779 ; Major and Aides-de camp to General Huiitington,lst April, 1780; resigned 10th February, 1781 ; Mili tary Storekeeper United States Army, 20th January, 1825. (Died 5th No vember, 1836 .) Aldrich, George (N. H. ). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain of Whitcomb s New Hampshire Rangers, 4th November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Aldrich, Levi (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Aldrich, William (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Alexander, Archibald (Va). Sur geon 10th Virginia, 24th August, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Alexander, George ( Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, May, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st No vember, 1779, and served to January, 1780. Alexander, George D (Va). Sur geon of Grayson s additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th March, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779. Alexander, Henry (R. I.). Ensign and Lieutenant of Richmond s and Tall man s Rhode Island State Regi ments in 1776 and 1777. Alexander, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th February, 1776; Captain, 7th Pennsylvania, 20th March, 1777; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; resigned llth July, 1781. (Died 4th August, 1304.) Alexander, John (N. H.). Lieuten ant of Bedel * New Hampshire State Regiment, l^th December, 1777, to June, 1778. Alexander. 60 Allen. Alexander, Morgan (Va). Cap tain 2d Virginia, 27th. November, 1775 ; Major, 23d December, 1770; transferred to 8th Virginia, 22d March, 1777; re signed IGth May, 1778. (Died 1783.) Alexander, Nathaniel (Mass). 3d Lieutenant of Brewer s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775; 1st Lieutenant Oth Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain 13th Massachusetts, 13th No vember, 1770; retired llth April, 1779. (Died 10th February, 1829.) Alexander, Nathaniel (N. C.). Surgeon North Carolina Regiment, 1778-1782. (Died 8th March, 1808.) Alexander, Samuel ( ). 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1770 ; omitted June, 1777. Alexander, Walter (Md). Cap tain, 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Alexander, William (Earl of Stir ling), (N. J.). Colonel 1st New Jersey, 7th November, 177.3 ; Brigadier-Gen eral Continental Army, 1st March, 1770; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1770 ; exchanged Sep tember, 1770 ; Major-General Conti nental Army, 1 Jth February, 1777. By the Act of Congress of 24th Sep tember, 1779, it was Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be -.given to Major-General Lord Stirling, for the judicious measures taken by him to forward the enterprise (attack of work on Paulus Hook), and to secure the retreat of the party/ By the Act of 28th January, 1783, it was "Resolved, that the President signify to the commander-in-chief, in a manner the most respectful to the memory of the late Major-General, the Earl of Stirling, the sense Congress entertain of the early and meritorious exertions of that General in the com mon cause, and of the bravery, perse- vererice and military talents he pos sessed ; which, having fixed their es teem for his character, while living, induce a proportionate regret for the loss of an officer who has rendered such constant and important services to his country." Died 15th January, 1783. Alexander, William (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 9th January, 1770 ; Captain 7th Pennsylvania, 1st June, 1770 ; Major 3d Pennsylvania, 10th April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Alexander, William (Md). 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1770. Died 27th August, 1777 . Alg-er, William B. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th NewYork, 21st August 1775, to January, 1770; served subse quently as an officer New York Mi litia. Allain, Mons (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Partisan Corps ; Brevet Lieutenant Continen tal Army 13th January, 1779, arid re tired from the service. Allen, Adoniram (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Partisan Rangers, 1780 to 1782. Allen, Benjamin (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery 1st February, 1777; resigned 13th March, 1778. Allen, Charles (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, May, 1776, to 1779. Allen, Daniel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 ; Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1770. Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1779. Allen, David (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, 10th May, 1778; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; 1st Lieutenant 19th June, 1779, taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780, exchanged July, 1781 ; served to close of the war. Allen, David (Mass). Captain Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment, Con tinental Artillery, November, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, resigned 13th March, 1778. Allen, Ebenezer (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775, to January, 1770, served subsequently as Captain and Major of a battalion New Hampshire Rangers, Militia. (Died 20th March, 1806). Allen, Edward (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 12th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th October, 1777, to ; was in service in Januarv, 1780. Allen, Ethan (N. H.). Lieutenant- Colonel and commander of the Green Mountain Boys ; captured Fort Ticonderoga 10th May, 1775, "by the authority of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress ; :1 taken prisoner at Montreal, 25th Septem ber, 1775, exchanged 6th May, 1778. He received the brevet rank of Allen. 61 Allen.. Colonel, Continental Army, 14th May, 1778, "in reward of his fortitude, firmness and zeal in the cause of his country, manifested during his long and cruel captivity, as well as on former occasions. 11 (Died 13th Feb ruary, 1789). Allen, Gabriel (R. I.). Lieutenant of Stanton s Rhode Island, State Regiment, 12th December, 1770, to March, 1777. Allen, Heman (X. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Allen, Ira (X. H.). 1st Lieutenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775, to January, 1770. (Died 7th January, 1614). Allen, Jacob (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Thomas Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Massachusetts 1st Janu ary, 1777. Killed at Bemus Heights, 19th September, 1777. Allen, James (Mass). Captain of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Allen, John (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to - Allen, John (X. J.). 2d Lieuten ant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 24th May, 1777; Regimental Adjutant 30th May, 1777 ; dismissed 9th June, 1778. Allen, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Allen, John Baptist (X. Y.). Cap tain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment 20th November, 1775; cashiered 16th September, 1778. Allen, Jonas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Allen, Jonathan (Mass). Adjutant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; discharged by sentence of court mar tial 9ih June , 1778. Allen, Jonathan (Mass). Captain of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major 17th May, 1777. Died 6th January, 1780 . Allen, Jonathan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned August, 1778. Allen, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Walker s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Allen, Lathrop (X. Y.). Private and Sergeant in 2d New York, May to December, 1775; Lieutenant in 2d New York, December, 1775, to March, 1776; Captain in Elmore s Regiment Connecticut Militia, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. (Died 12th August, 1826). Allen, Matthew (R. I.). Captain in Church s Rhode Island Regiment* 3d May to December, 1775. Allen, Nathaniel Coit (Mass). Paymaster 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776, to 12th October, 1782 ; Ensign 10th August, 1778; Lieutenant 10th October, 1778 ; Captain 12th Oc tober, 1782 ; transferred to 7th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Allen, Noah (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Fellows Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776: Captain 2d October, 1776; Captain 13th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 2d October, 1776 ; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 . retired 1st August, 1782. Allen.Noel (R.I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 9th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776. Killed at Harlem Plains 16th Decem ber, 1776 . Allen, Parmalee (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted September, 1777. Allen, PuObert (Mass). Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 3d September, 1778. Allen, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : resigned 18th April, 1778. Allen, Stephen (X. Y.). Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777, and served to June, 1783. Allen, Thomas (X. CA Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; resigned 15th August, 1776. Allen, Thomas (R. I.). Captain of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, and served as (Quartermaster on General Greene s staff to close of war. Allen. 62 Ament. Allen, Thomas (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, 17th March, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Char leston 12th May, 1780, and died in prison 26th August, 1780. Allen, Vial (R. I.). Lieutenant Rhode Island Militia, August, 1775, to March, 1776. Allen, William (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 13th Janu ary, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island 1st January, 1781 ; Brevet Major, 00th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. Allen, William (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Octo ber, 1775 ; Lieutenant Colonel 2d Pennsylvania, 4th January, 1776 ; re signed" 24th July, 1776, audjoined the enemy. Allen, William (R. I.). Lieutenant Rhode Island Militia, 3d August, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Tallman s Reg iment Rhode Island Militia, 12th De cember, 1776, to March, 1777. Allice, Henry (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; resigned 27th February, 1776. Ailing, John (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery, Artificer Regi ment, June, 1777 ; discharged 20th August, 1718. Ailing, Stephen (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 5th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th September, 1779 ; resigned 19th De cember, l r <82. Allison, Benjamin (Pa). Surgeon 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 13th June, 1776; resigned 1st January, 1777. Allison, Francis (Pa). Surgeon 12th Pennsylvania, 14th October, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon and Physi cian, December, 1776, to July, 1780. Allison, Henry (Gfa). 1st Lieuten ant 2cl Georgia, 27th April, 1778; retired 22d October, 1782. Allison, James (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 8d Maryland, 20th February, 1777, to . Allison, Richard (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 5th Pennsylvania, 15th March, 1778 ; transferred* to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of the war; Surgeon s Mate United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784; Surgeon 24th July, 1788 ; Surgeon 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Surgeon of the Legion, llth April, 1792 ; honorably discharged 1st November, 1796. Allison, Robert (Pa). Private 7th Pennsylvania in 1777 ; Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 1st February, 1778 ; Lieutenant 16th March, 1780; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th Janu ary, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 24th April, 1836.) Allison, Robert (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 19th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th May, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1777. Allison, William (Ya). Lieuten ant Colonel 1st Yirginia State Regi ment, May, 1779, to January, 1780. Allman, Lawrence (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant - December, 1777; resigned 14th Feb ruary, 1780. Allston, William (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 1779 to 1881. (Died 26th June, 1839.) Allyn, Robert (Conn). Sergeant 1st Connecticut, 10th February, 1777 ; Ensign 1st November, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant 1st July, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Allyn, Samuel (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, . Killed at Groton Heights 6th September, 1781. Allyn, Timothy (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant 8th April, 1780, regiment designated 3d Connec ticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain 8th February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Alner, James (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28 June, 1775 ; Captain 31st December,1775,to Jan uary, 1776 ; Major of Malcolm s Regi ment, New York Militia, June to De cember, 1776. Alon, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Alston, William (N. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, to 4th October, 1777. Alvord, Job (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*; Cap tain 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st April, 1779. Ament, Eldred (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 23d December, 1778. Ames. 63 Anderson. Ames, Benjamin (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Ames, Jotham (Mass). Sergeant in a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775, and in the 23d Continental Infantry in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783, and served to close of war. Ames, Seth (Mass). Surgeon 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Amos, Aquilla (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Anable, Edward (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 30th March, 1779, Lieutenant , 1780; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Anderson, Archibald (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Hindmau s Inde pendent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, Sep tember, 1776 ; Captain of 2d Mary land 10th December, 1776 ; Major 3d Maryland, 10th June, 1777 ; Brigade Major Maryland Brigade, 16th June, 1778 ; killed at Guilford, 15th March, 1781. Anderson, Aug-ustins (N . J.). Eii- sign of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 17th February, 1777; omitted November, 1777. Anderson, David (Ya). Ensign 1st Virginia, 2:1 October, 1775, to . Anderson, Enoch (Del). 2d Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 13th January, 1776 ; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; Captain, 3d December, 1776 ; retired September, 1778. (Died 4th March, 1820). Anderson, Ephraim (N. J.). Adju tant 2J. New Jersey, 18th December, 177.3, to 10th November, 1776; Captain 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; killed Lit Short Hills, 26th June, 1777. Anderson, James (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 29th July to December, 1775. Anderson, James (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler, 22d Au gust, 1777; exchanged 22d December, 1780, and did not return to the army. Anderson, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; Captain, 12th August, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Virginia, 14 September, 1778, and served till close of war. Anderson, John (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; Captain 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 5th June, 1778. Anderson, John (N. J.). Captain of Phillips Regiment, New Jersey Levies, in 1776. Anderson, Joseph J. (N. J.). En sign 3d New Jersey, May, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 19th July, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, 29th November, 1776 ; Captain, 26th October, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; re tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; was Regimental Paymas ter, 26th October, 1777, to close of the war ; Brevet Major, 30th September, 1783. (Died 17th April, 1837.) Anderson, Nathaniel (Va). Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 21st December, 1777 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Anderson, Patrick (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 15th March, 1776 ; regiment designated Pennsylvania State Regiment, 1st October, 1776, and 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Anderson, Richard (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; Captain, loth Novem ber, 1777; transferred to 4th Mary land, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Cowpens 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1782. (Died 29th June, 1835.) Anderson, Richard dough (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; wounded at Trenton, 26th De cember, 1776 ; Major 6th Virginia, 10th February, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; was on parole until retired, 12th February, 1781, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Vir ginia. (Died 16th October, 1826.) Anderson, Thomas (Conn). Ser geant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster June, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 16th No vember, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 16th June, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 15th Decem ber, 1822.) Anderson. 04 Appleton, Anderson, Thomas (Del). Regi mental Quartermaster Delaware Reg iment, loth September, 1778, to close of \var. Anderson, "Walker (Va). 2nd Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 12th April, 1778, to - Anderson, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777; Aides-de-camp to General Lafayette in 1778 and 1779. (Died lath December, 1829.) Anderson, "William (N.J.). En sign 4th IS ew Jersey, 17th February, 1777, to 1st July, 1778 ; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 21st June, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. Andrews, Abraham (R. I.). En sign of Tallman s Rhode Island Regi ment of Militia, 12th December, 1770, to March, 1777, Andrews, Ammi (N. H.). Ser geant 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th June, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775, and is supposed to have died while a prisoner. Andrews, James (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; resigned 1st August, 1779. Andrews, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777. Died 22d Novem ber, 1777, of wounds received at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Andrews, Richard (N.C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st Novem ber, 1777; Lieutenant, March, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Fort Fayette, 1st June, 1779; exchanged 2titn March, 1781; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; and rendered no subsequent service. Andrews, Robert (Va). Chaplain 2d \ irginia, Ilarch, 1777, to . Andrews, William (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 28th Au gust, 1777 ; resigned 21st March, 1778. Andrews, William (Conn). En sign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1770 ; 2d Lieu tenant 8u Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner at Fort Fayette, 1st June, 1V70; exchanged liK h March, 1781 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th September, 1780, and served to Jur.0, 1783. (Died 14th March, 1810.) Anclrus, Epaphras (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, Oth July tolyth December, 1775. Angell, Abiather (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain of Warner s AdditiorialContinental Reg iment, 5th July, 1770, arid served to . Ang-ell, Israel (R. I.). Major of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Major llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1770 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Colonel 13th January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died - May, 183..) Ang-ell. John (R. I.). Captain of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Angell, Samuel (R. I.). Captain Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment, Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1770, to March, 1777. Annin, William (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate, 5th Massachusetts, 1st May, 1779 ; resigned 1st February, 1780. Annin, William (Mass). Surgeon Oth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; to . Antilj Edward ( ). Lieutenant- Color el 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 22d January, 177(5 ; taken pris oner, ; exchanged 2d November, 17-^0 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Anspach, Peter (N. Y.). Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery from Aorson, Aaron (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, March, 1770 ; resigned July, 1770 ; Captain 3d New York, 21st November, 1770; transferred to 1st New York, 1st Jan uary, 1783 ; Brevpt Major, 30th Sep tember, 1783 ; served to close of war. App, Michael (Pa.). Ensign Teiin- sylvaiiKi Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1770 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1770 ; exchanged Oth December, 1770 ; no subsequent service. Apperson, Richard (Va). 2d Lieu tenant Oth Virginia, llth March, 1770 : 1st Lieutenant, 7th August, 1770 ; Captain, 20th September, 1777 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Applethwaite, John (Va). Sur geon s-Mate ( Jth Virginia, Decem ber, 1770 ; resigned Idth July, 1T77. Appleton, Abraham (N. J.). Sur geon s-Mate 2d New Jersey, 21st De cember, 1775, to November, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Archer. 65 Armstrong. December, 1777 ; retained in New Jer sey Battalion, April, 1783 : Brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Archer, George (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania, Gth August, 1770, to - Archer, Henry ( ). Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 1st January, 1779, to . Archer, John (Md). Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Wayne at Stony Point, 1st June, 1779, and was brevetted Captain Continental Army, 26th June, 1779, for being the bearer of General Wayne s letter announcing the victory at Stony Point. (Died 1810.) Archer, Joseph (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 25th December, 1776 ; killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Archer, Joseph (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Captain Nelson s company of the 1st Pensylvania Battalion, 12th July, 1776, to JaEiiary, 1777. Archer, Peter Field (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, May, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781, arid served to close of war. Archer, Richard (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 28th November, 1780, and served to close of war. Archer, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 22d February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th February, 1776, to . Archibald, Edward (N. V.) 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned 25th June, 1781. Arendt, Baron de ( ). Colo nel German Regiment, 19th March 1777; granted leave 18th August, 1778, for 13 months for the benefit of his health ; retired 1st January, 1781. Armand, Charles Trefin (Marquis de la Roueire), (France). Colonel 3d Cavalry, Pulaski Legion, 10th May, 1777; succeeded Count Pulaski in command of the Legion, llth Octo ber, 1779, arid on 21st October, 1780, the designation of the command was changed to u Armand"s Partisan Corps," which he commanded to the close of the war. Appointed Briga dier-General Continental Army, 26th March, 1783. By the act of 27th Febru ary, 1 784, it was " k Resol ved. whereas, the United States in Congress assembled, are well informed, arid entertain a just sense of the great bravery, intel ligence, zeal, and activity manifested during the course of the late war with Great Britain, by Brigadier- General Armand, Marquis de Roueire, in the service of the United States, and, whereas, it also appears by a letter from the late commander-in- chief, dated at Philadelphia, loth December, 1783, addressed to the said General Armand, that, super- added to general merit for good con duct, vigilance, and bravery, General Armand has, in a variety of instances, particularly signalized himself as an excellent officer and great par tisan, and frequently rendered the United States very valuable services. Resolved, that the President write a letter to General Armand, Marquis de la Roueire, expressive of the high sense Congress are impressed with, of the services he has rendered the United States in the course of the late war with Great Britain, and of the entire approbation the United States in Congress assembled enter tain of his bravery, activity, and zeal so often evidenced in the cause of America. 1 (Died 30th January, 1793.) Armistead, Thomas (Va). Cap tain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 6th April, 1778, to January, 1780. Armistead, "William (Va\ Ensign llth Virginia, llth March, 1776, to . Armitage, Benjamin (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Bat talion, 8th January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Armitage, George ( ). Lieu tenant 2vl Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 3d November, 1776 ; omitted 1st March, 1777. Armitage, Shubert(Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 12th May, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant October,1779 ; resigned March, 1780. (Died 27th December, 1823.) Armor, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, March to December, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, to 4th June, 1778. Armstrong, Alexander (- . .. 1st Lieutenant of Hoisington s Battalion of Rangers from to . Armstrong, Edward (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continent-! 1 Regiment, 5th April, 1777; retired 23d April, 1779. (Died 14th May, 1824.) Armstrong-. 66 Arnold. Armstrong, George (Md). 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 10th De cember, 177(5 ; Captain Lieutenant, 12th October, 1778; Captain, llth February, 1780; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; killed at Ninety-Six, 18th June, 1781. Armstrong, Henry ( ). 2d Lieu tenant of Hoisington s Battalion of Rangers, 14th August, 1771), to 1st January, 1781. Armstrong, James ( ). Lieu tenant 2d Cavalry, Pulaski s Legion, 1st January, 1779 ; Captain of Amand s Partisan Corps, , 1781, and served to close of war. Armstrong, James (N. C.). Colo nel bth North Carolina, 20th Novem ber, 1776, to 1st June, 1778; Colonel North Carolina Rangers, ; was either killed or wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Armstrong, James (Pa). Quar termaster 2d Pennsylvania, 29th February, 1776, to January, 1777; Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 21st May, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, llth November, 1776; retired January, 1777. Armstrong, James Francis (Md). Chaplain 2d Canadian (Hazeirs) Reg iment, 3d November, 1776 ; Brigade Chaplain 2d Maryland Brigade, 17th July, 1778, to 1st January, 1781. Armstrong, John (Pa). Sergeant in the Pennsylvania Line in 1776; Sergeant 12th Pennsylvania, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Ensign, 13th March, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, llth September, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779; Brevet Captain, 30th Septem ber, 1783 ; served to <?lose of the war ; Ensign United States Infantry Regi ment, 12th August, 1784; Lieutenant 1st United States Infantry, 29th Sep tember, 1789 ; Captain, 26th Septem ber, 1790, in 1st Sub Legion, 4th Sep tember, 1792 ; Major, 27th September, 1792; resigned 3d March, 1793. Armstrong, John (Pa). Served as a volunteer in the Canada Expedition and at Quebec in 1775 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Mercer to 3d January, 1777; served subsequently as a volunteer in various capacities to the close of the war ; Brigadier- General, United States Army, 6th July, 1812 ; resignad 13th January, 1813; Secretary of War, 13th Janu ary, 1813, to 27th September, 1814. (Died 1st April, 1843.) Armstrong, John (N. C.). Cap- ;tain 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem j ber, 1775 ; Major 4th North Carolina, 6th October, 1777; Deputy Adjutant General to General Gates, 3d August, 1780; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st North Carolina, 17th July, 1782; retired 1st January, 1783. Armstrong, John ( ). Colonel from --to . Killed at Harlem, 16th November, 1776. Armstrong, John (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Militia, 1780 and 1781. Armstrong, John (Pa). Brigadier- General Continental Army, 1st March, 1776; resigned 4th April, 1777; Briga dier-General Pennsylvania Militia, 5th April, 1777 ; Major-General Penn sylvania Militia, 9th January, 1778, to close of war. (Died 6th March, 1795.) Armstrong, John (R. I.). Ensign llth Continental Infantry 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776. Armstrong, Richard (Va). En sign 9th Virginia, 10th May, 1777; superseded llth August, 1777. Armstrong, Robert (S. C ). 1st Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 to . Armstrong, Samuel (Mass). En sign bth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 7th October, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 1st June, 1778, to 26th April, 1780; Regimental Paymaster, 27th April, 1780, to - June, 1783; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 10th December, 1810.) Armstrong. Thomas (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 5th North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; Captain, 25th October, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Fayette, 1st June, 1779; ex changed - - December, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 22d May, 1780 ; exchanged July 1781; served to close of war. Armstrong, "William (N. C.). En- sigii 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 10th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777: Captain, 29th August, 1777 ; wounded at Ramsour s Mill, 20th June, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Armstrong, William (Pa). En sign 7th Pennsylvania, 9th March, 1777, to . Arnold, Benedict (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, - - April, 1775; at Ticonder jga and Crown Point, 10th May. 1775; appointed by General Washington Colonel Conti nental Army, 1st September, 1775 ; Arnold. 67 Ashby. wounded at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; Colonel 20th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to rank from 1st September, 1775; Brigadier-Gen eral Continental Army, 10th Janu ary, 1776, and Major-Geiieral 17th February, 1777. By the resolve of Congress of 20th May, 1777, it was Resolved, that the Quartermaster- General be directed to procure a horse and present the same, properly caparisoned, to Major-General Arnold, in the name of this Congress, ^as a token of their approbation of his gallant conduct in the action against the enemy in their late enterprise to Danbury, in which General Arnold had one horse killed under him and another wounded." By resolution of Congress of 4th November, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress, in their own name, and in behalf of the in habitants of the thirteen United States, be presented to Major-General Gates, Commander-in-chief in the Northern Department, and to Major- Generals Lincoln and Arnold, and the rest of the officers and troops under his command, for their brave and successful efforts in support of the independence of their country, whereby an army of the enemy of 10,000 men has been totally defeated, one large detachment of it, strongly posted and entrenched, having been conquered at Bennington ; another repulsed with loss and disgrace from Fort Schuyier, and the main army of 6,000 men, "under Lieut3nant-General Burgonye, after being beaten in dif ferent actions and driven from a formidable post and strong entrench ments, reduced to the necessity of surrendering themselves upon terms, honorable and advantageous to these States, on the 17th of October last, to Major- General Gates." 1 Deserted to the enemy 25th Sep tember, 1780, and his name dropped from the rolls of the army, by Order of Congress, 4th October, 1780. (Died 14th June, 1801). Arnold. Benjamin (R. I.) Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 17th February, 1777, to- Arnold, Houlman ( ). Lieuten ant of Ottendorff s Battalion, 9th December, 1776, to . (Was in service July, 1780). Arnold, James (Conn). Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 7th De cember, 1775; LieutenaYit-Colonel of Douglas Cormecticut State Regiment, ,20th June to 29th December, 1776. Arnold, John (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; deserted August, 1776. Arnold, Joseph (R. I.) Ensign of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775: 1st Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant 1st June, 1778 ; Captain, 1780 : retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Arnold, Noyes (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777. Died 23d August, 1778. Arnold, Philip (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776: Lieutenant, 19th August, 1776 ;" resigned 30th Sep tember, 1778. Arnold, Samuel (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, llth Febru ary, 1777 ; resigned 30th September, 1778. Arnold, Thomas (R. I.) Lieuten ant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January to Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 21st March, 1777 ; transferred to In valid Regiment, 1st November, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Arnold, William (R. I.). Major Rhode Island Militia in 1775 and 1776. Arraiits, Harman (Md>. 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Arrell, David (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 8th February, 1776; Captain, 28th September, 1776; re signed 14th February, 1778. Arthur, Barnabas (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 26th February, 1776, to . Arthur, Francis (Ga). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Arthur, James (Md). Lieutenant 2d Maryland, - April, 1781, and served to close of war. Arundell, Dohickey (Va). Cap tain of a Company of Virginia Ar tillery, 5th February, 1776 ; killed in the action at Gwyn s Island, Chesa peake Bay, 8th July, 1776, by the bursting of a mortar. Ashby, (Ga). Captain Geor gia Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Augusta, Georgia, 18th September, 1780, and ho and 12 others were hanged by the British. Ashby, Anthony (S.C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Ashby. Ashby, Benjamin (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 30th November, 1776 ; Regimental (Quartermaster, 1st Janu ary, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1777 ; regiment designated 7th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 13th March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1782. Ashby, John (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 18th March, 1776 ; resigned 30th October, 1777. Ashby, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 18th March, 1776 ; resigned 14th November, 1777. Asliby, Stephen (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 9th September, 1776, regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Ashe, John Baptista (X. C.). Cap tain 1st North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; Major 6th North Carolina. 26th January, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Caroline, 1st June, 1778; Lieu tenant-Colonel - - September, 1781 ; served to . (Died 27th November, 1802.) Ashe, John (N. C.). Brigadier- General North Caroline State Troops. His command was defeated at Briar Creek 3d March, 1779 ;. was betrayed into the hands of the enemy at Wil mington, North Carolina, 1st Feb ruary, 1781 ; suffered severe confine ment until he died 24th October, 1781. Ashe, Samuel (N. C.). Paymaster 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; resigned 16th April, 1776 ; Cap tain 1st Troop North Carolina Dra goons State Troops, 7th March, 1777, to 1st January, 1781. Ashley, Barnabas (Mass.) Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st November, 1777; Discharged 24th March, 1778. (Died 8th May, 1833.) Ashley, Daniel (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Baldwin s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, September to De cember, 1776. Ashley, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775; Captain, 5th November, 1775; Captain 15th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 5th November, 1775 ; Major 5th Massachusetts, 6th January, 1780; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 12th June, 1783. (Died 25th August, 1791.) 68 Atlee- Ashley, Samuel (N. H.). Colonel New Hamshire Militia, 1777 to 1780. Ashley, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infanity, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Ashman James (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 27th Novem ber, 1775. (Died llth September, 1776.) (Name also spelled Ashmore.) Ashmead, Jacob (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775 ; Captain, 6th Sep tember, 1776 ; in 2d Pennsylvania, October, 1776; Resigned 16th May, 1779. Ashmore, James. (See Ashman.) Ashton, John (Pa). Sergeant of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 21st March, 1776 ; Ensign 9th Pennsyl vania, 4th December, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died 26th August, 1831.) Ashton, Joseph(N.Y.). 1st Sergeant in Lamb s Company, New York Ar tillery, 16th July, 1775; Captured in the assault on Quebec 31st December, 1775; exchanged August, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Regimental Adju tant 21st June, 1777, to 16th January, 1781 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; Captain Lieutenant, 19th April, 1781; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 12th June, 1783, and servedto 20th June, 1784 ; Captain United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784; Captain 1st In fantry United States Army, 29th Sep tember, 1789 ; Major 2d Infantry, 29th December, 1791; in 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Resigned 27th No vember, 1792. Aston, Charles, Jr. (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 9th March, 1776, to . Aston, John(Va). Ensign 5th Vir ginia, 9th March, 1776, to . Atkinson, Amos (Mass). 2nd Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Atkinson, Milton (Pa). Quarter master 12th Pennsylvania, llth, Janu ary, 1777, to . Atkinson, Moses (R. I.). Ensign 9th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Atkinson, Samuel (N.H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Atlee, Samuel John (Pa). Colonel of the Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, Militia, 21st March, 1776; Austin. 69 wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 57th August, 1770, exchanged 6th August, 1778: did not re-enter the service. (Died 7th November, 1786.) Austin, Aaron (N. Y.) 1st Lieuten ant 1st New York, 58th June, 1775, to January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant of Dubois New York Regiment. 56th June, 1776; Captain 3d New York, 51st November, 1776, to . Austin, Aaron, Jr. (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 19th January, 1776; Captain, 17th September, 1776, and served to January, 1777. Austin, Caleb (X. Y T .). Surgeon s- Mate 5d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to . Austin, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 17th Hay, 1875, and served to June, 1783. Austin, Jonathan Williams (Mass). Major 16th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 : dishonor ably discharged 13th November, 1776. (Died , 1778.) Austin, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 5d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 : 5d Lieutenant, 8th December, 1777 : 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; resigned 1st August, 1779. Avery, Amos (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 15th December, 1775. Avery, Daniel (Conn). Ensign Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Avery, David (Mass). Chaplain loth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Chaplain of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, loth February, 1777 ; Brigade Chaplain 15th August, 1778 ; resigned 4th March, 1780. Avery, Ebenezer (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Grotoii Heights, 6th Septem ber, 1781. Avery, Elisha (Conn). Deputy Commissary-General of Issues, 18th June, 1777 ; resigned 6th August, 1777. Avery, Elisha (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Avery, Park, Jr. (Conn). Lieuten ant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Groton Heights, 6th Sep tember, 1781. Babcock. Avery, Simeon (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 5d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 15th November, 1778, to 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut* 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Avery, Thomas (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776* ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Avery, William Halley (Va). 1st Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 : Captain, 4th January, 1777; re signed 28th June, 1778. Ayers, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; deranged, 26th September, 1778. Aylett, William (Va). Deputy Commissary-General of Stores, 57th April, 1776 fDeputy Commissary-Gen eral of Purchases* 18th June* 1777, and served to 24th July, 1782. Axon, Samuel J. (S. C.). Hospi tal Surgeon s-Mate in 1776 ; Surgeon 1st South Carolina, January, 1777, to close of war. Axtell, Ebenezer (N. J.) Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted Mav, 1777. B. Babbitt, Elijah (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment, Rhode Island State Artillery, 15th Decem ber, 1776, to March,* 1777. Babcock, Christopher A. ( ). Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, llth Oc tober, 1777. Died 2d November, 1780. Babcock, Henry (R. I.). Colonel Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; dismissed Mav, 1776. (Died , 1800.) Babcock, James (R. I.). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to De cember, 1775. Babcock, Joshua (R. I.). Major- General Rhode Island Militia. Babcock, Joshua (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 15th December, 1776, to March, 1777. Babcock. Babcock, Oliver (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 1st July to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washing ton, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 10th, January, 1777. Died 25th Janu ary, 1777. Bachelder, Archelaus (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Bachelor.) Bachelder, Benjamin (N. H.). En sign of Long s Regiment New Hamp shire Militia, July to December, 1776. Bachenstone, Andrew (Pa). En sign of Captain Weavers Company, fuarding prisoners at Lancaster, 13th anuary, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 30th October, 1777 ; retired November, 1777. Backus, Ebenezer (Conn). Major Commanding Battalion Connecticut Light Horse, August to Novem ber, 1776. Bacon, Abner (Conn). Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Bacon, David (R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant of Tallman s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to March, 1777. Bacon, Elias (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 20th July, 1828.) Bacon, Jacob (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon s-Mate 7th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bacon, John (Mass). Lieutenant of a company of Minute Men ; killed at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Bacon, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to .December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 15th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bacon, Oliver (N. H.) Sergeant 2d New Hampshire, March, 1777; En sign , 1781 ; Lieutenant,13th April, 1782, arid served to close of war. (Died 25th March, 1835.) Bacon, William (Mass). Captain of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Major Artificer Regiment in 1776. 70 Bailey.. Bacot, Peter (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 19th September, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charlestown, 12th May, 1780, exchanged July , 1781; Captain , 1780 ; served to close of war. (Died 13th August, 1821.) Bacques, James (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Dorsey s Company, 1st Continental Artillery, 3d September, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Badlam, Ezra (Mass). Captain of Gridley S Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, 25th June to December, 1775 ; Captain 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major 9th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Massachu setts, 7th July, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781; retired 1st August, 1782. (Died 5th April, 17S8). Badlam, Stephen (Mass). Captain of Knox s Regiment, Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776. (Died 25th August, 1815.) Badlam, William (Mass). Ap pointed Quartermaster of the Artil lery under General Knox 21st Septem ber, 1776, and discharged February, 1777. Bagley, Josiah (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant, 7th January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Bagnell, Richard (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ;. Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779 resigned. 25th July, 1782. Bailey, Adams (Mass). Quarter master of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 23d Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Paymaster 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ;. Captain, 1st November, 1778, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 26th July, 1824.) Bailey, Amos (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bailey, Benjamin (N. C.). 2d Lieutenant 5th North Carolina, 1st October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; Captain, 8th September, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Bailey, Gideon (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1779. Bailey. 71 Bailey, Hezekiah (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 2cl January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 14th April, 1778 ; resigned 29th April, 1779. Bailey, Hudson (Mass). Sergeant 10th Massachusetts, 12th December, 1776 ; Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 8th October, 1779 ; trant erred to 10th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Bailey, John (Md). 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Bailey, John (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment May, 1775 ; Colonel, 1st July, 1775 ; Colonel 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776; resigned 21st October, 1780. (Died 27th October, 1810.) Bailey, Lemuel (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant Rhode Island Militia, 28th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant and Captain of Richmond s Regiment, Rhotielsland Militia in 1776. Bailey, Luther (Mass). Adjutant of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Quarter master 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 7th July, 1777, arid served to close of war. (Died 12th May, 1820.) Bailey, Mountjoy (Md). Captain 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned~14th September, 1778. (Died 22d March, 1836.) Bailey, Samuel (Va). Paymaster llth Virginia, 15th February, 1777, to . Bailey, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th April, 1780, arid served to June, 1733. Baillivey , Christian Francis Alex ander (Mass). Ensign 15th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 9th January, 1778. Baird, Absalom (Pa). Surgeon of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 20th March, 1780; retired 29th March, 1781. (Died 27th October, 1805.) Bakeman, John (X. Y.). Adjutant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 18th December, 1776 ; retired - August, 1779. Baker, David (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant !tli Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; lesigned 23th December, 1777. Baksr, David (X. J.). 1st Lieuten ant of Spencer s Additional Conti- Balcoim. nental Regiment, 1st May, 1777; re signed 6th April, 1778. Baker, Henry (Md). Lieutenant Maryland Regiment, from - - to . (Received final payment to 3d November, 1783.) Baker, James (Va). Ensign ; killed at Stony Point, 1st June, 1779. Baker, Jesse (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, January, 1777 ; Captain, 2d October, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston 12th May, 1780; prisoner until retired lit January, 1781. Baker, John (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Baker, John (X. C.). Captain 7th North Carolina, 6th July, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; was also Colonel North Carolina Militia; wounded at Bulltown Swamp, 19th November, 1778. Baker, John (Mass). Captain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Baker, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 7th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 fist Lieutenant 2d Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; deranged, 1st. April, 1779. Baker, Moses (N. H.). Major of Wirigate s Regiment, New Hamp shire Militia, in 1776. Baker, Richard Bahon (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, - January, 1777; Captain, 25th April, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged July, 1781, and served to close of war. Baker, Thomas (Mass). Quarter master 3d Continental Artillery, 12th April, 1777; omitted -- November, 1779. (Died 4th November, 1809.) Baker, "William (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 7th March, 1779, to . Balcolm, Joseph (Mass). Sergeant company of Minute Men at Lexing ton and Concord, 19th April, 1775; Sergeant in Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775, and in Marshall s Regiment in 1776; Sergeant 6th Massachusetts, -- De cember, 1776; Ensign 12th November, 1777 ; Lieutenant 20th April, 17dl, and served to June, 1783. (Died llth November, 1827.) Baltiesqui. Ball. Baldesqui, Joseph ( ). Captain 1st Cavalry and Paymaster of the Pulaski Legion, 10th May, 1778; re- ;ug-ned 29th December, 1779. Bald-win, Abraham (Conn). Chap lain 2d Connecticut, 1st February, 1777 ; Brigade Chaplain 1st February, 1779, to 3d June, 1788. (Died 4th March, 1807.) Baldwin, Caleb (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 81st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Captain, 12th June, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 5th September, 1823.) Baldwin, Cornelius (Va). Surgeon 8th Virginia, 20th May, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged November, 1780. Baldwin, Daniel (X. J.)- 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 8th Novem ber, 1775 ; Captain, 29th November, 1776 ; severely wounded and lost a leg at (iermantown,4th October, 1777 ; honorably discharged, 1st March, 1779. Baldwin, Elias (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 19th February, 1777 ; omitted July, 1777. Baldwin, Francis (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 1st February, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant. 10th May, 1777 ; resigned 8th May, 1778. Baldwin, Henry (Md). Ensign and Quartermaster 3d Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; Lieutenant llth February, 1780 ; served to close of war. Baldwin, Hezekiah (N. Y.j. Cap tain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to - January, 1776. Baldwin, Isaac (N. H.). Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775; killed at Bunker Hill 17th June, 1775. Baldwin, Jeduthan (Mass). Cap tain Assistant Engineer Continental Army, 16th March, Iv76 ; Colonel En gineer 3d September, 1776; retired 26th April, 1782 ; w r as also Colonel Ar tillery Artificer Regiment, 3d Sep tember, 1776, to 29th March, 1781. (Died 4th June, 1788.) Baldwin, Josiah (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, May to No vember, 1775. Baldwin, Loammi (Mass). Major of Militia at Concord, 19th April, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of Gerrish s Mas sachusetts Regiment, 19th May to De cember, 1775 ; Colonel 26th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 81st De cember, 1776. (Died 0th October, 1807.) Baldwin, Nahum (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia in 1776 to 1778. Baldy, Stephen (Pa). Lieutenant of Lutz s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia ; taken prisoner at Long Island 27th August, 1776. Balkley, John (Conn). Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Ball, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment - - May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 23d February, 1778. Ball, Blackall William (Pa). En sign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; Lieutenant, llth Sep tember, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. (Name also spelled William E. Blackall). Ball, Burg-ess (Va). Captain 5th Virginia 10th February, 1776 ; Major 5th Virginia ; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Virginia, 17th December, 1777; transferred to 1st Virginia 14th Sep tember, 1778; taken prisoner at Charlestown 12th May, 1780, arid was on parole until retired, 12th Feb ruary, 1781. Bail, Burgess (Va). Sergeant in 5th Virginia , 1775, to , 1778 ; Cornet of Ashe s Company North Carolina Dragoons , 1778, to November, 171 ; wounded at Hobkirk s Hill 25th April, 1881. Ball, Daniel (Va). Ensign 8th Vir ginia, 18th December, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Ball, John (Va). Ensign 6th Vir ginia 26th February, 1776, to . Ball, John (Conn). Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, loth November, 1778; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1881 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Ball, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st November. 1776 ; resigned 30th April, 1778. Ball. 73 Bank. Ball, Libbeus (Mass). Captain of Danielsoii s Massachusetts Regiment - May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain, 4th Massachusetts 1st January, 1777; Major, 1st November, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Ball, Stephen (X. J.). Surgeon s- Mate, 1st NewJersey, 26th September, 1780 ; resigned , 1781. Ball, Thomond (Pa). Paymaster of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment" -- March, 1777, to De cember, 1778. Ball, William (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 17th December, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Ballantine, Bbenezer (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate Oth Massachusetts, 20th May, 1780, to 3d June, 1783. Ballard, Asa (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : Lieutenant, 5th July, 1779, and served to . Ballard, Benjamin ( ). Assistant Commissary of Issues ; dismissed 1st October, 1779. Ballard, Jeremiah (X. J.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey 2d April, 177(3 ; 1st Lieutenant, 29th November, 1770; Captain, 20th October, 1777; transferred to 2d New Jersey 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to April, 18_3. Ballard, Kedar (X. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, 10th April, 1770 ; Captain, 4th October, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston 12th May, 1780; prisoner on parole to August, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died loth January, 1834.) Ballard, Robert (Va). Captain 1st Virginia 7th October, 1775; Major, - May to 22d March, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 4th October. 1777; transferred to 4th Virginia 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 4th July, 1779. Ballard, William Hudson (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain Oth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Cap tain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major 15th Massachusetts, 1st July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died December, 1814.) Ballew, David (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Virginia State Regiment, - May, 1777 ; Died 13th May, 1778. Ballou, Reuben (R. I.). Captain in Tallman s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to March, 1777. Balmain, Alexander (Va). Chap lain 13th Virginia, 20th February, 1777; Brigade Chaplain 22d May,1778, and served to June, 1780. Balme, Mottin de la (France). Lieutenant-Colonel of Horse Conti nental Army, 20th May, 1777 ; Colonel and Inspector-General of Cavalry, 8th July, 1777 ; resigned llth October, 1777. Baltzel, Charles (Md). 1st Lieu tenant German Battalion, 12th July, 1770 ; Captain, 10th May, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bamper, Jacob (X. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1770 ; resigned 21st July, 1777 ; Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 12th August, 1778 ; Regimental Quarter master September, 1778 ; omitted May, 1779. Bancroft, Ebenezer (Mass). Cap tain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, 27th May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill 17th June, 1775, and did not return to the army. Bancroft, Edmund (Mass). Ensign 7th Continental Infantry 1st January, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 27th August, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 15th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; Died 25th June, 1777. Bancroft, James (Mass). Ensign of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant 8th Massachusetts, 21st March, 1777; Lieutenant, 12th May, 1780, and nerved to June, 1783. (Died 2d April, 1803.) Bancroft, James (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental In fantry 1st January, 1770 ; Captain, 10th July, 1770 ; Captain, 8th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 10th July, 1770*; resigned 12th May, 1780. (Died 17th March, 1831.) Bancroft, Lemuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Bancroft, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, Oth July to 18th December, 1775. Bancroft, William (Mass). Ensign 15th Massachusetts, 31st March, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 27th May, 1782. (Died 17th December, 18,7.) Bank, Joseph (Pa). Ensign of Captain Weaver s Company, guard ing prisoners at Lancaster, 30th Octo ber, 1777, and served to . Banker. 74 Barker. Banker, Abraham (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 24th Feb ruary t*j November, 1770. Banks, Ebenezer (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to llth De cember, 1775. Banks, John (N. Y.). Commissary of Military Stores, 1779, to July, 1782. (Died 18th July, 1818.) Banks, Joseph (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 24th February, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 4th De cember, 1777, to 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 3d June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Banks, Moses (Mass), Quarter master 18th Connecticut Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; cashiered 24th July, 1776. (Died 10th October, 1823.) Banks, Samuel (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia -- ; was a prisoner of war 2d December, 1781, to loth February, 1782. Bankson, Andrew (N. J.). En sign 2d New Jersey, 5th September, 1776 ; discharged 5th February, 1777. Bankson, John (Pa.) 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 2d Penn sylvania, 25th September, 1776 ; Regi- mentalPay master, 14th October, 1778, to January, 1881 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1883 ; Brevet Major, 30th September, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. Bannister, Christian (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Fellows 1 Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Bannister, Seth (Mass). Adjutant of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Adju tant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January. 1777 ; Captain, 1st April, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1883. Barbee, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 20th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d March, 1777 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1880; ex changed June, 1881, and served to close of war ; Brevet Captain, 30th September, 1883. Barber, David (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; killed in a skirmish on Long Island, 25th December, 1777. Barber, Francis (N. J.). Major 3d New Jersey 18th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 28th November, 1776 ; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; wounded at Newtowri, 2;)th August, 1771) ; wounded at York- town, 14th October, 1881 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; Colonel 2d New Jersey, 1783 ; acci dentally killed by the falling of a tree, llth February, 1783. Barber, Isaac (Mass). Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; cashiered September, 1776; 2d Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776; Battalion formed part of 3d Conti nental Artillery in 1778 ; 1st Lieuten ant 6th March, 1880, and served to June, 1883. Barber, Nathaniel ( -- ). Com missary of Military Stores, --- , 1779 ; resigned 5th March, 1781. Barber, William (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th October, 1776; Aide-de-Camp to General Maxwell, 1st January, 1777, with rank of Cap tain from 14th April, 1777 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander, 7th May, 1778, to 15th January, 1783; was wounded at Yorktown, 14th Oc tober, 1781. Barber, William (N. J.). Adju tant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st April, 1777; Ensign 14th May, 1777; resigned 17th October, 1778. Barbour, James (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 14th October, 1T80, to - ; (was in service May, 1781.) Barckley, John ( -- ). See Bark- ley. Bard, John (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia, - - November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Savannah 29th Decem ber, 1778; prisoner on parole in 1779 and 1780 ; did not rejoin the army ; removed to New York in 1779. Bard, Thomas, (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Calderwood s Independent Pennsylvania Company, 23d Janu ary, 1777; company attached to llth Pennsylvania, and served to -- . Bard, "William (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th Cctober, 177o, and served to - . Bard well, Jona/than (Mass). Cap tain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Bardwell, Perez (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Fellows 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Barker, Abnsr (N. H.). Surgeon of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 29th August to -- Decem ber, 1775. Barker. Bar net. Barker, John (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st March, 1779. Barker, Joseph (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777; resigned 14th March, 1778. Barker, Peter (Md). Quartermas ter of Grayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, - March, 1777 ; died 18th June, 1778. Barker, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Barker, Samuel (Conn). Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Barker, Samuel Augustus S. (Conn). Adjutant of Douglass Con necticut State Regiment. 20th June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th Connecticut, 26th December, 1776 ; Captain, 10th May, 1780 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Brigade Major in 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1782 ; resigned 18th April, 1782. (Died 19th November, 1819.) Barkley, John (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 12th October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 13th June, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Name also spelled Barclay and Barckley.) Barksdale John (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 24th February, 1776, to Barlow, Joel (Mass). Brigade Chaplain 20th June, 1780, to 3d June, 1783. (Died 22d December, 1812.) Barnam, Barnabas (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Barnard, John (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Chester s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Barnard, Timothy (Mass). Cap tain of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment May to December, 1775. Barnard, William ( Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776, to . Bariiss, Asa (Mass). Captain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Barnes, Daniel (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain S,lst Continental Infantry 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st August, 1779. Barnes, Daniel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778; Captain, 20th April, 1779; re signed 21st August, 1780. Barnes, Edward (Mass). Major of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Barnes, Henry (Md). Captain 6th Maryland, 1st January, 1777, to . Barnes, James (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 25th January, 1778; resigned 20th June, 1779. Barnes, John (Va). Private Vir ginia Regiment- February, 1776; Ensign llth Virginia, 13th December, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster, , 1777, to , 1779; 2d Lieuten ant, 7th March, 1777 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 13th May, 1779 ; re tired 12th February, 1781. Barnes, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to - January, 1776 ; served subse quently as Captain New York Ran gers. Barnes, John H. (Md). Captain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 20th December, 1777. Barnes, Joseph (N. H.). Surgeon of Gilmaii s Regiment, New Hamp shire Militia, - - 1776 to 1777. Barnes, Joseph (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York March to November, 1776. Barnes, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment May to - December, 1775 ; Captain 14thContinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 6th Massachusetts; 1st January, -1777; Major 12th Massachusetts, 6th March, 1779 ; cashiered 7th November, 1780. Barnet, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regment, 19th March, 1776; resigned 23d July, 1776. Barnet, James (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 29th July to December, 1775. Barnet, John (Md). 3d Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp June to December, 1776. Barnet. 76 Barry. Barnet , John (Mass). Brigade Chaplain June, 1780, to June, 1783. Barnett, Churchill. Lieutenant 3d Continental Dragoons, 3d Jan uary, 1771), to . Barnstt, James (Va). Ensign Gth Virginia, 4th March,1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Barnett, R,obert (X. H.). Sergeant 2d New Hampshire, May, 1775 ; En sign July to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieu tenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770; 3d Lieutenant Invalid Regiment, 1st June, 1779, to June, 1783. Barnett, William ( ). Lieuten ant 3d Continental Dragoons, 10th April, 1778, to - Barnett, William (N. J.). Captain 2d Continental Dragoons, 15th Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned llth October, 1777. Barnett, William M. (X. J.). Sur geon 1st New Jersey, 8th December, 1775 ; Hospital Surgeon May, 1778, .and served to June, 1782. Barney, Jabez (Mass). Ensign of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st March, 1777 ; retired 22d April, 1779. Barney, Rufus (Mass). Ensign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Barmiam, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Reg iment, 19th May, 1775, to . Barnham, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Barnitz, Jacob (Pa). Ensign of Swope s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, -- June, 1770; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th Xovember,1770 ; ex changed 10th February, 1778, and did not return to the army. (Died 1820.) Barnum, Ellis (Conn). Sergeant of Bradley 1 * Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June, 1770 ; Ensign 21st September, 1770; taken prisoner at Fort Washington 10th November, 1770 ; exchanged - - May, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 7th De cember, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Sep tember, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Barnum, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut. 1st January, 1777 : resigned 18th March, 1780. Barnwell, John (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Barr, John (X. Y.). Sergeant 4th Xew York, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st January, 1778; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant Xew York Levies. Barr, Thomas (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Captain Roman s Company Penn sylvania Artillery, 28th March, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 15th May, 1770; Cap tain Lieutenant of Stevens 1 Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1770; company formed part of 3d Conti nental Artillery in 1778 ; Captain, 5th November, 1778, arid served to June, 1783. Barrett, Criswell (Md). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, Gth February, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 2d January, 1779 ; resigned 1st Novem ber, 1779. Barrett, James (X. Y.). Ensign 4th Xew York, 21st November, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 8th November, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Barrett, Lemuel (Md). Captain of a Maryland Independent Company, 14th January, 1770, to . Barrett, Nathan (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men, ; wounded at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Barrett, Oliver (N. H.). Ensign of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th August, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Barrett, Robert (Ya). Captain Virginia Convention Guards, 13th January to 10th September, 1779. Barrett, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Dragoons, 10th April, 1778; Captain, May, 1779; re tained in Baylor s Consolidated Regi ment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Barren, Isaac (Mass). Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 13th November, 1776 ; cashiered llth May, 1778. Barren, James (Va). Brigadier- General Virginia State Troops, 25th December, 1775, to 7th April, 1783. Barren, John (Mass). Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia ; killed at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Barren, Oliver (Mass). Captain Massachusetts Militia ; wounded at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Barry, Andrew (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; wounded at Musgrove s Mills, 18th August, 1780. Barry, Michael ( ). Surgeon 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st November, 1779, to . Barstow. 77 Bassett. Barstow, Joshua (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Bartholomew, Benjamin (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 5th January, 1770 ; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, 2d October, 1770 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 31st March, 1*12.) Bartleson, Ezra (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant -2:1 Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1770; discharged 19th June, 177o. Bartlett, Benjamin (X. Y.). Con ductor of Stevens Battalion of Ar tillery, nth January to August, 1777. Bartlett, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 1st June, 1777, to . Bartlett, Daniel (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate -4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; transferred to llth Massachu setts, 1st June, 1778 ; Surgeon, 12th September, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 25th December, 1819.) Bartiett, John (R. I.). Surgeon of Richmond s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 19th August, 1770 ; Physician and Surgeon General Northern De partment, llth April, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Bartlett, Samuel (Mass). Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 17*70 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned Gth March, 1778. Bartlett, Thomas (N. H.). Cap tain Company of Minute Men in 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel New Hampshire Militia. 1770 to 1782. Bartley, John (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary. 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1776, to Barton, Joseph (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Barton, Rufus (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Tallman s Regiment. Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1770, to May, 1777. Barton, William (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 28th November,1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st June, 1778; Captain, 28th December, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Barton, William (Pa). Captain Lieutenant of Newman s Company, Pennsylvania Artillery, 2d December, 1770; Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st May, 1777, to . Barton, William R. 1.). Adjutant of Richmond s Rhode Island Regi ment. 3d August, 1775; Captain 1st No vember, 1775; Brigade-Major Rhode Island Troops, 19th August, 1770; Major of Stanton .s Regiment Rhode Island State Troops, 12th December, 1770 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, loth No vember, 1777. By the act of 25th July, 1777, it was k Resolved, that Congress have a just sense of the gallant be havior of Lieutenat-Colonel Barton, of a Militia Regiment of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Planta tions, and the brave officers and men of his party, who distinguished their valor and address in making prisoners of Major-General Prescott, of the British army, and Major William Bar- rington, his Aide-de-camp ; and that an elegant sword be provided by the Commissary-General of Military Stores and presented to Lieutenant- Colonel Barton." Colonel of Stan- tori s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, with rank and pay of Colonel Conti nental Army, 24th October, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 22d October, 1831.) Bartram, Job (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia ; wounded at Fairfield 7th July, 1779. Baskerville, Samuel (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 2d January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th April, 1778 ; regiment designated Oth Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton. 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged July, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783, was paid to 15th November, 1783. (Died 29th August, 1830.) Bass, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant l()th Massachusetts, Oth No vember, 1770; omitted June, 1779. Bass, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777, to (was in service April, 1780.) Bassett, Barakiah (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel 14th Massachusetts, 19th November, 1770 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. (Died 13th June, 1813.) Bassett, Daniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, Oth No vember, 1770 ; resigned 20th Novem ber, 1777. Bassett, Fortune (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, Oth No vember, 177B; omitted June, 1778. Batchelder. Batchelder, Archelaus (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 3lst December, 1770. Batchelor, Archibald (Mass). 2 cl Lieutenant of Mansiield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775. Batchelor, David (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Batchelor, John (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 to - . Bateman, John (N. Y.). Adjutant 1st Cana, lian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1770 ; omitted - April, 1779. Bates, David (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 21st March to November, 177G. Bates, David (Conn). Captain Lieutenant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th Febru ary, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 14th November, 1778; Captain, 16th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bates, Jacob (Mass). Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770, to . Bates, Jonathan (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May, 1775, to . Batss, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, 8th October, 1779; transferred to 7th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Bates, William (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 15th August, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Bauer, Jacob (Pa). 1st Lieutenant German Regiment, 8th July, 1776 ; Captain of OttendorfTs Battalion, 9th April, 1777; resigned 22d Septem ber, 1777. (Name also spelled Bower.) Baugh, Robert (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, ; resigned , 1777. Eauman, Sebastian (N. Y.). Cap tain of a Company New York Artil lery, 30th March/ 1776; Captain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Major, 12th September, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 20th June, 178.. (Died 19th October, 1803.) Baxter, Joseph (Md). 2d Lieuten ant of Smallwood s Maryland Reg iment, 14th January, 1776, to . 78 Bailor. Baxter, William (Pa). Enaign Cth Pennsylvania, , 1777; retired 21sc June, 1778. Baxter, (Pa). Colonel Penn sylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp. Killed at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Bayard, Stephen (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1776 ; Major 8th Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 4th October, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 23d September, 1777 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Brevet Colonel 30th Sep tember, 1783. Bayley, Jacob (N. Y.). Brigadier- General New York Militia. Baylies, Houijah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Jackson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st March, 1777; Major and Aide-de-camp to General Lincoln, November, 1777; was taken prisoner at Charleston 12th May, 1780 ; Aide-de-camp to General Wash ington, 13th May, 1782, to 23d Decem ber, 1783. (Died 26th April, 1843.) Baylis, Kenry (Va). Ensign Vir ginia Regiment in 1780. (Mentioned in orders.) Baylis, William (Va). Paymaster 12th Virginia, 27th August, 1777, and served as such to 15th December, 1779; Ensign 9th September, 1778; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781 ; served to close of war. Baylor, G-eorge(Va). Lieutenant- Colonel and Aide-de-camp to General Washington, 15th August, 1775, to 9th January, 1777. By the act of 1st Jan uary, 1777, it was "Resolved, that a horse, properlycaparisonedfor sei vice, be presented to Lieutenant-Colonel Baylor." Colonel 3d Continental Dragoons, 9th January, 1777 ; sur prised, wounded and taken prisoner at Tappan, 28th September. 1778 ; ex changed . His regiment con solidated with the 1st Continental Dragoons, 9th November, 1782; re tained in command of same and served to close of the war. Brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September, 1783. Died March, 1784. Baylor, John (Va). Lieutenant Third Continental Dragoons, 15th February, 1777; Captain, 1780, and served to close of the war. Baylor. Beall. Baylor, Walker (Va). Lieutenant Third Continental Dragoons, 28th June, 1777; Captain, -- February, 1780 ; resigned 10th July, 1780. Bayly, James (Ga). Lieutenant 2d Georgia, , on roll for August, 1778. Baynham, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 6th January, 1777, to . Baynton, John ( ). Deputy Paymaster-General, llth July, 1777; resigned 16th September, 1779. Baytop, James (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; Captain, llth December, 1777; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; resigned 12th May, 1779. Baytop, John (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia State Regiment, 1st June, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th August, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1779, and served to January, 1780. Baytop, Thomas (Va). Captain Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777; Captain, 5th Feb ruary, 1778; v resigned llth December, 1779. Beach, David (Conn). Sergeant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 17*7; Ensign, 4th January, 1778; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 13th November, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1788. Beach, Elijah (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 5th December, 1775. Beach, Samuel (X. H.). Lieuten ant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th September, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Beach, William (X. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 18th February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, Gth September, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 12th April, 1779 ; resigned 8th July 1779. (Name also spelled Beech.) Beach, Z3rah (Conn). Quarter master of Bun-all s Connecticut State Regiment, 30th August, 1776, to - January, 1777. Beakley, Christian (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Flower s Artillery Arti ficer Regiment, 3d February, 1777, to . Beal, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Beale, Taverner (Va^. 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia May, 1776 ; re signed 1st March, 1777. Beall, Elisha(Md). 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp July, 1776, to . Beall, Isaac (Va). Captain 4t i Virginia, 10th February, 1776; Majo:, 21st February, 1777 ; resigned I Jth June, 1778. Beall, Lloyd (Mel). 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 1st April, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 8th June, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Cap tain, 10th February, 178l~ and served to April, 1783. Beall, Reazin (Md). Captain of an Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776; Brigadier-Gen eral of the Maryland part of the Fly ing Camp, 16th August to 1st Decem ber, 1776. Beall, Robert (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; Lieu tenant, llth February, 1777; trans ferred to 3d Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1773; Captain, 19th June, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; retired 12th February, 1781. (Died 1789.) Beall, Robert (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 10th December, 1775; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; resigned 31st December, 1780. Beall, Robert (Va). Captain 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776 ; Regi ment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, arid served to close of war. Beall, Samuel (Md). 2d Lieuten ant Maryland Regiment in 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Beall, Thaddeus (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; Brigade-Major to General Beall in September, 1776. Beall, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieuten ant of Bracco s Independent Mary land Company, 27th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; resigned 17th April, 1777. Beall, William Dent (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to 1st De cember, 1776 ; Captain 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Major ; retired 1st January, 1783 ; Major 9th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 5th United States Infantry, 24th April, 1812 ; resigned 15th August, 1812. (Died 24th September, 1829.) Beall. 80 Bebee. Beall, Zachariah (X. H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d Is ew Hampshire, 18th June, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 8th Continental Infantry^lst January, 1770 ; Captain 8(1 New Hampshire, 7th November, 1770. Died 27th October, 1777, of wounds received at Fort Mercer, 22d October, 1777. Beames, John H (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Swttlhvood s Maryland Reg iment, 14th January, 1770 ; Captain 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1777, to . Beamis, Eleazer (Mass). Lieuten ant 4th Massachusetts, 5th Novem- b^r, 1778 ; resigned 18th August, 1779. (Name also spelled Bemus.) Beanham, Joseph (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 18th October, 1770 ; resigned 31st December, 1777. Beardsley, Ebenezer (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 7th Connecticut, 7th July to 10th December, 1775 ; Surgeon 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Surgeon Gth Connecticut, 1st March, 1777; resigned 1st June, 1778. Beardsley, G-ershom (X. Y.). Hos pital Surgeon s-Mate, 1770 to 1779. (Died 13th November, 1820). Beardsley, Nehemiah (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to llth December, 1775. Beardsley, Phineas (Conn). Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned loth November, 1778. Beatty, Charles Clinton (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 5th January, 1770 ; 5th Penn sylvania, October, 1770 ; accidentally killed 10th February, 1777. Beatty, Eirkurius (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania, 2d May, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d June, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st June, 1779, to 17th May, 1780; Regimental Adjutant, 17th May, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783 ; Regimental Paymas ter, 22d May, 178 J, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; Lieutenant United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Major, 5th March, 1792 ; in 1st Sub Legion, -ith September, 1792; resigned 27th November, 1792. (Died 3d February, 1823.) Beatty, John (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Major 6th Pennsylvania, 12th" October, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington 10th November, 1770 ; exchanged 8th May, 1778; Colonel Commissary-General of Prisoners, 28th May, 1778 ; resigned 31st March, 1780. (Died 30th May, 1823.) Beatty, John (Va). Ensign Vir ginia Militia Regiment ; killed at King s Mountain 7th October, 1780. Beatty, Reading- (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, July, 1770; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1770; exchanged 8th May, 1778, arid joined the 6th Penn sylvania as Surgeon s-Mate ; Surgeon llth Pennsylvania, 1st May, 1780; transferred to 4th Continental Ar tillery, 10th February, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 29th October, 1831.) Beatty, Thomas (Md). Lieutenant Maryland Regiment in 1781, and served to close of war. Beatty, William (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1770; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1770; Captain, 14th Septem ber, 1778; transferred to 1st Mary land, 1st January, 1781 ; killed at Hobkirk s Hill, 25th April, 1781. Beaulieu, Louis I de (France). Lieutenant 1st Cavalry Pulaski Le gion, 1st March, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; ex changed ; severely wounded at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; on leave to close of war. Beaumont, Ebenezer (Mass). Ad jutant of Warner s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 5th July, 1770; Brigade-Major to General Patersori, September, 1776 ; severely wounded at Ticonderoga, 6th July, 1777, and retired shortly afterward from the service. (Name also spelled Bement.) Beaumont, "William (Conn). Ser geant 8th Connecticut, 20th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 15th December, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 2 .th May, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Beavans, Robert (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina - ; on roll for August, 1770. Bebee, Bezaleel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775; Captain of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 10th November, 1770; ex changed July, 1777; served sub- Bebeo. 81 Beekman. sequently as Major, Lieutenant-Colo nel and Colonel Connecticut Mi litia, . (Died 29th May, 1824.) Bebee, James (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 1st January, 1778 ; transferred to corps of {Sappers and Miners, 2d August, 1779 ; resigned 8th. June, 1781. (Name also spelled Bee- bee.) Beck, John (Va). Ensign 9th Vir ginia, 81st October, 1778 ; 2d Lieuten ant, , 1780 ; transferred to 7th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . Becker, Araham(N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 21st March to November, 177G. Becker, David (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, March to November, 1770. Beckwith, Phineas(Conn). Quar termaster-Sergeant 4th Connecticut, loth January, 1777; Ensign; 25th Octo ber, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connec ticut, 1st January, 1781 ; cashiered 4th October, 1782. Bedaulx, Charles Frederick de (France). Brevet Captain Continen tal Army 10th May, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion 10th December, 1778, and served to . Bedel, Timothy (N. H.). Captain New Hampshire Rangers June, 1775 ; Colonel New Hampshire Rang ers 23d June to - December, 1775; Colonel New Hampshire Rangers 22d January, 1776 ; cashiered 1st August, 1776 ; Colonel New Hampshire Militia , 1777, to , 1781. (Died - February, 1787.) Bsdfield, John (Va). See Belfield. Bedford, Gunning- (Del). Major Deputy Quartermaster-General, NCAV York Department, 17th July, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Delaware Regi ment 19th January, 1776, to Janu ary, 1777 ; wounded at White Plains 28th October, 1776 ; was also Muster- Master-General 18th June, 1776, to 12th April, 1777. (Died 30th Septem ber, 1797). Bedinger, Daniel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 14th November, 1776 ; transferred to 7th Virginia 14th September, 1778; was a prisoner in September, 1778 ; when and where captured or exchanged is not known. Bedinger, George Michael (Va). Served as a Captain of a Spy Com pany , 1775, to , 1781 ; Major of a Militia Regiment at the battle of Blue Licks in 1782 ; Major of the Levies in 1791 ; Major of Infantry United States Army llth March, 1792 ; assigned to 3d Sub-Legion 4th Sep tember, 1792 ; resigned 28th February, 1793. (Died 7th December, 1843). Bedinger, Henry (Va). Served as a Private and Sergeant in Hugh Stephenson s Company of Virginia Riflemen - - October, 1775, to - , 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant llth Virginia 13th November, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November. 1776; was not exchanged until 1st November, 1780 ; promoted 1st Lieu tenant, 23d September, 1777; transfer red to 7th Virginia 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1881 ; Captain, 21st May, 1881, and served to close of war. Bedkin, Henry (Pa). Lieutenant in Ottendorff s Battalion, 5th Decem ber, 1776 ; Adjutant 4th Continental Dragoons, 24th January, 1777; Captain in the Pulaski Legion, 5th April, 1778, and served to ; was in service, February, 1780. Beebee, James. See Bebee. Beebee, Roswell (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Beech, "William. See Beach. Beeker, Cornelius (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 24th Feb ruary, 1776, to . Beekman, Barnard (S. C.). Cap tain South Carolina Artillery 14th November, 1775 ; Colonel South Caro lina Artillery State Troops, 20th June, 1779 ; taken prisDner at Charlestown, 12th May, 1780. Beekman, Ijerch also spelled Tierick and Jerrick (N. Y.). En sign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Beekman, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776; served subse quently as Captain New York Militia. Beekman, Samuel (S. C.). Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, March, 1780, and served to close of war. Beekman, Thsophilus (N. Y.). Captain of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, June to December, 1776. Beekman, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, June to Decem ber, 1776 ; Comet 2d Continental Dra goons, 26th January, 1777 ; Lieuten ant, 20th October, 1777; resigned in 1778. Beeks. Beeks, John (Va.) Ensign 9th Virginia, 1st November, 1778, to ; in service January, 1780. Beeks, William (N. C.). Adju tant 7th North Carolina, 22d Novem ber, 1777, to . Beeler, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776, to . Beers, Nathan (Conn). Paymas ter of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st May, 1778; regiment became 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment in June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 10th Feb ruary, 1849.) Beesley, Jonathan (X. J.). Cap tain New Jersey Militia ; wounded and taken prisoner, near Borderi- town, 8th May, 1778, and died in hands of the enemy in June, 1778. Belcher, John (Conn). 2d Lieu- "tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September to 12th December, 1775. Belcher, Joseph (R. I.). Colonel IRhode Island Militia Regiment in 1775 and 1776. Belcher, Joseph, Jr. (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776, to . Belcher, William (Conn). Captain Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d January, 1778. Belcher, William (R. I). Ensign in Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1770 ; Lieuten ant, 19th August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, to Belden, Ezekiel Porter (Conn). 2d Lieutenant of Bradley s Connecti cut State Regiment, 20th June to December, 1776 ; Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 20th Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 2d April, 1777 ; re signed llth June, 1780. Belding-, Moses (N. H.). Ensign of Wingate s Regiment New Hamp shire Militia in 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; retired 1st September, 1778. Belding-, Simeon (Conn). Quarter master 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Quartermaster 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Brigade Quarter master 1st July, 1777 ; Deputy Quar- 82 Bell. termaster-General 25th May, 1778, to 15th November, 1761 ; retained his rank in the line, and was transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and resigned 15th November, 1781. Belfleld, John (Va). Lieutenant Company of Virginia Dragoons, 13th June, 1770 ; Captain 1st Continental Dragoons, loth March, 1777 ; Major 3d Dragoons, 1781 ; retired 10th November, 1782. (Name also spelled Bedfield.) Belknap, Jacob (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Tallman s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to March, 1777. Belknap, John (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 23th June, 1775. Died 26th October, 1775. Belknap, William (N. Y.>. En sign 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 15th April, 1770 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 18th December, 1770 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bell, Frederick Mordaunt(N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1776, and died from his wound 9th October, 1777. Bell, Henry (Va). Lieutenant 3d Continental Dragoons , 1880, to Bell, John (Va). Ensign 6th Vir ginia, 26th February, 1776; 2d Lieu- . tenant, 28th December, 1776: severely wounded at Brandy wine, llth Sep tember, 1777, and did not rejoin the army. Bell, Robert (Va). Quartermaster 2d Virginia ; on roll for June, 1777. Bell, Robert (N. C.). Lieutenant 1st North Carolina : on roll for No vember, 1777. Bell, Samuel ( Va). Ensign of Grray- son s Additional Continental Regi ment, 8th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d February, 1778 ; transferred to Grist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 28th March, 1828.) Bell, Thomas ( Va). 1st Lieutenant of Grrayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 8th June, 1777; Captain, 19th April, 1778 ; transferred to Grist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Bell. Bennett. Bell, William Mordaunt (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, Oth September, 1770 ; Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, Oth May, 1777; Regi mental Adjutant, 18th August, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777; Captain, 21st November, 1782, and served to close of war. Bellecour, Le Brun. See Le Brun. Bellinger, George (Va). Served; as a volunteer and was taken prisoner at the Siege of Charleston, 14th April, 1780. Bellinger, John (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia; killed at Oris- kany, Oth August, 1777. Bellows, Benjamin (N. H.). Colo nel New Hampshire Militia in 1777 and 1778. (Died June, 1802.) Belt, John Sprigg (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1770; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1770; Captain, loth December, 1777; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Beman, Ezra (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May, 1775, to . Bemis, Edmund (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Bemus, Eleazer. SeeBeamis. Benedict, Amos (Conn). Adjutant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777. Died 7th February, 1777. Benedict, Caleb (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia ; taken prisoner at Fort Keyser, 19th October, 1780, and was a prisoner to 21st May, 1783. Benedict, Elisha (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1770; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Benedict, Joseph (N. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 27th July, 1775; Major 1st New York, 8th March, 1770; re signed 27th April, 1770; served sub sequently as Lieutenant-Colonel New York Militia. Benedict, Noble (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th De cember, 1775, Captain of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 30th June, 1770; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1770. Benedict, Peter (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned March, 1777. Benezet, Samuel (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1770; Major Oth Pennsylvania, 14th February, 1777, to rank from 3d October, 1770, but does i.ot ap pear to have ever joined the latter regime.it. Benham, Silas (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; killed at White Marsh, 7th De cember, 1777. Benjamin, Aaron (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut. 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 14th February, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 7th May, 1778; Regi mental-Adjutant, 1st April, 178 , to January, 1783; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Lieutenant- Colonel 37th United States Infantry, llth March, 1813; honorably dis charged 15th June, 1815. (Died llth January, 1829.) Benjamin, James (Conn). Ser geant 1st Connecticut, 10th February, 1777; Ensign, 20th June, 1779; trans ferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1781; retired 31st March, 1782. Benjamin, John (Conn). Sergeant 2d Continental Artillery, 5th June, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; resigned 14th November, 1780. Benjamin, Peter (Va). Captain llth Virginia, 13th December, 1770; retired 14th September, 1778. Benjamin, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 3d October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 28th March, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Bennett, Caleb P. (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment Cth April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 10th August, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1780, and served to close of war. Bennett, Ebenezer (Mass). Adju tant of Fellows Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775, served subsequently as an officer Massachu setts Militia. Bennett, Ignace (Pa). Lieuten ant in Armand s Partisan Corps, 1780 and 1781, Bennett, James (Conn). Sergeant- Major of 7th Connecticut, 25th Janu ary, 1777; Ensign, 1st September, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 2d October, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June. 1783 ; and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 14th November, 1819). Bennett. Bennett, Matthew (Pa). Lieuten ant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battal ion of the Flying Camp, ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 8th De cember, 1780, and did not return to the army. Benneville, Daniel (Va). Surgeon 13th Virginia, 25th April, 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Benschoten. See Bunschoten. Benson, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 21st Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Brevet-Major, 30th, September, 1783; served to close of war. Benson, Mark. SeeBentley. Benson, Perry (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 1 ,th December, 1776; Captain, llth May, 1778; wounded at Ninety-Six, 18th June, 1781 ; served to April, 1783. (Died 2d October, 1827.) Benson, Robert (N. Y.). Lieuten ant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to Governor Clinton of New York, 1777 to 1783. Benstead, Alexander (Pa). En sign 10th Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 1st March, 1780, to . Bent, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, 1st July to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Bent, William (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bentalou, Paul (Md). 2d Lieuten ant German Regiment, 25th Septem ber, 1776 ; resigned 10th December, 1777; Captain 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 12th April, 1778 ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bsntley, David (R. I.). 2d Lieuten ant of Stanton s Regiment Rhode Is land Militia, 12th December, 1776, to Hiiy, 1777. Dontley, Joseph (Conn). Sergeant of Webbs Additional Continental Regiment, 19th November, 1777 ; En sign, 17th March, 1778; resigned 8th April, 1780. 84 Berry. Bentley, Mark (Md.). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, 21st May r 1779 ; resigned 1st June, 1779. (Name appears also as Benson arid Benton.) Bentley, William (Va.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th December, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, 26th December, 1776 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, , 1779 ; served to close of war. Benton, Mark. See Bentley. Benton, Selah (Conn). Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 30th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 21st Au gust, 1780; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 12th May, 1812.) Beraud, . Major ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Bernard, Peter (Va). Captain 2d Virginia State Regiment, 10th April, 1777; resigned 24th August, 1779. Bernard, Richard (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 9th March, 1776, to . Bernard, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776. Died 27th April, 1776. Bernie, , Major Pulaski Legion, ; killed at Monk s Corner, 14th May, 1780. Berrien, John (Ga). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, December, 1776 ; Brigade Major North Carolina Brig ade, 8th January, 1778, and served to . Berry, Asahel (N. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 21st November, 1776, to . Berry, George (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1776 ; Captain, 3d January, 1779 ; transfer red to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died 29th October, 1823.) Berry, James (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; furloughed 6th No vember, 1777 for six weeks and did not rejoin. (Died G J November,1823.) Berry, John (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; omitted March, 1778. Berry. Bickham. Berry, Isathaniel (Va). Surgeon 1st Virginia State Regiment, 1st July, 177 / ; resigned 26th October, 1779. Berry, Peleg 1 (R. I.). Ensign and Lieutenant Rhode Island Militia, - November, 1775, to March, 1777. Berry, Thomas (Del). Ensign Deleware Regiment, 5th April, 1777 ; 3d Lieutenant, 28th January, 1778, to - Berry, Thomas (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 27th March, 1770, to . Berry, William (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 8th January, 1777 ; resigned 9th December, 1777. Berry hill, William (N. 0.). Lieu tenant 1st North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775, to . Bert, John (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778, to 1781. Berwick, Everton (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Berwick, James (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 17th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, " 1770 ; re signed 20th May, 1778. Best, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 1st Octo ber, 1778 ; superseded 1st June, 1779. Betson, John (Del). Ensign Dela ware Regiment, 5th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 14th October, 1777, to ; 011 roll for August, 1778. Bettes, James (X. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 21st November, 1,76; Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778 ; re signed, 1st March, 1780. (Name also spelled Betts.) Bettin, Adam (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8d Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 8th May, 1778; Captain 4th Pennsylvania, to rank from 4th Octo ber, 1776; killed 1st January, 1781, at the revolt of the Pennsylvania Line. Bettis, Nathaniel (Mass). Ser geant 13th Massachusetts, 10th April, 1777 ; Sergeant-Major, 1st April, 1779 ; Ensign, 10th April, 1779 ; discharged 1st May, 1780. Betts, Isaiah (Conn). Corporal 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Sergeant, 1st January, 1780 ; Ensign, 25th August, 1780; retired 17th July, 1781. Betts, James. See Bettes. Betts, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 23d December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Yorktown 14th October, 1781 ; served to June, 1783 ; Brevet Major, 10th September, 1783. Bevier, Philip Dubois(N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776; Captain 5th New Y ork, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 26th June, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Beviere, do fuzon Francis (Mass). Surgeon s-Mate 7th Massachusetts, 26th August, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Cherry Valley, 10th November, 1778 ; prisoner to close of war. Bevin, Charles (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 1st November, 1777; Lieu- tenant, 18th May, 1779, to . Bevins, Wilder (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth May, 1779 ; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Jan uary, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 3d August, 1809.) Bicker, Henry (Pa). Major 3d Pennsylvania battalion, 4th Jan uary, 1776 ; transferred to 10th Penn sylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; Lieu- tenarit-Colonel 6th Pennsylvania, 5th December, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Pennsyl vania, 6th June, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Bicker, Henry, Jr (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 8th May, 1778; Cap tain 4th Pennsylvania, 15th May, 1778; retired 1st January, 1783. Bicker, W alter (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 8th May, 1778 ; Cap tain 4th Pennsylvania, 15th May, 1778 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 6th April, 1821.) Bickford, Benjamin (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th Decem ber, 1776, to . Bickham, James (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania State Regiment - ; on roll for March, 1777. Bickham, John (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 9th Pennsylvania, May 1777, to Biddle. Biddle, Clement (Pa). Deputy Quartermaster-General of the Flying Camp, 8th July to 1st December, 1776; Commissary-General of Forage, 1st July, 1777, to June 1780; Colo nel Quartermaster-General of Penn sylvania, llth September, 1781, to close of war. (Died 14th July, 1814.) Bigelow, John (Conn). Served as a volunteer under Arnold at Ticon- deroga in May, 1775; Captain In dependent Company Connecticut Artillery, 19th January to Decem ber, 1776; served subsequently as Major Connecticut Artillery Militia. Bigelow, Timothy (Mass). Major of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; was ap pointed Major 21st Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, but did not join the regiment, as he was not exchanged until May, 1776 ; Colonel 15th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 31st March, 1790.) Biggs, Benjamin (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 28th December, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 7th November, 1778; Cap tain, 1st December, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Bigham, John. See Bingham. Bill, Beriah (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 20th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Captain, 24th November, 1777; retired 15th November, 1778. Bill, Jabez (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster in 1778; Lieutenant, 1780; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Bill, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of BurralTs Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January to May, 1776. Billings, Andrew (N. Y.). Cap tain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Billings, Benjamin (Mass). Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; discharged 30th Septem ber, 1778. Billings, Daniel (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 5th May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign 10th Continen- 86 Bird, tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. Billings, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Billings, Stephen (Conn). Ser geant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 18th December, 1775; 2d Lieuten ant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 3d November, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 19th Sep tember, 1780 ; Captain, 5th October, 1780; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1783. Bingham, John (Pa.). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania, 1st June, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 1st February, 1779 ; cashiered i 9th May, 1781. (Name also spelled Bigham.) Bingham, Lemuel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775. Bingham, Melatiah (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 7th December, 1775. Bingham, Nathaniel (Conn). En sign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 16th December, 1775 ; served as Commis sary in 1777. Bingham, Thomas (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 15th March, 1778. Binney, Barnabas (Mass). Hos pital Physician arid Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, to close of war. (Died 21st June, 1787.) Bird, Benjamin (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th September, 1776 ; Captain 4th Pennsylvania,3d January, 1777; Lieu- tenarit-Colonel 3d Continental Dra goons, 14th March, 1777 ; resigned 20th November, 1778. (Name also spelled Burd and Byrd.) (Died 5th October, 1823.) Bird, James (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, January, 1777, to Bird, Jonatha,n (Conn). Surgeon Connecticut Militia in 1776 and 1777. Bird, Richard (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 1st June, 1779 ; Captain, 12tn June, 1780; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to close of war. Bird. 87 Blackwell. Bird, William (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1770; exchanged ; Captain 4th Continental Dra goons, 10th January, 1777; resigned 8th July, 1778. Birdsall, Daniel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant oth New York, 21st November, 1770 ; resigned 26th December, 1779. Birge, Jonathan (Conn). Captain of Sage s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June, 1770 ; wounded at ^Vhite Plains, 28th October, 1770, and died of wounds, 8th November, 1770. Bishop, John (X. J.). Sergeant 1st New Jersey, 1770 to 1779 ; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 1st February, 1779, arid served to close of war. Bishop, John(Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Cunningham s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1770. Bishop, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental In fantry, 1st Jauary to 81st December, 1770 fist Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired 15th No vember, 1778. Bishop, Stephen (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 16th January, 1778; retired 1st June, 1778. Black, James (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 177(5 ; 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s New York Regiment, 4th July to De cember, 1770 ; Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, llth March. 1777 ; transferred to Spen cer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Black, John (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, - May, 1775, to . Black, Samuel (R. I.)- Ensign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775, to . Blackall, William Ball ( ). See Ball. Blackburn, William (Va). Lieu tenant of Campbell s Virginia Rifle men ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Blackden, Samuel ( ). See Blagden. Blackiston, Ebenezer (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 17th March, 1777; resigned 10th June, 1778: (Name also spelled Blackson.) Blaokiston, John (Md). 2d Lieu- tenanc 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777; resigned 30th April, 1777. Blackbeach, John (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Bradley s Connecti cut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1776. Blackler, William (Mass). Cap tain of Grlover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to - Blackley, Ebenezer (N. C.). Sur- geon s-Mate 10th North Carolina; OIL roll for July, 1778. Blackley, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1770 ; re signed 10th July, 1779. (Name also spelled Blakeley). Blackman, Elijah (Conn). Cap tain of Sherburne s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 28th February, 1777 ; resigned 1st March, 1778. (Died 15th May, 1822.) Blackman, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 29th October, 1775. Blackman, Samuel, Jr. (Conn).. 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Blackmar, Nathaniel (R. I.). Cap tain of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December,, 1775 ; Captain Rhode Island Militia, in 1776. Blackmore, George (Va). Ensign 1 2d Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781 ; ex changed July, 1781, arid served to, close of war. Blackson, Ebenezer. See Black iston. Blackwell, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 29th April, 1776;: wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; Captain, 15th Septem ber, 1777; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780; exchanged June, 1781, and served to close of war. Blackwell, Joseph (Va). :2d Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 7th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th November* 1777; regiment designated 6th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1880 ; exchanged June, 1881 ; Cap tain, - 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died 8th September, 1823). Blackwell, Joseph (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 29th April, 1776; resigned 14th April, 1778. Blackwell, Robert (Pa). Chap lain Wayne s Pennsylvania Brigade, 20th Mav, 1778 ; served to January v 1""Q1 <81. Blackwell. Blackwell, Thomas (Va). Cap- tniii 10th Virginia 21st February, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. (Died 28th April, 1831). Blackwell, William (Va). Captain llth Virginia, 31st July, 1770 ; resigned 10th January, 1778. Blagden, Samuel (Conn). Major Aide-de-Camp to General Wooster 17th, September, 1775. to December, 1776; Major 2d Continental Dra goons, 24th December, 1776; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 7th April, 1777; re signed 1st August, 1779. (Name also spelled Blackden.) Blackwell, Samuel (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Elaine, Ephraim (Pa). Commis sary 8th Pennsylvania, 17th October, 1776 ; Commissary of Supplies Conti nental Army, 1st April, 1777; Deputy Commissary-General of Purchases, 6th August, 1777 ; Commissary-Gen eral of Purchases, 1st January-,1780 to 24th July, 17c2. Blair, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th Janu- .ary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 30th November, 1777; died 18th August, 1780, of wounds received at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Blair, John (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 1st May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1779; Regimental Adjutant, 1st No vember, 1780; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Blair. John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 7th Pennsylvania, 20th January, 1777 ; resigned May, 1779. (Also called William Blair). Blair, Samuel (Pa). Chaplain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 9th November, 1775 ; Chaplain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 81st December, 1776; Chaplain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st March, 1777; re signed llth August, 1777; Chaplain Artillery Brigade, 1st March, 1779, to 20th June, 1780. (Died 23d Septem ber, 1818.) Blair, William. See John Blair. Blaisdell, Nicholas (Mass). Lieu tenant 13th Massachusetts, 13th November, 1776; discharged 13th July, 1779. Blake, Edward (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, August to Decem ber, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continen- Blakesley. tal Artillery, 10th September, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died, 1792.) Blake, Edward (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1875, to Blake, G-eorge (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Fellows 1 Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1875, to Blake, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted April, 1777. Blake, John (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; re signed 14th October, 1780. Blake, John (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Blake, Jonathan (Pa). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment. ; cashiered 25th August, 1779. Blake, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 20th December, 1775; taken prisoner at Fort AVashington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged : Captain Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; retired 12th September, 1778. Blake, Steward (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Blake, Thomas (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th May, 1778 : 1st Lieutenant, 24th March, 1780, and served to close of war. Blake, Timothy (N. H,). Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutentant, 14th Au gust to 31st December, 1776. Blakeley, Christopher (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 3d February, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 3d De cember, 1777 ; omitted May, 1778. Blakeley, Gabriel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Watt s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 22d November, 1780. Blakesley, James (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Blakesley, Jille (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775 ; Captain New Hampshire Millitia in. 1776 and 1777. Blanchard. Blanchard, Elias ( ). Ensign ; resigned 30th September, 1778. Blanchard, James (N. H.). Quar termaster 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770, to 1st June, 1778; Regimental Paymaster, 1st June, 1778, to 1st January, 1781 ; rank of 2d Lieu tenant from 22d May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Blanchard, Jeremiah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Blanchard, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 1st March, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; Brevet Major, 30th Sep tember, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 9th August, 1821.) Blanchard, Bynear (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 8th March, 1776; resigned 13th September, 1776. Blanchard, Samuel (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate of Gerristfs Massachu setts Regiment, 28th J une to De cember, 1775. Blanchard, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Bland, Theodorick (Va). Captain of a Company Virginia Light Dra goons, 14th June, 1776 ; Major Light Dragoons, 4th December, 1776 ; Colo nel 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777; resigned 10th December, 1779. (Died 1st June, 1790.) Blankenburg, Frederick (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania Battal ion, 27th October, 1775, to . Bleeker, Leonard (X. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th May, 1776 ; Cap tain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; Brigade-Major under Lafayette, May to October, 1781 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1783 ; Brevet Major, lOth September, 1783 ; served to close of war. (Died 9th March, 1844.) Blewer, George (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania, December, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; exchanged 29th January, 1781; 1st Lieutenant, 16th May, 1778; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Bliss, Brenton (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island Regiment of Militia, 19th August, 1776, to . Blodget. Bliss, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783 ; Paymaster of the Corps of Artillery, 29th Janu ary, 1784, and served to 20th June, 1784. Bliss, Samuel( Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bliss, Theodore (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner near the Cedars, 18th May, 1776 ; released 19th May, 1776 ; again taken prisoner at the Cedars, 20th May, 1776. (See Thomas Theodore Bliss are they not the same ?) Bliss, Thomas Theodore (Mass). Captain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; ex changed December, 1778 ; rejoined Regiment and served to - - June, 1783. (See Theodore Bliss.) Bliven, Isaac Boss (R. I.). Sur geon of Lippitt s Regiment Rhode Is land Militia, 19th August, 1776, to . Bliven, John (N. Y.). Major New York Militia ; wounded and taken prisoner at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777, and died in captivity. Blodget, Caleb (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 16th September, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st June, 1782, arid served to close of war. (Drowned 12th August, 1789). Blodget, Samuel (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, June, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; wounded at Skenesborough, 7th July, 1777 ; re signed 22d December, 1777. (Died 1st Septemoer, 1807.) Blodget, Silas (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, - - April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 -; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 17th June, 1778. Blodg-et, William (R. I.). Secre tary to Rhode Island Troops in 1775 : 2d Lieutenant llth Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776; Aide-de- Camp to General Greene, 29th June, 1776 to January, 1777. Blogget. Blogget, James (Mass.) 2d Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bloodgood, William (N. Y.). En sign 1st New York, 19th June, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Bloom, Daniel (Pa). Sergeant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January to December, 1770 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant Pennsylvania Militia. Bloomfleld, Jarvis (N. J.). Private 3d New Jersey, 14th March, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; Ensign, 4th October, 1777 ; 3d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 7th July, 1780; resigned 31st October, 1780. Bloomfield, Joseph (N. J.). Cap tain 3d New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; Deputy Judge-Advocate-Gen- eral, 17th November, 1776, to 29th Oc tober, 1778 ; Major 3d New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 29th October, 1778; Brigadier-General, United States Army, 27th March, 1812 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815". (Died 3d October, 1823.) Bloomfield, Moses (N. J.). Hos pital Surgeon, 14th May, 1777 ; Hos pital Physician and Surgeon, 6th Oc tober, 1780 ; resigned 13th December, 1780. (Died 14th August, 1791.) Blount, James (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 to . Blount, Reading (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 16th April, 1777, transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Blount, William (N. C.). Pay master 3d North Carolina, 1777 to Blow, Richard (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, llth March 1776, to . Bluen, John (N. Y.). Major New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Moses Kill, 2d August, 1777; released 1st December, 1777. Blunt, John (R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged . (Died 18th May, 1804.) Blyth, Joseph (N. C.). Surgeon 1st North Carolina, July, 1776 ; served to close of war. Blyth, Samuel (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1776 ; 2d 90 Boiling-. Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776 ; resigned 16th May, 1778. Boadley, George (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 19th September, 1778, to - ; in service January, 1780. Boardman, Benjamin (Conn). Chaplain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Chaplain 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Boarman, Henry (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Boden, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Bodie, Lodowick (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Virginia State Regiment, September, 1777, to January, 1781. Bodwell, Eliphalet (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Boemper, Abraham (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania State Regiment, 28th April, 1777, to . Boffee, Thomas (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 10th January, 1820.) Bogardus, Benjamin (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Graham s Regiment, New York Militia, July to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned De cember, 1781. Bogart, Henry (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777 ; resigned 30th April, 1778. Bogart, Isaac (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, May to No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted from return for May, 1778 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Bogart, Nicholas N (R. I.). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st Rhode Island, 1st May, 1781, and served to close of war. Bohannon, Ambrose ( Va). Captain Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; Regimental Pay master, 1st June, 1778 ; served to June, 1783. Bois, Pierre Francois de (France). Brevet Major Continental Army, 7th October, 1776 ; resigned 9th April, 1779, and granted leave to return to France. Boiling, Wood. See Bouldin. Bolster. 91 Boss. Bolster, Isaac (Mass). Captain of LearnecTs Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to -- . Bolton, John ( -- ). Lieutenant Ar tillery Artificer Regiment, 6th Sep tember, 1777 ; discharged 1st July, 1779. Bolton, Robert (Md). 2d Lieuten- tenant of Forman s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 5th March, 1777 ; resigned 7th January, 1778. Bond, James (Md). 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Bond, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to --- . Bond, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to -- . Bond, Thomas, Jr (Pa). Purveyor Hospital Department, 6th October, 1780, to close of war. Bond, William (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, 2d June, 1775, Colonel 3d July to December, 1775 ; Colonel 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776. Died 31st August, 1776. Bond, William (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July 26 to -- . Bond, William (N. J.). Captain in Martin s Regiment New Jersey Militia, July to November, 1776 ; Cap tain 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 2d December, 1777 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant- Colonel New Jersey Militia. Bonham, Absalom (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 1st No vember, 1777; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th March, 1780, and served to April, 1783. Bonham, Malachi (Md). Lieuten ant Maryland Regiment ; mentioned in orders of 1781. Bonneau, --- (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Militia ; w r ounded at Savannah, Oth October, 1779. , James (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 26th February to Decem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, - February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778; Regimental Adjutant, 1st September, 1778; Captain, 24th April, 1779 ; retired, 1st January, 1781 Bonne valle, Chevalier (France). Ensign Continental Army, 4th March, 1780, to - Bonter, Christopher (N. Y.). En sign New York Militia, ; prisoner llth June, 1781, to 18th November, 1782.- Bonter, Henderson (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; pris oner llth June, 1781, to 18th Novem ber, 1782. Boogh, Henry (Pa). 2d Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, 30th September, 1776, to . Booker, Gideon (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Georgia December, 1776 ; Captain, 28th January, 1778 ; trans ferred to 3d Georgia, "let June, 1778 ; retired 22d October, 1782. Booker, Lewis (Va). Captain Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Booker, Ralph (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776 ; resigned llth July, 1777. Booker, Samuel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant loth Virginia, 4th February, 1777; Captain, 1st August, 1777; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston 12th May, 1780; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Boone, Hawkins (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776 ; killed 19th July, 1777, in action with Indians. Boone, John (Md). Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 12th April, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs 8th September, 1781 ; served to April, 1783. Booth, Nathaniel (Conn). Ser geant 3d Connecticut, 3d February, 1777 ; Sergeant-Major, 15th October, 1778 ; Ensign, 26th July, 1780 ; resigned 25th June, 1781. Borden, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island State Reg iment, loth January, 1776, to June, 1777. Boreman, John (Pa). Deputy Paymaster-General Western District, 16th September, 1779, to - Boss, George (Pa). Captain of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777 ; regi ment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783. and served to close of war. (Also called Bush). Boss. Bowen. Boss, George (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 4th sTuly, 1776; Ensign and Adjutant, 4th Penn sylvania, 3d January to 30th June, 1777, and from 17th December, 1777, to 17th May, 1780; Lieutenant, 4th June, 1778; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 29th January, 1781; sentenced to be discharged 13th September, 1782. Bostwick, Amos (Conn). Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 19th November, 182b). Bostwick, Chesley (Ga). Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . (Name also spelled Bostwick.) Bostwick Elisha (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 12th July to 21st December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bostwick, Isaac (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 6th December, 1775; Captain 19th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bostwick, Nathan (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 14th November, 1777. (Died 10th August, 1829). Bostwick, Oliver (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia ; wounded 2d July 1780. Bostwick, William (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; retired 1st June, 1778. Boswell, Machen (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 6th October, 1777; Captain, loth Sep tember, 1778, and served to February, 1781. Botsford, Jabez (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 9th December, 1775; Captain of Swift s Connecticut State Regiment, July to November, 1776. Bottom, Joshua (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, May, 1776, to May, 1777. Boucher, John (Pa). Chaplain Ger man Regiment, November, 1776 to July, 1777. Bouchet, Dennis John du (France). Served as a Major on Staff of General Gates, July, 1777 ; resigned, 29th De cember, 1777, and permitted to re turn to France. Boucans, Jacobus (N.Y). Captain, 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted March, 1777. Boude, Samuel (Pa. 1 , Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artil lery, 1st February, 1777; killed at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777. Boude, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; Cap tain, 23d September, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. Boudinot, Elias (N. J.). Colonel Commissary-General of Prisoners, 15th May, 1777; resigned llth May, 1778. (Died 24th October, 1821.) Bouldin, Wood (Vaj. 2d Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 14th November, 1777; resigned 30th November, 1778. (Name also spelled Boiling.) Bourke, Thomas (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Bourn, Benjamin (R. I.). Ensign and Quartermaster of Babcock s and Lippitt s Regiments, Rhode Island Militia, in 1776 and 1777. Bousha, (S. C.). Ensign South Carolina Rangers. Killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Bouton, Gould (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 3d August, 1775, to January, 1776. Bowdoin, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Paterson s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bowen, Bphraim (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Assistant Quarter master-General, 14th September, 1776, to 1st January, 1777 ; served sub sequently as Deputy Quartermaster- General and as Quartermaster-Gen eral Rhode Island Militia to close of war. Bowen, John ( ). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 12th October, 1778, to . Bowen, John (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 10th September, 1777; regi ment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Lieutenant, 8th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Bowen, John (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777, to . Bowen, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Bowen. Bowman, Bowen, Levi (Mass). Ensign of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment. May, 1775 ; cashiered llth September, 1775. Bowen, Oliver (Ga). Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Bowen, Prentice (X. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 28th May, 1778, to 14th July, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subse quently as Captain New Y^ork Levies. Bowen, Reece (Va). Lieutenant of Campbell s Regiment of Riflemen, Virginia Militia. Killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Bowen, Seth (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned January, 1777 ; served subsequently as Captain New Jersey Artillery; resigned 20th October, 1778. Bowen, Thomas Bartholomew (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Miles Penn sylvania Regiment, 6th April, 1776 ; Captain, 2d September, 1776 ; Cap tain 9th Pennsylvania, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; to rank from 2d September, 1776 ; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1783. Bower, Jacob (Pa). Quartermas ter of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment in 1775 ; Captain Pennsyl vania Battalion of the Flying Camp, 29th July to 1st December, 1776 ; Cap tain, 6th Pennsylvania, 15th Feb ruary, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died, 1822=) Name also spelled Bauer. Bower, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 12th Virginia, January, 1777; regi ment designated 8th Virginia 14th September, 1778, and served to . Bowers, Jonathan (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777. Bowes, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, May 1776 to . Bowie, Daniel (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Small wood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1776 ; Captain, February, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th Aug ust, 1776, and died in captivity shortly afterwards. Bowie, John. (S. C.). Captain 5th South Carolina, March, 1777, to ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Bowie, Robert (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Bowie, William Sprigg- (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Gunby s Independent Maryland Company* l4th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp,* July to 1st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; one list says resigned loth December, 1777; another as having died that date. Bowker, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bowles, Ralph Hart (Mass). En sign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 28th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 28th February, 1779 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st May, 1779; retained in Jackson s Conti nental Regiment, November, 17$3, and served to 20th June, 1784; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1788. (Died September, 1813.) Bowman, Abraham (N. J.). Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 27th March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Bowman, Abraham (Va). Lieu tenant-Colonel 8th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; Colonel, 22d March, 1777, to . Bowman, Isaac (Va.). " Lieu tenant and Quartermaster of Colonel Clark s Illinois Regiment, May, 1779 ; taken prisoner by Indians in Novem ber, 1779 ; sold by them to a trader, carried to New Orleans and Cuba, escaped and returned to Virginia." Bowman, Isaac (Va). " Major of Colonel Clark s Illinois Regiment; killed by Indians at Fort Patrick Henry, 14th August, 1779." Bowman, Joseph (N. C.). Cap tain 1st North Carolina, 18th Sep tember, 1776 ; killed at the Siege of Charleston, 10th April, 1780. Bowman, Joseph (Va). Major of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Bowman, Joshua (N. C.). 2d Lieutenant 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th November, 1775 ; Captain, 5th Feb ruary, 1777 ; killed at Rainsour s Mill, 20th June, 1780. Bowman, Nathaniel (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, llth No vember, 1775: 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1776; Captain, llth April, 1777; Major 1st IJew Jersey, llth February, 1783, arid served to April, 1783. Bowman, Bowman, Phineas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant and Paymaster 15th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Cap tain, 19th April, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Massachusetts,. 1st January, 1781, arid served to close of war. Bowman, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, - , 1780 ; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 22d April,1782, and served to close of war. (Died 28th June, 1818.) Bowman, Solomon (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Gardner s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 25th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 1st July,1823.) Bowns, Peter (N. J.)- Sergeant 4th New Jersey, 28th January, 1777; Ensign, 17th February, 1777, to . Bowne, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Virginia, 28th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant, 10th October, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Cap tain, , 1780; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; trans ferred to 6th Virginia* 12th February, 1781, and served to close of the war. Bowysr, Henry (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Virginia, 15th November, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 1st Janu ary, 1778 ; regimental designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Lieu tenant 1st Continental Dragoons, 18th February, 1781 ; retained in Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 13th June, 1832.) Bowyer, Michael (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 3uth September, 1776 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Boyakin, Francis (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 30th September, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 30th August, 1776, to Boyakin, Francis (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Boyce, Thomas (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, - ; taken pris oner at Morisiana 4th March, 1782, and released 6th June, 1782. Boyce, "William (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 21st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 20th October, 1777 ; retired 14 th September, 1778. Boyd, Adam (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d March, 1776 ; Chap lain 2d North Carolina, 1st October, 1777 ; Brigade Chaplain, 18th August, 1778, to June, 1780. 94 Boyer. Boyd, Hug-h (N. C.). Surgeon 4th North Carolina, 17th April, 1776, to , Boyd, John (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Boyd, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October,1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th May, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Pernsylvariia, 1st July, 1778; Captain Lieutenant, 18th June, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 17^1. (Died 13th February, 1832.) Boyd, Nathaniel (N. H.). Ser geant 1st New Hampshire, 24th April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th June to December, 1775. Boyd, Robert (Pa). Surgeon 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 19th April, 1776; resigned 13th June, 1776. Boyd, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 27th October, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Boyd, Thomas (Pa). Sergeant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 25th June, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; ex changed November, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 14th Janu ary, 1778; killed in action with In dians near Geneseo, N. Y., 12th Sep tember, 1779. Boyd, Thomas (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 19th March, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 9th August, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged , 1777, and did not rejoin the army. Boyd, William (Mass). Quarter master of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment ; May to December, 1775 ; Quartermaster 21st Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Boyd, William (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; killed at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777. Boyer, Benjamin (Pa). Adjutant 2d Pennsylvania, 10th April, 1779 ; ap pointed Captain of Marines in July, 1779. Boyer, John (Va). Colonel Vir ginia Regiment of Riflemen, Militia ; wounded and taken prisoner at Jamestown Ford, 6th July, 1781. Boyer, John August Baptist ( ). Surgeon of Arrnand s Corps, 25th August, 1777 ; resigned 5th Janu ary, 1778. Boyer. Boyer, Lambert (Md). 2d Lieu tenant Oth Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; discharged 8th October, 1777. Boyer, Michael (Md). 2d Lieu tenant German Regiment, 12th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, -- November, 1777; Captain, 25th May, 1778; re tired 1st January, 1781. Boyer, Peter (Md). 1st Lieutenant German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; Captain, Oth May, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Boyer, Thomas (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 16th December. 1770 ; regi ment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th Febru ary, 1781. Boyle, Peter (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania State Regiment, 20th Feb ruary, 1777, to . Boynton, Ephraim (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 to Boynton, Joseph (X. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th October, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 15th Janu ary, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May. 1778; transferred to 2d New Hamp shire, 1st January, 1781, arid served to close of war. Boze, Boze. ) Baron de. See Dr. Bracco, Bennett (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Captain BealPs Indepen dent Maryland Company, 14th Janu ary, 1770 ; Captain, 10th August, 1770; killed at White Plains, 28tlf October, 1770. Bracco, James (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 17th April, 1777; Lieu tenant, 14th September, 1778 ; re signed , 1780. Brackenridg-e, Samuel (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 4th ^Sew Jersey, 10th De cember, 1770 ; resigned 1st November, 1777. Bradford, Andrew (Mass). Ensign and Paymaster 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, - - October, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; discharged 10th April, 1782. (Died 1st January, 1837.) Bradford, Anthony (Conn). Ser geant 8th Connecticut, 9th July to 18th December, 1775; Ensign, 17th Connecticut Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Bradford, Charles (Va). Quarter master 13th Virginia, 12th August, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. 95 Bradford. Bradford, Gamaliel (Mass). Colo nel 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1731. (Died 9th January, 1807.) Bradford, Gamaliel Jr. (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 8th Oc tober, 1779; Lieutenant, 8th October, 1780; transferred to 7th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment in November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 7th March, 1824.) Bradford, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, 15th Janu ary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant of Patton s Additional Continental Regiment, - March, 1777, to rank from 14th January, 1777; Regimental Quarter master, in 1778 ; transferred to 2d Continental Artillery, 21st July, 1779 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander, 24th June to November, 1781 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th June, 1781 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 22d August, 1782, to June, 1783 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Captain United States Artillery Company, 20th Oct )ber, 1780 ; Captain Artillery United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; killed 4th November, 1791, in action with Miami Indians on the Maumee, Ohio. Bradford, John (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Bradford, Joseph (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d April to December, 1775. Bradford, Robert (Mass). Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter. 2d Massachusetts. 1st January, 1777 ; Brigadier Quartermaster, 1st January, 1778; Captain 2d Massachu setts, 21st June, 1779, and served to close of war. (Died , 1823.) Bradford, Samuel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; retired 1st September, 177d. Bradford, Samuel (Mass\ Cnptain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770, to . Bradford, Samuel (Mass). Lieu tenant - ; transferred to 7th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Bradford. 96 Bragdon. Bradford, Samuel Killett (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; Captain Lieuten ant, - , and served to - ; was Aide-de-Camp to General Weedoii in 1781. Bradford, William (N. H.). En sign of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned 24th Au gust, 1778. Bradford, William (Mel). 2d Lieu tenant of Stephenson s Rifle Battal ion, April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th November, 1776, to . Bradford, William (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant and Adjutant llth Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lee,29th October, 1776 ; Major of Tall- man s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776 ; Major of Sher- burne s Continental Additional Regi ment, 12th January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bradford, William Jr. (Pa). Cap tain Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; Captain llth Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Deputy Commissary-General of Musters, 10th April, 1777; resigned 1st April, 1779. (Died 23d August, 1795.) Bradfute, John (Va). Chaplain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Bradish, David (Mass). Major 15th Massachusetts, 1st January 1777 ; re signed 21st July, 1777. Bradley, Daniel (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 28th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th January, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1881 ; transferred to Swift s Connecti cut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Bradley, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant lllh Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; discharged 7th Novem ber, 1778. Bradley, David (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Quar termaster of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, December, 1775, to October, 1776. Bradley, Gee (N. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st North Carolina. May, 1776 ; Captain, 19th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Bradley, James (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Bradley, Levi (Mass). Sergeant 4th Massachusetts, 30th January, 1777 ; Ensign, 30th March, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d Feb ruary, 1780 ; exchanged 22d Decem ber, 1780; Lieutenant, 1782; re tired 1st January, 1783. Bradley, Philip Burr (Conn). Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, May to December, 1776 ; Colonel 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re tired 1st January, 1781. Bradley, Richard (N. C.). Pay master 3d North Carolina, 5th March, 1777; retired 1st June, 1778. Bradt, Henry (N. Y.). Lieutenant of Cox s Regiment New York Militia ; wounded 7th August, 1777, at Herki- mer, New York, on the retreat from Oriskany. Bradwell, Nathaniel (S. C.). Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 12th May,, 1779, and served to close of war. Brady, Christopher (Va). 2d Lieu tenant of Stephensori s Rifle Regi ment, 23d July, 1776. Died 14th No vember, 1776. Brady, t)avid (Ga). Hospital Chaplain, 1779 to 1781. Brady, John (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778; assasinated by Indians at Muncy, llth April, 1779, while recruiting for Hart ley s Regimeut. Brady, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Captain Doyle s Independent Pennsylvania Rifle Company, 17th July, 1776 ; company attached to 8th Pennsylvania, - - November, 1776, when appointed Captain Lieutenant to rank from 17th July, 1776 ; Captain, 2d August, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 25th December, 1795.) Brady, William (Va.) Captain of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 23d July, 1776, to ; Captain llth Virginia, 23d July, 1777. The following remark appears opposite his name on list of officers of the llth Virginia for Sep tember, 1778: "Never done any duty, behaved infamously, and recommended to be struck off. 1 Bragdon, Josiah(Mass). Lieuten ant of Scamuion s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776. Died 27th April,, 1778. Brahm. 97 Brevard. Brahm, Ferdinand de (France). Major Engineer, llth February, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged 22d April, 1781 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 6th February, 1784, and retired from the service. Brainard, Jeremiah Gf. (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 26th July, 1780; tiken prisoner -- July, 1780; released 22d December, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; resigned 28th April, 1781. Bramhall, Joshua (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st February, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1782, and served to close of war. Brandon, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Pennsylvania, 4th Octo ber, 1776; retired 1st July, 1778. Brandon, "William (X. C.). Lieu- te.iant 1st North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775, to . Brashear, Richard (Va.) Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Brasher, Abraham E. (X. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1770. (Died , 1782.) Brattle, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Gardner s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bratton, Jarnes (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 28th November, 177(5 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th August, 1778, and served to . Bratton, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776; Captain 7th Penn sylvania, 12th January, 1777; re signed 17th April, 1779. Bratton, William (8. C.). Colonel South Carolina Militia, ; Com mander of the forces at the action at Williamson s Plantation, where he was severely wounded, 12th July, 1780. Bray, John (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Commissary in Hospital Department, 1776 to 1780, Brayman, Christian (Va). Pay master 1st Continental Dragoons, 27th December, 1777; Cornet in Ar- mand s Partisan Corps, 15th January, 1780; resigned 4th January. 1781. Brearley, David (N. J.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 4th N^Y; Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; Colonel 1st New- Jersey, 1st January, 1777; resigned 4th August, 1779 ; served also as Colonel New Jersey Militia. (Died 16th August, 1790.) Brearley, Joseph (N. J.). Captain 2d New Jersey, 20th November, 1775 : resigned 5th February, 1777; served subsequently as Major New Jersey^ Militia. Breckenridge, Alexander (Va). 1st Lieutenant Grist s Additional Con tinental Regiment, January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, , 1778; Cap tain, 23d April, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; pris oner until June, 1781 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Breckenridge, Robert (Va). 2d Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 10th August, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th April, 1778; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 17SO; exchanged July, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died llth September, 1833.) Breed, Frederick (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Breed, Nathaniel (N. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon s- Mate 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Surgeon of New Hampshire State troops and Militia. Brent, G-eorge P. ( Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1760. Brent, John (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 23d February, 1776 ; Major, 4th October, 1777; resigned 4th May, 1778. Brent, William (Va). Aide de- Camp to General Alexander in 1777 ;. Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Virginia State Regiment, 14th June, 1777; Colonel 3d Virginia State Regiment, Juno., 1778, to February, 1781. Breso, . Lieutenant of Horse : taken prisoner at Spencer s Tavern, 26th June, 1781. Bressic, Thomas (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1782. Bressic, William (Va). Captain of a Virginia Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Brevard, Alexander (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 4th North Carolina, 9th December, 1776; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; Cap tain, 20th October, 1780; retired 1st- January, 1783. Brevard. 98 Brice. Brevard, Ephraim (N. C.). Sur geon 1st North Carolina, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Br-evard, Joseph (N. C.). Lieuten ant 1st North Carolina; on roll for March, 1780. Brevett, John (Md). Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 20th September, 1780; served to close of war. Brewer, Benjamin (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Brewer, David (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, 17th June, 1775; cashiered 24th October, 1775. Brewer, David Jr. (Mass). Lieu tenant of Brewer^s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Brewer, Elisha (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, May to December, 1775 ; Brigade-Major, 21st September to 1st December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 27th Au gust, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 5th July, 1779 (Died 23d July, 1827.) Brewer, James (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d April to December, 1775. Brewer, Jonathan (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776; Captain Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777; taken prisoner at , -- Sep tember, 1777 ; exchanged in 1778 ; re signed 10th February, 1779. Brewer, Jonathan (Mass). Colo nel Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; Colonel Massachu setts State Regiment of Artificers in -t tyr?n 17/b. Brewer, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Brewster, Benjamin (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner on the retreat from New York, 15th Septem ber, 1776. Brewster, Caleb (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 2d Continental Ar tillery ; 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 23d June, 1780 ; wounded on Long Island Bay, December, 1782 ; served to June, 1783. (Died 13th February, 1827.) Brewster, Ebenezer (Conn). En sign in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Brewster, Elisha (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April 1775 : Private 8th Connecticut, llth July to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 17th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 1st August, 1777. Brewster, Henry (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; exchanged 17th Decem ber, 1780. (Died 15th March, 1830). Brewster, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th February, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 8th April, 1782, arid served to June, 1783. Brewster, Jonathan (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July 1775 ; Captain, 5th September to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Brewster, Lott (N. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d North Carolina, 25th October, 1777 ; resigned 15th March, 1778. Brian, Andrew (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Grrayson^ Additional Con tinental Regiment, 23d January, 1777, to . Briant, David (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 13th December, 1775 ; Captain Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery,lst January, 1777; Captain, lOth May, 1777. Died 12th September, 1777, of wounds received at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777. Brice, Jacob (Md). Adjutant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, March, 1776; Captain 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780; ex changed ; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Brice, John (Pa). Ensign 1st Penn sylvania Battalion, 20th January, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Artillery, 14th March, 1777; Captain, 1st June, 1778 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette in 1778 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 27th October, 1778 ; served to June, 1783. Brickett. Brickett, James (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, 20th May, 1775 ; wounded at hunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; served subsequently as Brigadier- General Massachusetts Militia. (Died IGlh L.ceniber, 1818.) Bridge, Ebenezer (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, 27th May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June. 1775 : was tried for misbehavior at Bunker Hill. Bridge, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Whlteomb s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bridge, John (Mass). Quartermas ter of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 to . Bridges, James (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Bridgham, John (Mass). Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st Jariu- ary, 1770, to . Bridgham, John Jr (Mass). En sign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770, to . Briffault, Augustin (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Partisan Corps : brevet Lieutenant Continental Army 13th January, 1779; Lieutenant in Armand s Corps, loth January, 1780, to rank from 13th Jan uary, 1779, and permitted to retire .from the army. Briggs, Cornelius (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Rhode Isl and Militia. Briggs, George (R. I.). Ensign of Stantoii s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Briggs, Henry (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, Ma} , 1775, to . Briggs, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 Briggs, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, 20th February, 1777 ; resigned 7th January, 1778. Briggs, "William (Mass). Captain of Reade s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. (Died llth August, 1819.) Briggs, Zephaniah (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 4th December, 1775. Brigham, Henry (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Britigney. Brigham, John (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusett s Regiment, May, 1775, to . Brigham, Origin (Mass). Bur- geon s-Mate of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st August, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Sur- geon s-Mate 2d Massachusetts, 25th April, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 1815.) Brigham, Paul (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; transferred to oth Connecticut, 1st Januarv, 1781 ; resigned, 22d April, 1781. Brigham, Timothy (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775, to . ^ Bright, Simon (X. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775; resigned, April, 1776. Brindley, Francis (X. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livings ton s) Regiment, 15th April, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th December, 1776 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Brink, Alexander (X. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Y ork, 29th June, 1775, to January, 1770. Brinkley, Thomas (X. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st Xo- vember, 1770 ; omitted May, 1777. Brinkley, William (X. C.). Cap tain 3J. North Carolina, ; on roll for Xovember, 1777. Brinsmade, Daniel (Conn). En sign 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 29th November, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, May, 1776. Died September, 1776. Brisban, John (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776; Captain 3d Pennsylvania November, 1776 ; resigned 2d Septem ber, 1777. Briscoe, John Hanson (Md). Hos pital Surgeon, 27th August, 1776, to . Briscoe, Rueben (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 23d February, 1776 ; Captain, 30th January, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Britigney, Marquis de (France). Lieutenant Continental Army, 27th January, 1779, and by tbe act of 13th April, 1779, was recommended to the Governor of South Carolina to com mand a volunteer corps composed of Frenchmen residing in South Caro lina, arid was Colonel of the same to close of the war. Britton. 100 Brooks. Britton, Joseph (Md). Ensign 4th ]\ ->ryland, , 1777; 2d Lieutenant of Gist s Additional Continental Regi ment, 27th April, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Britton, William (Mass). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 6th February, 1777; re signed 10th April, 1778. Broadus, James (Va). Private and Sergeant in the Virginia Line, March, 1776, to September, 1779; Ensign 2d Virginia, 25th September, 1779 ; re tired 2d December, 1780. Broadus, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1778, to February, 1781. Broadwater, Charles Lewis (Va). 1st Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 18th No vember, 1776; resigned 21st April, 1778. Brocaw, John (N. J.). Lieutenant New Jersey Militia; killed at Ger- mantown, 4th October, 1777. Brock, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 2d December, 1776, to . Brockway, Thomas (Conn). Chap lain of Selden s Regiment Connecti cut Militia, 15th July to December, 1776. Broderick, James (N. J.). Cap tain of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 3d February, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777; resigned 14th April, 1780; served subsequently as Major New Jersey Militia. Brodhead, Daniel (Pa). Lieuten ant-Colonel Commandant 2d Batta lion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 13th March, 1776; trans ferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; Colonel, 8th Pennsyl vania, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 29th September, 1776. By the act of 27th October, 1779, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Colonel Brodhead and the brave officers and soldiers under his com mand for executing (under direction of General Washington) the impor tant expedition against the Mingo and Munsey Indians, and that part of the Senecas on the Allegheny River, by which depredations of those sava ges, assisted by their merciless insti gators, subjects of Great Britain, upon the defenceless inhabitants of the Western frontiers, have been re strained and pervented." Trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th Janu ary, 1781, and served to close of war ; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th Sep tember, 1783. (Died 15th November, 1809.) Brodhead, Daniel Jr (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Batta lion, 6th January, 1776; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 ; exchanged 26th Au gust, 1778, and died shortly after wards. Brodhead, Luke (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 28th May, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 24th October, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th Au gust, 17t76 ; exchanged 8th December, 1776 ; Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777; retired 21st June, 1778. (Died May, 1816.) Brodie, Lodowick (Va). Sergeant of a Virginia State regiment, 15th August, 1778, to 2d August, 1782. Brog-don, John (N. Y.). Adjutant 1st New York, 30th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Brooke, Edmund (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, Feb ruary, 1781 ; resigned 3d October, 1781. (Died 2d June, 1835.) Brooke, Francis John (Va). Lieu tenant and Quartermaster 1st Conti nental Artillery, 1st February, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 3d March, 1851). Brooke, James (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 15th September, 1780; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, arid served to close of war. Brooks, Almarin (N. J.) Sergeant 2d New Jersey, 9th February, 1777; Ensign, 17th May, 1780; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 25th January, 1824). Brooks, Benjamin (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Gunby s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; Captain, 27th August, 1776 ; Captain 3d Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776 ; Major 5th Maryland, 16th March, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Brooks, Caleb (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Brooks, David (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged - - January, 1780; Assistant Clothier-General for New York troops, 1780 to 1782. (Died 30th August, 1838.) Brooks. 101 Brown. Brooks, John (Mass). Captain of A Company of Massachusetts Minute Men at Lexington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Major of Bridge s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Major 19th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 8th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1770 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 7th Massachusetts, llth November, 1778, and served to 12th June, 1783; Brigadier-General United States Army, llth April, 1793; hon orably discharged 1st November, 179G. (Died 2d March, 1825). Brooks, John (Pa). Adjutant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Janu ary to December, 1776 ; served as As sistant Commissary of Issues, 1777 to 1780. Brooks, Zachariah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered, 27th April, 1778. Broomfield, "William (Md). 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned, . Bronson, Isaac (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Continental Dragoons, 14th November, 1779, and served to close of war. Brorton, Nicholas (Mass). Cap tain of Glover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Brossard, - - (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia, 26th June, 1777; granted 9 months leave and permitted to re turn to France, 1st July, 1782. Brower, Andrew (Mass). Ensign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776 to . Brower, G-arret (N. Y.). Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777, to . Brower, Henry (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 4th July, 1779; retired 17th January, 1781. Brown, Abeih (Mass). Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May 1775, to . Brown, Abijah (Mass). Lieuten ant Colonel of Woodbridge s Massa chusetts Regiment, 16th June to De cember, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Massachusetts Militia in 1776 and 1777. Brown, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776, to . Brown, Andrew (Mass). Served as a Volunteer at Bunker Hill ; Major Deputy Muster-Master-Gen eral Eastern Department, 23d May, 1777, to close of war. (Died ^th Feb ruary, 1797.) Brown, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign and Quartermaster of Jackson s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 12th May, 1778; resigned 22d December, 1779. (Died 5th March, 1833.) Brown, Benjamin (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 8th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777; resigned 26th July, 1779. (Died 1st October, 1821.) Brown Bezaleel (Conn). Lieuten ant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Connecticut, 1st May, to 1st December, 1775. Brown, Bryant (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 10th May, to 16th December, 1775; Ensign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned llth April, 1778. Brown, Caleb (Del). Ensign Del aware Regiment, 30th November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th September, 1778 ; died 29th January, 1880. Brown, Charles (S. C.). Lieuten ant 1st South Carolina, 8th Decem ber, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780, exchanged July, 1781, and served to close of war. Brown, Clark <R. I.). Quarter master 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, "1776 ; Quartermaster 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, to . (Died 31st Jan uary, 1619.) Brown, Daniel (Mass). Sergeant 10th Massachusetts, 9t!i December, 1776 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; re signed 18th March, 1780. Brown, Daniel (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 8th Novem ber, 1775, to November, 1776. Brown, Daniel (R. I.). Surgeon s- Mate 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776, Brown, Daniel (Va). Surgeon Ixth Virginia, 8th June, 1778 ; resigned 26th September, 1778. Brown, David (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 7th March, 1777 ; resigned 5th November, 1777. Brown, David (Mass). Captain of a Company of Minute Men at Con cord, 19th April, 1775. Brown. 102 Brown. Brown, David (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania, 18th February, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, l(Jth May, 1778; Captain, llth May, 1779; re signed 17th April, 1780. Brown, David (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York State troops ; wounded at Horse Keck, 20th February, 1779. Brown, Ebenezer (Mass). Cor poral in Greaton s Massachusetts Regiment, June to December, 1775 ; Sergeant in Whitney s Regiment, Massachusetts Militia in 1776; Ser geant 2d Massachusetts, 23d Decem ber, 1776; Ensign, 28th September, 1777 ; wounded at Saratoga 8th Octo ber, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieuten ant, 21st March, 1782, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 1st Sep tember, 1844.) Brown, Eli (Conn). 2d Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Brown, Ezekiel (Mass). Surgeon Massachusetts Militia Regiment in 1776 ; Surgeon 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Brown, Godfrey (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to November, 1775. Brown, Gfowen (Mass). Captain of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 23d" October, 1778. Brown, Isaac (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; Corporal 5th Connecticut, llth May to 15th December, 1775 ; Sergeant of Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, 25th February, 1777 ; Ensign, 16th May, 1778 ; resigned 10th March, 1779. Brown, Jacob (Mass). Sergeant 13th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777; Ensign, 1st January, 1778 ; discharged 15th April, 1780. Brown, Jacob (Mass). Major 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Brown, Jacob (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 15th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Lieutenant, June, 1781, and served to close of war. Brown, James ( ). Chief Physi cian and Surgeon Southern Depart ment, 22d March, 1780, to June, 1782. Brown, James (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Brown, James, Jr (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Brown, John(N. J.). Private and Sergeant in Forman s Regiment, New Jersey Militia, 1775 and 1776; Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 25th Jan uary, 1777 ; Lieutenant, llth October, 1777; resigned 22d June, 1779. (Died 27th August, 1828.) Brown, John (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st July, 1777; on a list for August, 1778, he is reported as "under sentence of death for deser tion 11 ; was pardoned by a resolve of Congress, 9th March, 1779. Brown, John (N. Y.). Sergeant Major 2d New York, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st June, 1778 ; resigned 15th February, 1781 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant New York Levies. Brown, John (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, loth November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776 ; Captain, 26th April, 1777 ; on list for June, 1778, he is dropped with the remark; "transferred to one of the Dragoon Regiments in North Carolina. 1 Brown, John (Conn). Lieutenant- Colonel Continental Army, 20th No vember, 1775 ; served during the cam paign against Quebec in 1775 and 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment. 29th July, 1776 ; resigned loth March, 1777 ; Colonel Regiment of New York Levies in 1780, and was killed atFort Keyser, 19th October, 17SO. Brown, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 21st January, 1777; resigned 14th January, 1778. Brown, John Alexander (Pa). Surgeon 9th Pennsylvania, December, 1776, to January, 1777, Brown, Jonas (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May, 1775, to . Brown, Jonathan (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned 3d May, 1778. Brown, Jonathan (Conn). Cap tain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th Sep tember, 1779. Brown. 103 Brown. Brown, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 28th June, 1779; Captain, 3d February, 1780 ; resigned 15th November, 1780. Brown, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned llth January, 1778. Brown, Joseph (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 7th Pennsylvania, January, 1777: Surgeon, July, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Brown, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; was wounded "at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 7th Con- tinenial Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 15th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; super numerary, 1st August, 1779. Brown, Josiah (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 28th February, 1777 ; resigned 17th April, 1780. (Died 12th August, 1826.) Brown, Josiah (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Brown, Morgan (X. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 9th North Carolina, 28th No vember, 1770 ; resigned 12th October, 1777. Brown, Moses (Mass). Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 177(5, to . Brown, Nathan (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to December, 1776; served subsequently as Major Massachusetts Militia. Brown, Oliver (Mass). Lieutenant in Grindley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, June to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 13th December, 1775 ; Captain Lieutenant 3d Conti nental Artillery. 1st January, 1777; resigned 30th April, 1779. (Died 17th February, 1846.) Brown, Peter (Md). 2d Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 10th June, 1777. Brown, Peter W. (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 23d Ffbruary. 1830.) Brown, Richard (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Quartermaster 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776: resigned 22d August, 1778. Brown, Richard (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, June to 26th Octo ber, 1775 ; Captain 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment. 19th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Brown, Robert (Pa). Lieutenant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp*, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 25th January, 1781. (Died 26th February, 1823.) Brown, Robert (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Brown, Samuel (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate, 1st Connecticut, 1st August, 1777; resigned 1st May, 1779. Brown, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Brown, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Bridges Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Brown, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. * Brown, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 7th December, 1775 ; Capt:in 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; killed 15th November, 1777, in the dpfence of Fort Mifflin, Pa. Brown, Sylvanus (Conn). Cap tain Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th December, 1775 ; Captain of Silliman s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Captain 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th Novem ber, 1778. Brown, Thomas. See Bowne. Brown, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusett Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Brown, Thomas (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Georgia, ; in service in 1777. Brown, Timothy (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Captain Spalding s Com pany Rhode Island Artillery, 15th January, 1776, to May, 1777. Brown, William (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to Januarv, 1776. Brown. 104 Bruin. Brown, "William (Va). Assistant Surgeon of the Flying Camp, l ( Jth September to 1st December, 1770 ; Surgeon-General of the Hospital, Middle Department, 13th May, 1777 ; Physician and Director-General of Hospital, 6th February, 1778 ; re signed 21st July, 1780. Brown, William (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 3d Battalion of Miles 1 Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 8th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 9th Pennsyl vania, 3d December, 1776, to . Brown, William (Md). Captain Independent Company Maryland Ar tillery, 20th November, 1777; com pany* transferred to 1st Continental Artillery, 30th May, 1778 ; served to close of war; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783. Brown, Windsor (\ 7 a). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 28th February, 1777, to January, 1781. Brown, Zephaniah (R. I.). En sign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, llth February, 1777 ; Captain, llth No vember, 1779, and served to close of war. Brown, Lieutenant, ; wounded at Beaufort, 9th Feb ruary, 1779. Brown, - - (N. ID. Ensign 2d New Hampshire, - ; discharged 20th September, 1775. Brown, ( ). Lieutenant, ; killed at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Brownell, Jonathan (R. I.). Cap tain of Church s Rhode Island Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain in Babco^k s and Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiments in 1776 and 1777. Brownfield, Robert (S. C.) Sur- geon s-Mate South Carolina Conti nental Regiment, ; mentioned in 1778. Brownlee, Alexander (Va). En sign of Grayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st November, 1777; resigned 27th January, 1778. Brownlee, Alexander ( ). En sign, - ; killed at Guilford, 15th March, 1781. Brownlee, John (Va). Surgeorrs- Mate Virginia Regiment, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 178). Brownlee, Joseph (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 2d Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 15th August, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island 27tti August, 1776; exchanged 9th December, 1776 ; transferred to 8th Pennsylvania; resigned 22d June, 1777. Also reported (unofficially) as having been killed by the Indians at the burning of Kaunas town. Brownlee, Wm. ( Va). Sergeant of Gray-son s Additional Continental Regiment, - - March, 1777 ; Ensign, 8th June, 1777; Lieutenant, 19th April, 1778; Regimental Quartermas ter, loth September, 1778; transferred to Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Brownson, G-ideon (N. H.). Cap tain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775 ; Captain of War ner s Additional Continental Regi ment, 5th July, 1776; wounded at Benriington, 16th August, 1777; Major, 16th July, 1779; wounded at Lake George in July, 1779; retired 1st Jan uary, 1<81. Brownson, Nathan (Ga). Deputy Purveyor of Hospital for Southern army, 27th March, 1781, to close of Avar. (Died 6th November, 1796.) Bruce, William (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1777; Regi mental Adjutant, 6th June, 1778; Captain, 1st August, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Bruen, Jeremiah (N. J.). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 2d March, 1777; Major, 12th November, 1779 ; retired 29th March, 1781. Bruff, James (Md). 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 7th October, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; Captain Lieutenant, February, 1781 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Camden 25th April, 1781 ; exchanged ; served to close of war; Captain Artillerists and Engi neers, United States Army, 2d June. 1794; Major 1st Artillerists and En gineers, 15th November, 1808; re signed oOth June, 1807. Bruin, Peter Bryan (Va). Lieu tenant of Virginia Provincials in 1775; wounded and taken prisoner at Que bec, 31st December, 1775 ; exchanged -July, 1776; Captain llth Virginia, 19th December, 1776: Major and Airle- de-Camp to General Sullivan, 9th No vember, 1777; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Major, - ; served to close of war. (Died 27th January, 1827.) Brun. 105 Buckland. Brun, Bellacour ( ). See La Brun. Brush, ( ). Ensign of War ner s Additional Continental Regi ment, ; resigned 12th May, 1779. Brussell, Philip (Pa.) Major of Slough s Battalion Pennsylvania As- sociaters Militia, June, 1776; dis charged 8th October, 1776. Bruyn, Jacobus S. (N. Y). Cap tain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel oth New York, 21st November, 1776. to rank from 26th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October. 1777; exchanged ; transferred to 3d New York, 1st July, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Bryant, David (- See Briant. Bryant, Job (Mass). Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Bryant, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant in Kriox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1776 ; had his arm accidentally shot off 12th July, 1776, and retired from the service. (Name also spelled Briant.) Bryan, James (Ga). Lieutenant Georgia Continental Regiment in 1779. Bryce, John ( ). See Brice. Bryer, Benjamin (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 7th North Carolina, 15th July, 1777, to . Bryman, Christian ( ). See Brayman. Bryson, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Pennsylvania, 20th March, 1777 ; wounded at New Bridge, New Jersey, 15th April, 1780; trans ferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Bubier, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Buchanan, Andrew (Md). Brig adier-General Maryland Militia, 6th January, 1776, to . Buchanan, John (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 28th September, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Buchanan, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 4th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th December, 1776 ; died llth October, 1777, of wounds re ceived at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Buchanan, Robert (S. C.). Lieu tenant South Carolina Regiment, 20th August, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and died in prison. Buchanan, Thomas (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st October, 1777 ; resigned 15th October, 1779. (Died 13th Octo ber, 1823.) Buchanan, "William ( ). Dep uty Commissary-General of Pur chases, 18th June, 1777; Commissary- General of Purchases, 5th August, 1777 ; resigned 23d March, 1778. Buck, Asahel (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Durkee s Wyoming \ T alley Inde pendent Pennsylvania Company, 26th August, 1776 ; killed by Indians, 10th February, 1779. Buck, Henry (Pa). Surgeori s- Mate 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 22d March to November, 1776. Buck, James (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th October to Decem ber, 1776. Buck, Jonathan (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; missing on the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776. Buck, Joseph (N. J.). Sergeant ?d New Jersey, February, 1777, to February, 1779; 2d Lieutenant, 1st February, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 6th March, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to close of war. Buck, Josiah (Conn). Quarter- master s-Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 1st March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th December, 1777 ; resigned 9th April, 1780. Buckland, Stephen (Conn). Cap tain Lieutenant of Bigelow s Inde pendent Company Connecticut Ar tillery, 23d January, 1776 ; Captain of Stevens Battalion Continental Ar tillery, 9th November, 1776; battal ion became part of 3d Continental Artillery in 1778 ; resigned, 12th April, 1780. Buckley. Buckley, Edward ( ). See Bulkley. Bucklin, James (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Buckmaii, Ijerch ( ). See Bcek- nian. Buckminster, Richard (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177(5; Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 10th June, 1770; omitted January, 1780. Buckminster, William (Mass). Lieutenant-Colonel of Brewer s Mass achusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; se verely wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776. Died 22d June, 177G. Buckner, Mordecai(Va). Colonel 6th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; cashiered 9th February, 1777. Buckner, Thomas (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 28th October, 1776 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Buckner, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th November, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, -- July, 1777; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Captain, 3d October, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged July, 1781; transferred to 8th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to January, 1783. Budd, Charles (Ga). Captain of a Georgia Continental Regiment ; mentioned in 1779. Budd, John S. (S. C.). Captain Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery, 18th July, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Budd, Samuel (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, llth No vember, 1777 ; Captain, , 1779 , taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged July, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Buell, Ellis (Conn). Major of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776; served subsequently in Connecticut Militia. Buell, John Hutchinson (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; Ensign 20th Continental 106 Buisson. Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 25th November, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 20th May, 1779 ; Captain, 4th January, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Buell, Matthew (Conn). Corporal 2d Connecticut, 6th May to 17th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigriBl 17th June, 1773. Buell, Nathaniel (Conn). Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of Bur- rail s Connecticut State Regiment January, 1776, to January, 1777. Buffe, David (N. J.). Lieutenant New Jersey Militia, ; taken pris oner at Piscataway, 8th May, 1777. Buffe, Thomas (N. IL). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Buffington, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777.; 1st Lieutenant March, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 2d March, 1830.) Buffington, Zadock (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Buford, Abraham (Va). Major 14th Virginia, 13th November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Virginia, 1st April, 1777; Colonel, 15th May, 1778; transferred to llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to clo.se of war. (Died, 30th June, 1833.) Buford, William (N. C.). Ensign 1st Troop North Carolina Dragoons, 16th July, 1777, to 1st January, 1779. Bugbee, Edward (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, - February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th November, 1779 ; re tained as Lieutenant in 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, March, 1781 ; retired, 1st January, 1783. (Died 31st October, 1804.) Bugg, William (Ga). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 to . Buisson, son. -). See Du Buy- Bulkley. 107 Banner. Bulkley, Edward (Conn). Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Isl and, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 17th December, 1780; Captain of Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, to rank from 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Brigade-Major, Feb ruary to August, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Name also spelled Buckley.) Bull, Aaron (Conn). Fifer 2d Con necticut, llth May to 1st September, 1775; Sergeant 2d Continental Dra goons, 8th March, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 5th November, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st December, 1778, and served to close of war. Bull, Caleb (Conn). Captain of Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st of January, 1777. Resigned 23d March, 1778. Bull, Epaphras (Conn). Was one of the party under Arnold that cap tured Fort Ticonderoga, 10th May, 1775 ; Captain Connecticut Light Horse Militia, in 1770 ; Captain 2d Continental Dragoons, 10th January, 1777: Major 1st Continental Dragoons, 1st August, 1779. Died September, 1781. Bull, John (Pa). Colonel 1st Penn sylvania Battalion, 25th November, 1775 ; resigned 22d January, 1770 ; Colonel Pennsylvania State Regi ment, 2d May/ 1777; resigned 17th June, 1777; * Adjutant-General of Pennsylvania, 17th June, 1777 to close of war. (Died 9th August, 1824.) Bull, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, 10th December, 1775, to Janu ary, 1777 ; Director of Laboratory of Stevens 1 Battalion Continental Artil lery, loth June, 1777, to May, 1778. Bull, Manning (N.Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1770. Bull, Stephen (S. C.). Colonel South Carolina Militia, 1775, to 1777. Bull, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieutenant Otli Pennsylvania, loth February, 1777; Captain, ,1778; taken prisoner at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; re leased February, 1780, and did not return to the army. Bull, William (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 22d February, 1777 1st Lieutenant, 10th September, 1777 Captain Lieutenant, -- July, 1779 Captain, , 1780; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Bullard, Asa (Mass). Private and Sergeant in Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Sergeant 12th Massachusetts, 14th November, 1770; Ensign, 7th October, 1777; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1779; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 23d Decem ber, 1804.) Bullard, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain in J. Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 177<> ; discharged Aug ust, 1770. Bullard, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment May, 1775, to . Bullard, Seth (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Bullit, Thomas (Va}. Lieutenant- Colonel Deputy Adjutant- General Southern Department, 6th March, 1770, and with rank of Colonel from 18th May, 1770, to . Bullock, Rice (Va). Quartermas ter 15th Virginia, 10th July, 1777;. superseded, 6th May, 1778. Bunbury, "William (Va). Sergeant 3d Virginia, December, 1776 ; Ensign, 15th August, 1777; resigned 26th. November, 1777. Bunchoten, Elias van Jr (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant, 3d New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain, 25th November, 1775, to January, 1776; Captain 3d New York, 21st November, 1770, to rank from 25th November, 1775 ; resigned 30th November, 1777 ; served subsequently as Major New York Levies. Bunchoten, Peter van (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Buncombe, Edward (N.C.). Colo nel 5th North Carolina, 7th May,. 1770; died , of wounds re ceived 4th October, 1777, at German- town. Bunnell, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775 ; Captain of Douglass 1 Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 29th December, 1770. Bunner, Jacob (Pa). Captain Ger man Regiment, 8th July, 1770 ; re tired 1st Jariuarv, 1781. Banner. 108 Burg-ess. Bunner, Rudolph (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 3d Pennsyl vania, 3d March, 1777, to rank from 5th January, 1776 ; Major 3d Penn sylvania, 6th June, 1777, Lieutenant- Colonel, 1st August, 1777; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Bunting-, William Black (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 14th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 31st August, 1776 ; died 1st April, 1777. Burbank, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st July, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Burbeck, Edward (Mass). Cap tain of Gridley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, June, 1775 ; Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775, to De cember, 1776. Burbeck, Henry (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, 19th May, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Captain Lieutenant 3d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 12th September, 1777 ; trans ferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783; Captain 3d Company United States Artillery Battalion, 20th October, 1786 ; Captain Artillery United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Major, 4th November, 1791, of the Artillerists and Engineers. 9th May, 1794; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Artillerists and Engineers, 7th May, 1798 ; Colonel Artillerists, 1st Apri l, 1802 to 12th May, 1814, when re tained as brevet Brigadier-General in command ; brevet Brigadier-Gen eral, 10th July, 1812 ; honorably dis charged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 2d October, 1848.) Burbeck, William (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, 19th May, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; dismissed 25th May, 1776. (Died 22d July, 1785.) Burchardt, Daniel (Pa). Captain German Regiment, 8th July, 1776 ; Major, 7th April, 1777 ; resigned 2d July, 1779. (Name also spelled Burk- hard.) Burd, Benjamin ( ). See Bird. Burd, Edward (Pa). Major of Lutz s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Burd, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieutenant llth Virginia, 23d January, 1777, to Burd, William ( ). See Bird. Burdett, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 3d October, 1777. Burdett, William (Pa). Ensign of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; discharged 1st April, 1778. Burfoot, Thomas (Va). Adjutant 14th Virginia, 12th January, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th July, 1780; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, arid served to close of war. Burg-ess, Edward (Md) . Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Burg-ess, John M (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776, to . Burg-ess, Joseph (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 15th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, June to November,1776 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant and Cap tain Connecticut Militia. Burg-ess, Joseph (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776, to . (See John M. Burgess.) Burg-ess, Joshua (Md). Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, llth March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th Au gust, 1780 ; exchanged December, 1780, and served to April, 1783. Burg-ess, Michael (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Burgess, Vachel(Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 17th April, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 20th February, 1778 ; resigned 22d August, 1779. (Died 30th March, 1824). (Name also spelled Basil Bur gess.) Burgess, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, December, 1776 ; died 18th January, 1777. Burhaus. 109 Burr. Burhaua, John (X. Y.). Sergeant 3d New York, !3thMay, 1777; Ensign, 6th February, 1779 ; resigned 8th De cember, 1779. Burke, Edward (.Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Pattern s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 4th October, 1777 ; regiment designated llth Pennsyl vania, 13th January, 1779; Captain Lieutenant, loth March, 1780; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1731 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Burke, Tho:na.3( -- ). See Bourke. Burket, Ezekiel (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Elliott s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to -- . Burkhard, Daniel ( - .) See Burchardt. Burkman, Thomas (Mass). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 26th Janu ary, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 20th October, 1777 ; resigned 20th August, 1779. Burley, Henry (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 19th July, 1779 ; re signed 10th March, 1780. Burley, William (Ma.s). 2d Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 25th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780 ; Captain, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Burlingame, Benjamin (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to June, 1770. Burlingame, Chandler (R. I.). En sign 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 : Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 9th June, 1779; Regimental Paymaster in 1780, and served to close of Burnap, Nathan (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to - . Burnet, "William (X. J.). Physi cian and Surgeon-General Eastern Department, llth April, 1777; Hos pital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, *1780; Chief Physician and Hospital Surgeon, 5th March, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 7th October, 1791.) Burnett, James (Va.) 2d Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 24th February, 1776, to -- . Burnett, John (X. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned 9th May, 1778; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Burnett, Robert (N. Y. ). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 17ol ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Burnett Robert ( ). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Greene, 23d March, 1778, to close of war. (Died 1st December, 1854.) Burnham, George (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 20th September, 1777 ; resigned 8th July, 1780. Burnham, John (Mass). Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major 5th Massachu setts, 9th January, 1783, and served to 12th June, 1783; Major 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; re signed 29th December, 1791. (Died 8th June, 1843.) Burnham, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Burnley, Garland (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 7th May, 1776 ; discharged 10th July, 1778 ; Captain Virginia Convention Guards, July, 1779, to June, 1781. Burns, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant llth Virginia, -- January, 1777, re signed 1st July, 1777 ; Quartermaster llth Virginia, 7th April, 1778; re tired 14th September, 1778. Burns, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th March, 1776; transferred to 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment. 21st December, 1776; Cap tain, r th April, 1777 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Burnside, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, ; died January, 1781. Burr, Aaron (N. J.). Served as a volunteer in the Canadian campaign and at Quebec in 1775 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Putnam, 22 d June, 1776, to January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colo nel of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 4th January, 1777; resigned 3d March, 1779 : Third Vice- President of the United States, 4th March, 1801, to 4th March, 1805. (Died 14th September, 1836.) Burr, Ephraim (Mass). Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st April to 31st December, 1776; Captain 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; de ranged 1st April, 1779. "Burr. 110 Buslmell. Burr, Wakeman, (Conn). Ensign in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 12th December, 1775. Burrall Charles (Conn). Colonel Connecticut Militia Regiment in 1775 ; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January, 177G, to January, 1777 ; served subsequently as Colonel Con necticut Militia. Burrall Jonathan (Conn). Assist ant to Paymaster-General Continen tal Army, October 1770; Assistant Paymaster-General, June, 1779 ; Dep uty Paymaster-General, January, 1781, to close of war. (Died 18th No vember, 1834.) Burritt, Charles (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant Oth Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re-signed 29th April, 1779. Burritt, Israel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; dropped 24th April, 1778. Burroughs, Benjamin (R. I.). En sign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Burroughs, G-eorge (Va). Quar termaster 2d Virginia, February, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Burrowes, Eden (N. J.). Ser geant 1st New Jersey, December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th January, 1778 ; re tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Burrowes, John (N. J.). Captain of Forman s New Jersey Regiment in 177(5 ; Captain of Forman s Additional Continental Regiment, 29th January, 1777; transferred to Spencers Regi ment, 22d April, 1779; Major, 22(1 July, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Burrows, Hubbard (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Burt, Gideon (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May 1775, to . Burt, James (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Burton, Benjamin (N. H.). En sign of Reed s New Hampshire Regi- iment, June to December, 1775 ; En sign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 28th Sep tember to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain of Sherburne s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 15th March, 1777; discharged 1st June, 1779.. Burton, Hutchins (Va). 2d Lieu tenant, 6th Virginia, 26th Februarv, 1776, to Burton, Isaac (Mass). Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 9th September, 1777. " Burton, James (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, llth March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th May, 1778 ; resigned 22d December, 1778 . (Died 21st Au gust, 1829.) Burton, John (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 12th February, 1777 ; omitted July, 1778. Burton, Bobsrt (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artilery, 18th October, 1778, t;> -- . (Died -- , 1825.) Burweli, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 18th September, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Artilery, 30th November, 1770; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Howe, 19th May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Bush, Alexander ( -- ). P^nsign of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 18th August, 1778 ; resigned 12th May, 1779. Bush, George ( -- ). See Boss. Bush, John (Pa). Ensign 6th Penn sylvania Battalion, 24th June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 7th Pennsylvania, 20th March, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 17th April, 1780; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781; Captain, llth December, 1781 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1783. Bush, John (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, --- ; killed at Savan nah, 9th October, 1779. Bush, Lewis (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776; Captain, 24th June, 1776; transferred to Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777; Major, 12th March, 1777; died 15th September, 1777, of wounds re ceived at Brandywine llth Septem ber. 1777. ^li, Wm. (N. C.). Lieutenant 1st North Carolina ; 011 roll for August. 1777. Bushfield, Thomas (N. Y.). En sign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted February, 1777. Bushnell, David (Conn). Captain Lieutenant Sappers and Miners, 2d August, 1779; Captain, 8th June, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died -- , 1824.) Bussey. Bussey, Bennett (Md). Captain 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to Bussey, Isaiah (Mass). Ensign of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant* 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 3d August," 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to June, 1783. (Died January, 1785.) Butterfield, Benjamin ( ). En sign of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, March, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 28th September, 1778; re signed 20th September, 1780. Butterfield, Isaac (N. H.). Major of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19*11 May, 1776; cashiered 1st August, 1776. Butterfield, Jonas (N. H.). Lieu tenant of Wliitcomb s Battalion New Hampshire Rangers, 14th December, 1776 ; discharged 17th February, 1780. Butterfield, Thomas (X. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Wliitcomb s Battalion 2s ew Hampshire Rangers, 14th De cember, 1776, and served to February, 1780. Butler, Aaron (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777. Died 12th March, 1777. Butler, Charles (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Butler, Edward (Pa). Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 28th January, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Captain of the Levies under General St. Clair in 171)1 ; Captain United States Infan try, 5th March, 1792; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Adjutant and Inspector United States Army, 18th July, 1793, to 13th May, 1794; retained as Captain 4th United States Infantry, 1st November, 1796; transferred to 2d United States In fantry, 1st April, 1802; died 6th May, 1803. Butler, Joseph (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 177J ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died in cap- tivjty shortly afterwards. Ill Butler. Butler, Joseph (Mass). Lieutenant of a company of Minute Men at Con cord, 19th April, 1775 ; Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 4th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Butler, Lawrence (Va). 1st Lieu tenant loth Virginia, 2d December, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, 18th March, 1777, regiment designated lltli Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Cap tain, 14th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed J uly, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war; Major 8th United States Infantry, 24th April, 1799 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. Butler, Percival (Pa). Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st September, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Butler, Reuben (Va). 1st Lieuten ant of Grayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 26th January, 1777 ; superseded September, 1778. Butler, Richard (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion 5th January, 1776 ; appointed Indian agent 17th May, 1778, and lost rank in the army; Major 8th Pennsylvania, 20th July, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 28th September, 1776; Colonel 9th Pennsylvania, 7th June, 1777; transferred to 5th Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September,1783;Major-General United States Levies in 1791 ; killed 4th No vember, 1791, in action with Indians near Fort Recovery, Ohio. Butler, Samuel (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 21st March, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1777; served subsequently as Lieutenant of a Vir ginia State regiment. Butler, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 3d Pennsyl vania, 4th October, 1776 retired 17th January, 1781 ; Major of the Levies under General St. Clair in 1791 ; Major of Infantry, United States Army, lith April, 1792; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 : Lieu tenant-Colonel, 1st July, 1794; as signed to 4th United States Infantry 1st November, 1796 ; Colonel 2d United States Infantry, 1st April, 1802 died 7th September, 1805. Butler. 112 Caldweii. Butler, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammori s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Butler, William (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Major, 7th September, 1770 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Pennsyl vania, 30th September, 1776 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Alexander, 7th May, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Command ant 4th Pennsylvania, 22d January, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 1789.) Butler, Zebulon (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Colonel 2d Connecticut, 13th March. 1778; transferred to 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 28th July, 1795.) Butterick, John (Mass). Major Massachusetts Militia at Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Major of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. (Died 16th May, 1791.) Buxton, James (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, - ; Regimental- Adju tant, 18th March, 1780 ; Captain Lieu tenant, 26th October, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 1st January, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Buxton, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, February, 1777 ; resigned 1st December, 1777. Buysson, ( ). See Du Buy- son. Byington, Daniel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775. Byington, Joseph (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 7th November, 1777. Byles, Thomas Langhorne (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November. 1776 ; exchanged 1st March, 1778 ; Ma jor 3d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778, to rank from 8th June, 1777 ; killed at Paramus, 16th April, 1780. Byrd, Atway ( ). Aide-de-Camp to General Lee, 25th October, 1775, to . Byrd, Benjamin ( ). See Bird. Byrn, John (Va). Captain of Thruston s Additional Continental Regiment, 4th June, 1777 ; resigned 1st August, 1778. c. Cabell, SamuelJordan (Va). Cap tain 6th Virginia, 4th March, 1776 ; Major 14th Virginia, 20th December, 1777; regiment designated 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 8th Virginia, 15th Decem ber, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner of war on parole to close of war. (Died 4th September, 1818.) Cabot, Francis (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cadwalader, John (Pa). Colonel of a Regiment Pennsylvania Militia in 1776; Brigadier-General Continen tal Army, 21st February, 1777, which he declined ; Brigadier-General Penn sylvania Militia, 5th April, 1777, to close of war; was again appointed Brigadier-General Continental Army and Commander of the Cavalry in the service of the United States, 10th September, 1778, which he also de clined. (Died llth February, 1786.) Cadwalader, Lambert (Pa). Lieu tenant-Colonel 3d Pennsylvania Bat talion, 4th January, 1776; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember. 1776 ; Colonel 4th Pennsylva nia, December, 1776, to rank from 25th October, 1776, but was a prisoner of war on parole until he resigned, 22d January, 1779. (Died 12th Sep tember, 1823.) Cady, Jeremiah (Mass). Major of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cady, Palmer (Conn). Sergeant and Sergeant-Major of Elmore s Con necticut State Regiment, 16th April to October, 1776 ; Ensign, October, 1776; Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, llth February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 24th March, 1778 ; retired, 1st January, 1783. Calderwood, James (Pa). Quar termaster 6th Pennsylvania Battal ion, 9th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant in the Navy, 1st August, 1776 ; Captain of an Independent Pennsylvania Company, 19th January, 1777 ; died 13th September, 1777, of wounds re ceived at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Caldweii, Andrew (Pa). Corporal and Sergeant in Captain Roman s Company Pennsylvania Artillery, from 20th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieu- Caldwell. Calvert. tenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 23d July, 1779 ; SurgeoiVs-Mate, Hos pital Department, June, 1780, arid served to close of war. Caldwell, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Caldwell, James (X. J.). Chap lain 3d New Jersey, 9th February to November, 1770 ; served subsequently as an assistant to Deputy Quarter- - aster-General ; was shot by a senti nel at Elizabethport, ]S T ew Jersey, 24th November, 1781. Caldwell, John ( ). Lieutenant Georgia Regimei t, - ; mentioned in orders of 1778. Caldwell, John (N. H.). Quarter master 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Caldwell, John (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Caldwell, Jonathan (Del). Cap tain Delaware Regiment, 13th Janu ary to December, 1776. Caldwell, Joseph (Del). Captain of Patersori s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Caldwell, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Atlee s Battalion Pennsyl vania Militia, 28th March, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; Captain 29th November, 1776 ; ex changed 20th January, 1779 ; served as Captain of Marines, March, 1779, to close of war. Caldwell, William (Mass). Pay master 26th Continental Infantry, 13 :h August to 31sst December, 1776. Calhoun, George ( ). 1st Lieu tenant Company of Rangers, 8th June, 1779, to 1st January, 1781. Calhoun, George (Pa). Captain 10th Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776 ; died 21st March, 1779. Calhoun, William (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsyl vania, 3d January, 1777 ; taken pris oner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Calkins, Reuben (Conn). Ensign of Burrall s Connecticut State Reg iment, 23d January, 1776, to January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 12th Decem ber, 1777. Call, Daniel (Conn). Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 23d May, 1775 ; Ensign, 1st September, 1775 ; discharged 20th December, 1775. Call, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Lieuten ant of Stevens Battalion Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777 ; battal ion formed subsequently part of the 3d Continental Artillery ; Captain, 19th December, 1777; resigned 10th September, 1778. Callender, John (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; cashiered, 7th July, 1775, for misconduct at Bunker Hill ; re-entered the service in Cap tain Peirce s Company New York Ar tillery in March, 1776, as a volunteer cadet ; was wounded and taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; after his exchange the order dismissing from the service was re voked by General Washington for his brave and heroic conduct at Long Island and appointed Captain Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, to rank from 1st January, 1777 ; trans ferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 12th October, 1797.) Callender, Thomas (N. C.). En sign 1st North Carolina, 6th June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st Januarv, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th July, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 30th March, 1780; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781 ; Captain, 12th May, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Callis, William Overton (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 12th Jan uary, 1776, to . Calmes, George (Va). 1st Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 2d March, 1777; resigned 8th November, 1777 ; is also reported as having died 8th Decem ber, 1777. Calmes, Marquis (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 27th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st February, 1776 ; Captain, 13th January, 1777 ; resigned 8th March, 1779. Calvert, Jonathan (Md). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st Continental Artillery, 30th November, 1777; resigned, 8th October, 1778; served subsequently as SurgeonVMate of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1780. Calvsrt, Pierre du( ). The act of 10th August, 1776, provided that he be paid as an Ensign for 8 months arid have the brevet rank of Lieu tenant. Cambray. 114 Campbell. Cambray, du Monsieur (France). Lieutenant-Colonel Corps of Engineers, 13th June, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged 1781 ; brevet Colonel, 2d May, 1783 ; permitted to return to France, 30th October, 1782, on leave for 13 months. Came, John. See Game. Cameron, Allen (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775 to . Cameron, Charles (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776 ; resigned 3d January, 1778. Camp, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1776, to . Camp, "William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 30th November, 1777; Regimental Adju tant, 16th March, 1778 ; resigned 1st October, 1778. Campbell, Archibald (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, loth February, 1777; retired 1st Septem ber, 1778. (Died 1788.) Campbell, Archibald (Va). En sign 4th Virginia, 17th October, 1780 ; Lieutenant, loth June, 1781, and served to close of war. Campbell, Donald (X. Y.). Colo nel Deputy Quartermaster-General New York Department, 17th July, 1775, and served to 2d June, 1784. Campbell, Duncan (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livings ton s) Regiment, 18th October, 1776 ; Avounded at Bemus 1 Heights, 19th September, 1777; omitted August, 1779 ; served subsequently as Lieuten ant and Captain New York Militia. Campbell, Eneas (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Campbell, George (N. Y.). Hospi tal Surgeon s-Mate, llth April, 1777, to 20th June, 1780 ; Hospital Physi cian and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, and served to close of war. Campbell, James (X. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 19th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st De cember, 1777; Captain, 14th Decem ber, 1778 ; killed at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Campbell, James (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1777. Campbell, James (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 5th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 21st May, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1779, and served to close of war. Campbell, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 28th May, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th July, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. Campbell, James (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776, to . Campbell, John (Va). Captain Virginia, ; killed at Moore s Creek, 27th February, 1776. Campbell, John (N. J.). Assistant Commissary in Hospital Department, 18th October, 1777, to 1st December, 1780, when discharged. Campbell, John (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Campbell, Moses (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Con necticut, 6th July to 16th December, 1775. Campbell, Richard (Va). Cap tain 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1776; Major 13th Virginia, 10th August, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 20th February, 1778 ; regiment desig nated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; wounded at Camden, 25th April, 1781 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Campbell, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieu- tent 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 19th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner on Staten Island, 22d August, 1777; re joined regiment, 5th August, 1778; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 1st January, 1778 ; killed 4th October, 1779, where not stated. Campbell, Robert (Md). Adju tant of the 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 17th August to 1st December, 1776. Campbell, Samuel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 3d September, 1777; died 27th August, 1778. Campbell, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777 ; wounded at Grermantown, 4th October, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, llth May, 1779 ; Captain, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 1815.) Campbell. 115 Carle van. Campbell, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Germaiitown, 4th October, 1777; ex changed 25th October, 1780 ; Captain from 1st January, 1778 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Campbell, "William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 21st June, 1778 ; Captain, 16th Janu ary, 1779, and served to January, 1782. Campbell, William (Mass). Cap tain of Learned s Massachusetts Regi- inent, May, 1775, to . Campbell, William (Va). Cap tain 1st Virginia, 15th December, 1775; resigned 9th October, 1776 ; Colonel Virginia Militia, 1777-1780. By the act of 13th November, 1780, it was "Resolved, That Congress entertain a high sense of the spirited and mili tary ability of Colonel Campbell, and the officers and privates of the militia under his command, displayed in the action of October 7th, in which a complete victory was obtained over superior numbers of the enemy ad vantageously posted on King s Moun tain, in the State of North Carolina, and that this resolution be published by the commanding officer of the Southern Army in General Order." Brigadier General Virginia Militia, December, 1780; also commanded Shelby s Virginia Militia Regiment during the Siege of Yorktowri until he died, 22d August, 1781. Canfield, Jabez (N. J.). Surgeon of Spencers Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Surgeon 2d Conti nental Dragoons, 17th August 1781, and served to close of war. Cannon, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 9th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1780 ; died Febru ary, 1781. Cannon, Luke (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 21st July, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant and Regimental Quarter master, 1st April, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 7th February, 1829.) Canternier, John (S. C.) Captain South Carolina Dragoons, , 1779. Cape, John (X. J.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 10th April, 1777 ; re signed 12th September, 1778. Capers, William (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant of Marion s South Carolina Rangers, 1779 to 1781. Capitaine, Monsieur (France). Captain Corps of Engineers, 16th April, 1778, to rank from 1st Decem ber, 1776 ; brevet Major Continental Army, 5th November, 1778 ; served on Staff of General Lafayette in 1871 ; served to close of war. Capron, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Carberry, Henry (Md). 1st Lieu- tant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, lath January, 1777 ; Captain, 30th November, 1778 ; regi ment designated llth Pennsylvania, 13th January, 1779 ; wounded at , 13th August, 1779 ; retired 17th Janu ary, 1781 ; Captain in the Levies under General St. Clair in 1791 ; Cap tain of Infantry United States Army, 16th March, 1792 ; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; re signed 10th February, 1794; Colonel 36th United States Infantry, 22d March, 1813 ; resigned 4th March, 1815. (Died 26th May, 1822.) Carew, James (Mass). Adjutant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; re signed 27th October, 1778. Carey, Ephraim (R. I.). Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 14th January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777 ; re signed 8th April, 1781. Carey, Jonathan (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 10th August, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 10th August, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 30th October, 1780 ; transferred to 8th Massachu setts 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Carey, Josiah (Mass). Ensign Massachusetts Regiment, 1781, and served to . (Died 25th January, 1821.) Carey, Obed (Va.) Quartermaster 9th Virginia, 15th July, 1777, to . Carey, Richard (Va). Brigade Major, 15th August, 1775 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 21st June, 1776, to . Carey, Samuel (Va). Adjutant 2d Virginia State Regiment, -- June, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778, to January, 1781. Carlevan, Andrew ( ). 2d Lieu tenant Pulaski Legion, 3d March, 1779, to . Carlile. Carlile, Thomas (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th Decem ber, 1770, to . Carlisle, Daniel (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1770; cash iered, 9th August, 1770. Carlisle, John (Md). Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; retired, 1st January, 1783. Carlton, Moses (Mass). Sergeant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 10th July, 1779 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 20th November, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 7th May, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. Carlton, Osgood (Mass). Quarter master 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant loth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 1st December, 1778 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 7th Septem ber, 1882, and served to June, 1783. (Died June, 1810.) Carlton, Samuel (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel, 12th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; deranged 12th Sep tember, 1778. Carmichael, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, Jan uary, 1777; killed at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Carnaghan, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant, 2d Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 10th December, 177G; 1st Lieutenant, 24th October, 1776 ; Captain Pennsylvania State Regiment, 15th January, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsyl vania, 12th November, 1777; trans ferred to 8th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1773 ; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Carnaghan, John (Pa). Ensign of Captain MooreheacTs Company, guarding stores at Kittanning, Penn sylvania, 22d January, 1777 ; resigned 13th May, 1779. Carne, John (S. C.). Surgeon s- Mate 1st Continental Dragoons, Aug ust, 1777 ; Assistant Deputy Apothe cary, Southern Department, 20th September, 1781, to close of war. (Name also spelled Came). Carnes, Patrick (Va). Lieutenant 2d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 22d April, 1778; Captain,, 1780, and served to 116 Carpenter, Carnes, Thomas Jenner (Mass), Cadet in Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regi ment Continental Artillery, Decem ber, 1775 to December, 1776 ; Captain of Marines, 1779 to 1781. Carnes, Zophar (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th Feb ruary, 1777; cashiered, 16th April,, 1777. Carney, Arthur (Ga). Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to ; taken prisoner at St. Simon s Island, Ga., 10th August, 1777, and subse quently joined the enemy. Carney, Martin (Va). Quarter master 8th Virginia, 3d June, 1777; Ensign, 9th September, 1778 ; 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Carney, Richard (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Carothers, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th Oc tober, 1770 ; killed "at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Carpenter, Abel (R. I,). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 17th Febru ary, 1777; resigned , 1779. Carpenter, Benajah (R. I.). Cap tain Lieutenant of Kriox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1770. Carpenter, Benjamin (Pa). En sign. 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November,. 1777 ; resigned 3d June, 1778. Carpenter, Gardner (Conn). Pay master 17th Continental Infantry, 9th September to 31st December, .1770. Carpenter, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. Carpenter, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th August to November, 1776. Carpenter, Nehemiah (N. Y.). Quartermaster 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged, 1779; Ensign, 5th June, 1779; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 1782,, and served to June, 1783. Carpenter. Carpenter, Richard (Mass). Lieu tenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 26th October, 1777. Carpenter, Samuel (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777, to . Carpenter, Thomas (N. J.). Quar termaster and Paymaster New Jersey Militia, 1776 to 1780. Carpenter, Wright (X. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia ; was a prisoner of war, 16th February, to 4th July, 1781. Carr, Caleb (R. I.). Lieutenant in Richmond s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 1st November, 1775 ; Cap tain, 19th August, 1776 ; also Captain of Tallman s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 1st December, 1776, to May, 1777. Carr, James (N.H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Hub- bardton, 7th July, 1777; exchanged ; transferred to New Hampshire Battalion, 1st March, 1782; Major, 8th December, 1782, and served to November, 1783. Carr, Jesse (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; marked "dead 11 on roll for Au gust, 1776. Carr, John (R. I.). Lieutenant Rhode Island Militia in 1775 ; Captain of Babcock s arid Lippitfs Rhode Is land State Regiments in 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, to . Carr, John (Va.) Ensign 1st Vir ginia, February, 1781, and served to Carr, John (Md.) Ensign 3d Mary land, 17th April, 1777 ; Lieutenant 13th May, 1779, to . Carr, John (Mass.) Quartermaster 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Carr, John (Pa) Ensign 5th Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1777; resigned August, 1777. Carr, Joseph (N. Y.). Quarter master 1st New York, 1st May to No vember, 1776. Carr, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieutenant 9th Virginia, llth March, 1776; ap pointed Captain of Marines, Sep tember, 1777. 117 Carson. Carr, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 26th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 3d May, 17*2 ; retired, 1st January, 1783. Carrington, Clement (Va). Cor net of Lee s Battalion of Light Dra goons, , 1780, to close of w r ar. Carrington, Edward (Va). Lieu tenant-Colonel 1st Continental Artil lery, 30th November, 1776, arid served to 17th June, 1783. (Died 28th Octo ber, 1810.) Carrington, George (Va). Lieu tenant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 1779 to 1782. Carrington, Mayo (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 2d May, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 1st February, 1777; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 3d Oc tober, 1778; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781 ; transferred to 6th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war; \vas Quartermaster of General Woodford s Brigade, 16th July to 10th December, 1779, and Deputy Quarter master-General of the SouthernArmy, 10th December, 1779, to March, 1781. Carroll, Jonathan (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Learned s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Carson, Andrew (N. C.). Private and Captain North Carolina Partisan Rar ;ers under General Davidson, 1770 to 1782. (Died, 1840.) Carson, Ebenezer (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th April, 1877 ; taken prisoner near Iron Hill, 4th September, 1777; released, 22d December, 1780; Captain, 1st April, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 17th Januarv, 1881 ; resigned, 18th May, 1881. Carson, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 2d May, 1779 ; died, 12th September, 1781, of w r ounds received at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Carson, Moses (Pa). Captain 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1770; left the service, 21st April, 1777. Carson, Richard (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776 ; left the service in April, 1777. Carson. Carson, Samuel (Pa). Captain Lieutenant of Captain Montgomery s Independent Pennsylvania Artillery Company, 2d December, 1776, to October, 1777, Carson, William (Va). Paymas ter llth Virginia, June, 1777 ; retired, 14th September, 1778. Cartel, Simon (IN". H.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; omitted March, 1777. Carter, - - (Ga). Major Georgia Militia, - ; mortally wounded at Augusta, 18th September, 1780. Carter, Benjamin (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 4th North Carolina, 22d November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Janu ary, 1779, and served to close of war. (Died 20th January, 1830.) Carter, Hubbard (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 28th September, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1880 ; re signed 30th August, 1882. Carter, John Champe (Va.). En sign 7th Virginia, 18th March, 1776 ; resigned 13th January, 1777; Cap tain 1st Continental Artillery, 30th October, 1777. to ; was in service November, 1778. Carter, John Hill ( ). Lieuten ant 3d Continental Dragoons, 12th October, 1777, to . Carter, John ( ). Lieutenant ; resigned 5th December, 1778. Carter, Stephen (Mass). Ensign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 17*76 ; 2d Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned llth April, 1780. Carter, Thomas (Va). Surgeon of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1782. Carter, Stephen (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Carter, William (Va). Surgeon in Hospital Southern Department, July, 1776, to close of war. (Died, 1798.) Carter, William (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned 5th February, 1777. Cartsy, Abraham ( ). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 20th January to December, 1776. Cartwright, Thomas i(Mass). Cap tain of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; Aide-de-Camp to GeneralHeath, Octo ber 1778, to March, 1779 ; retired 22d April, 1779 Carver, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th De cember, 1775. 118 Catlin. Carver, Robert (N. Y.). Quarter master of Steven s Battalion Conti nental Artillery, November, 1776 ; re signed January. 1777. Carver, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, May, 1776, to May, 1777. Casey, Benjamin (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 9th September, 1776; Captain, 1st September, 1777; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; died 14th April, 1779. Casey, Gideon (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 20th Febru ary, 1777, to . Cass, Jonathan (N. H.). Served as a private at Bunker Hill, June, 1775 ; Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th August, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; transferred to 1st New Hamp shire, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 8th December, 1782. and served to close of war. (Died 14th August, 1830.) Casson, Charles (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, February, 1777; cashiered, 3d October, 1777. Casson, Philip (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Castaing-, Peter (France). 2d Lieu tenant of Jackson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783; served as Aide-de-Camp to General Duportail from October, 1779, to close of war ; was taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Caswell, William (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Caswell, Richard (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Partisan Rangers, 1776 and 1777 ; was also Governor of North Carolina same time. (Died 20th November, 1789.) Cathcart, William ( ). Sur geon 4th Continental Dragoons, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1778. Catlett, Thomas (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 19th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 20th November, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, llth March, 1777, Captain, 8th March, 1779 ; killed at Waxhaws, 29th May, 1780. Catlin, Abel (Conn). Surgeon 4tb_ Connecticut, June, 1775, to . Catlin. 119 Chambers. Catlin, Benjamin (Conn). Cor poral in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant in Captain Chester s Company in 1775 ; Quartermaster of Arnold s Expedition to Canada, and was ta ceri prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; exchanged 10th January, 1777. Catlin, Eli (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 6th De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 25th May, 1778. Catlin, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st De cember, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner on the re treat from New York, 15th Septem ber, 1776. Catouch, William (N. J). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 : re signed 28th April, 1778. Cattell, Benjamin (S. C.). Cap tain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Cattell, William (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, - ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st South Carolina, 16th September, 1776, to . Cebra, William (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777, to ; resigned 15th April, 1780. Celeron, Lewis ( ). Captain Pulaski Legion, 1st April, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; resigned 1st July, 1782. Chadbourne, Silas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777: resigned 18th March, 1780. (Died loth June, 1823.) Chadwick, Edmund (N. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Surgeon, 1st April, 1778 ; resigned 19th September, 1778. Chadwick, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 : Avounded at White Plains, 28th October, 1776; Captain 12th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; retired 8th September, 1778. (Died 8th May, 1821.) Chadwick, Joseph (Mass). Cap tain of (jridley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, May, 1775, to . Chaille, Moses (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Captain Wat kins 1 Indepen dent Maryland Company, 14th Janu ary, 1776, to . Chalker, Isaac (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 1st Connecticut, August to De cember, 1775. Challenor, Edward (Mass). En sign 5th Massachusetts, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th Novem ber, 1777 ; retired, 1st April, 1779. Challis, Thomas (N. H.). Ser geant 2d New Hampshire, January, 1777; Ensign, 22d December, 1777; re signed 25th May, 1780. Chamberlain, Benjamin (N. R.). Ensign of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776 ; dishonorably dis charged 13th October, 1776. Chamberlain, Ebenezer (N. H.), 1st Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d Janu ary to September, 1776. Chamberlain, Ephraim (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, ls<- January, 1777 ; Captain 13th Novem ber, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Chamberlain, Freedom (Mass). Captain of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Chamberlain, Joel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775. Chamberlain 3, James (Md). Brig- adier-Greneral Maryland Militia, 6th January, 1776, to. Chambers, Benjamin (Md). Ensign of Small wood s Maryland Regiment r 14th January, 1776, to . Chambers, Benjamin (Pa). Pri vate in Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 27th June, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 5th January, 1776 ; discharged August, 1776 ; Ensign 1st Pennsyl vania, 2d June, 1778; Lieutenant, 13th September, 1779 ; retired 17th Janu ary, 1781. (Died 29th December, 1813.) Chambers, Benjamin (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry,, 1st January to 31st December, 177-5 ; Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 8th April, 1777, to . Chambers. 120 Chapin. Chambers, James (Pa). Captain (i Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775; Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, 7th March, 1770 ; Colonel 10th Penn sylvania. 12th March, 1777, to rank from 28th September, 1776; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 12th April, 1777; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777; retired 17th Janu ary, 1781. (Died 25th April, 1805.) Chambers, Matthew (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 10th June, 1779; Captain, llth No vember, 1779, arid served to June. 1783. (Died, 1809.) Chambers, Stephen (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; Captain, - March, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died 16th May, 1789.) Chambers, "William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; resigned 5th July, 1776; Captain 2vl Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 9th December, 1776, to . Chambers, William (X. J.). 2d Lieutenant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st August, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779. Champion, Henry (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Adjutant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1780. Champney, Jonathan (Mass). En sign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 12th July to 31st December, 1776. Chandler, Abiel (N. H.). Adjutant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775; Adjutant 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; killed at Long Island, 27th August, Chandler, David (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 16th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Chandler, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, t > December, 1776. Chandler, John (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Silliman s Regiment Connecticut Militia, June to Decem ber, 1776 ; Colonel 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 5th March, 1778. Chandler, Joseph (N. H.). Cap tain of Wy man s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, - ; died 17th September, 1776. Chandler, Thomas (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1780. Chandonnet, Francis (N. H.). En- sigri 1st New Hampshire, 7th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st September, 1778. Chaney, Thomas (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; Lieuten ant 13th Massachusetts, 13th Novem ber, 1776; resigned 13th Februarv, 1778. Chaney, William (Mass). Ser geant-Major 15th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776 ; Ensign, 7th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, llth Novem ber, 1777 ; resigned 28th August, 1780. Channing, Walter (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Tallman s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Chapin, Adams (Mass). Quarter master 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Chapin, Israel (Mass). Captain of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Chapin, Leonard (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 16th Septem ber, 1778. Ohapin, Leonidas (N. J.). Quar termaster 2d New Jersey, 18th Sep tember, 1776 ; resigned March, 1777. Chapin, Noah (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th Decem ber, 1775. Chapin, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant loth Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 177 5. Chapin, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1779, and served to close of war. Chapin, Seth (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Wood s Regiment Massachu setts Militia in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1 9th July, 1777; re signed 19th April, 1/80. Chaplin. 121 Chase. Chaplin, Abraham (Va). Lieu tenant and Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1781. Chapline, Moses (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Maryland. 10th December, 1776; Captain 20th February, 1777; "went off 12th Octo ber, 1777." Chapman, Albert (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775, to March, 1776; Cap tain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776; Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 5th Connecticut, 5th March, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Chapman, Alpheus (Conn). Ser geant 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; Ensign, 1st September to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; dismissed 10th June, 1776. Chapman, Benjamin (N. Y.). Quartermaster 4th New York. 30th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain New Y ork Militia. Chapman, Elijah (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 1st April, 1780; Captain, 20th July, 1780; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Chapman, Ezra (Conn). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 6th August, 1777 ; died 31st August, 1778. Chapman, Henry H. (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 14th September, 1781 ; Lieutenant, , 17c:2, and served to April, 1783. Chapman, Hezekiah (Mass). Chaplain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Chapman, James (Conn). Ensign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th July, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 25th January, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, March, 1780; resigned Sth September, 1780. Chapman, James (Conn). Cap tain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th" December, 1775 ; Captain 10th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major, 15th August, 1776 ; killed 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York. Chapman, John (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th September, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Chapman, John (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Chapman, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, Ivth May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th January, 1778 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 13th Septem ber, 1778; Captain Lieutenant, 26th October, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 9th August, 1822.) Chapman, Nathaniel ( ). Cap tain of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 7th May, 1778 ; retired 30th August, 1780. Chapman, Richard (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Chappel, Amos (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775. Charles Joseph (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 19th November, 1777; resigned 30th September, 1778. Charlton, (N. C.). Lieutenant North Carolina, ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Charnock, William (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Chase, Dudley Leavit (N. H.). Ensign 3d New r Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; resigned 30th June, 1780. Chase, Enoch (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 6th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; Captain, 22d December, 1777 ; resigned 21st November, 1782. Chase, John (R. I.). Surgeon s- Mate 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Chase, Jonathan (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 and 1777. Chase, Joshua (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 12th April, 1778. Chase. 122 Child, Chase, Joshua (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 23d June 1777. Chase, Josiah (N. H.), Surgeon s- Mate 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; Surgeon s-Mate 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subse quently as Surgeon New Hampshire Militia. Chase, Samuel (Mass). Ensign of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th May, 1777 ; resigned 1st February, 1778. Chase, Wells (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Cheapin, Enoch (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Cheeney, James (Mass). Lieuten ant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to -- . (In service January, 1780.) Cheeney, Penuel (Conn). Sur geon s-Mate 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Surgeon, 4th October, 1775; cashiered, 21st November, 1775. Cheese, John (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 12th June, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 20th January, 1777; re signed 1st April, 1777. Cheeseman, Jacob (N. Y.). Cap tain 1st New York, 1st July, 1775; Aide-de-Camp to General Montgom ery, August, 1775; killed at (Quebec 31st December, 1775. Cheever, Ezekiel ( -- ). Commis sary of Military Stores, 17th August, 1775, to -- . Cheever, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 8th September, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Cheever, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. (Died 23d October, 1830.) Cherry, Samuel (N. H.). Ensign of Wingate s Regiment New Hamp shire Militia in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; Captain Lieutenant, 22d De cember, 1777; Captain, 30th Novem ber, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Cherry, W 1 ! 113 - 111 < Va )- 2cl Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, September, 1776; Captain, 29th November, 1777; re tired 14th September, 1778. Chesley, Robert (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 10th June, 1777; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler, 22d August, 1777 ; exchanged ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Chester, John (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775 ; Major of Wol- cott s Regiment Connecticut Militia, December, 1775, to February, 1776 ; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to December, 1776. (Died 4th November, 1809.) Chew, Samuel Lloyd (Md). 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; resigned February, 1777. Chickley, Samuel (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th April, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed 20th April, 1778. Child, Abijah (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 10th March, 1878. Child, Abaham (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 6th September, 1779. Child, Francis (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 26th January, 1777 taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Child, James (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Child, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th May, 1777; resigned 17th October, 1778. (Died 3d September, 1825.) Child, Josiah (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 15th November, 1778. Child, Obadiah (Conn). Corporal in the Lexington Alarm, April 1775; Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 10th May to 16th December, 1775 ; Ensign of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, May, 1776, to May, 1777. Childs. 123 Church. Childs, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1770; omitted June, 1779. Childs, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Childs, Timothy (Mass). Surgeon of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Surgeon 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 25th February, 1821.) Chilton, John (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 29th April, 1776 ; killed at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777. Chilton, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; resigned llth Novem ber, 1776. Chiney, ( ). See Cheeney. Chinn, Edward ( ). Paymaster 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 1st June. 1777, to . Chipman, John (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of War ner s Additional Continental Regi ment, 16th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort George, 16th Novem ber, 1776; Captain, 1st August, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served sub sequently as Major New York Levies. Chipman, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1*77; 1st Lieutenant, 29th De cember, 1777; retired 13th October, 1778. (Died loth February, 1843.) Chisholm, Thomas (Ga). Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to ; mentioned in 1779 as Lieutenant- Colonel Georgia Continental Line. Chittenden, Benjamin (Conn). En sign 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 1st February, 1778. Chittenden, Benjamin (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Chittenden, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Christ, Henry (Pa). Captain 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 9th March, 1776 ; re signed 19th March, 1777. Christian, William (Va). Lieu- ten int-Colonel 1st Virginia, 13th Feb ruary 1776 ; Colonel, 18th March, 1776, which he declined and retired from the service. Christian, "William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776 ; resigned 13th January, 1778.) Christie, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 3d Pennsyl vania, llth November, 1776, to rank from 9th August, 1776 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Name also spelled Chrystie. (Died June, 1807.) Christie, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Christie, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, 23d October, 1776 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1883, and served to 3d June, 1783. Christie, Thomas (Va). Surgeon 1st Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Christman, Paul (Md). Ensign German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; resigned 8th November, 1776. Chronicle, "William (N. C.). Major North Carolina Partisan Rangers, killed at King s Mountain, 7th Octo ber, 1780. Chrystie ( ). See Christie, as name is spelled both ways. Church, Benjamin (R. I.). Ensign Rhode Island Militia, 15th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant of Richmond s Regi ment, Rhode Island Militia, 19th August, 1776 ; Captain of Tallman s Regiment, Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Church, Benjamin (Mass). Di rector and Chief Physician of Hos pital, 27th July, 1775 ; dismissed 7th November, 1775. (Lost at sea 1st May, 1776.) Church, Charles (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant^ 23d Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Church, Isaac (Mass). Sergeant in Woodbridge s Massachusetts Mil itia Regiment August, 1776 ; Ensign, 4th October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered 20th January, 1778. Church, Israel (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Church, Nathaniel (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Church, Reuben (Conn). Ensign of ^yarner 1 s Additional Continental Regiment, 7th August, 1779 ; resigned 26th September, 1780. Church. 124 Clap. Church, Samuel ( ). Surgeon 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 10th April, 1777: resigned December, 1777. Church, Thomas (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1770; Major, September, 1777, to rank from 1st March, 1777 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Church, Thomas (R. I.). Colonel 3d Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Church, Uriah (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Elinore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Churchill, Joseph (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Cilley, Jonathan (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 4th August, 1777; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Cilley, Joseph (N. H.). Major 2d New Hampshire, 20th May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Major 8th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 1st New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; Colonel, 22d February, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 25th August, 1799.) Claflin, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, llth Sep tember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 15th July, 1779. Claiborne, Buller (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 24th October, 1775; Captain, 8th March, 1776, to 27th July, 1777 ; served subsequently as Brigade Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln in 1779 and 1780. Clagett, Horatio (Md). Ensign 3d Battalion Maryland Flying Camp, July to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 10th October, 1777; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 2d January, 1783 ; retained in Maryland Battalion, April, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. Clandenin, John. See Clendenin. Clanghorn, Elrazer (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Burrall s Regiment Connecticut Militia, 23d January, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 6th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 19th April, 1779 ; resigned 10th May, 1780. Clap, Caleb (Mass). Private of a company of Minute Men at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775; Sergeant and Sergeant-Major of Doolittle s Massa chusetts Regiment, June to Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 26th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776;* Lieutenant and Adju tant 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 9th April, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died 5th June, 1812.) Clap, Earl (Mass). Captain of Cot ton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 21st Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Clap, Ebenezer (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, 18th May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 13th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to Clap, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777 ; Regimental Quar termaster, 18th October, 1778; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachu setts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Cap tain, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 5th No vember, 1810.) Clapp, Daniel (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th No- cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th March, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 5th July, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Clapsadle, August (N. Y.). Major New York Militia ; killed at Oriskany 6th August, 1777. Clark. See Clarke, as these names are spelled both ways. Clark, Asahel (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 20th April, 1778. Clark, Charles (Pa). Lieutenant of Watts Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 29th January, 1781. (Died March, 1813.) Clark, Daniel (Conn). Lieutenant of Latimer s Regiment Connecticut Militia, 24th August, 1777; died 21st September, 1777, of wounds received at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777. Clark, Edmund (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 21st March, 1780; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; Lieutenant, 10th June, 1781, and served to close of war. Clark. 125 Clark. Clark, Hezekiah (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 8d Connecticut, 22d June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Clark, J. C. (Ga). Lieutenant 3d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Clark, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New York, March to Novem ber, 1776. Clark, James (Conn). Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th Decem ber, 1775. (Died 29th December, 1820.) Cl^rk, James (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to llth November, 1775. Clark, Joel (Conn). Major 8th Con necticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1770, and died in captivity, 19th December, 1770. Clark, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th February, 1777, to . Clark, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 15th March, 1770 ; ap pointed Aide-de-Camp to General Greene, 14th January, 1777 ; Captain Pennsylvania State Regiment, 20th February, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Pennsyl vania, 1st July, 1778; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 27th December, 1783.) Clark, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, Januarv, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Gerinantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; exchanged October, 1780 ; Captain, 14th February, 1781, and served to . Clark, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Glover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at (Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Clark, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Major 2d Battalion of the Pennsylvania Flying Camp, 14th September, 1776, to . Clark, Jonah (Conn). Quarter master of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 22d June to 29th December, 1776. Clark, Jonathan (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 23d January, 1770 ; Ma jor 12th Virginia, 10th January, 1778 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 10th May, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781, and served to 1st January, 1783. Clark, Jonathan (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 14th Massachusetts, , 1777; died 3d April, 1778. Clark, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 18th February, 1777; resigned 4th November, 1777. Clark, Joseph (Conn). Corporal 1st Connecticut, 20th January, 1777 ; En sign, 25th August, 1780; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment in June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Clark, Matthias (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th Juno, 1775, to January, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1770 ; never joined the latter regiment and was dropped. Clark, Nathaniel ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artifi cer Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Cap tain 12th November, 1779, and served to . Clark, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusett s Regiment j 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1770. Clark, Norman (Mass). Private of a Company of Minute Men at Lex ington, 19th April, 1775, and in a Mas sachusetts Regiment, June to Decem ber, 1775; Lieutenant Massachusetts Militia in 1770 ; Avounded at Harlem Plains, 10th September, 1770 ; Captain Massachusetts Militia in 1777 and 1778. Clark, Oliver (R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain 1st Rhode Island, llth Feb ruary, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mercer, 22d October, 1777. Clark, Othneil (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 5th May to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 10th August, 1779 ; died 22d July, 1782. Clark, Peter (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777; resigned 13th July, 1779. Olark. 126 Clay. Clark, Robert (Pa). Captain of Cuimiiighanrs Pennsylvania Battal ion of the Flying Camp, June to De cember, 1776. Clark, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, 28th May, 1778 ; Captain, 28th March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 13th August, 1800.) Clark, Theophilus (Mass). Ser geant 5th Massachusetts, 10th Au gust, 1777 ; Ensign, 7th November, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 10th July, 1779 ; resigned, 1st November, 1780. Clark, Thomas (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 28th December, 1776 ; Lieu tenant, 15th April, 1777, to . Clark, Thomas (N. C.). Ensign 9th North Carolina, 28th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 1st February, 1778, to . Clark, Thomas (N. C.). Major 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 7th May, 1776 ; Colonel 5th February, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Clark, Timothy (Conn). Lieuten ant in Sage s Connecticut State Reg iment, June to December, 1776. Clark, Watrous (Conn). Corpo ral in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant-Major 3d Connecticut, 3d May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Clark, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Clark, William (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Maryland, 1st April, 1777. "Went off without leave, 15th June, 1777." Clark, William (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant lath Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Clark, William (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 30th March, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; se verely wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777, and did not rejoin the army. Clarke. See Clark, as these names are spelled both ways. Clarke, Elijah (Ga). Colonel Georgia Militia, ; wounded at .Alligator Creek in July, 1778 ; a Wofford s Iron Works, 8th August, 1780, and again at Musgrove s Mill, 18th August, 1780 ; served to . Clarke, Ethan (R. I.). Captain Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June, 1775, to . Clarke, George Rogers (Va). Colonel and Brigadier-General Vir ginia Militia, 1776 to 1783; served mainly on the Western frontier. (Died 18th February, 1818.) Clarke, Jeremiah (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; resigned 17th Decem ber, 1777. Clarke, John (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia, ; wounded at Wofford s Iron Works, 8th August, 1780,- and at Musgrove s Mill, 18th August, 1780. Clarke, John J. (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia ; on roll for August, 1778. Clarke, Richard (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to Clarke, William (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to Clarkson, Matthew (Mass). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Ar nold, August, 1778, to March, 1779, and Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln, March, 1779, to 2d July, 1782, when he was granted leave until recalled, to go to the West Indies ; was taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th September, 1783. (Died 25th April, 1825.) Clause, La ( ). Lieutenant Pulaski Legion, ; brevet Captain, 19th July, 1780, and permitted to re turn to Europe. Clay, Abijah (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 26th February, 1776, to . Clay, Joseph (Ga). Lieutenant- Colonel Deputy Paymaster-General Southern Department, 6th August, 1777 ; elected to Congress, 26th Febru ary, 1778, and retired from the army. (Died 16th January, 1805.) Clay, Matthew (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 1st October, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 16th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 23d April, 1778 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st December, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Clay, Thomas (Va). Captain of a t Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Clayes. i-r Clements. Clayes, Elijah (X. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, Sth November, 1776; died 30th No vember, 1779 of wounds received at Clayes, Peter (Mass). Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, ; Captain Lieu tenant, llth November, 1779 ; Cap tain, llth April, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died 28th March, 1854.) Claypoole, Abraham George (Pa). Captain Lieutenant of Pat- ton s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st February, 1777 ; Captain, 10th June, 1778 ; regiment incorpor ated into llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Claypoole, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 2d March, 1779 ; resigned 14th June, 1780. Clayton, Edward (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Maryland, 20th February, 1777; dropped in June, 1777, as hav ing been promoted to one of the Ad ditional Continental Regiments. Clayton, Henry (Va). Adjutant 9th Virginia, March, 1778 ; retired 14th [September, 1778. Clayton, Henry (Pa). Lieutenant .of Swope s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island^ 27th August, 1776 ; released 8th December, 1780. Clayton, John (Va). 2cl Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 7th October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, February, 1776, to Clayton, Philip (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 10th May, 1780; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Cleaveland. See Cleveland, as these names are spelled both ways. Cleaveland, Benjamin (N. C.). Ensign 2cl North Carolina, 1st Sep- tember, 1775 ; Lieutenant, January, 1776; Captain, November, 1776; Col- . onel North Carolina Militia, August, 1778, to close of v\ r ar. (Name also : spelled Cleveland ; died October, 1806.) Cleaveland, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Bridges Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant ,J21s-t Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 12th July, 1776 ; Captain 8th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d October, 1778. (Died 26th Novem ber, 1822.) Cleaveland, Ebenezer (Mass). Chaplain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Chaplain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Cleaveland, Ephraim (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 16th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 8th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; deranged 30th October, 1778. Cleaveland, John (Conn). Private 8th Connecticut, llth July to 26th December, 1775 ; Sergeant 4th Con necticut, 28th April, 1777; Ensign, 24th October, 1780; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Cleaveland, Moses (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th December, 1777; Captain Lieu tenant Sappers and Miners, 2d August, 1779 ; resigned 7th June, 1781. (Died 16th November, 1806.) Cleaveland, Timothy (Conn). En sign 20th Continental Infantry ; 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th No vember, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Cleaveland, "William (Conn). Ser geant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner on the re treat from New York, 15th Septem ber, 1776. Cleaves, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Cleckner, Christian. See Gleckner. Clements, Henry (Va). Cornet of a Company of Virginia Dragoons, 19th, June, 1776; Lieutenant 1st Con tinental Dragoons, 20th February, 1777; resigned 15th November, 177V ; Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 25th April, 1781, and served to 1st January, 1783. Clements, Mace (Va). Surgeorrs- Mate 7th Virginia, February, 1777; Surgeon 15th Virginia, 1st S r eptem- ber, 1777; regiment designated llth Virginia, 1777 : retired 12th February 1781. Clendenin. 128 Cobb, Clendenin, John (N. C.). Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina Regiment, 23d December, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; name also spelled Clandenin and Clenden- riing. Cleveland. See Cleaveland, as name is spelled both ways. Clift, Lemuel (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 6th May to 15th December, 1775 ; Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieuten ant, 1st June, 1778; Captain, 20th May, 1779; transferred to 1st Connecti cut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783. and served to 3d November, 1783. Clift, Waterman (Conn). Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th De cember, 1775 ; Major of Selden s Con necticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Clift, Wills (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 16th De cember, 1775 ; Captain 20th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 25th May, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Clinch, Joseph (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to- Clinton, Alexander (N. Y.). Eii- sigii 1st New York, 29th September, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Clinton, G-eorge (N. Y.). Briga dier-General Continental Army, 25th March, 1777; elected Governor of New York, 20th April, 1777; commanded the forces in the actions at Forts Clinton and Montgomery, 6th Octo ber, 1777. (Died 20th April, 1812.) Clinton, James (N. Y.). Colonel 3d New York, 30th June, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776 ; Colonel 2d New York, 8th March, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Con tinental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; wounded at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; brevet Major-General, 30th September, 1783 ; served to close of Avar. (Died 22d December. 1812.) Clock, Jacob I. (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; re signed 16th May, 1780, and joined the British Army. (Name also spelled Klock.) Clough, Alexander (N. J.). Adju tant 1st New Jersey, 20th November, 1775; Major 3d Continental Dragoons, 8th January, 1777; killed at Tappan, 28th September, 1778. Clough, Gibson (Mass). Ensign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Clough, Jeremiah (N. H.). Cap tain 2d New Hampshire, 24th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 3lst December, 1776. Cloyd, James (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January,, 1776, to . Cluggage, Robert (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Clum, Matthew (N. J.). Ensign of Phillips Regiment New Jersey Levies in 1776; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; resigned 15th November, 1777. Clumberg, Philip Jr. (Pa). En sign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th Janu ary, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1777. Clymer, Daniel ( ). Deputy Commissary-General of Prisoners, 12th December, 1777, to - Coates, Doctor John (Pa). Cap tain llth Pennsylvania, 13th Novem ber, 1776 ; w r ounded at Piscataway, 8th May, 1777; resigned -- OctobeV, 1777. Coates, Isaac (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, January, 1777; omitted August, 1777. Coates, John (N. Y.). Surgeon of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776 ; Surgeon 5th New York, 13th January, 1777; resigned March, 1777. Cobb, David (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel of Jackson 3 Additional Con tinental Regiment, 12th January, 1777; regiment designated 16th Massachu setts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 15th January, 1781, to 7th Janu ary, 1783 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Com mandant 5th Massachusetts, 7th Jan uary, 1783 ; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September, 1783, and served to- June, 1783. (Died 17th April, 1839.) Cobb. Cobb, Nehemiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cobb, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Cobb, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Cobb, Simeon (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Cobbs, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 25th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Cobea, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th Jan uary, 1770; 1st Lieutenant 2d Penn sylvania, December, 1776 ; Captain, llth March, 1779; retired, 1st Janu ary, 1781. Coburn, Asa (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to June, 1783. Coburn, John ( ). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 10th January, 1777, to . Coburn, Peter (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cochran, David (Pa). Ensign IGth Pennsylvania, 23d April, 1777 ; re signed 4th September, 1777. Cochran, John (Pa). Physician and Surgeon-General Middle Depart ment, llth April, 1777; Chief Physi cian and Surgeon of the Army, 6th October, 1780; Director-General of Military Hospitals, 17th January, 1781, arid served to close of war. (Died 6th April, 1807.) Cochrane, Robert (Conn). Captain of a Connecticut Company under General Arnold at Crown Point in May, 1775 ; Captain of Elmore s Con necticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776; Major, 25th July, 1776 ; Major 3d ^Sew York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d New York, 30th March, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 23d February, 1812.) Cocke, Collin (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 7th August. 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 2d February, 1777; transferred to 2d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Regi mental Paymaster, 16th February, 1770 ; Captain, 9th December, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th 129 Cogswell. May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781, and served to close of war. Cocke, Nathaniel (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; re signed 13th December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel of Virginia Militia. Cocke, Pleasant F. (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 12th August, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778; marked dead" on roll for December, 1778. Codwise, Christopher (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 2d New Y T ork, 21st November^ 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Cody, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Coe, Benjamin (N. Y.). Lieuten ant Long Island Militia ; taken pris oner at Long Island 27th August, 1776; exchanged December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Coffer, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 18th November, 1776 ; resigned 21st April, 1778. Coffin, Peter (N. H.). Major of Gilman s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 5th December, 1776, to 12th March, 1777. Cogan, Patrick (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Continental Infantry, 14th August, 1776; Quartermaster 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; died 21st August, 1778. Cogswell, Amps (Mass). 2cl Lieu tenant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 26th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December,, 177,6 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, l; : t January, 1777; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d No vember,1783. (Died 28th January, 1826 > Cogswell, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Lee s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st July, 1777; tans- ferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; trans f erred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 7th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; trans ferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783. Cogswell. Cogswell, Thomas (Mass). Cap tain of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regi merit, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Major 1st Massachusetts, 21st Jan uary, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 15th Massachusetts, 26th November, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 3d September, 1810.) Cog-swell, "William (Mass). Pri vate in Captain Cogswell s Company 26th Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776 ; Hospital Sur- geon s-Mate, 19th January, 1781; Chief Medical Officer of the Army, 20th June, 1784, to 12th August, 1785. (Died 1st January, 1831.) Coiler, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Cunningham s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Coit, Samuel (Conn). Colonel Con necticut Militia Regiment in 1775 and 1776. Coit, "William (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Coit, William (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain of the "Oliver Cromwell 1 in the Navy, llth July, 1776 ; dismissed 14th April, 1777. Colbrath, William (N. Y.). En sign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 20th November, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 15th July, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Colburn, Amos (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; discharged 10th Au gust, 1778. Colburn, Andrew (N. H.). Major 4th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; wounded at Harlem Heights, 12th October, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; died, 20th Septem ber, 1777, of wounds received at Still- water, 19th September, 1777. Colby, Ephraim (N. H.). Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Colcord, John (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1?76; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned, 14th May, 1777. Cole, Abner (Conn). Sergeant 1st Connecticut, 2,th January, 1777 ; Ser geant-Major, 1st March, 1779 ; Ensign, 1st January, 1780 ; transferred to 3d 130 Coleman. Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Cole, Abraham (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 20th November, 1777 ; died, October, 1778. Cole, Arcippus (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cole, George (Md). Ensign Ger man Regiment, 17th August, 1777; re signed 2d June, 1778. (Died 21st Au gust, 1828.) Cole, John (Pa). Ensign 10th Penn sylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 30th April, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Cole, John (R. I.). Lieutenant Rhode Island Militia, August to De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Stan- ton s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Cole, John (Va). Ensign 2d Vir ginia, 4th May, 1777 ; Lieutenant, February, 1778, and served to . Cole John (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned, 9th May, 1778. Cole, Joseph Jr. (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cole, Marcus (Conn). Ensign 2cl Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 22d Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieute"nant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed, 6th February, 1778. Cole, Thomas (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 5th November, 1778 ; Lieutenant, , 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Cole, Thomas (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain 9th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 17th March 1782. Coleman, Benjamin (N. C.). Cap tain 5th North Carolina, 30th April, 1777; transferred to 2d North Caro lina, 1st June, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Coleman, Dudley (Mass). Adju tant 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Ma jor 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d July. 1777; resigned 10th March, 1779. Coleman, Edward (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Stantori s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Coleman. 131 Colombo. Coleman, Ed-ward S. (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th No- Tember, 1778 ; resigned 21st April, 1780. Coleman, Jacob (Va). Ensign and Adjutant 9th Virginia, 5th April, 1779 ; Lieutenant, - , 1780 ; trans ferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Coleman John (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 4th July, 1779, to . Coleman, Nicholas (Pa). 2cl Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, March, 1777 ; retired February, 1779. Coleman, Noah (Conn). Surgeon 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Coleman, Richard (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 29th April, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 13th January, 1777 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to . Coleman, Samuel (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 25th March, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 15th June, 1778 ; killed at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Coleman, Whitehead (Va). En sign 7th Virginia, 26th April, 1776 ; resigned 13th January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; Captain, loth August, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Coleman, Wyatt (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 6th April, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779, to January, 1782. Colerus, Christian de (France). Appointed brevet Major Continental Army, 19th September, 1776, and served to . Coif ax, William (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th March, 1778 ; trans ferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781; transferred to 2d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1783 ; Captain, 1st April, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Con necticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 7th September, 1838.) Colgate, John (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 1st June, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 6th November, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 4th August, 1778, to . (In service March, 1780.) Colgrave, Arthur (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, 26th March, 1776, to Colhoun, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Wilson s Battalion, guard ing stores at Carlisle, 20th October, 1777, to 2d June, 1778. Collier, Charles (Va). Lieutenant and Captain of a Virginia State Regi ment, 1777 to 1781. Collier, Joseph (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania State Regiment, Janu ary, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777: regiment designated loth Penn sylvania, 12th November, 1777; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 17th May, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died 28th September, 1790.) Collier, Richard (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battrlion, 8th January, 1776 ;" Regimes ial Quar termaster, 9th February, 1773 f 1st Lieutenant, 21st March, * 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 26th Au gust, 1778, and did not re-enter the service. Collier, Thomas (Va). Quarter master 2d Virginia State Regiment, May, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 22d Octo ber, 1778, and served to January, 1781. Collins, Cornelius (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Georgia, 15th March, 1777, and served to 22d October, 1782. Collins, Daniel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; resigned 2d January, 1778. Collins, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. Collins, Francis (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia ; taken prisoner at .Fort Keyser, 19th October, 1780; re leased 21st May, 1783. Collins James (Mass). Major of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; Major 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Collins, John ( ). Deputy Com missary of Military Stores, ; cashiered 23d March, 1778. Collins, Jonathan (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Collins, Joshua (R. I.). Ensign of Varaum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May 1775, to . Colombe, - de la (France). Allowed pay as Lieutenant Conti nental Army from 1st December, 1776 ; Captain, 15th November, 1777, and served as Aide-de-Camp to Gen erals Lafayette and DeKalb to Octo ber, 1779. Colson. 132 Conn. Colson, Jacob (Gra), Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Colston, Samuel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 26th February, 1776; Captain, 21st February, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Colt, Peter (Conn). Deputy Com missary-General of Purchases, 9th August, 1777, and served to 4th July, 1782. Coltman, Robert (Pa). Captain Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777; Captain, 3d March, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Colton, Charles (Mass). Captain 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 16th September, 1778. Colyer Israel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Combs, John (N. J.). Captain of Forman s Additional Continental Regiment, 20th March, 1777, to . Compston, John (Mass). Served as a volunteer, and was taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieu tenant, 12th September, 1777 ; re signed 4th March, 1779. (Name also spelled Cumpston and Crumpton). Compton, Edmund (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 27th May, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, 18th February, 1780; trans ferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to 1st January, 1783. Comstock, Aaron (Conn). Quar termaster 8th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 5th March, 1778. Comstock, Adam (R. I.). Major of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 19th August, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, to . Comstock, James (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia ; killed at Grotoii Heights, 6th September, 1781. Comstock, John (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, June, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner on the retreat from New York, loth September, 1776 ; some records say he was killed there. Comstock, Samuel (Conn). Cap tain of Silliman s Regiment Con necticut Militia, August to December, 1776 ; Captain 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January. 1781, and served to June, 1783. Comstock, William (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to . Conant, John (Mass). Paymaster 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; deranged 28th January, 1779. Concklin, Edward (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; resigned 7th Novem ber, 1777. Concklin, Lemuel (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Dubois New York Regiment, 1st July to 20th November, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Concklin, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Was a Sergeant 3d New York in 1775 and 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June to November, 1776. Concklin, Silvanus (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th No vember, 1777 ; died 7th October, 1778. Conder, David (Mass). Captain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 to . Condy, Thomas Hollis (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 27th October, 1778, to 9th April, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1779 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 22d December, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massa chusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783 ; retained in Jack- eon s Continental Regiment, Novem ber, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 29th August, 1833.) Cone, Daniel (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Cone, Joseph ( ). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 18th December, 1776 ; cashiered 16th September, 1778. Conger, Stephen (N. C.). Adju tant 1st North Carolina, 29th Janu ary, 1778; retired 1st June, 1778. Conine, Philip (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, 7th Janu ary, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Conn, Joseph (Pa). Quartermaster 1st Pennsylvania, March, 1777 ; dis missed 18th December, 1777. Conn. 133 Cook. Conn, Samuel (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th ]S"ew Jersey, 17th Febru ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th No vember, 1777 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; retained in New "Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. Connelly, Michael (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st No vember, 1776; Regiment \l Paymaster, 1777 to 1781 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Connelly, Patrick (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January to December, 1770. Connor, Conrad (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Cunningham s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Connor, Edward (S. C.). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 27th July, 1778; Lieutenant, December, 1779, to . (Died, December, 1836.) Connor, Morgan (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 17th July, 1775 ; Cap tain 1st Continental Infantry, 5th January to 31st December, " 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of Hartley s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 9th April, 1777; Colonel Adjutant-General to General Washington, 19th April to June, 1777 ; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December. 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 7th Pennsylvania, l^th-May, 1779: granted six months leave, 2d December, 1779, and was lost at sea in January, 1780. Connor, Samuel (N. H.). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Wingate s regiment New Hampshire Militia in 1776 and 1777. Connor, William (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 6th April, 1779 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 17th September, 1779 ; trans ferred to 7th Virginia, 12th Febru ary, 1781, and served to close of war. Contee, Benjamin (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. (Died 3d November, 1815.) Converse, Josiah (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, , 1780, to . Converse, Josiah (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 26th June to 18th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant in Sage s Connecticut Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776. Converse, Thomas (Conn). En sign of Burrall s Connecticut State Regiment, 23d January, 1776; left behind, sick, on the retreat from Quebec in April, 1776; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 3d Novem ber, 1777; transferred to 2d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1781 ; Brigade-In spector, 14th July, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Conway, Henry ( Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777 ; re signed 12th March, 1778. Conway, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 21st March, 1776; killed near Trenton, 28th December, 1776. Conway, John (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 21st November, 1775; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; Major 4th New Jersey, 29th October, 1777: transferred to 8d New Jersey, 29th October 1778 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st New Jersey, 5th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January/1781. Conway, Joseph (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 24th July, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777; regi ment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; 1st Lieu tenant, 15th July, 1780; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Conway, Thomas (France). Brig adier-General Continental Army, 13th May, 1777 ; Inspector-General, with rank of Major-General, 13th Decem ber, 1777; resigned 28th April, 1778. (Died 1800.) Cook, Ezekiel (N. Y.). Ensign 1st Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; resigned 6th April, 1780. Cook, David (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Cortinental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; Captain. 14th May, 1778, and served to June, 1783. (Died 27th October, 1823.) Cook, G-eorge (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; omitted March, 1777. Cook, George (N. C.). 2d Lieuten ant 10th North Carolina, 19th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th July, 1777; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, .778, and served to . Cook, Isaac Jr (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775- Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Cook. Cook, Isham (Ga). Captain Georgia Continental Regiment, ; appears in orders of 1778. Cook, Jesse (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 19th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant and Captain of Bradley s Connecticut Regiment from 20th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 ; exchanged 25th Octo ber, 1780. Cook, Job (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, March to November, 1776. Cook, John (N. H.). Surgeon of Nash s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, in 1776. Cook, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 177o, to . Cook, John (N. J.). Major New Jersey Militia, ; killed at Block House, 19th July, 1780. Cook, Moses (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 12th May, 1777; Captain - August, 1778, and served to March, 1781. Cook, Paris (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia in 1777. Cook, Phineas (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Cook, Rains (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia in 1777. Cook, Thaddeus (Conn). Major of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777 ; served subsequently as Colonel Connecticut Militia. Cooke, James (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Cooke, John (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Regimen tal Quartermaster, - , 1778, to . (Was in service May, 1780.) Cooke, John (R. I.). Lieutenant- Colonel Rhode Island Militia, 3d August, 1775; Colonel 2d Rhode Island State troops, 12th December, 1776 ; resigned 16th June, 1777. Cooke, Noah Jr. (N. H.). Chaplain 8th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Hospital Chaplain, 18th September, 1777, to 6th October, 1 < 80. Cooke, Samuel (N. Y.). Surgeon 3d New York, 25th August, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Surgeon of Elmore s 134 Cooper. Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; Surgeon 5th New York, 15th April, 1777 ; retired 1st January. 1781. Cooke, Thomas T. (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, December, 1776 ; Captain, , 1778 ; retired 31st January, 1779. (Died 5th November, 1831.) Cooke, William (Pa). Colonel 12th Pennsylvania, 2d October, 1776 ; re signed 7th March, 1778. (Died 22d April, 1804.) Cooley, Abel (Mass). Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : died 13th June, 1778. Cooley Samuel (N. C.). Surgeon 5th North Carolina, 17th April, 1776 r to . Coombs, Thomas (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, ; taken pris oner at Bonhamton, 4th April, 1777 ; exchanged - . (Died 10th March, 1798.) Coon, James (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st De cember, 1779 ; killed near Port George, 6th September, 1780. Cooper, ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Bulltown Swamp, 19th November, 1778. Cooper, Apollos (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 9th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th August, 1776 ; killed at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777. Cooper, Ezekiel (Mass). Ensign of Hutchinson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; En sign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; Cap tain, 7th January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Cooper, Ezekiel (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; served subse quently as Captain New York Militia. Cooper, James (Mass). Captain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 20th October, 1819.) Cooper, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 6th February, 1777 ; killed at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777. Cooper, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st May,, 1777 ; resigned llth February, 1779. Cooper. 135 Costigin. Cooper, Leonard (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1776; Lieu tenant, June, 1776 ; Captain Lieu tenant, 10th May, 1777; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain Invalid Regiment, 7th Octo ber, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Cooper, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; killed at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Cooper, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; Regimental Quarter master, i4th May, 1778, to June, 1783 ; transferre 1 to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and was Adjutant of the same to 20th June, 1784. (Died 19th August, 1840.) Cooper, Samuel (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 20th June, 1777; cashiered 21st July, 1778. Cooper, William (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 21st December, 1778, to ". Cooper, Zibeon (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 7th November, 1777, to . Copp, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain of Nicholson s Regiment New York Militia in 1776 ; Captain 1st New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 14th July, 1779. Corbet, ( ). Captain, ; taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779. Cordell, John ( Va). Chaplain llth Virginia, loth February, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mercer, 22d October, 1777; served subsequently as Chap lain in a Virginia State Regiment, May, 1779, to 10th February, 1781. Corden, Jesse (Md). Captain 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; re signed 7th December, 1777. Coren, Isaac (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775, to De cember, 1776 ; Captain of an Inde pendent Company Pennsylvania Ar tillery, 1st February, 1777; company attached to Flower s Regiment of Ar tillery Artificers; cashiered 30th June, 1780. Corey, Ephraim (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; cashiered 17th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered 29th October, 1777/ Corsy, James (Va). Ensign of Vir ginia State troops , killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Corey, Philip (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, - , 1781; resigned 6th May, 1782. (Died 9th December, 1833.) Corey, Timothy (Mass). Captain of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Corliss, Jonathan (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d May to December, 1775 ; volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Varnum in 1778. Cornelius, Elias(R. I.). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 : taken prisoner at Staten Islaud, 22d August, 1777 ; escaped from prison ship in March, 1778 ; rejoined his regi ment and served to 1st January, 1781. (Died 13th June, 1823.) Corn3i:, Ezekiel (R. I.). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to Decem ber, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Deputy Adjutant-General, 1st October to 31st December, 1776 ; Brig adier-General Rhode Island Militia, 1777 ; appointed Inspector of the main army under General Washington, 19th September, 1782, and served to close of war. Cornell, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign. 1st Rhode Island, 20th June, 1777; re signed 20th May, 1779. Corney, Louis Ethis de ( ). See De Corney Corse, John (Del). Ensign Dela ware Regiment, January, 1776; wounded at Long Island, 27th Au gust, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 1st March, 1779, and served to . Cortez, B. (Ga). Major 2d Georgia ; on roll for August, 1778. Cortland, Philip ( ). See Van Cortland. Cosden, Jesse (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. (Name also spelled Cozden.) Coskey, Peter (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 1st April, 1777, to - Costigin, Francis (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 21st November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; discharged 17th April, 1777. Costigin, Lewis Johnston (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 21st November, 1775 ; w r ounded and taken prisoner in a skirmish near Fort Washington, 13th November, 1776 ; exchanged 18th December, 1778, and did not return to the army. (Died 9th March, 1822.) Costradum. 136 Cowan. Costradum, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d ."lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776; omitted February, 1777. Cotgrave, Anthony (Also called Arthur.) (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 3d North Carolina, 26th March, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Cottnam, George (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th February to De cember, 1776; Captain Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; resigned 10th September, 1778. (Name also spelled Cottman.) Cotton, G-eorge (Conn). Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Sergeant-Major, 1st September, 1779 ; Ensign, 25th October, 1780 ; transfer red to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Cotton, Isaac (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Cotton, John (Mass). Quarter master of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d October, 1780. (Died 1st February, 1831.) Cotton, Josiah (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; (also called Joseph Cotton.) (Died 7th March, 1829.) Cotton, Samuel (N. H.). Chap lain 1st New Hampshire, 9th April, 1777 ; discharged 7th August, 1777. Cotton, Moses (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, , 1779, to . Cotton, Theophilus (Mass). Colo nel Massachusetts Regiment, 27th May to December, 1775. Couch, Alexander (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 15th December, 1775; Regimental Adju tant, 28th November, 1776; died lith December, 1778. Couch, John (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken Srisoner at Fort Washington, 16th ovember, 1776. Couch, Thomas (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 5th Connecticut, 8th May, 1775 ; Regimental Quartermaster, llth July to llth December, 1775. Coudray, Philip Charles Jean Baptiste Trouson du (France). Major-General and Inspector-General of Ordnance and Military Manufac tories Continental Army, llth Au gust, 1777 ; drowned 15th September, 1777. Coughlan, Richard (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to . Coughran, John (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Cunningham s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Council, Robert (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776; re signed 10th September, 1776 ; Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th July, 1777 ; Cap tain Company of North Carolina Dragoons, 1st July, 1778, and served to . Courtenay, Herculas (Pa). Cap tain Lieutenant of Proctor s Battalion Pennsylvania Artillery, 5th October, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 3d March, 1777 ; dismissed 3d March, 1778. Courtney, Philip (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781, and served to Courts William (Md). Ensign of a Maryland Regiment, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th Decem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Mary land, 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; resigned 25th April, 1777. Coverley, Thomas (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 7th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 26th May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778, and served to . (Died 22d September, 1827.) Covill, Thomas (Mass). Sergeant 4th Massachusetts, 7th January, 1777; Ensign, 30th March, 1779 ; resigned 18th August, 1779 ; Ensign^th Massa chusetts, , 1781 ; cashiered, 14th October, 1782. (Name also spelled Covel.) Cowan, (S. C.). Captain South Carolina State Troops ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Cowan, Edward (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Captain Weaver s Com pany, guarding prisoners at Lan caster, 13th January, 1777; resigned 23d August, 1777 Cowan, Edward (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, 1st September, 1777; Captain, 1779, and served to . Cowen. 137 Craig-. Cowen, John (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Cowherd, Francis (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 8th May, 1770 ; 3d Lieu tenant, December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, loth June, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781 ; Captain, 29th May, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 25th March, 1833.) Cowles, John (Mass). Captain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Cowles, Solomon (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 21st March, 1778. Cowles, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th December, 1777. Cowne, Robert (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Cox, Daniel Powell (Del). 2d Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 30th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777, arid served to close of war; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783. Cox,Ebenezer(N. Y.). Lieutenant- Colonel New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskaiiy, 6th August, 1777. Cox, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Cox, Francis (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Cox, Isaac (Pa). Paymaster of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 18th September, 1776 ; resigned 16th October, 1776. Cox, John(Va). Assistant Quarter master-General, 2d March, 1778; joined the Navy latter part of 1778. (Died 15th December, 1837.) Cox, Joseph (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, loth February, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Germantowii, 4th October, 1777 ; exchanged 29th Janu ary, 1781 ; was promoted 2d Lieuten ant in 1778, while prisoner of war, but never rejoined his regiment. Cox, Richard, (N. J.) 2d Lieuten ant 27th Continental Infantry, 30Mi March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 29th Oc tober, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781; Major, 6th January, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 29th October, 1841.) Cox, "William (Pa). Captain 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Cozden, Jesse ( ). See Cosden. Cozins, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Crabb, Jeremiah (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th December, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1778. Craddock, John (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 21st December, 1777 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; Captain, 1780 ; prisoner on parole until retired, 1st January, 1783. Craddock, John (Md). Major 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Craddock, Robert (Va). Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner 011 parole to close of war. Crafts, Abner (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Crafts, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Crafts, Edward (Mass). Captain of Grid ley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775 ; Captain of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776. Crafts, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain 2d Continental Dragoons, 26th Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 1st January, 1778. Craig, Charles (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; Cap tain, 9th November, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Continental Dragoons, 10th January, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777, and did riot rejoin the army. Craig, Hugh (Pa). Paymaster llth Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; resigned 31st January, 1777. Craig. 138 Crane. Craig, Isaac (Pa), Served as Cap tain of Marines in 1776 ; Captain 4th Continental Artillery, 3d March, 1777 ; Major, 7th October,1781, and served to 17th June,1783. (Died 14th Juiie.1826.) Craig, James (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 1777; Captain, - , 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Craig, John (Pa). Lieutenant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 19th March, 1781. Craig, John, (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776*; 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsyl vania, llth November, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Dragoons, 22d March, 1777 ; Captain, 22d December, 1778, and served to close of war. (Died 29th November, 1829.) Craig, John (Pa). 3d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 29th January, 1778. Craig, Robert ( ). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; resigned 1st Febru ary, 1778. Craig, Samuel (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Octo ber, 1776 ; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 1st October, 1776; retired 17th January; 1781. Craig, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; Regimen tal Quartermaster, July to Decem ber, 1775; Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 29th September, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Pennsylvania, January, 1777, to rank from 29th September, 1776 ; Colonel, 1st August, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 14th January, 1S32.) Craig, William (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, llth November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 4th July, 1777; resigned 1st June. 1779. Craighead, - ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Hanging Rock, 6th August, 1780. Craigie, Andrew (Mass). Apothe cary Hospital Department, 6th Octo ber, 1780, to November, 1783. (Died 19th September, 1819.) Craik, James ( Va). Chief Hospital Physician, 6th October, 1780; Chief Physician and Surgeon of the army, 3d March, 1781, and served to 23d De cember, 178 j; Physician General United States Army, 19th July, 1789 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 6th February, 1814.) Grain, Ambrose (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant Pennsylvania State Regiment, 17th April, 1777 ; cashiered, 20th Au gust, 1777. (Name also spelled Crane.) Grain, James (Va). Private and Sergeant of a Virginia regiment in 1775 and 1776; 2d Lieutenant 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April 1778; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Captain, 5th October, 1780; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Cramer, Jacob (Pa). Ensign Ger man Regiment, 19th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 24th February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Crampton, Bazil (Va). Surgeon s- Mate of Grayson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, - - September, 1777 ; Surgeon llth Virginia, 1st De cember, 1777 ; died 10th January, 1778. Crandall, Amps (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st Jan uary, 1777, to . Crandall, Edward (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Stanton s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th Decem ber, 1776, to . Crandall, Joseph (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Crane, Isaac (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York State Troops, ; taken prisoner in West Chester County, New Y ork, 16th March, 1777, and re leased in 1781. Crane, John (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, 3d May, 1775 ; Major of Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, 10th December, 1775 ; wounded at Corlaers Hook, 14th September, 1776; Colonel 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th Sep tember, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 21st August, 1805.) Crane. 139 Cressey. Crane, John (Mass). Surgeon 1st Massachusetts, ; tranferred to Cth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1881, and served to 1st January, 1783, when re tired. (Died , 1805.) Crane, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Crane, Joseph (N. Y.). Captain Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 16th March, 1776, to . (Was in service in October, 1776.) Crane, Peter (Mass). Ensign and Adjutant 24th Continental Infantry, 31st August to 31st December, 1776. Crane, Thaddeus (N. Y.). Major New York Militia - ; wounded at Danbury, 27th April, 1777. Crane, William (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 3d July, 1775 ; wounded 2d November, 1775, by the explosion of a shell at St. John s, Canada ; was appointed Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th February, 1777, but appears to have declined. (Died March, 1814.) Cranston, Abner (Mass). Cap tain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to olst December, 1776. (A Major of this name is reported as having been killed, 29th May, 1777.) Crary, Archibald (R. I.). Cap tain Lieutenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to Decem ber, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel of Stanton s Regiment Rhode Island Militia, 12th December, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Rhode Island State Regiment, 16th June, 1777 ; resigned 7th May, 1779. Craven, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 12th June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 28th July, 1777 ; dis charged 20th November, 1779. Crawford, ( ). Lieutenant, ; wounded at Hanging Rock, 6th August, 1780. Crawford, Charles (N. C.). Cap tain 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775, to . Crawford, Edward (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d March, 1778; wounded at Bull s Ferry, 21st July, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 6th March, 1833.) Crawford, Jacob (Md). Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 20th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Crawford, James (Pa). Major 12th Pennsylvania, 8th October, 1776 ; resigned 12th October, 1777. (Died , 1817.) Crawford, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777 ; Captain, 10th August, 1779 ; trans ferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Crawford, John (Va). Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 4th May, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged July, 1781. (Died 3d March, 1833.) Crawford, John (Pa). Lieutenant of Watt s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; taken Srisoner at Fort Washington, 16th "ovember, 1776; exchanged 8th De cember, 1780. Crawford, William (N. C.). En sign 1st North Carolina, 4th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 28th March, 1776 ; resigned 5th August, 1776. Crawford, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Permsyivank Battalion 8th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 12th October, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 18th December, 1780, and did not re-enter the service. Crawford, William (Va). Lieu- tenant-ColoiielSth Virginia, 13th Feb ruary, 1776 ; Colonel 7th Virginia, 14th August, 1776 ; resigned 22d March 1777 ; served subsequently on the Western frontier in Virginia ; com manded an expedition against In dians, was captured, tortured and burnt at the stake in Wyandotte County, Ohio, llth June, 1782. Cresap, Daniel (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, llth July, 1776, to . Cresap, Joseph (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Company Maryland Rifles, 21st June, 1775, to . * Cresap, Michael (Md). Captain 1st Company Maryland Rifles, 21st June, 1775 ; died, 21st October, 1775. Cressey, Mark (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment,. 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Crimshire. 140 Cross. Crimshire, John Button (N. Y). Paymaster 2d Continental Artillery, 1st July, 1777, to . Crittenden, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Virginia, 21st July, 1777 ; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th May, 1779 ; Captain Lieutenant, 1780; retired 12th February,1781. Crittenden, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Crocker, Elijah (Mass). Lieuten ant 14th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776; resigned 16th May, 1778. Crocker, John Jr. (Conn). Surgeon of Chester s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Crocker, Joseph (Mass). Pay master 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 16th September, 1778; Captain, 31st March, 1780; re signed 24th July, 1781. (Died 13th November, 1797.) Crocker, Sampson (Mass). See Sampson. Crocker, Zacheus (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Woodbridge s Massa chusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Crockett, Joseph (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 4th April, 1776, regiment designated 5th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Major llth Virginia, 20th May, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th July, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 7th November, 1829.) Croghan, William (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 9th April, 1776 ; Brigade Inspector of Scott s Brigade, 7th April, 1778 ; Major 8th Virginia, 16th May, 1778; transferred to 4th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; on parole to close of war. Crombie, James (N. H.). Private company of Minute Men in April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Baldwin s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 20th Septem ber to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 2d New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st September, 1778. Cromwell, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland, 15th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 20th May, 1777 ; Captain, 20th July, 1779 ; resigned 15th December, 1779. Cronin. Patrick (N. Y.). Sergeant in the New York Line in 1775-76 ; Ensign of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 15th Septem ber, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, - December, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779 ; served subsequently as Lieuten ant arid Captain New York Militia. Crook, Joseph (Mass). Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, 26th Septem ber, 1780; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; trans ferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Crooker, Elijah (Mass). Captain of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Crooker, John (Mass). Surgeon of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775. Cropper, Charles (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia 5th February, 1776, to . Cropper, John (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 5th February, 1776 ; Major 7th Virginia, 7th October, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel llth Virginia, 26th Oc tober, 1777 ; transferred to 7th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 16th August, 1779 ; served subse quently as Colonel Virginia Militia, 1781, to close of war. (Died 15th Jan uary, 1812.) Crosby, Ebenezer (Conn). Sur geon Connecticut State Troops and Militia, 1777 to 1781. (Died 16th July, 1788.) Crosby, Jesse (Pa). Sergeant in Proctor s Battalion Pennsylvania Artillery in 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, llth February, 1780 ; wounded at Green Springs, 6th July, 1781, and rendered no subse quent service. (Died October, 1791.) Crosby, Josiah (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775. Crosby, Samuel (Mass). Surgeon 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Crosby, Stephen (Conn). Captain of Sage s Regiment Connecticut Militia, 20th June, 1776 ; killed 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York. Cross, William (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Dra goons, 1st January, 1777; Captain 4th Pennsylvania, 3d June, 1777; resigned 14th May, 1778. Grossman. 141 Cumpston. Grossman, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant loth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 20th June, 1779 ; dismissed 7th November, 1779. Crowle, Jacob (Pa). Captain of Lutz s Battalion PennsylvaniaMilitia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Crowley, Florence (Mass). Ser geant in Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, February, 177(3 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Crowley, Samuel (Va). Lieuten ant and Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Croxall, Charles (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, ; Lieutenant 10th Pennsylvania, - ; taken prisoner, ; exchanged 23d November, 1780. Crozier, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 19th May, 1779. (Died 26th April, 1823.) Cruise, Walter (Pa). Corporal of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 1775, and in 1st Continental In fantry in 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st Con tinental Infantry, July, 1776; tak 3ii prisoner, - ; Captain 6th Pennsyl vania, 15th February, 1777; retired 21st June, 1778. Crump, Abner (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 10th May, 1777, to January, 1781. Crump, Grpodrich (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 18th September, 1775 ; Captain, 5th June, 1776 ; cash iered, 19th October, 1777. Crute, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant, 4th Virginia, ; on roll for March, 1781. Crygier, Simon (X. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; cashiered, 6th August, 1777. Cud-worth, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain of a company of Minute Men at Concord, 19th April, 1775; Major of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Major 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 21st January, 1826.) Culbertson, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 16th March, 1776; Captain Lieutenant, 7th No vember, 1776; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to oth Virginia, 12th February, 1781, arid served to . Culbertson, Joseph (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 177o ; killed and scalped at Isle aux"Noix, 24th June, 1776. Culbertson, Samuel (Md). Cap tain - - Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 ; exchanged 2d Novem ber, 1780. Culbertson, Samuel (Va). Sur geon 12th Virginia, March, 1777 ; superseded 21st April, 1778. Gulp, Daniel, (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 9th February, 1776 ; re signed 9th May, 1777. Culpeper, - - (S. C.). Lieuten ant South Carolina State Troops ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781. Culver, Samuel ( ). Ensign of Colonel Cooke s Regiment, ; taken prisoner, ; released 22d De cember, 178i). Gumming-, John Noble (N. J.j. 1st Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1775 ; Captain, 30th No vember, 1776; Major 1st New Jersey, 16th April, 1780 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d New Jersey, 29th December, 1^81 Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, llth February, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 13th November, 1783. Cummings, Jotham (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 6th July to De cember, 1775. Cummings, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 13th Octo ber, 1778. (Died 24th October, 1825.) Cummings, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Prescotfs Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant *7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; cashiered, 23d February, 1776. Cummins, Alexander (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Virginia, 15th Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth No vember, 1776 ; resigned 13th June, 1778. Cumpston, Edward (Mass). 1st Lieutenant loth Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; adjutant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, llth Novem ber, 1779 ; resigned 21st March, 1780. Cumpston. 142 Curtis. Cumpston, John ( ). See Compston. Cunningham, Cornelius (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; resigned Oc tober, 1777. Cunning-ham, Henry (N. Y.). Ser geant of Lamb s Company New York Artillery, 1775 and 1776 ; Sergeant 2d Continental Artillery, 3d January, 1777 ; Sergeant-Major, 1st May, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th September, 1779; 1st Lieutenant, 8th April, 1782 ; Regi ment 1 Quartermaster, December, 1782 ; transferred to Corps of Artil lery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Cunningham, James (Pa). Colo nel 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to December, 1776. Cunningham, John (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 8th May, 1776, to . Cunningham, John (Gra). Captain 2d Georgia, , 1777. Cunningham, Peter (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 7th June, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Cunningham, Robert (Va). 3d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 25th September, 1377, to - Cunningham, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776, to . Cunningham, William (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia, Kith Septem ber, 1775; Captain, 22d April, 1776; retired, 14th September, 1778. Cunningham, William (Va). En sign 7th Virginia, 8th May, 1776 ; re signed September, 1776. Curd, Joseph (Va). 1st Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 24th February, 1776, to Currell, Nicholas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 12th August, 1777 ; resigned 15th September, 1778. Currie, Boss (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1770 ; never rejoined regiment. Currie, William (Pa). SurgeonV Mate Pennsylvania Musket Battalion Militia, 6th April, 1776 ; resigned 27th September, 1776. (Died , 1829.) Currier, John (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Curry, James (Va). 2d Lieutenant 8th Virginia, December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 24th June, 1777 ; transfer red to 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, 23d September, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 5th July, 1834.) Curry, John (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 10th August, 1777 ; Lieutenant, March, 1779, and served to . Curry, Joseph (N. J.). Hospital Steward in Hospital Department, 25th August, 1777 ; Assistant Commis sary in Hospital Department, 31st De cember, 1778, to 23d July, 1780. Curtis, Benjamin (X. Y.). Surgeon 1st New York, 1st March, 1776 ; re signed 3d November, 1776. Curtis, Bethuel (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st March, 1777 ; resigned 3d May, 1778. Curtis, Eleazer (Conn). Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Major of Enos Regiment Connecticut Militia in 1778. Curtis, Eli (Conn). Sergeant-Major 8th Connecticut, 10th April, 1777; Ensign, 17th November, 1777; re signed 4th December, 1779. Curtis, Giles (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Curtis, Israel (Conn). Major of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, April, 1776 ; died 25th July, 1776. Curtis, Jesse (Conn). Corporal in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775. Curtis, Joshua (N. C.). Ensign 4th North Carolina, 1st July, 1777; resigned 21st February, 1778. Curtis, Marmaduke (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776; resigned 28th April, 1778. Curtis, Peter (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775. Curtis, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Curtis, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 14th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Curtis. Curtis, William (Mass). Captain of Glover s Regiment, May to De cember, 1775 ; Captain 14th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Major of Henley s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 20th May, 1778 (Name also spelled Courtis.) Curtis, "William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177(5 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, , 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died llth October, 1821.) Gushing-, Charles (Mass.) Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Gushing, Job (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Gushing, Joseph (Mass). Briga- dier-Greneral Massachusetts Militia. Gushing, Lemuel (Mass). Sur geon of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Sur geon 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Gushing 1 , Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachu setts Regiment, July to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Brigade-Major, 1st December, 1781, to April, 1782; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; served to close of war. (Died August, 1814.) Cushing, Pyam (Mass). Sergeant- Major loth Massachusetts, 19th July, 1777; Ensign, 1st November, 1777; died 5th January, 1778. Gushing, Thomas Humphrey (Mass). Sergeant 6th Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th January, 1778; taken prisoner at , 14th May, 1781; exchanged ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783; retained in Jackson s Conti nental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th Jane, 1784; Cap tain 2d Infantry United States Army, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub- Legion, 4th September, 1702 ; Major 1st Sub Legion, 3d March, 1793 ; In spector of the Army, 27th February, 1797, to 22d May, 1798; Lieutenant- Colonel 2d United States Infantry, 1st April, 1802; Adjutant and In- 143 Cuyler. spector-General, 26th March, 1802, to 9th May, 1807; Colonel 2d United States Infantry, 7th September, 1805; Brigadier-General United States Army, 2d July, 1812 ; honorably dis charged 15th June, 1815. (Died 19th October, 1822.) Gushing, William (Mass). Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; resigned 5th February, 1779. Custis, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 9th Virginia, 4th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d July, 1776, and served to . Cuthbert, Alexander D. (Ga). Captain Georgia ; taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779. Cuthbert, Daniel (Ga). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant ; Captain, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Cutler, Benoni (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 14th December. 1775 ; Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regi ment, 14th May, 1776, to 10th May, 1777. Cutler, Manasah (Mass). Chap lain llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to June, 1779. (Died 28th July, 1823.) Cutler, Ammi Buhamah (N. H.). Physician General of Hospital East ern Department, llth April, 1777; re signed 9th March, 1778. (Died 8th December, 1819.) Cutler, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 27th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. * Cutting, John Brown (N. Y.). Apothecary of Hospital Eastern De partment, 10th July. 1777, to 1779, and of the Middle Department, to loth June, 1780. (Died 3d February, 1831.) Cutting, Thomas (Conn). Lieu tenant of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 , killed on the retreat from New York, 15th Sep tember, 1776. Cutts, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scarnmon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to -. Guyler, Jacob ( ). Deputy Commissary-General of Purchases, 18th June, 1777, and served to July, Iryoo J <82. Dabney. 144 Danforth. D. Dabney, Charles (Va). Lieuten ant-Colonel 2d Virginia ; on roll for 17th June, 1778 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; appears to have subse quently served as Colonel of a Vir ginia State Regiment, from 1778 to 1781. Bade, Baldwin (Va). Cadet 3d Continental Dragoons, 10th May, 1778, to . Dade, Francis (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st May, 1778 ; Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to Dade, Robert (Va). 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 8th February, 1776 ; died August, 1776. Daggett, Ebenezer (Conn). En sign of 7th Connecticut, 26th July, 1780; died 20th November, 1781. Daggett, Henry (Conn). Private 7th Connecticut, 1st May, 1777 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 13th October, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 24th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th November, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Daggett, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. Daley, Daniel (S. C.). Lieutenant and Captain 1st South Carolina ; taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779 ; exchanged - ; served to close of war. Dallam, Richard ( ). Deputy Paymaster-General of the Flying Camp, 17th July to December, 1776. Dallas, Archibald (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 9th December, 1775 ; Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th Febru ary, 1777; wounded and taken pris oner, 5th September, 1777, in Dela ware, and supposed to have died 6th September, 1777. Dalling, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 to . Dames, John (Md). Captain 4th Battalion Maryland Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Dammon, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to Dan, David (N. Y.). 1st Lieuten ant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to March, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain of Thomas New York Mili tia Regiment. (Name also spelled Don.) Dana, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 13th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st February, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 3d April, 1836.) Dana, James (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 16th December, 1775 ; Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Dana, "William (Mass). Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, 10th December, 1775, to Decem ber, 1776. Dance, Etheldred (N. C.). Ensign - North Carolina Regiment in 1781. (Died 4th February, 1828.) Dandridge, Alexander (Va). Lieu tenant Virginia Company of Dra goons, 17th June, 1776; Captain 1st Continental Dragoons, 15th March, 1777; resigned 14th April, 1780. Dandridge, John (Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 7th Febru ary, 1777; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged July, 1781 ; served to June, 1783. Dandridge, Bobert (Va). 2d Lieu- \enant 1st Continental Artillery, 30th October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 24th May, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Danforth, Asa (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 2d September, 1818.) Danforth, Eliakim (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st March, 1779. Danforth, Elijah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 6th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; deranged 1st March, 1779. Danforth, Jonathan (Mass). Cap tain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Danforth, Joshua (Mass). Cor poral 12th Massachusetts, 15th May, 1777; Sergeant, 1st January, 1778; Ensign, 26th November, 1779; Lieu tenant, 28th July, 1780; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 3d January, 1837.) Danforth. 145 Davenport. Danforth, Samuel (Mass). Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 20th April, 1779. Dangerfield, William (Va). Col onel 7th Virginia, 29th February, 177(5 ; resigned 13th August, 1776. Daniel, John (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 9th February, 1776, to . Daniel, Stephen (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776 ; resigned 3d June, 1776. Daniels, Japheth (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1773 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died , 1806.) Danielson, Nathaniel (Mass). Ma jor of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Danielson, Timothy (Mass). Colo nel Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. (Died 19th Septem ber, 1791.) d Antignac, Louis Jean Baptist, Baron ( ). Captain Continental Artillery, 1st May, 1777, and served to September, 1777. Darby, Ephraim (N. J.). Private 4th New Jersey, 1st December, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 17th Feb ruary, 1777 ; Lieutenant Regimental Quartermaster 3d New Jersey, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781; retired 1st September, 1782. Darby, Henry (Del). Captain Delaware Regiment, 17th January to December, 1778. Darby, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 14th August, 1776, to Darby, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major 7th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1778 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 9th February, 1807.) Darcy, John ( ). See Dorsey. Dare, David (N. J.). Sergeant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; En sign, 29th November, 177J ; omitted October, 1777. Daring, Honry (Va). Ensign of a Virginia State Regiment for the war. Darjce, William (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 9th February, 1776 ; Major, 4th January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; ex changed 1st November, 1780, and served to ; reported as a Lieuten ant-Colonel of a Virginia Regiment in 1781 and 1782. (Died 20th Novem ber, 1801.) Darling, Adams (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 4th March, 1776 y to . Darlington, Robert (Pa). Lieu tenant of Watt s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; taken pr soner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex- changed 14th May, 1781, and did not return to army. Darragii, Charles (Pa.). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, February, 1777 Lieutenant, ; retired 1st July, 1778. Darragh, Daniel (Pa). Sergeant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, July to December, 1776 ; Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 7th Decem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Darrow, Christopher (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ma jor, 15th April, 1778 ; resigned 27th August, 1780. Darville William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 30th November, 1777 ; resigned 9th No vember, 1778. Dashiell, William (Md). Sur- geori s-Mate of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, March to December, 1776. Daugherty, Michael (Md). 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 121 li November, 1777; cashiered, 14th April, .1779; name also spelled Dougherty. Davenport, Hezekiah (Conn). Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Ridgefield, 27th April, 1777. Davenport, Joseph (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Battal ion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain 23d March, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, IGth November, 1776. Davenport, Opie (.Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1782. Davenport, Thomas (Ga). Lieu tenant 2d Georgia , appears on roll for August, 1778. 10 Davenport. 146 Davis. Davenport, William (Va), En sign 4th Virginia, 1st April, 1776 ; Lieutenant, January, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Daves, John (X. C.). Quartermas ter 2d North Carolina, 7th June, 1776 ; Ensign, 80th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 13th May, 1780; exchanged June, 1781; transferred to 3d North Carolina, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 8th Septem ber, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 12th October, 1804.) David, Ebenezer (R. I.). Chap lain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January,, to 31st December, 1776 Chaplain 2d Rhode Island, 10th May, 1777; omitted February, 1778. Name also spelled Davis. Davidson, George (N. C.). Cap tain 1st North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775 ; resigned 5th February, 1777. Davidson, James (N. Y.). Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment",* 18th March, 1777; cashiered, August, 1777. Davidson, James (I?a). Surgeon 5th Pennsylvania, 5th April, 1777,- re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 26th June, 1825.) Davidson, John (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Allen s Independent Mary land Company, 14th January, 1776; Captain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Major 5th Maryland, 12th Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Davidson, Joshua (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 19th April, 1779, and served to . Davidson, Thomas (Mass). Lieu tenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; omitted July, 1779. Davidson, "William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 26th August, 1778. Davidson, William Lee (N. C.). Major 4th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d North Carolina, 4th October, 1777; trans ferred to 1st North Carolina, 9th June, 1779; served also as Brigadier- General North Carolina Militia, ; killed at Cowan s Ford, 1st February, 1780. Davie, Peter (Va). Quartermas ter, 14th Virginia, 22d May, 1777 ; re signed 31st October, 1778. Davie, William Poichardson (N. C.). Entered the army in 1776 as a volunteer ; Lieutenant of Dragoons Pulaski Legion, 5th April, 1779 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779 ; Colonel of North Carolina Cavalry State Troops, 5th September, 1780, and served to close of war ; Brig adier-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honorably dis charged 15th June, 1800. (Died 18th November, 1820.) Davies, William (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 30th September, 1775 ; Deputy Muster-Master-General f the Flying Camp, 7th to loth October, 1776; Major 7th Virginia, 22d March, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Command ant 14th Virginia, th April, 1778; Colonel, 20th March, 1778 ; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Davis, Abner (Pa). 3d Lieutenant 2d Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 28th March, 1776 ; re signed 19th October, 1776. Davis, Abraham (N. C.). Adju tant 7th North Carolina, 22(1 Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 21st November, 1777. Davis, Benjamin (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775 ; Captain, 5th Januarv, 1776 : resigned 1st Jaiiuarv, 1777. Davis, Benjamin (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Montgomery s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; released 8th December, 1780. Davis, Ebenezer (Mass). Private in Company of Minute Men at Lex ington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Sergeant in Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant in 9th Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776 ; Sergeant 9th Massachusetts, : ,5th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d March, 1779 ; Brigade Quartermaster, loth March, 1782, to January, 1783 ; transferred to 8th Mas sachusetts, 15th February,1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783 ; Lieutenant, April, 1^83, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 14th November, 1799.) Davis, Ebenezer. See David. Davis, Harman (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery, 1777 to 1781. Davis. 14 Davis. Davis, Hezekiah (Pa). Lieuten ant of Montgomery s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying 1 Gamy, June, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 10th November, 1776 ; ex changed 8th December, 1780. Davis, Isaac (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, 28th May, 1779 ; re tired 17th January, 1781. Davis, Isaac (Mass). Captain Com pany of Minute Men ; killed at Con cord, 19th April, 1775 ; first officer killed during the Revolutionary War. Davis, Israel (Mass). Captain 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed llth February, 1778. Davis, James (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 23d February, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 25th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, July, 1776 ; Captain, 7th August, 1776 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Davis, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died, 1817.) Davis, Jesse (Va). 1st Lieutenant llth Virginia, 17th December, 1776; Captain, - ; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; omitted , 1779. Davis ; John( Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 19th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; Captain of Pattori s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 ; regiment merged into llth Penn sylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; re signed April, 1779. (Died 3d Febru ary, 1816.) Davis, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 6th April, 1776; Cap tain 9th Pennsylvania, loth Novem ber, 1776; transferred to 1st Pennsyl vania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 10th July, 1827.) Davis, John (Mass), Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Davis, John (X. C.). See Daves. Davis, John (Mass). Private, Cor poral and Sergeant of Cotton s Mas sachusetts Regiment, 6th May to De cember, 1775 ; Sergeant 3d Continen tal Infantry, January to December, 1776 : Sergeant 4th Massachusetts, 22d January, 1777 ; Ensign, 3d January, 1778 ; Lieutenant and Regimental Ad jutant, 14th April, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died, 1816.) Davis, John (Pa). Surgeon 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 22d March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 8th December, 1776 ; Surgeon of Patton s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st March, 1777, to 16th December, 1778, and of the llth Pennsylvania to April, 1779. (Died 13th February, 1806.) Davis, John (N . Y.). Captain New York Militia, - ; killed at Oris- kaiiy, 6th August, 1777. Davis, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieuten ant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain 4th New York, 6th Febru ary, 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777; Major, 1st April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Davis, Jonathan (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Davis, Joseph (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania Musket Battalion, 27th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 9th Penn sylvania, August, 1776 ; transferred to Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 15th January, 1777 ; Cap tain, 5th June, 1778 ; regiment desig nated llth Pennsylvania, 16th De cember, 177^ ; killed by Indians near Wyoming, 23d April, 1779. Davis, Joseph (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 22d March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged, 8th December, 1776. Davis, Joseph (Va). Surgeon 15th Virginia, 4th March, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; was taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Davis, Josiah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776; resigned 8th Novem ber, 1777. Davis, Llewellyn (Pa). Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 2d February, 1779 : Lieutenant, 10th August, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Davis, Mordecai (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jaru- ary, 1776 ; died 12th August, 1776. Davis, Reuben (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Leariied s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Davis. 148 Dayton. Davis, Rezin (Md). Ensign Mary land Rifle Company, 21st June, 1775 ; Captain of Stevenson s Rifle Regi ment, llth July, 1776 ; retained in Rawling\s Additional Continental Regiment in February, 1777, arid served to April, 1779. Davis, Robert (Mass). 1st Lieu- trnant 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 4th November, 1777 ; retired April, 1779. Davis, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Pennsylvania, 14th Decem ber, 177 ; retired 16th February, 1779. (Died Cth April, 1824.) D?,vio, Septimus (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 9th August, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Long- Island, 27th August, 1770 ; exchanged 9th December, 1770; 1st Lieutenant of Pattoirs Additional Continental Regiment, 7th January, 1777; regiment merged into llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 13th April, 1771); resigned 14th April, 1780. Davis, Thomas ( Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st August, 1777; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778; on roll for March, 1779 ; is reported as having "died Sep tember, 1 ; year torn off , evidently 1778. Davis, Thomas (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 12th February, 1770 ; cash iered, , 1776. Davis, Thomas (Va). Chaplain 1st Continental Dragoons, 10th Decem ber, 1777, to . Davis, William (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Major, 7th May, 1776, to - Davis, William (Mass). Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; resigned 15th October, 1778. Davis, William (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, llth Febru ary, 1777 ; resigned 15th March, 1778. Dawes, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; discharged 25th May, 1778. Dawsey, Nathan (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to -- Sep tember, 1775. Dawson, Henry (Va). Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster 7th Vir ginia, 31st October, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 22d February, 1780, and served to close of war. Dawson, Henry (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 29th November, 1776; resigned llth October, 1777. Dawson, Levi (N. C.). Major 5th North Carolina, 7th Mny, 1776, to . Dawson, Sarauol (Pa). Captain llth Pennsylvania, 10th July, 1776; transferred to 8th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; died 3d September, 1779. Dawson, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, - ; died May, 1777. Day, Aaron (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, March, 1778 ; omitted July, 1779. Day, Benjamin (Va). Adjutant 2d Virginia, ; on roll for June, 1777. Day, Elijah (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 19th November, 1777; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January. 1783. Day, Isaac (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1777 ; resigned 6th October, 1778. Day, James (Conn). Adjutant Bat talion in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Adjutant 6th Connecticut, 20th May to 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 10th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; served subsequently as Captain of Marines. Day, Joseph (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia, 20th September, 1777, and served to close of war. Day, Luke (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to 3d June, 1783. Day, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 27th September, 1778. Day, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 18th August, 1779, to . (In service in 1781.) Dayton, Elias (N. J.). Colonel 3d New Jersey, 18th January, 1776; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781; Brigadier-General Con tinental Army, 7th January. 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 17th July, 1807.) Dayton, Jonathan (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; Regimental Paymaster, 26th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 7th April, Deakins. 149 De Corney. 1779 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Sulli van, 1st May, 1779 ; Captain 3d New Jersey, 80th March, 1780 ; taken pris oner at Elizabethtown, 5th October, 1780 ; exchanged ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Consolidated New Jersey Regiment in April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 9th October, 1824.) Deakins, Leonard (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770. Deal, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Rangers, ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Deams, Frederick (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Captain, 7th February, 1777 ; left regiment 20th April, 1777, and re signed soon afterwards. Dean, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Dean, John (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, loth November, 1776 ; Captain 5th Mary land, 10th December, 1776 ; Major 4th Maryland, llth March, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, arid served to close of war. Dean, Jonathan (Conn). Ensign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Dean, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776 ; Captain, 9th April, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Dean, Walter (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 20th Octo ber, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, - , 1781 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died, 1827.) Deane, - - ( ). Lieutenant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th July, 1776 ; marked "dead" in September, 1776. Deane, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 12th Sep tember, 1778. Dearborn, Henry (N. H.). Cap tain Company of Minute Men, April, 1775; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 81st December, 1775; ex changed, 10th March, 1777 : Major 3d New Hampshire, 19th March, 1777, to rank from 8th November, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 19th September, 1777; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st April, 1781, and served to 1st March, 1782; Secretary of War, 5th March, 1801, to 7th March, 1809 ; Major-Gen eral United States Army, 27th Janu ary, 1812 ; honorably discharged, loth June, 1815. (Died 6th June, 1829.) Dearborn, Samuel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Dearborn, Simeon (N. H.), 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to 20th July, 1775. deArendt, Baron. See Arendt. Deaver, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 1st April, 1777, to . De Bedeaux, Frederick (France). See Bedaux. De Benneville, Daniel (Va). Sur geon Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1781. De Bert, (France). Captain 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 7th June, 1778, and Paymaster of Armand s Corps ; brevet Major, 6th February, 1784 ; served to close of war. De Beviere, Francis. See Beviere. De Borre, Prud Homme (France). Brigadier-General Continental Army, 1st December, 1776 ; resigned 14th September, 1777. De Boze, Baron ( ). Lieuten ant-Colonel Pulaski Legion ; killed at Egg Harbor, 15th October, 1778. De Brahm, Ferdinand (France). See Brahm. De Camp, James (N. J.). Private, Corporal and Sergeant 2d New Jer sey, December, 1776, to February, 1779 ; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 1st February, 1779; resigned 4th April, 1782. De Cicaty, Bernard ( ). Lieu tenant 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 6th June, 1779, to . Decker, Peter (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776; resigned 1st February, 1777. De Colerus, Christian (France). See Colerus. De Corney, Louis Ethis (France). Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel of Cavalry Continental Army, 5th June, 1780; served as Commissary-General to the French troops. De Courcy. 150 Delezeume. De Courcy, Edward (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Veazey s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1 776; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. De Crenis, Chevalier (France). Lieutenant Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 1778 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Con tinental Army, 7th November, 1778 ; served to . de Failly, Failly. de Fayals, Chevalier de. See (France). Lieu tenant-Colonel Continental Army, 20th November, 1776. De Fermoy, Matthias Alexis Roche (France). Brigadier-Gfeneral Continental Army, 5th November, 1776 ; resigned 31st January, 1778. De Fontevieux, - - Chevalier (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Corps in 1778; brevet Lieu tenant Continental Army, 13th Janu ary, 1779 ; Lieutenant Dragoons Ar mand s Corps, 9th March, 1780; brevet Captain, Cth February, 1784; served to . Deforest, Samuel (Conn). Private 5th Connecticut, 8th May to 17th Sep tember, 1775 ; Sergeant 5th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, 15th December, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 27th August, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. de Franchessin, Jacques Antoine (France). Brevet Lieutenant-Col onel Continental Army, 20th July, 1776, and directed to join the Flying Camp. de Frauval, - - (France). Lieu tenant-Colonel Continental Army, 1st December, 1776, and served to Octo ber, 1777. De Frey, Charles Baron (- Captain 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion. ; taken prisoner 1st February, 1778; released 1st July, 1778 ; resigned 28th November, 1781. De Gimat. See Gimat. Do G-root, Joseph (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 25th April to November, 1776. Deguillett, John (Canada). 2d Lieutenant 1st Canadian Regiment, 20th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 18th December, 1776; dishonorably discharged 31st October, 1777. de Guvion Obrey. See Guvioii. De Haas, John Philip (Pa). Major of Pennsylvania Provincials in 1775 ; Colonel 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 22d January, 1776; Colonel 2d Penn sylvania, 25th October, 1776, to rank from 22d January, 1776 ; Brigadier- General Continental Army, 21st Feb ruary 1777; went to Philadelphia in 1779, and rendered no subsequent service. (Died 3d June, 1786.) De Hass, John Philip Jr. (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battallion, 6th August 1776, to January, 1777. (Died August, 1826.) Dehauty, Charles (Mass). Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster 6th Continental Infantry. 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Deheyser, Leehancius (N.C.). Ad jutant 1st North Carolina, 15th No vember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d February, 1776; resigned 10th De cember, 1776. De Holtzendorf, Louis C. ( ). See Holtzendorf. Dehuff, Abraham (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, loth March", 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 20th April, 1778. De Kalb, John Baron (Bavaria). Major-General Continental Army, 15th September, 1777 ; died 19th Au gust, 1780, of wounds received at Camden, South Carolina, 16th Au gust, 1780. De Kermovan, - ( ). See Kermovan. Deklawan, Charles (Va). Major of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. de Kowatz, Michael ( ). See Kowatz. de la Colombe, - - ( ). See Colombe. Delag-ard, C. H. ( ). Adjutant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; resigned 3d October, 1777. Delaplaine, James (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieuten ant, 1st August, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed - ; transferred to 2d Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Delaplaine, Peter Emanuel (Ga). Ensign 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Lieutenant, November, 1776; Captain, 26th May, 1777 ; returned to France in 1778. de Laumoy, See Laumoy. Delezeume, Joseph (France). As sistant Engineer, 28th September, 1776, and served to . De Linkensdorf. 151 Denslow. De Linkensdorf, Louis (Pa). Ad jutant of the German Regiment, 9th August, 1776 ; retired June, 1770. De Mafastram, (France). Brevet Lieutenant Continental Army, 18th January, 1779, and permitted to return to France. De Malmady, Francis ( ). See Malmady. De Marcellin, Antoina Claude (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 28th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783 ; retained in Penn sylvania Battalion, June, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 6th February, 1784, and served to 20th June, 1784. de Medici, Cosmo (N. C.). See Medici. Dement, "William (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant, 29th September, 1776 ; deserted 2d November, 1776. Deming 1 , David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Steven s Battalion of Ar tillery, 1st February , 1777; in 3d Con tinental Artillery, Fall of 1778; re signed 30th April, 1779. Deming-, Pownal (Conn). Sergeant Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 12th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 15th November, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. de Mont fort Julius Count (France). Brevet Lieutenant Conti nental Army, 21st March, 1777 ; Major 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 18th April, 1778; resigned 23d January, 1779. (Name also spelled de Mount- fort.) Demouth, Marcus (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia, ; \vounded and taken prisoner at German Flats, 29th October, 1780. Denholm, Archibald (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Virginia, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th August, 1777; Captain, 25th June. 1779; wounded at Hobkirk s Hill, 25th April, 1781, arid did riot return to ser vice. Dening, Solomon (Mass). 2cl Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Dennott, John (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778; Captain, 1st July, 1780; trans ferred to 2d New Hampshire, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to close of war. Dennis, Daniel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 5th Novem ber, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Dennis, Ezekiel (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted after" July, 1778 Dennis, John (N. J.). Captain of Patton s Additional Continental Regi ment, January, 1777; taken prisoner at Red Bank, 22d October, 1777, and died while a prisoner 15th January. 1778. Dennison, William (R. I.). Adju tant of Elliott s Rhode Island State Regiment of Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to October, 1777. (Died 24th January, 1834.) Denniston, Daniel D. (N. Y.). En sign 4th New York, 9th November, 1777; Lieutenant, llth April, 1780; transferred to 2d New York, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 3d February, 1824.) Denniston. George J. (N. Y.). En sign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 20th March, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Denny, Ebenezer (Pa). Ensign 7th Pennsylvania, 4th August, 1780; trans ferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 23d May, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Ensign United States Infantry, Harmar s Regiment, 12th August, 1784; Regimental Adjutant, 8th September, 1785 ; Lieutenant, 10th November, 1787; Lieutenant 1st Infan try, United States Army, 29th Sep tember, 1789 ; Captain, 29th Decem ber, 1791 ; resigned 15th May, 1792. (Died 22d July, 1822.) Denny, Jojhn (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 21st November, 1776; resigned 7th Oc tober, 1778. Denny, Robert (Md). Ensign and Paymaster 7tu Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 3d January, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Denny, Samuel (Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 30th Novem ber, 1776, to - . Denslow, Martin (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Corporal 8th Connecticut, 7th July to 18th December, 1775; Sergeant 5th Connecticut, 1st April, 1777; Sergeant- Densmore. 152 De Witt. Major, 15th May, 1779 ; Ensign, 16th August, 1779; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired olst March, 1782. Densmore, Eliphalet (Mass). Cap tain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, May 1775, to . Dent, George (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June to December, 177(5. Dent, Hatch (Md). Ensign of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant, March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; resigned 8th November, 1778. Dent, John (Va). Ensign 9th Vir ginia, 31st October, 1778 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 6th April, 1779 ; resigned 20th November, 1880. Dent, John (Md). Brigadier-Gen eral Maryland Militia, 6th January, 1776 ; resigned July, 1776. Denton, Daniel (X. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 26th June, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776; Captain 3d New York, 28th March to November, 1776. Denton, Thomas (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, January, 1777 ; dis missed April, 1777. Denwood, Levin (Md). Surgeon 3d Maryland, ; served to close of war. De Peyster, W. W. (N. Y.). En sign 1st New York, 24th February, 1776 ; killed by lightning 21st August, 1776. De Pontiere, Louis ( ). See Pontiere. De Purcell, Henry ( ). S ee Pur- cell. Derby, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Scariiinori s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Derick, Jacob Gerhard (Nether- land). Captain 9th Pennsylvania, 14th November, 1776; Captain 4th Continental Artillery, 3d March,1777; resigned 6th July, 1777 ; breveted Lieutenant-Colonel 5th November, 1778, "as a testimony of his merit and services in the army," granted leave until further orders 12th July 1780, and was honorably discharged 17th May, 1781. (Name also spelled Dircks.) de Houerie, Armand T (France). See Arinand. de Boussi, Pierre Regnier (Can ada). Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Cana dian Regmient, llth November, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th New Y r ork, 26th March, 1777, to rank frorr 21st November, 1776 ; transferred to 2d New York, 28th June, 1779 ; resigned 29th March, 1780. De Saussure, Henry W. (S. C.). Lieutenant 3d South Carolina, - ; 1777 ; wounded at Savannah, 9th Octo ber, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died 29th March, 1839.) Des Espiniers Augustus F. See Espiniers. Detard, John Peter. See Tetard. De Treuson, (France). Brevet Captain Continental Army, 13th January, 1773. De Treville, John (France). Cap tain South Carolina Artillery, 20th June, 1779, and wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged 15th June, 1781. (Died, 1790.) De Troy, Francis ( ). Lieuten ant Pulaski Legion, 1st June, 1778, to , 1780. De Valcour, John S. See Valcour. De Vaux, - - ( ). Appointed Aide-de-Camp to General Grates, 3d August, 1780, and served to . Devereaux, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . De Vermonet, ( ). See Ver- monet. De Vernejoux, ( ). See Ver- nejoux. de Vienna, Marquis (France). Volunteer, ; served without pay or expense to the United States during the campaign of 1778 as Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette ; brevet Lieu- tent-Colonel Continental Army, 15th July, 1778. De Vrecourt, - ( ). See Vre- court de Vrigney, - - (France). Cap tain Continental Army, 1st December, 1776 ; resigned 21st October, 1778. De Witt, Levi(N. Y.). Regimental Quartermaster 2d New Y r ork, 21st No vember, 1776 ; resigned 15th April, 1778. De Witt, Thomas (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain, 25th November, 1775, to January, 1776; Captain 3d New York. 26th June, 1776 ; Captain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 26th June, 1776; resigned 7th January, 1780; served subsequently as Major New York Levies. Dewey. Dewey, Zebadiah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to DeWoedtke, Frederick William (Prussia). Brigader-General Conti nental Army, 16th March, 1776 ; died 28th July, 1776. Dexter, Daniel S (R. I.). Lieuten ant 1st Rhode Island, 1st June, 1778 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st May, 1779 ; Captain, 25th August, 1781, and served to close of war. Dexter, David (R. I.). Ensign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, to December, 1775 ; Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island Militia Regiment, 15th January, 1776; ap pointed Brigade-Major, 9th October, 1776 ; Captain 2d Rhode Island, llth February, 1777; deranged 1st April, 1779. Dexter, Ichabod (Mass). Captain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi 7 ment, May, 1775, to . Dexter, John Singer (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant and Ajutant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; ap pointed Assistant to Adjutant-Gen eral, 1st May, 1779 ; Major 1st Rhode Island, 25th August, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. Dexter, Oliver (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 12th June, 1777, to . Dexter, Samuel (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Dexter, Thomas (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 27th January, 1778. Dexter, William (Mass). Served in Company of Minute Men at Lex ington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Sergeant s-Mate of Ward s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. (Died 4th December, 1785.) Deygart, John (X. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. D Hart, Balthazer (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. D Hart, Cyrus (X. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 4th December, 1775, to March, 1776; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 18th September, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777; Regimental Paymas ter, 22d April, 1778, to January, 1781 , Dickinson. Captain Lieutenant, llth March, 1780; Captain, 20th December, 1780; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Consoli dated New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 7th September, 1831.) D Hart, Jacob (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 16th May, 1779 ; died 25th July, 1780, of wounds received at Bull s Ferry, 21st July, 1780. D Hart, Maurice (X T . J.). Major Aide-de-Camp to General Wayne ; killed at Fort Lee, 18th November, 1776. D Hart, William (N. J.). Major 1st New Jersey, 7th November, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 29th De cember, 1781. (Died 16th June, 1801.) Diamond, Benjamin (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Captain Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776 ; Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Dibben, Charles (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to Dick, Alexander (Va). Major of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Dick John (Pa). Sergeant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th Sep tember, 1776 ; supposed to have been killed at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776. Dickenson, Benjamin (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Dickenson, Richard (N. C.). En sign 6th North Carolina, 12th April, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 12th October, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; dismissed 20th X T ovember, 1779. Dickerson, Peter (X". J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 5th March, 1776, to 10th November, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776; resigned 26th October, 1777. Dickey, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, March, 1777 ; retired llth August 1778. Dickinson, Edmund B. (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 25th February, 1776; Major, 26. h October, 1777; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Dickinson. 154 Dix. Dickinson, Joel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; Captain, 25th July, 1776, arid served to April, 1777. Dickinson, John (Pa). Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, - . (Died 14th February, 1808.) Dickinson, Joseph (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 6th October, 1775. Dickinson, Philemon (N. J.). Brigadier-General New Jersey Mil itia, 19th October, 1775 ; resigned 15th February, 1777; Major-General, New Jersey Militia, 6th June, 1777, to close of war. (Died 4th February, 1809.) Dickinson, Silvanus (N. Y.). Cor net 2d Continental Dragoons, 1st De cember, 1778 ; Lieutenant, Septem ber, 1779 ; resigned 5th April, 1780. Dickson, Beverly (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 3d October, 1775, to . Dieffenderfer, David (Pa). En sign German Battalion, 23d July, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Dietrich, Peter (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 5th February, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1780 ; killed at Paramus, 16th April, 1780. Diffendorf, Henry (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New \ork, November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777, while serving as Cap tain New York Militia. (Name also spelled Diefendorf.) Digges, Cole (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777 ; resigned 4th May, 1778. Diggs, Dudley (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, June, 1779, to February, 1782. Dill, James (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777 ; killed at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Dill, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 15th October, 1775 ; served to Dill, Robert (N. Y.). Paymaster of 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 2d January, 1777 ; resigned 29th July, 1777. Dillard, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 3d February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d January, 1778 ; resigned 30th May, 1778. Dillenbach, Andrew (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Dillon, James (N.C.). 2d Lieutenant 7th North Carolina, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th October, 1777; transferred to 2d North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Dillon, James (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, ilth Novem ber, 1775 ; Captain 2d New Jersey, 10th May to 10th November, 1776; Captain 2d New Jersey, 29th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 1st December, 1777. Dimmick, Benjamin (Conn). Cor poral 10th Continental Infantry, Jan uary to December, 1776 ; Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 21st April, 1777 ; Ensign, 2 Jth July, 1780; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieu tenant, 4th May, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Dimon, David (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775; Brigade-Major to General Wooster, 13th June to 18th September, 1775, and to General Schuyler, 18th September, 1775, to December, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 18th September, 1777, of wounds recived at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Dircks, Gerard Jacob (Pa). See Derick. Disney, James (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Disting, Adam (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, - ; resigned - May, 1776. Dix, Nathan (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Ma jor, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Dix, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain Lieutenant, 15th January, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Dix, Timothy (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of Stickney s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 5th March to 1st December, 1776. Dixon. 155 Don. Dixon, Anthony F. (Va). Surgeon of a Virginia, State Regiment, 1777 to 1782. Dixon, Charles (X. C.). Ensign 6th North Carolina, 2d April, 1777 ; Paymaster, 19th January, 1778 ; transferred to 3d North Carolina, 1st July, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 8th Feb ruary, 1779 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Dixon, Henry (X. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Major 3d North Carolina, 8th July, 1777; killed at Stono Ferry, South Carolina, 20th June, 1779. Dixon, John (Del). 1st Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 20th January to December, 1776. Dixon, John (Conn). Captain in Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Dixon, Sankey (Pa). Sergeant- Major 6th Pennsylvania, March, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d August, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 12th May, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died, 1814.) Dixon, Tilghman (X. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 5th February, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged March, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Dixon, Wynne (X. C.). Lieuten ant North Carolina Regiment, 5th July, 1781. ; served to close of war (Died 24th November, 1829.) ^Dobson, - - (N. C.). Captain - North Carolina ; killed at Ram- sour s Mill, 20th June, 1780. Dobson, Henry (Md). Captain 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; trans ferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781; killed 8th September, 1781, at Eutaw Spriries. Dodge, Abraham (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Dodge, Barnabas (Mass). Captain of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Dodge, Henry (X. Y.). Sergeant in 3d New York in 1775 and 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Dubois 1 New York Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Captain Lieutenant, March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Dodge, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Dodge, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Dodge, Levi (Mass). Sergeant 10th Massachusett, 25th February, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 15th December, 1778; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Dodge, Paul (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Dodge, Reuben (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1777 ; omitted June, 1779. Dodge, Richard (Mass). Captain of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Dodge, Robert (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gerristfs Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, to December, 1775. Dodge, Samuel (N. Y.). Sergeant 4th New York, 2d May, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st January, 1779 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Dodge, Samuel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged, ; 1st Lieutenant. 1st October 1777; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 27th October, 1825.) Dole, James (Conn). Private 2d Continental Dragoons, 7th May, 1777; Sergeant, 1st February, 1778 ; Ser geant-Major, 12th May, 1779; taken prisoner at Camden, l(>th August, 1780; Cornet 2d Continental Dra goons, 14th January, 1781, and served to close of war. Dolliver, Peter (Mass). Adjutant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; re signed 1st March, 1779. (Died 23d June, 1816.) Dolson, Peter (N. Y.). Ensign 2d. New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 19th January, 1778. Don, David (N. Y.). See Dan. Donaldson. 156 Dorsey. Donaldson, John (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Dondel, Michael (Pa). Captain in Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775 ; resigned 13th August, 1775. Donnell, James (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 18th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 5th July, 1779 Donnell, Nathaniel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Roman s Independent Com pany Pennsylvania Artillery, 25th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th May, 1776 ; Captain of Steven s Bat talion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776; company subsequently attached and formed part of the 3d Conti nental Artillery, and served to June, 1783. (Died 29th May, 1821.) Donnell, Timothy (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 23d October, 1781, and served to close of war. Donnelly, Patrick (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 7th October, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Donnom, ( ). Captain, ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Donovan, Matthew (Va). Major 9th Virginia, 4th March, 1776; died , 1776. Donovan, Richard (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 15th March, 1777; Regi mental Adjutant, 17th April, 1777, to 16th August, 1780; Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778 ; killed 16th August, 1780, at Camden. Donworth, Peter (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Dooley, George (Ga). Lieutenant 3d Georgia, , 1778. Dooley, John (Ga). CaptainGeorgia Continental Regiment, , 1776 ; sub sequently was Colonel Georgia Mili tia, ; murdered by Tories in Au gust, 1780. Dooley, Thomas (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia, ; killed by In dians near Oconee River, Georgia, 22d July, 1776. Doolittle, Daniel (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st De cember, 1775. Doolittle, Ephraim (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, May to Oc tober, 1775. Doolittle, Ichabod (Coriti). Cap tain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 4th November, 1775. Dormon, Jesse (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Dorothy, Charles (Mass). Lieu tenant 12th Massachusetts, 10th Au gust, 1777; resigned 9th January, 1778. Dorr, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Dorrance, David (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 15th December, 1775 ; Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; Captain Lieutenant, 20th June, 1779; Captain, 1st July, 1780; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Dorrance, George Jr. (R. I.). En sign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Reg iment, 3d May to December, 1775. Dorser, David (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Dorsey, Daniel (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; Cap tain 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; resigned 5th August, 1777. Dorsey, Ely (Md). 3d Lieutenant of Watkiiis Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d October, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; was a prisoner on parole in September, 1778. Dorsey, John (Md). Surgeon 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 20th August to December, 1776. Dorsey, John (N. J.). Surgeon s- Mate of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Dorsey, John W. (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Dorsey, Larkin (Md). 2d Lieuten ant Baltimore Artillery Company, 5th November, 1776; Cornet 4th Con tinental Dragoons, 25th January, 1777; resigned 4th September, 1778. Dorsey, Nicholas (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th April, 1777, and served to . Dorsey. 157 Douglass. Dorsey, Richard (Mel). 3d Lieu tenant of Richardson s Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 17th September to 1st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant 4th Continental Dra goons, 24th January, 1777 ; resigned 15th April, 1778; Captain Independent Company Maryland Artillery, 4th May, 1777; company attached to and formed part of the 1st Continental Artillery, 30th May, 1778; wounded and taken prisoner at Cauiden, 16th August, 1780 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. Dorsey, Thomas (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; 2d Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1777 ; Captain 4th Continental Dra goons 10th January 1777 ; omitted August 1777 Doty David (Conn) 1st Lieuten ant of Burrall s Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January, 1776 ; ap pointed Wagonrnaster-General of General Gates Army, 3d August, 1776. Doty, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th No- vember, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Con tinental Artillery, June, 1779 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, " 7th October, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Doubleday, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 16th Continental Infan try, 1st Januarv to 31st December, 1776. Doudel, Michael (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 24th June, 1775 ; resigned loth October, 1775. Dougherty, John (Pa). Sergeant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 3d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th September, 1776 ; discharged 31st De cember, 1776. Dougherty, Michael ( Daugherty. Dougherty, Michael (Mass). Ser geant 6th Continental Infantry, Jan uary, 1776 ; Ensign, 5th October to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th December, 1777. Doughty, John (N. J.). Captain- Lieutenant of New Jersey Artillery Company in 1776; Captain 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Aide-de-Camp to General Schuyler in 1777; transferred to Corps of Artil lery, 17th June, 1783 ; brevet-Major, 30th September, 1783 ; Major of the Artillery Battalion, 7th August, 1784 ; Major Artillery Battalion United States Army, 20th September, 1789; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791, which he declined, and retired from the ser vice ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Artiller ists and Engineers, 1st June, 1798 ; re signed 26th May, 1800. (Died 16th September, 1826.) Doughty, Samuel (X. J.) 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777, to . Douglas, - - ( ). Major, ; taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779. Douglas, John (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 19th December, 1775 ; Colonel Con necticut State Regiment and Militia, 1776-1777 ; Brigadier-General Connect icut Militia, June, 1777, to close of war. Douglas, Richard (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign and Regimental Quartermas ter in Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; Captain Lieuten ant, llth August, 1780 ; Captain, 22d August, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1783 ; transferred to Swift s Con solidated Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Douglas, William (Conn). Cap tain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775 ; was Aide-de-Camp to General "Wooster, 13th June to De cember, 1775 ; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Avounded at Harlem Plains, 16th September, 1776 ; Colonel 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; See died 28th May, 1777. Douglass, Ephraim (Pa). Regi mental Quartermaster, 8th Pennsyl vania, 12th September, 1776; served as Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln in March, 1777 ; taken prisoner on Long Island, 13th March, 1777; ex changed 27th November, 1780 ; he was appointed Ensign 9th Pennsylvania in January, 1777; Lieutenant, 27th January, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died ,1833.) Douglass. 158 Draper. Douglass, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 14th April, 1778; Captain, 13th October, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783 ; Cap tain of a Company United States Ar tillery, 12th August, 1784, and served to October, 1786. Dove, William (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 17th April, 1777; resigned 1st December, 1777. Dover, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort | Washington, 16th November, 1770 : exchanged, 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter service. (Died 12th December, 1831.) Dover, John (Pa). Ensign 3d Penn sylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d Jan uary, 1777, and served to . Dow, Abner (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 9th November, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, cashiered 9th August, 1781. Dow, Alexander (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th April, 1777; transferred to Flower s Regi ment of Artillery Artificers, June, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 4th April, 1780 ; retired 1st May, 1781. Dow, Reuben (Mass). Captain Company New Hampshire Minute Men, 19th April, 1775; Captain of. Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775, and did not re turn to the army. Downe, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, May, 1778 ; resigned March, 1779. Downer, Eliphalet (Mass). Vol unteer Surgeon at Lexington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Surgeon 24th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 81st December, 1776 ; served subsequently in United States Navy. Downes, Edward (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 7th January, 1778. Downes, Henry Jr. (Md). 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion cf the Flying Camp, June to Decem ber, 1776. Downey, Ezekiel (Pa). Surgeon 6th Pennsylvania, llth September, 1780; died 1st July, 1781. Downey, John (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Militia, : killed at Crooked Billet, 1st May, 1778. Downing, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Downing, William (Pa). 2cl Lieu tenant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th De cember, 1776, to -. Downman, Raleigh (Ga). Cap tain 3d Georgia, ; on roll for Au gust, 1778. Downs, David (Conn). Captain of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 19th January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at the Cedars", 19th May, 1776. Doyle, John (Pa). Captain of an Independent Pennsylvania Com pany, 6th July, 1776 ; company at tached to and became part of the llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1777 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Doyle, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania, llth March, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3ct November, 1783 ; Lieutenant United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784; Lieutenant 1st Infantry United. States Army, 29th September, 1789; Cap tain, 22d October, 1790, in 1st Sub Le gion, 4th September, 1792 ; Major 1st Sub Legion, 29th September, 1792; honorably discharged 1st November, 1796. (Died 15th February, 1805.) Drake, Abraham (N. H.). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Volunteers 6 weeks; mentioned as at Winter Hill in 1775 ; Colonel New Hampshire Militia in 1776-1777. (Died 1st August, 1781.) Drake, Jacob (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted October, 1777. Drake, Joshua (N. Y.). Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 25th March, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779; Captain New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Ka- nassoraga, 23d October, 1780, and re mained a prisoner to 21st May, 1783. Drake, Thomas (Va.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 22d February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; killed 21st January, 1777. Where, not stated. Draper George (Va). Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, and served to close of war. Draper Draper, Moses (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770, to . Drayton, Charles (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery, 14th No vember, 1775, to . Drayton, Stephen (S. C.). Deputy Quartermaster-Greneral Southern De partment, 17th November, 1778, to Drew, John (X. II.). Captain of Wyman s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, June, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; re signed 31st August, 1778. Drew, John (Va). Lieutenant Vir ginia Artillery, February, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781. Drew, Lebbeus (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 28th Decem ber, 1777, at ; Ca.ptain, 14th April, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Drew, Seth (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Brigade-Inspector, 13th July, 1781 ; Major 3d Massachusetts, 7th January, 1783, and served to 12th June, 1783. (Died 18th May, 1824.) Drew, Thomas Haynes (Va). 2d Lieutenant of Grrayson s Additional Continental Regiment, Oth February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st February, 1778; Regimental Paymaster, 31st August, 1778, transferred to Grist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Drew, Zebulon (N. H.). Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 2d June to December, 1775, Driesbach, Yost (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 10th March, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1770; exchanged 10th December, 1770 ; Captain of Otten- dorf s Battalion Pulaski Legion, 22d February, 1777, arid served to . Driskille, Joseph (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Steven s Battalion New York Artillery, 9th November, 1776, which became part of the 3d Conti nental Artillery ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Drowne, Jonathan (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental In- 159 Dubois. fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 ; resigned November, 177d. Drowne, William (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January to November, 1770. Druitt, John (Pa). Conductor of Artillery of Captain Roman s Com pany Pennsylvania Artillery, 25th March, 1770; 3d Lieutenant, 15th May, 1770; dismissed LOth July, 1770. Drummond, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 5th February, 1770, to . Drummond, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Pennsylvania, 18th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d November, 1777; retired 17th January, 1781. Drury, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant, 1st Virginia, 9th August, 1777; re tired 14th September, 1778. Drury, Jotham (Mass). Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, l&t January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered 12th March, 1778. Drury, Luke (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 22d May to December, 1775. Drury, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Dry den, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign Virginia Riflemen, ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1880. Dubois, David (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain, 25th November. 1775 ; Cap tain of Dubois New York Regment, 26th June to November, 1770. Dubois, Henry (N. Y.). Adjutant of Dubois New York Regiment, 20th June, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Cap tain, 22d December, 1779 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 6th November, 1782. (Died , January, 18C4.) Dubois, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant, 3d New York, 21st November, 1770 ; omitted February, 1777. Dubois, Lewis (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Major, 25th November, 1775; Colonel New- York Regiment, 21st June, 1776 ; Colonel 5th New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776; to rank from 25th June, 1776; resigned 22d December, 1779, served also as Colonel New York Levies. (Died 4th March, 1824.) Du Bose. 160 Dungan. Du Bose, Isaac (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Dragoons, , 1779, to . Du Buysspn, Chevalier (France). Major Continental Army, 4th October, 1777; served as Aide-de- Camp to General De Kalb, 4th Oc tober, 1777, to 19th August, 1780 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel Continental Army, llth February, 1778 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Caniden, 16th August, 1780, and was prisoner on parole to close of war. du Calvert. See Calvert. Du Cambray. See Cambray. Duclos, Francis (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 9th December, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; cash iered, 27th October, 1778. Ducoines, John (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Georgia, 22d July, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged ^pril, 1781; Captain, ; served to close of war. du Coudray. See Coudray. Duda, Lemuel (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire ,1781; trans ferred to 1st New Hampshire, March, 1782 ; discharged 20th November, 1782. Dudley, Henry (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Dudley, Robert (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1776, to . Dudley. Thomas (N. C.). Musician 6th North Carolina in 1776 ; Ensign 10th North Carolina, 1778 ; Lieuten ant, 20th June, 1779 ; wounded at Eu- taw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Duey, Oliver (Mass). Sergeant- Major 7th Massachusetts, 8th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 19th November, 1777 ; died 6th December, 1777. Duff, Edward (Va). Surgeon 5th Virginia ; transferred to 10th Vir ginia. 20th September, 1778; in 6th Virginia March, 1779, and served to Duff, Henry (Del). Ensign Dela ware Regiment, 29th Nove ber, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 7th September, 1778, arid served to close of war. Duff, Richard (Conn). Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Duffield, John (Pa). Surgeon 3d Continental Artillery, 30th Septem ber, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Duffy, Patrick (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Proctor s Battalion Pennsyl vania Artillery, 5th October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 29th Feb ruary, 1778 ; dismissed llth October, 1781. Dugan, Jeremiah ( ). Major Battalion Rangers, 28th March. 1776, to . Duguid, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Jan uary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter the service. Dull, Abraham (Pa). Sergeant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 19th Janu ary, 1776 ; Ensign 25th October, 1776, and served to January, 1777. Dun, Peter (Va). 1st Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 26th Februry, 1776; Captain, 22d June, 1776; "killed 26th September, 1777," at . Dunbar, Thomas (S. C.). Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, 24th Febru ary, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged June, 1781, and served to close of war. Duncan, David ( ). Lieuten ant, - ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Duncan, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant, 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th April, 1777 ; Captain, 25th March, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Duncan, John (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia ; killed at Min- nisink, 22d July, 1779. Duncan, Matthew (Pa). Volun teer in the Expedition to Canada, 25th September, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Quebec 3 1 st December, 1775. Duncan, Robert (N. C.). Regi mental Paymaster 4th North Caro lina, 1st December, 1777, to . Dunckerly, Josepli( ). Deserted from the British Army ; Adjutant of Henley sAdditional Continental Regi ment, March, 1777 ; resigned 20th May, 1778. Dungan, Thomas (Pa). Paymas^ ter 12th Pennsylvania, 29th Apri^ 1777; transferred to 6th Pennsylv t nia, 1st July, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, IB January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Dunham. 161 Durkee. Dunham, George (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 21st Jane, 1779. (Died 19th December, 1819.) Dunham, Levi (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, June to December, 1775. Dunham, Lewis F. (N. J.). Sur geon 3d New Jersey, 21st February to October, 1776 ; Surgeon 3d New Jer sey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned March, 1778. Dunham, Silas ( ). Lieutenant, ; killed at Whitemarsh, 7th De cember, 1777. Dunham, Stephen (N.J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; resigned July, 1776. Dunholm, Archibald (Va). (See Denholm name spelled on rolls both ways. Dunlop, Francis (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1778 ; cashiered, 27th October, 1778. Dunlop, James (Pa.). Major 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 10th Janu ary, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; re signed 23d January, 1777. (Died 15th December, 1821.) Dunmore, "William (Mass). Sur geon of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Dunn, Abner M. (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, llth Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of McLane s Delaware Partisan Company, 13th January, 1777; Lieutenant 9th Penn sylvania, 31st May, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Dunn, Isaac Budd (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th July, 1776; Captain 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Major Aide-de- Camp to General St. Clair, May, 1781, to close of war. Dunn, James (Del). Captain of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Dunn, "William (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 30th March to November, 1776. Dunnell, Zacheus ( ). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d November, 1778. Dunning, Michael (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant Warner s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st October, 1776 ; Captain, 16th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Dunscomb, Edward (N. Y.). 2cl Lieutenant of Lasher s New York Mi litia Regiment, January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant^ 23d April, 1778 ; Captain, llth April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 12th November, 1814.) Dunton, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of (rerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Du Plessis, de Maduit ( ). See Plessis. Duportail, Louis Lebique (France). Colonel Engineers, 8th July, 1777; Chief of Engineers, 22d July, 1777 ; Brigadier-Greneral Engineers, 17th November, 1777 ; appointed Com mandant of Corps of Engineers and Sappers and Miners, llth May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and on parole to Novem ber, 1780; Major-Grerieral Chief Engi neer, 16th November. 1781 ; retired 10th October, 1783. (Died , 1802.) Dupues, Antoine (Canada). Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 1st November, 1776; resigned 3d April, 1778. Durant, Edward (Mass). Surgeon of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June to October, 1775. Durkee, Benjamin Jr. (Conn). En sign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Durkee, Benjamin (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; retired 15th November, 1778. Durkee, John (Conn). Major 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 1st July to 10th Decem ber, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Colonel, 12th August, 1776; Colonel 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; died 29th May, 1782. Durkee, John Jr. (Conn). Ensign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 31st July, 1777 ; 11 Durkee. 162 Dysart. Captain, 26th October, 1780 ; trans ferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Durkee, Joseph (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776,to May, 1777. Durkee, Nathaniel (Conn). Quar termaster 7th Connecticut, 3d Janu ary, 1777; discharged 13thOctober,1777. Durkee, Robert (Conn), Captain of an Independent Company, known as Wyoming Valley Company, 26th August. 1776; he retired from the ser vice 23d June, 1778, his company being consolidated with Ransom s -/served as a volunteer and was killed in the AVyomirig Massacre, 3d July, 1778. Dusenbury, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 10th Janu ary, 1776; w r ourided at White Plains, 28th October, 1776 ; Brigade-Major t General J. M. Scott, April, 1777, to March, 1778, arid of Parson s Brigade to February, 1782. Dustin, Moses (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777 ; Captain, 20th September, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Dustin, Moody (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November,1776 ; Captain, 5th March, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Dutarque, Lewis (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Dutton, Titus (Conn). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 23d February, 1779 : omitted March, 1780. Duval, Daniel (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 24th February, 1776, to . Duval, Edward (Md). 2d Lieuteri ant 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777: Cap tain, February, 1780 ; killed at Cam- den, 16th August, 1780. Duval, Isaac (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 22d March, 1777; Lieuten ant, 12th April, 1779 ; wounded at Camden, 16th August, 1780; trans ferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Duval, Jonathan Jr. (R. I.). En- >:] gn of Richmond s Rhode Island Regiment, 1st November, 1775, and Lieutenant arid Captain in Stariton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1776 iii:dl777. Duval, "William (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776;- died 15th April, 1777. Du Veil, - ( ). Captain Sap pers and Miners, 2d August, 1779, to Dwig-ht, Timothy (Conn). Brig ade-Chaplain, 6th October, 1777 : re signed 28th January, 1779. (Died llth January, 1817.) Dye, Jonathan (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 19th June, 1777; killed at Braridywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Dyer, Asa (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Dyer, Charles (R, I.). 2d Lieuten ant of Stantori s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to Dyer, Charles (R. I.). Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 1st November, 1775, to Dyer, Charles (R. I.). Major Rhode Island Militia, 3d August, 1775, to . Dyer, Christopher (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; Captain of Lippitt s Rhode Is land State Regiment, 19th August. 1776, to 1777. Dyer, Edward (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 10th September, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Dyer, Eliphalet (Conn). Colonel Connecticut Militia, 1775 and 1776, and Brigader-General Connecticut Mil itia, December, 1776, to May, 1777. (Died 13th May, 1807.) Dyer, Thomas (Conn). Captain 3d Connecticut, September to Decem ber, 1775; Captain 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Brigade- Major to General Parson s, 15tb to 31st August, 1776: Major 20th Conti nental Infantry, 19th August to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Connecticut, 1st January. 1777: resigned llth April, 1778. Dyer, "Walter (Md). Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 15th September, 1780; retained in Maryland Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 2cl April, 1819.) Dysart, James (Va) Captain Vir ginia Riflemen. - ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780 : subsequently served as Major and as Colonel Virginia Militia to close of war. Eager. 163 Edes. E. Eager, George (N. H.). Surgeon of Bedel s New Hampshire Regiment, 15th December, 1777, to November, 1779. Eager, Nathan (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Eagle, Joseph (X. C.). Ensign 4th North Carolina, 1st January, 1776; resigned 20th March, 1776. Earnes, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten- of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Earle, John (8. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 1776, to close of war. Earle, Joseph (Md). Lieutenant- Colonel 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Earle, Samuel (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Earle, Samuel (S. C.). Ensign 5th South Carolina, llth June, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 20th June, 1779; 1st Lieu tenant, October, 1779, to January, 1781 ; Captain South Carolina Rangers, 1781 and 1782. (Died 24th November, 1883.) Early, Joseph (Va). 2d Lieutenant 5th Virginia, 20th. February, 1776, to Eastebrooks, Joseph (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Eastman, Ebenezer (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Eastman, Nehemiah (Mass). En sign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deserted 1st April, 1777. Easton, James (Conn). Captain of Ethan Allen s forces at Ticon- deroga in May, 1775 ; by the act of 1st August, 1776, he was promoted Colo nel of the Continental Army, to rank from 1st July, 1775 ; dismissed 16th July, 1779. Easton, Philip (Va). 2d Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 4th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th August, 1778; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Easton, Richard (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 27th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 6th April, 1777 : re signed 7th June, 1778. Eaton, (Ga). Major Georgia Militia, ; killed at Fort Grierson, Oa., 24th May, 1781. Eaton, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777, and served to Jane, 1783. (Died 20th August, 1819.) Eaton, John (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; discharged 20th August, 1778. Eaton, John Elliot (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 5th Massachusetts, 1st June, 1777; discharged 28th Novem ber, 1777. Eaton, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 : 1st Lieutenant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to Eaton, Piiiketham (N. C.). Major 3d North Carolina, from , to Eayres, Joseph (Pa). Major of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 16th July. 1776 ; retired 30th August, 1780. Eberhard, Michael (Pa). Pay master German Battalion, 12th July, 1776, to 1st November, 1777. Eccleston, John (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Barrett s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, July, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Major 5th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; released 30th December, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Eddins, Samuel ( Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1778, to . (Was in service July, 1779.) Eddy, Joshua (Mass). Ensign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177"6: Captain i4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; de ranged 15th October. 1778. Eden, James (Md). Major 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Edes, John Welsh (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776. Edes, Joseph (MassV Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant", August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th Massachusets, 1st January, 1777: Captain 15th Septem- be", 1780, to . (Was in service in 1781.) Edes, Thomas (Mass). Regimen tal Quartermaster of Gridley s Regi ment Massachusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775. Edgar. 164 Edwards. Edgar, Clarkson (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777 ; resigned 15th De cember, 1777. Edgar, David (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant of Forman s Regiment, New Jer sey Militia, July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 14th January, 1777; Lieu tenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 25th January, 1777; Captain 23d Novem ber, 1778, and served to close of war. Edgar, George (N. H.). SurgeonV Mate of Bedel s Regiment, New Hampshire Rangers, January to No vember, 1776. Edgerley, Edward (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777; Regimental-Adjutant, 3d April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778; Captain, 10th September, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Jaunary, 1781 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Edie, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776*; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Feb ruary, 1776; wounded and taken pris oner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776 ; exchanged 10th April, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Edison, Thomas (Pa.) 2d Lieu tenant German Battalion, 7th June, 1777; dishonorably discharged, 22d May, 1778. Edmiston, Samuel (Md). Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 14th March, 1781, and served to close of war. Edmond, William (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, to 15th December, 1775 ; Captain of a Company Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Danbury, 25th April, 1777. (Died 1st August, 1838.) Edmonds, Thomas (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th Feb ruary. 1781; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Name also spelled Edmunds.) Edmonson, Andrew (Va). Ensign Virginia Rangers, - ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Edmonson, Benjamin (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia State Regi ment, 24th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 1st January, 1779 ; served to Jan uary, 1781. Edmonson, Robert Sr. ( Va). Lieu tenant Virginia Rangers, ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Edmonson, Robert Jr. (Va). Lieu tenant Virginia Rangers, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Edmonson, Samuel (Md). Quar termaster 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, June, 1777, to 20th June, 1780; Hospital Phy sician and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, and served to close of war. (Name also appears as Edmiston, Ed- niondston and as Edmunson.) Edmonson, Thomas (Md). En sign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Edmonson, "William (Va). Cap tain Virginia Rangers, ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Edmunds, Elias (Va). Major and Lieutenant-Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777, to February, 1781. Edmunds, Thomas (Va). Lieu tenant and Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777, to February, 1781. Edsall, Richard (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 2d February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th February, 1777 ; Captain, 6th September, 1777 ; re signed 20th April, 1779. Edwards, Edward (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 1st November, 1777. Edwards, Evan (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, 23d March, 1776 ; Captain in Hartley s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777, which was called llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Lee in 1777 ; Major llth Pennsylvania, 13th Janu ary, 1779, to rank from 10th Decem ber, 1778; transferred to 4th Pennsyl vania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Edwards, LeRoy(Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 26th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant,21st February, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, 19th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May t 1780; exchanged July, 1781, and served to close of war. Edwards. Edwards, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December. 1775 : 1st Lieuten ant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Edwards, Richard (N. J.). En sign of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 10th February, 1777 ; resigned 6th November, 1777. Edwards, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 31stMay,1777 ; regiment designated 16th Massachu setts, 23d July, 1780; appointed Deputy Judge-Advocate of the army, 9th April, 1780; Judge-Advocate of the army, 2d October, 1782, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; he retained his rank also in the line, being trans ferred to the 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and to the 2d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783. (Died 4th August, 1806.) Eells, Edward (Conn). Captain of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st Jauuary, 1777; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Egleston, Azariah (Mass). Ser geant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st May, 1777 ; Regi mental Quartermaster," March, 1778; Regimental Paymaster, 4th May, 1780 ; Lieutenant, 30th August, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 12th January, 1822.) Egleston, Joseph ( Va). Paymaster 1st Continental Dragoons, March, 1777; resigned 18th November, 1777; Lieutenant and Paymaster of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 21st April, 1778; Captain, 5th September, 1779 ; served to close of war. (Died 13th February, 1811.) Egleston, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 24th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th September, 1776 ; died 4th February, 1777. Egrees, Daniel (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Ehrenzeller, Jacob ( ). Sur geon of Lee s Battalion of Light Dra goons, April, 1779 ; omitted Au gust, 1779. Eichelberger, Barnet (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsvlvania Bat- 165 Eldridge. talion, 9th January, 1776 ; resigned 5th February, 1776. Eichelberger, George (Pa). Dep uty Quartermaster-General in 1777 and 1778. Eichelberg-er, Martin (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 19th September, 1777; regiment became llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; resigned 29th March, 1779. (Died 2d October, 1840.) Eicholtz, Jacob (Pa). Sergeant Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 21st March, 1776; Regimental Quarter master, August to December, 1776. Eisenlord, John (N. Y.). Major New York Militia, ; killed at Oris- kany, 6th August, 1777. Elbert, Samuel (Ga). Lieutenant- Colonel 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Colonel 2d Georgia, 5th July, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779, and at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; com manded a Brigade at Yorktown, June to November, 1781 ; brevet Brigadier- General, 3d November, 1783 ; was also Brigadier-General Georgia Militia, and served to close of war. (Died 2d November, 1788.) Elderkin, Jedediah (Conn). Colo nel arid Brigadier-General Connecti cut Militia. Elderkin, John (Conn). Regimen tal Quartermaster 6th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 29th August, 1777. Elderkin, Vine (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d November, 1777. Eldred, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; taken prisoner 28th Decem ber, 1777, at ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1778; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 18th December, 1825.) (Also called El- dridge.) Eldridge, Charles (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Groton Heights, 6th Sep tember, 1781. Eldridge. 166 Ellis, Eldridge, Daniel (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 4th February, 1778. Eldridg-e, James (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Captain, 1st July to 10th De cember, 1775; Captain 10th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 81st De cember, 1776; Captain 1st Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d January, 1778. Elholm, Augustus Christian George (Germany). Lieutenant of Cavalry Pulaski Legion, April, 1778, to 18th May, 1780 ; Captain of South Carolina Troops, February, 1781, to June, 1783. Elkins, Henry (X. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775 ; discharged 20th August, 1775. Elliot, John (N. Y.). Surgeon s- Mate 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d No vember^ 1783 ; Surgeon s-Mate United States Infantry, 12th April, 1785; Surgeon s Mate 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Surgeon d United States Infantry, 3d March, 1791 ; assigned to the 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792, and to the 1st United States Infantry. 1st November, 1796; honorably dis charged 1st June, 1802. Elliot, Robert (R. I.). Captain Rhode Island State Artillery, 19th August, 1776 ; Colonel Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to 1st June, 1780, and subsequently served as Brigadier-General Rhode Island Militia. Elliot, Robert (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Virginia, 20th March, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778 ; served subsequently as Captain Virginia Militia. (Died 4th January, 1838.) Elliot, William (N. H.). Adjutant 2d New Hampshire, 7th November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777, and did not return to regiment. Elliott, Barnard (S. C.). Captain- Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery, 29th May, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Elliott, Bernard (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, 14th November, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, , 1777 ; died 25th October, 1778. Elliott, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of an Independent Pennsylvania Company Continental Array, 27th February, 1778 ; Captain, 8th March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Elliott, John (Conn). Chaplain 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1777 ; resigned 20th February, 1778. Elliott, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, 9th February, 1777; resigned loth January, 1778. (Died 29th August, 1826.) Elliott, Joseph (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, January, 1777; Captain, 8th March, 1778; wounded and taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Elliott, Joseph (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st May to llth August, 1775. (Died 9th October, 1785.) Elliott, Thomas (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Colonel 4th Virginia, 3d Sep tember, 1776 ; resigned 22d Septem ber, 1777. Ellis, Amos (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Ellis, Benjamin (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778; Captain, 5th July, 1780; transferred to 1st New Hampshire ; 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June. 1783. (Died 29th November, 1831.; Ellis, Benjamin (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 6th Connecticut, July to Octo ber, 1775. Ellis, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Sep tember, 1776 ; Captain of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 22d February, 1777 ; dishonorably dis charged, 9th November, 1777. Ellis, John (Conn). Chaplain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Chaplain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Chaplain 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, 27th May, 1777, and served to 3d June, 1783. Ellis, Joseph (N. J.). Colonel New Jersey Militia in 1776 ; Brigadier- General New Jersey Militia, Febru ary, 1777, which he declined. Ellis, Paul (Mass). Captain 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Ellis. Ellis, William (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned 30th June, 1780. Ellis, William (N. J.). Captain of Nevvcomb s Battalion New Jersey Militia, 14th June, 1776 ; Major of Read s Battalion New Jersey Militia, 18th July, 1776 ; taken prisoner 5th April, 1778, at ; exchanged 26th December, 1780. Elmendorf, Peter Jr. (N. Y.). En sign of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; re signed 1st January, 1778. Elmer, Ebenezer (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 9th April, 1776 ; Sur- geon s-Mate 3d New Jersey, 28th No vember, 1776 ; Surgeon, 25th July, 1778 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 18th Oc tober, 1843.) Elmer, Moses Gr. (N. J.). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d New Jersey, 28th August, 1778 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, arid served to 3d November, 1783. Elmore, Samuel (Conn). Major 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 20th De cember, 1775 ; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Elsworth, Charles (Conn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775. Elsworth, Peter (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d September, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant llth April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Ely, Abner (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 19th De cember, 1775; Ensign 6th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 4th May, 1778. Ely, Christopher (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775: Captain 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 2d January, 1778. Ely, Elisha (Conn). Surgeon s- Mato 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Surgeon 19th Conti nental "Infantry, 19th July to 31st December, 1776; Captain 6th Con- 167 Ernes. necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 28th August, 1780. Ely, John (Conn). Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; Colonel Connecticut Militia Regiment in 1777 : taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedition, 10th De cember, 1777 ; exchanged 5th Decem ber, 1780. Ely, Lemuel (N. C.). Captain 7th North Carolina, 17th December, 1776 ; resigned 17th February, 1778. Eman, John (Ga). 2d Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Emerson, Amos (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire,8th November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Emerson, Jonathan (N. H.). En sign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777, and did not rejoin his regi ment. Emerson, Nehemiah (Mass). Pri vate Company of Minute Men at Lex ington, 19th April, 1775 ; Ensign llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th March," 1779 ; Cap tain, 27th October, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died llth December, 1832.) Emerson, Peter (N. H.). Surgeon New Hampshire Militia, 1778-1780. Emerton, Ephraim (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. Emery, Ephraim (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777; Lieutenant Regimental Paymaster, 10th April, 1779 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts., 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 27th September, 1827.) Ernes, Worsley (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Proctor s Battalion Pennsyl vania Artillery, 5th October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, March, 1777, to rank from 5th Octo ber, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, 16th July, 1777 ; Captain, 26th September, 1780; retired 1st January. 1783. (Died 29th July, 1802.) Emmerson. 168 Erwin. Emmerson, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776 ; resigned April, 1778. Emmet, James (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; Major , 22d December, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 177d, and served to . Emory, George (Md). 3d Lieuten ant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th February, 1777, to - . (Also called Gideon Emory.) Emory, Richard (Md). Captain 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Brigade-Major 1st Maryland Brigade, 14th October, 1777 ; resigned 27th De cember, 1777. Emory, Thomas Lane (Md). 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Engle, Andrew (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylyania, 1st July, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th December, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Engle, James (Pa). Sergeant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 19th Janu ary, 1776; Ensign 20th September, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, January, 1777, and served to . (Was in service in August, 1777.) English, Andrew, (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st August, English, Samuel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Septem ber, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Enloe, John (N. C.). Captain 5th North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; re signed 25th October, 1777. Ennis, James (Pa). See Innes. Ennis, "William (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, , 1781 ; Lieutenant, 17th March, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. Eno, Martin (Conn). Sergeant of "Warner sAdditional Continental Reg iment, 16th February, 1777 ; Ensign, 7th August, 1779; killed at Fort George, llth October, 1780. Enos, Roger (Conn). Major 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 1st July to 10th Decem ber, 1775; Brigadier-General Vermont Militia in 1781. (Died 6th October, 1808.) Eppes, Francis (Va). Major 1st Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 18th March, 1776; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Eppes, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 30th August, 1777; transferred to 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, , 1780 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Epple, Andrew (Pa). Paymaster llth Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Epple, Henry (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 21st May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1777. Ernest, Matthew (N. Y.). Private in 5th NewYork, , 1779, to January, 1781 ; Lieutenant United States Ar tillery, 21st October, 1786; Lieutenant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Battal ion Paymaster, 5th June to 5th No vember, 1790 ; resigned 26th July, 1791. (Died , 1805.) Erskine, Charles (Va). Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 5th April, 1780; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Erskine, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 3d November, 1776 ; resigned 10th May, 1778. Erskine, Robert (N. J.). Geogra pher and Surveyor to the Army of the United States, 27th July, 1777; died 2d October, 1780. Erskine, "William (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 8th April, 1777; omitted No vember, 1777. Erskine, William (N. Y.). Briga dier-General New York Militia, 1776. Erving, Henry (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; re signed 17th April, 1778. Erwin, John (Pa). Lieutenant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 18th Feb ruary, 1781. Erwin, Joseph (Pa). Captain 2d Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 9th March to December, 1776; appointed Captain 9th Penn sylvania, 27th November, 1778, to rank from 6th April, 1776; retired 17th January, 1781. Erwin. 169 Evans. Erwin, James (Pa). Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 20th July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Esdel, Benjamin (N. J.). Ensign of Spencers Additional Continental Regiment, 12th May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Esdel, Richard (N. J.), 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 17th February, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 6th Sep tember, 1777; Captain, , 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Eskridge, George (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; resigned March, 1777. Eskridge, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, loth June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th December, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged, November, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 9th October, 1^30.) Espey, Samuel (N. C.). Captain North Carolina Partisans, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Espiniers, Augustin Francois des (France). Captain Continental Army and Aide-de-Camp to Baron Steuben, 21st August, 1777 ; Major, 2d Feb ruary, 1778; " in consideration of the services rendered by his uncle, Mons. de Beaumarchais, and of his having served with reputation in the Ameri can Army," granted six months leave and returned to France in October, 1779. Estop, Alexander (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 10th October, 1777. Eustace, John (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 7th October, 1780, and served to close of war. Eustace, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 6th September, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776; Captain, May, 1777 ; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Eustace, John Skey (Ga). Major Aide-de-Camp to General Lee, 29th October, 1776 ; Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Sullivan, 7th November, 1777; Aide-de-Camp to General Greene in 1779 ; resigned 27th January, 1780. (Died 25th August, 1805.) Eustis, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th April, -1 ^^Q 1 1 78. Eustis, Benjamin (Mass). Captain- Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Captain 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; Major 4th Continental Artillery, 2d December, 1778 ; died 6th October, 1781. Eustis, William (Mass). Surgeon of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, April to December, 1775 ; Surgeon of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776; Hospital Physi cian arid Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, to close of war : Secretary of War, 7th March, 1809, to 13th January, 1813. (Died 6th February, 1825.) Evans, Benjamin (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776; served subsequently as Captain in Nicholson s Regiment New York Militia. Evans, Daniel (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 3d December, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, April, 1778 ; omitted - March, 1779. Evans, Edward (N. H.). Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Evans, Elijah (Md). Ensign of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, May, 1776 ; Lieuten ant, 17th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Evans, Ephraim (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Evans, George (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 18th August, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th 1780; exchanged June, 1781, arid served to close of war. Evans, George (Va). Surgeon 3d Continental Dragoons, 20th May, 1777; taken prisoner at Tappan, 28th Sep tember, 1778 ; exchanged, - ; re signed 1st August, 1779. Evans, Israel (N. Y.). Chaplain 1st New York, 3d August, 1775; Chap lain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Brigade Chaplain, 5th January, 1778 ; retired 1st August, 1780. (Died 9th March, 1807.) Evans, John (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; died 29th June, 1776. Evans, Jonathan (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Evans, Reuben (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Evans. Evans, Samuel (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania State Regiment, 8th April. 1777, to - Evans, Thomas (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 3d Continental Dragoons, 7th June, 1777 ; resigned 1st June, 1779. Evans, Thomas (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 19th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 15th May, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 22d November, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged, November, 1780; transferred to 1st North Caro lina, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, June, 1781, and served to close of war. Evans, "William (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 10th December, 1770; 2d Lieutenant, 23d March, 1777; wounded at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th September, 1778 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Everleigh, Nicholas (S. C.). Cap tain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Evely, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Everett, Edward (N. H.). Cap tain of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Everett, Pelatiah(Mass). Sergeant 5th Massachusetts, 1st April, 1777 ; Ensign, 7th November, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 10th August. 1778; 1st Lieu tenant, 25th April, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to -d November, 1783. (Died October, 1821.) Everidge, William (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 4th May, 1777, to . Everis, Solomon (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 6th Connecticut, 24th Septem ber, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Everly, Michael (Pa). Sergeant 10th Pennsylvania, April, 1777 ; En sign, 1st October, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st April, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Everson, George ( ). Captain and Deputy Commissary of Military Stores, 18th January, 1777, to . Ewell, Charles (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 1st June, 1778, to January, 1781. (Died 1st April, 1830.) Ewell, Thomas B. (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 31st January, 1777, to January, 1781. 170 Failly.. Ewing, Alexander (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 3d September, 1777; regiment designated, 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 14th February, 1779, and served to . Ewing, George (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 29th April, 1778. Ewing, Henry (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; re signed April, 1778. Ewing, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant and Adjutant 1st Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Brigade-Major to General Hand in 177.7 and 1778. (Died , 1800.) Ewing, James (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, llth April, 1777; 2d Lieu- tena nt, 17th April, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 29th May, 1778; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781 ; Captain, , 1782 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Ewing, James (Pa). Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, 4th July, 1776, to . Ewing, Nathaniel (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Reg iment, 14th January, 1776 ; Captain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 9th March, 1779. Ewing, Thomas (Md). Captain of Small wood s Maryland Regiment. 14th January, 1776 ; Colonel 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Eysandeau, "William (Mass). En sign 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant, 2d April, 1779; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. F. Facey, Joseph (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; died 2d November, 1777, of wounds received 19th September, 1777, at Bemus 1 Heights. Faggot, Arthur (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775. Failly, Chevalier de (France). Major Continental Army, 5th August v 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 21st August, 1777 ; with pay from 1st December, 1776, and served to . Fairbanks. 171 Farns worth. Fairbanks, George (Mass). Sur geon s-Mate 14th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; Surgeon, 5th Sep tember, 1777 ; resigned 9th April, 1778. Fairbanks, Samuel (Mass). Ensign Gth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 12th November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Fairneld, Matthew (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Grerristfs Massachu setts Regiment, 19th May to Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 24th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 13th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 22d November, 1777. Fairneld, Samuel (Mass). Lieu tenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 13th February, 1778. Fairlie, James (X. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 24th February, 1776 ; 2cl Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Steuben, July, 1778, to close of war. (Died 10th October, 1830.) Falcon, Birkit (Md). 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Falconer, Andrew (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp/ June to December, 1776. Falls, (E.G.). Captain North Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; killed at Ranisour s Mill, 20th June, 1780. Fally, Richard (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to ., Faneuil, - Monsieur (France). Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Conti nental Army, 24th March, 1777, and served to . Fanning 1 , Charles (Conn). Ensign of Selden s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th November, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st May, 1779, to June, 1783; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regi ment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Fanning, Thomas (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 8th Connecti cut, 6th July to 10th December,1775; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Farewell, Isaac (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to Gth No vember, 1775. * Farish, Robert (Va). Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 13th May, 1780, to 1st January, 1781. Farley, Michael (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster of Cferrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; 2d Lieuten ant and Regimental Quartermas ter 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 26th July, 1779 ; Captain, 1st January, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780. (Died 20th June, 1789.) Farmer, Benjamin (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Farmer Henry (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, Gth July to 21st December, 1775. Farmer, Lewis (Pa). Captain 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, Gth April, 1776; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; Major Pensylvania State Regiment, 14th March, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d May, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; retired 1st July 1778. Farmer, Samuel (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 12th April, 1779, and served to . Farmer, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 16th February, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th September, 1780; transferred to 4th. Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 15th No vember, 1781. Farnall, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Scammon s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Farnham, Zebediah (Conn). 1st Lieutenant, 8th Connecticut, Gth July, to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infan try, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776; served subsequently in the Navy. Name also spelled Farnum. Farnsworth, Amos (Mass). Cor poral of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Ensign of a Massachusetts Mil itia Regiment in 1776, and 1st Lieuten ant of a company of Matrosses Massa chusetts Militia, 1778 to close of war. (Died 29th October, 1847.) Farnum. 172 Fay. Farnum, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Captain llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; resigned 28th March, 1779. Farnum, David (Mass). Sergeant llth Massachusetts, January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 16th January, 1778; resigned 12th August, 1778. Farrar, Field (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 5th South Carolina, , 1777; Cap tain, 18th December, 1778 ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Farrar, Thomas (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 5th South Carolina, March, 1777, to - Farrer, Ezekiel (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st March, 1777. Farrer, Jonathan (Mass). Lieu tenant of a Company of Minute Men at Lexington, 19th April, 1775. Farrington, Thomas (Mass). Cap tain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, *1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; cashiered, 26th May, 1777. Farrow, Ezekiel (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st March, 1777. Farrow, Thomas (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; wounded at Ninety-Six, 22d May, 1781. Farwell, Henry (Mass). Captain of Prescott sMassachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Avounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Farwell, Isaac (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776, and served to close of w r ar. Fassett Amariah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Prescott s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775 ; mortally wounded and taken prisoner at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Fassett, John (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of War ner s Additional Continental Regi ment, 5th July, 1776 ; Captain, 16th September, 1776 ; cashiered, 16th Oc tober, 1776. Faulkner, Peter (N. J.). Private and Sergeant in Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, Pulaski Legion, 1778 and 1779 ; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 17th June, 1780 ; retained in New Jer sey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to*3d November, 1783 ; Captain llth United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1800; Military Storekeeper United States Army, 19th August, 1818; dismissed 20th June, 1820. (Died 20th September, 1823.) Faulkner, Ralph (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; Major, 2d Virginia, 22d March, 1777 ; name does not appear after April, 1778. Faulkner, Robert (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 8th January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant . Faulkner, William (N. J.). Cap tain 2d New Jersey, llth November, 1775 ; died 25th April, 1776. Fauntleroy, Griffin (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 5th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th October, 1776 ; resigned 16th November, 1777 ; Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, llth No vember, 1777, to . (Was in ser vice, November, 1778.) Fauntleroy, Henry (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 10th February, 1776 ; Captain, 15th September, 1776 ; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Fauntleroy, Moore (Pa). Captain 4th Continental Dragoons, 21st Janu ary, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 25th Sep tember, 1777 ; Major, 1st August, 1779, and served to . (Was in service January, 1780.) Fauntleroy, Robert (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 10th May, 1777 ; resigned 30th May, 1778. Fawn, William (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, 15th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 30th March, 1780 ; Avounded and taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; Captain ; retired 1st January, 1783. Faxon, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 8th October. 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Fay, Joseph (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; died 2d November, 1777, of wounds received at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777. Fay, Josiah (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; died 8th August, 1776. Fayssoux. Fayssoux, Peter (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Regiment, 13th July, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton*, 12th May, 1780. Fayssoux, Peter (S. C.). Chief Physician and Surgeon of Hospital Southern Department, loth May,1781, to close of Avar. Febig-er, Christian (Denmark.) Adjutant of (rerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775 ; Brigade- Major to General Arnold in the Canada Campaign, and was taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; exchanged November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel llth Virginia, 13th November, 1770 ; Colonel Vir ginia, 26th September, 1777 ; trans ferred to 2d Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 20th September, 1796.) Feck, David (Pa.) Private in Proctor s Battalion Pennsylvania Ar tillery in 1776 ; Ensign 9th Pennsyl vania, 7th December, 1776 ; Captain- Lieutenant of Gribbs Jones 1 Company, Pennsylvania Artillery, 1st June, 173 Fanno. omitted December, 1778. Feely, Timothy (Va.) Ensign llth Virginia, 10th December, 1776; Lieutenant, 6th November, 1777 ; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1782. Fell, "William B. ( ). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 10th Febru ary, 1777 ; omitted March, 1778. -). Ensign 2d Fellows, David Canadian (Hazeivs) Regiment, 6th November, 1776 ; died 10th Decem ber, 1779. Fellows, John (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, May to De cember, 1775 ; Brigadier-Gferieral of Massachusetts Militia, 1776 to 1780. (Died 1st August, 1808.) Fellows, Joseph (Conn). Private 6th Connecticut, 12th May to 10th December, 1775: Sergeant 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st June, 1773 : retired 29th May, 1780. Felt, Jonathan (Mass). Private company of Minute Men at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775 1st Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1780; Captain, 14th October, 1781, transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 3d May, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 5th November, 1800.) Felt, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to ITth December, 1775. F3lt~nan, William (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant of Captain Weaver s Company, to guard prison ers at Lancaster, 13th January, 1777 ; l^t, Lieutenant, 30th October, 1777; company transferred to 10th Penn sylvania, 7th November, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781; resigned , 1782. Felton, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1876 ; served subsequently as Captain Massachusetts Militia. " (Died 26th January, 1820.) Fenn, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 24th May, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Fenner, Arthur (R. I.). Lieuten ant in Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, loth January, 1776 ; Cap tain in Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to 1777. (Died 15th October, 1805.) Fenner, Richard (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 10th January, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Fenner, Robert (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 20th May, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Fenner, William (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775 ; Captain, 1st May, 1776 ; Major 7th North Carolina, 24th Octo ber, 1777, and served to . Fenno, Ephraim (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, July to December, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Clinton, 6th October, 1777 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and" served to 20th June, 1784. Fenno, John (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Fort Clinton, 6th October, 1777. Fenno, "William (N. Y.). Quarter master 2d Continental Artillery, 5th March, 1778; superseded 27th Octo ber, 1778. Fenton. 174 Fincke. Fenton, Joseph (Mass). Sergeant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, 1st January, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 15th June, 1779 ; died of wounds, 29th March, 1780. Fenton, Solomon (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; resigned 12th April, 1780. Fergus, James (N. C.). Surgeon 1st North Carolina, 24th May, 1776 ; resigned April, 1777. Ferguson, David (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland in 1777. Ferguson, William (Pa). Captain- Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Bound Brook, loth April, 1777; ex changed 1st December, 1780 ; Captain, 14th April, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783; Captain United States Artillery, 20th October, 1783 ; Captain Artillery Battalion United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Major Command ant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 4th March, 1791; killed 4th No vember, 1791, near Fort Recovery, Ohio, in action with Indians at St. Claims defeat. Feriole, Alexander ( ). Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment. Fermoy, Matthias Alexis Roche de (France). See De Fermoy. Fernald, Joshua (Mass). Sergeant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Sergeant-Major, loth April, 1777; ap pointed Ensign in May, 1778, to rank from 1st June, 1777 ; resigned 25th April, 1780. (Died llth January,1830.) Fernald, Tobias (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major 12th Massachu setts, 6th November, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 8th Massachusetts, 6th March, 1779 ; transferred to 10th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 15th Au gust, 1784.) Fernandis, James (Md). Ensign of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, May, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, 10th December 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777 Captain-Lieutenant, 1st March, 1778 resigned 15th July, 1779, Ferris, Nathan (Conn.) 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered, 25th October, 1777. Few, Ignatius (Ga). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; Captain, , 1777, and served to . Few, Joseph (Pa). Regimental Quartermaster 4th Continental Ar tillery, April, 1777 ; resigned 31st Oc tober, 1777. Few, "William (Ga). Colonel Geor gia Militia, 1778 to 1782. (Died 16th July, 1828.) Fick, David (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Captain Jones Company Pennsyl vania Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778; Captain, 14th April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Fickle, Benjamin (Md). Ensign Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June to October, 1776 ; En sign 7th Maryland, 1779; wounded at Camden, *16th August, 1780 ; Lieu tenant, 1780 ; retired 1st Januarv, 1781. Fiddeman, Philip (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June, 1776, to . Field, Benjamin (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1780. Field, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 15th June, 1779 ; resigned llth April, 1780. Field, Henry (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 26th January, 1776 ; re signed 3d August, 1776. (Died , 1777.) Field, James (S. C.). Captain- Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery, 1779 and 1780. Field, John (R. I.). Captain-Lieu tenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Field, Nathaniel (R. I.). Ensign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Field, Reuben (Va). Lieutenant 8th Virginia, ; Avas a Captain in 4th Virginia in March, 1781. Filer, Abraham (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th De cember, 1775. Finch, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Lieu tenant and Adjutant of Hathorne s New York Militia Regiment, - ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Fincke, Andrew (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 15th July, 1775; Captain, 16th February, 1776; Cap tain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Major New York Levies. (Died 3d February, 1820.) Findale. Findale, James (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Reg- inent, May to December, 1775. Finley, Andrew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Finley, Ebenezer (Md). Captain- Lieutenant of Dorsey s Company Maryland Artillery, 4th July, 1777; company formed part of 1st Conti nental Artillery, 30th May, 1778 ; Dep uty Judge Advocate Southern De partment, July, 1780, and served to close of war. Finley, James Edward Burr (Mass). Surgeon 15th Massachusetts, 25th February, 1778; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Finley, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 8th Pennsylvania, July, 1776; Cap tain, 22d October, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Pinley, John H. (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 177(5; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Finley, Joseph L. (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Battalion of Miles 1 Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 6th April, to December, 1776; Captain Penn sylvania State Regiment, 20th Octo ber, 1777; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; transferred to 8th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; Brigade-Major, 20th July, 1780; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Finley, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Proctor s Pennsylvania Artil lery, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 2d November, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Finley, Samuel (Ya). 1st Lieuten ant of Sheppard s Virginia Rifle Com pany, 9th July, 1776; Captain llth Virginia, 20th December, 1776 ; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Major, , and served to close of war. Finley, Samuel (Mass). Surgeon 14th Massachusetts, 10th April, 1778 ; 175 Fishbourne. transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Finn, John ( ). Captain- Lieu tenant Artillery, - ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Finn, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777. (In service July, 1778.) Finney, Thomas (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 12th November, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Finney, "Walter (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 20th March, 1776; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; Captain 6th Pennsylvania, to rank from 10th August, 1776 ; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783; transferred to 1st Pennsyl vania, June, 1783; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783 ; Captain United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784; resigned 1st September, 1787. (Died 17th Sep tember, 1820.) Finnie, William (Va). Colonel and DeputyQuartermaster-GeneralSouth- ern Department, 28th March, 1776, and served to close of war. Fish, Adam (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778; Captain, 8th October, 1779; re signed May, 1780. Fish, Sbsnezer (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 28th September, 1778; Captain-Lieu tenant, ; died 4th April, 1779. Fish, Joseph (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 4tii Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; dismissed 25th October, 1777. " Fish, Nicholas (N. Y.). Lieutenant and Captain in Malcolm s New York Regiment in 1775 arid 1776; Brigade- Major to General Scott, 9th August, 1776; M^ajor 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 30th June, 1833.) Fish, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 8d Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned September, 1779. Fishbourne, Benjamin Pa). Pay master 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 2d October, 1776 ; Captain 4th Pennsyl vania, 3d January, 1777; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783; Aide-de-Camp to General Wayne, 1779 to 1783 ; served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 3d November, 1819.) Fisher. 176 Fisher, Frederick (N. Y.). Colonel New York -Militia ; wounded and scalped at Johnstown, N. Y., 22d May, 1780. (Died 9th June, 1809.) Fisher, Hendrick (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 16th Decem ber, 1775 ; Paymaster 7th Continental Infantry, 13th September to 31st De cember, 1776. Fisher, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Walker s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Fisher, John (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Major 3d New York, 8th March, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel of Nicholson s New York Regiment, 21st June to November, 1776. Fisher, Samuel (Pa). Captain 2d Regiment Northumberland (Pa.) Mili tia, ; taken prisoner, , at ; released 8th December, 1780. Fisk, John (Conn). Ensign of El- more s Connecticut Regiment, loth April, 1776; resigned 2d October, 1776. Fisk, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Sur- 5eon s-Mate 1st Massachusetts, 1st anuary, 1777 ; Surgeon, 17th April, 1779, arid served to close of war. (Died 25th September, 1837.) Fisk, Squire (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 1st November, 1775, to April, 1776. Fisk, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Fisk, "William (R. I.). Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777. Fiske, Daniel (R. I.). Ensign of Tallmari s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777. Fisley, - - ( ). Lieutenant 2d Battalion, ; killed at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Fister, Henry (Md). Captain Ger man Battalion, 12th July, 1776 ; dis missed 7th April, 1777. Fitch, Andrew (Conn). Private Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Connecticut State Reg iment, 14th May, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re tired 1st January, 1781. Fitzhugh. Fitch, Asel (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 5th Connecticut, May to Decem ber, 1775. Fitch, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant llth Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 21st March, 1833.) Fitch, Gerard (Mass). Quarter master 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Fitch, Jabez (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Fitch, Joseph (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant New York Militia. Fitch, William (N. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July 1775, to . Fithian, Glover (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776, to March, 1777; Captain New Jersey Militia, ; killed 8th October, 1777 (where not stated.) Fithian, Philip Vickers (N. J.). Chaplain New Jersey Militia, - ; killed 011 the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776. Fitzgerald, Benjamin (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania, 15th January, 1777, to . Fitzgerald, John (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 8th February, 1776 ; Major, - Virginia, 28th January, 1777 ; re signed 6th July, 1778. Fitzgerald, John H. (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; Lieu tenant, 1st April. 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 19th June. 1779 ; Captain, 10th May, 1780; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged November, 1780; trans ferred to 6th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Fitzhugh, Peregrine (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 16th June, 1778; Lieutenant, ; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 2d July, 1781, and served as such to ; was also Captain 3d Continental Dragoons. , and served to close of war. Fitzhugh. Fitzhugh, "William (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, , 1779 ; Lieutenant, , 1782 ; transferred to Baylor s Regiment of Consolidated Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Flagg, Ebenezer (R. I.) Captain 2d Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Captain 9th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 26th May, 1778; killed, 14th May, 1781, by Delancey s Tories in Westchester County, New York. Flag-g 1 , Henry Collins (S. C.). Apothecary General Southern De partment, " , 1770, to close of war; was taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Flahaven, John (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 16th Decem ber, 1775, to 10th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner 22d April, 1777, at ; resigned 21st January, 1779. Flanagan, Samuel (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 9th Febru ary to 10th November, 1776 ; Captain 3d" New Jersey, 30th November, 1776 ; resigned 26th October, 1777; served subsequently as Major New Jersey Militia. Fleet, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 23d April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th September, 1778, to January, 1781. Fleming, Charles (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776 ; Major 4th Virginia, ; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Virginia, 28th June, 1778 ; transferred to 8th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; resigned 15th Decem ber, 1778. Fleming, Edward (N. Y.). Lieu tenant-Colonel 3d New Y ork, 30th June, 1775; Colonel Deputy Adju tant-General New Y^ork Department, 28th August, 1775 ; resigned 15th June, 1776. Fleming, George (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Grennell s Company New York Artillery, 16th March, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 9th November, 1778, and served to June, 1783; Military Storekeeper United States Army at West Point, 1st October, 1800; resigned 12th July, 1806. (Died 2d October, 1822.) 177 Fleury. Fleming, John (Va). Captain 1st. Virginia, 2d October, 1775 ; killed at, Princeton, 3d January, 1777. Fleming, Thomas (Va). Colonel 9th Virginia, 2d March, 1776 ; died August, 1776. Fletcher, - - ( ). Lieutenant, ; wounded at Hanging Rock, 6th August, 1780. Fletcher, Joel (Mass). Captain of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment. May, 1775, to . Fletcher, Samuel (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 8th June, 1775 r to January, 1776 ; served subsequently as Regimental Quartermaster New Y T ork Militia Regiment. Fleury, Francois Louis de (France). Captain Engineer 22d May, 1777. By the resolve of Congress of 13th September, 1777, it was "Re solved, whereas Congress has re ceived information that Monsieur Lewis de Fleury, during very gallant exertions in the late battle of Bran- dywine, near Birmingham Meeting- House, had his horse shot under him, resolved that the Quartermaster- General present him with a horse, as a testimonial of the sense Congress have of Monsieur de Fleury s merit. 1 Appointed Brigade-Major to Pulaski, 3d October, 1777; wounded at Fort Mifflin, 15th November, 1777; Lieu tenant-Colonel Engineer, 26th No vember, 1777. By the resolve of Con gress of 26th July, 1779, it was *Re- solved unanimously, that Lieutenant- Colonel Fleury and Major Stewart, who by their situation in leading two attacks (on Stony Point), had a more immediate opportunity of distin guishing themselves, have, by their personal achievements, exhibited a bright example to their brother sol diers, and merit in a particular man ner the approbation and acknowl edgement of the United States ; that a silver medal emblematical of this action be struck and presented to Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury." By the act of 1st October, 1779, it was "Re- solved,that Congress entertain a high sense of the zeal, activity, military genius and gallantry of Lieutenant- Colonel Fleury, which he has exhib ited on a variety of occasions during his service in the armies of these States; wherein, while he has ren dered essential benefit to the Ameri can cause, he has deservedly acquired the esteem of the army and gained unfading reputation for himself."" Granted leave, 27th September, 1779,. and returned to France . Fling. 178 Ford. Fling, Lemuel (Conn). Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 15th January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st October, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 13th November, 1781 ; de serted September, 1782. Flinn, John (N. Y.). Ensign of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 29th April, 1777 ; resigned 9th April, 1778. Flint, John (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Flint, Royal (Conn). Paymaster of Ward s Connecticut State Regi ment, 10th June, 1776, to May, 1777; Assistant Commissary of Purchases, 27th May, 1778 ; resigned February, 1780. Flower, Benjamin (Pa). Commis sary Military Stores of the Flying Camp, 16th July to December, 1776 ; also Colonel Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 16th July, 1776 ; died 28th April, 1781. Flower, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 31st March, 1780. Floyd, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 23d October, 17bl, and served to 3d November, 1783. Floyd, William (N. Y.). Colonel of a New York Militia Regiment. Fogg 1 , Jeremiah (N. H.). Regi mental Adjutant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieu tenant Regimental Quartermaster 8th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Paymaster 2d New Hamp shire Infantry, 8th November, 1776, to 17th October, 1779 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 9th October, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st March, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Fogg, Joseph (N. H.). Regimen tal Quartermaster 2cl New Hamp shire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently in New Hamp shire Militia. Foison, Peter (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, 13th July, 1777 ; was in service in 1781. Folsom, Nathaniel (N. H.). Major- General New Hampshire Militia, May to August, 1775. (Died 26th May, 1790.) Fondey, Dowe J. (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 29th May, 1779 ; trans ferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783 ; Captain, 12th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; Major, 15th Octo ber, 1799 ; honorably discharged loth June, 1800. (Name also spelled Fonda.) Fondey, John (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 29th June, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Name also spelled Fonda.) Fontaine, Bechet de Roche (France). Captain Engineers, 15th May, 1778, and served to . Fontaine, William (Ya). Captain 2d Virginia, 21st October, 1775, to March, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel Convention Guards, June, 1779, to June, 1781. Foot, ( ). Lieutenant Pu- laski Legion ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Foot, Aaron (Conn). 2d Lieutenant, 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st De cember, 1775. Foot, Joseph (Mass). Ensign i2th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant, 6th March, 1779; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; resigned 7th July, 1782. Forbes, James (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 1st October, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Forbes, John ( ). Captain, ; killed 15th March, 1781, at the battle of Guilford. Forbes, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying- Camp, June to December, 1776. Forbes, Jonathan (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 8th March, 1778. Forbush, Charles (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Force, Ebenezer (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775. Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 28th March, 1778. Ford, Benjamin (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Cap tain, May, 1776; Major 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781; died 27th April, 1781, of wounds received atHobkirk s Hill, 25th April, 1781. Ford. Ford, Chilion (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; Regimental Adju tant, 23th May, 1778; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st August, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st October, 1780, arid served to June, 1783. Ford, Dennis (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 28th September, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 22d March, 1777 : resigned 19th October, 1777. Ford, Hezekiah (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 1st September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 16th August, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. (Died 16th February, 1833.) Ford, James (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Ford, James (N. H.). Lieutenant of Nichols New Hampshire Militia Regiment ; wounded at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Ford, John (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Ford, John (N. C.). Ensign 3d North Carolina, 30th November, 1778: taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Ford, Joseph (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th August, 1776 ; Captain 1st Mary land. 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 6th March, 1778. (Died December, 1812.) Ford, Mahlon (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 1st May, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 26th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 30th March, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783; brevet Captain, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to Novem ber, 1783; Ensign United States In fantry Regiment, 12th August, 1784 ; Lieutenant United States Artillery Battalion, 17th March, 1786; Lieuten ant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Captain, 4th March, 1791 ; Artillerists and En gineers, 9th May, 1794 , Major 1st Ar tillerists and Engineers, 7th May, 1798; honorably discharged 1st June, 1802. (Died 12th June, 1820.) Foreman, Alexander (N. Y.). En sign New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 8th January to llth October, 1777 ; served subsequently as Captain 179 Forrest- New York Militia. (Died 25th De cember, 1831.) Foreman, Charles (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 30th April, 1777. Foreman, Robert (Va). Paymas ter 9th Virginia, , 1777 ; resigned 16th June, 1778. Forgue, Francis (Conn). Surgeon 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Surgeon 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; resigned 3d July, 1776 ; Surgeon-Gen eral of Hospital Northern Depart ment, llth April, 1777 ; resigned 31st July, 1777. Forman, David (N. J.). Colonel New Jersey Militia Regiment in 1776 ; Colonel of one of the sixteen Addi tional Continental Regiments, Feb ruary, 1777, to July, 1778, and Briga dier-General New Jersey Militia, . (Died, 1812.) Forman, Jonathan (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant of Forman s New Jersey Militia Regiment, May to November, 1776; Captain 1st New Jersey, 23d No vember, 1776 ; Major 20th November, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d New Jersey, llth February, 1783 ; retained in Consolidated New Jersey Regi ment, April, 1783, and served to 13th November, 1783. Forman, Thomas Marsh (N. J.). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander, 12th January, 1779, to 15th January, 1783. Forrest, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Forrest, Thomas (Pa). Captain of Proctor s Battalion Pennsylvania Artillery, 5th October. 1776; Major 4th Continental Artillery, 5th Febru ary, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d De cember, 1778; resigned 7th October, 1781. (Died 20th March, 1825.) Forrest, Uriah (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Gunby s Independent Mary land Company, 14th January, 1776 ; Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, Major 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; wounded and lost a leg at German- town, 4th October, 1777; Lieutenant- ?i onel lst Maryland, 10th April, 17 77 ; transferred to 7th Maryland 1st August, 1779 ; resigned 23d February 1781. (Died April, 1805.) Forrester. 180 Foster.. Forrester, James (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January. 1777; Cap tain, 12th November, 1771 ; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; died 16th March, 1780. Forrester, John (R. I.). Major of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Forshay, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted October, 1777. Forsyth, David (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; died 10th May, 1778. Forsyth, James (N. J.). Ensign of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 4th June, 1777 ; resigned 14th March, 1778. Forsyth, Robert (Va). Captain of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons Pulaski Legion, 1st July, 1778 ; re signed 5th September, 1779 ; served subsequently as Major of a Virginia State Regiment to close of the war. Fortney, Henry (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Doyle s Independent Penn sylvania Rifle Company, 17th July, 1776, and served to . Fosdick, Thomas (Conn). Sur geon s- Mate in the Lexington Alarm in April, 1775 ; Surgeon s-Mate 6th Con necticut, 20th May, to December, 1775. Fosdick, Thomas Updike (Conn). Sergeant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Ensign, llth July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776. Foster, Achilles (Va). Regimen tal Quartermaster, 12th Virginia, 7th October, 1777; died 26th August, 1778. Foster, Benjamin (Mass). Sur geon of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Foster, David (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Foster, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; killed 19th September, 1777, at Bemus Heights. Foster, Eliphalei (R. I.). Ensign llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Foster, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 15th June, 1780 ; trans ferred to2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783,and served to v d November, 1783. Foster, Ezekiel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 to . Foster, Gideon (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Foster, Isaac (Mass). Volunteer Surgeon at Bunker Hill, June, 1775 ; Hospital Surgeon in 1776 ; Deputy Directer-General of Hospital Eastern Department, llth April, 1777 ; retired 6th October, 1780. (Died February, 1781.) Foster, James (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 28th November, 1776 ; died 15th November, 1777. Foster, James (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Foster, John(Va). Ensign 2d Vir ginia, 18th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Foster, John (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, 22d August, 1777 ; re tired 1st July, 1778. Foster, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 14th July, 1779. Foster, Josiah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Foster, Parker (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Foster, Richard (Va). Ensign and Adjutant 7th Virginia, January, 1777 ; resigned 10th May, 1777. Foster, Robert (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 16th April, 1777 ; taken pris oner, 24th April, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 20th April, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to . Foster, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th Continental Infan try, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776; Captain, 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; died 6th May, 1778. Foster, Simpson (or Sampson) (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 4th July, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and died in captivity. Foster, Thomas (Mass). Sergeant 8th Massachusetts, 18th March, 1777; Ensign, 26th November, 1779; Lieu tenant, 6th October, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 16th Decem ber, 1793.) Poster. 181 Francis. Foster, Thomas Waite (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Mas sachusetts Artillery, May to Decem ber, 1775, and Captain in Knox s Regi ment Continental Artillery, Decem ber, 1775, to December, 1776. Foster, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 20th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1779, to Fouke, Gerard (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1770, to . Fountain, William (Va). See Fon taine. Fouquet, Mark Sr. (France). Bre vet Captain Continental Army, 17th November, 1777, and served to . Fouquet, Mark Jr. (France). Bre vet Lieutenant of Artillery, 17th No vember, 1777, and served to . Fowkes,Yelverton(N. C.). Quar termaster 1st North Carolina, 3d Feb ruary, 1776 ; resigned 1st August, 1776. Fowle, Ebenezer Smith (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th May, 1777 ; resigned 14th January, 1778; Lieu tenant United States Artillery Bat talion, 20th October, 1786 ; Lieutenant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; died 13th February, 1791. Fowler, Ebenezer Jr. (Conn). En sign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775. Fowler, John Jr. (Cono). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Fowler, Samuel (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Fowler, Stephen (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780 ; rejoined regiment 3d November, 1780 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Fowler, Theodosius (N. Y.). En sign 1st New York, 24th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Captain, 23d April, 1778 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 16th October, 1841.) Fowler, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; Captain, 1st April, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned , 1779. Fowler, William (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 27th February, 1781 ; died 27th February, 1782. Fowles, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant and Adjutant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 30th June, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June. 1783. (Died 31st December, 1823.) Fox, Jacob (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 5th May to 21st Septem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; retired loth November, 1778. (Died 27th Novem ber, 1824.) Fox, Jeremiah (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery. 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 31st July, 1778. Fox, Joseph (Mass). Adjutant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Ensign of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 23d January, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 19th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant of Lee s Additional Continen tal Regiment, llth January, 1777 ; Captain, 23d June, 1777 ; Regimental Paymaster, 13th October, 1778 ; trans ferred to Jackson s Continental Regi ment, 22d April, 1779, regiment desig nated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 24th March, 1820.) Fox, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 20th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 27th April, 1776; resigned 28th September, 1777. Fox, Nathaniel (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776; Captain, 19th June, 1776 ; retired 14th September. 1778. Fox. Thomas (Va). 2d Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 5th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th October, 1777; regi ment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. Franchesin, Jacque Antoine de. See de Franchesin. Francis (N.C.). Captain North Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; kill ed at Shallow Ford, 6th February, 1781. Francis, Aaron (Mass). Regimen- talQuartermaster llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; Ensign, 1st March, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 18th March, 1779; transferred to 10th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781; retired May, 1782. (Died 17th October, 1825.) Francis. 182 Freeman. Francis, Bbenezer (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Col onel llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; killed at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777. Francis, George (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 3d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; resigned 29th Septem ber, 1776. Francis, John (Mass). Adjutant llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, , 1778; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 25th June, 1779 ; re signed 18th March, 1780. Francis, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776; Captain, 18th March, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 3d May, 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 9th November, 1833.) Frank, Lawrence (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Dragoons, 1st October, 1779; Captain, ,1782, and served to . Franklin, James (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 19th November, 1776 ; resigned 2d January, 1778. Franks, David Solebury (Pa). Major Aide-de-Camp to General Arnold, May, 1778, to 25th September, 1780, and was continued as Major and Aide-de-Camp Continental Army UM- til retired, 1st January, 1783. Franks, John (N. Y.). Paymaster 4th New York, 10th April, 1777; de ranged May, 1779; served subse quently as Commissary to New York State Troops and Militia. Fraser, Alexander (S. C.) 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 6th Octo ber, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Fraser, Anthony (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia State Regiment, 29th May, 1777; resigned 12th February, 1778. Frazer, Falvey, (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 14th November, 1776 ; killed at Germantown, 4th Oc tober, 1777. Frazer, John (Ga). 2d Lieutenant 3d Georgia, , 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th April, 1778 ; retired , 1779. Frazer, John Gizzard. (Mass). Served as Assistant to Quartermaster- General, 22d September to December, 1775; Major 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Frazer, Persifor (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jaiiuary, 1776 ; Major, 3d October, 1776, to rank from 24th September, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 5th Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 4th Octo ber, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777; ex changed March, 1778 ; resigned 9th October, 1778; appointed Clothier- General Continental Army, 15th July, 1779, which he declined ; Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, 25th May, 1782, to close of war. (Died 24th April, 1792,) Frazer, William (Md). Ensign of Hindman s Independent Maryland Company, January, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant 1st Conti nental Artillery, 13th January, 1777 ; resigned 24th May, 1779. Freeland, Joseph (Mass). 1st Ser geant 21st Continental Infantry, Jan uary, 1776 ; Ensign, llth September, 1776, and served to . Freeman, Constant (Mass). 1st Lieutenant Stevens 1 Battalion Conti nental Artillery, 9th November, 1776 ; battalion attached to 3d Continental Artillery in 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778, and served to June, 1783 ; Major 1st Artillerists and Engineers, 28th February, 1795 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel Artillerists, 1st April, 1802 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 12th May, 1814 ; brevet Colonel, 10th July, 1812 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815. (Died 27th February, 1824.) Freeman, Elijah (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 5th February, 1777 ; omitted June, 1777. Freeman, Haskall (Mass). En sign 4th Massachusetts, 1st Novem ber, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, May, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 18th August, 1779 ; resigned 24th August, 1780. Freeman, Jeremiah (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776; Cap tain-Lieutenant 4th Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Freeman, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Clinton, 6th October, 1777. Freeman, Nathaniel (Mass). Brig adier-General Massachusetts Militia, 1781 to close of war. (Died 20th Sep tember, 1827.) Freeman. 183 Frothingham. Freeman, Robert (Va). Paymas ter 9th Virginia, 15th February, 1777, to . Freeman, Thomas Davis (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 31st Jan uary, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, let January, 1781, arid served to June, 1783. French, Abner (N. Y.). Lieuten ant in Wynkoop s Regiment New York Militia, June to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. French, Elijah (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 20th December, 1780; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. French, Mason (Md). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, loth February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st December, 1777 ; re signed 12th May, 1778. French, Samuel (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, 20th June, 1777^; resigned 30th April, 1778. French, Samuel ( ). Major and Commissary Military Stores, 18th January, 1777, and served to . Frierson, John (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 9tn March, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Fries, Henry (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1775 ; missing at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776. Frilick, Joseph (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Frink, Calvin (N. H.). SurgeonV Mate 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; Surgeon of Wymari s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1777-1778. Frink, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 5th July, 1782 ; trans ferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, arid served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died . 1846.) Frisby, Jonah (Mass). Lieuten ant 1st Massachusetts, . Frissell, William (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 16th December, 1775. Froelich, Christian (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Otteridorff s Battalion Ar- mand s Corps, 3d May, 1777, and served to . Frost, George Peperell (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 20th September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 6th December, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Frost, Samuel (Mass). Sergeant- Major 4th Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 9th Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Regimen tal Adjutant, March, 1779; Captain- Lieutenant, 16th October, 1780 ; Cap tain, 12th October, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died 1st November, 1817.) Frost, Stephen (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Frost, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 18th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December,, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachu setts, 10th August, 1777; omitted, De cember, 1778. (Died 2d June, 1827.) Frothingham, Benjamin (Mass).. Captain-Lieutenant of Gridley s Regi ment Massachusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775, and of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Con tinental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber 1777, and served to June, 1783 (Died 19th August, 1809.) Frothing-ham, Ebenezer (Conn.) Sergeant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 25th May, 1777 ; En sign, 16th May, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 26th May, 1779 ; Regimental Quartermas ter, 27th May, 1779, to June, 1783 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783; Lieutenant United States In fantry Regiment, 15th July, 1785 ; Lieutenant 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; killed 22d October, 1790, in action with Indians at the Miami Towns near Old Chillicothe, Ohio. Fry. 184 Fullerton. Fry, Benjamin (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to May, 1776 ; Captain Rhode Island JVIilitia in 1776 and 1777. Fry, John (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Brigade- Major, 15th July, 1775, to January, 1776 ; served subsequently as Brigade- Major to General Herkimer s New York Militia and was taken prisoner at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777, and ex changed 28th October, 1778. Frye, Ebenezer (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; cashiered, 6th December, 1782. Frye, Frederick (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st February, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 30th January, 1828.) Frye, Isaac (N. H.). Regimental Quartermaster 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775^ Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; transferred to 1st New Hamp shire, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, No vember, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Frye, James (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. (Died 8th Janu ary, 1776.) Frye, Jonathan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 17th Decem ber, 1777. Frye, Joseph (Mass). Major-Gen- eral Massachusetts Militia, 21st June, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 10th January, 1776 ; resigned 23d April, 1776. (Died , 1794.) Frye, Nathaniel (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 22d Sep tember, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1780; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781, arid served to . (Died 17th April, 1833.) Fuller, Ballard (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Fuller, Isaac (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Fuller, Isaiah (Mass). Ensign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Fuller, Jacob (Mass). Regimental Quartermaster of Walker s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Fuller, John (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Fuller, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 16th April, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Fuller, Jonathan (Mass). Surgeon 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; deserted 16th August, 1777. Fuller, Josiah (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 12th May to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 Fuller, Nathan (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 13th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned, 28th June, 1777. Fuller, Richard (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Fullerton, Humphrey (Va). Sur geon of a Virginia State regiment, 1777 to 1781. Fullerton, Richard (Pa). Regi mental Adjutant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st June, 1778, to August, 1780; Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 19th June, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, arid served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 1st November, 1783, "for having acted as a volunteer at an early period of the war, partic ularly in the action on Long Island, and at the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and having discharged the several extra appointments of Adju tant, Major of Brigade, and the im portant one of Assistant Adjutant- General to the Southern Army, highly to the satisfaction of his General offi cers." (Died 16th June, 1792.) Fullsome. Fullsome, Elisha (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to Funk, Jacob (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; Cornet 4th Continental Dra goons, 10th January, 1777, and served to . Furman, Alexander (N. I 7 .). Lieu tenant New York State troops; taken prisoner at King s Bridge, 3d July, 1781, and died shortly afterwards. Furman, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 177(3; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged 9th November, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Name also spelled Foreman.) Furnival, Alexander (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Smith s Independent Company Maryland Artillery, 14th January, 1776 ;~ 1st Lieutenant, : Captain, ; retired July, 1779. Furnival, James ( ). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to . G. Gadsden, Christopher (S. C.). Colonel 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Conti nental Army, 16th September, 1776 ; resigned 2d October, 1777. (Died 28th August, 1805.) Gadsden, Thomas (S. C.). Cap tain 1st South Carolina, 6th October, 1778; killed at the Siege of Charleston, 24th April, 1760. Gage, Isaac (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 16th September, 1778. " Gage, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gaines, William Fleming (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artil lery, January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieuten ant, 20th October, 1777, and served to 1st January, 1783. Gaither, Greenberry (Md). 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776, but never joined the latter regiment. 185 Galpin. Gaither, Henry (Md). Ensign of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ,"lst Lieutenant 1st Battalion Maryland Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Mary land, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 17th April, 1777; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war; Major in the Levies of 1791 ; Major United States Infantry, llth April, 1792; 3d Sub Le gion, 4th September, 1792 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 1st October, 1793; 3d United States Infantry, 1st Novem ber, 1796; honorably discharged 1st June, 1802. (Died 22d June, 1811.) Gaither, John (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Gakee, James (N. C.). Surgeon 1st North Carolina, December, 1775; resigned May, 1776. Gale, Edward (Md). Captain In dependent Company Maryland Artil lery, 3d September, 1779 ; died Oc tober, 1779. Gale, Eli ( ). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1780, to March, 1781. Gale, Jacob (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia Regiment in 1778 and 1779. Gale, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, loth January, 1777 ; Captain, 10th December, 1777; trans ferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January. 1781, and served to close of war. Gale, Samuel (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775. Gallahue, Charles (Va). Captain llth Virginia, January, 1777; killed at Sag Harbor, 23d May, 1777. Gallaudet, Edgar (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 30th Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th Octo ber, 1777; resigned 9th December, 1778. Gallup, Isaac (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775; Captain 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Galpin, Amos (Conn). Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 3d March, 1777; resigned 30th April, 1780. Galpin, Jehiel (Conn). Private 7th Connecticut, 10th July to 10th De cember, 1775; Sergeant-Major 6th Connecticut, 24th November, 1776: Ensign, 26th July, 1780; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Januarv, 1781; resigned 13th April, 1782. Galpin. 186 Gardner, Galpin, Seth (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 9th July, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Gait, John M. (Va). Surgeon 15th Virginia, in 1777 and 1778. Gait, Patrick (Va). Surgeon of a Virginia Regiment, 1775, to 1778. Galusha, David (N. H). 1st Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Galvan, ( ). Major and In spector Continental Army, 12th Jan uary, 1780, to 26th March, 1782, also Acting Aide-de-Camp to General Washington to November, 1783. Gamble, Edmund (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th January, 1777 ; transferred to North Carolina Dra goons State Regiment, 1st June, 1778, and served to close of war. Gamble, James (Pa). Quarter master 7th Pennsylvania, March, 1777, to April, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1782, and served to -Jd June, 1783, Gamble, Robert (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 7th March, 1778 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war. Gamble, Thomas (Va). Captain Virginia Rangers, 7th April, 1779, to Gano, Daniel (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; resigned 13th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artilery, August, 1776 ; Captain-Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 12th October, 1778 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Gano, John (N. Y 7 .). Chaplain 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; Chaplain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776, to 27th May, 1777 ; Brigade Chaplain, 18th August, 1778, to May, 1780. (Died, 1804.) Gano, Stephen (N. Y.). SurgeonV Mate 2d Continental Artillery, 15th June, 1779, to May, 1781. (Died 18th August, 1828.) Gansel, John (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, to December, 1776. Gansevoort, Leonard (N. Y.). Paymaster 2d New York, 25th Sep tember to November, 1776. (Died, 1810.) Gansevoort, Peter (N. Y.). Major 2d New York, 30th June, 1775; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 19th March, 1776; Colonel 3d New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; by the act of 4th October, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Colonel Gansevoort and the officers and troops under his command for the bravery and perseverance which they have so conspicuously mani fested in the defence of Fort Schuyler, and that he be appointed Colonel- Commandant of the Fort so gallantly defended." Retired 1st January, 1781; Brigadier-General NewYork Mil itia, 26th March, 1781, to close of war; Military Agent Northern Depart ment, 29th April, 1802; Brigadier-Gen eral United States Army, 15th Feb- ruaty, 1809 ; died 2d July, 1812. Garardeau, John Bohuii ( ). Deputy Commissary - General of Issues, 6th August, 1777; resigned 28th October, 1778. Garden, Alexander (S. C.). Served as Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Greene, March, 1781, to close of war. (Died 24th February, 1829.) Gardenier, Jacob (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia, ; wounded at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. (Died 9th May, 1808.) Gardiner, Aaron (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gardiner, Caleb (R. I.). Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 19th August, 1776, to Gardiner, Christopher (R. I.). Captain of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775 ; cashiered, 2d August, 1775. Gardiner, Francis (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777 ; served also as Ca^ptain Rhode Island Militia. Gardiner, James (R. I.). Captain of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Gardner, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain- Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st. January, 1777 ; Captain, 1st Novem- Gardner. 187 Gates. ber, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Captain Assistant Deputy Quarter master-General, 19th May, 181 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815; reinstated 3d May, 1810 ; resigned 19th October, 1816. Gardner, Isaac (Mass). Captain of the Brookline Company Massachu setts Militia, ; killed at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775. Gardner, James (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, May, 1776; re signed 15th May, 1777. Gardner, James (Mass). Deputy Commissary of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 18th Septem ber, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 22d Febru ary, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Gardner, Joseph (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate, 12th Massachusetts, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Gardner, Matthew (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 17th April, 1777; re signed 4th March, 1778. Gardner, Thomas (Mass). Colo nel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; mortally wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775, and died 3d July, 1775. Gardner, William (X. C.). En sign 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775, to . Garland, Edward (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 7th October, 1775 ; Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777 ; resigned 2d Decem ber, 1777. Garland, Peter (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th June, 1776 ; Captain, 17th August. 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Garnett, Benjamin (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, October, 1777; Lieu tenant, 13th October, 1778 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 23d September, 1779; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Con tinental Dragoons, - , 1781, and served to 10th November, 1782. Garnett, Henry (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Garnett, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 10th December, 1777. Garnett, William (N. Y.). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, , 1777 ; died 1st Febru ary, 1778. Garrard, Charles (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 5th North Carolina, , 1778; transferred to 2d North Caro lina, 1st Januajy, 1781, arid served to close of war Garrett, Andrew (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st October, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Cherry Valley, 10th November, 1778; Lieutenant, 25th Oc tober, 1781 ; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783." Garrett, Morton (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 20th March, 1776 ; Captain, 25th October, 1776 ; resigned 12th February, 1777. Garzia, John (R. I.). Captain Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island Artillery, 12th Decem ber, 1776, to May, 1777. Gaskins, Thomas (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 20th February, 1776; Major, 5th November, 1777 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 4th Virginia, 16th May, 1778; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . (Was in service March, 1781.) Gassaway, Henry (Md). Lieu tenant 4th Maryland, 12th May 1781, and served to April, 1783. Gassaway, John (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 10th December^ 1776, 1st Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777; Captain Lieutenant, 1st July. 1779 ; Captain, 2d April, 1780; taken pris oner at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died March, 1819.) Gassaway, Nicholas (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 17th April, 1777; transferred to*2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Gaston, Robert ( ). Lieutenant, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th Oc tober, 1779. Gaston, Robert (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, February, 1776, to Gatchell, Samuel H. ( ). Lieu tenant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 1st January, 1777; Cap tain, ; resigned 25th March, 1779. Gates, Benjamin (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned January, 1778.. Gates. Grates, Horatio (Va). Had been Major in .British Army. Brigadier- General and Adjutant-General Conti nental Army, 17th June, 1775; Major- General Continental Army, 16th May, 1776. By the act of 4th November, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress, in their own name, and in behalf of the thirteen United States, be presented to Major- General Gates, Comrnander-in- Chief of the Northern Department, and to Major-Gerierals Lincoln and Arnold, and the rest of the officers arid troops under his command, for their brave and successful efforts in support of the independence of their country, whereby an army of the enemy of 10,000 men has been totally defeated, one large detachment of it, strongly posted and entrenched, having been conquered at Bennington, another repulsed with loss and disgrace from Fort Schuyler, and the main army under General Burgoyne, after being beaten in different actions and driven from a formidable post and strong entrenchments, reduced to the neces sity of surrendering themselves, upon terms honorable and advantageous to these States on the 17th day of Octo ber last to Major-General Gates ; and that a medal of gold be struck under the direction of the Board of War, in commemoration of this great event, and in the name of these United States, presented by the Presi dent to Major-General Gates." Served to close of war. (Died 10th April, 1806.) Gates, John (Md). 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland, ; taken prisoner on Staten Island, 22d August, 1777. Gates, John (N. Y.). Served as Private, Corporal and Sergeant in New York Regiment, 28th July, 1775, to December 1776; Ensign 1st Can adian (Livington s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; retired 20th May, 1780. Gates, Willliam (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain loth Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; omitted July, 1778. Gaudilet, Edgar (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Gay, Fisher (Conn). Lieutenant- Colonel of Wolcott s Connecticut Regiment, December, 1775, to Febru ary, 1776 ; Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; died 27th September, 1776. 188 George. Gay, John (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment. May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Gay, Samuel (Va). Surgeon to Virginia troops, 1778 to 1781. Gaylord, Levi (Conn). Sergeant 1st Connecticut, May to November, 1775 ; Sergeant of Eliuore s Connecti cut State Regiment, 8th April, 1776 ; Ensign of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 17th June, 1776, to May, 1777. Gaylord, Timothy (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Lieutenant of Gay s Connecti cut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; killed 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York. Gaynes, Simeon (Conn). Ensign of Ward s Connecticut State Regi ment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Geary, Jo/m (N. J.). Private 1st New Jersey, 1st September, 1777 ; En sign, 1st February, 1779; resigned 28th March, 1783. Geary, "William M. (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, July, 1776, and served to . Gee, - - ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781. Gee, James (N. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775 ; Captain, 3d May, 1776 ; died 12th November, 1777. Geiser, Frederick, (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant German Battalion, 19th July, 1776 ; resigned November, 1776. Geoghegan, John (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; reported as absent without leave since 20th January, 1778. (Died 20th Feb ruary, 1826.) George, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th April, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; wounded at Fort Mifflin, 15th November, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778, and served to June, 1783. (Died 22d January, 1820.) George, Joshua (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. George, Robert (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. George. George, -William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant llth Virginia, July, 1770 ; Captain, llth March, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778, on account of being a prisoner in hands of the enemy; exchanged 2d November, 1780. Georges, John (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June to December, 1775. Gerard, - - ( ). BreA et Lieu tenant of Dragoons, Pulaski Legion, 3d September, 1778, and served with the Dragoons to 1782 at his own ex pense ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 13th February, 1779. (Also spelled Girard.) Gerault, John (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Gerock, Samuel (Md). 1st Lieu tenant German Battalion, 12th July, 1770 ; Captain, 1st July, 1777, to . (Is also referred to as Captain of Ar tillery.) Gerrard, Charles (N. C.). Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; transferred to 1st North Caro lina, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Gerrish, Jacob (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770, to . Gerrish, Samuel (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May/ 1775 ; cashiered, 19th August, 1775. Gerry, John (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. Gerry, Robert (Md). Lieutenant Maryland, ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Getchell, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1770, to . Gettig, Christopher (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 14th October, 1770 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Piscataway, llth May, 1777 ; leg amputated. (Died 12th July, 1790.) Ghiselin, John (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying. Camp, June to December, 1770; Captain 6th Maryland, l,,th De cember, 1770; resigned March, 1777 ; Captain Oth Maryland, 4th July, 1777; resigned 1st June, 1779. Gibbom, James (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 10th November, 1770 ; 1st 189 Gibson. Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777. By the Act of 20th July, 1779, it was kt Resolved unani mously, that Congress warmly ap prove and applaud the cool, deter mined spirit with which Lieutenant Gibbons and Lieutenant Knox led on the forlorn hope (Stony Point), brav ing danger and death in the cause of their country, and that a brevet of Captain be given Lieutenant Gib bons." Resigned 10th May, 1781. (Died 1st July, 1835.) Gibbons, Philip (Pa). Sergeant 1st Pennsylvania, ; 2d Lieutenant Oth Pennsylvania, 17th October, 1777 ; cashiered, 10th October, 1779.) Gibbs, Caleb (Mass). Adjutant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain and Commander of a Company of Washington s Guards, 12th March, 1770; Major, 29th July, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at York- town, 14th October, 1781 ; retained in H. Jackson s Continental Regiment in November, 1783, arid served to 20th June, 1784. (Died Oth November, 1818.) Gibbs, Churchill (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1777, to January, 1781. Gibbs, Herod (Va). 2d Lieutenant 15th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; re signed 30th May, 1778. Gibbs, Josiah (R. I.). Captain in Richmond and Stanton s Rhode Is land State Regiments, 1776 to 1779. Gibbs, Lemuel (Conn). 2cl Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, Oth July to 19th December, 1775. Gibbs, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 1st November, 1780 ; discharged 23d April, 1783. Gibbs, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 21st September, 1775, to . Gibbs, Warham (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775. Gibson, George (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 2d February, 1776 ; Major, 4th Virginia, 22d March, 1777; Col onel 1st Virginia State Regiment, 5th June, 1777, to January, 1782; Colonel of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey Levies in 1791 ; mortally wounded 4th November, 1791, in action with In dians near Fort Recovery, Ohio (St. Glair s defeat), and died llth Decem ber, 1791. Gibson. 190 Giles. Gibson, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 17th February, 1777; Cap tain, , 1779; retired 1st May, 1781. Gibson, John ( ). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazeii s) Regiment, 15th March, 1777 ; resigned 20th June, 1777. Gibson, John (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel loth Virginia, 12th Novem ber, 1776 ; Colonel 6th Virginia, 25th October, 1777 ; transferred to 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; trans ferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 10th April, 1822.) Gibson, John Jr. (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, llth October, 1780; trans ferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Gibson, Jonathan (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 26th January, 1778; Regimental Paymaster, 25th February, 1779 ; Captain, 1st May, 1780; wounded at Camden, 16th August, 1780; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of war. Gibson, Thomas (X. C.). Ensign of a North Carolina Regiment, 20th Feb ruary, 1780; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Gibson, Woolman (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Gidley, Jasper Manduit (N. Y.). Conductor of Artillery Stevens Bat talion, 1st June. 1777, to . Gifford, William B. (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant, 3d New Jersey, 7th Feb ruary, 1776 : 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776; Captain 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Elizabethtown, 25th January, 1780 ; released 22d November, 1780, and did not return to service. Gilbank, Lieutenant ; killed at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Gilbert, Benjamin (N. Y.). En sign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant, 5th April, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Gilbert, Benjamin (Mass). Quar termaster-Sergeant 5th Massachu setts, 17th January, 1777; Ensign, llth November, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 17th April, 1782; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 12th June 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Gilbert, Elisha (Mass). Ensign, 1st Massachusetts, , 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Gilbert, Gershqm (Conn). Cor poral 8th Connecticut, 8th May to 13th December, 1775 ; Sergeant of El- more s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th May, 1776; Quartermaster-Ser geant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 16th January, 1778 ; Resigned 14th March, 1778. Gilbert, John (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Continental Artillery, October, 1777, to . Gilbert, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain, August, 1776, and served to . Gilbert, Michael (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776; Captain, 1st April, 1777; re signed 13th April, 1781. Gilbert, Samuel (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned llth October, 1777. Gilbert, Samuel (Mass). Captain Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Gilchrist, George (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 22d July, 1776 ; taken prisoner ; exchanged 2d Novem ber, 1780; retired 12th February, 1781, with rank of Major. Gilchrist, James (Pa). Ensign oth Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, 23d May, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 9th March, 1791.) Gilder, Reuben (Del). Surgeon Delaware Regiment 5th April, 1777, and served to close of war. Gildersleeve, Finch (N. Y.). En sign of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 17th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 16th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Giles, Aquila (Md). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General St. Clair, ; taken prisoner, - ; released 10th November, 1780; served to close of war ; Military Storekeeper United States Army, 1st November, 1817 ; died 8th April, 1822. Giles. 191 Girard. Giles, Edward (Md). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Morgan, ; brevet Major Continental Army. 9th March, 1781, l in consideration of his merit and services at the battle of Cowpens ;" subsequently served as Aide de-Camp to General Sinallwood to close of war. Giles, James (N. Y.). Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, ; Regi mental Adjutant, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 21st August, 1782. (Died August, 1825.) Giles, John (Va). Ensign, ; was in 3d Virginia in. March, 1781. Giles, Thomas (.*. C.). Captain South Carolina Dragoons, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779, and at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781. Grill, Erasmus (Va). Sergeant 2d Virginia, 2&th August, 1776 ; Ensign, 28th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Dragoons, February, 1779, to rank from 25th December, 1778 ; taken prisoner at the Siege of Savan nah, 3d October, 1779; exchanged 22d October, 1780; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war. Gill, Samuel (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 10th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, November, 1776 ; Cap tain, -- January, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Gillett, Joel (Conn). Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 8th July to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Gillett, T onathan (Conn). 2tl Lieu tenant bth Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Au gust, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Gilliam, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 14th March, 1776, to . Gilliland, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant Hamilton s Company New York Artillery, 14th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, loth August, 1776; re signed -- December, 1776; Captain- Lieutenant Sappers and Miners, 2d August, 1779; Captain, 1st June, 1781; resigned 9th October, 1782. Gilliland, William (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Mili tia, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Gillison, John (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 18th November, 177fr; trans ferred to 6th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Gilman, David (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, ; cashiered, 9th November, 1778. Gilman, David (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia Regiment, 1776 and 1777. Gilman, Israel (N. H.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d New Hampshire, 1st June to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Gilman, Jeremiah (N. H.). Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Major, 2d April, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel 2d New Hampshire, 20th Sep tember, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 5th March, 1778; resigned 24th March, 1780. (Died 24th March, 1823.) Gilman, John (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th July to December, 1775. (Died 25th June, 1821.) Gilman, Nathaniel (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; sick with the small pox, and resigned 1st May, 1778. Gilman, Nicholas (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 to 1780. Gilman, Nicholas (N. H.). Regi mental Adjutant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; Captain 1st June, 1778; appointed Assistant Ad jutant-General,- 15th January, 1778; transferred to 1st New Hampshire. 1st January. 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 3d May, 1814.) Gilman, Samuel (N. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 25th May to De cember, 1775. Gilmore, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gimat, - - de (France). Major Continental Army, 1st December, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Lafayette, August, 1777 ; wounded at Yorktowii, 14th Oc tober, 1781 ; returned to France, Jan uary, 1782. Girard. See Gerard. Gist. 192 Godfrey. Gist, John ( Va). Captain of Gist s Additional Continental Regiment, 9th March, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Gist, Mordecai(Md). Captain Bal timore Independent Company, July, 1775 ; Major of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Col onel 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 9th January, 1779. By the act of 14th October, 1780, it was "Re solved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Brigadier-Generals Small- wood and Gist and to the officers and soldiers in the Maryland and Dela ware lines, the different corps of Ar tillery, Colonel Porterfield s and Ma jor Armstrong s corps of Light In fantry and Colonel Armand s Cavalry, for their bravery and good conduct displayed in the action of the 16th of August last, near Camden, in the State of South Carolina." Served to close of war. (Died 9th July, 1792.) (Grist, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign of Gist s Additional Continental Regi ment, , 1779; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Gist, Nathaniel (Va). Colonel Ad ditional Continental Regiment, llth January, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; retired 1st January 1781. Gitman, Frederick (X. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia - ; taken prisoner at Kanassoraga, 23d October, 1780, and released 14th November, 1782. Gitting, William (Pa), Ensign of Armand s Corps in 1779 and 1780. Givens, Robert (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1779, and served to . Gladding, Nathaniel (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 19th August, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant 12th De cember, 1776, to May, 1777. Glaeton, Jacob (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Ottendorffs Battalion Ar mand s Corps, 3d March, 1777, and served to . Glahan, John (N. C.). Captain 7th North Carolina, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned llth October, 1777. Glasbeech, Baron ( ). Vol unteer Aide-de-Camp to General Mor gan ; brevet Captain Continental Army, 9th March, 1781, u in considera tion of his merit and services at the battle of Cowpens." Glascock, Thomas (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant Georgia Regiment, 1st July, 1777; Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1779, to 10th Novem ber, 1783. (Died 9th May, 1841.) Glass, Thomas ( ). 2d Lieu tenant Rangers, ; in service 1779 and 1780. Gleason, Micajah (Mass). Cap tain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; killed at Harlem Plains, 16th September, 1776. Gleckner, Christain (Pa). Ser geant German Regiment, 10th July r 1776 ; Ensign, 23d July, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Glenny, William (N. Y.). Served as a Sergeant in 3d New York, June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Ensign 2d New York, 2ist November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 21st June, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 5th April, 1780 ; killed at West Canada Creek, 30th October, 1781. Glenny, William (Conn). Ser geant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 20th May, 1779; trans ferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781; retained in Swift s Connect icut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Glentworth, James (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, llth February, 1777 ; wounded at Para- mus, 16th April, 1780; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Glickner, Christian (Pa). See Gleckner. Glidden, Charles (N. H.). Ensign of Poor s New Hampshire Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775 Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 6th Septem ber to 31st December, 1776. Glover, John (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Colonel 14th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Brigadier- General Continental Army, 21st February, 1777 ; retired 22d July, 1782. (Died 30th January, 1797.) Glover, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Glover, William (N. C.). 1st Lieu- tenanant 6th North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; Captain, 7th May, 1776, arid served to . Godfrey, George (Mass). Briga dier-General Massachusetts Militia in 1776. Godfrey. Godfrey, William (N. C.). Lieu tenant 8th North Carolina, January, 1777; resigned 15th August, 1777. Godfrey, "William Egerton (Pa). Captain-Lieutenant of Flower s Ar tillery Artificer Regiment, 1st July, 1777; taken prisoner ; retired 30th August, 1780. Godman, Samuel (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1770, and served to . Godman, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; cashiered, 18th Au gust, 1779. (Died llth June, 1825.) Godwin, Dinwiddie (Va). Ensign Oth Virginia, 9th April, 1770, to . Godwin, Henry (X. Y.). Captain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Oth October, 1777 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. (Name also spelled Goodwin.) Godwin, Jonathan (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 30th September, 1770, Goforth, William (N.Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Ma jor of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776 ; resigned Oth July, 1770. Goggin, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, 12th March, 1776, to . Gokins, Samuel (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; resigned 13th January, 1777. Goldsborough, Greenberry (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Goldsborough, William (Md). 1st Lieutenant of Hindman s Independ ent Maryland Company, 14th Janu ary, 1770, to . Goldsborough, William (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 10th October, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Goldsmith, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant in June, 1770 ; wounded at White Plains, 2-Sth October, 1770. Goldthwaite, Jacob (Mass). En sign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770; Lieutenant, August, 193 Goodrich. 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, Gth March, 1780 ; resigned 13th July, 1780. Gomath, Jacob. See Grometh. Gopch, John (R. I.). Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-General, 14th July, 1777, and served to . Good, Jacob (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying; Camp, June, 1776, to . Goodale, Ezekiel (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; resigned 30th April, 1778. (Died 10th July, 1827.) Goodale, Nathan (Mass). Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant* 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at King s Bridge, 30th Au gust, 1778; exchanged, 9th October, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Massachu setts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. Goodell, Silas (Conn). Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 5th May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign 20th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 24th April, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Goodenow, David (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant of Whitcomb s New Hampshire Rangers, 17th February to 28th July, 1777. Goodenow Ithanor (Mass.) 1st Lieutenant of Woodbridge s Massa chusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Goodenow, Micajah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Goodman, Moses (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 8th July to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Goodrich, Ezekiel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; killed at Saratoga, 7th Oc tober, 1777. Goodrich, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 1st April, 1770 ; re signed 6th January, 1777. G-oodrich. 194 G-orham. Goodrich, Levi (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 8th May to 18th De cember, 1875 ; Private 3d Connecticut, 23d January, 1777 ; Ensign, 25th Octo ber, 1780; transferred to 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 24th October, 1781. G-oodrich, Ozias (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Private 2d Connecticut, 12th May to 17th December, 1775; Corporal 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ser geant, 1st August, 1778 ; Ensign, 1st July, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. Goodrich, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, Gth No vember, 1776, to . Goodrich, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Goodrich, Stephen (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; "1st Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Goodrich, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 14th July, 1779. Goodwin, Francis Le Baron (Mass). Surgeon s-Mate 14th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; trans ferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 19th February, 1816.) Goodwin, Jedediah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Scammon s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Goodwin, John (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 12th July, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Goodwin, Nathaniel (Conn). Cap tain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; died 1st May, 1777, of wounds received at Croinpo Hill, 28th April, 1777. Goodwin, Robert (S. C.) Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Goodwin, Stephen (Conn). Cap tain of Gray s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Goodwin, Uriah (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 1st September, 1777 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th .June, 1779; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 17SO ; exchanged No vember, 1780; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Gookin, Daniel (N. H.\ Sergeant- Major 2d New Hampshire, January, 1777; Ensign, 6th May, 1777; Lieu tenant, 12th July, 1779 ; retired 12th March, 1782. (Died 24th September, 1831.) Gordon, Ambrose (Va). Paymas ter 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st No vember, 1779 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781; retained in Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Gordon, Arthur (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . (Was in service in January, 1780.) Gordon, Charles (N. C.). Major North Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. (Died 24th March, 1799.) Gordon, Coe (Del). 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 2d December, 1776 ; resigned 4th April, 1777. Gordon, James (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777; re signed December, 1777. Gordon, James (N. Y.). Lieuten ant-Colonel New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Fort Keysc-r, 19th October, 1780 ; released 19th Novem ber, 1782. (Died 17th January, 1810.) Gordon, James (Del). 2d Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 19th Jan uary to December, 1776. Gordon, Thomas (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; re signed 1st July, 1778. Gordon, William (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 5th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th July, 1776 ; Captain, 29th November, 1776 ; re signed March, 1777. Gore, Obadiah (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Gorham, Nehemiah (Conn). Pri vate 5th Connecticut, 19th May to 12th December, 1775; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 15th December, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th April, 1780; trans ferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Gorham. 195 Gorham, Shubael (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Reg iment, 19th May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecti cut State Regiment, loth April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th July, 1776, and served to April, 1777. Gorham, Stephen (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Learned s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 7th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 5th December, 1777. Gorman, Joseph (Pa). Sergeant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 29th March, 1776 ; Ensign Penn sylvania State Regiment, Octo ber, 1776 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Gorton Israel (R. I.). Captain Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775. Gorton, Thomas (R. I.). Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to May, 1777. Gosner, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 1st January, 1778 ; retired 1st January. 1781. Goss, John (Mass). Lieutenant New Hampshire Minute Men in the Lexingto Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott,s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Surgeon 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Gosselin, Clement (Canada). Cap tain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 4th March, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Gosselin, Louis (Canada). Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, , 1779, and served to . (Died 7th August, 1823.) Gostelow, Jonathan ( ). Major Commissary of Military Stores, 1st February, 1777, to . Gough, Richard (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Dragoons in 1779 and 1780. Gould, Abraham (Conn). Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, 1775-1777; killed at tho Dan- bury Raid, 26th April, 1777. Gould, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Gould, Ebenezer Brewster (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Govert. January, 1777 ; resigned 12th April, 1778. Gould, David ( Va). Hospital Sur geon, 8th September, 1777 ; Senior Hospital Surgeon in Virginia, llth October, 1779; died 12th July, 1781. Gould, Jacob (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Gould, James (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February. 1777 ; Lieu tenant, llth March, 1778; Regimental Quartermaster, 20th Septembrr, 1779; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Gould, James (X. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of Baldwin s New Hampshire Militia Regiment, May to October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; severely wounded at Bemus Heighths, 19th September, 1777, and never rejoined regiment. Gould, Joshua (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 24th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Gould, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Woodbridge s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gould, Witham(Conn). Surgeon s- Mate of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 3d July to 29th December, Gourley, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Battalion of Miles 1 Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 9th Pennsyl vania, 6th December, 1776; Captain, 3d May, 1777, arid served to . Gouvion, Jean Baptiste Obrey de (France). Major Engineer on staff of General Lafayette, 8th July, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 17th November, 1777 ; brevet Colonel, 16th November, 1781; retired 10th October, 1783. (Died llth June, 1792.) Gove, Nathaniel (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Govert, Jacque Paul (France); Captain-Lieutenant Continental Ar tillery, 18th September, 1776, and served to . Gracs. 196 Grant. Grace, John (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 3d Lieutenant, 14th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 4th November, 1777; was in service in 1781. Grace, Richard (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 17th April, 1777, and served to . (Was in service Janu ary, 1780.) Graff, Garret (Pa). Captain of Kachleine s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia ; taken prisoner at Long Is land, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776. Graff, George (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Grafton, - - ( ). Lieutenant, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th Oc tober, 1779. Graham, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779 ; resigned October, 1779. Graham, Andrew (N. Y.). Surgeon New York Militia, - ; taken pris oner at White Plains, 28th October, 1776, and was a prisoner to November, 1781. (Died, 1785.) Graham, Archibald (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 1st Februay, 1777; re signed 19th November, 1777. Graham, Charles (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Graham, George (N. Y.). Sur- geon s-Mate 4th New York, 2d May to November, 1776. Graham, George (N. C.) Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776; resigned 15th April, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain North Caro lina Rangers. Graham, Isaac G. (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 7th Massachusetts, 18th July, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Graham, John (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 30th June, 1775; Cap tain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776; Major, 26th March, 1779, and served to November, 1783. (Died 7th May, 1832.) Graham, Jonathan G. (Conn). Surgeon s-Mate 2d Connecticut, 6th October, 1778 ; Surgeon 7th Connecti cut, 23d March, 1779 ; resigned 1st January, 1780. Graham, Joseph (N. C.). Served. as Lieutenant a-nd Captain North Carolina Rangers from September, 1778 ; Major North Carolina Partisan Rangers, 1780 ; wounded at Charlotte, 26th October, 1780. (Died 12th No vember, 1836.) Graham, Stephen (Va). Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 1780 to 1782. Graham, Walter (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, - , 1777, to , 1778; served subsequently as Captain-Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment. Graham, William (Pa). Ensign 6th Permsvlvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776, to . Graham, William (Va). SurgeonV Mate 2d Virginia, 3d March, 1777 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Grameth, Jacob (Md). See Gfro- meth. Granger, Asher (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Granger, Bildad (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired 15th Novem ber, 1778. Granger, Caleb (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Major, 5th February, 1777 ; re signed 26th April, 1777. Granger, John (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775, to . Granger, John (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Granger, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 24th December, 1777. Grannis, Enos (Conn). Private of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, May, 1776, to May, 1777 ; Ser geant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 13th September, 1777; Lieutenant, 12th November, 1779 ; re tired 1st January. 1781. Grant, Benjamin (N. H.). Lieu tenant New Hampshire Militia, Sep tember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to September, 1776. Grant, Benonl (Conn). Sergeant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 27th February, 1777; En- siga, 14th August, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Grant. 197 Gray. Grant, Daniel (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775. Grant, Eleazer (X. T.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776; served subsequently as Regimental Quartermaster, New York Militia Regiment. Grant, George (Pa). 3d Lieutenant 1st Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 19th March, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 3d May, 1777; died 10th October, 1779. Grant, Gilbert (II. I.). Lieutenant of Lippitt s Rhode Island Militia Regiment, 19th August, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1777, to . Grant, Jesse (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 8th July to 19th Decem ber, 1775; 3d Lieutenant 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1776; exchanged 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Grant, John (N. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to November, 1775 ; Regimental Quar termaster of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st June, 1777, to 23d April, 1779; subsequently served as Quartermaster of New Hampshire State and Militia forces. (Died November, 1825.) Grant, Heter ( ). 1st Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, llth February, 1777 ; Cap tain, 20th August, 1777 ; resigned 19th April, 1778. Grant, Thomas (N. C.). Ensign 6th North Carolina, 10th April, 1776, to Grant, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Gratten, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 25th March, 1770, to . Graves, Abner (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 17th June, 1778. Graves, Asa (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, loth June, 1780; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 6th October, 1823.) Graves, Crispus (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st .January, 1776, to . Graves, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Graves, Francis (N. C.). Ensign 3d North Carolina, 26th October, 1777; Lieutenant, 14Wi July, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Graves, John (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d October, 1770; re signed 21st April, 1778 ; served subse quently as Major Virginia Militia. Graves, Ralph (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Graves, "William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1770, to . Gray, Ebenezer (Mass). Lieuten ant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 19th June, 1777. Gray, Ebenezer (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Brigade Major to General Par son s Brigade, 31st August to Decem ber, 1776 ; Major 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 15th October, 1778 ; transferred io 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Gray, Francis (Va.). Ensign 6th Virginia, 15th October, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 24th April, 1827.) Gray, George (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 9th May, 1776 ; Lieutenant 4th Continental Dragoons, 10th Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, 7th December, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1779. Gray, Henry (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; wounded at Sullivan s Island, 28th June, 1776 Paymaster South Carolina Regiment, 14th December, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. (Died 20th July, 1824.) Gray, Hugh (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, tith Novem ber, 1776 ; killed at Saratoga, 3d Au gust, 1777. Gray, Isaac (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gray. 198 Greaton. Gray, James Woolford (Mel). En sign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying- Cainp, June, 1776; 3d Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Captain, 25th December, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Savannah, 9th October, 1779; exchanged 10th February, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to close of war. Gray, James (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; retired 1st June, 1778. Gray, James ( ). Major and Deputy Commissary-General of Is sues, 19th October, 1778; resigned 16th November, 1780. Gray, James (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 22d November, 1776 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . (Was in service in 1780.) Gray, James (S.C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779, and died shortly afterward. Gray, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Gray, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland, pth February, 1777; re signed March, 1777. Gray, Matthew (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Gray, Neigal (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel 12th Pennsylvania, 5th Oc tober, 1776 ; cashiered, 2d Jane, 1778. (Died , 1786.) Gray, Peter (S.C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, March, 1777; Cap tain, 30th December, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Gray, Robert (Pa). Regimental Quartermaster Pennsylvania Mus ket Battalion, 22d March, 1776 ; Captain 13th Pennsylvania, March, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Gray, Robert (N. Y.). Ensign 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 2d February, 1777; deserted loth Au gust, 1777. Gray, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania, ; retired 1st July, 1778. Gray, Silas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, 26th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th March, 1777; Captain, llth April, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. (Died 19th January, 1820.) Gray, Thomas (Conn). Surgeon 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st February, 1778. Gray, Thomas (R. I.). Captain Rhode Island State Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant-Colonel Rhode Island Militia. (Died , 1803.) Gray, William (Va). Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, ; was in service in 1779. Gray, William (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 15th March, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged, 8th December, 1776; Captain 4th Penn sylvania, 3d January, 1777 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 18th July, 1804.) Graybell, Philip (Md). Captain German Battalion, 25th September, 1776 ; resigned 12th March, 1778. Graydon, Alexander (Pa). Cap tain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; paroled, 7th July, 1777; exchanged, 15th April, 1778, and rendered no further service. (Died 2d May, 1818.) Graydon, Andrew (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 13th June, 1776 ; supposed to have been killed at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776. Grayson, John (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Artillery, 30th November, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Grayson, Spencer (Va). Chaplain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, May, 1777 ; retired 22d April, 1779. Grayson, William (Va). Lieuten ant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 24th August, 1776; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments, llth January, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779; Commissioner of the Board of War, 7th December, 1779 ; resigned 10th September, 1781. (Died 12th March, 1790.) Greaton, John (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775; Colonel, 1st July, 1775; Colonel 24th Con tinental" Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Colonel 3d Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776; Brigadier-Gen eral Continental Army, 7th January,. 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 16th December, 1783.) Greaton. 199 Green. Greaton, John Wheelwright (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 10th July, 1782 ; retained in Jackson s Con tinental Regiment, November, 1783, and remained in service to 20th June, 1884. G-reaton, Richard Humphrey (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 30th November, 1781, and served to November, 1783 ; Lieutenant 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; wounded in action with Miami Indians near Fort Recovery, Ohio, (St. Glair s defeat), 4th November, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub-Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Captain, 18th Feb ruary, 1793 ; assigned to 2d United States Infantry, 1st November, 1796; honorably discharged 1st June, 1802. (Died 18th July, 1815.) Greaves, John. See Graves. Green, Berryman (Va). Paymas ter 1st Continental Dragoons with rank of Captain, 1st January, 1778, to -- . (Was in service, February, 1779.) Green, Burwell (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 30th August, 1777 ; resigned 18th June, 1778. Green, Ebenezer (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1770; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1770 ; held as a hostage to 1777, and was prisoner of war on parole to 1779. Green, Ezra (N. H.). Surgeon 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Surgeon 2d Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770; Surgeon in United States Navy, April, 1778. to August, 1781. (Died 25th July, 1847.) Green, Francis (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 30th August, 1780, arid served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 5th September, 1831.) Green, Gabriel (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 12th October, 1780; Lieu tenant, -- , 1782, and served to June, 1783. Green, Henry ( -- ). Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery from -- , to - . Green, James (Mass). Quarter master-Sergeant 13th Massachusetts, Oth January, 1777; Ensign and Regi mental Quartermaster, 30th March, 177S; Lieutenant, 29th March, 1780; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Green, James (Va). Ensign Gth Virginia, 13th October, 1780, to . Green, James W. (N. C.). Surgeon of a North Carolina Regiment, 7th December, 1771 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Green, Joel (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Green, Joel (Mtiss). 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; discharged 9th May, 1778. Green, John (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 6th September, 1775 ; Major, 13th August, 1770; wounded at Ma- maroneck, 21st October, 1770 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 22d March, 1777; Col onel, 10th Virginia, 20th January, 1778 ; transferred to 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to 1st January, 1783. Green, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Virginia, ; IstLieutenant, 12th August, 1777, and served to . Green, John (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 5th January* 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. Green, John (Ga). Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Green, John (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania Militia, ; exchanged 26th March, 1781. Green, Robert (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, llth October, 1780; Lieu tenant, llth July, 1782, and served to close of war. Green, Timothy (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying: Camp, June to December, 1776. Green, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 5th Janu ary, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Green, William (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant New York Militia. - ; killed 20th July, 1777, at . Green, William (Mass). Adjutant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Green, William(Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Connecticut State Regi ment, 14th May, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 17th March, 1778; resigned 19th July, 1780. Green, William (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September,. 1775 ; resigned 4th January, 1770. Green. 200 G-reenway. Green, Willis (Va). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 23d January, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 8th June, 1777; resigned 18th April, 1778. Greene, Christopher (R. I.). Major of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, ; taken prisoner at Quebec 1 , 81st December, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Rhode Island, 27th February, 1777, to rank from 1st January, 1777. By the Act of 4th November, 1777, it was "Re solved, that Congress have a high sense of the merit of Colonel Greene, and the officers and men under his command, in their late gallant de fence of the Fort at Red Bank, on. the Delaware river, and that an ele gant sword be provided by the Board of War and presented to Colonel Greene/ Killed 14th May, 1781, by Delancey s Tories in Westchester County, N. Y. Greene, Daniel (R. I.). 3d Lieu tenant of Tallniari s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, .to . Greene, Job (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Stanton s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Greene, John Morly (R. I.). Eii- sign 2d Rhode Island, 1st March, 1779; wounded at Springfield, 23d June, 1780 ; Lieutenant, 1780 ; transfer red to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Greene, Nathaniel (R. I.). Briga dier-General Continental Army, 22d June, 1775; Major-General, 9th August, 1776 ; (Quartermaster-General, 2d March, 1778, to 30th September, 1780.) By the act of 29th October, 1781, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled be presented to Major-General Greene, for his wise, decisive and magnanimous conduct in the action of the 8th of September last, near the Eutaw Springs, in South Carolina, in which, with a force inferior in num ber to that of the enemy, he obtained a most signal victory ***** that a British stand of colors be pre sented to Major-General Greene as an honorable testimony of his merit, and a golden medal emblematical of the bnttle and victory aforesaid." By the act of 17th January, 1783, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of the United States in Congress assem bled be presented to Major-General Greene, for his many signal and im portant services, and that he be as sured that Congress retain a lively sense of the frequent and uniform proofs he has given of prudence, wis dom and military skill during his command in the Southern Depart ment." By the act of 18th October, 1783, it was " Resolved, that two pieces of the field ordnance taken from the British Army, at the Cowpens, Augusta, or Eutaw be presented by the Corn- mander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States to Major-General Greene, as a public testimony of the wisdom, fortitude and skill which dis tinguished his command in the Southern Department, and of thf. eminent services, which amidst com plicated difficulties and dangers, and against an enemy greatly superior in numbers he has successful 1 y performed for his country; and that a memo randum be engraved on said pieces of ordnance expressive of the substance of this resolution." Served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 19th June, 1786.) Greenleaf, Moses (Mass). Captain llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; retired 1st January 1781. Greenleaf, "William (Mass). Pri vate Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776; corporal 13th Massachusetts, 16th February 1777; Sergeant, 1st September, 1777 En sign, 1st September, 1777; Lieutenant, 13th February, 1778; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, arid served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 29th March, 1833.) Greenman, Jeremiah (R, I.). En sign 2d Rhode Island, 1st May, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 25th August, 1781 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st September, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. Greenup, Christopher (Va). 1st Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 2d February, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1778. Greensberry, Thomas (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; resigned 28th December, 1777. Greenway, George (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, <Mt!i May, 1777; re signed 20th July, 1777. Greenway, Joseph (Pa). Ensign 1st Continental Infantry, 20th Janu ary, 1776, to . Greer. 201 G-rier. Greer, Charles (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Virginia, 1st August, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth September, 1777 ; rejoined regiment, 10th December, 1777; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to - , also mentioned in orders and correspondence as a Sur geon. (Was in service June, 1779.) Greese, Ernest (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; retired 21st June, 1778. Gregg, George (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 177(5, to . Gregg, James (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York. 80th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776 ; Captain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; wounded and scalped by Indians near Kingston, N. Y., 13th October, 1777; transferred to 1st New York, 1st Jan uary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Gregg, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant Pennsylvania State Regiment, Jan uary, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1779 ; resigned 3d September, 1779. Gregg, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Gregg, Robert (Pa). Sergeant in Pennsylvania State Regiment, No vember, 1776 ; Ensign, 6th January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 3d February, 1777 ; resigned 4th October, 1777. Gregg, William (X. H.). Major and Lieutenant-Colonel New Hamp shire Militia, 1776 to 1780. (Died 16th September, 1815.) Gregory, Demsey (X. C.). Cap tain loth North Carolina, 19th April, 1777 ; resigned 22d May, 1778. Gregory, John (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 19th November, 1776 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned May, I * * . Gregory, John M. (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 26th February 1776 ; killed at Long Island, 27th Au gust, 1776. Gregory, Matthew (Conn). Ser geant 8th Connecticut, 10th June, 1777 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, 15th October, 1778; Sergeant-Major, 18th November, 1778 ; Ensign, 20th April, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 28th December, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1782 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Gregory, William (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 26th February, 1776 ; died in 1776. Grennell, John (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Cap tain New York Artillery Company, 22d January, 1776 ; resigned 27th March, 1776. Gridley, John (Mass). Captain- Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to 3d June, 1783. Gridley, Richard (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Artillery Regiment, May, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Colonel and Chief of the Continental Artillery, 20th September to 17th November, 1775; Colonel and Chief Engineer, June, 1775, to 5th August, 1776; was retained in service as Colonel and Engineer to 1st January, 1781, when retired. (Died 21st June, 1796.) Gridley, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Grridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May, 1775, to . Gridley, Scarborough (Mass). Major of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; dis missed 24th September, 1775, for mis conduct at Bunker Hill. Grier, David (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Janu ary, 1776 ; Major 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 1st June, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel 7th Pennsylvania, 2d Octo ber, 1776 ; severely wounded at Paoli, 20th September, 1777 ; never rejoined regiment. (Died 3d June, 1790.) Grier, James (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 7th March, 1776; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 7th March, 1776 ; wounded at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777; Major 10th Pennsylvania, 23d October, 1777; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to November, 1783; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th September, 1783. Grier. Grier, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1770 ; taken prisoner 24th July, 1776, on the Sorrel River, Canada ; exchanged in 1778, and did not re turn to the army. Griffin, Corbin ( ). Volunteer Hospital Surgeon at Yorktown, Vir ginia, 1781. Griffin, John (X. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Griffin, Samuel ( ). Colonel Deputy Adjutant-General Flying Camp, 19th July, 1770 ; wounded at Harlem Heights, 12th October, 1776. Griffing, Daniel (N. Y.). Captain gd New York, 28th June, 1775 to Jan uary, 1770. Griffing, Stephen <X. Y.). Ser geant 4th New York, 6th February, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st June, 1779, to date from 1st January, 1778; resigned 4th April, 1781. Griffith, Benjamin (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, Oth Decem ber, 1776 ; omitted March, 1777. Griffith, Charles (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777, to . Griffith, Charles Greenberry (Md). Colonel 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1770, to . Griffith, David (Va). Surgeon and Chaplain 3d Virginia, 28th Feb ruary, 1770 ; 7*esigned 18th March, 1779. (Died 3d August, 1789.) Griffith, John (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10tli De cember, 1776 ; resigned 22d March, 1777. Griffith, Levi (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Penn sylvania, 1st Janury, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 30th January, 1825.) Griffith, Philemon (Va). Captain of Stephenson s Maryland and Vir ginia Rifle Regiment, llth July, 1776; Captain of Rawlings 1 Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777, and served to . (Died 29th April, 1838.) Griffith, Samuel (Md). Captain 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 3d August, 1778. Griggs, John (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp- 202 Grout, | shire Rangers, January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Grimke, John D. ( ). Paymas ter 2d Continental Artillery, from - to . Grimke, John F. (S. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel South Carolina Artillery, 20th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. (Died 9th August, 1819.) Griswold, Andrew (Conn). Cor poral in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Corporal 3d Connecticut, 5th May, to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded, at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 15th November, 1777; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; re signed 31st July, 1782. Griswold, George (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Griswold, Shubael (Conn). Cap tain 4th Connecticut, 1st May, to 10th December, 1775. Grometh, Jacob (Md). Ensign German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th January, 1778 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Name also spelled Gomath). Groom, George ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of Rangers, ; in service in 1779 and 1780. Grosh, Adam (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Maryland Battalion of the flying Camp, Jane to December, 1776; Captain 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Major, 8th June,, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Gross, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1776, to January, 1777. Grosvenor, Thomas (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 23d May, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; Captain 20th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January, 1770; Major 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 13th March, 1778; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 29th May, 1782 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Grout, Benjamin (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, to> October, 1776. Grover. Hackett. Grover, Phineas (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 3d May to 17th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 2d December, 1777; Captain- Lieutenant, llth October, 1780; re signed , 1781. Grover, Thomas (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire Regiment, 23d May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; retired May, 1776. Groves. See Graves. Grubb, Peter (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 17th July, 1775 ; resign ed 10th September, 1775 ; Captain 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 12th March, 1776; Captain, 10th Pennsylvania, 27th November, 1776 ; Captain of Patton s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777 ; retired in 1778. Grymes, Benjamin ( Va). 1st Lieu tenant of Grayson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 18th January, 1777, and served to . Grymes, William (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 21st November, 1776. "Killed 1st August, 1777. : Guest, Isaac (Md). Quartermas ter 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Guild, Jonathan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitconib s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Guild, Joseph (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Guild, Ralph (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; resigned 17th February, 1776. Guion, Isaac (N. C.). Surgeon 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775; resigned December, 1775 ; served as Paymaster, 9th North Carolina, March, 1777, to July, 1778. Guion, Isaac (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant of Nicholson s New York Regi ment, July to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st September, 1779 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 21st August, 1780 ; retired, 3d June, 1783; Captain In fantry United State Army 5th March, 1792 ; assigned to 3d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792, and to 3d United States Infantry, 1st No vember, 1796 ; Brigade-Inspector, 1st November, 1799, to 25th October, 1801; Major 3d United States Infantry, loth February, 1801 ; honorably dis charged 1st June, 1802. (Died 17th September, 1823.) Gunby, John (Md). Captain of a Maryland Independent Company, 14th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Colonel, 17th April, 1777; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Gurney, Francis (Pa). Lieuten- aut-Colonel llth Pennsylvania, 3d October, 1776 ; wounded at Iron Hill, 3d September, 1777; resigned, 22d Oc tober, 1777. (Died 25th May, 1815.) Gurney, Zachariah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Guthrie, George (Va). Cornet 2d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, July, 1779; Lieutenant 4th Continental Dra goons, , 1881, and served to close of war. Guthrie, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776, to . Guthrie, John (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 21st December, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, February, 1780, and served to . Guy, Alexander (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery. 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered, March, 1778. Geyer, George (Pa). Sergeant 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Regiment, 1st April, 1776 ; 3d Lieu tenant, 24th October, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania State Regiment, October, 1776, which became 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. H. Habersham, John (G-a). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Captain, ; Major, 1st April, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. (Died 19th November, 1779.) Habersham, Joseph (Ga). Major 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 1st April, 1778, and served to close of war. (Died 17th November, 1815.) Hackett, Samuel (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; re signed 31st October, 1777. Hackley. 204 Halkerstone. Hackley, John (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 28th May, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 10th July, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 30th May, 1778; transferred to 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war. Hadaway., Joel (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, ; on roll for March, 1781. Haden, Josiah (Mass). Captain of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Major 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Hayden.) Hadley, Joshua (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 6th North Carolina, 1st April, 1776 ; Captain, 13th June, 1779 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died 8th February, 1830.) Hagan, Francis (N. J.). Hospital Phycician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780 ; resigned 25th May, 1781. Hagan, John (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, April, 1776; resigned 19th July, 1776. Hagan, Robert (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; resigned 19th July, 1776 ; Cap tain 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned 3d November, 1777. Hager, Arthur (Gra). 1st Lieuten ant Georgia, ; was in service in 1779. Hairwood, Peter (Mass). Captain of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Halt, Joseph (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th Decem- l3er,1775; Captain 19th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Major 8th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 15th September, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 28th October, 1779; re tired 1st January, 1781. Halt, Samuel (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 5th October. 1775; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st Janu ary, 1780. Hake, John ( ). Cornet Von Beer s Independent Company of Dragoons, 1st January, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Halcomb, John. See Holcombe. Hale, Aaron (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired loth November, 1778. Hale, Enoch (N. II.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia in 1777 and 1778. Hale, John (N. H.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775 ; Captain, 18th June -to Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Hale, John (N. H.). Surgeon 1st New Hampshire, 2d April, 1777 ; re signed llth January, 1780. Hale, Joseph (Conn). Ensign of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Hale, Mordecai (N.Y.). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Continental Artillery, 1st December, 1782 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; Post Surgeon United States Army, 13th February, 1818 ; honorably dis charged, 1st June, 1821 ; Assistant- Surgeon United States Army, 27th October, 1821. (Died 9th December, 1832.) Hale, Nathan (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; Captain, 1st September to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner and hanged as a spy by the British, 22d September, 1776. Hale, Nathan (N. H.). Captain New Hampshire Minute Men, 19th April, 1775 ; Major 3d New Hamp shire, 23d April, 1775 ; Major 2d Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; Colonel, 2d April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777, and died Avhile in prison, 23d September, 1780. Hale, Samuel (N. H.). Surgoen s- Mate and Surgeon New Hampshire Militia, 1777 to 1781. Halkerstone, John (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of BealPs Independent Mary land Company, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, July, 1776, and served to . Halkerstone, Robert (Md). Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 25th April, 1781 ; retained in Maryland Battalion, April, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 17th February, 1825.) Hall. 205 Hall. Hall, . (N.C.). Lieutenant-Colo nel North Carolina Militia, ; killed at Cowan s Ford, 1st February, 1781. Hall, Asaph (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to De cember, 1775. Hall, Clement (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775; Captain, 19th April, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 4th August, 1824.) Hall, David (Del). Captain Dela ware Regiment, loth January, 1776; Colonel, 5th April, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777, and never rejoined his regiment. Hall, Edward (Md). Lieutenant of Grayson s Addditional Continen tal Regiment, - ; taken prisoner ; exchanged 5th November, 1780. Hall, Elihu (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland*, 17th April, 1777; Lieuten ant, *15th Julv. 1779 : resigned June, 1781. Hall, Highland (Conn). Sergeant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th February, 1777; Issu- ing-CommissaryConnecticut Brigade, 15th November, 1778 ; retired 31st March, 1780. Hall, Isaac (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May, to December, 1775. Hall, Jacob Jr. (N. H.). Surgeon s- Mate, 14th Massachusetts, 18th June, 1778; Surgeon 3d New Hampshire, 1st October, 1778 ; resigned 5th April, 1780. Hall, James (Mass). Sergeant in Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, February to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th April, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died 3d April, 1819.) Hall, John B (Md). 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Hall, Josias Carvill (Md). Colo nel 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Colonel 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Hall, Mathias (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, *12th September to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th January, 1777 ; died 12th August, 1777. Hall, Moses (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775. Hall, Nathaniel (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 1st July to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 4th Novem ber, 1821.) Hall, Noah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. (Died May, 1835.) Hall, Philemon (Conn). Private 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 28th No vember, 1775 ; Ensign 7th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 10th March, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1780; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January. 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hall, Robert (N. C.). Surgeon 3d North Carolina, 17th April, 1776, to . Hall, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 25th April, 1783.) Hall, Street (Conn). Lieutenant- Colonel 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 19th December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hall, Taiimadg-e (Conn) Private 5th Connecticut, 9th May to 30th Oc tober, 1775 ; Sergeant 7th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 25th September, 1777 ; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant In valid Regiment, 16th September, 1780, and served to 23d April, 1783. Hall, Thomas (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, , 1775 ; wounded at Sullivan s Island, 28th June, 1776; Captain, , 1776, to . Hall, Thomas (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 24th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th February, 1777; resigned 3d April, 1777. Hall, Timothy (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 5th Massachusetts, 5th Febru ary, 1780, to . Hall, Titus (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ser geant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 10th April, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st July, 1779, and served to . Hallam. 206 Hamilton. Hallam, Robert (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 3d July, 1777 ; resigned 20th May, 1779. (Died March, 1835.) Hallett, James (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 17th Feb ruary, 1777; resigned, 1st October. 1777; served subsequently in New Jersey Militia. Hallett, Jonah (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia Regiment, 18th June, 1776; 2d Lieutenant of Mal colm s Additional Continental Regi ment, 26th July, 1777 ; resigned 23d April, 1779; Lieutenant 4th Continen tal Dragoons, 2d October, 1779, and served to November, 1782. Hallett, Jonathan (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, July, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, March, 1776; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, and served to 3d June, 1883. Halsey, Blias Henry (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Halsey, Jeremiah (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; discharged on account of sickness, 13th November, 1775 ; Captain Connecticut Militia Regi ment, 1776 and 1777. Halsey, Luther (N. J.). Sergeant 2d New Jersey, November, 1775 ; Regimental Adjutant 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Halsted, John ( ). Appointed Commissary for the Army before Quebec, 17th February, 1776, and served to . Kalsted, Mathias (N. J.). Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st New Jer sey, 20th December, 1775 ; deserted August, 1776. Ham, William (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th Decem ber, 1776, to May, 1777. Hambleton, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 16th November, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 23d November, 1778. Hambright, Henry (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 ; exchanged 4th Novem ber, 1780. (Died 2d March, 1835.) Hambright, Frederick ( Va). Lieu tenant-Colonel Virginia Riflemen Mi litia, ; wounded at King s Moun tain, 7th October, 1780. (Died March 1817.) Hambright, John (Pa). Sergeant- Major 10th Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d June, 1778 ; resigned , 1779. Hamilton, Alexander (N. Y.). Captain Provincial Company New York Artillery, 14th March, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel and principal Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 1st March, 1777, to 23d December, 1783; brevet Colonel, 30th Septem ber, 1783 ; Major-General and Inspec tor-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Mortally wounded in a duel with Aaron Burr, llth July, and died 12th July, 1804.) Hamilton, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to Hamilton, Edward (Md). Lieu tenant Maryland, . Hamilton, G-eorge (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 25th January, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hamilton, James (N. Y T .). Regi mental Quartermaster 3d New Y T ork, 30th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Hamilton, James (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 3d January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 22d March, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 13th January, 1778 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; on parole until retired, 1st January, 1783. Hamilton, James (Pa). Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 10th March to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 10th March, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; Major 2d Pennsylva nia, 10th December, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hamilton. 207 Hamtramck. Hamilton, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th March, 1776, and served to . (Was in service in October, 1776.) Hamilton, John A. (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 28th May, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st February, 1778; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781; Captain, , 1782; retired 1st January, 1783. Hamilton, John (Md). Regimental Paymaster 4th Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hamilton, John (S. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, , 1777 ; Brigade-Major to Colonel Pinckney, 10th May, 1778 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 30th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hamilton, Robert (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 3d May, 1779 ; omitted October, 1780. Hamilton, Samuel (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 27th May, 1779, and served to . Hamilton, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776, to . Hamilton, Thomas (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 3d March, 1777, to January, 1781. Hamlin, Africa (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died , 1808.) Hamlin, Daniel (Conn). Sergeant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 24th May, 1777 ; Ensign, 16th May, 1778; dismissed January, 1779. Hamlin, Eleazer (Mass). Captain of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 to . Hamlin, Nathaniel (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Gray s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Hamlin, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 21st March, 1776, to- Hammett, Malachai (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st Novem ber, 1775; Captain, 19th August, 1776; Captain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777. Hammit, John (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 7th March, 1777 ; omitted March, 1779. Hammon, Edward (Mass). Cap tain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regi ment, Mav to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Massachusetts Militia. Hammond, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina State troops; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Hammond, Abijah (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d December, 1778, and served to June, 1783. (Died 30th December, 1832.) Hammond, Andrew (Md). En sign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Hammond, Benjamin (Pa). 2d Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, 30th September, 1776 ; killed 20th Febru ary, 1778. Hammond, David (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 14th Sep tember, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th De cember, 1778; wounded at Block House, 19th July, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 27th April, 1801.) Hammond, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 7th No vember, 1777, to 5th April, 1780 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779; 1st Lieu tenant, 14th October, 1780; resigned 19th May, 1782. Hammond, Thomas (Md). Cap tain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Hamner, Francis (N. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 14th July, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Hampton, John (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Dragoons ,1779, to Hamtramck, John Francis (N. Y.). Captain 5th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783 ; Captain United States Infantry Regiment, 12th April, 1785 ; Major, 20th October, 1786 ; Ma jor 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; assigned to 2d Sab Legion, 4th September, 1792; Hanchet. Hardaway. Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 1st Sub Legion, 18th February, 1793 ; as signed to 1st United States Infantry, 1st November, 179G ; Colonel, 1st April, 1802; died llth April, 1803. Hanchet, Oliver (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 2(1 Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; exchanged 10th January, 1777. Hancock, Belcher (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 81st December, 1770 ; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 16th April, 1779; Captain, 6th January, 1780; resigned 2d November, 1780. (Died 14th May, 1813.) Hancock, Ebenezer ( ). Deputy Paymaster-General, 12th June, 1776, and served to . Hancock, John (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia ; 011 roll for August, 1778. Hancock, John (R. I.). Major- General Rhode Island Militia. Hand, Abraham (Conn). Private and Sergeant Baldwin s Artillery Ar tificer Regiment, 26th February, 1777, to 1st November, 1779 ; Lieu tenant 1st November, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Hand, Edward (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Colonel, 7th March, to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Jan uary, 1777, to rank from 7th March, 1776; Brigadier-General Con tinental Army, 1st April, 1777; Adju tant-General Continental Army, 8th January, 1781, to 3d November, 1783 ; Major-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 3d September, 1802.) Handley, George (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Captain, 19th October, 1776 ; retired July, 1782. (Died 17th September, 1793.) Name also spelled Henly. Handy, G-eorge (Va). Lieutenant of Lee s Battalion, of Light Dragoons Pulaski Legion, 1st July, 1779 ; Cap tain, , 1781, arid served to close of war. Handy, John (R. I.). Regimental Quartermaster of Richmond s and Tallman s Rhode Island State Regi ments, 15th January, 1776, to Janu- arv, 1777. Handy, Levin (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; Captain 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; re signed 1st May, 1780. Hannah, Stephen (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 2d Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 19th March,, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 6th December,. 1776, but declined further service. Hansbrough, James (Va). Quar termaster-Sergeant 3d Virginia, 15th August, 1776 ; Regimental Quarter master 3d Virginia, September, 1777 ; resigned 10th February, 1778. Hanson, Aaron (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hanson, Alexander Contee (Md). Assistant Secretary to General Wash ington, 21st June, 1776, and served to" . Hanson, Dirck (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Yord, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain, 15th April, 1776 ; Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776, to rank from 15th April, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Hanson, Isaac (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 8th November, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, 15th December, 1779 ; wound ed and taken prisoner at Camderi, 16th August, 1780. Hanson, Peter Contee (Md). 2d Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Stephenson s Mary land Rifle Battalion, 17th September. 1776 ; wounded arid taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Hanson, Samuel (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 24th July, 1777; Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st October, 1778; Lieutenant, 15th July, 1779; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hanson, Thomas (Pa). Adjutant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; died 16th Aug, 1777. Hanson, Thomas (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Hanson, "William (Md). Lieuten ant Maryland, from to . Hard, Philo (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Hardaway, Joel (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th South Carolina, , 1776,, to . Hardcastle 209 Harmar. Hardcastle, Peter (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 14th September, 1778 ; trans ferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hardenbergh, Abraham (N. T.). Ensign 4th New York, May, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st No vember, 1776, and served to June, 1783. Hardenbergh, Cornelius (N. Y.), Captain 3d New York, 12th April, 1776 ; cashiered, 8th October, 1776. Hardenberg-h, John L. (N. Y.) 2d Lieutenant of Graham s New York Militia Regiment, June to Novem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 21st June, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, January, 1780; retired, 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New Y r ork Militia Hardin, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 13th July, 1777; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777; with Colonel Morgan in November, 1777 ; resigned in 1779 ; subsequently Brigadier-Greneral Ken tucky Militia ; murdered by Indians in Ohio in April, 1792. Harding, Amos (Mass). Sergeant 2d Massachusetts, 28th February, 1777 ; Ensign, , 1780 ; killed , 1781. Hardman. Henry (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Stephenson s Rifle Bat talion, llth July, 1776; Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged September, 1778; Captain 7th Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776 ; Major 6th Maryland, 22d May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Mary land, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Hardman, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777 ; Cap tain, , 1780 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780, and died a prisoner, 1st Septem ber, 1780. Hardy, Daniel (Mass). Quarter master of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, 20th May to December, 1775. Hardy, Eliphalet (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, 20th May to December, 1775. Hardy, Thomas (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th May, 1777 ; re signed 27th August, 1778. Hardy, WiWiam(N. C.). Paymas ter Battalion North Carolina Light Dragoons, 10th September, 1777, to Hardyman, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 24th September, 1778, to . Hargis, Abraham (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 1st Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 2d Septem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Penn sylvania, 2d December, 1776; resigned- 1st August, 1778. Hargis, Benjamin (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 1st Battalion of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 6th April, 1776, to - Hargis, John (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 9th January, 1777, to . Hargrave, William (N. C.). En sign 10th North Carolina, 16th Janu ary, 1778 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 30th March, 1780; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Haring, John (N. Y.). Brigade- Major to Greneral Clinton in 177(5 and 1777. Harker, Joseph (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Martin s Regiment New Jersey Militia, July to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; transferred to - New Jersey, 1st July, 1778; wound ed at Lackawaxon, Pa., 22d July, 1779, and did not return to the army. Harkness, John (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d NewHampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Harleston, Isaac (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775; Major, 30th December, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, Harmar, Josiah (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Octo ber, 1775 ; Major 3d Pennsylvania, 1st October, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Pennsylvania, 6th June, 1777; Lieuten ant-Colonel Commandant 7th Penn sylvania, 9th August, 1780; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783; brevet Colonel, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Lieuten ant-Colonel Commandant of United States Infantry Regiment and also Commander of the Army from 12th August, 1784, to 29th September, 1789; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 1st United States Infantry, 29th Septem ber, 1789, to 1st January, 1792. and also commander of the United States 14 Harmon. 210 Harris. Army from 29th September, 1789, to 4th March, 1791 ; brevet Brigadier- General, 31st July, 1787 ; resigned 1st January 1792. (Died 20th August, 1813.) Harmon, Jacques (Conn). Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 12th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 26th .July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Harmon, John (Conn). Captain of Wolcott s Connecticut State Regi ment, December, 1775, to March, 1770 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 4th January, 1780. Harmon, "William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Harnden, John (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Harney, Selby (N. C.). Major 8th North Carolina, 26th November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d North Caro lina, 22d November, 1777 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Harney, G-enethan (Del). 1st Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 15th Jan uary, 1776 ; wounded and taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died shortly after. Harper, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1778; Regimental Quarter master, 1st July, 1779 ; served to Jan uary, 1782. Harper, John (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Harper, John (Pa). Regimental Quartermaster 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 9th February, 1776; Ensign, 12th October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; Brigade-Major, August, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; exchanged 4th Novem ber, 1780, and did not re-enter ser vice. Harper, Joseph (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; retired 29th August, 1778. Harper, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant llth Pennsylvania, January, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Harrington, William Henry (N. C.). Brigadier-General North Carolina Militia. Harris, Arthur (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 27th August, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, 26th October, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Harris, Benjamin ( Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 28th December, 1776, to - Harris, David. (Pa). Paymaster of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 3d Lieu tenant, 8th November, 1775; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 5th January, 1776; Captain, August, 1776; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; resigned 20th October, 1777. Harris, Francis Henry (Ga). Cap tain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Harris, Jacob (N. J.). Surgeon s- Mate 1st New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; Surgeon s-Mate 4th New Jersey, 26th February, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st July, 1778; Surgeon, 16th November, 1782; retained in New Jersey Battalion April, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Harris, James (Va). 1st Lieuten ant loth Virginia, December, 1776 ; Captain, 4th July, 1777; resigned llth March, 1778. Harris, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; omitted November, 1779. Harris, John (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; killed at Whitemarsh, 7th December, 1777. Harris, John (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776 ; re tired 1st July, 1778. Harris, John (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, llth February, 1781 ; 2d Lieutenant, September, 1781 ; trans r ferred to Baylor s Consolidated Regi ment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Harris, Josiah (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Harris, Robert (Md). Captain 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; re tired 1st November, 1777. Harris, Robert (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Reg iment, 19th May, to December, 1775. (Died 17th May, 1805.) Harris, Robert (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Pennsylvania, 1st November, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylva nia, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 4th May, 1785.) Harris. 211 Hart. Harris, William (Mass). Paymas ter of Henley s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1st April, 1777 ; died August, 1778. Harrison, (Battle?) (Va). Lieu tenant of Rawlings Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment ; killed at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Harrison, Benjamin (Va). Cap tain 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; was in service in 1780, supposed to have been retired 12th February, 1781. Harrison, Benjamin Jr. (Va). Deputy Paymaster-General of Vir ginia troops, 15th February, 1776 ; elected to Congress, 10th October, 1776. (Died 24th April, 1791.) Harrison, Charles (Va). Colonel Virginia Regiment of Artillery, 30th November, 1776; Colonel 1st Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 30th November, 1776, and served to June, 1783. Harrison, Cuthbert (Va). Lieu tenant of Virginia Dragoons, 15th June, 1776 ; Captain 1st Continental Dragoons, 12th February, 1777, and served to . Harrison, Elisha (Md). Surgeon s- Mate Maryland Regiment, - - to November, 1783. Harrison, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 25th January, 1777 ; killed at Saratoga, 7th October, 1777. Harrison, John (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; regi ment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Harrison, John Peyton (Va). 1st Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 1776 ; Cap tain, 4th May, 1777 ; retired 12th Feb ruary, 1781. Harrison, Lawrence (Va). 2d Lieutenant 9th Virginia, , 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 3d October, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Harrison, Lovet (Va), Ensign 8th Virginia, 25th September, 1779, to . Harrison, Peyton (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 21st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th February, 1777 ; Cap tain, llth March, 1777, and served to - Harrison, Richard (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to . Harrison, Richard (N. C.). Major North Carolina Militia from to . Harrison, Robert Hanson (Va). Lieutenant 3d Virginia, September, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Washington, 5th November, 1775 ; Military Secretary to General Washington, 16th May, 1776, to 25th March, 1781. (Died 2d April, 1790.) Harrison, Valentine (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 28th Decem ber, 1776 ; retired 14th September, 1778 ; he is mentioned in 1779 as a Captain ; regiment not stated. Harrison, "William (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Veazy s Independent Mary land Company, 14th January, 1776; in Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, June, 1776 ; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. (Died , 1777.) Harrison, "William (N. J.). Major of Forman s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st May, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1778. Harrison, "William (N. C.). 3d Lieutenant 7th North Carolina, Jan uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, loth luly. 1777, and served to . Harrison, "William B. (Va). Cor net of Lee s Battalion of Light Dra goons, - , 1779, to close of war. (Died 28th February, 1835.) Hart, Anthony (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, 22d No vember, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hart, Benjamin ( ). Cornet and Regimental Quartermaster 3d Conti nental Dragoons, 26th July, 1778, to Hart, James (Mass). Adjutant of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, May tc December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant and Adjutant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hart, John (N. C.). 2d Lieutenant 6th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, to Hart, John (S. C.). Lieutenant 3d South Carolina, 28th February, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1870. Hart. Hart, John (Mass), Surgeon of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Surgeon 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re tained in Jackson s Regiment Conti nental Army, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 27th April, 1826.) Name also spelled Heart. Hart, John (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Selden s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to December, 1776 ; Captain of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 10th April, 1780. Hart, Josiah (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 6th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Surgeon 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hart, Oliver (S. C.). Surgeon s- Mate South Carolina Regiment, March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hart, Samuel (Conn). Lieutenant Cook s Regiment Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Still water,. 19th September, 1777. Hartley, Thomas (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 10th January, 1776; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments, 1st January, 1777 ; regi ment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778; resigned 13th February, 1779. (Died 21st December, 1800.) Hartshorn, Jedediah (Conn). Ser geant-Major 4th Connecticut, 25th November, 1777 ; Ensign, 25th Octo ber, 1778; resigned 12th January, 1779. Hartshorn, Jokn (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 27th May, 1778; Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant, 21st May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Hartshorn, Thomas (Mass). Ser geant in Bridge s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; En sign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 30th October, 1778; Captain, 26th July, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 6th May, 1819.) Hartwell, Isaac (Mass). Lieuten ant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; dismissed 30th November, 1777. (Died 12th June, 1831.) 212 Haskell. Hartwell, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 to . Harvey, Elisha (Mass). Sergeant in Kriox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 3d May to 10th December, 1776: 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 28th June, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 25th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died llth Feb ruary, 1821.) Harvey, Ithamar (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January. 1777 ; Captain, 1st January, 1778 ; re signed 20th June, 1779. Harvey, John (N. H.). Sergeant 3d New Hampshire, 22d February, 1777 ; Ensign 1st May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 12th May, 1781, and served to close of war. Harvey, Josiah (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Fellow s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June, 1775 ; Surgeon 4th Massachusetts, 1st April, 1778, to Harwood, Peter (Mass). Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain - Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; Major, 6th Massachusetts, 29th Sep tember, 1778 ; resigned 16th October, 1780. Harwood, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Cap tain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; resigned 10th June, 1777. Hasbrouck, Elias(N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776; served subsequently as Captain of Company of New York Rangers. Haskell, Andrew (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Haskell, Benjamin (Conn). Ser geant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Haskell, Elnathon (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Continental Infantry, 5th July to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 14th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st April, 1778; Brigade-Major, 12th May, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Howe, 2d Septem ber, 1782, to 3d November, 1783; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ;. retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Haskell. 213 Hawkins. Haskell, Henry (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted 1st July, 1779. Haskell, Jonathan (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 13th January, 1777 ; Lieutenant and Adjutant, 4th February, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, 3d November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784 ; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; resigned 5th December, 1793 ; Major 4th Sub Legion, 20th March, 1794 ; Adjutant- General and Inspector to the Army, 27th February to 1st August, 1796; honorably discharged, 1st November, 1796. (Died 13th December, 1814.) Haskins, Jacob (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 4th January, 1819.) Haskins, Nathan (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Haslet, John (Del). Colonel Dela ware Regiment, 19th January, 1776 ; killed at Princeton, 3d January, 1777. Hasleton, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Hastings, Abijah (Mass). Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Jariu- ury to 31st December, 1776. (Died 25th February, 1826.) Hastings, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, 30th June, 1775, to . Hastings, John (Mass). Served in the Army in 1775 ; Captain of Lee s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 20th May, 1777 ; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died 16th February, 1839.) Hastings, Walter (Mass). Sur geon of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Surgeon 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Hasty, William (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d April, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 25th June, 1779 ; resigned 18th March, 1780. (Died :23d December, 1831.) Hatch, Fisher (Mass). Sergeant llth Massachusetts, 13th July, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 18th October, 1778. Hatch, Joseph (N. Y.). Captain of Hoisirigton s Battalion of Rang ers, 6th August, 1776, to . Hatch, Nailer (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Hatfleld, Moses (N. Y.). Captain Company of Minute Men in 1775; Major of Drake s Regiment New York Militia, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Mon- tressor s Island, 24th September, 1776 ; exchanged in 1778 ; Colonel New York Militia in 1780 and 1781. Hathaway, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Walker s Massachu setts Regiment, June to December. 1775. (Died August, 1835.) Hatherston, Robert (Md). Lieu tenant 4th Maryland, 25th April, 1781, and served to . Hatton, Josiah (Ga). Lieutenant 3d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Haubecker, George (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant German Battalion, 25th Sep tember, 1776; resigned , 1777. Haussegger, Nicholas (Pa). Major 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 24th Jan uary, 1776; Colonel German Bat talion, 17th July, 1776; superseded 19th March, 1777, having deserted and joined the enemy. Havens, William (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 7th November, 1777. Haviland, Ebenezer (N. Y.). Sur geon 4th New York, 4th August, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Surgeon 4th New York, 27th April, 1776; Surgeon 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; died 28th June, 1778. Hawes, Samuel (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 19th February, 1776 ; Major 10th Virginia, 4th October, 1777 . Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st March, 1778 : regiment designated 6th Virginia 14th September, 1778; transferred to 5th Virginia, 1st January, 1783, and served to 13th November, "1783. Hawkins, Elijah (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 10th May, 1777; resigned 13th July, 1778. Hawkins. 214 Haynie, Hawkins, Henry (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 9th August, 1781 ; Lieutenant, February, 1783 ; retained in Maryland Battalion, April 1783, and served to November, 1783. Hawkins, John (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 20th February, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Hawkins, John (Va). Ensign and Adjutant 3d Virginia, 28th Decem ber, 1776; Lieutenant, llth Septem ber, 1777, and served to . (Was in service April, 1780.) Hawkins, Moses (Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777 ; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Hawkins, Nathaniel (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served "subsequently as Major and Lieutenant-Colonel Rhode Island Militia. Hawkins, Reuben (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, March, 1777, to . Hawkins, William Adrian (N.H.). Sergeant of Reed s New Hampshire Regiment, May, 1775 ; Ensign, June to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; Captain, 22d May, 1779; resigned 5th July, 1780. Hawks, William (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant of Lee s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth January, 1777 ; cashiered, llth November, 1778. Hawley, Gideon (Conn). Private 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th April, 1777 ; Corporal, 16th September, 1777; Sergeant, 7th January, 1778; Quarter master-Sergeant, 5th September, 1778; Cornet, 14th June, 1781, and served to close of war. Hay, Joseph (Va). Surgeon Vir ginia State troops, 1779 to 1781. Hay, Patrick (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Cunningham s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; discharged September, 1776. Hay, Samuel (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; Major 7th Pennsylvania, 5th October, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 10th Pennsylvania, 21st February, 1778 ; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died December, 1803.) Hay, Udney (Pa). Assistant Dep uty Quartermaster-General, 30th July, 1776 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel and Assistant Deputy Quartermaster- General, 9th January, 1777 ; dis charged 29th May, 1778 ; served sub sequently as Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General to close of war. (Died , 1806.) Hay, William (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel of Cunningham s Pennsyl vania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Hayden, Thomas (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant-Major 8th Connecticut, llth August to 16th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 17th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776; Regimental Adjutant, 20th October to 31st De cember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 8th April, 1777; re signed 15th April, 1778 ; served subse quently in 1781 and 1782 as Lieuten ant Connecticut Militia. (Died 28th November, 1817.) Hayes, Samuel (N. J.). Major New Jersey State troops ; taken pris oner, September, 1780, at . Hayes, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of a Virginia State regiment, - October, 1778, to January, 1781. Haymond, Owen (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 10th October, 1777, to . Hayne, Ezekiel (Md). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Maryland, 1st August, 1779 ; Surgeon 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war; name also spelled Haynie. Hayne, Isaac (S. C.). Colonel South Carolina Militia, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and paroled ; taken prisoner at Horse Shoe, S. C., in July, 1781, and was executed by the British at Charleston, 4th August, 1781. Haynes, Aaron (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; supernumerary, 8th April, 1779; name also spelled Haines. Haynie, Ezekiel. See Hayne. Haynie. 215 Heart, Haynie, Holland (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 30th November, 1777, and served to June, 1783. Hays, Andrew (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, loth February, 1781, to . Hays, Arthur (Gfa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Georgia, 1st October, 1777. to - Hays, John (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; died 3d November, 1777, of wounds received at Gfermantown, 4th October, 1777. Hays, John (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 16th March, 1776; Major, 3d Virginia, ; retired 12th Feb ruary, 1781. Hays, Robert (N. C.). Ensign 4th North Carolina, 16th August, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; trans ferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hays, Robert (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hayward, Abner (Mass). 2d Lieu" tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental In- fanty, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain 19th September, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hayward, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Captain Isaac Davis Com pany Massachusetts Minute Men at Concord, 19th April, 1775; 2d Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Mas sachusetts Militia. (Died 13th Feb ruary, 1825.) Hayward, Thomas (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 16th April, 1777 ; re signed 14th November, 1777. Haywood, Seth (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Hazen, Moses (Canada). Was a Lieutenant in the British Army, on half pay when appointed Colonel 2d Canadian Regiment, 22d January, 1776 ; brevet Brigader-General, 29th June, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 3d February, 1803.) Hazleton, Simeon (Mass). Cap tain of Fellows 1 Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Hazlett, Samuel (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant, 3d New Jersey, 7th Febru ary, 1776 ; resigned 19th July, 1776. Hazzard, Cord (Del). 1st Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 30th No vember, 1776; Captain, 5th April, 1777 ; resigned 27th January, 1778. Hazzard, Jonathan J. (R. I.). Ad jutant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; resigned in 1778. (Died, 1812.) Hazzard, Samuel (N. Y.). Lieu tenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 23d January, 1777 ; resigned 25th Decem ber, 1777. Hazzard, "William (S. C.). Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 24th November. 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Heacock, Daniel (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 17th Oc tober, 1775. Head, Richard M. (S. C.). Cornet of Dragoons Armand s Legion, 1779 and 1780. (Died 15th May, 1827.) Heald, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Healey, Martin ( Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779, to . Healey, Nathaniel (Mass). Cap tain of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Heard, James (N. J.). Cornet of Lee s Continental Dragoons, Pulaski Legion, 1st April, 1779; Lieutenant and Regimental Paymaster, 1st Feb ruary, 1780 ; Captain, March, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 26th March, 1831.) Heard, Jethro (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned 8th May, 1777. Heard, John (N. J.). Lieutenant 4th Continental Dragoons, 20th Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain 8th February, 1778, and served to close of war. Heard, Nathaniel (N. J.). Colo nel New Jersey Militia, November, 1775, to February, 1777; Brigadier- General New Jersey Militia, 1st Feb ruary, 1777, to close of war. Heart, John (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, February, 1779 ; Ensign, 1st August, 1780; Brigade Quarter master, 4th August, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. Heart. Heart, Jonathan (Conn). Served as a volunteer with 2d Connecticut, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Adjutant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779 ; Cap tain, 1st May, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Bri gade-Major and Inspector, 2d Janu ary, 1781, to June, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Battalion in June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783; Captain United States In fantry Regiment. 9th June, 1785 ; Cap tain 1st United States Infantry, 29th September, 1789; Major 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791; killed 4th November, 1791, in action with Indians at St. Glair s defeat, near Fort Recovery, Ohio. Heart, Selah (Conn). Lieutenant- Colonel of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776; taken prisoner 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York ; exchanged March, 1777; Brigaider-General Con necticut Militia, 1779, to close of war. Heath, Peleg- (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 1st November, 1775, to June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieuten ant, 1st July, 1779 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Heath, "William (Mass). Major- General Massachusetts Militia, ; at Lexington and Concord, 19th April, 1775; Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; also Major- General Massachusetts Militia, 20th June, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Conti nental Army, 22d June, 1775 ; Major- General, 9th August, 1776, and served to close of war. (Died 24th January, 1814.) Heatley, William (S.C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Hedrick, Adolph William (Pa). Captain llth Pennsylvania, 13th No vember, 1776; retired 1st July, 1778. Heer, Bartholomew, Von. See Von Heer. Heimburg, Frederick (N.C.). Sur geon 1st North Carolina, 13th May, 1778, to . Hellen, John (Md). 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Helm, Christian (Pa). Ensign German Battalion, 12th July, 1776; omitted in 1778. 216 Henderson. Helm, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776, exchanged 26th August, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Helm, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 8th March, 1776 ; re signed 29th November, 1777. Helms, Robert (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 10th March, 1777, to . Helms, William (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 7th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th February, 1777 ; Captain, 1st December, 1777; trans ferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Bat talion, April, 1783 ; brevet-Major, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died , 1813.) Helphenstine, Peter (Va). Major 8th Virginia, 1st March, 1776; died October, 1776. Hender, Thomas (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 17th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washing ton, 16th November, 1776. Henderson, Alexander ( ). Captain and Deputy Commissary of Military Stores, 10th September, 1777; resigned 3d July, 1779. Henderson, Andrew (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 4th July, 1779; Lieutenant, 29th July, 1781 ; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783 ; Ensign United States Infantry Regi ment, 12th August, 1784 ; resigned 21st October, 1784. Henderson, G-ustavus. See John Rose. Henderson, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th Octo ber, 1776 ; transferred to 3d Pennsyl vania, 1st July, 1778 ; Captain- Lieu tenant, July, 1778 ; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; resigned llth December, 1781. Henderson, John (Pa). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 20th January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, July, 1778 ; omitted September, 1778. Henderson, Matthew (Pa). Cap tain 9th Pennsylvania, 14th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Henderson, Thomas (N. J.). Ma jor New Jersey Militia in 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel of Forman s Addi- Henderson. 217 Hen-ry. tional Continental Regiment, 12th January, 1777; omitted October, 1777. ( Died 15th December, 1824. ) Henderson, William (Pa). Lieu- tanant and Regimental Paymaster 4th Continental Dragoons, 22d Feb ruary, 1777 ; resigned 81st May, 1780. Henderson, William (S.C.). Lieu tenant-Colonel 3d South Carolina, 16th September, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; ex changed November, 1780 ; transferred to 1st South Carolina, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of war. Henderson, William (Va). 1st Lieutenant 9th Virginia, llth March, 1776 ; Captain, 4th January, 1777 ; re signed 30th May, 1778. Henderson, William (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 9th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777 ; Captain, 16th May, 1778; retired 1st January, 1783. Hendrick, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1777, to . Hendrick, Peter (Conn). Lieuten ant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 5th December, 1775. Hendricks, James (Va). Major 6th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Virginia, 13th August, 1776 ; Colonel 1st Virginia, 29th September, 1777, and served to 10th February, 1778. (Supposed to have resigned.) Hendricks, "William (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; killed at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Hendrickson, G-aretson (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant New Jersey Militia, 25th September, 1777; wounded at Middletown, New Jersey, 12th June, 1780. (Died 21st December, 1801.) Hendrickson, Daniel (N. J.). Col onel 3d New Jersey Militia Regiment, 9th July, 1776 ; taken prisoner, 9th June, 1779, at . Hendry, Samuel (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 27th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th February, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st January, 1779 ; Captain, 5th July, 1779 ; re tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783. and served to 3d November, 1783! (Died 15th October, 1823.) Henly, David (Mass). Appointed Brigade-Major to General Heath, 15th August, 1775; Deputy Adjutant-Gen eral for General Spencer, 6th Septem ber, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776 ; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Addi tional Continental Regiments, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. (Died 1st January, 1823.) Henly, Henry (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 2d July, 1779; Lieuten ant, 17th April, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Henly, George. See Handley. Henly, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant of Henly s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st April, 1777 ; transferred to loth Mass achusetts, 2 Jd April, 1779 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 3d February, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; Captain, 9th August, 1781; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 3d May, 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Henly, Thomas (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, August, 1775; Adjutant of Knox s Continental Artillery Regi ment, 15th December, 1775; Major and Aide-de-Carnp to General Heath, 13th August, 1776; killed at Mon- tressor s Island, 24th September, 1776. Hennion, Cornelius (N. J.). En sign 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 19th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st November, , 1777 ; se verely wounded at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1778. (Died 28th March, 1800.) Henry, Ja/mes (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 25th March, 1778. Henry, James (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th September, 1776 ; Captain 5th Mary land, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 25th January, 1777. Henry, John (Pa). Volunteer in Canadian Campaign ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; Cor net 1st Continental Dragoons, to rank from 14th June, 1776; Lieutenant, 24th December, 1776; resigned 20th Febru ary, 1777, haying been appointed Cap tain 1st Continental Artillery, to rank from 7th February, 1777; resigned 27th August, 1778, Henry. 218 Heth, Henry, Malcolm (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Henry, Nathaniel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Nicholson s New York Mili tia Regiment, June to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; wounded at Peekskill, 22d March, 1777; resigned 5th April, 1781. (Died 14th June, 1824.) Henry, Patrick (Va). Colonel and Commander-in-Chief of the Virginia forces, September, 1775 ; resigned 28th February, 1776 ; Colonel 1st Virginia, 13th February, 1776, which he de clined. (Died 6th June, 1799.) Henry, Robert R. (N. H.). Hospi tal Surgeon s- Mate, 17th March, 1777; Surgeon 2d New Hampshire, 24th Oc tober, 1779 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Henshaw, Benjamin (Conn). En sign of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 7th January, 1778. Henshaw, William (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Minute Men, 19th April to 16th June, 1775; Colonel Adjutant-General, 27th June to 3d July, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 20th Feb ruary, 1820.) Henshaw, "William (Conn). En sign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st Sep tember, 1778, to 1st January, 1783 ; 1st Lieutenant 20th July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Herbert, Stewart( Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st May, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 9th January, 1778; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; wounded at Springfield, 23d June, 1780 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Green Springs, Va., 6th July, 1781; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783; Lieutenant and Adjutant United States Infantry Regiment, 12th August, 1784; resigned September, 1785. Herbert, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 1st Virginia, 25th February, 1776 ; Captain Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 15th March, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged, November, 1776 ; transferred to 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; resigned 12th Feb ruary, 1777. Heritage, John (N. C.). Lieuten ant 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775 ; Captain, 3d May, 1776 ; re signed 15th May, 1777. Herkimer, Nicholas (N.Y.). Briga dier-General, New York Militia, ; wounded at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777, and died of his wounds, 16th August, 1777. Herman, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Herndon, Reuben (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 7th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th April, 1776 T and served to . Heron, James G-. (N. J.). Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, July, 1776 ; Captain, 8th April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Staten Island, 22d August, 1777 ; resigned July, 1780. Herrick, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Herrick, Martin (Mass). Sergeant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon s Mate Continental Infantry, March to December, 1776 ; Surgeon in Navy, 1778 to 1782. (Died 25th July, 1820.) Herrick, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Herrick, Rufus (N. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to- May, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel New York Militia. Herring-, Benjamin (N. Y.). Ser geant 3d New York, 7th January, 1777; Ensign 28th May, 1778; trans ferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Herrington, Ebenezer (Mass). Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1778. Heth, Henry (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, October, 1778, to January, 1781. Heth, John (Va). Ensign 2d Vir ginia, 8th March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; ex changed, July, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 26th May, 1781, and served to close of war. Heth, William (Va). Appears to have been in service from june, 1775; Major llth Virginia,, 13th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Virginia, 1st April, 1777; Colonel 3d Virginia, 30th April, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; on parole until retired 12th February, 1781. Hewin. Hewin, Elijah (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, June to Septem ber, 1775. Hewitt, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; omitted June, 1779. Hewitt, Reuben (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to May, 1777. Hewitt, Richard (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hewitt, Thomas (Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777, to Hext, William (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, January, 1777; Captain, 1st May, 1778; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779, and served to . (Was in service, Feb ruary, 1781.) Heyser, William (Pa). Captain German Battalion, 25th September, 1776 ; resigned 21st May, 1778. Hey ward, Thomas (S. C.). Was a signer of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Captain South Carolina Artillery Company in 1779; wounded at Beaufort, 9th February, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; released April, 1781. (Died 6th March, 1809.) Heywood, Benjamin (Mass). Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776; Regimental Paymaster, 14th September, 1776 ; Lie utenant and Paymaster 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 10th April, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 6th December, 1816.) Hibbard, Augustine (X. H.). Chaplain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 21st January to August, 1776 ; Chaplain 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776, to June, 1777. Hibbard, Thomas (N. H.). Adju tant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 15th June to Decem ber, 1775, and again of same, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776; exchanged, December, 1776 ; Lieutenant and Adjutant of Bedel s New Hampshire Regiment, December, 1777, to Janu ary, 1779. 219 Hiester. Hickling, William (Mass). Pay master 7th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 30th September, 1778. Hickman, Ezekiel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, July, 1776, and served to . Hickock, Samuel(Conn). Sergeant- Major 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, 1st September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1779 ; resigned 3d April, 1780. Hickox, Benjamin (N. H.). Lieu tenant of Bald win. s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 20th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; cashiered, 20th June, 1777. Deserted to the Hicks, Benjamin (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; to rank from 16th February, 1776, and served to 3d June, 1783. Hicks, Isaac (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia, July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779 ; did not rejoin regiment after release in fall of 1779. Hicks, Jacob Giles (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th October, 1777; transferred to 10th Pennsyl vania, 1st July, 1778 ; Captain-Lieu tenant, 1st MaVch, 1780 ; resigned 6th March, 1781. Hicks, Samuel (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; resigned 21st Febru ary, 1778. Hicks, Thomas (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; deserted 2d December, 1777. Hide, Ebenezer (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 5th July, 1776, to . Hide, Jedediah (Conn). Quar termaster-Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777, to 1st January, 1780 ; Conductor of Military Stores, 1st January to 20th July, 1780. Hide, Jedediah (Connj. Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775. Hiester, Daniel (Pa). Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, 27th May, 1782, to close of war. (Died 7th March, 1804.) Hiester. 220 Hill. Hiester, Joseph (Pa). Captain of Lutz s BattalionPennsylvania Militia, -; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 9th De cember, 1776. (Died 10th June, 1832.) Higgins, Cornelius (Conn). Ser geant 8th Connecticut, 9th July, to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged, 8th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 17th March, 1778 ; re signed 16th August, 1779 Biggins, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 22d March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d March, 1777 , Captain, February, 1778 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Higgins, John (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, llth Decem ber, 1775 ; died 12th July, 1776. Higgins, Joseph (Conn). Sur- feon s-Mate 5th Connecticut, 1st une, 1779 ;. transferred to 1st Connec ticut 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Higgins, Peter (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 9th March, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 4th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 23d September, 1779, and served to close of war. Higgins, Robert (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 12th March, 1776 ; Captain, 1st March, 1777 ; was a pris oner in September, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Virginia 12th February, 1781, and served to . Higgins, Sylvanus (Conn). Pri vate 8th Connecticut, 9th July to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 1st Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 30th November, 1777. Higgins, William (Conn). Private 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 21st De cember, 1775 ; Quartermaster-Ser geant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign and Regimental Quar termaster, 23d July, 1777, to June, 1783 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th November, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, aud served to 3d June, 1783. Hildreth, William (Mass). Ser geant 8th Massachusetts, 16th May, 1777; Ensign, 18th October, 1779; Lieutenant, 14th September, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. Hill, - ). Colonel, -; wounded at Hanging Rock, 6th Au gust, 1780. Hill, Aaron (Mass). Ensign of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 26th April, 1777 ; resigned 14th Janu ary, 1778; Surgeon VMate, 5th Massa chusetts, 1st September, 1778; resigned 4th January, 1779. Hill, Baylor (Va). Cornet 1st Con tinental Dragoons, 4th December, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 1777 ; Captain, , 1780 ; served to January, 1783. Hill, Charles (N. H.). Ensign of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776 ; exchanged in December, 1776 ; Lieu tenant of Bedel s New Hampshire Regiment, 15th December, 1777, to January, 1779. Hill, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 14th February, 1778* Hill, Ebenezer (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, March to No vember, 1776. Hill, Henry (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 20th June, 1779. Hill, James (Mass). Lieutenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st October, 1778. Hill, Jeremiah (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; re signed 4th November, 1777. (Died llth June, 1820.) Hill, Jeremiah (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Henley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 23d June, 1777; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th October, 1779, regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 16th July, 1801.) Hill, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Hill, Philip (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; trans ferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Hill. Hill, Richard (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th Octo ber, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1779. Hill, Squire (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775. Hill, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieutenant 7th Virginia, 7th February, 1776 ; Captain, 13th November, 1776 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; Major, 4th July, 1779 ; re tired 12th February, 1781. Hill, William (N. C.). Lieutenant 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Hill, William (Md). Lieutenant 2d Maryland, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; released on parole 30th December, 1780. Hillary, Christopher (Ga). 2d Lieutenant of a Georgia Regiment, 1st August, 1778, to . Hillary, Rig-rial (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 15th July, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died November, 1783.) Hiller, Jacob (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Hilliard, Joseph (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1775; discharged 10th December, 1775. Hilliard, Zebulon (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Hills, Ebenezer (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 27th De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Cap tain, 1st September, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 13th Septem ber, 1780 ; honorably discharged 23d April, 1783. Hillyer, Andrew (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; Regimental Adjutant, 28th August, 1775 ; discharged 10th De cember. 1775. Hilton, Eliakim (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st, January, 1777 ; resigned August, 1778. Hilton, Joseph (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater, 7th October, 1777; retired 1st Sep tember, 1778. (Died 26th November, 1826.) Hilton, William (N. C.). Lieu tenant North Carolina ; killed at Stony Point, 15th July, 1779. 221 Hitchcock. Hinckley, Ichabod (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Lieutenant of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Hindman, Edward (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Hindman s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, April, 1776; Captain 3d Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned September, 1777. Hindman, James (Md). Captain Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776"; Lieutenant-Col onel 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 4th April, 1777. Hindman, John (Md). Surgeon 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, 17th August to 1st December, 1776. Hinds, Bartlett (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 10th March, 1780 ; resigned 12th September, 1780. Hinds, Jacob (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Hines, Andrew (Md). Captain 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to Hinman, Benjamin (Conn). Col onel 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; subsequently Col onel Connecticut Militia. (Died 22d March. 1810.) Hinman, David (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775. Hinmaii, Joel (Conn). Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long island, 27th August, 1776. Hitchcock, Asahel (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Hitchcock, Daniel (R. I.). Colonel Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Colonel llth Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; died 13th January, 1777. Hitchcock, Enos (Mass). Chaplain 3d Continental Infantry, 13th March to 31st December, 1776 ; Chaplain 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Brigade Chaplain of Paterson s Mas sachusetts Brigade, % 27th August, 1778, to close of war. (Died 27th Feb ruary, 1803.) Hitchcock. 222 Hockaday. Hitchcock, Gad (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regi ment, 30th June, to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Surgeon Mas sachusetts Militia. Hitchcock, John (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Eliuore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; cashiered, 27th August, 1776. Hitchcock, Lemuel (Conn). En sign of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th March, 1778 ; resigned 19th May, 1779. (Died 27th February, 1803.) Hitchcock, Luke (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 5th July, 1779; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; killed in a duel with Lieutenant Stone at West Point, New York, 21st February, 1782. Hitchcock, Lyman (Conn). 2d Lieutenant of Elmo-re s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777 ; Major of New York Lev ies in 1780. (Died 15th February, 1819.) Kite, Abraham (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Virginia, loth November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th February, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, May, 1778 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st January, 1779; Cap tain, 4th April, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; pris oner on parole to close of war. Hite, Isaac (Va). Ensign 8th Vir ginia, 1st July, 1780 ; Lieutenant , 1782, and served to close of war. Hite, George (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 10th September, 1780; transferred to 3d Continental Dra goons, August, 1782 ; Lieutenant, Oc tober, 1782, and served to close of war. Hite, Joseph (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 10th September, 1778; Lieutenant, 1779 ; resigned ^th Janu ary, 1780. Hite, Matthias (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1776 ; Captain, , 1777 ; resigned 7th May, 1778. (Died 9th January, 1823.) Hiwell, John (Mass). Sergeant in Knox s. Regiment Continental Artil lery, December, 1775, to December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 22d February, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Hoar, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Hoard, . See Hord, as names are spelled both ways. Hoare, Samuel (Mass). Lieuten ant of a Company of Minute Men at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Hobart, David (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia. Hobart, Jonn (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st March, 1777, 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 21st March, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th May, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hobart, Peter (Mass). 1st Lieu- tenam 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Hobb, Josiah (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant of a South Carolina Regiment, 15th July, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton; 12th May, 1780, Hobby, David (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 28th March, to Novem ber, 1776 , served subsequently as Major New York Militia, - ; pris oner of war, 3d September, to 22d Oc tober, 1781. Hobby, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 24th April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachu setts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 24th July, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massashusetts, 3d May, 1782 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, 3d November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died , 1802.) Hobby, Thomas (Conn). Major 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th De cember, 1775; wounded near St. John s, Canada, 6th September, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel of Bradley s Regiment Connecticut Militia, May, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Hobson, Joseph (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th November, 1776 ; re signed 20th May, 1778. Hobson, Nicholas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776 ; Captain, 19th June, 1776, and served to . Hockaday, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 10th March, 1776; Captain, 6th January, 1777; resigned 16th February, 1778. Hockaday. Hockaday, Philip (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 2d February, 1777 ; resigned 23d July, 1777. Hockaday, William H. (Va). 2d Lieutenant Gth Virginia, llth March, 1776, to - Hodgdon, Samuel (Pa). Commis sary of Military Stores, 1st February, 1777 ; Deputy Commissary-General of Military Stores, llth February, 1778 ; Commissary-General of Military Stores, 10th July, 1781, and continued in service to 20th June, 1784 ; Quar termaster United States Army, 4th March, 1791 ; superseded 12th April, 1792, Hodge, Asahel (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 16th January, 1778 ; Regimental Adjutant, 24th May, 1778 ; Captain, 28th Octo ber, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Hodge, Hugh (Pa). Surgeon 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 7th Febru ary, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Hodgkins, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; Captain 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted July, 1779. Hoevenburgh, Rudolph Van. See Van Hoevenburgh. Hoey, Benjamin (Pa). Lieutenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st August, 1780, and served to March, 1781. Homer, William (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 9th Janu ary, 1777, to October, 1779. Hoffman, Michael (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania, 28th May, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st October, 1779 ; died 18th July, 1780. Hoffman, Philip (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 16th March, 1777: 2d Lieu tenant, 2d November, 1777 ; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th March, 1779, to ; in service March, 1781. (Name also spelled Huffman.) Hoffman, Valentine (Pa). Captain- Lieutenant of Flower s Artillery Arti- iicer Regiment, 12th February", 1777 ; deserted 16th April, 1777. Hoffner, George (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 4th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, 223 Hoit. llth November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 3d Continental Artillery, 14th April, 1777 ; resigned 14th Febru ary, 1780. Hogan, -). Captain, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Hogan, James (N. C.). Major Georgia Militia, May, 1776 ; Colonel 7th North Carolina, 26th November, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 9th January, 1779 ; taken pris oner* at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and died 4th January, 1781, while a prisoner. Hogan, Philip ( ). Hospital Phy sician and Surgeon, October, 1780, to Hoge, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Isle aux Noix, 24th June, 1776; exchanged 20th April, 1778. (Died 4th August, 1824.) Hogenbach, Henry (Pa). Captain of Kachlein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776. Hogg, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th December, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged June, 1781; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war. Hogg, Thomas (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775 ; Captain, 10th April, 1776 ; Major 5th North Carolina, 19th September, 1777; transferred to 3d North Carolina, July, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Hoisington, Joab (N. Y.). Major Commandant Battalion of Rangers, 6th August, 1776, to 1st January 1781. Hoit, Micah (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777; furloughed 30th April, 1779, and did not return to service. Hoit, Nathan (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st June, 1778, to loth September, 1780; Lieu tenant, 28th October, 1778; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781 ; retired March, 1782. (Died 6th January, 1820.) Hoit. 224: Holdridg-e Hoit, Stephen (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d ^pril, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th June to December, 1775. Holbrook, Amos (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Surgeon, -- May to 31st December, 1776. (Died July, 1842.) Holbrook, Benjamin (X. H.). En sign of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, January, 177C ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Holbrook, David (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 14th April, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 13th January, 1834.) Holbrook, Ichabod (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 16th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 31st March, 1823.) Holbrook, Nathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, July, 1779; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 8th September, 1819.) Holbrook, Silas (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 13th Massachusetts, October, 1778, to . Holcomb, Benjamin (Conn). En sign of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Holcomb, Timothy (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775. Holcombe, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 19th February, 1776; Captain, 1st January, 1777, to 25th March, 1779. (Name also spelled Hal- comb.) Hold., Joseph (Va). 1st Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 12th January, 1777 ; re signed 1st April, 1778. Holden, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner at Cherry Valley, 10th November, 1778 ; Captain, - , 1780 ; was a prisoner when retired, 1st January, 1781. - (Died , 1810.) Kolden, Abel (Mass). Adjutant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant and Adjutant 4th Continental In fantry. 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777. and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 2d August, 1818.) Holden, Benjamin (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Doolittle s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Holden, Charles (R. I.). Paymas ter 2d Rhode Island, 1st January^ 1777, to . Holden, Isaac (R. I.) 1st Lieuten ant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . ^ Holden, John (R. I.). Ensign of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 1st May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 10th October, 1777, and served to close of war. Holden, John (Mass). Adjutant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Cap tain-Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 6th March, 1779; resigned 13th April, 1780. Holden, John (Mass). Private and Sergeant in Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant 13th Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776; Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 13th April, 1780; trans ferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, arid served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 13th March, 1828.) Holden, Levi (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ;2d Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 6th March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 19th April, 1823.) Holden, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Holden, Thomas (R. I.). Captain of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, May to December, 1775, and served subsequently as Brigadier-General Rhode Island Militia. Holder, John (Va). Ensign 2d Vir ginia, 27th November, 1775 ; Lieu tenant, , 1776. (In service April, 1777.) Holdridge, Hezekiah (Conn). Pri vate in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 Captain 22d Continental Infantry,. 1st January, 1776 ; Major, 3d Septeui- Holdridge. 225 Holmes ber, 1776; Major 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Connecticut, 25th May, 1778 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Holdridge, John (Mass). Sergeant 3d Massachusetts, 20th December, 1776. Ensign, 26th November, 1777; Lieutenant, 8th May, 1782, arid served to 3d June, 1783. Hole, - - (Pa). Surgeon s-Mate 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, March, 1776, to . Holland, George (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4tb October, 1777; transferred to 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, arid served to . (Was in service, January, 1780.) Holland, Ivory (Mass). Private Company of Minute Men, May to De cember, 1775; Sergeant in Holmes New York Regiment, January to De cember, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 2d April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, llth November, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 25th, April, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Holland, Park (Mass). Private in Holmari s Regiment in 1776 ; Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 7th November, 1777; Lieutenant, 18th October. 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 21st May, 1844.) Holland, Thomas (Del). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; resigned 15th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 25th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant and Adjutant, August, 1776 ; Captain, 4th December, 1776 ; died 13th October, 1777, of wounds received 4th October, 1777, at Grermantown. Hollenbeck, Daniel (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, December, 1776 ; re signed August, 1777. Hollenbeck, John (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 18th March, 1780. Hollenbeck,Matthew(Conn). Eii- sign of Ransom s Wyoming Valley Company, 26th August, 1776 ; retired 27th July, 1778. Holliday, Clement (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Holliday, James (Pa). Ensign 1st Continental Infantry, 16th February to 31st December. 1776 : 3d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Holliday, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 25th Septem ber, 1776 ; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, January, 1777; to rank from 25th September, 1776 ; resigned 8th De cember, 1778. (Died 19th August, 1823.) Holling-shead, John (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 27th No vember, 1775 ; Captain, 30th Novem ber, 1776 ; Major 3d New Jersey, 7th April, 1779 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 20th November, 1781. Hollis, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Hollister, Jesse (Mass). Sergeant 15th Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 12th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 6th January, 1780; Captain, 21st March, 1782; transferred to 4th Massa chusetts, 1st January, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 19th Janu ary, 1831.) Hollister, John (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 22d March, 1777. Holloway, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 29th November, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Holloway, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Holman, Edward (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Holman, Jonathan (Mass). Major of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Holman, William Jr. (Va). En sign 9th Virginia, 13th March, 1776, to . Holmer, Christian (Va). Sergeant of Artillery, June, 1775, to May, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant of Artillery, May, 1776; Major 1st Continental Artillery, 30th November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Holmes, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Militia. ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Holmes, Benjamin (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 29th September, 1775, 1st Lieutenant, May, 1776 ; Captain, 24th April, 1778 retired 14th September, 1778. (Name also spelled Hoomes.) 15 Holmes. Holmes, David (Conn). Surgeon 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; died 20th March, 1779. Holmes, David (Va). Surgeon 9th Virginia, 5th May, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Holmes, David (Pa). Ensign of Wilson s Battalion to guard stores at Carlisle, Pa., 20th October, 1777, to June, 1778. Holmes, Eliphalet (Conn). Cap tain in Selderi s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to December, 1776; Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 22d August, 1780. Holmes, Elisha (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th Febru ary, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Holmes, Hugh (R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 15th March, 1777; resigned 10th July, 1778. Holmes, Isaac (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia State Regiment, 2d Septem ber, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, loth Sep tember, 1778, and served to January, 1781. Holmes, James (N. J.). Captain 4th New Jersey, 23d November, 1776 ; resigned 17th March, 1778. Holmes, James (N. J.). Surgeon 2d New Jersey, 20th December, 1775, to November, 1776. Served subse quently as Surgeon New Jersey Mi litia. Holmes, James (N. Y.). Colonel 4th New York, 30th June, 1775, and served to December, 1775, when he re newed his obligations to Great Britain. Holmes, James (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; resigned 31st December, 1776. Holmes, James (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 25th January, 1776, to . Holmes, John (Ga). Chaplain 1st Georgia, 16th February, 1776, to . Holmes, John (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th November, 1776; Captain, 1st February, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. Holmes, Jonathan (N. J.). Ensign in Forman s New Jersey Regiment, June to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 1st June, 1777 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st 226 Holt. July, 1778 ; Captain, 16th April, 1780, and served to April, 1783. Holmes, Lemuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 15th Octo ber, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 8th November, 1778. Holmes, Silas (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Surgeon s-Mate 17th Continental Infantry. 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Is land, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged January, 1777. Holmes, Uriel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Holmes, William (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776; Captain, 1st December, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Holt, James (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 15th March, 1778 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st April, 1778; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Char leston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Holt, James (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; died llth May, 1777. Holt, John Hunter (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 29th September, 1778, to January, 1781. Holt, Joseph (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 23d February, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 16th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 6th January, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1778. Holt, Silas (Conn). Private 3d Connecticut, 6th May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 : Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 13th January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th January, 1780; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Holt, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 9th August, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Holt, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, 12th March, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transfer red to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Holt. 227 Hopes. Holt, Thomas (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, loth June, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 4th October, 1777, to . Holton, Jonathan (X. H.). Lieu tenant of Nichols Regiment New Hampshire Militia, ; wounded at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Holton, "William ( ). Volun teer, ; wounded and taken pris oner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Holtzendqrf, Louis Casimer de (France.) Lieutenant-Colonel Conti nental Army, 20th November, 1776 ; resigned 31st January, 1778. Homans, John (Mass). Surgeon 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Surgeon 2d Continental Dragoons, 18th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 4th August, 1881. (Died 13th June, 1800.) Homes, Thomas C. See Hoomes. Honeyman, William (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, 15th January, 1777 ; wounded at Iron Hill, 3d September, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment 1st July, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Honeywell, Richard. See Hun- newell. Hood, Edward (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778, Hood, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775, to . Hood, William (Pa). Ensign of Calderwood s Independent Pennsyl vania Company, 23d January, 1777, to . Hooe, Seymour (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 29th September, 1775, to , Hooghkerk, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 21st March, 1776 ; resigned 13th Janu ary, 1779. Name also spelled Hough- kirk. Hoogland, Jeronimus (N. Y 7 .). Lieutenant and Adjutant of Lasher s New York Militia Regiment, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged, Janu ary, 1777; Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d Continental Dragoons, 7th Oc tober, 1777, Captain, 20th November, 1778, and served to close of war. Hook, James (Va). Captain 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776; re signed 21st April, 1778. (Died 23d Jan uary, 1824.) Hooker, Noadiah (Conn). Cap tain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775; Captain of Wolcott s Connecticut State Regiment, Decem ber, 1775, to November, 1776 ; served subsequently as Colonel Connecticut Militia. Hooker, Roger (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 4th May to 18th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, to . 1st December, 1776 ; Brigade- Major Connecticut Militia in 1781, Hooker, Zibeon (Mass). Drummer of Company of Minute Men at Bunker Hill, in June, 1775 ; Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth April, 1780, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 24th December, 1840.) Hoomes, Benjamin See Holmes. Hoomes, Thomas C. (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia State Regi ment, 2d May, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 21st August, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1779 ; died 13th August, 1779, (Name also spelled Holmes and Homes.) Hooper, Adam (Md). Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 16th March, 1781, to Hooper, Henry (Md). Brigadier- General Maryland Militia, 6th Janu ary, 1776, to . Hooper, John (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775. Hooper, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 29th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant October, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Hoops, Adam (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland, 10th December. 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 15th October, 1777; Captain, 15th October, 1779; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th Aug ust, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and was a prisoner on parole to close of war. Hoops, Robert ( ). Deputy Commissary-General of Issues, 1st July, 1777; resigned 6th August, 1777. Hopes, Robert (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Janu ary, 1776 ; w r ounded at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776 ; Regimental Quarter master, 17th October, 1776; Captain of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777 ; killed at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. (Is not this the same as the one above? Name also spelled Hoops.) Hopewell. Hopewell, William (Md). Major 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Hopkins, Benjamin (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d May, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Hopkins, Charles (Conn). Adju tant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; ex changed, 9th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 23d February, 1779. Hopkins, Christopher (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master, llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 81st December, 1776. Hopkins, David (Va). Captain 4th Continental Dragoons, 21st Janu ary, 1777; Major 1st Continental Dra goons, , 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 4th March, 1824.) Hopkins, Elisha (Conn). Sergeant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant, May, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; ex changed 8th December, 1776 ; Lieu tenant and Adjutant of Webb s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; taken prisoner on the Ex- E edition to Long Island, 10th Decem- er, 1777 ; exchanged 17th December, 1780; Captain, 10th October, 1778; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Hopkins, John ( ). Assistant Deputy Quartermaster-General, 14th July, 1777, to . Hopkins, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Hopkins, Samuel (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 26th February, 1776 ; Major, 29th November, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 14th Virginia, 19th June, 1778 ; Regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died Octo ber, 1819.) Hopkins, Stephen (R.I. ). 1st Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. 228 Horry.. Hopkins, Wait (N. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775; Captain of Warner s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 5th July, 1776; killed near Stony Point, 15th July, 1779. Hopper, John (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 21st June, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Hopper, Jonathan (N. J.). Cap tain New Jersey Militia, - ; mur dered by Tories at New Barbadoes, N. J., 21st April, 1779. Hoppin, Benjamin (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, loth January, 1776 ; Captain of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to February, 1777. Hopson, Joseph (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, - ; resigned 26th May, 1778. Hopson, Linus (Conn). Sergeant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 10th January, 1777; Lieuten ant, 13th August, 1778, and served to Hord, James (Va). Ensign 7th Vir ginia, 13th February, 1777; resigned 7th March, 1778, and served subse quently as Captain Virginia Militia. Hord, John (Va). Lieutenant 4th Continental Dragoons, 20th January, 1777, to - Hord, Thomas ( Va). 2d Lieutenant 10th Virginia, 13th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1777 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 10th September,1778; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; Captain, 18th February, 1781 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. Home, Benjamin (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 17th February, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 22d November, 1777; transferred to 3d New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; resigned August, 1780. Horry, Daniel (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; was Colonel South Carolina Dragoons in 1779, and served to . Horry, Hugh (S. C.). Major South Carolina troops, 1779 to 1781. Horry, Peter (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775; Major, 16th September, 1776, to ; Colonel South Carolina Militia, 1779, to close of war ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. "Horse. 229 Hovenberg-h. Horse, Seymour (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 25th January, 1776, to . Horton, Ambrose (N. Y.). Cap tain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to May, 1776. Horton, Azariah ( ). Lieuten ant-Colonel Deputy Commissary-Gen eral of Musters, 6th April, 1779, to . Horton, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 2d April, 1780; transferred to 12th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Horton, James (Conn). Sergeant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st August, 1777; Lieutenant, 18th November, 1778; Captain, 1st June, 1779 ; retired March, 1781. Horton, Jonathan (N. J.). Sur geon New Jersey Militia, February to December, 1776; Hospital Surgeon Northern Department, May, 1779 ; died 26th February, 1780. Horton, Joseph (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, ; wounded at Middletown, 12th July, 1780. Horton, Jotham(Mass). Captain- Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Horton, Thomas (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, - ; taken pris oner at Fort Clinton, 6th October, 1777, and died in captivity, 30th Janu ary, 1778. Horton, William (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Nicolls 1 Regiment New York Militia, July, 1776; cashiered, ,5th December, 1776. Hosman, Joseph (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 5th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 6th August, 1778, to . (In service January, 1780.) Hosmer, Joseph (Mass). Lieuten ant Company of Minute Men and acted as Adjutant of troops at Con cord, 19th April, 1775. Hosmer, Prentice (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th April, 1778 ; retired June, 1782. Hosmer, Timothy (Conn). Sur geon 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Surgeon 6th Con necticut, 20th May, 1779, and served in the Hospital Department to close of war. Hotchkiss, Levi (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, in April, 1775; Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 21st March, 1778; resigned 1st May, 1779. Houdin, Michael Gabriel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 28th June, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transfer red to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Major, 6th February, 1784. (Died 4th February, 1802.) Hough, John (Conn). Lieutenant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Hougii, Samuel (Conn). Private 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th No vember, 1775 ; Private of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 2d Octo ber, 1777; Sergeant, 1st November, 1778 ; Lieutenant, October, 1779 ; re signed 1st November, 1779. Houg-hton, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. House, John (N. H.). Captain of Baldwin s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 20th September, 1776; Cap tain 1st New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 4th March, 1778. House, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 28th February, 1777; re signed 6th January, 1778. House, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 16th August, 1778. House, Simeon (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 29th December, 1777. Houston, Christopher (N. C.) Cap tain North Carolina Rangers, 1776 to 1782. Houston, James (G-a). Surgeon of a Georgia Regiment, 1778, to 1780. Houston, James (N. C.). Captain, North Carolina Rangers, 1777 to 1780 ; killed at Ramsour s Mill, 20th June, 1780. Houston, John (N, Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d New York, -1st November, 1776; omitted February, 1777. Hovenbergh, Rudolph Van. See Van Hoevenbergh. Hovenden. Hovenden, Edward (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777, and served to . Hovey, Dominicus (Mass). Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; deranged 1st April, 1779. Hovey, Ivory (N. H.). Surgeon 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; discharged 1st April, 1778. Howard, James (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 13th January, 1777, to . Howard, John Eager (Md). Cap tain 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; Major 4th Maryland, 22d February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 5th Maryland, llth March, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Mary land. 22d October, 1779. By the act of 9th March, 1781, it was "Resolved, that a medal of silver be presented to Lieutenont-Colonel Howard of the Infantry, with emblems and mottoes discriptive of his conduct at the battle of Cowpens, January 17th, 1781." Wounded at Eutaw prings, 8th Sep tember, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 12th October, 1827). Howard, Thomas H. (Md). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st Maryland, , 1778, to . Howard, Vashel D. (Va). Captain 4th Continental Dragoons, 24th Janu ary, 1777 ; died 15th March, 1788. Howe, Baxter (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, , 1780; died 20th September, 1781. Howe, Bezaleel (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d June, 1779, and served to close of war ; Lieutenant 2d United States In fantry, 4th March, 1791 ; Captain 4th November, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Major, 20th October, 1794; honorably dis charged 1st November, 1796. Howe, Darius (Mass). Corporal 12th Massachusetts, 25th February, 1777 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, 31st August, 1777; Ensign, 26th Novem ber, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 14th October, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 23d February, 1833.) 230 HowelL Howe, Estes (Mass). Surgeon 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, "1777 ; re signed 1st May, 1779. Howe, James (N. H.). Surgeon s- Mate and Surgeon New Hampshire Militia. Howe, Moses (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Howe, Richard Surcombe (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 22d June, 1782, to close of war ; Lieutenant 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; Captain, 27th No vember, 1792 ; died 22d January, 1793. Howe, Robert (Ga). Lieutenant 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Howe, Robert (N. C.). Colonel 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 1st March, 1776 ; Major-General, 20th October, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 12th November, 1785.) Howe, Solomon (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 8th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; died 10th June, 1778. Howe, Zadock (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Private 4th Connecticut, 24th May to 28th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th April, 1777 ; re signed 5th April, 1780. (Died 7th No vember, 1819.) Ho well, Caleb (Ga). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to . Howell, Ebenezer (N. J.). Major 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; resigned 17th February, 1777 ; served also as Major New Jersey Militia. Howell, Ezekiel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Con tinental Artillery, 1st January, 1781, and served to 17th June, 1783. Howell, James (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776; re signed 5tb/February, 1777. Howell, John (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 : Lieutenant, 29th October, 1777 ; Cap tain, 20th November, 1781, and served to April, 1783. (Died 18th Septem ber, 1830.) Howell, Joseph (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 15th March, 1776 taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; ex changed 9th December, 1776; Pay master 2d Pennsylvania, 27th Au gust, 1778 ; resigned 1st October, 1778.. Howell. 231 Hubbell. Howell, Lewis (Del). 1st Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 13th Janu ary to December, 1776. Howell, Lewis (X. J.). Surgeon 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; died 5th June, 1778. Howell, Richard (X. J.) ; Captain 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1775 ; Brigade-Major to General Stark s Brigade, 4th September, 1776 ; Major 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 7th April, 1779. (Died 28th April, 1802.) Howell, Silas (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 14th November, 1775; resigned 4th January, 1779. Howelman, de ( ). Lieu tenant arid Quartermaster of Ar- mand s Corps, 9th December, 1776 ; Lieutenant 1st Cavalry Pulaski Le gion, 1st March, 1779 ; resigned 1st September, 1779. Hoxie, Gideon (R. I.). Lieutenant- Colonel of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to . Hoxie, John(R. I.). Captain-Lieu tenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775, to . Hoxie, Peleg (R. I.). Lieutenant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Hoyt, Stephen (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775, to . Hubbard, Charles Holby (Mass). Paymaster l(jth Continental Infan try, 13th September 1776; killed at Montressor s Island, 23d September, 1776. Hubbard, Elihu (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant, 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Captain 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Hubbard, George (Conn). Ensign of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 29th December, 1777. Hubbard, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Hubbard, Jonas (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775; wounded and taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; died 1st January, 1776. Hubbard, Jonathan (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; resigned 3d January, 1778. Hubbard, Hezekiah (Conn). Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 5th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779; retired 1st January, 1783. Hubbard, Nehemiah (Conn). 2d Lieutenant and Paymaster of Bur- rail s Connecticut StateRegiment,31st July, 1776, to January, 1777. Hubbard, Oliver (Conn). Ensign of Sage s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Hubbard, Philip (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Hubbard, Thomas (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st Virginia, , 1777, to 1st May, 1778. Hubbard, Thomas (N, H.). Adju tant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 22d January to Octo ber, 1776. Hubbart, John (R. I,). Ensign 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776 ; transferred to 2d Rhode Island, 1st February, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 18th May, 1779, and served to . Hubbell, Isaac (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Private in 5th Connecticut, 17th May to 17th ^November, 1775 ; Adjutant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to 1st July, 1779*; Captain-Lieutenant, 13th September, 1778; Regimental Paymaster, 1st January, 1781, to June, 1783 ; transferred to Corps Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783. (Died, 1842.) Hubbell, John (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th July, 1777 ; resigned 28th July, 1780. Hubbell, Salmon (Conn). Private 7th Connecticut, 22d July to 23d De cember, 1775; Ensign 8th Connecti cut, 1st Januarv, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 26th March, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th April, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Regi mental Paymaster, 1st November, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died llth March, 1830.) Hubbell, "William G. (Conn). Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 23d December, 1775. Hubbell. 232 Hubbell, William (Conn). Private 5th Connecticut, 10th May to 17th No vember, 1775 ; Ensign of Elmore s Con necticut State Regiment, 15th April, } 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 12th September, 1778; resigned 1st October, 1780. (Died, 1830.) Hubley, Adam (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Octo ber, 1775 ; Major 10th Pennsylvania, 6th December, 1776; transferred to Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th January, 1777; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 10th Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 4th October, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant llth Pennsylvania, 13th February, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died May, 1793.) Hubley, Bernard (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant German Battalion, 12th August, 1776; Captain, 24th February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Hubley, Frederick (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 23d December, 1822.) Hubley, George (Pa). Captain German Battalion, 8th July, 1776; omitted in 1779. Huddy, Joshua (N. J.). Captain New Jersey State Artillery Company, ; taken prisoner at Tom s River, New Jersey, 2d April, 1782, and hanged by the Tories, 12th April, 1782. Hudson, Charles (Va). Regimen tal Quartermaster 14th Virginia, 22d February to 2d May, 1777. Hudson, Hooper (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Barrett s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; marked " dead " on roll for December, 1777. Hudson, John (Va). Captain 2d Virginia State Regiment, 1st October, 1778, to January, 1781. Hudson, Martin (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 9th Virginia, 21st July, 1776 ; re signed 25th April, 1778. Hudson, "William (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 28th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 26th May, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Huffman, Philip. See Hoffman. Hufnagel, Michael (Pa). Adjutant 1st Continental Infantry, 7th Septem- Hughes. ber, 1776 ; Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died 31st December, 1819.) Huger, Benjamin (S. C.). Major 5th South Carolina, 16th September, 1776 ; killed at Charleston, llth May, 1779. Huger, Francis (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Deputy Quarter master-General Southern Depart ment in 1777; resigned in 1778. (Died 18th August, 1811.) Huger, Isaac (S. C.). Lieutenant- Colonel 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775; Colonel 5th South Caro lina, 16th September, 1776; Brigadier- General Continental Army, 9th Janu ary, 1779 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779, and at Guil- ford, 15th March, 1781; served to close of war. (Died 17th October, 1797.) Hughes, Greenberry (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777; retired 21st June, 1778. Hughes, Henry (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 10th October, 1776 ; resigned October, 1777. Hughes, Hugh (N. Y.). Assistant Quartermaster-General, llth May, 1776, to 6th December, 1781. (Died , 1810.) Hughes, James (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777, to Hughes, James M. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 22d July, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned 7th December, 1776. Served subsequently as Major New York Levies. Hughes, Jasper (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1781 ; trans ferred to Baylor s Consolidated Regi ment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Hughes, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 7th Virginia, - ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th April, 1779, and served to (In servicu January, 1780.) Hughes, John ( ). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Sep tember, 1778 ; resigned December, 1781. Hughes, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; resigned 23d November, 1778. Hughes. Hughes, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1778; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 1st October, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Hughes, John (Pa). Sergeant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 29th Janu ary, 1776 ; Ensign 21st June, 1776 ; En sign 7th Pennsylvania, January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 25th September, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th April, 1779; transferred.to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to close of war. Hughes, John (Va). Quartermas ter-Sergeant 1st Continental Dra goons, February, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 27th December, 1777 ; Captain, 31st March, 1781 ; transferred to Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Hughes, Peter (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Penn sylvania, 25th October, 1776; Aide-de- Camp to General Grates, 14th Octo ber, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1777. Hughes, Pratt (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th Decem ber, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 16th July, 1779, and served to January, 1781. Hughes, Samuel (Mass)) 2d Lieu tenant 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 22d October, 1820.) Hughes, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 21st October, 1775; resigned , 1776 ; Paymaster 7th Virginia, March, 1777, to , 1778. Hughes, Thomas (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, 23d June, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Hughes, Timothy (N.Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; re signed 25th October, 1778. Hughston, John (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 10th May, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 26th May, 1777; resigned 8th Sep tember, 1777. Hugo, Thomas Brogden (Md). 2d Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 20th Febru ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th Janu ary, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Mary land, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 12th Hull. June, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781; resigned October, 1781. Hulbert, John (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to Janu ary, 1776 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel New York Militia. Huling, John (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January. 1776 ; Captain 3d Pennsylvania, Jan uary, 1777 ; Major, 1st August, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Huling, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 19th J une, 1778, to . (In service January, 1780.) Hull, David (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 6th May to 19th Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 19th April, 1779 ; resigned 2d May, 1780. (Died 8th December, 1831.) Hull, Edwin (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776; re tired 14th September, 1778. Hull, Elias (R. I.). Ensign 9th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 17th February, 1777; resigned 26th April, 1778. Hull, Isaac (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 17th February, 1777 ; re signed 22d November, 1777. Hull, Jehiel (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775. Hull, Joseph (Conn). Ensign of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, 10th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 18th September, 1778. Hull, "William (Conn). Captain- Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; Captain, 9th October, 1775 ; discharged 21st December, 1775. Hull, William (Mass). Captain 3d Massachusetts, 6th July to Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Major 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Massachusetts, 12th August, 1779; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, 3d November, 1883, and served to 20th June, 1784 ; Brigadier- General United States Army, 8th April, 1812 ; cashiered, 25th April, 1814. (Died 29th November, 1825.) Humberg. Humberg-, Frederick (Va). Sur- geon s-Mate 8th Virginia, 19th April, 1777, to . Hume, Alexander (S. C.). Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, 1777 ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Humphrey, William (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, June, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Captain, 22d October, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Humphreys, David (Conn). Cap tain 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783 ; Brig ade-Major to General Parsons, 29th March, 1777 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Putnam, 18th December, 1778; Aide-de-Camp to General Green, May, 1780, and Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 23d June, 1780, to 23d De cember, 1783. By the act of 3d November, 1781, it was "Resolved, that an elegant sword be pre sented in the name of the United States, in Congress assembled, to Colonel Humphreys, Aide-de-Cainp to General Washington, to whose care the standards taken under the capitulation of York were consigned, as a testimony of their opinion of his fidelity and ability, and that the Board of War take order therein." (Died 21st February, 1818.) Humphreys, Elihu (Conn.) Cap tain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Major 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Humphreys, Elijah (Conn). Pay master 19th Continental Infantry, 22d September to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Humphreys, Jacob (Pa.) Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Humphreys, John (Pa). Ensign of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 2d August, 1779; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 25th August, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 2d April, 1782, and served to 17th June, 1783. 234 Huni Humphreys, Jonathan (Conn), Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*. Humphreys, Nathaniel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Humphries, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of Morgan s Company Vir ginia Riflemen, September, 1775 ; killed at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Humpton, Richard (Pa). Lieuten ant-Colonel Continental Army, 16th July, 1776 ; Colonel llth Pennsylva nia, 25th October, 1776; transferred to 10th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783. (Died 21st December. 1804.) Hung-erford, Benjamin (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May, 3775 ; died 4th September, 1775. Hung-erford, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 15th Janu ary, 1777; retired 14th September. 4 r^rvo 17(8. Hunnewell, Richard (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Stevens 1 Battalion of Artillery, 1st February, 1777, which became part of the 3d Continental Artillery; resigned 25th November, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 15th United States Infantry, 3d March, 1799 hon orably discharged 15th June, 1800; (Died 8th May, 1823.) Hunt, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 25th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776 ; Captain 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st August, 1780. Hunt, Ephraim (Mass). Ensign of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, July, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th August, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 16th October, 1805.) Hunt, Joseph (- Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 28th June to Decem ber, 1775. Hunt. 235 Huntley. Hunt, Oliver (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th November, 1777 ; resigned 3d May, 1780. Hunt, Seth (Mass). Regimental Quartermaster of Fellows Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Hunt, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Hunt, Thomas (Mass). Sergeant in Captain Craft s Company of Min ute Men at Lexington and Concord, April, 1775 ; Ensign in a Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775; Ensign and Adjutant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Brigade-Major, 20th October, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777; Captain, 1st March, 1779 ; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; wounded at Yorktown, 14th October, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; re tained in Jackson s Continental Reg iment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; as signed to 2d Sub Legion, 4tb Septem ber, 1792 ; Major, 18th February, 1793 ; assigned to 1st United States In fantry, 1st November, 1796 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 1st April, 1802 ; Colonel, llth April, 1803 ; died 18th August, 1808. Hunter, Andrew (N. J.). Chap lain 3d New Jersey, 1st June, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, 5th August, 1788, and served to close of war. Hunter, Elijah (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain, January, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, which he declined, and retired from service 7th December, 1776. Hunter, Ephraim (Pa). Lieuten ant of Watt s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; released 8th December, 1780. Hunter, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant and Paymaster 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 12th April, 1776 ; Captain and Paymaster 4th Pennsylvania, 31st January, 1777, to 1st June, 1779. Hunter, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Hardenbergh s New York Militia Regiment, August, 1776 ; Cap tain of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 10th April, 1777; re signed 22d December, 1777. Hunter, Robert (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, February, 1782, and served to close of war. Hunter, Robert (N. Y.). Ensign of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st November. 1777 ; Lieu tenant, -- March, 1778 ; retired 22d April, 1779 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Huntington, Ebenezer (Conn). Served in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Con necticut, 8th September to 10th De cember, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 22d Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, May, 1776 ; Brigade-Major to General Heath, August, 1776; Ma jor of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Lieu- tenant-Coloiiel, 10th October, 1778; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to . 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783 ; Brigadier-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honor ably discharged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 17th June, 1834.) Hunting-ton, Jabez (Conn). Ma jor-General Connecticut Militia, De cember, 1776, to May, 1779. (Died 5th October, 1786.) Hunting-ton, Jedediah (Conn). Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Colonel 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Colonel 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Colonel 1st Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Brigadier-General Conti nental Army, 12th May, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 25th September, 1818.) Huntington, Joshua (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May, to 16th December, 1775. Huntington, Simeon (Conn). En sign in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Huntley, Warren (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Connecti cut, 13th May, 1775 ; Ensign 26th Sep tember to 10th December, 1775 ; was Secretary to General Wooster, 29th Huntoon. 236 Hutchins. July to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Huntoon, Joseph (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; wounded at Still water, 7th Oc tober, 1777, and retired from service 1st September, 1778. Hurd, Asahel (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of BurralPs Connecticut State Regiment, 23d January, 1776 ; died 29th August, 1776. Hurd, Isaac (Mass). Surgeon Massachusetts Militia, June to De cember, 1775. Hurd, John Jr. (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 18th June, 1781; trans ferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 21st August, 1784.) Hurlbut, Georg-e (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 8th July to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 Cornet 2d Con tinental Dragoons, 12th April, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 25th December, 1777; Captain, 1st August, 1779 ; wounded near Tarrytown, New York, 15th July, 1781, and died of wounds, 8th May, 1783. . Hurlbut, John (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Chester s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; cashiered, 7th October, 1776. Hurlbut, Samuel (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July, to 6th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu- uary, to 31st December, 1776. Hurlbut, Simeon (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieuten ant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 30th October, 1777. Hurley, Martin (N. J.). Private and Sergeant 1st New Jersey, Novem ber, 1775, to November, 1776 ; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Hurst, - - ( ). Captain ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Hurt, John (Va). Chaplain 6th Virginia, 1st October, 1776; Brigade Chaplain, 18th August, 1778 to close of war; Chaplain United States Army, 4th March, 1791 ; resigned 30th April, 1794. Huston, Alexander (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; ex changed 9th December, 1776 ; Lieu tenant of Patton s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth January, 1777 ; killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Huston, William (Pa). Ensign of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, May, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant and Adjutant, 2d June, 1778; regi ment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th February, 1780 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Hutchins, Amos (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 24th February, 1776 ; Captain 5th New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 9th May, 1778. Hutchins, Gordon (N. H.). Cap tain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel of Baldwin s Regiment New Hampshire Militia. (Died 8th December, 1815.) Hutchins, Hezekiah (N. H.). Cap tain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775.) Hutchins, John (N. J.). Ensign of Forman s New Jersey State Regi ment, August, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st December, 1777; taken prisoner, 5th April, 1778, at ; re signed November, 1778. Hutchins, Nathaniel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Long s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, May, 1776; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 25th September, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; Captain, 2d April, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 10th January, 1832.) Hutchins, Thomas (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 21st March, 1776, to - Hutchins, William (N. H.). En sign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th March, 1778 ; resigned 23d June, 1779. Hutchinson. 237 Ingersoll. Hutchinson, Ebenezer (N. Y.). Surgeon s-Mate 5th New York, 12th June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. HutcMnson, Elisha (Mass). En sign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Hutchinson, Israel (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Mansfield s Massa chusetts Regiment, 27th May, to De cember, 1775 ; Colonel 27th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January, t6 31st De cember, 1770. (Died 16th March, 1811.) Hutton, Christopher (N.Y.). Regi mental Adjutant of Meade s New York Militia Regiment, 23d Sep tember, 1776 ; Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; Regimental Ad jutant, 28th May, 1778; Lieutenant, 6th February, 1779; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Hutton, George (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned 4th May, 1779. Hutton, James (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 20th March, 1780 ; retired May, 1781. Hyatt, Abraham (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Swarfrwout s New York Militia Regiment, July, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th Novem ber, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Hyatt, John Vance (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 3d December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777; taken prisoner 26th April, 1778, at ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th Septem ber, 1778 ; exchanged 31st March, 1781 ; rejoined regiment and served to close of war. Hyde, James (Conn). Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 17th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 27th December, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 15th November, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Hyde, Jedediah (Conn). Captain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st July, 1777. Hyde, Thomas tR. I.). Lieutenant llth Continental Infantry 1st Janu ary, 1776; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Hyde, William (Md). Captain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant Col onel 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Cainp, June, 1776, to . Hyre, Jacob (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 13th May, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Hyrne, Edmund (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, 12th May, 1779; Aide-de-Camp to General Greene in 1781 ; Deputy Adjutant-General Southern Depart ment, 17th November, 1778, to close of war. By the act of 29th October, 1781, it was " Resolved, that Major- General Greene be desired to present the thanks of Congress to Major Hyrne, his Aide-de-Camp, in testi mony of his particular activity and good conduct during the whole action at Eutaw Springs, S. C." I. larber, Anathasis (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster llth Virginia, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 2d April, 1778. Ijams, John Jr. (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Watkins Independent Maryland Company of Cannoneers, January, 1776, to . Imbert, Jean Louis (France). Captain-Engineer Continental Army, 19th September, 1776; permitted to return to San Domingo, 12th April, 1777. Imhoff, John Lewis P. (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Imlay, Gilbert (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Forman s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth January, 1777 ; omitted July, 1778. Imlay, "William Eugene (N. J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 7th Febru ary to December, 1776 ; served also as Captain New Jersey Militia. Ingersoll, George (Mass). Private and Sergeant in Gridley 1 s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, June to De cember, 1775, and Sergeant in Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, De cember, 1775, to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776, which became part of the 3d Continental Artillery ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1779, and served to June, 1783 ; Lieu tenant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 4th March, 1791 ; Cap tain, 2d April, 1792; of the Artillerists Ingersoll. 238 Ivory. and Engineers, 9th May, 1794; Regi ment of Artillerists, 1st April, 1802 ; Major, 8th July, 1802; resigned 1st December, 1804. (Died llth July, 1805.) Ingersoll, Peter (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Ingles, John (N. C.). 1st Lieuten- 2d North Carolina, ; Captain, 24th October, 1777; taken prisoner at Char leston, 12th May, 1780. Inman, Snadrach (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia, ; killed at Mus- grove s Mill, 18th August, 1780. Innis, James (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 15th Virginia, 13th Novem ber, 1776, to . Innis, James (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 3d Pennsylvania in 1778; Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 4th February, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Ireland, George (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777, and served to . Irish, Nathaniel (Pa). Captain of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 7th February, 1777 ; omitted Decem ber, 1780. Irvine, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Pennsylvania, January, 1777; Cap tain, 20th March, 1777; wounded at Paoli, 20th September, 1777; trans ferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 4th May, 1789.) Irvine, Charles (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; re signed or died about September, 1777. Irvine, James (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 25th November, 1775; Colonel 9th Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776, transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777 ; resigned 1st June, 1777 Brigadier-General Pennsylvania Mili tia, 26th August, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Chestnut Hill, 5th December, 1777 ; exchanged 1st June, 1781 ; Major-General Pennsylvania Militia, 27th May, 1782, to close of war. (Died 28th April, 1819.) Irvine, Matthew (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, July to December, 1775 ; Surgeon of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 20th July, 1778, to close of war. Irvine, William (Pa). Colonel 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Janu ary, 1776; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776 ; paroled 3d August, 1776; exchanged 6th May, 1778; Colonel 7th Pennsylvania, Jan uary, 1777, to rank from 9th January, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 12th May, 1779, and served to close of war. Superintendent of Mili tary Stores, 13th March, 1800; died 29th July, 1804. Irwin, Gerard (Pa), 1st Lieuten ant 9th Pennsylvania, 18th December, 1776 ; omitted January, 1777. Irwin, Henry (N. C.). Lieutenant- Colonel 5th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776 ; killed at Germantown, 4th Oc tober, 1777. Irwin, John (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th April, 1777; resigned 28th August, 1777; Colonel North Carolina Militia in 1780 and 1781. Irwin, John (Pa). Ensign 1st Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, August, 1776^ Captain- Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, 16th May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died llth May, 1808.) Irwin, Matthew (Pa). Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th May, 1777; resigned 20th January, 1778; Lieutenant 2d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, May, 1779, and served to close of war. (Died 10th March, 1800.) Isaacs, (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th Au gust, 1780; exchanged July, 1781. Israel, Isaac (Va). 2d Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 9th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1777 ; Captain. 23d November, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; dismissed , 1780. Ives, Levi (Conn). Surgeon s-Mate 1st Connecticut, July to December, 1i+?r?K no. Ivory, Curtis (N. C.). Ensign 3d North Carolina, 19th December, 1777; Lieutenant, - , 1778 ; was in service in 1880. Jack. 239 Jackson. j. Jack, Matthew (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776 ; Captain, 18th April, 1777 ; retired 31st January, 1779. Jack, "William (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Morehead s Company, guard at Kittanning, Pennsylvania, 22d January, 1777, to June, 1778. Jackson, Amasa (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 13th October, 1782; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1783. Jackson, Charles (Mass). Musician 8th Massachusetts, 1777 to 1783 ; En sign 8th Massachusetts, 4th February, 1783 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Jackson, Daniel (Mass). Sergeant of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May to December, 1775, and in Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, December, 1775, until taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 10th De cember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, arid served to 3d Novem ber, 1783 ; Major 2d Artillerists and Engineers, 4th June, 1798 : in Artil lerists, 1st April, 1802 ; resigned 30th April, 1803. Jackson, Daniel (N. Y.). Lieuten ant and Adjutant New York Militia Regiment in 1776 ; Ensign of Mal colm s Additional Continental Regi ment, llth March, 1777 ; resigned 8th April, 1777. Jackson, David (Pa). Hospital Physician, 1777, to June, 1780; Hos pital Physician and Surgeon, 6th Oc tober, 1780; resigned 5th December, 1780 ; served subsequently as Quarter master-General State of Pennsyl vania. (Died ,1801.) Jackson, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieutenant .3d Continental Artillery, 27th June, 1781 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Jackson, Ephraim (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel 10th Massachusetts. 6th November, 1776; died 19th De cember, 1777. Jackson, Ephraim (Mass). ist Lieutenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Jackson, George (N. J.) Ensign of Fornian s Additional Continental Regiment, March, 1777 ; resigned 7th January 1778. Jackson, Hall (N. H.). Surgeon of Long s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 177C> and 1777. Jackson, Henry (Mass). Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Con tinental Regiments, 12th January, 1777 ; regiment designated 16th Massa chusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1783 ; brevet Briga dier-General, 30th September, 1783 ; retained as Colonel of Continental or 1st American Regiment, 3d Novem- 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 4th January, 1809 ?) Jackson, James (Ga). Captain of a Georgia Regiment in 1776 ; Brigade- Major in 1778 ; wounded at Meclway Church, 24th November, 1778; sub sequently Colonel of the Georgia Legionary Corps ; received the Keys of Savannah when the British evacu ated that city, llth July, 1782. (Died 19th March, 1806.) Jackson Jehiel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; discharged, Septem ber, 1776. Jackson, Jeremiah (Mass). Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; deranged 1st April, 1779. Jackson, Jeremiah (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th January, 1777; regiment designated llth Pennsyl vania 16th December, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 23d April, 1779; Captain, 16th March, 1780; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Jackson, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Jackson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 15th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1777 ; resigned 27th October, 1778. Jackson, John (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Jackson, Joseph (Mass). Pay master 27th Continental Infantry, 24th September to 31st December. 1776. Jackson, Michael (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Major of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, 3d June to December, Jackson. 240 Jamieson. 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770; wounded at Montressor s Island, 24th September, 1776 ; Colonel 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; bre vet Brigadier-General, 30th Septem ber, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 10th April, 1801.) Jackson, Michael Jr. (Mass). Quartermaster s Sergeant 8th Massa chusetts, 8th January, 1777 ; Ensign and Paymaster 8th Massachusetts, 2d October, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 15th December, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Jackson, Nathan (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 16th January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st March, 1778 ; re signed 16th May, 1779. Jackson, Patten (N. Y.). Served in New York Militia in 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777 ; exchanged 10th January, 1781, and did not re turn to service. Jackson, Simon (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant and Paymaster 8th Massachu setts, 1st January. 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, - , 1780 ; Captain, 1st April, 1782 ; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; transfer red to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continen tal Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 17th October, 1818.) Jackson, Thomas Frederick (Conn). Cornet 2d Continental Dra goons, January, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 15th November, 1779 ; Major and Aide- de-Camp to General Alexander, 8th July, 1781, to 15th January, 1783. Jackson, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 22d February, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died , 1790.) Jackson, William (N. Y.). Cap tain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 26th September, 1777 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Jackson, William (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, 9th October,, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st January r 1781. (Died 17th December, 1828.) Jackson, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 24th December, 1777, to . Jacobs, G-eorg-e (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th July, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 14th September, 1778; resigned 16th March, 1781. Jacobs, George (Mass). Lieuten ant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deranged, 1st April, 1779. Jacobs, John (N. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d North Carolina, ; resigned 1st March, 1778. Jacobs, John (Mass). Major of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Jacobs, John Jeremiah (Md). 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 10th October, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Jacobs, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Jacques, Launcelot (Conn). Sur geon 7th Connecticut, 4th May, 1778 ; resigned 28th February, 1779. Jacquet, Joseph (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylva nia Rifle Regiment, 6th April, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 28th May, 1776 ; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. James, John (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 1st April, 1777; 2d Lieuten ant, 10th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th July, 1779, and served to . (Was in service March, 1780.) Jameson, John (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 22d July, 1777. Jameson, John (Va). Captain of Virginia Regiment of Dragoons, 16th June, 1776 ; Major 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777; trans ferred to 2d Continental Dragoons, 7th April, 1777 ; wounded near Valley Forge, 21st January, 1778; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 1st August, 1779, and served to close of war. Jamieson, Adam (Md). Lieuten ant 5th Maryland, 1st June, 1781 T to . Jamieson. 241 Jenney. Jamieson, Daniel (Pa). Lieuten ant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776; ex changed 26th March, 1781. Janes, Elijah (Conn). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th Novem ber, 1779; Lieutenant, 24th Novem ber, 1779 ; wounded and taken pris oner at Fort St. George, 23d November, 1780; rejoined regiment in 1781 ; Regi mental Paymaster, ; 1782, and served to close of war. (Died, 22d February, 1823.) Jansen, Cornelius T. (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Captain, 26th June, 1776 ; Cap tain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Jaquett, Peter (Del). Ensign Del aware Regiment, 17th January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 27th November, 1776 ; Captain, 5th April, 1777, and served to close of war ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783. (Died 13th Septem ber, 1834.) Jarvis, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; re signed 27th October, 1778. Jayne, Timothy (Pa). Captain of Kachlein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776. Jefferds, Samuel (Mass). Sergeant in Kriox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, February to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 1st October, 1778 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, arid served to 20th June, 1784. Jeffries, Bowker (Va). 2d Lieu tenant loth Virginia, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st October, 1777 ; resigned 15th May, 1778. Jeffries, Isaac (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 25th May, 1779, to . (In service January, 1780.) Jencks, Oliver (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth September, 177b ; died 3d February, 1782. Jenifer, Daniel (Md). Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 27th August 1776, to 6th October, 1780; Hospital Physi cian and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, arid served to October, 1782. (Died 6th November, 1790.) Jenkins, George (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 27th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania Bat talion, 19th January, 1776; Captain 2d Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776, and served to . Jenkins, Joel (Mass). Sergeant 8th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777; En sign, 26th November, 1779 ; Lieuten ant, 16th April, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 23d June, 1827.) Jenkins, John (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Ransom s Independent Wyo ming Valley Company, 23d June, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned March, 1782. (Died 19th March, 1827.) Jenkins, John (Ga). 2d Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, to Jenkins, John (Mass). Ensign of Henley sAdditional Continental Regi ment, March, 1777; Designed 21st March, 1778. Jenkins, Josiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 12th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777; deranged 1st April, 1779. Jenkins, Nathaniel, (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 5th Feb ruary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th No vember, 1777; died 27th April, 1779. Jenkins, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 26th November, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Jenkins, Stephen (Mass). Adju tant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant " 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Jerikins, Thomas (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Spalding s Independent Wyoming Valley Company, 6th July, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 20th November, 1781, and served to close of war. Jenkins, "William (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; resigned 6th September, 1776. Jenkins, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777; regiment designated 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778; dismissed 9th February, 1779. Jenney, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 177.1, 1st Lieutenant 12th October, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 25th October, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Jennings. 242 Johnson. Jennings, Michael (Pa). Surgeon llth Pennsylvania, 17th December, 1776 ; transferred to Hartley s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 14th February, 1777; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; omitted 1779. Jennings, Simeon (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 24th June, 1777 ; died 21st April, 1778. Jennison, John ( ). Captain - Battalion Flying Camp ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washing ton, 16th November, 1776. Jennison, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 30th July, 1778; resigned llth July, 1779. (Died 1st September, 1826.) Jennison, William (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster of Read s Mas sachusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775. Jerauld, Dutee (R. I.). Ensign 9th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth February, 1777 ; Captain, 24th June, 1780 ; trans ferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; resigned 21st June, 1782. Jesson, "William (Conn). Surgeon 2d Connecticut, 1st May, to 10th De cember, 1775. Jewett, James (Conn). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted March, 1779. Jewett, Joseph (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July, to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1777 ; severely wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died in captivity, 29th August, 1776. Jiggett, Edward Roe (Va). En sign 4th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 28th September, 1776 ; resigned 12th August, 1777. Jill, Samuel (Va). See Gill. Jillson, Amos(R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777. Johonnet, Gabriel (Mass). Major of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, to December, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 14th Continental In fantry, 1st January, to 31st Decem ber, 1776. (Died 9th October, 1820.) Johonnet, "William (Mass). Assist ant Apothecary Hospital Depart ment, 6th October, 1780, to 23d July, 1782. Johnson, Amos (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 12th July to 20th December, 1775 ; Ensign 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Johnson, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 24th March, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779, and served to . Johnson, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Johnson, David (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 7th Octo ber, to 31st December, 1776. Johnson, David (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, to 20th December, 1775. Johnson, David (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 19th February, 1777 ; died 22d November, 1780. Johnson, Edmund (R. I.). Captain of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment. 3d May, 1775 to . Johnson, Gideon (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779, to . Johnson, James (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776; Major, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned loth August, 1777. Johnson, James (N. J.). Sergeant 2d New Jersey, November, 1775, to November, 1776 ; Ensign 2d New Jer sey, 5th February, 1777 ; resigned 15th November, 1777. (Died 1st July, 1828.) Johnson, John (Pa). Lieutenant and Adjutant of Baxter s Pennsylva nia Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 2d November, 1780, and did not re-enter service. Johnson, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, July, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th February, 1776; Captain 2d New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776, which he declined and re tired from service, 7th December, 1776. Johnson, John (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Johnson. 243 Johnston. Johnson, Jonas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Johnson, Jonathan (Conn). Cap tain of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 10th June to December, 1770; Major 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 25th May, 1778; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1883. Johnson, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 177G, to . Johnson, Lambert (N. J.). Ensign New Jersey Militia, ; taken pris oner at , 13th February, 1777, and died in captivity, 15th April, 1777. Johnson, Nathaniel (Conn). Cap tain of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 29th Decem ber, 1776. Johnson, Obadiah (Conn). Lieu tenant-Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Major 3d Con necticut, 1st May to 16th December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777 ; Colonel Con necticut Militia, 1777 to 1783. Johnson, Peter (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, Gth July to 50th December, 1775. Johnson, Philip (N. J.). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Hunt s Regiment New Jersey Militia, June 14th, 177G ; Colo nel, 1st August, 177G ; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Johnson, Reuben (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, , 1781, to close of war. Johnson, Richard (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 14th Novem ber, 1775, to November, 1776. Johnson, Robert (Pa). Surgeon 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776, to January, 1777 ; Hos pital Physician and Surgeon, 20th March, 1780 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon Southern Department, 15th May, 1781, to close of war. (Died 25th November, 1808.) Name also spelled Johnston. Johnson, Robert (N. Y.). Captain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Johnson, Robert ( ). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 29th March, 1777, to . Johnson, Samuel (Conn). Ensign of Bun-all s Connecticut State Regi ment, 23d January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Johnson, Samuel ( ). Lieuten ant, ; wounded at King s Moun tain, 7th October, 1780. Johnson, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Johnson, Seth (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 17th February, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 2d December, 1777 ; Captain, 7th April, 1779 ; trans ferred to 3d New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; resigned , 1780. Johnson, Stephen (Conn). Chap lain 6th Connecticut, 20th May to 20th December, 1775. Johnson, Thomas (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 21st March, 1776 ; resigned 18th October, 1776, Johnson, Thomas Jr. (Md). Briga dier-General Maryland Militia, 6th January, 1776, to . (Died 16th October, 1819.) Johnson, Timothy (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Johnson, "William (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 1st Continental Dragoons, March, 1778 ; resigned January, 1780. Johnson, William (N. Y.). Cap tain-Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776, which became part of the 3d Conti nental Artillery; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 20th February, 1819.) Johnston, Alexander (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Johnston, Francis (Pa). Lieuten ant-Colonel 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 4th Januarv, 1776; Colonel 5th Pennsylvania, 27th September, 1776; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 22d February, 1815.) Johnston, George (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776; resigned 9th April, 1778. - Johnston, George (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 21st September, 1775; Major 5th Virginia, 13th August, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Washington, 20th January, 1777, to October, 1777. Johnston, Isaac (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Staiiton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, Johnston. 244 Jones. Johnston, James (N. Y.). Ser geant-Major 5th New York, 28th De cember, 1770 ; Ensign, 25th June, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 23d De cember, 1779; Regimental Adjutant, 14th July, 1780; transferred to 2d New Y 7 ork, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieu tenant, llth October, 1781, and served to close of war. Johnston, James (Pa). Regi mental Paymaster 2d Pennsylvania, lOUi January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Johnston, John (Mass). Lieuten ant of Gridley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, May to December, 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; severely wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 2d May, 1777, but on account of his Avounds did not return to the service. (Died 28th June, 1818.) Johnston, John Boswell (Va). 2d Lieutenant 14th Virginia 5th Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Febru ary, 1778; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Captain, 15th Febru ary, 1781, and served to close of war. Johnston, Josiah (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Cap tain 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to . Johnston, Peter (Va). Private, Sergeant and Lieutenant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons in the Pulaski Legion, 1779, to close of war. Johnston, Robert. See Johnson. Johnston, Samuel ( ). Adju tant of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 25th February, 1777 ; Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artil lery Artificer Regiment, 31st August, 1778 ; resigned 8th August, 1779. Johnston, Thomas (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant Pennsylvania State Regi ment, 21st January, 1777; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died December, 1819.) Johnston,William (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 9th February, 1777; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; taken prisoner at Char leston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Jollibois, ( ). Allowed pay of Lieutenant, 4th October, 1781, to 3d November, 1783. Jolliff, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 27th March, 1776 ; died 6th April, 1777. Jolly, Mayberry (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, 30th Sep tember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, Janu ary, 1777; retired with rank of Cap tain, 1st July, 1778. Jones, Abraham (Ga). Lieuten ant 2d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778. Jones, Albridgeton (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, llth March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th September, 1776; resigned 6th January, 1777; adjutant 15th Virginia, 12th March, 1777; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778; served as Adjutant to 10th May, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Jones, Allen (N. C.). Brigadier- General North Carolina Millitia, 1776, to . (Died 10th November, 1798.) Jones, Benjamin (N. Y.)) Ensign 1st New York, 27th April to Novem ber, 1776; served subsequently as Lieutenant New York Militia. Jones, Binns (Va). 2d Lieutenant 15th Virginia, 9th March, 1777; Regi mental (Quartermaster, 6th May, 1778; regiment designated 1 1th Virgina, 14th September, 1778 ; was in service in 1780. Jones, Cadwallader (Va). Cap tain 3d Continental Dragoons, 6th February, 1777, to . Jones, Catesby (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 28th September, 1775, to . Jones, Charles (Va). Paymaster 10th Virginia, 3d August, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; 1st Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Jones, Churchill (Va). Captain 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st June, 1777 ; transferred to Baylor s Consoli dated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th No vember, 1782, and served to close of war. Jones, Daniel (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, May, 1776; omitted June, 1778. Jones. 245 Jones. Jones, David (Mass). Surgeon of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; Surgeon 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 27th March, 1822.) Jones, David (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th North Carolina, 3d April, 1777, to . Jones, David (Pa). Chaplain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th April, 1776; Chaplain 4th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, 25th May, 1778; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war ; Chaplain United States Army, 13th May, 1794; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. Chaplain United States Army, 2d April, 1813 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815. (Died 5th February, 1820.) Jones, Gabriel (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778, to 1781. Jones, G-ibbs (Pa). Captain-Lieu tenant of Roman s Independent Com pany Pennsylvania Artillery, 6th February, 1776 ; Captain, 1st June, 1778 ; resigned 14th April, 1780. Jones, Israel (Conn). Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 28th Novem ber, 1775; Ensign 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 25th October, 1777 ; resigned 2d May, 1779. Jones, Jacob (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; re signed 27th January, 1778. Jones, James (Mass). Captain of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Jones, James (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 29th January, 1781, and did not re-enter the service. Jones, James (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Pennsylvania, 16th Febru ary, 1778; transferred to 6th Penn sylvania, 1st May, 1779 ; Surgeon 4th Pennsylvania, February, 1780; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 29th April, 1830.) -Tones, James Morris (Pa). En- fign 1st Pennsylvania 3d November, 1776 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, 12th March 1777; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Jones, John (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 9th April, 1776, to . Jones, John (Mass). Captain of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment; Major, to December, 1775. Jones, John (Ga). Colonel Georgia Militia, - ; wounded at Prince s Fort, Ga., 16th July, 1780, and at Beech Island, Ga., in September, 1780. Jones, John (Ga). Aide-de-Camp to Colonel Elbert, 10th May, 1778; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Mclntosh, ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Jones, John (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Jones, John(N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Partisan Rangers, ; wounded at Pacolett River, N. C.,14th July, 1780. Jones, John (N. H.). Captain 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Jones, John (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 10th Massachusetts, 1st Septem ber, 1777; Surgeon, 24th September, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Jones, John Courts (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 20th September, 1777; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Jones, Jonathan (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; Major 2d Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776; Lieutenant-Col onel, 12th March, 1777; resigned 5th April, 1777. (Died 26th September, 1782.) Jones, Joshua ( ). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 16th Novem ber, 1779, to . Jones, Llewellyn (Va). Captain Virginia Regiment of Dragoons, 17th June, 1776 ; Captain 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777. to . (In service December, 1778.) Jones, Peter (Va). 1st Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 9th April, 1776; Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; retired 12th February, 1781. (Died 10th February, 1833.) Jones, Philip (N. C.). Captain-Lieu tenant of Kingsbury s Independent Company North Carolina Artillery, 19th July, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 Jones. 246 Joynes.. Jones, Samuel (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 10th De cember, 1770; Captain, 6th August, 1777, to - . (In service February, 1780.) Jones, Samuel (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, - ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Jones, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 22d January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, 1st Janu ary, 1780; retired 12th February, 1781. Jones, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776; Regimental Paymaster, 7th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1777 ; dismissed 6th June, 1778 ; restored llth June, 1778, but no record of subsequent service. Jones, Samuel (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 10th North Carolina, 4th Oc tober, 1777; transferred to 3d North Carolina, 1779; Captain llth Septem ber, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Jones, Solomon (Mass). Ensign ,6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; deranged 1st March, 1779. Jones, Strother (Va). Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th May, 1777 ; transferred to Grist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Jones, Thomas (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777, to Jones, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 19th February, 1776, to - . Jones, "Walter (Va). Physician General of Hospital Middle Depart ment, llth April, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1777. (Died 31st December, 1815.) Jones, Windsor (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st April, 1777 ; re signed llth May, 1778. Jones, "William (Del). 2d Lieu tenant of McLane s Delaware Parti san Company, 13th January, 1777; killed at Wyoming, 17th April, 1779. Jones, "William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Jones, William (R. I.)- 1st Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; Captain of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Jones, William (Va). Cornet of a Virginia Regiment Dragoons, 15th June, 1776 ; resigned 18th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 6th March, 1777 ; .1st Lieutenant, 1st December, 1777 ; resigned 7th Febru ary, 1778. Jones, Wd- (Va). 1st Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 8th March, 1776 ; Cap tain, 25th December, 1776, arid served to . Jordan, Griffith (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 1st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777; resigned 6th October, 1777. Jordan, John (Va). Cadet Vir ginia Regiment, 26th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 20th Jan uary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d Sep tember, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th -May, 1780 ; exchanged April, 1781 ; Captain,. , 1781, and served to close of war. Jordan, John (Pa). Captain-Lieu tenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 17th February, 1777; Cap tain, 7th May, 1778 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Jordan, John (Md). Ensign of Sinallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 20th December, 1777; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Jordan, William (Ga). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1780, and served to close of war. Joslyn, Joseph (R. I.). Surgeon 9th Continental infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Jouett, Matthew (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 18th March, 1776 ; died 15th November, 1777. Jouett, Robert (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 28th October, 1776 , 2d Lieu tenant, 28th September, 1777 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1881 ; served to close of the war. Jourdine, Charles (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia, - ; killed near Augusta, , 1780. Joynes, Levin (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 10th February, 1776 ; Major llth Virginia, 10th February, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 12th Virginia,. Joynes. llth December, 1777, to 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; was assigned to a regiment subsequently, and was retired 12th February, 1781. Joynes, Reuben (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 10th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, - ; resigned 27th March, 1777. Judd, William (Conn). Major Con necticut Militia, August to October, 1775 ; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Judkins, Charles (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 21st March, 1776, to . Judson, Amos (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 1st January, 1778. Judson, David (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th February, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 29th No vember, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783 ; was Brigade Quar termaster, 17th December, 1778, to 20th June, 1781. Judson, Ephraim (Conn). Chap lain of Ward s Connecticut State Reg iment, August, 1776, to May, 1777. Julian, John (Va). Surgeon of Virginia State Troops, 5th June, 1776, to close of war. Jump, George (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 27th November, 1775, to . Justice, John (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 10th May, 1777, to . K. Kachlein, Andrew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; discharged 21st June, 1776 ; served subsequently as Colonel Pennsylvania Militia. Kachlein, Peter (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel Pennsylvania Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Karr, Henry (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia - ; wounded at Fish Dam Ford, 9th November, 1780. Karr, Jesse (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775, to . Kavleman. See Howelman. Kays, Robert. See Keyes. 247 Keep. Keais, Nathaniel (N. C.). Cap tain 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775, to . Keane, Thomas (Del). Captain of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December,, 1776. Kearsley, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January 1777 ; Cap tain, 18th February, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; omitted in 1779. Keeler, Aaron (Conn). Sergeant 5th Connecticut, February, 1777 ; En sign, 22d April, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Keeler, Isaac (Conn). Ensign, 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 27th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 1st August, 1779 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st September, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 26th August, 1808.) Keeler, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 2d November, 1775; Captain of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 10th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 19th March, 1781. Keeler, Thaddeus (Conn). Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 13th July to, 23d December, 1775; Sergeant in Silli- man s Connecticut State Regiment,. June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 5th Connecticut, 1st January,. 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 25th March, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 8th May, 1780; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Keene, Lawrence (Pa). Captain Patton s Additional Continental Regi ment, 13th January, 1777; transferred to llth Pennsylvania, 13th January, 1779; Aide-de-Camp to General Mif- flin, 5th June, 1778, to 25th February 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Keene, Samuel Y. (Md). Sur- geoirs-Mate of a Maryland Regiment, 1777 to 1781. Keep, Caleb (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December," 1776 ; Captain 4th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 13th April, 1778. Keep. Keep, Jabez (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Whitcoinb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Keeports, George (Md). 3d Lieu tenant of Smith s Baltimore Com pany Independent Maryland Artil lery, 14th January, 1776; Captain German Battalion, 8th July, 1776 ; re signed 4th May, 1777. Keiser, "William (Md). Captain German Battalion, September, 1776, and served to Keith, Alexander (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 20th March, 1777; transferred to 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to - Keith, Isham(Va). 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 18th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 30th January, 1777; re signed 8th April, 1778. Keith, Israel (Mass). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Heath, 13th August to December, 1776. Keith, James (Mass). Captain of a Massachusetts Regiment, 1st July to December, 1775 ; Captain 16th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 8th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major, 12th August, 1779 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. (Died 14th May, 1829.) Keller, Adam (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 20th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777; re tired 1st July, 1778. Kelley, - - (Va). 2d Lieutenant llth Virginia, January, 1777 ; Cap tain of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 6th February, 1777; killed at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777. (Was not this William Kelley ?) Kelley, David (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 20th July to December, 1775. Kelley, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant of Sheppard s Company Vir ginia Riflemen, 9th July, 1776, to . Kelley, William Dennis (Va). En sign 4th Virginia, , 1777; Regi mental Adjutant, 10th July, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 6th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . Kelly, Thaddeus (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Kellock, Royall (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . 248 Kennedy. Kellogg, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May, 1775, to . Kelsey, Aaron (Conn). Lieutenant of Cook s Connecticut Regiment, ; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777. Kelson, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Kelty, . See Kilty. Kemp, James (Va). Ensign of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780. Kemp, Peter (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, from to Kemp, Thomas (Va). Surgeoii s- Mate Virginia State troops, 1779 to 1781. Kemper, Jacob (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 14th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776; Bat talion formed part of 3d Continental Artillery in 1778; Captain-Lieuten ant, 2d December, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Kempton, Thomas (Mass). Cap tain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Kendell, Custis (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Virginia, 14th August, 1776 ; Captain, 26th May, 1778; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 5th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Kendall, Thomas (Mass). Chaplain of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, March to December, 1776. Kendall, Waffendal (Va). 1st Lieutenant 5th Virginia, 9th March, 1776, to . Kendrick, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Kenna, Asa (R. I.). Ensign of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Kennedy, Daniel (Pa). Sergeant 6th Pennsylvania, 1st September, 1776; Lieutenant and Adjutant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th June, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 17th April, 1778, at ; ex changed 1st August, 1780, and did not return to service. Kennedy, James (S. C.). Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 21st De cember, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Kennedy Kennedy, John (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Ensign 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 19th April, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Kennedy, Robert (N. C.). Cap tain North Carolina Militia, ; in service October, 1780. Kennedy, Samuel (Pa). Surgeon 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 24th February to 31st December, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon, 1st May, 1777 ; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Kennedy, Samuel (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 1st June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Pennsylvania, January, 1777, to rank from 1st Octo ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 17th April, 1779 ; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1771 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Kenney, James (Pa). Captain of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777 ; re- sired 13th January, 1779. Kennon, John (Va). Paymaster 6th Virginia, 1st May, 1777, to . Kennon, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 13th August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, , 1777, and served to Kennon, Richard (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th December, 1776 ; retired 14th September, 1778 ; served subsequently in Virginia Militia. Kennon, William (N. C.). Lieu tenant and Commissary 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1776 ; re signed April, 1777. Kent, Daniel (Va). Ensign Vir ginia State troops, ; in service in 1780. Kent, Ebenezer (Mass). Sergeant- Major of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, February, 1777 ; regiment designated 16th Massachu setts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Ensign, 5th March, 1781, and served to 1st January, 1783. Kent, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Keran, Edward (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776; dismissed 15th November, 1777. 249 Keyes. Kerlevan, (France). Lieuten ant 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 1st March, 1779, to . Kermovan, John de ( ). Lieu tenant-Colonel Engineer, 16th July, 1776 ; discharged 9th February, 1778. Kerr, William (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; re tired 17th February, 1777. Kersey, William (N. J.). Private and Corporal 3d New Jersey, March, 1776, to November, 1777 ; Ensign, 3d New Jersey, 1st November, 1777; Lieu tenant, 30th March, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783; brevet Captain, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783 ; Ensign United States In fantry Regiment, 12th August, 1784; Lieutenant 1st United States In fantry, 29th September, 1789; Cap tain, 4th June, 1791 ; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Major 4th Sub Legion, 30th June, 1794 ; retained in 3d United States In fantry, 1st November, 1796 ; died 21st March, 1800. Kershaw, Eli (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Ranger s 17th June, 1775, to . Kershaw, William (S. C.). Brigade Major, South Carolina troops, 1776 to Ketcham, Alexander (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 14th July, 1775, to January 1776. Kettle, Nicholas (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, June to November, 1776. Key, John (Va). Ensign 8th Vir ginia, 23d February, 1777 ; resigned 24th April, 1778. Key, John Ross (Md). 2d Lieu tenant Maryland Rifle Company, 20th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant in Stephen- son s Maryland RJ le Battalion in 1776, and served to . Keyes, Danforth (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Learned s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775. Keyes, John (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 20th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Adjutant-General Connecticut Mi litia. Keyes, Richard (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; discharged September, 1776. Keyes. Keyes, Robert (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to . (Name also spelled Kays.) Keyes, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. ^Keyser, John (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 15th March, 1780, to 3d Septem ber, 1781. Keyser, John Jr. (N. Y.) 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 15th July, 1775 ; died November, 1775. Kidd, Charles (Del). Ensign Dela ware Regiment, 5th April, 1777; 3d Lieutenant, 7th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1780, and served to close of war. Kidd, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; cashiered, 8th October, 1776. Kilgore, David (Pa). Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776, to January, 1777. (Died llth July, 1814.) Killam, Joseph (Mass). 3d Lieu tenant 27th Continental Infantry, 5th May to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 5th Massachusetts. 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 14th October, 1780; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Killeby, William (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, ; died 6th April, 1777. Kilpatrick, William (Mass). En sign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d August to 31st December, 1776. Kilty, John (Md). Ensign 3d Mary land Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 6th November, 1777; Captain 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st July, 1778, to 10th No vember, 1782. (Name also spelled Kelty and Kiltie.) Kilty, William (Md). Surgeon 4th Maryland, ; retired 1st January, 1783. Kimball, Asa (R. I.). Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776, to 1777. Kimball, Benjamin (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 25th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 6th Septem ber, 1776 ; Paymaster 1st New Hamp- 250 King-. shire, 8th November, 1776 ; accident ally killed 23d August, 1779. Kimball, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Kimball, James (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Kimball, Jesse (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 20th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of BurralPs Connecticut Regiment, 23d January, 1776 ; Captain, 19th Sep tember, 1776; Captain 8th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th December, 1777. Kimball, Jonas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775. Kimball, Peter (N. H.). Captain New Hampshire Militia, ; wounded at Bennington, 16th Au gust, 1777. Kimball, Stephen (R. I.). Captain- Lieutenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Is land Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Captain llth Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Kimberly, Ephraim -(Conn). 2d Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 19th March, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 13th April, 1782, and served to 3d June, 1783. Kimmell, Michael (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Regimental Pay master 5th Pennsylvania, May, 1777 ; retired with rank of Captain, 1st July, 1778. King, Caleb (Mass). Sergeant 9th Massachusetts, llth December, 1776 ; Ensign, 2d June, 1778 ; resigned 28th April, 1780. King 1 , Elijah ( ). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th Novem ber, 1779, to . King, Eliphalet (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 22d Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, September, 1776 ; dis charged 31st December, 1776. King, Elisha (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ;, Lieutenant, 15th February, 1781, and served to close of war. King. King 1 , G-ideon (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776; served subsequently as Captain New Y 7 ork Militia. King, Henry (Md). Sergeant Maryland Line, 25th May to 20th Oc tober, 1778; Assistant Commissary of Issues, 10th May, 1780, to 10th Sep tember, 1781. King, Hugh (Pa). Lieutenant of Baxter s Battalion Pennsylvania Fly ing Camp, June, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 : exchanged 8th Decem ber, 1780. King, James (R.I.). 2d Lieutenant llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . King, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 15th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d April, 1777 ; Captain, 30th March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and died in captivity. King, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. King, John (Mass). Captain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. King, John (Pa). Ensign 6th Penn sylvania Battalion, 17th October, 1776, to . King, Jonathan (Mass). Surgeon 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1778. King, Joseph (N. J.). Regimental Adjutant, 4th New Jersey, 28th No vember, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777; Paymaster of Baldwin s Artil lery Artificer Regiment, 6th February, 1780 ; retired May, 1781. King, Joshua (Mass). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th Novem ber, 1779; Lieutenant, 20th Novem ber, 1779; wounded at Eutaw Springs; 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of war. King, Levin (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777; re signed 8th November, 1777. King Miles (Va). Surgeon s-Mate. 1st Virginia, 26th October, 1775 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. King, Peter (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776, and served to . 251 Kingsbury. King, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1770; retired 1st July, 1778; served subse quently as a Captain of Millitia in Western Pennsylvania. King, Rufus ( ). Appointed Captain and Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Grlover, 16th August, 1778, and served to . (Died 29th April, 1827.) King, Samuel (Mass). Captain 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; was in service in 1781. King, William (Mass). Captain of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. King, Zebulon (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 4th October, 1780; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Killed by Indians in Ohio, 1st May, 1789.) Kingley, Benjamin (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 9th May, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Kingman, Edward (Mass). En sign 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : killed near Saratoga, New York, 26th September, 1777. Kingsbury, Andrew (Conn). Su perintendent of Military Stores Hos pital Department, 15th December, 1778, to 13th March, 1781. Kingsbury, Asa (Conn). Lieuten ant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July, to 5th September, 1775, Surgeon s- Mate 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Kingsbury, Eleazer (Mass). Cap tain Company of Minute Men, ; wounded at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Kingsbury, Jacob (Conn). Private and Corporal 8th Connecticut, llth July, to 16th December, 1775 ; Ser geant in Continental Regiment in 1776, and in the Connecticut Line, 1777 to 1780; Ensign of Webb s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 26th April, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment in June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783 ; Lieutenant United States Infantry Regiment, loth October, 1787; Lieutenant 1st Infantry, United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Captain, 28th December, 1791 ; as signed to 1st Sub-Legion, 4th Septem King-sbury. 252 Kittredge. ber, 1792 ; assigned to 1st United States Infantry, 1st November, 1796 ; Major, 2d Infantry, 15th May, 1797 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Infantry, llth April, 1803; Colonel, 18th August, 1808; Colonel Inspector-General, 8th April, 1813, to 31st October, 1814 ; hon orably discharged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 1st July, 1837.) King-sbury, John (N. C.). Cap tain Independent Company North Carolina Artillery, 19th July, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. King-sley, Eliphalet (Conn). Ser geant of Baldwin s Regiment Artil lery Artificers, October, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 1st December, 1778 ; Captain, 1st May, 1779 ; resigned 1st May, 1780. Kinkaid, William ( Va). Adjutant 12th Virginia, 1777, to 1st January, 1778. Kinley, Benjamin (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Kinnard, Nathaniel (Md). 2d Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776, to . Kinney, Abraham (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 24th May, 1779 ; Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 14th June, 1781, and served to close of war. Kinney, John (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th July to 10th No vember, 1776 ; Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 6th January, 1778 ; resigned August, 1778. (Died 17th July, 1832.) Kinney, Thomas (N. J.). Private 3d New Jersey, December, 1775 ; En sign 3d New Jersey, 19th July to 10th November, 1776. Kinsey, Jonathan, (N. J.). Cap tain 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778 ; served also as Captain of New Jersey Militia. Kinsman, Aaron (N. H.). Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain New Hampshire Militia. Kinsman, John (Conn). Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 12th July, 1775 ; En sign, 21st October to 10th December, 1775; Ensign 17th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Kirk, John (Pa): Ensign Pennsyl vania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776, to . Kirk, Robert (Va). Ensign of Grrayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 23d July, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 19th April, 1778 ; transferred to Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Died 28th August, 1828.) Kirkland, Moses (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Kirkland, Samuel (N. T.). Chap lain to Port Schuyler, 16th October, 1779, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 28th February, 1808.) Kirkpatrick, Abraham (Va). 1st Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 22d March, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant, 2d April, 1777 ; Captain, 10th August, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778, and served to close of war. Kirkpatrick, David (N. Y.). En sign of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 24th April, 1777 ; transferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 24th April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781; Captain Sappers and Miners, 25th July, 1781 ; wounded at Yorktown, 14th October, 1781 ; served to 3d June, 1783. Kirkwood, Robert (Del). 1st Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 17th January, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Decem ber, 1776, and served to close of war ; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; killed 4th Novem ber, 1791, in action with Indians at St. Glair s defeat near Fort Recovery, Ohio. Kirtland, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Kirtland, Martin (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775; Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 15th November, 1778. Kirtland, Nathaniel (Conn). Pri vate 6th Connecticut, 10th May to 18th December, 1775 ; Ensign 6th Con necticut, 12th March, 1777; Lieuten ant, June, 1777; died 12th October, 1777, of wounds received at Still water, 7th October, 1777. Kirtley, James (Va). 1st Lieuten ant SthVirginia, , 1776 ; discharged 10th June, 1777. Kittredge, Thomas (Mass). Sur geon of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, 20th May to December, 1775. (Died October, 1818.) Klein. 253 Kolb. Klein, David ( ). Deputy Com missary of Prisoners, 12th December, 1777, to . Klein, William ( ). Major Ger man Battalion, 17th July, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 3d September, 1778 ; retired 21st June, 1779, and granted permission to return to Europe. Klock, Adam (X. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant Xew York Exempts, - ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777, Klock, Jacob Conrad (X. Y.) Lieutenant New Y^ork Militia, - ; prisoner, 6th October, 1780. to 21st May, 1783. Klock, Jacob I. See Clock. Knapp, Job (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment. May to December, 1775. Knapp, John (S. C.). 2d Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, , 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 18th December, 1778; trans ferred to 1st South Carolina, 1st Janu ary, 1781, arid served to . Knapp, Joshua (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 15th Xovember, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 19th July, 1829.) Knapp, Moses (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 4th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major llth Massachusetts, 5th Xovember, 1778 ; transferred to 10th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 12th June, 1783. (Died 7th Xovember, 1809.) Knapp, Samuel (X. Y.). Lieuten ant Xew York Militia, ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Knight, Artemus (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; omitted, Xovember, 1779. Knight, John (Pa). Paymaster 7th Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Knight, John (Va). Surgeon s- Mate llth Virginia, 1st September, 1778 ; regiment designated 7th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war. Knight, Jonathan (Conn,. Sur- geon s-Mate 4th Connecticut, 1st Feb ruary, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781 Knight, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Knowles, Charles (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Connecti cut, 9th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Paymaster of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 23d September, 1776 ; Paymaster 3d Continental Ar tillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant 12th September, 1778 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 13th September, 1780 ; transferred to Corps of Artil lery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d X^ovember, 1783. (Died , 1796.) Knowlton, Thomas (Conn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Major 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 12th August, 1776; killed at Harlem Plains, 16th September, 1776. Knox, George (Pa). Ensign 9tri_ Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, March, 1778 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 9th February, 1779. By the act of 26th July, 1779, it was "Re solved, unanimously, that Congress warmly approve and applaud the cool, determined spirit with which Lieutenants * * and Knox led on the forlorn hope (Stony Point) brav ing danger and death in the cause of their country, and that a brevet of Captain be given Lieutenant Knox." Resigned April, 1780. Knox, Henry (Mass). Served as a volunteer at Bunker Hill in June, 1775 ; Colonel Continental Regiment of Artillery, 17th Xovember, 1775 : Brigadier-General and Chief of Artil lery Continental Army, 27th Decem ber, 1776 ; Major-General, 22d March, 1782, to rank from 15th Xovember, 1781 ; Commander-in-Chief of the Army, 23d December, 1783, to 20th June , 1784; Secretary of War, 8th March, 1785, to 31st December, 1794. (Died 25th October, 1806.) Knox, James (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 4th April, 1776 ; Major 9th Virginia, , and served to . Knox, Matthew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, llth Oc tober, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th Xovember, 1776 ; exchanged 22d October, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Knox, William (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 30th April, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Kolb, Josiah (S. C.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d South Carolina, December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 15th July, 1777, and served to close of war. Kolkauski. Kolkauski, Count ( ). Cap tain Pulaski Legion, 10th December, 1778, to . Kollock, Shepard (X. Y.). Lieu tenant of a New York Militia Regi ment in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d January, 1779. (Died 28th July, 1839.) Kosciusko, Thaddeus (Poland). Colonel-Engineer, 18th October, 1776 ; "brevet Brigadier-General, 13th Oc tober, 1783, to signify that Congress entertain a high sense of his long, faithful and meritorious services. 1 Served to close of war. (Died 16th October, 1817.) Kotz, Jacob (Md). 1st Lieutenant German Battalion, 25th September, 1776 ; resigned 8th April, 1778. Kowatz, Michael da ( ). Colo nel Commandant Pulaski Lancers of the Pulaski Legion, 18th April, 1778 ; killed before Charleston, llth May, 1779. Kring, John (X. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, - ; prisoner of war, 5th September, 1781, to 21st May, 1783. Kronkhits, James (N. Y.). Cap tain of Drake s Regiment New York Militia, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 17th December, 1780. Kuhn, Adam (Pa). Surgeon and Physician of Hospital in Pennsylva nia, 8th July, 1776, to February, 1777. (Died 5th July, 1817.) L. Lacey, John (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1777; Brigadier-General Penn sylvania Millitia, 9th January, 1778, to February, 1781. (Died 17th Feb ruary, 1814.) Lacey, Josiah (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Silliman s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June, to 25th December, 1776; Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 20th July, 1780. la Close, - - (France). Lieuten ant 1st Cavalry, Pulaski Legion, 1st March, 1779; brevet Captain, 19th July, 1780, and permitted to return to Europe. Name also spelled La Clause. Ladd, William (R. I.). Captain- Lieutenant of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, to December, 1775. 254 Lafayette. Ladley, Andrew (Pa). Surgeon 12th Pennsylvania, 1777, to Ladson, James (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul Joseph Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier - - Marquis de (France). Major-General Continental Army, 31st July, 1777 ; wounded at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777. By the act of 21st October, 1778, it was "Re solved, that the Marquis de la Fay- ette, Major-General in the service of the United States, have leave to go to France, and that he return at such time as shall be most convenient to him. Resolved, that the President write a letter to the marquis de la Fayette, returning him the thanks of Congress for that disinterested zeal which led him to America, and for the services he hath rendered to the United States, by the exertion of his courage and abilities on many sig nal occasions. Resolved, that the Min ister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America at the court of Versailles be directed to cause an el egant sword, with proper devices, to be made arid presented in the name of the United States, to the Marquis de la Fayette." Sailed for France, llth January, 1779 ; returned to the United States, 27th April, 1780. By the act of 25th November, 1781, it was " Resolved, that Major-General, the Marquis de la Fayette have permission to go to France, and that he return at such time as shall be most convenient to him ; that he be informed, that on a review of his conduct throughout the past campaign, and particularly dur ing the period in which he had the chief command in Virginia, the many new proofs which present themselves of his zealous attachment to the cause he has espoused, and of his judg ment, vigilance, gallantry and ad dress in its defence, have greatly added to the high opinion entertained by Congress of his merits and mili tary talents; that he make known to the officers and troops whom he com manded during that period, that the brave and enterprising services with which they seconded his zeal and ef forts, and which enabled him to de feat the attempts of an enemy far su perior in numbers, have been beheld by Congress with particular satisfac tion and approbation." ; re turned to France, 22d December, 1781. (Died 30th May, 1834.) Lagare. 255 Lag-are, James. See Legare. Laird, David (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776 ; dis missed 13th January, 1778. Laird, James (Va). Ensign Vir ginia Riflemen ; mortally wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780, and died llth October, 1780. Lajournade, Alexander ( ). Surgeon s Mate 1st Continental Ar tillery, loth March, 1778 ; resigned 9th August, 1778. Lakin, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . (Name also spelled Leakin.) Lamar, Marion (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Octo ber, 1775: Major 4th Pennsylvania, 30th September, 1770 ; killed at Paoli, 20th September, 1777. Lamar, "William (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 14th February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 15th November, 1777; trans ferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, , 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 8th January, 1838.) Lamarque, Timothy (N. Y.). Sur- geon s-Mate, 1st Canadian (Livings ton s) Regiment, 14th August, 1777; resigned 26th September, 1778. Lamb, Abner (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, , 1780 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; Lieutenant, October, 1781, and served to close of war. Lamb, Gideon (N. C.). Major 6th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776; Lieu tenant-Colonel, , arid served to Lamb, John (N. Y.). Captain In dependent Company New York Ar tillery, 17th July, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner- at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775; Major-Commandant of Artillery Northern Department, 9th January, 1776, to rank from 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Continental Ar tillery, 1st January. 1777; wounded at Cbmpo Hill, 28th April, 1777; served to June, 1783. (Died 81st May, 1800.) Lamb, Richard (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, , 1777; Captain, 30th June, 1778; resigned 30th April, 1779. Lamb, Thomas (Mass). Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; retired 22d April, 1779. Lane. Lambert, George (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 15th December, 1775 ; Lieu tenant, May, 1776 ; Captain 14th Vir ginia, 24th February, 1777, and served to . Lambert, Joseph Emanuel (Pa). Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, - , 1777, to . Lambert, Josiah (Mass). Sergeant llth Massachusetts,20th January,1777; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; deserted 16th December, 1777. (Name also spelled Lumberd.) Lamme, Nathan (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 3d March, 1777; Captain 31st December, 1777 ; trans ferred to 6th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died loth January, 1834.) Lamont, John (Mass). Captain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; de ranged 10th September, 1778. Lamont, "William ( ). Lieuten ant ; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 18th March, 1779 ; dismissed 1st August, 1782. Se Lemont. (Are they the same ?) La Motte, (Del). Captain Dela ware Regiment, ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Lampson, Caleb (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. Lampsen, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Land, Charles (Va). Surgeon s- Mate, 3d Virginia, 21st August, 1777 ; resigned May, 1778. Landenberger, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant German Battalion, 19th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 27th April, 1777; resigned 3d February, 1779. Lane, Aaron (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 18th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th July, 1777 ; cashiered, 25th August, 1778. Lane, Abial (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; de ranged 1st April, 1779. Lane, Abraham (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted October, 1777. Lane, Daniel (Mass). Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 177": taken prisoner 21st July, 1777, at ; resigned 18th October, 1779. Lane. Lane, Derick, (N. J.). 3d Lieuten ant 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th November, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 3d April; 1779; Cap tain-Lieutenant. 5th July, 1779 , Cap tain, llth February, 1783 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783 ; Captain United States Infantry Regiment, 12th August, 1784 ; resigned 24th No vember, 1785. Lane, Ezekiel (N. H.). Lieutenant New Hampshire Militia; killed at Beimington, 16th August, 1777. Lane, Jabez (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deranged 1st April, 1779. (Died 25th October, 1825.) Lane, John (Mass). Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Lane, Joseph (Ga). Major of a Geor gia Regiment, 2d April, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Sunbury, 9th January, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Lane, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Lang, James (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania Musket Battalion, 19th March, 177o ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th July, 1776; Captain 10th Pennsylva nia, 27th November, 1776 ; resigned 1st April, 1779. (Name also spelled Long.) Lang-bourne, "William (Va). En sign 6th Virginia, 27th April, 1777. By the act of 6th October, 1783, it was "Resolved, whereas William Langburn hath served from the com mencement of the war in the Army of the United States, with equal dis interestedness and reputation, that a brevet commission of Lieutenant- Colonel be given him. 1 (Name also spelled Langburn.) Langdon, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to November, 1776 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant New York Militia. (Died 12th March, 1819.) Langdon, John (Mass). Captain of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 ; resigned 22d September, 1778. Langdon, Jonathan (Va). Cap tain 12th Virginia, llth February, 1777 ; resigned 15th November, 1777. 256 Lassiter. Langdon, Paul (Mass). Captain of Danielsoii s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Langdon, Samuel (Mass). Bri gade Chaplain to Massachusetts Troops, November, 1775, to April, 1776. (Died 29th November, 1797.) Langford, Daniel (S. C ). 2d Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d October, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Langham, Elias (Va). Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 7th Febru ary, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died 3d April, 1830.) Lansdale, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; Major 3d Maryland, 19th February, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Lansing, Garrett G. (N. Y.). En sign 3d New York, 6th February, 1779 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 27th May, 1831.) Lansing, John G. (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, and served to November, 1776. Lansing, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776- resigned 8th December, 1776; served subsequently as Adjutant New York Militia Regiment, and as Mili tary Secretary to General Schuyler. (Died 12th December, 1829.) Lapham, King (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lapsley, John (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 20th March, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 28th November, 1776 ; wound ed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 3d April, 1778; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; resigned 7th May, 1779. Lap&ley, Samuel (Va). Captain of Gist s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th March, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Larey, James (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 19th November, 1777 ; cashiered, 31st December, 1777. Lasher, John (N. Y.). Colonel New York Militia, 1775 to 1783. (Died 22d February, 1806.) Lassiter, Jethro (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 7th North Carolina, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th October,, 1777, arid served to . Latham. 257 Lawrence. Latham, Edward (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia, ; woun ded at Groton Heights, 6th Septem ber, 1781. Latham, William (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th De cember, 1775 ; Captain Connecticut Militia, - ; wounded at Groton Heights, Gth September, 1781. Latimer, George (Del). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. (Died 12th June, 1825.) Latimer, Henry (Del). Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1880, and served to close of war. (Died 19th December, 1819.) Lattimer, George (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 17th De cember, 1775. Lattimer, Jonathan (Conn). Major 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 19th De cember, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel of Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to llth December, 1776; served subsequently as Colonel Con necticut Militia. Latour, John Conrad ( ). 2d Lieutenant of OttendorfTs Battalion, 29th April, 1777; dismissed, 1779. Laucks, George (N. Y.). Lieuten- J j ant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 6th October, 1781, to 6th De cember, 1782. (Name also spelled Loucks.) Laudiman, ( ). Lieutenant of Armand s Partisan Corps, 15th January, 1780, to rank from 1st June 1779, and served to . Laumo, - - de (France) Served as a volunteer in Armand s Partisan Corps in 1778 ; brevet Lieutenant, I3th January, 1779, and retired from the service. Laumoy, de Mons. (France). Colonel Engineer, 17th November, 1777 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779 ; brevet Brigadier-Gen eral, 30th September, 1783; retired 10th October, 1783. Laurence, Levin (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Watkins Company Mary land Cannoneers, May, 1776 ; Captain 6th Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; left the service 1st April, 1778. Laurens, John (S. C.). Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 6th September, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. By the act of 5th November, 1778, it was "Resolved, that John Laurens, Esq., Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, be presented with a Continental Commission of Lieuten ant-Colonel, in testimony of the sense which Congress entertain of his patriotic and spirited services as a volunteer in the American Army, and of his brave conduct in several actions, particularly in that of Rhode Island on the 29th of August last, and that General Washington be directed, whenever an opportunitv shall offer, to give Lieutenant-Colonel Laurens command agreeable to his rank." Declined the above proffered ap pointment with thanks, 6th Novem ber, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 29th March, 1779 ; mortally wounded, 27th August, 1782 (died same day), in action near Combahee Ferry, South Carolina. Lautermilk, Jacob (Md). Ensign German Battalion, 19th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th May, 1777 ; resigned 8th April, 1778. Laverswyler, Jacob (Pa). Quar termaster 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 24th October, 1776 ; Captain-Paymaster Pennsylvania State Regiment, 15th February, 1777 ; resigned llth April, 1778. Law, John (Mass). Captain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Lawer, Conrad (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 16th October, 1780, to 6th De cember, 1782. Lawer, John (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 16th October, 1780, to 6th Decem ber, 1782. Lawler, Thomas (Va). Regimen tal Quartermaster 3d Virginia, Sep tember, 1777, to May, 1778. Lawless, "William (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Lawrence, Andrew (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, llth July, 1775, to January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted March, 1777. Lawrence, Benjamin (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 28th No vember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 3d October, 1777; resigned 29th Decem ber, 1777. 17 Xjawrence. Layman. Lawrence, Daniel (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, 1775-1776 ; M Lieutenant 4th New York, Febru ary, 1770; 2d Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned August, 1777. Lawrence, Daniel (R. I.). Ensign 3d Rhode Island, 12th June, 1777; omitted June, 1778. Lawrence, Elihu (Conn). Ensign in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 14th December, 1775. Lawrence, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, 12th Octo ber, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 26th August, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Lawrence, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 1st August, 1775 ; Paymaster 1st New York, 15th August, 1776; Judge- Advocate Conti nental Army, 10th April, 1777 ; re signed 3d June, 1782. (Died Novem ber, 1810.) Lawrence, Jonathan (N. Y.). Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 10th January, 1777 ; retired, 22d April, 1779 ; Captain Sappers and Miners, 12th June, 1781 ; resigned 25th November, 1782. (Died 27th April, 1802.) Lawrence, Joseph (N. H.). En sign 1st New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; died 4th June, 1777. Lawrence, Joshua (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; resigned 22d October, 1778. Lawrence, Nathaniel (N. C.). En sign 2d North Carolina, 4th Septem ber, 1778 ; Lieutenant, - ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged, 18th April, 1781, and served to . Lawrence. Oliver (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Malcolm s New York Regi ment in 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Lawrence, Samuel (Mass). Cor poral Company of Minute Men at Lexington and Concord. 19th April, 1775 ; Sergeant in Prescott s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st De cember, 1776; Major Massachusetts Militia, 1777 and 1778. Lawrence, William (Pa). Pay master 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 13th August, to December, 1776. Lawrie, James (N. J.). Captain 2d New Jersey, 27th November, 1775, to November, 1776; Cap tain 2d New Jersey, 29th Novem ber, 1776; taken prisoner at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777, and died while prisoner of war. Lawson, Benjamin (Va). Pay master 4th Virginia, 20th August, 1777, to June, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d March, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1780; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. Lawson, Claiborne W. (Va). En sign 1st Virginia, 7th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d December, 1776 ; Captain, 18th October, 1777, and served to - . (Was in service in 1781.) Lawson, Hugh (Gra). Captain Georgia Militia, - ; wounded at Augusta, Georgia, 14th September, 1730. (Died 20th February, 1802.) Lawson, Robert (Va). Major 4th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 13th August, 1776 ; Colonel, 19th August, 1777 ; resigned 17th December, 1777 ; served subse quently as Brigadier-General Virginia Militia. Lawson, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Lawton, Jeremiah (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster of Whitmore s Massachusetts Militia Regiment, June to November, 1775. Lawton, William (Mass). Sur- georfs-Mate 15th Massachusetts, 20th April, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Lay, Asa (Conn). Corporal 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 18th Decem ber, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 6th Connect icut, 1st January, 1777 ; taken pris oner at ; released 3d December, 1780; Captain, 28th August, 1780; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Lay, Lee (Conn). Captain Con necticut Militia, - ; wounded at Greenwich, 19th June, 1779. Layman, William (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 10th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 10th June, 1777, and served to - . (Was in service ir 1780.) Ijeach. 259 Lee. Leach, Simon (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Reed s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Learmouth, oohn (Del). 2d Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 16th Jan uary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 5th April, 1777, and served to close of war. Learned, Ebenezer, (Mass). Colo nel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Colonel 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 2d April, 1777 ; resigned 24th March, 1778. (Died 1st April, 1801.) Learned, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Learned, Simon (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Regimental Pay master, 13th September, 1776; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 4th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 20th March, 1778 ; Brigade-Major, 9th March, 1779 ; Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Glover in 1782, served to June, 1783 ; Colonel 9th United States In fantry, 12th March, 1812; honorably discharged loth June, 1815. (Died 16th November, 1817.) Leavenworfch, Eli (Conn). Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 6th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777; Major, 27th May, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Leavenworth, Nathaniel (Mass). Surgeon s-Mate 8th Massachusetts, 1st February, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; re tained in Jackson s Continental Regi ment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Leavitt, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Leavitt, Moses (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Leavitt, Nathaniel (N. H.). En sign 3d New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; transferred to 2d New Hampshire, 1st -January, 1781 ; retired 1st September, 1782. (Died February, 1825.) Leavitt, Thomas (N. H.). Lieu tenant of Poor s New Hampshire Regiment, May, 1775 ; Captain, 20th August to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain New Hamp shire Militia. Leaycraft, George (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, lt January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st August, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died, April, 1811.) Leaycraft, "William (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 7th June, 1827.) Le Brim, Bellecour (France), 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain of Cav alry Pulaski Legion, 3d April, 1778, and served to close of war ; brevet Major, 6th February, 1784. (He signed "Bellecour.") Ledie, Andrew (Pa). Surgeon 12th Pennsylvania, 18th January, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Ledyard, Benjamin (N. Y.). Cap tain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Major 4th New York 21st November, 1776 ; transferred to 1st New York, 29th April, 1778 ; resigned 26th March, 1779. Ledyard, Isaac (N.Y.). Surgeon s- Mate, 1st New York, 20th March to November, 1776 ; Assistant Pur veyor Hospital Department, 6th Oc tober, 1780, and served to 23d July, 1782. (Died 28th August, 1803.) Ledyard, William (Conn). Lieu tenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, ; killed 6th September, 1781, at Fort Griswold, Connecticut, after the surrender; Lieutenant-Colonel Led yard commanded this post, and in the defense thereof, 6 of the garrison were killed and 18 wounded, while in the subsequent butchery, after the surrender, 79 were killed. Ledyard, Youngs (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia, ; killed 6th September, 1781, at Fort Gris wold, Connecticut. Lee, Andrew (Conn). Chaplain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 15th October, 1777. Lee, Andrew (Pa). Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Schuyler, 22d August, 1777; Lieuten ant, September, 1779 ; died 22d June, 1781. Lee. 260 Lee, Lee, Charles (Va). Major-General Continental Army, 17th June, 1775. By the act of 20th July, 1776, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of the United States of America be given to Major-General Lee * * * and the officers and soldiers under their com mand, who, on the 28th June last, re pulsed with so much valor, the attack which was made on that day on the State of South Carolina by the fleet and army of his Britannic majesty." Taken prisoner at Baskenridge, 13th December, 1776 ; exchanged 6th May, 1778 ; informed that his services were no longer required, 10th Janu ary, 1780. (Died 2d October, 1782.) Lee, Daniel (Mass). Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st Janu ary to 1st October, 1777 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st October, 1777, to 21st September, 1778 ; Brigade-Major, Sep tember, 1778, to 21st December, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 31st March, 1780 ; Captain, 1st February, 1781 ; 7-etired 1st January, 1783. Lee, Elisha (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant lOthContinental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 22d May, 1778. Lee, Ezra (Conn). Sergeant 10th Continental Infantry, January to De cember, 1776 ; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; Regimental Quarter master, 16th November, 1778, to 1st January, 1781 ; Acting Brigade Quartermaster, 16th June, 1779, to 22d June, 1781 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st Januarv, 1781, and Paymaster of same from June, 1781, to June, 1782, when he retired. (Died 29th October, 1821.) Lee, Henry (Va). ("Light Horse Harry. ) Captain of a Company Vir ginia Dragoons, 18th June, 1776 ; com pany attached to and formed part of the 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777. By the act of 7th April, 1778, it was "Resolved, whereas Cap tain Henry Lee, of the Light Dra goons, by the whole tenor of his con duct during the last campaign, has proved himself a brave and prudent officer, rendered essential service to his country, and acquired to himself and the corps he commanded, distin guished nonor, and, it being the deter mination of Congress to reward merit, Resolved, that Captain H. Lee be promoted to the rank of Major-Com mandant ; that he be empowered to augment his present corps by enlist ment of two troops of horse, to act as a separate corps." By the act of 24th September, 1779, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Major Lee for the remarkable pru dence, address and bravery displayed in the attack on the enemy s fort and work at Powles Hook, and that they approve the humanity shewn in cir cumstances prompting to severity, as- honorable to the arms of the United States, and correspondent to the noble principles on which they were as sumed, and that a gold medal em blematic of this affair be struck un der the direction of the Board of Treasury, and presented to Major Lee." On 21st October, 1780, his Bat talion was designated Lee s Partisan Corps; Lieutenant-Colonel of same, 6th November, 1780, and served to close of war ; Major-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honora bly discharged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 25th March, 1818.) Lee, James (Pa). Captain 2d Con tinental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th October, 1779. Lee, John (Va). Major 2d Virginia State Regiment, 1777, to October, 1781. Lee, John (Va). Ensign 1st Vir ginia, 6th September, 1775, to . Lee, John (Va). Ensign 7th Vir ginia, 4th July, 1779, to . (Name also spelled Leigh.) Lee, Jonathan (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Lee, Joseph (Mass). Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Lee, Noah ( ). Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th November, 1776 ; Captain, 1780, and served to . Lee, Parker Hall (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 19th November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th October, 1778, and served to . (Was in service, March, 1780.) Lee, Philip Richard Francis (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 8th March, 1776 ; mortally wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Lee, Samuel (?onn). Surgeon 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777, re signed 3d April, 1778. Lee. 261 Lenear. Lee, Seward (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Glover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 14th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Lee, Thomas (N. Y.). 2 1 Lieuten ant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d August, 1775 ; Cap tain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 19th May, 1778 : served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. Lee, Thomas (Va). Adjutant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th February, 1777 ; re signed 21st April, 1778. Lee, William (N. H. ). 1st Sergeant of Reed s New Hampshire Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hamp shire, 8th November 1776 ; resigned 9th January, 1778. Lee, William B. (Ya). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 8th June, 1777, to . (In service August, 1778.) Lee, "William R. (Mass). Captain of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; Major, June to December, 1775 ; Major 14th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments, 1st January, 1777; resigned 24th June, 1778. (Died 26th October, 1824.) Leeman, Samuel (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; killed at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777. Leffingwell, Elisha (Conn). En sign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th December, 1775. Le Fievre, - - (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Corps in 1778, and was appointed brevet Lieu tenant Continental Army, 13th Jan uary, 1779, and retired from the ser vice. Lefoy, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 7th July, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th March to November, 1776. Legare, James (S. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th October, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; served to . (Died 14th Jan uary, 1831.) Leggett, Abraham (N. Y.). En sign 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777; Lieuten-" ant, , 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Leibert, Philip (Canada). Cap tain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 1st November, L770 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, March, 1782; re tired 1st January, 1783. Leigh, John. See Lee. Leighton, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Leitch, Andrew (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 5th February, 1776; Major 1st Virginia, 18th March, 1776 ; died 1st October, 1776, of wounds received 16th September, 1776, at Harlem Plains. Leitheiser, Herman (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777, to - . (Died llth February, 1829.) Leland, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 7th June, 1779 ; resigned 26th March, 1780. Leland, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 28th December, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th July, 1779; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died , 1839.) Lemmon, James (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Con tinental Regiment, January, 1777 i killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Lemmon, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment", January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d July, 1778; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778; resigned llth March, 1780. Lemmy, Joseph (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th January, 1776 ; died July, 1776. Lemon, John (Va). Captain 13th Virginia, 28th December, 1776 ; re signed 16th March, 1777. Lemont, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. See Laiuont. Lenear, James (N. C.). Ensign 8th North Carolina, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 12th October, 1777. L Enfant 262 Lewis.. L Enfant, Pierre Charles (France). Captain Corps of Engineers, 3d April, 1779, to rank from 18th February, 1778 ; wounded at Savannah, 9th Oc tober, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; ex changed -- November, 1780; brevet Major, 2d May, 1783 ; served to close of war. (Died 14th June, 1825.) Lening-ton, Thomas (N. Y.). En sign 3d New York, 1st July, 1775 ; taken prisoner while in charge of a prize on the St. Lawrence, 8th May, 1776 ; exchanged in December, 1776, after discharge of his regiment. Lennox, David (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; wounded and taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776; exchanged May, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Lenoir, William (N. C.). Captain North Carolina Rangers, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. (Died 6th May, 1839.) Leonard, Abiel (Conn). Chaplain 3d Connecticut, 1st May, to 16th De cember, 1775 ; Chaplain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Leonard, David (Mass). Major of Danielsori s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Leonard, Jacob (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 27th February, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died April, 1841.) Leonard, Nathaniel (N. J.). En sign 3d New Jersey, 9th February, to November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 30th March, 1780 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 6th Septem ber, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Leonard, Nathaniel (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Walker s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775. Leonard, Noadiah (Mass). Cap tain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Leonard, Samuel (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster of Wood- bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, 4th October to December, 1775. Leonard, William (N. Y.). Cap tain of Lasher s New York Militia Regiment, June to December, 1776. Le Boy, Nicholas George (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 28th July, 1779; Lieutenant, ~2d January, 1781; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 6th February, 1784 ; retained in service to 20th June, 1784. Lessner, John (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 10th August, 1777; de ranged 8th September, 1778. Lester, Ebenezer (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 24th February, 1778. Lester, John (Conn). Ensign Con necticut Militia ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Letts, Ezekiel (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; resigned llth October, 1776. Leverett, William (Mass). Lieu tenant of Jackson Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; resigned 8th November, 1778. Levers, Robert (Pa). Paymaster 12th Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776, to 29th April, 1777. Levers, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, 13th No vember, 1776 ; resigned 29th Septem ber, 1777. Levy, Asher (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 12th September, 1778 ; resigned 14th June, 1779. Also called Lewis. Lewis, Abraham (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 1st November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Lewis, Addison(Va). Lieutenant Regiment Virginia Dragoons, 19th June, 1776 ; Captain 1st Continental Dragoons, 15th March, 1777, and served to . Lewis, Andrew (Va). Brigadier- General Continental Army, 1st March. 1776; resigned 15th April, 1777. (Died 26th September, 1781.) Lewis, Andrew (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 1777 ; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 2d October, 1778 ; trans ferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . Lewis, Archelaus (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieuten ant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; left the service in 1779. Lewis, Asher See Levy. Lewis, Charles (Va). Colonel 14th Virginia, 12th November, 1776; re~ signed 28th March, 1778. Lewis. Liddell. Lewis, Elijah (R. I.). 1st Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Lewis, Evans (Ga). Captain - Georgia Continental Regiment. ; mentioned in 1778 and 1779. Lewis, George (Va). Captain 3d Continental Dragoons, 1st January, 1777, and served to close of war. Lewis, Henry (N. Y.). Ensign of Vischer s Regiment New York Militia, ; wounded at Oriskany, 6th Au gust, 1777. Lewis, Isaac (Conn). Chaplain of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, May to December, 1776. (Died 27th August, 1840.) Lewis, James M.(Ga). Lieutenant Georgia, - ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October. 1780. (Died January, 1807.) Lewis, Joel ( ). Captain, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Lewis, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lewis, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th November, 1777 ; deranged, 1st March, 1779. Lewis, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 9th Virginia, 16th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 7th November, 1776 ; re signed 15th September, 1778. Lewis, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; superseded in 1778. Lewis, John (Conn). Captain of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 29th December, 1776. Lewis, Joseph (Conn). Lieuten ant Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Lewis, Joseph (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Lewis, Joseph ( ). Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776; resigned 16th No vember, 1780. Lewis, Micajah (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Lewis, Morgan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lewis, Morgan (N. Y.). Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General Northern Department, 12th Septem ber, 1776, to close of war; Brigadier- General and Quartermaster-General United States Army, 3d April, 1812, to 2d March, 1813; Major-General United States Army, 2d March, 1813 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 7th April, 1844.) Lewis, Nathaniel (Mass) 1st Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lewis, Robert (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Connect icut, 1st January, 1777; killed at Peekskill, 22d March, 1777. Lewis, Samuel (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant, 1st March, 1780; trans ferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 25th August, 1822.) Lewis, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1777, regiment designated llth Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781 ; Captain United States Infantry, 5th March, 1792 ; as signed to 1st Sub Legion, 4th Sep tember, 1792; assigned to 3d Infantry, , 1st November, 1796 ; resigned 9th March 1801. Lewis, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 2d October, 1775 ; Captain, 4th September, 1776 ; Brigade Inspector of Muhlenberg s Brigade, 7th April, 1778; Major 10th Virginia, 12th May, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died, 1811.) Lewis, William (Va). Lieutenant of Lee s Battalion of Dragoons, ; killed 14th September, 1779, at Gene- see, New York. Libbey, Jonathan (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 27th November, 1778; resigned 18th March, 1780. Liddell, G-eorge (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, , 1777 ; Captain, 20th December, 1778, retired 1st January, 1781, Light. 264 Lincoln. Light, Ebenezer (X. H.). Ensign 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777; cashiered, 12th July, 1779. Lightfoot, Philip (Va). Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, , 1778 ; retired , 1781 Lighthall, William ( ). Ser geant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 12th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 14th August, 1778 ; Lieuten ant, March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Fort Keyser, 19th October, 1780 ; on parole December, 1782, to close of war. Lilley, Reuben (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth November, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts. 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Lillie, David (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, Oth July, to 22d Decem ber, 1775 ; name also spelled Lilley. Lillie, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Gridley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regi ment Continental Artillery, 10th De cember, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 3d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st November, 1778 ; Aide- de-Camp to General Knox, 1st May, 1782 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783 ; Captain 2d Artillerists and Engineers United States Army, 16th February, 1801 ; died 22d Septem ber, 1801. Lillington, John (N. C.). Lieuten ant 1st North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775 ; resigned May, 1776 ; Colonel North Carolina Militia, 1779 to 1782. Lillington, John Alexander (N. C.). Colonel 6th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, arid Brigadier-General North Carolina Militia, 1776, to 1782. (Died, 1786.) Lincoln, Abijah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Lincoln, Benjamin (Mass). Major- General Continental Army, 19th February 1777 ; wounded at Sara toga, 7th October, 1777. By the act of 4th November, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress in their own name, and in behalf of the thir teen United States, be presented to Major-Gerieral Gates, Commander-in- Chief of the Northern Department, and to Major-Generals Lincoln and Arnold, and the rest of the officers and troops under his command, for their brave and successful efforts in support of the independence of their country, whereby an army of the enemy of 10,000 men has been totally defeated ; one large detachment of it, strongly posted and entrenched, having been conquered at Benning- ton, another repulsed with loss and disgrace from Fort Schuyler, and the main army under General Burgoyne, after being beaten in different ac tions and driven from a formidable post and strong entrenchments, re duced to the necessity of surrender ing themselves upon terms honora ble and advantageous to these States, on the 17th day of October last, to Major-General Gates." Surrendered at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner of war until ex changed, November, 178); Secretary War, 30th October, 1781 ; resigned 29th October, 1783, but requested by Congress to perform the duties thereof to 12th November, 1783. By the act of 29th October, 1783, it was u Resolved, that the resignation of Major-General Lincoln, as Secretary of War for the United States, be ac cepted in consideration of the earnest desire which he expresses (the objects of the war being so highly accom plished) to retire to private life, and that he be informed that the United States in Congress assembled enter tain a high sense of his perseverance, fortitude, activity, fidelity and ca pacity in the execution of the office of the Secretary of War, which im portant trust he has discharged to their entire satisfaction." (Died 9th May, 1810.) Lincoln, Hannaiah (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776 ; resigned 1st October, 1777. Lincoln, John (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 20th May, 1778. Lincoln, Loring (Mass), 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Lincoln, Rufus (Mass). Lieutenant of a Massachusetts Regiment at Siege of Boston in 1775 and 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; taken prisoner, 28th De cember, 1777, at ; Captain-Lieu tenant, 8th October, 1779 ; Captain, Lind. 265 Lipscomb. 13th April, 1780 : transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died llth February, 1838.) Lind, Adam (Va). Ensign 3d Vir ginia, 8th February, 1776 ; resigned May, 1776. Lind, Arthur (Va). Sergeant- Major 3d Virginia, November, 1776 ; Ensign 3d Virginia, loth August, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 8th November, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 16th November, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, October, 1780 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Name also spelled Lynd. Lind, Benjamin. See Lynds. Lindenberger, John (Pa). Ensign German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Artil lery, 20th April, 1777 ; resigned 17th March, 1778. Lindley, Leyi (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenaut 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant ; cashiered, 10th December, 1778. Lindsay, John (Ga). Major Georgia Militia, - ; wounded at Rugley s. Mills, South Carolina, 4th December, 1780. Lindsay, Samuel (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp,* June, 1776 ; wounded at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; (lost an eye); rendered no subsequent service. (Died 16th April, 1800.) Lindsay, "William (Va). Cornet Virginia Dragoons, 16th June, 1776 ; 3d Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, loth March, 1777 ; wounded near Valley Forge, 21st January, 1778; Captain of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 7th April, 1778 ; re signed 1st October, 1778; Major 2d United States Artillery, 14th May, 1812; Lieutenant-Colonel, 12th March, 1813; transferred to Corps of Artil lery, 12th May, 1814; transferred to 7th Infantry, *lst June, 1821 ; trans ferred to 3d Artillery, 16th August, 1821 ; Colonel 2d Artillery, 26th April, 1832; brevet Colonel, 12th March, 1823, for ten years faithful service in one grade ; died loth September, 1838. Lindsey, Eleazer (Mass). Captain of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; dismissed 25th August, 1775. Lindsey, Eleazer (Mass.) Lieu tenant-Colonel of Spencer s Addition al Continental Regiment, January, 1777 ; retired 27th May, 1779. Lingan, James Macubbin (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Stepheiison s Mary land and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 17th September, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; served subsequently as Captain in Rawlings Additional Continental Regiment, dates unknown. (Killed 28th July, 1812.) Lingan, Thomas (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; discharged with Bat talion, 1st December, 1776. (Died 28th May, 1825.) Linkensdorf, Louis de. See De Linkensdorf. Linn, John ( ). Director of Hos pital District of Quebec, 30th Septem ber, 1776, to . Linn, William (Pa). Chaplain oth Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th Febru ary to December, 1776. (Died 8th January, 1808.) Linning, Charles (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 20th July, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Linton, John (Va). Sergeant of Graysorrs Additional Continental Regiment, 5th March, 1777; Sergeant- Major, 7th October. 1777 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777; resigned 14th March, 1778; Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, April, 1779; Lieutenant, May, 1780; transferred to Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th Novem ber, 1782, and served to close of war. Linton, William (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, 14th April, 1777, to . Linton, William (Va). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st November, 1777; re signed March, 1778. (Died 28th Feb ruary, 1827.) Lippitt, Charles (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to May, 1776. Lippitt, Christopher (R. I.). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, loth January, 1776 ; Colonel of same regiment, May to June, 1776; Colonel 2d Rhode Island Militia Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to 18th January, 1777. (Died 18th June, 1824.) Lipscomb, Bernard (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regement, Decem ber, 1778, to March, 1782. Lipscomb. Lipscomb, Reuben (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 26th February, 1776; Captain, 28th November, 1776 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; died 3d October, 1778. Lipscomb, Thomas (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 28th October, 1776 ; re signed 20th May, 1778. Lipscomb, Yancey (Va). 1st Lieu tenant Virginia State Troops, 13th May, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, - August, 1779, and served to March, 1782. Liscomb, Francis (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lisle, Charles Noel Romand de ( .) Major Continental Artillery, 12th November, 1776; permitted to return to San Domingo, 12th April, 1777. Listen, Thomas (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Artillery, 20th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Liswell, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Lithgow, "William (Mass). Major llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 29th July, 1779. Little, (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina, ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. See Lytle, Archibald. Little, Eleazer (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 2d March, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 1778 ; resigned July, 1779. Little, George (S. C.). Captain of a South Carolina Regiment, 20th De cember, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Little, John (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; wounded at Johns town, 24th October, 1781. Little, John (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; killed at Minni- sink, 22d July, 1779. Little, Moses (Mass). Colonel Mas sachusetts Regiment, 19th May to De cember, 1775 ; Colonel, 12th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. (Died 27th May, 1798.) Little, Moses (N. H.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. 266 Livingston. Little, Nathaniel (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, , 1780, to . Little, William (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 6th North Carolina, 16th April, 1776; Captain, 28th January, 1779; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Little, William (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; omitted July, 1779. Littlefield, Jeremiah (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Scammon s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776. Littlefield, John (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 20th June, 1780. Littlefield, Noah M. (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. (Died 25th October, 1821.) Littlefield, William (R. I.). Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, ; dis charged 20th June, 1780. Litzinger, William (Pa). Sergeant German Regiment, 15th July, 1776 ; Ensign, 14th August, 1777 ; resigned 1st June, 1778. Livermore, Daniel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781 ; dismissed 8th August, 1781 ; re instated 28th August, 1781 ; retired 1st March, 1782, Livermore, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Livingston, Abraham (N. Y.). Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; re tired 1st January, 1781 ; served subse quently as Captain New York Levies. Livingston, Gilbert B. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; deserted 12th October, 1777 ; was subsequently captured and hanged. Livingston, Gilbert James (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 1st September, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant r 28th June, 1779; resigned 5th April, 1780. Livingston. 267 Locke. Livingston, Henry Brockholst (N. Y.). Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Schuyler, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; granted leave for 12 months to accompany John Jay to Spain as Secretary and was taken prisoner by the British on his return voyage in 1782, sent to New York and released shortly after his arrival there. (Died 19th March, 1823.) Livingston, Henry Beekman (N. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775. By the act of 12th De cember, 1775, it was "Resolved, that this Congress will make a present of a sword of the value of $100 to Cap tain Henry B. Livingston, as a testi mony of his services (at Chambly, S. C..) to this country, and that they Avill embrace the first opportunity of promoting him in the army/ 1 Major 3d New York, December, 1775, to rank from 2d August, 1775 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Sfhuyler, Febru ary to November, 1776; Colonel 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 13th January, 1779. (Died 5th November, 1831.) Livingston, Henry P. (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Captain Gibb s Com pany, Washington s Guards, ,1777 ; Captain 4th December, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Livingston, James (Pa). Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1777, to . Livingston, James (N. Y.). Colo nel 1st Canadian Regiment, 20th No vember, 1775 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Livingston, Richard (N. Y.). Lieu- tenaiit-Colonel 1st Canadian Regi ment, 18th December, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; resigned 2d Novem ber, 1779. (Died, - , 1786.) Livingston, Robert (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Trenton, 26th December, 177o ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1779, and served to . (In service, March, 1780.) Livingston, Robert H. (N. Y.) 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Livingston, Walter (N. Y.). Com missary of Stores and Provisions New York Department, 17th July, 1775 ; resigned 14th September, 1776. Livingston, William (N. J.). Brig adier-General New Jersey Militia r 28th October, 1775, to 31st August, 1776. (Died 25th July, 1790.) Livingston, William Smith (N. Y.). Major of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, July, 1776 ; Aide- de-Camp to General Greene, 12th August, 1776, to 14th January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel of Webb s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st Jan uary, 1777; retired 10th October, 1778. Lloyd, Bateman (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 17th Febru ary, 1777 ; Captain, 12th November, 1777 ; taken prisoner in a skirmish in New- Jersey, 27th February, 1778; exchanged 1st April, 1781, and did not return to service. Lloyd, Benjamin (S. C.). Lieu tenant South Carolina Artillery, 1779 and 1780. Lloyd, Edward (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Artillery, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779, and taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Lloyd, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 9th February, 1779, arid served to . Lloyd] John (N. Y.). 1st Lieuten ant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; cashiered, 24th March, 1778. Lloyd, Peter Z. (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 15th March to December, 1776 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Ewing, llth Au gust to November, 1776. Lloyd, Richard (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 15th April to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 20th Septem ber, 1777; retired 1st January, 1783. Lobdell, Isaac (N. Y.). Lieuten ant ]Sew York Militia, - ; prisoner of war, 1st April, 1780, to 21st May, 1783. Lochman, Charles (S. C.). Hos pital SurgeonVMate, 1779 to 1781. Lochrey, Archibald (Pa). Lieu tenant-Colonel Pennsylvania Militia, ; killed by Indians on the Miami, Ohio, 24th August, 1781. Lochrey, Jeremiah (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777; dropped 1st July, 1777. Locke, Benjamin (Mass). Captain of Gardner s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Locke. 268 Long-street. Locke, Francis (N. C.)- Colonel North Carolina Militia, ; killed at Charlotte, 20th September, 1780. Locke, Timothy (R. I.), 1st Lieu tenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 81st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st Jan uary, 1777, and served to . Locke, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 26th April, 1778. (Died 18th February, 1831.) Lockerman, Thomas Wyer (Md). 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battal ion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Lockhart, Samuel (X. C.). Major 3d North Carolina, 7th May, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th North Caro lina, 12th October, 1777 ; resigned 19th October, 1777. Lockwood, James (Conn). Secre tary and Brigade-Major to General Wooster, 1st May, 1775, to May, 1776. Lockwood, John (Conn). Pay master of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 1st May, 1778. Lockwood, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Captain Assistant Engineer, 5th November, 1775, to 5th November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; Captain 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned February, 1779. Lockwood, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 13th January, 1778. Lock-wood, William (Mass). Bri gade Chaplain, 12th October, 1780, to June, 1783. (Died 23d June, 1828.) Lodge, Benjamin (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 17 7 6 ; 3d Lieutenant, 1st January, 17^7; 1st Lieutenant, llth October, 1777 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylva nia, 1st July, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Logan, Samuel (N. Y.). Major New York Militia, 1775-1776; Major 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged 21st De cember, 1780, and retired from ser vice, 1st January, 1781 ; served subse quently as Major New York Levies. Loisau, Augustin (N. Y T .). Cap tain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Reg iment, 18th December, 1776, to rank from 20th November, 1775 ; dismissed 5th January, 1779 ; name also spelled Loizeau and Loiseau. Lomagne, - - Viscount (France). Captain 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 9th February, 1778 ; Major, ; re tired 24th September, 1781. Long, Andrew (Pa). Captain 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 6th April, 1776; resigned 14th October, 1776. Long, Gabriel (Va). Captain llth Virginia, 23d July, 1776 ; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; resigned 13th May, 1779. (Died 3d February ; 1827.) Long, James. See James Lang. Long, Nicholas (N. C.). Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster-General Southern Department, 7th May, 1776, to ; Colonel 43d United "States Infantry, 4th August, 1813; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 22d August, 1819.) Long, Pierce (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 to 1778. (Died 3d April, 1789.) Long, Reuben (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 16th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1777 ; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Long, Solomon (Md). 2d Lieuten ant of Captain Watkins 1 Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; Captain Maryland Independent Company, 3d October, 1776 ; Captain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 4th June, 1778. Long, William (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 10th May, 1777; Captain, , 1780, and served to 6th February, 1781. Longley, Robert (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel of Jonathan Smith s Massachusetts Militia Regiment in 1776. Longstreet, Elias (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 9th February to 10th November, 1776; Captain *lst New Jersey, 29th November, 1776; taken prisoner at Springfield, 17th Decem ber, 1776 ; never rejoined regiment. Longstreet, Gilbert (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant of Forman s New Jersey Regiment, July to December, 1776. Loomis. 269 Lounsbery. Loomis, Abner (X. C.). Ensign 8th Xorth Carolina, 8th February, 1770 ; resigned 15th November, 1777. Loomis, Jonathan (X. C.). Sur geon bth Xorth Carolina, 26th Xo- vember, 177G; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Loomis, Libbeus(Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Pri vate 2d Connecticut, 10th May to 17th December, 1775 ; Sergeant-Major 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; En sign, 25th Xovember, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant. 1st March, 1778; Regimental Adjutant, 1st August, 1778, to Xo vember, 1783 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 10th January, 1836.) Loomis, Michael (Mass). S,d Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Loop, Henry (X. Y.) Ensign Xew York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Skeenesborough, 7th March, 1780 ; re leased, 24th Xovember, 1782. Lorah, John (Mel). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, * June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant German Battalion, 12th July, 1776; Captain, 28th March, 1777 ; resigned 23d February, 1778. Lord, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. * (Died 13th February, 1830.) Lord, James (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Regimen tal Paymaster, 15th Xovember, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Lord, Jeremiah (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 15th June, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Con tinental Regiment in Xovember,1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died , 1795.) Lord, Nathan (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 15th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Lord, Simeon (Mass). Ensign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 21st June, 1779 ; Captain, 12th May, 1781 ; Assistant and Adjutant-General, l.-t February, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Lord, William (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 1st April, 1777; En sign, llth April, 1779; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, - , 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Lord, William (X. C.). Paymas ter 1st Xorth Carolina, 12th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 5th March, 1777. Loring, Ephraim (X. J.). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d Xew Jersey, 12th June, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Loring Joseph (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Continental Dragoons, 1st May, 1777 ; resigned 15th May, 1778. Loring-, Joseph (Mass). Ensign of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, October, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Cap tain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Ar tillery, 1st January, 1777; was taken prisoner in Xew York in December, 1775; contracted smallpox, disabled and was discharged as supernumer ary, 12th September, 1778. Loring, Jotham (Mass). Major of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Major 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Lieutenant-Colo nel 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; dismissed 12th August, 1779. Loring, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Lotbiniere, Louis (Canada). Chap lain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 26th January, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Lothrop, Daniel (Mass). Captain of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lott, Peter (X. J.). Ensign 1st Xew Jersey, 29th X^ovember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quar termaster, 25th February, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 22d January, 1779; re signed 27th March, 1780. Lounsbery , Edward (X. Y.). Cap tain-Lieutenant 3d Xew York, July, 1776 ; Captain 2d X^ew York, 21st Xo vember, 1776 ; resigned loth October, 1 " Q Xiove. 270 Lucas. Love, David (N. C.). Surgeon North Carolina Brigade, 18th Au gust, 1779, to 1st August, 1781. Love, William (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant of a South Carolina Regi ment, 3d November, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; marked on a list as "deserted." Name also spelled Lowe. Lovejoy, Joshua (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Lovejoy, Obadiah (Mass). Ser geant 14th Massachusetts, 19th Feb ruary, 1777 ; Ensign, 28th March, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th March, 1780; trans ferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Lovell, Ebenezer. See Lowell. Lovell, James (Mass). Ensign of Lee s Additional Continental Regi ment, 25th May, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 10th May, 1778 ; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; transferred to Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons in March, 1780, and was Adjutant of same to close of war. (Died 10th July, 1850.) Lovell, Robert (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Lovely, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, - December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th March, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 23d Sep tember, 1779 ; Captain, 18th Febru ary, 1780, and served to close of war. Low, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. Low, Edward (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Low, Jacob (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain, of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 16th December, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1778. Low, John (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Low, John (Pa). Ensign 1st Penn sylvania Battalion, 20th January, 1776 ; died 29th July, 1776. Lowdon, John (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June to December, 1775 ; wounded at Montreal, 12th Novem ber, 1775. (Died February, 1798.) Lowe, John Hawkins (Md). Cap tain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June to 1st December, 1776; wounded at Harlem Plains, 16th September, 1776 ; Captain 3d Mary land, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 10th October, 1777. Lowe, John J. (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, 20th January, 1781, and served to close of war. Lowe, Philip (N. C.) Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, ; 1st Lieutenant, ; resigned 1st February, 1777 ; subsequently served as Major 3d Georgia, 18th June, 1778 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, ; retired 1st January, 1781. Lowe, William. See Love. Lowell, Ebenezer (Mass). E nsign of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; killed at Indian Field, New York, 31st August, 1778. (Name also spelled Lovell.) Lowrey, Alexander (Pa). Colonel Permylvania Militia in 1776 and 1777. (Died 31st January, 1805.) Lucas, Barton (Md). Captain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; resigned llth October, 1776. Lucas, James (Del). Lieutenant and Adjutant Delaware Regiment, 27th November, 1776 ; resigned 15th August, 1778. Lucas, James (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 19th March, 1776 ; Major 1st Virginia, 23d April, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . Lucas, John (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia, 1st March, 1777, to 1782. Lucas, Nathaniel (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 19th March, 1776; Lieu tenant, 28th September, 1776; Cap tain, February, 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Lucas, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant llth Pennsylvania, 30th Septem ber, 1776; Regimental Adjutant, 17th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d January, 1777; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Lucas, Thomas (N. YA Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 2 d December, 1777 ; cash iered, 12th May, 1778. (Died 23d No vember, 1823. Luce. 271 Lyles. Luce, Francis, See Luse. Luckett, David (Md). Ensign of Gist s Additional Continental Regi ment, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 7th April, 1780; transferred to 3d Mary land, 1st January, 1781, and remained in command of a company at Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania, to 7th June, 1785, when ordered to be discharged. Luckett, Thomas Hussey (Md). 1st Lieutenant of Stephensori s Rifle Regiment, llth July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1776 ; exchanged 2d No vember, 1780. Ludiman, - (France). Lieuten ant 3d Cavalry, Pulaski Legion, 1st January, 1779 ; resigned 25th April, 1780, aiid permitted to return to France. Ludiman, John W. (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 23d May, 1780 ; Lieuten ant, 1781, and served to close of war. Ludlam, Jacob (X. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; re signed March, 1777. Luds, Carey (Conn). Captain Con necticut Militia, ; killed at Gro- ten Heights, 6th September, 1781. Ludwig, Charles ( ). Surgeon German Regiment, 15th November, 1776, to . Lukens, Charles (Pa). Major and Commissary of Military Stores, also Major of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 8th March, 1777; retired from service at his own request, 30th August, 1780. Lumberd, James. See Lambert. Lunt, Ezra (Mass). Captain of Lit tle s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain of Hen ley s Additional Continental Regi ment, 14th August, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Lunt, Daniel (Mass). Member of Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton and Concord, April, 1775 ; Ser geant in Phinney s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant Continental Regiment in 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant llth Massachu setts, 6th November, 1776 ; l^t Lieu tenant, 3d April, 1777 ; Captain, 18th March, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 178]. Lunt, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, . (Was in service in 1781.) Lunt, Paul (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. LUSB, Francis (X. J.). Private, Corporal and Sergeant New Jersey troops, November, 1775, to June, 1780; Ensign 2d New Jersey,17th June, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1783; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; Ensign United State s Infantry Regiment, 17th March, 1786; Ensign 1st United States Infantry, 29th September, 1789 ; re signed 1st May, 1790. Name also spelled Luce. Luse, Henry (X. J.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d New Jersey, 25th December, 1775, to 1st November, 1776; Isb Lieu tenant 2d Xew Jersey, 29th Novem ber, 1776; Captain, 5th February, 1777 ; resigned 22d February, 1779. Lush, (S.C.). Lieutenant South Carolina State troops, - ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Lush, Stephen (X. Y.). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; Major and Aide-de-Camp to Governor Clinton, ; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777. Lusk, William (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Pennsylva nia, 20th March, 1777 ; Captain-Lieu tenant, 17th April, 1779; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Pennsyl vania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 25th August, 1799.) Luten, James (X. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st April, 1777; re signed 3d March, 1778. Lutz, Nicholas (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1773; exchanged 10th September, 1779; did not re-enter service. (Died 28th Xoveinber, 1807.) Lyford, Thomas (X. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Xew Hampshire, 27th May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Whitcomb s Xew Hampshire Rangers, 4th Novem ber, 1776, to December, 1779. Lyles, Henry (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 20th February, 1777; taken prisoner, ; exchanged 22d December, 1780. Lyman. Lyman, Cornelius (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; Lieutenant 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; Captain, 30th July, 1793 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; assigned to 2d United States Infantry, 1st Novem ber, 1796; transferred to 1st Infantry, 1st April, 1803 ; died 23d March, 1805. Lyman, David (Mass). Captain of Lee s Additional Continental Regi ment, 10th June, 1777; Brigade-Ma jor of General Fellow s Brigade, 17th October, 1776; Aide de-Camp to Gen eral Heath, 9th May, 1777, to close of war. Lyman, Elihu (Conn). Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1770; wounded and taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 10th May, 1778, and did not re-enter service. Lyman, Elisha (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Lyman, James (S. C.). Physician and Surgeon-General South Carolina Militia, , 1779, to 1782. Lyman, Oliver (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lynch, Cornelius (Conn). Ensign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Lynch, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776; Captain 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Major 27th April, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Lynch, Thomas (S. S.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June to No vember, 1775. (Died at sea in 1779.) Lynd, Arthur. See Lind. Lynd, John (Pa). Chaplain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, March to December, 1776. Lynds, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Massachusetts, 9th May, 1778; resigned 14th October, 1780; name also spelled Lind. Lyne, G-eorge (Va). Captain Vir ginia State Forces, 8th March, 1776 ; Major 13th Virginia, 12th November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Vir ginia, 28th September, 1777; resigned 14th November, 1777. Lynn, Adam (Va.). Ensign 3d Vir ginia, 6th February, 1776, to . 272 Lyon. Lynn, David (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to 1st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, Febru ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 18th May, 1779; Captain, 22d May, 1779; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died llth April, 1835.) Lynn, John L. (N. Y.). Surgeon 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to Oc tober, 1776. Lynn, John (Md). Ensign Gtli Maryland, 26ti May, 1779 ; Lieuten ant, 1st June, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Eutt.w Springs, 8th Sep tember, \ 781 ; retained in Maryland Battalion, April, 1783, and was in ser vice to 20th June, 1784. Lynn, "William (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 29th December, 1777 ; 3d Lieutenant, 9th April, 1780; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Lyon, Abraham (N. J.). Captain 2d New Jersey Militia in 1776 ; Cap tain 4th New Jersey, 28th November 1776 ; resigned May, 1778. Lyon, Archibald (N. J.). 3d Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777; resigned 1st March, 1778. Lyon, Asa (Conn). 3d Lieutenant of Sherburne s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 19th November, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 18th De cember, 1777, to 30th April, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Lyon, Benjamin (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 25th September, to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 16th July, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 8th December, 1778; resigned 18th May, 1779. Lyon, Daniel (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July, to 17th De cember, 1775. Lyon, David (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 14th July, 1775, to Octo ber, 1776; Captain of Spencer s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 12tli January, 1777; resigned 10th April, 1778. Lyon, Ephraim (Conn). Ensign in the Lexington Alarm, April 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st, May to 16th December, 1775. Lyon. 273 McCallister. Lyon, Gilbert (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, llth December, 1780, to llth April, 1781. Lyon, Humberson (Va). Ensign Virginia Riflemen, ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Lyon, Jacob (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Lyon, Matthew (N. H.). Lieuten ant Green Mountain Boys, July, 1776; cashiered, 16th October, 1776. (Died 1st August, 1822.) Lyon, Robert (Pa) Sergeant 12th Pennsylvania, October, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777, and served to . (Died 19th August, 1823.) Lyon, Thomas (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 27th October, 1776 ; wounded at Ticonderoga, 2d July, 1777, where he had his leg frac tured ; retired 1st January, 1781. Lyon, Theophilus (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Lyon, William (Conn). Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Lyon, Zebulon ( ant of H >isington s Battalion 2d Lieuten- of Rangers, 6th August, 1776, to Lyth, John (Va). Surgeon 13th Virginia, 1st October, 1777; resigned March, 1778. Lytle, Andrew (Pa). Quartermas ter 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylva nia Rifle Regiment, 1st April, 1776; En sign and Regimental Quartermaster 13th Pennsylvania, 24th October, 1776, to 1st July, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 20th January/ 1777; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; trans ferred ~to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to . See Little. Lytle, Archibald (N. C.). Lieu tenant-Colonel - North Carolina, 26th January, 1777; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st February, 1781, and served to September, 1781 V Mac & Me. (J/e arranged as if spelled Mac.) McAdams, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 26th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, : Captain, ; retired 14th September, 1778. McAdams, Joseph (Va). Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 1778 to 1781. McAllister, Abdiel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Isle Aux Noix, 21st June, 1776 ; ex changed 8th May, 1778. McAllister, George (Pa). Captain of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777; died in 1777. McAllister, Neil (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 29th June, 1776; resigned 20th January, 1777. McArthur, Alexander (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; Su pernumerary, May, 1779; served subse quently as Lieutenant New Y^ork Levies. McBride, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, 15th Janu ary, 1777 ; omitted in 1778. McCabe, Edward (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th Octo ber, 1776, to . McCall, - - ( ). Lieutenant- Colonel, - ; wounded at Rugley s Mills, 4th December, 1780. McCall, George (Del). 2d Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 15th January to December, 1776. McCall, William (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 6th May, 1777 ; resigned 3d March, 1778. McCalla, Daniel (Pa). Chaplain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 16th Jan uary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776 ; paroled in August, 1776; did not return to the army. (Died 6th April, 1809.) McCalla, Thomas H. (Pa). Sur geon s-Mate 4th Continental Dra goons, 1st May, 1778; Surgeon, 1st June, 1780, and served to November, 1782. McCalley, Hugh (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 10th April, 1778. McCallister, Archibald (Md). En sign 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778. By the act of 24th September, 1779, it was "Resolved, that Congress justly esteem the military caution so hap pily combined with daring activity, by^Lieutenants McCallister and Ru dolph in leading on the forlorn hope 18 McCallum. 274 McClintock (in the attack on the enemy s works at Paulus 1 Hook), and that the brevet of Captain be given them." Retired 1st April, 1781. McCallum, Robert. See McCol- lom. McCalmont, James (Md). Sur geon 2d Maryland, - - April, 1778, to . McOarter, Charles (Va). Surgeon llth Virginia, 10th June, 1777, to McCarthy, Timothy (R. I.). En sign 2d Rhode Island, 1st April, 1778 ; cashiered, 1st November, 1777. McCarty, Daniel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of Grayson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, May, 1777 ; re signed 1st December, 1777. McCarty, Richard (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. McCarty, William (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster 15th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted July, 1779. McCauley, James (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. McCaul3y, Nathaniel (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; killed at Newtown, 30th August, 1779. McOawley, Thomas H.( ). Sur- geon s-Maie 4th Continental Dra goons, 1st May, 1778; Surgeon, 1st June, 1780, to . McCay, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 10th May, 1782; trans ferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. McClallan, Carey (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 18th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 177(3 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 7th September, 1776, and served to . McClanachan, Alexander (Va). Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776 ; Colonel, 22d March, 1777, to rank from 7th October, 1776 ; resigned 13th May, 1778. McClannen, "William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 18th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776 ; deserted Au gust, 1776. McClary, Andrew (N. H.). Major 1st New Hampshire, 23d April, 1775; -killed at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. McClary, David (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Ne\v Hampshire Militia, ; killed at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. McClary, Michael (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d April to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; re tired 1st September, 1778. McClaughry, John (N. Y.). En sign 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged 1778 ; Lieutenant, 30th March, 1780 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st Jan uary, 1781; died 27th October, 1781. McClean, Moses (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776; taken prisoner at Isle Aux Noix, 24th June, 1776; exchanged 27th March, 1777. (Died 25th August, 1810.) McClellan, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, llth September, 1777; Captain, 1st October, 1779; re tired 1st January, 1783. McClellan, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; died 3d November, 1775, on the march to Quebec. McClellan, Joseph (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 20th March, 1776; Captain, 15th July, 1776; Captain 9th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 15th July, 1776 ; transferred to 2d Pennsyl vania, 17th January, 1781 ; resigned 10th June, 1781. (Died 24th October, 1834.) McClellan, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Montgomery s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed 7th December, 1780. McClellan, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Nicholson s New York Militia Regiment, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776; cashiered, , 1777, and joined the enemy. Name also spelled McClallan. McClelland, "William (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 9th January, 1776 ; resigned 23d March, 1776. McClintock, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 8th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania, 12th Octo ber, 1776 ; died 18th September, 1777, of wounds received at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. McClintock. McOlintock, Nathaniel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 8th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant arid Adjutant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770; Brigade-Major, 2d April, 1777, and served to . McClintock, Samuel (N. H.). Chaplain 2d New Hampshire, June to July, 1775. (Died 27th April, 1804.) McClune, William (N. Y ). 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st June, 1775, to January, 1776. McOlure, - - (S. C.). Ensign, ; wounded at Hanging 1 Rock, 6th August, 1780. McClure, David (Pa). Chaplain 8th Pennsylvania, 12th September, 1776, to May, 1777. (Died 25th June, 1820.) McClure, James (N. H.). Adjutant of Long s New Hampshire Militia Regiment, 25th September, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain 4th Continental Artillery, 19th April, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1788. McClure, John (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers ; died 18th August, 1780, of wounds received at Hanging Rock, 6th August, 1780. McClure, William (N. C.). Sur geon 6th North Carolina, 17th April, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged, Novem ber, 1780, and served to . McClurg, James ( Va). Surgeon of a Virginia State Regiment and Sur- geon-Gfeneral Virginia State Troops, 1777 to 1782. McCobb, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. McCollom, Robert (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Nelson s Independent Pennsylvania Rifle Company, 30th January, 1776 ; resigned 12th July, 1776. Name also spelled McCullain and McCallum. McConnell, Matthew (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsyl vania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Ififantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, 7th March, 1776; transferred to 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3:1 November, 1776 ; Captain, 8th April, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 12th February, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died llth March, 1816.) McConnell, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieu- enant 4th Continental Artillery, 275 McCubbin. 14th March, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 3d June, 1779, and served to June, 1783. McCormick, Alexander (Pa). En sign 1st Pennsylvania, April, 1780, and served to . McCormick, G-eorg-e(Ya). Captain 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776, to . (Died 30th January, 1820.) McCormick, Henry (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 1st March, 1779; retired 17th January, 1781. McCoskry, Alexander (Pa). Sur geon of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, July, 1778; retired 10th May, 1782. McCoskry, Samuel Allen (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Wilson s Battalion to guard stores at Carlisle, 20th Octo ber, 1777; Surgeon s-Mate of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 16th July, 1778; retired 10th May, 1782. McCoy, Daniel. See McCay. McCoy, John (Mel). Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 30th June, 1831.) McCoy, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 1st August, 1776; taken prisoner in Canada, 1st October, 1776 ; exchanged, 10th Au gust, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 9th Penn sylvania, to rank from 15th January, 1777; dismissed, 10th November, 1778. McCracken, Isaac (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; left the service, 12th November, 1777. McCracken, Joseph (N. Y.). Cap tain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to November, 1776 ; Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 16th February. 1776 ; wounded (lost an arm) at Monmouth, 28th Jane, 1778; Major 4th New York, 29th May, 1778; resigned 1st April, 1780; served subsequently as Lieutenant- Colonel New York Militia. (Died 5th May, 1825.) McCracken, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Pennsylvania, 1777, to . McCrea, Stephen (N.Y.). Surgeon 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon, Oc tober, 1776 ; retired 6th October, 1780. McCreery, John (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; dis charged 7th August. 1777. McCubbin, Zachariah (Md). Cap tain 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp* June, 1776, to . McCullam. 276 McDowell. , John (Pa). Ensign 7th Pennsylvania, 13th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 25th September, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 22d August, 1778, to 1st June, 1779; 1st Lieutenant, 16th April, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, arid served to 3d June, 1783. (Died ,1834.) McCullam, Robert. See McCol- lom. McOulloch, Thomas (Va). Lieu tenant Virginia Riflemen, ; died 12th October, 1780, of wounds re ceived 7th October, 1780, at King s Mountain. McCullough, James (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 177 7; retired 1st January, 1783. McOully, George (Pa), Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion 20th March, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 20th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 20th Oc tober, 1777; retired 17th January, 1781. McCurdy, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Wilson s Pennsylvania Battalion, to guard stores at Carlisle, 20th Octo ber, 1777, to October, 1778. McCurdy, William (Pa). Ensign of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 12th November, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 19th November, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsyl vania, 16th December, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 2d October, 1780 ; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; Captain, 18th May, 1781 ; served to Id June, 1783 ; Captain United States Infantry, 12th August, 1784 ; Captain 1st United States In fantry, 29th September, 1789 ; re signed 4th June, 1791. (Died, 1822.) McDonald, Adam (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, 16th September, 1776, and served to . J , McDonald, Barney (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 6th January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1777 ; de serted 7th March, 1778. McDonald, Daniel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted March, 1777. McDonald, James (S, C.). Cap tain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . McDonald, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776; Captain of Swope s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 2d November, 1780, and did not return to the army. McDonald, Michael ( ). Lieu tenant in British army, deserted from same, and was appointed Lieutenant Continental Army, 23d March, 1777, and served to January, 1781, as a pri vate soldier in Putnam and Nixon s Regiment, for fear the British Avould recognize him. McDonald, William (Ga). Lieu tenant 4th Georgia, 1779 and 1780. McDonald, "William (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 21st March, 1776 ; cashiered, 1st August, 1776. McDonough, James (Del). 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 20th January, 1776 ; died April, 1776. McDonough, Thomas (Del). Ma jor Delaware Regiment, 22d March, 1776 ; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; did not return to regi ment arid was discharged in January, 1777. McDoug-all, Alexander (N.Y.) Col onel 1st New York, 30th June to No vember, 1775; Brigadier-General Con tinental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; Major-General, 20th October, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 8th June, 1786.) McDoug-all, John A. (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. McDoug-all, Ranald S. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. McDoug-all, Stephen (N. Y.). Major and Aide-de-Cainp to General McDougall, 1777, to close of war. McDowell, Alexander (Conn). En sign 3d Connecticut, 23d March, 1777; resigned 25th June, 1779. McDowell, John (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 10th May, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 7th September, 1778 ; transferred to 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; resigned 1st December, 1779. McDowell, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant and Surgeon s-Mate 6th Penn sylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; Captain 7th Pennsylvania, 20th March, 1777; Surgeon 6th Pennsyl vania, 5th February, 1778; transfer red to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Surgeon United States Infan try Regiment, 12th August, 1784; re signed 24th July, 1788. McDowell. 277 McGregor. McDowell, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 13th May, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d March, 1778; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d No vember", 1783. (Died 19th June, 1835.) McDuffee, John (N. H.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 2d New Hampshire, 24th May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770. McElderry, John (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, . McBlhatton, Samuel (Pa) . Ensign of Watts 1 Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; released from prison, 8th December, 1780, and did not return to the army. Name also spelled McHatton. McElhatton, V7illiam (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 1st October, 1776 ; wounded at Borden- town, 8th May, 1778 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778, with rank of Captain-Lieutenant from 1st October, 1776 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 6th July, 1779, and re mained in service to June, 1783. ( Died 26th April, 1807.) Name also spelled McHatton. McEwen, John (N. J.). Sergeant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; Ensign, 12th May, 1779 ; Regimental Quarter master, 10th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. McFaddon, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d November, 1777, to . (.In service January, 1780.) McFall, Patrick (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania State Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. McFarland, George (N. J.). En sign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned December, 1776. (Died 19th March, 1792.) McFarland, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 13th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st March, 1778, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Name also spelled McFarlane.) McFarland, Moses (Mass). Cap tain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 16th March, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died March, 1790.) Macfarlane, Andrew (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Moorhead s Company, guarding stores at Kittannirig, Penn sylvania, 22d January, 1777, and served to . McFarlane, James. See McFar land. McFerran, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Isle Aux Noix, 24th June, 1776. McGaffey, Andrew (N. H.). Ser geant New Hampshire Regiment, May to December, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; 2d Lieutenant of Wingate s New Hamp shire Militia Regiment, June to No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; dis charged, 1st June, 1779. McGaffey, Neal (N. H.). Sergeant and Sergeant-Major 3d New Hamp shire, 30th January to November, 1777; Ensign 14th November, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. McGavock, Hugh (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment in 1779 and 1780. McG-ee, John (Pa). Ensign 7th Pennsylvania, March, 1777, to . McG-ee, Robert (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Militia, ; wounded at Millstone, 20th January, 1777. McGee, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; resigned 17th April, 1777. McG-ill, - ( ). Major, ap pointed Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, 9th August, 1780. McG-owan, John (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 9th August, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant, Septem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 24th October, 1776 ; Captain 4th Pennsylvania, 3d Janu ary, 1777, to rank from 24th October, 1776; Brigade-Major, September, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 3d February, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died November, 1805.) McGregor, David. (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Captain 4th August, 1777; transferred to 2d New Hamp shire, 1st January, 1781, and served to March, 1782. McGregor. McGregor, John (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 15th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. McGuire, Archibald (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti- nal Regiment, March, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant , 1778; regiment desig nated llth Pennsylvania, 16th De cember, 1778; transferred to Invalid Regiment, , and served to . McGuire, James (Va). Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th February, 1777; re signed 21st April, 1778. McGuire, John (Va). Served as a volunteer on the Expedition to Canada, and was taken prisoner at. Quebec, 31st December, 1775; Captain Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th February, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; resigned 19th April, 1778. McGuire, John (Md). Ensign and Adjutant, 3d Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; resigned 27th May, 1780. McGuire, Matthew (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; Regimental Pay master, 3d March, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant. 18th December, 1778; Captain- Lieutenant, 26th September, 1780; wounded and taken prisoner at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; on parole until retired 1st January, 1783. (Name also spelled Maguire.) McGuire, Merry (S. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, ,1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; name also spelled Maguire. McGuire, William (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, , 1780 Lieutenant , 1782, and served to close of war McHaney, James (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 25th March, 1776, to . McHatton, Samuel and "William. See McElhatton. Machin, Thomas (Mass). Lieu tenant in Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, No vember, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January. 1777 ; wounded at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777; Captain, 21st August, 1780, and served to June, 278 Mclntosh. 1783 ; Captain 29th United States In fantry, 30th April, 1813; resigned 20th December, 1813. (Died 3d April, 1816.) McHenry, Charles (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 1st July, 1778, with rank of Cap tain. McHenry, James (Pa). Surgeon 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 10th August. 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; prisoner of war on parole until ex changed, 5th March, 1778; Assistant Secretary to General Washington, 15th May, 1778; Major Continental Army, 25th May, 1781, to rank from 30th v October, 1780; Major Aide-de- Camp to General Lafayette, 30th Oc tober, 1780, to 22d December, 1781 ; Secretary of War, 29th January, 1796, to 13th May, 1800. (Died 8th May, 1816.) Mcllhaney, James (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 25th March, 1776 , resigned 18th June, 1778. Mcllhaney, John (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, April, 1777, to May, 1781. Mclntire, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th March* 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 7th August, 1777; Lieutenant of an Independent Com pany in Western Pennsylvania, 30th December, 1777 ; Captain, 8th March, 1779, and served to May, 1782. Mclntosh, Alexander (S. C.). Ma jor 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Mclntosh, John (Ga). "Come and take it ;" Captain 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colo nel Commandant 3d Georgia, 3d April, 1778; wounded and taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779, and served to close of war. (Died 12th November, 1826.) Mclntosh, Lachlan (Ga). Colonel 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; Brig adier-General Continental Army, 16th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed December, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 20th Febru ary, 1806.) Mclntosh, Lachlan Jr. (Ga). 1st Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Brigade-Inspector, October, 1776 V and served to . Mclntosh. 279 McKissick. Mclntosh, "William (Gfa). Ensign 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, March, 177G; 1st Lieuten ant, December, 1776 ; Captain, 17th September, 1777, and served to close of war. Mack, Orlando (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 16th February, 1777; retired 15th November, 1778. 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 1st October, 1778. McKean, Robert (X. Y.). Cap tain in Wynkoop s New York Militia Regiment, 1st March to November, 1776 ; Captain 1st New York, 21st No vember, 1776, to rank from 1st March, 1776 ; resigned 29th January, 1778; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. McKean, Thomas (Pa). Colonel 4th Battalion Pennsylvania Associ- ators in 1776. McKee, David (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, October, 1776; resigned March, 1777. McKendry, William (Mass). Pri vate in Grreaton s Massachusetts Reg iment May to August, 1775; Adjutant of Wheelock s Massachusetts Regi ment Militia in 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st October, 1788 ; transferred to 4th Massachu setts, 12th June, 1783, arid served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 23d Au gust, 1798.) Mackenheimer, John (Pa). Ser geant German Regiment, 29th July, 1776 ; Ensign, 19th August, 1777 ; re signed 2d June, 1778. McKennan, William (Del). 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th April, 778 ; served to close of war. (Died February, 1803.) McKenney, William (Mass). Ser geant llth Massachusetts, January, 1777; Ensign, 3d April, 1777; Lieuten- 28th March, 1779 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 27th January, 1823.) Name also spelled McKinney. McKenzie, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 : died 12th Febru ary, 1776. McKenzie, Samuel (Pa). Surgeon 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 30th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776. Mackey, Aenas (Pa). Colonel 8th Pennsylvania, 20th July, 1776; died 14th February, 1777. Mackey, James (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, January, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Mackey, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, 13th No vember, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777; Captain, 30th October, 1777 ; exchanged November, 1777 ; transferred to 9th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 4th November, 1812.) McKinley, Henry (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; resigned 18th June, 1778. McKinley, John (Va). Sergeant in 3d Virginia, March to December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 16th April, 1777; resigned February, 1778; he joined Colonel Crawford s ex pedition against Indians in 1781 and was killed. McKinney, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 18th March, 1778: transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and Served to 3d June, 1783; Deputy Com missary of Purchases United Spates Army, 25th April, 1812; honorably discharged 1st June, 1821. (Died 25th November, 1833.) McKinney, William. See McKen ney. Mackinson, James (X. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777; killed at Fort Mifflin, 15th November, 1777. McKinstry, John (Mass). Captain 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; was wounded in Canada. -McKinstry, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant loth Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. McKissack, William (Pa). Cap tain llth Pennsylvania, 13th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. McKissick, Daniel (X. C.). Cap- ptain North Carolina Dragoons Mili tia, ; wounded at Ramsour s Mi IK. 20th June, 1780. McKlewaine. McKlewaine, Samuel (N. C.). 2d Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, - May, 1776 : resigned 24th October, 1777. McKnight, Charles (Pa). Surgeon Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying; Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Sur geon-General of Hospital Middle De partment, 21st February, 1778 ; Chief Hospital Physician, 6th October, 1780; served to 3d January, 1782. (Died 10th November, 1791.) McKnight, David (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, 10th Au gust, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Macky, Robert (Va). Surgeon llth Virginia, 13th November, 1776 ; re signed 1st December, 1777. McLane, Allen (Del). Captain of Patton s Additional Continental Reg iment, 13th January, 1777 ; his com pany annexed to Delaware Regiment, 16th December, 1778, and to Lee s Battalion Partisan Corps, 13th July, 1779; retired 9rh November, 1782. (Died22d May, 1829.) McLane, Benjamin (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 4th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 7th October, 1777 ; resigned 20th May, 1778. McLane, Daniel (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Stevens Battalion of Ar tillery, 9th November, 1776; Battalion formed part of the 3d Continental Artillery; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; served to June, 1783 ; Lieutenant Battalion of Artil lery United States Army, 4th March, 1791 ; Captain, 4th November, 1791 ; resigned 2d April, 1793. McLaughlin, Thomas (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 24th April, 1775; Captain, 18th June to December, 1775. McLaug-hlin, Thomas (S. C.). Captain - - South Carolina, ; wounded at Beaufort, 9th Februarv, 1779. McLean, James (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 21st March, 1779 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 3d February, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 28th October, 1804.) McLean, Moses (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776; taken prisoner at Isle aux Noix, 24th June, 1776. McMurray. McLean, William (N. C.). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st North Carolina in 1779 and 1780. (Died 25th October, 1828.) McLowrey, Alexander (Conn.. Sergeant of \Varner s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d May, 1779 ; killed at Fort Greorge, llth October, 1780. McMechen, William (Va). Sur geon 4th Virginia, -- October, 1776; in 3d Virginia, June, 1779 ; served to . (Name also spelled McMahon.) McMichael, James (Pa). Sergeant 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 22d April, 1776; 2d Lieutenant Pennsylvania State Regi ment, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 20th June, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; transferred to 7th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. McMichael, William (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 7th Feb ruary, 1776 ; deserted to the enemy, 14th August, 1776, and was killed by Indians In September, 1776. McMillion, Nathan (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th Sep tember, 1776, to . McMires, Andrew (N. J.). Cap tain 1st New Jersey, 15th December, 1775, to 10th November, 1776; Cap tain 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; killed at Germaritown, 4th Oc- taber, 1777. (Na e also spelled Mc- Myers.) McMordie, Robert (Pa). Chaplain llth Pennsylvania, 17th May, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, 15th July, 1780, and served to June, 1782. Name also spelled McMurdie. McMullan, Nathan (Pa). Sergeant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 20th September, 1776, to January, 1777. McMurphy, Daniel (N. H.). Lieu tenant in Hobart s Regiment New Hampshire Militia ; wounded atBeii- ningtoii, 16th August, 1777. McMurray, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Doyle s Independent Penn sylvania Rifle Company, 17th July, 1776; company attached to llth Penn sylvania, 16th December, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d June, 1778 ; transferred to 10th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; Captain, 1st April, 1779 ; transferred to Sappers and Miners, 1780 ; resigned 1st June, 1781. McMurtrie. 281 McRee. McMurtrie, John (Pa). Private and Corporal 1st Pennsylvania, Feb ruary, 1777, to October, 1779 ; Ensign 1st Pennsylvania, 1st October, 1771) ; resigned 1st August, 1780. McMyers, Andrew. See McMires. McNair, James (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2(1 Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. McNall, Joseph. See McNoll. McNamara, Michael (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1778 ; Regimental Adju tant, 1st July, 1778 ; cashiered, 25th August, 1778. McNees, John (X. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th November, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged April, 1781; Captain, - ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st January, 1781, and served to . McNeil, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. McNeil, Joseph (Mass). Captain of Wigglesworth s Regiment Massa chusetts Militia in 1776; was wounded, but when and where, not stated. McNeill, Hector (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775 ; deserted 3d February, 1770. McNoll, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*; 1st Lieutenant, 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st January, 1778 ; retired 9th April, 1779. (Name also spelled McNall.) Macomber, Ebenezer (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Richmond s Rhode Is land Regiment, 19th August to No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Tall- man s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 12th June, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Captain, 17th March, 1782, and served to 17th March, 1783. (Died 5th April, 1829.) Macomber, Gideon (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Macomber, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 81st December, 1776. Macomber, Matthew (Mass). En sign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; cashiered, 22d Sep tember, 1776. McPherson, James Frederick (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 6th Pennsylva nia, 8th October, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 15th January, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783 ; served to 3d June, 1783. Macpherson, John (Del). Captain and Aide-de-Camp to General Mont gomery, July, 1775; killed at Quebec, 31st December, 1775. McPherson, Mark (Md). Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war ; Lieuten ant 1st United States Infantry, 3d June, 1790; Captain, 5th March,*! 792 ; resigned 1st September, 1792. McPherson, Murdock (- . En sign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment. 1st November, 1776 ; Lieutenant, February, 1777; transferred to In valid Regiment in 1782, and served to June, 1783. McPherson, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Pennsylvania, 20th Feb ruary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Sep tember, 1777; resigned 16th April, 1779. McPherson, Samuel (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 25th April, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Macpherson, "William (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 15th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 20th April, 1778 ; brevet Major, 16th September, 1779; Major Aide-de- Camp to General Lincoln, June, 1781, to June, 1783. (Died 18th November, 1813.) McQueen, Alexander (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . McQueen, "William (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, 4th April, 1777 ; resigned 31st October, 1777. McRee, Griffith John(N. C.). Cap tain 6th North Carolina, 1 h April, 1776; transferred to 1st North Caro lina, 1st June, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; Major, ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th September, 1783, and served to close of war ; Captain Artillerists and En gineers, 2d June, 1794 ; resigned 24th April, 1798. (Died 3d October, 1801.) McReynolds. 282 Mahon. McReynolds, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieutenant 5th Virginia, 12th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1777, and served to . McUne, - ( ). Captain of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 16th September, 1776, to McWheeling, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 7th Pennsylvania in 1777. McWhorter, Alexander (N. J.). Brigade Chaplain of Knox s Artillery Brigade, 1778 to 1779. (Died 20th July, 1807.) McWilliams, Stephen (Del). 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 27th October, 1779, and served to close of war. McWilliams, William (Va). Cap tain 3d Virginia, February, 1776 ; Bri gade Major to General Weedon, 7th October, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander, October, 1777, to 7th May, 1778. M. Maag, Henry (Pa). Sergeant Ger man Regiment, 10th July, 1776 ; En sign, loth August, 1777 ; cashiered, 26th March, 1779. Mabey, Robert (Va). 2d Lieuten ant loth Virginia, 25th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 19th March, 1777; regiment designated llth Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 14th September, 1779. and served to . (Was in service in 1780.) (Name also spelled Mawbrey and Mabries.) Mabon, James. See Maborn ; also called Mabin. Madison, Ambrose (Va). Lieuten ant and Paymaster 3d Virginia, 1st February, 1777 ; retired 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; Captain Virginia Conven tion Guards, 18th January to 23d September, 1779. Madison, Rowland ( Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 20th March, 1776 ; Captain 12th Virginia, 19th March, 1777 ; resigned 7th March, 1778. Madison, William (Va). Lieuten ant of Virginia Artillery Company, September, 1781, to close of war. Maess, Jacob (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 16th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant Pennsylvania State Regiment, 21st October, 1776, and served to . Magaw, Robert (Pa). Major of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775; Colonel 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 3d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776; ex changed, 25th October, 1780 ; did not re-enter service. (Died 7th January, 1790.) Magaw, William (Pa). Surgeon of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775; Surgeon 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Surgeon 1st Pennsylvania, 16th January, 1777; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 1st May, 1829.) Magee, Peter (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 29th May, 1779; transfer red to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Magee, William (Pa). Sergeant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 30th January, 1776 ; Ensign 5th Pennsyl vania, 25th January, 1777 ; killed at Paoli, 20th September, 1777. Magett, David (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; discharged, 20th November, Magill, Charles (Va). 2d Lieuten ant llth Virginia, January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 18th April, 1778 ; served subsequently as Major of a Virginia State Regiment. Magruder, Alexander Howard (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Maguire, Matthew and Merry. See McGuire. Maham, Hezekiah (S. C.). Cap tain South Carolina Riflemen in 1776; Major South Carolina State Dra goons, 1779 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died, 1789.) Mahew, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Mayhew.) Mahon, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 : 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th Majastram. December, 1778; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Majastram, Monsieur ( ). Volunteer in Armand s Corps, ; brevetted Lieutenant, 13th January, 1779, and retired from service. Makepeace, Ebenezer (Mass). Sur- geoii s-Mate 4th Massachusetts, ; resigned 13th May, 1779. Makepeace, Solomon (Conn). Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 10th July to 18th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died in captivity shortly afterwards. Malcolm, John (X. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 29th April, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779. Malcolm, "William (N. Y.). Served as Major and Colonel New York Mi litia in 1776 ; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regi ments, 30th April, 1777, to 22d April, 1779. when regiment w r as consolidated with Spencer s and was retired 9th May, 1779; Deputy Adjutant-General Norther^ Department, 2u June to October, 1778 ; served subsequently as Colonel New York Levies. Mallory, Philip (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Yirginia, 14th January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778 ; regi ment designated llth Yirginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain, 14th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner t Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 4th Virginia,* 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Malmady, Francis Marquis de (France). Brevet Major Continental Army, 19th September, 1776 ; served as Brigadier- General Rhode Island troops, December, 1776, to March, 1777 ; Colonel Continental Army, 10th May, 1777, and served to close of war. Manchester, Christopher (R. I.). Captain Rhode Island Militia, 1st November, 1775, to May, 1777. Manchester, Cyrus (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Elliott s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1776 and 1777. Manchester, Gilbert (R. I.). Lieu tenant of C n arch s Rhode Island Regiment, May to November, 1775. Mancke, Christian (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Captain Schott s Company of Ottendorffs Corps Pulaski Legion, 4tL February, 1777 ; resigned 6t ( No 283 Mansfield, vember, 1779; served subsequently in Armand s Corps to close of war. Maney, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 1st March, 1776, to . Mangers, Nicholas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 15th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th April, 1779; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to close of war. Manifold, Peter (Pa). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 14th April, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778 ; Cap tain, 1st August, 1779 ; resigned 30th October, 1780. Manlove, Matthew (Del). Captain of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Mann, Andrew (Pa). Captain 8th Pennsylvania, October, 1776; died June, 1777. Mann, Benjamin (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23ci May to De cember, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Mann, David (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State regiment, June, 1778, to May, 1781. Mann, Obaciiah (Maps). 2d Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Reg iment, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 21st Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 4th February, 1825.) Mann, Silas (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775, Manning", Bphraim (Conn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775 ; Captain 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Manning 1 , Lawrence (Pa). Ser geant-Major 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, December, 1776 ; Ensign, 19th September, 1778; Lieutenant, November, 1779-; transferred to Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, March, 1780; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of w r ar. Manning 1 , William (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776; Cap tain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 17 ?8. Mansfield, Isaac, Jr. (Mass). Chap lain of the 6th and S7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Mansfield. 284 Marks. Mansfield, John (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; cashiered, loth September, 1775. Mansfield, John (Conn). Sergeant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 28th No vember, 1775 ; Ensign of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1770; 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 19th April, 1779; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781; wounded at Yorktown, 14th October, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Mansfield, Joseph (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Captain 6th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 10th May, 1780. Mansfield, Samuel (Conn). Served as a volunteer in the Canadian Expe dition in 1776; Captain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 7th November, 1778; was volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Governor Walton during the Siege of Savannah, in September and October, 1779. (Died 3d February, 1810.) Manson, Eneas. See Munson. Mantz, Peter (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; Major, 5th Sep tember to 1st December, 1776. Maquett, David (X. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; discharged 20th November, 1777. Marble, Cyrus (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Marble, Henry (Mass). Sergeant 15th Massachusetts, 28th April, 1777 ; Sergeant-Major, 1st December, 1778 ; 3d Lieutenant, 28th June, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 22d September, 1841.) Marburg-, Joseph (Md). Regi mental Quartermaster of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, May, 1776 ; Cap tain 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776, and served to . (Was in ser vice in August, 1781.) Marburg-, Luke (Md). Colonel Maryland Militia, ; taken pris oner - ; exchanged 26th March, 1781. Marcellin, de ( ). See De Mar cel lin. March, John (Mass). Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 18th October, 1777. March, Samuel (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel, 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Marcy, John (X. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775. Marion, Francis "Swamp Fox," (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, 14th Novem ber, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel Com mandant, 16th September, 1776, to close of war; Brigadier-General South Carolina State Troops, August, 1780. By the act of 29th October, 1781, it was Resolved, that the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled be presented to Brigadier-General Marion, of the South Carolina Militia for his wise, gallant and decided con duct in defending the liberties of his country, and particularly for his prudent and intrepid attack on a body of the British troops on the 30th of August last (Parker s Ferry), and for the distinguished part he took in the battle of the 8th of September (Eutaw Springs.)" Served to close of war. (Died 27th February, 1795.) Markham, Barzilla (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 8th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; resigned 7th October, 1775. Markham, John (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 16th September, 1775 ; Ma jor 2d Virginia, 13th August, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Virginia, 22d March, 1777 ; cashiered, 26th October, 1777. Markland, John (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 9th Pennsylvania, 19th October, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 31st May, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779 ; trans ferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 25th February, 1837.) Mar kle, Charles ( ). Lieutenant 2d Canadian Regiment, November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Ottendorff s Battalion, 22d February, 1777; Cap tain 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 8th February, 1778, to ; was in service in April, 1780. (Name also spelled Markell and Merkle.) Mar kle, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 17th April, 1777; re signed 1st August, 1777. Marks, Isaiah (Va). 2d Lieutenant llth Virginia, llth November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 15th March, 1777; regi ment designated 7th Virginia, 14th Marks. 285 Martin- September, 1778 ; Captain, 13th May, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Marks, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 21st October, 1775; Cap tain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777; regiment designated 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Marsden, George (Mass). Adju tant of Scamnion s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Adjutant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant of Sherburne s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st Oc tober, 1777; resigned 10th August, 1778. Marsh, John (X. Y.). Sergeant 1st New York, loth December, 1776 ; En sign, 29th September, 1780; served to June, 1783. Marsh, John (X. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Marsh, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 1st January. 1777; resigned 10th October, 1778. Marsh, Timothy (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 27th April, 1778. Marshall, Abraham (Pa). Cap tain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, loth March, 1776 ; resigned 12th July, 1776. Marshall, Benjamin (Pa). En sign 5th Pennsylvania, 21st April, 1779; Lieutenant, 13th June, 1779 retired 1st July, 1782. Marshall, Christopher (Mass). Captain 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; transferred to 1st Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1783, arid served to 3d November, 1783. Marshall, David (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania, 5th November, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 13th June, 1779; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Marshall, Dixon (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 26th April, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. (Died 22d August, 1824.) Marshall, Elihu (N. Y.). Adju tant 2d New Y T ork, 21st November, 1776 ; Brigade-Major of Poor s Brig ade, 26th April to 29th August, 1778 , Captain, 23d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Marshall, James M. (Va). Lieu tenant and Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Marshall, John (Pa). Ensign 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, April, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania, llth Novem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779 ; Captain, 13th August, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Marshall, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 30th July, 1776; Cap tain-Lieutenant loth Virginia, De cember, 1776, to rank from 31st July, 1776; Deputy Judge-Advocate, 20th November, 1777; Captain, 1st July, 1778; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th Febru ary, 1781. (Chief Justice of the United States, 31st January, 1801 ; died 6th July, 1835.) Marshall, Humphrey (Va). Cap tain of a Virginia State Regiment, April, 1778, to 1781. Marshall, John (Pa). Captain 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 7th March, 1776; transferred to Pennsylvania State Regiment, October, 1776 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Marshall, Thomas (Mass). Colo nel 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 18th November, 1800.) Marshall, Thomas (Mass). En sign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Marshall, Thomas (Va). Major 3d Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 13th August, 1776; Colonel, 21st February, 1777; re signed 4th December, 1777. (Died 22d June, 1802.) Marshall, Thomas Jr. (Va). Cap- tain of a Virginia State Regiment, May, 1778, to April, 1780. Marston, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 3d July, 1779, and served to May, 1781, Martin, Absalom (N. J.). Pay master 4th New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 2d November, 1777 ; Regimental Pay master, 1st February, 1779, to June, 1783; Captain, 6th January, 1783, and served to close of war ; Captain 27th United States Infantry, 20th May, 1813 ; honorably discharged 1st June,. 1814. Martin. Martin. Martin, Adam (Mass). Captain of LearnecTs Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; Cap tain 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; omitted July, 1779. Martin, Alexander (N. C.). Lieu tenant-Colonel 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Colonel, 7th May, 1776 ; resigned 22d November, 1777. (Died November, 1807.) Martin, Alexander (Pa). Ser geant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 30th January, 1776; Ensign, 13th Sep tember, 1776, to January, 1777. Martin, Ennals (Md). Surgeon s- Mate Maryland, 1st June, 1777 ; re signed 16th February, 1780. Martin, Ephraim (N. J.). Colonel New Jersey Militia Regiment, 14th June, 1776 ; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; appointed Colonel 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776, but never joined the regiment. Martin, Francis (N. T.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 6th May, 1777 ; died, , 1778. Martin, Hudson (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, llth March, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 26th July, 1776, and served to Martin, Hugh (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 12th Virginia, 28th April, 1778 ; transferred to 10th Virginia, 10th Au gust, 1778, and served to . Martin, Jacob (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Forman s New Jersey Mili tia Regiment, June to November, 1776; Captain 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned March, 1777. Martin, James (S. C.). Surgeon 2d South Carolina, 14th November, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Martin, James (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina in 1777 ; 5th North Carolina in 1778. Martin, John (R. I.). Brigade Sur geon Rhode Island troops, 28th June to November, 1775. Martin, John (Ga). 1st Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; Cap tain, July, 1776, and served to . Martin, John (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, 16th Feb ruary, 1777; Captain, , 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged November, 1780, and served to close of war. Martin, John (N. J.). Ensign in Forman s New Jersey Militia Regi ment, June to November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 23th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th February, 1777; resigned 1st Novem ber, 1777. Martin, Joseph (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battal ion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 2d November, 1780, arid did not re-enter the service. Martin, Moses (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain, May, 1776, and served to . Martin, N (S. C.). Captain South Carolina State Troops, ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781. Martin, Nathaniel (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, June, 1777 ; taken pris oner at Brandywine, llth September, Martin, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieutenant llth Pennsylvania, ; killed at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Martin, Philip (R. I.). Sergeant of Lippitt s Rhode Island Militia Regi ment, June, 1776 ; Ensign, 19th Au gust to December, 1776. Martin, Robert (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 19th July, 1779; Lieu tenant, 1st April. 1780 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. Martin, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th Sep tember to 31st December, 1776. Martin, Simeon (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; Captain of Lippitt s Rhode Island Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to Feb ruary, 1777. Martin, Solomon (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Martin, Sylvanus (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 1st Sep tember to 6th December, 1775. Martin, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 16th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th January, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781 ; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war; 1st Lieutenant 1st United States Infantry, 3d June, Martin. 287 Massenburg. 1790 ; Captain, 5th March, 1792 ; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th Sep tember, 1792 ; assigned to 1st Infan try, 1st November, 1796 ; honorably discharged, 1st June, 1802; Military Storekeeper, 23d July, 1804; died, 1814. Martin, "William (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 10th February, 1777; killed, 31st May, 1777, at . Martin, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777; taken prisoner at Han cock s Bridge, 21st March, 1778; re leased, 4th December, 1780 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Captain, 1st January, 1782 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Martin, William (X. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d ]S T ew York, 18th August, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, August to No vember, 1770. Martin, William (Ga). Captain Georgia Militia, ; killed at White House, near Augusta, Georgia, 15th September, 1780. Martindale, Sion (R. I.). Captain of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Marvin, Benjamin (X. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 23d April, 1778. Marvin, Elihu (Conn). Adjutant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died 13th September, 1798.) Marvin, Joseph (N. Y.). Surgeon s" Mate, 1st New York, 30th August 1775 ; Surgeon, March to November 1770. Mash, Ralph (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant of Formari s New Jersey Militia Regiment, May to December , 1770. Mash, Simeon (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted, March, 1777. Mason, Abel (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Mason, Caleb (Md). Ensign - Maryland, - ; killed at Cainden, 16th August, 1780. Mason, David (Va). 1st Lieuten ant loth Virginia, 22d November, 1776 ; Captain, 20th April, 1778 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 14th May, 1779. Mason, David (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th Oc tober, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Mason, David (Va). Colonel loth Virginia, 12th November, 1776 ; re signed 31st July, 1778. Mason, David (Mass). Major of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May to December, 1775 ; Major of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel. 25th May to 10th December, 1776; Deputy Commissary- General of Military Stores at Spring field, Mass., February, 1777, to 26th July, 1780. Mason, James (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; re signed , 1777 ; appears to have served subsequently as Lieutenant- Colonel of Militia. Mason, John (N. Y.). Chaplain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 19th July, 1777 ; appointed Chaplain to posts on the Hudson, 31st October, 1778, and served to close of war. Mason, Lemuel B. (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, ; JLieutenant, 30th August, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Mason, Littleberry (Va). Pay master loth Virginia, ; in service June, 1777. Mason, Nathaniel (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 14th March, 1776, to . Mason, Richard (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, ; Cap tain, 25th November, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th Mav, 1780. Mason, Richard (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 4th September, 1778; Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to . Mason, Thomas (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776"; 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 1st July, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th April, 1779; Captain-Lieutenant, 22d May, 1779; Captain, 8th June, 1779; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Mason, William (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to Massenburg, Nicholas (Va). 1st Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 14th March, 1776, to . Massey. Massey, John (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1781 ; transferred to Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th Novem ber, 1782, and served to close of war. Massey, William (S. C.). Deputy Mustermaster-Greiieral, 20th October, 1777, to - Massie, Thomas (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, llth March, 177(5; Major llth Virginia, 20th February, 1778; transferred to 2d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; resigned 25th June, 1779. Masury, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st May, 1779; Lieuten ant, , 1780 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Mather, Elias (Conn). Regimental Quartermaster 10th Continental In fantry, 9th September to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant. 15th November, 1778 ; resigned 12th September, 1780. (Name also spelled Matthew.) Mather, John (Conn). Regimental 8uartermaster of Webb s Additional ontinental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; died, November, 1778. Mather, Timothy (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 7th Connecticut, 1st Au gust, 1778; Surgeon, 1st January, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Mathews, George (Va). Lieuten ant-Colonel 9th Virginia, 4th March, 1776; Colonel, 10th February, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Ger- mantown, 4th October, 1777; ex changed 5th December, 1781. (Died 30th August, 1812.) Matson, James (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th August, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1777, and served to - . Matthew, Elias See Mather. Matthewman, "William (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, July, 1775, to -- . Matthews, Caleb (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to - . Matthews, Henry (Pa). Captain of Baldwin s Regiment Artillery Ar tificers, 20th March, 1780 ; died 25th January, 1781. 288 Maxwell.. Matthews, James (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; cash iered, 5th September, 1776. Matthews, Thomas (Va). Cap tain 4th Virginia, 25th March, 1776 ; resigned 15th November, 1777; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel Virginia Militia. (Died 20th April, 1812.) Mattingly, Edward (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; wounded at Fort Washington, 16tli November, 1776. Mattocks, John ( ). Captain Virginia or North Carolina Rangers, ; killed at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Mattocks, Samuel (Conn). Cap tain 8th Connecticut, 1st Januarv, 1777; resigned 20th April, 1779. Maury, Abraham (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 14th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th December, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st Jan uary, 1778 ; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . Maus, Matthew (Pa). Surgeon In valid Regiment, 7th October, 1780, to June, 1783. (Died 23d September, 1787.) Mauser, Jacob (Pa). Captain of Lutz s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776. Mawbrey, Robert. See Mabey. Maxwell, Anthony (N. Y.). Ser geant of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st May, 1777 ; En sign, 1st July, 1777 ; transferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779; 2d Lieutenant, 24th April, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Maxwell, Hugh (Mass). Lieuten ant of a Company of Minute Men at Lexington, 19th April, 1775 ; Captain of Presscott s Massachusetts Regi ment, 10th May to December, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Captain 7th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 15th Massachu setts, 7th July, 1777; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st July, 1779; Lieutenant-Colonel 8th Massachu setts, 1st August, 1782; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 14th October, 1799.) Maxwell. 289 Mead, Maxwell, James (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 9th December, 1775, to 10th November, 177G ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 5th February, 1777; resigned 1st December, 1777. Maxwell, John (N. J.). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 8th February, 1777; re signed llth April, 1778. Maxwell, Josiah(Ga). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Georgia, , 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, , 1778; served to close of war. Maxwell, Thompson (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died, 1825.) Maxwell, William (N. J.). Colo nel 2d New Jersey, 8th November, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 23d October, 1776 ; resigned 25th July, 1780. (Died 12th Novem ber, 1798.) May, James (N. C.). Captain 8th North Carolina, - ; resigned 5th August, 1777. Maybank, ( ). Colonel Mi litia, ; wounded at Hickory Hill, 28th June, 1779. Mayberry, Richard (Mass). Cap tain llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; retired llth September, 1778. Mayborn, James (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 29th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 27th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 23d December, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Captain, - , 1781, and served to . (Name also spelled Mabon and Mabin.) Mayhew, Thomas. See Mahew. Maynard, Adam (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, June, 1775, to . Maynard, John (Mass). Acting Ensign of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment at Bunker Hill, where he was wounded, 17th June, 1775 ; En sign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster, llth November, 1777 ; served to June, 1783. (Died 21st Jan uary, 1823.) Maynard, Jonathan (Mass). Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780 ; exchanged 22d December, 1780 ; Cap tain, 25th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 17th July, 1835.) Maynard, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Maynard, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; severely wounded at Bunker Hill r 17th June, 1775; Lieutenant Invalid Regiment, 1st June. 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died , 1788.) Mayo, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, June to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Mayo, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Mayson, James (S. C.). Major South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775 ; Colonel, ; w r as in service in 1780. Mayzick, Daniel (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, January,. 1777; Captain, 6th May, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Mayzick, Stephen (S. C.) Ensign 2d South Carolina, 10th March, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Mazuzen, Mark (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; served in the Campaign of Canada in. 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Elmore s Con necticut State Regiment, 15th April,, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Brandywine,, llth September, 1777,and was drowned: 30th November, 1777, in attempting, to escape from prison-ship. Meacham, John (Mass). Ensigm 3d Massachusetts, l^t January, 1777 z Lieutenant, 1779 ; Regimental Adju tant, 1st August, 1780, and served to . Mead, Giles (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st New Jersey, 10th December,. 1775. to 10th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 29th October,. 1777, and served to close of war. Mead, Jasper (Conn). Quarter master-Sergeant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778; Regimental-Quartermas ter, 15th December, 1777, to 8th May,. 1780 ; resigned 8th May, 1780. 19 Mead. 290 Meigs. Mead, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Mead, Matthew (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May, to 13th De cember, 1775 ; wounded at St. Johns, Canada, 16th September, 1775; Ma jor of Silliman s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1770; Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 25th May, 1778. Mead, Silvanus (Conn). Lieuten ant 6th Connecticut, 6th July to 24th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, May, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Mead, William (N. Y.) Surgeon 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 13th October, 1779. Meade, Everard (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 8th March, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln, 1778, to close of war. Meade, John (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777, to . Meade, Richard Kidder (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 24th October, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Washington, 12th March, 1777, to close of war. (Died, 1805.) Meade, William (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 16th February, 1776; died 20th November, 1776. Meanly, John (Ga). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Georgia, 4th February, 1777 ; retired in 1779. Means, James (Mass). Sergeant in Phinney s Massachusetts Regi ment, June to December, 1775 ; Ser geant 18th Continental Infantry, Jan uary, 1776; Ensign, 3d August, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 5th July, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died, 1832.) Mears, Samuel (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Private in the 4th Connecticut, 23d May to 20th December, 1775 ; Ser- .geant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 22d April, 1777 ; En sign, 16th May, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th March, 1779; resigned 24tti March, 1780. Measam, George ( ). Major and Commissary of Clothing, Conti nental Army, 16th October, 1776, to Mease, James (Pa). Commissary to Pennsylvania Troops, 25th Janu ary, 1776, to . Mease, John (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania, 3d July, 1777 ; served to 26th May, 1778. Meleane, Robert (N. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 7th North Carolina, 26th November, 1776 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; Lieu- tenarit-ColonelCommandant 3d North Carolina, 7th June, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Mecklin, Dewalt (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776 ; resigned 18th April, 1777. Medbury, Hezekiah (R. I.). En sign 2d Rhode Island, 24th February, 1777 ; died 24th March, 1777. Medbury, John (Mass). Lieuten ant of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 29th April, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. (Died 2d November, 1825.) Medici, Cosmo de (N. C.). Cap tain Independent Company North Carolina Light Horse, March, 1777; company discharged 1st January, 1779. Medow, (Pa). Lieutenant of Kachlein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Meeker, Joseph (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 10th December, 1775, to 20th November, 1776. Meeker, Uzal (N. J.). Ensign of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th February, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th February, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Died 3d Sep tember, 1829.) Meigs, Jehiel (Conn). Ensign in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Meigs, John (Conn). Ensign 01 Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 16th May, 1778; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Regimental Adjutant, 15th February, 1778, to 3d June, 1783 ; Captain 13th United States Infantry, 13th Febru ary, 1799 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1800. Meigs. Meredith. Meigs, Return Jonathan (Conn). Major 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775; exchanged 10th Janu ary, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel of Sher- burne s Additional Continental Reg iment, 22d February, 1777. By the act of 25th July, 1777, it was "Re solved, that Congress have a just sense of the merit of Lieutenant-Col onel Meigs, and the officers and men under his command, who distin guished their prudence, activity, en terprise and valor in the late expedi tion to Long Island, and that an ele gant sword be provided by the Com missary-General of Military Stores, and presented to Lieutenant-Colonel Meigs. 1 Colonel 6th Connecticut, 10th September, 1777, to rank from 12th May, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 23d January, 1823.) Meil, Charles (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ser geant 6th Connecticut, 5th May to 8th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th January, 1778; Captain, 3d September, 1780; resigned 5th October, 1780. (Name also spelled Miel.) (Died May, 1836.) Mellen, James (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major, loth August, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 9th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 3d Massachusetts, 7th January, 1783; served to 3d June, 1783. M3lli3h, Samuel (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster 3d Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant and Regimental Paymaster, 16th September, 1778, and served to 3d .June, 1783. (Died September, 1797.) Meloon, Josiah (N. H.). Sergeant 8th Continental Infantry, February, 1776 ; Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Melville, David (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Melvin, George (Ga). Regimental Quartermaster 3d Georgia, ; Cap tain, 1st March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed April, 1781 ; retired 12th July, 1782. Menema, Daniel (N.Y.). Surgeon s Mate, 3d New York, 27th April, 1776 - Surgeon 2d New York, 1st August, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Meng, Wollory (Pa). Captain of Flower s Regiment Artillery Arti ficers, 1st April, 1777, to - Mentges, Francis (Pa). Adjutant of Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 22d March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th August, 1776 ; Major llth Pennsyl vania, 25th October, 1776; transferred to 7th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Pennsylva nia, 9th October, 1778; retired 1st January, 1783. Menzies, George (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 7th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, , 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Mercer, Henry (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, loth August, 1777, to . Mercer, Hugh (Va). Colonel 3d Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Briga dier-General Continental Army, 5th June, 1776; died 12th January, 1777, of wounds received at Princeton, 3d January, 1777. Mercer, John (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 7th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th November, 1775, to November, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Jersey, 15th February, 1777 ; taken prisoner at , 1st February, 1777; exchanged 6th November, 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant United States Infantry, 18th August, 1784 ; Captain, 24th November, 1785 ; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789; resigned 26th November, 1790. Mercer, John (N. C.). Ensign 7th North Carolina, 28th November, 1776; resigned 22d November, 1777. Mercer, John FVancis (Va). 1st Lieutenant 3d Virginia 26th Febru ary, 1776 ; wounded at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777; Captain, Sep tember, 1777, to rank from 27th June, 1777; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Lee, 8th June, 1778; resigned October, 1779 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Virginia Militia, October, 1780, to November, 1781. (Died 30th August, 1821.) Meredith, Samuel (Pa). Briga dier-General Pennsylvania Militia, 5th April, 1777, to . (Died 10th March, 1817.) Meredith, William (Md). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 13th Janu ary, 1777 ; wounded and taken pris oner at Camden, 16th August, 1780. (Died 20th February, 1833.) Meriwether. Middleton.. Meriwether, David (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 14th November, 1776 ; 3d Lieutenant, 28th December, 1777 ; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 7th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Sa vannah , 9th October, 1779; exchanged ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 16th Novem ber, 1822.) Meriwether, James (Va). Adju tant 1st Virginia State Regiment, February, 1778, to October, 1779; Cor net 3d Continental Dragoons, , 1780; Lieutenant, , 1781; retained in Baylor s Consolidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Meriwether, Thomas (Va). Major 1st Virginia State Regiment, , June, 1778, to February, 1781. Merkle, Charles. See Markle. Meroney , Philip (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Merriam, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Whitcomb s Massachu setts Regiment, 30th June to Decem ber, 1775. Merrick, Samuel (Mass). Sergeant 12th Massachusetts, 15th Novem ber, 1776 ; Ensign, 20th November, 1779 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st August, 1780; 2d Lieutenant, 5th Sep tember, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Merrikin, Joshua (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Merrill, Daniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Saptain, 12th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st April, 1779. Merrill, Simon (N.H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 19th September, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Merritt, Daniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Merritt, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Massachu setts Militia. (Died 28th June, 1818.) Merritt, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammori s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Merrow, Joshua (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 2d April, 1777; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777; Lieutenant, 12th July, 1779; retained in Jackson s Continen tal Regiment in November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Mersowey , Elisha (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Mersowey, Solomon (Mass). En sign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Messenger, Wigglesworth (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Read s Massachu- ment, May to December, 1775. Metcalf, James (Mass). Major Massachusetts Minute Men, April, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Major and Lieutenant-Colonel Massachusetts Militia, 1777, to close of war. Metting-er, Jacob. See Mytinger. Meyer, Christopner. See Myer. Meyers, Christian (Md). 2d Lieu tenant German Battalion, 12th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1777; Captain, 12th March, 1778, and served to close of war. Meyers, Lawrence. See Myers. Michaux, Joseph (Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777; re signed 24th December, 1777. Micker, Uzal. See Meeker. Mickey, Daniel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, ; retired 31st January, 1779. Micon, Henry (Va). Ensign 3d Vir ginia, - ; 011 roll for April, 1778. (Died 17th December, 1821.) Middagii, (Pa). Lieutenant of Kachlein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia. ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Middagh, Ephraim(N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, ; killed at Min- nisink, 22d July, 1779. Middlebrook, Ephraim (Conn). Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Ridgefield, 27th April, 1777. Middleton, - - (S. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel South Carolina State Troops, - ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Middleton, Bazil (Va). Surgeon 9th Virginia, lOtii January, 1778; re tired 14th September, 1778; Surgeon 5th Virginia, 20th February, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th_ May, 1780. Middleton. 293 Miller. Middleton, Hugh (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Middleton, Samuel (Mass). En sign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deranged, March, 1779. Middleton, Theodore (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland. 6th April, 1779, and served to October, 1781. Middleton, William (Va). Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons in 1779. Miel, Charles. (See Meil.) Mifflt, Francis A, ( ). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 22d May, 1778, to May, 1779. Mifflin, John (Pa). Brigade-Major to General Mifflin, 29th June, 1770 ; Paymaster 5th Pennsylvania Bat talion, 3d September, 1776, to Janu ary, 1777; Deputy Quartermaster- General, 30th June, 1777, to . Mifflin, Thomas (Pa). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Washing ton, 4th July, 1775 ; Major and Quar termaster-General Continental Army, 14th August, 1775 ; with rank of Colo nel, 22d December, 1775 ; with rank of Brigadier-General, 16th May, 1776, and with rank of Major-General, 19th February, 1777 ; resigned as Quarter master-General, 7th November, 1777, but continued in the performance of that duty to 8th October, 1777; Mem ber Board of War, 7th November, 1777 ; resigned as Major-General, 25th February, 1779. (Died 20th January, 1800.) Mighill, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Gerris-h s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Mildeberger, Oliver (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, - ; cashiered, 28th September, 1776. Miles, Charles (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men, ; wounded at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Miles, Jeremiah (Mass). Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777 ; retired 12th September, 1778. Miles, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 20th September, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Miles, Joshua (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Maryland Battalion of the .Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 12th October, 1777, and served to . Miles, Samuel (Pa). Colonel Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 13th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged, 20th April, 1778; appointed Brigadier- General Pennsylvania State Troops, 28th December, 1776, and served to . (Died 29th December, 1805.) Millar, Elisha (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778. Miller, Abraham (Pa). Captain cf Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; resigned 9th November, 1775 ; Captain Penn sylvania Militia in 1776. (Died , 1821.) Miller, Benjamin (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776: 3d Lieutenant, 21st May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777, ad served to . Miller, Charles (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, llth May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 25th April, 1778; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Miller, David (Va). 2d Lieutenant 5th Virginia, 21st February, 1777; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780; exchanged , and served to* close of war. Miller, Henry (Pa). Chaplain Pennsylvania State Regiment, 24th April, 1777; Chaplain to the Germans in the Army, 18th May, 1778; re signed 7th August, 1779. (Died 16th September, 1829.) Miller, Henry (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; Cap tain, 15th October, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major 1st Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 28th Sep tember, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778, to rank from 1st March, 1777; resigned 8th December, 1778. (Died 5th April, 1824.) Miller, James (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 7th April, 1778. Miller. 294 Mills. Miller, Javan (Va). Served as a Sergeant in the Virginia Line from 1776 ; Ensign 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged April, 1781; Lieutenant, May, 1781, and served to close of war. Miller, Jeremiah (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; retired January, 1779. Miller, Jeremiah (Mass). Sergeant in Paterson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778; transferred to 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783. (Died 3d Au gust, 1785.) Miller, John (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776; died 17th November, 1776, of wounds received at Fort Washing ton 16th November, 1776. Miller, Jonas (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 7th April, 1778. Miller, Joseph (Mass). Lieutenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 17th December, 1777. (Also called Josiah Miller.) Miller, Joseph (Mass). Sergeant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, 30th March, 1779 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 25th May, 1780; Regimental Adjutant, July, 1780; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Miller, Lemuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 5th September, 1780 ; also called Samuel Miller. Miller, Leonard (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Janu ary, 1778; resigned 25th October, 1779. Miller, Nathan (R. I.). Brigadier- General Rhode Island Militia, 1775 to 1781. Miller, Nathaniel (Mass). Sergeant 6th Massachusetts, 1st April, 1777 ; Ensign, 10th June, 1779, and served to . (Was in service June, 1781.) Miller, Nicholas (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776; retired 1st July, 1778. Miller, Richard (Mass). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th April, 1779, retired 17th January, 1781. Miller, Samuel (Pa). Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; died 10th January, 1778. Miller, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gardners Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Miller, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 4th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st September, 1779 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th Sep tember, 1781; did not rejoin regiment. Miller, William (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Pennsyl vania, December, 1776; 1st Lieuten ant, 20th March, 1777; Captain-Lieu tenant, 2d February, 1778 ; Captain, 17th April, 1779; retired 17th Janu ary, 1781. Miller, "William (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 15th August, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Miller, William Turner (R. I.). Lieutenant-Colonel of Church sRhode Island Regiment, 3d May to Decem ber, 1775. Milligan, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d April, 1777; dis missed 13th July, 1778. Milligan, James (Pa). Ensign 7th Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th April, 1779; trans ferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th Jan uary, 1781; transferred to 1st Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, arid served to 3d June, 1783. Milligan, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, ; killed at Fort Montgomery. 6th Oc tober, 1777. Milliken, Edward (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 18th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Milling, Hugh (S. C.). Lieuten ant and Captain South Carolina Regiment ; retired October, 1780. Mills, Amasa (Conn). Lieutenant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Mills, Benjamin (Conn). Sergeant Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 : 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December. 1775. Mills. Mills, Benjamin (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 8th North Carolina, January, 1777 ; resigned, 12th July, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Troop North Carolina Dragoons, loth July, 1777, and served to . (Was in service in October, 1778.) Mills, Daniel (N. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 9th February, 1776 ; died 22d April, 1777. Mills, Elijah (Mass). Sergeant 9th Massacusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; En sign, 1st January, 1780 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Mills, James (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, , 1776, to . Mills, John (Va). Ensign 9th Vir ginia, 6th August, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Lieutenant, , 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 23d November, 1833.) Mills, John (Conn). Sergeant 5th Connecticut, 8th May, 1775 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 21st June, 1775; Regimental Adjutant, llth July to 26th November, 1775 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 13th May, 1778. Mills, John (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. Mills, John (Va). Ensign 7th Vir ginia, 6th August, 1779, and served to close of war. Mills, John (Mass). Ensign in Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; En sign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th March, 1777 ; Cap tain, 16th April, 1779 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784 ; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; Major, 19th February, 1793; Ad jutant and Inspector of the Army, 13th May, 1794, to 27th February, 1796 ; died 8th July, 1796. Mills, Joseph (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 20th September, 1777 ; Lieutenant, oth July, 1780 ; re tired, 1st January, 1781. 295 Minnes. Mills, Peter (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July, to 21st December, 1775 ; Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 16th August, 1777 ; resigned 15th February, 1781. (Died 10th Oa- tober, 1830.) Mills, Samuel (Conn). Quarter-- master-Sergeant 2d Continental Dra goons, 12th January, 1777; taken prisoner at , 14th December, 1777; exchanged, 8th August, 1780; Lieuten ant 2d Continental Dragoons to rank from 2d June, 1778 ; resigned 8th Oc tober, 1780. Mills, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, , 1780 ; trans ferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, llth May,. 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts,, 12th June, 1783, and served to Novem ber, 1783. Milton, John (Ga). Ensign 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, ; taken prisoner at Fort Howe, Georgia, February, 1777 ; Captain. 15th September, 1777 ; re tired 15th July, 1782. Minger, Edmund ( ). Adjutant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, November, 1776 ; turned over to the civil authorities of Pennsylvania, 29th March, 1777, on the charge of murder. Minnes, Callohill (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 22d February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d December, 1776; Cap tain, 18th November, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Minnes, Francis (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, January, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 2d December, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, 9th August, 1777; Aide-de- Camp to General Muhlenberg in 1779 ; Captain, 25th April, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Minnes, Holman (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, February, 1776 ;, 1st Lieutenant, 2d January, 1777 ; Captain, 12th May, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Virginia,, 12th February, 1781, and served to> close of war. Minor. 296 Monson. Minor, Peter (Va). 2d Lieutenant 5th Virginia, 12ih February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1777; Captain, 10th February, 1778 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Minor, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, January, 1777 ; Cap tain 2d Virginia State Regiment, 23d April, 1778, to February, 1782; as Aide-de-Camp to General Stevens of the Virginia Militia at Yorktown in 1781. (Died 31st July, 1824.) Minor, Timothy (Mass). Volunteer Surgeon at Concord, 19th April, 1775. <Died 1st August, 1804.) Minot, Ephraim (Mass). Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 177C ; 1st Lieu tenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 18th February, 1778, and served to . Mitchell, ( ). Captain, ; killed at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. See James Mitchell. Mitchell, Abiel (Mass). Major of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Mitchell, Aloxander (N. J.). 1st "Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 28th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Novem ber, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Jer sey, 1st July, 1778, and served to April, 1783. Mitchell, Ephraim (S. C.). Major South Carolina Artillery, 20th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Mitchell, James (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery, ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Mitchell, John (Ga). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Georgia, 5th April, 1778, and .served to October, 1782. Mitchell, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 10th June, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 26th May, 1779; Captain, 15th July, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Mitchell, Joseph (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 5th February, 1777 ; re signed October, 1777. Mitchell, Nathaniel (Del). Captain of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 20th January, 1777; Major, 23d December, 1777; transferred to Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Mitchell, Rotheus (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st November, 1777; Lieutenant, 21st June, 1779, an(j served to . Mitchell, Thomas (Mass). Major of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st July, 1775, to - Mix, John (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 10th July to 20th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d Connec ticut, 1st June, 1778; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Mix, Timothy (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 6th May to 1st Decem ber, 1775 ; Sergeant 2d Continental Artillery, 19th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 12th September, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 20th September, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Mixer, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Moat, John (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to Molhollon, William (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned July, 1778. Monell, James (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 20th March, 1777 ; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; resigned 23d April, 1779. Monell, Robert (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, ; killed at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777. Monroe, George (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 6th Virginia in 1779 ; was a Hos pital Surgeon in 1781. Monroe, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 28th September, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, , 1776 ; wounded at Trenton, 2d January, 1777; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Alex ander (Lord Stirling), 20th November, 1777; resigned 20th December, 1778, Fifth President of the United States, 4th March, 1817, to 4th March, 1825. (Died 4th July, 1831.) Monroe, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 24th January, 1776 ; resigned , 1776. Monroe, Robert (Mass). Ensign of Company of Minute Men, ; killed at Lexington, 19th April, 1775. Monson, See Munson, . Name spelled both ways. Montford. 297 Moor. Montford.j Joseph (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, May, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant, February, 1777; Captain, 9th January, 1779, and served to close of war. Captain 1st United States Infantry, 3d June, 1790 ; killed 27th April, 1792, by Indians, near Fort Jefferson, Ohio. Montfort, Julius de. See De Mont- fort. Montgomery, Hugh (Pa). Lieu tenant of Marines in 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; died 15th May, 1777. Montgomery, James (Va). Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778, to 1781. Montgomery, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st May, 1776 ; Captain Independent Company Pennsylvania Artillery, 2d December, 1776 ; died 26th August, 1777. Montgomery, John (Va). Lieu tenant-Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Montgomery, Joseph (Del). Chap lain Delaware Regiment, January to December, 1776 ; Brigade Chaplain, 27th April, 1878, to , 1780. Montgomery, Michael (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, , 1780; left on three months furlough in October, 1780, and did not rejoin. Montgomery, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Little s Massachu setts Regiment, 19th May to Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 12th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to Montgomery, Richard (N. Y.). Brigadier-Greneral Continental Army, 22d June, 1775 ; Major-General, 9th December, 1775 ; killed in the assault on Quebec, 31st December, 1775. Montgomery, Samuel (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1776 ; Captain 7th Pennsylvania, 20th March, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781; wounded at Jamestown Ford, 6th July, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Montgomery, William (Pa). En sign of Wilson s Pennsylvania Bat talion to guard stores at Carlisle, Pa., 30th October, 1777, to October, 1778. Monty, Francis (N. Y.). Ensign 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 25th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th November, 1777; wounded at Quaker Hill, 29th August, 1778; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Died 8th February, 1809.) Moodie, Andrew (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Lamb s Company New York Artillery, July, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; Captain 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777, arid served to June, 1783. (Died 18th September, 1787.) Moody, Edward (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 6th August, 1776 ; dropped on roll for June, 1777, with remark, "promoted to Captain Vir ginia Artillery," possibly a State or Militia Regiment ; reported to have died in March, 1781. Moody, James (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment in 1779 and 1780. Moody, William (Del). Major of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Mooers, Benjamin (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia in 1776 and 1777; Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 24th March, 1778; Lieuten ant and Regimental Adjutant, March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 20th February, 1838.) Moon, Archelaus (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 23d December, 1776 ; resigned 13th November, 1777. Moon, Jacob (Va). Paymaster 14th Virginia, 28th April, 1777 ; resigned 28th August, 1778. Mooney, Benjamin (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Wynian s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 20th June, 1776 ; cashiered, 2d October, 1776. Mooney, Hercules (N. H.). Lieu tenant-Colonel and Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 and 1777. Moor, William (Mass). Sergeant- Major 3d Continental Artillery, March, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 29th September, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783; 1st Lieu tenant, July, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Lieutenant United States Artillery Battalion, 20th Octo ber, 1786; Lieutenant Artillery Bat talion United States Army, 29th Sep tember, 1789; died 10th September 1790. Moore. 298 Moore. Moore, Alexander (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777 ; resigned 10th January, 1778. Moore, Alfred (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; resigned 8th March, 1777. (Died 15th October, 1810.) Moore, Andrew (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 16th March, 1776; Captain, , 1777; resigned 14th May, 1778. Moore, Cato (Va). 1st Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 3d February, 1777;wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777; resigned 3d February, 1778. Moore, Cleon (Va). Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 29th January, 1777; wounded at Braudywine, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; resigned 5th July, 1778. Moore, Daniel (N. H.). Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775; Captain 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Colonel New Hampshire Militia. (Died 19th July, 1820.) Moore, David (Mass). Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Moore, Elijah (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 10th North Carolina, 12th Oc tober, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, September, 1778 ; Captain, 13th October, 1781 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Moore, Francis (G-a). Captain 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778; Major, , and served to . Moore, Henry (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery, 25th Octo ber, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Moore, Hervey (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Moore, Isaac (N. C.). Captain 10th North Carolina, 19th April, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778, and served to . Moore, James (N. C.). Colonel 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 1st March, 1776 ; died 9th April, 1777. Moore, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, , 1780; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781; Lieutenant, December, 1781, and served to . Moore, James (N. Y.). Lieutenant of Lamb s Company New York Artil lery, July, 1775 ; Captain-Lieuten ant, 14th March, 1776 ; died Janu ary, 1777. Moore, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsyl vania Rifle Regiment, 19th March, 1776; Captain, 25th October, 1776, to January, 1777. Moore, James (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, December, 1776, to rank from 5th January, 1776 ; Major 1st Pennsyl vania, 20th September, 1777 ; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Moore, James (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 28th February, 1778. Moore, James (Del). 1st Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 19th Janu ary, 1776; Captain, 2d December, 1776; taken prisoner at - , 16th January, 1778 ; exchanged, 7th De cember, 1780, and did not return to the army. Moore, James Francis (Pa). Cap tain Pennsylvania State Regiment, 24th October, 1776 ; regiment desig nated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th No vember, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; resigned 2d August, 1779. Moore, John (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 1st March, 1777 ; resigned 30th March, 1778. Moore, John (N. H.). Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775; Major, 18th June to December, 1775 ; Major 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Moore, John (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777; retired 1st September, 1778. Moore, John (Va). Regimental Quartermaster 14th Virginia, 22d May, 1777, to . Moore, Joseph (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Moore, Joseph (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant Pennsvlvania Musket Battalion, May, 1776; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Moore, Maurice (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September,, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January,. 1776 : killed 18th January, 1776 at .. Moore. 299 Morgan- Moore, Merritt (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 3d October, 1775 ; 3d Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th January, 1777, and served to Moore, Nicholas Ruxton (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Fulford s Company Maryland Cannoneers, March, 1776 ; Lieutenant 4th Continental Dra goons, 2d February, 1777 ; Captain, loth March, 1778; resigned 31st De cember, 1778. (Died 9th March, 1816.) Moore, Peter (Va). Lieutenant and Captain of a Virginia State Regi ment, 1778 to 1781. Moore, Samuel (N. H.). Surgeon s- Mate of Wingate s Regiment Xew Hampshire Militia, July, 1776, to March, 1777. Moore, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776; Captain 3d Pennsyl vania, llth November, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Moore, Smith (Md). 2d Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; resigned 10th May, 1777. Moore, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 16th November, 1776; Captain, 23d January, 1778; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to Moore, Thomas Lloyd (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania Bat talion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain, 21st May, 1776; Captain 3d Pennsyl vania, January, 1777; to rank from 21st May, 1776; Major 9th Pennsyl vania, 12th May, 1779; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 10th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably dfs- charged, 15th June, 1800. (Died, 1819.) Moore, Willard (Mass). Major of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; killed at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Moore, William (Va). Sergeant 3d Virginia in 1776 ; Ensign 3d Vir ginia, loth August, 1777; 2d Lieuten ant, 28th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, , 1780, and served to . Moore, "William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 15th June, 1779, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Died 6th August, 1819.) Moore, William (Pa). Sergeant 3d Battalion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 26th March, 1776 ; 3d Lieutenant, 6th July, 1776 ; trans ferred to Pennsylvania State Regi ment, October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 18th April, 1777; wounded, at Still- water, 19th September, 1777 ; regi ment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to- 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to 3d November,, 1783. Moore, Zedekiah (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 27th May, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, "lOth September, 1780,. and served to close of war. Mpran, Edward or Bdmond (Md). Ensign 6tli Maryland, - ; Lieuten ant and Regimental Quartermaster, 21st May, 1779, and served to . Morehead, Samuel (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Independent Company T guarding stores at Kittanning, Pa.,, 22d January, 1777, to 1778. Morey, Isaac (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1778; omitted November, 1779. (Died 17th October, 1830.) Morey, Samuel (N. H.). Surgeon s- Mate 2d New Hampshire, ; re signed 1st August, 1782. Morfit, Henry (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp,* June, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and was a prisoner to close of war. Morgan, Abel (Pa). Surgeon llth Pennsylvania, 14th February, 1777;. transferred to 8th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; resigned February, 1779.. (Died , 1785.) Morgan, Benjamin (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st Massachusetts, 21st March, 1782, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Morgan, Ephraim(Conn). Quarter master-Sergeant 1st Connectieui, 19th April, 1777 ; Ensign and Issuing Com missary 2d Connecticut Brigade, 1st January, 1773 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Morgan, Daniel (Va). Captain Company of Virginia Riflemen, July, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775; Colonel llth Vir ginia, 12th November, 177-J ; regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Brigadier-General Con tinental Army, 13th October, 1780. By the act of 9th March, 1781, "The United States in Congress assembled, considering it as a tribute due to dis- Morgan. 300 Morris. tinguished merit to give a public ap probation of the conduct of Brigadier- General Morgan, and of the officers and men under his command on the 17th day of January last, when, with 80 cavalry and 237 infantry of the troops of the United States and 553 militia from the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, he obtained a complete and important victory over a select and well-appointed detachment of more than 1,100 British troops, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Tarletori, do therefore resolve, that the thanks of the United States in Congress assem bled be given to Brigadier-General Morgan, and the officers and men under his command, for their forti tude and good conduct displayed in the action at the Cowpens, in the State of South Carolina, on the 17th day of January last ; that a medal of gold be presented to Brigadier-Gen eral Morgan, with emblems and mot toes descriptive of his conduct on that memorable day." Served to close of war. (Died 6th July, 1802.) Morgan, David. (Md). Sergeant German Regiment, 5th November, 1776; Ensign, 13th August, 1777; Lieutenant, 8th April, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Morgan, Enoch (Pa). Paymaster 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Morgan, George ( ). Appointed Agent for Indian Affairs, 10th April, 1776, with rank and pay of Colonel Continental Army; also appointed Deputy Commissary-General of Pur chases Western District, 20th Novem ber, 1777, and served to close of war. Morgan, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Penriyslvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, 17th No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 26th August, 1778. Morgan, John (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, January, 1777 ; died 25th October, 1777. Morgan, John (Pa). Had been Surgeon in British Army, - ; Director-General and Chief Physi cian of Hospital, 17th October, 1775 ; dismissed 9th January, 1777 ; his con duct vindicated, 12th June, 1779 ; see act of Congress of that date. (Died 15th October, 1789.) Morgan, Mordecai (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, 15th Janu ary, 1777 , retired 1st July, 1778. Morgan, Nathaniel (Conn). En sign in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 15th December, 1775; 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776 ; died September, 1776. Morgan, Simon (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 15th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 15th March, 1778 ; regiment designated 9th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778; transfer red to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; served to close of war. Morgan, Spencer (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; was in service in April, 1781. Morrell, Thomas (N. J.). Captain 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; Major, 17th February, 1777 ; re signed 29th October, 1777. (Died 9th August, 1838.) Morrill, Amos (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 5th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; Major 2d New Hamp shire, 24th March, 1780 ; retained in New Hampshire Battalion, 1st March, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died January, 1810.) Morrill, Joseph (N. Y.). Sergeant 4th New York, 10th December, 1776 ; Ensign, 1st January, 1778 ; transfer red to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Morris, Abel (Pa). 2d Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, November, 1776; omit ted March, 1777. Morris, Anthony James (Pa). Major 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to rank from 25th No vember, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; Colonel 9th Pennsylvania, 12th March, 1777, which he declined June, 1777, and retired from the service. (Died 20th May, 1831,) Morris, Asa (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; died 30th July, 1775. Morris, Benjamin (Pa). Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, February, 1777 ; killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Morris. 301 Morse. Morris, David (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, ; taken pris oner at , 20th October, 1780 ; sent to Prison-ship, from which he es caped. Morris, Gottlieb (Pa). Surgeon of Armand s Partisan Corps, 1780 to 1782. Morris, James (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 3d Novem ber, 1770, to January, 1777. Morris, James (Conn). Ensign of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 177G ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Grermantown, 4th October, 1777 ; ex changed 3d January, 1781 ; Captain- Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 20th July, 1780; Captain, 22d August, 1780; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Morris, John ( ). Surgeon 1st Battalion of thePulaski Legion, sub sequently Armand s Corps, 1779 to 1782. Morris, Jonathan Ford (X. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 14th Septem ber, 1776 , 2d Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; resigned 28th November, 1778; served as Surgeon s-Mate in Hospital De partment, 6th March. 1780 to June, 1782 ; also as Surgeon New Jersey Militia. Morris, Jonathan (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Maryland, 10th December, 177(5; Captain, 14th April, 1777; wounded at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Morris, Joseph (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 8th November, 1775, to 20th November, 1776; Captain 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776; Major, 1st January, 1777 ; died 7th January, 1778, of wounds received at White Marsh, 5th December, 1777. Morris, Lewis (N. Y.). Brigadier- General New York Militia. Morris, Lewis Jr. (N.Y.). Brigade- Major New York Militia, 7th June, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Sullivan, 14th August, 1776, to November, 1779 ; brevetted Lieuten ant-Colonel Continental Army by the act of 9th September, 1778, "for bringing forward to Congress the ac count of the repulse of the British forces on Rhode Island on the 29th of August List, arid w r ho, on the late ex pedition, as well as on several other occasions, behaved with great spirit and good conduct." Aide-de-Camp to General Greene, November, 1779, to close of war. Morris, Lewis R. (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 29th June, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Morris, Nathaniel G-. (Va). 1st Lieutenant 9th Virginia, 13th March, 1776; Captain, 10th February, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. (Died 15th September, 1824.) Morris, William Walton (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artil lery, 20th August, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 5th April, 1832.) Morrison, Isaac (N. J). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Jersey, 15th Decem ber, 1775, to 10th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, - , 1777 ; omitted in 1779. Morrison, James (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 21st December, 1778, to Morrison, John (Ga). Ensign 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Georgia, 5th February, 1777 ; Captain, 1779 ; retired 22d Octo ber, 1782. Morrison, Robert (N. Y.). Sur geon s-Mate 5th New York, 1st June, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Morrison, Samuel (Pa). Ensign of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, May, 1778 ; regiment desig nated llth Pennsylvania, 16th De cember, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 13th Janu ary, 1779 ; transferred to 6th Pernsyl- vania, 17th January, 1781, arid served to . Morrow, Robert (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Cor net 3d Continental Dragoons, 20th February, 1777; Regimental Adju tant, 1st June, 1778; wounded at Tap- pan, 28th September, 1778 ; Lieuten ant, 3d January, 1779; Captain, , 1781, and served to November, 17t2. Morse, Anthony (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 14th February, 1778. Morse, Joseph (Mass). Captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major 14th Massachusetts, llth No vember, 1778; died 15th December, 1779. Morse, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May to December, 1775. Morton. 302 Mott. Morton, Dimond (Mass). Captain in Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775, to De cember, 1776. Morton, Hezekiah (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 80th August, 1777; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, - 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 30th June, 1831.) Morton, Hugh (Pa). Surgeon 8th Pennsylvania, 7th March, 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Morton, Isaac (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777; discharged 4th December, 1777. (Died, December, 1827.) Morton, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 20th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant and Regimental Quar termaster, 1st April, 1778 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; prisoner to December, 1782. Morton, John (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 19th February, 1776 ; re signed 12th March, 1777. Morton, John (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Continental Artillery, llth February, 1778, to . Morton, Silas (Mass). Private Com pany of Minute Men in 1775; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; brevet Captain, 30th Septem ber, 1783, and served to 30th October, 1783. (Died 25th March, 1840.) Moseley, Benjamin (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 10th September, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 29th August, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged June, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783 ; Captain 28th United States Infantry, 20th May, 1813; resigned 20th February, 1814. (Died, , 1819.) Moseley, Benjamin (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 3d May, 1779, to . Moseley, Ebenezer (Conn). Lieu tenant Company of Minute Men in the Lexington Alarm, April. 1775 ; Captain 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 7th December, 1775. Moseley, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Cam- den, 16th August, 1780. Moseley, John (Ga). Captain 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Moseley, Littleberry (Ga). Cap tain 2d Georgia, ; on roll for Au gust, 1778. Moseley, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, August, 177(5 ; resigned 16th May, 1777. Moseley, Robert (Ga). Lieutenant 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Moseley, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 29th February, 1776 ; Captain, 13th December, 1776 ; wounded at Trenton, 26th December, 1776 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged November, 1780 ; Major 3d Virginia, ; retired 12th February, 1781. Moseman, Marcus (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 20th November, 1780, to 18th April, 1781. Moser, Jacob (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Name also spelled Mouser.) Mosher, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 15th December, IrrrrO 778. Moss, Anthony (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 14th February, 1778. Moss, Henry (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 13th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth July, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged April, 1781; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war. Moss, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia, 22d February, 1776; Cap tain, 15th September, 1776; resigned 18th November, 1777. Moss, Joseph (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Moss, Titus (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; 2d Lieu tenant, llth October to 19th Decem ber, 1775. Mossman, Timothy (Mass). Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; omitted January, 1779. Mott, Atwood (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenanc 23d Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Mott. Mott, Ebenezer (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Graham s Regiment New "York Militia, September to Novem ber, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 22d De cember, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781; served subsequently as Lieuten ant New York Levies. Mott, Edward (Conn). Captain th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775, to 10th February, 1776 ; Major of Gay s Con necticut State Regiment, 2d July to December, 1776. Mott, Grershom (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Cap tain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to June, 1783. Mott, John (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant 3d New Jersey, 9th February, 1776 ; Captain, 29th November, 1776; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served also as Captain New Jersey Militia. (Died 31st May, 1831.) Motte, Charles (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Motte, Isaac (S. C.). Lieutenant- Colonel 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Colonel, 16th September, 1776, and served to . (Died 8th May, 1795.) Moulder, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th March, 1776; resigned 1st Sep tember, 1776. Moulton, Johnson (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Scammori s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Moulton, Micah (R. I.). Ensign 9th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January. 1777, to . Moulton, Stephen (Conn). Lieu tenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, ; taken peisoner 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York. Moulton, -William (N. Y.). Ser geant 4th New York in 1775 ; 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Y T ork Regiment, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of War ner s Additional Continental Regi ment, 16th November, 1776; Captain, 1st March, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. 303 Mudge. Moultrie, Thomas (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Captain, - ; killed at the siege of Charleston, 24th April, 1780. Moultrie, "William (S. C.). Colo nel 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; by the act of 20th July, 1776, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of the United States of America be given to * Colonel William Moultrie and the officers and soldiers under their command, who on the 28th of June last, re pulsed, with so much valor, the at tack which was made that day on the State of South Carolina by the fleet and army of His Britannic Majesty. 11 Brigadier-General Continental Army, 16th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and was on parole to November, 1781 ; Major-General, loth October. 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 27th September, 1805.) Mount, Richard (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 1st June, 1778, to . Mountfort, Julius de. See De Montfort. Motintjoy, Alvin (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 25th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 15th January, 1777 ; resigned 10th December, 1777. Mountjoy, John (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 14th January, 1777 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Mountjoy, William (Va). Pay master 3d Virginia, 20th November, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Mountz, "William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th Au gust, 1776; resigned 20th April, 1777. Mouser, Jacob. See Moser. Moxley, Rhodom (Va). Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster 2d Virginia, - , 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778, and served to . (In service January, 1780.) Moylan, Stephen (Pa). Muster- master-General Continental Army, llth August, 1775 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 6th March, 1776 ; Colonel Quartermaster General, 5th June, 1776; resigned as Quartermas ter-General, 28th September, 1776, but remained on staff of General Wash ington until appointed Colonel 4th Continental Dragoons, 5th January, 1777, and served to 3d November, 1783; brevet Brigadier-General, 3d ISovember, 1783. (Died llth April, 1811.) Mudge, Jervis (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to . Mudge tt. 304 Munson. Mudgett, David (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770; resigned 20th November, 1777. Muhlenberg, Peter (Va). Colonel 8th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; Briga dier-General Continental Army, 21st February, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 1st October, 1807.) Muir, Francis (Va). 1st Lieuten ant of Gist s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 23d April, 1779 ; Captain, - May, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Mulford, Job (N. Y.). Adjutant 4th New York, 2d August, 1775, to November, 1776. Mullens, Thomas (France). Bri gade-Major to General De Borre, 19th- May to 14th September, 1777 ; Aide- de-Camp and Brigade-Major to Gen eral Con way, 3d October, 1777, to 28th April, 1778 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colo nel Continental Army, llth June, 1778, and permitted to return to France. Miiller, Jeremiah Christopher. (N. Y.). 2cl Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; Supernumerary, 29th September, 1780; served subse quently as Captain New York State Troops, and was wounded at Fort Keyser, 19th October, 1780. Mulloy, Hugh (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777; re signed 20th April, 1780. Mulloy, James (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776 ; deserted 2d November, 1776. Mumford, David (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th May, 1778 ; resigned as Surgeon s- Mate and appointed Lieutenant same regiment, 14th November, 1779 ; re signed llth June, 1780. Mumford, Giles (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedition, 10th December, 1777 ; ex changed, 10th April, 1778; 1st Lieu tenant, 10th May, 1778 ; resigned 27th May, 1779. Mumford, Isaac (R. I.). Adjutant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, May, 1775 ; killed at the Siege of Bos ton , 27th August, 1775. Mumford, Joseph (N. C.). Cap tain of a North Carolina Regiment, 9th January, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Mumford, "William Green (Va). Colonel Deputy Commissary-General of Issues, 18th June, 1777, to . Mumme, Jacob (Pa). Ensign of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 8th De cember, 1780. Muncey, John (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, - ; killed Moses Kill, 2d August, 1777. Munday, William (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776; wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th October, 1777; Regimental Quar termaster, 5th May, 1778 ; dismissed llth October, 1781. Munro, Edmund (Mass). Regi mental Quartermaster 13th Conti nental Infantry, 20th August to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 15th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Munroe, Josiah (N. H.). Ensign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 20th September, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 23d Au gust, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 24th March, 1780 ; Captain, 5th July, 1780, and served to close of Avar. Munson, Aeneas (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, March, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 16th June, 1826.) Munson, Levi (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; served under Ethan Allen, and was taken prisoner at Montreal, 25th Septem ber, 1775 ; was sent to England, and exchanged in 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 8th September, 1780. Munson, Theophilus (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d June, 1783. Munson, William (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; Cap tain, 9th January, 1777; dropped as having deserted, 6th June, 1777. Murdock. 305 Myers. Murdock, Benjamin (Md). 3d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 4th July, 1777, and served to . Murdock, William (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, llth September, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st April, 1780 ; trans ferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Murfits, Henry (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 29th January, 1781. Murfree, Hardy (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Major, 1st February, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st North Caro lina, , and served to . (Died 6th July, 1809.) Murnan, John Barnard de (France). Major Corps of Engineers, 13th January, 1779, to rank from 1st March, 1778, with pay from 1st Feb ruary, 1778; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Continental Army, 15th September, 1783 ; resigned 3d February, 1784, and by the act of 3d February, 1784, it was resolved " That Congress enter tain a due sense^of Lieutenant-Colonel Murnan s abilities and services, and that the Secretary deliver him a copy of this act, as a testimony of their approbation of his conduct." Murran, William (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 19th May, 1779 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 8th August, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d July, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Murray, ( ). Appointed Captain Sappers and Miners, 7th February, 1780, to rank from 2d Au gust, 1779, and served to . Murray, Alexander (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1776 ; Captain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 10th June, 1777. Murray, Francis (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 15th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776 ; Major Pennsyl vania State Regiment, 2d May, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsyl vania, 12th November, 1777; taken prisoner February, 1778, while on his way home ; exchanged 25th Decem ber, 1780 ; did not return to service. (Died 30th November, 1816.) Murray, John (Pa). Captain 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Ri fle Regiment, 7th March, 1776 ; Major Pennsylvania State Regiment, 18th March, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th December, 1778; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 3d February, 1798.) Murray, John (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; resigned 23d March, 1776. Murray, John (R. I.). Chaplain to Rhode Island Regiments, 17th Sep tember to December, 1775. (Died 3d September, 1815.) Murray, Seth (Mass). Captain of Woodb ridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Murry, Abraham (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th December, 1777, and served to . Muse, Richard (Va). 2d Lieuten ant loth Virginia, 2d December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1777; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 14th May, Muse, Walker (Md). Ensign of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, May, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 8th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 10th June, 1777, and served to April, 1783. Muzzey, Robert (Mass). Ensign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777, and served to . (In service January, 1781.) Myer, Christopher (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Virginia, 9th May, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d November, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; resigned 9th March, 1779. Myer, Henry (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 13th April, 1780, to 5th October, 1782. Myers, Lawrence (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, November, 1776; Lieutenant of OttendorfTs Battalion Armand s Corps, 3d March, 1777, and served to close of war. (Name also spelled Meyers.) 20 Myrick. 306 Neilson. Myrick, Samuel (Mass). Private in Bond s Massachusetts Regiment, June to December, 1775 ; Sergeant in 25th Continental Infantry, January to December, 1776; Regimental Quar termaster 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 26th Novem ber, 1779; Lieutenant, 5th September, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. Mytinger, Jacob (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Von Heer s Independent Company of Light Dragoons, 1st Au gust, 1778, and served to close of war; name also spelled Mettinger. N. Nagel, George (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775 ; Major 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776, to rank from 21st August, 1776 ; Colonel 10th Pennsylvania, 7th February, 1778 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Nagle, Charles (Va). Adjutant 10th Virginia, 1st November, 1777, to . (In service February, 1778.) Naglee, Samuel (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned 8th April, 1780. Nash, Clement (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, , 1776 ; resigned 1st February, 1777 ; Captain 3d Georgia, 10th April, 1777 ; was taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779 ; exchanged, ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Nash, Francis (N. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Colonel, 7th May, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 5th February, 1777; died, 17th October, 1777, of wounds received at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Nash, Isaac (N. II.). Captain New Hampshire Militia, - ; killed at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Nash, Thomas (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia Regiment in 1776 and 1777. Nason, Joshua (Mass). Sergeant 12th Massachusetts, 1st February, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; re signed 31st August, 1780. Nason, Nathaniel (Mass). Ser geant in Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775, and in 7th Continental Infantry in 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 18th October, 1777 ; brevet Cap tain, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 27th July, 1818.) Nason, Samuel (Mass). Regimen tal Quartermaster of Scammorrs Massachusetts Regiment, May to De cember, 1775 ; Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster 7th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Nazro, Nathaniel (Mass). Adju tant loth Massachusetts, 12th August, 1777 ; resigned 17th November, 1778. Neal, Ferdinand (Va). Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 22d April, 1778 ; killed at Rocky Mount, 30th July, 1780. Neal, James (Va). Captain 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776, to ; name does not appear on rolls for 1778. (Died 2d February, 1781.) Neale, Henry (Md). 3d Lieuten ant of Allen s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January to Decem ber, 1776. Neale, Henry (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th March, 1776; Captain, 5th February, 1777; resigned 3d April, 1777. Neely, Abraham (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 25th March, 1777; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778; Captain, 10th October, 1778 ; transferred to Spencer s Regi ment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Neely, Benjamin (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776 ; 2d Lieu- tenaat, December, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 4th October, 1777, and served to 17th January, 1781. Neil, Daniel (N. J.). Captain East ern Company New Jersey Artillery State Troops, 1st March, 1776 ; killed at Princeton, 3d January, 1777. Neilson, John (N. J.). Captain Company of Minute Men, July, 1775 ; Colonel Regiment of Minute Men, 31st August, 1775 ; Colonel New Jer sey Militia Regiment, 1776 and 1777 ; Brigadier-General New Jersey Mili tia, 21st February, 1777; also Deputy Quartermaster-General of State to 1783. (Died 3d March, 1833.) Nellis. 307 Neuville. Nellis, George (X. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 15th July, 1782, to 21st May, 1783. Nelson, Alexander (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 5th April, 1778; resigned 23d May, 1779. Name also spelled Neilson. Nelson, Charles (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 17th June to December, 1775, and 1st June, 1778, to December, 1779. Nelson, Henry (Mass). Sergeant 2d Massachusetts, 20th May, 1777 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant, 1st Janu ary, 1778 ; Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster, 1st March, 1778; Lieu tenant, 15th March, 1782 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783; Regimental Paymaster, 1st April, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Nelson, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant of Gist s Additional Continental Regiment, 4th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Nelson, John (Pa). Captain Inde pendent Pennsylvania Rifle Com pany, 30th January, 1776 ; Captain 9th Pennsylvania, 15th December, 1776 ; cashiered, July, 1777. Nelson, John (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 2d May, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 13th January, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 20th May, 1778; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; was taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged November, 1780 ; Captain, 29th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 6th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Nelson, John (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 28th October, 1776 ; retired 14th September, 1778 ; served subse quently as Major of a Virginia State Regiment. Nelson, John (Va). Captain of Company of Virginia Dragoons, 19th June, 1776 ; resigned 12th February, 1777. Nelson, John (N. C.). Captain 4th North Carolina, January, 1777; Major 1st North Carolina, 3d Febru ary, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged July, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Nelson, Roger (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Maryland, , 1779; 1st Lieu tenant, 15th July, 1780; wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th .August, 1780; exchanged December, 1780; transferred to Baylor s Regi ment Continental Dragoons, 9th No vember, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died 7th Jane, 1815.). Nelson, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 8th March, 1776, to . Nelson, Thomas Jr. (Va). Cap tain 1st Virginia, 22d February, 1776, to May, 1777; Commander of Vir ginia, State Forces, August, 1777, to 1782. By the act of 8th August, 1778, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to the Honorable General Nelson and the officers and gentlemen for their brave, generous and patriotic efforts Li the cause of their country." Was Governor of Virginia in 1781 arid participated in the Siege of Yorktowri. (Died 4th January, 1789. Nelson, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 18th March, 1776; died December, 1776. Nelson, "William (Va). Served as a private in a Virginia Company in 1775 ; Major 7th Virginia, 29th Febru ary, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 7th October, 1776; resigned 25th October, 1777. (Died 8th March, 1813.) Nesbit, Robert (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 15th September, 1780; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to . Nesmith, John (N. H.). Captain of Wingate s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, July to December, 1776. Nesmith, John ( ). 2d Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Regi ment, 1st February, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 16th July, 1777 ; resigned 25th October, 1779. Nestell, Peter (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, June, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 20th Sep tember, 1781, and served to 17th June, 1783. Neufville, William (S. C.). Sur geon of South Carolina Regiment in 1779 and 1780. Neuville, Noirmont de la, Sr. (France). Inspector of the Army under General Gates, 14th May, 1778; brevet Brigadier-General Continental Army, 14th August, 1778 , retired 4th December, 1778, and permitted to return to France. Neuville, Noirmont de la, Jr. (France). Aide-de-Camp to General Conway, 3d December, 1777, to 28th April, 1778; Deputy Inspector of the Army under General Gates, 14th May, Neville. 308 Newson., 1778 ; brevet Major Continental Army, 20th July, 1778; brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, 18th October, 1779, and per mitted to retire from the service. Neville, George (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1780, to Neville, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June, 1776, to . Neville, John (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 12th Virginia, 12th Novem ber, 1776 ; Colonel 8th Virginia, llth December, 1777; transferred to 4th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war ; brevet Briga dier-General, 30th September, 1783. (Died 29th July, 1803.) Neville, Joseph (Va). Brigadier- General Virginia Militia, . (Died 4th March, 1819.) Neville, Presley (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 12th Virginia, 9th November, 1776 ; transferred to 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain, 10th May, 1779; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette in 1778; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 27th October, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; on parole until ex changed iri 1781 ; Brigade Inspector, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died 1st December, 1818.) Nevin, Daniel (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Con tinental Regiment, October, 1776 ; Captain, 2d July, 1777; Captain Sap pers arid Miners, 25th April, 1779; Captain of Engineers, 4th March, 1780 ; to rank from 25th April, 1779, and served to close of war; name also spelled Niven. Nevins, David (Conn). Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 19th Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Nevins, William (Mass). Ensign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Newall, Eliphalet (Mass). Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental A r- tillery, 10th December, 1775, to De cember, 1776. Newall, Jonathan (Mass). Cap tain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Newberry, Roger (Conn). Colo nel Connecticut Militia, 1777-1778; Brigadier-General Connecticut Mi litia, 1781, to close of war. Newbound, William (Pa). Ser geant 4th Continental Artillery, Janu ary, 1777; 3d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1777; died 14th September, 1778. Newcomb, Silas (X. J.). Colonel New Jersey Militia, 14th June, 1776 ; Colonel 1st New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776; Brigadier-General New Jersey Militia, 15th March, 1777 ; re signed 4th December, 1777. Newell, Samuel (Va). Lieutenant of Virginia Riflemen, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780 ; served subsequently as Captain Virginia Militia. (Died 21st Septem ber, 1841.) Newell, Simeon (Conn). Sergeant 8th Connecticut, llth July to 18th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to, 31st December, 1776. Newhall, Ezra (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 : Major 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777, to rank from 1st November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 17th May, 1777; transferred to 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1783, and served to November, 1783; brevet Colonel, 30th September, 1783. Newhall, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Newkirk, Charles (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778 ; resigned 17th De cember, 1779. Newman, Joseph (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New Y ork Militia, ; pris oner of war, 2d March, 1780, to 21st May, 1783. Newman, Samuel (Mass). Ensign in Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery in 1776 ; Lieutenant in Lee s- Additional Continental Regiment, 20th May, 1777 ; resigned December, 1778 ; served subsequently in United States Navy, - ; Lieutenant 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; killed 4th November, 1791, in action with Indians near Fort Re covery, Ohio. Newman, Wingate (Pa). Com mander of the Privateer Hancock in 1776 ; Captain Independent Company Pennsylvania Artillery, 2d December, 1776, to . Newson, Benjamin (S. C.). Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, , 1779, to ; was in service January, 1781.. Neyle. Neyle, Philip (S. C.). Aide-de- Camp to General Moultrie, ; kill ed at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Nice, John (Pa). Captain Penn sylvania Musket Battalion, loth March, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776, and transferred to Pennsylvania State Regiment ; regiment "designated 13th Pennsyl vania, 12th November, 1777 ; trans ferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Nicholas, George (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 3d October, 1775 ; Major, 10th Virginia, 13th November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, llth Virginia, -26th September, 1777; resigned 27th November, 1777. Nicholas, John (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 24th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, ( Jth Virginia, 14th Feb ruary, 1776, to . Nichols, Bela (Mass). Quarter master of Stevens Battalion 3d Con tinental Artillery, llth July, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1779 ; resigned 7th April, 1780. (Died 18th November, 1831.) Nichols, Benjamin (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May, to 28th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant in Swift s Connecticut Battalion, July to November, 1776. Nichols, Francis (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De- .cember, 1775 ; exchanged lOt i Octo ber, 1776; Captain 9th Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1776, to rank from 1st January, 1776; Major, 7th February, 1777 ; resigned 12th May, 1779. (Died 13th February, 1812.) Nichols, Isaac (Mass). Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Brigade Quartermaster, 3d July, 1778 ; retired 1st March, 1779. Nichols, Isaac (N. YV). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Living ston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776 ; resigned 20th December, 1779. Nichols, James (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d De cember, 1777 ; furloughed 30th April, 1779, and did not return to regiment. Niles. Nichols, Moses (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1777 and 1778. (Died 23d May, 1790.) Nichols, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Nichols, Noah (Mass). Captain of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 16th December, 1776; in 2d Continental Artillery, 1778; resigned 3d April, 1780. Nichols, William ( ). Captain, ; resigned llth March, 1778. Nichols, "William (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776; Regimental Quartermas ter, 1st August, 1776 ; resigned 17th November, 1776. Nicholson, George Chadine (N. Y.). Major 1st Canadian (Living ston s) Regiment, 6th May, 1777 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Nicholson, John (N. Y".). Captain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Col onel 4th New York, 8th March, to No vember, 1776. Nicholson, Robert (N. C.), 1st Lieutenant 10th North Carolina 19th April, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; resigned 25th June, 1779. (Died 21st May, 1819.) Nicholson, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, June to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776 ; dropped Au gust, 1779. Nicola, Lewis (Pa). Colonel In valid Regiment, 20th June, 1777, to June, 1783. (Died 9th August, 1807.) Niebel, Gottlieb (Pa). Sergeant German Regiment, 15th July, 1776; Ensign, -- August, 1777; died llth October, 1777, of wounds received at Gerinantown, 4th October, 1777. Niles, Jeremiah (Mass). Adjutant of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775 ; Adjutant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Captain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned 9th September, 1778. Niles, Nathaniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 24th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December. 1776. Niles, Sands (Conn). Ensign of Ely s Connecticut Militia Regiment, June, 1777 ; taken prisoner on the ex pedition to Long Island, 10th Decem ber, 1777; exchanged 19th March, 1781. Nimblet. 310 North. Nimblet, Robert (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Glover s MassachusettsRegi- ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental In- fan^ry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artil lery Artificer Regiment, 10th Janu ary, 1777; omitted April, 1779. (Died 9th October, 1819.) Niven, Daniel. See Nevin. Nixon, Andrew (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, January to De cember, 1776 ; Adjutant 1st Continen tal Dragoons, 12th February, 1777; Captain, , and served to . Nixon, Henry (Va). Private 1st Continental Dragoons, January, 1777; Ensign 3d Virginia, 15th August, 1777, and served to . Nixon, John (Mass). Captain Com pany of Minute Men at Lexington, 19th April, 1775; Colonel of a Massa chusetts Regiment, 19th May to De cember, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775; Colonel 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; resigned 12th September, 1780. (Died 24th March, 1815.) Nixon, Thomas (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 5th Massachusetts, 19th May, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel, 9th August, 1776; Colonel 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 9th August, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 12th August, 1800.) Nixon, Thomas (N. C.). Captain 8th North Carolina, December, 1776 ; resigned 20th September, 1777. Nixon, Thomas Jr. (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 19th January, 1776, to . Noarth, George ( ). Lieuten ant-Colonel Deputy Commissary-Gen eral of Musters, llth April, 1777 ; re signed 1st April, 1779. Noble, Caleb (Mass). Sergeant 21st Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 20th July to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 4th March, 1779. Noble, David (Mass). Captain in Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; died, July, 1776. Noble, Jonathan (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Noble, Morgan (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775. Noble, Nathan (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 7th May to 17th December, 1775; Ensign 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 25th November, 1777; dis charged December, 1777. Noble, Oliver (Mass). Chaplain for llth and 12th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Noel, John (Va). Ensign 4th Vir ginia, 14th April, 1777; resigned 3d April, 1778. Noel, N. ( ). Hospital Surgeon, - September, 1777 ; Surgeon United States Navy, 1st September, 1778, to 1st October, 1780. Norcross, Aaron (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania, 19th De cember, 1776; Captain, 14th Septem ber, 1777; resigned 26th September, 1779. Norcross, "William (N. J.). En sign 3d New Jersey, December, 1775 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 16th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th No vember, 1776 ; resigned llth Novem ber, 1777. Norris, Aaron Burr (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 22d April, 1777; resigned 12th March, 1778. Norris, George (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 8th February, 1777; retired 1st May, 1781. (Died 9th April, 1819.) Norris, Jacob (Md). 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th October, 1777; 1st, Lieutenant, 26th November, 1778; wounded and taken prisoner at Caui- den, 16th August, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; prisoner to close of war on parole ; Captain 9th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799; honorably dis charged 15th June, 1800. Norris, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777; resigned 16th October, 1779. Norris, James (N. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775; Captain 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Hub- bardton, 7th July, 1777; Major 3d New Hampshire, 20th September, 1777 ; resigned 5th July, 1780. North, Caleb (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Major 10th Pennsylvania, 12th North. March, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel llth Pennsylvania, 22d October, 1777; transferred to 9th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; transferred to Ld Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 7th Novem ber, 1840.) North, George (Pa). Sergeant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, January, 1770 ; Ensign, 12th October, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. North, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 9th May, 1776, to 1st January, 1777; Captain of Lee s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 10th May, 1777; transferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; Aide-de-Camp to Baron Steuben, May, 1779, to November, 1783 ; was transferred to 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781, and to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; brevet Major, llth September, 1783 ; Major and Inspector of the Army, 15th April, 1784, to 25th June, 1788 ; Brigadier-General, Adjutant-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 4th January, 1836.) Northrup, Gamaliel (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 23d December, 1775 ; Captain of Sillirnan s Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776. Norton, Benjamin (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Pri vate 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 28th November, 1775; Sergeant 6th Con necticut, 6th March, 1777 ; Ensign 4th Connecticut, , 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Norton, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 2d April, 1781, to June, 1783. Norton, Nathaniel (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776; Captain, 23d April, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Norton, Thomas (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania, 24th April, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 5th September, 1778, to 8th August, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th March, 1779 ; re signed 3d September, 1779. Norvell, Lipscomb (Va). Paymas ter 5th Virginia, 15th January, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 9th Sep tember, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, Feb ruary, 1780, and served to close of war. Norwood, Edward (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying 311 Nye. Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Cap tain 4th Maryland, 10th December,. 1776, and served to . Nottingham, "William (N. Y.), Private and Sergeant 1st New York, June, 1775, to November, 1776 ; En sign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned 17th December, 1777. Nowland, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Nowell, Jonathan (Mass). Cap tain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to Nowell, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Nowell, Zach (Mass). Ensign llth Massachusetts, 26th September, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to - Noyes, John (Mass). SurgeonV Mate 4th Massachusetts, 22d October, 1778 ; Surgeon 1st Connecticut, 9th November, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Noyes, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Noyes, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 28th June, 1824.) Noyes, Thomas (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 15th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant of Lip- pitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Noyes, Wadleigh (Mass). Served as a Private and Sergeant in Massa chusetts Regiment, May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 26th* Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 27th October, 1777, of wounds received at Saratoga, 7th October, 1777. Nute, Samuel (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th Nov- vember, 1776 ; resigned 16th Sep tember, 1777. (Died 21st March, 1828.) Nutting 1 , John (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 7t ^Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Nye, Stephen (Mass). Lieutenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 29th November, 1777. Cakes. 312 Oldham, o. Oakes, Josiah (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Oakley, Elijah (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, July, 1775 ; cashiered, 10th June, 1776. Oakley, Miles (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Oates, James (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, llth November, 1776, and served to . O Brian, Thomas (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 24th December, 1777. Odell, John (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 23d December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant .5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 15th December, 1777 ; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. (Died 26th October, 1835.) Odingsell, Benjamin (Ga). 1st Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776, and served to . Odium, Digby (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June to December, 1775. Ogden, Aaron (N. J.). Paymaster 1st New Jersey, 8th December, 1775, to November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st February, 1777, to 7th March, 1778; Brigade Major to Maxwell s Brigade, 7th March, 1778, to July, 1780; Captain 1st New Jersey, 2d February, 1779, and served to close of war ; Lieuten ant-Colonel llth United States Infan try, 8th January, 1799; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 19th April, 1839.) Ogden, Barne (N. J.). Ensign of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 8th February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 16th September, 1777 ; retired 12th May, 1779. Ogden, Matthias (N. J.). Served as a volunteer in the Expedition to Canada and was wounded at Que bec, 31st December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 1st New Jersey, 7th March, 1776; Colonel 1st January, 1777; taken Srisoner at Elizabethtown, N. J., 5th ctober, 1780; granted leave 21st April, 1783, to visit Europe and did not return to the army ; brevet Briga dier-General, 30th September, 1783. (Died 21st March, 1791.) Ogden, Moses (N. J.). Private of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; Sergeant, 1st October, 1777 ; Ensign, 12th May, 1779 ; killed at Eiizabethtown, 6th June, 1780. Ogden, Nathaniel (N. J.). Regi mental Quartermaster of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777; retired 30th April, 1779. Ogier, George (S. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, , 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 14th August, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. (Name also spelled Ogive and Ozier.) Ogilby, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 25th September, 1776, to - . (In service January, 1778.) Ogleby, James (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Ogleby, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 8th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th September, 1776 ; resigned 21st January, 1778. Olcutt, Hezekiah (Conn). Ser geant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st October, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant 12th November, 1779, and served to close of war. Old, William (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776. Oldham, Conway (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d April, 1777; regi ment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain, , 1780; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th Septem ber, 1781. Oldham, Edward (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Carnp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 20th May, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Mary land, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Oldham, George (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 22d July, 1776; resigned 6th July, 1778. Oldham, William (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Nelson s Independent Penn sylvania Rifle Company, 30th Janu ary, 1776, to January, 1777; Lieuten ant-Colonel Kentucky Militia in 1791 ; killed at St. Clair s defeat near Fort Recovery, Ohio, 4th November, 1791, Oliphant. Oliphant, David (S. C.). Director- General of Hospitals in South Caro lina, 22d March, 1780, to close of war. Oliphant, William (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Oliver, Alexander (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 19th October, 1781; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Oliver, Drury (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; resigned 7th May, 1779. Oliver, John (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Oliver, Nathaniel (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 27th Continental Infan try, 1st January to olst December, 1776. Oliver, Richard (X. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th October, 1777 ; transferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Oliver, Robert (Mass). Lieutenant Company of Minute Men in April, 1775; Captain of Doolittle s Massa chusetts Regiment, 12th June to De cember, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 1st Novem ber, 1777; transferred to 2d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th September, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died May, 1810.) Oliver, William (Mass). 21 Lieu tenant of G-errish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. (Died January, 1803.) Oliver, William (N. J.). Lieuten ant New Jersey Militia, ; wounded at Rahway Meadow, 26th June, 1781. Oliver, William (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Olivie, Laurence (Canada). Cap tain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777; retired 1st January, 1783. Olmsted, Aaron (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 22d May, 1775 ; Regimental Adjutant, 10th July to December, 1775. Olney. Olmsted, Ebenezer (Conn). Ser geant 5th Connecticut, 8th May to 13th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th December, 1777. Olmsted, James (Conn). Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, f 24th December, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 24th January, 1780; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Olmsted, James (Conn). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st December, 1776 ; re signed 15th December, 1777. Olney, Christopher (R. I.). Cap tain of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Brigade Major to Rhode Island Troops, 15th January, 1776, to - Olney, Coggeshall (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to Decem ber, 1775; Captain llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; retained in Olriey ? s or 1st Rhode Island Regiment, 1st January, 1781 ; Major, 25th August, 1781, and served to 17th March, 1783. Olney, Jeremiah (R. I.). Captain of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May, to December, 1775 ; Captain llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Rhode Island, 13th January, 1777; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781 : Lieutenant - Colonel Commandant, 14th May, 1781, served to close of war. (Died 10th November, 1812.) (The 1st Rhode Island Regiment after May, 1781, was also known as Olney s Rhode Island Battalion.) Olney, Job (R. I.). Captain in Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, to December, 1776. Olney, Nathan (R. I.). Ensign llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, to 31st December, 1776. Olney, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Continental Infan try, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, llth Feb ruary, 1777; wounded at Springfield, 23d June, 1780 ; retained in Consoli dated or 1st Rhode IsJand Regiment, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at York- O Neal. 314 Ott, town, 14th October, 1781 ; resigned 1st May, 1782. (Died 23d November, 1832.) O Neal, Francis (Pa). Surgeon Wth Pennsylvania, 6th September, 1777 ; dismissed 10th October, 1779. O Neill, Ferdinand (France). Cap tain of Lee s Battalion of Light Dra goons Pulaski Legion, 1st March, 1779 ; retired 21st February, 1781. Orcutt, Solomon (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July, to 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; wounded arid taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Orndorff, Christian (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Maryland Battalion Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Maryland. 10th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 1st April, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Maryland. 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Orne, Joshua (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Glover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 14th Continental In fantry, 1st January, to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th January, 1777 ; resigned 21st October, 1778. Orr, Alexander (Mass). Sergeant 6th Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 12th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned July, 1780. (Died 27th January, 1802.) Orr, John (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 23d February, 1777 ; se verely wounded at Bennington, 16th August, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 10th October, 1778; retired 1st January 1781. (Died 23d December, 1822.) Orr, William (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th October, 1777 ; cashiered, , 1778. Osborn, John (Conn). Drummer in 7th Connecticut, 10th July, to 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 4th October, 1778. (Died 30th May, 1825.) Osborn, Samuel (Conn.) Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May, to 10th De cember, 1775. Osborn, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Ar tificer Regiment, 26th July, 1777 ; Captain, 1st May, 1778 ; resigned 31st May, 1779. Osgood, David (N. H.). Chaplain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 177-3. Osg-ood, James (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 6th July to December, 1775 ; Captain of Bedel s New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to October, 1776. Osg-ood, Kendall (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 22d October, 1777. Osgpod, Samuel (Mass). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Ward, 20th July, 1775, to 23d April, 1776. (Died 12th August, 1813.) Osmon, Benajah (N. J.). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 24th April, 1780 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Ostrander, John (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, June, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 1st Febru ary, 1777; resigned 16th January, 1779 ; subsequently served as Lieu tenant and Adjutant of New York Levies in 1780 and 1781. Ostrander, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant in Swartwout s New York Militia Regiment, July, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1778 ; served sub sequently as Lieutenant in New York Levies. Oswald, Eleazer (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; served as a volunteer in the Expedi tion to Canada, and was taken pris oner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; exchanged 10th January, 17-77; Lieu tenant-Colonel 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 28th June, 1778. (Died 1st October, 1795.) Otis, James (N. H.). Adjutant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Ensign of Jack son s Additional Continental Reg- meiit, 14th May, 1777; retired 23d April, 1779. Ott, Adam (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Nelson s Independent Pennsylvania Rifle Company, 30th January, 1776, to January, 1777. (Died 10th August* 1827.) Ottendorff. 315 Palfrey.. Ottendorff, Nicholas Dietrich Baron de ( ). Brevet Captain Continental Army, 8th November, 1770; Major of a battalion of three companies raised in Pennsylvania, to rank from 5th December, 1776 ; bat talion was merger! into Armand s Partisan Corps, October, 1780 ; served to . Ousley, Thomas (S. C.). Quarter master South Carolina Artillery Reg iment, 15th April, 1780 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Otto, Bodo ( ). Hospital Physi cian and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, to . Overton, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; Captain, 4th October, 1777 ; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781; retired 1st January, 1783. Overton, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 14th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th March, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Lieutenant and Adju tant -th Continental Dragoons, 1st July, 1779; Captain, 24th April, 1781, and served to close of war. Ozier, George. See Ogier. P. Paca, Aquila (Md). Captain 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Packard, Isaac (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to November, 1776. Packard, John (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Packard, Rhodes (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 19th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th December, 1776, and served to May, 1777. Padelford, Philip (II. I.). Surgeon Rhode Island Militia in 1778 ; served subsequently in the Navy. Paddock, Isaac (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, 19th July, 1775, to January, 1776. Page, Carter (Va). 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Dragoons, 8th Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 10th April, 1778 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette, June to November, 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died, April, 1825.) Page, Moses (N. H.). Sergeant 3d New Hampshire, 16th March, 1777; Ensign, 1st May, 1779; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. (Died 5th October, 1832.) Page, Peter (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 24th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; Captain- Lieutenant, ; Captain, 30th March, 1779 ; resigned 15th May, 1780. Page, Samuel (Mass). Captain llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 18th March, 1780. Page, William (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Pagget, - ( .) Captain, ; killed at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Paine, Aaron (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 24th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Paine, John (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, ; killed nearSpank- town, N. J., 25th September, 1781. Paine, John (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusett Regiment, May to December, 1775. Paine, Phineas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Paine, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776, to Novem ber, 1776. Painter, Elisha (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain of Wooster s Connecticut Regiment in 1775 ; Major of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th July, 1776; removed 18th January, 1777; order removing him repealed, 25th April, 1777; dismissed llth Oc tober, 1778 ; granted a new trial, and while his case was pending, died 13th January, 1781. Painter, Gamaliel (Conn). IstLieu- tenant of ^yarner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 5th July, 1776; Cap tain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 21st July, 1777 ; retired April, 1782. (Died 21st May, 1819.) Palfrey, William (Mass). Major arid Aide-de-Camp to General Lee, 16th July, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Wash ington, 6th March, 1776 ; Paymaster- Palmer. 316 Parker. General, 27th April, 1776, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, 9th July, 1776 ; appointed United States Consul to France, 4th November, 1780; vessel on which he sailed was lost at sea in De cember, 1780. Palmer, Abraham (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 23d July to De cember, 1775. Palmer, David (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain, llth August, 1775, to Janu ary, 1776. Palmer, Edward (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779 ; resigned 20th July, 1780. Palmer, Philip (R. I.). Ensiern of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Palmer, Walter (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to 1st May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi- ment,19th August,1776,to 19th Novem- ber,1776; 1st Lieutenant of Tallmann s Hhode Island Militia Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Pancoast, David (Pa). Captain of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 10th February, 1777; resigned - April, 1778. Pannel, Joseph (Ga). Lieutenant- Colonel - - Georgia, - November, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. Papst, ( ). Major of Kach- lein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, June, 1776 ; dismissed 10th Septem ber, 1776. Pardee, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 17th October, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Parke, John (Pa). Assistant to the Quartermaster-General, 16th August, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Bat talion, May, 1776 ; discharged 3d Sep tember, 1776; 2d Lieutenant Pennsyl vania State Regiment, 1st August, 1777; regiment designated 13th Penn sylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th April, 1779 ; died 23d July, 1780, of wounds re ceived at Block House, N. J., 19th July, 1780. Parke, Theophirus (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 7th May, 1778; Captain- Lieutenant, August, 1779 ; cashiered, 35th March, 1780. (Name also spelled Parks.) Parke, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; discharged 20th June, 1776. Parke, "William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 15th December, 1778; Captain 18th March, 1780. (Name also spelled Parks.) Parker, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Parker, Abel (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 3d May, to 17th Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 3d Feb ruary, 1778. Parker, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1776; Captain 7th Pennsylva nia, 20th March, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Parker, Alexander (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster, 6th Virginia, 1st June, 1776 ; resigned 24th August, 1777. Parker, Alexander (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 28th September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 24th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th December, 1776 ; Captain, 1st June, 1777; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and served to close of war ; Colonel 5th United States Infantry, 3d May, 1808 ; resigned 31st December, 1809. Parker, Asa (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Parker, A very (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Parker, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 10th July, 1779; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died , 1801.) Parker, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, , 1778 ; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781; cashiered, 20th August, 1782. (Died 2d February, 1822.) Parker, Daniel (Mass). Surgeon of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775. (Also called David Parker.) Parker, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 25th October, 1778. Parker. 317 Parker.. Parker, Elias (Mass). Cadet 3d Continental Artillery, llth May, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d November, 1780; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d No vember!, 1783. (Died 8th December, 1798.) Parker, Enos (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Paterson s Massachusetts Reg iment, May, 1775, to . Parker, Elisha (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1770, to . Parker, Gideon (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, and served to . Parker, Isaac (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 30th October, 1 " ~Q 1 < to. Parker, James (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1770; 1st Lieutenant, August, 1770; Captain-Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 5th July, 1779 ; discharged 24th January, 1781. (Also called Jonas Parker.) Parker, James (R. I.). Captain of Tallmann s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1778. Parker, James (Mass). Surgeon 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777: died 23d September, 1778. Parker, James (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776, to . Parker, John (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 6th July, 1775, to 1st Janu ary, 1776. Parker, John (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton and Concord, 19th April, 1775. Parker, Jonas (Mass). See James Parker, Captain 7th Massachusetts. Parker, Jonathan (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775; Captain 2d "Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 17th June, 1778. Parker, Joseph (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; resigned 14th March, 1778. (Died 7th December, 1831.) Parker, Joshua (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Parker, Josiah (Va). Major 5th Virginia, 13th February, 1776; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 13th August, 1776; Colonel, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 12th July, 1778. (Died 21st March, 1810.) Parker, Kedar (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 6th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, to . Parker, Levi (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 20th September, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Parker, Moses (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, 27th May, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775, and died of his wounds, 4th July, 1775. Parker, Nicholas Jr. (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 1st April,, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th September, 1776 ; died 7th June, 1777. Parker, Oliver (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; cashiered, 2d August, 1775. Parker, Phineas ( ). Ensign of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 27th March, 1778 ; Captain, 1st Janu ary, 1779, and served to 29th March, 1781. Parker, Richard (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 28th September, 1775 ; Major 6th Virginia, 13th August, 1776;. Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Virginia, 10th February, 1777 ; Colonel 1st Virginia, 10th February, 1778 ; died 24th April, 1780, of wounds received at the Siege of Charleston. Parker, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 4th October, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Parker, Stephen (Mass). Paymas ter of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st May, 1777; *e- tired 23d April, 1779. Parker, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 4th July, 1776 ; Captain, 23d April, 1778; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1V81, and served to close of war; Lieuten ant-Colonel 8th United States Infan try, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1800 ; Colonel 12th United States Infantry, 12th Parker. 318 Parsons. March, 1812 ; Brigadier-General, 12th March, 1813 ; resigned 1st November, 1814. (Died 24th January, 1820.) Parker, Thomas (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 4th January, 1777; Lieu tenant, 13th October, 1777 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; exchanged 22d Decem ber, 1780; served to close of war. Parker, William (N. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Surgeon 2d New Hampshire, 8th November. 1776 ; re signed 30th November,- 1778. Parkerson, James (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, ; died 26th March, 1778. Parkinson, Henry (N. H.). Regi mental Quartermaster 1st New Hamp shire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Regimental Quartermaster 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Parks, Theophilus and William. See Parke. Parks, Warham (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted July, 1778. Parley, Abraham (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Perley.) Parmelee, Jeremiah (Conn). Pri vate in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; Captain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776 ; Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; died 24th March, 1778. Parmelee, Oliver (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775. Parr, James (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 7th Pennsylvania, 9th October, 1778 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Parramore, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieutenant 9th Virginia, 12th Febru ary, 1776; Captain, 30th July, 1776; resigned 26th May, 1778. Parran, William (Md). Quarter master 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Parrish, John (R. I.). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Rhode Island, 27th August, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 31st March, 1778 ; retired 1st Januarv, 1781. Parrott, Jacob (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 4th March, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st March, 1777 ; dismissed 9th May, 1777. Parrott, Silas (N. J.). 2d Lieuten- aut of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 4th January, 1778; retired 23d April, 1779 ; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 1st June, 1780 ; to rank from 4th January, 1778, and served to April, 1783. Parrott, William (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th February, 1777 ; resigned 30th January, 1778. Parry, Caleb (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 3d March, 1776 ; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Parsons, Abraham (N. J.). Lieu tenant New Jersey Militia, ; taken prisoner at Black House, 19th July, 1780; exchanged 26th March, 1781. Parsons, Charles (N.Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 21st February, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778; Captain, 26th March, 1779 ; served to June, 1783. Parsons, David (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, July, 1776 ; Captain 2d "Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner at King s Bridge, 1st July, 1777; exchanged 3d October, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; died 15th Novem ber, 1781. Parsons, Edward (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant, 8th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January, 1776; died October, 1776. Parsons, Eli (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New York, 1st February to November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; resigned 5th May, 1779; served subsequently as Com missary of Issues, June, 1779, to May, 1780. (Died 25th September, 1830.) Parsons, Enoch (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, ,1st January, 1776. to . Parsons. 319 Patten. Parsons, Hezekiah ( Jonn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 ; Captain in Sage s Connecticut StateRegimeiit, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Parsons, Jabez (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant in Wolcott s Connec ticut Regiment, December, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Quartermaster-Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 1st September, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st August, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 4th May, 1781. Parsons, Josiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; deranged llth April, 1778. Parsons, Nathan ( ). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 1st September, 17v7; deranged 1st March, 1779. (Name also spelled Persons.) Parsons, Samuel Holden (Conn). Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Colonel 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Colonel 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; Major-General, 23d October, 1780. By the Act of 5th February, 1781, it wa s "Ordered that the letter of Major- General Parsons, with the papers en closed, relative to his successful en terprise against the enemy s post at Morisiana, with so much of the Gen eral s letter as relates thereto be re ferred to the Committee of Intel! i- Sence, and that the Commander-in- hief return the thanks of Congress to Major-General Parsons, and the officers and men under his command, and inform him that Congress have directed this publication to be made in testimony of their approbation of his judicious arrangements and of the spirit and military conduct dis played by the officers and men em ployed under him on the occasion." Retired 22d July, 1782. (Drowned 17th November, 1789.) Parsons, William (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 6th Febru ary, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1779 ; Captain, November, 1779 ; re tained in Baylor s Consolidated Reg iment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Paschka, Christopher (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1778; Captain Pulaski Legion, 14th March, 1777; retired 18th May, 1780; served subsequently as Deputy Quartermaster in the South ern Department to 13th July, 1783. Pasteur, Thomas (N. C.). Ensign 4th North Carolina, 15th July, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 29th December, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778; Regimental Adjutant, 26th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed December, 178J, and served to close of war; Lieutenant Infantry United States Army, 3d June, 1790; Captain 1st United States Infantry, 5th March, 1792 ; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; assigned to 1st United States Infantry, 1st No vember, 1796; Major 2d Infantry, llth April, 1803 ; died 29th July, 1806. Pasteur, William (N. C.). Sur geon 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775, to . Patch, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776.* Patchen, Samuel (N Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; pris oner of war, 17th May, 1781, to 8th December, 1782. Paterson, John (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment. April to December, 1775 ; Colonel 15th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 21st February, 1777, and served to close of war; brevet Major-General, 30th September, 1783. (Died 19th July, 1808.) Patrick, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to October, 1775. Patrick, William (Mass). Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; killed 30th May, 1778, at . Pattee, Asa (N. H.). 1st Lieuten ant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 6th July, 1775, to 1st January, 1776. Pattee, Benjamin (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Patten, John (Del). 1st Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 15th Janu ary, 1776 ; Captain, 30th November, 1776; Major, 14th December, 1779; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th Au gust, 1780; on parole to close of war. (Died 17th June, 1801.) Patten. Patten, Thomas (Pa). Captain- Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 21st December, 1779, to rank from 1st March, 1779, arid served to March, 1781. Patterson, Alexander (Pa). Cap tain 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776; retired 1st July, 1778. Patterson, Benjamin (Va). Cadet 1st Virginia, 27th February, 1776 ; En sign, November, 1770 ; cashiered, 14th May, 1777. Patterson, David (Mass). Lieu tenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; dismissed 3d September, 1780 ; also called Peterson. Patterson, Edward (N. J.). En sign 3d New Jersey, 21st March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1778. Patterson, Ezra (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1779 ; resigned 7th April, 1781. Patterson, Gabriel. See Peterson. Patterson, John (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Patterson, John (Pa). Adjutant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th Septem ber, 1776; Captain 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Patterson, Matthew (Conn). En sign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 9th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant of BurralTs Connecticut State Regi ment, 23d January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th September, 1776; never rejoined regiment. Patterson, Samuel (Del). Colonel Delaware Detachment of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, and Brigadier-Gen eral Delaware Militia, 1776 to 1781. Patterson, Thomas (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 24th February, 1776; died , 1776. Patterson, Thomas (N. J.). Cap tain 3d New Jersey, 21st March, 1776; resigned 4th September, 1778. Patterson, William (Va). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment. 24th May, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, 8th June, 1777 ; resigned 28th May, 1778 Patterson, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of 320 Paul. the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; sup posed to have been killed at Long- Island, 27th August, 1776. Patterson, William Augustus (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 15th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain, 12th September to 31st De cember, 1770 ; served as Engineer in 4th Continental Artillery, April, 1777,. to July, 1778. Patton, James (Conn). Sergeant 2d Continental Dragoons, 22d March, 1777; Cornet, llth October, 1777; Lieutenant, 2d June, 1778 ; resigned 25th May, 1779. (^ame also spelled Patten and Paton.) Patton, John (N. C.). Major 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st North Caro lina, 7th May, 1776; Colonel 2d North Carolina, 22d November, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Patton, John (Pa). Major 2d Bat talion of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 13th March, 1776; Major 9th Pennsylvania, 25th October, 1776; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Addi tional Continental Regiments, llth January, 1777 ; resigned 3d February, 1778. Patton, John (N. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Patton, Robert (Pa). Sergeant in Pennsylvania Regiment in 1776; 2d Lieutenant 10th Pennsylvania, 10th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 17th Oc tober, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779; Captain, 1st March, 1780; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 3d January, 1814.) Patton, Robert (Pa). Captain llth Pennsylvania, September, 1776; taken prisoner in a skirmish near White Plains, 27th October, 1776; exchanged 3d January, 1781, and did not return to the army. Patton, William (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Infantry, 10th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant of Pat- ton s Additional Continental Regi ment, 15th January, 1777; killed at Germantown, 4th October. 1777. Paul, James (N. J.). Private 2d New Jersey, January, 1777; Ensign, 1st July, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st De cember, 1777 ; taken prisoner at > 3d April, 1779 ; exchanged June, 1780;, retired 1st January, 1781. Paulding-. Paulding, John (N. Y.).- By the Act of 3d November, 1780, it was "Re solved, Whereas Congress have re ceived information that John Pauld ing, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, three young volunteer Militia men of the State of New York, did on the 23d day of September last in tercept Major John Andre, Adjutant- General of the British Army, on his return from the American lines, in the character of a spy, and notwith standing the large bribes offered them for his release, nobly disdaining to sacrifice their country for the sake of gold, secured and conveyed him to the commanding officer of the dis trict, whereby the dangerous and traitorous conspiracy of Benedict Ar nold was brought to light, the in sidious designs of the enemy baffled and the United States rescued from impending danger. Resolved, that Congress have a high sense of the vir tuous arid patriotic conduct of the said John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, in testimony whereof ordered that each of them receive annually out of the public treasury two hundred ($200) dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these States during life, and that the board of war procure for each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription : Fidelity ! and on the other the following motto : Vincit amor patrias I and forward them to the Commander-iri-Chief, who is requested to present the same, with a copy of this resolution and the thanks of Congress for their fi delity and the eminent services they have rendered their country." (Died 18th February, 1818.) Paulint, Antoine (Canada). Cap tain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, November, 1775 ; dropped in 1781. Pawling-, Albert (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 2d August, 1775; Brigade Major of Clinton s Brigade, November, 1775, to May, 1776 ; Cap tain of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776 ; Major of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 27th January, 1777 ; resigned 5th March, 1779; Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel New York Levies, 1779, to close of war. Pawling-, Henry (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Mont gomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 6th Novem ber, 1782, and served to close of war. 321 Peabody, Payne, Edward (Conn). Private- in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; En sign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 28th November, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment,, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Payne, Francis (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d May, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Payne, James W. (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Payne, Joseph (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 4th January, 1777; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; released 3d December, 1780; did not return to the army ; also- called Josias Payne. Payne, Michael (N. C.). Captain 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Payne, Tarlton (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, October, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th January, 1777 ; Cap tain, 18th November, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Payne, Thomas (Ga). Lieutenant 2d Georgia, 1st December, 1877, and served to close of war. Payne, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 13th Virginia, 4th January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 18th October, 1877; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain-Lieu tenant, 9th December, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged, 22d December, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Virginia,. 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. Payson, Samuel (Mass). Captain* of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to* 31st December, 1776. (Died 19th June 1819.) Peabody, Ebenezer (Mass). Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 9th February, 1780. (Died, 1829.) Peabody, Stephen (N. H.). Adju tant 3d New Hampshire, 23d April to December, 1775 ; Major of Wyman s Regiment New Hampshire Militia,. July to December, 1776 ; Captain of Militia in 1777, and Lieutenant-Colo nel of same in 1778. (Died, 1779.) 21 Peachy. Peachy, William (Va). Colonel 5th Virginia, 13th February, 1776; resigned 7th May, 1776. Peacock, Richard (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 9th July, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779 ; served subse- as Lieutenant in New York 322 Peck. vies. Peake, William ( ). Quarter master of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 7th April, 1778 ; resigned 28th February, 1779. Peale, James (Md). Ensign of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment 14th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 1st March, 1778 ; resigned 1st June, 1779. Pearce, Job ( R.I.). Captain of Rich mond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to February, 1776; Major of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Pearce, John (R. I.). Ensign of Rich mond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776 ; Captain of Stan- ton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 17th February, 1777; resigned 15th October, 1778. Pearce, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. Pearce, Thomas (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Pearcy, Jonathan (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant of Dubois New York Regiment, 26th June, 1776; Captain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776; resigned 23d April, 1778 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Pearl, James (N. C.)- 1st Lieuten ant 8th North Carolina, 29th October, 1777; Captain, 17th July, 1780; re tired 1st January, 1783. Pearl, Stephen (Mass). Captain of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, June to November, 1775 ; Adju tant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 8th March, 1778. Pearly, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Pearly, "William (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Pearman, Thomas (S. C.). Major South Carolina Rangers in 1779 and 1780. Pearson, Amos (Mass). Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to Pearson, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant llth Pennsylvania, 13th Novem ber, 1776; Captain, 7th September, 1777; transferred to 9th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778; transferred to 2d Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Pearson, Thomas (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, 15th March, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1778 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war. Pease, Abiel (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Connecticut, 6th J uly to 16th December, 1775 ; subsequently served as Captain and Major Connecticut Militia. Pease, Abner (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Peaslee, Zacheus (Canada). Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 1777 to . Peck, Cornelius (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 3d March, 1776 ; died 9th April, 1776 ; also called Constant Peck. Peck, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Peck, Darius (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 7th February, 1778 ; resigned 15th April, 1779. Peck, Hiel (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Peck, James (Conn). Lieutenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of AVard s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to April, 1777. Peck, Jesse (Conn). Private 7th Connecticut, 1st August to December, 1775 ; Corporal in Wolcott s Connecti cut State Regiment, December, 1775, to February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 3d March, 1777; resigned 17th April, 1780. Peck, 323 Pelcerf. Peck, John (N. J.), 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th November, 1777; Regimental Paymaster, 2d April, 1778, to January, 1783; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783; served to 3d November, 1783 ; served also as Captain New Jersey Militia. Peck, John (Conn). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 26th August, 1777; resigned 20th .November, 1778. Peck, Loring- (R. I.). Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January to July, 1776 ; Captain of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to February, 1777. Peck, Samuel (Conn). Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain of Douglass Con necticut State Regiment, 20th June to 29th December, 1776. Peck, William (Conn). Adjutant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu- .ary, 1776 ; Brigade Major to General Spencer, 28th July, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Spencer, 14th August, 1776, to January, 1778 ; served also as Colonel and Deputy Adjutant-General of Forces in Rhode Island, 20th May, 1777, until he re signed, about October, 1781. Peckham, Barber (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Peckham, Benjamin L. (R. I.). Regimental Quartermaster 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, llth February, 1777; Lieutenant, 15th April, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 21st June, 1782, and served to close of war. Peebles, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Pennsylvania, 24th April, 1777 : 1st Lieutenant, 16th April, 1779 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 8th Sep tember, 1779; transferred to 4th Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st Janu ary. 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Peebles, William (Pa). Captain 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 9th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died while prisoner of war, in October, 1776. Peet, David (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 22d July, 1775. Peirce, Benjamin (R. L). Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January to November, 1776. Peirce, Charles (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, llth February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 10th October, 1777 : re signed 10th June, 1779. Peirce, Daniel ( R. I. ). 2d Lieuten ant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, llth Febru ary, 1777 ; resigned 31st May, 1779. Peirce, Hardy (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; killed at Fort Lee, 18th November, 1776. Peirce, Henry (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Brewers Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Peirce, Isaac ( ). Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, 7th June, 1776, to Peirce, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 15th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, , 1778 ; Captain, 1st March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Also called Joshua Pierce.) Peirce, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillerry, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; Lieu tenant United States Artillery Bat talion, 20th October, 1786; Lieutenant Artillery Battalion United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Captain, 15th October, 1791; Artillerists and Engineers, 9th May, 1794 ; died 24th July, 1798. Peirce, Joseph (Mass). Regimen tal QuartermasterlSth Massachusetts, 18th June, 1779; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Peirce, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 5th December, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died 22d November, 1809.) Pelcerf, Francis ( ). Surgeon s- Mate of Grayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, , 1777; resigned 8th September, 1778. Pelham. 324 Perault.. Pelham, Charles (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 25th February, 1776 ; Captain, llth November, 1776 ; Major 2d Virginia, 25th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 29th August, 1829.) Pelham, William (Va). Surgeon of a Virginia Regiment in 1777. Pell, Saler (Conn). Surgeon of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776 ; Sur geon 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th July, 1777. Pell, Samuel Treadwell (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 13th July, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; served to June, 1783. (Died 29th De cember, 1786.) Pelliser, Christopher (France). Lieutenant-Colonel Engineer, 29th July, 1776, to . Pelton, Benjamin (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 13th March, 1778. Pemberton, Robert (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th June, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 10th Oc tober, 1777; Captain, 1st January, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Pemberton, Thomas (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 5th Decem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant, , 1778 ; Cap tain, , 1780, and served to Janu ary, 1783. Pendergast, William (Md). Lieu tenant Maryland Regiment, 29th October, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to Pendleton, Daniel (Conn). Cap tain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 26th August, 1777, and served to May, 1781. Pendleton, James (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 7th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 26th April, 1776 ; re signed 13th January, 1777; Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 7th Febru ary, 1777, and served to . (Was in-service, October, 1778.) Pendleton, Nathaniel (Va). En sign 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant llth Virginia, 23d July, 1776 ; Captain, 13th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Port Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 18th October, 1880 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Greene, November, 1780, to close of war. By the act of 29th October, 1781, it was " Resolved, that Major- General Greene be desired to present the thanks of Congress to Captain Pendleton, his Aide-de-Camp, in testi mony of his particular activity and good conduct during the whole action at Eutaw Springs, South Carolina." (Died 20th October, 1821.) Pendleton, Solomon (N. Y.) 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, Novem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st November, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777 ; exchanged, 8th February, 1781, and did not return to the army. Penet, Ignatius ( ). Brevet Captain Continental Army, 14th Oc tober, 1776 ; Lieutenant in Armand s Partisan Corps, 6th January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Name also spelled Penriel.) Penn, William (Va). 1st Lieuten ant Virginia Dragoons, 16th June. 1776 ; Captain 1st Continental Dra goons, 25th November, 1776 ; died 15th March, 1777. Pennell, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Doolittle s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to Penniman, Adna (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 5th July, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 4th November, 1820.) Pennington, William (N. J.). Ser geant 2d Continental Artillery, 7th March, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 12th Sep tember, 1778, and served to June, 1783 ; Lieutenant United States In fantry Regiment, 18th August, 1784 ; resigned 24th November, 1785. Pennoyer, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Penrose, Joseph (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 3d January, 1776 ; Colonel 10th Penn sylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; resigned! 7th March, 1777. Pepin, Andrew (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 20th November, 1775 ; Supernumerary, 23d June, 1779. Perault, Michael (Va). Captain of a Virginia Stato Regiment, 1779 to 1782. Percival. Percival, Paul (Conn). Regimental Quartermaster 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Issuing Commissary 3d Connecticut Brigade, 1st January, 1773; retired 1st January, 1781. Percival, Timothy (Conn). Lieu tenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 8th Con necticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Captain 17th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1770 : taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Pares, Peter (Pa). Surgeon Ger man Regiment, 1st September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Periam, Joseph (N. J.). Regi mental Quartermaster 1st New Jer sey, 2Sth November, 1776; omitted May, 1778. Parkins, Archelaus (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, llth September, 1780 ; Lieutenant, , 1781, and served to close of war. Perkins, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain of Little s Massachusetts Regi- inent, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Perkins, Ebenezer (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 10th July, 1775; Ensign, 18th September to loth December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Cap tain, 1st January, 1778; resigned 1st July, 1780. Perkins, Harden (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 21st March, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 28th October, 1776 ; resigned 26th April, 1778. Perkins, Isaac (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Perkins, James (Mass). Sergeant in Wigglesworth s Regiment Massa chusetts Militia in 1776; Ensign, 21st September, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 24th February, 1778. (Died 4th March, 1830.) Perkins, John (Mass), 2d Lieuten ant and Regimental Quartermaster 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to December, 1776. Perkins, John (Del). 2d Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 21st January to December, 1776. Perkins, Jonathan (N. H,). En sign 1st New Hampshire, 29th July, 1777; Lieutenant, 24th March, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died llth .August, 1824.) 325 Perry. Perkins, Obadiah (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Grroton Heights, 6th Sep tember, 1781. Perkins, Solomon (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, - ; wounded at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Perkins, William (Mass). Lieuten- "ant of Gridley s Regiment Massachu setts Artillery, May, 1775; Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Major, 12th September, 1778, and served to 17th June, 1783. (Died 27th October, 1802.) Perley, Abraham. See Parley. Perley, Eliphalet (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 15th April, 1822.) Perritt, Peter (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th Decem ber, 1775; Captain 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 18th Sep tember, 1778; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut State Regiment. Perry, Abel (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Massachusetts Kegi- ment, 23d May to December, 1775. Perry, Benjamin (Pa). Surgeon 2d Pennsylvania, 10th July, 1777, to Perry, David (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 6th September, 1775. Perry, Ebenezer (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant New Hampshire Militia, ; killed at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Perry, James (Mass). Captain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Perry, John (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Perry, John ( ). Cornet 3d Con tinental Dragoons, , 1781 ; re tained in Baylor s Regiment of Dra goons, 9th November, 1782 ; served to close of war. Perry, Joseph (Mass). Lieutenant in Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion (subsequently part of 3d Continental Artillery), 9th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 6th March, 1780. Perry. Perry, Nathaniel (Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Georgia, 29th April, 1778, and served to close of war. Perry, Sylvanus (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign in Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Perry, William (Mass). Ensign 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; died 10th October, 1777, of wounds received at Gferrnantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777. Persons, Nathan. See Parsons. Peters, Andrew (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Major 2d Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 15th Massachusetts, 1st July, 1779 ; resigned 26th November, 1779. (Died 5th February, 1822.) Peters, Nathan (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; Cap tain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Peters, William (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783; Lieutenant United States Infantry Regiment, 24th November, 1785 ; Lieutenant 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Captain, 4th No vember, 1791 ; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Major 4th Sub Legion, 1st July, 1794; assigned to 4th Infantry, 1st Novem ber, 1796 ; honorably discharged, 1st June, 1802. Peterson, David ( ). See Pat terson. Peterson, Gabriel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 26th July, 1777; wounded ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783; served to June, 1783. (Died 12th Feb ruary, 1832.) Name also spelled Pat terson. Petri, Jacob (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 14th June, 1780, to 14th December. 1782. Petrie, Alexander (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October 1779. Petrie, George (S. C.). 2d Lieuten ant of a South Carolina Regiment, 326 Peyton.. 23d December, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Pettibone, Abel (Conn). Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775; Captain 22d Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Pettibone, Jonathan (Conn). En sign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, September to December, 1776. Pettibone, Ozias (Conn). Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regi ment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Pettigrew, James (Pa.) Ensign of Patton s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st June, 1778 ; transferred to llth Pennsylvania, 16th Decem ber, 1778; Lieutenant, 13th Febru ary, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 24th December, 1831.) Petting-ill, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775; Captain 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major, 26th July, 1779; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to Novem ber, 1783. (Died , 1785.) Pettingill, Samuel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain of New York Militia in 1777, and killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. (Name also spelled Pettingale.) Pettit, Charles (N. J.). Assistant Quartermaster-General, 2d March, 1778; resigned 20th June, 1781. (Died 4th September, 1806.) Pettus, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Virginia, 2d October, 1775, to . Peyton, Dade (Va). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 2d March, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 2d June, 1779, arid served to . Peyton, Henry (Va). Cornet Vir ginia Cavalry, 18th June, 1776 ; Cor net 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 7th April, 1778; Captain, 2d July, 1778 ; Major, ; killed at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Peyton, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 5th February, 1776; wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; Captain, February, 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Peyton. Peyton, Robert (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 1st January, 1777; killed at Brandywine, llth Septem ber, 1777. Peyton, Valentine (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 5th February, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, - ; Captain, 4th October, 1777, and served to . (Was in service, May, 1779.) Phelon, Edward (Mass). Ensign of Henley s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st July, 1777 ; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22 d. April, 1779 ; wounded at ; regimeut designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to ( Jth Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieuten ant, 14th October, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; Captain, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 7th January, 1810.) Phelon, John (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 22d October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; wounded at Quaker Hill, Rhode Is land, 29th August, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died September, 1827.) Pnelon, Patrick (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Henley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 20th June, 1777; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June 1784 ; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; killed 4th November, 1791, in action with Indians at St. Glair s defeat, near Fort Recovery, Ohio. Phelps, Elisha (Conn). Served with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, May, 1775 ; Deputy Commissary-General for Connecticut Troops, 8th June, 1775; died , 1776. Phelps, Noah (Conn). Served with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga in May, 1775; Captain in Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel Con necticut Militia. (Died 4th March, 1809.) Phelps, Noah (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant in Wolcott s Connecticut 327 Phillips. State Regiment, December, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut* 1st January, 1777 ; killed 16th March, 1778, at - . (Name also spelled Phillips.) Phelps, Othneil (Mass). Regimen tal-Quartermaster 1st Massachusetts, 13th November, 1776 ; resigned 6th September, 1777. Phelps, Seth (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 25th May, 1778 ; wounded at Stony Point, 15th July, 1779 ; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 26th October, 1780; retired 9th October, 1782. Phelps, Thomas (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 4th May to 4th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 24th July, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1779. (Died 28th February, 1789.) Phelps, Winslow (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 27th October, 1777. Phifer, Martin (N. C.). Captain Independent Company North Caro lina Light Horse, March, 1777, to April, 1780. Phile, Charles (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 : taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; was promoted Captain to rank from 1st February, 1777; exchanged 26th August, 1778, and did not return to the army. Phillips, James (Va). Ensign Vir ginia Riflemen Militia, ; killed at King s- Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Phillips, John (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; re signed 14th November, 1777. (Died 25th May, 1831.) Phillips, John (Ga). Captain-Lieu tenant 3d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Phillips, Jonathan (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 20th No vember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Decem ber, 1777, and served to April, 1783. Phillips, Joseph (N. J.). Major, Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel New Jersey Militia, June, 1776, to August, 1780. Phillips, Noah. See Phelps. Phillips. 328 Pierce. Phillips, Samuel (R. I.). Captain Of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1770, to March, 1777. Phillips, Samuel ( Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 4th July, 1779, to . (Is reported as having been killed ; date and place not stated.) Phillips, Thomas (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Philpot, Bryan (Md). Ensign of Smalhvood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776, to - Phinney, Edmund (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, July to December, 1775; Colonel 18th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Phinney, Nelson (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Piatt, Daniel (N. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 16th December, 1775 ; Major, 4th January, 1778 ; died 16th April, 1780. Piatt, Jacob (N. J.). Ensign 1st .New Jersey, 16th December 1775 ; 2d jLieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th January, 1777 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 2d February, 1779 ; Captain, 26th October, 1779 ; resigned llth March, 1780. Piatt, William (N. J.). Private and Sergeant 1st New Jersey, Decem ber, 1775, to August, 1776; 2d Lieuten ant, 20th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 15th January, 1777 ; Captain, llth March, 1780, and served to April, 1783. Pickard, Bartholomew (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, ; Srisoner of war, 3d April, 1780, to 1st ay, 1783. Pickard, John (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, - ; prisoner of war, 26th August, 1781, to llth No vember, 1782. Pickens, Andrew (S. C.). Served as Captain, Major and Colonel South Carolina Militia and as Brigadier- General South Carolina State Troops, ,1775, to close of war. By the act of 9th March, 1781, it was " Resolved, that a sword be presented to Colonel Pickens, of the Militia, in testimony of his spirited conduct at the battle of Cowpens, S. C." Wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. (Died 17th August, 1817.) Pickens, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Danielson s Massachusetts Hegiment, May to December, 1775. Pickering, James (Pa). Lieuten ant Pennsylvania Militia, ; wounded at Bristol, Pennsylvania, 17th April, 1778. Pickering, Timothy (Mass). Colo nel of a Massachusetts Militia Regi ment at commencement of the war ; Colonel Adjutant-General to General Washington, 18th June, 1777, to 13th January, 1778 ; elected member of the Board of War, 7th November, 1777 ; Colonel and Quartermaster-General Continental Army, 5th August, 1780, to 25th July, 1795; Secretary of War, 2d January to 10th December, 1795. (Died 29th January, 1829.) Pickett, William (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to 4th January, 1776, when his company was broken up. Pidgin, Moses ( ). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 12th May, 1777 ; omitted June, 1778. Pierce, Amos (N. H.). Lieutenant New Hampshire Militia, ; wounded at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Pierce, Benjamin (Mass). Private in Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant Continental Regiment in 1776; Ser geant 8th Massachusetts, January, 1777 ; Ensign, 7th October, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 7th July, 1782 ; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died 1st April, 1839.) Pierce, Caleb (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania, December, 1776; re signed 9th April, 1777. Pierce, John (Conn). Assistant Pay master-General Continental Army, 10th February, 1776; Deputy Pay master-General, 1st June, 1779 ; Pay master-General, 17th January, 1781 ; died August, 1788. Pierce, Joshua (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 10th April, 1779. PiercD, Joshua. See Peirce. Pierce, Phineas ( ). Lieuten ant of Spalding s Company, - ; re signed 10th November, 1778, on ac count of wounds received in 1776. Pierce, Thomas (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May to December, 1775 ; Captain of Knox s Regimen* Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776. Pierce. Pierce, Timothy (Pa). Sergeant in Ransom s Wyoming Valley Com pany, August, 1776 ; Ensign, 3d De cember, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th January, 1778; killed 3d July, 1778, at the Wyoming Valley massacre. Pierce, William (Va). Captain of the 1st Continental Artillery, 30th November, 1776; served as Aide-de- Camp to General Greene throughout the war. By the Act of 29th Octo- ber,1781, it was Resolved, that Major- General Greene be desired to present the thanks of Congress to Captain Pierce, his Aide-de-Camp, in testi mony of his particular activity and good conduct during the whole action at Eutaw Springs, S. C., and that a sword be presented to Captain Pierce, who bore the General s dispatches, giving an account of the victory, and that the Board of War take order herein." Piercy, Henry (Pa). Sergeant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; was wounded at Long Island, 27th Au gust, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Pennsyl vania, oth February, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 12th March, 1777; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Piercy, Jonathan. See Pearcy. Pierson, Daniel (N. J.)- 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, loth April to November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 1st January, 1777; re signed 1st December, 1778. Pierson, John (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant 4th New Jersey, 17th February, 1777 ; transferred to Baldwin s Artil lery Artificer Regiment, June, 1777; resigned 20th April, 1778. Pierson, Jonathan (N. J.). Cap. tain of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 6th February, 1777 " wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; resigned 8th October, 1778" Pierson, Nathan (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut. 1st May to 23d December, 1775. Pierson, Thomas (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 23d Novem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 6th February, 1777 ; resigned 13th March, 1777. Pig-gott, James (Pa). Captain Pennsylvania Associators, 6th April, 1776 ; Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776; resigned 22d October, 1777 ; served subsequently as Captain in George R. Clarke s Regiment on the Ohio. 329 Pinckney. Pike, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, llth April, 1780 ; Captain, 16th October, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Pike, Robert (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th November to 31st December, 1776; served subse quently as Captain New Hampshire Militia. Pike, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; omitted September, 1778. Pike, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May, 1775, to . Pike, William (Mass). Sergeant 2d Continental Dragoons, 16th March, 1778; Cornet, 14th June, 1781, arid served to close of war. Pike, Zebulon (N. J.). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, 1st March, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 20th No vember, 1777; Lieutenant, loth March, 1778 ; Captain, 25th December, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 1st June, 1780, and served to close of the war; Captain in the Levies in 1791 ; Cap tain United States Infantry, 5th March, 1792; assigned to 3d Sub Le gion, 4th September, 1792 ; assigned to 3d Infantry, 1st November, 1796 ; Major, 21st March, 1800 ; transferred to 1st Infantry, 1st April, 1802 ; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 10th July, 1812 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815. (Died 27th July, 1834.) Piles, William (Va). 1st Lieuten ant of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment/ 23d July, 1776; in Rawlins 1 Continental Regi ment in 1777 ; dropped on roll for Sep tember, 1778, with remark "Prisoner broke parole." Pilsbury, Daniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 13th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Pinchon, Walter (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, ; Colonel, 16th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged , and served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Pinckney. 330 Plessis. Brigadier-General, 3d November, 1783 ; Major-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 16th August, 1825.) Pinckney, Thomas (S. C.). Cap tain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, 1st May, 1778 ; Aide-de- Camp to General Lincoln in 1779 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, 3d August, 1780 ; was wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; exchanged, December, 1780, and served to close of war ; Major-General United States Army, 27th March, 1812 ; honorably dis charged loth June, 1815. (Died 2d November, 1828.) Pindell, Richard (Md). Surgeon Maryland Regiment, - ; trans ferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Pinto, Solomon (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 18th March, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Piper, Andrew (X. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 14th June, 1780, to 14th Decem ber, 1782. Piper, James (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 13th March, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died September, 1776, while in captivity. Piper, John (X. J.). 1st Lieuten ant of Martin s Regiment New Jersey Militia, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 30th October, 1777. Piper, John (Ya). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 16th June, 1778, to January, 1781. Pitcher, John (Mass). Surgeon 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Pitkin, George (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 20th Decem ber, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Con necticut Militia in 1776. Pitts, Peter (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Pixley, Asa (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed, 5th July, 1779. (Died 26th March, 1825.) Pixley, David (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Place, David (X. H.). Captain 2d Continental Infantry, 1st Januarys 1776, to . Plater, Phillips F. (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery Regiment, 28th October, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Platt, Daniel (Conn). Ensign Oth Connecticut, 1st May to 18th Decem ber, 1775. Platt, John (Del). Surgeorrs-Mate Delaware Regiment, 5th April, 1777, to . Platt, Jonathan (X. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Platt, Richard (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, November, 1775; Cap tain, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 26th June, 1776 ; Brigade Major to General McDougall, 12th August, 1776; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General McDougall, December, 1776, to close of war; Battalion Paymaster Corps of Artillery United States Army, 21st November, 1817 ; resigned 25th November, 1820. (Died 3d March, 1830.) Platt, Samuel (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 9th Pennsylvania, 1st February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Pleasants, John Jr. (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 24th February, 1776; resigned August, 1776. Plessis, de Maduit du (France). Captain Continental Artillery, 15th April, 1777. In Congress, January 19, 1778, "a letter of the 13th, from General Washington, was read, wherein he recommended the Cheva lier de Maduit du Plessis to be pro moted to the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel, adding that the gallant con duct of this young gentleman at Brandy\\ine, Gerrnantown, and his distinguished services at Fort Mercer, where he united the offices of Engineer and Commandant of Artillery, entitle him to the particular notice of Con gress ; that he made several judicious alterations in the works at Red Bank, shewed great good conduct during the action, in which the Hessians were repulsed; that after the evacua tion was determined on, he became the means of saving some valuable artillery and stores, and cheerfully undertook, as volunteer, the hazard ous operation of blowing up the Plumb. 331 Pond. magazine, &c., without apparatus usually provided upon such occa sions/ Concluding in Mr. du Plessis favor, that "he possesses a degree of modesty not always found in men who have performed brilliant actions;" whereupon "Resolved, that a brevet of Lieutenant-Colonel be granted the Chevalier de Maduit du Plessis, as a reward for his services and an encouragement to merit, and that his commission bear date 26th November, 1777, in order that the recompense may more immediately follow the services which he has done." By the act of 5th November, 1778, it was " Resolved, that the Chevalier Maduit du Plessis have leave to withdraw from the service of these United States, and that the President give him a written testimonial of the high sense which Congress entertain of his zeal, bravery and good conduct during his service in America." (Died , 1791.) Plumb, "William (Mass). Chaplain 10th Continental Infantry, 7th Sep tember to 31st December, 1776 ; Bri gade Chaplain, 20th August, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Plunkett, David (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Reg iment, 14th January to December, 1770 ; Captain 4th Continental Dra goons, 10th January, 1777; taken pris oner, 20th October, 1777, at ; re signed 1st March, 1779. Plympton, Ezekiel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Poe, David ( ). Appointed Quartermaster at Baltimore, 19th November, 1777, and served to . (Died May, 1820.) Pointer, William (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 2d December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th December, 1777 ; regi ment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and perved to . (In service January, 1780.) Polhemus, John (X. J.). Captain 1st New Jersey, 22d November, 1775, to 10th November, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776, to . (Name does not appear on rolls for 1778.) Polk, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina State Troops, - ; killed at Eutaw Springs. 8th Septem ber, 1781. Polk, Ezekiel (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Polk, Thomas (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Militia Regiment,21st December, 1775 : Colonel 4th North Carolina, 16th April, 1776 ; resigned 28th June, 1778. (Died, 1793.) Polk, William (N. C.). Major 9th North Carolina, - , 1776, to - ; Colonel North Carolina Militia and State Troops, 1777, to 1781. (Died 14th January, 1834.) Pollard, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Learned s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ;2d Lieutenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 18th Massa chusetts 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 6th February, 1778. Pollard, Benjamin (Pa). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 7th August, 1778. Pollard, Jonathan (Mass). Aide- de-Camp to General Heath, 2d Octo ber, 1776, t J . Pollard, Richard (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, February, 1777 ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779 ; Captain, 20th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Polley, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Pomeroy, Benjamin (Conn). Chap lain 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1778. Pomeroy, Ebenezer (Mass). Cap tain of Fellow s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Pomeroy, Ralph (Conn). Paymas ter 3d Connecticut, 8th February, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 8th September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 19th March, 1819.) Pomeroy, Seth (Mass). Brigadier- General Continental Army, 22d June, 1775 ; did not serve or accept appoint ment. (Died 19th February, 1777.) Pond, Charles (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 21st Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776*; Captain 6th Connect icut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 20t*i April, 1779. Pond. 332 Porter. Pond, Oliver (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Pontiere, Louis de ( ). Cap tain of Horse by brevet and Aide-de- Camp to General Steuben, 18th Feb ruary, 1778, to loth April, 1784. Brevet- Major, 30th September, 1783. Pontigbeau - - (France). Cap tain and Aide-de-Camp to General Lafayette, 1781 and 1782. Poole, Abijah (Mass). Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 19th April, 1779. (Died 9th May, 1820.) Poole, Jacob (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Whitcoinb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Poole, Jonathan (N. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st New Hampshire, 2d April, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Poole, Mark (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Poole, Richard (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776; discharged 27th No vember, 1777. Poole, Thomas (Conn). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 10th January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 7th April, 1777 ; re signed 15th September, 1778. Poor, David (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 27th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 17th December, 1780. Poor, Enoch (N. H.). Colonel 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Colonel 8th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 21st February, 1777. (Died 8th Sep tember, 1780.) Poor, Joseph (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Poor, Thomas (Mass). Major of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, 20th May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Pope, Charles (Del). Captain Dela ware Regiment, 17th January, 1776 ; wounded at Mamaroneck, 21st Octo ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th April, 1777; resigned 13th December, 1779. Pope, Frederick (Mass). Captain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Pope, Henry (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Pope, Isaac (Mass). Private Com pany of Minute Men, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 3d Massachu setts, 12th October, 1782; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 21st June, 1820.) Pope, Jacob (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; cashiered, 17th October,1776. Pope, John (Va). Ensign 10th Vir ginia, 25th November, 1776 ; resigned llth July, 1777. Pope, Matthew (Va). Surgeon of a Virginia State Regiment in 1779. Popham, "William (Del). 2d Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 17th Jan uary to December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Canadian (Hazeri s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777; served as Aide-de-Camp to General Clinton, 1777 to 1779 and Aide-de-Camp to General Steuben in 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Popkin, John (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Ar tillery, May, 1775 ; Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Major 3d Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Continental Artillery, 15th July, 1777, and served to 17th June, 1783\ (Died 8th May, 1827.) Porter, Andrew (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain 2d Con tinental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1781 ; Major, 19th April, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st January. 1782, and served to 17th June, 1783. (Died 16th November, 1813.) Porter, Benjamin (Ga). Lieuten ant-Colonel Georgia, - ; men tioned in orders ; whether Continen tal or Militia not stated. Porter, Benjamin Jones (Mass). Surgeon s-Mate llth Massachusetts, llth May, 1780; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Porter. 333 Posey. Porter, Benjamin Jr. (Va). 2d Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 8th May, 1776, to . Porter, Billy (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177(3 ; Cap tain llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 10th Massachusetts. 26th October, 1780 ; transferred to 7th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Porter, Charles (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 19th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 7th July, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d May, 177!), and served to . (In service, January, 1780.) Porter, Eleazer (Mass\ SurgeonV Mate 12th Massachusetts, 1st June, 1777 ; died 22d February, 1778. Porter, James (N. C.). Major North Carolina Militia, ; died 16th October, 1780, of wounds re ceived at King s Mountain, 7th Octo ber, 1780. Porter, James (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Porter, John (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 8th March to 10th August, 1778. Porter, John (Mass). Paymaster 21st Continental Infantry, 12th Sep tember to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Major, 30th May, 1777; trans ferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 17S1 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Porter, Jonathan (Mass). Quarter master-Sergeant 15th Massachusetts, 10th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 31st March, 1779; 2d Lieutenant, 28th June, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Porter, Moses (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 21st April, 1779 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 8*d November, 1783 ; Lieu tenant Uni.cd States Artillery Bat talion, 20th October, 1786 ; Lieutenant Artillery United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Captain, 4th No vember, 1791 ; 1st Artillerists and En gineers, 9th May, 1794; Major, 26th May, 1800 ; retained in Artillerists, 1st April, 1802 ; Colonel Light Artil lery, 12th March, 1812 ; transferred to 1st Artillery, 1st June, 1821 ; brevet Brigadier-General, 10th September, 1813, for distinguished services in the campaign of 1813 ; died 14th April, 1822. Porter, Nathaniel (N. H.). Chap lain of Wingate s New Hampshire Militia Regiment, July, 1776, to Janu ary, 1777; Chaplain 3d New Hamp shire, March to July, 1777. Porter, Phineas (Conn). Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Major of Douglass 1 Con necticut State Regiment, ; Oth June, 1776 ; taken prisoner on the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776 ; served subsequently as Major and Colonel Connecticut Militia. Porter, Robert (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Maryland, 10th December. 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 20th February, 1777; resigned April, 1777. Porter, William. See Porter, Billy. Porter, William (Ya). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Virginia, 30th August, 1777 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1779, and served to close of war. Porter, William (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 4th May, 1777; 2d Lieuten ant, 15th June, 1777, and served to Porterfield, Charles (Va). Served as a volunteer in the Canada Cam paign and was taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; Captain llth Virginia, 3d February, 1777 ; Brigade-Major of Woodford s Bri gade, 13th July, 1778; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 2d July, 1779; Liouteriaiit- Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment, 14th August, 1779; mortally wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780, and died in October, 1780. Porterfleld, Robert (Va). 2d Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 24th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1777; Adjutant, 19th April, 1778 ; transfer red to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 2d July, 1779 ; Captain, 16th August, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 13th February, 1843.) Posey, Belair (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Posey, Thomas (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 20th March, 1776; Major 2d Virginia, 30th April, 1778; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Post. 334 Potts. Lieutenant-Colonel, llth September, 1783 ; retired, 10th March, 1783 ; Brig adier-General United States Army, 14th February, 1793 ; resigned, 28th February, 1794. (Died 19th March, 1818.) Post, Anthony (N. Y.). Captain of Artificers 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 22d June, 1781. Post, Jeremiah (X. H.). Captain NewHampshire Militia, ; died, 26th August, 1777, of wounds received at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Post, John (X. Y.). Commissary of Issues New York Brigade, 1776 to 1783. Postlethwaite, Samuel (Pa). Cap tain of Wilson s Battalion guarding stores at Carlisle, Pennsylvania ; also Assistant Deputy Quartermaster, 6th October, 1777, to December, 1782. Potan, Matthew (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, - ; 1st Lieutenant, llth May, 1779 ; resigned, 31st Decem ber, 1779. Potter, Holliman (R. I.). Ensign llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Potter, Israel (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Potter, James (Pa). Colonel Penn sylvania Militia, - ; wounded at Princeton, 3d January, 1777 ; Briga dier-General Pennsylvania Militia, 5th April, 1777 ; Major-General Penn sylvania Militia, 23d May, 1782, and served to close of war. (Died Novem ber, 1789.) Potter, Jared (Conn). Surgeon 1st Connecticut, 20th May to 20th De cember, 1775 ; Surgeon of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, 3d July to 29th December, 1776. Potter, Joseph (X. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777 ; Regimental Quar termaster, 23d August, 1778; transfer red to 1st New Hampshire, 1st March, 1782 ; Captain, 1st March; 1782 ; re tained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Potter, Oliver (N. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Potter, Samuel (N. J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 8th March to 20th No vember, 1776. Potter, Stephen (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 20th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 19th April, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transfer red to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Potter, William (R. I.). Ensign of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Captain, llth February, 1777 ; deranged, 1st April, 1779. Potter, Zabdiel (Md). Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Potts, James (Pa). Major Penn sylvania Musket Battalion, 6th April, 1776 ; resigned llth July, 1776. Potts, John ( ). Captain - Militia, ; killed at Wofford s Iron Works, 8th August, 1780. Potts, Jonathan (Pa). Surgeon for the troops on the Canadian Expe dition, 6th June, 1776; Deputy Di rector-General of Hospital Northern Department, llth April, 1777. By the act of 6th November, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the uni emitted at tention shown by Dr. Potts, and the officers of the General Hospital in the Northern Department, as represented in General Gates letter to Congress of the 20th of October, to the sick and wounded under their care, is a proof not only of their humanity, but of the zeal for the service of the United States, so deeply interested in the preservation of the health and lives of the gallant asserters of their country s cause, and that Congress therefore can not but entertain a high sense of their services which they have rendered during this cam paign, by a diligent discharge of their respective functions." Transferred to the Middle Department, 22d Janu ary, 1778; retired 6th October, 1780. (Died October, 1781.) Potts, Joseph (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, 12th Octo ber, 1776; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, January, 1777, to rank from 12th Octo ber, 1776; wounded and taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth September, 1777 Poulson. 335 Pray. Poulson, John (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Virginia, 5th February, 1776 ; Captain, 17th July. 1776 ; taken pris oner near Germantown, Pa., 5th Oc tober, 1777 ; exchanged 2d November, 1780; Major, 12th May, 1779; trans ferred to 8th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Powell, Joseph (Pa). Captain of Patton s Additional Continental Reg iment, January, 1777 ; Major, 1st Jan uary, 1778 ; transferred to llth Penn sylvania, 13th January, 1779 ; retired 5th June, 1779. Powell, Levin (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel of Grayson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, llth January, 1777; resigned loth November, 1778. (Died 6th August, 1810.) Powell, Peyton (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, September, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Lieutenant, - October, 1781, and served to close of war. Powell, Robert (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1776 ; Captain, 18th October. 1776 ; resigned , 1779. Powell, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment. 1778; died . Powell, "William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 3d February, 1777 ; resigned 10th July, 1777. Power, Robert (Pa). Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, , 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 20th January, 1811.) Power, William (Pa). Captain- Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain 4th Con tinental Artillery, 17th October, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Powers, Alexander (Pa). Regi mental Quartermaster of Miles Penn sylvania Rifle Regiment, 6th April to 13th October, 1776; Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, ; retired 31st May, 1781. Powers, James (N. C.). Lieuten ant 3d North Carolina, 20th April, 1777, to . Powers, Nahum (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Pownal, John (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 16th September, 1778. Poytress, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 20th October, 1777 ; omitted - - August, 1778. Praideau, Zebedee (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Walker s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Prather, Basil (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th October, 1776 ; resigned 31st March, 1779. Pratt, Joel (N. Y.). Captain New Fork Militia, May, 1775 ; Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to Janu ary, 1776. Pratt, Joel (Mass). Ensign 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st March, 1779; trans ferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Pratt, John (Pa). Ensign 4th Penn sylvania, 1st July, 1779; Lieutenant, 1st May, 1780; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783; Regi mental Quartermaster, 22d May, 1783, and served to Jane, 1783; Lieutenant United States Infantry, 15th July, 1785; Regimental Quartermaster, 3d October, 1786; Lieutenant 1st Infan try United States Army, 29th Sep tember, 1789; Captain, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; resigned 5th De cember, 1793. Pratt, John (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; dismissed 13th October, 1776. Pratt, Seth (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Pratt, Shubael (Va). Surgeon - Virginia Regiment, 12th March, 1778, to 12th June, 1779. Pratt, William (R, I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st May, 1779; trans ferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 25th August, 1781, arid served to close of war. Praul, Edward. (Md). Ensign of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged 2d December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Cap tain, 10th June, 1777, and served to close of war. Pray, John (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777- Captain. 5th July, 1779; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died September, 1812.) Prentice. 336 Prince. Prentice, Ichabod (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August to December, 1776. Prentice, Jesse (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 5th May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Prentice, Jonas (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Captain of Douglass Connecticut Regiment, 20th June to 29th Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 31st March, 1779. Prentice, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Prentice, William (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 21st Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Prentiss, Samuel (Conn). Major 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Major 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 12th August, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 27th May, 1778. Prescott, - - (Mass). Lieutenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; killed at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Prescott, Oliver (Mass). Brigadier- General and Major-General Massa chusetts Militia, 1776 to 1781. (Died 17th November, 1804.) Prescott, Samuel (Mass). Volun teer Surgeon at Lexington, 19th April, 1775. Prescott, William (Mass). Colo nel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Colonel 7th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 13th October, 1795.) Preston, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to November, 1776. Preston, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 7th April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at - ; exchanged 29th April, 1781, and retired from service. Price, William (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th April, 1777 ; Captain, 1st July, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Price, Charles (Ga). Lieutenant Georgia Militia, - ; killed at Sa vannah, 9th October, 1779. Price, G-eorg-3 (Va). Captain llth Virginia, , 1777, to . Price, Rufus (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 7th December, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; resigned 24th February, 1779. Price, Thomas (Md). Captain Maryland Rifle Company, 21st June, 1775 ; Major of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 177o ; Colo nel 2d Maryland, 10th December,1776 ; resigned 2ist April, 1780. Price, Thomas Jr. (Md). Pay master 2d Maryland, 27th May, 1778 ; Lieutenant, llth February, 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Price, W illiam (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 1st May, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783; Deputy Commissary of Ordnance and Mili tary Stores, 1st January, 1784, and served to 22d March, 1787. (Died July, 1790.) Pride, Reuben (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ser geant 3d Connecticut, 8th May, to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, llth November, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, llth September, 1780; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Pride, William (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, January, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant 10th November, 1777 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, January, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; died llth January,1779. Priest, Job (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 4th November, 1777. Priestley, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776; Captain, 12th Octo ber, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 , exchanged 26th August, 1778, and did not return to the army. Prince, Prank (S. C.). Captain 5th. South Carolina, 1776, to . Prince. Prince, Thomas (S. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 5th South Carolina, llth June, 1777 ; killed at otono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Prince, Asa (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Prior, Abner (X. Y.). Surgeon s Mate 4th New York, 1st January, 1780 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d No vember, 1783 ; Ensign United States Infantry Regiment, 21st October, 1786 ; Ensign 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789; Lieutenant, 20th November, 1790 ; Captain, 2d June, 1792; assigned to 3d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; assigned to 1st Infantry, 1st Novem ber, 17U6 ; died 5th December, 1800. Prior, Abner (Conn). Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776; Captain 5th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777; Major 1st Con necticut, 17th August, 1780 ; transfer red to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 28th December, 1781. Prior, Jesse (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 8th May to 18th Decem ber, 1775 ; Private in Sage s Connecti cut State Regiment, June to Decem ber, 1776; Ensign of Baldwin s Artille ry Artificer Regiment, 18th October, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778 ; resigned 2d June, 1779. (Died 10th February, 1822.) Prior, John. See Pryor. Pritchard, Jeremiah (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; wounded at Skenes- borough, 7th July, 1777 : Regimental Adjutant, 1st January, 1778 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 5th March, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 3d December, 1813.) Pritchard, Rees (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 12th March, 1776 ; resigned 1st March. 1777. (Died 25th Septem ber, 1830.) Pritchard, Thomas (Mass). En sign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 14th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 20th June, 1779 ; Captain, 24th March, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Proctor, Edward (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted in 1779. Proctor, Ephraim (Mass). Ensign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. 337 Pugh. Proctor, Francis (Pa). Lieuten ant 1st Company Pennsylvania Artil lery, 27th October, 1775; dismissed 8th December, 1775 ; Captain 4th Con tinental Artillery, 3d March, 1777; dismissed 14th April, 1778. Proctor, Francis Jr. (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Proctor s Battalion Penn sylvania Artillery, 5th October, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 3d March, 1777; Captain, 16th July, 1777 ; Major, 24th Decem ber, 1782, to rank from 1st January, 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Proctor, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Proctor, Thomas (Pa). Captain 1st Company Pennsylvania Artillery, 27th October, 1775; Major Pennsyl vania Artillery Battalion, 14th Au gust, 1776 ; Colonel 4th Continental Artillery, 5th February, 1777; re signed 9th April, 1781. (Died 16th March, 1806.) Prouter, Jonas (Mass). 2d Lieu- tedant of DooJittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Proveaux, Adrian (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 27th April, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Provost, Robert (N. Y.). Paymas ter 3d New York, 15th August, 1776 ; Paymaster 2d New York, 21st No vember, 1776, to 1st January, 1781, with rank of Ensign from Is t June, 1778. Prux, William (Pa). Ensign Ger man Battalion, 24th July, 1778, to . Pry, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Febru ary, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Pryor, John (Va). Captain-Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th February, 1777 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Alexander, 9th June, 1779, to 14th January, 1783; retired 14th January, 1783. Pugh, John (Pa). Captain Penn sylvania State Regiment, 18th March, 1777 ; resigned 12th August, 1777. Pug-h, Jonathan (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st June," 1777; wounded at Monrnouth, 28th June, 1778 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment, 6th October, 1778 ; Regimental Adju tant, 1st June, 1779 ; Captain-Lieuten ant, November, 1779, and served to close of war. 22 Pugh. Pugh, Whitmill (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Pugh, Willis (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 19th November, 1776 ; killed 1st May, 1777, at . Pulaski, Casimer (Poland). Briga dier-General Continental Army and Chief of Dragoons, 15th September, 1777 ; designated as commander of an independent corps, known as the Pu laski Legion, 28th March, 1778 ; died llth October, 1779, of wounds re ceived 9th October, 1779, at the Siege of Savannah. Pullen, William (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Punderson, John (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted February, 1778. Purcell, George (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 13th December, 1776 ; w r ounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777, and did not return to regi ment. Purcell, Henry (S. C.). Brigade Chaplain, 7th April, 1779, to June, 1781. Purcell, Henry D. (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 4th January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777; Deputy Judge-Advocate-General to General Gates Army, 29th January, 1778, to February, 1779 ; 1st Lieu tenant 3d Pennsylvania, 3d Sep tember, 1779, and served to close of war. Purdy, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Continental Artillery, 17th Oc tober, 1781, and served to June, 1783. also spelled Purdie.) Purvis, George (Del). 2d Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 3d Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th Octo ber, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 16th August, 1778 ; Captain, ; served to close of war. Purvis, James (Va). Sergeant 1st Virginia, September, 1775 ; Ensign, ; resigned February, 1778; Lieutenant Virginia Convention Guards, January, 1779 ; Captain, 8th October, 1779, and served to June, 1781. Purvis, John (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . 338 Putnam. Putnam, Aaron (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Surgeon s-Mate 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Surgeon 1st" Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th Octo ber, 1777. Putnam, Benjamin (Conn). Sur geon 4th Continental Infantry, 18th March to 31st December, 1776; Sur geon 5th Connecticut, 1st August, 1777 ; resigned 23d May, 1778. Putnam, Daniel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Putnam, May, 1776, to June, 1783. Putnam, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 26th March, 1780. Putnam, Enoch (Mass). Captain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; Cap tain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Putnam, Ezra (Mass). Major of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, 27th May to December, 1775 ; Major 27th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Putnam, Israel (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Colonel 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Major-General Conti nental Army, 19th June, 1775; retired 3d June, 1783. (Died 19th May, 1790.) Putnam, Israel Jr. (Conn). Cap tain 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Putnam, 22d July, 1775, to 3d June, 1783. Putnam, Jeremiah (Mass). Ensign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Putnam, Rufus (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, i776; Colonel Engineer, 5th August, 1776 ; Colonel 5th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776, to rank from 5th August, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 7th January, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died 1st May, 1824.) Putnam, Tarrant (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 27th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. Quackenbos. 339 Ramsay. Q. Quackenbos, John (X. Y.). Cap tain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Quarles, Henry (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 15th Virginia. 13th January. 1777; resigned 14th July, 1777, and served subsequently as Captain of a Virginia State Regiment. Quarles, James (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1781. Quarles, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 25th February, 1776 ; Captain 2d Virginia State Regiment, 4th January, 1777, to 1780. Quarles, Thomas (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1780. Quarles, Wharton (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Quarles, "William P. (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 6th October, 1780, to . Quenowault, Paul (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 27th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th January, 1778, and served to . Quimby, Jacob (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Quimby, Josiah (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 7th February to 20th November, 1776. Quinlan, Joseph (Va). Surgeon - Virginia Regiment, October, 1778 ; resigned 6th June, 1779. Quinn, John (N. H.). Surgeon 3d New Hampshire, 5th July, 1780; re tired 1st January, 1781. Quinn, Michael (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d North Carolina, Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 1st August, 1777, and served to . Quinn, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776, to . Quinton, Dixon(Md). 2d Lieuten ant of Long s Independent Maryland Company, 3d October, 1776, to . Quirk, Thomas (Va). Ensign 7th Tirginia, 7th May, 1776; 2d Lieuten ant, 13th December, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, January, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; resigned , 1780 ; served subse quently as Major of a Virginia State Regiment. R. Raboldt, Jacob (Md). Quarter master-Sergeant German Regiment, 13th November, 1777; Ensign, 24th July, 1778; Regimental Quartermas ter 30th July, 1778; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. (Name also spelled Ray- bold.) Radford, John (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, - ; re signed 1st February, 1778. Radiere, Baileul Mons. de la (France.) Lieutenant-Colonel Engi neer, 8th July, 1777; Colonel, 17th No vember, 1777 ; died , 1779. Rae, John (Ga). Ensign 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776; Lieutenant, , and served to . Rae, Robert (Ga). Colonel Georgia, ; mentioned in orders. Ragan, Daniel (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, ; on roll for March, 1777, only. Ragsdale, Drury (Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 7th Febru ary, 1777. (Was in service October, 1778.) Rague, John (Pa). Surgeorrs- Mate 10th Pennsylvania, 19th April, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to . Rains, G-iles (Va). 2d Lieutenant 15th Virginia, 28th November, 1776 ; resigned 23d December, 1777. Raisin, William (Md). Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 26th January, 1780, and served to close of war. Ralph, Ephraim (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, ; 1st Lieu tenant, 5th April, 1779; resigned 15th February, 1780. Ramsay, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d June, 1778 ; resigned 26th May, 1779. Ramsay, David (S. C.). Surgeon South Carolina, ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged March, 1781. (Died 8th May, 1815.) Ramsay, John (Va). Surgeon 1st Virginia, February, 1776 ; died 4th November, 1776. Ramsay, Nathaniel (Md). Cap tain of Small wood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; wounded "and taken prisoner at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; on parole until exchanged, 14th December, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 25th October, 1817.) Ramsey. 340 Rawson. Ramsey, Allen (N. C.). Lieuten ant 7th North Carolina, 19th Decem ber, 1776 ; omitted January, 1778. Ramsey, Matthew (X. C.). Cap tain 7th North Carolina, 28th No vember, 1776 ; resigned , 1781. Rand, Ezekiel (X. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May, to December, 1775. Randall, Matthew (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Randall, Matthew (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Walker s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Randall, Nehemiah(R. I.). Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January to November, 1776. Randall, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, 24th April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain, August, 1776 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at German- town, 4th October, 1777; resigned 1st May, 1779. (Died January, 1811.) Randall, Thomas (Va). 3d Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 31st July, 1776 ; last appearance on rolls is for March, 1778. Randall, William Jr. (Va). En sign 3d Virginia, 29th April, 1776 ; resigned 23d August, 1776. Randolph, Charles (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, February, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 14th June, 1777,and served to . (In service, January, 1780.) Randolph, Edmund (Va). Aide- de-Camp to General Washington, loth August, 1775, to 25th March, 1776 ; Deputy Mustermaster-General Southern Department, 25th March, 1776 ; resigned 26th April, 1776. (Died 12th September, 1813.) Randolph, Edward Pitz (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, Janu ary, 1777; wounded at Paoli, 20th September, 1777 ; resigned 10th May, 1779. Randolph, Robert (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, February, 1777; Lieutenant, 14th June, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Tap- pan, 28th September, 1778. Randolph, Nathaniel Fitz (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, - ; "wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged ; died 23d July, 1780, of wounds received at Springfield, 23d June, 1780. Rankin, Robert (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Ranney, Stephen (Va). Surgeon 12th Virginia, 21st April, 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Ransdell, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 15th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st July, 1777 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Captain, October, 1781, and served to close ofw r ar. (Name also spelled Ransdale and Ransdall.) Ransom, Elijah (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired March, 1782. Ransom, James (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Ransom, Samuel (Pa). Captain Wyoming Valley Company, 26th Au gust, 1776 ; killed at the Wyoming Massacre, 3d July, 1778. Ransom, Thomas ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of Werner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th September, 1776, to . Rapalje, Jacques (N. Y.). Cap tain of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, July, 1776, to January, 1777. Rawlings, Isaac (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Dorsey s Independent Com pany Maryland Artillery, 3d Septem ber, 1779; company formed part of 1st Continental Artillery and served to close of war. Rawlings, Moses (Md). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Stephenson s Mary land and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 27th June, 1776; wounded at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Addi tional Continental Regiments, Feb ruary, 1777; resigned 2d June, 1779. (Died , 1808.) Rawson, Asa (Mass). Captain- Lieutenant Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to December, 1776. Rawson, Jeduthan (Mass). En sign 1st Massachusetts, 27th March, 1779 ; transferred t > 6th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1783 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Rawson. Rawson, "Wilson (R. I.) Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 15th January, 1770; Lieuten ant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Ray, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 26th February, 1778 ; Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to . Ray, Matthew. See Rhea. Raybold, Jacob. See Raboldt. Raymond, John (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Raymond, Joseph (Mass). Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 26th Oct- tober, 1780 ; transferred to 10th Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1781. Reab, George (Mass). Sergeant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 8th October, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, 16th April, 1780 : transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachu- settes, 12th Jane, 1783, arid served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 20th June, 1838.) Read, Archibald (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant and Paymaster 8th Pennsyl vania, 13th December, 1777, to - . (Name also spelled Reed.) Read, Benjamin (Mass.) 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 13th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Stillwater 19th September, 1777. Read, Clement (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia regiment in 1779 ; died in service, date not known. Read, Edmund (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 23d February, 1776; resigned 6th July, 1777 ; Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 2d June, 1779, to January, 1782. Read, Isaac (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 4th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Colonel 9th Virginia, 13th Au gust, 1776; transferred to 4th Vir ginia, 17th December, 1777 ; died 4th September, 1778. Read, James (Va). Colonel 1st Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; died 29th September, 1777. Read, James (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 4th January, 1776; 3d Lieutenant, 6th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776 ; Captain, 8th July, 1777 ; taken prisoner at 341 Reading. Charleston, 12th May, 1780; died 18th August, 1780, of wounds received at Hanging Rock, 6th August, 1780. Read, John (Md). Ensign 2d Mary land, 20th February, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 27th May, 1778; resigned llth April, 1779. Read, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, May, 1776 ; died 25th January, 1777, of wounds received at Princeton, 3d January, 1777. Read, Joseph (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 18th May to December, 1775 ; Colonel 13th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Read, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Read, Joshua (R. I.). Captain 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776/ Read, Seth (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, 27th May to December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 15th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January,, 1776 ; insane in August, 1776, and retired from service. Read, Thaddeus (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Read, Thomas C. (X. J.). Sur- geon^-Mate 3d New Jersey, 9th Feb ruary to 22d November, 1776. Read, William (Mass). Captain of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Read, Zalmon (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 28ta No vember, 1775 ; Captain of Silliinan s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Reading, John (N. J.). Ensign 3d New Jersey, 2d April, 1776 ; 2*1 Lieu tenant, 29"th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Reading, Samuel (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 18th De cember, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776 ; ex changed December, 1776 , Captain 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; Ma jor, 27th December, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Reading, Thomas (N. J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 2d April to 22d No vember, 1776. Reckless. 342 Reed. Reckless, Anthony (X. J.). Lieu tenant Sappers arid Miners in 1780, and served to . Reddick, Willis (Va). 2d Lieuten- 15th Virginia, 30th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, , 1777; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; Captain, - , 1780; transferred to 4th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to - ; also Colonel of Virginia Militia in 1779. Redding-, William (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted October, 1778. Redding-, Zebedee (Mass). Cap tain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned llth October, 1780. Redman, John (Pa). Paymaster of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, October, 1776, to January, 1777. Redpith, John (X. C.). Lieutenant North Carolina, ; killed 13th Oc tober, 1777, at . Reed, Abraham (X. H.). Captain 1st Xew Hampshire, 23d April to 28th July, 1775. (Xaine also spelled Reid.) Reed, Daniel (Conn). Ensign of "Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Reed, Enoch (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Cap tain-Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 20th June, 1779; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Reed, Frederick (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Reed, Jacob (X. Y.). 2d Lieuten" ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, January, 1776 ; Captain- Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 23d March, 1780, and served to 17th June, 1783. (Died 31st May, 1838.) Reed, James (X. H.). Colonel 3d Xew Hampshire, 28th April to De cember, 1775; Colonel 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Briga dier-General Continental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; became blind and re tired from service, September, 1776. (Died 13th February, 1807.) Reed, Jeremiah (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu- to 31st December, 1776; Lieutenant of Lee s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 15th Xovember, 1778. Reed, Jesse (X. C.). 2d Lieutenant 6th Xorth Carolina, 20th October,, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th October, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Xorth Caro lina, 1st June, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Eutaw Springs, 8ih Sep tember, 1781 ; Captain, 1st April, 1782; retired 1st January, 1783. Reed, John (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Reed, John (Pa). Ensign 8th Penn sylvania, August, 1776, to . Reed, John (X. J.). Ensign 3d Xew Jersey, 18th February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d October, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 1st February, 1779 ; trans ferred to 1st Xew Jersey, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Reed, John (Mass). Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Died Sep tember, 1797.) Reed, John (X. J.). Sergeant of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; En sign, 12th May, 1779 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Lieutenant in the Levies of 1791 ; wounded in action with In dians at St. Glair s defeat near Fort Recovery, Ohio, 4th Xovember, 1791 ;. Lieutenant United States Infantry, 16th March, 1792; assigned to 3d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Cap tain, 12th Xovember, 1793 ; honorably discharged, 1st Xovember, 1796. Reed, John (X. Y.). 3d Lieuten ant of Grennell s Company Xew York Artillery, 16th March to Xovember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, to rank from 17th December, 1780 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. Reed, Joseph (Pa). Ensign 9th Pennsylvania, 20th July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to June,, 1783. Reed, Joseph (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel and Military Secretary to General Washington, 4th July, 1775, to 16th May, 1776 ; Colonel Adjutant- General Continental Army, 5th June, 1776; resigned 22d January, 1777;, Brigadier-General Continental Army, 12th May, 1777, which he declined 9th June, 1777. (Died 5th March, 1785.) Reed, Silvamis (X. H.). Ensign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subse quently as Adjutant and as Captain- Xew Hampshire Militia. Reed. Reed, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Fly ing Camp, June, 1776 , taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 10th November, 1770 ; exchanged, 4th November. 1780, and did not return to the service. Reed, Thomas ( ). Assistant Paymaster-General, 31st March, 1778, to- . Reed, Thomas (N. Y.). Surgeon 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1770 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Reed, William (S. C.). Hospital Physician and Surgeon Southern De partment, 22d March, 1780, to close of war. Reeder, Hezekiah (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1770 ; resigned , 1777. Rees, David (Conn). Sergeant in Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, May, 1770 ; Ensign, 19th Sep tember, 1770, to January, 1777. Reese, Abel (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania, loth January, 1777, to . Reese, John (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1770 ; Captain 3d Pennsylvania, Janu ary, 1777, to rank from 5th January, 1770, but does not appear to have joined the latter regiment. Reeves, Enos (Pa). Adjutant llth Pennsylvania, llth September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 31st March, 1778 ; transferred to 10th Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Pennsyl vania, 17th January, 1781 ; transfer red to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Reeves, Isaac (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, 14th June, 1770 ; killed at Elizabethtown, Gth June, 1780. Reeves, John(N. J.). Sergeant 3d New Jersey, December, 1775, to No vember, 1770 ; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1770 ; resigned 1st February, 1777. Reeves, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Reid, George (N. H.). Captain Company of Minute Men in April, 1775 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1770 ; Major 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1770 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 2d April, 1777 ; transferred to 343 Reily. 2d New Hampshire, 5th March, 1778 ; retained in New Hampshire Battal ion, 1st March, 1782, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died -- Septem ber, 1815.) Reid, James Randolph (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Battal ion, Gth January, 1770 ; Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d No vember, 1770 ; Major, 1st September, 1777, arid served to . Reid, Nathan (Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 28th January, 1777; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777: regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died Gth November, 1830.) Name also spelled Reed. Reid, Philip (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777; Lieu tenant, 13th October, 1778 ; trans ferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, , 1782 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 2d November, 1829.) Reid, Samuel (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 5th August, 1779; Lieutenant, 2d October, 1780 ; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Reilley, William (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Marvlarid Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1770; Captain, 13th October, 1777; transferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Reily, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 10th October, 1770; Captain, 20th May, 1777; trans ferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; transferred to Invalid Regiment in 1780 and served to close of war. (Died2d May, 1810.) Reily, John (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant of BurralPs Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January, 1770; 1st Lieutenant, 19th September, 1770, to January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 1st February, 1777; Captain, 10th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedition, 10th Decem ber, 1777; exchanged 3d December, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. (Name also spelled Riley.) Reinick. 344 Bice. Reinick, Christian (Pa). Sur- geon s-Mate of Thompson s Pennsyl vania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; Surgeori s-Mate 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 81st Decem ber, 1770 ; Surgeon 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; died 21st Septem ber, 1777, of wounds received 20th September, 1777, at Paoli, Pa. Remick, Timothy (Mass). Ser geant of Phinney s Massachusetts Regiment in 1775 ; Sergeant 18th Con tinental Infantry, 1770; 1st Lieuten ant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 14th October, 1780; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Brigade Inspector, 13th July to December, 1781 ; served to June, 1783. (Died , 1784.) Remington, John (R. I.). Ensign 9th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1770 ; 2d Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Rencastle, John. See Ruecastle. Rendelo ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1778. Rennison, John (Pa). Sergeant 7th Pennsylvania, December, 1770 ; Ensign, 24th July, 1779 ; resigned - April, 1780. (Died 18th May, 1829.) Requa, Isaac (X. Y.). Lieutenant and Adjutant New York Militia Regi ment, ; prisoner of war, 31st Jan uary, 1779, to 10th March, 1780. Reuch, John (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1770, to . Revelly, Francis (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 20th February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant loth April, 1777; Captain, , 1781, and served to . Rew, John (Pa). Regimental Quar termaster Oth Pennsylvania, 7th De cember, 1777 ; taken prisoner at New- town, 29th August, 1779; exchanged 25th October, 1780 ; served subse quently in the Navy. Rexford, Elisha (Conn). Chaplain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1770, to April, 1777. Reynolds, George (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 25th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d November, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 3d January, 1778. Reynolds, John (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to November, 1770. Reynolds, John (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770 ; Cap tain 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1770 ; resigned 28th December, 1777. Reynolds, John (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Varnum s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Reynolds, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 24th June, 1779, to October, 1781. Rhea, Aaron (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 12th September, 1778 ; Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 17th August, 1781, and served to close of war. Rhea, David (IS. J.). Major 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, 28th November, 1770 ; transferred to 4th New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. (Died 14th June, 1821.) Rhea, John (Va). Ensign 7th Vir ginia, 10th January, 1777; discharged November, 1777. (Died 27th May, 1832.) Rhea, Jonathan (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778; retained in New Jersey Battalion in April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Rhea, Matthew (Va). Regimental Quartermaster 7th Virginia, 15th June, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 9th Sep tember, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 4th July, 1779; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Rhodes, John (Del). 1st Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 4th Decem ber, 1770; wounded 13th May, 1777, at ; Captain- Lieutenant, 1st March, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Cam- den, 10th August, 1780. Rhodes, Thomas J. (N. C.). Cap tain North Carolina, ; wounded at Stono Ferry, 20th June, 1779. Rice, Asa (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Rice, Benjamin (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th Janu ary, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant, Gth August, 1770, and served to . Rice, Edward (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 10th December 1775, to . Rice, Frederick "William (Pa). 1st Lieutenant German Regiment, 12th July, 1770; Captain, 4th January, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died January, 1805.) Bice. Richardson. Rice, George (Va). 1st Lieutenant llth Virginia, 18th January, 1777 ; Captain, 9th March, 1777; resigned 30th September, 1778. Rice, Hezekiah (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775; Captain, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; omitted January, 1778. Rice, John (N. C.). Adjutant 1st North Carolina, 10th December, 1776 ; Ensign, 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 3d April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, 1st June, 1778, and served to . Rice, John (Mass). Captain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Rice, Joseph (Pa). Captain 4th Continental Artillery, 3d March, 1777 ; resigned 26th September, 1780. Rice, Nathan (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant arid Adjutant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln, 7th May, 1777, to 1st January, 1781 ; retained as Major 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 14th United States Infantry, 3d March, 1799; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 17th April, 1834.) Rice, Nathaniel (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Rice, Nehemiah (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Elinore s Conecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776; Adjutant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Cap tain, loth Nobember, 1777 ; transferred tooth Connecticut, 1st January,1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Rics, Oliver (Mass). Sergeant- Major, 9th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d June, 1778, Lieuten ant, 5th September, 1780 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Rice. Robert (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778 ; dis missed , 1779. Rice, Thomas (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 27th May, 1778 , to - . (Was in service January, 1780.) Rice, William (Pa). Frederick William. See Rice, Richards, Bradley (N. H.). Ser geant 3d New Hampshire, 27th Janu ary, 1777; Ensign, 1st May, 1778; re tired 1st January, 1781. (Died 12th June, 1821.) Richards, George (R. I.). Regi mental Quartermaster of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artil lery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Richards, Jeremiah (N. H.). Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, - -- ; wounded at Hubbardton, 7th Octo ber, 1777 ; discharged 5th July, 1780. Richards, Peter (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 10th February, 1778; Captain of Militia, - ; killed at Grotori Heights, 6th September, 1781. Richards, Samuel (N. H.). Cap tain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Richards, Samuel (Conn). Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 4th May to 18th December, 1775; Ensign 22d Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant .d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Regi mental Paymaster, 8th September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. . Richards, "William (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster, 6th Connecti cut, 20th May to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Captain, 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, arid served to June, 1783. Richardson, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Gardner s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Richardson, Abijah (Mass). Sur geon^ Mate, 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Fayette, 1st June, 1779 ; exchanged September, 1779 ; Surgeon 5th Massa chusetts, 17th July, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 10th May,1822.) Richardson, Addison (Mass). Cap tain of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Richardson, Caleb (Mass). Cap tain of Walker s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Richardson, Ed-ward (S. C.). Cap tain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Richardson, Ephraim (Mass). Cap tain of Whitcombs s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Richardson. 346 Biker. Richardson, Isaac (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 16th December, 177G; cashiered, 9th May, 1777. Richardson, John (Mel). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to --- . Richardson, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776; Captain, 21st March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 26th August, 1778, and did not return to the army. Richardson, Jonas (Mass). Cap tain of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Richardson, Walter ( -- ). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 4th March, 1778, arid served to --- . Richardson, "William (Md). Colo nel 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Colonel 5th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; resigned 22d October, 1779. Richedson, Holt (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 36th February, 1776 ; Major 15th Virginia, 13th November, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Virginia, 18th October. 1777 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; re signed 10th May, 1779. Richmond, Benjamin (Mass). Eii- sign 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; omitted June, 1779. (Died 1st July, 1825.) Richmond, Christopher (Md). Lieutenant and Paymaster 1st Mary land, 27th May, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Cap tain, October, 1781, and served to Richmond, David (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Richmond, Ebenezer (R. I.). Sur- geoii s-Mate llth Continental Infan try, 15th January to 31st December, 1776. Richmond, "William (R. I.). Colo nel Rhode Island Militia, 1775 and ~~ Rickard, "William (Mass). Ser geant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th May, 1777 ; En sign, 24th April, 1779; regiment desig nated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant. 14th April, 1782 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; re tained in Jackson s Continental Reg iment in November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Lieutenant 2d United States Infantry, 4th May, 1792 ; assigned to 3d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Captain 30th Janu ary, 1794; resigned loth November, 1800. (Died 9th January, 1813.) Ricker, Abraham. See Riker. Ricketts, Nicholas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Dorsey s Company Mary land Artillery, 1st December, 1777 ; company attached to arid formed part 1st Continental Artillery, 30th May, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 25th Au gust, 1778, and served to close of war. Rickman, William (Va). Director of Hospital in Virginia, 18th May; 1776 ; retired 21st October, 1780. Riddick, Jason (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, February, 1776 ; Captain, 10th June, 1777, and served to . (In service January, 1780.) Riddick, Willis (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 22d November, 1776 ; taken prisoner in February, 1778, at . Ridg-ely, Henry (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Carnp^ June to December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; resigned 14th August, 1777. Ridgely, William (Md). Ensign of Sruallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; also called Walter Ridgely. Ridley, Thomas (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, llth March, 1776; Major 10th Virginia, 1st March, 1778 ; trans ferred to 6th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 , retired 12th February, 1781. Riegor, Jacob (Pa). Surgeon 2d Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 22d March to Decem ber, 1776. Riggs, Abimelech (R. I.). Cap tain of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1776 and 1777. Rig-g-s, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; cashiered, 5th June, 1776. Riker, Abraham (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain 3d New York, 28th March, 1776; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; died 7th May, 1778. (Name also spelled Ricker.) Riker, John Berrien (N. J.). Sur geon 4th New Jersey, 26th November, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Ring-gold. 347 Roberts, Ringgold, James (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776, to . Rinker, Jacob (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 4th March, 1776; resigned 10th May, 1777. Ripley, Hezekiah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quarter master, 1st June, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died 18th October, 1841.) Ripley, John (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th Decem ber, 1775; Major of Chester s Connec ticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776; Major 13th United States Infantry, 13th Febru ary, 1799 ; honorably discharged loth June, 1800. Rippey, William (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776, to January, 1777. (Died 22d September, 1819.) Risberg, Gustavus (Md). Assist ant Deputy Quartermaster-General of the Flying Camp, 17th August to 1st December, 1776. Ritter, Charles (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate German Regiment. 20th Decem ber, 1777, to . Ritter, William (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 : 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned llth March, 1779. Ritzema, Rudolphus(N. Y.). Lieu tenant-Colonel 1st New York, 30th June, 1775 ; Colonel, 28th November, 1775; Colonel 3d New York, 28th March, to November, 1776 ; subse quently joined the British army. Roane, Christopher (Va). Cap tain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777, to 1782. Robarts, Thomas. See Roberts. Robb, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 17th March to De cember, 1776 ; Captain Pennsylvania State Regiment, 18th April, 1777; regiment designated 13th Pennsyl vania, 12th November, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Robbins, Ammi Ruhamah (Conn). Chaplain of Burrairs Connecticut State Regiment, 20th March, 1776, to January, 1777. (Died 30th October, 1813.) Robbins, John (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 5th February, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 25th August, 1778; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781 ; Lieutenant 4th Conti nental Dragoons, 1st October, 1781, and served to close of war. Roberdeau, Daniel (Pa). Briga dier-General Pennsylvania Militia, 4th July, 1776, to March, 1777. {Died 5th January, 1795.) Roberts, Benjamin ( Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Roberts, Cyrus (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 10th March. 1777 ; Captain, , 1778; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Roberts, Daniel (Ga). Lieutenant- Colonel 2d Georgia ; on roll for August, 1778. Roberts, James (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Roberts, Jesse (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1776, to . Roberts, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 18th February, 1777 ; resigned 15th September, 1777. Roberts, John (Va). Surgeon 6th Virginia, 1st February, 1777 ; trans ferred to 4th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778; transferred to 10th Vir ginia, 1st August, 1779 ; served on staff of General Lafayette in 1781 ; served to close of war. (Died 21st April, 1821.) Roberts, John (Va). Captain Vir ginia Convention Guards, llth Janu ary, 1779 ; Major, 5th March, 1779 ; re tired, 1st May, 1781. (Died 30th No vember, 1843!) Roberts, John (N. C.). Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, ; in service in 1778. Roberts, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Malcolm s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 6th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 17th Novem ber, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 16th June, 1778 resigned 1st April, 1779 ; name also spelled Robert. Roberts, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 15th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 1st March, 1779 ; killed at Young s House, 3d February, 1780. Roberts, Owen (S. C.). Major 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel South Carolina State Artillery, 14th November, 1775 ; Colonel, ; killed at Stono Ferry,, 20th June, 1779. Roberts. 348 Robinson. Roberts, Richard Brooke (S. C.). Captain South Carolina State Artil lery Regiment, 1779 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Lincoln in 1782 ; Captain 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1?92; Major 3d Sub Legion, 28th February, 1793; assigned to 4th Infantry, 1st November, 1796 ; died 19th January, 1797. Roberts, Thomas (Va). Surgeon 10th Virginia, 1st October, 1778; transferred to 3d Virginia, 1st August, 1779, and served to close of war. Roberts, William (Va). Ensign of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780. Robertson, Abiather (Mass). Lieu tenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu- uary, 1777 ; resigned llth February, 1778. Robertson, Charles (N. C.). Major North Carolina Rangers, ; wounded at Wofford s Iron Works, 8th August, 1780. Robertson, James (Va). Adju tant 13th Virginia, loth October, 1777, to . Robertson, James (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Robertson, John (Va). See Rob inson. Robertson, John (Conn). Captain 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, to 31st December, 1776. Robertson, John (Va). Adjutant 10th Virginia, 4th December, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778 ; reg iment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 18th February, 1781, arid served to close of war. Robertson, Peter (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 7th November, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 28th De cember, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Robertson, Tully (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 25th March, 1776; cashiered, 6th June, 1777 ; also called Robinson ; he served subsequently as a Captain of a Virginia State Regi ment. Robertson, Robert (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 18th Sep tember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, Febru ary, 1777 ; wounded at Ofermantown, 4th October, 1777, and resigned shortly afterwards. Robertson, "William (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 21st October, 1775 ; re signed , 1776. Robertson, William (Va). Adju tant 9th Virginia, 22d May, 1777; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 24th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; released 3d December, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781. and served to close of war. (Died 12th November, 1831.) Robichaux, James (N. Y.). Cap tain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 18th December, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Robie, William. See Roby. Robinson, Abner (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 16th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant of Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, June to December, 1776; subsequently served as Captain Con necticut Militia. Robinson, Andrew (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, llth Sep tember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 4th January, 1781, and did not rejoin the army. Robinson, Caleb (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777; Brigade Inspector, 13th July, 1781 ; Major 2d New Hampshire, 6th October, 1781 ; retired 1st March, 1782. Robinson, Cole (Va). Ensign of a Virginia State Regiment in 1781. Robinson, Elias (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Sergeant 4th Connecticut, 12th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 27th December, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 26th October, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Robinson, Elijah (Conn). Corporal in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Captain, 1st July to 19th December, 1775; Captain of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Robinson, Enoch (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Robinson, Increase (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Robinson. 349 Rogers. Robinson, Jared (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st April, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Robinson, John (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel Massachusetts Militia at Concord, 19th April, 1775: Lieuten ant-Colonel of Prescotfs Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Robinson, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Robinson, Noah (N. H.). Ensign 8th Continental Infantry, 6th Sep tember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d Decem ber, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 30th November, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781, (Died 10th February, 1827.) Robinson, Samuel (Conn). Quar termaster-Sergeant 2d Canadian (Ha- zen s) Regiment, January, 1777 ; Regi mental Quartermaster, 1st Septem ber, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1782. Robinson, Samuel Jr. (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 15th December, 1775. Robinson, Septimus (N. C.). En sign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776 ; re signed 10th August, 1776. Robinson, Thomas (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1776 ; Major 5th Pennsylvania, 2d October, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Pennsylvania, llth June, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywirie, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, arid served to November, 1783. Robinson, Tully. See Robertson. Roby, Joseph (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Roby, William (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment, New Hampshire Rangers, January, 1770 ; taken pris oner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776. (Name also spelled Robie.) Roche, Edward (Del). 2d Lieu tenant and Paymaster Delaware Reg iment. 10th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Roche, Matthew (Ga). Lieuten ant and Adjutant 2d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778. Rochefontaine, Bechet de (France). Captain, Engineers, - ; brevet Major, 16th November, 1781. Rochel, John (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 28th November, 1776; omitted January, 1778. Rochel, Lovise (N.C.). 1st Lieuten ant 3d North Carolina, 28th Novem ber, 1776; resigned November, 1777. Rochester, Nathaniel (N. C.). Paymaster North Carolina Militia in 1775 arid 1776 ; Colonel North Carolina Militia and Commissary-General of Military Stores in North Carolina, 10th May, 1776, to 1781. Rockwell, John (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 1st De cember, 1775. Rockwell, Thaddeus (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 17th September, 1775. Rodgers, James (N. J.). Sergeant 4th New Jersey, 1st March, 1777 ; Eri- sign 3d New Jersey, 1st February, 1779; killed at Springfield, 24th Au gust, 1780. Rodgers, John R. B. (Pa). Sur geon 1st Pennsylvania, 1st October, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 17.3. (Died 29th January, 1833.) Rodman, Thomas (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 17th March, 1777; resigned 15th July, 1777. Rodney, Caesar (Del). Brigadier- General Delaware Militia, 1776. (Died 29th June, 1784.) Roe, Hugh (Pa). Ensign of Pat- ton s Additional Continental Regi ment, 15th January, 1777 ; resigned 14th January, 1778. Roe, James ( ). Commissary- General of Purchases, Cth August, 1777, to . Roe, Jesse (Pa). Captain of Flow er s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 3d February, 1777 ; resigned 23d Janu ary, 1778. Rogers, Andrew (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 10th March, 1777 ; resigned 2d March, 1778. Rogers, Hezekiah (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 12th June. 1777, to June, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, , 1781 ; Aide-de Camp to General Huntington, June, 1781, to June, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Con necticut Regiment in June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Military Storekeeper United States Army, February, 1802, to November, 1811. ^Rogers. 350 Rosa. Rogers, Jacob (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Rogers, Jedediah (Conn). Cor net 3d Continental Dragoons, 15th February, 1778 ; Lieutenant 2d June, 1778, and served to close of war. Cap tain Light Dragoons United States Army, 4th May, 1792 ; resigned 25th October, 1792. Rogers, John (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st May, 1779 ; wounded at Connecticut Farms, 23d June, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, August, 1781, and served to close of war ; Mili tary Storekeeper United States Army, 9th March, 1819 ; honorably discharged 1st June, 1821. Rogers, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 25th March, 1776, to ; was Captain of a Virginia State Regiment June, 1778, to February, 1782. Rogers, John (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 13th February, 1778. Rogers, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 4th January, 1781, to June, 1783. (Died 3d September, 1818.) Rogers, Nicholas (France). Major and Aide-de-Camp, 12th May, 1777 ; served as Aide-de-Camp to Generals Coudray and De Kalb to 10th Decem ber, 1778, when he was brevetted Lieu tenant-Colonel Continentyl Army and retired from the service. Rogers, Patrick (N. C.). Regi mental Quartermaster 1st North Caro lina, 3d November, 1776 ; Ensign 28th March, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d April, 1777 ; died 19th April, 1778. Rogers, Philip (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776, to . Rogers, Robert (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th February, 1777, and served to . (Died 5th August, 1835.) Rogers, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Henley s Additional Conti : riental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th June, 1777 ; trans ferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779, regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; trans ferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to . Rogers, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Rogers, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 19th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th September, 1776 ; Captain, 1st April, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . Rogers, William (Pa). Chaplain of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 6th April, 1776, to January, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, llth June, 1778; retired 16th January, 1781. (Died 7th April, 1824.) Rogers, William (Mass). Captain of Grerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Roggen, Peter (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 2d August, 1775, to January, 1776. Rohlwagen, Frederick. See Rowl- wagen. Rolston, Isaac (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, , 1777, to . Rolston, Robert (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th March, 1776 ; Captain, 8th March, 1777 ; re signed 29th August, 1777. Romans, Bernard (Pa). Captain Independent Pennsylvania Artillery Company, 8th February, 1776; re signed 1st June, 1778. Roney, John (Va). Regimental Adjutant 5th Virginia, 25th January, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Root, Aaron (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel and Colonel Massachusetts Militia in 1776 and 1777. Root, Elihu (Mass). Ensign 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st March, 1779. Root, Josiah (Conn). Conductor 2d Continental Artillery, 18th March, to July, 1777; subsequently served as Apothecary Northern Department to close of war. Root, Nathan (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 1st May, 1778. Rosa, Isaac A. (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777 ; re signed 22d January, 1778; served sub sequently as Captain New York Militia. Rosa. 351 Rouse. Rosa, Jacobus (N. YV). Captain New York Militia, ; killed at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777. Rose, Alexander (Va). 1st Lieu tenant Otb Virginia, 4th March, 1776 ; Captain, 17th September, 1776 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Rose, John (Pa). His proper name was Baron Gustavus H. de Rosenthal. Surgeon 7th Pennsylvania, 12th June, 1777 ; found not competent and trans ferred to General Hospital as Sur- geon s-Mate, under name of Gustavus Henderson ; appointed Surgeon s- Mate 7th Pennsylvania, 1st March, 1780; afterwards appointed Surgeon on the Revenge ; taken prisoner in fill of 1780 ; served as Aide-de-Camp to General Irvine in 1781 and 1782; Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, 1st April, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Rose, John (Conn). Sergeant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 13th November, 1778; retired 20th February, 1780. (Died 2d December, 1818.) Rose, John (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate of Webb s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1st August, 1778 ; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781; Surgeon, 3d March, 1782, and served to close of war. Rose, Robert (Va). Surgeon 1st Continental Dragoons, 10th Decem ber, 1776; retained in Baylor s Con solidated Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to No vember, 1783. Rosekrans, Jacob (N. J.). Cap tain 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned March, 1777. Rosekrans, James (N. Y..). Name also spelled Rosenkrans. Captain 4th New York, 3d August, 1775; Captain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 3d August, 1775 ; Major 3d New York, 1st March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Rosenthal, G-ustavus H. de Baron. See John Rose. Ross, David (Md). Major of Gray- son s Additional Continental Regi ment, llth January, 1777; resigned 20th December, 1777. Ross, George (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; resigned 18th De cember, 1777. Ross, George (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; resigned 21st July, 1776, to enter the Navy, and served as Captain of Marines. Ross, George (Pa). Adjutant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, llth Janu ary, 1776; 1st Lieutenant llth Penn sylvania, 13th November, 1776; Cap tain, ; resigned 1st April, 1778. Ross, James (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Major, 25th September, 1776; Major 1st Pennsylvania, January, 1777, to rank from 25th September, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 12th March, 1777, to rank from 27th September, 1776 ; transferred to 8th Pennsylvania, llth June, 1777 ; resigned 22d Septem ber, 1777. Ross, John (N. J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 13th March, 1776 ; Major 2d New Jersey, 7th April, 1779 ; Bri gade Inspector, October, 1779, to No vember, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 7th September, 1796.) Ross, Peren (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Ransom s Wyoming Valley Company, 26th August, 1776 ; resigned 25th October, 1777. Rosseter. - - (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Rosseter, Elnathon (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Captain, 1st July to 17th De cember, 1775. Rosseter, "William (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 20th December, 1775. Rotan, Peter. See Rutan. Roueire, Marquis de la. See Charles T. Armand. Roulledge, William (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 4th North Carolina, 25th January, 1777 ; resigned 20th August, 1777. Roundy, Luke (Mass). Ensign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant llth Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 22d October, 1777. Rounseville, Levi (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to Deceiuber, 1775. Rouse, Oliver (Mass). Ensign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Rouse. 352 Rudolph. transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783. (Died March, 1787.) Rouse, Thomas (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 2()th February, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, , 1780; taken prisoner at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; ex changed, 10th February, 1781 ; trans ferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783 ; name also spelled Rowse. Routt, Richard (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 2cl April, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Roux, Albert (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, , 1776 ; Captain, October, 1779 ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Rowan, Robert (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; resigned 29th June, 1770. Rowe, John (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Rowe, John (Mass). Private of Bridges Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 15th June, 1781 ; trans ferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continen tal Regiment in November, 1783, arid served to 20th June, 1784 ; Major 15th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died November, 1816.) Rowe, Winthrop (N. H.). Cap tain Company of Minute Men at Con cord, 19th April, 1775; Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775. Rowell, William (X. H.). Ensign in Poor s New Hampshire Regiment, 20th September to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 8th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 2d April, 1777, and served to close of war ; brevet- Major, 30th September, 1783. Rowley, Aaron (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Woodbridge s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775; served subsequently as Captain Massachusetts Militia Rowley, Abijah (Conn). Captain 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th De cember, 1775. Rowley, Nathaniel (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; served subse quently as Captain New York Mili tia. Rowlwagen, Frederick (Pa). 1st Lieutenant German Regiment, 19th July, 1776 ; cashiered 15th April, 1777. (Name also spelled Rohlwagen). Rowse, Thomas. See Rouse. Roxburg-, Alexander (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; Cap tain 1st Marvland, 10th December, 1776; Major, "7th April, 1780; trans ferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Roy, Beverly (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 15th August, 1777 ; Lieuten ant, 28th November, 1777 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; Captain, September, 1781, and served to close of war. Roy, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant of Grrayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, loth February. 1777, to . Rucker, Angus (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regirunt, 24th June, 1777; Captain, 3d July, 1779, arid served to , 1781. Rucker, Elliott (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 24th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, . 1778, and served to January, 1781. (Died 19th March, 1832.) Rudder, Epaphroditus (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Virginia State Regi ment, June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778, to October, 1779 ; Lieu tenant 1st Continental Dragoons, 1780 to close of war, Rudolph, John (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 25th October, 1780. Rudolph, John (Md). Lieutenant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 20th April, 1778; Captain 1st October, 1778, and served to . Rudolph, Michael (Md). Sergeant- Major of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 7th April, 1778 ; Regimen tal Quartermaster, 1st April, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 1st July, 1779. By the act of 24th September, 1779, it was "Resolved, that Congress greatly es teem the military caution so happily combined with daring activity by Lieutenants McCallisterand Rudolph, Rue. 353 Russell. in leading on the forlorn hope (in the attack on the enemy s works at Pow- lus Hook), and that the brevet of captain be given them." Captain 1st November, 1779, and served to close of war ; Captain 1st United States In fantry, 3d June, 1790; Major Light Dragoons, 5th March, 1792 ; Adjutant and Inspector of the army, 22d Feb ruary, 1793 ; resigned 17th July, 1793. (Drowned , 1795.) Rue, Lewis (IS". J.). Sergeant 2d New Jersey, November, 1775, to No vember, 1776 ; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; out in 1777. Ruecastle, John (N. J.). Private, Corporal and Sergeant 3d New Jer sey, December, 1775, to November, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 1st November, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 7th April, 1779 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Name also spelled Rericastle. Ruffln, Thomas (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 1st March, 1776 ; died llth April, 1776. Ruggles, Ashbel (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 16th Oc tober, 1775. Ruggles, Lazarus (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at White Plains, 28th Octo ber, 1776. Ruggles, Timothy (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Rumney, Edward (Mass). Cap tain-Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th Decem ber, 1775, to December, 1776. Rumney, "William (Va). Surgeon Virginia Regiment, 12th March, 1778 ; resigned 12th March. 1780. Rumsey, David (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, llth June, 1781, to 21st May, 1783. Rush, Benjamin (Pa). Surgeon- General Hospital Middle Depart ment, llth April, 1777 ; Physician- General Hospital Middle Department, 1st July, 1777 ; resigned 30th January, 1778. (Died 19th April, 1813.) Russell, Albert (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, 9th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 20th May, 1777 ; regiment des ignated 8th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st May, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th De cember, 1779, and served to close of war. Russell, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Pennsylvania, 3d Febru ary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Septem ber, 1777; resigned 16th April, 1779. (Died , 1836.) Russell, Andrew (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 25th March, 1776, to Russell, Charles (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 12th February, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th January, 1779, and served to January, 1782. Russell, Cornelius (Conn). Cor poral in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Private 2d Connecticut, 7th May to 19th December, 1775; Ser geant 17th Continental Infantry, Jan uary to December, 1776 ; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th December, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Russell, Edward (Conn). Captain of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 29th December, 1776. Russell, Giles (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 2d July, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Colonel 8th Connecticut, 5th March, 1778 ; died 28th October, 1779. Russell, Isaac (Mass). Lieuten ant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th March, 1778. Russell, James (N. Y.). Sergeant 1st New York, 10th December, 1776; Ensign, 20th February, 1777 ; omitted July, 1777. Russell, John ( ). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned , De cember, 1777. Russell, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1778, and served to Janu ary, 1780. Russell, John (Mass). Captain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 2d April, 1778. Russell, Thaddeus (Mass). Cap tain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Russell, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 3d October, 1775, to . 23 Russell. 354 Sackett. Russell, Thomas (R. I.). Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st October, 1777 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Stark in 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Russell, Thomas C. (S. C.). 2d Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, ; 1st Lieutenant, 9th October, 1779 ; served to close of war. Russell, William (Va). Colonel 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed November, 1780, and served to 3d November, 1783 ; brevet Briga dier-General, 3d November, 1783. Russell, "William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . , Russell, "William (Pa). Sergeant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June to December, 1775, and in 1st Continental Infantry in 1776 ; Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; wounded at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777 ; transfer red to Invalid Regiment, 17th Sep tember, 1779, but on account of his wounds did not join his regiment. (Died 4th March, 1802.) Rust, John (Va). Ensign 10th Virginia, December, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, llth July, 1777 ; dismissed, February, 1778. Rutan, Peter (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 18th December, 1776 ; resigned 12th August, 1779. Name also spelled Rotan. Rutgers ( ). Captain, ; killed at Long Island 27th August, 1776. Rutgers, Henry Jr. (N. Y.). Lieu tenant-Colonel Deputy Commissary- General of Musters, 6th April, 1779, to . Ruth, Francis (Pa). Adjutant Pennsylvania State Regiment, 18th April, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Rutherford, - - (S. C.). Major South Carolina State Troops, ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th Septem ber, 1781. Rutherford, Griffith (N. C.). Brig adier-General North Carolina Militia, April, 1776 ; wounded arid taken pris oner at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; exchanged, July, 1781. (Died Decem ber, 1799.) Rutherford, Samuel (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania Battalion Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 4th November, 1780. Rutledge, Joshua (Md). Lieuten ant 4th Maryland, 1st May, 1780; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th Au gust, 1780 ; exchanged, December, 1780, and served to April, 1783. Ryan, Michael (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant, 15th March, 1776 ; Brigade Major to St. Glair s Brigade, 17th September, 1776 ; Brigade Major to General Wayne, 21st May, 1777, to 13th June, 1779; was appointed Major 10th Penn- sylvania,23d October, 1777, which was deemed irregular, and superseded 9th May, 1778; Captain 5th Pennsylvania, to rank from 23d January, 1778 ; re signed 13th June, 1779 ; Inspector- General of Pennsylvania in 1780. Ryan, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 ; cashiered 24th Au gust, 1775. Ryckman, Wilhelmus (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant, 15th April, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Ryerson, Thomas (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 20th November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 18th November, 1776. s. Sabin, Zebadiah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Sackett, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutent 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 6th June, 1838.) Sackett, Israel (Mass). Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Sackett, James (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st April, 1777, to Sackett, James (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 14th Virginia, , 1777; resigned 24th April, 1778. Sackett, Peter (N. Y.). Adjutant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; deserted 25th August, 1778. Sackett. 355 Sands. Sackett, Richard (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 26th December, 1781, to Feb ruary, 1782. Sackett, Samuel (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain, 15th November, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776 ; Captain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 15th November, 1775; died 15th April, 1780. Sadler, Samuel (Md). Captain- Lieutenant Maryland Artillery Com pany, 3d September, 1779 ; resigned 1st June, 1780. Safford, Jacob (N. H.). Ensign of Warner sAdditional Continental Reg iment, 18th August, 1778 ; resigned 18th November, 1779. Safford, Joseph (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th September, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Safford, Samuel (N. H.). Major Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th July, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Sage, Comfort (Conn). Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Sale, John (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Henley s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 20th September, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Salisbury, Barent Staats (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, Novem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 1st March, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, 14th July, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Salmon, Nathaniel (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 5th February, 1777 ; resigned 14th November, 1777. Saltonstall, G-urdon (Conn). Col onel Connecticut Militia, 1775 and 1776 ; Brigadier-General Connecticut Militia, 10th September, 1776, to May, 1777. (Died 19th September, 1785.) Same, "William Jr. (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 25th March, 1776, to . Sammons, Jacob (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, February, 1777 ; resigned March, 1778. Sample, Robert (Pa). Captain 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; taken prisoner 7th March, 1778; at ; exchanged 4th November, 1780; re tired 1st January, 1781. Sampson, Andrew (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Sampson, Crocker (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter, 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 13th April, 1780; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 7th July, 1823.) Sampson, Ezekiel ( ). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 16th August, 1777 to . Sampson, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotteri s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Sampson, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Sanborn^ Aaron (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 27th May, to December, 1775. Sanborn, Abraham (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; 1st Lieuten ant of Tash s Regiment New Hamp shire Militia, 20th September to 1st December, 1776. Sanborn, Nathan (N. H.). Captain of Evans Regiment New Hampshire Militia, August, 1776, to October, 1777; wounded at Bemis Heights, 19th September, 1777. Sanderson, Reuben (Conn). Pri vate in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Private 2d Connecticut, 8th May to 17th December, 1775; Private in Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, June to December, 1776 ; Sergeant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; En sign 29th December, 1777; Lieuten ant, 22d August, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regi ment in June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 31st Decem ber, 1822.) Sandford, John (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant and Adjutant of Malcolm s New York Regiment, September, 1776; Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, llth March, 1777; transferred to Spencer s Regi ment, 22d April, 1779; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Sandridge, Augustine (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster 6th Virginia, 16th August, 1777 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Sands, Edward (N.Y.). Surgeon s- Mate 4th New York, 17th August to December, 1775. Sanford. Sanford, Ezekiel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 28th November, 1775; 1st Lieutenant of Silliman s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 17th March, 1778. Sanford, Samuel (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 10th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 15th December, 1777 ; trans ferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Sanford, Samuel (N. Y.). Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 2d December, 1776 ; resigned 25th April, 1780. Sanford, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 21st September, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, February, 1776 ; Captain, 25th December, 1776; re signed 6th April, 1778. Sanger, Jedediah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Continental, Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Sansum, Philip (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th September, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 4th October, 1777; Captain, ,1781, and served to close of Avar. Saple, John Alexander (Pa). Sur- geonVMate, 8th Pennsylvania, - August, 1778 ; transferred to Hospital Department in March, 1779, and served to close of war. Sargent, Paul Dudley (Mass). Col onel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Colonel 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 28th September, 1828.) Sarg-ent, Samuel (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of BedeFs Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 13th January to December, 1776. Sarg-ent, Winthrop (Mass). Lieu tenant of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, 7th July, 1775; Captain-Lieutenant of Knox s Regi ment Continental Artillery, 10th De cember, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; brevet Major, 28th August, 1783 ; served as Aide-de-Camp to General Howe, June, 1780, to clcse of war ; served as Adju tant-General of the army in the field under General St. Clair, September, 356 Savage-, 1791, until wounded in action with Indians on the Maumee, Ohio, 4th November, 1791. (Died 3d June, 1820.> Sartwell, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 24th January, 1822.) Sartwell, Simon (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 20th September, 1777 ; Captain, 24th March, 1780, and served to . (Was in service July, 1781.) Satterlee, William (Conn). Cap tain of Elruore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776 ; Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 15th December, 1776; wounded at Mon- mouth, 28th June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 6th December, 1798.) Saunders, Jesse (N. C.). Captain 6th North Carolina, April, 1776; resigned May, 1776. Saunders, Jesse (Mass). Captain of Sargent s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; cashiered, 9th August, Saunders, Joseph (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment in 1778 and 1779. Saunders, Robert Hyde (Va). En sign Virginia State Regiment, 30th March, 1777 ; resigned , 1778. Saunders, Roger Parker (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Saunders, William (N. C.). En sign 6th North Carolina, 2d April, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Caro lina, 1st June, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 6th February, 1779 ; retired 1st Januarv, 1783. Savage, Abijah (Conn). Lieuten ant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775 ; exchanged, October, 1776; Captain of Sherburne s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 25th February, 1777; retired 1st January, Savage, Henry (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1779 ; served as Regimental Adjutant, llth November, 1777, to June, 1783. Savag-e, Henry ( ). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Artillery, 21st, April, 1779, and served to . ;Savage. 357 Scammell. Savage, John (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Penn- sylvani, 15th February, 1777 ; retired with rank of Captain, 7th September, 1778. (Died 26th April, 1825.) Savage, John (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 22d January, 1778. Savage, Joseph (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Virginia, , 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Savage, Joseph (Mass). Entered the service in April, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant of Kiiox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Ar tillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 120th September, 1779, and served to 17th June, 1783; Captain United States Artillery Battalion, 20th Octo ber, 1786 ; Captain of Artillery Bat talion United States Army, 29th Sep tember, 1789 ; resigned 15th October, 1791. (Died 20th January, 1814.) Sawyer, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina, ; wounded at .Beaufort, 9th February, 1779. Sawyer, Ephraim (Mass). Major of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi- .ment, May to December, 1775. Sawyer, Ephraim (Mass). 1st Lieutenant llth Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 15th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 28th October, 1777 ; Captain of Henley s Additional Continental Regiment, 26th December, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Sawyer, James (Mass). Captain of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, Mav to December, 1775. Sawyer, James (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 22d February, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachu setts, 12th June, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, No vember, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 27th March, 1827.) Sawyer, Jesse (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December, 1775. Sawyer, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st April, 1779. Sawyer, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Whitcomb s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 14th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 19th July, 1777. (Name also spelled Sayer.) Sawyer, Levi (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, loth May, 1776 ; resigned 16th March, 1778. Sawyer, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to - . (Name also spelled Sayer.) Sawyer, "William (N. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Sayer, Jonathan. See Sawyer. Sayer, Joshua (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Elliott, s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 19th August, 1776 ; Captain, 12th December, 1776, and served to . Sayles, David (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15t?i January, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th June, 1777; trans ferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Captain, 1st May, 1782, and served to close of war. Sayres, John (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 18th September, 1775 ; Ma jor 4th Virginia, 13th August, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 9th Virginia, 30th January, 1777; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. (Name also spelled Seayres.) Sayres, Robert (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 7th May, 1776 ; Cap tain 4th April, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; supernumerary, May, 1779. Sayres,. Thomas (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Sayres, William Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Pennsylvania, 16th Octo ber, 1776 ; retired 1st July, 1778; Scammell, Alexander (N. H.). Major New Hampshire Militia, April, 1775 ; Brigade Major to New Hamp shire Brigade, 21st September, 1775 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Sullivan, 14th August, 1776 ; Brigade Major to General Lee s Division, 29th October, 1776 ; Colonel 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Adjutant-General Continental Army,on staff of General Washington, 5th January, 1778, to 1st January, 1781, when he resigned to assume command of the 1st New Hampshire ; mortally wounded and taken prisoner at Yorktown, 30th September, 1781, and died while a. prisoner, 6th October, 1781. Scammell. 358 Scott. Scammell, Samuel Leslie (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 30th Au gust, 1780 ; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November,1783. Scammon, James (Mass). Colo nel of a Masachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Scarborough, John (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 10th February, 1777; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778; Lieutenant, 26th De cember, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Schaffner, George (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant German Regiment, 12th July, 1776; Lieutenant of Schott s Com pany, Ottendorff s Battalion, Pulaski Legion, 4th February, 1777 ; Captain 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 8th Feb ruary, 1778 ; Major, , and served to . (Name also spelled Schaeffer, Shaffer and Shaffner.) Schaffner, Peter (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant Pennsylvania Musket Bat talion, 20th March, 1776, to . Schenck, Curtenius (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 16th De cember, 1775, to 20th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted October, 1777. Schenck, William (N. J. ). Ensign of Forman s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st March, 1777 ; resigned 1st August, 1778. (Died 1st July, 1827.) Schofleld, William (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, ; retired 1st July, 1778. Schott, John Paul (Pa). Captain Independent Pennsylvania Company, 6th September, 1776 ; attached to Ot tendorff s Corps, 7th December, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777 ; exchanged ; in orders of 1780 is called major ; served to close of war. (Died 18th July, 1829.) Schrack, David (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 17th October, 1777; retired 1st July, 1778. Schrauder, Philip (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant German Battalion, 12th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th May, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 8th February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Schreiber, Jacob ( ). Lieuten ant Continental Artillery, 26th No vember, 1779; Captain Corps of En gineers, 2d March, 1780; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged 1781 ; retired 1st May, 1783. Schroeder, G-eorge L. (N. Y.)- Adjutant 3d New York, 30th June, 1775 ; resigned llth September, 1775. Schrop, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of OttendorfTs Corps, 19th March, 1777; omitted on roll for July, 1777. Schuyler, Dirck (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 5th June, 1782, and served to close of war; Lieutenant United States Artillery Battalion, 7th August, 1786 ; Lieutenant Artillery United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; resigned 20th June, 1792. Schuyler, Nicholas (N.Y.). Sur geon 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, , 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Schuyler, Philip (N. Y.). Major- General Continental Army, 19th June, 1775 ; resigned 19th April, 1779. (Died 18th November, 1804.) Schuyler, Richard (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 5th June, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Schwartz, Christopher G-odfried (Pa). Ensign German Regiment, 19th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 14th May, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Scofleld, Reuben (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 10th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; subsequently sesved as Captain Connecticut Militia. Scott, Benjamin (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to . Scott, Calvin (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1778 ; resigned 29th August, 1779, Scott, Charles (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1781 ; re tained in Baylor s Regiment of Dra goons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Scott, Charles (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 2d Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Colonel 5th Virginia, 7th May, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 1st April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and was a prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died 22d October, 1813.) Scott, Ezekiel (Conn). Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Scott. Scott, James (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 14th December, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Scott, John (Va). Ensign 1st Vir ginia, 10th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Scott, John Budd (N. J.). Cap tain 2d New Jersey, 9th December, 1775 ; cashiered, 2d November, 1776. Scott, John Day (Md). Captain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; killed at White Plains, 28th October, 1776. Scott, John Eppes (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 15th Virginia. 21st July, 1777 ; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th May, 1779, and served to . (In service, January, 1780.) Scott, John Morin (N. Y.). Briga dier-General New York Militia, 9th June, 1776; wounded at White Plains, 28th October, 1776 ; served to March, 1777. (Died 14th September, 1784.) Scott, Joseph Sr. (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 16th September, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, January, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant, May, 1776, to August, 1777 ; Captain, 9th August, 1777 ; wounded at Germantown, 4th October, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Vir ginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Scott, Joseph Jr. (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 21st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth September, 1777; Captain, 12th May, 1780, and served to . Scott, Matthew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 15th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 8th December, 1776 ; Captain Pennsylvania State Regi ment, 18th April, 1777, to rank from 24th October, 1776 ; regiment desig nated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th No vember, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Scott, Moses (N. J.). Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780 ; resigned 13th December, 1780. Scott, "Walter (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Scott, William (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Major, ; Lieutenant-Colonel, ; retired 1st January, 1781. Scott, William (Mass,. 2d Lieu tenant of Sargent s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; taken prisoner 359 Scull. at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 16th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain of Henley s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to Jackson s Regi ment, 22d April. 1779 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Scott, William (N. H.). Captain New Hampshire Company, April, 1778 ; company attached to Sargent s Massachusetts Regiment, 7th July, 1775; Captain 16th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; wounded at Stillwater, 19th Septem ber, 1777; Major, 20th September, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Scott, William (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 4th July, 1779 ; Lieutenant, , 1781, and served to close of war. Scott, William (Ga). Captain 3d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Scott, William (Va). Captain of Thruston s Additional Continental Regiment, March, 1777 ; dismissed 4th April, 1778, and his company at tached to Hartley s Regiment. Screven, Benjamin (S. C.). Cap tain South Carolina Dragoons, 1779. Screven, James (Ga). Served as Colonel and Brigadier-General Geor gia Militia, 1775, until killed at Med- way Church, 24th November, 1778. Scribner, Nathaniel (Conn). Cap tain Connecticut Militia, ; wound ed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Scroggen, Robert (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777; re signed May, 1777. Scruggs, George (Va). Captain 5th Virginia, 26th February, 1776, to Scudder, Nathaniel (N. J.). Colo nel New Jersey Militia, ; killed in a skirmish at Shrewsbury, 16th October, 1781. Scudder, William (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, June, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner by Indians at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Scull, Edward (Pa). Adjutant of Haller s Battalion Pennsylvania Mi litia in 1776; Captain 4th Pennsyl vania, 3d January, 1777 ; resigned llth May, 1779. Scull, John Gambier (N. C.). En sign 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 21st November, 1776; Captain, 26th April, 1777, and served to . (In service, 1780.) Gcull. 360 Seily. Scull, Nicholas (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th Janu ary, 1776, to Scull, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 17th July, 1775; Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; Brigade-Major, 23d March, 1776, and served to . Scull, William (Pa). Captain llth Pennsylvania, 13th November, 1776, to . Seabury, Benjamin (R. I.). Cap tain of Church s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Seagraves, Edward (Mass). Cap tain of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Searle, David (R. I.). Lieutenant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to May, 1777. Searle, "William (Mass). Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Sears, Barnes (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Sears, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland, November, 1779 ; wounded at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Sears, Nathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 3d Lieutenant 23d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1r<ryo i <O. Sears, Peter (Md). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st March, 1779, to . Seaton, Augustine (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 24th May, 1777 ; resigned 20th Decem ber, 1777. Seaward, Shackford (N. H). 2d Lieutenant of Long s New Hampshire Militia Regiment, May, 1776 ; re signed 10th February, 1777. Seayres, John. See Sayres. Second., - - ( ). Captain Pu- laski Legion from to ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783. Sedam, Cornelius Ryer (N. J.). Ensign 1st IS T ew Jersey, 30th May, 1782, and served to close of Avar ; En sign United States Infantry Regi ment, 17th March, 1786 ; Ensign 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Lieutenant, 22d Oc- taber, 1790; Captain, 23d April, 1792; assigned to 1st Sub Legion, 4th Sep tember, 1792; honorably discharged 1st November, 1776. (Died 10th May, 1823. Name also selled Suydam.) Sedgwick, John (Conn). Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Major of Burrall s Con necticut State Regiment, 19th Janu ary, 1776 ; Major 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 10th Febru ary, 1778; ser r ed also as Lieutenant- Colonel Connecticut Militia. Seeber, Jacob W. (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Seber, Severinus (N.Y.). 1st Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Seeber, William (N. Y.). Lieuten ant-Colonel New York Militia, ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Seegern, Frederick (Pa). Quar termaster German Battalion, 12th July, 1776; resigned 10th October, 1776 ; Ensign 3d Cavalry Pulaski Le gion, 1st May, 1778; 1st Lieutenant 1st June, 1779, and served to . (Name also spelled Seegarn and Segern.) Seeley, Isaac (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion. 5th Jan uary, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Penn sylvania, January, 1777; Captain, 20th September, 1777; Brigade Major 2d Pennsylvania Brigade, 22d March, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, arid served to close of war. Seeley, Josiah (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; resigned 24th February, 1776. Seeley, Samuel (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey 4th October, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th October, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, llth March, 1780; re tained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to close of war. Seibert, Henry (Pa). Lieutenant 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 6th June, 1778, and served to . (In service January, 1780.) Seibert, Philip (Pa). Captain In valid Regiment, to rank from 10th February, 1776, and served to June, 1783. Seily, Charles (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January to 1st April, 1777. Seits. 361 Sewall. Seits, Peter (N. Y.). Ensign New Militia, ; prisoner of war, 2d June, 1778, to 9th November, 1780. Seitz, Charles (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged December, 1776 ; Adjutant of Otten- dorffs Corps, 14th April, 1777; resigned 22d September, 1777. Selden, Charles (Mass). 3d Lie-i- tenant of Lee s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th July, 1777; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th March, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783; re tained in Jackson s Continental Regi ment in November, 1783, and served as Regimental Adjutant, 16th June, 1783, to 20th June, 1784. (Died 1st January, 1820.) Selden, Ezra (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 6th May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 10th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Adjutant 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain, llth January, 1778; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Selden, Joseph (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Selden, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 15th September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 25th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; exchanged November, 1780, and served to close of war. Selden, Samuel (Conn). Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; wounded and taken pris oner in the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776, and died in prison, llth October, 1776. Selin, Anthony (Pa). Captain of Otteiidorffs Corps, 10th December, 1776 ; also appears as Captain 2d Canadian Regiment, 10th December, 1776, and referred to as late Major of same in Journal of Congress of 24th February, 1784 ; appears to have served to 1st January, 1783. (Died, , 1792.) Selleck, Jacob (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 9th October, 1775. Selleck, Simeon (Conn). Regimen tal Quartermaster 5th Connecticut. 20th May to 20th June, 1775. Sellman, Jonathan (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; trans ferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781; Major, 9th May, 1782; retired April, 1783. Semmes. See Simms, as name is spelled both ways. Senter, Asa (N. H.). Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 14th August, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 1st New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, 5th March, 1778 ; Captain, 12th May, 1781, and served to close of war. Senter, Isaac (N. H.). Volunteer Surgeon in the Expedition to Canada, November, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Hos pital Surgeon, 20th July, 1776, to April, 1779. (Died 21st December, 1799.) Senter, Joseph (N. H.). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Wyman s Regiment New Hampshire Militia, 1776 to Sere, Daniel (Md). Chaplain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, June to December, 1776. Sever, James (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st February, 1781 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Post Captain United States Navy, llth May, 1798; honorably discharged, 18th June, 1801. (Died" 16th Decem ber, 1845.) Sevier, John (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Militia, 1777, to close of war; Brigadier-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798; honor ably discharged 15th June, 1800. (Died 24th September, 1815.) Sevier, Robert (N. C.). Captain North Carolina Militia, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Sewall, Charles (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned or died 19th Novem ber, 1777. Sewall, Clement (Md). Sergeant 1st Maryland, 4th March, 1777; En sign, 12th September, 1777, to rank from 4th March, 1777; severely wounded at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777, and rendered no further service. Sewall. Sewall, Henry (Mass), Corporal in Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 ; Ensign, September to December, 1775 ; Ensign 18th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 1st April, 1779; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 3d May, 1782; Major Aide -de -Camp to General Heath, 5th February, 1781, to June, 1783. (Died llth September, 1845.) Sewall, Stephen (Mass). Captain of Lee s Additional Continental Reg iment, 1st March, 1777; resigned 1st July, 1778 ; Captain Aide-de-Camp to General Glover, 16th August, 1778, to . Seward, Richard (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 1st February, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged December, 1776 ; did not return to service. Seward, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Ar tillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to June, 1783. (Died 27th November, 1800.) Sexton, George ( ). 2d Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th September, 1778 ; resigned 26th September, 1780. Seybert, Nicholas (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 20th Feb ruary, 1777; dropped 4th July, 1777. Seymour, Horace (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Continental Dragoons, 25th March, 1777 ; Cornet, 10th July, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 2d June, 1779, and served to close of war. Seymour, Thomas Young (Conn). Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 10th January, 1777 ; Captain, 20th Oc tober, 1777 ; resigned 23d November, 1778. Seymour, William (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th December, 1775. Shackelford, William (Va). 2d Lieutenant 14th Virginia, 2d Decem ber, 1776 ; died 23d November, 1777. Shade, Henry (Pa). Captain of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 9th March, 1776 ; Captain 10th Penn sylvania, 5th December, 1776; cash iered 17th October, 1777. 362 Shaw. See Schaff- Shaffer and Shaffner. ner. Shaick, Goose Van. See Van Shaick. Shallus, Jacob (Pa). Regimental Quartermaster 1st Pennsylvania Bat talion, 19th January, 1776; Ensign, 6th August, 1776; resigned 1st Janu ary, 1777. (Died 18th April, 1796.) Shanks, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; cashiered 12th October, 1777. Shannon, William (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, February, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, November, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 4th December, 1776, and served to . Shapley, Adam (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia; - ; killed at Grotoii Heights, 6th September, 1781. Sharp, Anthony (N. C.). Lieuten ant 9th North Carolina, 28th Novem ber, 1776 ; Captain, 24th August, 1777, and served to . Sharp, Anthony (N. J.). Captain 3d New Jersey, 9th February to No vember, 1776 ; served also as Major New Jersey Militia. Sharp, Elijah (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 14th December, 1775 ; Captain of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776. Sharp, James Boyd (Ga). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d Georgia, ; in ser vice in 1779. Sharp, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Ottendorffs Corps, 3d March, 1777; Lieutenant 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 10th February, 1778; Captain of Armand s Partisan Corps, , and served to . Sharp, John (N. C.). Ensign of Captain Pemberton s Company North Carolina Rangers; in service October, 1780. Sharpe, Anthony (N. C.). Cap tain 1st North Carolina, ; in ser vice in 1779. Shartel, Jacob (Pa). Captain of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, , 1777 ; wounded by In dians at Muncey Creek, Pennsylvania, in 1778. Shaw, Amos (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Thomas Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Shaw, Archibald (N. J.). Captain 2dNew Jersey, 25th December, 1775;, resigned 5th February, 1777. Shaw. Sheldon. Shaw, Benjamin (Mass). Ser geant-Major llth Massachusetts, Jan uary, 1777 ; Ensign, 2d October, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 18th March, 1780 ; trans ferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to . Shaw, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Shaw, Daniel (N. C.). Ensign 6th North Carolina, 2d April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, llth October, 1777; trans ferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st June, 1778; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Shaw, Elijah (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Shaw, Francis (N. Y.). Ensign of Nicholson s New York Militia Regi ment, June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; resigned 10th February, 1779. Shaw, James (Mass). Lieutenant 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 22d December, 1777. (Died April, 1822.) Shaw, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Walker s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Shaw, John (N. Y.). Lieutenant in New York Levies, 1780 and 1781 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artil lery, 2d November, 1781 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to 3d * November, 1783. (Died 14th July, 1826.) Shaw, Jonathan (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, loth February, 1777 ; detected in horse stealing in July, 1777, and made his escape. Shaw, Mason (Mass). Adjutant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Shaw, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Regi mental Adjutant, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 12th April, 1780; transferred to Corps of Artil lery, 17th June, 1783 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Knox, June to November, 1783. (Died 30th May, 1794.) Shaw, Sylvanus (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Church s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; ex changed about August, 1776 ; Captain 2d Rhode Island, 4th May, 1777 ; killed at Red Bank, 22d October, 1777. Shaw, Thomas (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, August, 1776, to May, 1777. Shaylor, Joseph (Conn). Ensign of Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 15th November, 1778; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783; Captain 2d United States In fantry, 4th March, 1791 ; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; Major 3d Sub Legion, 1st October, 1793 ; assigned to 2d Infantry, 1st No vember, 1796; resigned 16th May,1797. (Died 4th March, 1816.) Shays, Daniel (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 14th October,1780. (Name also spelled Shea and Shaes.) Shead, Joseph (Mass). Ensign of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Sheck, Frederick (Ga). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Georgia, 26th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, , 1780, and served to close of war. Shee, John (Pa). Colonel 3d Penn sylvania Battalion, 3d January, 1776 ; resigned 27th September, 1776. Sheftall, Mordecai(Ga). Commis sary-General for troops in Georgia, July, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Savan nah, 29th December, 1778. Shelby, Moses ( ). Captain, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th October, 1780. Sheldon, Daniel (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Sheldon, Daniel (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Connecticut, June to De cember, 1775. Sheldon, Elisha (Conn). Major Commandant Battalion Connecticut Light Horse, June, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Continental Dragoons, 12th Decem ber, 1776, and served to close of war. Sheldon, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Januarj% 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; de serted July, 1778. Shelmerdine. 364 Sherman. Shelmerdine, Stephen (Md). 2d Lieutenant -ith Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Feb ruary, 1778; resigned 15th December, 1779. Shelton, Oloug-h (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, llth December. 1776; Captain, 1st March, 1777, regi ment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Shepard, David (Mass). Volunteer Surgeon at Lexington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Captain Massachu setts Militia, April, 1775 ; Surgeon of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon of Militia at Bennington in August, 1777. Shepard, John Jr. (Mass). 3d Lieutenant of Danielson s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Shepard, Thomas (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 1st December, 1775. Shepard, William (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to November, 1783. (Name also spelled Shepherd.) Shepard William (Mass). Lieu tenant-Colonel of Danielson s Massa chusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; Colonel, 2d October, 1776; to rank from 4th May, 1776 ; Colonel 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 4th May, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died llth November, 1817. Name also spelled Shepherd.) Shephard, Abraham (N. C.). Colonel 10th North Carolina, from to . See Shepherd. Shepherd, - , (S. C.). Captain Charleston Regiment, ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Shepherd, Abraham (Va). Cap tain llth Virginia, 9th July, 1776 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. (Name also spelled Shephard). See Shep hard. Shepherd, Abram (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Shepherd, Charlton (N. J.). Cap tain New Jersey Militia, ; wounded at Hancock s Bridge, 21st March, 1778, Sheppard, Moses (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 4th Connecticut, 10th May to December, 1775. Sheppard, Samuel (N. J.). Adju tant 3d New Jersey, 2d April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; resigned 12th May, 1782. Sherburne, Benjamin (R. I.). En sign of Sherburne s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 14th January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Sherburne, Edward (N. H.). Ma jor and Aide-de-Camp to General Sul livan, 9th October, 1776; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Sherburne, Henry (R. I.). Major 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; taken prisoner near the Cedars, 20th May, 1776; Major 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Colonel of one of the Sixteenth Additional Continental Regiments, 12th January, 1777 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Sherburne, Samuel (N. H.). Bri gade-Major to General Whipple s Bri gade of New Hampshire Militia, ; wounded (lost leg) at Quaker Hill, 29th August, 1778. (Died 2d August, 1830.) Sherman, Asaph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Ward s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775. Sherman, Ebenezer (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Spalding s Company Rhode Island Artillery, 15th January, 1776, to . Sherman, Henry (R. I.). Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1st September, 1777; Lieutenant, , 1780; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Sherman, Isaac (Conn). Captain 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 2d Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Com mandant 8th Connecticut, 23th Octo ber, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 16th February, 1819.) Sherman, John (Conn). Paymas ter 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783 ; had rank of 2d Lieutenant from 7th October, 1777, and as 1st Lieutenant from 10th May, 1780. Sherman. 65 Shubrick. Sherman, Josiah (Conn). Chap lain 7th Connecticut, 1st January to 6th December, 1777. Sherman, William (Conn). Pay master of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 6th July, 1776; re tired 1st January, 1781. Sherwood, Adiel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st No vember, 1776, to rank from 1st March, 1776 ; resigned 16th May, 1780 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Sherwood, Isaac (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; died 10th October, 1777, of wounds received at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777. Sherwood, Seth (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 10th October, 1780, to llth No vember, 1782. Sherwood, Stephen (N. Y.). En sign New York Militia, ; prisoner of war, 4th to 19th March, 1782. Shethar, John (Conn). Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain, llth October, 1777 ; resigned 8th March, 1780. Shick, Frederick (Ga). Lieuten ant 2d Georgia, ; on roll for Au gust, 1778. Shield, John (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 8th April, 1778; died 16th January, 1779, of wounds received at . Shiles, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 10th Pennsylvania, 20th April, 1777; died 5th October, 1777, of wounds re ceived llth September, 1777, at Brandywine. Shinier, Isaac (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Baxter s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, 9th July, 1776 ; supposed to have been killed at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Shinn, Buddie (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted in 1778. Shipman, Benoni (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Pri vate 1st Connecticut, 25th May to 20th December, 1775 ; Sergeant-Major 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; Ensign, July, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st Octo ber, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 2d September, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Shipman, Edward (Conn). Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775 ; Captain 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Major Connecticut Militia and State Troops. Shippen, William Jr. (Pa). Chief Physician of the Flying Camp, 15th July to 1st December, 1776 ; Director- General of all Hospitals, llth April, 1777; resigned 3d January, 1781. (Died 4th November, 1801.) Shircliff, William (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; died 1st February, 1778; also reported as resigned 1st Febru ary, 1778. Shirtefant, Jesse (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Shirtliff, Joseph. See Shurtliff. Shoemaker, (Md). Lieutenant 4th Maryland, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Carnden, 16th Au gust, 1780. Shoemaker, (Pa). Lieutenant of Kachlein s Battalion Pennsylvania Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Shoemaker, (Pa). Lieutenant Pennsylvania Militia, ; killed at the Wyoming Massacre, 3d July, 1778. Shortridge, Richard (N. H.). Cap tain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; killed at Gwynn s Island, 8th July, 1 Wti 1 i 7b. Shreve, Israel (N. J.). Lieutenant- Colonel 2d New Jersey, 7th Novem ber, 1775 ; Colonel, 28th November r 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Shreve, John (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 25th July, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, llth July, 1777; 1st Lieuten ant, 3d February, 1779 ; resigned May, 1780. Shriver, Samuel (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January to 1st November. 1776. Shrupp, Henry (Pa). Ensign Ger man Regiment, 20th August, 1777; re signed 3d July, 1779. Shubrick, Richard (S. C.), 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775 ; Captain 2d South Caro lina Artillery, 15th November, 1776;, died 8th November, 1777. Shubrick. 366 Sill. Shubrick, Thomas (S. C,). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; Captain, 15th January, 1778; Aide- de-Cainp to General Greene in 1781. By the act of the 29th October, 1781; it was "Resolved, that Major-General Greene be desired to present the thanks of Congress to Captain Shu brick, his Aide-de-Camp, in testi mony of his particular activity and good conduct during the whole ac tion at Eutaw Springs, S. C." Served to close of war. Shugart, Martin (Md). Ensign German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; 3d Lieutenant, 15th November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant 25th May, 1778 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Shugart, Zacharius (Pa). Lieu tenant of Swope s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th Novem ber, 1776 ; exchanged 31st December, 1780. Shumway, John (Conn). Private in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; En sign 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 16th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Shurtliff, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776, to 1st September, 1777, when he accepted position in Quartermaster s Department. (Name also spelled Shirtliff.) Shute, Daniel (Mass). Aide-de- Camp to General Lincoln, 27th Octo ber, 1777, to January, 1778 ; Surgeon 4th Massachusetts, llth April, 1782 to close of war. (Died 18th April, 1829.) Shute, John (Pa). 3d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, - ; 1st Lieu tenant, ; resigned 10th March, 1780. Shute, Samuel (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 26th August, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, llth September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th April, 1780 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Shute, William (N. J.). Captain and Paymaster 2d New Jersey, 28th November, 1775 ; resigned 2d April, 1778 ; Ensign and Paymaster 2d New Jersey, 17th June, 1780; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783, nd served to 3d November, 1783 ; Major llth United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably dis charged 15th June, 1800. Shyrock, Henry (Md). Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to Decem ber, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to 17th April, 1777. (Name also spelled Shryock.) Sibbeo, Thomas (N.Y.). Sergeant 4th New York, 1st March, 1777; Surgeon s-Mate, 23d October, 1778 ; omitted November, 1779. Sibley, Henry (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 15th March, 1777. Sickles, Ethan (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Lasher s Regiment New York. Militia ; cashiered, 27th Oc tober, 1776. Sickles, Thomas (N. J.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 25th November, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted March, 1777. Sigismund, Ernst ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of OttendorfTs Corps, 29th April, 1777, to . Signcross, George (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Sigourneir, Louis de (- . Cap tain 3d Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 9th February, 1778, and served to . Sill, David Fithian (Conn). Lieu tenant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Captain 10th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Major 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 5th March, 1778 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Sill, Richard (Conn). Regimental Quartermaster 10th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Regimen tal Paymaster, 7th September to 31st December, 1776; Regimental Paymas ter 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th December, 1777 ; Captain, , 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Alex ander, 26th September, 1781, to 15th January, 1783, when he rejoined his regiment and served to 3d June, 1783. Sill, Thomas (Conn). Private 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 26th Novem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 5th July, 1776 ; Captain, 4th November, 1778 ; killed llth October, 1780, near Fort George, Conn. Silliman. 367 Sizer. Silliman, Gold Selleck (Conn). Colonel Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Connecticut Mili tia, December, 1776, to January, 1781. (Died 21st July, 1790.) Silver, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Sim, Patrick (Md). Captain of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Major 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 18th February, 1777; resigned 15th July, 1777. (Died 7th January, 1819.) Simmes, James (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 27th May, 1778 ; taken pris oner at Westchester, 16th September, 1778 ; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Name also spelled Semmes.) Simmons, Isaiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Kriox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to Simmons, Jeremiah (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Proctor s Company Pennsylvania Artillery, 24th Febru ary, 1776 ; Captain, - , 1776, and served to . Simmons, Jonathan (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Simmons, Peleg- Jr. (R. I.). En sign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to May, 1777. Simms, Charles (Va). Major 12th Virginia, 12th November, 1776 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 6th Virginia, 29th Sep tember, 1777; transferred to 2d Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778; resigned 7th December, 1779. Simms, Edward (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, llth September, 1779 ; re signed 7th February, 1780. Simms, John (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776, to . Simms, "William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777; resigned November, 1777. Simonds, Daniel (Mass). Ensign 15th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1779 ; Lieutenant, 13th April, 1780; trans ferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; resigned 8th May, 1782. (Name also spelled Symonds.) Simonds, James (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of G-ridley s Regiment of Mas sachusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 4th Continental Artillery, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Simonet, John ( ). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 20th April, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778; "ran away 1st April, 1779." Simons, . (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Dragoons, ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Simpson, Andrew ( ). Ensign of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, - , 1779 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Simpson, John (Conn). Surgeon 5th Connecticut, 14th August, 1778; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Simpson, Michael (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st Penn- splvania, 1st December, 1776 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 1st June, 1813.) Simpson, Thomas (N.H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, - ; wounded at Beinus Heights, 19th September, 1777, and at Stillwater, 7th October, 1777 ; Captain-Lieuten ant, 22d May, 1779 ; resigned 20th July, 1779. Simrall, Alexander (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; resigned , 1777. Sing-let ar 57;, William (N. C.). Lieu tenant 8th North Carolina, ; re signed 26th October, 1777. Singleton, Anthony (Va). Cap tain 1st Continental Artillery, 7th February, 1777 ; served to close of war. Singleton, Richard (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Sinn, Frederick (S. C.). Surgeon South Carolina Artillery Regiment, 1 ;t January, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Jiiarleston, 12th May, 1780. Sinnett, Samuel (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 2()th February, 1777 ; re signed 1st June, 1777. Sizer, "William (Conn). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Regiment Artillery Artificers, 26th July, 1777; Captain 1st May, 1778, and served to . Skerrett. Skerrett, Clement (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 5th February, 1778 ; Regimental Quarter master, 6th June, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Skillings, John (Mass). Captain llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; " killed 2d April, 1777 ;" where, not stated. Skillington, Elijah (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, oth April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Carnden, 16th Au gust, 1780. Skillington, Thomas (Del). Cap tain of Patterson s Delaware Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Skinner, Abraham (Pa). Ensign 1st Continental Infantry, February to December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Ger- mantown, 4th October, 1777 ; ex changed June, 1778 ; Commissary- General of Prisoners, 15th Septem- ter, 1780, to close of war. (Died 31st July, 1826.) Skinner, Alexander (Va). Sur geon 1st Virginia, 26th October, 1775 ; Surgeon of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 1780, to close of war. Skinner, Elisha (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; Surgeon, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 12th September, 1778. (Died November, 1827.) Skinner, Frederick (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Skinner, John (Conn). Lieuten ant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775. Skinner, John James (Md). En sign 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 7th July, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th Sep- tember,1778 ; transferred to 1st Mary land, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Skinner, Josiah (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York State Troops, 1781 and 1782. Skinner, Thomas (Conn). Sur geon 8th Connecticut, 20th March, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Skinner, Thomas (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; resigned 10th December, 1777. 368 Sloan. Slade, Stephen (N. C.). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d North Caro lina, 1st January, 1778, with rank of Ensign from 5th September, 1778 ; Lieutenant, , 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Slade, William (N. C.). Ensign 4th North Carolina, 2d January,1777 ; k5d Lieutenant, 26th April, 1777 ; trans ferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June,. 1778 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1st June r 1778 ; resigned 18th February, 1780. Slaughter, Augustin (Va). Sur geon 7th Virginia, 1st April, 1776 ; re tired 14th September, 1778. Slaughter, George (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1776; Major 12th Virginia, 4th October, 1777 ; resigned 23d December, 1777. Slaughter, John ( Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, February, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st September, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Slaughter, Lawrence (Va). Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment, ; in service 1779. Slaughter, Philip (Va). 1st Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 20th December, 1776; Regimental Paymaster, 14th March, 1777, regiment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September,1778 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant, 1st November, 1778 ; Captain, 13th May, 1779 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Slaughter, Robert (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1776 2d Lieutenant, 20th June, 1776 ; resigned 18th December, 1777. Slaughter, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1778, to 1781. Slayton, Reuben (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Slead, Jonathan (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 10th March, 1778. Sloan, Alexander (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Sloan, David (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Miles 1 Pennsylvania RifleRegiment, 19th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th August, 1776 ; killed at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Sloan, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain, 15th Coritinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Sloan. 369 Smitn. Sloan, Sturgeon (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 21st Au gust, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Slocum, Edward (R. I.). Lieuten ant Rhode Island Regiment, - ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775 ; exchanged - , 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 26th May, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Slocum, Peleg (R. I.). Lieutenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776; Captain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Sluman, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, ^777 ; Captain, 12th September, 1778, and served to 17th June, 1783. Small, Henry (Pa). Regimental Quartermaster 10th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; resigned November, 1777. Small, Jacob (N, Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; killed at Oris- kany, 6th August, 1777. Smallwood, Hebard (Va). Cap tain of Grayson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 4th March, 1777 ; resigned 6th October, 1778. Smallwood, William (Md). Colo nel Maryland Regiment, 14th Janu ary, 1776; wounded at White Plains, 28th October, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 23d October, 1776; Major-General, loth September, 1780. By the act of 14th October, 1780, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given Brigadiers Small- wood and Gist, and to the officers and soldiers in the Maryland and Delaware Lines, the different Corps of Artillery, Colonel Porterfield s and Major Armstrong s Corps of Light Infantry, and Colonel Ar- mand s Cavalry, for their bravery and good conduct displayed in the action of the 16th of August last, near Camden, in the State of South Carolina/ Served to close of war. (Died 14th February, 1792.) Smart, Thomas (Mass). Adjutant of Wigglesworth s Massachusetts Militia Regiment, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 15th June, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Smith, (N. C.). Captain North Carolina Partisan Rangers, - ; killed at Ramsour s Mill, 20th June, 1780. Smith, Aaron (S. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, 18th March, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Smith, Aaron (N. H.). Ensign of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 14th January, 1776 ; woun ded and taken prisoner at The Cedars 19th May, 1776; exchanged December, 1776. (Died 6th June, 1819.) Smith, Abraham (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 16th April, 1776 ; resigned 6th July, 1776. Smith, Abraham (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776, to . Smith, Adam (Md). 2d Lieuten ant German Regiment, 12th July, 1776 ; resigned 4th May, 1777. Smith, Alexander (Md). Sur- geonVMate German Regiment, - August, 1778, to . Smith, Alexander Lawson (Md). Captain of Rawlings Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 13th July to December, 1776 ; served subsequently from 1777 in some other Maryland regiment, until he resigned, 6th Sep tember, 1780. Smith, Arthur (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 1st April, 1776 ; dropped in October, 1777. (Supposed to have been killed at Germantown.) Smith, Ballard (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 9th August, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779, and served to close of war ; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 3d June, 1790 ; Major Infantry, 2d June, 1792 ; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; died 20th March, 1794. Smith, Burwell (Ga). Major Georgia Militia, ; killed at Wof ford s Iron Works, 8th August, 1780. Smith, Calvin (Mass). Major of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Major 13th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Massachu setts, 1st November, 1776; Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant 13th Massachu setts, 10th March, 1779 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1881, and served to 12th June, 1783. 24 UNIVERSITY Smith. 370 Smith. Smith, Charles (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 20th February, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st Au gust, 1779 ; resigned 18th February, 1780. Smith, Charles (Mass). Lieuten ant of Sargent s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775 ; deserted, July, 1775. Smith, Christopher (R. I.). Cap tain Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Major 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, January to May, 1777. Smith, Cotton Mather (Conn). Chaplain 4th Connecticut, June to November, 1775. (Died 27th Novem ber, 1806.) Smith, Daniel (Va). Assistant Deputy Purveyor Southern Depart ment, 20th September, 1781, to close of war. (Died 16th June, 1818.) Smith, David (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 10th March, 1778. Smith, David (Conn). Captain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, loth April, 1776 ; Captain &th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Ma jor, 13th March, 1778 ; Brigade-Major and Brigade-Inspector, 13th May, 1779, to 13th July, 1781 ; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Smith, Ebenezer (Mass). Private and Sergeant in Fellows Massachu setts Regiment, June to December, 1775 ; Ensign 6th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 13th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 30th March, 1779 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died - , 1816.) S nith, Ebenezer (Mass). Private and Sergeant in Massachusetts Regi men:, September, 1775, to January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant 8th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; Captain- Lieutenant, 12th May, 1780; Captain, 6th October, 1780 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Lieu tenant-Colonel 34th United States In fantry, 23d February, 1813; dropped 31st May, 1814. (Died 4th September, 1824.) Smith, Edward (Va). Lieutenant 7th Virginia, - : retired 12th Feb ruary, 1781. Smith, Edward M. (Md). Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 19th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Smith, Elihu (Conn). Ensign of Bradley s Connecticut State Regi ment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776. Smith, Ephraim (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Smith, Ezra (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 31st July, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Smith, Francis (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 5th March, 1780, and served to close of Avar. Smith, Francis Joseph (France). Brevet Ensign Continental Army, 29th July, 1778, to be made use of in case of his being made prisoner while serving as a volunteer in the Ameri can Army. Smith, Frederick (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 3d April, 1777 ; resigned June, 1777. Smith, George (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 18th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776; Captain 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 3d May, 1779. Smith, George (Conn). Sergeant- Major of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 13th March, 1777; Ensign 16th May, 1778 ; resigned 6th July, 1779. Smith, George (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York. 21st November, 1776; Judge Advocate, 5th October, 1777 ; served to . Smith, Granville (Va). Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 4th February, 1777; re signed loth July, 1778. Smith, Gregory (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 7th February, 1776; re signed 28th November, 1776 ; Colonel 2d Virginia State Regiment, June, 1777, to 1781. Smith, Hezekiah (Mass). Chap lain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, "1776 ; Chaplain 6th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Brigade Chaplain, 18th August, 1778, to January. 1781. (Died 22d January, 1805.) Smith. 171 Smith. Smith, Isaac (X. Y.). Surgeon s- Mate 3d New York, 21st November, 1770 ; Surgeon s-Mate, 3d New Hamp shire. 1st August, 1778 ; Surgeon, 5th April, 1780; resigned 5th August, 1780. Smith, Isaac (X. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 20tfi August, 1781, and served to 17th June, 1783. Smith, Isaac (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Walker s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Smith, Isaac (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775. Smith, Israel (N. Y.). Captain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Smith, Jabez (Conn). SurgeonV Mate of Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, July, 1776; Surgeon s- Mate, 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th December, 1778. Smith, Jacob (Md). Sergeant Ger man Regiment, loth July, 1776 ; Ser geant-Major, 1st October, 1776; Regi mental Adjutant, 15th December, 1777 ; omitted July, 1778. Smith, James (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 15th October, 1777 ; resigned 20th June, 1779. Smith, James (Va). Ensign of 7th Virginia, 13th January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 20th May, 1778; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; supernumerary May, 1779. Smith, James (R. I.) Lieutenant of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Rhode Island Militia. Smith, James (Md). Captain- Lieutenant of Brown s Independent Company Maryland Artillery, 22d November, 1777 ; company formed part of the 1st Continental Artillery in May, 1778 ; transferred to Brown s Company, 24th December, 1781 ; killed at Combahee Ferry, S. C., 27th August, 1782. Smith, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 14th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Han cock s Bridge. 21st March, 1778: ex changed 4th December, 1780. and ren dered no further service. (Died 14th January, 1835.) Smith, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December. 1775. Smith, Jared (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Smith, Jeremiah (N. J.). 2<1 Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 28th Novem- ber,1775; 1st Lieutenant, 29th Novem ber, 1776, and served to . Smith, Job (Conn). Paymaster 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777, to 1st September, 1778, wheii he re signed. Smith, Joel (Mass). Captain of Glover s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Smith, Joel (Conn). Private 3d Connecticut, 20th April, 1777 ; Cor poral, 14th February, 1778 ; Sergeant, 1st March, 1778; Ensign, 25th April, 1780; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Smith, John (Mass). Ensign of Lee s Additional Continental Regi ment, 10th January, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Smith, John (Conn). Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, - ; wounded at Crompo Hill, 28th April, 1777. Smith, John (N. Y.)- Ensign of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, February, 1777 ; resigned 1st March, 1778. Smith, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Massachusetts Regi ment, 23d May, 1775, to Smith, John (Md), Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; Captain, 9th Novem ber, 1777; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to . Smith, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776; Captain, 1st January, 1777: wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780: trans ferred to 5th Maryland. 1st January, 1781 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. Smith, John (Mass). Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 : o<i Lieutenant, 5th October, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 3d Massachu- Smith. 372 Smith. setts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 1st May, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Smith, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783 ; Captain United States Infantry Regi ment, 21st October, 1786 ; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Major 2d Infantry, 28th December, 1791 ; assigned to 4th Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; re signed 1st October, 1793, Lieutenant- Colonel 5th United States Infantry, 24th April, 1799; honorably dis charged, 15th June, 1800 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d United States Infantry, 9th January, 1809; died 6th June, 1811. Smith, John (Va). Ensign 4th Vir ginia, 14th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant, August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 21st February, 1777 ; resigned 26th May, 1778. Smith, John (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 8th April, 1777; trans ferred to Sherburne s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 21st March, 1780. Smith, John Carraway (S. C.). Captain 2d South Carolina, 16th Sep tember, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; ex changed, November, 1780, and served to close of war. Smith, JohnKilby (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 13th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 12th February, 1778 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 7th August, 1842.) Smith, John N. (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Henley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th July, 1777; re tired 23d April, 1779. Smith, Jonathan (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 17th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; exchanged, loth December, 1780; 2d Lieutenant, 4th April, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 24th September, 1779 , transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Smith, Jonathan (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775. Smith, Joseph (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st May to llth No vember, 1775. Smith, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 10th Sep tember to 9th November, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 7th November, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1778, and served to June, 1783; Captain 45th United States Infantry, 21st April, 1814 ; resigned 1st September, 1814. Smith, Joseph (Md). Captain of Gist s Additional Continental Regi ment, 31st May, 1777 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Smith, Joseph S. ( ). Cornet 1st Battalion of Cavalry Armand s Partisan Corps, 1780 to 1782. Smith, Josiah (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Woodbridge s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December^ 1775 ; Captain 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Smith, Josiah (Mass). Joined the army in May,1775; Ensign 10th Massa.- chusetts, 2d April, 1779 ; Lieuten ant 27th March, 1780; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died 20th June, 1848.) Smith, Larkin (Va). Private Com pany of Minute Men, November, 1775 ; Cadet 6th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; Cornet 4th Continental Dra goons, 1st August, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 4th September, 1778; Captain, 1st April, 1780, and served to close of war. Smith, Martin (Mass). Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Lieutenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; re signed 3d January, 1778. Smith, Matthew (Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, to rank from 30th November, 1776, arid served to . Smith, Matthew (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 22d January, 1776, to . Smith, Matthew (Pa). Captain of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; Captain 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; resigned November, 1776 ; Major 9th Pennsylvania, llth Janu ary, 17*7, to rank from 27th Septem ber, 1776 ; his resignation as Lie en- ant-Colonel 9th Pennsylvania w ac cepted by Congress, 23d February, 1778 ; date of rank not on record. (Died, 1794.) Smith. 373 Smith. Smith, Minor ( ). Captain, ; wounded at King s Mountain, 7th Oc tober, 1780. Smith, Nathan (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland, loth September, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th December, 1779, and served to January, 1783. Smith, Nathan (X. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th .July to December, 1775. Smith, Nathan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, Au gust to 31st December, 1770. (Died 17th February, 1825.) Smith, Nathan (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 7th Virginia, . (In service 1781-1783. Smith, Nathaniel (Md). Captain Independent Company Baltimore Ar tillery, 14th January, 1770, to . Smith, Nathaniel (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 5th July, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 10th August, 1779 ; 1st lieutenant, 23d July, 1780 ; transfer red to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Smith, Obadiah (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, February, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 10th December, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 25th April, 1779. Smith, Peter (Pa). Sergeant 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 15th Janu ary, 1776 ; Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, llth November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th August, 1779; transferred to 5th Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Smith, Robert ( ). Captain 3d Continental Dragoons, 9th January, 1777, to . (Was in service Janu ary, 1780. Smith, Robert (N. C.). Lieuten ant 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775, to . Smith, Robert (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia in 1775 ; Captain of Malcolm s New York Militia Regi ment, June, 1776 ; wounded at White Plains, 28th October, 1776 ; Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; did not return to regiment. Smith, Robert (Pa). Captain Ches ter County, Pennsylvania, Militia in 1775 ; in charge of the defences and obstructions in the Delaware river in 1776; Colonel Chester County Militia in 1777. (Died, December, 1803.) Smith, Royal (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 1st November, 1775 ; Captain, 19th August, 1776; Captain of Stan- tori s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Smith, Samuel (Dei). Captain Delaware Regiment, 20th January to December, 1776. Smith, Samuel (Va). Captain- Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 22d November, 1777, to . (In ser vice August, 1778.) Smith, Samuel (Va). Captain 15th Virginia, 22d November, 1776 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; served to . Smith, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; killed at Germantown, 4th Oc tober, 1777. Smith, Samuel (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Maryland, 20th February, 1777; died, . Smith, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777; killed 27th May, 1777; where, not stated. Smith, Samuel (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New York, 14th July, 1775, to January, 1776. Smith, Samuel (Va). Surgeon Vir ginia Regiment, ; in service in 1777. Smith, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 5th Pennsyl vania, 1st March, 1777 ; retired 17th January, 1781 ; Brigadier-General PennsylvaniaVolunteers War of 1812. (Died 17th September, 1835.) Smith, Samuel (Md). Captain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Major 4th Mary land, 10th December, 1776; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 22d February, 1777; wounded at Fort Mifflin, 23d October, 1777. By the Act of 4th November, 1777, it was "Resolved, that Congress have a high sense of the merit of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, and the officers and men under his com mand, in their late gallant defense of Fort Mifflin, on the river Delaware, and that an elegant sword be pro vided by the Board of War and pre sented to Lieutenant-Colonel Smith." Resigned 22d May, 1779 : Major-Gen eral Maryland Militia 1812. (Died 22d April, 1839.) Smith. 374 Snook. Smith, Seth (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 177G. (Died 6th July, 1830.) Smith, Silvarms (Mass). Lieuten ant Company of Minute Men at Lex ington, 19th April, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 15th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June. 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. (Died 12th May, 1830.) Smith, Simeon (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain of Warner s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 5th July, 1776 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Smith, Simeon (R. I.). Ensign 1st Rhode Island, 7th May, 1777; resigned 15th January, 1778. Smith, Thomas (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; re signed 5th February, 1777. Smith, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1776; Captain 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776; Major 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 12th March, 1778. Smith, Timothy (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 12th September, 1780. Smith Walter (Md). Surgeon Maryland Militia, 1776 and 1777. Smith, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Virginia, December, 1776 ; resigned 10th July, 1777. Smith, William (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 25th March, 1776, to . Smith, William (Conn). Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Smith, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 21et November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th July, 1777 ; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Smith, William ( Va). 2d Lieuten ant 15th Virginia, 20th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant,20th March, 1777, regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . (Was in service January, 1780.) Smith, William (Mass). Captain Company of Minute Men at Concord, 19th April, 1775; Captain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to De cember, 1775. Smith, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Smith, William Hooker (Pa). Sur- geonVMate Hospital Department at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 3d July, 1778, to close of war. Smith, William Stephens (N. Y.). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Sullivan, 15th August, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel of Lee s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; transferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; continued as Adju tant and Inspector on staff of General Lafayette, 1st January to July, 1781, and on staff of General Washington, July, 1781, to close of war. (Died 10th June, 1816.) Smith, William Stirling (Va). Regimental Quartermaster 10th Vir ginia, 1st March, 1778; 2d Lieutenant, 9th September, 1778; transferred to 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1780 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Smoot, William (Md). Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 16th March, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Snead, Charles (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 10th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th February, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Virginia, Septem ber, 1778 ; Captain, 12th May, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. Snead, Smith (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 9th Virginia, 10thFebruary,1776 ;. Captain, 3ist August, 1776; taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; exchanged 2d Novem ber, 1780 ; retained in 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, with rank of Major from 9th December, 1779, and served to close of war. Snead, Thomas (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 14th February, 1776 ; Major llth Virginia, 10th July, 1777; re signed 8th March, 1778. Snicker, William (Va). Captain of Thruston s Additional Continental Regiment, March, 1777 ; resigned 31st January, 1778. Snook, Philip (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, ; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Snow. Snow, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 1 lth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Snow, Ephraim (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 26th March, 1770, and served to June, 1783. Snow, Jabez (Mass). Sergeant 1-lst Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 12th July, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 13th April, 1780. Snow, Lemuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777, to . (In service Febru ary, 1781.) Snowden, Jonathan (N. J.). En sign 1st New Jersey, 26th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th April, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th October, 1779 ; trans ferred to Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons in 1780 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Hand, May, 1781, to close of war ; Captain in the Levies in 1791 ; Military Storekeeper United States Army, 5th May, 1808 ; died 25th De cember, 1824. Snyder, Philip (Pa). Ensign 6th Pennsylvania, 21st August, 1777 ; re tired 21st June, 1778. Somerville, James (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th February, 1777 ; Captain, 1st June, 1779 ; wounded at Camden, 16th Au gust, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Mary land, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Soper, Amasa (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to 15th November, 1775; Captain 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; resigned 30th Octo ber, 1780. Soper, Joseph (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Soper, Oliver (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Soule, John (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 26th December, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 3d October, 1780; resigned 30th March, 1781. 375 Spalding. Soule, Moses (Mass). Captain of Fellows 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; resigned September, 1776. Southall, Stephen (N. C.). 2d Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, 1st April, 1778; Lieutenant 1st Conti nental Artillery, , 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783/ Southerland, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, - , 1776 ; died 28th February, 1777. Southmayd, Daniel (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d Connecticut, May to December, 1775. Southworth, Jedediah (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Southworth, "William (R. I.). En sign 2d Rhode Island, 28th June, to December, 1775. Spalding, Edward (R. I.). Cap tain of Elliott s Rhode Island State Artillery Regiment, 15th January to November, 1776. Spalding, Edward (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Spalding, Eleazer (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; also called Ebenezer Spald ing. Spalding, John (Conn). Surgeon 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 4th Octo ber, 1775 ; Surgeon 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Spalding, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Prescott s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Spalding, Josiah (Conn). Lieu tenant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Quaker Hill, 29th Au gust, 1778. Spalding, Simon (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Ransom s Wyoming Valley Company, 26th August, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 24th June, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 24th January, 1814.) Spalding, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Sparks. Sparks, John Jr. (N. J.). Ensign 2d New Jersey, llth November, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 10th May, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 5th February, 1777 ; Cap tain, 1st January, 1778 ; resigned 31st August, 1778. Spaulding, Levi (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to De cember, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776. (Died 1st March, 1835.) Spear, Edward (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania, 7th February, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th May, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783 ; Lieutenant United States Artillery Battalion, 10th Sep tember, 1787; Lieutenant Artillery United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; killed 4th November, 1791, in action with Indians, near Fort Re covery, Ohio, (St. Glair s defeat.) Spear, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 6th April, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Speck, Henry (Pa). Sergeant Ger man Regiment, 30th July, 1776 ; En sign, 24th July, 1778 ; superseded 20th June, 1779. Speed, James (Va). Lieutenant of Cocke s Virginia Militia Regiment, ; wounded at Guilford, 15th March, 1781. Speedman, Gilbert Warner ( Mass) . Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Speller, Benjamin O. (Va). 2d Lieutenant 7th Virginia, 26th Febru ary, 1776, to . Spencer, David (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 16th May to 17th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Spencer, Gideon (Va). Lieutenant ~>f a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Spencer, Ichabod (Conn). Ser geant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 29th May, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th June, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Cennecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 27th Feb ruary, 1781. Spencer, Israel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775; Captain of Burrall s Connecticut 376 Spiker. State Regiment, 19th January, 1776, to January, 1777; served subsequently as Major New York Levies. Spencer, John (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Spencer, John (Conn). Sergeant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 22d April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 12th November, 1779 ; retired May, 1781. Spencer, Joseph (Conn). Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Colonel 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 22d June, 1775 ; Major-General, 9th August, 1776 ; resigned 13th January, 1778. (Died 13th January, 1789.) Spencer, Joseph (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 8th May, 1776 ; resigned 14th November, 1777. (Died 27th Au gust, 1829.) Spencer, Michael (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island State Reg iment, 15th January, 1776, to . Spencer, Oliver (N. J.). Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Con tinental Regiments, loth January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Spencer, Robert (N. J.). Paymas ter of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 6th February, 1777; retired 12th May, 1779. Spencer, Seth (Conn). Sergeant of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, February, 1776 ; Ensign 19th September, 1776, and served to Janu ary, 1777. Spencer, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 23d February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th Septem ber, 1776 ; resigned 30th July, 1778. Spencer, "William (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 25th September, 1779, and served to . (Was in service January, 1780.) Sperry, Elijah (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 4th October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1779; resigned 31st July, 1779. Spicer, Abel (Conn). Captain 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th Decem ber, 1775; Captain of Selden s Con necticut Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Spiker, Benjamin (Md). Captain 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Cap tain 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to . (Name also spelled Spyker.) Spiller, Spiller, Benjamin C. (Va). 2d Lieutenant 7th Virginia, 26th Febru ary, 1770; resigned 10th October, 1776. Spiller, William (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Spitfathom John (Va). Served as Private and Sergeant in the Virginia Line from December, 1775, until ap- Dinted Ensign in 4th Virginia, 17th ecember, 1780; retired 12th Febru ary, 1781. Spofford, Isaac (Mass). Surgeon of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, 28th June, to December, 1775 ; Sur geon 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Sur geon 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to May, 1778. Spohn, John (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; resigned 4th November, 1776. Spoor, John (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; taken prisoner 3d July, 1777, at ; rejoined and dismissed 31st March, 1780. Spots wood, Alexander (Va). Ma jor 2d Virginia 13th February, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel, 7th May, 1776 ; Colonel, 21st February, 1777; resigned 9th October, 1777. (Died 20th Decem ber, 1818.) Spotswood, John (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 20th February, 1777; wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th Octo ber, 1777 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; ex changed November, 1780; did not re turn to the army and was retired 12th February, 1781. Sprague, Elijah (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; taken pris oner at Schohaire, 17th October, 1780; released 8th December, 1782. Sprague, James (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired loth November, 1778. Sprague, John (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate, 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. * Sprague, Reuben (R. I.). Ensign Rhode Island, Regiment, 28th June, 1775, to . Sprague, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . 377 Sprout. Spring, Samuel (Mass). Chaplain to the Army in Canada, November, 1775, to June, 1776. (Died 4th March, 1819.) Spring, Simeon (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : 2d Lieutenant, 3d January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th March, 1779, and served to November, 1783. Springer, Jacob (V 7 a). Ensign Oth Virginia, 31st October, 1778 ; Lieuten ant, 8th August, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 16th June, 1823.) Springer, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to . Springer, Sylvester (S. C.). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st South Carolina, 27th June, 1778; taken prisoner at Char leston, 12th May, 1780. Springer, Uriah (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 13th Virginia, 19th December, 1776; Captain, 25th August, 1778; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war ; Captain In fantry United States Army, 7th March, 1792; assigned to 3d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792 ; honorably dis charged 1st November, 1796. Sproat, William (Pa). Ensign of Pennsylvania Associators in 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, 3d January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant 30th June to 17th December, 1777 Captain Lieutenant, 17th April, 1779 Captain, llth May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to close of war, Sproul, James (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777. Sproul, Moses (N. J.). Private, Corporal and Sergeant 3d New Jer sey, November, 1775, to 1781 ; Ensign 2d New Jersey, 21st June, 1781 ; re tained in New Jersey Battalion in April, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Sprout, Ebenezer (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Major, 27th June to De cember, 1775 ; Major 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant 12th Massachusetts, 29th September, Sprout. 1778 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; brevet Colonel, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died February, 1805.) Sprout, James ( ). Hospital Chaplain Middle Department, 10th February, 1778, to 1781. Sprowle, ( ). Captain, taken prisoner at Briar Creek, 3d March, 1779. Spurr, John (Mass). Lieutenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775; Captain llth Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1770 ; Captain Gth Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 16th October, 1780 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Spurrier, Edward (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; Captain, 20th May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Spyker, Benjamin. See Spiker. Staats, Gerrit (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant Company of Home Guards, 10th August, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 1st March, 1780. Staats, Rynear (N. J.). Captain New Jersey Militia, ; wounded at Gferrnantown, 4th October, 1777. Stacey, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of (rlover s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. Stacey, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermaster 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Stacey, "William (Mass). Major of Woodbridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 29th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Cherry Valley, llth November, 1778 ; prisoner of war four years ; did not return to the army. (Died , 1804.) Staddel, Christian (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th May, 1776 ; Captain 2d Pennsyl vania, December, 1776, and served to 378 Stanley. Stafford, Daniel (R. I.). Ensign of Stanton s Rhode Island Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Stafford, Joab (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; wounded at Bennington, 16th August, 1777. Stafford, John R. (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 30th November, 1781, and served to November, 1783. Stag-g 1 , John (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 4th March, 1777; Brigade-Major of Conway s Brigade, 12th January, 1778; transferred to Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 24th April, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 28th Decem ber, 1803.) Stake, Jacob (Pa). 3d Lieutenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 15th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1776; Captain, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783 ; Captain Light Dragoons United States Army, 14th March, 1792 ; resigned 7th October, 1792. Standin, Thomas (N. C.). Cap tain 2d North Carolina, ; resigned 15th May, 1777. Stanley, Caleb Jr. (Conn). En sign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 15th December, 1775. Stanley, Jeremiah (Conn). 2d Lieutenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Stanley , Joseph (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776, to . Stanley, Richard (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion^ 27th October, 1775, to . Stanley, Solomon (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Stanley, Valentine (Pa). Sur- geon s-Mate Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 31st July, 1776, to January, 1777. Stanley, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 16th November, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged, 25th August, 1780, and did not return to army. (Name also spelled Standley.) Stanton. Gtarr. Stanton, Amos (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 9th November, 1777; resigned 28th April, 1780; Captain Connecticut Militia Regiment in 1781 ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th Septem ber, 1781. Stanton, Augustus (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775 ; Captain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776, to . Stanton, Ebenezer (Conn). En sign of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 22d February, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st June to 9th November, 1777; 2d Lieuten ant, 9th November, 1777 ; Regimental Paymaster, 13th April, 1779 ; resigned 18th April, 1780. Stanton, Enoch (R. I.). Lieuten ant 1st Rhode Island, 19th February, 1777 ; resigned 28th May, 1779. Stanton, Joseph (R. I.). Colonel Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776; resigned 10th No vember, 1777; was subsequently Brig adier-General Rhode Island Militia. Stanton, Joshua (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775; Captain of Warner s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 5th July, 1776, and served to . Stanton, "William (Conn). Cap tain of Burrall s Connecticut State Regiment, January, 1776, to January, 1777 ; Paymaster 2d Continental Dra goons, 1st March, 1777, to close of war ; had rank of Lieutenant from 1st April, 1778, and Captain from 8th March, 1780. Stanwood, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant lHh Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776; retired llth Sep tember, 1778. Starbird, John (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 4th November, 1824.) Stark, Archibald (N. H.). Ensign 3d New Hampshire, 20th September, 1777; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1780; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Stark, Caleb (N. H.). Ensign in Stark s New Hampshire Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 14th August, 1776 ; Regimental Adjutant 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; re tired 1st September, 1778. (Died 26th August, 1838.) Stark, John (N. H.). Captain New Hampshire Militia, ; wounded at Beimington, 16th August, 1777. ^ Stark, John (N. H.). Colonel 1st New Hampshire, 23d April to Decem ber, 1775 ; Colonel 5th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; resigned 23d March, 1777; Brigadier-General New Hampshire Militia, 1777. By the act of 4th October, 1777, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be pre sented to General Stark of the New Hampshire Militia, and to the officers and troops under his command, for their brave and successful attack upon and signal victory over the en emy in their lines at Bennington, and that Brigadier-General Stark be ap pointed a Brigadier-General in the Army of the United States. 1 Briga dier-General Continental Army, 4th October, 1777, and served to close of war ; brevet-Major-General, 30th Sep tember, 1783. (Died 8th May, 1822.) Stark, Richard (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 28th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st February, 1777 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 7th May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 8th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Stark, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Virginia, 9th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th December, 1776, and served to . Starr, David (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 19th April, 1779 ; Captain, 10th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Starr, Jehosaphat (Conn). Quar termaster-Sergeant of \Vebb s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 25th March, 1777 ; Regimental Quarter master, 19th November, 1777; taken prisoner on the Long Island Expedi tion, 10th December, 1777 ; exchanged August, 1778 ; Ensign 6th January, 1779 ; resigned 29th March, 1780. Starr, Josiah (Conn). Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel of Swift s Connecticut State Regiment, July to November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Colonel 1st Connecticut, 27tk May, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Starr. 380 Steele. Starr, Thomas (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, 1776 and 1777 ; wounded at Danbury, 27th April, 1777. Starr, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 22d April, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 2d November, 1777 ; trans ferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1731 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Starr, Thomas (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Starr, "William (Conn). Ensign 7th Connecticut, 28th April, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d November, 1777 ; re signed 25th March, 1780 ; Captain Connecticut Militia in 1781 ; wounded at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. (Died 6th June, 1823.) Staynor, Roger (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 19th January, 1776; Captain 2d Pennsyl vania, November, 1776 ; taken pris oner in Philadelphia, September, 1777 ; exchanged 4th November, 1780, and did not return to the army. (Died , 1839.) St. Glair, Arthur (Pa). Colonel Pennsylvania Militia in 1775 ; Colonel 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 3d Janu ary, 1776; Brigadier-General Conti nental Army, 9th August, 1776 ; Major- General, 19th February, 1777, and served to close of war ; Major-Gen eral and Commander United States Army, 4th March, 1791; resigned 5th March, 1792. (Died 31st August, 1818.) St. Glair, Daniel (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th Sep tember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Penn sylvania, 1st April, 1777 ; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died 18th February, 1833.) Stebbins, Cyrus (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 8th March, 1777; roll for September, 1777, reports him "dead." Stebbins, Francis (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 8th October, 1778. Stebbins, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Stedham, Joseph (Del). Captain Delaware Regiment, 13th January to 31st December, 1776. Stediford, Garret (Pa). Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Febru ary, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 10th December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Pennsylvania, Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 12th October, 1777; resigned 23d May, 1781. Stedman, James (Conn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to 15th May, 1777. Steed, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 8th Virginia, 19th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, ; Captain, 30th March, 1778; transferred to 4th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Steel, Alexander (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 23d February, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st July, 1777 ; omitted October, 1777. Steel, David (Va). Captain 13th Virginia, 16th December, 1776, to . (Died 4th February, 1819.) Steele, - (Conn). Ensign of BurralTs Connecticut State Regi ment, 23d January, 1776 ; cashiered, 29th July, 1776. Steele, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; died 24th November, 1777, of wounds received at Fort Mif- flin, 14th November, 1777. Steele, Archibald (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Que bec, 31st December, 1775; exchanged August, 1776 ; retained rank as 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Deputy Quartermaster-General, May, 1777, to October, 1781 ; Military Store keeper United States Army, 28th April, 1816 ; honorably discharged 1st June, 1821. (Died 29th October, 1822.) Steele, Bradford (Conn). Lieuten ant in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Connecti cut Militia. Steele, James (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775, to De cember, 1776. (Died 1st December, 1836.) Steele, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778 ; Captain, 21st March, Steele. 1779 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. (Died 27th February, 1827.) Steele, John (Pa). Captain Inde- - pendent Pennsylvania Company, 13th January, 1777; Company transferred to llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; served to . Steele, John (Va). 2d Lieutenant 9th Virginia, 28th May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 1st Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 18th Febru ary, 1781 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Steele, John (N. Y.). Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, January, 1777; resigned 8th March, 1778. Steele, "William (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1770. Steinrod, Cornelius (X. Y.). Cap tain 1st New York, 27th April to No vember, 1776 Stelle, Benjamin (R. I.). Adjutant of Richmond s arid Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiments, 1st Novem ber, 1775 to 1777; Deputy Paymaster, 1st June, 1779. to 1st April, 1781. St. Elms, Gerard de (France). By the act of 13th February, 1779, it was " Resolved, that Monsieur Gferard de St. Elms, having manifested great zeal and encountered many difficul ties to distinguish himself in the ser vice of these States, having also made a campaign here and behaved with bravery and being now about to return "to France, resolved that he be appointed to the rank of major by brevet, as a testimony of the appro bation of Congress of his zeal and services." Stephen, Adam (Va). Colonel 4th Virginia, 13th February, 1776 ; Briga dier-General Continental Army, 4th September, 1776 ; Major-General, 19th February, 1777; dismissed 20th No vember, 1777. (Died November, 1791.) Stephens, Ezra (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 29th October, 1775. Stephenson, David (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 25th March, 1776 ; Major 5th Virginia, 4th May, 1778 ; trans ferred to llth Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 6th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. 381 Steuben... Stephenson, Hugii(Va). Captain of a Company of Virginia Riflemen in 1775; Colonel Maryland and Vir ginia Regiment of Riflemen, 27th June, 1776 ; died . (Was dead Li. September, 1776.) Stephenson, James (Va). Pay master 13th Virginia, 16th December,. 1776, to . Sterns, Elisha (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Sterns, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Sterrett, William (Md). 1st Lien- tenant of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August. 1776 ; exchanged, 8th November, 1776;, Captain 1st Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776; Major, 10th April, 1777; re signed 15th December, 1777. Sterry, Cyprian (R. I.). Ensign: of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master llth Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776 ; Brigade-Major to Rhode Island Bri gade, 12th to 31st December, 1776. Stetson, Joseph or Josiah (Mass). Captain 14th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Stetson, Prince (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 23d Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Steuben, Frederick William Au gustus, Baron de (Prussia). By the Act of 14th January, 1778, it was "Resolved, that whereas Baron Steu ben, a Lieutenant-General in foreign service, has in a most disinterested and heroic manner offered his services to these States, in the quality of a volunteer resolved that the Presi dent present the thanks of Congress in behalf of these United States to Baron Steuben, for the zeal he has shewn for the cause of America, and the lisinterested tender he has been pleased to make of his military tal ents, and inform him that Congress cheerfully accepts of his services as a volunteer in the army of these States, and wish him to repair to General Washington s headquarters as soon as convenient." Volunteer Inspector- General, 28th March, 1778; Major- General and Inspector-General Con tinental Army, 5th May, 1778. By the Act of 5th September, 1779,, Stevens. 382 Stevenson. it was "Resolved, that Baron Steu- ben, Inspector-General, be informed by the President that Congress enter tain a high sense of his merit, dis played in a variety of instances, but especially in the system of military order and discipline, formed and pre sented by him to Congress." By the Act of 15th April, 1784, it was "Re solved, that the resignation of Baron Steuben, late Inspector-General and Major-General, be accepted; that the thanks of the United States, in Con gress assembled, be given Baron Steu ben for the zeal and abilities he has discovered in the discharge of the several duties of his office ; that a gold-hilted sword be presented to him as a mark of the high sense Congress entertain of his character and ser vices, and that the Superintendent of Finance take order for procuring the same." (Died 28th November, 1794.) Stevens, Aaron (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775; Captain in Douglass Connecticut State Regi ment, June to December, 1776 ; Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Stevens, Ebenezer (N. H.). Cor poral of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 25th April, 1779 ; Ensign, 7th August, 1779; killed at Fort George, llth October, 1780. Stevens, Ebenezer (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant Company of Rhode Island Artillery, May, 1775; Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artil lery, 10th December, 1775; Major In dependent Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776 ; brevet Major Conti nental Army, 27th May, 1777 ; his bat talion annexed to 3d Continental Ar tillery in the fall of 1778; brevet Lieu tenant-Colonel Continental Army, 30th April, 1778, "in consideration of his services and the strict attention with which he discharged his duty as commanding officer of Artillery in the Northern Department during two campaigns ;" Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Continental Artillery, 24th Novem ber, 1778, to rank from 30th April, 1778; served to June, 1783. (Died22d September, 1823.) Stevens, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777; Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 30th April, 1778, and served to 17th June, 1783. Stevens, Ed-ward (Va). ... Colonel Virginia Militia in 1775 ; Colonel 10th Virginia, 12th November, 1776 ; re signed 31st January, 1778 ; Brigadier- General Virginia Militia, 1779 to 1782. (Died 17th August, 1820.) Stevens, James (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 15th January to December, 1776. Stevens, John (Conn). Captain of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 19th January, 1776; taken pris oner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776; exchanged llth February, 1782. Stevens, Richard (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 18th February, 1777; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Stevens, Safford (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Stevens, Samuel (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to May, 1777. Stevens, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 15th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Stevens, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Con tinental Artillery, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 12th September, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Stevens, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Virginia, 21st December, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 19th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. (Name also spelled Stephens. Died 28th Decem ber, 1825.) Stevenson, George (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th May, 1777; re signed March, 1778 ; Surgeon s-Mate 1st Pennsylvania, 28th May, 1779 ; re signed 1st August, 1780; Major 10th United States Infantry, 8th January, 1799; honorably discharged loth June, 1800. (Died , 1829) ; name also spelled Stephenson. Stevenson, George (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Wilson s Battalion to guard stores at Carlisle, Pa., 20th October, 1777, to 2d June, 1778. Stevenson, John (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 10th December, 1775, to Stevenson. Stewart. Stevenson, John (Md). Captain 2d Maryland Battalion, of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Stevenson, John (N. T.). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d New York, 25th August, 1775, to November, 1776; Sur geon 3d Continental Artillery, 1st April, 1777, to . Stevenson, Stephen (Pa). En sign 9th Pennsylvania, 7th Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th March, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 10th Octo ber, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Penn sylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; Cap tain 4th Pennsylvania, llth July, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Stevenson, "William (Va). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 30th September, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 15th June, 1778, and served to . Stewart, Alexander (Pa). Sur- geori s-Mate Hospital Department, August, 1776 ; Surgeon 10th Pennsyl vania, 10th October, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Stewart, Alexander (Mass). Chap lain of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, March to December, 1776. Stewart, Alexander (Del). 2d Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 18th January, 1776 ; killed at long Island, 27th August, 1776. Stewart, Charles (N. J.). Colonel New Jersey Militia, 1775 and 1776; Commissary-General of Issues, 18th June, 1777, "to July, 1782. Stewart, Charles (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 5th North Carolina, 23d July, 1777 ; transferred to 2d North Carolina, 1st June, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 1st January, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May 1780. Stewart, Charles (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 21st November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 24th July, 1777 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; served to . Stewart, Charles (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 15th November, 1778. Stewart, Jacob OLiss). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 21st November, 1777. Stewart, James (N. Y.). Captain of Malcolm s New York Militia Regi ment, August, 1776; Captain 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Stewart, John (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Thomas Independent Mary land Company, 14th January, 1776 ; Captain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Major, 17th April, 1777 ; taken prisoner on Staten Island, 22d August, 1777. By the Act of 26th July, 1779, it was "Resolved, unanimously, that Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury and Major Stewart, who, by their situation in leading two assaults (on Stony Point) had a more immediate opportunity of distinguishing themselves, have * by their personal achievements, exhibit ed a bright example to their brother soldiers, and merit in a particular manner the approbation and acknowl edgment of the United States ; that a silver medal of this action be struck and presented to * Major Stew art ;" Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Mary land, 10th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Stewart, John (N. J.) Ensign 4th New Jersey, 1st January, 1777; re signed 30th December, 1777. Stewart, Lewis (Va). Surgeon s- Mate llth Virginia, 10th May, 1778 ; discharged 3d October, 1878. Stewart, Nicholas (N. C.). Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 30th April, 1777, to . Stewart, Philip (N. J.). Lieuten ant 3d Continental Dragoons, , 1780 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; transferred to Bay lor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th No vember, 1782, and served to close of war; Lieutenant 2d Artillerists and Engineers, 5th June, 1798 ; resigned 15th November, 1800. (Died 14th Au gust, 1830.) Stewart, Walter (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, 7th June, 1776. By the Act of 19th November, 1776, it was "Resolved, that Major Stewart, who brought the late intelligence from General Gates, and who is recom mended as a deserving officer, have the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet, and be presented with a sword of the value of one hundred (100) dol lars;" Colonel Pennsylvania State Regiment, 17th June, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Stewart/Wal-ter Jr. (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 27th May, 1779 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. Stewart. 384 Stockwell. Stewart, Wentworth( Mass). Cap tain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to -. Stewart, William (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, 1775-1776; Lieuten ant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th November, 1776; Regimental Ad jutant, 1st February, 1778; retired 30th June, 1779. (Died 5th February, 1831.) Sticher, William (X. J ). 3d Lieu tenant of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 4th April, 1777 ; resigned 18th November, 1778. Stickney, Elsazer(Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775. Stickney, Jonathan (Mass). Cap tain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Stickney, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Frye s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Stickney, Thomas (N. H.). Colo nel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 to 1780 ; commanded Regiment at Ben- nington. (Died 23th January, 1809.) Stickney, William (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. (Died 25th August, 1833.) Still, Aaron (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Stille, Edward (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Isle Aux Noix, 24th June, 1776. (Supposed to have been killed). Stillwell, Elias (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain- Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 1st July, 1779; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Stinson, William (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; resigned 1st November, 1777. Stith, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 4th Virginia, 19th March, 1776 ; Cap tain, 12th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; trans ferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. St. John, Aaron (Conn). Private 5th Connecticut, 12th May to 13th December,1775 ; Sergeant 2d Connecti cut, 1st March, 1777; Ensign 25th August, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 31st March, 1782. St. John, David (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 13th February, 1778. St. John, John (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Silliman s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Cap tain, 25th May, 1778 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 1st May, 1781. St. John, Stephen (Conn). Major and Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, 1775 to April, 1781 ; taken prisoner at his home, April, 1781. St. Marie, Levaliet de (S. C.). Captain-Lieutenant 1st South Caro lina, ; Captain, 9th October, 1779, and served to . St. Martin, (France). Lieu tenant-Colonel Engineer Continental Army, 23d July, 1776, to . Stockbridge, Samuel (Mass). Cap tain of Thomas Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Stocker, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777, and served to June, 1783. (Died , 1806.) Stockett, Thomas Noble (Md). Surgeon Maryland Militia, 13th Feb ruary, 1776; Surgeon 4th Maryland, Battalion of the Flying Camp, 26th September to 1st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as hospital phy sician in 1777. (Died 16th May, 1802.) Stockley, Charles (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 22d July, 1776 ; Lieuten ant, 25th February, 1778 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. Stockton, Benjamin B. (N. Y.). Surgeon in Hospital Department, 1777 to 1781. (Died 9th June, 1829.) Stockton, John (Md). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, but made his es cape ; 1st Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, but no record of his joining the regiment. Stockwell, Levi (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 4th New York, April, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776; omitted May, 1778; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. 3toddard. Stoddard, Josiah (Conn). Served with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga in May, 1775; Captain 2d Continental Dragoons, 31st December, 1776 ; died 24th August, 1779. Stoddard, Luther (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain of Bur- ralPs Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January, 1776, to January, 1777. Stoddard, Nathan (Conn). Cap tain 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; killed at Fort Mifflin, loth No vember, 1777. Stoddard, Orange (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Paterson s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 2d Novem ber, 1780. Stoddert, Benjamin (Md). Cap tain of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 18th January, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777 ; resigned 19th April, 1779. (Died 18th December, 1813.) Stoddert, William Trueman (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 10th December. 1776; 2d Lieutenant, ; 1st Lieuten ant, 21st May, 1779; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to January, 1783. Stokely, Nehemiah(Pa). Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1777 ; retired 31st January, 1779. Stokes, Hezekiah (Va). Regi mental Quartermaster 8th Virginia, 1st March, 1777; Regimental Paymas ter, 4th June, 1777 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Stokes, John (Va). Ensign 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, August, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 28th December, 1776 ; Captain, 20th February, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to close of war. Stokes, Peter (Md). 2d Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 13th June, 1777,to Stone, Benjamin (N. H.). Regi mental Quartermaster 20th Conti nental Infantry, 7th September, to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; re signed 22d May, 1779. (Died 13th February, 1820.) . Stone, Enos (Mass). Captain 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777 ; deranged, 8th September, 1778". 385 Storrs. Stone, Isaac (N. H.). 1st Lieuten ant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Stone, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 15th March, 1776; Captain, 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; resigned 12th November, 1777. (Died 24th March, 1825.) Stone, John (Pa). Ensign 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; re signed 8th January, 1777. (Died - March, 1792.) Stone, John Hawkins (Md). Ma jor of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1776; Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; Colonel, 18th February, 1777; wounded at Grermantown, 4th October, 1777; resigned 1st August, 1779. (Died 5th October, 1804.) Stone, Jonathan (Mass). Ser geant of Learned s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Pay master 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777, to 1st January, 1783, with rank of 1st Lieutenant, from 1st Jan uary, 1777, and Captain from 25th April, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 25th March, 1801.) Stone, Nathaniel (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 28th March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 6th January, 1780 ; re tained in Jackson s Continental Regi ment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Killed Captain Luke Hitchcock in a duel at West Point, 21st February, 1782.) Stoughton, Samuel (Conn). En sign 8th Connecticut, 1st July, 1775 ; resigned 25th October, 1775. Storer, Ebenezer (Mass). Corporal and Sergeant 18th Continental Infan try, March to December, 1776; En sign 12th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Regimental Paymaster, 13th October, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1779; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 20th Janu ary, 1846.) Storrs, Experience (Conn). Lieu tenant-Colonel in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Lieutenant-Colo nel 3d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Colonel 1st July to 17th December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Colonel Connecticut Militia. 25 Storrs. 380 Strape. Storrs, John (Conn). Chaplain of Gray s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Storrs, Justus (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Connecticut, 1st February, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of "war. Story, Asa (Conn). Corporal in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ser geant 6th Connecticut, 6th May to 16th December, 1775 ; Ensign of Sel- den s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 1st November, 1778. Story, Elisha (Mass). Surgeon of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon 12th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 27th August, 1805.) Story, John (Mass). Served as a volunteer in 1775 ; Paymaster llth Massachusetts, January, 1777 ; Bri gade Quartermaster, June. 1777 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Alex ander, January, 1778 ; died December, 1782. Story, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 1st Jan uary, 1777; 1st Lieutenant llth May, 1779 ; Regimental Adjutant, 13th Feb ruary, 1780 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 7th October, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Story, Solomon (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant Connecticut Militia. Story, William (Mass). Sergeant in Little s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 23d July, 1779 ; Captain, 12th August, 1779, and served to January, 1783. (Died , 1800.) Stotesbury, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant llth Pennsylvania, 30th Sep tember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 9th April, 1777 ; wounded at Braridywine, llth September, 1777 ; taken prisoner 10th March, 1778 ; exchanged 31st De cember, 1780; retained as Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, iind served to June, 1783. Stout, Abraham (N. J.). Ser geant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; Ensign 29th October, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Jan uary, 1778; taken prisoner, 5th April, 1778, at ; exchanged 3d December, 1780, and did riot return to the army. Stout, Herman (Pa); Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 13th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Pennsylva nia, 4th December, 1776 ; Captain, 12th February, 1777; resigned 1st March, 1780. Stout, Joseph (N. J.). Captain 2d New Jersey, 18th December, 1775, to 20th November, 1776; Captain 2d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; killed at Brandywine, llth September, 1777. Stout, Wessel Ten Broeck(N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 3d New Jersey, 1st No vember, 1777 ; wounded in the Long Island raid, 10th December, 1777 ; re tained as Ensign 1st New Jersey, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 12th May, 1782 ; retained in New Jersey Battal ion, April, 1783, and served to 3d No vember, 1783. Stow, Jabez (Conn). Lieutenant Connecticut Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Stow, Lazarus (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, ; Lieutenant, ; retired 1st July, 1778. Stow, Timothy (Mass). Captain of Knox s Regiment Continental Ar tillery, 10th December, 1775, to . Stowers, John (Mass). Sergeant 15th Massachusetts, 18th September, 1777; Ensign, 26th November, 1778; Lieutenant, 20th June, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to . Stoy, John (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 16th May, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Strachan, William (N. Y.). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Continental Artillery, 28th October, 1778, to 1st August, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 23d Sep tember, 1779 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1781, and served to 17th June, 1783. Strang, Gilbert (N. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, 1775-1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; resigned 23d April, 1778. Strape, Henry. See Stroop. Stratton. Stratton, Aaron (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776. By the act of Con gress, 19th April, 1782, he was allowed the pay of a Lieutenant from 1st September, 1776, to 21st January, 1781 ; was evidently taken a prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Street, Benjamin (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th November, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsyl vania, 16th December, 1778 ; resigned 25th August, 1780. Straight, Christian (Va). Chap lain 8th Virginia, 1st August, 1776, to July, 1777. Stribling, Sigismund (Va). 2d Lieutenant 12th Virginia, December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 10th May, 1777 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain - , 1781, and served to . Strieker, George (Md). Captain of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Col onel German Regiment, 17th July, 1776 ; resigned 29th April, 1777. Strieker, John (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June 1783. Strieker, John (Md). Sergeant 4th Continental Artillery, January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, ; Captain-Lieuten ant, llth February, 1780, and served to 17th June, 1783. Stringer, Samuel (Md). Director of Hospital and Chief Physician Northern Department, 14th Septem ber, 1775 ; dismissed 9th Januarv, 1777. Strobagh, John Martin (Pa). Lieu tenant of Proctor s Battalion, Penn sylvania Artillery, 13th May, 1776 ; Captain, 5th October, 1776 ; Captain 4th Continental Artillery, 6th Febru ary, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d March, 1777, died 2d December, 1778. Strong, David (Conn). Sergeant in Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, January, 1776; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 20th July, 1780; transferred to 2d Connec ticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, 2d May, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783; Captain United States Infantry Regi ment, loth July, 1785; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th 387 Stubblefield. September, 1789 ; Major 2d Infantry, 4th November, 1791; assigned to 2d Sub Legion, 4th September, 1792; Lieutenant-Colonel, 19th February, 1793; assigned to 2d Infantry, 1st No vember, 1796 ; died 19th August, 1801. Strong, Israel (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Private 4th Connecticut, 19th May to 20th December, 1775; Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 1st March, 1777 ; Ensign 7th December, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 2d April, 1780, and served to . Strong, John (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, llth April, 1778 ; resigned March, 1780. Strong, Joseph (Conn). Chaplain 20th Continental Infantry, March to December, 1776. Strong, Nathan (X. Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia, February to November, 1776 ; Captain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; deranged April, 1779. Strong, Nathan (Conn). Chaplain 22d Continental Infantry, April to December, 1776. Strong, Solomon (Conn). Captain 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 25th August, 1778. Stroop, Henry (Pa). 1st Lieutenant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 7th May. 1778 ; resigned 8th January, 1781 ; name also spelled Strape. Strother, William D. (G-a). Cap tain 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Strubling, Philip (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Von Heer s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 1st September, 1779, and served to close of war ; brevet Captain, 15th April, 1784. Stuart, Christopher (Pa). Captain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Jan uary, 1776; Major, 20th September, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed January, 1777; Major 5th Pennsyvania, June, 1777, to rank from 28th February, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Pennsylvania, 17th April, 1780; retired 17th January, 1781. (Died , 1822.) Stubblefield, Beverly (Va). Cadet 6th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 28th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 7th August, 1777; trans ferred to 2d Virginia-, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1781; exchanged June, 1781; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war. Stubblefleld. 388 Simmer. Stubblefleld, G-eorge (Va). Cap tain 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1776; Major 14th Virginia, 1st April, 1777 ; resigned 22d February, 1778. Stubbs, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu- uary to 31st December, 1776. (Died 3d March, 1823.) Studson, Joshua (N. J.). Lieuten ant New Jersey Militia, ; killed December, 1780, while boarding an enemy s vessel. Stull, Daniel (Md). 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 : Cap tain 7th Maryland, 10th December, 1776, to . Sturtevant, Isaac (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; transferred to 7th Massa- setts, 1st January, 1783 ; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Sturtevant, Jesse (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 1st September, 1818.) Sturtsvant, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Stymetz, Jasper (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 23d September, 1777 ; resigned 24th June, 1778. Sugart, Martin. See Shugart. Sullivan, Ebenezer (Mass). Cap tain of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain loth Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Ct dars, 20th May, 1776; exchanged , 1778. Sullivan, James (Va). Captain 13th Virginia,, 16th December, 1776, to . Sullivan, John (Pa). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, ; Lieuten ant, 1st October, 1779 ; "left the ser vice without leave before the conclu sion of the war ;" see Journal of Con gress of 27th June, 1786. Sullivan, John (N. H.). Brigadier- General Continental Army, 22d June, 1775; Major-General, 9th August, 1776; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged December, 1776. By the Act of 9th September, 1778, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Major- General Sullivan, and to the officers and troops of his command, for their fortitude and bravery displayed in the action of August 29th (Quaker Hill), in which they repulsed the Brit ish forces and maintained the field. * By the act of 14th October, 1779, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given to Major-General Sullivan and the brave officers and soldiers under his command, for effectually executing an important expedition against such of the Indian nations as, encouraged by the coun cils of his Britannic majesty, had per fidiously waged an unprovoked and cruel war against these United States, laid waste many of their defenseless towns, and with savage barbarity slaughtered the inhabitants thereof." Resigned 30th November, 1779. (Died 23d January, 1795.) Summers, John (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 5th February, 1777 ; Cap tain, 10th July, 1778; taken prisoner at Williamson s Plantation, 12th July, 1780; letired 1st January, 1783. Summers, Peter (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania, 2d January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 18th October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d June, 1778; resigned 1st April, 1781. Summers, Simon (Va). Adjutant 6th Virginia, 1st March, 1776; trans ferred to 2d Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Sumner, Ebenezer (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; Captain, 1st July to 18th De cember, 1775 ; Captain 22d Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Sumner, Jethro (N. C.). Colonel 3d North Carolina, 7th May, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 9th January, 1779, and served to close of war. Sumner, Job (Mass). Ensign in Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant 25th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 , Captain 3d Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; by the act of 7th April, 1779, he was given rank of Captain from 1st July, 1776; Major, 3d March, 1783, to rank from 1st Octo ber, 1782; retained as Captain in Jackson s Continental Regiment, No vember, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 16th September, 1789.) Sumner, John (Conn). Ensign 8th. Connecticut. 6th July to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Major 4th~Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 28th April, 1777; retired 1st January* Suznner. 389 Swartwout. Sumner, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Sumter, Thomas (S. C.)- Colonel - South Carolina Regiment, - ; Brigadier-General South Carolina State Troops, July, 1780; wounded at Fish Dain Ford, Broad River, 9th No vember, 1780, and at Black Stocks, 20th November, 1780. By the act of 13th January, 1781, it was resolved that " Congress taking into consideration the eminent services rendered to the United States by Brigadier-General Sumter, of South Carolina, at the head of a number of volunteer mi litia from that and the neighboring States, particularly in the victory obtained over the enemy at the Hanging Rock, on the Gth day of August ; in the defeat of Major Wemys and the corps of British In fantry and dragoons under his com mand , at Broad River, on the 9th day of November, in which the said Major Weniys was made prisoner, and in the repulse of Lieutenant-Colonel Tarleton, and the British cavalry and infantry under his command at Black Stocks, on Tyger River, on the 20th of November last, in each of which action the gallantry and military con duct of General Sumter, and the courage and perseverance of his troops were highly conspicuous; re solved, therefore, that the thanks of Congress be presented to Brigadier- General Sumter, and the militia aforesaid, for such reiterated proofs of their patriotism, bravery and mili tary conduct, which entitle them to the highest esteem and confidence of their country, and that the Com manding Officer of the Southern De partment do forthwith cause the same to be issued in general orders, and transmitted to General Sumter." Served to close of war. (Died 1st June, 1832.) Sunn, Frederick (S. C.)- Surgeon o a South Carolina Regiment in 1779 and 1780. Sutliff, Benjamin (Conn). Private 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 28th No vember, 1775 ; Private in Douglass Connecticut State Regiment, June to December, 1776; Sergeant Gth Con necticut, 21st May, 1777; Ensign, 2d May, 1779 ; transferred to 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Sutter, James (Pa). Ensign Penn sylvania Musket Battalion, 28th March, 1776; 2d Lieutenant Pennsyl vania State Regiment, 18th April, 1877 : regiment designated 13th Penn sylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; re tired 1st July, 1778. Sutton, James (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, ; re signed 10th March, 1778. Sutton, John (Va). Paymaster 1st Virginia, 7th November, 1770, to May, 1779. Sutton, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned August,* 1777. Suydam, Cornelius B. See Sedam. Swan, Caleb (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 26th November, 1779 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Mas sachusetts, 12th June, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784; Paymaster United States Army, 8th May, 1792 ; resigned 30th June, 1808. (Died 20th November, 1809.) Swan, John (Md). Captain 3d Continental Dragoons, 26th April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Tappan, 28th September, 1778; Major 1st Conti nental Dragoons, 21st October, 1780 ; retained in Baylor s Regiment of Dra goons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close ef war. Swan, Joshua (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Swan, Matthew (Pa). Lieutenant and Quartermaster 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Swan, Thomas (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Swartwout, Abraham (N. Y.). Captain in Clinton s New York Mili tia Regiment, 27th April, 1776 ; Cap tain 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1778. Swartwout, Bernardus (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 1st September, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Swartwout, Cornelius (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 27th May, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery. 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, Gth October, 1777; exchanged 17th De cember, 1780; served to 17th June, 1783. C- J .VOUt. 390 Sytez.. Swartwout, Henry (N. Y.). En sign 5th New York, 21st November, 1770, to rank from 28th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Montgomery, 6th October, 1777; exchanged 17th December, 1780; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Swasey, Joseph (Mass). Captain 14th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Major of Lee s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 9th July, 1778. Swearing-en, Joseph (Va). 1st Lieutenant 12th Virginia, 1st March, 1777 ; regiment designated 8th Vir ginia. 14th September, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 14th April, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12tJi May, 1780; Captain, 1th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Swearing-en, Van (Pa). Captain of an Independent Pennsylvania Company, 3d February, 1776; Captain 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Still- water, 19th September, 1777 ; ex changed, -- ; resigned 10th August, 1779. Sweeny, Isaac (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January, 1777 ; Cap tain, 23d July, 1778 ; regiment desig nated llth Pennsylvania, 16th De cember, 1778 ; died 2d October, 1780. Sweeny, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 22d February, 1777, to Sweers, Cornelius ( -- ). Deputy Cornmissary-CreneralofMilitaryStores, ; dismissed for fraud and forgery, 24th August, 1778. Sweet, Abraham (Mass). Lieu tenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 28th February, 1778. Sweet, Caleb (N. Y.). Surgeon s- Mate 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Surgeon, 13th October, 1779, and served to close of war. Sweet, Moses (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Scammon s Massachusetts Reg iment, May, 1775, to -- . Sweet, Samuel (R. I.). Captain of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Sweet, Samuel (N. H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned 28th September, 1777. Swift, Heman (Conn). Ensign of Durkee s Wyoming Valley Company, 28th August, 1776; retired 1st July 1778. Swift, Heman ( Conn). Colonel Con necticut State Regiment, July to De cember, 1776 ; Colonel 7th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained as Colonel of the Consoli dated Connecticut Regiment in June, 1783 ; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September, 1783, and served to De cember, 1783. Swift, Isaac (Conn). Surgeon s- Mate 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Surgeon, 6th August, 1777 ; re signed 1st May, 1778. Swift, Jeriah (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Captain of Bur- rail s Connecticut State Regiment, 19th January, 1776; died 28th July, 1776. Swift, Matthew (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 18th September, 1775, to . Swift, Nathaniel (Conn). Ensign of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 13th January, 1776, to Janu ary, 1777. Swope, Michael (Pa). Colonel Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November,. 1776 ; exchanged 26th January, 1781. Syme, John (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776 ; resigned 3d January, 1778. Symmes, Jonathan (Va). Cap tain 10th Virginia, January, 1777 ; re signed 31st December, 1777. Symonds, Daniel. See Simonds. Symonds, Francis (Mass). Cap tain of Grlover s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775; Cap tain llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to blst December, 1776. Sytez, G-eorge (N. Y.). Adjutant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776, to 28th May, 1778; Captain-Lieuten ant, 28th May, 1778; Captain, 7th January, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Tabb. T. Tabb, Augustin (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 3d October, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 24th April, 1778 ; Captain, , 1780, and served to January, 1782. Taft, Peter (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January to blst December, 1776. Taft, Robert (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Tag-garb, James (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 , 1st Lieutenant 1st New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; resigned 23d August, 1778. (Died 25th Janu ary, 1828.) Taggart, William (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th December, 1777 ; wounded at Ticonderoga, 6th July, 1777; lost his sight by small pox in 1778 ; resigned 6th February, 1780. Tarns, Moses (Md). 2d Lieutenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Talbot, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 3d August, 1776 ; dismissed 13th October, 1776. Talbot, Jeremiah (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th Jan uary, 1776 ; Major 25th September, 1777"; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 19th January, 1791.) Talbot, Silas (R. I.). Lieutenant of a Rhode Island Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775 ; Captain llth Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; was severely burnt on fire-ship, 14th September, 1776; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; Major, 10th October, 1777; wounded at Fort Mifflin, 23d Oc tober, 1777. By the act of 14th Novem ber, 1778, it was " Resolved, that Con gress have a high sense of the bravery and good conduct of Major Silas Tal bot, of the State of Rhode Island, and the officers and men under his command, in boarding and taking the armed schooner Pigot of eight twelve-pounders and forty-five men, in the east passage between Rhode Island and the Main, and that he, as a reward of his merit and for the encour agement of a spirit of enterprise, be 391 Tallmadge. presented with the commission of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army of the United States. 1 Lieutenant-Colo nel Continental Army, 14th Novem ber, 1778; was wounded in action at sea in the spring of 1779 ; Captain United States Navy, 17th September, 1779; captured at sea in 1780; exchanged in 1781 ; served to close of war ; Cap tain United States Navy, llth May, 1798; resigned 21st September, 1801. (Died 30th June, 1813.) Talbott, Richard (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th April, 1777 ; resigned 6th November, 1777. Taliaferro, Benjamin (Va). 2d Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 4th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th August, 1776 ; Captain, 23d September, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died 3d September, 1821.) Taliaferro, Nicholas (Va). En sign 10th Virginia, 15th August, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 15th November, 1777 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at .Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed ; 1st Lieutenant, 18th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Taliaferro, William (Va). Cap tain 2d Virginia, 29th September, 1775 ; Major 3d Virginia, 13th August, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Vir ginia, 1st February, 1777; taken prisoner at Brandywine, llth Sep tember, 1777; died 1st February, 1778. Tallmadge, Benjamin (Conn). Ad jutant of Chester s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; Brigade- Major to General Wadsworth, llth October, 1776 ; Captain 2d Continental Dragoons, 14th December, 1776; Major, 7th April, 1777. By the act of 6th December, 1780, it was "Resolved, while Congress are sensible of the patriotism, courage and perseverance of the officers and privates of their regular forces, as well as of the inili- tia throughout these United States, and of the military conduct of the principal Commanders in both, it gives them pleasure to be so fre quently called upon to confer marks of distinction and applause for enter prises which do honor to the profes sion of arms, and claim a high rank of military achievements; in this Tallmadge. Tatum light they view the enterprise against Fort St. George, on Long Island, planned and conducted with wisdom and great gallantry, by Major Tall- inadge, of the Light Dragoons, arid executed with intrepidity arid com plete success by the officers and sol diers of the detachment. Ordered, therefore, that Major Tallmadge s report to the Commander-in-Chief be published, with the preceding minute, as a tribute to distinguished merit, and in testimony of the sense Con gress entertain of this brilliant ser vice." Served at General Washing ton s Headquarters, March, 1781, to November, 1783 ; brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, 30th September, 1783. (Died 17th March, 1835.) Tallmadge, James ( ). Captain Militia, ; wounded at Saratoga, 7th October, 1777. Tallmadge, Samuel (N. Y.). Ser geant 4th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Ensign, 9th November, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, 16th Septem ber, 1780 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 27th October, 1781 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 10th April, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Tallman, Benjamin (II. I.). Major of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to 25th January, 1776 ; Colonel Rhode Island Militia and State Regiment, 12th De cember, 1776, to 16th March, 1780. Tallman, Thomas (R. I.). Ensign of Warner s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th August, 1778; 2d Lieu tenant, May, 1780 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Tannehill, Adamson (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Stephensorf s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, llth July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant of Rawlings Additional Continental Regiment, January,1777; Captain, 20th July,1779, to rank from 1st April, 1778; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Brigadier-General Pennsylvania Volunteers in 1812. (Died 7th July, 1817.) Tannehill, Josiah (Va). Ensign and Paymaster 9th Virginia, 6th Au gust, 1779; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; Lieutenant, October, 1781, and served to close of war. Tannehill, Nieman (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Stephensoii s Maryland and Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, llth July, 1776 ; killed at Fort Washing ton, 16th November, 1776. Tanner, Ebenezer (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1780 ; 2d Lieutenant, 28th November, 1782 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1783. Tanner, Thomas (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 10th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Tanner, Tryal (Conn). Ensign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, loth April, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th July, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1777; Reg imental Adjutant, 16th December, 1777 ; resigned llth A pril, 1780. Tapp, William (N. Y.). Regimen tal Quartermaster 1st New York, 5th July, 1775, to January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; resigned 20th March, 1780. Tappan, Peter (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York Militia in 1775 ; Surgeori s- Mate in Hospital Department, 1776 to 1780; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 20th August, 1781, arid served to June, 1783. Tarbox, Solomon (Conn). Cor poral 2d Connecticut, 13th May to 17th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; died 19th April, 1778. Tarrant, Manlove (N. 0.). Cap tain 2d North Carolina in 1778. Tash, Thomas (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia, 1776 to 1780. Tate, James (Pa). Surgeon 3d Pennsylvania, 1st August, 1777, to August, 1780. Tate, James (N. C.). Chaplain 1st North Carolina, 13th October, 1775 ; Brigade Chaplain North Carolina Troops, 1st June, 1778, and served to close of war. Tate, John (Pa). Ensign llth Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed October, 1777. Tate, Joseph (N. C.). 1st Lieuten ant 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775; Captain, , 1776; died 2d June, 1777. Tate, William (S. C.). Captain- Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery Regiment, 8th October, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Tatum, Absolom (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775; Captain, 29th June, 1776; resigned 19th September, 1776. Tatum. Taylor. Tatum, Henry (Ya). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, 13th December, 1770; retired 14th September, 1778. Tatum, Howell (X. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 4th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th March, 1776; Captain, 3d April, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; prisoner on parole to close of war. Tatum, James (N. C.). Ensign 9th North Carolina, 12th August, 1777; Lieutenant 1st January, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died 10th September, 1821.) Tatum, Zachariah (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 13th December, 1780, arid served to close of war. Taulman, Peter (X. Y.). Ensign of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, llth March, 1777 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 1st July, 1777 ; transferred to Spencer s Continental Regiment, 17th April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Captain-Lieuten ant Sappers and Miners, 2d July, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died ICth December, 1835.) Taylor, Andrew (N. Y.). Adju tant 1st New York, 18th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 18th June to Novem ber, 1770. Taylor, Augustine (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermas ter, 2Gth July, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th January, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; re signed 2d June, 1781. Taylor, Charles (Va). Surgeon s- Mate 2d Virginia, 19th July, 1770 ; SurgeonVirginia Convention Guards, 26th October, 1779, to June, 1781. Taylor, Charles (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 19th March, 1770 ; killed ah Long Island, 27th August, 1770. Taylor, Chase (N. H.). Captain of Stickney s Regiment New Hamp shire Militia, ; severely wounded at Benriington, 16th August, 1777. Taylor, Christopher (Pa). Sur- geon s-Mate Invalid Regiment, 1st May, 1782, and served to June, 1783. Taylor, Christopher (N. C.). Cap tain of Militia, ; in service in Oc tober, 1780. Taylor, Daniel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Reg iment. May, 1775, to . Taylor, Dudley (Massi. Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to - Taylor, Elijah (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, . 1780; resigned 21st July, 1781. Taylor, Francis (Va). Captain 2d Virginia, 8th May, 1776; Major 15th Virginia, 20th March, 1778 : retired 14th September, 1778 ; Colonel Vir ginia Convention Guards, June, 1779, to June, 1781. Taylor, G-illam (N. H.). Ensign 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Taylor, Isaac (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Taylor, James (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; Judge-Advocate Northern Department, 26th December, 1776, and served to . Taylor, John (Va). Lieutenant Virginia Convention Guards, 18th June, 1779, to 15th June, 1781. Taylor, John (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Taylor, John (Va). Captain 1st Virginia, 29th April, 1776 ; Judge-Ad vocate of Continental Troops in Vir ginia, 6th May, 1776, with rank of Major in 2d Canadian Regiment, 24th January, 1777, to rank from 13th No vember, 1776, and served to . Taylor, John (N. C.). Paymaster 8th North Carolina ; on roll for July, 1777. Taylor, Levi (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 25th October. 1775. Taylor, Nathan (N. H.i. Lieu tenant of Wliit ">mb s Battalion New Hampshire Rangers, 1st February, 1777, to 6th December, 1779. Taylor, Othniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, ; Adju tant, 2d March, 1779: Captain, 30th October, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died loth August, 1819.) Taylor, Reuben (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 8th April, 1777 ; Captain, 2d February, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Taylor, Richard (Va;. 2d Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 15th February, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Taylor. Taylor, Richard (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 6th September, 1775; Captain, 5th March, 1776 ; Major, 13th Virginia, 4th February, 1778 ; transferred to 9th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Virginia, 7th December, 1779 ; retired 12th February, 1781. Taylor, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Taylor, Tertius (Mass). Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, 18th March, 1780; transferred to 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Taylor, Timothy (Conn). Ser geant 5th Connecticut, 9th May to llth December, 1775 ; Ensign of Brad- ley s Connecticut State Regiment, 10th June, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November. 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut^ 1st September, 1777; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Cap tain, 17th December, 1781 ; trans ferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Connec ticut Regiment in June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783; Lieu tenant-Colonel 13th United States In fantry, 13th February, 1799 ; honora bly discharged, 15th June, 1800. Taylor, Thomas (Gfa). Adjutant 4th Georgia, ; on roll for Novem ber, 1777. Taylor, Thornton (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 15th August, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, ; retired 14th September, 1778. Taylor, William (N. C.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 6th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, to . Taylor, "William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 29th January, 1776; Captain, 28th December, 1776; Major 9th Virginia, 7th December, 1779 ; retired 12th February, 1781. (Died 14th April, 1830.) Taylor, "William (Mass). Sergeant in Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment May to December, 1775 ; Ensign, 7th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777, and served to June, 1783. Teackle, Arthur (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virgina, 14th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th July, 1776 ; resigned 26th May, 1778. Teackle, Severn (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 12th February, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, llth July, 1776; was a 394 Ten Eyck. Captain in 5th Virginia in March, 1781, and served to . Tearse, Peter B. (N. Y.). Lieuten ant and Adjutant 2d New York, 16th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776; resigned 23d April, 1781; Bri gade-Major to General Gansevoort s New York Militia in 1781. Teas, Alexander (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regi ment, 3d November, 177G ; died loth September, 1777. Teas, William (Md). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 1779 to 1781. (Died, 1824.) Tebbs, John (Va). Ensign 3d Vir ginia, 5th February, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 19th June, 1776 ; 1st Lieuten ant, , 1777 ; Captain, , 1778 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Tebbs, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Virginia, 23d January, 1776, to . Teller, James (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, - ; prisoner of war, 24th June, 1779, to January, 1781. Temple, Benjamin (Va). Captain Virginia Dragoons, 15th June, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777; trans ferred to 4th Dragoons, 10th Decem ber, 1779, and served to close of war. Templeton, Andrew (Ga). Captain Georgia, ; killed at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Ten Broeck, Abraham (N. Y.). Colonel New York Militia, 1775 to 1778, and Brigadier-General New York Militia, 25th June, 1778; resigned 26th March, 1781. (Died 19th January, 1810) Ten Broeck, Adam (N. Y T .). En sign 1st New York, 29th June, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Ten Broeck, John O. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 1st March, 1776 ; Captain, 5th April, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 10th August, 1835.) Ten Eyck, Abraham (N. Y.). Lieutenant and Paymaster 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Regimen tal Quartermaster, 13th January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; Cap tain Assistant Deputy Quartermaster- General United States Army, 20th May, 1813 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 14th November^ 1824.) Ten Eyck. 395 Thacher. Ten Eyck, Barent J. (N. Y.). Cap tain 3d New York, 28th June, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 28th June, 1775 ; resigned 22d Janu ary, 1778. Ten Eyck, Henry (Conn). Adju tant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 13th May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Ten Eyck, John (N. J.). Lieuten ant New Jersey Militia, ; killed at Millstone, N!! J., 17th June, 1777. Ten Eyck, John D. P. (N. Y.). Lieutenant and Paymaster 1st Cana dian (Livingston s) Regiment, 12th February, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 24th September, 1779 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Tennant, George (R. I.). Lieuten ant of Church s Rhode Island Regi ment, 3d May, 1775, to . Tennent, "William (Conn). Chap lain of Swift s Connecticut State Reg iment, July to December, 1776. Tenney, Samuel (R. I.). Surgeori s- Mate of Gridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, June to December, 1775; Surgeon llth Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Surgeon 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 6th February, 1816.) Ternant, Jean Baptiste (France). Lieutenant-Colonel and Inspector Continental Army, 25th September, 1778, with pay from 26th March, 1778, and served with the Pulaski Legion ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; brevet Colonel, 13th Octo ber, 1783; subsequently was by act of 22d April, 1784, appointed Colonel of Armand s Partisan Corps or Legion to date from March 26, 1783 ; the date of Armand s promotion to Brigadier- General ; served to close of war. (Died April, 1816.) Terrell, Israel (Conn). 2:1 Lieuten ant 1st Connecticut, 1st May to De cember, 1775. Terrill, Henry (Ya). Captain 5th Virginia, 12th March, 1776; resigned llth August, 1777. Terrill, "William (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 8th September, 1777, to . Terrill, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, 14th December, 1776; resigned 5th September, 1778. Terry, Nathaniel (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 2d December, 1776 ; regiment designated 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 12th March, 1779; Regi mental Quartermaster, 31st March, 1779 ; Captain, 15th December, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Tetard, Benjamin (S. C.). Surgeon of a South Carolina Regiment in 1779 and 1780. Tetard, John Peter (N. Y.). Chap lain of New Y r ork Troops, 6th July, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Chaplain 4th New York, 21st November, 1776, to 27th May, 1777. Tew, Benedict (R. I.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d Rhode Island, llth February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 22d October, 1777 ; resigned 19th May, 1779. Tew, James (R. I.). Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 15th January, 1776 ; Major of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Tew, Thomas (R. I.). Captain of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Tew, William (R. I.). Captain llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Thacher, James (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, July to December, 1775; Surgeon s-Mate 6th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Hospital Surgeon s-Mate, 1st April, 1777 ; Surgeon of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th November, 1778 ; regiment desig nated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 24th May, 1844.) Thacher, Nathaniel (Mass). En sign of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; regiment designated 16th Massachu setts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 7th October, 1781 ; trans ferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783 ; transferred to 2d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died Feb ruary, 1^09.) Thackston. 300 Thomas. Thackston, James (N. C.). Lieu tenant-Colonel 4th North Carolina, 7th May, 1776, to - Thatcher, James and Nathaniel. See Thacher. Thatcher, James (Va). Surgeon 1st Virginia State Regiment, 10th November, 1778 ; resigned 80th June, 1779. Thayer, Abel (Mass). Captain of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Thayer, Bartholomew (Mass). Corporal 10th Massachusetts, 20th February, 1777; Sergeant, 1st No vember, 1777; Ensign, 6th April, 1779; Lieutenant, 12th September, 1780; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died llth April, 1826.) Thayer, Jabez (Mass). Chaplain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned September, 1777. Thayer, Jedediah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 25th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Thayer, Simeon (R. I.). Captain- Lieutenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; exchanged 1st July, 1777; Major 2d Rhode. Island, to rank from 1st January, 1777 ; wounded (lost an eye) at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778; retired 1-st January, 1781. (Died 14th October, 1800.) Thayer, Zacheus (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Thelable, Robert (Va). Ensign 15th Virginia, 13th February, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, llth March, 1777; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; served to . Theus, Jeremiah (S. C.). Surgeon 1st South Carolina, 2d August, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1,80. Theus, Simeon (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 18th August, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Thibout, Henry. See Tiebout. Thomas, Alexander (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776, and of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. Thomas, David (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, June to 31st December, 1776. Thomas, Edmund Disney (N. J.). Private and Cadet 3d New Jersey, January to July, 1776; Ensign, 19th July, 1776, to 20th November, 1776 ; Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th Novem ber, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, llth Novem ber, 1777 ; transferred to 2d New Jer sey, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783 ; brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Thomas, Edward (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; pris oner of war, 1st March to November, 1781. Thomas, Foxwell (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 10th September, 1829.) Thomas, Jacob (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Thomas, John (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Cotton s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Sur- geonVMate 23d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Surgeon 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 30th Oc tober, 1819.) Thomas, John (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 22d June, 1775; Major-General, 6th March, 1776 ; died 30th May, 177o. Thomas, John Allen (Md). Cap tain of an Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776, to . Thomas, John Jr. (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Thomas, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 26th October, 1779, and served to 17th June, 1783. (Died , 1804.) Thomas, Joseph M. (N. H.). Lieu tenant and Adjutant of Tash s Regi ment New Hampshire Militia, August to November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 3d New T Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 14th July, 1777; killed at Bemus Heights, 19th September, 1777. Thomas. 397 Thompson. Thomas, Joshua (Mass). Adjutant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant and Adjutant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Thomas, Lewis (Va). Captain- Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 16th De cember, 1776 ; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to . Thomas, Mark (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1777 to 1781. Thomas, Philip (Mass). Captain 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; retired 1st March, 1779. Thomas, Philip (X. H.). Captain- Lieutenant 3d Xew Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Thomas, Samuel Wrigiit ( Md). 2d Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Thomas, Stephen Jones (X. H.). 2d Lieutenant 8th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Thomas, Thomas (X. Y.). Colonel Xew York Militia, ; taken pris oner at Cherry Valley, 10th Novem ber, 1778 ; released 15th May, 1779. Thomas, Thomas (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 5th December, 1776 ; re signed June, 1778. Thomas, William (Mass). Surgeon of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Thompson, Alexander (X. Y T ,). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 31st May, 1779 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783 ; Captain 1st Artillerists and Engineers, 2d June, 1794 ; honorably discharged, 1st June, 1802 ; Military Storekeeper United States Army, 27th July, 1806 ; died 28th September, 1809. Thompson, Amos (Md). Chaplain of Stephenson s Maryland and Vir ginia Riflemen, 23d July, 1776, to . Thompson, Anderson (Va). 2d Lieutenant 3d Virginia, - - March, 1776 ; resigned 2d August, 1776. Thompson, Andrew (X. J.). Ser geant 1st New Jersey, December, 1776 : Ensign of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 3d April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Brandy wine, llth September, 1777 ; exchanged, 17th December, 1780; retired with rank of Lieutenant 1st January, 1781. Thompson, Benjamin (Mass). Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts 1st January, 1777 ; retired an account of ill-health, 16th January, 1779. Thompson, Benjamin (Conn). Ad jutant 2d Continental Dragoons, 1st March, 1777 ; left regiment 3d Oc tober, 1777. Thompson, Cornelius (Va). 1st Lieutenant 12th Virginia, ; re signed April, 1777. Thompson, David (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, June, 1777, to . Thompson, Elias (R. I.). Lieu tenant 1st Rhode Island, 19th Febru ary, 1777; dishonorably discharged, llth February, 1780. Thompson, G-eorge (Va). Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Thompson, Isaac (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania, loth Feb ruary, 1777, to -. Thompson, Isaiah (Conn). Pri vate 2d Connecticut, 4th May to 18th December, 1775 ; Sergeant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 8th April, 1776 ; Ensign, 5th October, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; Captain-Lieu tenant, 14th April, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Thompson, Jabez (Conn). Major in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Major 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 : Lieutenant- Colonel 2d Connecticut Militia, 1776; killed in the retreat from Xew Y ork, 15th September, 1776. Thompson James (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, - ; resigned October, 1777. Thompson, James ( ). Quar termaster 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 10th January, 1777 ; omit ted July, 1777. Thompson, James (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 29th January,* 1778 ; re signed 1st May, 1780. Thompson, Jesse (X. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 4th Xew Y^ork, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Thompson, John (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 15th March, 1776 ; Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d Xo- vember, 1776 ; resigned 30th October, 1777 ; served subsequently as Colonel Pennsylvania Militia. (Died 17th April, 1834.) Thompson. 398 Thornbury. Thompson, John (Mass). Ensign 6th Massachusetts, llth November, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Thompson, John (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 2d December, 1776, to . Thompson, John (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 18th March, 1776; resigned 28th October, 1776. Thompson, John Baptist (Md). 1st Lieutenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to Thompson, Jonathan (Mass), Ser geant 6th Massachusetts, 17th March, 1777; Ensign, llth November, 1779; died 22d January, 1781. Thompson, Joseph (Mass). Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Major 6th Massachu setts, 1st November, 1776 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel 10th Massachusetts, 19th December, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780; exchanged 8th December, 1780 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Thompson, Joseph (Pa). Sur- geon s-Mate 4th Continental Dra goons, June, 1780, and served to close of war. Thompson, Joshua (N. H.). En sign 1st New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th March, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 30th August, 1779, aad served to close of war. Thompson, Laurence (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Captain, 15th Au gust, 1776, and served to . Thompson, Leonard (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 18th March, 1776; resigned 28th December, 1776. Thompson, Richard (Md). Regi mental Quartermaster 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Thompson, Richard (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; died, March, 1777. Thompson, Samuel (N.H.). Ensign 1st New Hampshire, 10th January, 1778 ; cashiered, 1st August, 1781. Thompson, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Doolittle s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 26th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Thompson, Thaddeus(Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 6th Massachusetts, 15th January, 1778, to . Thompson, Thomas (R. I.). Cap tain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Thompson, Thomas (N. Y.). Ser- feant in Hamilton s Company New ork Artillery, March, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, loth August, 1776; Captain- Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; died 23d June, 1780. Thompson, "William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Thompson, "William (S. C.). Lieu tenant-Colonel South Carolina Ran gers, 17th June, 1775; Colonel 3d South Carolina, May, 1776. By the Act of 20th July, 1776, it was "Re solved, that the thanks of the United States of America be given Colonel William Thompson, and the officers and soldiers under their com mand, who, on the 28th of June last, repulsed, with so much valor, the at tack which was made that day on the State of South Carolina by the fleet and army of his Britannic Majesty ;" taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; prisoner on parole to close of war. (Died 22d November, 1796.) Thompson, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Pennsylvania, 9th August, 1776; resigned 17th May, 1777; 1st Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania, 16th June, 1778; retired 17th January, 1781. Thompson, William (Va). Cap tain of a Virginia State Regiment, June, 1777 ( to April, 1781. Thompson, William (Pa). Col onel Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 25th June, 1775; Colonel 1st Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 1st March, 1776; taken prisoner at Three Rivers, 8th June, 1776; ex changed 25th October, 1780 ; died 3d September, 1781. Thorns, Samuel (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant llth Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; Captain, 3d April, 1777; retired 22d November, 1778. Thorn, Samuel (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 21st November, 177(5 ; resigned 27th December, 1777. Thornburg-h, - - ( ). "Wagon- master-General, with rank of Lieu tenant-Colonel Continental Army, 18th June, 1777, and served to Thornbury, Francis (Pa). Ensign of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 2d February, 1778; regi ment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th May, 1780; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781; re tired 1st January, 1783. Thornton. 399 Tiebout. Thornton, Frank (Va). Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 21st April, 1778 ; resigned 1st January, 1779. Thornton, John (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1770 ; Major of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 20th March, 1777 ; Lieu- tenant-Coloriel, loth November, 1778 ; retired 20th April, 1779 ; Colonel Com manding Regiment of Virginia Militia at Yorktown in 1781. Thornton, Matthew Jr. (X. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, Gth July to December, 1775. Thornton, Presley Peter (Va). Cornet 3d Continental Dragoons, 21st February, 1777; Lieutenant, ; Lieu tenant-Colonel Aide-de-Camp to Gen eral Washington, Gth September, 1777, to ; Captain, , and served to June, 1783; Captain 8th United States Infantry, 10th January, 1799 ; honorably discharged, loth June, 1800. Thornton, Samuel (R. I.). Lieu tenant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775. Thorp, Eliphalet (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1770 ; 1st Lieu tenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 20th September, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Thorp, Timothy (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, llth March, 1770, to . Threadgill, Thomas (Ga). Cap tain 3d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778. Throckmorton, Albion (Va). Cor net 1st Continental Dragoons, , 1781, and served to . Throop, Benjamin (Conn). 1st Lieutenant Oth Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Captain of Burrall s Connecticut StateRegiment, 19th January, 1770; Captain 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1777; Major 4th Connecticut, 1st May, 1778 ; trans ferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 10th May, 1822.) Throop, Billing s (R. I.). Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island Regi ment, 1st November, 1775, to May, 1770. Throop, John Rutherford (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 20th October, 1779, and served to 17th June, 1783. Thruston, Charles Mynn (Va). Captain of a Virginia Regiment ; wounded and lost an arm at Amboy, 8th March, 1777; served subsequently as Colonel of one of the Sixteen Addi tional Continental Regiments, which was consolidated with Gist s and Grayson s Regiments, 22d April 1779, when he became supernumerary ; no rolls or returns of this regiment have been found, but it appears from or ders, letters, <fcc., that the regiment never was fully completed. Thruston, Robert (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Thumb, John (Pa). Corporal Ger man Regiment, 8th August, 1770 ; Sergeant, 1st October, 1770 ; Ensign, 30th June, 1777 ; transferred to llth Pennsylvania in 1779, and served to Thurber, Joseph (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to December, 1770 ; Adjutant of Gilnian s New Hampshire Militia Regiment, December, 1770, to March, 1777. Thurston, Benjamin (N. Y.). Lieu tenant-Colonel New York Militia, ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Thwait, Thomas (Va). Captain 14th Virginia, Ld December, 1770 ; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777 ; paroled, 27th March, 1778 ; did not rejoin regiment. (Name also spelled Thweat.) Thwing, Nathaniel (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 20th August to December, 1775. Tibbs, W illou g:. n b y (Va). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, oth March, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 8th June, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st July, 1778 ; re signed 28th September, 1778. (Name also spelled Tebbs.) Tickle, Benjamin (Md). Lieuten ant Maryland, 19th February, 1780 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781, and served to . Tidd, Benjamin (Mass). Lieuten ant Company of Minute Men at Lex ington, 19th April, 1775. Tiebout, Henry (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 24th February, 1770 ; Captain 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1770; transferred to 1st New York, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. (Name also spelled Thibout.) Tierce. 400 Tisdale., Tierce, Peter B. See Tearse. Tiffany, Isaiah (C^nn). Corporal 1st Connecticut, 14th April, 1777 ; Ser geant, 1st June, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st Jan uary, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieuten ant, 22d April, 1781 ; transferred to 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1783, arid served to June, 1783. Tiffany, John (Conn). Sergeant of Bun-all s Connecticut State Regi ment, January, 1776 ; Ensign 19th September, 1776 ; Ensign 1st Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieuten ant, 31st December, 1777 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 6th February, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 31st August, 1780 ; trans ferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; resigned 23d October, 1781. Tilden, Daniel (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 19th December, 1775; 1st Lieu tenant and Adjutant 20th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Cap tain, 7th September to 31st Decem ber, 1776. (Died September, 1832.) Tilden, John Bell (Pa). Ensign 2d Pennsylvania, 28th May, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 25th July, 1780; retired 17th January, 1781. Tilden, Joshua (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 12th December, 1777. Tilghman, Tench (Pa). Captain of a Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; on duty as a volunteer at General Washington s Headquarters, as Military Secretary from 8th August, 1776 ; Lieutenant- Colonel Aide-de-Camp and Military Secretary to General Washington, 1st April, 1777. By the act of 29th Octo ber, 1781, it was tk Resolved, that the Board of War be directed to present to Lieutenant-Colonel Tilghman, in the name of the United States, in Congress assembled, a horse properly caparisoned, and an elegant sword, in testimony of their high opinion of his merit and ability." Served to 23d December, 1783. (Died 18th April, 1786.) Tillard, Edward (Md). Captain 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Ma jor 6th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th Mary land, 22d May, 1779 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Tilley, Edward (Conn). Ensign 1st Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; taken prisoner by the British Navy, 17th September 1775 ; released 14th April, 1776. Tilley, Robert (Va). Paymaster of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, loth April, 1777; resigned 31st August, 1778. Tillingiiast, Daniel (R. I.). En sign 1st Rhode Island, llth Febru ary, 1777, to . Tilling-hast, Thomas (R. I.). Ma jor Rhode Island Militia, 1779 to 1782. (Died 26th August, 1821.) Tillman, John (N. Y.). Adjutant 2d New York, 30th June, 1775, to Jan uary, 1776. Tillotsoii, Thomas (N. Y.). Hos pital Physician and Surgeon, 6th Oc tober, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 5th May, 1832.) Tillotson, William (N. Y.). Sur geon 2d Canadian (Hazen\s) Regi ment, 10th April, 1777 ; resigned 22d December, 1777. Tilton, James (Del). Surgeon Delaware Regiment, 16th January to December, 1776; Hospital Physician, 23d April, 1777; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, and served to close of war; Physician and Surgeon-General United States Army, llth June, 1813 ; honorably dis charged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 14th May, 1822.) Tilton, John (X. H.). 2d Lieuten ant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Tilton, Philip (N. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776. Tilton, William (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 23d March, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. Timberlake, Benjamin (Va). Cap tain Virginia Convention Guards, 13th January to 12th October, 1779. Tinsley, Samuel (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1782, Tipton, Abraham (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 27th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 20th May, 1777 ; resigned 16th March, 1778^; served subsequently as Captain Virginia State Regiment, and was killed by Indians near Falls of the Ohio in 1781. Tisdale, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Quebec, 81st De cember, 1775 ; exchanged , 1776 ; Tit con* b. 1st Lieutenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 3d May, 1778, and served to close of war. (Died 13th November, 1832.) Titcomb, Benjamin (N. H.). Cap tain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 8th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; Major, 2d April, 1777; wounded at Hubbardton, 7th July, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 24th March, 1780; retired 1st January, 1781. Titus, Jonathan (N. Y.). 3d Lieu tenant 1st New York November, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, July, 1776 ; Captain 4th New i 7 ork, 21st November, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 20th July, 1835.) Todd, Jonathan (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 6th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777; resigned 5th March, 1777; Surgeon s-Mate 7th Connecticut, 6th August, 1777 ; resigned 26th March, 1778. Todd, Robert (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1782. Tolbert, Isham (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Virginia, 26th February. 1776, to . Tolbert, Jacob (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 7th Novem ber, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Tolbert, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, loth January, 1776; Captain 2d Penn sylvania, 2d October, 1776, and served f n . Tomlinson, David (Conn). Private 1st Connecticut, 15th May to 10th December, 1775; Ensign 6th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Tomlinson, Jabez (Conn). Ensign of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 3d April, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 1st May, 1781. Tomm, Nathaniel (N.Y.). Captain New York Militia in 1776; Captain of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, 17th March, 1777; trans ferred to Spencer s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Tompkins, Charles (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776; resigned 28th December, 1776. Tompkins, Henry (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 5th December, 1776; died , 1777. Tompkins, Robert (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 7th March, 1776, to . 401 Torrey. Toms, John (N. J.). 1st Lieuten ant New Jersey Militia, ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Toogood, William (Mass). Adju tant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted June, 1779. Tool, Henry Irwin (N. C.). Cap tain 2d North Carolina, 1st Septem ber, 1775 ; resigned April, 1776. Tool, James (Md). Ensign and Quartermaster 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to Decem ber, 1776. Toomy, John (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777; omitted June, 1777, with remark "never acted ; " his name also appears as a Lieutenant of Gist s Additional Con tinental Regiment in June and July, 1778. Topham, Daniel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 28th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 20th April, 1778. Topham, John (R. I.). Captain- Lieutenant of Church s Rhode Is land Regiment, 3d May, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; Colonel 1st Rhode Island State Regiment, 9th February, 1778, to 6th May, 1780. (Died 26th September, 1793.) Torrence, Joseph (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Pennsylvania, March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 2d February, 1778 ; resigned 25th April, 1779. Torrence, Robert ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 16th September, 1776, to . Torrey, Joseph ( ). Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 3d No vember, 1776 ; Major, 9th January, 1777, and served to . (Died 30th September, 1783.) Torrey, William (Mass). Member Company of Minute Men at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775 ; Sergeant in Bailey s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, March, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died 22d October, 1828.) Totman. 402 Trafton. Totman, Joshua (Mass). Quarter master-Sergeant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Quarter master, 1st January, 1778 ; retired 1st April, 1779. Tourneau le, (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Corps ; brevetted 1st Lieutenant Continental Army, 13th January, 1779, and per mitted to return to France. Tourtellotte, Abraham (R. I.). En sign of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to November, 1775; Lieutenant of Lippitt s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776, to March, 1777. (Died 6th December, 1820.) Tousard, Louis (France). Joined the Continental Army as a volunteer in the summer of 1777. By the act of 27th October, 1778, it was "Resolved, that the gallantry of MonsieurTousard in the late action on Rhode Island (when he was wounded and lost an arm) is deserving of the highest applause, and that Congress, in con sideration of his zeal and misfortune, do promote the said Monsieur Tou sard to the rank of Lieutenant-Colo nel in the service of the United States, by brevet, and that he do receive a pension of thirty dollars per month, out of the Treasury of the United States during his life." Major 1st Artillerists and Engineers United States Army, 26th February, 1795 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Artil lerists and Engineers, 26th May, 1800 ; honorably discharged, 1st June, 1802. (Died 18th September, 1821.) Tower, Levi (R. 1.). 1st Lieuten ant of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775; Captain, 28th June to December, 1775. Towles, Oliver (Va). Captain 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776; Major, 15th August, 1777 ; taken prisoner in December, 1777, at ; exchanged latter part of 1780, and was retained in 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, as Lieutenant- Colonel, to rank from 10th February, 1778; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783. Town, Archelaus (Mass). Captain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Town, Ebenezer (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died llth February, 1778. Town, Ezra (N. H.). Lieutenant New Hampshire Minute Men, April, 1775; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 2d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 177G, to . Town, Jacob (Mass). Sergeant 4th Massachusetts, 2d April, 1777; En sign, 18th August, 1779; Lieutenant, 27th May, 1782; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Town, Salem (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Learned s Massachusetts Regi ment, May, 1775, to . Townes, John (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st July, 1777; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 6th Virginia, 12th February, 1781 ; was paid to 26th March, 1882. Townsend, Abiel (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Townsend, David (Mass). Sur geon of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, 12th July, 1775 ; Surgeon 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Hospital Sur geon, March, 1777; Hospital Physi cian and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, and served to close of war. (Died 13th April, 1829.) Townsend, Samuel (N. Y.). Pay master 5th New York, 25th June, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. Townsend, Solomon (R. I.). Regimental Quartermaster of Stan- ton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Townsend, Stephen (Mass). En sign 6th Massachusetts, ; prisoner, ; released 22d December, 1780. Tracy, Andrew H. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 1st June, 1777 ; Battalion attached to 3d Continental Artillery; resigned 15th September, 1778, arid joined the enemy. Tracy, Hezekiah (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th November, 1778. Tracy, Joshua (Conn). Ensign 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Tracy, Phineas Lyman (Conn). 2d Lieutenant ai.d Adjutant 6th Con necticut, 6th July, 1775 ; died 26th August, 1775. Tracy, William (Conn). Sergeant- Major 1st Connecticut, 1st March, 1777 ; Ensign, 30th July, 1777 ; resigned 1st September, 1780. Trafton, Joshua (Mass). Ensign of Scammori s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 15th Continental Infan- Trafton. 403 Tripp. try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain of Sherburne s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st June, 1777 ; resigned 20th April, 1780. Trafton, Philip (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island Regiment. 19th August, 1776, and of Stanton s Rhone Island State Regi ment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Trask, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Trask, Moses (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775. Trask, Nathaniel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 12th July, 1779. Travis, Edward (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 24th October, 1775 ; joined the Navy in 1776. Travis, Jacob (N. Y.). Lieutenant New York State Troops ; wounded and lost an arm at Crompo Hill, Con necticut, 28th April, 1777 Treadwell, William (Mass). Cap tain-Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment, Continental Artillery, 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, and served to 17th June, 1783. (Died April, 1795.) Treat, Malachi (N. Y.). Physician- General Hospital Northern Depart ment, llth April to August, 1777 ; Chief Hospital Physician, 6th Oc tober, 1780, and served to close of war. Treat, Samuel (X. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Kriox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, 10th December, 1775; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Fort Mifflin, loth November, 1777. Trent, Lawrence (Va). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, , 1778 ; Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master, 1st October, 1779 ; Captain, : served to close of war. Trescott, Lemuel (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain of Hen ley s Additional Continental Regi ment, January, 1777 ; Major, 20th May, 1778; transferred to Jackson s ^Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; regiment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780 ; transferred to 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781; trans ferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1783 ; transferred to 4th Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783 ; Major 2d United States Infantry, 4th March, 1791 ; re signed 28th December, 1791. (Died 10th August, 1826.) Treuson, de (France). Served as a volunteer in Armand s Corps, ; brevetted Captain, 13th Janu ary, 1779, and permitted to return to France. Trevett, Samuel Russell (Mass)- Captain of Gridley s Regiment Mas sachusetts Artillery, May to Decem ber, 1775. (Died 19th January, 1832. Trezvant, John (Va). Surgeon 2d Virginia, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; released shortly after, and served to close of war. Trigg, Daniel (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia, 15th December, 1775 ; dropped on return for October, 1776, as absent without leave. Trimble, James (Va). Surgeon s- Mate, 30th September to 20th Novem ber, 1775. Tripler, George (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 10th Pennsylvania, 4th Decem ber, 1776 ; resigned 1st November, 1777. Triplett, Charles (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 19th September, 1776 ; died December, 1776. Triplett, George (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 12th September, 1777, to January, 1781. (Died 15th September, 1833.) Triplett, Rogers (Va). Lieutenant 2d Virginia State Regiment, , 1778 ; cashiered, 22d August, 1779. Triplett, Thomas (Va). Captain of Grrayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 13th January, 1777 ; re signed 29th April, 1778. (Died Febru ary, 1833.) Triplett, William (Va). Ensign of Grrayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st November, 1777 ; Lieu tenant, 10th May, 1778 ; Regimental Paymaster, 10th January, 1779 ; trans ferred to Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Tripp, William (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 1st New York, 24th April to November, 1776. Tripp, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign of Church s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775, to . Trotter. 404 Tubbs, Trotter, John (Mass). Ensign of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign 13th Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 1st January, 1779; Captain, 18th October, 1780; Aide-de-Camp to General Putnam, 20th January, 1783, to close of war. Troup, Robert (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, May, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged 9th December, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, February, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel Aide-de-Camp to General Gates, 4th October, 1777 ; Secretary to the Board of Treasury, 29th May, 1779; resigned 8th February, 1780. (Died 14th January, 1832.) Trout, Henry (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777; re signed July, 1777. Troutvine, George Jacob (Va). Surge onVMate llth Virginia, 13th November, 1776 ; resigned 22d Novem ber, 1777. Trow, Bartholomew (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Trowbridge, Caleb (Conn). Cap tain 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 17th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died of wounds, 29th August, 1776. Trowbridge, Elihu (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 4th December, 1777. Trowbridge, John (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 21st December, 1775. Trowbridge, John (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 29th April, 1779; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Trowbridge, Luther (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th July, 1779 ; Regimental Adjutant, 1780 to 1783; served to June 1783. (Died 19th February, 1802.) Truelock, Henry (Md). Ensign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; re signed 7th December, 1777. Trueman, Alexander (Md). En sign 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flj^ing Camp, June toDecember,1776; Captain 6th Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776; transferred to 2d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1783; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 3d June, 1790 ; Major of Infantry, llth April, 1792 ; wounded in action with Indians on the Miami, Ohio, 4th November, 1791 ; found dead about 20th April, 1792, having been killed, scalped and stripped by Indians in Ohio. See American State papers, Indian affairs, volume 1, page 243. Trueman, John (Md). Lieutenant 1st Maryland, 16th March, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 4th February, 1809.) Truesdel, Ebenezer (Conn). En sign 1st Connecticut, 1st to 28th May, 1775. Truitt, Joseph (Del). 1st Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 16th Janu ary to December, 1776. Trumbull, Benjamin(Conn). Chap lain 1st Connecticut, May to Decem ber, 1775; Chaplain of Douglass Con necticut State Regiment, 24th June to 29th December, 1776. (Died 2d Feb ruary, 1820.) Trumbull, John (Conn). Adjutant 2d Connecticut, 28th May, 1775 ; Aide- de-Camp to General Washington, 27th July, 1775 ; Brigade Major to General Spencer, 15th August, 1775; Deputy Adjutant-General Northern Depart ment, 12th September, 1776; resigned 19th April, 1777. (Died 10th Novem ber, 1843.) Trumbull, Jonathan (Conn). Pay master-General Northern Depart ment, 28fch July, 1775; resigned 29th July, 1778; Lieutenant-Colonel and Military Secretary to General Wash ington, 8th June, 1781, to 23d Decem ber, 1783. (Died 7th August, 1809.) Trumbull, Joseph. (Conn). Commis sary-General of Connecticut Troops, April, 1775 ; Commissary-General of Stores Continental Army, 19th July, 1775; Commissary-General of Pur chases, 18th June, 1777; resigned 2d August, 1777; Commissioner for the Board of War, 27th November, 1777 ; resigned 18th April, 1778. (Died 23d July, 1778.) Trunnell, Francis (Ga). Lieuten ant 2d Georgia, 20th June, 1777 ; on roll for August, 1778. Tubbs, Joel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment* May to December, 1775. Tubbs. 405 Turner. Tubbs, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Major 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; fur- loughed 15th October, 1778, and did not return to the army. Tucker, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 26th November, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Tucker, John (Mass). Ensign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned llth July, 1779. (Died 16th January, 1831.) Tucker, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 : Lieutenant, 9th February, 1780 ; Pay master of Regiment, 1st January, 1777, to June, 1783. Tucker, Thomas Tudor (S. C.). Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, to close of war. (Died 2d May, 1828.) Tucker, William (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Virginia, 24th December, 1777 ; regiment designated 10th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 6th March, 1779. (Died 23d May, 1819.) Tuckerman, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Adjutant of 6th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1770 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th Octo ber to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st April, 1779. Tudor, George (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776*; Captain, 13th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washing ton, 16th November, 1776; exchanged 10th May, 1778 ; Captain 4th Pennsjd- vania, to rank from 13th June, 1776 ; Major 5th Pennsylvania, 17th April, 1780; retired 17th January, 1781. Tudor, William (Mass). Judge- Advocate Continental Army, 29th July, 1775, with rank of Lieutenant- Colonel, 10th August, 1776; resigned 9th April, 1778 ; was also Lieutenant- Colonel of Henley s Additional Con tinental Regiment, January, 1777, to 9th April, 1778. (Died 8th July, 1819.) Tufts, Francis (Mass). Sergeant- Major 8th Massachusetts, 21st Febru ary, 1777 ; Ensign 9th October, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 12th Ausrust, 1779 ; Regi mental Adjutant, 27th April, 1780; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to 3d Novem ber, 1783. Tufts, Grimes (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775. Tufts, Moses (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 27th February, 1778. Tunison, Garret (N. J.). Surgeon 2d Continental Artillery, 1st Febru ary, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Tupper, Anselm (Mass). Lieuten ant and Adjutant llth Massachu setts, 26th September, 1780; trans ferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; transferred to 6th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died 25th December, 1808J Tupper, Benjamin (Mass). Major of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th November, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 21st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776 ; Colonel llth Massachusetts, 7th July, 1777; transferred to 10th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1783, and served to 12th June, 1783. (Died June, 1792.) Tupper, Simeon (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 28th March, 1778. Turbee, William (N. C.). Lieuten ant 3d North Carolina, 6th July, 1777. (In service, January, 1780.) Turberville, George L. (Va). Cap tain loth Virginia, 2d December, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Cainp to General Lee, 2ot!i May, 1778 ; retired 14th Sep tember, 1778. Turk, Andrew (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 8th Virginia, 12th March, 1776, to Turnbull, Charles (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant of Proctor s Battalion Penn sylvania Artillery, 5th October, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 3d March, 1777 ; taken pris oner at Bound Brook, 13th April, 1777; exchanged 3d April, 1780; Cap tain, 16th July, 1777; served to June, 1783. Turner, Amos (Mass). Captain of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December. 1775. Turner, Berryman (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775, to . Turner, Edward (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; died 26th December, 1777. Turner. 406 Tuttle. Turner, George (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 28th April, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Turner, Hezekiah (Va). Paymas ter 3d Virginia, September, 1777, to May, 1778. Turner, Isaac (Conn). Sergeant 7th Connecticut, 8th July to 18th De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th May, 1778. Turner, Jacob (N. C.). Captain North Carolina, ; killed at Ger- maritowii, 4th October, 1777. Turner, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Turner, John (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 7th December, 1776, to . Turner, John Jr. (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Thomas Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Turner, Jonathan (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st No vember, 1777; Captain, 4th October, 1780; transferred to 5th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died, November, 1821.) Turner, Marlbury (Mass). Ensign 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 10th August, 1781, and served to close of war. Turner, Peleg (Mass). Sergeant 10th Massachusetts, 1st March, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st November, 1777 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 1st April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Turner, Peter (R. I.). Surgeon 1st Rhode Island, 15th March, 1777; re tired 1st January, 1781. Turner, Philip (Conn). Volunteer Surgeon at Bunker Hill, June, 1775 ; Surgeon 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 16th December, 1775 ; Physician and Surgeon to Connecticut Troops, Oc tober, 1776; Surgeon-General, Hos pital Eastern Department, llth April, 1777 ; Hospital Physician and Sur geon, 6th October, 1780 ; retired 13th June, 1781. (Died 20th April, 1815.) Turner, Thomas (Mass). Captain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned Oth October, 1779. Turner, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Jackson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 1st February, 1777 ; Captain, 24th April, 1779 ; regi ment designated 16th Massachusetts, 23d July, 1780; transferred to 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, arid served to June, 1783. Turner, William (Ga). Lieuten ant 2d Georgia, - ; on roll for August, 1778. Turner, "William ( ). Aide-de- Camp to General Gates, 27th Octo ber, 1776, to - Turpin, Thomas (Va). Ensign loth Virginia, 28th August, 1777 ; resigned llth March, 1778 ; also called Horatio Turpin. Tuthill, Azariah (N. Y.). Sergeant- Major 4th New York, 1st January, 1777; Ensign, 23d April, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, llth April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant New York Levies. Tuthill, Barnabas (New York). Major 4th New York, 30th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; Major, 1st New York, 27th April, 1776 , resigned 4th September, 1776. Tutt, Charles (Va). 2d Lieutenant 6th Virginia, 16th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th June, 1776, and served to . Tuttle, David (N. J.). 2d Lieuten ant 3d New Jersey, 7th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th March to November, 1776. Tuttle, Nathaniel (Conn). Cap tain 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 20th December, 1775 ; Captain 19th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Tuttle, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; retired December, 1778. Tuttle, Timothy (Conn). Sergeant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi- meDt, 28th March, 1776, to April, 1777; Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 24th May, 777 ; Ensign, 16th June, 1778; resigned 12th May, 1779. Tuttle, William (N. J.). Private, Corporal and Sergeant 1st and 3d New Jersey, 1776 to 1781 ; Ensign 1st New Jersey, 15th June, 1781, and served to April, 1783. (Died January. 1836.) Twiggs. 407 Twiggs, John (Ga). Brigadier- General Georgia Militia. (Died 29th March, 1816.) Twining, Nathaniel (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th October, 1777; re signed 1st January, 1779. Tyler, Abraham (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Major and Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Mi litia. Tyler, Charles (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 25th November, 1776 ; re signed 23d December, 1777. Tyler, Dudley (Mass). Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; wounded at Princeton, 3d January, 1777 ; Captain, llth November, 1779 ; omitted December, 1779. Tyler, John (Conn). Lieutenant- Colonel 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 10th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel, 12th Au gust to 31st December, 1776 ; Briga dier-General Connecticut Militia, 1777 and 1778. Tyler, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 3d Virginia, 9th February, 1776 ; re signed 7th August, 1776. Tyler, John Jr. (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 19th March, 1776 ; died, Jan uary, 1777. Tyler, John S. (Mass). Major of Jackson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st February, 1777; re signed March, 1779. Tyler, William (R. I.). Adjutant of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776, to Twombley, William (N. H.). Ser geant 2d New Hampshire, November, 1776 ; Ensign, 9th November, 1777 ; resigned 8th July, 1780. Tyrell, Thomas (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Connecticut, 6th July, 1775 ; resigned 18th October, 1775. Tyrie, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 23d April, 1778; resigned 8th October, 1778. Valentine. u. Uechritz, Louis Augustus de Baron ( ). Lieutenant of Otten- dorffs Battalion, 29th April, 1777; taken prisoner at the head of the Elk, 2d September, 1777; exchanged , 1780 ; Captain in Armand s Par tisan Corps, , 1781, and served to close of war. Ulmer, Philip (Mass). Lieutenant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 14th February, 1778. Upshaw, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia, 19th February, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 13th August, 1776, and served to - ; appears also to have been a Captain of a Virginia State Regiment. Upshaw, Thomas (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment 1778, to 1781. Upham, Benjamin (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 3d Continental Artillery, 14th May, 1778, to . Upton, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775. V. Vail, Benjamin (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, ; killed at Minnisink, 22d July, 1779. Vail, Edward (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775 ; Captain, - , 1776 ; cashiered, 21st December, 1777.. Vail, Micah (N. H.). Captain Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to Novem ber, 1775. Valcour, JohnSimonet de(France). Cornet 2d Continental Dragoons, 20th April, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778; brevet Captain, 1st December, 1778, and permitted to retire from the service. Valentine, Edward (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778, to 1781. Valentine, Henry (Pa). Ensign Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; resigned 10th October, 1776. Valentine, Jacob (Va). Captain 1st Virginia State Regiment, 1st Feb ruary, 1778, to January, 1782. Valentine, Josiah (Va). 2d Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter 1st Virginia, 1st May, 1778; retired 14th September, 1778 ; served subse quently as Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Vallance. 408 Van Home. Vallancs, David (N. Y.). Lieu tenant of Warner s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 27th October, 1776 ; resigned 12th May, 1779. Vallenais, - (France). Captain and Aide-de-Camp to Colonel la Balme, Inspector of Cavalry, 8th July, 1777, and served to llth Octo ber, 1777. Van Anglen, John (N. J.). 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 25th No vember, 1775, to 20th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; Captain, , -1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 14th October, 1812.) Van Brunne, John De Lavacher (Md). 2d Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 10th March, 1777 ; taken prisoner on Long Island, 22d August, 1777 ; sailed for Europe, on leave, 4th August, 1782, and was lost at sea. Vance, David (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, - ; in service in 1777. Vance, John Carlow (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant of Captain Kingsbury s Company North Carolina State Ar tillery, 8th JuK, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Vance, Robert (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 13th Virginia, December, 1776 ; Captain, 19th August, 1778 ; regiment designated 9th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; resigned 31st December, 1780. Vance, William (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 9th March, 1777; regi ment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th Febru ary, 1781. Van Cleve, "William (N. J.). Ser geant New Jersey Troops, November, 1775, to November, 1776; Ensign 3d New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; omitted Juiie 1 1777. Van Cortland, Philip (N. Y.). Lieutenant-Colonel 4th New York, 30th June, 1775; Colonel 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, and served to close of war ; brevet Brigadier- General, 30th September, 1783. (Died 5th November, 1831.) Vancourt, John (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 15th September, 1780 ; transferred to 6th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Continental Artillery, 2<1 April, 1782, arid served to June, 1783. Vandsr, Heyden Nanning (N.Y.). 3d Lieutenant 2d New York, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 31st November, 1776 ; omitted Mav, 1778. Vanderburgh, Bartholomev/ (N. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 1st May, 1778 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Vanderburgh, Henry (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant of Dubois 1 New York Militia Regiment, 26th June, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th New York, 21st No vember, 1776; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778; Captain, 31st March, 1780 ; transferred to 2d New York, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Vanderburgh, Henry J. (N. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 21st Novem ber, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Vanderhorst, John (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Vandeventer, Per (N. J.). En sign 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; dropped February, 1777. Vanduval, Mark (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Virginia, 25th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th February, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Van Dyke, Abraham C. (N. Y.). Captain of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November. 1776 ; exchanged May 1778. Van Dyke, Cornelius (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, and served to close of war ; brevet Colonel, 30th September, 1783. Van G-aasbeck, Thomas (N. Y.). Sergeant 3d New York, June to De cember, 1775 ; Ensign of Malcom s Additional Continental Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; resigned 16th Decem ber, 1777. Van Hook, Arant (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 24th Feb ruary to June, 1776. Van Home, David (Mass). Cap tain of Lee^ Additional Continental Regiment, 5th June, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. (Died 12th May, 1807.) Van Home, Isaac (Pa). Ensign 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Jan uary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th Oc tober, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777; Captain-Lieu tenant, 1st July, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th January, Van Home. 400 Van Vleiland. 1781 ; Captain, 10th June, 1781 ; re tired 1st January, 1783. (Died 2d February, 1834.) Van Home, William ( ). Brig ade Chaplain, 30th June, 1779, to Van Hovenbergh, Rudolph (N. Y.). Ensign 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th 1st Lieutenant, 9th March, 1777; January, 1778 1781. Van Lear, retired 1st January, John (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, May, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 27th January, 1779 ; Captain, 10th October, 1779 ; transferred to 5th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Van Mater, Joseph (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 4th July, 1779, to . Van Ness, David (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 16th February to No vember, 1776; Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776 ; omitted, May, 1778 ; served subsequently as Captain and Major New York Militia. Van Ness, John Jacob (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, June to November, 1776: served subsequently as Lieutenant and Captain New York Militia. Van Ness, Peter (N. Y.). Colonel New York Militia Regiment, May, 1777 to August, 1780. Van Pelt, John (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant Pennsylvania State Regiment, March, 1777; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Van Rensselaer, James (N. Y.). Aide-de-Camp to General Montgom ery, August to 31st December, 1775 ; Captain 2d New York, April, 1776 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Schuyler, June to August, 1776 ; resigned Au gust, 1776. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah (N. Y.). Ensign 3d New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; Regimental Paymas ter, 28th May, 1778, to June, 1783 ; transferred to 1st New York, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 5th April, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 17th February, 1810.) Van Rensselaer, Nicholas (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 16th Feb ruary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Y 7 ork, 21st November, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776; Captain, 1st September, 1778; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. (Died 29th March, 1848.) Van Rensselaer, Peter (N. Y.). Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 1st February, 1777; re signed 20th December, 1779 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Van Rensselaer, Robert (N. Y.). Colonel New York Militia, 1776 to 1780; Brigadier-General New York Militia, 16th June, 1780, to close of war. (Died llth September, 1802.) Vansandt, Nathaniel (Pa). Cap tain 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 20th November, 1778 ; did not return to army. Van Schaick, G-oose (N. Y.). Colo nel 2d New York, 28th June, 1775; Colonel 1st New York, 8th March, 1776. By the act of 10th May, 1779, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be presented to Colonel Van Schaick, and the officers and soldiers under his command, for their activity and good conduct in the late expedi tion againt the Onondagas." Brevet Brigadier-General, 10th October, 1783; served to November, 1783. (Died 4th July, 1787.) Van Slyke, C9rnelius (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Van Slyke, Herman (N. Y.). Major New York Militia, - ; killed at Oriskany, 6th August, 1777. Van Tassell, Jacob (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; pris oner of war, 17th November. 1777, to October, 1778, and again July, 1779, to 27th November, 1781. Van Vaikenburgh, Bartholomew J. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 29th September, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Van Vegiiten, Tobias (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, May, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; killed 26th July, 1778, at . Van Veghten, Samuel (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, July, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 3d August, 1775 ; Cap tain, March, 1776; Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned December, 1776. Van Vleiland, Cornelius (S. C.). 2d Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; killed at Savannah, 9th Octo ber, 1779. Van Wagenen. 410 Vascher. Van Wagenen, Garret H. (N. Y.), 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 26th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged, June, 1778; served subsequently as Deputy Commissary of Prisoners. (Died 20th November, 1835.) Van Wagenen, Tunis (N. Y.). En sign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 10th October, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 5th April, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. Van Wart, Isaac (N. Y.). By the act of 3d November, 1780, it was "Re solved, whereas, Congress have re ceived information that John Pauld- ing, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, threa young volunteer Militia men of the State of New York, did, on the 23d day of September last, in tercept Major John Andre, Adjutant General of the British Army, on his return from the American lines, in the character of a spy, and, notwith standing the large bribes offered them for his release, nobly disdaining to sacrifice their country for the sake of gold, secured arid conveyed him to the commanding officer of the dis trict, whereby the dangerous arid traitorous conspiracy of Benedict v Arnold was brought to light, the in sidious design of the enemy baffled, and the United States secured from impending danger, Resolved, that Congress have a high sense of the virtuous and patriotic conduct of the aforesaid John Paulding, David Wil liams and Isaac Van Wart. In con sideration whereof, ordered that each of them receive annually out of the public treasury $200 dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these States during life, and that the Board of War procure for each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription, l Fidelity, and on the other the following motto, Vincent amor Patrias, 1 and for ward them to the Commander-in- Chief, who is requested to present the same, with a copy of this resolution, and the thanks of Con gress for their fidelity, and the emi nent services they have rendered their country. 11 (Died 23d May, 1828.) Van Woert, Henry (N. Y.) Regi mental Quartermaster 2d New York, 30th June, 1775, to March, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quarter master, 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th May, 1730,. and served to close of war. (Died 30th July, 1831.) Van Woert, Isaac (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia in 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th New York, 3d August, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Captain, 15th October, 1778; resigned 23d April, 1779. Van Wyck, Abraham (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775 ; killed by lightning, 21st August, 1776. Varick, Richard (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to 24th September, 1776 ; Aide-de-Camp and Secretary to General Schuyler, June, 1776 ; Deputy Mustermaster General Northern Army, 25th September, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel and Deputy Commissary-General of Musters, 10th April, 1777, and served to June, 1780 ; served subsequently as Aide-de-Camp to General Arnold from August, 1780, until the treason of that officer was known ; joined General Washington^ Staff and served as his private and confidential Secretary, 25th May, 1781, to December, 1783. (Died 30th July, 1831.) Varner, Robert (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 28th March, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 8th March, 1777 ; cash iered, 1st October, 1779. Varnum, Benjamin (Mass). Sur geon^ Mate of Frye^ Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Varnum, James (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 10th August to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, to rank from 10th August, 1776; resigned 6th October, 1780. Varnum, James Mitchell (R. I.).. Colonel Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775 ; Colonel 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel " 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 27th February, 1777; resigned 5th March, 1779 ; was also Major-General Rhode Island Militia. (Died 10th January, 1789.) Vascher, John Francis (N. Y.). Surgeon 4th New York, 7th February, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 4th December, 1807.) Vaughaii. 411 NTillofranche. Vaughan, Claiborne (Va). Sur- geon s-Mate 6th Virginia, 1st Novem ber, 1776; transferred to 1st Conti nental Dragoons in 1779 ; retained in Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Vaughan, James (N. C.). Captain 7th North Carolina, 6th July, 1777, to . Vaughan, John (Conn). Ensign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 17th De cember, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Vaughan, John (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, ; on list for 1779. Vaughan, Joseph (Del). Captain Delaware Regiment, 20th January, 1776; Major, 5th April, 1777; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 14th December, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Camderi,*16th Au gust, 1780 ; served to close of war. Vaughan, William (Del). Ensign Delaware Regiment, 21st January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d December. 1776 ; died 22d March, 1777, of wounds received at Brunswick, 1st December, 1777. Vaughter, William (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th De cember, 1778; 2d Lieutenant, 1st June, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1780. (Name also spelled Vawter.) Vause, William (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 8th January, 1777 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th February, 1781. (Name also spelled Voss.) Veazy, Edward (Md). Captain of Small wood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776; killed at Long Island. 27th August, 1776. Veazy, William (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776. Veeder, G-arret S. (N. Y.). Cap tain 4th New York, April to Novem ber, 1776 ; Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776, which he declined ; served subsequently as Captain New York Militia. (Died 18th February, 1836.) Verdier, Baptiste (France). Lieu tenant 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 1st March. 1777 ; brevet Captain, 6th February, 1784 ; served to close of war. Vergereau, Peter (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 3d October, 1775 ; 2d Lieuteuant, 24th February, 1776; killed by lightning, 21st August, 1776. Vermonet, Jean Arthur de (France). Brevet Captain Continen tal Army, 29th July, 1776; brevet Major, 18th September, 1776. Vernejoux, Jean Louis de (France). Brevet Captain Continen tal Army, 19th September, 1776 ; Cap tain 2d Continental Dragoons to rank from 18th December, 1776 ; ran away loth October, 1777, and was dismissed by General Gates, 20th October, 1777. Verner, James (N. C.). Captain- Lieutenant 1st North Carolina, 8th May, 1777, and served to . (In service, January, 1780.) Vernie, Peter J. F. ( ). Major 1st Cavalry Pulaski Legion, 23d Feb ruary, 1779 ; mortally wounded at Monk s Comer, 14th April, 1780. Vernon, Ebenezer (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Vernon, Frederick (Pa). Captain 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; Captain 5th Pennsyl vania, January, 1777, to rank from 5th January, 1776 ; Major 8th Penn sylvania, 7th June, 1777; transferred to 4th Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war; brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, 30th September, 1783. Vernon, Job (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 5th Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 23d January, 1778 ; Captain, 13th June, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died , 1810.) Verrier, James (N. C.). Ensign 3d North Carolina, 17th March, 1778, to Vickers, Samuel (N. J.). Hospital Physician and Surgeon Southern De partment, 20th September, 1781, and served to close of war. Victor, Felix ( ). Ensign 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, , 1779, to . Vienna, . See de Vienna. Villefranche, . (France). Cap tain-Engineer on staff of General du Coudray, llth August to 15th Sep tember, 1777 ; Major Engineer, 1st, January, 1778 ; brevet Lieutenant- Colonel, 2d May, 1783. Vinal 412 Vrooman. Vinal, William (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Surgeon s- Mate 25th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Vinton, John (Mass). Captain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Viol, John (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 24th January, 1777, to Visscher, John (N. Y.). Captain 2d New York, 1st July, 1775; Major, Octo ber, 1775 ; Major 4th New York, 8th March, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel ol Nicholson s New York Militia Regi ment, 26th June, 1776; wounded at Johnstown, 22d May, 1780. Visson, Henry (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st Seteinber, 1775, to Vleland, - - (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1770. Vonck, Peter (N. Y.). Regimental Quartermaster 4th New York, 15th January, 1777 ; dismissed 24th March, 1778. Von Heer, Bartholomew (Pa). Adjutant of Otteiidorff s Battalion, 19th March, 1777 ; Captain 4th Conti nental Artillery, 14th April, 1777, to rank from 3d March, 1777; Captain Provost Company of Light Dragoons, 1st June, 1778 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783, and served to close of war. Voorhees, Peter Van (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th No vember, 1775; 1st Lieutenant, 18th September to 20th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st New Jersey, 29th November, 1776 ; Captain, 1st Novem ber, 1777; taken prisoner and mur dered by Tories near New Brunswick, N. J., 26th October, 1779. Vosburg-h, Peter J. (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, Septem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th Feb ruary, 1776 ; Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, December, 1776, to rank from 16th February, 1776; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st September, 1778 ; omitted November, 1779. Vose, Bill (Mass). 2d Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Paymaster 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to . Vose, Elijah (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 13th January to 31st December, 1776; Major 1st Mas sachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 21st January, 1777; brevet Colonel, 30th September, 1783, and served to November, 1783. (Died 21st March, 1822.) Vose, Joseph (Mass). Lieutenant- Colonel 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Colonel 1st Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th September, 1783, and served to November, 1783. (Died 22d May, 1816.) Vose, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of (iridley s Regiment Massa chusetts Artillery, 8th May to De cember, 1775; 2d Lieutenant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery, 10th December, 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant of Stevens Battalion of Artillery, 9th November, 1776; Captain 3d Conti nental Artillery, 2d December, 1778; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. (Died 28th December, 1810.) Voss, William. See Vause. Vowles, Henry (Va). Adjutant 7th Virginia, 5th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 20th May, 1778; Brig ade-Major of Woodford s Brigade, 21st January, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1779; resigned 10th May, 1779; served subsequently as Captain- Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regi ment. Vowles, Charles (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1776 to 1780. Vowles, Walter ( ). Lieuten ant and Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778, and died . Vrecourt, de Count (- Colonel and Engineer, 12th April, 1777, to . Vredenburgh, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant of Lasher s New York Militia Regiment, July to December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 23d July, 1777. Vrooman Ephraim (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, ; pris oner of w r ar, 9th August, 1780, to 31st August, 1781. Vrooman, Walter (N. Y.). Cap tain New York Levies, ; taken prisoner at Kanasaroga, 23d October, 1780, and was a prisoner to 29th July, 1783. Waddell. 413 Wait.. w. Waddell, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; resigned August, 1777. Wade, - (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Militia, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Wade, Abner (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; Captain, 12th May, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died October, 1827.) Wade, Amos (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wade, Elisha (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Ensign 6th Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; 2d Lieutenant, 1st July to 1st December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Selden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776. Wade, Edward (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776 ; died 26th April, 1776. Wade, Nathaniel (Mass). Captain of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Wade, Noadiah (X. J.). Captain 4th New Jersey, 17th February, 1777 ; resigned 2d December, 1777. Wadsworth, Amos (Conn). En sign 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; died 29th October, 1775. Wadsworth, Elijah (Cpnn). Cor net 2d Continental Dragoons, 7th April, 1777; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778; Captain, 8th March, 1780; re tired 1st January, 1783. Wadsworth, Fenn (Conn). Brig ade-Major to General Wadsworth, Connecticut Militia, 28th September, 1776, to April, 1779. Wadsworth, James (Conn). Colo nel Connecticut Militia, 1775 and 1776; Brigadier-General Connecticut Mili tia, 20th June, 1776, and Major-Gen eral, May, 1777, to May, 1779. (Died 22d September, 1817.) Wadsworth, Jeremiah (Conn). Deputy Commissary-General of Pur chases," 18th June, 1777 ; resigned 6th August, 1777; Commissary-General of Purchases, 9th April, 1778; resigned 1st January, 1780. (Died 30th April, 1804.) Wadsworth, Jonathan (Conn). Captain of Cook s Regiment Connecti cut Militia, 28th August, 1777 ; mor tally wounded at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777. Wadsworth, Joseph (Mass). En sign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December. 1776 ; Cap tain 14th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 8th October, 1779. (Died 4th July, 1824.) Wadsworth, Joseph Bissell (Conn). Surgeon of Sherburne s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 1st September, 1777 ; resigned 17th April, 1780. Wadsworth, Peleg- (Mass). Cap tain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 23d Continental- Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Aide-de-Cainp to General Ward, 13th February to 23d April, 1776; Briga dier-General Massachusetts Militia, 1777 to 1782. (Died 18th November, 1829.) Wadsworth, Roger (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 7th April, 1780. Wadsworth, Samuel (Conn). En sign of Webb s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 16th May, 1778; resigned 6th July, 1779. Wadsworth, Theodore (Conn). Surgeon s-Mate 6th Connecticut, 18th March, 1777 ; resigned 30th August, 1780. Wagenen. See Van Wagenen. Waggoner, Andrew (Va). Cap tain 12th Virginia, 20th June, 17,6; transferred to 8th Virginia, 14th Sep tember, 1778 ; Major, 15th December, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; exchanged Novem ber, 1780 ; retired 12th February, 1781. (Died 27th May, 1813.) Waggoner, Henry (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant llth March, 1779 ; resigned 3d May, 1779. Wagnon, John Peter (Ga). 2d Lieutenant 1st Georgia, 1st July, 17<8, and served to close of war. (Died 22d August, 1828.) Wait, Benjamin (N. Y.). Captain of Hoisington s Battalion of Rangers, 6th August, 1776, to . Wait, Daniel (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 8th May to 10th De cember, 1775; Ensign lO^th Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1?76 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired February, 1779. Wait. 414 Walker. Wait, Jason (N. H.). Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, January, 1776 ; Captain 1st New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776; taken prisoner at Stillwater, 19th September, 1777; Major 3d New Hamp shire, 5th July, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781; retained in New Hampshire Bat talion, 1st March, 1782 ; resigned 8th December, 1782. Wait, Joseph (N. H.). Lieutenant- Colonel of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, January, 1776 ; died 28th September, 1776. Walbridge, Amos (Conn). Cap tain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber. 1776; Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 2d Connect icut, 27th May, 1777 ; retired 1st Jan uary, 1781. Walbridge, Homes (Mass). Cap tain of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Walbron, Major (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 20th Janu ary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1777; killed at Paoli, 20th September, 1777. Walch, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Walcott, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Ann, 8th July, 1777; rejoined regiment 9th May, 1778 ; retired 1st April, 1779. Walcott, Benjamin S. (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant of Tallman s Rhode Isl and State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Walcott, Christopher (Mass). En sign 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; killed at Fort Ann, 8th July, 1777. Walcott, Brastus (Conn). See Wolcott. Walden, Ambrose (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 2d February, 1778; resigned 30th July, 1778. Waldo, Albigence (Conn). Clerk in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Surgeon s-Mate 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th September, 1775 ; Sur geon 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 1st October, 1779. (Died 29th January, 1794.) Waldo, Edward (N. H.). Lieu tenant New Hampshire Miiitia, ; wounded at Bennington, 16th Au gust, 1777. Waldo, John (Conn). Surgeon 17th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Waldron, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 14th April, 1781 ; resigned 8th April, 1782. Wales, Ebenezer (Conn). Ensign 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 31st July, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, , 1780 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regi ment, June, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. Wales, Edward Lloyd (Md). En sign Gth Maryland, 20th February, 1777; left without leave, 20th Janu ary, 1778. (Name also spelled Wailes.) Wales, Jacob (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776; Captain, 1st November, 1777 ; resigned 4th October, 1780. Wales, Joseph (Mass). Ensign 10th Massachusetts, -; Lieutenant, 4th October, 1780 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to 3d June, 1783. Wales, Nathaniel (Conn). Ensign 3d Connecticut, 1st May to 7th De cember, 1775; 2d Lieutenant of Ward s Connecticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777 ; served sub sequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Wales, Nathaniel (N. H.). Quar termaster of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 15th June to November, 1775; Ensign and Regi mental Quartermaster Bedel s Regi ment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to December, 1776. Wales, Samuel (Mass). Ensign 24th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Walker, Aaron (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Walker, Ambrose (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, February, 1777 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 2d February, 1778 ; resigned 30th July, 1778. Walker, Andrew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Hartley s Additional Conti nental Regiment, January, 1777; Captain, 23d January, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778; transferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781, and served to close of war. Walker. 415 Walker. Walker, Benjamin (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, August, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 24th February, 177(5 ; Captain 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1776 ; Major Aide-de-Camp to General Steuben, 3d September, 1778 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Aide-de- Camp to General Washington, 25th January, 1782, to close of war. (Died 13th January, 1818.) Walker, Benjamin (Mass). Cap tain of Bridge s Massachusetts Regi ment, 27th May, 1775 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775, and died of wound, - August, 1775. Walker, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 13th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 23d February, 1778. Walker, David (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 14th Virginia, 18th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 2d March, 1778 ; transferred to 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; wounded at Savan nah, 9th October, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780 ; transferred to 1st Virginia, 12th Feb ruary, 1781, and served to close of war. Walker, Edward (Mass). Lieu tenant and Paymaster 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died-, 1802.) Walker, George (N. J.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d New Jersey, 12th Septem ber, 1778; retained in New Jersey Bat talion, April, 1783, and served to No vember, 1783. Walker, George (Va). Ensign 13th Virginia, 20th July, 1777: de serted 8th September, 1777. Walker, Jacob (Va). Captain 1st Continental Artillery, 7th Februarv, 1777, to . Walker, James (Md). Ensign of Gist s Additional Continental Regi ment, February, 1777; cashiered, 30th May, 1778. Walker, James (Mass). Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary. 1776. to . Walker, John (N. C.). Captain 1st North Carolina, 1st September, 1775; Major, 26th April, 1777; Lieutenant- Colonel and Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, 17th February, 1777 ; re signed 22d December, 1777. (Died 2d December, 1809.) Walker, John (Va). Ensign Oth Virginia, 4th July, 1776; resigned May, 1777. "Walker, Joseph (Conn). Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 22d August, 1777; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783 ; was Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Par sons, 15th December, 1780, to 22d July, 1782. (Died 12th August, 1810,) Walker, Levin (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780. Walker, Richard (Mass). Lieuten ant of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 12th January, 1777 ; killed at Quaker Hill, 29th August, 1778. Walker, Robert (Mass). Sergeant of Phinney s Massachusetts Regi ment in 1775; Sergeant 18th Conti nental Infantry, January, 1776 ; En sign, 15th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; taken prisoner, 7th April, 1778 ; ex changed 4th April, 1781; Captain, 15th July, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; trans ferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1783, and served to close of war. (Died, January, 1834.) Walker, Robert (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to September, 1775 ; Captain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Walker, Robert (N. Y.). Captain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned 23d March, 1780. Walker, Silas (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi, ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 5th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Walker, Silvanus (Mass). Captain of Danielson s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Walker, Thomas (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, llth March, 1776; re signed 7th November, 1776. Walker, Timothy (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Walker, William (N. H.). Cap tain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; served subsequently as Captain NCAV Hampshire Militia. Walker, William (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Walker, Zachariah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177ij. "Wall. 416 Walton, Wall, William (R. I.). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to June, 1777. Wallace, Adam (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 7th Virginia, 20th March, 1776; Captain, 29th June, 1778; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . Wallace, Andrew (Va). Captain 12th Virginia, 13th March, 1777; trans ferred to 8th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778; killed at Guilford, 15th March, 1781. Wallace, G-ustavus Brown (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 20th February, 177(3; Major 15th Virginia, 4th Octo ber, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel, 20th March, 1778; regiment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 2d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. Wallace, Henry (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st March, 1778, to . Wallace, James ( ). Lieuten ant 3d Continental Dragoons in 1780. Wallace, James (R. I.). Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775, to . Wallace, James (Va). Surgeon 2d Virginia, June, 1777; Surgeon 3d Con tinental Dragoons, 1778; retained in Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Wallace, Jamas (Va). Ensign 12th Virginia, February, 1777; died 24th August, 1777. Wallace, John (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; resigned 28th January, 1777. Wallace, Michael (Md). Surgeon 1st Maryland in 1778. Wallace, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; resigned 1st October, 1776. Wallace, Thomas (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 2d June, 1779 ; Lieuten ant, 23d November, 1779 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Wallace, William (N. Y.), 1st Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Living ston s) Regiment, 6*;h May, 1777 ; re signed 17th August, 1779. (Died 25th January, 1837.) Wallace, William (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st May, 1779; wounded and taken pris oner at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Wallace, William (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Wyman s New Hamp shire Militia Regiment, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; left regiment on furlough in October, 1777, and did rejoin. Wallace, William B. (Va). 2d Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 6th March, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 3d February, 1778 ; transferred to Gist s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Wallen, Allen (Va). Ensign 3d Virginia, 25th February, 1776 ; died 1st August, 1776. Wallen, Jonathan(R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st November, 1775 ; Cap tain, 19th August, 1776 ; Captain 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; de ranged, 1st June, 1779. Waller, Edward (Va). Major of a Virginia State Regiment in. 1780. Walling-sford, David (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Bridge s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wallis, James (N. C.). Ensign 3d North Carolina, 30th November, 1778, to Wallis, John (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Fellow s Massachusetts 1 Regi ment, May to December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 14th Continental Infan try. 1st January, 1776, to . Walls, G-eorge (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 10th February, 1776; Captain, 27th September, 1776, and served to . (In service January, 1780.) Appears to have been also a Major in a Virginia State Regiment in 1781. Walls, Thomas - - (Va). Lieu tenant of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780 and 1781. Walsh, Enoch (Pa). Ensign In valid Regiment, 17th July, 1777, to 8th October, 1780. Walter, John A. (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 17th June, 1775, to . Walters, John (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 1781 ; retained in Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war. Walton, George (Ga). Colonel Georgia Militia, ; wounded and taken prisoner at Savannah, 29th De cember, 1778 ; exchanged, September, 1779. (Died 2d February, 1804.) "Walton. 417 "Waring. Walton, William (N. C.). 2d Lieu tenant 7th North Carolina, 20th April, 1777 ; transferred to 1st North Caro lina, 1st June, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th August, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; ex changed, April, 1781 ; Captain, 1st August, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Wandin, John (Ga). Lieutenant 2d Georgia, ; on roll for August, 1778. Waples, Samuel (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 30th July, 1776 ; resigned 22d May, 1778. (Died llth August, 1834.) Ward, Andrew (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st Connecticut, 1st May to 20th December, 1775 ; Colonel Con necticut State Regiment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777 ; Brigadier-General Connecticut Militia, June, 1777, to close of war. Ward, Artemas (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May, 1775; Major-General Continental Army, 17th June, 1775 ; resigned 23d April, 1776. but continued on duty to 20th September, 1776. (Died 28th October, 1800.) Ward, Bernard (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th July, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged 20th January, 1779 ; did not return to the army. Ward, Charles (Mass). Ensign 25th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Ward, Edward (N. C.). Captain 8th North Carolina, May, 1776; re signed 1st August, 1777. Ward, John (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 8th Pennsylvania, January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant. 2d April, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d Pennsylvania, 17th Janu ary. 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Ward, John Peter (S. C.). Lieu tenant 1st South Carolina, 27th Octo ber, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charles ton, 12th May, 1780. Ward, Jonas (N. J.). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, loth February, 1777 ; re signed 10th April, 1778. Ward, Jonathan (Mass). Lieuten ant-Colonel of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 2od May, 1775 ; Colonel 15th June to December, 1775 ; Colo nel 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Ward, Joseph (Mass). Major and Aide-de-Camp to General Ward, 20th July, 1775, to 23d April, 1776, and Secretary to same to 20th September, 1776 ; Colonel and Commissary-Gen eral of Musters Continental Army, 10th April, 1777; Commissary-Gen eral of Prisoners, 15th April, 1780, to close of war. Ward, Nahum (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 21st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, llth Sep tember, 1776 ; Captain 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777; died tith March, 1778. Ward, Patrick (Conn). Lieuten ant Connecticut Militia, ; killed at Groton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Ward, Robert ( ). .Lieutenant, ; killed at Amelia Island, Fla., 18th May, 1777. Ward, Samuel (R. I.). Captain of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; ex changed , 1776 ; Major 1st Rhode Island, 12th January, 1777 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 26th May, 1778; retired, 1st January, 1781. (Died 16th August, 1832.) Ward, William (S. C.). Lieutenant 1st South Carolina, 21st December, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Wardell, . (S. C.). Lieuten ant South Carolina Militia ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Wardwell, Joseph (Mass). Served as non-commissioned Officer of a Mas sachusetts Regiment, January, 1777,to January, 1882 ; Ensign 1st Massachu setts, 18 r th January, 1782, and served to November, 1783. Ware, Francis (Md). Lieutenant- Colonel of Smallwood s Maryland Regiment, 14th January, 1776 ; Colo nel 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 18th February, 1777. Warfield, Joseph (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776 ; resigned 7th November, 1777 Warfleld, Walter (Md). Surgeon 2d Maryland, 10th June, 1779 ; trans ferred to 1st Maryland, 1st January, 1781, and served to close of war. Warham, (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery, ; mor tally wounded at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Waring-, Henry (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 26th September, 1779 ; resigned 14th April, 1781. Waring. 418 Warren. Waring, Henry (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 5th March, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 10th October, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 10th October, 1777; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; resigned 18th October, 1779. Warley, Felix (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 24th May, 1776; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12thMay,1780. Warley, George (S. C.). Captain 3d South Carolina, 10th June, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Warley, Joseph (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d South Carolina, 1777; Cap tain, 10th June, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Warley, Paul (S. C.). Lieutenant 2d South Carolina in 1779. Warman, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of Rawlings 1 Additional Conti nental Regiment, February, 1777 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 23d September, 1777 ; taken prisoner (at Germantown 4th October, 1777 ?) ; exchanged 8th December, 1780; retained in 3d Vir ginia in January, 1781, aud served to close of war. Warmsley, William (Conn). Cor poral 3d Connecticut, 2d February, 1777 ; Sergeant, llth August, 1778; En sign 29th June, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Warneck, Frederick (Va). Lieu tenant-Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780. Warner, Elizur (Conn). Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st September, 1777; Cap tain, 37th United States Infantry, 30th April, 1813; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815. Warner, John (R. I.). Captain- Lieutenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to May, 1777. Warner, Nathaniel (Mass). Cap tain of Little s Massachusetts Regi ment, 19th May to December, 1775 ; Captain 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Warner, Robert (Conn). Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 22d Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 3d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Major, 29th May, 1782; retired 1st January, 1783. Warner, Seth (N. H.). Lieuten ant-Colonel Commandant of a Bat talion of Minute Men in April, 1775 ; took possession of Crown Point, 12th May, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Green Mountain Boys, 27th July, 1775; Colo nel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regiments, 5th July, 1776 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 26th December, 1784.) Warner, Thomas (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant of Lasher s Regiment New York Militia, June, 1776 ; 2d Lieuten ant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; retired April, 1778. Warner, William (Mass). Cap tain 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; resigned 18th March, 1780. (Died 21st July, 1822.) Warren, ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Warren, Aaron (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 6th Massachusetts, 10th Septem ber, 1777 ; resigned 1st January, 1778. Warren, Adriel (Mass). Corporal and Sergeant 18th Continental Infan try, January to December, 1776 ; En sign 12th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 9th Janu ary, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 7th April, 1779; transferred to 1st Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781, and served to November, 1783. Warren, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutentant 25th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 10th June, 1825.) Warren, Elijah (Mass). Paymas ter 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 13th October, 1778. Warren, Gideon (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant Green Mountain Boys, 27th July to December. 1775. Warren, Isaac (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of D. Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 13th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 2d Massachusetts. 1st January, 1777 ; died at Valley Forge, 12th June, 1778. Warren, James ( ). Paymas ter-General Continental Army, 27th July, 1775 ; resigned 19th April, 1776. (Died 27th November, 1808.) Warren. "Warren, John (Mass). Surgeon to Massachusetts Troops, May, 1775 ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; served as Surgeon Massachu setts Militia, 1776 to 1780; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 6th October, 1780, to close of war. (Died 4th April, 1815.) "Warren, John (Mass). Sergeant 15th Massachusetts, loth May, 1777 ; Ensign, 26th November, 1779 ; trans ferred to 5th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 19th May, 1782, and served to June, 1783. "Warren, Joseph (Mass). Served at Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Major- General Massachusetts State Troops, 14th June, 1775 ; killed at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. "Warren, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. "Warren, Josiali (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Warren, Pelatiah (*. H.). Sur- geon s-Mate 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; Surgeon 12th Massa chusetts, 1st September, 1777 ; re signed 1st May, 1778. Warren, Perez (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Thomas 1 Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Warren, Samuel (Mass). Captain of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Warren, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 21st June, 1775, to . Warren, William (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Nixon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; severely wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775, and rendered no sub sequent service. (Died 29th Julv, 1831.) Warsham, Richard. See Wor- sham. Washburn, Azel ( ). Surgeon of AV^arner s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Washburn, Bethuel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 419 Washing-tori. 1776; Regimental Quartermaster 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Deputy Commissary of Issues, 24th August, 1777, and served to . Washburn, Ebenezer (Mass). Regimental Quartermaster of Brew er s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Washburn, Josepn (Mass). En sign 15th Massachusetts, 1st May, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 2d March, 1779 ; resigned llth April, 1780. Washburn, Seth (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Washington, George (Va). Gen eral and Comma nder-in-Chief of all the forces raised or to be raised, 15th June, 1775. By the resolve of 25th March, 1776, That the thanks of this Congress, in their name and in the name of the Thirteen United Col onies whom they represent, be pre sented to his excellency, General Washington, and the soldiers under his command, for their wise and spir ited conduct in the siege and acquisi tion of Boston, and that a medal of gold be struck in commemoration of this great event and presented to His Excellency, and that a committee of three be appointed to prepare a letter of thanks and a proper device for the medal. 1 By the act of 7th October, 1777, it was "Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of Congress be given General Washington for his wise and well- concerted attack upon the enemy s army at Germantown on the 4th inst., and to the officers and soldiers of the army, for their brave exertions on that occasion, Congress being well satisfied that the best designs and boldest efforts may sometimes fail by unforseen incidents; trusting that on future occasions the valor and virtue of the army will, by the blessing of Heaven, be crowned with complete and deserved success." By the act of 7th July, 1778, it was " Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of Congress be given General Washington for the activity with which he marched from the camp at Valley Forge in pursuit of the enemy; for his distinguished exertions in forming the line of battle, and forhis great, good conduct in leading on the attack and gaining the important vic tory of Momuouth over the British rand army, under the command of ir H. Clinton, in their march from Philadelphia to New York. 11 "Washington. By the act of 26th July, 1779, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of Con gress be given to His Excellency, Gen eral Washington, for the vigilance, wisdom and magnanimity with which he hath conducted the military opera tions of these States, and which are among many other signal instances manifested in his orders for the late glorious enterprise and successful at tack on the enemy s fortress on the banks of Hudson River." By the act of 24th September, 1779, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given his Excellency, General Washington, for ordering, with so much wisdom, the attack on the enemy s fort and works at Powles 1 Hook." By the act of 1 1th October, 1779, it was "Resolved, that the thanks of Congress be given his Excellency, General Washington, for directing an expedition against such of the Indian nations as, encouraged by the coun cils and conducted by the officers of hisBritannic majesty, had perfidiously waged an unprovoked and cruel war against these United States, laid waste many of their defenceless towns, and -with savage barbarity slaughtered the inhabitants thereof." By the act of 27th October, 1779, it was"Resol ved,that the thanks of Con gress be given to His Excellency, Gen eral Washington, for directing the important expedition against the Mingo arid Murisey Indians and that part of the Senecas on the Allegheny River, by which the depredations of those savages, assisted by their mer ciless instigators, subjects of the King of Great Britain, upon the defence less inhabitants of the western front iers have been restrained and pre vented." By the act of 29th October, 1781, it was " Resolved, that the thanks of the United States, in Congress assem bled, be presented to His Excellency, General Washington for the eminent services which he has rendered the United States, and particularly for the well-concerted plan against the British garrisons in York and Glouces ter ; for the vigor, attention and mil itary skill with which that plan was executed, and for the wisdom and prudence manifested in the capitula tion, * and that General Washington be directed to communi cate to the officers and soldiers under his command the thanks of the United States in Congress assembled, for their conduct and valor on this occasion. * * * That two stands 420 Washington. of colors taken from the British army under the capitulation of York be presented to His Excellency, Gen eral Washington, in the name of the United States in Congress assem bled." At request, General Washington attended Congress, 26th August, 1783, and, being introduced by two mem bers, the President addressed him as follows: " Sir, Congress feel particu lar pleasure in seeing yourExcellency, and in congratulating you on the suc cess of a war, in which you have acted so conspicuous a part. It has been the singular happiness of the United States, that during a war so long, so dangerous and so important, Provi dence has been graciously pleased to preserve the life of a General, who has merited and possessed the unin terrupted confidence arid affection of his fellow-citizens. In other nations, many have performed services, for which they have* deserved and re ceived the thanks of the public. But to you, sir, peculiar praise is due. Your services have been essential in acquiring and establishing the free dom and independence of your coun try. They deserve the grateful acknowledgments of a free arid inde pendent nation. Those acknowledg ments, Congress have the satisfaction of expressing to your Excellency. Hostilities have now ceased, but your country still needs your services. She wishes to avail herself of your talents in forming the arrangements which will be necessary for her in time of peace. For this reason your attend ance at Congress has been requested. A committee is appointed to confer with your Excellency, and to receive your assistance in preparing arid di gesting plans relative to those im portant objects." To which His Excellency made the following reply : "Mr. President: I am too sensible of the honorable reception I have now experienced, not to be penetrated with the deepest feelings of gratitude. Notwithstanding Congress appear to estimate the value of my life beyond any services I have been able to render the United States, yet I must be permitted to consider the wisdom and unanimity of our national coun cils, the firmness of our citizens arid the patience and bravery of our troops, Avhich have produced so happy a termination of the war, as the most conspicuous effect of the Divine interposition, and the surest presage of our future happiness. Washington. Highly gratified by the favorable sen timents which Congress are pleased to express of my past conduct, and amply rewarded by the confidence and affection of mV fellow-citizens, I cannot hesitate to contribute my best endeavors towards the establish ment of the national security in what ever manner the sovereign power may think proper to direct, until the ratifi cation of the definitive treaty of peace, or the final evacuation of our country by the British forces; after either of which events, I shall ask permission to retire to the peaceful shade of private life. Perhaps, sir, no occasion may offer more suitable than the present to express my hum ble thanks to God, and acknowledg ments to my country, for the great and uniform support I have received in every vicissitude of fortune, and for the many distinguished honors which Congress have been pleased to confer upon me in the course of the war. 11 In Congress, December, 23, 1783. According to order, His Excellency, the Commander-in-Chief, was admit ted to a public audience, and being seated, the President, after a pause, informed him that the United States, in Congress assembled, were prepared to receive his communications; where upon he arose arid addressed them as follows : "Mr. President : The great events on which my resignation depended having at length taken place, I have now the honor of offering my sincere congratulations to Congress, arid cf presenting myself before them to sur render into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the in dulgence of retiring from the service of my country. "Happy in the confirmation of our independence and sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States of becoming a re spectable nation, I resign with satis faction the appointment I accepted with diffidence in my abilities to ac complish so arduous a task ; which, however, was superseded by a confi dence in the rectitude of our cause, the support of the supreme power of the Union and the patronage of Heaven. "The successful termination of the war has verified the most sanguine expectations ; and my gratitude for the interposition of Providence and the assistance I have received from my countrymen, increases with every .review of the momentous contest. 421 Washington. "While I repeat my obligations to the army in general, I should do in justice to my feelings not to acknowl edge in this place the peculiar ser vices and distinguished merits of the gentlemen who have been attached to my person during the war. It was impossible the choice of confidential officers to compose my family should have been more fortunate. Permit me, sir, to recommend in particular those who have continued in the ser vice to the present moment as worthy of the favorable notice and patronage of Congress. "I consider it an indispensable duty to close this last act of my official life by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintendence of them to His holy keeping. "Having now finished the work as signed me I retire from the great thea tre of action, and bidding an affec tionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have so long acted, I here offer my commission and take my leave of all the employments of public life. 1 He then advanced and delivered to the President his commission, with a c )py of his address, and, having re sumed his place, the President re turned him the following answer : "Sir: The United States in Con gress assembled, receive with emo tions, too affecting for utterance, the solemn resignation of the authorities under which you have led their troops with success through a per ilous and a doubtful war. Called upon by your country to defend its invaded rights, you accepted the sacred charge before it had formed alliances and whilst it was without funds or a government to support you. You have conducted the great military contest with wisdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power through all disasters and changes. You have, by the love and confidence of your fel low-citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and transmit their fame to posterity. You have persevered till these United States, aided by a magnanimous king and nation, have been enabled, under a just Providence, to close the war in freedom, safety and independence; on which happy event we sincerely join you in congratulations. Having defended the standard of liberty in this new world ; having taught a lesson useful to those who Washing-ton. 422 Waterman.. inflict and to those who feel oppres sion, you retire from the great theatre of action, with the blessings of your fellow-citizens, but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command, it will continue to animate remotest ages. ki We feel with you our obligations to the army in general, and will par ticularly charge ourselves with the interests of those confidential officers who have attended your person to this affecting moment. " We join you in commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, be seeching Him to dispose the hearts and minds of its citizens, to improve the opportunity afforded them, of becoming a happy and respectable nation. And for you, we address to Him our earnest prayers, that a life so beloved may be fostered with all His care, and that your days may be happy as they have been illustrious, and that He will finally give you that reward which this world cannot give. 1 First PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, 30th April, 1789, to 4th March, 1797 ; Lieutenant-Gen eral and Commander of the United States Army, 3d July, 1798, until he died at Mount Vernon, Va., 14th De cember, 1799. Washington, George A. (Va). 2d Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st Septem ber, 1777 ; resigned 16th November, 1777; Cornet of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 20th April, 1778 ; re signed 31st December, 1778 ; Ensign 2d Virginia, , 1780; Lieutenant, 26th May, 1781 ; Aide-de-Camp to La fayette in 1781, arid served to close of war. (Died February, 1793.) Washington, John (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, May, 1776 ; died 14th March, 1777. Washington, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieutenant of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 25th April, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st December, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1778 ; Lieuten ant of Lee s Battalion Light Dra goons, May, 1778, and served to close of war. Washington, William ( ). Colonel Militia, - ; wounded at East Haven, 6th July, 1779. Washington, William Augus tine (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 25th February, 1776; wounded at Trenton, 26th December 1776 ; Major 4th Con tinental Dragoons, 27th January, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d Dra goons, 20th November, 1778; wounded at Cowpens, 17th January, 1781. By the act of 9th March, 1781, it was " Resolved, that a medal of silver be presented to Lieutenant-Colonel Washington of the Cavalry, with em blems and mottoes descriptive of his conduct at the battle of Cowpens, January 17th, 1781." Wounded and taken prisoner at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781, and was a prisoner on parole to close of war ; Brigadier- General United States Army, 19th July, 1798 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 6th March, 1810.) Waterbury, David (Conn). Colo nel 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 13th December, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Connecticut State Troops, 3d June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Valcour s Is land, llth October, 1776 ; exchanged October, 1780, and served subse quently as Brigadier-General Con necticut State Troops. (Died 29th June, 1801.) Waterbury, John (Conn). Private in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. Waterhouse, Abraham (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 ; Captain in Connecticut Light Horse, June, 1776; Captain 10th Continental In- fantrv, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Waterman, Andrew (R. I.). Cap tain of Hitchcock s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May to December, 1775; Captain of Babcock s Rhode Island State Regiment, 15th January, 1776, to May, 1777. Waterman, Jedediah (Conn). Lieutenant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d Con necticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Captain 20th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Waterman, Jedediah (Mass). En sign 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to No vember, 1783. (Died 25th September, 1828.) Waterman, John (Conn). Quar termaster-Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 3d May to 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental Infan- Waterman. 423 "Watson. try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; dismissed 24th July, 1777. "Waterman, John (Conn). Ensign of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi ment, 15th April, 1776, to April, 1777. (Died 16th December, 1825.) Waterman, John (R. I.). Regi mental Quartermaster 2d Rhode Isl and, 1st March, 1777 ; died 20th April, 1778. Waterman, Luther L. (Conn). Surgeon of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 30th March, 1778. Waterman, Thomas (R. I.). En sign 2d Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, llth February, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 10th Au gust, 1777 ; dismissed 1st May, 1780. Waters, Felix (S C.). Captain 1st South Carolina; 24th May, 1776, and served to . (In service January, 1781.) Waters, Richard (Md). Assistant Surgeon 3d Maryland, 7th May, 1778 ; resigned 1st November, 1778. Waters, Richard (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 13th January, 1777; Regimental Adjutant, 25th September, 1778; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780 ; pris oner on parole to close of war. Waters, Richard (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 1st Maryland, 1st April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778 ; Cap tain, 7th April, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 25th Au gust, 1829.) Waters, Samuel (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 24th December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 29th March, 1777 ; resigned 23d April, 1777. Waters, Stillworthy (Conn). Ma jor of Swift s Connecticut State Regi ment, July to December, 1776. Waters, William (N. C.). Ensign 1st North Carolina, 19th September, 1776; 2d Lieutenant. 5th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 19th September, 1777; on roll for June, 1778, is re ported as transferred to Cavalry Reg iment, 1st June, 1778. Watkins, Gassaway (Md). En sign 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 7th Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 14th September, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Maryland, 1st January, 1781; Cap tain^ 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 14th July, 1840.) Watkins, John (Md). Ensign 6th Maryland, 15th May, 1777 ; resigned 15th August, 1777. Watkins, John (Md). Captain of an Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; resigned 3d Octo ber, 1776. Watkins, John Jr. (Va). Captain 4th Virginia, 21st March, 1776, to . Watkins, John W. (N. .). Cap tain of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, llth March, 1777 ; resigned 12th October, 1777. Watkins, Joseph ( ). Major and Commissary of Ordnance Stores, 5th February, 1777, to . Watkins, Nathan (Mass). Cap tain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; deranged, 8th September, 1778, on account of being absent a prisoner. Watkins, Robert (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 12th March, 1776 ; resigned 12th March, 1778. Watkins, Thomas (Md). Captain Maryland Company of Cannoneers, 1776 to . Watkins, Zachariah (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 23d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 24th June, 1826.) Watrous, John Richards (Conn). Surgeon s-Mate 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Sur geon s-Mate 22d Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Surgeon 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Watrous, Josiah (Mass). Sur geon s-Mate 12th Massachusetts, 28th August, 1777; Surgeon s-Mate of Stevens Battalion, subsequently part of the 3d Continental Artillery, 4th September, 1777 ; resigned 8th Janu ary, 1779. WatsoL, Abraham (Mass). Cap tain 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780 ; exchanged 22d December 1780, and served to close of war. Watson, Abraham Jr. (Mass). Surgeon of Gardner s Massachusetts Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775. Watson, James (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, May, 1776 ; Captain of Webb s Additional Continental Regi ment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1778. Watson. 424 Weatherby. Watson, John Jr. (Conn), Cap tain 4th Connecticut, 1st May to De cember, 1775 ; wounded at St/John s, 2J. November, 1775. "Watson, Marston (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Watson, Moses (R. I.). Ensign of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to . Watson, Samuel (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th October, 1775 ; Captain 2d Penn sylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; died 21st May, 1776. Watson, Samuel (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Watson, Titus (Conn). Sergeant in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to December, 1775 ; Captain of Burrall s Connecticut State Regi ment, 19th January, 1776 ; Captain 7th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; re signed 12th January, 1780. Watson, William (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Fellow s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 21st Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain 25th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Young s House, 3d February, 1780 ; exchanged December, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died March, 1828.) Wattles, Mason (Mass). Ensign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Captain, 13th April, 1780. and served to June, 1783. (Died 23d July, 1819.) Watts, David (Mass). Ensign 18th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 7th September, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 1st July, 1779. Watts, Frederick (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel of a Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July to Decem ber, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; Brigadier-General Pennsylvania Mi- lit^a, 28th May, 1782, to close of war. (Died 3d October, 1795.) Watts, John (Va). Cornet Vir ginia Dragoons, 17th June, 1776 ; Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, 18th December, 1776; Captain, 7th April, 1778 ; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781 ; re tained in Baylor s Regiment of Dra goons, 9th November, 1782, and served to close of war ; Lieutenant-Colonel Light Dragoons United States Army, 8th January, 1799 ; honorably dis charged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 8th June, 1830.) Watts, John (Mass). Ensign 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Watts, John Milburn (Md). En sign 5th Maryland, 20th February, 1777, to . Watts, William (Md). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 18th Decem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant, 31st March, 1777, aud served to . Watts, William (Md), Surgeon s- Mate - - Maryland Regiment, 15th August, 1781, and served to April, 1783. Waugh, James (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Wayman, Abel. See Weyman. Wayne, Anthony (Pa). Colonel 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 3d Janu ary, 1776; Brigadier-General Conti nental Army, 21st February, 1777; wounded at Stony Point, 16th July, 1779. By the act 26th July, 1779, it was "Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks of Congress be presented to Brigadier-Greneral Wayne for his brave, prudent and soldierly conduct in the spirited and well-conducted attack on Stony Point ; that a gold medal emblematical of this action be struck and presented to Brigadier- General Wayne." Served to close of war ; Major-General and Commander United States Army, 5th March, 1792; died 15th December, 1796. Weare, Nathan (N. H.). Sergeant 3d New Hampshire, 8th April, 1777; Ensign, 4th October, 1777; Lieuten ant, 5th July, 1780 ; transferred to 1st New Hampshire, 1st January, 1781. and served to close of war. Weare, Richard (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 8th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 3d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; died 2d August, 1777, of wounds received at Fort Ann, 8th July, 1777. Weatherby, Benjamin (N. J.). Captain of Spencer s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 23d February, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. "Weaver. 425 Webster. Weaver, Edward (N. Y.). Ensign 5th New York, 21st November, 1776 ; discharged, 16th December, 1777. (Died 29th June, 1828.) Weaver, Jacob (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 22d April, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed, 12th December, 1780; was retained as Captain of an independ ent company, to rank from 13th January, 1777 ; company annexed to 10th Pennsylvania, 7th November, 1777; retired 17th January, 1781. Weaver, John (Pa). SurgeonV Mate Invalid Regiment, 9th October, 1780, to 31st October, 1781. Webb, Charles (Conn). Colonel Connecticut Militia Regiment, May and June, 1775 ; Colonel 7th Connecti cut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775; Colonel 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Colonel 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; resigned 13th March, 1778. Webb, Charles Jr. (Conn). Adju tant 5th Connecticut, 20th May, 1775 ; Adjutant 7th Connecticut, llth July to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant and Adjutant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Paymaster 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; reported to have been killed in the fall of 1778 on a gunboat on the sound near Stamford. Webb, George (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Webb, Isaac (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, September, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 13th January, 1777; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th Octo ber, 1778, and served to . (Was in service January, 1780.) Webb, James (R. I.). Lieutenant of a Rhode Island Regiment, May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st De cember, 1775 ; exchanged, 1776 ; Cap tain of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st March, 1777 ; re signed 17th April, 1780. Webb, James (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1779 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. Webb, John (Conn). Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 12th Janu ary, 1777; Captain 1st January, 1778; Aide-de-Camp to General Ho, ve in 1781 ; served to close of war. Webb, John (Va). Captain 7th Virginia, 5th March, 1776 ; Major, 26th January, 1778 ; transferred to 5th Vir ginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel, 4th July, 1779; retired 12th February, 1781. Webb, Nathaniel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; Regimental Adjutant, 7th September to 31st December, 1776; Captain 4th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781.. Webb, Samuel (Conn). Clerk in Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Clerk 5th Connecticut, 6th May to Decem ber, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant of Elmore s Connecticut State Regiment, 15th April, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 2d Conti nental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; resigned June, 1778; Brigade Major of Waterbury s Brigade in 1781. Webb, Samuel Blatchey (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 , wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775 ; Major and Aide-de- Camp to General Putnam, 22d July, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel and Aide- de-Camp to General Washington, 21st June, 1776; wounded at Trenton, 2d January, 1777 ; Colonel of one of the Sixteen Additional Continental Regi ments, llth January, 1777; taken prisoner on the expedition to Long Island, 10th December, 1777, arid was a prisoner of war on parole until ex changed, December, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; brevet Brigadier-General, 30th Sep tember, 1783, and served to 13th No vember, 1783. (Died 3d December, 1817.) Webb, Thomas (Mass). Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Webber, Daniel (Mass). Ensign, ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 30th April, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died 1st February, 1827.) Webber, Eben (Mass). Captain of Fellows Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Webster, Amos (N. H.). Ensign of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; 2d Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 : 1st Lieutenant, 20th June, 1777 ; killed at Stillwater, 7th October, 1777. Webster, Jacob (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. "Webster. Webster, John B. (Pa). Sergeant in Proctor s Pennsylvania Artillery Battalion, 1776 ; Quartermaster-Ser geant 4th Continental Artillery, Jan uary, 1777; Regimental Quartermaster, 1st November, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, llth May, 1779 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th October, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 19th March, 1834.) Webster, John (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 22d July, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars, 19th May, 1776 ; served subsequently as Colonel New Hampshire Militia. Wedg-ewood, James (N. H.). En sign of Poor s New Hampshire Regi ment, 20th September to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New Hamp shire, 8th November, 1776 ; retired 1st September, 1778. (Died 18th May, 1826.) Weed, Seth (Conn). Private 5th Connecticut, 8th May to 15th October, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 30th Sep tember, 1777. Weed, Thaddeus (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Silliman t s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 5th Connec ticut, 1st January, 1777; Capiain- Lieutenant, 1st June, 1778 ; Captain, 1st April, 1780 ; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; resigned 17th December, 1781. Weeden, Thomas (Mass). Ensign 23d Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Weedon, G-eorge (Va). Lieuten ant-Colonel 3d Virginia, 13th Febru ary, 1776; Colonel, 13th August, 1776 ; Acting Adjutant-General to General Washington, 20th February, 1777 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 27th February, 1777, and served to llth June, 1783. (Died November, 1793.) Weekly, John (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery Regiment, 20th June, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Weeks, Nathan (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, 17th Febru ary, 1777 ; killed at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778. Weeks, Thomas (Mass). Adju tant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regi nient, May to December, 1775 ; Adju tant 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776; omitted in 1777, having been appointed Assistant Commissary of Issues. 426 Weiser. Weeks, William Jr. (N. H.). Pay master 3d New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776 ; resigned 1st June, 1778. Weems, James (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate of Jackson s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 10th May, 1778 ; omitted September, 1778. Wehritz, - - Baron de ( ). Lieutenant of Armarid s Legion, 3d March, 1777, to Weibert, Antoine Felix ( ). Lieutenant-Colonel Engineer Conti nental Army, 14th August, 1776, "with pay from 28th June, 1776, the day he entered on duty 11 ; served to Weidman, John (Pa). Ensign German Regiment, 19th July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 14th May, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Germantown,4th October, 1777; exchanged, 30th December, 1780 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 9th June, 1830.) Weidman, Mathias (Pa). 1st Lieutenant Pennsylvania Musket Battalion, 20th March, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776 ; exchanged, 26th August, 1778 ; did not return to the army. Weisenfels. Charles F. (N. Y.). Ensign in Nicholson s New York Reg iment, July, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1778; Reg imental Quartermaster, 4th October, 1779, and served to June, 1783. Weisenfels, Frederick (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d New York, 8th March, 1776 , Lieutenant- Colonel 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Command ant 4th New York, 13th January, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel New York Levies. -(Died 14th May, 1806.) Weisenthal, Frederick (Md). Sur geon of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, February, 1776, to Weiser, Benjamin (Pa). Captain German Regiment, 8th July, 1776; cashiered, 31st October, 1776, for mis conduct at Moritressor s Island. Weiser, Frederick (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant German Regiment, 8th July, 1777 ; resigned 1st May, 1777. Weiser, Peter (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 5th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Pennsyl vania, 1st January, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Germaritown, 4th October, 1777. Weitzel. Weitzel, Caspar (Pa). Captain of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 9th March, 1776, to January, 1777. Weitzel, Jacob (Pa). Ensign of Patton s Additional Continental Reg iment, 2d April, 1777; transferred to Hartley s Regiment, February, 1778 ; regiment designated llth Pennsyl vania, 16th December, 1778 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 2d April, 1779; 1st Lieutenant, llth March, 1780; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Welch, John (N. Y.). 2d Lieuten ant of Wynkoop s New York Regi ment, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; cash iered, 9th January, 1779, and joined the enemy. Welch, Nathaniel (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 to 1781. Welch, Thomas (Mass). Volunteer Surgeon at Lexington and Concord, 19th April, 1775 ; Surgeon 27th Conti nental Infantry, January to Decem ber, 1776. (Died 9th February, 1831.) Weld, Elias (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant of Ward s Connecticut State Reg iment, 14th May, 1776, to May, 1777. Well 33, Roger (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 16th May, 1778 Cap tain, 8th April, 1780; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; wounded at Yorktown, 14th October, 1781 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Wellington, Elisha (Mass). En sign 3d Massachusetts, 26th July, 1782; served to close of war. (Died , 1801.) Wells, Bayze (Conn). Private 4th Connecticut, May to December, 1775 ; Ensign of Burrall s Connecticut State Regiment, 23d January, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 19th September, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st Jan uary, 1777 ; resigned 21st March, 1778. Wells, Benjamin (Mass). Ensign 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieuteaant, 4th May, 1780, and served to November, 1783~ (Died 3d June, 1823.) Wells, Henry (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Knox s Regiment Continental Artillery 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, March to November, 1776. 427 Welp... Wells, James (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Durkee s Wyoming Valley Company, 26th August, 1776 ; killed 3d July, 1778, at the Wyoming massacre. Wells, James (Mass). Private and Sergeant in 4th Continental Infantry in 1776; Lieutenant llth Massachu setts, 16th October, 1780; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to 1st January, 1783. (Died 23d February, 1806.) Wells, James (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 4th Continental Artillery, 20th April, 1777 ; resigned 1st March, 1778. Wells, James (Del). 1st Lieutenant Delaware Regiment, 18th January to 1st December, 1776; Captain 4th United States Infantry, 16th March, 1792 ; died 9th June, 1792. Wells, James (Conn). Sergeant 2d Continental Dragoons, 7th May, 1777; Cornet, 1st January, 1778; Lieu tenant 2d June, 1779, and served to Wells, John. See Willis. Wells, Levi (Conn). Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th Decem ber, 1775 ; Major 22d Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776; exchanged January, 1777; served subsequently as Colonel Connecticut Militia and was taken prisoner at Horseneck, 9th December, 1780. Wells, Samuel (Conn). Captain of Gay s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner, 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York ; exchanged June, 1778. Wells, Stephen (R. I.). Ensign of Varnum s Rhode Island Regiment, 3d May, 1775, to . Wells, Stephen (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel Connecticut Militia, ; wounded in the Danbury Raid, 27th April, 1777. Wells, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Knox s Regiment Continen tal Artillery, 1st January, 1776 ; Cap tain-Lieutenant 3d Continental Artil lery, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 14th May, 1778; resigned 28th January, 1780. (Died 30th October, 1799.) Wells, Thomas (R. I.)- Captain of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regi ment, 1st November, 1775, and served to 1777. Welp, Anthony (N. Y.). 1st Lieu tenant 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to March, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regiment, 18th December, 1776; Captain, 26th November, 1778 ; retired 1st January. 1781. Welper. Westcott. Welper, David. See Woelper. "Welsh, Enoch ( ). Ensign Inva lid Regiment, 16th July, 1777, to "Welsh, Jacob (Mass). Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 177(3 ; 2d Lieutenant of Stevens Bat talion of Artillery (subsequently part of the 3d Continental Artillery), 9th November, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 12th September, 1778; resigned 5th No vember, 1778. "Welsh, John (R. I.). Lieutenant Sappers and Miners, 2d August, 1779 ; resigned 1st July, 1781 ; Ensign and Regimental Quartermaster of Olney s Rhode Island Battalion, 1st January, 1782, and served to close of war. (Name also spelled Welch.) "Welsh, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 15th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Welsh, Peter (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 13th April, 1780. (Died 22d August, 1831.) Welsh, Richard (Mass). Ensign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant, 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; dismissed 28th August, 1780. Weltner, Ludowick (Md). Major German Regiment, 17th July, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 29th April, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Wendell, Jacob Henry (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 21st November, 1776; Lieutenant, January, 1779; Regi mental Adjutant, 29th September, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died 23d March, 1826.) Wendell, John H. (N. Y.). Cap tain in Wynkoop s New York Regi ment, 1st March, 1776 ; Captain 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 5th April, 1781. (Died 10th July, 1832.) Wentworth, Jonathan (N. H.). Captain 2d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 8th Con tinental Infantry, 1st Januarv, 1776 ; cashiered, 26th July, 1776. "Wesson, James (Mass). Major of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, to December, 1775 ; Lieu tenant-Colonel 26th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Colonel 9th Massachusetts, 1st November, 1776; wounded at Monmouth, 28th June, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 15th October, 1809.) West, Benjamin (R. I.). 1st Lieu tenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 19th August, 1776; Captain of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to . West, Benjamin (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . West, Cato (S. C.). 1st Lieutenant 5th South Carolina, March, 1777 ; resigned October, 1779. West, Charle*s (Va). Captain 3d Virginia, 9th February, 1776; Major, 1st February, 1777; resigned 6th July, 1778. West, Ebenezer (Conn). Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 9th May to 18th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of Sage s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th December, 1776 ; Adju tant of Ely s Connecticut State Regi ment, June, 1777 ; taken prisoner on Long Island Expedition, 10th Decem ber, 1777; exchanged 8th December, 1780. West, Ebenezer (R. I.). Ensign llth Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 2d Rhode Island, llth Febru ary, 1777; cashiered, 9th July, 1778. West, George (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 9th March, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776, and died in captivity. West, Jeremiah (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777; Surgeon, 5th June, 1778; trans ferred to 3d Connecticut 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; resigned 3d March, 1782. West, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. West, Thomas (Va). Captain 10th Virginia, 10th November, 1776; re signed 9th September, 1778. West, William (Pa). Captain 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th Janu ary, 1776; Major, 25th October, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776. West, William (R. I.). Brigadier- General Rhode Island Militia, 1775 and 1776. Westcoat, Joel (Pa). Ensign 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th Janu ary, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 12th April, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776. Westcott, Jabez (R. I.). Captain of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th December, 1776, to . Westcott. 429 Wheeler. Westcott, Nathan (R. I.). En sign of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to Westcott, Uriah (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Elliott s Regiment Rhode Island State Artillery, 12th Decem ber, 1776, to . Westcott, Zorobabel (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Richmond s Rhode Island State Regiment, 1st Novem ber, 1775, to . Westfall, Abel (Va). Captain 8th Virginia, 12th March, 1776; resigned 22d November, 1777. Westfall, Cornelius (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 16th March, 1777 ; re signed 21st April, 1778. Weston, Benjamin (Conn). Pri vate in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Sergeant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 10th March, 1777; Ensign, 16th May, 1778; resigned 13th July, 1779. Weston, James (Mass). Sergeant 6th Massachusetts, 25th February, 1777 : Ensign, 10th April, 1779 ; roll for February. 1780, says "never joined." Wotherill, Obadiah. See Wither- ell. Wetzell, Michael (N. J.). 2d Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 29th June, 1781 ; transferred to Corps of Artillery, 17th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Weyman, Abel (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New Jersey, 4th August to No vember, 1776 ; Ensign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 17th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st November, 1777 ; transferred to 2d New Jersey, 1st July, 1778 ; Captain- Lieutenant, 16th April, 1780; trans ferred to 1st New Jersev, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; Captain, 1st January, 1781, and served to April, 1783. (Name also spelled Wayman.) Wharry, Robert (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate of Malcolm s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 20th June, 1778; transferred to 11th Pennsylvania, 16th December, 1778; transferred to 3d Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Wharton, Carpenter ( ). Com- mi*sary Continental Army, 6th July, 1776: charges were preferred against him, and was directed, 26th June, 1777. to settle his accounts. Wheatley, Andrew (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 4th Connecti cut, 15th January, 1777 ; resigned . 1778. Wheatley, John (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Seiden s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; wounded and taken prisoner on the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776. Wheaton, Joseph (R. I.). Ensign 2d Rhode Island, 1st March, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1781, and served to 25th December, 1783 ; Captain Assistant Deputy Quartermaster - General United States Army, 28th April, 1813 ; Major Deputy Quartermaster-Gen eral, 15th September, 1814 ; appoint ment negatived by Senate, 3d Janu ary, 1815. (Died 23d November, 1828.) Whedbee, Richard (N. C.). Lieu tenant 7th North Carolina, 1st May, 1777, to . Wheeler, Adarr (Mass). Captain of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Cap tain 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 15th October, 1778. Wheeler, Ephraim (Mass). En sign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; cashiered, 22d Decem ber, 1777. Wheeler, Francis (Mass). Lieu tenant Company of Minute Men at Concord, lath April, 1775. Wheeler, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Wheeler, Lemuel (Conn). Sur geon 4th Connecticut, May to Novem ber, 1775. Wheeler, Nathan (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 1st March, 1779. Wheeler, Nathaniel (Mass). Quar termaster-Sergeant 6th Massachu setts, January, 1777; Ensign 6th March, 1779 ; discharged 5th October, 1780. (Died 15th July, 18.3.) Wheeler, Seth (N. H.). 2d Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 6th July, 1775, to January, 1776. "Wheeler. "Wheeler, "Warham (Mass). En sign 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1770 ; 2d Lieutenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; discharged llth November, 1777. Wheeler, "William (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 14th January, 1777 ; re signed November, 1777. "Wheeler, "William (N. Y.). Sur geon of Stevens Battalion of Artil lery, 4th September, 1777; resigned Sth January, 1779. "Wheelock, Moses (Mass). Captain of Ward s Massachusetts Regiment, 23d May to December, 1775. Wheelwrig-ht, Daniel (Mass). Cap tain llth Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; died 28th May, 1778. Whelp, Anthony. See Welp. Whelpley, James (Conn). Regi mental Quartermaster 5th Connecti cut, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 15th December, 1777. "Wherry, David (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776, to . "Wherry, Robert. See "VVharry. "Whetmore, Hezekiah(N.Y.) Quar termaster 2d Continental Dragoons, 12th January, 1777 ; Adjutant of Ste vens 1 Battalion of Artillery, 1st Feb ruary, 1777; resigned 6th September, 1778. (Name also spelled Wetinore.) "Whipple, George (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Read s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 13th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. "Whipple, George ( ). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777, to . "Whipple, Job (Mass). 1st Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 5th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Whipple, Samuel (R. I.). Ensign of Tallman s Rhode Island Regiment, 12th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 2d Rhode Island, llth February, 1777; resigned 18th January, 1778. Whipple, William (N. H.). Briga dier-General New Hampshire Militia, 1777 to 1782. (Died 28th November, 1785.) Whipple, William (R. I.)- Ensign of Stanton s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to 430 White. Whitaker, - ( ). Captain, ; wounded at Hickory Hill, 28th June, 1779. Whitaker, William (Va). Lieu tenant 1st Continental Artillery, 10th April, 1782, to - Whitcomb, Asa (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, 3d June to December, 1775 ; Colonel 6th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Whitcomb, Benjamin (N. H.). 2d Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776; Captain, 14th October, 1776; Major Battalion New Hampshire Rangers, 10th November, 1777; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 22d July, 1828.) Whitcomb, Elisha (N. H.). 1st Lieutenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to December, 1776, and Captain of same, 15th December, 1777, to January, 1779. Whitcomb, John (Mass). Colonel of a Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 5th June, 1776, which he declined. (Died, 1812.) Whitcomb, Jonathan (N. H.). Captain 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Whitcomb, Scottoway (Mass). Ensign and Regimental Quartermas ter 3d Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776, to . White, Andrew (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, May, 1777; resigned 5th April, 1780; served subsequently as Captain New York Levies. White, Anthony Walton (N. J.). Lieutenant-Colonel 3d New Jersey, 18th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colo nel 4th Continental Dragoons, 15th February, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 1st Continental Dra goons, 10th December, 1779 ; Colonel 16th February, 1780; taken prisoner at Lanneaus Ferry, 6th May, 1780; prisoner on parole to close of war ; Brigadier-General United States Army, 19th July, 1798; honorably dis charged, 15th June, 1800. (Died 10th February, 1803.) White, Aquilla (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, August, 1776 ; left the service, 23d February, 1777. White, Edward. (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 , 2d Lieutenant, 6th March, 1778 ; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Jan- White. 431 White. nary, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Massa chusetts, 12th June, 1783. and served to :;<! November, 1783. (Died 9th Jan uary, 1812.) White, Epenetus (N. Y.). Lieu tenant New York Militia, - ; pris oner of war, llth June, 1781, to 9th November, 1782. White, Francis (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778 ; Lieu tenant, 2d August, 1779 ; transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 17th January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. White, G-eorg-e (N. Y.). Captain 13d New York, 28th June to December, 1775. White, George (Mass). Captain llth Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; resigned 28th June, 1779. (Died 20th May, 1826.) White, G-eorg-e (N. J.). Lieuten ant 1st Continental Dragoons, 1780 ; transferred to Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th NoVember, 1782, and served to close of war. White, Haffleld (Mass). Lieuten ant Company of Minute Men at Lex ington, 19th April, 1775 ; 2d Lieuten ant of Mansfield s Masssachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 27th Continental In fantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776, being Regimental Adjutant from 24th April, 1776 ; Captain 5th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died , 1817.) White, Henry (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st Janaary, 1777; Lieutenant, 26th July, 1779 ; trans ferred to 8th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 16th December, 1823.) White, John (Pa). Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Sullivan, 29th September, 1777 ; died 10th Octo ber, 1777, of wounds received at Ger- mantown, 4th October, 1777. White, John (N. C.). Captain 2cl North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Major, 7th May, 1776 ; Colonel 4th Georgia, 1st February, 1777 ; wounded and taken prisoner at Savannah, 9th October, 1779, and died of wounds shortly afterwards. White, John (Conn). Sergeant 6th Connecticut, 2d May, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st April, 1779 ; 2d Lieutenant, 8th September, 1780 ; transferred to 4th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781, and served to June, 1783. White, John (N. H.). 1st Lieuten ant of Bedel s Regiment New Hamp shire Rangers, 22d January to De cember, 1776. White, John (Mass), Quartermas ter of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant and Quartermaster 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Quartermaster 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Brigade-Quartermaster, 30th July, 1777, and served subsequently in Quartermaster s Department. White, John (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 28th December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant, 30th April, 1778; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 4th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 8th Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to . White, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant Maryland Artillery Company, 13th September, 1779 ; resigned 15th Sep tember, 1780. White, Moses (N. Y.). Captain 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 8th April, 1777 ; Aide-de-Cainp to General Hazen, 1st September, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. (Died 28th May, 1833.) White, Nehemiah (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. White, Nicholas (Pa). Ensign 10th Pennsylvania, 2d June, 1778; Lieutenant, 2d August, 1779; resigned 1st April, 1780. White, Peter (Mass). 2d Lieuten ant of Paterson s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 15th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. White, Richard P. (Va). 1st Lieu tenant Virginia Convention Guards, 13th January, 1779 ; Captain, - , 1780, and served to 10th June, 1781. White, Robert (Va). Entered serv ice in September, 1775, as a Private ; 2d Lieutenant 12th Virginia, 1st March, 1777; wounded at Short Hills, 26th June, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st September, 1777; transferred to 8th Virginia, 14th September, 177-3 ; wounded in 1778 ; Captain, , 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 2d November, 1831.) White, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776; resigned 9th Febru ary, 1776. White, Robert (Md). Deputy Com missary-General of Issues, 14th Au gust, 1777; resigned 15th September, 1777. "White. 432 "Whiting-. White, Sims (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Artillery, 14th November, 1775, to . White, Salmon (Mass). Sergeant 6th Massachusetts, 19th May, 1777 ; Ensign, 26th November, 1779 ; Lieu tenant, , 1781, and served to - White, Stephen (N. Y.). Captain New York Levies, - ; taken pris oner at Johnstown, 24th October, 1781 ; exchanged October, 1782. White, Tarpley (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 7th March, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 28th October, 1776; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Captain-Lieutena/ t,29th August, 1779; Captain, , 1780 ; retired 12th Feb ruary, 1781. White, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 27th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; dismissed 27th March, 1780. White, Thomas (Pa). 1st Lieuten ant of Montgomery s Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, July, 1776; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776; ex changed in 1778, and did not rejoin the army. White, Thomas (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th December, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 13th August, 1779, and served to January, 1782. White, William (Mass). Adjutant 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1st October, 1778; Cap tain, 1st July, 1779; killed October, 1781, at . Whits, William (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 8th May, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 28th September, 1777 ; transferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Sep- tember,1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 12th May, 1779 ; Captain, 4th July, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; transferred to 8th Virginia, 12fch February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 30th July, 1828.) Whit 3, William (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, 7th Decem ber, 1778; 2d Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779, and served to February, 1781. Whits, William (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 3d Virginia, 21st March, 1776 ; died 16th September, 1777, of wounds received at Brandy wine, llth Sep tember, 1777. Whitehead, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Pennsylvania, 21st Janu ary/ 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1777; retired 17th January, 1781. Whitehead, John (Pa). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1st January, 1777; resigned 27th March, 1778. Whiteley, William (Md). Lieu- tenant-Coloiiel 4th Maryland Battal ion of the Flying Camp, 16th August to 1st December, 1776. Whiteman, John (Md). Sergeant German Regiment, 1st November, 1776; Ensign, May, 1777; wounded arid taken prisoner at Germantowri, 4th October, 1777. Whiting, Benjamin or Beverly (Va). Ensign 7th Virginia, 13th De cember, 1776 ; resigned 4th July, 1778. Whiting, Charles (Conn). Adju tant 2d Connecticut, 28th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Aide-de-Camp to General Spencer, 14th August, 1776 ; Captain of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 14th February, 1777; Died 10th July, 1779; also re ported as killed same date. Whiting, Daniel (Mass). Captain of Brewer s Massach .isetts Regiment, May to December, i7i 5 ; Captain 6th Continental Infantry, 1776; Major 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 6th Massachu setts, 29th September, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Whiting, Francis (Va). 1st Lieu tenant of Thruston s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 28th May, 1777; Lieutenant 1st Continental Dragoons, April, 1779; transferred to Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th Novem ber, 1782, and served to close of war. Whiting, Frederick J. (Conn). Lieutenant 2d Continental Dragoons, 14th June, 1781; Adjutant in 1782; retired 9th November, 1782. Whiting, Gamaliel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Fellow s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to Whiting, Henry (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 25th March, 1776; Lieuten ant, 29th November, 1777 ; retired 14th September, 1778. Whiting, Israel (Mass). Surgeon s- Mate 21st Continental Infantry, 1st July to 31st December, 1776. Whiting, John (Mass). Member company of Minute Men at Lexing ton, 19th April, 1775, and served in the ranks in a Massachusetts Regiment to January, 1777 ; Regimental Quar termaster, 12th Massachusetts, 10th August, 1777; Lieutenant, 5th July, 1779 ; Adjutant in 1780 ; transferred. Whiting. to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to November, 1783 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 4th United States Infantry, 8th July, 1808 ; Acting Ad jutant and Inspector of the Army, 17th July, 1809, to 17th August, 1809 ; Colonel 5th Infantry, 31st December, 1809 ; died 3d September, 1810. "Whiting-, Jonathan (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 31st December, 1775. "Whiting, Judson (Conn). Ensign 5th Connecticut, 1st May to I Oth Sep tember, 1775 ; Ensign of Bradley s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 15th November, 1776, and died 16th January, 1777. Whiting 1 , Matthew (Va). 2d Lieu- terit 3d Virginia, 19th March, 1776 ; resigned March, 1777. Whiting-, Moses (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Whiting-, Nathaniel Haynes (Conn). Ensign of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 9th April, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 21st February, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Whiting, Samuel (Conn). Lieu tenant-Colonel 5th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th November, 1775 ; served subsequently as Colonel Connecticut Militia and State Troops. Whiting-, Samuel (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; taken prisoner on the expedition to Long Island, 10th De cember, 1777 ; exchanged December, 1780 ; resigned 14th March, 1781. Whiting-, Samuel (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate, 5th Connecticut, May to December, 1775. Whiting-, Timothy (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 16th Continental In fantry, 1st January, to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; served subsequently as As sistant to Deputy Quartermaster- General to June, 1780. (Died 12th July, 1799.) Whitlock, Ephraim L. (X. J). En sign 4th New Jersey, 28th November, 1776 2d Lieutenant, 1st January, 1777 1st Lieutenant, 23d November, 1777 transferred to 1st New Jersey, 1st July, 1778; retained in New Jersey Battalion, April, 1783; brevet Cap tain, 30th September, 1783, and served to November, 1783 ; Major 15th 433 Whitney. United States Infantry, 1st May, 1812 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 14th Infan try, 14th November, 1813 ; honorably discharged 15th June, 1815. Whitlock, James (N. J.). Major New Jersey Militia, ; taken pris oner at ; exchanged, 22d Decem ber, 1780. Whitlock, John (N. J.). Lieuten ant New Jersey Militia, ; Billed at Middletown, 13th February, 777. Whitlock, Reuben (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Virginia State Regiment, 29th April, 1778 ; resigned 29th Octo ber, 1779. Whitlow, Matthew (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Roman s Independent Com pany Pennsylvania Artillery, 14th February, 1776 ; resigned 15th May, 1776. Whitman, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieutenant of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 7th March, 1778. Whitmarsh, Joseph (R. I.). 2d Lieutenant 9th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 8th March, 1778. Whitmarsh, Micah (R. I.). 1st Lieutenant of Stanton s Rhode Is land State Regiment, 12th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 1st Rhode Island, 14th February, 1777; resigned 25th April, 1778. Whitney, Ebenezer (Mass). En sign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 15th December, 1777; also called Abner Whitney. Whitney, Francis ( ). 1st Lieu tenant of Grayson s Additional Con tinental Regiment, 28th May, 1777; retired 22d April, 1779. Whitney, Henry ( ). Paymas ter of Sherburne s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 13th November, 1777, to . Whitney, Jonathan (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 8th Connecticut, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 10th March, 1778. Whitney, Joshua (Conn). Private 3d Connecticut, 19th May to 13th November, 1775 ; Sergeant in El- mere s Connecticut State Regiment, April, 1776, to April, 1777; Sergeant 8th Connecticut, 19th April, 1777; Ensign, 30th December, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 31st December, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 21st August, 1780; transferred to 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Con- "Whitney. 434 Wilder. necticut, 1st January, 1783 ; retained in Swift s Connecticut Regiment, June, 1783, and served to Novem ber, 1783. "Whitney, Josiah (Mass). Lieuten ant of Whltcomb s Massachusetts, Regiment, May, 1775, to . "Whitney, Josiah (Conn). Sergeant of BurralPs State Connecticut Regi ment, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 19th September, 1776, to January, 1777. "Whitney, Levi (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May, 1775, to . "Whittemore, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Little s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Whittemore, Pelatiah(N. H.) En sign 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 2cl New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 22d December, 1777, and served to March, 1782. Whittemore, Samuel (Mass). Cap tain Company of Minute Men, ; Avounded at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Whitten, Elias (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Whittier, Richard (Mass). Ensign 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 12th August, 1778. (Name also spelled Witter.) Whittlesey, Charles (Conn). Ser geant 1st Connecticut, 15th May to 10th December, 1775 ; Ensign 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, July, 1776 ; dis charged, 31st December, 1776 ; Regi mental Quartermaster 4th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; omitted July, 1778. Whittlesey, Nathan (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 19th Continental Infaii- try, 1st January, 1776, to . Whitwell, Samuel (Mass). Sur geon 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777, and served to close of war. (Died 21st November, 1791.) Whorter, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Massachusetts, 6th No vember, 1776 ; discharged 24th March, 1778. Wickham, John (S. C.). Lieuten ant 2d South Carolina, ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Wiggins, Thomas (Pa). Surgeon llth Pennsylvania, 1st July, 1779 ; re signed, 23d v January, 1780. (Died 1798.) Wiggles worth, Edward (Mass). Captain Company of Massachusetts Matrosses, ,29th June, 1776 ; Colonel Massachusetts Militia in 1776 ; Colonel 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 10th March, 1779. (Died 8th December, 1826.) Wigglesworth, John (Mass). Regi mental Quatermaster 13th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777, to . Wigglesworth, Samuel (N. H.). Surgeon of Wingate s Regiment, New Hampshire Militia, 1776 and 1777. "Wigglesworth, William (Mass). Ensign 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 1st January, 1778 ; transferred to 6th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Wight, Nahum (Mass). Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; Lieutenant 12th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 28th October, 1777. Wigton, John (Pa). Paymaster 3d Pennsylvania, June, 1777, to Janu ary, 1781 ; Ensign 3d Pennsylvania, 19th June, 1778 ; Lieutenant, 18th June, 1779 ; retired 17th January, 1781. Wikoff, William (N. J.). Captain of Forman s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st March, 1777, to . Wilcocks, Samuel (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Paterson s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Wilcox, Edward (Mel). Quarter master of Dorsey s Independent Maryland Artillery Company, May, 1777; dishonorably discharged, 19th August, 1777. Wilcox, Jarius (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artifi cer Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 28th July, 1777, and served to . Wilcox, William (N. Y.) Captain of Lasher s New York Militia Regi ment, July, 1776 ; Major Aide-de- Camp to General Alexander, 13th April, 1777 ; resigned 20th October, 1777. (Died 20th December, 1826.) Wild, Silas (Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Captain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Januarv, 1776, to . Wilder, Abel (Mass). Captain of Doolittle s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wilder, David (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. ^Wilds. 435 Wilkinson. "Wilds, Ebenezer (Mass). Corporal in Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Sergeant 1st Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Ensign, 24th October, 1779 ; Lieuten ant, llth May, 1781, and served to November, 1783. (Died 4th Decem ber, 1794.) Wilds, Joseph (Del). Ensign Dela- wa^-e Regiment, 2d December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th April, 1777 ; re signed 15th August, 1778. Wilds, Richard (Del). 2d Lieuten ant Delaware Regiment, 1st Decem ber, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 15th April, 1777; resigned 15th August, 1778. Wiley, Aldrich (Mass). Ensign 16th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; killed at Still water, 7th October, 1777. Wiley, John (Mass). Captain of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; superseded 25th June, 1775 ; Captain 16th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Captain 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 14th Massa chusetts, 15th December, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781. Wiley, Robert (Mass). Ensign 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; wounded at Bemus Heights, 19th September, 1777 ; resigned 14th Au gust, 1778. Wiley, Robert (Pa). Captain of Flower s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 1779, and served to close of war. Wilkie, - - (S. C.). Lieutenant South Carolina Militia, ; w r ounded at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Wilkins, Benjamin (S. C.). Lieu tenant Charleston Artillery, - ; killed at Beaufort, 9th February, 1779. Wilkins, Daniel (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 3d New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at the Cedars,* 19th May, 1776. Wilkins, John (Pa). Captain of Spencer s Additional Continental Regiment, 27th February, 1777; re signed 8th April, 1778. (Died llth December, 1809.) Wilkins, John (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 4th Pennsylvania, 8th April, 1780 , transferred to 1st Pennsylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to close of war. Wilkins, Nathaniel (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 12th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th January, 1777, and served to . Wilkins, Robert (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain, 10th Oc tober, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; exchanged January, 1777 ; Captain 6th Pennsylvania, to rank from 10th October, 1776 ; transferred to 2d Penn sylvania, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. Wilkins, Robert B. (N. H.). Ser geant 3d New Hampshire, 23d March, 1777 ; Ensign, 1st May, 1779 ; trans ferred to 2d New Hampshire, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; Lieutenant. 1781, and served to close of war. Wilkins, Stephen (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Mansfield s Massachu setts Regiment, May, 1775, to . Wilkinson, Amos (Pa). 2cl Lieu tenant 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 5th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 4th May, 1776 ; Captain 4th Continen tal Artillery, 14th March, 1777; re signed 7th June, 1779. Wilkinson, James (Md). Served as a volunteer in Thompson s Penn sylvania Rifle Battalion, 9th Septem ber, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Captain 2d Continental Infantry, March, 1776, to rank from 9th September, 1775; served on staff o? General Greene, Novem ber, 1775, to April, 1776; Akle-de-Camp to General Arnold, 2d June to 17th July, 1776; Brigade-Major, 20th July, 1776, and as such on staff of General Gates from 13th De cember, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel of Hartley s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th January, 1777 ; Dep uty Adjutant-General Northern De partment, 24th May, 1777, to 6th March, 1778 ; brevet Brigadier-Gen eral Continental Army, 6th Novem ber, 1777, which he resigned, 6th March, 1778; Secretary to Board of War, 6th January, 1778 ; resigned 3lst March, 1778 ; Clothier-General Conti nental Army, 24th July, 1779: re signed 27th March, 1781 ; Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, 1782; Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 2d United States Infantry, 22d October, 1791 ; Brigadier-General, 5th March, 1792 ; Major-General, 2d March, 1813 ; honorably discharged, 15th June, 1815. (Died 28th December, 1825.) Wilkinson, Nathaniel (N. J.). Sergeant 3d New Jersey in 1775 arid 1776 ; Sergeant Major 3d New Jersey, llth February, 1777; Ensign, 1st May, Wilkinson. 436 Williams. 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, llth November, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, - September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th March, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Wilkinson, Reuben (3. C.) En- sigii 3d North Carolina, 1st May, 1779, to . Wilkinson, Young- (Md). 2d Lieu tenant of Dorsey s Company Mary land Artillery, 25th February, 1777; company formed part of 1st Conti nental Artillery, 30th May, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1779, and served to June, 1783. (Died loth September, 1827.) Will, G-eorge (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777 ; resigned 7th October, 1777. Willard, Elias (N. Y.). Hospital Surgeon s-Mateand Hospital Surgeon in New York, 1775 to 1779. Willard, Jonathan (N. H.). En sign 1st New Hampshire, 8th Novem ber, 1776; 3d Lieutenant, 10th Janu ary, 1778; 1st Lieutenant, 23d August, 1779; resigned 13th April, 1782. Willard, Levi (Mass). Surgeon of Read s Massachusetts Regiment, 28th June to December, 1775. Willcox, Gfershom (Conn). Ser geant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775 ; taken prisoner at Quebec, 31st Decem ber, 1775 ; Ensign of Sherburae s Ad ditional Continental Regiment, 9th November, 1777 ; retired 21st March, 1779. Willcox, Joseph (Conn). Corporal 6th Connecticut, 9th May to 19th De cember, 1775 ; Ensign 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 25th January, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th January, 1780; transferred to 2d Con necticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Willes, Solomon (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Willett, Augustus (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; Captain 2d Pennsylva nia, 25th October, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1777; served subsequently as Major and Lieutenant-Colonel Pennsylvania Militia, May, 1780, to close of war. Willett, Marinus (N. Y.). Captain 1st New York, 28th June, 1775, to 9th May, 1776; Lieutenant-Colonel 3d New York, 21st November, 1776. By the act of 4th October, 1777, it was "Re- eolved, that Congress have a just sense of the distinguished merit of Lieu- teiiant-Coloriel Willett, for a repeated instance of his bravery and conduct in the late successful sally on the enemy investing Fort Schuyler, and that the Commissary-General of Mili tary Stores be directed to procure an elegant sword and present the same to Lieutenant-Colonel Willett in the name of these United States." Lieu tenant-Colonel Commandant 5th New York, 1st July, 1780; Colonel, Novem ber, 1780, to rank from 22d December, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1781 ; sub sequently served as Colonel New York Levies and Militia. (Died 22d August, 1830.) Willey, John (Conn). Captain in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 ; Captain-Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Williams, Abraham (Mass). 2d Lieutenant 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 6th March, 1779 ; transferred to 2d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to No vember, 1783. (Died, , 1795.) Williams, Bedford (N. Y.). Sur- geoii s-Mate 2d Ne\v York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776. Williams, Benjamin (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant 2d North Carolina, 1st September, 1775 ; Captain, 19th July, 1776, and served to ; was in ser vice January, 1780. Williams, Charles (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Seldeii s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, 1776; taken prisoner on the retreat from New York, 15th September, 1776, and died in captivity. Williams, Daniel (N. C.). Captain 3d North Carolina, 1st April, 1777, to Williams, Daniel (N. Y.). Captain New York Militia, - ; taken pris oner at Young s House, New York, 25th December, 1778 ; released 8th March, 1780. Williams, David (Va). Ensign loth Virginia, 1st March, 1777; retired 14th September, 1778. Williams, David (Va). Ensign llth Virginia, 1st July, 1777; regi ment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Lieutenant, 2d July, 1779; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close o war. "Williams. 437 Williams. Williams, David (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 12th Virginia, 20th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 7th March, 1778 ; regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; retired 12th February, 1781. Williams, David (X. Y.). By the act of 3d November, 1780, it was "Resolved, whereas Congress have received information that John Paulding, David Williams and Isaac Van Wart, three young volunteer mi litiamen of the State of New York, did, on the 23d of September last, intercept Major John Andre, Adju tant-General of the British Army, in the character of a spy, and notwith standing the large bribes offered them for his release, nobly disdaining to sacrifice their country for the sake of gold, secured and conveyed him to the commanding officer of the Dis trict, whereby the dangerous and traitorous conspiracy of Benedict Ar nold Avas brought to light, the insidi ous design of the enemy baffled, and the United States secured from im pending danger. Resolved, that Con gress have a high sense of the virtuous and patriotic conduct of the aforesaid John Paulding, David Wil liams and Isaac Van Wart. In con sideration whereof, ordered that each of them receive annually out of the public treasury (-$200) two hundred dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these States during life, and that the Board of War procure for each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription, Fi delity, and on the other the follow ing motto : Viricit amor patrise ; and forward them to the Commander- in-Chief, who is requested to present the same with a copy of this resolu tion, and the thanks of Congress for their fidelity and the eminent services they have rendered their country. 1 (Died2d August, 18531.) Williams, Bbenezer (Mass). Ser geant 15th Continental Infantry, January, 1776 ; Ensign, 12th Septem ber, 1770; 2d Lieutenant 1st Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777: 1st Lieu tenant, 25th October, I"i77: brevet Captain, 30th September, 1783; served to November, 1783. (Died 1st July, 1847.) Williams, Edward (Va). Ensign 8th Virginia, 4th July, 1770 ; resigned 30th December, 1779. Williams, Edward Payson ( Mass). Captain of Heath s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 177(5 ; Major 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 25th May, 1777. Williams, Elislia (Md). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain 7th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; resigned 28th Novem ber, 1777. Williams, Ennion (Pa). Major 1st Battalion of Miles Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment, 13th March, 1776 ; re signed 4th February, 1777. Williams, Hart (Mass). Captain 18th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Williams, Henry (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 22d February, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 9th November, 1777 ; Regimental Adjutant, Febru ary, 1780 ; resigned 2d May, 1780 ; subsequently served as Lieutenant Connecticut Militia and was killed at Grotoii Heights, 6th September, 1781. W r illiams, Henry (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 6th Virginia, 21st March, 1776 ; dismissed 16th July, 1776. Williams, Henry Abraham (N. Y.). 1st Lieutenant 2d Continental Artillery, 20th September, 1780, and served to June, 1783. Williams, Jacob (R. I.). Ensign of Babcock s Rhode Island Regi ment, 15th January, 1776 ; Lieuten ant of Lippitt s Rhode Island Regi ment, 19th August, 1776, to . Williams, James (Va). 2d Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 17th December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 18th March, 1777; Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Janu ary, 1778 ; regiment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Cap tain, 19th September, 1778, and served to close of war. (Died about 1823.) Williams, James (N. C.). Colonel North Carolina Rangers and Partisan Corps ; killed at King s Mountain 7th October, 1780. Williams, John (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 : 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental Infan try, 1st January to 31st December. 1776; 1st Lieutenant 12th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 7th July, 1777 ; transferred to 1st Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783, and served to 3d November, 1783. (Died 1st July, 1822.) Williams. 488 Williams.. Williams, John (N. C.). Colonel 9th North Carolina, 26th November, 1776, to . Williams, John (Conn). Captain Connecticut Militia, ; killed at G-roton Heights, 6th September, 1781. Williams, John (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, 1st Sep tember, 1775, to . Williams, John (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, August, 1777, to February, 1781. Williams, Joseph (Mass). Lieu tenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777; resigned 5th January, 1778. Williams, Joseph (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 24th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; Cap tain 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; retained in Jackson s Conti nental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 21st April, 1819.) Williams, Joshua (Pa). Adjutant Battalion Pennsylvania Associators, 25th May, 1775 ; Captain 1st Pennsyl vania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain In dependent Pennsylvania Company, March, 1777; company attached to 4th Pennsylvania, 21st October, 1777 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Williams, Lemuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st Janu ary, 1777 ; resigned 31st May, 1778. Williams, Lilburn (Md). Ensign of Woolford s Independent Maryland Company, , 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Captain, 16th April, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Williams, Macy (Mass). Captain of Walker s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Williams, Nathan (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant 6th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 10th October. 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 1st June, 1779; killed at Camden, 16th August, 1780. Williams, Nathaniel B. (N. C.). Lieutenant 8th North Carolina, 28th November, 1776 ; retired 1st Januarv, 1783. Williams, Obadiah (N. H.). Sur geon 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775. Williams, Osborne (Md). Ensign 3d Maryland, 1st March, 1777; 2d Lieu tenant, - ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th April, 1779 ; resigned 5th January, 1780. (Died 19th December, 1819.) Williams, Otho Holland (Md). 1st Lieutenant of Cresap s Company Maryland Riflemen, 21st June, 1775 ; Major of Stephenson s Maryland and Virginia Rifle Regiment, 27th June, 1776; wounded at Fort Washington, 16th November, 1776; Colonel 6th Maryland, 10th Decem ber, 1776; transferred to 1st Mary land, 1st January, 1781; Brigadier- General Continental Army, 9th May, 1782; retired 16th January, 1783. (Died 16th July, 1794.) Williams, Peleg (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant 1st New Hampshire, 8th No vember, 1776; resigned 10th May, 1778. Williams, Robert (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 14th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 10th September, 1818.) Williams, Robert (Mass). Regi mental Paymaster, 14th Continen tal Infantry, 14th September to 31st December, 1776 ; Ensign of Lee s Additional Continental Regiment, 24th April, 1777; Regimental Pay master, 3d Jane, 1777 ; transferred to Jackson s Regiment, 22d April, 1779 ; transferred to 9th Massachu setts, 1st January, 1781 ; 1st Lieuten ant, 12th April, 1782; transferred to 4th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783; retained in Jackson s Continental Regiment, November, 1783, and served to 20th June, 1784. (Died 16th November, 1834.) Williams, Robert (N. C.). Surgeon 3d North Carolina, June, 1778 to 1781. (Died 12th October, 1840.) Williams, Samuel (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant Pennsylvania State Regiment, 23d April, 1777 ; regiment designated 13th Pennsylvania, 12th November, 1777, and served to . Williams, Samuel W. (Conn). 2d Lieutenant 6th Connecticut, 1st May to 18th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant of AVebb s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Captain, 23d March, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Williams, Thomas (Mass). 2d Lieii tenant of Walker s Massachu setts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 13th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; cashiered, 2d June, 1776. (Died 13th May, 1828.) Williams. 439 Wilmot. Williams, Thomas (Mass). Cap tain of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Williams, Thomas (N. Y.). Regi mental Quartermaster of Wyn- koop s New York Regiment, July, 1776 ; Regimental Quartermaster 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1778. Williams, William (N. C.). 1st Lieutenant Adjutant 1st North Caro lina, 1st September, 1775 ; Captain Invalid Regiment, 1st April, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Williams, William (Pa). Captain 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Oc tober, 1775 ; transferred to 2d Penn sylvania, 25th October, 1776 ; Major 12th March, 1777, to rank from 29th September, 1776; taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777 ; ex changed 20th April, 1778 ; Lieutenant- Colonel 3d Pennsylvania, 28th June, 1778; resigned 17th April, 1780. Williams, William (Va). 1st Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 8th Janu ary, 1777; resigned 6th February, 1778 ; Captain Invalid Regiment, 1st April, 1778, to June, 1783. Williams, Zadock (R. I.). 2d Lieu tenant of Tallman s Rhode Island State Regiment, 12th December, 1776, to . Williamson, Andrew (Ga). Briga dier-General Georgia Militia, - ; turned traitor to Ajiierican cause in July, 1780. Williamson, James (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 12th Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1776, to . Williamson, James (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 7th Pennsylvania, 19th March, 1777 ; resigned 16th April, 1779. Williamson, James (Md). 1st Lieutenant 4th Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Williamson, John (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant 4th Pennsylvania Battalion, 6th January, 1776, to . Williamson, John (S. C.). Captain 1st South Carolina, 12th May, 1779, to Williamson, Samuel ( ). Chap lain 4th Continental Dragoons, 1st May, 1778 ; omitted May, 1779. Wellington, Elisha (Mass). Ensign 3d Massachusetts, 26th November, 1779: Lieutenant, 26th July, 1782; transferred to 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1783, arid served to June, 1783. Willington, Josiah (Mass). Ensign 6th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; retired 17th April, 1779. Willing-ton, Thomas (Mass). 1st Lieutenant of Brewer s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 6th Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain, 5th October to 31st December, 1776 ; Captain 13th Massachusetts, 1st Jan uary, 1777; retired 10th April, 1779. Willis, Francis (Va;. Captain of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th January, 1777; resigned 10th May, 1778. (Died 25th January, 1829.) Willis, Henry (Pa). Cornet 4th Continental Dragoons, June, 1777; Lieutenant, 22d December, 1778 ; Captain, 22d December, 1780; re signed 24th April, 1781. Willis, Henry (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Artillery, 1st March, 1778: resigned 18th Novem ber, 1778. Willis, James. See Wells. Willis, James (Va). Captain of Graysori s Additional Continental Regiment, 14th January, 1777; re signed llth May, 1778. Willis, John (Va). 1st Lieutenant 2d Virginia, 29th September, 1775 ; Captain, 15th June, 1776 ; Major 5th Virginia, 12th May, 1779 ; taken pris oner, ; exchanged 8th November, 1780; retired 1st January, 1783. Willis, Lewis (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel 10th Virginia, 13th Novem ber, 1776, to 1st March, 1778. Willis, Thomas (Va). Captain loth Virginia, 21st Julv, 1777 ; regi ment designated llth Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to ; was in service March, 1780. Williston, Consider (Conn). En sign in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775 : 2d Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 17th December, 1775. Wills, Agrippa (Mass). Captain of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December. 1775. Wilmot, Robert (Md). 3d Lieu tenant Baltimore Artillery Company, 5th November, 1776 ; 1st *Lientenant of Dorsey s Company Maryland Ar tillery, 24th November, 1777; 1st Con tinental Artillery, 30th May, 1778, arid served to close of war. "Wilmot. 440 Winchester. Wilmot, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lien- tenant 1st Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Ciptain, , 1775; discharged 20th jJocember, 1775. Wilmot, William (Md), 1st Lieu tenant 3d Maryland, 10th December, 1770 ; Captain, 15th October, 1777 ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1781 ; killed on John s Island, South Carolina, 4th November, 1782, by a British foraging party. The blood of Captain Wilmot was the last spilled in the War of the Revolu tion. Wilson, Alexander ( ). 1st Lieutenant 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 9th December, 1776 ; died 26th April, 1780. Wilson, George (Pa). Lieutenant- Colonel 8th Pennsylvania, 20th July, 1776 ; died February, 1777. Wilson, George (Va). Lieutenant- Colonel of a Virginia State Regiment, 1780 and 1781. Wilson, Goodwin ( ). Sur- geon s-Mate in Hospital Department, 1776 to 1780 ; Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, and served to close of war. "Wilson, James (N. C.). Captain 10th North Carolina, 19th April, 1777 ; resigned May, 1778. Wilson, James (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776 ; Captain 1st Penn sylvania, 16th January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. Wilson, James (Pa). Brigadier- General Pennsylvania Militia, 24th May, 1782, to close of war. Wilson, James (S. C.). Captain- Lieutenant South Carolina Artillery Regiment, 31st May, 1778 ; taken pris oner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Wilson, James Armstrong (Pa). Captain 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner, 24th July, 1776, on the Sorrell River, Canada; exchanged , 1777 ; Major of Battalion to guard stores at Car lisle, Pennsylvania, 6th October, 1777; discharged 2d June, 1778. Wilson, John (Va). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Virginia, 12th March, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st April, 1778 ; killed at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Wilson, John (Del). Ensign Dela ware Regiment, 18th January, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st December, 1776 i Captain, 1st March, 1777, and served to close of war. Wilson, Jonathan (Mass). Cap tain of a Company of Minute Men, ; killed at Concord, 19th April, 1775. Wilson, Lewis (N. J.). Surgeon s- Mate Hospital Department, Janu ary, 1778; Surgeon, 30th June, 1779, and served to October, 1780. Wilson, Nathaniel (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 3d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to - Wilson, Robert (N. Y.). Ensign 1st New York, 29th June, 1781, and served to close of war. Wilson, Robert (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 6th Pennsylvania Battalion, 9th January, 1776 ; Captain 7th Pennsyl vania, 20th March, 1777 ; wounded at Paoli, 20th September, 1777, and did not return to the regiment Wilson, Thomas (Va). Lieuten ant of a Virginia State Regiment, 1779 to 1781. Wilson, William (Pa). 3d Lieu tenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 4th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th September, 1776; Captain 1st Pennsylvania, 2d March, 1777 ; brevet Major, 30th September, 1783 ; served to 3d November, 1783. (Died, - . 1813.) Wilson, Willis (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 1st Virginia, 30th September, 1775, to . Winchel, Nathaniel (Conn). En sign of Chester s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June to 25th Decem ber, 1776; served subsequently as Captain in the Connecticut Light Horse Militia. Winchester, George (Md). Ensign 4th Maryland, , 1777; 2d Lieuten ant, loth September, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Winchester, George (Va). 2d Lieu tenant of Gist s Additional Continen tal Regiment, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 1st May, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780. Winchester, James (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 27th May, 1778 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; released 22d December, 1780; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Captain, - , 1781, and served to close of war; Brigadier- General United States Army, 27th March, 1812; resigned 31st March, 1815. (Died 27th July, 1826.) "Winchester. 441 Wise. Winchester, William (Mass). 2d Lieutenant (5th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 5th October, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re tired 22d April, 1779. Winder, Levin (Md). 1st Lieuten ant of Smallwood s Maryland Regi ment, 14th January, 1776; Captain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 1776; Major 1st Maryland, 17th April, 1777 ; taken prisoner at Camden, 16th August, 1780; exchanged, ; trans ferred to 4th Maryland, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant-Colonel 5th Mary land, 27th April, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783; Brigadier-General Maryland Militia in 1812. (Died 7th July, 1819.) Winds, William (X. J.). Lieuten ant-Colonel 1st New Jersey, 7th No vember, 1775 ; Colonel, 7th March to November, 1776 ; subsequently served as Brigadier-General New Jersey Mili tia. (Died 12th October, 1789.) Wing, Jonathan (Mass). Ensign 5th Massachusetts, 19th October, 1781; transferred to 1st Massachusetts, 12th June, 1783, and served to November, 1783. Wing-ate, John (Mass). Surgeon 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; transferred to 12th Massachusetts. 1st May, 1778; resigned 1st October, 1780. (Died 25th July, 1819.) Wing-ate, Joshua (N. H.). Colonel New Hampshire Militia Regiment, 1775 to 1777. Winlock, Joseph (Va). Ensign 9th Virginia, 6th April, 1779 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 12th Februarv, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 1782, and served to close of war. Winn, Richard (S. C.). 1st Lieu tenant South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775 ; subsequently served as Colonel South Carolina Militia and was wounded at Hanging Rock, 6th August. 1780. Winn, Samuel (- Ensign of Sherburne s Additional Continental Regiment, 12th January, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 1st October, 1777 ; dis charged 12th May, 1779. Winship, Ebenezer (Mass). Cap tain of Nixon s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 4th Continental Infantry, 31st December, 1776; Captain 5th Massa chusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; Deputy Commissary of Issues, llth August, 1777, to . Winship, John (Mass). Ensign 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 3d April, 1778. (Died 9th Oc tober, 1822.) Winslow, Benjamin (Va). Ensign 5th Virginia, 12th February, 1776, to Winslow, John (Mass). Lieuten ant and Paymaster of a Massachu setts Regiment in 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Artillery, 8th June, 1777: Regimental Paymaster, 1st June, 1778 ; resigned 5th November, 1778. (Died 29th November, 1819.) Winslow, Nathaniel (Mass). Cap tain of Thomas Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain 10th Massachusetts, 6th Novem ber, 1776 ; Major, 1st November, 1777. resigned 26th October, 1780. Winston, John ( Va). Captain 14th Virginia, 24th February, 1777 ; regi ment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; retired 12th Febru ary, 1781. Winston, William (Va). Sergeant of Lee s Battalion of Light Dragoons, 7th April, 1778; Cornet, 1st August, 1779; Lieutenant and Adjutant, 1781, and served to close of war ; Lieuten ant Light Dragoons United States Army, 14th March, 1792; Captain 8th May,* 1792; Major, 17th July, 1793; honorably discharged, 1st November, 1796. Winter, Francis (Mass). Chaplain 7th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 16th July, 1777. Winter, Josiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wirt, G-eorg-e(Pa). 2d Lieutenant of Miles 1 Pennsylvania Rifle Regi ment, 6th April, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th May, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776. Wirtenberg-er, Ludwick (Pa). Surgeon German Regiment, 10th May, 177J, to . Wirtz, William (Pa). Captain 10th Pennsylvania, 4th December, 1776 ; resigned March, 1778. Wise, (Pa). 3d Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania ; killed at Brandy- wine, llth September, 1777. Wise, Samuel (S. C.). Captain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775; Major 3d South Carolina ; killed at Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Wishart. 442 "Wood Wishart, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 15th Virginia, 17th March, 1777; resigned 20th April, 1778 ; seems to have served subsequently in some capacity, as he was taken prisoner at Osborne s, 27th April, 1781, and was a prisoner until the surrender of York- town, and was considered by Court of Claims as having retired loth Oc tober, 1781, arid was so paid. Wisner, G-abriel (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia ; killed at Minni- sink, 22d July, 1779. Wisner, John (N. Y.). Captain of Nicoll s New York Militia Regiment, ; cashiered, 30th September, 1776. Witherell, James (Mass). Ser geant llth Massachusetts, February, 1777; Ensign, 26th September, 1780; transferred to 10th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Witherell, Obadiah (Mass). En sign 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776; 2d Lieutenant 8th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; resigned 14th Septem ber, 1780. Withers, Enoch (Va). Ensign of Grayson s Additional Continental Regiment, 1st November, 1777; re signed 13th March, 1778. Withers, James (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia State Regiment, May, 1777 ; resigned 15th January, 1778. Withers, William R. (S. C.). En sign 1st South Carolina, ; in ser vice, 1778. Witherspoon, James (N. J.). Bri gade-Major to General Maxwell, ; killed at Germantown, 4th October, 1777. Withing-ton, Peter (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 1st October, 1776 ; died llth May, 1777. Witman, William (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 9th Pennsylvania, February, 1777; wounded and taken prisoner at Germantown, 4th October, 1777; pa roled and became supernumerary, 1st July, 1778. (Died 12th October, 1808.) Wittier, Richard. See Whittier. Woelper, John David (Pa). 1st Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Battal ion, 6th January, 1776 ; Captain Ger man Regiment, 17th July, 1776 ; trans ferred to Invalid Regiment, llth June, 1778, and served to June, 1783. Wolcott, Erastus (Conn). Colo nel Connecticut Militia, 1775-1776; Brigadier- General Connecticut Mili- tia,December, 1776, to January, 1781. (Died 14th September, 1793.) Wolcott, Erastus (Conn). Clerk in the Lexington Alarm, April, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 2d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777; Captain, 27th May, 1777; taken prisoner, 1st July, 1777, at ; exchanged ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Wolcott, Giles (N. H.). Captain of Warners Additional Continental Rpgiment, 3d January, 1777 ; retired 1st January, 1781. (Died 4th June, 1819.) Wolcott, Oliver (Conn). Colonel 17th Connecticut Militia, 1775-76 ; Brigadier-General Connecticut Mili tia, 12th August, 1776 ; Major-General Connecticut Militia, May, 1779, to close of war. (Died 1st December, 1797.) Wolcott, Simeon (Conn). Sur geon 6th Connecticut, 20th May to 21st December, 1775. Womack, William (N. C.). Regi mental Quartermaster 1st North Car olina, January, 1777 ; retired 1st June, Irvr^o 7<o. Wood, Abraham (Pa). 2d Lieu tenant 5th Pennsylvania, 24th March, 1778 ; transferred to Invalid Regi ment, 6th October, 1778 ; discharged 2d January, 1781. Wood, Clement (N. J.). Ensign 4th New Jersey, 17th February, 1777 ; dismissed 20th November, 1777. Wood, Daniel (Mass). Major of Scammon s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Major 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Also called David Wood.) Wood, Daniel (N. Y.). Surgeon of Malcolm s Additional Continental Regiment, llth March, 1777 ; retired 23d April, 1779. Wood, Ebenezer. See Woods. Wood, Edward (Va). Ensign 4th Virginia, 19th February, 1776, to . Wood, Gerard (Md). SurgeoiVs- Mate of a Maryland Regiment, ; retired 1st January, 1783. Wood, Henry. See Woods. Wood, Isaac. See Woods. Wood, James (Va). Colonel 12th Virginia, 12th November, 1776 ; regi ment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to 1st January, 1783. (Died 16th July, 1813.) Wood, John (Mass). Captain of Gerrish s Massachusetts Regiment, 19th May, 1775, to . Wood. 443 Woodman.. Wood, John (Conn). Surgeon 5th Connecticut, May to December, 1775. Wood, John (N. Y.). Ensign New York Militia, - ; killed at Minrii- sink, 22cl July, 1779. Wood, John (Mass). Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Wood, John ( ). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 4th September, 1777 ; resigned 18th September, 1778. Wood, John (N. Y.). Colonel New York Militia, ; taken prisoner at Mirmisirik, 22d July, 1779, and was a prisoner to July, 1783. Wood, Joseph (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 4th Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Wood, Joseph (Pa). Captain 2d Pennsylvania Battalion, -- Novem ber, 1775 ; Major, 4th January, 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 29th July, 1776 ; Colonel, 7th September, 1776; wounded at Lake Champlain, llth October, 1776 ; Colonel 3d Pennsylvania, Janu ary, 1777, to rank from 30th Septem- 1776 ; resigned 31st July, 1777. (Died 12th December, 1788.) Wood, Lemuel (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wood, Preserve (Conn). Sur- geon s-Mate 19th Continental Infan try, 29th July to 31st December, 1776. Wood, Robert (N. Y.). 3d Lieu tenant 3d New York, June, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d New Y T ork, 21st No vember, 1776 ; died 21st June, 1777. Wood, Robert (N. Y.). Ensign 2d New Y ork, 21st November, 1776 ; re signed 27th March, 1778 ; served sub sequently as Captain New York Levies. Wood, Samuel (Conn). Chaplain 5th Connecticut, May to December, 1775. Wood, Spencer (Mass). Sergeant 4th Massachusetts, 18th March, 1777 ; Ensign, 18th August, 1779; resigned 16th December, 1782. Wood, Sylvanus (Mass). Ensign 26th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Wood.WilliaTn (N.Y.). Surgeon V Mate 4th New York, 13th August, 1777 ; resigned 29th August, 1778. Woodbridge, Benjamin Ruggles (Mass). Colonel Massachusetts Regi ment, loth June to December, 1775 ; Colonel of a Massachusetts Militia Regiment in 1776. Wopdbridge, Christopher (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 13th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777; Captain-Lieuten ant, , 1778 ; Captain, 10th April, 1779; transferred to 3d Massachusetts, 1st January, 1781, and served to No vember, 1783. (Died March, 1825.) Woodbridge, John (Mass). Major 10th Massachusetts, 6th November, 1776 ; discharged 31st October, 1777. Woodbridg-e, Theodore (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain of Elmore s Connecticut State Regi- ment,15th April, 1776; Captain 7th Con necticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 10th February, 1778 ; Brigade-Major and Inspector, 20th June, 1779, to 13th July, 1781; transferred to 2d Connecti cut, 1st January, 1781 , retired 1st Jan uary, 1783. Woodbridge, Theophilus (Conn). Private 2d Connecticut, 4th May to 10th December, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 29th April, 1780. Woodbury, Elisha (N. H.). Cap tain 1st New Hampshire, 23d May to December, 1775 ; Captain 5th Conti nental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Woodbury, Luke (N. H.). Ensign 2d New Hampshire, 8th November, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 20th September, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 30th November, 1779, and served to March, 1782. Woodford, William (Va). Colonel 2d Virginia, 13th February, 1776; Brigadier-General Continental Army, 21st February, 1777 ; wounded at Brandywine, llth September, 1777; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; died 13th November, 1780. Woodford, William (Md). Ensign 1st Maryland, 17th April, 1777, to . Woodgate, John (Del). Captain of Patterson s Delaware Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Wpodhouse, John (N. C.). Ensign 2d North Carolina, 1st September, Woodhull, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Brigadier-General New York Militia, : taken prisoner and wounded after capture at Brookland, 28th Au gust, 1776, and died of wounds, 20th September, 1776. Woodman, Jonathan (Mass). En sign 12th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Died 18th NoVember, 1831.) Woodmansee. 444 Woolfolk. Woodmansee, Joseph (Conn). Ensign Connecticut Militia, ; wounded at Grotori Heights, 6th September, 1781. Woodruff, Aaron (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 12th Pennsylvania, 14th Octo ber, 1770 ; retired 1st July, 1778. Woodruff, Benjamin (Conn). Reg imental Quartermaster 2d Continental Dragoons, 5th April, 1777; discharged 1st January, 1778. Woodruff, Ephraim (N. Y.). Ser geant 4th New York, December, 1776; Ensign, 9th November, 1777; trans ferred to 2d New Y^ork, 1st January, 1781 ; Lieutenant, 30th October, 1781, and served to June, 1783. (Died 9th July, 1820.) Woodruff, Hunlock (N. Y.). Sur- geon s-Mate 1st New York, 21st July, 1775, to March, 1776 ; Surgeon 3d New York, 21st November, 1776; retired 1st January, 1781. Woodruff, Lewis (N. J.).. 2d Lieu tenant 4th New Jersey, 28th Novem ber, 1776; retired 17th*February, 1777. Woods, Ebenezer (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Wood.) Woods, Henry (Mass). Major of Prescott s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775; Major 7th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Wood.) Woods, Isaac (Mass). Captain of Cotton s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; Captain 3d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. (Name also spelled Wood.) Woodside, John W. (Pa). 2d Lieutenant 3d Pennsylvania Battal ion, 8th January, 1776 ; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776; exchanged 8th May, 1778, and did not return to the army. (Died 18th July, 1835.) Woodson, Frederick (Va). 1st Lieutenant 1st Virginia State Regi ment, 1st June, 1778; Captain, - , 1780, and served to December, 1781. Woodson, Hughes (Va). 1st Lieu tenant 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776; Captain, 6th August, 1777; regi ment designated 6th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; resigned 1st March, 1780. Woodson, Obadiah (Va). 3d Lieu tenant 4th Virginia, 19th February, 1776, to . Woodson, Robert (Va). 3d Lieu tenant 9th Virginia, 13th March, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 31st August, 1776; Captain, 27th May, 1778; regiment designated 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778, arid served to close of war. Woodson, Samuel (Va). Captain 9th Virginia, 13th March, 1776 ; re signed 29th December, 1777. Woodson, Tarleton (Va). Ensign 1st Virginia, 16th September, 1775 ; Captain 10th Virginia, 3d December, 1776; Major 2d Canadian (Hazen s) Regiment, 1st May, 1777; taken pris oner on Stateri Island, 22d August, 1777; exchanged, ; resigned 1st March, 1782. Woodward, John (Mass). 3d Lieu tenant and Adjutant 26th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st Decem ber, 1776 ; Lieutenant and Paymaster 9th Massachusetts, 1st January, 1777 ; died 17th October, 1778. Woodward, Nathaniel (N. Y.). Captain 4th New Y 7 ork, 28th June, 1775, to May, 1776. Woodward, Peter (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 23d March, 1781, and served to June, 1783. Wood-ward, Richard (Mass). 2d Lieutenant of Gridley s Regiment Massachusetts Artillery, May, 1775 ; cashiered, 13th October, 1775. Woodward, Samuel (Mass). Sur- geon s-Mate 4th Massachusetts, 1st May, 1780 ; transferred to 3d Conti nental Artillery, 24th May, 1782, and served to June, 1783. (Died 29th March, 1785.) Woodward, Thomas (S. C.). Cap tain South Carolina Rangers, 17th June, 1775, to . Woodworth, Jonathan (Conn). Sergeant 3d Connecticut, 5th May to 10th December, 1775; 2d Lieutenant 20th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary to 31st December, 1776. Wool, Isaac (N. Y.). Captain of Dubois New Y T ork Militia Regiment, 26th June to November, 1776. Wool, Isaiah (N. Y.). Lieutenant of Lamb s Company New York Ar tillery, 2d August, 1775; Captain-Lieu tenant 25th November, 1775; company attached to Knox s Regiment Conti nental Artillery, fall of 1776 ; Captain 2d Continental Artillery, 1st January, 1777 ; resigned 21st August, 1780. Woolfolk, William ( ). Lieu tenant and Regimental Quartermas ter 3d Continental Dragoons, 1779, to Woolford. 445 Wright. Woolford, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Barrett s IndependeritMary- land Company, 14th January, 1776; Captain, ; Captain 1st Maryland, 10th December, 177(5; Major, 20th February, 1777; Lieutenant-Colonel 2d Maryland, 17th April, 1777; Lieu tenant-Colonel Commandant 5th Maryland, 22d October, 1779; taken prisoner at Caniden, 16th August, 1780; exchanged 20th December, 1780; transferred to 4th Maryland, 1st Jan uary, 1781 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Woolford, William (Md). Ensign 2d Maryland, 20th February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 17th April, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, llth September, 1779; wounded at Eutaw Springs, 8th September, 1781. Woolsey, Melancthpn Lloy^d (X. Y.i. Ensign 4th New York, 21st No vember, 1770; Lieutenant of Lee s AdditionalContinental Regiment, 30th January, 1777; retired 23d April, 1779; Major New York Levies in 1780. (Died 21st June, 1819.) Woolsey, William (Md). 1st Lieu tenant of Smith s Baltimore Artillery Company, 14th January, 1776, to . Wooster, David (Conn). Major- General Connecticut Troops, April, 1775; Colonel 1st Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Brigadier-Greneral Conti nental Army, 22d June, 1775; died 2d May, 1777, of wounds received at Rich field, 27th April, 1777. Wooster, Thomas (Conn). Captain of Webb s Additional Continental Regiment, 23d February, 1777; retired 6th April, 1779. Work, William (Pa). Captain 12th Pennsylvania, 16th October, 1776 ; cashiered, 31st March, 1777. Worman, Thomas (Va). 1st Lieu tenant llth Virginia, 25th January, 1777, to . Wormer, Isaac (X. H.). Ensign 5th Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Wormsted, Robert (Mass). Ensign 14th Continental infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776, to . Worrell, Lewis (Del). 1st Lieu tenant Delaware Regiment, 18th Jan uary, 1776. to . Worsham, John (Va). Ensign 2d Virginia, 8th March, 1776; 2d Lieu tenant, 13th January, 1777; 1st Lieu tenant, 13th June, 1777; Captain- Lieutenant, 8th March, 1779 ; died , 1779. Worsham, Richard (Va). Ensign 14th Virginia, 15th February, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th November, 1777; regiment designated 10th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1779 ; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780; trans ferred to 1st Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to close of war. (Died 17th February, 1826.) Worsham, William (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 4th^"-ebru\ ary, 1773, to . Worth, Joseph (N. C.). 1st Lieu tenant 2d North Carolina, - ; died 6th April, 1777. Wright, Abraham (Conn). En sign 8th Connecticut, 6th July to 18th December, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 17th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1773. Wrig-ht, Anthony (Pa). 1st Lieu tenant of Flower s Artillery Artifi cer Regiment, 1st March, 1777, to March, 1781. Wrig-ht, Benjamin (Md). 2d Lieu tenant 6th Maryland, 12th October, 1777, to . Wrig-ht, David (N. C.). Ensign 10th North Carolina, 19th April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, loth February, 1778 ; transferred to 1st North Carolina, 1st June, 1778, and served to . Wright, Dudley (Conn). Sergeant 2d Connecticut, 6th May to 10th De cember, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 22d Con tinental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ] 1st Lieutenant 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; re signed 13th April, 1778. Wright, Edward (Md). Ensign 7th Maryland, 1st April, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 14th September, 1778 ; re signed 8th October, 1779. Wright, Elihu (Mass). Surgeon 21st Continental Infantry, 12th Au gust to 31st December, 1776. Wright, Enoch (Pa). Adjutant 10th Pennsylvania, 31st January, 1777; deserted 1st November, 1777. Wrig-ht, Jacob (N. Y.). Captain of Lasher s New York Militia Regi ment, May, 1776 ; Captain 2d New York, 21st November, 1776, arid served to close of war. Wright, James (Va). 2d Lieuten ant llth Virginia, 31st July, 1776; 1st Lieutenant, 25th March, *1777 ; regi ment designated 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778 ; Captain, 2d July, 1779 ; transferred to 3d Virginia, 12th February, 1781, and served to 2lose of war. "Wright. 446 Wyman. Wright, James (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant 4th ^Massachusetts, 1st Janu- uary, 1777 ; Captain, 20th May, 1779 ; resigned 18th April, 1780. Wright, John (Ga). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Georgia, 1770; Captain, , 1783 ; served to close of war. (Died, 1809.) Wrig-ht, Joseph Allyn (Conn). 1st Lieutenant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieuten ant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776 ; Cap tain 5th Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; Major 4th Connecticut, 28th De cember, 1781 ; transferred to 3d Con necticut, 1st January, 1783, and served to June, 1783. (Died 2d May, 1819.) Wrig-ht, Josiah (Mass). 2d Lieu tenant of Paterson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Wright, Jqtham ( ). Lieuten ant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regiment, 12th November, 1779, and served to March, 1781. Wright, Nahum (Mass). Lieuten ant Massachusetts Militia, ; wounded at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1775. Wright, Nathan (Md). Lieuten ant Maryland Regiment, ; transferred to 3d Maryland, 1st Janu ary, 1781, and served to close of war. Wrig-ht, Patrick (Va). Captain of a Virginia State Regiment, 1778 ; re signed , 1780. Wrig-ht, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May, to 10th December, 1775 ; Captain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1776. Wright, Samuel (Conn). 1st Lieu tenant 2d Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; Captain 22d Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776. Wright, Samuel Turbutt (Md). 2d Lieutenant of Veazey s Independent Maryland Company, 14th January, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Long Island, 27th August, 1776 ; exchanged ; Captain 2d Maryland, 10th December, 1776; resigned 1st July, 1779. Wright, Shadrach(Ga). 1st Lieu tenant 1st Georgia, 7th January, 1776 ; Captain, , and served to . Wright, Robert (N. Y.). Captain 1st Canadian (Livingston s) Regi ment, 18th December, 1776 ; omitted August, 1779. Wright, Willard (Conn). 2d Lieu tenant of Webb s Additional Conti nental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th May, 1778; re signed 10th April, 1779. Wright, William (N.Y.). Lieuten ant New York Militia; prisoner of war, 16th February, to 28th October, 1781. Wyatt, Gary (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment March, 1778; Captain-Lieutenant, 6th De cember, 1778, to February, 1782. "Wyatt, Thomas (Pa). Ensign 8th Pennsylvania, 21st December, 1778 ; Lieutenant, , 1780; retired 17th January, 1781. Wyley, Aldrich. See Wiley. Wylie, Thomas (Pa). Captain- Lieutenant of Flower s Artillery Ar tificer Regiment, 17th February, 1777; Captain, 1st February, 1778, and served to . Wyllys, Hezekiah (Conn). Cap tain of Chester s Connecticut State Regiment, 20th June, to 25th Decem ber, 1776 ; served subsequently as Lieutenant-Colonel Connecticut Mi litia. Wyllys, John Plasgrave (Conn). Adjutant of Wolcott s Connecticut State Regiment, January, 1776; Bri gade-Major to General \Vadsworth, 7th August, 1776 ; taken prisoner, 15th September, 1776, on the retreat from New York ; exchanged 20th Decem ber, 1776; Captain of Webb s Addi tional Continental Regiment, 1st January, 1777 ; Major, 10th October, 1778 ; transferred to 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1781 ; transferred to 1st Connecticut, 1st January, 1783 ; re tained in Swift s Connecticut Regi ment, June, 1783, and served to De cember, 1783; Major United States Infantry Regiment, 9th June, 1785 ; Major 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; killed 22d October, 1790, in action with In dians on the Miami, Ohio. Wyllys, Samuel (Conn). Lieuten ant-Colonel 2d Connecticut, 1st May, 1775; Colonel, 1st July to 10th De cember, 1775 ; Colonel 22d Continen tal Infantry, 1st January to 31st De cember, 1776; Colonel 3d Connecticut, 1st January, 1777 ; retired 1st Janu ary, 1781. (Died 9th June, 1823.) Wyman, Abijah (Mass). Captain of Prescott s Massachusetts Regi ment, May to December, 1775. Wyman, Isaac (N.H.). Lieutenant- Colonel 1st New Hampshire, 23d May. to December, 1775 ; served sub sequently as Colonel New Hampshire Militia. Wyman. Wyman, John (Mass). 1st Lieu tenant of Whitcomb s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant llth Continental In fantry, 1st January, 1776, to . Wyman, William (Mass). Cap tain of Paterson s Massachusetts Reg iment, May to December, 1775 ; Cap tain loth Continental Infantry, 1st January, to 31st December, 1770. Wynkoop, Cornelius D. (N. Y.) Major 3d New York, 30th June, 1775 Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d August, 1775 Colonel 4th New York, 8th March, to November, 1776. Wynkoop, Jacobus (N. Y.). Cap tain 4th New York, 28th June, 1775, to January, 1776 ; subsequently Cap tain in the Navy. Wynn, Samuel. See Winn. Wynn, Thomas (Pa). Lieutenant of a Pennsylvania Battalion of the Flying Camp, June 1776; taken pris oner at Fort Washington, 16th No vember, 1776 ; exchanged 2d January, 1781. Wynn, Walter (Pa). Lieutenant of Montgomery s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 , escaped in July, 1777, but did not rejoin the army. Y. Yancey, Leighton^Va). Lieuten ant 1st Continental Dragoons in 1778 and served to . Yancey, Robert (Va). Cornet 1st Continental Dragoons, 31st March, 1777 ; Regimental Quartermaster, 12th February, 1777; Lieutenant, ; Captain, , and served to close of war. (Died 17th November, 1824.) Yarborough, Charles (Va). Lieu tenant 1st Virginia Stai,e Regiment, 1778 to 1780 ; Lieutenant 3d Continen tal Dragoons, 16th October, 1780 ; transferred to Baylor s Regiment of Dragoons, 9th NoVember, 1782, and served to close of war. Yarborougii, Edward (N. C.). Lieutenant 3d North Carolina, 16th April, 1777 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 9th January, 1779 ; retired 1st January, 1783. Yard, Thomas (N. J.). 1st Lieu tenant 2cl New Jersey, 20th Novem ber, 1775 ; Captain, 29th November, 1776, and served to . Yarnall, Peter (Pa). Surgeon s- Mate 3d Pennsylvania Battalion, 7th 447 Young. February, 1776 ; transferred to Navy in August, 1776 ; SurgeonVMate 4th Continental Dragoons, 22d May, 1777; resigned 15th September, 1777. (Died , 1798.) Yates, Christopher (N.Y). Cap tain 2d New York, 15th July, 1775 ; Major 1st New York, 21st November, 1776 ; resigned 1st January, 1778. Yates, George (Va). Surgeon s- Mate of a Virginia Regiment in 1779, and served to . Yates, John (Del). Paymaster Delaware Regiment, 9th August to December, 1776. Yates, John (Conn). 1st Lieuten ant 7th Connecticut, 6th July to 10th December, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant 19th Continental Infantry, 1st January to 31st December, 1776." Yates, John (Va). Lieutenant of a Virginia State Regiment in 1780 and 1781. Yates, Paul (Conn). 2d Lieuten ant 4th Connecticut, 1st May to 10th December, 1775; served subsequently as Captain Connecticut Militia. Yates, Peter (N. Y.). Lieutenant- Colonel 2d New York, 28th June, 1775, to March, 1776. Yates, Thomas (Pa). Lieutenant of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 20th March, 1780, to May, 1781. Yates, Thomas (Md). 1st Lieuten ant 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June to December, 1776 ; Captain 4th Maryland, 10th De cember, 1776 ; resigned or died 20th May, 1777. Yates, William ( ). Lieuten ant-Colonel Deputy Mustermaster- General llth April, 1777, to . Yeomans, John (Mass). Ensign 4th Massachusetts, 10th February, 1778 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th April, 1779 , 1st Lieutenant, 14th April, 1780, and served to June, 1783. (Died 12th July, 1827.) Yeomans, Moses (N. Y.). 2d Lieu tenant 3d New York, 21st November, 1776 ; omitted May, 1778 ; served sub sequently as Captain New York Mili tia. York, Bartholomew (Mass). 1st Lieutenant 18th Continental Infan try, 1st January, 1776, to . Young, Edward (Pa). 2d Lieuten ant 5th Pennsylvania Battalion, 8th January, 1776; 1st Lieutenant 6th Pennsylvania, 15th February, 1777, and served to . Young. Young, Guy (N. Y.). 3d Lieuten ant 2d New York, 28th June, 1775 ; 1st Lieutenant, 16th February, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant, 1st New York, 21st No vember, 1776, to rank from 16th Feb ruary, 1776 ; Captain-Lieutenant, 26th March, 1777; Captain, 14th July, 1779; retired 1st January, 1781 ; served sub sequently as Captain New York Levies. Young, Henry (Va). 1st Lieuten ant 7th Virginia, 5th March, 1776; Captain, 28th December, 1776 ; trans ferred to 5th Virginia, 14th Septem ber, 1778, and served to close of war. Young, James (Pa). Captain of Baldwin s Artillery Artificer Regi ment, 1st August, 1777, to . Young, James (Md). Captain 2d Maryland Battalion of the Flying Camp, June, 1776, to . Young, Joseph (N. Y.). Served as Surgeon prior to his appointment as Hospital Physician and Surgeon, 20th September, 1781, and served to close of war. Young, Marcus (Pa). Private, Corporal and Sergeant German Regi ment, 1st December, 1776, to June, 1777; 2d Lieutenant, 8th June, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 12th March, 1778 ; re tired 1st January, 1781. Young, Nathaniel (N. Y.). 2d Lieutenant 1st New York, 13th Jan uary, 1777, to . Young, Robert (Va). 2d Lieuten ant llth Virginia, 27th December, 1776 ; transferred to 7th Virginia, 14th September, 1778, and served to . Young, Samuel (N. H.). 1st Lieu tenant of Bedel s Regiment New Hampshire Rangers, 22d January to December, 1776 ; served subsequently as Captain of Bedel s New Hampshire Regiment, 1777 to 1779. Young, "William (Mass). Quarter master of Danielson s Massachusetts Regiment, May to December, 1775. Young, William (Pa). Lieutenant of McAllister s Pennsylvania Bat talion of the Flying Camp, June, 448 Zielinske. 1776 ; taken prisoner at Fort Wash ington, 16th November, 1776 ; ex changed 8th December, 1780. z. Zanck, Jacob (Pa). Lieutenant of Thompson s Pennsylvania Rifle Bat talion, 25th June, 1775; 1st Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Janu ary, 1776 ; resigned 25th August, 1776. Zane, Silas (Va). 1st Lieutenant 13th Virginia, 28th December, 1776 ; Captain, 9th February, 1777; dis missed 12th February, 1778. Zedwitz, Herman (N. Y.). Major 1st New York, 15th July, 1775; injured by the fall of a wall at Quebec, 31st December, 1775 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th March, 1776 ; sent to prison, 22d November, 1776, under sentence to be confined during the war ; released and permitted to leave the United States, 14th July, 1779. Zeizble, David (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st Jan uary, 1776; wounded near Long Island, 26th August, 1776. Ziegler, David (Pa). 3d Lieuten ant and Adjutant of Thomson s Penn sylvania Rifle Battalion, 25th June, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant 1st Continental Infantry, 1st January, 1776; wounded 16th August, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 1st Pennsylvania, 16th January, 1777 ; Captain, 8th December, 1778 ; retired 1st January, 1783; Captain United States Infantry Regiment, 12th Au gust, 1784; Captain 1st Infantry United States Army, 29th September, 1789 ; Major, 22d October, 1790: resigned 5th March, 1792. (Died 24th September, 1811.) Ziegler, Jacob (Pa). Ensign 1st Pennsylvania Battalion, 27th Octo ber, 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant, 15th Janu ary, 1776 ; 1st Lieutenant 2d Pennsyl vania, December, 1776 ; resigned - August, 1777. Zielinske, John de ( ). Captain of Lancers, Pulaski Legion, 18th April, 1778 ; died 25th September, 1779. THE LAST SOLDIER OF THE REVOLUTION. Samuel Downing was born in Newburyport, Mass., November 31, 1761; died in Edinburgh, Saratoga County, New York, February 19th, 1867, aged 105 years, 2 months, 19 days. He was the last soldier of the Revolution, and received the last pension from the United States Government one hundred and eighty dollars per year. He enlisted from Antrim, New Hampshire, at Charlestown, New Hampshire, when he was 16 years old, and served in the Second New Hampshire Regiment. His one hundreth birthday was cele brated by his neighbors and friends upon his farm at Edinburgh, by the firing of one hundred guns, and an address by George S. Batcheller, Esq., of Saratoga. On this occasion Mr. Downing cut down a hemlock tree five feet in circumference, and, later in the day, a wild cherry tree near his house of half the size. The trees were sold upon the ground, and stripped of their branches by those present for canes and other mementos of the occasion. The stump of the larger one was sawed off and carried to Saratoga by Robert Bevins, of that place. 29 450 By the United States in Congress Assembled, A PROCLAMATION! Whereas, in the progress of ari arduous and difficult war, the armies of the United States of America have eminently displayed every military and patriotic virtue, and are not less to be applauded for their fortitude arid mag nanimity in the most trying scenes of distress than for a series of heroic and illustrious achievements, which exalt them to a high rank among the most zealous and successful defenders of the rights and liberties of mankind : And, whereas, by the blessing of Divine Providence on our cause and our arms, the glorious period is arrived when our national independence and sovereignty are established, and we enjoy the prospect of a permanent and honorable peace ; we, therefore, the United States, in Congress assembled, thus im pressed with a lively sense of the distinguished merit and good conduct of the said armies, do give them the thanks of their country for their long, emi nent and faithful services. And it is our will and pleasure that such part of the federal armies as stands engaged to serve during the war, and as by our acts of the 26th day of May, the llth day of June, the 9th day of August and the 26th day of September last were furloughed, shall, from and after the 3d day of November next, be absolutely discharged, by virtue of this our proc lamation from the said service, and we do declare that the further services in the field of the officers who are deranged and on furlough in consequence of our aforesaid acts can now be dispensed with, and they have our full per mission to retire from service, without being longer liable from their present engagements to be called into command. Arid of such discharge and per mission to retire from service respectively all our officers, civil and military, and all others whom it may concern, are required to take notice and to gov ern themselves accordingly. Given under the seal of the United States, in Congress assembled, wit ness His Excellency, ELIAS BOUDIXOT, our President in Congress, this 18th day of October, in the year of our Lord 1783, and of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America the eighth. 451 The following official document, furnished by rhe War Department in 1827, is deemed of sufficient importance to reprint in connection with this work. (Exact copy from Vol. 3, American State Papers, Military Affairs, pages 529-559.) 19th Congress.] No. 342. [2d Session. Statement of tjje Barnes aitb Eank 0f tjje Officers OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, &c. Communicated to the House of Representatives, January 1O, 1827. DEPARTMENT OF WAR, JANUARY 10, 1827. SIR : In Compliance with the resolution of the House of Representa tives of the 8th instant, directing the Secretary of War "to report to this House the name and rank of each officer of the Continental Army who served to the end of the Revolutionary War, and who were, by the resolu tion of Congress, entitled to half pay during life ; and also, as nearly as prac ticable, the names of the surviving officers and their places of residence." I transmit herewith a list of the names and rank of the officers of the Revolutionary War, as complete as the records of the Department will fur nish, with the exception of Foreign officers. There is no evidence in the department to show which of them "were by the resolution of Congress en titled to half pay, 1 nor is it known which of them are still living, with their places of residence, except those who are on the pension list. Very respectfully, &c., JAMES BARBOUR, Secretary of War. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. SCHEDULE OF THE NAMES AN D RANK OF MOST OF THK OFFICERS OF THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE, Chiefly returned as belonging to the line or corps of the thirteen original United States, soon after said army was disbanded in 1783, arranged alphabetically according to States. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Adams, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Adams, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Adams, Winbourn, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Kale s. Allen, Ethan, Colonel, . Aldrich, George, Captain, Whitcomb s Rangers. Allen, David, Surgeon s-Mate, 1st. Butterfield, Jonas, , Whitcomb s Rangers. Boyton, Joseph, Lieutenant, 1st. Blodget, Caleb, Lieutenant, 1st. Blake, Thomas, Lieutenant, 1st. Blanchard, James, Lieutenant, 1st. Bell, M. William, Captain, 2d. Bacon, Oliver, Lieutenant, 2d. Brownson, Gideon, Major, Warner s. Beach, Samuel, Lieutenant, War ner s. Barrett, Oliver, Lieutenant, War ner s. Barnett, Robert, Lieutenant, Invalid. Beal, Zachary, Captain, Scammell s. Cilley, Joseph, Colonel, . Clapp, Daniel, Captain-Lieuten ant, . Cass, Jonathan, Captain, 1st. Carr, James, Major, . Cherry, Samuel, Captain, 1st. Cilley, Jonathan, Lieutenant, . Church, Reuben, Ensign, Warner s. Colbourn, Andrew, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Scammell s. Dearborn, Henry, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, . Drufton, Moses, Captain, 1st. Dustin, Moody, Captain, . Dennitt, John, Captain, . Dunning, Michael, Captain, War ner s. Ellis, Benjamin, Captain, 1st. Evans, Israel, Chaplain, . Eno, Martin, Ensign, Warner s. Frost, P. George, Captain, . Farwell, Isaac, Captain, 1st. Frye, Isaac, Captain, 1st. New Hampshire. 454 Massachusetts Fogg, Jeremiah, Captain 1st. Faey, Joseph, Ensign, Scammell s. Gilman, Nicholas, Captain, Gookin, Daniel, Lieutenant, 2d. Green, Ebenezer, Captain, Hutchins, Nathaniel, Captain, . Henry, R. Robert, Surgeon, 1st. Howe, Bezabeel, Lieutenant, 1st. Harvey, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Levitt, Nehemiah, Lieutenant, . Liverinore, Daniel, Captain, 1st. Lyon, Thomas, Lieutenant, Warner s. Penniman, Adna, Captain-Lieuten ant, . Potter, Joseph, Captain, 1st. Perkins, Jonathan, Lieutenant, 2d. Page, Moses, Lieutenant, 2d. Payne, Francis, Lieutenant, 2d. Robinson, Noah, Captain-Lieuten ant, . Rowell, William, Captain, . Reid, George, Lieutenant - Colonel Commandant, 1st. Robinson, Caleb, Major, 3d. Reed, James, Brigadier-General. Stark, Archibald, Lieutenant, 1st. Scott, William, Major, 2d. Senter, Asa, Captain, . Stockton, Ebenezer, Surgeon, 3d. Scammell, Alexander, Colonel, . Smith, Simeon, Captain, Warner s. Safford, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Warner s. Stevens, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, War ner s. Stark, John, Brigadier-General. Titcomb, Benjamin, Lieutenant-Colo nel. Thompson, Joshua, Lieutenant, 2d. Talman, Thomas, Lieutenant, War ner s. Taylor, Nathan, Lieutenant, Whit- comb s Rangers. Thomas, Joseph, Lieutenant, Scam mell s. Weare, Nathan, Lieutenant, 1st. Wilkins, B. Robert, Lieutenant, 2d. Washburn, Azel, Surgeon, 2d. Warner, Seth, Colonel, Warner s. Walcott, Giles, Captain, Warner s. Whitcomb, Benjamin, Major, Rangers. Wear, Richard, Captain, Scammell s. MASSACHUSETTS. Allen, Noah, Major, 1st. Allen, C. Nathaniel, Captain, 7th. Alden, Judah, Captain, 2d. Ames, Jotham, Lieutenant, 2d. Abbot, Josiah, Ensign, 2d. Ashley, Moses, Major, 6th. Adams, Henry, Surgeon, 6th. Armstrong, Samuel, Lieutenant and Paymaster, 8th. Abbot, Stephen, Captain, 8th. Adams, Samuel, Hospital Surgeon. Andrews, William, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Austin, John, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Alden, Ichabod, Colonel, Alden s. Allen, Jacob, Captain, Bailey s. Bailey, John, Colonel, Old 2d. Bradford, Gamaliel, Colonel, . Bassett, Barachiah, Lieutenant-Colo nel, . Ballard, H. William, Major, . Burley, William, Captain, . Buxton, James, Captain, . Bates, Joseph, Captain, . Bannister, Seth, Captain, . Bussey, Isaiah, Lieutenant, Crane fc Artillery. Bailey, Thomas, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Bradley, Levi, Lieutenant, . Buffington, Samuel, Lieutenant, Bills, Jabez, Lieutenant, . Benjamin, Samuel, Lieutenant, - Browne, Ezekiel, Surgeon, . Bartlett, Daniel, Surgeon, . Baldwin, Jeduthan, Colonel, . Bigelow, Timothy, Colonel, Old 15th. Brooks, John, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 7th. Bramhall, Joshua, Lieutenant, 7th.. Bradford, Gamaliel, Lieutenant, 7th. Bailey, Luther, Captain, 2d. Bailey, Adams, Captain, 2d. Bradford, Robert, Captain, 2d. Bullard, Asa, Lieutenant, 2d. Blanchard, John, Captain, 4th. Belcoiu, Joseph, Lieutenant, 6th. Brown, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 1st. Bowman, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Bowles, H. Ralph, Lieutenant, 1st, Massachusetts. 455 Burnham, John, Major, 5th. Benson, Joshua, Captain, 5th. Bowman, Phirieas, Captain, 5th. Brigham, Origen, Surgeon s- Mate, 2d. Bancroft, James, Lieutenant, 8th. Barnet, John, Chaplain, 2d Brigade. Baylis, Hodijah, Major, . Barlow, Joel, Chaplain, . Burbeck, Henry, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Bliss, Joseph, Lieutenant, . Blake, Edward, Lieutenant, . Ballentine, Ebenezer, Surgeon s-Mate, T upper s. Burr, Ephraim, Captain, Bailey n. Baker, Joseph, Lieutenant, Bailey s. Barney, Jabez, Ensign, Lee s. Cogswell, Thomas, Major, . Carr, Samuel, Major, . Clark, Silas, Captain, . Cook, David, Captain, Artillery, Crane s, 3d. Cole, Thomas, Lieutenant, Infantry, Crane, John, Lieutenant, Infantry, Crane, John, Surgeon, . Coburn, Asa, Captain, 7th. Cogswell, Samuel, Lieutenant, 7th. Cooper, Ezekiel, Captain, 2d. Clapp, Caleb, Captain, 2d. Condy, Thomas, Lieutenant, 4th. Chapen, Samuel, Lieutenant, 4th. Chambers, Matthew, Captain, Gth. Clayes, Peter, Captain, Gth. Crook, Joseph, Lieutenant, Gth. Gushing, Thomas, Lieutenant, 1st. Carlton, Moses, Lieutenant, 5th. Gushing, Nathan, Captain, 1st. Castaing, Peter, Lieutenant, 3d. Cobb, David, Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding 5th. Clap, Joshua, Lieutenant and Quar termaster, 8th. Cogswell, Amos, Captain, 8th. Carey, Jonathan, Lieutenant, 8th. Clarkson, Matthew, Major, 8th. Crane, John, Colonel, 3d Artillery. Callender, John, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s. C r o w 1 e y , Florence, Lieutenant, Crane s. Cooper, Samuel, Lieutenant, Crane s. Massachusetts. | Colton, Charles, Captain, Greaton s. Cleveland, Ephraim, Captain, M. Jackson s. Cartwright, Thomas, Captain, H. Jackson s. Carlton, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Brewer s. Conant, John, Paymaster, Tupper s. Chapin, Leonard, Lieutenant, Grea ton s. Chaloner, Edward, Ensign, Putnam s. Dean, Walter, Captain, . Day, Elijah, Lieutenant, . Day, Luke, Captain, 7th. Danforth, Joshua, Lieutenant, 3d. Davis, John, Lieutenant, 4th. Daniels, Japheth, Captain, Gth. Dodge, Levi, Lieutenant, 1st. Drew, Seth, Major, 3d. Davis, James, Lieutenant, 3d. Dana, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 3d. Davis, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 3d. Darby, Samuel, Major, 8th. Dix, Nathan, Captain, 8th. Donnel, Nathaniel, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Duffield, John, Surgeon, Crane s Ar tillery. Emmerson, Nehemiah, Captain, . English, Andrew, Captain, . Eldridge, Samuel, Lieutenant, . Emery, Ephraim, Lieutenant, Gth. Everett, Pelatiah, Lieutenant, 5th. Egleston, Azariah, Lieutenant and Paymaster, 1st. Eysandeau, William, Lieutenant, 5th. Edwards, Thomas, Lieutenant, . Eustis, William, Surgeon, General Hospital. Eaton, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Eddy, Joshua, Captain, Bradford s. Ellis, Paul, Captain, Bigelow s. Fernald, Tobias, Lieutenant-Colonel, Frye, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, . Francis, Thomas, Captain, . Fox, Joseph, Captain, . Finlay, Samuel, Surgeon, 7th. Freeman, D. Thomas,Lieutenant, 7th. French, Elijah, Ensign, 7th. Fuller, John, Captain, 4th. Frost, Samuel, Captain, Gth. Massachusetts. Frye, Frederick, Ensign, 1st. Floyd, Ebenezer, Ensign, 1st. Foster, Elisha, Ensign, 1st. Fisk, Joseph, Surgeon, 1st. Finley, 13. E. James, Surgeon, 5th. Felt, Jonathan, Captain, 5th. Fowles, John, Captain, 3d. Foster, Thomas, Lieutenant, 8th. Frink, Samuel, Ensign, 8th. Frothingham, Benjamin, Captam, Craned Artillery. Freeman, Constant, Captain-Lieuten ant, Crane s Artillery. Fenno, Ephraim, Captain-Lieuten ant, Crane s Artillery. Ford, Chilion, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Frisby, Jonah, Lieutenant, Vose s. Francis, Ebenezer, Colonel, 10th. Glover, John, Brigadier-General. Givens, Robert, Lieutenant 7th. Garret, Andrew, Lieutenant, 6th. Graves, Asa, Ensign, 6th. Green, Francis, Captain, 1st. Goodale, Nathan, Captain, 5th. Gilbert, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 5th. Gibbs, Caleb, Major, 3d. Goodwin, B. L. Francis, Surgeon s- Mate, 3d. Greenleaf, William, Lieutenant, 3d. Greaton, H. Richard, Ensign, 3d. Greaton, W. John, Ensign, 3d. Green, John, Lieutenant, 8th. Gridley, John, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. George, John, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Gardner, James, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Greaton, John, Brigadier-General. Graham, G. Isaac, Surgeon VMate, Sproat s. Gage, Isaac, Lieutenant, Greaton s. Goodrich, Ezekiel, Lieutenant, M. Jackson s. Gray, Hugh, Lieutenant, Marshall s. Holden, Aaron, Captain, . Henly, Samuel, Captain, . Holbrook, Nathan, Lieutenant, . Hastings, Walter, Surgeon, . Haskell, Jonathan, Lieutenant, 7th. Hastings, John, Captain, 7th. Hill, Jeremiah, Lieutenant, 3d. 456 Massachusetts. Kurd, John, Ensign, 3d. Hart, John, Surgeon, 3d. Holbrook, David, Captain, 4th. Hollister, Jesse, Captain, 4th. Hunt, Ephraim, Lieutenant, 4th. Hamlin, Africa, Ensign, 4th. Hull, William, Lieutenant-Colonel, 6th. Heywood, Benjamin, Captain, 6th. Holden, Levi, Lieutenant, 6th. Holden, John, Lieutenant, 6th. Horton, Elisha, Ensign, 6th. Howe, S. Richard, Ensign, 6th. Hooker, Zibeon, Lieutenant, 5th. Holland, Ivory, Lieutenant, 5th. Holdridge, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Hunt, Thomas, Captain, 3d. Hobby, John, Captain, 3d. Haskell, Elnathan, Captain, 4th. Houdin, G. Michael, Captain. 5th. Holland, Park, Lieutenant, 5th. Hartshorn, Thomas, Captain, 8th. Heldreth, William, Lieutenant, 8th. Hiwell, John, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Heath, William, Major-General. Hall, James, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Hammond, Abijah, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Hoey, Benjamin, Lieutenant, . Henley, David, Colonel, . Haines, Aaron, Captain, Wiggles- worth s. Hovey, Dominicus, Lieutenant, Shep herd s. Jackson, Henry, Colonel, 4th. Jackson, Simon, Captain, 6th. Jackson, Michael, Colonel, 8th. Jackson, Michael, Jr.,Lieutenant,8th. Jackson, Amasa, Ensign, 8th. Jackson, Charles, Ensign, 8th. Jenkins, Joel, Lieutenant, 8th. Jackson, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Jackson, Thomas, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Johnson, William, Captain-Lieuten ant, Crane s Artillery. Jackson, Daniel, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Jefferds, Samuel, Lieutenant. Crane s Artillery. Massachusetts. Ingersoll, George, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Jacobs, George, Lieutenant, Vose s. Jackson, Jeremiah, Ensign, Shep herd s. Jones, Solomon, Ensign, Nixon s. King, Zebulon, Captain, 7th. Kendry, William, Lieutenant, 7th. Kriapp, Moses, Major, 5th. Killani, Joseph, Captain, 5th. Knox, Henry. Major-General. Kingman, Edward, Ensign, Bailey s. Littlefield, M. Noah, Lieutenant- Colonel, . Lord, Simeon, Captain, . Lee, Daniel, Captain, . Lurit, James, Lieutenant, . Lovejoy, Obadiah, Lieutenant, . Lincoln, Ilui us, Captain, 7th. Leonard, Jacob, Erisigu, 2d. Lymari, Cornelius, Ensign, 2d. Learned, Simon, Captain, 4th. Lilley, Reuben, Lieutenant, 6th. Lord, Jeremy, Ensign, 6th. Lunt, Daniel, Captain, 1st. Leland, Joseph, Lieutenant, 8th. Lincoln, Benjamin, Major-General. Lockwood, W., Chaplain, 1st Bri gade. Ligwell, John, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Lillie, John, Captain and Aide-de- Camp, Crane s Artillery. Laughton, William, Surgeon s-Mate, 1st. Marshall, Thomas, Colonel, 10th. Maynard, Jonathan, Captain, 10th. Mills, William, Captain, 7th. Means, James, Captain, 2d. Merrick, Samuel, Lieutenant, 2d. Morton, Silas, Lieutenant, 2d. Moore, William, Captain, 4th. Miller, Joseph, Lieutenant, 6th. Miller, Jeremiah, Captain, 1st. Marshall, Christopher, Captain, 1st. Mills, John, Captain, 1st. Marble, Henry, Lieutenant, 5th. McClay, Daniel, Ensign, 5th. Mellen, .Tames, Lieutenant-Colonel commandant, 3d. Maynard, John, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 3d. Mellish, Samuel, Lieutenant 3d. 457 Massachusetts. Maxwell, Hugh, Lieutenant-Colonel, 8th. McLane, Daniel, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Mason, David, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Moore, William, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Morgan, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Moores, Benjamin, Lieutenant and Adjutant, Hazeri s. McFarland, Moses, Captain, Invalid. Maynard, William, Lieutenant, In valid. Mayberry, Richard, Captain, Tup- per s. McNeil, Joseph, Captain, Wiggles- worth s. Munroe, Edmund, Captain, Bige- low s. Nixon, Thomas, Colonel, 6th. Newell, Ezra, Lieutenant-Colonel, 4th. Nason, Nathaniel, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 1st. Nelson, Henry, Lieutenant and Pay master, 3d. North, William, Captain and Aide- de-Camp, 4th. Nichols, Isaac, Lieutenant, Nixon s. Noble, Caleb. Lieutenant, Wesson s. Oliver, Robert, Major, 3d. Oliver, Alexander, Ensign, 5th. Patersori, John, Brigadier-General. Peters, Andrew, Lieutenant-Colonel, Pike, Benjamin, Captain, . Parker, Levi, Lieutenant, - . Parker, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Wes son s. Pilsbury, Daniel, Captain, . Porter, Billy, Major, ,th. Pratt, Joel, Lieutenant, 4th. Pettingill, Joseph, Major, 1st. Pray, John, Captain, 1st. Parker, Elias, Lieutenant, 1st. Pierce, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 1st. Pope, Isaac, Major, 3d. Phelon, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Phelon, Patrick, Lieutenant, 3d. Pritchard, Thomas, Captain, 3d. Phelon. Edward. Lieutenant, 4th. Pierce, Silas, Captain, 8th. Massachusetts. 458 Massachusetts. Putnam, Rufus, Brigadier-General. Popkin, John, Lieutenant-Colonel, Crane s Artillery. Perkins, William, Major, Crane s Ar tillery. Pearce, John, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Price, William, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Porter, Moses, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Pardee, Aaron, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Pool, Abijah, Lieutenant, Wiggles- worth s. Patrick, William, Captain, Alden s. Richardson, Abijah, Surgeon, . Reab, George, Lieutenant and Quar termaster, 7th. Ripley, Hezekiah, Lieutenant, 2d. Rice, Nathan, Major, 4th. Rice, Oliver. Lieutenant, 4th. Richard, William, Lieutenant, 4th. Rawson, Jeduthan, Ensign, 6th. Remick, Timothy, Captain, 1st. Rouse, Oliver, Captain, 8th. Rowe, John, Ensign, 8th. Root, Elihu, Ensign, Putnam s. Richmond, Benjamin, Ensign, 12th. Reed, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Alden s. Smith, Calvin, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, . Stacey, William, Lieutenant-Colonel, Spurr, John, Major, . Smith, Josiah, Captain, -- Scott, William, Captain, . Stone. Jonathan, Captain, . Stratton, Aaron, Captain, . Shepherd, William, Colonel, . Sturtevant, Isaac, Lieutenant, 7th. Sampson, Crocker, Lieutenant, 7th. Scaven, James, Ensign, 7th. Sawyer, James, Ensign, 7th. Scott, James, Ensign, 7th. Sprout, Ebenezer, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 2d. Sewall, Henry, Captain, 2d. Selden, Charles, Lieutenant, 4th. Sprung, Simeon, Lieutenant, 4th. Shute, Daniel, Surgeon, 4th. Shepherd, William, Ensign, 4th. Smith, K. John, Captain, 6th. Smith, Ebenezer, Captain, 6th. Smith, Josiah, Lieutenant, 6th. Scammel, L. Samuel, Ensign, 6th. Stone, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, 1st. Smith, Sylvanus, Captain, 5th. Smith, Joseph, Lieutenant, 2d. Storer, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, . Savage, Henry, Lieutenant and Adju tant, 3d. Stafford, R. John, Ensign, 3d. Sumner, Job, Major, 3d. Smith, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Stocker, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 3d. Smith, Ebenezer, Captain, 8th. Storey, William, Captain, 8th. Stone, Sturgeon, Lieutenant, 8th. Swan, Caleb, Ensign, 8th. Shaw, Samuel, Captain and Aide-de- Camp, Crane s Artillery. Sergeant, Wiiithrop, Captain and Aide-de-Camp, Crane s Artillery. Seward, Thomas, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Slumaii, John, Captain, Crane s Ar tillery. Stevens, William, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Satterlee, William, Captain, Hazen s. Stone, Enos, Captain, Brewer s. Sawyer, Ephraim, Captain, Henley s. Stanwood, William, Lieutenant, Tup- per s. Stevens, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, Brew er s. Sale, John, Lieutenant, Henley s. Smith, He. John, Lieutenant, Hen ley s. Thompson, Joseph, Lieutenant-Colo nel, . Taylor, Othniel, Captain, . Thayer, Bartholomew, Lieutenant, Thompson, Thadeus, Surgeon, . Thacher, James, Surgeon, . Trescott, Lemuel, Major, 7th. Turner, Thomas, Captain, 7th. Thorp, Eliphalet, Captain, 7th. Trowbridge, Luther, Lieutenant, 7th.. Torry, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Taylor, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Town, Jacob, Lieutenant, 2d. Tupper, Benjamin, Colonel, 6th. Thacher, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, 6th.. Massachusetts. 459 Connecticut. Tapper, Anselm, Lieutenant, 6th. Taylor, Tirteus, Lieutenant, 1st. Turner, Jonathan, Captain, 5th. Turner, Malbra, Lieutenant, 5th. Trotter, John, Captain, 5th. Tisdale, James, Captain, 3d. Tucker, Joseph, Lieutenant, 7th. Tufts, Francis, Lieutenant and Adju tant, 8th. Thomas, John, Surgeon, 8th. Townserid, David, Hospital Surgeon. Treadwell, William, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Thomas, Joseph, Captain, Crane s Artillery. Tucker, Abraham* Captain, Vose s. Tuttle, Samuel, Lieutenant, Grea- ton s. Thorns, Samuel, Captain, Tupper s. Thomas, Philip, Captain, Marshall s. Thompson, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Brewer s. Tubbs, Samuel, Major, Bradford s. Vose, Joseph, Colonel, 1st. Vose, Elijah, Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st. Vose, Thomas, Captain, Crane s Ar tillery. Vnn Home, David, Captain, Lee s. W*esson, James, Colonel, . Whiting, Daniel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Wiley, John, Major, . Winslow, Nathaniel, Major, . Webb, George, Captain, . White, Haffield, Captain, . White, Solomon, Lieutenant, . Wigglesworth, William, Lieutenant, White, Henry, Lieutenant, . Walker, Edward, Lieutenant, . Willington, Elisha, Lieutenant, . Walker, Robert, Captain, 2d. Whiting, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Webber, Daniel, Lieutenant, 2d. Wells, James, Lieutenant, 4th. Wattles, Mason, Captain, 6th. Wales, Joseph, Lieutenant, 6th. Williams, John, Captain, 1st. Williams, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 1st. Warren, Adriel, Lieutenant, 1st. Wells, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 1st. Wilds, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 1st. Wardell, Joseph, Ensign, 1st. Warren, John, Lieutenant, 5th. Wing, Jonathan, Ensign, 5th. Whitwell, Samuel, Surgeon, 3d. Williams, Joseph, Captain, 3d. Woodbridge, Christopher, Captain, 3d. Watson, William, Captain, 3d. Williams, Robert, Lieutenant, 3d. Wade, Abner, Captain, 8th. White, Edward, Lieutenant, 8th. Waterman, Jedediah, Ensign, 8th. Williams, Abraham, Captain, 2d. Warren, John, Hospital Surgeon. White, Moses, Captain, Hazen s. Wheeler, Adam, Captain, Nixon s. Watkins, Nathan, Lieutenant, Brew er s. Wheeler, Nathan, Lieutenant, Nix on s. Walker, Robert, Lieutenant, Brew er s. Woolsey, L. Melancthon, Lieutenant, Lee s. Willington, Thomas, Captain, Wig- glesworth s. Winchester, William, Lieutenant, Wigglesworth s. Willington, Josiah, Lieutenant, Wig glesworth s. Welsh, Joseph, Lieutenant, Pater: son s. Walker, Silas, Lieutenant, 15th. Walcott, Benjamin, Captain, Mar shall s. Wiley, Aldrich, Lieutenant, M. Jack son s. Walker, Richard, Lieutenant, H. Jackson s. Walcott, Christopher, Ensign, Mar shall s. Yeomans, John, Lieutenant, 4th. CONNECTICUT. Allen, Timothy, Captain, S. B. Webb s. Avery, Simeon, Lieutenant, Starr s. Anderson, Thomas, Lieutenant, Starr s. Allen, Robert, Lieutenant, Starr s. Adams, David, Surgeon, Durkee s. Avery, Thomas, Lieutenant, Starr s. Bradley, P. Philip, Colonel, . Connecticut. 460 Connecticut. Bernard, John, Captain, Wyllys . Bates, David, Captain, Warner s. Baldwin, Caleb, Captain, Swift s. Billings, Stephen, Captain, Swift s. Belding, Simeon, Lieutenant, Wyl lys . Ball, John, Lieutenant, Meigs . Barnam, Eli, Lieutenant, Meigs . Beaumont, William, Lieutenant, Chandler s. Beach, David, Lieutenant, Bradley s. Butler, Zebulon, Colonel, 1st. Buell, H. John, Captain, Durkee s. Benton, Selah, Captain, Chandler s. Bulkeley, Edward, Captain, Webb s. Baldwin, Abraham, Chaplain, Webb s. Beers, Nathan, Lieutenant and Pay master, Webb s. Betts, Stephen, Captain, C. Webb s. Bradley, Daniel, Lieutenant, Brad- ley s. Benjamin, Aaron, Lieutenant, Chand ler s. Bushnell, David, Captain, Sappers and Miners. Bull, Aaron, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Bennett, James, Lieutenant, Swift s. Brunson, Isaac, Surgeon s- Mate, Sheldon s. Berham, Silas, Lieutenant, C.Webb s. Barber, David, Ensign, Meigs 1 . Benedict, Noble, Captain, Bradley s. Chapman, Albert, Major, Swift s. Clift, Wells, Major, Wyllys . Chipman, John, Captain, Warner s. Converse, Thomas, Captain, Wyllys . Chamberlain, Ephrairn, Captain, Wyllys . Coleman, Noah, Surgeon, C. Webb s. Ohapman, Joseph, Lieutenant, War ner s. Clift, Lemuel, Captain, Durkee s. Cotton, George, Ensign, Wyllys . Crosby, Ebenezer, Surgeon, Guards. Cole, Abner, Ensign, Starr s. Clarke, Joseph, Ensign, Meigs 1 . Comstock, Samuel, Captain, Chand ler s. Chapman, Elijah, Captain, Brad- ley s. Colfax, William, Lieutenant, Starr s. Curtis, Giles, Lieutenant, Meigs . Cleveland, John, Ensign, Durkee s. Cunningham, Henry, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Clarke, James, Lieutenant, Cook s. Cook, Jesse, Captain, Bradley s. Durkee, John, Captain, Durkee s. Denslow, Martin, Lieutenant, Brad- ley s. Dimmuck, Benjamin, Lieutenant, C. Webb s. De riling, Pownal, Lieutenant, Dur kee s. Dorrance, David, Captain, Starr s. Douglas, Richard, Captain, Starr s. Dole, James, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Deforrest, Samuel, Lieutenant, Brad- ley s. Dagget, Henry, Lieutenant, Swift s. Durkee, Benjamin, Captain, Wyllys . Eells, Edward, Captain, Wyllys . Ellis, John, Chaplain, 1st Brigade. Edwards, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, Bradley s. Fitch, Andrew, Captain, Durkee s. Farmer, Thomas, Lieutenant, Meigs . Fanning, Charles, Lieutenant and Paymaster, Durkee s. Froth ingham, Ebenezer, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, Webb s. Fox, Jacob, Lieutenant, Starr s. Fosdick, U. Thomas, Ensign, C. Webb s. Grosvenor, Thomas, Lieutenant-Col onel Commandant, Wyllys . Grover, Phineas, Lieutenant, Swift s. Gove, Obadiah, Lieutenant, Wyl lys . Griswold, Andrew, Lieutenant, Dur kee s. Gregory, Matthew, Lieutenant, Chandler s. Grant, Benoni, Lieutenant, Warner s. Goodell, Silas, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Goodrich, Ozias, Ensign, Wyllys . Gray, Ebenezer, Lieutenant-Colonel, Meigs . Gorham, Nehemiah, Lieutenant, Bradley s. Glenny, William, Lieutenant, Durr kee s. Gibbs, Samuel, Lieutenant, Invalid. Higgins, Joseph, Surgeon s-Mate, 2d. Hait, Joseph, Lieutenant-Colonel, Chandler s. Connecticut. 461 Connecticut. Holdridge, Hezekiah, Lieutenant- Colonel, C. Webb s. Hall, Stephen, Captain, Swift s. Hinckley, Ichabod, Captain, C. Webb s. Humphrey, Elijah, Captain, Meigs . Halt, Samuel, Captain, Chandler s. Hodge, Asahel, Captain, Chandler s. Hosmer, Timothy, Surgeon, . Heath, Peleg, Lieutenant, . Hyde, James, Lieutenant, . Bosnian, Prentice, Lieutenant, . Hubble, Solomon, Lie .1 tenant. . Hall, Philomen, Lieutenant, . Henshaw, William, Lieutenant, . Huntington, Ebenezer, Lieutenant- Colonel, 1st. Higgins, William, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 1st. Hart, Jonathan, Captain, 1st. Hubbard, Hezekiah, Lieutenant, 1st. Holt, Silas, Lieutenant, 1st. Humphreys, David, Lieutenant-Colo nel Aide-de-Camp, 1st. Hopkins, Elisha, Captain, 3d. Hobart, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Hait, Samuel, Lieutenant, 3d. Harman, Jaques, Ensign, 3d. Hogeland, Jeronimus, Captain, Shel don s. Hawley, Gideon, Lieutenant, Shel don s. Hart, John, Ensign, 2d. Huntington, Jedediah, Brigadier-Gen eral. Hubbell, Isaac, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Hill, Ebenezer, Captain, Invalid. Hobby, Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel, Bradley s. Hull, Joseph, Lieutenant, Artillery. Harris, John, Lieutenant, C. Webb s. Hale, Aaron, Lieutenant, Starr s. Judd, William, Captain, Wyllys . Judson, David, Captain, Chandler s. Jackson, Frederick Thomas, Lieuten ant, Sheldon s. Janes, Elijah, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Johnson, Jonathan, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Bradley s. Johnson, S.nnuel, Major, . Keeler, Thaddeus, Lieutenant, Brad- ley s. Knapp, Joshua, Ensign, C. Webb s. Keeler, Isaac, Lieutenant, C. Webb s. Kingsbury, Jacob, Ensign, C.Webb s. Keeler, Aaron, Ensign, Chandler s. King, Joshua, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Kimberly, Ephraim, Captain, Chand ler s. Kenney, Abraham, Lieutenant, Shel don s. Keeler, Samuel, Captain, Bradley s, Leavenworth, Eli, Major, Meigs . Lay, Asa, Captain, Meigs . Lyon, Asa, Lieutenant, Meigs . Lord, William, Lieutenant, Meigs . Loomis,Lebeus, Lieutenant and Adju tant, Durkee s. Lynn, William, Lieutenant, C.Webb s. Lyinan, Daniel, Major and Aide-de- Camp, C. Webb s. Lord, James, Lieutenant, Starr s. Lee, Noah, Captain, Hazen s. Meigs, J. Return, Colonel, McGregor, John, Captain, Durkee s. Moultori, William, Captain, Warner s. Morris, James, Captain, Bradley s. Mather, Timothy, Surgeon, Swift s. Miller, Charles, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Meigs, John, Lieutenant and Adju tant, Webb s. Mix, John, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Munson,Theophilus, Captain, Chand ler s. Manifield, John, Lieutenant, Meigs . Manson, Eneas, Surgeoii s-Mate, Webb s. Murison, William, Captain, Webb s. Mix, Timothy, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Norton, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Meigs . Noyes, John, Surgeon, Starr s. Olmstead, James, Lieutenant, Chand ler s. Parsons, H. Samuel, Major-General. Prior, Abner, Major, Bradley s. Parsons, David, Captain, C. Webb s. Pomeroy, Ralph, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Perry, Sylvanus, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Phelps, Seth, Captain, Durkee s. Pride, Reuben, Lieutenant, Wyllys . Putnam, Israel, Major-General. Pendleton, Daniel, Captain. Artificers. Pike, William, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Potter, Stephen, Captain, Meigs . Connecticut. 462 Connecticut. Pinto, Solomon, Ensign, Meigs . Potter, Israel, Lieutenant, Meigs . Painter, Elisha, Major, Warner s. Parrott, Peter, Captain, Artillery. Rogers, Joseph Ensign, Swift s. Robinson, Peter, Captain, Chandler s. Russell, Cornelius, Lieutenant, Brad- ley s. Rice, Nehemiah, Captain, Chandler s. Riley, John, Captain, Webb s. Richard, Samuel, Lieutenant, Wyl- lys . Ransom, Elijah, Lieutenant, Dur- kee s. Robinson, Elias, Lieutenant, Dur- kee s. Reed, Enoch, Captain, Starr s. Rose, John, Surgeon, Webb s. Rogers, Jedediah, Captain, Sheldon s. Rhea, Aaron, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. Richards, William, Captain, Starr s. Robinson, Jared, Lieutenant, Meigs . Starrs, Justus, Surgeon VMate, 1st. Stevens, John, Captain, Hostage. Starr, Josiah, Colonel, . Sherman, Isaac, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, C. Webb s. Sumner, John, Lieutenant-Colonel, Durkee s. Stevens, Aaron, Captain, Swift s. Shumway, John, Captain, Starr s. Savage, Abijah, Captain, . Sanford, Samuel, Captain, Chand ler s. Spaulding, Simon, Captain, Chand ler s. Starr, David, Captain, Meigs . Sill, Richard, Captain, Chandler s. Strong, David, Captain, Bradley s. Skinner, Thomas, Surgeon, Russell s. Shipman, Benoni, Lieutenant, C. Webb s. Smith, William, Lieutenant, Meigs . Stevens, Ebenezer, Ensign, Warner s. Starr, Thomas, Lieutenant, Swift s. Sutliff, Benjamin, Lieutenant,Meigs . Smith, Ezra, Lieutenant, Durkee s. Sill, F. David, Lieutenant-Colonel, Starr s. Stillwell, Elias, Captain, Wyllys . Shaylor, Joseph, Lieutenant, Meigs . Sanderson, Reuben, Lieutenant, Starr s. Seldon, Ezra, Captain, Starr s. Stanton, William, Captain, Sheldon s. Sheldon, Elisha,Colonel,2d Dragoons. Seymour, Horace, Lieutenant, 2d Dragoons. Swift, Heman, Colonel, 3d. Smith, David, Major, Chandler s. Sherman, John, Lieutenant, Meigs . Smith, Joel, Ensign, Meigs . Spencer, David, Lieutenant, Starr s. Trumbull, Jonathan, Lieutenant- Colonel Aide de-Camp, Starr s. Throop, Benjamin, Major, . Tanner, Ebenezer,Lieutenant, Swift s. Ten Eyck, Henry, Captain, Starr s. Trowbridge, John, Lieutenant, Meigs . Talmage, Benjamin, Major, Shel don s. Taylor, Timothy, Captain, 2d. Tiffany, Isaiah, Lieutenant, Starr s. Throop, R. John, Lieutenant, 2d Ar tillery. Thompson, Isaiah, Captain-Lieuten ant, 2d Artillery. Tracey, Hezekiah, Lieutenant, Starr s. Wyllys, Samuel. Colonel, . Walbridge, Amos, Major, C. Webb s. Woodbridge, Theodore, Major, Swift s. Warner, Robert, Major, Wyllys . Webb, Nathaniel, Captain, Durkee s. Weed, Thaddeus, Captain, Brad- ley s. Woolcutt, Erastus, Captain, C. Webb s. Williams, W. Samuel, Captain, Webb s. Watrous, R. John, Surgeon, Wyllys . Wilcox, Joseph, Lieutenant, Swift s. Whiting, H. Nathan, Lieutenant, Swift s. Wyllys, P. John, Major, Webb s. Wales, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, Dur kee s. Walmsby, William, Ensign, Wyllys . Walker, Joseph, Captain and Brevet- Major, Webb s. Webb, B. Samuel, Colonel, . Wright, A. Joseph, Major, . Wells, Roger, Captain, Webbs. Whiting, Joshua, Lieutenant, Chand ler s. Webb, John, Captain, Sheldon s. Connecticut. Wadsworth, Elijah, Captain, Shel don s. Whiting, J. Frederick, Lieutenant, Sheldon s. White, John, Lieutenant, Meigs . Wooster, Thomas, Captain, Webb s. RHODE ISLAND. Allen, William, Captain, 1st. Angel, Israel, Colonel, 3d. Arnold, Thomas, Captain, Invalids. Burlingame, Chandler, Lieutenant, 1st, Brown, Zephaniah, Captain, 1st. Barton, William, Colonel, 1st. Bradford, William, Major, Sher- burne s. Bogart, N. Nicholas, Surgeon s-Mate, 1st. Dexter, S. John, Major, 1st. Dexter, S. Daniel, Captain, 1st. Eriiiis, William, Lieutenant, 1st. Flagg, Ebenezer, Major, Green s. Green, Christopher, Colonel Green s. Hughs, Thomas, Captain, 1st. .H olden., John, Captain, 1st. Humphrey, William, Captain, 1st. Hubbard, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Hunter, Robert, Ensign, 1st. Kerby, Ephraim, Ensign, 1st. Lewis, Elijah, Captain, Green s. Macomber, Ebenezer, Captain, An gel s. Masury, Joseph, Lieutenant, 1st. Oliiey, Coggleshall, Major, Angel s. Olney, Jeremiah, Lieutenant-Colo nel commandant, Angel s. Plumb, William, Chaplain, . Peckham, L. Benjamin, Captain, An gel s. Pratt, William, Lieutenant, 1st. Peck, William, Major, . Potter, William, Captain, Angel s. Rogers, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Russell, Thomas, Ensign, Sherburne s. Sayles, David, Captain, Angel s. Sherburne, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 1st. Sherman, Henry, Lieutenant, 1st. Sherburne, Henry, Colonel, . Talbot, Silas, Lieutenant-Colonel, Green s. Tenuey, Samuel, Surgeon, 1st, 463 New York. Thayer, Simeon, Major, . Tew, William, Captain, . Turner, Peter, Surgeon, . Ward, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Green s. Wheatori, Joseph, Lieutenant, 1st. Welsh, John, Lieutenant, 1st, Wallen, Jonathan, Captain, Green s. NEW YORK. Aorson, Aaron, Captain, 1st. Adams, Jonas, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Anspach, Peter, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Armstrong, Edward, Lieutenant, Mal colm s. Beekman, Jerrick, Lieutenant, Old 2d. Bruen, Jacobus, Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d. Bowen, Prentice, Lieutenant, 4th. Barrett, James, Lieutenant, 4th. Barr, John, Ensign, . Bevier, D. Philips, Captain, 5th. Brindley, Francis, Lieutenant, Liv ingston s. Belnap, William, Lieutenant, Liv ingston s. Bull, William, Captain, Spencer s. Bagley, Josiah, Lieutenant, 1st. Bleeker, Leonard, Captain, 1st. Bauman, Sebastian, Major, 2d Artil lery. Bliss, T.Thomas, Captain, 2d Artillery. Brewster, James, Captain-Lieuten ant, 2d Artillery. Brewster, Caleb, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Bradford, James, Lieutenant, Burnet, Robert, Lieutenant, . Conine, Philip, Captain-Lieutenant, 3d. Cook, Samuel, Surgeon, 5th. Codwise, Christopher, Lieutenant, 2d. Clinton, James, Brigadier-General. Cochran, John, Physician General of Army. Cortlandt, Philip, Colonel, 2d. Cochran, Robert, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 2d. Colebreath, William, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 2d. New York. Connolly, Michael, Lieutenant and Paymaster, . Carpenter, Nehemiah, Ensign, . Clinton, Alexander, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Campbell, George, Physician and Surgeon, General Hospital. Craigie, Andrew, Apothecary, Gen eral Hospital. Cady, Palmer, Lieutenant, Hazen s. Cutting, J. B., Apothecary-General, General Hospital. Dennison, J. George, Lieutenant, 3d. Davis, John, Major, 4th. Dunscomb, Edward, Captain, 4th. Dodge, Henry, Captain-Lieuten ant, 5th. Doughty, John, Captain, 3d Artillery. Dods:e, Samuel, Lieutenant, 2d. Denniston, Daniel, Lieutenant, 2d. Dodge, Samuel, Ensign, 2d. Demter, Henry, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Draper, George, Surgeon, General Hospital. Drake, Joshua, Lieutenant, Mal colm s. Dowe, Alexander, Lieutenant, Mal colm s. Elsworth, Peter, Captain-Lieuten ant, 4th. English, Samuel, Lieutenant, 5th. Eliott, John, Surgeon s-Mate, 1st. Fleming, George, Captain, 2d Artil lery. Freelich, Joseph, Lieutenant, 2d. Finch, Andrew, Captain, 1st. French, Abner, Captain, 1st. Fairlie, James, Lieutenant and Aide- de-Camp, 2d. Fondy, John, Ensign, 1st. Furman, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Fondy, Down, Ensign, 1st. Fish, Nicholas, Major, 2d. Fowler, Theodosius, Captain, 2d. Guion, Isaac, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Gray, Silas, Captain, 4th. Gildersleve, Finch, Lieutenant, Spen cer s. Goodwin, Henry, Captain, 5th. Gansevoort, Peter, Colonel, 3d. Graham, Charles, Captain, 2d. 464 New York. Graham, John, Major, 1st. Gregg, Jaines, Captain, 1st. Gilbert, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 1st. Hardenburg, L. John, Lieutenant, 2d. Hunt, Thomas, Lieutenant, 4th. Hyat, Abraham, Lieutenant, 4th. Hanmer, Francis, Lieutenant, 5th. Hanson, Dirck, Captain, Livingston s. Hicks, Benjamin, Captain, 1st. Harderiberg, Abraham, Lieutenant, 1st. Henin, Benjamin, Ensign, 1st. Hutton, Christopher, Knsign and Ad jutant, 2d. Hamtramck, F. John, Captain, 2d. Harvey, Elisha, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Hay, Udney, Lieutenant-Colonel, . Hallet, Jonathan, Captain, 3d. Hunter, Robert, Lieutenant, Mal colm s. Johnson, John, Captain, 5th. Jansori, T. Cornelius, Captain, 1st. Johnston, James, Lieutenant, 2d. Kirkpatrick, David. Lieutenant, Sap pers and Miners. Ledyard, Isaac, Assistant Purveyor, General Hospital. Logan, Samuel, Major, 5th. Leggett, Abraham, Lieutenant, 5th. Livingston, Abraham, Captain, Liv ingston s. Lansing, Garrett, Ensign, 1st. Lewis, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Lamb, John, Colonel, 2d Artillery. Laycroft, George, Lieutenant, 2d Ar tillery. Livingston, H. Robert, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Laycraft, William, Lieutenant 2d Ar tillery. Livingston, B. Henry, Lieutenant- Colonel, . Lawrence, Jonathan, Lieutenant, Malcolm s. Marshall, Elihu, Captain, 2d. Mott, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 2d. Monty, Francis, Lieutenant, Livings ton s. Maxwell, Anthony, Lieutenant, Spen cer s. Morrell, Joseph, Ensign, 1st. Marsh, John, Ensign, 1st. Now York. 465 New York. Magee, Peter, Lieutenant, 1st. Mirmama, Daniel, Surgeon, 2d. Moodie, Andrew, Captain, 2d Artil lery. Mott, Gershom, Captain, 2d Artillery. Machin, Thomas, Captain, 3d Artillery. Miles John, Captain-Lieutenant, 3d Artillery. Morris, William, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. McKriight, Charles, Physician and Surgeon, General Hospital. McDougall, Alexander, Major-Gen eral . McDougall, Stephen, Major and Aide- de-Camp. Morris, Lewis, Major and Aide-de- Carnp. Malcom, William, Colonel, Malcom s. McArthur, Alexander, Lieutenant, Neslet, Peter, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Newkirk, Charles, Captain-Lieuten ant, 2d. Norton, Nathan, Captain, 4th. Nicholson, C. George, Major, Living ston s. Neely, Abraham, Captain, Spencer s. Niven, Daniel, Captain, Engineers. Platt, Richard, Major, . Provost, Robert, Ensign, 3d. Parsonc Charles, Captain, 1st. Pell, T. Samuel, Captain, 3d. Pawling, Henry, Captain, 2d. Peters, William, Ensign, 2d. Pennington, William, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Peck, Kiel, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Pendleton, Solomon, Lieutenant, . Robecheau, James, Captain, Living ston s. Reed, Thomas, Surgeon, Livingston s. Ryckman,Wilhelmus, Lieutenant, 1st. Reed, Jacob, Captain, 2d Artillery. Reed, John, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Stevens, Ebenezer, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 2d Artillery. Swartwout, Cornelius, Captain-Lieu tenant, 2d Artillery. Strachan, William, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Scudder, William, Lieutenant, 1st. Salisbury, S. Berent, Captain-Lieu tenant, 5th. Stewart, James, Captain, 5th. Sandford, John, Captain, Spencer s. Stagg, John, Lieutenant, Spencer s. Sweet, Caleb, Surgeon, 1st. Swartwout, Henry, Lieutenant, 1st. Snow, Ephrairn, Lieutenant, 1st. Sytez, George, Captain, 1st. Smith, Israel. Captain, 2d. Swartwout, Barna, Ensign, . Schuyler, Dirck, Ensign, 2d. Schuyler, Nicholas, Surgeon, Hazen s. Smith, Isaac, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Shaw, John, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Smith, John, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Smith, William S., Lieutenant-Colo nel and Aide-de-Camp. Strong, Nathan, Captain, 4th. Thompson, Alexander, Lieutenant, 2d Artillery. Tappen, Peter, Lieutenant, 2d Artil lery. Titus, Jonathan, Captain, 4th. Tuthill, Azariah, Lieutenant, 4th. Thompson, Andrew, Lieutenant, Spencer s. Ten Eyck, Abraham, Lieutenant, Spencer s. Taulman, Peter, Captain Sappers and Miners. Tiebout, Henry, Captain, 1st. Tenbroock, C. John, Captain, 1st. Tenbroock, Adam, Ensign, 1st. Talmage, Samuel, Lieutenant, 2d. Treat, Malachi, Hospital Surgeon. Van Rensselaer N., Captain, 1st. Van Wolkeriberg, Bartholomew, Lieu tenant, . Van Bunschoten, Peter, Lieutenant, 4th. Vachee, T. John, Surgeon, 4th. Vosberg, J. Peter, Captain, Livings ton s. Van Dycke, John, Captain-Lieuten ant, Artillery. Van Wagenen, Tunis, Lieutenant, 2d. Van Schaick, Goose, Colonel, 1st. Van Dycke, Cornelius, Lieutenant- Colonel, 1st. 30 New York. Van Woert, Henry, Lieutenant and Quartermaster, 1st. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, Lieuten ant arid Paymaster, 1st. Van Deburg, Henry, Captain, 3d. Van Hovenbarach, Rudolph, Lieu- ant, 2d. Van Deburg, Bartholomew, Ensign, 2d. Van Vechten, Tobias, Lieutenant, 1st. Woodruff, Kenlock, Surgeon, 3d. Weisenfelts, Frederick, Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant, 4th. Willet, Marinus, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 5th. Welp, Anthony, Captain, Living ston s. Walker, Benjamin, Lieutenant-Col onel and Aide-de-Camp, 2d. Wenden, H. Jacob, Lieutenant and Adjutant, 1st. Wilson, Robert, Ensign, 1st. Wright, Jacob, Captain, 2d. Weisenfeldts, F. Charles, Lieutenant, 2d. Woodruff, Ephraim, Lieutenant, 2d. Young, Guy, Captain 1st. Young, Joseph, Physician and Sur geon, General Hospital. NEW JERSEY. Appleton, Abraham, Lieutenant,Bat- talion. Anderson, J. Joseph, Captain, 1st. Anderson, William, Ensign, 1st. Anderson, James, Lieutenant, Ha- zen s. Baldwin, Jesse, Lieutenant, Old 1st. Baldwin, Daniel, Captain, . Bennett, James, Captain, . Barnett, William, Surgeon, . Bowman, Nathaniel, Major, . Barton, William, Captain, - . Burrows, John, Major, Old 2d. Ballard, Jeremiah, Captain, . Barbour, William, Major, . Buck, Joseph, Lieutenant, Battalion. Burrowes, Eden, Lieutenant, 1st. Bonham, Absalom, Lieutenant, . Bishop, John, Ensign, . Brooks, Alamarine, Ensign, 1st. Blair, John, Lieutenant, . 4GG New Jersey. Burnet, William, Physician and Sur geon, General Hospital. Bloomfield, Joseph, Major, 3d. Boslick, C. William, Lieutenant, 3d. Costigan, Lewis, Lieutenant, . Darby, Ephraim, Lieutenant, Dayton, Jonathan, Captain, 1st. De Hart, Cyrus, Captain, Battalion, Dayton, Elias, Brigadier-General. Day, Aaron, Lieutenant, 3d. Elmer, Ebenezer, Surgeon, 3d. Elmer, G. Moses, Mate, 1st. Edgar, David, Captain, Sheldon s. Faulker, Peter, Ensign, Battalion. Forman, Jonathan, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 1st. Ford, Mahlon, Lieutenant, 3d. Howell, John, Captain, . Hunter, Andrew, Chaplain, . Hendry, Samuel, Captain, Battalion. Holmes, Jonathan, Captain, Battal ion. Hopper, John, Ensign, Battalion. Halsey, Luther, Lieutenant, Battal ion. Helmes, William, Captain, 1st. Holmes, John, Captain, 1st. Hyre, Jacob, Ensign, . Harris, Jacob, Ensign, 1st. Heard, James, Captain, Lee s Legion. Hutchen, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Kemper, Jacob, Captain-Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Kersey, William, Lieutenant, 1st. Kenney, Abraham, Lieutenant, Shel don s. King, Joseph, Adjutant, 3d. Lane, Derrick, Captain, . Leonard, Nathaniel, Captain, 1st. Luce, Francis, Ensign, 1st. Lloyd, Richard, Captain, Hazen s. Lindsley, Eleazer, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Spencer s. Lyon, Abraham, Captain, 4th. Morrison, Isaac, Captain, Old 1st. Meeker, Uzal, Lieutenant, . McEwen, John, Ensign, . Mead, Giles, Captain, . Mason, John, Chaplain, . Mitchell, Alexander, Captain, 1st. Martin, Absalom, Captain, Battalion. Mercer, John, Captain, . Mott, John, Captain, 3d. "New Jersey. Orr, John, Lieutenant, . Osmun, Benjamin, Lieutenant, . Ogden, Mathias, Colonel, 1st. Ogden, Aaron, Captain, 1st. Ogden, Barny, Lieutenant, Spen cer s. Ogden, Nathaniel, Quartermaster, Spencer s. Pemberton, Robert, Captain, Spen cer s. Philips, Jonathan, Captain, Spen cer s. Paul, James, Lieutenant, Spen cer s. Parrott, Silas, Lieutenant, Spen cer s. Piatt, William, Captain, 1st. Peck, John, Lieutenant, Battalion. Polhemus, John, Captain, Old 1st. Read, John, Ensign, . Ross, John, Major, . Reading, Samuel, Major, Battalion. Reed, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Rencastle, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Rhea, Jonathan, Lieutenant, . Reckless, Anthony, Lieutenant Sap pers and Miners. Stout, Abraham, Lieutenant, . Spencer, Oliver, Colonel, Spen cer s. Shreeve, Israel, Colonel, . Shute, William, Ensign, Battalion. Shute, M. Samuel, Lieutenant, . Seely, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Sproule, Moses, Ensign, 1st. Sedam, R. Cornelius, Ensign, 1st. Stout, T. Wessell, Lieutenant, 1st. Sears, Peter, Captain-Lieutenant, Ar tificers. Snowden, John, Lieutenant, Lee s Legion. Spencer, Robert, Paymaster, Spen cer s. Thomas, D. Ed-ward, Lieutenant, Bat talion. Tuttle, William, Ensign, 1st. Tunison, Garrett, Surgeon, 2d Artil lery Wetherby, Benjamin, Captain, 1st. Weyman, Abel, Captain, . Walker, George, Lieutenant, 1st. Whitlock, Ephraim, Lieutenant, 1st. Van Argle, John, Captain, 1st. 467 Pennsylvania. PENNSYLVANIA. Alexander, William, Major, 9th. Allison, Richard. Surgeon s-Mate, 2d. Armstrong, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Allison, Robert, Lieutenant, 3d. Adams, William, Surgeon, 4th Artil lery. Ashton, Joseph, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Armstrong, James, Captain, Lee s Legion. Armstrong, John, Major and Aide- de-Camp. Armor, James, Lieutenant, Old 4th. Ashton, John, Lieutenant, 9th. Bicker, Henry, Colonel, Old 2d. Binney, Barnabas, Hospital Surgeon. Butler, Thomas, Captain, Old 3d. Boyd, John, Captain-Lieutenant, 9th. Barclay, John. Captain-Lieutenant, 5th. Benflead, Alexander, Lieutenant, 10th. Brown, Joseph, Surgeon, ?th. Butler, William, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 4th. Burke, Edward, Captain, 1st. Bush, John, Captain, 5th. Brady, Samuel, Captain, Old 8th. Bicker, Henry, Captain, 4th. Bartholomew, Benjamin, Captain, 5th. Broadhead, Daniel, Colonel, 1st. Brown, B. Thomas, Captain, 1st. Bankson, John, Captain, 1st. Bonde, Thomas, Captain, 1st. Butler, Percival, Lieutenant, 1st. Bevins, Wilder, Lieutenant, 1st. Blewer, George, Lieutenant, Old 4th. Bower, Jacob, Captain, 2d. Bryson, Samuel, Lieutenant, 2d. Butler, Richard. Colonel, 3d. Bayard, Stephen, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 3d. Bush, George, Captain, 3d. Beatty, Erkurius, Lieutenant, 3d. Ball, W. Blackall, Lieutenant, 3d. Butler, Edward, Lieutenant, 3d. Beatty, Reading, Surgeon, 4th Artil lery. Bryce, John, Captain, 4th Artillery. Banner, Jacob, Captain, German Regiment. Pennsylvania. 468 Pennsylvania. Boyer, Peter, Captain, German Regi ment. Bond, Thomas, Purveyor, General Hospital. Barr, Thomas, Captain-Lie atenant, Crane s Artillery. Broadhead, Luke, Captain, 6th. Baxter, William, Ensign, 6th. Bickham, John, Lieutenant, 9th. Brown, William, Lieutenant, 9th. Boyd, Thomas, Lieutenant, 1st. Banner, Rudolph, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 3d . Boyd. William, 3d Lieutenant, Old 13th. Bush, Lewis, Major, Hartley s. Broadhead, Daniel, Jr., Lieutenant, 3d. Chambers, James, Colonel, Old 1st. Church, Thomas, Major, 4th. Craig, Samuel, Captain, 1st. Cobea, John, Captain, 2d. Carberry, Henry, Captain, llth. Craig, Thomas, Colonel, 3d, Campbell, Thomas, Captain, 4th. Claypoole, G. Abrahani,Captain, 6th. Coltinan, Robert, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Christie, James, Captain, 3d. Carnahan, James, Captain, 3d. Collier, Joseph, Lieutenant, 3d. Christie, John, Captain, 3d. Clarke, John, Captain, 3d. Crawford, Edward, Lieutenant, 3d. Craig, John, Captain, 4th Dragoons. Craig, Isaac, Major, 4th Artillery. Crossley, Jesse, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Cleckner, Christian, Ensign, German Regiment. Cramer, Jacob, Lieutenant, German Regiment. Crawford, William, Captain, 5th. Chambers, Stephen, Captain, 12th. Connelly, Robert, Captain, 4th. Cruise, Walter, Captain, 6th. Campbell, Archibald,Lieutenant, 6th. Coleman, Nicholas, Lieutenant, 9th. Cox, William, Captain, 9th. Caruthers, John, Lieutenant, 13th. Carmichael, Alexander, Ensign, llth. Caldwell, Robert, Captain, 9th. Cox, Joseph, Lieutenant, 6th. Caldwell, Andrew, Mate, General Hospital. Duncan, James, Captain, Hazen s. Dionne, Germain, Lieutenant, Hazen s. Dunn, Budd Isaac, Captain and Aide- de-Camp, 3d. Davis, John, Captain, 5th. Davidson, James, Surgeon, 5th. Douglas, Thomas, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Doyle, John, Captain, 1st. Dunn, M. Abner, Lieutenant, 1st. Denny, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, 1st. Dungan, Thomas, Lieutenant, 3d. Dixon, Sankey, Lieutenant, 3d. DeMarcellin, Anthony, Lieutenant, 3d. Davis, Lewyllin, Lieutenant, 3d. Doty, Samuel, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Doven, Andrew, Lieutenant, 3d. Davidson, William, Captain, 3d. Duguid, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Depuff, Abraham, Captain, Atlee s. Detrick, Peter, Ensign, 3d. De Hart, Jacob, Ensign and Aide-de- Camp, 3d. Dill, James, Lieutenant, Hartley s. Davis, Joseph, Captain, Patton s. Darragh, Cnarles, Lieutenant, 3d. Davis, Samuel, Lieutenant, 9th. Darragh, Daniel, Lieutenant, 9th. Dennis, Daniel, Lieutenant, 10th. Dean, Samuel, Captain, llth. Dow, Alexander, Captain, Artifi cers. Edwards, Evan, Major, 4th. Everly, Michael, Lieutenant, 1st. Ernes, Wortley, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Erwin, James, Lieutenant, 3d. Erwin, Joseph, Captain, 9th. Finney, Walter, Captain, 1st. Fishbourne, Benjamin, Captain and Aide-de-Camp, 1st. Fullerton, Richard, Lieutenant, 1st. Finley, John, Captain, 3d. Finley, L. Joseph, Captain, 3d. Ferguson, William, Captain, 4th Ar tillery. Freeman, Jeremiah, Captain, 4th Artillery. Fick, David, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Pennsylvania. Franks, S. David, Major and Aide- de-Camp, 4th Artillery. Farmer, Lewis, Lieutenant-Colonel, 12th. Foster, John, Ensign, Gth. Fiss, Jacob, Lieutenant, llth. Finley, H. John, Lieutenant, 5th. Forrest, Andrew, Lieutenant, 3d. Graydon, Alexander, Captain, 3d. Gibson, James, Captain, Artificers. Gam, H. James, Lieutenant, 4th Ar tillery. Gosner, Peter, Captain, 2d. Gray, William, Captain, 4th. Griffith, Levi, Lieutenant, 5th. Gilchrist, James, Lieutenant, 5th. Glerit worth, James, Lieutenant, 2d. Grier, James, Major, 3d. Guthry, George, Lieutenant, 4th Dra goons. Green, Henry, Lieutenant, 4th Artil lery. Gray, Robert, Captain, 13th. Gyer, George, Lieutenant, 13th. Gregg, John, Lieutenant, 13th. Gorman, Joseph, Ensign, 13th. Gray, Samuel, Lieutenant, 4th. Gregg, Robert, Captain, 5th. Hoge, John, Lieutenant, Gth. Hand, Edward, Brigadier-General. Hubley, Adam, Lieutenant-Colonel commandant, llth. Hay, Samuel, Lieutenant Colonel, 7th. Hughes, John, Captain-Lieutenant, 1st. Hick, G. Jacob, Captain-Lieutenant, 10th. Hughes, John, Lieutenant, 7th. Hamilton, James, Major, 2d. Henderson, William, Captain, 4th. Harper, John, Lieutenant, 5th. Harmon, Josiah, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 1st. Humphrey, Jacob, Captain, 1st. Hammond, David, Lieutenant, 1st. Henley, Henry, Lieutenant, 1st. Harris, Robert, Surgeon s-Mate, 1st. Humpton, Richard, Colonel, 2d. Huston, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Henderson, Andrew, Lieutenant, 2d. Herbert, Stewart, Lieutenant, 2d. Hopkins, David, Captain, 4th Dra goons. 469 Pennsylvania. Heard, John, Captain, 4th Dragoons. Hallet, Jonah, Lieutenant, 4th Dra goons. Howell, Ezekiel, Lieutenant, 4th Ar tillery. Humphreys, John, Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Hubley, Bernard, Captain, German Regiment. Helm, John, Captain, 5th. Hopes, Robert, Captain, Hartley s. Huston, Alexander, Lieutenant, Pat- tori s. Hulings, John, Major, 3d. Hughes, Greenberry, Lieutenant, Gth. Henderson, Matthew, Captain, 9th. Harris, John, Captain, llth. Hooper, Robert, Lieutenant. 10th. Johnson, Francis, Colonel, 5th. Irwine, William, Chaplain, 2d. Jones, James, Surgeon, 3d. Jackson, Jeremiah, Chaplain, 3d. Johnson, Andrew, Lieutenant, 1st. Irvine, Andrew, Chaplain, 1st. Jones, Morris James, Lieutenant, Irvine, William, Brigadier-General. Irvine, Matthew, Surgeon, Lee s Legion. Jones, David, Chaplain, Line. Johnson, Robert, Physician and Surgeon, General Hospital. Janney, Thomas, Lieutenant, Old 5th. Jenkins, George, Captain, 2d. Johnson, William, Ensign, 13th. Jolly, Mayberry, Captain, llth. Jones, Peter, Lieutenant, llth. Jordan, John, Captain, Artificers. Kennedy, Samuel, Captain, 2d. Keene, Lawrence, Captain and Aide- de-Camp, 2d. Kenny, Samuel, Lieutenant, 13th. Knox, William, Lieutenant, 10th. Keller, Adam, Lieutenant, 10th. Knox, Matthew, Lieutenant, 3d. Lee, Andrew, Lieutenant, Hazen s. Lambert, Emariuel Joseph, Lieuten ant, 4th. Lusk, William, Captain, 2d. Lodge, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 1st. Le Roy, George, Lieutenant, 3d. Lyttle, Andrew, Lieutenant, 3d. Pennsylvania. 470 Pennsylvania. Lloyd, James, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Ladley, Andrew, Surgeon, 12th. Lewis, John, Lieutenant, 4th. Lewis, Abraham, Lieutenant, 4th. Lowerswyler, Thomas, Ensign, 9th. Lamar, Marian, Major, 4th. Lucas, Thomas, Lieutenant, llth. Lomon, James, Lieutenant, Hartley s. Macpherson, William, Major, . MacGrowan, John, Captain, Invalid. McConnell, Matthew, Captain, Inva lid. McEllhatton, William, Captain-Lieu tenant, Invalid. McLean, James, Lieutenant, Invalid. Maus, Matthew, Surgeon, Invalid. Magaw, Robert, Colonel, 6th. Murray, John, Lieutenant-Colonel, 3d. Miller, William, Captain, 7th. Mackay, William, Captain, llth. Martin, Hugh, Surgeon, 8th. McClure, James, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Martin, Williams, Captain, 4th Artil lery. McGui~e, Matthew, Captain-Lieuten ant, 4th Artillery. Marshall, David, Lieutenant, 4th Ar tillery. Moore, William, Lieutenant, . Moore, James, Major, 1st. McFarlane, James, Lieutenant, Is*. McPherson, F. James, Lieutenant, 1st. Mulligan, James, Lieutenant, 1st. McCullam, John, Lieutenant, 1st. McDowell, John, Surgeon, 1st. Montgomery, Samuel, Captain. 3d. McCully, George, Captain, 3d. Me Michael, James, Lieutenant, 3d. McKinney, John, Lieutenant, 3d. McKnight, David, Lieutenant, 3d. Moylan, Stephen, Colonel, 4th Dra goons. McCalla, Thomas, Surgeon, 4th Dra goons. McConnell, Robert, Captain-Lieuten ant, 4th Artillery. Morrison, James, Ensign, 8th. McCoskey, Alexander, Surgeon, Ar tificers. Manning, Lawrence, Lieutenant, Lee s Legion. Miller, John, Captain, 5th. Mclntire, Thomas, Captain, 5th. Marshall, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Morrison, Samuel, Lieutenant, llth. Mentges, Francis, Lieutenant-Colonel, 5th. Moore, L. Thomas, Major, 3d. McClellan, John, Captain, 1st. Marshall, John., Captain, 3d. McDowell, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Mahon, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Muvren, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Martin, Robert, Lieutenant, 2d. Magaw, William, Surgeon, . Murray, Francis, Major, 13th. Morris, Abel, Lieutenant, 3d. Moore, Samuel, Captain, 3d. Miller, Nicholas, Captain, 12th. Mouser, Jacob, Captain, 6th. McCowen, John, Captain, 6th. Morgan, Enoch, Paymaster, 6th. Morgan, Mordecai, Lieutenant, 9th, McBride, Robert, Lieutenant, 9th. Mackay, James, Lieutenant, llth. McHenry, Charles, Captain, 5th. McClintock, Alexander, Lieutenant, 5th. McGee, William, Ensign, 5th. Morris, Benjamin, Ensign, 5th. Martin, Peter, Lieutenant, llth. McKissack, William, Captain, 1st. Morgan, John, Captain, 5th. Mettinger, Jacob, Lieutenant, Von- heers. Nichola, Lewis, Colonel, Invalid. Nice, John, Captain, 2d. North, Caleb, Lieutenant-Colonel, 2d. North, George, Lieutenant, 5th. Neely, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 8th. Nagle, George, Colonel, 10th. Prye, Thomas, Captain, Hazeii s. Peaseley, Zacheus, Lieutenant, Ha- zen s. Pugh, Jonathan, Lieutenant, Inva lid. Paulient, Antoine, Captain, Hazen s. Parr, James, Major, 7th. Patterson, John, Captain, 2d. Pierson, John, Captain, 2d. Patton, Robert, Captain, 3d. Proctor, Francis, Major, 4th Artillery. Power, William, Captain,4th Artillery. Pennsylvania. Parker, Alexander, Captain, 2d. Piercey, Henry, Lieutenant, 2d. Pursell, D. Henry, Lieutenant, 2d. Pettigrew, James, Lieutenant, 3d. Pratt, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Peebles, Robert, Lieutenant, 3d. Paterson, Gabriel, Lieutenant, 3d. Pike, Zebulon, Captain, 4th Dragoons. Porter, Andrew, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 4th Artillery. Parker, Robert, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Patton, Robert, Captain, 10th. Peres, Peter, Surgeon, German Regi ment. Patterson, Alexander, Captain, 12th. Potts, Joseph, Captain, 12th. Priestly, John, Captain, 5th. Phile, Charles, Captain, 5th. Quiiin, Samuel, Lieutenant, 12th. Rose, John, Lieutenant arid Aide-de- Camp. 3d. Reed, R. James, Major. Hazerfs. Riely, John, Captain, Invalid. Rogers, B. R. John, Surgeon, . Reeves, Enos, Lieutenant, 1st. Reed, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Robinson, Thomas, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 2d. Robbins, John, Lieutenant, 4th Artil lery. Reed Archibald, Lieutenant, 8th. Rice, William, Captain, German Regi ment. Robinson, Andrew, Lieutenant, llth. Robb, John, Captain, 13th. Ramsay, Alexander, Lieutenant, 4th. Rudolph, John, Lieutenant, 5th. Richardson, John, Captain, 5th. Stewart, William, Lieutenant, Hazen s Sproat, William, Captain and Aide- de-Camp, . Stewart, Christopher, Lieutenant- Colonel, 5th. Simpson, Michael, Captain, 1st. Sample, Robert, Captain, 10th. Stoy, John, Captain-Lieutenant, 2d. Stewart, Walter, Colonel, 2d. Steel, John, Captain, 1st. Stephenson, Stephen, Captain, 2d. Smith, Samuel, Captain, 5th. Stotsbury, John, Captain, 6th. Smith, Peter, Lieutenant, 5th. 471 Pennsylvania. Stewart, Alexander, Surgeon, 3d. Seely, Isaac, Captain, 2d. S tucker, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Spear, Edward, Lieutenant, 2d. Stake, Jacob, Captain, 3d. Smith, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, 3d. St. Clair, Daniel, Lieutenant, 3d. Sullivan, John, Lieutenant, 4th Dra goons. Simonds, Jonas, Captain, 4th Artil lery. Smith, James, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Strieker, John, Captain-Lieutenant, 4th Artillery. Shrauder, Philip, Captain-Lieutenant, German Regiment. St. Clair, Arthur, Major-General. Smith, Hooker W., Surgeon s-Mate, General Hospital. Saple, A. John, Surgeon s-Mate, Gen eral Hospital, Stevenson, George, SurgeonVMate, General Hospital. Scott, Matthew, Captain, 13th. Staddle, Christian, Captain, 2d. Skolfield, William, Lieutenant, 5th. Savage, John, Captain, Gth. Snyder, Philip, Ensign, Gth. Shraik, David, Captain, 10th. Stow, Lazarus, Lieutenant, llth. Smith, Samuel, Lieutenant, 8th. Stayner, Roger, Captain, 2d. Standley, William, Lieutenant, 5th. Tilghmaii, Tench, Lieutenant-Colo nel and Aide-de-Camp. Talbot, Jeremiah, Major, 6th. Tudor, George, Major, 4th. Talbert, Samuel, Captain, 2d. Tilden, B. John, Lieutenant, 2d. Thornbury, Francis, Lieutenant, 3d. Thompson, Joseph, Surgeon s-Mate, 4th Dragoons. Turnbull, Charles, Captain, 4th Ar tillery. Thompson, William, Lieutenant, 9th. Taylor, Christopher, Surgeori s-Mate, Invalid. Tolbert, Jacob, Lieutenant, 10th. Van Home, Isaac, Captain, 6th. Vernon, Job, Captain, 5th. Van Lear, William, Captain, 5th. Vernon, Frederick, Major, 2d. P ennsylvania. 472 Maryland. Vancourt, John, Lieutenant, 4th Ar tillery. Van Pelt, John, Lieutenant, 13th. Vonheer, Bartholomew, Captain, Von- heer s. Walbran, Major, Lieutenant, 3d. Woodside, W. John, Lieutenant, 3d. Wilson, Goodwin, Surgeon, General Hospital. Woelper, D. John, Captain, Invalid. Wayne, Anthony, Brigadier-General. Wilson, James, Captain, 1st. Wigton, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Weaver, Jacob, Captain, 10th. Wilson, Win, Captain, 1st. Weitzel, Jacob, Lieutenant, 1st. White, Francis, Lieutenant, 1st. Wilkin, Robert, Captain, 2d. Ward, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Walker, Andrew, Captain, 3d. Wilkins, John, Surgeon s-Mate, 3d. Webster, B. John, Captain-Lieuten ant, 4th Artillery. Weidman, John, 1st Lieutenant, Ger man Regiment. Weidman, John, 2d Lieutenant, Ger man Regiment. Woodruff, Aaron, Surgeon s-Mate, 12th. Williams, Joshua, Captain, 4th. Waugh, James, Captain, Gth. Young, Marcus, Lieutenant, German Regiment. Zeigler, David, Captain, 1st. DELAWARE. Anderson, Thomas, Lieutenant. Bennett, Free Caleb, Lieutenant. Campbell, James, Lieutenant. Cox, Powell Daniel, Captain. Driskill, Joseph, Lieutenant, Crane s Artillery. Duff, Henry, Captain. Gilder, Reuben, Surgeon. Hosman, Joseph, Lieutenant. Hall, David, Colonel. Hyatt, Vance John, Lieutenant. Haslett, John, Colonel. Holland, Thomas, Captain. Jacquett, Peter, Captain. Kirkwood, Robert, Captain. Kidd, Charles, Lieutenant. Leavenworth, John, Captain. Latimer, Henry, Surgeon. McLean, Allen, Captain, Lee s. McKeiman, William, Captain. Moore, James, Captain. McWilliams, Stephen, Lieutenant. Mitchel, Nathaniel, Major, Gist s. Popham, William, Captain, Hazen s. Patten, John, Major. Platt, John, Lieutenant. Purvis, George, Captain. Roche, Edward, Lieutenant. Shillington, Elijah, Lieutenant. Tilton, James, Hospital Surgeon. Vaughan, Joseph, Lieutenant-Colo nel. Vaughan, John, Lieutenant. Wilson, John, Captain. MARYLAND. Adams, William, Lieutenant, Mary land Infantry. Adams, Peter, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Infantry. Anderson, Richard, Captain, Infan try. Brice, Jacob, Captain, Infantry. Baker, Henry, Lieutenant, Infantry. Benham, Malakiah, Lieutenant, In fantry. Brevitt, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Belt, Sprigg John, Captain, Infan try. Burgess, Joshua, Lieutenant, Infan try. Burgess, Bazil, Lieutenant, Infantry. Britton, Joseph, Lieutenant, Infan try. Boyer, Michael, Captain, Infantry. Batzell, Charles, Captain, Infantry. Bruce, William, Captain, Infantry. Baldwin, Henry, Lieutenant, . Infan try. Brookes, Benjamin, Major, Infantry. Beatty, Thomas, Lieutenant, Infan try. Brown, William, Major, Artillery. Baynes James, Lieutenant, Artillery. Beall, Lloyd, Captain, Infantry. Beall, B. Samuel, Lieutenant, Infan try. Bealenent, William, Major, Infantry. Maryland. Boyd, Thomas, Lieutenant, Infantry. Bruff, James, Captain, Infantry. Benson, Perry, Captain, Infantry. Carlisle, John, Captain, Hazen s. Crawford, Jacob, Lieutenant, Infan try. Clements, Henry, Lieutenant, Infan try. Cross, Joseph, Lieutenant, Infantry. Compton, Edmund, Lieutenant, In fantry. Chapman, H. Henry, Lieutenant, Infantry. Cavy, D. John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Chever, John, Lieutenant, Artillery. Dorsey, Richard, Captain, Artillery. Davidson, John, Major, Artillery. Dyer, Walter, Lieutenant, Infantry. Dyson, A. Thomas, Lieutenant, In fantry. Denwood, Levin, Surgeon, Infantry. Davis, Rezin, Captain, Infantry. Dyer, Edward, Captain, Infantry. Denny, Robert, Lieutenant, . Edmiston, Samuel, Surgeon, Hospital. Edmiston, Samuel, Lieutenant, In fantry. Ewing, James, Captain, Infantry. Eccleston, John, Major, Infantry. Evans, Elijah, Captain, Infantry. Finley, Ebenezer, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Fickle, Benjamin, Lieutenant, In fantry. Foard, Hezekiah, Lieutenant, Infan try. Forrest, Uriah, Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry. Giles, Aquila, Major and Aide-de- Camp, Infantry. Gassaway, Henry, Lieutenant, Infan try- Goldsborough, William, Lieutenant, Infantry. Oassaway, John, Captain, Infantry. Gunby, John, Colonel, Infantry. Gaither, Henry, Captain, Infantry. Gale, John, Captain, Infantry. Gray, Woolford James, Captain, In fantry. Gist, John, Captain, Infantry. Grameth, Jacob, Lieutenant, In fantry. 473 Maryland. Gassaway, Nicholas, Lieutenant, In fantry. Gist, Mordecai, Brigadier-General. Gibson, Jonathan, Captain, Infantry. Hamilton, George, Captain, Infantry. Hanson, Samuel, Lieutenant, Iiifan- try- Hamilton, A. John, Captain, Infantry. Hill, Philip, Lieutenant, . Harris. Arthur, Lieutenant, Infantry. Howard. E. John, Colonel, Infantry. Halkerston, Robert, Lieutenant, In fantry. Hamilton, Edw r ard, Lieutenant, In fantry. Hanson, William, Lieutenant, Infan try. Hartshorn, John, Lieutenant, Infan try. Hanie, Ezeziel, Surgeon, . Hoops, Adam, Captain, . Hugoei, Thomas, Captain, Infantry. Hawkins, Henry, Lieutenant, Infan try. Hall, Carvel Josias, Colonel, Infantry. Hamilton, John Lieutenant, Infan try. Hardman, Henry, Major, Infantry. Handy, George, Captain, Lee s Legion. Hanson, Isaac, Lieutenant, Infantry. Hardman, John, Captain, Infantry. Jones, C. John, Captain, Infantry. Jamiesoii, Adam, Lieutenant, Infan try. Jennison, Daniel, Hospital Surgeon. Kilty, WilMam, Surgeon. Keene, Y. Samuel, Mate. Lansdale, Thomas, Major, Infantry. Luckett, H. Thomas, Major, Infan try. Laman, William, Captain, Infantry. Luckett, David, Lieutenant, Infan try. Lingam, M. James, Captain, Infan try. Lynn, David, Captain, Infantry. Lynch, John, Major, Infantry. Lowe, T. John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Lynn, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. McPherson, Samuel, Captain, Infan try. Myers, Christian, Captain, Infantry. Maryland. McPherson, Mark, Lieutenant, In fantry. Myers, Lawrence, Lieutenant, Infan try. Mason, Thomas, Captain, Infantry. Morris, Jonathan, Captain, Infantry. Mitchell, John, Captain, Infantry. McPhadon, James, Lieutenant, Ar tillery. Morgan, David, Lieutenant, Infan try. Muse, Walker, Captain, Infantry. McCoy, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Marberry, Joseph, Captain, Infantry. McHenry, James, Major, . Norris, Jacob, Lieutenant, Infantry. Oldham, Edward, Captain, Infantry. Pendergast, William, Lieutenant, In fantry. Price, Thomas, Jr., Lieutenant, In fantry. Price, Benjamin, Captain, Infantry. Pindell, Richard, Surgeon, . Prall, Edward, Captain, Infantry. Revely, Francis, Captain, Infantry. Roxburg, Alexander, Major, Infantry. Rutledge, Joshua, Lieutenant, Infan try. Razin, William, Lieutenant, Infantry. Reiley, William, Captain, Infantry. Raybold, Jacob, Lieutenant, Infantry. Ramsay, Nathiel, Colonel, Infantry. Reed, Philip, Captain, Infantry. Ricketts, Nicholas, Lieutenant, Infan try. Rawlings, Isaac, Lieutenant, Infan try. Rowse, Thomas, Lieutenant, Infan- try. Richmond, Christopher, Captain, In fantry. Rudolph, Michael, Captain, Lee s Le gion. Smith, M. Edward, Lieutenant, In fantry. Smith, Joseph, Captain, Infantry. Smith, Alexander, Mate, Infantry. Spurrier, Edward, Captain, Infantry. Sears, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Sillman, Jonathan, Jr., Major, Infan try. Smith, John, Captain, Infantry Somerville, James, Captain, Infantry 474 Virginia, Smoot, William, Lieutenant, Infantry. Smith, John, Captain, Infantry. Smith, James, Captain, Artillery. Sherrett, Clement, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Stoddard, T. William, Lieutenant, Infantry. Shugart, Martin, Lieutenant, Infan try. Small wood, William, Major-General. Trueman, Alexander, Captain, In fantry. Tannehill, Adamson, Captain, Infan try- Tillard, Edward, Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry. Towson, William, Lieutenant, Infan try. Tillotson, Thomas, Physician and Surgeon, General Hospital. Trueman, John, Lieutenant, Infan- try. Williams, H. Otho, Brigadier-Gen eral. Watkins, Gassaway, Captain, Infan try. Ware, Francis, Lieutenant, Infantry. Wright, Nathan, Lieutenant, Infantry. Winch ester, James, Captain, Infantry. Weltrier, Ludwick, Colonel, German Regiment. Waring, Bazil, Lieutenant, Infantry. Williams, Lyburn, Captain, Infantry. Waters, Richard, Captain, Infantry. Woolford, Thomas, Colonel, Infantry. Warfield, Walter, Surgeon, Infantry. Winchester, George, Lieutenant . Wilkinson, Young, Lieutenant, In fantry. Wilniot, Robert, Lieutenant, . Winder, Levin, Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry. VIRGINIA. Ashby, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 3d.. Allen, David, Lieutenant, 7th. Anderson, John, Captkin, 3d. Archer, F. Peter, Lieutenant, 2d. Archer, Richard, Ensign, 3d. Anderson, C. Richard, Lieutenant- Colonel, 3d. Ball, Daniel, Lieutenant, 8tb. Virginia. 475 Virginia. Ball, Thomas, Captain, Infantry. Barrett, William, Captain, 3d Dra goons. Baskerville, Lieutenant, 6th. Biggs, Benjamin, Captain, 7th. Bruin, Peter, Major, . Brackenridge, Robert, Lieutenant arid Adjutant, Posey s. Bedinger, Daniel, Ensign, Posey s. Barbee, Thomas, Captain, 6th. Bowne, Thomas, Captain, 6th. Burwell, Nathan, Captain, Artillery. Bradford, K. Samuel, Captain-Lieu tenant, Artillery. Bell, Henry, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Bowyer, Henry, Lieutenant, 1st Dra goons. Belfield, John, Major, 1st Dragoons. Butler, Lawrence, Captain, 4th. Booker, Samuel, Captain, 4th. Ball, Burgess, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, 4th. Beale, Robert, Captain, 4th. Blackwell, John, Captain, 4th. Blackwell, Joseph, Captain, 6th. Baylis, Henry, Ensign, Infantry. Bradford, Charles, Lieutenant, In fantry. Bentley, William, Captain, Infantry. Beck, John, Lieutenant, 7th. Brook, Francis T., Lieutenant, Artil lery Brooke, John T., Lieutenant, Artil lery. Booker, Lewis, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Bedinger, Henry, Captain, 3d. Buford, Abraham, Colonel, 3d. Bohanner, Ambrose, Captain-Lieu tenant, Artillery. Baldwin, Cornelius, Surgeon, . Bowyer, Thomas, Captain, 8th. Buckner, Thomas, Captain, 8th. Boweii, John, Lieutenant, 8th. Brown, R. Jacob, Lieutenant, 5th. Bowyer, Michael, Captain, . Baylor, George, Colonel 3d Dragoons. Brackenridge, Alexander, Captain, Craike, James, Physician-General, General Hospital. Croghan, William, Major, 4th. Carnes, Patrick, Captain, Lee s Le gion. Cruite, John, Lieutenant, 4th. Campbell, Archibald, Lieutenant, 4th. Coleman, Jacob, Lieutenant, 7th. Conway, Joseph, Lieutenant, Posey s. Cannon, Luke, Lieutenant, Posey s. Craddock, Robert, Lieutenant, Posey s. Curry, James, Captain, 4th. Coleman, Whitehead, Captain, Artil lery. Chrystie, Thomas, Surgeon, 1st. Crittenden, John, Captain-Lieuten ant, 1st. Clay, Matthew, Lieutenant, 5th. Cowherd, Francis, Captain, 2d. Clayton, Philip, Lieutenant, 7th. Carter, Champe John, Captain, Ar tillery. Crawford, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Coverly, Thomas, Lieutenant, 5th. Carringtcn, Clement, Ensign, Lee s Legion. Carrington, Mayo, Captain, 6th. Clark, Edmund, Lieutenant, 6th. Clark, Jonathan, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 8th. Cocke, Colon, Captain, 2d. Carrington, Edward, Lieutenant-Col onel, Artillery. Cabell, J. Samuel, Lieutenant-Colo- onel, 7th. Clement, Mace, Surgeon, . Call, Richard, Major, 3d Dragoons. Crockett, Joseph, Major, . Delaplaine, James, Lieutenant, 2d. Dade, Francis, Lieutenant, 3d. Dawson, Henry, Lieutenant, 7th. Davis, Joseph, Surgeon, Infantry. Darby, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, Posey s. Dandrige, John, Captain, Artillery. Drew, John, Lieutenant, Artillery. Dix, Thomas, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Darke, William, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, . Davies, William, Colonel, 1st. Eskridge, William, Lieutenant, 2d. Eggleston, Joseph, Major, Lee s Le gion. Epps, William, Captain-Lieutenant, Lee s Legion. Virginia. Eastin, Philip, Lieutenant, 4th. Edmund, Thomas, Captain, 3d. Evans, William, Lieutenant, 6th. Eddins, Samuel, Captain, Artillery. Eustace, Ensign, 3d. Edwards, Le Roy, Captain, 3d. Erskine, Charles, Lieutenant, 1st Dragoons. Fitzgerald, John, Captain, 4th. Field, Reuben, Captain, 4th. Finley, Samuel, Major, Posey s. Foster, H. John, Ensign, Posey s. Fitzhugh, William, Cornet, 3d Dra goons. Febiger, Christian, Colonel, 2d. Fox, Thomas, Captain, 6th. Fenn, Thomas, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Fitzhugh, Peregrine, Captain, 3d Dragoons. Gill, Erasmus, Captain, 4th Dra goons. Gates, Horatio, Major-General. Gibson, John, Ensign, 7th. Gibson, John, Colonel, 7th. Gamble, Robert, Captain, 8th. Glasscock, Thomas, Lieutenant, 1st Dragoons. Gaines, Fleming William, Captain- Lieutenant, Artillery. Gist, Nathaniel, Colonel, Artillery. Gray, William, Lieutenant, 1st Dra goons. Green, John, Colonel, 6th. Green, Robert, Lieutenant, 6th. Green, Gabriel, Lieutenant, 6th. Gaskin, Thomas, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 3d. Gray, Francis, Lieutenant, 6th. Gilchrist, George, Major, 6th. Gillison, John, Captain, 6th. Gordon, Ambrose, Lieutenant, 3d Dragoons. Garnett, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 3d Dragoons. Gunn, James, Captain, 1st Dragoons. Garland, Peter, Captain, 6th. Harrison, Lawrence, Lieutenant, 7th. Hughes, Jasper,Cornet, 1st Dragoons. Hughes, Henry, Ensign, . Harrison, John, Lieutenant, 7th. Holmes, David, Surgeon, 2d. Higgins, Peter, Lieutenant, . 476 Virginia. Holt, Thomas, Captain, 1st. Hite, George, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Hackley, John, Lieutenant, 6th. Heth, Henry, Captain, . Hopkins, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 1st. Hite, Isaac, Lieutenant, 8th. Holmer, Christian, Major, Artillery. Hill, Thomas, Major, Artillery. Hughes, John. Captain, 1st Dragoons. Holt, James, Lieutenant, 4th. Harrison, B. William, Ensign, Lee s Legion. Heth, William, Colonel, . Hays, John, Major, . Hamilton, James, Lieutenant, 6th. Hite, Abraham, Captain, 8th. Hogg, Samuel, Captain, 1st. Hord, Thomas, Captain, 6th. Harris, Jordan, Ensign, Infantry. Hopkins, David, Major, 1st Dragoons. Harris, John, Lieutenant, 1st Dra goons. Heth, John, Lieutenant, 2d. Hawes, Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel, 6th. Harrison, Charles, Colonel, Artillery. Johnston, B. John, Captain, 1st. Jones, Churchill, Captain, 3d Dra goons. Jones, Albridgton, Lieutenant, 4th. Jones, Charles, Lieutenant, 6th. Johnston, Peter, Lieutenant, Lee s Legion. Joynes, Levin, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, . Jordan, John, Captain, 2d. Johnston, William, Captain, 2d. Jameson, John, Lieutenant-Colonel, King, Elisha, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Kendall, Custes, Captain, 5th. Kirkpatrick, Abraham, Captain, 4th. Kiltey. John, Captain, 3d Dragoons. Kirk, Robert, Lieutenant, 1st. Kays, Robert, Lieutenant, 4th. Lapsley, Samuel, Captain, Infantry. Lewis, William, Major, 3d. Lovell, James, Cornet, Dragoons. Langham, Elias, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Virginia. 477 Virginia. Lovly, L. William, Captain, 4th. Ludeman, W. John, Lieutenant, 6th. Linton, John, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Long, Reuben, Lieutenant, 3d. Lind, Arthur, Captain-Lieutenant, Infantry. La \vson, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 2d. Lee, Henry, Lieutenant-Colonel Com mandant, Lee s Legion. Muhlenberg, Peter, Brigadier-Gen eral. Marks, Isaiah, Captain, 2d. Morgan, Simon, Captain, 7th. Muir, Francis, Captain, Infantry. Mallory, Philip, Captain, 4th. Miller, Thomas, Lieutenant, 2d. Meriwether, James, Lieutenant, 1st Artillery. Meriwether, David, Lieutenant, 1st. Mills, John, Lieutenant, 7th. Mosely, Benjamin, Lieutenant, 5th. Mosely, William, Major, 5th. Morrow, Robert, Captain, 3d Dra goons. Morton, Hezekiah, Captain, 8th. Munroe, George, Surgeon, . Matthews, George, Colonel, 3d. * Moss, Henry, Captain, 7th. Mabon, James, Captain, 7th. Miller, Javan, Lieutenant, 7th. Morgan, Daniel, Brigadier-General. Meredith, William, Captain, Artil lery. Mosely, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Miller, William, Captain-Lieutenant, Miller, David, Lieutenant, 2d. Middleton, Bazil, Surgeon, . McGuire, William, Lieutenant, Ar tillery. Minnis, Holman, Captain, 7th. Minnis, Callowhill, Captain, 7th. Martin, Thomas, Lieutenant, 5th. Massey, John, Cornet, 1st Dragoons. Minnis, Francis, Captain, Infantry. Morris, G. Nathaniel, Captain, . Mercer, Hugh, Brigadier-General. Nevill, John, Colonel, 4th. Nevill, Presley, Captain, 8th. Nixon, Andrew, Captain, 1st Dra goons. Norvell, Lipscomb, Lieutenant, Po sey s. Nelson, John, Captain, 6th. Nelson, Roger, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Overton, Thomas, Captain, 4th. Pearson, Thomas, Lieutenant, 6th. Pearce, William, Captain and Aide- de-Camp, Artillery. Pendleton, Nathaniel, Captain, 3d. Payne, Josias, Ensign, Infantry. Payne, Tarleton, Captain, 7th. Porterfield, Robert, Captain, 2a. Payne, Thomas, Captain, 5th. Parker, Alexander, Captain, Posey s. Posey, Thomas, Lieutenant-Colonel, Posey s. Parker, Thomas, Captain, Posey s. Pemberton, Thomas, Captain, 1st Dragoons. Powell, Peyton, Lieutenant, 3d. Perkins, Archelaus, Lieutenant, 5th. Poulson, John, Major, 8th. Pelham, Charles, Major, 7th. Power, Robert, Cornet, Lee s Legion. Parsons, William, Captain, 3d Dra goons. Perry, John, Cornet, 3d Dragoons. Porter, William, Lieutenant, 8th. Quarles, Robert, Ensign, Posey s. Quarles, P. William, Lieutenant, 1st. Quarles, John, Lieutenant, . Rose, Robert, Surgeon, 1st Dragoons. Roy, Beverly, Captain, Posey s. Roney, John, Lieutenant, 3d. Ransdall, Thomas, Captain, 3d. Russell, Albert, Lieutenant, 8th. Ragsdale, Drury, Captain, Artillery. Russell, William, Colonel, 5th. Rudder, Epaphroditus, Lieutenant,. 1st Dragoons. Rhea, Matthew, Lieutenant, 7th. Rankins, Robert, Lieutenant, 7th. Reid, Nathan, Captain, 1st. Ridley, Thomas, Major, 1st. Robertson, William, Lieutenant, 5th. Robertson, John, Lieutenant, 6th. Rose, Alexander, Captain, . Stockley, Charles, Lieutenant, 5th. Sansom, Philip, Captain, 1st. Springer, Uriah, Captain, 7th. Springer, Jacob, Lieutenant, 7th. Savage, Joseph, Mate, . Virginia. Selden, Samuel, Lieutenant, 1st. Scott, Charles, Cornet, 1st Dragoons. Smith, S. Williams, Cornet, 6th. Smith, Francis, Cornet, 6th. Settle, Strother, Ensign, Infantry. Smith, Nathan, Mate, Posey s. Scott, Joseph, Captain, Posey s. Shelton, Clough, Captain, Posey s. Smith, Ballard, Lieutenant, Posey s. Scott, John, Ensign, Posey s. Stuart, Philip, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Stevenson, David, Major, 6th. Sawyers, Robert, Captain, . Stevens, William, Lieutenant, 3d. Steel, John, Lieutenant, 1st. Stith, John, Captain, 2d. Singleton, Anthony, Captain, Artil lery. Southall, Stephen, Lieutenant, Ar tillery. Swearingen, Joseph, Captain, 8th. Snead, Smith, Major, 2d. Scarborough, John, Lieutenant, 5th. Stribling, Sigismund, Captain, 8th. Seayres, Thomas, Ensign, 5th. Skinner, Alexander, Surgeon, Lee s Legion. Smith, Jonathan, Lieutenant, 5th. Scott, Charles, Brigadier-General. Smith, James, Lieutenant, . Stubblefield, Beverly, Captain, 2d. Swan, John, Major, 1st Dragoons. Stokes, John, Captain, 2d. Tannehill, Josiah, Lieutenant, 7th. Trabue, John, Ensign, Infantry. Taylor, Richard, Lieutenant-Colonel, Terry, Nathaniel, Captain, 1st. Throckmorton, Albion, Cornet, 1st Dragoons. Talliaferro, Nicholas, Lieutenant, 6th. Tatum, Zachariah, Ensign, . Taliaferro, Benjamin, Captain, 2d. Trezvant, John, Surgeon, 2d. Towles, Oliver, Lieutenant-Colonel. Thomas, Lewis, Captain, 7th. Temple, Benjamin, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 4th Dragoons. Trant, Lawrence, Captain, 4th Dra goons. 478 Virginia. Vaughan, Claibourne, Mate, 1st Dra goons. Vandewall, Marks. Lieutenant, 1st Dragoons. Wallace, James, Surgeon, 3d Dra goons. White, Walton Anthony, Colonel, 1st Dragoons. Weedon, George, Brigadier-General. Wallace, B. Gustavus, Lieutenant- Colonel, 2d. Winston, William, Lieutenant, Lee s Legion. Winlock, Joseph, Lieutenant, 7th. Willson, Willis, Lieutenant, 4th. Whiting, Francis, Lieutenant, 1st Dragoons. Woodson, Robert, Captain, 5th. Williams, James, Captain, 6th. Wallace, B.Williams, Lieutenant, Ar tillery. Washington, William, Lieutenant- Colonel, 3d Dragoons. White, William, Captain, 8th. Willis, John, Major, 5th. Williams, David, Lieutenant, 3d. Whitaker, William, Lieutenant, Ar tillery. Wright, James, Captain, 3d. Walker, David, Lieutenant, 1st. Waggener, Andrew, Major, 1st. Warman, Thomas, Captain, 3d. Walters, Richard, Captain-Lieuten ant, Artillery. Washington, A. George, Lieutenant, 2d. Watts, John, Captain, 1st Dragoons. Warsham, Richard, Lieutenant, 1st. Wood, James, Colonel, 8th. White, John, Lieutenant, 8th. Wallace, James, Lieutenant, 3d Dra goons. Yancey, Robert, Captain, 1st Dra goons. Yancey, Leighton, Lieutenant, 1st Dragoons. Young, Henry, Captain, 5th. Yarborough, Charles, Lieutenant, 3d Dragoons. Yates, George, Mate . North Carolina. NORTH CAROLINA. Armstrong, John, Lieutenant-Colo nel, 1st. Armstrong, William, Captain, 1st. Ashe, Samuel, Lieutenant, Armstrong, James, Colonel, 1st. Armstrong, Thomas, Captain and Aide-de-Camp, 1st. Ballard, Kedar, Captain, 1st. Bradley, Gee, Captain, 1st. Brevard, Alexander, Captain, 1st. Bailey, Benjamin, Captain, 1st. Budd, Samuel, Captain, 1st. Blount, Reading, Captain, 1st. Blyth, Joseph, Surgeon, 1st. Bacot, Peter, Captain, 1st. Bush, William, Lieutenant, 1st. Brevard, Joseph, Lieutenant, 1st. Bell, Robert, Lieutenant, 1st. Clarke, Thomas, Colonel, - Craddock, John, Captain, - Callender, Thomas, Captain, - Crancher, Anthony, Lieutenant, . Clandennen, John, Lieutenant, Coleman, Benjamin, Captain, Carter, Benjamin, Captain, . Campen, James, Lieutenant, . Clark, Thomas, Lieutenant, . Campbell, John, Lieutenant, Child, Francis, Captain, . Donohoe, Thomas, Major, . Doherty, George, Major, Davis, John, Captain, . Dixon, Tilghmaii, Captain, - Dudley, Thomas, Lieutenant, Dixon, Charles, Lieutenant, . Dixon, Wayne, Lieutenant, . Davidson, William, Lieuteriant-Colo- iiel, . Evans, Thomas, Captain, 1st. Fenner, Robert, Captain, . Fawn, William, Captain, . Fenner, Richard, Lieutenant, . Finney, Thomas, Lieutenant, Ford, John, Lieutenant, . Fergus, James, Surgeon, Graves, Francis, Lieutenant, 1st. Gerrard, Charles, Lieutenant, 1st. Green, AV. James, Surgeon, Harney, Selby, Colonel, 1st. Hogg, Thomas, Major, . 479 North Carolina. Hargrave, William, Lieutenant, . Hall, Clement, Captain, . Hadley, Joshua, Captain, . Hays, Robert, Lieutenant, . Holmes, Hardy, Lieutenant, . Hill, John, Lieutenant, . Howe, Robert, Major-General. Hailing, So.omon, Surgeon, . Ingles, John, Captain, . Jones, Samuel, Captain, . Ivry, Curtis, Lieutenant, . Jones, Philip, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Kingsbury, John, Captain, Artillery. Lawrence, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, . Lyttle, Archibald, Lieutenant-Colo nel Commandant, 1st. Lyttle, William, Captain, 1st. Lamb, Abner, Lieutenant, 1st. Lewis, Micajah, Captain, 1st. Lamb, Gideon, Colonel, 1st. Murfree, Hardy, Lieutenant-Colonel, 1st, Mumfort, Joseph, Captain, 1st. McNees, John, Captain, 1st. Mills, James, Captain, 1st. Moore, Elijah, Captain, 1st. Marshall, Dixon, Lieutenant, 1st. McRee, J. Griffith, Major, 1st. Moor, James, Lieutenant, 1st. McClure, William, Surgeon, 1st. McLain, William, Mate, 1st, Nelson, John, Major, 1st. Nash, Francis, Brigadier-General. Patten, John, Colonel, . Pearl, James, Captain, . Pasteurs, Thomas, Lieutenant, . Reed, Jesse, Captain, . Raiford, Robert, Captain, . Rhodes, Thomas Joseph, Captain. . Read, James, Captain, . Stewart, Charles, Captain, . Summers, John, Captain, . Shaw, Daniel, Lieutenant, . Slade, Stephen, Lieutenant, Saunders, William, Lieutenant, . Scurlock, James, Lieutenant, . Sharpe, Anthony, Captain, 1st. Steed, Jesse, Lieutenant, . Sumner, Jethro, Brigadier-General. Tatem, James, Lieutenant, . Thackston, James, Lieutenant-Colo nel Commandant, . North Carolina. 480 South Carolina. Vance, John, Lieutenant, Artillery. Walton, William, Captain, . Williams, Nathaniel, Lieutenant . SOUTH CAROLINA. Axon, J. Samuel, Mate, Hospital. Brownson, Nathan, DeputyPurveyor. Bradwell, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, In fantry. Brown, Charles, Lieutenant, Infan try- Beekman, Samuel, Lieutenant, In fantry; Beekman, Bernard, Colonel. Artillery. Baker, B. Richard, Captain, Infantry. Buchanan, John, Captain, Infantry. Baker, Jesse, Captain, . Budd, S. John, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. De St. Marie, La Vacher, Captain, Infantry. Doyley, Daniel, Lieutenant, Infantry. Davis, Harman, Captain, Artillery. Dunbar, Thomas, Lieutenant, Irifan_ try. Evans, George, Lieutenant, Infantry. Elliott, Bernard, Captain, Artillery. Flagg, Collins Henry,Deputy Apothe cary, 1st. Ford, Tobias, Ensign, Infantry. Frierson, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Field, James, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Favrer, Field, Captain, Infantry. Faysoux, Peter, Physician and Sur geon, General Hospital. Goodwin, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Goodwin, Uriah, Captain, Infantry. Griinke, F. John, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Artillery. Gadsden, Thomas, Captain, Infantry. Gray, Peter, Captain, Infantry. Grayson, John, Lieutenant, Artillery. Huger, Isaac, Brigadier-General. Hyrne, Edmond, Major, Infantry. Hamilton, John, Lieutenant and Ad jutant, Infantry. Huggins, Benjamin, Ensign, Infan try. Henderson, William, Lieutenant-Colo nel, Infantry. Hazzard, William, Lieutenant, Infan* try. Harleston, Isaac, Major, Infantry. Hixt, William, Captain, Infantry. Hart, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Hart, Oliver, Mate, Infantry. Jackson, William, Captain, Infantry. Kennedy, James, Lieutenant. Infaii- try. Kolb, Josiah, Lieutenant, Infantry. Knapp, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Listen, Thomas, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Langford, Daniel, Lieutenant, Infan try. Legare, James, Lieutenant, Infantry. Lloyd, Benjamin, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Lining, Charles, Captain, Infantry. Liddle, George, Captain, Infantry. Lochman, Charles, Mate, . Lloyd, Edward, Lieutenant, Artillery. Moultrie, William, Major-General. Marion, Francis, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Infantry. Martin, John, Captain, Infantry. McGuire, Merry, Lieutenant, Infantry. Mayzick, Stephen, Lieutenant, In fantry. Mayzick, Daniel, Captain, Infantry. Mitchel, James, Captain, Artillery. Mitchel, Ephraim, Major, Artillery. Mason, Richard, Captain, Infantry. Moore, Henry, Lieutenant, Artillery. Martin, James, Surgeon, Infantry. Neufville, William, Surgeon, Infan try. Oliphant, David, Director, General Hospital Ogive, George, Lieutenant, Infantry. Ousley, Thomas, Lieutenant, Artil lery. Purcell, Henry, Chaplain, . Pinckney, C. Charles, Colonel, Infan try. Pinckney, Thomas, Major, Infantry. Preveaux, Adrian, Captain, Infantry. Pollard, Richard, Captain, Infantry. Rothmaler, Erasmus, Ensign, Infan try. Roux, Albert, Captain, Infantry. Russell, C. Thomas, Lieutenant, . South Carolina. 481 Georgia. Roberts, Brook Richard, Captain, Ar tillery. Read, William, Physician and Sur geon, Hospital. Shubrick, Thomas, Captain and Aide- de-CJamp, Infantry. Smith, C. John, Captain, Infantry. Scott, William, Lieutenant-Colonel, Infantry. Smith. Aaron, Lieutenant, Infantry. Sunn, Frederick, Surgeon, Infantry. Springer, Sylvester, Mate, . Theus, Simeon, Captain, Infantry. Turner, George, Captain, Infantry. Tate, William, Captain-Lieutenant, Artillery. Tucker, Tudor Thomas, Physician and Surgeon, Hospital. Vickers, Samuel, Physician and Sur geon, Hospital. Withers, R. William, Ensign, 1st. Warley, Felix, Captain, 1st. Warley, Joseph, Captain, 1st. Ward, P. John, Lieutenant, 1st. Williamson, John, Captain, 1st. Warley, George, Captain, 1st. Wichley, John, Captain, Artillery. Ward, William, Lieutenant, Infantry. GEORGIA. Allison, Henry, Lieutenant, Infantry. Brossard, Celeron, Captain, Infantry. Booker, Gideon, Captain, Infantry. Bard, John, Captain, Infantry. Cuthbert, Alexander, Captain, Infan try. Cowan, Edward, Lieutenant, Infantry. Collins, Cornelius, Lieutenant, Infan try. Cook, Rains, Captain, Infantry. Delaplairie, Peter Emanuel, Captain, Infantry. Ducoiiis, John, Captain, Infantry. Day, Joseph, Captain, Infantry. Davenport, Thomas, Lieutenant, In fantry. Elbert, Samuel, Colonel, Infantry, Frazer, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Lieutenant, In fantry. Houston, James, Surgeon, Infantry. Hillary, Christopher, Lieutenant, In fantry. Hayer, Arthur, Lieutenant, Infantry. Handley, George, Captain, Infantry. Hicks, Issac, Captain, Infantry. Habersham, John, Major, Infantry. Jordan, William, Lieutenant, Infan- fantry. Lucas, John, Captain, Infantry. Lane, Joseph, Major, Infantry. Lowe, Philip, Major, Infantry. Mclntosh, Lachlan, Brigadier-Gen eral, Infantry. Mclntosh, John, Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, Infantry. Meanly, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Mclntosh, Lachlan, Lieutenant, In fantry. Morrison, John, Lieutenant, Infan try. Mclntosh, William, Captain, Infan- try. Mitchel, John, Lieutenant, Infantry. Maxwell, Josiah, Lieutenant, Infan try. Mosby, Robert, Lieutenant, Infantry. Melvin, George, Captain, Infantry. Mosby, Littleberry, Captain, . Milton, John, Captain, Infantry. Moore, Francis, Major, Infantry. Parre, Nathaniel, Lieutenant, Infan try. Payne, Thomas, Lieutenant, Infan try. Scott, William, Captain, Infantry. Shick, Frederick, Lieutenant, Infan try. Sharp, James Boyd, Mate, Infantry. Steadrnan, James, Lieutenant, Infan- try. Tetard, Benjamin, Surgeon, . Tannell, Francis, Lieutenant, Infan- try. Templeton, Andrew, Captain, Infan try. Wagnon, John Peter, Lieutenant, In fantry. UNIVERSITY x LIST OF FRENCH OFFICERS THAT SERVED WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY. I am indebted to the Pennsylvania Historical Society for this list, who kindly permitted me to make certain extracts from the original, which is in French, not arranged as here, as it was deemed best to follow the alpha betical style of the book, and also omitted other irrevelant matter, follow ing, however, as near the original in the personal history of each officer as possible. The original manuscript was obtained for Mr. William B. Reed (who presented the same to the Pennsylvania Historical Society) by the Honorable Richard Rush, while Minister at Paris, and was accompanied by the following note : JUNE, 25th, 1849. SIR : To comply with the wish you expressed in the note, which was delivered to me by Mr. Perkins, I hastened to search, according to the very expressions of that note, for the names of the French officers who served in the Revolutionary War of the United States of America. It was in vain, unfortunately, that I searched for the muster-rolls at the Ministere de la Marine, or at the Depot, and in the Archives de la Guerre, looking through a great number of volumes and boxes. Appreciating, however, the high feeling that inspired the request, I was not willing to be conquered by difficulties, and thought that with time and perseverance it would be possible to supply the absence of the muster-rolls. The papers, which I have the honor to address you, will explain to you how I proceeded to attain that end. Taking the names of some officers well known as having con tributed to the liberty of the United States, I conceived that I could find in their Etats de Services the different actions in which our troops had distinguished themselves, and thus know the time when the notes for the rewards to be conferred on those who had deserved well of the two countries had been prepared in the Ministers 1 offices. This partly succeeded and brought me afterwards to look for the muster-roils of the corps to which belonged the officers who had signalized themselves ; but though I have added many names to my lists from that source, I cannot say that they 484 are complete, for I could not conclude from the muster-rolls themselves that all the officers belonging- to the corps had been present in America. The regiments not having sent very often more than a detachment, and the detachments sometimes having served only on shipboard, I could not designate an officer as having served in the American War, unless the fact had been indicated in some note concerning that time, and so I was obliged to confine myself to inscribing the names of the officers whom I could positively ascertain to have been engaged in the war. I hope, sir, these lists, however incomplete, will not be without interest for the history of the two countries, nor do I regret the three weeks I have given to collecting them, though I may have been fatigued at moments by the dryriess of the task. I beg you, sir, to observe, that if I have not found the whole as you desired, I have succeeded at least in that which was most important, having recovered from oblivion the names of all those whom their good behavior, their talents, and courage had rendered most conspicuous. On the other side, as a mere name is not signifi cant enough and does not sufficiently particularize a family and a man, you will be pleased, no doubt, to find that to each officer s name I have added the date and the place of his birth, and some other details contained in the rolls. This I know was not in the directions given me, but being occupied with historical works myself I thought it would be agreeable to the historian to whom these notes are destined, nor will I neglect to apprise him that in the course of my researches I have found some documents concerning the Independence War, which I have not seen quoted elsewhere. I have the honor to be, sir, yours, most respectfully, PIERRE MARGRT, 11 Rue du Mont Thabor. Mons. RUSH, Minister Plenipotentiare des Etats Unis a Paris. LIST OF FRENCH OFFICERS THAT SERVED WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY Aboville. Aboville, D\ See D Aboville. Adrien, de Buzelet, Sir Charles. Brigade-Chief in the Alexonne Regi ment Royal Artillery Corps ; pension granted. Anne, Claude. See Claude. Anselme, Bernard Joseph D \ Lieu tenant-Colonel (Soissonnois) ; served from 1745 ; Captain in 1760 ; Major in 1774; Lieutenant-Colonel in 1777 ; dis tinguished officer ; followed his regi ment to America notwithtanding feeble health ; Lieutenant-Colonel of the Soissonnois Regiment ; thirty- eight years service ; Captain in 1760 ; Major in 1774; Lieutenant-Colonel in 1777; excellent officer; his gallant conduct at York obtained for him a pension of $300 in the Order of St. Louis ; the oldest of the Lieutenant- Colonels in America who was not made a Brigadier ; Lieutenant-Colo nel, 17th July, 1777 ; born at Apt in Provence, 26th August, 1737 ; pen- sionod by the Order of St. Louis for gallant conduct at York. Aiiselme, do l:i Gardette, Chevalier d\ Captain C3in:nandant (Soisson nois) ; twenty-five years service ; two campaigns in America ; very fine officer. Basques. Antoine, Thomas. See Thomas, Antoine. Arcy, Jacques Philippe d\ Captain, 5th May, 1772 ; born in Paris in 1742 ; died at Savannah. Autichamp, d\ Brigadier ; Lieu tenant-General commanding the Reg iment of Agenois ; sorved from 1759; officer in 1761; Captiihi in 1763; Col onel, llth April, 1770 ; Brigadier, 5th December, 1781, for gallantry at York ; took part in four campaigns in America, and by zeal and intelligence distinguished himself at York and St. Christopher ; appointed Lieuten ant-General to take rank . Aymard. See D Aymard. Barre. See De la Barre. Barry, D Imbart de. Captain, en second, of the Company of Grenadiers, Regiment of Agenois; entered the service 4th May, 1759 ; Assistant Aide-Major, llth August, 1771 ; Captain, en second, llth June, 1776 ; wounded in the attack on Sa vannah ; gunshot wound, left arm. Barry, Du. See Du Barry. Barthelemy, Jean. See Montaligre. Basques, de. See Chazelle. Bathisy. 486 Bathisy, Jacques Eleonor Yicount de. Colonel, second class ; born at Calais, 4th December, 1748 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel of this regiment, 7th August, 1778 ; grievously wounded in 1779 at Savannah. Baudiii, de Beauregard. See Rome- fort. Baudot. Captain Commandant (Soissonnois) ; served from 1747 ; Cap tain in 1777 ; engaged in the war with Germany; was buried beneath a mine at Minorca; served with zeal and intelligence. Baudre, Olivier Victor De. Cap tain, 22d April, 1762; born at Bayeux, 21st May, 1736 ; excellent officer ; hon orable, zealous and intelligent ; gal lant conduct at York ; Captain Com mandant (Soissonnois) ; served from 1756; Captain in 1762; oldest officer of the regiment ; excellent officer. Bayac, de. See De Lasse. Bazin, Gillaume De. Captain, 4th July, 1777; born at Marmande, in Guyenne, 24th May, 1740 ; decorated for gallantry at York. See De Bazin believed to be the same. Beaumont, Alexis Jean Francois Gorat de. Captain, July 30, 1758; born at Limoges, 25th July, 1735 ; pensioned for brave conduct at York. Beaumont, Antoine Joseph Eulalie de, Count Daudecihamp. Colonel, 3d October, 1779 ; born at Angers, 10th December, 1744 ; an officer of the greatest distinction, full of active tal ents and resolution ; made Brigadier- General 5th December, 1781, for gal lant conduct at York. Beaumont, De. Captain Command ant (Sanitonge) ; served from 1754 ; Captain in 1770 ; officer of distinction; participated in all the war with Ger many; served in India, and displayed zeal and valor at York. Beauregard, Baudin de. See Rome- fort. Bedee, Ange Armand de Bedee, de Boisbras. Captain, 28th August, 1777; born at Rennes, 1st March, 1742 ; Bethisy., decorated for brave conduct at York ; Captain Commandant (Saintonge) ; twenty-four years service ; live cam paigns in Cayenne ; two in America. Behagle, Jean Baptiste Emmanuel de. Captain Commandant, Grena diers (Agenois) ; after twenty-six years of service, participating in the campaigns in Germany and six years sojourn in America, his health was undermined to the extent of prevent ing his continuance in service ; born at Paris, 3d February, 1735. Borage, De la Boyere Jean Pierre. Captain, 7th June, 1776 ; born at Aix, in Provence, 26th February, 1736;, decorated for gallantry at York. Berard, de Mauraige, Christophe Philippe. Second Lieutenant, 4th November, 1779 ; born 15th March, 1759 ; wounded at Savannah, leg broken, 8th November, 1780, for which decorated ; remained on the field of battle, and for four months was a prisoner of war in the enemy s hospi tals. Bernard, ; born at St. Ouen r 1739 ; died in America, , 1780. Berthelot, Augustin Clement de Yilleneuve, Chevalier de. Captain, 7th August, 1779 ; born at Rossigne, in Anjou, 19th August, 1750 ; died in 1781 from wounds, received at the siege of Y T ork in said year. Berthier, Louis [ Alexandre. Cap tain, 28th April, 1780 ; born at Ver sailles, 20th November, 1753 ; Topo graphical Engineer; participated in four campaigns as Assistant-Aide to the Quartermaster-General in Amer ica ; was the coming Grand Marshal of the Empire. Bervet. Paymaster ; (Agenois) ; private in 1768 ; officer in 1779 ; took part in the siege of York. Bethisy, Vicount de. Colonel, second class, Gatinois Regiment ; wounded twice before Savannah, 9th October last, through left hand and in the epigastric region ; entered the service in 1764 ; Captain of Dragoons, Seville. 437 Cabannes. 1708 ; Colonel, second class, 1778 ; by his request Count D Estaing placed him Third Commandant of the De Dillon column. Seville. See De Seville. Bien, De, de Cherigny. See De Bien. Blandat, Mathieu. Born at Malan, in Tranche Comte, 17th January, 1725 ; Private in 1742 ; Lieutenant, 1777 ; First Lieutenant, 21st April, 1779 ; gunshot wound through both thighs at the siege of Tournay in 1747 ; another gunshot wound, right thigh, at Laufeldt in 1747, and a sabre cut on the head at Warbourg in 1760, re quiring trepanning ; killed, 24th Sep tember, 1779, at the siege of Savan nah. Boisbras. See Bedei de Boisbras. Bonnaforce, de Bellinay. Cham pagne Regiment ; present at the cap ture of Grenada, but does not appear in the land operations. Bonne, Jean Chevalier de. Cap tain, 1st August, 1780 ; born at Vivier les Montagnes ; pensioned in 1782 for gallant conduct at St. Christopher. Bordenave, Jean Ignace Chevalier de. Captain, en second (Gatinois) ; twenty years service ; one campaign in Germany, six in America ; Cap tain, 28th August, 1777; born at Mont- massay, 13th December, 1742 ; decor ated for the capture of York. Borneot. Second Lieutenant of Grenadiers (Gatinois) ; private in 1765 : officer in 1779 ; in the attack of the redoubt. Bosnier, de Saint Cosme. Captain ; entered the service in 1766; Gray Musketeer in 1766 ; appointed Second Lieutenant in the Regiment of Nor mandy up to 1772 ; Lieutenant (fol lowing the Columns) in 1775; Captain (following the Regiment of Armag- riac) in 1777; wounded in the breast in the attack on Savannah. Bouland. Captain of Grenadiers, Regiment of Armagnac ; 37 years of service ; wounded in the attack on the entrenchments at Savannah. Boulieres, Des. See Des Boulieres. Boyere, De la. See Berage. Bressolles, Gilbert de. Lieutenant- Colonel, 29th December, 1777; born at the Planche in Bourbonnais, 3d December, 1739 ; received several sabre cuts at the battle of Minden in 1759; horse killed under him in a sortie at Cassel in 1762 ; pension re ceived for gallant conduct at York ; Lieutenant - Colonel (Bourbonnois) ; served from 1757 ; Captain in 1769 ; Major in 1776 ; Lieutenant-Colonel in 1777 ; wounded several times at Min den ; served with great distinction and one of the best Lieutenant- Colonels. Brie, De. Captain commanding (Saintonge) ; served from 1749 ; Cap tain in 1760; served in the Grena diers. Brieres, Des. See Des Brieres. Broglie, Prince de. Colonel of Horse, second class, of Saintonge; served from 1771 ; Colonel, 3d June, 1779 ; his exemplary conduct always merited praise. Brosse, de la. See Londeix. Broune, Thomas. Major, 30th Jan uary, 1778; born at Castelloppe, 12th October, 1732 ; killed at the siege of Savannah, 9th October, 1779. Buzdet, de. See Adrieiide Buzelet. Cabannes, Adam Maxamilien de. Born at Nassau Sieghen, 4th Janu ary, 1741 ; Second Lieutenant from 18th May, 1758 ; Captain command ant, 30th June, 1782 ; decorated with the Cross of the Merite Militaire after the action at York. Cabannes, Charles de. Captain commandant (Royal Deux Ponts); twenty-three years and eight months service ; five campaigns in Germany, two in America. Cabannes, Charles Guillaume de. Captain; born at Luttange, 21st April, 1742 ; Lieutenant, second class, 9th April, 1758; Captain command ing, 4th April, 1780; decorated with the Cross of the Merite Militaire for gallant conduct at York. Cadet. Cadet, See Le Cadet. Cadignan, Chevalier de. See Du- pleix. Cahieres, Charles de. See Rouverie. Cahiere. Captaincommanding(Gati- nois) ; twenty-six years service ; six campaigns in Germany, four in the colonies; commanded the Second Bat talion, which formed part of the attacking column under the com mand of Baron de Viomeuil. (See Rouverie.) Caldagues, Pierre Raymond De. Captain, 12th May, 1781 ; born at Aurillac, 3d August, 1747 ; pensioned for gallant conduct at York ; Captain, en second, (Soissonnois) ; served from 1763 ; Captain in 1781 ; served with honor. Cambray, De. Cadet Corps of .En gineers in 1770 ; was not made an offi cer, there being no vacancy; Lieuten ant-Colonel in the service of the United States from 1778, date when joined its army ; merited this gra cious, but premature distinction for the gallant manner he served in South America; name to be presented for a majority in the provincial troops. See Cambray, page 114. Cantel,Donetville, Sir. Major Royal Engineer Corps ; pension granted. Carreze. Captain, en second, of Grenadiers (Gatinois) ; served from 1767 ; Captain in 1779. Castille, de. See Josselin. Catey, Francois Cesar de. Lieu tenant ; participated in three actions during the war in America, and was once shipwrecked, which greatly af fected his health. Caupanes, de. See Lassaderie. Caulanges, Jacques Scot de. Cap tain, 7th July, 1779 ; born at Epin, in Touraine, 25th July, 1742 ; decorated for brave conduct at York. Cazat, de. Captain commanding (Bourbonnois) ; twenty-two years service ; two war campaigns. Chappier. Chabannes, Count de. Captain, on half-pay, in the Royal Redmorit Regi ment ; officer in 1776; Captain in 1778; took part in two campaigns in Amer ica as Assistant Quartermaster-Gen eral of the army of Count de Rocham- beau, which shows that he always gave proof of the best of purpose arid the greatest zeal, and that he merits much for brave conduct, as well as birth, which commend him to due consideration upon attaining the re quired age; will have reached twenty- three years of age 3d August, 1783, at which time his name will be pre sented for appointment as Colonel of Horse, second class. Chalandar. 1st Lieutenant (Gati nois) ; served from 1771 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Chalendar, Jean Baptiste Marguer ite, Chevalier de. Captain, 16th Octo ber, 1781 ; born at Bornay, Diocese of Puy, 16th April, 1751; was at York, where he distinguished himself; taken prisoner 12th April ; confined on the ship Caton. Chameriere, Gillaume. Captain, 19th March, 1780 ; born in the parish of " L Hermitage," in Normandy, llth June, 1734 ; pension of 300 for gallantry at York. Chandron, Chevalier de la Valette, Charles Francois. Lieutenant-Colo nel, 24th February, 1774; born at Montfort, Amaury, 5th June, 1731 ; nominated Brigadier-General 5th December, 1781, for distinguished conduct at the capture of York. Chappier, de Tourville, Toussaint Magloire. Lieutenant, 10th March, 1780 ; born at Vivier, Vivarais, 6th June, 1761; Cadet Nobleman, 6th June, 1776 ; Second Lieutenant, 28th August, 1777; Lieutenant, en second, 10th March, 1730; First Lieutenant, 24th April, 1784 ; received a gunshot wound through the chest at Savan nah ; taken prisoner in the action of 12th April, 1782, and confined on the ship Ardent. Chapuy. Corioles. Chapuy, do Tourville, Charles Ber- tiii Gaston. Major (Gatinois) ; 18th April, 1770; born at Metz, 4th Janu ary, 1740; during nearly one year in America performed the duties of a Major-General. Chapuy, de Tourville. 3d Lieuten ant ; entered the service as 2d Lieu tenant in the regiment of Gadenois, 6th June. 1776 ; gunshot wound through left breast in the action of 24th September, before Savannah. Charles, Count de. Colonel of Horse, second class, of the Regiment of Saintonge ; born 3d May, 1756 ; served from ; Captain, 4th April, 1774 ; Colonel of Horse, second class, 23d May, 1779; upon all occasions he displayed zeal, action, modesty, sub ordination and courage ; "it is an act of justice that Count de Rochambeau renders him when he forgets that he is the son of a minister." Chariot. Captain commanding (Touraine) ; twenty-four years serv ice ; two campaigns in Germany, two in America. Chassepied. 2d Lieutenant of Gren adiers (Agenois) ; private in 1752 ; offi cer in 1779 ; took part in the cam paigns of Germany, Savannah and York. Chastelleux, Chevalier de. Lieu- tenant-General ; served from 1747 ; Colonel of the Regiment of March in 1759; Brigadier in 1769; Lieuteriant- General, 1st March, 1780; useful serv ices rendered to Count de Rocham beau in most of the conferences held with General Washington. Chazelle, de Basques, Antoine. Lieutenant, 2d June, 1777 ; born at Salen, in Auvergne, 23d November, 1752 ; wounded at the Siege of York ; his wound gave him trouble. Chennevicres. Captain, en second, of Grenadiers (Bourbonnois) ; private in 1754 ; officer in 1767 ; Captain in 1780; old and good officer, without fortune. Chevigny, De. See De Chevigny. Choisy, De. See De Choisy. Chouin. 1761 ; Midshipman En gineer. Christian Des Deux Fonts, Count. See Des Deux Fonts. Claude, Anne. Born at Bonneval ; took part in the expedition against Savannah, Tobago, St. Lucie and St. Christopher ; served with great brav ery ; had his leg shattered on the ship Jason in the engagement of the 12th April, 1782. Claude, - . Born at Alais, 29th September, 1751. dozen, Jean Christophe Louis Frederic Ignace, Baron de. Born 14th August, 1753; Second Lieutenant, 10th September, 1769 ; Captain en second from 4th April, 1780; Aide- de-Camp of Mr. the Count de Rocham beau ; behaved well at York ; was re lated to Baron de Clozen, a general officer in the service of France ; Aide- de-Camp to Count de Rochambeau ; Captain, en second, in the Regiment Royal Deux Fonts ; served from 10th September, 1769 ; Captain, 4th April, 1780 ; nephew of old general officer of the same name ; developed all the talents of his uncle. Clovis. Second Lieutenant of Gren adiers (Soissonnois); thirty-four years service ; private, Sergeant and Quar termaster; officer from 1769 ; faithful service in war ; wounded. Collot. Aido Quartermaster-Gen eral ; served from 1765 ; Captain from 1778; attached to the Regiment of Bercheny. Colously, de. See D houdedot. Corbiere, Chevalier do la. Captain commanding (Saintonge); twenty-two years 1 service ; five campaigns in Cayenne, two in America. Corioles, Jean Baptiste Etienne, Chevalier de. Lieutenant, 29th De cember, 1777 ; born at Aix, in Fro- vence, 18th May, 1754 ; 1st Lieutenant (Bourbonnois) ; served from 1773 ; Lieutenant in 1777 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Corliere. 490 Corliere, De la. Captain, en sec ond (Agenois) ; gallantry at York ; twenty-one years service; one cam paign in 1761, one in 1762, four in the Colonies. Couffin, De. See De Couffin. Coulariges, de. See Scott de Cou- langes. Coussol D Esparsac. Captain com manding (Gatinois); twenty-five years 1 service ; four campaigns in Germany, six in America. Cromot Dubourg, Baron de. Aide- de-Camp to Count do Rochambeau, and Captain, at half-pay in the Dra goon Regiment of Mr. - ; served from 1768; 2d Lieutenant, 18th March, 1770; Captain, 24th February, 1774; Captain, at half-pay, in 1776. Crozet. See Du Crozet. Custine, Count de. Brigadier com manding the Saintonge Regiment ; gained the trench, and served with an indefatigable zeal, activity and courage ; Lieutenant-General ; served from 1747 ; thirty-six years service ; Colonel of Horse in 1763 ; Brigadier in 1.780 ; Lieutenant-General, 5th De cember, 1781 ; Count de Rochambeau said "it is impossible to have the discipline and instruction of a regi ment more perfect with such un shaken firmness, joined to the most exacting probity." D Aboville. Colonel Commanding the Artillery; Colonel of Horse, en second. D Alausse. See Galtier D Alausse. Dalomine, Chevalier. Captain, 9th December, 1780. Dalpheraus, Felix. 2d Lieutenant, ; born 6th April, 1744 ; partici pated in the American campaigns from 1780 to 1783 ; was at York. D Anselme de la Gardette. See Anselme de la Gardette. D Anselme. See Anselme. Daudechamp, Count. See Beau mont. Daurien Madron. See De Brie. D Autichamp, Marquis. See Auti- champ, d D Ayrnard, de Ville, Louis Francois. Captain; born at Verdun, 5th Novem ber, 1749; seriously wounded in the ac tions of 9th or 12th April, 1782, under Mr. the Count de Grasse. De Barry. See Barry. De Baudre. See Baudre. De Bazin. Captain commanding (Soissonnais) ; twenty-four years and eight months service ; three cam paigns in Germany, two in Corsica, 1768 and 1769 ; two in America ; wounded at Clostercamp and in Cor sica. (See Bazin.) Do Beaumont. See Beaumont. De Behagle. See Behagle. De Beville. Lieutenant-General ; thirty-seven years service ; served from 1746; Lieutenant-Colonel in 17< 51; Brigadier in 1778 ; Lieutenant-Gari- eral, 5th December, 1781 ; took part in the first war with Germany in the staff corps of the army, and was, in the American Avar, Quartermaster- General of the Army; made, with the whole army, two inarches of more than seven miles each, crossing fifteen large streams without delay or acci dent, accomplished with meagre means at his disposal ; for gallant conduct at the siege of York he received a pension of 1,200 ; made application for a Couimandership in the Order of St. Louis, with hope of appointment therein. De Beville. Aide Quartermaster- General ; served from 1773 ; Captain on half-pay in the Dragoon Regiment of de Noailles ; officer in 1775 ; Cap tain in 1780 ; came to America with his brother and was first appointed by Count de Rochambeau as Aide-de- Camp, then sent to the staff of the army. De Bien, de Chevigny, Frederic Francois Louis. Captain, 7th May, 1777; born at Avalon, 13th April, 1737; though retired, participated in the campaign at York. De Bonne. 491 Ds Kervegueii. De Bonne. See Bonne. Des Boulieres, de Grillieres Fran cois. Sailor (?), Chevalier ; born 28th October, 1752 ; gallant conduct at St. Christopher ; was in the Expedition of the Hudson Bay, 13th June, 1783. De Brie, Jean Georges Prosper Daurien de Madron. Served from 1749 ; Captain, Gth January, 1760 ; born at Brie, near Saverdun Comte de Foix ; served in the Grenadiers ; pen sion for brave conduct at York. De Cabannes, Adam Maximilieri. See Cabannes. De Cabannes, Charles Guillaume. See Cabannes. De Cabannes, Maximilien. Captain en second (Royal Deux Fonts) ; twenty-two years service ; five cam paigns in Germany, two in America. De Caldagues. See Caldagues. De Catey. See Catey. De Cazab. See Cazab. De Charles. See Charles. De Chevigny. Lieutenant of Chas seurs, Armagnac regiment ; com. manded this company in the absence of De Tarragon ; was in the sortie of the 24th September, and in the attack on the entrenchments at Savannah, where he lost half of his command. De Choisy. Lieutenant-General ; served from 1741 ; forty-two years service ; Major in 1763 ; Lieutenant- Colonel in 1707 ; Brigadier in 1772 > Colonel of Horse in the 4th Regiment of Chasseurs in 1779, which he left in 1780 in order to proceed to America, 5th December, 1781 ; obtained all the grades by brilliant actions ; covered himself with glory in the defense and capture of Cracow ; served in Amer ica with the zeal of a man who had a record to make ; rendered signal ser vices at Gloucester, the blockade of which was confided to him, and ac quitted himself with honor in the brisk charges he made against the British Cavalry at the head of the de Lauzun Legion ; was promised a possible governorship ; Brigadier ; commanded the placing of troops in the county of Gloucester ; was en gaged in a particular action against the corps of Tarleton. De Colanby. See Houdetot de Co- lanby. De Couffin, Captain, en second, (Soissonnois); served from 1763; served in Corsica and was wounded ; Captain in 1781 ; gallant conduct at York. De Damas. Aide-de-Camp to Count de Rochambeau ; Lieutenant, en second, in the King s Infantry Regi ment ; served from 9th February, 1777 ; Colonel from 29th April, 1781, to take rank from 1st September, follow ing, when he will reach the age of twenty-three years. Too much can not be said of him ; possessed of bril liant courage and all the military vir tues. de Dillon. See Dillon. D Eccouffin Du Vales. See Du Vales. D Eparsac. See Eparsac. D Esparsac. See Coussoul D Es- parsac. De Ferette. See Ferette. D Eyrous. See Eyrous. De Fladen. Captain commanding (Royal Deux Fonts) ; twenty-four years and nine months service ; six campaigns in Germany, two in America. De Fleury. See Fleury. De Gambs. See Gambs. De Gillegue. See Gillegue. De Gouvion. See Gouvion. De Haak. See Haak. De Hoen. See Hoen. Deidier. Surgeon (Agenois) ; capa ble in his profession arid none more zealous. De James. See James. De Kerveguen. See Gautier de Kerveguen. De la Barre. 492 Des-peyron. De la Barre. Lieutenant of Dra goons ; entered the service as Cadet in the Troops of the Columns in 1759 ; passed aspirant of Artillery in 1764 ; volunteer in the Carabiniers in 1764 ; 2d Lieutenant in 1770 ; Lieutenant in Prince Conde s Regiment, 1776 ; wounded at the Siege of Savannah. (See Du Barry.) De la Boyere. See Berage. De Lacarderie. See Lacarderie. De la Corliere. See Corliere. De la Roche Negley. See Negley. De Lasse, de Bayac, Charles Jos eph. Captain, 16th April, 1771 ; born at Fimeray, in Perigord, llth March, 1742 ; decorated for gallantry at York. De Lauberdiere. Aide-de-Camp to Count de Rocliambeau and 2d Lieu tenant in the regiment of Saintonge ; cadet, gentleman, Military Academy, 6th June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant, 30th January, 1778 ; first cousin of Count de Rochambeau, who commissioned him Captain to date from 15th April, 1780, in the regiment of Saintonge. Delaunay. Captain commanding (Touraine) ; served from 1757 ; Cap tain in 1769 ; took part in all the cam paigns of Hanover. (See Launay.) De Launet. See Launet. De La Valette. Lieutenant-Colo nel of the regiment of Saintonge ; the oldest Colonel of this year; served with all possible zeal and action, of the best spirit, full of courage, and talented. De Leonardy. See Leonardy. De Longueville, Chevalier. See James. De Losse, de Bayac. Captain com manding (Bourbonnois) ; twenty-two years 1 service ; three campaigns in Germany, two in America ; merits the praises of His Majesty ; was in the ac tion of the 16th March, on the ship Jason. De Loucault. See Loucault. DC Lustrac. See Lustrac. De Lutzen. See Lutzen. De Madron. See De Brie. De Marguerit. See Dolomriie. De Maury. See Maury. De Marin. See Marin. De Menon. See Menon. De Menonville. See Thiebault. De Menonville. See Menonville. De Miolis. 2d Lieutenant (Soisson- iiois) ; served from 1778 ; shell wound in the face. De Miolis. See Miolis. De Montalegre. See Montalegre. De Montlezim. See Montlezun. De Mouzellan. See Mouzellan. De Moysia. See Moysia. De Pecanne. See La Bord De Pe- canne. De Pondeux. See Liamart. De Ribaupierre. See Ribaupierre. De Roussille, Raymond de. See Roussville. Desanis. See Poquet. Des Bordes. Captain commandant (Touraine) ; served from 1755 ; Cap tain in 1769. Des Brieres, Zacharie Jacques. Captain ; born in Paris 26th March, 1736 ; his gallant conduct at York won him the Cross ; Captain com mandant (Saintonge) ; twenty-two years ser-vice ; four campaigns in the Isle of France, two in America. Des Deux Ponts. See Deux Ponts. De Scheldon. Colonel of Horse; attached to the Corps of Hussars. Des Ecures. See Ecures. Des-feyron. Major (Soissonnois) ; served from 1747 ; Captain in 1760 ; Major in 1780 ; an officer of valor and intelligence ; renounced a large for tune and went to America. Des Noes, Augustin Rouxelin. Captain, en second, 8th April, 1779; Captain Commandant, 5th March, 1781 ; born at Caen 9th April, 1741 ; decorated for brave conduct at York ; resigned 3d August, 1782. Des-peyron. See Peyron. Des Roches. 493 1 Du Bouchet. Des Roches, Philippe Henry. Cap tain, 8th September, 1778; born at Perigneux, 8th November, 1742 ; dec orated for brave conduct at York. Des Roches. Captain, second class (Saintonge) ; twenty-one years and six months service ; five campaigns in Cayenne, two in America. De Rostaing. See Rostaing. De St. Sauveur. See St. Sauveur. De Sniety. Captain commanding (Soissonnois) ; twenty-two years ser vice ; three campaigns in Germany, two in Corsica, two in America ; offi cer of intelligence and capacity. De Straack. See Straack. De Tarle. Aide Major-General (Aide Adjutant-General); served from 1759 ; Captain in the Regiment de ifouillon; Lieutenant-Colonel, 24th March, 1780 ; served with distinction ; talented ; siege of York. De Trenovay. See Trenovay. De Tarragon. Captain command ing the company of Chasseurs ; twenty-three years of service per forming the functions of Major of the division of the Count de Dillon. Deux Fonts, Christian Marquis des. Lieutenant-Colonel of Horse com manding the Royal Deux Ponts Regi ment ; officer, 20th April, 1768 ; Colonel in 1772, but did not assume command of the regiment till 20th September, 1775, on account of age ; took part in the four campaigns in America with zeal, courage and all the necessary qualities inherent in a good corps commander ; received the Cross of St. Louis and the assurance of a pro motion to the rank of brigadier when the colonels of 1772 were ad vanced. D houdetot. See Houdetot. D lchtensheim. See Ichtensheim. Didier, Pierre. Captain ; commis sioned from 1st September, 1749 ; born at Dijon, 20th September, 1729 ; though retired, participated in the York campaign. Dillon, Arthur Count de. Colonel, March, 1772 ; born in London, 1st May, 1749. Dillon, Barthelemy. Lieutenant- Colonel, 24th June, 1780 ; born in Ire- land,17th October, 1729. (Married Miss Mahe de la Bourdoimaye, widow of the Marquis de Montlezun.) D Imbart de Barry. See Barry. D Ollieres, Jean Baptiste Philippe Felix. Count of Saint Maine ; born at Ollieres, diocese of Aix, 25th De cember, 1751 ; 2d Lieutenant in the Colonel-General of Horse Regiment, of the Cavalry, 16th July. 1769; Colonel of the Soissonnais, 29th June, 1775; nephew of Marshal Duellery; gallant conduct at York. Domergue, de St. Florent Francois Isaac. Captain, 16th June, 1775 ; born at Couse, in Languedoc, in 1742 ; decorated with the insignia of St. Louis for gallant conduct at York. Doyre, Sir. Captain Royal Engineer Corps; pension gi anted; his father was Lieutenant-General and director of the fortifications of the defenses of the Meuse. Drude, de la Caterie Julien. Cap tain, 19th March, 1780 ; born at Vire, iu Normandy, 1st August, 1742 ; deco rated for gallantry at York. Drouilhet, de Figalas. Captain, en second, (Agenois) ; served from 1770 ; Captain in 1781 ; received a painful wound at York, from which it was feared permanent injury would result. Drouilhet, de Sigala Ignace. Cap tain, 1st December, 1781 ; born at Ma- mande, 26th November, 1752; wounded in the siege of York in 1781. Du Barry, Denis d Hubart. Cap tain, llth June, 1776; born at Puy Laurens, in Languedoc, llth Febru ary, 1742 ; wounded at Savannah ; brave conduct at St. Christopher. Du Bouchet. Aide Major-General ; served from 1770 ; Captain from 1779; served with valor and intelligence , siege of York. Dubourg-. Dubourg, Cromot. See Crornot Du bourg. Du Chesne. Captain commanding (Saintonge); twenty-five years 1 ser vice ; three campaigns in Germany, four in the Isle of France. Du Crozet, de Sarrazin Jean Fran cois. Captain, 29th May, 1778 ; born at Vienna, 7th January, 1733 ; killed in the action of 15th May, 1780, while serving in Count de Guiehey s squad ron. Dudiot. Captain commanding Gren adiers (Gautinois) ; twenty-two years service ; three campaigns in Ger many, six in America ; was in the attack of the redoubt at the head of his company. Du Drot, Marc Antoine. Captain, 23d April, 1773 ; born at Charleville, 16th January, 1743 ; decorated with the insignia of St. Louis after the capture of York. Dune, Count de. Took part in all .the engagements of the campaign. (Name also spelled O Dune.) Du Plessis. See Thomas. Dupleix, Jean Baptiste Girard. Chevalier de Cadignan. Lieutenant- Colonel, 19th August, 1775 ; gallant conduct at St. Christopher ; if en gaged at said place it is quite likely he served the United States. Dupont, D Aubevoye de Laubar- diere, Louis Francois Bertrand. Sec ond Lieutenant, 30th January, 1778 ; born 27th October, 1759 ; Aide-de- Camp to the Count de Rochambeau ; obtained a discharge as Captain of Cavalry without payment therefor, for distinguished conduct at York, Pa. Du Portail, Le Begue. Commanded the American Engineer Corps ; was promised 25th February, 1782, the rank of Brigadier in three years by continuing in active service in America ; served from 1761 in the Corps of Engineers in which he was appointed Captain in 1773 ; Lieuten ant-Colonel attached to the Infantry Corps, 25th April, 1780 ; Chevalier of 494 Emery de Bois Log-e. St. Louis, 5th December, 1781 ; obtained at this period a bounty of $(?)2,400 ; Colonel in the army of the United States from 1777 ; then Briga dier-General, arid after the siege of Y ork Congress raised him to the rank of Major-General ; took part in five campaigns in America; commanded the United States and French Engi neers ; had charge of the defense of the country ; of the construction of the forts at all the important points ; was present in the most important actions and sieges, and in him Gen eral Washington placed implicit confi dence ; upon the conclusion of peace was promoted Brigadier. Durand de la Motte. Champagne Regiment ; present at the capture of Grenada and in the naval action, but does not appear in the land opera tions. Durssus, Jacques Philippe Auguste. Lieutenant, ; born at Monde ville, district of Caen, 26th April, 1758 ; wounded at the siege of York. Dursu. Lieutenant, second class, (Soissonnois) ; served from 1774 ; seriously wounded at Y ork. (Sup posed to be same as preceding name.) Du Vales, Jean Gregoire D Ecouffin. Captain, 15th April, 1780 ; born at Montmac in Lariguedoc, 27th Janu ary, 1746; gratuity granted for gal lant conduct at York; gunshot wound through left thigh at Borzo, Corsica, 8th October, 1768. Ecouffin Du Vales, d . See Du Vales. Ecures Des. Second Lieutenant of the Company of Chasseurs, Armag- nac Regiment ; received a gunshot wound through the hand in a sortie 24th September, which did not pre vent him from being present in the attack on the entrenchments at Sa vannah. Edouard, . Born 3d June, 1700. Emery de Bois Loge, Sir Henry. Captain of Cannoneers in the Royal Artillery Corps ; pension granted. Enfant. 405 Fontanges. Enfant, L See L Enfant. Eparsac, Joseph Henry de Coussol d\ Captain, 28th August, 1777 ; bom at yt. Gon in Gascony, 20th March, 1736 ; decorated for the capture of York. Eussebe. See Kermarec. Eyroux, Ponteves d\ See Ponteves. Fahegues. First Lieutenant of Chasseurs (Gatinois) ; served from 1755 ; in the attack of the redoubt, Fahegue, Chevalier de la. See Montalegre. Falqueirettes,de Saint Felix (Cheva lier de Rebourquil), Louis Etienne Aronde. Captain Touraine regiment, 12th December, 1779 ; born at Mil- ban, in Rouergue, 16th February, 1749 ; promise of a majority for exhi bition of zeal and talents displayed at York. Fauste, de Mayence (sic), Charles Gaspard. Born at Blangy, in Nor mandy, 22d February, 1735 ; 2d Lieu tenant, 12th March, 1780 ; Lieutenant, 8th April, 1784. Ferrette, Jean Baptiste. Captain, 27th January, 1758 ; born at Cernay, in Alsace, 13th January, 1736 ; promise of a lieutenancy in the Colonel s Company for brave conduct at York ; Captain (Saintonge) ; com manding with the rank of major ; served from 1753 ; Captain in 1758, with rank of Major, 3d March, 1774; distinguished officer ; first Captain of the regiment ; probably senior. Fersen, Axel, Count de. Colonel of Horse ; born 4th September, 1754 ; gallantry at York ; Lieutenant, second class, of the Royal Deux Pouts Regi ment ; served from 1769 in Sweden ; Colonel, 20th June, 1780 ; First Aide- de-Camp of Count de Rochambeau and son of a Minister of State in Sweden ; a man of great merit. Feyron, Des. See Des-feyron. Figalas, de. See Drouilhet de Fi- galas. Fladen, De. See De Fladen. Flechir, Charles Francois Joseph Count de. Colonel of Horse, en second, 13th April, 1780 ; gallant con duct at York ; distinguished conduct at St. Christopher, where, with a small body of 300 Grenadiers arid Chasseurs he repulsed and routed 1400 troops the British had landed; served from 1760 ; Captain, 7th June, 1776 ; Colonel of Horse, en second, 13th April, 1780. Fleury, Francois Louis Teissedre de. Major, 19th May ; born at St. Hippolite, 20th August, 1749; deco rated for distinguished conduct at York ; Major (Saintonge) ; thirteen years and six months service; two campaigns in Corsica, 1768 and 1769 ; six in the Colonies from 1776 ; officer of the greatest distinc tion ; commanded a camp of Light Troops in the American service from 1777 to 1779 ; granted a decoration by Congress for gallantry at Stony Point ; was at York and there, too, sustained his reputation. Fontanges, Vicount de. Born 21st March, 1740, at Montlucon, Depart ment of the Allier ; Lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment of Poitou, 1st January, 1756 ; Captain, same regi ment, 1st June, 1758 ; took part in all the war with Germany, from 1757 to 1763 ; wounded at the battle of Ros- bak, 5th November, 1757; served with the rank of Captain from March, 1775 ; detailed in the Department of the Navy and Colonies and appointed Major of the Regiment of the Cape at San Domingo, where he arrived in the month of September, 1775 ; Chev alier of the Royal arid Military Order of St. Louis, 1777 ; Lieutenant-Colo nel, 1778; Colonel, 1780; Major-Gen- eral of the troops of debarkation of the Naval Army of Count oVEstaing, July, 1779 ; seriously wounded in the siege at Savannah, Ga., 7th October, 1779 ; commanded in St. Domingo at the time of the Revolution, etc., etc.; died 13th June, 1822. Commanded, under the orders of M. d Estaing, a Forbach. 49G Gautier. legion composed of mulattos and free negroes of St. Domingo this le gion saved the army at Savannah by bravely covering its retreat. Among the blacks who rendered signal ser vices at the time were : Andre, Re- gaud ; - - Beauvais ; - - Villatte ; - Beauregard ; - Lambert ; who latterly became Generals under the Convention, including Henri Christo- phe, the future King of Haiti. Forbach, (Marquis des Deux Pouts) Christian, Count de. Colonel ; born at the Deux Pouts, 20th September, 1752 ; rank of 2d Lieutenant, without pay, from 20th April, 1768 ; Colonel of the regiment in 1775 ; gallant conduct at York. Forbach, Count des Deux Pouts, Gillaume de. Lieutenant-Colonel, en second ; born at the Deux Ponts, 18th June, 1754; rank of 2d Lieu tenant in the regiment, 12th No vember. 1768 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, en second, of the regiment, 2d Octo ber, 1777 ; wounded at the siege of York in 1781. Foret. Sergeant of Chasseurs (Gati- nois) ; soldier in 1769 ; Sergeant in 1781 ; selected for the attack of the redoubt and marched thereto at the head of the Axe-Bearers. Foucauld. Captain, second class, of Chasseurs (Gatinois) ; served from 1760; Captain in 1777 ; in the attack of the redoubt ; wounded at Savan nah. Fouquet, d Aurillac, Jean Gabriel Rene Francois Marquis de. Colonel of Horse, second in command ; born at Metz, 13th March, 1751 ; decorated for gallantry at St. Chrisropher ; action at Savannah; expeditions made against the enemy in the Islands of Taboga, St. Christopher, St. Lucie and the Domingo. Francois, Marie. Born at Montpel- lier 1st February, 1750. Furstenwoerther, Charles Baron de. Captain; boin at Musenheimle 23d August, 1741 ; Ensign, 8th January, 1758 ; Captain commanding in 1776 ; distinguished himself at York, for which he received the Cross of the Merite Militaire ; Regiment of Royal Deux Ponts ; Captain commanding ; twenty-three years and ten months service ; five campaigns in Germany, two in America. Gallatin. Lieutenant, second-class, of Grenadiers (Royal Deux Pouts); served from 1776 ; Lieutenant from 1780; was in the attack of the re doubt. Galtier, D Alansse, Joseph Phile- mond. Captain, 8th April, 1779 ; born in Languedoc 24th December, 1742 ; engaged in the three actions under Count de Guichey. Gambs, Jean Daniel de. Major (Bourbonnois) ; served from 1757 ; Captain in 1772 ; Major in 1777 ; took part in the war with Germany and Corsica ; in the action in the Chesa peake ; the oldest officer of this year ; officer of the greatest distinction ; born at Strasburg in 1741 ; received pension for gallant conduct at York. Gardette, Joseph Bernard Modeste Anseline de La. Captain, llth May, 1769 ; born at Apt, in Provence, 24th July, 1740 ; decorated for gallantry at York. Garavagne, Sir. Captain ; Royal Engineer Corps ; pension granted. Gaston, Charles Bernard. See Chapuy. Gautier, de Kerveguen. Captain of Infantry ; Assistant to the Quar termaster-General for lodging the landing troops ; entered the service in 1755 as Naval Engineer ; went to St. Domingo as Aide-de-Camp to Count d Estaing ; performed the duties of engineer from 1764 to 1766 ; Topo graphical Engineer of camps in 1767 ; sent to Corsica up to 1769 ; Captain of Infantry with appointment from 1769 ; employed on the coasts and frontiers up to 1777 ; participated in all of d Estaiiig s campaign and was engaged in all the land actions which Germain. took place during the twenty-one months campaign of this squadron ; wa one of the first in , the . assault of the bluff of the Grenada hospital, arid at the siege of Savannah gave proof of great usefulness and valor. Germain. See Rostaing. Gilbert, Jacques Marie. Born in Paris, 3d August, 1760. Gilbert, Melchoir Joseph. Captain commanding Soissonnois) ; twenty- five years and three months service ; two campaigns in America ; served with distinction at the capture of York ; Captain, llth May, 1769; born at Die, in Dauphine, 4th October, 1737 ; decorated for gallantry at York. Gillegue, Jean Francois de. 2d Lieutenant ; born 6th October, 1761 ; Cadet, nobleman, 28th August, 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant of the Colonel s Com pany, 26th September, 1778; gallantry a,t York, where he was wounded. Gilliaume, de Deux Fonts, Count. Colonel of Horse, second class, of the Royal Deux Fonts Regiment ; born 18th June, 1754 ; served from 1770 ; Captain, 25th April, 1772 ; Colonel from 2d October, 1777 ; engaged in the attack of the redoubt with such brilliant valor that the Count de Rochambeau requested his appoint ment to the command of a regiment in preference to his son. Ginville, de. See Levert. Gouvion, De. Captain, second class, in the Corps of Royal Engineers; Colonel in the service of the Ameri cans ; served from 1769 in the En gineers ; Captain in 1779 ; in America with the rank of Major since 1777, and was Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel respectively ; rendered valuable ser vices ; name presented for a Lieu tenancy in the Colonel s Company, Provincial Troops. Gouzie. 2d Lieutenant of Grena diers (Agenois) ; private in 1757; officer in 1770 ; took part in the campaigns of Germany arid York ; in the latter showed gallantry. 497 Henry. Gorat de Beaumont. See Beau mont. Grilliere, Marin. Captain, en sec ond, Regiment of Armagnac ; com manded a picket ; ten years service ; two dangerous gunshot wounds in the attack on the entrenchments at Savannah ; was at the time under the orders of Count de Dillon, who had pickets from this regiment in his di vision. Guichard. 2d Lieutenant Grena diers (Soissonnois); private in 1746 ; officer in 1776 ; campaign in Germany as an inferior officer ; wounded at Laufeldt and in the action of 16th March, 1781. Haack, Frederic Charles Baron de. Captain, en second, of Grenadiers (Royal Deux Fonts) ; twenty-one years service ; three campaigns in Germany, two in America ; displayed great valor in the attack ; born at Lappe, 14th March, 1744 ; Captain of Grenadiers, 8th April, 1779 ; Cross of the Merite Militaire conferred 5th De cember, 1781, for gallant conduct at York. Haden, Charles Louis de. Captain; born at Manheim, 17th July, 1738; Cadet in the service of the Palatinat in 1757; Captain of the Colonel s Company, 18th October, 1777; brave conduct at York, for which he re ceived the Cross of the Merite Mili taire. Hainault, Charles Theodore. Cap tain ; born at Manheim, 1st October, 1738 ; Cadet in the service of the Pa latine Prince, 20th August, 1756 ; Cap tain commanding, 22d July, 1779; Cross of the Merite Militaire after the action at York. Haynault. Captain commanding (Royal Deux Fonts); twenty-four years service ; six campaigns in Ger many, two in America. (Is not this the same as the one preceding ? ) Henry, Emery. See Henry de Bois Loge. Hoen. 498 Lacarderie- Hoen, de Dillenbourg, Philippe Frederic, Chevalier, de. Born 16th June, 1759 ; 2d Lieutenant of Grena diers, 18th October, 1777 ; Lieutenant, second class, 22d July, 1779; gratuities for brave conduct at York. Houdetot, Marc Joseph de Colanby. Lieutenant, second class (Agenois) ; served from 1775 ; Lieutenant, 21st April, 1779 ; born at St. Martin, 18th June, 1852 ; bayonet wound in the thigh at the siege of York. Hubart, d . See Du Barry. Humbert. 2d Lieutenant of Chas seurs (Royal Deux Fonts) ; served from 28th August, 1777. Humbert, Claude Jacques Fran cois. Born 14th August, 1757 ; Lieu tenant, second class, 30th June, 1782 ; gratuities for brave conduct at York. Ichtensheim, F-rancois Charles d . Born 2Sth October, 1756 ; Lieutenant, second class, 28th April, 1778 ; gra tuities for brave conduct at York ; Lieutenant, en second, of Chasseurs, (Royal Deux Fonts); served from 1775 ; Lieutenant from 1778 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Jacques, Gilbert Marie. See Gil bert. James, Chevalier de Longueville, Jean Joachim de. 2d Lieutenant, 7th July, 1779 ; born 24th August, 1762 ; wounded at the siege of York. Jayet, de Baudot, Jean Baptiste Antoine. Captain, 29th December, 1777 ; born at Charlemont, 15th Feb ruary, 1739 ; gunshot wound, left shoulder, at Minorca ; buried in a mine ; gunshot wound, right shoul der, at Borgo, in Corsica, 1768 ; extra ordinary gratuity for gallantry at York. Josselin, de Laumont de Castille. 2d Lieutenant (Agenois) ; served from 1778 ; received two dangerous bayonet wounds in the breast in the only sortie made by the enemy at York ; gallant conduct. Kalb, HenryJules Alexandra, baron de. Born in Saxony, 25th November, 1753 ; 1st Lieutenant, 28th April, 1778 ; of the Grenadiers, 4th Apr.l, 1780; distinguished himself at York ; 1st Lieutenant of Grenadiers ; served from 1770; Lieutenant from 1776 (Royal Deux Fonts) ; brave officer, en gaged in the attack of the redoubt. Kermarec, de Troron, Louis Jean Eussebe. Captain, 1st February, 1782 ; born at Quimperle, 8th Decem ber, 1747 ; gratuities given for gallant conduct at York ; wounded in the ac tion of 12th April, under M. de Grasse. Klock, Bernard Antoine. Captain ; born in the Palatinat, 16th June, 1736; Sergeant, 18th October, 1756; Captain commanding, 28th August, 1777 ; of Chasseurs, the 18th of Octo ber, following ; gallantry at York, for which he received the Cross of the MeriteMilitaire. Klocker. Captain commanding Grenadiers ; twenty-five years ser vice ; two campaigns in America ; en gaged in the attack of the redoubt ; an officer of great merit. (Is not this the same as the preceding ? ) La Bade, de Fecosme, Jean Fran cois. Captain, 17th August, 1775 ; born at the Bartido in Armagnac, 7th February, 1743 ; decorated after the capture of York. La Barre. See De la Barre. La Bord, De Pecanne. Captain commanding (Gatinois) ; twenty-one, years service ; two campaigns in Ger many, six in America ; good services. La BoySre. Captain commanding (Soissonnois) ; twenty-five years ser vice; two campaigns in America; very fine officer. Lacarderie, De. Captain, en sec ond, (Soissonnois) ; twenty-two years service; three campaigns in Germany, two in Corsica, two in America ; gave evidence of valor. La Corbiere. La Corbiere, Antoine Madelaine de. Captain, 19th May, 1774 ; born at Av- ranches, llth August, 1743 ; decorated for brave conduct at York. La Corbiere, Rene Anne Gilbert Francois de. Captain, 1st Septem ber, 1777; born at St. Martin de Ju- lien, Diocese of Avranches, llth Feb ruary, 1742 ; decorated for gallantry at York. Lafayette, Marie, Joseph, Paul, Yves, Roch Gilbert du Motier du Motier ; son of Michael, Louis, Chris- tophe, Roch Gilbert du Motier, Mar quis de Lafayette, Baron de Vis- sac, nobleman of St. Romain and other places, and of Lady Marie Lou ise Julie de la Riviere ; baptized 7th September, 1757, in the parish of Chavaniac, Diocese of St. Flour; born 26th September, 1757, (6th Septem ber); 9th April, 1771, musketeer in the Second Company ; 7th April, 1773, rank of 2d Lieutenant in the de No- ailles Dragoon Regiment; 19th May, 1774, Captain; , 1776, on half pay ; , 1777, came to North America, where he commanded a Corps d Ar- mee ; 3d March, 1779, Colonel of Horse commanding the regiment of the Dragoons of the King; 1st June, 1779, Assistant Quartermaster-Gen eral of the Army in Brittany and Normandy; 27th January, 1782, leaves the King s Regiment ; 5th December, 1781, promise of the appointment to the rank of Lieutenant-General, to date from 19th October, 1781 ; 12th March, 1783, brevet of Lieutenant- General forwarded to date from 19th October, 1781, in order to receive its benefits, etc.; 1st April, 1788, com manding a Brigade of Infantry in the division of Languedoc and Roussil- lon ; loth July, 1788, the King judged proper to withdraw his service papers as Colonel of Horse, on duty ; July, 1789, Commanding-General of the Guard of Paris; 30th June, 1791, Lieu tenant-General, Commander-in-Chief; 16th August, 1792, left his post with Launnay, Laton, Maubourg, Lalle- 499 Langon. mant, De Roure, Paris; came to North America in 1777, where he was ap pointed Major-General in the Ameri can Army ; took part in the cam paign as of said rank ; wounded llth September of the same year, at the battle of Brandy wine ; appointed Commander of a body of troops to operate against Canada ; took part in the campaign of 1778, command ing a portion of the American Army; led a detachment of troops to co operate with the French in Rhode Island ; took part in the campaign of 1779 in France ; was assigned to the staff of the army in Normandy ; set out again in the month of March, 1780, for America and was given the command of a corps of Elite troops in advance of General Washington s army ; in the beginning of 1781 was placed in command of Virginia with an effective force of 10,000 men, of which number 3,200 were Frenchmen; was engaged at Williamsburg, and during the night of the 14th of Octo ber carried by assault a redoubt at York, which surrendered on the 19th; and carried to France the news of the capture of this place in the month of November. 1781 ; he did not return to America, but was under the orders of the Count d Estaing and was designated to perform the duties of Major-General of the combined armies of France and Spain against Jamaica about the time preliminaries were being made. La Gardette. See Gardette. Lalbeuge, Jean Francois de. Cap tain ; born at La Tour en Quercy, 23d December, 1730 ; First Captain of the Regiment (Gatinois) ; served from 1754; Captain in 1757. Langon, Jean Jacques de. Captain commanding (Gatinois) ; twenty-three years 1 service ; six campaigns in Germany, six in the Colonies ; in the attack of the redoubt ; Captain, 18th June, 1776 ; born at Aire, in Guyenne, 14th February, 1737 ; deco rated for gallant conduct at York. La Perouse. 500 Leaumont. La Perouse, Commanded an expedition in the Hudson Bay. La Pierre. Lieutenant, en second, of Grenadiers (Gatinois) ; private in 1746 ; officer in 1770 ; was in the at tack of the redoubt. Lassaderie de Caupanes, Pierre. Captain, commissioned 4th July, 1777; born in 1730 ; pension of $400 on the occasion of the siege of York. Lauberdiere, De. See De Lauber diere. Laumont de Castille, de. See Josse- lin. Launay, Jean Baptiste Rene Cle ment De. Captain, 27th July, 1769 ; born at Ruppeveil, in Normandy, in November. 1739 ; decorated for actions under Count de Guichey ; pensioned for gallantry at York ; gratuity for gallant conduct at St. Christopher. Launay, Sir de. Captain in the Corps of Royal Engineers ; Colonel in the service of the Americans ; served from 1768 in the Engineers ; Captain in 1777 ; came to America in 1777 with the rank of Major and was made Lieu tenant-Colonel and Colonel respect ively ; name presented for a Lieuten ancy in the Colonel s Company of the provincial troops. Launet, Francois Claude de. Cap tain commandant Grenadiers (Bour- bonnois); twenty-four years service ; three campaigns in Germany, two in America. Captain, 25th August, 1773 ; born at the Garde, in Berry, llth November, 1738; decorated for gallantry at York. Lauretz, Chevalier de. Aide Quar termaster-General; Captain, half-pay, in the regiment of Royal cavalry ; twenty-six years of age ; 2d Lieuten ant, 29th July, 1776 ; rank of Captain, 6th November, 1779; received a serious wound in the attack and fears enter tained of his being crippled for life ; full of courage and talented ; nephew of Marshal Duke de Broglie ; siege of Y r ork ; request for appointment as Colonel of Horse, second class, and the Cross of St. Louis, in resigning that of Malta. Lauzun, Duke de. Brigadier ; com manded a corps of volunteers bearing his name ; served from 1761 ; Colonel, llth October, 1767; Brigadier, 1st March, 1780 ; gave proof of the great est zeal and the most brilliant valor ; siege of York. Laval, Anne Alexandre Marie Sul- pice Joseph, Marquis de. Colonel ; born in Paris, 22d January, 1747 ; - Musketeer in the second campaign, 1762 ; Captain in the cavalry regiment of de Berry, 28th April, 1765 ; Colonel of Touraine, 3d January, 1770; of Bourbonnais, 1775 ; promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, 5th De cember, for gallant conduct at York ; Quartermaster of the army in Corsica in 1769 ; Lieutenant-General, 13th June, 1783, to take rank from the first promotion. Colonel of Horse ; com manded the Bourbonnois Regi ment ; engaged in the action in the Chesapeake ; two naval actions ; in the last remained alone with his Major on the quarter-deck, the others having been killed or wounded ; his service in America deserves the great est praise ; served in the war of Cor sica. Brigadier ; Colonel of Horse commanding the Bourbonnais Regi ment ; served from 1762 ; Captain in 1765; Colonel, 3d January, 1770; Brigadier from 5th December, 1781 r as a reward for his gallant conduct at the siege of York ; took part in two campaigns in Corsica, four in America ; engaged in three actions, ; appointed Lieutenant-General,, to take rank, ; was aboard of the ship Conqueror (Conquerant), where, during the action of the 16th March he suffered more than all others of the squadron. La Valette. See De La Valette. La Villebonne, de. See Le Saige de La Villebonne. Leaumont, de Castille, Marie Robert. 2d Lieutenant, 8th April, 1780; born Bret. 501 Loucault. on the Isle at Vacae, Isle of Saint Dominique ; wounded at the siege of York in 1781. Le Bret, Jean Francois. Captain commanding Chasseurs (Soissonnois); twenty-two years service ; three campaigns in Germany, two in Cor sica, two in America ; distinguished officer ; Captain, 4th July, 1777; born at Belusson in Normandy, 25th No vember, 1742 ; decorated for gallantry at York. Le Cadet, Thomas. Born 6th No vember, 1743. Le Cornet. Sergeant-Major of Grenadiers (Gatinois) ; private Li 1709 ; Sergeant in 1781 ; selected for the attack of the redoubt and marched thereto at the head of the Axe-Bearers. Le Fetre de la Faluer. Captain commanding (Saintonge) ; twenty- two years service ; five campaigns in Cayenne, two in America. Lehoux, Michel. Lieutenant, llth November, 1779 ; born 5th October, 1736 ; came to America in 1775 ; took part in all the campaigns. L Enfant. Captain in the service of the United States since 1778 ; was Lieutenant in the Colonial Troops, from which he passed into the Ameri can service in 1777 ; was at the siege of Savannah, where he was wounded and remained on the battle-field ; from that time he served in General Washington s army ; much has been said that, like Villefranche, he spent his fortune in thellnited States ; obtained a pension of $300, and his name to be presented for a company in the Provincial Troops. Leonardy, Charles Joseph de. 2d Lieutenant ; born 22d September, 1753 ; Cadet, nobleman, 20th Septem ber, 1777 ; 2 J Lieutenant, 7th August, 1773 ; in the Chasseurs, 10th March, 1780 ; gallantry at York. Le Saige, de La Yillebrune. Cap tain, en second, of Chasseurs (Age- nois) ; served from 1762 ; Captain from 1779 ; officer of merit ; gallant conduct at Pensacola and York ; Ser vant Paul ; Captain, 22d August, 1779 ; born at Sulliac, Diocese of St. Malo, 25th September, 1747; gallantry at the capture of York ; was killed in the siege of the Castle of St. Chris topher in 1782. Lespes, Jean Joseph de. Captain, 17th August, 1774 ; born at Mengron, near Tardres, in Gascony, 8th Octo ber, 1731 ; decorated 8th October, 1781 ; died 7th March, 1782, from wounds received in the siege of St. Christopher. Lestrade, Claude, Baron de. Lieu tenant-Colonel to date, 19th August, 1777; born at Puy en Velay, 5th April, 1730; conspicuous at York, Va., by the most brilliant acts. Lieutenant- Colonel of the Regiment of Gatinois ; served from 1746 ; Captain, 5th Feb ruary, 1757 ; Lieutenant-Colonel, 17th August, 1777 ; marched at the head of the Grenadiers in the midst of abattis and palisades as sprightly as a man of twenty years ; siege of York. Levert, de Genville, Barthilemy Laurent. Lieutenant. 16th Novem ber, 1781; born at Raincourt, in Conte^ 10th August, 1755 ; gallantry at York ; taken prisoner in the action of 12th April, 1782 ; confined on the ship Hec tor ; Lieutenant, en second, of Chas seurs (Gatinois) ; served from 1776 ; in the attack of the redoubt; Lieutenant; born 30th November, 1759 ; cadet, no bleman 6th June, 1776 ; 2d Lieutenant en second, 14th November, 1781 ; served very well at Savannah. Liamart, Henry Francois, Vicount de Pondeux. Colonel, 13th April, 1780 ; born in Paris, 1st August, 1748 ; his father was Governor of Saint Jean Pied de Port; gallant conduct at York. Londoix, de la Brosse, Junier. Lieu tenant, 1779 ; born 25th April, 1761 ; wounded in the face in the actions of the 9th or 12th of April, under M. de Grasse. Loucault, Jean Simon David de. Captain, 28th August, 1777 ; born in Lustrac. 502 Meth, the Isle de Rhe, 26th February, 1741 ; decorated 4th April, 1781 ; wounded at Savannah, and was in the engage ments under M. Lamotte Piquet. Lustrac, Jean Joseph de. Captain, 5th June, 1760 ; born at Liasse, in the Diocese of Aire, in Gascony, 25th No vember, 1733 ; seriously wounded at the siege of Munster in 1759 ; distin guished himself at the siege of York ; Captain commanding (Agenois); served from 1756; Captain in 1760; engaged in the campaigns in Ger many ; seriously wounded at the siege of Munster ; officer of merit. Lutzen, Guillaume Frederic Ber nard de. Born 18th May, 1758; 1st Lieutenant, 4th April, 1780 ; wounded at the siege of York in 1781 ; 1st Lieu tenant of Chasseurs (Royal Deux Fonts) ; served from 1775; Lieutenant from 1773 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Lynch, Isidore. Captain, 24th May, 1778 ; born 8th June, 1755 ; distin guished himself in India, Grenada, Savannah, and York ; Aide Adjutant of Infantry ; served from 1770 ; Cap tain from 1778 ; attached to the Dil lon Regiment ; served in India, Gre nada, at Savannah, in America. MacdonnaL. Captain, en second, Dillon Regiment ; twenty-four years service ; took part in the last war with Germany ; was at the capture of Grenada, naval action, and in the expedition against Savannah when d Estaing selected him to the com mand of a picket of sixty volunteers in the action of the 9th October, . Madron de Brie. See De Brie. Maguois. Lieutenant, second-class, (Soissonnoie) ; forty-one years ser vice ; private, grenadier ; officer from 1763 ; good officer of fortune, riddled with wounds. Marguerit. See Dolomine. Marguerite, Chevalier de Chalen- dar. See Chalendar. Marie, Francois. See Francois. Marin de Grilliere. See de Grilliere. Marin, Jean Baptiste De. Captain T 22d April, 1762 ; born at Tarascon ; dangerously wounded at the siege of York; died from wounds ; Captain, commanding Grenadiers(Soissonnois); twenty-six years service ; two cam paigns in America ; received two serious wounds at the capture of York ; permanently injured. Mascaron, Philippe Louis Beau de. Captain ; born at Vauvert, in Langue- doc, 22d January, 1744; Captain, en second, (Gatinois) ; served from 1767 ; Captain in 1779 ; in the attack of the redoubt ; his uncle was governor of the Isle of Aix. Maublerce. See St. Simon Mau- blerce. Mauraige, de. See Berarri. Maury, Louis Francois Philippe de. Captain, 3d June, 1779 ; born 8d Octo ber, 1749 ; pensioned for gallantry at York ; Captain, second-class, of Chasseurs (Bourbonnois) ; student of the Military Academy ; served from 1767 ; Captain in 1779 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Menon, Louis Armand Francois De. Captain, 30th June, 1778 ; born at Monsegur 19th November, 1744 ; promise of a regiment for gallant conduct at York ; nominated to the majority of the Auvergne Uegiment in 1782 ; Captain, en second, of Grena diers (Soissonnois) ; served from 1761 ; Captain in 1778 ; a distinguished and gallant officer. Menon, Pierre Armand, Chevalier de. Captain, 14th November, 1782; born at Monsegur, in Guyenne, 5th April, 1755. Menonville, Louis Antoine Thie- bault De. Major, 29th September, 1775 ; pensioned ; siege of York. (See Thibault.) Meth, Alexandre, Chevalier de la. Captain on half-pay in the Regiment of Royal Cavalry ; officer in 1778 ; Captain in 1779 ; appointed Assistant Quartermaster-General, supernumer- Miolis. 503 Noailles. ary, in November, 1782 ; was a dis tinguished officer ; granted a pension of $500. Miolis, Sixtus Alexandre Francois de. Lieutenant, 20th September, 1782 ; born at Aix, in Provence, 18th September, 1759; dangerously wound ed at siege of York. Mirabaud, Andre Boniface, Louis de Regniety Chevalier de. Colonel of Horse, 24th April, 1772; born in Paris, 30th November, 1754 ; was engaged in three actions under M. de Guichey in 1780; gallant conduct at St. Chris topher, where he was wounded ; he was father of the Tribune. Moliere, Andre Louis Florent de. Captain ; born 17th December, 1749 ; Captain, en second (Gatinois) ; stu dent at the military school ; served from 1767 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Montalegre, Chevalier [de la Fa- hegue de] Jean Barthelemy. Captain^ 1st July, 1782 ; born at Vigau, in Lan- guedoc, 7th January, 1755 ; gallant conduct at York. Mo-.italeinbert, Trion de. Captain; sent to the Conty Dragoons, 6th June, 1780 ; Chevalier de Tressan. Montlezun, De. Lieutenant-Colonel (Touraine); served from 1744; Cap tain in 1755 ; Lieutenant-Colonel in 1779 ; distinguished officer. (See Mon- zellan.) Montlong. 2d Lieutenant (Agenois); served from 1777 ; 2d Lieutenant in 1779 ; was in the sieges of Pensacola and York ; behaved very well. Monzellan, Jean Francois Du Mou lin de la Bartelle De. Lieutenant- Colonel, 8th April, 1779 ; born at Aire, in Guyenne, 14th June, 1729 ; received a bad contusion in the actions of 9th and 12th April, 1782, under Count de Grasse. Moysia, Joseph Marie Anne De. Captain, 30th January, 1778; Captain, en second (Soissonnois) ; student mili tary academy ; twenty-one years ser vice ; two campaigns in Germany; two in Corsica ; two in America ; born at Bourges, in Bresse, 19th February, 1744 ; decorated for gallantry at York. (Name also spelled Moyria.) Muhlenfels, Charles Adam. Born 23d October, 1748 ; 2d Lieutenant, 13th August, 1765; 2d Captain from 8th April, 1779 ; gratuities for brave con duct at York ; Captain, en second, of Chasseurs (Royal Deux Ponts); served from 1765 ; Captain from 1779 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Mullens. Lieutenant in the Regi ment of de Berwick, to rank as Cap tain ; served as private from 1757 ; flag-bearer in 1769 ; 2d Lieutenant in 1770 ; Lieutenant in 1778 ; rank of Captain in 1779 ; took part in two* campaigns in Germany ; two in the Isle of France, and seven in America; filled the functions of Captain des Guides with great success. Negley, De la Roche. Lieutenant ; entered the service, 6th June, 1776; engaged in the attack on the en trenchments at Savannah, where he was wounded ; served in the Regi ment of Gadenois. Noes, Des. See Des Noes. Noailles, Louis Marie Vicount de. 2d Colonel, 8th March, 1780 ; Colonel of Horse, Lieutenant Commandant of the King s Dragoon Regiment, 27th January. 1782, for distinguished con duct at York. Colonel of Horse, eh second, of the Regiment of Sois sonnois ; Captain from 2d March, 1773 ; Colonel from 28th February, 1778, upon condition not to as sume command and rank before reaching the age of twenty-three years ; gave proof of his zeal from the beginning of the war, especially at York. He was charged with Colonel Laurens, to arrange for the surrender, and acquitted himself well. Noailles, Yicount de. Colonel of Infantry, commanding the third di vision ; two assaults; two landings; one siege ; chief in charge of several trenches ; commanded a division of a thousand men. O Dune. 504 Ribaupierre. O Dune. See Dune. O Farell. Lieutenant, en second; rerved four years in the Regiment de Lally in India ; was discharged and entered in the service in the Dillon Regiment as Cadet in 1757 ; was made officer in 1776 ; was in the assault on the bluff of the Grenada hospital, naval action, and in the assault at Savannah, where he received a gun shot wound in the leg. Ollieres. See D Ollieres. Olonne, Chevalier d . 2d Lieuten ant in the de Schomberg Regiment from 1773 ; came to America as Aide- de-Camp to his uncle, Baron de Vi- omeuil ; was detailed to the staff of the army ; his gallpnt conduct at the siege of York gave promise of a cap taincy on half -pay, which was granted. O Moran, Jacques. Major, 20th October, 1779 ; born at Elphin, in Ire land, 1st May, 1739. O N eil. Captain Commandant ; twenty-nine years of service ; he be longs to the fifth generation of those who had the honor to serve the King in the regiment (Dillon) since the passage of Irishmen into France. This officer took part in the last war with Germany ; was present at the capture of Grenada, naval action ; in the expedition against Savannah, where he received a gunshot wound in the breast, causing violent contu sion. Paillot. Antoine. Private, 1st Feb ruary, 1756; 2d Lieutenant, 21st April, 1779, of the Grenadier Company ; gallantry at York ; 2d Lieutenant of Grenadiers (Gatinois) ; private in 1756 ; officer in 1779 ; in the attack of the redoubt. Parmentier, Jacques Joseph. Lieu tenant 16th June, 1776 ; born at Hei- gen, 15th August, 1728; gratuity given for gallant conduct at York. Parmentier. Lieutenant, (Tou- raine); private in 1746 ; officer in 1764 ; /ery good officer of fortune ; served S7611. Perouse. See La Perouse. Petitot. Champagne Regiment ; present at the capture of Grenada and in the naval action, but does not appear in the land operations. Peyron, Pierre. Major, 24th March, 1780 ; born at Barthelemy, in the Peche ; officer of valor and intel ligence (note of 1779) ; pensioned 5th December, 1779, for gallant conduct at York. Pigriol, de Rocreusse, Gaspard Jean Joseph Olivier. Lieutenant, 17th Jan uary, 1780. On his way to America, he saved, by his courage and firm ness, one hundred and sixty-eight men of the two hundred he com manded from the shiwrecked "Three Henriettas." Plancher, Sir. Lieutenant, Royal Engineer Corps ; pension granted. Ponteves, d Eyroux, Marie Jean Balthazar. Lieutenant, en second (Soissonnois) ; served from 1777 ; gra tuity granted for gallantry at York. Poquet, de Pulery Desains Sauveur, Mathieu Louis Claude ; Captain, 15th November, 1782 ; born at Martinique, 10th December, 1750 ; wounded at Savannah, where he distinguished himself, and at the taking of York. Poudeux, Vicount de. Colonel of Horse ; commanded the Regiment of Touraine ; served from 1760 ; Captain, 28th April, 1768; Colonel of Horse, 14th March, 1774. Pulery, de. See Poquet. Querenet, Mr. Colonel without Brigade in the Royal Engineer Corps ; pension granted. Rebourquil, Chevalier de. See Falqueirette de Saint Felix. Rhulc, De. Captain commanding; (Royal Deux Fonts) ; twenty-three years and nine months 1 service ; five campaigns in Germany, two in America. Ribaupierre, Charles Royer de. Born 8th January, 1762 ; 2d Lieuten ant from 28th April, 1778 ; gratuities for brave conduct at York. 2d Liue- Hochambeau tenant of Chasseurs (Royal Deux Fonts) ; served from 1778 ; was in the attack of the redoubt. Rochambeau, Donatien Marie Jo seph de Vernier, Vicount de. Colonel of Horse, second class, of the Regi ment of Bourbonnois ; bornOth April, 1755 ; served from 1769 ; Captain, 28th July, 1773; Colonel of Horse, second class, 22d January, 1779 ; com manded a Battalion of Grenadiers and Chasseurs at the time of the ad vance and placed them so near the enemy as to force Cornwallis to aban don the redoubts and the camp at Pigeon s Hill, which gained a very great advantage over the enemy ; Colonel ; born in Paris, 9th April, 1775; appointed Colonel of his Regi ment, 1st July, 1783; Colonel of Horse, commanding the regiment of Saintonge ; 2d Lieutenant, 5th August, 1769; Captain in 1773; Col onel, second-class, of the Bour bonnois in 1779 ; Colonel of Horse, commanding the Regiment of Saint onge in 1782 ; took part in four cam paigns in America ; made a trip to Europe regarding the Conference of Hartford ; told the Chevalier of Malo de la Molt that the Queen desired his removal, yet he continued the same functions without pay ; for a long time Commander-in-Chief, in the ab sence of the Marquis de Laval, of the Bourbonnois regiment, and according to the usage practiced in America fed all the officers during the marches ; these expenses affected his fortune and the small fortune of Madame de Rochambeau ; received the Cross of St. Louis, 5th August, 1783, and a pension of $4,000; Colonel, second- class, 22d January, 1779 ; born at Paris 9th April, 1755; 2d Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery Corp, 1769 ; Cross of St. Louis, to be decorated there with 5th August, 1783. Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Dona tien de Vineur Count de. Born at Vendome, Diocese of Blois, 1st July, 1725 ; Cornet in the Cavalry Regiment 505 Kochenegly. of St. Simon, 24th May, 1742; Cap tain, 23d July, 1743; Colonel of the Regiment of March, Infantry, 3d March, 1747; Governor of Vendome in Suriuaine, 1st June, 1755; Briga dier, 23d July, 1756; detailed to the Army in Germany, 1st March, 1757 ; Colonel of the Auvergne Regiment, 7th March, 1759 ; wounded at Closter- camp, 16th October, 1760 ; Lieutenant- General, 20th February, 1761 ; Inspec tor-General of Infantry, 7th March, 1761 ; Commander of the Order of St. Louis, 1st April, 1766; Grand Cross of St. Louis, 9th December, 1771 ; Governor of Villefranche, 1776 ; detailed in Normandy and Brittany, 1st June, 1778 ; Governor of the City of Vendome, 1st June, 1779, to 20th December, 1779, at the death of his father;Lieutenant-General,lst March, 1780 ; Commander of the King s Army in North America, March, 1780 ; Chevalier of the King s Orders, 8th June, 1783 ; Commander-in-Chief in Picardy, , 1784; Engaged in the campaign in Minorca in 1756, and throughout the German war in 1757, arid distinguished himself in both; in the war campaigns from 1742 to 1748; wounded at the battle of Lan- feldt in 1747 ; displayed gallantry at the head of the Auvergne Brigade in 1759 ; wounded at Clostercamp, 16th October, 1760; gallant conduct in 1762 ; commanded a corps of troops ; came to America in 1780, and merits the greatest praise. Rochefontaine. Major in the ser vice of the United States when he came in 1778 ; was only Captain before the siege of York, but his gal lant conduct thereat won him the majority ; name to be presented for a company in the Provincial Troops. Rochenegly, Gabriel Francois de la. Lieutenant, second-class, of Chas seurs, 7th August, 1779 ; born at Chamblas,4th October, 1757; wounded at Savannah ; taken prisoner in the action of 12th April, 1782 ; confined on the ship Caton. Rocnes. 506 Sileg-ue. Roches, Des. See Des Roches. Rocreusse, dc. See Pignol. Romefort, Charles Pierre Baudin de Beauregard de. Major, 5th June, ; born at Cognac, 15th June, 1740. Rostaing, Marquis de ; named also Juste, Antoine Henry Marie, Ger main. Brigadier ; Colonel of Horse commanding the regiment Royal Auvergne or Gatinois ; officer in 1760; Captain in 1765 ; Colonel from 1st April, 1770 ; Brigadier, 5th December, 1781, as a mark of distinction for gal lantry at York ; took part in four campaigns in America, and won a brilliant military reputation; ap pointed to the rank of Lieutenaiit- General from . Roussille, Raymond de. Lieuten ant, 26th September, 1778 ; bom 16th February, 1756; conducted himself well at York ; 1st Lieutenant (Gati nois) ; served from 1775 ; was orderly officer to Baron de Viomeuil ; com manded the trench. Rouverie, Charles de [Cahires Ches de.] Captain, 6th May, 1761; born at Nismes, 5th January, 1741 ; decorated for gallant conduct at York, Va. Rouxelin. See Des Xoes. Royal Deux Fonts, Count. See Des Deux Fonts. Ruhle, Charles Guillaume de. Born in Saxony, 3d December, 1740; En sign in the service of Holland ; Cap tain commanding, 22d August. 1779 ; Cross of the Merite Militaire after the action at York. Saint Cosme de Bosnier. See Bos- nier. Saint Maine, Count de. Colonel of Horse ; commanded the Soissonnois. See St. Maine. Sarreck, Custine Adam Philippe, Count de. Colonel, 8th March, 1780 ; born at Metz, 4th February, 1740; brave conduct at York ; nominated Lieutenant-General, 5th December, 1781. Sauvage, de Serilange Jean Gaspar. Captain, 3d June, 1780; born at Quarante, diocese of Narbonne, 28th September, 1743 ; participated in the entire campaign in America; seriously wounded in the left leg at St. Lucie. Sauver. See Poquet. Scheldon, De. See De Scheldon. Scheverin, Guillaume Henry Florus Count de. Born at Wiedrauchel, 31st July, 1754 ; 2d Lieutenant from the 28th of August, 1777; Lieutenants en second, 28th October, 1781 ; gra tuities for brave conduct at Y T ork ; 2d Lieutenant of Grenadiers (Royal Deux Fonts); served from 1777; was in the attack of the redoubt. Scott de Coulanges. Captain, second class (Saintonge); twenty years ser vice ; five campaigns in Cayenne ; two in America. Sebastien, Charles Francois. Cap tain ; born at Falaisse, 21st March, 174G. Segur, Count de. Colonel of Horse, en second, of the regiment of Sois sonnois, actually Colonel of Horce commanding a regiment of Dragoons; served from 1769; Colonel from 1st October, 1776 ; gave proof at all times of zeal, courage, discipline, and good conduct. Sequier de Tersson. See Tersson. Serilange, de. See Sauvage. Shee, Jacques. Captain ; bora in Ireland, 15th February, 1735. Sigala, de. See Drouilhet. Silegue. 2d Lieutenant of Chas seurs (Gatinois) ; served from 1777 , in. the attack of the redoubt, where lie received a gunshot wound through the thigh; 2d Lieutenant in the Royal Auvergne Regiment; served from 1777 ; was in the attack of the redoubt at York, and, though mount ed on the parapet, he hastened to aid the Vicount deux Fonts, to reach it; he received a gunshot wound through the thigh ; pension of 300 granted. Siniril, 507 Tarsson., Sirinil, Jean de. Captain command ing Chasseurs(Gatinois); twenty-three years service ; three campaigns in Germany, four in America ; was seri ously wounded, also at Savannah; of ficer of great valor ; Captain ; born at Leinceril, in Perigord, 25th Decem ber, 1742 ; wounded at Savannah, and was in the three engagements under M. De Guichey ; wounded at York and died from the effects of his wound in hospital at "Williamsburg, 20th De cember, 1781, or 7th March, 1782. Sinety, Francois Bernard De. Cap tain, 4th July, 1777 , born at Apt, in Provence, 23d July, 1743 ; decorated for gallantry at York. Srack, Joseph de. Captain ; born at Neukirsh, 4th March, 1734 ; Ensign in the Regiment of Alsace in 1758 ; Captain commanding, 3d June, 1779 ; twice wounded at Clostercamp ; re ceived the Cross of the Merite Mili- taire after the action at York. Steding, Baron de. Swede ; two as saults ; two landings ; one siege; com manded trenches ; also a column in the assault on Savannah, where here- ceived a wound ; a naval action. St. Felix, Falquerettes de. See Falquerettes. St. Florent. Captain commanding (Gatinois); twenty-one years service ; three campaigns in Germany ; six in the Colonies ; in the attack of the re doubt. St. Maine, Count de. Colonel of Horse, Regiment of Soissonnois ; offi cer in 1766 ; Colonel, 29th June, 1775 ; commanded his regiment with all possible zeal and intelligence during the four campaigns in America ; re ceived assurance of an appointment to Brigadier with the Colonels of 1772. St. Sauveur, De. 1st Lieutenant (Agenois) ; served from 1773 ; Lieuten ant in 1779 ; wounded in the breast at the siege of Savannah ; displayed great gallantry in an attack upon one of the redoubts at York, and was wounded in the thigh. St. Simon Maublerce, Claude Anne, Marquis de. Colonel, 29th June, 1775 ; Lieutenant-General, 1st March, 1780 ; served from 1754 ; Colonel, 25th March, 1758 ; Brigadier, 3d January, 1770 ; Lieutenant-General from 1st March, 1780 ; one of the bravest men that ever lived ; wounded at York. Straack, De. Captain commanding Chasseurs (Royal Deux Porits); twen ty-three years service; five campaigns in Germany ; two in America ; en gaged in the attack of the redoubt. Sundahl, Christien Louis Philippe. Captain ; born at Deux Ponts, 10th May, 1734; Ensign in the service of the Prince of Waldeck in 1754 ; Cap tain commanding the Colonels Com pany, 3d June, 1779 ; brave conduct at Y r ork, which won for him the Cross of the Merite Militaire ; Captain com mandant (Royal Deux Ponts); twenty- four years and nine months service ; six campaigns in Germany ; two in America. Taaffe, Georges. Lieutenant, 10th July, 1779; born in Ireland in 1757; killed at Savannah, 8th October, 1779. Tarle De. See De Tarle. Tascher. Captain ; . Teissedre, de Fleury. See Fleury. Tenade, Jean Marie. 1st Lieuten ant of Grenadiers (Gatinois); served as private from 1752 ; officer in 1769 ; was in the attack of the redoubt ; Lieutenant ; born at Perosse, in Guy- enne, 16th May, 1731 ; private in the Auvergne Regiment, 10th March, 1752 ; 2d Lieutenant (in second), 28th August, 1777; 1st Lieutenant, 14th November, 1781 ; displayed gallantry at York ; name also spelled Terrade. Tersson, Sequier de. Captain of Grenadiers Regiment of Agenois ; en tered the service llth March, 1756; Captain with Troop, 5th June, 1760 ; Captain of Grenadiers, 1st September, 1777 ; in the siege at Savannah, where he reached the trenches as a superior officer. Tiiibault. 508 Viomeuil. Thibault, de Menonville. Aide Major-General ; served from 1756 ; Captain in the Engineer Corps ; Lieu tenant-Colonel, 24th March, 1772 ; served faithfully in Corsica, Poland, Armenia, and siege of York. (See Menonville. Thomas, Antoine Chevalier de MaudinetduPlessis. Captain, en sec ond ; First Assistant Aide of the artillery train in the army under the command of Count de Rocham- beau ; pension granted. Tourville, de. See Chapuy. Trauront, Chevalier de. 1st Lieu tenant (Agenois); served from 1771 ; Lieutenant in 1777 ; served well in the Grenadiers. Trenovay, Captain De. Lieutenant in the Regiment of Foix, January, 1757 ; Captain in November, 1762 ; ap pointed Major by Count D Estaing at Savannah towards the end of Oc tober, 1779. Troron, de. See Kermarec. Vachon, Pierre Charles Francois de. Captain, 13th November, 1761 ; born ut Retornnac in Velay, 12th April, 1742; decorated for the capture of York; Captain commanding (Gat- inois) ; twenty-three years service ; five campaigns in America ; very fine officer. Valette, De la. Brigadier, Lieu tenant-Colonel of the Saintonge Regi ment ; served from 1746 ; Lieutenant- Colonel, 2d March, 1773; Brigadier, 5th December, 1781, for gallant con duct at the capture of York ; was left at York with the siege artillery com manding a detachment of 600 men, who afterwards were sent to Balti more ; lived with the inhabitants of both these great cities in an honor able way, and the $200 pay per month he received as a brigadier in the service of America was barely .sufficient to meet his demands. Varni, de la Chaussee, Charles Alexandre. 2d Lieutenant, 22d July, 1779 ; born at Rouen, 3d July, 1759 ; -wounded at the siege of York. Vauban, Count de. Colonel of Horse, attached to the Regiment of Orleans, Infantry; formerly 2d lieu tenant of the Gendarmerie ; born 9th March, 1754; served from 1770; Cap tain, 26th May, 1775 ; Standard-Bearer of Gendarmerie and rank of Lieuten ant-Colonel, 9th March, 1777 ; Colonel of Horse, 8th April, 1779; obtained permission to join the army in America ; was in the attack under Baron de Viomeuil, and displayed gallantry at the siege of York; Colonel of Horse attached to the de Chartres Dragoon Regiment ; officer in 1770 ; Captain in 1775 ; 2d Lieutenant of the Gendarmerie, with rank of Lieuten ant-Colonel in 1777 ; Lieutenant with the rank of Colonel of Horse in 1779 ; assigned to the de Chartres Regiment in 1780 ; took part in three campaigns in America as Aide-de-Camp to Count de Rochambeau ; displayed on all oc casions the most brilliant valor, par ticularly in the attack on the re doubts at Y T ork, serving side by side with Baron de Viomeuil ; name to be presented for appointment as Colonel of Horse, second class. Villebrune, de. See Le Saige. Villefranche. Formerly Lieuten ant in His Majesty s Dragoons ; Topo graphical Engineer in 1770 ; 2d Lieu tenant in 1772 ; Lieutenant in 1773 ; was appointed to his lieutenancy in 1782 ; Major in the service of the United States, 1777, when he came to America ; an intelligent and exact person ; scattered all his fortune in America ; obtained a pension of 500 and name presented for a company of Provincial Troops. Viomeuil, Chevalier de. Lieuten ant-Genera] ; served from 1747 ; Colo nel, 20th July, 1761; Brigadier, 3d January, 1770; Lieutenant-General, 1st March, 1780 ; possessed full knowl edge of details, firmness and the most brilliant courage : siege of York ; Lieutenant - General ; served from 1740; forty-three years ser vice ; Colonel in 1759 ; Brigadier Wisca. 509 "Wisoh, in 1762; Lieutenant-Geeral, 1770; distinguished himself in a special manner at the siege of York ; appointed to the rank of Lieutenant- General after the war ; Commandeur of the Order of St. Louis ; gallant conduct in the first action of the Chesapeake ; carried by assault, sword in hand, at the head of four hundred Grenadiers, the redoubt at York ; Lieutenant-General ; Colonel in 1761 ; Brigadier from 4th January, 1770 ; Lieutenant-General, 1st March, 1780 ; served well in the war of 1756 in Corsica and in America ; com manded the Lorraine Legion with general approval. Wisca, Jean Christophe Baron de. Captain ; born in Holstein, 22d May, 173) ; Quartermaster in the service of the Emperor in 1756 ; Captain, 28th August, 1777; of Grenadiers, 4th April, 1780 ; wounded at York ; re ceived the Cross of the Merite Mili- taire for bravery. Wisch, Baron de. Regiment Royal Deux Fonts ; Captain commanding ; twenty-three years and nine months 1 service ; five campaigns in Germany ; two in America ; wounded at Ber- ghen ; contused at the siege of York, and incapacitated for further service. NOTE. Many names in the original list appear in two or three different places, names are- spelled variously, and it was difficult in many instances to- determine the correct spelling of the names. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF BATTLES, ACTIONS, &C. 1775. 19th April, 1775, Lexington, Massachusetts. 19th April, 1775, Concord, Massachusetts. 5th May, 1775, Martha s Vineyard, Massachusetts. 10th May, 1775, Ticonderoga, New York. 12th May, 1775, Crown Point, New York. 14th May, 1775, Fort St. John, Canada. 21et May, 1775, Grape Island, Massachusetts. 27th May, 1775, Noddle s Island, Massachusetts. 27th May, 1775, Hogg Island, Massachusetts. 17th June, 1775, Bunker Hill, (Beers Hill) Massachusetts. 17th June, 1775, to 17th March, 1776, Siege of Boston, Massachusetts. 8th July, 1775, Roxbury, Massachusetts. 13th August, 1775, Gloucester, Massachusetts. 29th August, 1775, New York City, Attack on. 18th September, 1775, St. Johns, Canada. 25th September, 1775, Montreal, Canada. 30th September, 1775, Stonington, Connecticut. 7th October, 1775, Bristol, Rhode Island. 18th October, 1775, Falmouth, Maine. 10th October, 1775, Chambly, Canada. 2Gth October, 1775, Hampton, Virginia. 3d November, 1775, St. Johns, Canada. 9th November, 1775, Phipps Farm, Massachusetts. 12th November, 1775, Montreal, Canada. 8th to 31st December, 1775, Siege of Quebec, Canada. 9th December, 1775, Great Bridge, Virginia. 2Cd December, 1775, Cane Brake, South Carolina. 31st December, 1775, Quebec, Canada. 1770. let January, 1776, Norfolk, Virginia. 8th January, 1776, Charlestown, Massachusetts. 14th February, 1776, Dorchester Neck, Massachusetts. 27th February, 1776, Moore s Creek Bridge, North Carolina. 7th March, 1776, Hutchinson s Island, Georgia. 8th March, 177G, Nook s Hill, Massachusetts. 7th March, 1776, Boston, Massachusetts, evacuated by the British. 513 6th May, 1776, Plains of Abraham, Canada. 19th May, 1776, The Cedars, Canada. 26th May, 1776, Vandreuil, Canada. 8th June, 1776, Three Rivers, Canada. 16th June, 1770, Chambly, Canada. 24th June, 1776, Isle aux Noix, Canada. 28th to 29th June, 1776, Fort Sullivan (Sullivan s Island), South Carolina. 8th to 10th July, 1766, Gwyn s Island, Chesapeake Bay. 15th July, 1773, Rayborn Creek, South Carolina. 24th July. 1770, Sorrel River, Canada. 1st August, 1776, Essenecca ToAvn, South Carolina. 22d to 23d August, 1776, Flatbush, Long Island. 26th August, 1776, Valley Grove, Long Island. 27th August, 1770, Long Island (Bushwick or Brooklyn), New York. 28th August, 1776, Jamaica (Brookland), Long Island. 15th September, 1776, New York City occupied by the British. 16th September, 1776, Harlem Plains, New Y 7 ork. 24th September, 1776, Montressor s Island, New York. llth October, 1776, Valcour Island, New Y r ork. 12th October, 1776, Harlem Heights (Throg s Neck), New York. 13th October, 1776, Lake Champlain. 14th October, 1776, Crown Point, New York. 18th October, 1776, Pelham Manor (New Rochell), New York. 21st October, 1776, Mamaroneck, New Y T ork. 28th October, 1776, White Plains, New York. 8th November, 1776, Mount Washington, New Y^ork. 16th November, 1776, Fort Washington, New York. 16th November, 1776, Fort Tryon, New York. 16th November, 1773, Fort George, New York. 16th November, 1776, Harlem Cove (Manhattanville), New York. 16th November, 1776, Cock-Hill Fort, New York. 18th November, 1776, Fort Lee, New Jersey. 20th November, 1776, Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia. 1st December, 1776, Brunswick, New Jersey. 17th December, 1776, Springfield, New Jersey. 26th December, 1776, Trenton, New Jersey. 1777. 2d January, 1777, Trenton, New Jersey. 3d January, 1777, Princeton, New Jersey. 10th January, 1777, Fogland Ferry, Rhode Island. 17th January, 1777, King s Bridge, New York. 20th January, 1777, Somerset C. H. (Millstone), New Jersey. 25th January, 1777, West Farms, New York. 29th January, 1777, Augusta, Georgia. 2d to 4th February, 1777, Fort Mclntosh, Georgia. 8th March, 1777, Amboy (Punk Hill), New Jersey. 16th March, Ward s House (West Chester County), New York. 22d March, 1777, Peekskill, New York. 24th March, 1777, Highlands, New York. 13th April, 1777, Boundbrook, New Jersey. 19th April, 1777, Woodbridge, New Jersey. 25th to 27th April, 1777, Danbury Raid, Connecticut. 513 27th April, 1777, Ridgefield, Connecticut. 28th April, 1777, Crompo Hill, Connecticut. 8th May, 1777, Piscataway, New Jersey. 18th May, 1777, Amelia Island, Florida. 23d May, 1777, Sag Harbor, New York. 10th June, 1777, Crown Point, New York. 17th June, 1777, Millstone, New Jersey. 26th June, 1777, Short Hills, New Jersey. 6th July, 1777, Crown Point, New York, evacuated by United States Troops. 7th July, 1777, Hubbardton, Vermont. 7th July, 1777, Skenesborough, New York. 8th July, 1777, Fort Anne, New York. 2d August, 1777, Moses Kill, New York. 2d August, 1777, Dutch Island, Rhode Island. 4th to 22d August, 1777, Fort Schuyler (Fort Stanwix), New York. 6th August, 1777. Oriskany, New York. 16th August, 1777 Bennington, Vermont. 21st to 22d August, 1777. Staten Island, New York. 1st September, 1777, Fort Henry (Wheeling), Virginia. 3d September, 1777, Iron Hill, Delaware. llth September, 1777, Chad s Ford, Delaware. llth September, 1777, Brandywine, Delaware. 18th September, 1777, Lake George, New York, 19th September, 1777, Bemus Heights, New York. 19th September, 1777, Stillwater (Freeman s Farm), New York. 20th September, 1777, Paoli, Pennsylvania. 26th September, 1777, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, occupied by the British. 4th October, 1777, Germantown, Pennsylvania. 6th October, 1777, Forts Clinton and Montgomery, New York. 7th October, 1777, Stillwater, New York. 7th to 17th October, 1777, Saratoga, New York. 13th October, 1777, Esopus, New Y r ork. 13th October, 1777, Kingston, New York. 17th October, 1777, Saratoga, New Y ork. Surrender of General Burgoyne. 22d October, 1777, Fort Mercer (Red Bank), New Jersey. 23d October, 1777, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania. 10th to loth November, 1777, Fort Mifflin, Pennsylvania. 5th to 8th December, 1777, Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania. 6th December, 1777, Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. 7th December, 1777, Edge Hill, Pennsylvania. 10th December, 1777, Long Island, New York. 1778. 18th March, 1778, Quintan s Bridge, New Jersey. 21st March, 1778, Hancock s Bridge, New Jersey. 17th April, 1778, Bristol, Pennsylvania. 1st May, 1778, Crooked Billet, Pennsylvania. 8th May, 1778, Bordentown, New Jersey. 20th May, 1778, Barren Hill, Pennsylvania. 31st May, 1778, Tiverton, Rhode Island. 1st June, 1778, Cobleskill, New York. 18th June, 1778, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, evacuated by the British. 514 28th June, 1778, Monmouth (Freehold C. H.), New Jersey. 1st to 4th July, 1778, Wyoming, Pennsylvania. 5th July, 1778, Vincennes, Indiana. 29th August, 1778, Quaker Hill (Butts Hill or Rhode Island), Rhode Island. 31st August, 1778, Indian Field and Bridge, New York. 16th September, 1778, West Chester, New York. 26th to 28th September, 1778, Fort Henry (Wheeling), Virginia, 28th September, 1778, Tappan, New Y^ork. 6th October, 1778, Chestnut Creek, New Jersey. 15th October, 1778, Mincock Island (Egg Harbor), New Jersey. 10th November, 1778, Cherry Valley, New Y^ork. 19th November, 1778, Spencer s Hill (Bulltown Swamp), Georgia. 24th November, 1778, Medway Church, Georgia. 17th December, 1778, Vincennes, Indiana. 25th December, 1778, Young s House, New York. 29th December, 1778, Savannah (Brewton Hill), Georgia. 1779. 9th January, 1779, Fort Morris (Sunbury), Georgia. 29th January, 1779, Augusta, Georgia, occupied by the British. 3d February, 1779, Port Royal Island, South Carolina. 3d February, 1779, Beaufort, South Carolina. 10th February, 1779, Car s Fort, Georgia. 14th February, 1779, Kettle Creek, Georgia. 14th February, 1779, Cherokee Ford, South Carolina. 23d February, 1779, Vincennes, Indiana. 26th February, 1779, Horseneck, Connecticut. 3d March, 1779, Brier Creek, Georgia. 26th March, 1779, West Greenwich, Connecticut, 20th April, 1779, Onondegas, New Y r ork. 27th April, 1779, Middletown, New Jersey. 9th May, 1779, Fort Nelson (Norfolk), Virginia. llth May, 1779, Charleston Neck, South Carolina. 1st June, 1779, Stony Point, Verplanck s Point (Fayette), New York. 19th June, 1779, Greenwich, Connecticut. 20th June, 1779, Stono Ferry, South Carolina. 28th June, 1779, Hickory Hill, Georgia. 2d July, 1779, Poundridge, New York. 2d July, 1779, Bedford, New York. 5th July, 1779, New Haven, Connecticut. 8th July, 1779, Fairneld, Connecticut. 12th July, 1779, Norwalk, Connecticut, 16th July, 1779, Stony Point, New Y T ork. 18th July, 1779 r Jersey City, New Jersey. 22d July, 1779, Minisink, New York. 5th August, 1779, Morrisania, New York. 19th August, 1779, Paulus Hook (Weehawken), New Jersey. 29th August, 1779, Newton, Chemung (Elmira), New Y r ork. 30th August, 1779, Tarrytown, New York. 5th September, 1779, Lloyd s Neck, New York. 14th September, 1779, Geneseo, New York. 23d September to 19th October, 1779, Siege of Savannah, Georgia. 515 19th October, 1779, Savannah, Georgia. 56th October, 1779, Brunswick, New Jersey. 7th November, 1779, Jefferd s Neck, New York. 1780. 18th January, 1780, Eastchester, New York. 25th January, 1780, Elizabethtown, New Jersey. 25th January, 1780, Newark, New Jersey. 3d February, 1780, Young s House (Four Corners), New York. 29th March to 12th May, 1780, Siege of Charleston. 14th April, 1780, Monk s Corner (Biggins Bridge), South Carolina. 15th April, 1780, New Bridge, New Jersey. 16th April, 1780, Paramus, New Jersey. 24th April, 1780, Sortie from Charleston, South Carolina. 6th May, 1780, Lanneau s Ferry, South Carolina. 7th May, 1780, Fort Moulirie, South Carolina. 8th May, 1780, Sullivan s Island, South Carolina. 12th May, 1780, Surrender of Charleston, South Carolina. 22d May, 1780, Caughnawaga, New York. 22d May, 1780, Johnstown, New York. 29th May, 1780, Waxhaws, South Carolina. 6th June, 1780, Elizabethtown, New Jersey. 7th to 23d June, 1780, Connecticut Farms, New Jersey. 20th June, 1780, Ramsour s Mills, North Carolina. 23d June, 1780, Springfield, New Jersey. 12th July, 1780, Williamson s Plantation (Brattenville), South Carolina. 13th J iily, 1780, Cedar Springs, North Carolina. Uth July, 1780, Pacolett River, North Carolina. loth July, 1780, Earle s Ford, North Carolina. 19th July, 1780, Block House, Tom s River (Bergen), New Jersey. 21st July, 1780, Bull s Ferry, New Jersey. 30th July, 1780, Rocky Mount, South Carolina. 30th July, 1730, Fort Anderson (Thickety Fort), South Carolina. 1st August, 1780, Green Springs, South Carolina. 2d August, 1780, Mohawk Valley (Fort Plain), New York. 6th August, 1780, Hanging Rock, South Carolina. 8th August, 1780, Wofford s Iron Works (Cedar Springs), South Carolina. 15th August, 1780, Ford of the Wateree, South Carolina. 16th August, 1780, Carnden, South Carolina. 16th August, 1780, Gum Swamp, South Carolina. 18th August, 1780, Musgrove s Mills, South Carolina. 18th August, 1780, Fishing Creek, South Carolina. 18th August, 1780, Catawba Ford, South Carolina. 20th August, 1780, Great Savannah (Nelson s Ferry), South Carolina. 12th September, 1780, Cane Creek, North Carolina. 14th to 18th September,1780, Forts Grierson and Cornwallis( Augusta), Georgia. 15th September, 1780, White House, Georgia. 21st September, 1780, Wahab s Plantation, North Carolina. 26th September, 1780, Charlotte, North Carolina. 7th October, 1780, King s Mountain, North Carolina. llth October, 1780, Fort George, New York. 15th October, 1780, Middleburg, New York. 516 17th October, 1780, Schoharie, New York. 19th October, 1780, Fort Keyser (Palatine or Stone Arabia), New York. 21st October, 1780, Klock s Field, New York. 23d October, 1780, Kanassoraga, New York. 25th October, 1780, Black River (Tarcote Swamp), South Carolina. 29th October, 1780, German Flats, New Y ork. 9th November, 1780, Fish Dam Ford (Broad River), South Carolina. 12th November, 1780, Broad River, South Carolina. 20th November, 1780, Black- Storks (Tiger River), South Carolina. 21st November, 1780, Coram (Fort George), Long Island. 23d November, 1780, Fort St. George (Smith s Point), Long Island. 4th December, 1780, Rugley s Mills, South Carolina. 9th December, 1780, Horseneck, Connecticut. 1781. 5th January, 1781, Richmond, Virginia. 8th January, 1781, Charles City Courthouse, Virginia. 17th January, 1781, Cowpens, South Carolina. 22d January, 1781, Morrisania, New York. 1st February, 1781, Wilmington, North Carolina. 1st February, 1781, Cowan s Ford, North Carolina. 1st February, 1781, Torrence s Tavern, North Carolina. 6th February, 1781, Shallow Ford, North Carolina. 12th February, 1781, Bruce s Cross- Roads, North Carolina. 25th February, 1781, Haw River, North Carolina. 2d March, 1781, Clapp s Mill, North Carolina. 6th March, 1781, Wetzell s Mills, North Carolina. 15th March, 1781, Guilford, North Carolina. 12th April, 1781, Fort Balfour, South Carolina. 15th to 23d April, 1781, Fort Watson, South Carolina. 16th April to 5th June, 1781, Augusta, Georgia, Siege of. 25th April, 1781, Hobkirk s Hill, South Carolina. 25th April, 1781, Hillsborough, North Carolina. 25th April, 1781, Petersburg, Virginia. 25th April, 1781, Camden, South Carolina. 27th April, 1781, Osborne s, Virginia. 10th May, 1781, Camden, South Carolina. llth May, 1781, Orangeburg, South Carolina. 12th May, 1781, Fort Motte, South Carolina. 14th May, 1781, Croton River, New York. 14th May, 1781, Nelson s Ferry, South Carolina. 15th May, 1781, Fort Granby, South Carolina. 21st May, 1781, Silver Bluff, South Carolina. 21st May, 1781, Fort Galphiri (Fort Dreadnought), Georgia. 22d May to 19th June, 1781, Ninety-Six, South Carolina. 24th May, 1781, Augusta (Fort Cornwallis), Georgia. 5th June, 1781, Augusta (Forts Cornwallis and Crierson), Georgia, 26tli June, 1781, Rahway Meadow, New Jersey. 26th June, 1781, Spencer s Tavern, Virginia. 3d July, 1781, King s Bridge, New York. 6th July, 1781, Jamestown Ford, Virginia. 6th July, 1781, Green Springs, Virginia. 517 9th July, 1781, Currytown, New York. 15th July, 1781, Tarrytown, New York. 17th July, 1781, Quinby s Bridge, South Carolina. 22d August, 1781, Warwarsing, New York. 30th August, 1781, Parker s Ferry, South Carolina. 1st September, 1781, West Haven, Connecticut. 6th September, 1781, New London, Connecticut. 6th September, 1781, Fort Griswold (Groton Hill), Connecticut. 8th September, 1781, Eutaw Springs, South Carolina. 13th September, 1781, Hillsborough, North Carolina. 13th September, 1781, Lindley s Mill (Cane Creek), North Carolina. 29th September to 19th October, 1781, Yorktown, Virginia, Siege of. 10th October, 1781, Threadwell s Neck, New York. 16th October, 1781, Monk s Corner, New York. 19th October, 1781, Yorktown, Virginia, Surrender of Cornwallis. 24th October, 1781, Johnson Hall (Johnstown), New York. 30th October, 1781, Jerseyfleld (West Canada Creek), New York. 1782. 4th March, 1782, Morrisania, New York. 21st May, 1782, Ogechee Road, near Savannah, Georgia. 24th May, 1782, near Sharon, Georgia. 23d June, 1782, Ebenezer, Georgia. llth July, 1782, Savannah, Georgia, evacuated by the British. July, 1782, James Island, South Carolina. 19th August, 1782, Blue Licks, Kentucky. 27th August, 1782, Combahee Ferry, South Carolina. 4th November, 1782, John s Island, South Carolina. 30th November, 1782, Independence of United States acknowledged by Great Britain. 14th December, 1782, Charleston, South Carolina, evacuated by the British. 1783. 3d September, 1783, Treaty of Peace concluded. 26th November, 1783, British troops withdrawn from New York. ALPHABETISAL LIST OF BATTLES, ACTIONS, &c. Amboy, New Jersey, 8th March, 1777. Amelia Island, Florida, 18th May, 1777. Anderson, Fort, Georgia, 23d July, 1780. Anne, Fort, New York, 8th July, 1777. Augusta, Georgia, 29th January, 1777, 14th to 18th September, 1780, and 16th April to 5th June, 1781. Balfour, Fort, South Carolina, 1.2th April, 1781. Barren Hill, Pennsylvania, 20th May, 1778. Beaufort, South Carolina, 3d February, 1779. Bedford, New York, 2d July, 1779. Beers Hill, Massachusetts, 17th June, 1775. Bemus Heights, New York, 19th September, 1777. Bennington, Vermont, 16th August, 1777. Bergen, New Jersey, 19th July, 1780. Biggin s Bridge, South Carolina. 14th April, 1780. Black River, South Carolina, 25th October, 1780. Black Storks, South Carolina, 20th November, 1780. Block House, New Jersey, 19th July, 1780. Blue Licks, Kentucky, 19th August, 1782. Bordentown, New Jersey, 8th May, 1778. Boston, Massachusettts, (siege of), 17th June, 1775, to 17th March, 1776. Bound Brook, New Jersey, 13th April, 1777. Brandywine, Delaware, llth September, 1777. Brattonville, South Carolina, 12th July, 1780. Brewton Hill, Georgia, 29th December, 1778. Brier Creek, Georgia, 3d March, 1779. Bristol, Pennsylvania, 17th April, 1778. Bristol, Rhode Island, 7th October, 1775. Broad River, South Carolina, 12th November, 1780. Brookland, Long Island, 28th August, 1776. Brooklyn, New York, 27th August, 1776. Bruce s Cross-Roads, North Carolina, 12th February, 1781. Brunswick, New Jersey, 1st December, 1776, and 26th October, 1779. Bulltown Swamp, Savannah, Georgia, 19th November, 1778. Bull s Ferry, New Jersey, 21st July, 1780. Bunker Hill, Massachusetts, 17th June, 1775. Bushwick, Long Island, 27th August, 1776. 520 Butts Hill, Rhode Island, 29th August, 1778. Camden, South Carolina, 16th August, 1780, 25th April and 10th May, 1781. Cane Brake, South Carolina, 22d December, 1775. Cane Creek, North Carolina, 12th September,1780,and 13th September,1781. Cars, Fort, Georgia, 10th February, 1779. Catawba Ford, South Carolina, 18th August, 1780. Caughnawaga, New York, 22d May, 1780, Cedars, The, Canada, 19th May, 1776. Cedar Springs, North Carolina, 13th July, 1780. Cedar Springs, South Carolina, 8th August, 1780. Chadd s Ford, Delaware, llth September, 1777. Chambly, Canada, 19th October, 1775, and 16th June, 1776. Charles City Court-House, Virginia, 8th January, 1781. Charleston, South Carolina, siege of 29th March to 12th May, 1780 ; sortie from, 24th April, 1780 ; occupied by the British, 12th May, 1780, to 14th December, 1782, Charleston Neck, South Carolina, llth May, 1779. Charlestown, Massachusetts, 8th January, 1776. Charlotte, North Carolina, 26th September, 1780. Chatterton s Hill, New York, 28th October, 1776. Chenmng, New York, 29th August, 1779. Cherokee Ford, South Carolina, 14th February, 1779. Cherry Valley, New York, 10th November, 1778. Chesapeake Bay, 8th to 10th July, 1776. Chestnut Creek, New Jersey, 6th October, 1778. Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, 6th December, 1777. Clapp s Mill, North Carolina, 2d March, 1781. Clinton, Fort, New York, 6th October, 1777. Cobleskill, New York, 1st June, 1778. Cock-hill Fort, New York, 16th November, 1776. Combahee Ferry, South Carolina, 27th August, 1782. Concord, Massachusetts, 17th April, 1775. Connecticut Farms, New Jersey, 7th to 23d June, 1780. Coram, Long Island, 21st November, 1780. Cornwallis, Fort, Georgia, 14th September, 1780, and 5th June, 1781. Cowan s Ford, North Carolina, 1st February, 1781. Cowpens, South Carolina, 17th January, 1781. Crompo Hill, Connecticut, 23th April, 1777. Crooked Billet, Pennsylvania, 1st May, 1778. Croton River, New York, 14th May, 1731. Crown Point, New York, 12th May, 1775 ; 14th October, 1776, and 16th June, 1777. Cumberland, Fort, Nova Scotia, 20th November, 1776. Currytown, New York, 9th July, 1781. Danbury Raid, Connecticut, 25th to 27th April, 1777. Dorchester Neck, Massachusetts, 14th February, 1776. Dreadnought, Fort, Georgia, 21st May, 1781. Dutch Island, Rhode Island, 2d August, 1777. Earle s Ford, North Carolina, 15th July, 1780. East Chester, New York, 18th January, 1780. Ebenezer, Georgia, 23d June, 1782. Edge Hill, Pennsylvania, 7th December, 1777. Egg Harbor, New Jersey, 15th October, 1778. 521 Elizabethtown, New Jersey, 25th January, and 6th June, 1780. Elmira, New York, 29th August, 1779. Esopus, New York, 13th October, 1777. Essenecca Town, South Carclina, 1st August, 1776. Eutaw Springs, South Carolina, 8th September, 1781, Fairneld, Connecticut, 8th July, 1779. Falmouth, Maine, 18th October, 1775. Fayette, Fort, New York, 1st June, 1779. Fish Dam Ford, South Carolina, 9th November, 1780. Fishing Creek, South Carolina, 18th August, 1780. Flatbush, New York, 22d to 23d August, 1780. Fogland Ferry, Rhode Island, 10th January, 1777. Fort Plain, New York, 2d August, 1780. Four Corners, New Y ork, 3d February, 1780. Freehold Court-House, New Jersey, 28th June, 1778. Freeman s Farm, New York, 19th September, 1777. Galphin, Fort, Georgia, 21st May, 1781. Geneseo, New York, 14th September, 1779. George, Fort, New York, 16th November, 1776, and llth October, 1780. George, Fort, Long Island, 21st November, 1780. German Flats, New York, 29th October, 1780. Germantown, Pennsylvania, 4th October, 1777. Gloucester, Massachusetts, 13th August, 1775. Granby, Fort, South Carolina, 15th May, 1781. Grape Island, Massachusetts, 21st May, 1775. Great Bridge, Virginia, 9th December. 1775. Great Savannah, South Carolina, 20th August, 1780. Green Spring, South Carolina, 1st August, 1780. Green Springs, Virginia, 6th July, 1781. Greenwich, Connecticut, 19th June, 1779. Grierson, Fort, Georgia, 14th September, 173), and 24th May, 1781. Griswold, Fort, Connecticut, 6th September, 1781. Groton Hill, Connecticut, 6th September, 1781. Guilford, North Carolina, 15th March, 1781. Gum Swamp, South Carolina, 16th August, 1780. Gwyn s Island, Chesapeake Bay, 8th to 10th July, 1776. Hampton, Virginia, 26th October, 1775. Hancock s Bridge, New Jersey, 21st March, 1778. Hanging Rock, South Carolina. 6th August, 1780. Harlem Cove, New York, 16th November, 1776. Harlem Heights, New York, 16th October, 1776. Harlem Plains, New York, 16th September, 1776. Haw River, North Carolina, 25th February, 1781. Henry, Fort, Virginia, 1st September, 1777, and 26th to 28th February, 1778. Hickory Hill, Georgia, 28th June, 1779. Highlands, New York, 24th March, 1777. Hillsborough, North Carolina, 25th April, 1781. Hogg Island, Massachusetts, 28th May, 1775. Horseneck, Connecticut, 26th February, 1779, and 9th December, 1780. Hubbardton, Vermont, 7th July, 1777. Hutchinson s Island, Georgia, 7th March, 1776. Independence of United States acknowledged by Great Britain, 30th No vember, 1782. 522 Indian Field and Bridge, New York, 31st August, 1778. Iron Hill, Delaware, 3d September, 1777. Isle aux Noix, Canada, 24th June, 1776. Jamaica, Long Island, 28th August, 1776. James Island, South Carolina, July, 1782. Jamestown Ford, Virginia, 6th July, 1781. Jefferd s Neck, New York, 7th November, 1779. Jersey City, New Jersey, 18th July, 1779. Jerseyfield, New York, 30th October, 1781. John s Island, South Carolina, 4th November, 1782. Johnson, Fort, South Carolina, 14th September, 1775. Johnson Hall, New York, 24th October, 1781. Johnstown, New York, 22d May, 1780, and 24th October, 1781. Kanassoraga, New York, 23d October, 1780. Kettle Creek, Georgia, 14th February, 1779. Keyser, Fort, New York, 19th October, 1780. King s Bridge, New York, 17th January, 1777, and 3d July, 1781. King s Mountain, North Carolina, 7th October, 1781. Kingston, New York, 13th October, 1777. Klock s Field, New York, 21st October, 1780. Lake Champlain, llth to 13th October, 1776. Lake George, New York, 18th September, 1777. Lanneau s Ferry, South Carolina, 6th May, 1780. Lee, Fort, New Jersey, 18th November, 1776. Lexington, Massachusetts, 19th April, 1775. Lindley s Mill, North Carolina, 13th September, 1781. Lloyd s Neck, New York, 5th September, 1779. Long Cane, South Carolina, 4th December, 1780. Long Island, New York, 27th August, 1776, and 10th December, 1777. Mamaroneck, New York, 21st October, 1776. Manhattanville, New York, 16th November, 1776. Martha s Vineyard, Massachusetts, 5th May, 1775. Mclntosh, Fort, Georgia, 2d to 4th February, 1777. Medway Church, Georgia, 24th November, 1778. Mercer, Fort, New Jersey, 22d October, 1777. Middleburg, New York, 15th October, 1780. Middletown, New Jersey, 27th April, 1779, and 12th June, 1780. Mifflin, Fort, Pennsylvania, 23d October and 10th to 15th November, 1777. Millstone, New Jersey, 22d January and 17th June, 1777. Mincock Island, New Jersey, 15th October, 1778. Minisink, New York, 22d July, 1779. Mohawk Valley, New York, 2d August, 1780. Monk s Corner, South Carolina, 14th April, 1780, and 16th October, 1781. Monmouth, New Jersey, 28th June, 1778. Montgomery, Fort, New York, 6th October, 1777. Montreal, Canada, 25th September, and 12th November, 1775. Montressor s Island, New York, 24th September, 1776. Moore s Creek Bridge, North Carolina, 27th February, 1776. Morris, Fort, Georgia, 9th January, 1779. Morrisania, New York, 5th August, 1779, 22d January, 1781, and 4th March r 1782. Moses Kill, New York, 2d August, 1777. Motte, Fort, South Carolina, 12th May, 1781. 523 Moultrie, Fort, South Carolina, 7th May, 1780. Mount Washington, New York, 8th November, 1776. Musgrove s Mills, South Carolina, 18th August, 1780. Nelson, Fort, Virginia, 9th May, 1779. Nelson s Ferry, South Carolina, 14th May, 1781. Newark, New Jersey, 25th January, 1780. New Bridge, New Jersey, 15th April, 1780. New Haven, Connecticut, 5th July, 1779. New London, Connecticut, 6th September, 1781. New Rochelle, New York, 18th October, 1776. Newtown, New York, 29th August, 1779. New York City, New York, attack on, 29th August, 1775 ; occupied by Brit ish Troops, 15th September, 1776, to 25th November, 1783. Ninety-Six, South Carolina, 22d May to 19th June, 1781. Noddles Island, Massachusetts, 27th May, 1775. Nooks Hill, Massachusetts, 8th March, 1776. Norfolk, Virginia, 1st January, 1776, and 9th May, 1779. Norwalk, Connecticut, 12th July, 1779. Ogeechee Road, Georgia, 21st May, 1782. Onondagas, New York, 20th April, 1779. Orangeburg, South Carolina, llth May, 1781. Oriskany, New York, 6th August, 1777. Osborne s, Virginia, 27th April, 1781. Pacolett River, North Carolina, 14th July, 1780. Paoli, Pennsylvania, 20th September, 1777. Paramus, New Jersey, 22d March, and 16th April, 1780. Paulus Hook, New Jersey, 19th August, 1779. Peace, treaty of, concluded, 3d September, 1783. Peekskill, New York, 22d March, 1777. Pelham Manor, New York, 18th October, 1776. Petersburg, Virginia, 25th April, 1781. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, occupied by the British 26th September, 1777, to 18th June, 1778. Phipps 1 Farm, Massachusetts, 9th November, 1775. Piscataway, New Jersey, 8th May, 1777. Plain, Fort, New York, 2d August, 1780. Plains of Abraham, Canada, 6th May, 1776. Port Royal Island, South Carolina, 3d February, 1779. Poundridge, New York, 2d July, 1779. Princeton, New Jersey, 3d January, 1777. Punk Hill, New Jersey, 8th March, 1777. Quaker Hill, Rhode Island, 29th August, 1778. Quebec, Canada, siege of, 8th to 31st December, 1775. Quinby s Bridge, South Carolina, 17th July, 1781. Quinton s Bridge, New Jersey, 18th March, 1778. Rah way Meadow, New Jersey, 26th June, 1781. Ramsour s Mill, North Carolina, 20th June, 1780. Rayborn Creek, South Carolina, 15th July, 1776. Red Bank, New Jersey, 22d October, 1777. Rhode Island, 29th August, 1778. Richmond, Virginia, 5th January, 1781. Ridgefield, Connecticut, 27th April, 1777. Rocky Mount, South Carolina, 30th July, 1780. 524 Roxbury, Massachusetts, 8th July, 1775. Rugley s Mills, South Carolina, 4th December, 1780. Sagg Harbor, New York, 23d May, 1777. Saratoga, New York, 7th to 17th October, 1777. Savannah, Georgia, occupied by British troops, 29th December, 1778, to llth July, 1782 ; siege of 23d September to 18th October, 1779. Schohaire, New York, 17th October, 1780. Schuyler, Fort, New York, 4th to 22d August, 1777. Shallow Ford, North Carolina, 6th February, 1781. Sharon, Georgia (near), 24th May, 1782. Short Hills, New Jersey, 26th June, 1777. Silver Bluff, South Carolina, 21st May, 1781. Skenesborough, New York, 7th July, 1777. Smith s Point, New York, 23d November, 1780. Somerset Court-House, New Jersey, 20th January, 1777. Spencer s Hill, Georgia, 19th November, 1778. Spencer s Tavern, Virginia, 26th June, 1781. Springfield, New Jersey, 17th December, 1776, and 23d June, 1780. Sorrel River, Canada, 24th July, 1776. Stanwix, Fort, New York, 4th to 22d August, 1777. Staten Island, New York, 21st and 22d August, 1777. St. George, Fort, Long Island, 23d November, 1780. Stillwater, New York, 19th September, and 7th October, 1777. St. John, Fort, Canada, 14th May, 1773. St. John s, Canada, 18th September, and 3d November, 1775. Stone Arabia, New York, 19th October, 1780. Stonington, Connecticut, 30th September, 1775. Stono Ferry, South Carolina, 20th June, 1779. Stony Point, New York, 1st June and 16th July, 1779. Sullivan, Fort, South Carolina, 28th and 29th June, 1776. Sullivan s Island, South Carolina, 28th and 29th June,1776,and 8th May, 1780. Sunbury, Georgia, 6th to 9th January, 1779. Tappan, New York, 28th September, 1778. Tarcote Swamp, South Carolina, 25th October, 1780. Tarry town, New York, 30th August, 1779, and 15th July, 1781. Threadwell s Neck, New York, 10th October, 1781. Three Rivers, Canada, 8th June, 1776. Throg s Neck, New York, 12th October, 1776. Ticonderoga, New York, 10th May, 1775, and 6th July, 1777. Tiger River, South Carolina, 20th November, 1780. Tiverton, Rhode Island, 31st May, 1778. Tom s River, New Jersey, 19th July, 1780. Torrence s Tavern, North Carolina, 1st February, 1781. Trenton, New Jersey, 26th December, 1776, and 2d January, 1777. Tryon, Fort, New York, 16th November, 1776. Valcour Island, New York, llth October, 1776. Valley Grove, Long Island, 26th August, 1776. Vandreuil, Canada, 26th May, 1776. Verplanck s Point, New York, 1st June, 1779. Vincennes, Indiana, 5th July, 1778, 17th December, 1778, and 23d February, 1779. Wahab s Plantation, South Carolina, 21st September, 1780. Ward s House, New York, 16th March, 1777. 525 Warwarsing, New York, 22d August, 1781. Washington, Fort, New York, 16th November, 1776. Wateree, Ford of the, South Carolina, 15th August, 1780. Watson, Fort, South Carolina, loth to 23d April, 1781. - Waxhaws, South Carolina, 29th May, 1780. Weehawken, New Jersey, 19th August, 1779. West Canada Creek, New York, 30th October, 1781. West Chester, New York, 16th September, 1778. West Chester County, New York, 16th March, 1777. West Farms, New York, 25th January, 1777. West Greenwich, Connecticut, 2Gth March, 1779. West Haven, Connecticut, 1st September, 1781. WetzelPs Mills, North Carolina, 6th March, 1781. Wheeling, Virginia, 1st September, 1777, and 26th to 28th September, 1778. White House, Georgia, loth September, 1780. Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania, 5th to 8th December, 1777. White Plains, New York, 28th October, 1776. Williamson s Plantation, South Carolina, 12th July, 1780. Wilmington, North Carolina, 1st February, 1781. Wofford s Iron Works, South Carolina, 8th August, 1780. Woodbridge, New Jersey, 19th April, 1777. Wyoming, Pennsylvania, 1st to 4th July, 1778. Yorktown, Virginia, 28th September to 19th October, 1781. Y oung s House, New York, 25th December, 1778, and 3d February, 1780. 8 S -^ tc : 7> : IS II S - 2 E ~ w : 2 : y S o 2 e_i : I* S ~ ^ : .^ c_, : ^ ^ " S M H g S 5 o, : 3 |j: : 8S S^,3 ^ ^ ^ Fanuary 8 JS ^ : ^ : : S8S ^ ^ < 8S^- p8X- "o&jo^ ;" ! K a eo M W " 7 J c ii S -^ : 2 i ! : l i o M o : 2 8BK.M taW! ^^-,: ^ February. ffl : : 8Sg OT |? |: : ^S"^ ? -< : 5 o : 1 P : g 5 K w : P p5 : 8SS^: aSloBil: 5S8B: 2 CD : is S rr c. : ( P : " i- -i : i i" 3 : 1 3 ii !j: ^, : r^ ^ : 8 L S -o i* ! .^ March. <s ^ ^ > ^ T5 W : 88K.- ? 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EH 1 : fc ~ 3 53 S : 3 EH : :!?5 : ^ -38K - : * :-aaa i ^q i^SSS -| 33 ^SSS : NUMBER OF TROOPS FURNISHED DURIXG- THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION TIHIE The exact number of men in the Continental Establishment, furnished by each State in the War of the Revolution, is not known, but an approxi mate estimate made by Colonel Pierce, Paymaster-General of the Continen tal Army, and the Treasury Accountants, in 1787, is as shown in the first column of this table. In addition, however, all the States furnished regiments or independent battalions or companies of State Troops, Militia, Rangers, Riflemen, &c., for brief services, who were called out to assist the Continental Army in emergencies, or were raised to protect and defend their own States, many of whom were in service at two or more different periods. The exact number thus furnished can not be given, but upon examination of various estimates, I believe the figures shown in the second column of the table to be, in round figures, approximately correct : CONTINENTAL ARMY. STATE TROOPS, MILITIA, &c. TOTAL. New Hampshire 12 497 4 000 16 497 Massachusetts 67 907 20 000 87 907 Rhode Island 5 908 4 000 q (iAQ Connecticut 31 939 9 000 40 f 30 New York. ... 17 781 10 000 27 781 New Jersey 10 7 9 6 7 000 17 76 Pennsylvania 25 678 10 000 35 678 Delaware 2 386 1 000 3 386 Maryland 13 912 9 000 22 912 Virginia 26 678 30 000 5fi fi78 North Carolina 7 963 13 000 20 ^(tt South Carolina 6 417 20 000 26 4L7 Greor^ia 2 679 8 000 10 679 Total.. 231.771 145.000 37fi 771 The total here given is excessive as to the number that served in the army, for many served two, three and even four terms. Many of the men who entered the service in 1775, re-entered in 1776, again in 1777, and again in 1780, and were therefore counted two, three, or four times, and from the best information attainable it is fair to assume that the number of indi viduals actually engaged in the military service during the war did not exceed 250,000. INDEX OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Additional Continental Regiments, Field Officers of : . . . 23-25 Aides-de-Camp to General Washington 12 American Regiment (First), Field Officers of 55 Army Continental, Strength of 526 Artillery Artificer Regiments, Field Officers of 15 Artillery Regiments, Field Officers of 14,15 Battles, Actions, &c., Chronological and Alphabetical List of 511-525 Brigadier-Generals, Continental Army 11-14 Calendar for the Years 1775 to 1883 inclusive Canadian Regiments, Field Officers of 15 Connecticut Regiments, Field Officers of 16-19 Continental Army, Number of Troops in 526 Continental Regiments, Field Officers of 13-55 Corps of Artillery, Field Officers of 15 Delaware Regiment, Field Officers of 26 Dragoon Regiments, Field Officers of 26,27 Field Officers, Continental Army 13-55 French Officers who served with the American Army 483-509 General Officers, Continental Army 9-11 Georgia Regiments, Field Officers of 27 German Battalion, Field Officers of 25 Invalid Corps, Field Officers of 52 Last Soldier of the Revolution 449 Light Dragoon Regiments, Field Officers of 26,27 Major-Generals, Continental Army 9 Maryland Regiments, Field Officers of 28,29 Massachusetts Regiments, Field Officers of 30-36 Military Secretaries to General Washington 12 New Hampshire Regiments, Field Officers of 37,38 New Jersey Regiments, Field Officers of 38,39 New York Regiments, Field Officers of 39,40 North Carolina Regiments, Field Officers of 41,42 Officers Continental Army (Alphabetical List of) 57-448 Officers Continental Army (War Department List of) 451-481 Officers of the French Army who served in A merica 483-509 Pennsylvania Regiments, Field Officers of 43-47 Preface 3-6 Revolutionary War, Number of Troops Engaged in 526 Rhode Island Regiments, Field Officers of 47,48 Soldier, Last Living, of the Revolution 449 South Carolina Regiments, Field Officers of 48,49 Troops, Number of, during the Revolution 526 Virginia Regiments, Field Officers of 49-54 HISTORICAL REGISTER OF THK UNITED STATES ARMY FROM ITS SEPTEMBER 29, 1789, TO SEPTEMBER 29, 1889. BY F. B. HEITMANj War Department, Embraces, 1. The name of every officer in the Regular Army, and Generals and Staff Officers of Vol unteers for 100 years (from 1788 to 1889), where born, whence appointed, his class standing when a graduate from the Military Academy, the organization in which he served, his promo tions and transfers, brevets and other distinctions, Also the date of death of more than 4.000 ollicers, Regulars and Volunteers, who died after leaving the service. 2. Alphabetical list of officers of Volunteers in the war with Mexico. 3. Alphabetical list of officers of Volunteers during the war of the Rebellion who held the rank of Major and upward. Also, a list of all Captains of Volunteer light batteries. 4. A complete list of all the Generals of the United States and Confederate Armies who were killed during the War of the Rebellion. 5. A complete list of all the Generals of the Confederacy during its existence. 6. A complete list of all the Officers who left the United States Army to join that of the Confederacy after November 1, I860. 7. A complete statement of all the important changes in the United States Army from 1789 to 1889. 8. A statement of the number of men furnished by the different States for the suppression of the Rebellion, and the deaths among the same. 9. A great amount of valuable information, never before published, relating to the Army and its organizations ani officers. It is an invaluable book of reference, such as no well-appointed library, and no man inter ested in the Army, past or present, can afford to be without. CHARACTER AND PRICE. The book contains 900 large octavo pages. So compactly is the matter arranged and con densed that it really contains fully three times as much as the usual book of that kind and size. It is printed on heavy white paper well fitting it for long and hard usage as a book of reference and is strongly bound in law sheep. It will be sent to any address in the United States, postpaid, on receipt of $8. HISTORICAL REGISTER OF OFFICERS CONTINENTAL ARMY, PRICE $5. The two books will be sent to any one address on receipt of $10. Respectfully. F. B. HEITMAN, 728 22d Street, Washington, D. C. PRESS OF NICHOLS, KILLAM & MAFFITT, BALTIMORE, MD. , j I^^^^^S^^ 4^M . SfeLe ^_ _ "fV^ >i$^ ^^SKSL - -<EW. "S *O - ;. & yy|> ^ ;^ , ;, .^ yt . ; V- , V ;1 ~~ --" ^pn > && *- >- >f-~ .- 1 1 rt ^ ^. AiVi^ j^.*t^rWl^ I ft . ^^ T AX7 TTCT? yX COE ^^i^ ?$$& ^-^ ^ \ ^w A^m ^ _5fcrfcrT "% ^^ _r^^l> ,, &j^f ^ ^ -^ ^Ss &