JOHN PAUL JONES COMMEMORATION JOHN PAUL JONES COMMEMORATION The illustrations in this volume are published by permission of the owners of the originals. Many of them are protected by copyright, and are not to be reproduced without permission. JOHN PAUL JONES. From the terra cotta colored bust, by Houdon, now in the National Academy of Design, New York. JOHN PAUL JONES. From the terra eotta colored bust, by Houdon, now in the National Academy of Design, New York. JOHN PAUL JONES COMMEMORATION AT ANNAPOLIS APRIL 24, 1906 $ ressed do u the fact ody placed under to the linen cap at the back. :rin lid pi\ sure had is found tunit igle caur. -ere etric lips have and could THK COMPOSITE PRIX T e print in plaster bu* L JONES : two fol- HOUDON BUST OF JOHN PAUL JONES. From plaster cast in the Trocadero Museum, Paris. THE HEAD OF JOHN PAUL JONES. COMPOSITE OF THE TWO PRECEDING PRINTS, SHOWING THE REMARKABLE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PLASTER BUST AND THE HUMAN HEAD. REPORT OF GENERAL PORTER UPON assuming charge of our embassy in Paris and finding myself among the old landmarks, which are still honored there as recall- ing the many historic incidents in the sojourn of Paul Jones in that brilliant capital, I felt a deep sense of humiliation as an American citizen in realizing that our first and most fascinating naval hero had been lying for more than a century in an unknown and forgotten grave, and that no serious attempt had ever been made to recover his remains and give them appropriate sepulture in the land upon whose history he had shed so much luster. Knowing that he had been buried in Paris, I resolved to undertake personally a systematic and exhaustive search for the body. The investigation began in June, 1899. The first step was to study all the writings obtainable relating to him, including official documents. The certificate of his burial had been registered, but the register had been placed with other archives of the city of Paris in an annex of the Hotel de Ville, situated on Victoria avenue, and had been destroyed with other important records when the Government buildings were burned by the Commune in May, 1871. Fortunately, in 1859, Mr. Charles Read, an archaeologist, investigator, and writer of note, had made a transcript of the register in which this certificate was recorded, and I finally succeeded in securing a correct copy. The following is an English translation of this interesting document: To-day, July 20, 1792, year IV of Liberty, at 8 o'clock in the evening, conformably to the decree of the National Assembly of yesterday, in presence of the delegation of the said assembly, composed of Messrs. Brun, president of the delegation of the said assembly; Bravet, Cambon, Rouyer, Brival, Deydier; Gay Vernon, bishop of the Department of Haute- Vienne; Chabot, Episcopal vicar of the Department of Loir-et- Cher; Carlier, Petit, L,e Josnes, Robouame; and of a deputation of the consistory of the Protestants of Paris, composed of Messrs. Marron the pastor, Perreaux, Benard, Marquis Mouquin, and Empaytaz, anciens, was buried in the cemetery for foreign Protestants, Jean Paul Jones, native of England and citizen of the United States of America, senior naval officer in the service of the said States, aged 45 years, died the 1 8th of this month at his residence situated at No. 42 Rue de Tournon, from dropsy of the chest, in the faith of the Protestant religion. The said burial was made in our presence by Pierre Francois Simonneau, commissary of the King for this section and commissary of police for the Ponceau section, in presence of M. Samuel Blackden, colonel of dragoons in the service of the State of North Carolina and a citizen of the United States of America; J. C. Mountflorence, formerly major in the service of the United States; Marie Jean Baptiste Benoist Beaupoil, formerly a French officer, residing in Paris at No. 7 Passage des Petits Peres; and of Louis 7257—07 4 49 50 Papers and Reports Nicolas Villeminot, the officer commanding the detachment of the grenadiers of the gendarmerie which escorted the delegation of the assembly; and others who have signed with us. Brun; Gay Vernon, bishop and deputy; Deydier, deputy from the department of Ain; Rouyer; Benard; Francois Chabot; J. C. Mountflorence; Petit; Cambon fils ain£; Bravet; Beaupoil; P. H. Carlier; Durvosque; Lafontaine; Simonneau; Jacques Brival; Villeminot; Robouame; deputy; Marron; Perreaux; Mouquin; Empaytaz; R. Ghiselin, of Maryland; S. Blackden; Griffith, of Philadelphia. Historians had differed as to the date of the death; the above-quoted certificate of burial fixes it definitely on July 18, 1792. The best description of Paul Jones's last moments is given in a letter received a month after the funeral by his elder sister, Mrs. Jenny Taylor (sometimes spelled in the official documents Jeanne, Janet, and Janette), in Scotland, written by his intimate friend, a witness of his will and a pallbearer at his funeral, Col. Samuel Blackden, a planter from North Carolina, who had served with distinction in the American Revolution, and was in Paris on business at the time of Paul Jones's last illness and death. The following is an extract from his letter: But for two months past he began to lose his appetite, grew yellow, and showed symptoms of jaundice. For this he took medical treatment and for a short time seemed to grow better. A few days before his death his legs began to swell, which proceeded upward to his body, so that for two days before his decease he could not button his waistcoat and had great difficulty in breathing. I visited him every day, and, beginning to be apprehensive of his danger, desired him to settle his affairs; but he would not take that view of it, and put off the mak- ing of his will until the afternoon of July 18, when he was prevailed upon to send for a notary and made his will. M. Beaupoil and myself witnessed it and left him sitting in a chair in his parlor. A few minutes after we retired he walked into his chamber and laid himself upon his face on the bedside, with his feet on the floor. The Queen's physician, who was attending him, came soon after, and on entering the apartment found him in that position, and on trying to lift him up found that he had expired. His disorder had terminated in dropsy of the heart. His body was put into a leaden coffin on the 20th, that, in case the United States, which he had so essentially served and with so much honor, should claim his remains they might be more easily removed. M. Beaupoil, whom he mentioned, was a major in the French army and an aid-de-camp to La Fayette, with whom he had served in the American Revolution. I had been misled for some time by having been furnished with an alleged copy of the certificate of burial published in the ' ' Bulletin of the Society of the History of Protestantism," in which there had been omitted after the word ■ ' anciens, ' ' doubtless through an error of the copyist, the following all-important phrase : ' ' Was buried in the ceme- tery for foreign Protestants." Besides this, eight words of minor significance had been omitted. The fact that the French construction was defective without some additional words led to another search, and in the Bibliotheque Nationale was at last found a magazine called the John Paul Jon e s , C o mm e mo r a ti on 51 1 ' Correspondance Litteraire," containing an article by Charles Read, giv- ing the correct copy of the certificate of burial, which he had made from the register referred to and of which the above is a translation. The article expressed the conviction of Mr. Read that the cemetery for foreign Protestants was the long-since abandoned and almost forgotten cemetery of Saint Louis, situated upon a street formerly called L'Hopital Saint Louis, at present Grange-aux-Belles. As some writers had expressed, however vaguely, different opinions, I instituted a long and exhaustive search to verify the grounds upon which Mr. Read had based his belief. Public records were found showing that in 1720 the Government, at the instigation of Holland, had set aside a lot for the burial of foreign Protestants near the Porte Saint Martin, called the "Saint Martin Cemetery," but which was closed in 1762. The Saint Louis Cemetery for foreign Protestants was opened about that time and officially closed in January, 1793, six months after Paul Jones's decease, although some interments were made thereafter. The custodian in charge of each of these cemeteries was named 1 ' Corroy , ' ' and it was ascertained from certain old documents discov- ered that the position had descended from father to son, which was evidence tending to show that the Saint Louis was the immediate suc- cessor of the Porte Saint Martin Cemetery. A copy was afterwards found of a decree regarding the burial of foreign Protestants, issued May 26, 1781, officially confirming this fact, and approved by De Ver- gennes, minister of foreign affairs under Louis XVI. From this decree have been taken the following extracts : By an order of council of June 20, 1720, it was decreed that there should be desig- nated a place for the burial of the bodies of foreign Protestants. The ground which was chosen was situated near the Porte Saint Martin. * * * In the year 1762 the cemetery was transferred behind the Saint Iyouis Hospital. This description clearly designated the Saint Louis Cemetery. To endeavor to obtain some authentic information as to whether there were any other cemeteries for foreign Protestants in existence at the time, and whether any further corroborative evidence could be found regard- ing the burial place of the Admiral, an examination requiring several months was made of all the journals and periodicals obtainable of about the date of the funeral, which took place July 20, 1792. Access was had to more than a hundred publications, which were found in the pos- session of libraries, societies, and individuals. The Moniteur, Tome XIII, page 192, published a report of the pro- ceedings of the National Assembly, session of July 19, 1792, the day after Paul Jones's death, which contained the following statement : A letter was read from Colonel Blackden, a friend of Commodore Paul Jones, which announced that his friend having died in Paris, application was made to 52 Papers and Reports M. Simonneau, commissary of the section, to have him buried without charge in accordance with a formality still existing in regard to Protestants. M. Simonneau was indignant and replied that if the expenses were not provided he would pay them himself. [Applause.] The "formality" mentioned referred to a decree by which M. Simon- neau, who was also "commissary of the King," was charged with the burial of all foreign Protestants. The letter of Colonel Blackden was published in the Boston Journal of that year, and is as follows : Mr. President : I announce to you that Admiral Paul Jones died last evening in Paris; that the American minister has ordered the person at whose house the Admiral lodged to cause him to be interred in the most private manner and at the least possible expense ! ! ! This person, on account of the formalities still existing relative to Protestants, found it necessary to apply to a commissary. He has done it, and M. Simonneau, the commissary, expresses his astonishment at the order given by the minister, and says that a man who has rendered such signal services to France and America ought to have a public burial. He adds that if America will not pay the expense he will pay it himself. The friends of the Admiral wait the orders of the Assembly respecting the mode of interment. S. Blackden, Late Colonel in the Service of the United States. In order to ascertain, if possible, whether M. Simonneau had actually paid the funeral expenses out of his own means, or whether some other provision had been made, I instituted a search in the various depart- ments of the Government in the hope of finding some record of the action taken. Fortunately a letter was finally found in the national archives written by the then minister of justice, M. Dejoly, dated July 22, 1792, two days after the funeral, from which the following is an extract : To the National Assembly : M. Simonneau has furnished the cost of the inter- ment of Admiral Paul Jones, of which the bill amounts to 462 francs. This . is an homage which he has rendered to the remains of this celebrated man, and this act of good citizenship is worthy of M. Simonneau, brother of the mayor of £tampes, who died in executing the law. This brought to light for the first time the mortifying fact that the hero who had once been the idol of the American people had been buried by charity, and that the payment of his funeral expenses was the timely and generous act of a foreign admirer. I made a search to see whether any needy lineal descendants of M. Pierre Francois Simonneau, the generous commissary, could be found, with view to paying to them the amount, with interest, expended by their worthy ancestor, as a tardy recognition of his noble act. Six persons of that name were discovered and communicated with, but no proof could be obtained that anyone of them was a descendant. Our minister to France at that time, Gouverneur Morris, who was on terms of close intimacy with Paul Jones and who superintended the drawing up of the schedule of his property the afternoon before his John Paul Jones Commemoration 53 death, says in a letter dated April 19, 1793, published in his "Diary and Letters," Volume II, page 46, and addressed to Robert Morris: Before I quit Paul Jones I must tell you that some people here who like rare shows wished him to have a pompous funeral, and I was applied to on the subject ; but as I had no right to spend money on such follies, either the money of his heirs or that of the United States, I desired that he might be buried in a private and economical manner. I have since had reason to be glad that I did not agree to waste money, of which he had no great abundance and for which his relatives entertained a tender regard. The impression as to the Admiral's having no great abundance of means proved later to be erroneous. When his effects were sold, stocks converted into cash, and arrears of pay collected, the sum procured amounted to about $30,000, and much more was realized afterwards, which went to his heirs. And yet there seemed to be no ready money available at his death to provide for his funeral. After finding the living successor to the notary who made the settle- ment of the estate and who was in possession of all the original papers in French, I had the detailed account examined, and ascertained that M. Simonneau had not been reimbursed for the money he expended. The inventory found among these papers and made after Paul Jones's death enumerates among the articles left by him 7 uniforms, 12 decora- tions, and 4 swords. It was natural to suppose that this large number included all such articles as he possessed, and as in those days they were regarded as valuable relics to be bequeathed to heirs, and as it was not customary to clothe the dead but to bury them in winding sheets, it seemed quite probable that no uniform, sword, or decoration would be found in the Admiral's coffin. Buell said of Paul Jones (page 366, Vol. II, first ed.): "He was buried in a shroud, without uniform or trappings of any kind." In the settlement of the estate all the above- named articles were sold except the sword presented to him by Louis XVI in recognition of his heroic achievement in capturing the Serapis. This the Admiral disposed of orally just before his death, bequeathing it to Richard Dale, his first lieutenant when he captured the Serapis, saying : ' ' My good old Dick is better entitled to it than anyone else, because he did more than any other to help me win it." M. Simonneau, having taken so much interest in Paul Jones and being in sole charge of the burial of foreign Protestants in Paris, would have naturally interred him in the officially designated and most prom- inent burial ground devoted to that purpose, if there were more than one in existence. The Saint Louis Cemetery was well known and officially designated, and as no mention could be found of any other in Paris for foreign Protestants at the time, the natural inference was that the burial had taken place there. M. Hop, ambassador of Holland to France, had succeeded in securing the cemetery granted by decree in 1720, which was opened in 1724 for 54 Papers and Reports foreign Protestants, and in that cemetery, as well as in its successors, all the burials of such persons could be made only upon certificates issued by the Dutch embassy. With a view to ascertaining some information from that source, a search was made, at my request, of the records of the Dutch legation in Paris and in the foreign office at The Hague, but it was found that while some useful information was obtained, no copies of such certifi- cates had been preserved. The person who delivered Paul Jones's funeral oration was M. Paul Henri Marron, who had come from Holland and was pastor of a Prot- estant house of worship in Paris called the ' ' Church of Saint I^ouis. ' ■ The following is a copy of his rather florid address: Legislators ! Citizens ! Soldiers ! Friends ! Brethren ! and Frenchmen ! We have just returned to the earth the remains of an illustrious stranger, one of the first champions of American liberty — of that liberty which so gloriously ushered in our own. The Semiramis of the North had drawn him under her standard, but Paul Jones could not long breathe the pestilential air of despotism ; he preferred the sweets of a private life in France, now free, to the eclat of titles and of honors which, from an usurped throne, were lavished upon him by Catherine. The fame of the brave outlives him, his portion is immortality. What more flattering homage could we pay to the remains of Paul Jones than to swear on his tomb to live and die free? It is the vow, it is the watchword of every Frenchman — let never tyrants nor their satellites pollute this sacred earth! May the ashes of the great man, too soon lost to humanity, and eager to be free, enjoy here an undisturbed repose! Let his example teach posterity the efforts which noble souls are capable of making when stimulated by hatred of oppression. Friends and brethren, a noble emulation brightens in your looks ; your time is precious — the country is in danger! Who among us would not shed the last drop of his blood to save it ? Associate yourselves with the glory of Paul Jones, in imitating him in his contempt of danger, in his devotedness to his country, in his noble patriotism, which, after having astonished the present age, will continue to be the imperishable object of the veneration of future generations ! It is not a little singular that, notwithstanding the radical sentiments expressed by this pastor, he was several times arrested by the revolu- tionists and was once or twice in great peril of his life. I found the book containing the minutes of the meetings of the con- sistory of M. Marron's church, but just at the date of Paul Jones's death four pages had been torn out. This was one of the many disappoint- ments encountered during the researches. I then set to work upon the task of trying to trace the lost leaves. The name of a M. Coquerel, a former pastor of the church, was mentioned in a publication as an enthusiastic collector of papers relating to Protestantism in Paris. My search in junk shops and antiquarian stores revealed the fact that M. Coquerel' s heirs had sold some old papers which had afterwards been purchased by the Society of the History of Protestantism, and in its library were finally found the four lost pages. I now ascertained positively that M. Marron buried his parishioners in the Saint Louis Cemetery, and the fact that he had delivered the 54 c r s - ■ int house The following Legislators! Citize just returned to tl champions of American • lg breath ' ■ ped throne, wer- brav we | remains of Pa^ It is the vow, it is the v satellites pollute this sacred < - teach po.. by hatre. look shtfl Pau :ating fab country' will It is singular tl netery, as Veil as in it: ild b< >nW upon certii; ic information from that sour the records '< i the Dutch legation in it w T as found that ned, no copies of such certifi- funeral was M. Paul i a Prot- Louis." d French i ^er, one c i ishered in d not th the glory of his devotedness to his shed the present age, of future generations ! anding the * exprr limes arrested tionists and \ or twice I f. kc containing th< sistor church, but four j out. Tl oint- ment 4 the res ipon the t . the lost ierel, a for an e: rs rela1 •quark ii as . in Paris. the fact that id afterwards q, and in • I now ascei. .e Saint oners delivered the John Paul Jones Commemoration 55 funeral oration of Paul Jones would be an indication that he had also buried hirn there. While all the proofs thus far distinctly designated this cemetery as the Admiral's place of burial, still it was deemed prudent to investigate the source of various rumors to the contrary, however improbable. The elder Dumas in his romance of ' ' The Pioneer ' ' represents Paul Jones as having been buried in Pere Lachaise. Notwithstanding the fact that this celebrated cemetery had not been opened till thirteen years after the Admiral was buried, yet to be sure that his body had not been transferred there in later years, a thorough examination was made of the registers in which the records of burials have been carefully kept. The only male persons found upon the registers bearing the family name of Jones were George Jones, but spelled ' ' Jones ' ' on the gravestone, died in 1820; John Quereau Jones, in 1822; James Jones, in 1827; Charles Jones, in 1829; Bdouard Thomas Jones, in 1833. It was therefore cer- tain that the Admiral's remains were not in Pere Lachaise. There was another fanciful story that he had been interred in Picpus Cemetery, where La Fayette was buried; but as Paul Jones, as recorded in his certificate of burial, was of the Protestant faith, his interment in any cemetery of the established church would have been prohibited. Still, a search was made and it disproved the rumor. A letter came to me from a person who had lived in Scotland when a child, many years ago, saying Paul Jones had been buried in Kirkbean churchyard, near Dumfries, Scotland : that his tomb was there with his name inscribed on it, etc. I referred the letter to the rector of the church, the Rev. D. W. MacKenzie, who replied that it was the tomb of Paul Jones's father, saying : The inscription on it is as follows: "In memory of John Paul, senior, who died at Arbigland, the 24th of October, 1767, universally esteemed." At the bottom of the tomb appears the inscription : "Erected by John Paul, junior." John Paul, of course, is the original name of John Paul Jones, the Admiral. I take great interest in the history of the Admiral, and local traditions or printed documents suggest nothing at variance with the accepted opinion that he died in Paris and was buried in the Protestant cemetery there. After further researches in every possible quarter that could furnish information on the subject, the fact was clearly and incontestably estab- lished that the Saint Louis Cemetery was the only burial ground in Paris for foreign Protestants at the time of Paul Jones's death ; that he was not interred in any other cemetery ; and that Charles Read was perfectly correct in his opinion that the Admiral had positively been buried in the cemetery of Saint Louis. It should be remembered, also, that the act of burial says, " The cemetery for foreign Protestants," language indicating that there was only one in existence devoted to that purpose. All doubt having been removed as to the place of burial, the next step was to make a personal inspection of the ground beneath which 56 Papers a ?id Reports the long-since abandoned cemetery was located, and to endeavor to ascertain its history and its condition at the time of Paul Jones's death. It is situated in an uninviting section of the northeastern quarter of Paris, at the corner of two streets now known as ' ' Rue Grange-aux- Belles" and " Rue des Kcluses Saint Martin," and covered with build- ings, principally of an inferior class. The property at the time of the Admiral's burial belonged to the Government, and was sold to M. Phal- ipeaux, a building contractor, in 1796. This quarter of the city was known as "le Combat," and the present station of the underground railroad, close to the property, is called ' * Combat." This name was not chosen, however, on account of the burial there of the most combative of men, but history attributes the term to the fact that this section of Paris was long ago the scene of all the fights in which animals figured — bulls, cocks, dogs, asses, etc. A street which leads directly to the property and ends there is named Vicq d'Azyr, after Marie Antoinette's physician, a friend of Paul Jones, who attended him and who accompanied Gouverneur Mor- ris on his visit to the Admiral's house when he lay on his deathbed the evening of July 18, 1792. When a person's name is given to a street in Paris, it is generally in a quarter connected with events in his career. It is possible that the distinguished physician's name was given to the street because of its leading to the place which held the remains of his illustrious friend and patient. Two old maps of the property were finally discovered, one made by M. Jaillot in 1773 and one by M. Verniquet in 1794, showing that the ground consisted of a courtyard with a frontage of about 130 feet upon Rue des fcluses Saint Martin, with an entrance on that street, and a depth of about 90 feet along Rue Grange-aux- Belles. There was a garden in the rear with a frontage of 120 feet on Rue Grange-aux Belles and a depth of 130 feet. The surface of the garden was about 8 feet lower than that of the courtyard, the descent to which was made by a flight of steps. Thirty years later the grade of the street had been changed and the garden had been leveled up even with the courtyard, and the fact seemed to have been lost sight of that there had ever been a cemetery beneath. There were two cross-walks dividing the garden into four squares. The whole property was surrounded by a wall between 6 and 9 feet high. There was a house in the courtyard and a shed, but no buildings in the garden. By a decree of the Government the garden was devoted exclusively to the burial of foreign Protestants. On the 30th of September, 1777, a decree was issued permitting native Protestants to be buried there- after in the courtyard. This cemetery, as hereinbefore mentioned, was legally closed in January, 1793, but the former custodian, who had become the lessee, and the subsequent owners, who had purchased the 4*<« d* I'Hfyitat St. Louis 7f» •*• &> o Museum was often spoken of as the "Philadelphia bust," which accounts for its having been thus erroneously desig- nated in some of the reports. — H. P. J o h 71 Paul Jones Commemoration 67 greatest difference between any of them being only 2 millimeters, about seven-hundredths of an inch. As said before, the cartilaginous portion of the nose had been bent over to the right side, pressed down, and distorted. This disfigurement was clearly due to the fact that when the body was put in the coffin an excess of the hay and straw packing had been placed under the head and across the face, and the mass of hair had been gathered into the linen cap at the back. This raised the face so high that the nose was pressed upon by the coffin lid. This pressure had been so great that the head itself was found turned a little to the right. Professor Papillault says on this subject: "The bridge of the nose is rather thin, the root somewhat narrow. Seen in profile, the nose is of an undulating form on the bust ; now this form depends a great deal on the cartilage. The bony part of the nose is quite compatible with it." The professional anthropologists pay little attention to the cartilages, as these are liable to change, and confine their measurements to the solid or bony structures. Professor Capitan, after the examinations, had a photograph made of the head, but at the angle at which it was taken the disfigured nose is made to look as if it were Roman in shape, the end being bent over and depressed, and in consequence giving the bridge an unnatural prominence. The expression of the face is not nearly so good as if the photograph had been taken immediately after opening the coffin. The skin had shrunk and the lips had contracted by exposure to the air and show the edges of the teeth, which were not visible at first. This gives the face a rather ghastly appearance. The hair, which was found neatly dressed, is in disorder and could not be rearranged, as an attempt to comb it revealed a danger of pulling it out. The photograph is herein repro- duced, and is interesting for the reason that it shows the well-preserved condition of the flesh. The nose presented the only disfigurement. When the bust was placed beside the body the resemblance of the other features was remarkably striking. Professor Herve called attention to a peculiar shape of the lobe of the ear, which he said was, according to his experience, something very rarely seen. Its exact copy was observed upon the bust. The hair was dark brown, slightly streaked with gray and thin above the temples, agreeing fully with the historical descriptions. The teeth were long and somewhat worn. The appearance of both hair and teeth was compatible with the Admiral's age at the time of his death — 45 years. Doctor Papillault, in his report setting forth the details of his inves- tigations, remarks: The dimensions of the bust, life-size, by Houdon, are exactly those of the body; the comparison is therefore easier than if the bust had been of a reduced size. Thus all the measurements offer an approximation truly extraordinary. Two experienced 68 Papers and Reports anthropologists measuring the same subject would often make as great differences. Thus I could not hope to find between a bust and its model a similar identity. I recollect having measured, some years ago, a cast of the head of Blanqui, and the statue which Dalou made from that same cast. Dalou was a very precise and con- scientious artist, using and even abusing, as his colleagues said, the caliper compass. I found differences greater than in this case. He concludes his report in the following words: Without forgetting that doubt is the first quality of all investigators and that the most extreme circumspection should be observed in such matters, I am obliged to conclude that all the observations which I have been able to make plead in favor of the following opinion: The body examined is that of Admiral John Paul Jones. Then came one of the most interesting features of the verification — the autopsy, doubtless the only one in history ever made upon a body that had been buried for a hundred and thirteen years. In order not to alter in any way the appearance of the corpse, Doctor Capitan and his assistants laid the body upon its face and made the opening in the back to explore the thorax and the viscera contained therein. A quan- tity of alcohol ran out, the internal organs being thoroughly saturated with it. This accounted for their excellent state of preservation. The left lung showed a spot which was clearly the result of an attack of pneumonia or broncho-pneumonia. It had healed, but remained sur- rounded by fibrous tissue. Mr. Buell, in his "Paul Jones" (Vol. II, p. 235), says: "During this inspection [of the Russian fleet], which consumed about fifteen days, the Admiral contracted a heavy cold, which almost the very day of his return to St. Petersburg developed into pneumonia. * * * Both the eminent physicians who attended him pronounced his lungs permanently affected and told him he could never hope to endure again the rigors of a Russian winter. ' ' This was in June, 1789. In May, 1790, two years before the Admiral's death, he returned to Paris. The same author says of him (Vol. II, p. 267), 1 ' The doctors declared that his left lung was more or less permanently affected." Doctor Capitan and Professor Cornil found nothing particularly char- acteristic in the heart, which was still quite flexible. It was contracted, and the cardiac walls exhibited muscular fibers striated lengthwise and crosswise. An abundance of small crystals and bacteria was noticed. The liver was of a yellowish-brown color, somewhat contracted, and its tissues were rather dense and compact. There were found in the hepatic cells numerous varieties of crystals and microbes. The masses of tyro- sin, appearing to the naked eye like white opaque granules, were less numerous than in the lungs. The cells of this organ were not so well preserved, and according to Doctor Capitan a positive opinion could not be given as to symptoms caused by its condition. The gall bladder was healthy and contained a pale yellowish-brown bile of a pasty consistency. The stomach was contracted and very small. The spleen appeared 70 Papers and Reports Benoit-Andre\ who published a memoir of Paul Jones six years after his death, says: "The day after the Admiral had been at supper at the Cafe Timon he did not rise until nearly noon. His lower limbs began to swell prodigiously, his stomach soon began to expand, and he had much difficulty at times in breathing; all the time afflicted with an exhausting cough and much raising of mucus." Colonel Blackden's letter to Mrs. Janet Taylor, describing the drop- sical condition of the patient, has already been quoted. The official certificate of burial says he died of dropsy of the chest ( ' ' hydropisie de poitrine " ) . The complete verification of all these symptoms by means of an autopsy made upon a corpse a hundred and thirteen years after death must be regarded as a notable triumph of anthropologic science, of deep interest to the medical profession, and a service of signal importance in the present instance. No mark of a wound was discovered on the body. Paul Jones was never wounded. History is in abundant possession of the most detailed records of every fight in which he was engaged, and they make nowhere a single mention of his ever having received a wound. Buell finds no record of a wound. Sherburne, in his well-known ' ' L,ife and Character of Paul Jones," page 362, says: "Commodore John Paul Jones on the ocean during the American Revolution was as General Washington on the land — never known to be defeated in battle, and neither ever receiv- ing a wound." Sherburne's first edition was published while Richard Dale and other officers who had served with Paul Jones were still living and they never challenged this statement. Sands, in his "L,ife and Correspondence of Paul Jones, ' ' a work which presents a strange inter- mingling of official facts and uncorroborated assertions, says that it was known, as he was assured, that the Admiral was once wounded in the head, but admits further on that "he never chronicled his wounds in any letter or journal." The same writer asserts that the Admiral, four months before his death in 1792, wrote a draft of a letter, but which was never sent, addressed to the French minister of marine, complaining that his predecessor in that office, M. de Sartine, gave him (Jones) and our minister, who accompanied him, an icy reception, saying: "He did not say to me a single word, nor ask me if my health had not suffered from my wounds and the uncommon fatigue I had undergone. ' ' Even if the Admiral had ever made such a draft it would doubtless have been written, according to his custom, in French, and in the original might very well have meant simply that the minister did not take the trouble to ask him whether his health had suffered from wounds and fatigues, occurrences which might naturally be supposed to have happened to so combative a sailor ; but as M. de Sartine had left the ministry of marine December 1, 1780, more than eleven years before, the statement does not carry any weight. John Paul Jones Commemoration 71 The detailed technical reports of the scientists were filed with my former communication to the Government, and publicity has been given to them. Their reproduction here in extenso would be beyond the scope of this report, so that I have confined myself to making the above most important extracts from them, giving the methods employed and the con- clusions reached. After the autopsy the internal organs were replaced in the thorax. Appended to this article are copies of the formal documents, executed under seal, containing the certifications of the official witnesses to the identification of the remains. I said to them all that if there existed a single doubt in the mind of anyone as to the absolute and unquestioned identity of the body submitted for examination I begged that he would frankly make it known. Not a doubt was entertained, and their decision was unanimous. It was now seen that some deterioration of the body was taking place from exposure to the air. I therefore gave instructions to the experi- enced specialist in the School of Medicine to take every precaution to preserve the flesh intact, and made arrangements to replace the remains in the original coffin, and incase them in a casket which could be hermetically sealed and prepared for transportation to America. A leaden casket was procured, in the bottom of which was placed a bed of sawdust treated with phenol. On this was laid the lid of the original coffin, next to it the original coffin, in the bottom of which the winding sheet had been placed. On the top of the winding sheet was spread a sheet of impermeable oiled silk and then a layer of cotton bat- ting impregnated with phenic glycerin. The body was treated with a coating of the same substance, and the face was sprayed with the essence of thymol. The hair was gathered into the small linen cap in which it had been found. The body, upon which the shirt had been replaced, was then put into the original coffin and laid upon the cotton batting above mentioned, after which another layer of this material, saturated with phenic glycerin, was spread over the body and covered with a second sheet of oiled silk. The whole was then covered and packed with medicated cotton batting. There were also placed in the original coffin a glass jar containing specimens of the hay and straw which had been used in packing and a package of fragments of the indurated earth which had closed the hole and the crack in the original coffin. The lid of the casket, in which is a large glass plate, was then soldered on and seals of the American embassy affixed. The casket was afterwards placed in an outer coffin of oak provided with 8 silver handles, the lid of which was secured by 16 silver screws. On April 20 this coffin was taken to the American Church of the Holy Trinity, Avenue de T Alma, accompanied by the American ambassa- dor; M. Vignaud, first secretary of the embassy; Colonel Blanchard, 72 Papers and Reports second secretary; Mr. Gowdy, consul-general; and M. Weiss, engineer in charge of the excavations. The coffin, covered with the American flag, was placed in the receiv- ing vault; the rector of the church, the Rev. Doctor Morgan, offered a prayer, and the remains were left there to await the completion of arrangements for their transfer to the United States. For several years a search had been pressed to find the house in which the Admiral died, No. 42 Rue de Tournon. There had been renumberings of the dwellings throughout the arrondissement, and it seemed impossible to trace them with sufficient accuracy to locate the house in which Paul Jones, as history states, occupied an ' ' apartment on the first floor above the entresol.' ■ This furnished another instance of the mystery which pursued his memory. It was not until the first week in July, 1905, that the place was found, thanks to the untiring and important assistance rendered by M. Taxil, chief surveyor of the city of Paris. The house is now No. 19 of that street. It is the only one in the immediate localty which has a first floor over an entresol. The style of the ironwork on the balcony indicates an architecture of the period of the close of the reign of Louis XV or the beginning of that of Louis XVI. The street leads toward the entrance to the Senate, palace of the Luxembourg. It was once a fashionable street, and at the present time several persons of distinction live there. On the ground floor of the house a sign bears the words ' * Lessons in fencing, boxing, and the use of the singlestick." This proffered instruction in the sev- eral arts of fighting in the house in which Paul Jones resided, coupled with the fact that the underground station close to the cemetery where his body reposed is called "Combat," looks as if fate had determined that he should everywhere be identified with signs of conflict and strug- gle, whether in life or in death. I visited this house for the first time, accompanied by Colonel Blan- chard, July 4, 1905. Col. A. Bailly-Blanchard was my second secretary at the embassy, and it gives me peculiar pleasure to make conspicuous mention of his services. I assigned him to duty as my principal assist- ant, and he was constantly associated with me throughout the entire period of the researches. His rare accomplishments eminently fitted him for the service, and the ability and zeal displayed by him entitled him to the most grateful consideration. Upon the receipt and examination of my detailed reports, the Govern- ment recognized the completeness of the identification of the Admiral's body, and President Roosevelt ordered a squadron of war vessels, com- posed of the Brooklyn, Tacoma, Chattanooga, and Galveston, commanded by Admiral Sigsbee, to proceed to Cherbourg and convey the remains of Paul Jones to the Naval Academy at Annapolis, where they are to receive permanent interment in the crypt of the new chapel now under construction. HOUSE IN PARIS IN WHICH JOHN PAUL JONES DIED. The Admiral died in his apartment, the third floor front of the building at the left, No. 42 (now No. 19), Rue de Tournou. John Paul Jones Commemoration 73 In the meantime I had consulted with the President of France, the minister of foreign affairs, president of the council, general of the army, admiral of the navy, and others, as to what part the French desired to take in the ceremonies attending the transfer of the remains. They all manifested an enthusiastic wish to pay every possible honor on that occasion to the memory of our illustrious sailor, and a programme was accordingly arranged which would best carry out this desire. Admiral Fournier, who represented the naval forces, told me that it was after reading the life of Paul Jones that he had resolved to become a sailor. So that it was the inspiration of our great sea fighter that gave to France an admiral who to-day commands the admiration of naval men of all countries. Our squadron was heartily welcomed at Cherbourg by a French fleet, the inhabitants of the city vying with the officials to pay every possible attention to our officers and men. In Paris a series of public dinners and receptions were tendered them, and they were feted in a manner rarely seen even in the brilliant and hospitable capital of France. On July 6, the anniversary of Paul Jones's birth, Admiral Sigsbee brought 500 blue jackets to Paris, and at 3.30 p. m. the ceremonies attending the transfer of the remains began in the beautiful American Church of the Holy Trinity, Avenue de l'Alma. In the morning I had had the coffin brought from the vault into the church, placed in front of the chancel, and covered with artistically arranged flowers. The church itself was tastefully dressed with floral decorations. The audience was one of the most distinguished that has ever been drawn together in Paris. The President of the Republic was represented by the chief of his household, who occupied a chair in front of the chancel. On the right of the middle aisle were seated the presi- dent of the council and minister of foreign affairs, the leading members of the cabinet, and the highest officers of the French army and navy; on the left the resident American ambassador, the two special ambas- sadors designated for the occasion, Admiral Sigsbee with his captains and staff officers, Senator Lodge, and the members of the diplomatic corps. Seated in the remaining pews and standing crowded in the aisles and doorways were distinguished persons from many countries. The elaborate uniforms, the exquisite flowers, the brilliant flags, enhanced the beauty of a scene which it is seldom one's fortune to witness and which will be memorable in history. After careful consultation, I concluded that it would be appropriate to avoid an ordinary funeral service, with dirges and requiems, as the occasion was not a funeral, but rather a glorification of the dead, so that anthems, patriotic airs, and marches glorieuses constituted the music. After a simple but most impressive service had been conducted by the 74 Papers a,7id Reports rector, I formally delivered the remains to the Government of the United States in the following words: This day America claims her illustrious dead. In the performance of a solemn duty I have the honor to deliver to the Govern- ment of the United States, through its designated representative, the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones, to be borne with appropriate marks of distinction to the country upon whose arms his heroic deeds shed so much luster. It is believed that their permanent interment in the land to whose independence his matchless victories so essentially contributed will not be lacking in significance by reason of its long 1 delay. It is a matter of extreme gratification to feel that the body of this intrepid com- mander should be conveyed across the sea by the war vessels of a navy to whose sailors his name is still an inspiration, and that this high mission should be confided to so gallant an officer of the same noble profession as the distinguished Admiral who commands the escorting squadron. An earnest expression of recognition is due to the accomplished savants of France, whose acknowledged skill in anthropologic science confirmed in every particular, with entire accuracy and absolute certainty, the identification of the remains which were so marvelously preserved. We owe a cordial tribute of gratitude to the Government of the French Republic for the cheerful proffer of facilities during the search for the body, the sympathy so generously manifested upon its recovery, and the signal honors rendered upon this occasion to the memory of a hero who once covered two continents with his renown in battling for the cherished principles of political liberty and the rights of man, for which the two sister Republics have both so strenuously contended. All that is mortal of this illustrious organizer of victory on the sea lies in yonder coffin beneath the folds of our national standard. When Congress adopted the present form of the American flag, it embodied in the same resolution the appoint- ment of Capt. John Paul Jones to command the ship Ranger. When he received the news, history attributes to him the following remark: "The flag and I are twins; born the same hour, from the same womb of destiny. We can not be parted in life or in death." Alas! they were parted during a hundred and thirteen years, but happily they are now reunited. Mr. Loomis, Assistant Secretary of State and junior special ambassa- dor, received the body, making an interesting address, in which he recited the most stirring events in the career of Paul Jones, and expressed the extreme gratification of the Government upon the recovery of the remains. He finished by delivering them to Admiral Sigsbee for transportation to the United States. Admiral Sigsbee, in accepting the high mission with which he had been charged, delivered a brief, appropriate, and eminently sailorlike address, which was warmly received. Eight American blue jackets now stepped forward and bore the coffin solemnly from the church. They had been selected for their manly bearing and their stature, each being over 6 feet in height. They commanded the admiration of all who saw them, and the Americans present were naturally delighted to hear the whispered comments of the French ladies: ' ' Quels beaux gar cons ! ' ' The coffin was placed upon a French artillery caisson tastefully adorned with flags. John Paul Jones Commemoration 75 The elaborate procession, which took up its march at 5 o'clock, was constituted as follows: A platoon of police, a regiment of French cuirassiers, 500 American sailors, the body of John Paul Jones, borne upon an artillery caisson, Admiral Sigsbee and staff, the American ambassadors and Senator L,odge, the personnel of the American embassy, the high officials of the French Government and of the diplomatic corps, delegations from the American Navy League and from the American Chamber of Commerce in Paris, members of the Society of the Cincinnati, Sons of the American Revolution, and other patriotic organizations, all on foot. Then came two batteries of French horse artillery, two companies of American marines, and two battalions of French infantry with their famous bands. The column moved down the brilliant avenue of the Champs ISlysees and across the Seine by the stately bridge of Alexander III, which leads to the Invalides. When the body of John Paul Jones was seen moving solemnly toward the body of Napoleon, each having died in a distant land to be brought back after many years with every mark of honor to the country he had so eminently served, there was a sentiment aroused which deeply touched the hearts of all participating in the ceremony. When the wide Esplanade des Invalides was reached, the coffin was lifted from the caisson and placed upon a catafalque erected beneath a tent of superb construction, the material being a rich royal purple velvet, hung with gold fringe, the front ornamented with swords, shields, cuirasses, and other warlike devices. Here the troops filed by the remains and rendered the highest military honors to the illustrious dead. The coffin was then borne to the mortuary car prepared for it in the rail- way station close by, and a special train bore it to Cherbourg that night with its guard of honor composed of Americans and Frenchmen. Paris had that day witnessed a pageant entirely unique in its way and of surpassing beauty and solemnity. The weather was superb and the streets and houses were appropriately decorated. The vast crowds of spectators gazed upon the cortege with sympathy and respect. No cheers or other inappropriate demonstrations were indulged in. The onlookers simply uncovered reverently as the coffin passed. Their bear- ing in every respect was admirable. The next day, July 7, I went to Cherbourg to sail for home. A cordial invitation had been received from the Government and Admiral Sigsbee to take passage on board the flagship. While this was deeply appreciated, it was declined, as I felt that it would be in better taste to return by the ordinary lines of travel, now that I had formally placed the subject of the mission in the hands of the Navy and could render no further useful service. The fleets of the two nations lay side by side in that picturesque mili- tary harbor, discharging their peaceful and sympathetic mission, our 76 Papers and Reports phantom- colored vessels presenting an interesting contrast to the black hulls of the French war ships. There I took a last look at the coffin which contained all that is mortal of the hero, the search for whose remains had furnished a congenial task for the past six years. Upon sailing out of the harbor the squadron honored me with a parting ambassadorial salute, and I now felt that my mission in connection with the recovery of the body of our illustrious naval commander was definitely ended. Official Certification of the American Embassy and Consulate of the Identification of the body of Admiral fohn Paul Jones This is to certify that we, the undersigned, met at the School of Medicine (VEcole de M£decine), in the city of Paris, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 14th day of April, 1905, for the purpose of verifying the identification of the remains recently found by the American ambassador in the old Saint L,ouis Cemetery for the burial of foreign Protestants, and believed to be those of Admiral John Paul Jones. The body was lying on a table, entirely uncovered, having been taken from the leaden coffin in which it had been found, and from which the linen had been removed and places on another table. We had familiarized ourselves with the historical information regarding the age, size, color of hair, general appearance, manner of dress, etc., of John Paul Jones, and there were placed near the body the medal presented to him by Congress to commemorate his battle with the Serapis, showing his head in profile, and a copy of the well-known bust made from life by Houdon, which had been loaned for the purpose by the Trocadero Museum. The remains were those of a man, and were remarkably well preserved by having evidently been immersed in alcohol. The flesh seemed firm and the joints were somewhat flexible. There were bits of tin foil adhering to the hands, feet, and other parts of the body, as if they had been wrapped with it. The body was lying on its back , the hands were crossed over the abdomen, the left hand resting on the right. It was of a grayish brown or, rather, a tan color. The right eyelid was closed, the other was slightly open. The features presented quite a natural appearance, except that the cartilaginous portion of the nose was bent over to the right and pressed down as if by the too close proximity of the lid of the coffin, or by the excess of the hay and straw in packing the body. Several fine oblique lines were traceable upon the face, made by the folds of the winding sheet, which had left upon the skin an imprint of the texture of the fabric. The lips were a very little shrunken or contracted, exposing the extreme ends of the teeth. This slight contraction did not exist when the coffin was opened, and seemed to have been caused by exposure to the air. Doctor Papillault, professor of anthropology in the School of Anthropology, one of the scientists who had been highly recommended and selected to aid in the work of identifying the body on account of his valuable experience in such examinations, explained to us the methods he had adopted and showed us the elaborate compara- tive measurements he had made of all the important features of the body and of the Houdon bust. The agreement was singularly exact in every important particular, as will be shown in his report, which he read in our presence, explaining the details as he proceeded. The principal results were as follows: The word "identical" will be used to signify that the agreement between the corresponding dimensions of the body and of the Houdon bust is exact, and that the appearance conforms strictly to the authentic historical description of the Admiral. Length of body, 5 feet 7^ inches. Height of Paul Jones was 5 feet 7 inches. The three-eighths is the difference allowed by anthropologists between a person John Paul Jones Commemoration 77 standing and the same person lying down. "Was 5 feet 7 inches tall, slender in build, of exquisitely symmetrical form, with noticeably perfect development of limbs. " (." Anecdotes of the Court of Louis XVI. ' ' ) Identical. Principal features of face and head. Identical. No beard. Identical. Face presented appearance of one who had not shaved for several days. Hair very dark brown, generally speaking, might be called black. The front hair upon opening the coffin was found to be of an unnatural tan color, like the flesh, evidently discolored by the presence of the alcohol and straw. After taking some hair from the back of the head, where it had been protected by being gathered into a linen bag, and washing it its color was dark brown or black. "He was of the complexion usually united with dark hair and eyes, which were his." ("Memoirs of Paul Jones," Edinburgh edition.) "His hair and eyebrows are black." ("Anec- dotes of the Court of Louis XVI.") See specimen of hair accompanying this report. Identical. The hair in a few places was slightly tinged with gray. This fact, together with the condition of the teeth, indicates a person between 40 and 50 years old. John Paul Jones was 45 at the time of his death. Doctor Capitan, professor of historic anthropology in the School of Anthropology, vice-president of the commission on megalithic monuments, member of the committee on historical and scientific works, and of the Society of Old Paris, etc., then explained the course pursued by him in the identification and the autopsy effected by opening the back and removing and examining the internal organs, so singularly preserved, and gave convincing evidence that the deceased had died of the disease which ter- minated the life of John Paul Jones. (See Doctor Capitan's report.) In 1790 "the doctors declared that his left lung was more or less permanently affected." (Buell's "History of Paul Jones.") " He died of dropsy of the chest." (Official certificate of burial.) "For two months past he began to lose his appetite, grew yellow, and showed symptoms of jaundice." "A few days before his death his legs began to swell, which proceeded upward to his body, so that for two days before his decease he could not button his waistcoat and had great difficulty in breathing." (Letter of Colonel Blackden.) The linen taken from the coffin, all in exceedingly good condition, except stained in places a tan color, was then minutely examined. It consisted of a shirt of fine linen, handsomely made, with plaits and ruffles corresponding with the historical description of the Admiral's fondness for dress. "He is a master of the arts of dress and personal adornment, and it is a common remark that notwithstanding the fru- gality of his means he never fails to be the best dressed man at any dinner or fete he may honor by attending. " ( ' 'Anecdotes of the Court of Louis XVI. ' ' ) " To his dress he was, or at least latterly became, so attentive as to have it remarked." ("Memoirs of Paul Jones," Edinburgh edition.) Identical. A sheet on which was worked with thread the figure 2. A linen bag or cap neatly made, which had been found at the back of the head and into which the hair had been gathered. Upon this was a small initial worked with thread. When the bag was held right side up, the letter was a "J," with the loop nearly closed. When held in a reverse position, it was a "P." If a "J," it would be the initial of Jones, the name which he added to his family name. If a " P," it would be the initial of his original family name, Paul. It may be remarked that then, as now, the French often marked their linen with the initial of their Christian name. In Paris the Admiral was sometimes familiarly addressed as "Mon Paul" and "Monsieur Paul." He often signed his name Paul Jones, and sometimes J. Paul Jones, as shown by his correspondence. There were no other articles in the coffin, except the hay and straw with which the body had been carefully packed, and no inscription plate had been found. Taking 78 Papers and Reports into careful consideration the convincing proofs of identification of the body by means of the measurements, the autopsy, etc., the marks upon the linen, the fact that the coffin was found in the cemetery in which it was proved to have been buried, that it was superior in solidity and workmanship to the others, that the body had been carefully preserved and packed as if to prepare it for a long voyage, " that, in case the United States, which he had so essentially served and with so much honor, should claim his remains, they might be more easily removed" (Letter of Colonel Blackden, the Admiral's intimate friend, witness of his will, and pallbearer at his funeral, addressed to the eldest sister of Paul Jones, Mrs. Janet Taylor), and the further fact that in exploring the cemetery there was every evidence that the graves of the dead had never been disturbed; that only five leaden coffins were found, four of which were easily identified, three of them having inscription plates, giving dates and names of the deceased, and the fourth containing a skeleton measuring about six feet two inches in length, we regard the identification as completely verified in every particular and are fully convinced that the body discovered is that of Admiral John Paul Jones. (Signed) Horace Porter, [SEAiv of the American embassy at paris.] American Ambassador. (Signed) Henry Vignaud, Secretary American Embassy. (Signed) John K. Gowdy, U. S. Consul-General. (Signed) A. Bah,i,y-BIvAnchard, Second Secretary American Embassy. [SEAL OE THE AMERICAN CONSULATE AT PARIS.] Translation of the Official Certification of the Participants and Witnesses At the request of his excellency, Gen. Horace Porter, American ambassador, grand cross of the Legion of Honor, recipient of the Congressional medal of honor, I, Justin de Selves, prefect of the Seine, grand officer of the Legion of Honor, and I, Louis Lepine, prefect of police, grand officer of the Legion of Honor, went on Friday, the 14th day of April, 1905, at 10 a. m., to the School of Medicine, where a leaden coffin was deposited containing the presumed remains of John Paul Jones. The said coffin was discovered in the former cemetery for foreign Protestants under the conditions stated in the report drawn up by the service des carrieres (quarries) of the Department of the Seine and annexed to the present certificate. It was trans- ported to the School of Medicine through the care of M. G6ninet, a municipal superintendent of public works, on Saturday, April 8, 1905. In our presence and in the presence of the ambassador of the United States and in that of the following persons: Mr. Henry Vignaud, first secretary of the embassy of the United States, commander of the Legion of Honor; Col. A. Bailly-Blanchard, late aid-de-camp to the governor of Louisiana, second secretary of the embassy of the United States, officer of the Legion of Honor, officer of public instruction, etc.; John K. Gowdy, consul-general of the United States; Doctor Capitan, professor of the School of Anthropology, member of the committee of historic and scientific works (ministry of public education), member of the municipal commission of Old Paris, late president of the Society of Anthropology of Paris, etc.; Dr. G. Papillault, assist- ant director of the laboratory of anthropology of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes, pro- fessor in the School of Anthropology; Doctor Herve\ doctor of medicine, professor in the School of Anthropology; Dr. A. J aval, doctor of medicine, physician of the ministry of the interior, laureate of the School of Medicine; Mr. J. Pray, architect in John Paul Jones Commemoration 79 chief of the prefecture of police, officer of public education; M. Paul Weiss, mining engineer, inspector of the quarries of the Seine, doctor of laws, the examination of the coffin and body was proceeded with. General Porter, Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, and Mr. Weiss declared that they recognized the coffin and the body as being those found in the former cemetery for foreign Protestants and transmitted to the School of Medicine for the purpose of identification. Doctor Papillault read a detailed report and concluded that the body was that of John Paul Jones. By the side of the body were placed the bust of the Admiral by Houdon, a plaster cast, loaned by the Museum of the TrocadeVo, of the original bust in the Academy of Fine Arts at Philadelphia, « also the medal signed Duprd, which was struck in honor of Paul Jones by order of Congress to commemorate his famous battle with the Serapis and the Scarborough, which enabled one to verify the perfect resemblance existing between the reproduction of the features of the Admiral and the corpse. The shirt and winding sheet in which the body was wrapped were likewise exam- ined. On the cap which contained his hair those present noted the existence of an initial which in one direction is a capital "p" and in a contrary direction a "J," both letters constituting the initials of the Admiral. After these various examinations Doctor Capitan read his report upon the result of the autopsy which he had made upon the corpse and which revealed the symptoms of the disease of which it is known the Admiral died. Doctor Capitan and Doctor Papillault were both in accord in affirming as a scientific truth the identity of the deceased. In view of the perfect coincidence of all the facts relating to the burial and of the agreement of all the physical measurements, those present were unanimous in rec- ognizing the body as being that of Admiral John Paul Jones. Consequently, the body was replaced in the leaden coffin in which it was discov- ered, to be ultimately inclosed in a new triple coffin of pine, lead, and oak, sealed and transferred to the vault of the American church in the Avenue de l'Alma. In witness whereof we have drawn up and signed with all those in attendance the present certificate in triplicate, one of which will be sent through his excellency the minister of foreign affairs to his excellency the American ambassador for delivery to the Government of the United States and the two others filed in the archives of the prefecture of the Seine and the prefecture of police. Thus done and signed at Paris, the nineteenth day of May, 1905. (Signed) J. DE SELVES. (Signed) Louis Lepine. (Signed) Horace Porter (Signed) Henry Vignaud. (Signed) A. Baieey-B^anchard. (Signed) John K. Gowdy. (Signed) J. Capitan. (Signed) Dr. G. PapieeaueT. (Signed) Geo. Herve. (Signed) A. Javae. (Signed) J. Pray. (Signed) Paue Weiss. [SEAE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OP PARIS.] «* See footnote, p. 66. Co ,Q PS Id "5 H C cd S - o a REPORT OF DOCTOR CAPITAN [Translation of report on autopsy.] THE 7th of April, 1905, having been informed by Mr. Vallet, super- intendent of mines, by order of the engineer, Mr. Weiss, of the discovery in the explorations in Grange-aux- Belles street, No. 43, of a new leaden coffin appearing to contain a corpse well preserved, I recommended that it should be immediately covered with plaster. The next day, April 8, I went to the place, and ascertaining that it was impossible in the gallery of the excavations to study the corpse, together with Mr. Weiss I had the necessary measures taken for the removing and transporting of the coffin and the corpse to the Medical School of Practice of the Faculty of Medicine. Thanks first to the extreme kindness of Mr. Lepine, prefect of police, whom I saw during the day and to whom I explained the facts, thanks also to the kind cooperation of Doctor Rieffel, chief of the anatomical service of the School of Medicine, and of Mr. Himbert, superintendent of material, the coffin was removed the same evening, in entire secrecy, to the School of Practice, where the next morning it was opened. My colleague, Doctor Papillault, whom I had requested to be good enough to take charge of the anatomical descriptive branch and of the measurements, questions for which he has a very great capacity, made a very careful study of the corpse and drew up the report which has been read already. I will therefore confine myself solely to my personal observations relating either to the pathological anatomy of the subject or to the various manipulations to which the corpse had been submitted, and which we can verify, thanks to the traces that have been left upon the corpse. I must say also that at various times we have exchanged ideas, Doctor Papillault and I, and that we have always been of the same opinion, namely, an accumulation of proofs, all leading, often by very different ways, to this conclusion: That there can be here no other corpse in question but that of Paul Jones. The following observations will show some of the proofs which I have gathered on the subject: The opening of the coffin took place April 9. I will not dwell upon the particulars, either as to the care exercised in putting it in the coffin [the packing by means of straw and hay] or of the clothing [winding sheet, shirt, and cap], having specially to concern myself with the anatomical branch. 7257—07 6 81 82 Papers and Reports The consistency of the tissues, their aspect, even their special odor (recalling the old anatomical specimens preserved in alcohol) enables one to affirm quite surely that the subject was preserved in alcohol or an aromatic alcoholic liquid without its having been subjected to any other preparation, for it presents no traces of any incision having served to inject any liquid whatever in the veins, according to the present process of embalming. Besides, as we shall see later on, the viscera are intact. We can thus determine the particularly careful means employed in the preparation of the corpse and agreeing fully with the idea which the friend of Paul Jones had at the time of his death to preserve it as long as possible, so as to be able to transport it in perfect security to America when the moment should arrive. In the first place, the corpse had been probably completely, and at all events surely over the hands and feet, covered with tin foil, carefully applied upon the tissues. We found it there. It is, besides, a process still in use at the present day. Once clothed in its shirt and wrapped in its winding sheet, the corpse was placed in a solid leaden coffin; then the empty spaces were carefully stuffed with hay and straw, probably rendered aromatic. The whole must have been immersed in alcohol or an alcoholic mixture and the lid soldered, which could be easily done by soldering the edges of the lid turned over and hammered down. A small orifice of about 2 centimeters diameter had been made at the top of the lid, over the head. It might have served, also, to introduce alcohol, or at least to complete the supply introduced and to admit of the escape of air or gas after or at the time of closing the coffin. This small orifice was closed with solder at the time of burial. Under those conditions and according to the information which had been furnished by the employees of the amphitheater, accustomed to prepare corpses, a slow saturation takes place — of the muscles first, then of the viscera themselves, which causes their perfect preservation. The teguments, in fact, of a brownish gray, had retained their flexi- bility. They were notably contracted. The muscles were of a brownish gray also, strongly saturated with the preserving liquid. They had the odor of anatomic specimens long preserved in alcohol. The tendons and aponeuroses had retained all their solidity, and the subject could be lifted up bodily. Tuesday, April 11, my friend Mr. Monpillard, the very distinguished and very well-known microphotographer, was kind enough to take the very fine photographs of the subject, full size, and the head, annexed to this report. They give very accurately the appearance of the corpse. It was indispensable afterwards to make the autopsy. I did this on April 13. In order not to alter in any way the appearance of the corpse, I made the autopsy by opening the back. John Paul Jones C o mm e m o r a ti o ?i 83 Upon opening the thorax I was greatly astonished to find the viscera much contracted, but very well preserved. The lungs presented some adhesions to the pleural walls, especially in the upper lobe. When cut open, they show a brownish parenchyma. Upon the surface and in the interior of the pulmonary tissue there exist, especially at the level of the diaphragmatic edge of the lower lobe, small white hard masses, varying in volume from a grain of canary seed to a diameter of from 3 to 4 millimeters, and having the appearance of calcified tubercles. But in view of the existence of concretions of an analogous appearance at the surface of the teguments of the lower limbs, this diagnosis can not be sustained. Besides, as will be seen in the annexed report of Pro- fessor Cornil, it is a question of a mass of tyrosin. The heart, small, contracted, the color of dead leaves, has its valves absolutely normal and still perfectly flexible; the walls of the two ven- tricles measure 5 to 6 millimeters in thickness. There is no hypertrophy of the left ventricle. On the surface of the right auricle there were observed some flat concretions sous-endocardiques and recalling the appearance of those of the lungs. The liver was of a yellowish brown. When cut open, it presented a tissue rather dense and compact, from which escaped the preserving liquid, with which it was deeply saturated. It was also rather contracted. The gall bladder was healthy and contained a pale yellowish brown bile, of a pasty consistency. The stomach was very small and contracted. The spleen appeared comparatively more voluminous than it ought to have been, considering the marked contraction of all the viscera. It measured from 6 to 7 centimeters upon its greater axis. Its tissue appeared rather firm. The two kidneys, on the contrary, small, hard, and contracted, appeared more reduced still in volume than they should have been. The intestines were completely contracted and empty. Considering the alteration of the appearance of the head, which always results from the removal of the brain, I thought that there was no need to remove this viscus. Previous observations had, besides, shown me that the liquid on the outside could not penetrate the brain, which cer- tainly must have been completely deteriorated. Not wishing, out of respect to the distinguished personality of the sub- ject, to retain the viscera, I had them carefully replaced in the thorax, after having removed several small fragments intended for microscopic examination, which Professor Cornil, professor of pathological anatomy of the faculty of medicine of Paris, was good enough to make in person with his great ability. But before giving the result of this examination, the impression derived from this autopsy was, first, the astonishing preservation of the viscera, which had enabled one to make so very clear an autopsy one hundred and thirteen years after the death of the subject. Furthermore, it seemed evident that one had to deal with the 84 Papers and Reports organs of a patient rather pronouncedly consumptive, with viscera ema- ciated and contracted. Thus the kidneys, on a simple microscopical examination, had the appearance of kidneys affected by interstitial nephritis. Besides, the microscopic examination, of which we can see a full account in the report hereto annexed of Professor Cornil, well corrob- orates these first verifications. I have been able to recognize very clearly on the fine microscopic preparations executed by Professor Cornil in person, and which he has been good enough to show to me, the following various peculiarities: The heart is normal, with streaks of some muscular fibers still very clearly visible. The liver seems likewise normal, with its anatomical disposition very clear. The cells of this organ were badly preserved. It was therefore not possible to see whether there had been such cellular lesions, more or less grave, as accompany the acute liver troubles analogous to symptoms of jaundice which Paul Jones presented at the end of his life. The lungs contain in sufficiently large number these white granula- tions, which seem to have, under the microscope, the appearance of masses formed by a felting of fine needles of tyrosin (product of the decomposition of azotized substances). This particularly curious cir- cumstance may be due to the fact (if it is admitted that the corpse had simply been immersed in alcohol) that before the alcohol could have penetrated all the viscera there took place a beginning of decomposition which brought on the production of these crystals. The microbes are equally abundant upon the sections of the lung. They are the ordinary microbes of putrefaction, in the form of round grains and small sticks. Professor Cornil tried in vain to discover the tuberculous bacilli. Besides, the only lesions that one could locate were small rounded masses, hard and at times calcified in the lungs, which correspond to small patches of broncho-pneumonia partially cicatrized. This fact agrees well with what we know of the disease of Paul Jones, who, after his sojourn in Russia, coughed a great deal and to such an extent that he could not speak at the session of the National Assembly where he was received. As to the kidneys, the sections presented the appearance, very clearly, of chronic interstitial nephritis. The vessels at several points had their walls thickened and invaded by sclerosis. A number of glomeruli a were completely transformed into fibrous tissue and appeared in the form of small spheres, strongly colored by the microscopic reactions. This verification was of the highest a These glomeruli are rounded masses of vessels surrounded by a capsule and are where the most important part of the urinary secretion takes place* — H. P. John Paul Jones Commemoration 85 importance. It gave the key to the various pathological symptoms pre- sented by Paul Jones at the close of life — emaciation and consumptive condition, and especially a considerable swelling, which from the feet gained completely the nether limbs, then the abdomen, where it even produced ascites (exsudat intra-abdominal). All these affections are often observed at the close of chronic interstitial nephritis.* It can therefore be said that we possess microscopic proof that Paul Jones died of a chronic renal affection, of which he had shown symptoms toward the close of his life. In a word, like my colleague Papillault, and by different means, rely- ing solely upon the appearance of the subject, on the comparison of his head with the Houdon bust, and besides considering that the observa- tions made upon his viscera absolutely agree with his clinical history, I reach this very clear and well-grounded conclusion, namely, that the corpse of which we have made a study is that of Paul Jones. I will even add, always with Papillault, that, being given this con- vergence of exceedingly numerous, very diversified, and always agree- ing facts, it would be necessary to have a concurrence of circumstances absolutely exceptional and improbable in order that the corpse here concerned be not that of Paul Jones. In closing I may be permitted to express, always with my colleague Papillault, the extreme satisfaction that we have had in bringing to the solution of this important problem that Gen. Horace Porter, ambassador of the United States, assisted by Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, secretary of the American embassy, has pursued with such remarkable and intelligent perseverance, the cooperation of our special qualifications, thanks to which the identification of the great American Admiral has been realized, when, without these means of investigation, it would have been impos- sible to arrive at the knowledge that at last the corpse of Paul Jones has been discovered, and that thus the honors which he has awaited for one hundred and thirteen years might at last be rendered him by his country. J. CapiTan, Professor in the School of Ayithropology, Member of the Municipal Commission of Old Paris. NAVAL ACADEMY MINIATURE OF JOHN PAUL JONES. Presented to I^ieut. A. B. Piukham, U. S. N., by Miss Janette Taylor, niece of John Paul Jones. NAVAL ACADEMY MINIATURE OF JOHN PAUL JONES. [Reverse.] REPORT OF DOCTOR PAPILLAULT [Translation.] I.— FIRST EXAMINATION OF THE BODY A FTER very long researches, General Porter, believing he had found / \ the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones, had them conveyed to JL ±- the faculty of medicine, where a first examination was made on April 9, 1905. There were present: Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, secretary of the embassy of the United States; M. Weiss, engineer of mines; Doctor Capitan, professor of the School of Anthropology, member of the Commission of Old Paris; Doctor Papillault, the undersigned, assistant director of the laboratory of anthropology at the feole des Hautes Etudes, professor in the School of Anthropology at Paris. The body was laid out at full length in a leaden coffin. Some hay and straw were packed in all the interstices in such a manner as to render the corpse completely immovable in its coffin, as though it were destined to be subsequently transported a long distance. A special odor led one to suppose that the body was immersed in alcohol. It was wrapped in a sheet torn at the two extremities to reduce it to the size of the body. The subject was of the masculine sex. It was not clothed and bore no insignia, neither arms nor jewelry, which is easily explained if the foregoing hypothesis is admitted that the body, destined to be trans- ported, had been carefully packed so as to render it immovable, but one could not think of dressing it and packing it afterwards with straw. It is probable that arms and clothing were to have been put on him later on. A fine shirt, neatly made, constituted his sole garment. The back was closely stuck to the winding sheet with matter from the body and perhaps from substances employed in the embalming. The hair was gathered into a cap of coarse linen. It had been combed with care, in the fashion of the times, from the forehead toward the back, curled in rolls over the ears. At the back it was brought together in one mass, slightly twisted and falling naturally. Its length was remarkable; it attained 75 to 80 centimeters. The beard was shaven, leaving only a few days' growth. The body was perfectly preserved. The skin was tanned; all the soft parts were mummified, but were not yet completely dried. The tissues presented a certain elasticity on being pressed. 87 88 Papers and Reports The subject was laid on its back, the head turned to the right. The nose was pressed down in its cartilaginous parts. The hands were folded across the abdomen. The feet were forcibly extended. After the first examination the removal of the body was proceeded with. After having cut the coffin at its two extremities researches were immediately commenced to identify the subject. II.— RESEARCHES TENDING TO IDENTIFY THE CORPSE Documents of various kinds placed at our disposal and capable of being utilized: i . Historical documents upon the probable place of burial which Gen- eral Porter followed with so much sagacity. 2. Documents concerning the disease of which John Paul Jones died and which my eminent colleague, Doctor Capitan, utilized in his researches with his well-known ability. 3. Documents concerning the physical characteristics of the Admiral and which came from two entirely different sources: (a) Certain details related in memoirs of the time, which Colonel Bailly-Blanchard was good enough to communicate to me; (£) Two busts attributed to Houdon. I will review them successively and compare them with the characteristics which could be discerned upon the body. A. WRITTEN DOCUMENTS i . Jones was about 45 years of age when he died. The features could furnish no information. The beard is strong, and appeared to belong to a man who had passed his youth. The hair, well washed, showed a few white hairs; the subject had thus evi- dently attained maturity. The state of his incisor teeth confirmed this approximation. 2. Jones was of a dark complexion. The hair of the subject was dark. The hair on the body was some- what more red, as the case generally is, but belonged to a dark subject. 3. Stature was 1.70 meters. It is probable that this is an approximative measure, and it is, besides, known that the stature varies more than a centimeter according to very diverse circumstances in the same day. The long sickness which carried off Paul Jones undoubtedly caused a settling down and diminished his stature. The bottom of his coffin not being absolutely flat, his stature on this account underwent a further slight diminution. On the other hand, his stature of 1.70 meters was surely taken stand- ing. Now the corpse was lying, and its length increases in this position an average of 1 to 2 centimeters. Finally, the feet being forcibly extended, I had to take the distance comprised between the vertex and the inner ankle bone and add 8, ceuti- John Paul Jones Commemoration 89 meters, representing the rest of the stature — that is to say, the length which separates the point of the ankle bone from the sole of the foot — according to an average of 100 corpses hitherto measured by me. Altogether I found 1.71 meters, a figure which enters absolutely into the quantities that one might expect to encounter. To summarize: The written data and my observations made upon the body compared in a very satisfactory manner. The question in point was that of a man having attained maturity, with brown hair, with a stature of about 1.70 meters taken in a standing position and about 1.71 meters in a lying one. B. BUSTS BY HOUDON These busts are two in number. One belongs to the Marquis de Biron, the other to the museum at Philadelphia. A replica of the latter exists in the Museum of Casts of the Trocadero. These two works, attributed to the great sculptor, appear to me to be of the same person. But they present, for various reasons, some consid- erable differences, which I am obliged to pass rapidly in review. They were surely made at times between which there was a rather long interval. The Paris bust has a thinner, more emaciated figure than the Philadelphia one. The modeling and the study given to it by the sculptor are likewise different. The Philadelphia work represents the person in the attire of an admiral. The energetic face, the authoritative, even dominating, aspect, all recall the' conqueror of the English fleets, the redoubtable privateer, whose indomitable courage sufficed for everything. But above all, one feels that the artist desired to be faithful; the modeling is life-like and precise; the skin vibrates in the light; the least wrinkle is studied. It is a portrait full of life and assuredly resembling. On the contrary, in the terra-cotta bust of the Marquis de Biron the rough sailor has become a man of the court. His hair is no longer flat- tened down, but is combed with care and curled in elegant rolls. Hou- don attenuated the energy of his features; he diminished the robustness of the face, effaced the bumps of his forehead, and his touch, indifferent to truth*, no longer made life throb beneath the infinitely varied modeling of the surface. It is a sketch full of grace and animation, but somewhat conventional. The artist wished to flatter the mania of the person who became ' ' so elegant in his dress as to have it remarked. ' ' We will simply make our comparisons with the Philadelphia bust, after having noted, nevertheless, that the arrangement of the hair on the corpse is exactly the same as that observed on the bust of the Marquis de Biron.* « See footnote, p. 66. b The Trocadero bust is life size. The de Biron bust is three-quarters size. — Com- piler. 90 Papers and Reports A preliminary remark is here necessary. One can not expect to find in a work of art shapes exactly identical with the subject that has served as the model. The plaster represents living tissues swollen by the blood which animated them; we had nothing to compare therewith but a skeleton covered with a tanned skin and shrunken tissues. The bony structure itself is not always respected; the artist rarely takes many measures. Once the main points taken up, he lays the compass aside, and somewhat neglects proportions and applies himself to seizing the expression of the features. But nevertheless no resemblance can be obtained without the general form being respected; the fancies of the artist are thus confined within limits beyond which one can not pass with impunity. Moreover, certain proportions are quite expressive. No resemblance is obtained if rela- tions are not maintained of the forehead, the nose, the upper lip, the chin, etc.; they can not be altered without the character of the face losing at the same time its personality. The experienced eye of a great artist thus imposes, for certain prominent proportions, quite narrow limits to any wanderings of the sculptor's chisel. Finally, it must not be forgotten that the variations of the human face and of its divers parts are enormous. For a head of a given size each of the parts of the face can vary about one- third. If, then, we do not find either in the descriptive characteristics which we are about to pass in review, or in the dimensions which we have taken up, any consider- able differences between the bust and the body; if these characteristics show, on the contrary, a constant analogy, we can proclaim the identity of the two with the more likelihood as the number of our observations shall be the greater. The comparisons I have been able to make are of two kinds — one bearing upon descriptive characteristics, the other upon measure- ments. C. DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERISTICS I have not been able to take up any characteristics the divergence of which was sufficiently marked to waive the identification of the bust and the body. On the contrary I note the following similarities: The implanting of the hair is the same. The temples are exposed by a beginning of baldness. The forehead is rather straight, the skull rounded, with pronounced frontal bumps. The superciliary arches are somewhat prominent, but the space between the eyebrows (the globella), on the contrary, is very little so. The cheek bones are prominent and massive. The root of the nose does not recede behind the frontal plane, as is often the case. The bridge of the nose is rather thin, the root some- what narrow. John Paul Jones Commemoration 9i Seen in profile, the nose is of an undulating form on the bust. Now this form depends a great deal on the cartilage. The bony part of the nose, however, is quite compatible with it. The prognathism of the face is feeble; that of the upper lip equally so ; but the chin is so little prominent that the projection of the jaws is remarkable. The chin itself is solid, neither bifid nor pointed. The softer parts — eyes, mouth, lobes of the nose, etc. — are too much deformed for me to make a useful comparison. By an excess of pru- dence I will not even insist upon a very peculiar characteristic of the cartilage of the ear pointed out to me by Professor Georges Herve, and which seemed entirely identical on the bust and on the body. However, I will add one remark : ordinarily there exists between the face and the cranium a harmony which led me to suppose, on seeing the engraving of the bust long before any examination of the body, still in its coffin, that the head had a tendency toward brachycephaly. I had pointed this out to Doctor Capitan, and I found a cephalic index of 82.6 ; consequently there was moderate brachycephaly. D. MEASUREMENT length of face from root of hair to chin length from root of hair to subnasal point . length from subnasal point to chin Length of upper lip a Length of lower lip b and of chin Minimum width of forehead Bust. cm. 19-5 12.7 7-5 2.4 4.6 10.4 Body. cm. 19-5 12.9 7-4 2.5 4.6 10.2 a Taken on the body from the subnasal point to the edge of the superior incisors. b Taken on the body from the edge of the inferior incisors to the end of the chin. The foregoing measurements are the only ones I was able to take with any certainty on the body and on the bust simultaneously. The bizy- gomatic width, so interesting to anthropologists, could not be taken on the bust on account of the hair which masks that region. The width of the cheek bones, frequently taken by artists, had no value whatever on the body, the tissues of which had shrunk and presented dimensions which are too weak. The length of the nose was likewise not comparable; a long, well- accentuated crease on the bust between the eyebrows does not admit of determining the beginning of the nose in a sufficiently approximate manner. There remain, then, only the measures to the number of six, which I set forth in the above table. It is to be remarked, first, that the dimensions of the bust are exactly those of the corpse; the comparison is therefore easier than if the bust had been of a reduced size. Thus all the measurements offer an approximation really extraordinary. Two experienced anthropologists 92 Papers and Reports measuring a same subject would often make as great differences. Thus I could not hope to find between a bust and its model a similar identity. I recollect having measured, some years ago, a cast of the head of Blanqui and the statue which Dalou made from this same cast. Dalou was a very precise and conscientious artist, using and even abusing, as his colleagues said, the compass. I found differences greater than those in this case. Is it possible to admit of so extraordinary a coincidence, that of a subject, buried in the same place, having a high social position, of a stature very much the same, of nearly the same age, color of hair iden- tical, and representing the features of the face with resemblance enough to admit of the above comparisons we have made, and presenting, finally, the same proportions of the face? If the number of subjects compared included several millions, perhaps the probability of such a coincidence might be admitted ; but here it is a question of a very limited number of individuals interred in the same place. Now, of one hundred bodies taken by chance, I have found less than ten the stature of which could answer to that of John Paul Jones. With the variations of 2 centime- ters there remained no more than three of a dark color. Of these, no dimensions of the face coincided. By this sole example one can figure the amount of coincidences that would have to be put together to bring about the identity of the numerous characteristics taken into considera- tion as above. Finally, it must be further admitted that chance, after having chosen among the thousands an individual purposely made to deceive the experts, would have had to make him die of a malady destined to deceive Doctor Capitan in his autopsy, and then, as a last stratagem, to have marked the cap which contained his hair with an initial which in one direction is a capital P with a small loop, and looked at in contrary direction a J, the loop of which is closed, both letters constituting the initials of the Admiral. Will it not appear to any impartial reader that chance would have put itself to very great trouble in bringing to the same point so many coinci- dences, when it was so simple to lay Admiral John Paul Jones where he should be? It is for this reason, without forgetting that doubt is the first quality of all investigators, and that the most extreme circumspection should be observed in such a matter, that I am obliged to conclude that all the observations which I have been able to make plead in favor of the following opinion: The body examined is that of Admiral John Paul Jones. Done at Paris, April 14, 1905. Dr. G. Papillaui/t, Assistant Director of the Laboratory of Anthropology of the A cole des H antes Etudes, Professor at the School of Anthropology \ 3 Quai Malaquais. JOHN PAUL JONES. From engraving by Henri Toussaint, 1906. REPORT OF PROFESSOR CORNIL [Translation.] THE organs examined by me, the lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidneys, were well enough preserved to be easily recognized by the naked eye and under the microscope. Their structure was pre- served; their fibrous structure and their general disposition, seen slightly magnified, clearly characterized each of these viscera; but with a higher magnifying power (from 200 to 500 diameters), the cellular elements were badly preserved, the nuclei were badly or not at all colored. The thin sections {coupes) were encumbered with salts, leucine, tyrosin, crystals of fat, etc., and bacteria. We conclude therefrom, viewing the matter from the state of preservation of the body, that it had been placed in alcohol a day or two after death had ensued, or that the alcohol had not been in sufficient quantity to penetrate all the parts and that a partial decomposition had taken place in the deeply seated organs, the cells of which had been incompletely acted upon. It may be also that the alcohol had been spilt and had escaped before the action was complete. It is this which accounts for the presence of bacteria and salts and for the bad preservation of the cells. With these remarks we give the result of our analysis for each particular organ. Leftju?ig. — On the surface of the lungs were whitish and opaque granules, from the size of a millet seed to a hemp seed. We cut thin sections of the lung surface comprising several of these granules. They were located in the pleura and in the lung itself. The fibrous structure of the pleura and the alveoli were perfectly preserved. The granules themselves were surrounded by the pleuropulmonary tissues which formed an envelope around them. They were composed entirely of voluminous clusters of fine crystals, acidulated with tyrosin, perfectly characteristic, in brush form and very long. These crystals resisted the action of acetic acid and even nitric acid diluted with water. My attention was attracted in this lung to a small grayish spot in the center and surrounded by a thick fibrous envelope. Upon the section the central part presented pulmonary alveoli distended by small round cells and an agglomeration of tyrosin crystals. I treated several of these preparations with Ziehl's coloring matter to search for the bacilli of tuberculosis. There were none. It was simply a former pneumonia or broncho-pneumonia spot healed and surrounded by a fibrous tissue. 93 94 Papers and Reports The heart. — The heart, which was small on account of being con- tracted by the alcohol, showed no lesions of the orifice. The aorta exhibited no signs of atheromatosis. Microscopic sections of the cardiac walls showed muscular fibers, streaked lengthwise and crosswise, sepa- rated by the normal conjunctive tissues. A like abundance of small crystals and bacteria were noticed. The liver. — Sections of this gland, slightly magnified, resembled perfectly those of a normal liver; the lobes, the central veins of the lobes, the sinus of the veine-porte y the radiating bays of the hepatic cells are all well preserved. We can thus assure ourselves that the con- junctive perilobular tissue is not thickened. With a higher magnifying power the hepatic cells have no coloring nuclei, and there also exists there numerous varieties of crystals and microbes. The masses of ty rosin visible to the naked eye, like very fine white and opaque granules, are less numerous than in the lungs. The kidneys are well preserved in their form. Sections enabled one to establish the constituent elements, the fibrovascular structure, the tubuli, and glomeruli. Preparations colored in two ways, with hema- toxyline, and, according to Van Giesen, revealed glomerulose lesions. A certain number of glomeruli, in fact, presented a fibrous formation, characterized by the red coloring due to the Van Giesen colorant. In the place of the vessels with thin walls and permeable by the blood, a uniform red tint is observed, due to the formation of the conjunctive tissue. It is a real interstitial glomerulitis far advanced on some of the glomeruli thus transformed into fibrous nodules. Moreover, the Bowmann capsules were at times much thickened. The arteries were likewise very thick and surrounded or filled with crystals of fat. These lesions indicate interstitial nephritis. The bad preservation of the cells do not prevent me from making a statement w T ith reference to the lesions to which they were subjected. The spleen did not reveal any anatomical lesions. According to this examination, the only organs which were injured were the kidneys. As far as can be judged by the examination of the badly preserved viscera, we believe that the case in point is interstitial nephritis, with fibrous degeneracy of the glomeruli of Malpighi, which quite agrees with the symptoms observed during life. Paris, June i, 1905. V. CORNIL. NOTE. — Six illustrations, microphotographs of sections of kidneys, lungs, and liver of Jones's body have been made. They are an important part of the testimony which establishes the identity of the body. A limited number of these prints have been prepared, and any patriotic, medical, or other society or organization desiring to examine them and compare them with the printed reports regarding the diseases with which John Paul Jones suffered may obtain them from the Navy Department and insert them in its copy of this volume following the report of Professor Cornil. — Compiler. VIEW OF THE YARD OVER THE BURIED SAINT LOUIS CEMETERY. Within the doorway at the left is the fifth shaft (marked E on the plan), near which the body of John Paul Jones was found. Drawn by Jay Hambridge from photographs. PLACE WHERE THE BODY WAS FOUND. Gen. Horace Porter at the left, Second Secretary of Embassy A. Bailly-Blanchard, and Paul Weiss, engineer. The workman holds the point of his pick over the spot where he had struck the leaden coffin. REPORT OF ENGINEER WEISS [Translation.] French Republic, Prefecture of the Department of the Seine, Paris, May p, 1905. At the request of His Excellency Gen. Horace Porter, American ambassador to the French Republic, the service of the quarries of the Department of the Seine was charged by the prefect of the Seine to proceed with the researches with a view of discovering the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones, who died in Paris in 1792 and was interred in the former cemetery for foreign Protestants, as it appears from the report of the burial transcribed by Mr. Charles Read. It was the long and patient researches of General Porter, assisted by Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, which determined with certainty the place of burial. They found in the archives, and particularly in the archives of the prefecture of the Seine, documents giving the exact plan and description of the cemetery. On the other hand, it appears from a letter of Colonel Blackden — an intimate friend of Admiral Jones — that the body had been put in a leaden coffin, so that it might be easily transported to America in case the United States, which he had served in such a brilliant manner and with so much honor, should claim his remains. The place and manner of burial were therefore perfectly well deter- mined and enabled one to limit the researches. It was a matter of con- cern in the first place to ascertain with precision the exact boundaries of the former cemetery for foreign Protestants. Now this cemetery figures very plainly upon the map of Paris, made by Verniquet in 179 1. It consisted of a garden of large dimensions, bordering the rue Grange-aux- Belles and adjoining a dwelling house looking upon a courtyard, from which it was separated by a wall con- taining a gate. This gate opened upon a flight of steps giving access to the cemetery, the ground of which was lower than the courtyard. See plan a annexed to report. According to divers documents collected by Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, the garden forming the cemetery was planted with fruit trees and was traversed crosswise by two wide walks. « Reproduced, p. 56. 95 96 Papers and Reports After 1805 burials ceased in the cemetery, and in the first half of the nineteenth century the garden was leveled up with all sorts of rubbish to a height of 3 or 4 meters, so that the ground of the garden came up to a level with the courtyard. Divers buildings were erected on this filled- up ground, notably a building used as a public laundry, two houses, stables, barns, etc. All these buildings were erected upon unsta- ble earth ; subsequent excavations showed that the foundations did not reach down to the level of the buried bodies, and that they did not rest upon the natural soil — consisting largely of gypsum, which forms the substratum of the region — but upon the made earth. The photographs, Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive, annexed to the present report, enable one to form an idea of the nature of the buildings erected on the site of the former cemetery and of the difficulties which the researchers were to encounter. The house on the courtyard now bearing the number 47, or the rue Grange-aux-Belles, had already figured in the plan of Verniquet. Since then there had been added another building, serving the purpose of a hotel, having two windows on the rue Grange-aux-Belles. The sepa- rating wall of the courtyard and the cemetery is still visible and can be easily traced on the premises. On the side of the rue Grange-aux-Belles, the present wall, indicated by the numbers 43 and 45, formed the boundary of the cemetery, which was likewise inclosed on the opposite side by walls raised afterwards, which still exist in the old places. The limits of the old cemetery were therefore easy to determine, and no doubt could exist with regard to the extent of the area in which the researches were to be made. At the request of His Excellency General Porter, it was decided to begin the researches beneath the laundry. The excavations could not be undertaken by means of open cuts on account of the opposition made by the tenants, and recourse to subterranean work had to be resorted to. A shaft was sunk at A (see plan) under the shed belonging to Bassigny, a grain dealer. The first 2.70 meters passed through the filling, and after that a stratum of black vegetable earth, which formed the soil of the old cemetery. Below this bed of vegetable soil, of a thickness of 1 .30 meters, abed of black earth mixed with the debris of gypsum was traversed, when the natural soil formed of white marl and gypsum was reached. With the first blows of the pick bones were encountered, which fixed the exact level at which the dead had been interred. Nowhere were any vaults of masonry, analogous to those in cemeteries of the present day, discovered. All the bodies had been interred directly in the earth. At a depth of 5.50 meters the shaft was stopped, and on a level with the vegetable earth, a gallery was run penetrating beneath the laundry and carried as far as the old wall of separation of the cemetery for foreign John Paul Jones Commemoration 97 Protestants and the courtyard of the adjacent dwelling houses. The old wall was encountered at the exact spot indicated on Verniquet's map. Directly after this discovery, which fixed definitively the site of the old cemetery, two longitudinal galleries were run, intended to explore the laundry. At the same time a shaft was sunk in the street by which two further galleries to meet the first two were run; moreover, to hasten the work, excavations were made in the cellars situated on the north side of the building (see photographs of works, Nos. 1 to 13, inclusive). Close to the site of the old flight of stairs, giving access to the garden, the gallery extending along the wall of separation encountered a leaden coffin, very much flattened, the head of which was wanting. On the center of the coffin a copper plate was discovered, in a very bad state, which was able to be partially deciphered by the care of M. Andre\ a restorer of objects of art. The face was indecipherable, but on examin- ing the reverse side, an inscription was found indicating that the body was that of an Englishman who died May 20, 1790. The coffin was therefore not that of Admiral Jones. Beneath the laundry, the area of which was fully explored, both by galleries and by soundings, no other leaden coffin was found, while many bones were encountered. The work being particularly difficult in this place on account of the infiltrations of water, all the galleries were rapidly and carefully refilled and the work of exploring the property of the grain dealer begun. Three fresh shafts were sunk and the galleries extended in all directions (see plan). At the base of shaft B in the north gallery a second leaden coffin, perfectly well preserved, was soon discovered. It bore a plate with the name of "Richard Hay, Esquire, died in Paris the 29th Jan- uary, 1785." The researches were then continued and a few meters farther on another leaden coffin was unearthed. In immediate contact above it there had been interred, without precaution, another body. The whole was taken out and the bones above removed. It was then established that the wooden coffin, which had contained the leaden coffin, and of which some fragments were still on the side, had been removed from the upper part except near the feet. No dis- tinctive mark or plate could be discovered. It is probable that at the moment of burying the second body the gravedigger had been led to remove the top of the wooden coffin and the plate at the same time. Under these conditions nothing remained but to open the coffin to identify the body. The opening of the coffin took place in the presence of His Excellency Gen. Horace Porter, Colonel Bailly-Blanchard, M. Weiss, inspector of quarries, and the agents charged with the conduct of the work. As soon as the lid was raised the minute precautions that had been taken when the body was placed in the coffin became apparent. The 7257-07 7 98 Papers and Reports body was packed in hay and straw and appeared ready to be transported to a long distance. Upon withdrawing some of the straw the winding sheet which enveloped the corpse became visible, and in raising this sheet the body was discovered to be in a marvelous state of preservation. The sole fact of the careful packing was a serious presumption leading to the supposition that one was in the presence of Admiral Jones. The letter of Colonel Blackden expressly mentions that the body had been arranged in such a manner that it could be easily transported. It was then decided to have the body examined by Doctor Capitan, professor in the School of Anthropology. Doctor Capitan came to visit the premises on Saturday, April 8, and asked that the coffin be conveyed to the School of Medicine in order to proceed with the anthropometric measurements necessary for the identification. After the prefect of police had been notified, the coffin was trans- ported, Saturday evening, to the School of Medicine, through the care of M. Geninet, municipal conductor. It was handed over to the super- intendent of materials and deposited in one of the dissecting rooms until the official identification could take place. While the anthropometric measurements were being proceeded with, the subterranean work was continued. Along the northern wall a fourth leaden coffin was found, bearing the name of "George Maidison, Gentilhomme anglais et Secretaire de l'Am- bassade de Sa Majeste Britannique aupres de Sa Majeste tres-chr£tienne, decide a Paris le 27 Aout 1783, dge de 36 ans." Along the western wall a well was discovered, which was mentioned in the old documents pertaining to the cemetery, and then a brick vault containing a wooden coffin without any indication of name, and, finally, a fifth leaden coffin. This anonymous coffin, 2.10 meters long, contained the remains of a man of very tall stature ; it was accompanied by a leaden rectangular- shaped box containing the viscera of the deceased and a leaden heart of large dimensions in which the heart of the deceased had evidently been inclosed. This coffin could not have been that of Admiral Jones, partly for the reason of the exceptional stature of the corpse, and partly on account of the special circumstances of the burial, which would certainly have been mentioned in the certificate of burial. In the meantime the anthropometric measurements established the identity of the body previously found. The measurements of the head, taken with care, coincided to within a millimeter with those of the bust of Admiral Jones, by Houdon, in possession of the Trocadero; the ini- tial found upon the cap which contained the hair afforded, moreover, a fresh proof in support of the conclusions of the scientists. Excavations were consequently stopped on April 15, and the restoring of the premises to order begun. John Paul Jones Commemoration 99 Thus, as can be seen by an examination of the map, the old cemetery- was almost entirely explored; 25 meters of shafts, 245 meters of gal- leries, 178 meters of soundings were excavated. To summarize: In the course of the excavations five leaden coffins only were found. One alone, according to the circumstances, could be that of Admiral Jones. The body contained in this coffin was in such an extraordinary state of preservation that it could be easily identified. The discovery of the remains of Admiral Jones is thus scientifically established, and the service of the quarries is happy to have contributed to bring again to the light of day the celebrated sailor who covered him- self with so much glory at the time when the arms of old France and the young American Republic of the United States fought shoulder to shoulder. Paris, the 19th day of May, 1905. P. Weiss, The Engineer of Mines, Inspector of Quarries. FRENCH ARTILLERY CAISSON, BEARING THE COFFIN OF JOHN PAUL JONES, MOVING ALONG THE CHAMPS- ELYSEES, PARIS, JULY 6, 1905. From a photograph. AMERICAN SAILORS CROSSING THE BRIDGE OF ALEXANDER III. AND PASSING BEFORE THE CATAFALQUE ON WHICH WAS PLACED THE COFFIN OF JOHN PAUL JONES, PARIS, JULY 6, 1905. From a photograph. REPORT OF REAR-ADMIRAL SIGSBEE U. S. NAVY [Extract.] Office of the Commander Second Squadron, North Atlantic Fleet, U. S. S. Brooklyn, Tompkinsville \ N. Y.,July 26, 1905. Sir: In making my report relative to the John Paul Jones expedition, under my command in chief, I shall divide the report into four parts, owing to the length of the report. The first part will embrace the passage from Tompkinsville, Staten Island, New York, to Cherbourg, France, including the proceedings immediately following the arrival at Cherbourg. The second part will embrace the matters relating to our visit to Cherbourg and Paris, including the ceremonies connected with the transfer and the embarkation of the remains of Paul Jones. The third part will embrace the return passage from Cherbourg to Annapolis, Md. , and the fourth part will embrace matters connected with the trans- fer of the remains to the Naval Academy at Annapolis. PART 1 In obedience to the orders of the Navy Department, I took command in chief of the third division of the Second Squadron, detached tempo- rarily from the North Atlantic Fleet for the John Paul Jones expedition, on June 18, 1905. I got the squadron under way, at Tompkinsville, for Cherbourg, France, at 1 p. m. on Sunday, June 18. The squadron was composed of the Brooklyn, flag ship, Capt. John M. Hawley, U. S. Navy; the Tacoma, Commander Reginald F. Nicholson, U. S. Navy; the Galveston, Commander William G. Cutler, U. S. Navy; and the Chattanooga, Commander Alex. Sharp, U. S. Navy. Because of the recently reported icebergs and floes well to the south- ward of the Great Bank, I chose the most southerly steamship route for the passage. On June 26, late in the afternoon, the North German Lloyd steam- ship Deutschland passed in sight of the squadron, bound eastward, and the American Line steamship New York, bound westward, passed a few hours later. No stops were necessary because of derangement of the machinery or other mishaps. 102 Papers and Reports The light-house on Bishops Rock was sighted at about i p. m. on June 29. After that the weather thickened. Thereafter, until 9.30 a. m. the following day, June 30, no landmarks were seen, nor any whistles heard, until we sighted the breakwater fort at the western entrance to Cherbourg, about 2 miles distant, and saw the pilot boats coming out. We entered the harbor in column at about 9.30 a. m., and therefore on time, according to our schedule, notwithstanding the fog. The day before, when off to southward of the Lizard, I sent a wireless message broadcast, stating that the John Paul Jones squadron was in the channel and due at Cherbourg early on the 30th. We received a reply, not knowing whence at the time, asking if I desired telegrams to be sent. I replied, "Yes; to the American ambassador at Paris and the Ameri- can consul at Cherbourg." I afterwards found that telegrams had been sent and received accordingly, and, as it appeared, from the Lizard. It may as well be said here that for some days previously we had received from the station at Poldhu items of news, by wireless, daily. They reached us with more or less completeness when we were distant a thousand miles from Poldhu. When inside of the breakwater I saluted the port with 2 1 guns. The salute was returned at once. During the day official visits were made as follows by myself: To Vice- Admiral Besson; to Rear- Admiral de Marolles, the subprefet; and to M. Albert Mahieu, mayor of Cherbourg. These visits were returned while I was in Paris, my departure having been previously arranged for in conference with Vice- Admiral Besson. In fact, throughout all the proceedings thereafter, Vice- Admiral Besson showed to myself the most delicate appreciation of the difficulties of my position, owing to the scant time at my disposal, in which many duties and operations were to be completed. At 9 a. m. on July 1 three French war vessels of the second division of the Squadron of the North, under Rear- Admiral S. Leygue, arrived in Cherbourg from Brest. These vessels had also encountered twelve hours of thick fog. The French vessels were the Bouvz'nes, Captain Lamson; the Henri IV, Captain Lephay, and Amiral Trehouart, Captain Schilling. The French vessels were painted black, and were assigned berths less favorable than ours for communication with the shore. Although Rear-Admiral Leygue was my senior, he saluted my flag immediately his flagship had reached the inside of the breakwater, thereby anticipating me, and evidently by intention; in fact, I so ascer- tained afterwards. I promptly made my visit to Admiral Leygue, and he promptly returned it, knowing that I desired to proceed to Paris on the evening of that day. He also directed his captains to visit me immediately, which they did. This was merely characteristic of the tact and consideration shown throughout by all French officers. John Paul Jones Commemoration 103 At 5 p. m. on July 1 , I left Cherbourg for Paris with my personal staff, Lieut. Cassius B. Barnes, U. S. Navy, and Lieut. Edward McCau- ley, jr., U. S. Navy, and with an additional staff composed of the following officers: Capt. John M. Hawley, U. S. Navy, commanding Brooklyn; Commander Reginald F. Nicholson, U. S. Navy, command- ing Tacoma; Commander William G. Cutler, U. S. Navy, commanding Galveston/ Commander Alexander Sharp, U. S. Navy, commanding Chattanooga ; Lieut. Commander Frederic C. Bowers, U. S. Navy, fleet engineer; Surg. John M. Steele, U. S. Navy, fleet medical officer; Pay Inspector Samuel L- Heap, U. S. Navy, fleet paymaster; and Chaplain G. Livingston Bayard, U. S. Navy. I also ordered Mr. Henri Marion, professor of languages, United States Naval Academy, to Paris, as I required his services as interpreter and in translating official documents. Mr. Marion had been granted permission by the Navy Department to take passage on the flagship to Cherbourg and return. The train arrived in Paris a few moments after midnight. We pro- ceeded at once to the Hotel Brighton, 218 Rue de Rivoli, where quarters had previously been engaged for us. PART 11 On the night of July 1, Mr. Francis B. Looniis, special ambassador of the United States in connection with the reception and transfer of the remains of John Paul Jones, arrived at Cherbourg on board the steamer Philadelphia. I had prepared for his reception on board the Brooklyn. Mr. Loomis was met on board the Philadelphia by an officer from the Brooklyn, and escorted to the Brooklyn, where he remained overnight in quarters already prepared for him. He left the following morning, July 2, for Paris, where he arrived at 3.30 p. m. On Sunday afternoon, July 2, with my whole escort of officers, I visited the American ambassador, Mr. Robert S. McCormick, at the embassy. He was very zealous for our convenience and entertainment, and, by his tact, courtesy, and knowledge of affairs, contributed greatly to the success which attended our visit to Paris. In social- official matters, Mrs. McCormick gave us most kindly and helpful advice, in addition to dispensing gracefully the hospitalities of the embassy. On July 3, Monday, at 11.30 a. m., Mr. Loomis and myself, attended by Lieutenant-Commander Smith and Lieutenant McCauley, visited by appointment the French prime minister, M. Rouvier. Afterwards I visited Mr. Thomson, the minister of marine, and his chief of staff. In the afternoon an informal reception was given at the house of the Amer- ican naval attache, Lieutenant-Commander Smith, which our whole party attended. That day I also made my visit to Gen. Horace Porter, first special ambassador of the United States in connection with the transfer of the remains of John Paul Jones. 104 Papers and Reports On Tuesday, the 4th of July, we received many visits in the morning from Americans living in Paris, and, both by telegram and letter, I received expressions of patriotism and felicitation on our national holi- day. The annual dinner of the American Chamber of Commerce, to which all had been invited, was abandoned in respect to the memory of the late Secretary of State, Mr. John Hay, whose remains were at that time lying in state. At 6 p. m. I proceeded with my staff, in company with Mr. Loomis, to the American embassy, from which place we were conducted to the palace of the President, where we were received by the President of France, Mr. Loubet. From the embassy the five carriages containing Mr. Loomis, myself, and staff, were completely surrounded by a company of cuirassiers, forming the same escort which was given the King of Spain on his first visit to the President of France during the the preceding month. At the gate of the palace the escort parted and permitted the carriages to pass within, where several companies of infantry were drawn up. On our arrival, the troops presented arms and the band played the American national anthem. The President expressed the friendly feeling which the people of France held for the American people, and referred to the cause of this visit as another tie which served to bind the two peoples, the two great Republics, to a close friendship and a perfect understanding. We were conducted back to the embassy with the same honors as were given us in going to the palace. On the 5th, Mr. Loomis, myself, and staff were entertained at a state luncheon by the French prime minister and Mrs. Rouvier, and at a state dinner by the minister of marine and Mrs. Thomson. Both entertain- ments were attended by French officials of high rank, and were of a character to show that extreme compliment was intended. At the first, with the exception of the hostess, only gentlemen were present, while at the latter ladies were also present. After the luncheon with the prime minister on the 5th, the whole party was invited to visit the municipal council at the Hotel de Ville, where we were received on behalf of the people of Paris. We were accompanied by Lieutenant Andre, ordnance officer of the minister of marine. We were received by M. Paul Brousse, president of the municipal council and of the gen- eral council; by M. Antrand, secretary-general of the prefecture of the Seine, and M. Laurent, secretary-general of the prefecture of police. Short addresses of welcome were made by the president of the municipal council, and by the secretary-general of the prefecture of the Seine, in behalf of his chief, the prefect of the Seine; also by the secretary- general of the prefecture of police, in the name of the prefect of police. Responses were made, first by Mr. Loomis, and then by myself. Cham- pagne was then served, and M. Paul Brousse proposed the health of President Roosevelt, and Mr. Loomis proposed the health of President Loubet. Following this entertainment, we were escorted by the various John Paul Jones Commemoration 105 French gentlemen through the Hotel de Ville, after which we returned to our quarters. On the 6th, the day of the formal transfer of the remains of John Paul Jones at Paris, the landing parties of the various ships were roused out at about 2 a. m. They took the train for Paris at Cherbourg at 3.30 a. m. They arrived at the station at Paris at 11.40 a. m., where the party was met by French officials. As to this and subsequent events connected with the landing party at the transfer, and especially as giv- ing the names of the French officers and officials concerned, I invite attention to Inclosure C a of this second report, which inclosure was obtained for me by the American naval attache at my request. This memorandum, together with my further report, will serve to show the magnitude and splendor of our reception at Paris in honor of the United States and of the purposes of the expedition. On the 6th the ceremony of transferring the remains of John Paul Jones took place at 3.30 p. m., at the American Church of the Holy Trinity, at the avenue de l'Alma, where the casket containing the remains of John Paul Jones were lying in state, decorated with drapery, and with a profusion of floral emblems. Admission to the church was by special invitation and a presentation of cards at the door. Many could not find entrance. The American sailors and French soldiers were formed outside of the church, where an artillery caisson, ornamented with drapery and French and American flags, was also in waiting. As to the character of the French escort of troops and the officers command- ing, Inclosure C of this report, already cited, gives adequate informa- tion. On the right of the central aisle and next the chancel and facing the chancel were the American representatives; on the left were the French representatives. Virtually the whole diplomatic corps was present, with Ambassador and Mrs. McCormick, General Porter, Mr. Loomis, United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, and myself on the front seat. There were also present General Dubois, representing the President of France; M. Rouvier, president of the council of ministers and minister of foreign affairs; M. Berteaux, minister of war; M. Gaston Thomson, minister of marine; M. Clementel, minister for the colonies; General Brugere, vice-president of the superior council of war; Vice- Admiral Fournier, French navy, member of the superior council of the navy, etc. A memorial service was conducted by the Rev. John B. Morgan, assisted by the Rev. M. Van Winkle, M. Mesny, and Doctor Tully. The services are described in more detail in Inclosure C. At the close of the church services Gen. Horace Porter made a short address, 6 trans- ferring the remains to the second special ambassador, Mr. Loomis. Mr. a Inclosures A and B omitted. For Inclosures C, D, E, and F, see Appendix. — Compiler. 6 See p. 73. io6 Papers and Reports Loomis then read an address of considerable length, ending by trans- ferring the remains formally to my charge. A copy of Mr. Loomis' s address is hereto appended, marked " Inclosure D." Thereupon I read a short address, accepting the custody of the remains on behalf of the United States Navy Department and taking over further responsibility. A copy is appended, marked "Inclosure B." This ended the ceremony within the church. I had previously detailed as body bearers four petty officers from each ship of my command, each over 6 feet in stature. The body bearers placed the casket on a wheeled truck, conducted it to the street and there placed it on the caisson. The procession was then formed. With the exception of the artillery and cavalry, all were on foot ; that is to say, there were no carriages. The absence of carriages was intended as an additional mark of respect and courtesy. Even a few ladies, presum- ably the wives of dignitaries, were in the procession. There were no French sailors present. Therefore our blue jackets were put in com- parison with the flower of the French soldiery, and, as we always find, our men looked businesslike and bore themselves thoroughly well, although they had no opportunity to land at Cherbourg and have pre- liminary drills for the occasion. Moreover, they had landed from coal- ing ship, and had been almost without sleep, and with but scant oppor- tunity to prepare themselves immediately for the occasion. Many photographs have been taken of the procession. All show creditable performance on the part of the American blue jackets. The procession proceeded along the avenue de l'Alma and the avenue des Champs Ely- sees, thence through the Champs Elysees, across the Pont Alexandre III, through the Esplanade des Invalides to the Rue de Constantine, where, opposite the H6tel des Invalides, in which the remains of Napo- leon I repose, a highly decorated pavilion had been erected. In the central front of the pavilion was a bier. The casket was removed from the caisson by the American body bearers and placed on the bier. Dis- tinguished civilians and officers, French and American, took position in front of the pavilion, after which the whole military and naval proces- sion marched past, the American sailors leading and followed by the French infantry, artillery, and cavalry, in the order named, the officers saluting as they passed the pavilion. The cavalry went past on the trot. It was a most beautiful and impressive sight, the most distin- guished, I was informed by M. Rouvier, that had been seen in Paris of recent years. ' After the march past, the French civilians and French officers took leave of the Americans at the pavilion, with much kindly exchange of sentiment and good will. Then the casket was replaced on the caisson by the American body bearers and escorted to the railroad station, only a few yards distant, where the casket was again taken from the caisson and conveyed to the car in waiting. The car was locked John Paul Jones Commemoration 107 and sealed. A guard of American sailors was placed over the car, after which the American officers dispersed and proceeded to their quarters, and the blue jackets were marched again to the Kcole Militaire, where they were again most courteously received and provided with dinner. The officers accompanying the landing party were provided with meals at the Cercle Militaire. At 9.10 p. m. the landing party of bluejackets left Paris in the same train with the remains of John Paul Jones. They arrived at Cherbourg the following morning. At Cherbourg a pavilion had been prepared and ornamented on the large commercial quay. Therein the remains of John Paul Jones were deposited, under a continuous guard of sixteen French sailors and sixteen American sailors, to await further ceremonies, all arrangements having been made by Vice- Admiral Besson, Rear- Admiral Leygue, and the Mayor of Cherbourg, with the assistance of interested and sympathizing citizens, and the chef de gare. I remained behind, at Paris, with Mr. Loomis and my full staff of officers. That evening, the 6th, our whole party was entertained at a great dinner, in conjunction with a distinguished party of French people, at the Ameri- can embassy, by Ambassador and Mrs. McCormick. On the 7th the whole party, together with the American ambassador and General Porter, lunched with President Loubet. The entertainment was of the same magnificent order as those which had been given by French offi- cials. Ladies, as well as gentlemen, were present. After the luncheon, we took final leave of President Loubet and the members of his minis- try, and others. That night I dined with Mr. Loomis and some mutual friends, and I left before the dinner was ended for the railroad station. The naval officers left for Cherbourg at 9.10 p. m., on the 7th. Mr. Loomis accompanied me to my carriage, and I think we were mutually gratified that every event had passed off without error worthy of men- tion, although we had been pressed to carry out all details precisely in the short period of time allowed us. General Porter had gone to Cherbourg on the 6th [7th] . In advance, I sent orders to the senior American naval officer present at Cherbourg to meet General Porter at the train, escort him to his steamer and give him the salute for an ambassador, and to show him all honors. I am informed that my instructions were carried out and were appreciated by General Porter. I had taken it upon myself to urge General Porter to return to the United States on board the Brooklyn, as my guest. General Porter, while expressing much pleasure at receiving the invitation, felt obliged to decline, to my great disappointment. I also invited Mr. Loomis to return to the United States on board the Brooklyn. Mr. Loomis also expressed his appreciation of my wish to take him as my guest, and explained that he was obliged to remain for some time longer in Europe. io8 Papers and Reports The party of American officers arrived back at Cherbourg at 6 a. m. on the morning of the 8th. At i o'clock on the 8th I sent a landing party ashore, under arms, where there were also assembled French sol- diers and sailors, under arms, at the pavilion on the commercial quay. The quay, all along its great length, was decorated with French and American flags in alternation. Alongside the quay was the French torpedo-boat Zouave. On the quay, and within the highly decorated pavilion, was the casket containing the remains of John Paul Jones. French and American flags were everywhere, and the Zouave was also specially prepared and dressed. At 1.30 p. m. I proceeded to the shore, where I met Vice- Admiral Besson and Rear- Admiral L,eygue, with whom all arrangements had been made previously. The soldiers and sailors were drawn up in line near the pavilion, where the French and American officers were assembled. Vice- Admiral Besson then read a short address, a copy of which I append, marked " Inclosure F." I had intended to reply extemporaneously in the event that Admiral Bes- son made an address, but the admiral immediately gave the order to proceed with the ceremonies, so I withheld my response and contented myself with shaking hands with Admiral Besson and thanking him and his assistants for the many courtesies that we had received, especially for those under his immediate direction. I think the admiral was prompted by a desire to expedite the ceremonies in order to facilitate the close of my business affairs within the short period of time remaining to me. The casket was then carried to the Zouave by the American body bearers. The Zouave cast off from the quay and moved out slowly into the harbor. A column of French pulling boats formed on the port quarter of the Zouave and a column of American pulling boats on the starboard quarter of the Zouave. Each column was led by the barges of the admirals of the respective nationalities. The landing party left the quay later and proceeded to their ships. In the order stated, the Zouave proceeded slowly to the Brooklyn. It was a very beautiful and impress- ive sight. The quay was thronged with people and great interest was shown. The Zouave went alongside the starboard side of the Brooklyn. The rails of the various ships were manned, and all flags were at half- mast. When the Zouave left the quay, the flagship of Rear-Admiral Leygue began a salute of 1 5 minute guns. That number of guns was fired at my instance, because Mr. L,oomis in his address had named John Paul Jones as vice-admiral. The French salute at Paris had corre- sponded with that rank. When the French flagship Bouvines had finished her salute, and after a short interval, the Brooklyn also fired a salute of 15 minute guns. The French officers from the procession of boats came on board the Brooklyn over the port side. The casket was hoisted on board, prayers were read by Chaplain Bayard, of the Brooklyn, John Paul Jones Commemoration 109 and the casket was then lowered to the gun deck and deposited on the bier and under the canopy erected immediately outside of the entrance to the flag cabin. With fine tact, Admiral Besson and the French officers declined to proceed to my cabin, Admiral Besson stating that he knew the pressure upon me to close my business and get to sea at the time stated. After much exchange of courtesy on the part of the French officers — civil, military, and naval — the French party took their leave. Near by was a French steamer, with passengers. Among the passengers was Admiral Besson 's daughter, who had interested herself deeply in the ceremonies and had presented a floral emblem and had also arranged the flowers with her own hands on the casket of John Paul Jones. Before proceeding further, I should state that while I was absent at Paris on the 4th of July Vice- Admiral Besson gave a garden party at the arsenal to the officers of the squadron. This was largely attended by civil, military, and naval officers and their families. One hundred and twenty of the enlisted men were entertained at a banquet and by a visit to the exposition by the mayor of Cherbourg. The warrant and chief petty officers of the French army and nav} 7 ", through a committee, enter- tained at lunch the American warrant and chief petty officers of the squadron, and the enlisted men of the French army and navy entertained the enlisted men of the fleet at luncheon. On the Fourth of July the public buildings were decorated with French and American flags. The landing and esplanade were profusely deco- rated with French and American flags alternating. There was a brilliant electric illumination of the French and American ships, and a water carnival at night in honor of the American squadron. On the 6th instant Rear- Admiral Leygue entertained the senior offi- cer and one other officer from each of the American ships at luncheon. On the evening of the same day the senior officers of the American ships were entertained at dinner by Colonel de Grandprey, directeur de genie. On the 7th the wardroom officers of the Bouvines entertained the wardroom officers of the Brooklyn. Our consular agent, M. Henri Haineville, was unremitting in his efforts to assist in every way. By the courtesy of M. Le Pont, the chapel where the body of John Paul Jones rested until it was transferred to the ship was constructed in his own building on the quay. Captains d'Andrezelle and Collard, of Vice- Admiral Besson' s staff, gave much time and attention to per- fecting times and arrangements on shore, while Admiral Leygue and his aid were equally assiduous in arranging for those afloat. The chef de la gare at Cherbourg was conspicuously zealous in respect to all matters connected with the railroad and the transportation of the remains. Captain d' Abeville, director of the port, visited the Brooklyn and offered no Papers and Reports us the facilities of water lighters, etc. Through his good offices the squadron was furnished with all the water required. In celebrating the Fourth of July all the French officers — civil, military, and naval — left nothing undone to show their hearty good will. Owing to the limited stay of the squadron in port, together with the preparations for sea and the absence of officers and men, it was impossible to return the courtesies extended to the squadron excepting by verbal expression. A projected entertainment on board the Brooklyn was made impracticable by reason of the requirements of the Navy Department in connection with the death of Mr. Hay. Our limitations were thoroughly understood by the French authorities; but, nevertheless, it was a great regret to ourselves. At 5.30 p. m. on the 8th our squadron put to sea. When passing the division of French ships we manned the side and gave three hearty cheers, which were returned. I then repeated our national salute to the French flag, which was returned by the Bouvines. When we were in the offing the French fleet put to sea also and shaped its course for Brest. I close this part of my report by informing the Department that late on the afternoon of the 7th a representative of President Loubet arrived at my hotel and presented to me, and to the four commanding officers of my ships, and to Lieutentant-Commander George, who commanded the landing party at Paris, the cross of the Legion of Honor. To me the President presented the cross of commander of the Legion of Honor and to the others the cross of officer of the Legion of Honor. Mr. Loomis had been presented with the cross of the Legion of Honor on a former visit to Paris. I accepted the decorations provisionally, and as tactfully as possible, and later will bring the matter formally and individually, before the Navy Department. Our reception in France was a most notable one, by reason of its com- pleteness and scope, as well as by its magnificence. It was the evident intention to strengthen the cordial relations between France and the United States by taking advantage of incidents in our joint history, namely, the French- American exploits of John Paul Jones. It is grati- fying to me personally, as commander in chief of the naval expedition, that all events passed off with credit for the American side. I am informed that this is the only occasion when a large body of foreign armed men has been permitted to parade in the streets of Paris in time of peace — that is to say, when not active allies engaged in war. PART III My squadron took its departure from Cherbourg at 5.30 p. m. on the 8th of July. A speed of 1 1 knots was set. Later, in heavy seas, the speed was reduced to 10 knots. It was afterwards restored to n knots in order to take every advantage of smooth weather. John Paul Jones Commemoration in We had considerable misty and foggy weather. When south of Georges Bank, we were unable to get in communication with the shore by wireless because of atmospheric conditions, and at one time because of a defect in our wires. When about 30 or 40 miles from Nantucket light-ship we tried for a long time to get in communication with the light-ship, but there was very much interference by other vessels. How- ever, I managed to get the following message to the Nantucket light-ship: Report to Navy Department Paul Jones Squadron is off Nantucket light-ship and is due at Chesapeake entrance early forenoon of Saturday. No stops needed on passage. All well. The Nantucket light-ship informed me that because of heavy inter- ference they could not get my message through to Newport, but they promised to put it through later, as promptly as possible. We were up to the light-ship and sighted it at 8.30 p. m. on the 20th. From Nantucket light-ship I shaped a straight course for a point 12 miles east of Cape Charles light-ship. On the morning of the 21st we sighted the Maine, Rear- Admiral Evans's flagship, to the southward, and I was directed by Admiral Evans to form column on the Maine. This was done. Later one vessel after another of the first division of the North Atlantic Fleet joined, and the two divisions were formed into column, natural order, and proceeded on their course to Cape Henry. Late in the afternoon Rear- Admiral Davis joined with the second division of the North Atlantic Fleet. The second division joined the column astern of the third division ; that is to say, the division under my command. I informed Admiral Evans of the nature of my orders, and that I was expected by the Navy Department to arrive at the capes early on the forenoon of the 2 2d, Saturday. The speed was set at 1 1 knots ; distance, 300 yards. There were eleven vessels in column, and in the following order : First division — Maine; flag of the commander in chief. Missouri. Kentucky. Kearsarge. Third division — Brooklyn; flag of Rear-Admiral Sigsbee. Galveston. Tacoma. Chattanooga. Second division — Alabama; flag of Rear-Admiral Davis. Illinois. Massachusetts. I informed Admiral Evans, by signal, that I had been instructed by the Navy Department to communicate at Cape Henry, and asked him H2 Papers and Reports if he would communicate for me. Admiral Evans replied that he would communicate and that any messages that I had to send should be sent through him. The Iowa joined us off Cape Henry. Off the entrance to Chesapeake Bay the Maine took a pilot and the column entered the bay. Inside Cape Henry the first division, under Admiral Evans, left the column and directed me to proceed to Annapolis with the second and third divisions. Admiral Evans stopped his divi- sion, and as the Brooklyn passed at slow speed each vessel of the first division fired a salute of 15 minute guns. When the salute was com- pleted, I re-formed my column, the second division leading, each division being in natural order. I directed Admiral Davis to lead and pilot up the bay, speed 10 knots, distance 300 3'ards. Admiral Evans's division proceeded to Hampton roads, and when my column was about 9 miles distant from Admiral Evans's column I half-masted the colors of my column, but, from the vessels of the third division only, hoisted the American national ensign at the fore and the French national ensign at the main. Although during the whole expedition I had in my division the virtu- ally untried Galveston, only recently commissioned, and the Tacoma and Chattanooga, also new vessels, we did not stop on the passage across nor on the return passage by reason of any defect of the engines or other mishap. I stopped the column once on the passage to Cherbourg, as already stated, to transfer some men from the Tacoma to the Brooklyn, and stopped once on reaching soundings southeast of Nantucket Shoals in order to get an up-and-down cast with the lead line and a sounding by wire and sounding tube, in order to compare the depth shown by the sounding tube with the actual depth shown by the line. PART IV On the afternoon of the 2 2d I formed the two divisions of vessels in double column, distance 400 yards, interval 500 yards, my division on the left and Rear- Admiral Davis's division on the right, and in this formation I anchored the squadron below Thomas Point light-house and out of sight of Annapolis, also distant from Annapolis about 7 miles, at 7 p. m. The next morning, at half past 8, the squadron was got under way, and we steamed to Annapolis roads in the same formation. There we anchored at 9 a. m. in the same formation. We found there the French cruiser, Jurien de la Graviere, Captain Gervais. In order to distinguish my vessels as composing the division connected with the John Paul Jones expedition I had each of them fly the American ensign at the fore and the French ensign at the main. Visits were received and made between the French cruiser and our own vessels. The next morning, after arrangement with Rear- Admiral Sands, in which he most considerately provided that I should be in general John Paul Jones Commemoration 113 command of the cortege on shore, the body of John Paul Jones was landed, but without great ceremony on the water. At 9 o'clock the Standish came alongside the Brooklyn. The casket was placed on board, and I myself, with an escort of officers, went on board the Standish. The landing party, which included Captain Gervais and a party of officers and 50 men from the Jurien de la Graviere, had previously been landed. The Standish then passed up between the two columns of United States vessels, while all the vessels fired simultaneously a salute of 15 minute guns. The Standish then proceeded to the shore, where all arrange- ments had been made. Commander Nicholson, of the Tacoma, acting under my direction, arranged the cortege, assisted by Lieutenant Magru- der, the flag lieutenant of Rear- Admiral Sands. I inclose herewith a copy of a memorandum provided me by Rear- Admiral Sands, marked 1 ' Inclosure G. " a It will serve to show his own admirable arrangements. Lieutenant- Commander George commanded the landing party from my vessels. A temporary pavilion had been erected on the sea wall inside of the artificial basin. The casket was placed in a hearse and the cortege moved to the open ground in front of Blake row, where the different parties of men were disposed as provided for by Admiral Sands. In the center of the grassy space on which Blake row fronts a temporary and vzxy appropriate brick vault had been erected. The casket was removed from the hearse and placed in the vault. The vault was then locked up and a company of marines fired three volleys, and a bugler sounded taps. I then thanked Admiral Sands and said that my duties were ended so far as I knew and subject only to any further orders he might have for me. Admiral Sands had no further orders to give me. The senior officers then proceeded to the residence of Rear- Admiral Sands, where luncheon was served. Other officers — and French officers were included in both cases — were entertained at the officers' mess. After thanking Admiral Davis for his services I informed him that he was free to rejoin the flag of the commander in chief at Hampton roads. We then returned to our ships in Annapolis roads. Admiral Davis got his division under way at 1.30 p. m. on the 24th, the day of the ceremonies, and proceeded to Hampton roads. That evening I entertained the captain and a delegation of officers from the Jurien de la Graviere at dinner on board my flagship. They returned to their ship at 10.45 p. m. At 11. 15 p. m. I got the third division under way and proceeded down the bay for Tompkinsville. We passed out of the bay at about 9 a. m. , and soon thereafter set a speed of 11 knots for the third division. Perhaps I should mention that on the casket of John Paul Jones, when it was landed at Annapolis, I placed his sword, lent me for that purpose a Not printed. — Compiler. 7257—07 8 ii4 Papers and Reports by Commander Nicholson, of the Tacoma. The sword had been passed down through various channels until it finally reached Commander Nicholson's father, Commodore Nicholson, U. S. Navy, by whom it was passed down to Commander Nicholson himself. I beg to state that, notwithstanding various difficulties presented them- selves from time to time during the expedition, all events passed off with great smoothness and harmony. Officers and men bore themselves with high credit to the service. The third division anchored at Tompkinsville at 11.45 a - m - J urv 2 6. Very respectfully, C. D. SlGSBEE, Rear- Admiral, U. S. Navy, Commander in Chief. The Secretary of the Navy, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 'a At -■ gf+/.Jb&+A'** aS'/*i*J<^^ df*'*sA *■ / fr/vir**<6' vs/>/ ff /^/ cy, ^^ o* +^S *-. <*r£J *rt ff<** r ry A?, *y J& ^A. yi C „ W &JfX : A«?t> z*~*j ( y ■^ . ? » i / ./ /> > i lsV/^ PETITION OF JOHN PAUL FOR ADMISSION AS A MASON. FACSIMILE). (Scale, two-thirds of original.) III. LETTERS OF JOHN PAUL JONES PETITION FOR ADMISSION AS A MASON" [From the original at St. Mary's Isle.] To the Worshipfull ', the Master, Wardens & Permanent Brethren of free and accepted Masons of the Lodge of St. Bernard held at Kirkcud- bright. The Petition of John Paul, Commander of the fohn, of Kirkendal, Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner, for a considerable time by-past, haith enter- tained a strong and sincere Regaird for your most noble, Honourable, and Ancient Society of Free and Accepted Masons, but Hitherto not meeting with reasonable opportunity Do now most Humbly crave the benefit of Receiving and Admitting me Into your fraternity as an Entered apprentice, promising, assuring and engaidging to you That I shall on all Rules and Orders of your Lodge be most obsequient and observant. That I shall in all things Deport, behave, and act answerable to the Laws and Instructions of the Lodge, and in every thing to which I may be made lyable, promising faithful obedience. The complyance of your Right Worshipfull Wardens and rest of the Brethren will singularly oblidge and very much Honour, Right Worship- full, your most Humble Petitioner and most Humble servant. Jno. Paul. I do attest the Petitioner to be a good man and a person whom I have no doubt will in due time become a worthy Brother. James Smith. "This paper is not dated. It appears in the appended chronology that John Paul commanded the John in 1770 and that he was entered as a Mason at Kirkcudbright November 27, 1770.— Compiler. 115 LETTER TO JOSEPH HEWES [From autograph draft in the Library of Congress.] [Alfred, New London, April 74, 1776."] When I undertook to write you an account of our proceedings in the Fleet I did not imagine that I should have been so stinted in point of time — I owed you a much earlier account but since our arrival here the repairs and Business of the ship has required my Constant attention — I will endeavour to be more punctual hereafter — in the mean- while hope you will excuse this omission 'till I can account for it per- sonally. I pass over what was prior to our arrival at the Capes of Delaware — where we were met by the Hornet sloop & Wasp schooner from Maryland. On the 17th of Feby the Fleet put to sea with a smart North East Wind, In the Night of the nineteenth (the Gale having Increased) we lost Company with the Hornet and Fly Tender. We steered to the Southward without seeing a single sail or meeting with anything remarkable 'till the first of March, when we anchored at Abaco (one of the Bahamia Islands) having previously brought too a Couple of New Providence sloops to take pilots out of them. By these people we were informed that there was a large Quantity of Powder with a Num- ber of Cannon in the two Forts of New Providence. In Consequence of this Intelligence the Marines and Landsmen to the number of 300 and upwards under the comm d of Capt n Nicholas were embarked in the two sloops. It was determined that they should keep below Deck 'till the sloops were got in Close to the Fort — and they were then to land Instantly & take possession before the Island could be alarmed. This, however, was rendered abortive, as the Forts Fired an alarm on the approach of our Fleet. We then ran in and anchored at a small Key 3 leagues to windward of the Town and from thence the Commodore dis- patched the marines with the sloop Providence and schooner Wasp to Cover their Landing. They landed without opposition and soon took possession of the Eastern Garrison Ft. Montague which (after Firing a few shot) the Islanders abandoned. The Next morning the Marines marched for the Town and were met by a messenger from the Gov r who told Capt n Nicholas that "the western Garrison (Ft. Nassau) was ready for his reception and that he might march his Force in as soon as he pleased." This was effected without firing a gun on our Side — but the Gov r had sent oil 150 barrels of Powder the Night before. Inclosed you have an Inventory of the Cannon, stores &c which we found, took 117 u8 Letters Possession of, and brought off in the Fleet. We Continued at N. Provi- dence till 17 th ulto and then bro't off the Gov r and two more Gent n Prisoners. Our Course was now directed back for the Continent and after meeting with much bad weather on the 5 th Inst off Block Island we took one of Capt. Wallace's Tenders the Hawke schooner of 6 guns — and the Bomb Brig Bolton of 8 guns & 2 Howitzers &c the Next morn* we fell in with the Glasgow man of war and a Hot Engagement Ensued — the particulars of which I cannot communicate better than by extracting the minutes which I entered in the Alfred's Log Book as Follows — At 2 A. M. cleared ship for Action. At ^ past do. the Cabot being between us and the Enemy, began to Engage and soon after we did the same, and maintained the Action 5 Glasses; at the third Glass the enemy bore away, and by crowding sail at length got a considerable way ahead made Signals for the rest of y e English Fleet at Rhoad Island to come to her Assistance & steered directly for the Harbour. The Com- modore then thought it Imprudent to Risque our Prizes &c by Pursuing further therefore to Prevent our being decoyed into their hands at % past 6 made the signal to leave off Chace & hauld by the Wind to Join our Prizes. The Cabott, Capt. Jno. Hopkins, was Disabled at the 2 d broadside. The Capt being dangerously Wounded; the Mate and sev- eral Men killed — the Enemy's whole Fire was then directed at us and an unlucky shot having carried away our Wheel Block & Ropes, the Ship broached too and this gave the Enemy opportunity of Raking us with several Broadsides before we were again in Condition to steer the Ship and Return the Fire. In the Action we Received several shot under Water which made the Ship very Leaky. We had besides the Mainmast shot thro' and the Upperworks and Rigging very considerably damaged. Yett it is surprising that we only lost the 2d Lieut of Marines & 4 Men, one of whom, a Midshipman Prisoner ("Martin Gillin water ' ' ) who was in the Cockpitt and had been taken in the Bomb Brig Bolton Yesterday. We had no more than three men dangerously & 4 slightly wounded. I leave you to make the natural comments arising from this. I have the pleasure of assuring you that the Comm 1 * in Chief is respected thro' the Fleet, and I verily believe that the officers and men in general would go any length to execute his orders. It is with pain that I Confine this plaudit to an individual — I should be happy in extend- ing it to every Captain and officer in the service — Praise is certainly due to some — but alas! there are Exceptions: it is certainly for the Interest of the service that a cordial interchange of civilities should subsist between Superiour and Inferiour Officers — and therefore it is bad policy in Superiours to behave towards their inferiours indiscriminately as tho' they were of a lower species. Men of liberal Minds who have been long accustomed to Command, can ill brook being thus set at nought by John Paul Jones Commemoration 119 others who pretend to Claim the monopoly of com. sense. — the rude ungentle treatment which they experience creates such heartburnings as are no wise consonant with, that cheerful ardour and spirit which ought ever to be the characteristick of an Officer, and therefore whoever thinks himself hearty in the service is widely mistaken when he adopts such a line of conduct in order to prove it — for to be well obeyed it is necessary to be esteemed. The Fleet having been reinforced with 200 men lent from the Army is now in condition for another Knterprize and we expect to embrace the first wind for Rhode Island when I hope we shall meet with better success as we understand that the Scarborough is now there — it is Proposed to clear the Ships at Rhode Island or Providence so that our detention there will admit of a return of letters from Philadelphia — meantime with a grateful sense of past favors I have the honor to be with much Esteem Sir Your very obliged most humble servant, [Jno. P. Jones.] [Endorsements.] B. Alfred, New London, J. H[ewes] 14th April 1776. C. L/V. Memorandum of the Engagement with the Glasgow. In pencil: "No. 1 The Glasgow." Jones. C apt Paul Jones. f//rr r/ rt * /&*/// t/t/t/t t>/* //t/Att# Mr UtfUf/rt/// c From original in British Museum. LETTER TO ROBERT MORRIS [From autograph draft in the library of Congress.] Providence, at Sea $th Sepr, 1776. Honoured Sir. I herewith inclose for your inspection all the letters and papers which I found in the Brigantine Sea Nymph — for the particulars of my Cruise hitherto I must beg leave to refer you to the within open letter to the Marine Board which please to lay before them. I purpose to stand to the southward in hopes of falling in with some ships which I understand are now on their Passage from Barbados — but at this late season my success is very uncertain — I will, however, ply about in this meridian as long as I think I have any chance and if I fail at last I can run to the northward and try for better success among the Fishermen which may answer no bad purpose by increasing the Number of our seamen — however my cruise may terminate. I forgot not the singular obligation I wrote to Mr. Morris who promoted it for my honor and advantage and I esteem the Honour done me by his accepting my Correspondence as the greatest favour I could have aspired to. I conclude that Mr. Hewes hath acquainted you with a very great misfortune which befel me some years ago and which brought me into No. America, the best man may soon become equally or far more unfor- tunate, therefore you will spare me the pain of repeating it here. I am under no concern whatever that this or any past circumstance of my life will sink me in your opinion since human wisdom cannot secure us from accidents it is the greatest effort of Reason to bear them well. I will from time to time carefully communicate to you every intelligence in my Power — and now ' ' as the regulations of the Navy ' ' are of the utmost Consequence you will not think it presumptious if with the utmost diffi- dence I venture to communicate to you such hints as in my judgment will promote its Honour and good Government — I could heartily wish that every Commission Officer were to be previously examined — for, to my certain knowledge there are persons who have already crept into Commission — without abilities or fit Qualification: I am myself far from deserving to be excused, — from my experience in Ours as well as from my former intimacy with many officers of note in the British Navy, I am convinced that the Parity of Rank between sea and land or marine officers, is of more consequence to the harmony of the service than hath generally been imagined, in the British Establishment — an Admiral ranks with a Genl., a Vice Adml. with a Lieut. Genl., a Rear Admiral with a Major Genl., a Commodore with a Brigadier Genl., a Captain with a Colonel, a Master & Comdr with a Lieut. Colonel, a Lieut. Commanding with a Major, and a Lieutenant in the Navy ranks with a 122 Letters Captain of Horse, Foot or Marines. I propose not our Enemies as an example for our Genl imitation, yet as their navy is the best regulated of any in the world we must in some degree imitate them and aim at such further improvement as may one day make ours Vie with and Exceed theirs. Were this Regulation to take place in our Navy it would prevent numberless disputes and duellings which otherwise will be una- voidable besides Sir you know very well that marine officers being utterly unacquainted with Maratime affairs and in those cases unfit persons to preside at or Compose half the member of a Court Martial. I beg pardon for this liberty. I thought that such hints might escape your memory in the Multiplicity of business. I have always understood that the sentence of a Court Martial when confirmed by a Commander in Chief is definitive and admitted of no appeal — So from this I must again recur to English authority in the Case of Lord George G. Sackville who for disobeying the orders of Prince Ferdinand at the Battle of Minden was by a Court Martial held at the Horse Guards rendered incapable of serving afterwards in any Military capacity although his great abilities were then well known and are generally acknowledged at this day. I am led into this subject by hearing with astonishment the application and complaint of the late Capt n Hazard to the Marine Board after he had been found "unworthy of Bearing his Commission in the Navy," by the undivided voice of a Court Martial where I had the honor to sit as a Member. If he was then unworthy of bearing his Commission I cannot see what new merit he can have acquired and even if he had merit it would not be sound policy to reverse the sentence. It would make officers stand less in awe and attend less punctually to their duty and it is not impossible that it might induce future court martials in some cases to inflict personal punishment from whence there is no appeal. There was a mistake made in the date of my Commission which unless you stand my friend will make a material difference when the Navy Rank is settled — I took command here the tenth day of May as appears by the order and appointment of the Comr. in Chief on the Back of my Commission as Eldest lieutenant of the Fleet, and my Commission as Captain is not dated 'till the 8th day of August which you know is not fair as it would subject me to be superseded by Captain Roberson [Robinson] who was at first my junior officer by six — perhaps it might subject me to be superseded by others. If I have deserved so ill as to be superseded I am unworthy of bearing my Commission. I esteem it a greater disgrace and severer punishment than to be fairly broke and dismissed the service. I have ordered Mr Hopkins the prize master to deliver to you a Turtle which please to accept. I have the honor to be with Greatful Esteem and much respect, Honoured Sir your very obliged and very Obedient Humble Servt. j. p. j. The Honl. Robt. Morris, P^sq. '/f t&nedtt A^yrxj a // /?//,? t f/ .^*> ■ * f f< e ■ < t r a/ . st r ,V >-t^/e '),',.., , r , '■ //• y /***+* ~* ■.< */■■■. >//,;,, /x,.;,. _ lt »/ t f //,i*.~„> y t I <-t y*( J. 7 A . i-^ /Z-Pncv-t e& /., ,-/ £su y J>t, f /r e/ /f/uy 9 ' -rv-+1 t-yt/frtyivj// £ii*t<:-y r yv< '/}?0y FACSIMILE OF FIRST PAGE OF LETTER TO COUNTESS OF SELKIRK. (Scale, two-thirds of original.) ^fc*/ ££*,**> tf*'4%L~.* A++" ' G^^V+s*/* c) FACSIMILE OF LAST PAGE OF LETTER TO COUNTESS OF SELKIRK. (Scale, two-thirds of original.) LETTER TO THE COUNTESS OF SELKIRK [From the original at St. Mary's Isle.] Rangkr. Brest, 8th May, 1778. Madam. It cannot be too much lamented that in the profession of arms, the Officer of fine feelings, and of real Sensibility, should be under the necessity of winking at any Action of Persons under his command which his heart can not approve: — but the reflection is doubly severe when he finds himself obliged in appearance to countenance such Action by his Authority. This hard case was mine, when on the 23rd of April last I landed on St. Mary's Isle. Knowing L,ord Selkirk's intrest with his King, and esteeming as I do his private Character, I wished to make him the happy Instrument of alleviating the horrors of hopeless captivity, when the brave are overpowered and made Prisoners of War. It was perhaps fortunate for you, Madam, that he was from home, for it was my inten- tion to have taken him on board the Ranger, and to have detained him until thro' his means, a general and fair Exchange of Prisoners as well in Europe as in America had been effected. When I was informed by some men whom I met at landing, that his Lordship was absent, I walked back to my Boat, determining to leave the Island: by the way however, some Officers who were with me, could not forbear expressing their discontent, observing that in America no delicacy was shewn by the English, who took away all sorts of movable property, setting Fire not only to Towns and to the houses of the rich, without distinction, but not even sparing the wretched hamlets and Milch cows of the poor and helpless at the approach of an inclement Winter. That party had been with me as Volunteers the same morning at Whitehaven; some complaisance therefore, was their due: — I had but a moment to think how I might gratify them, and at the same time do your Ladyship the least Injury. I charged the Two Officers to permit none of the Seamen to enter the House, or to hurt any thing about it. To treat you Madam, with the utmost Respect, to accept of the plate which was offered, and to come away without making a search or demanding anything else. I am induced to believe that I was punctually obeyed; since I am informed that the Plate which they brought away is far short of the quantity expressed in the inventory which accompanied it, I have gratified my Men; and when the Plate is sold, I shall become the Purchaser, and will gratify my ow?i feelings by restoring it to you, by such conveyance as you shall please to direct. 123 124 Letters Had the Karl been on board the Ranger the following Evening, he would have seen the awful Pomp and dreadful Carnage of a Sea Engage- ment: both affording ample subject for the Pencil, as well as melancholy reflection for the contemplative mind. Humanity starts back from such Scenes of Horror, and cannot but execrate the Vile Promotors of this detested War. For They, t'was They unsheath'd the ruthless blade, And Heav'n shall ask the'Havock it has made. The British Ship of War Drake, mounting 20 guns, with more than her full compliment of Officers and Men, besides a number of Volunteers, came out from Carrackfergus, in order to attack and take the American Continental Ship of War Ranger, of 18 Guns, and short of her compli- ment of Officers and Men. The Ships met, and the advantage was dis- puted with great Fortitude on each side for an Hour and Five minutes, when the Gallant Commander of the Drake fell, and Victory declared in favour of the Ranger. His aimiable Lieutenant lay mortally wounded, besides near Forty of the inferior Officers and Crew killed and wounded. A melancholy demonstration of the uncertainty of human prospects ; and of the sad reverse of Fortune which an Hour can produce. I buryed them in a spacious Grave, with the Honors due to the Memory of the Brave. Tho' I have drawn my Sword in the present generous Struggle for the rights of Men, yet I am not in Arms as an American, nor am I in pur- suit of Riches. My Fortune is liberal enough, having no Wife nor Family, and having lived long enough to Know that Riches cannot insure Happiness. I profess myself a Citizen of the World, totally unfettered by the little mean distinctions of Climate or of Country, which diminish the benevolence of the Heart and set bounds to Philantropy. Before this War began, I had, at an early time of Life, withdrawn from the Sea service, in favour of "calm contemplation and Poetic ease," I have sacrificed not only my favourite scheme of Life, but the softer Affections of the Heart, and my Prospects of Domestic Happiness, and I am ready to sacrifice my Life also with cheerfulness, if that forfeiture could restore Peace and good will among Mankind. As the feelings of your gentle Bosom cannot but be congenial with mine, let me entreat you Madam, to use your soft persuasive Arts with your Husband, to endeavour to stop this Cruel and destructive War, in which Britain never can succeed. Heaven can never countenance the barbarous and unmanly Practices of the Britons in America, which Sav- ages would blush at, and which if not discontinued will soon be retaliated in Britain by a justly enraged People. Should you fail in this, (for I am persuaded that you will attempt it ; and who can resist the power of such an Advocate?) Your endeavours to effect a general Exchange of Prisoners, will be an Act of Humanity, which will afford you Golden Feelings on a Death bed. John Paul Jo 71 es Commemoration 125 I hope this cruel contest will soon be closed ; but should it continue, I wage no War with the Fair. I acknowledge their Power, and bend before it with profound Submission ; let not therefore the Aimable Countess of Selkirk regard me as an Enemy ; I am ambitious of her Esteem and Friendship, and would do anything consistent with my duty to merit it. The honor of a Line from your hand in answer to this will lay me under a very singular Obligation ; and if I can render you any accept- able service in France, or elsewhere, I hope you see into my character so far as to command me without the least grain of reserve. I wish to know exactly the behaviour of my People, as I determine to punish them if they have exceeded their Liberty . I have the Honor to be with much esteem and with profound Respect, Madam. Your most obedient and most humble servant. Jno. P. Jones. LETTER FROM LORD SELKIRK" [From the original at St. Mary's Isle.] Monsieur J. P. Jones, Capitaine du Vaisseau Americain, Le Ranger, a Brest. Dumfries, June pth, ijj8. Sir. The letter you wrote to Lady Selkirk of the 8th of May from Brest, and enclosed to Lord Le Despencer, he was so good as to for- ward, and it came to hand t'other day, as also it's duplicate by common post. It was matter of surprise both to my Wife and to me, as no apology was expected for your landing from your Privateer at St. Mary's Isle on the 23rd of April, but as the letter is polite, and you seem very anxious for an answer, I shall therefore transmit this unsealed to Lord Le Despencer, who, as I have the honour to be well acquainted with him, will I hope excuse my giving him this trouble, and his Lordship, as Post Master General will judge whether or not it is proper to be forwarded to you, as a letter by common post would certainly be stopped at the London Office. Your lamenting the necessity of these things in the Profession of Arms, and of being obliged to gratify your Officers by permitting them to go to my house, and carry off some plate, and your expressing the great sensibility of your feelings at what your heart can- not approve, are things which we, who have no knowledge of you, nor your character but by report, can form no proper judgement of, but must leave to your own Conscience, and to the Almighty Judge of the real motives of all actions. You certainly are in the right, Sir, in saying that it was fortunate for Lady Selkirk, that I was from home, as you intended to carry me off and detain me prisoner, for had that happened, I dread what might have been its effect on my Wife, then well advanced in her pregnancy. I own I do not understand how a man of Sensibility to fine feelings could reconcile this to what his heart approved, espe- cially as the carrying me off could have no possible effect for the purpose you mention, which you say was, "knowing my interest with the King, your intention was to detain me, until through my means, a general and fair exchange of prisoners, as well in Europe as in America had been effected," Now Sir nothing can be more erroneous than these ideas, for I have no interest whatever with the King, and am scarce known to him, being very seldom in London, scarce six months in whole, during these last one and twenty years. With regard to the King's Ministers, I neither have nor can have any interest with them, as I have generally a This letter was inclosed to Lord Despencer and by him returned to Lord Selkirk. — Compiler. 127 128 Letters disapproved of most of their measures, and in particular of almost their whole conduct in the unhappy and illjudged American War. And as to a general exchange of Prisoners being effected through my means, I am altogether at a loss how any man of sense could entertain such an Idea. I am neither a Military nor a Ministerial man. I neither have nor ever had a Ministerial Office, Imployment, or Pension, nor any connection with Administration, nor am I in Parliament, and except having the disadvantage of a useless Scotch Title, I am in all respects as much a Private Country Gentleman, as any one can be, living a retired life in the country, and engaging in no factions whatever. How then would it have been possible for such a man to effect a general exchange of Prisoners? when so many men of great Power and Influence in both Houses of Parliament have not been able to bring it about. You must therefore be sensible on reflection Sir, that you proceeded on a very improper and mistaken notion, and that had your attempt succeeded, it's only effect would have been to distress a family that never injured any person, and whose wishes have certainly been very friendly to the Constitutions and Just Liberties of America. You exclaim on the bar- barities committed in America, and say they will be retaliated in Britain if not discontinued, I have always been extremely sorry at the accouuts of these things, no man can be a greater enemy to all ungenerous inhumanities in War than I am. God knows best which side began those things, and which has most to account for, but it is certainly the general opinion in Britain, that the Americans began the unusual and cruel practice complained of, and first against their own country men who adhered to the British Government. In your letter you profess yourself a Citizen of the World, and that you have drawn your Sword in support of the Rights of Man, yet you say you are not in arms as an American, nor in pursuit of Riches. If you are not in arms as an American, I do not understand in what character you act, and unless you have an American Commission, I doubt the Laws of War and of Nations would not be very favourable to you as a citizen of the World, which however ought to be a very honourable character, and you will do well to endeavour to act up to the humanity and honour of it. Con- sider then Sir, the impropriety and danger to the common Interests, and happiness of Society, in your departing from the established and usual practice of Modern War. Nothing does more honour to Mankind, than the generous humanity and mildness introduced in War of late ages, through all the best civilized parts of Europe, and it's violation is always disapproved of and generally resented by the Ministers of every State. I am therefore pursuaded that neither the French Government nor the Congress would have countenanced your carrying me off, nor would have permitted me to be detained. Their own coasts are as much exposed to such enterprises as our's, and they will not wish to intro- duce such things into the practice of War, as can have no effect John Pa til Jones Commemoration 129 upon the great and general operations of it, but would only add to its calamities. It was certainly fortunate both for Lady Selkirk and me, that I was from home, and it was also fortunate for you Sir, that your Officers and Men behaved well, for had any of my family suffered out- rage, murder or violence, no quarter of the Globe should have secured you nor even some of those under whose commission you act, from my vengeance. But Sir, I am happy that their welfare enables me to inform you, that the Orders you mention in your letter were punctually obeyed by your two Officers and Men, who in every respect behaved as well as could be expected on such an occasion. All the men remained on the outside of the house, were civil, and did no injury, the two officers alone came within, and behaved with civility, and we were all sorry to hear afterwards that the younger officer in green uniform was killed in your engagement with the Drake, for he in particular showed so much civility, and so apparent a dislike at the bussiness he was then on, that . it is surprising how he should have been one of the proposers of it. What you mention is certainly so, that some of the Plate was left, but that was contrary to Lady Selkirk intention and to her orders, but happened partly by accident, confusion and hurry, and partly by the improper inclinations of some servants, for which they were severely reprimanded afterwards. So much was it countrary to Lady Selkirk's intentions, that she, having met a servant carrying some Plate out of the way, ordered it instantly to be taken back and given up, and indeed her giving the inventory along with it, tho' not asked for, proves that . she meant it all to go, as the inventory would only serve to show, what she would not have inclined to be known, had she intended or believed any was left, and indeed had your Officers taken time to examine it, they would have got all, by means of the inventory, but the only thing they observed wanting was a tea pot and coffee pot, and on mentioning it, the servant immediately brought them. This circumstance however, proves also what I have pleasure in acknowledging, that your Officers obeyed your orders in making no search, for which Sir you are entitled to our thanks and I ; most willingly give them. Tho' you say nothing improper about what was left, nor can- Lady Selkirk be thought at all accountable for it, yet she chuses these things to be mentioned, as she said to your Officers she believed it was all delivered, and she would be sorry if any person whatever should believe her capable of deceit. The little Plate that was left, will seem greater by the inventory than it was in reality, for the six candle sticks left, two are of a very small old fashioned kind, that belonged to Lady Selkirk's Grandmother, and are not one third of the weight of those now in fashion, the other two are little flat trifles, made exceeding small, for the purpose of standing in a cabinet for the purpose of sealing letters, the tea spoons and also some spoons of an inferior make, used at the housekeeper's table, by not 7257—07 9 130 Letters being keeped in the Butler's Pantry were forgot, together with some other very small things of little value, all the large things left were of the Birmingham plated kind. Your genteel offer Sir, of returning the Plate is very polite but at the same time neither Lady Selkirk nor I can think of accepting of it, as you must purchase it you say for that pur- pose, but if your delicacy makes you unwilling to keep that share of its value which as Captain you are entitled to, without purchasing, I would in that case wish that part to be given to those private men who were on the party, as an encouragement for their good behaviour. You Sir, are intitled to what is more honorable, viz: The Praise of having your men under good discipline, which on all occasions I take care to make known. There is one thing not so agreeable, as it must put me to con- siderable inconvenience, it seems the people you sent away from the Ranger, after taking the Drake, have reported, that you have said, "You were still determined to take me Prisoner, and would do so within a few months." As to my own personal danger, I have no apprehension about it, but Justice to my Wife and Children makes it necessary to remove myself and family to a more inland situation. Thus your illjudged and useless intention whilst it can do no good to you, nor be of any service to those in captivity, serves only to deprive my family and me of our country residence. Were there anything in my power for the procuring of an exchange of Prisoners, God knows I would most willingly do it, for I all along thought the refusing it both unjust and an impolitic measure, and which I still think will prove useless and will have to be departed from. Though your letter is wrote like a man who means well, and who wishes to be considered a man of honour, yet some people in this Country who say they know you, (tho' I do not think it certain you are the person they mean) laugh at your saying you are not in pursuit of Riches, and at your intention of taking me for the purpose of a general exchange of Prisoners. They say 3'our design must have been a Ransom, and that your offer of returning the Plate is only a snare, to put me off my guard. But as I chanced to be entirely ignorant of you and your character, till your enterprise on the 23rd of April, I have therefore nothing certain to judge by but your behaviour, then, and since, and as that has in so far as regarded my Family, been genteel, and though your intention of taking me was certainly absurd, yet as it was so from mistake I therefore will not allow myself to think with those people, that a man who professes honorable sentiments, and is acting under an honorable commission for what he thinks is support- ing the Rights of Mankind, would for the sake of a pitiful Ransom degrade himself to the low and vile character of a Barbary Pirate, which would be the case if these people were right in the opinion they give, but I chuse to judge more favourably of you, and am Sir, Your most obedient servant, Selkirk. LETTER FROM LORD SELKIRK ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RETURN OF SILVER [From contemporary copy in library of Congress.] London, 4th August, 1785. Sir. I received the letter you wrote to me, at the time you sent off my plate, in order for restoring it. Had I known where to direct a letter to you at the time it arrived in Scotland, I would have then wrote to you, but not knowing it, nor finding that any of my acquaint- ance at Edinburgh knew it, I was obliged to delay writing till I came here, when by means of a gentleman connected with America, I was told Mr Le Grand was your banker at Paris, and would take proper care of a letter for you, therefore I inclose this to him. Notwithstanding all the precautions you took for the easy and uninterrupted conveyance of the plate, yet it met with considerable delays, first at Calais, next at Dover, then at London. However it at last arrived at Dumfries, and I daresay quite safe, though as yet I have not seen it, being then at Edinburgh. I intended to have put an article in the newspapers about your having returned it, but before I was informed of its being arrived, some of your friends, I suppose, had put it in the Dumfries newspaper, whence it was immediately copied into the Edinburgh papers, and thence into the Lon- don ones. Since that time I have mentioned it to many people of fash- ion, and on all occasions, Sir, both now and formerly, I have done you the justice to tell, that you made an offer of returning the plate, very soon after your return to Brest, and although you, yourself was not at my house, but remaining at the shore with your boat, that yet you had your officers and men in such extraordinary good discipline, that you having given them the strictest orders to behave well, to do no injury of any kind, to make no search, but only to bring off what plate was given them, that in reality they did exactly as ordered, and that not one man offered to stir from his post on the outside of the house, nor entered the doors, nor said an uncivil word, that the two officers stood not a quarter of an hour in the parlour and butler's pantry, while the butler got the plate together, behaved politely, and asked for nothing but the plate, and instantly marched their men off in regular order, and that both officers and men behaved in all respects so well that it would have done 131 132 Letters credit to the best disciplined troops what ever. Some of the English newspapers at that time having put in confused accounts of your expe- dition to Whitehaven, and Scotland, I ordered a proper one of what happened in Scotland, to be put in the London newspapers by a gentle- man who was then at my house, by which the good conduct and civil behaviour of your officers and men was done justice to, and attributed to your orders, and the good discipline you maintained over your people. I am, Sir, Your most humble servant, Selkirk. REPORT OP JOHN PAUL JONES CRUISE OF THE U. S. SHIP RANGER AND CAPTURE OF H. B. M. S. DRAKE [From the original draft in John Paul Jones's letter-book at U. S. Naval Academy.] Brest, May 27, 1778. Gentlemen, I now fulfil the promise made in my last, by giving you an account of my late expedition. I sailed from Brest 10th of April. My plan was extensive. I there- fore did not, at the beginning, wish to encumber myself with prisoners. On the 14th I took a brigantine between Scylla and Cape Clear, bound from Ostend with a cargo of flaxseed for Ireland, sunk her, and pro- ceeded into St. George's Channel. On the 17th I took the ship Lord Chatham, bound from London to Dublin, with a cargo consisting of porter and a variety of merchandize, and almost within sight of her port; the ship I manned and ordered for Brest. Towards the evening of the day following, the weather had a promising appearance, and the winds being favorable, I stood over from the Isle of Man, with an inten- tion to make a descent at Whitehaven. At 10 o'clock, I was off the harbor with a party of volunteers, and had everything in readiness to land, but, before eleven, the wind greatly increased, and shifted so as to blow directly upon the shore; the sea increased of course, and it became impossible to effect a landing. This obliged me to carry all possible sail, so as to clear the land, and to await a more favorable opportunity. On the 1 8th, in Glenbue Bay, on the south coast of Scotland, I met with a revenue wherry; it being the common practice of these vessels to board merchant ships, and the Ranger then having no external appearance of war, it was expected that this rover would have come alongside. I was, however, mistaken, for, though the men were at their quarters, yet this vessel outsailed the Ranger, and got clear, in spite of a severe cannonade. The next morning, off the Mull of Galloway, I found myself so near a Scotch coasting schooner, loaded with barley, that I could not avoid sinking her. Understanding that 10 or 12 sail of merchant ships, besides a tender brigantine with a number of impressed men on board, were at anchor in L,oughryan in Scotland, I thought this an enterprise worthy attention, but the wind, which at the first would have served equally well to sail in or out of the Lough, shifted in a hard squall so as to blow almost directly in, with an appearance of bad weather; I was therefore obliged to abandon my project. i33 134 Letters Seeing a cutter off the lee-bow steering for the Clyde, I gave chase in hopes of cutting her off; but finding my endeavors ineffectual, I pursued no farther than the rock of Ailsa. In the evening I fell in with a sloop from Dublin, which I sunk to prevent intelligence. The next day, the 21st, being near Carrickfergus, a fishing boat came off, which I detained. I saw a ship at anchor in the road, which I was informed by the fisherman, was the British ship-of-war Drake, of 20 guns. I determined to attack her in the night. My plan was to over- lay her cable, and to fall upon her bow, so as to have all her decks open, and exposed to our musketry, &c. ; at the same time it was my intention to have secured the enemy by graplings, so that, had they cut their cables, they would not thereby have attained an advantage. The wind was high, and unfortunately the anchor was not let go so soon as the order was given; so that the Ranger was brought up on the enemy's quarter, at the distance of half a cable's length. We had made no warlike appearance, of course had given no alarm; this determined me to cut immediately, which might appear as if the cable had parted, and at the same time enabling me, after making a tack out of the Lough, to return with the same prospect of advantage which I had at the first. I was, however, prevented from returning; as I with difficulty weathered the lighthouse on the lee side of the Lough, and as the gale increased. The weather now became so very stormy and severe, and the sea so high, that I was obliged to take shelter under the south shore of Scotland. The 2 2d introduced fair weather; though the three kingdoms as far as the eye could reach were covered with snow. I now resolved once more to attempt Whitehaven; but the wind became very light, so that the ship could not in proper time approach so near as I had intended. At midnight I left the ship, with two boats and thirty-one volunteers. When we reached the outer pier, the day began to dawn. I would not however abandon my enterprise; but despatched one boat under the direction of Mr. Hill and Lieutenant Wallingsford, with the necessary combustibles, to set fire to the shipping on the north side of the harbor, while I went with the other party to attempt the south side. I was successful in scaling the walls, and spiking up all the cannon in the first fort. Finding the sentinels shut up in the guard house, secured them without their being hurt. Having fixed sentinels, I now took with me one man only (Mr. Green), and spiked all the cannon on the southern fort; distant from the other a quarter of a mile. On my return from this business, I naturally expected to see the fire of the ships on the north side, as well as to find my own party with everything in readiness to set fire to the shipping in the south. Instead of this, I found the boat under the direction of Mr. Hill and Mr. Wallingsford returned, and the party in some confusion, their light having burnt out at the instant when it became necessary. By the John Paul Jones Commemoration 135 strangest fatality my own party were in the same situation, the candles being all burnt out. The day too came on apace; yet I would by no means retreat while any hopes of success remained. Having again placed sentinels, a light was obtained at a house disjoined from the town; and fire was kindled in the steerage of a large ship, which was surrounded by at least an hundred and fifty others, chiefly from two to four hundred tons burthen, and laying side by side aground, unsurrounded by the water. There were, besides, from seventy to an hundred large ships in the north arm of the harbor, aground, clear of the water, and divided from the rest only by a stone pier of a ship's height. I should have kindled fires in other places if the time had permitted. As it did not, our care was to prevent the one kindled from being easily extinguished. After some search a barrel of tar was found, and poured into the flames, which now ascended from all the hatchways. The inhabitants began to appear in thousands; and individuals ran hastily towards us. I stood between them and the ship on fire, with a pistol in my hand, and ordered them to retire, which they did with precipitation. The flames had already caught the rigging, and began to ascend the mainmast: — the sun was a full hour's march above the horizon; and as sleep no longer ruled the world, it was time to retire. We re-embarked without opposition, having released a number of prisoners, as our boats could not carry them. After all my people had embarked, I stood upon the pier for a considerable time, yet no persons advanced. I saw all the eminences around the town covered with amazed inhabitants. When we had rowed a considerable distance from the shore, the English began to run in vast numbers to their forts. Their disappoint- ment may easily be imagined, when they found at least thirty heavy cannon, the instruments of their vengeance, rendered useless. At length, however, they began to fire; having, as I apprehend, either brought down ship's guns, or used one or two cannon which lay on the beach at the foot of the walls dismounted, and which had not been spiked. They fired with no direction; and the shot falling short of the boats, instead of doing us any damage, afforded some diversion, which my people could not help showing, by discharging their pistols, &c. , in return of the salute. Had it been possible to have landed a few hours sooner, my success would have been complete. Not a single ship, out of more than two hundred, could possibly have escaped, and all the world would not have been able to save the town. What was done, however, is sufficient to show that not all their boasted navy can protect their own coasts; and that the scenes of distress which they have occa- sioned in America may be soon brought home to their own door. One of my people was missing, and must, I fear, have fallen into the ene- mies' hands after our departure. I was pleased that in this business we neither killed nor wounded any person. I brought off three prisoners as a sample. 136 Letters We now stood over for the Scotch shore; and I landed at noon at St. Mary's Isle, with one boat, and a very small party. The motives which induced me to land there are explained in the within copy of a letter which I have addressed to the Countess of Selkirk, dated the 8th instant. On the morning of the 24th I was again off Carrickfergus, and would have gone in had I not seen the Drake preparing to come out. It was very moderate, and the Drake's boat was sent out to reconnoitre the Ranger. As the boat advanced I kept the ship's stern directly towards her; and though they had a spy glass in the boat, they came on within hail, and alongside. When the officer came on the quarterdeck, he w 7 as greatly surprised to find himself a prisoner; although an express had arrived from Whitehaven the night before. I now understood, what I had before imagined, that the Drake came out in consequence of this information with volunteers, against the Ranger. The officer told me, also, they had taken up the Ranger's anchor. The Drake was attended by five small vessels full of people, who were led by curiosity to see an engagement. But when they saw the Drake's boat at the Ranger's stern they wisely put back. Alarm smokes now appeared in great abundance, extending along on both sides of the channel. The tide was unfavorable, so that the Drake worked out but slowly. This obliged me to run down several times, and to lay with courses up and main-topsail to the mast. At length the Drake weathered the point, and having led her out to about mid-chan- nel, I suffered her to come within hail. The Drake hoisted English colors, and, at the same instant, the American stars were displayed on board the Ranger. I expected that preface had been now at an end, but the enemy soon after hailed, demanding what ship it was? I directed the master to answer, ' ' the American Continental ship Ranger; that we waited for them, and desired that they would come on; the sun was now little more than an hour from setting, it was therefore time to begin." The Drake being astern of the Ranger, I ordered the helm up and gave the first broadside. The action was warm, close, and obstin- ate. It lasted an hour and four minutes, when the enemy called for quarter; her fore and main-topsail yards being both cut away, and down on the cap; the top-gallant yard and mizen-gaff both hanging up and down along the mast; the second ensign which they had hoisted shot away, and hanging on the quarter-gallery in the water; the jib shot away, and hanging in the water; her sails and rigging entirely cut to pieces; her masts and yard all wounded, and her hull also very much galled. I lost only Lieutenant Wallingsford and one seaman, John Dougall, killed, and six wounded; among whom are the gunner, Mr. Falls, and Mr. Powers, midshipman, who lost his arm. One of the wounded, Nathaniel Wills, is since dead; the rest will recover. The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded was far greater. All the pris- oners allow that they came out with a number not less than a hundred Joh?i Paul Jones Commemoration 137 and sixty men: and many of them affirm that they amounted to an hun- dred and ninety. The medium is perhaps, the most correct; and by that it will appear that they lost in killed and wounded forty-two men. The captain and lieutenant were among the wounded. The former, having received a musket ball in the head the minute before they called for quarters, lived, and was sensible some time after my people boarded the prize. The lieutenant survived two days. They were buried with the honors due to their rank, and with the respect due to their memory. The night and almost the whole day after the action being moderate, greatly facilitated the refitting of both ships. A large brigantine was so near the Drake in the afternoon that I was obliged to bring her to. She belonged to Whitehaven, and was bound for Norway. I had thought of returning by the south channel ; but, the wind shift- ing, I determined to pass by the north, and round the west coast of Ireland. This brought me once more off Belfast Lough, on the evening after the engagement. It was now time to release the honest fisherman, whom I took up here on the 21st, and as the poor fellows had lost their boat, she having sunk in the late stormy weather, I was happy in having it in my power to give them the necessary sum to purchase everything new which they had lost. I gave them also a good boat to transport themselves ashore ; and sent with them two infirm men, on whom I bestowed the last guinea in my possession, to defray their travelling expenses to their proper home in Dublin. They took with them one of the Drake's sails, which would sufficiently explain what had happened to the volunteers. The grateful fishermen were in raptures; and expressed their joy in three huzzas as they passed the Ranger' s quarter. I again met with contrary winds in the mouth of the North Channel, but nothing remarkable happened, till on the morning of the 5th cur- rent, Ushant then bearing S. E. by S., distance fifteen leagues, when seeing a sail to leeward steering for the Channel, the wind being favor- able for Brest and the distance trifling, I resolved to give chase, having the Drake in tow. I informed them of my intentions, and ordered them to cast off. They cut the hawser. The Ranger in the chase went lask- ing between N. N. K. and N. N. W. It lasted an hour and ten minutes, when the chase was hailed and proved a Swede. I immediately hauled by the wind to the southward. After cutting the hawser, the Drake went from the wind for some time, then hauled close by the wind, steering from S. S. E. toS.S.W. as the wind permitted, so that when the Ranger spoke the chase the Drake was scarcely perceptible. In the course of the day many large ships appeared, steering into the Channel, but the extraordinary evolu- tions of the Drake made it impossible for me to avail myself of these favorable circumstances. Towards noon it became very squally, the wind backed from the S. W. to the W. The Ranger had come up with 138 Letters the Drake, and was nearly abreast of her, though considerably to the leeward when the wind shifted. The Drake was however kept by the wind, though, as I afterwards understood, they knew the Ranger, and saw the signal which she had hoisted. After various evolutions and signals in the night, I gave chase to a sail which appeared bearing S- S. W. the next morning at a great distance. The chase discovered no intention to speak with the Ranger ; she was, however, at length brought to, and proved to be the Drake. I immediately put Lieut. Simpson under suspension and arrest, for disobedience of my orders, dated the 26th ult., a copy whereof is here inclosed. On the 8th, both ships anchored safe in this Road, the Ranger having been absent only twenty-eight days. Could I suppose that my letters of the 9th and 1 6th current, (the first advising you of my arrival, and giving reference to the events of my expedition; the last advising you of my draft in favor of Monsieur Bersolle, for 24,000 livres, and assigning reasons for that demand), had not made due appearance, I would hereafter, as I do now, inclose copies. Three posts have already arrived here from Paris, since Compte d'Orvilliers showed me the answer which he received from the minister, to the letter which inclosed mine to you. Yet you remain silent. M. Bersolle has this moment informed me of the fate of my bills; the more extraordinary, as I have not yet made use of your letter of credit of the 10th of January last, whereby I then seemed entitled to call for half the amount of my last draft, and I did not expect to be thought extravagant, when, on the 16th current, I doubled that demand. Could this indignity be kept secret I should disregard it; and, although it is already public in Brest and in the fleet, as it affects only my private credit, I will not complain. I cannot, however, be silent when I find the public credit involved in the same disgrace. I conceive this might have been prevented. To make me completely wretched, Monsieur Bersolle has told me that he now stops his hand, not only of the necessary articles to refit the ship, but also of the daily provisions. I know not where to find to-morrow's dinner for the great number of mouths which depend upon me for food. Are then the con- tinental ships-of-war to depend on the sale of their prizes for a daily dinner for their men ? ' ' Publish it not in Gath ! ' ' My officers as well as men want clothes, to cover their nakedness and the prizes are precluded from being sold before farther orders arrive from the minister. I will ask you, gentlemen, if I have deserved all this? Whoever calls himself an American ought to be protected here. I am unwilling to think that you have intentionally involved me in this sad dilemma, at a time when I ought to expect some enjoyment. There- fore I have, as formerly, the honor to be, with due esteem and respect, gentlemen, yours, &c. [Jno. P. Jones.] The American Plenipotentiaries at the Court of France. OBVERSE. REVERSE. FACSIMILE OF A COPY OF THE GOLD MEDAL ORDERED BY CONGRESS, OCTOBER 16, 1787, "IN COMMEMORATION OF THE VALOR AND BRILLIANT SERVICES" OF "THE CHEVALIER JOHN PAUL JONES." Designed by F. Dupre, Paris. The reverse shows the shattered Bonhomme Richard battling with the Serapis* and the Alliance, at the left, firing into her consort, the Bonhomme Richard. SWORD SAID TO HAVE BEEN CARRIED BY JOHN PAUL JONES DURING THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. REPORT OF JOHN PAUL JONES CRUISE OF U. S. SHIP BONHOMMK RICHARD AND SQUAD- RON, AND CAPTURE OF H. B. M. SHIPS SERAPIS AND COUNTESS OF SCARBOROUGH [From contemporary copy in the library of Congress. Spelling and capitalization closely followed.] On Board the Ship of War Serapis, at Anchor Without the Texel, in Holland, Oct r . 3, iyy 9 . Honored & Dear Sir, When I had the honor of writing to you on the 1 1 August, previous to my departure from the Road of Groa, I had before me the most nattering prospect of rendering essential Service to the Common Cause of France and America. I had a full confidence in the Voluntary inclination & Ability of every Captain under my Com- mand, to assist & Support me in my duty With cheerful Emulation ; & I Was persuaded that Every one of them Would pursue Glory in preference to intrest. Whether I Was, or Was not deceived, Will best appear by a relation of Circumstances. The Little Squadron under my orders, Consisting of the B. H. R. , of 40 guns; the Alliance, of 36 guns; the Pallas, of 32 guns; the Cerf, of 18 guns; and the Vengeance, of 12 guns; joyned by two privateers, the Monsieur and the Granville, Sailed from the Road of Groa at Day- break on the 14. of August; the Same day We Spoke With a Large Convoy bound from the Southward to Brest. On the 18 we retook a large Ship belonging to Holland, Laden Chiefly With brandy & Wine that had been destined from Barcelona for Dun- kirk, and taken Eight days before by an English privateer. The Captain of the privateer Monsieur, took out of this prize Such Articles as he pleased in the Night ; and the Next day being astern of the Squad- ron and to Windward, he actually wrote orders in his proper name, and Sent away the prize under one of his own officers. This, however, I Superseded by Sending her for L' Orient under my orders, in the Char- acter of Commander in Chief. The Evening of the day following, the Monsieur Separated from the Squadron. On the 20 We Saw and chaced a Large Ship, but could not overtake her, She being to Windward. 139 140 Letters On the 21 We Saw and Chaced another Ship that Was also to Wind- ward, & thereby Eluded our pursuit: The Same afternoon, We took a brigantine Called the Mayflower, Laden With butter and Salt provision, bound from Limerick in Ireland for London: this Vessel I immediately expedited for L' Orient. On the 23d, We Saw Cap Clear and the S. W. part of Ireland. That afternoon, it being Calm, I sent Some armed boats to take a brigantine that appeared in the N. W. quarter. Soon after, in the Evening, it became necessary to have a boat ahead of the Ship to tow, as the helm Could not prevent her from Laying across the tide of flood, Which Would have driven us into a deep and dangerous bay, Situated between the Rocks on the South called the Skallocks, and on the North Called the Blaskats; The Ship's boats being absent, I Sent my own barge ahead to tow the Ship. The boats took the brigantine; She being Called the Fortune and bound with a Cargo of oil, blubber & staves, from New- foundland for Bristol, this Vessel I ordered to proceed immediately for Nantes or St. Malo. Soon after Sun Set the villain who towed the Ship, cut the tow rope and decamped with my barge. Sundry Shot, Were fired to bring them too Without effect; in the mean time the master of the B. H. R., withojd orders, manned one of the Ship's boats, and With four Soldiers pursued the barge in order to stop the deserters. The Evenin Was then Clear and Serene, but the Zeal of that officer, [Mr. Cutting Lunt,] a induced him to pursue too far, and a fog Which came on Soon afterwards prevented the boats from rejoyning the Ship, altho' I Caused Signal guns to be frequently fired. The fog and Calm Con- tinued the next day till towards the Evening. In the afternoon Captain Landais came on board the B. H. R. and beheaved towards me with great disrespect, affirming in the most indelicate manner and Language, that I had lost my boats and people thro' my imprudence in Sending boats to take a prize ! He persisted in his reproaches, though he Was assured by MM. de Weibert and de Chamillard, that the barge Was tow- ing the Ship at the [time of] Elopement, and that she had not been Sent in pursuit of the prize. He was affronted, because I Would not the day before Suffer him to chace without my orders, and to approach the dan- gerous Shore I have already mentioned, Where he Was an entire Stran- ger, and When there Was [not] sufficient wind to govern a Ship. He told me that he Was the only American in the Squadron, and Was determined to follow his own opinion in chacing Where and When he thought proper, and in every other matter that Concerned the Service, and that if I continued in that Situation three days longer, the Squadron Would be taken, &c. By the advice of Captain de Cottineau, and With the free Consent and approbation of M. De Varage, I sent the Cerf in to reconnoitre the Coast, and Endeavour to take the boats and people, the a All brackets in this paper are in the original manuscript. — Compiler. John Paul Jones Commemoration 141 next day, While the Squadron Stood off and on in the S. W. quarter, in the best possible Situation to intercept the Enemie's merchant Ships, whether outward or homeward bound. The CerJ had on board a pilot Well acquainted With the Coast, and Was ordered to Joyn me again before Night. I approached the Shore in the afternoon, but the CerJ did not appear; this induced me to Stand off again in the night in order to return and be rejoined by the CerJ the Next day; but to my great Concern and disapointment, tho' I ranged the Coast along and hoisted our private Signal, neither the boats nor the CerJ joined me. The Evening of that day, the 26, brought with it Stormy Weather, With an appearance of a Severe gale from the S. W., yet I must declare I did not follow my own judgment, but Was led by the assertion Which had fallen from Captain Landais, When I in the evening made a Signal to Steer to the Northward and Leave that Station, Which I Wished to have occupied at Least a Week longer. The gale increased in the Night With thick Weather; to Prevent Separation, I carried a top Light and fired a gun Every quarter of an hour. I Carried, also, a Very moderate sail, and the Course had been Clearly pointed [out] by a Signal before night, yet With all this precaution, I found myself accompanied only by the Brigantine Vengeance in the morning, the Gra7iville having remained astern with a prize. As I have since understood the tiller of the Pallas broke after midnight Which disenabled her from Keeping up, but no apology has yet been made in behalf of the Alliance. On the 3 1 , we saw the Flamie Islands situated near the Lewis, on the N. W. coast of Scotland; and the next morning, off Cap Wrath, We gave Chace to a Ship to Windward, at the Same time two Ships appear- ing in the N. W. quarter, Which proved to be the Alliance and a prize Ship Which she had taken, bound, as I understood, from Liverpool for Jamaica. The Ship Which I Chaced brought too at noon. She proved the Union letter of Marque, bound from London for Quebeck, With a Cargo of naval Stores on account of government, adapted for the service of the British armed Vessels on the lakes. The public despatches Were lost, as the Alliance Very imprudently hoisted American Colours, though English colours were then flying on board ihe B. II R. Captain Landais Sent a Small boat to ask Whether I Would man the Ship or [he] Should, as in the Latter Case he Would Suffer nor boat nor person from the B. H. R. to go near the prize. Ridiculous as this appeared to me, I yielded to it for the Sake of pease, and received the prisoners on board the B. H. R. , While the prize was manned from the Alliance. In the afternoon another sail appeared, and I immediately made the Signal for the Alliance to chace, but instead of obeying, he Wore and Laid the Ship's head the other Way. The next morning I made a Signal to Speak with the Alliance, to Which no attention Was Shown. I then made Sail With the Ships in Company, for the second rendezvous, Which 142 Letters Was not far distant, and Where I fully Expected to be Joined by the Pallas and the Cerf. The 2 of September We Saw a Sail at daybreak, and gave Chace ; that Ship proved to be the Pallas, and had met With no Success While Separated from the B. H. R. On the 3 the Vengeance brought too a Small Irish brigantine, bound homewards from Norway. The Same Evening I Sent the Vengeance in the N. E. quarter to bring up the two prize Ships that appeared to me to be too near the Islands of Shetland, While with the Alliance and the Pallas, I Endeavoured to Weather Fair Isle, and to get into my Second rendezvous, Where I directed the Vengeance to join me With the three prizes. The Next morning, having Weathered Fair Isle, and not Seeing the Vengeance nor the prizes, I spoke the Alliance and ordered her to Steer to the Northward and bring them up to the rendezvous. On the Morning of the 5 the Alliance appeared again, and had brought too two Very Small Coasting Sloops in ballast, but Without having attended properly to my orders of yesterday. The Vengeance Joined me Soon after, and informed me that in Consequence of Captain Landais' orders to the commanders of the two prize Ships, they had refused to follow him to the rendezvous. I am to this moment ignorant what orders these men received from Captain Landais, Nor Know I by Virtue of What authority he Ventured to give his orders to prizes in my pres- ence and Without Either my Knowledge or approbation. Captain Ricot further informed me that he had burnt the prize brigantine, because that Vessel proved Leaky ; and I Was Sorry to understand afterward that though the Vessel Was Irish property, the cargo Was Property of the Subjects of Norway. In the Evening I Sent for all the Captains [to] Come on board the B. H. R. , to Consult on future plans of operation. Captains Cottineau and Ricot obeyed me, but Captain Landais obstinately refused, and after sending me Various uncivil messages, Wrote me a Very Extraordinary Letter in answer to a Written Order, Which I had Sent him, on finding that he had trifled With my Verbal orders. The Next day a pilot boat came on board from Shetland, by Which means I received Such advices as induced me to change a plan Which I otherwise meant to have pur- sued, and as the Cerf did not appear at my Second rendezvous I deter- mined to Steer towards the third in hopes of meeting her there. In the afternoon a gale of Wind came on, which Continued four days Without intermission. In the Second night of that gale, the Alliance, With her two Little prizes, again Separated from the B. H. R. I had now with me only the Pallas and the Vengeance, yet I did not abandon the hopes of performing Some essential Service. The Winds Continued Contrary f&o that We did not see the land till the Evening of the 13, When the hills of the Cheviot in the S. E. of Scotland appeared. The next day We Chased Sundry Vessels and took a Ship and a brigantine, John Paul Jones Commemoration 143 both from the Firth of Edinburgh, Laden with coal. Knowing that there lay at anchor in Leith Road an armed ship of 20 guns, With two or three fine cutters, I formed an Expedition against Leith, Which I purposed to Lay under a Large contribution, or otherwise to reduce it to ashes. Had I been alone, the Wind being favorable, I Would have proceeded directly up the Firth, and must have Succeeded; as they lay there in a State of perfect indolence and Security, Which Would have proved their ruin. Unfortunately for me, the Pallas and Vengeance Were both at a considerable distance in the offing; they having chaced to the Southward ; this obliged me to Steer out of the Firth again to meet them. The Captains of the Pallas and Vengeance being Come on board the B. H. P., I Communicated to them my project, to Which many difficulties and objections Were made by them: At Last, how- ever, they appeared to think better of the design after I had assured [them] that I hoped to raise a contribution of 200,000 pounds sterling on Leith, and that there was no battery of Cannon there to oppose our Landing. So much time, however, was unavoidably Spent in pointed remarks and Sage deliberation that Night, [that] the Wind became Contrary in the morning. We continued Working to Windward up the Firth Without being able to reach the Road of Leith, till on the morning of the 17, When being almost Within Cannon Shot of the town, having Every thing in readi- ness for a descent, a Very Severe gale of Wind came on, and being directly Contrary, obliged us to bear away, after having in Vain Endeav- oured for Some time to Withstand its Violence. The Gale Was so Severe, that one of the prizes that had been taken the 14 Sunk to the bottom, the Crew being With difficulty Saved. As the alarm had by this time reached Leith by means of a cutter that had Watched our motions that morning, and as the Wind Continued Contrary, (tho' more moderate in the evening) I thought it impossible to pursue the Enter- prise With a good prospect of Success, Especially as Edinbourgh Where there is always a number of troops, is only a mile distant from Leith, therefore I gave up the project. On the 19, having taken a Sloop and a brigantine in ballast, With a Sloop laden With building timber, I proposed another project to Mr. Cottineau, Which Would have been highly honorable tho' not profit- able; many difficulties Were made, and our Situation Was represented as being the most perilous. The Enemy, he Said, Would Send against us a Superior force, and that if I obstinately Continued on the Coast of England two days longer, We Should all be taken. The Vengea?ice having chaced along Shore to the Southward, Captain Cottineau Said he Would follow her With the prizes, as I Was unable to make much Sail, having that day been obliged to Strike the main-top-mast to repair its damages; and as I afterward understood, he told M. De Chamillard that unless I joined them the next day, both the Pallas and the Vengeance 144 Letters Would Leave that Coast. I had thoughts of attempting the Enterprise alone after the Pallas had made sail to join the Vengeance. I am per- suaded even now, that I Would have Succeeded, and to the honor of my young officers, I found them as ardently disposed to the business as I could desire: nothing prevented me from pursuing my design but the reproach that Would have been Cast upon my Character, as a man of prudence, Jiad the Enterprise miscarried, It Would have been Said, Was he not forewarned by Captain Cottineau and others? I made Sail along Shore to the Southward, and next morning took a coasting Sloop in ballast, Which With another that I had taken the night before, I ordered to be Sunk. In the Evening, I again met With the Pallas and Vengeance off Whitby. Captain Cottineau told me he had Sunk the brigantine, and ransomed the Sloop, laden With building timber that had been taken the day before. I had told Captain Cot- tineau the day before, that I had no authority to ransom prizes. On the 21 we saw and chaced two sail, of Flamborough Head, the Pallas chaced in the N. E. quarter, while the B. H. R. followed by the Vengeance chaced in the S. W. The one I chaced, a brigantine collier in ballast belonging to Scarborough, Was Soon taken, and Sunk imme- diately afterwards, as a fleet then appeared to the Southward. This was so late in the day that I Could not Come up With the fleet before Night; at Length, however, I got so near one of them, as to force her to run ashore, between Flamborough Head and the Spurn. Soon after I took another, a brigantine from holland belonging to Sunderland; and at Day Light the next morning, Seeing a fleet Steering towards me from the Spurn, I imagined them to be a convoy, bound from London for Leith, which had been for some time Expected, one of them had a pendant hoisted, and appeared to be a ship of force, they had not, how- ever, Courage to Come on, but keept Back all Except the one Which Seemed to be armed, and that one also keept to Windward very near the land, and on the Edge of dangerous Shoals Where I could not With Safety approach. This induced me to make a Signal for a pilot, and Soon afterward two pilot boats Came off; they informed me that the Ship that Wore a pendant Was an armed merchant Ship, and that a King's frigate lay there in Sight, at anchor Within the Humber, waiting to take under Convoy a number of merchant Ships bound to the northward. The pilots imagined the B. H. R. to be an English Ship of War, and conse- quently Communicated to me the private Signal Which they had been required to make. I Endeavoured by this means to decoy the Ships out of the port, but the Wind then changing, and With the tide becoming unfavourable for them, the deception had not the desired effect, and they Wisely put back. The Entrance of the Humber is Exceedingly diffi- cult and dangerous, and as the Pallas was not in sight, I thought it not prudent to remain off the Entrance; i therefore Steered out again to John Paul Jones Commemoration 145 join the Pallas off Flamborough Head. In the night We Saw and chaced two Ships, until 3 o'clock in the morning, When being at a Very Small distance from them, I made the private Signal of reconnoisance, Which I had given to Each captain before I Sailed from Groa. One half of the answer only Was returned. In this position both Sides lay too till day Light, When the Ships proved to be the Alliance and the Pallas. On the morning of that day, the 23, the brig from Holland not being in Sight, we chaced a brigantine that appeared Laying too to Win ward. About noon We Saw and chaced a large ship that appeared Coming round Flamborough Head, from the Northward, and at the same time I manned and armed one of the pilot boats to send in pursuit of the brig- antine, Which now appeared to be the Vessel that I had forced ashore. Soon after this a fleet of 41 Sail appeared off Flamborough Head, bearing N. N. E.; this induced me to abandon the Single Ship Which had then anchored in Burlington Bay; I also Called back the pilot boat and hoisted a Signal for a general chace. When the fleet discovered us bearing down, all the merchant ships Crowded Sail towards the Shore. The two Ships of War that protected the fleet, at the Same time Steered from the land, and made the disposition for the battle. In approaching the Enemy I crowded Every possible Sail, and made the Signal for the line of battle, to Which the Alliance Showed no attention. Earnest as I Was for the action, I Could not reach the Commodore's Ship until Seven in the evening, being then within pistol shot. When he hailed the B. H. R. , we answered him by firing a Whole broadside. The battle being thus begun, Was Continued With unremitting fury. Every method was practised on both Sides to gain an advantage, and rake Each other; and I must Confess that the Enemie's Ship being much more manageable than the B. H. R. , gained thereby several times an advantageous situation, in spite of my best endeavours to prevent it. As I had to deal With an Enemy of greatly Superior Jorce \ I was under the necessity of Closing with him, to prevent the advantage Which he had over me in point of manoeuvre. It was my intention to lay the B. H. R. athwart the enemie's bow, but as that operation required great dexterity in the management of both Sails and helm, and Some of our braces being Shot away, it did not exactly succeed to my Wishes, the Enemie's bowsprit, however, came over the B. H. R.'s poop by the mizen mast, and I made both Ships fast together in that Situation, Which by the action of the Wind on the Enemie's Sails, forced her Stern close to the B. H. R.'s bow, so that the Ships lay Square along side of each other, the yards being all entangled, and the cannon of Each Ship touching the opponent's Side. When this position took place it Was 8 o'clock, previous to which the B. H. R. had received sundry eighteen 7257—07 10 146 Letters pounds Shot below the water, and Leaked Very much. My battery of 12 pounders, on Which I had placed my chief dependance, being Commanded by Lieut. Deal* 1 and Col. Weibert, and manned principally with American seamen, and French Volunteers, Were entirely silenced and abandoned. As to the six old eighteen pounders that formed the Battery of the Lower gun -deck, they did no Service Whatever: two out of three of them burst at the first fire, and killed almost all the men Who Were stationed to manage them, before this time too, Col. de Chamillard, Who Commanded a party of 20 soldiers on the poop had abandoned that Station, after having lost* some of his men. I had now only two pieces of Cannon, nine pounders, on the quarter deck that Were not silenced, and not one of the heavyer Cannon Was fired during the rest of the action. The purser, Mr. Mease, Who Commanded the guns on the quarter deck, being dangerously Wounded in the head, I was obliged to fill his place, and With great difficulty rallied a few men, and Shifted over one of the Lee quarter-deck guns, So that We after- ward played three pieces of 9 pounders upon the Enemy. The tops alone Seconded the fire of this little battery, and held out bravely during the Whole of the action ; Especially the main top, Where Lieut. Stack commanded. I directed the fire of one of the three Cannon against the main-mast, With double-headed Shot, While the other two Were ex- ceedingly Well Served With Grape and Cannister Shot to Silence the Enemie's musquetry, and clear her decks, Which Was at last Effected. The Enem}' Were, as I have Since understood, on the instant of Calling for quarters, When the Cowardice or treachery of three of my under officers induced them to Call to the Enemy. The English Commodore asked me if I demanded quarters, and I having answered him in the most determined negative, they renewed the battle with Double fury ; they Were unable to Stand the deck, but the fire of their Cannon, espe- cially the lower battery, Which Was Entirely formed of 18 pounders, Was incessant, both Ships Were Set on fire in Various places, and the Scene was dreadful beyond the reach of Language. To account for the timidity of my three under officers, I mean the gunner, the carpenter, and the master-at-arms, I must observe that the two first Were Slightly Wounded, and as the Ship had received Various Shots under Water, and one of the pumps being Shot away, the Carpenter Expressed his fear that she Should Sink, and the other two concluded that She Was Sink- ing ; Which occasioned the gunner to run aft on the poop without my Knowledge, to Strike the Colours, fortunately for me, a Cannon ball had done that before, by carrying away the ensign staff: he was there- fore reduced to the necessity of Sinking, as he Supposed, or of Calling for quarter, and he preferred the Latter. a This refers to Lieutenant Richard Dale. — Compiler. &These Men Deserted their Quarters. (Footnote on original. — Compiler.) John Paul Jones Commemoration 147 All this time the B. H. R. had Sustained the action alone, and the Enemy, though much Superior in force, Would have been Very glad to have got clear, as appears by their own acknowledgements, and by their having let go an anchor the instant that I laid them on board, by Which means they Would have escaped had I not made them Well fast to the B. H. R. At last, at half past 9 o'clock, the Alliance appeared, and I now thought the battle was at an End; but, to my utter astonishment, he discharged a broadside full into the stern of the B. H. R. We called to him for God's Sake to forbear firing into the B. H. R.; yet he passed along the off Side of the Ship and continued firing. There was no possi- bility of his mistaking the Enemie's Ship for the B. H. R., there being the most essential difference in their appearance and Construction; besides, it Was then full moon Light, and the Sides of the B. H. R. Were all black, while the Sides of the prizes Were yellow, yet, for the greater Security, I Shewed the S%nal of our reconnoissance, by putting out three Lanthorns, one at the head, (Bow,) another at the Stern, (Quarter,) and the third in the middle, in a horizontal line. Every tongue Cried that he Was firing into the Wrong Ship, but nothing availed; he passed round, firing into the B. H. R.'s head, stern, and broadside, and by one of his Vollies Killed several of my best men, and mortally wounded a good officer on the forecastle. My Situation Was really deplorable. The B. H. R. received various Shot under Water from the Alliance; the Leack gained on the pump, and the fire increased much on board both Ships. Some officers persuaded me to strike, of Whose Courage and good sense I entertain an high opinion. My treacherous master-at-arms let Loose all my prisoners Without my Knowledge, and my prospect became gloomy indeed. I Would not, however, give up the point. The Enemie's main-mast begain to shake, their firing decreased, ours Rather increased, and the British colours Were Struck at half an hour past 10 o'clock. This prize proved to be the British Ship of War the Serapis, a New Ship of 44 guns, built on their most approved Construction, With two compleat batteries, one of them of 18 pounders, and Commanded by the brave Commodore Richard Pearson. I had yet two enemies to encoun- ter far more formidable than the britons; I mean fire and Water. The Serapis Was attacked only by the first, but the B. H. R. Was assailed by both: there Was five feet Water in the hould, and Tho it Was moderate from the Explosion of so much gunpowder, yet the three pumps that remained Could With difficulty only Keep the Water from gaining. The fire broke out in Various parts of the Ship, in spite of all the Water that could be thrown to quench it, and at length broke out as low as the powder magazine, and Within a few inches of the powder, in that dilema, I took out the powder upon deck, ready to be thrown overboard 148 Letters at the Last Extremity, and it was 10 o'clock the next day, the 24, before the fire Was entirely Extinguished. With respect to the situation of the B. H. R. , the rudder Was Cut entirely off, the stern frame, and the transoms Were almost Entirely Cut away, the timbers, by the lower Deck especially, from the mainmast to the Stern, being greatly decayed with age, Were mangled beyond my power of description, and a person must have been an Eye- Witness to form a just idea of the tremendous scene of Carnage, Wreck, and ruin, that Every Where appeared. Humanity Cannot but recoil from the prospect of Such finished horror, and Lament that War Should produce Such fatal consequences. After the Carpenters, as well as Capt. de Cottineau, and other men of Sense, had Well Examined and Surveyed the Ship, (Which Was not finished before five in the Evening,) I found every person to be Convinced that it Was impossible to keep the B. H. R. afloat so as to reach a port if the Wind Should increase, it being then only a Very moderate breeze. I had but Little time to remove my Wounded, which now became unavoidable, and Which Was effected in the Course of the night and the next morning. I Was determined to Keep the B. H. R. afloat, and, if possible, to bring her into port. For that purpose, the first lieutenant of the Pallas continued on board, With a party of men to attend the pumps, With boats in Waiting ready to take them on board, in Case the Water Should gain on them too fast. The Wind augmented in the Night and the next day, on the 25, So that it Was impossible to prevent the good old Ship from Sinking. They did not abandon her till after 9 o'clock: the Water Was then up to the Lower deck; and a little after ten, I Saw With inexpressible grief the last glimpse of the B. H. R. No Lives were lost With the Ship, but it Was impossible to save the stores of any sort Whatever. I Lost even the best part of my Cloaths, books, and papers; and Several of my officers lost all their Cloaths and Effects. Having thus Endeavoured to give a Clear and Simple relation of the Circumstances and Events that have attended the little armament under my com, I Shall freely Submit my Conduct therein to the Censure of my Superiors and the impartial public. I beg leave, however, to observe, that the force that Was put under my command Was far from being Well composed, and as the .great majority of the actors in it have appeared bent on the pursuit of intrest only, I am Exceedingly sorry that they and I have been at all concerned. I am in the highest degree Sensible of the Singular attentions Which I have Experienced from the Court of France, Which I Shall remember With perfect gratitude until the End of my Life ; and Will always Endeavour to merit, while I Can, Consistent With my honour, Continue in the public Service. I must speak plainly. As I have been always honored With the full Confidence of Congress, and as I also flattered myself With Enjoying in Some measure the Confidence of the Court of France, I Could not but be John Paul Jones Commemoration 149 astonished at the Conduct of M. de Chaumont, When, in the moment of my departure from Groa, he produced a paper, a Concordat, for me to Sign, in Common with the officers Whom I had Commissioned but a few days before. Had that paper, or Even a less dishonorable one, been proposed to me at the beginning, I would have rejected it With Just Contempt ; and the Word deplacement among others should have been necessary. I Cannot, however, Even now Suppose that he Was authorized by the Court to make Such a Bargain With me ; Nor Can I Suppose that the minister of the marine meant that M. de Chaumont should Consider me merely as a Colleague With the Commanders of the other Ships, and Communicate to them not only all he Knew, but all he thought, respecting our destination and operations. M. de Chaumont has made me Various reproaches on account of the Expence of the B. H. R. wherewith I cannot think I have been justly chargeable. M. de Chamillard can attest that the B. H. R. Was at. Last far from being well fitted or armed for War. If any person or persons Who have been charged With the Expense of that armament have acted Wrong, the fault must not be Laid to my charge. I had no authority to Super- intend that armament, and the persons Who had authority Were So far from giving me What I thought necessary, that M. de Chaumont Even refused, among other things, to allow me Irons for securing the prisoners of War. In Short, While my Life remains, if I have any Capacity to render good and acceptable Services to the Common Cause, no man Will Step Forth with greater cheerfulness and alacrity than myself, but I am not made to be dishonoured, nor can I accept of the half Confidence of any man living ; of Course I Cannot, Consistent With my honor and a pros- pect of Success, undertake future Expeditions, unless When the object and destination is communicated to me alone, and to no other person in the marine Line. In Cases Where troops are Embarked, a like con- fidence is due alone to their Commander in Chief. On no other Condi- tion Will I ever undertake the Chief Command of a private Expedition; and when I do not Command in Chief, I have no desire to be in the secret. Captain Cottineau Engaged the Countess of Scarborough and took her after an hour's action, while the B. H. R. Engaged the Serapis. The Countess of Scarborough is an armed ship of 20 six pounders, and Was Commanded by a King's officer. In the action, the Countess of Scarbor- ough and the Serapis Were at a Considerable distance asunder ; and the Alliance, as I am informed, fired into the Pallas and Killed some men. If it Should be asked Why the Convoy Was Suffered to Escape, I must answer, that I Was myself in no condition to pursue, and that none of the rest Shewed any inclination, not even Mr. Ricot, who had held off at a distance to Windward during the Whole Action, and Witheld by 150 Letters force the pilot boat With my Lieutenant and 15 men." The Alliance too, Was in a State to pursue the fleet, not having had a Single man wounded, or a Single Shot fired at her from the Serapis, and only three that did execution from the Countess of Scarborough, at such a distance that one Stuck in the Side, and the other two just touched and then dropped into the Water. The Alliance killed one man only on board the Serapis. As Captain de Cottineau charged himself with manning and securing the prisoners of the Countess of Scarborough ; I think the escape of the Baltic fleet Cannot So Well be Charged to his account. I should have mentioned, that the main-mast and mizen- top-mast of the Serapis fell overboard soon after the captain had come on board the B. H. R. Upon the Whole, the captain of the Alliance has beheaved so Very 111 in Every respect, that I must Complain loudly of his Conduct. He pretends that he is authorized to act independent of my command: I have been taught the Contrary; but Supposing it to be so, his Conduct has been base and unpardonable. M. de Chamillard Will Explain the particulars. Either Captain Landais or myself is highly Criminal, and one or the other must be punished. I forbear to take any steps With him until I have the advice and approbation of your Excellency. I have been advised by all the officers of the Squadron to put M. Landais under arrest; but as I have postponed it So long, I Will bear With him a Iyittle Longer until the return of my Express. We this Day anchored here having, Since the action been tossed to and fro by Contrary Winds. I Wished to have gained the Road of Dunkirk on account of our prisoners, but Was Overruled by the majority of my Colleagues. I Shall heasten up to Amsterdam, and there if I meet With no orders for my government, I Will take the advice of the French Ambassador. It is my present intention to have the Countess of Scar- borough ready to transport the prisoners from hence to Dunkirk, unless it should be found more Expedient to deliver them to the English ambassador, taking his obligation to Send to Dunkirk, &c. immediately an Equal number of American prisoners. I am under Strong apprehen- sions that our object here will fail, and that thro' the imprudence of M. de Chaumont, who has Communicated Every thing he Knew or thought on the matter to persons Who Cannot help talking of it at a full table. This is the way he keeps State Secrets, tho' he never mentioned the affair to me. I am ever, &c. Jno. P. Jones. His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, Esquire, &c. &c. [This manuscript bears the contemporaneous endorsement: ""An exact copy." — Compiler.] a This is founded on a report that has proved to be false ; for it now appears that Capt. Ricot expressly ordered the pilot-boat to board the B. H. A\, which order was disobeyed. [Footnote on original. — Compiler.] CERTIFICATE OF MESSRS. VAN BERCKEL AND DUMAS [From contemporary copy in the library of Congress.] Attestation de M. Van Berckel, Grand Pensionnaire d y Amsterdam, etdeM. Dumas, Agent des Etats- Unis en Hollande. Le Commandeur Paul Jones, Commandant une Kscadre legere equip- ped aux frais de sa Maj. Tr. Chretienne, sous Pavilion et commis- sion des Ktats-Unis d'Amerique, fit voile de France le 14® Aout, 1779 dans le terns environ que la grande Flotte combined de France et d'Es- pagne de 66 vaisseaux de ligne sous le Commandement de S. E. le Comte d'Orvilliers, parut dans le canal entre la France et 1' Angleterre. Comme on s'attendoit qu'une armee Francoise sous la protection de cette Flotte feroit une descente a la C6te meridionale de 1' Angleterre, le Com- mandeur, ayant Carte Blanche, crut de son devoir de faire une forte diversion pour faciliter l'entreprise. Pour cet effet, il allarma et insulta les Ports de rKnnemi depuis le cap Clear, le long de la cote occidentale de l'lrlande par le nord de l'Ecosse jusqu'a Hull a l'Est del' Angleterre. Dans le cours de ce service, aussi dificile qu' important, il fit plusieurs captures armees en guerre et detruisit nombre de Vaisseaux Marchands de l'Ennemi. Le grand desir du Commandeur etoit d'intercepter la Flotte Britannique revenant de la Baltique, et par la priver l'Ennemi des moyens d'equipper leurs Vaisseaux de Guerre. II y a tout lieu de croire qu'il eut completement effectue ce projet, s'il n'avoit 6te aban- donne Sur la cote d' Irlande, par une partie considerable de ses forces, et si sa Fregate le Bon-homme Richard avoit ete le moins du monde secon- dee dans son memorable Combat contre le Serapis, Vaisseau a deux ponts, et contre la Comtesse de Scarborough, Fregate. Mais apres que le Commandeur eut seul combattu ces deux Vaisseaux pendant une heure a la distance du pistolet, tandis que le reste de ses forces se tenoit a l'abri des coups, malgre l'avantage du vent, V Alliance Fregate Ame- ricaine vint lacher traitreusement trois bordees de mitraille sur le Bon- homme Richard. Durant toute 1' affaire, V Alliance eut soin de ne pas s'exposer a recevoir un seul coup ni a avoir un seul homme de tue ou blesse a son bord. Le Bon- homme Richard fut pendant trois heures accroche au Serapis, et apres le Combat, qui dura quatre heures, coula bas, crible de coups comme jamais vaisseau ne l'avoit ete jusque-la. Le combat se donnant a une lieue de navigation de Scarborough, il ne fut pas possible dans les circonstances ci-dessus mentionnees, d'empecher 151 152 Letters l'entr£e de ce Port au Convoi Knnemi, qui s'y mit en surete. Le Commandeur entra au Texel avec le residu de son Escadre et ses deux dernieres prises le 3 Octobre 1779. La moitie des Equipages tant du Bonhomme Richard que du Serapis, ayant ete tuee ou blessee, le Commandeur s'adressa a Leurs Hautes Puissances pour la permission d'£tablir un hopital au Helder, afin d'y pouvoir guerir les blesses: mais la magistrature du lieu s'y opposant, leurs Hautes Puissances assignerent a cet effet le Fort du Texel; et comme le Commandeur eut la permission de garnisonner ce Fort par un Detachement de ses soldats, il expedia la Commission, pour autant de terns que de raison, de Commandant de la Place a Tun de ses officiers. La Flotte combinee etant rentree a Brest, les Anglois revenus de la terreur d'une invasion dont ils s'etoient vus menaces, firent eclater toute leur animosite contre le Commodore. L'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre a la Haye, par des Memoires reiteres aux Etats-Generaux, ne cessa de reclamer peremptoirement la restitution du Vaisseau de Guerre et de la Fregate pris par le Commandeur et d'exiger en outre que Pirate Paul Jones Ecossais fut livre au Roi son Maitre. Cette demarche de l'Ambassadeur ne lui reussissant pas, il fit tout ce qu'il put aupres des Magistrats et Particuliers d' Amsterdam, pour qu'on mit la main sur la personne du Commodore et qu'on le lui livrat; mais en vain: personne n'eut la bassesse ou la hardiesse de se preter a ses desirs a cet egard. — Les Anglois detacherent plusieurs Escadres legeres pour intercepter le Commandeur. Deux de ces Escadres croisoient con- tinuellement a la vue du Texel et du Vlie; tandis que d'autres etoient stationnees de maniere a leur faire croire qu'il etoit impossible qu'il put leur 6chapper. L'objet de la Cour de France en faisant entrer le Com- mandeur au Texel, etoit qu'il escortat de la a Brest une nombreuse Flotte chargee de materiaux pour V arsenal de ce Port; mais sa position rendit ce service impraticable, surtout des que le ministre n'eut pas soin de tenir la chose secrete. — La situation du Commandeur au Texel fixoit deja 1' attention de toute 1' Europe, et affectoit profondement la politique des Puissances belligerantes. Mais cette position devint infi- niment plus critique lorsque le Prince d' Orange 6ta le Commandement de V Escadre Hollandoise qui etoit de 13 Vaisseaux de Guerre, a M. Riemersma, et envoy a le Vice-Amiral Rhynst a pour lui succeder et expulser le Commandeur du Texel, a la vue des Escadres Britanniques. — Ceci engagea la Cour de Versailles a envoyer a l'Ambassadeur de France a la Haye une Commission de sa Maj. Tr. Chr. pour le commandeur, qui l'autorisoit a arborer le Pavilion de France. Mais a cela le Comman- deur n'y voulut point consentir: il avoit fait sa Declaration en arrivant, d'officier des Etats-Unis: il n' etoit point autorise du Congres a accepter la Commission offerte: enfin il concevoit qu'il seroit deshonorant et desa- vantageux, tant pour lui-m£me que pour l'Amerique de changer de aPieter Hendrik Reynst, vice-admiral of the navy of Holland. — Compiler. John Paul Jones Comm emoratio?i 153 Pavilion, Vu surtout les circonstances. — Excepte la Fregate V Alliance, tout le reste de l'Escadre du Commandeur appartenoit a. Sa Maj. Tr. Chr. et l'Ambassadeur de France avoit par consequent, le droit d'en disposer. — Le Ministre Americain a Paris envoya ordre au Commandeur de livrer tous ses Prisonniers a l'Ambassadeur de France, et pour obeir a cet ordre, le Commandeur f ut r£duit a lui livrer aussi le Serapis et La Comtesse de Scarborough, parceque les autres Vaisseaux ne pouvoient con- tenir le grand nombre des Prisonniers. — Le Commandeur continua done de deploy er le Pavilion Americain a bord de V Alliance, et des que le vent l'eut permis, le Vice-Amiral, apres avoir deja rendu le Sejour du Commandeur au Texel aussi desagr£able qu'il avoit pu, l'obligea de faire voile dans cette Fregate. — Le Commandeur eut l'adresse et le bon- heur d'echapper a l'avidite de l'ennemi, et les Anglois enrages de tout cela, et aussi de ce que les Etats-Generaux avoient accorde urie escorte pour la Flotte qui portoit des matieres na vales du Texel a Brest, declare- rent peu apres la guerre aux Pays-Bas-unis: ils se servirent meme du sejour et de la Conduite du Commandeur au Texel pour en faire le premier article de leur Declaration. Les faits qu'on vient de lire sont de notoriete publique par toute 1' Europe; et mon motif en donnant ce temoignage a l'Amerique en faveur du Commandeur, procede du desir de rendre justice a Son Zele et a sa bonne conduite, pour l'honneur et les inter£ts des Etats-Unis dans les affaires parvenues plus immediate- ment que d'autres a ma connoissance. X L,sl Haye, ce 10 Mars 1784. (Sign6) E. F. Van Berckei,. Je soussigne connoissant non seulement 1' exact e v£rite de tout ce que dessus, mais ayant de plus du etre officiellement present pendant pres de trois mois sur l'Escadre Americaine en rade au Texel, l'atteste avec plaisir. X L,sl Haye ce n e Mars 1784. (Signe) C W. F. Dumas, Agent des Etats- Unis d' Amirique. LETTER TO ROBERT MORRIS [From autograph draft in the library of Congress.] Phii.adei.phi A, [October 10, 1783 .] a Sir : It is the custom of nations, on the return of peace, to honor, promote and reward such officers as have served through the war with the greatest "zeal, prudence and intrepidity". And since my country has, after an eight years' war, attained the inestimable blessing of peace and the sovereignty of an extensive empire, I presume that, (as I have constantly and faithfully served through the Revolution, and at the same time supported it, in a degree, with my purse,) I may be allowed to lay my grievances before you, as the head of the marine. I will hope, sir, through you, to meet with redress from Congress. Rank, which opens the door to glory, is too near the heart of every man of true military feeling , to be given up in favor of any other man who has not, by the achievement of some brilliant action, or by known and superior abilities, merited such preference. If this be so, how must I have felt, since, by the second table of captains in the navy, adopted by Congress, on the 10th of October, 1776, I was superseded in favor of thirteen persons, two of whom were my junior lieutenants at the begin- ning ; the rest were only commissioned into the continental navy on that day ; and, if they had any superior abilities, these were not then known, nor have since been proved! I am the eldest sea officer (except Captain Whipple) on the Journal, and under the commission of Congress, remain- ing in the service. In the year 1775, when the navy was established, some of the gentlemen by whom I am superseded, were applied to, to embark in the first expedition, but they declined. Captain Whipple has lately and often told me, they said to him, "they did not choose to be hanged". It is certain the hazard at first was very great ; and some respectable gentlemen, by whom I am superseded, accepted the appoint- ment of captain and of lieutenant of a provincial vessel for the protec- tion of the river, after our first little fleet had sailed from it ; and on board of which they had refused to embark, though I pretend not to know their reason. But the face of affairs having changed, as we ripened into the declaration of independence in 1776, their apprehensions subsided; and in a letter I received from the late Mr. Hewes, of Congress, and of the marine committee, dated at Philadelphia, May the 26th, 1776, and directed a This date is assigned to this paper by Mr. Charles Henry Lincoln in the Calendar of John Paul Jones Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. — Compiler. 155 156 Letters to me as captain of the Providence, at New York, he says, ■ ' You would be surprised to hear what a vast number of applications are continually making for officers in the new frigates, especially for the command. The strong recommendations from those provinces where any frigates are building, have great weight". He adds, "My utmost endeavors shall be exerted to serve you ; from a conviction that your merit entitles you to promotion, and that you ought to command some who were placed in a higher rank than yourself ' . I ask, sir, did these " recommendations" plead more successfully than the merit of all the gallant men who first braved the ocean in the cause of America? Your candor must answer, "yes". What a hapless pros- pect then have those, who can only claim from past, though applauded services ! Credit, it is alleged, has been, however, taken in this Revo- lution for "unparalleled heroism". I am sorry for it, for great as our pretensions to heroism may be, yet modesty becomes young nations as well as young men. But the first beginning of our navy was, as navies now rank, so singularly small, that I am of opinion it has no precedent in history. Was it a proof of madness in the first corps of sea officers to have, at so critical a period, launched out on the ocean, with only two armed merchant ships, two armed brigantines and one armed sloop, to make war against such a power as Great Britain ? They had, perhaps, in proportion to their numbers, as much sense as the present table of officers can boast of ; and it has not yet been proved, that they did not understand, at least as well their duty. Their first expedition was more glorious than any other that has been since effected from our coast. Every officer on that service merited pro- motion, who was capable of receiving it. And, if there was an improper man placed over them as commander-in-chief, was that a reason to slight or disgrace the whole corps ? Has the subsequent military conduct of those officers, by whom the first corps of sea officers were superseded, justified the preference they had to command the new frigates? If it has not, what shall we say in favor of the precedence, which ' ' Repug- nant to an Act of Congress, of the 2 2d of December, 1775 ", and contrary to all rule or example, was given them in the second table of naval rank, adopted the 10th of October, 1776? Could anything have been more humilitating than this to sea officers appointed and commissioned in 1775? Would it not have been more kind to have dismissed them from the service, even without assigning a reason for so doing? Before any second arrangement of naval rank had been made, perhaps it would have been good policy to have commissioned five or seven old mariners, who had seen war, to have examined the qualifications of the candidates, especially those who made their conditions and sought so earnestly after the command of the new frigates. Those commissioners might also have examined the qualifications of the first corps of sea officers, proposed to promote such as were capable of it, and struck from the list such as John Paul Jones Commemoratio?i 157 were unequal to the commission they bore, &c. Thus, by giving pre- cedence in rank to all the captains who had served and were thought worthy of being continued ; and also to all lieutenants whose merit and services with their approved qualifications had entitled them to promo- tion to the rank of captains, justice might have been done both to indi- viduals and to the public. It has been .said, with a degree of contempt, by some of the gentlemen who came into the continental navy, the second year of the war, that I ' ' was only a lieutenant at the beginning ' ' ; and pray, what were they when I was out on the ocean in that character? They pay me a compliment. To be diffident, is not always a proof of ignorance, but sometimes the contrary. I was offered a captain's com- mission at the first, to command the Providence, but declined it. Let it, however, be remembered, that there were three grades of sea lieutenants established by the Act of Congress of the 22d of December, 1775; and as I had the honor to be placed at the head of the first of those grades, it is not quite fair to confound me with the last; I had sailed before this Revolution in armed ships and frigates, yet when I came to try my skill, I am not ashamed to own, I did not find myself perfect in the duties of a first lieutenant. However, I by no means admit, that any one of the gentlemen who so earnestly sought after rank and the command of the new frigates the next year, was at the beginning able to teach me any part of the duty of a sea officer. Since that time it is well known, there has been no comparison between their means of acquiring military marine knowledge and mine. If midnight study, and the instruction of the greatest and most learned sea officers, can have given me advantages, I am not without them. I confess, however, I am yet to learn. It is the work of many years' study and experience to acquire the high degree of science necessary for a great sea officer. Cruising after merchant ships, (the service on which our frigates have generally been employed) affords, I may say, no part of the knowledge necessary for conducting fleets and their opera- tions. There is now, perhaps, as much difference between a single battle between two ships, and an engagement between two fleets, as there is between a single duel and a ranged battle between two armies. I became captain by right of service and succession, and by the order and com- mission of the commander-in-chief, his Excellency Kzek Hopkins, Esq., the 10th day of May, in the year 1776, at which time the captain of the Providence was broke and dismissed from the navy, by a court martial. Having arrived at Philadelphia, with a little convoy from Boston, soon after the declaration of independence, President Hancock gave me a captain's commission under the United States, dated the 8th day of August, 1776. I did not at the time, think that this was doing me jus- tice, as it did not correspond with the date of my appointment by the commander-in-chief. It was, however, I presumed, the Jirst naval com- mission granted under the United States, and as a resolution of Congress 158 Letters had been passed the 17th day of April, 1776, "that the appointment of captains should not determine their rank, which was to be settled before commissions were granted," my commission of the 8th of August, must, by that resolution, take rank of every commission dated the 10th of October. My duty brought me again to Philadelphia in April, 1777; and President Hancock then told me that new naval commissions were ordered to be distributed to the officers. He prayed me to show him the captain's commission he had given me the year before. I did so. He then desired me to leave it with him a day or two, till he could find a leisure moment to fill up a new commission. I made no difficulty. When I waited on him the day before my depar- ture, to my great surprise, he put into my hands a commission dated the 10th day of October, 1776, and numbered eighteen in the margin! I told him that was not what I expected, and demanded my former com- mission. He turned over various papers on the table and at last told me he was very sorry to have lost or mislaid it. I shall here make no remark on such conduct in a president of congress, perhaps it needs none. He paid me many compliments on the services I had performed in vessels of little force; he assured me no officer stood higher in the opinion of Congress than myself; a proof of which, he said, was my late appointment to the command of secret expeditions, with five sail and men proportioned, against St. Kitts, Pensacola, Augustine, &c. That the table of naval rank that had been adopted the 10th of Octo- ber, 1776, had been drawn up in a hurry, and without well knowing the different merits and qualifications of the officers; but it was the intention of Congress to render impartial justice and always to honor, promote and reward merit. And, as to myself, he added that I might depend on receiving a very agreeable appointment soon after my return to Boston, and until I was perfectly satisfied respecting my rank, I should have a separate command. I returned to Boston and it was not long before I received orders to proceed to Europe to command the great frigate build- ing at Amsterdam for the United States, then called the Indien and since the South Carolina. It was proposed I should proceed to France in a ship belonging to that kingdom; but, some difficulties arising, the sloop of war Ranger, of eighteen guns, was put under my command for that purpose and to serve afterwards as a tender to the Indien. Political reasons defeated the plan, after I had met our commissioners at Paris, agreeable to their order, to consult on the ways and means of carrying it into execution. I returned in consequence to Nantes, and reassumed the command of the Ranger. When I returned from Europe and my sovereign told the world that some of my military conduct on the coast of England had been ' ' attended with circumstances so brilliant as to excite general applause and admiration; " when the honours conferred on me by his most christian majesty, to wit, a gold sword, on which is impressed the highly flattering words: ' ' Vindicati Maris Ludovicus XVI. John Paul Jones Commemoration 159 Remunerator Strenuo Vindici" and emblems of the alliance between the United States and France, accompanied with the order a?id patent of mili- tary merit, and a very strong and particular letter of recommendation to Congress in my behalf, were declared by them to be ' ' highly acceptable ; ' ' when I was thought worthy of a vote of thanks and general approbation so strong and comprehensive, as that hereto subjoined, in Paper No. , I was far from thinking that such expressions were all the gratification I had to expect. The committee of Congress, to whom was referred my general examination by the board of admiralty, with the report of that board thereon, were of opinion that I had merited a gold medal, with devices declarative of the vote of thanks, I had received from the United States in Congress assembled. And I was persuaded that I should also be promoted, or at least restored to the place I held in the naval line of rank in the year 1775. I waited patiently for some time, but nothing was done on either of these subjects. Being informed by some members of Congress, that it was necessary I should present my claim respecting rank in writing, I did so, in a letter of which No. is a copy, addressed to his excellency the president of Congress, the 28th of May, 1 78 1. My application was referred to a special committee who, as I have been informed by one of its members, made a report in my favor and gave as their opinion that I had merited to be promoted to the rank of rear-admiral. Before Congress had taken up the report an application in opposition to me was made by two of the captains who had superseded me. Upon this the report was recommitted. The committee once more reported in my favour ; but without giving a direct opinion respecting my promotion, and recommended the appointment of a commander-in- chief of the navy, &c, as may be seen by the annexed copy, No. , of that report; which, on account of the thinness of Congress, was on the 24th of August, 1 78 1, endorsed "Not to be acted upon". It is, however, plain, it was intended to be taken up again, when a proper opportunity presented itself ; otherwise it would not have been retained on the files of Congress. This appears also by the extract of a letter, No. , which I wrote from Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, and the answer, No. , that I received from the honourable John Mathews, Esq., who was chairman of the committee respecting the honorary medal, and a member of the committee on my rank. While my claim to rank stood recommitted before the committee, I had an unanimous election by ballot in Congress, the 26th of June, 1781, to command the America, of 74 guns; and, as I was erroneously informed, ready to launch at Portsmouth; [and] several of the members of Con- gress told me as their opinion, that my rank was thereby settled beyond a dispute ; because the America was the only ship in the service ' ' of forty guns and upwards;" and Congress had resolved that captains of ships of 40 guns and upwards should rank as colonels, and captains of ships between 20 and 40 guns as lieutenant-colonels. There appeared 160 Letters so much reason and justice in that opinion, that I was then and am still inclined to believe it was not without foundation ; for certainly there is no comparison between the trust reposed in a captain of the line and a captain of a frigate; and, except in England, there is no equality between their distinct ranks. A captain of the line must at this day be a tactician. A captain of a cruising frigate may make shift without having ever heard of naval tactics. Until I arrived in France, and became acquainted with that great tactician Count D'Orvilliers and his judicious assistant the Chevalier Du Pavillion, who each of them honoured me with instructions respecting the science of governing the operations and police of a fleet, I confess I was not sensible how ignorant I had been, before that time, of naval tactics. I have already said, there were three grades of sea lieutenants, estab- lished by the act of Congress, of the 22d of December, 1775. If I may be allowed at this date to judge, it would be sound wisdom to re-adopt the same number of subaltern grades, exclusive of midshipmen, under the same, or some other denomination. From the observations I have made, and what I have read, it is my opinion, that in a navy there ought to be at least as many grades below a captain of the line, as there are below a colonel of a regiment. Even the navy of France is deficient in subaltern grades, and has paid dearly for that error in its. constitu- tion, joined to another of equal magnitude, which authorizes ensigns of the navy to take charge of a watch on board ships of the line. One instance may be sufficient to shew this. The ZSIS, in the night between the nth and 12th of April, 1782, ran on board the Ville de Paris, which accident was the principal cause of the unfortunate battle that ensued next day between Count de Grasse, and Admiral Rodney. That accident in all probability would not have happened, had the deck of the Zele been at the time commanded by a steady experienced lieutenant of the line, instead of a young ensign. The charge of the deck of a ship of the line, should in my judgement never be entrusted to an officer under twenty-five years of age. At that time of life he may be sup- posed to have served nine or ten years, a term not more than sufficient to have furnished him with the necessary knowledge for so great a charge. It is easy to conceive that the minds of officers must become uneasy, when they are continued too long in any one grade, which must happen, (if regard be paid to the good of the service) where there are no more subaltern grades than midshipman and lieutenant. Would it not be wiser to raise young men by smaller steps and to increase the number? I have many things to offer respecting the formation of our navy, but shall here limit myself to one, which I think a preliminary to the formation and establishment of a naval constitution suitable to the local situation, resources, and prejudices of the Continent. The con- stitution adopted for the navy in the year 1775 and by which it John Paul Jones Commemoration 161 has been governed ever since, and crumbled away I may say to nothing, is so very defective, that I am of opinion it would be difficult to spoil it. Much wisdom, and more knowledge than we possess, is in my humble opinion necessary to the formation of such a naval constitu- tion as is absolutely wanting. If when our finances enable us to go on, we should set out wrong, as we did in the year 1775, but much more so after arrangement, or rather derangement of rank in 1776, much money may be thrown away to little or no purpose. We are a young people, and need not be ashamed to ask advice from nations older and more experienced in marine affairs than ourselves. This I conceive might be done in a manner that would be received as a com- pliment by several or perhaps all the marine powers of Europe, and at the same time would enable us to collect such helps as would be of vast use when we come to form a constitution for the creation and government of our marine, the establishment and police of our dock- yards, academies, hospitals, &c, and the general police of our seamen throughout the Continent. These considerations induced me on my return from the fleet of his Excellency the Marquis de Vaudreuil to propose to you to lay my ideas on the subject before Congress, and to pro- pose sending a proper person to Europe in a handsome frigate to display our flag in the ports of the different marine powers, to offer them the free use of our ports, and propose to them commercial advantages, &c. And then to ask permission to visit their marine arsenals, to be informed how they are furnished both with men, provision, materials, and warlike stores; by what police, and officers they are governed, how and from what resources the officers and men are paid, &c. The line of conduct drawn between the officers of the fleet, and officers of the ports, &c. Also the armament and equipment of the different ships of war with their dimensions, the number and qualities of their officers and men, by what police thay are governed in port and at sea, how and from what resources they are fed, clothed and paid, &c. ; and the general police of their seamen, academies, hospitals, &c. If you still object to my projects on account of the expense of sending a frigate to Europe and keeping her there till the business can be effected, I think it may be done, though perhaps not with the same dignity, without a frigate. My plan for forming a proper corps of sea officers, is by teaching them the naval tactics in a fleet of evolution. To lessen the expense as much as possible, I would compose that fleet of frigates instead of ships of the line : on board of each I would have a little academy, where the officers should be taught the principles of mathe- matics and mechanics, when off duty. When in port the young officers should be obliged to attend at the academies established at each dock- yard, where they should be taught the principles of every art and science that is necessary to form the character of a great sea officer, 7257—07 11 162 Letters and every commission officer of the navy should have free access, and be entitled to receive instruction gratis at those academies. All this would be attended with no very great expense, and the public advantage resulting from it would be immense. I am sensible it cannot be imme- diately adopted, and that we must first look about for ways and means ; but the sooner it is adopted the better. We cannot, like the ancients, build a fleet in a month, and ought to take example from what has lately befallen Holland. In time of peace it is necessary to prepare, and be always prepared for war by sea. I have had the honor to be presented with copies of the signals, tactics, and police, that have been adopted under the different admirals of France and Spain during the war; and I have in my last campaign seen them put in practice. While I was at Brest, as well as while I was inspecting the building of the America, as I had furnished myself with good authors, I applied much of my leisure time to the study of naval architecture and other matters, that relate to the estab- lishment and police of dock-yards &c. (I, however, feel myself bound to say again, I have yet much need to be instructed). But if, such as I am, it is thought I can be useful in the formation of the future marine of America, and make whole my honour, I am so truly a citizen of the United States, that I will cheerfully do my best to effect that great object. It was my fortune, as the senior of the first lieutenants, to hoist, myself, the flag of America the first time it was displayed. Though this was but a light circumstance, yet I feel for its honour more than I think I should have done if it had not happened. See Paper No. . I drew my sword at the beginning, not after having made sinister conditions but purely from principle in the glorious cause of freedom; which I trust has been amply evinced by my conduct during the Revolution. I hope I shall be pardoned in saying, it will not now be expected, after having fought and bled for the purpose of contribut- ing to make millions happy and free that I should remain miserable and dishonoured by being superseded, without any just cause assigned. Though I have only mentioned two things that afflict me, the delay of a decision respecting my rank, and the honorary medal, yet I have met with many other humiliations in the service, that I have borne in silence. I will just mention one of them. When the America was presented to his most Christian Majesty, I presume it would not have been incon- sistent with the dignity of that act of my sovereign, if it had mentioned my name. Such little attentions to the military pride of officers are always of use to a state, and cost nothing. In the present instance, it could have been no displeasing circumstance, but the contrary, to a monarch who condescends to honour me with his attention. I appeal to yourself, sir, whether, after being unanimously elected to command the first and only American ship of the line, my conduct, for sixteen months while inspecting her building and launching, had merited only such cold John Paul Jones Commemoration 163 neglect? When the America was taken from me, I was deprived of my tenth command. Will posterity believe, that out of this number the sloop of war Ranger was the best I was ever enabled by my country to bring into actual service? If I have been instrumental in giving the American flag some reputation and making it respectable among Euro- pean nations, will you permit me to say, that it is not because I have been honoured, by my country, either with the proper means or proper encouragement. I cannot conclude this letter without reminding you of the insult offered to the flag of America, by the court of Denmark, in. giving up to England, towards the end of the year 1779, two large letter of marque ships (the one the Union from London, the other the Betsy, from Liverpool) that had entered the port of Bergen, in Norway, as my prizes. Those two ships mounted 22 guns each, and were valued, as I have been informed, at sixteen hundred thousand livres Tournois. I acquit myself of my duty in giving you this information now when the sovereignty and independence of America is acknowledged by Great Britain, and I trust Congress will now demand and obtain proper acknowledgments and full restitution from the court of Denmark. I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant. a I [Endorsement] J. P. Jones to the U. S. Minister of Marine Hon Robt. Morris. a This paper is unsigned. The signature "J. Paul Jones" is appended to a similar, but abridged, letter of October 10, 1783, printed by R. C. Sands in "Life and Cor- respondence of John Paul Jones," New York, 1830, pp. 304-309. — COMPILER. LETTER TO MRS. BEECHES [From original, in possession of Edinburgh Antiquarian Society.] Paris, August 29, ij86. Madam : It is with great pleasure that I now execute the nattering commission you gave me before you left this city. Sir James Stuart, who returns immediately to Scotland, does me the honor to take charge of the Medallion you desired I might send you. I am unable to say whether it is well or ill executed, but, I feel, it receives its value from your acceptance: an honor for which I can never sufficiently express my obligation, but which it will always be my ambition to merit. My respectful compliments await your husband. I am very sensible of his polite attentions while here. May you always enjoy a state of Happiness, as real as is the esteem and respect with which I have the honor to be, Madam, Your most obedient and most humble Servant J. Paul Jones. Mrs. Belches, Scotland. 164 U^ t& Ait ■ ft* ■ JLj^ Crtn^,- y Apr. 25. Wrote to Joseph Hewes, Robert Morris, and Thomas Jefferson desiring a naval appointment 18 1775, May — . Visited French ship Terpsichore, Commodore Kersaint, in Hampton Roads. Met Louis Philippe, Egalite' 19 I 775» June 24.0 Marine Committee desired Jones's views on naval affairs 20 *775> July 18. « Appeared before the committee at Philadelphia 21 1775, Aug. 25.0 Requested by Marine Committee to fit out the Alfred 22 1775, Sept. 14, Sent, through Hon. Joseph Hewes, replies to inquiries from or Oct. 3. a Congress on naval affairs 23 !775, L> e c 3. "B. P." wrote to Karl Dartmouth that the "Continental flag was this day hoisted on the Black Prince [later the Alfred} at Philadelphia " 24 « Buell, " Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy." These statements are not supported by the Journals of the Continental Congress. — Compiler. 165 166 . Ch rono logy 1775, Dec. 7. Jones appointed first of the first lieutenants in the Continental Navy by Congress. Ordered to the Alfred 25 1775, Dec. 22. Appointments of December 7 confirmed by Congress 26 1775, Dec. — . Off ered command of the Providence or Fly. Preferred remain- ing on the Alfred 27 1775, Dec. — . Hoisted the American flag on the Alfred, flagship of Com- or mander-in-Chief Esek Hopkins. (Entry above, No. 24, J 776, Jan. — . indicates December 3 as the date) 28 1776, Feb. 9. Commodore Hopkins's fleet sailed from Philadelphia under the "Union flag" as used by General Washington at Cam- bridge. Jones first lieutenant of flagship Alfred 29 1776, Feb. 17. The fleet left the Delaware on expedition 30 1776, Mar. 1. Fleet anchored off Abaco. Jones piloted the Alfred into New Providence 31 1776, Mar. 17. Fleet sailed from New Providence with captured military stores and the governor and other important prisoners 32 1776, Apr. 4-5. Schooner Hawk and bomb brig Bolton captured 33 1776, Apr. 6. Alfred and Cabot engaged the Glasgow. She escaped. Hop- kins's squadron put into New London. 34 1776, Apr. 14. Jones wrote Honorable Mr. Hewes account of the expedition. Sent extract from log of the Alfred 35 1776, May 1. Ordered to attend the court-martial of Captain Whipple, cap- tain of the Alfred 36 1776, May 10. Jones ordered by Hopkins to command the Providence 37 1776, May 18. Providence arrived off New York 38 1776, May 19. Jones explained to Hewes reasons for declining the command of the Ply; says new commission has not been sent him 39 1776, June 6. Desired command of one of the new ships being constructed by order of Congress 40 J 776, June 10. In obedience to Commodore Hopkins's order, pursued an armed sloop in sight off New London. She escaped 41 1776, June 13. Ordered to convoy the Ply and other vessels carrying Gov- ernment supplies 42 I 776, June 18. Ordered to Boston by Hopkins 43 1776, June 20. Colonel Tillinghast requested by Jones to get his private Log of the Alfred from that ship and send it to him 44 1776, Aug. 1. Arrived in the Delaware with convoy from Boston 45 1776, Aug. 8. Received a captain's commission from the President of Con- gress. "The first naval commission under the United States," or "since the Declaration of Independence " 46 Marine Committee proposed to Jones the command of the Hampden; he chose to remain on the Providence 47 1776, Aug. 16. Ordered to watch for French vessel with supplies 48 1776, Aug. 21. Sailed from the Delaware with orders to "cruise against enemy for six weeks or more " 49 1776, Sept. 1. After a sharp action escaped from the British frigate Solebay, near Bermuda. Later encountered and escaped from the Milford, off Cape Sable 50 1776, Sept. 3 Captured off northeast coast of America, 16 vessels, destroyed to Sept. 28. fishery at Canso and shipping at Isle Madame. Sent in 8 prizes, burned 8 51 List of prizes 52 John Paul Jones Comm e mor a tio?i 167 1776, Oct. 7. Arrived at Newport, R. I., in the Providence 53 1776, Oct. 10. Commissioned captain in the Continental Navy (new list made by Congress: Jones No. 18) 54 1776, Oct 17. Wrote Robert Morris an account of cruise. Made suggestions for improvement of the Navy and plans for an expedition against enemy's African trade 55 1776, Oct. 22. Took command of expedition to Cape Breton 36 1776, Oct. 27. The Hampden disabled, had to put back 57 1776, Nov. 2. Jones sailed with the Alfred and Providence 58 1776, Nov. 10. Captured brig Active off Louisburg 59 1776, Nov. 13. Captured transport Mellish, with 10,000 suits of uniform. Took 150 prisoners 60 1776, Nov. 16. Captured ship Hetty 61 1776, Nov. 18. The Providence parted company from Alfred in the night. . . 62 1776, Nov. 24 Captured 5 vessels, one a privateer of 16 guns. Destroyed a to Nov. 30. transport, ashore at Canso Straits. Burned buildings at Isle Royale 63 1776, Dec. 7. Chased by frigate Milford; escaped with loss of only one of the prizes 64 1776, Dec. 10 Arrived at Boston 65 or Dec. 15. 1777, Jan. 12. Explained to Mr. Hewes failure to release the Americans at Cape Breton coal mines 66 1777, Jan. 14. Superseded by Hinman in command of the Alfred, by order of Commodore Hopkins 67 1777, Jan. 21. Protested to Marine Committee against this injustice 68 1777, Feb. 5. Marine Committee ordered Jones to command a fleet of six vessels for an expedition to Pensacola 69 1777, Feb. 10. Wrote Robert Morris concerning the Navy 70 1777, Mar. 17. Appointed by Congress to command one of the three ships purchased "until a better can be had " 71 1777, Mar. 25. Ordered to Boston to select and fit out a ship 72 1777, Apr. 7. At request of President of Congress submitted plans for organi- zation and government of Navy 73 1777, Apr. 19. Met La Fayette in Alexandria, Va 74 1777, May 4. Letter to Mr. Mawey regarding money due him and care of his mother. Written from Boston 75 1777, May 9. Ordered to proceed to France in Amphitrite. To take officers and men to man a fine ship to be purchased for him in Europe. Letter to Commissioners in Paris 76 1777, May 23. In Boston, shipped men for Amphitrite 77 1777, May 26. Wrote to the " Secret committee " 78 1777, June 14. Ordered to command the Ranger, first called the Hampshire, building at Portsmouth, N. H.; and Stars and Stripes adopted as National ensign by act of Congress 79 1777, June 18. Appointment to the Ranger sent by Marine Committee 80 1777, July 1, 2. Orders received by Jones at Boston 81 1777, July 4. Stars and Stripes hoisted on a United States man-of-war for first time; the Ranger, or the Raleigh 82 1777, July 12. Jones announces to Captain Roach, former commander of Ranger, his arrival at Portsmouth and his orders 83 1 777» July 2 9. Directions to Lieut. Elijah Hall regarding men's pay 84 1777, Aug. 2. Advertised for crew for Ranger 85 168 Chronology 1777, Sept. 6. Ordered by Marine Committee to proceed to France to report to the Commissioners. The Indien, at Amsterdam, prom- ised him 86 1777, Oct. 29 Reported to Marine Committee the many hindrances in fitting or 30. the Ranger for sea. Will sail ' ' with first favorable wind " . . 87 1777, Nov. 1. The Ranger sailed from Portsmouth, N. H 88 1777, Nov. 26. Captured two brigs (Green says 23d and 25th) 89 1777, Dec. 2. Anchored off Nantes. Forwarded papers to Paris 90 1777, Dec. 5. Jones visited the Commissioners at Paris 91 1777, Dec. 11. Gave a detailed account of voyage in letter to Jacob Wendell. . 92 1778, Jan. 10. Commissioners directed an advance of 500 louis d' or to be paid Jones for expenses of ship 93 1778, Jan. 16. Commissioners give Jones "unlimited orders " 94 1778, Feb. 1. Fired 13 guns in honor of Mr. Thomas Morris, Continental agent at Nantes, recently deceased 95 1778, Feb. 12. Ranger sailed from Nantes for Quiberon Bay 96 1778, Feb. 13. Anchored in Quiberon Bay at 7 p. m. (or 6 p. m.) 97 1778, Feb. 14. Received from Admiral La Motte Piquet, commanding French squadron, first salute to the Stars and Stripes from a foreign power. Gave 13 and received 9 guns 98 1778, Feb. 15. Sailed through the French fleet in the American brig Inde- pendence, Captain John Young; saluted the French squadron with 13 guns and received 9 in return 99 1778, Feb. 22. Informed the Marine Committee of exchanging salutes 100 1778, Mar. 3. Sailed from Quiberon Bay 101 1778, Mar. 8. Anchored in Camaret Bay 102 1778, Mar. 23. Sailed up to Brest. Exchanged salutes with French Admiral. . 103 1778, Mar. 25. Wrote Silas Deane and John Ross that he was to receive salute of gun for gun when leaving Brest 104 1778, Apr. 2. Count d'Orvilliers saluted Ranger with 10 or 11 guns when she left Brest, about 5 p. m 105 1778, Apr. 5. Ships forced by bad weather to return to Brest 106 1778, Apr. 11 Ranger sailed from Brest in company with French frigate or 10. Fortuna 107 1778, Apr. 14 Captured brig Dolphin off Cape Clear 108 or 15. 1778, Apr. 17. Captured ship Lord Chatham; sent her to Brest 109 1778, Apr. 19, Sunk schooner and sloop taken off coast of Ireland no 20. 1778, Apr. 21. Captured a fishing boat. Bad weather prevented surprising and boarding the Drake, 20 guns in 1778, Apr. 22. Captain Jones and 31 volunteers landed at Whitehaven. Spiked guns, burnt shipping, including ship Thompson 112 1778, Apr. 23. Jones and 12 men landed at St. Marys Isle to capture Karl of Selkirk. Selkirk, being absent, men took 160 pounds weight of silver. List of names of landing party 113 1778, Apr. 24. After fight of one hour and five minutes, H. B. M. S. Drake surrendered to the Ranger 114 1778, Apr. 25. Captured brig Patience. Let fishing boat go. Buried Captain Burden, of the Drake, and Lieutenant Wallingsford, of the Ranger, with military honors 115 1778, Apr. 26. Lieutenant Simpson given command of the Drake. Relieved of command by Jones because of disobedience of orders. A brig captured by Ranger 116 Johri Paul Jones Commemoration 169 1778, May 1778, June 1778, June 28. 1. 3- 1778, June 5- 1778, June 6. 1778, June 10. 1778, July 4. 1778, May 6. Lieut. Elijah Hall sent on board the Drake to supersede lieu- tenant Simpson 117 1778, May 7. Lieutenant Hall ordered to follow Ranger and take the Drake into Brest 118 1778, May 8. The Ranger reentered Brest with the Drake 119 Jones wrote Lady Selkirk courteous letter. Will return her silver. Inventory of silver 120 1778, May 9. Reported the result of expedition to American plenipotentia- ries at Paris 121 1778, May 10. Hoisted Continental colors on the prize Patience 122 1778, May 11. Prisoners sent on board the Patience 123 1778, May 27. Reported to Marine Committee actions from April 10 to May 27 124 1778, May 27. Informed Doctor Bancroft of need of funds for crew, and sur- prise at the dishonoring of his draft 125 Reports death of Lieutenant Dobbs, R. N., of the Drake 126 Thanked Doctor Franklin for his expressed approval 127 Explained his financial embarrassment; had advanced ^1,500 of his own money; received no wages 128 Submitted plans for combined operations against the British, to American plenipotentiaries and French minister of marine . 1 29 Sailing in company with the Boston, Capt. S. Tucker, off Isle Dieu; visited the ship 130 Informed by Doctor Franklin that he is to have the Indien, building at Amsterdam 131 Proposed to the plenipotentiaries that Lieutenant Simpson return to America in command of the Ranger. Celebrated anniversary of independence on Ranger 132 1778, July 12. Letter to Mr. Grand regarding qualifications requisite in a Protestant chaplain for his ship 133 Lieut. Simpson took command of Ranger 134 Informed General Washington that, at the request of the French minister of marine, he will remain in France. Begs the General's acceptance of a pair of epaulettes he sends. Men of Whitehaven expedition recommended to plenipo- tentiaries 135 1778, Aug. 10. Informed that the plenipotentiaries will recommend to Con- gress those who took part in the landing at Whitehaven ... 136 Requested the plenipotentiaries to order a court-martial 137 Capt. Abr. Whipple, of the Providence, requested by Jones to summon a court-martial to try Lieutenant Simpson 138 Recommends to Congress all who landed at Whitehaven 139 Ranger ran out with a fine breeze 140 Commissioners order court to try Simpson 141 Charges against Simpson withdrawn 142 Having been informed that he can not get the Indien and pre- vented from going on expedition with Count d'Orvilliers, asked Sartine's permission to return to America 143 1778, Sept. 21. Requested the Due de Chartres to aid him in his efforts to get a ship or some active duty 144 1778, Oct. 16. Ranger arrived at Portsmouth, N. H 145 1778, Oct. 19. Implored King Louis XVI to aid him to get a ship. The Duchess de Chartres presented the letter 146 1778, Nov. 21. Explanatory letter replying to Mr. Arthur Lee 147 1778, July 1778, Aug. 1778, Aug. 1778, Aug. 1778, Aug. 1778, Aug. 1778, Sept. 1778, Sept. 170 Ch ron logy 1778, Dec. 17. Jones summoned to audience with the King 148 x 779> Feb. 4. The King gave Jones the Duras; to be fitted out and manned by him. Permission given to change name to Bonhomme Richard, in compliment to Doctor Franklin 149 1779, Feb. 6. Jones thanked M. de Sartine for his interest 150 J 779, Feb. 10. Doctor Franklin and Hon. J. Adams to Jones regarding his giving up the Ranger 151 1779, Mar. 6. Jones explained to Benjamin Franklin cause of his trouble before coming to America 152 1779, Apr. 27. Informed that La Fayette is to command Jones's expedition. Bonhomme Richard to be ready May 7 153 1779, Apr. 30. Jones wrote to " Father John " (John Mehegan), chaplain to Count d'Orvilliers, that he would require a chaplain for the French of his crew 154 1779, Ma y I- Replied to La Fayette that it would be a great pleasure to serve under his command 155 Thanked Sartine, La Fayette, and Benjamin Franklin 156 1779, May 1-3. Jones in command of Bonhomme Richard at l'Orient 157 1779, May 9. Informed by Franklin of affairs on the Alliance 158 1779, May 11. Captain Landais brings the Alliance from Nantes to 1' Orient. 159 1779, May 13. Ordered Landais to prepare the Alliance for sea 160 1779, May 22. La Fayette ordered by King to command a regiment ashore instead of the fleet 161 1 779> June 1. Jones wrote and sent money to his sister Elizabeth 162 J 779> June 10. Informed by M. de Chaumont regarding the preparation of the Bonhomme Richard, her officers and crew 163 J 779» J un e 14. M. De Chaumont sent Jones the " Concordat " 164 30. J 779i June 19. Bonhomme Richard, Alliance, Pallas, Cerf, Vengeance sailed from 1' Orient, under command of Capt. John Paul Jones. Convoyed French merchant ships and transports with troops 165 x 779> June 20. At midnight the Alliance "ran afoul" of the Bonhomme Richard; carried away latter's jib boom 166 *779> June 21. The Alliance made prize of a Dutch ship. A privateer cap- tured, but abandoned; superior force in sight 167 I 779> June 23. Jones issued "standing orders" to the fleet 168 x 779> June 29, Chased two frigates. Prepared for action ; they stood away. 30. Consulted with his officers as to chasing 169 J 779» June 30. Thanked officers and men for efforts on 29th 170 Entered Groix to refit. Ordered to cruise on coast of Ireland . . 171 x 779» July I. Reported to Franklin; cruise from June 19 to 30 172 J 779> July 4. Celebrated on board the Bonhomme Richard. Fired two salutes each of 13 guns 173 J 779» July 12. Franklin informed that the Bonhomme Richard is too old to admit of proposed alterations 174 J 779> July 26. Would like to have the Monsieur added to fleet. Jamaica fleet, convoyed by a 50-gun ship and two frigates, may be encountered 175 I 779, July 28. Sent Mr. Lunt and gunner to recruit crew from exchanged prisoners 176 x 779. July 30. Reported sinking at anchor of prize Three Friends 177 1779, Aug. 3. Bonhomme Richard spoken of as having three decks 178 1779, Aug. 7. Mr. Lunt returns with 29 men 179 1779, Aug. 10. Special orders issued to the fleet 180 John Paul Jones Commemoration 171 1779, Au g- I 3- Signed the ''concordat " on eve of departure 181 1779, Aug. 14. The fleet, under Jones's command, sailed from Groix. Con- sisted of Bonhomme Richard, Alliance, Pallas, Cerf, Ven- geance, Granville, and Monsieur 182 1779, Aug. 16. Application made by Jones for affiliation with the lodge of L,es Neuf Soeurs, Paris 183 1779, Aug. 18. Captured the Verwagting. The Monsieur left fleet 184 1779, Aug. 22 Captured Mayflower, Fortune, Betsey, Union, and 1 ship, 5 to Sept. 22. brigs, and 5 sloops 185 1779, Aug. 25. The Cerf and the Granville parted from the fleet 186 1779, Sept. 17. Ivetter written to the chief magistrates of I^eith 187 Released captured fisherman; gave him a passport 188 1779, Sept. — . Liverpool put in a state of defense 189 1779, Sept. 23. Captured H. B. M. S. Serapis and Countess of Scarborough off Flamborough Head, England. After an engagement of nearly four hours, the Serapis, 44 guns, Capt. Richard Pear- son, R. N., surrendered to the Bonhomme Richard, Capt. John Paul Jones. The Countess of Scarborough surrendered to the Pallas and Alliance. When asked by Captain Pear- son if he had struck, Jones replied "in a most decided negative;" or, "I've not yet begun to fight " 190 1779, Sept. 24. Log of the Bonhomme Richard states that the Alliance raked the Bonhomme Richard fore and aft during the latter part of the engagement of 23d 191 Jones transferred his crew to and hoisted his flag as Commo- dore on the captured Serapis 192 Note to log of the U. S. S. Serapis says: "At l / 2 past 12 at night (23d) the Serapis colours were hailed down and some of the Bonhomme Richard's officers and men boarded her." 193 1779, Sept. 25. The Bonhomme Richard sank between 10 and 11 a. m., her flag flying as she went down. Nothing saved but the signal flags. Jones's loss " 50,000 livres " 194 1779, Sept. 26. Master-at-arms of the Bonhomme Richard put in irons for liberating prisoners during the fight, September 23d 195 1779, Oct. 3. Jones anchored his squadron and prizes in the Texel 196 1779, Oct. 5. Reported his arrival to French ambassador at The*Hague 197 J 779) Oct. 6. Captain Pearson, R. N., reported the engagement and his sur- render on September 23 to the British Admiralty Office .... 198 x 779» Oct. 7. Jones left the ship and went to Amsterdam 199 1779, Oct. 9, 13. Sir Joseph Yorke, British ambassador, requested the Dutch Government to hold Jones's prizes as English property 200 1779, Oct. 11. Franklin informed by Jones that he will hold Captain Pearson as hostage for Captain Conyngham's release 201 1779, Oct. 15. Franklin acknowledged receipt of letter of 8th instant. "All Paris and Versailles praising Jones's victory." Directions given regarding Landais. Anxiety regarding prisoners Jones has taken. The prizes sent into Norway arrived safely . 202 T 779» Oct. 19. Captain Pearson complained to Jones of his not having visited him, and wished to know what had been done towards exchange of prisoners 203 1779, Oct. 20. Jones replied to Pearson, and referred to treatment of Captain Conyngham in England. Sick and wounded British to have all the care given to Americans : 204 172 Chronology 1779, Oct. 24. Jones wrote to M. de Chaumont regarding the unaccountable conduct of Landais, September 23d. Thanked M. de Chau- mont for his kindness 205 1779, Oct. 25. Holland refused to agree to Sir J. Yorke's demands regarding Jones's prizes; "will observe a strict neutrality" 206 x 779» Oct. 30. Charges preferred against Landais, signed by "officers of the American squadron in the Texel." Sent to plenipotentiaries at Paris 207 1779, Nov. 4. Jones informed the French minister at The Hague of need of water and squadron supplies 208 Wrote to French ambassador explaining position. Loss of French commission and intention to leave the Texel. British squadron watching for him 209 1779, Nov. 15. Directed by Franklin to turn over to French ambassador at The Hague all prizes and ships of his fleet but the Alliance. 210 1779, Nov. 21. All American officers and men transferred to the 'Alliance. Command of the Serapis turned over to Captain Cottineau by Jones. Captain Pearson exchanged for Captain Con- yngham, who was taken on Alliance 211 x 779» Dec. 1. The Alliance ready, waiting favorable wind to sail 212 1779, Dec. 5. Informed Robert Morris of desire to return to America. Num- ber on list of October 10, 1776, unsatisfactory 213 1779, Dec. 13. Indignantly declined "letter of marque" commission from French ambassador at The Hague 214 J 779» Dec. 16. Declined to visit Dutch admiral on his ship 215 J 779> Dec. 17, Refused to hoist other than American colors on the Alliance. Waiting for pilot 216 1779, Dec. 27. The Alliance sailed from the Texel. Escaped the British fleet outside 217 1779, Dec. 28, Sailed past British fleets in the Downs and off Spithead, show- 29. ing American colors 218 1780, Jan. 1. Got clear of the British Channel 219 Jones wrote some " Lines " in reply to Miss Dumas 220 1780, Jan. 8, Took two prizes; sunk one and sent one to America 221 12. 1780, Jan. 16. Put into Corunna, Spain, for anchor 222 1780, Jan. 28. Sailed from Corunna, French frigate La Sensible, bound for Brest, in company. Before sailing visited by governor; saluted him with 13 guns 223 1780, Feb. 5, Recaptured a French bark from a Guernsey privateer 224 1780, Feb. 10. Alliance arrived at Groix. Convoyed the American merchant ship Livingston into port. Notified Franklin of arrival and repairs needed to the Alliance 225 1780, Feb. 13. Reported to Franklin from l'Orient 226 1780, Feb. 19. Great economy ordered to be observed in refitting the Alliance. Four gentlemen have permission to return to the United States on her. She is to carry arms and ammunition for the United States Government 227 1780, Feb. 25. Jones replied to Franklin that his wishes shall be complied with as far as possible 228 1780, Mar. 12, Franklin informed Landais that he would not give him a ship if he had twenty 229 1780, Apr. 11. Alliance ready to sail for America. Arms and supplies for the American Army all on board. Jones visited Paris 230 John Paul Jones Commemoration 173 16. 1780, June 1780, June 1780, June 1780, June 22. 1780, May 1. Festival in Jones's honor given by the Masonic Lodge of Les Neuf Soeurs, Paris. This lodge ordered Jones's bust to be made by Jean Houdon 231 1780, May Informed that King Louis XVI had awarded him the Order of Military Merit and a gold sword 232 1780, May 30. The King, through M. de Sartine, commended Jones to the Continental Congress 233 1780, June 1. Letter received by Franklin from the American Board of Admiralty dated March 28, 1780, desiring the immediate return of the Alliance 234 Franklin commended Jones to Congress 235 1780, June 13. Jones read his orders to command the Alliance to the crew. Left for Paris. Landais assumed command of Alliance against Franklin's orders. Arthur Lee supported Landais's action 236 Officers and men desiring to remain with Jones went from the Alliance to the Ariel, loaned to America b}' France 237 Jones returned from Versailles. Alliance dropped down to Port Louis 238 Jones informed Franklin of Landais's refusal to obey orders. Stated that he had prevented the French forts from firing on the Alliance, and that she had been towed out 239 Rouel, Parisian artist, desired Jones to sit to him for his portrait 240 The Serapis sold at 1' Orient for 240,000 livres to the King of France 241 1780, June 24. The Alliance sailed for Groix 242 1780, June 25. Commodore Gillen, of South Carolina, visited Jones in regard to men from South Carolina who had been on the Bon- homme Richard 243 1780, June 28. M. de Sartine notified Jones that the King would present to him a gold sword, and the French decoration of the Order of Military Merit. A packet for Chevalier de Luzerne intrusted to Jones's care for transportation to America 244 I^andais ordered not to sail for America without instructions. Requested to send 80 men to assist in equipping the Ariel. He sent 22 245 1780, June 29. An officer sent to the Alliance for more men contemptuously treated by Landais 246 Jones wrote to crew of Alliance 247 Alliance sailed for America * 248 The gold sword presented to Jones. He is received by the King at Versailles. Asked Countess de La Vendahl to be custodian of sword while he was at sea 249 Wrote to Madame de T. explaining affair between Landais and himself at l'Orient 250 The Ariel nearly ready for sea. Jones solicited the interest of the Count de Maurepas and the Count de Vergennes in his plans for active operations 251 The Alliance made Cape Ann 38 days from land to land 252 Jones informed that Count de Maurepas would endeavor to secure vessels and aid for an expedition 253 1780, Aug. 25. Birthday of Louis XVI celebrated on board the Ariel at l'Orient. Two royal salutes fired 254 1780, July 1780, July 1780, July 3- 8. 21. 1780, July 24 1780, Aug. 2. 1780, Aug. 1780, Aug. 13- 15- 174 Chronology 1780, Sept. 2. Jones gave a grand entertainment on the Ariel 255 1780, Sept. 5. Ariel moved to outer harbor of Groix 256 1780, Sept. 8. Jones wrote M. Dumas that at next meeting with Captain Pearson he would "make him a count." (Most biographies say "make a lord of him " 257 1780, Sept. 21. Replied to letter (July 5) in which the Countess de La Ven- dahl declined to be custodian of his sword 258 1780, Oct. 7, The Ariel put to sea 259 1780, Oct. 12. Ariel returned, disabled by storm 260 1780, Oct. 13. Statement of ArieVs officers of disasters caused by storm of 8th, 9th 261 1780, Oct. 26. Franklin notified that all haste will be used to refit Ariel ', and of correspondence with Capt. Thos. Truxtun, of U. S. privateer Independence ', regarding his right to fly a broad pennant, contrary to act of Congress October 29, 1776 262 1780, Dec. 4. Ordered by Franklin to proceed to America with dispatches for Congress. Franklin will use best endeavors to secure prompt payment of prize money 263 1780, Dec. — . Superb entertainment given on the Ariel. Fight between the Bonhomme Richard and Serapis represented 264 1780, Dec. 18. The Ariel sailed for Philadelphia 265 1780, Dec. — . In latitude 26 , longitude of Barbados (6o°), the Ariel engaged and received the surrender of the British frigate Triumph, Capt. John Pindar. She escaped after striking her colors 266 1 781, Feb. 4. Ariel reached Delaware Bay. Col. Henry Fisher, Continental Army, loaned money to Jones for his officers and crew 267 1781, Feb. 18. Ariel arrived at Philadelphia 268 1 781, Feb. 19. Jones ordered to attend Congress on February 26 269 1 78 1, Feb. 20. Required by the Board of Admiralty to reply to 47 questions. . 270 1781, Feb. 27. Congress passed resolutions commending Jones. Praised his brilliant victory. Authorized his acceptance of decoration of Order of Military Merit from Louis XVI 271 1781, Mar. 1. Ariel took part in celebration of ratification of confederation of the States, held at Philadelphia 272 1781, Mar. 17. Franklin replied to Board of Admiralty, explaining the "Con- cordat " 273 1 781, Mar. 21. Jones sent replies to the 47 questions from the Board of Admiralty. About this time he was invested with the Order of Military Merit, became a "Chevalier," and was per- mitted to wear the decoration. The Chevalier de la Luzerne gave, at Philadelphia, a grand entertainment in honor of the event. Board of Admiralty desired Jones's opinion regarding exchange of prisoners on prison ships at New York .... 274 1 78 1, Mar. 28. Board of Admiralty satisfied with Jones's replies; commended him to Congress 275 1 78 1. "Prophecies," etc., "par Paul Jones," published 276 1 781, Apr. 14. Thanks of Congress given to Capt. John Paul Jones, his offi- cers and men 277 T781, May 15. Letter of congratulation from Gen. George Washington 278 1 781, May 28. Jones sent memorial to Congress requesting he be given his right number on list of captains 279 John Paul Jones Commemoration 175 1781, July 1781, July 1781, Aug. 1781, Nov. 1781, Dec. 1781, Dec. 1781, Dec. 1782, May 1782, June 1 781, June 26. Made statement to Board of Admiralty of amount of pay due him from December 7, 1775 (,£"1,400 5s. ) 280 Jones unanimously elected by Congress to command the U. S. ship-of-the-line America, building at Portsmouth, N. H. Rank of admiral proposed 281 1781, June 28. Petitioned Congress for an advance on pay due him, to enable him to pay his debts and proceed to Portsmouth in obedi- ence to orders 282 18. Wrote certificate of merit for Lieut. Richard Dale 283 25. Congress approved accounts; referred him to the Treasury Board for payment 284 — . Left Philadelphia. Visited General Washington at White Plains. Reached Portsmouth late in August 285 29. Jones addressed a public meeting in the town hall, Ports- mouth, N. H 286 13. Appointed by Congress Day of Thanksgiving 287 22. Farewell letter from La Fayette to Jones 288 25. Jones wrote to "Delia " from Philadelphia 289 13. Birth of the Dauphin of France announced. All commanding officers ordered by Congress to celebrate it 290 — . Jones celebrated the birth of the French Dauphin on board the U. S. S. America. Supplied guns and powder at his own expense 291 1782, July 4. Celebrated the Declaration of Independence on board the America 292 1782, July 29. Highly praised and commended by Chevalier de la Luzerne. . 293 1782, Sept. 4. Robert Morris inclosed resolution of Congress September 3, presenting the America to France 294 Description of the America 295 1782, Sept. 22. Memorial from Jones to Congress regarding his position. Made suggestions for the betterment of the Navy. Through Robert Morris asked permission to join French expedition to West Indies with the Marquis de Vaudreuil 296 9. Robert Morris commended his sentiments 297 5. The America launched and delivered to Chevalier de Martigne for France. Jones ordered to superintend her fitting out. Jones about this time made another effort to get the Indien, then at Philadelphia 298 29. Jones's request to join French squadron presented to Congress . 299 4. Request granted, Congress commended his zeal, and recom- mends him to the Marquis de Vaudreuil 300 24. French fleet sailed for the West Indies. Jones on the Tri- omphante , 301 18. French fleet at Port Cabello, waiting for Spanish 302 8. Notice of the declaration of peace received by French fleet . . . 303 20. Jones ill. He sailed from Cape Francois for Philadelphia. Highly praised by French officers 304 18. Jones arrived at Philadelphia 305 17. Attended religious services of Moravians at Bethlehem, Pa. Quieted a disturbance 306 1783, Aug. 21. At Bernam, Pa. Wrote to Maj. J. S. Sherburne at Ports- mouth, N. H., that his health was restored and he might visit that city 307 1782, Oct. 1782, Nov. 1782, Nov. 1782, Dec. 1782, Dec. 1783, Feb. 1783, Apr. 1783, Apr. 1783, May 1783, Aug. 176 Chronology J783, Oct. 10. L,etter to Robert Morris reviewing his naval career and injus- tice done him 308 1783, Oct. 13. Applied for position as United States prize agent in Europe . . 309 18. 1783, Nov. 1. Appointed United States prize agent by Congress; to act under minister plenipotentiary at Paris 310 1783, Nov. 10. Sailed from Philadelphia for Havre on the packet Washington . 311 1783, Nov. 30. Bad weather forced the packet to put into Plymouth, Eng- land. Jones went to London with dispatches 312 1783, Dec. 6. Arrived in Paris 313 1783, Dec. 17. Franklin authorized Jones to receive all prize money due to officers and men of squadron lately under his command in European waters 314 20. In Paris. Presented to Louis XVI by the Mardchal de Cas- tries 315 "Life of Louis XVI," by John Paul Jones, published in Lon- don 316 1. Jones transmitted his credentials to Mar£chal de Castries; hoped for immediate settlement of prize cases 317 10. Informed that amount of prize money due, after all expenses are paid, will be "283,631 1. 13 s." 318 1784, Mar. 25. Letter from Franklin regarding prisoners 319 1784, June — . Prepared to return to America with La Fayette. Delayed by settlement of prizes ; papers not ready 320 1784, Oct. 23. Mardchal de Castries signed prize case papers. Payment delayed 321 1784, Nov. 8. Lady Selkirk informed by Jones that her silver, taken April 23, 1778, had been shipped to London 322 I 7 8 5> J une 2 3- D e Castries urged to settle prize cases. Jones referred to royal auditor at l'Orient 323 ^5^ July — • Left Paris for l'Orient 324 T 7 8 5» July 15- Order for payment of prize money issued 325 J785, July 29. Thomas Jefferson, minister to France, informed of difficulties in settling prize cases ^ 326 T-1%5i July 31. Jones informed Jefferson of actions of Algerines against the United States 327 1785, Aug. 4. Lord Selkirk acknowledged receipt of the silver taken April 23, 1778 328 1785, Sept. — . Prize money amounting to " 181,039 livres r sou iodeniers" paid to Jones for the United States 329 1785, Oct. 8. Proposed to Jefferson that Doctor Bancroft take his place as prize agent to Denmark 330 1785, Dec. 18. Letter from Count d'Estaing praising Jones's "Journal." Refers to his joining the Society of the Cincinnati. One of the original members of the Society of the Cincinnati 331 1786, Jan. 1. Jones presented his "Journal" to King Louis XVI. Thanked his Majesty for honors conferred by him 332 1786, Feb. 28. Jefferson acknowledged receipt of Jones's bust by Htfudon . . . 333 1786, Aug. 12. Balance of prize money after deducting Jones's share, " 112,172 1. 2-4," placed with Jefferson 334 1786, Aug. — . Alliance sold at Philadelphia for $9,750 335 1786, Aug. 29. Jones sent his miniature done in wax to Mrs. Belches, Edin- burgh 336 John Paul Jones Commemoration 177 1786, Sept. 3. Informed Jefferson that " bad health has prevented his setting out for Denmark " 337 1787, spring. Left Paris for Copenhagen to settle prize claims in Denmark. Turned back from Brussels and sailed for the United States . 338 1787, July 18. In New York. Wrote John Jay that he will soon return to Copenhagen. Spent summer in Pennsylvania. Urged Con- gress to do something for relief of Americans in Algiers . . . 339 1787, Sept. 4. Wrote to Madame de T. Sent letter through Thomas Jeffer- son, October 24, 1787 340 1787, Oct. 11. Settlement of prize claims in France approved by Congress. Treasury to pay money ' ' as soon as may be among the captors " 341 1787, Oct. 16. Gold medal ordered by Congress for Jones. To be made in Paris under Jefferson's supervision. King of France to be informed ■ 342 Jones to be bearer of a letter to King of France. To proceed to Denmark as prize agent 343 1787, Oct. 26. Notified by Congress that Jefferson is to manage Danish prize cases, but can appoint Jones or other agent 344 1787, Nov. 11. Sailed from New York; vessel bound for Holland; captain of vessel promised to land him in France. Landed him at Dover. Passed some days in London 345 1787, Dec. 12. Jefferson informed of his being in Paris. Jones desired this may not be made known until after an interview with him . 346 1787, Dec. 20. Announced his arrival at Paris. Was informed that Russia would like to have him command Black Sea fleet. Would not deliver his letters for King until return from Denmark . 347 1788, Jan. 24. Received from Jefferson credentials as agent to Denmark 348 1788, Feb. 1. Interviewed by M. Simolin, minister from Russia to France, at house of Chevalier Littlepage 349 1788, Mar. 4. Cordially welcomed upon arrival at Copenhagen 350 1788, Mar. 11. Reported to Jefferson his arrival and illness 351 1788, Mar. 18. Informed Jefferson of presentation at Danish court 352 1788, Mar. 24. Count Bernstorff informed of his mission to Denmark 353 1788, Mar. 25. Informed Jefferson regarding Russian offer 354 1788, Mar. 30. Prompt reply asked from Denmark as to payment of prize money due United States 355 1788, Apr. 4. Informed by Count Bernstorff that he has not full powers need- ful for a full agreement. Jones awarded a pension of 1,500 crowns a year by Denmark in recognition of respect shown Danish flag when in the North Sea 356 1788, Apr. 5. Count Bernstorff informed that prize claims will be negotiated and settled by Baron de Blome with Jefferson in Paris 357 17S8, Apr. 18. Jefferson informed of the termination of the Danish mission, and that Jones has decided to enter the Russian service 358 1788, Mar. or Grade of captain commandant with rank of major-general Apr. offered Jones by Empress of Russia through Baron Krudner . 359 1788, Apr. 23 Arrived at St. Petersburg after dangerous journey 360 (old style. )« a The dates herein of events connected with Jones's service with Russia are generally "old style," or eleven days earlier than the present "new style " or Gregorian Calendar. — Compiler. 7257—07 12 i 7 8 Ch ro no I o gy 788, Apr. 25. First audience with Empress Catherine II of Russia 361 788, May 2. Jefferson informed General Washington of the invitation to Jones to enter the Russian service 362 788, May 7. Jones left Catherine's palace with a letter from her to Prince Potemkin at St. Elizabeth 363 788, May 19. Arrived at St. Elizabeth ; was ordered to command of Russian fleet in the L,iman 364 788, May 20. Left St. Elizabeth to take command of the naval force at the mouth of the Dnieper River. Set out for Cherson 365 788, May 26. Hoisted his flag as rear-admiral on the Wolodimir 366 788, May 28. Reenforced the fleet of the Prince of Nassau with one of his ships 367 788, May 29. The Russian squadron commanded the passage of the L,iman. 368 788, June 6, Successful engagement with the Turkish fleet. Turks driven 7. back. Jones commanded in person the flotilla of the Prince of Nassau and his own ships 369 788, June 8. Potemkin thanked Jones for his victory of June 7, over the Turks. The Order of St. Anne presented him in recog- nition of this service to Russia 370 788, June 10. Jones thanked Prince Potemkin for his commendation 371 788, June 16. Turks reenforced; advanced to attack 372 788, June 17. Jones engaged the Turks. Captain Pacha driven back 373 788, June 18. Renewed attack by Turks; their vessels driven ashore and burned 374 788, June 20. Potemkin thanked for letter of June 19. Referred to engage- ment of the 16th 375 788, June 28. Jones cut off communication between Oczakow and Beresane. Captured two chaloupes and one batteau laden with powder and shot 376 788, June 29. Jones received a warning letter from Prince Potemkin 377 788, July 1. Jones withdrew frigates by order of Prince Potemkin 378 788, July 10. Ordered by Potemkin to establish blockade between Oczakow and Beresane 379 788, July 14. Jones inspected entrance to the Iyiman 380 788, July 17. Flotilla to be added to Jones's command 381 788, July 18. Jones to send five frigates to be refitted at Glouboca 382 788, July 19. Vessels sent off at daybreak. Thanked by Potemkin 383 788, July 21 Operated against Turkish gunboats. Ran close in under to July 31. Fort Hassan under heavy fire from Turks. Secured one of their gunboats with aid of Lieutenant Edwards 384 788, July 28. Jefferson informed Mr. Cutting of Jones's brilliant victory over the Turks 385 788, Aug. 1. Jones neglected to salute flag of Vice- Admiral Prince of Nassau-Siegen 386 788, Aug. 19 Potemkin proposed by letter that Jones take command of the Sebastopol fleet 387 788, Aug. 29. Requested Jefferson to attend to some private affairs in Paris. Busts to be sent to General St. Clair, Mr. Ross, of Philadel- phia, John Jay, General Irvine, Secretary Thompson, Colonel Wadsworth, of New York, Mr. Madison and Colonel Car- rington, of Virginia .... 388 Madison considered bust an exact likeness 389 1788, Aug. 30. Unsuccessful attack upon Turkish flotilla 390 John P aul J one s Commemoration 179 1788, Sept. 18. Potemkin gave secret orders to attack Turks. Preparations made. Jones ordered to defer operations 391 1788, Oct. 10. Jones to relinquish command of the fleet. lieutenant Ed- wards, one of his officers, failed in attempt to dislodge a gun from one of enemy's ships 392 1788, Oct. 13. Ordered by Potemkin to drive back Captain Pacha. Insinua- tions in wording of letter resented by Jones 393 1788, Oct. 18. Informed that Admiral Mordwinoff had been ordered to super- sede him in command of squadron 394 Ordered by Empress Catherine to proceed to St. Petersburg for service in the North Sea. Order addressed to Jones as vice-admiral 395 1788, Oct. 31. Recommended by Potemkin to Empress Catherine for zeal displayed in her service 396 1788, Nov. 9. Embarked in an open galley for Cherson. Suffered greatly on the journey 397 1788, Nov. 12. Arrived at Cherson; detained there by illness 398 1788, Dec. 6. Proceeded to St. Elizabeth 399 1788, Dec. 28. Arrived at St. Petersburg. Ordered to appear at court 400 1788, Dec. 31. Audience with the Empress Catherine II of Russia 401 1789, Jan. 15. Informed Jefferson of return to St. Petersburg 402 1789, Jan. 20. Proposed alliance between Russia and America against the Algerines and for defense of Mediterranean. Would like command of combined fleet 403 1 789, Feb. 1 . Further propositions of alliance between Russia and America in the Mediterranean 404 1789, Mar. 23. Informed by Jefferson that his letter of January 31 is the only information received from him since he left Copenhagen (about March, 1788) 405 1789, Apr. 13. Forwarded to Prince Potemkin proof of his innocence of a slander against him 406 1789, May 17. Requested permission of Catherine to return to France or America 407 1789, June 6. Requested an interview with Count Besborodko 408 1789, June 27. Informed that he has been granted leave for two years, with all appointments belonging to his military rank, by Her Imperial Majesty 409 1789, July 7. Took leave of Catherine II 410 1789, July 14. Made a third application for interview with Besborodko 411 1789, July 21. Count de Segur defended Jones against slanders. Sent an article to be published in the Gazette de France, vindicating Jones's character 412 1789, July 24. Reviewed campaign of L,iman in letter to Potemkin 413 ~ J7 8 9> July 29. End of the "Journal of the Liman," written for the Empress of Russia by Jones 414 1789, July 30. Informed of his appointments and arrearages by Count Besbo- rodko 415 1789, Sept. — . Left St. Petersburg for Warsaw 416 1789, Sept. 25. Wrote from Warsaw to Empress Catherine. (See letter Feb- ruary 25-March 8, 1791 ) 417 1789, Nov. 2. Informed General Kosciusko that he would leave Warsaw 1 ' this day for Vienna " 418 1789, Dec. 20. Wrote to General Washington from Amsterdam 419 180 Chronology 1789, Dec. 27. Letters to John Ross expressing desire to return to America and purchase a farm, and to Benjamin Franklin inclosing documents from Count de Segur, and recalling the tenth anniversary of sailing of the Allia?ice from the Texel 420 1789, Dec. 29. Justified his conduct in Russia to Baron Krudner 421 1790, Feb. 9. All calumny removed by Count de Segur 422 1790, Mar. 26. Wrote to sister, Mrs. Taylor 423 1790, Apr. — , In England attending to private business. Received with May — . distinction. Returned to Paris 424 1790, July 24. Congratulated Potemkin upon Russian success 425 1 79 1, Feb. 1. Proposed to Gouverneur Morris a plan for attack on India , should Russia and England engage in war 426 1791, Feb. 25. Asked Empress Catherine to cancel his leave if she does not require his service. Sent her his ' ' Journal of the Liman Campaign " 427 1791, Mar. 20. Asked Jefferson to obtain for him from Congress permission to wear the Russian Order of St. Anne, as it will be on bust ordered for North Carolina 428 1791, Mar. 23. Jefferson informed by Chevalier Littlepage of Jones's brilliant work in Russia 429 1791, Apr. 20. Met Lord Daer, son of Lord Selkirk, at dinner 430 1791 , July 4. Called on Gouverneur Morris 43 1 1791, July 9. Sent copy of his bust to Baron Grimm. Referred to inven- tions and styles of war vessels 432 1 791, Aug. 31. Informed by Jefferson that his good conduct required no proof in America. Congress could take no action regarding the wearing of the order 433 1 791, Nov. — . Published "Treatise on the Existing State of the French Navy " 434 1 79 1, Dec. 7. Wrote La Fayette that he is to be presented to Louis XVI as a Russian admiral. Will later present to His Majesty letters from Congress, given him when last in the United States [November, 1787] 435 1792, Mar. 14. Urged upon the French minister of marine the payment of money he advanced for salaries of Bonhomme Richard's crew 436 1792, June 1. "Admiral John Paul Jones's" appointment as United States Commissioner to treat with the Bey of Algiers for the re- lease of captive Americans, confirmed by Congress. In con- formity with act of Congress May 8, 1792 437 1792, July 11. Jones attended the meeting of the National Assembly, Paris. Dined at the Caf e" Timon. Toasted as the ' ■ coming admiral of France " 438 1792, July 18. Admiral John Paul Jones died in Paris at his residence, No. 42 Rue de Tournon. Gouverneur Morris had drawn up his will a few hours previous to his death 439 1792, July 19. M. Le Brun announced Jones's death to the National Assembly (of France). It decreed that a deputation of 12 members attend his funeral. Some of the members proposed to ' ' put him in the Pantheon." Members of the National Assembly wore mourning in his honor 440 M. Beaupoil, French officer, notified Jones's sisters of his death, told them of his will, and sent a schedule of his property 441 John Paul Jones Commemoration 181 1792, July 20. Body put in a leaden coffin to be convenient for removal to the United States when desired. Prominent Americans and French attended funeral. Swiss Protestant " Pasteur" Jules Matron pronounced an oration . Gou verneur Morris ' ' desired that he (Jones) might be buried in a private and economical manner " 442 Thomas Waters Griffith, of Baltimore, Md., was among those present at Jones's funeral. He stated that there was "no priest, no service." "A volley of muskets was fired by soldiers over his grave," which was in "one of the common cemeteries of Paris. " " No priest ' ' doubtless refers to there being no Roman Catholic priest 443 Jones's body deposited in Cemetery for Foreign Protestants at the instance of Gouverneur Morris 444 1792, Aug. 9. Colonel Blackden wrote to Mrs. Taylor, Paul Jones's sister, a full account of his last illness, death, and burial 445 1796, May 20. Information published concerning Jones's shares in the Ohio Company 446 1798. "Citoyen " Andre" published in Paris in French, " Memoires de Paul Jones." (This is the "Journal for the King" so often mentioned. — Compiler. ) 447 A brief, unreliable sketch of the Life of Paul Jones, published in New York by ' ' Duyckinck " 448 — . Niles's Register published first installment of an English translation of Andre's Memoires 449 1. Niles's Register published a notice that the New York His- torical Society will be furnished, by Jones's niece, with origi- nal papers from which to prepare a biography. About the the same date Col. J. H. Sherburne advertised for data for same purpose 450 824, Aug. 7. Niles's Register tells of the finding of 414 Jones's original let- ters and documents in a " huckster's shop" in New York. They were placed in the hands of a Mr. Wiley; later, through a Mr. Ward, came into the possession of Col. J. H. t Sherburne 45 1 Colonel Sherburne published first edition of the ' ' Life of the Chevalier John Paul Jones " 452 28. Niles's Register stated that the Journal of John Paul Jones was to be published in Portsmouth, N. H 453 Memoirs of Paul Jones, published by Oliver & Boyd in Edin- burgh, from papers in the possession of Jones's family. (Known as the Janette Taylor edition) 454 A Life of John Paul Jones, published in New York by R. C. Sands 455 183 1. Lieut. A. B. Pinkham, U. S. Navy, while traveling in Scot- land, visited the birthplace of Jones, and had the house in which Jones was born restored at his own expense. Miss Janet Taylor, niece of Jones, gave Lieutenant Pinkham the miniature now at the United States Naval Academy, in recog- nition of his kindness 456 1831, June 13. William P. Taylor, nephew of John Paul Jones, appointed midshipman United States Navy, died December 14, 1836. . 457 182 Chronology 1834, June 30. Congress authorized that a frigate be named John Paul Jones. Not carried out 458 1837, Feb. 28. Col. J. H. Sherburne discovered an unpaid balance of $50,000 in the United States Treasury due to Jones, his officers and men for prizes captured 459 1839, Feb. 18. Letters of administration granted by the orphan's court of the District of Columbia to Colonel Sherburne to enable him to carry out the instructions of Congress regarding the money due for prizes taken by Jones's squadron 460 1841. Capt. A. vS. Mackenzie, U. S. Navy, published a "Life of John Paul Jones " 461 1844, Jan. 31. Heirs of Jones petitioned Congress for land in Virginia that had belonged to him 462 1845. Hon. George Bancroft, Secretary of the Navy, asked by Col- onel Sherburne to grant permission for the remains of Jones to be brought to the United States in a man-of-war return- ing from the Mediterranean. No reply given to the request. 463 1846. J. Fenimore Cooper, published a brief life of Jones. This was followed by sketches of the naval hero by many authors. . . 464 1847, Dec. 28. Colonel Sherburne wrote to Hon. R. Rush, minister to France, with regard to removal of Jones's remains 465 1848, Jan. 3. Mr. Rush replied that he would give Colonel Sherburne any aid in his power in the removal, from Paris for interment in Congressional Cemetery, Washington, D. C. , of Jones's body . 466 1848, Mar. 21. Congress authorized the payment of arrears of pay and prize money to John Paul Jones's heirs 467 1848, July 6. Appropriation for payment of balance of $50,000 to heirs of Jones, his officers and men, and the Danish claim, $150,000, finally made 468 1851, Jan. 27. Secretary of the Navy informed that a revolution in France had prevented Colonel Sherburne from bringing back remains. Asked to be allowed to bring them on the U. S. frigate St. Lawrence when she returned to the United States. Americans in Liverpool had subscribed $300 toward a fund for reinterment 469 185 1, Jan. 30. Capt. Joshua R. Sands ordered to transport Jones's remains on the St. Lawrence upon his return from Southampton to New York 470 1851, Jan. 30. Department informed Colonel Sherburne of orders given to Captain Sands 471 1 85 1, Feb. 20, Colonel Sherburne to accompany remains on board the St. 21. Lawrence upon her return voyage 472 185 1, May 6. Captain Sands notified Colonel Sherburne from Southampton that he was ready to receive the remains and to sail 473 Mr. N. Billings, attorney for F. K. Lowden, and legal repre- sentative of Jones's heirs in Scotland, notified Colonel Sher- burne that he had taken steps to prevent removal of remains . 474 1 851, May 16. Mr. Billings apologized to Colonel Sherburne. Wrote "will be glad to aid in search for remains " 475 1 85 1, May 19, Correspondence between Colonel Sherburne at Paris, and 27. Captain Sands at Lisbon, regarding Mr. Billings's interfer- ence. Sands regretted that he could not have the honor of conveying the body of Jones to United States 476 John Paul Jones Commemoration 183 1851, July 14. The Secretary of the Navy, Hon. Wm. A. Graham, informed that Colonel Sherburne's search of the records of Paris and the files of the Moniteur showed that the Protestant Ceme- tery in the rear of the Hotel Dieu, where John Paul Jones was supposed to have been buried, had been sold and all bones removed to catacombs. Mr. Billings assisted in the search 477 1851, August. Colonel Sherburne in New York, sent to Hon. Wm. A. Gra- ham a copy of the second edition of his ' ' L4f e and Charac- ter of John Paul Jones," recently published 478 1852, June 5. Death of Col. J. H. Sherburne, Washington, D. C 479 1859. M. Charles Read, discovered entry in an old burial register, of interment of Jones in (Dutch) Foreign Cemetery in northeast part of Paris. Made copy from register 89, 1799. . 480 i86t, July 29. Congress requested a statement of proportion of fund due heirs of John Paul Jones 481 1861, Aug. 6. Secretary of Treasury submitted to Congress statement of prize money due to officers and seamen of the Bonhomme Richard and Alliance. To Bonhomme Richard, 191,024.34; to the Alliance, $74,574.03 482 1862, Jan. 3. Above statements presented to Congress 483 1862. U. S. S. Paul Jones built and put in service 484 1869, Dec. — . Charles Dickens made the erroneous statement that the remains of John Paul Jones had been brought to the United States on the St. Lawrence in 185 1, for interment in the Congres- sional Cemetery at Washington, D. C 485 1899, July 31. Hon. John Hay, Secretary of State, informed that Mr. Charles Read (antiquary) had made a copy of the burial register destroyed in 1871 486 1905, Feb. 9. Gen. Horace Porter, United States ambassador to France, announced that he had located the burial place of John Paul Jones 487 1905, Feb. 14. President Roosevelt transmitted General Porter's report to Congress. Recommended appropriation of $35,000 to defray expense of search in Cemetery St. Louis (no such appro- priation was made). Also recommended an appropriation for monuments to John Paul Jones and John Barry 488 1905, Feb. 22. At banquet in Paris General Porter stated that after a search of five years he had found the long-sought site 489 1905, Apr. 14. Ambassador Porter cabled to Washington that John Paul Jones's body had been found and identified by French scientists 49° 1905, June 15. A silk flag presented to Rear-Admiral Sigsbee by the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution Society to be used in con- nection with the return of Jones's remains. Afterwards to be hung in Continental Hall, Washington, D. C 491 1905, June 18. Squadron under command of Rear-Admiral C. D. Sigsbee, sailed for France to bring John Paul Jones's body to the United States 492 1905, July 6. Body of John Paul Jones delivered by Ambassador Porter to Assistant Secretary of State Loomis, and by him delivered to Rear-Admiral Sigsbee in the American Church of the Holy Trinity, Rue de l'Alma, Paris, with appropriate cere- monies 493 1 84 Ch rono logy 1905, July 8. The United States squadron, under command of Rear- Admiral Sigsbee, sailed from Cherbourg for the United States 494 1905, July 23. Rear-Admiral Sigsbee's squadron, the Brooklyn, Galveston, Chattanooga, and Tacoma, convoyed by the Alabama, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Iowa, and the French cruiser Jurien de la Graviere, dropped anchor off Annapolis, Md. 495 1905, July 24. Body of John Paul Jones placed in brick vault, Naval Academy grounds, Annapolis, with religious and military ceremonies. 496 1905, Sept. 23. Tablet erected on Badgers (formerly Langdons) Island, in harbor of Portsmouth, N. H., in "Memory of the Conti- nental sloop Ranger" 497 1905, Oct. — . Gen. Horace Porter's account of the finding of John Paul Jones's body published in the Century Magazine 498 1905. Report of Gen. Horace Porter in Foreign Relations 499 1905, Dec. 4, 6. Bills introduced in Congress by Senator Lodge and Repre- sentative Currier for the erection of a monument to John Paul Jones in Washington, D. C 500 1906, Feb. 1. The John Paul Jones Club of Portsmouth, N. H., desired Masonic honors at final interment or commemoration of Jones 501 1906, Apr. 24. Commemorative ceremonies held in the armory of the Naval Academy, Annapolis. Casket containing the body was taken from brick vault to armory, and at close of cere- monies was deposited in Bancroft Hall. The military escort was composed of officers and men from the French and American squadrons in the harbor, the midshipmen of the Naval Academy, and two troops of United States cavalry, under command of Col. A. P. Hatfield. Masonic services were held at Portsmouth, N. H., Kittery and Berwick, Me., and Alexandria, Va., on the same day 502 1906, May 9. Joint Resolution extending the thanks of Congress to General Horace Porter for recovery of the body of John Paul Jones . 503 1906, June 8. Bill for the erection of monument to John Paul Jones ap- proved 504 1906, June 11. Portrait of John Paul Jones, painted by Miss Cecelia Beaux, presented to the Naval Academy by the class of 188 1 505 1906, June 29. Concurrent resolution of Congress provided for printing 11,000 copies of addresses, etc. , of the commemorative services at Annapolis, Md. , April 24, 1906 506 1907, Jan. 30. Bill introduced in Congress to establish September 23, to be observed in the Navy, as Paul Jones Day 507 1907, Mar. 1. Letter, signed "Chevr. Paul Jones," to Board of Admiralty, stating amount of pay due him from December 7, 1775, to June 26, 1781, sold at auction in New York for $142.50 508 John Paul Jones Commemoration 185 LIST OF AUTHORITIES CONSULTED Me"moires de Paul Jones, edited by "Citoyen Andr6," Paris, 1798. Life of Celebrated Paul Jones, published by E. Duyckinck, New York, 1809. Niles's Weekly Register. Life and Character of John Paul Jones, by Col. J. H. Sherburne, 1825, 185 1. Memoirs of Rear-Admiral Paul Jones, published Edinburgh, 1830. Life of John Paul Jones, by R. C. Sands, New York, 1830. Life of John Paul Jones, by A. S. Mackenzie, U. S. Navy, 1841. Life of John Paul Jones and History of U. S. Navy, by J. F. Cooper. Paul Jones, Founder of the American Navy, by A. C. Buell. Commodore Paul Jones, by C. T. Brady. Paul Jones, by M. E. Seawell. Congressional Records. American Archives. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12. Jefferson's Complete Works, vols. 1, 2, 3. Naval Chronicle, by Goldsborough, vol. 1. Files and Records of Navy Department. Stevens Facsimiles, Library of Navy Department. Life of Esek Hopkins, by Field. Life of John Barry, by Griffin. Diary of Dr. Ezra Green. Life of Com. Tucker, by Sheppard. A Relic of the Revolution, by Rev. R. Levesey. (Herbert's Diary.) My Scrapbook of the French Revolution (T. W. Griffith), by Mrs. Latimer. History of the Flag and History of the Portsmouth Navy-Yard, Preble. United States Navy, 1775-1853, Emmons. Original Commission of 1792 in Kane collection, New York, and original draft in Library of Congress. Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris. Calendar of John Paul Jones' Manuscripts in the Library of Congress, 1903. Copies of Logs of the Ranger, Bonhomme Richard, Serapis, Alliance, and Ariel. Type-written copy of Letter-Book of John Paul Jones, Naval Academy, vols. 1, 2, 3. Type-written copy of original logs and correspondence preserved at St. Marys Isle, in the Charter-room of Lord Selkirk's house. John Paul Jones Miscellany, vols. 1, 2, 3. This includes pamphlets, magazine articles, and copies of original correspondence in Navy Department Library. Letter from Miss Janette Taylor to James Fenimore Cooper, October 28, 1843, published in Proc. U. S. Naval Institute, June, 1907. National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C, June 7, 1852. A number of encyclopedias and French and English Histories. Dictionnaire Larousse, old and new editions. Report of Gen. Horace Porter. 186 Chronology SPECIFIC REFERENCES i. Mackenzie, vol. i, p. 2. Memoirs, 1830, vol. 1, p. 1. 2-3. Mackenzie, vol. r, p. 8. Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 5, 6. 4. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 9. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 7. 5. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 10. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 7. 6-7. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 11. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 7. 8. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 15. 9. John Paul Jones Miscellany, vol. 1, No. 3; vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 6. 10. Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 8, 12. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 12. 11-15. Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 9-1 1, 13, 17, 18. Mackenzie, vol. 1, pp. 13-15, 17. 16. Junius Davis pamphlet and letters from A. and W. Jones, John Paul Jones Misc., vol. 3. Proc. U. S. Naval Institute, June, 1907. 17. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 1, No. 3; vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 6. 18-23. Buell, vol. 1, pp. 24-32. 24. American Archives, series 4, vol. 4, p. 360. 25. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 28. 26. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. 1, p. 281. Sherburne, [851, p. 11. 27. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 30. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 23. Sands, p. 305 (letter dated Oct. 10, 1783). Sherburne, 1851, p. 17. 28. Life of Esek Hopkins, Field, p. 98. Biographies of Jones. 29. American Archives, series 4, vol. 4, p. 964. 30-32. Mackenzie, vol. 1, pp. 25, 26, 28. Memoirs, pp. 32, 34. Sherburne, 1851, p. 12. 33. Emmons, U. S. Navy, 1775-1853, p. 41. Sherburne, 1851, p. 13. 34. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 28. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 13. Buell, vol. 1, p. 50. 35. American Archives, series 4, vol. 5, p. 932. 36. Calendar John Paul Jones Manuscripts, Lib. Cong., p. 10. 37-38. American Archives, series 4, vol. 6, pp. 418,511. Sherburne, 1851, p. 16. 39. American Archives, series 4, vol. 6, p. 511. 40. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 19. 41. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 36. 42-43. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 36. American Archives, series 4, vol. 6, pp. 820, 844, 972. 44. American Archives, series 4, vol. 6, p. 980. 45. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 37. Memoires (Andr£), p. 7. 46. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 37. Memoires (Andr6), p. 7. Sands, p. 306. 47. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 37. 48. American Archives, series 5, vol. 1, p. 977. 49-50. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 29. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 38. 51-52. Emmons, U. S. Navy, 1775-1853, p. 43. Sherburne, 1851, p. 22. 53. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 21. 54. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. II, p. 381. 55. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 22. 56-58. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 26. American Archives, series 5, vol. 2, pp. 1194, 1303. Vol. 3, p. 491. 59-63. Emmons, U. S. Navy, 1775-1853, p. 43. American Archives, series 5, vol. 3, p. 1282. 64. Sands, p. 41. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 42. 65. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 27. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 42. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 32. 66. Sherburne, 1851, p. 27. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 15. John Paul Jones Commemoration 187 67-68. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 42. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 35. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 17. 69-70. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 42. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 35. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 19. 71-72. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. Ill, p. 71. 73. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 20. Sands, p. 66. 74. Buell, vol. 1, p. 71. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 119. 75. Sherburne, 1851, p. 41. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 23. 76. Sherburne, 1851, p. 37. Mdmoires (Andr6), p. 17. Memoirs, vol. 1, pp. 53. 54- 77-78. Sherburne, 1851, pp.37, 38. 79. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. Ill, p. 194. 80. Calendar J. P.J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 23. Sherburne, p. 38. 81. Calendar. J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 25. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 142. 82-83. J- P- J- Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 137; vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 452, 453. 84. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 40. 8 5- J- P- J- Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 141. 86. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 57. Mernoires (Andr6), p. 18. 87. Buell, vol. 1, p. 82. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 33. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 47. 88. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 48. History Portsmouth Navy-Yard (Preble), p. 14. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 30, MSS. copy. 89. Log of Ranger, p. 1. Emmons, U. S. Navy 1775-1853, p. 45. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 31. 90. Log Ranger, p. 4. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 33. Mernoires (Andre), p. 18. 91. Buell, vol. 1, p. 86. 92. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 173. 93. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 44. 94. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 56. 95. Log Ranger, p. 16. B. F. Stevens Facsimiles, 759. 96. Log Ranger, p. 19. 97-98. Log Ranger, p. 19. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 33. 99. Log Ranger, p. 20. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 36. 100. Mackenzie, vol. 1, pp. 54, 55. 1 101-103. Log Ranger, pp. 25, 26, 29. 104-106. Letter Book of John Paul Jones at U. S. Naval Academy, pt. 1, pp. 9, 14, 15. 107. Log Ranger, p. 34. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 36. 108. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 37, 48. Log Ranger, p. 35. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 37. 109-111. Log Ranger, pp. 37,38. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 37. Letter Book of J. P. J.,pt. 1, pp. 37,48. 112-113. Log Ranger, p. 39. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 38. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 23,39. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 44-45- 114. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, p. 37. Ezra Green's Diary, pp. 39, 40. Manu- scripts from St. Mary's Isle. 115. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 44, 45. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 40. 116-118. Log Ranger, pp. 41,46. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 21, 22. Manu- scripts from St. Mary's Isle. 1 19-120. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, p. 37. Sherburne, 1851, p. 51. 121. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, p. 33. 122-123. Log Ranger, p. 48. 188 Chronology 124-128. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 37, 56, 58, 60, 64. 129. Sherburne, 1851, p. 70. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 44. 130. Life of Commodore Samuel Tucker (Sheppard), pp. 290-291. 131. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 108. Sands, p. 114. 132. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, p. 83. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 42. Sands, p. 118. 133. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 329. 134. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 43. 135-139. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 1, pp. 95, 96, 105-109. Sands, p. 124. 140. Ezra Green's Diary, p. 44. 141-142. Buell, vol. 1, pp. 132, 136. 143-144. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 2, 151, 162. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 74, 77. Memoires (Andr6), pp. 49-52. 145. Sherburne, 1851, p. 62. 146. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 2, pp. 187, 189. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 79, 81. 147. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 83. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, pp. 241, 282. 148. Memoires (Andr6), pp. 49, 57. Sherburne, 1851, p. 66. 149. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 85. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 225. 150. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 86. 151. Buell, vol. 1, p. 139. 152. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 233. Vol. 3, No. 13. 153. Sherburne, 1851, p. 87. 154. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 282. Calendar J. P. J., MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 82. American Catholic Historical Researches, July, 1905. ^S-^ 6 - Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 89, 90. 157. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 290. 158. Sherburne, 1851, p. 91. 159. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 1. 160. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 297. 161. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 91. 162. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 156. 163-164. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 93, 94, 200. Buell, vol. 1, pp. 175-178. 165. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 12. 166. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 13. 167. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 13. 168. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 312. 169. Log Bonhomme Richard, pp. 17, 18. 170. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 314. 171. Sherburne, 1851, p. 95. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 158. 172. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 315. 173. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 19. 174-175. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, pp. 323, 332. Sherburne, 1851, p. 98. 176. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 22. 177. Letter Book of J. P. J., pt. 3, p. 339. 178-179. Log Bonhomme Richard, pp. 23, 24. 180-181. Sherburne, 1851, p. 104. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 153. 182. Memoires (Andr6), p. 71. Log Bonhomme Richard, p. 26. 183. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, pp. 22-23. 184-185. Emmons, U. S. Navy, 1775-1853, p. 47- 186. Sherburne, 1851, p. 109. 187. Sherburne, 1851, p. 106. Sands, p. 172. 188. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 171. J o h ?i Paul Jones Commemoration 189 189. Liverpool Privateers, pp. 223, 262. 190-191. Log Bonhomme Richard, pp. 46, 47. Memoires (Andr6), pp. 77-102. Sherburne, 1851, p. 114. 192-193. Log U. S. S. Serapis, pp. 1,3. 194. Memoires (Andr£), p. 103. Biographies. 195-196. Log U. S. S. Serapis, pp. 3, 10. Sherburne, 1851, p. 120. 197-198. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 124, 174. 199. Log U. S. S. Serapis, p. 11. 200. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 216. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 203. Sherburne, p. 128. 201. Sherburne, p. 175. 202. Sherburne, p. 176. 203-205. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 177-179. 206. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 218. 207. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 156. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 225. 208. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 230. 209. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 210. 210. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 235. 211. Log U. S. S. Serapis, p. 30. Log U. S. S. Alliance, p. 34. 212-213. Mackenzie, vol. 1, pp. 241, 242. 214. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 217. 215-216. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 247. 217. hog Alliance, p. 44. 218. Log Alliance, p. 45. Mackenzie, p. 253. 219-220. Mackenzie, vol. 1, pp. 255, 257. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 184, 335. 221-224. Log Alliance, pp. 55, 60, 65, 68, 76. 225. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 185. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 260. 226-228. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 185, 189, 190. 229. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 173. 230. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 15. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 144. 231. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 23. 232-233. Mdmoires (Andr£), p. 123. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 35. Sherburne, 1851, P- 193. 234-235- Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 151. Sherburne, p. 195. 236. Log Alliance, p. 108. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 38, 41. Memoirs, pp. 244, 245. 237. Log Alliance, p. 109. 238. hog Ariel, p. in. 239. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 247. 240. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 154. 241-243. hog Ariel, pp. 11 1, 112. 244. B. F. Stevens Facsimiles, No. 727. Sands, p. 279. Memoires (Andr£), p. 198. 245-246. Log Ariel, p. 113. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 58. 247. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 157. 248. Relic of the Revolution (Herbert), p. 242. 249. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 61-62. Letter from Mr. R. Dale, February 15, 1907. Files Navy Department Library, No. 3739. 250-251. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 204, 208. 252. Relic of the Revolution (Herbert), p. 242. 253. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 209. Memoires (Andr£), p. 199. 254-255- hog Ariel, pp. 129, 131. 256. Log Ariel, p. 132. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 65. 257. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 166. 190 Chronology 258. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 332. 259. Log Ariel, p. 141. 260. Log Ariel, p. 144. 261. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 170. 262. Sands, p. 298. Calendar J. P. J MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 172. 263. Sands, p. 299. 264. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 76-77. Brady, p. 297. 265-266. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 213. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 78, 79. Memoires (Andre), P- 139- 267. (H. Res. 411), introduced April 21, 1906, 59th Congress, 1st sess. 268. Memoirs, vol. 1, p. 269. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 82. 269. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 29. 270-271. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 32. 272. History of Philadelphia (Scharf & Westcott), vol. 1, p. 415. 273-274. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 198-201, 215. 275. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 70. 276. Library, Navy Department, 035:48. 277. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 71. 278. Calendar J. P. J. MSS. Lib. Cong., p. 177. 279-280. Sands, pp. 327, 330. 281. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 109. 282. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 95. 283. Sherburne, 1851, p. 357. 284. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 124. 285. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 96. 286. Buell, vol. 2, p. 77. Rambles about Portsmouth (Brewster). 287. New Hampshire Gazette, Nov. 17, 1781. New Hampshire State Papers, vol. viii, p. 915. Files Library, Navy Dept., No. 3150. 288. Memoires (Andr£), p. 206. 289. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 322. 290. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, pp. 289, 290. 291. Memoires (Andr£), p. 159. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 100. 292. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 101. Rambles about Portsmouth (Brewster). 293. Memoires (Andr£), p. 162. 294. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VII, p. 343. Sherburne, 1851, p. 229. 295. History of Portsmouth Navy-Yard (Preble), p. 15. 296-297. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 230, 234. 298. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 106-109. History Portsmouth Navy-Yard, p, 17. 299. Sherburne, 1851, p. 234. 300. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VIII, p. 18. 301-304. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 235-237. Memoires (Andr£), pp. 169, 173, 174. Mac- kenzie, vol. 2, pp. 117, 119, 121, 268, 269. 305. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 123. 306. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 3, No. 12. 307. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 360. 308. Sands, p. 304. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 187. 309-310. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. VIII, p. 335. Sherburne, 1851, p. 238. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 127. 311-312. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 128. Memoires (Andr£), p. 177. 313-315. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 129. Memoires (Andr£), p. 178. 316. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 56. 317. Sherburne, 1851, p. 240. John Paul /ones Commemoration 191 318. Memoires (Andr6), p. 181. 319. Sherburne, 1851, p. 247. 320-321. Memoires (Andre), pp. 183-184. 322. Letters and Documents at St. Mary's Isle. 323. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 250. 324. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 134. 325-327. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 252-254, 261. 328. Letters and Documents at St. Mary's Isle. 329. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 2, p. 1. Sherburne, 1851, p. 261. 330. Sherburne, 1851, p. 267. 331. Sherburne, 1851, p. 57, Letter from Asa Bird Gardiner, J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 3. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 190. 332. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 194. 333. Sherburne, 1851, p. 257. 334. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 2, p. 1. 335. History of Philadelphia (Scharf & Westcott), vol. 1, p. 441. 336. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 48. Letter from Captain John S. Barnes, File No. 1137, Library, Navy Department. 337-339. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 261, 269. 340. Sherburne, 1851, p. 337, Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 195. 341. Sherburne, 1851, p. 266. Journals of Congress (Folwell), vol. xn, pp. 133. 135. 342-344. Journals of Congress (Folwell) vol. xn, pp. 138,145. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 272, 274, 345. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 163. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 4. 346. Sherburne, 1851, p. 275. Calendar J. P. J. MSS., Lib. Cong., p. 196. 347. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 4. 348-350. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 6. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 165. 351-358. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 279, 280, 284, 285. Sands, pp. 381-389. 359. Sands, p. 387. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 173. 360-361. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 180. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 10. 362. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 2, p. 372. 363-384. Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 11-65. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 184-206. Sherburne, 1 85 1, pp. 287-296. 385. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 2, p. 411. 386-387. Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 66, 68. 388-389. Sherburne, 1851, p. 297, and preface (letter from James Madison). 390-401. Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 70-96. Mackenzie, vol. 2, pp. 204-218. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 300-301. 402-403. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 301, 302. 404. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 97. 405-409. Memoirs, pp. 101, 150, 163, 172, 176. 410. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 237. 411-417. Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 174, 182, 224, 117, 180, 184, 231. 418-423. Memoirs, vol. 2, pp. 196, 203, 213, 211, 292. 424. Manuscript from St. Mary's Isle. 425. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 224. Sherburne, 1851, p. 311. 426. Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, vol. 1, p. 378. 427. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 231. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 314. 428-429. Sherburne, 1851, pp. 316, 319. 430. Manuscript from St. Mary's Isle. 431. Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, vol. 1, pp. 407, 429. 192 Chronology 432. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 265. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 237. 433. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 3, p. 293. 434. Buell, vol. 2. p. 292-295. 435. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 298. 436. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 300. 437. Jefferson's Complete Works, vol. 3, p. 431. American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. 1, p. 290. 438. Buell, vol. 2, pp. 312-313. 439. Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, vol. 1, p. 555; vol. 2, p. 45. Sher- burne, 1 85 1 ; p. 338. 440. Sherburne, 1851, preface, letter from Thomas Jefferson, p. 338. Files of Le Moniteur. Buell, vol. 2, pp. 322-325. 441. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 307. 442. Mackenzie, vol. 2, p. 280. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 311. Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, vol. 2, pp. 45, 46. 443. "My Scrap-book of the French Revolution" (Griffith), Latimer, p. 21. 444. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 1, No. 6. Buell, vol. 2, p. 324. " My Scrap-book, etc." (Griffith), Latimer, p. 21. 445. Memoirs, vol. 2, p. 309. Sands, p. 542. 446. Sands, p. 598. 447. "M^moires de Paul Jones, par le citoyen Andre\ Paris, An VI, 1798." 448. Life of Paul Jones. B. Duyckinck, New York, 1809. 449. Niles's Register, vol. 2, p. 230. 450. Niles's Register, vol. 18, p. 320; vol. 27, p. 150. 451. Sherburne, 1825. Introduction, p. viii. Memoirs, vol. 1, preface. Niles's Register, vol. 26, p. 369. 452. Life and Character of the Chevalier John Paul Jones, City of Washington, 1825. 453. Niles's Register, vol. 32, p. 15. 454. Memoirs of Paul Jones, Edinburgh, 1830. 455. Life of John Paul Jones. R. C. Sands, New York, 1830. 456. Mackenzie, vol. 1, p. 5; vol. 2, p. 26, footnotes. 457. Navy Registers and files Bureau Navigation, Navy Department. 458. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 373. Statutes at Large, vol. 4, p. 724. 459-460. Sherburne, 185 1, pp. 364-366. Files Navy Department. Copies in Library. 461. Life of Paul Jones, A. S. Mackenzie, U. S. N., Boston, 1841. 462. House Report 115, 28th Cong., 1st sess., vol. 1. Mackenzie, vol. 2, appen- dix, p. 305. 463. Sherburne, 185 1, p. 369. 464. Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers, J. F. Cooper, 1846. 465-466. Sherburne, pp. 369, 370. 467. 9 Stat. L., p. 214. 430. Sherburne, 1851, p. 368. 469-477. Files Navy Department (Correspondence with Col. J. H. Sherburne and Capt. Joshua Sands, U. S. N. Copies in Library). See also Sherburne, 1851, p. 369. 478. Files Navy Department. 479. National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C, June 7, 1852. 480. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 1, No. 6. Vol. 2, pt. 1, pp. 59, 61. 481-483. Senate Executive Document No. 11, 37th Cong., 2d sess. 484. U. S. Navy Registers, 1862-1867. 485-496. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. I, pp. 59-128. John Paul Jo 71 es Commemoration 193 497. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 198. 498. Century Magazine, October, 1905. 499. Foreign Relations, 1905. 500. Senate, Public Act 685; H. R. Bill 179, 59th Congress, 1st sess. 501-502. J. P. J. Miscellany, vols. 1, 2, 3. 503. 34 Stat. L.,p. 829. 504. 34 Stat. L., p. 224. June 8, 1906. 505. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 3. 506. Concurrent Resolution, House of Representatives, No. 30, 59th Congress, 1st sess. 507. H. R. Bill 25516, 59th Congress, 2d sess. 508. J. P. J. Miscellany, vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 48.* 7257—07 13 APPENDIX LETTER FROM UNITED STATES CONSUL-GENERAL GOWDY TO REPRESENTATIVE LANDIS Rushviu,3, Indiana, May 26, 1907. My dear Mr. Landis: It gives me much pleasure to enclose to you a copy of my letter to you of Jan. 2nd, 1899, in answer to yours of November 25, 1898. I had two copies made at the time I wrote you thinking that at some time in the future I might want the copy for a special purpose. In fact, Charley, when I dictated the letter it occurred to me that it was rather a good letter, please excuse me for saying so much to you. From the date of the receipt of your letter I was actively engaged, through several different channels trying to locate the body, and last resting place of the founder of the American Navy, John Paul Jones. One of my representatives located the grave, and so reported to me, but at the same time said an agent of General Horace Porter obtained the same facts and information the previous day. This closed my further investigation. General Porter and myself always worked in perfect harmony in everything. To General Porter is due the credit of finding the body of the greatest Naval Hero of his day, John Paul Jones. My desire to do a kindness for you and at the same time perform a patriotic duty for my Government, caused me to give time and expense in an effort to recover the neglected remains of one of America's greatest heroes. Assuring you of my great pleasure in complying with your request, I am faithfully yours, John K. Gowdy. Hon. Chas. B. IvANDis, Delphi, Indiana. [Enclosure.] Paris, January 2, i8gg. Dear Sir: There are in the catacombs bones representing six million people. After all the research I have made I very much fear that the remains of John Paul Jones lie in the Catacombs, but have learned nothing positive to that effect. I am still trying to get some information, if possible, and if I succeed will write you at once. I learn from his biography that "his remains were placed in a leaden coffin, for the convenience of their removal in case the United States should ever claim them for burial," but unfortunately our Government never did so. It does seem strange that we have not identified ourselves in gratitude to him who fought our battles at sea in our struggle for independence, and who was the first to secure our recognition as a Republic. " His achievement of glorious deeds commends itself to the gratitude of the country. Every thoughtful American citizen can not but feel the deepest regret that we have shown no interest in his resting place. The graves of other heroes of the Rev- olution have been marked, and honor paid. Washington's tomb is as familiar as 195 196 Appe?idix his deeds; and not a week passes but American citizens inscribe their names on the visitor's book at the little cemetery of Picpus and pay their respects at the grave of General La Fayette. John Paul Jones' love of liberty and devotion to the United States Government and its principles, were the strongest passions of his life. Besides fighting our battles he identified himself in many ways with our Government, that in the past century should have called forth as for other heroes of the Revolution the praise and admiration of a grateful people. 1 . As Lieutenant of the Alfred he hoisted the first American flag that was ever displayed. 2. So closely is he connected with the flag so dear to us that in the same resolution to Congress that made "the flag of the thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the Union be thirteen states, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." John Paul Jones was also appointed Commander of the Ranger, the best ship in the service, and over which he was no doubt the first to hoist the new flag. 3. He received the first salute ever given to American Independence, that being given by the French fleet at Quiberon Bay three years before the surrender of Cornwallis. 4. He paid off the crews of the Alfred and the Providence from his own resources and left the United States on the Ranger 1,000 ($5,250.00) pounds in advance to the U. S. Government. 5. He fought with a true love of liberty, and during the revolution devoted himself wholly to the interest and honor of America. He afterwards fought under other flags, but always remained true to the U. S. Government, and one of the last efforts of his life was to secure the liberation of American seamen in Algiers. 6. He won several titles and delighted in being recognized by them. He said "Rank opens the door to glory," but he never renounced the glorious title of citizen of the United States. In making his last will and testament he chose not to call himself Lieutenant, Captain, Admiral, or Chevalier, but "I, John Paul Jones, an American citizen." He went in dangerous ways for us, displaying loyalty and courage in great deeds that astonished the age. He certainly deserves a fitting memorial as the great hero that he was, and the founder of our American navy, which by the master ability of Perry, Farragut, Dewey, Sampson, and Schley has won the admiration of the world. I am faithfully yours, Hon. Chas. B. Landis, M. C, Delphi, Indiana. John K. Gowdy. [Inclosure C of Report of Rear-Admiral Sigsbee.] FRENCH OFFICERS AND OFFICIALS WHO TOOK PART IN THE CEREMONIES AT PARIS The American train arrived at the Gare des Invalides at 11.50 a. m. At the station: Capt. Andre, French navy, representing the minister of marine; Lieut, de Grancey, French navy; Capt. Couranjou, of the staff of the military gov- ernor of Paris (Gen. Dessirier); Commandant Vignal, of the general staff of the army; Capt. Beque, of the Legion of the Garde Republicaine, and Lieut. Ebenrecht, of the Seventy-sixth Regiment of Infantry (the last two officers were placed at the disposal of the officer commanding the American guard); Capt. Lepelletier, and Monsieur Tounay, representing the prefect of police of Paris. Joh?i Paul Jones Commemoration 197 Outside the station there was 'a detachment from the One hundred and third Regiment of Infantry, of the Paris garrison. Staff of the detachment: Capt. Lejay, commanding; 2 lieutenants, 1 adjutant, 1 sergeant-major, 4 sergeants, 8 corporals. There was also a military band, also the One hundred and third Regiment of Infantry. After mutual salutes and the playing of the "Star-Spangled Banner" and the "Marseillaise," the American escort and the French detachment proceeded along the Rue de l'Universite\ avenue Centrale de 1' Esplanade des Invalides, avenue de la Motte-Piquet, avenue Duquesne, and avenue des Invalides, to the Ecole Militaire. On the large central esplanade of the Ecole, called the "Cour de Fontenoy," three tents had been erected — one as dining room for the noncommissioned and petty officers of the American escort, another as dining room for the American sailors and marines, and the third as baggage and washing room for the men. Upon arrival at the Ifcole Militaire, and after the men had been dismissed, Col. Buisson d'Armandy, commanding the One hundred and third Regiment of Infantry, and charged with the reception of the American escort, invited the American and French officers to come into one of the tents and drink a glass of champagne, Col. d'Armandy making a speech in English, in which he referred to the close friendship existing between France and America. Lieut. Commander George, in reply, proposed the health of the President of the Republic. Capt. Tabary, of the One hundred and third Infantry, was in charge of the arrangements at the Ecole Militaire. At 1 p. m. the American men sat down to the following lunch: Mousse de Jambon, olives, radis, beurre, saute" de veau, American roast beef, choux fleurs a l'huile, petits fours, half a liter of wine per man, coffee, rum. In the meantime the American officers, with the exception of three, went to a lunch offered them at the Cercle Militaire of Paris. The three American officers remaining at the Ecole Militaire lunched with Capt. Tabary and other French officers of the One hundred and third Infantry. Everything was done with great liberality and perfect courtesy. At 1.30 a detachment of American sailors (body bearers) went to the American Church, followed at 2.30 by the rest of the men. The ceremony at the church was scheduled for 3.30. Practically the entire diplo- matic corps of Paris was present. The name of the church is American Church of the Holy Trinity, avenue de l'Alma, Paris. The service was conducted by the Rev. John B. Morgan, assisted by the Rev. M. Van Winkle, Monsieur Mesny, and Doctor Tully. The first hymn sung was No. 418. Then followed the Lord's Prayer, then prayer for the President of the United States, two other collects. Then hymn 107, specially chosen, as all the rest, for some reference to "those who go down to the sea in ships," etc. Then hymn 144. Then followed the fiftieth chapter of Genesis, and Exodus, thirteenth chapter, nineteenth verse. Then two special prayers. Then the hymn, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee;" Benediction. Hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers." At about 5 p. m. the procession formed and proceeded along the avenue de l'Alma, avenue des Champs Elysees, avenue Alexandre III, Pont Alexandre III, to the Esplanade des Invalides, where a tent or tribune had been constructed to receive the body of Paul Jones and the members of the cortege. The body was deposited there and the march past then took place. The French troops taking part therein were the following: General commanding the troops, General of Division Frey, commanding the First Division of Colonial Infantry. General commanding the infantry, Gen. de Chalendar, commanding the Four- teenth Brigade of Infantry. Infantry. — One hundred and second Regiment of Infantry, Col. Mollard, com- manding. 198 Appendix One hundred and fourth Regiment of Infantry, Col. Poline, commanding. Each of these regiments consisted of about 1,000 men. Cavalry. — First Regiment of Cuirassiers, Col. Foucault, commanding, about 350 men. Artillery. — One group of horse batteries of the First Division of Cavalry, Com- mandant Bernard, commanding, consisting of 2 horse batteries of 6 pieces each. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the American sailors and marines returned to the Ecole Militaire, where they dined, and left about 9.30 p. m. for the railway station of the Invalides, accompanied by the same detachment that had received them in the morning. The police arrangements were in charge of Monsieur Lepine, prefect of police, Monsieur Seives, prefect of the Seine, and Monsieur Tounay, subprefect. There was no cheering, but every one in the crowd took his hat off at the passage of the French and American flags and of the body of Paul Jones. [Inclosure D.] ADDRESS OF JUNIOR SPECIAL AMBASSADOR LOOMIS IN PARIS The nature of this occasion, coupled with the presence of the distinguished Amer- ican who just finished speaking, reminds me that on the banks of the Hudson River, high above the city of New York, commanding a prospect of uncommon loveliness, stands a stately tomb erected in memory of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, a President of the United States and perhaps its foremost soldier. That memorial structure was erected by the American people, almost solely through the brilliant initiative and tireless efforts of Gen. Horace Porter, who again has won the gratitude of his countrymen on account of the complete ultimate success which has marked his patient, persistent, self-sacrificing search for the grave and body of John Paul Jones; and France, ever generous, is about to crown the kindness shown to the United States during its painful struggle for independence by returning, with conspicuous honors, to that country the remains of the founder of the American Navy, who by his brilliant victories proclaimed to the world the rise of a new sea power, and flung to the breezes a new flag representing a new nation. It is doubly generous on the part of France to surrender the dust of this hero to us, for much of his life was interwoven with the French history of his day, and had he been permitted to enjoy a few years more of health it is known that he would have commanded the fleets of France. It was from these hospitable shores that he set sail on the memorable cruise which resulted in his victory over the Serapis. It was here that he experienced in the highest degree the joys of a conqueror, and it was here that he met some of his most grievous disappointments by reason of the penury and divided councils of America's representatives, and by reason, too, of professional jealousies. Here, laurel crowned, he returned from his cruise, an acknowledged hero, and received with becoming modesty the plaudits of a most friendly people. Here he fulfilled his gallant promise to lay a captured frigate at the feet of his friend and patroness, the Duchess de Chartres, one of the best and loveliest French women of her century. Here, too, from the hands of King Louis XVI, he received knighthood and a sword of honor. Here were heaped upon him social attentions, admiration, and many discriminating tributes of friendship and praise. In the general environment of Paris and Versailles he found an atmosphere that caused his heart to glow, his mind to broaden, his imagination to kindle with John Paul Jones Commemoration 199 generous enthusiasm and lofty dreams for the welfare of mankind. It was in France that Jones, one of nature's truest gentlemen, the lowly-born Scotch gardener's son, came to his own and found those things which made life most worth the living, namely, the intelligent, sympathetic companionship of great men and lovely women, coupled with opportunities for high endeavor and professional advancement and the chance to draw his sword in defense of cherished principles. To France John Paul Jones was chiefly indebted for those fateful and momentous opportunities which, as a sea fighter, and, later, as a diplomatist, gave him a place among those who have achieved enduring renown. His genius contributed largely to the organization and construction of the American Navy, and in his letter to the committee of the American Congress is set forth in admirable form the mental, moral, and professional requirements essential to a naval officer. His words of wisdom are as true, as apt, and as valuable to-day as they were the day they were written. It is the thorough understanding and faithful adherence to the principles so clearly and adequately expounded by John Paul Jones that gave to our naval officers those qualities of heart and mind which enable them to command the confidence of their countrymen and the respect of their professional colleagues throughout the world. Not only was John Paul Jones a philosopher, a commander, a leader of men, a diplomatist, but in an age when letter writing was a delightful and mannered art his epistles were noteworthy for their lucidity and charm of style. This veritable sea king, around whose bier the representatives of two Republics meet to pledge anew the time-hallowed and indestructible friendship and the historic good will and amity which cement them, loved, in his broad, magnanimous way, all that was admirable and lovable in the two peoples, and was willing to draw his sword for France and America. To his own country his services were but little less useful on land than on sea. His diplomatic achievements and correspondence indicate statecraft of a high order ; and it is said by one of the greatest living authorities on naval affairs that, "Viewed in the light of results, Jones's diplomatic operations in the Texel lose no luster by comparison with his victories at sea. ' ' So it may be justly said that he played his part as effectively on sea, considering his limited opportunities, and accomplished as great results for his country, within the scope of those opportunities, as did our foremost military commanders on land. He fought with daring determination and the cool certainty of consummate skill, not for the sake of carnage, not for the accumulation of prize money, but because he was convinced that he was right, and, being so convinced, he meant to win vic- tories at any cost for the principles he loved, and because he believed that fierce, successful fighting was, in the end, the most merciful and the shortest pathway to peace. He loved, of course, success and glory, but he was not a mere soldier of fortune, a fiery captain athirst for blood, treasure, and conquest, yearning to tread to eminence over men's graves. He could be great, either in peace or war. He was profound, accomplished, many sided. He is entitled to distinction as a lover of the human race, as a genial, optimistic philosopher, and to gratitude as a brilliant conversationalist, whose wit, grace, and informing speech won, at a highly oppor- tune moment, a vast deal of substantial good will for the American cause in Europe. This symmetrically developed man was wholly self-made. His careful biog- rapher says: "Everything that he was, or that he did, or that he knew was the fruit of self-incentive and self-help to a degree that was, and still is, unexampled in the histories of great men. No successful man who ever lived owed so much to himself alone, so little to the adventitious in circumstance." One likes to dwell upon his achievements in the ways of peace, and upon his devotion to what he believed to be good and sound political principles. Said he: • ' I have drawn my sword only from motives of humanity and in support of the 200 Appendix \ dignity of human rights." What warrior ever placed his martial activities upon a higher and nobler plane than that? He fought for good and sound political and moral doctrine. Love of liberty led him into the ranks of the American Revolution- ists when the safer and easier course for him would have been to espouse the cause of the King. Two years' residence in the American colonies as a landed proprietor; careful study of momentous governmental principles at issue; the friendship of such men as Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Hewes, and other leaders of the period, was enough, and more, to convince a man of his swift natural perception, originality of ideas, profound and tireless observation, and logical, ordered thought, that a crisis in human affairs had come; so he turned from the allurements of the throne and resolutely trod the way he knew might lead him to the scaffold. Fortune was not unkind to him always. He hoisted the first American flag that ever flew from an American war vessel on his ship the Ranger. The flag was author- ized and created by Congress in the same resolution, on the 14th of June, 1777, which commissioned Jones a captain, and he said of the banner, ''That flag and I are twins, born at the same hour in the womb of destiny. We can not be parted in life or death. So long as we shall float, we shall float together; if we sink, we shall go down as one." Under this flag he came to France the same 3'ear, bearing official information of Burgoyne's surrender; information which had much to do in causing Louis XVI to recognize the independence of the United States. It was at this period, February 14, 1778, that the French naval commander at Brest fired the first salute ever given by a foreign nation to the American flag — an historic and important event which was arranged through the diplomacy of John Paul Jones. With this great sailor, love of freedom was innate and natural as love for the sea. Beginning his ocean career at 12, he became familiar with the sensation of looking out upon illimitable vistas of water. He studied the pathway of the winds, the sweep of ocean currents by day, and the positions and the movements of the stars at night, facing the infinite, and with imminent peril for his unfailing companion. His seafaring life was an experience to shrivel a small, to uplift a noble and great nature. For we may suppose, during these years, something of the strength and purity of the sea entered his soul and abided evermore. His love for his fellow-men caused him, at that early date, to detest the institution of human slavery, and later, to refuse to resume his plantation life after the war, for the reason that, under the then existing economic social conditions, agricultural success could only be achieved through the employment of slave labor. John Paul Jones died in France at the period when France had great need of his services; and Napoleon deplored the untimely death that robbed him of a great admiral. The conjunction of these two warriors of genius might have changed the history of the world. America unfortunately exemplified the adage that republics are ungrateful, for in the stress and struggle of building a new country, she forgot for a time her departed hero. France, be it said to her credit, remembered Paul Jones in appropriate, hand- some, and touching ways, showing as ever her keen and splendid appreciation of genius and valor — an appreciation which is magnanimous and magnificent in its scope, knowing neither race nor nationality. The National Assembly of France when notified of John Paul Jones's death, on the 19th of July, 1792, paid immediate and appropriate respect to his memory, by suspending the order of the day, adopting a suitable resolution, and appointing a committee of twelve members to attend his funeral. * In the latest biography of Admiral Jones it is stated that before the resolution was adopted in silence by a rising vote, a member of the Assembly said: "I trust John Paul Jo ne s Commemoration 201 the feeling of personal bereavement universal in this body may be granted brief expression. What Paul Jones has done for the rights of men need not be told to Frenchmen. What more he stood pledged almost with his last breath to do if spared is known to many Frenchmen." Bertrand Barere, then at the height of his fame as a powerful and popular orator, delivered from the portico of the palace of justice an impassioned oration on the achievements of his dead friend, John Paul Jones. The first memoir of Jones was published by Benoit- Andre" in 1798. Think for a moment what opportunity for the biographer his brief but crowded career presents! Sailor boy at 12, officer at 17, captain at 20, in the merchant service of the North Atlantic; East Indiamanand Virginia planter— all before he had passed the age of 27; naval lieutenant at 28, captain at 29, commodore at 32, the ocean hero of the Old World and the New at 33; a knight of France; the most famous sea victor of his time; patronized by kings, petted by duchesses of the royal blood, thanked by Congress, and the trusted friend and sometimes associate of Washington, Frank- lin, Jefferson, La Fayette, Hamilton, and Morris; at 36 selected as special envoy to the most aristocratic of courts, charged with the most delicate and intricate of mis- sions — the adjudication and collection of international claims — without any guide or precedent; at 40, voted a gold medal by Congress; at 41, a vice-admiral in the imperial navy of Russia, and winning victories over the Turks; at 43 a prominent figure in the thrilling overture of that tremendous drama, the French Revolution, and dead at 45 ; disinterred one hundred and thirteen years later from a dismal and forgotten grave, and brought here this afternoon, receiving merited honors too long delayed. I have the honor, on behalf of the President of the United States, to accept the custody of the casket which incloses the remains of Admiral Jones, and to commit them to the worthy hands of Admiral Sigsbee. They will be borne over the seas he loved back to the land he served so well, where I am confident the justice and gen- erosity of a great people will move them to render ample homage to the memory of a man to whom all the world ungrudgingly awards the august meed of immortal fame. [Inclosure K-] ADDRESS OF REAR-ADMIRAL SIGSBEE, U. S. NAVY, IN PARIS Mr. Ambassador: I am here in command of a squadron of United States war vessels, and am charged with the transportation of the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones to the United States. Although it was largely by the aid of France that our hero fought so conspicuously, he fought in the service and for the cause of the United States. It is therefore fitting that his remains should find their last resting place within our own boundaries. Since he was the greatest of our earliest naval commanders, it is appropriate that his remains should be transferred to the guardianship of the naval service. The President of the United States, in the exercise of his ever friendly and correct judgment in all that pertains to the naval service of his country, has decided that the remains shall be deposited in perpetuity within the walls of the chapel of the Naval Academy at Annapolis. It can not be doubted that their presence in that institution will serve as an inspiration and as an example to all future generations of our Navy. Our President had this object in mind when he chose the Naval Academy. It will be remembered by the Navy of the United States that these remains of a naval officer were recovered through the initiative and the efforts of Gen. Horace 202 Appendix Porter, a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Army and Navy of the United States therefore come together in patriotic and fraternal sentiment on this occasion. General Porter may be well assured that my own appre- ciation of his labors is shared by the whole naval service, which he has so greatly honored. We shall ever regard him affectionately. The occasion which calls us here has also served to bring together, in remembrance of our joint history, the army and navy of France and the Army and Navy of the United States. If ever the gratitude of the United States to France may seem to be latent, we Americans have only to open a history of our war for independence in order to quicken our sentiments and to compel our blessings. I take advantage of this opportunity, Mr. Ambassador, to request you to express, through appropriate channels and in behalf of myself and the whole personnel of my command, our thanks for the many honors paid us by the President of France and by the personnel — civil, military, and naval — of his Government and of the city of Paris. Their action signalizes the interest of the French people in the object of our present mission to France. Our time has been so filled by honors and events that I fail to conceive any other way of acknowledging our indebtedness within the time remaining at our disposal. I beg also, Mr. Ambassador, to present to the American ambassador at Paris, to General Porter, and to yourself the thanks of my officers and myself for the kind consideration, both official and personal, that you have severally shown us in con- nection with the duty to which we have been appointed. I am here, as you well know, Mr. Ambassador, as the naval representative of the Navy Department at Washington. I am directed in my orders from the Navy Department to receive from you these remains. You have decided to transfer them to my charge in Paris. Therefore I hereby accept from you the honor and the further responsibility, with the assurance that my command will bear the remains of John Paul Jones most reverently to their final resting place within the Naval Academy at Annapolis. [Inclosure F.] ADDRESS OF VICE-ADMIRAL BESSON, AT CHERBOURG [Translation by Prof. H. Marion.] Admiral and Gentlemen: You are longing to take on board the Brooklyn, where they will at last rest on the territory and under the flag of the United States, these venerated remains of Admiral Paul Jones. I understand your patriotic impa- tience ; therefore I shall not detain you to listen to a new eulogy on the well-known and so marvelously successful career of your illustrious compatriot. But at the moment when his ashes are about to leave the hospitable land which for one hundred and thirteen years has carefully guarded them in her bosom, it is my duty to give to them, in the name of the French navy, a last salute. Your hearts, as well as ours, are to-day closely brought together in common sym- pathy. In the month of February, 1778, in the Bay of Quiberon, the squadron com- mander in chief, La Motte-Piquet, was the first to salute the starry flag of the young Republic of the United States. This flag was that of Commodore Jones. And truly, upon this solemn occasion, there was none more worthy than this gallant sailor to represent his country and to receive for her this public declaration of her admission to the ranks of nations. After some brilliant services rendered the cause of independence in American waters, he had been directed to make a diversion in European waters, and was returning at that time from a memorable cruise in the Irish Sea. He was then, as John Paul Jones Commemoration 203 commander of a squadron of French ships, sailing under American colors on the eve of that famous battle off Flamborough, the most extraordinary in his life, so rich already in remarkable deeds. It is my privilege to recall that Paul Jones led French vessels to victory ; that his brilliant achievements caused him to be received among us with an enthusiastic welcome ; that at the outbreak of our Revolution he again offered to serve in our navy, and that when, a short time afterwards, he died, at the age of 45, our legisla- tive assembly attended his funeral. It is therefore to one of our own brothers in arms of the end of the eighteenth century that we render the last honors. This hero, whose exploits have given much brilliant luster to the dawn of the American Navy, is one of those who have most contributed in cementing these ties of friendship between our two nations, yet unbroken after more than a century. In the name of the French navy, I salute with respect the memory of Admiral Paul Jones, and I hope that the ashes of this illustrious sailor may speedily accom- plish their triumphal return to his grateful country, which now reclaims him. THE CEREMONIES AT THE NAVAL ACADEMY JULY 24, 1905 [Extract from "John Paul Jones's I,ast Cruise and Final Resting Place, the United States Naval Academy," by Prof. H. Marion.] On Monday morning, July 24, the body of America's greatest naval hero was transferred from the Brooklyn to the Naval Academy on the naval tug Standish, amid the booming of guns fired in his honor by the American and French men-of- war, and placed in the temporary vault that had been erected for this purpose. The ceremonies at the Naval Academy were purely of a naval character, neither President Roosevelt nor Governor Warfield, of Maryland, being present. They took place at 10 a. m., when the remains were landed from the Standish on a beau- tifully decorated float in the basin facing the Severn River. Everything was done with the same precision and clocklike regularity that had characterized the whole expedition from beginning to end, and nothing happened to mar the solemnity of the occasion. After a heavy rain, which lasted until the early morning hours, the sun shone brightly when the naval hero's remains reached the American shore. They were met at the float by Rear-Admiral Sands, Superintendent of the Naval Academy, Chaplain Clark, and the commanding officers of the American men- of-war of the squadron who acted as pallbearers with Captain Gervais, of the Jurien de la Graviire, who had sent a detachment of sailors from his ship to act as an escort of honor with the sailors and marines of the American ships and the midship- men of the fourth class of the Naval Academy. After the leaden coffin had been placed in the hearse, the cortege proceeded slowly, accompanied by the strains of a funeral dirge played by the Naval Academy band, to the front of the temporary vault, near the new memorial chapel, where Chaplain Clark read the burial service and offered the following prayer: "God of our fathers, we praise Thee for the life and memory of him whose mortal remains are now to find resting place under the flag he so loved, in the nation he did so much to create. We thank Thee that Thou didst show in him qualities of manhood that not only create but preserve and perpetuate nations. As all that is earthly of him is committed to the reverent care and devotion of the land whose debt to him is beyond all price, may the sublime lessons of his courage and patience and resource and hopefulness and consecration be charged anew with moral power 204 Appendix to more deeply fire and impress every American heart. Grant that the nation so rich in the heritage of great names may more and more guide its life by standards of highest honor and righteousness. Free us from every motive that can pervert our deeds, that can hurt our influence among the nations of the earth. Make us equal to our high trust, reverent in our use of freedom, just in the exercise of power, tender and pitiful toward ignorance and weakness; and may we walk lovingly and humbly in Thy sight, in all these ways endeavoring to show the depth of our gratitude for the men who, by the greatness of Thy call to them and in the execution of the work allotted to them, made us a sovereign people, made possible the greatness and the happiness that crown our national life. Hear us, our Heavenly Father, in this our prayer, for Christ's sake." When the prayer had been concluded the French and American sailors who acted as body bearers carried the casket into the vault while the Naval Academy band played Chopin's Funeral March. The pallbearers then stepped back and saluted the dead hero, a squad of marines fired a volley over the vault, and a bugler sounded taps, the strains of this exquisite tune dying out slowly, listened to by a large crowd of reverent spectators who witnessed the ceremony in dead silence. It was a most solemn and impressive spectacle, forming a fitting finale to the ceremonies that had taken place in France in honor of the famous sea captain. Thus ended this beautiful ceremony, which now goes down to history as one of the most impressive demonstrations of international honors ever paid to a naval hero. ORDER OF REAR-ADMIRAL SANDS United States Navai, Academy, Annapolis, Md., April 14, 1906. The President of the United States, the Secretary of the Navy, and other distin- guished personages will visit the Naval Academy upon the 24th instant to take part in the commemorative ceremonies upon the occasion of the transfer of the body of John Paul Jones. The heads of departments will accompany the Superintendent to the station to meet the special trains and escort the distinguished visitors to the Superintendent's quarters. 2. At 12.45 p. m. the marine battalion and the band will be drawn up opposite the Superintendent's quarters to receive the President upon his arrival. After the Presi- dential party has entered the house, the marine battalion will be dismissed and will be detailed as patrols and sentinels, as directed by the commandant of midshipmen. 3. The brigade will be in charge of Lieutenant-Commander Hoogewerff , U. S. Navy, assisted by Lieutenant-Commander Reid and Lieutenant Buchanan, U. S. Navy. 4. The commandant of midshipmen is charged with carrying out the detail of this order, and all officers, professors, and instructors, except the heads of departments, are directed to report to him for this purpose. 5. The first battalion of midshipmen will form at 1.30 p. m., as for Sunday inspec- tion, in the court before Bancroft Hall, having previously procured their muskets and equipments and taken them to their rooms. They will then march to the ath- letic field, Upshur row, to receive the President. This battalion will be on the line at 1.45 p. m. sharp, to act as a guard to the President. 6. The second battalion of midshipmen will form and equip as above, then proceed to the armory, forming in line from Governor street to the southeast door of the armory, leaving the sidewalk clear. The battalions will, subsequently, enter the armory by the northwest door. In case of bad weather, the battalions will be formed in the corridors of Bancroft Hall. John Paul Jones Commemoration 205 7. The Naval Academy Band will report to Commander Howard at the armory for instructions at 1.15 p. m. The band will accompany the first battalion of midship- men to Upshur row. 8. All officers, civilian professors and instructors, and the members of their families holding tickets of admission will enter the armory by the gallery door from the colonnade and occupy such seats as will be provided for them. All persons will be required to present tickets at the door. Ushers will be appointed to attend in the armory and show visitors to designated seats. 9. All visitors holding tickets for reserved seats will enter by the northeast door. All other visitors will enter by the northwest and southeast doors. 10. The President, escorted by the first battalion of midshipmen and the band, will proceed from the Superintendent's quarters to the armory and enter by the southwest door. When the President enters the armory the audience will rise, face him, and remain standing until he takes his seat on the platform. As soon as the President and party have reached the platform the first battalion of midshipmen will be drawn up under the gallery opposite the speakers' stand, facing the platform. The second battalion will be drawn up behind the speakers' stand under the gallery. Benches will be provided for them on which to sit after the ceremonies have com- menced. The ceremonies will then proceed in accordance with the programme. 1 1 . At the conclusion of the speeches the body will be taken by the body bearers (selected petty officers from the French and American squadrons) and, preceded by both battalions of midshipmen in regular order and the band playing a dirg.>, be borne to Bancroft Hall. The court of honor must be kept clear and the midshipmen will form in mass on either side as the body passes up the steps to be deposited in the crypt beneath the main stairway. The space in front of Bancroft Hall is to be kept clear. The chaplain will precede the coffin and offer a brief prayer at the conclusion of the ceremony. 12. When the ceremonies over the body have been concluded, the President will be escorted to the Superintendent's quarters by the brigade of midshipmen. 13. When the President departs, the officers of the Naval Academy and the brigade of midshipmen will be in attendance. 14. The formation of the procession from the armory will be as follows: Band. Escort (brigade of midshipmen). Chaplain of the Naval Academy. Coffin. Mourners (reversed order). 15. The uniform for the day, after 12 m., will be special full dress. 16. No vehicles, except those in the Presidential procession, will be permitted to enter the Academy grounds while the ceremonies are in progress. James H. Sands, Rear- Admiral, U. S. Navy, Superintendent. ORDER OF CAPTAIN COLVOCORESSES, U. S. NAVY [Extract.] United States Navae Academy, Annapolis, Md. , April 21, igo6. In accordance with the Superintendent's order of April 14, 1906, the following details of duty are hereby made for the carrying out of that order during the John Paul Jones ceremonies on April 24, 1906:^ fl Details of officers and stations omitted. — Compiler. 2o6 Appendix The armory will not be opened to the public until i p. m. A medical officer and a sufficient force of attendants will be at the hospital during the ceremonies. Lieut. Commander H. J. Ziegemeier, U. S. Navy, will report to Lieutenant- Commander Hoogewerff for immediate charge of the casket and body bearers during the ceremonies and transfer of the casket. He will be assisted by Lieutenant Jeffers, U. S. Navy. At the close of the ceremonies in the armory, when the President and distin- guished persons who are to be in the cortege have left the armory, all passing through the northwest doors will be stopped, and the audience will leave the armory by the southeast, northeast, and terrace doors, going from the doors to the western terrace of Bancroft Hall. The ushers, when not needed in the armory, will assist in placing the public on the terrace. Twelve midshipmen from the upper classes of the second battalion will be detailed to report to Lieutenant-Commander Nulton at the armory at 12.45 P- m - All officers and others named in this order, who are not on duty at that time, will report for instruction at the office of the commandant, Bancroft Hall, at 10 a. m., 24th instant. The French and American battalions will be placed in line by direction of the commandant, first formation facing Blake row from Maryland avenue to the armory, French battalions on the right, other battalions in order of seniority, and salute the President as he passes. They will afterwards take up a position facing Bancroft Hall on the brick walk from library to Blake row. When the United States cavalry join the formation, they will occupy the right of the line. The casket containing the remains of Admiral Jones will be placed in the armory early in the forenoon of the 24th by men from the Santee, under the supervision of the officer in charge of buildings and grounds. Twenty body bearers, selected petty officers of the French and American fleets, will be chosen to carry the casket from the armory to Bancroft Hall by way of the shell road. The space in front of Bancroft Hall between the Superintendent's office and library and Sampson's row must be kept clear of spectators. G. P. C01.VOCORESSES, Captain, U. S. Navy, Commandant of Midshipmen. LIST OF COMMANDING OFFICERS IN THE FRENCH AND AMERICAN NAVAL FORCES ASSEMBLED AT ANNAPOLIS Rear-Admiral Sands, U. S. Navy, Superintendent Naval Academy. Rear-Admiral Campion, commanding French Division. Rear-Admiral C. H. Davis, U. S. Navy, commanding Second Division. Rear-Admiral R. B. Bradford, U. S. Navy, commanding Fifth Division. Capt. B. F. Tilley, U. S. Navy, commanding Iowa. Capt. E. D. Taussig, U. S. Navy, commanding Indiana. Capt. G. Lefevre, commanding Aube. Capt. J. A. Rodgers, U. S. Navy, commanding Illinois. Capt. E. Guepratte, commanding Marseillaise. Capt. A. Huguet, commanding Conde. Capt. G. P. Colvocoresses, U. S. Navy, commandant of midshipmen. Capt. S. P. Comly, U. S. Navy, commanding Alabama. - s/t & > /ft / y /sr/ y ry ///r . I s/ / y <'yf/Y,y/y //// //Y/t/;y sy /////// yt/s js //sy' /// ///r f.W(i/Jl/SM€#J //' /Y'/Yty/tf'/Y/Y/YY'/ff'/t sy / ty /,&■ Oft .//?/// yf/StS'.J )/s/vr/ . /yyyy/s/// y , , //ft ttys/tr/rfj, . //s/. - s///Js///y ■ /ytj'f/< /s/y /s/y ys /f//// •Y'/s'f/t /t//S/Y//Yf////S/f.tY, r t/s v ■/■ tJ /v y //*. //vv/ FACSIMILE OF INVITATION. ANNAPOLI-3, MARYLAND. FACSIMILE OF COVER OF PROGRAMME, APRIL 24, 1906. 3*1 UJ LU O Q z < < z cc z I- o Z -I > u o d * O °°*5 hi 2 >£ a: u < O ui ^ c,Oo Marine BArs z o U.H 03 «9 ™tf I z Is - V LJ UJ rr 2 1 < _l r - r m < u. o z o _i < 9 CO n < Q &sms» *s Joh?i Paul Jones Commemoration 207 Commander E. F. Qualtrough, U. S. Navy, commanding Cleveland. Commander W. F. Halsey, U. S. Navy, commanding Des Moines. Commander B. A. Fisk, U. S. Navy, commanding Minneapolis. Commander J. C. Colwell, U. S. Navy, commanding Denver. Commander J. Batellet, Chief of Staff. Commander B. Vergos, Executive officer Aube. Commander F. Boyer, Executive officer Marseillaise. Commander M. Delahet, Executive officer Condi. Lieut. Commander A. G. Long, U. S. Navy, commanding Mayflower. PROGRAMME PARTICIPATED IN BY Theodore Roosevei/t, President of the United States. His Excellency, J. J. Jusserand, Ambassador E. and P. of the French Republic. The Honorable Charges J. Bonaparte, Secretary of the Navy. The Honorable Edwin Warfiew>, Governor of the State of Maryland. General Horace Porter, of New York. Chaplain Henry H. Ci MAR 23 1958 7Apr'580SX REC'D LD APR 71958 SEP l4l967lr SNAG LD 21-100m-7,'52(A2528sl U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES 11111111 CDEEfll3^D3 i