CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE CIRCULAR 4 November, 1926 IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING H. A. WADSWORTH PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, College of Agriculture, University of California, and United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Dis- tributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. B. H. Crocheron, Director, California Agricultural Extension Service. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRINTING OFFICE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1926 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING H. A. WADSWOETHi INTRODUCTION Although the irrigation of truck crops by overhead sprinkling has long been a common practice in some parts of the United States, with some citrus fruits irrigated this way in Florida, the application of water by overhead sprinkling has but recently become a factor in California orchard irrigation practice. Though scattered installations which have been in operation for some years are to be found in various parts of the State, the majority now in operation have been established since 1924. Irrigation by sprinkling is an attempt to imitate rainfall. "Water is carried in pipes under such pressure that when released from sprinkler heads or from perforated pipes, the surface to be irrigated is sprinkled with the coarse drops of a heavy shower. In details, individual installations may differ widely, but in general, the prin- ciple is the same. Certain manufacturers of sprinkling equipment recommend distribution from horizontal pipes supported above the surface of the ground and equipped with non-corrosive nozzles or jets at fixed intervals along them. Such an installation can serve a zone of a length equal to that of the pipes and of a width determined by the available pressure and by the number of lines. Other manufac- turers recommend rotary sprinklers. When these are used, sprinkler heads somewhat similar in design to revolving lawn sprinklers are so located in the area to be irrigated that the overlapping circles of application completely cover the area. Sprinkler equipment is relatively costly regardless of the type of distributing system selected. Many installations which are designed to eliminate all labor of irrigation except the opening of a valve or the starting of a pump represent an investment up to $300 an acre. Under favorable conditions, when the operator is willing to handle some portable sprinkling equipment, the initial cost may be reduced to one-half of this amount or less. When natural pressure is not available for the operation of a sprinkler installation, pumps must be included in the plan. In such cases the first cost of the system will be increased by the cost of the pump with its fittings, and the annual 1 Assistant Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice and Assistant Irrigation Engineer in the Experiment Station. 4 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE [CiRC. 4 cost will be increased by the carrying charges on this additional investment and by the cost of the power consumed. Because of the large investment represented by sprinkler equip- ment, the practice of overhead irrigation has been mainly limited to the irrigation of high-value crops on high-priced land. In California, numerous plantings of oranges, lemons, avocados, and nursery stock are being irrigated by this method. Sprinkling is often practiced in truck-growing areas where soil, market facilities, and climatic con- ditions warrant the expense involved. Because of the flexibility of the system and the possibility of irrigating small tracts efficiently with a minimum of labor, overhead irrigation is rapidly finding favor with poultrymen as a means of watering chicken runs and of irrigat- ing small areas for green feed. The method is also sometimes used for the irrigation of lawns and ornamental shrubs. OVERHEAD SPRINKLER LINES Sprinkler installations for the irrigation of orchards, nurseries, and truck gardens fall into two general classes: perforated overhead pipes, sometimes called overhead nozzle lines, and revolving sprinkler systems which water circular areas. The distribution of irrigation water in the form of small jets forced through openings in the shell of the pipe was the first method used. In these early installations a few lengths of pipe were per- forated and the water forced through them by a simple hand force pump. Since these perforations were not reinforced with non-cor- rosive metal, the holes gradually became irregular in sliape or entirely clogged. Modern sprinkler lines carry patented nozzles of non-corrosive material. These are screwed into tapped holes drilled through the shell of the pipe. The holes through these nozzles are intended to be so shaped that particles of rust, which may be carried through the pipe, cannot clog them. It is extremely important that the nozzles in a pipe line be set in a straight row. Special drilling machines have been designed to facilitate this. LOCATION AND DESIGN OF NOZZLE LINES A strip of land 50 feet wide can be irrigated from a single over- head line if that line be so arranged that it can be rotated through a turning union and the angle of the jets changed. When the angle of the jet is 45 degrees above horizontal, greatest distance is secured. Hence, the total angle available in the turning union should be 90 1926] IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING degrees. Considerable attendance is required with installations of this sort if changes in angle of jet and consequently in the area served are made by hand. Turning machines consisting of small turbines, driven by the flow of water in the vertical supply type, have been devised. These attachments slowly turn the pipe line through the required angle. Need for personal attendance is practically obviated by the use of this device. The details of the installations vary widely with the proposed use. For truck crops and ornamental plantings the pipes may be carried on short posts, or even laid on the ground. When the pipes are carried on posts, these supports are usually about 15 feet apart. When longer spaces are used, it becomes increasingly difficult to turn the line because of its sag. Simple roller bearings can be secured which may be placed on the posts as an aid to easy turning. For short lines the bearings may be eliminated and the lines held in place by metal straps over the tops of the posts. Even in good installations with abundant pressure, lines longer than 700 feet are not to be recommended. Many growers object to the obstruction to cultivation which results from placing sprinkler lines on short posts. Posts carrying the pipe lines about six and one-half feet above the ground permit the passage of men and horses under the lines and eliminate most of this trouble. Four by four inch redwood posts make suitable supports for sprinkler lines. They should be long enough to be set in the ground 21/2 or 3 feet and should still give a 6I/2 foot clearance. When greater per- manence is required, sections of IVi-inch or li/2-inch iron pipe set in concrete footings may be used. Obstruction to cultivation can be still further reduced by the use of high poles which may be from 100 to 200 feet apart. The nozzle line is then suspended from a wire cable which joins the tops of these poles and hangs in the form of a catenary between them, the wires supporting the nozzle lines carrying specially designed galvanized iron hooks equipped with simple roller bearings at their lower ends. The nozzle lines fit into these hooks and can be brought to the proper height by adjustment of the wires leading from the supporting cable. Because of unavoidable sag in the cable, the height of the poles supporting it should be considerably greater than the height required for the nozzle line. Suitable poles can be made from standard tele- phone poles having a diameter of 8 to 10 inches at the base and 6 to 8 inches at the top. These poles should be set in holes at least 6 feet deep and should be tamped firmly in place. For greater permanence, footings of concrete may be used. Since any deflection of the high posts from their original position would result in a further sagging 6 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE [CiRC. 4 of the cable and a consequent distortion of the nozzle line, it is well to anchor the end posts with guy wires fastened to ' ^ deadmen. ' ' These "deadmen'' may be any massive concrete or wooden members buried 3 or 4 feet below the surface and attached to an anchor rod which terminates in an eyebolt above the surface. The "deadmen" should not be closer to the base of the pole than a distance equal to one-third its height. Guy wires attached to these anchor rods by means of turnbuckles give rigid support for the poles. Future sag in the line can be corrected by the turnbuckles. The weight of the cable to be used depends upon the spacing of the poles, the length of the pipe line to be supported, and the pipe sizes which make up that length. Most manufacturers who produce sprinkling equipment of this sort maintain an engineering office where information as to the suitable spacing of poles and the required cable sizes can be secured. When such advice is not available, an engineer familiar with sprinkling systems should be consulted and his advice followed. No detailed design of sprinkler lines can be given which would be suitable for common use, since each installation must be considered individually before an intelligent design can be offered. In general, the nozzle lines should be at right angles to the supply lines and should run the long way of the area to be irrigated, in order that obstruction to cultivation may be minimized. If the pipe sizes making up the nozzle lines are wisely chosen, and if sufficient pressure is available, the lines may be as far apart as 50 feet, if necessary to secure a better location in the field. The pipe sizes to be used for overhead sprinkling lines depend upon the type of nozzle used, the pressure available at the intake of the line, and the distance between nozzles. As has been stated above, the overhead sprinkling line finds its greatest popularity in nursery work, truck growing, and ornamental planting. The oldest installations in California were of this type and were the first ones used for the irrigation of citrus trees. The practice of overhead sprinkling did not spread among citrus growers, however, because of the obstruction offered to cultural practices by the sup- porting posts. Horizontal lines have also proved a great inconvenience in the handling of fumigation tents. Furthermore, it is probable that the fine stream issuing from a nozzle of the type used on such lines increases evaporation loss. Figure 1 shows a typical overhead sprinkler line in operation. ^^^^] IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING FITTINGS FOR NOZZLE LINES In addition to the special brass nozzles which are essential to satis- factory operation of a sprinkler installation of this sort, there are other fittings which reduce difilculties of installation and make for greater convenience in operation. Automatic turning equipment has already been mentioned, as has also the simple roller-bearing saddle, in which a long length of pipe may rest and still turn easily. The saddle is supplied with several base fittings for use with various methods of support for the sprinkler line. Turning unions completely Fig. 1. — General view of overhead sprinkler line. Sprinkling from a perforated horizontal pipe, which may be rotated through a turning union, is a popular means of applying water to ornamental plants, vegetables, and poultry runs. assembled are sold by manufacturers of sprinkler equipment. Ordi- narily a perforated conical strainer is built into the union so that water entering the nozzle line may be kept free from dirt, which might clog the fine nozzle openings. For extensive installations where several parallel lines are to be turned in unison, the power supplied by the turbine of the automatic turning equipment is inadequate and hydraulic oscillators may be obtained in that case. The reciprocating action of the central oscillator is carried to the turning unions which are operated by carefully balanced cables. 8 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE [CiRC. 4 Flushing valves are usually installed at the end of each nozzle line to permit the removal of dirt and scale from the line without the necessity of dismantling. Difficulty is often experienced in assembling sections of drilled pipe since the couplings must be tight and the nozzles in the several sections in perfect line. The use of quick-acting couplings with squared sockets makes it impossible to assemble the pipe unless the nozzles in the several sections are in perfect alignment. COS fe % \\v i 't ^Po//er tiear/ng M > Jurnina > Turning union S> m O O r- t^ o (^ r^ t^ CO C5 0> OO O t^ ^ 00 m ifi -^ oi ^ CD ^ r^ CO CT) -*< t-. r^ O O OS ^ c;i »o CO O >0 OO CO CO CO CC CO CO ,c OO OO CO -^ CO OO OO CO ^ CO CO 00 ■<*< CO T*< CO 00 00 OO 00 Tt< ^ 0> ".fl CT> ■* ■'t* OS ■^ 0> CD --l^ -* OS Tf< OS T»1 -^ Ttt TJH ^ 03 0) ^ M d ^ O CO oo o 00 00 OO o 00 00 00 OO 03 05 -* ^ Tt< -tt* -*-*"*■* CC -H * ■*~ 2i d C! IflP o o -* o CO CO CO CO CO CO O (M CO »o 00 C35 TJ* OO oi Tj< CO OJ CO OS M CO c^ t~-i t-i M CO CO CO CO (M (M CO CO ci C73 '^t CT OS OS -^ OS OS OS OS OS \^ 01 Q c -* -sff CO QO CO OO 00 CO CO OO 00 OO 00 00 CO CO 00 00 -* -* Oi -^ OS ■* -* 05 as ■* "^ TtH TJH T»< OS as -* ■* M '^ -1- S :2 i-s §^ lO lO IC OO CO (M ■* 1-1 -<*< ^ o o co CO cjj ■<*< r- o lO c^a CO ^ t-: o >c 00 CO iC o -safe"- cq CO CO CO C^ IM CO CO CO CO CO CO O^ d OO OO CO CO ■<*< CO CO '^ -^ CO ■* (M O CO CO ii -* •^ Oi Oi -rH as 03 ^ ^ OS Tt< OS -^ OS as rt ^ CI ^ s '^ w)'a :3 g Tt< rt< M< CO Tt< CO CO OO ^ -^ CO CO ■f -^ Tt< as •^ cji a> -t* •^ ^ Oi Oi M ^ S = iC o >« o >o o >o o lo o lO o in o io o .o o lo o ^i >— 1 04 (M CO rt C^ CSI CO — 1 cq C) CO ■— 1 C4 (M CO — 1 (M (N CO tH (-, « where P = pressure in pounds per square inch which must be effected at the discharge end of the pump. In cases where the same pump is used to lift water through appreciable distances, as from a well, and to subject the discharge to a pressure sufficient to operate a sprinkler system, the motor must be large enough to satisfy both these demands for power. Such compu- tations can best be made by changing the pressure requirements into the equivalent feet of vertical lift (by multiplying by 2.31) and adding the vertical lift to the point to which pressure requirements are com- puted. The relation stated in equation (1) can then be used. In cases where a long suction pipe is necessary, allowances should be made for losses in efficiency due to the resistance to flow in the suction pipe. 34 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE [CiRC. 4 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF IRRIGATION BY SPRINKLING PENETEATION AND SOIL MOISTUEE CONSIDERATIONS The value of overhead sprinkling as a means of irrigation depends upon the effectiveness of this method in creating and maintaining a satisfactory soil moisture content. Soils vary in water holding capacity and permeability, fine-textured soils holding more moisture than coarser soils but '' taking" water less readily. Plants suffer for water when the moisture content within the rooting zone drops below a point known as the wilting coefficient. The wilting coefficient for most soils may be determined in the laboratory with a fair degree of accuracy. If it can be assumed that the major concentration of feed- ing roots occurs in a definite soil stratum, a satisfactory^ method of irrigation would permit the application of water by such a means and in such an amount that the soil moisture content in* that stratum of soil may be maintained between these limits. Six sprinkled citrus groves in Los Angeles and Orange counties were sampled intensively for depth of penetration of irrigation water and soil moisture content during the irrigation season of 1925 to determine the effectiveness of irrigation by the sprinkling method. Three of these groves were on decomposed granite soils of low water holding capacity and easy permeability, while three were on soils of finer texture into which water penetrates less readily. In most cases the groves were sampled immediately before and after each irrigation. In every case samples were taken from the same limited areas at each time of sampling. Although this method of sampling did not neces- sarily indicate the average moisture content in the entire grove at the time of the sampling, it did give a fairly accurate idea of the soil moisture history in the small plots under consideration. In the case of the three groves on decomposed granite soils, the sampling indicated that satisfactory irrigations had been accom- plished. In none of these groves did the soil moisture content in the principal rooting zone fall below the wilting coefficient between March and November. Adequate penetration of moisture at each irrigation was, in most cases, indicated by an increase in soil moisture content in the fourth foot of soil. The effect of irrigation was sometimes evident in the fifth and sixth foot. It is to be noted that these groves were managed by men experienced in sprinkler operation. Sprinkler heads were well adapted to conditions, and factors determining the required period of operation were well understood. A great measure 1926] IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING 35 of the success of overhead sprinkling in these groves can probably be attributed to the experience of the operators. Inadequate penetration of irrigation water was noted in each of the three sampled groves on the heavier soil. In most cases irrigation resulted in an increase in the moisture content of the surface foot alone, the greater depths being at, or dangerously near, the wilting coefficient when the residual soil moisture from winter rains had been depleted by plant withdrawals. In one case, however, sprinklers were operated for a period four times as long as usual and an increase in the soil moisture content was noted to a depth of six feet. This fact together with scattered observations upon the penetration secured in difficult soils by overhead sprinklers in other areas seems to indicate that adequate penetration in such soils can be obtained with experi- ence, patience, and proper care in the selection and use of equipment. DUTY OF WATEE Observations on the amount of water used per acre in the irri- gation of citrus trees by overhead sprinkling as compared with the amount used by other methods show no significant difference which can be attributed to the method of application. These observations were localized in three areas. In these areas the amount of water used in 1925 on groves under good sprinkler management were compared with neighboring groves of comparable age, variety, and thrift, which were irrigated by means of furrows. The results of these observations are summarized in table 3. Although it is impossible to draw con- clusions from such a small number of fields, it is probable that in practice, such factors as the cost of water used, the skill of the irrigator — and in the case of surface irrigation, the preparation of the land — are of more importance in determining the amount of w^ater to be used per acre than is the method of application. EVAPOEATION LOSSES Losses by evaporation from overhead sprinkling, especially during periods of high temperatures and low humidity, are doubtlessly significant in areas where water costs are high. As yet, no workable means of measuring this loss has been devised. Irrigating by sprinklers at night seems to reduce the losses from evaporation. 36 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE [CiRC. 4 TABLE 3 Duty of Water in Acre-Feet per Acre on Sprinkled and Furroay Irrigated Orange Groves, Season 1925 Area Soil type h ■11 II I- I > n II < .Hfe 1 Weighted average Sunnyslope . Hanford gravelly sandy loam. 1 8.5 1.13 1 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 10.0 10 10 1.14 1 54 1 75 1.92 1 64 1 71 1.67 Sierra Madre Hanford gravelly sandy loam. 1 2 3 8.7 5 23.0 1 88 1 26 1 05 1.28 1 2 3 5.50 4 00 3,90 1.42 1,31 1.40 1.38 La Canada Hanford gravelly sandy loam. 1 8.5 1.11 1.11 1 10.0 1.00 1 00 FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTION Although conclusive experimental work is lacking, it can probably be assumed that the distribution of fertilizing materials through the soil after a surface application may be accomplished more speedily and more effectively by sprinkling immediately after the distribution of fertilizer than by any other means except a natural rain of proper intensity and duration. PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL Experimental evidence as to effectiveness of overhead sprinkling upon pest and disease control is not available. TEMPERATURE AMELIORATION In areas affected by hot dry winds, relief from excessive drying out can probably be attained by sprinkling during the hours of greatest danger, since exaporating water absorbs heat. An additional benefit would accrue from the increased humidity in the area under the sprinklers. In areas endangered by low temperatures, sprinkling as a means of frost protection is of doubtful value. In freezes of long duration, the ice load carried by delicate trees, when sprinkling is unwisely attempted, may, and often does, cause damage to the trees. 1926] IRRIGATION BY OVERHEAD SPRINKLING 37 FEUIT QUALITY Experienced packing house managers claim that fruit of a higher quality comes from sprinkled groves than from groves irrigated by other means. It has never been proved, however, that the increased quality is due to the method of irrigation. SUMMARY 1. Irrigation by overhead sprinkling is costly. At present this method of irrigating is limited to the production of high-priced crops on land of high value. 2. Intensive soil-moisture sampling during the irrigation season of 1925 indicated that adequate soil-moisture penetration can be secured by the sprinkling of decomposed granite and sandy loam soils if the sprinkling equipment is w^isely selected and intelligently operated. Experimental evidence as to the adaptability of sprinkling to heavy soils is not as conclusive. 3. The type of installation to be adopted for a particular location depends upon the crops to be irrigated, the money available for investment in such equipment, and the labor available during the irrigation. 4. The detailed design of a sprinkler layout requires considerable skill and care. 5. Except in favored localities where natural pressure is available, pumps must be installed to create pressure for the operation of the system. 6. Sprinkler systems, if used, should be, installed because of their ability to distribute irrigation water uniformly and effectively, and not because of claims for other advantages. 7. Judgment and care are essential in the intelligent operation of a sprinkler system. There is no substitute for a soil auger in deter- mining the effectiveness of an irrigation. PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FOE FREE DISTRIBUTION BULLETINS No. No. 253. Irrigation and Soil Conditions in the 366. Sierra Nevada Foothills, California. 2G1. Melaxuma of the Walnut, "Juglans 367. regia." 262. Citrus Diseases of Florida and Cuba 368. Compared with Those of California. 263. Size Grades for Ripe Olives. 369. 268. Grovring and Grafting Olive Seedlings. 273. Preliminary Report on Kearney Vine- 370. yard Experimental Drain. 371. 275. The Cultivation of Belladonna in California. 372. 276. The Pomegranate. 277. Sudan Grass. 373. 278. Grain Sorghums. 374. 279. Irrigation of Rice in California. 283. The Olive Insects of California. 294. Bean Culture in California. 375. 304. A Study of the Effects of Freezes on Citrus in California. 376. 310. Plum Pollination. 312. Mariout Barley. 377. 813. Pruning Young Deciduous Fruit 379. Trees. 380. 319. Caprifigs and Caprification. 324. Storage of Perishable Fruit at Freez- 381. ing Temperatures. 325. Rice Irrigation Measurements and 382. Experiments in Sacramento Valley, 1914-1919. 383. 328. Prune Growing in California. 331. Phylloxera-Resistant Stocks. 385. 335. Cocoanut Meal as a Feed for Dairy 386. Cows and Other Livestock. 339. The Relative Cost of Making Logs 387. from Small and Large Timber. 388. 340. Control of the Pocket Gopher in California. 389. 343. Cheese Pests and Their Control. 390. 344. Cold Storage as an Aid to the Mar- keting of Plums. 391. 346. Almond Pollination. 347. The Control of Red Spiders in Decid- 392. uous Orchards. 393. 348. Pruning Young Olive Trees. 394. 349. A Study of Sidedraft and Tractor Hitches. 395. 350. Agriculture in Cut-over Redwood 396. Lands. 352. Further Experiments in Plum Pollina- 397. tion. 353. Bovine Infectious Abortion. 398. 354. Results of Rice Experiments in 1922. 399. 357. A Self-mixing Dusting Machine for Applying Dry Insecticides and Fungicides. 400. 358. Black Measles, Water Berries, and 401. Related Vine Troubles. 361. Preliminary Yield Tables for Second 402. Growth Redwood. 403, 362. Dust and the Tractor Engine. 404 363. The Pruning of Citrus Trees in Cali- 405! fornia. 495 364. Fungicidal Dusts for the Control of Bunt. 365. Avocado Culture in California. Turkish Tobacco Culture, Curing and Marketing. Methods of Harvesting and Irrigation in Relation of Mouldy Walnuts. Bacterial Decomposition of Olives dur- ing Pickling. Comparison of Woods for Butter Boxes. Browning of Yellow Newtown Apples. The Relative Cost of Yarding Small and Large Timber. The Cost of Producing Market Milk and Butterfat on 246 California Dairies. Pear Pollination. A Survey of Orchard Practices in the Citrus Industry of Southern Cali- fornia. Results of Rice Experiments at Cor- tena, 1923. Sun-Drying and Dehydration of Wal- nuts. The Cold Storage of Pears. Walnut Culture in California. Growth of Eucalyptus in California Plantations. Growing and Handling Asparagus Crowns. Pumping for Drainage in the San Joaquin Valley, California. Monilia Blossom Blight (Brown Rot) of Apricot. Pollination of the Sweet Cherry. Pruning Bearing Deciduous Fruit Trees. Fig Smut. The Principles and Practice of Sun- drying Fruit. Berseem or Egyptian Clover. Harvesting and Packing Grapes in California. Machines for Coating Seed Wheat with Copper Carbonate Dust. Fruit Juice Concentrates. Crop Sequences at Davis. Cereal Hay Production in California. Feeding Trials with Cereal Hay. Bark Diseases of Citrus Trees. The Mat Bean (Phaseolus aconilifo- lius). Manufacture of Roquefort Type Cheese from Goat's Milk. Orchard Heating in California. The Blackberry Mite, the Cause of Redberry Disease of the Himalaya Blackberry, and its Control. The Utilization of Surplus Plums. Cost of Work Horses on California Farms. The Codling Moth in Walnuts. Farm-Accounting Associations. The Dehydration of Prunes. Citrus Culture in Central California. Stationary Spray Plants in California. No. 87. Alfalfa. 117. The Selection and Cost of a Small Pumping Plant. 127. House Fumigation. 129. The Control of Citrus Insects. 136. MeUlotus indica as a Green-Manure Crop for California. 144. Oidium or Powdery Mildew of the Vine. CIRCULARS No. 157. Control of the Pear Scab. Lettuce Growing in California. Small Fruit Culture in California. The County Farm Bureau. 170. Fertilizing California Soils for the 1918 Crop. 173. The Construction of the Wood-Hoop Silo. 178. The Packing of Apples in California. 160 164 166 CIRCULARS— (Conhnw^d) No. 179. Factors of Importance in Producing Milk of Low Bacterial Count. 190. Agriculture Clubs in California. 199. Onion Growing in California. 202. County Organizations for Rural Fire Control. 203. Peat as a Manure Substitute. 209. The Function of the Farm Bureau. 210. Suggestions to the Settler in California. 212. Salvaging Rain-Damaged Prunes. 215. Feeding Dairy Cows in California. 217. Methods for Marketing Vegetables in California. 220. Unfermented Fruit Juices. 228. Vineyard Irrigation in Arid Climates. 230. Testing Milk, Cream, and Skim Milk for Butterfat. 231. The Home Vineyard. 232. Harvesting and Handling California Cherries for Eastern Shipment. 234. Winter Injury to Young Walnut Trees during 1921-22. 235. Soil Analysis and Soil and Plant Inter-relations. 236. The Common Hawks and Owls of California from the Standpoint of the Rancher. 237. Directions for the Tanning and Dress- ing of Furs. 238. The Apricot in California. 239. Harvesting and Handling Apricots and Plums for Eastern Shipment. 240. Harvesting and Handling Pears for Eastern Shipment. 241. Harvesting and Handling Peaches for Eastern Shipment. 243. Marmalade Juice and Jelly Juice from Citrus Fruits. 244. Central Wire Bracing for Fruit Trees. 245. Vine Pruning Systems. 247. Colonization and Rural Development. 248. Some Common Errors in Vine Prun- ing and Their Remedies. 249. Replacing Missing Vines. 250. Measurement of Irrigation Water on the Farm. 252. Supports for Vines. 253. Vineyard Plans. 254. The Use of Artificial Light to Increase Winter Egg Production. 255. Leguminous Plants as Organic Fertil- izer in California Agriculture. 256. The Control of Wild Morning Glory. 257. The Small-Seeded Horse Bean. 258. Thinning Deciduous Fruits. 259. Pear By-products. 261. Sewing Grain Sacks. 262. Cabbage Growing in California. 263. Tomato Production in California. 264. Preliminary Essentials to Bovine Tuberculosis Control. No. 265. Plant Disease and Pest Control. 266. Analyzing the Citrus Orchard by Means of Simple Tree Records. 267. The Tendency of Tractors to Rise in Front; Causes and Remedies. 269. An Orchard Brush Burner. 270. A Farm Septic Tank. 272. California Farm Tenancy and Methods of Leasing. 273. Saving the Gophered Citrus Tree. 274. Fusarium Wilt of Tomato and its Con- trol by Means of Resistant Varieties. 276. Home Canning. 277. Head, Cane, and Cordon Pruning of Vines. 278. Olive Pickling in Mediterranean Coun- tries. 279. The Preparation and Refining of Olive Oil in Southern Europe. 281. The Results of a Survey to Determine the Cost of Producing Beef in Cali- fornia. 282. Prevention of Insect Attack on Stored Grain. 283. Fertilizing Citrus Trees in California. 284. The Almond in California. 285. Sweet Potato Production in California. 286. Milk Houses for California Dairies. 287. Potato Production in California. 288. Phylloxera Resistant Vineyards. 289. Oak Fungus in Orchard Trees. 290. The Tangier Pea. 291. Blackhead and Other Causes of Loss of Turkeys in California. 292. Alkali Soils. 293. The Basis of Grape Standardization. 294. Propagation of Deciduous Fruits. 295. The Growing and Handling of Head Lettuce in California. 296. Control of the California Ground Squirrel. 298. The Possibilities and Limitations of Cooperative Marketing. 299. Poultry Breeding Records. 300. Coccidiosis of Chickens. 301. Buckeye Poisoning of the Honey Bee. 302. The Sugar Beet in California. 303. A Promising Remedy for Black Measles of the Vine. 304. Drainage on the Farm. 305. Liming the Soil. 306. A General Purpose Soil Auger and its Use on the Farm. 307. American Foulbrood and its Control. The publications listed above may be had by addressing College of Agriculture, University of California, Berkeley, California. 12to-11,'26