Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryfrenchOOkeetrich AN ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. COLLEGES, HIGH SCHOOLS, AND ACADEMIES. PROF. JEAN GUSTAVE KEETELS, AUTHOR OF "ANALYTICAL AND PRACTICAL FRENCH GRAMMAR," "a COLLEGIATE FRENCH COURSE," " AN ANALYTICAL FRENCH READER," " A CHILd's FIRST BOOK IN FRENCH." NEW EOITION, ^ .-iDlTED BY PROF. H ipI^O l.T'T^ D ALMO N, United States NI'Ival .Y'CftbfeMY, i-a-NNAIolis, Md. NEW YORK: Mayxard, Merkill, & Co., 29, 31. .\ND 33 East Ninetkenth Street. 1898. f or TMf ■ '^ Prof. Keetels' French Series. 1. A Child's Illustrated First Book in French. 168 pages, 12mo, handsomely bound in cloth. The aim of this book is to make the Study of the French language attractive and interesting to children, who have no knowledge of the English grammar. The object-lesson plan has been adopted. For this purpose the volume is handsomely illustrated by engravings especially prepared for the book. U. An Klenientary French Grammar. For High Schools and Academies. 340 pages, 12mo. This work is designed for students of the academic and collegiate departments. Its purpose is to train them in the principles of French grammar, and to accustom them by oral instruction to the use of the French language. 3. An Analytical and Practical French Grammar. 524 pages, 12mo. This book, containing the advantage of the oral and the analytical method of instruction, comprises all that is necessary to teach the French language success- fully, both theoretically and practically. It is a complete grammar, in which the principles of the language are developed in a logical and efficient manner. 4. A Collegiate Course in the French Languagre, comprising a complete Grammar, with Kules on Gender : Reading-Lessons and Exercises for Translation ; a Treatise on French Pronunciation ; a Key to the Prin- cipal French Idioms ; the Latin Elements, common to both the French and English ; the whole being a compilation of the principles of the French Language, arranged and prepared for the study of French, in Colleges and Collegiate Institutions. 549 pages, 12mo. Cloth. 5. An Analytical French Reader : with English Exercises for Translation and Oral Exercises for Practice in Speaking ; Questions on Grammar, with References to the Author's several Grammars. Notes and Vocabulary. In Two Parts. Part First : Selections of Fables, Anecdotes, and Short Stories. Part Second : Selections f.-om the best Modern V/rite?s. 320 pages, 12mo. A KEY TO THE ENGLISH EXERCISES IN THE ANALYTICAL AND PRAC- TICAL FRENCH GRAMMAR. ;Fo; tcacnorsonly.) 12mc. Cloth. 75 cents. A KEY TO THE ENGLISH EXERCISES IN TEE COLLEGIATE COURSE. (For teachers only.) Price, 75 cents. Entered according to .Act of Congress, in the year 1S73, by Mason, Baker & Pratt, in the UiI5ee of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year ls"3, by Albert Mason, in the OfBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Copyright, IbSl. 1884. Clark 4 Matnard. PREFACE nnHIS Elementary French Grammar is designed for stu. dents, who begin the study of French. Each part of speech is treated separately, and every subject is at once completed as lar as tlie scope of the work permits. The rules and explanations are stated in simple language, which is believed to be within the comprehension of the youthful mind. The exercises are short, lively, and varied. To compose suitable sentences for practice, elements have been introduced which are outside of the order of develop- ment. These are given in the vocabularies, systematically arranged in order to engage the interest of the student, and with an occasional e-xi)hination wlien the subject abso- lutely requires it. The author has been careful, however, not to infringe the regular order of development, and to keep the subject-matter prominently before the mind, so as to leave an indelible impression. Great attention has been bestowed on the treatment of the pronouns and verbs; the irregular verbs have been given in full, with copious exercises for practice. The rules in Syntax are confined to elementary principles, in accordance with the plan of the work, which is intended as introductory to the author's Analytical and Practical French Grammar or Collegiate French Course. Students who have finished the present course, will be well prepared iv PREFACE, to take up either of the larger works, in which they will go over mucli of the same ground, but with the additional interest of the Oral Exercises. They will be enabled to ad- vance rapidly, to understand, more clearly the facts that come before them ; and, in pursuing the course to its con- clusion, will attain their aim: read, write, and speak the French language. PUBLISHERS' NOTE. The demand for this work has been so great that in the printing of many successive editions the plates had become badly worn. New electrotype plates having become necessary, the pub- lishers have deemed it proper to have the book carefully read, and such improvements made as suggested themselves to the editor. The author of the work having died some years since, his friend Professor H. Dalmon of the United States Naval Academy undertook this work of revision, and has performed it with great care, so that it is believed that it is as nearly free from typographical errors as possible. No radical changes in the matter or form have been made, and the new edition can be used in the same classes with the old without the slightest difficulty. The numerous teachers who have heretofore used the book with such satisfaction, will, we are confident, be glad to see it in this new and improved type. CONTENTS. Page Pbeface f INTRODUCTION.— Chapter First T Alphabet and Ortho-Graphic Sirite. 18. The indicative expresses the action in an absolute manner, as : I write, I have icritten, 1 shall write. 19. The conditional expresses the action conditionally, as : 1 icould write, if I had time. 20. The imperative expresses command or exhortation, as : write. 21. The subjunctive expresses the action in a subordinate and de- pendent manner, as : I wish that you icould write. INTRODUCTION. 19 Tenses. 22. Tenses are simple or compound ; simple, when they are expressed by the verb alone, as : I write; compound, when they are formed with an auxiliary, as : I have written. 2a Each simple tense has its corresponding compound tense, which is formed of the simple tense of the auxiliary verb and the past parti- ciple of the principal verb ; thus, I hate, is the simple tense, and //ia«e had, the compound tense which corresponds with it. 24. Compound tenses always express completed action. 25. The infinitive mode has two tenses, a simple and a compound. It comprises also the participles, present, past, and compound. 26. The indicative mode has eight tenses. ♦ 27. The conditional mode has two tenses. 28. The imperative mode has one tense. 29. The subjunctive mode has four tenses. iNFiNiTrvE Mode. SIMPLE. Present. Present. Past, Present. Imperfect. Past Definite. Future. Participles. Indicative Mode. Conditional Mode. Present. COMPOUNB. Past. Compound. Past Indefinite. Pluperfect. Past Anterior. Future Anterior. Past. Imperative Mode. Present and Future. Subjunctive Mode. Present. Past. Imperfect. Pluperfect. no INTRODUCTION. 30. Adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are invari. able words ; that is, their forms are not varied to indicate gender, number, etc. They are sometimes csMed particles. 3.— SENTENCES. 1. A sentence is an assemblage of words making complete sense. 2. Every sentence consists of two parts : the subject and the predi. cate. 3. The subject is that concerning which something is said. 4. The predicate is that which is said concerning the subject. 5. A sentence is either (1) affirmative, (2) negative, (3) interrogative, or (4) negative and interrogative. SUBTECT. PREDICATE. SUBJECT. PREDICATE. (1) Henry is studious. (3) Is Henry studious? (2) Henry is not studious. (4) Is not Henry studious? 6. The rules which regulate the construction of sentences form that part of grammar which is called Syntax. They are comprised under the heads of Government, Agreement, and Position. 7. Government is the power which one word has over another, in requiring it to assume certain modifications, in order to express the relation in which the dependent word stands to the governing word. 8. Agreement is the correspondence of one word with another, in gender, number, and person. 9. Position, or Collocation, is the placing of tlie words in a sentence, in the order required by their mutual relations, or by usage. 10. In the sentence. Henry is icriting a letter to his father (Henry y subject ; is writing a letter to Ms father, predicate), the above three principles of syntax are illustrated in the following manner : a. Gorernment. — The subject Henry governs the verb is writing in the third person singular ; the verb is writing governs the noun letter, directly, and the noun /fit^Aer, indirectly. b. Agreement. — The verb is meriting is in the third person singular, to agree with its subject, Henry. c. Position. — In a declarative sentence, either affirmative or nega- tive, the subject stands first, then the verb, next the noun which is INTRODUCTION. 21 the direct object, and then the noun which is the indirect object of the verb. Rem. — This is the natural or logical order in which the ideas pre- sent themselves to the mind : first, the thinfj about which we wish to say something; then the state or action which we wish to affirm of it; next the object ; and lastly, the remote object of that action. SUGGESTIONS. The French Exercise may be recited in the following manner : — Tiie teacher pronounces a sentence of the exer- cise to his class, and calls upon one of the students to repeat and translate it without looking in the book. When the student has done so, the teacher gives the English, and the student, or better the whole class, gives the French : Teacher. — Le pere et la mere de I'enfant. Scholar. — Le pere et la mere de I'enfant. The father and mother of the child. Teacher. — The father and mother of the child. Class. — Le pere et la mere de I'enfant. The students should be requested to prepare a written translation of the Theme, and to brin^it to the class-room. The teacher should ask them to trq-rislate, each in turn, a sentence, and direct them to writj^ their sentences on the blackboard, without looking at tlieir written translations. If there are a sufficient numbei/of blackboards in the class- room, several scholars may be M'riting their sentences at the same time, and the whole e?:ercise may be corrected in a few minutes. When the ^acher g'ises to the blackboard and corrects the sentence;^, in the ordeXin which they are in the exercise, he should direct the pupils to correct, at the same time, their own exercises. The copy-books con- taining the corrected exercises should be examined from time to time, in order to ascertain whether they have been carefully and properly corrected. ./ fc/ THE XOUN. — THE ARTICLE. 23 FIKST LESSON. The Noun.*— The Article* 1. Ix French there are only two genders, the masculine and i\\e feminine. The article has two distinct forms ; one for the masculine, and one for the feminine. The definite article the is le for the masculine, and la for the feminine. Before a vowel and before a silent h,t it is 1'. Mascuzjne. Femixd^t;. Le pere, tlie father. La mere, the mother. Le verre, the glass. La tasse, the cup. L'homme {for le homme), the L'eau {for la eau), the water, man. I 2. The indefinite article a or an is un for the masculine, and une for the feminine.^ Un homme, a man. Une femme, a woman ; a wife. Un verre, a glass. Une tasse, a cup. The article is repeated before each noun, as : Le pere et la mere. The father and mother. Un homme et une femme. A man and woman. Vocabulary 1. Le pere, the father. Un homme, a man. La mere, the mother. Une femme, a woman ; a wife. * Introduction, p. 15. 17. + There are some French words beginning with the letter h, before which the elision of the vowel does not take place ; the h is then called aspirate, although it is not heard in the pronounciation. (See Introd., p. 11. 5.) X Un, une, a or an, means also one, and is called, by most French grammarians, a numeral adjective. (See Less. 9.) 24 ELEMENTARY FEENCH GRAM MAE. Un enfant,* a child. Est, is. Une maison, a house. Ou, where, Une ecole, a school. Ici, here. Un verre, a glass ; a tumbler. La, there. Une tasse, a cup. A, to, at. Le pain, the bread. A la maison, at home ; home. La viande, the tueat. A I'ecole, at school. Le lait, the milk. De (d' before a vowel), of; from. L'eau (fern.), the water. Dans, in. Et, and. Pour, for. Exercise 1. 1. Le pere et la mere de I'eufant. 2. Le pere est ici. 3. La mere est la, dans la maison. 4. Oil est I'enfant ? 5. L'enfant est a I'ecole. 6. Le pain est pour la femme. 7. La viande est pour I'liomme. 8. Un verre d'eau et une tasse de lait. Theme 1. 1. The father of the child is here. 2. The mother is in the house. 3. The glass of milk is for the child. 4. The water is for the man. 5. Where is the woman ? 6. The woman is at home. 7. The bread and meat. 8. A glass and cup. SECOND LESSON. Noun and Article. — Plural Forms. 1. General Rule.— The plural of nouns is formed by adding s to the singular, as : verre, glass ; plural, verres, glasses. * Enfant, applied to a girl, is feminine ; une enfant, a child {a little girl). NOUN AND ARTICLE, — PLURAL FORMS. 25 Exceptions. Exc. 1. Nouns ending in s, x, or z, are the same in the plural as in the singular, as : fils, son : plural, fils, sons. Exc. 2. Nouns ending in au and eu, add x in the plu- ral, as : gateau, cake ; plural, gateaux, cakes. neveu, nephew ; p^ura^, neveux, nephews. Exc. 3. Nouns ending in al, generally change al into zxoL, as: cheval, horse ; plural, chevaux, horses. Rem. For other irregularities in the formation of the plural of nouns, see Second Lesson {bis), p. 26. %. Plural of the Definite Article. The plural of the definite article le, la, or 1', is les, as ; Les hommes et les femmes. The men and women. Vocabulary 2. Les parents, the parents. Un bateau, a boat. Un fils, a son. Uu gateau, a cake, Une fille, a daughter ; a girl. Un livre, a book. Un gar9on, a boy. Une table, a table. Une eglisfc, a church ; a I'eglise, Un jardin, a garden. at church. Un arbre, a tree, Une ecurie, a stable, Charles, Charles. Un cheval, a horse. Marie, Mary. Un chien, a dog. Sur, on, upon. Un chat, a cat. Sous, under Sont, are. 26 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 2. 1. Les verres ct les tasses sont siir la table. 2. Les livres de Marie sont a la niaison. 3. Les pa^'ents de Charles sont ici. 4. Le pere et la mere sont a Teglise. 5. Les filles sont dans la maison. 6. Les fils sont a I'ecole. 7. lie gar^ou est dans le jardin. 8. Le chat est sons I'arbre. 9. Oil est le cheval? 10. Les chevaux sont dans I'ecurie. 11. Le chien est dans le bateau. 12. Les gateaux sont pour les enfants. Theme 2. 1. The books of the child are on the table. 2. The parents are at church. 3. The sons are in the garden. 4. The daughters are in the house. 5. The boy is in the boat. 6. The dogs are in the water. 7. Where are the cats? 8. The cakes are for the girls. 9. The horse is in the stable. 10. The horses are under the trees. 11. Mary is at home, and Charles is at school. SECOND LESSON (bis). This second lesson {Ms) is inserted, as all the lessons marked (bis) are, to com- plete a subject which is left incomplete in the preceding lesson. It is not intended that the students should study it in going through the course for the first time. They may do so afterwards, when they are reviewing. Plural of Nouns. — Exceptions. (Continued). The exceptional rule 3, contained in the preceding lesson, does not comprise all the nouns that end in al. The follow- ing nouns in al follow the general rule. Aval, surety for payment. Cal, callosity. Bal, ball {dancing party). Carnaval, carnival. CONTRACTION" OF THE ARTICLE. 27 Chacal, jackal. Nopal, nopal. Pal, pale (in heraldri/). Regal, entertainment. Plural : avals, bals, etc. Exc. 4. Seveu nouns ending in ou, take x in the plural. Bijou, jewel. Hibou,* owl. Caillou, flint. Joujou, plaything. Chou, cabbage. Pou, louse. Genou, knee. Plural : bijoux, cailloux, etc. Rem. 1. Other nouns in ou follow the general rule. Exc. 5. A few nouns ending in ail, change ail into aux. Bail, lease. Soupirail, air-hole. Corail, coral. Vantail, door-flap. Email, enamel. Ventail, ventail {of helmets). Plural : baux, coraux, etc. Rem. 2. Other nouns ending in ail, follow the general rule, except ail, betail (Exc. 6), and travail (Exc. 7). Exc. C. Ail, clove of garlic, has in the plural ails or aulx. Betail, cattle ; plural, bestiaux. Exc. 7. The following four nouns have two plural forms, each with a different meaning: Aieul, ancestor, ^?M?'..- aieux; aieul, grandfather, p?M 7*.. • aieuls. Ciel, heaven, ^/!;//-.; cieux; ciel, tester; roof of a quarry ; sky of a picture; climate; plur.: ciels. CTJil, eye, plur.: yeux; ceil in ceil de boeuf, ox-eye, plur.: CEils. Travail, labor, 7)??/r.' travaux; travail, minister's report ; a brake for refractory horses, plur.: travails. Rem. 3. Nouns of more than one syllable ending in ant or ent, either change the final t into s, or follow the general rule : I'enfant, plur.: les enfans, or enfants, the children. ♦ Tb« A of hibou is aspirated : le hibou, the owl. 28 ELEMENTAEY FR'fcNCH GRAMMAR. THIRD LESSON. Contraction of the Article. — Ne Pas, NoTo 1. The definite article is subject to contraction. De and le are contracted into du ; de and les, into des. A and le are contracted into au ; k and les, into aux. De and la, and de and 1'; k and la, and k and 1', are not contracted. 2. Forms of the Definite Article before Nouns. (a.) Before a Masculine Noun. SINGULAR. PLUBAL. Le pere, tlie father. Les peres, tlie fathers. Du per«, of or from the father. Des peres, of o?' from the fathers. Au pere, to the father. Aux peres, to the fathers. (b.) Before a Feminine Noun. La mere, the mother. Les meres, the mothers. De la mere, of or from the Des meres, of or from the mo- mother. tliers. A la mere, to the mother. Aux meres, to the mothers. (c.) Before a Vowel. L'enfant, the chikl. Les enfants, the children. Del'enfant, of or from the child. Des enfants, of the children. A l'enfant, to the child. Aux enfants, to the children. 3. Ne (u') pas, Not. Pas, not, or any other negative word accompanying a verb, requires ne (n') before the verb. When th,e verb is not expressed, ne is not used. Charles n'est pas a I'ecole. Charles is not at school. Les chevaux ne sont pas ici. The horses are not here. CONTRACTION OF THE ARTICLE. 29 Vocabulary 3. Unmaitre, a master; a teacher. Je (J'), I. Un professeur, a professor. J'ai, I have. Un general, a general. Ai-je ? have I? Un soldat, a soldier. Je n'ai pas, I have not. Un mari, a husband. N'ai-je pas? have I not? Un chapeau, a hat ; a bonnet. Parle, spoken. Une orange, an orange. Donne, given. Un crayon, a pencil. Prete, lent. Une plume, a pen ; a feather. Attache, attached. Paul, Paul. Eu, had. Louise, Louisa. Vu, seen. Exercise 3. 1. Le fils du maitre est dans Tecole. 2. Les livres des enfautssont sur la table. 3. Le mari de la femme n'cst pas a la maison. 4. Les m^res des filles ne sent pas ici. 5. Le clieval du soldat est attache a I'arbre. 6. Les ehevaux des generaux sent dans I'ecurie. 7. J'ai la plume du maitre. 8. J'ai parle an professeur. 9. J'ai donne les oranges aux enfants du professeur. 10. J'ai prete le bateau aux tils du general. 11. Je n'ai pas eu le crayon de Paul. 12. Je n'ai pas vu le chapeau de Louise. Theme 3. 1. The hat of the soldier is on the table. 2. The father of the girl is not at home. 3. The mother of the child is in the house. 4. The horses of the generals are under the trees. 5. The boat of the man is attached to a tree. G. The husband and wife are not here. 7. I have the professor's book (the book of the professor). 8. I have not had the teacher's pen (the pen of the teacher). 9. I have spoken 30 ELEMENTARY FREKCH GRAMMAR. to the general. 10. I have given the oranges to the girls. 11. I have lent the pencil to Louisa. 13. I have not seen Paul. FOUETH LESSON. Partitive Sense of the Noun. — Present Tense of Avoir, To Have. 1. A noun is used in a partitive sense Avhen it is, or may be, preceded, in English, by some or any, as: some or any hreacl, or hrend. In French, a noun used in the partitive sense is preceded by de and the definite article ; that is : du, de la, de 1' or des, as: Du pain, Bread, some or any bread. De la viande, Meat, some or any meat. De I'eau, Water, some or any water. Des gateaux, Cakes, some or any cakes. 2. Omission of the Article before a Partitive Noun. The article is omitted, and de alone is used, before a partitive noun, in the following three cases : (1.) After pas, or any other negative word, as: Je n'ai pas de pain, I have no bread (not any bread). (2.) When the noun is preceded by an adjective, as : J'ai de bon pain, I have good bread. (3.) When the noun limits another noun, or an adverb that denotes quantity: Un verre d'eau, A glass of w^ater. Un morceau de gateau, A piece of cake. Une plume d'or, A gold pen (a pen of gold). PARTITIVE SENSE OF THE NOUN. 31 Un maitre d'ecole, A school-master. Beaucoup de courage, mais Much (of) cou rage, but little (of) peu de patience, patience. 3. Present Tense of Avoir, To H AVE. J'ai, I have. Ai-je ? have I ? Tu as, thou hast. As-tu ? hast thou? Ha, he or it* has. A-t-U ? has he or it?* Ellea, she o-r it* has. A-t-elle ? has she or it ?* Nous avons, we have. Avons-nous ? have we ? Vous avez, you have. Avez-vous ? have you? lis ont, they (m.) have. Ont-ils ? have they {m)1 Elles ont, they (/.) have. Ont-elles ? have tliey (/.) ? Rem. The letter t in a-^^7.? a-t-elle? is inserted for euphony. Vocabulary 4. Du courage,! courage. Beaucoup (de), much ; many, De la patience, patience. Peu (de), little. De I'or (/)(.), gold. Un peu (de), a little. De l'argent(w.), silver; money. Assez (de), enough. Du beurre, butter. Trop (de), too ; too much. Du cafe, coffee. Trop peu (de), too little. Du the, tea. Achete, bought. Du Sucre, sugar. Apporte, brought. Du sel, salt. Mange, eaten. Du papier, paper. Bu, drunk. De I'encre, (/. ), ink. Mais, but. Un morceau, a piece ; a morsel. Aussi, also ; too, Exercise 4. 1. Tu as du pain et de la viande. 2. As-tu de Targent ? 3. Je n'ai pas d'argent. 4. Charles a du papier et de * As there is no neuter gender in the French language, it represents a noun which, in French, Is either masculine or feminine. If the noun is masculine, it is il ; if the nouQ is feminine, it is eUe. t Nouns which are r>receded in the vocabularies by dn, de In. de P, or den, in French, and by no determinative word in English, are taken in the partitive sense. 32 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. rencrc. 5. A-t-il des plumes ? 6. II a achete une plume d'or. 7. Marie a du beurre et du sucre. 8. A-t-elle aussi du cafe et du the ? 0. Elle a assez de cafe et de the, mais elle n'a pas de sel. 10. Nous avons mange un morceau de pain et un pen de viande. 11. Les enfants out bu trop d'eau. 12. lis ont eu trop pen de lait. 13. Les filles ont apporte dcs oranges. 14. Ont-clles aussi apporte des gd- teauxj 15. Elles n'ont pas apporte de gdteaux. 16. Vous avez beaucoup de courage, mais vous avez peu de patience. Theme 4. 1. Thou hast courage and patience. 2. Charles has money, but he has no patience. 3. Has he brought paper and pens ? 4. He has brought paper and ink, but he has not brought pens. 5. Mary has bought much coffee and (of) tea. 6. Has she also bought sugar ? 7. She has not iDought sugar. 8. We have sugar enough (enough of sugar). 9. Have you any salt ? 10. We have a great deal of (much) salt, but little butter. 11. You have too much courage, but too little patience. 13. They (m.) have eaten a piece of cake. 13. They (/.) have drunk water. 14. I have drunk a glass of milk. FIFTH LESSON. Qualifying Adjectives.*— Feminine and Plural. 1. There are qualifying and limiting adjectives. Qualifying adjectives add a quality to the noun, as: a good book, had paper. * Introduction, p. 14. QUALIFYING ADJECTIVES. 33 Limiting adjectives limit the sense of the noun, as : my book, this paper. All adjectives agree, in gender and number, with the noun which they quahfy or limit. 2. Formation of the Feminine of Adjectives. Genekal Rule.— The feminine form of the adjective is obtained by adding e to the masculine form, as: petiij fern, petite, small, little. 3. Exceptions. Exc. 1. Adjectives ending for the masculine in e mute, have but one form for both genders, as: jeune, masc. &n^fem., young. Exc. 2. Many adjectives double tlie final consonant and add e for the feminine, as : bon, fern, bonne, good ; kind, Exc. 3. Adjectives ending in f, change f into ve, as : attentif, fem. attentive, attentive. Exc. 4. Adjectives ending in x, change x into se, as: studieux, fem. studieuse, studious. For other irregularities in the formation of the feminine of adjectives, see Fifth Lesson [Ms). 4. Formation of the Plural of Adjectives. The plural of adjectives is formed in the same manner as the plural of nouns (Lesson Second). The exceptional rules apply to the masculine forms of adjectives only; the 34 ELEMEXTARY FREXCH GRAMMAR, feminine forai always ends in the plural. Les petits garcjons, Les petites filles, Les mauvais crayons, Les mauvais es plumes, See also Fifth Lesson (bis). e, and takes regularly s in The little boys. The little girls. The had pencils. The bad pens. Vocabulary 5. Un frere, a brother. Une sceur, a sister. Un oncle, an uncle. Une tante, an aunt. Henri, Henry. Henriette, Henrietta. Jules, Julius. Julie, Julia. Alexis, Alexis. Guillaume, William. Petit,/, petite, small ; little. Grand,/, grande, large ; tall. Mauvais,/. mauvaise, bad. Bon,/ bonne, good; kind. Gros,/. grosse, big; large; stout; coarse. Jeune, ra. and/, young. Riche, 7)1. and/., rich. Pauvre, m. and/, poor. Malade, m. and/., sick. Attentif, / attentive, attentive. Studieux, / studieuse, studious. Tres, very. Qui, who ; which. Exercise 5. 1. Le petit Jules* n'est pas ici. 2. Henri a une petite soeur, qui est malade. 3. Vous avez un grand jardin. 4. Nous avons aussi une gi-ande maison. o. J'ai achete de bon papier et de bonne encre (Less. 4th — 2). 6. Yous avez apporte des plumes, qui ne sent pas bonnes. 7. Les crayons ne sont pus mauvais. 8. Julie a un oncle, qui est tres-riche. 9. Elle a aussi une tante, qui est tres-bonne, mais qui n'est pas riche. 10. Le frere du soldat est pauvre. 11. II n-a pas d'argent, et il est malade. 12. Le jeune * In French, the article is nsed before a proper noun which is preceded by an adjective or title, as : le petit .lules, little Julius. FORMATION OF THE FEMININE. 35 Alexis* n'est pas attentif. 13. Lc gros Guillaunie* n'est pas studieux. 14. La grosse Henriette* est une boime fille. 15. Ellc est attentive et studieuse. 16. Les enfants qui sout studieui, sent aussi attentif s. Theme 5. 1. Little Henry* is a good boy. 2. He is studious and attentive. 3. Little Henrietta* is a good girl. 4. She is studious and attentive. 5. Good cliildrenf are studious and attentive. 6. Young Alexis* is not here. 7. He has a sister, who is sick. 8. The brother of Mary is sick too. 9. The father of Julius has bought a large boat. 10. ItJ is in the water, attached to a tall tree. 11. The uncle of (the) stout William has brought large (big) oranges, which are very good. 12. He is rich ; he has a large stable and many {leaucoup de) horses. 13. Julia has an aunt, who is very kind, but she is poor. 14. You have brought bad paper and bad pens (Less. 4th— 2). 15. He has brought pencils which are not bad. FIFTH LESSON {bis). Formation of the Feminine of Adjectives.— Exceptions. (Continued.) 1. (Exc. 2, p. 33.) The adjectives which double the final consonant and add e for the feminine, are principally those that end in el, eil, ien, on, and et, as : Tel, /. teUe, such. Bon, /. bonne, good ; kind. Pareil, /. pareille, similar. Sujet, /. sujette, subject. Ancien, /. ancienne, ancient. * See foot-note on opposite page. + Good children, les botis enfants. The article is used in French before nouns that represent a class. + Sec foot-note *, p. 31 36 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. And the following : Bas, /. basse, low. Gros, /. gT-osse, big ; stout. Gras, /. grasse, fat. Nul, /. nulle, no. Las, /. lasse, tired. Gentil, /. gentille, pretty. Epais, /. epaisse, thick. Sot, /. sotte, silly. Expres, /. expresse, positive. Vieillot, /. vieillotte, oldish. Profes, /. professe, professed. Rem. a few adjectives in et do not double the t, viz.: Complet,/. complete, complete. Secret, /. secrete, secret. Concret, /. concrete, concrete. Inquiet, /. inquiete, uneasy. Discret, /. discrete, discreet. Replet, /. replete, corpulent. Exc. 5. Five adjectives have three forms, two for the masculine, and one for the feminine: Beau, bel, /. belle, beautiful ; Vieux, vieil,/. vieille, old. handsome ; fine. Fou, fol, /. foUe, foolish. Nouveau, nouvel, /. nouvelle, Mou, mol, /. moUe, soft. new. Beau, nouveau, vieux, fou, and mou, are used before a consonant ; bel, nouvel, vieil, (or vieux), fol, and mol, before a vowel and before a silent h. Exc. 6. Four adjectives end in che, in the feminine : Blanc, /. blanche, white Sec, /. seche, dry. Franc, /. franche, frank. Frais, /. fraiche, fresh. Exc. 7. The following are peculiarly irregular : Doux, /. douce, sweet. Tiers, /. tierc?, third (part.). Faux, /. fausse, false. Long, /. longue, long. Jumeau,/. jumelle, twin. Oblong, /. oblongue, oblong. Prefix, /. prefixe, prefixed. Benin, /. benigne, benign. Rous, /. rousse, reddish. Malin, /. maligne, malicious. COMPARISON Of ADJECTIVES. 37 Caduc, /. caduque, decrepit. Grec, /. grecque, Greek. Public, /. publique, public. Coi, /. coite, still ; snug. Turc, /. turque, Turkisli. Favori,/. favorite, favorite. Traitre, /. traitresse, treacherous. 2. Plural of Adjectives.— Exceptions. (Continued.) A few adjectives (Less, otli — 4) do not conform to the rules given for the formation of tlie plural of nouns in Les- son Second. Bleu, line, plural masculine : bleus (not Ueiix). The following and some other adjectives in al, do not change al into aux, but follow the general rule and take s, as : amical, amicable ; fatal, fatal; final, final ; initial, initial, etc.; plural mascuhne: amicals, fatals, finals, etc. The masculine forms (Less. 5th. — Exc. 5) bel, nouvel, vieil, fol, and mol, have in the plural, beaux, nouveaux, vieus:, fous, mous. SIXTH LESSOX. Comparison of Adjectives. 1. Adjectives are compared hy means of the adverbs, plus, more J moins, less; aussi, as; pas si or pas aussi, not so. The two terms of a comparison are connected by que, than, as : Henri est plus grand que Henry is taller tban Charles. Charles. Louise est moins avancee Louisa is not so far advanced ai que Julie. Julia. Pavd est aussi studieux que Paul is as studious as Mary. Marie. n n'est pas si attenti£ He is not so attentive. 38 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 2. The superlative degree is formed by le plus, le moins. Le plus studieux. The most studious. Le moins avance. The least advanced. When the adjective in the superlative degree is placed afuer the noun,* the article is used twice, once before the noun, and once before the comparative adverb. La fille la plus studieuse. The most studious girl. The noun that limits an adjective in the superlative degree, is preceded by de. L'eleve le plus avance de The most advanced scholar in I'ecole. the school. 3. Some adjectives are irregularly compared, as : / bon, good ; meilleur, better ; le meilletir, the best. petit, little ; moindre, less ; le moindre, the least. mauvais, bad ; pire, worse ; le pire, the worst. The regular forms of petit, small ; and mauvais, had; that is plus petit, le plus petit, and plus mauvais, le plus mauvais, are also used. 4. Present Tense of Etre, To Be. J'e suis. 1 am. Suis-je ? am I? Tu es, thou art. Es-tu ? art thou ? 11 est, he or it is. Est-il ? is he or it ? Elle est, she or it is. Est-elle ? is she or it? Nous sommes. we are. Sommes-nous ? are we ? Vous ^tes, you are. Etes-vous ? are you ? Us sent, they (/«.) are. Sont-ils ? are they {m.Y Ellas sout, they (/.) are. Sont-elles ? are they (/.) * ♦ In French, the adjective is generally placed after the noun. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 39 Vocab La ville, the city ; tlio town. La classe, the dass. Un eleve, a scholar ; a pu- pil (;n.i. Une eleve, a scholar ; a pu- Age, old ; aged. AppliquSj attentive; sedu- lous. Avance, advanced. Fatigue, fatigued ; tired. Content, contented ; satisfied. Premier ; premiere, first. Rem. The feminine form of the tonlv when it does not conform to Fifth. ulary 6. Dernier ; derniere, last. Ce matin, this morning. Aujourd'hixi, to-day. Souvent, often. Toujours, always. Encore,* still. Plus (ne),* no longer ; no more. Oui, yes. Non, no. Que (qu'), than ; as. Jean, John. Pierre, Peter. Elise, Eliza. adjective is given in the vocabularies any of the rules contained in Lesson Exercise 6. 1. Je suis pins grand que Charle.?. 2. Oui, Paul, mais tii es aussi plus Age que Charles. 3. Guillaume est le plus grand des enfants du maitre. 4. II est le plus avance de recole. 5. Julie, vous etes moins avaneee qu'Elise. 6. Elise est la meilleure eleve de la classe. 7. Les bons Aleves sont toujours les premiers a I'ecole. 8. Nous ne sommes pas les premiers ce matin. 9. Xon, vous etes les demiers aujourd'hui. 10. !Xous ne sommes pas souvent les derniers. 11. Pierre est aussi applique qn'Alexis. 12. Hen- riette, vous n'etes pas si attentive que Marie. 13. Etes-vous encore malade ? 14. Xon, je ne suis plus malade, mais je * Encore, still, and plw> (neK no lons^er, are adverbs of time. Hus requires ne before the verb ; it is the responsive netrative to encore; Est-il encore id ? Is he still here ? // n'est plus id. He is not (pr he is no longer here). 40 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. suis fatiguee. 15. L'oncle d'Elise est rhomme le plus riclie (le la ville. 10. Nous ne sommes pas riches, mais nous sommes contents. Theme 6. 1. I am younger than Paul. 2. Yes, Charles, but you are also less far (moins) advanced. 3. Paul is the best scholar in (the) school. 4. Louisa is as tall as Henrietta. 5. She is not so old as Henrietta. 6. Julia, you are not very attentive this morning. 7. You are no longer sick ? 8. No, but I am still tired. 9. Eliza is a good scholar. 10. She is the most advanced scholar (the scholar the most advanced) of the class. 11. Peter is less studious and less attentive than William. 12. We are contented, but we are not so rich as the uncle of Julius. 13. Julia is the first of the class to-day. 14. She is always the first. 15. Yes, Mary, and you are often the last. SEVENTH LESSON. Limiting Adjectives. — Possessive. 1. Limiting adjectives are of four kinds : possessive, de- monstrative, numeral, and indefinite. The possessive adjectives are : SraGUI/AE. PLUBAIi KASCULINK. FEMININE. FOB BOTH GENDERS. Mon ma mes, my. Ton ta tes, thy. Son sa ses, his, her, its. Notre notre nos, our. Votre votre vos, your. Leur leur leurs, their. LIMITING ADJECTIVES. — POSSESSIVE. 41 These adjectives are repeated before each noun : Mon peie et ma mere. My father and mother. Son frere et sa soeur. His {or her) brother and sister. Mon, ton, son, are used instead of ma, ta, sa, before a feminine word that begins with a vowel or a silent h : Mon orange, son orange. jMv orange, liis {or her) orange. Vocabulary 7. Un cousin, a cousin (to.).^ Une montre, a watch. Une cousine, a cousin (/.). Un parapluie, an umbrella. Un neveu, a nephew. Une ombrelle, a parasol. Une niece, a niece. Casse, broken. Un ami, (/.) une amie, a friend. Trouve, found. Une chambre, a room. Perdu, lost. Une grammaire, a grammar. Vendu, sold. Un mouchoir, a handkerchief. Vif (p. 33, Exc. 3), lively. Un gant, a glove. Heureux (p. 33. Esc. 4), happy. Exercise 7. Pierre, tu* es mon cousin. 2. Oui, Jean, et je suis aussi ton ami. 3. Xous sommesheureux et contents; nous avons de bons parents. 4. Julie, vous avez ma grammaire. 5. J'ai trouve votre grammaire dans ma chambre. G. Avez-vous vu mes cousins aujourd'hui ? 7. J'ai vu votre oncle et vos cousins ce matin. 8. Charles est tres-vif; il a casse sa montre d'or. 9. Ma cousine Elise a perdu son mouchoir. 10. EUe a aussi perdu ses gants. 11. Nous n'avons pas de classe ce matin; notre maitre de fran9aisf est malade. 12. Nous avons vendu nos chcvaux. 13. Nos amis ont • The French use frequently thee and thou in conversation with children. + Un maitre defran^ais., a French teacher. 42 ELEMEKTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. vendu Icnr maison. 14, Mes neveux ont perdu leurs para- pliiics. 15. Notre tante ii'est pas heureuse; elle est tou- jours malade. 16. Vos nieces sont les meilleures eleves de la classe de fran9ais.* Theme 7. 1. Your cousin is my friend. 2. My cousin Mary is the friend of your sister. 3, Our uncle has lost his watch. 4. Our aunt has lost her handkerchief and (her) gloves. 5. Charles, I have found thyf umbrella in my room. 6. Louisa, I have broken thy parasol. 7. Thou art too [irop) lively, John. 8. Your nephews are my pupils. 9. Your nieces are the friends of my sisters. 10. Henry has found your grammar in his room. 11. Paul and Mary have lost their mother. 12. Our friends have sold their horses. 13. We have sold our boat to your cousins. 14. Your little niece is a lively child;]; (child lively) ; she is very happy. EIGHTH LESSON. Limiting Adjectives. (Continued.) — The Demonstrative. 1. The demonstrative adjective is : Singular. Plural HASCULINE. FEMrarNE. FOB BOTH GENDERS. Oe, cet, cette, this, that. Ces, these, those. Ce is used before a consonant, cet, before a vowel : Ce soldat. This soldier ; that soldier. Cet arbre. This tree ; that tree. Cet homme. This man ; that man. * La classe defranQais, the French class. t See p. 41, foot-note *. X See p. ai, foot-nots. « LIMITING ADJECTIVES. 43 The demonstrative adjective is repeated before each noun: Get homme et cette femme. That man and that woman. Ces homines et ces femmes. , Those men and women. To make the distinction which is made in Englisli by this and Ihaf, the French use ci (from ici, here), and 1^ (there). These words are joined with a hyphen to the noun : Get homme-cL This man. Get homme-la. That man. Ces enfants-ci. These children. Oes eofants-la. Those children. 2. Ce (C), That ; It ; sometimes He ; She ; They. Ce (C) must not be confounded with ce, cet : the latter is an adjective, and always precedes a noun ; the former is a pronoun, and is much used before est, is j and sont, are. G'est Monsieur et Madame D. That is Mr. and Mrs. D. Ce sont nos amis. They are our friends. 3. X'est ce pas? Is rr not so? N'est-ce pas ? is added to a declarative sentence, to ask a question, when an aifirmative answer is expected : Nous sommes amis ; n'est-ce pas? We are friends ; are we not ? Vocabulary 8. Un monsieur, a gentleman. Un medecin, a physician ; a doctor Une dame, a lady. Un voisin, a neighbor (m.). Une demoiselle, a younor lady. Une voisine, a neighbor (/.). Monsieur Delmar, Mr. Delmar. Le facteur, the postman. Madame Delmar, Mrs. Delmar. Un billet, a note. Mademoiselle D., Miss D. Une lettre, a letter. Un capitaine, a captain. Du fruit, some fruit. 44 ELEMEKTART i^' BENCH GEAMMAR. Une pomme, an apple. Mfir, ripe. Une poire, a pear. Vert, green. Un ananas, a pine-apple. Ce (C), that ; it (3). Rem. Monsieur, abbreviated M., is also used for Sir ; Madame, abb. Mme., for Madam ; Mademoiselle, abb. Mile., for Miss. In the plural: Messieurs, abb. MM., Gentlemen; Mesdames, abb. Mmes., Ladies ; Mesdemoiselles, abb. Miles., Young Ladies. In addressing a person, it is customary to prefix the epithets Mon- sieur, Madame, Mademoiselle, to the names of his or her kindred : Monsieur votre pere, your father; Madame votre mere, your mother ; Mademoiselle votre soeur, your sister. Exercise 8. 1. Ce monsieur est Monsieur Delmar, notre voisin. 2. Cette dame est Madame Delmar, notre voisine. 3. Cette demoiselle est Mademoiselle Delmar, leur fille. 4. Qui est cet homme-la ? 5. C'est le facteur, qui a apporte des let- tres de Paris. 6. Ce billet-ci est pour Mile, votre soeur. 7. Cette lettre-la est pour Mme. votre mere. 8. Ces lettres- ci sent pour M. votre pere. 9. Qui sont ces messieurs? 10. C'est le capitaine Duval et son frere, le medecin. 11. Ce sont nos amis. 12. Julie, vous ^tes mon amie ; n'est-ce pas? 13. Oui, je suis votre amie. 14. Charles, vous avez apporte du fruit, qui n'est pas mur. 15. Mais ces gros ananas sont bons ; n'est-ce pas ? 16. Oui, mais les pommes et les poires sont trop vertes. Theme 8. 1. Who is that gentleman ? 2. That is Mr. Delmar. 3. That lady is Mrs. Delmar, his wife. 4. They are oui neighbors. 5. That young lady is their daughter. 6. Miss Delmar is the friend of my sister. 7. The postman has LIMITING A.DJECTIVES NUMERALS. 45 brought these letters. 8. Tliis note is for your brother, the captain. 9. T/^aHetter is for the doctor. 10. TAese letters are for the professor. 11. I have bought some good fruit, apples, pears, aud pine-apples. 12. These pears arc good; are they not? 13. Yes, but your apples are too green. U. These pine-apples are ripe. 15. They are not bad. V NINTH LESSOK Limiting Adjectives. (Contixced.) — Numerals. 1. The numeral adjectives are of two kinds, cardinal and ordinaL thev are : Cakdinal. 1. Un, fem. une. 2. Deux. 3. Trois. 4. Quatre. 5. Cinq. 6. Six. 7. Sept. 8. Huit. 9. Neuf. 10. Dix. 11. Onze. 12. Douze. 13. Treize. 14. Quatorze. 15. Quinze. 16. Seize. 17. Dix-sep'c 18. Dix-huii. 19. Dix-neuf. 20. Vingt. Obdikal. Ist. Premier, fem. premiere. 2d. Deuxieme, or Second-e. 3d. Troisieme. 4tli. Quatrieme. 5tli. Cinquieme. 6tli. Sixieme. 7th. Septieme. 8th. Huitieme. 9th. Neuvieme. 10th. Dixieme. 11th. Onzieme. 12th. Douzieme. 13th. Treizieme. 14th. Quatorzieme. loth. Quiuzieme. 16th. Seizieme. 17th. Dix-septieme. 18th. Dix-huitieme. 19th. Dix-neuvieme. 20th. Vingtieme. 46 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, 21. Vingt et un. 21st. Vingt et unieme. 22. Vingt-deux. 22d. Vingt-deuxieme. 23. Vingt-trois. 23d. Vingt-troisieme. 24. Vingt-quatre. 24th. Vingt-quatrieme. 25. Vingt-cinq. 25th. Vingt-cinquieme. 2G. Vingt-six. 26th. Vingt-sixieme. 27. Vingt-sept. 27th. Vingt-septieme. 28. Vingt-huit. 28th. Vingt-huitieme. 29. Vingt-neuf. 29th. Vingt-neuvieme. 30. Trente. 30th. Trentieme. 31. Trente et un. 31st. Trente et unieme. 32. Trente-deux. 32d. Trente-deuxieme. 33. Trente-trois. 33d. Trente-troisieme. 40. Quarante. 40th. Quarantieme. 41. Quarante et un. 41st. Quarante et unieme. 42. Quarante-deux. 42d. Quarante-deuxieme. 43. Quarante-trois. 43d. Quarante-troisieme. 50. Cinquante. 50tb. Cinquantieme. 51. Cinquante et un. 51st. Cinquante et unieme. 52. Cinquante-deux. 52d. Cinquante-deuxieme. -^-^3. Cin quante-trois. 53d. Cinquante-troisieme. 60. Soixante. 60th. Soixantieme. 61. Soixante et un. 61st. Soixante et unieme. 62. Soixaute-deux. 62d. Soixaute-deuxieme. 63. Soixante-trois. 63d. Soixante-troisieme. 70. Soixante-dix. 70th. Soixante-dixieme. 71. Soixante et onze. 71st. Soixante-onzieme. 72. Soixante-douze. 72d. Soixante-douzi eme. 73. Soixante-treize. 73d. Soixante-treizieme. 74. Soixante-quatorze. 74th. Soixante-quatorzieme. 75. Soixante-quinze. 75th. Soixante-quinzieme. 76. Soixante-seize. 76th. Soixcinte-seizieme. 77. Soixante-dix-sept. 77th. Soixante-dix-septieme. 78. Soixante-dix-huit. 78th. Soixante-dix-huitieme. 79. Soixante-dix-neuf. 79th. Soixante-dix-neuviem6 80. Quatre-vingts. 80th. Quatre- vingtieme. 81. Quatre- vingt-un. 81st. Quatre- vingt-unieme. LIMITING ADJECTIVES. — NUMERALS. 47 83. 84. 85. 80. 87. 88, 8n. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- Quatre-vingt- deux. troLs. quatre. cinq. six. ■sept. huit. ■neuf. •dix. -onze. douze. ■treize. ■quatorze. Quatre-vingt-quinze. Quatre- vingt-seize. Quatre-vingt-dix-sept. 82d. 83d. 84th. S.lth. 86tli. 87tli. 88th. 89tli. 90th. 91st. 93d. 93(1. 94th. 95th. 9Gth. 97tli. Quatre Quatre- Quatre Quatre- Quatre Quatre Quatre Quatre- Quatre- Quatre Quatre- Quatre- Quatre vingt-deuxieme. vingt-troi-sieme. -vingt-quatrieme. vingt-cniquieme. vingt-sixieme. vingt-septieme. -vingt-huitieme. vingt-neuvieme. vingt-dixieme. -vingt-onzieme. vingt-douzieme. vingt-treizieme. - vingt - quator Quatre-vingt-dix-huit. 98tli. Quatre- vingt-dix-neuf. 99th. 100. Cent. 100th. 101. Cent-un. 101st. 200. Deux cents. 200th. 210. Deux cent-dix. 210th. 1,000. MiUe. 1,000th. 1,001. Mille-un. 1,001th. 2,000. Deux mille. 2,000th. 2,500. Deux mille-cinq cents. 2,500th. 3,000. Trois mille. 3,000th. 1000,000. Un million. 1,000,000th. Quatre- vingt-quinzieme. Quatre- vingt-seizieme. Quatre - vingt - dix - sep - tieme. Quatre - vingt - dix - hui - tieme. Quatre -vingt -dix- neu- vieme. Centieme. Cent-unieme. Deux centieme. Deux cent-dixieme. Millieme. Mille-unieme. Deux millieme. Deux mille - cinq - cen tieme. Trois millieme. Millionieme. 48 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. The Multiplication Tables.* Combien font deux fois deux ? Deux fois deux font quatre. Combien font deux fois trois ? Deux fois trois font six. Etc. How many are (in French, make] twice two? Twice two are {make) four. How many are twice three ? Twice three are six. Etc. Une ann^e, a ysar. Un mois, a month. Une semaine, a week. Un jour, a day. Une heure, an hour. Une minute, a minute. Un dollar, ) . „ . }■ a dollar. Une piastre, ) Un franc, a franc. Un sou, a cent. Un centime, a centime. Une douzaine, a dozen. Une fois, once ; deux fois Trois fois, three times. La rue, the street. Vocabulary 9. La poste, the post-oflBce. La poche, the pocket. Un mouchoir de poche, a pocket- handkerchief La legon, the lesson. Combien (de), how much ; how many. Combien de fois, how many times. Ete, been. J'ai ete, I have been. Jamais (ne), never. II y a, there is ; there are. I twice. Y a-t-il ? is there ? are there ? Font (lis font), make {they make). Ou, or. Exercise 9. 1. J'ai cent-cinquante francs dans ma poche. 2. C'est trente piastres, ou dollars, de votre argent. 3. Le franc a viiiirt sous, ou cent centimes. 4. II v a douze mois dans Tannic. 5. Un mois a trente ou trente et un jours. 6. Vingt-quatre heures font un jour. 7. Soixante minutes font une lieure. 8. II y a une bonne ecole dans U onzieme * The pupils should learn the Multiplication Tables in French. The task is an easy one, when once the formula, and the numbers up to a hundred, are well known. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 49 rue. 9. Corabien d'eleves y a-t-il dans cctte ecole? 10. II y a treize eleves daus notre classe de fraiKjais. 11. Jean a ete le premier aiijourd'hui ; Jules a ete le deuxieine; et le gros Guillaume a ete le dernier de la classe. 12. Xous avons eu la neuvieme le9on. 13. J'ai ete trois fois a la poste aujour- d'lini. 14. Combien de fois avez-vous ete a Paris ? 15. Je n'ai jamais 6te a Paris. 16. Combieu font sept fois sept? 17. Sept fois sept font quarante-neuf. 18. Julie a achete line douzaine de mouclioirs de poche pour son fi'ere. Theme 9. 1. A year has twelve months. 3. A month has four weeks. 3. A week has seven days. 4. A day has twenty-four hours. 5. An hour has sixty minutes. 6. How many are (make) five times five? 7. Five times five are (make) twenty-five. 8. Five centimes make one cent. 9. Twenty cents make one franc. 10. Five francs make one dollar. 11. There is a large school in this street. 12. In that school there are eighty scholars. 13. The post-office is in (the) Eleventh* street. 14. How much money have you icith you (sur vous)? 15. I have ten dollars, or fifty francs, in my pocket. 16. How many times have you been here? 17. This is (c'est) the first time thai (que) I am here. 18. For ichom (qui) have you bought that dozen of pocket-handkerchiefs ? NINTH LESSON {Us). Remarks on the Numeral Adjectives. 1. The cardinal numeral adjectives are invariable, except un, vingt, and cent. * No elision of the vowel takes place before onee, eleven and onzUme, eleventh. See Less. 9 (Ai«)— 4. 50 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Un, fcm. une, used in connection with autre, other, may take the plural ending (p. 81, 3). Vingt and cent, when multiplied and not immediately followed by another number, take the plural ending. Quatre-vingts piastres. Eiglity dollars. Trois cents milles.* Three hundred miles. They are invariable when followed by another number. Quatre-vingt-trois piastres. Eighty-three dollars. Trois cent-vingt milles. Three hundred and twenty miles. Rem. Vingt and cent do not take the plural ending when they are used for vingtieme and centieme, as : I'an huit cent, in the year eight hundred. 2. Mille, a thousand, is written mil, in the ordinary com- putation of years, as: Mil huit cent soixante-treize. One thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. 3. Second and deuxidme, second, are not to be used in- discriminately. Second indicates order; deuxieme de- notes one of a series, and is correctly used only when a third, a fourth, etc., are supposed to exist. Au second etage. In the second story (of a house). Iia deuxieme legon. The second lesson. 4. The elision of the vowel of the article and of other monosyllabic words, does not take place before onze, on- zieme, as: De onze a vingt. From eleven to twenty. La onzieme le9on. The eleventh lesson. Dans sa onzieme annee. In his eleventh year. * Tin mille, a mile, is a noun ; mille, a thousand, is a numeral adjective, and is invariable ; nn milliard, a thousand millions. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. 51 6. The Names of the Days of the Week. Dimanche, or le dimanche. Sunday. Lundi, or le lundi. Monday. Mardi, or le mardi. Tuesday. Mercredi, or le mercredi. Wednesday. Jeudij c^ le jeudi. Thursday. Vendredi, or le vendredi. Friday. Samedi, or le samedi. Saturday. The article is used before the days of the week, to indi- cate the periodical return of something on a certain day of the week. Nous avons le fran9ais deux fois We have French twice a week, par semaine, le lundi et le jeudi. Mondays and Thursdays. No preposition is used before the days of the week. II etait ici lundi. He was here on Monday. Janvier, January. Fevrier, February. Mars, March. Avril, April. Mai, May. Juin, June. The Months. Juillst, July. Aout, August. Septembre, Septembre. Octobre, October. Novembre, November. Decembre, December, The cardinal numbers are used for the days of the month, except for the first. The preposition de before the names of the months is generally omitted, and no preposition is used before tlie date. Le premier Janvier. Le trois fevrier. Le quatre mars. C'est aujourd'hui le quinze mai. The first of January. The third of February. On the fourth of March. It is to-day the fifteenth of May. \f 52 ELEMEiq;TART FRENCH GRAMMAR. TENTH LESSON. Limiting Adjectives. (Continued.)— Indefinite. 1. The indefinite adjectives are: Aucun, /. aucune^ no. Tout, toute, all ; every ; whole Pas un, /. pas une, not one. Plusieurs, several. Nul, /. mille, no, not one. Quel, /. quelle, which ; what. Autre, other. Quelque, some. Meme, same. Quelconque, whatever. Chaque, each ; every. Tel, /. telle, such. 2. Remarks and Examples. (1.) Aucun ; Pas un ; Nul (ne). These are negative words ; they require ne before the verb. Aucun eleve n'est absent. No scholar is absent. NuUe excuse n'est admissible. No excuse is admissible. (3.) Autre, Other ; Different. J'ai d'autre papier. I have other paper. C'est une autre chose. That is a different thing. Rem. Another, meaning a second one, one more, is expressed by encore un. Avez-vous encore un crayon ? Have you another pencil ? J'en ai encore un. I have another one (one more). (3.) Chaque, Evekt; Each {distributive). Chaque piece est d'une qualite Each piece is of a different quality. differente.* Chaque chose est a sa place. Everything is in its place. * See foot-uote, p. 38. LIMITING ADJECTIVES. 63 (4.) Tout, pi. tous ; /. toute, pi. toutes, Aul ; Every; Whole. The article is placed between tout and the noun. Tout le monde. Everybody. Tous les eleves. AJl the scholars. Toute une annee. A whole year. (,5.) Plusieurs, Several {invariable). J'ai plusieiirs grammaires. I have several grammare. (6.) Quel, pi. quels; /. quelle, pi. quelles. Which; What. Quel generally precedes a noun, either in an interrogative or an exclamatory sentence. Quel jour du mois est-ce aujour- What day of the month is it to- d'hui ? day ? Quelle le9on avons-nous ? Which lesson have we ? Quelle heure est-il ? Wliat hour (what time) is it ? In an exclamatory sentence, quel is equivalent to what a. Quel homine ! Quelle femme ! What a man ! What a woman ! The noun is sometimes understood after quel. It is then equivalent to qui, who, as : Quel est ce monsieur ? or ) _„ . , , _ _ . ^ . « r Who IS that gentlemen? Qui est ce monsieur ? ) (7.) Quelque, Some; pi. quelques, A few. Quelque chose. Some thing. Quelques piastres. A few dollars. 54 ELEMENTARY FRENOH GRAMMAR. (8.) Tel, /. telle. Such. The numeral adjective un precedes tel. Un tel homme ; une telle femme. Such a man ; sucli a womaiL Vocabulary 10. Une place, a place ; a seat. La qualite, the quality. Une chose, a thing. Un metre, a meter. Une faute, a fault ; a mistake. Une caisse, a case ; a box. Un theme, a theme ; an exercise. Tout le monde, all the world ; Un exercice^ an exercise. every body. Une excuse, an excuse. Absent, absent. Une piece, a piece. Present, present, De la mousseline, muslin. Different, diflFerent. Exercise 10. 1. Aucun eleve n'est absent de la classe. 2. Le pro- fesseur est daus I'autre chambre. 3. Nous avons tous la raeme le9on. -1. II n'j a pas une faute daus ce theme. 5. Chaque chose est a sa place. 6. Jules a ete absent lundi (on Monday). 7. II n'a apporte aucune excuse, 8. C'est toujours la meme chose. 9, Combien de pieces de mousseline y a-t-il dans cette caisse ? 10. Chaque piece est de trente metres. 11. Toutes les pieces sont de la meme qualite. 12. II y a quelques pieces d'une qualite differente. 13. Tout le monde est dans la rue. 14. Tous les eleves sont presents. 15, II y a plusieurs fantes dans votre theme. 16. Quel jour du mois est-ce aujourd'hui ? 17. Quelle est cette dame ? 18. Quel homme et quelle femme ! 19. Je n'ai jamais vu un tel homme et une telle femme. PEONOUNS. 55 Theme 10. 1. Everybody is here. 2. Each student is in his seat. 3. No scholar has been absent to-day. 4. I have found a few mistakes in this exercise. 5. There are forty pieces of muslin in this case. 6. This piece is not of the same quality as the others. 7. Each piece is of a different* quality. 8, That is another thing. 9. Have you another pencil (2-2 Rem.) ? 10. I have bought a whole piece of this mushn. 11. It is (of) thirty meters. 12. All my books are at home. 13. You have been absent several times. 14. It (Ce) is not my fault. 15. What an excuse ! 16. What day of the week is it ? 17. Which scholars are absent this morning ? 18. Who is that gentleman ? 19 I have never seen such a man. ELEVENTH LESSOX. PRONOUNs.f— Personal. 1. There are six kinds of pronouns: personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative, and indefinite. Pronouns agree, in gender and number, with the nonns which they represent. 2. Personal Pronouns.— Conjunctive. Personal pronouns are of two kinds : conjunctive and disjuyictive. Conjunctive personal pronouns are used only in connection * Place the adjective after the noun. t Introduction, p. 16. 56 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. with verbs, as subject, direct object, or indirect object,'^ oi the verb. They are : (1.) The Pronouns Used as Subjects and as Objfcts. SlNGITLAB. AS STJBJBCr. AS DIRECT 03BJBOT. AS INDIBECT OBJECT. 1st pere. je (j'), I. me (m'), me. me (m') ], to me. 2d pers. tu, thou. te (f), thee. te (f), to thee. 3d pers. masc. il, he ; it le (1'), him; it. lui, to him. fern. elle, she; it. la (1'), her; it. Plitral. lui, to her. AB SUBJBCT. AS DIRECT OBJECT. AS INDIRECT OBJECT. Ist pars. nous, we. nous, US. nous. to us. 2d pers. vous, you. vous, you. VOUS, to you. 3d pers. masc. ils, they. les, them. leur. to them. fern. elles, they. les, them. leur, to them. (2.) Pronouns Used as Objects only. Se (s'), himself, herself, itself, themselves, one's self (direct- or indirect object). En, some or any, of it, of them (indirect object). Y, to it, to them (indirect object). Le (!'), it, so (invariable). 8. Remarks and Examples. The objective pronouns are placed before tbe verb, except when tbe verb is in the imperative mode. Je connais. I know or I do know. Je vous connais. I know you. Je ne vous connais pas. I do not know you, Je parle. I speak, I do speak. Je lui parle. I speak to him. Je ne lui parle pas. I do not speak to him. * See Introduction, pp. 37. 18. PRONOUNS. 5? When the verb is in the imperative mode, and used affir- matively; the objective pronouns stand after the verb. Parlez-lui. Speak to him. But when the sentence is negative, the pronouns precede the verb. Ne lui parlez pas. Do not speak to him. Vocabulary 11. Je parle, I speak ; I do speak ; I am speaking. II parle, he speaks ; he does speak; he is speaking. Je donne, I give. II donne, he gives. Je prete, I lend. II prete, he lends. J'apporte, I bring n apporte, he brings. J'appelle, I call. n appelle, he calls. Je connais, I know ; I do know. II oonnait, he knows. Je vols ; il voit, I see ; he sees. Un camarade, a comrade ; un ca- marade de classe, a class-mate Un dictionnaire, a dictionary. Une fleur, a flower. Une peche, a peach. Les ciseaux, the scissors. A present, at present. Tous les jours, every day. Bien, well. Exercise 11. (In this Exercise, the pronouns representing^ the indirect oTjjects are in italic.) 1. Je vous connais. 2. Je vous appelle. 3. Je votis donne ces fleurs. 4. II me connait. 5. 11 tne parle. 6. Je te vois. 7. Je t'appelle. 8. Je te prete ce livre. 9. II nous voit. 10. II nous appelle. 11. II nous apporte des p^ches. 12. Je vois votre camarade de classe. 13. Je le connais bien. 14. Je lui ai prete un livre. 15. Je connais votre voisine. 16. Je la vois tous les jours. 17. Je bn ai parle ce matin. 18. Je connais ces homraes. 19. Jc les connais bien. 20. Je leur ai vendu un cheval. 21. Avez-vous mon 58 ELEMENTARY F U E N C H G R A M }H A R . diction naire. 22. Je I'ai eu. 23. Je ne I'ai pas a present. 24. Charles I'a. 25. II ue I'a pas. 2G. Nous I'avons. 27. Oil sont mes ciseaux ; les avez-vous ? 28. Je ne les ai pas. 29. Vos camarades les out 30. Nous ne les avous pas. 31. Qui les a ? Theme 11. 1. I know you. 2. I do not speak to you. 3. He sees me. 4. He has given me these peaches, 5. I see thee. G. I give thee these flowers. 7. He calls us. 8. He speaks to us. 9. I know your class-mate. 10. I often* see him. 11. I have lent him my dictionary. 12. I know your cousin Mary. 13. I see her every day. 14. I often* lend her books. 15. I have had your pencil. 16. I have given it to your brother. 17. He has it. 18. He has it not now. 19. Juha has had your scissors. 20. I have them not now, 21. Louisa has them. 22. She has them not. 23. Have you them ? 24. We have them not. 25. The children have them. TWELFTH LESSON. Conjunctive Personal Pronouns. (Continued.)— Se,- En; Y; Le. 1. Se is the reflective pronounf of the third person, singu- lar and plural, either as direct, or indirect, object of the verb: himself, herself, itself, themselvts, Ofie's self or lo him- self, etc. The reflective pronouns of the first and second persons * Place the adverb after the verb. + Rnflective pronouns are so called bccauBe they receive the reflective action of the verb, as ; I see myne^f. They are a subdivision of the personal prouoans. CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 59 are, in form, the same as the objective pronouns given in the preceding lesson. Me, myself, to myself. Nous, ourselves, to ourselves. Te, thyself, to thyself. Vous, to yourself, to yourselves. The reflective pronouns are used in the conjugation of pronominal verbs, as: Se laver. To wash one's self. Je me lave. I wash myself. II se lave. He washes himself. Vous lavez-vous? Do you wash yourself? 2. Ell, Some or Any ; Of it ; Of them {indirect object). The pronoun en expresses a part or quantity of the sub- stance represented by the noun to which it refers: some or any of it, of them; of it, of them. It is used ; (1.) To represent a noun taken in the partitive or the in- definite sense, as: J'ai du papier; en avez-vous ? I have paper ; have you some? J'en ai. I have (some of it). J'en ai encore. I still have some. Je n'en ai plus. I have not any more. J'ai des amis; vous en avez aussi. I have friends ; you have some too. J'ai un livre ; en avez-vous un ? I have a book ; have you one? Je n'en ai pas. I have not. (2.) To represent a noun taken in a definite sense, as : II parle de cette affaire ; il en He speaks of that business ; he parle. speaks of it. Rem. In this latter sense, en is seldom used with reference to persons, de lui, d'elle, d'euz, d'elles being used instead. 60 ELEMENTABY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 8. Y, To IT ; To THEM {indirect object). The pronoun y expresses the relation of the preposition k {to) : to it, to them. Pensez-vous a cette affaire ? Do you think of (to) that business? J'y pense. I think of it (in French to it). 4 En and Y as Adverbs. En and y are also used as adverbs, with reference to a place that has been previously mentioned : en, from it, from there; y, there, to it, at it, in it. Avez-vous ete a la poste ? Have you been to the post ofl5ce ? J'en viens. I come from it. J'y vais. I am going to it. Men frere y est. My brother is there. 6. The Invariable Pronoun Le. The invariable pronoun le, equivalent to it or so, is used to represent an adjective or a sentence. Etes-vous content ? Je le suis. Are you satisfied ? I am (so). II est malade ; vous le savez. He is sick ; you know it. Vocabulary 12. Je lave, I wash. Je pense, I think. Vous lavez, you wash. Vous pensez, you think. Je flatte, I flatter. Maman, mamma. Vous flattez, you flatter. Je vais ; il va, I go ; he goes. Je blame, I blame. Je viens; il vient, I come; he Vous blamez, you blame. comes. Je trompe, I deceive. Je sais 5 il sait, I know ; he knows. Vous trompez, you deceive. J'ai besoin de, I have need of. J'amuse, I amuse. Un couteau, a knife. Vous amuaez, you amuse. Una fourchette, a fork. CONJUNCTIVE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. 61 Un canif, a penknife. Pourquoi, wliy. Une affaire, an affair ; a business. Parce que, because. La banque, the bank. Quand, when. Exercise 12. 1. Je me lave. 2. Je ne m'amuse pas. 3. Vous vous trompez. 4. II se bldme. 5. Elle se iiatte. 6. II a do la patience ; j'en ai aussi. 7. Vous n'en avez pas. 8. Us ont beauconp d'argent. 9. Nous en avons peu. 10. Vous en avez assez. 11. J'ai un couteau ; en avcz-vous un ? 12. Je iren ai pas. 13. Charles en a deux. 14. N'avez-vous pas de fourehette? 15. J'en ai une. 16. Marie n'en a pas. 17. Avez-vous besoin de ce canif? 18. J'en ai besoin. 19. Oil sont les ciseaux; maman en a besoin. 20. Pourquoi parlez-vous de cette affaire ? 21. J'en parle, parce qu'il en parle. 22. Quand il y pense, il en parle. 23. Je n'y pense jamais. M. Je vais a la banque. 25. J'en viens. 26. Henri y est. 27. Je le sais. 28. Vous etes fatigue, et je le suis aussi. Theme 12. 1. I blame myself. 2. You deceive yourself. 3. He amuses himself. 4. She flatters herself. 5. You have cour- age, and I have some too. 6. She has money, and you have none. 7. We have friends. 8. They have some too. 9. Have you a fork? 10. I have one. 11. Louis has not. 12. I have no knife. 13. Mary has two. 14. I have your penknife; have you need of it ? 15. I have no need of it. 16. I think of (to) that affair. 17. When you think of it (to it), you speak of it. 18. Wliy do you speak of it? 19. Because I always think of it, 20. William is at the 62 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. bank. 21. I know it. 22. I come from there. 23. I go there. 2-4. He goes there too. 25. You are tired, and we are (so) too. THIRTEEXTH LESSON. Collocation of Objective Pronouns. 1. When two objective prououns accompany a rerb, the following order is to be observed. The pronouns of the first and second persons precede the pronouns of the third person : Me le, me la, me les. It to me, tliem to me. Te le, te la, te les. It to tliee, them to thee. Nous le, nous la, nous les. It to us, them to us. Vous le, vous la, vous les. It to you, them to you. If both pronouns are of the third person, the direct object, le, la or les, precedes the indirect object, lui or leur ; but the indirect object se precedes the direct object. Le lui, la lui, les lui. It to him or her, them to him. Le leur, la leur, les leur. It to them, them to them. Se le, se la, se les. It to himself, them to himself, etc. Position of En and Y. En follows the other objective pronouns, and immediately precedes the verb : M'en, nous en, vous en. Some to me, to us, to you. Lui en, leur en. -• Some to him, to them. L'en, les en. It from there, them from there. The adverb y follows the objective pronouns, except the pronoun en. OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS. 63 M'y, nouB y, vous y. L'y, les y. Y en. Me there, us there, you there. Him, her or it there ; them there. Some there. Rem. The negative particle ne immediately follows the subject hence it precedes the objective pronouns. Vocabulary 13. Envoye, [past participle), sent. J'envoie, I send. II envoie, he sends. Vous envoyez, you send. Porte, p. p., carried ; taken. Je porte, I take ; I carry. II porte, he takes ; he carries. Mene, ^. /)., taken ; led. Je mene, I take ; I lead. II mene, he takes ; he leads. Raconte, p. p., related. Montre, p. p, shown. Un dessin, a drawing ; a pattern. Une g^avure, an engraving. Un bouquet, a bouquet. Une bague, a ring (finger-ring). Un violon, a violin. Un concert, concert. Une histoire, a history ; a story. Un oiseauj a bird. Une cage, a cage. Beau, bel, /. belle, beautiful, (p. 36, Exc. .')) fine ; handsome. Joli, /. jolie, pretty. Exercise 13. 1. C'est un beau dessin ; me le donnez-vous ? 2. Je vous le donne. 3. Qui vous a donne ce bel oiseau ? 4. Ma tante me Ta apporte dans cette jolie cage. 5. Jules salt une belle histoire; il nous I'a racontee.* 6. Ce sont de beaux ana- nas; qui vous les a donnes?* 7. Mon cousin nous les a envoyes.* 8. Chqa'les a un beau violon ; son oncle le lui a envoye de Paris. 9. II nous I'a montre. 10. Julie a un beau bouquet; Henri le lui a donne. 11. Louise a une belle bague; son pere la lui a acketee. 12. Vos neveux ont de belles gravures ; leur oncle les leur a pretees.* 13. Vous avez de belles fleurs ; m'en donnez-vous ? 14. Je * The past participle agrees with the direct object of the verb. See Less. 21, Sec. 4-3. 04 ELEMENTAKY FRENCH GRAMMAR. vous en donne. 15. Je lui en donne. 16. Je lenr en donne. 17. J'ai ete au concert ; mon pere m'y a mene. 18. Je vous y ai vu. 19. Jean est a la banque ; je I'y ai euvoye. 20. Mes livres sont a I'ecole ; je les y ai portes ce matin. Theme 13. 1. You have a fine violin. 2. My uncle (has) sent it to me from Paris. 3. I have a beautiful pine-apple ; I give it to you. 4. That is a fine ring. 5. My father (has) bought* it for me.f 6. Those (Ce) are fine drawings. 7. My aunt (has) lent* them to us. 8. Charles has fine engravings. 9. He has shown* them to us. 10. That is a beautiful story. 11. I have related* it to him. 12. This fine bouquet is for ray cousin Henrietta ; I send it to her. 1.3. Those pretty birds and that pretty cage are for Julius; his aunt sends them to him. 14. Your nephews have apples ; I gave (have given) them to them. 15. Mary has bought oranges ; she gave me one. 16. I have peaches; I give you some. 17. I give him some. 18. I give them some. 19. The money is in (a) the bank ; I carried it there. 20. I go to the concert; my father takes me there. FOUETEENTH LESSON. Disjunctive Personal Pronouns. 1. The disjunctive personal pronouns are: SlNGUXAE. P*LTrEAL. Moi, I or me. Nous, we or us. Toi, tliou or thee. Vous, you. * Make the past participle agree with the direct object of the verb, the same as if it were an adjective. See Less. 21, Sec. 4-3. t For me, me (indir. obj.). DISJUNCTIVE PEKSONAL PRONOUN. 65 Singular. Plural. Lui, he or him. £juz, they or them (to.). Bile, she or her. Elles, they or tliem (/.). Soi, himself, herself, itself, themselves, one's self. 2. Remarks on the Disjunctive Personal Pronouns. The disjunctive personal pronouns are used : (1.) When the verb is not expressed, as : Qui m'appelle ? Moi. Who calls nie ? I. Qui appelle-t-il ? Moi. Whom does he call ? Me. Vous etes plus grand que moi. You are taller than 1. ("2.) In apposition with other pronouns, for the sake of emjihasis, and also to state separately the persons forming a compound subject or object. Toi, tu es I'homme. Thou art the man. Lui et moi (nous) sommes amis. He and I are friends. (3.) After the verb etre, when it is preceded by ce. C'est moi. C'est lui. It is I. It is he. (4.) After prepositions. t\ parle de moi. He speaks of me. 3. Chez, To, At or in the house of. The preposition chez is used in the sense of to or at the house of. Chez Monsieur Delmar. To or at the house of Mr. Delmar. Chez le medecin. To or at the doctor's. Chez is used with the disjunctive personal pronouns for to or at my house, my home. 66 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Chez moi, to or at my house. Chez toi, to or at thy house. Chez lui, to or at his house. Chez elle, to or at her house. Chez nous, to or at our house. Chez vous, to or at your house. Chez eux, Chez elles, f to or at their house. Compound Personal Pronouns. The compound personal pronouns are formed of the dis- junctive pronouns and the adjective meme, self, connected by a h^^phen. Moi-meme, myself. Nous-memes, ourselves. Toi-meme, thystlf. Vous-memes, yourselves. Vous-meme, yourself. Lui-m^me, himself. £jlle-mSme, herself. Eux-memes, ) Elles-memes, S Soi-m^mej one's self. - themselves These pronouns are used for the sake of emphasis. Je I'ai vu moi-m^me. I have seen it myself. Elle se blame elle-meme. She blames herself. Vocabulary 14. Un negociant, a merchant. Un marchand, a storekeeper. Un dentiste, a dentist. Un artiste, an artist. Un domestique, a man-servant. Une domestique,! Une servante, Un magasin, a store ; a ware- house. Une boutique, a store ; a shop Un atelier, a workshop. La rue du Temple, Temple street. ' V a servant-girl. Un tableau, a painting ; a picture. Un miroir, a looking-glass. Un journal, a newspaper. Que? (Qu'), what? Quelque chose,* something ; any- thing. Rien, (ne),* nothing; not anything. Je demeure, I live ; I am living. Laisse, left. Ce soir, this evening. Avec, with. Sans, without. * Quelque chose is not used in a negative sense. I have not anything, is Je n''ai rien, not Je ii'ai pas quelque chose. DISJUNCTIVE PEKSONAL PRONOUNS. G7 Exercise 14. 1. Vous ^tes plus dge quo lui. 2. H est moins avancd que nioi. 3. Vous et moi, nous sommes amis ; n'est-cc pas? 4. Est-ce laservautequi est la? 5. C'est elle. 0. Ma mere a besoin d'elle. 7. Je vais chcz I'artiste ; j'ai quelque chose pour lui. 8. Qu'est-ce ? 9. Cost un tableau. 10. Qu'avez- vous pour moi? 11. Je n'ai rien pour vous. 12. Moi, je vais ehez les negociants; ils sent a leur bureau. 13. J'ai de I'argcnt pour eux. 14. Ma soeur va chez ledeiitiste; il de- meure dans la rue du Temple. 15. J'y vais avec elle. 16. Elle u'y va pas sans moi. 17. Le dentiste n'est pas chez lui. 18. Maman a envoye Ic domestique a la bou- tique. 19. Le marchand a laisse les journaux an magasin. 20. Henri vient chez moi ce soir. 21. Qui a casse le miroir? 22. C'est moi qui I'ai casse. 23. Je me bldme moi-meme. 24. C'est vous-meme qui en avez parle le premier. Theme 14. <^' 1. You are as old as I. 2. I am taller than you. 3. Is that the servant ? 4. It is he. 5. My father has need of him. 6. He is in the oflBce. 7. What is that? 8. It is a painting for the artist. 9. I am going to his workshop. 10. I am going there with you. 11. Have you anything for the merchant ? 12. I have nothing for him. 13. The storekeeper (has) left his* letters and newspapers at our house. 14. I am carrying them to his store. 15. Mamma has sent the servant-girl to the store (shop). 16. My cousin Lizzie is at the dentist's in Temple street. 17. I am com- ing without my sister. 18. She is going this evening to my aunt's. 19. I am now living at my aunt's. 20. My 68 ELEMENTAET FRENCH GRAMMAE, cousins (/.) are not at home. 21. They are at my house. 22. Is it not you who broke (have broken) Mary's looking- glass? 23. It is not I; Mary broke (has broken) it hersel£ FIFTEENTH LESSOK Possessive Pronouns. 1. The possessive pronouns are ; StNQULAR. Plural. MASC. rsx. MASC. rEM. Le mien, la mienne, les miens, les miennes. mine ; my own. Le tien, la tienne, les tiens, les tiennes, thine. Le sien, la sienne, les siens. les siennes. liis ; hers. Le notre, la notre, les notres. les notres. ours. Le votre, la votre, les votres, les votres, yours. Le leur, la leur, les leurs. les leurs. theirs. Possessive pronouns agree, in gender and number, with the nouns wliich they represent. Mon bien. My property ; my own. Le mien, du mien, au mien. Mine, of mine, to mine. Ma fortune. My fortune. La mienne, de la mienne, a la Mine, of mine, to mine, mienne. Mes camarades. Les miens, des miens, aux miens. Mes le9ons. Les miennes, des miennes, aux miennes. My comrades. Mine, of mine, to mine. My lessons. Mine, of mine, to mine. Vocabulary 15. Un habit, a coat. Un manteau, a cloak. Un gilet, a waistcoat. Une robe, a dress ; a robe. Une robe de chambre, a dress- ing gown. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. 69 Une cravate, a cravat. Content (de), satisfied with ; Neuf,*y'. neuve, new. pleased with. Nouveau, nouvel, /. nouvelle,* Je trouve, I find. new. Je dis, I say ; I tell. Vieux, vieil, /. vieille, old. Vous dites, you say. Facile, easy. Que (qu'), that. DiflScile, diflicult ; hard. Comme, like ; as. J'aime, I love ; I like. Comment, how. Misux, better. Comment trouvez-vous ? how J'aime mieux,f I like better. do you like ? (how do you Je prefere, I prefer. find ?) Exercise 15. 1. Le manteaii de Jules est neuf; le mien est vieux. 2. Le votre n'est pas moins beau que le sien. 3. La robe de Julie est neuve ; la mienne est vieille. 4. La votre est aussi belle que la sienue. 5. J'aime mes parents ; vous aimez les votres ; cbaque bon enfant airae les siens. 6. Nous avons un nouveau professeur de frangais, qui nous donne des legons difficiles. 7. Les notres ne sont pas plus faciles que les votres. 8. Vous parlez des votres, et je parle des miennes. 9. Vous pensez aux votres; je pense aux miennes. 10. Ce nouvel eleve pense aux siennes. 11. Comment trouvez- vous les dessins de nos nouveaux camarades? 12. Je les trouve beaux. 13. Que dites-vous des notres ? 14. Je dis que j'aime mieux les leurs que les votres. 15. Ce nouvel habit est beau. IG. C'est un bel habit ; je le prefere au mien. 17. Etes-vous content de votre nouvelle cravate ? 18. J'en suis content ; elle est comme la votre. * Xeuf, nouveau, new. yeuf, new— what has not been used or worn ; Nbuveati, new to u? — what we have not had, or seen, or heard of before. t J''aime mieiir. Mieux is not separated from aim^. as better is from like in Eng- lish. J''aime mieux mwi habit que le votre, I like my coat better than yours. 70 ELEMENTARY FllENCH GEAMMAE. Theme 15. 1. Your waistcoat is new ; mine and his are old. 2. Your dress is new ; mine and hers are old. 3. Your new clothes are handsome ; mine and his are not so handsome as yours. 4. I like mine. 5. You are satisfied with yours. 6. He is satisfied with his. 7. Your lessons and mine are difficult. 8. His are easier than ours. 9. Every scholar thinks of his. 10. Your new coat is like mine. 11. I like the new draw- ings better than the old, 12. I prefer my engravings to yours. 13. I am satisfied with mine. 14. How do you like this new cravat ? 15. It is very pretty ; it is like mine. 16. What do you say of our new teacher ? 17. I say that he gives us very hard lessons. 18. You are never satisfied. 19. Where is my cloak ? 20. You (have) left it in my room. SIXTEENTH LESSON. Demonstrative Pronouns. 1. The demonstrative pronouns are : Ce, that; it; ceci, this; cela, that; and the com- pounds of ce, formed by the addition of the disjunctive pro- nouns lui, elle, eux, elles. SiNOUIiAE. PLUEAIi. HASO. FEM. MASC. FEM. Celm, celle, that, the one. Ceux, celles, those Celui-ci, celle-ci, this (one). CeuK-ci, celles-ci, these. Celni-la, celle-la, that (one). Ceux-la, celles-la, those. DEMONSTRA.TIVE PRONOUNS. 71 2. Ce, That, it; sometimes he, she, they (p. 43-2). Ce is used before est, is, and sont, ai-e, to point out a person or tliiug. C'est mon firere. That is my brother. Est-ce de I'or? Is that cjold '? Ce takes the place of a personal pronoun, he, she, or they, when est or sont is followed by a noun that denotes the same person or thing, to which ce refers. Je connais ce monsieur : c'est I know that gentleman ; he is my mon voisin. neighbor. Voici des livres j sont-ce les Here are books ; are they yours ? votres ? Ce may represent a preceding sentence or a relative clause. C'est vrai. That is true. Ce qui n'est pas clair, n'est pas What (that which) is not clear, is fraiKjais. not French. 3. Ceci, This {this tiling) ; cela. That {that thing). Ceci, this, is equivalent to this thing ; cela, that, to that thing. Ceci est pour vous. This is for you. Pour qui est cela? For whom is that? C'est {for cela est) pour lui. That is for him. Rem. Cela, in conversational language, is often contracted into 9a. Qa ne va pas, that icon't do ; c'est 9a, that's it. 4. Celui, /. celle, That, the one ; ceux, /. celles, Those. Celui, celle, that, the one, is followed by de and a noun, or by a relative clause. 72 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Ce dessin et celui de Jules. This drawing and that of Julius. Cette gravure-ci et celle qui est This engravinjr and the one that sur la table. lies on the table. Les bas de laine et ceux de co- The woolen stockings and the ton. cotton ones. Les robes de satin et celles de The satin dresses and the velvet velours. ones. 5. Celui-ci, etc., This; celui-1^, etc., That. Celui-ci, this, and celui-la, that, mark distinction and contrast. Ce tableau-ci et celui-la. This picture and that one. Voici deux grammaires ; celle-ci Here are two grammars ; this est pour vous, celle-la est pour (one) is for you, that (one) is for moi. me. Vocabulary 16. Un bas, a stocking. Un Soulier, a shoe, Une botte, a boot. Du drap, some cloth (broadcloth). Du coton, cotton. Du satin, satin. Du velours, velvet. De la sole, silk. De la laine, wool. Voulez-vous? Will you have^ Do you wish for? Je veux, I will have ; I wish for. Voici, here is ; here are {behold). VoUa, there is ; there are. Cher, /. chere, dear. Utile, useful. Agreable, agreeable. Vrai, true. Ni . . . . ni (ne), neither .... nor. Exercise 16. 1. Pour qui est cela? 2. C'est pour vous. 3. Comment trouvez-vous ceci ? 4. C'est tres-joli. 5. J'aime mieux ceci que cela. G. Ce qui est utile, n'est pas toujours agi'e- able. 7. C'est vrai. 8. Voici deux habits neufs, un pour Dt)MONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 73 Charles et im pour moi. 9. J'aimc mieux le votre que celui de Charles. lO. Quelle cravate voulez-vous, celle de sole ou celle de laiue? 11. Je prefere celle qui est sur la table. 12. Voila deux belles robes, une de velours et une de satm. 13. Celle de velours est la plus ch^re ; elle est pour ma cousine. 14. Celle de satin est pour ma tante. 15. Voulez- vous des bas de coton ou des bas de laine. 16. Ceux de laine sont plus ehers que ceux de coton. 17. J'aime encore mieux ceux de coton. 18. Quel drap voulez-vous, celui-ci ou celui-ld ? 19. Voici des bottes ueuves ; celles-ci sont ponr moi, celles-la sont pour vous. 20. Quels souliers voulez- vous, ceux-ci ou ceux-la? 21. Je ne veux ni ceux-ci ni ceux-la. Theme 16. 1. This is for you ; that is for me. 2. What do you say of that ? 3. I do not like that. 4. What is agreeable, is not always useful. 5. Is that not true ? 6. Here are two new cloaks ; the one of velvet is for my cousin, the one of cloth is for my aunt. 7. I like your cousin's (that of your cousin) better than your aunt's (that of your aunt). 8. These two dresses are beautiful ; the silk one (the one of silk) is for Mary, the satin one (the one of satin) is for Henrietta. 9. This one is dearer than that one 10. Which stockings do you wish, the cotton ones or the woolen ones ? 11. I prefer the cotton ones. 12. There are new shoes; these are for you and those are for me. 13. Which boots do you wish, these or. those ? 14. I will have neither these nor those. 15. These are too small, and those are too large. 16. Have you others? 17. Here are some.* * En voicik 74 ELEMENTAEY FRENCH GEAMMAE. SEVENTEENTH LESSON. Interrogative Pronouns. 1. The interrogative pronouns are : Qui ? Who ? whom ? {for persons, as subject or object.) Qu'est-ce qui ? What ? {for tJiings, as subject.) Que ? What ? {for things, as dii-ect object.) Quoi ? What ? {for things after prepositions) And Lequel, /. laquelle? Which? which one? Lesquels, /. lesquelles? Which? which cues? 2. Examples. Qui m'appelle ? Who calls me? Qui appelle-t-il ? Whom does he call ? Qu'est-ce qui vous amuse ? What amuses you? Que voulez-vous ? What do you wish ? De quoi parlez-vous ? Of what do you speak ? The pronoun lequel is used with reference to persons and things, and agrees, in gender and number, with the noun which it represents. Quel ruban ? Which ribbon ? Lequel ? duquel ? auquel ? Which one ? of which ? to which ? Quelle dentelle ? Which lace ? Laquelle? de laquelle? a la- Which one? of which? to which? quelle ? Quels dessins ? Which patterns? Lesquels ? desquels ? auxquels ? Which ones ? of which ? to which ? Quelles etoffes ? Which goods? Lesquelles ? dcsquelles ? aux- Which ? of which ? to which ? quelles ? INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. 75 8. Que de . . . . ; Quoi de Que, quoi and the words quelque chose and rien, re- (juire de before the adjective to which they refer, as : Qu'avez-vous de joli ? Quoi de plus beau ! Quelque chose de nouveau ? II n'y a rien de nouveau. What have you that is pretty? Wliat is more beautiful ! Anything new? There is nothing new. Vocabulary 17. La porte, tlie door ; the gate. Durable, durable. Le bruit, the noise. Dit, said ; told. Le gout, the taste. Fait, made ; done. La mode, the fasbion ; a la mode, II fait, he or it makes. fashionable. Le ruban, the ribbon. La dentelle, the lace. De I'etoffe, /., cloth ; stuff Des etofFes, goods (dress-goods). Un dessin, a pattern. La preference, the preference. 11 plait, he or it pleases. II frappe, he strikes ; he knocks. II etonne, he astonishes. Le plus, most. Le mieux, best. Rouge, red. Bleu, blue. Exercise 17. 1. Qui frappe k la porte ? 2. Qui a fait cela? 3. Qui a dit cela ? 4. Qui blamez-vous ? 5. De qui parlez-vous ? 6. A qui donnez-vous ces fleurs ? 7. Qu'est-ce qui vous etonne ? 8. Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit ? 9. De quoi parlez- vous? 10. A quoi pensez-TOUs? 11. Voici deux rubans; lequel vous plait le mieux, le rouge ou le bleu ? 12. Au- quel donnez-vous la preference, au rouge ou au bleu ? 13. Duquel parlez-vous, du rouge ou du bleu? 14. Voici 76 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. de belles dentelles ; laquelle est le plus* a votre gout, celle- ci ou celle-ld ? 15. A laquelle donnez-vous la preference ? 16. Quels dessiiis sont les plus jolis, les petits ou les grands ? 17. Lesquels sont le plus* a la mode ? 18. Desquels parlez- vous, de ceux-ci ou de ceux-la ? 19. Quelles etoflfes sont les plus durables, celles de sole ou celles de laine ? 20. Aux- quelles donuez-vous la preference ? 21. Qu'y a-t-il de nou- veau ? 22. N'avez-vous rien de nouveau ? 23. Votre tante a quelque cbose de joli pour vous. Theme 17. 1. Wbo lives in that house ? 2. Who makes that noise ? 3. Who strikes on the table? 4. Who has said that? 5. Whom do you call ? G. To whom do you speak ? 7. What astonishes her ? 8. What (has) made that noise ? 9. Of (to) what do you think ? 10. With what has he done that ? 11. These ribbons are pretty ; which one do you like best ? 12. The blue one pleases me better than the red one. 13. Which one is most to your taste ? 14. How do you like these patterns ? 15. Which are the most fashionable ? 16. Of which ones do you speak, of the small patterns or of the large? 17. Which goods are most fashionable ? 18. Which are most durable? 19. To which do you give the prefer- ence? 20. What is more beautiful than this pattern? 21. What have you more beautiful than this ? * Le before Tplus is invariable when ytus does not modify an adjective. KELATIYE PRONOUNS. 77 EIGHTEENTH LESSON. Relative Pronouns. 1. The relative pronouns are : Qiii, wlio, which, that (as subject for persons and things). Que, whom, which, that (as direct object for persons and things). Qui, whom {as indirect object, preceded by a preposition). Lequel, laquelle, pi. lesquels, lesquelles, who, whom, which. Dont, of whom, of which, whose. Quoi, what. Ou, in which ; d'ovi, from which; par ou, through which. 2. Q'li, Who, which, that {subject). Le professeur qui parle. The prof essor who speaks. Les eleves qui ecoutent. The scholars who listen. Les livres qui sont sur la table. The books which lie on the tabla 3. Qiit^j Whom, which, that {direct object). L'artiste que je connais. The artist whom I know.* La leqon que je sais. The lesson which I know. Les livres que j'apporte. The books which I bring, 4 Qiiij Whom {indirect object for persons only). L'eleve a qui je parle. The scholar to whom I speak. Les enfants avec qui il joue. The children with whom he plays. Lequel, Who, whom, which, that. 5. Lequel, preceded by a preposition, is used with refer- ence to persons and things. Les eleves auxquels (or a qui^ il The scholars to whom he gives a donne une le^on. lesson. * With whom I am acquainted. 78 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Les plumes avec lesquelles {not The pens with which I write, avec qui) j'ecris. Rem. Instead of de and lequel (duquel, de laquelle, etc.), dont, is almost always preferable. Doiit, Of whom, of which, whose {indirect object). Dont expresses the same relation as the preposition de. It is used witli reference to either persons or things, for botli genders and both numbers. L'homme dont je parle. La femme dont I'enfant est ma- lade. Les livres dont j'ai besoin. Le peintre dont je vous ai donne I'adresse. The man of whom I speak. The woman whose child (of whom the child) is sick. The books of which I have need. The painter whose address 1 gave you (of whom I have, etc.) Un peintre, a painter. Une peinture, a painting ture. Un auteur, an author. Un ouvrage, a work. Un outil, a tool. Un voile, a vail. Un nom, a name. Une adresse, an address. Une raison, a reason. Une pension, a boarding a boarding-school. Admire, admired. Vocabulary 18. J'admire, I admire. ; a pic- Travaille, worked. Je travaille, I work. Joue, played. Je joue, 1 play. Quitte, left ; quitted. Je quitte, I leave. Donne, given. Lu, read. Ecrit, written, house ; Ce qui, what, that which {suhj). Ce que, what, that which {obj.). Si, so ; si joli, so pretty. Exercise 18. 1. Je vols le peintre qui vous a vendu cette peinture. 2. Je connais la dame qui a perdu ce voile. 3. Qui a apporte RELATIVE PROXOUKS. 79 les flours qui sont sur la table ? 4. Avez-vous lu le livre que je vous ai prete ? 5. Est-ce moi que vous blamez ? 6. Voila les dessins que votre sceur trouve si jolis. 7. Sont-ce les etoffes que vous lui avez mon trees? 8. Lui avez-vous dit le noni du negociant a qui vous avez eerit ? 9. Je ne conuais pas le gar90ii avec qui il jouc. 10. Jo vais chez I'artiste pour qui j'ai uue lettre. 11. J'ai vu le tableau auquel il travaille. 12. II a vendu la niaisou dans laquelle il demeure. 13. Ce u'est pas la raison pour laquelle il a quitte sa pension. 14. Je ne connais pas I'homme dont vous parlez. 15. Avez-vous les outils dont vous avez besoin? 16. C'esfc un ouvrage dont je suis tres-coutent. 17. VoiU Tauteur dont vous admirez les ouvrages. 18. J'ai ete chez le dentiste dont vous m'avez donne Tadresse. 19. Celui qui (he who) travaille est plus content que celui qui ne travaille pas. 20. Ce que je dis est vrai. 21. Ce qui est vrai, est beau. Theme 18. 1. I know the painter who (has) made that painting. 2. I see the lady who was (has been) at our house this morning. 3. This is (Voici) the pattern which pleases (to) your sister. 4. There is the man whom I saw (have seen). 5. I have read the book which you (have) lent me. 6. The merchant (has) sent the vail which your sister (has) bought. 7. I have lost the address which he gave (has given) me. 8. I do not know the name of the physician to whom he has written. 9. I know the man at whose house (chez qui) he lives. 10. I have told you the reason for which I (have) left the board- ing-school. 11. TJiese are (Yoici) the tools with which he works. 12. I see the lady of whom you speak. 13. I have the tools of which I have need. 14. There is the painter 80 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. whose pictures you admire (of whom you admire the pic- tures). 15. I know the author whose address he has given us (of whom he has given us the address). 16. I know what astonishes liim. 17. I give you what I have. NINETEENTH LESSON. Indefinite Pronouns. 1. The indefinite pronouns are : Autrvii, others. On, one, some one, people, they. Chacun, every one ; each. Personne (ne), nobody. L'un I'autre, each other. Quelqu'un, somebody. L'un et I'autre, both. Quelques-uns, some ; a few. Li'un ou I'autre, either. Quiconque, whoever. Ni l'un ni I'autre (ne), neither. Un de, one of. The following indefinite adjectives are also used as pro- nouns: Aucun (ne), \ Plusieurs, several ; many. Nul (ne), V no one; none. Tel, such a one. Pasun(ne),) Tout, all, everything. 2. Remarks and Examples. (1.) Aiitrui, Others (used with reference to persons only). Autrui is always preceded by a preposition. Les defauts d'autrui. The faults of others. (2.) Chacuu, Evert one; Each (distributive). Chacun pense a soi. Every one thinks of himsel£ Chacun de ces messieurs. Each of these gentlemen. Chacune de ces maisons. Each of those houses. lifDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 81 (3.) L'un I'autre, Each other; pi. les uns les autres, Oxe ajs'other. ns s'aiment l'un I'autre. They love each other. Us se trompent les uns les autres. They deceive one another. (4.) L'un et I'aiitre, Both; I'liu on Paiitre, Either; ui Pun ui I'autre, Neither. J'achete l'un et I'autre. I buy both. J'achete l'un ou I'autre. I buy either the one or the other. Je ne veux ni l'un ni I'autre. I ^\-ill have neither. (5.) On, OxE, soJtE one, people, they. On represents, indefinitely, some person or persons, as subject of the verb. It requires the verb in the third person singular. On n'est pas toiyours maitre de One is not always master of liim- soi. self. On vous appelle. Some one calls you. Que dit-on de cela ? What do people say of that ? On n'en parle pas. They do not speak of it. After et, si, ou, oil, and some other words, the letter 1' is often used before on (I'on), for the sake of euphony. On va et I'on vient. They go and come. (6.) Personne, Nobody {requires ne hefore the verb). Je n'ai vu personne. I have seen nobody. Personne n'a parle de cela. No one has spoken of that. (7.) Quelqu'un, Somebody, anybody, Quelqu'un vous demande. Somebody is inquiring for you. Rem. Quelqu'un is not used in a neofative sense. We should not say : je n'ai pas vu quelqu'un, but je n'ai vu personne, I hate not seen anybody. 82 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, (8.) Qiielques-uns, /. quelqnes-unes, Some, a few. Je connais quelques-uns de ces I know some of those gentlemea messieurs. Je prends quelques-unes de ces I take a few of these engravinga gravures. J'en prends quelques-unes. I take a few of them. (9.) Uii de, /. line cle, One of. Un de nos eleves est absent. One of our scholars is absent. Une de ses sceurs est malade. One of his sisters is eick. (10.) Aucun ; pas un ; mil (ne), None, no one. Aucune de ces dames n'est ici. Not one of those ladies is here. Pas un de ces eleves ne salt la Not one of those scholars knows legon. >. the lesson. Nul au monde ne le salt. No one in the world knows it. (11.) Pliisieiirs, Several, many. J'ai vu plusieurs de vos amis. I have seen several of your friends. J'eu ai vu plusieurs. I have seen several of them. (13.) Tel, /. telle, Such a one, many a one. Tel rit aujourd'hui qui pleurera Many a one laughs to-day who will demain. weep to-morrow. Rem. Tel is also used as a noun : Monsieur un tel, Mr. Sucha-one ; Madame une telle, Mrs. So-and-so. (13.) Tout, All, everything. II a tout ce qu'il veut. He has all (that which) he wishes. II m'a tout dit. He has told me everything. Eem. Tout is also used as a noun. Le tout produit un bel eflfet, the whole produces a fine eflfect. INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. 83 Vocabulary 19. Le salon, tlie drawing-room ; the Frappe, knocked ; struck. parlor. Sonne, rung. Un fauteuil, an arm-chair. II sonne, he rings. Une chaise, a chair. On sonne, the bell rings. Un eventail, a fan. Demande, asked for. Un paquet, a packet ; a bundle. II demande, he asks for ; he in- Un defaut, a defect ; a fault. quires for. Une composition, a composition. II vaut, it is worth. Ensemble, together. Parlez, speak. Seul, alone. Prenez, take. Exercise 19. 1. A-t-on Sonne ? 2. On a frappe A la porta. 3. On vous demande. 4. On a apporte un paquet pour vous. 5. ISTe parlez pas des defauts d'autrui. 6. Chacun a les siens. 7. Chacun est maitre ehez soi. 8. Chacune de ces mai- sons vaut dix mille piastres. 9. Ces deux eleves sont toujours ensemble. 10. On ne voit jamais Tun sans I'autre. 11. lis sont I'un et I'autre tres-studieux. 12. Voici deux eventails; prenez I'un on I'autre. 13. Je ne veux ni I'un ni I'autre. 14. J'en ai deja* plusieurs. 15. Plusieurs de DOS eleves sont absents. 16. Y a-t-il quelqu'un avec M. votre pere au salon? 17. II n'y a personne avec lui; il y est seul. 18. On a apporte des fauteuils; en avez- vous achete ? 19. J'en ai acliete quelques-uns. 20. Quelques-unes de nos chaises sont cassees. 21. Pas une de ces compositions n'est sans fautes. 22. Nul ne sait cela mieux que lui. 23. II m'a tout dit. 24. J'ai tout vu. * dejd, already. 84 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Theme 19. 1. The bell rings. 2. Some one calls me. 3. There is some one in the parlor who inquires for you. 4. They have brought the arm-chair. 5. Every one has his faults. 6. Every one works for himself (soi). 7. Each one of these paintings is worth five hundred dollars. 8. Those are two good friends; one always* sees them together. 9. The one is never without the other. 10. I am never alone at home ; there is always somebody with me. 11. Take either of these two fans. 12. I don't hke either (I like neither). 13. Have you seen anybody ? 14. I have not seen anybody [see .(7.) Eem.]. 15. Kobody has been at the office. 16. Several of your friends have been here. 17. I have seen several of them. 18. Some of them have left the city. 19. I have bought a few of these chairs. 20. One of these composi- tions is without mistakes. 21. Xot one of you has done better than Mr. Such-a-one. 22. He knows everything. 23. I have told him all. TWENTIETH LESSON. The VERB.f — Infinitive Mode. 1. There are four different classes or conjugations of verbs, distinguished by the endings of the infinitive mode. The infinitive-endings are: In the 1st conjugation, er, as : couper, to cut. In the 2d conjugation, ir, as : finir, to finish. In the 3d conjugation, oir, as : recevoir, to receive. In the 4th conjugation, re, as : vendre, to sell. * Put the adverb after the verb. t See Introduction, p. 18, 17. THE VERB. — INFINITIVE MODE. 85 A verb consists of two parts, the root and the ending. The root is what remains after striking off the infinitive- ending, as: couper, root coup, ending er. A verb is regular when it is inflected in all its modes and tenses, according to the model verb of the conjugation to which it belongs. A verb is irregular when it deviates, in the formation of any of its modes or tenses, from the model verb of the con- jugation to which it belongs. The above four verbs: 1. Couper, 2. Finir, 3. Rece- voir, 4. Vendre, are given as model verbs of the four con- jugations respectively. Rem. Irregular verbs will be marked, in the vocabularies in this book by an asterisk, tlius : *Aller, to go. 2. The Infinitive Mode. When two verbs are joined in construction, the one depen- dent on the other, the first verb governs the second in the infinitive. (1.) Some verbs govern the infinitive directly, as: Je veuK couper I'arbre. I will cut the tree. Je vais le couper. I am going to cut it. (2.) Some verbs require the preposition ^ before the de- pendent infinitive. J'ai beaucoup a faire. I have a great deal to do. J'aime a travailler. I like to work. (3.) Some verbs require the preposition de before the de- pendent infinitive. 86 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Je cesse de travailler. Je crains de vous offenser. I cease working. I fear to offend you. Rem. In English, prepositions, except to, are followed by the pres- ent participle ; in French, prepositions govern the verb in the infini- tive mode, except the preposition en, in. ^ 3. The Infinitive after Nouns. A verb limiting the sense of a noun, is put in the infini- tive, and is preceded by the jireposition de. Je n'ai pas le temps de sortir. I have no time to go out. 4 Pour before the Infinitive. The preposition pour, to, in order to, is used before the infinitive to express a purpose. Je viens ici pour vous dire. n est trop malade pour sortir. Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour acheter votre bateau. I come here to tell you. He is too sick to go out. I have not money enough to buy ' your boat. Vocabulary 20. Trouver, to find. Copier, to copy. Etudier, to study. Travailler, to work.' Offenser, to offend. Acheter, to buy. *Aller, to go. *]Gnvoyer, to send. Pinir, to finish. *Venir, to come. *Sortir, to go out ; to come out. *Partir, to start ; to leave. Recevoir, to receive. *Voir, to see. Vendre, to sell. Attendre, to wait ; to wait for. *Dire (de),f to say ; to tell. *Ijire, to read. *Ecrire (de),f to write. *Faire, to do ; to make. Je peux ; il peut, I can ; he can. Je cesse (de)+, I cease. Je prie (de),f I pray ; I beg ; I agk. Je crains (de),f I fear; I am afraid. + These verbs require the preposition de before the dependent infinitive. THE VERB. — INFINITIVE MODE. 87 Le temps, the time ; the weather. A midi, ut noon. L'intention, the intention. Demain, to morrow. Exercise 20. 1. Je veux couper I'arbre. 2. Je vais le couper. 3. Je vais fiiiir mon otivrage. 4. Je peux le finir ce matin. 5. Je ne peux pas recevoir ce monsieur. 6. Je n'ai pas le temps de le voir. 7. Avez-vous beaucoup a faire ? 8. J'ai deux lettres a ecrire, et trois a copier. 9. J'aime a lire, mais je n'aime pas a etudier. 10. Je cesse de travailler a midi. 11. Je vous prie de venir chez moi. 12. Je n'ai pas le temps d'aller chez vous. 13. Mon frere m'a ecrit de lui envoyer les journaux. 14. J'ai l'intention de partir demain. 15. II n'a pas la patience de nous attendre. 16. Vous n'avez pas le courage de lui dire cela. 17. Je crains de Toffenser. 18. II est ici pour vendrc son cheval. 19. Je n'ai pas assez d'argent pour Tacheter. 20. Je viens pour vous dire que le professeur est malade. 21. II est trop malade pour sortir. Theme 20. 1. He will cut the tree. 2. He is going to cut it this morning. 3. I wish to finish my work. 4. I can finish it at noon, 5. He will not receive us. 6. He says that he can- not see us. 7. He has too much to do. 8. I have several letters to copy. 9. I like to study, but I do not like to work. 10. I cease reading now. 11. I have no time to write this exercise. 12. He intends (He has the inten- tion) to come here to-night. 13. I have no tmie to go to the post-office. 14. I am going to leave to-morrow. 15. I intend to send this letter to my uncle. 16. I beg you to do so. 17. Tell hivi (Dites-lui) to sell his boat. 18. I am 88 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. afraid to offend him. 19. Will yon buy it? 20. I have not money enough to buy it. 21. I am too sick to go out to-day. TWENTY-FIRST LESSON. The Participle.* 1. A verb has two participles, the present and the past. The present participle, which ends in English in ing, ends in French in ant. The past participle of regular verbs ends, in the first con- jugation in 6, in the second in i, in the third and fourth, in u. iNrraiTrvT!. Oouper, to cut ; Finir, to finish ; Recevoir, to receive ; Vendre, to sell ; Peesent Partictple. coupant, cutting ; finissant, finishing ; recevant, receiving; vendant, selling ; Past Participle. coupe, cut. fini, finished, regu, received, vendu, sold. 2. The Present Participle and Verbal Adjective. The present participle is not so much used in French as in English. It is principally used with the preposition en, 171, which is the only preposition that may be followed by the present participle : en allant, in going; en venant, in coming; en passant, in passing. J'ai vu voire frere en allant a la I saw your brother when I waf poste. ffoing to the post-office. J'y ai pense en venant. I thought of it while I was coming. II m'a dit le bonjour en passant. He said good day when he was passing. * Introduction, p. 17, THE PARTICIPLE. 89 The ijreseut participle, qualifying a noun, is called a parti- cipial, or verbal, adjective. Un enfant charmant. A charming cliikl. Une histoire interessante. An interesting story. Rem:. The verbal adjective is generally placed after the noun. 3. The Past Participle. The past participle is used in connection with an aux- iliary verb, to form compound tenses (p. 92-2.). J'ai casse le plat. I have broken the dish. The past participle of active verbs is an adjective when it is joined in construction with the verb etre, and also when it is used without a verb. In the latter case, it is placed after the noun. Le plat est casse. The dish is broken. Un plat casse. A broken dish. 4 Agreement of the Past Participle, The past participle agrees with the noun to which it refers, in gender and number, the same as an adjective, in accordance with the following three rules: (1.) The past participle, joined in construction to the tenses of the verb etre, to he, agrees with the subject of the verb. Le plat est casse. The dish is broken. Les plats sent casses. The dishes are broken. (2.) The past participle used without an auxiliary verb, agrees with the noun to which it refers. Un plat casse. A broken dish. Une assiette cassee. A broken plate. De3 assiettes cassees. Broken plates.- 90 E L E ME NTART FRENCH GRAMMAR. (3.) The past participle of a transitive verb agrees with the direct ol)ject of the verb, when the direct object pre- cedes the participle. J'ai reqvL la lettre. I have received the letter. Je Vdl re9ue ce matin. I received it this morning. Voici la lettre que j'ai re9ue. Here is the letter which I received. The direct object, in the above sentences, is in italic. Vocabulary 21. Abimer, to spoil (a thing). Un bijoutier, a jeweler. Gater, to spoil. Une croix, a cross. Dechirer, to tear. Une chaine, a chain. Mouiller, to wet. Bonjour, good morning; good day; Oter, to take off; to take away. dire le bonjour, to say good day. Passer, to pass. Hier, yesterday. Rencontrer, to meet. Amusant, amusing. Saluer, to bow. Charmant, charming. *Rire, riant, ri, to laugh, laughing, Interessant, interesting. laughed. Deja, already. Un horloger, a watchmaker. Pas encore, not yet. * Exercise 21. 1. J'ai rencontre votre frere en allant a la poste. 2. J'ai laisse votre croix cliez le bijoutier en venant. 3. J'ai dit a Charles, en passant, de venir ici ce matin. 4. Le professeur nous a dit d'etudier la le9on en I'attendant. 5. Marie m'a salue en riant. 6. Je lui ai dit le bonjour en passant. 7. Nous avons lu une histoire interessante. 8. C'est un livre amusant. 9. Votre petite niece est charmante. 10. Elle a dechire sa robe. 11. Elle va oter sa robe dechiree. 12. J'ai 6te mon habit mouille. 13. Mes gravures sont abimees. 14. Jules les a mouillees. 15. Ce sont des enfants gdtes. THEPARTICPLE. 91 16. Ma chaine est cassee. 17. Je I'ai cassee hier. 18. Je vais porter cette chaine cassee chez Thorloger. 19. Voici la lettre que j'ai re9ue. 20. Je ne I'ai pas encore lue. 21. Vous ne nous avez pas attendus. 22. A qui a-t-il vendu sa mai- son? 23. II la vendue a M. Larue. 24. Vos sceurs sont jci ; je les ai vues. 25. La piece est deja finie. Theme 21. 1. I saw (have seen) Charles in coming. 2. He (has) bowed in passing, but he did not speak. 3. In going to the office, I (have) left your broken chain at the jeweler's. 4. Will you read the newspaper while waiting ? 5. I met Julia tliis morning. 6. She said good-day laughing. 7. This is an interesting story. 8. I have read it twice. 9. That piece is charming. 10. Your drawings are spoiled. 11. That spoiled child tore (has torn) them. 12. That is very amus- ing. 13. My dress is wet. 14. I am going to take it off. 15. We have taken off our wet clothes. 16. My cross is broken. 17. Henry broke (has broken) it yesterday. 18. He is going to take it (carry it) to the watchmaker's. 19. I have received his letter, but I have not yet read it. 20. We have not yet sold our house, but we intend to sell it. 21. The lesson is alreadv finished. TWENTY-SECOND LESSON. Auxiliary Verbs. — Conjugation of Avoir. To Have. 1. Verbs are subject to four different modifications, to mdicate mode, tense, person and number. These several modifications are, in some tenses, expressed 92 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. by the verb itself, in others, by the help of an auxiliary verb; the former are called simple, the latter compound, tenses. 2. Auxiliary Verbs. There are two auxiliary verbs: avoir, fo have, and etre; fo be. They are auxiliary verbs, only, Avhcn they are used in the formation of compound tenses. a. Avoir is used iu the compound tenses of (1.) All active verbs ; (2.) Most neuter verbs; (3.) Those impersonal verbs which are not used as per- sonal verbs, and which may be called essential impersoual verbs. h. Etre is used (1.) In the formation of the compound tenses of certain neuter verbs; those generally whose past tenses express a change in the condition or position of the subject ; (2.) In the formation of the compound tenses of all pro- nominal verbs ; (3.) In the formation of the passive verb. 8. Conjugation. To conjugate a verb is to write or recite it, with all its modifications of mode, tense, person and number. This may be done iu four different ways: 1. affirmatively; 2. negatively; 3. interrogatively; and 4. interrogatively ?i\i(}i negatively. In this lesson, we shall study the conjugation of the verb avoir, to have, and in the next, the conjugation of the verb etre, to he ; because these verbs are used as auxiliaries in the conjugation of other verbs. CONJUGATION OF AVOIK. 93 Conjugation of AVOIR, To Have. INFINITIVE MODE Present. Past. Avoir to have Avoir cu to have had PARTICIPLES. Present. Compound. Ayant having Ayant cu having had Past. Eu, m. ; eue, /. had INDICATIVE MODE. Present. J'ai I have Tuaa thou hast II a he han Nous avons we have Vous avez you have Past Indefinite. J'ai eu I have had Tu as eu Uiou hast had 11 a ou he has had Nous avons eu we have had Vous avez eu you have had lis ont they have lis ont en they have had Impekfect. Pluperfect. J'avais I had J'avais en I had had Tu avais thou hadst Tu avais en thou hadst had 11 avait he had 11 avait en he had had Nous avions we had Nous avions eu we had had Vous aviez you had Vous aviez en you had had lis avaient they had lis avaient en tliey had had Past Definite. Past Antei RIOR. J' ens I had J'eiis en I had had Tu eu8 thou hadst Tn ens eu thou hadst had Lent he had 11 eut eu he had haa Nous eflmes we had Nous eflmes eu tee had had Vous efltes you had Vous efltes eu you had had Us eurent they had lis enrent eu they had had 94 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Future. Future Anterior. J'aurai I Shan have J'aurai eu Tu auras thou u'Ut have Tu auras eu 11 aura he ivlU hare 11 aura eu Nous aurons we shall have Nous aurons eu Vous aurez you will have Vous aurez eu lie auront they tvill have lis auront eu CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. J'aurais Ishmdd have J'aurais cu Tu aurais thou tvouldst have Tu aurais eu 11 aurait lie would have 11 aurait eu Nous aurions we should have Nous aurions eu Vous auriez you would have Vous auriez eu lis auraient they would have lis auraient eu IMPERATIVE MODE. Aie hare (thm) Ayons let us have Ayez have you I shall have had thou ivilt have had he will have had we shall have had you will have had they will have had Past. I should have had thou wouldst have had he would have had 2ve should hare had you would hare had they would have had SUBJUNCTIVE MODE.t Present. Que j 'aie . that I may have Que tu aies that thou mayst have Qu'il ait that he may have Que nous ayons that ice may have Que vous ayez that you may have Qu'ils aient that they may have Imperfect. Que j'eusse that I might have Que tu eusses that thou m'lghtst have Qu'il eflt that he migJit have Que nous eussions that we might have Que vous eussiez that you might have Qu'ils eussent that they might have Past. Que j'aie eu thai I may Que tu aies eu that thou mayst Qu'il ait eu that he may Que nous ayons eu that we may Que vous ayez eu that you may Qu'ils aient eu that they may Pluperfect. Que j'eusse eu that I Que tu eusses eu that thou Qu'il efit eu tliat he Que nous eussions eu that we Que vous eussiez eu that you Qu'ils eussent eu that tliey t The subjunctive mode in French is very different from the subjunctive mode in English. The English forms, that I may have, that I vugU have, do not give an adequate idea of the meaning of the subjunctive in French. The following sen- tence, taken from Exercise 22 : Je ne veux pas que tu aies Tnon diction naire, if trans- lated into English, according to the above form, would run thus, / do not wish that CONJUGATION OF AVOIR. 95 Rem. 1. The negative conjugation is formed with ne pas. Ne is placed before the verb, and pas after it (28-3). In compound tenses, ne stands before the auxiliary verb, and pas between the auxiliary and the past participle: Je n'ai pas; Je n'ai pas eu. See also Lesson Twenty-ninth. Rem. 2. A verb is conjugated interrogatively, by placing the pro- noun subject, with a hyphen, after the verb. See, for full treatment Lesson Twenty-ninth. Vocabulary 22. Le bonheur, good luck ; good for- Conge, (»/.), leave; permission; tune. avoir conge, to have leave ; to Le malheur, bad luck ; misfor- have a holiday. tune. Avoir besoin de, to have need of. Le plaisir, the pleasure. Avoir soinf de, to take care of. La bonte, the kindness. Avoir envie de, to have a wish La prudence, the prudence. (for) ; a desire, a mind (to). Beau temps, fine weather. Fermer, to shut. La pluie, the rain. Perdre, to lose. De I'orage im.), a storm. Diner, to dine. Le prix, the price ; the prize. Dernier, derniere,:}: last. La promenade, the walk ; walk- Prudent, prudent. ing; aller a la promenade, to Si (s' before il and ils), if ; whether. go for a walk. Je voudrais, I should like ; I wish. thou mayst have my dictionary, whereas the proper English i?, I do not wish thee to have my dictionary. And again the following sentence taken from Theme 22 : He wishes that I should have pleasure, might lead the learner to suppose that shxruld have is to he translated hy the conditional mode, whereas the present of the enb- junctive is required. In translating from French into English, the student should, regardless of the French construction, give the correct English ; and again, in trans- lating from English into French, he should not adhere to the words in the En^rlish text, but rather be guided, for the present, by the heading of the section, an^ con- strue the French sentences accordingly. + We say in French : J^ai bien soin, for, I take good care, using an adverb instead of an adjective, because the e.'fpression avoir soin is equivalent to a verb. t Dernier, last, meaning the preceding, is placed after the notin ; lundi dernier, last Monday. 96 ELEMENTAEY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 22. Imperfect Tense. 1. J'avais envie ce matin d'aller A la promenade. 2. Tu n'avais pas le temps de sortir. 3. II avait a travailler pour son pere. 4. Nous avions beaucoup a faire. 5. Yous n'aviez pas besoin d'acheter ce livre ; nous I'avions dejd. G. lis n'avaient pas envie de venir avec nous. Past Definite Tense. ■ 7. Hier, J'eus le plaisir de rece- voir une lettre de mes parents. 8. Luiidi dernier, nous eumes le bonheur d'etre tous ensemble. 9. La semaine der- niere, ces enfants eurent le malheur de perdre leur pere. Fcjture Tense. 10. Aurai-je besoin du paraplnie ? 11. Tu en auras besoin. 12. Aura-t-il soin de son petit frere? 13. II aura bien soin de lui. 14. Aurons-nous beau temps ? 15. Yous aurez de la pluie. 16. lis auront de I'orage. Conditional Mode. 17. J'aurais du plaisir, si j'avais conge. 18. Tu aurais un prix, si tu avais travaille. 19. II en aurait eu un, s'il avait ete studieux. 20. Nous aurions eu nos themes, si nous n'avions pas ete malades. 21. Yous auriez de Fargent, si vous aviez travaille. 22. lis n'auraient pas eu besoin de travailler, s'ils avaient ete prudents. Imperative Mode. 23. Aie la patience d'attendre. 24. Ajez la bonte de fermer la porte. 25. Ayons du courage et de la prudence. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense, f 26. II veut que j'aie soin de ces oiseaux. 27. Je ne veux pas que tu aies mon dictionnaire. 28. J'aime que vous ayez du plaisir. 29. II ne.pense pas que nous ayons du courage. Imperfect Tense.j 30. Je voudrais que vous eussiez un peu de patience, qu'il eut du courage, que nous eussions de t See foot-note, p. 94. CONJUGATION OF AVOIR. 97 largent, que vous eussicz de la prudence, et qu'ils eussent la bonte d'etudier leurs le9ons. Theme 22. Imperfect Tense. 1. I had to work. 2. Thou luidst a wish to go for a walk. 3. He had no time to go with thee. 4. We had letters to write. 5. You had not the jjatience to wait for us. 6. They had nothing to do. Past Definite Tense. 7. Last Monday, I had the good fortune to meet my friend Julius. 8. We had the pleasure of dining together. 9. He had the misfortune to lose his watch-chain. 10. Last week, my cousins had the kindness to send us some beautiful flowers. Future Tense. 11. I shall have a holiday to-morrow. 12. Thou wilt have pleasure. 13. He will have need of an umbrella. 14. We shall not have any rain. 15. You will have a (de 1") storm. 16. I think (that) they will have fine weather. Conditional Mode. 17. I would have courage, if I had money. 18. Thou wouldst have money, if thou hadst worked. 19. He would have had a holiday, if he had had a prize. 20. We should have pleasure, if we had a holiday. 21. You would not take care of your money, if you had any. 23. They would have had a great deal of pleasure, if they had been with us. Imperative Mode. 23. Have {sing.) the kindness to shut the door. 24. Have (plur.) the patience to wait for us. 25. Let us have prudence. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense.j 26. He wishes that I should have pleasure, that thou shouldst have + See foot-note, p. 94. 98 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR patience, that lie should have courage, that we should have prudence. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense.j 27. / ^cisli (Je voudrais) that you had courage, that we had good luck, that he had patience, that they had all their books. TWENTY-THIRD LESSON. Conjugation of ETKE, To Be. INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Past. iiltre to be Avoir ete to have been PARTICIPLES. Present. Compound. ftant I being Ayant ete having been Past. :6te been INDICATIVE MODE. PREaENT. Past Indefinite. Je enis Iain J'ai ete I have been Tu es thmi art Tu as ete thou hwr. iOl Exercise 23. Imperfect Tense. 1. Quand j'etais pr^t, il etait temps de partir. 2. II etait dix hcnrcs. 3. Tu n'etais pas ici. 4. Kous etions presses. 5. Vous n'etiez pas de retour. 6. Mes parents etaient absents. Past Definite Tense. 7. Le mois passe, je fus oblige d'aller a Boston. 8. J'eus le plaisir d j rencontrer votre ami. 9. II fnt etonno de m'y voir. 10. Nous fumes contents d'etre ensemble. FuTUEE Tense. 11. Je serai cliez moi a midi. 12. Tu ne seras pas ici demain. 13. Mon oncle sera de retour ce soir. li. Quand nous serons a la campagne, nous aurons du plaisir. 15. Quand vous serez grands, vous serez obliges de travailler. 16. Nos amis seront ici dans deux heures. Conditional Mode. 17. Je serais fdche de i)artir. 18. Tu serais bien aise d'etre de retour. 19. II serait ici, s'il n'etait pas malade. 20. Nous serious contents, si vous I'etiez. 21. Vous seriez etonnes de les voir. 22. Ilsseraient contents d'etre ici. Imperative Mode. 23. Sois sage et prudent. 24. Soycz studieux. 25. Sojons economes. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 26. 11 est bien que je sois ici. 27. 11 est temps qu'il soit de retour. 28. Je suis fdche que vous soyez malade. 29. Je suis bien aise que nous soyons ici. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 30. II serait bien que je fusse de retour. 31. Je serais bien aise qu'il f ut ici. 32. Je voudrais que vous fussiez studieux. lOx- EL d'M "ENTAit Y FRENCH GRAMMAR. Theme 23. Imperfect Ten^se. 1. I was here at nine o'clock. 2. Thou wast not ready. 3. He was in a hurry to start. 4. We were obliged to wait. 5. You were not here. 6. They were in the country. Past Definite Tense. 7. Last Thurday, I was aston- ished to see my parents. 8. They were obliged to go to the city. 9. We were glad to see them. Future Tense. 10. I shall be back at seven o'clock. 11. Wilt thou be absent to-morrow ? 12. My aunt will be here in two hours. 13. We shall be glad to see her. 14. You will be astonished. 15. They will be satisfied, if we are (so). Conditional Mode. 1G. I should be very glad to be at home. 17. Thou wouldst be sorry to leave the country. 18. He would be sick, if he were in (a la) town. 19. We would be obliged to work, 20. You would not be satisfied, if you had nothing to do. Imperative Mode. 21. Be {sing.) prudent and econo- mical. 22. Be (plur.) satisfied with what you have. 23. Let us be good. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 24. It is time that I were ready. 25. It is well that thou art here. 26. I am sorry that he is sick. 27. I am glad that you are back. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 28. It would be well that I were ready. 29. I was astonished that he was back. 30. I wish (that) you were more econo- mical. REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 103 TWENTY-FOUETH LESSON. Regular Conjugations.— First Conjugation in ER. COUPEK, To Cut.— (Model Verb.) INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Past. Conper to cut Avoir coupe to have cut PARTICIPLES. Present. Compound. Coupant cutting Ayant coupe having cut Past. Coupe cut INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Past Indefinite. Je coupe I cut J'ai coupe I have cut Tu coupes thou cuttest Tu as coupe tJiou hast cut 11 coupe lie cuts r a coupe he has cut Nous coupons we cut Nous avous coupe we have cut Vou8 coupez you cut Vous avez coupe you have cut Ls coupeut they cut Ds ont coupe they have cut Imperfect. Pluperfect. Je con pais 1 'was cutting J'arais coupe I had cut Tu coupais thou least cutting Tu avais coupe thou hadst cut 11 coupait he was cutting 11 avail coupe he had cut .\ou3 coupions we were cutting Nous avions coupe we had cut Vous coupiez you were cutting Vous aviez coupe you had cut Us conpaient they were cutting Us avaient coupe they had cut Past D E finite Past Anterior. Je coupal I cut J'eus coupe I had cut Tu coupas \ thou cuttedst Tu eus conp6 thou hadst cut 11 conpa he cut U eut coup6 h£ had cut Nous coupames we cut Nous eflmes conpfi we had cut Vous con pates you cut Vous efltes coupe you had cut Ila ooapdrent they cut Es eurent conp6 they had cut 104 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. FUTURB. Je couperal Tu couperas II coupera Nous couperons Vou8 couperez lis couperont I shall cut thou wilt cut he will cut we shall cut you will cut they tvill cut Future Anterior. J'aurai coupe I shall have cut Tu auras coupo II aura coupe Nous aureus coup6 Vous aurez coup6 lis auroDt coupe thou wilt have cut he will hare cut we shall have cut 1J0U will have cut they will have cut Peesent, Je conperais Tu coupcrais II couperait Nous couperions Vous couperiez lis couperaient CONDITIONAL MODE. Past, I should ait J'aurais coupe I should have cut thou ivouldst cut Tu aurais coupe thou wovldst hare cut he ivoidd cut II aurait coupe he wofuld have cut we should cut Nous aurions coupe we should hare cut you u'Oidd cut Vous auriez coupe you would have cut they would cut Us auraient coupe they would have cut IMPERATIVE MODE. Coupe Coupons Coupez cut {thou) let us cut cut (you) SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que je conpe that I may cut Que tu coupes that thou mayst cut Qu'il coupe that lie may cut Que nous coupions that we may cut Que vous coupiez that you may cut Qu'ils coupent thai they may cut Imperfect. Que je coupasse that I • Que tu coupasses that thou 1 Qu'il coiipat that he Que nous coupassions that ive Que vous coupassiez that you s Qu'ila coupassent that they . Past. Que j'aie coupe that I may Que tu aiee coupS that thou mayst Qu'il ait coupg that he may Que nous ayons coupe thativemay f Que vous ayez coupe that you may Qu'ila aient coupe that they may J Pluperfect. Que j'eusse coupe Que tu eusses coup6 Qu'il eflt coupe Que nous eussions coupe Que vous eussiez coupe Qu'il* eussent coupe that 1 1 g that thou "3" that he '^ that we I S that you ^ that they J S REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 105 2. Remarks on the French and English Tense-Forms. The several tenses of a French verl) have each but one form ; whereas the corresponding English tenses have two, three, or even more, forms. Je coupe is equivalent to / cut, I am cntting, I do cut, and so forth, throughout the present tense. Je coupais is equivalent to / cut, I was cutting, 1 did cut, or / used to cut, etc. Je couperai is equivalent to I shall, or icill cut. In translating from English into French, the learner will bear in mind that the auxiliary verbs am, do; was, did, used to; shall, will, are only signs that indicate whether the verb is to be in the present, imperfect, or future tense. The verb tvill is sometimes a sign of the future tense, and sometimes a part of the verb to be willing. When ^vill has the meaning of to be wiUi)ig, it is to be expressed, in French, by a part of the verb vouloir. Vocabulary 24. Aimer, to love ; to like ; to be Parler, to speak. fond of. Penser (a), to think (of). Arriver, to arrive. Quitter, to leave ; to quit. Casser, to break. Rester, to remain ; to stay. Chanter, to sing. Tranqioille, quiet ; still. Danser, to dance. Maintenant, now. Demander, to ask for. Quelquefois, sometimes. Demeurer, to live, to dwell. Autant que, as much as. Jouer, to play. Le travail, work; working. Oublier, to forget. L'etude,/., study ; studying. 106 ELEMENTAEY FRENCn GRAMMAR. Exercise 24. Present Tense. 1. Je tnivaille maiutenaiit. 2. Tu ne travailles pas beancoup. 3. 11 etiidie trop ])eu. 4. Nous etudions autant que vous. 5. Vous ii'aimez pas Fetude. 6. lis aiment a Joucr. Imperfect Tense. 7. J'etudiais quand tu jouais. 8. Ma soeur chantait et nous dansions. 9. Vous ne travailliez pas. 10. lis n'aimaicnt pas le travail ui I'etude. Past Definite Tense. 11. J'arrivai ici le meme jour que mes parents arriverent a Paris. 12. Nous quit- tames la ville le quinze mai. 13. Quand je reucontrai Henri I'autre jour, il me demanda pourquoi j'avais quitte la classe. Future Tense. 14. Je resterai ici. 15. Tu ne parleras pas de cela. 16. II n'y pensera pas. 17. Nous etudierons demain. IS. Vous I'oublierez. 19. Nous quitterons la ville quand mes parents arriveront. Conditional Mode. 20. Je resterais ici, si j'etais a (in) votre place. 21. II ne travaillerait pas, s'il n'y etait pas oblige. 22. Nous oublicrions nos lemons, si nous ne les etu- diions pas bien. 23. Vous casseriez cette moiitre, si vous I'aviez. 24. lis danseraient, si vous chantiez. Imperative Mode. 25. Eeste tranquille. 26. Tra- vaillez. 27. Parlons fran9ais. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 28. Je veux que vous 6tudiiez vos legons. 29. II veut que nous jiarlions fran9ais. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 30. II serait bon que j'etudiasse un peu. 31. Je voudrais que vous par- lassiez fran9ais. 32. Je voudrais qu'il quittdt la classe. KEGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 107 Theme 24. Present Tense. 1. I am studying. 2. Thou dost not study much. 3. Charles is phiying, and Mary is singing. 4. We dance sometimes. 5. You do not work enough. 6. They do not like to work. Imperfect Tense. 7. I was working, and thou wast singing. 8. He was not fond of work or study. (In French: He liked neither work nor study.) 9. We studied as much as you. 10. You played a great deal (beaucoup). 11. They lived in the same street in which we lived. Past Definite Tense. 12. I left Paris on the same day that you arrived there. 13. We met your cousins yester- day. 14. They asked us for your address. Future Tense. 15. I shall speak of that when I (shall) arrive there. 16. Thou wilt not think of it. 17. He will forget it. 18. Will you leave the city to-day r" 19. We will stay here till to-7norrow (jusqu'a demain). 20. They will arrive here this evening. Conditional Mode. 21. I would take off my wet clothes, if I were in (a) your place. 22. Thou wouldst not forget thy lessons, if thou studiedst them well. 23. He would break the violin, if he had it. 24. We would stay, if you stayed. 25. They would not study, if they were not obliged to (y). Imperative Mode. 26. Eemain where thou art. 27. Keep {plur.) quiet. 28. Let us study. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 29. He wants us to study our lesson. (In French : He will that we study our lesson.) 30. I want you to speak French. (In French : I will that you speak French.) 31. I am sorry that you leave the school. 108 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 32. It would be well for him to leave the city. (In French: It would be well that he should leave the city.) 33. I wish (that) you ■would speak to him about it (of it). 34. He was astonished that we spoke of it. TWENTY-FIFTH LESSON. Verbs of the First Conjugation. — Orthographic Irregularities. Some classes of verbs in the first conjugation, though regularly varied throughout, undergo, in certain persons and tenses, slight changes, to make their orthography con- formable to the pronunciation. 1. In verbs ending in ger, as manger, to eat, an e is in- serted after g, before a and o, to make the g retain its soft sound, as : mangeant, nous mangeons. 2. In verbs ending in cer, as commencer, to commence, the letter c, to retain the sound of s, takes the cedilla before a and o, as : commen9ant, nous commen9ons. 3. In verbs ending in yer, as nettoyer, to clean, the y is changed into i before e mute, as : je nettoie, tu nettoies, il nettoie, ils nettoient; but nous nettoyons, vous nettoyez. Rem. Verbs ending in ayer, as payer, to pay, may either retain the y before e mute, or change it into i : je paye, or je paie. 4. In verbs having e (acute) or e (mute), before the con- sonant that precedes the ending er, as : esp6rer, to hope, and mener, to had, the 6 or e is changed into 6 (grave), VEEBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION. 109 before a mute syllabe, as: j'espdre, / hope ; je mene, I lead, etc. Rem. Verbs in eger, as abreger, proteger, retain the e in the future and conditional : j'abregerai, il protegera. (See also verbs in eler and eter, Xo. 5.) 5. Verbs ending in eler, as appeler, to call, double tbe 1, and those in eter, as jeter, (o tit row, double the t, before e mute, as: j'appelle, tu appelles, il appelle, ils ap- pellant; and je jette, tu jettes, il jette, ils jettent. But nous appelons, vous appelez ; nous jetons, vous jetez, etc. Rem. The verbs acheter, to buy ; bourreler, to torment ; deceler, to disclose ; geler, to freeze ; harceler, to Iiarass ; peler, to peel, are exceptions to this last rule. They come under Rule 4. Vocabulary 25. Voyager, to travel. Jeter, to throw ; to throw away. Manger, to eat. Acheter, to buy. Proteger, to protect. Geler, to freeze. Commencer (a), to commence ; to Le libraire, the bookseller. begin. Le panier, the basket. Placer, to place. La voiture, the carriage. Menacer, to threaten. La nuit, the night ; la nuit passee, *Envoyer, to send. last night ; cette nuit, to-night Nettoyer, to clean. Bien des choses, many things. Payer, to pay. Autrefois, formerly. Mener, to lead ; to take. A interet, at interest. Esperer, to hope ; to hope for. A temps, in time. Appeler, to call. Le soir, in the evening. Exercise 25. Verbs in ger. 1. J'aime a voyager. 2. On voit bion des choses en voyageant. 3. Autrefois je voyageais beau- 110 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. conj). 4. Je n'ai pas mange de viande. 5. Nous mangeons pcu dc viande le soir. Verbs in cer, G. Je vais commencer mon travail. 7. Nous commengons a parler franQais. 8. Je commengais a le parler quand je quittai Paris. 9. Nous pla9ons notre argent a iuteret. 10. lis nous menaQaicnt. Verbs in yer. 11. J'ai envoye ma lettre a la poste. 12. J'envoie Ics journaux a mon oncle. 13. II nous envoie uu panier de peches. 14. Je nettoierai mon pupitre quand j'aurai fini d'ecrire. 15. Je vous payerai {or paierai) quand j'aurai de I'argent. Verbs that change e or e into e. IG. Nous es- perons vous voir ce soir. 17. J'espere que vous resterez avec nous jusqu'a domain. 18. Ou voulez-vous nous mener ? 19. Je vous menerai aux Champs Elysees. 20. Nous vous protegerons. Verbs in eler and eter. 21. Voulcz-vons m'appeler quand tout sera pret. 22. Je vous appellerai quand la voi- ture arrivera. 23. Vous ne m'avez pas appele a temps. 24. Oti jetterai-je ces papiers? 25. Jetez-les dans le panier. Exceptions. 26. Oii achetez-vous voire papier ? 27. Je I'achete chez le libraire Dumont. 28. Je vous en acheterai, si vous voulez. 29. II va geler. 30. II gele deja. 31. II a gele, et il gelera encore. Theme 25. Verbs in ger. 1. I have traveled much. 2. I have seen many things while traveling. 3. My uncle used to travel a great deal (formerly). 4. Are you still eating ? 5. He vras eating when I began (have begun) to write. Verbs in cer. G. I was beginning to WTite when some REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. Ill one (has) called mc. 7. We begin the lesson at nhie o'clock. 8. Where will you place your money ? 9. I will place it in the bank. 10. AVe do not tlireaten anybody. Verbs in yer. 11. I have sent a letter to my cousins. 12. They send us the newspaper every week. 13. John is cleaning my clothes. 14. lie will clean yours when he has (shall have) cleaned mine. 15. I will pay him when he is through (shall have finished). Verbs that change e or e into e. 16. I have hoped, and I still hope, to see him. 17. Where do you lead us ? 18. I lead you to the Elysian Fields. 19. Our courage will protect us. 20. I hope so. Verbs in eler and eter. 21. Who has called us ? 22. Our friends call us. 23. I will call you in time. 21. What do you throw into the basket? 25. I throw some papers into it. Exceptions. 26. What do you buy? 27. I do not buy anything. 28. I would buy something, if I had money. 29. Did it freeze last night ? 30. No, but it will freeze to-night. TWEXTY-SIXTH LESSON. Regular Conjugations. — Second Conjugation in IR. FINIR, To Finish.— (Model Verb.) INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Past. Finir to finish Avoir fini to have finis/iei PARTICIPLES. Present. CoMPotrND. Finiseant finishing Ayant fini having finished Past. Fini finished 112 ELEMENTAllY FRENCH GRAMMAR, INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Je finis Tu finis II finit Nous fiuissons Vous finissez lis fiuissent J finish thoufinishest he finishes we finish you finish they finish J'ai fini Tu as fini II a fini Nous avons fini Vous avez fini lis out fini Past Indefinitb. I have finished thou hast finished tie has finished tee have finished you have finished they have finished Je finissais Tu finissais II finissait Nous finissions Vous finissiez lis flnissaient Imperfect. I ivas finishing thou ivast finishing he was finishing we tvere finishing you ipere finishing they were finishing Pluperfect. J'avals fini Tu avals fini II avail fini Nous avions fini Vous aviez fini lis avaient fini I had finished thou hadst finished he had finished we had finished you had finished they had finished Past Definite. Je finis I finished Tu finis thou finished st II finit he finished Nous fintmes we finished Vous finites you finished Us flnirent they finished J'eus fini Tu eus fini E eut fini Nous eflmes fini Vous efites fini lis eurcnt fini Past Anterior. / had finished thcu hadst finished he had finished tve had finished you had finished they had finished Future. Jc finirai Tu finiras II finira Nous finirons Vous flnirez lis finiront I shall finish thou tvilt finish he win finish we shall finish you will finish they will finish Future Anterior. J'aurai fini ' I shall have finished Tu auras fini thou wilt have finished II aura fini he will have finished Nous aurons fini 7ce shall have finished Vous aurez fini ymi will have finished lis auront fini they will have finished Present. Je flnirais Tu finirais 11 finirait Nous finirions Vous finiriez lis finiraient CONDITIONAL MODE. J'aurais fini Tu aurais fini II aurait fini Nous aurions fini Vous auriez fini lis auraient fini thou wouldst finish he would finish we should finish you would finish they would finish Past. I should have 1 thou wouldst have ^ he would have \ % we should have g" you 7vould have they would have J REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 113 IMPERATIVE MODE. Finis Finissons FinisBez finish (thou) let us finish finish (j/ou) SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que je flnisse that I may Que tu finisees that thou mayst Qu'il flnisse that he ?>iay Que nous flnissions that ive may Que V0U8 fiuis^iez that you may QuMIs flciBsent that they may Past. Que j'aie flni that I may ' Que tu aies flni that thou mayst Qu'il ait flni that fie may ^ Que nous ayons flni that we may \ %. Que vous ayez flni that ywi m,ay Qu'ils aient flui that they may J Imperfect. Que je flnisse that I might Que tu finisses that thou mightst Qu'il flntt that he might Que nous flnissions that we might Que vous finissiez that you might Qu'ils flnissent that they might Pluperfect. Que j'eusse flni that I ■ Que tu eusses flni that thou -.J. Qu'il eflt flni that he # Que nous eussions flni that we Que vous eussiez flni that you 1 Qu'ils eussent flni that they . Vocabulary 26. Finir, to finish. Choisir, to choose ; to select. Remplir, to fill ; to fulfil. Reus.sir, to succeed. Batir, to build. Punir, to punish. Obeirf (a), to obey. Avertir, to inform ; to give notice. II faut.J it is necessary; must. Un ordre, an order. Le devoir, the duty ; the task (at school). Un encrier, an inkstand. Le moment, the moment. L'arrivee /., the arrival. L'hiver m., winter. Pendant, during. Pendant que, while. Avant, before. Apres, after. t OWir requires the preposition a, before tlie noun, the same as if you si>id to obey to in English. X Ilfaut is followed by a verb in the infinitive, or by que and a clause in which the verb is in the subjunctive mode. Ilfaut ol/eir, It is necessary to obey. Ilfaut que fobeisse, I must obey. 114 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 26. Present Tense. 1. Je remplis mos devoirs, 2. Tu remplis les tiens, et il remplit les siens. 3. Nous ODeissons a nos parents. 4. Vous obeissez aux vdtres. 5. lis obeis- sent aux Icurs. Imperfect Tense. 6. Je finissais mon theme pendant que tu remplissais les encriers. 7. On bdtissait cette eglise quand j'etais ici pendant I'hiver. 8. Nous obeissions tou- Jours a nos maitres. 9. Vous reussissiez dans vos etudes. 10. lis finissaient ce qu'ils avaient commence. Past Definite Tense. 11. Ce jour-la je finis mon de- voir avant tons les autres. 12. Tu m'avertis de I'arrivee de mon pere. 13. Nous choisimes le bon moment pour reussir, et nous reussimes. 14. Vous finites vos devoirs apres moi. 15. lis n'obeirent pas aux ordres, et ils furent j)unis. Future Tense. 16. Je finirai mon theme apres les classes. 17. Tu choisiras quelque chose de joli quand tu auras fini. 18. On b^tira une nouvelle ecole avant I'hiver. 19. Nous obeirons a vos ordres. 20. Vous nous avertirez quand la voiture amvera. 21. lis reussiront s'ils tra- vaillent. Conditional Mode. 22. Je remplirais les encriers, si je n'avais rien autre chose a faire. 23. Tu n'en finirais pas. 24. On vous punirait, si vous ne remplissiez pas vos devoirs. 25. Nous obeirions aux ordres du capitaine, si nous etions soldats. 26. S'ils avaient I'intention de partir, ils nous en avertiraient. Imperative Mode. 27. Obeis, ou tu seras puni. 28. Fi- nissez, je vous en prie. 29. Remplissons nos devoirs. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 30. II faut que REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 115 j'obeisse. 31. I\ fiiut que tu remplisscs ton devoir. 32. II faut qu'il finisse ce theme. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 33. Je vou- drais qu'il en finit. 34. II serait bien que vous I'avertissiez de votre intention de partir. Theme 26. Present Tense. 1. I obey (to) my parents. 2. Thou obeyest thine, and he obeys his. 3. We fulfil our duties. 4. You fulfil yours. 5. They fulfil theirs. Imperfect Tense. 6. I was fiUing my inkstand, while thou wast finisbing thy task. 7. We were building a stable last winter, when you were here. 8. You were finishing it. 9. They always obeyed their teachers. Past Definite Tense. 10. On that day I informed thee of tbe arrival of thy father. 11. Tbou didst finish thy task before all the others. 12. You fulfilled your duty. 13. They chose the right (bon) moment, and they succeeded. Future Tense. 14. I shall choose something pretty for Eliza. 15. You will finish this exercise after school (les classes). 16. He will succeed, if he works. 17. We shall inform vou, when the carriage is (will be) here. 18. They will not finish what they have begun. Conditional Mode. 19. I would finish this exercise before twelve o'clock, if I had nothing else (rien autre chose) to do. 20. He would succeed, if lie worked. 21. We would obey (to the) orders, if we were in your place. 22. They would punish you, if you did not obey. Imperative Mode. 23. Choose something for thyself. 24. Obey, or you will be punished. 25. Let us choose some- thing pretty. 116 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 26. I must fuU fil my duties. 27. He must finish his exercise. 28. We must obey orders. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 29. It would be well for him to obey orders (It would be well that he should obey etc.). 30. I wish that you would finish {with it) (en). TWENTY-SEVENTH LESSON. Regular Conjugations.— Third Conjugation in OIR. RECEVOIR, To Receive.— (xModel Verb.) The third conjugation has only seven regular verbs; they have the letters ev before the infinitive-ending oir. The ev is syncopated in certain parts of the verb. The c of the verbs in cevoir takes the cedilla before o and u. DsFINITIVE MODE. Present Recevoir to receive Pbksbnt. Recevant recemng Avoir regu PARTICIPLES. Past. to have received COMPOUKD. Ayant rc9U having received Past. Re9u received INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Je re^ois Tu re9oi8 II re9oit Nous recevone Vous recevez lis re9oiTent I receive thmi receivest he receives we receive you receive they receive J"ai re9u Tu as re9u n a re9a Nous avons re9u Vous avez re9u lis out re9U Past Indefintte. I hare received thou hast 7-eceived he has received we have received you have received they have received REGULAR CONJUGATIONS. 117 Imperfect. Plupekfect. Je recevais Tu recevais D recevait Nous recevions Voiie rcceviez lis recevaient Itvas receiving thou wast receiving he was receiving we ivere receiving you icei'e receiving t/iey were receiving J'avais rcfu Tu avais rcfu II avait re9u Nous avions re^u Vous aviez rcfu lis avaient refu I had received thou hadst received he had received we had received you had received they had received Past Definite. Past Anterior. Je re9U9 Tu refus U re9ut Nous rc^flmes Vous reffltes lis re9ureiit / received thou receivedst he received we received you received they received J'eus re9U Tu eus re9U H eut re9u Nous efimes re9u "Vous efltes re9u Us eurent rc9u I had received thou hadst received he had received we had received you had received they had received Future. Je recevrai Tu recevras II recevra Nous recevrons Vous recevrez lis recevront I shall receive thxni wilt receive he will receive we shcdl receive you will receive they will receive Future Anterior. J'aurai re9u / shall have received Tu auras re9u thou wilt have received U aura re9U he will have received Nous aurons re9u we shall have received Vous aurez re9u you will have received Us auront re9u they will have received CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. Je recevrais Tu recevrais H recevrait Nous recevrions Vous recevriez Us recevraient I should receive thou woiildst receive he wcndd receive we shoid-i receive you would receive they would receive Past. J'aurais re9u I should have Tu aurais re9u thou wouldst have II aurait re9u he would have Nous aurions re9u we should have Vous auriez re9u you would have lis auraient re9u they would have fi- IMPERATIVE MODE. Re9oi8 Recevons Recevez receive (thou) let us receive receive {you) 118 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Pbesent. Que je receive that I may Que tu refoives that thou mayst Qu'il refoive that he ?nay Que nous reccvions that tee may Que vous rcceviez that you may Qu'ils refoivent that they may . Past. Que j'aic re9U that I may ' Que tu aies re?u that thou mayst Qu'U ait refu that hie may Que nous ayons regu that we may Que vous ayez reg u that you may Qu"il8 aient re9u that they may Imperfect. Que je refusse that I might "| Que tu rc9ussc8 that thou mightst | Qu'il re9flt that he might I S Que nous re9US8ion8 that we might \ §' Que vous re9ussiez that you might Qu'ils re9ussent that they might Pluperfect. Que j'eusse re9u that I "] Que tu eusses re9n that thou ^ 3 Qu'il eut re9ii that he I !"§. Que nous eussions re9u that we Que vous eussiez re9u that you Qu'ils eusseut re9u that they , a.3 Vocabulary 27. Recevoir, to receive. Devoir,! to owe ; to be obliged ; to be to ; to have to. Une nouvelle, a piece of news ; intelligence. Les nouvelles, the news ; news. Un cadeau, a present. La paye, the pay. La fin, the end. Le depart, the departure. La veille, the day before. Le lendemain, the day after. Una visite, a visit; a call. La marque, the mark ; the token. Le respect, the respect. La bienveillance, the good-^^^ll ; the kindness. La felicitation, the congratula- tion. Triste, sad. Sincere, sincere. Bientot, soon, very soon. Par, through ; by. Par jour, a day, each day ; par semaine, a week ; par moi.s, a month. t Devoir, to ovee, has the meaning of to be obliged, to hare to, to be, when it pre- cedes the infinitive : Je dais sortir, I have to go out. // doit renir id, he is to come here. The conditional mode of devoir is rendered into English hy might. The past participle of devoir and redevoir (to owe again), takes a circumflex accent over the u, in the masculine Biugular only, dH, owed, due ; redd, oweil again. REGULAR CONJUGATlOifS. 119 Exercise 27. Present Tense. 1. Je re9ois des cadeaux; tu en re- 9ois aussi. 2. Pierre me doit de I'argent. 3. II doit me Tapporter ce matin. 4. Nous devons aller cliez uotre tante. 5. Vous devez venir avec moi. G. lis doivent partir bientdt. Imperfect Tense. 7. Je devais sortir. 8. II devait aller a la poste. 9. Nous recevions toutes les semaines des nou- vclles de chez nous. 10. Vous reccviez dix dollars par jour. 11. lis recevaient cent dollars par niois. •Past Definite Tense. 12. Je re9us votre lettre la veille de mon depart. 13. Nous resumes la visite de votre oncle le lendemain de notre arrivee. 14. lis regurent cette triste nouvelle avant leur depart de Paris. Future Tense. 15. Je reccvrai sa lettre demain. 16. Tu recevras une visite aujourd'hui. 17. II recevra sa paye a la fin du mois. 18. Nous recevrons des nouvelles aujourd'hui. 19. Combien recevront-ils par mois ? Conditional Mode. 20. Je devrais ecrire a mon oncle. 21. Heni-i devrait aller voir sa tante. 22. Nous devrions faire cela. 23. Vous n'auriez pas du parler de cela. Imperative Mode. 24. Ee9ois ce cadeau, comme une marque de ma bienveillance. 25. Recevez mes sinceres feli- citations. 26. Recevons nos amis avec bienveillance. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 27. II faut que je re9oive une lettre aujourd'lnii. 28. II est temps que nous en recevions une de nos anas. 29. Je n'aime pas ([u'il re- 9oive ces visites. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 30. II serait bien que je re9usse des nouvelles avant mon depart. 31. Je 120 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. voudrais que vous reQussiez votre paye, et que nous re- 9ussions la n6tre. Theme 27. Present Tense. 1. I receive my pay at the end of the month. 2. He receives a hundred dollars a month. 3. He owes me fifty dollars. 4. He is to pay me to-day. 5. We often receive presents. 6. They receive their friends on Thursday (jeudi). Imperfect Tense. 7. I received news from home every week. 8. He received ten dollars a week from his father. 9. We had to go out. 10. They always received us with kindness. Past Definite Tense. 11. I received the sad news the day after my arrival. 12. We received your letter the day before we started (before our departure). 13. They received the news at the moment of their departure. Future Tense. 14. I will receive no calls to-day. 15. He will receive his money soon. 16. We shall receive news from Paris to-morrow. 17. They will pay us when they (will) receive their pay. Conditional Mode. 18. I oughtf to receive a letter to- day. 19. Julius ought to be here; he was to {imperfect tense) be here at ten o'clock. 20. We would receive him with kindness. 21. If we sent a letter to-day, they would receive it to-morrow. Imperative Mode. 22. Receive {sing.) my congratula- tions. 23. Eeceive {2}lur.) this token of my good-will; I owe it to you. 24. Let us receive our teachers with the respect which is due to them.J + See foot-note, p. 118. t Qui leur est d& KEGULAR VERBS. ni Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 25. It is time that I receive a letter. 20. I like him to receive presents. 27. We must receive money to-day. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 28. It would be well that he received our letter before he leaves (before his departure). 29. I wish that we received news from home. TWENTY-EIGHTH LESSON. Regular Verbs.— Fourth Conjugation in RE. VENDRE, To Sell.— (Model Verb.) INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Veiidre (o sell Present. Vendant selling Past. Avoir vendu to have sold PARTICIPLES. Past. Vendu Compound. Ayaut vendu having sol^ sold INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Past Inde finite. Je vends I sell J'ai vendu / liave sold Tu vends thou sellest Tu as vendu thou hast sold 11 vend he sells 11 a vendu he has so.'d Nous vendons we sell Nous avons vendu we have sold Vous vendez ymi sell Vous avez vendu you have sold lis vendent tliey sell \\» ont vendu they have sold Imperfect. Pluperfect. Je vendais I was selling J'avaii' vendu I had sold Tu vendais thou wast selling Tu avals vendu thwi hadst sold 11 vendait he was selling 11 avail vendu he had sold Nous vendions we were selling Nous avions vendu we had sold Vons vendiez you were selling Vous aviez vendu yau had sold lis vendaient they were selling Bs avaient vendu they had sold 123 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, Pasi Definite Past Antebiob. Je veudis Isold J'eus vendu / had sold Tu vcndia ttixm soldest Tu eu8 vendu thou hadst sold 11 vendit he sold 11 cut vendu M had sold (7ons vendlmes we sold Nous eflmes vendu we had sold Vous vendltes you sold Vous efites vendu you had sold Ds vendirent they sold lis eurent vendu tliey had sold FUTUKE. Future Anterior. Je vendrai Tu vendras H vendra Nous vendrons Vous vendrez lis vendront I shall sell thou wilt sell he will sell %ce shall sell you will sell tliey ivill sell J'aurai vendu Tu auras vendu II aura vendu Nous aurons vendu Vous aurez vendu lis auront vendu I shall have sold thou wilt have sold he ivtll have sold tee shall have sold you ivill have sold they will have sold Present. CONDITIONAL MODE. Past. Je vendrais I should sell J'aurais vendu I should have sold Tu vendrais tJum wmildst sell Tu aurais vendu thmi tvovldst have sold n vendrait he wovld se" II aurait vendu he would have sold Nous vendrions we should sell Nous aurions vendu we should have sold Vous vendriez you would sell Vous auricz vendu yov tvould have sold lis vendraient they would sell lis auraient vendu they would have sold IMPERATIVE MODE. Vends sell (thou) Vendons let vs sell Vendez sell (you) SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que je vende Que tu vendes Qu'il vende Que nous vendions Que vous vendiez Qu'ils vendent that I may sell thai thou mayst sell that he may sell that we may sell that you may sell that they may sell Past. Que j'aie vendu that I may ' Que tu aies vendu that thou mayst Qu'il ait vendu that he may Que nous ayons vendu that we may Que vous ayez vendu that you may Qu'ils aieut vendu that tliey may . KEG ULAR VERBS. 123 Ikpebpect. Que je vendisse that I Que tu vcndisses that thou Quil vendit that he Que nous vendissions that we Que vous vendissiez that you Qu'ils vendissent that they Pluperfect. Que j'eusse vendu that T ' Que tu eusses vendu that thou Qu'il eflt vendu that he {■^y. Que nous eussions vendu that we Que vous eussiez vendu that you Qu'ils eussent vendu that they . ^ft- Vendre, to sell. Rendre, to return, to give back. Attendre, to wait ; to wait for ; to expect. Entendre, to hear ; to understand. Perdre, to lose. Repondref (a), to answer. Una question, a question. Une reponse, an answer. Un vaisseau, a vessel ; a ship. Un navire, ) Un batiment, S La vapeiir, the steam. Un batiment a vapeur, a steamer. Un bateau a vapeur, a steamboat. a vessel. Vocabulary 28. Le naufrage, shipwreck. Un pent, a bridge. La marchandise, the merchan- dise. Les marchandises, the goods. La monnaie, the money; the change. Cher, dear. A bon marche, cheap. Tout de suite, immediately. Tout a rheiure,!: presently ; j ust now. Tantot,! by and by ; a little while ago. Aussitot que, as soon as. Exercise 28. Peesent Tense. 1. J'attends ta reponse. 2. Tu ne re- ponds pas a ma question. 3. II ne vous eutend pas. 4. Nous ne vendons pas cher. 5. Pourquoi ne me rendez-vous pas ma monnaie ? 6. lis perdent leur temps. t Bipondre requires the preposition d before the noun which is the object of the verb; repondre d quelgpi'un, to answer some one; repondre a une question, to answer a question. X Tout a Vhfvre and tantot may refer to past or future time : Je Val tu tout i theure (or tantdt). I have seen him just now (or a little while ago). Je vais le voir Unit d Pheure (or tantot). I am going to see him presently (or by and by). 124 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Imperfect Texse. 7. J'attendais I'arrivee du bdtiment a vapeur. 8. II n'entendait pas qu'on I'appelait. 9. Nous vendions nos marchaudises a bun niarche. 10. lis per- daieut patience. Past Definite Tense. 11. Je repondis d sa lettre aussitot que je I'eus re9ue. 12. II vendit son navire le len- demain de son arrivee. 13. Nous lui reudimes sa visite la veille de notre depart. 14. lis perdirent leur vaisseau par un naufrage. Future Tense. 15. Je tous rcndrai votre monnaie tout a riieurc. IG. II ne ri'pondra pas a votre question. 17. Nous vous atteudrons au pont. 18. lis perdront tout ce qu'ils ont. Conditional Mode. 19. Je vendrais ce bateau a va- peur, si j'etais a votre place. 20. II vous rendrait une re- ponse tan tot, si vous attendiez un peu. 21. Yous perdriez votre temps, si vous attendiez. Imperative Mode. 22. Attcnds-moi au pont. 23. Ee- pondez a mes questions, je vous en prie. 2-4. Ne perdons pas courage. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 25. U est temps que je lui reude sa visite. 26. Je veux que tu repondes a ma question. 27. 11 est prudent que nous attendions un peu. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 28. II serait prudent que j'attendisse. 29. II serait bien qu'il entendit cela. 30. Je voudrais que vous me repondissiez tout de suite. Theme 28. Present Tense. 1. I hear you. 2. Thou dost not answer (to) my question. 3. He is waiting for an answer. REGULAR VERBS. 125 4. You sell too clear. 5. We lose money on these goods. G. They do not return us our change. Imperfect Tense. 7. I was losing my time. 8. He was waiting for the arrival of the steamer. 9. We used, to hear the noise of the carriages during the night, when we lived in that street. 10. They did not sell cheap. Past Definite Tense. 11. T returned (to liim) his visit the day before my departure. 12. He answered (to) my letter the next day. 13. We lost our goods by shij)wreck.f 14. They sold their vessel as soon as they arrived. Future Tense. 15. I shall wait for you at the bridge. 16. He will lose his cloak by and by. 17. We will answer you presently. 18. They will wait for us. Conditional Mode. 19. Why do you not wait for me ; I would wait for you. 20. If he were master of his property (bien, m.), he would lose everything (tout ce qu') he has. 21. They would not hear us, if we called them. Imperative Mode. 22. Answer {sing) me immediately. 23. Do not lose patience. 21:. Let us wait for our com- rades. Subjunctive Mode, Present Tense. 25. I must sell this boat. 2G. He must answer (to) that question. 27. We must wait for him. Subjunctive Mode, Imperfect Tense. 28. It would be well for him to answer (to) our question. 29. I wish that you would wait a little. 30. I wish that thou wouldst give me back my money. t By shipwreck, par un navfrage. 12G ELEMENTAKY FRENCH GRAMMAR. TWENTY-NINTH LESSON. Interrogative Conjugation. 1. The tenses of the indicative and conditional modes only arc used interrogatively. The interrogative conjugation is formed by placing tlie pronoun subject, with a hyphen, after the verb: ai-je? conpez-vous? etc. The final silent e of the verb is changed into e (acute), when the pronoun subject of the first person is placed after the verb, as : coup6-je ? do I cut f When the verb, in the third person singular ends with a vowel, the letter t, between two hyphens, is placed, for the sake of euphony, before the pronouns il, elle, on, as : a-t-il? coupe-t-elle ? coupera-t-on ? When the subject of an interrogative sentence is a noun, it is placed before the verb, and a personal pronoun of the same person, gender, and number, is placed after the verb, as : Charles a-t-il la lettre ? Has Charles the letter ? Louise est-elle en haut ? Is Louisa up stairs ? Ces hommes coupent-ils nos Do those men cut our trees? arbres ? The noun subject is, however, generally placed after the verb in interrogative sentences that begin with an interro- gative pronoun, or an adverb, such as : que, comment, ou. Que demandent ces hommes? What do those men ask for? Savez-vous ou demeure M. Du- Do you know where Mr. Ducrot crot ? lives ? Comment va cette affaire ? How is that business? NEGATIVE CONJUGATION. 127 2. Interrogative Form with Est-ce que. Interrogative sentences are also formed by placing est-ce que before the subject of the verb: Est-ce que Charles a le journal ? Has Charles the journal ? Est-ce que Marie est encore en Is Mary still up stairs ? haut? Est-ce que M. Ducrot a vendu lias Mr. Ducrot sold his store? son magasin ? The interrogative form with est-ce que is always used when the verb, in the first person singular, ends in ge, as : est-ce que je mange ? do I eat ? not mange-je ? The interrogative form with est-ce que is also used for the first person singular when the verb has only one syllable, as: est-ce que je vends? do I sell? not vends-je? Eight verbs, which have only one syllable in the first person singular of the indicative present, may be used inter- rogatively either way: ai-je ? have I? suis-je? am I? vais-je? do I go? puis-je ? can I? sais-je? do I 'know? vois-je? do I see? dois-je? do I oive? auddis-je? do I say ? or est-ce que j'ai ? etc. 3. Negative Conjugation. We have seen that the two words (ne .... pas) that ac- company a verl3 to express negation, arc se})aratcd Ijy the verb (in compound tenses, by the auxiliarv nnlv), as: Je n'ai pas ; je n'ai jamais ete ; je n'ai rien dit. When the verb is in the infinitive, the two negative words are generally placed before the verb ; they may, or may not, be separated by a personal pronoun. 128 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Je vous conseille de ne pas le I advise you not to do it faire, or de ne le pas faire. Je vous prie de n'en pas parler, I beg you not to speak of it, not to de n'en rien dire. to say anything about it. Vocabulary 29. Chercher, to seek ; to look for. Le poulet, the chicken. Desirer, to desire ; to wish for, Le canard, the duck. Demander, to ask for. Le dindon, the turkey. Ecouter, to listen to. Le jambon, the ham. Regarder, to look at. Le poisson, the fish. Decouper, to carve. Le potage, ) ^^^ ^^^^^ Conseiller (de), to advise. La soupe, ) Servir, to serve ; to help to. En haut, upstairs. Savez-vous ? do you know V En bas, downstairs. Exercise 29. 1. Votre soeur est-elle eucore en haut ? 2. Marie est-elle en bas ? 3. Nos amis sont-ils a la campagne ? 4. Charles a-t-il perdu sa grammaire ? 5. M. votre pere desire-t-il me parler ? 6. Va-t-on servir la soupe ? 7. Pierre va-t-il de- couper le poulet? 8. Votre oncle aehetera-t-il quelques canards? 9. Nos voisins ont-ils plnsieurs beaux dindons ? 10. Cette dame nous regarde-t-elle ? 11. Ces matelots ecou- tent-ils le capitaine, qui leur donne des ordres ? 12. Ces hommes nous ont-ils vendu du poisson? 13. Est-ce que Henri a bien etudie sa le9on? 14. Est-ce qu'il n'a pas eu de fautes dans son theme? 15. Est-ce que le professeur me demande? 16. Est-ce qu'il parle de moi on de vous? 17. Est-ce que je mange votre potage? 18. Est-ce que je ne vous rends pas ce que vous m'avez prete? 19. Est-ce que jediscela? 20. Que sais-je? 21. Oti suis-je ? 22. Savez- THE PASSIVE VEEB. 129 vous oh demcnre notrc professeiir de fran9ais? 23. Je vous conseille de ne pas le lui dire. 24. Je vous prie do n'en pas parler. 25. J'ai euvic do nc pas y aller. Theme 29. 1. Is mamma up stairs '^ :i. Is the professor dowu stairs ? 3. Are your books at school ? 4. Does your mother wish to see me in the parlor? 5. Is John carving the turkey? 6. Does Mary wish for some soup ? 7. Does your aunt ask for some (un pen) of this duck ? 8, Have our neighbors a great many chickens ? 9. Why do those boys look at us? 10. Do the scholars listen to the teacher ? 11. Have I had a good exercise? 12. f Has Louisa seen her aunt? IS.f Did the professor ask for anybody? 14.f What am I eating; is it fish? 15. J What can I help you to? 16. J Can I help you to some soup? IT.f Do I not sell cheap? IS.f Do I do my duty well? 10.§ What do those men ask for? 20. Where does Mr. Ducrot live? 21. t How much do I owe you ? 22. I beg you not to say anything about it. 23. I advise you not to go there any more. 24. He has told me not to do it. THIRTIETH LESSON". The Passive Verb. 1. The passive verb is formed by joining the past parti- ciple of the active verb to the various forms of the auxiliary verb etre, to le, as: aimer, to love; etre aime, to he loved. + Follow the construction indicated in Sect. 2 of the Lesson. X See last paragraph of Sect. 2, Exceptions. J Follow the construction indicated in last paragraph of Scot. 1. 130 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. The past participle agrees, iu gender and number, with the subject of the verb. Conjugation of the Passive Verb. ETKE A131E, To Be Loved.— (Model Verb.) INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Etreaime <«• atoee. . ^ ^^ ^,,^^ aimes or aimees i Past. Avoir ete aime or aimee, i to have beek aimes or aimees ( laved PAKTICIPLES. Present. Compound. Etant aimfi or aimee, aimes or aimees , ' i being loV' ees ) loved Ayant ete aime or aimee, i har.ing been aimes or aimees ) Uned Past. Ete aime or aimee, aimes or aimees been loved INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Je suis aime or aimee Tu es aime (ee) II or elle est aime (€e) Nous sommes aimes or aimees Vous etes aimes (ees) lis or elles sent aimes (ees) Past Indefinite. J'ai ete aime or aimee Tu as ete aime (ee) II or elle a ete aime (ee) Nous avons ete aimes or aimees Vous avez ete aimes (ees) Us or elles out ete aimes (ees) J Imperfect. .T'6tais aim6 (6e) Tu ^tais aim^ (ee) II or elle etait aime (6e) Nous etions aimes (^es) Vous 6tiez aini6s (4es) lis 01- elles 6taiei)t aiin^s tees) Pluperpect. J'avais ete aime (ee) Tu avals ete aime (ee) II or elle avait ete aime (ee) Nous avions ete aimfis tees) Vous aviez ete aimes (ees) Us or elles avaient ete aimes (ees) THE PASSIVE VERB, 131 Past Definite. Je fus aim6 (ee) Tu fus aime (ec) II or elle fiit aimu (ce) Nous fQmes aiiues (ees) Vous fflles aini6s (ees) Xls or elles furent aimes (ees) Past Anteriok. J'eus t'te aime (ee) Tu eus 6te aime (ee) tt, S 11 or elle cut ete aime (ee) ' §■ Nous eflmes ete aimes (ees) g Vous efites ete aimes (ees) lis or elles eurent ete aimes (ees) J IS Future. Je serai aim6 (ee) Tu seras aime (ee) 11 or elle sera aiuie (ee) Nous serous aimes (ees) Vous serez flimes (ees) Us or elles seront aimes (ees) y^-a Future Anterior. J'aiirai ete aime (ee) Tn auras ete aime (ee) II or elle aura ete aime (ee) Nous aurons ete aimes (ees) Vous aurez ete aimes (ees) Es or elles auront ete aimes (ees) . re Present. CONDITIONAL MODE. Je serais aime (ee) Ta serais aime (ee) II or ell'e seralt aime (ee) Nous serious aimes (ees) Voas seriez aimes (ees) lis or elles seraieut aimes (ees) a_S5, Past. J'aurais ete aime (ee) *) Tu aurais et4 aime (ee) E or elle aurait ete aime (ee) Nous aurions etfi aimes (ees) Vons auriez ete aimes (ees) lis or elles auraient ete aimes (ees) . §5. I 2 =« S a. IMPERATIVE MODE. Sois aime (ee) Soyons aimes (ees) Soyez aimes (ees) he (thmi) loved let us be loved be (you) loved SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que je sois aim6 (ee) Que tu sois aime (ee) Qu'il or qu'elle soit a'im6 (le) Que nous soyons aimes (ees) Que vous soyez aimes (ees) Qu'ils or eUes soient aimis (ees) 5 N -"^S •^ 2 Past. Que j'aie ete aim^ (ee) Que tu aics ete aime (ee) Qu'il or qn'elle ait ete aime (le) Que nous ayons ete aimes (ees) Que vous aycz ete aimes (ees) Qu'ils or elles aient 4t6 aim^s (ees) ^ S 5 132 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Impebfect. Que je fiisse aim6 (ee) Que tu fusses aime (ee) Qu'il or qu'elle fttt aiine (ee) Que nous fussions aimes (ees) Que V0U8 fussiez aimes (ees) Qu'ils or elles fusseut aioies (ees) 2 "^ Plupekfect. Qne j'cusse 6te aime (ee) Que tu eusses ete aime (ee) Qu'il or qu'elle efit ete aime (ee) Que nous eussions ete aimes (ees) Que vous eussiez ete aimes (ees) Qu'ils or elles cusseut ete aimes By, after a Passive Verb Expressed by Par or De. The agent of a passive verb is preceded by the preposition par, if the verb expresses action, and by the preposition de, if the verb expresses a sentiment. II est blame par ses amis. EUe est aimee de ses parents. II est puni de ses fautes. He is blamed by bis friends. She is loved by ber parents. He is ptinisbed for bis faults. Rem. The passive form of the verb is less frequently used in French than in English. The French prefer tbe active form, with tbe pro- noun on for subject, or the pronominal form of the verb : On vous appelle. You are called. On I'a vu. He has been seen. H s'appelle Henri. He is called Henry. Vocabulary 30. Blamer (de), to blame (for). Liouer (de), to praise (for). Recompenser (de), to reward (for). Reprimander (de), to reprove (for). Estimer, to esteem. Respecter, to respect. Mepriser, to despise. Negliger, to neglect. Les bons, the good. Les mechants, the wicked. L'obeissance,/., obedience. Obeissant, obedient. La desobeissance, disobedience, Desobeissant, disobedient. La diligence, diligence. Diligent, diligent. La negligence, carelessness. Negligent, careless ; negligent. Partout, everywhere. II est juste, it is just or right. THE PASSIVE VEEB. 133 Exercise 30. 1. Je suis aime de mes parents. 2. II est bldrae par S9& amis, parce ([u'il a ete negligent. 3. Sa soeur est louee, parce qu'elle a ete diligent e. 4. Nons sonimes recompenses quand nous somnics diligents. 5. Nous sommes repri- mandes quand nous sommes negligents. G. Les bons sont partout estimes et respectes. 7. Les mechants sont me- prises et punis. 8. Vous avez ete recompense de votre dili- gence. 9. Votre soeur a ete louee de son obeissance. 10. Ces eleves ont ete blames de leur negligence. 11. Jules etait aime de ses maitres, j)arce qu'il etait obeissant et diligent. 12. Nous etions reprimandes quand nous etions desobeissants. 13. La desobeissance etait reprimandee et punie. 14- Vous serez recompense, si vous etes diligent. 15. Vous serez puni, si vous etes desobeissant. 16. Ceux qui n'obeissent pas an maitre, seroni punis. 17. Vous seriez recompense, si vous aviez ete diligent. 18. lis auraient ete punis, s'ils avaient neglige leurs devoirs. 19. Je veux que tu sois puni, si tu negliges tes devoirs. 20. II est juste qu'il soit recompense, s'il est diligent. 21. II serait juste que vous fussiez puni, si vous n'obeissiez pas a vos maitres. 22. II faut etre obeissant et diligent pour etre aime et recompense. Theme 30. 1. You are blamed for your carelessness. 2. They are punished for their disobedience. 3. She is loved and re- spected by everybody. 4. He was rewarded by his teacher because he was diligent and obedient. 5. His obedience has been praised. G. His diligence has been rewarded. 7. The 134 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. wicked shall be punished. 8. The good shall be rewarded. 9. He was often reproved for his carelessness. 10. Those who neglect their duties will be despised. 11. You would be rewarded, if you had been diligent. 12. They would be punished, if they had been disol)edient. 13. It is just that you be {subj.) punished, if you are disobedient. 14. It would be right that lie were {sicbj., imp.) rewarded, if he had been diligent and obedient. 15. In order to be loved and esteemed, oue must behave well (se bien comporter). 16. He who behaves tvell (se comporte bien) is everywhere well received. THIRTY-FIRST LESSON. Neuter Verbs, Conjugated with Etre. 1. Certain neuter verbs, principally those that express a change in the position or condition of the subject, are con- jugated in the compound tenses with the auxiliary verb etre, to be. The past participle agrees with the subject of the verb (p. 88-1). The verb arriver, to arrive, is given as the model verb of the class. INFINITIVE MODE. Present. Past. Arriver to arrive fttre arrivl or arrivge, ) to have arrives or arrivees ) arrived PARTICIPLES. Present. Compound. &.mvant arriving fitant arrive or arrivle, > having arrives or arriveee ) arrived Past. Arrive or arrivSc, arrives or arrivees arrived NEUTER VERBS. 135 INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Past Indefinite. J'arrive I arrive Je suis arrive or arrivee Tu arrives thmt arrivest Tu ch arrive (ee) II arrive he arrives II or elle est arrivfi (ee) Nous arrivons we arrive Nous sommes arrives (ees) Vous arrivez you arrive Vous etes arrives (ees) llsarrivent they arrive lis or elles sent arrives (fies) Imperfect J'arrivais Tu arrivais II arrivait Nous arrivions Vous arriviez Us arrivaient I was arriving thou wast arrivitig he was arriving we tvere arnving you were arriving they were arriving Pluperfect. J'etais arrive (ee) Tu etais arrive (ee) II or elle etait ariive (ee) Nous etions arrives fees) Vous etiez arrives (ees) Es or elles etaient arrives (ees) Past Definite. J'arrival Tu airivas II arriva Nous arrivames Vous arrivates Us arriverent / arrived thou arrivedsl fie arrived we arrived you arrived they arrived Past Anterior. Je fns arrive (ee) Tu fns arrive (ec) H or elle fut arrive (ee) Nous fflmes arrives (ees) Vous fiites arrives (ees) lis or elles furent arrives (ees) •ar FCTURB. J'arriverai Tu arriveras II arrivera Nous arriverons Vous arriverez Ds arriverent I shall arrive thou wilt arrive he will arrive we shall arrive you will arrive they will arrive Future Anterior. Je serai arrive (ee) Tu seras arrive (ee) II w elle sera arrive (ee) Nous serous arrives (ees) Vous serez arrives (ees) Us or eUes seront arrives (ees) a S CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. J'arriverais Tu arriverais II arriverait Nous arriverions Vous arriverioz lis arriveraient /should arrive thou wonldst arrive he would arrive we should arrive you would arrive they iDOuld arrive Past. Je serais arriv6 (4e) Tu serais arrive (ee) II or elle serait arrive (ec) Nous serious arrives (ees) Vous seriez arrives (ees) Ps or elles seraient arrives (6es) is- ^i 136 ELEMEN^TARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. IMPERATIVE MODE. Arrive arrive (tfwn) Arrivons let us arrive Arrivez arrive (you) SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Pre SENT. Qiiej'arrive that I may Que tu arrives that thou mayst Qu'il arrive that he may Que nous arrivions that we may Que VOU8 arriviez that you may Qu'ils airivent that they may . Past. Que je sois arrive (ee) '^ Que tu sois arrive (ee) Qu'il or qu'elle soil arrive (ee) ( Que nous soyons arrives (ees) I Que vous soyez arrives (ees) Qu'ils or elles soient arrives (ees) J a a In «.» Imperfect. Que j'arrivasse that I Que tu arrivasses that thou Qu'il arrival that he Que nous arrivassions that we Que vous arrivassiez that you Qu'ils airivassent that they PLUPERFECT. Que je f usse arrive (ee) Que tu fusses arrive (ee) Qu'O or qu'elle fflt arrive (ee) Que nous fussions arrives (ees) Que vous fussiez arrives (ees) Qu'ils or elles f ussent arrives (ees) aS. a,.S* 2. List of Neuter Verbs that are Conjugated with Etre, To Be. Arriver, to arrive ; ^tre Aller, to go ; #tre Deceder, to decease ; Stre Entrer, to enter ; to go or come in ; fetre Rentrer, to re-enter; tocomehome; etre Retourner, to return ; to go back ; ^tre Rester, to remain, to stay ; fetre Tomber, to fall ; gtre *Mourir, to die ; 6tre *Naitre, to be born ; fetre *Partir, to start ; to leave ; fetre *Sortir, to go out ; to come out ; §tre arrive, to bave arrived, alle, to have gone, decede, to have deceased, entre, to have entered, rentre, to have come, retourne, to have returned, reste, to have remained, tombe, to have fallen, mort, to have died, ne, to have been bom. parti, to have started. sorti, to have gone out. NEUTER VERBS 137 *Venir, to come ; Stre venu, to have come. *Devenir, to become ; fetre devenu, to have become. *Parvenir, to reach ; to succeed ; etre parvenu, to have become, *Revenir, to return ; to come back ; etre revenu, to have returned. 3. Neuter Verbs that Take sometimes Avoir and sometimes ^tre. Some neuter verbs take avoir for their auxiliary when they express action only, and etre when they express rather the state resulting from the action, as : EUe a grandi rapidement. She has grown rapidly. Elle est grandie de deux pouces. She has grown (by) two inches. La procession a passe ici. The procession passed here. La procession est passee. The procession has passed. The following are some of this class : Cesser, to cease. *Croitre, to grow. Grandir, to grow tall. Vieillir, to grow old. Descendre, to go or come down. Monter, to go or come up. Remonter, to reascend. Passer, to pass. Rem. Several of the above verbs, under 3 and 3, are sometimes used as transitive verbs, in which case they are conjugated with avoir. Vocabulary 31. Le dejeuner, breakfast. Le diner, dinner. Le souper, suj)per. Le bal, the ball. Le notaire, the notary. La procession, the procession. Le train, the train. Una famille, a family. Hier au matin, j'esterday morning, Hier au soir, last night. De bonne beure, early. Tard, late. Jusque, till, until. Jusqu'a samedi, until Saturday. 138 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 31. 1. Je suis amve ce matin. 2. Ma tante est arriv^e hier au soir. 3. Le train etait parti quand nous sommes arrives. 4. Mes eousines sont arrivees de bonne heure. 5. Jules est alle au bureau. 6. Mes soeurs sont allees a I'eglise. 7. Le marchand est entre dans son magasin. 8. Le medecin est rentre tard hier au soir. 9. Nos amis sont retoumes chez eux, 10. Mes parents sont restes a la campague jusqu'a samedi. 11. Ces pommes sont tombees de I'arbre. 12. La femme du notaire est morte hier au matin. 13. Xotre voisine est nee a Berlin. 14. Nous sommes partis de bonne heure. 15. lis sont sortis apres le dejeuner. 16. Mes eou- sines sont venues a la ville pour aller au bal. 17. EUes sont arrivees a temps pour le souper. 18. Cette famille est de- venue tres-pauvre. 19. Les fils de notre voisin sont devenus soldats. 20. Yotre lettre m'est parvenue trop tard. 21. Mes parents ne sont pas encore revenus. 22. La procession est deja passee ; elle a passe par ici. Theme 31. l.f We arrived in time for the train. 2.f My sister came with me. 3.f My father came alone last evening. 4.f .Henry and William came together. 5. Mary went to see her aunt. 6. The children went for a walk. 7. The procession had entered the church when I came byf (passed). 8.f My sisters came in early. 9. My aunt has returned home. lO.f Those are pears that fell from the trees, ll.f We stayed in the country until Saturday. 12. f Our friend, the notary, died last night. 13. I was bora in this city. 14.f They started t Put the verb in the past indefinite tense. PRONOMINAL VERBS. 139 after breakfast. 15. f We went out after supper. IG. That family has left /or Europe (pour I'Europe). 17. Our neigh- bors have become very rich. 18. f Your letter did not reach me in time. 19. Our friends have not yet come back to town. 20.t The soldiers have passed ; they passed by here. THIllTY-SECOND LESSON. Pronominal Verbs. 1. Pronominal verbs are conjugated with two pronouns of the .same person; the one is the subject, the other the direct, or indirect, object, of the verb. In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs the auxiliary verb etre is used for the auxiliary verb avoir. The past participle is subject to the same rule of agreement as the past participle of transitive verbs; that is, it agrees with its direct object, when the direct object precedes the participle. Conjugation of the Pronominal Verb. SE COUPEK, To Cut One's Self.— (Modki. Verb.) INFINITIVE 3I0Df]. Present. Past. Se couper to cut one's self S"etre coup6 to have cut one's self PARTICIPLES. Present. Compound. Secoupant cutting one's self S"6tant coup6 having cut one's self Past. Coup6 cut + Put the verb in the past indefinite tense. // // 140 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. / cut myself, etc. Je me coupe Tu te coupes 11 se coupe Nous nous coupons Vous V0U8 coupez Us se coupeut Imperfect. Je me coupais I was cutting myself , etc. Tu te coupais n 86 coupait Nous nous coupionB Vous vous coupiez lis se coupaient Past Indefinite. Je me suis coup6 / have cut myself, etc Tu t'es coupe II s'est coup6 Nous nous sommes coupes Vous vous etes coupes lis se sont coupes Pluperfect. Je m'etais coupe I had cut myself, etc. Tu t'etais coupe D s'etait coupe Nous nous etions coupSs Vous vous etiez coupes lis s'etaient coupes Past Definite. Jemecoupal J cut myself , etc. Tu te coupas H se coupa Nous nous coupfimes Vous vous coupates Es se couperent Past Anterior. Je me fus coupe / had cut myself, ett,. Tu te fus coupe 11 se fut coupe Nous nous fumes coupes Vous vous ffites coupes lis se furent coupes. Future. Je me couperai I shall cut myself, etc. Tu te couperas II se coupera Nous nous couperons Vous vous couperez lis se couperont Future Anterior. Je me serai coupe / shall have cut m,i/ Tu te seras coupe H se sera coupe Nous nous serons coupes Vous vous serez coupes lis se seront coupes \_sef, etc. CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. Je me couperais I should cut myself Tu te couperais J\ se couperait Nous nous couperions Vous vous couperiez Us se couperaient {etc. Past. Je me serais coupe I should have cut Tu te serais coupe [myself, etc II se serait coupe Nous nous serions coupes Vous vous seriez coupes lis se seraient coupes. PRONOMINAL VERBS. 141 IMPERATIVE MODE. Conpe-toi cut thyself Coupons-nous let lis cut ourselves Coupez-vous ait yourselves SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que je mc coupe that Imaij cut myself. Que tu te coupes [etc. Qu'il se coupe Que nous nous coupions Que vous vous coupiez Qu'ils se coupent Imperfect. Que je me coupasse, Que tu te coupasses Qu'il se coupat Que nous nous coupassions Que vous vous coupassiez Qu'ils se coupassent that /might cut [myself, etc. Past. Que je me eois coupe that I may have Que tu te sois coupe [cut myself, etc. Qu'il se soit coupe Que nous nous soyons coupes Que vous vous soyez coupes Qu'ils se soient coupes Pluperfect. Que je me fusse coupe that Imight have Que tu te fusses coupe [cut myself, etc. Qu'ils se fflt coupe Que nous nous fussions coupes Que vous vous fussiez coupes Qu'ils se fussent coupes Remarks and Examples. The pronominal form of th when, in English, the verb is Se coucher, Se lever, Se promener, Se tromper, Se porter, S'appeler, Se rappeler, Comment vous portez-vous ? Je me porte bien, Comment s'appelle votre ami ? II s'appelle Jules, Je ne me rappelle pas cela, e verb is often used in French, intransitive or passive, as : To lie down. To rise. To walk. To be mistaken; to deceive one's self. To be ; to do {of one's health). To be called. To recollect (to recall to one's self). How do you do ? I am well. "^Tiat is your friend's name ? His name is Julius. I do not recollect that. 143 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Pronominal verbs express either reflective or reciprocal action. Reflective action is confined to the subject ; reci- procal action requires two or more pei-sons; hence, in tlie latter case, the verb is always in the plural. S'aimer may mean to love one's self, or to love each other, or one another. To distinguish between reflective and reciprocal action, it is sometimes necessary to make use of an additional pronoun, either a compound pronoun, to express reflective action ; or an indefinite jironoun, to express reciprocal action. S'aimer soi-meme. To love one's seK. S'aimer I'un I'autre. To love each otlier. S'aimer les uns les autres. To love one another. Vocabulary 32. Se coucher, to lie down ; to go to Se rappeler, to recollect. bed. Le voyage, the voyage ; the jour- Se lever, to rise. ney. S'habiller, to dress (one's self). Le chemin, the road ; the way. Se deshabiller, to undress one's Le boulevard, the boulevard. self. Le nom, the name. Se promener, to walk ; to take a Jacques, James. walk, Le soir, in the evening. Se tromper,f to be mistaken. La-bas, yonder ; there. Se porter, to be ; to do. Lorsque,:}: when. S'appeler, to be called. Ensuite, then. Avant de,§ before. t Se tromper de, to be mistaken in ; se tromper de chemin, to be mistaken in the road ; to take the wrong road. % Lorsqiie, quand, when. Lorsqve is a conjnnction ; qnand is an adverb of time, often used interrogatively ; it is also used as a conjunctive adverb. § Avant de is used before the infinitive, instead of avant. Je me promlne avant de me coucher, I take a w.ilk before I go to bed. PRONOMINAL VERBS. 143 Exercise 32. Simple Tenses. 1. Je mc couche tard, et je me leve de bonne hcure. 2. Je me promene })cndant une heure avant de me coucher. 3. Comini'iit vous ])()rtez-vous '^ 4, Je me porte bien. 5. II ne s'habillo janiais avant midi. G. Ami, tu te ti'ompes. 7. Conimcni s'appelle votre ami ? 8. II s'appelle Jaeques. 9. Xous nous tronipons qiielquetbis. 10. Les hommcs se trompent Ics uns les antres. 11. C'est une histoire que je ne mo rappelle pas. 12. Lorscpie j'etais a, Paris, je mc portais bien. 13. Nous nous promenious tous les jours sur les boulevards. 14. Nous nous coueliions tard, et nous nous levions de bonne heure. 15. Ma mere ne se portait pas bien })cndant le voyage. 16. Elle se portera mieux quand elle sera a la campagne. 17. Je me leverai demain matin a six heures. 18. Vous ne vous rappellerez pas cela. 19. Vous vous porteriez mieux, si vous vous couchiez de bonne heure. 20. Couche-toi de bonne heure, et ne te leve pas trop tard. 21. Promenez-vous pendant une heure avant de vous coucher. 22. Rappelons-nous ce que nous etions autrefois. 23. Ne nous trompons pas. 24. II faut que je me leve de bonne heure. 25. Je voudrais que vous vous levassiez de bonne heure tous les jours. Compound Tenses. 1. Je me suis leve a six heures ce matin. 2. Je me suis habille, et ensuite je suis alle me promener. 3. Je me suis trompe de rue, en revenant, et je suis reutre trC'S-tard. 4. Tu t'es couche de bonne heure hier au soir. 5. Vous etiez-vous habilles quand je suis venu ? 6. Nous nous sommes habilles de bonne heure. 7. Jacques s'etait couche sans se deshabiller. 8. Nous nous etions trompcs de chemin, et nous sommes arrives a la maison 144 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. apres le diner. 9. II se sera couehe qnand vous arriverez Id-bas. 10. Nous nous serious leves a six heures, si nous vous avions attendus avant le dejeuner. 11. lis ne so seraieut pas rappcle cette histoire, si je ne leur en avais pas parle. 12. II est bien que je me la sois rappelee. 13. Je voudrais que vous ne vous fussioz pas trunipe. Theme 32. Simple Tenses. 1. I am mistaken. 2. Thou art often mistaken. 3. In the evening, we walk for an hour before we go to bed. 4. You go to bed too late, and you rise too late. 5. We are in good health, f 6. What is that gentle- man's name ? 7. I do not recollect his name. 8. We were dressing when you came (have come). 9. I was not in good health when I was in Paris. 10. I used to walk every day on the boulevards. 11: I shall dress immediately, and then 1 shall breakfast. 12. We shall go to bed early, and we shall rise early. 13. They will not recollect what they have told you. 14. You would take the wrong road if you were alone. 15. He would be in better health, if he did not w^ork so much. 16. Eise (sing.)', it is nine o'clock. 17. Do not go to bed (sing.) too late. 18. Dress {plur.) immediately. 19. Recollect {plur.) what I have told you. 20. Let us take a walk before going to bed. 21. It is well that you recollect that. 22. It would be well that they should recollect it too. Compound Tenses. 1. wentj to bed early last night; I was {imp.) tired. 2. He rose before six o'clock. 3. He dressed himself immediately, and then he went for a walk. 4. We took the wrong street. 5. I had dressed when you + To be in good health, se porter bien ; to be in better health, se porter mietex, t Past indefinite tense. IMPERSONAL VERBS. 145 came (have come). G. We had hiin 'Town without undress- mg (ourselves). 7. They had taken the wrong road, and arrived very late. 8, lie will not have risen, when we (shall) arrive there. 9. They would not have gone to bed, if they had expected us. 10. You would not have recol- lected that, if I had not spoken of it. 11. I am glad that you recollected that. 12. I wish that we had dressed before breakfast. THIRTY-THIRD LESSON. Impersonal Verbs. 1. An impersonal verb is only used in the third person singular, and is conjugated with the pronoun il, it, for subject. Verbs are essentially impersonal when they cannot 1)e used as personal verbs. Snch verbs take, in the compound tenses, the auxiliary verb avoir. Conjugation of the Impersonal Verb. TOXNER, To Thunder.— (Model Verb.) Infikitive. Presext Particifle. Past Participle. Tonner to thunder Tonnant thundering Tonne thundered INDICATIVE MODE. Present. Past iNDEmnTE. n tonne U thunders II a tonne it has thundered Impebfect. Plufebpect. n tonnait it was thundering D avait tonn6 it had thundered 146 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Pa8T Depinitb, Past Anterior. H tonna if thundered H eut toniiu it had thundered Future. Fcituke Anterior. ' H tonnera it will thunder II aura tonu6 it will have thundered CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. Past. n tonnerait it would thunder 11 auralt tonn^ it would have thundered SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. ' Present. Past. Qu'il tonne that it may thunder Qu'il ait tonne that it may have [thundered Imperfect. Pluperfect. QuMl tonufit that it might thunder Qu'il eflt tonne that it might have [thundered Rem. Verbs tliat express the condition of tlie atmosphere are im- personal. 2. FAiRE.f To Do, To Make, and ^tre. To Be, as Impersonal Verbs. Faire is used as an impersonal verb, to express the state of the weather. Quel temps fait-il? How is the weather? II fait beau temps. It is fine weather. II fait mauvais temps. It is bad weather. II fait chaud ; &oid. It is warm ; cold. II fait de I'orage. It is stormy. II fait des eclairs. It lightens. Etre is used as an impersonal verb, to express the hour of the day. Quelle heure est-il ? "What time is it ? H est trois heures. It is three o'clock. t Faire is conjugated page 185. IMPERSONAL VERBS. 147 Etre is also used as an impersonal verb in connection with the noim temps, tiuie, ami with adjectives and adverbs : il est temps, it is time ; il est bon, it is good ; il est bien, it is well. These and other impersonal phrases, if followed by a verb in the infinitive, require the preposition de before the verb. II est temps de partir. II est bon de savoir cela. II est bien de faire cela. It is time to start. It is good to know that. It is well to do that. 3. Conjugation of the Irregular Impersonal Verbs. Y AYOIK. To Be (in existence). — FALLOIR, To Be Necessary.— PLrEUVOIR, To Rain. (We give only the simple tenses, and omit the English, which the student can easily supply.) iNTINrnTE. Y avoir Falloir Pleuvoir Pees. Part. Y ayant (zcantinff) Plenvant Past. Part. Eu Fallu Pla Ind. Pres. 11 y a {there is, tJiere are) 11 faut D pleut IXD. ISTP. 11 y avait 11 fallait 11 pleuvait Ind. Past Def. 11 y eat 11 fallut 11 pint. Ikd. Future. 11 y aura n faudra 11 pleuvra CoND. Pres. 11 y aurait 11 faudrait 11 pleuvrait SuBJ. Pres. Qii'il y ait Qu'il faille Qu'il pleuve SuBJ. Imp. Qu'il y eflt Qu'il faliat Qu'il plftt 4 Falloir, To Be Necessary, Must, Falloir is either followed by a verb in the infinitive, or by que and a verb in the subjunctive mode. When falloir {must) is construed with the infinitive, the subject of the English verb must, is, in French, the indirect object of the verb falloir. 148 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Que me faut-il faire ? XI vous faut rester tranquille. What must I do ? You must keep quiet. The subject is omitted when it is of a general character ; and generally, also, when the meaning is sufficiently obvious without it. II faut travaiUer pour reussir. Faut-il aller a la banque 9 n faut y aller. It is necessary to work in order to to succeed. Must I go to the bank ? You must go there. Falloir is also used in the sense of to toant. Que lui faut-il ? What does he want f II lui faut de I'argent. He wants money Tonner, to thunder. Neiger, to snow. GrSler, to hail. Geler, to freeze. Degeler, to thaw. *Pleuvoir, to rain. *Savoir, to know. *Y avoir, to be. *Falloir, to be necessary. Comme 11 faut, as it should be. Se comporter, to behave. Vocabulary 33. La pluie, the rain. II fait de la pluie, it rains. La neige, the snow. Le tonnerre, the thunder. Un eclair, a flash of lightning ; il fait des eclairs, it lightens. La langue, the language. Du monde, company ; people. Chaud, warm. Froid, cold. Tranquille, quiet ; stilL Exercise 33. 1. Quel temps fait-il ? 2. II fait beau temps ; il fait chaud. 3. II fait mauvais temps ; il pleut. 4. II a neige pendant la nuit; il fait froid. 5. II grele a present. G. II gelera cette nuit. 7. Demain il degelera. 8. II tonne et il fait des eclairs. 9. II va pleuvoir. 10. II pleuvra beaucoup. 11. II a plu toute la nuit. 12. II est temps de se lever. IRREGULAR VERBS. 149 13. II est boil de savoir cela. 14. II est utile de savoir plusieurs langucs. 15. II y avait beaucoup de monde a I'egliso. 16. II y aura peu de fruit cette aunee. 17. II y aurait beaucoup de monde ici, s'il ue pleuvait pas. 18. Que me faut-il fairo ? 19. II vous faut etudier. 20. II faut rester trauquille. 21. II faut se bien comporter pour etre respecte. 22. Que faut-il a votre frere ? 23. II lui faut de I'argeut. 24. J'ai tout ce qu'il me faut. 25. C'est comme il faut. Theme 33. 1. Is it raining ? 2. No, sir, it is fine weather. 3. It is warm. 4. It was (has been) cold during the night. 5. It froze (has frozen). G. It snows now. 7. I like (the) snow better than (the) rain. 8. It bails. 9. It is going to thaw. 10 Is that thunder ? 11. Yes, it thunders and hghtens. 12. It will rain soon. 13. It is time to go to bed. 14. It is well to know several languages. 15. In order to know tbem, it is necessary to study them. 16. There was com- pany in the parlor, when I came in. 17. There will be many peaches this year. 18. There would not be anybody bere, if it rained as it did (has done) yesterday. 19. James did not behave (has not behaved) well. 20. You must tell it to his father. 21. Wbat do you want ? 22. I want some gloves. THIRTY-FOURTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs. 1. There are, besides the auxiliary verbs avoir and etre, forty-four irregular forms of conjugation, and about two hundred and eighty irregular verbs, which are conjugated 150 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, according to some one of the irregular forms or model verbs. We give the irregular model verbs of the fii'st (two), second (ten), third {eleven), and fourth {twenty-three) conjugations successively and in alphabetical order, and below each model, the verbs that follow its conjugation. Irregular Model Verbs. — First Conjugation. 2. *ALLEK, To Go. — (First Modkl.) AUer Allant A116 Etre allet to have gone fRKSENT. Je vals ta vas nva Nous allons vous allez ils vont Imperf. J'allais tn allais 11 allait Nous allious vous alliez ils allaient Past Dep. J'allai tu alias il alia Nous allames vous aliates lis allerent Future. J'irai tu iras il ira Nous irons vous irez ils iront COND. Pb, eTirais tu Irais il irait Nous irions vous iriez ils iraient Imper. Va Allons allez SuBj. Pb. Q,ue j'aille que tu allies qu'i! aille Que nous allions que vous alliez qu'ils aillent Impekp. Que j'allasse que tu allasses qu'il allat Que nous allassions que vous allassiez qu'ils allassent 2. S'EN *ALiLER, To Go Away. S'en aller, to go away, follows the model verb aller; but its conjugation presents some additional difficulties, and is therefore giveu in full. t Only the simple tenses of the verbs arc pven here ; the auxiliary verb, which 58 to be used in the for.mation of the compound tenses, is indicated. The student can form the compound tenses himself, and also supply the English, which he will now have no difficulty in doing. IRREGULAR VERBS. 15 S'en aller S'en allant Alls S'en etrc all6 to have gone away Present. Je m'en vais tu t'en vas il s'en va Nous nous en aliens vous veus en allez iis s'en vent Impzrf. Je m'en allais tu t'en allais il s'en allait Nous nous en alliens vous vous en alliez ils s'en allaient Past Dep. Je m'en allai tu t'en alias il s'en alia Nous nous en allames vous vous en allates ils s'en allerent FL'TUUE. Je m'en irai tu feu iras il s'en ira Nous nous en irons vous vous en irez ils s'en iront COND. Pr. Je m'en irais tu t'en iiais il s'en irait Nous nous en irions vous vous en iriez ils s'en iraient Impek. Va-t'en Allons-nons-en allez-vous-en S0BJ. Pit. Que je m'en aille que tu t'en ailles qu'il s'en aille Que nous nous en al- que vous vous en al qu'ils s'en aillent liens liez Imperp. Que je m'en allasse que tu t'en allasses qn'il s'en aliat Que nous nous en al- que vous vous en al- qu'il s'en allassent lassioas lassiez *S'EX ALLER. (XEGATrvELY.) Ne pas s'en aller Ne s'en allant pas Ne s'en §tre pas alle Present. Je ne m'en vais pas ta ne t'en vas pas II ne s'en va pas Nous ne nous en aliens vons ne vous en allez ils ne s'en vont pas pas • pas Past Ind. Je ne m'en suis pas alle tu ne t'en es pas alle il ne s'en est pas alle Nous ne nous en vous ne vous en etes ils ne s'en sont pas sommes pas alles pas allgs alles Rem. The student will have no difficulty in forming the remaining tenses himself. *S'EN ALLER. (Interrogatively.) Pbksent. M'en vais-je ? Nous en aliens nous ? Past Ind. M'en suis-je alle? Nous en sommes-nous all^sf T'en vas-tu ? Vous en allez-vous? T'en es-tu alle ? Voua en §tes - vous allSs? S'en va-t-il 7 S'en vont-ils ? S'en est-il all6 ? S'en sent-ils all6s ? 152 ELEMENTARY FEENCH GEAMMAR. *S'EN ALiLiER. (Interrogatively and Negatively.) P*RE6KNT. Past Lnd. Ke m'en vais-je pas ? Ne m'en suis-je pas all6 ? Ne nous en allons-nous pas? Ne nous en sommes-nous pas alles J" *ENVOYER, To Send.— (Second Model.) Envoyer Envoyant Envoys Avoir eiivoye to have sent Peesent. J'envole Nous envoyons Imperf. J'envoyais Nous envoyions Past Dep. J'euvoyai Nous envoyames Future. J'enverrai Nousi enverrons CoND. Pk. J'enverrais Nous enverrions Imper. Envoyons SuBJ. Pr. Que j'envoie Que nous envoyions Imperf. Que j'envoyasse Que nous envoyassions tu envoies vous envoyez tu envoyais vous envoyiez tu envoyas vous envoyates tu enverras vous enverrez tu enverrais vous enverriez Envoie envoyez que tu envoies que vous envoyiez que tu envoyasses que vous envoyassiez 11 envoie lis envoient U envoyait ils envoyaient il envoya ils envoyerent il enverra ils enverront il enverrait ils enverraient qu'il envoie quMls envoient qu'il envoyat qu'ils envoyassent Conjugate in the same manner : *Renvoyer, to send back ; to send away. Vocabulary 34. *Aller, to go. *Aller chercher, to go for. *S'en aller, to go away. *Envoyer, to send. *Envoyer chercher, to send for. *Renvoyer, to send back ; to send away. Rappeler, to call back. Dejeuner, to breakfast. Le cocher, the coachman. Quelque part, somewhere. NuUe part (ne), nowhere. Vite, quick ; quickly ; fast ; vite, very quickly. Lentement, slowly. De la, from there. bi£ lEREGULAB VERBS. 153 Exercise 34. 1. Je vais aii bureau. 2. Je m'en vais a present. 3. Alexis va chercher de I'argent a la bunque. 4. Nous nous en allons ensemble. 5. Vous en allez-vous deja? 6. lis vont partir. 7. J'allais partir quand on m'a rai)pele. 8. Je ni'en allais quand mon oncle est eutre. 9. A quelle heure vous eu ^tes-vous alle? 10. Je m'en suis alle a dix lieures. 11. Xous nous en sommes alles ensemble. 12. J'irai cher- cher les lettres quand j'aurai fini d'ecrire. 13. Je m'en irai bieu vite. 14. Irez-vous quelque part ce soir ? 15. Je n'irai nulle part ; je resterai chez moi. IG. J'irais au spec- tacle, s'il ne pleuvait pas. 17. Je m'en irais, si mon fi-ere 6tait de retonr. 18. Va maintenant. 19. Va-t'en bien vite. 20. Allons-nous-en lentement. 21. II faut que j'aille a la banque. 22. II faut que je m'en aille tout a I'heure.f 23. J'enverrai chercher mes livres tan tot. 24. Vous nous ren- verrez la voiture quand vous serez arrive. 25. II renverra son cocher a la fin du mois. Theme 34. 1.. Are you going to your uncle's? 2. I am going there by and by.f 3. I am going away now. 4. We are going for our books. 5. They are going away. 6. Louis is going away with them. 7. He Avas going to leave when I called him back [pad indef.). 8. They were going away when I came {past indef.). 9. Where were you going when I met ( past indef.) you a little while ago ?f 10. I was going to the post-office. 11. From there I went {past indef) to the bank. 12. The childi-en have gone to school. 13. They t See Vocabulary 28, p. 123. 154 ELEMENTART FRENCH GRAMMAR. went away {past indef.) just now.f 1-4. I will go to the store when 1 have l^reakfasted. 15. I am not going any- where this morning. 16. I would go somewhere, if it did not rain. 17. Go {plur.) quickly to the post-office. 18. Let us go slowly ; it is so warm. 19. We must go to our aunt's; she is going to leave. 20. I will send you that book this afternoon. 21. You will send it back to me when you (shall) have read it. 22. We shall send our coachman away at the end of the month ; he has become so lazy (si pares- seux). 23. I will send for some paper presently. THIRTY-FIFTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Contintjed). — Second Conjugation. 1. *ACQUfiRlR, To Acquire. — (FiKST Model.) AcquSrir Acquerant Acquis Avoir acquis to have acqui Ired Present. J'acquiers ta acquiers 11 acqniert Nous acquerons vous acqnerez ils acquierent Imperp. J'acquerais tu acquerais il acquerait Nous acquerions vous acqueriez ils acqueraient Past Def. J'acquis tu acquis il acquit Nous acquimes vous acquttes ils acquiuent yUTtJBE. J'acquerrai tu acquerras il acqnerra Nous acquerrons vous acquerrez ils acquerront COND. PR. J'acquerrais tu acquerrais il acquerrait Nous acquerrions vous acquerriez ils acquerraient Imper. Acquiers Acquerons acquerez SUBJ. Pr. Que j'acquiere que tu acquieres qu'il acquiere Que nous acquerions que vous acqueriez qu'ils acquierent Imperp. Que j'acquisse que tu acquisses qu'il acquit Que nous acquissions que vous acquissiez qu'ils acquissent + See Vocabulary 28, p. 123. IRREGULAR VERBS. 155 Conjugate in the .same manner as *acqu6rir: *^Conquerir, to conquer. *Reconquerir, to reconquer *S'enquerir, to inquire. ♦BOUILI^IR, To Boil.— (Second Model.) Bouillir Bouillant Bouilli Avoir bouilli PRESENT. Jc boUS Nous bouillons Imperf. Je bouillais Nous bouillions Past Def. Sc boiiillis Nous bouillimes Future. Je bouillirai Nous bouillirons CoxD. Pr. Jc bouillirais Nous bouillirions Lmteb. Bouillons SrBJ. Pb. Que je bouille Que nous bouillions Lmpebp. Que je bonilllsse Que nous bouillissions to have boiled tu bous , vous bouillez ♦u bouillais vous bouilliez tu bouillis vous bonillites tu bouilliras vous brtuillirez tu bouillirais vous bonilliriez Bous bouillez que tu bonilles que vons bouilliez que tu bouillisses que vous bouillissiez 11 bout lis bouillent 11 bouillait ils bouillaient 11 bouillit Us bouillirent il botiillira ils bouilliront il bouillirait ils bouilliraieut qu'il bouille qu'ils bouillent qu'il bouillit qu'ils bouillissent Presest. Imperf. Past Def. Future. CoND. Ph. *COURIK, To Run. — ^Thikd Model.) Courir Co u rant Conra Avoir coura to have run Je conrs Nous courous Je conrais Nous courions Je courus Nous courflmes Je courrai Nous courrons Je courrais Nous courrions Courous tu conrs vous courez tn conrais vous couriez tu courus vous courfltes tn courras vous conrrez tu courrais vous courriez Cours courez 11 court ils con rent il courait ils couraient il courut ils coururent il courra ils courront 11 courrait ila conrraient 156 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. SUBJ. Pr. Imfebf. Que je coure Quo nous courions, Que jc courusse Que nous courussions que tu coures que vous couriez que tu courusses que vous courussiez qu'il coure qu'ils courent qu'il courlit qu'ils courussent Conjugate in the same manner as *courir *Accourir, to run up. *Concourir, to concur. *Discourir, to discourse. *Parcourir, to go over ; to looh over. *Secourir, to succor. ^CUEILLIR, To Gather.— (Fourth Model.) Cueillir Cudllant Cueilli Avoir cueilli Present. Je cueille Nous cueillons liiPERP. Je cueillais Nous cueillions Past Def. Je cueillis Kous cueillimes FUTUBE. Je cueillerai Nous cueillerons CoND. Pk. Je cueillerais Nous cueillerions Imfeb. Cueillons SuBj. Pb. Que je cueille Que nous cueillions Impbbf. Que je cueillisse Que nous cueillissions to have gathered tu cueilles vous cueillez tu cueillais vous cueilliez tu cueillis vous cueillites tn cneiUeras vous cueillerez tu cueillerais vous cneillerlez CueOle cueillez que tu cueilles que vous cueilliez que tu cueillisses que vous cueillissiez 11 cueille ils cueillent il cueillait ils cueillaient 11 cueillit ils cueUlirent il cueillera ils cueilleront il cueillerait ils cueUleraient qu'il cueille qu'ils cueillent qu'il cueillit qu'ils cueUlissent Conjugate in the same manner as *cueillir : *Accueillir, to receive. *Recueillir, to collect. *Assaillir, to assail. *Tressaillir, to start. Rem. Assaillir and tressaillir have in tlie future tense j'assailliral, je tressaillirai, etc., and in the conditional mode, j'assaillirais, je tres- saillirais, etc., instead of j'assaillerai, je tressaillerai, etc. IRREGULAR VERBS. 157 *FUIK, To Flee. — (Fifth Model.) Fair Fuyant FuI Avoir fui to harejled Pbesent. Je fuiss tu f uis il fnit Nous fuyons vous fuyez ils fuicnt iMrEUF. Je fnyais tu fuyais il fuyait Nous fuyione vous fuyiez ils fuyaient Past Def. Je fiiis tu fuis il fuit Nous fuimcs vous fultep ils fuirent Future. Je fuirai tu fuiras il fulra Nous fuirons vous fuircz ils fuiront COND. Pr. Je fuirais tu fuirais il fuirait Nous fuirions vous fuiriez ils fuiraient Impek. Fuyons Fuis fnyez SuBJ. Pr. Que je fuie que tu fnies qu'il fuie Que nous fuyions que vous fuyiez qu'ils fuient Impkrt. Que je fuisse que tu fuisscs qu'il fuit Que nous fuiss ■ions que vous fuissiez qu'ils fuissent Conjugate iu the same mauuer as *fuir : *S'enfuir (etre), to run away. Vocabulary 35. *Acquerir, to acquire. -Conquerir, to conquer ; to obtain. *Bouillir, to boil. *Courir, to run. *Parcourir, to go over ; lO look over. *Cueillir, to gather. *Recueillir, to reap ; to collect. *Assaillir, to assail. *Fuir, to liee ; to shun. *S'enfuir, to run away. Le bien, the property. Le commerce, commerce. La reputation, the reputation. La connaissance, the knowletige. Des connaissances, knowledge ; learning. La liberte, liberty. La bravoure, bravery. La perseverance, perseverance. L'industrie,/., industry. Le vice, vice. La societe, society. Un creancier, a creditor. De quel, wherewith. Honnete, honest. Car, for {a ronj.). Les Etats-Unis, the United States. 158 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Exercise 35. Model AcQUERiR. 1. J'acquiers desconnaissanccs utiles par retuclc. 2. Nous acquerons du bien par le travail. 3. Nos voisius ont acquis une grande fortune par le commerce. 4. Nous acquerrons la reputation d'honnete homme, si nous nous comportons bien. 5. Les Etats-Unis conqmrent leur liberte par la bravoure et par la perseverance. Model Bouillir. 6. Avez-vous de I'eau bouillie ? 7. L'eau ne bout pas, mais elle bouillira en peu de temps. 8. Elle a bouilli. 9. Pour faire de bon cafe, il faut de l'eau bouillante. 10. J'attendrai qu'elle bouille. Model Courir. 11. Je cours et ils courent aussi, car nous sommes presses. 12. Je courrai aussi, si vous courez. 13. Si vous couriez, vous arriveriez k temps. 14. Vous courriez, si vous etiez presse comme moi. 15. J'ai par- couru ce livre ; il est interessant. Model Cueillir. 16. Je cueille des fleurs, et j'en fais des bouquets. 17. J'en cueillerai avec vous, si vous voulez. 18. Cueillons-en ensemble ; ce sera amusant. 19. II n'a point recueilli le fruit de ses travaux. 20. Ses creanciers I'assaillirent, parce qu'il n'avait pas de quoi les payer. Model Fuir. 21. Je fuis la societe des mechants. 22. II me fuit, et je ne sais pas pourquoi. 23. Nous fuyons le vice, et nous I'avons toujours fui. 24. II s'est enfui quand 11 m'a vu. 25. Si tu n'etais pas a blamer, tu ne t'enfuirais pas. Theme 35. Model Acquerir. 1. Thou acquirest useful knowledge at school. 2. They acquire property by their industry, 3. You "will acquire the reputation of an honest man, if you pay IRREGULAR VERBS. 159 what jou owe. 4. They have acquired a great fortune. 5. We obtained our liberty by our bravery and (by) our perseverance. Model Bouillir. G. Is there any boihng water ? 7. The water will boil in a few minutes. 8. It has boiled, but it is not boiling now. 9. Wait nntil (qu') it boils {suhj.). 10. I wish (that) it would boil {suhj. imp.)', I am in a hurry. Model Courir. 11. If you run, I shall run. 12. I would not run, if you did not run. 13. They were running, and I do not know why. 14. I will look over this book when I have time {for it, en). 15. We have run very fast. Model Cueillir. 1G. For whom are you gathering those flowers? 17. I am gathering them for my mother. 18. Have you not gathered enough ? 19. I will gather a few more. 20. Pay your creditors, and they will not assail you. Model Fuir. 21. I shun that man, because I do not like him. 22. We shun the society of those whom we do not hke. 23. Flee from vice and the company of the wicked. 24. They were running away ; I do not know why. 25. Ycu would not have run away, if you were not to (a) blame. THIKTY-SIXTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Contintied). — Second Conjugation, MOURIK, To Die.— Sixth Model. Mourir Mourant Mort Etre mort to have died Prhsent. Je meors tu meurs il menrt Nous mourons vous monrez ils menrent IMFEBF. Je mourais tu mourais il monrait Nous mourions vous? mouriez ils mouraient 160 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Past Dep. Je moiims Pdttjrb. COND. Pr. Imphb. SUBJ. Pe Impeef. Nous mourflmcs Ji! mourrai Nous mourroDs Je mourrais Nous mourrions Mourons Que je meure Que nous mourions Que je mourusse Que nous mourussiona tu mourus vous mourfltes tu mourras vous mourrez tu mourrais vous mourriez Meurs mourez que tu meures que vous mouriez que tu mourusses que vous mourassiez il mourut ils moururent il mourra ils mourront 11 mourrait ils mourraient qu'il meure qu'ilK meurent qu'il mourfit qu'ils mouruseent *OUVRIR, To Open.— (Seventh Model.) Ouvrlr Ouvrant Ouvert Avoir ouvert Present. J'ouvre Nous ouvrons Lmperf. J'oiivrais Nous ouvrions Past Def. J'ouvris Nous ouvrimes Future. J'ouvrirai Nous ouvrirons CoND. Pr. J'ouviirais Nous ouvrirlons Imper. Ouvrons SuBj. Pr. Que j'ouvre Que nour' ouvrions Imperp. Que j ' ouvrisse Que nous ouTrissions to have opened tu ouvres vous ouvrez tu ouvrais vous ouvriez tu ouvris vous ouvrites tu ouvriras vous ouvrirez tu ouvrii-ais vous ouvririez Ouvre ouvrez que tu ouvres que vous ouvriez que tu ouvrisses que vous ouvrissiez il ouvre ils cuvrent il ouvrait Us ouvraient il ouvrit ils ouvrirent il ouvrira ils ouvriront il ouvrirait ils ouvriraient quMl ouvre quMls onvrent qu'il ouvrit qu'ils ouvrissent Conjugate in the same manner as *ouvrir : *Oouvrir, to cover. *OflErir, to oflFer. *Souffirir, to suffer. And the derivatives of *ouvrir, *couvrir, and *oflFrir. lEEEGULAR VERBS. 161 *SENTIK, To Feel.— (Eighth Model.) Sentir Sentant Senti Present. Imperf. Past Dep. Future. COND. Pr. Imper. SuBj. Pr. Impebf. Avoir senti to havefdt Je sens Nous sentons Je sentais Nous sentions Je sentis Nous sen times Je sentirai Nous sentirons Je sentirais Nous sentirious Sentons Que je sente Que nous seutions Que je sentisse Que nous sentissions tu sens vous sertez tu sentais vous scntiez tu sentis vous sentltes tu sentiras vous scutirez tu sentirais vous sentiriez Sens sentez que tu sentes que vous sentiez que tu sentisses que vous sentissiez 11 sent Us sen tent 11 sentait ils sentaient 11 sentit ils sentirent 11 sentira ils sentiront 11 sentirait ils sentiraient qu'il sente quMls sentent qu'il sentit qu'ils sentissent Conjugate in the same manner as *sentir: *Partir (etre), to start. *Mentir, to lie. *Sortir (etre), to go out. *Dormir, to sleep, *Se repentir, to repent. *Servir, to serve. And the derivatives of these verbs. Rem. 1. The final radical letter of dormir (m) and of servir (v) dis- appears and reappears in the inflections of the verb, the same as the final radical t of the models partir and sentir. Je dors, nous dor- mons ; Je sers, nous servons, etc. *TENIR, To Hold.— (Ninth Model.) Tenlr Tenant Tenu Avoir tenu to have held Present. Je fiens Nous tenons tu tiens vous tenez 11 tient U« tlennent 162 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, iMPERr. Past Def. Future. CoND. Pr. Imper. SuBJ. Pr. Imperf. Je tenais Nous tenions Je tins Nous tlnmes Je tiendrai Nous ticndrons Je ticndrais Nous tiendrious Tenons Que je tiennc Que nous tenions Que je tinsse Que nous tinssious tn tenais vous teniez tu tins V0U9 ttntes tu tiendras vous tiendrez tu tiendrais vous tiendriez Tien 8 tenez que tu tiennes que vous teniez que tu tinsses que vous tinssiez il tenait lis tenaient il tint ils tinrent il tiendra ils tiendront il tiendrait ils tiendraient qn'il tienne qu'ils tiennent qu'il tint qu'ils tinssent Conjugate in the same manner as *tenir : *Venir (Stre), to come. And the compounds of *venir and *tenir. Rem. 2. The derivatives of venir, generally take the auxiliary verb gtre; the derivatives of tenir, the auxiliary avoir, except the pro- nominal verbs. *VETIR, To Clothe.— (Tenth Model) Present. Lmpkrf. Past Def. Future. CoMJ. Pr. IltPER. V6tir VStant Avoir v6tu to have clad Je v§t9 Nous vgtons Je vetais Nous vetions Je vgtis Nous vettmes Je vetinri Nous vdtirons Je v&tirais Nous vgtiriona VfitODB tu v§ts vous vStez tu vetais vous v§tiez tu vetis vous vStltes tu vetiras vous v§tirez tu vetirais vous vStiriez Vets vStez Vfitn il vgt ils vStent il vgtait ils vetaient il v6tit ils vetirent il vetira ils vetiront il vetirait ils vetiraient IRREGULAR VERBS. 163 SUBJ. Pb. Imfebi-. Que je vSte Que nous vetions Que je vetisse Que nous vetissions que tu vdtes que V0U8 v§tiez que tu vetisses^ que vous vetissiez qu'il v6te qu'ils vetent qu'il vettt qu'ils vetissent Conjugate in the suinc manner as *vetir: *Devetir, to undress. Revdtir, to clothe ; to invest. Vocabulary 36. ♦Mourir (de), to die (with). *Vetir, to clothe. *Ouvrir, to open. *Couvrir, to cover. *DecouvTir, to discover. *OflFrir, to offer. *Souflfrir (de), to suffer. *Sentir, to feel ; to smell. *Partir (etre), to start; to depart. *Sortir i^etre), to go out. *Dormir, to sleep. *Servir, to serve. *Tenir, to hold ; to keep. *Retenir, to retain. *Venir (etre), to come. *Revetir, to clothe ; to invest. Dieu, God. La priere, the prayer. La promesse, the promise. Le mot, the word. Le plancher, the floor. Le tapis, the carpet. La fenStre, the window. Le grand-pere, the grandfather. La maladie, the sickness. L'Amerique, America. Le froid, the cold. La saison, the season. *Revenir (etre), to come back, to Un an, a year; en I'an, in the return. year. *Devenir (etre), to become. Le pouvoir, the power. *Parvenir (etre), to succeed ; to Supreme, supreme. attain. Chaudement, warmly. Exercise 36. Model Mourir. 1. Nous mourons de froid ici. 2. J*es- p^re que nous ne mourrons pas encore. 3. On souffre et I'on meurt partout. 4. Le grand-pere de Jacques est mort pendant la nuit. 5. Le General Washington mourut a Mont Vernon en I'an mil sept cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. 164 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Model Ouvrir. 6. J'ouvre la fenetre pour regarder dans la rue. 7. II souflfrait beaucoup pendant sa nialadie. 8. Oq a couvert le plancher d'un tapis. 9. Lui offrirai-je quelque chose ? 10. Christophe Colomb deeouvrit TAme- rique en mil quatre cent quatre-vingt-douze. Model Sentir. 11. Je pars maintenant ; mes freres sont deja partis. 12. Jules et son frere ne sortiront pas ce soir. 13. Jo ne sentais pas le froid pendant le voyage. 14. Vous dormiez tout le temps. 15. Que vous servirai-je ? Model Tenir. 16. Je tiendrai ma promesse, si vous tenez la votre. 17. Nous viendrous vous voir ce soir. 18. Vous retiendriez ces mots, si vous les copiiez deux ou trois fois. 19. II faut que Je revienne ici demain. 20. Vous etes devenu grand. 21. Vous parviendrez, si vous vous com- portez bien. Model Vetir. 22. 11 faut vous vetir cliaudement dans cette saison-ci. 23. Ces hommes etaient bien vetus. 24. Le President est revetu du pouvoir supreme. Exercise 36. Model Moueir. 1. I am dying with impatience. 2. We shall all die : the one to-day, the other to-morrow. 3. I would die, if I lost my friend. 4. My grandfather died last week {past indef.) 5. Napoleon died {past clef.) in (en) eighteen hundred and twenty-one. Model Ouvrir. 6. Open the door, if you please. 7. He has opened the windows of his room. 8. I will cover the floor of your room with a carpet. 9. I suffer to see him suffer. 10. Let us offer our prayers to God for those who suffer. Model Sentir. 1L I feel the cold here. 12. When will IRREGULAR VERBS. 165 you start ? 13. Wo would go out, if it did not rain. 14. He sleeps, and it is well that he sleeps {stibj. pres.) 15. They have always served us well. Model Texir. 1G. If I keep my promise, will you keep yours? 17. I shall retain these words; I have copied them. 18. He has succeeded by his industry. 19. Those children have grown up (have become tall). 20. My father would come back to town, if my mother were not sick. 21. They would have returned last night. Model Vetik. 22. You are not clad warmly enough for this season. 23. Would you be happy, if you were invested with the supreme power of the state (etat) ? THIRTY-SEVENTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (CoNTrsTJED).— Third Conjugation. The third conjugation has nine irregular fonns or models. They are *S'ASSEOIR, To Sit Down.— (First Model.) S'asseoir S'asscyant Assis S'etre assis to have sat down Present. Je m'assieds tu t'assieds Nous nous asseyon3 voas vous asseyez Imperf. Je m'asseyais tu t'asseyais Nous nous asseyions vous vous asseyiez Past Def. Je m'assis Nous nous assimes FcTUBE. Je m'assierai Noas nous assierons CoNX). Pb. Je m'assierais Nous nous assierions Impeb. AsseyoDS-ncus tu t'assis VOUS vous assttes tu t'assieras vous vou? assierez tu t'a^;sie^ais vous vous assieriez Assieds-toi asseyez-vons il s'assied ils s'asseyent il s'asseyait ils s'asseyaient il s'assit ils s'assirent il s'assiera ils s'assieront il s'assierait ils s'assieraient 166 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. SCBJ. Pb. lUPEBF. Que je m'asseye - Que nous nouB assey- ious Que je m'assise Que nous noue assis- sions que tu t'asseyes que vous vous assey- iez que tu t'assisses que vous vous assis- siez qu'il s'asseye qu'ils s'asseycDt qu'il s'assJt qu'ils s^assissent The verb *s'asseoir is also conjugated in the following manner: S'asseoir S'assoyant Assis S'etre assis to hate sat down Pbesent. Impehf. Past Dep. FUTUKE. COND. Pr. Impeb. SuBj. Pb. IlTPEBF. Je m'assois Nous nous assoyons Je m'assoyais Nous nous assoyions Je m'assis Nous nous asslmes Je m'assoirai Nous nous assoirons Je ni'assoii-ais Nous nous assoirions Assoyons-nous Que je m'assoie Que nous nous assoy- ions Que je m'assisse Que nous nous assis- Bions tu t'assois vous vous assoyez tu t'assoyais vous vous assoyiez tu t'assis vous vous assites tu t'assoiras vous vous assoirez tu t'assoirais vous vous assoiriez Assois-toi assoyez-vous que tu t'assoies que vous vous assoy- iez que tu t'assisses que vous vous assis- siez 11 s'assoit lis s'assoient il s'assoyait ils s'assoyaient 11 s'assit ils s'assirent 11 s'assoira lis s'assoiront 11 s'asBoirait ils s'assoiraient qu'il s'assoie qu'ils s'assoient qu'il s'asstt qu'ils s"assissent *FALLOIR, To Be Necessary.— (Second Model.) See Lesson Thirty-third. *MOUVOIR, To Move.— (Thied Model.) Mouvoir Mouvant Mu Avoir rau to hare 7noved Present. Je meus Nous mouvons tu meus vous mouvez il meut lis menvent IRREGULAR VERBS. Imperp. Je mouvais tu mouvais 11 mouvait Nous mouvions vous mouviez ils mouvaient Past Dep. Je mus tu mus il mut Nous mflmes vous mfltes ils murent Future. Je mouvrai tu mouvras 11 mouvra Nous mouvrons vous mouvrez ils mouvront COND Pr. Je mouvrais tu mouvrais 11 mouvrait Nous mouvrions vous mouvriez ils mouvraient Lmper. Meus Monvons mouvez SuBj. Pr. Que je mcuve que tu meuves qu'il menve Que nous mouvions que vous mouviez qu'ils meuvent Impert. Que je musse que tu musses qu'il mtt Que nous mussions que vous mussiez qu'ils mussent 167 Conjugate in the same manner as *mouvoir : *Emouvoir, to move ; to affect. ♦PLEUVOIK, To Rain. — (Fourth Model.) See Lesson Tbirty-thii'd. *POUVOIK, To Be Able.— (Fifth Model.) Pouvoir Pouvant Pa Avoir pn to have been able Prese>t. Je puis, or je peux tapeux 11 peut Nous pouvons vous pouvez ils peuvent Ijeperf. Je pouvais tu ponvais il pouvait Nous pouvions vous pouviez ils pouvaient Past Def. Je pus tu pus il put Nous pflmes vous pfites ils purent FtrruRE. Je pourrai tu ponrras il pourra Nou:= poiirrons vous pourrez ils pourront CONT. Pb. Je pourrais tu pourrais il pourrait Nous pourrions vous ponrriez ils pourraient Istper {Xone) SuBJ. Pr. Que je puisse que tu puisses qu'il pnisse Que nous puissions que vous puissiez qu'ils puissent llTPERP. Que je pusse que tu pusses qu'il pfit Que nous pussions que vous pussiez qu'ils passant 168 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Vocabulary 37. *S'asseoir, to sit down. Un hotel, an hotel. *Etre assis, to be sitting. Le banquier, the banker. *Mouvoir, to move. Le recit, the recital. *Emouvoir, to move ; to affect. A cote de, by the side of. *Pouvoir, to be able. Pres de, near. Bouger, to stir. Autoiir de, around. *Se servir, to use ; to make use of. Longtemps, a long time. *Aller trouver, to go to (find a II y a longtemps, long ago. person). Exercise 37. Model S'asseoir. 1. Je vais m'asseoir. 2. Je m'assieds parce que je suis fatigue. 3. Je m'assierai a cote de vous. 4. EUe s'est assise a cote de sa mere. 5. Asseyez-vous. 6. Ne vous asseyez pas pres de la fen^tre ouverte. 7. lis etaient assis autour de la table quaud je suis entre. Model Falloir. 8. II faut partir. 9. II fallait quitter I'botel ; nous ne pouvions pins y rester. 10. II faudra aller trouver le banquier pour avoir de I'argent. 11. II aurait fallu ecrire cbez nous il y a longtemps. Model Mouvoir. 12. Je ne peux pas mouvoir cette table. 13. Rien ne se meut; rien ne bouge ici. 14. Le recit de cette liistoire nous a emus. Model Pleuvoir. 15. II a plu, mais il ne pleut plus. 16. II pleuvait quand je suis venu. 17. II pleuvra encore. 18. Qu'il pleuve ; nous avons besoin de pluie. 19. II fau- drait qu'il plut. Model Pouvoir. 20. Je ne peux pas sortir dans ce mo- ment. 21. Puis-je me servir de votre dictionnaire. 22. J'ai pu y aller bier. 23. H ne pouvait pas venir; 11 ne pouvait IRREGULAR VERBS. 169 pas quitter ses afiUires. 24. Je pourrai vous doiiner cet argent demain. 25. Vous pourriez ravoir aujourd'hui, si Tous alliez trouvcr niou pere. Theme 37. Model S'asseoir. 1. 1 liave no time to sit down. 2. She is sitting down by the side of her mother. 3. We will sit down near the door. 4. You were sitting around the table. 5. Let us sit down somewhere. Model Falloir. 6. It is necessary to go to the banker. 7. We shall want money to-morrow. 8. It was necessary to speak of that. 9. It would be necessary to start, if they came. 10. It was necessary to wait for a long time. Model Mouvoir. 11. You cannot move that box. 12. Nothing was moving [pronominal verb) when we came {past indef.). 13. She was moved by the recital of that story. Model Pleuvoir, 14. If it rains, I shall not come. 15. If it did not rain, he would be here. IG. You will need your umbrella ; it will rain. 17. It would be well that it should rain {suhj. imp.). Model Pouyoir. 18. I cannot leave my work. 19. Mayf I ask you something? 20. You mayf use my dic- tionary, if you need it. 21. We have not been able to come. 22. He could not go out ; he was sick. 23. I shall be able to tell you to-morrow. 24. You might J go and see him at the hotel. 25. I might have done that loner since. t Translate mayhy the present tense of the verb pouroir. * Translate mir/hl by the conditional mode of the werb pouvoir, and might have by the past tense of the conditional, and tranelatc done 'bj/aire. 170 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. THIRTY-EIGHTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Continued). — Third Conjugation. *SAV01R, To Know, To Know How. —(Sixth Model.) Present. iMPERr. Past Def. FUTUKE. COND. PR. Imper. SUBJ. Pr. /mperf. Savoir Avoir su Je sais Nous savons Je savais Nous savions Je SUB Nous sflmes Je saurai Nous saurons Je saurais Nous saurions Sachons Que je sache Que nous sachions Que je susse Que nous sussions Sachant to have known tu sais vous savez tu savais vous saviez tu sus vous sfites tu sauras vous saurez tu saurais vous sanriez Sache sachez que tu sachcs que vous sachiez que tu susses que vous sussiez Su il sait ils savent il savait ils savaient il sut ils sureut il sanra ils sauront il saurait ils sauraient quMl sache qu'ils sachent qu'il eflt qu'ils sassent *VAL,OIR, To Be Worth.— (Sixth Model.) Present. Imperp. Past Dep. Futttre. CoND. Pr. lUFEB. Valoir Avoir valu Je vaux Nous valons Je valais Nous valions Je valus Nous valfimes Je vaudrai Nous vaudrons Je vaudrais Nous vaudrions Yalons Valant Valu to have been worth tu vaux vous valez tu valais vous valiez tu valus vous valtltes tu vaudras vous vaudrcz tu vaudrais vous vaudriez Vaux valez il Taut ile valent il valait ils valaient il valut ils valurent il vaudra ils vaudront il vaudrait ils vaudraient IRREGULAR VERBS. 171 Sjibj. Pr. Que je vaille Que nous valions Que je valusse Que nous valusslons qoe tu vailles que vous valiez que tu valusses que vouB valussiez qu'il vaille qu'ils vaillent qu'il valfll qu'ils valueseut Conjugate in the same manner as *valoir *^quivaloir, to be equivalent. fRKSENT. Imperf. Past Dep. FXITUBB. CoND. Pr. Ihpeb. SuBJ. Pr. Imperf. *VOIR, To See.— (Eighth Mobel.) Voir Voyaut Vu Avoir vu to have seen Je vois Nous voyons Je voyais f^ous voyions Je vis Nous vimes Je verrai Nous verrona Je verrais Nous verrions Voyons Quo je voie Que uous voyions Que je visse Que nous vissions tu vois vous voyez tu voyais vous voyiez tu vis vous vites tu verras vous verrez tu verrais vous verriez Vois voyez que tu voies que vous voyiez que tu visses que vous vissiez Dvoit ils voient il voyait ils voyaient ilvit ils virent il verra ils verront il verrait ils verraient qu'U voie qu'ils voient qu'il vlt qu'ils viss>int Conjugate in the same manner as *voir: *Revoir, to see again. *Prevoir, to foresee. *Entrevoir, to see imperfectly. *Pourvoir, to provide. Rem. *Prevoir and *pourvoir do not, in all respects, follovr tlie model voir. Prevoir has, in the future, je prevoirai, etc., and, in the condi, tional, je prevoirais, etc. Pourvoir has, in the past definite, je pourvus, etc.; in the future, je pourvoirai, etc.; in the conditional, je pourvoirais, etc., and in the subjunctive imperfect, que je pourvusse, eta 172 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. *VOULOIR, To Be Willing.— (Ninth Model.) Vonloir Voulaut Voulu Avoir voulu to have been willli W Present. Je veux tu veux il veut Nous voulons vous voulez ils veulent Impebp. Je voulais tu voulais il voulait Nous voulions vous voullez ils voulaient Past Def. Je voulus tu voulus il voulut Nous voulflmes vous voulfites ils voulurent Future. Je voudrai tu voudras il voudra Nous voiidrons vous voudrcz ils voudront COND. Pb. Je voudrais tu voudrais il voudrait Nous voudrions vous voudriez ils voudraient Imper. Veux Voulons voulez or veuillez Sub J. Pr. Que je veuille que tu veuilles qu'il veuille Que nous voulions que vous vouliez qu'ils veuillent Lmperf. Que je voulusse que tu vouluBses qu'il voulflt Que nous voulussions que vous voulussiez qu'ils voulussent Vocabulary 38. '*Savoir, to know ; to know how ; ne savoir que, not to know what. *Valoir, to be worth ; valoir mievix, to be better ; il vaut mievix, it is better. *Voir, to see. *Revoir, to see again ; au revoir, good-by. *Votiloir, to be willing. Je veux bien, I am willing. *Vouloir Mire, to mean. Le ciel, heaven ; the sky. La mer, the sea. La terre, the land. La montagne, the mountain Notre patrie, /., our native land. Le milieu, the middle ; au milieu de, in the midst of. Ces gens, those people. EJnfin, at last ; finally. A la fin, in the end. Ne que; only, but ; nothing but Theme 38. Model Savoir. 1. Vous savez ce que je veux dire. 2. II n'a pas su me repondre. 3. II ne savait que dire. IRREGULAK VERBS. 173 4. Nous ne savions que faire. 5. Je saurai demain, s'il vicndra ou non. G. II I'aut que je le sache aujourd'hui. 7. Je voudrais que nous Ic sussions. 8. Sachez ce que vous avez a faire. Model Valoir. 0. Cela ue vaut rien, et n'a jamais rien valu. 10. II vaudra niiftux rcster ici que de sortir. 11. Ces gens-la ne valeiit pas mieux que nous. Model Voir. 12. Vous voycz enfin ce que c'est. 13. II voyait a la fin qu'on Tavait trompe. 14. Nous verrons ce que nous pourrons faire. 15. Quand vous revcrrai-je ? 16. Hier je vis votre oncle ; il vint nous voir. Model Vouloir. 17. Nous voulons partir. 18. Que veulent ces hommes ? 19. II n'a pas voulu me recevoir. 20. Henri ne voulait pas venir. 21. II viendra quand il voudra. 22. Je voudrais bien le voir. 23. Je ne pense pas qu'il veuille partir. 24. Si je pensais qu'il voulut partir, j'irais le trouver. Theme 38. Model Sayoir. 1. He does not know what I mean. 2. We do not know what to say. 3. I have not known that. 4. They knew {imperf.) that we were here. 5. Everybody will know it to-morrow. 6. I am willing that people should know it {siihj. pres.). 7. I wish that they knew it {suhj. imperf.). Model Valoir. 8. Those pictures are each worth one hundred dollars. 9. He gave them a house which was worth ten thousand dollars. 10. It is better not to say anything about it. 11. That would be better. Model Voir. 12. We see, at last, what it is. 13. You will see in the end that they will deceive you. 14. We were 174 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. in the midst of the sea, we saw {imjm-f.) nothing but the sky and the water. 15. I thought that I never should see land again. IG. We saw {past def.), at last, the mountains of our native country. Model Vouloir. 17. What does he want? 18. What do you mean ? 19. He was not willing {past indef.) to wait. 20. He wanted {imperf.) to start the next day. 21. He may start (fut.) when he wishes (fut.). 22. You would not wish to see him leave. THIRTY-NINTH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Continued). — Fourth Conjugation. The Fourth Conjugation has twenty-three irregular forms or models. *BATTRE, To Beat.— (First Model.) Battre Battant Avoir battn to have beaten Battu Pbesbnt. Je bats tu bats ilbat Nousbattons vous battez ils battent Imperf. Je battais tu battais 11 battait Nous battions vous battiez Ds battaient Past Dep. Je battis tu battis 11 battit Nous batttmes vous battltes Us battirent Future. Je battrai tu batlras il battra Nous batlrons vous battrez ils battront COND. PR. Je battrais tu battrais 11 battrait Nous battrions vous battriez Us battraient Imper. Bats Battons battez SUBJ. Pr. Que je batte que tu battes qu'il batte Que nous battions que vous battiez qu'ils battent Imperf. Que je battiese que tu battissGS qu'il battit Que nous battissions que vous battissiez qu'Us battisBcnt I R H K G U L A R VERBS, 175 Conjugate in the same manner as *battre, the derivatives of battre : *Abattre, to beat down, eta *Oombattre, to fight, etc *BOIRE, To Drink. — (Second Model.) Boire Buvant Bu Present. Imperf. Pas>t Def. Future. COND. Pr. latPER. SuBj. Pr. Imperf. Avoir bu Je bois Nous buvons Je biivais Nous buvions Je bus Nous bfimes Je boirai Nous boirons Je boirais Nous boirions Buvons Que je boive Que nous buvions Que je busse Que Dous bussions to have drunk tu bois vous bnvez tu buvais vons buviez tu bus vous bfltes tu boiras vous boirez tu boirais vous boiriez Bois buvez que tu boives que vous buviez que tu busses que vous bussiez il boit ils boivent il buvait ils buvaient il but ils burent il boira ils boiront il boirait ils boiraient qu'il boive qu'ils boivent qu'il bflt qu'ils bussent *CONCL.URE, To Conclude.— (Third Model.) Conclure Concluant Conclu Present. Imperp. Past Def. Future. CoND. Pr. Avoir conclu Je conclue Nous concluons Je concluais Nous conclulons Je conclus Nous conclflmes Je conclurai Nous conclurons Je conclurais Nous conclurions to have concluded tu conclus vous concluez tu concluais vous conclnlez tu conclus vous conclfltes tn concluras vous conclurez tu conclurais vous concluriez il conclut Us concluent il concluait ils concluaient il conclut ils conclurent il conclura ils concluront il conclurait ils concluraient 176 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Imper. SUBJ. Pb. Lmferf. Concluons Que je conclue Que noup coiiclulons Que je coiiclusise Conclns concluez que tu conclues que VOU8 conclutez que tu conclusses qu'il conclue qu'ils conclueDt qu'il conclflt Que nous conclussions que vous conclussiez qu'ils concluseent CONDUIRE, To Conduct.— (Fourth Model.) Conduire Conduisant Conduit Avoir conduit Present. Je conduis Nous conduisons Imperf. Je couduisais Nous conduisions Past Dep. Je couduisis Nous conduislmes Future. Je conduirai Nous conduirons CoND. Pr. Je condnirais Nous conduirions Imper. Conduisons SuBJ. P*R. Que je conduise Que nous couduisions Imperf. Que je conduisisse Que nous conduisis- Bions to have conducted tu conduis vous conduisez tu couduisais vous conduisiez tu conduisis vous conduisites tu conduii-as vous conduirez tu conduirais vous conduiriez Conduis conduisez que tu conduises que vous conduisiez que tu conduisisses que vous conduisis- siez 11 conduit lis condnieent il conduisait ils couduisaient il couduisit ils conduisirent il condiiira ils conduiront il conduirait Us conduiraient qu'il conduise qu'il conduisent qu'il conduistt qu'rJs conduisissent Conjugate in the same manner as *conduire : *Instruire, to instruct. *Traduire, to translate. And all the rerbs that end in uire. Rem. *Nuire, to injure; *luire, to shine, and *reluire, to shine, deviate from the model verb conduire in the past participle, which ends in i, as : nui, lui, relui. IRREGULAR VERBS, 177 *CONNAITRE, To Be Acquainted With, To Know.— (Fifth Model.) Conna!tre Connaissant Connn Avoir connu Present. Je connais Nous connaissons Imperf. Je connaissais Nous connaissions Past Def. Je connus Nous connflmcs Future. Je connaitrai Nous coniiaitrons CoND. Pr. Je connaiti'ais Nous coimaitrions Imper. Connaissons SuBj. Pr. Que je connaisse Que nous connaissions Imperf. Que je connusse Que nous connussions to have been acquainted with tu connais VOU8 connaissez tu connaissais vous connaissiez tu connus vous connfltes tu connaitras vous connaitrcz tu connaitrais vous connaitriez Connais connaissez que tu connaisses que vous connaissiez que tu connusses que vous connussiez il connait ils connaissent il connaissait ils connaissaient il connut ils connurent il connaitra ils connnitront il connaitrait ils conuaitraient qu'il connaisse qu'ils connaissept qu'il connflt qu'ils connussent Conjugate in the same manner as *connaitre : *Paraitre, to appear. *Croitre, to grow. And all the verbs that end in aitre and oitre, except *naitre, to he lorn, and *renaitre, to be Urn agam. Rem. 1 . The i of the verbs in aitre and oitre, when it is imme- diately followed by t, has the circumflex accent. Rem. 2. Croitre and its derivatives have the circumflex accent over the u of the past participle and in all the persons of the past definite tense. *Battre, to beat. *Se battre, to fight. *Boire, to drink. Vocabulary 39. *Conclure, to conclude. *Conduire, to conduct. *Se conduire, to conduct one's self. 178 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, *Traduire, to translate. *Connaitre, to be acquainted with. *Reconnaitre, to recognize. *Paraitre, to appear ; to seem. Bien des fois, many times. La soif, thirst ; avoir soif,f to be thirsty. Le vin, the wine. Le marche, the bargain. Une phrase, a sentence. Depuis, since. L'anglais, English. De l'anglais en fran9ais, from English into French. Un inconnu, an unknown ; a stranger. Un etranger, a stranger ; a tor. eigne r. Etrange, strange. Seulement, only. Exercise 39. Model Battre. 1. Si tu bats les autres, on te battra aussi. 2. On se battait dans les rues de Paris. 3. On s'y est battu bien des fois, et I'on s'y battra encore. 4. Je ne veux me battre avec personne. 5. Je fuis ceux qui se battent. Model Boire. 6. Je bois seulement quand j'ai soif. 7. lis boivent de I'eau. 8. Nous ne buvons jamais de vin. 9. Si vous buyiez du vin, vous seriez malade. 10. Si j'avais du lait, j'en boirais un verre. Model Conclure. 11. Nous concluons le marclie main- tenant. 12. Nous avons conelu cette affaire. 13. Enfin, c'est une affaire conclue. Model Coxduire. 14. Nous tous conduisons chez vous. 15. II m'a conduit jusqu'au depot du chemin de fer. 16. lis se conduisaient bien. 17. lis se sont toujours bien con- duits. 18. Nous traduirons cette histoire en anglais. 19. Tradiiisez cette phrase en fran9ais pour moi + Avoir soif, literally to have thirst ; in English, to be thirsty. See Lesson Forty- seventh. IRREGULAR VERBS. 179 Model ConnaItre. 20. C'est uu etranger quo uous ne connaissons pas. 21. Je ne vous ai pas recoiinu. 22. Ccla parait etrauge, 23. Get inconnu paraissait nous regarder, comme s'il nous counaissait. 24. II vous reconuaitrait, si vous parliez. Theme 39. Model Battre. 1. I beat nobody. 2. I have never beaten anybody; and I will not beat anybody. 3. I do not like those who fight. 4. I would not fight for any one. 5. I do not like to fight. Model Boire. G. I do not drink any wine. 7. I do not wish to dritik, for I am not thirsty. 8. I will drink a glass of water. 9. I have not drunk anything since this morning. 10. Do not drink if you are not thirsty. Model Conclure. 11. Let us conclude that affair. 12. We cannot conclude it. 13. The bargain is concluded. Model Coxduire. 14. He conducts himself well. 15. I will conduct you to the depot. 16. If you conduct your- self well, you will succeed. 17. We have translated this history from French into English. 18. They were trans- lating from English into French. 19. IIow will you trans- late this sentence ? Model ConnaItre. 20. I do not know that gentle- man ; he is a stranger to me.f 21. That stranger seems to know us. 22. Do you not recognize him ? 23. He did not recognize me. 24. It would appear strange, if he did not recognize us. t He is a stranger to me, il ni'est inconnu. 180 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, FORTIETH LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Continued). — Fourth Conjugation *COUDKE, To Sew.— (Sixth Model.) itiesent. Imperp. Past Dbp. FUTUKE, CoNB. Pr. Imper. SuBj. Pr. Imperf. Coudre Cousant Avoir couBti Je couds Nous cousons Je cousais Nous cousions Je cousis Nous couslmes Je coudrai Nous coudrons Je coudrais Nous coudrions Cousons Que je couse Que nous cousions Que je cousisse Que nous cousissions to have seiced tu couds vous cousez tu cousais vous cousiez tu cousis vous cousltes tu coudras vous coudrez tu coudrais vous coudriez Couds cousez que tu couses que vous cousiez que tu coussisses que vous cousissiez Cousu il coud ils consent il cousait ils cousaient 11 cousit ils cousirent il coudra ils coudront 11 coudrait lis coudiaient qn'il couse qu'ils consent qu'il cousit qu'ils cousissent Conjugate in the same manner as *coudre : *Decoudre, to unsew. *Recoudre, to sew again. *CRAINDRE, To Fear.— (Seventh Model.) Grain dre Craijmant Avoir craint to have feared I»RE8ENT. Imperp. Past Def. Je crains Nous craignons Je craignais Nous craignions Je craignls None craigntmes tu crains vous craignez tu craignais vous craigniez tu craignis vous craignttes Craint il craint ils craignent il craignait ils craignaient il craignit ils craignirent IRREGULAR VERBS, 181 Future. COND. Pb. Imper. SCB.J. Pb. Imperf. Je craindrai Nous craindrons Je craindrais Nous craindrions Craignons Que je craigne Que nous craignions Que je craignisse Que nous craignissions tu craindras vous craindrez tu craindrais vous craindriez Grains craignez que tu craignes que vous craigniez que tu craignisses que vous craignissiez il craindra lis craindront il ci-aindiait ils craindraient qu'il craigne qu'ils craignent qu'il craignlt qu'ils craignissent Conjugate in the same manner as *craindre, all the verbs that end in indre : *Plaindre, to pity. *Peindre, to paint. And many others. *Teindre, to dye. *Joindre, to join. Prksent. Imperf. Past Def. Future. CoND. Pb. Imper. SUBJ. Pr. Impebp. *CROIKE, To Believe.— (Eighth Model.) Croire Croyant Cm Avoir era to have believed Je crois Nous croyona Je croyais Nous croyions Je crus Nous crflmea Je croirai Nous croirons Je croirais Noas croirions Croyons Que je crole Que nous croyions Que je crusse Que nous crussions tu crois vous croyez tu croyais vous croyiez tu crus vous crfltes tu croiras vous croirez tu croirais vous croiriez Crois croyez que tu croies que vous croyiez que tu crusses que vous crussiez il croit ils croient il croyait ils croyaient il crut ils crurent il croira il? croiront il croirait ils croiraient qu'il croie qu'ils croient qu'il crUt qu'ils crussent 182 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. *DIRE, To Say, To Tell.— (Ninth Model.) Dire Disant Dit Avoir dit to have said Present. Jedis tudis Idit Nous disons vous dites lis disent Imperf. Je disais tu disais J disait Nous difiions vous disiez ils disaient Past Dep. Je dis tudis ddit Nous dimes vous dltes Is dirent Future. Je dirai tu diras 1 dira Nous dirons vous direz Is diront COND. Pb. Je dirais tu dirais 1 dirait Nous dirions vous diriez Is diraient Impeb. Disons Dis dites SuBJ. Pb. Que je dise que tu discs qu'il dise Que nous disions que vous disiez qu'ils disent Impebp. Que je disse que tu disses qu'il dit Que nous dissions que vous dissiez qu'ils dissent Conjugate in the same manner as *dire: *Rediiej to say again. The other derivatives of dire : *dedire, tn vnmy; *inter- dire, to forbid ; *medire, to slander ; *predire, to foretell ; have, in the second person phiral of the present tense of the indicative, and in tiic second person phiral of the imperative, dedisez, interdisez, etc., instead of dedites, interdites, etc. *Maudire, to curse, has, in the present participle, maudissant, doubling the s. The double s is retained in all the parts derived from the present participle. Vocabulary 40. *Coudre, to sew. *Craindre, to fear. *Plaindre, to pity. *Se piaindre, to complain. IRREGULAR VERBS. 183 •Croire, to believe. La conduite, the conduct. *Dire, to say ; to tell ; dire la La loi, the law. verite, to speak the truth. Mai, badly. Avoir raison,f to be right. Necessaire, necessary. Avoir tort,f to be wrong. Fou, fol,/. folle, mad. Exercise 40. Model Coudre. 1. Cousez ceci pour moi, s'il vous plait. 2. Je le coudrai tant6t. 3. Qui a cousu cela? 4. Si vous cousiez tous les jours, vous coudriez mieux. 5. II u'est pas necessaire que je couse tous les jours. Model Craindre. 6. Je crains les mechants, et je les plains. 7. Nous ne plaignons pas ceux que nous craignons. 8. Elle s'est plainte de votre conduite. 9. On le craignait, Eiais on ne Taimait pas. 10. Je me plaindrai de vous, si vous vous comportez mal. 11. On ne se plaindrait pas de vous, si vous vous comportiez biou. Model Croire. 12. Je crois que vous avez raison. 13. Personne n'a cru cette nouvelle. 14. Vous ici ! Je vous croyais a Boston depuis hier. 15. On ne croira pas cela. 16. Vous le croiriez, si vous le voyiez. 17. Nous ne croyons pas pouvoir faire cela. Model Dire. 18. Je crois ce que vous dites. 19. Nous di^ sons que vous avez raison. 20. lis disent que nous avons tort. 21. Qu'en dit-on ? 22. On en dira ce que Ton voudra. 23. Je dirai la verite. 24. Si nous disions cela, on dirait que nous sommes fous. Theme 40. Model Coudre. 1. I sew and Mary sews. 2. We sew- together. 3. I was sewing when you came in. 4. I have t Avoir raism ; avoir tort, literally, to have right ; to have wrong ; in English, to be rigid ; to be wrong. See Lesson Forty seventh. 184 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. sewn this. 5. I will sew th;it by and by. 6. I wish you would sew {suhj. wiperf. ) it now. Model Cbaindre. 7. I fear him and I pity him. 8. The wacked fear the law, which protects the good. 9. He feared everybody, and pitied nobody. 10. You are always com- plaining. 11. They have complained of your conduct. 13. If you behave badly, jjeople will complain of you. Model Croire. 13. You believe what I say ; do you not? 14. We believe that you are right. 15. They believe that we are wrong. 16. They did not believe what we said {past indef.). 17. I would believe it, if I saw it. Model Dire. 18. What you say is true. 19. We say the same thing, and they say so too. 20. Do you know what he has told me ? 21. What will people say of it ? 22. We will speak the truth. 23. You would not say that, if you knew what I know. rORTY-FIEST LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Continued). — Fourth Conjugation. *ECRIRE, To Write.— (Tenth Model.) ^crii-e Ecrivant ficrit Present. Imperp. Past Dep. Future. COND PR. Avoir ecrit J'gcris Nous ecrivons J'ecrivais Nous ecrivions J'ecrivis Nous ecrivlmes J'ucrirai Nous ecrirons J'ecrirais Nous ficririons to have written tn ecris vous ecrivez tn ecrivais vous ecriviez tu ecrivis vous ecrivltes tn ecriras vous ecrirez tn ecrirais vous ecririez il dcrit ils ecrivent il ecrivait ils ecrivaient il ecrivit ils ecnvirent il ecrira ils ecriront U ecrirait ils dcrii'aient IRREGULAR VERBS. ISTPEE. Ecris Ecrivons eciivez StJBJ. Pr. Que j'ecrive que tu ecrives qu'il derive Que nou^ ecrivions que vous ecriviez qu'ils ecrivent iMPERF. Que j'ecrivis!-e que tu ecrivisses qu'il ecrivit Que nous ecrivissions que vous ecrivissiez qu'ilB ecrivissent 185 Conjugate in the same manner as *ecrire; *Decrire, to describe. *Inscrire, to inscribe. *Prescrire, to ]ircscribe. *Transcrire, to transcribe. And other derivatives of *ecrire. *FAIRE, To Do, To Make. — (Eleventh Model.> Faire Faisant Fait Avoir fait to have made Present. Je fais tufais Ufait Nous faisons vous faites ils font Latperf. Je faisais tu faisais il faisait Nous faisioDS vous faisiez ils faisaient Past Def. Jefls tufis Ufit' Nous flmes vous fttes ils flrent FrTURE. Je ferai tu feras 11 fera Nous ferons vous ferez ils feront COXD. Pb. Je ferais tu ferais il fsiail Nous ferions vous feriez Us feraient Ihper. Fais Faisons faites SuBj. Pb. Que je fasse que tu fasses qu'il fasse Que nous fassions que vous fassiez qu'ils fassent Imperf. Que je flsse que tu fisses qu'il fit Que nous fissions que vous flssiez qu'ils Assent Conjugate in the same mannej as *faire: *Contrefaire, to counterfeit. *Surfaire, to overcharge *Defaire, to undo. *Satisfaire, to satisfy. ♦Refaire, to do again. 180 ELEMENTAEY FEENCH GEAMMAR. ♦LIRE, To Read.— (Twelfth Model.) lire Li.>;ant La . Avoir lu to have read Present. Je lis tu lis Ulit Nona lisons vous lisez lis lisent Impebf. Je lisais tu lisais il lisait Nous lisions vous lisiez ils lisaient Past Def. Je las tu lus illut Nous Iflmes vous Ifltes ils lurent Future. Je lirai tu liras 11 lira Nous lirons vous lirez ils liront COJTD. Pk. Je lirais tu lirais il lirait Nous lirlons vous liriez ils liraient Tmper. Lisons Lis lisez SUBJ. Pr. Que je lise que tu lises qu'il lise Que nous lisions que vous lisiez qu'ils lisent lUPEBF. Que je lusse que tu lusses qu'il Iflt Que nous Inssions que vous lussiez qu'ils lussent Conjugate in the same manner as *lire : *Elire, to elect. *Relire, to read again. *Reelire, to re-elect. »METTRE, To Put, To Put On.— (Thirteenth Model.) Mettre Mettant Mis Present. iMPERF. Past Def. Future. CoND. Pr. Avoir mis to have put Je mets Noas mettons Je mettais Nous mettions Je mis Nous mimes Je mettrai Nous mettrons Je mettrais Nous mettrions tu mets vous mettez tu mettais vous mettiez tu mis vous mites tu mettras vous mettrez tu mettrais vous mettriez flmet lis mettent il mettait ils mettaient il niit ils mirent il mettra ils mettront il mettrait lis mettraieut IRREGULAR VERBS. 187 Impkb. Mets Mettons mettez SUBJ. Pb. Que je niette que tu mettes qu'il mette Que iious mcttions que vous inettiez qu'ils mettent Impkbf. Que je inisse que tu misses qu'il mit Que nons missions que vous missicz qu'ils missent Conjugate in the same manner as *mettre : *Admettre, to admit. *Permettre, to permit, *Commettre, to commit, *Proinettre, to promise. And all the derivatives of *inettre. Vocabulary 41. *ficrire, to write. *Faire, to make ; to do ; *faire attention, to pay attention ; *faire une question, to ask a question ; *faire un plaisir, to do a favor; *^ fairs *faire,f to have or get made ; *faire *ve- nir, to send for. *Lire, to read. *Mettre, to put ; to put on ; met- tre en ordre, to put in order. *Se mettre, to sit down. i^Remettre, to put back ; to de- liver, to hand ; to put off. Raccommoder, to mend. Remarquer, to observe, to re- mark. Le pupitre, the desk, Le banc, the bench. La boite, the box ; la boite aux lettres, the letter box. Un cahier, a copy-book. La musique, tlie music. Un cahier de musique, a music- book. Quinze jours, a fortnight. Prochain, next. Ancien, /. ancienne, ancient; fonuer. Au lieu de, instead of. Exercise 41. Model Ecrire. 1. J'ecris mon th^me, et il 6erit le sien. 2. Nous ecrivons tous le jours. 3. II ^crivait d son pere + Faire faire^ to have or get made. Falre is used before the infinitive of almost any verb, in the sense of to have or to get. Faire and the infinitive are equivalent to a transitive verb. 188 ELEMENTAKT FRENCH GRAMMAR. pendant quo j'ecrivais nion themo. 4. J'ecrivis chez moi le lendemain de inon amvee a Paris. 5. Jc n'ai pas ecrit chez moi depuis liiudi. G. Vous m'ecrirez aussitot que vous serez arrive. Model Faire. 7. Je fais ce que vous m'avez dit de faire. 8. Vous faites bien. 9. Nous faisons la m^me chose. 10. lis font venir le medecin. 11. 11 me faisait mille questions auxquelles je ne pouvais repondre. 12. Nous lui fimes re- marquer cela. 13. Faites raccommoder ce fauteuil. 14. Je feral faire des pupitres comme ceux-la. 15. II faut que je fasse nettoyer cet habit. Model Lire. 16. Lisez ceci. 17. Je I'ai lu. 18. II lisait le journal au lieu d'etudier. 19. Je lus hier que notre ancien professeur est mort. 20. Je lirai ce livre quand vous I'aurez lu. Model Mettre. 21. Je mets votre dictionnaire dans votre pupitre. 22. Mettez votre manteau, si vous allez sortir. 23. Nous avons mis votre lettre dans la boite. 24. Elle se mettait toujours a cote de lui. 25. Eemettons chaque chose a sa place. 2G. Je remettrai votre lettre a mon pere. 27. Nous remettrons la le9on d demain. Theme 41. Model Ecrire. 1. Are you writing your exercise ? 2. 1 have written it. 3. I was writing a letter to my father. 4. He wishes (desires) me to write to him every week (that I write) {suhj. pres.). 5. He wrote to me {past clef.) last week that he would be here in a fortnight. 6. I will write to you as soon as I reach (shall arrive) home. Model Faire. 7. "What are you doing? 8. I am not doing anything. 9. Will you do me a favor ? 10. I will do IRREGULAR VERBS. 189 it as soon as I can (shall be ai)lo). 11. lie asked {past indef.) mc a quesLion (to) which 1 did not wish {2)ast indef.) to answer. 12. You were not paying attention to what I was saying. 13. We shall have those old benches mended. 11. I must send for the notar\-, lie said (dit-il). 15. I made {2)ast dcf.) him observe that the notary was present. Model Lire. 1G. I am reading a very interesting book. 17. Have you read it? 18. I will read it when you have (shall have) read it. 19. They were reading instead of writing. 20. We read {past def.) that news when we were in the country. J^Iodel Mettre. 21. I put everything in order before I go out. 22. Where did you put [past indef.) my music book ? 23. I will put your letter in the box. 24. She was putting on her gloves to (in order to) go out. 25. I have handed your letter to my father. 26. We will put every- thing back in its place. 27. I will put off that journey till next week. 28. Let us sit down on this bench. FORTY-SECOND LESSON". Irregular Verbs (CoKTmuED). — Fourth Conjugation. ♦MOUDRE, To Grind.— (Fourteenth Model.) Mondro Moulant Moulu Avoir moulu to have ground Present. Je monds tu mouds 11 moud Nous moulons vous raonlez lis monlent Impkbp. Je moulais tu moulais il moulait Nous moulions vous mouliez ils moulaient Past Dep. Je moulus tu moulus il moiilut Nous monlflmes vous moulfltes ils moulurent 190 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, FUTUBK. COND. Pb. Impbr. SuBJ. Pr. Imfebt. Je moudrai Nous moudrons Je moudrais Koua moudrions Moulons Quo je moule Que nous moulions Que je moulnsse Que nous moulussions ta moudras voiis moudrez tu moudrais vous moudriez Mouds moulez que tu moules que vous niouliez que tu moulusses que vous moulussiez il moudra ils moudront il moudrait ils moudraient qu'il moule qu'ils moulent qu'il moulflt qu'ils moulussen: Conjugate in the same manner as *inoudre : *Emoudre, to grind. *Remoudre, to grind again. *NAITRE, To Be Born. — (Fifteenth Model.) Naltre Naissant N6 Etre n6 to have been barn Pbksent. Imperf. Past Dep. Future. CoND. Pr. Imfeb. SuBJ. Pr. Ihpebf. Je nais Nous naissons Je naissais Nous naissions Je naquis Nous naquimes Je naitrai Nous naitrons Je nattrais Nous naitrions Naissons Que je naisse Que nous naissions Que je naquisse Que nous naquissions tu nais vous naissez tu naissais vous naissiez tu naquis vous naquites tu naitras vous naitrez tu naltrais vous naitriez Nais naissez que tu naisses que vous naissiez que tu naquisses que vous naquissiez il nait ils naissent il naissait ils naissaient il naquit ils naquirent il uaitra ils naitront il naitrait ils nattraient qu'il naisse qu'ils naissent qu'il naquit qu'ils naquissent Conjugate "m the same manner as *naitre: *Renaitre, to be born again. IRREGULAR VERBS. 191 ♦PL.AIKE, To Please.— (Sixteenth Model.) Plaire Plaisant Plu Avoir plu to have pleased Pbebent. Je plais tu plais il plait Nous plaisons vous plaisez ils plaisent LSIPERF. Je plaisais tu plaisais il plaisait Nous plaisions vous plaisiez ils plaisaient Past Def. Je plus tu plus il plut Nous plflmes vous plfltes ils plurent Future. Je plairai tu plairas il plaira Nous plairons vous plairez ils plairont Co^^). Pr. Je piairais tu piairais il plairait Nous plairions vous plairiez ils plairaient Imfer. Plais Plaisons plaisez SuBj. Pr. Que je plaiae que tu plaises qu'il plaise Que nous plaisions que vous plaisiez qu'ils plaisent Imperf. Que je plusse que tu plusses qu"il plflt Que nous plnssions que vous plussiez qu'ils plussent Conjugate in the same manner as *plaire: ■^Se plaire (Stre), to be pleased. *Taire, not to say. *^Complaire, to liumor. *Se taire, to be silent. ♦PRENDRE, To Take. — (SE^-E^-TEE^-TH Model.) Prendre Prenant Pris Present. Imperf. Past Def. Future. CoND. Pb. Avoir pris Je prends Nous preuons Je prenais Nous prenions Je pris Nous primes Je prendrai Nous prendrons Je prendrais Nous prendrions to have taken tu prends vous prenez tu prenais vous preniez tn pris vous prttes tu prendras vous prendrez tu prendrais vous prendriez il prend ils prennent U prenait ils prenaient il prit ils prirent il prendra ils prendront il prendrait ils prendraient 192 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Imfeb. SUBJ. Pr. Impekf. Prenons Que je prenne Que nous prenions Que je prisse Que nous prissions Prends prenez que tu prennes que vous preniez que tu pi'isses que vous prissiez qu'il prenne quMls prennent qu'il prit qu'Us prissent Conjugate in the same manner as *prendre : *Apprendre, to learn ; to hear. *Reprendre, to take back ; to re '^Comprendre, to comprehend. sume. *Entreprendre, to undertake. And the other derivatives of *prendre. ♦RESOUDRE, To Resolve.— (Eighteenth Model.) Resoudre Eesolvant Resolu or Resous Avoir resolu to have resolved Present. Je resous tu resous il resout Nous resolvons vous resolvez ils resolvent Imperp. Je resolvais tu resolvais il resolvait ^'ous resolvions vous resolviez ils resolvaient Past Def. Je resolus tu resolus il resolut Nous resolfimes vous resolfltes ils resolurent Future. Je resoudrai tu resoudras il resoudra Nous resoudions vous resoudrez ils rusoudront CoND. Pr. Je resoudrais tu resoudrais il resoudrait Nous resoudrions vous resoudriez ils resoudraient laCPEB. Resous Resolvons resolvez SuBJ. Pr. Que je resolve que tu resolves qu'il resolve Que nous resohions que vous resolviez qu'ils resolvent Imperp. Que je resolnsse que tu resolusses qu'il resolflt Que nous resolnssions que vous resolussiez qu'ils resolussent Conjugate in the same manner as *resoudre : *Absoudre, to absolve {past part.) ; absous, /. absoute. IftBEG ULAR VERBS. 193 Vocabulary 42. *Moudre, to grind. I^e moulin, the milL *Naitre (otre), to be born. Le grain, tne grain. *Plaire,f to please ; il plait (de),f Une partie, a part. it pleases. *Se plaire, to like to ba. *Se taire, to be silent. *Prendre, to take ; *prendre conge, to take leave. *Apprendre, to learu ; to bear (news). Le re.ste, the rest. Le tout, tlie wliole. Un instant, an instant. Un pas, a step. La mort, death. La peine, the trouble. A la fois, at once. *Comprendre, to comprehend ; to Tant (de), so many. understand. *Entreprendre, to undertake. *Reprendre, to take back ; to re- sume. Le meunier, the miller. but little ; not Vers, towards. Ne .... guere, much. Done, then. S'il vous plait, if you pleasa Exercise 42. Model Moudre. 1. II faut moudre lo grain avant de pouvoir faire le pain. 2. Le meunier le moud aujourd'hui. 3. On le moulait lorsque j'etais au moulin. 4. On en avait moulu une partie. 5. On moudra le reste demain. Model Naitre. G. On nait et I'on meurfc sans le savoir. 7. L'instant oii nous naissons est un pas vers la mort. 8. Oh etes-vous ne? 9. Ces enfants sout nes dans ce pays-ci. 10. Le President Lincoln naquit a Springfield, 111., et mou- rn t a Washington. Model Plaire. 11. Comment ce dessin plait-il d votre soeur ? 12. II ne lui plait guere. 13. II ne plaira pas 4 + Plaire d qudqu'un to please somebody. The impersonal verb il plait requires de before the infinitive. II ne lui plait pas (Taitmdre, It does not please him to wait. 194 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR.^ moil pere de revenir ici deraain. 14. Ces dames ne se plai- saient pas a la campagne. 15. Taisez-vous done. 16. II s'est tu quand je lui ai dit cela. Model Prendre. 17. Je prends du cafe le matin et du the le soir. 18. Xous prenons ces gants-ci, et nos soeurs prennent ceux-la. 19. Avez-vous pris la peine de lire cela ? 20. Je ne vous ai pas conipris. 21. II apprenait lentement. 22. N'entreprenez pas tant de choses a la fois. 23. Ke- prenez votre argent. 24. Nous reprendrons notre histoire. 25. II prit conge de nous a Paris, et partit le meme jour pour Berlin. Model Resoudre. 26. La question a ete en fin resolue. 27. Nous avons resolu de quitter la ville. Theme 42. Model Moudre. 1. They were not grinding at the mill ; the miller was not there. 2. They will grind a part of our grain to-morrow, and the rest the day after to-morrow. 3. The whole will be ground hy Saturday (samedi). Model Naitre. 4. We are born without knowing it. 5. I was bornf in this country. 6. My grandfather, who died last spring, was bornf in Paris. Model Plaire. 7. This book pleases my mother. 8. What pleases the one, does not please the other. 9. Will it please you to wait until to-morrow ? 10. That does not please me. 11. My sisters do not like to be in the country. 12. I did not like to be there, because my friends were not there. 13. When they bcganj to speak of that, she kept silent.J + Was bom is rendered in French by the past indefinite tense of the verb if the person is still alive, and by the pluperfect, if the person is dead. X Past definite tense. IRREGULAR VERBS. 195 Model Prendre. 14. I take coffee, my sisters take tea. 15. She was taking her music lesson when I was there. 16. Have you taken my fan ? 17. Will you take the trouble^ to read this. 18. I understand you. 19. I have heard (learned) all. 30. I shall not undertake that business. 21. I took leave of him yesterday. 22. Let us resume our story. 23. He wants me to take back my money. Model Eesoudre. 21. What have you resolved to do ? 25. We have resolved to start. FORTY-THIRD LESSON. Irregular Verbs (Continded). — Fourth Conjugation. *RIKE, To Laugh. — (Nineteenth Model.) Rire Riaut Ri Avoir ri to ham lauglied Present. Je ris tu ris il rit Nous rions vous riez ils rient ISTPERF. Je dais tu rials il riait Nous riions vous riiez ils riaient Past Def. Je ris tu ris ilrit Nous rimes vous rites ils rirent Future. Je rirai tu riras il rira Nous rirons vous rlrez ils riront COND. PR. Je rirais tu rirais 11 rlralt Nous ririons vous ririez ils riraient Imper. Ris Rions riez SUBJ. Pr. Que je rie que tu ries qu'il rie Que nous riions que vous riiez qu'ils rient Imperp Que je risse que tu risses qu'il rlt Q.ue nous rissions que vous rissiez qu'ils riasent Conjugate in the same manner as *rire : *Sourire, to smile. 196 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, *SU1VKE, To Follow.— (Twentieth Model.) Suivre Snivant Suivi Avoir Buivi Present. Je suis Nous euivons Impeuf. Je suivais Nous suivions Past Def. Je suivis Nous suivimes Future. Je suivrai Nous sulvrons CoND. Pr. Je suivrais Nous suivrions Impbr. Snivons SuBJ. Pr. Que je suive Que nous suivions iMPBRr. Que je suivisse Que nous suivissions to have followed tu suis vous suivez tu suivais vous suiviez tu suivis vous suivltes tu suivras vous Buivrez tu euivrais vous suivriez Suis suivez que tu suives que vous suiviez que tu suivisses que vous suivissiez il suit ils suivent il suivait ils suivaient il suivit ils suivirent il suivra ils suivront 11 suivrait ils suivraient qu'il suive qn'ils suivent qu'il suivit qu'ils suivisseut Conjugate in the same manner as *suivre : *Poursuivre, to pursue. *S'ensuivre, to follow from. *TRAIRE, To Milk. — (Twenty-fiest Model.) Traire Trayant Trait Avoir trait to have milked Present. Je trais Nous trayons Imperp. Je trayais Nous trayions Future. Je trairai Nous trairons CoND. Pr. Je trairais I^ous trairious tu trais vous trayez tu trayais vous trayiez (No Past Be/.) tu trairas vous trairez tu trairais vous trairiez il trait ils traient il trayait Os trayaient il traira ils trairont il trairait Lis tralraient IRREGULAR VERBS, 197 Imper. TraiB Trayons trayez SCBJ. Pr. Que je traie que tu traies Que nous trayions que vous trayiez (jVo Imperf. Sulg.) qu'il traie qu'ils traient Conjugate iu the same niauner as *traire : *Extraire, to extract. *Soustraire, to take away. »VAINCRE, To Vanq Vaincre Avoir vaincu Present. Je vaincs Nous vainquonB Imperf. Je vainquais Nous vainquions Past Def. Je vainquis Nous vainqulmes Future. Je vaincrai Nous vaincrons CoND. Pr. Je vaincrais Nous vaincrions Imper. Vainquons SuBj. Pr. Que je vainque Que nous vainquions Imperf. Que je vainquisse Que nous vainquissions uiSH. — (Twenty-second Model.) Vainquant Vaincu to have vanqvished tu vaincs vous vainquez tu vainquais vous vainquiez tu vainquis vous vainquites tu vaincras vous vaincrez tu vaincrais vous vaincriez Vaincs vainquez que tu vainques que vous vainquiez que tu vainqnisses que vous vanquissiez 11 vainc ils vainquent il vainquait ils vainquaient 11 vainquit ils vainquirent il vaincra ils vaincront il vainerait ils vaincraient qu'il vainque qu'ils vainquent qu'il vainquit qu'ils vainquis"sent Conjugate in the same manner as *vaincre : *Convaincre, to convince. *\T:VRE, To Live.— (Twenty-thted Model.) Vivre Vivant V^cu Avoir veca to have lived Present. Je vis Nous vlvons tu vis vous vlvez 11 vit ils vivent 198 EIEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Impekp. Past Dep. FnTCBE. COND. Pk. Impeb. Sdbj. Pr. Impebf. Je vivais Nous vivions Je vecus Nous vecflmes Je vivrai Nou? vivrons Je vivrais Nous vivrions Vivons Que je vive Que nous vivions Que je vecusse Que nous vecussions tu vivais vous viviez tu vecus vous vecfltes tu vivras vous vivrez tu vivrais vous vivriez Vis vivez que tu vives que vous viviez que tu vecusses que vous vecussiez 11 vivalt ils vivaient il vecut ils vecurent il vivra ils vivront il vivrait ils vivraient qn'il vive qu'ils vivent qu'il vecflt qu'ils vecussent. Conjugate in the same manner as *vivre: *Survivre, to survive. Vocabulary 43. *Rire (de), to laugh (at). *Smvre, to follow. *Poursuivre, to pursue. *Traire, to milk. *Extraire, to extract ; to take out. *Vaincre, to vanquish. *Convaincre, to convince. *Vivre, to live. -^ *Survivre, to survive ; to out- liv'e. Un Romain, a Roman. Ii'Asie,/., Asia. Un pays, a country. Un roi, a king. lia nation, the nation. A I'etranger, abroad. Bn ma presence, in my presence. L'intemperance, /., intemperance. Una passion, a passion. Un ennemi, an enemy. La guerre, the war. L'embarras, m., the embarrass- ment. Le conseil, the advice ; the coun- sel. Un example, an example. La marbre, the marble. La carriere, the quarry. Una vacha, a cow. Le sort, the lot. Loin, far. Partout ou, wherever. Eternellemant, eternally. Tant que, as long as. Tel, many a one. IRREGULAR VERBS. 199 Exercise 43, Model Eire. 1. Tel rit aujourd'hni qui pleurera demain. 2. Je ne ris pas. 3. Vous avez ri de mon embarras. 4. Vous riiez et elle riait aussi. 5. Ne riez pas des defauts d'autrui. Model Suivre. 6. Je suis mon cliemin, et vous suivez le v6tre. 7. Je vous suivrai partout oti vous irez. 8. Vous avez suivi I'exemple d'un autre, au lieu de suivre mes eon- seils. 9. II seniit bien qu'il suivit les conseils de ses parents. 10. Si vous poursuiviez vos etudes, elles vous conduiraient loin. 11. Je ne savais pas, si vous poursuivriez cette affaii'e ou non. Model Traire. 12. On a trait les vacbes en ma pre- sence. 13. Le raarbre qu'on extrait de cette carriere, est d'une belle qualite. Model Vaincre. 14. Alexandre vainquit les rois de I'Asie, mais il ne sut vaincre ses passions. 15. Apres avoir vaincu ses enneniis a la guerre, il fut vainca lui-meme par rintemperance. 16. Je vous convaincrai de la verite de ce que je dis. Model Vivre. 17. Je vis comme je puis, sans me plain- dre de mon sort. 18. Vous vivez comme si vous deviez tou- jours vivre. 19. Mon graud-perc vivait du temps de Wasb- ington ; ils etaient amis. 20. II vivra eternellement dans rhistoire. 21. Apres avoir vecu longtemps dans I'abondance, il mourut pauvre. 22. Catonf ne survecut pas longtemps d la bberte de son pays. Theme 43. Model Eire. 1. Do you laugb at me ? 2. I do not laugh at you. 3. I was laughing at that boy. 4. They + Cato. 200 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. laughed {2Jast indcf.) at our embarrassment. 5. We shall laugh too when they (will) cry. Model Suivre. 6. I follow your advice. 7. We do not follow that example. 8. Why did you not follow us ? 9. My friends will follow me wherever I (will) go. 10. I wish that you would pursue {suhj. imp.) your studies without pay- ing attention to what they say. Model Traire. 11. 77iey (On) milk the cows twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. 12. This is an example, taken out of an old history. Model Vaincre. 13. I will vanquish my passions ; they are my greatest enemies. 14. I am convinced of the truth of what you say. 15. The Romans vanquished {past def.) all the nations of the earth. Model Vivre. 1G. I will convince you of that, if I live long enough. 17. He lived {past indef.) a long time abroad, where he learned to speak French. 18. Henry Clay was living when I came {past indef.) to this country. 19. I saw him ; I shall remember it (of it), as long as I (shall) live. FORTY-FOUETH LESSON. The Adverb. f 1. Adverbs may express time, place, manner, order, quan- tity, comparison, affirmation, negation, doubt, etc. Many adverbs, which are of frequent use, have been introduced in iiie preceding lessons : Aujourd'hui, ^o-f/a^; anfisi^ also, too; autrefois, formerly; bien, well; bientot, soon; comme, like, as; comment, hotc; deja, already; demain, to-morroic: encore, stiU, yet; ensemble, together; t Introduction, pp. 17, 7 and 20, 30. THE ADVERB 201 ensuite, afterwards; hier, ye/ttcrday; \o\n, far; longtemps, a long time; maintenant, iioid; mal, badly; ou, where; partout, everywhere; quand, when; quelque part, somewhere; quelquefois, sometimes; si, so; souvent, often; tantot, by and by; a little while ago; turd, late; toujours, always; tout a I'heure, presently, just now; tout de suite, ivnncdiately, etc. The following adverbs are Ailleurs, elsewhere. Ainsi, thus; so. A la fois, at a time ; at once. Alors, then ; at that time. Auparavant, before ; first. Autrement, otherwise. D'abord, at first ; first. Dedans, within ; in it. Dehors, outside ; out of doors. Dessous, below ; under it. Dessus, above ; upon it. also frequently used : Dorenavant, henceforth. Expres, purposely, on purpose. Meme, even ; also. Peut-etre, perhaps. Plutot, rather. Presque, almost. Sans doute, undoubtedly. Surtout, especially. Tot, soon. Tot ou tard, sooner or later. Volontiers, willingly. 2. Adverbs of Quantity. Adverbs of quantity are used with verbs and with nouns. When they are used with nouns, they require the preposition de before the noun, and when the noun is not expressed, it is represented in the sentence by the pronoun en. The adverbs of quantity are : Assez, enough. Autant, as much ; as many. Beaucoup, much ; many. Bien (Rem. 1), much ; many. Combien, how much ; how many. Davantage, (Rem. 2), more. Guere (ne), but little ; but few. Moins, less. Peu, little ; few. Plus, more. Tant, so much ; so many. Trop, too much ; too many. Rem. 1. Bien requires de and the article before the noun ; that is : du, de la, de 1', or des. Rem. 2. Davantage is never followed by de and a noun ; it is used preferably to plus at the end of a sentence. 202 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. II travaille autant que vous. He works as much as you do. J'ai autant de livres que vous. I have as many books as you. Vous en avez plus que moi. You have more than I. II y abeaucoup de fautes (o?'bien There are many mistakes in this des fautes) dans ce theme. exercise. When two nouns are compared in regard to quantity, the preposition de is repeated before the second noun. Vous avez plus de courage que You have more courage than pa- de patience. tience. 8. Formation of Adverbs in ment. Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by the addition of the syllable ment. When the adjective ends with a vowel, ment is added to the masculine form ; when it ends with a consonant, to the feminine form, as : Poll, polite, adv. poliment, politely. Ordinaire, usual, adv. ordinairement, usually. Seul,/. seule, alone, adv. seulement, only. Heureux, /. heureuse, happy, adv. heureusement, happily ; luckily. Doux, /. douce, soft, adv. doucement, softly ; gently. Rem. Beau, teautiful ; nouveau, new; fou, foolish; mou, soft; though ending in a vowel, add ment, to the feminine forms; belle- ment, finely; nouvellement, newly; iollement, foolishly ; moUement, softly. Adjectives ending in nt, change nt into mment, as : Prudent, prudent, adv. prudemment, prudently. Except : Lent, slow, adv. lentement, slowly. Present, present, adv. presentement, presently. THE ADVERB, 203 4 Adjectives used as Adverbs. A few adjectives are also used as adverbs. Adjective. Adverb. Adjective. Adverb. Cher,' dear, dear. Bas, low, in a iow voice. Faux, false, out of tune. Juste, just, correctly. Haut, bigli, loud. Fort, strong, very; very much, II vend cher. EUe chante faux. Nou.s parlous trop haut. Elle joue juste. II gele fort. He sells dear. She sings out of tune. We speak too loud. She plays correctly. It freezes hard. 5. Comparison of Adverbs. Adverbs are compared in tbe same manner as adjectives. Tard, late; plus tai-d, later; le plus tard, latest. The following are irregularly compared. Bien, well ; mieux, better ; Beaucoup, much ; plus, more ; Mai, badly ; pis, worse ; Peu, little ; moins, less ; le mieux, best, le plus, most. le pis, worst. le moins, least. 6. Adverbs Modifying Adverbs and Adjectives. Certain adverbs when used to modify adjectives or other adverb.*, assume in this connection a different meaning. Bien fort or tres-fort, very strong; Fort bien or tres-bien, very well. Assez bien, pretty well ; Assez joli, rather pretty. Un peu tard, rather late ; Trop tard, too late. Rem. Tres, bien, and fort mav be used to stren^^hen the sense of adjectives and adverbs. Before nouns bien is used, and before jiarli- ciples, either bien or fort. 204: ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. 7. The Adverb Tout. Tout is used as an adverb in the sense of quite. Tout doucement. Quite gently. Tout before an adjective that is feminine, takes the same gender and number as the adjective when the adjective begins with a consonant, but not when the adjective begins with a vowel. EUe est toute surprise. She is quite surprised. Elle etait tout etonnee. She was quite astonished. 8. Adverbs of Negation. The adverbs of negation are : Ne, not. Aucunement (ne), by no means. Pas (ne), not. Nullement (ne), by no means. Point (ne), not {idth empTiads). Que (ne), only, but ; nothing but. Plus (ne), no longer. Guere (ne), but little ; but few. JamEiis (ne), never. Non, no. Rem. 1. Adverbs of negation accompanying a verb, require ne before the verb. Rem. 3. The negative pas is generally omitted in the negative con- jugation of the verbs cesser, to cease; oser, to dare ; pouvoir, to be able ; savoir, to know. EUe ne cesse de pleurer. She does not cease weeping. Je n'ose parler de cela. I dare not speak of that. Je ne puis le faire. I cannot do it Je ne le puis. I cannot. Je ne sals oii il est. I don't know where he is. The adverbial phrase du tout, at all is often added to negative adverbs, to strengthen their sense, as: pas du tout, point du tout Du tout is also used alone with the force of a negative. THE ADVERB. 205 Vocabulary 44. Avancer, to advance ; to bring Un chale, a shawl. forward. Confiant, confiding ; confident. Oser, to dare. Fidele (a), faithful ; true to. Marcher, to walk ; to march. Extr&mement, extremely. Agir, to act. Vraiment, truly ; indeed. L'age, m., the age. Autrement, otherwise. Exercise 44. Adverbs. (See List 1.) 1. Autrefois je travaillais peu ; j'etais malade alors. 3. Maintenant je travaille davaatage, et je me porta bien. 3. Doreuavaut je serai moins confiant, 4. Je veux bien que vous jouiez, mais faites votre devoir auparavant. 5. Mes freres sont dehors ; ils vont rentrer bientot. 6. Voici la lettre; I'argent est dedans. 7. Avancez la table, et mettez votre cahier dessus. 8. Voila votre cbale ; vos gants sont dessous. Adverbs of Quantity. 9. Vous n'etudiez pas autant que votre frere. 10. II a plus de patience que vous. 11. Je n'ai pas moins de courage que lui. 12. Si vous aviez autant de patience que de courage, vous reussiricz mieux. Adverbs in ment. 13. II arrive ordinairemcnt apres I'heure. 14. J'ai voulu seulement vous faire reraarquer cela. 15. Parlez doucement, s'il vous plait. 16. II m'a dit poli- ment que j'avais agi follement. Adjectives as Adverbs. 17. Vous avez paye cela trop cher. 18. Elle joue faux. 19. Ke parlez pas si haut. 20. Parlous bas; il y a quelqu'uu dans I'autre chambre. Modification of Adverbs and Adjectives. 21. Elle est tres-forte pour sou Age. et fort avancee dans ses etudes. 22. Elle est tres-aimable et assez jolie. 23. Elle joue assez 206 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. bicn. 2-4. Sa soeur est bien maltide. 25. Elle ctait tout ^touuee de uous voir. Adverbs of Negation. 26. Je n'ose allcr la voir. 27. Elle ne cesse de pleurer. 28. Je ne sais que faire. 29. Je n'ai qu'un frere, et je ne sais oii il est. 30. Je le cberche partout, et je ne puis le trouver. 31. Vous n'avez guere de patience. 32. Je crois vraiment (jue je n"en ai point du tout. Theme 44. Adverbs. (See List 1.) 1. Formerly I studied little; now I study more, and I am more contented. 2. You were sick then, now you are in good bealtb, and you are strong. 3. Henceforth 1 will be true to my duties, -i. I am first going to the post-office, and then to the bank. 5. I have the box; there is nothing in it. 6. He was in the house, and I was outside. 7. Here is a bench; let us sit down upon it. 8. Put your books under it. 9. Wait for me ; I have almost finished. Adverbs of Qiantitt. 10. I work more than you. 11. You have more patience than I. 12. He has as much courage as patience. 13. You have less prudence than courage. Adverbs in ment. 14. "We usually dine at five o'clock. 15. Walk slowly; we cannot follow you. 16. Tell him politely that he has not acted prudently in that affair. 17. I say that only because he thinks otherwise. Adjectives as Adverbs. 18. He sells too dear. 19. You sing out of tune. 20. You speak too loud. 21. She speaks so low that I cannot understand her. 22. She does not play coiTCctly. Modification of Adverbs and Adjectives. 23. She THE PREPOSITION. 207 is very tall. 24. He is extremely polite. 25. They were very much astonished to see us. 2G. It was very warm. 27. I was very tliirsLy. 28. She is rather pretty and quite young. Adverbs of Negation. 29. He dares not say it. 30. You do not cease speaking. 31. I cannot answer all your questions. 32. I do not know wiiat to say. 33. It shall be so (thus) ; you have but to say so (it). 34. I have but one sister, and she is not well at all. FOETY-FIFTH LESSON. The Preposition* List of Prepositions that are frequently used. Avant, before {time or order). A cause de, on account of. A cote de, by the side of, by, A I'egard de, with regard to. Au lieu de, instead of. Aupres de, near, close by ; Autour de, around. Contra, against. Depuis, since. Des, from. Derriere, behind. Devant, before (position). Durant, during. Entre, between. Envers, towards (morally). Environ, about. Excepte, except. Faute de, for want of. Hors, out. Ju.sque, till, until ; as far aa with. Malgre, in spite of. Parmi, among. Pendant, during. Pres de, near by. Quant a, as to. „ . ' y according to. Suivant, ) ^ Sur, upon. Vers, towards {pJiyskally). Vis-a-vis, opposite. * Introduction, p. 17, 8. 208 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Vocabulary 45. L'eKamen, m., the examination. L'hotel de ville, the city-hall. Les vacances, /., the vacation. L'ouest, m., the west. L'ete, m., suiiiiuer. Etre fache centre, to be angrj Un parent, m., a relative. with. Una parente,/., a relative. Etre fache de, to be sorry for. iJne personne, a j.erson. Tourner, to turn. Une circonstance, a circumstance. Aine, oldest. Men avis, m., my advice; my En verite, indeed, opinion. Eh bien ! weU 1 Exercise 45. 1. Jules se plaint de moi, parce que je n'ai pas voulu sortir avec lui. 2. Depuis ce jour, il croit que je suis fache coutre lui. 3. A cause de cela, il ne vient plus me voir. 4. Entre nous, je n'en suis pas fdche. 5. II s'est toujours bien comporte en vers moi. 6. II est venu passer quelques jours avec moi pendant les vacances. 7. Durant l'ete nous etious presque toujours hors de la ville. 8. Autrefois mon cousin demeurait aupres de la banque. 9. Je I'ai rencontre ce matin pres d'ici. 10. Son frere demeure vis-a-vis de I'hotel de ville. 11. Nous demeurons a cote de I'eglise. 12. Ne sortez pas sans parapluie. 13. Le vent a toume vers l'ouest ; il va pleuvoir. 14. Suivant votre avis je ne devrais pas y aller. 15. Quant a cela je n'ai rien a vous dire. 16. X regard de cette affaire, il fant agir selou les circonstances. Theme 45. 1. I started from home after (the) breakfast, and (1) arrived here before (the) dinner. 2. My father came with me, but my mother staid at home on account of the cold. 3. I do not know what to do with regard to that business. 4, As to THE PIIEPOSITION. 209 that, I cannot tell you anything. 5. You must act accord- ing to the advice of your father. 6. I will act according to circumstances. 7. I have not seen Louis since last Monday. 8. I beheve that he is angry with me. 9. I should be sorry for it, for he has always acted well towards me. 10. I shall return here towards evening (le soir). 11. There were about two hundred persons at the examination. 12. All my rela- tives were there except my eldestf brother, who was out of town. 13. Your cousin Avas sitting by me. 14. Julia was behind me, and my mother was sitting before me. 15. Henry was sitting near the window, between his two sisters. 16. I did not recognize you among so many strangers. FORTY-SIXTH LESSOX. Tke Conjunction.:}: — The Interjection.§ 1. List of conjunctions that arc frequently used: Afin que,! in order that. Des que, as soon as. Ainsi, thus. Done, then ; therefore. Ainsi que, ) Et, and. Aussi bien que, ) * Jusqu'a ce que,|] until. A moins que,| unless. Lorsque, when. Aussitot que, as soon as. Mais, but. Avant que,|| before. Neanmoins, nevertheless. Bien qua || although. Ni, neitlier ; nor. Car, for. Ou, or. Cependant, however. Parce que, because. Depuis que, since {temporal). Pendant que, while. t Place the adjective after the noun. $ Introduction, p. 17, 9. § Introduction, p. 17, 10. I These coujunctiona require the verb in the subjunctive mode. 210 ELEMENTARY FllENCH GRAMMAR. Pourquoi, why, Pourtant, liowever. Pour que,f in order that. Pourvu que,f provided Puisque, since {causal). Quand, when. Que, that. Quoique,! although. Sans que,f unless ; without. Si, if ; whether. Tant que, as long as. Tandis que, while. 2. Interjections. The principal interjections are : Ha! ha I Bah! pshaw I Ah! ah! Paix! silence! Aie! oh! Chut! hist! Helas! alasf Hola! hallo! Oh! oh! Fi! fyl He bien ! hey then I now then ! Eh bien ! well then ! Vocabulary 46. Se depecher, to make haste. Se livrer (a), to apply (to). Compter (sur), to rely (upon). Aider, to help. Tirer, to pull ; to draw ; tirer quelqu'un d'embarras, to get one out of difficulty. Reparer, to repair ; to amend ; to make amends for. Une occasion, an opportunity. Une situation, a situation. Un avantage, an advantage. Leve, risen. Magnifique, magnificent. A propos, seasonably ; bien a propos, at the right time. Puis, then ; et puis, and next what next. Exercise 46. Conjunctions. 1. Vous savez aussi bien que moi qu'on nous attend, cependant vous ne vous depechez pas. 2. Aus- sit6t que je me serai halnlle, nous partirons. 3. Nous arri- verons avant que mon oncle soit leve. 4. Depuis que mon t These conjunctions require the verb in the subjunctive mode. THE C N" J r N C T I X . 211 ami est parti, plnsieurs personnes sont venues le demander. 5. Puisque vous le desiroz, je remettnii ce voyage a demain. 6. Je suis content, pourvu que vous le soyez. T. Etudiez tandis que vous etes jeuues; quand vous serez grands, yous n'aurez, peut-6tre, ni le temps, ni les m^mes occasions que Yous avez a present, de vous livrer a I'etude. 8. Bien que vous soyez jeunes et riches, ue comptez pas trop sur ces avantages. 9. Je ne parviendrai jamais a traduire cc theme sans que vous m'aidiez. Interjectioxs. 10. Helas I que vais-je faire ? 11. Ha ! yous yoila bien a propos; vous allez me tirer d'embarras. 12. Oh ! que c'est beau ! 13. Chut I on vient. 14. He bien! que fites^vous alors ? 15. Eh bieu I vous avez done reussi a la fin. * Theme 46. CoxjuxcTioxs. 1. I was mistaken as well as you, how- ever. I hope to make amends for my fault. 2. When one is young, one is too confiding. 3. I have not seen rav uncle, since you spoke of that to me. 4. Since I am readv, I will start. 5. Nevertheless, if you wish it. I will wait till to- morrow. 6. I show you this letter, in order that you may understand my situation. T. You do not make haste, although you know that I am in a hurry. 8. As soon as you are ready, we will start. 9. Let us read while we are waiting. 10. Let us study, if we wish to acquire useful knowledge, for (the) time flies (s'enfuit), and you know that it will not return agai/i (plus). IxTERJECTioxs. 11. Alas I that is a great misfortune. 12. Hallo ! is there nobody at home? 13. Hey then! what next? 14. Oh! that is magnificent. 15. Well then! that will be the end of the story. SYNTAX FOKTY-SEVENTH LESSON. The Noun. 1. A noun in a sentence is either the subject of a verb, the object of a transitive verb, called direct object; or the object of a preposition, called indirect object. (See Introduction, p. 17; 2, G, etc.) A noun may also be used in close connection with another word, so as to express with it but one idea ; as avoir besoin, to have need [to need); avec politessej with politeness {palitcly). A verb and a noun closely connected are equivalent to a neuter verb. Avoir envie, to have a wish. Entendre raison, to listen to rea- Avoir soin, to take care. son. Avoir mal, to have pain. Prendre conge, to take leave. Faire mal, to hurt. Rendre justice, to do justice. Demander pardon, to beg pardon. Rendre service, to oblige. 2. Idioms with Avoir, To Have, and a Noun. In some French expressions avoir, to have, is: used with a noun ; whereas in the equivalent English expressions to he is used with an adjective. Avoir peur, to be afraid. Avoir honte, to be ashamed. Avoir raison, to be right. Avoir tort, to be wrong. Avoir faim, to be hungry. Avoir soif, to be thirsty. Avoir chaud, to be warm. Avoir froid, to be cold. Avoir sommeil, to be sleepy. Avoir, to Jiave, is also used in the following expressions : Qu'ya-t-il? What is the matter? H n'y a rien. Nothing is the matter. Qu'avez-vous ? What is the matter with youV Je n'ai rien. Nothing is the matter with me. SYNTAX OF THE NOUN. 213 A-t-il quelque chose ? Is anything the matter with him ? Quel age avez-vous ? How old are you ? J'ai dix ans. I am ten years old. 3. Nouns used Adjectively. A noun is used adjectively (1.) When it stands in apposition with another noun, as : Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. (2.) After a neuter verb when it qualifies the subject of the verb. Son pere etait medecin. His father was a physician. II est devenu soldat. He has become a soldier. (3.) \Vlien it is an adjunct of another noun which it describes, as : Un maitre de danse. A dancing-master. Un chem^in de fer. A railroad. (4.) When ii is descriptive of the use or purpose of an object, or states the means by which the object is put in motion, as: Du papier a lettre. Letter paper. Una chaise a bascule. A rocking-chair. Une machine a vapeur. A steam-engine. , Un moulin a vent. A wind-mill. 4. Plural of Compound Nouns and of Proper Nouns. When two nouns, or a noun and an adjective, form a compo'O noun, both component parts take the plural ending, as : Un chou-fleur, des choux-fleurs. A cauliflower ; cauliflowers. Un gentilhomme | des gentils- A nobleman ; noblemen. hommes. Un monsieur ; des messieurs. A gentleman ; gentlemen. When a compound noun is formed of two nouns connected by a pre- position, the first of the two nouns only takes the plural ending, as: Un chef-d'oeuvre; des chefs- A master-piece; master-pieces. d'oeuvre. Un arc-en-ciel: des arcs-en-ciel. A rainbow ; rainbows. :il4 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Verbs and invariable parts of speecli used substantively, or forming a part of a compound noun, are the same in tbe plural as in the singular. Unporte-crayon; desporte-cray- A pencil-case ; pencil-cases. ons. Les si et les pourquoi. The ifs and the wherefores. Proper names of persons are the same in the plural as in the singular. Les deux Comeille. The two Corneilles. 5. An, Annee, Year; Jour, Journee, Day, etc. An, year ; jour, day ; matin, morning, and soir, evening, are mascu- line nouns, and annee, year; journee, day ; matinee, murning, and soiree, evening, are feminine nouns. The masculine nouns express divisions of time, as a miit. They are used in counting and in adverbial exjiressions : trois ans, three years ; tous les ans, every year ; tous les jours, ttery day ; le matin, the morn- ing or in the morning ; le soir, the evening or in the evening. The feminine nouns express periods of time with reference to their duration: tonte Vsmnee, the icJiole year ; cette annee, this year , toute une journee, a whole day ; la matinee, the morning time ; une soiree, an evening, or an evening party. 6. Remark on the Plural Noun Gens, People. The plural noun gens, people, is of the masculine gender, but, by a singular rule, the adjectives which precede it, must be in the feminine, and those that follow it, in the masculine gender : Les vieilles gens sont soupqonneux, old people are distrustful. The compound nouns, gens de lettres, literary men ; gens de bien, good people, etc., are not subject to the above rule. Vocabulary 47. La tete, the head. Le mal de tete, the headache. Une dent, a tooth. Avoir mal (a), to have pain (in). La gorge, the throat. Mal a la tete, a headache. Le mal, evil ; pain j sore. Mal aux dents, toothache. SYNTAX OF THE NOUN. 215 Med a la gorge, sore throat. Montrer, to show. Une salle a manger, a dininfj-room. Passer, to spend (of time). Une boite a the, a tca-caiiister. En societe, in company. Un tiroir, a drawer. En famille, with one's family Le bureau, the office. Vide, empty. Le voisinage, the neighborhood. Au contraire, on the contrary. Exercise 47. A Verb and a Noun, I and 2. 1. Qu'y a-t-il? 2. Vous mo faites mal. 3. Je vous demande j)ardon. 4. Charles dit qu'on ne lui rend pas justice. 5. II a tort de dire cela. 6. C'est un jeune homme qui ne veut pas entendre raison. 7. Avez-vous froid? 8. Au contraire, j'ai bienchaud. 9. Nous avons faim. 10. On va servir le diner. 11. Qu'as- tu, Jules? as-tu peur de venir aiipres de moi ? 12. II a pleure ; il a honte de se montrer. 18. Quel age a-t-il? 14. II a presque neuf ans. 15. Avez-vous sommeil? 16. Du tout; j'ai mal a la tete. 17, Henriette a mal aux dents. 18. La petite ^feUse a mal a la gorge. 19. Tout le monde est malade ici ; il faudra faire venir le medecin. Nouns used Adjectively, 3. 20. Le pere de notre professeur de fran- <;ais est notaire. 21. II y a deux chaises a bascule dans la salle a man- ger. 22. II n'y a pas de moulin a vent dans ce voisinage. 23. La boite a the est vide. 24. Vous trouverez du papier a lettre dans ce tiroir. An, annee ; jour, journ^e, etc., 4. 25. Mon frere Charles a douze ans. 26. Mon grand-prre est dans sa quatrevingtieme annee. 27. 11 sort encore tous les jours. 28. Mon pere est toute la journee au bu- reau. 29. Je ne le vois que le matin et le soir. 30. Moi, je suis toute la matinee dehors. 31. Je passe la soiree en famille. Theme 47. A Verb and a Noun, I and 2. 1. What is the matter with you? 2. I have a headache. 3. Mary has the toothache. 4. Henry has a sore throat. 5. The children are hungry and thirsty. 6. Little Wil- liam is very sleepy, 7. John is afraid. 8. He is asliamed to say so. 9. Wliat is the matter now? 10. Charles will not listen to reason. 11. I beg your (you) pardon. 12. You do not do me justice. Nouns used Adjectively, 3. 13. We are translating the history of 216 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Telemachus, the son of Ulyssos. 14. Our dancing-master was a soldier formerly. 15. Have you bought letter paper '? 16. Is there a rocking- chair in your room? 17. The tea-canister is in the dining-room. 18. There is a steam-mill in this neighborhood. An, ann^e ; jour, journee, etc., 4. 19. I was a whole year in Paris. 20. I go there almost every year. 21. I see you pass here twice a day. 22. You did not see me pass here yesterday ; for I stayed the whole day at home. 23. I neverf go out in the morning ; I study the whole morning. 24. I go out almost every evening. 25. I usuallyf spend the evening in company. FOETY-EIGHTH LESSON. The Article. — Use of the Article before Coivimon Nouns. 1. The article is used before a common noun that denotes a particu- lar person, place or thing, as : Le livre que je lis. The book which I am reading. Le mois dernier. Last month. La semaine prochaine. Next week. The article is used before nouns taken in a general sense, as : L'honune est mortel. Man is mortal. Nous admirons le courage. We admire courage. L'or est precieux. Gold is precious. The article, combined with the preposition de, is used before nouns that are taken in a partitive sense, as : J'ai du papier. I have paper. II possede du courage. He possesses courage. To this rule there are three exceptions. (See Fourth Lesson.) (1.) The article is omitted after pas, or any other negative word, as: Je n'ai pas de pain. I have no bread. t Put the adverb after the verb. SYNTAX OF THE ARTICLE. 217 Rem. The article is, however, used after a negative word, when the sense of the noun is restricted by some other words, as : Je n'ai pas du pain comme le I have no bread like yours. votre. (2.) The article is omitted when the noun is preceded by an adjec- tive, as : J'ai de bon papier. I have good paper. Rem. The article is not omitted when the adjective stands after tha noun : du papier blanc, icJiite paper. When the noun is omitted, the rule for the suppression or use of the article is the same as if the noun were expressed : Avez-vous rfe bon papier ? J'en ai 27 The personal pronouns he, she, him, 7ur, followed by a relative pro- noun, are rendered by a demonstrative pronoun. Celui qui travaille est plus heu- He vvlio works is happier than he reux que celui qui est oisif. who is idle. Je connais celle dont vous parlez. I know her of whom you speak. Rem. The relative pronouns are not omitted in the French sentence, though they may be omitted in the English sentence. the intel- La beaute, beauty. L'esprit, m.. the mind lect ; the wit. Le cceur, the heart. La barbe, the beard. Le chagrin, the grief ; the trouble. La flatterie, flattery. Un agent, an agent. Un appartement, an apartment. Au premier, on the first floor. Vocabulary 50. Inquieter, to trouble ; to make uneasy. S'interesser (a), to be interested (i n\ Consoler, to console ; to comfort. Loner, to hire ; to rent ; to let out. Faire cas de, to value ; to set a value upon. Sans reserve, without reserve. Avec egard, respectfully. Gris, gray. Exercise 50. 1. Je sais ce qui vous inquiete. 2. Votre ami me I'a dit. 3. Nous en avons parle. 4. J'y ai beaucoup pense, mais je n'y puis rien faire. 5. Vos amis s'interessent a votre sort, ce qui doit vous consoler. 6. Dormez-moi du papier a lettre. 7. Dounez-m'en une demi-douzaine de feuilles. 8. Pretez-lui votre grammaire, si vous n'en avez pas besoin. 9. Pretez-la-lui ; il vous la rendra tantot. 10. On a tort de ne penser qu'a soi. 11. On a souvent besoin d'un plus petit que soi. 12. Le monsieur qui a loue I'appartement au premier, est ici. 13. C'est un monsieur :i barbe grise, d'environ soixante ans. 14. Recevez-le avec egard, et donnez-lui la clef. 15. J'ai vu le peintre dont vous m'avez donne I'adresse. 16. C'est un homme dont tout le monde admire le talent. 17. Celui qui n'a jamais souffert, ne pent com prendre les maux d'autrui. 18. Je n'estime point celle qui fait plus de cas de sa beaute que de son esprit. 19. Prenez ce gateau ; coupez-le en quatre partiea egales, et donnez-en un morceau a chacun de vos freres. 228 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Theme 50. 1. You do not know what troublos me. 2. I cannot tell it to yon. 3. I think of it all the time. 4. 1 cannot speak of it with any one. 5. I know that you have trouble, which grieves me. 6. If I can be use- ful to you, tell me of it (it to me). 7. Speak to me of your trouble. 8. Speak of it to me without reserve. 9. Every one is master in his own house. 10. The gentleman is here who sold you the horse. 11. Tell him to come back next week, 12. I knovk' the lady of whom you speak. 13. She is a person, whose qualities of heart and mind we ad- mire. 14. There is the agent whose address you ask for. 15. It is the same who rented us the house in which we live. 16. We do not pity him who pities nobody. 17. I do not esteem her who loves tiattery better than truth. FIFTY-FIRST LESSON. The Verb. — Agreement of the Verb and its Subject. 1. A verb agrees in person and number with its subject. When the subject is composed of two or more nouns or pronouns in the singular, the verb is put in the plural ; and when the nouns or pronouns are of different persons, the verb agrees with the first person in preference to the second, and with the second in preference to the third. Mon frere et moi (.nou,s) vien- My brother and I will come, drons. When the words forming the subject are connected by ou, and are of the third person, the verb agrees with the last ; but when they are of different persons, the verb is put in the plural and agrees with the person who has the precedence. Lui ou son frere viendra. He or his brother will come. Lui ou moi viendrons. He or I will come. A verb having a collective noun in the singular for its subject, is put in the singular. Le peuple etait mecontent. The people were dissatisfied. SYNTAX OF THE VERB. 229 When the collective noun is followed by de and another noun, the verb agrees with the noun to which the action refers. Une foule d'enfants encombrait A crowd of children obstructed the la rue. street. Une foule d'enfants couraient A crowd of children ran through dans la rue. the street. The verb etre having ce for its subject, is put in the plural only when it is followed by a noun or pronoun in the third person plural: Ce sont eux. It is they. C'est nous. It is we. A verb having a relative pronoun for its subject, agrees with the antecedent of the relative prououu. Moi, qui suis votre ami. I, who am your friend. 2. Use of the Tenses of the Indicative. The present tense is used to express what exists or takes place at the present time. Je lis. I am reading:. Je lis tous les jours. I read every day. The present tense may be used to express a proximate future. Je pars demain. I leave to-morrow. The present tense is used to express a state or action which has been going on for some time, and is still continuing in the present. In this case the perfect tense is used in English. Je suis ici depuis lundi. I have been here since Monday. Combien de temps y a-t-il que How long have you lived here? vous demeurez ici ? II y a trois ans que je demeure ici. I have lived here three years. The imperfect tense is used to express what existed, or what was going on, in past time. Je lisais quand vous etes entre. I was reading when you came in. Je lisais beaucoup autrefois. I used to read a great deal. 230 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. The past indefinite tense represents the state or action as completed, either now or long since. J'ai vu votre oncle. I saw {or have seen) your uncle. Je I'ai vu il y a un an. I saw him a year ago. The past definite tense is used to express what occurred in a time entirely elapsed, and of which the present day forms no part. Je vis votre oncle I'an dernier. I saw your uncle last year. Rem. It is equally correct in such cases to use the past indefinite tense, and to say : J'ai vu votre oncle I'an dernier. In conversation, this tense is almost always preferred to the past definite. The pluperfect tense denotes that an action or event had taken place at, or before, some past time mentioned. Vous etiez parti quand je suis You had started when I arrived. arrive. The past anterior tense is used to express the earlier of two actions immediately succeeding each other, when the latter action is expressed by a verb in the past definite tense. Je partis aussitot que je me fus I started as soon as I had risen. leve. The future tenses are used to express what will take place in future time. The future tenses are used in French, though not in English, after adverbs of time, when the action is placed in the future. Je partirai quand j'aurai fini mes I will start when I have finished affaires. my business. Rem. The future tenses are not used after the conjunction si, if ; but they may be used after si, wJiether. Je partirai, s'il vient. I Avill leave, if he comes. Je ne sais s'il viendra ou non. I do not know whether he will come or not. SYNTAX OF THE VERB. 231 3. Use of the Conditional Mode. The conditional mode is used to express what would take place, or would have taken place, if a certain condition were, or had been, ful- filled. The condition, when expressed, is introduced by the conjunc- tion si, if, with a verb in the imperfect or pluperfect tense of tlie indicative mood. Je le ferais, si je pouvais. I would do it, if I could. Je I'aurais fait, si j'avais pu. I would have done it, if I had been able. II aurait pu le faire, s'il avait He could have done it, if he would. voulu. Rem. The conditional mode is not used after si, if ; but may be used after si, ichetlier. Je ne sais s'il viendrait, si je I do not know whether he would I'invitais. come, if I should invite him. 4. Use of the Imperative Mode. The imperative mode is used in French, as in English, to exhort or to command. Rendez-moi heureux. Make me happy. Ne me rendez pas malheureux. Do not make me unhappy. Rendons-nous utiles aux autres. Let us render ourselves useful to others. The third person of the imperative is supplied by the third person of the present tense of tlie subjunctive mode. Qu'il le fasse, et qu'ils en rient. Let him do it, and let them laugh. Verbs ending in the second person singular of the imperative in e, as parle, pense, offire, and also the imperative va, add, for the sake of euphony, the letter s before en and y. Parle de cela. Parles-en. Speak of that. Speak of it. Pense a cela. Pen.ses-y. Think of that. Think of it Va a la maison. Vas-y. Go home. Go there. 233 ELEMEXTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR, 5. Use of the Subjunctive Mode. The subjunctive mode is used in dependent sentences: (1.) After verbs and plirases that express pleasure, pain, surprise will, desire, command, doubt, fear, etc. Je suis bien aise que vous ayez I am glad that you succeeded, reussi. H s'etonne que nous soyons ici. He wonders that we are here. n desire que nous partions. He wishes us to leave. Je doute qu'il le sache. I doubt his knowing it, (3.) After interrogative and negative sentences which imply doubt. Croy ez-vous qu'il le sache ? Do you believe that he knows it ! Je ne pense pas qu'il le sache. I do not think that he knows it. (3.) After impersonal verbs. 11 est temps que vous partiez. It is time for you to leave. II faut qu'il le fasse. He must do it. (4.) In a relative sentence that limits one of the following words : le plus, le moins, le mieux, le meilleur, le pire, le moindre, le seul, le premier, le dernier, etc. Vous etes le premier qui I'ait su. You are the first who knew it. Le seul qui puisse le faire. The only one who can do it. (5.) In a relative sentence limiting a word of an indefinite sense. Jecherchequelqu'un qui le sache. I seek some one who knows it. II y a peu d'hommes q\ai le There are few men who know it. sachent, (6.) After certain conjunctions. (See Fifty-second Lesson.) The tense of the verb, when it is in the subjunctive mode, depends on the tense of the pfoverning verb. The present and future tenses require the present or past tense of the subjunctive. Je doute i qu'il le fasse. I doubt ) his doing it. Je douterai ) qu'U I'ait fait. I shall doubt ) his having done it. SYNTAX OF THE VERB, 233 The past tenses and the tenses of the conditional require the imper- feet or pluperfect of the subjunctive. J'ai doute ) qu'il le fit. I doubted ) his doing it, Je douterais j qu'il I'eut fait. I would doubt ) his having done it. 6. Use of the Infinitive. The infinitive may be used as subject or as object. Parler trop est imprudent. To speak too much is imprudent. Je veux vous rendre ce service. I will render you that service. Je le feral pour vous obliger. I will do it to oblige you. The past tense of the infinitive is used after the preposition apres, whereas, in English, the present or compound participle is used. Apres avoir dit cela il sortit. After saying that he went out. 7. Government of Verbs. Some verbs are transitive in English and intransitive or neuter in French ; and again, some verbs are transitive or active in French, which are intransitive in English, To use a thing. User de quel que chose. Abuser de quelque chose. Douter de quelque chose. Jouir de quelque chose. Convenir a quelqu'un. Obeir a quelqu'un. Plaire a quelqu'un. Repondre a quelqu'un. Ressembler a quelqu'un. And Demander quelque chose. Desirer quelque chose. Payer quelque chose. Devoir quelque chose. Ec outer quelqu'un. Regarder quelqu'un- To abuse a thing. To doubt a thing. To enjoy a thing. To suit somebody. To obey somebody. To please somebody. To answer somebody. To resemble somebody. To ask for something. To wish for something. To pay for something. To owe for sometlung. To listen to somebody To look at somebody. 234 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. Some verbs require a different preposition in French than they do in English. Penser a, to think of. Rire de, to laugh at. The following are some of the verbs which govern the infinitive directly (see Twentieth Lesson, 2): Aimer mieux, to like Entendre, to hear. Savoir, to know how. better. Compter, to intend. Faire, to get. Voir, to see. Croire, to believe. Pouvoir, to be able. Vouloir, to be willing. The following are some of the verbs which require a before the dependent infinitive (see Twenty-second Lesson): Aimer, to like. Donner, to give. Parvenir, to succeed (in). S'amuser, to amuse Employer, to employ. Penser, to think. one's self. Apprendre, to learn. Inviter, to invite. Perdre, to lose. Chercher, to seek. Mettre, to put. Se plaire, to delight (in). The following are some of the verbs which require de before the dependent infinitive (see Twenty-second Lesson) : Cesser, to cease. Finir, to finish. Promettre, to promise. Conseiller, to advise. Negliger, to neglect. Refuser, to refuse. Se depdcher, to make Oublier, to forget. Rire, to laugh. haste. Dire, to tell. Permettre, to permit. Tacher, to endeavor. Some verbs require different prepositions, according to the sense in which they are used, tarder a, to delay ; tarder de, (impers.) to loiig; venir, to come; venir a, tohappen; venir de, to come from, to Ji-avejust. .. 11 tarde bien a venir. He is long in coming. II me tarde de le voir. I long to see him. Je viens travailler. I come to work. S'il vient a mourir. If he happens to die. Je viens de le voir. I have just seen him. *Appartenir, To Belong. Etre a, To Belong. A qui appartient cette maison ? To whom does that house belong ? Etre a is used in the sense of appartenir. SYNTAX OF THE VEKB. 235 A qui est cela ? Whose is that ? C'est a moi. That is mine. A qui sont ces gants 7 Whose gloves are these t lis sont a ma tante ; or Ce sont les gants de ma tante. They are my aunt's. Vocabulary 51. Le peuple, the people. Garder, to keep ; to guard. Le palais, the palace. Tuer, to kill. Une troupe, a band. Retrouver, to find {what icas lost). Les troupes {plur), the troops. Faire attendre, to keep waiting. La bataille, the battle. S'etonner, to wonder. Un service, a service. Vouloir du bien (a), to wish well. Theme 51. Agreement. 1. My friend and I shall start to-morrow. 2. Tou or Heury will come with us. 3. The people were complaining of the con- duct of the troo])S. 4. A band of soldiers kept the door of the palace. 5. A great mauy soldiers were killed in the last battle. 6. They are our friends, who invited us. 7. It is you, gentlemen, who refused to come. Use of the Tenses. 8. How long have you been here? 9. I have been here since Saturday. 10. I have been waiting two hours for my brother. 11. I have lost my grammar. 12. Yesterday I found it among the books which you returned to me. 13. Last winter we were in Paris. 14. One day I received a letter which called me back to New York ; my father was sick. 15. As soon as I had learned this news. I came back to the United States. 16. I shall start when my brother comes. 17. I will start to-day, if he comes. 18. I do not know whether he will come. Conditional Mode. 19. He would come, if he could. 20. He would have come yesterday, if it had not rained. 21. I would render you that service, if it (ce) were in (en) my power. 22. I would have done so already. Imperative Mode. 23. Do not keep me waiting long. 24. Let us render ourselves agreeable to those of whom we have need. Subjunctive Mode. 25. I am glad that yo'u have come. 26. T am sorry that your brother is sick. 27. I wonder that he has not written 236 ELEMENTABT FRENCH GRAM MAE. to me. 28. I doubt whether (que) lie knows that you are here. 29- I do not think that he knows it. 30. It is time for us to go (away), 31. I must first finish what I am doing. 32. The professor wished me to write my exercise before I left. Government. 33. Do you doubt that ? 34. I do not doubt it. 35. You enjoy great advantages; do not abuse them. 36. Try to please your teachers : they wish you well. 37. I owe you for these boots ; I will pay you for them as soon as I receive my money. 38. Whose pen- knife is this? 39. It is mine. 40. That store belongs to my uncle. 41. He is long in coming. 42. I long to see him. 43. He has just arrived. 44. I knew that it was he, because he resembles your father. FIFTY-SECOND LESSON. The Participle. The principal uses of the participles, present and past, have been explained in the Twenty-first Lesson. The present participle may be used without en : 1. To state a determinative or explanatory circumstance, with refer- ence to the subject or object of the verb. Un jeune homme connaissant ses A young man knowing his own interfets, ne negligera pas ses interest, vnW not neglect his etudes. studies. J'ai vu cet homme tenant un I have seen that man holding a livre a la main. book in his hand. 2. To state a conclusive circumstance, in an absolute manner. La paix etant conclue, les armies Peace being concluded, the armies se retirerent. withdrew. The Adverb. Davantage, plus, more. Davantage can have no dependent words following it ; but is preferable to plus at the end of a sentence. Si, so; tant, so much, denote extension; aussi, as, so; autant,. as much, so much, denote comparison. SYNTAX OF THE PREPOSITION. 237 Rem. Si may be used for aussi, and tant for autant, in negative sentences. Plutot, plus tot. Plutot means rather ; and plus tot, sooner. Tout a coup, means suddenly ; and tout d'un coup, all in one stroke. De suite means in succession ; and tout de suite, imrnediately . Adverbs are generally [ilaced immediately after the verb. When the rerb is in a compound tense, the adverb is placed between the auxiliary verb and the past participle. Adverbs of several syllables and adver- bial phrases are placed after the participle. Adverbs denoting time ab- solute, as : hier, aujourd'hui, demain, etc , may be phiced before the subject ; but no adverb can be placed between the subject and the verb. Adverbs of comparison are repeated with each word which they modify. Adverbs of quantity need not be repeated ; but the preposi- tion de must precede each noun which the adverb limits. The Negative Particle Ne. The particle ne is required before a verb in the subjunctive mode : 1. After verbs that express fear or apprehension, when they are used affirmatively. 2. After the verbs empecher, to jjrevciit, to hinder, and prendre garde, to beiceirc ; to take care {not). 3. After desesperer, to despair; disconvenir, to disown, to deiiy ; douter, to doubt ; nier, to deny, when they are used negatively, 4. After the conjunctions a. moins que, unless; de crainte que, de peur que, for fear that. 5. Ne is also required before the verb in the second member of a comparative sentence, when the first member is affirmative. 11 est plus riche qu'on ne le pense. He is richer than people think, II parle autrement qu'il ne pense. He speaks otherwise than he thinks. The Preposition. A, dans, en, in. A directs the mind to tlie locality; dans, points to the inside of it ; en and the noun which it precedes, form a kind of adverbial phrase. H est au magasin, ?ie is at the store. II est dans le magasin, he is in the store. Le cafe est en magasin, the coffee is stored. 238 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR. En, a, to or in. The preposition en is used before the names of countries of the feminine gender ; and the preposition a and the article, before the names of countries of the masculine gender. En France, to or in France. Au Mexique, to or in Mexico. When dans and en are used with reference to time, dans precedes the ejxjch at which, and en the period in which, anything is to be, or can be, done. Je pars dans deux heures, I start in two hours. Je peux finii cet ouvrage en deux heures, I can finish that work in two hours. De, avec, chez, with. De expresses result or consequence ; avec has the meaning of together icith, hy means of ; chez lias reference to one's country, one's home. Qu'avez-vous fait de mon canif ? What have you done with my penknife? {WJiere is it?) Qu'avez-vous fait avec mon canif? What have you done with my iMuknife? {Wliat use hace you made of it?) Chez les Remains c'etait la coutume. Among the Romans it was the custoin. De, than. After plus and moins, de is used before a numeral adjec- tive, and not que: plus de vingt, moi'e than twenty ; moins de dix, less than ten. Avant, devant, before. Avant denotes priority, devant, position, II est venu avant moi. II s'est place devant moi. Entre, parmi, among. Entre is used distributively ; parmi means i?i the middle of. Entre nous, among tts. Parmi le peuple, among the people. Vers, envers, towards. Vers is used to express physical direction, and envers to express moral direction. Vers le nord, towards the, north. Poli envers tout le monde, polite towards everybody. The prepositions a, de, en, sans, are repeated before each word. The Conjunction. Certain conjunctions are always followed by the subjunctive moda The following are some of them, which are of frequent use. Afin que, in order that. De crainte que, / for fear ; lest A moins que, (Rem.) unless. De peur que, f (Eem.) Avant que, before. Au cas or en cas que, in case. Bien que, although. Pour que, in order that. SYNTAX OF THE CONJUNCTION. 239 Poarvu que, provided. Sans que, without. Quoique, although. Suppose que, suppose. Rem. a moins que, de crainte que, de peur que, require ne before the verb. After the conjunction que, the verb is put in the indicative or the subjunctive, accordin<^ as tlie preceding pro[)osition may require. The conjunction cannot be omitted ; but instead of repeating any of the compound conjunctions, que is used in their place, and governs the verb in the same manner as the conjunction for which it stands. Que, used to avoiil the conjunction si, if^ governs th(! subjunctive mode, although .si requires the verb in the indicative. Si vous venez et que je ne sois pas au logis, attendez-moi. If you come and (if) I am not in, trait fo)' me. Que, in exclamatory sentences, is used for comme and for combien. Que c'est beau! How beautiful that is I Que vous etes bon ! How good you are ! Que de bonte vous avez! How much kindness you have! Et is used to join similar parts of an afnrmative proposition; ni to join similar parts of a negative proposition, II ressemble a son frere, et de He resembles his brother, both in visage et de caractere. face and disposition. II ne ressemble pas a son frere, He does not resemble his brother, ni de visage ni de caractere. either in face or disposition. Ni is used in connection with non plus (either, in a negative sense), n ne veut pas le faire, ni moi non plus. He will not do it, nor I either. Mon frere ne veut pas le faire non plus. My brotJier will not do it cither. Vocabulary 52. La parole, the word. Inviter, to invite. La difficulty, the difficulty, *Secourir quelqu'un, to come to Un principe, a principle. one's assistance. Le Canada, Canada. *Offrir (de), to offer (for). En voiture, in a carriage. Renoncer (a), to renounce. Dans I'embarras, in difficulty. Je vous en prie, pray. 240 ELEMENTARY FRENCH GRAMMAR Theme 52. Present Part. 1. Our friends seeing that we were in difficulty, came promptly to our assistance. 2. On coming in, I saw the professor hold- ing your copy-book in his hand. 3. He read your exercise, and having read it he said, this is the best exercise I have seen to-day. Adverbs. 4. I offijred you fifty dollars for your boat ; and I will not give any more for it (en). 5. Do not laugh so loud. 6. Do not speak so much. 7. I would rather die than renounce my principles. 8. He had no sooner pronounced these words than he went out. 9. Your friend has been absent three days in succession. 10. I will go to him immediately. 11. I often see him, but I seldom speak to him. 13. I never had any difficulties with him. The Particle Ne. 13. I fear that he may be sick. 14. I will pre- vent his going out. 15. Take care that he does not liear you. 16. I do not doubt his being sick. 17. I shall not go there, unless he in- vites me personally (lui-meme). 18. His conduct is much better than it was formerly. Prepositions. 19. My father is in his office ; my mother is in her room ; and my sister has gone out in a carriage. 20. My uncle was in France last year, and he has gone to Mexico now. 21. I will go to Canada in a fortnight. 22. I wrote this exercise in forty minutes. 23. What have you done with my grammar ; I cannot find it any- where ? 24. What have you done with my gold pen ; it is quite spoiled ? 25. 1 have more than ten pens ; but not one is good. 26. I shall not go out before noon. 27. There is a carriage before the door. 28. I will come towards evening. 29. Pray, be polite towards everybody. Conjunctions. 30. If you see my brother before he goes to the office, give him this letter. 31. I send it to him (in order) that he may comprehend the situation of that business. 32. Provided you do your duty, all will be well. 33. If you haVe to leave, and cannot come to see me, write to me. 34. How kind you are ! 35. How many fine things one sees in Paris! 36. He will never believe that story. 37. I cannot believe it either. 88. My father does not believe that he has done it. or that he ever will do it. APPENDIX. ADDITIONAL YOCABULARIES Une famille, a family. Le pere, the father. La mere, ttie mother. Les enfant.?, the chUdren. Un fils, a *o/i. Une fllle, a daughter. Un frere, a {brother. Une scBur, a sister. _ Un frere iumeaii, a tivin-brotlier. Une sceur jumclle, a twin nst^-r. Le grand-perc, the grund-Jather. La irancrmere. ^/i«' grand-mother. Un petit-fils, a g-raw'A'O/j. i Une petite-flUe. a grand-daughter. Un oncle, a/i M/(Cte. Une tante, an aunt. Un neveii, a nephew. Une niece, a niece. Un cousin, a cousin, m. Une cousine, a cousin, f. Un parrain. a godfather. Une marraine, a godmother. Un fllleul, a !70(/', i ^ ^on-in-law. Un genarc", \ Une bellc-fille, I. ^^ dauoMer-in-law. Une bru, \ Un bcaii-frere, a brother in-law . Une helle-soeur. a sister ■in4aw. Un parent, a relation, m. Uue parente, a relation, f. Un proche parent, a near relation. Un parent eloigne. a dl-^tant relation. Un cousin gennain. a first-cousin, m. Une coasine germaine. a first-cousin, f. Un tuteur, a guardian. Un pnpillc, a umrd, m. Une pupille, a ward, J. II. Le corps, the body. La tete, the head. Le front, the forehead. La figure, the face. Le vi'sage, the face. La peau, the skin. Le teint, the complexion. La barbe, the beard. Les traits, the features. Un ffiil, o« eye. Les veux. the eyes. La prunelle, tfie eyeball. Les sourcils, the eye'/rows. Les paupieres, ?/i« eyelids. Le nez, ar/i/ion. L'escalier, the stairs. La rampe, the hanisters. Les marches, the steps. Un etage, a story. Un appartement, an appartment. Une chambre, a room. La chambre de devant, the front room. La chambre du fond, tlie back room,. Une (-errure, a lock. Le trou de serrure, the key-hole, Un verrou, a bolt. Un gond, a hinge. La fenetre, the windoiv. Le chassis, the satfh. Un carreau de vitre, a pane of glass. Un rideau, a curtain. Une marquise, an awning. Un gland, a tassel. Un volet, a shutter. Une jalousie, a blind. Un balcon, a balcony. Le salon, i(/t« drawing-room. Le plafond, fA« ceiling. La teuture, the paper. La cheminee, ^A« chimney. L'atre, f'Ae hearth. Le plancher, the floor. Une chambre a coucher, a bed-room. Un cabinet de toilette, a dressing-room. Une armoire, a closet. La salle a manger. /Ac dining room. La chambre des enfants, /Ae nursery. Une bibliotheque, a library. Un grenier. a garret. Une mansarde, an a<e. Un egout, « drain. Une pierre, a s/o«e. Une brique, a brick. Une ardoise, a state. De la chaux, lime. Du mortier, mortar. Du ciment, cement. Du platre, plaster. Le proprietaire, ?>. Une tarte, a tart. Une pomme, an apple. Une poire, a pear. Des cerises, cherries. Des grosoilles, currants. Des groseille.s ^ maquereau, gooseberries. Une peche, a peach. Un abricot, a« apricot. Une prune, a plum. De.s fraises, strawberries. Des framboises, ?'aspberries. Des noix, walnuts. Des noisettes, hazelnuts. Du raisin, grapes. Des bonlions, sweetmeats. Des dragees, si/gar-p/um.t. Une araande, rt« almond. Une praline, a frwrw^ almond. Du miel, honey. Des compotes, steived fi-uit. Des confitures, preserves. Une gelfie, ajeUy. Une glace, «« ice. Des beignets./ri^/tfT-,*. Des crepes, pancakes. Puree de pommes de terre, mashed pota- toes, Des palates, sweet potatoes. De la sauce, *'ai/c«'. Compote de pommes, apple-sauce. rx. Un animal, an animal. Une bete, a fteas)*. Un taureau. a frw^/. Un boeuf, aw o.i-. Une vache, a cow. Un vi'au, a calf. Un belier, a ram. Un mouton, a sAeep. Une brebis, a ewe. a sheep. Un agneau, a lamb. Un bouc, a he-goat. Une chevre, a she goat. Un eheval, a horse. Una jumeut, a mare. Un poulain, a colt. Un ane, a«. as<- Un chien, a dog. Un chat, a cat. Un renard. a /or, Un cerf. a >'t'ag. Un daim, a deer. Une bichc. « kid. Un taon, a fawn. Un loup. a «t'o//". Un sanglier, d wild boar. Un cochon. a hog. Un lievre, a hare. Un lapin. n ralibit. Un chien de chasse, a hound. Un epagnoul, a spaniel. Un basset, r/ terrier. Un chien d^inet, a setter. Un terre-iK'Uve, a Newfoundland. Un lion, a /iw(. Une lionue, a lioness. Un tlgre, a tiger. Une tigresse, a tigress. Un leopard, a leopard. Un elephant, a?i elephant. Un chameau, a camel. Une girafe, a giraffe. Un ours, a 6(ar. Un singe, « monkey. Un castor, a beaver. Un oiseau, a Airrf. Un nioineau, a .•'parrow. Une alouctte, « /i'//-^-. Une hirondelle. a swallow. Un rossignol, a nightingale. Un serin, a canurij. Un rouge-gorge, « I'obin, Un merle, a blackbird. Un perroquet, a parrot. Un paon. a peacoek. Un corbeau, a raven. Une cornellle, a crow. Un hibou, a« o«'/. Une chauve-souris, a Ja<. Un coq, a coeA. Une poule, a hen. Un poulet. a chicken. Un pigeon, a pigeon. Une colombe, a dove, Un dindon I „ f„„i,„,. Unedindef^'^'^^^y- Un canard, a c?Mci'. Un cygne, a S7van. Une perdri.x, a partridge. Une becasse, a woodcock. Une becassine. a snipe. Une caille, a quail. Une autruche, (z« ostrich. Une mouotte. a yw/^. Un aigle, «?i fag'fe. Une oie, a goose. Un poisson, afish. Une baleine, a irhale. Un requin. f? shaik. Une niorue. a corf. Une i-aie, a skate. Un saumoD, a salfnon. ADDITIONAL VOCABULARIES. 247 tJnbrocliet, a pike. Dne meriuchc, a haddock. Un eperlan, a fjiielt. Uiie triiite, a trout. Uiie perchc. a jyerch. Une anguillo, an eel. Un mfujuereaii, a mackerel. Un h;iri'n>j:, a hernng. Une alose, a shad. Un homard, a lobster. Une crevette, a shrimp. Une hiiitre, an oyster. Des insoctes, insects. Des reptiles, reptiles. Une mouche. a fly. Une abeille, a bee. Une KTiSpe, « wasp. Unesauterrlle, a grasshopper. Une contnrierc, a lady bird. Un papillon, a butterfly. Une demoiselle, « dragon-fly. Un moustique, rt mosquito. Un cousin, a fir//(7/ ,• a mosquito. Une telKiie, a moth. Un escarbot, a beetle. Un limapon, w snail. Un serfient, « snake. Une chenille, a caterpillar. Un ver, a worm. Un lezard, a lizard. Une souris, « mouse. Une taupe, a wofe. Un crapaud. a toa. Un lis, « /i^y. Un muguet, a ?27y o/" ^^e valley. Du lilac, a lilac. Un geranium, a geranium. Un pavot, a poppy. Un souci, a maririold. Une violette, a riolet. Un chSvrefenille, a honeysuckle. Des pois de sentcur. .«?wei! pea*. Un bouton d'or, a bvttercup. Une belle de jour, a morniiig-glcn-y. Une canipanule, a bhie-btll. Un eglantier odorant. a sweetbrier. Une pivoine, a peony. Une rose mousseuse, a mos.ard. Un dictionnaire, a dictionary. Une grammaire, « grammar. Une lefon, a lesson. La lecture, reading. L'orthographe, spelling. Une dictee, a dictation. UnetradJfction.H^''"'**^'^^- Une faute. a mistake. Un brouillon, a rough copy. Le calcul, ciphering. Une regie, a sum or problem. La somme, the suin. Une erreur. a inistake (in calculation). Un chift're, a figure; a number. Un zero, a nought. Une main de papier, a quire of paper. Une feuille de papier, a sheet ofpapet. Du papier a lettre, letter-paper. Du papier brouillard or buvard, blottit. paper. De I'encre. ink. Un encrier, an inkstand. Une plume, a pen. Une plume metallique, a steel-pen. Un canif, a penknife. De la gomme elastique, India-rubber. Un crayon, a pencil. Un porte-crayon, a pencil-case. Une regie, a 'ruler. Une ardoise, a .«/«/#. Un crayon d'ardoise, a .^late pencil. De la cire a canheter, sealing-wax. Un pain a cacheter, a wafer. Un carton, a portfolio. Un pinceau, a paint-brush. Des crayons, crayons. Des con leu rs, paints. L'ecriture, writing. Une ligne, a ?i«e. Un trait, a stroke. Un plein, a down-stroke. Un delie, «« up stroke. La ponttuation, punctuation. Un chapitre, « chapter. Une page, a /^aye. Un paragraphe, a paragraph. Une ptirase, « sentence. Un mot, « icord. Une syllabe, a syllable. Une lettre, a /c/i^r. Une voyelle, a voieel. ADDITIONAL VOCABULARIES. 249 Une conaonne, a consonant. Un point, a point. Detix points, a colon. Point et virgule, a semicolon. Une viri^ule, a corntna. Point ci'interrogation, a note of interro- gation. Point ci'exclamation, a note of evclama- tion. Des guillements, quotation 7narks. Un trait d'union, a hyphen. Une parcnthese, a bracket. Un trema, a dicEreHs. Un trait or tiret, a dash. xm. Un outil, a tool. Un inarteau, a hammer. Un maillot, a mallet. Une vrille, a gimlet. Un rabot. a plane. Dos tenaillos, pincers. Un ciseau, a chisel. Une vis, a screw. Un tourne-vis, a screw-driver. Un clou, a nail. Une cheville, a peg. Une enclunie, an anvil. Une boite a ouvra^e. a work box. Le couvercle, the lid. Le dedans, t.he in.nde. Le fond, the bottom. Une polotc, a pincushion. Une epinirlo, a pin. Un etui, a needle-case. Une aiKuilie, a needle. Une asjuille a tapisserie, a worsted-needle. Une aiu'iiille a repriser, a darning-needle. Un paqiiet d'aiguilles, a paper of needles. Du fil, thread. Un peloton de fil. a ball of thread. Un echovoan do fil, n skAn ofthi-aad. Une bohine de fil, a spool of thread. Une aiguillee, n needleful. Un de, a thimble. Une paire de ciseaux, a pair of scissors. Un passe-lacet, a bodkin. Du gaiise, cord. Du ruban do fil. taite. Du palon. hrnid. Des a-rrafos ct i)ortes, hooks and eyes. Des boutoiiM. bi/ttnns. Un peloton de laine. a ball of yarn. Un euro-dent, a toothpick. Une tab.'itiere, a snvff-box. Un pied, afoot. Un pouce, an i«c/i. Une toisc, a fathom. Un mStre, a meter. Un millc, a wii/e. Une lieue, a league. Unelivre, a pound. Une once, an mince. Un boisseau, a bushel. Un ijiilloii, a gallon. Uno pinto, « pint. I'ne tal)l(' a jouor, rt card-table. Un jeu de cartes, a pack of cards. L'as, a sorro-chaude. /Ae hot-house. Le betail, ^As ra^W*'. T>a paillo, the st7-aiv. Du foin, hay. Du ble cw« ,• wheat ; grain. Du mals, Indian-corn. Une gorbo, (7 .•./(^v/A Uno nionlo de foin, a stack of hay. De I'orL'o, barley. Do I'avoino. oais. Tin fromont, irheat. Du soiirlo, rye Du houblon, hops. Utio faux. « sajthe. Une faucille, « sickle. 250 ADDITIONAL VOCABULARIES. Un arrosoir, a watering-pot. TJne becho, a xpade. Uii ratcaii, a rake. Une hone, a hoe. Unflcau, a flail. Un moissoiineur, a reaper. Un fauclicur. a mower. Un hangar, a shed. Un clieval, a horse. Le harnuis, the harness. Le mors, the bit. Le collier, the collar. Les renos, or guides, the reins. . Une 8clle, a saddle. Un foiu't, a whip. Une cravache, a 7iding-whip. Des eperons, spurs. Lamois^on, 1^^^ ^g,; La recolte, j La vendange, the vintage. Une maison de campagne, a country seat. Un pavilion, a s^i7nmer-house, Un berceau, an arbor. XV. Un theatre, a theatre. La salle, tJi£ house. Le parquet, the orc/iesfra-seats. Le parterre. ^//« pit. Une loge, a 6oa'. Les avant-scenes, the stage-boxes. ■ La galerie, the gallery. Le foyer, the areen-room. L'orchesire, the orchestra. Le chef d'orchestre, the leader. La scene, the stage. Les decorations, i he scenery. Les coulisses. //,'Zay. Une tragedie, a tragedy. Une comedie, « comedy. Un opera, a« opera. Un ballet, a 6aWe?. Un drame, a drama. Un melodrame, a melodrama. Une farce, a farce. Un acte. an ad. Une scene, a scene. Un entr'acte, an interlude. Une repetition, a rehearsal. Une representation, a performance. Un r61e. a par<. Le public, the audience. Les applaudissements, the applause. Bis; bisser, ewcare ; to encore. Les sifflete, the hissing. Une afflche, a WK. Un billet, a ticket. Une contre-marque, a c/iecfc. XVI. Un voyage, a journey. La yoiture, the coach. Le dehors, the outside. L'interieur, the inside. De la place. roo?n. Une place, a place. Un siege, a .seat. "Un voyageur, a traveler. Une nialle. a trunk. Un sac, rt /yag'. Un paquet, a jinrcel. Le depart, the departure. Adieu, fareivell. La route, the road. La halte, We stopping; the stopping place. L'arrivee, tlie arrival. La reception, the reception. La ville, the city ; the town. Un faubourg, a suburb. Une rue, a street. Une place, a square. Le pave, the paremenf. Un trottoir, a sidewalk. Une boutique, a shop. Le coniptoir, We counter. Une pratique, a customer. La vente. We ««/e. Un acheteur, a purchaser. Un achat, a purchase {large). Une emplette, a purchase (smalt). Un marche, a bargain. La grande poste, i!/-Y/o'/.'y. L'amitic. friertdship. La tendreWe, tenderness. La reconnaij'sance, gratitude. Vn rai?onnement. an argument. Un sonhait. a (ci.«A. Un desire, a de.Hre. Une vert a, a virtue. Vn vice, a vice. La M\e,madne-<'S. La »r,n\se, foolishness. L'orgueil, pride. L.!i hauteur, \ haughtiness. La fl'^rte, ( ■' La timidite, baxhfulness. L" egoisme. selfi-^h n ««.«. Un sentiment, a nentiment. Une pensee, a thounht. L'humanite. humanity. La charitc. charity. Ia \i\We. pity. Un present, a present. gndoD. i a gift. Un cadean, ( -'•' L'anmSne, aims. La Pimplicile, simplicity. " La droitnre, nprighlmss. Une bassesse, a bareness. LTn mensonge, a fal-^ehood. Un souvenir, a recotleodon. VonhW, forgeffulness. Un aveu, a/i avowal. Un secret, a .y^crre^ Un regret, a regret. La repentir, repentance. Un cri, a cry. Un soupir, a sigh. Une larine, a tear. Un sanglot, a sob. Un eigne. « nod. Une habitude, a AaW^. xvni. Un coup, a blow; a stroke ; a clap ; a hit. L'n coup de main, a bkno loith tJie ha»d. (tig) a.'<-istance : (mil.) a surprise. de poing, a blow trith thejist. . de revers, a back blow. de pied, a Kick. tie dents, a bite. (le langiie. a reflection (rensvre). d'oeil, a glance. de baton, a blmv with a stick. de fouet. a blow with a whip. de couteau, a cut. de sabre, a satire cut. d'epee, a sword thrust. de canon, a cannon shot. -de fusil, a gvn shot. -de pistolet, a pistol shot. -de vent, a gti-^t of irind. -de soleil, a sunstroke. iefoK'^'i^^^''^^/''-"^*^- ■ d'etat, a stroke of policy. X grands coups, with preat blows. A coups de baton, with a stick. D'un seul coup, at a single blow. Du premier coup, at the first blow. Pour le coup, /or once. X coup sflr,/i[>r a certainty. Faire son coup, to succeed. XIX. Une couleur, a color. Rouge, red. Orange, orange. Jaune, yellow. Vert, green. Bleu, blue. Indigo, indigo. Violet, te, violet. ;Noir, black. Blanc, he, white. Brun. broicn. Pourpre, purple. Rose, ro.ir- colored. Rose tendre, //ink. Fonce. deep (colored). Clair, light. 252 ADDITIONAL VOCABULARIES. XX. Un defaut, a defect. Aveui^le, blind. Borgiie, one-eyed. Sourd, deqf. Muet, te, (hinib. Boiteux, i^e, lame. Bosi^u. hunchbacked, Estropie, rr'ipfiled. DifforiiK', (h'formed. Chaiivc. hubl. Chovflii, lidinj. Camus, flat-nosed. Balafre, covered with scars. Marque de la petite verole, pock-marked. XXI. Une qualite, a quality. Sense, sensible. Spirituel, le, witty. IntcUectuel, le, intellectual. Vif. ve, lively : sprightly. Aiinable. ainiahle. Aftable, affable. Modest e, modest. Reserve, reserved. Bavard, tal/cative. Adroit, dexterous. Habile, aide ; skillful. Stupide. stupid. Vain. vain. Orgueilleux, proud. Egolste, selfish. Tiiferosse, interested. OHicii'us, se, officious. ]{iise, artful; crafty. tiraiid, lull ; larvfe. Gros, hC, large : big ; stout. Petit, small ; little. Huut, tdgh. Profoud, deep. Large, wide ; broad. Etrbit, narrow. Long, ue, long. Court, short. Ei)ais, se, thick. Mince, thin. Pointu, jjointed. Traucbanl, I . Affile, f snarp, Aigu, e, acute. Eftile, slender ; tapering. Emousse, blunt. Aig;-3, sour. Dous, ce, sweet. Amer, bitter. Insipide, insipid. Savoureux, se, savory. Exquis, exquisite. Delicieux, se, delicious. DelicMt, iJdicate. Astriii'^ciit. (tstnngent. Pi(]\iaiil. pungent. IStoelleux, mellow. Mou, mol, moUe, soft (yielding^ Dur, hard. Doux, ce, .soft (velvety). Tendre, tender. Ferme, firm. Solide, solid. Fixe, stable. VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATION.* (See model verb Couper, to cut ; p. 102.) Abandonner, to abandon. Abimer, to spoil. Accepter, to accept. Accompagner. to accompany. Accorder, to grant. (nn piano), to tune. S'accorder avec, to agree with. Accoutiimer, to accustom. S'accoutumer a, to get accustomed to. Accrocher, to hook ; to hang. Aclieter, to buy. .\chever, to tnish. Acquitter, to acquit. Admirer, to admire: Adresser, to adress.\ S'adresser a, to apply to. Affliger, to afilict. Agnifer, to hook ; to fasten. Alder, to hilp. Aimer, to love : to like ; to be fond Of. Alterer, to make thirsty. Ajouter, to add. Allumer, to light ; to kindle. Amener, to bring {leading). Amuser, to amuse. S'amuser, to amuse or enjoy oni's self. Aiinoncer, to announce. Appeler, to call'. * The first conjugation comprises more than three-fourths of all the French verbs We give only some of them, which ar^frequeidly used. + To address, to speak to a person, is, adresser la parole a qqn. VERBS OF THE FIRST CONJUGATIOK. 353 Apportcr, to bnng {carrying)- Apprecier, lo appreciate. Approcher, to approach. S'approclier do, to come or go near. Appuyer, to lean. ; lo dwill upon. Arnichi-r, to roat up ; to pluck out. (line deni), to puU (« tootli). Assister a, to be present at ; to attend. Assurer, to ccsxiire. Attucher, to attach. Attaquer, to attack. Attraper, to catch. Avaler, to swallow. Avaucer, to adrance. Augmentor, to increase ; lorise (in price). Avouer, to own ; to acknowledge. Baignoi', to bathe. Bailler, to gape ; to yawn. B liser, to kiss. Baisser, to loiver. Balayer, to sweep. Baptiser. to christen. Biivardcr, to chatter. Boutonuer, to button. Briller, to shine ; to glitter. Briiler, to burn. Cacher, to hide ; to conceal. Cacheter, to seal. Causer, to break. Causer, to talk ; to chat. Causer, to cause : to occasion. Ceder, to yield. Chanter, to sing. Charmer, to charm. Chas-;er, to cho-ie ; to drive away. Chatouiller, to tickle. Chaufl'er, to warm ; to heat. Chercher, to seek ; to look for. aller chercher, to go for. venir chercher. to come for. envoyer chercher, to send for. Commander, to command. Commencer, to begin. Compter, to c&utit ; to reckon; to e.r- pect. * Conseiller, to adrise. Conteuter, to satisfy. Confer, to relate. Continuer, to continue. Conversor, to converse. Copier, to copy. Corriger, to correct. Coucher,t to lie down ; to sleep. Se couchcr, to go to bed. Coflter, to cost. Creer, to create. Crier, to cry. Cultivcr, to cultivate. Danser, to dance. Dechircr, to tear. Decider, to (bcide. Drclarcc, to ileclare. Declarer, to iinliook. Dejeuner, to breakfa.tt. Delier, to untie. Denienager, to remove {one^s household). Di'uieurer, todicetl; to live. Depenser, to i-pend. Derunger, to disturb. Desalterer, to quench the thirst. Deshabillcr, to undress. Desirer, to desire. Dessiner, to drair. Detacher, to untie. Detromper, to undeceive. Dieter, to dictate. Di^erer, to digest. Diner, to dine. Dduter de, to doubt. Se douter de, to siispect. Donner, to give. Durer, to last. ftclairer, to light ; to enlighten. Kconomiser. lo sure. ficdiilir, to li.^lm lo. Kliaccr, to qtan. Ktrrayi.T, lofiKjIilni. E^arer, to rnisluy ; to mislead. Seirarer, to stray ; to lose oiie^s tvay. Enibarrasser, to embarrass. Kmniener, to take away (leading). Empecher de, tojn'csent ; to hinder. Enii)loyer, to employ ; to use. Eni|i()rter, to carry away. iMnprunter, to bmrow. Kiilernier, to shut v^J. Enli-ver, to lake aicay. Ennuyer, to antioy : to weary. Eiirliumer, to gU e o6k»? At Mr. ChristenVs, No. 77 University Place. Monsieur, donnez-tnoi, s'il vous plait, un exemplaire dc'la grammaire frau- ^aisc par . Voici, monsieur, la grammaire que vous (iemaudez. Y a-t-il autre chose que vous desirez, monsieur ? Ilmefautdu papier a lettre, des enve- loppes el des timbrea-poste. Jc prendrai aussi quelques feuilles do papier buvard. Combien cola fait-il ensemble ? C'est quatro dollars et demi. Faut-il envoyer ces choses chez vous, monsieur ? Je ne vous donnerai pas cette peine-lL Faites-en un petit paquet, et je I'y porterai moi-meme. Sir, please give me a copy of the French grammar by . Here is the grammar you asked for, sir. Is there anything else that you wish, sir? I leant some letter paper, envelopes, and postage stamps. I will also take a few sheets of blotting paper. How much is that altogether f It is four dollars and a half. Shall I send tJiese things to your house, sir? I will not trouble you. Make a small bundle of them, and I will carry it m y- self. Je voudrais qu'on sonnSt pour le diner. La promenade m'a donne de I'appetit. On va servir le diner a I'instant. Le diner est servi. Mettons-nons S, table. Antoine, servez la soupe. Cette julienne est bonne. Aimez-vous le poisson ? Assez bien. Voici du turbot et voila du saumon. Je man^erai un pen de saumon. Passez la sauce a monsieur. Antoine. avez-vous glace le rin ? Voulez-vous du Sauterne, on du vin du Khin? A votre pante. A la vdtre. Changez d'assiettes, Antoine. Voici un gigot de mouton bonilli; en vonlez-vons ? Je prendrai de preference un petit mor. ceau de ce r6ti de boeuf. L'aimez-vons bien cuit ou peu cuit ? Donnez du jus k monsieur. Passez les petits pois, Antoine. Versez-moi de I'eau. Decoupez le noulet et faites la salade. Voulez-vous Doire du Bourdeaux ou du Bourgogne ? I wish the bell would ring for dinner. The walk has given me an appetite. Dinner wiU be served presently. Dinner is served. Let us sit down to dinner. Anthony, serve the soup. That (vegetable) soup is good. Are you fond offish ? Yes, rather. Here is turbot and there i.9 salmon. I will eat some of the salmon. Hand the sauce'to the gentleman. Anthony, have you iced the wine? Will you drink a glass of Sauterne., or a glass of Rhine wine ? I drink to your health. Here is to yours. Change plates, Anthony. Here Is a leg of boiled mutton ; do you wish some of it ? I would rather take a little piece of that mast beef. Do you like it well done, or under done? Give the gentleman some of the gravy. Pass the peas, Tony. Pour me out some water. Carve the fowl and make the salad. Will you drink claret or Burgundy ? 258 CONVERSATIONAL PHRASES. Enlevez, Antoine, et apportez 1p deseert. Mangez-vous de I'auanas ? Je ne Taime pns beaucoiip. J'aime mieux Ics fraises. Les fraines ne sont pas assez siicrdea. I'assez le Sucre, Antoine. Prenez-vous du cafe et le petit verre ? Pour moi du cafe avec uu peu de lait. Un cigare ? Merci, je ne fume pas. lietnone the dishes, Anthony, and bring In the desert. Do you eat pineapple ? lam not very fond of it. I prefer strawberries. The strawberries are not sweet enough. Pass the sugar, Tony. Bo you tak4 coffee and a glass of cognac > I will take coffee with a little muk in it. Will you have a cigar? Thank you, I do not smoke. Allons nous asseoir dans la bibliothlque; nous y causerons a uotre aise. Oft irez-vous ce soir? J'irai voir ma tante. Elle parlira pour la campagne dans quel- ques jours. Oil est votre oncle ? II est en Europe. II est parti 11 y a un mois. H doit etre a Paris maintenant. II devail s'arreter dix jours ^ Londres. Ma tante a re^u une lettre de lui 11 y a trois ou quatre jours. H se portait bien. Quand partircz-vous pour la campagne? Nous partirons vers la fln du mois. Nous reviendrons a la ville au com- mencement du mois d'octobre. Venez passer quelques jours avec nous pendant I'ete. Je ne puis vous le promettre. Nous aurons du moude pendant tout I'ete. Mes deux cousines vont arriver de Pans. Elles resteront chez nous jusqu'en au- tomne. Mon oncle dit qu'elles parlent fran^ais comme des Parisiennes. Je suis bien curieux de les voir. Ce sera une belle occasion pour vous de vous exercer a la conversation fran- 9aise. J'en proflterai. je vous assure. Je crois qu'il est temps de nous s^parer. H n'est que dix heures. J'ai Thabitude de me retirer de bonne heure. Ne vous d^rangez pas. P&rdonnez-moi, je vais voua conduire jusqu'k la porte. Au revoir. Bonsoir. Let vs go and sit in the library, we may chat there at our ease. ^\l^ere trill you go to-night? I icill go to my aunts\ She is going to leave for the country in a few days. Whe ■ ^here is your unde? He is in Europe. He left a month ago. He must be in Paris iww. He was to stay ten days in London. My aunt received a letter from him three or four days ago. He icas in good health. WTien nill you leave for the country ? We ivill tt/aii towards the end iftl/e month. We sIkM return to town in the beginning of October. Come and spend a few days with vs during summer, /cannot promise yo>u. We shall have company aU the summer. My two cousins are coming from Paris. They wiU stay with vs until autumn. My vnde says that they speak French like Parisian ladies, lam very desirous of seeing them. That will be a fine opportunity for you to practice French conversation. I win avail myself of it, I assure you. I believe it is time to part. It is not more than ten. It is my habit to retire early. 1)0 not disturb yourself. I beg your pardon ; I'am going with you as far as the door. Good-bye. Good yiighl to you. ^ VOCABULARY TO THE ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION. A. A, 2>ly one's self to (to), se livrer (h), Aitril, avril. are, sont. arm, bras (rn.). arm-chair, fauteuil (m.). a round , anXoar de. arrival, arriv6e (/.). arrive (to,) arriver. artist, artiste (m. and/.). as, que, comme. as far as, jusque. as long as, tant quQ, 2G0 VOCABULARY TO THE as nnirh, as many, antant. as soon as, ausb>itOt que. as to, quant a. as well as, ainsi que, au=8i bicn que. ashamed {to be), avoir honte. Asia, I'Asie (/.). ask for (to), demander ; T ash for, jo prie (de). aska question (to), faire une question. assail {to), assaillir. assistaine, to come to one's assist- ance, secourir quelqu'uu. astonish {to), ctonncr, at, h. at present, a present. attached, attache. attain {to), parvenir. attention {to pan), faire attention. attentive, applique, atteutif. Awjust, aout. aunt, tante (/.). author, auteur {m.). B. hack {returned), de retour. bad, mauvais {m.), mauvaiee (/.). badlij, mal. baker, boulanger {m.). ball, bal (m.). band, troupe (/.). bank, banque (/.). banker, banquier {m.). bargain, marche (m.). basket, panier (m.). battle, bataille (/.). be {to), fitre ; as it shotild be, comme il faut. he {to), {of health), se porter. he called {to), s'appeler. he there {to), y etre. beard, barbe (/.). beat {to), battre. beautiful, beau, bel {m.), belle (/.). beaut;/, beaute (/.). because, parce que. become {to), devenir (gtre) ; to have become, 6tre devenu. been, 616. before {pontion), devant. before {first), auparavant. before {lime, order), avant de ; conj. avant que. heff {to), prier (de), demander. begin {to), commeneer. behave {to), se comporter. behind, derrierc. believe {to), croire. bell, cloche (/.) ; the bell rings, on Sonne. below, au-dessous, en bas. bench, banc (/«.). benign, benin (m.). bSnigno (/.). best, le mieux. better, meilleur (adj.), mieux {adv.); to be better, valoir mieux ; it is better, il vaut mieux. between, cntre. big, gros (??».), grosse (/.). bird, oiseau (m.). black, noir. blatne {to), blSmer. blue, bleu. boarding house, hoarding school, pension (/.). boat, bateau (w.). hoil {to), bouillir. bonnet, chapeau (»«.). book, livre (/«..). bookseller, libraire {in.). boot, botte (/.). bootmaker, bottler. horn {to be), naitrc, (etre). both, tous les deux, I'nn et Taulre. boulevard, boulevard (m.). bouquet, bouquet (m.)- how (to), saluer. bo.v, caisse (/.). bog, gar^on (m.). bravery, bravoure (/.). bread, pain {in.). break {to), casser. breakfast, dejeuner (wi.). breakfast {to), dejeuner. bridge, pont {m.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRASTSLATIOX. 261 bring {to), apporter. bring forward {to), avancer. Iiroketi, cass^. brother, frerc {m.). build {to), batir. bundle, paqnet {m.). business, aS"aire {/.). but, mais. but {onlij), ne — que. but little, ne- gudre. butcher, boucher (/«.)• butter, beurre. " btiy {to), acheter. bg, par. bg and bg, taQt6t ; good bge, aa re- voir. C. cabbage, chon {m,). cage, cajje (/.). cake, gSteau (m.). call {to), appeler. call, visite if.). call bach {to), rappeler. callositg, cal (/«.)• can, pouvoir. Canada, le Canada {m.). cariister {tea), bolte k the (/.). captain, capitaine (m.). care, to take care, avoir soin de. careless, negligent. carelessness, negligence {/.). carnival, camaval {m.). carpet, tapis (w.). carriage, voitare {/.); ina carriage, en voiture. carrg (to), porter, mener. carve {to), decouper. case, caisse (/.) ; in case, en cas. cat, chat {m.), cease {to), cesser (de). cent, sou {m.). centime, centime {m.). chain, chalne {/.). chair, chaise (/.). change, monnaie (/.). Charles, Charles. charming, charmant. cheap, h bon march!. chicken, poulet {m.). child, enfant (/«. and/.). choose, {to), choisir. church, eglise (/.) ; at church, h I'eglise. circumstance, circonstance {/.). citg, ville (/.). citg hall, hOtel de ville (w.). class, classe (/".). class-mate, camarade de classe (w.). clean {to), net toy er. climate, climat (m.). r?oo^*,manteau {m.). clock, pendnle, horloge {/.) ; what o'clock is it ? quelle heure est-il? cloth, drap (w.). clothe {to), vetir. clothes, habits (m. pi.), vetements (m. pL). coachman, cocher {m.). coarse, gros (/».), grosse (/.). coat, habit {m.). coffee, cafe (/«.). cold, froid. cold {to be), avoir froid. cold {the), froid {m.). collect {to), recueillir. come {to), venir (itrc). come in {to), entrer. come ho}ne {to), revenir. come buck {to), revenir. come out {to), sortir. come near {to), s'approcher (de). co»we down {to), descendre. cotnrade, camarade {m.). comfort {to), consoler. commence (to), commencer (a). cotnmerce, commerce {m.). cotnpang, compagnie (/.), dn monde. company {in), en society. complain {to), se plaindre. complete, complet {m.), complete {/.). composition, composition {/.). comprehend {to), comprendre. concert, concert (m.). conclude {to), conclure. 2G3 VOCABULARY TO THE concrete, concret (m.), concrete (/.)• conduct, conduite (/.) ; to conduct one's self, se couduire. oonfldent, conflant. confiding, coufiant. congratulation, felicitation (/.)• conquer {to), conquerir. console {to), consoler. contented, content. contrary {on the), au contraire. convince {to), convaincre. copy {to), copier. copy book, cahier(wi.). coral, corail (m.). correctly, juste ; shejilays correct- ly, elle joue juste. corpulent, replct {m.), replete {f.). cotton, coton {m.). counsel, conseil (m.). country, campagne (/.) ; in Hie coutitry, a la campagne; my country, mon pays. courage, courage (m.). cousin, cousin (w.), cousine (/.). cover (to), couvrir. cow, vache {/.). create {to), cr6er. cup, tasse (/.)• cut {to), couper. cut up (to), decouper. D. dance (to), danser. dare (to), oser. daughter, flUe (/.). day, jour (m.) ; good day, bon Jour ; every day, tons les jours; to-day, aiijoard'hui ; a day, by the day, par jour; the day before, la veille; the day after, le lendemain. dead, mort. dear, cher (w.), chere (/.). death, mort (/.). decease (to), ddceder. deceive {to), tromper. December, d^cembre. decrepit, caduc (m.), caduque (/.). defeat (to), d^faire, vaincre. defect, defaut (m.). deliver (to), delivrer. delight in (to), se plaire. dentist, dentiste (m.). depart {to), partir (etrn). departure, depart (m.). depot, (of railroad) gare (/.). desire, to have a desire, avoir euvie de. desire (to), desirer. desk, pupitre (m.). desj>ise (to), mepriser. dictionary, dictionnaire (w».). die (to), mourir. differetit, different. difficult, difficile. diffieuity, I'embarras (m.); in dif- ficulty, dans i'embarras ; to get one out of difficulty, tirer quelqu'un d'embarras. diligence, diMgcnce {/.). diligent, diligent. dine (to), diner. dinner, diner. dining-room, salle a manger {f.) discover (to), decouvrir. discreet, discret (ni.), discrete (/.) dish, plat (m.). disobedience , desobfiissance. disobedient, deeobeissant. dissatisfied (^ivith), m6content (de). do (to), faire. do a favor, faire un plaisir. do {to) (of health), se porter. doctor, medecin {7n.). dog, chien (m.). dollar, dollar (?«.), piastre (/.). done, fait. door, porte (/.). doubt (to), douter. doivn-stairs, en bas. dozen, douzaine (/.). draw (to), tirer. drawer, tiroir (m.). drawing, deesin (m.). drawing-room, salon (m.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION". 263 dress, robe (/.). dfess {to) one's self, s'lmbillcr. dress goods, des ^toft'es. dressing (/own, robe dechambrt- (/.). drink, boisson (_/".), breuvagc (/«.). drink {to), boirc. drunk, bu. dry, sec (?«.), seche (/.). duck, canard (/«.). durable, durable. during, duraut, pendaut. duty, devoir {m.). dwell {to), demeurer. E. each, chaque. each one, chacun. eacli other, I'un raulre. early, de bonne heure. easy, facile. e«* (.to), manger. eaten, mange. economical, econome. either. Tun ou I'autre. Elisa, Elisc. elsewhere, ailleurs. etnharasstnent , embarra.s (rn.). emperor, empereur (m.). employ (to), employer. emiHy, vide. enatnel, 6mail (m.). end, fin (/.) ; in the end, a la fin. endentfor, tachcr. enemy, ennenii (m.). England, I'Ani^leterre (/.). English, I'anglais, anglais. engraving, graviire (/.). enough, assez (de). enter (to), entrer. equal, 6gal. especially, surtout. esteem (to), estimer. eternally, 4teniellement. even, also, m6me. evening, Boir {m.) ; in the evening, le Boir. every, tout (m.), toute (/.). everybody, tout le monde. everyone, chacun. everything, tout. every tvhere, partont. Europe, I'Europc (/.). evil, mal (m.). examination, cxamen (/At.). example, exemple (in.). except, except^. excuse, excuse (/.). exercise, exercice (m.). expect (to aivait), attendre. extract (to), extriiire. extremely, extremement. eye, ceil (m.), les yeux {pL). fair, blond. faithful, iidele (k). fall (to), tomber. false, faux (m.), fausse (/.). family, faniille (/.) ; with one^a family, en famille. fan, gventail (m.). far, loin. fashion, mode (/.). fashionable, h la mode. fat, gras (m.), grasse (/.). father, pdre (m.). fatigued, fatigue. fault, defaut (m.), Tan to (/.). favor, faveur (/.) ; to do a favor, faire un plaisir. favorite, favori (m.), favorite (/.). fear (to), craindre. fear, for fear, lest, de crainte que, de peur que. feather, plume (/.). Eebrudry, fcvrier. feel (to) scntir. fetv, a few, quelqucs-uuB. fight (to), se battre. fill (to), rcmplir. finally, enfin. find (to), trouvcr. find again (to), retrouver. fi.ne, beau, bel (tn.), belle (/.). 264 VOCABULARY TO TIIE finger-ring, hague (/.), finish {to), flnir. first, premier (?«.). premiere (/.)• first, at first, d'abord. first! If, i)remierement. fish, poisson {7H.). flush of lightning, eclair (?«.)• fiattcr (to), flatter. flatter;/, flatterie {/.). flaxen, blond. /?«•« {to), fuir. flint, caillou (m.) /?oor,plaucher (/«.); on the first floor, au premier. flower, fleur (/.). folloiv {to), suivre. /V»irf o/ ( {to), monter. go and find {to), aller tronver. God, Dieu. gold, or {/n.). gold pen, plume d'or (/.). good, bon (w.), bonne (/.); Bage {of children). good bye, au revoir. good day, bon jour. good morning, bon jour. good (the), les bons (pL). goods, les marchandises {pl.f.). grain, grain (m.). grammar, grammaire (/.). grandfather, grand-pere (m.), alcui (m.), aieuls (pL). gray, gris. 'i^reek, grec (m.), grecque (/.). green, vert. grief, chagrin {in.). grind {to), moudre. grow {to), croitre. groiv tall (to), grandir. groif old (to), vieillir. guard (to), garder. guardian, gai-dien {m.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRAN"bij.\.TIOX. 3G5 H. ha ! ha 1 hail (Jo), gr§ler. hair, cheveu (wi.) ; pi. chevenx. hallo .' hoi J. /i«»j, jambon (to.). hand, main (/.). hand (to), remettre. handkerchief', moachoir (m.). hanilsome, beaiL, bcl (/«.), belle (/.). hard, difficult, difficile. happn, heurcux (/«.), heureiise (/.). haste {to niaUc), se depScber. hat, chapeau (to.). have {to), avoir. have to {to), devoir. head, tete (/.). headache, mal de tete (to.). hear {to), apprendre, entendre. heart, coeur (m.). heaven, ciel {tn.). lielji {to), aider. Iielp to {to), servir. Jienceforth, dorenavant. Henrietta, Henriette. Henry, Henri. her, son, sa ; pi. ses. herself, eUe-meme. here, ici. here is, here are, voici. high, loud, haut. himself, lui-meme. Jiire {to), louer. his, son. hist ! chut I history, histoirc (/.). hold {to), tenir. holiday {to have a holiday), avoir conge. home {at home), ^ ]a maison, chez got. honest, honnete. hope {to), esperer. horse, cheval (to.). hour, henre (/.). house, maison (/.). hole, comment. however, cependant, pourtant. how many, hotv ^itMr/i, combien (de). hungry {to he), avoir falm. hurry (In a), prcsse. hurt {to), fiiire mal. husband, mari {m.). idleness, oisivete (/.). if, si. initned lately , tout do suite. Impossible, impossible (a). imprudent, imprudent. in, dans. indeed, vraiment ; en verite. industry, Industrie (/.). inform {to), avertir. injure {to), nuire. inli, eucre (/.). inksttind, encrier (to.). inquire for {to"', demander. instant, tnstan ,.). instead {of), au lieu (de). instruct {to), insti-uire. intellect, esprit (to.). intelligence {neu-s), nonvelle (/.). intemperance, intemperance (/.). intention, intention (/.). intend (»» do you like, comment trouvez-vous ; I should like, je voudrais ; Jf like better, j'aime mieux. like (as), comnie. listen to (to), ecouter ; to listen, to reason, entepdre raison. little, peu (de) ; a little, un pcu (de) ; too little, trop peu (de) ; but lit- tle, ne — guere. live (to) (dwell), demeurer. live (to), vivre. lively, vif (m.), vive (/.). loiter (to), fifiner. long, long (m.). longue (/.); no long- er, ne plus. look at (to), regardcr ; look for (to), chercber. looking-glass, miroir (rn.). lose (to), perdre ; lo.st, perdu. lot (fate), sort (m.). loud, high, haul; to speak too loud, parler trop haul. Ziouisa, Louise. louse, pou (m.). love (to), aimer. low, bas (m.), basse (/.). luclc (good luck), bonheur (m.) ; bad luck, malheur (?«.). M. mad, fou, fol (m.), foUe (/.). madam , madame (/.). made, fait. magnificent, magnifique. make (to), faire. mamma, maman (/.). malicious, malin (pi.), maligne (/.). man, homme (m.). man-servant, domestiqne (m.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION. 267 ynany, beauconp, plusieurs ; how man;/, combien (dc) ; so many, tant (de) ; too many, trop (dc) ; many a one, maiiit, bien des. marble, marbre (m.). March, mars {m.). march (/o). marcher. mark, marque (/.). master, mattre (m.). May, mai {m.). mean {to), vouloir dire; by no means, aucnnement (ne) ; nulle- ment (ne). meat, viande (/.). meet (to), rencontrcr. mend {to), raccommoder. merchandise, marchandise (/.). merchant, negoctant {m.). meter, metre {m.). middle, milieu {m.). midst {in the) {of), au milieu (de). mill;, lait {m.). in ilk {to), traire. mill, mouliu {m.). miller, meunier {m.). mind, esprit {m.) ; to have a mind {to), avoir envie (de). minute, minute (/.). miserly, avare. misfortune, malheur (/«.). miss, mademoiselle (/.). mistake, faute {/.). mistaken {to be), se tiomper. Mister, monsieur {m.). Mrs., madame (/.). moment, moment (m.). monarch , monarque {m.). Monday, lundi {m.). money, arpjent (TO ). month, mois {m.) ; monthly, par mois. more, plus, davantage ; no more, ne plus. morning, matin {m.) ; yood-morn- ing, bonjour. morrow, lendemain ; to-morrow, de- main. morsel, morccau (to.). most, le plus, la plupart. mother, mere (/'.). mountain, montagne (/.). move {to) {affect), emouvoir. much, many, beaucoup (de) ; not much, ne — guere, pas beauconp ; hoif much, combien (de) ; too much, trop (de) ; as much as, autant que ; so much, so tnany, tant. music, musique (/.). 7nusic-l>ook, cahier de mnsiqne {m.). muslin, monsseline (/.). must, devoir. my, mon (to.), ma (/.). myself, moi-mSme. N. name, nom (WJ.). nation, nation (/.). near {close by), pr^s de, aupres de. necessa ry, necessaire ; to be neces- sary, falloir. need, to hare need of, avoir besoin de. neglect {to), negliger. negligent, negligent. neighbor, voisin (to.). neighborhood , voisinage (TO.). neither, ni I'on ni I'autre ; neither — nor, ni — ni. nrpheiv, neveu {m.). never, jamais (ne). nevertheless, neanmoins. neir, neuf (to.), neuve (/.). netv, nouveau, nouvel (to.), nouvelle news, les nouvelles {pl.f.). newspajter, journal (to.). next, procbaiu. nine, neuf. night, nuit (/.) ; to-night, cette nnit ; last night, la nnit passee. no, non ; nul (to.), nulle (/.), no longer, no tnore, ne plus no one, personne ; none, aucun (ne), Qol (ne), pas ua (ne). 268 VOCABULARY TO THE nobody, personne (ne). noise, bruit (m.). noon {at), h midi. nor, ui. not. ne — pas ; ne point. not one, nnl (m.), nulla (/.). notary, notaire (m.). note, billet {rn.). itothiny, ricn (ne). nothing hut, only, ne — que. notice {to (five), avertir. November, novembre {in.). now, maintenant. nowhere, nulle part (ne). O. obedience, ob^issance (f.). obedient, obeissant. obey {to), obeir (a). oblige {to), rendre service. obliged, oblige (de) ; to be obliged, devoir. oblong, oblong {m.), oblongue (/.). observe {to), remarqaer, observer. obtain {to), obtenir. October, octobre {m.). of, de. offend {to), offenser. offer (to), oflrir. office, bureau (?«.). often, Bouvent. oil ! ale 1 oh 1 old, age ; vieux, vieil (w.), vieille (/.). oldest, alne. oldish, \ieillot (tm.), vieillotte {/.). on, Bur. once, une fois ; at once, k la fois. one, nn. one's self, soi-meme. only, seulement. only, ne — que. open {to), ouvrir. opinion, avis (m.). opportunity, occasion (/.). opimsite, vis-^yifi. or, on. orange, orange (/.). order, ordre {m.) ; to put in order, mettre en ordre; in order that, afln que, pour que. other, autre. others, autrui. otherwise, autrement. our, notre («.), nos {pi.). ourselves, nous-nidmes. out, hors. outlive (to), survivre. outside, out of doors, dehors. owe (to), devoir. owl, Libou (/«.). packet, paquet (m.). pain, mal (m.) ; to have pain, &\oii mal. painter, peintre (?«.). jtainting, peinture (/.), tableau (m.). palace, palais (m.). jtaper, papier (m.). parasol, ombrelle (/.). 2}ardon (to beg), demander pardon. jiurents, parents (pi. m.). parlor, salon (m.). jiart, partie (/). pass (to), passer. passion, passion (/.). 2iatienee, patience {/.). 2>attcrn, dessin (?«.). I'aul, Paul. pay (to), payer ; to pay attention, faire attention. peach, peche (/.). pear, poire (/.). pen, plume (/.). pencil, crayon (m.). penknife, canif (;«.). people, da monde ; peuple (/«.) ; gens (pi. m.). ]>erhaps, peut-6tre. permission, permission (/.). jicnnit (to), permettre. perseverance, perseverance (/.). per.Hon, personne (/.). physician, medecin (m.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION. 2G9 picture, tableau (w.)i peintiire (/.). ]>iece, morcean (wt.), piece (/.), Ittnc-applv, ananas (/«.)• pity {to), plaindre. place, place (/.). place {to), placer. plate, assiettc (/.)■ j)laij {to),]o\XGT. plntjthin(f, joujoii {m.). please {to), i)laiiv (ii) ; if i/oa please, s'il vous plait. pleased tvit/i, content de. pleasure, plaisir (/«.). pocket, poche (/.). pocket-handkerchief, mouchoir de poche (m.)- polite, poli. poor, pauvre. postman, facteur (w.). post-office, poste (/.). pound, livre (/.). power, pouvoir (w.), jiotcerful, pui^'8aut. praise {to), louer. 2>ray {to), prier (de). 2)rayer, prierc {/.). 2>refer {to), preferer. 2>referenee, preference (/.). 2irefijced, prefix (>«.). prefise (f.). presence {in my), en ma presence. present, cadeaii {m.)\ at 2i resent, h. present. presently, tout a I'heure. pretty, jol\ (w.), jolie (/.) ; gentil (/«.), gentille (/.). prevent, empecher. 2>rice, prix (?w.). principle, principc (w.). prise, prix {m.), procession, procession (/.). jtroclaim {to), proclamer. professor, professeur (m.). professed, profSs (m.). profesee (/.) promise, promesse (/.). jtroniise (to), promettre. 2»ronounce (to), prononcer. proxterty, bien (m.). protect {to), protfiger. procide {to), pourvoir. provided {conjunction), ponrvu que. jtrtidence, prudence (_/'.). 2}rudent, prudent ; pruilently, pru- demmeut. 2>sliaH- .' bah 1 2)uhlic, public {m.), jjuliliqui; (/). pall {to), tirer. punish {to), punir. 2>upil, eleve {m. and /.). 2>ur2iosely, exprds {//>.), exprcsse(y.) 2)ursue {to), poursuivre. 2>ut on (to), mettre. 2tat hack {to), juit off {to), rcmcttre. 2fut in. order, mettre eu ordre. quality, qualite {/.). quarry, carri^re (/.). quarter, quart (/«.), quartler (m.). question, question {/.) ; to ask a question, fairc une question. quick, quickly, vite. quiet, tranquille. quit {to), quitter. K. rain, pluie (/.). rain {to), pleuvoir. rather, plutSt. reach {to), atteindre. read {to), lire. ready, pret (a). reap {to), recuoillir. veascend (to), rcmonter. reason, raison {/.) ; to listen to reason, entendre raison. receive {to), rocevoir. recital, recit (;/i.). rccofjnize {to), reconnaltre. recollect {to), se rappeler. red, rouge. reddish (of hair), rows. (OT.),rous8e (/.). re-enter {to), rentrcr. refuse {to), refuser. re(/ard, with regard to, ^I'egard de. 270 VOCABULARY TO THE relate {to), raconter. relatire, parent {m.), pareiile (/.). rely upoit {to), compter (sur). remiiin {to), rester. remember {to), se souvenir de. renounce {to), renoncer (a;. rent {to), louer. repair {to), r^parer. reprove {to) {for), reprimander de. reptitation, reputation (/.)• resemble {to), ressembler (a). reserve {to), r^serv'er. resiH'ct, respect {m.). respect {to), respecter. respectftiUif, avec egard. rest {remainder), rcste {m.). resume {to), reprendre. retain {to), retenir. return {to) {give back), rendre. return {to) {come back), revenir return {to) {go back), retourner. rewnril {to) {for), recorapenser (de). ribbon, ruban (m.). rich, riche. W///*^, juste. riifht {to be), avoir raison, rint/, bugne (/.), anneau {m.). ring {to), sonner. ripe, mflr. rise {to), se lever. road, chemin {m.). robe, robe (/.). room, chamber (/.), rounil. rond. mn {to), courir. ran ateai/ {to), e'enfbir, S. sad, triste. salt, eel (wi.). same, m§me. satin, satin (m.). satisfied, content. satisfied, {tritli), content (de). satisfi/ {to), contenter. Saturday, samedl (w.), gay (to), dire. scholar, 61eve {m. and/.). school, ecolc (/.); at school, k I'ecole. scissors, ciscaux {m. pi.). sea, mer (/.). season, saison {/.). seasonable, a propos. seat, place (/.). secret, secret {m.), secrete (/".). sedulous, applique. see (to), voir. see again {to), revoir. seeJk {to), chercher. select {to), choif'ir. seem {to), parattre. sell {to), vendre. send {to), envoyer. send uxvay {to), send hack {to), ten- voyer. send for {to), envoyer chercher, fairc venir. sentence, phrase {/.). September, septembre {m,.). servant, domestique {m.), servante (/■). serve {to), servir. service, service {m.). several, plusieurs. sew {to), eoudre. shawl, chale {m.). sheet, fenille (/.). sJiine {to), luire. shij), vaisseau {m.). shipwreck, naufrage {m.) shoe, Soulier (/«.). shoemaker, cordonnier {in.). shop {work-shop), atelier (»».)- show {to), montrer. shun {to), fuir. sJint {to), former. sick, malade. sickness, maladie (/.). side, c5te ; by the side of, h, c6te do. sign, signe (m.)- silence .' pais 1 silent {to be), ee taire. silk, soie (/.). silly, 60t (w.), sotte (/.). ENGLISH EXERCISES FOR TRANSLATION. 271 silvt-r, argent (;«.)• similar, pareil (m.), pareille (J'.). since (causal), puis quo. since {time), depiii?. since (coy.), depuis que. sincere, Bincere. sinff (to), chanter. sister, soeur (/.)• sit dotvn (to), s'asseoir; se mettre. sitting (to be), etre assis. situation, situation (/.). sky, cici (m.). sleep (to), dorniir. sleepy (to he), avoir sommeil. sloir, sloivly, k'lit, lentemciit. small, petit (m.), petite (/.). smell (to), sentir. snow, neige (/.). snoie (to), ueiger. so, si. so, til IIS, aiusi. soap, savon (m.). society, soci^te (./".). soft, mou, niol (m.), niollc (/.). soft, doux (m.), douce (/.). softly, gently, doiicenieut. soldier, soldat (?n.). some, quelque; quelques-uns. somebody, quelqu'un. somethintj. quelque chose. sometimes, quelquefois. someivhere, quelque part. .von, flls (m.). «oo»i, bient6t,t6t; sooner or later.idt ou tard ; as soon as, aus.sitSt que. sore, mal (rn.) ; sore throat, uial h. la gorge. sorry, fache ; to he sorry, etre ISche. 80UJ), potage (/«.), soupe (/.). speak (to), parler. spend (to) (of time), passer. spite, in spite of, malgr6. spoil (to), gater. S2>riny, printemps (m.) •, in the spring, au printempa. square, carr6. stable, ecnrie (/.), start (to), partir (§tre). stay (to), restcr. steam, vapcmr (/.). steamboat, bateau k vapour (m.). steamer, bfttinient k vapeur (m.), steamer (m.). step, pas (m.). still (again), encore. still (snug), coi (m.), coite (/.). still (quiet), tranquille. stir (to), bongor. stocking, b;is (//;.). store (shop), niagasin (m.). storekeejier, marchand (?«.). storm, ornge (m.). story, histoire (/.). stoat, fort, gros (m.), grosse (/.). strange, etraiige. stranger, etranger (//(.). street, rue (/.). strike (to), f rapper. strong, fort. student, etudiant (m.). st ad ions, sindienx (m.),studieu8e (/.), study (to), etudier. study, etude (./".). stuff, etoffe (/.), matiere (/.). subject, sujet (m.), sujette (/.). succeed (to), reussir, parvenir (etre.) success, succes (m.). such, tel (m.), telle (/.). suffer (to), souffrir (de). sugar, sucre (m.), summer, ete (m.). »S'«jj/7«y, diniauche (m.). supper, souper (m.). supreme, supreme. surety (for payment), aval. surprise (to), suri^rcndre ; she is quite surprised, elle est toute surprise. survive (to), survivre. sweet, doux (m.), douce (/.). T. table, table (/.). tailor, taille»»' 'w.), 272 VOCABULARY TO THE tnhe (to), prendre, mener. ta?ie away {to). Oter, emporter. talte hark (to), ruprt'iidru. take leave (to), prendre conge. take a iralk (to), se promener. take off (to), 6tcr. take out (to), extraire, talk (f'»), parler, causer. tall, grand (w.), grande (/.). ta.sJi, devoir (in. ), taste, gofit (//(.)• tea, the (?«.). tea eaiii.stef, boilc a the (/.). teacher, niaitre (//«.). tear (to), dechircr. tell (to), dire. Temple street, rue dii Tom[)le (/.). than, que. that, que (coiij.) ; co, cet (m.), cetto (/.) (acV.). thaiv (to), de, u2>on, sur. ■up stairs, en haut. tt.se, til innke use of, se servir. iisi-less, inutile (a). iisitiil, ordinaire. V. vacation, les vacances {pl.f.). value (to), to set value upon, faire cas de. vanquish (to), vaincre. veil, voile (m.). velvet, velours (>«.). very, trds. vessel, navire, Mtiment (m.). vice, vice (w.). violin, violon (m.). visit, vieite (/.). voyage, voyage (»».)• W, vHiistcoat , cilet {m.). wait, attendre; to keep one wait- intf, faire attendre. wall:, promenade (/.) ; to take a walk, se promener. icalk (to), marclier. leant, for trant of, faute de. war, guerre (/.). warehouse, magasin (m.). warm, chaud. warm {to he), avoir chaud. warmly, cliaudcment. watrh, montre (/.). u-ati-h-e/min, cliaine de raontre. iratcliniaker, liorloger (w.), water, eau (/.). weather, temps (m.). TVeilnesflay, mercredi (m ). week, scmaine (/.) ; tveckly, par se- maine. well, bicn ; it is irell, 11 est bien ; well then ! eh bien t west, ouest (m.). wet {to), mouUler. irliat, que. what (that which) as subject, ce qui; as object, ce que. whatever, quelconquc. when, lorsque; quand, tvhere, oi. tvherever, partout oft. ivheretvith, de quoi. whether {if), si. which {which one), qui, lequel (m.). laquelle (/.); "''' ''^'* "»"'*'> lesquels {m.), lesquelles (/.); in wh ich , oil; from which, d'ou ; throuijh which, par ou. w/tife, pendant ; a little tvhile aijo, tantdt. while {coiij.), pendant que. while, tandis que. white, blanc (m.), blanche (/.). who, whom, que; of tohom, of ivhic/i, u'hosc, dont. whoever, quiconque. whole, tout, toute ; fJie whole, le tout. why, pourquoi. wicked {the), les m^chants (.j)l.). wife, fcmme (/.). Willitini , Guillaume. tvillin;/ (to be), vouloir. willingly, volon tiers. tvindow, fengtre (/.). wine, vin (m.). wise, sage. wish {to), vouloir, d^sirer, avoir envie de. ivish well {to), vouloir du bien (a). wit, esprit (m.). ivith, avcc. within {in it), dedans. without, sans, dehors. tvoman, femme (/.). wonder {to), s'Stonncr. wool, laine (/.). word, mot {m.) ; parole (/.), work, ouvrage (wi.). 274 VOCABULARY TO THE ENGLISH EXERCISES. irorh- (to), travailler. ivoihl, nioiuie (m.) ; evevybody, tout le moude. u'ort/i (to be worth), valoLr ; it if worth, U vaut. write {to), ecrire. wrony (to be wrony), avoir tort. Y. year, an (»i.). aun6e (/.); in the year, ea I'iD. yes, GUI. yesterday, hier. yesterday tnoriiiny, hicr matin. yet, encore ; not yet, pas eucore. yonder, 1^-bas. young, jeune. yottny lady, demoiselle (/.}. yourself, vous-nieme. yourselves, vous-mdmes. CONJUGATIOX OF VERBS. 275 Fourth Conjugation. Third Conjugation. Second Conjugation. Firpt Conjugation. 2 o 5 s 2 e p ;j c "• o B » « = 11 ra'p 3 ra-p o - 3 T ra>r» re m (t O 01 » B N 3 9.2 2 £.2.2. < (i d "■"* ^ ffi N 3 5- '^ re ra o a N 3 erf to re ra o 2 s a '^' 3' »■ 5- * c ra (B c ': f3 S. 5' 5" 2. 2. 2. a> N a "■ ™ » 3 QQ llllli. o S 3 <^ X as S CD 2.rao2.2.2. re N 3 c^ X IB *N a H o O is is it tmes Ites irent 3 3>3>S 3 3 3 » g |IP"" (l>^p>;a>p p p 3ra3 »~ S- a, to hi (► c d 333333 B N t3 <» "" o o ra re o o <<■<<':< "i ^ -. -1 ^ -I O O P P P B N = a - ppil re re re -^ re ra 3 re 3 3 3 3 a N a 31 — r» X Q rais rais rait rions riez raient ra n c o ra (S g 2.2.3 3 p re ra re re re re -1 -1 '-S "1 -I T 2.rao2.S.E ra N 3 <^ * « 3 X !s! 5" OD M 9 a! b o as > 1-1 S 2.3.3 3 3 S N 3 S X S 5- " o o o 0> N 3 (B ts 3 N a re O a •^ B a > o CO ggg-'S® o ra o o c o_ o ra o'o re 6 3 N 3 DD Irao^i" ffi 5^ 5J* Q> n A H^ 2! ►3 a o X 3 S 3 ^= 3 3 II i^ S.N3 p p p ^p p >•• » M O CONJUGATION OF VERBS. REG^ULAR AND IRREG^ULAR. AVOIR — to have. (Auxiliary Verb.) INDICATIVE MODE. Present.* A Past Indefinite.* A' Tax, I have. J'ai eu, / have had. Tu as, thou hast. Tu as eu, thou ha.tt had. 11 a, lie has. 11 a ou, he has had. Nous avons, we have. Nous avons eu, we hare had. Vous avez, you have. Vous avez eu. you have had. lis ont, they have. Us ont eu, they have had. Imperfect. B Pluperfect. B' J'avais, I had. J'avais eu, I had had. Tu avais, thou hadst. Tu avais eu, thou hadsl had. 11 avail, he had. 11 avait eu. he had had. Nous avions, we had. Nous avions eu, we had had. Vous aviez, you had. Vous aviez eu. yau had had. lis avaient, they had. lis avaieut eu. they had had. Past Definite. C Past Anterior. C J'eus, I had. J'ens eu. I had had. Tu eus, thou hadsl. Tu eu9 eu, thou hadst had. 11 eut, he had. II eut eu, he had had. Nous eflmes, ive had. Nous eumes eu. we had had. Vous efites, you had. Vous cutes eu. you had had. lis eurent, they had. lis euient cu, they had had. FUTUItE. 2> Future Anterior. D' J'aurai, / shall have. J'aurai eu. I shall have had. Tu auras, thjou ivilt have. Tu auras eu, ■ thou wilt have had. 11 aura, he will have. U aura eu, he will have had. Nous aurons, we shall have. Nous aurons eu, we shall have had. Vous aurez, you will have. Vous aiirez eu. you will have had. lis auront, they will have. Us auront eu, they will have had. * A letter is assigned to each tense as a convenient abbreviation to be used in correcting exercises. CONJLGATIOif OF VERBS. 277 CONDITIONAL MODE. Present, li J'aurais, Tu aurais, U aurait, Nous aurioua, Vous auiiez, lis auraient, / t^hoidd have. Umu wouldsl hace. he would hai:e. we should hace. you would have. they would have. Past.* ly J'aurais eu, Tu aurais eu, 11 aurait eu, Nous aurions eu, Vous auriez eu, lis auraient eu, I should' thou wouldsl he would we slmiild you would they would IMPERATIVE MODE. F Aie, Ayons, Ayez, have (thou), let us have. have (you). SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G Que j'aie, that I may have. C^ue lu ales, that thou mayst have. Qu'il ait, that he may have. Que nous ayons, that tve may have. Que vous ayez, that you nuty have. Qu'ils aient, that they may have. Past. G' Que j'aie eu, that I rnay'\ Que tu aies eu, that thou mayst g* Qu'il ait eu, that he may I ^ Que nous ayons eu, that we may §■ Que vous ayez eu, that you may ?• Qu'ils aient eu, that they may , Imperfect. B. Pluperfect. H' Que j'eusse. Que tu eusses, Quil eflt. Que nous eussions, Que vous eussiez, Qu'ils eussent, that n ^ that thou S. that he g; that we r s- that you S that t/iey ) Que j'eusse eu. Que tu eusses eu, Quil eut eu. Que nous eussions eu, Que vous eussiez eu, Qu'ils eussent eu. that n that thou I i that Ae I *■» that ive that you that they. INFINITIVE MODE. Present. I Past. I' Avoir, to have. Avoir eu, to have had. PARTICIPLES. Present. fT" Ayant, having. Past. .7' Ayant en, having had. Past Passive. K Eu, m. ; eue, /., had. * Secotid form of the cond. past : j'eusse pu, tu eusses eu, il eut eu, nous eussions eu, vous eussiez eu, ils eussent eu. 278 CONJUGATION OF VERBS. ETRE— to be. (Avxiliary Verb J INDICATIVE MODE. Present. A Past Indefin ITE. A' Je puis, I am. J"ai ete, I have been. TU C8, tliou art. Tu as ete. thou hast been. U est, he is. 11 a ete. he /«/>< been. Nous sommes, we are. Nous avons ete. we have been. Vous files, you are. Vous avez etu, you have been. lis sout. they are. lis ont ete. t/iey have been. Imperfect. « Pluperfect, li' J'etais, / IDOS. J"avais ete, I had been. Tu etais, thou wast. Tu avals ete. thou hadst been. 11 etait, he was. 11 avait ete. he had been. Nous etions. we were. Niius avioDs ete, we had been. Vous etiez, you ivere. Vous aviez ete. you had been. lis etaient, they were. lis avaient ete. they had been. Past Definite. Past Anterior. C Je fus, Tu fus, 11 fut. Nous ffluies, Vous fates, lis furent. I was. tliou toast. he was. we were. you wei-e. they were. J'eus ete, Tu ens ete, II eut ete. Nous eumes ete, Vous eutes ete, Us eureut ete, / had been. thou hadst been. he had been. we had been. you had been. they had been. Future. 2> Future Anterior. ly Je serai, Tu seras, U sera, Nous serons, Vouo serez, lis serout. I shall be. thou wilt be. he will be. we shall be. you will be. they will be. J'aurui ete, Tu auras etc, II aura ete. Nous aurons ete, Vous aurez ete, Us auront ete. Ishain thou ivilt g* he u'ill I ^ we shall '' §" you will a they will. CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. J3 Je serais, Tu serais, II serait, Nous serious, Vous scriez, jls seraieut. / should be. thou wotddst be. he would be. we should be. you would be. they icould be. Past.* Xy J"aurais ete, Tu aurais ete, II auralt ete, Nous aurions ete, Vous auriez ete. Us auraient ete, / should' thou wouldst he would we sitould I you would they would \ * Second form of the cond. past: j'eusse 6t6, tu eusses 6t6, il eut 6t6, nous eussions 6t6, vous eussiez 6t6, ils eurent 6t6. .cok^juctAtiox of YERBa. •^79 IMPERATIVE MODE. F Sois, Soyous, Soyez, be (thou). let us be. be (you). SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Que jc sois, Que tu sois, Qu'il soit. Que nous soyons. Que vous soyez, Qu'ils soient, that I may be. that thou inaynt be. that he may be. that ive may be. that you may be. that they may be. Past. G' Que j'aic etc', that I may^ Quo tu aies etc, that thou maynt Qu'il ait ete, that he may Que nous ayons ete, that we may Que vous ayez ete, that you may Qu'ils aient ete, that they may Imperfect. R Pluperfect. H.' Que je fusse. Que tu fusses, Qu'il fflt, Que nous fussions. Que vous fussiez, Qu'ils fusscut. that I\ that thou I 2 that he \ ^ that ive { I*; that you | ^ that they} Que j'eussc ete. Que tu eusses ete, {^u'll eut ete, Que nous eussions ete. Que vous eussiez ete, Qu'ils eussent ete. that 71 that thou I 2 that he I |-|- that -we \? St- that you § tliat they} fitre. INFINITIVE MODE. Present. I Past. I' to be. Avoir ete, to have been. PARTICIPLES. Past. J' Ayaut ete, having been. Present. J fitant, being. Past Passive. K £l6, been. FORMATION OF THE TENSES. Tenses are primitive or derivative. The primitive tenses are thf^ principal parts of the verb, and serve to form the derivative tenses. There are five primitive tenses in French verbs : the Present Indica- tive, the Past Definite, the Present Infinitive and the two Participles. 1. The Present Indicative, although itself a primitive tense, has its plural formed from the present participle by changing ant into ons, ez, ent. aim ant fin iss ant rec ev ant rend ant nous aim ons nous fin iss ons nous rec ev ons nous rend ons vous aim ez vous fin iss ez vous rec ev ez vous rend ez ils aim ent ils fin iss ent ils reg oiv ent ils rend ent 2. The Imperfect Indicative is also formed from the present participle by changing ant into ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient. The two verbs avoir and savoir are the only exceptions to this rule. 3. The Past Definite is a primitive tense and has four sets of endings. for the 1st conjugation ; for the 2d and 4th conjugation ; for the 3d conjugation ; ins, ins, int, inmes, intes, inrent, for tenir, venir and compounds. 4. The Future adds ai, as, a, ons, ez, ont, to the present infinitive. But, in the third and fourth conjugations, the endings oir and re lose respectively oi and e. aim er fin ir rec evoir rend re j'aim erai je fin irai je rec evrai ie rend rai ai, as. a» ames. ates. erent, is, is. it. imes. ites, irent. us, us. ut, dmes. utes, urent, FORMATION OF THE TENSES. 281 6. The Conditional follows tlie peculiarities of the future in all cerbs — whether regular, or irregular — and adds ais, ais, ait, ions, iez, aient, to the r of the infinitive : aimer, j'aimorais; recevoir, jo rece- vrais, etc. 6. The Imperative has its second person singular like the first person singular of the present indicative — except in avoir, Stre, aller, savoir. The first and second persons plural are as in the present indi- cative — except in avoir, etre, savoir. 7. The Subjunctive Present is formed from the present participle by changing ant into e, es, e, ions, iez, ent. Only, for euphony, verbs in evoir, change e into oi in the singular and in the third person plural : devant, que je doive ; recevant, que je regoive. 8. The Subjunctive Imperfect. The first person singular of this tense can always be obtained by adding se to the second person singu- lar of the past definite. This rule is good even for irregular verbs •. tu aim as tu fin is tu re9 us tu rend is que j'aim asse que je fin isse, que je reg usse, que je rsnd isse 9. The compound tenses are all formed of the past participle and one of the auxiliary verbs avoir or ^tre. Rem. 1. All verbs that more or less deviate from the above rules are given in the Alphabetical List, "page 302, and" referred to their re- spective models in the paradigms for irregular verbs. Rem. 2. In the following paradigms, each tense has a letter assigned to it, which letter may be used as a convenient abbreviation to indicate the proper tense in written exercises. Rem. 3. Throughout the models of the regular conj ugations, every simple tense is headed by its primitive part printed in bold type 282 CONJL'GATIDN OF VEEBS. REGULAR VERBS. First Conjugation in ER— COUPER, to cut. (Model Verb.) Couper, to cut. Coujtant, culling. Coupe, cut. Present, a INDICATIVE MODE. Past Indefinite. tie coup e,* __ Tu coup es, 11 coup e, (cotip ant.) * N. coup ons, V. coup ez, lis coup eiit, I cut. thou cuttest. he cuts. J'ai coupe, Tu as coupe, II a coupe, we cut. Nous avon.s coupe, you cut. Vous avez coupe, they cut. Us out coupe. / hare cut. thou hast cut. lie has cut. we have cut. you have cut. they' have cut. Imperfect. (coup ant.) B PLirPEUFECT. Ji' Je coup ais, Tu coup ais, II coup ait, N. coup ioHS, v. coup iez. Us coup aieut. / was cutting. tliou wast cutting. lie was cutting. tve were cutting. you were cutting. Viey were cutting. J'avais coupe, Tu avais coupe, U avail coupe. Nous avious coupe, Vous aviez coupe, Us avaient coupe, / had cut. thou hadst cut. he had cut. we had cut. you had cut. they had cut. Past Definite. C Past Anterior. C e/e coupaij^ Tu coup as, II coup a, N. coup ames, V. coup ates. Us coup erent, I cut. thou cuttedst. he cut. we cut. you cut. they cut. J'eus coupe, Tu eus coupe, II eut cuupe. Nous eumes coupe, Vous cutes coupe, lis eurent coupe. / had cut. tlwu hadst cut. he had cut. we had cut. you had cut. they had cut. Future. Z) Future Anterior. J>' ("coup cr.) Je coup erai, Tu coup eras, II coup era, N. coup crons, V. coup erez, Ds coup eront, / shall cut. thou wilt cut. he will cut. we shall cut. you wiU cut. they will cut. J'aurai coupe, Tu auras coupe, U aura coupe. Nous aurous coupe, Vous aurez coupe lis auront coupe. I shall] thou uilt I he will [ 7i!e s/iall you will they zoill. ♦Thronghout the four model verbs of the regular conjugations, every simple tense has its primitive part thus marked in bold type. COXJU(iATrOiT Olf VKRBS. 283 CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. (coup er.) Je coup urais, Tu coup erais, U coup erait, N. coup erions, V. coup criez, Ue coup eraient, I should cut. thou wouldsl cut. he would cut. we slwuld cut. you would cut. they would cut. Past.* E' J'aurais coup6, Tu aurais coupt\ II aurait coupe, Nous aurions coupu, Vous auriez coupe, lis auiaieiit coupe, I should' thou wouldst he would we should you would they would IMPERATIVE MODE. F (je coup e.) Coup e, (coii2> (itit.) Coup ons, Coup ez, cut (thou J. let us cut. cut {you J. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G (roup nut.) Que je coup e, that I may cut. Que tn coup es, that tlwu mayst cut. Qu'il coup e, that he tnay cut. Que n. coup ions, that we may cut. Que V. coup iez, (hat ijoii may cut. Qu'ils coup eut, that they viay cut. Past. G' Que j'aio coupe, Que tu aies coupe, Qu'il ait coupe. Que iiou.s ayons coupe, Que vous ayez coupe, QuMls aicut coupe, that 71 g that thou that he that we that you that they Imperfect. H Que je •Que tu Qu'il Que n Que V Qu'ils coup at.) coup asse, coup asses, coup at, coup assions, coup assiez, coup assent, that 71 that thou I 3 (hat he \ "%, that we r ~ (hat you | S. (hat they] Pluperfect. II' Que j'eusse coupe, that 7] S Que tu eusses coupe, that thou I -g. Qu'il eflt coupe, that he ] Que nous eussions coupe, that w« I Que vous eussiez coupe, that you Qu'ils eussent coupe, (hat they] 1 INFINITIVE MODE. Present. I Coup er, to cut. Past. I' ^I'oir coupe, (ohaveatt. PARTICIPLES. Present. «7 Coup ant, cutting. Past. J' A yant coupe, having cut. Past Passive. K Coupe, m.; coup ee, /., cut. •Second form of the cond. past : j'eusse coupe,' tu eusses coupe, il eflt coupe, nous eussions coupe, vous eussiez coupe, lis eussent coupe. 2ii4 CONJUGATION OF VERBS. Second Conjugation in IR — FINIR, to finish, f Model Verb.) Finir, lo finish. Finisaant, finisiUng. Finl, finished. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. A Past Indefinite. A' Je fin ia, Tu finis, II fin it, (fin issiiut.) N. fin issons, V. fin issez, lis fin iasent, I finish. thou finished. he finishes. we finish. you finish. J'ai fini, Tu as fini, II a flni, ^_ Nous avons fini, Vous avez flni, t/iey finish. lis cut fini, / have finished. thou hast finished. he has finished. we have finished, you have finished, they have finished. Impeupect. iJ (fin issnnt.) I was finishing. thou ivast finishing. "^-j he was finishing. -~y we were finishing. you were flnis/dng. they were finishing. Pluperfect. B' Je fin issais, Tu fin issais II fin issait, N. fin issioiis, V. fin issiez, Us fin issaient, J'avais fini, Tu avais flni, II avait fini. Nous avions fini, Vous aviez flni, lis avaient fini, / had finished. thou hadst finished. he had finished. we had finished. you had finished. they had finished. Past Definite. C Past Anterior. C Je fin is, Tu fin is, II fin it, N. fin iines, V. fin Ites, lis fin irent, I finished. thou finishedst. he finished. we finished. you finished. they finished. J'eus fini, Tu ens fini, II cut fini, Nous fflmes flni. Vous eutes flni, lis eurcnt flni. 7 had finished. thou hadst finis/ted. he had finished. we had fini.shed. you had finished. they had finished. Future. J> Future Anterior. D' (fin ir.) Je fln irai, Tu fin iras, II fin ira, N. fin irons, V. fln irez, Us fin iront, I shall finish, thou wilt finish. he will finish. we shall .finish, vou will finish, they will finish. J'aurai flni, Tu auras fini, II aura fini, Nous aurons fini, Vous aurez fini, lis aiuoiit fiui, / shall thou wilt he will we shall you will they will. CONJUGATION OF VERBS. •48ft CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. (fin ir.) Je fin irais, Tu tin iiais, II fin iiait, N. fin irions, V. fin iiicz, lie fin iraient, thou tvouldst I . he ivviild ' » we should ' you tvould they would Past.* E' J'aurais flni, Tu auiaiB fini, II aiirail. fini, Nous auiion.-i fiui, Vous auiit'Z fini, lis auraicnt fiui. / should 1 thou wouldt^i ; he tvould we should you rvould they Would \^ (je fin is.) (fin issant.) mPERATIVE MODE. F Fin is, j Fin issons, ! Fin issez, finish ithou). 1(1 ns finish, finish (you). SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G (fin issant.) Que je fin isse, that I may} Que tu fin isses, that thou mayst Qu'il fin isse, that he may Que n. fin issions, that we may Que V. flu issiez, that you may Qu'ils fin isscnt, that they may Past. G* Que j'aie fini, Que tu aies fini, Qu'il ait flni, Que nous ayons fini, Que vous ayez fini, Qu'ils aient fiui, that P that thou that he that we that you that they Imperfect. H (je fin is.) Que je fin isse. Que tu fin isses, Qu'il fin it. Que n. fin issions. Que V. fin issiez, Qn'ils fin issent. that n that thou that he that we that yofu that they _ Pluperfect. H' Que j'eusse fini, that r\ Que tu eusses fini, that thou I Qu'il eflt fini, that he I Que nous eussions fini, tliat we \ Que vous eussiez fini, that you Qu'ils eussent fini, that they) infinitrt; mode. Present I Past. V Fin ir, to finish. Avoir fini, to have finished. participles. I^resbnt. tf Fin issant, finishing. Past. J' Ayant fini, having finished. Past Passive. K Fin i, finished. * Second form of the co;id past: j'eusse fini, tu eusses flni, il eut fini, nous eussions fini, vous eussiez fini, ils eus.sent i'uu^ 286 CONJrr.ATTOX OF YEllBS. THmo CoiJJUGATlON IX OIR*— RECEVOIR, to receive. Secevoir, to receive. Jteccvunt, receiving. Jte^u, received. Present. A. tTe reQ ois, Tu refois, II re9 oit, (rec ev ant.) N. rec ev ons, V. rec ev ez. Us rf9 otvent,t INDICATIVE MODE. Past Indefinite. A' I receive. J'ai refu, thou receivest. Tu as re9U, he receives. U a ri-fu, we receive, you receive, they receive. Nous avons reyu, Vous avez re^u, Us ont refii, / have received. ttwu hast received. lie has received. we have received. you have received, they have received. Imperfect. Ji Pluperfect. S' (rec ev ant.) Je rec ev ais, Tu rec ev ais, 11 rec ev ait, N. rec ev ions, V. rec ev iez, Us rec ev aieut, / was receiving. thou wast receiving. he tvas receiving. we were receiving. you were receiving. they were receiving. J'avais rc^u, Tu avais rt'^n, II avait refu, Nous avious rL'9U, Vous aviez re9U, Us r^vaient re9U, / had received. thou hadst received. he had received. ive had received. you had received. they had received. Past Definite. Past Anterior. C Jc rc^ us, Tu re9 US, 11 re9 ut, N. re9 flme" V. re9 fltes, Jls re9 urent, / received. thou receivedst. he received. we received. you received. they received. J'ens re9u, Tu eus refu, U cut re9u, Nous eumes rc9U, Vous uiites re9u, lis eurent rc9u, I had received. thou hadst I'eceived. he had received. we had received. you had received. they had received. Future. D Future Anterior. ly (rec ev oir.) Je rec ev rai, Tu rec ev ras, U rec ev ra, N. rec ev rons, V. rec ev rez. Be rec ev rent. 7 shall receive. thou wilt receive. fie will receive. we shall receive, you will receive, they will receive. J"aurai refu, Tu auras rc9u, 11 aura re9u. Nous aurons re9u, Vous aurez re9U, Ds auront re9U, 1 shall have'] thou wilt have he tvill have we shall have you will have they will have. ♦Verbs in oi>— about thirty in number— are all more or less irre^ilar. Six only, ending in evolr, follow reeevoir in all the tenses (see Note on next page). The others will be found in the list of irregular verbs tHere, as in the i)re8. eubj., oi takes the place of e, for euphony. Observe also c (cedilla) before o and i*t CONJUGATION OF VEIIBS. 287 CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. (rec evoir.) Je rec ev rais, Tq rec ev rais, II rec ev rait, N. rec ev rioiis, V. rec ev riez, Us rec ev raient, E I stvovld receivi. Hum wouldst receive. he would receive. we should receive. you would receive. they would receive. Past.* Xy J'aurals re^u, Til aurais reyu, II aurait re^u, Nous aurions re9u, Vous auriez re9u, lis auraient re9n, / should 1 > tlwu wouldist I § he would ! ice should you would § they would] •** ^^g IMPERATIVE MODE. F (je rcf oi.s.) Re? ois, , ' Rec ev ons, (rec ev ant.) i .- ^ ' I Rec ev ez, Present. f? (rec ev nut.) Que je re<; ojve, Que tu ro9 otves, Qu'il re? oive, that T thai tliou that he Que n. rue ev ions, that we Que V. rec ev iez. that you §■ Qu'ils re? ojvent, that they. receive (thou). let us receive. receive (you). 'E MODE. Past. Gf Que j'aic re9u, that r Que tu aies re9u, that thou ^ 2 Qu'il ait reyu, that he .P Que nous ayons re9U that we Que vous ayez re9H, that you P-S Qu'ils aient re9u, that they , Imperfect. U (je re^ us.) Que je re? usse. Que tu re? usses, Qu'il re9 fit. Que n. re9 ussions, Que V. re? ussicz, Qu'ils re? ui^sent, that I^ g that thou I ^ he has sold (vend ant.) N. vend ons, we sell. Nous avons vendu. we have sold. V. vend ez, you sell. Vqus avcz vendu. you hare sold lis vend ent, they sell. lis ont vendu, they have sold. Imperfect. B Pluperfect. S' (vend ant.) Je vend ais, I was selling. J'avais vendu, I had sold Tu vend ais, thou wast selling. Tu avals vendu. thou hadst sold. 11 vend ait, he ivas selling. 11 avait vendu, he had sold. N. vend ions, we were selling. Nous avions vendu. 2ve had sold v. vend iez. you were selling. Vous aviez vendu, you had sold. lis vend aieut, they were selling. lis avaient vendu, they had sold. Past Definite. C Past Anterior. C tTe vend is, I sold Tu vend is. thou soldest 11 vend it, he sold. N. vend imes, we sold. V. vend ites. you sold. lis vend irent, they sold Future. D (vend re.) Je vend rai. I shall sell. Tu vend ras. thou wilt sell. 11 vend ra. he ivill sell N. vend rons, tve shall sell. V. vend rez, ymi will sell. lis vend rent, they will sell J'eus vendu, Tu eus vendu, II eut vendu, Nous elimcs vendu, Vous efltes vendu, lis eurent vendu. / had sold. thou hadst sold. he had sold. ice had sold. you had sold. they had sold. Future Anterior. D' J'aurai vendu, Tu auras vendu, II aura vendu. Nous aurons vendu, Vous an rez vendu, lis auront vendu, / shall^ thou will he will we shall you will they will. 'I COJSJLUATlu:!* Ob' VEKiio. 289 CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. JE (vend re.) Je vend rais, Tu vend rais, II vend rait, N. vf ud rions, V. vend riez, ll3 vend raient, Past.* ly I should sell. J'aurais vendu, thou wouldnt sell. he would sell. we should sell. you would sell. they would sell. Tu aurais vendu, II aurait vendu, Nous aurions vendu, Vous auriez vendu, lis auraient vendu, / should 1 thou wouldst I he would I we should [ ' you would they would} LMPERATIVE MODE. -F (je vend s.) Vend s, ^ ^\ Vend ons, (^^^^^ «"*•>' 1 Vend ez, sell {thou), let us sell, sell (you). SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Pbesent. G (vend ant.) Que n. eussions vendu, that we\^^-^ Que V. eussiez vendu, that you | « Qu'ils eussent vendu, that they) INFINITrVE MODE. Present. 1 Tend re, to sell. Past. I' Avoir vendu, to have sold. PARTICIPI-ES. Present. J" Tend ant, selling. Past. tT' Ayant vendu, having sold. Past Passive. K Vend u, t * Second form of the cond. past: j'eusse vendu, tu eusses vendu, il efit vendu, nous eussions vendu, voua i-ussiez vendu. Us eussei-t vendu. 290 CON-JUGATIOJf OF VERBS. CONJUGATION" OF PASSIVE VERBS. The passive verb is formed bj' joining the past participle of the active verb to the various forms of the auxiliary verb etre, to be : as aimer, to love: etrt ainie, to be lored. The past participle agrees, in gender and number, with the subject of the verb. ETRE AIME— to be loved. (Model Verb.) INDICATIVE MODE. Pbksent. a Past Indefinite. A' Je suis ' :• 1 aime J'ai ete aime s-^ Tu es 1- or J5 Tu as ete or D 0?" elle est '- \ aimee. g.s 11 or elle a ete aimee, .11 as* Nous sommes S-- ' 1 aimes ■^l Nous avons ete aime.s Vous etes f. . : >■ w a. Vous avez ete or ^1 lis or elles sont 1 aimees, lis or elles out ete aimees, Imperfect. B Pluperfect. B' J'etais ) aime J'avais ete «^ -'^^ aime Tu etais [ .or. Tu avals ete >- ar . a.a- 11 m- elle etait ) aimee. 11 or elle avait ete aimee, Nous etions ) aimes Nous avions ete aimes '<^^ Vous etiez [ .or ??s- Vous aviez ete > m- .-1 lis w elles etaient ) aimees, . - or Tu eus ete 11 or elle fut ) aimee, 11 or elle eut ete Nous fumes 1 aimes Nous eflraes ete Vous ffites [ .or a. Vous efltes ete lis or elles f urent ) aimees, , lis or elles eurent ete ) air \ ■" ) aim FirrDRE. D FcJTURE Anterior. D' Je serai Tu seras II or elle sera Nous serous Vous serez lis or elles seront ] am aime ") aimee, J'aurai ete ) aime f^ Tu auras ete > or 11 or die aura ete ) aimee. .|S. Nous aurons ete 1 aimes a.S^ Vous aurez ete v or Ue or elles auront et6 ) aimees, . S* CONJUGATION OF VEllliS. 291 Je serais Tu serais II or elle serait Nous serious Vous seriez lis or elles seraient CONDITIONAL AIODE. Present. E I aimo V or I aimee, ) aimes > or \ aimees, Past.* J3> J'anrais ete Tu aurais ete II or elle aurait ete Nous aui-ions ete Vous auriez ete I aim6 " V or ) ainiee, 1 aiuies Us or elles auraient ete » aimees, J h « IMPERATIVE MODE. F Sois aime or aimee, „ ^ >aimes or aimees, Soyez ) be (thou) loved. \ let us be loved. I be (you) loved. Que je sois Que tu sois Qu"il or elle soit Que nous sojons Que vous soj-ez Qu"Us or elles soient SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G aime 1 5>^ I aim( I aimee, ) aimes V or I ) aimees, J Past. Q* Que j'aie ete \ a Que tu aies ete >- Qu'il or elle ait ete ' "' Que nous ayons ete \ ^ Que vous ayez ete V or \ S a Qu'ils or elles aieut ete ' aimt-'es, J ss. ft? LSIPERFECT. H Que je fusse i aime Que tu fusses y or Qii-il or elle fflt ' ainiee, Que nous fussions ^ aimt's Que vous fussi'Z v o/' Qu'ils or elles fussent ) aimees, Pltiperpect. H.' Que j'eusse ete Que tu eusses ete Qu'il or elle eiit ete Que nous eussions ete Que vous eussiez ete f . "'1 '5 Qu'ils w elles eussent ete) aimees J r. aime 1 g'g; or § a aimee, o-^' aimes or S=9 inftnitrt: mode. Present. I fitre aime or aimee Past. I' Avoir ete aime or aimee, | to have been aimes ar aimees, i^'o be Imed. aimes w aimee.s, f loved. PARTICIPLES. Present. «7" foant aime or aimee, aimes or aimees, Past. fP Ayant ete aime or aimee, i hai-ing being loved. aimes or aimees, I been loved. Past Passive. K £te aime &>• aimee, aimes or aimees, been loved. * Second form of the cond. past: j'eusse 6t6 aiin6, tu eusses 6t6 aim6, il eflt 6W aini6, nous eussions 6t6 aiiu6s, ^"'-» eussiez ete aimes, ils eussent 6t6 aiin6s. 2\iZ CONJUOATIOH OF VERBS. CONJUGATION OF A NEUTER VERB WITH ^TRE. Certain neutur verbs are conjugated in the compound tenses with the auxiliary verb etff, lu be ; their past participle agrees with the subject of the verb. The verb arriver, lo arrive, is given as the model verb of this class. ARRIVER— to arrive. (Modd Verb.) INDICATIVE MODE. Present. A Past Indefi tNIT E. A' J'arrive, I arrive. Je suis I arrive g) Tu arrives, thou arrivest. Tu es [ or Ik. 11 arrive, / lie arrives. 11 or elle est ^ ) arrivee, Nous arrivons/ we atvive. Nous sommes , ' } arrives Vous arrivez. you arrive. Vous etes [ or Us arrrivent. they arrive. lis or elles sont ) arrivees, . Imperfect. B Pluperfect B' J'arrivais, / was arriving. J'etais ) arrive ' a Tu arrivais, A tJvou wast arriving. Tu clais [ or § 11 arrivait, ' ) he was aniving. 11 or elle etait ) arrivee, ■1- Nous arrivions," we were aniving. Nous etions ) arrives !■§. Vous arriviez, you were arriving. Vous etiez \ or S" Es arrivaient, they Ware arriving. Ls or elles etaient arrivees, ■ Past Definite. C Past Anterior. C J' arrival, Tu arrivas, 11 arriva, Nous arrivames, Vous arrivStes, lis arriverent, / arrived. thou arrivedst. he arrived. we amved. you arrived. they arrived. Je fi s Tu fus 11 or elle fut Nous fflmes Vous ffltes lis or elles furent Future. D Future Anterior. D' J'arriverai, Tu arriveras, II arrivera, Nous arriverons, Vons arriverez, lie arriveront, / shall arrive, thou wilt arrive. he wUl ar'rive. we shall arrive, you will arrive, they will arrive. Je serai Tu seras II or elle sera Nous serous Vous serez lid ur elles seront arrive "1 arrivee, I arrives or I arrivees, J CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 295 CONDITIONAL MODE. Pbesent. E Past.* £> J'arriverais, / should Je serais ) arrive 1 -"^ Tu urriveiais, thou wuuldtii 2. Tu serais \ or 2§. 11 arriverait. he would 11 or elle serait s ariivee, 1 ~2 Ndus arriverious, we should Nous serious ) arrives ■|.l; Vous arriveriez, you would Vous seriez f or ?■» liB orriveraient, they would lis or elles seraient arriix-es, i^t LMPERATR'E MODE. F Arrive, Arrivons, Arrivez, arrive (thxm). let us arrive, arrive (you). SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G Past. O' Que j'arrive, Que tu arrives, Qu'il arrive, Que nous arrivions, Que vous arriviez, Qu"ils arrivent, that r\ that thou I that he that we that you that they _ 1-S Que je sois Que tu sois Qu'il or elle soit Que nous soyons Que vous soyez Qu'ils or elles soient j-as arrives i arrivees, J «. Imperfect. M Pluperfect. W Que i"arrivassc, Que tu- arrivasses, Qu'il arrival, Que nous arrivassions. Que vous arrivassiez, Qu'ils arrivassent. that r\ that thou I that he I that we I that you | 2. that they] Que je fusse j a^jve 1 Que tu fusses Qu'il or elle fut Que nous fussions Que vous fussiez J- or | g^ Qu'ils w elles fussent ' ai"vces, J R.5 arrive arr.vee, arrives Present. I Arriver, to arrive. INFINITR'E MODE. Past. I' Etre arrive or arrivee, i to have arrives or arrivees, I anived. PARTICIPLES. Pbesent. tT Arrivant, arriving. Past. J' Etant arrive or arrivee, \ having arrives or arrivees, ^arrived. Past. K Arrive or arrivee, arrives or arrivees, arrived. * Second form of thecond. past: je fusse arriv6, tu fusses arriv6, il f6t arriv6, nous fussions arrives, vous fussiez arrives, ils furent arrives. 294 CONJUGATION OF VERBS. CONJUGATION OF A PRONOMINAL VERB. Pronominal verbs are conjugated with two pronouns of the same person, the one is the subject, the otlier tlie direct, or indirect, object of the verb. In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs the auxiliary verb etre is used for the auxiliary vcrl) iivoir. The past participle is subject to the same rule of agree- ment as the past pariiciple of transitive verbs; that is, it agrees with its direct object, when the direct object precedes the participle. SE COUPER— to cut one's self. (Model Verb.) Present. A INDICATIVE MODE. Past Indefinite. A' Je me coupe, Ta te coupes, II se coupe. Nous nous coupons, Vous vous coupez, lis ee coupent. / cut myself, etc. Je me suis coupe, / have cut mysdf, Tu t'es coupe, [_etc. li s'est coupe. Nous nous sommes coupes, Vous vous etes coupes, lis se sont coupes. Imperfect. B Plupbrpeot. JB' Je me coupais, Tu to coupais, II se coupait. Nous nous coupions, Vous vous conpiez, lis se coupaient. / was cutting myself, {etc. Je m'etais coupe, Tu t'etais coupe, II s't'tait coupe, Nous nous etions coupes, Vous vous etiez coupes, lis 8"etaieiit coupes. / had cut myself, [etc. Past Definite. Past Anterior. C Je me coupai, Tu te coupas, D se coupa, Nous nous coupames, Vous vou" coupates, lis se coupereut. / cut myself, etc. Je me fus coupe, Tu te fus coupe, II se fut coupe. Nous nou- fumes coupes, Vous vous futes coupes, lis se furent coupes. / had cut myself, [etc. Future. JD Future Anterior, jy Je me couperai Tu te coupcras, II se coupcra. Nous nons couperons, Vous vous conperez, lis se couperout, / shall cut mT/self, [etc. Je me serai coupe, Tu te seras coupe, II se sera coupe, Nous nous serons coupes, Vous vous serez coupes, Us ee seront coupes. / shall have cut [myself, etc. CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 295 CONDITIONAL MODE. Present. IS Je me couperais, / should cut inyaelf, Tu te couperais, [etc. II s-e couperait, Nous nous coupurions, Vous V0U8 coupericz, lis se couperaieut. Past.* IS> Jo me serais coupe, / should have cut Tu te serais coupe, [niyself, etc. II se serait coupe, Nous nous serious coupes, Vous vous seriez coupes, lis se geraient coupes. ' IMPERATIVE MODE. F Coupetoi, Coupons-nous, Coupez-vous, cut thyself. let vs cut ourselves. cut yo^'j'selveg. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. Gf Que je me coupe. Que tu te coupes, Qu'il se coupe, Que nous nous coupions Quo vous vous coupiez, Qu'ils se coupeut. that I may cut Imyself, etc. Past. O^ Que je me sois coupe, that I may have Que tu te sois coupe, {cut myself, etc. Qn'il se soit coupe, Que nous nous soyons coupes, Que vous vous soycz coupes, Qu'ils se soient coupes. Imperfect. H Que je me coupasse, that I might cut Que tu te coupasses, {myself, etc. Qu'il se coupat, Qae nous nous coupassions, Que vous vous coupassiez, Qu'ils se coupassent. Pluperfect. R' Que je me fusse coupe, that I might have Que tu te fusses coupe, [cut myself, etc. Qu'il se fut coupe. Que nous nous fussions coupes. Que vous vous fussiez coupes, Qu'ils se fussent coupes. INFINITIVE MODE. Present. I Se couper, to cut one's self. Past. I' S'etre coupe, to have cut o. self PARTICIPLES. Present. J" Se coupant, cutting one's self. Past. J' S'etant coupe, having cut o. s. Past. K Coups, cut. * Second form of tlie cond. past: je me fusse coup6, tu te fusses coup6. il se fut coup*?, nous nous fussions coup6Sv vous vous fussiez coiip6s, ils se fii.ssent coupes- 29G CON-JrOATTO-NT OF VERBS. CONJUGATION OF IMPERSONAL VERBS. TONNER— to thunder, f Model Verb. J INDICATIVE MODE. A r tonne, it thunders. A' II a tonne, it has thundered It II tonnait, it was thundering. B' II avait tonne, it had thundered. C II tonna, it thundered. C II eut tonne, it had thundered. D II tonnera, it will thunder. D' l\ anra. tonne, it will have thundered. CONDITIONAL MODE. S II tonnerait, it would thunder. E' II aurait tonne, it woidd have, etc. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. f? Qn'il tonne, that it 7nay thunder. G' Qn'i] a\t tonne, thalif may hare, etc. II Qn'il tonnat, that it might thunder B' Qu'il eflt tonne, that it mioht hare [thundered. INFINITIVE. I Tonner, to thunder. J" Tonnint, PARTICIPLES. thundering. K Tonne, thundered. Irregular Impersonal Verbs y AVOIR— to be there. FALLOIR— to be necessary. PLEUVOIR— to rain. H TPres. a II y a (there is, there are). D faut. f- I Imperf. n II y avait. U fallait. 2 I P. Dep. C II y eut. II fallut. M [fut. -D E y aura. II faudra. CoND. Pres. 'E II y aurait. U faudrait. ^ ^Pres. O Qn'il y ait. Qu'il faille. {/} \ IMPERP. H Qu'il y eflt. Qu'il fallut. Infinitive. J Y avoir. Falloir. Pres. Part. J Y ayant. (wanting.) Past Pakt. it Eu. Fallu. II pleut. H pleuvait. II plut. II plenvra. II plenvrait. Qu'il pleuve. Qu'il plflt. Pleuvoir. Pleavant. Plu CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 297 OETIIOGRAPHIC IRREGULARITIES In the First Conjugation. Some classes of verbs in the first conjugation, though regularly varied through Out, undergo, in certain persons and tenses, slight changes to make their orihug- raphy conformable to the pronunciation. 1. In verbs ending in cer, as coinmeneer, to commence, the letter c, to retain the soand of s, takes the cedilla before a and o ; as, conimen^ant, noiiit coni- men^ons. 2. In verbs ending in JDortnir, to sleep. dormant, dormi. avoir dormi. ayant dormi. *. Fair, • to flee. fnyaut. fui. avoir fuI. ayant fai. INDICATIVE MODE. PRES3NT. A Imperfect. B Past Dep. C Future. D je vais, tu vas, il va, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont. j'envoie (p. 2.51). tu envoies, ^ il envoie, nous envoj'ons, vous envoyez, ils cnvoieut. j'acqniers, tu acqniers, il acquiertj nous acquerons, vous acquerez, ils acquierent. je bous, tu bous, il bout, nous bouillons, vous bouillez, ils bouillent. je cours, tu cours, il court, nous courons, vous courez, ils courent. je cueille, ' tu cueilles, il cueille, •' nous cueilloiis, vous cueillez,, ils cueillent. ." je dors, tu dor^i, il dort, nous dormons, vous dormez, ils dorment. je fuis, > tu fuis, ' il fuit, ' nous fuyons, vous fuyez, ils fuieni. j'allais, tu allais, il allait, nous allions, vous alliez, ils allaient. j'envoyais, tu envoyais, il envoyait, nousenvoyions, vous envoyiez, ils envoyaient. j'acquerais, tu acquerais, il acquerair, nous acquerions vous acqueriez, ils acqueraient. je bonillais, tu bouillais, il bouillait, nous bouillions, vous bouilliez, ils bouillaient. je courais,* tu courais, - il cour.iit,- nous courions,- vous couriez, ■ ils couraient. - je cueillais, tu cueillais, il cueillait, nous cueillions, vous cueilliez, ils cueillaient. je dormais, tu dormais, il dormait, nous dormions, vous dormie^ ils dormaient._ je fuyais, tu fuyais, il fuyait, nous fuyions, vous fuyiez, ils fuyaient. j'allai, tu alias, il alia, nous allames, vous iillates, ils allereut. j"envo}'ai, tu envoyas, il envoya. n. envoyames, V. envoyates, ils envoyerent. j'acquis, tu acquis, il acquit, nous acquimes, vous acquites, ils acquirent. je bouillis, tu bouillis, il bouillif, nous bouilliiiies, vous bouillites, ils bouillirent. je courus,' tu courusr il courut,- nous courumes, vous courutes, • ils courureut.- je cupillis, tu cufillis, • il cueillit, nous ciieillimes, vous cueillites, ils cueillirent. ' je dormis^ tu dermis, il doiniit. nous dormimes, vous dormites, ils dormirent. je fuis, tu fuis, il fuit, nous fuimes, vous fuites, ils fuirent. J irai, tu iras, il ira, nous irons, vous ircz, y ils iront. j'enverrai, tu euverras, il enverra, nous enverrone, vous enverrez, lis enverrout. j'acquerrai, tu acquerras, il acquerra, nous acquerrons, vous acquerrez, ils acquerront. je bouillirai, tu bouilliras, il bouillira, nous bouiiiirona, vous bouillirez, ils bouillirout. I- V je coniTai;- tu cou^^fas, 11 coufra, , nous courrone, vous coufrVz, ils coui'rbiit. je cneillerai, tu cueilleras, il cueillera, nouscueillerons. vous ciieiilerez, ils cueilleront. je dormirai, tu dormiras^ il dorniira, nous dormirons vous dorrairez, • ils dormiront. je fuirai, tu fuiras, il fuira, nous fuirons, vous fuirez, ils fuiront. * In the compound tenses of pronotninal verbs, the auxiliary verb etre is used for the t-S'm alter follows the model. The leflective pronoun and the adverb en p ecede tl>- used affirmatively : va-Ven ; allons-non^-tiu -* XAssaillir and tressaillir differ from the model in the future and in th^ conditi CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 29U IRREGULAE MODEL VERBS. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Verbs CONDITIONAL Imperative. conjuf/ated like the Model Verb. Present. E F Present. G Imperfect. IL j'irais, que j'aille. que j'allasse, s'en aller.* - 1 11 irais, va» que tu allies, que tu allasses. il irait. qu'il ailk", qu'il allat. nous irioiis, allons, que nous allions. que nous allassions. vous iriez, allez. que vous alliez. que vous allassiez. ils iraient, qu'ils ailleut. qu'ils allassent. j'enverraisi, que j'envoie. que j'envoyasse. rcnvoyer. tu enverniiis, cnvoie, que tu envoies, que tu euvoyasses, il envenait. qu"il envoie, qu'il envoyat. nous envfnioi.s, envoyons, que nous envoyions, que n. envoyassions, vous euveriiez, tnvoyez. que vous envoyiez, que v. envoyassioz. ils euverruient. qu'ils euvoient. qu'ils envoyassent. j'acquerrais. que j'acquiere, que j'acquisse, conquerir. s'enquerir.* tu aciiuerraifj, acquiers, que tu acquieres. que tu acquisses, il acquerrait. quil acquiere, qu'il ac(iuit, reconquerir. nous acquenions, acquerons, que n. acquerions, que n. acquissions, vous arqm-niez, acquurez. que v. acqut'-riez. que v. acquissiez. lis acquerraitut. qu'ils acquierent. qu'ils acquissent. jc bouillirais, que je bouille. que je bouillisse, tu bouillii'ais, bous, que tu bouilles, que tu bouilljsses, 11 bouillirait, qu'il bouille, quil bouillit, nous boujllirions, bouillons, que nous bouilMons, que n. bouillissions, vous bouilliriez, bouillez. que vous bouilliez, que V. bouillissiez. ils bouiUiraicut. qu'ils bouilleut. qu'ils bouillii-seut. je courrais, que je coure, que je courusse. accourir. tu courrais, cours, que tu coures, cue lu courujses, loncourir. 11 courrait, qu'il couce. qu'il courut,^ discourir. nous courrions, courons,- que nous coujiops, que n. courussions, I)arc(iurir. vous courricz, courez. que vous coujiez, que V. courussiez. secourir. ils courraient. qu'ils coujeut. qu'ils courussent. je cueillerais, que je cueille, que je cueillisse. accueillir. tu cufilk'rais, cueille, que tu cufilles, que lu cucillisses. ri'cucillir. il cufillerait, qu'il cueille, qu'il cueillit. assaillir.t nous cueillerions, cueillons, que nous cueillions, que n. cueillissions, tressaillir.t vous cueilleriez, cueillez. que vous cueilUez, que v. cueillissiez, ils cueilleraieut. qu'ils cueillent. qu'ils cueillisseut. je dormirais', que je dorme, que je dormisse, endormir. lu clorrTiTraTs, dors, que tu dormes, que tu dorniisses. s'eiidormir. il dorniirait, qu'il dorine, quil dorniit. rendormir. nous donnirion';, dormons, que nous dormions, que n. doruiissions, se rendormir.* vous doriuiriez, doruiez. que vous dormiez. que v. dorniissiez, lis dorniiraicnt. qu'ils dorment. qu'ils doruiistcnt. je fuirais, que je fuie, que je fuisse, s'enfuir.* tu fuiraiB, fuis, que tu fuies, que tu fuisses, 11 fuirait. qu'il fuie. qu'il fuit. nous fuirions, fuyons, que nous fuyions, que nous fuissions, vous fuiriez, fuyez. que vous fuyiez, que vous fuissiez, ils fuiraient. qu'ils fuient. qu'ils fuissent. auxiliary verb avoir. ^erb: je m'en vain; je rrCen svis alii; Ven vas-(ii? except in the imperative mode wbeo 't ; yaseOiillirai, j'an^aillirau ; je IrenuUliiai, je tressailliraii. J 0. Jtloiirir, to die. moil rant, nort. etre mort. etanl inort. 10. Oitvrir, to open. ouvraiit. ouvert. avoir ourort. ayant ouvert. 11. Fnrtir, to start. partant, parti, etre parti, etant part-. 12. Sentir, tc feel. sentaht. Benti. avoir senti. ayant seuti. IS. Tenir, to hold ; to keep. tenant, tenu. avoir tenn. ayant tenu. 14. Venir, to come. venant. venu. etre venu. etant venu. 15. Vetir. to clothe. vetaut. vetu. avoir veta ayant vetu. 16. Asseoir(8'), to sit down s'asseyaiit. assis. B'etre assis. s'^tant assis. je mcurs, tu mei'.rs, il meurt, nous niourons, V0U9 mourez, ils meureut. j'oiuTe, tu ouvres, il ouvie, nous ouvrons, vous ouvrez, ils ouvrent. je pars, tu pars, il part, nous partons, vous partez, ils parteut. je sens, tu S:;iis, il sent, nous sentons, vous sentez, ils teuteut. je tiens, /■ tu tieiis, il tient, nous tenons, vous lenez, ils t'euneut.'^ je viens, tu viens, il vient, nous venons, vous venez, ils vienitent. je vets, tu vets, il vet, nous vetons, vous vStez, ils vetent. je m'assieds,^ tu t'assieds, il s"assied, nousn. assej'ons vous V. asseyez, ils s'asseyent. je niourais, tu mourals, il mourait, nous mourions, vous niouriez, ils mouraient. j'ouvrais, tu ouvrais, il ouvrait, nous ouvrions, vous ouvriez, ils ouvraient._ je partais, tu partais, il partait, nous partions, vous partiez, ils partaient. je sentais, tu sentais, il sentait, nous sentions, vous sentiez, ils seutaieut. je tenais, tu tenais, i il tt-nait, nous tenions, vous teniez, ils tenaient. je venais, tu venais, il venait, nous venions, vous veniez, ils venaient. je vetais, tu vetais il vetait, nous vetions, vous vetiez, ils vetaient. je m'asseyais, tu t'asseyais, il s'asseyait, n. u. asseyions, V. v. asseyiez, ils s'asseyaient. je mourus, lu mourns, il mourut, nous mourumes vous mourutes, ils mourureut. J ouvns, tu ouvris,, il ouvrit, nous ouvHraes, vous ouvrites, ils ouvrireut. je partis, tu partis, il partit, nous partltnes, vous partites. Us partirent. je sentis, tu sentis, i! sentit, nous sentimes, vous sentltes, ils sentireat. je tins, tu tins, il tint, nous tianies, vous tiutes, ils tinreiit. je vins, tu vins, il vint. nous vfnines, vous vintes,' ils vinrent. je vetis, tu vetis, il vetit. nous vetimes, vous vetites, ils vetireut. je m^assis, tu t'assis, il s'assit, nous n. asstmes, vous V. assites, ils s'as.sirent. je mourrai, tu niourras, i! mourra, nous mourrons, VOUS mourrez, ils mourrout. j'ouvrirai, tu ouvriras, il otivrira, nous ouvrirons, vous ouvrirez, ils ouvriront. je partirai, tu partiras, il partira, nous pariirona, vous parti rez, ils partirout. je sentirai, tu sentiras, il sentira, nous sentirons, vous sentirez, ils sentiront. je liendrai, tu tii,-iidras, il tiendra, nous tiendrona, vous t endrez, ils tiemdront. je viendrai. tu viendras, il \ iendra. nous viendronfl, vous viL-udtez, ils vieudrout. je vetirai, tu vetiras, il vetira, nous vetirons, vous vetirez, ils vetiroDt. je m'assierai, tu t'assieras, il s'assiera, n. n. assierons, v. V. assierez, ils s'assieront. * In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs, the auxiliary verb etre is used + The compounds of venir are conjusrated with the auxiliary verb etre, except i Also : .je m'assois, tu ru-wow, il x'as.'.rjit ; fwsoyais ; fa-ssoiiai, etc. This fors* \Seoir and messeoir are defective verbs. (See p. :'10.) CONJUGATION OF VEKBS. lEEEGULAR MODEL VERBS. CONDITIONAL Pkxsent. JE je mourrais, tu mouriais, il mounait, nous inourrions, VOU8 niourrii'z, ils mourraient.. j'ouvrirais, tu ouvrirais, il ouvrirait, nous ouvririons, vous ouvririez, ils ouvriraieut. je partirais>, tu partirais, il partiiait, nous pnrtiiions, vous partiriez, Ds partiraient. je sentirais, tu stutirais, il sentirait, nous sentii'ions, vous sentiriez, ils sentiraient. je tiendrais, lu tiendrais, il tiendrait. nous tieiulrions, vous tieiidriez, Ds tiendraient. je viendrais, tu viendrais, n V lend rait, nous viendrioiis, VOUS vieudrifZ, ils vieudraient. je vetirais, tu vetirais, 11 vetirait, nous vetirions, vous vetiriez. ils vetiraieut. je m'assierais, tu t'assicrais, il s'assierait, n. n. assierions, V. V. assieriez, ils e'assieraient. Imperative. F SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Present. G mourons, mouruz. ouvrons tiuvrez. pars, partons, partez. sentons, semez. tenons, tenez. viens. venons, veue''.. vets, vetons, veicz. assicds-toi, a?seyons-n.. que je meure, quo tu meures, qu'il nieure, que nous niourions, que vous niourie/., qu'ils nieureut^ que j'ouvre, que tu ouvres, qu'il ouvre, ([ue nous ouvrions, line vous ouvriez, qu'ils ouvrent. que je parte, que tu partes, qu'il parte, que nous partions, que vous partiez, qu'ils partent. que je sente, que tu sentes, qu'il sente, que nous sent ions, que vous sentifz, qu'Os senteut. que je tienne, que tu tienncs, qu'il tienne, que nous'teiiions que vous teniez, qu'Us tienneut. que je vienne, que tu vicnnes, qu'il vienne, que nous venions, que vg;^ venlez, qu'ils vKnnent. « .. que je vete, que tu vetes, qu'il veto, que nous vetions, que vous vetiez, qa'ila v§tent. que je m'asseve, que tu t'ass^yes, qu'il s'asseyt', que n. n. asseyions,' Imperfect. H. a»seyLZ-voua! que v. v. assejiez k4?'ils s'asseyent./ Veisbs conjufraled lik© tlie Model Verb. que je moiirusse, que tu n.ourusses, qu'il niouiut, que n. niourussions, que v. niouiu^>i<'Z, qu'ils mounisseiit. que jouvrispe, que tu ou\ risses, qu'il ouvrit, que n. ouvrissions, que v. ouvrissiez, qu'ils ouvrissent. que je partissc, que tu paitis!-ee, qu'il partit, que n. partissions, que v. partissiez, qu'ils partisseut. que je r-entisse, que tu sentisses, qu'il Kcntit, que r. sentissions, que V. sentissiez, qu'ils sentissent. que je tinsse, que tu tiussts, q\ril tint, que nous tinssions, que vous tinssiez, qu'ils tinssent. que je vinsse, que tu vinsses, qu'il vJnt, que nous vinssions, que vous vinssiez, qu'ils vinssent. que je vetisse, que tu vetisses, qu'il veitt, que nous vetissions, que vous vetissiez, qu'ils vetissent, que je m'assisse, que tu t'assisScB, qu'il s'assit, " que u. n. assissions, que V. V. assissiiz, qu'ils s'assissent. couvrir. di'couvrir. offrir. souflrir, etc. rcpartir. sortir. ressortir. asseiitir. conscntir. presseutii'. res.-tiitir. mentir, etc. The com- pounds of fe/tir with prefixes. The com- pounds of r«- idrA devgtir. rovfitir. se v§tir. * se revet ir.* se devetir.* asseoir. rasseoir. _ se rasseoir,' seoir.§ inesseoir.§ for the auxiliary' verb avoir. , coiiVftdi; which'takes avoir in the sense of to suit, and ctrv in the eeuse of to agree. is little used. 303 COXJUQATION- OF VERBS. CONJUGATION OF INFINITIVE Forms. (7. Moil voir, to move. mouvaut. avoir m(i. ayant infl. 18. foiivoir, to be able. pouvant. pu. avoir pu. ayant pu. 19. Savoir, to know. sachant. su. avoir su. ayant su. no. Valoir, to be worth. valant. valu. avoir valu. ayant valu. gl. Voir, to see. voyant. vu. avoir vu. ayant vu. 22. Vouloir, /to he willing. vou'aiit. voiilu. avoir voulu. ayant voulu. 23. Battre, to beat. battant. battii. avoir battu. ai'aiit battu. ^4. Bo ire, to drink. buvant. bu. avoir bu. &yant bu. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. A Imperfect. B Past Dek. C Future. D je mens, tu uieua, il uieut, nousi niouvons, vous inouvez, lis meuveut. je peux, or puis, tu peux, il peul, nous pouvons, vous pouvcz, ils peuvent. je sais, tu sais, il salt, nous Savons, vous savez, ils savent. je vaux, tu vaux, il vaut, nous valons, vous valez, ils valeut. je vois, tu vois, 11 voit, nous voyong, vous voyez, ils voieiit. je veux, tu veux, il veut, nous voulons, vous voulez, ils veulent. je bats, tu bats, il bat, nous battons, vous buttez, ils batteut. je bois, tu bois, il boit, nous buvons, vous buvez, ils boiveut. je niouvais, tu mouvais, il mouvait, nous niouvions, vous mouviez, ils luouvaient. je pouvais, tu pouvais, il pouvait, nous pouvions, vous pouviez, ils pouvaieut. je savais, tu savais, il savait, nous savions, vous saviez, ils savaient. je valais, tu valais, il valait, nous valions, vous valiez, ils valaieut. je voyai.«, tu voyais, il voyait, nous voyions, vous "voyiez, ils voyaient. je voulais, tu voulais, il voulait. nous voulions, vous vouliez, ils voulaient,^ je battais, tu battais, il battait, nous battions, vous battit'z, ils battaieut. je buvais, tu buvais, il buvait, nous buvions, vous buviez, ils buvaient. je mus, tu mus, il nml, nous mflmes, vous mfltes, ils mureut. je pus, tu pus, il put, nous pilmes, vous putes, ils pureut. je sus, tu sus, il sut, nous sumes, vous sfltes, ils surent. je valus, tu valus, il valut, nous valfimes, vous valfltes, ils valurent. \ je vis, tu vis, il vit, nous vimes, vous vites, ils virent. % je voulus,. tu voulus, il voulut, "' nous voulftmes, vous vouliites, ils voulurout. je battis,' tu battis, il battit, nous battimes, vous battiti's, ils battireut. je bus, tu bus, il but, nous bflmes, vous bfites, ils burent. je mouvrai, tu mouvras, il mouvra, nous niouvrons, vous uiouvrez, ils mouvrout. je pourrai, tu pourras, il pourra, nous pourrons, vous pourrez, ils pourrout. je eaurai, tu sauras, il saura, nous saurons, vous sanrez, ils sauront. je vaudrai, tu vaudras, il vaudra, nous vaudrons, vous vaudrez, ils vaudront. je verrai, tu verras, il verra, nous verrons, vous verrez, ils -verront. je voudrai, tu voudras, il voudra, nous voudrons, vous voudrez, ils voudrout. je battrai, tu battras, il battra, nous battrons, vous battrez, ils battront. je boirai, , . tu boiras, ' il boira, nous boirons, vous boirez, ils boiront. * In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs, tbe + These verbs slightly deviate from the model. i'i.4»w.iiiipwative form veuillez is used only in the CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 303 lEEEGULAR MODEL VEEBS. ' SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. 1 Verbs CONDITIONAL Imperative. conjugated likr Present. E F Present. G Imperfect. J£ the Jlodel Verb. je mouvrai?, que je meuve, que je musse, dcmouvoir. tn niouvrais, meus. que tu meuves, que tu musses. einouvoir. il mouvrait, qu'il nieuve, qu'il mtit, s'^moiivoir.* nous mouviions, monvons, que nous mouvions. que nous niussions, promouvoir. vous moiivriez, inouvez. que vous mouvlez, que vous uiussiez, il8 muuvrau ut. qu'ils meuvent. qu'ils musseut. je ponrrais, que je puisse. que je pnsse. ta pourrais, pcux, que tu puisses, que tu pusses, J pourrait, quil puisse, qu'il pflt. nous pourrions, pouvons. que nous puissions, que nous pussions. vous pourriez, pouvez. que vous puissiez, que vous pussiez, ils pourraieut. qu"ils puissent. qu'ils pussent. je saurai?, que je sache. que je susse. tu saumis, sache. que tu siiches. que tu susses. il saurait, qu'il sache, qu'il sflt. nous saurions, sachons, iiue nous sachions. que nous sussions. vous sauriez, tachcz. que vous sachiez. que vous sussiez, ils sauraieut. qu'ils sachent. qu'ils sussent. je vaudrais, que je jaiUe, que je valusse. valoir mieux- tu vaudrais, vaux, que tu.Aailles, que tu valusses. equivaloir. il vaudrait, qu'il vajjle. qu'il valflt, prevaloir. nous vaudrioiis, valons, que nous valions, que nous valussions, revaloir. vous vaudriez, valez. que vou^ valiez, que vous valussiez. ils vaudraieiit. qu'ils v^illent.. qu'ils' valus^eut. je verrais, que je voie. que je visse. revoir. tu verrais, vois. que tu voies. que tu visses, entrevoir. il verrait, qu'il voie. qu'il vit. dechoir.t nous verrions, Vdj'ons, que nous voyions. que nous vissions. echoir.t vous verriez, voyez. que vous voyiez. que vous vissiez. pourvoir.t ils verraient. qu'ils voient. qu'ils vissent. prevoir.t je voudrais- que je veuille. que je voulusse, tu voudrais, veux, que tu vemlles, qu'il veui^e, que tu voulusses. il voudrait, qu'il voulut, nous voudnonaj voulons. que nous voulions. que n. voulussions. vous voudriez. voulez and que vous voulitz. que V. vouhissiez. ils vuudiaient. veuillez.? qu'ils veuilk-ut. qu'ils voulusseut. je battrais, que je batte, que je battisse. abattre. tu battrais, batR, que tu battes, que tu battisses. combattre. il battrait. qu'il batte, qu'il batint. debattre. nous baitrions, battons- que nous battions. que n. battissions. s'ebattre.* vous baltriez, battez. que vous battiez, que v. battissiez. rabattre. ils battraieut. qu'ils battent. qu'ils battisseut. rebattre. je boirais. que je boive. que je busse. emboire. tu boirais, bois. que tu boives, que tu busses. s'emboire.* il boirait. qu'il boive. qu'il bflt. reboire. nous boirions. buvons. que nous buvions. que nous bussioiis, vous boiricz. buvez. qu" vous buviez. que vous biissicz, ils boiraient. qu'ils boiveut. qu'ils bussent. 1 auxiliary verb etre is used f..r the auxiliary verbrti'oir. (See p. -JTS.) sense of please or be so kind us. 304 CONJUGATTOiq" OF YERBS. CONJUGATION OF IMVINITIVE Forms. INDICATIVE MODE. 85. Conclure, je conclus, to conclude. tu conclus, concluaut. il conclut, conciu. noua conclnons avoir conciu. vous concluez ayaiit couclu. Us conclueut. 3G. Conduire, je conduis, to conduct. tu conduis, conduisant. il conduit. conduit. n. conduisons, avoir conduit. V. conduisez, ayaut conduit. ils condui-sent. 27. Connnitre, je connais, to k/iow. tu connais, connaissaut. 11 connait, connu n. connaissone avoir connu. v. connaissez, ayaut conim. ils connaisseut ' S8. Coudre, je couds, to new. tu couds, cousant. il coud. cou^u. nous cousons, avoir cousu. vous cousez. ayant cousu. ils couseut. 39. Craindre, je c rains. to fear. tu crains, craisnant. il craint. craint. nous craii^nons avoir craint. vous craii;nez, ayant craint. Lis craigneut. 30. Croire, je crois. to ttelieve. tu crois. croyant. il croit, cru. nous croyons, avoir cru. vous croyez, ayant cru. its croient. SI. Croitre, je crois, to grow. tu crois. croii'sant. il croit. cru, /. crue. uous croissona avoir cru. vous croissez, ayant crii. ils croissent. 33. Dire, je dis. to say ; to tell. tu dis. disant. il dit, dii. nous disons, , avoir dit. vous dites^ ayaut dit. ils diseut. je concluais, tu concluais, il concluait, nous concluions, vous concluiez, ils coucluaient. je conduisais, tu conduisais, il conduisait, n. conduisions, V. conduisiez, ils conduisaient. je connaissais,^ tu connaissais, il connaissait, n. connaissions, V. connaissiez, ils connaissaient. je cousais, tu cousais, il cousait, nous cousions, VOUS cousiez, ils cousaieuc. je craignais, tu craignais, il craignait, nous craiguions, vous craigniez, ils craignaient. je croyais, tu croyais, il croyait, nous croyious, vous croyiez, ils croyaient. je croissais, tu croissais, ii crois. avoir ecrit. ayant ecrit. 34. Faire, todo;toinake. faisant. fait. avoir fait, ayant fait. 35. lAre, to read. lisant. lu. avoir lu. ayant lu. 36. Mettre, to pat. mettanl. mis. avoir mis. ayaut mis. 37. Moiidre, to grind. U moulant. moulu. avoir moulu. ayant moulii. 3S. Naitre, to be t)orn naissant. ne, etre n6.^ etant ne. *39. JPlaire, to please. plaisant. pin. avoir pin. ayant plu. <0. Prendre, to take. prenant. pris. avoir pris. ayaut pris. INDICATIVE MODE. Present. A Imperfect. B Past Dkp. C J eons, tu ecris, il (Jcrit, nous ecrivons, vous ecrivez, ils ecriveut. je fais, lu fais, il fait, nous faisons, vous faites, il font. je lis, tu lis, il lit, nous lisons. vous lisez, ils lisent. je mets, tu mets, il met. nous mettons vous niettez, ils mettent. je mouds, tu mouds, il moud, nous nioulous, vous uT^ilez, ils pxoiiieut. io ii.iis, tu nais, il nait, nous naissons, vous naissez, ils naisseut. je plais, tu plais, il plait, nous plaisons, vous plaisez, ils plaisent. je prends, tu pronds, il prend, nous prenons, vous prenez, ils prenueut. j'ecrivais, tu ecrivais, il c'crivait, nous ecrivions, vous ecriviez, ils L'crivaieut. je faisais, tu faisais, il faisait, nous faisions, vous faisiez, ils faisaient. je lisais, tu lisais, il lisait, nous lisions, vous lisiez, il; lisaient. je mettais, tu mettais, il mettait, nous mettions, vous mettiez, ils mettaient. je moulais, tu moulais, il moulait, nous moulions, vous monliez, ils moulaient. je naissais, tu naissais, il naissait, nous naissions, vous naissiez, ils naissaient. je plaisals, tu pUiisais, il plaisait, nous plaisions, vous plaisiez, ils plaisaient. je prenais, tu prenais, il prenait, nous prenions, vous preuiez, ils prenaieut. Futuke. J> j'ecrivis, tu ecrivis, il ecrivit, nous ecrivimes, vous ecrivites, ils ecrivireut. je fls, tu lis, il tit, nous fimes, vous fites, ils firent. je lus, tu lus, il lut, nous liimes, vous lutes, ils lurent. je mis, tu mis, il mit, nous mimes, vous mites, ils mirent. je moulus, tu moulus, il moulut, nous mouliames, vous moulflies, ils moulurent. je naquis, tu' naquis, il uaquit, nous naquimes, vous naquites, ils naquireut. je plus, tu plus, il plut, nous pliimes, vous plutes, ils plureut. je pris, tu pris, il prit, nous primes, vous prites, ils prireut. J ecrirai, tu ecriras, il c'crira, nous ccrirons, \ ous ecrirez, ils ecriront. je ferai, lu feras, il fera, nous ferons, vous ferez, ils leront. je lirai, tu liras, 11 lira, nous lirons, vous lirez, ils liront. je mettrai, tu mettras, il mettra, nous mettrona, vous mettrez, ils mettront. je moudrai, tu moudras, il moudra, nous moudrona, vous moudrez, ils moudrout. je naltrai, tu naiiras, il iiaitra, nous naifrons, vous naitrez, ils naitrout. je plairai, tu plairas, il plaira, nous plairons, vous plairez, ils plairoDt. je prondrai, tu prendras, il prend ra. nous prendrons, vous prendrez, ils prendront. * lu _the compound tenses of pronominal verb* tbe CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 3u: lEREGULAE MODEL VERBS. ^ SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. Verbs COXDITIONAL Imperative. conjajrated like Present. E jF Pkesbnt. G IStPERPECT. H the Model Verb. jV'criraiSj que j'ecrive, que j'ecrivisse, The com- tu ecrirais, 6cris, quo tu ecrives. que tu ccrivisses. pounds of il ecriraii, qu"il ecrive. qu'D ecrivit. eo-ire. nous (icririone, ecrivons, que nous ecrivions. que n. ecrivissious. % vous ecririez, ecrivez. que vous ecriviez. que V. ecrivissiez, ils ecriraietit. qu'ils ecrivent. qu'ils ecrivisseut. je ferais, que je, fas.«% que je flsse. The com- tu ferais, fais, que tu fasi^es, que tu flsses, pounds of il ferait, qu'D fasse. qu'il fit, /aire. nous ferioiis. faisons, que nous fassions. que nous fissions, vous feriez, faitus. que vous fassiez. que vous fissiez, ils feraient. qu'ils fassent. qu'ils Assent. je lirais, que je lise, que je lusse, elire. tu lirais, lis, que tu lises. que tu lusses, reelire. 11 lirait. qu'il lise. qu'il lilt. relire. nous lirions. lisons. que nous lisions. que nous lussions. vous liriez. lisez. que vous lisiez, que vous lussiez, ils iiraient. qu'ils liseut. qu'ils lustent. je mettrais. que je me te, que je misse. The com- tu mettrais. mets, que tu mu tes, que tu misses, pounds of il mettrait, qu'il mett* qu"il niit. mtUre. nous mettrions, mettons. que nous mettions. que nous missions, vous mettiiez, mettez. que vous mettiez, que vous niissiez. ils mettraieut. qu'ils metteut. qu'ils misseut. je moudrais. que je moule. que je moulusse. cmoudre. tu moudrais. mouds. que tu nioules. que tu moulusses. remoudr& il moudrait. qu'il monk', qu'il moulut. nous iu je resous, tu resous, il rcsout, nous resolvons, voiis resolvez, ils resolvent. je ris, tu ris, 11 rit, nous rions, vous riez, ils rient. je suflBs, tu suffls, il sufflt, nous sufflsons, vous snffisez, ils sufflsent. je snis, tu suis, il suit, nous suivons, vous suivez, ils suivent. je trais, tu trais, il tr.iit, nous trayons, vous trayez, ils traient. je vaincs, tu vaincs, il vainc, nous vainquons, vous vainquez, ils vainquent. je vis, tu vis, 11 vit, nous vivons, vous vivez, ila vivent. je resolvais, tu resolvais, ft resolvait, nous rc'solvions, vous resolviez, ils resolvaient. je rials, tu rials, il riait, nous riiona, vous riiez, ils riaient. je sufiisais, tu sufiisais, 11 suftisait, nous surtisions, vous sufti.-icz, lis suflisaient. je suivais, ta suivais, 11 suivait, nous suivions, vous suiviez, ils suivaient. je trayais, tu trayais, 11 trayait, nous trayions, vous trayiez, ils trayaient. je vainquais, tu vainquais, 11 vainq^nait, nous vainquions vous vainquiez, ils vaiuquaient. je vivais, tu vivais, 11 vivait, nous vivions, vous viviez, lis vivaient. je resolus, tu resolus, 11 resolur, nous resolflmes vous rusolutes. Us resolureut. je ris, tu ris, 11 rit, nous rimes, vous rites, ils rirent. je suftis, tu suftis, il suttlt, nous suffimes, vous sulfites, ils sufllrent. je suivis, tu suivis, il suivit, nous suivimes, vous suivites. Us suivirent. je vainquis, tu vainquis, il vainquit, n. vainquimes, V. vainquites. lis vainquirent. je vecus, tu vecus, 11 vecut, nous vecflmes, vous veciites, ils vecurent. je resoudrai, tu resoudras, il resouiira, nous resoudrons vous resoudrez. ils resoudront. je rirai, tu riras, il rlra, nous rirons, vous rirez, ils riront. je suffirai, tu sufflras, 11 SI tHra, nous snttirona, vous suttirez, ile suliirout. je suivrai, tu suivras, il suivra, nous suivrons vous suivrez, ils sulvront. je trairai, tu trairas, il traira. nous traironp vous trairez, ils trairont. je vaincrai, tu vaincras, il vaincra, nous vaincrons- vous vaincrez, ils vaincront. je vivrai, tu vivras, II vivra, nous vivrons, vous vivrez, ils vivront. *In the compound tenses of pronominal verbs, the •\ Absoudre deviates from the model In the past CONJUGATION OF VERBS. 309 lEREGULAR MODEL VERBS. ' SUBJUNCTIVE MODE. 1 Verbs CONDITIONAL Impebative. 1 conjugated like , Present. JES F Present. €f Imperpect. H the Model Verb. |e resoudrais, que je resolve. que je resolusse, absoudre.t tu resoudrais, i resous, que tu resolves, « que tu resolusses. kil resoudraii. ' qu"il resohe. qu'il rejoliit. •aous resoudrions, resolvons, que nous resolvione, que n. resolussions. V0U8 resoudriez, resolvez. que vous resolviez. que V. resolussiez. Us resoudraieut. qu"ils resolvent. qu'ils resolussent. je rirais. que je rie, que je risse, eonrire. tn rirais, ris, que tu ries, que tu risses, il rirait. qu'il rie, qu'ii rit. nous ririons, rions, que nous rlions, que nous rissions, vous ririez, riez. que vous riiez. que vous rissiez. ils riraient. quils rient. qu'ils rissent. je suflirais. que je suffise, oue je suffisse, tu suti:.-ai>, snffis, que tu suflisi'S, que tu suflisses. il suffirait. quil suflise. qu'il suffit. nous surtirions, suflSsons, que nous suffisions, que nous suffissions. vous suttiriez, suflisez. que vous suffisiez, que vous suttissiez, ils suttiiaieut. qu'ils suffisent. qu'ils sufflssent. je euivrais, que je suive. que je suivisse, s'ensuivre.* lu suivrais, suis. que tu suives, que tu suivisses. poursuivre. il suivrait, quil suive. qu'il suivit. nous saivrions. suivons. que nous suivions. que n. suivissions, vous suivnez, suivez. que voHS suiviez. que v. suivissiez. ils puivraient. qu'ils suivent. qu'ils suivissent. je trairais, que je traie. extraire. trais. que tu traies, quil traie, soustrairc. tu trairais, il trairait. nous trairions, vous trairiez, ils trairaient. trayons, trayez. que nous trayions, que vous trayiez, qu'ils traient je vaincrais. que je vainqne. que je vainquisse. convaiucre. tu vaincrais. valncs, que tu va'inques. que tu vaiuquisses, il vaincrait. qu'il vainque. qu'il vaiiiquit. nous vaincrions, vainqnons, que n. vainquions. 'lue n. vainquissions. vous vaincriez. vainquez. que v. vainquiez. que .'. vainquissiez. - ils vaincraient. qu'ils vainquent. qu'ils vainquissent. je vivrais. que je vive. que jevecnsse. survivre. tu vivrais, vis. que tu vives. que tu vecusses. il vi^Tait. qu'il vive. j qu'il vecflt. nous vivrions, vivons. quo nous vivions, que n. vecussions. ■vous vivriez, vivez. que vous viviez, ; que v. vecussiez, ils vivraient. qu'ils vivent. qu'ils vecussent. ^ . auxiliary verb etre is used fot the auxiliary verb avoir, participle, which is adsous, tern. absouU, Defective and Slightly Irregular Yerbs. FIRST CONJUGATION. Seo Ort.Vioofrapllic Trrogularilies in the first conjugation, page 108. SECOND CONJUGATION. 48. Benir, to blexii ; to eon^ecrate, has two past participles: bSni, in the sense of Wf.s'.svr/, and henit, in tlie sense of consecrated ; otherwise it is regular. 49. Ttffaillir, to fail, is used only in the plural of the indicative present: nous defaUlons : in the imoerfect : je defaillais ; in the past definite : Je defaillis; and in nw infinitive. 50. FtiiUir, to fail, has faiUrnit, fnilli ; present : jo faux, tn fnux, it fnut, nous faillous, vous fniilcz, Us faille nt ; imperfect : j> faillais ; past definite : je faillis. It is used principally in the infiuilive, th'- past definite, and the compound tenses. 51. Ferir, to Hnke, is used only in sans coup ferir, without sti-iling a Mow, and in the past participle : feri^^^ 53. Fleui'ir, to l>!oss(yin ; to flourish. In the sense of to blossom, fleurir is regular ; in the sense of to flouniu'i, are used. 57. Querir, to fetch, is used only in the infinitive. 55. Saillir, to project, to jut out, is conjugated like cueillir; the third per- son and the present participle only are used. 69. Huvylr, to arrive at, to start up, is used only iu the infinitive. THIRD CONJUGATION. GO. Appnroir, to be evident, is used only in the infinitive and in the third person singular of the indicative present: il appert. 61. Choir, to fall, is used only m the infinitive and past participle : chu. 63. Coinpnroir, to appear in justice, is used only in the infinitive. 63. T>echoir, to fall away, fo'lows the model voir, except in the past definite: je dechus. The present pjirticiple, imperfect, and imperative are wanting. 64. Echoir, to-chance to be ; to becmne due, is used only in the third person ; it has the same forms as dechoir, and also the present participle : echeant. DEFECTIVE AXD SLIGHTLT IRHEGULAR VERBS. 311 €5. Mcsscoir, to be unbecoming, is conjugated as asscoir : Jc tnessieda, etc. It is not u^^ed intlie pat^t definite, the compound tenses, and the prci^ent participle. 66. J'ourroir, to provide, follows voir, except the past definite: Je pour- VU.S, and the future : Je poiirvoirai. €7. I'revoir, lo foresee, follows voir, except the future : je prevoirai. 68. Jtavoir, to get again, follows avoir, but is used only iu the future, the couditionai present, and the infinitive. 69. Seoir, to become, is used only in the third person of the present: il .sieds Hs sieettt; of the Imperfect : il **-»/« i7, and of the future : il .siera. 70. Seoir. to be sealed, has only the present participle: scant, and the past participle : sis. 71. Souloir, to be accustomed, is used only in the imperfect: je soiilais. 72. Siirseoir, to s>i.id : present participle: tiursoi/ant ; past participle: sursis ; future ;je gurifoirai, Iu other respects it follows the model voir. FOURTH CONJUGATION 73. Accroire is nsed only in the infinitive: faire aeeroire, to make believe. 74. Braire, to bray ; present: il hrait,ils braient ; future: il braira. 73. Brtiire, toroar ; present participle: bruyant ; present: il bruit; \m- perfect: il bruyait. 76. Cireoncire, to circumcise, follows dire, except the second person of the present: vous circoncisez ; and tlie past participle : circoncis. T*. Clore, to close; present : Je clos, tii clo.t, iWclot ; future : Jc clorai ; past participle : clos. 78. Conlredire, to contradict, and. the following compounds of dire, \iz.: dedire, to unsay; interdire, to forbid ; niedire, to slander; predire, to foretell, follow the model dire, except in the second person plural of the present indicative and of the imperative, which is discs instead of dites. 79. Cotirre, lo hunt, is used only in the infinitive. 80. Deconfire, to discomfit ; past participle : deconfit, 81. Eclore, to be hatched, follows clore C77J; it is used only in the third person. 82. Frire, to fry ; present : je fris, tu fris, il frit ; future : Je frirai ; past participle : frit. 83. IMulfaire, to do wrong, is used only in the infinitive, the compound tenses, and the past participle : tnnlfait. 84. yiatidire, to curse; present participle : tnatidissant. The double a is retained in the parts derived from the present participle ; in other respects it fol- lows dire. 83. Jiompre, to break, is regular, except in the third person singular of the indicative pres-cnt : il ronipt. 86. Soudre, to solve, is used only in the infinitive. 87. Sourdre, to spring forth, is used only in the third person eingnlar and plural: il sourd, ils sotirdent. It has no present participle. 88. Tistre, toweav".: uast oarticiplc ; tiaau. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS. Tlie nviodel Verbs are in. Bold ir-aced Ty^De. Abattre (231, to fell. Absoiidre (41 •, to aJ)solve. Abstenir (s") (13), to abatain. Abstraire (45), to abstract. Accouiir (5), to 7itn to. Accrolre (73), to believe. Accroitre (31), to increase. Accneillir (6), to receive. Acquerir (3), to acquire. Admettre (30), to admit. Advenir (14), to happen. Aller (1), to go. Apparaitre (28). to appear. Apparoir (60), to be evident. Appartfuir (13), to bdoiig. Apiirendre (40), to learn. Assaillir (6), to assail. Assemir (12), to assent. Asseoir (Iti), to set. Asseoir (s'J (16), to sit down. Autreindre (29), to force. Atteindre (29), to attain. Attraire (45), to attract. Aveindre (29), to fetch out. Aveiiir (14), to happen. Avoir (p. 245), to have. Battre (23), to beat. Benir (48). to bless. So ire (24), to drink. Houillir (4), to boil. Braire (74), to bray. Bruire (75), to make a noise. Ceindre (29), to gird. Choir (61). to fall. Circoucire (76), to circumcise. ■ Circonscrire (33), to circumscribe. Circonvenir (14), to circumvent. Clore (77), to close. Oombattre (23), to fight. Commettre (36), to commit. Comparaltre (27), to appear. [justice. Comparoir (62), to appear in a court of Complaire (39), to comply with. Comprendre (40), to understand. Compromettre (36), to compromist. Conclure (25), to conclude. Concoiirir (5), to concur. « Condiiire (26), to conduct. Confire (32), to preserve. Cotijoinilre (29), to unite. Connnitre (27), to know. Coiiquerir (3), to conquer. Conseiitir (12), to consent. Cotistruire (26), to construct. Coiitenir (13), to contain. Contraindie (29), to compel. Contiediie (32, 78), to contradict, Contrefaire (34), to counterfeit. Coutieveuir (14), to transgress. Convaincre (46), to convince. Convenir (14), to agree. Corrompre (85), to corrupt. Coiidre (28), to sew. Courir (5), to run. Couire (79), to hunt. Couvrir (10), to cover. Craindre (29), to fear. Croire (30), to believe. Crottre (31), to grow. CucHlir (6), to pluck. Cuire (26), to cook. Debattie (23), to debate. Dechoir (63), to fall off. Declure (77), to unclose. Deconfire (SO), to rout. Decoudre (29), to unsew. Decouvrir (10), to discover. Decrire (33), to desa-ibe. Decroire (30), to disbelieve. Decroitre (31), to decrease. Dedire (32, '^8), to disown. Dedire (se) (32, 78), to retract. Dediiire (26), to deduct. Defaillir (58), to fall. Defaire (34), to undo. Dejoindre (29), to disjoin. Dementir (12), to contradict. Demettre (36), to dislocate. Demettre (se) (36), to resign. Doniouvoir (17), to make one desist. LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS. 313 Departlr (11), to distribute. Dopartir (se) (11), to desist. Depeiiidre (29), to desci'ibe Deplaire (39), to displease. Depourvoir (21, 60). to deprive. Desapprendre (40), to rinleaiii. Desservir (7), to dicoblige. Deteindrc (29), to discolor. Deteiiir (13), to detain. Detruire (26), to destroy. Devenir (14), to beamie. Devetir (15), to strip. Deveiir (se) (15), to undress one'' s self. Dire (32), to saij. Difcoiivciiir (14), to disagrie. Discourir (5), to discoKrse. Disparaitre (27), to disappear. DiBsoiidie (41, S6), to dissolve. Distraire (45), to divert from. Disiraire (se) (45), to divert one's mind. Dorniir (7), to sleep. Duire (26), to suit. ]6battre (s') (23), to be merry. Ebouillir (4), to boil dcwn. flchoir (64), to expire. felore (81), to be hatched. jSconduire (26), to put off. JEcrire (33), to write. ttlire (35), to elect. Emboire (24), to imbibe. :fimcttre (36), to emit. firaoudre (37), to grind. fimouvoir (17), to move. Empri'iiidre (29), to impiint. Enceindre (29), to surround. Eucloie (77), to inclose. Encourii- (5), to incur. Eiidorniir (7), to tnake sleep. Enduire (26), to do over with. Eufreindie (29), to infringe. Enfuir (s') (8), to run away. Eiijoiiulre (29), to enjoin. Eiiqucrir (s') (3), to inquire. Eusuivre (s') (44), to resvlt. EiitxiiJB^tw; (is") (36), to Intermeddle. Entr'oiivrir (10), to open a little. Enireprendie (40), to undertake. Entretenir (13), to keep up. Eutrevoir (21), to have a glimpse of. Unvoyer (2), to send. ifiprt-iiidre (29), to squeeze out. fipreiidrc (8') (40), to be smitten. fiqiiiva'oir (20), to be equivalent. fiteinare (29), to extinguish. £tre (p. 247), to be. fltreiiidre (29), to twist. Exclun (25), to exclude. Extrairc v45), to extract. Faillir (50). to fmt. Faire (34), to do. Fallitir, to be necessary. Feindre (29), to feign. F^rir (51), to strike. Fleurii- (52), to bloom. Foifaire (34), to fmfeil. Frin; (82), to fry. Jb\iir (8), to flee. Gcindre (29), to whine. Gesir (53), to lay. Hair (54), to hale. Induiie (26), to induce. Inscriie (33), to inscribe. Iiietruire (26), to inUruct. luteruire t32), to forbid. Interroinpre (85), to ifitei-rupt. Intervenir (14), to meddle. lutroduirc (26), to introduce. Issir (55), to come out. Joindie (29), to join. Lire (35), to read. Luire (26), to shine. Maiutenir (13), to maintain. Malfaire (34, 83), to do hann. Maudire (32, 84), to curse. Meconiiaitre (27), to disown. Medire (32 1, to slander. Mefaire (34), to do ivrong. Mentir (12), to lie. Meprendre (se) (40), to mistake. Mesi^eoir (65), to be unbecmning Mettre (36), to 2)ul. Moudre (37), to grind. Mourir (9), to die. MoHvolr (17), to remove. Xaitre (38), to be born. Nuire (26), to harm. Ohtenir (13), to obtain. OfErii- (10), to <;/r«?-. Oiiidre (29), to anoint. Omettie (36), to or«i^ Ouli- (56), to /i«ar. Ouvrir (10), to op««. Paitre (27), to graze. Paraitre (27), to appear. Parc'.ourir (5), to run over. Parfaii-e (34), to complete. I'artir (II), to start. Parvfiiir (14), to reach. Peindie (29), to paint. Permettre (36), to allow. Plaiiidre (29), to pity. I'laire (39), to please. Pleuvoir, to rain. Poiiidre (29), to dawn. PourMuvre (44), to pursue. Pom voir (21, 66), to provide. Pouvoir (18), to be able. Pr6dire (32, 78), to foretell. 314 COXJUOATTON" OF VERBS. Prendre iAff). to take. Prescrire (Si), to prei>cribi. PreBsentir (12). to forebode. Prevaloir (20), to prevail. Prevenir (14), /r)7wer«n<. Prevoir (21, UT), to J'ore>e. Soustraire (45), to si/btract. . Soutenir (13), to svslain. Souvenir (se) (14), to remember. Subvcnir (14), to assist. Suffire (43). to suffice. Suivre (44), to follow. Surgir (59). to land. Surfairo (34), to overdo. Siirprendre (40), to .'surprise. Surseoir (72). to put off. Survenir (14), to survene. Survivre (47). to survive. Taire (39), to conceal. Taire (se) (39), to keep silent. Teiiulre (29), to dye. TeniV (13), to hold. Tistr(i (88), to weave. TraduW (26), to translate. Truit\: (45). to milk. Traiiscrire (:^)3), to copy. Transindttre (.36), to transmit. Tressailljr (6), to start. Vnincne (46), to vanquish, Taloir (20), to be worth. Veiiir (14), to come. Vetir (15), to dress. Vii're (47), to live. Voir (21), to see. youloir (22), to wiM. IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. PABT FIRST. — ENGLISH INTO FRENCH. T?ie principal icord in each expression, or the word on which the itliom turns is placed at the head of the division in irhieh the expression is given. About. I hare no money about me. What is if about f Go about your bunness. Look about you (mind). Account. A man of no accwint. On my account. On no account. Even account.^ make lastinrj friends. Afford, to. I cannot afford to do it. I cannot afford it. That affords me great pleasure. What can you afford to give? I cannot afford more. Give as much as you can afford. Again. Ikgia again. Go there again. He 7vill come again. I told it to him again and again. Give me as much again. Agree, to. We hare agreed aJbout the price. Thiy agree like cat and dog. I u'itl make them agree. Do you agree to those tenns? Agreed upon. That does not agree with me (my stomach). AU.. It is all over. , After all. You m.ust take him all in all. All (he better; all the better for it. Environ ; alentour. Je ii':\\ p;is d'aigeiit .siir moi. De qiioi s'agitil ? Allez-vous-cn. Prtiioz Lcarde a vous. Compte, m. Un hommc de rien. A cause de moi. En ancune maniere. Les bons comptes font les bons amis. Avoir les moyens. Je n'ai pas les nio}'ens de le fiiire. Jc n'en ai pas les moyens. Cela me donne beaiicou]) de plaisir. Combien pouvez-vous doimor ? Je ne peux pas aller au-dcla. Donnez selon vos moj'ens. De nouveau ; encore. [veao. Kecoiiinieiiccz, or commencez de non- Allez y encore une fois. II reviendra. Je le lui ai rupetc vingt fois. Donnez-m'en deux fois autant. Convenir. Nous sonimes convenus du prix. lis s'accordent comme chien et chat. Je les mettrai d'accord. Consentez-vons a ces conditions .' Convenii. D'accord. Cela me fait mal, me derange Pestomac Tout. C"o*t flni. Aprcs tout, au bout dn compte. II faut le prendre tel quel. Tant niieux •, 11 n'pn pcra que mieox. SVc IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. It is all one to me. If thai it all, be eofij. To be all IMngn to all men. All is well thai ends well. All is not gold (hat glitters. Answer, to. What did he an.nve7' ywi ? He shall answei' before God. That answei-s my jmrpose. That answers s^-reral purposes. That answered eery well. Ask, to. Some one asks for yon. Ask him to come in. Did you ask for Mrs. B. ? How much do you ask for that coat? Attend, to. To (dtend to one''s business. — a meeting. — lectures. ~ a sick person. The odium which attends dishonor. I will attend to you in an instant. Average, to average. The average cirruki/ion of that journal is 30,000 co/des a day. Our receipts average fifty dollars a day. Be, to (12, 13). What i-i that? What is that to you? How are you f He is not well. He is better. How M (hat busin£,9s? How is business? This coffee is better than the other. Tea is better for me than coffee. He i." as good as she is. He is worth a great deai. It is (of time or distance). Bear, to. To bear some one ill will. — malice against some one. — it in mind. — a good character. <«»• y)i(ness. Cela m'est 6gal. S'il ne tlenf. qu'^ cela, soyez tranqulue. Se faire tout i\ tous. La tin couronne Tceuvre. Tout ce qui reluit n'est pas or. Bepondre. t^ue vous a-t-il repondu ? II en rendra conipte a Dieu. Cela fait mon affaire. Cela sert ii plusieurs flna. Cela a parfaiteuient reussi. Demander. • On vous deniande. Priez-le d'entrer. Vous etes-vous informe de Mme. B. ? Combien faites-vous cet habit ? Faire attention. S'occuper de, vaquer a, .ses affaires. Assister a une seance, une assemblee. Suivre un cours. Soigner un malade. L'odieux qui s'attache au deshonnenr. Je serai a vous a I'instant. Moyen, moyenne. La circulation moj'enne de ce journal est de 30,000 exemplaires par jour. Nos recettes montent a cinquante dollars par jour Tun portant Tautre. fltre. Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela ? Qu"est-ce que cela vous fait ? Comment vous portez-vous ? II ne se porte pas bien. II va mieux. Comment va cette affaire ? Comment vont les affaires ? Ce cafe est meilleur que Tautre. Le the vaut mieux pour moi (or me COU vient mieux) que le cafe, II la vaut bien. II est tres-riche. II y a (217, 218, 219). Porter. En vouloir ii qqn. Garder rancune contre qqn. Le retenir. ne pas Toublier. Jonir d'une bonne reputation, Eendre tcmoignage. EKGLISH INTO FRENCfl. .^17 Beat, to. To beat a person black and blue. — a paih. — np eggft, cream. — down the price. — about the bu.ih. — something into his head. 1 beat him two games. Become, to. What has become of him? That hal is not becoming to you. Her dress is very becoming. That is very becoming. Better. ihai< thought better of it. Yon ivill be the better for it. You will not be the better for it. He grotvs better and better. You will get the better of those difficulties. Better late than never. The better the day the better the deed. BiU. To settle a bill. To run up bilh everyivhere. The walls are covered with lAlls. There is a bill on the house. Tlie play-bill. The bUl of fare. Break, to (to render useless). To break into pieces (to smash). — {asunder). — an engagement. — an oath. — one's word. — any one^s heart. — open a door. — the bank. — in a Iwrse. — news to one. Bring, to. Bring the gvn, — the dogs, the carriage. — in dinner. To bring luck. — an action against s. b. — word to s. b. of s. th. Time brings about many things. His conduct ifrought this misery iipon him. Battre. Meiirtrir qqn. de coups. Frayer un senticr. Fouetter des cBufs, de la creme. Kabattre le prix. Tourner autoiir du pot. Lui fonrrer quelque cho-^e dans I'esprit. Je lui ai gagne deux parties. Devenir. Qu'est-il dovenu ? Ce chapeaii ne vous convient pas. Sa robe lui sied bien. C'est bienseant, c'est tres-convenable. Meilleiir, ac(j- ; mieux, adv. Je me suis ravise. Vous vous en trouverez mieux. Vous n'y gagnerez rien. II va de niieiix en mieux. Vous vaincrez ces obstacles. Mieux vaut. tard que jamais. A bou jour bonne ceuvre. Billet, m. Eegler un compte. Faire des dettes partout. Les murs sont converts d'affiches. II y a un ecriteau sur la maison. Le programme du spectacle. Le menu du diner ; la carte. Casser. Briser en morceaux. Rompre. Rompre un engagement. Violcr un serment. Manquer de parole. Fendre or briser le cceur a qqn. Enf oncer or forcer une porte. Faire sauter la banque. Rompre un chcval. Preparer qqn. a recevoir des nouveiietj, Apporter ; amener. Apportez le fusil. Amenez les chiens, la voiture. Servez le diner. Porter bonheur. Intenter une action contrc qqn Infonner, prevenir qqn. dc qq. ch. Lc lemps accomplit bien des choses. Sa conduite lui a attire ces m.Hlticura. 318 IDIOMS AKD PROVERBS. Business. Mind your bindn^ess. You had no hiisine.u>sefine airs sit badly on him. Sit still. Sit close together. Sleep, to. Bid you sleep well? In which room did you sleep? To sleep with God. Speak, to. To speak plainly. — through the nose. — extempore. — openly. — the truth. Did you speak ? To speak out. Who is to speak now ? Her eyes speak her thoughts. Stand, to. He kept standing in front of its. The old castle is still standing. The house stands between two hills. Do not stand in the sun. Let that stand. They stood their ground. That color will not stand. How does the matter stand? As matters stand. The fact stands thus. I canrwt stand this any longer. This is more than I can stand. What does that stand for ? I stand first on the list. Stop, to. My watch has stopped. I stop here. We stooped a month with them. Strike, to, with a dagger. 7b strike a bargain. — the balance. The clock struck ten. IJu carpenters have struck. Se mettre, s'asseoir. Se mettre a table. Asseyez-vous aupres (i c3t6) de mol. Les oiseaux se percheiit sur lea arbres. Je viendrai vous tenir compagnie. II a passe une heure avec nous. Cet habit vous va bien. Ces grands airs ne lui conviennent pas Restez trauquille. Serrez-vous, serrez vos rangs. Dormir; coucher. Avez-vous bien dormi ? Dans quelle chambre avez-vous coachS 5 Keposer au sein de Dieu. Parler. Parler or prononcer distinctement. Parler du nez. Improviser. Parler a coeur onvert. Dire la verite. Disiez-vous quelque chose t Dire sa pensee. Qui est-ce qui a la parole ? Ses yeus espriment sa pensee Se tenir debout. II se tenait debout devant nous Le vieux chateau est encore debout. La maison est situee entre deux collines. Ke vous exposez pas au eoleil. Laissez cela, ne touchez pas a cela. lis tinrent bon. Cette couleur ne tiendra pas. Ou en est cette affaire ? Au point oil en sont les affaires. Voici le fait. Je ne puis endurer cela plus longtemps Ceci met ma patience a bout. Qu'est-ce que cela represente ? Je Buis le premier sur la liste. Arreter. Ma montre est arretee. Je m'arrete ici. Nous avons passu un mois avec eux. Frapper d'un poignard. Conclure un marche. Faire la balance. L'horloge a sonne dix neores. LeB charpentiers ont fait greve. ENGLISH INTO FRENCH. 331 Our ship struck against a rock. To strike at the root of good principles. — a blow at some oiie. — in with a person. — off an engraving, a copy. Take, to, the air. To take advantage of. — advice. — care. — — {lobe on one's guard). — cold. — comfort. — delight in. — effect. — the field. — fwld of s. th. — notice. — an oath. — a part in. — revenge. — shelter. — sides with. — one's way. — it kindly. — it well, ill. — it easy. — after somebody. — away, off, out. — out a tooth. — to a thing. — to bad habits. — lo one's keels. — to heart. — to pieces. — vp another person's interest. Throw, to ; to throw away. To throw dust into one's eyes. — in one's teeth. — things about. — away tim£, money. — 0. s. away. — out hints. Try, to, on a coat. To try a friend. — a man for theft. — to convince. — to please s. b. — to lift. — tonuxeed. Notre vaisseau adonne centre un rocher. Saper le.s fondements des bons principea. Porter iiu coup a qqn. Toiuber d'accord avec qqn. Tirer une gravure, line impression. Prendre i'air. Profiter de, tirer parti de. Cousulter ; sriivre un avis, un conseil. Prendre or avoir soin. Prendre garde. S'enriiumer. Se consoler. Se plaire a. Produire son eflfet. Se niettre en campagne. Saisir qq. cli., s'emparor de qq. ch. Observer, remarquer, faire attention a. Preter serment. Prendre part a. Tirer vengeance. ^^ Se mettre a I'abri. Se ranger du parti de. Faire a sa guise. Savoir bon gre de qq. ch. a qqn. Prendre en bonne (mauvaisei part. Ne pas se gener. Eessembler a qqn. Emmener ; emporter ; enlever ; 6ter. Arrucher une dent. Se plaire a une chose, y prendre plaisic Contracter de raauvaises habitudes. Prendre la fuite. Prendre a coeur. Demonter. fipouser les interSts d'un autre. Jeter. Jeter de la poussiere aux yeux de qqn. Jeter au nez. fiparpiller les choses. Gaspiller son temps, son argent. Se sacrifler. Donner a entendre. Essayer un habit. fiprouver un ami. Juger un homme pour crime de vol. Tacher de convauicre. Chercher a plaire ii qqn. Tenter a soulever. S'eSorcer de reoaeir. 332 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Turn, to. Tlie machine turns on a pivot. To turn pale, red. His hair turns gray. He turned soldier. To turn French into English. — prose into verse. — to good^ account. — the stomach. — an hone/it penny. — the tables upon one. — away. — in. The question turns on thu point. He does rwl know which icay to turn. To turn upside down. — one's thoughts inward. Walk, to, fast. To walk to church. He is walking this way. To walk (for amusement). They walked out together How far did you walkf I walked ten miles. He walked up to her. Way. To lose one's way. To miss Vie way. To give way. Over the way, across the way. He is coming our tvay. The best way to acco?nplish it. To put a thing th/t wrong way. In which way is it to be done ? Bo it in my way. Bo not put yourself out of the way. There Is nothing out of the way in that. To have one''s way. To be in the way {of persons). To stand in the way. To keep oui of the way. To make one''s way in the world. — — — through the crowd. The fimtse stands out of the way. The nays of Providence. Tourner. La machine toume sor un pivot. Palir ; rougir. See cheveiix deviennent gris. II s'cst fait soldat. Traduire du fran^ais en AnglaiB. Mettre de la prose en vers. Mettre a profit. Soulever le coeur. Gagner honnetement sa vie. Kendre la pareille. Se dctourner, s'eloigner, s'ecarter. Se coucher, se mettre au lit. La question roule sur ce point. II ne sait oil donner de la tete. Renverser, mettre sens dessus dessoas. Rentrer en soi-meme. Marcher vite. Aller a I'eglise. II vient par ici. Se promener. lis sont alles se promener ensemble. Jusqu'ou avez-vous ete f (260), J'ai fait dix milles a pied. II s'avanf a vers elle. Chemin. Se perdre, s'egarer. Se tromper de chemLo, Ceder. De I'autre c6te. 11 vient de notre c6te. Le meilleur moyen d'y parvenlr. Mettre une chose a 1 en vers. Comment faut-il le faire ? Faites-le de ma maniere. Ne vous derangez pas. II n'y a rien de singulier en cela. En faire a sa tete. fitre de trop. Faire obstacle. Se tenir cache. Faire son chemin dans le monde. Percer la f ouie, se frayer un passage. La maison est ecart6e. Les voies de la Providence. IDIOMS AND PROVEEBS. PAET SECOND. — FRENCH INTO ENGLISH. Aflfaire, /. C'est mon affaire. Cela fera precisement mon affaire. II en fait, son affaire. II a fait son affaire (o/i«'s own b.). — — {another's). Son affaire est faite. — {unfadoral)le sense). II a son affaire. — — (unfavorable sense). J'en vienstt mon affaire. II est bien (mal) dans ses affaires. Les affaires out change de face. Les affaires vont mal. C'est un homme qui s'eutend aux affaires. Voulez-vous que je me fassc une affaire avec lui ? II s'est tire d'affaire a temps. Je me croyais hors d'affaire. J'ai bien affaire de lui. II n'a pas affaire a, un sot. Avoir affaire a la veuve et aux horitiers. A demam les affaires 1 AUer. Comment va la sante ? Comment va la malade ? Elle va mieux. Comment va cette affaire 1 Ce ressort ne va pas. Qa va, ?a ira. Cela ne peut allcr. Cet habit vous va bien. Ce chapeau lui va mal. Ces couleurs vont bien ensemble. Cela ne mo va pas. Je vais le voir uiijourd'hui. II en va {imp.]. E en allait comme on s'y attendait. D n'en va pas de meme ici. Y aller. II y va {imp). Business. TIkiI U my business, that concerns me. That will Just dofm- {suit) me. He takes charge of it ; he makes it pay. lie hoi succeeded ; lie has done well. He has done far him. Ilis fortune is made. lie has been done for. lie is suited, he has luhat he wants. He has got his due. I am coming to the point. He is in good {in bad) circumstances. The tables are turned. Things are in a bad condition. He is a man who understands business. Do you watit me to get into trouble with him ? He got out of the scrape iti time. I thought I was out of the scrape. }Vhat do I care about him? He has not to do with a fool. To hare to do with a very strong party. Away with business for to-day ! To go. How Is your health f How is tlie sick lady ? She is better. How does that matter stand ? This spring does not work. That tvill do. That won't do. T7iat coat fits you. That fjonnet is not becoming to her. Those colors ha7Tnonize. That doeji not suit me. I shall call on him to-day. It comes off. It came off as was expected. It does not work the same way here. To go about. It concerns. 334 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. AUez-y doncement. On y va, madainc. 11 y va de votre fortune, 11 y allait de sa vie. S'eu alliT. Je m'en vais. Je m'en vais ruparer mon erreor. L'her(5iody. To be very yielding, to agree with every They will find out with whom tliey have He looks out sharply. [to deal. DonH talk about colors to the blind, [swer. To knock at a door and to receive no an- Hunger drives the wolf out of the woods. Good. A good fellow ; a good liver. To be active and vigilant. To play the good fellow. To have a good time of it. To have the rigid side of a question. Allow me to speak to you about it. What good can it do to .^peak about it? All right ; he will pay for it. To keep rancor. Well and good/ All right. ^ The better the day, the better the deed. Good wine needs no bush. Short settlements make long friends. A word to the wise. That is the funny part of the business. It is not in earnest ; it is for fun. Cap. To take something into one\- au doigt. Se mettre le doigt dans Poeii. Vous avez mis le doigt dessus. Avoir de I'esprit au bout des doigts. Toucher une chose du bout des doigts. Savoir une chose sur le bout des doigts. Donner. Se donner de la peine. — des airs, de grands airs. Donner a penser, a entendre. — un OBuf pour avoir un boeuf. Tel donne a pleinea mains qui n'oblige personnc. loif. led l^n). A woman'' n will Is Gocfs will. The will of the people is the will of Ood. Who rjives to the jMxrr lends to God. Man ]r)'02Xtses and God dL'!j)Osef>. Hvery one for himself, and GodforvtsaM. To Bay ; to tell. Feoi)le say ; it is said. Reports. What does all that mean f That does not signify any thing. To be wrong ; to be wanting. That is far from being tight. That is far from being my account. Nothing to he said alx/ut it, all ii,ght. To find fault with. He finds no fault with that. To say so ; to feel like it ; to scold. If your heart says so, do it. He gave it to him {scolded i To be slow in doing a thiriQ He was very prompt to To speak the truth. If the truth must be spoken. So to say. Let us rather say. That is every thing. That is a matter of course. That is settled, agreed upon. It may be said by the way. Silence gives consent. Finger. To deride a pet-son. That is a good thing ; that is an honxrr. My little Jinger told nw of it. To give it to one. To regret a thing ; to be sm'ryfor it. To see or understand a thing plainly. To do an injury to one^s self. You have hit the tiail on the head. To be very skilful. [purpose. To have very nearly accomplished one's To know a thing perfectly. To give. To take trouble. To put on airs. To set one to thinking ; to throiv out hints. To throw a sp?'at to catch a whale. lU-bestowed kindness gets rw thanks- FRKNCH 1:^70 ENGLISH. 341 Je vons le doiine en dix, en cent. En doniier i"i qqn., en donner a garden Tu m'en as donne. S'en donner. S'en donner a coeiir joie. Ke savoir oil donner de la tete. Donner tete baissee dans qq. oh. — dans un piege. — dans le luxe. Je ne donne pas la-dedans. Donner dans Toeil. — dans, sur. Mes croisees donnent sur le jardin. Qui donne tot donne deux fois. Dormir. Dormir en lievre, les yeux ouverts. Cet homme ne dort pas. Dormir sur une affaire. Reveiller le chien qui dort. II n"y a pire eau que celle qui dort. Scorcher. ficorcher une matiere. — une langue. — qqn. II crie avant qu'on I'ecorche. Bean parlern'e'corctie point la langue. 11 faut tondre les brebis et non pas les ecorcher. Scorcher Tanguille par la queue. II n'y a rien de plus difficile a ecorcher que la queue. Entendre. Faites conimc vous Tentendez. Cela s'entend. J'entends que cela se fasse. Faire entendre. II n'y entend rien. II s'y entend. ttre. II est tout a ce qu'il fait. En etre. II en est. Ou en etes-vous 1 Voila ou j'en suis. En etes-vous la ? J'en suis pour ma peine. II en sera ce qu'il vous plaira. Yetre. You may guess ten iime.i, a hundred times. To deceive one, to tell hitn/alse/ioodti. You have imposed upon me. To indulge one^s self. To indulge o's self to one's liearl's content. Not to knoiv tvhich way to turn. To go headlong into a thing. To be caught in a snare. To indulge in luxury. I do not indulge in that. To dazzle ; to take one's eye. To open into ; to look into. My ivindows overlook the garden. )V7io gives promptly gives twice. To sleep. To sleep uilh one eye open. TJiat man is very tvatchful. To go about a bu)dn&is slowly. To come back to an unpleasant buiiruss. Still waters run deep. To skin. To treat a subject superficiaUy. To speak a langua/je badly. To skin a person alive, to cheat. He cries before he is hurt. Politeness does not hurt one. We should shear the sheep but not skin them. To begin at the wrong end. TJie winding up of a business is t/ie most difficult part of it. To hear ; to understand. Do as you think proper, or fit. Tliat is a matter of course. Imean that that shall be done. To give to understand. He understands nothing about it. He understands it. To be. He is wholly absorbed in his work. To be of t/ie party ; to be with it. He is one of them. How far have you got ivilh it T This is as far as I have got. Are you so far ? Do you believe thatT I had my trouble for my jmins. Tliat /jusiness shall be settled as youvnsh. To be in ; to be at home. 342 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Je n'y Buis pour personne. J'y Buis pour une petite sommc. Vous r"y 6tus pas. J'y suis, m'y voici. On ne peut pas etre et avoir eti. Fa90ii, /. Combien faites-vous la fa9on ? C'est une fayon de parler avec lui. Telle est ma fayon de penser. [theque. C'est un meuble en fa^on de biblio- J'y parviendrai de favon ou d'autre. Vivre a la fa^on des Anglais. [prie. Ke faites pas tant de fa^on, je vous en Point de fagon ; sans fag on. De la bonne fafon ; de la belle fagon. Ce trait-la est de votre fagon. On I'a traite de fagon qu'il ne revien- Faire (2M, 215, 334). l^'^^ Pas- Faire le bien, le mal. — un voyage, une operation. — son chemin, du progres. — trois milles, a pied, etc. — les draps. — faillite, banqueroute. — la medecine. — une maladie. — la reine, I'enfant, etc. — diete. — un bon diner. — bonne mine, bon visage a qqn. — les yeux doux a qqn. L'argent fait tout en ce monde. Combien faites-vous cet habil ? Combien font deux fois deux ? Taire de qqn., de qq. ch. Je ne sais que faire de lui. Que voulez-vous faire de ce cheval ? En faire a sa tete. Ne faire rien de la sorte, n'en rien faire. II n'en fera rien. N'avoir que faire de. Je n'ai que faire de lui. Qu'est-ce qiie cela me fait ? Que voulez-vous que j"y fasee ? Qu'y faire ? Cela fait beaucoup, Cela n'y fait rien du tout. Jean fail tout et bon a rien. lam not at home to any body. I am in iifo?- a umall amount. You have not got it. I have got it. You cannot eat your cake and keep it. Make ; fashion ; shape. IIoiv much do you charge J'm- t/ie making. f That is a form of exprendon with /dm. Such is my way of thinking, [bookcase. II is a piece of furniture in the shajie of a J shall accomplish it some way or other. To live in the English style. Do not use so much ceremony, pray. No ceremony ; without ceremony. P)vperly ; in fine style, at a fine rate. That is a trick after your own fashion. He teas 7'eceived in such a manner that To do ; to make. t^'^ """^''^ ''«'^"'^- To do good, evil. To petf07tn a journey, an operation. To go ahead, to get along ; to pivgi-ess. To travel three 7niles, on foot, etc. To deal in cloths. To fail, to go into bankruptcy. To jrractice 7nedicine. To go through a sickness: To act like a queen, like a child. To diet. To eat a good dinnei: To be friendly to one. To look sweet vpon one. Money is every thing in this world. How much do you ask for that coat ? How many are twice ticof To dispose of s. b., ofs. th. I do not know what to put him to. What will you do with that horse? To do as one pleases. To do nothing of the kind. He will do nothing of the kind. To have no occasion for. I have nothing to do icith him,. I have no business tvith him. What is that to me? How can I help it? What is to be done? That makes a great difference. That is nothing to the matter. Jack of all trades and master of none. FREKCH INTO ENGLISH. 343 Ne fairc que ; ne faire que de. Elle ne fiiit que rire. II nt fuit que d'entrer. Se faire soldat. Ce jeune homme se fait. Se faire a la fatigue. On se fait k tout. Cela ne se fait pas. Comment cela s'est-il fait ? II se fait tard. Faire d'une mouclie un elephant. — la mouche du coche. Ce qui est fait n"est pas a faire. L'occasion fait le larron. Qui bien fera bien trouvera. On ne pent faire qu"en faisant. Paris n'est pas fait en uu jouc Faire et dire sent deu.x. Qui a fait Tune a fait Tautre. Kem.— The verb faike may take the repetition (113). Je voolais partir, mais je n'ai pu le faire. Fait, m. Un fait accompli. Venir au fait, passer au fait. Prendre qqn. sur le fait. Par voie de fait. Pour la beaute du fait. fitre au fait d'une chose. Question de fait ; point de fait. C'est justement votre fait. Dire, donner son fait a qqn. De fait, dans le fait. Si fait. La bonne volonte est reputee pour le fait. Feu, m. Prendre feu. Faire feu qui dure. Jeter son feu. II n'est feu que de hois vert. Fil, m. Du fll en aiguille. Avoir, donner du fil a retordre. Le fil de I'epee Passer au fil de I'epee. Fin. Pin courant. La fin couronne I'oeuvre. Qui reut la fin, veut les moyens. 7b do nothing but ; to have but just. She doex nothing but laugh. He has but just come in. To become a soldier. That young man w coming out. To get accustomed to toil. One gets accustomed to evenj thing. That cannot be done. How did that happen? It is getting late To exaggerate very much. [cess. To attribute to o. s. all the credit of a sue- Done is done. OpiMrt unity makes tlu thief. As you sow so rjou 7-eap. It takes Hme to do things properly. Some ivas not built in a day. Saying and doing are different things. They are cast in the same mould. place of any preceding verb to avoid its I u'i-'hcd to leave, but could not do it. Fact; deed. An accomplished fact. To come to the point. To catch a pei-soti in the act. Through or by violence. For the beauty of the thing. [ posted. To be acquainted with a thing, to be Question of fact ; 2x^nt of fact. That is just what suits you. To give it to one. In reality ; really; in fact. Oh! yes. To take the will for the deed. Fire. To become excited. To live within one's means. To sow one''s wild oats. Youth is tlie time for action. Thread. From one thing to another. To have or to .stir up difficulties. The edge of the sword. To put to the sword. End. The end of the month. All is well that ends well. The end justifies the meana. 344 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Fond, m. Le fond do I'aflaire. A fond. Couler une aflaire a fond. Savoir xme chose a fond. A deux fonds ; a fond de paille. Faire fond sur qqn., sur qq. ch. Veuir au fond des choses. De fond en comble. C'est une mer eans fond et sans rive. Fort, m. C'est un pen fort, ce que vous dites-la II est fort en mathematiques. Au fort de Thiver. C'est la son fort. II s'en fait fort. Le plus fort de 1 'affaire e.st passe. C'es-t plus fort que moi. VoiUl qui est fort Fortune, /■ Attacher un clou a la roue de la fortune. Venez diner avec nous a la fortune du Etre en fortune. [pot. Contre mauvaise fortune bon coeur. Garde, /. En garde. A la garde de, or sous la garde de. 1. Prendre garde (iridic). Prenez garde a ce cheval. [tete. — qu'ils se font eigne de la — qu'on ne vous dit pas la 2. Prendre garde {mibj.). [verite. Prenez garde que vou.? eutendiez ce qu'il — qu'il ne sorte. [dira. — a vous tenir comme il faut. — a ne pas confondre les [choses. 3. Prendre garde de {with the infinitive). Prenez garde de tomber. Etre, se mettre, se tenir, en garde, or sur ses gardes (contre). N'avoir garde de faire. II n'a garde d'y aller. [faute. Je n'avais garde de coinuietlre cette La garde. A la garde ! Monter la garde. Etre de garde, de service, fitre ae garde, de bonne garde. Ce fruit est de bonne garde. Bottom. Tlie lx)tto?n facts of the business. To the bottom ; thoroughly. To run a thing to the ground. To know a thing thoroughly. Double-bottomed ; ftiatv-bottomed To rely vpon s. b., vpon s. th. To sift mattei-s to the bottom. From top to bottom, to the ground. It is a matter beyond the reach of human Strong ; the strong point. \:reaa(m,. Tliat is rather hard what you say. He is good in mathematics. In the heart of winter. That is his forte. He boasts of it. The hardest ]iart of the business is over. I cannot help il. That U too bad. Fortune. To fix the wtieel of fwtune. Come and take pot-luck with ns. To be fortunate, to be in luck. We must bear itp against badfortwie. Guard ; care ; heed. In custody. To or in the custody cf. To notice ; to pay attention ; to inind. Mind that horse. Notice that they motion to another. Notice that they do not tell you the truth. To take care ; to be careful. [will say. Take care that you understand what he — that he docs not go out. Be careful that you keep orderly. — not to confound matters. To beware of ; to take care not. Take cure that you do not fall. To be on one's guard ; to guard (against)^ To beware of doing. He takes good care not to go there. I was not fool enaugli to cmnmit that The watch. Watch ! Imistake. To mount guard. To be on duty. To keep well (of fruit, etc.). That fruit keeps well. FRENCH INTO ENGLISH. 345 Carder. Qarder le lit, la chambre. — un inalade. La garder bonne I'l qqn. En donner a garder a qqn. Garder le secret d"une chose. — une poire pour la soif. Se garder ; .'^e garder de. Ces fruits sc gardent. Gardez-vous d'en parler. Gener; se gener. Cet honime nous gene. II ne se gene pas. Ne vous genez pas. Si cela ne vous gene pas. Gre, m. Trouver qq. eh. a son gre. Au gre de ses desirs, de ses vceux. Bon gre, mal gre, de gre on de force. Savoir gre or bon gre a qqn. de qq. ch. — mauvais gre a qqn. de qq. ch. Henre, /. II est une heure, deux heures vingt. A rheure. Avoir rheure. fitre sujet a Theurc. L'heure des classes. A toute heure. A rheure qu'il est. L'heure du berger. Un mauvais quart d'heure. Le quart d'heurc de Rabelais. De bonne heure ; de nieilleure heure. Arriver a la bonne tiure. A la bonne heure ! fitre a l'heure (of clocks). Mettre une raontre a l'heure. Fixer une heure. Retarder l'heure. Rentrer a une heure indue. Jeu, m. Jeu de mots ; jeu d'esprit. Accuser son jeu. Avoir beau jeu. Donner or /aire beau jeu a qqn. Cacher or couvrir son jeu. Faire bonne mine a mauvais jeu. Se faire un jeu de qq. ch. To keap. To keep one's bed, one's room. To lake care of a t:ick person. To have a rod in pickle for one. To impose upon one. To keep a thing secret. To lay up something for a rainy day. To keep ; to beware of ; to refrain froiru That fruit keeps. Take care not to speak of it. To incommode ; to be under restraint. 2'hat man is in our way. He stands on no ceremonies. Make xjonrself at home. If it does not incommode you. Will; liking. To find a thing to one's liking. At one's heart's content. Willing or vn willing. To be pleased tvith s. o. for s. th. Not to thank a person for a thing. Hour. It is one o'clock, two o'clock and twenty m. By the hour ; on time. To have the right time. To be tied to time. Time f 01' recitation. At any time. At the present moment. The propitious hour. A disagreeable time. Settling time ; trying tim£. Early, in good time ; earlier. To come in the nght time. Well and good ! To be right. To set a watch. To appoint an hour. To appoint a later hour, to make it later. To keep bad hours. Play; game. A play upon words ; witticiftm. To tell one's game. [op/)ortunity. To have a good game ; to have a good To play into s. b's hands. To conceal one's game. To put a good face on the matter, [in it. To make light of a thing ; to take pleasure 346 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Joner bien son jeu. Mettre en jeu. Prendre uno chose en jeu. A beau jeu beau retour. Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle. Main, /. Coup de main. Tour de main. A la main droite, or a droits. — gauche, or a gauche. Un cheval a deux mains. Avoir une belle main. — la main faite, or rompue. — — crochue. — — legere. — les mains nettes. Donner la main a qqn. — un coup de main. Se donner la main. Faire main basse sur. Forcer la main a qqn. Graisser la main a qqn. En lever la main. Mettre la main au feu pour qq. ch. — — a I'ueuvre, a la pate. Preter la main a qqn. Serrer la main ii qqn. Toucher dans la main a qqn. Tenir de bonne main. Tomber sous les mains. En venir aux mains. Les mains m'en tombent I Mai, m. Les maux de la vie. Le mal de tete ; mal a la tete. — dents ; — aux dents. Mal aux yeux. — au bras, a la main. — au coBur, or de cceur. Faire mal, or du mal a. qqn. Mettre. Mettre fin, ordre, bon ordre a qq. ch. — qqn. a Taise. — le convert. — de cote. — qqn. au fait, au courant. — — a nieme de faire qq. ch. — — a la raison. To play one's cards well. To bring out, to call into play. To take a thing in jest. One good turn deserves another. It is not worth powder and shot. Hand. Sudden attack ; surprise ; bold stroke. Sleight of hand. To or at the nght hand. — left hand. A horse fitted to drive and ride. To wHte a good hand. To have one's hand in (trained). To be light-fingered (thievish). To be skilful. To have one's hands clean (uncorrupted). To give one's hand, to assist s. b. To lend a helping hand, [other's hands. Tobehandinhandivith ; to piny into each To lay violent hands on. To compel one to do a tldng. To bribe one ; to give him a sop. To take orie's oath of it. To stake one's life upon a thing, [wheel. To set to work ; to put one's shoulder to the To assist s. b. ; to countenance s. h. To give one a friendly squeeze of the hand. To give one's hand in token of acquiescence. To have from good authoi-ity. To fall in one's way. To come to bloxvs. lam very much surpriseu at it. Evil ; harm ; sore. The ills of life. [head. The headache ; headache ; pain in, the The toothache ; toothache. Sore eyes. Pain in the arm ; sore hand. Sickness of the stomach. To hurt s. b. ; to injure. To put ; to set. 7'o put an end to, to put order in, a thing. To set one at ease. To lay the cloth. To put aside. To make one a£quain(ed with. To enable s. b. to do a thing. To bring one to reason. 4 FRENCH INTO ENGLISH. 34T Mettre au jour. — dedans, dehors. — le lout pour le tout. — sous les yeux. — sa gloire :i faire unc chose. — de I'eau dans son vin. — du foin dans ses bottes. Se mettre Se mettre ii table, ii son aise. — bien. — en colore. — en etat, a meme de. — au fait, au courant. — bien avec qqn. — mal — S'y mettre. Uonter. TVlonter a cheval, en croupe. — en voiture. — sur Ic tr6ne, au trOne. — en grade. Le vin monte a la tete. La rongeur lui monta au visage. Le ble monte. [dollars. Les frais montent (or se montent; a mille Monter le ble au grenier. — un cheval. — un atelier. — une machine. — une horloge. — une affaire. — un diamant. — un chapeau. — un instrument de musique. — sa depense, son train. — la tote a qqn. Qui moute la mule la ferre. Moyen, m. Par le moyen dc. Au moyen de. II n'y a pas moyen de le faire. Je n'ai pas les moyens de le faire. Avoir des moyens. Nez, m. Au nez de qqn. Avoir bon nez. Donner sur le nez a qqn. Sb troavct nez a nez avec qqn. To publish; to put forth. To trick, to take in ; to dismiss. To riiik every thing. To bring to notice, to make kiiawn. To make it one''s glory to do a thing. To lower one's pretensions. To feather one's nest. To put one's self; to sit doivn ; to drest. To sit down to table ; to take one's ease. To dress well. To get angi-y. To put one's self in a condition to. To make one's self acquainted with. To get on good terms with one. To conciliate one's good-will. To get on bad terms with one. To set about it ; to turn to. To ascend ; to go or get up. To get, to Hde on Iwrseiack ; to get behind To step into the carriage. To ascend the throne. To advance. Wine goes to the head. Her face turned red. Corn Is ridng. The cost comes to a thousand dollars. To carry the corn up to the granary. To ride a horse. To Jit up a ivorkshop. To set up a machine. To wind up a clock. To get up an affair. To set a diamond. To trim a bonnet. To put a musical instrument together. To ina'ease one's expense. To get anotlier into excitement about s. th Who rides the mule pays the hostler. Means, By means of. In consequence of., There is no means of doing it. I cannot afford doing it. To have talents, to be clever. Nose. In a person's face. To be sagacious. To mortify s. b. Toftnd 0. s. face to face with s. &, 348 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Oreille,/. Avoir I'oreille au guet. Tirer I'oreille a qqn. Se faire tirer roreille. Part, /. En bonne part. Avoir part a ; prendre part k, Faire part a. — la part de. Mettre a part. Prendre en mauvaise part. Avoir de bonne part. Parti, m. Homme de parti. Esprit de parti. fipouser un bon parti. Prendre uu parti. C'est un parti pris. Prendre parti pour. Tirer parti de. Partie, /. Etre de la partie. Avoir affaire a trop forte partie. Faire la seconde partie aupres de qqn. — le coup de partie. Prendre qqn. si partie. Quitter la partie. Passer. Passer chez qqn. En passer par la. II lui faut passer par la on par la fenC-tre. Se faire passer pour. Passer le temps a s'amuter. Je lui ai passe cela. Cela me passe. Se passer. Ces choses se passent tous les jours. Se passer de. II faut se passer de bien des choses. Porter. Porter temoignage. — sur soi. — du fruit. — de beaux habits. — les cheveux longs. — les armes. — un coup. — envie. Le blenfait porte interet Ear. To be on tip-toe. To pull s. o'n ears ; to dunn s. b. To gel 0. o. dunned ; to tie very reluctanl. Share; part. In good >iait ; in a good xen^e. To have a share in ; to participate in. To give a part to ; to imparl to. To make allowance for. To set aside. To take amiss. To have from good authority. Party. Party man. Party spinl. To 7nake a good maJch. To make up one's ?nind. His mind is made np. To take part with. To detive advantage from. Party. To be one of them. To be ove7'7natched. To play second fiddle to s. b. To strike tlie decisive bUnv. To sue s. b. ; to lay the blame on s. b. To throw up the game ; to relinquish one''s To pass. [pursuit. To call on one. To submit to it. He ??iust submit to that or worse. To pass one''s selffo?: To ttifle away one's time. I forgave him thai ; I let that go. That is beyond my comjnehension. To happen ; to take place. Those things happen every day. To do ivithoul ; to dispense with. [out There are many things one has to do with To bear ; to carry ; to wear. To bear witness. To have about one's person. To bear fruit. To wear fine clothes. To wear long hair. To carry anm ; to be in the army. To stnke a bloiv. To envy. A good dted bears interest. FRENCH INTO ENGLISH. 349 BHle porte les culottes. Dire qq. ch. a bout portant. Le coup a porte juste. Se porter a des extremites, a Texces. — bien, mal. Prendre. Preudre des airs. — le dessns. — Toccasion aux cheveux. — le tison par ou il brule. — lamouche, o/' la chevre. — la clef des champs. — le mords aux dents. — sur sa nourriture, son sommeil. Le prendre sur un haut ton. — bien, mal. — pour bon, pour dit. [laisser. Dans CO qu'il dit, il faut en prendre et en Ne savoir par ou prendre qqn. Je vous y prends. Le feu a pris a la maison. La fievre I'a pris. S'y prendre. II s'y prend mal. S'en prendre a. II s'en prend a, vous, \ to ,., prendre. Propos, m. Ce sont des propos en I'air. Tenir de sots propos. A propos. A tout propos. A propos de rien. II est a propos que vous le voyiez. Eemettre. Kemettre qqn. dans ses droits. — le bras a qqn. — bien ensemble. — au lendemain. — k I'an quarante. — qq. cli. h, qqn. — qqn. Se remeftre. S'en remettre i. Je m'en remets k sa decision. Rendre. Kendre reponse. — justice, la justice — service, visile. — mulade. She wears the breecfie/>. [hearing. To make unpleasant remarks in a. o'i The blow went Iwme. To go to extremes, to excess. To be well, ill. To take. To put on airs. To gain the ascendency. To seize tlie op/xirt unity. [tion. To take np tlie difficult side of the ques- Tofly into a passion for a liifle. To escape, to take to one^s heels. To fly into a passion. [sleep. To retrench ; to take from one's food, one's To carry it high. To take it zvell, a/yiUts. — for granted. [i«. what he says. There is not much confidence to be placed Not to know how to treat one. I have you there. Tlie house hcH caught Jire. He caught the fever. To set about il. lie set^ about it in t/ie wrong way. To tfiroiv the blame on. He throws the blame on you. I'lmn the wJiole. Talk. That is idle talk. To talk nonsetise. Timely ; seasonably ; by tlie toay. At eveiy turn. For nothing at all. It is expedient that you should see him. To put back ; to replace. To reinstate a person m his nglits. To set s. Vs arm. To reconcile, to make friends again To put off, to defer till next day. — till doomsday. To deliver, to hand s. th. to s. b. To recognize s. b. To set to again ; to recover ; to come to. To rely on. I rely on his decision. To render ; to give back. To return an answer. To do right ; to administer justice. To render service ; to pay a viHi. To make sick. 350 IDIOMS AND PROVERBS. Rendro la pareille. — compte, raison de. — une pensee, une idee. Cette fleur rend une odeur agreable. Ce chemin rend a la ville. Se rendre. — k son poste, aupres de qqn. — a la raison. Rendez ii Cesar ce qui est k Cesar. Tenir. Tenir boutique, pension. — equipage. En tenir. II en tient. Tenir qqn. le bee dans Teau. — — a distance. — — dans sa manche. — — a quatre. Un principe qui tient dans tons les cas. A quoi tient-il que cela ne soit ? Qu'a cela ne tienne. S'il ne tient qu'a cela. C'est a n'y pas tenir. II tient a ses opinions. Tiens, tiens, comme vous y allez. Tenez, j'aime encore mieux cela. Un tiens vaut mieux que deux tu I'auras. Se tenir pret. — a une decision. Je m'y tiens. S'en tenir. Je m'en tiens h, ce qui a eto convenu. S'en tenir la. S'en teuir au gros de I'arbre. Vouloir. Je veux bien que cela soit ainsi. Je voudrais bien la voir. [cela. Veuillez me dire ce que vous pensez de Je ne veux pas de ces gens-Ia. Je ne veux pas de cela. Vouloir du bien (du mal) k qqn. En vouloir a qqn. Je lui en veux d'avoir parle de cela. A qui en veut-il ? Dieu le veuiile ! Faites ce que vous voudrez. Quand vous voudrez. Que voulez-vous ? Que voulez-vous 1 Vouloir dire. To pay back in one's own coin. To account for. To exitress a thought, an idea. That flower exhales a fragrant odor. That road leads 1o the town. To yield ; to suirender. To go to one''s duty, to s. b. To submit to reason. [ Ccesar''-s. Give unto Ccesar the things that are To keep ; to hold. To keep a shop, a hoarding-house. — a carnage. To have caught it ; to be smitten with. He has caught it ; he is in for it, etc. 'loiteep. ^ ^n expectation. — at a aislance. To have a pe7'son at one^s disposal. — one bound hand and foot. A jn-inciple that holds good in every case. What L^ the reason that that is not so f 1)0 not let that make any differerux. If that is all. I cannot endure it any longer. He is tenacious of his opinions. Bless 7ne, hoiv you go about it. See liere, I like this still better. r^'y ^h. A bird in the hand is worth twc'^' the To hold one's self in readiness To abide by a decision. I adhere to it. To rely on ; to abide by. 1 abide by what zvas agreed to. To stop there. To side with the stjvngest. To be willing ; to wish. I consent to it ; I am willing. I should like to see her. Please tell me what you think of thai. I donH want tlwse people. 1 don't wish that. To wish a person ivell {ill). To bear s. b. ill-will. [of that. I am angry with him for having spoken Whom does he complain off God grant! Ho what you like ; do your best. When you like. All right. What do you wish f Who can help ii. To mean. VNlVi THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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