Volume Twelve Number Three SCHOOL OF MINES AND METALLURGY UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI BULLETIN JUNE, 1920 [DELAYED] CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS: A LIST OF REFERENCES Entered as aecond-class matter January r. 1909. at the Post Office at Roila Missouri, under the Act of July 18. 1894. Issued Quarterly. EXCHANGE SCHOOL of MINES and METALLURGY UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS: A LIST OF REFERENCES TO BIOGRAPHICAL AND CRITICAL MATERIAL Compiled by HAROLD L. WHEELER LIBRARIAN ROLLA, MISSOURI 1921 - £XCH,AMGe PREFACE This list of references has been compiled to meet the needs of stu- dents of the Missouri School of Mines who are pursuing course English 421, "The Contemporary Novel." The list is by no means intended as a selection of the best, the standard, or even the representative writers or novels of recent years. Inclusions and omissions have been based solely on class room needs and purposes, to illustrate tendencies and types, either good or other- wise. On this basis several authors are given place who would not be included in a list of "the best" novelists, and some writers and their works are omitted who would find place in such a list. Simi- larly, there are included several authors who are not contemporary but whose work forms a convenient starting point for the purposes of this course. Translations from foreign literatures are omitted. The references are based on the resources of the library of the Missouri School of Mines, the intention being not to refer the student to material which is not available in this library. References are not given to encyclopedia articles, nor to histories of English or American literature. Where the number of references about an author is great enough to make it desirable, the items have been grouped in the following order: books and parts of books, biography, criticism, "local color," or items about the region or people of whom the novelist wrote. The compiler wishes to record his gratitude to Dr. J. W. Barley, Professor of English, for his cordial assistance and for many helpful suggestions. fa-) 882433 LIBRARY STAFF Harold Leslie Wheeler Librarian Marguerite Irish Norville. .Assistant Librarian Nina Edith English Cataloguer Nancy Harrison Assistant Percy Grant Forman Student Assistant Homer Lakirby Leonard Student Assista7it Raymond Edward Murphy Student Assistant COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATIONS Joseph Wayne Barley, Ph. D. Professor of EnglisJi fL\ROLD Leslie Wheeler, A. B., B. L. S. Librarian Howard LeRoy Dunlap, A. M. Assistant Professor of Chemistry (4) LIST OF BOOKS TO WHICH REFERENCES HAVE BEEN MADE (collective biography and criticism) Beers, Henry Augustin. A history of English romanticism in the nineteenth century. N. Y., Holt, 1901. 424 p. Scott. Brownell, William Crary. American prose masters. N. Y., Scribner, 1909. 400 p. Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Poe, Lowell, James. Brownell, William Crary. Victorian prose masters. N. Y., Scribner, 1901. 289 p. Thackeray, Eliot, Carlyle, Arnold, Ruskin. Meredith. Burton, Richard Eugene. Literary leaders of America. N. Y., Scribner, 1901. Burton, Richard Eugene. Masters of the English novel; a study of principles and personali- ties. N. Y., Holt, 1909. 357 p. Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Austen, Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, Eliot, Trollope, Hardy, Meredith, Stevenson, Americans, The Cambridge history of American literature, ed. by W. P. Trent, John Erskine, S. P. Sherman and Carl Van Doren. N. Y., Put- nam, 1917-1921, vols. 1-4. The Cambridge history of English literature, ed. by A. W. Ward and A. R. Waller. N. Y., Putnam, 1907-17. 14 v. Vols. 12 and 13: The nineteenth century. Chubb, Edwin Watts. Stories of authors, British and American. N. Y., Sturgis and Wal- ton, 1911. 369 p. illus. Scott, Dickens, Bronte, Thackeray, Eliot, Stevenson, Kipling, Hawthorne, Mark Twain, etc. Cooper, Frederic Tabor. Some American story tellers. N. Y., Holt, 1911. 388 p. ports. Crawford, Wiggin, Churchill, Chambers, Glasgow, Phillips, Herrick, Whar- ton, Tarkington, O. Henry, Atherton, Wister, Norris, Bierce; Bibliography. (5) 6 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Cooper, Frederic Tabor. Some English story tellers. N. Y., Holt, iai2. 464 p. ports. Conrad, De Morgan, Hewlett, Phillpotts, Kipling, Locke, Galsworthy, Bennett, Hope, May Sinclair. OUivant, Dudeney, Trevena, Hichens, "Frank Danbyf Bibliography. Copeland, Charles Townsend, and Hersey, F. W. C, eds. Representative biographies of English men of letters. N. Y., Macmillan, 1909. 642 p. Dickens, Scott, Thackeray, etc. Cunliffe, John William. English literature during the last half century. N. Y., Macmillan, • 1919. 315 p. Meredith, Hardy, Butler, Stevenson, Gissing, Shaw, Kipling, Conrad, Wells, Galsworthy, Bennett, The Irish movement. The new poets. The new noveUsts (Walpole, Cannan, Mackenzie, Lawrence). Dawson, William James. The makers of EngUsh fiction; 2d ed. N. Y., Revell, 1905. 316 p. Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Austen, Scott, Thackeray, Dickens, The Brontes, Eliot, Reade. Kingsley, Meredith, Hardy, Stevenson, Religion in fiction, Hawthorne, Poe, etc. Dowden, Edward. Studies in literature, 1789-1877. London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1909. 523 p. Erskine, John. Leading American novelists. N. Y., Holt, 1910. 378 p. ports. Brown, Cooper, Simms, Hawthorne, Stowe, Harte. Follett, Helen Thomas, and FoUett, Wilson. Some modern novelists: appreciations and estimates. N. Y., Holt, 1918. 368 p. Meredith, Gissing, James, HowcUs, Hardy, De Morgan, Phillpotts, Ben- nett, Wells, Galsworthy, Wharton, Conrad, Maxwell, Dreiser, Sidgwlck, and others. Gardiner, Alfred G. Prophets, priests and kings. London, Dent, 1914. 341 p. ports. Meredith, Hardy, Kipling, and others. Gordon, George. The men who make our novels. N. Y., Moflfat, 1919. 262 p. Howells, W. A. White, Poole, Hergesheiraer, Churchill, Dreiser, S. E. White, E. L. White, Page, Herrick, Wister, Harrison, Allen, and others. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 7 Harkins, Edward Francis. Famous authors; women. Boston, L. C. Page, 1901. 343 p. illus. E. S. Phelps, F. H. Burnett, S. O. Jewett, Mrs. Burton Harrison. "C. E. Craddock," A. K. Green (Rohlfs), M. E. Seawell, A. E. Barr, M. E. WIlKlns, O. Thanet, M. Saunders, K. D. Wiggin, G. Atherton. "J. O. Hobbes," Lilian Bell, R. M. Stuart, A. Farquhar, P. B. Mackie, M. Johnston. E. Glasgow, Bertha Runkle. Jackson, Holbrook. Great English novelists. Phila., Jacobs, 1908. 312 p. illus. Defoe, Richardson. Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Scott, Lytton, Disraeli, Dickens, Thackeray, Meredith. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Backgrounds of literature. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. 328 p. illus. The Lake country and Wordsworth, Emerson and Concord, The Wash- ington Ir\-ing country, Weimar and Goethe, The land of Lorna Doone, America in Whitman's poetry, The land of Scott, Hawthorne in the new world. Mencken, Henry Louis. A book of prefaces; 2d ed. N. Y., Knopf, 1918. 288 p. Joseph Conrad, Theodore Dreiser, James Huneker, Puritanism as a liter- ary force. Overton, Grant M. The women who make our novels. N. Y., Moffat, 1918. 368 p. Wharton, Glasgow. Atherton. Rinehart. Deland, Wiggin, Johnston. Watts. Ferber, and twenty-three others. Phelps, William Lyon. The advance of the English novel. N. Y., Dodd, 1919. 334 p. Defoe, Richardson, Fielding. Smollett. Sterne; Eighteenth century ro- mances; the mid- Victorians ; the romantic revival, 1894-1904; Meredith and Hardy; Conrad. Galsworthy, and others; Twentieth century British novelists; Twentieth century American novelists; Henry James. Phelps, William Lyon. Essays on modern novelists. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. 293 p. De Morgan, Hardy, Howells. Bjornson. Clemens, Sienkiewicz. Sudermann. Ollivant, Stevenson, Mrs. Ward, Kipling, "Lorna Doone." Raleigh, Walter. The English novel; being a short sketch of its history from the earliest times to the appearance of Waverley. N. Y., Scribner, 1911. 298 p. Sherman, Stuart Pratt. On contemporary literature. N. Y., Holt, 1917. 312 p. Clemens, Wells, Dreiser, Bennett, Moore, France, Synge, Austin. James, Meredith, Shakespeare. 8 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a librarJ^ N. Y., Putnam, [1905]. 4 v. V. 1, Scott, Hawthorne; v. 3, Bronte, Kingsley; v. 4, Eliot. Trent, William Peterfield, and Erskine, John. Great American writers. N. Y., Holt, 1912. 256 p. Cooper, Hawthorne, Poe, Franklin, Brown, Irving, Bryant, Emerson, Thoreau, New England poets, historians, Webster, Lincoln, Stowe, Whit- man, Bret Harte, Mark Twain; Bibliography. Underwood, John Curtis. Literature and insurgency. N. Y., Kennerley, 1914. 480 p. Mark Twain, Henry James, Howells, Frank Norris, Phillips, S. E. White, Churchill, Edith Wharton, Mrs. Atherton, Chambers. Vedder, Henry Clay. American writers of today; new ed. Boston, Silver-Burdett, 1910. 326 p. Stedman, Parkman, Howells, James, Biirnett, "Craddock," Phelps, Adeline Whitney, Bret Harte, Hale, Eggleston, Cable, Stoddard, Stockton, Joaquin Miller. Warner, Charles Dudley, ed. Library of the world's best literature, ancient and modern. N. Y., J. A. Hill & Co., 1902. 30 v. Who's who, an annual biographical dictionary. Lond., A. C. Black. Who's who in America. Chicago, Marquis. Biennial. Williams. Harold. Modern English writers: being a study of imaginative literature, 1890-1914. N. Y., Knopf, 1919. 504 p. Pt. I, Poetry; Pt. II, Irish poets and playwrights; Pt. Ill, Uterary and intellectual drama in England; Pt. IV. The novel, comprising: 1, Late de- velopments; 2, New-comers; 3, Scotch novelists; 4, The contemporary novel; 5, Women novelists 6, A note on American novelists. BULLETIN OF THE School of Mines and Metallurgy UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI Volume XII JUNE, 1920 No. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS. James Lane Allen, 1849- Who's who in America. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 1:409-10. James Lane Allen. In Gordon: The men who make our nov'els, pp. 218-22. 1919. James Lane Allen.' In Williams: Modern English writers, p. 471. 1919. Allen's novels. Liv. Age, 261:689-96. June 12, '09. Mr. James Lane Allen. E.B.Brown. Atlan. 79:104-10. Jan., '97. Allen's eountrj\ A. B. Maurice, illus. Bookm. 12:154-62. Oct., '00. The South in fiction: 1 — Kentucky and Tennessee. J. F. Marcosson. illus. Bookm. 32:361-3. Dec, '10. The Choir Invisible. 1897 Atlan. 80:143-4. July, '97. Lit. Dig. 15:219-20. June 19, '97. Liv. Age, 218:178-9; 226:585-8. July 16, '98; Sept. 1, '00. Nation, 65:16-8. July 1, '97. (y) 10 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Sherwood Anderson^ 1876- Who's who in America. Sherwood Anderson. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 234-8. 1919. Poor White. 1920 Bookm., 5^:559-60. Feb., '21. Dial;^79^77-&, . Jan-i '21. Nation, 111:536. Nov. 10, '20. New Repub., 24:330-2. Nov. 24, '20. Pub. W., 98:1888. Dee. 18, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 11 Gertrude Atherton; i. e., Mrs. Gertrude Franklin (Horn) Atherton, 1857- Who's who in America. Gertrude Atherton. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 245-64. 1911. Same. Bookm. 30:350-03. Dec, '09. Gertrude Atherton. In Harkins: Famous authors; women, pp. 205-21. 1901. Gertrude Atherton. In Overton: The women who make our nov- els, pp. 41-53. 1919. Gertrude Atherton. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 478-9. 1919. Mrs. Atherton and ancestry. In Underwood: Literature and in- surgency, pp. 391-440. 1914. "My types." Forum, 58:585-94. Nov., '17. What the day's work means to me. Bookm. 42:691-5. Feb. '10. Ancestors. 1907 Ind., 03:1375. Dec. 5, '07. Lit. Dig., 30:235. Feb. 15, '08. Nation, 85:377. Oct. 24, '07. No. Amer. Rev., 180:007-11. Dec, '07. 12 MISSOURI srilOOL OF MINES June yiusteii, 1775-1817 Warner's Library of the Avorld's best literature, 2:1045-50. Jane Austen. H. Child. In Cambridfi:e history of English litera- ture, 12:257-71. 1913. Jane Austen and the novel of social comedy. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 41-52. 1905. Realism: Jane Austen. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 102-22. 1909. Jane Austen and her friends. E. Fuller. Bookm. 37:658-62. Aug., '13. Jane Austen, her contemporaries, homes and friends. F. Greenstet. Atlan., 89:555-60. April, '02. Story of Jane Austen's Hfe. P. E. More. Nation, 97:305-8. Oct. 2, '13. Bores of Jane Austen. R. Grey. Liv. Age, 225:681-8. Sept. 14, '01. English of Jane Austen. V. Rendall. Liv. Age, 290:379-82. Aug. 5, '16. Immortality of Jane Austen. W. D. Howells. Harper, 127:958-61 Nov., '13. Is the greatest humorist in English literature a woman? Cur. Opin- ion, 56:139. Feb., '14. Jane Austen. Liv. Age, 192:673-80. Mar. 12, '92. Jane Aiisten. Liv. Age, 217:214-6. April 16, '98. Jane Austen. F. Swinnerton. Bookm. 50:22-8. Sept., '19. Jane Austen's novels. A. Gladstone. Liv. Age, 237:22-9. April 4, '03. • Jane Austen's novels. W. S. N. Iddesleigh. Liv. Age, 225:681-8. June 16, '00. Jane Austen's novels. W. F. Lord. Liv. Age, 235:551-9. Nov. 29, '02. Jane Austen's snobs. E. W. Harter. Bookm. 23:550-8. July, '06. Life and work of Jane Austen. Liv. Age, 277:757-61. June 21, '13. Jane Austen and her country. R. Garnett. Bookm. 15:44-51. Mar., '02. Pride and Prejudice. 1813 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 13 Irving Addison Bacheller, 1859- Who's who in America. Sketch. Bookm. 12:217-21. Nov., '00. A Man for the Ages. 191.9 (Published serially in Everybody's, vols. 41 and 42. July, '19-Jan., '20.) Pub. W., 96:1691. Dee. 27, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:20. 14 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Sir James Matthew Barrie, bart., 1860- Who's Avho. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 3:1571-3. J. M. Barrie. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 223-5. 1919. Sir J. M. Barrie. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 349-52. 1919. Charm that is Barrie; a study of an elusive personality. J. D. Wil- liams, illus. Century, 88:801-14. Oct., '14. Comment on recent books of fiction. Atlan., 79:705-7. May, '97. The new Scottish novelists. Liv. Age, 211 :3-16. Oct. 3, '96. Secret of Barrie. Outlook, 108:524-5. Nov. 4, '14. Work of Barrie. W. Wallace, port. Bookm. 12:334-9. Dec, '00. Country of J. M. Barrie. W. Hale, illus. Bookm. 12:339-44. Dec, '00. The Little Minister. 1891 Sentimental Tommy. 1896 Lit. Dig., 14:393-4. Jan. 30, 97. Liv. Age, 211:807-14. Dec. 19, '96. Nation, 64:70. Jan. 28, '97. Tommy and Grizzel. 1900 Published serially in Scribner's, v. 27 and 28. Jan. -Nov., '00.) (Atlan., 87:132-4. Jan., '00. Dial, 29:308. Nov. 1, '00. Liv. Age, 227:669. Dec. 15, '00. Nation, 70:497; 71:429. June 28, Nov. 29, '00. Outlook, 66:807-9. Dec. 1, '00. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 15 Max Beerbohm, 1872- Who's who. Max Beerbohm. 1919. Max Beerbohm. Max Beerbohm. Max Beerbohm, writer. P '15. Max's novel. F. Hackett. Mr. Max Beerbohm's prose. 25, '20. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 323-4. port. Munsey, 29:610, 617. July, '03. B. Lynch. Dial, 70:177-92. Feb., '21. Littell. New Repub., 1:26. Jan. 30. New Repub., 15:12-3. May 4, '18. P. Littell. New Repub., 21:386. Feb. Znleika Dobson. 1911 Bookm. 35:425-8. June, '12. Cur. Lit., 52:599. May, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:28. 16 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES (Enoch) Arnold Bennett, 1867- Who's v/ho. Bibliographies of younger reputations: T — Arnold Bennett. Bookm. 34:325-6. Nov., '11. Arnold Bennett. F. J. Harvey Darton. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 128 p. port, bibliography. (Writers of the day ser.). Arnold Bennett. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 206- 31. 1912. port, bibliography. Arnold Bennett. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half century, pp. 213-22. 1919. bibliography. Arnold Bennett. In Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 206-32. 1918. Arnold Bennett. /?i Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 364-9. 1919. Realism of Arnold Bennett. In Sherman: On contemporary lit- erature, pp. 102-19. 1917. Same. Nation, 101:741-4. Dec. 23, '15. Arnold Bennett, the novelist of the Five Towns, port. Cur. Lit., 50:553-4. May, '11. Sketch. Forum, 46:639-40. Nov. '11. Arnold Bennett, a new master in English fiction. G. W. Harris. Rev. of Rev., 43:506. April 11, '08. Arnold Bennett: an appreciation. F. G. Bettany. Liv. Age, 269. 131-6. April 15, '11. Arnold Bennett's confessions, port. Bookm., 34:224-6. Nov., '11. Arnold Bennett's provincialism. J. W. Cunliffe. Ind., 85:263. Feb. 21, '16. Fiction of Arnold Bennett. Harper, 124:638-40. March, '12. Monumental realism. Nation, 93:541-2. Dec. 7, '11. Novels of Mr. Arnold Bennett and Wesleyan Methodism. D. P. Hughes. Liv. Age, 291:771-7. Dec. 30, '16. Popularity of Mr. Arnold Bennett. D. McCarthy. Liv. Age, 291:251-4. Oct. 28, '16. Re-reading Arnold Bennett. P. Littell. New Repub., 25:203. Jan. 12, '21. Speaking of Mr. Bennett. W. D. Howells. Harper, 122:633-6. March, '11. The Old Wives' Tale. 1908 Bookm., 30:186. Oct., '09. Dial, 47:236. Oct. 1, '09. Tnd., 67:547. Sept. 2, '09. Nation, 89-356. Oct. 14, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 190:836. Dec. '09. Outlook, 93:7. Sept. 4, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:35-0. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 17 Clayhanger. 1910 Bookm., 32.434-5. Dec, '10. Cur. Lit., 50:107. Jan., '11. Dial, 49:381. Nov. 16, '10. Ind., 69 928. Oct. 27, '10. Nation, 91:472. Nov. 17, '10. No. Am. Rev., 192:849-51. Dec, '10. Outlook, 96:668. Nov. 26, '10. Rev. of Rev., 43:117. Jan., '11. Survey, 26:762-4. Aug. 26, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:30. Denry the Audacious. 1911 (English title: "The Card.") Atlan.* 107:663. May, '11. Bookm., 33 193. April, '11. Ind., 70:619. March 23, '11. Lit. Dig., 42-631. April 1, '11. Nation, 92:318. March 30, '11. No. Am. Rev., 194:306. Aug., '11. Outlook, 97:607. March 18, '11. Rev. of Rev., 43:760. June, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911 :.32. Hilda Lessivays. 1911 (Follows "Clayhanger") Cur. Lit., 51:695. Dec, '11. Dial, 51:471. Dec. 1, '11. Ind., 71:819. Oct.. 12, '11. Nation, 93:315. Oct. 5, '11. Outlook, 99:588. Nov. 4, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:32-3. The Old Adam: (English title: "The Regent.' Bookm., 37:668. Aug., '13. Ind., 75:274. July 31, '13. Lit. Dig., 47:386. Sept. 6, '13. Nation, 96:643. June 26, '13. Outlook, 104:532. July 5, '13. Rev. of Rev., 48:503. Oct., '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:45. an Adventure. 1913 Follows "Denrv the Audacious"! 18 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES These Twain. 1915 (Follows "Hilda Lessways") Bookm., 42:603. Jan., '16. Dial, 59:573. Dec. 9, '15. Ind., 84:360. Nov. 29, '15. Nation, 101:741-4. Dec. 23, '15. New Repub., 5:125-6. Dee. 4, '15. Pub. W., 88:1959. Dec. 11, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:37. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 19 John Davys Beresford^ 1873- Who's who. Life and works of Beresford. R. Lawson. Liv. Age, 288:804-6. March 25, '06. New realists. E. E. Hale, Jr. port. Ind., 83:297-9. Aug. 30. 'J 5. The Early History of Jacob Stahl. 1911 Ind., 71:148-9. July 20, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:36. A Candidate for Truth. 1912 (Part II of "Jacob Stahl") Bookm., 35:632-3. Aug., '12. Ind., 73:674-5. Sept. 19, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:39. The House in Demetrius Road. 1914 Bookm., 40:437-8. Dec, '14. Dial, 57:300. Oct. 16, '14. Ind., 80:174. Nov. 2, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:42. The Invisible Event. 1915 (Part III of "Jacob Stahl") Bookm., 41:547-8, July, '15. Dial, 59:66. July 15, '15. Outlook, 110:389. June 16, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:40. These Lynnekers. 1916 Bookm., 44:62-3. Sept., '16. Dial, 61:141-3. Sept. 7, '16. Ind., 88.464. Dec. 11, '16. Nation, 103:179-80. Aug. 24, '16. New Repub., 7:280. July 15, '16. Pub. W., 90:844-5. Sept. 16, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:47-8. The Jervaise Comedy. 1919 Bookm., 49:575-6. July, '19. Outlook, 122:78. May 14, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:42-3. An Imperfect Mother. 1920 Ind., 103:54. July 10, '20. Nation, 111:74. July 17, '20. New Repub., 24:52. Sept. 8, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 20 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES George A. Birmingham, pseud. {Rev. James Oiven Hannay), 1865- Whio's who. An Irishman, a elergj-man and a playwright. S. Brooks. Harp. W., 58:22. Nov. 1.5, '13. A new novelist of old Ireland, port. Cur. Opinion, 54:229. March, ' '13. A new novelist of old Ireland. W. A. Bradley, port. Bookm., 35: . 407-9. June, '12. The Search Party. 1912 Dial, 52:133. Feb. 16, '12. Liv. Age, 279:23-5. Oct. 4, 13. Nation, 94:135. Feb. 8, '12. Rev. of Rev., 45:763. June, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:197. Spanish Gold. 1912 Dial, 52.133. Feb. 16, '12. Liv. Age, 279:23-5. Oct. 4, '13. Nation, 94:135. Feb. 8, '12. Rev. of Rev., 45:763. June, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:197. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 21 Alexander Black, 1859- Who's who iu America. The Great Desire. 1919 Atlan. March, '19, Book shelf section. New Repub., 21:177. Jan. 7, '19. Pub. W., 96:1694. Dee. 27, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:48-9. 22 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Richard Doddridge Blackmore, 1825-1900 The author of Lorna Doone. Wm. L. Phelps. Ind., 52:296-8. Feb. 1, '00. The author of Lorna Doone. port. Lit. Dig., 20:147. Feb. 3, '00. Blackmore and his work. J. Baker. Liv. Age, 241:777-83. June 25, '04. Character of Blackmore's work. Liv. Age, 225:306-8. May 5, '00. Blaekmore's country. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 14:29-37. Se"pt. '01. The land of Lorna Doone. In Mabie: Backgrounds of literature, pp. 181-92. illus. 1912. Same, illus. Outlook, 69:886-92. Dec. 7, '01. Lorna Doone. 1869 Lorna Doone. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 229-43. 1912. Lorna Doone. W. T. Young. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:482-3. 1917. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 23 Charlotte Bronte, 1816-1855 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 4:2381-8. The Brontes. Ln Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 124-44. 1905. The Brontes. A. A. Jackson. Ln Cambridge history of English literature, 13:447-63. 1917. The author of Jane Eyre. In Chubb: Stories of authors, pp. 184- 88. 1911. Charlotte and Emily Bronte. P. Littell. New Repub., 16:142. Aug. 31, 1918. Charlotte Bronte. W. B. Worsfield. Liv. Age, 220:267-80. Feb. 4, '99. Charlotte Bronte's place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 19: 29-40. March, '95. The real Charlotte. K. Tynan. Liv. Age, 290:625-9. Sept. 2, '16. The Bronte novels. W. F. Lord. Liv. Age, 237:522-31. May 30, '03. The novels of Charlotte Bronte. Liv. Age, 289:740-4. June 17, '16. Self-expression in Charlotte Bronte's books. A. Ralli. Liv. Age, 279:221-32. Oct. 25, '13. The home of Charlotte Bronte. Outlook, 90:906-8. Dee. 26, '08. Jane Eyre, 18^7 Jane Eyre. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 259-60 1909. Jane Eyre and Vanity Fair. Bookm., 10:422-23. Jan., '00. 24 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Sutnuel Butler, 1835-1902 Samuel Butler. In C'unlifTe: English liteniture during the last half century, pp. 59-82. 1919. bibliograplij'. Samuel Butler. In Phelps: Advance of the English novel, pp. 232-41. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:404-6. June, '16. Samuel Butler. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 308-12. 1919. Samuel Butler. W. T. Young. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:499-505. 1917. The author of Erewhon. C. L. Moore. Dial, 55:293-5. Oct. 16, '13. The authoress of The Way of all flesh. G. Cannan. Dial, 68:248-52. Feb., '20. An enfant terrible of modern thought, port. Cur. 0])inion, 54: 222-3. March, '13. Life and works of Samuel Butler. Liv. Age, 303:428-32. Nov. 15, '19. New reprints of Samuel Butler. T. P. Beyer. Dial, 57:105-6. Aug. 16, '14. Samuel Butler. C. Palmer. Bookm., 32:203-4. Oct., '10. Samuel Butler. C. G. Stillman. No. Amer. Rev., 204:270-81. Aug., '16. Samuel Butler of Erewhon. F. J. Mather, Jr. Nation, 91:626-9. Dec. 29, '10. Samuel Butler, satirist, illus. Outlook, 124:160-61. Jan. 28, '00. Samuel Butler's God. F. Grendon. No. Amer. Rev. 208:277-86. Aug., '18. An un-Vietorian Victorian. H. A. Lappin. Bookm., 51:33-7. March, '20. The Way of All Flesh. 1903 Nation, 103:324. Oct. 5, '16. New Repub., 7:230. July 1, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:90. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS George Washington Cable, 1841- Who's who in America. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 5:3017-9. George Washington Cable. In Vedder: American writers of today, pp. 261-74. 1894. George Washington Cable, /n Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 470-71. 1919. The New Orleans of Cable. W. Hale. Bookm., 13:136-47. April, '01. The Grandissiines. 1S80 Dr. Sevier. 1885 The Cavalier. 1901 Atlan., 88:827-8. Dec, '01. Bookm., 14:386-7. Dec, '01. Dial, 32-87. Feb. 1, '02. .Ind., 53:308990. Dec. 26, '01. Lit. Dig., 23:546. Nov. 2, '01. port. Nation, 73:458. Dec, 1901. Gideoiis Band. 1914 Bookm., 40:307. Nov., '14. Ind., 79:450. Sept. 28, '14. Nation, 99:409, 653. Oct. 1, Dec. 3, '14. Outlook, 108:844. Dee. 9, '14. Pub. W.,. 86:1290. Oct. 17, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:85. 26 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Gilbert Carman^ 1884- Who's who. Gilbert Cannan. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half-century, pp. 286-88. 1919. Gilbert Cannan. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 381-84. 1919. Gilbert Cannan, inquisitor. Evelyn Scott. Dial, 68:173-86. Feb., '20. Harried idealists of Europe, port. Lit. Dig., 53:1408-9. Nov. 25, '16. Round the Corner. 1913 Bookm., 38:197. Oct., '13. Dial, 55:359. Nov. 1, '13. Nation, 97:263. Sept. 18, '13. No. Amer. Rev., 198:77-80. July, '13. Outlook, 105:98. Sept. 13, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:94-5. The Stucco House. 1918 Bookm., 47:420-1. June, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:80-1. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 27 Daniel Chase Flood Tide. 1918 Bookm., 47:342. May, '18. Dial, 64:544. June 6, '18. Lit. Dig., p. 38. May 25, '18. Nation, 106:455. April 11, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:89. 28 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Winston Churchill, 1871- Who's who in America. Winston Churchill. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 48-67. port. 1911. Same. Bookm., 31:246-53. May, '10. Winston Churchill. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 53-7. 1919. Winston Churchill, hi Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 273-7. 1919. Winston Churchill. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 475-6. 1919. Winston Churchill and civic righteousness. In Underwood: Lit- erature and insurgency, pp. 299-345. 1914. Churchill, the novelist, and his novels in polities. S. Johnson. World's Work, 17:11016-20. Dec, 'OS. Plots of Churchill's novels. Bookm., 27:129-30. April, '08. A State aroused by a novelist. Lit. Dig., 37:898. Dec. 12, '08. Winston Churchill, reformer. Cur. Opinion, 55:122-23. Aug., '13. Winston Churchill's countr3\ W. B. Henderson, illus. Bookm., 41:607-19. Aug., '15. Richard Carvel. 1899 Atlan., 85:410-2. March, '00. Ind., 51:2568. Sept. 21, '99. Nation, 69:95-6. Aug. 3, '99. The Crisis. 1901 Anachronisms in The Crisis. Bookm., 14:462. Jan., '02. Churchill and The Crisis. World's Work, 2:1003-4. July, '01. Real persons and places in The Crisis. J. M. Dixon. Bookm., 14: 17-20. Sept., '01. Bookm., 13:345-7. June, '01. Dial, 31:25-6. July 1, '01. Ind., 53:1435-6. June 20, '01. Lit. Dig., 23:8-9. July 6, '01. The Crossing. 1904 Bookm., 19:607-8. Aug., '04. Dial, 37:38-9. July 16, '04. Ind., 57:41-2. July 7, '04. Lit. Dig., 29:149. July 30, '04. Nation, 79:120-1. Aug. 11, '04. Outlook, 77:753-5. July 30, '04. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 29 The 1 71 side of the Cup. 1913 Atlan., 112:770. Nov., '13. Bookm., 37:572-5. July, '13. Cur. Opinion, 55:122-3, 341-2. Aug., Nov., '13. Dial, 55:147-8. Sept. 1, '13. Lit. Dig., 47:250-1, 386. Aug. 10, Sept. 0, '13. Nation, 90:598-9. June 12, '13. Outlook, 104:791-3. Aug. 9, '13. Rev. of Rev., 48:502. Oct., '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:109. A Far Country. 1915 Atlan., 116:508. Oct., '15. Bookm., 41:555. July, '15. Dial, 59:63. July 15, '15. Ind., 82:473. June 14, '15. Lit. Dig., 51:533. Sept. 11, '15. Nation, 100:711-2. June 24, '15. New Repub., 3:235-6. July 3, '15. Outlook, 110:388. June 16, '15. Pub. W., 88:561: Aug. 21, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:91-2. The Dwelling Place of Light. 1917 Bookm., 46:339. Nov., '17. Ind., 92:385. Nov. 24, '17. Lit. Dig., 55:48. Dee. 29, '17. Nation, 105:404-5, 600. Oct. 11, Nov. 29, '17. New Repub., 12:306-7. Oct. 13, '17. Outlook, 117:386. Nov. 7, '17. Pub. W., 1371-2. Oct. 20, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:103-4. 30 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Samuel Langhorne Clemens {Mark Twain^ pseud.), 1835-1910 Who's who in America, 1910-'ll. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 7:3787-9. Mark Twain; a biography. A. B. Paine. N. Y., Harper, 1912. 3 vols, illus. Bret Harte and Mark Twain. In Trent and Erskine: Great Ameri- can writers, pp. 231-50. 1912. Democracy and Mark Twain. In Underwood: Literature and in- surgency, pp. 1-40. 1914. The democracy of Mark Twain. In Sherman: On contemporary literature, pp. 18-49. 1917. Mark Twain. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 99-114. 1912. Same. No. Amer. Rev., 185:540-8. July 5, '07. Mark Twain. In Vedder: American writers of today, pp. 124-40. 1894. Mark Twain. S. P. Sherman. In Cambridge history of American literature, 3:1-20. 1921. Boyhood of Mark Twain. H. M. Wharton. Cent., 64:674-7. Sept., '02. Mark Twain, g! Bradford. Atlan., 125:462-73. Apr., '20. Mark Twain; a biographical sketch. S. E. Moffett. McClures', 13:523-9. Oct., '99. Mark Twain; a biographical summary. A. B. Paine. iUus. Harp. W., 54:6-10. April 30, '10. Critical comment on Mark Twain's work. W. D. Howells. Harp. W., 54:10. April 30, '10. A humorist only. Bookm., 12:440-2. Jan., '01.- Mark Twain, an inquiry. Wm. D. Howells. No. Amer. Rev., 172: 306-21. Feb., '01. Mark Twain and the art of writing. B. Matthews. Harper, 141:635- 43. Oct., '20. Mark Twain as an interpreter of American character. C. M. Thomp- son. Atlan., 79:443-50. April, '97. Mark Twain, the humorist. H. W. Mabie. Outlook, 87:648-53. Nov. 23, '07. Mark Twain's humor. V. W. Brooks. Dial, 68:275-91. March, '20. Mark Twain's satire. V. W. Brooks. Dial, 68:424-43. April, '20. Notes on Mark Twain. W. L. Phelps, illus. Ind., 68:956-60. May 5, '10. The tragedy of Mark Twain. A. Johnson. New Repub., 23:201-4. July 14, '20. Unique position in the world of letters. A. Henderson, illus. Harper, 118:948-55. May, '09. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 31 Originals of some of Mark Twain's characters, illus. Rev. of Rev., 42:228-30. Aug., '10. Mark Twain's country. C. Johnson, illus. In Highways and by- ways of the Mississippi valley, pp. 160-82. 1906. Same. Out- ing, 45:433-40. Jan., '05. Tom Sawyer's town. K. Abbott, illas. Harp. W., 57:16-7. Aug. 9, '13. The Adoentures of Tom Sawyer. 1876 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 1884 A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court. 1889 32 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Ralph Connor, pseiid. {Rev. Charles William Gordon), 1860- Who's who. Black Rnck. 1899 Forum, 27:756. Aug., '99. Ind., 51:2830. Oct. 19, '99. The Prospector. 1904 Ind., 58:269-70. Feb. 2, '05. The Foreigner. 1909 Bookm., 30:653. Feb., '10. Ind., 68:367. Feb. 17, '10. Outlook, 94:364. Feb. 12, '10. Survey, 23:713. Feb. 12, '10. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:83. The Major. 1917 Bookm., 46:603. Jan., '18. Nation, 105:667. Dec, '13. Outlook, 117:614. Dec. 12, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:116. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 33 Joseph Conrad {Teodor Jozef Konrad Korzeniowski) , 1857- Who's who. Bibliographies of younger reputations; IV — Joseph Conrad. V. Sanger. Bookm., 35:70-1. March, '12. Joseph Conrad. Hugh Walpole. N. Y., Holt, 1916. 127 pp. port. (Writers of the day series.) Joseph Conrad. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 1-30. 1912. bibliography. Same. Bookm., 35:61-70. March, '12. Joseph Conrad. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half century, pp. 161-80. 1919. bibliography. Joseph Conrad. In Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 312-35. 1918. Same. Atlan., 119:233-43. Feb., '17. Joseph Conrad. In Mencken: Book of prefaces, po. 11-64. 1918. Jose?:)h Conrad. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 387-93. 1919. Conrad, Galsworthy, and others. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 192-231. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:297-304. May, '16. Conrad coming into his own. port. Bookm., 37:594-5. Aug., '13. Conrad's first ship, illus. map. Bookm., 41:128-30. April, '15. Notes on Conrad, illus. Bookm., 38:352-4. Dec, '13. Romantic story of Joseph Conrad. In his Set of six. appendix of 16 pp. at end of book. Voyages of Joseph Conrad. E. P. Dargan. Dial, 66:638-41. June 28, '19. Art of Joseph Conrad. H. Clifford. Liv. Age, 236:120-23. Jan, 10, '03. Art of Joseph Conrad. G. B. Donlin. Dial, 61:172-4. Sept. 21, '16. Conrad. A. Symons. Forum, 53:579-92. May, '15. Conrad's profession of artistic faith, port. Cur. Lit., 52:470-2. April, '12. Disquisition on Conrad. J. Galsworthy. Liv. Age, 257:416-20. May 16, '08. Genius of Joseph Conrad. H. Clifford. No. Amer. Rev., 178:842-52. June, '04. Genius of Joseph Conrad. J. Huneker. No. Amer. Rev., 200:270-9. Aug., '14. Joseph Conrad. F. Pease. Nation, 107:510-13. Nov. 2, '13. Joseph Conrad, a study. R. Curie. Bookm., 39:662-8; 40:99-104; 187-200. Aug.-Oct., '14. Joseph Conrad and sea fiction. Liv. Age, 276:264-78. Feb. 1, '13. Joseph Conrad's women. G. I. Colbron. Bookm., 38:476-9. Jan. '14. Kipling and Conrad. J. Macy. Dial, 62:441-3. May 17, '17. 34 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES A master of literary color. E. Bjorkman. port. Rev. of Revs., 45:557-60. May, '12. Note on Mr. Conrad. E. Moore. Li". Age, 304:101-4. Jan. 10, '20. Novels of Joseph Conrad. J. M. Robertson. No. Amer. Rev., 208:439-53. Sept., '18. The sea— and Conrad. W. McFee. Bookm., 53:102-8. April, '21. Three Conrad novels; An outcast of the islands, Nostromo, Lord Jim. J. Conrad. Dial, 69:619-30. Dec, '20. Work of Joseph Conrad. Bookm., 20:217-9. Nov., '04. Writings of Joseph Conrad. J. A. Macy. Atlan., 98:697-702. Nov., '06. Almayer's Folly; a Story of an Eastern River. 1895 The Nigger of the Narcissus; a Tale of the Sea. 1899 (Also published in New York under the title, "Children of the Sea.") Nation, 67:54. July 21, '98. Lord Jim; a Tale. 1900 My "Lord Jim." J. Conrad. Bookm., 46:539-40. Jan., '18. Bookm., 13:187. April, '01. Dial, 69:625-30. Dec, '20. Outlook, 66:711. Nov. 17, '00. Typhoon. 1902 Forum, 34:400-2. Jan., '03. Harp. W., 46:1412-3. Oct. 4, '02. Ind., 54:2658. Nov. 6, '02. Nation, 75:331. Oct. 23, '02. Outlook, 72:230. Sept. 27, '02. Nostromo; a Tale of the Sea-board. 1903 Bookm., 20:217. Oct., '04. Dial, 38:126. Feb. 16, '05, 69:623-4. Dec, '20. Ind., 58:557-8. March 9, '05. World's Work, 9:5654. Dec. '04. Chance; a Tale in Two Parts. 1913 Atlan., 114:530. Oct., '14. Bookm., 39:323. May, '14. Cur. Opin., 56:375. May, '14. Ind., 78:173. April 27, '14. Lit. Dig., 48:1119. May 9, '14. Nation, 98:396. April 9, '14. Outlook, 107:45. May 2, '14. Pub. W., 85:1335. April 18, '14. Rev. of Revs., 49:373. March, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:116-7. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 35 Victory; an Island Tale. 1915 Atlan., 116:511. Oct., '15. Bookm., 41:322. May, '15. Dial, 58:383. May 13, '15. Lit. Dig., 50:885. April 17, '15. Nation, 100:416. April 15, '15. New Repub., 2:suppl.6. April 17, '15. Outlook, 110:44. May 5, '15. Pub. W., 87:924. March 20, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:101. The Arrow of Gold; a Story Between Tivo Notes. 1919 Bookm., 49:368-9. May, '19. Nation, 108:951. June 14, '19. New Repub., 19:56. May 10, '19. Pub. W., 95:1129. April 19, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig. 1919:115. The Rescue; a Romance oj the Shallows. 1920 Atlan., 126 : Bookshelf sect. July, '20. Dial, 69:191-3. Aug., '20. Nation, 110:804-5. June 12, '20. New Repub., 23:128. June 23, '20. Outlook, 125:280. June 9, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 30 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Samuel Rutherford Crockett, 1862-1914 Warner's library of the world's best literature, 7:4181-96. In wild Galloway. C. Edwardes. Liv. Age, 252:586-94. March 9, '07. The new Scottish novelists. Liv. Age, 211:3-16. Oct. 3, '96. S. R. Crockett. Bookm., 10:516-8. J^eb., '00. The Stiokit Minister. 1893 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 37 Richard Harding Davis, 1864-1916 Who's who in America, 1916-7. A campaigner under many skies. Outing, 46:183-7. May, '05. Crossroads Davis. Bookm., 44:500-2. Jan., '17. Davis and the Rough Riders. T. Roosevelt, illus. Hcribner, 60:89. July, '16. Notes on R. H. Davis, illus. ports. Bookm. 43:353-63. June, '16. Our real soldier of fortune. Lit. Dig., 52:1307. May 6, '16. Richard Harding Davis. Lit. Dig., 52:1218-9. April 29, '16. Richard Harding Davis. Outlook, 112:887-8. April 19, '16. Richard Harding Davis. A. B. Maurice, port. Bookm., 23:137- 45. April, '06. Richard Harding Davis, an estimate. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 43:328-37. May, '16. Richard Harding Davis as revealed by his letters. New Repub., 14:149-50. March 2, '18. The R. H. Davis trail, illus. Bookm., 44:30-1. Sept., '16. Soldiers of Fortune. 1899 Mr. Davis and the real Olancho. W. H. Porter, man. illus. Bookm., 15:557-61. Aug., '02. Same. Bookm., 44:40-3. Sept., '16. Bookm., 15:283. May, '02. Dial, 32:284. April 16, '02. Harp. W., 46:428-9. April 5, '02. Lit. Dig., 24:586. April 26, '02. 38 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Rev. William James Dawson, 1854- Who's who. Who's who in America. Chalmers Comes Back. 1919 Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:135-6. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 39 Richard Dehan, pseud. (Clotilde Inez Mary Graves), 186i- Who's who. Who Richard Dehan is. Bookm., 36:17-8. Sept., '12. Slightly in error. Bookm., 36:114-0. Oct., '12. More about Richard Dehan. Bookm., 36:595-6. Feb., '13. The Man of Iron. 1914 Bookm., 41:202. April, '15. Dial, 58:212. March 18, '15. Ind., 81:470. March 29, '15. Nation, 100:332. March 25, '15. Outlook, 109:737. March 24, '15. Rev. of Revs., 52:125. July, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:194-5. 40 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Floyd DeU, 1887- The new "Moon-calf" school. Lit. Dig., 68:26-7. Feb. 12, '21. Moon Calf. 1920 Atlan., 127: Bookshelf sect. March, 1921. Bookm., 52:55^J-60. Feb., '21. Dial, 70:106. Jan., '21. Lit. Dig., 68:28. March 5, '21. Nation, 111:670. Dec. 8, '20. New Repub., 25:49. Dec. 8, '20. Pub. W., 98:1885. Dec. 18, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 41 William Frend DeMorgan, 1839-1917 Who's who, 1914. Bibliographies of younger reputations: III — William DeMorgan. Bookm., 34:560. Jan., '12. William Frend DeMorgan. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 31-53. 1912. bibliography. Same. Bookm., 35:249-56. May, '12. William DeMorgan. In FoUett: Some modern novelists, pp. 151- 74. 1918. William DeMorgan. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 1-32. 1912. William DeMorgan. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 385-6. 1919. Artist, potter and novelist. E. V. Lucas, nort. Outlook, 90:711-8. Nov. 28, '08. The Author of Joseph Vance, port. Bookm., 24:213^. Nov., '06. DeMorgan's habits of work. B. Stoker, illus. World's Work, 16:10337-42. June, '08. Memories of a friend. M. Morris. Liv. Age, 292:571-3. March 3, '17. A New career at sixtv-seven. port. Lit. Dig., 35:129-30. July 27, '07. William DeMorgan. E. F. Edgett. port. Bookm., 45:04-7. March, '17. William DeMorgan: a reminiscence. J. Cartwright. Liv. Age, 293; 345-53. May 12, '17. The art of DeMorgan. A. P. Grubb. Liv. Age, 294:35-7. July 7, '17. The literary work of DeMorgan. H. W. Boynton. Nation, 89:532-4. •Def^. 2, '09. A master novelist. S. W. Harris, port. Rev. of Revs., 42:252-4. Aug., '10. William DeMorgan. Outlook, 115:134. Jan. 24, '17. William DeMorgan. S. M. Ellis. Liv. Age, 296:676-84. Nov. 27, '15. William DeMorgan. R. P. Utter. Nation, 109:759-61. Dec. 13, '19. William DeMorgan: an appreciation. W. L. Phelps. No. Amer. Rev., 205:440-6. March, '17. The writings of William DeMorgan. M. S. Gretton. Liv. Age, 287: 546-53. Nov. 27, '15. 42 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Joseph Vance; an III -written Autobiography. 1906 Victorian English in Joseph Vance. Liv. Age, 255:814-6. Dec. 28, '00. Boolim., 24:277-9. Nov., '06. Dial, 42:13 4. Jan. 1, =07. Ind., 61:1161. Nov. 15, '06. Nation, 83:287. Oct. 4, 'OP. No. Amer. Rev., 183:1187-90. Dec. 7, '06. Outlook, 84:582-3, 711. Nov. 3, 24, '06. Alice-for-short; a Dichronism. 1907 Bookm., 25:519 20. July, '07. Dial, 42:375-6. June 16, '07. Ind., 63:397-8, 122«. Aug. 15, Nov. 21, '07. Lit. Dig., 35:272. Aug. 24, '07. Nation, 84:522. Aug. 24, '07. No. Amer. Rev., 186:449-52. Nov., '07. Outlook, 86:475. June 29, '07. Somehow Good. 1908 Bookm., 27:176-8. April, '08. Dial, 44:132-3. March 1, '08. Ind., 64:369-70. Feb. 13, '08. Liv. Age, 257:567-70. May 30, '08. Nation, 86:152. Feb. 13, '08. Outlook, 88:511. Feb. 29, '08. Rev. of Revs., 37:767. June, '08. ■It Never Can Happen Again. 1909 Bookm., 30:512. Jan., '10. Dial, 47:384. Nov. 16, '09. Nation, 89:532-4. Dec. 2, '09. Outlook, 93:829. Dec. 11, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:116. An Affair of Dishonor. 1910 Bookm., 32:432-3. Jan., '11. Dial, 49:286-7. Oct. 16, '10. Ind., 69:1217-8. Dee. 1, '10. Nation, 91':264. Sept. 22, '10. Outlook, 96:331. Oct. 8, '10. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:102-3. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 43 When Ghost Meets Ghost. 1914 Bookm., 39:208-9. April, '14. Dial, 56:247. March 16, '14. Ind., 77:354-5. March 9, '14. Nation, 98:300. March 19, '14. Outlook, 106:649. March 21, '14. Pub. W., 85:1347. April 18, '14. Rev. of Revs., 49:499. April, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:146. The Old Mad-house. 1919 Bookm., 50:195. Oct., '19. Dial, 67:352. Oct. 18, '19. New Repub., 21:125. Dec. 24, '19. Outlook, 123:190. Oct. 1, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:140-1. 44 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Charles {John Hufjatn) Dickens, 1812-1870 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 8:4625-34. Dickens. A. W. Ward. N. Y., Harper. 222 p. (English men of letters series.) Charles Dickens. In Jackson: Great English novelists, pp. 215- 54. 1908. ports. Dickens. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 175-94. 1909. Dickens. G. Saintsbury. In Cambridge history of English litera- ture, 13:336-76. 1917. Dickens writes the Pickwick papers, hi Chubb: Stories of authors, pp. 119-22. Greatness of Dickens. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 98-123. 1905. Life of Charles Dickens. L. Stephen. In Copeland and Hersej-: Representative biographies, pp. 569-95. (from Dictionary of National Biography.) The Mid- Victorians: Dickens. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 105-11. 1919. Biographical sketch. F. G. Kitton. Bookm., 13:463-73. July, '01. Certain lovers in Dickens. W. Matchett. Liv. Age, 249:107-70. April 21, '06. Charles Dickens. A. Lang. Liv. Age, 220:267-80. Feb. 4, '99. Dickens and modern humor. Liv. Age, 231:820-7. Aug. 23, '02. Dickens and the popular novel. Liv. Age, 250:819-22. Sept. 29, '06. Dickens as a master of words. W. Matchett. Liv. Age, 294:430-4. April 18, '17. Dickens' place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 18:543-53. Jan., '95. Other times, other manners. P. H. Fitzgerald. Liv. Age, 249:616- 24. June 9, '04. Plots of Dickens. H. C. Biron. Liv. Age, 273:716-21. June 22, '13. Women of Dickens. A Shurmer. Liv. Age, 304:788-85. March 27, '20. Work of Charles Dickens. A. C. Swinburne. Liv. Age, 234:449-61. Aug. 23, '02. Works of Charles Dickens. W. F. Lord. Liv. Age, 239:723-36. Dec. 19, '03. In the footsteps of Dickens. H. Ragan. illus. Cosmopol. 15:1-14. May, '93. In the heart of Dickens' land. A. S. Hartrick. Liv. Age, 275:738-41. Dec. 2], '12. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 45 Oliver- Twist. 1838 The Real Fagin. Bookm., 36:478-9. Jan., '13. Nicholas Nicklcbij. 1839 Mrs. Nickleby's tender-mindcdness. W. R. Thompson. Liv. Age, 277:800-3. June 28, '13. Old Curiosity Shop. I84O Barnaby Rudge. 1841 Martin Chuzzlewii. 1843 Famous novels and their contemporary critics* II — Martin Chuzzle- wit. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 17:130-3. April, '03. Domhey & Son. 1846 David Copper field. 1849 Death of Dickens' little Dora. J. Suddaby. Liv. Age, 261:94-7. April 10, '09. Real Dora Copperfield. Bookm., 33 234-7. May, '11. Bleak House. 1852 Little Dorrit. 1855 Little Dorrit as she is today. Rev. of Revs., 35:251. Feb., '07. Tale, of Two Cities. 1859 Famous novels and their contemporary critics: III — A tale of two cities. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 17:135-8. April, '03. Great Expectatio7is. 1861 Our Mutual Friend. 186 4 46 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859- Who's who. Warner's library of the world's best literature, 8:4815-6. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, /n- Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 334-5. 1919. Conan Doyle, a character sketch. A. S. Adcock. Liv. Age, 275: 778-87. Dee. 28, '12. Life and work of Arthur Conan Doyle. J. E. H. Williams. Bookm., 17:647-51. Aug., '03. Notes on Conan Doyle. A. B. Maurice, illus. Bookm., 39:498- 505. July, '14. Novels of Conan Doyle. Liv. Age, 242:641-54. Sept. 10, '04. The White Company. 1890 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 47 Theodore Dreiser, 1871- Who's who in America. The barbaric naturalism of Theodore Dreiser. In Sherman: On contemporary literature, pp. 85-101. 1917. Same, Nation, 101:648-50. Dec. 2, '15. Theodore Dreiser. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 58-63. 1919. Theodore Dreiser. In Mencken: Book of prefaces, pp. 67-148. 1918. An arriving giant in American fiction, port. Cur. Lit., 53:696-7. Dec, '12. The art of Theodore Dreiser. R. Bourne. Dial, 62:507-9. June 14, '17. Dreiser— after twenty years. E. H. Smith. Bookm., 53:27-39. March, '21. Novels of Theodore Dreiser. R. Bourne. New Repub., 2:supp. 7-8. April 17, '15. Theodore Dreiser. C. Van Doren. Nation, 112:400-2. March 16, '21. Sister Carrie. 1900 Jennie Gerhardt. 1911 Bookm., 34:432-4. Dec, '11. Cur. Lit., 52:114. Jan., '12. Ind., 71:1267. Dec 7, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:132. The Financier. 1912 Ind., 74:470-1. Feb., 27, '13. Nation, 95:589-90. Dec 19, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:127. 48 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier, 1834-1896 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 9:5041-4. Lesser novelists: Du Maur^er. W. T. Young. In Cambridge his- tory of English literature, 13:481-82. 1917. Anecdotes of Du Maurier. Bookm., 38:344-6. Dec, '13. The art of Du Maurier. Liv. Age, 211:444-6. Nov. 14, '96. George Du Maurier. port. Lit. Dig., 13:778. Oct. 17, '96. Recollections of Du Maurier. G. W. Smalley. McClure's, 20:299- 301. Jan., '03. Reminiscences of George Du Maurier. T. Armstrong. Harper, 122:693-703. April, '11. A satirist of the Victorians. Nation, 97:501-2. Nov. 27, '12. When Trilby reigned. Bookm., 36:230-5.' Nov., '12. Trilby. 1894 Best sellers of yesterday; Du Manner's Trilby. A. B. Maurice. iUus. Bookm., 40:599-609. Feb., '15. The trail of "Trilby." A. D. Vandam. Forum, 20:429-44. Dec, '95. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 49 George Eliot, pseud. {Mrs. Mary Anne Evans [Lewes] Cross), 1819-1880 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 9:5359-75. George Eliot. L. Stephen. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. 213 p. (English men of letters series.) George Eliot. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 218- 43. 1909. George Eliot. In Dowden: Studies in literature, pp. 240-310. 1909. George Eliot becomes a writer of fiction. In Chubb: Stories of authors, pp. 194-99. 1911. The foremost of psychological novelists, hi Brownell: Victorian prose masters, pp. 99-145. 1901. Same. Scribner, 28:711-26. Dec, '00. The mid- Victorians; George Eliot. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 113-5. 1919. The political and social novel; George Eliot. A. W. Ward. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:423-46. 1917. The real nature of George Eliot's genius. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 145-63. 1905. The centenary of George Eliot. L. Whiting. Bookm., 50:315-22. Nov., '19. Charles Reade's opinion of George Eliot. Bookm., 18:252-60. Nov., '03. George Eliot. W. D. Howells. Harper, 105:963-7. Nov., '02. George Eliot. H. Paul. Liv. Age, 234:321-32. Aug. 9, '02. George Eliot again. E. Gosse. Liv. Age, 303:704-13. Dec. 20, '19. George Eliot, 1819-1919. F. Tupper. Nation, 109:683-5. Nov. 29, '19. George Eliot, 1819-1919. E. F. Wyatt. No. Amer. Rev., 210:837-48. Dec, '19. George Eliot's place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 20:66-78. Sept., '95. A hundred years of George Eliot. Liv. Age, 302:595-8. Sept. 6, '19. Real life in George Eliot's novels. C. S. Olcott. illus. port. Out- look, 87:633-47, 931-44. Nov. 23, Dec. 28, '07. George Eliot's country. C. G. Harper. Liv. Age, 303:416-9. Nov. 15, '19. 50 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Adam Bede. 1859 The Mill on the Floss. 1860 Silas Marner, 1861 Romola. 1863 Historical researches for Romola. Bookm., 24:208. Nov., '06. Felix Holt. 1866 Middlemarch. 1872 Dowden: Studies in literature, pp. 273-310. 1909. Daniel Deronda. 1876 Dowden: Studies in literature, pp. 273-310. 1909. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 51 St. John Greer Ervine, 1883- Who's who. Twentieth centurj^ British novelists; St. John Ervine. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, p. 266. 1919. Mr. St. John Ervine and his work. L. J. McQuilland. Liv. Age, 305:45-50. April 3, '20. An Ulster realist. L. R. Morris, port. Outlook, 125:388-9. June 23, '20. Versatile genius of St. John Ervine. port. Cur. Opin., 58:426-7. June, '15. Alice and a Family. 1915 Bookm., 41:436-7. June, '15. " Dial, 59:222. Sept. 16, '15. Ind., 83:435. Sept. 27, '15. Nation, 100:656. June 10, '15. Outlook, 110:153. May 19, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:149. Changing Winds. 1917 Bookm., 45:411. June, '17. Dial, 62:433. May 17, '17. Ind., 91:183. Aug. 4, '17. Nation, 104:601-2. May 17, '17; 105:600. Nov. 29, '17. New Repub., 10:326. April 14, '17. Outlook, 115:710. April 18, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:176-7. The Foolish Lovers. 1920 Atlan., 126: Bookshelf sect. Aug., '20. Lit. Dig., 67:97-8. Oct. 23, '20. Nation, 111:74. July 17, '20. No. Amer. Rev., 212:287-8. Aug., '20. Outlook, 125:388-90. June 23, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 52 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Edtvard Morgan Forster, 1874- Who's who. Edward Morgan Forster. 1 71, Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 384-5. 1919. Hoivards End. 1010 Cur. Lit., 50:454. April, '11. Ind., 70:903. April 27, '11. Rev. of Rev., 43:759. June, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:163. Where Angels Fear to Tread. 1920 Bookm., 51 :342; 52:175. May, Oct., '20. Dial, 68:665. May, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS fiS John n illiatn lax, Jr., 1863-1919 Who's who in America, 1918-19. John Fox. T. N. Page. Seribner, 66:674-83. Dec, '19. John Fox, Jr., and his Kentucky. Nation, 109:72-3. July, '19. The south in fiction. I. F. Marcosson. illus. Bookm., 32:363-9. Dec, '10. • • The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. 1903 (Published serially in Sci'ibner's, v. 33 and 34, Jan. Aug., '03.) On horseback to Kingdom Come. Seribner, 48:175-86. Aug., '10. Bookm., 18:158-9. Oct., '03. Dial, 35:262. Oct. 1'), '03. Ind., 55-24G6-7. Oct. 15, '03. Lit. Dig., 27:437. Oct. 3, '03. Nation, 77:390. Nov. 12, '03. World's Work, 6 3920-6. Sept., '03. The Trail of the Lonesome Pine. 1908 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 43 and 44, Jan.-Nov., '08.) On the trail of the lonesome pine. Seribner, 48:417-29. Oct., '10. Bookm., 28:364-5. Dec, '08. Dial, 45:457. Dec. 16, '08. Ind., 65:1121. Nov. 12, '08. Nation, 87:466. Nov. 12, '08. The Heart of the Hills. 1913 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 51, 52, 53, April, '12-March, '13.) Bookm., 37:664-6. Aug., '13. Dial, 54:464. June 1, '13. Ind., 74:1203. May 29, '13. Lit. Dig., 46:780. April 5, '13. Nation, 96:548. May 29, '13. Outlook, 103:733. March 29, '13. Rev. of Rev., 47:762. June, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:187. Erskine Dale, Pioneer. 1920 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 67 and 68, Jan. -June, '20.) Outlook, 126:333. Oct. 20, '20. Pub. W., 98:1191. Oct. 16, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 54 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES John Galsworthy, 1S67- Wlio's who. Bibliographies of younger rei)iitations; V — John Galsworthy. Bookm., 35:203-4. April, '12. John Galsworthy. S. Kaye-Smith. N. Y., Holt, 1916. 123 p. port, bibliography. (Writers of the day series.) John Galsworthy. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 177- 205. bibliography. 1912. John Galsworthy. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half-century, pp. 198-212. bibliography. 1919. John Galsworthy. In Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 264-288. 1918. Same. Atlan., 118:757-67. Dec, '16. John Galsworthy. In Phelps: Advance of the English novel, pp. 217-23. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:304-5. May, '16. John Galsworthy. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 369- 74. 1919. The dual genius of GalsworthJ^ illus. port. Cur. Lit., 48:81-3. Jan., '10. Galsworthy, a writer of distinction. Outlook, 100:608-9. March 23, '12. Galsworthy; an appreciation. I. Skelton. World Today, 21:995-9. Aug., '11. Galsworthy, an interpreter of modernity. E. Bjorkman. port. Rev. of Rev., 43:634-6. May, '11. John Galsworthy. L. C. Willcox. No. Amer. Rev., 202:889-98. Dec, '15. John Galsworthy's irritating philosophy, port. Cur. Lit., 53:680-1. Dec, '12. Life a-s seen by John Galsworthy. E. E. Hale. Dial, 59:201-3. Sept. 16, '15. The Man of Property. 1906 Outlook, 84:941. Dec 15, '06. The Country House. 1907 Bookm., 25:497-8. July, '07. Dial, 43.62. Aug. 1, '07. Forum, 39:114-6. July, '07. Ind., 63:96-7. July 11, '07. Nation, 84:414-5. May 2, '07. No. Amer. Rev., 185:777-80. Aug. 2, '07. Outlook, 86:254. June 1, '07. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 55 Fraternity. 1909 Atlan., 103:706 7. May, '09. Bookm., 29:316. May, '09. Dial, 46-369-70. June 1, '09. Forum, 41:389-92. April, '09. Ind., 67:601. Sept. 9, '09. Lit. Dig., 38:761. May 1, '09. Nation, 88:466. May 6, '09. Outlook, 92 19, May 1, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:163-4. The Patrician. 1911 (Published serially in Atlantic, v. 106 and 107, Oct., '10-May, '11.) Atlan., 108:559 60. Oct., '11. Bookm., 33:318. May, '11. Cur. Lit., 50:675-6. June, '11. Dial, 50:442-3. June 1, '11. Ind., 70:1372. June 22, '11. Lit. Dig., 42:634. April 1, '11. Nation, 92:399. April 20, '11. No. Amer. Rev., 194:154. July, '11. Outlook, 97:629. March 25, '11. Rev. of Rev., 43:635. May, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:174-5. The Dark Flower. 1913 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 53 and 54, AprilNov., '13.) Bookm., 38:414-6. Dec, '13. Cur. Opin., 55:433: 56:50. Dec, '13, Jan., '14. Ind., 76:218-9. Oct. 30, '13. Nation, 97:508. Nov. 27, '13. Outlook, 105:548. Nov. 8, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:196. Freelands. 1915 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 57 and 58, Jan.-Sept., '15.) Bookm., 42:218 9. Oct., '15. Dial, 59:219-20. Sept. 16, '15. Ind., 84:23. Oct. 4, '15. Nation, 101:291. Sept. 2, '15. New Repub., 4:240-1. Oct. 2, '15. Outlook, 111:332-3. Oct. 6, '15. Rev. of Rev., 52:503. Oct., '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:176-7. 56 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Beyond. 1917 Bookm., 46:339. Nov., '17. Dial, 63:272 3. Sept. 27, '17. Ind., 91:473. Sept. 22, '17. Nation, 105:292, 600. Sept. 13, Nov. 29, '17. New Repub., 12:194 5. Sept. 15, '17. No. Amer. Rev., 206:628-9. Oct., '17. Outlook, 117:64. Sept. 12, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:208-9. Saint's Progress. 1919 Bookm., 49:732. Aug., '19. Dial, 67:211. Sept. 6, '19. Nation, 109:47-8. July 12, '19. New Repub., 20:154. Sept. 3, '19. Outlook, 122:444. July 16, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:190. In Chancery. 1920 (Sequel to "The Man of Property.") Bookm., 52:251. Nov., '20. Nation, 112:88. Jan. 19, '21. Outlook, 126:653. Dee. 8, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 57 Mrs. Elizabeth CleghQrn (Stevenson) Gaskell, 1810-1865 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 11:6205-6. The political and social novel: Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. A. W. Ward, hi Cambridge history of English literature, 13:411-23. 1917. Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell. K. L. Montgomery. Liv. Age, 267: 67-76. Oct. 8, '10. Lights on Mrs. Gaskell. E. Kelvin, port. Bookm. 34:156-60. Oct., '11. Literary work and sketch of life. P. E. More. Nation, 84:331-3. April 11, '07. Mrs. Gaskell. A. K. Tuell. Liv. Age, 271:528-36. Dee. 2, '11. Cranford. 1S53 58 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Walter Lionel George, 1882- Who's who. The Sficond Blooming. 1914 Dial, 58:52. Jan. 16, '15. Nation, 100:171. Feb. 11, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:206. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 59 George Robert Gissing, 1857-1903 George Gissiug; a critical study. Frank Swinnerton. N. Y., Ken- nerley, 1912. 198 p. port, bibliography. George Gissing. In Cunliffe: • English literature during the last half-century, pp. 97-118. bibliography. 1919. George Gissing. /«_^Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 50-71. 1918. ^ George Robert Gissing. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 294-9. 1919. George Gissing.%W. T. Young. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:505-14. 1917. The work of George Gissing; an introductory survey. T. Seccombe. In The House of Cobwebs and other stories, pp. vii-lv (introduc- tion), bibliography. N. Y., Button, 1007. George Gissing. Nation, 96:256-7. March 13, '13. George Gissing; a character sketch. J. McCarthy, port. Ind., 56:379-81. Feb. 18, '04. Gissing, the extraordinary. Bookm., 39:16-19. March, '14. New lights on Gissing. G. Middleton. Bookm., 36:655-7. Feb., '13. The trail of Gissing. illus. Bookm., 38:590-1. Feb., '14. A chat about Gissing. M. B. Anderson. Dial, 61:3-7. June 22, '16. George Gissing. A. Harrison. Liv. Age, 251:216-25. Oct. 27, '06. George Gissing. P. E. More. Nation, 84:53-55. Jan. 17, '07. George Gissing; an impression. H. G. Wells. Liv. Age, 243:38-45. Get. 1, '04. An idealistic realist. Atlan., 93:280-2. Feb., '04. Novels of George Gissing. Liv. Age, 272:675-80. March 16, '12. The novels of Mr. George Gissing. H. G. Wells. Liv. Age, 215:22-8. Oct. 2, '97. A spokesman of despair. J. H. Findlater. Liv. Age, 243:733-41. Dec. 17, '04. Was George Gissing a distinguished failure' port. Cur. Opin., 54: 143-4. Feb., '13. The work of George Gissing. A. Waugh. Liv. Age, 240:714-23. March 19, '04. The work of Gissing. E. Bjorkman. port. Bookm. 18:600-3. Feb., '04. The Whirlpool. 1897 Nation, 66:408. May 26, '98. Veranilda. 1904 The New Grub Street. 190 4 Will Warhurton. 1905 Thyrza. 1907 eO MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Herschel Salmon HalU 1874- Steel Preferred. 1920 Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 61 Thomas Hardy, 1840- Who's who. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 12:6933-8. Thomas Hardy. Harold Child. N. Y., Holt, 1916. 128 p. port, bibliography. Thomas Hardy; a critical study. LaseeUes Abercrombie. N. Y., Kennerley, 1912. 225 p. port. Thomas Hardy. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 262-79. 1909. Thomas IJardy. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half-century, pp. 40-58. bibliography. 1919. Thomas Hardy. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 213- 40. 1905^ Thomas Hardy. //( Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 127-50. 1918. Same. Atlan., 120:356-66. Sept., '17. Thomas Hardy. In Gardiner: Prophets, priests and kings, pp. 203-11. port. 1914. Meredith and Hardy. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 163-91. 1919. Thomas Hardy. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 33-55. 1912. Same. No. Amer. Rev., 190:502-14. Oct., '09. A disciple of destiny. W. S. Durant. Liv. Age, 262:221-7. July 24, '09. The English novel and Mr. Hardy. Liv. Age, 270:650-6. Sept. 9, '11. Hardy's women. B. de Casseras. Bookm. 16:131-3. Oct., '02. Homage to Thomas Hardy. S. C. Chew. New Repub., 23:22-6. June 2, '20. Nature of Thomas Hardy. Ind., 54:1657-9. July 10, '02. The novels of Thomas Hardy. M. Moss. Atlan., 98:354-67. Sept., '06. The novels of Thomas Hardy. E. Wright. Liv. Age, 241:456-71. May 21, '04. The pessimism of Thomas Hardy. Liv. Age, 255:180-82. Oct. 19, '07. The pessimism of Mr. Thomas Hardy. P. T. Forsyth. Liv. Age, 275:458-73. Nov. 23, '12. Thomas Hardy. A. Symons. Dial, 68:66-70. Jan., '20. Thomas Hardy; a criticism. Liv. Age, 261:302-9. May 1, '09. Thomas Hardy and his novels. Wm. Sharp. Forum, 13:583-93. July, '92. 62 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Tlioraas Hardy as panoramatist. M. Beerbohm. Li v. Age, 240: 507-10. Feb. 20, '04. Thomas Hardy of Wessex. port. Outlook, 125:369. June 23, '20. Thomas Hardy; optimist or pessimist? Cur. Lit., 52:599. May, '12. Thomas Hardy, wizard of Wessex. G. Alexander. New Repub., 23:335-6. Aug. 18, '20. The Wessex novels of Hardy. H. Williams. No. Amer. Rev., 199: 120-34. Jan., '14. The work of Hardy. C. Whibley. Li v. Age, 278:96-103. July 12, '13. In Hardy's Wessex. H. H. Stunner. Liv. Age, 227:260-1; 395-8, 457-9, 844-5. Oct. 27-Dec. 29, '00. Under the Greenwood Tree. 1872 Far From the Madding Crowd. 1874 The Return of the Native. 1878 The Mayor of Casterbridge. 1884 The Woodlanders. 1886 Tess of the D' Urbervilles. 1891 Hardy's Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid, and its history. J. W. Beach. Nation, 94:82-3. Jan. 25, '12. Jude, the Obscure. 1895 The Well-Beloved. 1897 Lit. Dig., 15:70-71. May 15, '97. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 63 Henry Sydnor Harrison, 1880- Who's who in America. Henry Sydnor Harrison. In Gordon: The men who make our nov- els, pp. 175-8. 1919. Twentieth century American novelists; Henry Sydnor Harrison. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 285-9. 1919. The novels of Henry Sj^dnor Harrison. R. Herrick. New Repub., 2:199-201. March 27, '15. Queed. 1911 Atlan., 108:562-3. Oct., '11. Bookm., 33:435-6. June, '11. Cur. Lit., 51:221-2. Aug., '11, Dial, 51:49. July 16, '11. Ind., 71:149. July 20, '11. Nation, 92:580. June 8, '11. No. Amer. Rev., 194:154-5. July, '11. Outlook, 98:127. May 20, '11. Rev. of Rev., 43:761. June, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:211-2. V. F.'s Eijes. 1913 Atlan., 112:700. Nov., '13. Bookm., 37:454-7. June, '13. Cur. Opin., 55:49-50. July, '13. Dial, 55:19-20. July 1, '13. Ind., 74:1449-50. June 26, '13. Lit. Dig., 47:253-4. Aug. 16, '13. Nation, 96:524. May 22, '13. No. Amer. Rev., 198:431-2. Sept., '13. Outlook, 104:260-1. May 31, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:237-8. 64 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804-1864 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 12:7053-61. The American contribution; Hawthorne. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 324-31. 1909. Hawthorne. By J. Erskine. In Cambridge history of American literature, 2:16-31. 1918. American novelists. Nathaniel Hawthorne. lit Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 291-8. 1905. An artist of American literature. In Erskine: Leading American novelists, pp. 179-273. 1910. Hawthorne. In Brownell: American prose masters, pp. 63- 130. 1909. Same, abridged. Scribner, 43:69-84. Jan., '08. Hawthorne in the new world, hi Mabie: Backgrounds of literature, pp. 303-28. 1912. Life and literary genius of Hawthorne. In Burton: Literarj^ lead- ers of America, pp. 99-134. 1904. A Man under enchantment. In Crothers: The pardoner's wallet, pp. 249-66. 1905. Nathaniel Hawthorne. I7i Trent and Erskine: Great American writers, pp. 57-84. 1912. Hawthorne: looking before and after. P. E. More, illus. Ind., 56:1489-94. June 30, '04. Hawthorne'^ place in literature. D. V. Hannigan. Liv. Age, 231: 720-4. Dec. 14, '01. Origins of Hawthorne and Poe. P. E. More, illus. Ind., 54:2453- 60. Oct. 16, '02. The personality of Hawthorne. W. D. Howells. No. Amer. Rev., 177:872-82. Dec, '03. Questionable shapes of Hawthorne. M. E. Coleridge. Liv. Age, 242: 348-53. Aug. 6, '04. The work of Hawthorne. H. W. Mabie. No. Amer. Rev., 179:13-23. July, '04. The Scarlet Letter. 1850 Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter. In Chubb: Stories of authors, pp. 270-8. 1912. The Scarlet Letter. In Brownell: American prose masters, op. 116-23. 1909. A flower of Puritanism; Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter. C. Van Doren. Nation, 111:649-50. Dec. 8, '20. Notes on The Scarlet Letter. T. T. Munger. Atlan., 93:521-35. April, '04. Old Salem and The Scarlet Letter. L. L. Cable, illus. Bookm., 26:398-403. Dec, '07. The House of the Seven Gables. 1S51 The Marble Faun. 1860 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 65 Joseph Hergesheinier, 1880- Who's who in America. Joseph Hergesheimer. In Gordon: The men who make onr novels, pp. 33-40. 1919. Factiialist vs. impressionist. W. Follett. Dial, 66:449-51. May 3, '19. In respect to Joseph Hergesheimer. J. B. Cabell. Bookm., 50:267- 73. Nov., '19. Some veracious paragraphs; a literary autobiography. Bookm., 48: 8-12. Sept., '18. The Lay Anthony. 1914 Dial, 57:204. Sept. 16, '14. Nation, 99:349. Sept. 17, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:251. The Three Black Pennys. 1917 Bookm., 46:487-8. Dec, '17. Dial, 63:643-5. Dec. 20, '17. Nation, 105:432. Oct. 18, '17. New Repub., 12:334-5. Oct. 20, '17. Pub. W., 92:1378-80. Oct. 20, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:261. Java Head. 1919 Bookm., 49:54-5, 370. March., May, '19. Dial, 66:449. May 3, '19. New Repub., 18:123-4. Feb. 22, '19. Outlook, 121:169. Jan. 29, '19. Pub. W., 94:2038-9. Dec. 28, 'IS. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:233-4. 66 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Robert Herrick, 1868- Who's who in America. Robert Herrick. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 140- 67. port. 1911. Robert Herrick. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 148-54. 1919. The Americanism of Robert Herrick. E. Bjorkman. port. Rev. of Rev., 43:380-1. March, '11. The novels of Herrick. W. D. Howells. No. Amer. Rev., 189:812- 20. June, '09. The Common Lot. 1904 (Published serially in Atlantic,^ v. 93 and 94. Jan.-Aug., '04.) Bookm., 20:220. Nov., '04. Dial, 37:311. Nov. 16, '04. Ind., 57:1210-1. Nov. 24, '04. Nation, 79:380-1. Nov. 10, '04. Outlook, 78:461-2. Oct. 22, '04. Clark's Field. 1914 Atlan., 114:527. Oct., '14. Bookm., 39:675-6. Aug., '14. Cur. Opin., 57:126. Aug., '14. Dial, 57:18. July, 1, '14. Ind., 78:564. June 29, '14. Lit. Dig., 49:199. Aug. 1, '14. Nation, 99:409, 653. Oct. 1, Dec. 3, '14. No. Amer. Rev., 200:915-7. Dec, '14. , Outlook, 107:758. July 25, '14. Rev. of Rev., 50:247. Aug., '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:251-2. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 67 Maurice Henry Hewlett, 1861- Who's who. Maurice Hewlett. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 54- 93. bibliography. 1912. Maurice Hewlett. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 398- 402. 1919. Decline and fall of Maurice Hewlett. J. L. Hervey. Dial, 61: 337-9. Nov. 2, '16. Hewlett and his work. E. C. Marsh. Forum, 39:266-9. Oct., '07. Literary personalities: Maurice Hewlett, port. Outlook, 81:724- 7. Nov. 25, '05. Maurice Hewlett, a significant writer. Outlook, 66:877-8. Dec. 8, '00. Maurice Hewlett; an appreciation. H. W. Mabie. Bookm., 26: 360-1. Dec, '07. Maurice Hewlett, Meredithian. E. C. Marsh. Bookm., 26:361-2. Dee., '07. The women of Hewlett, port. Cur. Lit., 49:323-4. Sept., '10. The work of Maurice Hewlett. G. W. Harris, port. Rev. of Rev., 40:251-2. Aug., '09. Hewlett's Italy. L. C. Hale, illus. Bookm., 16:134-49. Oct., '02. The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay. 1900 Bookm., 12:484-5. Jan., '01; 13:9-11. March, '01. Dial, 30:110. Feb. 16, '01. Ind., 53:44. Jan. 4, '01. Nation, 72:76. Jan. 24, '01. Halfway House; A Comedy of Degrees. 1908 '~ Bookm., 27:602-3. Aug., '08. Dial, 45:215. Oct. 1, '08. Ind., 65:555. Sept. 3, '08. Nation, 87:212-3. Sept. 3, '08. Outlook, 89:956. Aug. 22, '08. Open Country; A Comedy With a Sting. 1909 Bookm., 30:263-4. Nov., '09. Dial, 47:237. Oct. 1, '09. Ind., 68:152. Jan. 20, '09. Nation, 89:305-6. Sept. 30, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 190:838. Dec, '09. Outlook, 93:276. Oct. 2, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:204. 68 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Rest Harrow; A Comedy of Resolution. 1910 (Published serially in Scribner's, v. 47 and 48. Jan.-Sept., '10.) Bookm., 32:171-2. Oct., '10. Dial, 49:287. Oct. 16, '10. Ind., 69:651-2. Sept. 22, '10. Lit. Dig., 41:819. Nov. 5, '10. Nation, 91:291. Sept. 29, '10. Outlook, 96:302-4. Oct. 8, '10. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:183-4. A Lover's Tale. 1915 Atlan., 116:510. Oct., '15. Bookm.. 41:325-6. May, '15. Nation, 100:388. Apr. 8, '15. Outlook, 110:388. June 16, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:224. Mainwaring. 1920 Outlook 120:333. Oct. 20, '20. Bk. Rev, Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 09 Robert Stnythe Ilichens, 1864- Wlio's who. Bibliographies of younger reputations: Robert Hiehens. Bookm., 35:508-9. July, '12. Robert Hiehens. Tn Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 342- 75. 1912. Same. Bookm., 35:470-Sl. July, '12. Robert Smythe Hiehens. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 395-8. 1919. Robert Hiehens; an appreciation. C. H. Gaines. Harp. W., 51: 1206. Aug. 17, '07. Robert Hiehens at Taormina. Bookm., 29:13-5. March, '09. Robert Hiehens' opinions. Outlook, 99:304-5. Oct. 7, '11. The Garden of Allah. 1904 Atlan., 95:697-8. May, '05. Bookm., 21:63. March, '05; 24:378-9. Dee., '06. Dial, 38:388. June 1, '05. Ind., 56:787. April 6, '05. Lit. Dig., 30:328. March 4, '05. Liv. Age, 248:736-40. March 24, '06. Outlook, 79:502-3. Feb. 25, '05. A Spirit in Prison. 1908 (Published serially in Harp. W., v. 52. March 14-Aug. 29, '08.) Bookm., 28:262-3. Nov., '08. Ind., 65:947-8. Oct. 22, 'OS. Nation, 87:340. Oct. 8, '08. The Way of Ambition. 1013 Bookm., 38:312. Nov., '13. Cur. Opin., 55:379. Nov., '13. Ind., 76:94. Oct. 9, '13. Lit. Dig., 47:692. Oct. 18, '13. Nation, 97:263. Sept. 18, '13. Outlook, 105:151. Sept. 20, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:252. 70 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Anthony Hope; i. e.. Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, 1863- Who's who. Anthony Hope. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 232- 51. bibliography. 1912. Anthony Hope. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 403-5. 1919. Anecdotes of Anthony Hope. Bookm., 28:98-101. Oct., '08. Anthony Hope. Munsey, 29:607-9. July, '03. Anthony Hope, G. Sampson. Liv. Age, 298:30-7. July 6, '18. Anthony Hope as an author, port. Bookm., 10:512-4. Feb., '00. How Hope worked. Bookm., 33:451-3. July, '11. Impressions of Anthony Hope. Bookm., 17:119-23. April, '03. The method of Anthony Hope. Liv. Age, 255:689-91. Dec. 14, '07. The Prisoner of Zenda. 1894 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 71 William Dean Howells, 1837-1920 Who's who in America, 1920-21. 'Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 13:7653-6. The later novel: Howells. C. Van Doren. In Cambridge history of American literature, 3:66-85. 1921. William Dean Howells. In Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 99-123. 1918. Same. Atlan., 119:362-72. March, '17. William Dean Howells. In Gordon: The men who make our nov- els, pp. 1-10. 1919. William Dean Howells. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 56-81. 1912. William Dean Howells. In Vedder: American writers of today, pp. 43-68. 1894. William Dean Howells. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 467-8. 1919. William Dean Howells and Altruria. In Underwood: Literature and insurgency, pp. 87-129. 1914. America's foremost living man of letters, port. Cur. Lit., 52:461- 3. April, '12. An appreciation. W. L. Phelps. No. Amer. Rev., 212:17-20. July, '20. Howells and Trollope. J. F. Muirhead. Li v. Age, 308:304-9. Jan. 29, '21. Howells as a victim of the dead hand in American fiction. Cur. Opin., 54:Al. May, '13. The latest novels of William Dean Howells. H. W. Preston. Atlan., 91:77-9. Jan., '03. Life and work of William Dean Howells. H. M. Alden. Bookm., 49:549-54. July, '19. Mr. Howells. Lit. Dig., 65:34-5. May 29, '20. William Dean Howells. port. Ind., 72:533-4. March 7, '12. William Dean Howells. J. Erskine. Bookm., 51:385-9. June, '20. William Dean Howells; an appreciation. New Repub., 23:393-5. May 26, '20. William Dean Howells; an appreciation. W. B. Trites. Forum, 49:217-40. Feb., '13. William Dean Howells as a man of letters. Nation, 110:673. May 22, '20. William Dean Howells, printer, journalist, poet, novelist. Lit. Dig., 65:53-7. June 12, '20. A Chance Acquaintance. 1872 A Foregone Conclusion. 1874 A Modern Instance. 188S 72 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Rise of Silas Lapham. 18S5 A Hazard of New Fortunes. 1889 The Son of Royal Langbrith. 1904 (Published serially in No. Amer. Rev., v. 178 and 179. Jan.-Aug., '04.) Bookm., 20:372-4. Dec, '04. Dial, 37:310-1. Nov. 16, '04. Ind., 57:1270-1. Dec. 1, '04. Nation, 79:419. Nov. 24, '04. Outlook, 78:869. Dec. 3, '04. The Vacation of the Kelwyns. 1920 Nation, 111 :.510. Nov. 3, '20." Outlook, 126:333. Oct. 20, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 73 William Henry Hudson, 1862- Far away and long ago: a history of my early life. W. H. Hudson. N. Y., Button, 1918. 332 p. port. William Henry Hudson. Ln Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 329-30. 1919. A novelist-naturalist who upsets old ideas. Lit. Dig., 63:80-90. Dee. 6, '19. Romances and nature books. E. Garnett. Dial, 62:83-7. Feb. 8, '17. Silver grey laurels; an appreciation of William Henry Hudson. F. F Kelly. Bookm., 45:84-8. March, '17. Same. Bui. Pan-Amer. Union, 44:489-93. April, '17. Who's who among authors. Bookm., .50: in advertising pages bound at end of volume. The writings of William Henry Hudson. C. S. Evans. Bookm., 52: 18-21. Sept., '20. Green Mansions. 1893 Bookm., 43:415-6. June, '16. Dial, 61:28. June 22, '16. Ind., 86:183. May 1, '16. Nation, 102:544. May 18, '16. New Repub., 7:176-7. June 17, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:281. 74 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Arthur Stuart- Menteith Hutchinson, 1880- Who's who. Twentieth century British novelists; A. S. M. Hutchinson. In Phelps: Advance of the English novel, pp. 264-6. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:413. June, '16. A. S. M. Hutchinson. H. F. Joyce, port. Bookm., 37:516-8. July, '13. The Happy Worrier. 1912 Bookm., 36:678-9. Feb., '13. Dial, 54:302. April 1, '13. Ind., 74:1096. May 15, '13. No. Amer. Rev., 197:713-5. May, '13. Outlook, 103:732. March 29, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:272-3. The Clean Heart. 1914 Bookm., 40:306-7. Nov., '14. Dial, 57:257. Oct. 1, '14. Ind., 79:449. Sept. 28, '14. Nation, 99:462. Oct. 15, '14. Outlook, 108:393. Oct. 14, '14. Pub. W., 86:1285. Oct. 17, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:275-6. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 75 Fryniwyd Tennyson Jesse Port. Bookm., 44:158. Oct., 1916. Secret Bread. 1917 Bookm., 46:486. Dec, '17. Nation, 105:515. Nov. 8, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:294. Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, 1858- Who's who. The Gay-Dombeys. 1919 Bookm., 50:85-6. Sept., '19. Dial, 66:641-2. June 28, '19. Nation, 109:22. July 5, '19. New Repub., 21:274. Jan. 28, '20. Outlook, 122:338. June 25, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:265. Mrs. Warren s DaugJtter. 1920 Lit. Dig., 67:97. Oct. 9, '20. Nation, 110:950. June 26, '20. Nature, 106:339. Nov. 11, '20. New Repub., 23:157. June 30, '20. Outlook, 125:431. June 30, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 76 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 15:8611-4. Charles Kingsley. /n Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 179-90. 1905. Kingsley. In Burton: IMasters of the English novel, pp. 249-50. 1909. The political and social novel; Charles Kingsley. A. W. Ward. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:392-410. 1917. Charles Kingsley's place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 19: 560-72. July, '95. The Kingsley novels. W. F. Lord. Liv. Age, 242:321-8. Aug. 6, '04. The leaves of the tree: VII — Charles Kingsley. A. C. Benson. No. Amer. Rev., 194:282-301. Aug., 11. Recollections of Charles Kingsley. F. M. Muller. Liv. Age, 212: 385-9. Feb. 6, '97. Hypatia. 18n3 Westward Ho! 1S55 Venezuela and Kingsley's Westward Ho! L. C. Hale, illus. Bookm., 18:129-35. Oct., '03. Hereward the Wake. 1866 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 77 Rudyard Kipling, 1865- Who's who. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 15:8633-7. Rudyard Kipling. J. Palmer. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 128 p. port. bibliography. (Writers of the day series.) Rudyard Kipling. I)i Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 122- 47. 1912. Rudyard Kipling. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half century, pp. 151-60. bibliography. 1919. Rudyard Kipling. In Gardiner: Prophets, priests and kings, pp. 324-30. port. 1914. Rudyard Kipling. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 208- 28. 1912. Same. Forum, 42:217-26. Sept., '09. Rudyard Kipling. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 299- 307. 1919. The art of Kipling. Liv. Age, 278:563-9. Aug. 30, '03. Contributions to a critique of Rudyard Kipling. F. Gratz. Liv. Age, 221:139-50. April 15, '99. Kipling as a poet of patriotism. Outlook, 64:18-9. Jan. 6, '00. Kipling seen through Hindu eyes. A. R. Sarath-Roy. No. Amer. Rev., 199:271-81. Feb., '14. Kipling's God. Outlook, 64:372-3. Feb. 10, '00. Answer, 64:692-3. March 24, ^00. The literary inspiration of imperialism. Liv. Age, 225:807-11. June 30, '00. Mr. Kipling: where does he stand? W. Whitten. Bookm., 16:586- 8. Feb., '03. Remarkable rightness of Kipling. K. F. Gerould. Atlan., 123:12- 21. Jan., '19. The voice of the Hooligan. R. Buchanan. Liv. Age, 224:1-13. Jan. 6, '00. Is it the voice of the Hooligan? W. Besant. Liv. Age, 224:401-10. Feb. 17, '00. Western stories of the East. Liv. Age, 238:193-206. July 25, '03. Where Kipling stands. Bookm., 29:120-2. April, '09. The works of Mr. Rudyard Kipling. Liv. Age, 216:691-705. March 12, '98. Why women dislike Kipling. B. Hillard. Bookm., 40:328-33. Nov., '14. The writer who does not care. F. M. Colby. Bookm., 15:85-7. March, '02. About the London of Rudyard Kipling. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 52:311-7. Dec, '20. Kipling's India. A. Munson. illus. Bookm., 39:30-45, 153-71, 255- 68. March-May, '14. The Sussex of Rudyard Kipling. W. A. Young, illus. Bookm., 43: 38-51. March, '16. 78 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Light that Failed. 1891 Captains Courageous. 1897 The smoking room in Captains Courageous. Bookm., 18:9-12. Sept., '03. Allan., 80:855-57. Dec, '97. Nation, 66:15. Jan. 6, '98. Kim. 1901 (Published serially in McClure's, v. 16 and 17. Dec, '00-Oct., '01.) Across India with Kim. E. A. Forbes, illus. World's Work, 24:639-49. Oct., '12. Atlan., 88:846-7. Dec, '01. Bookm., 14:146-9. Oct., '01. Dial, 31:368. Nov. 16, '01. Ind., 53:2415-6. Oct. 10, '01. Lit. Dig., 23:508. Oct. 26, '01. Nation, 73:381. Nov. 11, '01. World's Work, 2:1341-2. Oct., '01. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 79 Sinclair Lewis, 1885- Who's who in America. Sinclair Lewis. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 223-7. 1919. The new "Moon-calf" school. Lit. Dig., 68: 26-7. Feb. 12, '21. Main Street. 1920 Atlan., 127: Bookshelf sect. Jan., '21. Bookm., 52:357-8. Jan., '21. Dial, 70:106. Jan., '21. Ind., 105:137. Feb. 5, '21. Nation, 111:536. Nov. 10, '20. New Repub., 25:20-1, 183-4. Dec. 1, '20, Jan. 12, '21. Outlook, 127:31. Jan. 5, '21. Pub. W., 98:1889. Dec. 18, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 80 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Williatn John Locke, 1863- Who's who. William J. Locke. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 148- 76. bibliography. 1912. Same. Bookm., 24:601-4. Feb., '07. Twentieth century British novelists; William J. Locke. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 256-60. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:410-11. June, '16. William J. Locke. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 405-7. 1919. An apostle of cheerfulness in fiction. G. W. Harris, port. Rev. of Rev., 41:376-7. March, '10. The personal W. J. Locke, port. Bookm., 28:424-8. Jan., '09. The price of popularity. P. Tillinghast. Forum, 41:180-4. Feb., '09. The Morals of Marcus Ordeyne. 1905 Atlan., 127: Bookshelf sect. Jan., '21. Bookm., 21:364-5. June, '05. Dial, 38:389-90. June 1, '05. Ind., 59:335. Aug. 10, '05. The Beloved Vagabond. 1906 Dial, 42:142. March 1, '07. Nation, 83:375. Nov. 1, '06. Outlook, 84:580, 711. Nov. 3, 24, '06. Septimus. 1909 (Published serially in American Mag., May, '08-Jan., "09.) Atlan., 103:711. May, '09. Bookm., 28:594-5. Feb., '09. Dial, 46:263. April 16, '09. Forum, 41:180-4. Feb., '09. Ind., 66:699. April 1, '09. Nation. 88:117. Feb. 4, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 189:783. May, '09. Outlook, 91:107. Jan. 16, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:271 2. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 81 Simon, the Jester. 1910 (Published serially in American Mag., Nov., '09 Nov., '10.) Atlan., 106:810. Dec, '10. Bookm., 31:507-8. July, '10. Dial, 49:41. July 16, '10. Ind., 69:771. Oct. 6, '10. Nation, 90:607. June 16, '10. Outlook, 95:370. June 18, '10. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:239-40. The Glory of Clementina. 1911 Atlan., 108:567. Oct., '11. Bookm., 34:76. Sept., '11. Dial, 51-202. Sept. 16, '11. Ind., 71:317. Aug. 10, '11. Lit. Dig., 43:567. Oct. 7, '11. Nation, 93:143. Aug. 17, '11. Outlook, 99:259. Sept. 30, '11. Rev. of Rev., 44:382. Sept., "11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:294-5. Stella Maris. 1913 Bookm., 37:440. June, '13. Dial, 55:158. Sept. 1, '13. Ind., 73:272. July 31, '13. Lit. Dig., 46:898. April 19, '13. Nation, 96:389. April 17, '13. Outlook, 103:778. April 5, '13. Rev. of Rev., 47:629. May, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:320-1. The Fortunate Youth. 1914 Bookm., 39:217. April, '14. Cur. Lit., 56:455. June, '14. Dial, 56:423. May 16, '14. Lit. Dig., 48:1119. May 9, '14. Outlook, 107:264. May 30, '14. Pub. W., 85:1062. March 21, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:332. 82 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Jaffenj. 1915 Bookm., 41:551. July, '15. Dial, 59:63. July 15, '15. Ind., 83:238. Aug. 16, '15. Outlook, 110:390. June 16, '15. Pub. W., 88:564. Aug. 21, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:290-1. The Wonderful Year. 1916 Bookm., 44:269. Nov., '16. . Dial, 61:313. Oct. 19, '16. Ind., 88:235. Nov. 6, '16. Lit. Dig., 53:1479. Dec. 2, '16. Nation, 103:611. Dec. 28, '16. New Repub., 8:277. Oct. 14, '16. Outlook, 114:616. Nov. 15, '16. Pub. W., «0:843. Sept. 16, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:341. The Red Planet. 1917 Bookm., 45:645. Aug., '17. Dial, 63:162. Aug. 30, '17. Ind., 91:291. Aug. 25, '17. Nation, 105:124. Aug. 2, '17. New Repub., 12:82. Aug. 18, '17. Outlook, 116:488. July 25, '17. ' Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:341-2. The Rough Jtoad. 1918. (Published serially in Good Housekeeping.) Bookm., 48:102. Sept., '18. Dial, 65:223. Sept. 19, '18. Nation, 107:205. Aug. 24, '18. Outlook, 120:188. Oct. 2, '18. Pub. W., 94:547. Aug. 17, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:272-3. The House of Baltazar. 1920 (Published serially in Good Housekeeping) Atlan., 125: Bookshelf sect. April, '20. Ind., 103:54. July 10, '20. Outlook, 124:430. March 10, '20. Pub. W., 97:173. Jan. 17, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. The Moxintehank. 1921 (Published serially in Good Housekeeping.) Outlook, 127:431. March 16, '21. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 83 Jack London, 1876-1916 Who's who in America, 1916-17. Jack London. Ln Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 477-8. 1919. Jack London. C. Van Doren. In Cambridge history of American literature, 3:94. 1921. Twentieth century American novelists; Jack London. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 282-4. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:519. July, '16. The barbarian in Jack London. Lit. Dig., 45:564. Oct. 5, '12. A characteristic American career, port. Lit. Dig., 53:1537-8. Dec. 9, '16. Jack London, port. Bookm., 17:562-4. Aug., '03. Jack London, port. Outing, 44:486-7. July, '04. Jack London; what he was and what he accomplished. G. I.'CoI- bron. Bookm., 44:441-51. Jan., '17. Jack London's place in American literature. Nation, 103:502. Nov. 30, '16. The Call of the Wild. 1903 Atlan., 92:695-7. Nov., '03. Bookm., 18:159-60. Oct., '03. Dial, 35:261. Oct. 16, '03. Ind., 55:1933. Aug. 13, '03. Lit. Dig., 27:437. Oct. 3, '03. Nation, 77:287. Oct. 8, '03. Outlook, 74:762. Jiily 25, '03. The Sea Wolf. 1904 (Published serially in Century, v. 67, 68 and 69. Jan.-Nov., '04.) Bookm., 20:219. Nov., 04. Dial, 38:16. Jan. 1, '05. Ind., 58:39-40. Jan. 5, '05. Lit. Dig., 30:143-4. Jan. 28, '05. Nation, 79:507. Dec. 22, '05. Outlook, 78:872. Dec. 3, '05. 84 MISSOURI .SCHOOL OF MINES (Edtvard Montagu) Compton Mackenzie, 1882- Who's who. Compton Mackenzie. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half -century, pp. 288-91. 1919. Compton Mackenzie. S. Thayer. Dial, 65:473-9. Nov. 30, '18. The novels of Compton Mackenzie. Liv. Age, 288:280-8. Jan. 29, '16. The novels of Mr. Compton Mackenzie. J. Freeman. Liv. Age, 304:604-12. March 6, '20. The Passionate Elopentent. 1911 Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:312. Carnival. 1912 Atlan., 110:686. Nov., '12. Bookm., 35:312-3. May, '12. Cur. Lit., 53:216-7. Aug., '12. Nation, 94:495. May 16, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:301. Youth's Encounter. 1913 (Published in England as vol. 1 of "Sinister Street.") Bookm., 38:414. Dec, '13. Cur. Opin., 55:380-1. Nov., '13. New Repub., 2:53-4. Feb. 12, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:341. Sinister Street. 1914 (Sequel to "Youth's Encounter.") Bookm., 40:676. Feb., '15. Dial, 58:53. Jan. 16, '15. Ind., 80:404. Dec. 14, '14. Nation, 100:81. Jan. 21, '15. New Repub., 2:53-4. Feb. 12, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:353. Plashers Mead. 1915 (English title: "Guy and Pauline.") Nation, 101:690. Dec. 9, '15. New Repub., 5:129. Dec. 4, '15. Pub. W_., 89:192. Jan. 15, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:308-9. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS yiND NOVELISTS 85 The Early Life and Adventures of Sylvia Scarlett. 1918 Bookm., 48:482-4. Dec, '18. New Repub., 17:48-9. Nov. 9, '18. Pub. W., 94:1300. Oct. 19, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:289-90. Sylvia and Michael. 1919 (Sequel to "Sj'lvia Scarlett.") Bookm., 50:191. Oct., '19. Dial, 67:174, 314. Aug. 23, Oct. 4, '19. New Repub., 19:91-2. May 17, '19. Pub. W., 96:480. Aug. 16, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:322-3. Poor Relations. 1920 Bookm., 51:341. May, '20. Dial, 68:611-2. May, '20. New Repub., 21:362-3. Feb. 18, '20. Pub. W., 97:994. March 20, '20. Bk. Rev Dgg,. 1920. 86 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Archibald Marshall, 1866- Who's who. Archibald Marshall, /n Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 116-17. 1919. Archibald Marshall, realist. W. L. Phelps. No. Amer. Rev., 207: 891-901. June, '18. An English social noveUst. Outlook, 108:390-2. Oct. 14, '14. Richard Baldock. 1906 Nation, 107:708. Dec. 7, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:300. Many Junes. 1908. New Repub., 22:428. May 26, '20. Outlook, 125:280. June 9, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. The Eldest Son. 1911 Outlook, 98:696; 99:389. July 22, Oct. 14, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:318. The Old Order Changeth. 1915 Bookm., 42:324-5. Nov., '15. Outlook, 111:334. Oct. 6, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:315. Watermeads. 1916 Bookm. ,44:389-90. Dec, '16. Dial, 61:197. Sept. 21, '16.' Ind., 88:464. Dec. 11, '16. Nation, 103:565. Dec. 14, '16. New Repub., 8:334. Oct. 28, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:371. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 87 William Somerset Maugham, 1874- Who's who. A Playwright who stumbled into fame. W. P. Eaton. Harp. W. 52:32. Oct. 10, '08. The Moon and Sixpence. 1919 Dial, 67:477-8. N6v. 29, '19. Nation, 109:227-8. Aug. 16, '19. New Repub., 21:57-8. Dec. 10, '19. Outlook, 123:144. Sept. 24, '19. Pub. W., 96:746. Aug., '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:340-1. 88 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES George Meredith, 1828-1909 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 17:9915-20. George Meredith; a primer to the novels. J. Moffatt. Lond., George Meredith. In Brownell: Victorian prose masters, pp. 233-89. 1901. Hodder & Stoughton, 1909. 403 p. George Meredith; some characteristics. R. LeGallienne. N. Y., J. Lane, 1900. 201 + 90 p. port, bibliography. The novels of George Meredith; a study. E. J. Bailey. N. Y., Seribner, 1910. 226 p. port. George Meredith. In Brownell: Victorian prose masters, pp. 233- 89. 1901. George Meredith. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 279-98. 1909. George Meredith. W. T. Young. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:489-99. 1917. George Meredith. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half-century, pp. 16-39. bibliography. 1919. George Meredith. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 191- 212. 1905. George Meredith. In Follett: Some modern novelists, pp. 23-49. 1918. George Meredith. In Gardiner: Prophets, priests and kings, pp. 45-52. port. 1914. George Meredith. In Jackson: Great English novelists, pp. 281- 312. port. 1908. The humanism of Geoi'ge Meredith, //i Sherman: On contemporary literature, pp. 256-84. 1917. Meredith and Hardy. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 163-91. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:173-80. April, '16. George Meredith. Nation, 88:506. May 20, '09. George Meredith. No. Amer. Rev., 183:544-7. Sept. 21, '06. George Meredith. Outlook, 92:265-7. May 29, '09. George Meredith. H. C. Greene. Atlan., 99:771-84. June, '07. George Meredith. A. Henderson. No. Amer. Rev., 188:347-59. Sept., '08. George Meredith. S. P. Sherman. Nation, 88:554-7. June 3, '09. George Meredith. M. Sinclair. Outlook, 92:413-8. June, '09. George Meredith. A. K. Tuell. Atlan., 104:213-8. Aug., '09. George Meredith; a portrait. E.T.Raymond. Li v. Age, 307:222-6. Oct. 23, '20. George Meredith and the world's advance. G. W. Harris, port. Ind., 64:359-64. Feb. 13, 08. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 89 George Meredith himself. G. R. Elliott. Dial, 53:284-7. Oct. IG, '12. Impressions of Meredith. Bookm., 40:492. Jan., '15. The knightly pen. H. W. Preston. Atlan., 90:506-14. Oct., '02. The maddening Mr. Meredith. E. Frazer. Forum, 53:499-508. April, '15. The master of English authors. G. W. Harris, port. Rev. of Rev., 37:183-9. Feb., '08. Meredith after ten years. S. C. Chew. Nation, 108:786-8. May 17, '19. Meredith's art. P. Lubbock. Liv. Age, 264:515-26. Feb. 26, '10. Meredith's place as a novelist. Harper, 107:809-10. Oct., '03. The novels of George Meredith. Liv. Age, 215:504-20. Nov. 20, '97. The novels of George Meredith. P. Edgar. Liv. Age, 255:95-110. Oct. 12, '07. The novels of George Meredith. P. E. More. Atlan., 84:484-95. Oct., '99. An unacknowledged imagist. J. L. Lowes. Nation, 102:217-9. Feb. 24, '16. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. 1859 The Egoist. 1879 Diana of the Crossicaya 1885 Diana of the Crossways reconsidered. S. M. Ellis. Liv. Age, 290: 694-8. Sept. 9, '16. 90 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Leonard Merrick (i. e., Leonard Miller), 1864- Who's who. The fiction of Leonard Merrick. W. D. Howells. No. Amer. Rev., 185:378-86. July 21, '07. An imperturbable artist. R. Mclntire. Dial, 64:527-9. June 6, '18. Impressions of Leonard Merrick. A. B. Maurice, port. Bookm., 37:24-31, 179-83. March-April, '13. • Leonard Merrick. Bookm., 50:128. Sept., '19. Leonard Merrick. R. E. Roberts. Liv. Age, 298:775-82. Sept. 28, '18. A novelist's novelist. Outlook, 122:229:30. June 11, '19. A veritable prince charming of story tellers, port. Cur. Lit., 51: 327-8. Sept., '11. Who's who among authors. Bookm., 50 : in advertising pages bound at end of volume. The Ma7i Who Was Good. Nation, 95:408-9. Oct. 31, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:359-60. Cynthia; a Daughter of the Philistines. Nation, 95:408-9. Oct. 31, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:359. One Man's View. Nation, 96:129. Feb. 6, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:360. The A dor- Manager. Dial, 52:436. June 1, '12. Ind., 72:795. April 11, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:318. The Worldlings. Bookm., 12:512. Jan., '01. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 91 When Love Flies Out o' the Window Bookm., 39:680. Aug., '14. Cur. Opin., 57:196. Sept., '14. Dial, 57:107. Aug. 16, '14. Nation, 99:104. July 23, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:372. Conrad in Quest of His Youth Bookm., 33:548. July, '11. Ind., 70:962. May 4, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:329; 1919:347. The Position of Peggy (Originally published under the title: "The Position of Peggy Harper.") Bookm., 35:414. June, '12. Dial, 52:436. June 1, '12. Ind., 72 580. March 14, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:318. 92 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Silas Weir Mitchell, M. D., 1829-1914 Who's who in America, 1912- '13. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 17:10123-4. S. Weir Mitchell. C. Van Doren. hi Cambridge history of American literature, 3:90-91. 1921. Personal memories of Weir Mitchell. E. P. Oberholtzer. illus. Bookm., 39:132-8. April, '14. S. Weir Mitchell. Century, 87:801-2. March, '14. S. Weir Mitchell. Outlook, 106:116-8. Jan. 17, '14. S. Weir Mitchell: an appreciation. Dial, 56.45-7. Jan. 16, '14. Versatility and Dr. Mitchell. R. H. Sehauffler. port. Century, 87:267-9. Dec, '13. Hugh Wynn, Free Quaker. 1897 (Published serially in Century, v. 53 and 54. Nov., '96-Oct., '97.) Atlan., 80-854-5. Dec, '97. Lit. Dig., 16:130-2, 168-9. Jan. 29, Feb. 5, '98. Nation, 66:16. Jan. 6, ^98. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 93 George Moore, 1853- Who's who. The aesthetic naturalism of George Moore. In Sherman: On con- temporary literature, pp. 120-168. 1917. Same. Nation, 94: 385-7. April 18, '12. George Moore. 7?i Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 284-94. 1919. Twentieth century British novelists; George Moore. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 247-51. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:408-9. June, '16. Literature and morals. Century, 98:124-34. May, '19. Mr. George Moore. E. T. Raymond. Liv. Age, 305:353-5. May 8, '20. Mr. George Moore's abdication. Liv. Age, 304:11-0. Jan. 3, '20. Mr. George Moore's avowals. Liv. Age, 307:792-6. Dec. 25, '20. Esther Waters. 1894 94 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Charles Gilman Norris Charles G. Norris. Bookm., 43:247-8. May, '16. Salt; or. The Education of Griffith Adams. 1918 Bookm., 47:679-71. Aiig., '18. Dial, 65:223. Sept. 19, '18. Nation, 107:19. July 6, '18. Pub. W., 94:556. Aug. 17, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:329. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 95 Frank Norris; i. e., Benjamin Franklin Norris,*! 870- 1902 Frank Norris. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 295- 330. 1911. Same, condensed. Bookm., 10:234-8. Nov., '99. Frank Norris. In Underwood: Literature and insurgency, pp. 130- 78. 1914. Frank Norris. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 473-4. 1919. Frank Norris. C. Van Doren. In Cambridge history of American literature, 3:93-94. 1921. Frank Norris. F. T. Cooper. Bookm., 16:334-5. Dec, '02. Memories of Frank Norris. Bookm., 39:236-8. May, '14. Frank Norris. W. D. Howells. No. Amer. Rev., 175:769-78. Dec, '02. The novels of Frank Norris. H.W.Preston. Atlan., 91:691-2. May, '03. The persisting influence of Frank Norris. Cur. Lit., 52:227-8. Feb., '11. The Octopus. 1901 Atlan., 89:708-9. May, '02. Bookm., 13:245-7. May, '01. Dial, 31:136. Sept. 1, '01. Harper, 103:824. Oct., '02. Ind., 53:1139. May 16, '01. The Pit. 1903 Bookm., 16:565-7. Feb., '03. Dial, 34-242. April 1, '03. Ind., 55:331. Feb. 5. '03. Lit. Dig., 26:353. March 7, '03. Nation, 76:276. April 2, '03. Outlook, 73:152-4. Jan. 17, '03. World's Work, 5:3133-4. Feb., '03. 96 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES , Alfred Ollivant, 1874- Who's who. Alfred Ollivant. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 280- 96. bibliography. 1912. Alfred Ollivant. In Phelps: Essays on modern novelists, pp. 159- 71. 1912. Same. Ind., 67:470-4. Aug., 26 '09. Alfred Ollivant. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 407-10. 1919. Concerning Alfred Ollivant. port. Bookm. 28:311-2. Dec., '08. Bob, Son of Battle. 1898 (English title: "Owd Bob, the Grey Dog of Kenmuir.") Atlan., 83:286-7. Feb., '99. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 97 Sir Horatio Gilbert Parker, 1862- Who's who. Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 19:11047-9. Sir Gilbert Parker. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 335- 6. 1919. Sir Gilbert Parker. Outlook, 103:43-4. Jan. 4, '13. The Northwest and Gilbert Parker. Nation, 96:181-2. Feb. 20,'13. The works of Gilbert Parker. Nation, 97:164-6. Aug. 21, '13. The Seats of the Mighty. 1896 Lit. Dig., 13:779-80. Oct. 17, '96. The Battle of the Strong. 1898 (Published serially in Atlan., v. 81 and 82. Jan.-Dec, '98.) Atlan., 83:281-2. Feb., '99. Nation, 68:358. May 11, '99. The Right of Way. 1901 (Published serially in Harper, v. 102 and 103. Jan.-Aug., '01.) The real Charley Steele. Bookm., 37:481-2. July, '13. Atlan., 83:845-6. Dec, '01. Bookm., 14:151-4. Oct., '01. Dial, 31:368. Nov. 16, '01. Ind., 53:2534-5. Oct. 26, '01. Lit. Dig., 23:510. Oct. 26, '01. Nation, 73:380. Nov. 14, '01. Outlook, 70:491, 643. Feb. 22, March 8, '02. A Ladder of Swords. 1904 Dial, 37:209. Oct. 1, '04. Ind., 57:735-6. Sept. 29, '04. Harp. W., 48:1468. Sept. 24, '04. Lit. Dig., 29:501-2. Oct. 15, '04. Outlook, 78:388, 870. Oct. 8, Dec. 3, '04. The Weavers. 1907 (Published serially in Harper, v. 113, 114 and 115. Oct., '06-Oet., '07.) Dial, 43:319. Nov. 16, '07. Ind., 63:1309. Nov. 28, '07. Lit. Dig., 35:695-6. Nov. 7, '07. Nation, 85:306. Oct. 3, '07. Outlook, 87:622. Nov. 23, '07. 98 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Judgment House. 1913 (Published serially in Harper, v. 125 and 126. Aug., '12-May, '13.) Atlan., 112:695. Nov., '13. Bookm., 37:442. June, '13. Cur. Lit., 54:405. May, '13. Dial, 55:149. Sept. 1, '13. Ind., 74:769. April 3, '13. Nation, 96:599. June 12, '13.^ No. Amer. Rev., 197:571-3. April, '13. Outlook, 104:36. May 3, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:401. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 99 David Graham Phillips, 1867-1911 Who's who in America, 1910-'ll. David Graham Phillips. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 112-39. port. 1911. David Graham Phillips and results. In Underwood: Literature and insurgency, pp. 179-253. 1914. An American story teller. C. Winter, port. Bookm., 32:Gll-9. Feb., '11. David Graham Phillips, port. Bookm., 21:342-3. June, '05. Phillips, a novelist with a vision, port. Cur. Lit,, 50:326-9. March, '11. Phillips, the fighter. Cosmopol., 51:287-8. July, '11. Phillips' methods, port. Bookm., 33:6-13. March, '11. Old Wives for New. 1908 Bookm., 27:495-6. July, '08. Dial, 44-350. June 1, '08. Ind., 64:808-9. April 9, '08. Nation, 86:264. March 19, '08. Outlook, 88:838-9. April 11, '08. Rev. of Rev., 37:762. June, '08. The Grain of Dust. 1911 Cur. Lit., 50:676-7. June, '11. Ind., 70:1066. May 18, '11. Rev. of Rev., 43:761. June, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:374. 100 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Eden Phillpotts, 1862- Who's who. Eden Phillpotts. In Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 94- 121. bibliograph^^ 1912. Eden Phillpots. In FoUett: Some modern novelists, pp. 179-205. 1918. Eden Phillpotts. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 374- 8. 1919. Twentieth century British novelists: Phillpotts. I7i Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 242-46. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:407-8. June, '16. Eden Phillpotts and the epic of Dartmoor. C. S. Evans. Liv. Age, 288:665-72. March 11, '16. The fiction of PhiUpotts. W. D. HoweUs. No. Amer. Rev., 190: 15-22. July, '09. The quality of Phillpotts. G. I. Colbron. Forum, 39:543-8. April, '08. With Phillpotts in Dartmoor. M. O. White. iUus. Outlook, 91: 194-205. Jan. 23, '09. Children of the Mist. 1898 Ind., 51:1635. June 15, '99. Sons of the Morning. 1900 Bookm., 12:233-5. Nov., '00. Nation, 71:429. Nov. 29, '00. Outlook, 66-283. Sept. 29, '00. The Whirlwind. 190r Bookm., 25:500. July, '07. Dial, 42:376. June 16, '07. Ind., 62:1090-1. May 9, '07. Nation, 84:415. May 2, '07. Outlook, 86:254. June 1, '07. The Three Brothers. 1909 Atlan., 103:704-5. May, '09. Bookm., 29:94-5. March, '09. Nation, 88:282. March 18, '09. Outlook, 91 :532-3. March 6, '09. Rev. of Rev., 39:762. June, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:354. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 101 Widecombe Fair. 1913 Atlan., 112:692 3. Nov., '13. Ind., 75:100. July 10, '13. Outlook, 103:863. April 19, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:414. Brunei's Tower. 1915 Atlan., 116:500. Oct., '15. Bookm., 41:200-1. April, '15. Dial, 58:385. May 13, '15. Ind., 82:165. April 26, '15. Nation, 100:388. April 8, '15. New Repub., 2:240. April 3, '15. Outlook, 109:735. March 24, '15. •Pub. W., 87:1217. April 17, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:372. Old Delabole. 1915 Bookm., 42:483. Dec, '15. Nation, 101:658. Dec. 2, '15. Outlook, 111:653. Nov. 17, '15. Pub. W., 88:1236. Oct. 16, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:372. The Spinners. 1918 Ind., 97:30. Jan. 4, '19. Nation, 107 709. Dec. 7, '18. Outlook, 120:380. Nov. 6, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:352. A Storm in a Teacup. 1919 Dial, 67:314. Oct. 4, '19. Outlook, 123:307. Nov. 12, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:402. Evander. 1920 Bookm., 51:340. May, '20. Dial, 68:664. May, '20. Nation, 110 304. March 6, '20. Outlook, 124:430. March 10, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. Miser's Money. 1920 Bookm., 51:339. May, '20. Outlook, 124:657. April 14, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 102 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Ernest Poole, 1880- Who's who in America. Ernest Poole; In Gordon: The men who make our novels, 32. 1919. , Ernest Poole, port. Bookm., 41:115-8. April, '15. The Harbor. 1915 Atlan., 116:505. Oct., '15. Dial, 58:211. March 18, '15. Ind., 81:432. March 22, '15. Nation, 100:444. April 22, '15. New Repub., 2:187-8. March 20, '15. No. Amer. Rev., 202:134-6. July, '15. Outlook, 109.542. March 3, '15. Pub. W., 87.481-2. Feb. 13, '15. Rev. of Rev., 51:631. May, '15. Survey, 34:140. May 8, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:376. His Family. 1917 Bookm., 45:532-3. July, '17. Dial, 63:113. Aug. 16, '17. Lit. Dig., 55-34. Aug. 18, '17. Nation, 104:680-1. June 7, '17. New Repub., 11:164-5. June 9, '17. No. Amer. Rev., 205:943-5. June, '17. Outlook, 116:304. June 20, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:447. Blind. 1920 Atlan., 127: Bookshelf sect. Feb., '21. Dial, 70:230. Feb., '21. Outlook, 126:653. ;Dec. 8, '20. Pub. W., 98:1191. t Oct. 16, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 103 Charles Reade, 1814-1884 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 21:12103-6. Charles Reade. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 250- 1. 1909. Charles Reade. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 164-78. 1905. Lesser novelists; Charles Reade. W. T. Young. In Cambridge His- tory of English literature, 13:473-7. 1917. Charles Reade. Bookm., 11:311-2. June, '00. Charles Reade. Liv. Age, 282:287-94. Aug. 1, '14. Charles Reade and the experimental novel. O. J. Campbell, Jr. Nation, 100:352-4. April 1, '15. The novels of Charles Reade. W. F. Lord, Liv. Age, 238:577-85. Sept. 5, '03. Reade, the novelist. Liv. Age, 263:504-6. Nov. 20, '09. Reade's account with literature. Bookm., 37:119-20. April, '13. Reade's opinion of himself and of George Eliot. Bookm., 18.252-60. Nov., '03. The Cloister and the Hearth. 1861 Put Yourself in His Place. 1S70 104 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 22:12995-13002. Sir Walter Scott. R. H. Hutton. N. Y., Harper, 1878. 177 p. A key to the Waverley novels. H. Grey. N. Y., Bowman, 1899. 134 p. The heroism of Sir Walter Scott. In Chubb: Stories of authors, pp. 88-92. 1911. Memoirs of the life of Scott. In Carlyle: Critical and miscellaneous essays, pp. 511-535. 1873. Modern romanticism; Scott. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 123-49. 1909. Scott as a romanticist. In Beers: English romanticism in the nine- teenth century, pp. 1-47. 1901. Sir Walter Scott. In Jackson: Great English novelists, pp. 131-52. ports. 1908. Sir Walter Scott, /w Raleigh: The EngUsh novel, pp. 276-83. 1903. Sir Walter Scott. 7n Stephen: Hours in a library, 1:186-229. 1899. Sir Walter Scott. T. F. Henderson. In Cambridge history of English literature, 19:1-33. 1917. The Waverley novels and Scott's greatness. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 53-71. 1905. A century of Waverley. Nation, 99:124-5. July 30, '14. Fraudulent imitators of Scott. W. E. A. Axon. Nation, 95:560. Dec. 12, '12. The genius of Scott. Sir G. Parker. Harp. W., 54 15. March 5, '10. The germs of the Waverley novels. A. I. Shand. Liv. Age, 247: 495-502. Nov. 25, '05. Great masters of literature; Scott. G. E. Woodberry. port. Mc- Clure, 25:165-76. June, '05. A hundred years of Waverley. Lit. Dig., 49:272. Aug. 15, '14. The Jupiter of novelists. C. L. Moore. Dial, 56:329-31. April 10, '14. Pen-picture of Scott. W. Tudor, Jr. No. Amer. Rev., 201:144-5. Jan., '15. A prince of story tellers. Harp. W., 46:142. Feb. 1, '02. The prose of Walter Scott. A. W. Verrall. Liv. Age, 266:707-19. Sept. 17, '10. Scott and his French pupils. Liv. Age, 224:212-25. Jan. 27, '00. Scott and the three- volume novel. E. P. Morton. Nation, 96:330-2. April 3, '13. Scott's use of the preface. M. H. H. Macartney. Liv. Age, 247: 495-502. Nov. 25, '05. Sir Walter Scott. Liv. Age, 189:771-85. June 27, '91. Sir Walter Scott. W. P. Kerr. Liv. Age, 302:751-9. Sept. 20, '19. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 105 ^ Sir Walter's orphanage. N. P. Dunn. Atlan., 107:709-12. May, '11. Walter Scott. J. Erskine. Columbia Univ. Quarterly, 17:40-57. Dec, '14. The Waverley novels. Li v. Age, 205:515-34. June 1, '95. The land of Scott. In Mabie: Backgrounds of literature, pp. 246- 302. illus. 1912. Same. Outlook, 75:810-23. Dec. 5, '03. The making of Sir Walter Scott. C. S. Olcott. illus. Outlook, 101: 703-13. July 27, '13. The Scott country, illus. Bookm., 16:210-4. Nov., '02. Walter Scott's land. W. Sharp, illus. Harper, 105:3-12. June, '02. Waverley. 1814 Guy Mannering. 1815 The Antiquary. 1816 The Black Dwarf. 1816 Old Mortality. 1816 Rob Roy. 1818 The Heart of Midlothian. 1818 The Bride of Lavimermoor. 1819 A Legend of Montrose. 1819 Ivanhoe. 1820 The real Rebecca and her story, illus. Bookm., 36:9-11. Sept., '12. The Monastery. 1820 The Abbot. 1820 Kenilworth. 1821 The Pirate. 1821 106 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Fortunes of Nigel. 1822 Peveril of the Peak. 1823 Quentin Durwnrd. 1823 St. Ronan's Well 1828 Red Gauntlet. 1824 The Betrothed. 1826 The Talisman. 1825 Woodstock. 1826 ■ . The Highland Widow. 1828 The Fair Maid of Perth. 1828 Anne of Geier stein. 1828 Count Robert of Paris. 1831 Castle Dangerous. 1831 CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 107 Francis Hopkinson Smith, 1838-1915 Who's who in America, 1914-15. Francis Hopkinson Smith. T. N. Page. poft. Scribner, 58:304-13. Sept., '15. "Hop" Smith, port. Bookm., 41:247-9. May, '15. "Hop" Smith. Bookm., 42:122-3. Oct., '15. Hopkinson Smith. Outlook, 109:910-2. April 21, '15. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 1891 (Published serially in Century, v. 19. May-Oet., '91.) Cosmopol., 11:383-4. July, '91. 108 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES John Collis Snaith, 1876- Who's who. Bibliographies of younger reputations; J. C. Snaith. Bookm., 34: 417-8. Dec, '11. J. C. Snaith. Bookm., 27 :126-7. April, '08. Broke of Covenden. 1904 Bookm., 21:61-2; 126-7. March-April, '05. Patricia at the Inn. 1907 Ind., 62:273-4. March 21, '07. Araminta. 1909 (Published serially in Forum, v. 40, 41 and 42. Nov., 'OSAug., '09.) Allan., 103:702. May, '09. Bookm., 29:315. May, '09. Dipl, 46:369. June 1, '09. Ihd., 66:707. April 1, '09. Nation, 88:337. April 1, '09. Outlook, 92:390. June 19, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:408. The Principal Girl. 1912 (Published serially in Atlan., v. 108 and 109. Nov., '11-May, '12.) Bookm., 36:70. Sept., '12. Dial, 53:244. Oct. 1, '12. Ind., 73:619. Sept. 12, '12. Nation, 95:147. Aug. 15, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:421-2. Anne Fever sham. 1914 (English title, "The Great Age.") Bookm., 40:554-5. Jan., '15. Dial, 58:85. Feb. 1, "15. Ind., 80:339. Nov. 30, '14. Nation, 100:52. Jan. 14, '15. Outlook, 108:903. Dec. 16, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:497. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 109 The Sailor. 1916 Bookm., 44:182. Oct., '16. Dial, 61:195. Sept. 21,- '16. Ind., 87:389. Sept. 11, '16. Nation, 103:351. Oct. 12, '16. Outlook, 114:615. Nov. 15, '16, Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:514. The Time Spirit. 1918 Nation, 107:150. Aug. 10, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:410-1. 110 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Robert Louis (Balfour) Stevenson, 1850-1894 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 24:13927-35. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. G. Balfour. N. Y., Scribner, 191L 364 p. (Biographical edition.) Robert Louis Stevenson. W. Raleigh. Lond., Arnold, 1910. 79 p. Robert Louis Stevenson. S. Colvin. In Copeland and Hersey: Representative biographies, pp. 623-42. (From the Dictionary of National Biography.) Robert Louis Stevenson. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half-century, pp. 83-96. bibliography. 1919. Robert Louis Stevenson. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 241-67. 1912. Robert Louis Stevenson. In Phelps: Essaj's on modern novelists, pp. 172-90. 1912. The romantic revival: Stevenson. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp; 135-9. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:30-2. March, '16. Stevenson. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 299-312. 1909. Forbidden glimpses of Stevenson. E. V. Lucas. Liv. Age, 301:308- 10. May 3, '19. Foreign authors in America: Stevenson. R. R. Wilson. Bookm., 13:371-7. June, '01. Rare glimpses of Stevenson. B. Millard, illus. Bookm., 28:442-9. Jan., '09. South sea memories of R. L. S. M. Allen, illus. Bookm., 43:591- 603. Aug., '16. The art of Stevenson. G. W. T. Omond. No. Amer. Rev., 171:348- 58. Sept., '00. Mr. Robert Louis Stevenson. S. Gwynn. Liv. Age, 204:67-79. Jan. 5, '95. New views of Stevenson. C. S. Northrup. Dial, 59:561-4. Dec. 9, '15. Robert Louis Stevenson. B. Torrey. Atlan., 89:89-99. Jan., '02. Robert Louis Stevenson; an estimate. L. Stephen. Liv. Age, 232: 463-77. Feb. 22, '02. Robert Louis Stevenson: essajust, novelist, poet. H. B. Bail don. Liv. Age, 221:671-88. June 10, '99. Robert Louis Stevenson's contribution to life and literature. L. M. Watt. Scribner's, 68:641-53. Dec, '20. Stevenson today. Liv. Age, 304:228-34. Jan. 24, '20. Stevenson's gospel for these times. Scribner's, 67:505-7. April. '20. The works of Robert^Louis Stevenson. Liv. Age, 214:811-6, 870-6. Sept. 18, 25, '97. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 111 In Stevenson's country. W. Sharp, illus. Harper, 105:497-504. Sept., '02. On the trail of Stevenson. C. Hamilton, illus. Bookm., 40 and 41. Oct., '14-Mareh, '15. Treasure Island. 1883 Kidnapped. 1886 The country of Kidnapped. J. Buchan. Liv. Age, 217:687-8. June 4, '98. The Master of Ballantrae. 1889 David Balfour. 1893 (Sequel to "Kidnapped.") Weir of Hermiston. 1896 112 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Simeon Strunsky, 1879- Who's who in America. A new American essayist steps into the limelight. port. Cur. Opin., 57:198. Sept., '14. A New York Barrie. M. R. Werner. Bookm., 51:65-8. March, '20. Simeon Strunsky. port. Bookm., 40:374. Dec, '14. Professor Latimer's Progress. 191S Dial, 64:544. June 6, '16. Ind., 94:332. May 15, '18. Nation, 106:575. May 11, '18. New Repub., 15:269. June 29, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:423. CONTEMPOBARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 113 Alan Sullivan^ 1868- The Inner Door. 1917 Dial, 63:647. Dec. 20, '17. Lit. Dig., 55:39. Oct. 27, '17. Nation, 105:248. Sept. 6, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:544. 114 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Frank Arthur Swinnerton, 1884- Who's who. Concerning realists in general, and Mr. Swinnerton in particular. H. G. Wells. Bookm., 47:252-5. May, '18. Who's who among authors. Bookm., 50 : in advertising pages bound at end of volume. The Happy Family. 1912 Nation, 97:78. July 24, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:506. On the Staircase. 1914 Nation, 99:608. Nov. 19, '14. Outlook, 108:603. Nov. 11, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:519-20. The Chaste Wife. 1917 Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:545-6. Nocturne. 1917 Bookm., 47:567. July, '18. Dial, 65:22. June 20, '18. Ind., 97:31. Jan. 4, '19. Nation, 106:627. May 25, '18. New Repub., 16:320. Oct. 12, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:425. Shops and Houses. 1918 Bookm., 49:51-2. March, '19. Dial, 66:518. May 17, '19. New Repub., 18:94. Feb. 15, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:487-8. Septemher. 1919 Atlan., 125: Bookshelf sect. April, '20. Bookm., 51:81. March, '20. Now Repub., 22:63-4. March 10, '20. Pub. W., 97:174. Jan. 17, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 115 Newton Booth Tarkington, 1869- Who's who in America. Booth Tarkington. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 11-8. 1919. Newton Booth Tarkington. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 196-224. port. 1911. Same. Bookm., 24:605-16. Feb., '07. Booth Tarkington. C. Van Doren. Nation, 112:233-5. Feb. 9, '21. Mr. Booth Tarkington through British eyes. R. E. Roberts. Liv. Age, 300:541-5. March 1, '19. The personal Tarkington. port. Bookm., 42:505-10. Jan., '10. The Gentleman from Indiana. 1899 Bookm., 10:381. Dec, '99. Ind., 52;67. Jan. 4, '00. The Turmoil. 1915 Atlan., 116:506. April 1, '15. Bookm., 41:98-9. March, '15. Dial, 58:265. April 1, '15. Ind., 81:469. March 29, '15. ■" Nation, 100:199. Feb. 18, '15. New Repub., 2:160-1. March 13, '15. No. Amer. Rev., 201:452-5. March, '15. Outlook, 109:542. Maroh 3, '15. Pub. W., 87:482. Feb. 13, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:450. IIG MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811-1863 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 25:14663-72. The foremost artist of English prose. In Brownell : Victorian prose masters, pp. 3-46. 1901. The mid- Victorians; Thackeray. In Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 111-3. 1919. Same. Bookm., 42:669. Feb., '16. Thackeray. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 195- 217. 1909. Thackeray. A. H. Thompson. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:306-35. 1917. William Makepeace Thackeray. In Dawson: Makers of English fiction, pp. 72-97. 1905. William Makepeace Thackeray. In Jackson: Great English nov- elists, pp. 255-80. port. 1908. Aspects of Thackeray. Bookm., 34:126-8. Oct., '11. Aspects of Thackeray. H. W. Mabie. Outlook, 101:734-6. July 27, '12. The boys of Thackeray. R. Grey. Liv. Age, 270:409-16. Aug. 12, '11. Contemporary opinions of Thackera3^ S. N. Cleghorn. Atlan., 106:215-20. Aug., '10. The genius of Thackeray. H. C. Biron. Liv. Age, 269:203-10. April 22, '11. Some aspects of Thackeray. H. D. Sedgwick, Jr., Atlan., 82:707- 20. Nov., '98. Thackeray; an appreciation. C. L. Eastlake. Liv. Age, 238:491- 502. Aug. 22, '03. Thackeray and real men. H. Van Dyke. Harper, 140:172-8. Jan., '20. Thackeray; a new interpretation. Liv. Age, 306:776-83. Sept. 25, '20. Thackeray's appeal to our own times. Cur. Lit., 51:329-31. Sept., '11. Thackeray's place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 18:326-38. Nov., '94. The true greatness of Thackeray. H. H. Statham. Liv. Age, 241: 401-11. May 14, '04. Thackeray's illustrations. S. M. Ellis. Liv. Age, 291:243-51. Oct. 26, '16. Thackeray's London. H. W. Mabie. Outlook, 106:140-2. Jan. ' 17, '14. Thackeray's London. L.Melville, illus. Century, 82:319-28. Julv, '11. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 117 Vanity Fair. IS 48 Famous novels and their contemporary critics: IV — Vanity Fair. A. B. Maurice. Bookm., 17:280-3. May, '03. Thackeray's theory of Vanity Fair. iUus. Bookm., 34:10-14. Sept., '11. Pendennis. 1850 Henry Esmond. . 1852 The Newcombes. 1854 The Virginians. 1858 118 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES John Trevena, pseud. {Ernest George Henham) John Trevena. I7i Cooper: Some English story tellers, pp. 324-41. bibliography. 1912. John Trevena. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 378-81. 1919. John Trevena. 'port. Bookm., 28:3-4. Sept., '08. The mystery of John Trevena's puzzling genius, illus. Cur. Opin., 57:429. Dec, '14. F-ur.ce, the Cruel. 1907 Bookm., 27-304-5. May, '08. Nation, 86,287-8. March 26, '08. Heather. 1908 Bookm., 29:525-6. July, '09. Nation-, 88:92. Jan. 28, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:442. Granite. 1909 Dial, 57:204. Sept. 16, '14. Nation, 99:349. Sept. 17, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:539. Wintering Hay. 1914 Bookm., 40:327-8. Nov., '14. Cur. Opin., 57:429. Dee., '14. Nation, 99:552. Nov. 5, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:540. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 119 Anthony TroUope, 1815-1882 Warner's Library of the world's best literature, 25:15031-4. Anthony Trollope. In Burton: Masters of the English novel, pp. 252-8. 1909. Anthony Trollope. W. T. Young. In Cambridge history of English literature, 13:469-72. 1917. Anthony Trollope. II. C Birou. Liv. Age, 305:165-75. April 17. '20' Anthony Trollope. G. Bradford, Jr. Atlan., 89:426-32. March, '02. Anthony Trollope. H. T. Peek. Bookm., 13:114-25. April, '01. Anthony Trollope. L. Stephen. Liv. Age, 231:366-78. Nov. 9, '01. Anthony Trollope. G. S. Street. Liv. Age, 229:128-33. April 13, '01. Anthony Trollope's place in literature. F. Harrison. Forum, 19: 329-37. May, '95. The'future of TroUope. E. W. Harter. Bookm., 21:137-41. April, '05. Howells and Trollope. J. F. Muirhead. Liv. Age, 308:304-9. Jan. 29, '21. The novels of Anthony Trollope. T. Secombe. Liv. Age, 286:167- 73. July 17, '15. The novels of Trollope. Liv. Age, 263:290-4. Oct. 30, '09. The recoming of Trollope. Dial, 34:141-3. March 1, '03. Trollope centennary. Bookm., 41:121-5. April, '15. Trollope's methods. Bookm., 38 348-9. Dec, '13. Trollope's methods. A. Sedgwick. Liv. Age, 265:74-80. April 9, '10. The Warden. 1855 % Barchester Towers. 1857 120 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Horace Annesley Vachell, 1861- Who's who. Horace Annesley Vachell. J. P. Collins. Bookm., 44:49-53. Sept., '16. Same. Liv. Age, 290:476-80. Aug. 19, '16. The lure of the vegetable, illus. Bookm., 38:107-8. Oct., '13. Brothers. 1906 The Hill. 1906 Bookm., 23:298-9. May, '06. Lit. Dig., 32:918. June 16, '06. Outlook, 82:762-3. March 31, '06. John Verney. 1911 Bookm., 33:651. Aug., '11. Nation, 93:80. July 27, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:477. Blinds Down. 1912 Bookm., 35:412-3. June, '12. Nation, 94:516. May 23, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:459. Quinnerfs. 1914 Bookm., 40:560. Jan., '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:546. Spragge's Canyon. 1915 Bookm., 42:607. Jan., '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:469. The Soul of Susan Yellam. 1918 'Nation, 107:492. Oct. 26, '18. Outlook, 120:188. Oct. 2, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:450. Whitewash. 1920 Ind., 103:53. July 10, '20. Outlook, 125:281. June 9, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 121 Hugh Seymour Walpole, 1884- Who's who. Hugh Walpole. In Cunliffe: EngHsh literature during the last half- century, pp. 282-6. 1919. Hugh Seymour Walpole; an appreciation. R. Birkmyre. Liv. Age, 295:411-4. Nov. 17, '17. Hugh Walpole. C. H. Towne. Bookm., 49:193-6. April, '19. The new realists. E. E. Hale, Jr. port. Ind., 83:297-9. Aug. 30, '15. The Wooden Horse. 1909 Bookm., 41:201-2. April, '15. Ind., 82:82. April, 12, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:482. Maradick at Forty. 1910 Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:485. The Gods and Mr. Perrin. 1911 (English title: "Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill.") Bk. Rev. Dig., 1911:485. The Prelude to Adventure. 1912 Bookm., 36:195. Oct., '12. (3utlook, 102:274. Oct. 5, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:467. Fortitude. 1913 Atlan., 112:695-6. Nov., '13. Nation, 97:35. July 10, '13. No. Amer. Rev., 198:80-2. July, '13. Outlook, 104:260. May 31, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:546-7. The Duchess of Wrexe. 1914 (Followed by "The Green Mirror" and "The Captives.") Atlan., 114:529. Oct., '14. Dial, 57:54. July 16, '14. Nation, 99:105. July 23, '14. Outlook, 107:679. July 18, '14. Rev. of Rev., 50:247. Aug., '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:561. 122 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Dark Forest. 1916 Atlan., 118:502. Oct., '16. Bookm., 43:531-2. July, '16. Dial, 61:66-7. July 15, '16. Ind. 87:66. July 10, '16. Lit. Dig., 52:1780. June 17, '16. Nation, 103:1-11, 508. Aug. 3, Nov. 30, '10. New Repub., 7:281. July 15, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:566. The Green Mirror. 1917 (The second volume of the trilogy of which "The Duchess of Wrexe" is the first.) Bookm., 46^598-9. Jan., '18. Dial, 64:199-200, 287-8. Feb. 28, March 28, '18. New Repub., 13:154. Dec. 8, '17. Outlook, 117:574. Dec. 5, '17. The Secret City. 1919 (Follows "The Dark Forest.") Bookm., 49:187-8. April, '19. Dial, 66:658. June 28, '19. Ind., 97:412. March 22, '19. Nation, 108:405-6. March 15, '19. New Repub., 18:154-5. March 1, '19. Pub. W., 95:482. Feb. 15, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:521. Jeremy. 1919 (Published serially in Bookm., v. 48 and 49. Sept., '18-Aug., '19.) Bookm., 50:631. Feb., '20. Dial, 67:448. Nov. 15, '19. Nation, 109:639-40. Nov. 15, '19. Outlook, 123:595. Dec. 31, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:520-1. The Captives. 1920 (Third novel in the trilogy in which "The Duchess of Wre.xe" and "The Green Mirror" are the first and second.) Bookm., 52:369. Dec, '20. Nation, 111:735. Dec. 22, 20. Outlook, 127:31. Jan. 5, '21. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 123 E. L. Grant TT^atson Where Bonds Are Loosed. Nation, 100:740. June 22, '18. New Repub., 10:206. Sept. 14, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:461. The Mainland. 1917 Bookm., 47:570-1. July, '18. Nation, 106:740. June 22, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:461. Deliverance. 1920 Bookm., 51:343. May, '20. Dial, 68:794-5. June, '20. Nation, 110:373. Marcti 20, '20. New Repub., 24:128. Sept. 29, '20. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 124 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Mary Stanbery {Mrs. Miles Taylor) W^atts, 1868- Who's who in America. Mary S. Watts. In Overton: The women who make our novels, pp. 177-97. 1918. A lat3 Victorian in Ohio. R. Herrick. New Repub., 2:152-4. March 13, '15. The Rise of Jennie Cushing. 1914 Bookm., 40:673. Feb., '15. Dial, 57:341. Nov. 1, '14. Ind., 80:381. Dec. 7, '14. Nation, 99:653. Dec. 3, '14. Outlook, 108:552. Nov. 4, '14. Pub. W., 86:2012. Dec. 12, '14. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1914:567. The Rudder. 1916 Atlan., 118:502. Oct., '16. Bookm., 43:318. May, '16. Dial, 60-552-3. June 8, '16. Ind., 86:66. April 10, '16. Lit. Dig., 52:1462. May 20, '16. Nation, 102:380. April 6, '16. New Repub., 9:57. Nov. 11, '16. Pub. W., 89:1319. April. 15, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:574. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 125 Henry Kitchell Webster, 1875- Who's who in America. An American Family. 1918 (Appeared in part serially as "The White Arc" in Everybody's, V. 37, 38 and 39. Nov., '17-July, '18.) Dial, 65:378. Nov. 2, '18. Pub. W., 94:852. Sept. 21, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:463-4. 126 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Herbert George Wells, 1866- Who's who. H. G. Wells. J. D. Beresford. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 127 p. port. bibliography. (Writers of the day series.) H. G. Wells. In Cunliffe: English literature during the last half- centurj^ pp. 180-97. bibliography. 1919. H. G. Wells. In FoUett: Some modern novelists, pp. 235-63. 1918. H. G. Wells. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 357-64. 1919. Twentieth century British novelists; Wells. In Phelps: The ad- vance of the English novel, pp. 252-6. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:409-10. June, '16. The Utopian naturalism of H. G. Wells. In Sherman: On contem- porary literature, pp. 50-84. 1917. The contemporary novel. H. G. Wells. Atlan., 109:1-11. Jan., '12. • The development of a novelist. G. W. Harris, port. Rev. of Rev., 40:508-9. Oct., '09. H. G. Wells. T. Seccombe. Liv. Age, 282:392-405. Aug. 15, '14. H. G. Wells and his mental hinterland. W. Lay. Bookm., 45:461-8. July, '17. H. G. Wells and the Victorians. S. P. Sherman. Nation, 100:558- 61. May 20, '15. H. G. Wells, novelist and prophet. J. H. Holmes. Bookm., 43:507- 14. July, '16. H. G. Wells, social prophet. E. E. Slosson. port. Ind., 76:348-53. Nov. 20, '13. The meaning of Mr. Wells' new religion. B. I. Bell. Atlan., 120: 620-5. Nov., '17. The message of Mr. H. G. WeUs. W. H. Jones. Liv. Age, 286:281- 90. July 31, '15. A novelist of the unknown. Liv. Age, 226:395-8. Aug. 11, '00. Wells and his work. E. A. Bennett. Cosmopol., 33:465-71. Aug., '02. Love and Mr. Lewisham. 1900 Liv. Age, 226:395-8. Aug. 11, '00. Outlook, 66:517. Oct. 27, '00. Kipps. 1905 Dial, 40:17-8. Jan. 1, '06. Ind., 59:1113. Nov. 9, '05. Liv. Age, 248:726-32. March 24, '06. Outlook, 81:382-3. Oct. 14, '05. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 127 Tono-Bungay. 1909 Atlan., 103:705-6. May, '09. Bookm., 29:92-3. March, '09. Dial, 46:262. April 16, '09. Ind., 66:700. April 1, '09. Liv. Age, 264:603-7. March 5, '10. Nation, 88:170. Feb. 13, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 189:920. June, '09. Outlook, 91:534. March 6, '09. Rev. of Rev., 39:384. March, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:466. Ann Veronica. 1909 Bookm., 30:383-4. Dec, '09. Dial, 46:262-3; 48:17-8. April 16, '09; Jan. 1, '10. Ind., 67:1085, 1314-5. Nov. 11, Dee. 9, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 190:837. Dec, '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:465-6. Marriage. 1912 Bookm., 36:328-30. Nov., '12. Cur. Lit., 53:576-7. Nov., '12. Dial, 53:383. Nov. 16, '12. Ind., 73:849. Oct. 10, '12. Nation, 95:358-9. Oct. 17, '12. Outlook, 102:650. Nov. 23, '12. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1912:477. The Passionate Friends. 19 IS Bookm., 38:554-7. Jan., '14. Cur. Opin., 55:431-2. Dec, '13. Harp. W., 58:25. Dec. 13, '13. Nation, 97:537. Dec. 4, '13. No. Amer. Rev., 198:718-23. Nov., '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:560. Mr. Britling Sees It Through. 1916 Bookm., 44:257-8. Nov., '16. Dial, 61:314-5, 563-4. Oct. 19, Dec. 28, '16. Ind., 88:162. Oct. 23, '16. Lit. Dig., 53:1341. Nov. 18, '16. Nation, 103:397. Oct. 26, '16. New Repub., 8:248-9. Oct. 7, '16. No. Amer. Rev., 204:939-41. Dec, '16. Outlook, 114:570-1. Nov. 8, '16. Pub. W., 98:42. Sept. 16, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:579-80. 128 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES The Soul of a Bishop. 1917 Bookm., 46:338, 353-5. Nov., '17. Dial, 63:402. Oct. 25, '17. Nation, 105:401-2, 599. Oct. 11, Nov. 29, '17. New Repub., 12:223-5. Sept. 22, '17. No. Amer. Rev., 206:786-92. Nov., '17. Outlook, 117:219. Oct. 10, '17. Pub. W., 92:802. Sept. 15, '17. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1917:595-6. Joan and Peter. 1918 Bookm., 48:490-1. Dec, '18. Dial, 65:215-6. Sept. 19, '18. Ind., 96:182. Nov. 9, '18. Liv. Age, 299:624-7. Dec. 7, '18. New Repub., 16:291-3. Oct. 5, '18. No. Amer. Rev., 208:776-7. Nov., '18. Outlook, 120:380. Nov. 6, '18. Pub. W., 94:847. Sept. 21, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:466-7. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 129 Edward Noyes Westcott, 18 17-1898 Edward Noyos Wcstcott. F. Hoonnaus. lad., 51 :1(>10-S. Juno 15, '99. David Ilarum. 1899 David Hai-iim and literary popularity. Lit. Dig., 19:192. Aug. 12, '99. David Harum's views upon religion, port. Lit. Dig., 19:229-30. Aug. 19, '99. English vieAvs of David Harum. Lit. Dig., 19:431. Oct. 7, '99. Lit. Dig., 18:608 May 27, '99. No. Amer. Rev., 170:410-9. March, '00. 130 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Maurice Weyl The Choice. 1919 Dial, 67:78. July 26, '19. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1919:534. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 131 Mrs. Edith Neivbold (Jones) Wharton, 1862- Who's who in America. Culture and Edith Wharton. In Underwood: Literature and in- surgency, pp. 346-90. 1914. Edith Wharton. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 1G8- 95. port. 1911. Edith Wharton. In FoUett: Some modern novelists, pp. 291-311. 1918. Edith Wharton. In Overton: The women who make our novels, pp. 1-10. 1918. Edith Wharton. In Williams: Modern English writers, pp. 479-80. 1919. Twentieth century American novelists: Edith Wharton. /?t Phelps: The advance of the English novel, pp. 293-6. 1919. Same. Bookm., 43:522-3. July, '16. An American story teller. C. Winter, port. Bookm., 33:302-9. May, '11. Edith Wharton. C. K. Trueblood. Dial, 68:80-91. Jan., '20. Edith Wharton. C. Van Doren. Nation, 112:41-2. Jan. 12, '21. Edith Wharton. L. C. Willcox. port. Outlook, 81:719-24. Nov. 25, '05. Mrs. Wharton's art. F. Hackett. New Repub., 10:50-2. Feb. 10, '17. Mrs. Wharton's manner. H. W. Boynton. Nation, 97:404-5. Oct. 30, '13. Mrs. Wharton's world. R. Herrick. New Repub., 2:40-2. Feb. 13, '15. Novels of Edith Wharton. P. Lubbock. Liv. Age, 284:604-16. March 6, '15. Novels of Mrs. Wharton. H. D. Sedgewick. Atlan., 98:217-28. Aug., '06. Social ideals. C. Waldstein. No. Amer. Rev., 182:840-52; 183:125- 36. June-July, '06. The House of Mirth. 1905 (Published serially in Seribncr, v. 37 and 38. Jan. -Nov., '05.) Bookm., 24-249-50. Nov., '06. Dial, 40:15-6. Jan. 1, '06. Ind., 59:150-1. July 20, '05. Nation, 81:447-8. Nov. 30, '05. Outlook, 81:404-6, 707. Oct. 21, Nov. 25, '05. 132 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Edward Lucas White, 1866- Wlio's who in America. Edward Lucas White: In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 124-30. 1919. El Supremo. 1916 Bookm., 44:504-5. Jan., '17. Dial, 61:468. Nov. 30, '16. J Ind., 89:114. Jan. 15, '17. \ Nation, 104:162. Feb. 8, '17. Pub. W., 90:1403-4. Oct. 21, '16. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1916:585. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 133 Stewart Edward White, 1873- Who's who in America. Stewart Edward White, hi Gordon: The nlen wlio make our novels, pp. 80-4. 1919. Stewart Edward White and all out-doors. In Underwood: Litera- ture and insurgency, pp. 254-98. 1914. Notes on Stewart Edward White. Bookm., 38:9-10. Sept., '13. Stewart Edward White. Outing, 43:218-9. Nov., '03. Stewart Edward White. L. Denison. Bookm., 17:308-11. May, '03. A teller of forest and lumber camp stories. W.Clark, port. Bookm., 31:480-92. July, '10. The Blazed Trail. 1902. Dial, 32:387. June 1, '02. Lit. Dig., 24:550. April 19, '02. port. Nation, 77:430-1. Nov. 20, '03. Outlook, 70:879. April 5, '02. The Riverman. 1908 Bookm., 28:150-1. Oct., '08. Ind., 65:1065-6. Nov. 5, '08. Nation, 87:340. Oct. 8, '08. Outlook, 90:273. Oct. 3, '08. Sunset, 21:787-8. Dec, '08. The Rules of the Game. 1910 (Published serially in Sunset, v. 24, 25 and 26. Feb. '10-Feb., '11.) Bookm., 32:497-8. Jan., '11. Nation, 92:63. Jan. 19, '11. Outlook, 96:668. Nov. 26, '10. Rev. of Rev., 43:118. Jan, '11. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1910:429: 1911:501. Gold. 1913 (First novel in a trilogy on California.) Bookm., 38:429-30. Dec, '13. Ind., 70:26.5. Nov. 6, '13. Nation, 97:482. Nov. 20, '13. Outlook, 105:450. Oct. 25, '13. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1913:566-7. The Grey Dawn. 1915 (Second novel in the California trilogy.) Bookm., 42:604. Jan., '10. Nation, 101:599. Nov. IS, '15. Pub. W., 88:1235. Oct. 16, '15. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1915:495-6. The Rose Dawn. 1920. (Third novel in the Calii'ornia trilogy.) Bk. Rev. Dig., 1920. 134 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES William Allen White, 1868- Who's who in America. William Allen White. In Gordon: The men who make onr novels, pp. 19-26. 1919. William Allen White, port. Everybody's, 34:354. March, '16. William Allen White. Nation, 104:139-40. Feb. 1, '17. A Certain Rich Man. 1909. Atlan., 104:682. Nov., '09. Bookm., 30:60. Sept., '09. Dial, 47:180. Sept. 16, '09. Forum, 42:285-90. Sept., '09. Ind., 67:547. Sept. 2, '09. Lit. Dig., 39:448. Sept. 18, '09. Nation, 89:163. Aug. 19, '09. No. Amer. Rev., 190:565. Oct., '09. Outlook, 92:921. Aug. 21, '09. Rev. of Rev., 40:636. Nov., '09. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1909:471. In the Heart of a Fool. WIS Dial, 65:556-7. Dee. 14, '18. New Repub., 18:91-2; 19:88. Feb. 15, May 17, '19. Outlook, 120:640. Dee. 18, '18. Pub. W., 94:2033. Dec. 28, '18. Bk. Rev. Dig., 1918:473-4. CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 135 Owen WistePf 1860- Who's who in America. Warner's Library of tlio world's best literature, 27:16101-2. Owen Winter. In Cooper: Some American story tellers, pp. 205- 94. 1911. Owen Wister. In Gordon: The men who make our novels, pp. 1G8- 74. 1919. Representative American story tellers: Owen Wister. E. C. Marsh. port. Bookm., 27:458-66. July, '08. The Virginian. 1902 Some scenes of the Virginian. R. W. Ritchie, illus. Bookm., 44: 460-3. Jan., '17. Atlan., 90:277-8. Aug., '02. Bookm., 15:569. Aug., '02. Dial, 33:242. Oct. 16, '02. Forum, 34:223-4. Oct., '02. Ind., 54:1610. July 3, '02. Lit. Dig., 25:424. Oct. 4, '02. Nation, 75:331. Oct. 23, '02. Outlook, 71:742. July 19, '02. 136 MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Francis Brett Young, 1884- Who's wlio. Francis Brett Young as a novelist. C. Maekonzio. Bookm., 51 035-9. Aug., '20. The Crescent Moon. IDU) Bk. Rov. Dig., 1!)1*):5G0. The Young Physician. 1920 Bk. Rev. Dig., H)2(). CONTEMPORARY NOVELS AND NOVELISTS 137 Israel Zangivill, 1861- Wlio's who. Israel Zangwill. IF. Jackson. Liv. Ago, 282:71)0-7. Sopt. 2(», '14. Israel Zangwill. C. Rook. Putnam's, 5:472-4. Jan., '09. Zangwill. P. IToey. ports. Cosmopol. 53:396-9. Aug., '12. Children of the Ghetto. 1892 138 BULLETINS MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES Bulletins of the Missouri School of Mines GENERAL SERIES Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec, 1908. The human side of a miuiug engineer's life. Edmund B. Kirby. (Commencement address, June 10, 1908.) Vol. 1, No. 2, 38th Annual Catalogue, 1909-1910. Vol. 1, No. 3, June, 1909. Education for utility and culture. Calvin M. Woodward. (Tau Beta Pi address.) Vol. 1, No. 4, Sept., 1909. The history and development of the cyanide process. Horace Tharp Mann. Vol. 2, No. 1, Dec, 1909. The Jaekling field. School of Mines and Metallurgy. Vol. 2, No. 2, 39th Annual Catalogue, 1910-1911. {Out of print.) Vol. 2, No. 3, June, 1910. Some of the essentials of success. Charles Summer Howe. (Commencement address, June 1, 1910.) Vol. 2, No. 4, Sept., 1910. Friction in small air pipes. E. G. Harris, Albert Park, H. K. Peterson. (Continued by Technical Se- ries. Vol. 1, Nos. 1 and 4.) Vol. 3, No. 1, Dec, 1910. Some relations between the composi- tion of a mineral and its physical properties. G. H. Cox, E. P. Mur- ray. Vol. 3, No. 2, March 1, 1911. 40th Annual Catalogue, 1911-1912. Vol. 3, No. 3, June, 1911. Providing for future generations. E, R. Buckley. (Tau Beta Pi address. May 24, 1911.) Vol. 3, No. 4, Sept., 1911. Fall announcement of courses. {Out of print.) Vol. 4, No. 1, Dec, 1911. Fortieth anniversary of the School of Mines and Metallurgy of the University of Missouri. Parker Hall Memorial address. Laying of cornerstone of Parker Hall, RoUa, Missouri, October 24, 1911. Vol. 4, No. 2, March, 1912. 41st Annual Catalogue, 1912-1913. Vol. 4, No. 3, June, 1912. Mining and civilization. J. R. Fin- lay. (Commencement address. May 31, 1912.) Vol. 4, No. 4, Sept., 1912. Fall announcement of courses. (Out of print.) Vol. 5, No. 1, Dec, 1912. Student life. Vol. 5, No. 2, March, 1913. 42nd Annual Catalogue, 1912-1913. Vol. 5, No. 3. Never published. Vol. 5, No. 4, Never published. Vol. G, No. 1. Never published. Vol. G, No. 2, March, 1914. 43rd Annual Catalogue, 1913-1914. Vol. 6, No. 3. Never published. BULLETINS MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES 139 Vol. G, No. 4. Never published. Vol. 7, No. 1. Never published. Vol. 7, No. 2, March, 1915. 44th Annual Catalogue, 1914-1915. Vol. 7,. No. 3, June, 1915. Description of special courses in oil and gas and allied subjects. Vol. 7, No. 4, Sept., 1915. Register of graduates, 1874-1915. Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan., 1916. Bibliograpliy on concentrating ores by flotation. Jesse Cunningham. Vol. 8, No. 2, March, 1916. 45th Annual Catalogue, 1915-1916. Vol. 8, No. 3, June, 1916. The business of mining. W. R. Ingalls. (Commencement address, May 26, 1916.) Vol. 8, No. 4, Oct., 1916. Register of graduates, 1874-1916. (Out of print.) Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan., 1917. Road problems in the Ozarks. E. G. Harris. Bibliography on rural roads. H. L. Wheeler. Vol. 9, No. 2, March, 1917. 46th Annual Catalogue, 1916-1917. Vol. 9, No. 3, June, 1917. What should a present-day metallur- gical education comprise? Charles Hermann Fulton. (Commence- ment address. May 25, 1917.) Vol. 9, No. 4, Oct., 1917. Register of graduates, 1874-1917. M. S. M. men in military service. Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan., 1918. Student life; revised edition. Vol. 10, No. 2, March, 1918. 47th Annual Catalogue, 1917-1918. Vol. 10, No. 3, June, 1918. The human side of mining engineer- ing. James Furman Kemp. (Commencement address. May 24, 1918.) Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct., 1918. (Delayed.) List of publications wanted by the librar.y, and of duplicates available for sale or exchange, April, 1920. Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan., 1919. Never published. Vol. 11, No. 2, March, 1919. 48th Annual Catalogue, 1918-1919. Vol. 11, No. 3, June, 1919. Road problems in the Ozarks: 2nd edition, revised and extended. E. G. Harris. Bibliography on rural roads. H. L. Wheeler. Vol. 11, No. 4, October, 1919. Register of graduates, 1874-1919. Vol. 12, No. 1, Jan., 1920. War service records of the Missouri School of Mines. Compiled by G. E. Ebmeyer, Vol. 12, No. 2, March, 1920. 49th Annual Catalogue, 1919-1920. Vol. 12, No. 3, June, 1920. Contemporary novels and novelists; a list of references to biographical and critical material: for English 421. H. L. Wheeler. Vol. 12, No. 4, October, 1920. Department of Vocational Edu- cation. Vol. 13, No. 1, Jan., 1921. (In preparation.) Vol. 13, No. 2, March, 1921. .50th Annual Catalogue, 1920-1921. 140 BULLETINS MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES TECHNICAL SERIES Vol. 1, No. 1, Nov., 1911. Friction in air pipes. E. G. Harris. (Continuation of General Series, Vol. 2, No. 4.) Vol. 1, No. 2, Feb., 1912. Metallurgy and ore dressing labora- tories of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. D. Copeland, H. T. Mann, H. A. Roesler. {Out of 'print.) Vol. 1, No. 3, May, 1912. Some apparatus and methods for demonstrating rock drilling and the loading of drill-holes in tunneling. L. E. Young. Vol. 1, No. 4, Aug., 1912. Friction in air pipes. E. G. Harris. (Continuation of Vol. 1, No, 1, Nov., 1911.) Vol. 2, No. 1, Aug., 1915. Comparative tests of piston drill- bits. C. R. Forbes and L. M. Cummings. Vol. 2, No. 2, Nov., 1915. Orifice measurements of air in large quantities. Elmo G. Harris. Vol. 2, No. 3, Feb., 1916. Cupellation losses in assaying. Hor- ace T. Mann and Charles Y. Clayton. Vol. 2, No. 4, May, 1916. Geologic criteria for determining the structural position of sedimentary beds. G. H. Cox and C. L. Dake. {Out of 'print.) Vol. 3, No. 1, Aug., 1916. Experiments from the flotation labora- tory. C. Y. Clayton. {Out of print.) Vol. 3, No. 2, Nov., 1916. Studies on the origin of Missouri cherts and zinc ores. G. H. Cox, R. S. Dean and V. H. Gottschalk. Vol. 3, No. 3, Feb., 1917. Preliminary report on blended Port- land cement. E. S. McCandliss. Vol. 3, No. 4, May, 1917. Studies in the production of oils and tars from bituminous materials. J. C. Ingram. Vol. 4, No. 1, Aug., 1917. The hydrometallurgj- and electrolytic precipitation of zinc. F. D. James. Vol. 4, No. 2, Nov., 1917. The effect of addition agents in flota- tion. Part I. M. H. Thornberry and H. T. Mann. Vol. 4, No. 3, Feb., 1918. Bibliography: Roasting, leaching, smelting, electric smelting and electrolysis of zinc. H. L. Wheeler. Vol. 4, No. 4, May, 1918. An investigation of blended Portland cement. E. S. McCandliss and H. H. Armsby. Vol. 5, No. 1, Aug., 1919. The carbonization of Missouri eannel coals. H. L. Dunlap, K. K. Kershner and V. X. Smiley. Vol. 5, No. 2, Nov., 1919. The effect of addition agents in flotation. Part II. M. H. Thornberry and H. T. Mann. Vol. 5, No. 3, Feb., 1921. An investigation of the xylenes ob- tained from the carbonization of coal. W. D. Turner. {In press.) Vol. 5, No. 4, May, 1921. Coal mining methods in Missouri. W. W. Weigel. {In press.) 6i Engineering The Keystone of Civilization 55 THE MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES offers courses leading to degrees in Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgy- Mining Engineering General Science FOR LITERATURE, ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR, MISSOURI SCHOOL OF MINES ROLLA, MISSOURI THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUL 32 1946 JUL 13 1946 LD 21-100m-7,'40 (69368) Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc.! MaKers Stockton, Calif PAI. JAN. 21. 1S08 8S253?f THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY