SS^Vi^^^^l^l 9 w ^^^u^^^i HBhG^^ ^ ; « « t r ■ r, i, ' , , , t '» r « , c • t/ • < •• < < , . t , f r r " I ; • I ••* " * •• • • 't' . / /i^ C^U^^kjCr yir.^Co^t^^ THE NATIVE MINISTRY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE IIopev6€VTe<; ei? rbv koct/xov airavra^ Krjpv^are to evayjeXiov Trda-p TTj KTiaei. THE HARVESTING OF MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS Labitur, et labetur, in omne volubilis «vum. BY Rev. N. F. Carter concord, n. h. Rumford Printing Co. 1906 « *■ * » m. m * C « < t K « « * I C C t-: * • .♦ • •• ». 1 C \ « O • » « « « t « « * H^Af^. PREFACE. This volume, as far as known, unique in its conception and scope, owes its existence to the casual thought that in the earlier years of this country's history New England lax'gely furnished its ministry, but with the spreading of the ever-increasing population and the formation of new states, would do so no longer. Enough, however, had been done to merit permanent record. The compiler, as a native of New Hampshire, soon decided to chronicle her proportion of such ministry down to date, and for more than 30 years has taken gi'eat pleasure in bringing together the material herein included, of 2,509 who, in home and foreign lands, have sought to render valu- able service to their generation in the line of their distinctive work. This has necessitated the examination of uncounted volumes and newspapers, an extensive correspondence, and many personal inter- views. The endeavor has been to give the complete statistical life of all of all denominations as far as obtainable. Of a few the fact only has been learned. Of some the account is very meagre. Some early dropped from the public records and were lost from sight. The facts of some have been gathered from various sources, and a very few are incomplete because of the failure of individuals to make response to inquiries. It has been thought best to' include licentiates in the record, as some have done valuable service while engaged in other professions, and others have died before reaching ordination. Experience makes certain that this record, large as it is, is still incomplete for lack of knowledge, and the compiler will be glad if persons examining the volume and failing to find names that ought to be there will kindly inform him of such fact, in the interest of greater completeness. While the endeavor has been to chronicle every thing relating to 248698 IV PEEFACE. the statistical life of the individual, including a complete bibliogra- phy as far as possible, as will be seen personal eulogy has formed no part of the plan. Only now and then a noteworthy incident in an individual's history has been given, and then in briefest form. Doubtless mistakes will be found, for they are inevitable in bringing together such a mass of facts, but no pains has been spared to ensure entire accuracy. Sources of information are not always reliable. Where authorities have differed, the one most probable has been given. It is hoped that the five indexes will be found eminently satis- factory, and the volume, as a book of reference, become invaluable to every public library. It certainly should find a place in every such library in New Hampshire. In the preparation of the work, the valuable aid furnished by many is hereby gratefully acknowledged, and special thanks accorded to Miss Mary E. Stone of the Congregational Library of Boston, who in the earlier years of its compilation very kindly furnished much new material. The hope is fondly cherished that the appearance of this volume will induce some one in each of the other New England states, native or resident, who has the necessary courage and perseverance, to undertake the work for his own state. The compiler of this vol- ume will gladly give to such the benefit of his experience. Concord, K H., Jan. 1, 1906. *. i. ' i NEW HAMPSHIEE E'ATIYE MIIS'ISTEY. ACWORTH. Giles Bailey, Universalist, son of Eliphalet and Abigail (Silsby) Bailey, was born May 7, 1815. Preparatory studies at Cavendish and Chester (Vt.), Hopkinton and Unity Academies, 1834-6, Teacher in Vermont and New Hampshire, 1836-8. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Lemuel Willis of Lempster, 1838-9. Licensed and began to preach at Winthrop, Me., Nov. 1839. Ordained pas- tor there. May 27, 1840 ; dismissed, July 1842. Pastor, Brunswick, Me., July, 1842-8. Traveling Agent of Maine Convention, to coun- sel and aid destitute churches, 1848-9. Pastor, Oldtown, Me., Oct. 1849-52; Dexter, Me., Jan. 1852-6; Claremont, Jan. 1856-8; Gardiner, Me., Oct. 1858-66. Editor of The Universalist, Boston, Mass., Sept. 1866-7. Pastor, Belfast, Me., June 1867-9; and Read- ing, Pa., Nov. 1869-78. Died there. May 14, 1878. Married (1) Jane M. Damon; (2) Sarah Murphy; (3) Mercy Bassett. Publications. — (1) Statistics of the Universalist Church. (2) An- nual Register, 1867-70. (3) Oration on the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Settlement of Acworth, in Town History, 1869. (4) Memorial Sermon on the Loss at Sea of Capt. Eleazer V. Gilvery, Belfast, Me., 1874. John Hubbard Beckwith, A. M., Congi-egationalist, son of Shailer and Esther (Simonds) Beckwith, was born Jan. 16, 1811. Ordained, Middlesex, Vt., 1843, and pastor there, 1843-5. Acting pastor, Johnson, Vt., Oct. 1845-8. Installed, Middletown, Vt., June 1849 ; dismissed, Oct. 16, 1855. Acting pastor, Irasburg, Vt., Dec. 1855-8 ; Barton, Vt, 1859; Bristol, Vt., Dec. 1860-1; Raymondville and Norfolk, N. Y., 1862-4. Chaplain Second United States Colored Infantry, April to Dec. 1864; acting pastor, Evans Mills, N. Y., 1865-7; Washington, D. C, 1868-71; Parishville, N. Y., 1872; Massena, N. Y., 1873-6; and Munnsville, N. Y., Aug. 1876-7. A. M. from the University of Vermont, 1858. Died, Chateaugay, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1877. 2 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. ' ■ « it ^ Electa May of Goshen, Mass., at Mayhew, I. T., May 15, 1824. Nathaniel Kingsbury, Congregationalist, probably brother of the above, was born April 8, 1796. Ordained pastor, Mont Vernon,. Nov. 5, 1823 ; dismissed, April 6, 1836. Went to IlUnois in 1835, laboring at Danville and vicinity, 1835-40; Racine, Wis., Nov. 1,. 1840-1 ; Prairieville, April 1841-3. Died there, July 12, 1843. Aaron Russell Livermore, Congregationalist, son of Aaron and Catharine (Hoyt) Livermore, was bom Oct. 28, 1810. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1831-3. Student at Amherst College, 1833-6. Studied for the ministry at Lane Theological Seminary, 1836-7; Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1837-9,. graduating. Licensed to preach by the Hampden (Mass.) Associa- tion, 1838. Ordained pastor, Mansfield, Conn., Aug. 30, 1843 ; dis- missed, Nov. 30, 1858. Without charge there, 1858-60. Installed, Goshen Parish, Lebanon, Conn., Feb. 22, 1860 ; dismissed, Oct. 15, 1868. Without charge there, 1868-70. Acting pastor, Bozrahville,. Conn., May 1, 1870-3. Without charge. North Haven, Conn., 1873-8; Fairhaven; Conn., 1878-82; New Haven, Conn., 1882-92. Died there, Jan. 24, 1892. MaiTied Mary Gay, daughter of Rev. Newton and Ursula (Wol- cott) Skinner, at East Windsor Hill, Conn., Oct. 6, 1840. Josiah Marvin, Universalist, son of William and Mary (Crosby) Marvin, was born May 23, 1819. Preparatory studies at Norwich (Vt.) University. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Charles Wood- house of Westmoreland, 1842-3. Preached his first sermon in Westmoreland, 1841. Ordained, Alstead, 1844. Acting pastor, Westmoi-eland, 1844-6; Stoneham, Mass., 1847-9; Saugus, Mass., 1850-2; Fitchburg, Mass., 1853-5; Springfield, 111., 1856-8 ; Spring- field, Mass., 1859-67 ; St. Paul, Minn., 1867-78, and 1881-7; and Nashua, 1878-81. Died, Alstead, Sept. 19, 1887. Married Mary Ann Harris, at Chester, May 1, 1845. 14 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Levi Chandler Marvin, Universalist, son of William and Mary {Crosby) Marvin, was born Sept. 21, 1808. Preparatory studies at Chesterfield Academy, 1828-9. Teacher, Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1829-31. Studied for the ministry with Rev. I. D. Williamson of Albany, N. Y., 1831. Received to fellowship in the denomination, 1831. Labored at Buffalo, N. Y., 1832-3 ; Amsterdam and Duanes- burg, N. Y., 1833-4. Ordained, 1834. Pastor, Newark, N. J., 1835-8;. Braman's Corners, Duanesburg, N". Y., 1833-9; Arrow Rock, Saline Co., Mo., Oct. 17, 1841-5; Booneville, Mo., 1845-8; Jacksonville, 111., 1848-50; Springfield, 111., Sept. 1850-6; and Clinton, Mo., 1856-78. Labors largely itinerant. At different places had four public discussions with clergymen of different de- nominations. Studied law, and admitted to the bar, 1867. Disabled for active duties, 1872. Member of Missouri Legislature, 1862-3. Speaker of the House, one session. Died, Clinton, Mo., July 5, 1878. Married Anna M. Moores of Hudson, N". Y., July 27, 1836. Alanson Rawson, Congregationalist, son of Jonathan Bass and Lovina (Robinson) Rawson, was born April 22, 1802. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1831-2. Studied for the min- istry with Rev. Seth Arnold. Ordained as an evangelist, Roxbury, June 24, 1835. Acting pastor there, 1835-7 ; installed. May 3, 1837 ; dismissed. May 3, 1842. Acting pastor, Southboro, Mass., 1843-52; Presbyterian Church, New Boston, 1852-4. Without ■charge, Thompson, Conn., 1854^-91. Teacher there, 1855-62 ; judge of probate, 1865-72 ; and member of school board for many yeai's. Supplied at Harrisville one and a half years ; Woonsocket, R. I., one year ; and briefly at Webster, Dudley, Woodstock, Killingly, Conn., and other places. Died at Thompson, Conn., Sept. 16, 1891. Married Martha Upham, daughter of Cyi-us and Louisa (Stratton) Russell of Weston, Mass., at Alstead, Feb. 22, 1827. Peter Blake Thayer, Congregationalist, son of Peter and Abigail {Blake) Thayer, was born Feb. 29, 1816. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1837-9, and Gorham, Me., Seminary. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1847. Licensed to preach by the Waldo Association, at Bucksport, Me., Nov. 4, 1846. Ordained, Garland, Me., Dec. 21, 1848, and pastor there, 1847-96, supplying also St. Albans, 1848-54, and Atkinson, 1855-60. Served on the Christian Commission, Martinsburg, Va., 1864. Several years trustee of the Maine Missionary Society. Died, Garland, Me., May 25, 1896. ALTON. 15 Married Mary Phelps, daughter of Amaziah and Lucy (Phelps) Kent of Alstead, Sept. 30, 1847. She died at Presque Isle, Me., June 12, 1897, aged 76. Jonathan Twining", Christian, son of Nathan and Sarah Twining, was born Nov. 1790. Labored much in Vermont, in Brookfield, Sherburne and vicinity. His mind became greatly impaired in old age. Died, Brattleboro, Vt., April 1864. Married Eliza Ann, daughter of John and Elizabeth Fessenden of Townsend, Mass., Jan. 1, 1817. John Wood, Congregationalist, son of Col. John and Abigail {Stowell) (Hutchins) Wood, was born July 24, 1809. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1830-2. Graduated at Amherst College, 1836, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839. Licensed to preach by the Hampden (Conn.) Association, Oct. 11, 1838. Acting pastor, Langdon, 1839-40, and ordained pastor there, April 8, 1840 ; dismissed, Jan. 23, 1849. Acting pastor, Townsend, Vt., Feb. 1849-50; installed, April 10, 1850; dismissed, April 11, 1854, but acting pastor till Nov. 1858. Acting pastor, Wolfborough, Aug. 1859-64. District secretary of the American Tract Society, Boston, for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, June 1864-8 ; of American and Foreign Christian Union, same states, June 1868-9, and American Tract Society, New York, in Boston, June 1869-72. Acting pastor, Boxboro, Mass., May 1873-5, and Dover, Mass., 1875-8. Residence, Wellesley, Mass., 1864-79. Without charge, Fitchburg, Mass., 1879-99. Died there, July 7, 189p. Married (1) Laurinda Maria, daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Law- rence) Dimond of Claremont, at Meriden, April 22, 1840. She died, Wellesley, Mass., July 2§, 1872. (2) Mrs. Lydia Hawes, daughter of Calvin and Betsey (Phillips) Messenger of Fitchburg, Mass., Aug. 14, 1879. ALTON. AugfUStUS Alvan Bickford, Baptist, son of Thomas and Susan Plumer (Folsom) Bickford, was born Feb. 22, 1854. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution, 1876. Licensed to preach by the First Church, Sanbornton, April 1874. Teacher and preacher, Deer Isle, Me., 1877-8. Ordained an evangelist, Sebec, Me., May 9, 1878. Acting pastor of North Sanbornton, 1878-83; Danbuiy, 1883-6; South Chelmsford, Mass., 1888-92. Married Carrie Poole, daughter of Capt. Jeremiah and Sarah Eliza- beth (Saunders) Hatch, Oceanville, Deer Isle, Me., June 4, 1879. 16 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Jonathan McDuffee Brewster, A. M., Free Baptist, son of Daniel and Sarah (McDuffee) Brewster, was born Nov. 1, 1835. Prepara- toiy studies at New Hampton Literary Institution. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1860, and New Hampton Theological Institu- tion, 1862. Resident licentiate, Andover Theological Seminary, 1862-3. Ordained an evangelist, Springvale, Me., Dec. 1863, and acting pastor there May 1863-4. Associate editor Morning Star^ Dover, May 1864-9. Supplied, Fairport, N. Y., Dec. 1869-70. Doing literary work, Dover, 1870-1. Pastor, North Scituate, R. I., Sept. 1871-5, and Park Street Church, Providence, R. I., March 1875-82. Member of the examining board of Foreign Missionary Society; one of the original trustees of Storer "College; member of printing establishment ; clerk of the Rhode Island Association^ 1872-82. Died, Providence, R. I., June 2, 1882. Married Marilla Marks, daughter of Nicholas and Mary (Page) Towle of Danville, Oct. 6, 1863. Publications.— (1) Life of William Buit, 1871. (2) History of the Free Baptists of Rhode Island and vicinity, in Centennial Minutes, 1880. (3) The Free Baptists and Free Baptists Foreign Missionary Enterprise, in Centennial Record, 1881. Hezekiah D. Buzzell, Free Baptist, son of Nathaniel and Molly Buz- zell, was born Dec. 16, 1777. Began to preach in 1799. Ordained Jan. 25, 1803. Pastor, South Weare, Nov. 27, 1812-28 ; Gilmanton, April 24, 1828-32; Alton, 1832-58. Represented Weare in the Legislature, 1814, 1815, 1817, 1820 and 1821; and Alton, 1833, 1834 and 1835; senator, 1823. Died, Alton, Sept. 6, 1858. Married (1) Polly Flanders, Jan. 10, 1796. (2) Charlotte, daughter of Isaac and Ann Drew of Middleton, and Avidow of Lewis Tibbets of Tuftonboro. She died, Alton, July 1, 1850. Stephen Coffin, Free Baptist, son of Jonathan and Jane CofBn,^ was born March 8, 1792. Began to exhort about 1814 and preached several years after. Licensed to preach by the church in Wolf borough, 1840. Ordained by the Wolf borough Quarterly Meeting at Wolf- borough, 1841. Never settled. Farming summers and itinerating as an evangelist falls and winters. Labored in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. Spent nearly one year in Illinois and Wisconsin, averaging one meeting a day, and traveling thousands of miles at an expense of $1,200 more than he received for his ser- vice ; and during his ministi'y of $2,000 more. "Saw hundreds con- verted." Residence, Wolf borough. Died, Dover, March 4, 1867. ALTON. 17 Marriecl (1) Phebe Ayers of Barnstead. She died in two years. (2) Deborah, daughter of Dea. David and Sally (Chesley) (Clough) Philbrick of Sanbornton, May 13, 1819. She died, Wolfeborough, Oct. 4, 1838. (3) Caroline Foss of Barrington, April 3, 1839. She survived him. John Cook, Free Baptist, son of Jacob and Kezia (Hubbard) Cook, was born May 7, 1809. His parents moved to New Durham, 1811, and Exeter, Me., 1825. Licensed to preach by the Exeter (Me.) Quarterly Meeting, Oct. 29, 1836. Ordained by the same, June 26, 1837. Pastor, Exeter and Corinna, Me., 1836-47 ; Second Church, Corinna, Me., 1847-50; Garland, Me., 1850-6; Burnham, Me., 1856- 8; Burnham Depot, Me., 1857-73; Burnham, 1873-7; Burnham Depot, Feb., 1878-80; Burnham, with residence, Burnham Depot, 1882-6; Burnham Depot, half the time, 1887-91. Farming part of the time, and traveling more or less every year. The first six years of his ministry he traveled 8,542 miles, preached 442 times, and received $144.50. Died, Burnham, Me., Jan. 4, 1891. Married (1) Sally Rimnels, daughter of Moses and Abia (Cogs- well) Keniston, at Exeter, Me., Dec. 29, 1833. She died, Exeter, Me., March 18, 1846. (2) Mary Jane, daughter of Joshua and Sabrina (Skillin) Adams, at Garland, Me., Nov. 8, 1846. Jacob Davis, Christian, son of Timothy and Mary (Granville) Davis, was born Feb. 17, 1786. Shoemaker and tanner, 1830-7. Ordained, Alton, May 31, 1829. Labored, Barnstead, 1831-9; after- wards at West Milton, Dover and Boscawen, now Webster. Died, Barnstead, July 13, 1851. Married (1) Louisa Kelley of Gilmanton, Nov. 27, 1810. She died, 1839. (2) Mrs. Hannah Lambert of West Milton. John Kelley Davis, Christian, son of Rev. Jacob and Louisa (Ivelley) Davis, was born May 13, 1821. Joined the Strafford Conference, 1853, and licensed to preach. Residence, Barnstead since 1858. Married Abigail D., daughter of William and Betsey D. Watt, at Barnstead, Oct. 27, 1844. E. George Dudley, Free Baptist, son of Samuel and Lydia (Parsh- ley) Dudley, was born about 1808. Became a clergyman. Not able to trace him. Man-ied Mary Lougee of Gilmanton, Oct. 22, 1829. David Leighton EdSferly, Free Baptist, son of Jeremiah and Betsey (Leighton) Edgerly, was born April 18, 1818. His parents moved 2 18 N. H. NATIVE MESriSTEY. to New Durham, 1826. Preparatory studies "in the field, shop and home." Licensed to preach by the New Durham Church, March 12, 1845, and by the Quarterly Meeting at Strafford, Jan. 9, 1850. Ordained, New Durham Ridge, Nov. 13, 1850. Pastor, Strafford, March 24, 1850-1 ; New Durham Ridge, one third of the time, and Farmington, March 3, 1851-2; First and Second Churches, Straf- ford, one half time each, June 6, 1852-4; and Second Church, May 11, 1854-6; Barnstead, 1856-63; Barnsteadand Bow Lake, 1864-5; Bow Lake, Strafford, 1865-8; Strafford, 1869-70; Lower Gilman- ton, 1874-6; New Durham, 1871-2 and 1877-91. Residence, New Durham Ridge, most of the time, Feb. 27, 1855- 91. Died there Sept. 2, 1891. Married (1) Olive, daughter of Moses Place, at Alton, Nov. 17, 1836. She died. New Durham, April 22, 1848. (2) AlmiraBoody, daughter of Samuel F. Chamberlin of New Durham, at Dover, July 22, 1851. She died. New Durham Ridge, Feb. 18, 1869. (3) Attilo Jane Winslow, New Durham, Sept. 27, 1870. She died, New Durham Ridge, March 23, 1888. Thomas Flanders, Free Baptist, was born about 1780. Ordained, 1825. Itinerated in Maine and New Hampshire. Died, 1839. Abel Glidden, Free Baptist, was born, 1774. Moved to Gilford, 1797. Ordained Nov. 9, 1810. Labored mostly in Gilmanton and Gilford. Died, Jan., 1837. Married Rebecca Dow. Lemuel Mason, Free Baptist, son of Capt. Lemuel Bickford and Mary (Chamberlain) Mason, was born Aug. 24, 1797. When an infant his parents moved to Gilford. Residence, Moultonborough, 1 8 14-34. Shoemaker and tanner, Moultonborough, meanwhile study- ing for the ministry. Licensed to preach by the Sandwich Quar- terly Meeting, May 27, 1836. Ordained, Sandwich, May 28, 1838. Acting pastor there, 1838-9. Pastor, Union Bridge, Sanbornton, April 1839-43 ; New Hampton and Meredith, 1843-4 ; Union Bridge, 1844-7; Province Road, Gilmanton, with residence. Union Bridge, 1847-9. Died, East Tilton, June 6, 1850. Married Hannah, daughter of Asa Watson of Moultonborough, April 1819. She died, East Tilton, Feb. 25, 1863. John B. Page, Free Baptist, son of Rev. John and Susan (Clark) Page, was born July 6, 1819. Preparatory studies in Maine and New Hampshire. Supplied for a time in Boston, South Boston, Charlestown and Roxbury, meanwhile studying. Went to New ALTON. 19 York, 1842, and supplied various churches. Ordained by the Whites- town (N. Y.) Quarterly Meeting, 1846. Pastor, Gilbert's Mills, N. Y., 1846-7 ; Phenix, N. Y., 1847-9, organizing the church there ; Lockport, Pa., supplying also Wellsburg, Pageville and Pierpont, 1849-61 ; Maumee City, O., and vicinity, 1861-4 ; Chicago, 111., 1864- 70; New Lyme, 0., 1870-3 ; Wellsburg, Greenwood and Canal, Pa., Auburn, O., Canal, Pa., Greenwood, Pa.. 1873-89. Died Feb. 7, 1889. Married Ruth R. Lombard at Boston, Mass., Jan. 5, 1842. Seth Sawyer, Free Baptist, son of Enoch and Eleanor (Horn) Sawyer, was born, 1806. Began to preach, 1856. Ordained, Can- terbury, May 27, 1857. Labored mostly in places without a settled pastor, as Gilford Village, New Durham, Middleton, Wakefield, East Alton and Alton. Residence, Dover, 1846-7, and Alton, 1847-92. Died there Feb. 4, 1892. Married (1) Elizabeth Ann, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Chase) Wiggin, at Alton, Jan. 10, 1830. She died at Alton, May 27, 1863. (2) Sarah Eliza, daughter of John and Eliza (Berry) Stevens of Stewtiacke, N. S., at Alton, Aug. 6, 1835. ' She died at Alton, Nov. 10, 1869. (3) Lucy Jane, daughter of Daniel Cox and Nancy (Fisher) Tupper at Acton, Me., Oct. 2, 1870. She died at Middieton, July 19, 1880. James Jewett Wentworth, Free Baptist, son of Dea. David and Mercy (Smith) Wentworth, was born July 25, 1803. Began to preach, 1825. Labored in Rhode Island, April to Oct. 1828, then briefly at Rochester. Ordained, Crown Point, Strafford, Feb. 11, 1829. Organized the first Free Baptist Church in Rochester, April 15, 1829. Labored briefly at Alton ; North Strafford, Aug. 1829- 30 ; as an evangelist, 1830-6 ; Barnstead, March 1836-7 ; Shapleigh, Me., Sept. 1838-40; Wolfborough, May 1840-7, and Weare, March 4 to Aug. 22, 1847 ; Deering, Aug. 1847-9 ; Bradford, Sept. 1849-51 ; Sunapee, Oct. 1851-3; Newbury, April 1853-4. Without charge, on account of ill health, Dover, Nov. 1854-8 ; pastor, Gilford and Waterboro Centre, Me., June 1858-9 ; Bradeen's Hill, Me., 1859-60 ; in evangelistic labor, 1860-6; North Strafford, May 1866-7. With- out charge, Crown Point, Strafford, Barrington, Norlhwood, Chi- chester and Strafford Centre, 1867-88. Blind from 1879. Died, Strafford Centre, April 1, 1887. Married Clarissa Jane Hall, at Strafford, June 39, 1831. She died, Strafford Centre, April 26, 1887. 20 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. AMHERST. Edward Aiken, A. M., M. D., Congregationalist, son of Rev. Silas, D. D., and Mary (Osgood) Aiken, was born April 10, 1830. Pre- paratory studies at the Boston Latin School. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1851, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. Teacher, Castleton, Vt., 1853-4. Ordained an evangelist, Rutland, Vt., Sept. 7, 1855. Sailed as missionary for Syria, Oct. 27, 1855, reaching Smyrna, Dec. 9. Occupied stations at Horns, Beirut and Kefr Shima, in Syria. Health failing, returned to the United States, 1858. Graduated at Yale Medical School, 1861. Physician, Fitz- william, Feb. 1861-5; Amherst, 1865-90. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the New England Female Medical College, 1864-72. Edited the first Arabic Atlas published by the American Board. For a time cataloguing the Stuart Library, New York City. Indexing New Hampshire State Records, Concord, 1886-90. Died, Amherst, Aug. 14, 1890. Married (1) Susan Dougherty, daughter of Hon. John Orton and Adelaide (Dougherty) Cole, of Albany, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1855. She died at Homs, Syria, June 26, 1856. (2) Sarah, daughter of Dea. Cyrus and Elizabeth (Kendall) Cheney, of Philipstown, Mass., at Abeih, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, July 22, 1857. Albert Horton Ball, Baptist, afterwards Congregationalist, son of Rev. Mason and Orinda (Rogers) Ball, was born March 10, 1844. Preparatory studies at Phillips Andover Academy. Student at Amherst College, 1862-6, but did not graduate. Graduated from the Theological Department, Madison University, 1869. Licensed to preach, Amherst, Mass. Ordained, Greenfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1870, and pastor there, 1870-3; Windsor, Vt., 1873-6; New Haven, Ct., 1876-83; Springfield, 111., Nov. 1, 1883-7; Congregational Church, Elgin, 111., Jan. 1887-92. Without charge, Toronto, Ont., 1892-3 ; pastor, Anderson, Ind., 1893-7; Passaic, N. J., 1898-1905-. Married Helen Maria, daughter of Reuben Allen and Elizabeth (Ladd) Savage, of Stowe, Vt., Aug. 30, 1870. Samuel McCuUy Black, Baptist, was bom Jan. 28, 1846. Grad- uated at Acadia College, 1874, Harvard College, 1876, and New- ton Theological Institution (1876-7 and 1882-3), 1883. Ordained, Berwick, N. S., Jan. 1878. Pastor, Westport, N. S., 1883-. Ephraim GOSS, Methodist, was born April 15, 1794. Went to Lansingburg, N. Y., 1818. Licensed to preach, 1827. Admitted AMHERST. 21 to the New York Conference, 1829. Ordained deacon, at Middle- town, Ct, May 8, 1831 ; and elder at Troy, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1833. Appointments, all in New York : Half Moon Circuit, 1829-30; Northampton, 1831; Chazy, 1832; Plattsburg, 1833; Saratoga Cir- cuit, 1834-5 ; Garretson Station, Albany, 1836-7 ; Schenectady, 1838-9; Saratoga Springs, 1840-1 ; presiding elder, Albany District, 1842-5; Saratoga District, 1846-9; Chatham Cu-cuit, 1850; Con- gress St., Troy, 1851-2; agent, Troy Conference Tract Society, 1853-4; City Missionary, Albany, 1855; Mount Zion, Albany, 1856; Free Central, Albany, 1857 ; agent Tract Society, 1858 ; Third Street, Troy, 1859-60 ; Free Central, Albany, 1861-2; superannuate, 1863; Castleton, 1864 ; supplied, Valley Falls, 1865-6 ; superannuate, 1864-7. Died, Troy, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1867. Levi Hartshorne, Congregationalist, son of Edward and Lucy (Elliot) Hartshorne, was born March 5, 1789. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1813. Studied for the ministry. Ordained pastor, Gloucester, Mass., Oct. 18, 1815. Died in office, Amherst, Sept. 27, 1819. Married Hannah EUiot of Reading, Mass., 1815. Vaola John Hartshorne, Congregationalist, son of Timothy and Betsey Perkins (Gay) Hartshorne, was born May 2, 1834. Prepara- tory studies at Mont Vernon Academy, two years, and Haverhill, one year. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1860, and Bangor Theological Seminary, 186i. Teacher, Perkinsville, Vt., 1860, and McKenzie Institute, Millerstown, Pa., 1861. Licensed to preach by the Penobscot Association, Bangor, Me., July 13, 1863. Ordained pastor. Bethel Church, Portland, Me., Jan. 16, 1865 ; dismissed, June 11, 1866. Acting pastor, Enfield, May 1866-74; Hyannis, Barn- stable, Mass., 1875-80; Tower Hill Church, Lawrence, Mass., 1880-2; Plympton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1882-7; assistant pastor. Porter Church, Brockton, Mass., 1888-90 ; without charge, doing missionary work at Plympton, Mass., 1892-4; South Hanover, Mass., 1895-7; Hali- fax, Mass., 1898; returned as pastor to Plympton, Mass., 1900. Died, Silver Lake, Mass., April 14, 1900. Never married. Daniel Lovejoy, Congregationalist, son of Francis and Mary (Ban- croft) Lovejoy, was born March 31, 1776. His parents early moved to Maine. Preparatory studies at Byfield (Mass.) Academy. Li- censed to preach, and ordained an evangelist, June 6, 1829. The first missionary of the Maine Missionary Society, and sent to labor 22 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. in " Kennebec County and destitute places. " Resident of Fairfax, now Albion, Me., 1802. Labored by appointment in Caanan, Fair- fax, Beaver Hill, Freedom, Unity, settlements around 20-Mile Pond, Palmyra, McKennytown, Pittsfield and Vassalboro, 1807 ; Fairfield, Fairfax, Unity, Sedgwick, 1811 ; Litchfield and Reading, 1813 ; Litchfield and Fairfield, 1814 ; Litchfield, Fairfax and vicinity, 1816; Litchfield, Searsmont and Palerma, 1817 ; Robbinston and Harlem, now China, 1818; Robbinston and Putnam, now Washington, 1819. Installed pastor, Robbinston, Me., Sept. 8, 1818; dismissed, Oct. 20, 1819. Labored in Litchfield and vicinity, 1820-1; Monmouth, Wayne and Putnam, 1822; Litchfield and Putnam, 1823; Litchfield, Wayne and Windsor, 1824; Knox and Litchfield, 1825; Knox, Unity and vicinity, 1826; Litchfield and Putnam, 1827; Litchfield, 1828; Albion, Putnam, Unity, Knox and Windsor, 1829-31 ; Albion, Unity and Knox, 1832-3. Died, Albion, Me., Aug. 11, 1833. Married Elizabeth . She died, Princeton, 111., April 21, 1857. John Kingf Lord, Congregationalist, son of Rev. Pres. Nathan, D. D. and EUzabeth King (Leland) Lord, was born March 22, 1819. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1836, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1841. Teacher, New Bedford, Mass., 1836-7; and Peach- am, Vt., 1837-8. Ordained pastor, Hartford, Vt., Nov. 3, 1841 ; dis- missed, July 1847. Installed, First Church, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1847. Died there in ofiice, July 13, 1849. Married Laura E., daughter of Dr. Aaron Smith, of Hardwick, Vt., Jan. 1842. Publications. — (1) Address before the Gamma Sigma Society, Dartmouth College, 1844. (2) Address before the Senior Class of Kimball Union Academy, 1845. (3) A Volume of Sermons: Post- humous. William Hayes Lord, D. D., Congregationalist, son of Rev. Pres. Nathan, D. D., and Elizabeth King (Leland) Lord, was born March 11, 1824. Preparatory studies at Moor's Charity School, Hanover. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1843, and Andover Theologi- cal Seminary, 1846. Licensed to preach by the Andover Associa- ciation, at Andover, Mass., April 11, 1846. Ordained pastor, Mont- pelier, Vt., Sept. 20, 1847. Was trustee of Washington County Grammar School, 1853-77 ; and president, 1865-75 ; director of Ver- mont Bible Society, 1847-75, and Domestic Missionary Society, 1853-77. Member of Vermont Historical Society, and president, 1870-7. Fish commissioner of Vermont, 1876. Moderator of Gen- eral Convention, 1871 ; and preacher, 1858 and 1874. Corporate AMHERST. 23 member of the American Board, 1873-7. Editor of the Vermont Chronicle, Jan. 1, 1875-7. D. D. from Dartmouth College, 1867. Died in office, Montpelier, Vt., March 18, 1877. Married Harriet Adams, daughter of Hon. John and Harriet Rus- sell (Adams) Aiken, of Andover, Mass., June 1, 1848. Publications. — (1) Funeral Sermon of Hon. John McLean, Cabot, Vt, 1855. (2) Funeral Sermon of Mrs. Lucretia, wife of Hon. Samuel Prentiss, 1855. (3) Funeral Sermon of Hon. E. P. Walton, 1855. (4) Funeral Sermon of Hon. Samuel Prentiss, 1857. (5) Funeral Sermon of Hon. F. F. Merrill, 1859. (6) Funeral Sermon of Rev. James Hobart, 1862. (7) Funeral Sermon of Mrs. James C. Thurston, 1865. (8) Funeral Sermon of Dea. C. W. Storrs, 1872. (9) Funeral Sermon of Mrs. James R. Langdon, 1873. (10) Sermon on the 50th Anniversary of the Congregational Church, Montpelier, Vt., July 25, 1858. (11) National Hospitality: A Tract for the Times (Anti-Know-Nothing), 1855. (12) Sermon: Our National Troubles, 1861. (13) Sermon : Dedication of Bethany Church, Montpelier, Vt., Oct. 15, 1868. James Means, Congregation alist, son of Col. David McGregor and Catherine (Atherton) Means, was born April 27, 1813. Graduated at Bowdoin College, 1833. Teacher, Ellsworth, Me., one year. Student, Bangor Theological Seminary, and advanced class, Andover Theological Seminary, 1838-9. Ordained pastor. Concord, Mass., Jan. 8. 1840; dismissed, 1844. Teacher, Lawrence Academy, Gro- ton, Mass., 1845-53. Meanwhile took a foreign tour with pupils for two years. Supplied in Massachusetts and Detroit, Mich. Teacher, New York City, 1855-7 ; West Lebanon, 1859-61 ; and Auburndale, Mass., 1861-2. Hospital Chaplain, 1862-3. Financial agent to secure endowments for Andover Theological Seminary, Tilden Female Seminary, West Lebanon, and Lasell Seminary, Auburn- dale, Mass. Superintendent of contrabands, Newbern, N. C, 1863. Died there, April 6, 1863. Married Elizabeth P. Johnson, Jan. 1840. Charles H. Peabody, Baptist, was bom Jan. 12, 1799. Graduated at Newton Theological Institution, 1836. Ordained, Sutton, Mass., Nov./ 23, 1836. Pastor there, 1836-40; Randolph, Mass., 1840-2. Died there, April 21, 1842. John Peacock, Baptist, son of William and Huldah (Hood) Pea- cock, was born May 3, 1804. Preparatory studies with Rev. Samuel Everett of Milford, and at New Hampton Literary Institution, about 24 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. 1827-9. Licensed to preach by the Milford Church, 1828. Ordained, Caanan, Aug. 25, 1830. Labored there, 1830-2; Danbury, 1833; Ilillsboi-ough, 1834; Goffstown, 1835; Amoskeag, 1836; Peterborough, 1837; East Washington, Sullivan and Keene, 1838-40; Henniker, 1843-4; Fitzwilliam, June 1844-7; Springvale, Me., 1847-8; Brad- ford, 1849-51 ; Second Church, Manchester, 1850; Amherst, 1851; Londonderry, 1853-5; Dunbarton, 1862-3; and Amherst, 1866-8. Also in Maine foui- years, eastern New York one, and Vermont one. Labored as an evangelist mostly for longer or shorter periods, usually in destitute places, and with feeble churches, in forty years holding over 200 "protracted meetings," and baptizing more than 1,000. Residence, Goffstown, 1857-70. Without charge, Amherst, 1870-6. Died there, June 13, 1876. Married (1) Mary Rider of Goffstown, Dec. 14, 1830. She died, Keene, Sept. 5, 1840. (2) Eliza A. Rider, sister, of Goffstown, March 6, 1841. Pubhcation. — A Personal Narrative of Labor, 1851. George Lowell Putnam, Baptist, son of John and Sabrina (Wiley) Putnam, was born June 22, 1824. Preparatory studies in the public schools of Lowell, Mass. Merchant in Lowell, meanwhile studying, till 1858. Ordained, Hudson, June 16, 1858, and pastor there, 1858- 63; Natick, R. I., Nov. 1863-5; South Woodstock, Ct., Nov. 1865- 70; Lebanon, Ct., June 1870-9; Parma, Mich. 1879-83; Lebanon, Ct., Jan. 6, 1883-7 ; West Woodstock, Ct., 1892-7-. Married Eliza Ann, daughter of Joseph and Naomi (Partridge) Richards, at Lowell, Mass., June 10, 1844. Asa Dodge Smith, A. M., D. D., LL. D., Congregationahst, son of Dr. Rogers and Sally (Dodge) Smith, was born Sept. 21, 1804. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1824-6. Gradu- ated at Dartmouth College, 1830, and Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1834. Principal, Lmierick (Me.) Academy, 1830-1. Ordained pastor, Brainard, now 14th St. Presbyterian Church, New York City, Nov. 2, 1834; dismissed, Oct. 15, 1863. Lecturer and Professor of Pastoral Theology, Union Theological Seminary, 1843-4. Presi- dent, Rutgers Female College, New York City. Trustee, Hamilton College, 1858-64. President, Dartmouth College, Nov. 18, 1863-77. Du-ector, L^nion Theological Seminary, 1841-64. Visitor, Andover Theological Seminary, 1865. Corporate member, American Board, 1853-77, and member of its Prudential Committee, 1856-63. Di- rector, American Home Missionary Society, 1842-53, a member of its AMHERST. ' 25 Executive Committee, 1851-62, and Vice-President, 1864-77. Pres- ident, New Hampshire Home Missionary Society, 1864-77. Mem- ber New Hampshire Historical Society. Life member and Vice- President New England Historical-Genealogical Society. Preached 32 ordination, or installation, sermons ; and before the New Hamp- shire General Association, Dover, 1865, and Exeter, 1874. Gave the address at the Alumni Reunion, Kimball Union Academy, 1857. Also speaker on many public occasions. D. D. from Williams Col- lege, 1849 ; and LL. D., University of New York, 1864. Died at Hanover, Aug. 16, 1877. Married Sarah Ann, daughter of John and Dorcas (Faulkner) Smith of North Andover, Mass., Nov, 9, 1836. She died, Hanover, Sept. 27, 1882. Publications. — (1) Letters to a Young Student, 1838. (2) Memoir of Mrs. Louisa Adams Leavitt, 1843. (3) Sermon : Dancing as an Amusement for Christians, 1847. (4) Sermon: Importance of a Scriptural Ministry. (5) Thanksgiving Sermon : Obedience to Law, 1850. (6) The Guileless Israelite, Funeral Sermon of Joseph Brewster, 1851. (7) Sermon: Personal Piety as Related to the Missionary Work, 1852. (8) God's Word Magnified and Illustrated, Funeral Sermon of David L. Dodge, 1852. (9) Address at the Union of the Sons of Weston, Vt., 1853. (10) A Discourse on the Life and Character of Rev. Charles Hall, D. D., 1854. (11) The Pmitan Character : Address before the New England Society, Mon- treal, 1857. (12) Home Missions and Slavery, reprint, 1857. (13) Position of the Southern Chiirch in Relation to Slavery, as Illus- trated by the Letter of Dr. F. A. Ross to Rev. Albert Barnes ; with Introduction by a Constitutional Presbyterian, 1857. (14) Death Abolished, Funeral Sermon of Henry C. Parkhurst, 1859. (15) Address : Anniversary of American Tract Society, Boston, 1860. (16) Farewell Sermon : Christian Stewardship, 1863. (17) Inau- gural Address as President of Dartmouth College, 1863. (18) Baccalaureate Sermons : Supremacy of Righteousness, 1864. (19) Beneficence, our Life Work, 1865. (20) Abuses of the Imagina- tion, 1866. (21) Christian Magnanimity, 1867. (22) Gradualism of God's Working, 1868. (23) Success in Life, 1869. (24) The Chief Foundation, 1870. (25) Liberty as Related to Law, 1871. (26) The Grace of Patience, 1872. (27) Prayer as a Power, 1873. (28) The Creed as Related to Life, 1874. (29) Completeness of Chris- tianity, 1875. (30) Sources of InfideUty, 1876. 26 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Daniel Weston, Congregationalist, son of David and Mary (Harts-^ home) Weston, was born July 8, 1764. Graduated at Dartmouth^ College, 1795. Ordained pastor, Gray, Me., Oct. 25, 1803 ; dismissed,. June 29, 1825. Without charge there, 1825-37. Died there, May 29, 1837. Man-ied Susan Buxton of Falmouth, Me., Oct. 21, 1806. Publication. — Chai'ge to the People at the Ordination of his Suc- cessor at Gray, Rev. S. H. Peckham. John Equality Weston, Baptist, son of John and Sarah (Boutelle) Weston, was born Oct. 13, 1796. In connection with Benjamin True, established The Christian Watchman., now The Watchman^ of Boston, Mass., 1818-21. Student, Columbian College, Washing- ton, D. C, 1822-3. Licensed to preach, 1822. Student, Andover Theological Seminary, 1823-5, and Newton Theological Institution, graduating, 1826. Ordained, East Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 10, 1827, and pastor there, 1827-31. On his way to meet an engagement at Nashua, drowned, Wilmington, Mass., July 2, 1831. Publication. — Discourse of the Claims of the Poor, 1830. John Edwin Wheeler, Congregationalist, son of Daniel and Mar- tha Graham (Aiken) Wheeler, was born Sept. 9, 1833. Prepara- tory studies at McCollum Institute, Mont Vernon. Student, Colby University, 1853-4. Graduated at Amherst College, 1857, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1862. Licensed to preach by the Hartford (Ct.) Fourth Association, June 25, 1861. Acting pas- tor. Central Church, Portland, Ct., 1862-6. Supplied, Litchfield and Windham, Ct., Godfrey and Brighton, III, and St. Louis, Mo.,, 1866-9. Ordained pastor, Gardner, Mass., Aug. 24, 1869 ; dismissed, July 9, 1872. Acting pastor. Little Compton, R. L, 1872-3; Need- ham, Mass., 1874-5; Plymouth Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1875-7; Presbyterian church, Moro, 111., 1878-9 ; Webster City, la., 1879-83 ; Southboro, Mass., 1884-5. Without charge, Cambridgeport, Mass., 1885-9, and Maiden Mass., 1889-93. Died there, March 18, 1893. Married Clara Green Leach, daughter of William Henry, M. D., and Mary Frances (Taylor) Martin of Goffstown, at Godfrey, 111., July 15, 1880. ANDOVER. Frederick Lyman BatChelder, Baptist, son of Odline and Huldah (Searles) Batchelder, was born Jan. 17, 1815. Preparatory studies at HoUiston (Mass.) High School, 1835. Graduated from Brown Uni- versity, 1839, and Newton Theological Institution, 1842. Licensed ANDOVER. 27 to preach by the Med way (Mass.) Church, Sept. 1839. Ordained an evangelist, West Medway, Mass., Aug. 23, 1843. Pastor, East Long- meadow, Mass., 1843-5. Missionary at his own charges, Grand River, Mich., with residence. Grand Rapids, 1845-52. Pastor, East Longmeadow, Mass., May 1852-3; Stafford, Ct., 1853-6 and 1866- 1900. Supplying other churches, 1860-6. Residence, Stafford, Ct., 1853-1900. Married Eliza Hall, daughter of Calvin and Nabby (Brainard) Willey, at Stafford, Ct., Jan. 1, 1862. Otis Robinson BatChelder, M. D., D. D., Free Baptist, son of Odline and Huldah (Searles) Batchelder, was born Jan. 17, 1817. Preparatory studies at Holliston and Wilbraham (Mass.) and Kent's Hill (Me.) academies, 1835-9. Studied medicine at Dartmouth and Cambridge (Mass.) Medical colleges. Licensed to preach by the Boston Quarterly Meeting, Lowell, Mass., April 1839. Ordained an evangelist, Lowell, Mass., May 7, 1840. Sailed for India, May 16, 1840. Missionary, Balasore, Orissa, India, Oct. 1840-52 ; Midna- pore, Bengal, 1865-83. Returned to the United States, Sept. 1883. Without charge, New Hampton, 1883-6. Sailed from Boston for India, Jan. 23, 1886. Celebrated his golden wedding at New Hamp- ton, Feb. 26, 1897. Residence, New Hampton, 1893-1901. M. D. from Dartmouth College, 1850 ; and D. D., Hillsdale College, 1881. Died at New Hampton, Jan. 1, 1901. Married (1) Catherine E. Palmer, at Boston, Mass., May 1840. She died, Midnapore, Jan. 20, 1845. (2) Sarah P., daughter of Rev, Asa and Esther (Fowler) Merrill of Stratham, at Balasore, India, Feb. 2, 1847. She died at New Hampton, May 14, 1900, aged 80 years. Publication. — A Medical Guide in Oriya and Bengalee. Josiah Weare Dearborn, Methodist, son of Rev. Reuben and Hannah (Weare) Dearborn, was born Dec. 3, 1847. Preparatory studies at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. Student at Wesleyan (Ct.) University, one year. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1870, and Boston University, 1873. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1873. Ordained deacon by Bishop Haven at Newport, April 20, 1873 ; and elder by Bishop Foster, at Lynn, Mass., April 8, 1877. Appointments. — East Franklin, 1873; Jefferson, 1874; Nahant, Mass., 1875-7; Marblehead, Mass., 1878-80; Maple Street Church, Lynn, Mass., 1881-3; Everett, Mass., 1884-6; Stoneham, Mass.,. 28 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. 1887-9; Roslindale, Boston, Mass., 1890-2; Watertown, Mass., 1893. Died there, Jan. 19, 1894. Married Martha Brown, daughter of John Taylor Gilman and Mehitabel (Maloon) Dinsmore of Dei'ry, Dec. 3, 1876. John Langdon Dudley, D. D., CongregationaUst, afterw ards Free Religionist, son of John and Betsey (Tirrill) Dudley, was born Jan. 12, 1812. Prepai-atory studies with Rev. Thatcher Thayer, D. D., and at the Teachers' Seminary of Phillips Andover Academy, 1841-2. Graduated at Amherst College, 1844. Student one year at Andover Theological Seminary, and with Dr. Thayer, Newport, R. I. Ordained there, June 11, 1847. Supplied there during Dr. Thayer's visit in Europe, 1847-9. Acting pastor, South Church, Middletown, Ct., 1849-54, and pastor 1854-68. Installed, Ply- mouth Church, Milwaukee, Wis., July 16, 1868 ; dismissed, 1875. Without charge there, 1875-8. Supplied Unitarian pulpits in Chi- cago, 111., Denver, Col., Madison, Wis., and other cities, also Parker Memorial Society, Boston, Mass., 1878-80. Residence, Lake Mills, Wis., 1880-94. D. D. from Amherst College. Died, Boston, Mass., Nov. 21, 1894. Married (1) Eliza Maria, daughter of Rev. Lyman and Maria (Flynt) Coleman of Philadelphia, Pa., June 6, 1861. She died at Milwaukee, Wis., Jane 3, 1871. (2) Marion Vienna, daughter of James Wortley and Vienna (Thompson) Churchill, at Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 23, 1872. She survived him. Publications. — (1) Discourse on the Death of Gen. Joseph K. F. Mansfield, 1862. (2) Discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln, 1865. (3) Address at the Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111., 1869. (4) Sermons: Tides and Tendencies. (5) Salvation. (6) Liturgies. James Harvey Elkins, Universalist, son of Josiah and Betsey (Kimball) Elkins, was born March 8, 1823. In 1837 he became a member of the Shaker community at Enfield, and so continued till 1852. Having decided to enter the ministry, he was ordained at Hinesburgh, Vt., Oct. 14, 1858, and was pastor at Williston, Vt., 1858-60. Afterwards preached in various places as occasional sup- ply till 1870, when he retired from the ministry. He resided at Andover, 1852-5 ; Hopedale, Mass., 1855-6; Glover, Vt., 1856-8; Rutland, Vt., 1860-1 ; Fairfield, Vt., 1861-70, and Andover, 1870-95. Died there, July 3, 1895. Married Eleanor Lucretia, daughter of Roger and Amanda ANDOVER. 29 (Northrop) Fan-ard, at Fairfield, Vt., May 20, 1858. She survived him. Joseph Emery Fellows, Christian, son of Stephen and Mary (Emery) Fellows, was born about 1802. Educated in the common schools. Ordained at Andover Sept. 15, 1831. Held many meet- ings as an exhorter and evangelist, but it is not known that he was ever settled over a church. He went West about 1840, and died there. Married Harriet, daughter of Elijah and Nancy (Cilley) Hilton. Stephen Fellows, Christian, son of Stephen and Mary (Emery) Fellows, was born Sept. 16, 1815. Preparatory studies at Franklin Academy. Student for a time in the Genesee (N. Y.) Wesleyan College. Licensed to preach by the Western New York Confer- ence. Teacher in the school for the education of teachers, Ogden^ N. Y., 1837. Supplied the Iradependent Congregational Church there, 1837-9. Ordained an evangelist, Bruce, Macomb Coimty, Mich., Nov. 17, 1839. Itinerant missionary, Michigan, building seven or eight churches, 1839-42. Pastor, Unitarian Church, Fair Haven, Mass., 1842-4 ; Lima, N. Y., 1844-6. Went South, 1846. Returning, gathered a church at Peapack, N. J., and Freehold, N. J., 1847. Pastor, New York City, 1847-9, and Fall River, Mass., 1849-54. Supplied Swanzey, Mass., 1854-56, and New Bedford, Mass., 1856-7, with residence at Fall River, Mass. Without charge there, and at "Touissette Farm," Warren, R. I., 1857-87. Died there May 20, 1887. Mamed Lydia Petree, daughter of J. Mace Smith of Fall River, Mass., May 13, 1847. John Crockett Fifield, Methodist, afterwards Christian, son of Edward and Lizzie (Rowe) Fifield, was born Dec. 17, 1811. Pre- paratory studies in the common schools of Andover. Began to preach in Franconia. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1843. Ordained deacon by Bishop Bartholomew Other- man. Appointments. — Thornton and Campton, 1843; South Yarmouth, Mass. ; West Duxbury, IVIass. ; Pembroke, Mass. ; Nantucket, Mass. ; Mansfield, Mass. Afterwards removed to Illinois and united with the Christian denomination. He preached at Elgin, Elburn and Quincy for twelve years. He then returned to New Hampshire and preached for a while at Thornton, then at Shrewsbury, Vt., and afterwards so N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. several years at Hill. Without charge at Wollaston, Mass., and then South Hanson, Mass., 1889-96. At a preaching service at Franklin not long before his death, he said, " I never took any man- uscript into the pulpit but once, and then I promised the Lord if he would forgive me for that I would never do so again, and I never have." Died at South Hanson, Mass., March 29, 1896. Man-ied Ann Hills of Plymouth in 1834. She died at South Hanson, Mass., March 28, 1896. Leslie Campbell Greeley, Ph. B., B. D., Congregationalist, son of George Irvine and Abbie (Campbell) Greeley, was born Dec. 16, 1870. Preparatory studies at Franklin High School, 1888, and New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Tilton. Student, Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1890-1, graduating there, 1895, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1898. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Andover, Mass., 1897. Ordained pastor at Middleton, Mass., Dec. 20, 1898 ; closed labor, 1905. Pastor, Whitefield Church, Newbury- port, Mass., Nov. 1905-. Visited Europe, 1904-5. Lyman Erskine Hall, Free Baptist, son of Jackson and Susan Jane (Bailey) Hall, was born Jan. 16, 1860. Preparatory studies at Proctor Academy, 1876-9. Studied for the ministry at the Christian Biblical School, Standfordville, N. Y., 1879-81. Ordained, Lower Gilmanton, May 25, 1882, and pastor there. May 1881-4 ; Meredith Centre, Jan. 1884-7; Kittery Point, Me., May 1887-8; Presque Isle and Caribou, Me., April 1, 1888-90, with residence. Caribou. Without charge. East Andovei', 1890. Pastor, Second Church, Strafford, 1890-4; Gonic, 1894-7; Congregational Church, East Andover, Sept. 1897 to March 1898; Strafford Corner, 1898-1901 ; Gilford, Sept. 1901-4-. Married Emily Helen, daughter of James and Elizabeth Jane (Maginnis) Wilke, at Ashland, N. Y., May 17, 1881. Edward B. Rollins, Christian, son of Eliphalet Rollins, was born, 1793. Began to preach, 1815. Pastor of many churches, princi- pally in Vermont, but traveled extensively in other states. Was at Gilsum, 1840-1. Did best as evangelist. Published the Bethle- hem Star^ a bi-monthly magazine. Bethel, Vt., 1824; also editor and proprietor of the Christian Luminary, at Stowe, Vt., 1832-3. Wrote much for the press. In his younger days could be heard a mile. Died, East Braintree, Vt., Feb. 1, 1876. Publication. — The Prophecies, 1857. ANDOVER. 31 Nehemiah Dodge Sleeper, Christian, son of Thomas and Mary Sleeper, was born July 3, 1793. Farmer till 1813. Became an exhorter, 1815. Ordained, East Andover, June 17, 1817, and pastor there, 1817-35 ; West Boscawen, now Webster, 1835-45. Without charge, but preaching occasionally. Concord, 1845-6, and Contoo- cook, 1846-81. Died there, Oct. 22, 1881. MaiTied (1) Charlotte Taylor of Sutton, Jan. 31, 1822. She died, Webster, Dec. 1, 1839. (2) Mrs. Maria Darling (Hildreth) Jackman of Lowell, Mass., July 15, 184J. She died, Contoocook, Nov. 21, 1878. James Smith, Methodist, was born Jan. 28, 1807. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1833. Ordained deacon, by Bishop Emery, at Portsmouth, July 12, 1835 ; and elder, by Bish- op Hedding, at Great Falls, July 9, 1837. Appointments. — Marlow, 1833; Grantham, 1834; and in Ver- mont, Corinth, 1835; Thetford, 1836; St. Johnsbury, 1837; West- field, 1838; Sutton, 1839; Cabot, 1840; Groton, 1841; Walden, 1842; Westfield, 1843-4; West Norwich, 1845; West Windsor and Felchville, 1846; Mt. Holly, 1847; Guildhall, 1848-9; Coventry, Newport, Bi'ownington and Charleston, 1850 ; superannuate, 1851-75, but supplied Newport, 1851. Died, Franklin, Vt., Nov. 20, 1875. Married Mary, daughter of James and Sarah (Bullock) Greenleaf of Derby, Vt., Jan. 21, 1840. Henry Calvin Sawyer, Methodist, son of Luther and Susan Ade- line (Littlefield) Sawyer, was born June 21, 1868. Preparatory studies at Proctor Academy, Andover, and Tilton Conference Sem- inary, 1890-4. Supplied the Congregational Chapel, Andover, June 19, 1892-4. Local preacher, 1888-94. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1895. Ordained deacon by Bishop Ninde, at Manchester, March 11, 1897. Appointments. — Salem, 1894 ; Munsonville, 1895-7 ; Chesterfield, 1898-9; located, 1900. Married Gavuetta Maria, daughter of James Boswell and Mary Gavuetta (Fisk) Goodhue, at Webster, Aug. 15, 1894. Jesse Thompson, Christian, son of Benjamin and Miriam (Brown) Thompson, was born Dec. 25, 1795. Licensed to preach, Andover, June 12, 1820. Ordained an evangelist there, June 7, 1821. Labored at Cooperstown, N. Y., 1821-2 ; Burnt Hills, Saratoga County, N. Y., 1822-5. Shortly after retired to a farm near BaUston Spa, N. Y. 32 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. For a time in a Botanic Infirmary, Boston, Mass. Died, Ballston Spa, N. Y., July 6, 1858. Married Maria, daughter of Samuel A. Gilbert of Mayfield, Fulton County, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1822. She died Sept. 2, 1866. William True, Christian, son of Dea. William and Betsey (Tucker) True, was born March 12, 1795. Had only a common school edu- cation. Ordained at Andover, June 19, 1817. In July went to Brutus, N. Y,, and so arduous were his labors that his health soon gave way. Preached his last sermon the last of April 1818, and in June returned to Andover. Had great natural gifts as a preacher, and his abundant labors were blessed wuth many conversions. Died at Andover, Oct. 11, 1818. According to his previous request, Rev. Peter Clark of Gilmanton preached his funeral sermon from II Tim- othy 4 : 7, 8. Married Abigail G., daughter of Dea. Daniel and Nancy (Healey) Parker of Salisbury, July 1, 1817. She survived him and married (2) Osgood Pingrey of Salisbury, Dec. 24, 1822. She died in Maine, Aug. 23, 1860. ANTRIM. Hiram Bell, Congregationalist, son of Dea. John and Peggy (Brown) Bell, was born Dec. 16, 1807. Preparatory studies at Kim- ball Union Academy, 1831. Graduated at Williams College, 1836, and Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1839. Licensed to preach by the Tolland (Conn.) Association, Oct. 9, 1838. Ordained pastor, Marlboro, Conn., Feb. 19, 1840; dismissed, Oct. 9, 1850. Installed, Killingworth, Conn., Nov. 9, 1850; dismissed, Sept. 27, 1864, having closed labor. May 1864. Acting pastor, Westchester, Colchester, Conn., May 1864-76. Died there, June 18, 1876. Married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Noah and Dimmis Wells, at Sing Singi N. Y., July 1, 1840. Rufus Cheney, Free Baptist, son of John and Abigail (Corkin) Cheney, was born May 4, 1780. In his childhood his parents moved to Walpole, and to Waterford, Vt., 1800. Began to preach, 1803. Licensed to preach about 1804. Ordained, Waterford, Vt., Oct. 29, 1810. Itinerated in Vermont, New York, Ohio and Wisconsin. Labored at Attica, N. Y., 1814-17 ; Porter, O., 1817-23 ; Western Reserve, O., six months; then Attica, N. Y. ; Franklin, Wis., 1839-60. Organized there at Prospect Hill, in a log barn, the first Free Baptist Church in the state, 1840. Organized one at Honey ANTRIM. 33 Creek, Wis., 1841. Supplied there, once a month, 1841-3; New Berlin, Wis., 1844-69. Died there, Aug. 30, 1869. Man-ied (1) Prudy Piper, Jan. 12, 1804. She died, Feb. 11, 1835. (2) Mrs. Ruth Bateman, June 10, 1835. She died, Sept. 1855. (3) Mrs. Lydia Moore, Jan. 29, 1856. Sylvester Cochran, Congregationahst, son of Andrew and Jeanette (Wilson) Cochran, was born May 8, 1796. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1823. Studied for the ministry with Rev. John Milton Whiton, D. D., Antrim. Licensed to preach by the Union Associa- tion, May 11, 1824. Ordained pastor, Poultney, Vt., Oct. 24, 1827; dismissed, Oct. 13, 1834. Colonized Vermontville, Mich., and acting pastor there, 1837^3; Howell, Mich., 1844; New School Presby- terian Chm-ch, North ville, Mich., 1844-9. Missionary in Michigan, 1849-54. Acting pastor, Presbyterian Church, Plymouth, Mich., 1854-6; installed, 1856; dismissed, April 1859. Without charge, North ville, Mich., 1859-60. Died there, March 14, 1860. Married Hannah, daughter of Capt. Joseph Symonds of Hancock, May 1824. Senaca CummingfS, Congregationahst, son of Samuel and Joanna (Wyman) Cummings, was born May 16, 1817. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1837-40. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1844. Student, Lane Theological Seminary, 1844-6, and Union Theological Seminary, 1846-7, graduating. Ordained an evangelist, Antrim, Sept. 30, 1847. Sailed for Fuh Chan, China, Nov. 11, 1847, reaching Hong Kong, March 25, 1848. Missionary, Fuh Chan, 1848-55. Health failing, returned to New Hampshu-e, 1855. Died at New Ipswich, Aug. 12, 1856. Married Abigail Mary, daughter of James Stearns of New Ipswich, Oct. 28, 1847. She died in New Ipswich, Nov. 16, 1875. Thomas Wilson Duncan, Congregationahst, son of Robert and Grizzell (Wilson) Duncan, was born March 3, 1791. Preparatory studies with Samuel Burnham of LondondeiTy, 1811-13. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1817. Studied for the ministry with Rev. E. P. Bradford of New Boston, Rev. Moses Bradford of Frances- town, and Rev. J. M. Whiton, D. D., of Antrim. Licensed to preach by the Londonderry Presbytery, April 29, 1819. Preaching here and there, 1819-21. Acting pastor, Exeter, N. Y., Jan. to June 1821; ordained there, June 13, 1821; dismissed, May 1, 1824. diet- ing pastor, Second Church, York, Me., June to Nov. 1825 ; installed there, Nov. 9, 1825 ; dismissed, April 28, 1830. Acting pastor. Post 34 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Mills and Fairlee, Vt, Sept. 1830-2. Itinerated, 1832-3. Acting pastor, Burke, Vt., Dec. 1834-7 ; installed there, Nov. 8, 1837 ; dis- missed, Aug. 15, 1839, but continued acting pastor there till June 1841; supplying also part of the time, Kirby, Vt., 1834-5; and Granby, 1838-40. Acting pastor, Norway and Fairfield, N. Y., June 1841-2 ; Jasper, N. Y., Nov. 1842-6. Agent Steuben County Bible Society, N. Y., Sept. 1846-7. Without charge, Burke, Vt., Oct. 1847-51. Acting pastor, Pittsfield, Vt., Nov. 1851-2; Arlington, Vt., March 1853^; Windsor, Mass., May 1854-5; Chilmark, Mass., Sept. 1855-8 ; Roxbury, Aug. 1858-61. Without charge. Nelson, 1861-76. Died there. May 5, 1876. Married Lucy, daughter of Levi and Rachel (White) North of Berlin, Conn., at Fly Creek, N. Y., June 5, 1822. She died. Nelson, April 7, 1865. Publication. — A Catechism, 1828. Daniel Goodhue, Congregationalist, son of Ebenezer and Mehitable (Knight) Goodhue, was born Sept 12, 1820. Preparatory studies at Hancock Academy, 1837-44. Graduated at Gilmanton Theological Seminary, 1846. Supplied, Bradford, 1847-8 ; ordained pastor there. May 2, 1848 ; dismissed. May 31, 1853. Acting pastor, Shelburne, Sept. 1853-5. Installed, Danbmy, March 2, 1855 ; dismissed, March 28, 1860. Acting pastor, Evangelical Church, Greenfield, March 1860-4 ; Troy, 1865-8 ; Westfield, Vt., 1868-71 ; North London- derry, Vt., 1871-3 ; Rupert, Vt., 1873-4. Without charge, Pem- broke, May 1878-89; and Burlington, Vt, 1874-8, and 1889-98. Superintending School Committee of Hancock and other places 20 years. A successful laborer. He died at Burlington, Vt., Oct. 23, 1898. Married Mai-y Potter, daughter of Zebediah and Lucy (Potter) Morrill of Gilford, Aug. 15, 1848. She died, Bm-Ungton, Vt., Aug. 31, 1889. Joseph Moulton, Methodist, son of Joseph and Ruth (Messer) Moulton, was born Aug. 12, 1834. Preparatory studies at Marlow Academy and New Hampshire Conference Seminary. Colporteur of the Methodist Episcopal Tract Society in New Hampshire, 1854-5, and 1871; American Tract Society in Vermont, 1857-62; Maine, 1862-5; and New Hampshire, 1869. In the employ of the Bible Society of New Hampshire and Maine, 1872-6, with residence An- trim, 1872-3, and Pittston, Me., Oct. 1873-6. Licensed to preach by the Hillsborough Quarterly Conference, Jan. 14, 1868. Admitted on ASHLAND. • 35 trial to the East Maine Conference, 1874. Ordained deacon by Bishop R. S. Foster at Bucksport, Me., June 11, 1876. Appointments, all in Maine. — Gushing and South Waldoboro, 1876; North and West Waldoboro, 1877 ; Newry, Upton, and Me- salloway, 1878-81 ; West Durham and North Pownal, 1882; North Auburn and Turner Circuit, 1883-5 ; Harpswell and Orr's Island, 1886-7; Leeds and Greene, 1888-9; Newfield Circuit, 1890. MaiTied Sarah Jane, daughter of Eliphalet and Mary (Barker) Fox, at Antrim, May 2, 1865. She died, Nov. 4, 1881. John T. S. Nesmith, Methodist, son of James and Polly (Taylor) Nesmith, was born, 1814. Studied at Cazenovia Seminary. Una- ble to trace him. Died, 1850. Married Harriet N. Taylor. John Nichols, Congregationalist, son of Daniel and Mary (Dins- more) Nichols, was born June 20, 1790. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1813, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1816. Ordained an evangelist, Boston, Mass., Sept. 3, 1817. Sailed for India, Oct. 5, 1817, reaching Bombay, Feb. 28, 1818. Opened a school at Tannah, Island of Salsette, Nov. 1818, and afterwards at Cullian. Died, Bombay, Dec. 9, 1824. Man-ied Elizabeth Shaw of Beverly, Mass., Sept. 30, 1817. William Paige, Mormon, son of Daniel Paige, was born about 1810. Went to the Mormons and became a preacher. Nothing more has been learned. ASHLAND. David Calley, Free Baptist, son of David and Martha (Marston) Calley, was born Nov. 8, 1815. Licensed to preach by the Sand- wich Quarterly Meeting, at Tam worth, Oct. 23, 1840. Ordained, Holderness and Centre Harbor Church, June 14, 1842. Pastor, Tunbridge, Vt., 1843-8, also preaching one fourth of the time at Bridge water and Plymouth, Vt. ; Third Church, Holderness, 1848-50 ; Hill and Bridgewater, 1850-2; Bristol, 1852-9, and 1863-70; Alex- andria, 1870-3 ; North Sandwich, 1873-4 ; Centre Sandwich, 1874-80 ; Alexandria, 1880-2 ; North Sandwich, 1882-92. With- out charge, Bristol, May 1892-1905-. Represented Holderness in the Legislature, 1853, Bristol, 1872-3, and Sandwich, 1885. Married (1) Dorcas Doubleday, daughter of John and Lydia (Shep- ard) Shepard, at New Hampton, Sept. 4, 1845. She died, Tunbridge, Vt., Aug. 29, 1846. (2) Mary Mooney, daughter of Obadiah and 36 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Eliza (Moody) Smith, at Holderness, now Ashland, March 23, 1848, She died, Bristol, Oct. 26, 1896. Oren Burbank Cheney, A. M., D. D., Free Baptist, son of Dea. Moses and Abigail (Morrison) Cheney, was born Dec. 10, 1816. As a boy worked in his father's paper mill. Preparatory studies at North Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary, and New Hampton Institution, 1835. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839. Teacher, Farming- ton (Me.) Academy, 1839-41; Strafford Academy, 1841-2; Green- land Academy, 1842-3 ; Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary, also preaching half the time at Effiingham Hill, 1843-5. Studied for the ministry at Whitestown (N. Y.) Seminary, 1845-6. Licensed to preach by the church in Portsmouth, March 4, 1843, and Rockingham Quar- terly Meeting, May 30, 1843. Ordained an evangelist, Effingham, July 11, 1844. Pastor, West Lebanon, Me., also founding an Acad- emy there, Aug. 1846-52; and Augusta, Me., July 1852-7. Estab- lished the Maine State Seminary, now Bates College, Lewiston, Me., and principal, Sept. 1, 1857-63 ; president, 1863-94. Represented Lebanon, Me., in the Legislature, 1851-2. Instrumental in endow- ing Storer College, Harper's Ferry, W. Va., by securing $10,000 from John Storer of Sandford, Me. Twelve times delegate to the General Conference, and three times moderator; delegate to the international meeting of Free Baptists in England ; recording secre- tary of the Foreign and Home Mission societies, and president of the Educational and Anti-Slavery societies and Free Baptist Foreign Society. D. D. from Wesleyan University, 1865. Died, Lewiston, Me., Dec. 22, 1903. Married (1) Caroline Adelia, daughter of James and Betsey (Dearborn) Rundlett of Stratham, Jan. 30, 1840. She died, Stratham, June 13, 1846. (2) Nancy St. Clair, daughter of Rev. Thomas and Rebecca (Pease) Perkins of Hampton, July 29, 1847. She died, Lewiston, Me., Feb. 21, 1886. (3) Mrs. Burlingame of Rhode Island. John Clarence Rollins, Methodist, afterwards Congregationalist, son of John Sanborn and Abby Durgin (Kimball) Rollins, was born May 5, 1861. Preparatory studies at State Normal School, Ply- mouth, Holderness School, and Boston University, 1882. Studied for the ministry at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, and Chautauqua Theological School. Licensed to preach by the Meth- odist Church, Plymouth, Sept. 1878. Supplied Webster, Jan. 1880-2. Became a Congregationalist. Ordained pastor, Hooksett, ATKINSON. 37 June 27, 1883 ; dismissed, Feb. 16, 1885. Installed, First Church, Milford, July 25, 1885; dismissed, Oct. 3, 1887. Without charge there, 1887-8. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, State Institute, Lafayette, Ind., April 1888-9. Acting pastor, Buffalo, Wy., 1889-90; Villa Park Church, Denver, Col, 1892-4; Telluride, Col., July 1894-7. San Bernadino, Cal., 1897-8 ; without charge there, 1898-1904-. Married May Frances, daughter of Bartlett Allen and May Leora Morse, at Manchester, Aug. 6, 1883. ATKINSON. Alfred Vose Bassett, Universalist, son of John and Phebe (Noyes) Bassett, was born Feb. 13, 1807. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Eliphalet Case, at Lowell, Mass. Ordained pastor, Dedham, Mass., 1830. Died there in office, Dec. 26, 1832. Nathaniel Cogswell, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Dr. William and Judith (Badger) Cogswell, was born March 5, 1796. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1819. Studied forthe ministiy with Rev. WilUam Cogswell, at Dedham, Mass. Licensed to preach by the Haverliill As- sociation, April 29, 1821. When candidating rode on horseback from Boston to Yarmouth, Mass., in winter, suffering severely from the cold and freezing his ears, but preached the next day as if nothing had hap- pened. Ordained pastor, Yarmouth, Mass., April 24, 1822 ; resigned, Dec. 15, 1859. Without charge, 1859-74. Member of the Massachu- setts Constitutional Convention, 1853. Elected overseer of Har- vard College, 1853, Died, Dedham, Mass., March 5, 1874. Married (1) Susan, daughter of Hon. Elisha and Susan (Bassett) Doane of Yarmouth, Mass., Sept. 25, 1825. She died at Yarmouth, Mass., Aug. 5, 1852. (2) Rebecca, daughter of Hon. Thomas and Isabella (McGaw) Jameson of Goffstown, Nov. 12, 1857. William Cogswell, A. M., D. D., Congregationalist, son of Dr. William and Judith (Badger) Cogswell, was born June 5, 1787. Preparatory studies at Atkinson Academj'. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1811. Afterwards teacher, Hampton and Atkinson, acade- mies. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Josiah Webster of Hampton, Rev. Daniel Dana, D, D., of Newburyport, Mass., and Rev Samuel Worcester, D. D., of Salem, Mass. Licensed to preach by the Piscataqua Association, Sept. 29, 1813. Doing missionary work in New Hampshire, 1813-14. Ordained pastor. South Parish, Dedham, Mass., April 26, 1815; dismissed, Dec. 15, 1829. General 38 K. H. NATIVE MINISTER. agent of the American Education Society, June 27, 1829-32, and secretary and director, Jan. 25, 1832-41. Trustee of Andover Theological Seminary, 1837-45. Professor of History and National Education, Dartmouth College, 1841-4. President, and Professor of Theology, Gilmanton Theological Seminary, Jan. 1844-50. Sup- plied, First Church, Gilmanton, 1844-50. Was editor of the Ameri- can Quarterly Register ; New Hampshire Repository ; first vol- ume of the Neio England Historical and Genealogical Register ; Massachusetts Observer^ and sixth volume of the New Hampshire Historical Collections. Honorary member of the Historical Socie- ties of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia ; and corresponding member of the National Institution for the Prottiotion of Science, Washing- ton, D. C. A. M. from Harvard College, and Brown University, 1816; D. D. from Williams College, 1883. Died, Gilmanton, April 18, 1850. Married Joanna, daughter of Rev. Jonathan and Joanna (Odiorne) Strong, D. D., of Randolph, Mass., at Dedham, Mass., Nov. 11, 1818, She died, March 31, 1857. Publications. — (1) Sermon: Nature and Extent of the Atone- ment, 1816. (2) Historical Sei-mon: South Church and Parish,^ Dedham, Mass., 1816. (3) Sermon : Suppression of Intemperance,. 1818. (4) Sermon : Nature and Evidences of the Inspiration of the Sacred Scriptures, 1819. (5) Sermon before the Auxiliary Edu- cation Society of Norfolk County, Mass., 1826. (6) Assistant to^ Family Religion, 1826. (7) Fast Day Sermon: Religious Liberty,. 1828. (8) Valedictory Discourse, South Church and Parish, Ded- ham, Mass., 1829. (9) Theological Class Book, 1831. (10) Harbinger of the Millennium, 1833. (11) Assistant to Family Religion and Manual of Theology and Devotion, 1836. (12) Christian Philan- thropist: Second Edition of the preceding, 1839. (13) Letters to Young Men Preparing for the Ministry, 1837. (14) Eight Annual Reports of the Education Society, 1833-40. (15) Reports of the Northern Academy of Arts and Sciences. James Marsh How Dow, Methodist, afterwards Congregationalist,. son of Samuel Spofford and Abigail (Richards) Dow, was born March 8, 1813. Preparatory studies at Atkinson Academy. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Mr. Hoyt, Methodist, at Concord. Ordained by Bishop Waugh, at Claremont, June 25, 1843. Appointments. — Dover ; Coventry, R. I. Acting pastor, Wash- ington, R. I., 1855; Pawtucket, R. I. Had charge of a branch mis- ATKINSON. 39 sion, Providence, R. I., 1862-5. Acting pastor, Mariner's Church, Boston, Mass., 1865-9. Without charge, Boston, Mass., 1869-78, laboring meanwhile as an evangelist in Maine, 1876. Died, Haver- hill, Mass., June 25, 1878. Married (1) Eliza Hovey, daughter of Eliphaletand Mary (Hovey) Danforth of Londondeny, Jan. 21, 1834. She died, April 17, 1867. (2) Elinor Lancaster, daughter of Abial and SalUe (Haskell) Preble of Machias, Me., June 9, 1868. Publication. — A Question Book on Prayer, Moses Dow, Congregationalist, son of John and Anna (Atwood) Dow, was born Feb. 4, 1771. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1796. Teacher, Atkinson Academy, 1796-7. Studied for the min- istry and licensed to preach before 1800. Ordained pastor, Second Church, Beverly, Mass., March 18, 1801 ; dismissed, April 1, 1813. Installed, York, Me., Nov. 9, 1815 ; dismissed, Feb. 17, 1830. Act- ing pastor, Hampton Falls, 1830-3. Residence, Plaistow, 1830-7, Died there. May 9, 1837. Married Hannah, daughter of Eliphalet Knight of Atkinson, May 14, 1801. Publications. — (1) Funeral Sermon, 1807. (2) Fast Day Ser- mon, 1813. (3) Farewell Sermon, Beverly, Mass., 1813. Washingfton Gilbert, Unitarian, son of John and Mary (Belknap) Gilbert, was born March 18, 1800. Preparatory studies at Atkinson and Pembroke Academies. Graduated at Williams College, 1826. Studied for the ministry at Cambridge, Mass., and Marblehead, Mass. Briefly teacher, Marblehead, Mass. ; teacher and preacher, Meadville, Pa., 1828-30. Ordained pastor. Harvard, Mass., April 13, 1831 ; resigned, April 3, 1855. Acting pastor, Harvard, Mass., 1855-57; Lincoln, Mass., with residence. West Newton, Mass., four years. Residence, Brookline, Mass., two years. School Committee of Newton many years ; treasurer and chairman of the Building Committee of Academy, Harvard, Mass., and trustee till death. Died, West Newton, Mass., Jan. 5, 1879. Man-ied Achsah, daughter of Hon. Stephen P. Gardner of Bolton, Mass., 1833. Nathaniel Grover, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Josiah and Susan (Jewell) Grover, was born Sept. 13, 1805. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1832. Studied for the ministry. Teacher, Barnstead, Norwich, Ct., Bradford, Mass., and Kalamazoo, Mich., 40 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. 1832-55. Ordained pastor, South Haven, Mich., June 14, 1857. Died there in office, May 10, 1863. Married Sarah, daughter of John Vose of Atkinson, Aug. 11, 1834. John Badgfer Merrill, Free Baptist, son of Philip Denison and Judith (Cogswell) Merrill, was born May 4, 1846. Preparatory studies at Atkinson Academy and under private tutor. Began preaching under the direction of Rev. H. M. Dexter, D. D., at the Berkley Mission Chapel, Boston, Mass., Oct. 1865. City Missionary, Boston, Jan. to July 1866. Returned to Atkinson. Acting pastor, Kingston, 1866-9. . Organized a church there; was ordained. May 24, 1869, and pastor, 1869-70. Acting pastor, Candia, April 1871-3; Newfield, Me., April 1873-5. Residence, Old Orchard, Me., since 1875. Supplied the Christian Church, Pine Point, Me., Sept. 1878-80. Evangehst, Portland, Mt. Vernon, Belgrade and Read- field, Me., 1880-5. Pastor, Hampton, April 1885-8; Epsom, 1888. Postmaster, Old Orchard, Me., after Oct. 15, 1878. Teacher 22 teiTTis. Married Sarah Alzena, daughter of Charles Merrill of IMethuen, Mass., June 11, 1869. Gilman Noyes, A. M., Universalist, son of James and Hannah (Hutchins) Noyes, was born May 3, 1804. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1830. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Silvan us Cobb of Maiden, Mass. Ordained, probably at Charlesto'wn, Mass., 1832. Pastor, Spencer, Mass., 1833-9; Southbridge, Mass., 1839-41, and Cape Cod, 1842. On a farm, Brimfield, Mass., 1842-63. Died there, Oct. 18, 1863. Married Eliza, daughter of Issachar Brown of Brimfield, Mass., Nov. 19, 1833. John Noyes, Congregation alist, son of Humphrey and Betsey (Little) Noyes, was born April 2, 1764. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1795. Teacher, Chesterfield Academy, 1795-7. Tutor, Dartmouth College, 1797-9. One of the instructors of Daniel Web- ster there. Studied for the ministry and licensed to preach. In mercantile business. West Brattleboro, Vt., 1800. Teacher of Brat- tleboro Academy some years. Trustee, 1801-2. Member of the Vermont Legislature two or three years. Representative to Con- gress, 1815-17. Residence, Dummerston, Vt., 1817-21 ; and on a farm. Putney, Vt., 1821-41. Died there, Oct. 26, 1841. Married Polly, daughter of Rutherford Hayes of New Haven, Ct., Sept. 1804. Publication. — Fourth of July Oration, Brattleboro, Vt., 1811. AUBURN. 41 Jesse Pagfe, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Col. William and Elizabeth (Little) Page, was born Feb. 23, 1805. Preparatory studies probably at Atkinson Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1831, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1835. Teacher, Limerick (Me.) Seminary, 1831-2. Ordained pastor, North Ando- ver, Mass., Sept. 16, 1835; dismissed, June 7, 1843. Without charge, Atkinson, Nov. 1844-5. Acting pastor there, June 1845-69. Meanwhile organized a church in Lynn, Mass., 1859, and having charge of Rutger's Female College, New York City, 1862. With- out charge there March 1869-83. President of Trustees of Atkin- son Academy, 1852-83. Died, Atkinson, March 2, 1883. Married Ann Poor, daughter of Ezekiel and Mehitable (Emery) Little of Atkinson, Jan. 18, 1837. She died there, Dec. 8, 1846. Publication. — Funeral Sermon of Mrs. Judith Cogswell, 1859. William Page, Congregationalist, son of Col. William and Eliza- beth (Little) Page, was born May 4, 1808. In early life a farmer. Preparatory studies at Gilmanton Academy, graduating in the first class. Graduated at Gilmanton Seminary, 1838, and Andover The- ological Seminary, 1839. Licensed to preach by the Derryfield Association, April 20, 1838. Ordained an evangelist, Dracut, Mass., Nov. 4, 1840, and acting pastor there, 1839-42. Installed pastor, Hudson, Aug. 14, 1844 ; dismissed, Jime 28, 1852. Acting pastor, Salem, 1852-3; installed Dec. 1, 1853; dismissed, Nov. 30,1858. Acting pastor, Bath, June 1, 1859-60, and Kensington, April 1861. Died in office, Atkinson, Oct. 18, 1861. Married Phebe, daughter of Dea. Josiah and Susan (Jewett) Gro- ver of Atkinson, June 20, 1833. AUBURN. Nathaniel Wilcox Fisher, A. M., Presbyterian, son of Nathaniel and Mary (Wilcox) Fisher, was born March 1, 1799. Lived at Bos- ton with his gi-andparents, 1804-13. Learned the trade of black- smith, 1813-16. Wrought at his trade in Boston, Mass., 1816-20. Preparatory studies with Rev. S. Dwight, D. D., of Boston, Mass. Graduated at Amherst College, 1826, and Auburn Theological Seminary, 1829. Licensed to preach, Aug. 26, 1828. Supplied, Sparta, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1828-9, six months, and South Hollow, N. Y., Feb. to June 1829. Sent by the Board of Education as missionary and teacher to Marietta, Ohio, and Galliopolis, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1829- 32. Ordained by the Ontario Presbytery, Avon, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1829. Acting pastor, Burlington, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1832-4. Sohcitor 42 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. and financial agent, Marietta College, Oct. 27, 1834-6. Acting pas- tor, Thompson, Ct., 1836-7. Labored successfully with the Tona- wanda and Tuscarora Indians, Lewiston, N. Y., 1837-8; Lockport, N. Y., Nov. 1839-45. Installed, First Church, Palmyra, N. Y., July 1, 1842, and pastor there, 1842-5. Acting pastor, Congregational- Church, Sandusky, Ohio, 1847-9. Died there, with the words, "I hear the angels now," on his lips, Aug. 1, 1849. Married Martha Maria, daughter of Col. Rufus and Experience (Graves) Graves of Leverett, Mass., July 22, 1829. She died in Medina, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1867, aged 64. Publications. — (1) Dedication Sermon, First Congregational Church, Marietta, Ohio, 1848. (2) Seamen's Friend and Boatman's- Magazine, Sandusky, Ohio. Arthur Folsom, Presbyterian, son of Hon. John and Dorothy Temple (Underbill) Folsom, was born July 4, 1833. Preparatory studies at Pinkerton Academy, Derry. Graduated at Amherst Col- lege, 1857, and Danville (Ky.) Theological Seminary, 1862. Teacher, Mississippi, 1857-9. Ordained an evangelist, Marysville, Ky., May 9, 1861. Sailed for China Feb. 21, arriving June 22, 1863. Missionary, Macoa, 1863-9. His wife's health failing, sailed for home July 15, and reached New York, Sept. 15, 1869. Pastor, Shawnee Church, Munroe County, Pa., 1869-73 ; Springville and Dimack, Pa., 1873-5 ; Pleasant Mount Church, Wayne County, Pa., July 1875. Acting pastor, Ilawley, Pa. Without charge. New York City, 1883. Afterwards was insurance agent, sold Bibles and labored among the Chinese, in connection with the Five Points House of Industry, New York City. Married Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas Thomas of Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1862. BARNSTEAD. James Oscar Emerson, Congregationalist, son of Simeon and Mahala Lydia (Adams) Emerson, was bom July 1, 1852. Prepara- tory studies at Pittsfield and Northwood Academies. Student, Dartmouth College, 1872-3. Graduated at Bates College 1873-6, and Yale Divinity School, 1880. Licensed to preach by the New Haven (Ct.) East Association at New Haven, May 6, 1879. Or- dained an evangelist at Breckinridge, Minn., Dec. 28, 1880. Mis- sionary, Wilkin County, Minn., and Richland County, Dak., 1880-3. Supplied, Eldon, la,, July 1883-4. Pastor, Bunker Hill, III, April BARNSTEAD. 43 12, 1884-9; Pittsfield, 111., 1889-99; Buda, 111., 1900-1; Elburn, III, 1901-4-. Married Anna, daughter of Francis and Adaline Caldwell (Bell) Mather, at Eldon, la., Feb. 14, 1884. David Garland, Free Baptist, son of Samuel and Abigail Garland, was born Dec. 18, 1792. Began to preach, 1826. Ordained an evangelist at Barnstead, June 3, 1830. Resided most of his life in Barnstead. For a time pastor of the Second Church there. Labored in North Bridgewater and neighboring towns. Last labors in New- castle. Services mostly gratuitous. Died, Barnstead, Feb. 6, 1863. Married (1) Abigail, daughter of Peltiah Daniels, of Barnstead, Feb. 24, 1814. She died Dec. 16, 1849. (2) Sarah P., daughter of Wilham Clough, of Pittsfield, June 9, 1851. Joseph Harvey, Advent, son of Simon and Abigail (Snell) Harvey, was born July 18, 1815, Began to preach Aug. 12, 1838. Ordained, Pittsfield, July 16, 1843. Pastor, Evangelical Church, Pittsfield, 1843-92. Also has had charge of the Free Baptist Church, Chichester. Preached every week from the first, in nine- teen states and three British provinces, always without salary. Ofiiciated at no less than 2,500 funerals and solemnized more than 200 marriages. Died, Pittsfield, Oct. 8, 1892. Married Emeline Melvin, daughter of Joseph and Sally (True) Tasker, of Barnstead, at Pittsfield, Dec. 18, 1844. Daniel Garland Holmes, Free Baptist, son of Isaac and Betsey (Garland) Holmes, was born April 5, 1812. Preparatory studies at Pittsfield, Hopkinton and Gilmanton Academies, 1831-3. Book- seller, Lowell, Mass., 1838-40. Opened Elm Street Bookstore, the first in Manchester, 1840 ; also first circulating library there. Studied for the ministry with Rev. M. Smart, Rev. Eli Noyes, D^ D., of Bos- ton, Dracut, Mass., Whitestown, N. Y., and Andover Theological Seminaries, 1843-6. Licensed to preach by the Boston Quarterly Meeting, Lynn, Mass., Jan. 1841. Ordained an evangelist, Unadilla Forks, Plainfield, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1846. Pastor, Egypt, now Fair- port, N. Y., Aug. 1846-7; Walworth, N. Y., June 1, 1847-57. Reading missionary of the American Bible Society (Baptist), Buf- falo, N. Y., 1857-9; and acting pastor. West Falls, N. Y., July 1858-60. Pastor, Fairfield, N. Y., April 1, 1860-8. Publishing agent, Christian Freeman, Chicago, 111., Oct. 1868-9. Acting pas- tor, Prairie Centre, 111., 1869-70; Twenty-third Street Mission Church, Chicago, and general agent of the Western Depai'tment of 44 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Home Missions, 1870-3. Extensive revivals attended his labors East and West. Without charge, Chicago, but supplying in various places, 1873-93; and Wittenberg, Wis., 1893-1902. Died there, May 2, 1902. Married Huldah Beede, daughter of John and Hannah (Currier) durrier, of Sandwich, April 1836. She died, Chicago, 111., Feb. 3, 1884. Spofford Dodge Jewett, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Dr. Jere- miah and Temperance (Dodge) Jewett, was born Sept. 22, 1801. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1826, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Ordained pastor, Griswold, Ct., Feb. 4, 1830 ; dis- missed, June 8, 1836. Acting pastor, Hooksett, April 1838-9. Installed, Windsor, Ct., June 12, 1839; dismissed, Oct. 31, 1843. In- stalled, Westchester, Colchester, Ct., May 1844; dismissed. May 1858. Acting pastor, Middlefield, Ct., 1858-67. Without charge there, 1867 —88. Many years postmaster, justice of the peace, town treasurer, and deacon of the church, Middlefield, Ct. Died, March 11, 1888. Married Abigail Goodrich, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Lee) Shipman, of New Britain, Ct., Dec. 22J 1830. She died. Middle- field, Ct., Feb. 13, 1888. Samuel Lord, Free Baptist, was born 1780. Began to preach, 1798. Ordained in Maine, 1801. Went to Vermont, 1801. Labored, Waterbury, Vt., 1824-32; and Stowe, Vt., 1832-47. Without charge, Waterbury, Vt., 1847-9. Died there, Dec. 28, 1849. Married. Jonathan Nelson, Free Baptist, was born 1777. Bred a farmer. Ordained, Barnstead, 1819. A long time resident of Wheelock, Vt. In active labor in Wheelock and vicinity, till death. Died, Barn- ston, L. C, Nov. 26, 1843. Married Betsey Collins, of Barnstead, 1802. She survived him. John Plummer Newell, A. M., CongregationaUst, son of William Hill and Olive (Dennett) Newell, was born July 29, 1823. Prepar- atory studies at Rochester, "Pittsfield and Gilmanton Academies. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1849. Principal Pittsfield Acade- my, 1849. Read law with Arthur Fitzroy Livermore Livingstone Norris, Manchester, 1849-51, Samuel Ilazen Ayer and Benjamin Franklin Ayer, 1851-3. Admitted to the bar, 1853. In practice, Manchester, 1853-5. Principal, Manchester High School, 1852-3, and 1855-62; and Pinkerton Academy, Derry, May 1863-5. In business, Manchester, 1865-73; mayor, 1873-4; city clerk, 1876; BARNSTEAD. 45 cashier, DeiTy National Bank, Feb. 1880-1 ; assignee, Derry Sav- ings Bank, to wind up its affairs, March 1881-89. Also in business and supplying vacant pulpits. Licensed to preach by the Middlesex (Mass.) Union Association, 1886. Acting pastor, Shirley, Mass.^ 1886-7; Presbyterian Church, Litchfield, Dec. 18, 1887-1903. Ordained an evangelist there by the Boston Presbytery, Oct. 3, 1888. Without charge there 1903-5-. Represented Ward 3, Man- chester, in the Legislature, 1872, 1874 and 1875. Married (1) Mary Wallis, daughter of Hon. Judge Samuel Dana and Mary (Healey) Bell, at Manchester, Aug. 14, 1855. She died, Manchester, Aug. 29, 1858. (2) Elizabeth March, daughter of Hon. Theodore -Thomas and Mehitable Frost (Greenough) Abbott, at Manchester, Jan. 15, 1863, Alonzo Hall Quint, D. D., Congregationalist, son of George and Sally Williams (Hall) Quint, was born March 22, 1828. Prepara- tory studies at Franklin Academy, Dover. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1846, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1852. Study- ing medicine and teaching, 1846-9. Resident licentiate, Andover Theological Seminary, 1852-3. Ordained pastor, Jamaica Plain, Mass., Dec. 27, 1853; dismissed, April 23, 1863. Chaplain, Second Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers, June 20, 1861-4. Installed pastor. North Church, New Bedford, Mass., July 21, 1864 ; dismissed, July 20, 1875. Supplied for a time at Chelsea, Mass. ; Broadway Church, Somerville, Mass., 1881-4; Allston, Mass., organizing a church, 1886-90; and Winslow Church, Taunton, Mass., Nov. 1891-2. Residence, Dover, 1875-93, and West Roxbury, Mass., 1893-6. He was one of the founders of the Congregational Quar- terly and editor, 1859-75. Member of the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, 1850-96 ; of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1858-80; of the New Hampshire Historical Society, 1881- 96; of the Massachusetts Board of Education, 1855-61 ; and of the Essex Institute. Represented Ward 2, Dover, in the Legislature, 1881 and 1883. Was a corporate member of the American Board, 1867-96. Was chairman of the committee to call a convention of delegates to form a national council, 1871 ; member of every such council, and secretary until 1873, and moderator, 1892; secretary of the Massachusetts General Association, 1855-6, and statistical secre- tary with the exception of a year or two during the war, 1856-81, and moderator, 1866-82 and 1890. Edited its Minutes. Compiler of the Year Book, 1879-83. Trustee of Dartmouth College, 1870- 96 ; visitor of Andover Theological Seminary, 1892-6 ; acting pro- 46 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. s feasor of homiletics in Auburn Theological Seminary, 1890-1, and at Andover, 1892 ; also chaplain of the Grand Army. Secretary of the Board of Ministerial Aid, 1868-96 ; corresponding member of the New York Historical Society. Grand chaplain of the Massa- chusetts Grand Lodge of Masons eleven years. Officiated as chap- lain at the dedication of the soldiers' monument on Boston Common, 1888. One of the managers of the Congregational Publishing Society, 1862-82. Member of the business committee of the national council, and of the committee to draft its constitution. Member of the International Council, London, 1891. He wrote the "Burial Hill Declaration," adopted by the national council in 1865, and was editor of the Minutes, as well of the four first sessions of the coun- cil. Assisted Hon. John Wentworth in the preparation and issue of the Wentworth Genealogy, three vols., 1878. Was a frequent con- tributor to the Congregationalist ; also to the Dover Enquirer in a series of more than four hundred articles of historical memoranda. D. D. from Dartmouth College, 1867. Died in Boston, Nov. 4, 1896. Married Rebecca Page, daughter of Allan and Eliza (Page) Put- nam of Salem, Mass., Jan. 31, 1854. Publications. — (1) Sermon : The Christian Patriot's Present Duty, pp. 23, 1861. (2) The Normal Schools of Massachusetts, 1861. (3) Army Notes : The Potomac and Rapidan, pp. 401, 1864. (4) Three Sermons on the State of the Country, pp. 45, 1865. (5) Massachu- setts Election Sermon, pp. 64, 1866. (6) Record of the Second Massachusetts Infantry, pp. 528, 1867. (7) Memorial of Dr. Andi'ew Mackie, 1871. (8) Fourth of July Oration, Dover, pp. 53, 1876. (9) Journal of Rev. John Pike, pp. 40, 1876. (10) Oration at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument, Dover, 1877. (11) John Waldron and his Descendants, pp. 10, 1879. (12) Town Officers and Representatives, Dover, pp. 24, 1879. (13) The Chiu-ch Family in Dover, pp. 5, 1879. (14) Memorial Address, St. Paul's Com- mandery, pp. 16, 1880. (15) The Kimball Family of Dover, pp. 11, 1880. (16) Address 250th Anniversary of the First Parish, Dover, pp. 148, 1883. (17) The Old Nail Factory, Dover, pp. 40, 1883. (18) Artillery Election Sermon: Things New and Old, pp. 14, 1884. (19) Address at Dedication of Rollins Chapel and Wilson Hall, Hanover, pp. 14, 1885. (20) Address, 250th Anniversary of First Church, Dover, 1888. (21) Edward Leathers and His Descendants, pp. 13, 1891. (22) Oration at the Laying of the Corner-stone of the New City Building, Dover, pp. 26, 1891. (23) Oration at the BARRINGTON. 47 Dedication of the Monument to John Sullivan, pp. 33, 1895. (24) Moderator's Address at the Opening of the National Council, pp. 10, 1895. (25) Selections from the Congregationalist, 1897. (26) Com- mon Sense Christianity (Posthumous). Joseph Orrin Tasker, Congregationalist, son of Joseph and Sally (True) Tasker, was born May 10, 1826. Preparatory studies at Pittsfield Academy and Portsmouth High School. Many years in the express business, and afterwards in the shoe business, Pittsfield. Farmer, Columbus, Neb., 1880-3 and 1884-6. In the shoe business, Lynn, Mass., 1883-4. Agent of a shoe factory, Pittsfield. Licensed to preach by the Columbus Association, at Columbus, Neb., June 3, 1886. Ordained there, Jan. 19, 1887. Pastor at Lynwood, Neb., May 1887-92. Acting pastor, Loudon, Jan. 1, 1893-5; South Barnstead, Sept. 1895; Short Falls, Epsom, 1895-9. Without charge Pittsfield, 1 899-1 905-. Married Jane Edgerly, daughter of James and Hannah (Edgerly) Drew, at Pittsfield, June 1, 1849. BARRINGTON. Joseph Boody, Free Baptist, son of Zachariah Boody, was bom May 16, 1752. Began to preach 1780. Ordained, North Strafford, Aug. 22, 1785. Pastor there, 1785-1813. Labored in New Hamp- shire, Vermont, and Stanstead and Hatley, Canada. Organized a church, Sheflield, Vt., Nov. 4, 1800. Labored in Barnstead. Had his home on a farm in Strafford, July 25, 1775-1824. Baptized several hundreds. Died, Strafford, Jan. 17, 1824. Hezekiah D. Brock, M. D., Free Baptist, was born, 1821. In his youth went to Dover. Preached his first sermon there about 1841. Supplied, First Church, Raymond, 1842-3. Ordained, Kennebunk, Me., 1845, and pastor there, 1843-6. Student in Whitestown (N, Y.) Biblical School, 1846. On account of lung trouble, studied medi- cine. In practice, Utica, N. Y., 1851. Died, Dover, Dec. 30, 1851. Married (1) . She died in one year. (2) , Utica, N. Y. She survived him. Aaron Buzzell, Free Baptist, was born Nov. 1764. His parents moved to Middleton, 1768. Began to preach in Alton, 1791. Itin- erating with Rev. John Buzzell, his brother, 1791-8. Ordained, New Durham, Oct. 18, 1798. Traveled extensively in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. Residence, Strafford, 1800-54. Died there, Oct. 21, 1854. 48 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. MaiTied (1) Eunice Buzzell, 1786, She died, Aug. 17, 1798. (2) Miriam Flanders, 1799. She died, Strafford, March 24, 1850. John Buzzell, Free Baptist, was born Sept. 16, 1766. His parents moved to Middleton, 1768. Lived there, 1768-98 ; and Parsonsfield^ Me., March 30, 1798-1863. Began to preach April 1791. Ordained,, Middleton, Oct. 25, 1792. Organized the first Free Baptist Church in Vermont, in Strafford, 1793. Largely instrumental in establishing Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary. First to correspond with the General Baptists of England, and so continued several years. Published a Religious Quarterly Magazine, 1811-3, and 1819-21. Visited Rhode Island, 1816. One of the founders of the Morning Star and one of the editors, 1826-33. Labored principally in New Hampshire and Maine. Pastor, Parsonsfield, Me., March 30, 1798-1863. Delegate to the First General Conference, Tunbridge, Vt., 1828. President of the Maine Charitable Society, Nov. 1824. Died, Parsonsfield,. Me., March 29, 1863. Married Anna Buzzell of Hollis, Me., 1790. She died, Parsons- field, Me., Jan. 22, 1839. Publications. — (1) First Denominational Hymn Book, 1823. (2) Life of Benjamin Randall, 1827. Plumer Chesley, Free Baptist, was born Sept. 10, 1818. Licensed to preach by the Church, Dover, July 6, 1850. Labored, Weare, Aug. 1850-1. Ordained, Lake Village, Jan. 28, 1852. Pastor, Can- terbury, 1851-3; Candia, Dec. 1853-9; Newfield, Me., 1859-62; South Parsonsfield and Cornish, Me., 1862-8 ; East Rochester and South Lebanon, Me., 1869-71; East Rochester, 1871-4; Walnut Grove, East Rochester, 1874-83. Died there, April 4, 1883. Nathaniel CritChett, Methodist, was bom Oct. 29, 1821. In busi- ness, 1850-60, meanwhile Sunday-school Superintendent and preach- ing occasionally. Supplied, West Cumberland, Me., April 1860. Admitted on trial to the Maine Conference, 1861. Ordained deacon by Bishop Scott, at Bath, Me., April 18, 1864 ; and elder by Bishop Ames, at Lewiston, Me., May 13, 1866. Appointments. — South Biddeford,Me., 1861 ; Buxton, Me., 1862-3 j Scarboro, Me., 1864; South Standish, Me., 1865-6; and in Illinois at Blaine and Capron, 1867 ; Big Foot and Alden, 1868-70 ; New Milford, 1871; Richmond and Hebron, 1872-3; Capron and Poplar Grove, 1874; Lake, 1875-6; West Peotone, 1877; Dundee, 1878; Nora, 1879; Franklinville, 1880; superannuate, 1881-90. Died^ Chemung, 111., May 12, 1890. Mamed Sarah Larrabee of Limington, Me., May 12, 1850. BARRLNGTON. 49 Cyrus FOSS, Methodist, was born, 1799. Went to Dover, N. Y., before he was of age. Teacher, Bejekman, N. Y. Licensed to preach, 1824. Supplied, Goshen (N. Y.) Circuit, 1824. Admitted on trial to the New York Conference, 1825. Ordained deacon at Troy, N. Y., May 13, 1827 ; and elder at the same place. May 17, 1829. Appointments, all in New York. — Stamford, 1825; Suffolk, 1826-7; Highland, 1828; Phillipstown, 1829; Hudson, 1830-1; Kingston, 1832-3 ; Catskill and Saugerties, 1834 ; Dutchess, 1835-6 ; Courtlandt, 1837-8; Norwalk, 1839; Williamsburg and Newtown, 1840; Pawlings, 1841; supernumerary, 1842-7; superannuate, 1847-9. Died, Carmel, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1849. Married Jane Campbell of Pawlings, N. Y., 1829. Ephraim Holmes Hart, Free Baptist, son of Nathaniel M. and Betsey (Connel) Hart, was born June 11, 1809. In early childhood his parents moved to Rochester. Preparatory studies at Rochester, Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary, and Strafford Academy. Teacher for a time, Strafford Academy. Licensed to preach by the Church in Strafford, May 3, 1838 ; and New Durham Quarterly Meeting at Rochester Plains, Aug. 27, 1839. Preached his first sermon, Dover, Dec. 1839. Ordained, Brownfield, Me., Dec. 23, 1840. Pastor there, 1840-1; South Berwick, Me., 1841-2; Farmington, 1842-3; Northwood, April-July, 1843 ; Effingham, 1843-7 ; Brownfield, Me., 1848-51, and 1858-63 ; Bethel, Me., 1851-2 ; Harrison, Me., 1852-6 ; Shapleigh, Me., 1856-8; Hiram, Me., 1863-5, and 1868-71 ; George- town, Me., 1865-7; Poland, Me., 1867-8; Alton, 1871-3. Resi- dence, Lynn, Mass., 1873-7. Received for 15^ years' service 12,300, and of that sum, only $700 in cash. Died, Lynn, Mass., Jan. 4, 1877. Married Frances, daughter of Nathaniel Blake, of Bridgton, Me., Aug. 20, 1840. She died, Feb. 4, 1897. Alonzo Hayes, Congregationalist, son of John Wingate and Mary (Hale) Hayes, was born Aug. 22, 1810. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1839. Teacher, Washington, D. C, 1839-40. Studied for the ministry there with Rev. Mr. McLane, and at Union Theological Seminary, 1840-1. Graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1842. Ordained pastor. West Barnstable, Mass., May 24, 1843; dismissed, July 9, 1850. Installed, Dublin, April 30, 1851; dis^ missed, Dec. 12, 1855, having closed labor, Jan. 1853. Without charge. Hall's Cross Roads, Alexandria, Va., 1853-8. Died there, July 15, 1858. Manied Malvina A., daughter of Ephraim Gilman of Barnstable, Mass., May 2, 1845. 50 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. John Buzzell Leighton, Free Baptist, son of Israel and Mary (Buzzell) Leighton, was born Aug. 24, 1826. Studied for the min- istry at New Hampton Institution, May 1868-70, supplying mean- while at Centre Harbor, Alexandria and North Haverhill. Licensed to preach, Dover, May 1857. Ordained South Lebanon, Me., May 22, 1861. Pastor, Canaan Church, Barrington, Ma,j 1863-5; Second Church, Belmont, May 1865-8; North Danville, Vt., Nov. 1871-4; First Church, Madison, July 1874-5 ; New Durham, May 1875-7 ; Gilmanton Iron Works, May 1877-80. Without charge, on account of throat trouble, Vineland, N. J., 1880-1900. Died there, April 5, 1900. Married (1) Meribah, daughter of Israel and Sarah (Babb) Foss, at Pittslield, July 29, 1855. She died, March 25, 1861. (2) Sarah Lizzie, daughter of Daniel and Mehitable (Watson) Clough, April 9, 1863. She sur^dved him. William Neal Meserve, Congregationalist, was born April 9, 1840. Graduated at the Theological Institute of Connecticut, 1874. Li- censed to preach by the New London (Ct.) Association, April 8, 1873. Ordained an evangelist, Santa Cruz, Cal., Oct. 8, 1873. Missionary of the Sunday-school Union, California, April 1, 1873-5. Acting pastor, Antioch, Cal., May 1, 1875, to Sept. 26, 1886 ; Herman Pres- byterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. to Nov. 1877 ; Harwinton, Ct., Jan. 1, 1878-80; Durango, Cal., 1880. Without charge, Colo- rado Springs, Col., 1881-6; and San Francisco, Cal., 1886-94. Act- ing pastor, Murphy's, Cal., 1894. Married Abby Augusta Hill of Dover, Nov. 30, 1864. Samuel Sherburne, Free Baptist, son of Gideon Sherburne, was born Oct. 23, 1803. Began to preach, 1822. Ordained, Barrington, Sept. 2, 1830, and pastor there, 1830-61. Preached his last sermon Aug. 4, 1861. Teacher, 35 winters. Superintendent of schools several years. Member of the Board of Education one year. Com- missioner of schools for Strafford County. Represented Barrington in the Legislature, 1842. Had a farm of 200 acres. Died, Barring- ton, Aug. 8, 1861. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Dea. Samuel Swain of Barrington, July 12, 1831. Albert Priestley Watson, Congregationalist, son of Rev. Albert and Mary M. (Priestley) Watson, was born Nov. 12, 1875. Prepar- atory studies at Kimball Union Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1897, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1900. Ordained Sept. 25, 1900. Bedford, 1901-5-. BAETLETT. 51 John Winkley, Christian, was born Jan. 29, 1795, and ordained at Durham, Sept. 4, 1825. Labored in New Hampshire and was at Strafford, 1840-1. Winthrop Young, Free Baptist, was born, 1753. Moved to Can- terbury, 1787. Ordained there, June 28, 1796, and organized a church, Jan. 6, 1800. Pastor there, 1796-1831. Died there, Jan. 6, 1832. Married Mary Otis, 1774. She died April 11, 1849. BARTLETT. Benson Merrill Frink, Congregationalist, son of Rev. Silas and Sarah Pulsifer (Woodward) Frink, was born June 20, 1838. Pre- paratory studies at Conway, and Beloit, Wis. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1862. Licensed to preach by the Sher- brooke (P. Q.) Association, 1862. Ordained an evangelist, Magog, P. Q., Dec. 5, 1862, and acting pastor there, 1862-3; Derby, Vt., 1863-5. Installed, Mont Vernon, Nov. 1, 1865 ; dismissed, Oct. 23, 1867. Installed, Central Church, Portland, Me., April 9, 1868 ; dis- missed, Aug. 18, 1869. Installed, Saco, Me., June 30, 1870; dismissed, July 13, 1873. Installed, Washington Street Church, Beverly, Mass., Oct. 1, 1873 ; dismissed, Sept. 30, 1876. Acting pastor, Hamilton, Mass., 1876-81 ; South Abington, Mass., 1881-4. Installed, Shelburne, Mass., Oct. 1, 1884; dismissed, Sept. 3, 1889. Supplied, West Brookfield, Mass., 1889-95 ; without charge there, 1895-1905-. Married Mary Elzabeth, daughter of Joseph Sears and Roxanna (Kimball) Webb, at North Bridgton, Me., Aug. 28, 1859. Spencer Kenison, Free Baptist, was born 1809. Licensed to preach, 1863. Ordained, Bartlett, 1864, and pastor, 1864-78. With- out charge there, 1878-84. Died there, March 10, 1884. Married Judith, daughter of Rev. Samuel and Alice B. (Bodwell) Hazelton, about 1829. James M'Millan, Methodist, was born Aug. 3, 1806. Licensed to exhort by Rev. O. B. Randall, 1830, and soon after to preach. Local preacher, 1830-43. Admitted on trial to the Maine Confer- ence, 1843. Ordained, probably by Bishop Janes, at Portland, Me., July 20, 1845 ; and elder, by Bishop Hedding, at Saco, Me., July 4, 1847. Appointments, all in Maine. — Cornishville, 1843 ; Porter, 1844 ; Newfield, 1845-6; Orrington, 1847; Alfred, 1848-9; Gorham, 52 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. 1850-1; Farmington, 1852-3 ; Wayne, 1854-5; Richmond, 1856-7 ; Wesley Church, Bath, 1858-9; Mechanic Falls, 1860; Lewiston and Auburn, 1861; Lewiston, 1862; Winthrop, 1863; Bowdoin- ham, 1864-5; Biddeford, 1866-8; Brunswick, 1869-71; Kenne- bunkport, 1872; supernumerary, 1873; Gorham, 1874. Died there, Sept. 15, 1874. Married . She survived him. Merritt Caldwell Pendexter, Methodist, son of George and Ursula (Cushman) Pendexter, was born March 27, 1846. Preparatory studies at the Latin School, Lewiston, Me., and Maine Wesleyan Seminary. Admitted on trial to the Maine Conference, 1877. Ordained deacon by Bishop Foster, at Portland, Me., April 27, 1879; and elder by Bishop Peck, at the same place. May 1, 1881. Appointments. — Naples, Me., 1877 ; Paris and Woodstock, Me., 1878; Richmond, Me., 1879-80; Cape Elizabeth Depot, Me., 1881- 3; Saco, Me., 1884-6; Saccarappa, Me., 1887-9; North Conway and Intervale, 1890 ; Beacon Street, Bath, Me., 1891-5 ; Keene and West Swanzey, 1896-8; Keene, 1899-1900; Grace Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1901 ; Amesbury, Mass., 1902-4. Died there, Oct. 14, 1904. Married Rebecca Wiggin, daughter of Jonas Weston and Eme- line (Wiggin) Strout, of Poland, Me., at Lewiston, Me., Oct. 15, 1874. Ebenezer C. Willey, Free Baptist, was born Aug. 3, 1805. Licensed to preach by the Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, Conway, Aug. 23, 1834. Ordained, Bartlett, Jan. 31, 1837. Organized a church there and was pastor, 1836-8 ; Eaton, 1838-42; Brownfield, Me., 1842-3 ; Porter, Me., 1843-5; Bridgton, Me., preaching also in Naples and Sweden, Me., 1845-7. Missionary of the Quarterly Meeting, 1847-8. Moved to Lewiston, Me., and did itinerant work, 1846-51. Pastor half the time, Litchfield and Wales, Me., 1851-5 ; Lewiston Falls, Me., 1855-8; Gardiner Centre, Me., 1858-60; and Albany, Me., 1859-62. Residence, Lawrence, Mass., 1862-4. Died there, April 6, 1864. BATH. Jonas Minot Bailey, Methodist, was born Feb. 6, 1826. Gradu- ated at Wesleyan University, 1855. Supplied, L^nion Street Church, Springfield, Mass., 1855-6. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1856. Ordained deacon by Bishop Scott, at BATH. 53 Worcester, Mass., April 11, 1858 ; and elder, probably by Bishop Baker, at Boston, Mass., April 7, 1861. Appointments, all in Massachusetts. — Union Street Church, Springfield, 1856; Milford, 1857-8; superannuate, on account of ill health, 1859; Neponset, 1860-2; Leominster, 1863-4; Newton Upper Falls, 1865-6 ; Watertown, 1867 ; Beverly, 1868-9 ; super- numerary, engaging somewhat in business, 1870-8. Died, Woburn, Mass., March 11, 1878. Married (1) CaroUne P. Whiting of North Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 26, 1853. (2) Sarah A. Goodwin of Lynn, Mass., June 4, 1863. Enoch Noyes Bartlett, Congregationalist, son of Amos and Eunice Kinsman (Noyes) Bartlett, was born July 4, 1813. Clerk in "store at Wells River, Vt., 1829-30; Quechee, Vt, 1831-2. Prepara- tory studies at Kimball LTnion Academy, and Lane Seminary, O. Graduated at Oberlin College, 1838, and Oberlin Theological Semi- nary, 1841. Ordained an evangehst, Oberlin, O., Aug. 1841. Pro- fessor of Languages, Olivet Institute, 1846-58. Acting pastor, Newton, la., 1858-60; Hamilton, 111., 1861-5. Assistant principal, Preparatory Department, Oberlin, O., 1866-8 ; Newton, la., 1869. Acting pastor, Woodburn, 111., 1869-73; Olathe, Kan., 1874; and Blackhawk, Col., 1875. Without charge, Colorado Springs, Col., 1875-87; San Louis Obispe, Cal., Sept. 10, 1887-8; San Beneven- tura, Cal., Aug. 7, 1888-97. Died there, Aug. 14, 1897. Married Emily, daughter of Benjamin and Lydia Hale (Emery) Smith, of Danville, Vt., at Madison, O., Aug. 31, 1841. She died about 1892. James Dow, Methodist, was born Oct. 27, 1802. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1832. Ordained deacon, by Bishop Emory, at Portsmouth, July 12, 1835; and elder, by Bishop Hedding, at Great Falls, July 9, 1837. Appointments. — Stratford, 1832 ; Bethlehem, 1833 ; Barton, Vt., 1834; Walden, Vt, 1835; Barton, Vt., 1836; Bristol, 1837; Haver- hill and East Haverhill, 1838; Tuftonborough and Brookfield, 1839; Tuftonborough and Wolfeborough, 1840; Gihnanton, 1841- 2; Derry, 1843. Died, Derry, Dec. 21, 1844. Caleb Dowe, Episcopalian, son of Caleb and Jenny (Cochran) Dowe, was born Oct. 21, 1814. Graduated at Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1841. Principal of Portchester (N. Y.) Academy, 1841. Ordained deacon, 1848, and priest, 1849. Assistant minister, St. 54 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. John's Church, Portsmouth. Rector Grace Church, Paducah, Ky., 1848-51 ; Church of the Ascension, Ascension Parish, La., 1851-4. Assistant minister, Grace Church, St. Francisville, La., 1854-6. Minister, Trinity Church, Natchez, Miss., 1857. Rector, St. James' Church, Alexandria, La., 1857-67; St. George's Church, Griffin,. Ga., 1868-73 ; St. Joseph's Church, St. Joseph, La., 1874-6 ; St. Mary's Church, Frankhn, La., 1876-8. Minister, Trinity Church, New Orleans, La., 1878-9. Rector, St. George's Church, Griffin, Ga., 1879-90. Died there, Oct. 29, 1890. Married (1) Johanna Hubbard of Middletown, Conn. She died Oct. 23, 1852. (2) Mrs. Flora Felicia George. She died Feb. 13, 1873. Joseph Easterbrook, A. M., Presbyterian, son of Hobart and Anne (Hyde) Easterbrook, was born Dec. 7, 1793. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1815. Studied for the ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1817. Teacher, Amherst, Mass., 1819-21. Professor of Greek and Latin, Amherst College, 1821-4. Teacher, Staunton, Va., 1825-8 ; Knoxville, Tenn., 1828. President East Ten- nessee College, 1834-47. Afterwards went to Anderson County, Tenn., and engaged in boring for salt water and manufacturing salt. Died there May 18, 1855. Married (1) Nancy Dickerson of Amherst, Mass., 1823. (2) A Southern lady. Edward Pickett Kimball, CongregationaUst, son of Capt. James and Abigail (Smith) Kimball, was born July 25, 1819. Prepara- tory studies at Newbury and St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academies. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1850. Licensed to preach by the Penobscot Association, Bangor, Me., Jan. 17, 1850. Supplied briefly. North Bangor, Me., 1849-50 ; Walden, Vt., 1851. Ordained pastor, Halifax, Vt., Dec. 8, 1852; dismissed, Nov. 5, 1854. Acting pastor, Chiltonville, Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 1855-6; Newton, la., April 17, 1857-8; Wilton, la.. May 1858-9, also teaching in the public school. Missionary, Monticello, la., organiz- * ing a church there June 16, 1860, and acting pastor, June 1860-6. Teacher of a select school there, 1860. Acting pastor, Fairfax and Blairstown, la., 1866-7; Central City, la., 1871-2; Hastings, la., 1878-80. Without charge there, 1880-1 ; Miles, la., 1881-7; Mon- ticello, la., 1887-8; Waterloo, la., 1888- 1905-. Represented Hali- fax, Vt., in the Legislature, 1855. Married Betsey Ann, daughter of Roswell and Betsey (Ward) Fitts of Bangor, Me., Sept. 8, 1850. BATH. 55 Ebenezer Cleveland Sanborn, Methodist, son of Mark and Esther (Cleveland) Sanborn, was born June 12, 1794. Early moved to South Pekin, N. Y. Admitted to the Genesee (N. Y.) Conference, 1833. Ordained deacon, at Lockport, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1835; and elder, at Leroy, N". Y., Sept. 24, 1837. Appointments, all in New York. — Murray, 1833-4; Elba, 1835; Niagara, 1836-7; Clarence, 1838; Ridgeway, 1839-41 ; Middleport, 1842; Varysburg, 1843; superannuate, 1844-67. Was long en- gaged in the circulation of religious literature. Died, Niagara County, N. Y., April 20, 1867. Married (1) Almira Smith, April 20, 1815. She died, Feb. 10, 1828, aged 29. (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Mary Randall, April 29, 1830. She died, Sanborn, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1873, aged 77. Warren C. Stafford, Free Baptist, was born Nov. 14, 1823. Began to preach, Nov. 1845. Licensed to preach by the Lisbon Quarterly Meeting, Feb. 1846. Moved to Strafford, June 1849. Ordained, Plymouth, Vt., June 8, 1851. Labored mostly in Bath, Haverhill and Lisbon, 1846-9. Pastor, Strafford, Vt., July 1849-53 ; First Church, South Weare, Jan. to Oct. 1853. Health faiUng, engaged in shoe manufacturing, Lynn, Mass. Died there. May 11, 1857. William Lang Sutherland, Congi-egationaUst, son of John Bachop and Mehitabel Childs (Lang) Sutherland, was born Nov. 5, 1854. Preparatory studies at Bradford (Vt) Academy, and Concord High School. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1877. Studied for the ministry privately. Licensed to preach by the Orange (Vt.) Asso- ciation, at Woodsville, 3Iay 7, 1878, and Owatonna Association, Owatonna, Minn., Dec. 2, 1879. Ordained an evangelist, Ortonville, Minn., Dec. 15, 1880. Missionary, Morristown and Waterville, Minn., 1878-80; Brighton County, Minn., 1880-1; Fergus Falls, Minn., 1881-2. Without charge there, April 1882-3. Pastor, Med- ford, Minn., Dec. 1883-91. Missionary, Minneapolis, Minn., 1891-3; Fergus Falls, Minn., 1893-4. Superintendent of Congregational Home Missionary Society, 1894-1901, with residence, Kansas City, Mo. Pastor, Great Bend and South Great Bend, Kan., 1901-5-. Married Dollie, daughter of Joseph and Pamelia (Pickitt) Hop- kins of Gouveneur, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1880. 56 N. H. NATIVE MnflSTKY. BEDFORD. Silas Aiken, A. M., D. D., Congregationalist, son of Phinehas and Elizabeth (Patterson) Aiken, was born May 14, 1799. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1825. Tutor there, 1825-8. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Bennett Taylor, D. D. Ordained pastor, Am- herst, March 4, 1829; dismissed, March 5, 1837. Installed, Park Street Church, Boston, Mass., March 22, 1837 ; dismissed, July 12, 1848. Installed, Rutland, Vt., March 29, 1849 ; resigned, July 1, 1863. Without charge there, 1863-9. Trustee of Dartmouth Col- lege, 1840-62. Member of the Prudential Committee of the Ameri- can Board, 1837-48 ; Committee of Publication of the Massachu- setts Sunday School Society. D. D. from Vermont University, 1852. Died, Rutland, Yt., April 8, 1869, Man-ied (1) Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Bickford) Osgood of Salem, Mass., March 25, 1829. She died Feb. 8, 1836. (2) Sophia, daughter of Rev. David Parsons, D. D., of Amherst, Mass., May 24, 1837. She died Feb. 26, 1880. Publication. — Funeral Sermon of Hon. Samuel Hubbard, LL. D., 1848. Selwyn Bapson Bowman, Congregationalist, son of Jonas Bapson and Asenath (Ladd) Bowman, was born Nov. 14, 1819. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1840. Studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Seminary, 1840-2. Licentiate. Died, West Chester, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1843. John Orr Chandler, Congregationalist, son of Samuel and Mar- garet (Orr) Chandler, was born Jan. 1, 1816. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1836. Studied for the ministry at Andover Theo- logical Seminary, 1836-7. Licentiate. Health failed, and he died at Matanzas, Cuba, June 23, 1839. Ebenezer Chase, Free Baptist, afterwards Congregationalist, son of Ebenezer Chase, was born May 19, 1785. Began to preach 1807. Ordained an evangelist. East Andover, Aug. 1810. Pastor there several years. Edited and published there The lieligioiis Reformer^ monthly, July 20, 1819-23. Went to Enfield, 1823. Pubhshed there the The Casket^ a Masonic paper. United with the Windsor (Yt.) Congregational Association, Nov. 12, 1828. Supplied briefly, En- field. Ordained pastor, Gilsum, Sept. 23, 1830 ; dismissed, April 26, 1833. Acting pastor, Westmoreland, 1833-5; West Tisbury, Mass., 1835-42. Installed, West Yarmouth, Mass., Jan. 4, 1843; dismissed, Jan. 5, 1847. Acting pastor, Eastham, Mass., 1851-9. • Without BEDFORD. 57 charge, West Tisbury, Mass., 1859-66. Preached upward of 11,000 sermons. Died, West Tisbury, Mass., May 22, 1866. Married (1) Sally Chase of Bedford, Dec. 22, 1805. (2) EUza, daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (Blood) Patten of Deering, March 11, 1819. Daniel Lincoln French, Congregationalist, son of Stephen and Dolly (Coburn) French, was born Jan. 28, 1796. Licensed to preach by the Derryfield Association, April 20, 1838. Graduated at Gil- raanton Theological Seminary, 1838. Ordained pastor. Nelson, Nov. 4, 1841 ; dismissed, Sept. 3, 1851. Acting pastor, Hudson, Nov. 1852-60. Taught singing school in all the surrounding towns Died, Hudson, July 20, 1860. Married Polly, daughter of Hugh and Ann Maria (Houston) Rid- dle of Bedford, Oct. 10, 1820. She died, Bedford, Dec. 26, 1880. Joseph Goffe, A. M., Congregationalist, son of John and Jemima (Holden) Goffe, was born Aug. 6, 1766. Preparatory studies with Rev. Simon Williams of Windham, Nov. 1787-9. Graduated at Dartmouth College (1789-91) 1791. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Asa Burton, D. D., of Thetford, Vt., and Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., of New Haven, Ct. Licensed to preach by the New Haven West (Ct.) Association, Oct. 30, 1792. Ordained pas- tor. North Sutton, now Millbury, Mass., Sept. 10, 1794, having sup- plied there since 1792; dismissed Sept. 8, 1830. During his minis- try there saw seven special revival seasons, receiving nearly 400 to the chm-ch. Without charge, Boston and Millbury, Mass., Dec. 1830-46. Doing missionary work in Hillsborough and Sullivan counties, 1831-4. Chairman of the Committee of Overtures, first bringing to public notice the plan of instituting the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, at the General Association, Bradford, Mass., 1810. Died, Millbury, Mass., April 24, 1846. Married Elizabeth Waters of Sutton, Mass., Dec. 20, 1796. She died Jan. 26, 1839. Pubhcations. — (1) Sermon : Spirits in Prison, 1803. (2) Funeral sermon, I Sam. 20 : 3, 1808. (3) Sermon: The Flaming Sword, Gen. 3 : 24, 1816. (4) Ecclesiastical Controversy in Princeton : Result of the Unitarian Council, 1817. (5) Reply to Dr. Ban- croft's Attempted Vindication of that Result, 1817. (6) Several small pamphlets. James M'Caine, Methodist, was born 1809. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1834. Ordained deacon by Bishop 68 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Hedding at Montpelier, Vt., Sept. 4, 1836; and elder by Bishop Morris at Danville, Vt., July 8, 1838. Appointments. — Kingston, 1834 ; Derry, 1835 ; Newington, Me., 1836; Haverhill, Mass., 1837; Haverhill and Methuen, Mass., 1838; Methuen Falls, Mass., 1839. Died there, Nov. 15, 1839. Isaac Orr, A. M., Presbyterian, son of John and Sarah (Houston) Orr, was born June 26, 1792. Graduated at Yale College, 1818. Associate instructor, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Ct., 1818— 24, and afterwards, Canajoharie, N. Y. Returned to Bedford. Licensed to preach by the Londondei'ry Presbytery, 1827. Preach- ing and teaching an academy, Tyngsboro, Mass., and Amherst. For a time city missionary, Washington, D. C. Agent of the Amer- ican Colonization Society. Secretary of the African Education Society and editor of its public journal. Correspondent of Profes- sor Fisher, Dr. Bowditch, and other learned men. Left in manu- script a Commentary on the Prophecy of Daniel, and Revelation, Residence, Medford, Mass., 1842-3, and Amherst, Mass., 1843-4, To him the public owe the application of the air-tight principle ta the common stove, and in part for subsequent improvements looking to economy in house warming. Died, Amherst, Mass., April 28, 1844. Married (1) Mary Morris of Canajoharie, N. Y. (2) Matilda^ daughter of Dr. Samuel Kidder of Medford, Mass. Moody Adoniram Stevens, Congregationalist, son of David and Betsey (Rider) Stevens, was born Feb. 7, 1828. Preparatory studies at Francestown and Phillips Andover Academies, and University of New York. For a time student in Dartmouth College. Studied music seven years. Student and instructor of music, and organist, -Boston, Mass., and St. Johns, N. B., 1850-7. Studied for the min- istry at Union Theological Seminary, 1859-61. Chaplain in the army, 1861. Ordained an evangelist, Dec. 9, 1862. Acting pastor, Plympton, Mass., 1862^; Bellows Falls," Vt., 1864-7 ; Ashburnham, Mass., 1867-9. Installed, Second Church, Cohasset, Mass., April 18, 1871 ; dismissed, June 20, 1878. Acting pastor, Woodstock, 111., 1877-9; Anoka, Minn., 1880-4; Saxonville, Mass., 1884-90. With- out charge, Minneapolis, Minn,, 1879-80, and 1890-4; supplied Mizpah Church, Hopkins, Minn., May 1894-7. Without charge, Minneapolis, Minn., 1897-1903 ; Milford, 1903-5-. Married Susan Angelique, daughter of Robert and Angelina (Buressan) Robertson, at St. Johns, N. B., Sept. 10, 1855. BEDFORD. 59 John Walker, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Robert and Sub- mit (Chubbuck) Walker, was born Sept. 10, 1785. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1808. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Will- iam Morrison of Londonderry. Ordained pastor, Greenfield, Feb. 5, 1812 ; dismissed, July 2, 1822. Installed, Chesterfield, April 29, 1823; dismissed, April 22, 1829. Laboring in Vermont, New York and Michigan, 1829-44. Acting pastor, West Tisbury, Mass,, 1844- 8 ; Weston, Vt., 1854; Londonderry, 1855; Kendall, 111., 1857; Au Sable, 111., 1858; Palmyra, Mich., 1860-2. Without charge, Jersey City, N. J., 1863-8. Died, Waverly, N. J., June 8, 1868. Married Arethusa, daughter of Dr. Royal Humphrey of Athol^ Mass. She died at Trenton, Mo., aged 87. Cyrus Washingfton Wallace, A. M., D. D., Congregationalist, son of Thomas and Mercy (Frye) Wallace, was born March 8, 1805. Preparatory studies with Dr. Whiton of Antrim, and Rev. Thomaa Savage of Bedford, and Oberlin Seminary. Graduated at Gilman- ton Theological Seminary, 1838. Licensed to preach by the Lon- donderry Presbytery, April 1838. Ordained pastor, First Church, Manchester, Jan. 8, 1840; dismissed, Dec. 16, 1873. Pastor emeri- tus, Feb. 11, 1873-89. Supplied, Rockland, Mass., Nov. 1873-5 ; East Derry, May to Oct. 1877; South Church, Concord, Oct. 21, 1877 to March 17, 1878 ; Methuen, Mass., March 24 to Aug. 7, 1878 ; Amherst, July to Sept. 1879; Bedford, Sept. 1, 1879-80; Plymouth, half the winter and spring, 1881-2; West Stewartstown, summer* of 1886 and 1887; Randolph, Vt., Sept. to Oct. 1886 and 1887. Also briefly, Merrimack, Keene, Francestown, 1878, Lowell, Mass., and other places. A. M, from Dartmouth College, 1848, and D. D., 1868. Member of the Legislature, 1867 and 1868. He solemnized 1,400 marriages, and officiated at 1,200 funerals. Died, Manchester, Oct. 21, 1889. Married (1) Susan Adeline, daughter of Benjamin and Roxana (Chandler) Webster of Salisbury, May 19, 1840. She died, Man- chester, May 15, 1873. (2) Elizabeth Hall, daughter of James and Mary (Holt) Allison of Dunbarton, at Winchester, Mass., Sept. 30, 1874. She died, Manchester, Dec. 3, 1904, aged 89. Publications. — (1) Address at the Manchester Centennial, 1851. (2) Fast-day Sermon : The Duty of Ministers to Oppose the Exten- sion of Slavery, 1857. (3) Quarter-Centennial of Pastorate, 1865. (4) Letter of Resignation, and Commemorative Discourse, 1873. (5) Farewell Sermon in the Old Hanover Street Meeting House, 1880. (6) Memorial of Departed Years: Eightieth Anniversary of his 60 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Birthday, 1885. (7) In the Same Boat; published by the Ameri- can Home Missionary Society, 1887. BENNIN^GTON. Orison Lewis Gile, Free Baptist, son of Philip Sargent Henry and Mary Bowers (Dodge) Gile, was born Oct. 22, 1856. Preparatory studies-at New Hampton Institution, 1875-8. Traveling, and agent of the Young Men's Christian Association, 1878-9. Graduated at Bates College, 1883, and Cobb Divinity School, 1886. Licensed to preach by the Weare Quarterly Meeting, Feb. 1886. Ordained, Richmond, Me., June 8, 1886. Pastor, Lisbon Falls, Me., 1882-3; Pine Street Church, Lewiston, Me., 1883-5 ; Richmond, Me., 1885-8 ; Cape Elizabeth, Me., 1888-91 ; Richmond, 1892. Married (1) Linda Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Frank and Lydia Maria (Bailey) Xelson of Topsham, Me., Jan. 1, 1884. She died, Lewiston, Me., Jan. 25, 1886. (2) Sarah Eliza, daughter of Capt. Joshua Brackett and Eliza Newell (White) Libbey, at Richmond, Me., June 22, 1887. BENTON. Addison Wyman Eastman , Methodist, afterwards Baptist, son of Jesse and Sarah (Wyman) Eastman, was born April 30, 1823. Pre- paratory studies at Newbury (Vt.) Seminary, 1845-8. Admitted on trial to the Troy CN. Y.) Conference, 1868. Ordained deacon by Bishop Ames at Burlington, Vt., May 1, 1870. Member of the Wallingford Baptist Church, Albany, N. Y., 1870-2. Licensed to preach by the chm-ch at Russellville, Pa., Nov. 27, 1875. Called to the Forest Church, Baltimore, Md., to begin labor, Jan. 1, 1878. Without charge, Warren, 188-8. Died there, Nov. 27, 1888. Married Mary, daughter of Dea. John and Lavinia (Ladd) Bux- ton, at Newbury, Vt., Sept. 18, 1849. James Jackson, Episcopalian, son of Jeremiah and Anna (Niles) Jackson, was born Nov. 19, 1814. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1841. Studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Semi- nary, 1841-4. Graduated at the Episcopal Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va., 1844. Ordained deacon by Bishop Richard Chan- ning Moore, at Alexandria, Va., July 14, 1844. Supplied, Christ's Church, Savannah, Ga., four months, 1844. Assistant minister, St. John's Church, Savannah, Ga., 1844-5. Drowned in Savannah River, near Bonaventura, Ga., March 19, 1845. Never married. BERLIN. 61 Asa Messer, Free Baptist, was born 1807. Preparatory studies at Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary, 1834-6. Went to Haverhill, 1836. Licensed to preach by the chxu'ch there, 1836. Ordained, Went- worth, June 1837. Pastor there, 1837-46, and Orford, 1844-5. Delegate to the General Conference, Ohio, 1839. Without charge, Lawrence, Mass., 1847-8. Died there, Aug. 3, 1848. Mai-ried Sally Denison of Bath, 1832. William Frederick Whltcher, Methodist, son of Ira and Lucy (Noyes) Whitcher, was born Aug. 10, 1845. Graduated at Wes- leyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1871. Studied for the minis- try at Boston University, 1871-2. Admitted on trial to the New England Southern Conference, 1872. Ordained deacon by Bishop Ames at Providence, R. I., March 24, 1872; and elder by Bishop Peck at North Bridge water, Mass., March 29, 1874. Appointments. — South Yarmouth, Mass., 1872-3 ; First Church, Newport, R. L, 1874-6; County Street Church, New Bedford, Mass., 1877-8; Matthewson Street Church, Providence, R. I., 1879-81. Became a member of the editorial staff of the J3oston Evening Traveller^ September 1881. Leading editorial writer and occasional supplier of pulpits, with residence at Maiden, Mass., 1881-98. Be- came writer of the "Review of the Week," November 1882; asso- ciate editor, July 1884; and assumed the duties of hterary editor and book reviewer. May 1890. Editor-in-chief and literary editor, June 1891-8. Preacher in charge, Central Church, Maiden, after May 1891. Editor and proprietor WbodsviHe News. Represented Haverhill in the Legislature, 1901, 1903 and 1905. Residence, Woodsville, 1898-1905-. Married Maria Jeanette, daughter of Dr. Ellsworth and Maria (Haling) Burr, at Middletown, Conn., December 4, 1872. BERLIN. Jolm Roberts Home, Congi-egationalist, son of John Roberts and Sarah (Wheeler) Home, was born Sept. 6, 186d. Preparatory studies at the High School, Berlin, graduating in 1887, Bowdoin College, 1891, and at Andover Theological Seminary, 1894. Ordained pastor, Bartlett, Jan. 22,1895; dismissed April 1, 1899. Labored faithfully and with great success. Through overwork he broke down mentally and went to a private sanatorium at North- boro, Mass., and died there, by his own hand, Sept. 30, 1899. 62 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. BETHLEHEM. Simeon BoUes, Free Baptist, son of Simeon and Sally (Hutchins) Bolles, was born April 16, 1830. Studied for the ministry, briefly, at the New Hampton Institution. Licensed to preach by the Lis- bon Quarterly Conference, 1863. Ordained, Concord, Vt., 1866. Pastor, Bethlehem, 1867-9; Concord, Vt., 1866 and 1871-4; South Wheelock, 1875-6, and Union Church, Upper Waterford, Vt., two years. Health failing, retired to a farm, Bethlehem. Had 19 brothers and sisters. Died, Bethlehem, March 18, 1890. Married Elizabeth A., daughter of Hollis Palmer, July 6, 1860. Publication. — Early History of Bethlehem, 1883. Edward Cooke, D. D., Methodist, was born Jan. 19, 1812. Graduated at Wesleyan (Ct.) LTniversity, 1838. Teacher of Natural Science, Amenia (N. Y.) Seminary, 1838-40; Pennington (N.J.) Seminary, preaching meanwhile, 1840-7. Admitted on trial to the New Jersey Conference, 1843. Ordained deacon Newark, N. J., April 26, 1846; and elder, Worcester, Mass., April 9, 1848. Appointments. — Saugus, Mass., 1847-8 ; Union Church, Charles- town, Mass., 1849; Centenary Church, Boston, Mass., 1850-1; Hanover Street Church, Boston, Mass., 1852 ; president of Law- rence University, Appleton, Wis., 1853-9; Summerfield Church, Milwaukee, Wis., 1859-60; Harvard Street Church, Cambridge- port, Mass., 1861-2; Meridian Street Church, Boston, Mass., 1863; principal, Wilbraham Academy, 1864-74; Orangeburg, S. C, 1874. Member of the Board of Regents of Normal Schools, Wisconsin, 1857-60.. President of Claflin University, and State Agricultural College, Orangeburg, S. C, 1874-84. Without charge, Newton, Mass., 1884-8. Delegate to the General Conference, Indianapolis, Ind., 1856, Buffalo, N. Y., 1860, and Cincinnati, O., 1880. D. D. from McKendree College, 1854, and Harvard University, 1855. Died, Newton Centre, Mass., Sept. 18, 1888. Married Mary Locke Emery of Kennebunk, Me., July 29, 1839. Orvin Henry Wallace, Advent, son of Levi B. and Huldah Wal- lace, was born March 10, 1859. Preparatory studies at Laconia and St. Johnsbury (Vt.) Academy. Ordained, Jan. 6, 1884. Pas- tor, Kennebunk, Me., 1884-8; Cumberland Mills, Me., 1888-91. Installed, Somerville, Mass., Dec. 16, 1891. Married Carrie, daughter of John B. and Ann P. (Willard) Hatch. BOSCAWEN. 63 John Luther Wesley, Methodist, was bom Feb. 28, 1854. Pre- paratory studies at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary, Til- ton, graduating, 1878. Admitted on trial to the Louisiana Confer- ence, 1869. Ordained deacon by Bishop Scott, at New Orleans, La., Dec. 26, 1871 ; and elder by Bishop Janes, at the same place, Jan. 12, 1873. Appointments, all in Louisiana. — Houma, 1869-70 ; Washington, 1871-3; New Roads, 1874; New Roads and New Texas, 1875-6; East Feliciana, 1877-8; Island and Bechello, 1879-80; supernum- erary, 1882-3. Died, Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 8, 1883. BOSCAWEN. Caleb Burbank, Congregationalist, son of Samuel and Eunice (Pettengill) Burbank, was born Aug. 12, 1792. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1821, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1824. Licensed to preach by the Haverhill Association, July 20, 1824. Ordained an evangelist, April 5, 1827. Previously supplied briefly, Warner, Wakefield, and other places in New Hampshire. Acting pastor, Chester and Kirtland, O., June 1, 1827-9. Installed, Madi- son, O., Jan. 27, 1830; dismissed, July 9, 1834. Acting pastor, Mesopotamia and Bloomfield, O., May 1, 1834-7 ; Bricksville, O., 1837-9. Installed, Presbyterian Church, Chatham, O., July 1840; dismissed, Oct. 1855, Without charge there, 1855-68; and Stan- ford, N. Y., 1868-76. Died there, Oct. 5, 1876. Married (1) Elizabeth, daughter of Amorin Gillet, at Kingsville, O., Aug. 1830. (2) Delphia, daughter of Luther Harris, at Flor- ence, O., June 1833. Nehemiah Cogswell Coffin, Presbyterian, son of Moses and Susan- nah (Farnum) Coffin, was born March 24, 1815. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1831-2. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1836. Studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Sem- inary, 1836-7, and Lane Theological Seminary, graduating, 1841. Ordained an evangeUst, Sept. 10, 1843. Acting pastor, Fearing, O., 1842-5; Bethel and Breman, O., 1845-6; Hebron, O., 1846-51; Second Church, Piqua, O., 1852-60. Teacher, Granville, O., 1851-2. Without charge, Sandu8ky,.0., 1860-1 ; and Marblehead, O., 1861-8. Died there, Jan. 9, 1868. Married Susan J. Rust of Wolfeborough Dec. 6, 1842. Samuel Wood Colburn, Congregationalist, son of Asa and Jane {Wood) Colburn, was born 1781. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1808. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Samuel Wood, D. D., of 64 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Boscawen, Ordained pastor, West Church, Taunton, Mass., Aug. 29, 1809; dismissed, Dec. 9, 1812. Installed, Third Church, Abing- ton, Mass., Oct. 13, 1813 ; dismissed, Jan. 5, 1830. Acting pastor, Attleboro, Mass., two years ; Sandwich, Mass. ; Little Compton, R. I., July 1, 1835-8 ; and Newark, N. J. Died New York City, Dec. 19, 1854. Married Ruth, daughter of Nehemiah and Rachel (Choate) Cogs- well, of Boscawen, March 8, 1806. She died. May 21, 1874, aged 88. Publications. — (1) Sermon: The Purifying Influence of a Chris- tian Hope, 1820. (2) Funeral sermon of Dea. Josiah Tori-ey, 1822. (3) Sermon before the Palestine Missionary Society, 1827. (4) Devotional Tract, No. 9. (5) Devotional Tract, No. 16. Plummer Couch, Methodist, son of Benjamin and Sally (Morse) Couch, was born Feb. 8, 1818. Removed to Smith ville, Tazwell County, 111., 1836, and Limestone, Peoria County, 1855. Ordained deacon at Peoria, 1856. Supplied one year in McHenry County, 111. Died, April 24, 1859. Married Clarissa Brooks, at Elm Grove, Tazwell County, 111., Sept. 26, 1839. Joseph Clough Emerson, Methodist, son of John and Mary (Swan) Emerson, was born Jian. 4, 1819. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshu-e Conference, 1844. Ordained deacon by Bishop Waugh, at Lebanon, May 24, 1846 ; and elder by Bishop Morris, at Newmarket, May 12, 1850. Appointments. — Tuftonborough and Wakefield, 1844 ; Milton, 1845-6; Gilmanton, 1847-8 ; Seabrook, 1849; Raymond, 1850-1; Lempster and Goshen, 1852; Sunapee, 1853-4; Milford and Brook- line, 1855 ; located, 1856; supplied Sunapee, 1857-9; Penacook, 1861. Chaplain, Seventh Regiment, New Hampshire Volunteers, Dec. 14, 1861, to Jan. 20, 1865. In Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Oct. 1, 1864, to Jan. 14, 1865. Sent by Bishop Baker missionary to Florida, Oct. 1865, his field the first year being the Florida district of the South Carolina Conference. Presiding elder, with residence at Fernandina, Fla., 1866-9. Duiing this time, amid many hard- ships and perils, organized 34 churches. These churches became the Florida Conference, with two Districts, East and West, 1870. Presiding elder of the West, or Suanee, District, 1870-1. Twice in 1870 reached his appointment to find the church in ashes. Fresh footprints of horses, when Freedmen had no horses, told the story. Supernumerary, 1872-3 ; located, 1874. Residence, Fernandina, BOSCAWEN. 65 Fla., 1866-77. On his wav to attend Conference at Jacksonville, Fla., drowned in St. John's River, Feb. 3, 1877. Married Cecilia, daughter of William and Joanna (Trickey) Simpkins, at Methuen, Mass., July 23, 1844. She died, Jackson- ville, Fla., May 18, 1889. Ebenezer Fisk, Free Baptist, son of Rev. David and Lydia (Morse) Fisk, was born Oct. 1, 1802. His parents moved to New Hampton, 1803. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution. Licensed to preach by the Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, at Alexan- dria, Jan. 23, 1829. Ordained, New Hampton, Nov. 4, 1836. As- sociate pastor with his father, then pastor. Second Chui'ch, New Hampton, 1830-52; Laconia, April 8, 1852-3. Residence, New Hampton, but supplying for longer or shoi*ter times. Center Harbor, Hill, Andover, Bristol, Plymouth, Meredith Bridge, now Laconia, and Bridgewater, 1854-69. Pastor, Alexandria, 1869-70. Without charge. New Hampton, 1870-80; Hillsdale, Mich., 1880-6; and Jackson, Mich., 1886-90. A successful revival preacher and good pastor. President of the Anti-slavery Society, 1848. Trustee of the Printing Establishment, 1844-6; and one of the Corporators, 1846-58. Member of the Executive Committee seven years. One of the founders of the New Hampton Literary Institution, and first president of its Board of Trustees, 1853-90. Twice member of the General Conference. Represented New Hampton in the Legisla- ture, 1843, 1855, and 1856. Died, Jackson, Mich., Oct. 5, 1890. Married Miriam Atwood, daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Gordon) Gordon, June 12, 1828. She died. New Hampton, June 17, 1880. Henry Sewall Gerrish French, Congregationalist, son of Joel and Susannah (Gerrish) French, was born April 27, 1807. Graduated at Yale College, 1834, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1837. Licensed to preach April 11, 1837. Ordained an evangelist. Con- cord, Sept. 19, 1837. Sailed for Siam, as missionary of the Ameri- can Board, July 6, 1838, reaching Singapore, Oct. 23, 1838, and Bangkok, May 1839. Died there, Feb. 14, 1842. Married Sarah Catharine, daughter of Andrew and Sarah Carter (Bronson) Allison, of Concord, April 9, 1839. After his death she returned to the United States, married again, and died at Greeley, Col., April 9, 1882. John Abbott French, Presbyterian, son of John Stephens Abbott and Mary Kittredge (Everdeau) French, was born March 28, 1840. 5 66 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Preparatory studies at Nashua High School. Graduated at Williams College, 1862. Studied for the ministry at Union Theological Sem- inary, 1862-4. Licensed to preach by the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Pres- bytery, April 15, 1866. Ordained pastor, Morristown, IST. J., Dec. 21,1868; dismissed Jan. 31, 1877. Pastor, Fourth Church, Chi- cago, 111., as successor of Prof. David Swing, April 1877-9 ; Flush- ing, L. I., 1880-91-. Married Emily Woolsey, daughter of Rufus and A. Leavitt, of Flushing, L. I., Sept. 14, 1870. LyCUrgUS Preston Kimball, Congregationalist, son of Joseph and Mary (Wilcox) (Fisher) Kimball, was born April 14, 1814. His parents moved to Newport, 1815. Teacher for several years, Jack- sonville, 111. Graduated at Illinois College. Studied for the min- istry with Rev. Mr. Kimball. Ordained, 1840. SuppUed several places in Illinois, 1840-7. Installed, Milford, May 19, 1847; dis- missed Aug. 7, 1848, on account of faihng health. Acting pastor, Rushville, 111., 1849-51. "A man of eminent piety." Died, Rush- ville. 111., Jan. 30, 1851. Man-ied Sarah Dexter. Milton Kimball, Presbyterian, son of Joseph and Eunice (Atkin- son) Kimball, was born Feb. 20, 1799. Preparatory studies at Phil- lips Andover Academy. Graduated at Amherst College, 1826. Studied for the ministry at Auburn (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, 1826-8, and graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1829. Ordained an evangelist by the Third Presbytery of New York, July 21, 1829. Acting pastor, Chester, Ohio, 1829-33. Agent of the American Board in Illinois and Missouri, 1834-6. Pastor, Augusta, 111., 1836-46. Without charge there, 1846-65. Died, Oconee, 111., Oct. 10, 1865. Married Louisa, daughter of Nathan and (Hurd) Wilcox of Ogden, N. Y., July 29, 1829. Peter Kimball, Presbyterian, son of Joseph and Eunice (Atkin- son) Kimball, was born March 5, 1793. Graduated at Hamilton (N. Y.) College, 1822, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1826. Missionary, Goshen, 1827. Supplied Manchester, N. Y., 1828-30. Ordained, Watertown, N. Y., Aug. 1831, and pastor there, 1831-3. Acting pastor, Hamburg, N. Y., 1834 ; West Aurora, N. Y., Feb. to Sept. 1835. Residence, Leroy, N. Y., 1837-46. Teacher and preacher, Boston, Mass., 1846-55, and assistant treasurer and secre- tary of the American Board ; Augusta, 111., 1855-7; Galesburg, 111., BOSCAWEN. 6T 1857-8; Marietta, Ohio, 1862-4; Cleveland, Ohio, 1864-6; Gates, N. Y., 1866-72; Rochester, N. Y., 1872-8. Without charge, Cleve- land, Ohio, Oct. 1878-83 ; Presbyterian Home, Perth Amboy, N. J., Nov. 1883-92. Died there, June 15, 1892. Married Maria M., daughter of Jesse and Thankful (Stevens) Wilcox of Newport, at Leroy, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1831. She died at Rochester, N. Y., March 25, 1836. Calvin Morrill, Congregationalist, son of Joseph Hobson and Lydia Jacques (Pearson) Morrill, was born Dec. 6, 1805. Gradu- ated at Dartmouth College, 1829. Studied for the ministry at Auburn, N. Y., and Andover Theological Seminary nearly a year, «la88 of 1837. Licentiate. Farmer, Webster, 1837-75. Died there, May 14, 1875. Married IMary, daughter of Paul and Phebe (Abbott) Clark of Boscawen, Feb. 28, 1846. She died, Webster, June 17, 1891. Myron WinslOW Pinkerton, CongregationaHst, son of Moody Morse and Jane (Clark) Pinkerton, was born July 18, 1843. Pre- paratory studies at Ripon, Wis. Graduated at Ripon College, 1868, and Chicago Theological Seminary, 1871. Licensed to preach by the Central East (HI.) Association, May, 1870. Ordained an evan- gelist, Ripon, Wis., July 14, 1871. As missionary of the American Board, sailed from New York for Natal, South Africa, Aug. 9, and arrived Oct. 9, 1871. Located at Umtwalumi, Zululand, 1871-6; Inunduma, 125 miles inland, Nov. 1876-9. Returned to' the United States, July 1879. Leaving his family, sailed for Natal, May 22, and arrived July 2, 1880. Took charge of a new mission in Umzila's country. Died of fever near Inhambane, on Gabulu River, Nov. 10, 1880. Married Laura Maria, daughter of Henry H. and Susan Byington, at Chicago, HI., June 15, 1871. William Abial Spauldlng, Congregationalist, son of Rev. William Safford and Harriet Bliss (Nettleton) Spaulding, was born March 2, 1847. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1863-5. Student, Dartmouth College, 1865-7. Graduated at Bangor Theo- logical Seminary, 1870. Licensed to preach by the Penobscot Association, at Bangor, Me., July 13, 1869. Ordained pastor, Second Church, Newcastle, Me., Aug. 4, 1870; dismissed, Oct. 9, 1871. Missionary of the American Board, Nicomedia, Western Turkey, 1872-4. Installed, Chestnut Street Church, Lynn, Mass., Sept. 9, 1874 ; dismissed. May 1, 1879. Installed, Second Church, Attleboro, 68 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Mass., Sept. 11, 1879; dismissed, Nov. 19, 1883. Without charge, Lynn, Mass., 1883^. Died there, Jan. 10, 1884. Married Georgia S., daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth F. (Con- don) Davidson of Bucksport, Me., July 29, 1870, Publication. — Sermon: The Golden Rule, 1878. Frederick Dexter Webster, CongregationaUst, son of Orris Dexter and Mary Maria (Keeser) Webster, was born Aug. 29, 1866. Pre- paratory studies at Tilton Conference Seminary. Studied for the ministry at Sanfordville, N. Y., 1888-91, and afterwards at Antioch College, Ohio, 1891-3, and Oberlin College, 1895, intending to finish his college course, but after studying one term his health failed him. Supplied at Baleville, N. J., six months, 1891; Lovell and Island Falls, Me., 1893^, and Springfield, Me., 1894-5. After leaving Oberlin he retired to Cleveland, Ohio, and died there in the General Hospital, May 12, 1896. Married Margaret Throope, daughter of Prof. Franklin Chapman and Theresa (Byington) Hill of Yellow Springs, Ohio, May 29, 1894. BOW. Christie Wheeler Burnham, A. M., Baptist, son of Samuel and Sally Perrin (Sargent) Burnham, was born Sept. 19, 1832. Resided in Manchester, 1841-60. Preparatory studies in Manchester High School. Graduated in the scientific course at Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., 1861, and Hamilton Theological Seminary, 1863. Licensed to preach by the Fii'st Church, Manchester, Oct. 3, 1863. Ordained, Hopkinton, Oct. 14, 1863, and pastor there, Sept. 1, 1863-71; Valley Falls, R. I., Sept. 1, 1871-4; Hinsdale, May 17, 1874-6; Stanton, Mich., July 9, 1876-7; Caro, Mich., June to Aug. 1877; Detroit, Mich., Aug. and Sept. 1877; Pontiac, Mich., Sept. 20, 1877-80; Manistique, Mich., Nov. 20, 1880-2; Pawtuxet, R. I., Oct. 1, 1882-95 ; Providence, R. I., 1896. A. M., from Madison University, 1872. Married Frances Arvilla, daughter of Almon and Sarah H. (Kil- gore) Works, at Manchester, Sept. 9, 1863. Charles Lewis Page, Baptist, son of Lewis and Myra (Kimball) Page, was born Aug. 21, 1861. Educated at New London Academy. Was secretary for a time of the Young Men's Christian Association at Newburypoi-t, Mass., and St. Johnsbury, Vt. Ordained assistant pastor Dudley Street Church, Roxbury, Mass. Married Linnia, daughter of Alfred Poor, 1885. BHADFOKD. 69 Samuel Russell, Congregationalist, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth ■(Morrill) Russell, was born Sept. 24, 1798. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1821, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1824. Licensed to preach by the Haverhill Association, May 10, 1824. Ordained pastor, Boylston, Mass., June 21, 1826; dismissed, April, 1832. Installed, Norwich, now Huntington, Mass., Sept. 3, 1832; dis- missed, Jan. 1, 1835. Died there, Jan. 27, 1835. MaiTied Mary Jones, daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Howe of Hop- tinton, Mass. John Brown White, D. D., Baptist, son of Col. David and Betsey (Carter) Brown, was born March 10, 1810. Preparatory studies at Pembroke Academy and New Hampton Institution. Graduated at Brown University, 1832, Engaged in literary pursuits, 1832-5. Teacher, New Hampton, 1835-6. Studied law and began practice at Greenville, Bond County, 111., 1836. Elected judge of probate, 1837. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosopy, Wake Eorest College, N. C, 1838-50 ; President and Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, 1850-5. Ordained an evangelist there, Oct. 14, 1849. President of Almira College, Greenville, 111., June 1855-63 and 1866-9. Looking after accessible churches at Mem- phis, Vicksburg, Natchez and other places on the Mississippi River, for the American Baptist Home Missionary Society, 1863-4. Chap- lain of the One Hundred and Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, Oct. 12, 1864-5. In the march against Price in Missouri, battle with Hood, Nashville, Tenn., and capture of Spanish Fort, Fort Blakely and Mobile. Afterwards at Montgomery, Ala. Supplied "Green viUe., 111., 1859-60, and Mt. Nebo, 111., 1882-7. Without charge, Greenville, 111., 1879-82. Residence there, 1879-87. Died there, Feb. 11, 1887. Married (1) Mary Powers, daughter of Rev. Isaac and Mary ^Powers) Merriam of Brandon, Vt., in Amelia County, Va., April 5, 1838. She died, Fremont, 111., May 4, 1855. (2) Elizabeth Rich- ardson Wright of Leicester, Mass., Aug. 5, 1857. BRADFORD. Azarlall Cressey, Advent, son of Allen and Judith (Sargent) Cressey, was born Feb. 20, 1821. Educated in Bradford. Ordained there, Oct. 24, 1884. Engaged in evangelistic work, and pastor, Bradford, 1884-98. Residence, South Sutton. Died there, Dec. 2, 1898. Married (1) Dorothy Ann, daughter of George B. and Sarah 70 N. H, l!TATIVE MINISTRY. (Drew) Gordon, at Xew Hampton, Nov. 27, 1851. She died, Sutton^ Dec. 11, 1880. (2) Sophronia, daughter of John and Rachel (Pow- ers) Carroll, at Sutton, Feb. 3, 1884. She died, Sutton, Jan. 11^ 1894. Nathaniel Kimball Hardy, Congregationalist, son of Joseph and Susannah (Bailey) Hardy, was born Dec. 28, 1776. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1808. Ordained an evangelist for home mis- sionary work in New Hampshire. Acting pastor, Littleton, 1816-19. Died there, Oct. 13, 1819. Married Martha, daughter of Dea. Samuel Burnham of Dun- barton. Willard Presbury, A. M., Episcopalian, son of Nathaniel and Mar- tha Presbury, was born Sept. 22, 1807 Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1833. Teacher, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1833-5. Studied for the ministry at Lexington, Ky., 1835-7. Ordained deacon by Bishop Benjamin Bosworth Smith at Frankfort, Ky., 1837, and priest, at Madison, Ind., 1839. Rector, Christ Church, Madison, Ind., 1839-40 ; Springfield, O., 1840-3. Teacher and preacher, Eliza- bethtown, Ky., 1843-4. Preacher to a plantation of slaves. Sun- flower River, Miss., 1844-5. Rector, Epiphany Church, Clairborne County, Miss., 1845-55; Grace Church, Paducah, Ky., and St. John's Church, Early Grove, near Yazoo City, Miss.; Kirkw^ood, Miss., 1873-91. Died there, Feb. 28, 1891. Married Margaret Byi-ne Penny of London, Eng., at Frankfort, Ky., 1838. John Herrick Stratton, Congregationalist, son of Lemuel and Phililippa (Jackson) Stratton, was born Nov. 25, 1813. Preparatory studies at Bangor, Me. Graduated at Amherst College, 1840, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1843. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Andover, Mass., April 11, 1843. Ordained an evangelist, Salem, Mass., April 17, 1844. Acting pastor, Pittston, Me., Sept. 1844-5; Erving, Mass., 1849-50. Without charge there, 1850-1. Died there, AprU 26, 1851. Never man-ied. BRENTWOOD. Oren Nelson Bean, Baptist, son of William Taylor and Nancy (Tuck) Bean, was born July 2, 1871. Preparatory studies at Colby Academy, New London, class of 1894. Graduated at Brown Uni- versity, 1898, and Newton Theological Seminary, 1901. Ordained BKENTWOOD. Tl at Brentwood, June 20, 1901. Pastor, Jericho, Vt., July 1901-4-. Married Annie Maria, daughter of Benjamin Burt and Emma Jane (Townsend) Hathaway, at Dighton, Mass., Sept. 2, 1901. Addison Browne, Baptist, was born Oct. 22, 1823. Preparatory studies at Beaconsfield Academy, Vt., and St. Ilyacinthe's College, Canada. Teacher in Massachusetts and New Jersey, 1842-50. Licensed to preach in New Jersey, 1848, and by the church in Brentwood, 1849. Ordained pastor, Haverhill, Mass., 1850, and closed labor, 1852. Afterwards held pastorates in Cotuit, Tyring- ham. East Brookfield and Sutton, Mass. ; Peoria and Brimfield, 111., and East Washington, 1874-7. He retired from the ministry in 1878. Was a delegate of the Chi-istian Commission in the De- partment of the Gulf at New Orleans, 1864-5. Acted as collector of charities for the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cru- elty to Children, and the Home for Fallen and Friendless Women, Resided at Boston Highlands, 1878-96. Died there, May 24, 1896. Married (1) Ellen D. of Cambridge, Mass., in New York City, May 11, 1847. She died at Lowell, Mass., Oct. 14, 1864. (2) Mrs. H. S. Lincoln, daughter of H. and Harriet P. (Stevens) Slate, in Worcester, Mass., May 8, 1867. She survived him. Samuel Burbank, Free Baptist, son of Samuel and Susanna (Graves) Burbank, was born June 17, 1792. His parents moved to Newfield, Me., March 1, 1794. Preparatory studies at South Berwick (Me.) Academy, 1810-13. Ordained, Newfield, Me., Sept. 16, 1816, and pastor there, 1816-25. Moved to Limerick, Me., 1825. Agent and junior editor of the Morning Star there, 1825-45, also supply- ing the church half the time for three or four years. Originated the Free Baptist Register^ and published it, 1816-25. Labored more or less in New Hampshire, Vermont and Canada. The first settled Free Baptist minister in Newfield, Me. Member of the first four General Conferences. Treasurer of York County, Me., four years. Trustee of Parsonsfield Seminary. Chairman of the selectmen of Newfield, 1821. Died, Limerick, Me., Sept. 24, 1845. Married Nancy, daughter of Dea. Joseph Drew of Newfield, Me., Dec. 3, 1822. Micajah Dudley, Friend, son of Samuel and Susanna (Ladd) Dud- ley, was born Nov. 27, 1751. "Approved as minister," Sept. 3, 1795. Lived at Winthrop, Me. Died, Durham, Me., March 1798. Married Susanna, daughter of Timothy and Sibylla (Freeman) 72 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Forster of Attleboro, Mass., about 1774. She died, China, Me., Jan. 8, 1838. Nicholas Dudley, Congregationalist, son of Trueworthy and Sarah (Gordon) Dudley, was born July 7, 1740. Graduated at Harvard College, 1767. Ordained pastor, Townshend, Yt., June 26, 1777 ; dismissed, 1778. Went to Ashford, Ct., 1778. Died there about 1836. MaiTied Priscilla Whiton of Ashford, Ct., Nov. 12, 1778. Nicholas Can* Folsom, Baptist, son of John Smith and Abiel (Carr) Folsom, was born June 1747. Settled in Meredith, 1768. Served in Capt. Chase Taylor's company of volunteers from San- bornton, July to Sept. 18, 1777. Ordained pastor there, Aug. 31, 1782. In 1825 had baptized 297, and solemnized 289 marriages. Died, Dec. 1830. Married Mehi table Flanders of Poplin, now Fremont, before 1781. Aurin Moody Payson, A. M., Congregationalist, son of John Philips and Louisa (Clifford) Payson, was born June 27, 1809. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1840. Teacher, Yarmouth (Mass.) Academy, 1840 ; Durham, 1841; and Manchester, 1843-4. Licensed to preach in 1844. Principal, South Berwick (Me.) Academy, May 1845-53; Boys' High School, Portsmouth, 1853-63; Girls' High School, Portsmouth, 1863-73 ; then master of both for several years. Afterwards superintendent of schools, Wakefield, Mass. Died, Mai- den, Mass., April 6, 1898. Married Hannah, daughter of Daniel Gould of Lyndeborough, Sept. 7, 1843. John PresCOtt, Baptist, son of Jedediah and Hannah (Bachelder) Prescott, was born Oct. 29, 1753. Pastor, Deerfield several years. Moved to Yienna, Me., 1800. The only one of the name refusing to sign the "Association Test," 1776, doing it from conscientious scruples. Died, Yienna, Me., Jan. 26, 1831. Married Mehitable Mon-ill of Salisbury, Mass. Gilman B, Shaw, Christian, was born April 19, 1795, and ordained at Clinton, Me., Sept. 1832. Labored in Palmyra, N. Y., 1840-1. William Swain, Free Baptist, son of Caleb and Mehitable (Lyford) Swain, was born May 25, 1788. Moved to Pittsfield, 1816. Began to preach, March 1820. Laboring in Pittsfield, and holding revival services in Chichester, 1824-5. Ordained an evangelist, June 1827. Always labored in New Hampshire. Residence, Chichester, 1828- BRIDGE WATER. 73 ■65. Organized a churcli there, and was pastor till his death, Sept. 24, 1865. Married Sally Drake, at Pittsfield, Nov. 22, 1810. John Huntley Thyng, Baptist, afterwards Congregationalist, son of James Dudley and Annis (Prescott) Thyng, was born Oct. 6, 1819. Preparatory studies at Pittsfield Academy and New Hamp- ton Theological Institution. Licensed to preach by the Baptist Church, Brentwood, Dec. 16, 1844. Ordained pastor, Gilmanton, Oct. 26, 1852; dismissed. May 1, 1857. Acting pastor, Amherst, Dec. 1857-8; Wilton, Jan. 1, 1859-60. Without charge, Penacook, 1860--4; Became a Congregationalist, 1862. Acting pastor, Dan- bury, Nov. 1864^6; South Londonderry, April 15, 1866-9; West Townshend, Vt., April 15, 1869-70; Chesterfield, with residence West Brattleboro, Vt., April 15, 1870-2; Guildhall, Vt., Oct. 1, 1872-3; Greensboro, Vt., March 1, 1874-5; Hubbardton, Vt., April 1877-9, and Stoddard, 1883-5. Without charge, Brattleboro, Vt., March 1875-7 ; Hubbardton, Vt., 1879-82 ; Noithboro, Mass., 1873- 4 and 1882-3 ; Brookfield, Vt., 1886-7 ; and White River Junction, Vt., 1887-8. Died, Brookfield, Vt., Aug. 15, 1888. Married Sarah Wood, daughter of Jonathan and Lois (Gregg) Sleeper of New Hampton, Aug. 8, 1847. Henry Veasey, Baptist, son of Dea. Jonathan and Anne (Morrill) Veasey, was born Sept. 2, 1785. Ordained, Brentwood, June 21, 1815. Pastor, Bow, 1817-24; was invited to open town meeting with prayer in 1818, the first instance on record; and appointed superintendent of schools in Bow, 1823. Died there, April 4, 1825. Married Honor, daughter of James and Sarah (Rowell) Rundlett, at Epping, April 12, 1808. She died, Concord, Jan. 23, 1867. BRIDGEWATER. Tappan Hilton Bacheler, Free Baptist, son of Nathan and Mary (Shedd) Bacheler, was born Jan. 25, 1817. In early life his parents moved to New Hampton, and afterwards to Holliston, Mass. Li- censed to preach, Blackstone, Waterford, Mass., 1833. Labored awhile in Grafton, Mass. Ordained, Georgiaville, Smithfield, R, I., Oct. 1841. Pastor, Second Church there, 1841-3; Pawtucket, R.I., 1844-6; Taunton, Mass., 1846-55 ; Pleasant Prairie Church, Buena Vista, la., 1855-65; Clay, la., 1865-73; Central City, la., 1877-80. Without charge there, 1880-5, and died, Oct. 29, 1885. Married , She died, Central City, la., Jan. 8, 1881. 74 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Daniel BatChelder, Free Baptist, son of Benjamin and Mary (Spaulding) Batchelder, was born July 24, 1818. Bred a farmer, and always lived on a farm. Licensed to preach by the Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, at Bartlett, May 26, 1843. Ordained, Holder- ness Village, now Ashland, Oct. 18, 1845. Pastor, Bridgewater; Second Church, Holderness and North Holderness. A successful revivalist. Residence, Holderness, about 1862-6; Ashland, 1866— 85; Holderness, 1885-90, and Ashland, Jan. to June 1890. Died, there, June 23, 1890. Married (1) Mary Jane, daughter of Richard and ]\Iary (Boynton) Plummer of Thornton, Jan, 28, 1851. She died, Ashland, May 14,, 1881. (2) Phebe Cook, daughter of Theophilus Edwards and Mary (Thorn) Morrill, June 29, 1882. Amos W. Boardman, Baptist, was born July 18, 1815. Ordained in middle life at Passumpsic, Vt., and was twice pastor there. Pas- tor, Stratford, 1857-59; Amherst, 1859-61; Sharon, Vt., 1861-65; Sanbornton, 1865-66 ; Vershire, Vt., several years from 1866. After- wards again at Sharon, Vt., and Derby, Vt. Without charge at Sharon, Vt., several years, then at West Townshend, Vt., and died there, Sept. 26, 1903. Adolphus Eugene Boynton, Free Baptist, son of John and Phebe (Batchelder) Boynton, was born Aug. 5, 1833. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution. Studied for the ministry at Bates (Me.) Theological School. Licensed to preach, Canaan, 1870. Or- dained, Newport, Canada, June 21, 1874, and pastor there, and at Eaton, Jan. 1874-5; Daniel's Mills, Newfield, Me., Aug. 1875-8; Kittery Point, Me., June 1878-80; Bow Lake, Strafford, April 1880-1; Nottingham, April 1881-2; Barrington and West Notting- ham, May 1882-3; North Shapleigh, Me., March 1884-6. Died there, Sept. 24, 1889. MaiTied Elmina Rachel, daughter of Smith and Rachel Smith (Bagley) Morgan, at Plymouth, June 3, 1858. She survived him, hving at Oneonta, N. Y. Cyrus CummingS, Methodist, was born April 23, 1791. Licensed to exhort, 1810, and preach, Oct. 10, 1810. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1811. Ordained deacon, by Bishops Asbm-y and McKendree, at Salem, Ct., June 27, 1813; and elder by Bishop Asbury, at Unity, June 4, 1815. Appointments, all in Maine. — Durham Circuit, 1811; Danville, 1812; Readfield, 1813; Orrington, 1814; North Yarmouth, 1815; BRIDGEWATER. 75 » located, North Yarmouth, but still supplying Circuit, 1816-17 ; West Cumberland, and preaching there, 1818-33; Westbrook, 1833^8; readmitted to Conference, and superannuate, 1852-9. Died, Sept. 9, 1859. MaiTied Elizabeth Curtis, 1816. Thomas Lord Fowler, Methodist, son of David and Deborah (Blake) Fowler, was born Oct. 10, 1823. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution, Bristol and Hebron Academies. Studied for the ministry at Newbury (Vt.) Seminary. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1858. Ordained deacon by Bishop Janes, at Sanborn ton Bridge, April 10, 1861 ; and elder by Bishop Simpson, at Nashua, April 10, 1870. Appointments. — Pottersville, 1858 ; Pottersville and Marlborough, 1859; Marlborough, 1860; Chesterfield, 1861-7; supernumerary, 1868; Westport, Swanzey, 1869-72; supplied, Congi-egational Church, Westmoreland, 1872-5; without charge, 1876; Westport, 1877-80; without charge, 1881; Chesterfield, 1882-5. Without charge after. Residence, Chesterfield, 1861-87 ; Ashuelot, 1887-90 ; and Westport, April 1890-8. Died there, July 12, 1898. Married (1) Mary Folger, daughter of Rev. Benjamin and Eliza Folger of Northfield, Aug. 20, 1844. She died, Northfield, Jan. 16, 1847. (2) Nancy McCandless, daughter of Levi and Ruth (Lish- ness) Giles of Windsor, Me., May 10, 1848. Lynn Kidder, Congregationalist, son of John and Mehitable (Blake) Kidder, was born Feb. 8, 1798. Labored in Michigan, and died there. Married Abigail Pease. Lucian Williams Prescott, Methodist, son of Jesse and Eliza (Har- riman) Prescott, was born Sept. 23, 1831. Preparatory studies at New Hampshire Conference Seminary, 1849-53. Studied for the ministry at the General Biblical Institute, Concord, 1853-5, graduat- ing. Licensed to preach by the Northfield Quarterly Conference, 1853. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1855. Ordained deacon by Bishop Morris, at Lawrence, Mass., 3, 1859 ; and elder, by Bishop Simpson, at Manchester, April 8, 1860. Appointments. — Stratford and Northumberland, 1855; South Tamworth, 1856-7; Stratford, 1858-9; Hudson, 1860-1; Hinsdale, 1862-3; North Haverhill, 1864-5; North Charlestown, 1866-7; Sunapee, 1868-70; Hillsborough Bridge, 1871-3; Rumney, 1874; Warren, 1876-8 ; East Haverhill, 1879-80 : supernumerary, with res- 76 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. idence, East Haverhill, supplying, 1880-1 ; Warren, supplying oc- casionally, 1882; Colebrook, Dec. 1, 1882-3; supplied Swiftwater and Benton, 1883; Swiftwater and Wildwood, 1884; supernumer- ary, Warren, 1880-94 ; superannuated, 1895-1904-. Married Julia Piatt, daughter of Abijah Sidney and Hannah M. (Piatt) French, at Stratford, Aug. 12, 1857. Publication. — History of Stratford Centre, 1891. Luther Baker Whittemore, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Caleb and Dorcas (Taylor) Whittemore, was born Feb. 1, 1824. Prepara- tory studies at Hebron and Thetford (Vt.) Academies. Graduated at Dartmouth College 1849. Studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Seminary, 1849-50. Teacher, Kimball Union Academy, one term, 1851. Health failing, on a farm, Bridgew^ater, 1852-8. Licensed to preach by the Montpelier Association, at Montpelier, Vt., Feb. 1858. Acting pastor, Orfordville, 1858-61. Died there, Dec. 27, 1861. Married Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Prudence (Ellis) Denny of Northfield, Vt., Sept. 17, 1851. She survived him, with residence at Northfield, Vt., 1861-1 905- . BRISTOL. Frederick Haines Bartlett, Congregationalist, son of Levi and Martha Pickering (Haines) Bartlett, was born May 25, 1840. Pre- paratory studies at New Hampton Institution. Studied for the min- istry at Andover Theological Seminary, 1872-4. Licensed to preach by the Hopkinton Association, July 9, 1872. Ordained an evangel- ist at Bristol, Feb. 20, 1879. Missionary, Central City, Dak., 1879. Acting pastor, Breckenridge, Minn., 1883-4. While there elected surveyor of Wilkins County, Minn., and on account of health, en- gaged in civil engineering and land surveying, 1884—7. Bookkeeper, Avalanche, White Mountains, Oct., 1887-91. Dealer in lumber, Silverton, British Columbia, 1892-1905-. Never married. Phillips Cilley Bean, Free Baptist, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (West) Bean, was born Feb. 19, 1807. Licensed to preach by Rev. Haines Johnson at Hanover, 1838. Ordained local deacon by Bishop Waugh at Claremont, June 25, 1843 ; and local elder by Bishop Hedding at Northfield, 1847. Left Bristol, 1852. A farmer and local preacher. Died at East Manchester, 1879. Married Nancy, daughter of John and Nancy (Pressy) Harron of Bridgewater, May 22, 1827. She died at East Manchester, 1896, aged 87. BRISTOL. 77 Amos Brown, Free Baptist, son of Edmund and Hannah (Merrill) Brown, was born Sept. 4, 1800. Licensed to preach by the Sand- wich Quarterly Meeting, Dec. 16, 1829. Ordained, Alexandria, Sept. 30, 1832. Labored half the time at Alexandria, 1837-53, receiving 160 to the Church. Also successfully in Nashua, Orange, Centre Harbor, New Hampton, Hill and Bridgewater. Represented Bristol in the Legislature 1847-8. Residence, Bristol, 1832-67; and First Church, Eaton, May to Dec. 1867. Died, Eaton, Dec. 7, 1867. Married (1) Abigail, daughter of David and Anna (Worth) Che- ney at Bristol, Jan. 13, 1819. She died, Bristol, Dec. 14, 1845. (2) Lovilla, daughter of Stephen and Abiah (Putney) Collins of Weare, at Sunapee, Feb. 9, 1847. She died, Bristol, Jan. 28, 1888. Dana Brown, Baptist, son of Edmund and Hannah (IVIerrill) Swett Brown, was born Feb. 9, 1804. Preparatory studies presumably in the common schools and privately. Ordained about 1832. Pastor at Bradford for a time, then in Vermont. Located on account of failing health about 1840, settling in Nashua where he ever after- wards lived. Died there, Jan. 25, 1868. Married Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Sargent) Cheney of Bradford, July 28, 1832. She died at Wilton, Dec. 15, 1879, aged 60. Joseph Eu§;ene Dubois, Roman Catholic, son of Francis and So- phia (Therrien) Dubois, was born Jan. 31, 1859. Graduated at Three Rivers Seminary, Canada, 1884, and Nicolet's Theological Seminary, Canada, 1888. Ordained deacon by Bishop Elspege Gravel, at Nicolet, P. Q., July 1, 1888 ; and priest by the same, at the same place, Sept. 18, 1888. Served in the diocese of Nicolet, P. Q., 1888-93; assistant pastor with Rev. I. H. C. Davignon, Sun- cook, and St. Joseph's Church, Manchester, April 4, 1893-8 ; pastor, Hooksett and Pittsfield, June 27, 1898-1 90 5-. At Hooksett the church was completed, decorated, a parochial school built, now under the direction of the R. R. Sisters of the Holy Cross of Montreal, P. Q., and the rectory improved. Charles B. Eastman, Methodist, son of Timothy and Abagail (Wilkins) Eastman, was born Jan. 29, 1815. Labored in Louisiana and Tennessee. Drowned in California, 187-. Charles Joseph Fowler, Methodist, son of Fitzalen and Louisa (Waterman) Fowlei', was born Feb. 6, 1845. Preparatory studies at New Hampshire Conference Seminary, and with Prof. H. Lummis 78 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. of Boston, Mass. Licensed to preach by the Bristol Church, 1871. Labored as an evangelist in the large towns and cities in New Eng- land and New York, notably Biddeford and Saco, Me., Lawrence, Haverhill and Lowell, Mass. ; Bellows Falls, Vt. ; New York City and Buffalo, N. Y. ; and Manchester, Penacook, Littleton, Plymouth, Pittsfield, Lebanon, Suncook, Rochester, Farraington, and Peter- borough, 1872-83. During this time upwards of 5,000 manifested an earnest desire to become followers of Christ. Residence, Little- ton, 1871-4; Manchester, Aug. 1874-5; and Bethlehem, Aug. 1875-83. Admitted to the New Hampshire Conference, 1883. Or- dained elder by Bishop Simpson at Concord, April 15, 1883. Appointments. — Exeter, 1883 ; Grace Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1884-6; Great Falls, 1887; supernumerary there, 1888; Woodsville, 1889-90; Grace Church, Haverhill, Mass., 1891-4; supernumerary, with residence at Haverhill, 1895-1905-. Since leaving his charge at Haverhill has been engaged as a Holiness Evangelist, traveling across the continent and holding meetings in all the largest cities and towns from Maine to California. Since 1893 has been president of the National Association for the Promotion of HoHness. Editor of the Christian Witness, 1901-5-. Married Emma Peavy, daughter of Hon. John G. and Tamar Mer- rill (Clark) Sinclair of Bethlehem, at Littleton, Feb. 12^ 1874. Publications. — (1) Counsel to Converts, 1873. (2) Sermon on Universalism, 1879. (3) Back to Pentecost, 1901. George Leroy Gleason, Congregationalist, son of Rev. Salmon and Jerusha (Willard) Gleason, was born Feb. 25, 1835. Preparatory studies at Topsfield, Mass., Academy, 1855-7. Student in Amherst College, 1857-9, and Dartmouth College, 1859-61, gi*aduating. Graduated at Andover Theological Seminary, 1864. Licensed to preach by the Salem (Mass.) Association, 1864. Supplied Bristol and Ferrisburg, Vt., 1864-6. Ordained pastor, Bristol, Vt., Feb. 1, 1866; dismissed, Oct. 1867. Installed, West Rutland, Vt., Oct. 17, 1867 ; dismissed, March 22, 1869. Installed, Manchester, Mass., April 14, 1869 ; dismissed, Sept. 21, 1881. Resident licentiate, Andover Theological Seminary, 1881-2. Installed, South Byfield, Mass., Sept. 20, 1882 ; dismissed, Oct. 2, 1888. Installed, Fourth and Riverside Churches, Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 19, 1888, and so con- tinues (1905). Married Charlotte Augusta, daughter of Daniel and Charlotte (Towne) Perkins of Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 4, 1864. BRISTOL. 79 Georgfe Henry Hastings, Methodist, son of Col. John and Dorothy Stevens (Emmons) Hastings, was born Jan. 9, 1847. Preparatory studies at Montpelier, Vt., Conference Seminary, graduating 1872. Licensed to preach by the Quarterly Conference at Bristol, Dec. 25, 1869. As local preacher, supplied Hartland, Vt., Aug. 1872-3. Admitted on trial to the Vermont Conference, 1873. Ordained deacon, by Bishop Peck, at Danville, Vt., April 26, 1874 ; and elder, by Bishop Foster, at Barre, Vt., April 29, 1877. Appointments. — Hartland, Vt., 1873; South Royalton, Vt., 1874; Hancock and Granville, Vt., 1875-6; Marshfield, Vt., 1877-8. Graduated at Boston University. Supplied North Salem, 1879; Harrison Avenue Church, Boston, Mass., two months, 1880; and Congregational Church, Quincy Point, Mass., Jan. 1881-2. Trans- ferred from the New Hampshire to the Detroit (Mich.) Conference, 1882, and appointed to Brighton, Mich., 1882 ; Ishpenning, Mich., 1883-5; Lake Linden, Mich., 1886; Fonda, Mich., 1887; Sac City, la., 1888; supernumerary, 1889-90; Danielsonville, Ct, 1891-2; North Grosvenordale, Ct., 1893-7; Bristol, R. L, 1898 ; Chatham, Mass., 1899 ; supernumerary, Everett, Mass., 1900-5-. MaiTied Laura Jane, daughter of Samuel C. and Susan S. Bartlett, at Concord, Aug. 1, 1872. Holman Kelley HastingfS, Ph. D., Methodist, son of John and Dorothy Stevens (Emmons) Hastings, was born Oct. 15, 1853. Preparatory studies at the New Hampshire Conference Seminary. Graduated at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 111., 1885. Studied for the ministry with Pres. J. B. Robinson, D. D., and at New Hampshire Conference Seminary, graduating, 1874. Licensed to preach at the Quai-terly Conference at Bristol, Nov 6, 1873. Admitted on trial to the Vermont Conference, 1875. Ordained deacon by Bishop Foster, at Barre, Vt., April 29, 1877 ; and elder by Bishop Wiley, at Barton Landing, Vt., April 18, 1880. Appointments. — Guilford and Green River, Vt., 1875-6; Bond- ville, Vt., 1877; Tunbridge, Vt, 1878-9; Hancock and Granville, Vt., 1880-2 ; GaysviUe, Vt., 1883-5. Transferred to the Iowa Con- ference, and appointed to Odebolt, Sac Co., la., supplying also Fox, la., Oct. 1885-6; West Side, la., 1887-9; Ireton, la., 1890-1; Webster City, la., 1892-4; Storm Lake, la., 1895; presiding elder, Sioux City District, 1896-9; Munson, la., 1900; Rolfe, la., 1901-2; Eagle Grove, la., 1903-. Represented Hancock, Vt., in the Legislature, 1882. Also superintendent of schools, Han- 80 N. H. NATIVE MINISTEY. cock, two years. Ph. D. from Illinois Wesley an University^ Bloomington, 1886. MaiTied Mary Sophia Rowell, at Tunbridge, Vt., April 29, 1879. Charles Otis Judkins, Methodist, son of Rev. George Janvrin and Almira Smith (Dolloff) Judkins, was born Oct. 2, 1878. Pre- paratory studies at East Greenwich (R. I.) Academy, 1891. Grad- uated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Ct., 1895. Admitted on trial to the Vermont Conference, 1896. Ordained deacon by Bishop Vincent, at Springfield, Vt., April 24, 1898 ; and elder by Bishop Merrill, at Bellows Falls, Vt., April 15, 1900. Appointments. — Rachel E. Harlow Church, Windsor, Vt., 1896; Windsor and Ascutneyville, Vt., 1897-8; Montpelier, Vt., 1899- 1901 ; Glen Falls, N. Y., 1902-4. Married Eva Viola, daughter of Abram and Mary (Odell) Austin of Yonkers, N. Y., March 30, 1898. William Benjamin Locke, Methodist, son of Reuben Blake and Sarah Huntoon (Cass) Locke, was born Oct. 10, 1867. Preparatory studies in the Bristol schools and Tilton Conference Seminary, grad- uating, 1886. Graduated at Boston University, 1890. Licensed to preach by the Tilton Quarterly Conference, July 1890. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1891. Ordained deacon by Bishop Goodsell, at Rochester, April 23, 1893 ; and elder by Bishop Merrill, at Concord, April 14, 1895. Appointments. — Landaff, 1891 ; Merrimackport, Mass., 1892 ; Rum- ney and West Rumney, 1893-5; Smithtown, 1896-8; Newfields, 1899-1902 ; Colebrook, 1903-4-. Married Mary Frances, daughter of Charles E. and Judith (Gile) Rowell of Merrimac, Mass., Aug. 16, 1893. Josiah NorriS, Fi-ee Baptist, was born in 1779. Began to preach in 1809, and was ordained an evangelist. Itinerated several years. Pastor, North Hanover, 1826-56. Without charge, Wentworth, 1856-62. Died there, June 2, 1862. Married Mary Adams of Moultonborough, Aug. 25, 1801. She died May 25, 1877, aged 88. Walter Sleeper, Methodist, son of John and Elizabeth (Tilton) Sleeper, was born Jan. 20, 1790. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1812. Ordained deacon by Bishops McKen- dree and Roberts, at Bristol, R. I., June 25, 1816; and elder by Bishop George, at BaiTe, Vt., June 24, 1821. BRISTOL. 81 Appointments. — Tuftonborough Circuit, 1812; Bridgewater Cir- cuit, 1813; Canaan Circuit, 1814-15; Landaff, 1810. Located at Bristol to care for his father, but preaching in the vicinity, 1817-75. Was seven years selectman, and twice represented the town in the legislature. Died, Bristol, May 1, 1875. Married Nancy Plaisted, at New Hampton, April 1814. Anson Coult Smith, Methodist, son of Ezekiel and Hannah (Ingalls) ^mith, was born Dec. 20, 1810. Began to preach on the Sutton Circuit 1834. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1835 Ordained deacon by Bishop Hedding, at Great Falls, July 9, 1837 and elder by the same, at Sandwich, July 7, 1839. Appointments, all in Vermont. — Cabot, 1835; Westfield, 1836-7 Moretown, 1838; Corinth, 1839; East Corinth, 1840; East Mont pelier, 1841 ; Thetford and Union Village, 1842 ; Thetford, 1843 Tunbridge, 1844-5; East Barnard, 1846; Hartland, 1847-8; Wil mington, 1849-50; Brattleboro, 1851-2; South Craftsbury, 1853 Craftsbury, 1854; Danville, 1855-6; Lyndon and Kirby, 1857-8 South Hardwick, 1859-60; superannuated 1861-2. Died at Hard- wick, Vt., April 23, 1862. Mai-ried Mary P. Bartlett of Sutton, Vt., July 20, 1838. John Broadhead Wentworth, D. D., Methodist, son of Richard and Betsey (Broadhead) Wentworth, was born Aug. 29, 1823. Prepar- atory studies at South Newmarket, now Newfields, Seminary. Graduated at the University of Vermont. Teacher of the Grammar School, Dover, 1848-9; principal of Rochester Academy, 1849-50. Supplied at Attica, N. Y., 1851. Admitted on trial to the Genessee Conference, 1851. Ordained deacon by Bishop Simpson, at Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 1853 ; and elder by Bishop Waugh, at Olean, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1855. Appointments, all but one in New York. — Coudersport Academy, 1851; Coudersport Mission, 1852; Peny, 1853; Pearl St., Buffalo, 1854-5; WilUamsburg, 1856; Batavia, 1857-8; Perry, 1859-60; Brockport and Sweden Centre, 1861-2; St. Mark's, Buffalo, 1863-4; Medina, 1865-7; Niagara St., Lockport, 1868-9; Pearl St., Buffalo, 1870; Asbury Church, Buffalo, 1871-2; Le Roy, 1873-5; trans- ferred to Rock River Conference and stationed at Evanston, 111., 1876; transfeiTed back to Genessee Conference, and was presiding elder, Troy district, 1877-8; Genessee District, 1879-82; Grace Church, Buffalo, 1884-5; presiding elder, Buffalo district, 1886-9; supernumerary, 1890-3. Twice elected as Conference secretary; 6 82 K. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. six times delegate to the General Conference ; and twenty years trustee of Syracuse University. D. D. from the University of Ver- mont, 1864. Died, Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1893. Married Clara Mathes, daughter of Dr. Stephen and Harriet Drew of Milton, Aug. 21, 1851. She died May 2, 1890. Publication. — The Logic of Inti'ospection, or Method in Mental Science, 1886. Amos Hearndon Worthen, Methodist, son of Lt. Samuel and Han- nah (Ingalls) Worthen, was born July 29, 1804. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1830. Ordained deacon by Bishop Roberts, at Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 12, 1832; and elder by Bishop Soule, at Dover, June 27, 1841. AjDpointments. — Northfield and Gilmanton, 1830 ; Lamprey River and Xewmarket, 1831; Newmai'ket, 1832; Salisbury, Mass., and Exeter, 1833; supernumerary, 1834-5; located, 1836-7; Rochester, 1838-9; Greenland, 1840; South Newmarket, 1841; Pembroke, 1842; Hudson, 1843; superannuate, 1844-53; located, 1853. Died, Varron, Colo., March 31, 1875. Married Laura Jacobs. John Hardy Worthen, Methodist, son of Moses and Nancy (San- born) Worthen, was born Aug. 13, 1813. Preparatory studies in the common schools. Went to Heartsgi'ove, O., in 1834. Admitted on trial to the Ohio Conference. Died, Bloomington, 111., March 10, 1840. Married Lucetta Stone, July 6, 1837. Jonathan Worthen, Methodist, son of Lieut. Samuel and Hannah (Ingalls) Worthen, was born Oct. 29, 1789. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1810. Ordained deacon by Bishops Asbury and McKendree, at Lynn, Mass., June 24, 1812; and elder by Bishops McKendree and Roberts, at Bristol, R. I., June 26, 1816. Appointments. — Tuftonborough and Rochester, 1810; Industry, Me., 1811 ; Falmouth, Me., 1812 ; located, 1813-14 ; Bridgewater and New Salisbury, 1815; Vershire, Vt., 1816; located, 1817-25 ; Cam- den, N. Y., 1825-6; Westmoreland, N. Y., 1827-8; Herkimer, N. Y., 1829-30 ; Fulton, N. Y., 1831 ; Fabius, N. Y., 1832 ; Onondaga, N.Y., 1833-4; Madison, N. Y., 1835-6; Scipio, N. Y., 1837-8, Scott, N.Y., 1839; Spafford, N. Y., 1840; Scipio, N. Y., 1841; Owasco, N. Y., 1842-3; Ledyard, N. Y., 1844; superannuate, 1845; Groton, N. Y., 1846 ; Dryden and Virgil, N. Y., 1847 ; superannuate, 1848; supernumerary, supplying, Freedom, N. Y., 1849; Freedom, BROOKFIELD. 83 N. Y., 1850 ; superannuate, 1851-74. Received about 1,200 to the church. Residence, Binghamton, N. Y., about 1854-74. Died there, Aug. 10, 1874. Married (1) Betsey, daughter of Walter Hackett of Holderness, 1814. She died, 1821. (2) Mrs. Sally Robie, daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Eastman) Carter, and widow of John Robie of Concord. She died at Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1870. BROOKFIELD. William Rogers Chamberlain, Universalist, son of Thomas and Mary (Rogers) Chamberlain, was born Nov. 2, 1816. Teacher for several years. Licensed to preach at Wolfeborough, 1844. Or- dained, Dighton, Mass., 1847. Pastor there, briefly, 1847. Mis- sionary, Abington, Va., 1847-9. Bookkeeper, Cincinnati, O., 1849- 61. Superintendent, Second Church, Sunday-school there, three years, and Fu-st Church seven years. Pastor, Mendota, 111.; Yinton, la. ; Council Bluffs, la. ; and Dubuque, la., 1861-7 ; Clinton, N. Y., 1867-76. Took a missionary tour to England and Scotland, 1873. His last service was in his own house March 21, 1876. Died, Clin- ton, N. Y., April 28, 1876. Married Sophia R. Smith, 1841. She survived him. Thomas Lindsey Churchill, Advent, son of John Tash and Mehit- able (Oilman) Churchill, was born April 16, 1822. Ordained, Law- rence, Mass., Jan. 1870. Residence, Brookfield most of his life. A farmer. Labored mostly in Wolfeborough and Middleton. Married (1) Sarah Stackpole of Rollinsford, March 2, 1847. She died, Brookfield, Nov. 8, 1864. (2) Nancy Marilla, daughter of Nicholas Oilman and Nancy (Boynton) Seward of Barnstead, Nov. 27, 1868. Charles Everett Dealand, Christian, son of Samuel Jenness and Maria (Cowell) Dealand, was born Oct. 5, 1851. Preparatory studies at Lebanon Academy, West Lebanon, Me. Student, Dart- mouth College, 1872-3. Graduated at Yale Theological Seminary, 1882. Ordained, Lewisburgh, Pa., Aug. 13, 1882. Pastor there, June 1882-91. Afterwards Dexter, Pa. Married Velzora Ann, daughter of Reuben Hull and Hannah JuUa (Burke) Copp of Barnstead, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1882. 84 K. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. BROOKLINE. Edward Hammond Brooks, Baptist, son of George and Mary A. Brooks, was born May 9, 1849. Preparatory studies at Groton (Mass.) Academy, Appleton Academy, New Ipswich and Amenia Seminary, N. Y. Graduated at Kalamazoo College, 1874. Studied for the ministry at Morgan Park (III.) 1874-5, and Newton (Mass.) 1875-6 and 1882-3, Theological Seminaries. Ordained, Boston Mass., June 11, 1876. Pastor, Cassopolis, Mich., July 1876-8 Lapeer, Mich., Sept. 1878-9; Crown Point, Ind., Oct. 1879-82 Second Church, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1883-90 ; Aurora, 111., 1891-6 Los Angeles, Cal., 1897-8 ; East Los Angeles, 1899-. Married Mary E. Bennett at Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 27, 1876. Charles Pitt Fessenden, Baptist, son of Joseph and Rachel (Cros- by) Fessenden, was born Jan. 15, 1813. Graduated at the Lay Col- lege, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hamilton (N. Y.) Theological Seminary, 1878. Ordained, West Union, N. Y., March 1867. In itinerant and missionary work for 25 years. Went to Michigan in 1869. Mis- sionary in Newaygo and Muskegon Counties. At Rives, Mich., 1872. Pastor, Medina ; North Adams ; and Litchfield. Residence, Hes- peria, Mich., 1882, Eaton Rapids, Mich., 1885-91. Died there, Nov. 27, 1891. Married Elizabeth R. Hakes, at Columbia, Pa., Jan. 1, 1837. Clifton Fletcher, Baptist, son of Jesse and Patience (Hobart) Fletcher, was born March 5, 1823. Student, Wesleyan University, 1846-8. Ordained, North Tewksbury, Mass., June 4, 1856. Pastor there, 1856-69; Billerica, Mass., 1869-76; and Canton, Mass., July 1, 1875-7. Without charge, Melrose, Mass., Nov. 1, 1876-1902, meanwhile serving as acting pastor, Brookline, Mass., 1878-84. Member of the School Board, Melrose, 1878-86, and chairman 1880-6. Was also an active member of the Y. M. C. A. Died at Melrose, Mass., Aug. 19, 1902. Married Mary Eliza, daughter of William and Eliza (Farr) Boyn- ton of Rockport, Mass., Sept. 10, 1856. She died, Melrose, Mass., Dec. 29, 1889. (2) . She survived him. Publication. — Semi-Centennial History of the Baptist Church, Billerica, Mass., 1878. George Henry Hardy, A. M., Methodist, son of Ephraim Lund and Delana (Lapham) Hardy, was born Nov. 15, 1849. Preparatory studies at Mount Pleasant High School, Nashua, 1866, and Phillips Exeter Academy, 1867-70. Graduated at Wesleyan University, CAMPTON. 85 1874, and Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., 1876. Licensed to preach by the Quarterly Conference, Middletown, Ct., Feb. 16, 1874. Principal of Spring Valley Academy, Madison, N. J., 1874_5. Teacher of Latin and Mathematics, Madison Instittite, N. J., 1875-6. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Confer- ence, 1876. Ordained deacon by Bishop Merrill at Lancaster, April 14, 1878, and elder by Bishop Andrews at Great Falls, April 11, 1880. Appointments. — Ilenniker, 1876-7; Groveton, 1878; Moulton- ville, 1879-80, with Chickville and North Wakefield, 1880 ; Moul- tonborough, 1881; Gilford Village, 1882; Grantham and North Grantham, 1883-5; Peterborough, 1886-8; North Charlestown and West Lenity, 1889-93; West Rindge, 1894-5; Conference Histo- rian, Ashburnham, Mass., 1896-1904- Married Frances Emma, daughter of George Washington and Nancy Smith (Brainard) Guy, of Middletown, Ct, May 24, 1876. CAMPTON. Samuel Roger Adams, ^Methodist, son of Jacob Adams, was born June 25, 1825. Preparatory studies at Newbury (Vt.) Seminary. Graduated at Wesleyan University, 1851. Teacher, Plymouth and Franklin, 1851-3; Aurora, 111., 1853-4, and Wilmington, Ind., 1854-7. Licensed to preach by the Aurora (111.) Quai-terly Con- ference, 1854. President of Moore's Hills Male and Female Collegi- ate Institute, Ind., 1856-61. Admitted on trial to the Southeastern Indiana Conference, 1857. Ordained deacon by Bishop Scott, at Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 1, 1859; and elder by Bishop Baker, at Law- renceburg, Ind., Sept. 24, 1860. Chaplain of the Twenty-sixth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, Aug. 1861-2. Died of wounds, Springfield, Mo., Dec. 19, 1862. Manied (1) Emily Emmons of Westchester, Ct., Aug. 1852. She died April 1853. (2) Hannah P. Hinkley of Eastport, Me., April 14, 1859. Austin Wakefield Avery, Free Baptist, son of Jacob and Jemima Avery, was born Nov. 18, 1838. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution, 1856-7. Licensed to preach by tlie church in New Hampton, Dec. 14, 1858. Ordained an evangelist, Parishville, N, Y., March 24, 1860. Supplied the Baptist Church, Paducah, Ky., Feb. 27 to April 30, 1859. A successful preacher to the coloi-ed people, 40 slaves at one time rising for prayers. Supplied, Dover, Sept. 13 to Dec. 6, 1859, and Parishville, N. Y., 1860-1. Studying 86 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. with Rev. R. Dunn, and pastor, Boston, Mass., March 13, 1861-5, and Haverliill, Mass., March 16 to Oct. 1865. Chaplain of a Mas- sachusetts Regiment of Volunteers, 1862-3. Preached his last sermon Sept. 24, 1865. In less than six years after ordination gave 578 sermons and 37 lectures, conducted 573 prayer meetings, bap- tized 175, and attended 42 funerals. Died, Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 5, 1865. Married Sarah S., daughter of Rev. N. K. George, at Portland, Me., Nov. 4, 1861. Quincy Blakely, Congregationalist, son of Rev. Quincy and Ger- trude (Sykes) Blakely, was born April 12, 1872. Preparatory studies at St. Johnsbury Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1894, and at Yale Divinity School, 1898. Licensed to preach by the Xew Haven Central Association, April 6, 1897. Ordained pastor at South Glastonbury, Ct., Nov. 4, 1898, and so continues. Supplied at Errol summer of 1897. Married Anna Mary, daughter of Justin Edward and Almena (Bentley) Twitchell of Northampton, Mass., Oct. 10, 1900. Walter Chase, Baptist, son of Timothy and Mehitable (Smith) Chase, was born Oct. 16, 1825. Preparatory studies at Rumney with Rev. J. K. Chase. Licensed to preach by the Campton Church, 1859. Supplied Danbury, 1861-4. Engaged in circulating the Christian Era, 1864-6. Ordained, Woodstock, Nov. 16, 1866, and pastor there, 1866-9; New Gloucester and Monroe, Me., Oct. 23, 1869-72 ; Tyringham, Mass., 1872-7 ; Moshpel, Mass., April 1877-81 ; Stamford, Vt., Jan. 1881-7; East Dover, Vt, May 1887-92. Died there, Sept. 28, 1892. Married Eliza Ann, daughter of John and Abigail (Burdeck) Rog- ers, at Plymouth, April 9, 1850. Ernest Wentworth Dow, Ph. D., Baptist, son of Samuel Hall and Catharine Lucretia (Manson) Dow, was born April 12,1856. Pre- paratory studies at Dukes County Academy, Martha's Vineyard, and New London Academy, now Colby, and Colgate Academy, Hamil- ton, N. Y., graduating, 1880, and at Colgate L^niversity, 1884. Or- dained an evangelist at Louisiana, Mo., Feb. 1894. Pastor, Troy, 1894-7 ; Cottage City, Mass., Dec. 1897-9. President of Pierce City Baptist College, Mo., since June 1899. Also editor of The Maptisi Missionary, an eight page weekly. Was president of the Baptist Young People's Union of New Hampshire, 1897-8; also chaplain of the Sons of Veterans, New Hampshire, 1897-8. CAMPTON. 87 Received Ph. D. 1893. "With an abiding trust in God, and de- termination, pluck, persistence, after battUng with ill health and overcoming many difficulties, he reached his present position." Married (1) Blanche, daughter of Grover Snow and Helen (Vedder) Hinman of Stockbridge, X. Y., Oct. 10, 1883. She died March 31, 1889. (2) Carrie Ann, daughter of James Polk and Martha (Mul- heren) Reneau of Clarksville, Mo., Dec. 25, 1890. William Wallace Lovejoy, Baptist, son of AVilUam and Dorothy (Johnson) Lovejoy, was born Aug. 27, 1810. Studied for the min- istry at the New Hampton Institution, 1836-9. Licensed to preach, 1839. Ordained, Littleton, 1840, and pastor there, 1840-1; Brook- field, Vt., 1842-7; Campton, 1847-9; Antrim and Bennington, April 26, 1850-5 ; Marlow, also supplying Sullivan and Gilsum, 1856 ; Dublin, 1857-60. Without charge there, 1860-1. Pastor, Potters- ville, 1861-2. Died, DubUn, April 4, 1862. Married (1) Hannah T. Lovejoy. She died, Antrim, May 6, 1855. (2) Eliza J., daughter of Jonas and Margaret (Clark) White of Antrim, July 31, 1855. After his death she married Charles J. Wright in 1868, and resided in Demascoville, O. Christopher Marsh, Congi-egationalist, son of Edmund and Eunice (Cook) Marsh, was born Aug. 4, 1794. Preparatory studies at Kim- ball Union Academy, 1816-17. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1820. Studied for the ministry with Rev. Asa Rand of Gorham, Me. Began labor at Sanford, Me., May 2, 1823. Ordained pastor there, June 4, 1823, also doing missionary work at Scarboro, Me., 1823, in York County, 1825, Shapleigh, Me., 1827 ; dismissed, Dec. 11, 1827. Installed, First and Second Chm-ches, Biddeford, Me., May 7, 1828; dismissed. First Church, Oct. 5, 1831, and Second Church, Aug. 16, 1832. First secretary, and general agent of the Massachusetts Sunday School Society, Oct. 1832-5. Acting pastor, South Evangehcal Church, gathered by him. West Roxbury, Mass., also meanwhile laboring one year for the American Sunday School Union, 1835-7; installed there. May 17, 1837; dismissed, Dec. 11, 1850. Agent for the Massachusetts Sunday School Society, with residence, Jamaica Plain, 1853-7. Acting pastor, Sanford, Me., May 31, 1857-9. Died there, June 30, 1859. Married (1) Nancy W. Pearson of Haverhill, Aug. 1823. (2) Lucy Kilpatrick of Boston, Mass., March 1831. William Merrill, Methodist, was born May 11, 1814. Prmcipal of the High School, Fan* Haven, Mass., 1844-6. Teacher of a private 88 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. school for girls, Easton, Md., 184.6-8. Preparatory studies, 1835-8. Graduated at Wesleyan University, 1842. Professor of mathematics and languages, classical school, Ellington, Ct., 1842-4. Admitted on trial to the Philadelphia Conference, 1849. Ordained deacon by Bishop Waugh, at Smyrna, Del., March 30, 1851 ; and elder by Bis- hop Morris, at Han-isburg, Pa., March 27, 1853. Appointments. — Milford, Del., 1849; Seaford, Del., 1^50; Anna- messex, Del., 1851-2; Newtown, Md., 1853-4; Berlin, Md., 1855-6; Laurel, Del., 1857-8; Atlantic, N. J., 1859-60; Willow Grove, Del., 1861; Kent Island, Pa., 1862-3; Fairmount, Md., 1864-5; George- town, N. J., 1866-7 ; Dorchester, N. J., 1868 ; Milton, X. J., 1869-70 ; principal, Classical Institute, Laurel, Del., 1871-3 ; Fairmount (Md.) Academy, 1873-6. Teacher of private pupils, Upper Fairmount, Md., 1876-9. Died there, Oct. 23, 1889. Theophilus Edwards Austin Morrill, Free Baptist, son of Theophi- lus Edwards and Mary (Thome) Morrill, was born Aug. 6, 1840. Preparatory studies in the public schools and in private. Ordained in a maple grove near Squam Lake in Holderness, July 3, 1870. Doing itinerant work till Jan. 1, 1892. Pastor, Easton, 1892-4; Tunbridge, Vt., Feb. 1894-6; Wheelock, Vt., April 1896-7 ; Twin Mountain, Carroll, 1897-1900; Dunkin, P. Q., Oct. 1900-1, and Albany, Vt., with residence at East Albany, Nov. 1901-5-. Married Eliza Guila Elma, daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Rollins (Jenness) Brown of Pittsfield, Dec. 23, 1883. Daniel Pulsifer, Congregationahst, son of Capt. Joseph and Abi- gail (Willey) Pulsifer, was born Sept. 26, 1796. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1817-19. Fanner, teaching winters, 1819-32. Studied for the ministiy with Rev. Benjamin P. Stone of Concord, 1833-4. Licensed to preach by the Harmony Association, July 15, 1834. Ordained, Sept. 1835. Acting pastor, Groton and Hebron, 1835-40; Danburj^, 1840-4; installed there. May 16, 1844; dismissed, Dec. 31, 1849. Acting pastor. West Fairlee, Vt., 1850-3; Enfield, April, 1853-4; Dorchester, 1854-5. Without charge, Thetford, Vt., 1855-65, and Danbury, 1865-81. Died there, Sept. 16, 1881. Married (1) Betsey Stevens of Claremont, 1819. She died, Nov. 7, 1845. (2) Mrs EUzabeth Johnson, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Foster) Blaisdell^of Goffstown, June 1, 1846. Leonard Rogfers, Reformed Dutch, son of Joshua Rogers, was born April 13, 1799. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Acad- CAMPTON. 89 emy, 1817-19. Student, Rutgers (N. J.) College, two years. Grad- uated at the Dutch Refomied Theological Seminary, 1832. Or- dained an evangelist, 1832. Acting pastor, Catlin, N. Y., 1832-3; Sand Beach, Sparta, Portage and Centreville, N. Y., 1833-41; Pres- byterian Church, Geneva, Wis., June 1841-3 ; Hebron, 111., 1843-5 ; and half of the time, Richmond, 111., 1843-6, organizing the Church, Dec. 23, 1846; Greenwood and Montelona, 111., and Bloomfield, Wis., May 1, 1846-9; Linn, Wis., 1849-51. Manned Eliza Fletcher of Camj^ton. William Henry Shaw, Advent, son of Asa and Diadema Eliza- beth (York) Shaw, was born July 13, 1832. Ordained, Concord, Dec. 12, 1869. Residence, Campton, and Holderness since May 1885. Labor mostly itinerant. Married Charlotte Elizabeth, daughter of Timothy Lyman and Esther (Cox) Marden, at Meredith, June 21, 1856. Edward Huntington Stickney, CongregationaUst, son of Benjamin and Phebe Fuller (Pulsifer) Stickney, was born Oct. 10, 1853. Pre- paratory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1871-3. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1878, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1881. Licensed to preach by the Essex North Association, at Newbury- port, Mass., June 8, 1880. Ordained an evangelist, Cam])ton, July 6, 1881. Acting pastor, Lake View, Audubon and Detroit, with residence, Detroit, Minn., Sept. 10, 1881-4; Harwood, Bethel and Caledonia, Dak., with residence, Harwood, 1885-9. Missionary superintendent of the Congregational Sunday School and Publish- ing Society, with residence, Harwood, North Dak., 1889-90; Fargo, North Dak., 1890-1905-. Married Laura Hewitt, daughter of Dea. George and Lucy (Hewitt) Washburn, at Orfordville, Sept. 6, 1881. Samuel Worcester Taylor, M. D., Baptist, was bom Jan. 27, 1820. Graduated at Columbia (N. Y.) College, 1848, and Newton Theologi- cal Institution, 1851. Ordained, Hallowell, Me., Jan. 1852. Pastor there, 1852-5; Bath, Me., 1858-61. Health failing, studied medi- cine, and practised in New York City, and Newark, N. J., 1872-84. Died there, July 25, 1884. Austin Willey, CongregationaUst, son of Darius and Mary (Pulsi- fer) Willey, was born June 24, 1806. Preparatory studies at Pem- broke Academy, and Bangor, Me. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1837. Editor of the first anti-slavery paper of Maine, 90 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. called successively, The Advocate of Freedom^ at Augusta, live Liberty Standard, at Hallo well, and The Portland Inquirer^ 1837-57. Licensed to preach by the Kennebec Association, at Hal- lo well. Me., 1850. On account of ill health went to Noi-thfield, Minn., in 1857, and devoted himself to joui-nalism. Ordained pas- tor, Anoka, Minn., May 18, 1859 ; on account of ill health, dis- missed, June 8, 1860. Without charge, Northfield, Minn., except a brief sojourn in California, 1868, 1861-96; wrote largely for the press, especially on the subjects of anti-slavery and temperance. Edited and published The Northfield Journal., the first religious newspaper in Minnesota. Died at Northfield, Minn., March 28^ 1896. Married Judith Robbins, daughter of Dea. Ebenezer and Martha (Robbins) Bartlett of Carapton, Feb. 23, 1830. She died, North- field, Minn., April 21, 1881. Publications.— (1) A Family Memorial, 1868. (2) History of Anti-Slavery in the State and Nation, 1886. Isaac Willey, Congregationalist, son of Darius and Mary (Pulsifer) Willey, was born Sept. 8, 1793. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1816-18. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1822. Studied for the ministry with President Bennet Tyler, D. D., and Prof. Roswell Shurtleff, D. D., of Hanover. Resident licentiate, Andover Theological Seminary, 1825. Ordained pastor, Rochester, Jan. 18, 1826 ; dismissed, Sept. 22, 1834. Secretary of the New Hampshire Home Missionary Society, 1834-7. Installed, Goffstown, Nov. 23, 1837; dismissed, May 17, 1854. Secretary of the New Hampshire Bible Society, with residence, Goffstown, 1854-65, and Pembroke, 1865-75, and agent of the American Bible Society, 1853-73. Without charge, Pembroke, 1875-83. Died there, Oct. 25, 1883. Married (1) Sarah FUnt, daughter of Daniel Needham of Lynn- field, Mass., May 15, 1826. She died Feb. 28, 1848. (2) Martha, daughter of John and Polly (Wilson) Steele of Peterborough, July 3, 1849. She died, Pembroke, March 1, 1901. Publications. — (1) Reports of the New Hampshire Bible Society, 1855-75. (2) Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church, Carapton. (3) Historical Sketch of the Congregational Church, Pembroke. (4) History of the New Hampshire Bible Society, 1878. Samuel Hopkins Willey, D. D., Congregationalist, son of Darius and Mary (Pulsifer) Willey, was born March 11, 1821. Preparatory CAMPTON. 91 studies at Pembroke and Kimball Union Academies, 1839-40. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1845, and Union Theological Seminary, 1848. Licensed to preach by the Fourth Presbytery of New York City, May 1848. Ordained an evangelist, Nov. 27, 1848. Acting pastor, Monterey, Cal., 1849-50. Installed, Howard Street Church, San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 15, 1850; dismissed, April 20, 1862. Vice-president and financial agent, California College, Oak- land Cal., 1862-70. Acting pastor, Santa Cruz, Cal., 1870-1 ; in- stalled, June 28, 1871; dismissed, Aug. 1880. Installed, Fu-st Church, Benecia, Cal., Sept. 1, 1880; dismissed, Aug. 26, 1889. Without charge, San Francisco, Cal., 1889-1905-. D. D. from Dartmouth College, 1875. Manied Martha Nicholson, daughter of John Ellis and Ruth (Wescott) Jeffers, at Monterey, Cal., Sept. 19, 1849. Publications. — (I) Two Historical Discourses, San Francisco, 1859. (2) Farewell Discourse, San Francisco, 1862. (3) College Essays,. Oakland, 1863. (4) Address Before State Institute, Oakland, 1863. (5) Discourse on Closing First House of Worship of Howard Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, 1867. (6) Centennial Histori- cal Paper Relating to Santa Cruz, Cal., 1876. (7) Thirty Years in California, 1879. (8) Congregationalism, 1881. (9) Creed State- ments of our Congregational Churches, 1882. (10) History of the University of California, 1887. (11) An Inquiry in Congregational Polity, 1897. Worcester Willey, A. M., Congregationalist, son of Darius and Mary (Pulsifer) Willey, was born Sept. 1, 1808. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1827-8. and Rochester and Phillips Exeter Academies, 1828-31. Graduated at WilUams College, 1835, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1840. Teacher, Ashby (Mass.) Academy, 1836-8, and Plymouth, 1841-3. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Andover, Mass., April 7, 1840. Acting pastor. South Welfleet, Mass., 1840-1 ; and Hardwick, Vt., 1843-4. Ordained an evangelist at Campton, Oct. 3, 1844. Missionary of the American Board among the Cherokee Indians, at Dwight's Station, Indian Territory, 1844-62. Without charge at Fort Gibson and vicinity, Cherokee Nation, 1863-70. Agent of the American Bible Society, Andever, Mass., 1871-5. Without charge there, 1875-93, and 1894-9, and Pembroke, 1893-4. Died at Andover, Mass., March 31, 1899. Married (1) Mary Ann, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Richard- son) Frye of Andover, Mass., Oct. 18, 1844. She died at Dwight's 92 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Station, Cherokee Nation, Sept. 23, 1850. (2) Annie Sears, daughter of Sears and Ann (Knowles) Chase of West Dennis, Mass., May 18, 1854. She died at Dwight's Station, Cherokee Nation, Jan. 27, 1862. John Wooster, Methodist, afterwards Congregationalist, son of Dea. David and Roxanna (Willey) Wooster, was born May 23, 1798. Lived for a time in the South and West. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1830. Ordained deacon, by Bishop Roberts, at Lyndon, Vt., Aug. 12, 1832; and elder, by Bishop Red- ding, at West Windsor, Vt., Aug. 31, 1834. Appointments.— Sandwich, 1830; Milton, 1831; Epping, 1832; Pembroke, 1833; Cabot and Walden, Vt., 1834; Barre, Vt, 1835; located, 1836. As a Congregationalist, licensed to preach by the Caledonia Association, at Peacham, Vt., Oct. 14, 1839. Acting pas- tor, Kirby, Vt., 1839-40; Concord, Vt., 1840-3; Granby, Vt., Jan. to Aug. '1843; installed, Aug. 9, 1843; dismissed, July 23, 1858. Without charge, Granby, Vt., but supplying elsewhere, 1858-73. Died, West Burke, Vt., Jan. 3, 1874. Thomas Wyatt, Free Baptist, son of Thomas and JNIartha (Wilson) Wyatt, was born Sept. 5, 1818. Removed to Thornton, 1834. A farmer. Began "trying" to preach, April 1850. Licensed to preach by the Church at Thornton, Jan. 21, 1853. Ordained there, June 21, 1855, and pastor, June 1855-66 ; Holderness, 1866-73, mean- while supplying one year at Ellsworth. Residence, Thornton, 1834-61 ; Rumney, 1861-78 ; Bridgewater, 1878-87, and Bristol, 1887-95; meanwhile supplying more or less at West Plymouth, Rumney, Campton, Bridgewater and Thornton Gore. Died in Bristol, Oct. 24, 1895. Married (1) Mrs. Sarah Ann, daughter of Joshua and (Clark) Beldon, and widow of Capt. Sylvester Sawyer, March 4, 1839. She died, Rumney, March 29, 1876, aged 64. (2) Mrs. Mary Ann Noyes, daughter of Rodney and Abigail (Frost) Hammond, and widow of Daniel S. Johnson of Bridgewater, Dec. 14, 1876. CANAAN. Joshua James Blaisdell, D. D., Presbyterian, son o^ Hon. Elijah and Mary (Fogg) Blaisdell, was born ¥eh. 8, 1827. Preparatory studies at Kimball L'nion Academy, 1842. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1846, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1852. Teacher, Montreal, Canada, 1847-8, and Kimball Union Academy, 1850. CANAAN. 93 Read law with his father at Lebanon, Feb. 1848-9. Licensed to preach by the Derry Association, Api-il 13, 1852. Ordained pastor, Third Chui-ch, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1853; resigned, April 1859; dismissed, Dec. 11, 1861. Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, Beloit College, Sept. 1859-65; and of Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1865-96. Chaplain, Fortieth Wisconsin Regiment, War of the Rebellion, 1864. Superintendent of schools, Beloit, several years, and one of the visitors of the State Normal School. Trustee, Lane Theological Seminary, 1855-9 ; president. Children's Aid Society, 1893-6; president of Wisconsin Home Missionary Society, 1895-6; of Wisconsin Academy of Arts and Sciences; chairman of the Board of Charities on Reformatories and Peniten- tiaries, and three times delegate to the International Prison Council. D. D. from Dartmouth and Knox colleges, 1873. Died at Beloit, Wis., Oct. 10, 1896. Married Susan Ann, daughter of Dea. Abner and Lydia Edgerton (Hough) Allen of Lebanon, Feb. 1853. She survived him. Publications.— (1) Bible Study for Busy Men, pp. 10, 1884. (2) The Bible and Human Consciousness, pp. 24, 1887. (3) The Edu- cation of the Citizen Farmer, pp. 24, 1887. (4) The Church, the Guardian of the Religious Belief of the Young, pp. 13, 1888. (5) Memorial Address, 50th Anniversary, Beloit, pp. 53, 1888. (6) American Prisons in their Relation to the Reformation of Criminals, pp. 36, 1889. (7) The Edgerton Bible Case, pp. 35, 1890. (8) Dr. Higley and his Work : an Address, pp. 11, 1891. (9) Suggestions Concerning Methods of Psychologic Study, pp. 11, 1892. (10) Ai'e our Industi'ial Schools for Boys and Girls Reformatory? pp. 22, 1893. (11) Forest and Tree Culture in Wisconsin, pp. 44, 1893. (12) In Memoriam, Aaron Lucius Chapin, D. D., pp. 4, 1893. (13) Reformatories and Penitentiaries in Wisconsin, pp. 22, 1894. (14) Methods of Science as being in the Domain of Logic, pp. 15, 1895. (15) Memorial of Mrs. Herrick, pp. 4, 1895. (16) Memorial of Mrs. Doyon, pp. 4, 1895. (17) Reports on Christian Education, to the Wisconsin Convention, 1889-95, successively. (18) The Policy of Enlarging the Congregational Home Missionary Work in Wiscon- sin, pp. 16, 1895. (19) Beloit College in the Convention, pp. 10, 1895. (20) Lectures on Ethics, pp. 100; Logic, pp. 138, and Chris- tian Evidences — printed ior his classes. Moses Chase, A. M., Presbyterian, son of Ambrose and Hannah (Hoyt) Chase, was born March 14, 1796. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1820, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1823. Labored 94 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. a year or more in South Carolina. Ordained pastor, First Church, Plattsburg, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1826. Installed, Clinton, N. Y., July 22, 1835 ; dismissed, 1839. Installed, Congregational Church, West Brookfield, Mass., Jan. 7, 1842; dismissed, Oct. 28, 1843. General agent of the American Colonization Society for New York. Acting pastor, Mooers, X. Y., 1852-6; Brasher Falls, N. Y., 1857-9; Stockholm, N. Y., 1860-1. Without charge, Plattsburg, N. Y., 1861-78. A. M. from Middlebury College, 1826. Died, Norwood, K Y., Dec. 31, 1878. Married Mrs. Moore. Joshua Currier, Baptist, was born March 7, 1810. Graduated from the Theological Department of Madison University, 1838. Ordained as an evangelist at Canaan, Sept. 25, 1838. Missionary in Steuben Co., Indiana, with residence at Orland, 1838-40; Decatur and other counties, residing at Greensburg, 1840-8; pastor, La Motte, la., 1848-56; Monroe, la., 1857-60, laboring meanwhile wath other churches also ; and afterwards pastor at Harlan, la. About 1,000 were added to the churches under his care. Baptized about 475, 12 of whom entered the ministry. Man-ied Mila S., daughter of Cyrus and Betsey (Barney) Carpen- ter, at Guilford, Vt., Sept. 1838. Larned Lamb Eastman, Methodist, son of James and Polly (French) Eastman, was born March 12, 1813. Licensed to exhort. May 16, 1846, and to preach, by the Canaan Quarterly Conference, May 15, 1847. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Confer- ence, 1848. Ordained deacon by Bishop Morris, at Newmarket, May 12, 1850; and elder by Bishop Baker, at Nashua, June 13, 1852. Appointments. — Alexandria and Hebron, 1848; Alexandria, Hebron and Groton, 1849 ; Warren, Wentworth and Orford, 1850 ; Warren and Orford, 1851; Lancaster, 1852-3; Littleton, 1854-r5; Winchester, 1856-7 ; Raymond and Fremont, 1858-9 ; Amesbury, Mass., 1860-1 ; Peterborough, 1862-3 ; Sunapee, 1864-5 ; Methuen, Mass., 1866-8; Warren, 1869; superannuate, 1870; Moultonbor- ough, 1871-2; supernumerary, 1873-4; Groveton, 1875 ; supernu- merary, with residence, Methuen, Mass., 1876-8 ; supplying Hamp- stead, 1877; agent for Orphans' Home, Haverhill, Mass., 1878; superannuate, Haverhill, Mass., 1878-80, and Methuen, Mass., 1880-97. Died, Howard, R. L, Dec. 31, 1897. Married Lucy Ann, daughter of Henry and Huldah (Paddleford) Currier, at Canaan, April 8, 1839. She died, Howard, R. I., Jan. 2. 1904. CANAAN. 95 Stephen Eastman, Methodist, son of James and Polly (French) Eastman, was born Feb. 10, 1818. Licensed to preach, 1842. Ad- mitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1846. Ordained deacon by Bishop Hedding, at Manchester, June 25, 1848 ; and elder by Bishop Morris, at Newmarket, May 12, 1850. Appointments. — Hopkinton, 1845-6 ; Charlestown and North Charlestown, 1847; Walpole, 1848-9; Alexandria, Plebron and Groton, 1850-1 ; superannuate, 1852. Died, Hanover, March 14, 1853. Married Laura L. Loverin of Loudon, 1846. Caleb F'ales, Methodist, was born Nov. 6, 1804. Licensed to preach, 1830. Labored as colleague with Rev. J. Hazelton, Bethle- hem, 1831. Admitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1832. Ordained deacon by Bishop Emery, at Portsmouth, Aug. 2, 1835; and elder by Bishop Hedding, at Great Falls, July 9, 1837. Appointments.— Sandwich, 1832; Orford, 1833; Stratford, 1834; Loudon, 1835; Epping, 1836; Chester, 1837; and in Vermont: Weston, 1838-9 ; Proctorsville and Perkinsville, 1840-1 ; Spring- field, 1842-3; West Windsor, 1844-5; Barnard, 1846; East Bar- nard, 1847-8; Barre, 1849-50; Rochester, 1851-2; Randolph, 1853-4 ; Woodstock, Bridgewater and Quechee, 1855-6 ; Ilartland, 1857-8; Danville, 1859-60; Cabot, 1861 ; Craftsbury, 1862-3; Iras- burg, 1864; Hardwick, 1865; South Hardwick, 1866; Hardwick, 1867; Albany, 1868-70; Walden, 1871-2; South Walden, 1873; West Bradford, 1874 ; superannuate, 1875-82. Died, Lowell, Mass., June, 25, 1882. Manied (1) Susan Virgin of Concord. She died within a year. (2) Irene Willey of Epping. She died, Walden, Vt, Nov. 20, 1873. (3) Mrs. Elmira Pope of Hardwick, Vt., July 1875. She died March 26, 1879. William B. Kelley, Baptist, afterwards Congi-egationalist, was born about 1800. Ordained an evangelist at Peeling, now Danville, Dec. 31, 1832. Settled in Fremont, 1831-3. Elliot Sawyer Lamb, Free Baptist, son of Luther and Lucretia Lamb, was born May 26, 1810. When a child his parents moved to Vershire, Vt. Licensed to preach, Litchfield, Me., June 1840. Or- dained, Winthrop, Me., June 1842. Labored as evangelist in Win- throp, Danville, Auburn, Lewiston, Greene, Wayne, Turner and Pownal, Me. Pastor, Leeds, Me., 1841-63, and 1868-72; North Leeds, Me., 1872-5; Second Church, Weld, Me., 1880-8. Resi- 96 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. dence, Leeds, Me., 1827-73 ; and Weld, Me., 1873-88. Bred a car- penter and thus wrought more or less during his ministry. Died, Weld, Me., June 17, 1888. Married (1) Julia A. Stanley, May 28, 1833. She died, Nov. 22, 1872. (2) Rizilla Lawrence of Weld, Me., March 15, 1874. ErastUS Otis, Methodist, grandson of Robert and Margaret (Sabin) Otis, was born Oct. 1783. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1805. Ordained deacon by Bishop Asbury, at Boston, Mass., June 6, 1807; and elder by Bishops Asbury and McKen- dree, at Monmouth, Me., June 19, 1809. Appointments. — Xeedham, Mass., 1805 ; Sandwich and Scituate, Mass., 1806; Barnard and Rochester, Mass., 1807 ; Harwich, Mass., 1808; Falmouth, Mass., 1809-10; Marblehead, Mass., 1811; Ver- shire Cu-cuit, Vt., 1812 ; Weathersfield, Vt., 1813 ; located, 1814-15 ; Unity, 1816-17; presiding elder. New London District, 1818-21; Needham, Mass., 1822-3 ; Fairhaven, Mass., 1824 ; Sandwich and Falmouth, Mass., 1825; Tolland, Ct., 1826-7; Winchester, Mass., 1828; Brookfield, Mass., 1829; Granville, Mass., 1830; Northamp- ton, Mass., 1831; South Hadley, Mass., 1832; Springfield Factory Village, Mass., 1833; Pelham and Greenwich, Mass., 1834; Wai-e, Mass., 1835; Needham and Natick, Mass., 1836; Barnstable and Yarmouth, Mass., 1837 ; Athol, Mass., 1838 ; Peru and Cummington, Mass., 1839; located, 1840; superannuate, 1841-60. Died, Keno- sha, Wis., Aug. 20, 1860. Charles Walworth Richardson, Congregationalist, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Walworth) Richardson, was born Jane 11, 1801. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1831. Studied for the ministry. Ordained an evangelist, Franconia, "Nov. 4, 1835. Acting pastor, Bethlehem and Franconia, 1834-9 ; Lancaster, 1837- 40, but alternating with Bethlehem and Franconia, 1837-9; Cole- brook, 1840-5; Wihnot, March, 1849-50; Cooper, Me., 1852; and Northfield, Me., 1854-6. Without charge there, 1856-61 ; and Canaan, 1861-71. Died there, Nov. 16, 1871. Never married. George Richardson, Episcopalian, son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Walworth) Richardson, was born 1795. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1820. Teacher, Moor's Charity School, Hanover, 1820-1. Principal, New Hampton Institution, 1821-5. Ordained deacon by Rt. Rev. Bishop Alexander Viets Griswold, D. D., at Charlestown, March 17, 1825 ; and priest by the same, at the same place, July 26, CANAAN. 97 1828. Labored at Charlestown, June 5, 1825-8 ; also at Drews- ville. Died, Charlestown, March 16, 1829. Married Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Joseph Denison of Leyden, Mass. Asa Rundlett, Free Baptist, was born about 1820. Studied for the ministry at New Hampton. Began to preach about 1850. Pas- tor at Union Chapel, New London Four Corners, 1859-61. Held other pastorates in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Living in Connecticut in 1899. Especially successful as a revivalist and organizer. Married Sophia Greeley, daughter of Samuel and Sophia (Greeley) Gordon, March 8, 1846. Thomas Adonijah Stevens, Free Baptist, son of Joshua Nathan and Mary Walker (Colby) Stevens, was born April 11, 1837. Pre- paratory studies at Thetford (Vt.) Academy. Licensed to preach by the Strafford Quarterly Meeting, at Northfield, Vt., 1867. Or- dained, Plymouth, Vt., June 7, 1868, and pastor, Dec. 1867-70; River Church, Waterbury, Vt., March 19, 1871-3; FrankUn Church, Ouleout, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1874-7 ; West Oneonta, N. Y., April 1, 1877-81; Penfield, N. Y., April 17, 1881-3; also Bliss, N. Y., 1883-5 ; and Middlesex, N. Y., 1886-90. Labored as evangelist, for the Central Association, in New York and Pennsylvania, 1873-4. Without charge. Pike, N. Y., April, 1883-5; Keuka College, 1891- 1901-. Ordnance officer in the army three years. Delegate to the General Conference, 1876. Married (1) Catharine Holihan of North Andover, Mass., at Franklin, March 6, 1854. She died, Waterbury, Vt., F«b. 21, 1872. (2) Lillie Livonia Gelatt of Thompson, Pa., Sept. 30, 1874. John StOCker, Presbyterian, was born Nov. 29, 1800. Gradu- ated at Middlebury College, 1830. Teacher briefly. Studied for the ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, 1831-3. Ordained an evangelist by the Long Island Presbytery, Sept. 28, 1833. Mis- sionary, Miller's Place, L. I., 1833. Acting pastor. West Hampton, N. Y., 1834-5; Monticello, Ind., 1836-7; Bloommgton, la., 1839- 48. Died there, March 17, 1848. Sylvester P. Williams, Methodist, was bom April 16, 1809. Ad- mitted on trial to the New Hampshire Conference, 1830. Ordained deacon by Bishop Roberts, at Lyndon, Vt, Aug. 12, 1832; and elder, by Bishop Hedding, at West Windsor, Vt., Aug. 10, 1834. 7 98 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Appointments. — Bristol, 1830; JSTorthfield and Gilmanton, 1831; Bristol, 1832; Landaff, 1833; Lancaster, 1834-5; Rochester, Vt., 1836-7; Chelsea, Vt., 1838-9; Brookfield and Randolph, Vt., 1840-1; agent American Bible Society, 1842-3; presiding elder, Danville District, 1844-7; Newbm-y, Vt., 1848; Montpelier, Vt., 1849; Plattsburg, N. Y., 1850-1; Schuylerville, N. Y., 1852-3; Garretson Station, Albany, N". Y., 1854-5 ; presiding elder, Poult- ney District, Vt., 1856-9 ; Bennington, Vt., 1860 ; Levings Chapel, Troy, 1861-2; North and Center Chatham, K Y., 1863; Renssa- laerville, N. Y., 1864; supernumerary, 1865; Columbia and Sonora, Gal., 1866; Warrensburgh, N. Y., 1867-8; supernumerary, 1869; superannuate, Marengo, 111., 1870-4. Died there, Sept. 14, 1874. Married Persis, daughter of Nathaniel and Persis (Goodell) Par- tridge of Littleton, July 1834. She died at Newbury, Vt., April 1, 1848. CANDIA. Moses Bean, Free Baptist, was born 1779. Ordained, 1810. Pas- tor, Candia, 1810-37. Went to St. Joseph, Mich., 1837. Died there, Aug. 26, 1838. William Clifford, Methodist, was born Jan. 23, 1791. Class leader of his church, probably in Grantham, 1821-31. Moved to Montville, Me., 1831 ; and Palermo, Me., 1832. Began to preach, 1845. Founder of the Montville Cu-cuit Church, Me. Served in the War of 1812. Died, Montville, Me., June 11, 1881. Married (1) Sarah Batchelder, 1815. She died, Sept. 1817. (2) Mrs. Alice Churchill, March 21, 1819. She died, Feb. 18, 1869. Samuel Collins Beane, D. D., Unitarian, son of Joseph and Lydia Hayes (Collins) Beane, was born Dec. 19, 1835. Preparatory studies at the Gymnasium, Pembroke, and Phillips Andover Acad- emy. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1858, and Cambridge Divinity School, 1861. Ordained pastor, Chicopee, Mass., Jan. 15, 1862; dismissed, Oct. 1864. Installed, Second Church, Salem, Mass., Jan. 1, 1865 ; dismissed, Dec. 1, 1877. Installed Concord, Jan. 9, 1878; dismissed, June 1, 1885. Missionary of the Ameri- can Unitarian Association, for Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- mont, with residence,. Salem, Mass., June, 1885-8. Installed First Church, Newburyporty Mass., May 15, 1888, and so continues. D. D. from Dartmouth College, 1894. Married (1) Caroline Brooks, daughter of Nathan Sprague and Elmira (Whitney) Turner of Stowe, Mass., May 22, 1862. She died, CAKDIA. 99 Salem, Mass., Jan. 25, 1867. (2) Harriet Cook, daughter of Eph- i-aim amd Susan Trevitt (Prentiss) Gray, at Salem, Mass., Jan. 7, 1869. She died at Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 19, 1904. Publications. — (1) Sermon: Mysteries of the Spirit, 1881. (2) The Religion of Man-Making, 1882. (3) Memorial Discourse of Henry Whitney Bellows, 1882. (4) Oration at Dedication of Sol- diers' Monument, Candia, in Pamphlet of Proceedings, 1894. (5) Gen. Enoch Poor : Address before the N. H. Historical Society, 1900. John Dolbeer Emerson, Congregationalist, son of Hon. Abraham and Abigail (Dolbeer) Emerson, was born May 29, 1828. Prepara- tory studies at Pembroke Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth Col- lege, 1853, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1858. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Andover, Mass., Feb. 9, 1858. Principal of Blanchard Academy, Pembroke, 1853-5. Ordained pastor, Haverhill, Oct. 1, 1858 ; dismissed, Nov. 19, 1867. Installed, Second Church, Biddeford, Me., March 5, 1868; dismissed, Jan. 2, 1877, having closed labor, March 26, 1876. Acting pastor, Under- hill, Vt, Nov. 1876-83, and Jericho, Vt., 1877-81 ; First Church, Kennebunkport and South Kennebunkport, Me., 1883-7. Without charge, Kennebunkport, Me., 1887-8; Biddeford, Me., Sept. 9, 1888- 91 ; supplied occasionally Adams St. Baptist Church, Biddeford, 1888-9, and Pavilion church there, 1891, also teaching classes in Latin and Greek ; acting pastor, Robinston and Red Beach, Me., Oct. 1891-2. Without charge, Biddeford, April 1893-4. Supplied Peru, Vt, 1894; and Acton, Me., 1897. Died at Biddeford, Me., April 13, 1897. Married (1) Sarah Jane;, daughter of Dea. Samuel and Jane (Pillsbury) Dudley of Candia, June 2, 1859. She died, Haverhill, Sept. 15, 1862. (2) Mrs. Elizabeth (Emerson) Bell, widow of Dr. dharles Bell of Concord, and daughter of Dea. Nathaniel and Clara {Goodhue) Emerson of Hebron, Nov. 25, 1863. She died, Bidde- ford, Me., July 28, 1869. (3) Leila Frances, daughter of Nathan Otis and Susan (Lowe) Kendall of Biddeford, Me., Aug. 19, 1873. She survived him. Publications. — (1) Funeral Sermon : Charles McQuestion, Went- worth, July 16, 1864. (2) Funeral Sermon : Capt. Jerome B. Carr, North Haverhill, March 19, 1865. (3) Sermon: Mercantile Gam- bling, 1871. (4) Thanksgiving Sermon, 1871. (5) Address before the Maine Sunday School Convention, May 20, 1873. (6) Sermon: Sanctification, 1874. (7) Thanksgiving Sermon, 1874. (8) Sermon before the Maine Missionary Society, June 23, 1875. (9) Sermon : 100 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Christian Union, 1875. (10) Oration on the Sixtieth Anniversary of Blanchard Academy : The Ideal in Character, May 23, 1879. (11). School Reports : Biddeford, Me., 1874; and Jericho, Vt., 1880-2. (12) Sermon: The Living Temple. (13) Two Sermons: Charac- ter, 1879. (14) Sermons, 1875-81. (15) Funeral Sermon of Nel- lie J. Holmes of Underhill, Vt., Sept. 11, 1877. (16) Funeral Ser- mon of Mrs. Martha Ella Howe of Jericho Corner, Vt., Oct. 7, 1879. (17) Sermons : Christian in the Parable, 1880. (18) Funeral Ser- mon : The Three Worthies, March 9, 1880. (19) Sennon: Ask^ Seek, Knock, 1890. James Hill FittS, CongregationaUst, son of John and Abigail (Lane) Fitts, was born March 3, 1829. Preparatory studies in the' public schools, Candia, Pembroke Academy and Normal Institutes at Merrimack, and Lancaster, Mass. Teacher in the public schools- of New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, and Ashby Academy. Licensed to preach by the Penobscot Association, Bangor, Me., May 1857. Graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary, 1858; also resi- dent licentiate Andover Theological Seminary, 1870-1. Supplied Dixmont, Unity and Dexter, Me., 1857-8; and Boxboro, Mass.,. 1858-62. Ordained an evangelist, Candia, Nov. 2, 1859. Installed, West Boylston, Mass., Sept. 3, 1862; dismissed Oct. 11, 1870. In- stalled, Topsfield, Mass., June 22, 1871; dismissed, March 1880, Acting pastor. South Newmarket, now Newfields, April 18, 1880- 1900. Served under the Christian Commission in the Civil War,. 1863-4. Member of the school board, Boxboro, Mass., 1860-2 ; West Boylston, 1866-7; Topsfield, 1876-8; South Newmarket„ 1882-9, 1893-1900. " Represented South Newmarket in the Legis- lature, 1895. Was scribe of the Pascataqua Association, 1887-1900 ; president of the Rockingham County Temperance Association, 1889- 90 ; trustee, Newfields Library ; member of the New Hampshire Historical Society, and New England Historic-Genealogical Society. Died suddenly, Newfields, Nov. 22, 1900. Married Mary Celina, daughter of Dea. Coffin Moore and Dolly (Pillsbury) French of Candia, Jan. 1, 1862. She survived him. Publications. — (1) Annual school report every year when a mem- ber of the school board. (2) Genealogy of the Fitts Family in America, pp. 90, 1869. (3) Commemorative Services of the Semi- centennial Anniversary of the Sunday School, West Boylston, pp. 31, 1870. (4) Manual of the Congi-egational Church, West Boyls- ton, pp. 70, 1870. (5) Biogi-aphical Manual, 1871. (6) The Thomas Almanacs, reprinted from the Essex Institute Collections, 1874. (7) CANDIA. iOi A Sketch of South Newmarket, pp. 10, 1882 — in History of Rock- ingham and Strafford Counties. (8) Historical Address at the re- dedication of the Brick Meeting Hoiise, West Boylston, pp. 26, 1890. (9) Lane Genealogies, 3 vols. ; Vol. I, jointly with Rev. Jacob Chap- man, pp. 300, 1891 ; vol. II, pp. 300, 1897 ; Vol. Ill, pp. 439, 1900. George Henry French, Congi-egationalist, son of Dea. Coffin Moore and Dolly (Pillsbury) French, was born July 27, 1838. Prepara- tory studies at Phillips Andover Academy. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1863, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1868. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Lowell, Mass., Dec. 10, 1867. Supplied, Auburn, Mass., Sept. 1868-9. Resident licentiate, Andover Theological Seminary, Oct. 1869-71. Ordained pastor, Johnson, Vt., Nov, 8, 1871 ; dismissed, Dec. 24, 1877. Act- ing pastor, Ludlow, Vt., 1878-80; Charlestown, 1881-8; Meriden, 1888-92. Without charge, 1892-4. Acting pastor, Park Hill, West- moreland, Dec. 1894-1905-. Married Fannie Ella, daughter of William and Nancy (Wood) Kilburn, at Worcester, Mass., Sept. 28, 1871. Publication. — Souvenir of Kimball Union Academy, 1894. Samuel Franklin French, Congregationalist, son of Dea. Coffin Moore and Dolly (Pillsbury) French, was born Dec. 22, 1835. Preparatory studies at Phillips Andover Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1860, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1864. At Washington, D. C, 1860-1. Biiefly served the Chris- tian Commission on the Potomac, 1864. Licensed to preach by the Derry and Manchester Association, Jan. 12, 1864. Ordained pastor, Hamilton, Mass., Sept. 29, 1864; dismissed, Oct. 2, 1871. Installed, Tewksbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1871; dismissed, Oct. 25, 1882. Installed, Wallingford, Vt., Dec. 12, 1883; dismissed May 3, 1892. Without charge, Derry Depot, Jan. 1892-3. Acting pastor, Pres- byterian Church, Londonderry, Feb. 26, 1893-4 ; installed pastor, Oct. 23, 1894, and so continues, with residence West Derry. Married Martha Jane, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Hardy) Upton of Andover, Mass., Dec. 22, 18(>4. She died at Londonderry, May 24, 1902. Publication. — Sermon: Man-iage, 1874. David Pillsbury Harriman, Free Baptist, son of Rev. David and Lucy Harriman, was born Jan. 31, 1818. Preparatory studies at New Hampton Institution and Parsonsfield (Me.) Seminary. Gradu- ated at Bowdoin College, 1843. Licensed to preach by the Bowdoin 102 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Quarterly Meeting, 1840. Ordained an evangelist, Pascoag, R. L^ May 10, 1845. Pastor, Pascoag Church, Burrillville, R. I, 1844-7,. and 1851-6; Saccarappa, Me., May 1847-9; Danielsonville, Ct, May 1856-7; South Berwick, Me., also teaching April 1857-60. Without charge, 1860-1. Pastor, Strafford Centre, also teaching,. April 1861-4. Recording secretary of the Foreign Missionary So- ciety six years; and member of its executive committee seven years. Delegate to the General Conference, 1850. Died, Strafford Ridge,. June 23, 1864. Married S. Adelia Hobson of Buxton, Me., May 1846. Simon Leavitt HobbS, M, D. Congregationalist, son of Thomas and Abigail (Leavitt) Hobbs, was born April 24, 1813. Preparatory studies at PhiUips Exeter and Phillips Andover Academies. Grad- uated at Berkshire Medical Institute, Pittsfield, Mass., 1852. Mis- sionary of the American Board to the Choctaw Indians, Lenox, Indian Territory, Jan. 1853-61. Ordained an evangelist, Sept. 13, 1854. Acting pastor, Southville, Mass., Oct. 1863-9; Erwmg, Mass., 1869- 72. Missionary, Lenox, Indian Territory, Oct. 1872-6, and 1883. Without charge, Amherst, Mass., 1876-83. Died, Lenox, I. T., Sept. 1, 1883. Married Mary Cornelia L., daughter of Chauncey and Polly (How- land) Sears of Lenox, Mass., Nov. 26, 1852. She died, Lenox, I. T., Aug. 12, 1883. Charles Lawrence Hubbard, Congregationalist, son of John Pike and Adeline (Eaton) Hubbard, was born July 4, 1839. Prepara- tory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1859-61. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1865, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1868. Licensed to preach by the Andover Association, at Lowell, Mass., Dec. 10, 1867. Ordained pastor, Merrimack, Sept. 2, 1868; dis- missed, Nov. 12, 1878. Installed, West Boxford, Mass., Jan. 15, 1879-1905-. Chaplain, New Hampshire Legislature, 1872-3. Pri- vate, Twelfth Vermont Regiment of Volunteers, Aug. 1, 1862 to- July 14, 1863. Married Emma, daughter of L^ri and Mary A. (Rogers) Chandler of Fairlee, Vt., Sept. 9, 1867. Henry Samuel Kimball, Free Baptist, afterwards Congregational- ist, son of Samuel and Mary (Smith) Kimball, was born Sept. 15, 1839. Preparatory studies at Pinkerton Academy and New Hamp- ton Institution. Studied for the ministry at the Methodist General Biblical Institute, Concord, and New Hampton Institution. Or- CANDIA. 103 dained, Sutton, May 31, 1866, and pastor, 1866-71 ; Alton, 1871-3 ; Lake Village, 1873-6; Lynn, Mass., 1876-7. Became a Congrega- tionalist in 1877. Acting pastor, Boylston, Mass., 1877-82 ; Roch- ester, 1882-4; Dayville, Ct, 1884-9; Ilyannis and West Yar- mouth, Mass., 1892-7 ; Troy, 1898-1905-. Was superintendent of schools in Sutton, Alton and Gilford. Agent of the New England Home for Little Wanderers, Boston, 1889-92. Married Carrie Lucretia, daughter of William and Caroline (Durant) Belcher, April 10, 1862. James Pillsbury Lane, Congregationalist, son of Dr. Isaiah and Frances (Batchelder) Lane, was bom Sept. 8, 1832. Prepara- tory studies at Pembroke and Kimball Union Academies, 1851-3. Graduated at Amherst College, 1857. Missionary, Troy and West- field, Vt., 1858-9. Licensed to preach by the Orleans (Vt.) Associ- ation, 1859. Resident licentiate at Andover Theological Seminar^', 1860. Ordained pastor. East Weymouth, Mass., Jan. 10 1861 ; dis- missed, Jan. 25, 1866. Installed, Free Church, Andover, Mass., April 4, 1866; dismissed, April 19, 1870. Installed, Bristol, R, I., Jan. 11, 1871 ; dismissed, June 22, 1880. Without charge, Hyde Park, Mass., 1880-1. Installed, Norton, Mass., Jan. 10, 1882 ; dis- missed, Sept. 1, 1888. Secretary of board of trustees and book committee, and compiler of catalogue of Rogers Free Library, Bristol, R. I. Director of the Rhode Island Home Missionary Soci- ety, 1873-80. Editor, Church and Jlome^ monthly, Norton, Mass., 1882-8. Chaii-man of School Committee, Bristol, R. I., 1875-9. Died, Hyde Park, Mass., Jan. 6, 1889. Married Emma Louisa, daughter of Benjamin L. and Mary (Sar- gent) Pillsbury of Ilampstead, Jan. 1, 1861. Publications. — (1) Sermon : Memorial of Dr. Bragg, Naval Sur- geon, 1867. (2) Memorial Sermon of Emily Frances Manchester : Resting in the Lord, 1877. (3) Memorial Sermon of William B. Spooner : A Good Name, 1879. (4) Manual and History of the Congre- gational Church, Bristol, R. I., 1872. (5) Land Colonies of Massa- chusetts Bay Colony. (6) Hampton Lane Family Memorial. Peter Moore, Baptist, afterwards Christian, was born Dec. 3, 1751. Began to preach about 1791. Ordained, Deerfield. Residence, Deerfield, 1791-1817. Then moved to Winthrop, Me., and after- wards to Vienna, Me. About this time joined the Christians, preach- ing regularly till three weeks before his death. Died, Sept. 9, 1835. Married about 1775. His wife survived him. 104 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. Moses Palmer, Methodist, was born 1815. Licensed a local preacher and employed on the Derby (Vt.) Circuit, 1836. Went to Springfield, Mass. Supplied East Windsor Cu-cuit, 1837. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1838. Ordained deacon by Bishops Soule and Hedding, at Lowell, Mass,, July 5, 1840 ; and elder by Bishop Waugh, at Springfield, Mass., July 3, 1842. Appointments. — Tolland and Bolton, Ct., 1838; Yarmouth Port, Mass., 1839 ; Maiden Centre, Mass., 1840 ; Williamsburg Ck- cuit, Mass., 1841; Hatfield, Mass., 1842; Charlemont and Shelburne Falls, Mass., 1843 ; Blandford and Becket, Mass., 1844 ; superannu- ate, 1845; Greenwich, Mass., 1846; superannuate, 1847-50. Died, Palmer, Mass., March 18, 1850. Married , and wife survived him. Moses Patten, Congregationalist, son of Moses and Hannah (Eaton) Patten, was born July 4, 1824. Preparatory studies at Pembroke Academy. Graduated at Dartmouth College, 1850, and Andover Theological Seminary, 1855. Teacher, Gloucester (Mass.) High School, 1850-2. Licensed to preach by the Derry Association, at Atkinson, Feb. 6, 1855. In Valparaiso, S. A., 1856. Supplied briefly. West Dracut, now Pawtucketville, Mass., 1857-8 ; Raymond, 1858-9, and Candia, 1859. Ordained pastor, Townsend, Mass., June 7, 1860 ; dismissed. May 21, 1863. Without charge, Byfield, Mass., 1863-4. Acting pastor, Plympton, Mass., 1864-7; West Dracut, Mass., 1868-70; Carlisle, Mass., 1870-5; Greensboro, Vt., 1876-7; installed there, Nov. 21, 1877 ; dismissed, Dec. 15, 1880. Acting pastor, Rochester, Vt., 1881-3 ; Ripton, Vt., 1883-7, and Danby, Vt, May 1887-8. Without charge, Hooksett, 1888-1905. Died there, Feb. 12, 1905. Mamed (1) Mrs. Lydia Sawin, widow of John Safford Parsons and daughter of Alexander and Miranda (Howe) Eames of Byfield, Mass., Nov. 26, 1863. She died, Ripton, Vt., June 1, 1884. (2) Mrs. Lydia Stearns, widow of Joseph T. Goss of Hooksett, and daugh- ter of Simeon and Lydia (Bailey) Stearns, at Hooksett, Aug. 12, 1885. Publication. — Treatise on Infant Baptism, 1900. James Gordon Smith, Advent, son of Jonathan and Susan (Bean) Smith, was born May 14, 1817. Ordained, Ossipee, 1842 or 1843. Labored in New Hampshu-e, Vermont, Maine, Canada, New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, as pastor or itinerant. Residence, Ossipee, 1841-5; Meredith, 1845-63; New Durham, 1863-70; Farmington, 1870-81; and New Hampton, 1881-1903-. CANTEEBUKY. 105 Married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Fannie Buzzell ^Colcord) Prescott of Kensington, Jan. 7, 1841. Horace French Young, Free Baptist, son of Aaron and Laura Jane (Hall) Young, was born July 25, 1855. Prepai'atory studies at Starke Seminary, Eddytown, N. Y., 1879-80. Graduated at Cobb Divinity School, Lewiston, Me., 1887. Licensed to preach at West Lebanon, Me., May 20, 1881. Ordained, Bow Lake, Strafford, June 1, 1882. Pastor there, April 1, 1881-4; Lisbon Falls, Me., 1884-7; Water- loo, la., Aug. 1, 1887—8. Professor of natural sciences, Parker Col- lege, Winnebago City, Minn., 1888-90, and pastor there, Sept. 11, 1888-90. Preached his last sermon at Dele van, Minn., July 13, 1890. Returned to Wilton, Oct. 1890, and died there, Nov. 30, 1890. Married Annie Augusta, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Lydia Ann (Hart) Remick, at Wilton, May 1, 1881. ■ CANTERBLTRY. Jonathan Ayers, Congregation alist, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Haines) Ayers, was born Feb. 18, 1811. Preparatory studies at Boscawen and Hopkinton Academies. Graduated at Gilmanton Theological Seminary, 1841. Licensed to preach, 1843. Acting pastor, Loudon, 1843-4. Milling and farming, Canterbury, 1844-67. Residence, Concord, 1867-71. Town clerk, Canterbury, 1844-5; selectman, 1845-6. Represented Canterbury in the Legislature, 1850-1. Died, Concord, June 1, 1871. Married Mary, daughter of Dea. Thomas and Mary (McGregor) Rogers, at Derry, March 22, 1839. She died, Concord, Jan. 25, 1893. Walter Howard Ayers, Congregationalist, son of Joseph Sherburne and Lucy (Emery) Ayers, was born April 26, 1845. Preparatory studies at Kimball Union Academy, 1863-4. Graduated at Dart- mouth College, 1868, and L^nion Theological Seminary, 1871. Act- ing pastor. New Vineyard, Me., 1869; Andover and Durham, Me., 1870-1; Bethel, Me., May 14, 1871-2; Winooski, Yt., 1872. Or- dained an evangelist there, July 16, 1872. Acting pastor, Castleton, Yt., 1873-4. Installed, Lebanon, July 7, 1874; dismissed, Sept. 25, 1875. Traveling and studying in Europe, 1875-7. Acting pastor, Hudson, Wis., 1877-8; La Salle, 111., 1879-81. Without charge, laboring pai*t of the time as evangelist, 1881, and after. 106 N. H. NATIVE MINISTRY. George Saunders Bradley, A. M., Free Baptist, afterward a Con- gregationalist, 8on of John Langdon and Hannah (Mason) Bradley, was born May 28, 1830. Preparatory studies at Sanbornton Bridge and Gilmanton Academies, 1845-9. Student, Michigan Central Col- lege, Spring Ai-bor, Mich., meanwhile teaching also, 1849-53, and Obei'lin Seminary, 1856, graduating. Tutor, Hillsdale College, Mich., 1856-9, Licensed to preach by the Hillsdale Quarterly Meet- ing, at Wheatland, Mich., 1857, and ordained at North Parsonsfield,, Me., July 5, 1860. Principal, Parsonsfield Seminary, and pastor of the church, 1859-61 ; pastor, Mount Pleasant, Wis., and teacher of a private school, 1861-4. Chaplain, Twenty-second Regiment of Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 1864-5 ; also. Third Division, Colo- nel Coburn's Brigade, Twentieth Army Corps. Pastor, Mt. Pleasant,, Wis., 1865-7; one of the founders, and principal of Rochester Sem- inary, 1867-9; organized a church there and became its pastor,, preaching also in the seminary and neighboring places ; principal,. Evansville Seminary, and preaching at Evansville and Storytown, 1869-75; editor, Evansville Journal^ 1875; principal, Wilton Col- legiate Institute, la., 1875-7 ; superintendent of public schools, Wilton, also supplying Wilton and neighboring churches, 1877-80. Became a Congregationalist, and was pastor, McPherson, Kan.,. 1880-2; Fort Scott, Kan., 1882-3; Bedford, la., 1883-4; Fonta- nelle and Pleasant Grove, 1884-7; Hudson, Mich., 1887-94; with- out charge, Hillsdale, Mich., 1894-5; pastor, Grand Ledge, Mich., 1895-7 ; without charge, Hillsdale, 1897-1900. Was a trustee of Hills- dale College; delegate to the National Council, 1892; and chairman. Missionary Committee, Michigan Southern Association for several years. Western editor of the Morning /Star many years. Died at Hillsdale, Mich., Aug. 8, 1900. Man-ied Sally Ann, daughter of William and Mary (Earl) Weaver, Dec. 12, 1858. She survived him. Publications. — (1) The Star Corps, — Notes by the Way, as Army Chaplain, pp. 304, 1866. (2) Many sermons, lectures and slavery stories. Uriah Chase, Free Baptist, son of Levi and Sarah (Page) Chase, was born Sept. 28, 1819. Preparatory studies at Gilmanton Acad- emy. Began to preach, Jan. 1843. Licensed to preach by the New Durham Quarterly Meeting, May 1843. Labored as evangelist, 1843-50. Ordained, East Parsonsfield, Me., March 14, 1850. Pastor, Limington, Me., April, 1850-1; Raymond, Me., April 1851-2; Buxton, Me., April 1852-4; Parsonsfield and Cornish, Me., April tci CANTERBURY. lOT Nov. 1854; Alton, Nov. 1854-6; Upper Gilmanton, now Belmont^ April 1857-61; East Andover, April 1861-3 ; Wolfeborough, April 1863-4; Nottingham, April 1864-5; Strafford, April 1865-6; Bar- rington, April 1866-8 ; Epsom, April 1868-9; Shapleigh, Me., April 1869-70; Raymond, Oct. 1870-4; Brownfield, Me., Oct. 1874-6 r. Madison, May 1876-80. Without charge, Parsonsfield, Me., May 1880-1; Raymond, Me., April 1881-3; West Buxton, Me., April 1883-4 ; Hollis, Me., May 1884-5. Died, Waterboro, Me., Aug. 1,. 1888. Married (1) Harriet Ann, daughter of John and Susan (Weeks) Kimball of Northfield, Oct. 25, 1855. She died, Andover, Nov. 18, 1862. (2) Lizzie Guilford of Saco, Me., Feb. 17, 1863. William Plummer Chase, Free Baptist, afterwards Baptist, son of Levi and Sarah (Page) Chase, was born May 31, 1812. Preparatory studies at Gilmanton Academy. Began to preach, 1833. Licensed to preach by the New Durham Quarterly Meeting, at Barnstead, Aug. 20, 1833. Ordained, Canterbury, Oct. 23, 1834. Pastor, War- rensburg and Caldwell, N. Y., 1835-8; Fort Ann, N. Y., 1838-40; East Weare, 1840-1; Limerick, Me., 1841-3. Health failing, on a farm, preaching occasionally, 1843-63. Moved to Canterbury, 1853. Supplied briefly, Northfield, Canterbury, Loudon, Chichester, Weare and other places. Residence, New Hampton, supplying briefly, Andover, 1857-61. Supplied in Vermont, 1861-3. Became a Bap- tist, 1863. Engaged in fruit raising, also supplying vacant Baptist pulpits. South Vineland, N. J., 1868-74. Died there, Feb. 4, 1874. Married Sarah Ann Morehouse of Warrensburg, N. Y., May 12, 1836. Benjamin Clement Eastman, Methodist, son of Benjamin and Susannah (Clement) Eastman, was born June 16, 1788. Admitted on trial to the New England Conference, 1825. Ordained deacon by Bishop Hedding, at Lisbon, June 10, 1827; and elder by the same, at Portsmouth, June 14, 1829. Appointments.— Barnard, Vt., 1825; Weathersfield, Vt., 1826-7; Unity, 1828-9; Northfield and Gilmanton, 1830 ; Rochester, 1831-2 ; supernumarary, 1833; Henniker and Deering, 1834-5; Henniker, 1836; supernumarary, supplying Grantham, 1837-8; supplying Grantham and Newport, 1839, and North Charlestown, 1840-1; Grantham, 1842 ; superannuate, 1843. Withdrew from Conference, and without charge. Concord, except two years at Deering, 1844-58^ Died, Concord, July 12, 1858. 108 N. H. NATIVE MmiSTEY. Married (1) Rebecca Gamage of Fryeburg, Me. She died, Oct. •6, 1822. (2) Mary Eastman Warren of Rochester, Oct. 1833. She -