N'^^v a/ ry \ WALTER FARQUHAR HOOK, D.D. FIRST VOLUME I,ONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO.j NEW -STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET Fairi.: '. U U -1-1 t\ K n U L> iv. A I u i: 1 KAlt BY W. K. BRIGGS. THE LIFE AND LETTERS OF WALTER FARQUHAR HOOK D.D. F.R.S. BY HIS SON-IN-LAW W. R. W. STEPHENS PREBENDARY OF CHICHESTER AND RECTOR OF WOOLBEDING AUTHOR OF 'life OF S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM ' 'CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM ' ETC. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. L THIRD EDITION LONDON RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, NEW BURLINGTON STREET Ijixblisljcrs in Orbinacu to ^er ^ajcsti| \\i f^xxttxi 1879 All rights reserved 3% PREFACE. One of the earliest recollections of my childhood is r^: concerned with the subject of this Memoir. When [-; I was about five years old, I accompanied my father ^I and mother to London, on a visit to my uncle, then Mr. William Page Wood. As we were going up- to stairs on our arrival, my eye was caught by an oil- ^ portrait of a man with red hair and a large mouth, ^ which hung over the door of the drawing-room, >- and I exclaimed, ' I don't think he's a pretty man.' ^ The justice of the criticism was not denied. My mother allowed that he was not 'pretty,' but in- formed me that he was very good, and, moreover, " that he was my uncle's greatest friend. And from ^ that time forward I became very curious about * the good man,' as I was taught to call him. That portrait on the staircase was one of the things I looked forward to seeing on our annual visits to London. I looked at it with increasinof interest year by year, as I gradually heard and better understood who the subject of the portrait was ; how he was Vicar of a very large and very smoky town, far away in the north ; how he had 249234 vi Preface. built a great church there, what thousands of people flocked to it, what beautiful music was sung there, what eloquent sermons he preached, and how deeply he was beloved by the people ; and then, again, how full of mirth he was, what funny letters he wrote, and what droll things he said and did. And on further acquaintance with the portrait, I could see there was a sparkle in the eyes, and a bright honest smile playing about the whole coun- tenance, which largely compensated for the plainness of the features ; and I almost felt remorse for having ever ventured to say that the person depicted was not a * pretty man.' The interest which I thus learned to take from childhood in the life of the Vicar of Leeds must be offered as my principal apology for attempting to tell the story of that life. During my boyhood, indeed, and early youth, when he was in the plenitude of his strength and full tide of his work, I very rarely saw him, but I constantly heard about him ; and when in his old age I became connected with him through my marriage, and resided near him, he often talked to me like a veteran soldier of his old cam- paigns, and thus filled up and coloured for me in a great measure that picture of his life which the de- scriptions of others had already drawn in outline. It may seem to be a disadvantage, on the one hand, that a biographer should not personally have witnessed the work of his subject, but on the other, he may be able to write the history of past conflicts and con- troversies more dispassionately and calmly than one Preface. vli who has Hved in the midst of them and has actually taken part in them. At the same time, no one can be more deeply sensible than I am how exceedingly difficult it is to put together a faithful narrative of a life passed in times which are, for the most part, too distant for the writer to draw much on his own re- collections, and yet too recent to be studied in the pages of history. Not that I have endeavoured to write what is commonly called a ' Life and Times,' a combination which generally results in doing justice to neither the life nor the times. My aim has been to write the life of the man, to make him the central figure throughout, and to touch upon surrounding events only in proportion as they concerned him, only in order to indicate the exact position which he occupied relatively to them, and to show how far he affected them, or how far he was affected by them. As far as possible, I have made him speak for himself, by his letters and diary, by extracts from his speeches and published writings, and by such fragments of his conversation as I or others could recollect. The difficulty of selecting and arranging copious materials of this kind, covering a period of more than half-a-century, can hardly be conceived by any but those who have made a similar attempt ; and some indulgence is due, from which I hope not to be exempted, for defects in the execution of such a task. To those who have aided me in it, and without whose aid it could not have been accomplished with that measure of completeness to which I trust it may viii Preface. pretend, I beg here most gratefully to acknowledge my obligations. Foremost amongst these must be placed my uncle, Lord Hatherley, and my wife's aunt, Miss Hook. They not only supplied me with a vast quantity of valuable letters, but their full and exact reminiscences of distant events have been an unfailing source of trustworthy information. Besides the letter embody- ing his reminiscences, which Lord Hatherley has been good enough to write expressly for this Memoir, I have inserted a few letters addressed by him to his friend between the years 1830 and 1834, not only on ac- count of their intrinsic excellence, but as illustrating the variety of subjects on which the two friends cor- responded. I must thank the Rector of Whippingham, the Rev. Canon Prothero, for endeavouring to glean some local information relating to the time when Dr. Hook was curate of that parish. To the Vicar of Holy Trinity, Coventry, tho' Rev. F. M. Beaumont, I am much indebted for in- troducing me to some of the old inhabitants of that city, more especially W. Odell, Esq., and Luke Dresser, Esq., whose communications have been ex- ceedingly useful. In Leeds my thanks are very particularly due to the Rev. E. Jackson, Incumbent of St. James's, and Honorary Canon of Ripon, whose recollections, as the intimate and confidential friend of the Vicar during the period of his greatest activity, have been especially valuable to me. Preface. ix My thanks are also due to the present Vicar of Leeds, to T. Pridgin Teale, Esq., M.D., to G. B. Nelson, Esq., and others, and, last but not least, to Mr. Edwin Moore, Registrar of the parish church, who rendered me immense aid in the toilsome work of searching out notices bearing on my subject, con- tained in the local contemporary journals. In conclusion, I beg to thank collectively the large number of persons who have placed letters at my disposal, many of which are regarded by the possessors as very precious treasures. One word of caution may here be given to the readers of these letters. They must bear in mind that the writer was a man of very strong feelings and impulses. He wrote, and especially to the great friend of his life, in the most spontaneous manner, out of a very full heart, about whatever was uppermost in his mind. This, indeed, in a great measure, constitutes their peculiar charm ; that they are the freshest and most artless expressions possible of the writer's thoughts and feelings at the moment when they were dashed off; but for the same reason they must not always be taken as representing the deliberate and final con- clusions of his mind upon the matters of which they treat. The life which it has fallen to my lot to portray was a singularly noble life. I would fain hope that not a few of those who shall read the record may be stirred up by the perusal to emulate the life. WooLBEDiNG RECTORY: September 2"] , 1878. VOL. I. a CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. CHAPTER PAGB I. Early Life and Education. a.d. 1798-1821 . i IL Ordination. Life at Whippingham. a.d. 1821- 1826 49 III. Life at Moseley and Birmingham, a.d. 1826- 1829 . . 114 IV. State of the Church — Rise of the * Tractarian * School — Life at Coventry, a.d. 1829- 183 7 138 V, The Election to the Vicarage of Leeds, 1837 295 VI. Settlement at Leeds. July to December 1837 369 VIL Part I. Public Life from 1838 to 1840 , 415 LIFE OF WALTER FARQUHAR HOOK. CHAPTER I. EARLY LIFE AND EDUCATION. A.D. I798-182I. Walter Farquiiar Hook was the eldest child of the Rev. James Hook and Anne his wife, and was born on March 13, 1798, at the residence in Conduit Street, London, of his maternal grandfather. Sir Walter Farquhar, Bart. He was eleven months older than his only brother Robert, who died in 1873. Their only sister, Georgiana, who was several years younger, has survived both her brothers. His paternal grandfather, Mr. James Hook, who was a composer and teacher of music at Norwich, married Miss Madden, a lady eminently skilled in painting. Out of a numerous family by this mar- riage, only two sons lived to manhood, James, who was born in June 1771, and Theodore, who was seventeen years younger than his brother. VOL. I. B 2 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1798- James inherited the talents of his father and mother, and added to them very considerable lite- rary powers of his own. It was truly remarked by one of his friends that had he devoted his whole attention to painting, music, or literature, he would have achieved a high reputation in either of the three professions. His two novels, indeed, * Pen Owen ' and * Percy Mallory,' entitle him to a high place among the writers of fiction. Some of his juvenile sketches were shown by his mother to Sir Joshua Reynolds, who was so much struck by the genius of the young artist that he strongly recom- mended the boy's parents to have him trained for the profession of a painter. A series of caricatures of the leading public men of the day, statesmen, lawyers, actors, and divines, drawn and coloured when he was a school boy at Westminster, aged fifteen, remains in possession of the family. They are inimitably good, not being in the least overdone, though full of humour ; and their value as portraits, sketched from the life, of such men as Pitt, Fox, Burke, Lord Thurlow, Boswell, Kemble, Munden, and many more, has been pronounced by connoisseurs to be very high indeed. In music he had the same aptitude as his brother Theodore for playing impromptu on the piano, and was superior to him in execution and general know- ledge of the art ; but although a ready versifier, he did not improvise verses to his own accompaniments, the accomplishment for which Theodore earned such a remarkable reputation. His artistic tastes in fact were rather discouraged by his mother, who feared that they might dissipate his mind and allure it from -1 82 1 His Father at Westminster. 3 the higher pursuits for which his more soHd abihties, as she thought, fitted him. James Hook, indeed, enjoyed the inestimable advantage of the training and influence of a sensible and pious mother throughout his youth, and to the loss of this blessing at a very early age the follies and foibles of his younger brother were doubtless very largely owing. In the latter part of the last century Westminster and Eton were the two great rival schools of Eng- land, and a brisk fire of epigram and satire was continually going on between the two through their magazines, the Etonian * Microcosm ' and the West- minster 'Trifler.' Hook was the artist of the ' Trifler,' and one of his drawings represented the boys of the two schools as being weighed by Justice in a pair of scales. The Etonians, it is needless to say, were high in air, although George HI. and other weighty per- sonages were trying to depress their scale ; the West- minsters on the other hand touched the ground. This affront was retaliated by an epigram in the * Micro- cosm ' from George Canning, then an Eton boy : What mean ye by this print so rare, Ye wits, of Eton jealous, But that we soar aloft in air While ye are heavy fellows } But his antagonist was as ready with his pen as with his pencil, and retorted in the 'Trifler' in a similar strain : Cease, ye Etonians, and no more With rival wits contend : Feathers, we know, will float in air, And bubbles will ascend. During some of his holidays Hook wrote the B 2 4 Life of Waller Farquhar Hooh. 179S- libretto for two of his father's operas which were brought out in London. But notwithstanding his inclination for artistic and literary occupation such as has been indicated, his mother, who was anxious that he should enter Holy Orders, carried her point, and after taking his degree from St. Mary Hall, Oxford, he was ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Sodor and Man in 1796, and he married in the following year. Those were the days when plurallsts flourished and abounded, and through the interest mainly of his father-in-law. Sir Walter Farquhar, who was the confidential friend as well as the physician of the Prince of Wales, preferments were heaped upon Mr. Hook in rapid succession. He became Rector of Sadington in 1797, Chaplain to the Prince of Wales in 1801, Rector of Epworth in 1802, of Hertingfordbury in 1804, and of St. Andrew and St. Nicholas, Hertford, in 1805. The early childhood of Walter Farquhar Hook was spent at the Rectory of Hertingfordbury, and to this the home of his earliest recollections he ever looked back with the fondest affection. A very few years before his death he made a journey with his youngest son expressly to see it ; to pace once more the pleasant lawn and garden, and to see if the names were still legible which in his boyhood he had carved upon some of the trees that shaded the path by the river side — the names of himself and of his friend William Page Wood, together with the names of Shakspeare and Milton, whom they both loved with a passionate devotion. While the sensitive tenderness and affectionate- -1 821 A Mother s Influence. 5 ness of his nature was inherited from both his parents, the vein of comic humour which equally distinguished him, and which sometimes burst forth into rhyme or frolicsome mirth after the manner of his uncle Theodore, was derived from his father. On the other hand like so many men who have been good as well as great, he thankfully acknowledged that whatever moral virtue he had was largely due to the careful training in early life of a pious mother. ' How much,' he writes in 1829, * my dearest mother, do I owe to you. How often do I trace all that is good in me to the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon your labours, when in my grandfather's bed-room you used to inculcate so pleasantly the truths of Revelation into the hearts of dear Bobby and myself ; those dear square, red books of Mrs. Trimmer out of which you read to us — how well I remember them, and how I wish I still possessed them ! ' The two brothers, Walter and Robert, learned all the rudiments of knowledge, including Latin, from their mother till they were about eight or nine years of age. A summary of their progress and remarks upon their character which she wrote, seemingly for her own private use, at the beginnings of the years 1805 and 1806, are striking proofs of the truth of the saying, * the child is father to the man.' Walter is described as being very fond of reading, inquisitive, and anxious to have everything explained ; persevering, and resolute in conquering difficulties, with a strong idea of principle, and a warmth of religious feeling rare in so young a child. His principal defects are said to be a shy and awk- ward manner, and an impulsive and irritable temper, 6 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 179S- easily exasperated by opposition, coupled, however, with a keen sense of remorse. On the whole his mother considered that his character was one which required moderate, judicious encouragement, but was unable to bear much praise. Those who knew him best will easily recognise in this description some of the qualities which were most conspicuous in him throughout life. When he was about nine years old he was sent with his brother to a school at Hertford, kept by Dr. Luscombe, and from this school he writes to his mother in February 18 10 a letter which is the earliest piece of his writing that I have discovered. * Dearest Mother, — I wish June was come and I had to tell you that I was in the Fourth Form. I am very sorry that I am not in the Third Form, but you know I tried very, very hard. It is an ill reward for my fagging ; but it is the will of God that I should not go into the Third Form, and the will of God must be done.' Soon after this the two brothers were removed to Tiverton in Devonshire. Their recollections of this school were not pleasant. The teaching was indifferent, the discipline severe, and the food scanty. They saved up their spare pence to buy buns and loaves from time to time to alleviate the pangs of hunger. In the letters, however, written by Walter at this time there are no complaints ; and in his handwriting there is very great improvement. The style of his letters becomes curiously grand and sententious ; but they are written then as ever after in pure, sound English. In one too long for transcrip- tion, bearing date November i, iSii, he begins : — -i82i Tiverton School. • ]\Iy dear Mamma, — You will with me pity that wicked boy, Henry George Salter, who is now publicly expelled from this school : and his master, Master Richards, blotted his name from the Register, October 30, 181 1, that it may be handed down to generations.' Then follows an account of how this ' wicked boy ' enticed another to run away with him, having borrowed a watch which he afterwards sold, saying they would go to London where he would persuade his grandmother to leave him her immense fortune, which he would divide with his companion. The runaways were captured, and Salter wrote a contrite letter upon which young Walter observes, ' Well, so far one would think him to be penitent Salter, but /say, Salter the hypocrite ; ' and he then goes on to relate how this naughty boy repeated his escapade, borrowing and selling another watch, after which he was expelled in the awful manner described at the beginning of the letter. In 1 8 1 2, the year after this tragical occurrence, the brothers were removed to * Commoners ' Winchester. Their father had become a Canon of Winchester, and this circumstance probably led to the selection of the school. The narrative of Lord Hatherley ^ placed at the end of this volume and the letters which I have added render it unnecessary for me to trace at length Hook's school career, and I shall confine myself to some general remarks upon his character and conduct at this period. In the first place having been ill taught at Tiverton, he was very backward in scholarship, which at that time was the beginning and ending of * Formerly William Page Wood. 8 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1798- education at a public school. At the instigation and with the help of his friend, William Page Wood, as will be seen, he ultimately obtained a fair position in the school ; but it may be doubted whether under the most favourable circumstances he would ever have made a finished scholar. His mind was not of that critical order which delights in nicely balancing various forms of expression and determining their precise shades of meaning. He always read books for instruction or pleasure, and if he got this from them he cared little about the mould in which the contents were cast. Lively, ready, and original, too, as he was in writing and conversation, he was always rather slow of apprehension, he had great difficulty in committing to memory, nor was his memory, especially for words, very retentive. He was never a rapid reader, and those who read aloud to him — a luxury of which he was very fond in later life — were always required to read very slowly and sometimes to repeat a passage, not seemingly obscure, several times before he could take it in. On the other hand, even when he came to Win- chester his delight in reading the best English poets and historians, and the extent of his acquaintance with them were very uncommon for a boy of fourteen. His admiration for ShaksjDeare and Milton grew into a passionate enthusiasm for which it would be hard to find anything like a parallel. Scarcely any letter written throughout his school or college days is •without some reference to or quotation from these favourites. To read them he neglected his school work, and withdrew from the ordinary sports of his schoolfellows. He complains in one of his letters, -i82i WmcJiestcr. September 1813, that the racket and bullying out of school are so great that he can get no time to pursue his favourite studies and meditations ; that he has discovered a new hiding place, a hollow space about six feet deep enclosed by stacks of timber, on a wharf, into which he retreats to read, but that like all the rest of his haunts he fears it will soon be detected. Probably it was for the same purpose of undisturbed reading that he chose to ' take a tunding,' that is, a severe thrashing, twice, rather than fag at foot-ball. It will readily be supposed that to a boy so averse alike from the ordinary work and pastimes of the place, school life was anything but a time of enjoy- ment. In fact he often said that but for his friend- ship with Wood it would have been insupportable. His lamentations are poured forth in letters which are at times really pathetic, but still more often irresistibly droll, from the incongruity between the tragic tone of despair in which they are written and the actual circumstances of the case. In October 18 13 he writes to his brother, who for some cause was absent from school : * I hate this place more and more every day. I was licked yesterday more severely than ever before. I cannot run or hollow out loud even now without hurting my side, and I am to be licked again to-day for writing this : yet I should not be able to write at another time as I go " at top of hall " ^ and get so much to do. I begin to fear my licking. If I am killed, which I think I shall be, tell Etheridge ^ to send you my * A technical Winchester phrase, signifying that the boy so placed was liable to answer any demand for fagging. ' The school butler. lo Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 179S- books, and hope that I am in heaven happier than all of you ; if for my sins I am condemned to hell, pity me, dear Robert, pity me.^ Let Milton be buried with me, as he has gone through all my hardships with me.' Writing a year later he says that though he still hates the place, he is not so rebellious as he used to be, and regards his prison house from a more philo- sophical point of view. * I endeavour to find out the comforts, if any there be, and not the miseries of this place, for as my dear and beloved bard, the honour of England and of the whole of this terrestrial orb says, " the mind is its own place and can make an Heaven of Hell, an Hell of Heaven." Combined with his love of reading in retirement was a habit of meditation and reverie from which, though in itself of rather a melancholy nature, he seems to have derived a peculiar kind of enjoyment. Writing to his grand- father, Sir Walter Farquhar, in 18 16, he says, *I would have you know that if you think nothing ill will turn out from this melancholy I should still like to be possessed by it, as I am exceedingly happy when I have it, owing to the amusing thoughts which come into my mind at such times.' His grandfather, indeed, who had won his way from obscurity to the top of his profession by hard industry and talents of the most practical order, although he had formed a high opinion of the abilities of his grandson, was much exercised by fears lest he should become too poetical and dreamy to make his way in the world. The following letter written a short time before that of his grandson's ^ How Robert was to know whether he was condemned to hell or not, does not appear. -1 82 1 Winchester. ii just quoted, is a quaint illustration of this dread, and savours of that shrewd worldly wisdom, frugality, and caution, to which he, in common with so many of his countrymen, mainly owed his success in life. Conduit St.: June 8, 1815. My dear Walter, — Your passion and steady attachment for Milton and Shakspcare, I admire, but as I have not one single particle of poetic fire in my mind and never had, I am not a judge of the justice of your adoration, and therefore you must forgive me for not entering keenly into your indignation at your tutor's presuming to correct Shakspeare. The word ' beteem ' I certainly should not have understood without your explanation, and I should have been considered a great blockhead by you enthusiasts, whom I, on my part, a man of plain common sense, deem a little mad when you get on your hobbies. However I don't mean to stop you full gallop. You may run on, and I will every year add to your library books worth ten guineas, as I am pleased that you have made so good an use of my first present. I therefore desire that you will rummage your poetic and critical brain, and let me know the authors that your next passion lead you to, and before 18 1 5 is at an end I will furnish the next shelf in your library. Sometimes I would wish you to descend from the flights of poetry, and study those things that may be useful to you in life, and teach a poor man how to live comfortably upon little, and I shall therefore add to the list you send me of books, Cocker's ' Arithmetic ' and Euclid's * Elements.' Spare half an hour now and then to look into them. You have a first cousin W. Mathison who has shown some talent for figures, mathematics, &c. I have con- sequently made him a present of Euclid's 'Elements,' and if you get over the fifth proposition, the Bridge of Asses, I shall conceive that with your assiduity and application you may even become a mathematician as well as a poet. My love to Robert. I don't know what he has done with his ri Life of Walter Farqithar Hook. 1798- ten guineas, and when he tells me this, I shall then tell him what further I mean to do for him. I want to make him a plodding Dutchman, by which means he may make fortune enough to assist you and your family before you get rich in the Church, or become a Bishop ; as a poet you will run the risk of dying in a garret excepting you bestow a little time occasionally on Cocker, and learn how to make a little money go far, and to manage the sober, dull realities of life in place of being in the poetical clouds for ever. I have had a severe attack of cold and cough and been confined to my room, but I am now much better. I am not quite clear that you would have had so long a letter if I had been able to trudge about as usual. I am with great attachment, my dear boy, Your affectionate Grandfather, W. Farquhar. There was not, however, in Walter Hook any of that sickliness and softness, either of body or mind, which is so commonly found in boys of a pensive, meditative disposition, who have no relish for the ordinary amusements of their companions. Although tall, gaunt, and so old-looking for his age that one of his school friends now living says, that his face In mature manhood always seemed to him much the same as what It was In boyhood, yet he was muscular and vigorous In no common degree ; none could swim further or dive deeper ; and an audacious bully who once dared to say In his presence that Shak- speare was a fool, was instantly felled to the ground by the fist of the muscular devotee. Some soldiers also on one occasion having tried to usurp a bathing place belonging to the boys, he was selected to fight one of the Intruders and made very short work of his antagonist. Few, if any, of the boys had such a -1 82 1 Winchester. I3 peculiar kind of droll humour, and to spend an evening- with Walter in the holidays was considered by his young cousins more amusing than a visit to the theatre. The matron who took care of the boys' linen at Winchester was celebrated for affectins: knowledo^e on all conceivable subjects of enquiry, and it was his delight to put such strange questions to her as would elicit equally strange answers. ' Pray ma'am,' said he one day to her with an air of exceeding solemnity, * What is your opinion of Charles XII. of Sweden ? ' ' Well, Mr. Hook,' she replied, ' I haven't been able to read the papers lately and of course I am not personally acquainted with him.' No one watched with a keener vigilance for the extraordinary and ludicrous blunders made by one of the old minor canons of the Cathedral in his sermons. Two of these especially were never forgotten, and were often repeated by him, or as will be seen referred to in his letters ; and indeed they were worth preservation as specimens of the stuff sometimes tolerated in our cathedral pulpits at the beginning of this century. One was, * What is impossible can never be, and very seldom comes to pass ; ' the other, * O tempora ! O mores ! what times we live in : little girls and boys run about the streets cursing and swearing before they can either walk or talk.' Again, although his religious feelings, and his senti- ments of affection for his relations and intimate friend are expressed in fervent rapturous language most un- common in a schoolboy, yet there is nothing unnatural, unhealthy, or effeminate to be detected in them. They were the genuine offspring of a heart warm indeed and tender, yet manly and courageous. He was, in fact, 14 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1798- in boyhood and throughout Hfe eminently EngHsh and eminently Christian ; qualities which in their highest manifestation are incompatible with any tinge of morbid sentiment in the character. And one of the reasons why he regretted the rigid restriction of school work to the study of Greek and Latin was that boys grew up knowing more about Rome than England, more about Paganism than Christianity. Not that he was narrow in his tastes : he read any history with great interest, and in good poetry he delighted in any language in which he could read it ; but English history and English writers had a charm for him which the history and the writers of other nations could not excite. Having been brought up, too, in the strictest and straitest school of Toryism, he fully believed that the British Constitution, alike in Church and State, was the most perfect piece of machinery which could be found under the sun, and in the beginning at any rate of his school days he was prepared sturdily to uphold the virtue of the Prince Regent and the wisdom of Lord Castlereagh asfainst all assailants. In like manner he would scarcely allow a blemish in the moral beauty of Mr. Pitt or a redeeming virtue in the moral blackness of Mr. Fox. In June 18 16, he writes to his mother, * At a party at Mr. Rickett's, in the course of conver- sation Mr. R. said that drinking^ was the chief thinof which killed our great statesman Mr. Pitt. I thought at first he made a mistake and meant that fellow Fox, so I just asked him over again to see if he really meant what he said, but afterwards I asked everyone who was present, when Mr. R. had left the room, not to mention what had passed in - 1 S2 1 Winchester. 1 5 Commoners for it would cause much laughter against me, as I always call Fox a "drunken beast;" and now I mean to ask you to petition grandpapa to dictate a few lines as Pitt's doctor and send them to me stating what really did kill him.' Combined with his intense love and admiration for everything English, and partly as a consequence of it, was an antipathy and contempt for foreigners and foreign institutions. He was quite prepared to accept the saying of Sam Johnson, ' For all I can see, foreigners are fools ; ' and he was fully persuaded of the truth of the old popular tradi- tion handed down from the days of Agincourt, that 'one Englishman was a match for fourteen French- men.' Of course his estimates of public men and historical characters in many cases underwent great alterations with his advance in age, study, and ex- perience, but foreigners as a whole he always re- garded with aversion ; and there was one eminent person of whose character his opinion never changed, and that was Napoleon Buonaparte. His only com- plaint, he says in 18 16 of Scott's ' Life of Napoleon/ was that he had * profaned British paper with the name of ex-Emperor,' and to the end of his life he never spoke of Napoleon by any other name than Buonaparte, regarding him as an unprincipled tyrant and a heartless ravager of the earth, colossal indeed if measured by an intellectual standard, but morally one of the meanest of mankind. Although he did not obtain any classical prizes, except one for getting into the Sixth Form by a spe- cial effort, the nature of which is described in Lord Hatherley's narrative, he twice gained the silver 1 6 Life of Walter Fai'quhar Hook. 1798- medal for recitation on the Speech Day. The first was in 1S16, when he recited the celebrated speech of Antony upon the death of JuHus Csesar. His voice already possessed much of that rich, melodious softness and flexibility, combined with great volume of tone, for which he was afterwards so remarkably distinguished, and although he did not inherit any of his father's or grandfather's musical talents, and could not tell one tune from another, he was at this time as always very pure in his pronunciation, and skilful in the modulation of his utterances. His hearers on this occasion seem to have been completely capti- vated and enchanted. Canon Nott writes to his father : ' Your son's speaking was admirable. It was neither acting nor declamation, but a chaste medium between the two. He himself felt and made others feel the beauties of his poet. You know the speech : t\\Q gradual introduction of the sneer, " For Brutus is an honourable man," was admirable. Had it been a sneer from the first, it would not have been in nature. Antony did not venture to insinuate any- thing: ao^ainst Brutus until he was certain he should not offend, and this he could not have been in the first instance.' He gained the medal also in the following year for his recitation of Satan's speech to the Sun in Milton's * Paradise Lost.' The perseverance with which he worked for the special examination already alluded to, in order to obtain his remove into the Sixth Form, was the first indication of that energy and industry in study which were afterwards so eminently characteristic of him. He sometimes rose at three in the morning to read his Greek play ; and Dr. -1 82 1 Leaves WmcJiester. 17 Gabell told his parents that the progress which he made while working for his remove was beyond what he could have thought it possible for any boy to make in the time. Having, moreover, once won his way to the highest form, he showed much anxiety to maintain his position with credit ; and the mis- cellaneous reading which had impeded his progress upwards in the school where so much depended on technical scholarship, now became an advantage and a help. His mother writes of him at this period with mingled anxiety and pride. His irritable, choleric temper, his fits of melan- choly, his tendency in many ways to impulsiveness and eccentricity, caused her some uneasiness ; but on the other hand the warmth of his affection, his deep sense of religion, and the capacity which he had lately shown for working with dogged resolution when once convinced that duty demanded it, filled her with hope. Dr. Gabell also and all the masters spoke of his general character and conduct in terms of the most unqualified praise, and even admiration. It had been intended that he should leave Win- chester at the end of the year 18 16, but at the urgent recommendation of Dr. Gabell, who thought that the delay would enable him to enter upon his Oxford career with better prospects of success, it was decided that he should remain another half-year. His grandfather obtained a nomination for him from the Prince Regent to a studentship at Christ Church, and in December 1817 he was admitted a member of that House. Save for the parting with his deeply beloved VOL. I. C 1 8 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 179S- friend, he quitted Winchester without a pang of regret. But that parting was a very severe trial to both. They had lived a life there which was all their own ; a life bound by the closest ties not only of common interests but of reciprocal obligations, for each had helped to supply what was lacking in the other. And though both felt sure that the friendship never could be broken, yet frequent inter- course was now to cease, and, as it turned out, for a much longer period than either could have antici- pated. Their favourite walk in meads, the old tree beneath which they had compared their youthful attempts in poetry, and Hook had read his tragedy of James II., the chalk pit in which at 'Evening Hills' they used to sit each with his Shakspeare and read the dialogue by turns, the stroll home by * Goddard's walk ' — all these scenes were to be abandoned, all these incidents of daily life were to be brought to a close, and bitter was the grief. ITOVOL Ko'ivoi Xofywy, 6iJb6(jTS»-.A,,'..,. 1 which very {&\m people would discover ; but it so happened that Mr. Cardvvell, one of the examining masters, observed that this little Shakspeare was in all my copies, and they called me up to know if I meant it as a charm ; which I could not quite deny, and it afforded them great amusement. This I have not told to any of my acquaintance here who would think me a bit of a fool for my pains ; but the report about the University is, that I was cutting jokes with the examining masters all the time. They, however, behaved very good-naturedly to me, except this morning, when one of them, to the great amusement of all the rest, made me prove the errors of the Roman Catholics in worshipping relicks, and the folly of the Jews in wear- ing phylacteries ; the absurdity of superstition, and inutility of charms, all of which subjects I knew pretty well ; and this, with something about the doctrine of the Trinity, made up the whole of my examination in Divinity. Now I must beg you not to tell this to my friends in town, but keep it to yourself, for some of them would think me an idiot ; I am afraid it will be soon spread over the University, for Cardwell seemed to think it a very good joke, and will tell it, I make no doubt. If so, I shall depart immediately from this place. It is my intention to stay here ten or twelve days, since, to my deep and unfeigned sorrow, I shall not be able to see dear Gilbert. I can come up directly if you wish it, but I shall write fully to-morrow. I shall not take my degree, I think, till just before the long vacation, when I shall return to Oxford, I am at this moment too happy to write sense. I am afraid the examining masters will think me a bit of a fool, but they showed that they thought it innocent and laugh- able folly. I would not, however, have yesterday over ' Facsimile of the original 'W. Shakspeare.' i:49CC4 38 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1798- again, really for a hundred pounds, poor though I am ; I never was so miserable. Classical honours he had neither desired nor sought. But there was just one prize upon which he had set his heart : the Newdegate prize for English verse, and he resolved to compete for it. The subject for 1821 was Psestum. 'With trembling hands,' he writes, * and a throbbing heart have I consigned the child of my hopes to the Registrar.' He thought his good fortune in winning the Boy dell Shakspeare in the raffle a bad omen ; it would be impossible to have another great piece of luck in the same year. And his apprehensions were fulfilled. His lines, which have come into my hands, are smooth, melodious, and free from the insipidity of thought and turgidity of language which are so common in Newdegate poems. But the prize was gained by the Hon. Mr. Howard, afterwards Lord Carlisle, who also carried off the prize for Latin verse in the same year. His failure to obtain this prize was perhaps the most poignant disappointment of his life. At least there was none on which he expressed his feelings at the time in such inconsolable terms, although of course the trial could not have been a very lasting one. * With indescribable sorrow ' (thus he writes to his father) ' I sit down to inform you that all my hopes of gaining distinction at Oxford are now at an end ; I feel after all my failures that I should like a little quiet and retirement. I cannot pay my London visits.' And so he proposes to go to Whippingham, of which his father was now rector. The sweet air i82i Leaves Oxford. 39 and scenery of the Isle of Wight would restore his spirits. * I cannot now look,' he proceeds, * for dis- tinction in life, but a quiet and humble one is perhaps after all the happiest. I wish you and my mother would decide for me what line I should take, and I will endeavour — may God grant with success — to perform its duties.' And in another letter, ' I long to escape from this most odious place : I am dis- gusted with Oxford, and my heart leaps with joy at the thought of quitting it, I might almost say, for ever.' LETTERS FROM 1813-1821. An Ideal Country Parsonage. Winchester : November 7, 1813. Dear Brother, .... I have only got to stay here two years more, though two years is no short time ; then, I suppose, I shall go to Oxford and, when I am twenty-three, be made a parson. I do not intend to be minor canon, for when I get a living I must still be minor canon ; but I intend to have a living just in such a village as ' sweet Auburn ' was before it was deserted ; but instead of ' pass- ing rich with forty pounds a year' I intend to have a thousand ; and I shall divide it thus : three hundred for myself, three hundred for the poor, and four hundred for books. I intend to keep a horse, tax-cart, and donkey, one man servant, and one maid servant. I intend to have a good library, and there shall be one corner which I will call Poets' Corner ; and in my grounds I intend there shall be a hill, and I shall build a sort of place like a temple at the top, that I may sit and read at the top in summer. I shall call it Mount Parnassus ; it shall be something like Grongar Hill which Dyer so well describes. I shall have 40 Life of Walter Farqithar Hook. 1798- the busts of Milton, Dryden, Pope, Young, and Thomson there. In the morning I shall get up at seven in summer, eight in winter, and take a walk in the garden for half an hour ; come home to breakfast ; then I shall go to visit my poor people, and at ten come home and write some of my sermon; at eleven go out riding, or driving in my tax-cart ; at twelve take luncheon, and go to Parnassus till two ; at three dine ; after dinner go to Parnassus, except in winter, when I shall sit over the fire with wine on the table, read- ing. At eight I shall have prayers in my private chapel, when all those poor people who come I shall put down in my pocket-book to be attended to. At nine I shall go to bed. My library will be open to all poor people. I shall recommend Milton to them ; and I shall build around me a large place like ' St. Cross ' for poor people who are too old to work. I shall be very glad to see my dearest brother Bob, mamma, papa, or any of my other good friends. I shall always have a bed or two, not like Dr. Wavell's, but all well aired, for my servants shall take it by turns to sleep in them. I shall sport tolerable dinners ; I shall have apples, and grapes, and all fruits, and goose- berry wine and currant, and meat when my friends come. I shall plant potatoes, and shall have a dog, a cat, some rabbits and tame pheasants, and shall feed all young birds that choose to come. My sermons will be on an average about an hour long, never more, but generally as long. I shall preach very good sermons for the poor people, but not learned ones, as I do not want to be more learned. I shall have a pair of cotton stockings to go to dine with the squire or charity schoolmaster. I shall have a new coat once in three years. I shall have one hat and one pair of boots. My servant will have all my old clothes for his livery. I shall have a bank at the church, and be the warden to the charity school, which must attend my private chapel to answer the responses. I shall have a hand organ, and the clerk shall play it. I intend to have a river in my garden, and shall have written in large letters on a bit of board, ' At Parnassus. But mark what I areed thee, -i83i Letters, 1813-1821. 41 now avaunt ! ' That is to say, that nobody must disturb me when in soHtudc at my Parnassus. I shall keep wine to give to the poor people that are sick, and shall always have plenty on table at dinner, though I shall never drink more than a glass or two at the very most, for two reasons : one, because it would not be right to drink more, and the other, because it would be too expensive. I shall often go to the public-house to see that nobody is getting drunk. My dog will dine with me, except when I have company. Perhaps if it is not too expensive I will keep a mastiff too, to guard the house, and a Newfoundland. I shall have little or nothing to be robbed of except my books, so the mastiff will live in the library. I shall have no plate, but will have pewter spoons ; perhaps I may have a few plated ones, in case I should have company. I shall write to my dear Robert, and papa and mamma often. I shall always give the clerk a Christmas-box, and they shall sing the Christmas carols from Milton. I quite forget the beginning (you must remember) ; in the middle there is, ' Thou sun, of this great world both eye and soul ; ' and there is at the beginning, speaking of God, 'To us invisible or dimly seen in these Thy lower works, yet these declare Thy goodness beyond thought and power divine.' I shall have a moss house beside my river, and I intend that there shall be trees about it, that my dear mamma may be able to sit there when she comes. Dear Robert, you shall have the best bedroom but one when you come to see me, because papa must have the best. I shall intro- duce you to the schoolmaster and the squire, and one or two of the farmers ; and if grandpapa will be so kind as to come to see me, I daresay I shall be able to make up a rubber of whist. Now, dear Robert, you see how I intend to live. I shall wish you good-bye. Perhaps you may be Lord Mayor some day or other ; but I hope never to be more than a country parson. Give my best love to papa, mamma, and receive the same from Your very affectionate Brother. 42 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1798- A Schoolboys^ Debate. Winchester : May 2, 1816. My dear Mother, .... By the bye, I had an argument of an hour and a half's duration one day on poHtics : I and another of our club were the only ones against five col- legians, all Opposition. They were very abusive of the Prince, whom we defended most properly : we drew up the Opposition one side of the table, my colleague and myself on the other ; we always, except once, called each other honourable gentlemen, but in the heat of argument, I could not help breaking through the rule, and saying the honour- able blackguard opposite, which gave great offence, and was thought very vulgar. We at first agreed to conduct our debates as in the House of Commons, but I was the first who arose, and they declared (though it did not seem so to me) that I spoke for half an hour ; so they thought I should go on all night, and made it fair that we might talk as we chose, which brought us down to common argument. There were many boys standing round who were very much amused with our earnestness, but particularly with mine, for one of the fellows opposite asking. Can any one who admires the ministers ever so much, say that the Prince is not a fat, disgusting, and sinful, drunken beast } I cried out so loud that Mr. Williams, who was at the bottom of the school, sent for me for making a noise, and I with difficulty got off an imposition. As we went on, I asserted that he did not drink at all ; for grandpapa told me he did not, but as I did not feel at liberty to mention his name, my assertion went as nothing, and one member of the Opposition bench quoted Bloomberg that he did drink manfully, and does so still. Now will you ask grandpapa if I may use his name next time we meet, which may be, by the bye, to-day in school as we have nothing to do at that time, but talk or read ; but I must tell you who I was compared to — no less than Mr. Pitt, while my colleague was Mr. Canning. The leader of the party was Mr. Fox, -i82i Letters, 1813-1821. 43 because, owing to the violence of his action, he broke the boards of one of my friend's books. I would not trouble you with this, but that I want to get leave to quote grandpapa, if they dare to touch on that head again. I was laughed at much, and it put mc in a great passion, for while I was praising my Lord Castlercagh, one of the fellows asked me if I thought with papa on the Catholic question, for they remember his sermon on that head, I was glad to find ; I answered in the affirmative, and they triumphed much, in saying that Lord Castlercagh did not. Will you tell mc how to defend the noble Lord ? . . . . To his Brother,'^ 18 16 — Lord Chesterfield's Letters — The Spectator — Sam. Johnson — Poetical Justice. My dear Robert, — You say you have of late been read- ing Lord Chesterfield ; he is an author of whom I am enabled to judge only by extracts that I have met by chance, and by quotations that I have found from other authors, but from what I have seen, he is very far from being a proper author for you to waste much time in studying, far from it ; indeed, I should think that my mother would have a very reasonable objection to your reading it, and if, as you say, you have read it and cannot unread it, nevertheless, I am far from wishing you to pay so much attention to it as will, and must naturally, be the case in translating it from the French : he seems a mean, worldly, despicable nobleman, and he seems to instruct a person in a kind of egotism. Now if I were to advise you what to read, I should propose the ' Spectator ; ' that would not only exercise you in French, but would likewise improve your English style, for the style of the amiable Addison is truly divine, and were the Gods to talk English, it would without doubt be the English of Addison ; you would by that be able to see the whims and fancies and foibles of the last century, and see what we have improved, what corrupted. You would be able when you read Milton, to understand him, too, better by far after the annotations of the amiable, * Then in a house of business in Holland. 44 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 179S- learned, and unpedantic Addison, whom I like far better than Sam Johnson, who, though he was of good men perhaps the very best, cannot have so much said of him as a critic ; a sound moraHst he was, but far, very far, from being a good critic. You have heard him extolled, so have I, not as the greatest moralist and wisest of the men of England, but as a superior critic. I must dissent from the general opinion, and as I write to you, I doubt not but you will excuse a boy objecting to the opinions of the learned, but I have had a close intimacy with the Doctor, and tell you that I think he is (and it is the greatest fault in a critic) most partial ; witness the criticisms on Milton, Gray, and, on the other hand, the unfortunate but unprincipled Savage. From his criticisms on our greatest poets, he seems not to have been able to feel any pleasure in the higher flights of poetry, and when he looks at verses on lesser subjects, on love, &c., he blames them for being unnatural, if they happen to mention a heathen god, not perhaps as a deity, but as a personification ; this he does with our poet Hammond, who seems to be a very deserving bard, being the only person who has succeeded in the way of Ovid and Tibullus. But these are his lesser faults ; as a critic in the higher flights, he was rigid, most rigid. If poor Horace was to have such a critic, one might well cry, ' Alack, poor Horace ! ' He believed in the divine right of kings — abomin- able ! but he insists on poetical justice — worse and worse ! In dear Shakspeare's 'Lear,' he quarrels with the 'Spec- tator,' who blames the alteration, and making of the piece end happy. May I ask what can be more unnatural and improbable than justice as administered in poetry ? does the good man always go on well in this world .'' would not everything then be good, and shall then the poet of nature forget to be natural } Heaven forbid ! if this should be debated in the House of Commons, and my Lord Castlereagh — should even that great, that wonderful man defend it with his Pitt-like eloquence, I would sit on the opposite benches. -i82i Letters, 1813-1821. 45 Anxiety to hear from his Brother. Winchester : May 12, 1816. My dear Robert, — It is so long since any letter has been received from you, that I cannot refrain from writing, if it is only to ask and intreat you to write to us soon, to me, or to some other branch of the family. Any letter received from you, or known by me to have lately been received from you, would greatly ease my heart, for I must own to you that I am most excessively uneasy about you ; the length of time that has expired since you last wrote is prodigious — write soon, I pray you — and your last letter told us of your having an asthma, so that I think there is ample room for my being uneasy about you. I hope to goodness that before you read this I shall have heard from you, or of you, my most darling brother. I did not intend writing to you before I heard of you, at first, but now I must write to beg you not to allow us to be any more uneasy about you. To-day is a holiday, and I have leave out to your friend, Mr. Woodburn, for papa and mamma (' Alack the day ! ') are going from hence about the visitation business ; you can easily guess how very and truly unpleasant it is to me to lose their society. I should, I trust, be more happy than I am to-day, for I am at present in a low state, feeling very uncomfortable for more reasons than one, but what always comes topmost to my soul is the anxiety I feel on your account, my dearest Robert ; I think it will do me good having leave out, it will raise my spirits. I was forced to stop a moment, for names have been just called in the hall to my great detri- ment, for my stupid fool of a fag left my boiler in the way, and Gabell has taken it as usual ; he took all my mess things away the other day, and now the boilers, but I shall not lick Elliot (whom you remember), for he is my fag. I should have been bankrupt had it not been for the enormous goodness of my most beloved mother ; for she 46 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1795- made me a present of a pound when she went away, of which, when I pay for this boiler, I shall have only six shillings left, and that I must pay for a cheese, as I am ' in course ' with that to-night for the rest of the half-year. It is really such nonsense of Gabell, allowing boys to have things, and taking them away when he finds them ; but don't mention this in your letters, for this one I mean to seal with my own arms, which my most dearest mother has presented me with. I have shown it to most fellows here, and they all admire it so much, you cannot think, so that it won't be seen and read, for I should not like them to know of my extravagance, and by the time I want some more very urgently, I shall beg for an advance of my holi- day money, which mamma is always kind enough to give me. You must mind to admire my seal, it is most beauti- ful, and the impression is magnificent. Would to heaven that the time was come when I am to see you dearest, most beloved Robert again ; pray, pray write, I long so much to hear from you, and tell me how your asthma is. If you knew the agony of mind which I now feel on your account, my sweet Robert, you would not delay an instant. You will think me a fool, but you can- not do so more than I myself do, on that account, but do what I will, the most horrid ideas haunt me in every place, so that I may justly feel desirous of hearing of you or from you, and that too, soon. Now I shall leave off writing. With my very best love to you, and praying you to write soon, I shall remain, most dear and darling Robert, upon rny honour, your most dotingly affectionate Brother. Christ Church, Oxford : February 182 1. My dear Sister, — To so devoted an admirer of the fair sex, as you know I am, and every true and loyal knight must needs be, the letter of ' your naughtiness ' was of course most acceptable, but I will confess that I shall find -1 821 Letters, 1 8 13-182 1. 47 some diflficulty in endeavouring to answer it, since its sub- ject was nearly uniform, and that subject being my own praise, I am in modesty bound to be silent thereon. I beg leave, however, to state that though you should certainly have the most dutiful respect and veneration for the character of your elder brother, yet there is no necessity to make it the subject of your letters to him or of your conversations with anybody else, so that, in future I shall hope to hear more of papa and mamma, and less of my- self; and indeed I shall have no very great objection to hear something about yourself (though you are nobody), and to know whether you are improving in your studies, and are more or less naughty than you were a few weeks ago. You must beg mamma to let you read the account of our good King's reception at the theatres. I have just been reading it, and it has rejoiced me so much that it has given me a headache, or I am not quite sure that you would receive this letter. It was one of the most glorious re- ceptions, as represented in the new ' Times,' of which I have read or heard. There are, however, one or two points that have grieved me, but on which I will not dwell here. You may nevertheless tell my father that the King of England gave his royal sanction to, and manifested his royal approbation of the vile interpolations which dis- figure the ' Twelfth Night ' as now performed. This is so unworthy George IV. that I quit the subject, I like your idea of keeping my letters to show my grand- children, they will no doubt form a fine red headed family; and I hope that I shall be able to exhort them to follow the good example of their Aunt Georgiana. But if you are an old maid, I give you notice beforehand, that I will not permit you to enter into my house, with a whole aviary on your shoulders, and a pack of dogs of all sorts and sizes at your heels. And now my dear Demoiselle, your true faithful Sir Walter of the fiery plume has neither time nor inclination to write any more, but having assured you how highly I appreciate the honour of having opened a corres- 48 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1798- pondence with the fair sex, and having desired you to give my most devoted love to my dear father and mother, I beg you to BeHeve me to be, my dear Miss Hook. Your most attached and very affectionate Brother, W. F. Hook. -i82i Choice of a Vocation. 49 CHAPTER II. ORDINATION. LIFE AT WHIPPINGIIAM. A.D. 182I-1826. It had been Sir Walter Farquhars wish that his grandson should study for the Bar : but it was wisely- determined that he should be allowed to choose his own profession after he had taken his degree ; and in the course of the summer of 182 1 he declared his fixed and unalterable desire to enter holy orders. He went to London in July and witnessed the coronation of George IV., but party spirit ran so high in reference to the Queen's case that he was not permitted by his father to meet his friend Wood ; a privation to which he submitted, but with resent- ment which he did not attempt to conceal. ' I lament,' he writes, 'that party spirit has now come to such a height that private intercourse between friends must be sacrificed to political feeling. It does not speak well for the times, and I could bring many instances to prove that there is no necessity for friends to part on account of diversity in their poli- tical sentiments ; though that of Addison and Steele will suffice.' In fact his disappointment on account of his failure as he called it at Oxford, his dissatisfaction with the tone of politics and with the state of the VOL. L E 50 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1821^ English drama, and the continued prohibition of intercourse with his friend, all concurred to make him turn with a sense of relief from the world, espe- cially the world of London, to quiet preparation for holy orders in the retirement of his father's rectory in the Isle of Wight. In the latter part of the summer the curacy of Whippingham became vacant, and his father was anxious that he should fill the situation and be ordained without delay. He was examined by his father and privately ordained by the Bishop of Hereford, who was also Warden of Winchester, in the chapel of the college on Sep- tember 30, and preached his first sermon in the Parish Church of Whippingham on the following Sunday. And now being no longer shackled and fretted by uncongenial studies, he threw the whole force of his intellect and affections into the work to which he had been called. While his well-beloved poets and writers of fiction were still the companions of his leisure hours, theology and ecclesiastical history occupied the foremost place in his attention. He had long delighted in these subjects, and he now pursued the study of them with increased ardour, because he felt it to be his duty as well as his pleasure. But although everyone who knew him intimately, believed, notwithstanding the comparative failure of his career at school and college, that his abilities were of no common order, probably no one had discerned the prodigious capacity for study and the immense practical energy which were to be manifested as soon as they had got a fair field for action. Probably also few were aware what a deep •-i8:j6 Whippingham. 5 1 fund of tender, genial sympathy there was in one who had hitherto hved rather after the manner of a shy recluse, and few could have then foreseen what a spell he would henceforth exercise over the hearts of those who were confided to his pastoral care. I propose to make a brief sketch of his character and manner of life during the six years of his curacy at Whippingham, reserving for a more particular account the only episodes of importance in this quiet period ; one of which was also the first event that brought him into public notice. His father being Archdeacon of Huntingdon and Canon of Winchester, as well as a Royal Chaplain, fond also of London society, a keen politician and writer of political pamphlets, was frequently absent from Whippingham, and when he was there seldom could take much part in parochial duty from increas- ing ill-health and infirmity. His son, therefore, was practically curate in charge, and was often the only inmate of the rectory for weeks or months together. He seems thoroughly to have enjoyed his seclusion and independence, although he had no lack of society if he wished it, being always a welcome guest at many houses, more especially Northwood, the residence of Mr. Ward, near West Cowes, and Norris Castle, the abode at that time of Lord Henry Seymour. Quiet English country scenery had always a peculiar charm for him, and he enjoyed it to the full in the Isle of Wight. An early bathe in the Medina which flows at the foot of the hill on which the rectory stands, study from early morning till the beginning of the afternoon, visits to his flock, evenings spent with his kind and pleasant neighbours or in the society of his E2 52 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1821- fondly beloved Shakspeare or Walter Scott or Miss Austen, nocturnal rambles on soft summer nights sometimes prolonged till nearly dawn to listen to the nightingale and watch the silvery light of the moon upon the river or the sea ; these made up the ordinary incidents of his daily life, a strange con- trast in its calm and sweet repose to the years of turmoil and excitement in great smoky cities which were in store for him. Often and often in those later years, as will be seen, did he pine for the tran- quillity of his Whippingham days, and look forward to the time when he might be able to retire to some peaceful home in or near the Isle of Wight. And one great reason of his contentment in old age with the Deanery of Chichester was its proximity to the island which he loved so well. A few extracts from his letters at this time will best illustrate the foregoing remarks. Writing to his mother from Oxford where he was staying for a while to attend Lloyd's Divinity Lectures before taking priest's orders, he says, ' My bowels yearn for our lovely island. To peace and quiet, to the parish that I love and the studies I delight in, to pursuits which are congenial to my soul and to that retirement for which I am best adapted, to divinity, to Shakspeare and the Muse, to green fields instead of dirty streets, to the calm of the country instead of the noise of the town, to the love of my simple flock instead of the heartlessness of the world, I shall return with increased joy and redoubled zest, there to lay deep the foundations for future distinction in the vocation to which I am heart and soul devoted.' Although he was now sociable on the whole in -1 826 Whippingham. 53 his disposition, yet at times the impulse to spend part of his day alone with no society but that of his beloved poets came upon him with a force curiously sudden and irresistible. In a letter dated March 1823 he describes how he started one evening to dine at Northwood ' in my best hosen, best trousers, and best coat ; but when I had walked half-way to Cowes it occurred to me that it would be much preferable to return to my own fire-side and read Shakspeare, which I accordingly did ; and I had the satisfaction of hearing the rain come down in torrents just about the time I should have been walking home after my dinner.' Those who know the Isle of Wight will recognise in the following letters a very fresh and life-like description of the sweet sunny days in spring, and the blustering rainy south-westers, for which the climate there even in summer is equally notorious. yiuie 21, 1824. — * I arrived here cold and chilly on Friday night at a house where I was not ex- pected. Next day I woke early, intending to enjoy the delights of the country, but found it pouring in torrents ; I therefore tried to go to sleep, but failed. I know not anything more miserable than my con- dition that day : without any pursuit, all around dull, dark, and dismal, a strong south-wester howling and the pattering of the rain incessant. I was a perfect " energumen," if being possessed with " blue devils " as well as others entitle one to the name, and would have thanked our Bishop most heartily had he been at hand to exorcise me. Raining as it did, I was forced to go out in self-defence. I found the farmers grumbling because of the hay lately cut, and the 54 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- labourers surly and wet, the matrons coming from market sulky and the maidens cross, the invalids doubly ill, and all the parish out of humour. When we do have bad weather in the island I verily believe that it is worse than anywhere else in the whole world. But now I have hit upon my line of reading, and it may blow tempests and rain cats and dogs for all I care.' May 2, 1822. My dearest Mother, .... This is not Whippingham, it is Paradise ; and if you wish to form any idea of what it now is, dismiss all recollection of it from your thoughts, and read all the fine descriptions of gardens that you meet with in the poets, particularly in Shakspeare and Spenser ; and then you may be able to form some (though a very slight) idea of what it is. I think all the birds in England are on a visit to the island — at least I will be bound to say that you never heard such a choir as we have here. One feels all this the more by living alone ; and, as I have no one else to talk to, and Heaven forbid that I should have any, I may truly say with my friend the duke that I find 'tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.' Uncle Theodore would say that it would be more convenient if I could take the last assertion but one in a more literal sense. But really, you cannot think what an interest I take in inanimate Nature, and animate too. I begin almost sometimes to think that I shall grow sentimental, which is the very last thing I desire, and perhaps be inclined ere long ' to hail the gooseberry bushes,' which I trust you have already done at Sydenham. I generally take a stroll in the neigh- bouring fields about five o'clock, and return home to dinner between seven and eight ; and then read till about ten or eleven, when I go out again, and flirt with the moon and listen to the nightingale till one or two ; the moon is on the water about that time. Alas, yesterday morning I was wandering close to the Nashes (where there is a night- -1826 Whippingham. 55 ingale) between one and two o'clock, but never a youth or a lass did I meet going to the woods a-Maying ; all was as still and silent as ever. And yesterday I could not resist the temptation of galloping over the country in quest of a Maypole, but not one was to be found ; and I must confess, with all my attachment to the island, I could not conceive a place where there is less reverence for old customs, less of what you may call rural and poetic feelings in the peasantry, than there is here. There never was such weather as this is since the days of Dan Chaucer, and I do sincerely hope it may last. I was made to live alone ; and certainly if one can converse with trees and brooks and stones, they must be the most pleasant companions, because they cannot thwart you, dispute with you, or quarrel with you. And hence I am miserable at the intended visit of Duncomb and Pollen ; at least, if it continues fine like this ; however, if they come, why then we must do as well as we can. Did you ever read 'Pride and Prejudice'.^ I sent for it a few weeks ago when I had a cold, which stuffed up my nose and caused a ringing in my ears, and the weather was rainy, so that I was too poorly to read anything serious, and not in a humour for poetry. It amused me very much ; it is a regular gossip throughout. I found myself in a pleasant family circle, and listened to the gossip without having the trouble of joining in it ; and at last became so interested in their welfare that the mamma herself could not have been more anxious about marrying her daughters than I was. I loved Lizzie ; but I should have married Jane if I had had my choice. Altogether, for a bad gloomy day, and with a cold about one, it is a very good kind of book ; but as to reading it in such weather as this, and in the merry month of May, it would be not only absurd, but impossible. Indeed, I suppose all the world, except people of fashion and business, are read- ing poetry and nothing else, without it is divinity. Believe me, Your most affectionate Son. 56 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1821- His solitude at the Rectory was relieved by the periodical visits of his parents and sister, and occa- sionally of his aunt, Miss Farquhar — Aunt Eliza as she was called, who seems to have been quite a type of the old maiden aunt of a family — very kind, but rather exacting, and somewhat overwhelming in her ecstatic affection and fussy anxiety for every member of the family ; qualities which could not fail to provoke playful sallies of humour from her nephew. The following letter written during his mother's convalescence after a severe illness in December 1824, puts the worthy aunt completely before us : I have no news whatever to tell you. Aunt Eliza was a little disgusted at my not bringing back particulars enough concerning you. Let Georgiana therefore inform us how many hours you usually sleep, how much pheasant you generally eat, and whether Lady Charlotte's society does not particularly, in a kind of indescribable peculiar way, suit you. She must tell us also whether you read, and what you read, and whether you feel exhausted after read- ing, as is sometimes the case, or whether, as is also some- times the case, you do not feel exhausted. Because, if you do not feel exhausted, it will do you good ; but if you do feel exhausted, Aunt E. 'hopes to God' that my father will prevent your reading too much. Aunt E. will not believe me when I tell her that you do not like to read. She says it is all very well for me to say so, or even for you, but with your peculiar temperament she knows that it is impossible. In short, Georgiana must send us more par- ticulars. P.S. Quarter past three o'clock. — Tell Georgiana that I am happy in knowing she will write a most beautiful hand. Aunt Eliza can perceive it even now ; there were some letters and some words quite perfect in her last note. -1826 WhippingJiam. 57 Aunt E. descanted on it for three-quarters of an hour ' by Shrewsbury clock ' yesterday, and was quite angry with me, even to the stamping of stick authoritatively on the floor, when I was rather sceptical. P.S. — I open my note once more to say that Aunt E. says it is only just three, not a quarter past Some time after this, when his mother was still in delicate health, he accompanied her on the journey from Whippingham to London. East Cowes, the place of embarkation for the main land, is about two miles distant from Whippingham, and whilst waiting for the boat the following report of their progress was sent back to the anxious aunt : words under- lined after her own style. Most confidential. My dearest Aunt, — As it will be satisfactory to you to know how we are proceeding on our journey, I cannot resist the temptation of sending you word that we have advanced as far as Cowes most prosperously. My dearest, most beloved mother has borne the journey very well indeed. Your most devotedly, adoringly affectionate Nephew. Besides this playful kind of humour which was an essential part of his nature, and which, as will be seen, was constantly bubbling up and overflowing into all the action of his life, he at this time still practised many of the more whimsical kind of frolics which, as he mentions in one of his letters transcribed above, he had Invented for his own amusement. His sister, who naturally came in for a full share of 5$ Life of Walter FarqiiJiar Hook. 1821- his raillery and banter, and whom he frequently ad- dressed with mock solemnity as Demoiselle buxom, blithe, and debonair, With a naughty look and auburn hair, used often to accompany him in his walks and rides. Now and then he would suddenly dart from her side, make a furious rush at trees or hedges and thrash them with tremendous violence, pretending that they were enemies. As his sportive freaks were always of the most innocent and childlike character — the mere exube- rance of animal spirits, so also his jocosity was now and always utterly free alike from coarseness and sarcasm or satire ; it never jarred either with the amiability or earnest piety of his character, but blended itself with these qualities and enhanced their charms. His mirth was the pure spirit of various wit, But never did his God or friend forget. And this absence of discord In his character makes it the more easy to turn from the contempla- tion of h^im in his lighter moods to the consideration of that serious work as a pastor and a student to which he was now heart and soul devoted. The parish of Whipplngham was at that time very ex- tensive, and included East Cowes about two miles distant from the Rectory and Parish Church, con- taining a poor maritime population. No direct and separate provision for ministering to the spiritual wants of these people had been made. Many lived in a condition of godless ignorance ; a few who were more religiously disposed attended their parish -1826 Whipphigham. 59. church sometimes in the morning, and very com- monly some dissenting chapel in the evening. Mr. Hook obtained the use of a large sail loft ia which he held an evening service on Sundays, and catechised the children. These services were very largely attended by sailors, fishermen, and other poor people, and were productive of excellent results. When he was paying a visit to Whippingham after he had become Dean of Chichester, and was walking with the present Rector, Canon Prothero, about his old parish, an aged man came up and anxiously en- quired if he remembered him. He said he did, and afterwards told the Rector that the man was one who had been a loose liver in his youth, but had been Induced to attend the Sunday evening services in the sail loft and had become an altered character. Any man who has made the experiment will be ready to acknowledge that it is no small labour after two full services in one church to walk two miles to conduct a third service in another place, and then to walk home ; and this not once or twice on special occasions, but every Sunday and all the year round. The number of communicants also increased so largely during his administration that on great festivals the intervals between his services on Sun- days were very short. In May 1825, he writes, * On Whitsun Day I was properly worked. We had a very fine attendance at the Altar. I was not out of church till a quarter to three o'clock ; went in again at three ; had five christenings and a funeral, and was not out till five, when I had to start Imme- diately to be in time for the school at East Cowes at six, from which I was not released till eight.* 6o Life of Walter Farqithar Hook. iS2r- His zeal, however, was well supported by physical strength to match it, and he seldom, if ever, com- plained of fatigue. One very hot evening, however, in June 1825, he arrived at Northwood rather weary and very hot after his service in the sail loft. His friend, Lord Henry Seymour, happened to be there and proposed that a chapel of ease should be built at East Cowes ; a practical suggestion which not long after, though not in Mr. Hook's time, was carried into effect. As he always looked back to Whipplngham ■with gratitude for the leisure which it had afforded him to lay deep the foundation of his theological and historical learning, so also did he regard his residence there as the period in which, more than in any other, he had acquired the pastoral tone of his mind and formed the pastoral habits of his life. When he was not in his study he was constantly engaged in visiting his people, and the parish, though extensive, was not so large as to prevent his be- coming in this way the intimate friend of every member of his flock. His power of sympathy, the most indispensable qualification of a successful pastor, was in this manner continually being drawn out and strengthened, and became then and ever afterwards a principal, if not the principal, source of his extra- ordinary influence over the hearts of those amongst whom he ministered. It was his belief that the larger scale on which work has to be carried on in towns, the multiplicity of business in which town clergy are involved, and the consequent distraction of their energy and sympathy into a variety of channels, rendered a town parish an unfavourable -1S26 Whippbigham, 61 school for learning the duties of the pastoral vocation. ' I say without hesitation,' he writes long after he had become Vicar of Leeds, * that the very worst training a man can have is that which he receives if appointed early in life to a town parish. The strong pastoral feeling is generated in the country, and I attribute what little success I have had entirely to my country breeding.' Two or three extracts from his letters written during the Whippingham period will suffice to show how completely he had learned in the most genuine and literal sense to identify himself with the joys and sorrows of his people, to rejoice with them that rejoiced, and to weep with them that wept. The first is to his mother in December 1824. ' Your permission and recommendation to have the feast on Christmas Day in the barn is in every re- spect agreeable to me. The children will think more of it — and if it had been given at the school the parents would have thought that it was done by subscription, and have claimed as a right what they ought to receive as a favour. It really was gratify- ing to see the many happy faces which were there yesterday when I gave notice of our intentions, and it was comical to see the doubtful ones of those who were not quite sure but they had exceeded the number prescribed of bad tickets. I doubt very much whether the children enjoy the thoughts of it more than myself. I wish to heaven we could feed the whole parish, and that every day.' In like manner, attendance at a village club dinner, which to so many clergy is a vexatious and irksome business, was to him a real pleasure. ' On Easter Monday it would sadly grieve me not to 62 Life of Walter Farqithar Hook. 1821- preach to the club and dine with them. It is one of the days I enjoy most in the whole year.' Then to take the other side of sympathy : the following is a specimen how thoroughly he entered into the trouble of others as if it was his own, and how his affection for his people and theirs for him had its root in the discharge of his pastoral duty amongst them ; so that it was essentially the love of a pastor for his flock and of a flock for their pastor. * The Tassels are going to Bideford ; they start to- night. You cannot think how sorry I feel at parting with them, for I had trained both of them for Holy Communion, and he took it for the first time on Christmas Day, and she on Whitsun Day : and she was a convert of mine from the Dissenters. Poor Tassel : he cried like a child at parting with me, and so to keep him company I cried too.* When he first made up his mind to take Holy Orders he declared his intention of dedicating two years entirely to a deep study of divinity, and to the foundation of his style. This intention was more than fulfilled, for he was a most industrious and laborious student during the whole six years of his curacy at Whippingham, laying up stores of know- ledge and thought during that period which were of incalculable value to him throughout the rest of his life. In fact, whenever he was not visiting in his parish he was engaged in study, and in order to ensure complete privacy he had a little wooden hut erected near the corner of the churchyard, in which he used to read. He once asked his uncle Theodore what he should call it. * I should call it Walter's cot,' was the reply of the ever ready punster. In this cot -1S26 Whippingham. 63 or hut he worked at his books, often as many as nine or ten hours, sometimes rising very early and reading on, with only the interval of breakfast, till two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Sometimes but more rarely he sat up late at night, but in any case he usually spent a considerable part of the evening as well as the morning in this retirement. In the first year after his ordination as deacon he appears to have read chiefly with a view to his ordination as priest, which took place at Christmas 1822, and also to fill his mind with matter for sermons which for a considerable time caused him no little anxiety and trouble. He w^as indeed so exceedingly distrustful of his powers that at one period he did not venture to preach his own, but having written one which he preached on behalf of some charity at Newport, and which was much commended, he plucked up courage and writes, May 1822, to his mother : * I am now in such good humour with myself that I shall take to writing my own sermons again, for during the last two or three months I have not dared even to attempt one.* In 1824 he embarked on a course of reading according to a plan of his own, and completed it in 1826. The annexed chart of this course is a sin- gular monument of industry, when the necessary avocations of parochial work and occasional interrup- tion from other causes are taken into consideration. The piles of note books also, in my possession, all bearing date within the space of these two years, are an evidence how steadily and solidly the work was done. 64 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- w o H O o Q W W CO o o W p4 o (1:1 PQ C/3 P< o u ^ j§ U 1-1 tlfl w § a o Si -5 i-I c -5 •^ fi^ J -^ •§ < ^ :3 >• .2 »- ; ^ -^ O u5 s :§ .a 8 o u (U >3 c3 (U t3 " S 9^ ffi ^ "S u "o O c W 4-. ^ u .2 1-^ -a ^ — ^ P-< Ph r^ J5 ir, i3 ti) e^ O 0, •-■ -« 2 S .!£ "^ '-' rt o C V CJ H -3 CM K •2 S o ?^ 13 H S hJ fl a> S O ■3 w 2 '-' W ^ •- o !=; c ^ I S 5S - § o •- E <-> r 1 C U 1 -G 'c « 2 g^ •" y ^ b" 5 £ •; o "So 0) O Tj 2 ? 55 a. 4-1 c rc: c a . c in m «3 -G (U Oi A •'■ B," Pk a u ?5 c u S !» o 5 o D -5; -3 ^ g c/3 ^ ^ S S2 ^ W S -^ ^ M p:; _uj tn o >" ^ rt •u IJ „. <-> B «^ u -CV « j3 ¥ CO jCAJ.^.-> - -E^ ^U-^ ir^-. - w«5 OX) c_i_e 5PL,hJm;=:PHHEoCw-MJ- » VOL. I. -Q .« ii§^«j ^cfi.2^-^ gtuSii-l .- rtS _lS?^o ^S-^-Tj otuou-a a oriole; -'"c*-'-s5 *^— '-CajS ^ w ^ ^ -3 -?« P5 pq d .2 66 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- His primary object in following out this course was to obtain a clear and comprehensive view of the principles of the Church Catholic from the earliest times, to trace the introduction of errors into the Western Church during the period of Papal domina- tion, and to measure the extent to which these errors were renounced by the Reformers of the sixteenth century, especially in our own country. And as the result of his researches pursued on this historical method, he was led to the conviction which all his sub- sequent studies strengthened, and to which he ever held with a tenacious grasp, that the Reformed Angli- can Church was a pure and apostolical branch of the Church Catholic : that she was essentially Catholic as being on all vital points of constitution, doctrine, and practice in harmony with the primitive Church, and on the other hand essentially Protestant, as opposed to the pretensions of the Papal power and to the corruption in teaching and practice of the Middle Ages. The close of his career of study at Whippingham left him with his antipathies matured against the Romanist who would corrupt the Church, against the Puritan who would destroy it, against the Latitudinarian and Erastian who would sacri- fice its principles to considerations of expediency and worldly interest. And it was his destiny to carry on, throughout his life, a manful and almost incessant contest with these three great elements of danger to the purity and integrity of the Church of England. After this general sketch of his life at Whipping- ham, into which it seemed desirable to enter in order to show how strongly and deeply the foundations of -1826 Visitatio7i Sei'mon. 67 his future career, both as a pastor and an ecclesiastical historian and theologian, were laid, it only remains to relate in a few words the two incidents by which alone the calm seclusion of this period was in- terrupted. His father had been appointed to preach at Newport, the chief town in the Isle of Wight, on the occasion of the Bishop of Winchester's visitation in the summer of 1822 ; but as the time approached he began to shrink from the exertion owing to the feeble state of his health. He determined to pro- pose his son as his substitute, to the no small dismay of the young man, who, as has been seen, was extremely diffident of his powers of composition if not of delivery at this time, and who was as yet only in deacon's orders. Remonstrances, however, were in vain : the Bishop gave his consent ; the young deacon set about his task with the energy and per- severance which always distinguished him in a case of necessity or duty. July 2 arrived. The Bishop (Tomline) passed the night at the rectory, and on the following morning Mrs. Hook, full of maternal anxiety, drove him to Newport in her pony chaise. The excellence of the sermon in itself, the per- fection of the young preacher's utterance, and the musical tones of his voice made a very great impres- sion upon all who heard him. The Bishop was especially warm in his praise of it, and made an exception to a rule from which he said he very rarely departed in requesting that it should be printed.^ 1 It may now be found in vol. i. of the Church and her Ordinances, a selection of Dr, Hook's sermons recently edited by his son, Rev. Walter Hook, Rector of Porlock, published by Bentley and Son. F 2 68 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- The sermon is entitled * The peculiar character of the Church of England independently of its con- nexion with the State.' A certain stiffness and for- mality of style betray the youth of the author and the painfulness and care with which he wrote at this time; but the argument is neither crude nor feeble. It is sustained with the confidence of one who feels sure of his ground and sees his way. That it is the duty of Englishmen to belong to the Church, not because it is established but because it is a pure branch of the Church Catholic ; that such a Church can exist in purity and vigour under any form of government, either severed from the state or in alliance with it ; that the continental Reformers in their intemperate zeal founded new churches, whereas the English only cleansed and repaired the superstructure, leaving the old foundations intact ; that many of the leading foreign Reformers became as dogmatic and exacting as popes, whereas in England individuals, however eminent, had not assumed any such overbearing authority ; that the most dangerous enemies to the Church were still, and always had been, the conforming Puritans, men who adhered to the form but rejected the spirit of the institution, who, in the words of South, ' live by the altar, but turn their back upon it ; catch at the pre- ferments of the Church, but hate the order and dis- cipline of it : ' these are the principal topics of his discourse. These were positions which he maintained to the end of his life ; and the clear and bold assertion of them at this period proves that the laborious plan of study on which he was about to enter did but deepen convictions at which by previous reading he -1826 Dr. LtLscombe. 69 had already arrived. When the sermon was pub- Hshed, the congratulations which reached his parents from persons well qualified to judge of its merits were numerous and hearty. Mr. N orris, Rector of South Hackney, writes : * I can only express my thankfulness that in a day of rebuke and of blasphemy, when Gebal and Ammon and Amalek,and the confederation of aliens, are setting the battle in array against the Church, there are men rising up and enlisted under her banner who have so eminently qualified themselves for her defence. The sketch taken of the important subject is a most masterly one : Indeed I cannot conceive of one more masterly within the same compass .... I never passed half an hour so much to my satisfaction as that of which I am now detailing to you the impres- sion.' The second episode in the Whippingham period, occurring near the close of it, was a matter of much more importance. An old friend of his father's, Dr. Luscombe, who had once kept the school at Hertford in which, as has been related, Walter and his brother Robert began their education, had been resident for five years in France, engaged in tuition from 1820 to 1825. It was reckoned that about fifty thousand English were then sojourning in that country ; but the supply of clergy and places of worship for such as belonged to the Church of England was extremely inadequate ; they were not licensed or subject to any regular supervision, much laxity of practice prevailed, and young people grew up without receiving the rite of Confirmation. It appeared to Dr. Luscombe that 7o Life of Walter Farqukar Hook. 1821- some recognised, authorised bond of union was highly desirable to hold together these scattered congregations, and keep them true to the principles of the Church of their mother country. Such a tie he conceived might be found in the appointment of a bishop, or at least an archdeacon, for the express purpose of overlooking and organising the clergy and their flocks. He consulted his friends in England on the subject as early as the year 182 1, and there were none of them who entered so warmly into the project as Archdeacon Hook and his son. It was at first thought that the design might be effected by the appointment of a suffragan to the Bishop of London, to whose spiritual jurisdiction all British residents on the Continent were nominally subject. Dr. Howley, then Bishop of London, and other prelates, as well as Mr. Peel and Mr. Canning, the Home and Foreign Secretaries of State, were consulted, who after much deliberation and cor- respondence expressed themselves adverse to the proposal. They entertained fears that the sending of a bishop by the Established Church of England to minister in France might be regarded by the Government of that country as an unwarrantable intrusion, and occasion jealousies and suspicions, if not difficulties of a more serious kind. The project accordingly languished and seemed likely to be abandoned. But meanwhile the young curate of Whippingham had been following out a line of study which, as we have seen, led him to discern clearly and to value deeply the essential principles of the Church independently of any connexion with the State. He had consequently learned to take a peculiar interest -1826 Dr. Luscombe. *]\ in the disestablished Church of Scotland, and the iinestablished Church in America. In the former his interest had been more especially excited by a brief account of it in the memoirs of William Stevens, Esq., written by Judge Allan Parke, a friend of his father's, by whose advice he proceeded to read Skinner's ' Ecclesiastical History ' and the * Annals of Scottish Episcopacy.' The past sufferings and the present poverty and obscurity of the Scottish Church kindled in him feelings of the tenderest compassion ; its purity and zeal, feelings of the warmest admiration and respect. Suddenly it occurred to his mind that this despised and insignificant branch of the Church Catholic might execute the design to which the Church of England, hampered by its connexion with the State, had not dared to put its hand. Not only would a measure which he considered most salu- tary be thus accomplished, but also a visible proof would be supplied of the vital power of a true branch, however small, of the Reformed Catholic Church, and of the thread of unity which tied all such branches together. As by the consecra- tion of Bishop Seabury, the first American Bishop, in 1784, the little Church of Scotland had be- come the parent of a large and flourishing Church in the New World, so he trusted she might pro- pagate another on the European continent. A re- quest was therefore forwarded at his suggestion to Dr. David Low, Bishop of Ross and Argyle, that he would sound the judgment of his brother bishops on the subject. After much correspondence lasting over several months, and relating chiefly to the 72 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- question whether an election on the part of the EngHsh clergy in France should be required, and also how far it would be prudent or gracious for the Scottish Church to send out a bishop to minister to British subjects without the direct sanction of the English Church and Government, the College of Scotch Bishops proposed to consecrate Dr. Luscombe himself as their missionary bishop to British resi- dents on the continent of Europe : he on his part pledging himself to renounce all offers of preferment in England. Intimations were received from the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Peel and Mr. Canning, that no obstacles would be raised by the Church or Government in England to this plan. Sunday, March 20, 1825, was fixed for the consecra- tion, which was to take place at Stirling ; and Dr. Luscombe requested his old pupil, now Curate of Whippingham, to accompany him as his chaplain and to preach the sermon. His visit to Scotland was always regarded by him as one of the most memorable events in his life. He deeply valued the friendships which he then formed, more especially with Bishops Sandford and Low, Mr. Walker, afterwards Bishop of Edinburgh, and last but not least with the learned, warm- hearted and deeply pious Bishop Jolly, a model of primitive simplicity and poverty in manner of life, of whom Bishop Hobart the American remarked, * Men go from the extremity of Britain to America to see the Falls of Niagara, and think themselves amply rewarded by the sight of this singular scene in nature. Had I gone from America to Aberdeen and seen nothing but Bishop Jolly as I saw him for -1826 Offer of a London Church. 73 two days, I should hold myself greatly rewarded. In our new country we have no such men, and I could not have imagined such without seeing him.' Just as Mr. Hook was starting on his journey an offer was made of a church in Regent Street, London, or rather a request that he would become a candidate for the incumbency by the detestable plan then not uncommon of preaching in the church as a specimen of his powers. His friends and, to some extent, his parents, who wished to push him forward at a speed in excess of his inclinations, were very anxious that he should accede to the application, and even after his arrival in Scotland he was pestered with en- treaties to return to London for the purpose. But he never wavered in his refusal. At the beginning of his journey to the North, then an affair of several days, he writes while still in London : * I think that a clergyman ought to preach anywhere when he is asked, either to instruct a flock, or to assist a brother clergyman, but most decidedly not to show his qualifications any more than to gratify his vanity ; and with respect to London I never can fight my way in the world. If the State divorces the Church I shall have little doubt of becoming a great man in it : but I do not understand the ways of the world.' And after his arrival in Edinburgh he writes to his father with a decisiveness intended to put a stop to all further solicitations : ' I have finally and com- pletely made up my mind to abandon all thoughts of the church in Regent Street. I am very willing and very desirous to take a high ground, but I never will do so unless I am sure that I can keep my footing 74 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1S21- at least with satisfaction to myself, if not with ad- vantage to others. I willingly volunteered my ser- vices on the present important occasion because I had the vanity to consider myself qualified to a certain extent to fulfil it without disgrace. I do not feel myself competent for the situation offered in London. It would necessarily lead to a superficial reading for a temporary purpose, and I should be unable to enlarge that platform upon which I mean to build my hopes. Besides which I should not choose to undertake any office which would, as it were, limit my services to only a particular and inferior branch of my calling (viz. preaching). In addition to this, I have no notion of being chosen like a public singer or actor. . . . Here therefore ends this matter.' His father indeed had been a little fascinated by the prospect of his son's abilities being displayed in London, but his more sober judgment was adverse to the step. * Walter's advance,' he writes, ' in his pursuits is extraordinary. He is up at six o'clock every morning in this month of February and lights his own fire, and I think it would be injurious to him should he be interrupted before he has completed the course of study by which he promises to become a most eminent theologian.' His father thought also that, with the exception of Bishop Andrewes, few men had risen to distinction as divines who had begun as preachers only. The following group of letters will furnish the best record of his visit to Scotland. The first extract, which is from a letter written at York, I merely introduce as an illustration of the wide difference between the -1826 yourney to Scotland. 75 tongue of the North and South of England before the days of railways and education acts. * You will be glad to hear of our arrival here, having travelled a day and a night, or rather twenty- six hours ; if indeed this be York we are in. For I rather suspect that while asleep in the coach last night they must have carried me over to Germany, since the language here talked may be German or Danish, but certainly is not English. I heard the " Cryer " just now pursuing his vocation, but I would defy those who live nearer the sun than York to understand what he intended to give notice of.' To his Mother. Whippingham : December 20, 1824. I am so full of ideas all bearing upon my Scotch sermon that I grudge every moment that I am not reading. I wish for a dozen eyes and a dozen brains and a dozen such memories as Woodfall's, for I could name a dozen books, all of which I want to read at once, and the diffi- culty is which first to choose ; for as soon as I sit down to one I immediately wish that I had taken up the other. Had the good Bishop Low consulted me how best he could have gratified me, it would have been by coupling my name as he has done with my dear father's. There is a kind of beautiful rhythm in the sentence : * To the two Hooks, father and son, though entirely unknown to me, I could wish my respects to be made through you for the public and honourable mention which they have made of our pool but still respectable Church.' To that poor but respectable Church I last year became a subscriber of \l. annual subscription, which when I be- come a Bishop I mean to make 100/. I think the corre- spondence which has taken place between the Scotch Bishops and Dr. Luscombe speaks volumes in praise of the former; the readiness, the zeal, the kindness, the true 76 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- Christian feeling with which they have one and all entered into his views remind one of former and better times ; of days when a Bishop was almost another name for a martyr. There is no single office that I would so gladly undertake as that of preaching Dr. Luscombe's Con- secration Sermon, and I am sure there is none for which at present I am so well prepared. His Vexation at the Application of Bishop Gleig to the Government for its Sanctioji to the Consecration of Dr. Liisconibe in Scotland, Whippingham : December 28, 1824. I look upon the whole business as now at an end. I shall now cease from collecting materials for my sermon and return to my regular pursuits. I should have thought that experience would have taught Bishop Gleig the absurdity of applying to Government for its decision on a subject jpurely theological ; a subject on which most of its members are probably ignorant, and in which in these days of liberality and conciliation they would certainly not willingly commit themselves. Is Government friendly to the Episco- palians of Scotland .'' When has it proved itself so .■* Has it not always been the policy of every Government, Whig or Tory, to oppress, persecute, exterminate the Episcopal Church .'' Was not even their present bare toleration merely wrung from it, with a Lord Chancellor haranguing vehemently against them } But even look further, when the greatest and wisest and best of our prelates, when Wake and Potter and Seeker, names ever to be honoured, were earnest with Government to permit Bishops with- out temporal rank to be sent to our colonies — what did Government do .-' It treated the application with contempt ; or was deterred by political circumstances. It has been the work o{ nearly a century to wring from Government per- mission to send Bishops to our colonies. He then goes on to admit that Dr. Luscombe being a presbyter, not of Scotland but of England, -1826 Dr. Ltiscombes Consecration. *jy Bishop Glelg was quite justified in applying (pri- vately) to the Archbishop of Canterbury for his permission to consecrate. ' It is strictly according to the courtesy of the Catholics (true Catholics, I mean) not to ordain ministers of another Church without permission from the Bishop at the head of it. As Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria, was justly offended when the Bishops of Palestine ordained the celebrated Origen.' Edinburgh. — Stirling. — Consecration of Dr. Lnscombe. Stirling : March 20, 1825. My dearest Father, — I was delighted to find a letter from my beloved mother awaiting me here, and containing so good an account, on the whole, both of herself and you. I have, seen much, and been much interested since I wrote last. I know not when I spent a pleasanter day than that in which I dined with Mr. Walker, who is a man superior both for his learning and piety. Bishop Low has been our constant companion ; Dr. Russell, also, has amused and instructed us by his conversation. On Friday last I went to church at Bishop Sandford's, and was surprised to find a congregation of perhaps 150 persons attending, dressed mostly in mourning. This is the good old way of keeping Lent. The church is a most beautiful one, and the light is pleasing and solemnly deadened by the painted windows. It holds, without galleries, about a thousand persons : it is not so large as Mr. Alison's chapel. There is close to it an ugly, tasteless kirk in which Sir Henry Moncrief officiates ; Bishop Low says it is compared to a bandbox in which Bishop Sandford's Church came down from England. Bishop Low is old enough to remember when the penal laws, the ' accursed '46 and '48,' ^ as they are ^ By the Acts of 1746-48 anyone officiating as Minister in any episcopal chapel in Scotland without receiving his letters of orders from some Bishop of the Church of England or Ireland, registering them, taking all the oaths required by law, and praying for the King 78 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- called, were in full force ; and the marks of the chains are still left upon his mind. The true Episcopalians appear to be fond of dwelling upon the sufferings of their ancestors in the holy cause. Among the sufferers was old George Rose's father ; he lived at Brechin in Forfar, and having a second charge fourteen miles off in the Highlands, he had to trudge there on foot, through rain and snow, with only a crust of bread and an onion in his pocket. He was appre- hended after the '46 for reading Prayers to more than four persons, and put on board a man-of-war in his old age, during the winter months. When Bishop Home was told of this, 'Ah ! ' said he, ' I should not have guessed George Rose's parentage from his principles.' Aunt Eliza will like the following anecdote of Mr. Skinner the historian, grandfather of the present Bishop. He prayed for the Elector of Hanover by name, and as King ; yet for reading prayers to more than four persons he was put in prison ; he used to read the prayers aloud to himself at the prison window, and all his congregation assembled below to catch the words as they fell from him, and for this these Presbyterians actually wished him to be punished still further. Talk of the Papists ! where was such persecution as this subsequently to the days of Constantine ? The Church is little better off now. Poor old Bishop Gleig is seventy-two years old, breaking by age, and otherwise afflicted ; but he is too poor to be able to have an assistant This is permitted by a Government which intends to provide for the Papists ; by a Government which yearly gives 8,000/. to the English Dissenters, which has long made an allowance to the Papists and Presbyterians in Ireland. Many Highland congregations are without ministers, because there are no funds to pay them with ; congregations which would rather become Papists than Presbyterians. The case is at present before Government, and Royal Family by name, was for the first offence to be imprisoned for six months, for the second to be transported to one of His Majesty's plantations for life. These laws remained unrepealed, though not actively enforced, up to 1792. -1826 Letters from Scotland. 79 but with little prospect of being attended to. Lord Bexley has interested himself warmly in it. This is creditable to his Lordship, as the Bishops here run into such an extreme against Calvinism as to be charged with Pela- gianism by their enemies, but unjustly. Will you believe it } an application was intended to be made to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for assistance with respect to the Highland congregations, when upon sound- ing previously some of the English Bishops, two of them dared, in the hardihood of ignorance, to start an objection so infamously Erastian as to say that the assistance ought not to be afforded, since the Episcopal Church was a dissenting Church in Scotland. One blushes with indigna- tion and shame, but I much fear that too many on the Bench are little better than Erastians. In our journey hither we had much to interest us. On the Pentland Hills of Covenanting infamy, the snow was lying. We passed through Linlithgow, the favourite Palace of James IV. ; we passed Falkirk and Bannockburn ; of Bannockburn the Scotch are still most proud. Two Englishmen were wandering on the field and called to a country lad, to show them some particular spot in it. He recounted all the deeds of that day of Scotland's glory with the accuracy of a bard. The Englishman then offered him half-a-crown. ' Na, na,' said the clod, ' keep your siller to yoursel, the English have paid dear enow for Bannockburn before this.' Bishop Gleig has just sent to ask me to drink tea with him, so I must obey. Sunday : I have just returned from church, and I am able to say that at last Dr. Luscombe is a Bishop. We met at Bishop Gleig's Bishop Sandford ; he is the most delightful loveable old man you ever saw, I never knew anyone who looked more truly what one would wish a Bishop to look. His voice is so soft, his manner so gentle, his demeanour so gentlemanlike, that he must win all hearts. He is always in full dress, with his short cassock and buckles, as all the Bishops here are accustomed to be. I never knew a more striking and solemn ceremony than that which I have witnessed to-day. As a sight, it 8o Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 182 would have been more affecting if it had been at Edinburgh in one of the magnificent chapels there. Stirling Chapel is an ugly building, much about the size of our Church at Whippingham, with rather a larger congregation. My sermon was about forty minutes long ; I was sorry for it for Bishop Sandford is a great invalid, and could hardly remain out the service. Bishop Low was very much pleased with it ; and Bishop Gleig said he could promise me that he never heard a sermon more to his liking upon such an occasion. Bishop Gleig, though a most eccentric character, is a great divine ; so I consider this a great compliment. Visit to St. Andrew^ s. — Dr. Chalmers. St. Andrew's : March 24, 1825, My dearest Mother, — I am writing this in an apartment which once formed part of the palace of our unfortunate Archbishop Sharp. It is rather remarkable that the first thing which met our eyes upon entering Edinburgh was a placard, announcing the exhibition of Allan's picture of that most fiendlike act of Presbyterian intolerance and bigotry, and upon our arrival at St. Andrew's we were forced into the house of that unfortunate martyr. Whether it forbodes ill to Bishop Luscombe or me, I know not ; but I believe that, as far as I am concerned, I could suffer martyrdom very decently, but then I should like it to be in the more regular way ; by the halter or the stake, not by the knife of the assassin. The first thing we did this morning was to wait upon Dr. Chalmers, Professor of Moral Philosophy, a friend of Dr. Luscombe's, to request permission to attend his lecture ; he received us very civilly ; we shall meet him at a small party this evening. I was glad to attend his lecture, as it would be contrary to my principles to hear him preach. His lecture was a very good one, showing how the discoveries which have been made by geologists tended to the corroboration of revela- tion. He availed himself largely of Professor Buckland's works ; but it is rather surprising that while he referred to -1S26 Letters from Scotland. 81 Cuvier by name, he omitted to mention that great English geologist. His style was rather too figurative ; one or two splendid sentences towards the close produced great effect. I was not aware that the force of a few words would be so great, for it was not the matter, but the words, which told. I shall in future endeavour to close my sermons with a few strong sentences. I understand that Chalmers has in his former lectures praised our English divines, and pro- nounced the hierarchy of England to have been the great bulwark against infidelity. Upon the whole his lecture was a good one; but I doubt much if it had been delivered by an Englishman, whether it (or any of his works, if the works of an Englishman), would have obtained for the author that fame which the Whigs have bestowed upon Chalmers. He gave me the idea of a person who spoke more for effect than utility ; to produce admiration for himself rather than to afford edification to others. We afterwards viewed the ruins of the cathedral ; dauntless did I stand under them, for I am convinced, God be thanked, that I have not in my veins one drop of the blood of John Knox ; if I had, I would draw it from my body, at the risk of my life. I refer to a story which was told me by Bishop Low. When Dr. Johnson was shown the ruins of St. Andrew's, they pointed out to him a part of them which was likely to fall, and for fear of its doing mischief, they were thinking of taking it down. * No,' said the good Doctor, ' let it stand for the present, it may chance to fall upon the head of some descendant of John Knox.' The Episcopalians here are not numerous, but, as is the case everywhere in Scotland, they are the most respect- able inhabitants. The present chapel is a room fitted up for the purpose, and by far too small for the congregation. The new chapel is nearly finished ; it is a small, handsome, Gothic building, in the shape of a cross. I have recom- mended that at each gable end there should be erected a small cross on the exterior of the building ; and I am particularly urgent to have a slight alteration made by which the altar may be placed at the east, whereas they VOL. I. G 82 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1821- were going to place it at the north. Bishop Luscombe was not warm upon the subject at first, but now, just as I am coohng, he takes my view to the full extent. I say that I do not esteem it quite so essential as I did, because, although the early Christians did almost invariably worship to the east, and particularly look to the east when pro- fessing their faith, there is, if I mistake not, an exception to the rule mentioned by Eusebius in describing the Church of Paulinus, which lay, I think, north and south, instead of east and west ; but Eusebius mentions it and remarks upon it as an exception to the rule. The Epis- copalians are much delighted in having about a fortnight ago carried a point which was thought impracticable. For three centuries no service has been performed at the grave of an Episcopalian. The holy service was always per- formed in a room, a little dust being brought in a plate to be thrown upon the body. About a fortnight ago, an Episcopalian lady died, one who was universally respected and deeply lamented. Bishop Low was determined to 'take the bull by the horns,' and came over from Pittenweem to perform the last service for his departed friend himself. No disturbance was offered, although many Presbyterians were present. The established ministers regard our Church, which never wilfully interferes with them, with greater feelings of hostility than any of those sects which are most violent against the establishment. For the ministers of the other Dissenters rank below the established ministers, but the Episcopal Clergy always above them. Doctor CJiatuicrs — Presbyterian Theological Parties. Edinburgh: Tuesday before Easter, 1825. My dearest Mother, .... As I told you in my last, I was much pleased with my visit to the kingdom of Fife. On the evening of the day upon which I wrote last I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Chalmers, who, although he never dines out, came in the evening and partook of the whiskey toddy (most odious beverage). Both he and Dr. Nicol; -1 826 Letters from Seat laud. 8^ the Principal of the University, gave precedence to Bishop Luscombe, who was called upon to say grace. With Dr. Chalmers I had some conversation tcte-ci-tcte in the draw- ing-room. He is an unassuming man, and in close corres- pondence, evidently, with our Evangelicals ; however, I did not want to enter into controversy with him, but talked upon his experience on the management of the poor at Glasgow, the nature of which I remembered to have read in the ' Edinburgh Review.' His idea is this, that if you teach the poor to look for no assistance from the rich, they will, from the mere feeling of self-preservation, lay up for themselves a sufficient store for their old age ; and that by the mutual interchange of good offices among themselves, they will not only make themselves more comfortable and independent, but the very disgrace which will attend the acceptance of favours, without the possibility of returning them, will operate in a great measure to prevent any kind of distress ; except such as results from casualties, which is the proper object of charity. This is, as far as I could understand, his theory, and very good it seems to be. But these theorists, when they come to practice, are found at fault. I asked him what he would do, if, as is sometimes the case in England, he found a sick person lying on a bed without a blanket, and in a room without a fire. ' Oh ! ' quoth the professor, * I can prescribe nothing for that false state of society in which you are in England.' So that, in fact, his theory is only applicable to a new country. Dr. Chalmers is a ' high flyer,' a leader of the party ; the ' high flyers ' answer to our Evangelicals. Principal Nicol is the leading man of the moderate party, a great speaker at the General Assembly. The moderate party, I am grieved to say, incline to Socinianism in general. But the Principal, who was really most kind to us, by the indignation he expressed against the English Presbyterians who have lapsed into that Deistical, horrible heresy, is, I hope and trust, free from all taint. The Principal himself showed us the two churches. In one I was much surprised to see the monument of Archbishop Sharp ; and truly a matter of G 2 §4 Life of Walter Fa7'qtthar Hook. surprise it need to be to find such a record of Presbyterian atrocity in a Presbyterian kirk. But the secret came out afterwards ; they had intended to pull it down, but it was found that the best estate belonging to the kirk was left upon condition of the monument being permitted to re- main. Our host, Mr. Binny, knew my uncle Walter very intimately, and spoke of him with great affection ; he was acquainted with uncle Robert also in India. Bishop Luscombe has gone, with my piayers for his success. It was necessary that I should spend a week in Edinburgh, for I have not seen all the lions of the city, and I have to see those of the vicinity. My father advised me to do all that was necessary to do at first, but I have not followed his advice strictly on this point, for this reason. In this Presbyterian land they do not commemorate the day of our Saviour's death. I would not choose, therefore, to be in the country during Passion week, especially when most of the families of our persuasion are coming to town to celebrate the great festival which succeeds. Many persons, very wrongly in my opinion, go to kirk in the country, but, not acknowledging the capability of a Presby- terian minister to consecrate the sacramental elements, go during the great festivals to some place where there is an Episcopal chapel. So here I stay till Easter Monday, and here do you direct till you hear again. Your devoted Son, W. F. Hook. Visit to Bishop Jolly. Aberdeen : April 12, 1825. My dearest Mother, — When I wrote to you last I was about to start for Fraserburgh, from which place I reluc- tantly tore myself away yesterday morning, being under an engagement to dine with Bishop Skinner here. Not arriving at Fraserburgh until ten o'clock on Saturday night, I did not wait upon good Bishop Jolly till the follow- ing morning. I knew that the Bishop rose at four o'clock ; and therefore I called at nine : but I knocked at the door -i82ance, and think Frenchmen the most detestable of human beings. In three weeks I hope to be in dear old England, and never shall I wish again to quit her shores. I particularly feel the want of clerical employ- ment, and of books of reference when reading the Bible. Should I not, however, return before the Archdeacon's visit- ation, will }'ou have the kindness to make my apologies, and to take care that every kind of attention is shown him t I dislike the man's principles, and think the man himself a humbug, but I should not like him to have it in his power to say that I had shown any disrespect to his office ; I wish, therefore, to be particular on this point. . . , To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Charitable Judgments — Character of George I V. July 6, 1830. My dearest Friend, .... I have just been publish- ing a sermon. I am afraid you will consider me rather ultra ; but you will see by my attack on the Bishops that, Tory though I am, I can still be independent. If I main- tain my own principles strongly, God, who knows my heart, can bear me witness that I am equally ultra in the charity with which I judge of others. I always hold that we may condemn opinions, but that we may not condemn those who hold them. That we may, for instance, say that damnation is threatened against habitual drunkenness, but, that we may not say to the drunkard, * Thou wilt be damned.* I have felt much the death of poor King George, for he was so kind a friend to my father and my grandfather, that I looked upon him with something like family affection. When we consider the faults of his education, the talent which was early used to corrupt him, and the strength of the tempta- 204 ^i/^ ^f Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- tions to which he was exposed, I think the judgment which has been passed upon him by the London papers in general, harsh and unchristian. In such a case espe- cially, I hold that the rule 'Judge not' is peculiarly applic- able. You, of course, have had other feelings towards him than I have had, but now he is gone, I dare say you feel as I do. What a blessing it is to have been well and piously brought up in middling life, and thus unexposed to those temptations to which the extremes of high life and low life are so peculiarly exposed. When we take eternity into consideration I think that this is a blessing, the extent of which cannot be too highly estimated. The very circum- stance of being obliged to labour for subsistence is the source of many virtues, to which a higher station would render us strangers ; while the being exempted from actual penury enables us to encourage those tastes and feelings, without which the moral man cannot be brought to any degree of perfection. The more I see of the world, the more am I impressed with the advantage of being placed in that station of life which leads a man to labour in a liberal pro- fession rather than in a trade ; though I consider a trade, in nine instances out of ten, to be preferable to an inde- pendent fortune. To some few persons an independent fortune is an advantage ; but how many does it ruin .-' while the number of persons improved by professional avocations, and even by professional ambition, is incalculable. Your Charlotte may complain that your professional business takes you too much from her ; but perhaps, (tell her not this, lest she utterly discard me) the very fact that you are obliged sometimes to leave her renders the moments you spend in her society doubly dear. Yours devotedly, W. F. Hook. -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 205 To the same — Recollections of School Days — Contentment — Foreign Chnrchcs and Sects — TJie Bible Society. July 19, 1830. My dearest Friend, .... The disposition of my mind is to revert to old times and old friends with more than usual fondness ; I forget the discomforts of the former and the faults of the latter, and love to remember them, and to cherish their memory. When I think of Winchester I put out of consideration the floggings and bullyings and revilings, which rendered me miserable on first going to school ; and think only of the happy hours I used to pass with my friend, with whom I did, indeed, take sweet coun- sel, and who was always ready to sympathise with me under discomforts to which I was more sensibly alive than most boys of my age. And when I remember good old Gabell, I think only of his great kindness, his very great kindness to me, and of the admirable manner in which he instructed us, without reference to his occasional mis- management out of school. I have seen him several times since, and I love him the more, from the deep interest he seems always to take in the welfare of his quondam naughty boys. Under these circumstances, nothing touched me more than the delightful picture you have drawn in your letter of the old man sitting in the House of Commons, like a patriarch, surrounded by his children. I wish I had been with you ; indeed, I wish more and more to be settled in London, I should so like to mix under altered circumstances with my contemporaries ; moreover, a little clerical and literary society would do me good, in addition to the immense advantage — leaving pleasure out of the question — which I should derive, as I have always done, from a nearer intercourse with you. I think my mind has much improved of late, and, I begin to hope that I could stand my ground in such a field as London, without dis- gracing myself or doing injury to the Church. I should have shrunk from it a year or two ago. But, after all, 2o6 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- what am I saying ? I scarcely know whether I am speak- ing the truth ; I sometimes sit me down and think that I am the most contented of human beings, since my church is just the kind of church I like, and my parish suited to my abilities ; while my new curate suits me in every way. But at other times, when I try to wish for something, I wish for London. This is a kind of contradiction, but it is that kind of contradiction which, I presume, exists occasionally in all minds in a healthy state. My notion is, that we should always be so contented as never to envy anyone else ; and yet not so contented as to prevent a proper degree of emulation. While acting from the higher motives of religion, we are not to eradicate but to direct the inferior motives which set human nature in motion ; character is to be continually improved, and as long as this process is going on, no matter how it is accomplished ; for the glory is to be ascribed to God, whose providence ordains those circumstances under which we are placed. With respect to your observations about the circula- tion of the Scriptures in Greece, &c., you, by taking a view rather inclining to one side, and I, by taking a view rather inclining to the other side, without materially disagreeing, would, perhaps, arrive at an opinion in which there would be a shade, and only a shade, of difference. My studies have lain among the primitive writers, and in the study of the early antiquities of the Church ; and my principle, perhaps originating from that circumstance, is this, to endeavour to render the Church as conformable as possible with the primitive model. Hence, I differ from such divines as Paley ; he would make such alterations in the Church as would render it more comprehensive, taking, if I may so say, a political view of it; and this seems to be the object with most of the Church Reformers of the day. For this purpose he would do away with many primitive customs, to which those who think with me are attached. Thus he looks to what must be impos- sible, owing to the lax state of discipline, a union with Protestant Dissenters. Now we look not to this, but by (if -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 207 any alteration is necessary) even a return to some of the usages discarded at our Reformation, to conform more and more to the primitive model ; that thus, when the Roman Catholic Churches abroad gradually attempt to reform themselves, or what is yet more likely, when the Church of Greece, to which I mainly look, begins to re- form, they may see that this can be done without running into that discord and confusion which is certainly the disgrace of Protestantism, and which as certainly makes it stink in their nostrils. The Greeks abominate the Pope ; but our disunion they abominate equally. They dread reformation on this account ; ours is the only Church which shows that the Church can be reformed, not as in the case of most other Protestants — I ought to except those of Denmark and Sweden — that to correct abuses it must be first overturned and then rebuilt, de novo ; and we prevent them from feeling an inclination to reform, by so many of our countrymen in those parts making common cause with all Protestants. Let us leave events, say I, to Providence ; let us bring ourselves as near to perfection as we can ; nor would I ever for one moment admit it as a ground for any concession, that the safety of the Establishment is concerned. Concede, in God's name, on all points where concession is innocent, but never from the worldly con- sideration of sustaining the worldly pre-eminence of the Church, With respect to the circulation of the Scriptures in Greece, I conceive that, where any prospect of good arises, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge would come forward ; but the absurdity is, to commence on a new field ere half the work is done on the old ; our own colonies are lamentably destitute. As to our liturgy, the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge would never think it a necessary accompaniment to the Scrip- tures among the Christians of the Church of Greece. But you can have no conception of the mischief done there and elsewhere by the circulation of Bibles by the Bible Society, translated imperfectly and, I may say, dishonestly, or at least, unfairly, by Socinians. The traveller Macfarlane, whose work on Constantinople 2oS Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- you have probably read, asserts that the Bible circulated among the Greeks is written in such strange Romaic that they cannot read it You will find this, and some other striking cases, stated in the third edition of Arthur Perceval's ' Reasons Why I am not a Member of the Bible Society,' a little tract which I would very strongly recommend to your notice ; it only costs one shilling. To the same — Preparations for Sunday Evening Services — Remonstrance with the Bishop for attending the Meeting of the Bible Society. September 5, 1830. I have been of late rather overworked, and I foolishly consented to make a tour in Wales ; I was only absent five days, so you may imagine that I was rather hurried, but as I could not enjoy myself when absent from my beloved wife, and as m.uch travelling does not agree with me, I returned without being much refreshed as to mind, and with a body rather the worse for wear. Then I have been busily employed in getting subscriptions for lighting my church by gas ; as I am anxious to establish a third service on the Sunday evening, which I did during the summer, and found it to be highly serviceable. This third service I give to my parish ; for, as your friend Irving would say, ' Silver and gold have I none, but what I have — that is my labour — I bestow,' Though even here, by the way, — since for ' none ' we ought to read ' but little ' — my purse suffers, as it entails upon me the expense of a curate. In most parishes the evening lecturer is paid ; but I thus take that payment on myself I say this, because I have been abused like a pick-pocket, not by my own parishioners, but by Dissenters and Evangelicals, because I addressed a remonstrance to the Bishop for coming to preside at a Bible meeting in my own parish, and they wish to make it appear to the world that, somehow or other, this arrange- ment will benefit my pocket. I remain, your devoted Friend, W. F. Hook. -1837 Letters, 1829-1836. 209 Visit to the Bishop of London. 10 Dean's Yard, Westminster : October 1S30. Wife ! — Learn to treat your husband with the respect which is due to a man of his consequence. When the Lord Bishop of London invited the Rev. Vicar of Holy- Trinity, Coventry, to dine with his lordship, at his lord- ship's palace at Fulham, who do you think was the only person (with the exception of the chaplain) that the said Lord Bishop thought worthy to be invited to meet the said Rev. Vicar, your honoured lord and master .-' hear and be confounded — His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Can- terbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan !!!!!! Your poor weak little bit of a mind would indeed have been astonished and astounded to hear how these three pillars of the Church (for I consider the chaplain as a nonentity) discuss affairs ecclesiastical ; yet, without a joke, it was an awful solemnity. The poor Vicar was quite dumb-founded till he had refreshed his nerves by a glass of the Bishop's best wine. Things were going on smoothly after this, when, lo and behold ! in a meek and gentle voice the Lord Archbishop challenged the poor priest to take a glass of wine, and the said priest was again overpowered : he spilt the wine, first on the table-cloth, then on his coat, and forgot to bow to his grace. Luckily ' Piety Without Asceticism ' ' was named, and the very thought of his dear, kind, apostolical patron, the Bishop of Limerick, inspired the poor priest once more with courage. We all chanted the praises of the work ; and then the poor priest was listened to with interest, as he could give the latest account of Ireland's best Prelate. Indeed, he/ could not help thinking that his grace the metropolitan seemed to treat him with more respect, when he remembered, probably, that he, the said priest, was immortalised by being men- tioned in ' Practical Theology,' as Bishop Jebb's friend. At ten o'clock the three assembled pillars, accompanied by ' Tide of a work by Bishop Jebb. VOL. I. P 2IO Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- Mrs. Blomfield, went to the chapel, where upwards of fifty servants were assembled ; this was indeed a sublime and touching sight. A delightful chapel, the prayers read by a Bishop, and the Vicar kneeling at the side of an Arch- bishop. Well here ends the history : how I have lived to write it I know not ; but I can say no more, for by eleven o'clock I must attend the meeting of Convocation at St. Paul's, thence I shall have to hurry to the levee. I asked the Bishop whether I was to preach next Sunday ; he said * of course,' as he never preached except by the King's command : but then he dines with the King on Saturday, when probably he will be commanded. You had better send this letter on to my mother, who will be anxious to hear how things went off at Fulham. Kiss our sweet babe for me till you are tired. I am aweary of these honours, and long to be back with my dear, dear wife, who has in me a Most devoted Husband, W. F. Hook. To his Wife — First Sermon at the Chapel Royal, 16 St. James Street, London : November 1830. My dearest Love, .... I had the honour yesterday of preaching before their Majesties. Bob says I delivered the sermon well ; but I do not think the sermon itself was a good one. I trust, however, that I may have touched the hearts and roused the feelings of some of my congre- gation ; for I warned them in pretty strong terms of the danger, as well as the sin, of denying God and deserting the cause of religion. The Bishop of Chichester ^ came into the vestry after service, and introduced himself as an old friend and schoolfellow of my father's ; he said he could not mistake me from my likeness. His lordship told me that in the bidding prayer I ought not to name the Bishop of the Diocese when preaching in a royal chapel, since such chapels are considered as peculiars. * And,' said he, ' I may without fear of offence point out one fault, when ^ Dr. Cam -1 837 Letters, 1 8 29-1 836. 211 there is so much to admire, both in matter and manner.' I made one great, uncavalierlike mistake. The etiquette is, to walk down from the pulpit backwards, and I was told of it twenty times at least ; but when the sermon was ended I forgot it all, and in my eagerness to escape, down I ran with my back to his Majesty. I have heard of various eulogies (the abuse, of course, not being reported to me) from persons who are so ignorant of ecclesiastical affairs as not to know so wonderful a person as myself, for one person to Gilbert Mathison called me Mr. Wood ; another to Mr. Tupper, Mr. Cook. But I see the Court circular, in the newspapers, sets the matter right. Upon the whole, I am not plccised with myself ; I have seldom been more discontented with any of my performances of any kind. Your most devoted Husband, W. F. Hook. From W. P. Wood, Esq. — Character of Lord Brougham. Lincoln's Inn : Dec. i, 1830. .... Assuredly, my dear friend, the situation of our country does not appear to be such as to inspire ambitious thoughts, and those who undertake to steer us through our difficulties are bold adventurers. I have little doubt that Lord Brougham had sense sufficient to foresee the difficul- ties to which the new administration will be exposed. I seriously think that he has acted most honestly in taking office. In fact, as I believe I have often said to you, I do not consider that Brougham was ever dishonest, in the worst sense of the word ; but, with a sincere desire to promote many useful objects, he at the same time is beset by no slight degree of what the American Channing calls 'self-exaggeration.' Added to this defect, he is frequently the servant of sudden impulses, for lack of sufficient fixed- ness of character. Whatever want of confidence may have been evinced by his associates towards Brougham, has arisen rather from his independence than his servility, p 2 2 12 Life of Walter Farquha7' Hook, 1829- and he certainly has never been guilty of an actual breach of political principle. His conduct in taking office was marked with his usual faults, and precipitancy. He refused the seals, and then must immediately make a speech to let the world know that he had declined office (for nobody of course would have supposed that it had been offered to him) : he is then told, that an administration cannot be formed without him, and he has in my judgment acted rightly in accepting office, believing of course, as he does, that a Whig administration will be beneficial to the country, and that he himself (an advantage he certainly will not un- derrate,) will thus be enabled to realise many of his schemes for the public benefit and his own renown. The latter object he is, I think, anxious — as most men are, and he perhaps more than many — to attain, but he fortunately couples it with the best method of attainment. He will, I think, in all probability overthrow the ministry by endea- vouring to take the lead of them ; and his splendid speech on the establishment of local courts, the peroration of which I think as magnificently eloquent as any remains of ancient didactic eloquence, furnished a specimen of his probable course ; the bill being brought in, as he stated, independently of any communication with the ministry. From W. P. Wood, Esq. — Sympathy between Rich and Poor. Lincoln's Inn : May 21, 1831. .... I do not intend to trouble you with politics, but I am sure that a great proportion of the troubles which disturb old-established governments arise from the want of sympathy between the rich and poor. I mean that real sympathy which consults the feelings, and the mental as well as bodily wants of the sufferer ; that truly Christian spirit of benevolence which prompts the more favoured individual to lower himself as far as possible to the level of the poorer classes in his intercourse with them ; to con- vince them that he regards himself standing before God -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 213 as humbled a creature as the meanest of his brethren, and that he feels his worldly wealth only entrusted to him as a means of effecting the most extensive good ; whilst, after all the good which he can effect, he is but an unpro- fitable servant. It is not enough to say that in England more is done for the poor, than in any other country, by gifts : the question is Jiozo is the wealth given .-* and if it should ever be shown that more of actual intercourse with the poor exists among the gentry of this country than of any other nation, yet is it after all but comparative ; and I fear we are very, very far below what might be expected, after eighteen centuries of instruction in real wisdom have been vouchsafed the world. In one respect we are decidedly behind our continental neighbours, and that is in the in- effable distance between master and servant. It is impos- sible you can work upon the minds of those who regard you with no affection ; and I would ask if anyone can point to more than half-a-dozen instances of attached domestics within his own knowledge. I would follow up my inquiry by asking him the reason. I do not think that foreigners, in general, sufficiently avail themselves of the advantages they have over us in this respect, by influencing the minds of their dependants ; but, I can safely say that we can never hope to effect much benefit in our families while this barrier exists. . . , I fully agree with you in the excellent view you take of the gradation of duty. An instance of perverted feeling on this subject was shown the other day in this great mart of all extravagance. Crowds had attended meetings held in the new hall in the Strand, for converting the Continent by ' Sabbath Societies,' and various other contrivances ; but at a meeting for the promotion of 'district visiting,' the only really efficacious means of bettering the temporal and spiritual condition of the poor, but a few stragglers could be collected. Those who are thus usefully employed were perhaps better engaged than in contributing to the parade of a public meeting, but where were the customary haunters of these exhibitions .-* preaching in imagination to 214 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829^ the Chinese, or weeping tears of joy over a letter from Otaheite. To IV. P, Wood, Esq. — Parochial Work — Opposition front Dissenters. January 31, 1831. .... This letter only comes a month after the time ; it ought to have been received on the first of January. I hope it will be received on the first of February, and though it would not be according to etiquette to express what I heartily wish, that you may pass a happy twelve- month, yet, here are from me and mine, to you and yours, most hearty wishes for a happy elevenmonth. Christmas time is among the parsons, as you well know, no holiday time; much extra duty always awaits us; and the delightful task of dispensing charities, feeding the national school children, &c., S:c., consumes time most voraciously. In addition to this, ours has, till within the last ten days, been the city of the plague ; small pox, measles, scarlet and typhus fever have been raging around us ; and God Almighty be thanked that w^e, of this household, have hitherto escaped. I have likewise had the very disagree- able duty of having to beg, from house to house, to get support for our intended infant schools. I am beginning to be a little vain, for I cannot but suppose, as all my friends assert, that the bitterness, I may say the fierceness, with which I am assailed by some of the Dissenters here, must arise from having emptied their shops by establishing an evening service, and stirring up the Churchmen who were before permitted to go to sleep. Every kind of abuse, the most personal, has been heaped upon me, on account of this infant school. I was told that it was expected that the Church should come forward, and that the Dissenters would contribute. Together, therefore, with all the bene- ficed clergy of the city, we called a meeting, only insisting that the children should be taught the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and ten Commandments, and that the master should be a member of the Church. It was necessary to i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 215 do this before calling a meeting, because we knew that, while Churchmen would supply the money, the Dissenters would be able to outnumber us by resorting to measures for packing the meeting, to which we would not conde- scend. We thought it right, therefore, to state what we should consider a sine qua iion. At the meeting, if the Dissenters could not conscientiously support our plan, I intended to propose, that we should raise a subscription together, and establish two schools ; one to be superin- tended by the clergy, the other by the Dissenters, with an understanding that neither party would receive the chil- dren dismissed for ill-conduct from the other establishment. But a violent Dissenting teacher, abetted by as violent an Evangelical clergyman, chaplain to the Bridewell, called an opposition meeting, branded us with the title of intole- rant bigots, and determined to crush us. We have let them have their way ; when reviled, we have carefully abstained from reviling again ; and the consequence has been that we have raised nearly 300/., and their subscrip- tions are, I suspect, so inconsiderable that they have hitherto refrained from publishing them. Their funds have chiefly been supplied by the Quakers, who at first promised to support us ; by some few among the gentry at a distance, who were deceived by their assuming the name of an aiiti- scctarian infant school ; and by the political characters who have subscribed to both. All this is easily written, but it was not so easily done. It has been personally satisfactory to me, since many persons have given their five pounds, saying at the same time that they had not intended to support an infant school, but they were glad of any oppor- tunity to show their respect for me. Thus you see how I am situated ; you cannot in Coventry take a single step in any matter without meeting with a factious opposition. I have found, however, staunch friends where I did not expect them ; while this has been balanced by an opposition, which has shown its bitterness in ascribing to me words and deeds which have not a shadow of foundation in truth. 2i6 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1829- To the same — Foundation of a Dispensary. — Resignation of Moseley — Parochial Work. Coventry : March 14, 1831. My dearest Friend, — I lose no time in thanking you and your wife for your kind letter of congratulation, if it be a subject of congratulation, that I have entered my thirty-fourth year and am no better than I am. I am at present a bachelor, my spouse having run away from me, with the heiress of all the Hooks, to pay a visit to her father and mother. I am too busy to go, and I am at present almost too nervous to write, for I am to make my first — no, my second (after a long interval) — appearance as an extempore speaker to-morrow. The thought of it, strange as it may appear, in one who preaches so often, makes me ache all over. The meeting is called for the purpose of establishing a self-supporting dispensary, and I am to move the first resolution. We shall be opposed by a host of medical men ; but a dispen- sary of some sort or other shall be established ; they may bully, but we are determined not to yield. You tell me you shall write to me on politics ; remember. Sir Radical, that I am a Tory ; so moderate your tone of triumph, if it be from mere compassion. But in truth, I am too much occupied in parochial details to be able to busy myself in politics ; and the state of politics is such at present as so to sadden my poor Tory heart that I avoid the subject as much as possible, seeing that I could do no good. I seldom indeed advert to them, except when I offer the prayer for Parliament, which is offered from the heart. But let us fly from this gloomy subject, and let me tell you of what will probably prevent our intended visit to London by burdening us with expense. We are about to change our house, having found one to our liking, just out of the town, but in the parish. And as we cannot go to you, why will not you come to us .? we have a nice airy situation, a good small garden, and everything that can -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 217 allure you. The expense of flitting is not all ; for I have now diminished my income 50/. a year, by resigning Moseley. I was overpersuadcd by my mother to keep it, but for the last year and a half I have been anxious to give it up, from a feeling that my being non-resident at a living so near Birmingham was injurious to the cause of religion ; I retained it, however, for the sake of my curate. That difficulty has been overcome ; for the Bishop of Rochester, the patron, having heard of my wish, sent me a letter last week stating that he wished to bestow the preferment so as to advance the cause of true religion, and to counteract the effects of the fanaticism prevalent in Birmingham and its vicinity. He consequently placed the nomination in my hands, and I have nominated my curate. This is very noble in his Lordship, since we had some misunderstanding when he took possession of the Deanery. All these things, with the small-pox raging like a plague around us ; with a dispensary, savings bank, and infant school to be established ; with lectures every Wed- nesday, and lectures to prepare for every day in Passion Week ; with, I am delighted to say, an improving parish, and consequent increase of parochial duty — all these things must account for the fact that Walter Hook is not so good a correspondent as he once was, that when he has time to write, his pen is employed in sermons rather than in letters ; but it will not prove to William Wood, who knows him so well, that his love and friendship are one whit the less. To the same — Lectures on the Last Days of our Lord's Ministry —Change of House — Foundation of a Dispen- sary — Calu mn ies. Leicester Road, Coventry : April 13, 1831. .... I delivered my lectures every day in Passion Week to a very attentive and devout congregation. Indeed, I have reason to hope that they were of service, not only to myself, but to many who heard them. On one person in particular I know that they have made a serious im- 2i8 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- pression, and a Socinian lady who was with me all the week presented herself at the altar on Easter day. I have indeed been very successful in my ministry of late, for two of the leading surgeons in my parish have not only become regular attendants at church but have received the Sacra- ment. . . . All this has been highly satisfactory, and I am in good humour with my parish. It was nevertheless hard work, for I had only written one of my lectures when I commenced, and had in consequence to sit up late and rise early ; besides which, I started one evening to see my little wee bit of a wife (she is only about an inch taller than yours), and having found her as well as could be, I returned in the morning. Then I have been very busy in moving from St. Nicholas Place to this house. I have been labouring night and day to get it ready for Delicia, so that she may have no trouble or fatigue when she re- turns, which I hope will be on Friday. I have seldom felt so anxious for any day since I left Winchester ; my feelings are just those with which we used to look forward to the holidays : I have been so busy about all this, that I have not seen her for a week. I must tell you that this house though in the parish is in the country ; quite rural, with a garden and all. I have been studying the art of gardening too ; I can give you the history of gardening, from that of Paradise to that described in the Canticles ; and from that of Alcinous to that of Academus, and so on to Sir William Temple and Kent, down to our own times, not forgetting the hanging gardens of Babylon. This morning I have been sowing peas : but there have arisen a very disagreeable sect of Dissenters in my little plantation ; they are known by the name of slugs, and have opened a conventicle in the very heart of my cabbage-bed. I am a bigoted, intolerant wretch, as you know, and mean to burn them, not with fire and fagot, but with lime. I must narrate another grievance. In endeavour- ing to establish a self-supporting dispensary I have in- curred the wrath of all the doctors in this place ; I know not whether I mentioned this before, but so it is, and thus -1837 Letters, 1829-1836. 219 I am placed between two fires. In the Coventry papers the doctors are attacking me as a hypocrite, &c. &c., and all the time a Dissenting teacher is publishing every week an ecclesiastical lecture, in which he holds me up to cen- sure for various iniquities : one, in particular, is rather amusing, he accuses me of avarice, and calls me ' the holy minister of Holy Trinity.' Now avarice is certainly not one of my faults ; and if he inquired further he would find that while by my rate here, at the lowest valuation, I ought to receive 498/. a year, I only in fact receive 250/. ; and when some of my parishioners found fault with my collector (for the business is not managed by me), he told them that the blame did not rest with him, but if anyone goes to the Vicar he not only excuses them but gives them something for the trouble of calling. However, so it is with my Dissenting friends ; many of my real faults are passed over, and things are brought against me of which my conscience does not accuse me. Now you know my sensibility, and will think, perhaps, that all these things are sufficient to drive me mad ; but no, I have found the secret which enables me to laugh at them. I have learned not to care for man's judgment, and simply to think how far I am doing what is right in the sight of God. Infidels and fanatics are furious against me, but that only proves that having flung the stone at them, I have made the curs yelp, while my congregation has increased, and my flock, generally speaking, are devoted to me. To tJie same — Abstinence from Politics, May 16, 1831. My poor dear Friend, ... At Worcester you car- ried all before you, but I voted of course for Lygon. In Coventry I never meddle with politics. My principle is this ; to do those duties, or rather to attempt to do them, which Providence points out to us, by the circumstances under which we are placed, always remembering that the 2 20 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- nearest and easiest duties are to us the first in importance. Thus I consider my first duty is to my family, including my servants ; my next to the parish, over which the Holy Ghost has made me overseer ; then to my diocese, my country, and so on to all mankind. It is that which our hand findeth to do that we are to do with all our might. And the mischief of the present age is, that every one is striving to do some great thing ; while those minor points, which are first to the individual, are neglected. Men are devising schemes to convert heathens, while their own families, and perhaps themselves, are quite as much in need of conversion ; they are anxious to waft the Scriptures from the Ganges to the Mississippi, but for- get to make the Bible their own companion and familiar friend. It would be well for England if, instead of clamouring for reform, men would do (as Rickman, the Quaker architect, observed to me the other day) their own business, and reform themselves. It was on these prin- ciples that I voted at Worcester, having a vote for the county. I thought myself in these times called upon to exercise my privilege and, consequently, I voted like an obstinate old Tory (as Lord Lyttleton, who brought in his brother-in-law, called me). I take a gloomy view of things. It is at the same time a comfort to me to feel that you, who are so much wiser than I am, and are not a party man, at least, not violently so, think otherwise. I consider you as a thoroughly honest politician. The men I dislike are those who support the Reform Bill simply because it is introduced by their friends. To Hon. and Rev. A. Perceval — Advantages of an Establishment. Coventry : May 25, 1831. I am now become a waiterupon Providence. For some inscrutable purpose the country appears to me to have been demented ; the afflicting hand of Providence is upon us, and we must diligently labour to ascertain precisely what -i837 Letta's, 1829-1836. 221 our duty is, both in bearing and forbearing, and then seek for grace to perform it. As churchmen, we have the blessed conviction that the Church will flourish more under oppression than at any other time. St. Hilary says ' Hoc habct proprium ecclesia, dum persecutionem patitur floret, dum opprimitur proficit, dum laeditur vincit, dum arguitur intelligit, tunc stat, quum superari videtur.' But as patriots and as Englishmen who but must weep } let the Church be unestablished and infidelity will be ram- pant. I am one of those who think a little religion to be better than none at all. And I regard the establishment of the Church to be one of the means appointed to lead men gradually to a serious sense of the faith. A man may love the Church at first merely because it is an institution of his country. With an honest mind, like the apostles when first called to be disciples, their principles may be too secular. Too many do not advance at all, but many more come by degrees to see how the Church is the mysti- cal body of their Saviour, and glorying in their privilege, they not only abide in Christ but Christ abides in them. From fruitless they are pruned into fruitful branches of the Vine. That God will devise other means for bringing those who are of honest and good hearts to the truth, no one will deny, but no Christian can contemplate without sorrow the withdrawment of one of the visible means hitherto ordained for that purpose, even though the Church itself be purified, while depressed, thereby. As a Church, the Reformed Catholic Church in England will be benefited by its disunion from the State ; but, as the Bishop of Limerick observes, the question is not whether the Church be less pure, but the country be not more pure. And one of the offices of the Church is to be the salt of the earth, and indirectly to purify even worldlings. I refer our calamities to the repeal of the Test Act ; for then the State virtually renounced every connexion with religion. It pronounced religion to be, so far as the State is con- cerned, a thing indifferent. 222 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- England is now in the position of a man who has excommunicated himself. To the special protection of Providence and of grace it has no longer a covenant claim. Our legislation is in fact of any religion, which is the same as saying of no religion. Convalescence. Birmingham : June 14, 1831. My dearest Mother, — Although I am mending fast, the doctor entirely disapproves of my leaving the Monument at present, and my system is, strictly to follow the advice ot the doctor under whose care Providence, by the arrangement of circumstances, has placed me ; then, as our good Lord of Limerick says, if I die, it is his fault and not mine. That I am better will appear from this, that I am growing hourly more impatient to return to dear Coventry ; happy I never can be out of my parish, and I long to offer my prayers once again in my noble church. There is no church in England that suits me so well. ' Say not this is lame devotion that cannot mount without the help of such a wooden stick ; rather 'tis lame indeed which is not raised though having the advantage thereof This sentence is from Fuller, whose * Holy State ' I am reading, much to my edification and delight. I am going out a-fishing to- day ! ! but truth to tell, I should be more in my element if I were at Coventry trying to catch men ; the fact is that I am so identified with my parish that, if too much duty knocks me up, a little duty is essential to amuse me. Without parochial duty I feel much as a dram-drinker must do when robbed of his morning draught. An Author' s Anxieties about the Publication of his First Book. The Monument : August 1831. My dearest Mother, .... On one point you dis- appointed mc in your last ; you told me that you had had -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 223 a long conversation with the Archdeacon about me, and yet told me not what the Archdeacon said : now this is acting the part of Tantalus. All that he said about divinity would of course be interesting to me, for he is my pope. His medical opinions you might have sup- pressed, because, as he has not graduated in medicine, I might be unwilling to follow his advice; indeed, I hope you will no more write on that subject. But I am very anxious to hear what he says of my lectures ; from your sileace I suppose he does not think them worth publishing, which annoys me. Pray let me have them back again ; the only little solace I have consists in preparing these lectures for press. It is a light and agreeable study, such as Dr. Johnstone approves of; it leads my mind back to the happy period when I delivered them, and sometimes flatters my vanity by making me hope to be useful after I have been consigned to the grave. The thought of being compelled to dismount my little hobby is painful ; it is as much as telling me that I am put entirely on the shelf, and then what am I to do .-' for I have no one pleasure, no thought, no wish that is not professional : pray send me back my poor little lectures, and pray for me that I may have health and strength to preach them yet again, and fail not to let me know at once if they are condemned ; put me out of my pain, suspense is disagreeable ; I have been able to do nothing at them for the last two or three days, because if those two are condemned, it is needless to go on with the others ; and then poor Othello's occupation is done. To W.P. Wood, Esq. Coventry : December i, 1831. My dearest Friend Now for your letter ; — thank you much, for the delightful pouring out of your feelings ; and believe me, that when I read the senti- ments of humble piety which you therein express, I am more proud of the friendship which has ever been my honour as well as my delight. Thank God it is not on 2 24 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- our own works that we depend for hope, as to everlasting bhss. Christ is our all in all, and to Him we can only- approach by faith. Now it is on this doctrine of justifica- tion by faith alone, that I delight to dwell when I am inclined to despond ; I then throw myself without reserve at the feet of Christ. You, my dear Wood, understand me in what I say, and know very well that I am not pleading the cause of Antinomianism. Nothing is more easy than to reconcile St. Paul and St. James, when we understand the scheme of redemption as revealed in the Gospel. I only refer to that doctrine, which is our greatest comfort and consolation when we are humbled and laid in the dust. It is not the only doctrine of Scripture, and therefore we shall miss the truth if we consider it without reference to others which limit and elucidate it ; but it is the doctrine that gives life and health to the humble and lowly of heart. As to prayer, I suppose every person has some different method of elevating his soul to communion with the Deity. For my part, I find I can pray best when I am walking in my garden ; indeed, I am generally a peri- patetic in my devotions, and I find the open air my most delightful temple. Again, I know nothing more conducive to bring me to a devotional disposition than to read some portion of the Bible, till I gradually sink off into a holy reverie. I throw out these hints, because when first I became seriously impressed with religious feelings, I had some of those difficulties of which you seem to complain. And even in those days when we cannot take the usual delight in prayer and praise, we ought to remember that our Saviour knows our hindrances, and that by Him, the will will be taken for the deed ; when we have struggled much without success, faith will, in this sense, be counted to us for righteousness. -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 225 From IV. P. Wood, Esq. — Uses of a Belief in Angels — Irvingism. Lincoln's Inn : March 1832. .... I thank you for your beautiful hint as to the Angels.* It is curious that I have two or three times said to my wife that I thought we were too much in the habit of neglecting the clear doctrine, as laid down in the Bible, of spiritual agents subordinate to the Deity, and of their interference with the events of this world. There is certainly a degree of danger in dwelling too much on such a subject if the mind be predisposed to enthusiasm ; but at the same time I think that the great caution of many preachers has led to a carelessness even as regards the restless machinations of our great spiritual adversary. You will recollect that you told me an anecdote of a Unitarian saying * nobody could believe in the devil.' Still more may have been deprived of great spiritual consolation from the neglect of those many beautiful passages in Scripture which represent the watchfulness of the angels over those who serve God, and their great interest in all that concerns our welfare. People are very apt to imagine that their deceased friends take an interest in their conduct, for which we have no direct Scriptural authority (the parable of Lazarus being, perhaps, only a parable), and which may prove a dangerous conceit as tending to saint worship. Now the clear knowledge afforded us of the ministry of Angels ought to be no less consolatory. My mind has been brought to dwell upon many of the deeper points of the ' mystery of Godliness ' owing to a visit from two young friends, who have been, to a certain extent, led away by the enthusiasts of Irving's school. With regard to the alleged miracles, I think it is at once an answer to say that no miracle has yet been even stated; for the uttering of sounds which no one professes to ^ That the knowledge of tlieir sympathy should be an auxiliary to our devotions. VOL. L Q 226 Life of Walte7' Farquhar Hook. 1829- comprehend is so far from miraculous that any of us could do the same thing for hours together ; and I think I satis- fied our friends of the wonderful difference between such quackery and the stupendous miracle of the day of Pente- cost. But the greatest difficulty I met with was on the subject of election. My own views on this subject do not quite coincide with Whately's. I think a little more is meant than the simple fact of election to privileges which may be accepted or waived, and I confess I rather lean to the doctrine of those who think that God, foreseeing who will accept the conditions of salvation, and having promised that all who do so accept them shall be saved, may be said in that sense to have elected the saved. But then I am quite certain from Scripture that although God knows this, no man can know it, no man can see the end of his career, which God does see, and therefore no man can be assured that he will continue in a state of grace. A man may perhaps feel an assurance that through Christ's mercy, if he were to die that moment, he would be saved, but he can say nothing more. Not even St. Paul would venture on so bold (so almost blasphemous) a conviction, I Cor. ix. 27, Phil. iii. 11-14. You have, I dare say, observed a remarkable mistranslation in Heb. x. 38, where ' any man ' has been substituted for ' he,' and thus a strong text against absolute, certain election has been consider- ably weakened. Rom. viii. 29, 30-33, and some other passages induce me not to adopt Whately's views entirely, though I think the word ' election ' is often used in his sense ; for, as he has observed, there are no strict logical definitions in the Gospel. Irving, of course, adopts the most pre- sumptuous and dangerous doctrine of the high Calvinists. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Christian Sympathy. Leamington : March i, 1832. My dearest Friend, — As usual, I must begin my letter with an excuse. To avoid this frequent repetition, let it -i837 Letters, 1829-18 -56. 227 be fairly understood that I love you as much as ever ; you must not therefore attribute my silence to any diminu- tion of affection. A little writing soon knocks me up ; and, consequently, I can never think of a letter until my sermons are off the stocks, and that seldom is till Saturday evening. We came here last week to visit my mother. My brother having also arrived, we are, what we seldom are, all of us together. I have also enjoyed the society of my honoured friend and patron, the Lord Bishop of Limerick ; he is indeed a right worthy successor of the Holy Apostles : to me he has ever been like a parent. He has perused the manu- scripts of my lectures, and what is more, with unheard of kindness, he offers to correct the press for me, and to take all the drudgery of publication off my hands. This, he says, will be a little useful employment to him ; and it will be everything to me to be sent into the world under such auspices. He has, however, directed me to write some notes, and has moreover advised that the publication should be deferred till the end of the year, since nobody now thinks of anything but reform and cholera. I in- tended to answer your last most interesting letter fully, but I have forgotten to bring it with me. But I remember well one topic to which you refer, which is, the want of Christian sympathy which you seem to experience when worshipping in church. This is a subject on which I have had very many conversations with my reverend brethren in this neighbourhood ; for fifteen or twenty of us frequently meet, not to discuss, but to converse ; being happily of pretty nearly the same principles in religion, though there are slight shades of difference in our politics. Nothing fills the Dissenting chapels so much as their being able to remedy the defect of which you complain. When a man has seriously turned his thoughts to religion, he comes to church and finds no one sympathising with him, no one under circumstances somewhat similar, ready to communi- cate his thoughts. He goes to a meeting house, he is immediately hailed as a convert ; he is flattered, calmed, and soothed. Now we have considered whether some such Q2 2 28 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- steps as these might not be profitably adopted in the Church ; it would immediately increase its popularity with some religionists ; for man is an aristocratic animal, and sectarianism flatters the aristocratical feeling. Everyone in religion, as in everything else, likes to be a peg above his neighbour, and to be one of a party superior in purity or in wisdom to those around him. If, then, we were to consider merely the religionists, if merely the popularity of the Church, it might be well to adopt some such classifica- tion as prevails with the Methodists. But the Church of Christ, I conceive, is not intended to be confined as to its benefits and advantages to those who are true Christians : here is the mistake with the sectarians. There is a yet more extensive object, though less flattering to human pride ; it is to act as leaven and as salt by which the mass of society may be gradually purified ; it is indirectly to benefit those who are without, as well as those that are within the pale ; to improve men's morals, when it cannot prevail upon them to become Christians in very deed. Thus it has been shown by Bishop Jebb that, in the com- mission of the Apostles, our Lord commanded them first to convert individuals, and then to convert nations ; to have to do with whole masses of society. While the Church was composed merely of individuals, as was the case till the time of Constantine, it was in its purest state ; when it was allied with the world, its discipline was relaxed, and consequently it became less pure. But the question is, not whether the Church be less pure, but whether the world by this contact, be not more pure ; and of this no one, I presume, can doubt. We ought, therefore, always to recollect this secondary but very important character of the Church, this leavening and salting purpose for which it is intended, and not to administer it so as to seek the grati- fication of those only who are really pious in their feelings. The advantage of this indirect influence on society is great. Suppose I prevail upon a man no further than to respect the common decencies of life ; as to his fate we dare not decide, God alone can judge ; but this I see, that his -iS37 Letters, 1829-1S36. 229 children being brought up morally, and orderly, are pre- pared to embrace the whole faith, as it is in Jesus. Pray read Bishop Jebb's beautiful perfect sermon on transmissive religion in ' Practical Theology ' ; if you have not the book, say so, and I will send you a copy. To his Wife — Account of Visit to Lincoln to he Installed as Prebendary of Caistor} Lincoln : Trinity Sunday, June 1832. My dearest Love, — I wrote to you chiefly to state my intentions with respect to my movements. I hope to leave this early on Tuesday morning, and to reach London the same day ; but you must not be alarmed if I do not make my appearance till Wednesday. My journey here was prosperous ; I got on to Loughborough from Leicester, in a return chaise for two shillings. With the collegiate church of Southwell, I fell desperately in love ; it is really beautiful, with fine old Norman arches. I attended service there, and found the choir well managed. The town itself is pretty, and I should not object to have a stall there, with a living attached. From Southwell to Lincoln, the journey is easy ; but I was obliged after all to post one stage. Arrived at Lincoln, I found the inn in much confu- sion, for there was a visitation dinner. ' Whose visitation is it .'' ' I asked : ' The Archdeacon of Stow's,' was the answer ; and sure enough I saw his reverence at no great distance, giving a jobation to a churchwarden. * Give the Arch- deacon this card,' said the Prebendary elect ; on receiving which, forth comes my kind friend Archdeacon Bayley, pulls me into the room, and says, * Gentlemen, allow me to introduce our new Prebendary ; you have all heard of Mr. Hook ; ' and then a long eulogy was pronounced. ' P^or his own sake, therefore,' said the Archdeacon, * and his admirable father's sake, let us drink his good health ' The stall had been given him by the Bishop, who was a friend of his father. 230 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- in a bumper,' The Dean was present, and invited me to dine with him to-day. The preacher of the visitation sermon gave me a bed, two miles in the country at his pretty Parsonage. The Sub-dean has been most kind, but unfortunately his house was full, and he could not therefore give me a bed ; but he has forced me to stay over Monday to meet Archdeacon Bayley, the Dean, and others at dinner. The Dean, Sub-dean, and a brother Prebendary dined with me yesterday at the Inn ; a very bad custom, I think, but so it is. The Minster is grand beyond descrip- tion, it beats every other cathedral, in my opinion, out of the field, except York, and it yields not to that. The in- stallation is a very good ceremony, it took place yesterday. To-day I read in, morning and evening, and preached twice ; this in fact it is that has quite decided me not to go away to-morrow ; a day's rest will be useful. I long to see you again, my dear, sweet little wife, and I long also to behold our darling. May God Almighty bless you both. I hope to find a letter at the post. Love to all friends. Your devotedly attached Husband, W. F. liooK. In the autumn of 1832 his mother and sister spent some time in the Lake Country near Rydal. They became intimate with the Wordsworth family, and paid almost daily visits to the poet's house. One day during the severe illness of his sister, Miss Wordsworth, they found the poet sitting by her side, where he had been for hours rubbing her feet. Miss Hook wrote a letter to her brother full of enthusiastic admiration for this trait of fraternal affection on the part of Wordsworth ; to which he replied in the following strain : I wish you could read Quinctilian or Longinus, and -i837 Letters, 1829- 1836. 231 then, as in times past, I should set you a portion to learn by heart, and initiate you into the arts of composition. Most horrible was the bathos into which your last letter plunged. Having descanted not only on the genius but the virtues of the poet, having entered into 'your little boat, in shape a very crescent moon,' and carried me into the third heaven, you then introduce me to the venerable bard — surrounded by the Muses — doing what } striking the silver lyre ? no ! rubbing his dear old sister's cold toes. fie ! Miss Hook ! fie ! as a punishment I shall put down my pen, and conclude this letter just when I please. I should not indeed write to you at all, but that I should like to earn another such letter, excepting that part which descants on brotherly affection towards cold feet in a sister. 1 hope that you will always be able to keep your feet warm with exercise, and your heart still warmer by enthu- siasm, kept of course under the fraternal control of good sense. . . . The Lakes — Wordsworth. Coventry : September 8, 1832. My deatjst Mother How I do envy you your delightful visit to the Lakes ; no, envy is not the right word, for I should like to enjoy it with you, I think as one grows older, and becomes more christianised (almost all other terms have been so wrongly applied, that it is scarcely lawful to use them), as the natural man goes down hill, and the moral man learns to take higher and higher flights towards those heavenly regions where he humbly hopes to live for ever with his Saviour and those who were worthy of his love on earth ; so do we feel more deeply, more intensely, the beauties of inanimate nature — that nature to which your honoured friend Wordsworth has, more than any other poet, given a voice ; a voice which speaks to the very heart of hearts. In early youth there is an enchantment in the scenes of nature which makes every lad worth anything, think and hope that he is born 232 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- to take station among the poets of his country. How beautifully are these feelings described in the ' Excursion.* But the boy tries his hand at expressing his thoughts, and finds in despair that language fails him : he cannot say all he feels, and rushes out from the Temple of the Muses in despair. Encouragement no one can give, for he who feels strongly will most likely feel awfully sensitive in permitting his feelings to be known ; they can only be fully opened to a person of the same age, a wife, or such a friend as Wood. Then other pursuits engage the attention, the feelings are chilled by a cold world ; worldliness of mind ensues, ambition urges on to exertion, and the soul is more and more alienated from heavenly aspirations. After this comes disappointment and misfortune ; those blessings in disguise, when religion becomes once more a reality, when the soul becomes elevated, the affections spiritualised, and the mind no longer earthy ; and it is then that nature in her grand and in her calmer scenes once more speaks to the heart. Having diligently marked not only the progress of my own mind, but that of many of my contemxporaries, and having also had minds opened to me by persons who have wished for spiritual consolation in my parish, I am so convinced that this is the usual process with such as become rightly religious, that the tone of my sermons is always in accordance with these notions. I don't like violent philippics against vice, or those feelings which zvill have their way. I like to paint the loveliness of religion, to call back the mind to those calm joys it experienced, before worldliness, or inordinate ambition, or the passions assumed their tyranny ; and then to show how by degrees God's grace will not only restore those amiable sentiments of childhood, but give them a vigour and a holiness of which the worldly can form no conception. Now, as I humbly hope that my mind has become spiri- tualised, I feel that I am just in the condition to profit by those delightful views which you and dear Georgiana so well describe. I should indeed delight to wander over your- mountains, and pour out my thoughts, not in poems, -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 233 but in sermons. I am weary of towns, and especially of manufacturing towns, and I sigh for the country. Deh'cia and I agree that of all places we have seen Hertingfordbury would suit us best, yes, even more than Whippingham ; she likes the retirement of Hertingford- bury, and I confess that the dark, shady walk by the river has fresh charms for me as I grow older. I am, as the good dear Bishop would say, something self-complacent, at the praise you tell me has been bestowed on me by Wordsworth ; Delicia and I have guessed the truth. It is so utterly impossible that he should ever have heard of me, that we conclude thus : One day Mrs. Hook was talking to the poet, and, in the overflow of her maternal fondness, she told him that her son was the finest preacher and best parson, &c., &c., in England. Well, many days had elapsed, and the poet had meanwhile been in the third heavens. When Mrs. Hook calls on him again, the name of her son is mentioned ; * Oh,' says the poet, * I have heard that your son is a very fine preacher, and a very good divine.' ' Who told you ? ' 'I quite forget,* replies the poet, 'but I am certain that I have heard it.' I am so convinced that this, or something like it, is the fact, that I am not vain, as I otherwise might be, at the eulogy. But I am indeed complacent at the idea of my being known, even by name, to the living poet of England. I have in my time so worshipped poets, that the very thought of being known to such a poet as Wordsworth stirs up the enthusiasm which the noise and smoke and bustle of a large town has well nigh quenched. By the bye, I do not at all approve of Mr. Macaulay's criticism ; I hate to hear people call Wordsworth 'the modern Milton,' as they so frequently do : it gives one the idea of his being one of the servile herd of imitators. Now, of all poets that ever existed, saving only Homer, and my old friend, Shakspeare, Wordsworth is the most original. He has shaped out a line peculiarly and entirely his own ; and one of the reasons that for a long time he was not popular with the mob of readers, was this very circumstance— he was so 234 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- dififerent from the namby-pamby poetasters they had been accustomed to admire, that they could not relish him ; or else, because he was so different from other poets, they knew not by what rules to try him. But Wordsworth was a true poet, and those many hearts he touched by his poetry soon learned that he was to give laws, or rather to provide materials, from which future Aristotles might frame laws, and not to receive them from pedants. Your devoted Son, W. F. Hook. To W. P. Woody Esq. — Origin of Heathen Ideas about a Future State. Coventry : October 3, 1832. My dearest Friend, .... Since you left us, we have been going on as you, knowing our ways of proceeding, would expect, with the exception that I have of course had some arrears of business to make up after my happy holi- day during your stay with us. I have made but little progress in the metaphysical or philosophical inquiries, if they deserve the name, on which we conversed when you were with us. I am, however, reading St. Augustine's ' De Civitate Dei,' or rather the three last books of it, which relate to the doctrine of the Resurrection. Some years have passed since I read it before, and I may trouble you on some future occasion with my thoughts upon that very extraordinary work. I am also going to read Cicero's Tusculans ; the more I consider the subject, the more convinced I am, that the better informed among the heathen held the doctrine of a future state, merely as a careless opinion, not as an article of faith, which would influence practice ; but that the doctrine was, in some sense or other, universally held by the mass of mankind, appears to be indisputable. Whence could it arise that such was the fact .^ Not from the discoveries of reason, for even when a Plato reasoned thereon, he only fell into absurdities, -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 235 but from a tradition which was gladly received, because congenial with the mind of man, ever looking forward, and ever ready to believe that God is just. But then, where is the revelation of the fact, which a tradition would suppose ? We can only speak on this point by reference to Scripture, and Scripture does not record any early revelation. But then, Scripture does tell us of the promise to Adam of a future deliverer, and it does also tell us that this promise was handed down in many instances from sire to son. At first, the Patriarchs might have expected its fulfilment before they themselves saw death, but when their children found that their expectations were erroneous, they would look for the fulfilment of the promise after their death ; but if they were to be interested in its fulfilment, this would of course induce them to suppose that they would be recalled from the dead. To confirm this expectation, the rapture of Enoch may have been intended. It seems much more likely that men should in early ages have received the doctrine, in some such way as this, than that they should have arrived at it by any metaphysical reasons. An express revelation then, of course, could not be till the doctrine of the Atonement, on which the doctrine of the Resurrection depends, was fully known. You see, I take rather a midway station bctweeen Warburton and his opponents. I know not whether I have made myself intelligible, but I hope if you understand me, and any facts or arguments,/;-^ or con., suggest themselves to your mind, you will send them. Your devoted Friend, W. F. Hook. Publication of Lectures en ' Last Days of our Lord.* Lichfield: November i, 1832. My dearest Mother, .... The work is to come out this week, and therefore your country bookseller will have no difficulty in obtaining copies from his agent in London. I think you had better send the copy to Mr. Southey, and 236 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- all others, except to Mrs. Grant, from yourself; I will be your debtor for the last, and also for one which I should like to present to Mr. Wordsworth if he will accept it. Tell him that it comes from me who venerates his character and who has derived, not only intellectual pleasure, but moral improvement from his immortal writings. I am afraid, however, that neither he nor Southey will approve of what was written, not by a retired scholar, but by a clergyman, who has never known what leisure is, since he entered into holy orders, and who is therefore guilty perhaps of unpardonable presumption in thrusting himself into the republic of letters. I certainly wish for the success of the work, not because it deserves success, but because, if I am not severely cut up, I may be able to do something better. I am glad to hear you talking, or rather to read you writing of settling at the Lakes : we might easily arrange matters, so that we could spend two or three months with you in the summer, and you, two or three months with us in the winter. I only wish that we had commenced housekeeping less expensively than we did, for though our expenses are less than those of most persons in our station of life, yet they leave us not the means of travelling, or indulging our wishes on several other points. From various circumstances, our income, which I once thought would be 800/. a year, and thus very plentiful, has fallen down to 500/., which is certainly more than many of our betters possess, but is, nevertheless, only barely equal to the many demands upon us. If I can but make 200/. by my book, it will be glorious. Delicia could then have a piano of her own ; I would get a Benedictine Chrysostom ; my church should be presented with a painted window ; and you and Georgiana should have our company in your visit to the Lakes next year. I remain, my dearest Mother, your devoted Son, W. F. Hook. -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 237 To IV. P. Wood, Esq. — Different Classes of Writers — Letter from Wordsworth. November 27, 1832. It seems that we, once the most proHfic of letter-writers, are now compelled to commence each epistle with an apology. But as Thompson said when writing to his sister, we know one another better than to interpret our silence into any decay of affection. It seems to me that the intellectual world may be divided into two parties ; first, there is a class consisting of those whose talents are ever ready, whose armour is ever bright and polished. Such was Shakspeare, such was our dear lost Sir Walter Scott, such are those differing infinitely in degree but not in genus, whose pen is at all times prepared to write a letter, or to chatter and gabble in society on every sub- ject. The next class consists of those who have the pen of a ready writer, but who can only use it when the fit of inspiration is upon them. At the head of this tribe, according to his biographers, was Milton ; and, though infinitely beneath their great masters, such are they who can sometimes write with a vigour and energy and zeal and enthusiasm, for which at others they sigh in vain. In this latter class I rank myself ; my vigour is at all times but weakness, but yet comparatively it is vigour when contrasted with the listlessness and lassitude with which I am occasionally oppressed for weeks and months. Some months there are when I pen off a sermon at a sitting, and can write a fresh one every day in the week ; while there are many weeks when my poor head conceives, but brings forth nothing. So also is it with respect to letter- writing, I have been long waiting till the spirit would move me to unburden my mind to you, but alas, my spirit is for the present quite immoveable, and I therefore compel myself to write merely on the principle, that even in such friendships as ours a discontinuance of intercourse for any great length of time is dangerous. My mother and sister 238 Life of Walter Fm'qiihar Hook. 1829- have also formed a bosom friendship with the great poet Wordsworth, who appears to be as heavenly-minded, as pure, and as christian in his daily intercourse with society as I think him to be pre-eminent in his poetry. At my mother's request I presented him with a copy of my lectures ; and so complacent am I at the autograph letter in which he acknowledges the present that, at the risk of being accounted rather vain, I shall copy it. ' Dear Sir, — I cannot but avail myself of the present opportunity to thank you for the very valuable volume of lectures which I have had the honour of receiving from you through the hands of your excellent mother. Having been absent from home I have not had opportunity yet to read more than the two first discourses, with the matter and manner of which I have been exceedingly pleased. The first and paramount importance of the sub- ject cannot but recommend to general notice, at least so I trust, a work executed with so much sincere piety and fervour, and with learning and ability of so high an order. Wishing you earnestly success in the labours of your ministry, and health and life to prolong them, * I remain, dear Sir, * Faithfully your obliged, * Wm. Wordsworth.' To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Baptismal Regeneration. January 3, 1833. Most happy indeed I am once more to see your dear old fist, and I hasten to assure you that my prayers for you and your Charlotte shall be as fervent as yours are for us. The feelings you express at the commencement of your letter are natural, and I fear those which we must all of us experience ; they are, however, so well expressed that had your letter come last week I should have put some of your observations into my sermon. I think you will find much comfort and much food for thought if you can read Mr, Alexander Knox's letter to the Bishop of -1837 Letters, 1829-1836 239 Limerick, published in tiie introduction to Burnet's ' Lives,* just edited by his lordship. It will not take five minutes to read, and probably, therefore, you will be able to borrow it of your bookseller. In every sentiment there expressed I fully agree ; but I am inclined to quarrel with some of his expressions, and especially with his reference to the text, ' Except ye be born again, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven.' It is not fair to quote thus partially, for our Lord says, ' Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit' a passage which Dr. Wall shows was in- variably interpreted by the ancients as relating to baptism. I conceive the doctrine to stand thus : We are not by nature entitled to eternal life ; it is important that this should be constantly borne in mind ; nothing can more strongly impress this upon us than a rite by which we are translated from a state of nature and placed in covenant with God. This fact declares that our only trust, even with respect to innocent babes, is in God's free, undeserved mercy : even for them we do not claim Heaven as a matter of rigJit. The Holy Ghost, the divine Person, under whose superintendence the Christian Church is, receives us in the ordinance appointed by our Saviour as children of God ; and thus as heirs, not for our own merits but through God's mercies in Christ, of heaven — heirs, not possessors. As children of God we are, moreover, entitled by the covenant to the assistance of the Holy Ghost, if duly sought. Woe to parents and sponsors who teach not their children how to avail themselves of this great privilege. If we avail ourselves of it, then the Holy Ghost renews or renovates our souls ; this is a process to go on to our dying day ; we, with the assistance of the Holy Ghost, are to go on improving our souls, until they become en- tirely changed from what they would have been if left to nature. An effectual change vinst take place, but whether it be slow or not will depend on circumstances. When- ever by repentance we replace ourselves in the covenant with God, the Holy Spirit still stands ready to effectuate this change ; the change, as I said before, is not complete 240 Lif^ of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1829- till we go hence and be no more seen ; but it may be very marked and discernible, especially in those who have not been religiously brought up, I believe till the days of Calvin there had been no dispute on this subject ; and it is a most important one, since as you will easily see it is an effectual check upon fanaticism, to which a weak mind, holding the doctrine of the Spirit's forming a new heart within us, may incline, and still more, as silen- cing the doubts of those who would otherwise begin to despair of their election. Whether there be any other election than this is not for us to know. That point has, in my mind, been quite set at rest by Archbishop King's admirable sermon on Predestination, edited by Whately. If you have not read it, it will amply repay all trouble. In Mr. Knox's conversation with a member of your pro- fession, now dead, you will see what appears to me to be a useful remark on the advantages of an Establishment in keeping up a low tone of religion among those who otherwise would have no religion, and in thus preparing the way for true religion. * Judge not.* March 22, 1833. My dearest Brother, — I must beg to thank you for your great kindness in writing to me, notwithstanding the many claims upon your time. In all your excellent sentiments I most cordially agree. Christianity, while it enjoins us to threaten with severity the living, teaches us to hope for the best, with respect to the dead. * Judge not,' says our Saviour. His words are not, Judge not harshly, but 'Judge not' — ^judge not at all. And why.-* Because, as you very justly observe, you cannot tell what disad- vantages, from internal weakness or the force of external temptation, another person has had ; you cannot tell what disadvantages were opposed to his apparent advantages. You can tell, to a certain extent with respect to yourself, what advantages have been afforded you, and you know that for the neglect of them you will be punished : but the -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 241 Searcher of hearts, and He only, can tell this with respect to others. Be this, however, as it may, sure I am that the wretched sinner who dares to judge another with respect to his eternal state places himself on the same footing as the most determined profligate ; and certainly, unless he re- pents, excludes himself from any part in Christ. As to our poor dear uncle, the speech to Mr. Cooper, which you related in your last, proves that he had been thinking of his latter end ; but, however, that may be, he who dares to judge him is no Christian. Thus perfectly agreeing with you, my beloved brother, I remain, your devoted Brother, W. F. Hook. To IV. P. Wood, Esq. — Calvinism — Wesley. April 13, 1833. My dearest Friend, .... So much have I to say to you, that I know not where to begin. In your first letter I perfectly agree with you in your opinion touching those dogmas which are usually called Calvinistic ; but which might perhaps with equal propriety be called Augustinism, as Augustine was their first promulgator. I think that, even admitting them, they need not perplex a humble- minded Christian. But alas ! this is not always the case ; a clergyman finds in his intercourse with his flock that these opinions lead to the most fatal consequences. I do not think much of what polemics say against them, with respect to their encouraging men in sin. However theo- retically this may be a legitimate consequence from the doctrine, it is not practically found to be the case, or, at least, not often. The way they operate for evil is through the awful despair to which they depress some, and the awful presump- tion to which they excite others. If all men were men of sense it would not much signify ; we could easily satisfy them. But you can have no conception of the difficulty we sometimes find in quieting unnecessary alarms. I have VOL. I. R 242 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- heard it said that men of business lay it down as a rule that when they deal with a man they always treat him as a knave. Sure I am that a pastor must, if he wishes to do good, treat men as fools. It is not till men arrive at my age that people unburden their minds to their pastor ; but I have now had many consciences, the consciences of edu- cated persons, laid open to me, and have had in some degree the advantages of a confessor ; and I am inclined to think that the fools far surpass the knaves. Oh, the difficulty of knocking a foolish idea out of some persons' heads ; it is quite surprising. It is only surpassed by the difficulty of knocking in a right idea. So that you must not always think that a poor parson is fighting a shadow when he is combating a doctrine, which to you may appear to be a matter of indifference ; for it is not for the wise alone that we write and preach and think. Still, I regard these points merely in the light of preventing persons from enjoying those comforts of religion which they would otherwise have. So long as a person is brought to Christ, and gives his heart to Christ so that it may be prepared for heaven by the Holy Spirit, so long, I think, he is safe ; though the devil may have power for awhile to torment him. A clergyman, in my humble opinion, is to be regarded as much as a comforter as an adviser. I like what you say of Wesley. Intellectually and morally, he was a great man ; his latter days were his worst, for this plain reason — he was worshipped as some- thing more than human ; and whose head would not be turned by such adoration } A great man of the world feels that most of his worshippers are worshipping him chiefly with a view to their own interests ; but Wesley must have felt that among his adorers were some of the best of God's creatures. That he erred, grievously erred in his conduct, I think. That religion, before his day, had become too much a business of the head alone, I admit ; and that he was a main instrument of restoring it to the dominion of the heart, must ever be acknowledged. But ->837 Letters, 1829-1836. 243 the believer in a providence must ascribe the consequences of all events to God, and God alone ; he must not per- mit the good that has been deduced from an action to bias his judgment in deciding on the nature of the action itself. Wesley might have been as much the instrument of good without his schism as with it. We can never too con- stantly bear in mind that we are not to look to the end, but, leaving all events in the hands of God, take the cir- cumstances which He provides for us, and then ask, What under those circumstances is my duty ? That it is which God tells me to do : in that way it is that I am to advance His glory. To the same — Importance of Encouragement — Puseys Criticism on his Lectures. May 8, 1833. .... I think that the system adopted by Evangelical preachers, and to which Benson would seem to incline, is a very bad one, viz. to divide their people into two parts, the saints and the sinners. For my part, I know that my own growth in grace has been very slow and gradual ; and, therefore, I am desirous of encouraging others, who, though perhaps not quite so far advanced as I am now, are still going on, and yet feel something like despair at the slowness of their progress. Few are they who come regularly to church who have not some feelings of reli- gion, some wishes to improve. Encourage, excite, animate such persons ; don't say to them, ' You must be damned, because you are not better than you are ; * but say, ' I am glad to see that God is so merciful to you : now try if you cannot make a little further spring in the straight and nar- row path.' O encourage, encourage, encourage one another ! I hate your preachers that are always dealing in hell and damnation ; I am sure that they can have never experienced the difficulties with which most people have to contend, and I am doubtful how far you can account that as a virtue which it has required no difficulty to acquire ; while I am quite certain that the wickedness is great to R 2 244 Zz}^ of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- regard with self-complacency what is merely a gift. For a man to say, I am never in a passion, therefore, how much better a man I am than so and so, is, of course, absurd, if he has never been tempted by the passion of anger. But he who, being naturally an ill-tempered man, has overcome the wicked passion, may say, God has given me proof that He is assisting me with His grace on this point, and, therefore, I have full confidence, that confidence which experience gives, that He will likewise assist me on others, where now I am almost inclined to despair. I have been interested in what you say about the critics and criticism of my poor volume, which, except when it is re- verted to by you, I have well nigh forgotten. It is clear that Pusey is disappointed with it ; he tells me he agrees with what I say of Church government in my first lecture, but thinks it unduly pushed forward on such an occasion ; it takes too prominent a place. Here I plead guilty ; it is undoubtedly a fault ; but when a man gets on his hobby, his hobby will be frisky. By the bye, I have told you why I insist so much on this point ; of course I should insist on anything that I believe to be truth ; for we are to be the guardians not only of saving truths but of all truth. But the reason why I think it expedient to bring forward this matter so much is that, it seems to me, we are in these days hurrying to a very dangerous extreme, which our wise Reformers providentially avoided. All the writers on Church reform seem to take it for granted that our first step ought to be a step for which everything is to be sacri- ficed ; to conciliate Protestant sects. Now I maintain that the Reformed Episcopal Church ought to present to the world a system which will conciliate the good opinion of other parties besides Protestants. The day will surely come when the Greek Church will awaken to a sense of her errors ; surely it will be not a little important to let them see that reformation is not incompatible with the most steady adherence to ecclesiastical discipline and tradition. So with respect to those foreign Churches in connexion with Rome ; it is most important to show that we can -i837 Letters^ 1829-1836. 245 retain what is Catholic, while we renounce what is Popish. It is in some such manner as this that I expect union to be restored to Christendom. When Catholic Churches, Greek, Roman, and Reformed, all purified of their grosser errors, are united in one sacred bond of union, then may we hope that sectarianism will fade away. To tJie same — Extremes in Religious Feeling — Over-esti- mate of Preaching — Keble's ' Christian Year* June I, 1833. .... You can hardly imagine the difficulty there is in keeping people just at the right heat. It is a fact, that Dissent generally abounds in those parishes where the clergy are most active, and insist earnestly on the necessity of sanctification ; and I conceive the reason to be that they warm up the cold hearts to a certain heat, and then many of them boil over. Of persons whom I have been permitted to be the instrument of awakening to a lively sense of religion, I feel morally certain that several, though so attached to me that they will not desert me so long as I remain among them, would, in the event of my leaving them, seek ' to sit under ' an Evangelical preacher. You will not misunderstand me in what I have said. I do not like the one class of preachers more than the other, for I think the medium between the two that which is right. But if driven to the choice, I would prefer him who is rather too cold to him who is rather too warm, as giving though not the most pleasant, yet the most wholesome food. For, after all, the right religious heat is to be kept up in our own hearts by ourselves, and chiefly by the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. It is a dangerous down- falling in the present age to exalt the ordinance of preaching unduly, and to make it, as some do, a third Sacrament. The being moved at a pathetic discourse is no more proof of our being in a right religious tone of mind, than the crying at a tragedy is proof of a tender heart. Buonaparte could deluge the world with blood for his selfish 246 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- purposes, and yet weep over the sufferings of a wounded soldier. Sensibility does not necessarily imply a kind dis- position. Talking of sacred poets, I hope you have read and often recur to the ' Christian Year,' written by a most holy man, an acquaintance of mine at Oxford, Mr. Keble. He is a man the most meek, the most humble, and yet the most gifted with genius and learning, of any I ever met with. He went to Oxford at fourteen, and carried away all the honours and prizes ; and lately refused to stand for the Headship of his College, though almost certain of suc- ceeding, that he might be the comfort and support of his aged father, and relieve him from the cares of his parish by acting as his curate. From W. P. Wood, Esq. — The Philosophy of Jeremy Bentham} 10 Dean's Yard, July 3, 1833. .... I will at once tell you all that occurs to me respecting the Utilitarians or Benthamites ; but in the first place you would, I think, do well to ascertain whether this pestilent sect abounds at Oxford as much as at Cambridge. I know but few Oxford men, and I do not think that among those few there is one Benthamite, and of course if the error be not rife, then your lectures would be directed, compara- tively speaking, against a phantom. At the same time the principle which I term the principle of ' refined selfishness,' and which is in fact pure Epicureanism revived, is one that may readily find its way to the corrupt portion of our hearts ; and though few have the patience to explore it through all its intricacies as traced in Bentham's work, yet most men have some practical acquaintance with it, and are glad, at some time or other, to find the dictates of an unregenerate heart dignified with the title of Philosophy. If you have had time to look into Bentham's work ' Mr. Hook was thinking of introducing some criticisms upon Benthamism into his Oxford Sermons, -i837 Letters, 1 829-1836. 247 which I mentioned to you, you will find that he assumes that there are only three principles of action, i. asceticism, 2. sympathy, 3. utility. There is a misplaced attempt at facetiousness involving a gross misstatement of the first of these principles at the outset of the book ; for it is a bad introduction to a work professing strict philosophy to lay down that the principle of asceticism consists in supposing the ' misery of His creatures to be gratifying to the Creator.' The principle, though carried to an excess, was in itself good and true, namely, the subduing of sensual appetites as a means of freeing the mind from their bias. Like every other device of man, this principle failed with the monks as it had failed with the Stoics, and I think that on inquiry it would be found the radical vice of the system was its leading men to dwell too exclusively on self, by which in the first place pride, and in the next indifference to the happiness of others, became gradually engendered in the ascetic. The principle of ' sympathy ' is dismissed with nearly the same flippancy by Bentham. If you want to see what can be made out of that principle, you should read Adam Smith's * Theory of Moral Sentiment.' You will find there a convic- tion equally strong with that of Bentham of the inadequacy of the principle as a guide of moral action, but on different grounds, for I ten thousand times prefer it to Bentham's substitute, and think a man much more likely to act right in following the dictates of a refined sympathy such as is delineated by Smith, than in acknowledging no guide but his own self-conceit ; that is, I prefer the heart to the head even in the natural man, though I see no necessity for separating feeling and reason, the great but opposite error of the Sympathetic and Utilitarian doctors. Before proposing his own doctrines, however, Bentham, in one of his most obnoxious passages (chap. ii. § 18 and note), tells us he utterly discards the theological principle, and that which refers right and wrong to the will of God, which he says cannot be the revealed will as contained in the Sacred Scriptures, for that is a system to which nobody 248 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- ever thinks of recurring at this time of day, for (what do you think ?) the details of political administj'ation ! and even before it can be appHed to the details of private conduct, it is universally allowed by the most eminent divines of all persuasions to stand in need of ample interpretations, else to what use are the works of those divines ? (! !) In time, Bentham's own argument may recoil upon himself, for his disciple Mill has already published pretty ample exposition of his master's principles which, therefore, are insufficient, * else to what use ' are the said Mill's works ? He then proceeds in a note to tell you his notion of God's will. * The principle of theology refers everything to God's pleasure, but what is God's pleasure ? God does not. He confessedly does not 7iow ' [ergo, I suppose He never did. Q. E. D.] * either speak or write to us. How then are we to know what is His pleasure ? ' [now the grand arcanum of Utilitarianism is to be revealed] ' By observing what is our own pleasure and calling it His. Accordingly what is called the pleasure of God, is and must necessarily be (revelation aside) neither more nor less than the good pleasure of the person, whoever he be, who is pronouncing what he believes or pretends to be God's pleasure.* Here is, you will observe. Atheism in all its hideousness, and an acknowledgment that, revelatioii aside, there is no medium, a result at which Bishop Butler, I think, satisfactorily arrives in his ' Analogy,' though happily for him he embraced the opposite alternative, and did not set revelation aside. I think these parts I have pointed out by far the most vulnerable of Bentham's work. He is an acute logician, and like Spinosa, from whom he borrowed largely, you must attack his first principles, or you will find his deductions unassailable. It is true there is a moral rediictio ad absiirdtim in some of his conclusions on legislation, as where he considers the murder of an infant by the consent of both parents a trifling error ; but although you may say at once the principles must be wrong which lead to such a result, you will find the result is correctly deduced from them, and as an * ad absurdum ' is not considered the most -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 249 satisfactory refutation, it is better to attack the principles per dirccttun. Now it appears to me that the whole evil of the system is apparent in the last quoted note. He lays down the principle of utility as that which produces the greatest happiness to each individual as regards morals, or the greatest happiness to the greatest number as regards politics. This happiness he considers to be composed of certain ingredients divisible into two classes, viz. pleasures and pains ; and he has given a very beautiful analysis of them, borrowed, however, in a great measure from Spinosa's third book * De Afifectibus.' He then establishes four * Sanc- tions ' (i) the physical, by which a man will avoid physical pain, and seek physical pleasure ; (2) the moral, which operates chiefly through the medium of the opinion of others as to our conduct, so that he sometimes calls it the sanction of human or public opinion ; (3) the political sanction, namely, the pains and pleasures affixed by laws to our conduct ; (4) the religious sanction, which he con- siders too weak to have any effect, on account of the dis- tance of its proffered pains and pleasures ; for he calls those pleasures the most desirable which are most speedy, certain, intense and lasting, and vice versa of pains. Now one thing that stares you in the face in all this doctrine is, what can be the use of it } It is our interest, he tells us, to secure the greatest lot of desirable pleasures with the least admixture of pains, but pray who is to tell us which are most desirable t He makes a fine catalogue, somebody else may make a different one ; or, in other words, as he tells us in the famous note, God's pleasure (and a fortiori, the wisest man's opinion) is to be judged by every individual according to his own fancy. In one sense, indeed, his whole theory is only a truism ; for men will necessarily act according to what gives the most pleasure and least pain, and do not require Bentham's recommendation to do so ; but if Bentham means, as he does, that the philosopher's view of pleasures and pains is to be taken, how can he ex- pect that any man will give more credit to his (Bentham's) philosophy than he (Bentham himself) is willing to give to 250 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829^ others who assert what God's pleasure is ? Each man will answer, ' I am my own philosopher, and know best what will give me the most pleasure and least pain.' The thief, the drunkard, the debauchee may say, ' It is very true our pleasures are short, but they are intense, and make up by their intensity for want of duration,' and so on. To sum up. Men will always in one sense seek pleasure and avoid pain, but you say, ' We mean philosophical pleasure and philosophical pain ; ' then I answer ' Every man will be his own philosopher, and as for your sanctions how are they to act upon men whom you teach at the outset to despise any rule of conduct but that which their own good pleasure suggests } ' Now to turn to the more pleasing picture. What is the peculiar beauty of Christianity ? It affords ample scope for the exercise of the reason, but at the same time teaches us that there is a divine reason which, unlike ours, coincides with the affections ; perfect wisdom and perfect love being identical. It teaches us that our hearts are desperately corrupt and widely removed from the guidance even of natural reason, for what we would not that we do. How is this corruption to be cured ? By the eradication of the selfish principle which regards neither God nor man, and the implanting of a faith which enables us in some sense to see the union of wisdom and love. But how can such eradication be effected .-* By no other means than a child- like submission to Him whose works proved His authority, and who spake as never man spake, and by giving up our whole affections also to Him as the undoubted fountain of light and love. We are thus at once enlightened in our understandings, and corrected in the depravity of our hearts, which, no longer dwelling on ourselves, expand in benevolence to our fellow-creatures as such ; that is, as the offspring of a common Father, who must, as indeed He tells us, love them, and whom He therefore commands us to love. I will only add one hint. Take the three principles of love, fear, and mere selfish calculation, and how quickly can -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 251 the advantage of the first be perceived as enforcing action, whether the object loved be present or absent, with equal energy and uniformity ; whilst fear, independently of its slavish effects on the mind, will not operate without the strongest conviction of the power and presence of the person feared ; and selfish calculation is irregular in its results, depending on the caprice of passion and the changes of sensibility. Hearty Greeting on Return to his Parish. July 15, 1833. My dearest Mother, .... My dear flock rallied round me yesterday in grand style, as if glad to see me after even one Sunday's absence. I certainly intend to take a month's holiday, or rather absence from my parish ; I know few things more delightful than the return to one's parish after a short absence ; the smile of recognition, the friendly nod, sometimes even the extended hand, as one walks up the aisle to the vestry, which awaits one from the earlier comers to church. Then the clerk, the sexton, the beadles, all activity and bustle, the bolder few pressing into the vestry to say they are glad to see the Vicar back ; the triumphant voluntary of the organist, the responses rather better made than usual, the charity children seeming as if they would speak if they dared, the poor ' God blessing you, glad to see your reverence back ; ' then, when in the pulpit, you look round upon the well-filled pews, their in- mates seem to look back a ' How d'ye do 1 ' All these are joys which a pastor's heart only can feel ; and feeling them, he feels himself more than repaid for all his troubles. These joys I have experienced, and I hope to experience them again. And now having given you this pretty picture, I will send to you a parson's blessing, if you will send a mother's blessing in return to Your devoted Son, W. F. Hook. 252 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1829- From W. P. Wood, Esq. — Christian Ethics — Brewstet^s Life of Newton. Lincoln's Inn : August 1833. .... I agree with you certainly on the point of con- science, and detest Paley's chapter on the Moral Sense. The question is not, whether it be thought right in one country to kill your aged parents, and in another to cherish them, but whether there be, or be not, a principle within us, which occasions uneasiness when we do that which we think wrong, however erroneous our estimate of right and wrong may be. I have not read Brown's ' Philo- sophy of the Mind,' but have read his ' Cause and Effect,' a work undoubtedly of great merit and some originality, but falling into the general error or vice of the Scotch school — abusing Berkeley, and at the same time pillaging him most unmercifully, so that one cannot but suspect them of Voltaire's course with Shakspeare — thieving, and throwing filth upon their booty to conceal it. I like your suggestion of Scripture Ethics, the more so because, in my vanity, one of my favourite plans if ever I became rich, and free from the necessary drudgery of a profession, has been to write on what I meant to term Christian Ethics. , . . My scheme would be to draw out a system, as near as possible resembling those of the heathen authors, whose heads were by no means deficient ; and thus to point out more clearly, in what they were really deficient in each branch of duty ; for though my principles would be essentially different, and therefore the results would be correspondingly modified, yet, no doubt, \k\& principle of conscience has been too strong to be, in fact, obliterated, and therefore the details of right and wrong in the several relations of life would not vary so much as might be at first imagined. . . . I have been pleased lately with the Life of Newton, by Brewster. Brewster is, I am happy to find, a sincere Christian, and as such takes great pains to clear up the question of Newton's alleged insanity, of which some -1837 Letters, 1829-1836. 253 infidel French philosophers, (as they style themselves) have made use, in order to effect a wider breach than already too often exists between intellect and religion, and to prove that none who have eaten of the tree of knowledge can ever be desirous of approaching the tree of life. These miserable men seem to envy the blissful serenity which religion alone was able to impart to Newton's naturally irritable temperament ; and have as- serted, first, that he was mad during the latter half of his life ; second, that he wrote his theological works during that interval. Brewster has demonstrated from published and unpublished documents, first, that he was never de- ranged, though he suffered a short attack of extreme ner- vous excitement, occasioned by the loss of his papers by fire ; and second, that one of his principal theological works was written before even his alleged madness, and that he w^as also before that time in correspondence with Locke on the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. Zeal for God, not according to knowledge, Birmingham : August 23, 1833. My dearest Brother, . . . The error of lies not in his religious principles, but in weakness of judgment, and consequent obstinacy of character ; it is his logic, not his religion which is to blame ; not his principles, but his wrong application of them. His position is true, that if the commands of his God and the wishes of his father are at variance, the former are to be obeyed rather than the latter ; but he does not see that it is, in the first place, important to be morally certain as to what the command of God in any particular case is ; for a man may (as he has done) mistake for a command of his God what is, in fact, merely the surmise of his own mind. He thinks it to be his duty to God to attempt the conversion of his sisters ; but, who commissioned him to do this ? who gave him authority over his sisters ? If he looks to the Bible, he may be certain that it is his duty to honour his parents ; if he 254 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- appeals to his common sense, he must perceive that he cannot dishonour them more than by leading their children to infer that they have neglected their education, in the most essential of all points. He thus neglects a duty of which he may be certain, to perform a duty which he cannot prove that he is commissioned to perform. For again I ask, who gave him such commission .'' all he can say is, that he feels it to be a duty ; but I remember a poor man who felt it to be a duty to send the first good man he met to heaven, and consequently he killed him. To trust to mere feeling is absurd ; we are always to do what our conscience thinks right, but we are to enquire whether that is right which our conscience thus thinks. That it would be his duty, if he had children of his own, to seek for God's grace to instil into their minds the doctrines he believes to be true, there can be no doubt ; that he is thus to promote God's truth wherever Provi- dence affords an opportunity for doing so, without the violation of any known duty, is also not to be doubted ; but here Providence does not open a door to him ; he cannot attempt this without dishonouring his parents. As Lady observes, the children are theirs not his ; if God intends him to be the means of awakening them (supposing that they are not awakened to a proper sense of religion), he will call their parents to himself and put it into their minds to leave him as their guardian. Then what is now presumption will become a duty. He is now acting as if he were without faith in the special providence of God. I say all this because I am sure he will only be confirmed in his errors if they are ascribed to his religion. Religion has nothing to do with them. He would be indig- nant at the idea ; but I think that between his religious principles and mine, there can scarcely be a shade of difference ; the grace of God has softened and sanctified his heart, and his affections are right with his Saviour. It is the head that is the source of all the mischief, I have known him quote texts of Scripture in a sense directly opposed to what is correct, from mere ignorance of the -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 255 Greek ; he converses on religious topics only with persons as ignorant as himself: he learns to dogmatise on his own imaginations ; he becomes self-sufficient and soon learns to think all the world wrong except the few weak but well- meaning characters who love his virtues and have not the skill to discover that he is no wiseacre. Now all this might just as well have happened to him if he had given up his mind to banking instead of religion ; he would then perhaps have undertaken, on some hypothesis of his own, to set you all right in the mode of doing business. Depend upon it, my dearest Robert, that the fault in all this matter is to be traced to a weak head, not to a pious heart ; his piety only renders his obstinacy and self-suffi- ciency less than they would otherwise have been ; and I doubt not but that these faults, venial faults, will gradually diminish in so bright and almost perfect a character. But let the language of his friends be to him, not 'you are too religious,' for then he will think himself a martyr ; but ' you are a bit of a blockhead ; ' he may then perhaps seek for advice. I take it, his education was defective ; not being of an energetic character, he did not work, I suppose, at Eton ; and it may be lamented that he had not been sent instead to a good strict tutor, who would have compelled him to study. When he was with me, I wished to per- suade him to study Adam Smith, but he had no powers of application, and soon laid aside what could only be mastered by deep thought. I think now the best thing would be for him to have a separate lodging, and not to live in his father's house, where his morbid feelings would be increased, and if it were possible to find a really religious friend of great abilities, who would urge him on to deep study, even on theological matters, I think all would come right. The worst of it is, there are no really learned and clever men whom he will tolerate ; men of his sort can only put up with flatterers, with persons who entirely agree with them. Your devoted Brother, W. F. Hook. 256 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- From W. /*. Wood^ Esq. — Berkeley's Philosophy. Lincoln's Inn : December 7, 1833. .... I am glad you are about to read Berkeley. There was never, I think, any man since Plato who was gifted with imagination and reasoning power in so high a degree ; and if he, like Plato, occasionally let his imagination run wild, yet I question whether Plato ever, like Berkeley, prac- tically acted on the views which were deemed visionary, and thus gave evidence of sincerity and singleness of heart. I am always in love with Berkeley when I think of his proffered resignation of the bishopric to ameliorate the condition of the unhappy Bermudians. . . . You will feel the great value of Berkeley as giving a sound resting place for the mind amid the bewilderments of metaphysics. It is quite false to say that Hume has demonstrated that there is no siich thing as spirit ; on the same principle Berkeley had shown that there was no such thing as matter. In the first place, Berkeley makes no such asser- tion, but simply that matter, considered independently of mind, is a nonenity. That all those sensations we daily experience from objects termed external, are real, Berkeley, who is eminently an experimental or Baconian philosopher, was never absurd enough to deny. For external, read independent of us or our minds, and you will have Berkeley's notion of matter as regards man ; but he boldly asserts that matter cannot be conceived of by us as inde- pendent of a mind. The Scotch metaphysicians to a man either wilfully or stupidly jumble a mind with the mind, meaning each individual's mind, whilst by a mind, Berkeley means i-^;«^ mind or other ; and admitting that the table at which I am now writing will exist when I do not think of it, the question is. Can it exist if there be no mind to limit out its nature, which is but an aggregate of sensations.? Berkeley says, No ; and experience, I think, demonstrates that what can only be known as an object of sensation, owes its existence to a sentient power ; not mine or yours, -1837 Letters, 1829-1836. 257 because experience shows the sensations to exist indepen- dently of your will or mine, but to the Eternal sentient power by whose will our minds perceive it as that which is created or willed by Him. This is always to mc the most beautiful demonstration of a God, and most satisfactory refutation of the eternity of matter which is, according to Berkeley, an absurdity, matter being but the stage in which certain volitions of the Supreme Mind arc exhibited to man. The resurrection of the body also becomes thus at once intelligible, because He who wills us to perceive the efforts of His will in a certain manner now, may cause us to perceive them in a similar manner at any future time, blessing us probably with additional pleasure by a more thorough perception of the beauty of His work. By ^us* you will see I consider the mind alone, regarding the material about lis as no other than a combination of God's impressed thoughts (if I may so say) which affects our minds with various impressions, such as pain and pleasure and their infinite varieties. . . . I have not time to write to you about Miss Martineau's Tales, of which of course you have heard, and we have read many. Some are, I think, excellent, and all are powerful where her imagination comes into play. Her reasoning is not and does not pretend to be original. It is taken verba- tim from Malthus and McCulloch, a bad school, and her sectarianism not unfrequently peeps out ; but I would recommend you strongly to read the ' Manchester Strike,' which might I think be useful to your poor people at Coventry hereafter, if the time should come when any such folly should be meditated. To IV. P. Wood, Esq. — Plaiii Sermons — Optimism — Mode of Conducting Divine Service. December 9, 1833. And now, my dearest friend, I am determined to sit down to have a little gossip with you. When one's hands are full one thinks it impossible to write a long letter, and, VOL. I. S 258 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1829- therefore, neglects to commence one ; an unwise course, seeing that a short letter is better than none, and that, in this respect as in some others, one frequently finds that what is * impossible, does sometimes come to pass.' I be- lieve Seneca is right when he says, ' Scis quare non possumus ista ? quia nos posse non credimus.' In the first place let me ask whether you think Rose has done justice to your brother's sermons. The slight censure makes the praise doubly valuable, and I incline to agree with the critic, that there is something rather objectionable in the sermon on our Saviour's sufferings. I wish he could be prevailed upon in another edition to give us more than twelve, or rather, to send out a second volume. I really have never read anything better fitted for its intended purpose than that volume. ' Dispeream si quid legi unquam sanctius, aut si quid potuit populo tradier utilius.' I hate the title ; it would be better were it to describe the sermons as addressed to a congregation entirely agricultural ; ' plain sermons,' &c., plain everything I dislike, because the term has been used so much, that it seems to savour of affectation ; it as much as says, I, the author, could do a great deal better, but behold how I condescend to men of low estate. Now it is well known, and admitted on all hands, that really plain sermons, such as his, are the most difficult compositions in the language. Tell him to go on ; I wish he would learn the art of weaving, and send me some sermons for my manufacturers ; I am such a ' thick ' that I cannot, for the life of me, understand the art of weaving, and I seldom venture beyond a quota- tion, to remind my people that their days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle. I am a bit of an optimist, I always look to the bright side of things ; though I sometimes croak, as I sometimes scold Delicia, not because she deserves a scolding but, as I tell her, to keep her up to duty-mark (a very whole- some exercise, take my word for it). You will, of course, rub out the parenthesis before you show this to your wife. But I really like to trace good out of evil ; you know how -i837 Letters, 1 829- 1 836. 259 I disapproved of Roman Catholic Emancipation, but now that the measure has been carried, instead of looking on the attendant evils (as I think them), I look to the good which will result, and one great good in my opinion is, that we shall no longer attempt to club together, and to hold up general Protestantism against Popery. Take Protestantism in general, that is, all sects not popish, and I think there is quite as much error on one side as the other. I would side with a Papist rather than a Unitarian ; I hope that henceforth the question will simply be between the Church of England and the Church of Rome ; so far as we, who are members of the Church of England, are leaving other Protestants to fight their own battles, we have a very strong case. As to theirs, I fancy they must fight hard to obtain the victory. In like manner, the attacks which are made on the liturgy will do good, by inducing per- sons to examine the subject yet further, and thus to appreciate its excellencies more highly. The clergy have, in my opinion, been very careless as to their mode of per- forming divine service, reading prayers instead of performing service. The officiating minister ought to have two objects always in view ; his own devotions and a desire to excite the devotions of others, and to do justice to the glorious services of the Church. The latter object is too often lost sight of ; for my part, I continually keep it in view, and even when I am not officiating myself, I always in my own church appear in my official character, and take as much pains to lead the responses as the clerk. Justice is very seldom done to the liturgy ; I had some remarks on this subject in the October number of the ' British Magazine.* To the same — Attitude toivards Dissenters. December 20, 1833. During the season of Christmas — sermons, sacraments, and holy rejoicings, you cannot expect a long letter. But yet I cannot refrain from expressing to you how heartily and entirely I concux with you in ail you say in your last S2 26o Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- The comparison between the worshippers on Mount Gerizim and the Dissenters is admirable, and is precisely the view I have always taken of the question. We are, moreover, always in speaking of an action to make the distinction between what is absolutely and what is relatively right or wrong. It is for the intention only, i.e. the relative rightness or wrongness, that a man will be judged, if he has properly enquired, as far as his abilities permit, as to the absolute nature of the action. That schism is a sin, we know, but that every schismatic (so called) is a sinner, I by no means admit, for he may not act with a schis- matical intent. And yet it may be charity in me, in some instances, to tell him that I think him a schismatic, in order to awaken him to enquiry. In some instances I say ; for my rule is never to disturb the faith of those who have been educated in Dissent, if they hold the doctrine of the Atonement, if they are persons not qualified to judge of the differences between us. Believe me, my dearest friend, that you have quite mistaken me, if you think I regard Presbyterians, Wesleyans, &c., in the light of heathens, /z,^ fyhoiro. I regard them just as you do ; they look only to the end, without sufficiently thinking of the means ; they labour to bring men to Christ, and they do well, but they forget that besides this there is another object which ought not to be overlooked ; to wit, the pre- servation of the purity and unity of the Church. I believe that our position is this : you may be going in the right road, and I hope you are ; but I feel more certain that this is the right road, and, therefore, I remain in it ; my assur- ance is stronger. To the same — Ths Gpod and Evil of the Established Church. February 4, 1834. .... I perfectly agree with you in thinking that a man may be attached to the Church, and opposed to an establishment ; Bishop Hobart was so, and most of the very high Churchmen in England are so : it was indeed chiefly -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 261 with a view to them that I have printed the second sermon.^ If you look to the rehgious public only, I should agree ; but, looking to the irreligious also, I do not agree. I know that you think an establishment tends to secularise the clergy ; but I see quite as much, and more, secularity among the Dissenting ministers. If the clergy are too much inclined to Toryism, the Dissenting ministers are to radicalism, and some of the Dissenting meeting-houses in this city are, every Sunday evening, converted after service into political debating societies. Is not the Dissenting teacher as secular when seeking to fill his pews by preach- ing, not truth, but popular doctrine, as the clergyman who makes unworthy compliances to conciliate a patron ,-• Both are to be condemned ; but while the world lasts some degree of secularity in twelve thousand men there must be ; the only question is, whether it matters how it shows itself ,'' Mind, my dear friend, I do not quarrel with you for taking just the opposite view, I only state what occurs to me : my prejudices may induce me to exaggerate the advantages of an establishment, and yet the time was when I preferred being without one. From W. P. Wood, Esq. — Advantages and Evils of an Established Religion. Lincoln's Inn : February 1834. , ,\ . \ think you have brought forward every argu- ment in favour of an establishment with the greatest force. You tell me you hope to convert me, and will, I dare say, think me an obstinate creature if not quite a convert. However, I will acknowledge that you have confirmed my perhaps hesitating opinion that where we find a Church established we ought not to lend any assist- ance towards z^//establishing. I am not a lover of change at any time for the sake of change (though you may smile at this, looking to my radicalism) ; I ever consider change as a positive evil, for assuredly happiness consists * * On tlie Church and the Establishment.' 262 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829^ in tranquillity, and He who is all wise and all happy is immutable ; but there are cases, as all must admit, where the evils of abiding in your actual state and the advantage to be derived from a change fully justify the effort and sacrifice required for alteration. Such, however, is not, I think, the case with regard to the establishment. Amongst the evils, which I cannot but yet think inci- dent to the compulsory support by the State of any religious doctrine, there are to be found unquestionably great and perhaps counterbalancing benefits, and I would not root up the tares lest the wheat be rooted up also. Of course I do not think an establishment unscriptural, that is, forbidden by Scripture, or I should consider the question settled. * Unscriptural ' is one of those convenient words for controversy, which allow the opponents of the Church the widest possible field by keeping off any close attack. In one sense, unquestionably, the Establishment is unscriptural ; that is to say, the early Christian Church as delineated in Scripture rested, from the necessity of the case, upon no support from the State, and this the Dis- senter falls back upon, when pressed by argument. I think your argument as to the Jewish Church a very good one against the Establishment being unscriptural in any other sense, but I do not think it equally good as a positive reason to urge us to an alliance of Church and State, for there was a direct temporal covenant between God and the Jewish nation. The government remained in some sense a theocracy even after St. Paul's conversion, and where God was the temporal monarch it was almost a necessary conse- quence that His ministers would be temporal governors also. My objections, or rather I should say my difficulties, as to establishments are several ; first, political, the difficulty of choosing your establishment, for I incline to think that the forcing of six millions in Ireland to pay for the maintenance of the religion of one million is almost unscriptural in the worst sense. In Scotland we have acted differently ; treat- ing Ireland as a conquered country, that is, by the rule of force. I think an establishment of our Church in India, -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 263 supported by forced contributions from the natives, would be monstrous. To this I know you will answer that the tithes are a gift by Christian possessors. This may, and I think, does apply to England ; but consider how the pos- sessors acquired their property in Ireland — by nothing in fact but brutal violence done to the large majority of that nation, though a weak minority as compared with the overwhelming forces of England. My second objection to establishments is, their effect on the clergy, but I will not enter into a long disquisition on this point ; and my third objection is, the effect on the laity, who become members of a Church because it is established, and make no further enquiry. I admit great force in the arguments you bring forward as to the indirect effect on families, and I admit also the difficulties entangling the whole question, but I should ever wish, above all things, to see the questions kept separate, for there are not many who have your liberality in thinking one can belong to the Church of Christ without being over anxious as to the seats of bishops in Parliament, and the other consequences of a union between Church and State ; and this species of bigotry is itself one of the evils of that union, for I fear many give the State at least equal consideration. To W. P. Wood, Esq.— A busy Week. Coventry : Easter Monday, March 31, 1834. I write to you to thank you for your kind letter, though I cannot write much ; for although my hard work of Passion Week is over, yet my feasting work of Easter Week has begun. My curate, Mr. Crawford, this day regales the girls of our blue-coat school ; to-morrow our vestry dine together ; next day I feast fifty young operatives, who assist in the management of our Sunday schools ; Thurs- day, I suppose, I shall be sick with all this festivity ; Friday, I must visit my poor ; Saturday, write my sermon \ so, you see, though very pleasant, my hands are very full ; and, to add to my calamities, my wife is going to desert 264 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- me ; she is to pay a visit for ten days to her parents, at the Monument ; I hope to join her for two days next week, and then I intend (D.V.) to take a bond fide holiday, by skipping a Sunday and spending a fortnight at Leaming- ton with my mother. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Correspondence of Alexander Knox and BisJwp J ebb — Henry Martin — Lucas on Happiness. September 22, 1834. i . . . I exhort you very earnestly to read the cor- respondence of Knox and J ebb, because it is a book well calculated to calm your mind at the present time, and to set one a-thinking in the right line. I am rather urgent upon this subject, because, moreover, while Mr. Knox frequently reminds me of you, while he was to Bishop Jebb nearly as much as you are to me ; their system of Christian philosophy is one peculiarly adapted to you. I think that of late (and under your present afflictive circumstances it is natural that it should be so) your views with respect to religion have taken a less bright turn than I could wish ; I mean that you seem to despond too much about the capabilities of renewed human nature and, falling a little into the spirit of the age, to rate too highly the active, and too lowly the contempla- tive life. On all these points the words of Knox and Jebb appear to me to be the words of soberness and truth. We are not to underrate, and we are not to over- rate, the persons of active life, the practical men as they are called ; but the meditative Christian may, perhaps, be able to draw nearer to perfection than the other ; though the meditative Christian philosopher would scarcely, in these days, be called a Christian at all. I would not have you measure yourself by Henry Martin, nor would I have held you up to Henry Martin as a model. I think that Martin, by the bye, committed a grievous error in throwing himself out of that sphere to which Providence assuredly called him ; and hence, probably, his want of -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 265 success. I wish not to detract from the virtues of so admirable a man ; but I should say to another, if God has caused you to be born in a Christian country, has put it into your parents' minds to give you a learned education, and has so far blessed your exertions as to enable you to become a senior wrangler, you should read in that circum- stance His command to serve Him as a man of learning and reading. Practical work may be performed by an in- ferior intellect, not only as well, but better ; the religious cultivation of intellect is a duty to those who have the time. Again, I would say that those who find themselves en- gaged in a secular profession ought not to torment them- selves, because they are not directly engaged in God's work ; they may do more good by the rhetoric of their good example. Knox and J ebb are great perfectionists ; re- ligious edification, not religious excitement, was what they sought ; and feeling sure that the Scriptures could not urge an impossibility, they fully expected to reach, and I really believe they did reach what the Scripture means by per- fection ; although, because not a bustling, busy, practical man, Bishop Jebb was much abused by the Evangelicals. If you wish to see what the Scripture means by perfection, I would refer you to a book recommended in their letters, the second volume of Lucas upon Happiness ; a work which is so strictly devotional that it would be a good one for your Sunday readings. I delight in it ; you will there find it, I think, satisfactorily proved that when the Scriptures speak of perfection, they mean habitual righteous- ness. Conversion begins, perfection completes, the habit. Habit is second nature, therefore the habitually righteous are called new creatures, partakers of the divine nature, &c. Lucas shows how a man, in this world, can live without sin, that is, mortal sin ; venial sin or imperfections of course there are, but these he would style frailties : I perfectly agree with him. If you look upon sin as unconnected with a Saviour, there can be no such thing as venial sin ; sin is the transgression of the law, and the soul that sinneth it shall die. But what has Christ done for us ? 266 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. 1829- He has procured heaven for the habitually righteous ; they are thus freed from the penalty of the original law ; and being under the Gospel their occasional infirmities are either not to be called sins, or to be classed as venial sins, not having in them any longer the sentence of death. Connected with this subject Lucas and the correspondents would open a via media with respect to Romans vii., neither agreeing with those who would apply the passage to the renewed Christian as long as he is in the flesh, nor agreeing with those who would have applied it to the unrenewed. They would apply it to such as are in a pro- gressive state, who are in progress to renovation ; to the babe in Christ, the young man of St. John, not to the per- fect man, not to the fathers. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Scrmon-wriiing — Knox and Jehh — Regeneration and Renovation. September 31, 1834. I avail myself of a wet day and a little poorlytnde to have a little coze with you. I very often feel inclined to write to you, indeed I always do when I am in meditation mood ; but that is the very time, of course, for sermonising also : and as duty must yield to pleasure, so my correspond- ence with you flags, that sermons may exist. For my part, I think one sermon per week for a man of moderate abilities, and with three days entirely devoted to practical work, during which writing and reading must be suspended, is quite enough. I write my sermon at a sitting, at least generally, and I find those extempore discourses tell best ; but then I have to think it well over during the early days of the week, and to consult commentators when there is need ; and sometimes one cannot help feeling, as one advances in learning oneself, that it would be pleasanter to have a more intellectual congregation than I have here. It is not pleasant, and perhaps not profitable, to be obliged to check one's thoughts, and to blot out a page because you feel it to be above the reach of any of your hearers. 1S37 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 267 But then, on the other hand, the moral disclph'ne is very- useful ; and when a man begins to think that he could do better in a more extensive sphere, the probability is that there is a spirit of pride lurking in the heart, and ' Get thee behind me, Satan ! ' ought to be resolutely said with a prayer for grace. Delicia and I are reading together the correspondence of Bishop Jebb with Mr. Alexander Knox; it is a work which no one can read without improvement. The natural, fervent, glowing eloquence of Mr. Knox is sometimes very striking. In the use of some terms he is unfortunate ; e.g. he uses the word regeneration for what we should call renovation, making, as the apostle does, a distinction between the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. Both are needful to make the complete Christian, but the renewing of the Holy Ghost may not be, as we too sadly see, where the regeneration has been. Regeneration was the term applied to baptism by all the Fathers; by every writer, I believe, till the Reformation, and it was used to denote, not the final triumph of grace over the heart, but the primaiy operations of the Spirit in the scheme of man's redemption. The Puritans used the term to signify the final triumph of grace over the heart ; and then, giving a new meaning to the term, abused the Church for using the word in the old sense. I believe that much of the difficulty which some persons have as to the true doctrine is to be traced to their considering, perhaps, without acknowledging, grace to be indefectible, and to their forgetting that by the neglect of the person or the parent the Spirit may be quenched. I look upon the doctrine as important, as it at once puts an end -to idle fears as to election. We can say to the penitent who has been baptized, ' You are elected, so far as the Scripture says anything of election ; ' and it enables us to tell others, 'If you fall, the fault will be yours, since the Holy Ghost has covenanted to create a new heart in you, if you will but apply to Him.* While on this subject I will mention a new argument, which I have lately met with on infant 268 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- baptlsm. Christ blessed infants. Was His blessing an idle ceremony ? No ; if He blessed, He sanctified them ; but how could He sanctify, except by imparting to them a portion of His Spirit ? How the Spirit operates we know not. I would add, with respect to infant baptism, that I apprehend doubts on the subject may be traced to our regarding the Lord Jesus as an instructor, rather than as * the way, the truth, and the life,' through whose merits a being who comes into the world condemned may obtain salvation. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Summoned to Preach at Oxford. October 9, 1834. I suppose you will soon be settled again in London, I therefore write to you a hasty line — a hasty line — because I have much to do. I have within the last few days received a notice from Oxford calling upon me, as select preacher, to preach on the first Sunday in November. The sudden- ness of this (as I did not expect to be called upon before Christmas), has quite shaken my nerves ; and I begin to feel, that in consenting to become a select preacher before the University, I have presumptuously taken a position far above the reach of my abilities. Who am I, that I should address a learned body, being so unlearned myself.? I really do feel that I have been guilty of unheard of pre- sumption. When I know myself to be really in my place, I have no fears ; but I do fear much, fear lest I should injure the cause I have at heart ; and also, lest I should do discredit to myself, and thus interfere with my usefulness in many ways, when I thus put myself, as it were, out of my place. Now with these feelings it would be an inexpressible comfort to me if you would read my sermon ; having your sanction, I should have confidence, for I know you would not flatter. I rejoiced to hear from Mrs. Wood that you are very busy ; but as you never work on Sundays, I am thinking that you might kindly permit my discourse to form part of your Sunday readings. -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836, 269 either next Sunday se'nnight, or the Sunday following. We so cordially agree in our views on metaphysical and theo- logical subjects, that your opinion would be to me more valuable than anyone's else. The only point I believe on which we differ, is on the necessity of the State's having a religion. I did once entertain your views, and prefer the state of things in Am.erica ; and I believe that these are the highest Church views, and lead one more closely to investigate its spiritual claims, I cannot enter now into the arguments which have made me think differently, but I will (d.v.) some time or other ; I only allude to the circumstance, because there arc one or two passages in the sermon, which I have now nearly finished, bearing upon that point. To Rev. y. H. Newman — Suffragan Bishoprics} April ir, 1835. Our friend, A. Perceval, I find, prefers the division of the Diocese to the restoration of Suffragans. I confess I agree with you rather than with him on this point, because I think it most important that there should be frequent intercourse between the people and the highest order of pastors, and this under existing circumstances can only be done by the reinstitution of Suffragans. Of course we should all prefer the establishment of twenty or thirty new Dioceses, but of that there is no hope, I am not so fearful of an open attack as of a system of undermining. Hating the Church as they do, I verily be- lieve that the Whigs will attempt to ruin it by preferring unworthy characters. And surely we ought to be pre- pared for action, we ought to be prepared to petition generally throughout every Diocese against such an ap- ^ The Church Commission issued their first Report this year, con- taining proposals for the formation of some new sees, and the readjust- ment of diocesan boundaries and episcopal incomes. 270 Life of Walter FarqitJiar Hook. 1829- pointment, and to adopt every lawful means to prevent its confirmation, if made. I think too we ought to get up petitions without loss of time, praying the King to make some alteration in the mode of appointing bishops. I suppose you have read Perceval's pamphlet on the subject. ... I fear that the majority of Conservatives in Parliament are influenced by little better than party feelings with respect to religion. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Siijfyagan Bishops — Admission of Laymen to Convocation — Church and Dissent. April 1S35. .... I cannot help saying how entirely I agree in all the sentiments you so well express, except in your allusions to the Bishops. I consider it important in this age, when political power is everything, that there should attach some degree of political power and consequence to the heads of the Church. I do not say that the attachment of the peer- age to the bishoprics is not attended with some evil, but I think the good preponderates, and I hope that there will be instituted suffragan bishoprics, for which the constitu- tion makes provision without peerages, and this will bring the bishops and the people, as you wish, into closer com- munion. I perfectly admit what you say touching the propriety of an occasional national synod ; say, a synod to be held once in three years, together with annual diocesan synods ; and I should wish to have the laity represented in them. My former objection was to Convocation, which is, in fact, not an ecclesiastical synod, but, merely a con- vention of ecclesiastics, originally called by the King to tax themselves, and afterwards — first from convenience and then from custom — formed into an assembly for the dis- cussion of spiritual affairs. I am an advocate for the introduction of laymen, though I think the proportion is too great in the American convention, to the constitution of which there are some objections. It is a curious fact -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 271 that, when the attention of the laity is called to such matters, the laity always become higher Churchmen than the clergy, the latter generally I suppose, feeling a fear lest they should appear to advance their personal claims when defending the rights of their order. Our two great High Church authorities are, Robert Nelson, Esq., and Henry Dodwell, Esp. ; and it is a curious fact that, when it was lately proposed in America that the pulpits of the Church should be opened to all sectarians holding the doctrine of the Trinity, the clergy yielded, but the laity resolutely resisted the shameful proposition. So again, when it was proposed to let the Wesleyans unite with the Church on condition that their existing ministers should not be episcopally ordained, here also the clergy, looking to the immense accession to their numbers (not of course to their principles, or what ought to be their principles) which would thus occur, gave ground ; but the laity would not consent. Anything which would bring these subjects under discussion would be a good, at least in our opinion, who believe that we have the truth ; and it is lamentable to see how ignorant the clergy are, even good, pious, hardworking men, on the commonest points of discipline. I agree with you also in what you say of Brother Jonathan ; with all his faults he is our brother, and if I am driven from England, I shall hope to abide with him. America is the next best country to our own, and as to what travellers say of the Americans, we may always reply : the wonder is, not that they are behind us, but that so new a country should have come so near to us. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Catniness and Confidence in the Discharge of Duty. Leamington : May 6, 1835. .... The cure of twenty thousand souls would not be to me more arduous than that of nine thousand, for why .'' in either case it is impossible to attend to them all, 272 Life of Walter FarquJmr Hook. 1829- and God does not require impossibilities at our hands. I should feel then as I feel now, ' All that the Father giveth to me, will come unto me ' ; there will be a special providence over those who are prepared to embrace the means of salvation, and either they will be led to me, or I to them. It is the fault of the present day, to think and to act as if man could do everything, and certainly to forget God's special Providence. Hence that busybodyness which distinguishes the religious world, and prevents that depth of piety which is the result of sober, calm reflection, and which shows itself in doing calmly, and unostentatiously, not what seems likely to be attended with the greatest results, but simply the duty our hand findeth to do. What does God require of me .-• is the question to be asked, and the answer is, nothing that can interfere with any immediate duty. Your immediate duty, for instance, of a Sunday afternoon is, as you say, with your father ; you would be wrong then to omit this, even were the entire welfare of the school to depend on your individual exertions ; for God can provide teachers for the school without your aid. In the morning, no immediate duty claims your time, and you therefore devote it to a work of charity. Now with these principles, I should not feel any fears in undertaking any parish ; and though I do not see any objection to the plan you propose, of licensing rooms for divine service, yet I would never do anything irregular for any object whatever, under the conviction that the times and seasons are in God's own hands. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Youthful Dreams — Advice to Young Poets. October 14, 1835. .... Yesterday I returned, and this my first holiday I dedicate to my friend ; for though, after a day of labour, I cannot sit down to write a letter, because the stooping tries me, I know no recreation greater than that of writing to you. I always in doing so regain some portion of that -i837 Letters, 1829-1836. 273 boyish enthusiasm for which, as we advance in years, we so often sigh in vain. I remember well the days when the highest object of my ambition was that we should be famed in story as the modern Pylades and Orestes, and appear as twin authors, the rivals of Beaumont and Fletcher. Those were days when I thought no one worthy of consideration except a poet ; and I fondly dreamed what I found out, to my great comfort, in good time to be only a dream, that I was born to be one whose eye should be always in a * fine frenzy rolling.' I have this day thought of this the more, since I found awaiting my arrival from Oxford a small volume of poems by a very youthful poet, requesting me to give my advice as to the publication of them. This kind of thing has often occurred to me, and it places one in a most awkward predicament. If you advise the author to publish, you only send him to the flogging form to be scourged to death by the critics ; and if you tell him honestly that the thing will not do, you seriously hurt a mind which must be sensitive {iniist be, or it would not overflow in poetry), and do injury to feelings which are for the most part amiable. I do cor- dially enter into the feelings of the poor young writers, for I have felt as they feel, and had I been in their situation of life with a friendly pastor to consult, I should most likely have written the same kind of warm-hearted, respect- ful, tremulous letter as those are which I am frequently in the habit of receiving. The volume now before me is accompanied by a letter, which, as it gives me archiepis- copal honours (bishops having succeeded poets in my love), styling me ' most reverend Sir,' is very flattering. But poor lad, what am I to do for him .-* with much poetical sentiment he has much bad grammar, with no povver of ex- pression : — that is, he is born to admire poetry, not to write it ; although he expects clearly that when his volume sees the light, some future Johnson will contend for his admission into the assembly of British poets. I must do to him as I have done for others : after a civil word or two, I must VOL. I, T 2 74 Life of Walter Farqiihar Hook. i«29- assume the look, not of a critic, but a friendly adviser, of a Moecius or a Horace, and say of the poem, .... nonumque prematur in annum, Membranis intus positis ; delere licebit Quod non edideris. Nescit vox missa reverti. This must be the text, and I must expound it ; happy I, that my proteges understand not Latin, or perhaps their minds would go a little higher up the page and understand my hint too clearly, upon seeing. Qui nescit, versus tamen audet fingere. Luther and C Connell compared — Catholicisvi most potent against Popery. October 1835. My dearest Mother, .... I am glad that Georgiana so thoroughly understands the principles of the Church of her Saviour, and is not ashamed of them. The danger now is, not from Popery, but from that snare of Satan, ultra- Protestantism. Perhaps, if she had read as much about Luther as I have done, she would have floored her anta- gonist by stating her abhorrence of that man's principles. I am amused to hear those who abuse O'Connell eulogising Luther ; for Luther's line of conduct, his violence, his in- subordination was precisely similar to that of O'Connell. Luther was certainly a most ultra- radical, and he certainly permitted the Elector of Hesse to marry two wives in order that he might secure him for a political partisan. Both he and O'Connell have made religion their pretext ; but whether they were not both rather influenced by a factious spirit, may be doubtful ; the only difi'erence between them is, that they have taken the opposite extremes. I am a lover of truth wherever it leads, and therefore I will not seek to whitewash Luther merely because he was a useful instrument against Popery. I am rather amused at your saying that you would not receive -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 275 the Sacraments from a Popish priest, and in the same sentence professing admiration of the Church ; for if the ministrations of Popish priests be not vahd, how do you prove the vaHdity of our own orders, descended as we are, in regular line from Popish priests ? Let Georgiana glory in being called a Papist, while she holds not Popish, but Catholic principles. All the great divines of the Church of England, from the blessed martyr Laud, down to Bishop Butler, and from Bishop Butler down to our own times, to Mr. Rose, all have been called Papists, though they have hated the Pope, and done more service against Popery than all the Ultras, who really act on Popish principles. Tell her that when a man in argument urges extreme cases, it is a sign that he is a blockhead, and I always cut the matter short by saying : ' Pray, what would you do if you were a horse } W^heri you have made up your mind on that point, then I will tell you what I should do were I placed in circumstances in which I never expect to be placed.' Your devoted Son. Contentment with Coventry. Coventry : October 2T, 1835. My dearest Mother As to any change in my preferment, I speak the sentiments both of Dclicia and myself, which we often express to one another in great sincerity, that we should contemplate any change with sorrow. Here we are, as perfectly happy and as nearly contented as mortals can be. Two hundred a year, to enable me to buy a few more books and her to have a little carriage, would be the very summit of our wishes j and if that wish were granted, other evils would attend. If we improve our condition in one way, we should only injure it in another ; we have here a union of perfect retirement in one respect, with just sufficient excitement in another. I hope you will persevere in your course of T 2 276 Life of Walter Fai'qnhar Hook. 1829- saying nothing about me or my affairs ; as the good old Bishop used to say, * The less we hear of ourselves, either in praise or dispraise, the better.' As regards myself, my system has always been to act according to my own views, to do what I think right, without the least regard to the opinions of others, to evil report, or good report ; this is the only way to obtain peace of mind and consistency of conduct. I find now that those who were at one time very angry with me, seeing they cannot alter me, are beginning to praise me ; to wit, our kindhearted Bishop. I will not budge a step to go over to others, and therefore many others of my acquaintance have come over to me, while all do me the favour of leaving off any attempts to convert me. I have always determined to be independent, to go my own way to work, and consequently, I am as obstinate as a pig ; unless a friend chooses to call my obstinacy perseverance in a good cause. I never care for censures, and when I am praised, my chief rejoicing is, if I know myself, that my principles have prevailed. For as to the praise of man, I know its worthlessness, for I find in general when it is bestowed upon me it is a bitter satire, alluding rather to what it is supposed I have done than to what is really the case. I heard to-day from my friend, my very kind friend, Mr. Rose ; by the way, his is a very flattering letter, as he expresses his great wish that nothing may take me away from Coventry. When people say this, it is a real compli- ment ; and dear, dear Coventry, I never wish to leave thee. I confess I feel what the good Bishop would have called a little sinful pride, at having the title of ' Mr. Hook of Coventry ' : my ambition is, to be known in after times in the catalogue of our Vicars as * the painful preacher of Coventry.' -i837 Letters, 1S29-1S36. 277 To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Sermons, Means of Instruction rather than of Grace — Dr. Mobcrlj — Sermon at Oxford. November 21, 1835. .... I do not look upon sermons, as people in the present day too frequently do, as direct means of grace, but simply as means of instruction. The ultra-Protestant notion, that preaching is a direct means of grace, was un- known to the ancients ; they taught men to seek for grace chiefly in the two Sacraments, and then in prayer. The relative merits of the ordinances may be seen from the following outline of their penitential discipline. There were four orders of penitents : first, the 'rrpoaKkaiovrss, flentes, whose station was in the vestibule of the church, who begged the prayers of the faithful, as they went into the sanctuary ; not daring to join in the public prayer themselves. Second, the aKpoajfisvot, andientes, who were allowed to enter the church, to hear the Scriptures read, and to attend the sermon, but not allowed to stay for the common prayers. Third, the yovvK\iPovT£9, geniificctentcs, who were admitted to the prayers, and were blessed by the Bishop ; but when the rest of the congregation stood (as was the universal custom on Sundays) in prayer, they were obliged to kneel ; their station was round the reading desk. Fourth, the awiarafiivoi, consistentes, who were admitted to all the privileges of the common prayer, and even stood at the rails of the altar while the faithful communicated, but were not yet permitted to communicate themselves. When I was at Oxford, I had the pleasure of hearing the new Master of Winch Jster preach. He was select preacher in the morning, I in the afternoon. I afterwards met him at Dr. Burton's, and he told me he remembered my last half year at Winton ; I suppose, therefore, you knew more of him. His name is Moberly ; he is a delightful preacher ; his discourse was deeply mctaph)'sical, on Predestination, and I thought he handled it admirably. I certainly never preached to such a mob before, not even in my own church ; 2^S Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- not only was the church crowded with gownsmen up to the pulpit stairs, but the townspeople presented in the distance quite a sea of heads. You will perhaps think I was appalled at the sight ; but no ! I am very nervous jvhen I preach in a place for the first time, but when I am accustomed to it, my nerves become hardened. It is not from nerves that I suffer so much as from great excite- ment, and as I am excited just as much when I write what I am to speak, as when I speak what I have written, sermonising does not particularly agree with me. I find that I can put myself in precisely the same position of mind when delivering my sermon as when writing, and consequently can add extempore bits. And this is in fact all that extempore preachers really do, if they are speakers worth anything ; they have a speech by heart, of which they are so thoroughly masters that they can add to it, take away from it, or partially change as they go on. If the speech is their own, the overflow of their own thoughts, they can do this ; if, as is generally the case, they have only worked up other people's ideas, they cannot do this, and consequently they fail ; is not this the case } To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Refusal of a joint Offer made by him and Archdeacon Bay ley to provide a second Oirate. December 1835. Where I feel a little overworked now-a-days is in a department where help cannot be given. People write to me from all quarters requesting advice on this point or that ; here on a parochial matter, there on a doctrinal matter. Quarrels and misunderstandings and jealousies occur between persons in this parish on whom I must depend, which no one but myself can set to rights. Meetings are proposed and societies formed in which I am compelled to come forward, because I have some personal influence. For instance, at the present moment some of my people are eager to have a meeting for the Irish Clergy ; the management of which will be most troublesome to me, as -1837 Letters, 1S29-1836. 279 I shall have so to arrange matters as not to give offence to our very touchy Archdeacon, to get influential people to attend, to draw up all the Resolutions, and above all to take care that it does not degenerate into a political assembly. In all this no curate can help me. Were I writing to anyone else it would seem conceited in me to say this. But I can only place the matter before you by so doing. By steadiness to certain principles, and by having gone straightforward in my course, and by the success of some of my measures, I have acquired an influence over much superior men to myself who have been wanting in perseverance. And here it is that I am sometimes a little overworked. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Argument — Prejudice — Religious and Useful Knowledge Society. February r, 1836. .... You say that my argument about the Reforma- tion is monstrous, and that it will convince no one. My dear friend, did you ever know anyone convinced by argument .'' it is a thing I never attempt. All that I attempt is to confirm those in their opinion, whose opinion I believe to be correct ; and this you seem to admit will be done. My own conviction is, that men never entirely quit their hereditary opinions and principles, except from interest or passion ; I look upon the Whig son of a Tory, or the Tory son of a Whig, as an ill-conditioned cur. All that I should attempt to do would be to modify ; to make a man less vehement and violent, and so to prepare the next generation for an imperceptible change. If a W^hig turns Tory, or a Dissenter a Churchman, I rejoice, but it is generally speaking merely because his family will be educated in what I think right principles, that their prejudices will be in favour of the truth ; the convert himself in nine cases out of ten (mind, I make exceptions), has been influenced by some passion or pride. We inherit in like manner our religion, and it was intended that we 28o Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. 1829- should do so. Christianity was taught by word of mouth, before the Scriptures were written ; what we receive by tradition, we correct and improve by reference to Scripture. No man takes his rehgion from Scripture only ; it would take a lifetime to do this ; he is what he was brought up, and corrects himself by the Scriptures which were given •for that purpose. And I look upon the advantages of an Establishment to consist greatly in this, that it secures a wide spread of traditionary religion, creates a prejudice in favour of religion. I put down a man who pretends to be unprejudiced as a humbug. The great thing is, to create good prejudices : this is what the Bible tells us to do, when it bids us bring up our children in the ' nurture and admoni- tion of the Lord.' It is through the spectacles of prejudice that we look upon facts the most clear ; for instance and with reference to that which has given rise to these obser- vations, what different impressions are made on your mind and mine by certain facts. We learn from history that the vote for the renunciation of the Popish supremacy in the Irish Parliament was unanimous, that it was received with joy throughout the nation, the clergy having been un- popular ; that in Convocation the bishops and almost all the clergy (in England I believe there were only 138 dis- sentients, but that is not to the purpose) assented to the Reformation ; there were only two, some say four. Bishops who refused. From these facts (and I only regret that in my sermon I did not quote my authorities more fully), I draw inferences which you think monstrous, because you simply say you cannot believe the facts. So it is ; I do not expect to convince you ; I should say at once 'he is a Whig, there is no hope of convincing him.' My point is gained if I add one more impulse to the conviction of those with whom I think the truth is ; and all I can expect of you is, what you are willing to say, that there is more to be said on the subject than you before sup- posed. As to parish business, I am at present, as I believe every active man occasionally is, in hot water, and if you were -i837 Letters, 1829- 1836. 281 to see our Whig newspaper and some other publications you would think your friend a very devil incarnate. I be- lieve I mentioned to you that just before I left home in the summer the teachers of my school expressed a wish to form a society for the improvement, after quitting school, of the young people, and especially with a view to the establishment of a library of religious books. Well, I rejoiced at the proposal and entered into it cordially ; I got a grant from the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge of 25/., emptied my own library of all my spare works ; begged books of others, and the end has been that we have now a library containing nearly 500 volumes, and we have 600 members. The Mechanics' Institute having gone on for years and not having above 200, our success has excited the wrath of the members of the latter society, against which I have never done a hostile act ; and now they let out upon me the vials of their abuse, and even threaten my person, which is very illiberal in liberals. This kind of thing does not move me, for my rule never is to oppose, but to proceed in my own course ; I never interfered with the Mechanics' Institute, though I could not conscientiously belong to it. I instituted our Society, because I considered its establishment a positive good ; and all these attacks on me do good. As I said before, I do not hope to gain converts from them, and their abuse of me makes those who love me as their pastor more zealous ; while, on the same grounds, the others will not win from us any worth keeping. That there was need of our society is proved from this, that at the Mechanics' Institute an order was made to admit religious books, which was immediately rescinded, because to meet the religious views of some of the members, it would be necessary to admit Tom Paine's works. Meanwhile, not conscious of having done any man wrong by establishing a society in which religion is recognised as a branch of useful knowledge, we are raising money to erect a building and I am preparing to deliver a lecture on savings banks. Can you assist me ? it is not much in my line of business but 282 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- there are only seventeen weavers in all Coventry who put into our savings bank ; so that I think I ought to do some- thing ; pray help me if you can. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Accused of Intolerance — Sermon at Oxford. Shrove Tuesday, February 17, 1836. .... I am rather amused with our opponents having styled me the Rev. Autocrat of Coventry ; my autocracy simply consisting in always doing what I think to be right, without regard to consequences, and the result being, as it generally is, that, as I will not go over to others, others come over to me. I have a strong feeling that I will not belong to a society from which my Saviour and my God is virtually excluded. I belonged to a rather good library and reading room in this town, from which I withdrew on that account, viz. that no religious books were admissible ; the object of course being to obtain the support of all sects. I did not state, and have not stated, this to be my reason, but simply retired, not having sufficiently examined the subject to urge the principle upon others ; but the more I reflect on it, the more inclined I am to think that I am right. An express exclusion of the Master we serve ought to be a virtual exclusion of ourselves. I mention this because I should like to know whether and what you have to object to it. If things go on as they now are, I shall be obliged in self-defence to assert my principles. Our position is this ; we are accused of intolerance and I know not what all for not having acted with the Mechanics' Institute ; and as to religious works it is asked, Why could not the Rev. Autocrat establish a Church lending library } and we are assailed with all manner of abuse. Now, it certainly seems to me that the intolerance is all on the other side ; for it is intolerance to try to compel another, no matter how, whether by ridicule, abuse, or force, to walk in my way ; but it is not intolerance for me to refuse to walk in the same path with another if I dis- -1837 Letters, 1S29-1S36. 283 agree with him, or if I cannot conscientiously do so. You are kind enough to ask how my sermon went off at Oxford, and I hope by the attention that is paid to me, that by the blessing of a good God my labours in the University will not be vain. My brother was there, and he was told that the church was fuller than it had ever been since 's memorable sermon, in which he attacked the Church just before he quitted our communion. It was indeed a grand and imposing sight, as one stood in the pulpit, and until I got well into my subject I was very nervous and, as I was afterwards told, looked deadly pale. From the pulpit you see nothing but men, and the black gowns give a sombre appearance to the scene. There is too, a most awful silence, occasioned doubtless by the absence of children, and of the rustling of silks and satins. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Justification — Neglect of Primitive Tradition — Interpretation of Scripture. March 25, 1836. , , . . Since I wrote yesterday I have found that the prayer you object to is found verbatim in Bishop Andrewes' devotions ; nor did he seem to anticipate the shadow of an objection to it. The fact is, in his time the tra- dition of our Church was much purer and more primitive than it has been since the Rebellion. It is perhaps now peculiarly erroneous, from the fact that those who stirred up the religious feelings in the country about fifty years dgo, and their successors the Evangelicals or popular party have gone, not to the fountain head, not to the tradition as it was set a-flowing by the Apostles, and jealously watched and guarded by the primitive Church, but merely to the doctors of the Reformation, who, how- ever praiseworthy in their resistance to Popery, were not of course armed at all points, and were better skilled most of them to pull down than to build up. The doctrine may be best stated perhaps by altering the terms ; Justification is by faith alone, the salvation of the justified by works, 284 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- founded upon faith, and wrought through the influence of the Holy Ghost. No one may approach the Father but through the Son. He who is brought to the Father by the Son is permitted to make the offering of good works, which, knowing his own impotence, he implores the Holy Ghost to enable him to perform. Thus did the traditional religion of the Primitive Church accord with all parts of Scripture, whereas the modern ultra-Protestant ideas so ill accord with Scripture as a whole that Luther actually rejected the Epistle of St. James, thus in fact condemning the ultra-Protestant notion of justification by faith as unscriptural. And in these days for one that preaches justification by works, there are a hundred that preach justification by faith alone. Yet St. James expressly tells us that we are justified by works ; why reject St. James more than St. Paul .-* The consequence of modern teaching has been high pretensions, but much lax morality, much fanaticism with little mortification, but the consequences are not the consideration ; the question is simply. What has been revealed .■* To ascertain what has been revealed, it is I apprehend necessary, first, to discover what the Uni- versal Church taught, when the means existed of ascer- taining this fact ; and then to see whether this tradition is confirmed by Scripture. If it be, then I conceive we may be sure that we have the truth. We shall only err if we assert as truth what I, an individual teacher, think that Scripture means. What / think the Scripture means, an Arian or Socinian may not think. I do not blame anyone for holding to the modern doctrine ; for in point of fact most persons must receive their doctrines in the first instance from tradition, from what their teachers tell them, adhering to them if they appear to be proved by Scripture, rejecting them only if they are directly contrary to Scripture. But those who are able or have time to examine more deeply, to ascertain what was the traditional teaching in the Apostolic age, they are bound to correct the erroneous tradition of their own age. Thus it was that I said in my preface, the prayers published by me would -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 285 not accord with the religious feelings of the present time ; ergo, I stand a chance of being abused, but it is my duty to throw my drop into the stream which is purifying the tradition of the time. To IV. P. Wood, Esq. — A Drifter into Romanism — Trans- viissive Religion. April 18, 1836. .... And now for Minchln. I predict that he will be- come a Romanist, because his affections are engaged on that side. He is disgusted with the illiberality of ultra-Pro- testants, which is doubtless great, but he does not perceive the illiberality of Romanism, which is yet greater. See par- ticularly Pope Pius's Creed and the Canons of Trent ; this one-sided view of that question shows the predilection, and when that is the case, Romanism has much to say for itself My opinion is that God intends that religion shall be as the general rule transmissive ; and that we are to take the religion we inherit, and examine it by the Scrip- tures, adhering to it if we find the Scriptures in great degree confirming what we have received, correcting and improving what was deficient in our father's creed or practice; but in doubtful cases interpreting Scripture so as to lean to the side of our ancestors ; thus using our reason, but acting with humility. This makes it important for us never for the sake of peace to shrink from the asser- tion of truth, since it is most important to make the tradi- tional religion of our country what it ought to be. Now it appears to me that to Minchin very little religion was transmitted ; what he learned was very imperfectly learned at Winchester. He has lived chiefly abroad, and there the religion transmitted to him has been Romanism ; it has had attractions for him, and he is much in the condition of a man who has been born and bred a Romanist. When he examines, he will incline to the side of Romanism ; doubt- ful points will receive force from this prejudice, he will often see the weakness of an argument on our side, seldom 286 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- on the side of the Romanists. I think, however, the best book you can send him at present is a Httle work I re-pub- lished a few years ago with notes. * Friendly Advice to the Roman Catholics.' It is by the celebrated Dean Comber, and is written in a very mild, conciliatory tone. If this makes an impression, I will think of some other works for his edification. I like your idea of Hooker ; it is always better to explain the nature of true Churchism than to make a decided attack on Romanism ; to assert the truth than to combat error. Palmer has a work in the press, perhaps the most important on this subject since the days of Hooker, and intended to meet the modern objections of Romanism ; I wish it were out. You know I am an un- flinching asserter of what I believe to be the truth, regard- less of persons and consequences, and I am therefore called illiberal and bigoted, &c. But I never condemn an indivi- dual who piously belongs to the system I may censure and oppose. I would stay the progress of an erroneous system, even sometimes when I should refrain from seeking to make a proselyte of one who belongs to the system ; for unless that proselyte can be made by sound reasoning, you gain nothing by winning him, and perhaps injure his own character ; saving that you secure the better education of his children, which is sometimes to be considered. I can thus oppose Romanism, but love a Romanist ; and I should rejoice to renew my acquaintance with old Toody, of whom I can never think without affection ; even though we could not prevail upon him not to take this false step, to which, as I conceive, I can trace the circumstances which led him. To a Young Clergyman — Opinion on Lay Baptism — Advice about Private Life — Treatment of Dissenters. Leamington : July 27, 1836. My dear , — The question you propose is a difficult one to answer. So far as argument goes, it appears to nie that the line of argument adopted by you is correct, and -iS37 Letters, 1 829-1836. 287 lay baptism ought not to be considered valid. But I am inclined to think that the practice of the Catholic Church has been on the other side, and that lay baptism, though considered uncanonical, improper, and much to be censured, has not been treated as invalid. When heretics were received into the Church they were not baptised, but con- firmed, and by the act of confirmation the previous unca- nonical act was made canonical. But here we may observe that all the ancient heretics had, in some sense, the Apostolical succession : they had Bishops, though not canonical ones. To this, however, it is replied that hereti- cal orders were never regarded as valid. In short, the whole subject is a difficult one. Some divines make a distinction between toy, and unaiitJiorised baptism, lay bap- tism when the Bishop sanctions it being accounted valid, but Dissenting baptism, not having secured the episcopal sanction, invalid. The Church in this country, from the period of the Reformation, and indeed before that time, till the reign of James I., undoubtedly sanctioned lay baptism by licensing midwives to baptise. When that rubric was altered and we were directed to send for a minis- ter, it would seem to decide that it ought to be a ministe- rial act. I remember two strong instances in the primitive Church on the other side. St. Athanasius was baptised by his playfellows in sport, and this baptism was deemed sufficient ; and so was that of an actor who was baptised in the regular form on the stage in a play written to ridi- cule Christianity. Being removed from all my books I cannot enter more fully into the subject, but you will see it incidentally dis- cussed in Dr. Pusey's admirable treatise on Holy Baptism, published among the Oxford Tracts, to which I particularly invite your attention. You may consult also on the one side Lawrence, on the Invalidity of Lay Baptism, and on the other Bingham's ' Scholastic History of Lay Baptism.* As to the practical point I am in the habit of telling people that at least there is some doubt on the subject, and if they received lay baptism and are fearful on that account, I use 288 Life of Walici" Farqiihar Hook. 1S29 the conditional form, ' If thou hast not been before baptised,' &c., as found at the end of our Baptismal Service, and this is the course pursued by the Bishops and clergy in Scot- land when persons come over to them from the Established Church. . . . You may depend upon it that nothing is to be done in a parish without a patient care of the schools. It is by patience only, a patient continuance in well-doing, that you will be able to make your present situation an agreeable one, always remembering that permanent comfort and happiness are not intended for this world. Peace is the reward of our labours here, in the world to come, pur- chased for us by our Lord. You must also remember that you let many precious years pass by, to say the least of it, in carelessness, for which you ought to make up by humili- ation, mortification, and other holy exercises. If you have not strength of mind to do this for yourself, you ought to pray that God may take the discipline of you into His own hands — that he may so order things that your pride and vanity may be mortified, that while in His hands you are an instrument of good you may not for a season witness the effects of your labours. To a man who ought like you to seek for mortification, who ought to take the lowest seat at the heavenly banquet, I should say that your present situation because tinpleasant is a very proper one. And perhaps it may be well after a week of such fasting and prayer to ask earnestly and seriously why it is unpleasant. Seek not the pretext but the real reason of your present discontent. Particularly be sure that vanity, pride, pre- sumption have nothing to do with it. I mention these faults as being those of young men very frequently which can easily be masked by an appearance of religious zeal. I sincerely hope as you say that the cause of Catholi- cism is prospering everywhere, though I am inclined to take a less sanguine view of our present position than you do. As to Dissenters I literally know nothing of them. You speak of a schism among the Methodists. I am sorry to hear of it ; for all schisms, even schisms among schis- matics, engender bad feelings. Sure I am that we shall -i837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 289 not profit by any such evil deeds. Those who quit Dissent- ing congregations are far more likely to turn infidels than Churchmen. A true Churchman will feel that to him a high trust is committed, viz, the preservation of God's truth. It may be that in maintaining God's truth he may have to fight single-handed against a multitude. Still he will be unmoved. In God's good time His Holy Spirit will bring over the people to the side of His truth, and till that time comes we must keep our souls in patience. One of the worst things a man can do is to try and make converts, one of the next is to attack Dissenters, or to have anything whatever to do with them. Keep aloof from Dissenters as persons of a different religion, and try to build up the two or three God sends to you in the principles of the Holy Catholic Church, I could say much more, but want of room prevents my so doing. Believe me to be, my dear ^ Your faithful and sincere friend. To his Wife, during a Tour in the Autumn of 1836 %vith a Lady and Gentleman in the North of England. I was amused with something Mrs. B. told me on the way, which accounts for a very warm reception I met with at the inn at Matlock, The landlord's daughter there gazed on me with an admiration which much perplexed me. The servants followed the mistress's example, I was removed to the best room in the inn, and everybody seemed delighted to serve me. They had caught my name, and the fair daughter of the landlord said to Mrs. B., * Excuse me, ma'am, but I suppose Mr. Hook is the great Mr. Hook.' ' Yes,' said Mrs. B. * Ah ! ' said the fair Maid of the Inn, ' I have just been reading his beautiful work " Gilbert Gurney." ' ' Oh ! ' quoth Mrs. B., ' this Mr. Hook is nephew to that Mr. Hook ; and though his works VOL. I. U 290 Life of Walter Fai'qtihar Hook. 1829- are very celebrated, they are of a different kind ; ' but, alas ! my friend confesses that the young lady was sadly dis- appointed. To a yoimg clergyman — Study and Dissenters. Coventry : November 2, 1836. My dear Friend, — I have just received your delightful and gratifying letter, and though I am rather overwhelmed with my correspondence, having sometimes to write eight or nine letters in a day, I shall always be glad to hear from you if you will kindly permit me to take my own time for my answer. I say this because it may occasionally be agree- able to you, living in such retirement as you do, to open your mind to a friend. But I must protest against your speaking of me in the terms you do ; I can only aid you by having a little more experience and having experienced all those evils which you have to lament, and by being able, in consequence, to sympathise with you while I offer advice. . . . There are two points in your letter to which I must now address myself. It seems clear to me, in the first place, that you require some hard study ; something rather dry. If you were near a library, with plenty of time, I would mark out a course for you. As it is, I recommend you to read through Bing- ham's ' Antiquities,' to be followed by Palmer's * Origines Liturgicae,' and then I would have you go on with Jeremy Collier's ' Ecclesiastical History of England.' By these means you will lay in a vast store of useful information ; you will be giving to yourself a habit of study, and you will overcome a habit of self-indulgence which may creep on us even in our studies. During the first seven years that I was in orders, I was a hard student, and I used to rise at four o'clock in the morning. This, perhaps, would not suit you, but when you are at these studies, it might be well to read standing, or in a part of the room far from the fire. This keeps up attention, and is a little useful bodily disci- ►I 837 Letters, 1829-1836. 291 pllne. I agree with you as to what you say with respect to works on personal devotion in your particular case. Your heart is right, and what you now chiefly want is self- discipline. In the next place, if the Methodists do attend church, and do not attend meeting, they are clearly not Dissenters. The original Methodists under Wesley were on very many points much to be admired. Their doctrine of Perfection is good, and has been of great use against the prevailing Calvinism of the day. I am afraid that in my last I did not express myself quite clearly. What I mean is this, that we ought to look with a single eye to the truth, not to the filling of our churches, and decreasing Dissent or anything else. What we are required as preachers to do is, to declare all the counsel of God, reckless of consequences. If people take offence, they must do so ; if not, then give God the praise. Our business is to state fairly the tradition of the Church as it is preserved in our Ritual, Liturgy, and Articles (learned men go to the fountain-head at once, the primitive Church), and then to prove that the tradition of the Church is scriptural. We receive our religion from the Church, wQp'ove our religion from the Bible. Your affectionate Friend. I would advise you always to read with a pen in your hand, noting down everything remarkable in a common- place book. To the Rev. T. H. Tragett—How to Refit a Church- Catechising, Coventry : November 5, 1836. .... And now let me congratulate you on your parish — I wish it were entirely your own, as it is unpleasant to depend on the life of another ; I have often dreamed of retiring upon just such a parish; about 2,000 people. Yours is doubtless a holy ambition, to make your little parish a perfect model of what a parish ought to be ; such U 2 292 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. 1829- a parish I have in Utopia, and I will tell you what I would do with it. If the walls of the church are strong, I would gut it. I would beg of my friends and acquaintance till I obtained 200/. (if you should think of anything like this, come to me for i/. \s.\ I would then entirely refit the interior, having no pews, and erecting in the chancel an open seat, like one of the stalls in a cathedral, for my reading-pew. I would then observe who were regular attendants at church, and at Christmas give them a good dinner. This would soon increase the congregation, and why should we not act thus } Our Blessed Lord fed the five thousand before he began to teach them ; and if we can bribe people to hear us, they may afterwards stay without a bribe. But indeed, with such a parish you might give them all a good dinner of roast beef and plum- pudding, for as much as two dinners to your equals would cost ; and the surest way to men's hearts, as old Hamond used to say, is down their throats ; and when you have their hearts they will patiently hear you, while you endea- vour to cure their souls. As to the children, they are cer- tainly the first and grand consideration. Vou say you are a wretched catechist, but the art of catechising does not, any more than that of reading and writing, come by nature ; but to become a good catechist you must catechise, and it is astonishing how rapid is the improvement, both on the part of the catechiser and the catechised. It is important to have by heart the answers in Grossman and Lewis, and the books with which the children are acquainted, so that when the questions you have put in other words are unan- swered, you may fall back on those they have by rote, and so shame the fools. And the first boy or girl who smiles at any little pleasantry of which you may be guilty, will deserve a reward, as giving proof that the intellect is begin- ning to thaw, I have found it best to stick to the Church Catechism, as by a little skill you can put questions from all the books they may have learnt, without much forcing ; one question leads to another. It is impossible, however, to draw too largely on the bank of stupidity, and the same -1837 Letters, 1 829-1 836. 293 questions must come perpetually over and over again ; Henderson on the Catechism is a work which will give you some invaluable hints. You ask what I did at Whipping- ham and Moseley : I laboured much at my schools, and never missed an attendance there all day on the Fridays, when I examined all the classes ; only catechising in church in Lent. I was younger then than I am now, and I should now catechise in church under any circumstances, under the expectation of receiving greater grace, and under the conviction that the fact of their being examined in church impresses it on the minds of the children that it is not knowledge, but religious knowledge, that they come to receive. In Coventry', I can only get the lower orders to attend, but next spring, (d.v.) Augusta will be catechised with the rest, and I hope this example will have good effect. At Whippingham and Moseley my schools cost me a mint of money ; not much less than 20/. a year, for I established a system of tickets, which came to a great deal. This was folly, but my schools there were my hobby ; still at first it is well worth while to incur some expense ; for it is astonishing how it quickens the wits, and the attention to find that attention has a marketable value. Here, again, I act on the system that we may begin with giving the loaves and fishes : thence, when you have secured atten- tion, you may proceed to higher principles, and gradually drop the bribing plan ; for once get an active stirring spirit in a school, and it will remain. Your affectionate Friend. From W. P. Wood, Esq. to W. F. Hook— On the Death of his Infant Boy. Lincoln's Inn : December 23, 1836. .... It is a great comfort to know that you are thus upheld in the hour of need. Doubtless our God is a ' very present help in trouble,* and it should be at once a confirm- ation of our faith and an exhortation to abide in it when 294 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. we see that so severe a dispensation can be softened and tempered to you both. I sometimes ask myself under such trials, what would my situation be if I believed not in a hereafter ? I am not at all surprised that the heathen should have so often resorted to self-destruction. But to the Christian the heaviest afHiction is but a cloud, or at the most but as a thick mist, and if he cannot always see that God hath ' set his bow in the cloud,' yet he knows that the hour of the power of darkness is measured, while his hope is unbounded as eternity. ' Heaviness may endure for a night, but joy cbmeth in the morning.' . . . One sometimes feels it a happiness to be permitted to retire from the bustle of life under domestic affliction, though of course such feelings must not be indulged beyond very moderate limits, as we are readily tempted to sink into morbid indolence. The daily labour we are called upon to perform seems mer- cifully ordered in a world where death prevails, to tear away our minds from too deep and overpowering a sorrow for the dead, and to divert them also from an appalling fear of death. The poor, who have so much to contend with, find, I have no doubt, great relief in the necessity of constant occupation. You will have a comfort which none but those of your vocation can enjoy, that while your occupation will allay your sorrow, it will not tend to separate you from God. For the great danger with men of other professions is that they will try to bully their feelings by over-activity and bustle ; and instead of casting their cares upon God, try to for- get them, and in the experiment too frequently end by forgetting Him also. The Election to Leeds. 295 CHAPTER V. THE ELECTION TO THE VICARAGE OF LEEDS, 1 837. In the year 1836 Mr. William Page Wood and his wife paid a visit to the Vicar of Trinity at Coventry. Soon after their return to London they were invited by Dr. Williamson, the Head Master of Westminster School, to meet a barrister from Leeds, Mr. Robert Hall, who had recently taken a house in Dean's Yard, where they also at that time resided. When the day for dining at Dr. Williamson's arrived, Mr. Wood was unable, owing to a feverish cold, to fulfil his engagement, and his wife was very unwilling to leave him, but knowing that ladies would be wanted to make up the party, she thought it would be selfish to decline at the last moment. At dinner she sat next to Mr. Hall. He was not only an agreeable and able man, who had taken first-class honours at Oxford, but a zealous Churchman, and he therefore listened with interest to an account which Mrs. Wood gave of the great and good work which had been, and was being, done by her husband's friend at Coventry. To this conversation so accidental, as it would be carelessly called, so nearly being missed owing to the reluctance of one of the parties to leave home on that particular evening, the appointment of Mr. Hook to the Vicarage of Tweeds was, under 296 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. God, primarily due, so that to the end of his life he was accustomed to call Mrs. Wood his ' patroness ' ; and that the wife of his deeply beloved friend should have been unconsciously instrumental in sending him to the place where he did his greatest work and won his greatest fame, was a circumstance on which he reflected with delight to the end of his life. In January 1837, a few months after the meeting just mentioned with Mr. Hall, the Vicar of Leeds, Dr. Fawcett, somewhat suddenly died. The patron- age of the living is vested in twenty-five trustees. The senior trustee at that time was Mr. Henry Hall, father of Mr. Robert Hall, who also himself was a junior member of the body. No sooner had Mr. Robert Hall heard of the death of Dr. Fawcett than his mind reverted to the description which he had heard of the hard-working Vicar of Coventry. He is the man for Leeds, thought Mr. Hall, if he is all that he has been represented to be. So he instantly hastened to Coventry, verified by private enquiry and observation the account which he had received of the man and his work, and on his return called upon Mr. Wood to tell him that if his friend would become a candidate for the vacant living he would do his utmost to secure his election. But he added that great opposition must be expected, as Mr. Hook belonged to a school in the Church totally different in thought, feeling, and practice from any which prevailed in Leeds, a school, moreover, which at that time, owing to its supposed connexion with the ' Oxford movement,' was regarded with peculiar suspicion. Mr. Hall, therefore, was anxious that no time should be lost in ascertaining whether he would The Election to Leeds. 297 consent to be a candidate for the living, in order that the largest possible number of testimonials might be got together from persons representing various shades of opinion in the Church. How the application was made and received will be seen from the following letter to Mr. Wood. The absence of Mrs. Hook, who was staying with her mother, increased the difficulty of coming to an immediate decision. Coventry : February 22, 1837. My dearest Friend, .... On Sunday I received, quite unexpectedly, from Oxford a letter stating that I had been recommended in several quarters to the trustees of the Vicarage of Leeds, and that the trustees wished to ascertain through my kind friend Dr. Barnes, Sub-dean of Christ Church, whether, if the living were offered to me, I would accept it. It is a great calamity to be separated from Delicia at such a moment ; but, in order that we might communicate with one another by letter, I took two or three days to consider the business, and I have now written to say that if offered the appointment I would accept it, but that I should decline presenting my- self as a candidate, or adopting any steps for procuring it. My rule has been this, not to shrink from any duties to which I may be providentially called, having full reliance on the grace of my Saviour ; on the other hand, in humble distrust of myself, not to seek any responsible office. Delicia tells me that, if our family increase, we cannot go on long as we now do, and that if her health fail we have not the means of educating our children according to their condition ; I see, too, that her anxiety lest we should not be able to make the two ends of the year meet is weighing on her health and spirits ; so that I think I am justified in the step I have taken. Leeds is valued at 1,257/., the average of three years before the last Parliamentary returns. If I do not obtain the appointment, my pride will be morti- fied, a very good thing ; I was not aware of the existence 298 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. of the evil passion in me till on self-examination, I found that my chief wish to obtain the living is to prevent the mortification : it will be a good Lent exercise therefore. If I get it it will be sad, not only to quit a people whom I love, and by whom I am loved, but to leave many kind friends ; and not least, to move far away from those still loved remains, which are deposited in Trinity Church. From you and yours, to be removed 190 miles, will be like banishment ; I confess that the objections were so strong on my mind that I had fully determined to refuse the thing out and out, but Delicia, together with her mother and sister, urged the thing upon me, and I have done as I have said. I am sore perplexed ; — I dread the thing. Did I ever tell you that the Bishop of Worcester told our friend. Lord Eastnor, that there were two livings likely to be soon vacant, to the first of which he would present me ? St. Philip's, Birmingham, is one, the other I do not know ; I should like to wait for these birds in the bush, for at my time of life, just forty, I do not like breaking new ground. The conflict of arguments and feelings in his own mind v^ras so great that from the first he declared to his wife the decision must rest with her, not with himself. I have, really and honestly speaking, (he writes to her on March 2) no wish upon the subject. The worldly considerations weigh not with me in the least. The only thing that makes me hesitate to say no is this — there is no Church feeling, no Catholic feeling, as I am informed in that part of the country. People there do not know what the Catholic Church is, and if I may be honoured as an instrument to introduce Catholicism there, as I have done here, I should feel that I have not lived entirely in vain. Then on the other hand we must remember that I should probably have a bad successor here : ' one who * The Whig Ministry being then in office. The Election to Leeds. 299 would undo all that I have been doing during eight years of labour, so that when the one thing is weighed against the other I think I should not be induced on these grounds to make the change. You now know my feelings on the subject : yours, I repeat, must lead to the decision, for it is mere matter of feeling not of duty. If our sweet boy had lived, perhaps the patronage would have been a temptation, but now I cannot expect to live to see a son of mine labouring in the service of the beloved Church, so that is out of all consideration. To me the agreeable part has taken place. I am very sensible of the honour of having been singled out, without my having the remotest intention of becoming a candidate ; and yet these compliments are very humiliating. How humiliating it is to find that the world thinks you better than you really are; how much the conscience reproaches one on these occasions. Perhaps I am more than usually sensible of this from the self-examination to which this season of Lent has led me. What a blessing, my dear love, it is, that the Apostles and primitive Bishops appointed this season for us to perform that duty which, if not compelled to do it, we should, perhaps, put off and put off, and never per- form. Your devoted, adoring Lover. His wife and her mother were in favour of his consenting to be nominated as a candidate, and so one step was gained. But the inflexible resolution of the candidate on another point threatened to be a formidable, if not fatal, obstacle to further progress. He flatly refused to go to Leeds to present himself to the trustees ; still less would he consent to preach a ' trial sermon,' or canvass interest on his behalf, as most of the other candidates had done. Here was a dilemma which at first caused no small vexation and perplexity to Mr. Robert Hall and his father, 300 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. and some of the other trustees whom he had inspired with an enthusiastic desire equal to his own for the election of his candidate. Mr. Wood, however, suggested as a solution of the difficulty that some of the trustees should go to Coventry unknown to the Vicar, and he promised that he would not give his friend any intimation of their visit. Some old people in Coventry can remember the curiosity which was excited on Sunday, March 12, 1837, by the appear- ance in Trinity Church of six strange gentlemen at the morning and evening services, who had requested that they might be placed together in a position favourable for hearing the reading and preaching of the Vicar. Who they were and what they heard will be learned from the following letter, written by the Vicar the day after to Mr. Wood : Coventry : March 13, 1837. My dearest Friend, — Wearied with the labours of yesterday I cannot write con spirito, but still I must make you acquainted with the state of affairs. Yesterday Coventry was filled with trustees, Hall, Becket, Gott, Banks, Tennant, and one from the enemies' camp, Atkin- son, to spy out the nakedness of the land. They all in the morning spoke to me of what would happen if I went to Leeds ; in the evening it was ' when you go to Leeds.' Mr. Gott said, ' I suppose you must be aware that many of the trustees are favourable to you.' * Pooh, nonsense,' quoth Mr. Banks, ' you have the very large majority,' The prudent Mr. Hall, however, only reckons on twelve. But we were talking of Dr. Thorpe, and Sheepshanks was saying something not quite compli- mentary, when Mr. H. said, ' We will say nothing about that, as we mean him to vote for us ; but he is not one of the twelve certain.' I verily believe that the sermon I delivered in the The Election to Leeds. 301 evening, I wrote under the special direction of God ; it was written quite extempore and in a hurry on the Satur- day, but if I had laboured to preach at the trustees I could not have done so well. You know I am preaching on St. Matthew's Gospel, and the text that came to me was Matthew xxiii. 8, 9, 10, when I was naturally led to explain in a simple manner the impropriety of choosing for an authority in religion either the Pope or a Protest- ant Reformer, and how we took for our guidance, in doubtful points, the customs of the first churches. This explained to my friendly trustees (though I did not in the least expect to see them) my views as they are, and not as they are misrepresented. I then branched off into a discourse on justification by faith, making the law our rule of righteousness, but not our means of justification, in a manner that could not but appease the fears of my opposing visitor. One of the trustees, Mr. Gott, who seemed very much impressed with the sermon, and asked me to lend it, which I thought better to decline, said to Sheepshanks, ' That sermon ought to be published.' ' Oh,' exclaimed my enthusiastic partisan, 'if you think that, every sermon preached every Sunday evening ought to be pub- lished ; this is by no means the best we hear here.' Dear good Sheepshanks is almost mad with zeal. With Mr. Atkinson I had some conversation in the vestry ; of course I could not give him entire satisfaction, but he was more favourably impressed than he had been before ; I assured him I did not hold the doctrine of Transubstantiation. He is a nice, pleasant, well-informed man ; I told him that I would not discuss, but I was fully convinced of the truth of my principles, and would answer him any questions he might like to ask. He cross-examined me, but in a pleasant, gentlemanlike style. The reader will perceive from the foregoing letter that however much puzzled some members of the congregation at Holy Trinity may have been by the visit to their Church of six rather inquisitive 302 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. strangers, the Vicar himself was not equally taken by surprise. The fact was that four out of the six trustees had called upon him the night before, not however so much to make known the purpose of their coming to Coventry, as to entreat that he would consent to go to Leeds for a few days, not to preach, not to canvass, but merely to be seen. Mr. Hall, indeed, had written to the same effect a few days before, * The wish to hear you preach is given up. I find that the opinion is gaining ground that it is improper for a man to get up into a pulpit for the purpose of preaching not Christ crucified, but himself and his preferment. There is, however, a strong wish to see you : some of the trustees have declared their determination not to vote for a man they have never seen.' To these solicitations, which were backed by his uncle, Archdeacon Hamilton, and Mr. Wood, he yielded, and writes to the latter that he has accepted the invitation to be the guest for two days of Mr. Henry Hall, the senior trustee, *to exhibit my fat carcase at Leeds, and I certainly look what the people here call jolly.' But the prospect of the tremendous responsibilities which would fall upon him in the event of his election deterred him from any enthusiasm in his own cause. * I feel interested in my success,' he writes, 'as I should do in that of the respectable Mr. Richard Roe or John Doe if they were engaged in a contest, and I was of their counsel. But when I think of the thing itself or the pang of parting with old friends, and the annoyance of breaking up new ground, my heart becomes sick, and I ask why I consented to embark in this affair.' The Election to Leeds. 303 Meanwhile those who were eager for his success had collected a mass of testimony in his favour from very various sources, in order to prove that he was respected and admired not by one school or party only in the Church, but by many, and had * won golden opinions from all sorts of people.' At the request of his friends he asked Sir Robert Peel whether the letter which he had written in answer to an appeal on behalf of the Religious and Useful Knowledge Society,^ might be used as a testimonial. To this he received the followine reply. It was one of the few testimonials for which he made personal application, and was probably one of the most telling. Whitehall : March i, 1837. Sir, — You have my full permission to make whatever use you please of the letter to which you refer. It contains a sincere and disinterested testimony to your character and acquirements, from one who has not the pleasure of your personal acquaintance, and who had no conceivable motive for bearing that testimony, excepting the firm impression that you had, as a preacher and minister of religion, essentially served the cause of religion and of charity, in two great manufacturing towns, and under circumstances of no ordinary difficulty, by a rare combina- tion of ability, firmness, and devotion to the duties of your spiritual office. I am Sir, with much respect, your faithful Servant, Robert Peel. One of the warmest testimonials was from the Bishop of Lichfield, Dr. Butler, formerly Head Master of Shrewsbury, a man of critical mind, and not addicted to lavish praise. ' Quoted above, p. 180. 304 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. As a parochial minister he is considered an example, not only in the district to which he belongs, but far be- yond it, of what an indefatigable, pious, and strictly con- scientious clergyman ought to be. His immense church at Coventry I have witnessed full to overflowing. He has inspired into that large parish under his care, containing about 10,000 inhabitants, quite a new life ; and the ex- ample has widely spread through the city, which is be- coming full of attachment to the Church, though previously remarkable for Dissent. I may appear to have written strongly, but I am quite sure I have written only the truth, and I ought to say that in political opinions Mr. Hook and I do not perfectly agree ; you may, therefore, feel assured that I have not been influenced in my testi- mony by any party feeling. Mr. Le Bas pronounced him to be 'the fittest man in England to preside over such a parish as Leeds. Let Coventry and Birmingham be appealed to. If the former place is silent, it would only be because it could not raise its voice without danger of losing the spiritual guide who has bowed the hearts of his congregation towards him as the heart of one man.' Mr. Keble wrote, * I was acquainted with Mr. Hook when he was an undergraduate at Christ Church, and I believe that his conduct was then as blameless and exemplary, as his heart was unques- tionably always open and generous. Since that time I have not often met him, but I have read his publications, and I should say that for eloquent persuasiveness, and soundness of principle, they certainly rank among the first of the age, to say nothing of the rare theological learning which they exhibit. As a preacher I need only refer you to the The Election to Leeds. 305 fact that no one draws such crowded congregations among the young men of Oxford :- no bad test, perhaps, of the quahties which make a person effective in that duty.' A large number of the clergy in Coventry and the neighbourhood signed an earnest declaration of their affection and esteem. * We have witnessed In him,' they said, ' a combination of ability, zeal, and spiritual-mindedness in the discharge of his parochial duties such as is seldom met with, and we see the fruits of it in a very greatly increased and increasing attendance in his parish upon public worship and the Lord's Supper. The younger portion of us have looked up to him in every duty as an exemplar, and in every difficulty as a kind and faithful guide, and those amongst us who are his contemporaries or his seniors have beheld with heartfelt respect and approbation his apostolic zeal for his Master's glory.' This collective testimony from the clergy was clenched by a private letter to the trustees from his great friend Mr. Tragett, who had held a cure in Coventry. ' The clergy,' he writes, * of the city of Coventry and its extensive neighbourhood looked up to him as their head and chief ; and his learning, wisdom, and discretion formed the bond of union and zealous co-operation by which we were all enabled to act in harmony amongst ourselves, and to the general benefit of the community.' Such are a few specimens out of a great multitude of testimonials which poured in thick and fast from persons of various positions in the Church. There was one enthusiastic partisan, however, whose zealous activity occasioned some anxiety and VOL. I. X 3o6 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. annoyance to him for whose benefit it was intended. Mr. Theodore Hook announced his intention of writing to Sir John Beckett, who had great influence in Leeds, on behalf of his nephew. The nephew deprecated the appHcation, and suggested that it should at least be made through Mr. Croker, a common friend, rather than directly by Mr. Theo- dore Hook himself. But the uncle was not to be thwarted, and replied to the remonstrance in the following characteristic letter : — I dare say I have done wrong — I don't care if I have. I am sure I haven't done harm. I really don't see why / should not write to Sir John, or why I should ask Croker to ask him. I do their jobs : why the deuce should they not do mine } It is not as if I asked them to prop up a stupid, ill-conditioned cur, because he happened to be my relation. It is / who do them a favour in giving them the opportunity of getting such a clergyman. If you are angry, I can't help it. I will have my own way, so I don't care. .... Come now, none of your nonsense — don't be angry and look cross ; the mouse may do good to the lion. The last clause in this letter indicates the humble respect and almost reverence with which the cele- brated humourist regarded his clerical nephew. His was a warm-hearted and generous disposition, sus- ceptible also of religious feelings, and capable of admiring and envying in others that strength of moral purpose which was unhappily too much lacking in himself The supporters of Mr. Hook had good reason for making very strenuous efforts on his behalf In the first place there were many competitors, the most formidable being Mr. Molesworth and Mr The Election to Leeds. 307 Hugh Stovvell, and they had been present in the town and had i)rcached in several of the churches long before Mr. Hook had been brought forward as a candidate. The election was to take place on March 20, and it was not till the beginning of March that his name appeared in the published lists of candidates. And then a fierce storm of opposition burst forth, and every endeavour was made to pre- judice and intimidate the electors. The * Record * wrote in an agony of alarm, and sought to persuade the religious world that he was a very monster of Tractarian iniquity. * He professed that kind of modified popery with which the ** Tracts for the Times " were filled. For his fierce bigotry and intolerance he could be compared only with Laud : he consigned all Dissenters to the uncovenanted mercies of God, and denied the right of private judgment, which the " Record " considered the fun- damental principle of the Reformation. A Jesuit in disguise could not do more mischief to the Esta- blishment than one who in spirit and doctrine seemed as if he had been brought up within the Holy Inquisition.' In short, it would be impossible to imagine an appointment more fraught with disaster to Leeds and to the Church of England. These pleasant remarks in the * Record ' were followed by a sharp attack in the * Christian Ob- server,' directed against his statements in two of his Oxford sermons on the value of Catholic tra- dition and the authority of the Church. Feeble as the criticism was, his supporters dreaded the effect it might produce on the minds of some of the trustees, especially as it insinuated that his views X 2 3o8 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. were identical with those expressed in the * Tracts for the Times,' and it was thought expedient that Mr. Wood should address a letter to one of the Trustees, exposing the fallacies and misrepresentations of the article. ' The reviewer,' he writes, * maintains that the Bible, and the Bible only, is the religion of Protestants.' In one sense we all agree in this. All admit that nothing is to be believed which cannot bear the test of Scripture. In another sense it is not admitted by the reviewer himself, for in disputed points he says, * We will refer to nothing but the Bible and our own authorised formtilaries^ What are these but the creeds, articles, catechism, &c. ? Is not the catechism taught to children before they can themselves deduce it from the Bible, and is not this transmissive religion ? The reviewer talks of our putting the Bible to the humble office of confirming opinion. The office of an umpire in settling disputes is not considered a humble one. If each man is to be his own interpreter, you may have Muggletonians "et hoc genus omne" without end, and " quot homines tot sententise." The Oxford men do not say the Church is infallible, but they believe that the Holy Spirit is promised to the Church : they believe the Church consists of men united in a faith which is cemented by well-approved formularies handed down from age to age. The Church may err ; but the chances of error in the case of indi- viduals are infinitely greater.* As the time for the election drew nearer, the strife of parties in Leeds waxed very hot. The papers were filled with all kinds of statements, true and false, concerning the candidates, and the trustees The Election to Leeds. 309 were inundated with letters, many of them anony- mous, until it was not easy to keep their heads clear or their tempers cool. Those who were known to be favourable to Mr. Hook, especially Mr. Robert Hall, were subjected to the most severe inquisitorial examinations respecting his character and opinions by the evangelical leaders in Leeds. Mr. Hall in one of his letters gives a specimen of a cross-ques- tioning which he endured. What were Mr. Hook's opinions on baptismal regeneration ? Did he preach the necessity of a converted heart ? Did he make justification and sanctification prominent points in his preaching, or did he merely concede them } Did he support the Church Missionary Society ? Was he of holy life and conversation ? Of course he did not play cards or countenance gay amusements himself, but did he permit his family to do so ? and so on for nearly two hours, until Mr. Hall's patience was fairly worn out, and he declined to be tormented any longer. Mr. Hook himself was so much distressed at having become the occasion of contention and ill- will that about this time he announced his intention of withdrawing from the contest, in the following letter to Mr. Robert Hall :— Dear Sir, — I send a line, though in the greatest haste, to acknowledge and to thank you for your kind letter. This is necessary, because tv/o or three days may elapse before I can obtain a sight of the * Christian Observer,* which no person, that I can hear of, in this neighbourhood takes in, and which was lately expelled from our Clerical Society on account of the loicJiristian spirit, as it seemed to us, in which it was conducted, especially on account of 3IO Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. its abuse of that good man, my dear friend, the late Bishop Jebb. Although I have never written any of the Oxford Tracts, nor indeed, have read them all, still, I am known to be a High Churchman, and it is not wonderful that I should be attacked by the ' Christian Observer,' which is the organ of Low Churchism or No Churchism. But it may be necessary for me, when I have read the articles to which you refer, to trouble you with a few remarks in vindication of my character, and it will then be my wish to retire from this unpleasant contest. I consider it due to you, my dear sir, and to my friend Wood, not to take this step without your sanction. I wrote to him on the subject yesterday ; and I now state to you what my wish and, unless you prohibit it, my intention is. I thank God that my circumstances are independent, and I am very happy here. When I was brought forward as a candidate on this occasion, I felt anxious for my success, because it is my nature to take an eager interest in any business in which I am engaged. But I am very unwilling to cause dissension among the trustees. I do not choose to have my peace of mind disturbed by the abuse of anonymous assailants, and I am unwilling to place myself in a situation which may give rise in me to those angry feelings which I condemn in my opponents. I am now able to retire without a feeling of regret, with- out bearing ill-will to anyone, with a sense of obligation to the trustees in general and with feelings of gratitude towards you which will, I hope, ripen into a lasting friend- ship. I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble, and I will endeavour to repay you for it by using all the influence I possess in favour of that candidate who is con- sidered by you fittest for the situation. Believe me to be, my dear Sir, with every sentiment of gratitude and respect, Your obliged and faithful servant. The Election to Leeds. ' 311 His friends, however, unanimously insisted on his retracting this decision. ' We must, if possible,' wrote Mr. Robert Hall, * have the best man in the king- dom for Vicar of Leeds : you must therefore suffer me for the present to consider you as not having retired from the contest.' And Mr. Henry Hall wrote to the same effect : * Attempts have been made to force upon us some clergymen of the Low Church party, and, in furtherance of this object, exceptions have been made to some of your doctrinal views ; but I assure you the misrepresentations of the " Christian Observer " have produced no effect on the majority of the trustees ; we are convinced that you will faithfully preach the Gospel to our people (this is what they look for, regardless of party names), and that you will by your *' preaching and living " stop the mouths of all gainsayers.' And Mr. Wood restored the calmness of his friend by dwelling on higher considerations. * We will not do those who have shown so much kindly feel- ing the injustice of supposing they will be turned from their good purpose by an anonymous attack. If we have trusted the event sufficiently to God, nothi7iz ouc^ht to disturb us : if we are but conscious that we otirselves have not occasioned failure, either by negligence in proper exertion, or by undue eager- ness, then the result will be right and good, and no scribbling in reviews or anything else can alter the case.* Not long after this, in compliance with the request of the deputation which went to Coventry, Mr. Hook paid his visit to Leeds, and on Wednes- day, March 15, he was introduced to the trustees at 312 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. their weekly meeting in the vestry of the parish church. The following letters refer to the event : — First Visit to Leeds — Machinations of the Hostile Party. My dearest Friend, — I send just one line to say that I have returned from my northern expedition in good case. I wish I had gone to Leeds before, for my mind is now quite at ease. If I am to stay here, the comfort, a little quiet, and the regular routine of my duties, will be delightful ; if I am to go to Leeds, now that I have recon- noitred the country, I know that I shall not enter upon duties for which I am wholly disqualified. I feel quite up to the work, by God's grace ; depending on the Divine assist- ance, I shall embark in it, if at all, with vigour and con- fidence. We arrived, as Hall will have told you, on Tuesday. On Wednesday morning I saw most of the clergy, all of whom but two are on my side, and one of whom had generously drawn up a vindication of my doctrines. I stated to the trustees that I had come to Leeds at the request of certain of their body, not to canvass, but to be able at once to deny certain charges, if brought against me. To avoid all appearance of can- vassing I left the town on the Wednesday evening. The cfergy seemed to think me their Vicar, who is spoken of as somebody next in importance, if not to the king, at least to his prime minister. Several trustees told me that I might consider myself as elected ; even Hall seems to be in good cheer: but I know the party I have to deal with too well to feel anything like confidence. They have to meet on Wednesday for the purpose of memorialising the trustees against me ; they have represented me, as I sup- pose you have heard, not only as a Papist, but as a drunkard, a gambler, &c., &c. How I bless God that he has given me a heart that never bears malice or hatred; irritated I may sometimes be, but these kind of things do The Election to Leeds. not irritate me. I have many, very many difficulties to contend with, from a nature desperately wicked ; but this is one of my advantages, that I scarcely notice, and im- mediately forget injuries. I should think that my best chance is, that the opposite party have no distinguished person to bring forward ; and the town clergy very properly say that, if they are passed over, they ought, at least, to have put over them a man of eminence ; and such, I presume, from the abuse heaped on me they suppose me to be. I suppose you have seen Stowell's letter following the attack upon me in the * Record.' I told the trustees that I should regard an attack in the ' Record ' in the light of a testimonial. I was told that some of the opponents threatened to withdraw their ac- counts from Becket's bank, if they voted for me. Since writing this, the Coventry paper has come in ; by whom the Leeds paragraph was written I know not ; I suspect Sheepshanks. I am deeply gratified by the conduct of the people here ; they are all anxious for my welfare, and yet sorry to part with me. Is not this nice and kind and generous } This, too, will render my remaining here the more comfortable, especially as they will know that it is only party violence that will exclude me. Fro7n Mrs. Hook to Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Coventry : 1837. My dear Friends,— I received your letter during my solitude, and was quite comforted by it. Though I felt desperately anxious all the time the old boy was away, yet he is come back so well, so pleased, so frisky, and so tiresome, that I can hardly write a word for his coming and making impertinent remarks. His account of Leeds is satisfactory, and I feel that as a home it will be pleasant, though its distance from London must be a drawback. I suppose you will hear the result as soon as we do. I really 314 Life of Walter Farqithar Hook. cannot help feeling anxious, in spite of my determination to think either way the best. Ever your truly attached Friend, A. D. Hook. There remained only three days between his departure from Leeds and the 20th, the day ap- pointed for the election, and in this little interval the opposition fired their last and largest gun. This was a petition to the trustees against his appoint- ment, signed by 400 persons. A copy of his letter to the Bishop of Lichfield in 1830, deprecating his presiding at a meeting of the Bible Society, was apppended to the document. The following is the memorial : — To the Trustees of the Advoivson of the Vicarage of Leeds. We, the undersigned inhabitants of the parish of Leeds, and members of the Established Church, beg leave respect- fully to memorialise you upon the pending election to the vacant vicarage. We have heard with considerable alarm that there is every probability that the Rev. W. F. Hook will obtain a majority of your suffrages. We beg to sub- mit to you our decided opinion that, on account of the very peculiar tenets maintained and published by that gentle- man, such election will be attended with the most mis- chievous consequences to the interests of the Establishment in this parish. The following are some of the doctrines which Mr. Hook avows in his published works, and which we consider in the highest degree objectionable. He denies the right of private judgment in matters of religion. He maintains that Holy Scripture is an insufficient guide to salvation ; and that no man ever did, and few ever could, form their The Election to Leeds. 315 code of faith and morals from the Bible, and the Bible only. He virtually excludes Methodists and Dissenters of every name from the pale of Christianity. He is the avowed opponent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and we have reason to believe that he is unfriendly to the Church Missionary Society and to the Society for Promo- ting Christianity amongst the Jews. He addressed an expostulatory letter to the Diocesan of his present Incum- bency upon the occasion of his taking the chair at one of the meetings of the first, a copy of which we beg to sub- join. Your memorialists observe, with unfeigned satisfaction, a growing disposition in the members of the Church of England, in this parish, to unite, as in a common cause, in the advancement of its interests. They beg respectfully, but firmly, to avow their conviction that the immediate effect of Mr. Hook's election will be to interrupt this holy harmony, by reviving those irritating discussions, the exist- ence of which between her members has so long been the subject of regret with every true friend of the Church ; thereby not only to open again that division within her own bosom which they had hoped would soon have been alto- gether obliterated, but ultimately to widen it into a hope- less and incurable schism. It is also observable, and your memorialists allude to the fact with the utmost pleasure, that the asperities of other classes of Christians in the parish against our Church have of late been considerably modified and softened down, and that many among them are disposed to listen to the strong arguments which may be adduced in her favour, and to attend upon her services. The effect of the election of a clergyman of Mr. Hook's avowed opinions upon such persons is sufficiently obvious. Having only been attracted thither by the prevalence of sentiments diametrically opposed to his, they will with proportionate force be repelled, and finally estranged, from her communion. We do not wish to go too minutely into matters of objection ; still less do we desire to take an offensive atti- 3i6 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. tude, or do anything that may wear the appearance of dic- tation. We disclaim all motives save those arising from what we believe to be a christian duty. It is in this spirit that we would respectfully call upon you to consider the appointment about to be made, not merely as one of taste or expediency, not as one of personal feeling, but as one involving the everlasting welfare of souls. We would ven- ture to add that your office was instituted for the benefit of the inhabitants ; and we earnestly hope and pray that you may so fulfil it as to promote the paramount object which we trust we all have in view. This memorial, however, was instantly followed by a counter-declaration signed by about 300 per- sons. To the Trustees of the Advowsoii of the Vicarage of Leeds. March 17, 1837. We, the undersigned frequenters of the Parish Church, and other friends of the Establishment generally, beg leave respectfully to address you on the subject of certain recent measures which have been taken to influence, if not to coerce, your choice, of a Vicar for this extensive parish. We wish to express to you that we have viewed the proceed- ing with considerable regret ; and that we utterly disclaim and disavow any participation in it. We sincerely trust that in the execution of your high duty you will set aside all such representations ; and we can assure you that we rest with the most perfect confidence in the rectitude of your judgment, and in your well-known and long-tried attachment to the doctrines and principles of the Church of England. On Monday, March 20, the trustees assembled in the vestry for the purpose of election. All were present except Mr. John Hardy and Mr. Peter The Election to Leeds. 317 Rhodes. Each wrote his own name on one side of a card, and on the other the name of the candidate for whom he voted. One of the trustees collected the cards, the sides on which the names of the electors were written being uppermost. When handed to the chairman they were reversed, so that he saw the names of the candidates only. Having examined the cards, the chairman, Mr. Henry Hall, said that the Rev. W. F. Hook was elected by six- teen trustees out of twenty-three. He then went into the choir and announced the result of the election to a large crowd of parishioners. He de- clared that the trustees had been influenced by the purest motives, and deprecated a hasty judgment of their choice. They had sought, and believed that they had found, a man of piety and learning, of amiable disposition and literary attainments ; one who in the late scene of his labours had been inde- fatigable in ministering to the wants, spiritual and temporal, of all his parishioners. The announcement and address was received by the assembly with much applause, only mingled with a few murmurs and faint cries of * Stowell.' The church bells rang out a joyful peal, and Mr. Henry Hall started with a full heart to carry the good news to Coventry. The feelings with which the recipient of the tidings was affected will best be gathered from the letters placed at the end of this chapter. The sentiments of his old parishioners were well expressed in one of the principal local journals. * It is with mingled feelings of triumph and regret,* wrote the ' Coventry Standard,' ' that we announce 3i8 Life of Walter Farquhar liook. that the Rev. W. F. Hook was on Monday last elected Vicar of Leeds by a very decided ma- jority of the trustees. He will carry with him not only the respect and good wishes, but the warm gratitude, the individual personal affection, of a large portion of the inhabitants of this city, both rich and poor ; and although his future lot be cast far away from those among whom he has ministered for several years, yet he will ever live in their memories a a most zealous and indefatigable minister, a judicious and affectionate friend.' This prediction has thus far been verified. In the brief but excellent sketch of his life which appeared in the parish magazine of Trinity parish, Coventry, in November 1875, one month after his death, the writer says, * Thirty-eight years have not effaced from the grateful minds of his old parishioners the remembrance of their Vicar. A generation has indeed grown up which knows him not, and yet his name is so familiar to us all that we find it difficult to realise the long lapse of time since he was living and working in our parish. The work he did in Coventry has been permanent and abiding. ... it is almost impossible to over-estimate the manner in which he quickened Church life.' These are not vain words. How vividly he is remembered and how deeply honoured by the aged, the writer of this biography can testify, being under obligation to many who have been as eager to impart information concerning the work of their former pastor, as during his life-time they were zealous to assist him in that work. The stained glass in the great west window of their magnificent church is the visible proof of The Election to Leeds. 319 the affection, gratitude, and respect of the parish- ioners of Holy Trinity for that Vicar who, in the words of one who preached on the occasion of the window being completed,^ ' undertook his ministry in days when earnestness in Church Hfe was rare,' and where manifested * was frequently received with aversion if not with contempt ' : who ' in much difficulty, misapprehension, and misrepresentation laid here the sound foundation of Church principles, and commenced the system of parochial administra- tion which has become more and more firmly esta- blished under his successors.' He was instituted Vicar of Leeds on April 4, and the next three months were occupied by the painful and harassing process of severing his con- nexion with one place and forming it with another. On Sunday, the i6th, he * read himself in.' His rich, powerful, melodious voice produced its full effect upon the musical ears of the northern people, and he had not proceeded far in the prayers before a godly old Dissenter present was heard to say, smiting his knee with his hand, ' He'll do ; he'll do.' On this Sunday he preached twice, enormous crowds being present at both services. He was labouring under a heavy cold, a very rare occurrence with him, and had difficulty in speaking so as to be heard, which was a great vexation to him in the morning, as his sermon was mainly a declaration of his principles, and of the line of conduct which his parishioners were to expect from him. 'You see before you,' he said, * a firm, determined, consistent, uncompromising, devoted, but I hope not unchari- * Rev. H. W. Bellairs, June 24, 1877. 320 Life of Walter Farqtihar Hook. table, son, servant, and minister of the honoured Church of England. It is as a minister of the Church of England that I am placed here. I am 7iot placed here to indulge in speculations of my own as to what / may think to be useful, or what / may think to be expedient — I am instituted under the Bishop to administer the discipline, the sacra- ments, and the doctrines of Christ as the Lord hath commanded, and as this Church and realm hath received the same. I am to labour for the salvation of souls and the edification of the Church, but not in ways and modes of my own devising, but according to the laws, the regulations, the spirit of the English Church. And immediately that I find that I cannot conscientiously adhere to those rules and act in that spirit, I shall tender my resignation to the Bishop, and feel myself bound, not only as a Christian but as a man of honour, to retire from a situation the duties of which I am unable to discharge. The Church is not infallible ; but as we find her now existing in this country I believe her not to be in error, and my conduct shall always be regulated by her authorised decisions.' After pointing out the value of tradition as elucidating Scripture, and the supremacy of Scripture as the test of tradition, after declaring his intention not to * select one or two doctrines, and representing these as all-sufficient, to overlook in carelessness or reject in rashness all the rest — for if this kind of preaching would suffice, why should the Bible be so thick a book, or rather such a large collection of books } ' — after maintaining that through an unbroken episcopal succession the three Orders in the Church of England could satis- Tirst Sermon at Leeds. 321 factorily prove their commission to act as ambassa- dors of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God, he conchided : * And in asserting this shall I give unnecessary offence to my Dissenting friends, and many such I hope to have ? I say, No. For my part I think better things of the candid, honest, conscientious Dissenter. By vindicating the doc- trine and discipline of the Church of England I do indeed by implication assert that he is in error. But does he not do the same by us ? Does not he imply that we are in error, when he secedes from our communion, or refuses to conform to it ? This he must do if he would justify his secession. And if he does think us in error, he will never find in m.e one who will censure him for explaining to his hearers the ground of his dissent. However erro- neous I may consider those grounds, I shall ever contend that he is more than justified, that he is hound to state them honestly and fairly to his people : only let all things be done in charity, gentleness, and courtesy. What I ask then for myself is no more than what 1 am fully prepared to concede. . . . One of the great blessings of a full and free toleration is this : that we may now all of us contend fully and freely for the truth, and the whole truth. As a lover of truth then I am a friend to toleration. When the law assumed that all men were Churchmen, and on that account compelled all men to attend the service of the Church, the chari- tably disposed would, of course, be ready to sacrifice many portions of truth to satisfy the scruples of weaker brethren. Now we are not required to make any such sacrifices : we may now keep our VOL. I. Y 322 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. eyes steadily fixed upon the truth, and if any man think that the truth is not with us, he suffers no hardship in withdrawing from us. And as a lover of peace, as well as of truth, I thus openly, fairly, and honourably avow my principles. Depend upon it we promote peace, not by falsifying facts, and telling men that we do agree when we do not agree, for this only leads to endless disputes, but by stating clearly and firmly what our differences are, and by then agreeing to differ thereon. Those persons who thrust themselves into a promiscuous throng are liable to inconveniences and quarrels : but draw a line decidedly between disagreeing parties, and then over that line of demarcation opposite parties may cordially shake hands. With Dissenters, therefore, in religious matters I may not act, but most readily will I number them among my private friends. Never in my almsgiving will I make any distinction of persons : in such cases Samaritan and Jew shall be both alike to me. I will say to them, and I will not take offence if they retort the saying upon me, that I think them in error : but every person who happens to oppose what we hold as the truth is not of necessity a wilful opposer of truth as such. Their lov^e of truth may be as great as ours. Our prin- ciple, therefore, will be the same, though the appli- cation of that principle may be different, and for our common principle we may love and respect, while we may sometimes oppose, each other. We must indeed all of us learn to forbear one another and to forgive one another, even as Christ our blessed Redeemer, who died for our sins and rose again for our justification, hath forgiven us.' Farewell to Coventry. 323 I have quoted rather largely from this inaugural sermon, not only as being in itself instructive, but also because this bold and manly declaration of his principles, at the outset of his career, procured for him the respect of adversaries with whom he might otherwise have been brought into unpleasant col- lision. He adhered without wavering to the prin- ciples thus early avowed, and was consequently saved from the misery experienced by amiable but vacillatincf characters who seek to conciliate and please all, and too often end in exasperating all. One of the local papers, referring to the sermon, remarked : ' The Vicar has already made a strong and favourable impression upon his parishioners. He has clearly expounded his doctrines and de- veloped his plans. With regard to the latter there will naturally be a variety of opinions : but it must be universally admitted that he commenced the duties of his office with manly candour, that his abilities are first-rate, and that his demeanour is most kind and conciliating.' The month of June was the last of his residence at Coventry. A parting address in May, signed by thirty-three male and thirty-two female teachers of the Sunday school, concluded with these touching words : ' We cannot omit to congratulate you upon the success with which your exertions have been crowned by the great increase in the number of communicants, and the flourishing state of our schools ; and at the same time to express our warmest thanks for the spiritual instruction and consolation we have received from you as our revered pastor and affectionate friend. That tlie Y 2 324 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. blessing of the Lord God Almighty may rest upon you and yours, that the Spirit of Truth may guide you even to the end, and that you and we likewise may be of that happy number who shall be blessed at the coming of our Lord, is the hearty desire and humble prayer of the teachers of Trinity Church Sunday School.' The Vicar ended his reply by saying : ' My parting injunction to you is, Love the Church. You live in evil days, when evil tongues are railing against all that is great and good and holy in the land. May I always hear that the teachers of these schools continue to be what they now are, loyal, dutiful, zealous children of the dear old Church. May you grow in grace as you grow in years. May you increase in faith and all the fruits of faith, and to this end I exhort you to be earnest in prayer, regular in your attendance on the duties of the sanctuary — frequent communicants. Let us all persevere in this course and then our parting will not be an eternal one : we shall all meet before the throne of God and of the Lamb, where those who meet meet to part no more. You have often received my blessing, and you have been taught to regard it as the blessing of one com- missioned by God to bless His people. With my blessing therefore I now conclude. The peace of God,' &c. On June 12 he preached his last sermon at Coventry. There were not many dry eyes in the vast congregation when in the well-known voice, unrivalled in sweetness and pathos, to which his feelings on the occasion lent an additional tenderness, he said : ' And now I have finished my ministry in Farezvell to Coventry. 325 this parish. My friends — for you are my friends, and, thanks be to God, I know not an enemy in the parish — my friends, who have made so much allow- ance for my many deficiencies, who have received so very kindly the little good of which God in His mercy has used me as the instrument ; my young friends whom I have trained in the way of truth ; teachers of the Sunday school, members of the vestry (may you always continue to be as united a body as you have been during the last nine years) ; you who have assisted me in visiting the sick and needy ; you, with whom in your sorrows I have wept and who in my sorrows have wept with me ; you whom I have been the means of reconciling after disagreements ; my poorer brethren whom I have ever held in honour ; my elderly friends with whom I have taken sweet counsel ; my Christian triends, whose sacrifice of prayer and praise it has been my blessed duty to offer to the throne of grace, whom through my ministry Christ has fed with the bread of life — friends one and all — my prayer to you is, may God deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt kindly with me and mine : my exhortation is, those things which ye have learned and received and heard of me do, and the God of peace shall be with you, for you have heard of me, not my own con- jectures, but the words of truth as the Church has received them.' Capacious as is the church of the Holy Trinity it could not contain all the people who thronged to it on that Sunday evening, and hundreds waited outside to give their Vicar a parting shake of the hand, and to exchange a few farewell words. And 326 Life of Walter Farquliar Hook. so he departed, full of zeal and energy, full of high aims and aspirations, full of confidence, not in him- self, but in the Master whose he was and whom he served. The Evangelical party in Leeds and throughout the country were dejected and appre- hensive, but the ' Record,' writing more in sorrow than in anger, counselled quiet resignation to the inevitable : they had done all they could to prevent so calamitous an appointment, and now that it was made in spite of them, it only remained for them to pray that it might be overruled by God for the good of His Church and the spiritual welfare of the great community at Leeds. The gratitude of the Church is due to the * Record ' for recommending a prayer to which such an abundant answer has been vouchsafed. To his Wife — A Day of Discomfort. Coventry : February 23, 1837. My dearest Love, — If you were in the dumps when you wrote I shall be able to pay you in kind. I have a cold, which always depresses me. Tom Minster is out, and all those who help me in visiting the sick are ill. Sixteen sick persons demand what I have not physical strength to give, daily visiting. I have just returned, completely wet through, from trudging all over the parish, after having performed services, baptisms, and funerals. At the last the pitiless storm drenched me. I think I should have been in despair, if Russfield had not very kindly offered to visit some of the people for me. I had come home, hoping for two hours' rest before going to deliver my lecture ; but I have come to a fire nearly out, and have letters to answer, not all of them the most agreeable. Here is one from my mother, saying that Georgiana has been seriously ill. Letters on the Election. 327 I should certainly go over and see them, but besides my lecture to-night, I have a sermon for to-morrow, and three in prospect for Sunday, for Woodward is engaged, and Sheepshanks is unwell. . . . Here is also a letter from a Mr. Robert Hall, another of the trustees, asking whether if I were appointed, I should consider it ' a call.' I shall answer him much in the manner I answered Dr. Barnes. At my time of life, approaching forty with a constitution of fifty, and nerves shattered with those dreadful fits, it is natural to think twice before I determine to break up entirely new ground. I had never thought of going north. I had always expected to settle either in this neighbourhood or in London. But I now heartily hope that we may obtain Leeds. I foresee that if we remain here, the cares of a straitened income will be fatal to our happiness, ... I do not expect to see you back next week, for I am morally certain that you will soon quite break up. You have undertaken more than you can get through. But I will not go on this melancholy strain. I am worried, over- worked, chilled, and, in short, as you were when you wrote. By the time you receive this I may be better. I am almost sorry I let Minster go. / had not a single holiday the first four years I was in orders. To W. P. Wood, Esq. — Self-examination, Coventry : March lo, 1837. My dearest Friend, — The questions put by his cate- chist to Mr. Hall ' have sent me to the duty of self exami- nation. His catcchist is a right worthy man, such as my heart loves ; he has heard that I am an ungodly wretch, and he wishes to prevent my doing mischief Surely he is justified in this. I have carefully examined myself as to the motives he attributes to me ; I will tell you the result. * Party-spirit ' : now I do confess that I find myself to be a little too much influenced by that ; mine is a falling ' See above, p. 309. 328 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. party, and I feel a little complacent in adhering to it ; and I fear that I might do as the worthy catechist has done, occasionally attribute a wrong motive to another, in the heat of my zeal ; of this I repent, and by God's grace will amend. But certainly party-zeal has not been for sixteen years my motive, in labouring as I have laboured for Christ, and His Church ; for if ever party-feelings are excited, they almost immediately cool, and I feel sorry for any excesses of which I have been guilty. However, the impu- tation of this motive to me, though incorrect, shall make me very watchful for the future. Next comes ' restlessness of temperament ' ; here I am certainly not guilty, for indolence is the besetting sin of my natural man. You know not how very loth I am to quit my easy chair, to go about my Father's business in my parish : you cannot conceive the pain it frequently is to me to act the prominent part I do in the clerical affairs of the district. * Ambition ' : when I was ambitious, it was of literary fame, which was the only fame I cared for ; to renounce all hopes of literary distinction as I did, when I entered into orders was pain and grief to me, but I had grace to do it. As to professional honours I value them not a rush ; were I desirous of them, I should be much more likely to attain them by staying where I am, than by seeking to go to Leeds, I am not insensible to the advantages of station, but my sole wish for any advancement of that kind would be, not sel- fish, but to extend my usefulness, by giving greater weight to any arguments among those of my younger brethren whom it is my great delight to lead. You cannot imagine a person who cares less for these things than I do, * Vanity ' : on this point I have suspected myself, but certainly my vanity would never lead me to any great exer- tions, I rather pique myself on having formed a just estimate of my own powers, and that is a very low one. I fall so in- finitely short of what I intend in all that I do, that I have never done anything without being plunged into despond- ence ; and therefore a little praise instead of puffing me up Letters on the Election. 329 encourages me. It makes me feel that while I know that I have failed, yet that I have not failed so entirely as I feared ; I dread disgrace more than I covet praise. Now in whatever degree those faults may influence me, unknown to myself, we may easily find other motives for my sixteen years of labour. You know what my temper was in boy- hood, and you know what it is now ; it seems to me some- times as if a miracle had been wrought in mc, my temper has become so improved. People will not believe me sometimes when I tell them how bad my temper was ; and they see how well I am able to keep it under severe provo- cations. I have had other passions in my time to contend with ; I had a very bad soil to cultivate, but by the grace of God I am what I am, still a sinful, alas ! my dear Wood, a very, very sinful creature, but one who has found grace, and who has grown in grace ; and when I feel and know what great things the Saviour has done for me, I have only to ask you not to consider me as a brute beast, in order to make you certain that I must be actuated by zeal for my dear Master's service. Gratitude alone would in- flame my love, and love inflamed would urge an eager mind on to action. Indeed I think at times that nothing but a regular education and a keen sense of the ridiculous would keep me from fanaticism. Gratitude to my God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, is sufficient to inflame my love for Him, the Holy Trinity, and His Church ; and com- mon feelings of humanity would urge me to endeavour to procure for others the great blessings I have enjoyed and do enjoy myself If Mr. Hall's catechist knew how much more has been done, because needed, for my poor soul than for that of most men, he would not have sought for inferior motives to account for my conduct. To me much has been forgiven, and therefore I love much. Will you pardon all this egotism } you have always been my father confessor, and I think it right to lay the whole case before you now, because, as you have doubtless been sponsor for my piety to Mr. Hall, I wish to let you see whether you can safely stand up for me. But I am still so very conscious of the 330 Life of Walter Farqukar Hook. indwelling of sin in this mortal body of mine, that I would not have you say much. I know that many better persons may be obtained for Leeds than I am, but certainly there can be none more desirous of doing his duty to his God, his Saviour, and his Church. From Robert Hall, Esq., Congratulatory on His Election to the Vicarage. Leeds : March 20, 1837. My dear Mr. Vicar, — My father will have informed you how the Almighty has disposed our hearts to confer upon you a station of much responsibility. May He turn it to the everlasting benefit of thousands of immortal souls and your own welfare, both here and hereafter. My father relieves me from the necessity of writing to you at any considerable length, though I shall probably do so when my spirits have subsided into their ordinary course. I am still too much agitated to write in a business- like manner. You will be pleased to hear that, notwith- standing the attempt at agitation, the announcement of your election was very favourably received by a numerous assemblage of parishioners who were collected in the chan- cel awaiting the result. My father of course will consult with you as to the proper period of your making your ap- pearance here. One of the churches is to be reopened on the 30th. I have no doubt you will be requested to offi- ciate, but if the time now proposed be too early, I have little doubt it might be postponed for a short time. . . . Wherever we may be, I need hardly assure you that my wife and I shall have the greatest pleasure in being of every possible service to Mrs. Vicaress and yourself. That God may bless you both and make you blessings to others is, I assure you, the reiterated prayer of Yours very faithfully, Robert IIalu Letters on the Election. 331 To W. P. Wood, Esq. Coventry : March 21, 1837. My dearest William and not less dear Charlotte, — Mr. Hall senior, a man whom I can take to my heart, has just arrived with the presentation to Leeds. I am stupified, and therefore cannot express my feelings. I am really overwhelmed ; the thought of leaving dear Coventry is full of sadness ; the responsibility of my new position alarms me : thus I may be pardoned for not actually feeling joy. Pray for me, pray for us, my dearest friends ; and God Almighty grant that our new promotion may be attended by a corresponding growth in grace. I have, of course, many letters to write, and two services daily during this week, so no more at present from Your devoted grateful Friend. To Rev. E. Gibson. Coventry : March 23, 1837. My dear Friend, — Understanding that you were ap- prised of my success by my most kind and zealous friend Sheepshanks, I did not write yesterday, as I had many friends at a distance impatient to hear from me. But did you argue from this that I am ungrateful for all your judi- cious exertions on my behalf.'' No! or you would not be the Edward Gilson I love — and love especially because he always finds out the virtues and is rather blind to the faults of his friends. Believe me that I shall never forget your kindness. To my wife and me this is not pleasure without alloy. The thought of leaving dear Coventry, where we have so many friends, where we have spent so many happy years, where we have so many kind parishioners, where one blessed child is buried, is a thought full of grief. But so is everything in this world ; all happiness must be of a mixed nature, or this world would be heaven. 332 Life of Walter Farquhar Hook. Remember me, dear Gibson, in your prayers, and pray that I may bear in mind the verse of Gregory Nazianzen, or' evTrXoets \iaKi.