C ATAlO^W'DF TOOKS IN.THE, mMMSt'Wrm'WiNDON siiCOUNTmCOUNCIL MMMiiiiM THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES /(f ' Vjl' ^9 2s LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. CATALOGUE C OF THE CONTENTS OF THE LIBRARY. COMPILED BY THE CLERK OF THE COUNCIL, AND PRINTED FOR THE USE OF MEMBERS. PIUNTED FOR THE COUNCIL BY JAS. TRUSCOTT AND SON, LTD., SUFFOLK LANE, B.C. [l.c. 15 M\ ,<^ .1^ z 2oa4 HISTORICAL RECORDS AND BUILDINGS COMMITTEE. 1902-3. Chairman. R. W. Granville-Smith, j.p Vicr-Chai7'man. «2 Frederick Dolman. UJ oa Chairman of the Council. John McDougall, j.p. Vice-Chair man of the Council. y The Right Hon. the Lord Monkswell. lO' S Bejndy-ChairmatL of the Council. Henry Clarke, j.p. C3 Bruce, W. W. Low, Sidney. z S Gilbert, J. D. MacDonald, J. R, OS gg Harben, H. a. Mullins, W. E. HoRNiMAN, E. J. Radford, G. H. Leaf, W., D.Lit, Smith, A. Little, J. Fletcher. Swinton, Capt. G. S. C. Webb, Sidney. INTKODUCTION. The Council's Library consists of all books belonging to the Council and shelved in the Library, the Committee rooms, the rooms set apart for the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Deputy-Chairman, and the Officers' rooms at the County Hall, or attached to the County Hall. These latter, although primarily for the special use of the department in which they are located, are always held available for other use as occasion demands, and when they have fulfilled the immediate purpose for which ths}^ are supplied, and are no longer in constant use in that particular department, they are removed to the Library. For some time past the number of books in the Library has been steadily increasing, fresh purchases being continually made in accordance with a scheme approved on 18th November, 1897, by the Establishment Committee, which at that time had charge of the Library, a function now performed by the Historical Records and Buildings Committee. In accordance with this scheme it is provided that the Library shall consist of nine sections, as follows : (1) Municipal histories and records, (2) London histories and records, (8) Local government, (4) London local government, (5) Local taxation, (6) London local taxation, (7) Statistics, (8) Local government services, (9) General reference books. Section 1 (Municipal histories and records) is to contain the published records of the counties and municipalities of the countr}', together with the municipal histories. Section 2 (London histories and records) is to consist of the principal histories of London as a whole, histories of the various parishes in London, and the published records of the Corporation of the City, of the County of Middlesex, and those parishes which have published their records. This section is also to include a vi INTRODUCTION. selection as complete as possible of maps of London and Acts of Parliament relating- to London. Section 3 (Local g-overnment) is to consist of — (L) Those treatises on the history, functions, and powers of local government published both at home and abroad, including those eeneral treatises on economics which contain sections on local government. (2.) Accounts and publications of local government author- ities. Section l (London local government) is to consist of those books relating to London local government in particular, including pub- lished works on the general subject and particular reports and documents published by Parliament and by the local authorities in London. Section 5 (Local taxation) is to consist of the general treatises on local taxation, published by recognised authorities on the subject, together with particular reports and documents published by Parliament and by local authorities. Section 6 (London local taxation) is to consist of published Avorks on local taxation of London, parliamentary reports and documents, and accounts and I'eports of local authorities. Section 7 (Statistics) is to consist of statistical piiblications, both parliamentary, local and general, which deal with matters primarily relating to London, to local government and taxation, and to matters whicli concern the administration of local affairs. Section 8 (Local government services) is to consist of treatises publi>lu'd by recognised authorities on snch subjects as light railways, electric lighting, drainage, bridges, food supply, markets, water supply, fire brigades, lunacy, and other services which are administered )»y local government, together with the parliamentary reports and other publications which come in the same category. Section 9 (General reference books) is to consist of those necessary dictionaries and general works of legal and technical reference which it may be advisaVjle to have for the use of the Council. At the present time the Library does not in its various sections answer to all these requirements in the same degree of com- pleteness. Efforts are being made, however, to remedy the LiVjrary's deficiencies, and render it as useful as possible to members of the Council. With regard to the use of the Library l)y members of the INTRODUCTION. Vll Council, it may be mentioned that the Library is available, not only as a reference Library, but also as a lendviuj Library in accordance with regulations a})proved by the Historical Eecords and Buildings Committee. These regulations are as follows : — 1. The Council's Library consists of all books belonging to the Council and shelved in the Library, the Committee rooms, the Chairman's room, the Vice-Chairman's room, the Deputy-Chairman's room, and officers' rooms at the County Hall, or attached to the County H-all. 2. The books shelved in officers' rooms are primarily for the special use of the department to which they belong, but shall be held available for other use as occasion demands. 3. The books shelved in the Library are for the use of members of the Council and chief officers of the Council. 4. All applications for books under Rule 3 are to be made to the Librarian, and no book is to be taken away except on such application. 5. Each book borrowed is to be returned to the Librarian within one month from the date of its being issued. 6. Dictionaries and similar books of reference are to be returned on the same day as they are borrowed, 7. Each borrower is to sign a receipt, on the printed form provided for the purpose, for each book taken out of the Library, which receipt is to be delivered to the borrower when the book is returned. 8. Members of the Council or others who wish to recom- mend books for the Library are requested to enter the particulars thereof in the " Desiderata " book which is placed on the Library table. For some considerable time past the absence of a catalogue of the contents of the Library has greatly detracted from its useful- ness. As far back as 1895 the Council approved of the printing of a catalogue of the books belonging to the Council, which at the time I was in process of compiling. The catalogue was to be a bibliographical one, containing, besides the title, a list of the contents of each work so far as they related to London and local government matters, and an index of subjects. Moreover, a catalogue of all the most important manuscripts, plans, and docu- ments in the Council's record rooms, some dating from the reign of Queen Elizabeth, was ordered to be prepared and added to the Vlll INTUODUCTION. catalogue. Steps were at once taken to have the work put in hand, but owing to the great pressure of work of a more important nature in the Statistical Department, of which I was then chief officer, it proved impossible for that amount of time and attention to be devoted to it which was necessary for its prompt completion. It is therefore only after a considerable delay that the book makes its appearance. Since the reorganiza- tion of the work of the Library, consequent on its transfer to the department of the Clerk of the Council, however, the progress has relatively been much more rapid, and the last five months have seen more than half of the catalogue through the press. . The exio-encies of the Council's work as a whole, and the extended period during which the issue of the book has proceeded, have necessitated the details of the work being entrusted to several officers in succession, and this fact will sufficiently account for auv inconsistencies which may possibly be apparent in the com- pleted work. During the time which has elapsed since the first sheets of the catalogue were sent to press, there have been many additions to the Libraiy, and it is proposed to follow up the issue of this catalo<^ue with a supplement containing the books which have been added, the subject index, a list of maps and engravings, and the catalogue of important manuscripts, etc. It is hoped that this volume will be issued in a few months' time. In conclusion, I wish to make acknowledgment of the assistance rendered to me during the printing of the first portion of the catalogue by Mr. P. E. Braun, of the Local Government and Statistical Department, who showed great interest in the work, and spared no pains to make it a success. Latterly the execution of the work has been supervised by j\lr. W. W. Braines, the Librarian, under my direction, and I am much indebted for his valuable help. G. L. GOMME, Cleric of the Council, Cou.NTY Hall, Spking Gakdens, S.W., Uh June, 1902. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. Abbott (John William) A histoiy of London from the earliest period to the present time, with some account of the pi'esent state of its most important public buikling-s. London, 1821. 8vo, pp. 26L 1 plate. Contents, intiT alia : Estimate of d.amage done by the great fire^- Description of the City wards— Ecclesiastical and civil government — Olficera of the Corporation. Abel (Professor F. A.) Electricity applied to explosive purposes. Sea Preece (W. H.). Accountants find Auditors, Society of, List of members, extracts from the articles and bye-laws. London, 1893. Sm. 8vo, pp. 115. Acland (Arthur H. D.) and H. Llewellyn Smith, Studies in secondary education. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 334. Contents : — • The educational problem of to-day H. Llewellyn Smith. The growth of our school system ... G.R.Benson. Report of the schools inquiry commission G. R. Benson. „ . T^ 1 ] I G. R. Benson and Recent progress m England I h. Llewellyn Smith. Working of the technical instruction acts in ( pj^^,,.^, Hobhousc, M.P. Somerset ... ... ... ... ••• I Working of the intermediate education act iu \ Arthur 11. D. Acland Wales I M.P. Secondary education in London— Boys H. Llewellyn Smith. —Girls Clara E. Collet. Secondary e. A treatise on the law of contracts. Eiglitli edition. London, 1883. Svo, pp. cxxvi., 1467. The same — ninth edition. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. cxxiv., 1367. ^Vronsfs and theii- remedies, being a treatise on the law of Torts. Third edition. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xcvii., 1162. The same — another edition. London, 1879. 8\'o, pp. Ixxxv., 810. The same — sixth edition. London, 1887. Sro, pp. xc, 895. Addresses, remonstrances and petitions to the Throne, commencing the 28tli October, 1760, with the answex's thereto. London, 186.5. 8vo, pp. 345. Addresses presented to Lord Denman, and his Lordship's answers, with the proceedings on his first accession to office. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. iv., 71. Adolphus 'John Leycester) Reports of cases in the Court of King's Bench, (bee iJai-newall (R. Y.). and Thomas Flower Ellis, Reports of cases argued and determined in llie Court of King's and Queen's Bench. London, 1835-1856. 8vo, vol. i.-xii. ; new series, vol. i. -xviii., 30 vol. Adulteration of Food Act, 1872, Report from the select com. mittee on, together with tlie pi'oceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and Appendix. 1874. Fo., pp. xxvi., 459. AgUS (^ Ralph) Ci vitas Londinium, a survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the boi-ough of Southwark, and parts adja- cent, in the i-eign of Queen Elizabeth. \\y W. H. Overull and Vj. J. Francis. London, 1874. 4to, pp. 30, and folding map. Aikin f^John) History of the environs of London, containing an historical and topographical account of .... all the tcnvns, villages and country within twenty-five miles of the Metropolis. London, 1811. 4to, pp. viii., 811 [7]. Contents : General account of Miildlesex — of Surrey — of Kent — of Essex — of Hertfordshire — the Thames — the Navif^ahle canals — the New river — Middlesex (4S towns)— Surr'-y (3G towns)— Kent (117 towns) — K.ssex (136 towns) — Herts ()i'A towns) — Maps of Mifldlesex, country around London, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertfonlshire, the Thames, the Canals ; \'> plates. Albany, City of. Proceedings of the Board oi Commissioners of the Washington Park, from 14th January, 1884, to 14th January, l.'^.^9. inr-lrsive. Albany. 1889. 8vo, pp. 202. Alderson (Edward Hall) Reports of cases in the Court of King's 13euL-li. See iiaruewall (R.V.). Aldgate, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1740-1888. Lomlon. Folio. Contents : Church, 1740— Docks, 1825, 1829, 1830— Improvements, 1812, 1813, 18U, 181G— raving, 1771, 18u7— Poor rate, ISlU, 1811— Tithes, 1871), 1881, 1888. Alexander (Sir James Edward) Cleopatra's needle, the obelisk of Alexandria, its acquisition and removal to England described. London, 1879. 8vo, pp. xvi., 109. Allen (Alfred H.) Commercial organic analysis : a treatise on the properties, proximate analytical examination, and modes of assaying the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufactures, medicine, with concise methods for the detection and determination of their impurities, adulterations and products of decomposition. London. 8vo, 4 vol. Vol. I. (1885.) pp. xi., 476. Vol. II. (1886.) pp. xi., 583. Vol. III.— Part I. (1«89.) pp. viii.. 431. Vol. III.— Part II. (1892.) pp. viii., 584. Allen (Thomas) History and antiquities of London, Westminster, tSouthwark, and parts adjacent. London, 1827. 8vo, 4 vol. Vol. I., pp. viii., 468 [16]. 13 plates. Vol. II., pp. viii., 589. 30 plates. Contents, infer alia : Account of the civil government of the City — Account of the twelve principal companies of the City — Historical and topographical account of London, Blackfriars, Westminster, Water- loo, anil Southwark bridtjes. Vol. III., pp. X., 788. 83 plates. Contents, inter alia : History and topography of the City wards. Vol. IV., pp. ix., 574. 32 plates. Contents, intrr alia : History and topography of the parishes — List of princijjal books that have been published in illustration of the History of London. The History and antiquities of the parish of Lambeth and the archiepiscopal palace, in the county of Surrey. London, 1826. 8vo, pp. 458. Illustrated. Contents : Etymology — Boundaries and extent — Rectory and Rectors — Church — Monuments and epitaphs —Historical occurrences — Collegiate church — Manor of I;anibeth — Lambeth palace — Manors of Kennington, Vauxhall, Stockwell, Lambetli Wyke, Levehurst, Boddileys, Upgrove, and Scarletts — St. John's district — St. Marj^'s district — St. Mark's district — St. Matthew's district — St. Luke's district. Allnutt (Z.) Accounts of the navigation of the rivers and canals, ■west of Londoii, comprising important and interesting parti- culars of information, with tables of distances, time of navigating, and prices of cari-iage on each river and canal. Henley [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 20. 1 map. Contents : Thames — Isis — Wey — Basingstoke canal — Keunet — Wilts and Berks canal — Kennet and Avon canal— Avon — Thames and Severn canal — Stroud canal — Berkley and Gloucester canal — Severn — Canals and rail- roads in South Wales. Allport (Doug'las) Collections illustrative of the geology, history, anti(|uitii's and associations of Camberwell and the neighbour- hood. Camberwcll, 1841. 8vo, pp. xvi., 255 [5]. 11 plates. Contents, //i^r (ilia: Ikuiimn camp — Etymoloqfies — IManor? — Church of St. Giles — Monuments and Iiiscriptious — Asylums, &;c. - Dulwich. Alphand (A.) TiPS promenades de Paris. Paris, 1867 — 1873. Folio, 2 vol." Vol. T. Toxte. pp. X. [12] lix., 245 [cvi.] Vol.11, rianrhes. Xotc du dii'ccteur des travaux de Paris sur la situation da service des eaux at egout'* et sur les me.sures a proposer au conseil municipal. Paris, 1879. 4to, pp. 264. Maps and plans. Ambulator ; or, a pocket companion in a tour round Loudon within a circuit uf 25 miles. London, 1800. 8vo, pp. xii., 252. Contents, inter uliti : Origin and extent of London — Government — Parks and Palaces — Principal buiUlings and offices — Bridges— Museums. Analyst, The, including the proceedings of the Society of Public Analysts, a monthly journal devoted to the advancement of the analysis of food and drugs and of general analytical and microscopical research. London, 1885-1893. Vol. x.-xviii. 8vo. 9 vol. (^Continuing.) Anderson ^William) Generation of steam and the thermo-dynamic problems involved. See Heat. Annual Practice, being a collection of the statutes, orders, and rules relating to the general practice, procedure, and juris- diction of the Chancery and Queen's Bench Divisions of the High Court of Justice, and on appeal therefrom to the Court of Appeal, and to the House of Lords. With copious notes, forms, &c. London, 1884-95. 8vo, 12 vol. {Continuing.) Ansted (^ Professor D. T.) Water and water supply, chiefly in reference to the JJiitisli Islands. London, 1878. 8vo, pp. xii., 580, Crmtenis: Physical properties cf water — Rainfall, evaporation, and perco- lation — Dniinaf^e areas, rivers ana river basins — Drainage system of the Thaines — I'raina^e areas of the south of England — The basin of the Severn anil tlir; Welsh coast draina'jc — Di'aitiage areas of the cast of Enc'^land Ijo- tween the Thames and the Ilundier basins — The Iliimljcr system — The Fxisin of the Oust- — 'J'lie basins of the 'I'i'i nt and Hainber — l)iaiiia.re areas of tlif. north-fa.st of England — Drainage aieas of the north-west of iMitrb-uid and the srinth-wcht of Scotland — Drainage areas of .Scotland and Ireland — Uiver bcjs. river banks, anrl results of river action. Archbold 'John Frederick) The law and practice in bankruptcy, as founded on the recent statutes. London, 1840. 8vo, ]ip. cc, 45G. App. 248. . Pleading and (.'vidence in o-irriiiial cases; with the statutes, precedents of indictments, &c., and the evidence necessary to support them. Twentieth edition. London, 1886. 8vo, pp. xcvi.. 1207. Archbold rjohn Frederick) Practice of the Queen's Bench, Com- mon Pluas autl Exchequer Divisions of the High Court of Jiistice in actions, Ac, in which they have a common jurisdiction. Thirteenth edition. London, 1879. 8vo, 2 voL The statutes relating to kmacj, comprising the law with respect to pauper lunatics, hospitals and licensed houses, inquisi- tions in lunacy, and criminal lunatics. Second edition. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. Ix., 735. The same — third edition. London, 1890. Svo, pp. clxci., 660. The Poor Law ; comprising the law of relief, settlement, and renaoval of the poor, together with the law relating to pauper lunatics and the poor rate. Fourteenth edition. London, 1885. Svo, pp. xlviii., 1090. The practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions, and its civil, administi^ative and appellate jui'isdiction, to which is added a short treatise on its criminal jurisdiction. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged by Frederick Mead and H. H. S. Croft, liondon, 1885. 8vo, pp. xl., 1065, with index. Archer (J. W.) Vestiges of old London : a series of etchings with descriptions and historical notices. London, 1851. Folio, pp. vi., [152] 37 plates. Plates : Monument of John Stow — -London-wall (7 plates) — Altar of Diana, Foster-lane — Koman vestiges — Crvpt, Lambeth Palace — Tomb of Kahere, St. Bartholomew's Priory, Smithtiekl — Poom in the " Coach and Horses," Bartholomew-close — West Gate, St. Bartholomew's Priory — Salt Tower, Tower of London— East Gate, Bermonds-ey Abbey — Chapel of St. Bartholomew, Kiiigsland — Drapers' Almshouses, Crulched- friars — Room iu the " King's Arms," Westminster — Wood carving in the " Cock Inn," West- minster — •• Cock and Magpie," Drury-lane— Monuments of Old St. Paul's — Staircase of Southampton House, Holborn — House of Sir Paul Pindar — Door of mansion in Houndsditch — Room in Fuhvood's-rents, Grays-inn — Chimney ])iece in the " Baptist's Head," Clerkenwell— Tomb of Bishop Andrews, St. Saviour's, Southwark — Milton's House — Dryden's House — Old Bulk Shop. Temple Bar — Remains of Clarendon House, Piccadilly — Old Houses near Field-lane — Interior of Fleet Ditch— Street Monuments (3 plates). Archibald (W. F. A.), J. H. Greenhalgh and James Roberts- The Metropolitan Police guide, being a compendium of the civil and criminal law affecting or relating to the Metropolitan Police. London, 1891. Svo, pp. xlix., 1208, with index. Contents : Table of cases — Table of statutes — Establishment of the police force — Metropolitan Police district — The Commissioner — Assistant Com- missioners — Enrolment and duties of constables — The Receiver — Finance — Metropolitan Police Magistrates — Acts more particularly aflEecting the Metropolitan Police — Acts relating to procedure — A'ita relating to matters and offences, arranged alphabetically. Arlidg"e (J. T.) The hygiene, diseases and mortality of occupations. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xx., ^GS. Contents; Cunditions and circumstances of habonr — Statistics in relation to conditions of labom- — (Massilication of occupations, non-traders, traders — Patholo!^ of dust inlialation, niinins: and manufacture — Poisonous materials — Noxious vapours — Excessive teniperatui'cs — IClcctricity — Atmospheric pressure —Prolonged use, strain, pressure and friction — Exposure to infec- tii>n and contagion. Arnold (Thomas James) A treatise on the law relating to iiiunicipal corporations in England and Wales. Third edition. London, ISt^S. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 629. Contents : Table of statutes — Table of cases - Corporations generally — Constitution and government of boroughs — Elections — Corrupt practices and petitions — Corporate property and liability — Charitable and other trusts and powers — Borough fund and rate — (>ounty rate — Administra- tion of justice — Police — Freemen — Charters — Legal proceedings — Boundaries -Schedule of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882 — Municipal elections — Appendix — Enactments incorporated in the Act of 1882. Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement, Report from lliG select cuiuniittee on; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and appendix. Folio, 2 vol. Vol. I. (1881.) pp. xii., 414. Vol.11. (1882.) pp. XXX., 802. Contents of ajipendices — 1881. — 1-13. Oihcial representations made to the Board of Works by medical oflicers of healtli of various parishes and districts. 15. Par- ticulais of dwellings of the Metropolitan Association — Artizans' dwellings, statement of the agencies at present at work. l(i. Sixteenth annual report o£ the Peabody Donation Fund — Rents charged at the various groujis of buildings — Kniployments of the tenants. 17. White- cl apel and Limehouse scheme. 18. Golden-lane and Petticoat-square scheme. 11). Occupations of the tenants of the Improved Industrial Dwellings Company. 20. Agreement between the Metropolitan Board of Works and the Governors of the Peabody Donation Fund. 25. Occupations of tenants of the Metropolitan Association for imi)roving the Dwellings of the Industrial Classes — Kents per week, and distances from work. 1S82. — 1. Awards made under Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Imp7vjvement Act, 187:") — Occupations of tenants of Victoria Dwi-Uings Association. 2. Comparative statement showing original estimates and the actual amounts received for recoupment, also comparative state- ment of cost anarish, 1742— Paving, 1793— Poor, 1772, 1823— Poor, lighting, watching, clean.sing and improving, 1813 — Roads, 1755, 170G, 1805 — Streets, 1843. Reports and accounts of the Vestry, 1858 to 1894-5. London, 1659-95. 8vo, 4 vol. and parts {continuing). Bibby (G. H.) Asylum construction and arrangement. London, 1.^94. 8vo, pp. 77. The housing of pauper lunatics. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. 113, 4 plans. <" ■ : Overcrowding — Asylums and Infirmaries — Sites — Approaches — Ell ,t of patients — Classification — .Mortuary — Corridors — Require- mcuts of the Commissioners — l>iKcii)linc. 13 Biddle (John) A table of references to unrepealed public erencral Acts: arranged in the alpliabetical order of their short or popular titles : corrected to the end of the session 32 and 33 Vict. (18G9). London, 1869. 8vo, pp. viii., 218. Supplement to the above. London, 1870. pp. 219-260. Big'g" f James) Clauses consolidation acts : a collection of public general statutes consolidating provisions usually introduced into Acts relating to cemeteries, commissioners, companies, hai'bours, docks and piers, lands, markets and fairs, airlways, telegraphs, towns improvement, towns police, and water works, with general index. London, 1866. 8vo, pp. viii., G14. ■ Second edition. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. vi., 555. Index cxviii. (2 copies). A collection of the public general acts for the regulation of Railways, including the Companies, Lands and Railways Clauses Consolidated Acts complete, 1830-1874. Thirteenth edition. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. xii., 689. Fourteenth edition. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. xiv., 823. Billing" (Sidney) A practical treatise on the law of awards and ai'bitrations, with forms of pleadings, submissions and awards. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. xvi., 300 ; App., pp. 76. Bingham (Peregrine) New cases in the Court of Common Pleas and other Courts. London, 1835-1841. 8vo, 6 vol. Birch (Walter de Gray) The historical charters and constitutional documents of the City of London. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 338. The charters are given m English only, and are arranged in chronological order from William I. to George II. The documents are : Constitutions for the r. gular government of the City, granted by Edward II. for the citizens of London, concerning new articles then made to be observed, 8 June A.D. 1319 — Proclamation made in the mayoralty of Nicholas Brembre, knight, mayor, on Friday after the Feast of the B. V. Mary, and in the 7th year of Richard II.. concerning the liberties lately granted to the citizens of London by the Lord King in his Parliament ; and also concerning certain ancient liberties renewed by the Lord King, and newly confirmed to the said citizens by his royal charter, 11 Sept., A.D. 138S — Kegulations concerning strangers buying and selling within the City. From Henry VII. 's charter, 22 Aug., A.D. 1485 — Act of Common Council in A.D. 1.53s, to enforce the statu e 27 Henry VI 11., c. 18, for preserving the navigation of the river Thames — Proclvmation of Queen Elizabeth against new buildings in and about London, 7 .July. A.D. 1580— Proclamation issued bv Kin; Charles XL to prohibit the rebuilding of houses after the Great Fire of London, without coid'orming to the gen -ral I'egulations therein premised, 13 Sept , A.D. l^U'>6 — Confirmation of the order of Common Council for the laying new founda- tions, and for widening the streets of London, after the Great Fire, 8 May, A.D. 1G()7 — Act of Common Council for paving, cleansing, and for prevent- ing nuisances in the streets of London and the liberties thereoP, 27 Oct., A.D. 1671 — Act of Common Council for regulating the markets for woollen goods at Blackwell-hall, Leaden-hall, and Welch-hall — The statute 2 W. and M., c. 8. vacating the judgments on the Quo Warranto against the Citv of Birch (Walter de Gi'Siy)—co7iti7iued. London, and contirming all the privileges of the Corporation, a.d. IfiOO — The Act 11 George I., c. 18, for regulating elections within the City of London, and for preserving the peace, good order, and government, a.d. 1725 — Act for repealing all former Acts, orders, and ordinances, touching the nomination and election of sheriffs of the City of London and County of Middlesex, ami for regulating and enforcing such nominations and elections for the future. 7 April. A.D. 1748 — Sub.'stauce of the Act of Common Council for licensing foreigners to work in the City of London, 22 Nov., A.D. 1750. Birkfinliead, Borouo'li Corporation account.s, 1890 to 1894-5. IJirkonhead, 1891-5. 8vo, 4 vol. Birmingham, City of, Financial statement, 1887 to 1894-5. JJirmingham, 1888-1895. 4to, 9 vol. Report of the seAvage enquiry committee, 1871. Birming- ham, 18/1. 4to, pp. xxiv., 233. Appendix, 11 plates, and index. Blickbourn (^Henry) London Streets and Buildings Bill, 1894. (Pajier read at the ordinary general meeting- of tlie Surveyors' Institution, February 5th, 1894.) (Famphlet.) Blackburn, County Borough of. Abstract of accounts, 1893-94. Blackburn, 1894. 8yo. Blackburn TColin) Reports of cases in the Court of Queen's Bench. ,be« Ellis (T. F.). Blackburn ''E. L.) An architectural and historical account of Crosby Phice, Jjondon. London, 1834. 8vo, pp. ii., 95. 2 plates. Blackburn ''James) The relative altitudes of the principal public and other editices, parks, squares, and reservoirs in the cities of London and Westmin.ster, and their environs, also of the main lines of sewers within the jurisdiction of the Commissioners of Sewers of the Holbom and Finsbury Division, 1830. Alphabetically arranged. Blackie (^W. G.) 'Jhe Imperial Gazetteer: a general dictionary of fjcograpliy, jdiysical, political, statistical and descriptive, with a sappleinent bringing the geographical information down to the latest dates. Illustrated by over 800 engravings on wood. London, 1873. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. L A — iza, pp. xii., 1308. Supplement, ]>p. 216. Vol. II. J — Zyt, pp. liHl. Supplement, pp. 281. Blair '^J. A.) The organic analysis of potable waters. London, l^'l'O. Svo, pp. viii., 118. 2 plates. Blanch rWm. Haraettj Tbe Public Health (London) Act, 1891, V. ith notes, index, and explanatory chapter, being a handbook for the use of house property owners. London. 8vo, pp. 128. 15 Blanch (Wm. Harnett) Ye parish of Camerwell : a hrief account of the parish of Camberwell, its history and antiquities. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. xvi., 486 [cviii., 6]. 88 plates. Contents : General snrvey — Geology — Old families — Population — Political history — Local Names and Places — Parochial history — Churches and Chapels — Schools — Charitable Institutions — Manorial history — Local places and their associations — Hostelries past and present — Hamlet of Dulwich — Edward AUeyn — Dulwich College. Bland (William) Experimental essays on the principles of con- struction in arches, piers, batti'esses, &c., made with a view to their being useful to the practical builder. London, 1839. Svo, pp. viii., 103. Blott (WaAter) A Chronicle of Blemundsbury, a record of St. Giles'-in-the-fields and Bloomsbury, with original maps, draw- ings, and deeds. ]S"oi'wood, 1892. 4to, pp. 426, with index. Contents : The Chronicle of Blemundsbury — The Hospital of St. Giles for Lepers — The Manor of Tateshall — The Fields of Mont Ficquet — Lincoln- place — Staple Inn — Between the Turnstiles — The Lords of Blemundsbury — Dudley House and its associations — Mereslale — The Fields of Si. Giles in Westminster — Historical and miscellaneous memoranda in connection with Drury Lane. Blunden (Gr. H.) Local taxation and finance. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. viii., 136. Contents: Historical introduction — Existing system — Rates, valuation assessment and levy — Treasury subventions and allocated taxes— Incidence of rates — Bases of local taxation — Division of rates between occupiers and owners — Taxation of ground valuei — Betterment — Conclusion — Scotland — Ireland. Blyth (Alexander Wynter) A dictionary of hygiene and public health, comprising sanitary chemistry, engineering, and legislation, the dietetic value of foods, and the detection of adulterations. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. xii., 672. Foods — their composition and analysis ; a manual for the use of analytical chemists and others, with an introductory essay on the history of adulteration. Thii'd edition. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 640. 3 plates. Boase (Frederic) A catalogue of the printed books in the library of the Incorporated Law Society. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. iv., 1084. Bog-er (Charlotte G.) South wark and its story. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. viii., 236. Contents, inter (iJin : Piomans in Southwark — Old London Bridge — Bermondsey Aljbey — Southwark Fair — Government of Southwaik and education — Fire in Tooley Street. 16 Bohun (,W. ) Privilegia Londini, or the riglits, liberties, privileges, laws and customs of the City of London. Third edition. London, 1723. 8vo, pp. xvi., 498 [22], with MS. notes. Contents : 1. The several charters granted to the said City from King William I. to the present times. II. The magistrates and officers thereof with their respective creations, elections, rights, duties and author. ties. III. The laws aiid customs of the City as the same relate either to the pers -ns or estates of the citizens, viz., of frecnoen's wills, fern c-xole merchants, oi'phans, apprentices, &c. IV. The nature, jurisdiction, practice and proceedings of the several coiuts thereof, with table of fees relating thereto. V. The feveral statutes concerning the said City and citizens, alphabetically digested. Together with an index and a table of the Statute Law relating to the City of London. Bolton ^Colonel Sir Francis) London Avater supply, including a lii.stoi-y and description of the London waterworks, statistical tables, and maps. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xiv., 327. (5 copies.) Contents : System of the London Water Supply — Sources of supply — Modes of imrificalion and distribution — Average confcumption — Modes of charging consumers — Dual supply — Effect of lead pipes on water — Water filiration — How London is supplied — The Metropolitan Water Kxaminer — Statistics of supply — Districts supplied — History and description of the LondoQ Waterworks, capital, income, expenditure, &c. — The Law relating to Waterworks Companies, Cases. Acts — De:isions of the Courts — Rates authoriseil to be cbai'ged by the companies — Statutory powers of the com- panies as to divi-lends — General statutes as to Waterworks Companies. Bolton, County Boi-ough of, Abstract of accounts, 1887 to 1893-4. (j vol. Bolton, 8vo. Booth ' Charles) The aged poor in England and Wales. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. vi., 527, with Index. Contents : — Summary of material used — Analysis of population by groups — Compari- son by groups, (1 1 I'r<)])ortion of old people ; (2) Proportion of the old in receipt of relief; (iJj froportion of out-relief given — Comparison between London anti other great centres of ]K>pulation — Results of maxmium and minimum jiroportion of out-door relief — Old age pauperism and move- ments of jiopulation — Influence of decreasing rates of general pauperism — 'J'otal number of aged paupers — The effect of age on pauperism — Reca2)itula- tion and summary. I'art II. — Individual comparisons— Method adopted — Twenty groups of unions, with remarks — General results. I'art III. — Reports on the condition of the Old, Methods adopted — Nf>rtheni district — Eastern district — Midland district — Western district — Southern district — Consetisus wellings — Pleasure grounds — Public abattoirs — Markets — Cemeteries — Mortuaries — Borrowing under the Local Government Board — Contracts. Boundary Commissioners, Report of, to the Local Government Board, 1888. Loudon, 1888. Folio, pp. 559, with maps. Bourdin (Mark A.) Exposition of the land tax, including the recent judicial decisions, and the incidental changes in the law effected by the Taxes Management Act, with other additional matter. London, 1885. Third edition. 8vo, pp. xii., 182. (2 copies.) Contents : List of judgments — List of cases — Statutes — Property charge- able and exempt — Commissioners — Assessment — Collection — Double Land Tax — Redemption — Land Tax in Scotland — Forms and instructions regarding Redemptions. Bourne (John) A Treatise on the steam engine, in its various applications to mines, mills, steam navigation, railways, and agriculture. London, 1862. 4to, pp. xii., 495. 37 plates. Bow (Robert Henry) A treatise on bracing, with its application to bridges and other structures of wood or iron. London 1851. 8vo, pp. ix., 54. 5 plates. Bower (G. Spencer) and Walter Webb, The law relating to electric lighting. Second edition. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 389. Box (Thomas) A practical treatise on heat, as applied to the useful arts for the use of engineers, architects, &c. London, 1883. Fourth edition. 8vo, pp. viii., 300. 14 plates. A practical treatise on strength of materials, including their elasticity and resistance to impact. London, 1893. 8vo. pp. xi., 525. 27 plates. Boyle (Edward) and George Humphreys-Davies, The principles of rating practically considered, with a complete digest of all the important cases. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xxvii., 712. — The same — second edition. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 1163. Bradford, Year Book, 1869. Bradford, 1869. 32mo, pp. 161, iv. Bradford, County Borough of, Abstract of accounts, 1893-4. Bradford, 1894. 8vo. Bramwell (Sir Frederick) Telephones. See Electricity. B 2 oV^^^ ^ \ o ^'^oP^^^dis ( Dr^ .DfrJ^ Piyw^sional studies of forest officers. See "*^^^randon 'Woodthorpe) Notes on practice of the Mayor's Court of the City of London in ordinary actions : vnth. the ^Mayor's Court Piocedure Act, and the sections of the several Acts of Parliament applied by the Queen in Council to that Court. London, 1864. 8vo, pp. 132, and Appendix and Index. Contents : Constitution of the Court— Jurisdiction of the Court — Of the action and service — Appearance of defendant and demand of declaration — Declaration and demand of plea — Defendant's plea — Evidence — Record and trial — Postea judgment and execution — Eeviewing the judgments — Judg- ment by default — Discontinuance and stay of proceedings — Removal of causes, orders, &c. — Judgment summons arbitration — Interpleader — Bills of Exchange and P/N. — Ejectment — Amendments — Motions, rules, orders, affidavits — Mandamus — Costs — Forms of procedure — Table of costs. A Treatise upon the customary law of foreign attachment and the practice of the Mayor's Court of the City of London therein, with forms of procedure. London, 1861. 8vo, pp. 243, with Index. Contents : Of the custom generally — What property is or is not liable under the custom — Of the plaintiffs debt and affidavit — Of making the attachment, and of the action, record and proceedings — Of the appearance of the Garnishee, and of his plea — Of the appearance of the defendant — New trial, error and appeal — Judgment by default — Of the Elongavit — Of the Bill of Proof — Of the removal of the action and attachment from the Mayor's Court into the Courts at Westminster — Of pleading an attach- ment — Of the sequestration — Forms of procedure — Appendix : Custom of foreign attachment as stated in Lihtr Alius — Writ and certificate of Sterkey, Recorder — Record in attachment, temp. Rich. II. — Order of Court for attachment. Brayley f E. W.) Londiniana : Reminiscences of the British Metropolis, including characteristic sketches. London, 1828. 8vo, 4 vol., illustrated. Vol. I., pp. xxiv., 304. Vol. II., pp. XX., 312. Vol. III., pp. XX., 344. Vol. IV., pp. xx., 354. Contents, inter alia : — Vol. I. — Historical — Inns of Court, p. 138. Ely House, p. 22.S. Mercers' Company, p. 231. Goldsmiths' Company, p. 276. Skinners' Company, p. 291. Vol. II. — Merchant Taylors' Company, p. 76. Clothworkers' Company, r>. 89. Fishmongers' Company, p. 121. Vintners' Company, p. 130. « lothworkers' Company, p. HO. Christ's Hospital, p. 14.5. Thavies' Inn, p. 187. The Charter House, p. 108. Old London Bridge, p. 236. Salters' Company, p. 288. Vol. III. — Sergeants' Inn, p. 53. Inner and Mid and mortmain, bt-iiig a thii-d edition of Tudor's Charitable trusts. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. xcv., 1047. Britton ('John; ^nrl E. W. Brayley, Memoirs of the Tower of London, compr-i.sing historical anrl descriptive accounts of, with anecdotes of state prisoners, of the armouries, jewels, regalia, records, nienatrerie, &c. 20 plates and woodcuts. London, 1830. 8vo, pp. XV., 374. Britton ''John) Illustrations of the public buildings of London. See Pugiu. 23 Brong'niart (Alexandre) Traite des arts ceramique3 ou dea poterios : coiisidoivi-.s d;vns leiir liistoiro, leur pratique, et leur theurio. Paris, ISii. 4to, pp. 80. GO plates. Broom (Herbert) Selection of legal maxims, classified and illus- Inited. Loiuloii, LSGl. 8vo, pp. xcvi., 98-i. Browne (J. H. Balfour) On the compulsory purchase of the uiukTliikings of comjiauios by corporations, and the i)ractice in relation to the passage of Bills for compulsory purchase through Parliament. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. viii., 87. 'riie Practice before the Railway Commissioners under the Regulations of Railway Acts, 1873 and 1874, with notes of their decisions ; together with a chapter on the law of undue preference. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xii., 319. Water Supply. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. 104,. Contents : Uivers — Means of supply — Quality of water. Browne (T. B.) The County Council Year Bo,>k. London, 1891-2. 1j vol. 8vo. IS'Jl. pp.629. 10 plates. 1892. pp. C46. i:\ plates. Bruce (Gainsford) and Charles Fulir Jemmett, A treatise on the jurisdiction and practice of the English Courts in Admiralty actions and aji peals : being a seconil edition of Williams' and liruce's Ailmiralty Practice. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. xxxviii., 870. Bryce (James) ^'^'e American Commonwealth. London, 1893. Third edition. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol. T., pp. xvii., 724. Contcuts : The National Government — The State Governments. Vol. 11., pp. vii., 904. Contents : The party system — I'ublie opinion — Illustrations and reflec- tions — Soeial institutions. Buckland (Frank) NaluiMl history of British fishes: Their structure, economic uses, and capture by net and rod ; ciiHivntion of fish ponds; tish suited for acclimatisation; artifu'ial breeding of salmon. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. xii., 420. Buckley (H. Burton) 'fhe law ami practice under the Companies' Acts, 1802, lSt)7, 1870: the Jjife Assurance Companies' Acts, 1870, 1871, 1872, and other acts relating to Joint Stock Com- panies. Second edition, lioiidon, 1875. 8vo, ]ip. l\iv., 7i)2, wit h index. Budapest, l^ii' Hauptstadt Budapest im Jahre 1891; Resultatc der X'olksbeschivibung und Volksziihlimg. Berlin, 1895. 8vo, pp. 119, 98. 8 plans." ^ it Buffoil (Nadaillt de) Hjdraulique agricole : des submersions fortilisantes ('(ini]irenant les traveaux de Colmatage ]jinionage IrrigatioiKs D'lliver. Pai'is, 1867. 8vo, pp. 492. Des canaux d'irrigation : cai'te topographique. Paris, 18-43. Folio. (A series of 26 plans.) Des Cananx d'arrosage de I'ltalie septentrional e dans leurs rapports aveo cenx du midi de la France. Traite theorique et pratique des irrigations envisagees sous les divers points de vue de la production agricole, de la science hydraulique et de la legislation. Pai-is, 1843. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol. 1., i)p. xii., 482. Explication des planches, pp. viii. Vol. II., pp. iv., 456. Explication des planches, i)p. viii. Building's — Special report from the select committee on tlie Metro- politan Buildings and Management Bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and plans. London, 1874. Folio, pp. xiv., 353. Report from the select committee on Metropolis Manage- ment and Building Acts Amendment Bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and index. London, 1878. Folio, pp. x., 114, 111. Contents {'inter (/liii) : Number of places of amusement in London, including theatres, music-halls, concert rooms, &c., under six separate juris- dictions ; and holding capacity. Bunhill Fields — Proceedings in reference to the preservation of Buiihili Fields Burial Ground. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 88. Bunning (T. W.) An account of the duties on coal and the London coal and wine duties. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1885. 4to, pp. xii., 93, with map. Contents : — History of the Newcastle coal trade — Export dues — Tyne coal dues — Kings dut\- — Government tax or coast duty — London coal dues — Orphans' duty — Metage and market dues — Statement and remarks on the Chamberlain's Accounts — Extracts from the Report on Metropolis Local Taxation on the liabilities under the coal and wine oard of Works from ]\Ir. Leonard Courtney, Rt. Hon. VV. E. Gladstone, and Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford Northcote. Burdett ''H. C.) Official Intelligence; being a carefully revised j»it'(,i.s of iiitoiiiiation legai-diiig all British, American and Foreign securities, including govei'nrnent, corporation, colonial, and foreign stocks ; railways, banks, canals and docks, brewery, financial, land and trust, gas and electric lighting, insurance, mine*, shipping, tea and coffee, telegraphs, tiamways, water- works, and other commercial and industrial companies known to the London market and dealt in on the pjincipal exchanges. There are also special chapters on county, colonial, Indian, and municipal finance, railways, and waterworks. London, 1882-95. 4to. 14 vol. (continuing). Contents of la.st Vol : London water companies — Light railways — National debts of the world — Colonial loans, finance and development — Indian finance — Municipal and county finance — Capital and wr>rking of »he railways of the T'nitcd Kingdom. 25 Burke (Sir Bernard) A genealogical and heraldic dictionary, togetlier witli the memoirs of the Privy Councillors and Knights. London, 1879. 8vo, pp. cvi., 1461. Burn (J. H.) A descriptive catalogue of the London Traders' tavern and coffee house tokens current in the seventeenth century. London, 1855. Second edition. 8vo, pp. xcvi., 287. Illustrated. Burn (B;ichard, LL.D.) The Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. Loudon, 18:57. 8vo, 6 vol. Each volume is aiTang:ed alphabetically under subjects. Vol. I. ABA— DOG. pp. Ixi., 1175. Vol. II. EAS— GUN. pp. 1221. Vol. in. HAB— ORL). pp. 11,51. Vol. IV. POOK. pp. xxxii., 1173. Vol. V. PAR— TAX. pp. 1152. Vol. VI. THA— WRE. pp.649. Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer. London, 1869. 8vo, 5 vol. Burney (Charles) The Annual Practice, 1889-90, 1893. See Snow (Thomas). M. Muir Mackenzie, and C. Arnold White, Wilson's Supreme Court of Judicature acts, rules, and forms, with other acts, orders, rules, and regulations relating to the Supreme Court, with practical notes. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. cviii., 956. The same — another edition. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. cxxxii., 983. Burnley, County Borough of, Abstract of accounts, 1893-4, 1894-5. Burnley, 1894-5. 8vo, 2 vol. Burton (Richard) Historical remarks on the ancient and present state of the Cities of London and Westminster. Westminster, 1810. 4to, pp. 178. Illustrated. Contents : Origin and foundation of the City of London — Walls and gates — Tower of London and other Towers and Castles of the Citj^ — Rivers, wells, conduits, bridges, &;c. — Government — City companies — Wards and precincts. Burton (Robert) A new view and observation on the ancient and present state of London and Westminster. London, 1730. 12mo, pp. vi., 468. Contents, rjitcr alia : Gates, p. 15. Tower, p. 41. Rivers, bridges, p. 99. City Companies, p. 120. Bury, County Borough of. Abstract of accounts, 1893-4. Bury, 1894. 8vo. Bury (William) The Resistance and the proportions of screw propellers. London, 1883. 4to, pp. vii., 91. Byles (Sir John Barnard) A treatise of the law of Bills of Exchange, Promissoiy Notes, Bank Notes and Checks. Eleventh edition. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. Ixviii., 571. 26 c Calcutta — Administration report of the Calcutta Municipality for 1^7G. Calcutta, 1877. Foolscap folio, pp. v., 91. [72,133.] Callis (K/Obei*t) 'I'l'C reading of the famous and learned, upon tlie statute. 1^3 Henry VIII., cap. 5, of Sewers; as it was delivered by him in Gray's-inn in August, 1622. London, 1685. 8vo, pp. iv., 291. The Table, pp. Ixxiv. Another edition. London, 1810. pp. viii., 292. Another edition. London, 1824. pp. viii., 400. Camberwell, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1775-1842. London. Folio. Contents : rhurch. 1841— Glebe lands, 181.3. 1819— Lighting and watching, 177.5, 1787. 1814, 1842 — Lighting, watching, cleansing, and improving, 1826, 1827— Poor rates, 1813, 1833. Reports and accounts of the Vestry, 1857 to 1894-5. London, 1858-1895. 8vo., 8 vol. and parts (^continuing). Campbell fJohn) Reports of Cases determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, and on the Home Circuit from Michaelmas Term, 1807, to sittings after Hilary Term, 1816. London, 1811-1816. 8vo. 4 vol. Capper •'Charles) The Port and Trade of London, historical, statistical, local and general. London, 1862. 8vo, pp. x., 507, ■with Index. Contents: Historical — The Port of London— The shipping of London — Foreign trade — (,'ommcrcf; with Ami-rica, Africa and Asia — with India and the Colonies— Coasting and coal trades — Appendix, tables of exports and iniport«, 185('-60, Cardiff, County Borough of, Abstract of accounts, 1893-4. Cardiff, 1894. 8vo. Carpenter (^William B.) Tlie microscope and its revelations. London, 1891. fevo, pp. xviii., 1099. 21 plates and 800 wood engravings. Cass (^Frederick Charles) The parish of Monken Hadlcy, Middle- sex. Westminster, 1880. 4to, pp. 220. 11 plates. Con^ antH. in frr alia : Bequests to the Parish — Boundaries — Common rights — Enfield Chase — nadl<:y Church— Hadley Manor. 27 Castle (Edward James) A practical treatise on the law of rating. London, ib79. 8vo, pp. xxvi., 521. Contents : Part I.— Occupation — History of the law previous to Elizabeth —Occupation— Occupation unprofitable to occupier— Exemption of the Crown from rating— Exemption by statute— Tolls— Trade profit— Machinery —Tithes— Saleable underwood, mines, &c. i'art IL— Kateable value— Basis— Existing value— Parochial principle — Distribution of rateable value between directly and indirectly productive properties- Contributive value- Property rateable in com munibus annis — Deductions. Another edition. London, 1886. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 570. Castle (Henry James) Practical remarks upon the Union A.ssessment Committee Act, 1862, showing how to apply the principles contained therein to the proper and uniform assess- ment of railway, gas, and water works, &c., together with the mode of ascertaining practically the contribntive earnings of railways, however situate. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. viii., 128. Cawston (Arthur) A comprehensive scheme for street improve- ments in London. London, 1893. 4to, pp. xi., 136, maps. Contents : Reasons for improvement — Example of Paris and of other towns — The powers necessary for Loudon to regenerate itself — The advan- tage of adopting a general scheme in making improvements — Suggestions towards the formation of a general plan for improving London — The application of the suggestions and the sequence in carrying out improve- ments and the cost and how to meet it, with Appendix I. — Evidence of Mr. Chamberlain before the Eoyal Commission on Housing of the Working Classes, and Appendix II., Prize competition for a general improvement — Plan of the City of Vienna- Index — Maps : Central London. London from Kensington to Whitechapel, Paris within the walls, East and West. Census of Great Britain, 1801- London, 1801. Folio, 2 vol. Vol. I. Enumeration, pp. [ix.], 547. This volume gives the number of houses (inhabited, by how many families occupied, uninhabited) ; and persons (males, females) ; and the occupation of the persons (agriculture ; trade, manufactures, or handicraft ; all others) in each township,\-illage, parish or hamlet of each hundred of each county in England, Wales and Scotland in 1801. Loudon is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 207-216), where figures for each of the City parishes are given separately, and also for London within the walls, London without the walls, and the City of Westminster ; Kent (pp. 155-159) ; and Surrey (pp. 351, 355). On pp. 499-503, the above particulars are extracted, and also particulars given of the parishes within and without the bills of mortality. Vol. II. Parish registers, pp. [iv.], 459. This volume gives the number of baptisms and burials in each of the years 1700, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1740, 1750, 17(jU, 1770, 1780-1800, and marriages in each of the years 1751-1800 in each hundred of each county of England and Wales. Scotland is not given, as " no more tlian 99 parishes, out of the 850 parishes of Scotland which have made returns, are in possession of regular registers." London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 177-184), Kent (p. 139), and Surrey (pp. 301, 308). On pp. 441-448 the London figures are extracted. 28 Census of Great Britain, 1811. London, 1812. Folio, pp. xxxi., oil, liUU. This volume is in two parts : enumeration abstract, and parish register abstract. The former pives tlie number of houses (inhabited, by how many families occupied, building, uninhabited) ; occupations (agriculture ; trade. manufactures or handicraft ; all others) ; and persons (males, females) in each parish, township or extra-i)arochial place of each hundred, ward, or wapen- take of each county. London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. ]l>;?-r.t'.i). where the City of Loniion parishes are given separately, Kent (pp. Ht)-14^), and Surrey (])p. 326, 831). London figures are extracted on pp. r)10-.")ll under the headings : within the London bills of mortality ; not within the London bills of mortality. The second part gives the number of baptisms, burials, aiid marriages in each of the years from 1801 to 1810 in each hundred, borough-town, lathe, &c.. of each county. London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pji. 80-91). where the figures are given for the City of London within the walls, the Citv of London without the walls, the City and Liberties of West- minster ; Kent (pp. 146-148); and Surrey (pp. 326, 331). On pp. 197-198 figures are given for the out-parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, including the borough of Southwark, parishes not within the London bills of mortality, bnt forming part of the metropolis. On p. 199 is given the population in 1700. 17."i(i. 1801, and 1811, of: City of London within the walls. City of London without the walls. City and Liberties of Westminster, out-parishes within the bills of mortality, parishes not within the bills of mortality, total of the Metropi>lis. On p. 200 is a comparison of the number of baptisms and burials within the London bills of mortality : (i.) according to the parish reeisters. (ii.) according to the bills of mortality in each of the years 1700, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1740, 17.->0, 1760, 1770, 1780-1810. Census of Great Britain, 1821. London, 1822. Folio, pp. xxxvi., 551, 160. This volume is divided into two parts : enumeration abstract and parish register abstract. Tiie former gives the numl)er of houses (inhabited, by how many families occupied, building, uninhabited), occupations (families chiefly employed in agriculture ; in trade, manufactures, or handicraft; all others), and persons (males, females, total) in each parish, township, &c., of each hundred, &c., of each county. London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 19u-iy7), where the City of London parishes are given separately, Kent (pp. 14.5-149), and Surrey (pp. 326, 330, 331). Lond-.n figures arc also extracted on pp. r).")0-iJ,")l under the headings: within the London bills of mortality ; not within the London bills of mortality. Ages are given on p. 551. The second part gives the number of baptisms, burials and marriages in each year from 1811 to 1820 in each hundred of each county. London figures are given in Middlesex on pp. 71-73 ; in Kent on pp. 56-57, and in Surrey on pp. 118 and 120; figures for the out-parishes in Middlesex and Surrey, including the borough of Southwark ; for parishes not within the London bills of mortality, but forming part of the Metropolis ; and summary of the Metropolis are given on pp. 157-158. Remarks on the assumed limits and extent of the Metropolis ; population of the Metropolis under the head- ings (i.) f'ity of Londtm within the walls ; (ii.) City of London without the walls ; (iii.) City and Liberties of Westminster ; (iv.) out-parishes, within the bills of mortality ; (v.) jjarishes not within the bills of mortality in each of the years 1700, 1750, 1801, 1811. and 1821 are given on p. 159. On p. 160 is given a fwmparison of the number of baptisms and burials in each of the years from 1811 to 1820, according to the parish registers and according to the bills of mortality. Census of Great Britain, 1831- Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, and 29 Census of Great Britain, IS31— continued. 1831 ; with the annual value of real property in the year 1815 ; also, a statement of progress in the inquiry regarding the occupa- tions of families and persons, and the duration of life, as required by the Population Act of 1830. London, 1831. Folio, pp. 417. Maps. The population is of persons only. London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 161-106), Kent (pp. 121-129), and Surrey (pp. 2.-)8-261), the parishes being arranged alphabetically. In addition to the rateable value in 181.5 for all parishes, the rateable value of some parishes (chiefly the metro- politan) in the county of Middlesex in 1828 is also given. Further particu- lars of London population : within the walls, without the walls, Southwark, Westminster, within the bills of mortality, and adjacent parishes not within the bills of mortality, are given on pp. 8-13 (a map showing these divisions faces p. 12) ; and on pp. 412 and 411 the population is given for males and females in hundreds, &c.. only. Parish register abstract, 1831. London, 1833. Folio, pp. 500. Maps. The number of baptisms, burials, and marriages in each of the years 1821 to 1830 is given for each hundred of each county, also particulars of parish registers prior to 1813 that were in existence in 1831. Lon:lon is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 190-194) ; Kent (pp. 147-150) ; and Surrey (pp. 327-331). These figures are summarised on pp. 494-500. Census of Great Britain, 1841. London, 1843. Folio, 2 vol. Vol. 1. Enumeration abstract, pp. 38, 471, 81. This volume gives the following particulars of each parish, hamlet etc., of each hundred of each county ; area ; number of houses (inhabited, unin- habited, building) ; number of persons (males, females, total) ; ages of the people (over and under 20) ; biithplaces (in the county, elsewhere). London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 178-183), where figures for each of the City parishes are given separately, and also for London within the walls, London without the walls, Inns of Court and Chancery, and the City and Liberty of Westminster; Kent (pp. 136-139); and Surrey (pp. 308, 309, 312, 313). On pp. 468-470, the above particulars are'Cxtracted, and, in addition, figures are given for London, within and without the bills of mortality ; also the ages of persons enumerated in the metropolis. Vol. II. Age abstract, pp. iv., 496, 153. This volume gives the ages in five-year periods of persons in each hundred, town, &c , of each county. London is contained in the counties of Middle- sex (pp. 158-171) ; Kent (pp. 118-127), and Surrey (pp. 284-291). On pp. 478-485, and pp. 490-496, the above figures are extracted. On pp. 488-489 is given the number of children (male and female) enumerated at each year of life up to 14 j'ears in certain cities and towns (including the metropolis) in England and Wales. Census of Great Britain, 1851. London, 1852-4. Folio, 4 vol. Part I. Numbers of the inhabitants in the years 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, 1841, and 1851. 2 vol. Vol. I. — England and Wales — Divisions I. -VI., comprising the London, south-eastern, south-midland, eastern, south-western, and west-midland counties ; pp. ccxxi., 45 ; xi., 94 ; ix., 87 ; ix., 73 ; xiii., 102 ; xiii., 120. The area, number of houses, 1841 and 1851, and population at each census from 1801 to 1851 of each London parish are given on pp. 2-31. The distribu- tion of land and water (Thames) in each parish is given on pp. 30-31. Houses and population of parliamentary divisions and number of members returned are given on p. 33. Houses and population in ecclesiastical districts. 30 Census of Great Britain, 1851~continued. with ilate of formation, are "iven on pp. 34-37. Houses and population within the bills of mortality, isul to 1S.51, with additions made during: that period, are piven on pp. 38-41. Houses and population in 1801 to 1851, of London within the old bills of mortality of 16u3, and the parishes and places added in the years 1G06, lfi2(i, ICSfi." 1726. 1831, 1838, 1844, and 1846 are given on pp. 40-41. Population in 1801 to 18.")1, of parishes within the limits of the bills of mortality at different periods is given on pp. 42-45. Population in 1(531 of the ("ity of London wards is ^ven on p. 45. Vol. II. — England and Wales — Divisions VU.-XI., comprising the north- midland, north-western. Yorkshire, northern, and Welsh counties ; Scotland and islands in the British seas ; pp. iv., ix., 99 ; vii., 73 ; xi., 107 ; vii., 73 ; xi.,yi ; ix., 113. 10,23. Api^endix : ecclesiastical divisions of England and Wales — area, houses, and population of dioceses, number of archdeaconries, deaneries, and benefices in each. Part II. Ages, civil condition, occupations, and birthplaces of the people, "vvith the numbers and ages of the blind, the deaf and dumb, and the inmates of workhouses, prisons, lunatic asylums, and h(>.s})itals. 2 vol. Vol. L — England and Wales — Divisions L-VL, pp. [xi.] ccclii., 529. London is given on pp. 1-37. Vol. II. — England and Wales — Divisions VH.-XL, Scotland, islands in the British seas. pp. vi., 531-1086. Census of England and Wales, 1861. London, 1862-3. Folio, 4 vol. Vol. I. Numbers and distribution of the people, pp. xxxiv., 750. Part I. — Houses and population in 1861 of the several counties, hundreds, lieutenancy sub-divisions, cities, boroughs and towns, and of each parish or place separately assessed for the relief of the poor. London is contained in the counties of Jliddlesex (pp. 74-77), Kent (pp. 54-57), and Surrey (pp. 124-126). Part II. — Registration and poor law divisions : area, houses and popula- tion, in 1851 and 1861, of superintendent registrars' districts and poor law unions, of district parishes and ecclesiastical districts : inmates of public institutions ; persons on board shipping ; births, deaths and marriages, 1851-1860. London forms Division I. of the registration districts and is given on pp. 195-224. Part III. — Islands in the British seas. Vol. II. Ages, civil condition, occupations, and bii-thplaces of the people ; with the ages and occupations of the blind, of the deaf and dumb, and of the inmates of certain public institutions. pp. cxiii., 940. London is given on pp. 1-59. Vol. III. General report, pp. xv., 248. Intro'luction : Local machinery for taking the census. I. — Population, houses and families— Persons absent from the United Kingdom — Population, emigration, and distribution — lHcrea>e of the popu- lation — Proportion of males to females — Houses and public institutions — Annual value of housfs — Families. II. — Territorial distribution and sub-divisions: Towns — Density and proximity — Chancres of territorial divisions. III. — Ages of the po[)ulation. IV. — Conjugal condition of the people. V. — Incn-ase of the pojiulation since 1651. VL — Laws regulating the growth of nations. 81 Census of England and Wales, lS61—conti7med. Vll. — Occupations of the peoijle— Previous classifications — Abstracts of the occupations of the people in IStil — Distribution of the people in various occupations over the country — Masters in trades and men in their employ — Farmers and labourers, and the size of farms — On nomenclature, and on the classification of the people — The new classification of the people in their several occupations: professional; domestic; commercial; agricultural; industrial ; indefinite ami non-productive. VIII. — Mio:ration of the people at home (birthplaces). IX. — The blind and the deaf and dumb. X. — Public institutions : inmates of vrorkhouses, prisons, lunatic asylums, and hospitals. XI. — Islands in the British seas. XII. — Area and population of the British Empire. Vol. lY. Index to the names of places separately returaed in the population tables of England and Wales and islands in the British seas. pp. 751-910. Census of England and Wales, 1871. London, 1871-3. Folio, 6 vol. Vol. I. Area, houses, and inhabitants ; counties, pp. xliv., 569. London is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 231-246) ; Kent (pp. 155-156, 161-171) ; and Surrey (pp. 371-384). Vol. II. Area, houses, and inhabitants ; registration or union counties, pp. ix., 567. London is contained on pp. 3-45. Separate figures are given for the various divisions, parishes and wards, boards of works, school board divisions, police districts, etc. The population of the wards of the City in 1631 is given on p. 45. Population in 1801-71 of London within the bills of mortality of 1603, 1606, 1626, 1636, 1726, 1831, 1838, 1844, 1846 is given on pp. 40-45. ' Vol. III. Population abstracts : ages, civil condition, occupations, and birthplaces of the people, pp. xci., 6-i7. London is contained on pp. 3-40. Vol. IV. General report, pp. c, 351. Introduction. 1. — Population : Sex and age — Mean age— Successive numbers in a genera- tion enumerated — Probable number of people living in 18S1 — Actual increase of population — Probable increase or decrease — Conjugal condition — Families — Migration — Birthplaces of the people — Balance of the population — Density of population — Proximity of population. II. — Territorial subdivisions : Houses — Cities and towns — Municipal boroughs — Parliamentary boroughs — Towns in two counties— Cities and towns which are counties of themselves — Six classes of towns — Counties — Parliamentary divisions of counties — Union or registration counties — The eleven divisions of England and Wales. III. — Occupations of the people. IV. — The blind, deaf and dumb, idiots or imbeciles, lunatics, and inmates of hospitals, workhouses, and prisons. Then follow abstracts of the censuses of the United Kingdom, the islands in the British seas, the colonies and dependencies, and the British Empire. Vol. V. Preliminary report and tables of the population and houses enumerated in England and Wales, and in the islands in the British seas, on 3rd April, 1871. pp. xxx., 107. London is contained on pp. v.-viii., 7-8, 16-17, 30-33. Vol. VI. Index to the population tables of England and Wales and islands in the British seas. pp. 569-772. 32 Census of England and Wales, 1881- London, 1881-3. Folio, ."> Tdl. Vol. I. Ai'ea, houses, and population- -Counties, pp. xxiii., 655. Leniion is contained in the counties of Middlesex (pp. 242-255), Kent (pp. 1(57-1 77), and Surrey (pp. 367-377). Vol. II. Area, houses, and population — Registration counties, pp. xxi., 685. I.ondoii is contained on pp. 1-38. Separate figures are given for the various divisions : parishes and wards, boards of works, school board divi- sions, police districts, etc. : also rated householders and rateable value. Vol. III. Ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, and birth- places of the people, pp. 1., 531. London is contained on pp. 1-28. Vol. IV. General report, pp. v., 117. Contents: introduction — Number of population and rates of increase — Density of (population and habitations — Sexes — Ages — Condition as to marriage or civil condition — Occupations — Birthplaces — Infirmities — United Kingdiim — British Empire. Vol. V. Preliminary report and tables of the population and houses enumerated in England and Wales, and in the islands in the British seas, on 4th April, 1881. pp. xii., 125. Area, houses and population in 1871 and 1881 are given on pp. 7-8 of Greater London. Registration London, London within the limits of the Metropolis Local Management Act, School Board district, Parliamentary boroughs, and City of London. Census of England and Wales, 1891- London, 1891-3. Folio, 7 vol. Preliminary report, pp. xiv., 138. Vol. I. Area, houses, and population — Administrative and ancient counties, pp. xxxvi., 482. Vol. II. Area, houses, and population — Registration areas and sanitary districts, pp. xxxvii., 1165. Vol. III. Ages, condition as to marriage, occupations, birth- places, and infirmities, pp. Ixiv., 564. Vol. IV. General report, with summary tables and appendices. pp. vi., 143. Contents of report — Introduction — Areas — Population and rates of increase — Habitations — Sexes, ages and condition as to marriage — Occupations — Birthplace.'* — Physical infirmities — Institutions — Languages in Wales and Monmouthshire — The United Kingdom — TheBiitish Empire. Vol. V. Index to the population tables of England and Wales, pp. 218. Vi)]. \'I. London — Tables extracted from vol. I., TI., and III. pp. v., 85. Map showing registration districts. Contents : Area, houses and pojxilation of the administrative county ; parliamentary boroughs and tbcir divisions ; portions of the ancient counties in the administrative county ; City of London and its municipal wards ; and the petty sessional divisions — Civil pari.shes in the county and City of London ; inhabited houses, families or separate occupiers, and frf.piilation — Kcrlesiastical parishes or districts in the county ; inhabited ■-'ipulation, anddateof formation— Area, houses and population of the . ^ . lon division and county ; regifctration districts and sub-districts and 33 Census of England and Wales, 1891, Vol. Yl.—continuod. civil piirishcs : ia groups of rijuistnitioii districts ; in sanitary areas — Total tenements and tenements with less than five rooms, (listino;uishin,t;r those occupied by various numbers of ])ersons — Persons enunieratc^I in Ijarracks, on l>oard H.M . ships at home, in workhouse cstalilislnncnts. in liospitals, in lunatic asylums, in jjrisons, in certified reformatory and industrial schools, on board sea-going ami coasting merchant vessels and inland l)argcs and boats, in harbours, rivers, creeks and canals — Acreage of land, water and foreshore in the registration division and county, in civil parishes, k,c. — Increase or decrease of population, 1881-91, compared with excess of births over deaths ; marriages, births and deaths registered in the registration division and county, and districts in 1881-90 — Difference between the registration county and administrative count}- in area, houses and population — Changes in the areas of civil parishes effected by Local Government Board orders under the provisions of the Divided Parishes Acts of 187G and 187'J — Parishes, iScc, within the administrative county of London : area; inhabited houses and population in 1881 and 1891 ; airl number of rated householders and assessed rateable annual value of property in 1891 — Ldiabited houses and population in 1881 and 1891, and latei householders in 1891, of the wards into which 87 metropolitan parishes have been divided — Divisions of the London School ]>oard district, houses and population in 1891 — Area, inhabiteil houses and i)opulation, 1881 and 1891, of the Metro- politan and City of London police districts ; district within the juris- diction of the Central Criminal Court ; London within the boundaries adopted for various purposes — -Aees of males and females in the registration division and county, in registration districts, in metropolitan sanitary areas — Condition as to marriage, and ages of males and females in the registra- tion division and county and in registration districts — Occupations of males and females, aged 10 years and upwnnls, in the registration division, and in groups of registration districts — liirthplaces of males and females enume- rateil in the registration division and county — Distribution of the enumerate I nativesof the registration divisi(in and county — Country of Itirthof f3 ; XXX., 8.58. — of Ireland, 1891. Dublin, 1891-92. Folio, h vol. P-trt L Area, houses, and population ; also the ages, civil or conjugal condition, occupations, birthplaces, religion, and education of the p 'nple. Vol. 1. I'rovincc of Leinster. pp. viii.. 1291, iv. Vol. Jl. Province of ]\Iunster. ])p. 1097, v. Vol. 111. Province of Ulster, pp. 10(51, iv. Vol. TV. Province of Coniuiught. pp. ()9."), iv. Part II. General report, witli illustrative maps and diagrams, tabhs. and appendix, pp. xvi., 587. of New South Wales, 1891. Sydney, 1894. 4to, 2 v.)l. Vol. 1. Kcsults t)f the census taken for the night of the oth April. 1891. pp. 762. C [4407 34 Census of New South Wales, 1891, Vol. 1.— continued. Tho s and diagrams. of Berlin, 1885. T)it; Bcvulkorungs unci Wohnmisfs- Anfnalunt' vtnu 1 JJecembcr, 1885, iu der Studt Berlin. JJerliu, lSi)0-91. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. I. pp. viii., 102. Voi. II. pp. v.. 114. 110. of Berlin, 1893. Die Bcvolkerunp-s und Wohiuxnfjs- Aufnahnic voiu 1 Dccuiubcr, 1890, in der Stadt Berliu. Berlin, 1893-96. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. I. pp. xxiv.. 12i'. Vol. H. pp. [v.], ii:i, (w;, 83. of Budapest, 1881, Resul tate der Volkslicschreibimrr' und Volk.szahliiiig voiu i .Januar, 1881. Berlin, 1881-83. 8vo, 3 vol. Vol. I. pp. [vii.] 176. 1 dia.gram. Vol. II. pp. [viii.J 2.S2. 7 diagrams. Vol. 111. pp. [.Kii.] 268. of Budapest, 1891. Resultatc der Volksbcschreibung und Volkszahlung, 1891. ]Jerlin, 1894-9.5. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol.1, pp. [vi.]. DS. 120. 7 plates. Vol.11, pp. Fvi.l. nil, '.)8. 8 plates. of Pest, 1870. Resultateder Volkszalilung und \"olk.sbc- .schreil)ung. Pe.st, 1871. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol.1. Preliminary report, \>\>. 21. 4 diagrams. Vol.1!, ji]). XV.. 344. 10 diagrams. - of Paris and the Department of the Seine, 1886. R«'.sultut.s .Stat isti(jue.s du deiujiuhreineiit du l8S(i pour la ville de I'aris ct Ic I)ei)aitement do la Seine, ct rcnseignements relatifs aux denombrements antc'rieurs. Paris, 1887. 8vo, pj). J.wii., 872. 2 plans. ; of Paris and the Department of the Seine, 1891. Abridged edition. l'iui.>, lb'.J4. 8vo, p[). 22.j. 2 plates. Chamberlain I'Henryj A compleat bi.story and survey of London, \V.~!iiii!i-i(j]', .Soutbwai-k, etc. London, [1770]. Folio, pp. GG2 [14]. Illusti-ated. [Title page missing.] Contents, hitrr alia : lloman London — The City Wall — The gates — Early History — Charters— 'i'liames — Parishes — Courts of Justice vvithin the City .ind Liberties— Wards — Halls— Churches and public buildings— Suburbs. Chambers ( ; Dictionary of tbe English language. London II. d. J. 8vo, pp. Ixxxii., 902. Etymologif-al dictionary of the English language. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. viii., .596. Chambers ( ) Matlioinatical tables, consistino' of lopfarithms of numbers 1 to I0b,000, trig-onometrical, nautical and other tables. Edited by James Pryde. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. xlii., 454. Champion (William) A handbook to the Valuation (IMetropolis) Aft, l;~i6i>, witli an a})])L'ndix. Ijondon, 1873. 8vo, pp. 171. Charing-cross and Victoria Embankment Approach Bill, Minutes of evidence and proceedings of Select Committee, 1873. London, 1873. Folio, pp. 74, 40. Charities. Reports of the Conunissioncrs appointed to enquire con- cerning charities in England and Wales. Vol. i.-vi. London, 1819-21. Folio, 6 vol. London charities are reported upon at the following references — Vol. I. pp. si.l<)7. 207-221. Vol. II. pp. 1:^-14(1. Vol. III. pp. 230-242. A"ol. IV. pp. 70-l(J3, 1G8-18(;. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire con- cerning charities and education of the poor in England and Wales, 1815-1839. Folio, 3 vol. [These arc " the arranged sets of Reports of Commissioners on Charities, 1-29, ])rei)are(l in pursuance of tlic recommendation of the House ot Commons liibrary Committee," and relate to London only, the several portions being abstracted from the volumes i. ii., iii., iv., vii., viii., x., xii., xiv., xx., xxii., xxiii., xxiv., xxix. and xxxii. of the Reports of the Commissioners.] Contents : — Vol. I. — London -within the Walls — London without the Walls — Index. Vol. II. — City of London — Index. Vol. III. — City of London Cliartered Companies — City of Westminster — Inde'x. Endowed Charities of the Cify of London, from the seventeen reports of the Commissioners for inqnii'ing concerning charities, with index. London, 1829. 8vo, pp. xvi., 687. [The Charities are arranged under the names of the parish, ward, or coni- ])any which administers them. About 1,200 different charities are described.] Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire concern- ing charities in England and Wales relating to general charities, 1819-37 ; together with— Digest of the reports made by the Commissioners of Inquiry into charities, containing analytical digest of reports, charities for distribution among the poor, grammar schools, schools not classical, charities for education not attached to endowed schools, and summaries of the whole of the charity property' and income, 1843; and— Copies of the general digest of endowed charities of the coirnties and cities mentioned in the fourteenth report of the Charity Commissioners, and of the charities vested in the various London companies, in so far as such digests have been completed, or can be completed up to the time of publication, 1873-75. London, 1819-75. Folio, pp. 436; iv., 23; 71. [The charities are arranged under the names of the various donors.] 36 Charities — continued. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire con- cerning charities in England and Wales relating to Kent, 1815- 39 ; together with — Digest of the reports made by the Commissioners of Inf[uiry into charities, containing analytical digest of reports, charities foi- distribution among the poor, grammar schools, schools not clnssical, charities for education not attached to endo-.ved schools, si» far as relates to the county of Kent, 1841 ; and — Copies of the general digest of endowed cliarities of the counties and cities mentioned in the fourteenth report of the C'harity Commissioners, and of charities vested in the vai-ious London Companies, in so far as such digests have been completed, or can be completed up to the time of publication, 1861-63. London, 1815-68. Folio, pp. 874; 95; 133. [Tlie charities are arrancred under the names of the various towns and parishes to which they belong.] Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire con- cerning charities in England and Wales relating to London wiihin and without the walls, 1818-36. London, 1818-3G. Folio, pp. 791. [Tlic charitica are arranged under the names of the various parishes to wliich they belong.] Reports of the Commissioners appointed to enquire con- cerning charities in England and Wales relating to London hospitals, Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, debtors and prisoners, &c., 1840. London, 1840. Folio, pp. 821 ; 711-873. (The charities arc arranged uudcr the names o^ the various hospitals, prisons, i:c.] Reports of the Coninii«sii)riers appointed to enquire con- cerning charities in Ihigland and Wales lelating to London lively companies, 1818-39 ; together with — Copies of the general digest of endowed charities of the counties an. for each parish of the metropolis— Picports on the parochial charities of the City of London made at various times to the ("harity Commissioners for Enirland and Wales — Accounts, principally for the year 1S77-78. 1 plan showing the parochial divisions of the City of London. Report from the select committee on Parochial Chai'ities (Loiulon) Bill and London Parochial Charities Bill, 1882 proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1882. Folio, pp. xvi., 304. Charley 'William Thomas) Tlic new system of practice and j>k'adinu- uiuler tlie .Supreme Court of Judicature Acts, 1873 and l.^T.j. London, 187.3. 8vo, pp. xxiii., 718. Another edition. 1875. 8vo, pp. xix.. 782. Charlton, Pari.sh of. Acts of Parliament relating- to, 1803-4. Lundon. Folio. Contents: Land, 1803, 1804. Charter of the Hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas the Aj)ostle, dated 26 June, 7 Edward VI., and of the indenture of covenants made between the King and the citizens of London, dated 12 June in the same year; together with a translation of the charter from the original Latin. London, 1828. 4to, pp. 32. [MS. notes.] Charterhouse, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1534-1867. Luiidoii. Folio. Contents : Hospital, 1722, lSi2, 18G7— Paving, 1534— Sewers, 1777, 1814. Chelsea, Parish of. Acts of Parliament relating to, 1790-1874. London. Folio. Contents. Burial gi-ound, 1810— Church. 1819, 182.5— Glebe lands, 181.J, 182.5 — I'aving, lighting, cleansing, and improving, 1845 — Poor law, 1841 — I'fxjr rates, 1«21— Roatis, 1790, 1803, 1874. Reports and accounts of the Vestry, 1856 to 1894-95. Li-'iidon, 1657-95. 8vo, 9 vol. and parts (continuinrf) . Chemical Industry, Journal of the Society of. Manchester, l~~-"> '.''). i'lilio, II vol. (roiittjiuinf/). Chemical News and Journal of Physical Science, ^vith which is iiii-oj-poj-atcd the ('liemi(;al (ja/.eltu, a joiiiiial of practical chemistry in all its applications to pharmacy, arts and manu- factures. London, 1885-95. 8vo, 22 vol. (continuing). Chicago, First annual re[)ort of the tlej)artii)ent of Public AVorks to the ('ity Council, l)-i7(;, together Avith twentietli annual state- ment of the finances. Chicago, 1877, 8vo, pp. 255, 142. Reports and plans of sewerage. Chicago, 1855. 8vo, pp. 820. ;39 Chitty ( ) Ci)llection of statutes, witli notes thereon, eon- tainin<>- all the statutes of praetical utility in the civil and criminal administration of justice, to the present time. London, lb6o 8vo, 4 vol. Chitty ( ) Equity Index. London, 1853. Svo, 4 vol. Vol. I. ACA— FUT. Vol.11. GAM— POW. Vol.111. PRA— TUR. Vol. IV. UNO— WOR. Chitty (John) The practice of the law in all its departments. London, 1833-35. 8vo, 3 vol. Chitty (Joseph, Junior) A practical treatise on the law of contracts not under seal, and upon the usual defences to actions thereon. Third edition. London, 1841. 8vo, pp. Iv., 976. The same. Fourth edition by John A. Russell. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. Ixiii., 855. Chitty (Thomas Willes) Forms of practical proceedings in the Queen's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer Divisions of the High Court of Justice, with notes containing the statutes, rules and practice relating thereto. Eleventh edition. London, 1879. 8vo, pp. xc, 890. Christchurch, Sonthwark, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1737-1817. London. Folio. Contents: Church, 1787 — Churchyard, 1S17 — Paving, cleansing', lighting, watching, and improving, 1791 — Poor rates, 1811— Roads, 1768, 17'J3, 1817. Christchurch, Spitalfields, Parish of. Acts of Parliament relating to, 1728-1807. London. Folio. Contents : Formation of the parish, 1728 — Lighting and watching, 17."57 — Pavinir, clcansins, lighting, and watching, 1772, 1787 — Poor, 17.J3, 1777, 1781, 1796, 1807— Roads, 1777, 1781. Chronicles of London Bridge. London, 1827. 8vo, pp. xvi., G87. 56 engravings. Contents, inter alia : Acts of Parliament concerning the Bridge— P>ridge property in various parishes — Blackfriars-bridge — Waterworks— liridge House Estate Committee — Ordinances for Butchers — Fire of London — Floods — Frosts and Frost Fairs — Offices and Othccrs of the Bridge — Pageants — Re]iorts and ])lans for the improvement of the port of London — Southwark — Thames Fonls and Ferries — Westminster-ln-idge — Vauxhall-bridge. City Commissioners of Sewers, Reports to, 1849-66. lS49-(i6. 8vo, 3 vol. London, Vol. I. 1849-56. Contents : Works e.Kecuted, 1832-5o— Sanitary condition of the City, 1848-.">U — Common law rights of ratepayers upheld against the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers — Uei)ort ou application of iMr. Jloffatt to take sewage water from outlet sewers for the manufacture of dry manure — Public urinals — Rules and regulations for slaughter-houses within the City — Street cleansing andstreet orderly system — Extramural sepulture — Wood and granite 40 City Commissioners of Sewevs— continued. caniatroway paviiii^s — Consumi)tion of smoke — Sewap^e intevccption — City of Lniulon Cemrtory at llfonl — Construction of va.ults bencatli jnihlic ways — I'rojections, aiva-gratings, ^:c., upon public ways — Fitness of xVylesfoid pipes for sewage and drains. Vol. TI. 1857-60. (.'ontents : Works executed, lS.5()-.50 — Results of gaufiintrs of sewers — Experimental earriatreway ))avenients in JMoorgate- street — liequlations for common lodgintr-houses — London Omnibus Tramway CoTupany scheme — Ventilation of sewers — 8ewage and sewer gases — Ai)plication of charcoal to the ventilation of sevver.s — Street name tablets — Proposed railwirc des ingenieurH, dcs architects, &c. Paris, 1854. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 914. 43 Clay (^Sir William) Remai-ks on the water supply of London. Second edition. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 108. 3 plans. Contents : Historical notice— Quantity supplied — Quality of the present sujiply — Mode of supply, '• continuous " and " intermittent " — Monopoly and competition — Improvements rec^uired — Appendix. Clerkenwell, Parisli of. Acts of Parliament relating to, 1770-1851. Lontlon. Folio. Contents: Church, 1787, 1790— Hospital, 1826 -Improvements, 18r>l — Paving, repairing, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1770, 182!) — Paving, repairing, lighting and watching, 1771, 1776— Poor, 1775, 1782. Reports and accounts of the Vestry, 1856 to 1894-95. London, 1856-95. 8vo. 5 vol. and parts (^continuing). Cliflford (Frederick) A history of private bill legislation. Lon- don, 1885-87. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol. I., pp. xxviii., 607. Contents, inttr alia : Introduction. General subjects of early private bill legislation — luclosure Acts — Town Improvement Acts — Municipalities autho- rized to rebuild — Local Statutes regulating Industries — Ironworks in Sussex — Cloth manufacture in Kent — Decay of southern manufactures — Canals — Rail- ways — Tramways — River Tunnels — Channel Tunnel P>ills — Gas lighting- Electric lighting— London hydraulic power Acts, 1871-81 — Water supply — Improved procedure on private Bills — Hearings at bar, transferred to committees — Number now serving on committees — Chairmen's panel — Sub- Committees on petitions discontinued— Standing Order inquiries, now made by examiners^Service of notices — Ingrossment of Bills; Breviates — Fees charged in Parliament — Parliamentary agency — Costs of private bill legislation — Results of any change of Tribunal — Bills promoted by Local Authorities — Ad Valorem fees in both Houses — Statistics of investments in statutory under- takings — Capital embarked in other undertakings — Strict appropriation of capital to authorized works— Effect of Parliamentary control upon value of statutory securities — Successive subjects of private bill legislation — Small Debt Courts— Tithes— Poor relief— Number of Private Acts, 1801-84— I'rivate Acts not printed. Cap. I. Private legislation, its rise and development. Cap. II. Messages between the two Houses. Cap. III. Ingrossment of Private Bills and Acts— Inrolment as statutes — Drafted in statutory form by Judges— Protests by Commons against delay in drafting— Ancient records and language of statutes — First printed col- lection of Acts— Ordinances— Mode of certifying Private Acts— Promulgation. Cap. IV. Early precedents (Personal). Cap. V. Divorce. Cap. VI. The Templars — Mortmain — Exemptions from military service — Fellowship of Physicians — Incorporation of Surgeons— Rivers, harbours, and docks — Lotteries — Payment of Members of Parliament. Apiiendix A. Return of Acts of Parliament, Public, Local, Personal, and Private, 1800-1881. Aiipendix B. Inclosure Acts — Commons inclosed — Inclosure Commis- sioners' report. Appendix C. Names of persons incorporated into Thames Archway and Thames Tunnel Companies. Vol. II. pp. xvii., 966. Contents, intci- alia : Cap. VII. Highways — Roads— Bridges — Ferries. Cap. VIII.-X. Water supply of I^ondon. The City conduits — Waterworls at London Bridge — The New River — Water Bills and projects in the sevei,- teeuth and eighteenth centuries — Extension of London Britlge waterworks — 44 Cliifoi'd (Frederick) A history of private bill legislation — continued. York lUiililinsrs, Chelsea, and Lambeth Companies — Drinking water from canals— Graml Junction. South liOndon, Kent, West Middlesex, and East London Companies — Competition between new and old undertakings — Par- tition of districts— Increase in Water rates — Unlimited powers of Companies — Marylebone Parochial Waterworks Bill, 1810-19 — Profits of Companies, and their charges, down to 1827 — Wooden i)ipes — Defective service — Parliamentary intjuiries. 1821 and 1828 — Polluted sources of supply — Royal Commission 1827-28 — Mr. Tell'onrs scheme. 1884 — Bill of Government to consolidate Companies — Metroi>olis Water Act of 1871 — Picports and iii<[uiries— Supply — Attempts to transfer Water Supply to Public i'>odies — Assessment of Water rents — Increased value of Water Undertakings. Cap. XL-XV. Local Authorities. Boroughs — Burghal customs — Charters — Municipal Corporations in 183.5 — Municipal Reform Act — Early examples of Local Government — Building assize in London — Fires — Act for good order London. 1285 — Taverns — Watch and Ward — Cleansing of Streets — Villeins taking refuge in Towns — Ravage and Improvement Acts. 1301-1662 — Calais — London and Westminster Improvement Act. 1662 — Rebuilding decayed Towns, 1540 — Two Pennies Scots Acts — Sanitary Legislation — Commissions of Sewers — .Sanitary state of Towns, 1800-47 — Parliamentary Committees and Royal Commissions — Local Rating, 1845 — Sanitary administration in the Metropolis, 1845-47 — Public Health — Sanitary and Local Government Acts, 1848-75 — Local legislation in London — Sewers Commissions — Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855 — Main Drainage — Corporation of the City of London. Cap. XVI. Marine, life, and fire insurance — The Ilanse merchants and Lombards — London and Roj'al Exchange Assurance Corporations, 1720 — Statutory incorporation of Lloyd's, 1871 — Municipal insurance in London — Mercers' Company scheme. Cap. XVII. — Di)cks in die Thames — Statutes against evasion of customs — Origin of legal and sufferance wharfs — Want of accommodation for shipping, 1762-1800 — Merchants' Bill of 1796 — Competing scheme of Corporation of London — Inquiries in House of Commons — Increased commerce of Port — Rival Bills, 1797-99— Port of London and West India Docks Act, 1799— City Canal through Isle of Dogs — London docks, 1800 — East India Docks, 1.S03 — St. Katharine's, \%2^^ — Amalgamation of East and West India Companies, 1838 — Surrey, Commercial, Victoria, Millwall, Dagenbam, Tilbury Docks. Cap. XVIII. Provisional orders and certificates, and orders in Council. Cap. XIX. Fees on Private Bills. Ca|). XX. Staiidine orders. Cap. XXI. Private Bill Office. Cap. XXII. Procecflings on opposed Bills. Cap. XXIII. Procedure at Bar. Cap. XXIV. Evidence — Shorthand writers — PoAver to administer oaths — Witnesses. Cap. X.W, Preliminary enrpiiries. Clifford CFrederickj and p. S. Stephen, J'ractice of the Court of l!il'(,T».'e.s iMi private bills in i';uli;uiiont with vo})orts of cases as to the locus standi of petitioners. London, 1870. Svo, pj). xii., 189. Clodo '^C. M.) Memorials of the Guild of Merchant Taylors of the fraternity of St. Jolin the Baptist in the city of London, and of it.s as.sociated charities and institutions. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 740. 2r> jilates. Contents : Mcmorialn of the fraternity — Memorials of the associated Ch-' ^I'-morials of the institutions (Advowsons, Schools, Almslir>uses Co:i ,t Home) — Documents and extracts referred to — Index to mattcrfl, piacss and persons. 45 Close (Giacomo) Dello aequo pntabili e riforma del sistema cloaoalc dclhi Cittu di Napoli. Naples, 18()4. 8vo, pp. 91. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume London Water Supidy, 1849-64. See Water.] Cobden (Richard) Speeches on questions of ])ublic policy. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. vi., 662. Contents: Free trade — Finance — War — Foreign policy — India — Peace — Policy of the Whig Government — Parliamentary reform — E(hu'ati(in. The political writings of. London, 1886, 8vo, pp. vii., 704. Coghlan (T. A.) General report on the eleventh census of New South Wales. See Census. The wealth and progress of New South Wales, 1894. Eighth issue. Sydney, 1895-96. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol. T., pp. -Hi"'. Vol. IL.pp- i(i7-l()28. Map and diag-rams. Cohn (Dr. Glistav) A history of political economy. (American Academy of Political and Social Science.) Translated by Dr. Joseph Adna Hill. Philadelphia, 1894. 8to, pp. 142. Contents : Econcmic history and the history of economic science — PreiJaratiiry period of scientific political economy — French economists — Adam Smith — Followers of Adam Smith, down to the time of John Stuart jVliJl — German political economy in the first half of the nineteenth century — Socialistic literature of Fiance and Germany — New German political economy. Colburn (Richard T.) Taxation of large estates (American Academy of Political and Social Science). Philadelphia [n. d.]. 8vo, pp. 12. Cole (Charles Nalson) A collection of laws which forin the constitutiiin of the Bedford Level Corporation, together with an introductory history thereof. London, 1803. 8vo, pp. lix., 706. Cole (Nathan). The royal parks and gardens of London ; their history and mode of embellishment, with hints on the propaga- tion and culture of the plants employed, the artistic arrange- ment of colours, &c. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. iv., 131. 15 plates. Contents : The gardens at l>uckingham and Kensington palaces — Ken- sington-gardens — Tbc Royal Horticultural Societ3''s gardens, Kensington — lioyal Botanic Society of London — Hyde-park — St. James", Green, Victoria, P)attt-rsea, and Regent's parks — Ham[)ton-court-palace and gardens — Kew- gardens — Crystal-palace — Hardy evergreens and flowering trees and shrubs in the Limdon parks and gardens. Collet (Clara E.) Secondary education in London —Girls. See Acland (Arthur H. D.). Collier (R. P.) The Railway clauses. Companies clauses, and Lands' clauses Consolidation Acts, with notes, together with an appendix, treating of the formation of a Railway company, the mode of passing a Bill through Parliament, &c., and an addenda of statutes and forms. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. xii., 285, App. 60, cxxii., 30. •16 Colliuo* (.James K.) -Art foliage, for sculpture and decoration, with an anah'sis of geometric form, and studies from nature of buds, leaves, Howers, and fruit. London, I860. 4to, pp. viii., 136. 7'2 plates. CollisOU (G.) Cemetery interment, containing a concise history of the modes of interment practised by the ancients; descriptions of Perc la Chaise, the Eastern cemeteries and those of America ; the English, metropolitan and provincial cemeteries, and more pai-ticularly of the Abney-park cemetery at Stoke Newington, with a descriptive catalogue of its plants and Arboretum. London, 1840. 8vo, pj). viii., 420. Collyer f John) Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chaui-L'ry, by the Right Hon. Sir J. L. Knight-Bruce, Yice- Chancellor. 6'ee Younge (Edward). Coiqilhoun (V.) A. treatise on the Police of the Metropolis, con- laiiiing a detail of various crimes and misdemeanours, and f-uggesting remedies for their prevention. Seventh edition. London, 1806. 8vo, pp. xvi., 655, and index. Contents: General view of existing evils — Sjstem of ptinishmcnts, IhForetically considered — Cause and progress of small thefcs — Burglaries and highway robberies — Cheats and swindlers — Gaming anrt the lottery — Counterfeit money — River ])lunder — Plunder in the (lock3-ards — Eeceivers of stolen goods — Origin of criminal offences— Female prostitution — State of the poor — Detection of offenders — Prosecution of offenders — System of l»unishments — Criminal Police of Metropolis — Municipal Police. A treatise on the commei'ce and Police of the River Thames, containing an historical vieAv of the trade of the Port of London, and suggesting means for preventing the depredations thereon, by a legislative system of River Police. London, 1800. 8vo, pp. x.Kxiv., 676, index and map of the Port of London. Contents: Rise and progress of the commerce of the River Thames — Reflections on the origin and progress of depredation on the River Thames — A detailed account of the different branches of trade which suffer by — Number of passengers arriving at anddci)arting from the following stations during the years 18.J0 and 1854 : Loudon - bridge, Fenchurch - street, Waterloo, Shoreditch, Paddington, Euston and King's-cross — Population and inhabited houses of the metro- polis within and without the City, and rated rental of the City, 1811 and 1851 — Estimated number of persons and vehicles (including steamers) going into and out of the City daily — Estimate of the quantity and cost of ground purchased within the City for public improvements, and i)roduce of resale — Quantities of coal carried by tbe Great Northern Railway Company during 1854 on 12 miles of their line to their London station, at ^d. per ton per mile, with an estimate of the sum which would be received for an equivalent weight of passengers, 12 to the ton, at \(}. per mile per passenger. Concanen (M., Junior) and A. Morg-an, Tlie history and antiqui- ties of the parish of St. Saviour's, Sauthwark. London, 17L'5. Svo, pp. viii., 280. 3 plates. Contents: Grants and charters— The City and Southwark — Boundaries — Inns — Town Hall — Church — The wardens — Church dues — Parish ofllccr,> — Bells — Free Grammar School — 'Winchester Ilou&e — Bankside — Globe Theatre — Borough Waterworks — The Stews— The Bear Gardens — The Clink — The Workhouse — The Borough market. Conkling (Alfred R.) City government in the United States. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii., 227. Conservancy Boards, &C., Report from select committee of tlio House of Lords, proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1877. Folio, pp. xii., 327. Contents of appendix, inter alia : List of Commissioners of Sewers in force, 1877 — Rivers of England and Wales classified, giving length, area of catch- ment basins, number and length of tributaries. 48 Coutagfious Diseases (Animals) Handbook for England, Wales and Scotland, of tlic laws and i'c\t;'ulations relating to contagious and infectious diseases among animals. Prepared by the Agricultural J )e]iartment of the Privy Council Office. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. xxi., 85-4. 'Ilie same; prcpai-ed l>y the Veterinaiy Department of the Privy Council OHice. London, ISSO. 8vo, pp. viii., 445. Report from select committee, proceedings, minutes of evi- dence, appendix and index. London, 1873. Folio, pp. xxx., 756. ("ontonts of appendix, inter td'ia : Number of aiiiiiials iiDil amount of tolls, dues, and i)aymcnts received at the Metropolitan Cattle Market during 1S71 and X'^'rl, and at the Deptford Foreisin Cattle Market dui-inj? 1.S72 — Instructions to the veterinary inspectors at the ports. The appendix chiefly consists of a description of the cattle plague in Ireland. Re])Oid from select committee of the House of Lords on the Cuiuagious Diseases (AnimaLs) Pill, proceedings, minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1878. Folio, pp. ix., 263. ^Miscellaneous reports, 1866-1878. London. Folio. Contents : Smallpox in sheep — Copies of 19 orders from 24th July, ISfi"). to 1st February, 18(j(), relatintr to the cattle ])la2ue, issued by the Lords of the Council under the provisions of 11 and 12 Vict., c. H)7— Copy of an order relatin^r to the cattle plajrue. passed by the Lords of the Council, under the provisions of 11 and 12 Vict., c. 107, dated tith Febaiary, ISiJi; — Abstract of the Cattle Diseases Act, ISIU".. .so far as it concerns the duties of the Metropolitan Board of Works — Keporl on the cattle plague in Belgium — Copy of an order in Council, dated 24th March, 18(i(i — Regulations as to diseased cattle in South Wales — Cattle impoitation (Netherlands) — Copies of live orders issued by the Lords of the Council on IDth. 24tli, and i5Ist .July. ISCiCi. with I'cference to the cattle plague — Extract from a report made by t lie comndttee api)ointed by the Metropolitan ]5oard of Works to carry out the i)rovisions of the Contagnous Diseases (Ain'nial«) Act — Extract from a report i)y the Special Purposes and Sanitary Committee of the Metropolitan Board of Works on the provisions of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) I'.ill, 1S78 — I'ieui'o-jmeumonia iti cattle : extracts from various authorities as to the fitness of the fics-h for food. Coode (^George) l.'rij)<)lliited streams. London, 185(S. 8vo, pp. If!. [A pamphlet Ixiundup with others in voliune. Scifdijr nl iJhat'ioii., lS4-'J-()-'). Srr Diainag'c and sewerage.] Cook (^C. H.) Thames rights and Tiiunies wrongs. Westminster, ls'.i5. Second edition. 8vo, pp. xix., 268. Conlcntts: IntrfKluctory — Steam-launches and hovv to deal with them — Housc-VjoatB and river ])Ollution — The preservation of the natural l;eauties of liic river — Illegal obstructions in backwaters — Towing-paths and ferries — Public landing-placcH and ways to the river — (Jamping-out grounds — Bathing anrl swimming in the Tliames — Fishery preservation and (ishery rights — NaviL'ution aViove Oxford — Legislative scandal — I'our associations — An unpopular boee Pami)hlets.] Daniell (Edmund Robert) Forms and precedents of pleadings and proceeclings in the High Court of Chancery, with practical notes and observations, and incorporating the forms in Braith- waite's Record and Writ practice. London, 1871. 8vo, 3 vol. Darby (J. G. Nj and F. A. Bosanquet, A practical treatise on the statutes of limitations in England and Ireland. Second edition, revised by F. A. Bosanquet and J. R. V. Marchant. London' 1893. 8vo, pp. scii., 796. Darcy (M. H.) and M. H. Bazin, Recherches hydi^auliques. Paris, 1865. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. I. pp. XXX., noi. Vol. II. 28 plates. Dart CJoseph Henry) Compendium of the law and practice of vendors and purchasers of real estate. Third edition. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. Ixxvii., 903. The same — Fourth edition. London, 1871. 8vo, 2 vol. The same — Sixth edition. London, 1888. 8vo, 2 vo]. Dasent (Arthur Irwin; The history of St. James's Square, and the foundation of the west end of London, with a glimpse of Whitehall in the reign of Charles the Second. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii., 300. 11 plates. Contents : The origin of the square— Its earliest inhabitants— A day in the life of Charles II. — Gradual improvement of the square— The great hoases — Illustrious inhabitants — A group of female celebrities — The south side of the square — Concise list of owners and occupiers, with cf)mparative table of rates levied on each house at recurring periods of twenty vears — Warnint for a crown hjase of Pall Mall FielcJs to the Earl of St. "Albans (1602), anrl text of the grant of the site of the square (.I'4. 8vo, f»p. 328. Jllu.strations. Contents: liornaii and Saxon period — Manor of Saves Couit— Evelyn fatoily — Manors of ilateham, iJeptford-lc-Strofidc, and lirockley — Ecclesias- tical hi.story — Charities and rhariiable jnt-tituiions — ScIiocjIs — Worthies and men of noi<; — Trinity Honsf; (Jorpoi'alion — ''ommercial and industiial hi.-lory — I';i.st and present aspect, Ace. — Deptford Ihidge and its historical associat ions — Notable events, ko. Dibdin (William Joseph) Piactical pliotoraetry : a guide to the study of the measurement of light. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. XV., ''2-27. Dickens (Charles) Dictionary of the Thames from its source to the Norc. Jiondon, 1894. IGmo, pp. 308. Maps. Dilke (Sir Charles Wentworth) Problems of Greater Britain. Fourth edition (revised). London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xii., 737. 5 maps. Diprose (John) Some account of the parish of Saint Clement Danes (Westminster), past and present. London, 1868. 4to, pp. iv., 332. Contents : The New T-aw Courts — The parish — Charities — Locil authorities — Survey made in 1732 — Institutions- -Elections — Theatres — Graves — His- tori.-al sketch^Plan of the parish. Dixon (B.) Practical suggestions for removing all the sewage from the dwellings in and about London, for promoting its profitable use, and for purifying the Thames. Loudon, 1858. 8vo, pp. 14. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Sewage utilization, 1845-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Dobbs (Archibald E) The London Water Companies ; a review and an impeachment. [An article appearing in the "Contemporary Review" for January, 1892, pp. 26-38.] Dobie (Rowland) History of the united parishes of St. Giles-in- the-Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury. Second edition. London, 1834. 8vo, pp. vii., 432. Contents, inter alia: Pauperism and the poor laws — Public charities with abstract account of the estates, rent charges, annuities and funded property belonging thereto — St. Gdes's select vestry — Parochial abuses — Acts of Parliament applicable to the united parishes — Abu-es of select vestries of the Metropolis — Plan aud index. Dodd (George) The food of London : a sketch of the chief varieties, sources of supply, probable quantities, modes of arrival, processes of manufacture, suspected adulteration, and machinery of distribution, of the food for a community of two millions and a half. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. xii., 524. Dolphin, The ; or. Grand Junction nuisance : proving that seven thousand families, in Westminster and its suburbs, are supplied Avith water in a state offensive to the sight, disgusting to the imagination, and destructive to health. [Anonymous.] London, 1827. 8vo, pp. viii., 104. 1 plate. Contents : Importance of pure and wholesome water for all domestic purposes — The several companies monopolizing the supply of water to the Metropolis — The Dolphin ; or, Grand Junction nuisauce — Abatement of the nuisance ; aud best mode of procuring a pure and wholesome supply of water for Westminster and its suburbs. (50 Doiialdson (T. L.) Substance of an opinion upon the practice of the Court of Sewers for Westminster and part of Middlesex upon a question respecting the right of parties to lay drains into sewers. London, 1835. 8vo, pp. 19. [Paynphlet.] Handbook of specifications ; or, practical guide to the architect, engineer, surveyor, and builder, in drawing up specifications and contracts for works and constructions. London, 1859. 8vo, 2 vol. Doran (Dr.) In and about Drury Lane, and other papers. London, 1881. 8vo, 2 vol. Contents, infer alia : Vol. I., pp. 316. Northumberland House and the I'ercys — Leicester Fields. Vol. II., pp. 349. Life in the nineteenth century. Doug'al (S. D.) Drainage of the metropolis. London, 1858. bvo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Plans fur mttropolitan drainaijt, 1848-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Dover (Richardj i lie public health, with national pecuniary gain, versus pestilential disease and increased taxation. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 27. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Sewage utilization, 1845-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Lecture on the preservation of the Thames, and all other rivers, from j)ollution, b}- intercepting and deputrifying the sewage, and converting the residuum into guana. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Plana for metropolitan drainage, 1818-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Inijji'ovements in treating sewage, so as to prevent it com- mingling with the Thames, and render the residuum thereof potable without decreasing its value as a manure. London, 1853. bvo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Seiuage utilization, 1845-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] The i-aihvay statistics, retui-ns, and legislation of the United Kingdom, with comparative lists of the railway capital authorised and raised. London, 1859. 8vo, pp. 36. [A pamjihlet bound up with others in volume Arcounts, finance, rates, Sfc., 1862. for which sec Addenda.] Letter to the i-afcpayers subjected to the Metropolitan Board of Works. London, 1861. 8vo. pp. 16. [A pamphlet bound up with other!? in volume, Accounts, finance, rates, ,fr.» 1862, for which sec Addenda.] Dover (Richard) Analyses of tlie financial accounts, reports &c., of the i\leti'o{iolitan Board of Works, illustrating the fiction of the alleged Main Drainage debt, as well as the many disagree- ments in the accounts of the cash balances on the 1st of January, 1856. London, 1862. Svo. pp. 16. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Accounts, fiiiancc, rates, ^-c, 1862, for which see Addenda.] Dowell ^Stephen) The Income Tax laws at present in force in the United Kingdom ; with practical notes, appendices, and index. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. xvi., 503. The Acts relating to the Income tax, with references to the decisions on the subject. Third edition. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. Ixxii., 402. A history of taxation and taxes in England from the earliest times to the year 1885. Second edition. London, 1888. Svo, 4 vol. Vol I. Taxation from the earliest times to the Civil War; pp. xxix., 244. Contents : Book I. — Before the Norman Conquest. Book II. — From the Norman Conquest to the settlement of the fifteenth and tenth. 1066-1334. Revenue from demesne — Revenue from the incidents and casualties of the feudal tenures — Court of Exchequer — Exchequer of the Jews — Danegeld and carucage, 1084-1224 — Land tax on the Knight's fee, termed scutage. 11.59-1306 — Tallage, the taxation of royal demesne — Taxation of moveables, 1188-1334 — Duties at the ports. Book III. — Frum the settlement of the fifteenth and tenth in 1334 to the Civil War, 1642. Direct taxation during the Hundred Years' War and the Wai-s of the Roses — Direct taxation under the Tudors — -Direct taxation under the Stuarts— Duties at the ports during the Hundred Years' War and the Wars of the Roses — Duties at the ports under the Tudors — Duties at the ports under the Stuarts — Exactions by way of benevolence and by means of monopolies — Tariff of honors— Ship-writs, 1634-1641. Appendices — I._Ordiuance of the Saladin Tithe, 1188. Latin text. 11. — Some ])articulars of the schedules of assessment for the taxes on moveables. Colchester, 1295 and 1301. III. — Form of ordinance for the tenth and sixth, granted in 1322. IV. — Ship-writs. Particulars of a writ of the second issue, 1635, for Dorsetshire. To show the furm of these writs. V. — Ship-wiits. Distribution of ships to the several counties. Vol. II. Taxation from the Civil War to the present day; pp. xviii., 586. Contents : Book I. — Commencement of taxation in the modern form, 1642-1688. During the times of the Commonwealth — From the Restoration to the Revolution, ^1660-1688. Book II. — Taxation on the increase, 1688-1815. From the Revolution to the commencement of the war of the Spanish Succession, incluling the settlement of Ireland and the war with France, 1688-1702— The war of the Spanish Succession, 1702-1713 — From the Peace of Utrecht to the commence- ment of the War of the Right of Search, including Walpole's administration, 1713-1739 — The war with Spain (right of search), and the war of the Austrian Succession ; fall of Walpole : Wilmington, Pelham, and Newcastle 62 Do well (Steplieil) History of taxation — continued. administi-atious, 173'.t-17r»fi — The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763 — The taxation i>f Aniciica — The War of Anu-rk-an 'ndopeiidence. 1775-1783 — The times of William I'itt before the Great War. 1781-171)2 — Taxation during the Great War. liook III. — Taxation in the zenith, 1815-18-12. Taxati'^n in 1815 — From the repeal of the income tax to the abandonment of the sinking fund, 1816-29 — From the abandonment of the sinking fund to the re-imposition of the income tax, lS2tt-l2. Hook IV. — The reform of taxation, 1842-1870. From the re-imposition of the nicome tax to the outbreak of the war with Russia. 1842-1 s.'il — The suspension of reform in consequence of the war with liussia. 18.")4-18r)0 — From lt<60 to 187orted cattle, sheep and pigs ; meat, fresh and salted ; Ijutter and che«:#e — Suirar — Pepper — Impoitcd fruit — Olive oil and vinegar. Book 11. — Taxes on drinks. Part I. — Alcoholic drinks. Beer — Wine — Sweets, made wines, mead and methegliii— Sjjirits — Cider and perry. Part II. — Non-ala^holic drinks. Tea — Coffee and chicory — Cocoa- nuts. G3 Dowell (Stephen) History of taxation — continued. r.ook 1 1 1. — Tax on tobacco. Pxiok IV. — Taxes on articles of consumption other tlian cataljlcs, drinks, and tdljacco. Taxes on manufactures — Taxes on raw materials. Appenilix. — Schedule of the ordinary revenue licenses for the sale of spirits, wine, ■' sweets," beer, and cider and perry, in England. Drainag'e and Sewerag'e. Instructions for jurymen on the Com- mis.sion of Sewers ; shewing — (1.) What they are to surveigh and view — (2.) What to enquire and present--(3.) How. London, 1664. 16mo, pp. 126. n- he ha\vs of sewers ; or the office and authority of Com- missioners of Sewers. London, 1726. 8vo, pp. [viii.], 199. Contents : Their power of enquiry into annoyances and defects of repairs of sea-banks and walls, publick streams and rivers. ;litches and marsh- grounds— The authority of the commissioners in making laws and ordinances, autl imposing rates or taxes for repairing the walls, bauss, and other defences — Of their power by law as to distresses, and decreeing lands to be sold to levy charges for repairs, and inflicting punishments, by fine and other- wise — The particular oflices of bailiffs, surveyors, collectors, and other officers under the commissioners, and proceedings of a court of sewers, orders, warrants, &;c. — The laws relating to Rumney -marsh, and other marshes and fens. Report from select committee on sewers in the metropolis. with minutes of evidence. London, 1823. Folio, pp. 51. Report from select committee on metropolis sewers, with minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1834. Folio, pp. viii., 186, 67. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Rental of the City wards and popu- lation within and without the walls. 18al — New sewers built within the City since IT.of! — Receijjts and payments for making, maintaining, tV;c., the sewers, &:c., within the City for each of the 'years l.S2i-o3 — Libt of iparishes wholly or m part within the jurisdiction of the Westminster Commissioners of Sewers — Abstract of accounts of the VVestminster, Hulborn and Finsbury, Poplar, and Tower Hamlets Commissioners of Sewers, 1824-33 — List of parishes within the jurisdiction of the Tower liamlets Commissioners, with population, number of houses, and rental. Sewage utilization, 1845-65. [Volume of pamphlets.] Svo. Contents : — Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company — Statement. London, [n.d.] 8vo, pp. 2-1. A fcheme for the effectual drainage of towns, with projects of impor- tant national measures which may be engrafted upon it. [Anonymous.] London, 1855. 8vo, pp. 42. 8 plates. Plan for disposal of metropolitan sewage on pneumatic principle. [Anonymous.] London, 1858. Svo, pp. 11. 1 plan. Plan for collecting sewage in London and other towns and removing it to the country. [Anonj^mous.] London, [n.d.] Svo, pp. 8. 1 plan. Croydon sewage v. London sewage — Remarks on the proposition to discharge a portion of the sewage of the parish of Croydon into a sewer under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works at Bell-green, in the parish of Lewisham. London, 1862. Svo. pp. 19. 64 Drainage and Sewerage, SeAvage utilization — continued. The ao:ricultural value of the sewage of London examined in reference to the principal schomcs submitted to the Metropolitan Hoard of Works, with extracts from the evidence of chemists, engineers, and agriculturists. [Anonymous.] London. lSti5. 8vo. pp. 7K. Ser also City Connnissioners of Sewers (in Addenda), Coode (George), Cooke (\\'. F.), Copland (James), Dixon (B.). Dover (Richard). Gale (.J. M.). Gilberr (.T. H.), Guy (W. A.). Hitchman (John). Hope (W.), Knight (James). Maguire (K. C), Manning (J. A.), Metropolitan Boanl of Works. Moore (J. J.). Morewood (J. J.), Napier (W.). Nicholay (J. A.) Odling (William), rocock (W. W.), Roberts (C. 11.). Thudichum (J. L. W.), Walker (Thomas), Wicksteed (Thomas), Wiggins (John). Plans foi' metropolitan di'aiuage, 1848-65. [Volume of pamphlets.] 8vo. Contents : — Observations on the plans for the main drainage of the metropolis, [Reprinted from th^ " Builder," January 20 and 27, 185").] Metropolitan sewers - Remarks on ihe system of drainage of the Surrey an(l Kent district, with suggestions for its improvement. [Anony- mous.] London, [n.d.] 8vo, pp. 8. W hat are we about .' or, common sense upon drainage ; the proposed extension of the present defective t-ystem considered. [Anonymous.] London, ISotJ. Svo, pp. 12. See also Bazalgette (Sir J. W.) (in Addenda), Bri.stow (A. R.) (in Addenda), Dempsy (J. J.), Dougal (S. I).), Dover (Richard), Ebrington (Viscount), Gibbs (Joseph), Jackson (Thomas), Leslie (John), Martin (John), Metropolitan Board of Worko, Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers, Morewood (J. J.), Netherway (Robert), Kicholay (J. A.). Penfold (Charles), Rogers (J. W), Shoreditch Vesfry, Stevens (F. W.), Thornton (George), Thwaites (John), Worsley (Sir W.). Great Ijondou Drainage Bill, minutes of evidence taken before select committee. London, 1853. Folio, pp. 184. Index pp. iv., ?A. Metropolis drainage. — Reports and communications made by the Board of Health to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, in reference to the drainage of the metropolis ; together with correspondence, plans and estimates, forwarded to the Home Office by the Board of Health, with the names of the engineers and surveyors by whom sncli ])laiis and estimates have been made ; and all correspondence botween tlie Secretary of State for the Home Department and the Commissioners of Sewers since 1st January, 1853, in reference to the drainage of the metropolis. London, 1854. Folio, pp. 217. Plans. Report on the means of deodorizing and utilizing the sewage of towns. London, 1857. 8vo, i)p. v., 106. 8 })laus. Sewage Commission reports, 1858-65. London, 8vo. Contents : — Preliminary report of the commission appointed to inquire into the best mode of distiibuting the sewage of towns and applying it to beneficial and profitable uses. 1858, pp. 53. 1 plan. Drainage and Sewerage, Scuaq-e (\>iiHiiisf?if>n reiioris. l.s.")8 <>•"» fOlltlllHcd. Second report and ap)>endix. 1861, pp. I'M). 8 ma]).s and plans. Contents of appendix, infer al'm : l)eodorizatio;i of sewaf^e — Descri[jtiiiii of se\va<:fe Avorks in opeiiition in various town;- — Experiments at Rui^liy on application of sewage to trrass land — Sketch of the meteorology of (jroat Britain. Third report and appendix. 1865, pp. 210, 62. 3 ])lans. Contents ( f appendix : Detnikd lecords relating to the experiments made at Rugby — Notes on the Edinburgh sewage meadows — Note- on the sewagc- irrigfittd meadows at Beddington, near Croydon — Sewage of tmvns — Thi- cori- tamination of the water of l.eith by the sewage of Edinburgh and Luitli. Sewage of towns, 1862-64. London. Folio. Contents : — First repo)-t of select committee, with minutes of evidfMice and appendix. 1862, pp. iv., 112. Contents of appendix, intrr (din. : Analysis of water out of sewer before entering filter works ; out of clear water channel after it had pa>Jselopes — Cost of brick culverts as comjjariMJ with costof cast iron pipes — Work performed by Cornishengiiies, with particulars actually paid on each contract, including extra work — Return of amount that has l)een apjdied to main drainage work — Estijuati; of amount rcquiri'd to complete main diainairc work. ()() Draiiiag-e and Sewerag-e— ""'('''""'"'• — Kcjxiit ol' a I'onimittec :i])]i(>iiiti'(l Iiy the Pi-esidcnt of the Local (loveriimont lioanl to inijuirc into tlio several modes of treatiuii" town sewao-e. liDndon. 1S7(!. FmIiO. pp. Ixiii., 130. 18 in!i])s and plans. Sewerasje. dr.iinatje. and water supply. — Siio'£re.stions as to prepai iition of distiiet maps. London, LS78. Folio, pp. 40. 13 jdans Koval Conmiission on metropolitan sewage discharge, 1882. 2 vol. \'(>1. 1. Kirst lejjort, minutes of evidence taken from Jiilj, 1882. to July. 1883, together with a selection from the appendices, and a digest of the evidence. London, 1884. Folio, pp. Ixviii. ; viii., 8t)(j. 3 plans. The report is divided into three parts : Historical notice in res^ard to the draiiiao^e of London — The system under which sewrfsre is discharjred into the Thames hy the Metropolitan Board of Works — Wliether any evil effects result therefrom. Contents, tvtt'r ttliii : Eemai'ks on condition of samples of water taken hourly from Crossness and Barking outfalls between midday, the 28th, and 10 a.m., the 29th July, 18S2 — Sewage discharge at Crossness and Barking in eacli year from \H^V^ to 1878— List of foul outfalls into Thames in 1881 — Analysis of samples of Thames water, 1881 — Hourly rainfall at Kew Observatory on days on which the rate of fall reached or exceeded -96 of an inch per day in each year from 1877 to 1880 — Effect of the niixin? action in the river Thames— Tempi ratures of the Thames water in each month of the years 1844 to 1879 — Chlorine in 100,000 parts of water at various places on the Thanu'S in 1R'<2 — Population north and south of the Thames in each year from J.'-"! to l&sl,and estimated po])ulation ineach year from 1882 to 19(1] — Sewage discharge at Crossness and Balking i)it head per day in each year from 1875 to 1882 — Table i-s — Tables showing extent of Tliamcs pollution in 1882 — Time occupied by fre h water and sewage in liaversine river — Density of population in 1871 and 1881 — Popu- lation and area of the districts drained on the imrth and south of the Thames in 1881 — Mean velocities of tlie current between B]ai;kwall and Long Reach. Contents of appendix, vff^^'/w///rt .• Tidal experiments; distance travelled by floats on flowl and ebb tide^ — Gauging-i of the Thames— Result of experi- ments on rat(; at which rain falls, and the extent to which the m^xininni fall affects the flow in the sewers of Croydon — Rainfall and weather obst-j vat ions for the years 1878 and 1S79 — Analyses of London .sewage — Rainfall and ois- nbarge of susfK.-nded matter and sewage during 1878 and 1879 — Quantity of drv raufi discliarged into the Thames from tlie London Fewers during 1878 jiml 1879. \'ol. IL Second report, minutes of evidence taken from May, 1884, to October, 1884, together with a (•election from the appendices, and a digest of the evidence. [jondon, 1884-85. Folio, pp. Ixvii. ; 250. 6 plans. The reiKirt is rlivided into six parts : Supplementary remarks on the evils resulting from tlic present metropolitan sewage discliarf;c — Ceneral aspect of the question of the disposal of town sewage ; former inquiries and discussions on the subject — Proceedings of the cornnnssion— Se[)aration of sewage from rainfall — Pr.;spfft of profit from the utilization of sewage — Examination of various plans for the tn-atment of metropolitan sewage. 07 Drainage and Sewerag"e. Royal Commission on metropolitan sewatfe ili.si;har"'e, Vol. il. — co)diiiued. Contents, inter alia : Schedules of districts where the sewage is cleansed by recourse to land. Contents of appemlix. i/ifrr alia : Analyses of samples of water taken from the Thames from Teillinpton to Purfleet — Analyses of sea- water— Analyses of sam|jles of sewage and Tiiames water taken at Barking and Crossness — Analysis of mud^ from the river Thames — Analysis of samples collected in line of sewage flow — Analysis of samples of water from creeks — Analysis of sewage from sources other than the Metropolitan Board's outfalls — Report on microscopical investigation — Results and particulars of experiments on the treatment of sewage made for the Metropolitan Board of Works — Gauging of tlie Tiiames at Teddington Weir, 1883-84. Drake (Henry H.) Hasted's History of Kent. See Hasted ( Edward;. Dredo^e (James) Thames bridges from the Tower to the source. London, 1890-98. 4to. The following London bridges are describ'=d and illustrated : Tower (2 plates) — London — Cannon-street Railway — Southwark — St. Paul's Railway — Blackf riars Railway— Blackfriars — Waterloo —Charing Cross Railway —West- minster — Lambeth — Vauxhall — rimlico — Victoria — Albert — Battersea — We-t London Extension Railway — Wandsworth — Putney Railway — Putney — Hammerimith. Dresden, Verwaltungsbericht des Rathes der Koniglichen Haupt- nnd Residenzstadt Dresden filr das Jalir 1893. Dresden, 1894. 4to. pp. iv, 77 ; 275 ; 11. Drewry (Charles Stewart) The law and practice of injuncticms ; witli a supplement containing the cases decided since 1841. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. xliv.. 432, 140. Dm (Leon) N"otice sur les a])pareiLs et outils de sondage. Pari-s, 187S. 8vo, pp. 38. Outils et precedes de sondage. Paris, 1878. 23 plates portfolio. Dublin, ^'ity of, Report to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors on the general state of the public works of the city * under their control. Dn])lin, 1869. 8vo, pp. iv., 299. Accounts. 1891. Dublin, 1892. 8vo. Dubuat-Nancay (Louis Gabriel) Principes de ihydraulique et de pyrodynamique, verities par un grand nombre d experiences faites pai- ordre du Gronvernemcnt. Paris, 1816. 8vo., 3 vol. Ducavel (Dr.) The history and antiquities of the parish of Lambeth. London, 1786. 4to. pp. vii., 128. Appendix, ])p. 164. Plates. Contents, inter alia : Annual benefactions— Value of parish estates — Statistics as to rates, houses, poor, &;c. — Parish schools— The Asylum Chaiiry — We.slmiii.ster New Lyiug-in Hos)>ital — Lambeth parish estates. K 2 68 Ducarel (Dr.) History and antiquities of the arcliiepiscopal palace of Lambeth, from its foundation to the present time. London, 1785. 4to, pp. X., 132. Appendi.x, pp. 72. Plates. [MS. notes.] Contents, infrr tilin : Oiitrin of the name — Exchange of land — Building of Archbishop's palace — Chief apavtments — Public Acts and occurrences — Abstract of tlie .-^uit in tlie Court of Coninion Pleas in 177(5. l>y which the palace of Lnmbeth was decreed to be extra-parochial. Dugdale (.William) 'I'li'- liistory of imbanking and di-aining of divers fens and marshes, both in foreign pai-ts and in this kingdom, and of tlie improvements thereby. Second edition. London, 1772. Folio, pp. xii., 469. Duncan ( ) ^fanual of tiamways, omnibuses and electric I'ailways, containing abstracts of accounts, directory of directors, officials, firms and individuals connected therewith, and extract of Tramways Act and Bye-laws, Board of Trade and Metro- pf)litan. Twentieth edition. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xvii., 388. Dunhill (Thomas) A selection from papers on sanitary reform, publi.slied m the Journal of Public Health and other periodicals ; together "with minutes of evidence given before the select committee of the House of Commons appointed to enquire into the expediency of abolishing Smithfield Cattle Market, and establishing public abattoirs. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. 44. Contents : St. Giles' model lodging-house and rookery — Frying-pan- alley, Cleikenwell - Petticoat-lane, Whitechapel — Mint, Southwark — Sanitary evils from slaughterhouses in town— Lascelles-court, St. Giles — Consumption of smoke ; its sanitary and economical advantages — Smithfield market. [A pamphlet Vxnind ui> with others in volume Sanitfiry rcfnrvu 1848-.'if> *(q.v.).] Smithfield: a letter to Sir George Grey, containing a sketch of its history as a market, its prescriptive rights, its unauthorised extension at various times, its illegal tolls, its threatened further extension, and other topics of public interest, London, 18ol. 8vo, pp. 29. [A pamjjhlet bound up with otl)(T> in vfilume Miscellaneous pampldfts. 1856-64. Si-r Pamphlets.] Dunkin (Alfred John) History of Kent; — Etymology, situation, ;iiid Ijuundarioh. /I'lie first instalment only, pi-inted in the first number of "The Archaeological Mine " magazine, 1853.] Svo. pp. 6- In. [A |)araphlct bounfl up with others in volume London improvevicnfK, 1734-1 H.',}. Sir ImprowmentH.] Dlinstan 'James; Histm-y of tlie j);iiisii of Bromley St. Leonard, Mid'ilcsex, with historical illustrations. Jjondon, 1862. 8vo, pp. xiv., 252. Index, pp. [2]. 6 plates. C'lfitonts : Antiquity — Priory and precincts — General dissolution of monastic liouscs — Rectory, tithes, A:c. — Old and new churches— Manor — Population — Poors rate — Tnarities — Alms houses and schools — Village green, lownd and well — Panx-hial bi.niid.Hries and |Mjramt)ulations. 69 Dupre (August) ^ treatise on tlie urigiu, nature and varieties of wine. See Thudichum (J. L. W.) — and H. Wilson Hake, Short manual of inoi-ganic chemistry. London, 1886. 8vo, pp. xiv., 365. 1 tal)le. Durnford (Charles) and Sir Edward Hyde East, Term reports in the Court of King's Bencli. London, i794-18Uii. 8vo, 8 vol. Dwarris (Sir Fortunatus) A general treatise on statutes : their rules of construction, and the proper boundaries of legislation and of judicial interpretation, including a summary of the practice of Parliament, and the ancient and modern method of proceeding in passing bills of every kind. Second edition. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. Ixxii., 954. Dyks (Thomas Jones) Missing links in the sanitary administra- tive service. See Leamington Exhibition. Journal of the. o 70 E. Eassie (W.) ("rt'inatiDii, ;i sanitiiry institution; the effects of ijrowing vegetation vi|h)ii luinian liealth. See Leamington Kxliiliition, .Iciinial of the. East Rock Park Commissicners, Report on the lay-out of P^ast hiick-j)ark. In Donahl (!. JNlitchell. huidseape u'aich'ner. Xew Haven, IS.^2.' 8vo. ])]). 2U. Eaton < H. F.) Teeliuical education in Victoria. See Education (Technical education Congress). Ebring"ton (Viscount) 'The Metropolitan Sewei-s Bill considered in committee. London, I80I. Svo, pp. 16. [A pamplilet bound up with others in vohniie Ph ins for nut ropoJittnt (1 riiiiiiiijr, lst8-t;.T. S<'i' l)j'ain:i7;.' .so to 1895 9(1. Edinburgh, 1880-96. Folio. 17 vol. {con- thiv-iitfj^. Education. I^fpott of the Committee of Council on Kdncati<.)n, 1880- x\ to 1896-97. liondon, 1881-97. 8vo. 17 vol. {continuing). Content.s of iHst vohinic : — Report Cpp. Ixxxv.) : Introductory — Analysis of statistics — Sunmiary tal)los of eilucatifinal statistics — Curve diagrams of educatidiiai progress fi om 1870 to 1H96. Appendix to report (\>]).lQ(i'), intir (iHa : I»etail'il .statistJcsof aniutal grant seliools. sh'iwine (i ) expenciiturc from eiiucation grants, 183'.)-96 ; (ii.) animal grant list of puhlic eN-montary day scliools on 3lst August, 18!H; ; (iii.) pul'lie elementary day schools inspected during the year ending 31st August, 1896; (iv.") evening continuation schools for j'ear (tiding Blet Autrnst, 189oIs — Repoits of M.M. ins|»errtfirH of eh-inentary scliools and traiiniig 'colleges — Volinitary Schools Act. ]8;)7—Klemcntary" Education Act, 18!t7— Day School Code, 1S'.)7— Kevise«l inntruetions to in.spectorH. 1897 — Evening Continuation School Code, 1897. Ketums (pji. i'D) f-howing (i.) expenditure fmm tlic grant for imlilic p«hieatjen in Engliiiid and Wales in the year ]8!)(; upon annual grants to ejpinentary ffliriols ; f ii,) a''fnal number of public eiemontai'v day schools on the annua! grant li.st on the 3)st August, Isiui. acrommodatiun and Education, Report of Committee of Council, 1896-97 — continued. niinihur of scliol.-u's in those schools ; (iii.) results of the inspection and cx- ariiiniiiion of public elementary tlay schools, evening continuation sciiools, and cert. tied elhcient schools dnrinuj the year ending 81st August, 1896 ; ace )inuiodalion, number of s(;h(jlars, teachers employed, particulars of grant earned, income and expenditure, &c. * Keturns (pp. r)68) of (i.) schools in receipt of parliamentary grants ; (ii.) grants i)aid to school boards under section 97 of the Elementary I*]ducation Act, 1870 ; (iii.) School Board accounts and list of loans : Ust, under school districts, for the inspection year ended 31st August, 1896, of elementary day schools in recei|jt of i)arliamentary grants, showine, for each scIkjoI, accommodation, average attendance, amount of annual grant (London is given on pp. 154-166) — List of schools certified utder the Elementary Education (Blind and Deaf Children) Act, 1893, in receipt of parliamentary grants (London is given on p. 302) — List of elementary evening continua- tion schools in receipt of parliamentay grants (London is given on pp. 372- 375) — tirants paid to school boards under section 97 of the Elementary Education Act, 1870, during year eiidetl 31st March, 1897 — Return showing, for each school board in England and Wales for the year ended 29th Sej - tember, 1896, income under the heads (i.) grants from Committee of Council on Education (ii.) under Technical Instruction Act, 1889 (iii.) school fees, and books, &.C., sold to children (iv.) amount paid to treasurer by rating authority, and rate per & (v.) income arising from other sources (vi.) loans (vii.) total receipts ; expenditure under the heads (i.) legal and other ex- penses of administration (ii.) expenses of maintenance of public elementary schools (iii.) contributions towards, or expenses of, industrial schools (iv.) under Technical Instruction Act, 1889 (v.) capital charges, viz., (a) purchase of land and erection, enlargement or alterations of school buildings (/;) fur- nishing school buildings (vi.) loans («) repayment (/>) interest (vii.) expenses not incluiled under foregoing heads (viii.) total expemliture : liabilities for loans and other liabilities (London is given on pp. 480-481) — Ij st of school boards to which loans have been sanctioned during the year ended 31st March, 1897, with amount of such loans — -List of school boards to which loans have been sanctioned for the provision of accommodation for blind and deaf children during the j^ear ending 31st ^larch, 1897, witli amount of such loans. Special reports on educational subjects, 189o-97. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. iv., 732. Contents : Public elementary education in England and Wales, LSTO-g.") — English students in foreign training colleges- — Brush work in an elementary school — The A B C of drawing, an inquiry into the principles underlying elementary instruction in drawing — Domestic economy teaching in Englarjd — Technical education for girls — The s ;condary day school attached to the Batter.-ea I'jlvtcchnic, Lon Ion, an experiment in the co-education of boys and girls — A brief sketch of the history of the Irish system of elementary education (with a table of dates showing the reciprocal influence of Irish on English, and of English on Irish, educitioa) — National system of education in Ireland — Recent legislation on elementary education in Belgium — House- wifery schools and classes of Belgium — French system of higher primary schools — Realschulen in Berlin and their bearing on (juestions of secondary and commercial education — Oberrealschulen of Prussia, with s[)ecial reference to the Oberrealschule at Charlottenburg — Prussian elementary school code — Continuation schools (Fortbildungsschulen) in Saxony — School journey in (lermany — Teaching of the mother tongue in Germany — Holiday courses in France and Germany for instruction in modern languages — Recent educational progress in Denmark — ICducation in Egypt— Educat on of girls and women in Spain — National bureau of education in the United States — History of the Maiutoba school sy.stem and issues of the recent contr.)versy — Admission of women to universities — List of the chief official publications on education in Gi-eat Britain and Ireland. 7 J Education, Sptvial reputts — continued. P^n reiMTt on "Public eleiiu-iitary education in England and Wnles. 1870-9:)" is considered under the heads : Introductory — Central authorities — School boards and school attendance commitK es— Schools under voluntary managers— Cost of public elementary education — Codes and conditions of award of giai.ts— Teaohiner staff — Schools, accommodation, number of scholars, average attendance— Subjects of inst-uction in day schools— Sch' ol savinLTs banks and school libraries. There are numerous statistical tables for all England and Wales only in the coujse of the report. A verbatim report, with indexes, uf tlie debate iu Parliament during the progi-ess of the Klcnieiitary Education Bill, 1870. totri'ther with a reprint of the Art. London, [n.d."!. JSro, pp. XX., 622. ' Report of the Royal Commission appointed to iiKjuire into the working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales. London, 1886-88. Folio, 9 vol. ^ ol. I. First rejjort, minutes of evidence taken from 17th Febriiary. 1S86. to 23rd June, 1886, and appendix. 1886. pp. viii.. .'>4.S. Contents of appendix, hifrr nli/i : Keturn for e^ch of the yeans l>(;3-S.o of as many of the following particulars as oHicial records will sujjply with respect to sohi,ols under inspection in England and Wales, viz., accommoda- tion ; iiunjber and ages of scholars on the registers, in average atteiulance, examined by the inspector., and presoited in standards suited to their age ; average cnst of instruction : income from sul soipt ons, tates. school fets, and other souices : annual grants made by the Eilucation Department- Income, expenditure and grant of the voluntary and board schools in certain !<)• alitiesdur ng the year ]8.s4-S.">- Distributi. n of the population of Jlngland and Wales und( r school beards ard school attendance committees and under bye-law standards— Co.-t j)er scholar under denominations in each of the yeais JSCo-H.^— Ta' le showing, )or infant seiiools and classes, average number of (-.•holars in attendance (for paynunt). ])ercentage of schools and classes rcconimtndcd for paym- nt under artic e 100, aveiage rate of claim per scholar in average attendance, for year ended 3 st" August, 188o — Table showing, for Schools and classes for older schoLars. number of departments, average number of scholars in attendance (for pavmenr), percentage of de|iaitments n commended for payments, average rates ol claims f()r ])ay- ment> pex-eniage of pupil leachers recommtiidi d for pa} ment. number of ► mall schools paid sjiecial grants, and t.tal rate of claim per scholar in average attendance, for year ctidtrt 31st August, )K8.5— Return showing, for eonuties in England and Wales ard iu the nietr politan district, number of schools in which accr>mmo8criptions or rates, and other particulars. Vol. V. Disfcst of evidence. 1888. pp. viii., 318. In this volume a digest is given of the evidence of each witness. Vol. \'I. Index to evidence. 1888. pp. 202. In this vohuue a digest is given of the evidence under each subject. Vol. Vll. Information obtained in {inswer to inrpiiries made by circular respecting the state of elementary education in certain foreign countries and Britisli cdloiiifs. 1888. jip. iii., 3-5.J. Vol. VIII. Statistical i-eport. 1888. pp. 487. Thi4 volume consists of the ial)ulated answers to circulars sent to uianagers of schools. \'(il. IX. Information obtained in answer to inquiries made by circular addressed to the ])rincipals of training colleges in Kn4. Eolio, pp. 838. Incojne is given under the hearls (i.) from annual grant, 181(1-92 ; (ii.)from fee grant ; (iii. and iv.) endowment. an\ount and amount ]ier head : (v. and vi.) from vohniiary contributions (including colieetions in churches or ciiapels) or rates, amount and amount per head ; (vii. and viii.) from school pence. amount and amount per head ; (ix.) from books (in addition to school pence); (x.) from Science and Art Deiiartment : (xi.) from other sources ; (xii.) total income. I*]xpenditure is given under the heads (i.) on salaries of teachers: (ii.) on books and a|)paratus ; (di.) miscellaneous, inchuhng repairs, furiuture, rent, fuel an, the total annual giants, and the amounts per head. Royal Commission on Seconflnry Ivlucatiou, 1894. J^oiidon, 1895. 8vo, 9 vol. Vol. I. Alport of the Commissioners, and appendix. 1895. j>p. xxvi., 451. The report i>divirletori<-;d sketch— Present condition of secondary etJucaii.Jii in England— Keview of evidence, with di.^^cussion of .suggestions made by certain witnesses — Becommi-ndatioiis. The recommend- Education, Scfondary Kdufatiun (yonimissioii, Vnl. T. — continueil. iiiidus are set out under live heads : The central authority — Ijoeal authorities — Arraiit;oments for the better organisation of schools — Financial arrange- ments — Questions sp cially aftVctintr teachers. Contents of appendix, iiitr^v aliti : Amounts appropriated ami spent on education by each county council anrl county borouuh duriiiLf lH'J3-'.)4 — liist of spcondary schools aided by each couaty council and county borouj^h during lS!»3-i)4 — List of secondary schools founded or being founded by county e juneils during 18»3-94 — Kvening continuation schools earning grants from county councils and county boraughs — ('onditii)ns on which aid is given to secondary seliools by county councils and county boroughs — Amounts a[)plied to scholarships of varioTis class s and number of s.tholars elected to such scholarships during each of the years 1892, 1893, 18;»4 by county councils and county boroughs — Value and length of tenure at, and character of examination for, scholai'ships and exhibitions — Further conditions of tenure — Secondary schools at which scholarships were held on May 1st. 1894 —Universities, univi-i'sity colleges, and institutions of similar rank for women at which scholai-s'iips were held on May 1st, 1S91 — Occupations of parents of scholar- ship holders — Distrirmt'on of endowments under Endowed Schools Acts, Sc'ence and Art grants, and appropriated Local Taxation Act grants in each county and county borough — Index. VoL II. Minutes of evidence tnken from 24th April, 1894, to ilJth June, 1894, and appendix. 1895. pp. iii., 595. Contents of appendix, intfr alia : Statistics as to university careers of jiupils in the schools of the Girls' Public Day School Comiiany, Liinitetl. to December. 1893 — Report of the Technical Education Board for 1893-94. Vol. III. Minutes of eA'idence taken from 20tli June, 1894, to 8tli August, 1894, and appendix. 1895. pp. iii., 5G0. CiMitents of appendix, i)itcv alia : Analysis of occupations for year ended November. 18'.t3, of past boys of the Bridge-street School. Birmingham — St.iti.-tics relating to higher grade and organiseil science schojls. \'ol. IV. Minutes of evidence taken from 2nd October, 1894, to 26tli March, 1895, and appendix. 1895. pp. iii., 564. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Abstract of accoimts of the Maria Grey Trainim; College, Brondesbury — Summary of receipts and [laymeuts of 401 endowed secondary schools — Analj^sis of salaries of In admasters and average salaries of assistant masters of endowed secondary schools, compiled from statements of accounts returned to tne Charity Commission. \o\. V. Memoranda and answei-s to tpestions. 1895. pp, ti-IG. The memoranda by the Koyal Commissioners are briefly on the following subjects : Age for entrance into universities — Financial resources available for seconilary education — Contributions of private school teachers to the improvement of e Incational methods — Pensit ns and provident funds for tea<'hers — Various methods of securing representati(m of teachers on the central and local authorities for secondary education — [jeaving examination as conducted in the secondary schools of Prussia — .Advantage of having the same central and local authorities for secondary and elementary education — Proportion of population receiving a secondary education, and extent to which public elementary schools are used as preparatory schools — Welsh Intermediate Education Act. 1889 — Future constitution of the Charitj' Commission — History of endowed schools — Training of teachers — Kelation which should subsist between primary and .secondary schools — Tiainiug of teaeliers of secondary schools in France —KcL'isti'ation and ti-aining of teachers in secondary schools ia the Geinian Empire. Education, Secondary Education Commission — continued. \ ol. VI. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the counties of Bedford, Devon, Lancaster (the hundreds of Salford and West Derby), Norfolk. 1895. pp. viii., 427. Vol. VII. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the counties of Surrey, Warwick, and Yorkshire; and on certain features of secondary education in the United States of America and in Canada. 1895. pp. viii., 409. Vol. VIII. Summary of, and index to, minutes of evidence. 1895. pp. xvi., 195. Vol. IX. Appendix ; statistical tables. 1895. pp. 437. Contents, inter alia : Return of foundations in England, exclusive of the county of Monmouth, the endowiiieuts or parts of the endowmeuts of which are recordeil in tlje books of the Charity Commis.sioners for England and Wales as subject to the provisions of the Endowed Schools Acts, showing, in respect of each foundation, the name, place, county, gross income, date of any scheme established under the Endowed Schools Acts, and of any amending scheme established under those Acts or the Charitable Trusts Acts ; and, if no scheme has been established under the Endowetl Schools Acts, whether any, and what, proceedings, and at what dates, have taken place, with a view to a scheme under those Acts (London is given on pp. 80-'J'J) - Statement as to a]iportionmeiit between educational and other objects in the case of endow- ments dealt with by schemes under the Endowed Schools Acts in which fuch apportionment has been made (London is given on pp. 187-188) — Secondary girls' schools regulated by schemes made under the Endowed Schools Acts (London is given on pp. 201-202)— Api)ortionnicnt of income between boys' and girls' schools where separate schools for boys and gitls are maintained out of one foundation (London is giA-en on pp. 209-210) — I'rovision maile for education of girls (London is given on pp. 2LS-2iy) — Tarticulars of establishment, accommodation and attendance in three London School Board (mixed) schools— Number, age and standard of scholars in higher grade elementary schools in selected counties and London in 18'.i3-94 — Specimen curricula in various schools in London and the rest of England — Results of inquiry made by the Technical Education Board into the number of pupils attending secondary schools in London. Second i-eport of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruction. London, 1884. 8vo, 2 vol. Vol. I. Report of the Commissioners, pp. 557. Contents : Technical education on the continent — Visits to industrial establishments on the continent —Visits to various in-^litulions in tlie United Kiriadnni — Conclnsions— Rejiorts on .schools for leaching domestic trades in South (iermany and the Austrian provinces. Vol. 11. Report on agricultural education in North (Jermany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, and the United Kingdom; by H. M. Jenkins, pp. 442. There are Vjound up with this volume : Repnrt on tecimical edu(;ation in the I'liited States f»f America and Canada, by William Mather, pp. 84 — Noten on technical instruction in the United States, by the Commissioners, pp. 8. Tecimical Kducation, Rcpoit of the proceedings of the fourth meeting of the International (jongress on. [Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce.] London, 1S97. 8vM, pj.. vi., :i07. I I Education, Tccbnieal Education (Joiig)'css — continued. Conteuts : — The relations existinpr between the teacliing of pui-e chemistry and applied chemistry ; by Otto N. Witt. Heuristic instruction in physical science ; by H. E.Armstrong. The teaching of chomi-jtry in evenJMg contniuation schools ; liy J. If. Gladstone. K(;raarks on the teaching of chemistry ; by (jeorge Lunge. The inlervenlion of tlie state in secoiidaiy technical education : by Gilbert K. Redgrave. Theory and practice in trade teai-iiing ; by Sir Pliilip Magnus. The training of te(;hnical teachers ; bv Sidney H. Wells. The work of the (!ity and Guilds (Vntral Technical College; by W. E. Ayrton. Tcehnischc Erziehung in Wiirttemberg ; by J. v. Diefenbach. Some limitarions to technical instruction ; Ijy Sir Joshua Fitch. T/euseignement professionnel et Tinitiative priv^e en Belgique ; by Oscar PyfEeroen. L'enseignement technique et commercial en Belgique ; by Edouard Seve. Rapport sur l'enseignement technique en Belgique ; by Paul Wauters. The inlluence of various examining bodies on the progress of technical and commercial education in England ; by Prof. J. Wortheimer. A German technical college from an English point of view; by Eilvvin 0. Sachs. The Society of Arts' examinations ; by Sir Henry Trueman Wood. The teaching of drawing in connection with technical and commercial education ; by T. R. Ablett.^ Agricultural education ; by F. J. Lloyd. County councils and practical training in agriculture ; by Harold E. Moore. How best to encourage technical education among the workmen ; bv R. W. Baxter. Technical education in relation to the electrotyping, stereotyping, and process engraving industries : by Walter Boutall. Technical education in coimcctinn with the gold and silver trades ; by W. Augustus Steward. Watch and clock making ; by T. D. Wright. Technical education in relation to glass manufacture : by Harry J. Powell. Technical education in architecture and the building trades ; bv W. R. Lethaby. Polytechnics : by Quintin Hogg. The work of the i)olytechnics ; by Professor William Garnett. Reforms in the organisation of technical education ; by Professor Silvanus P. Thompson. Evening schools ; by Swire Smith. The development of technical instruction in secondary schools under the provisions of the Technical Instruction Acts. 1SS9 and 1891, and the Local Taxation Act, 18"0; by H. Macan. Some suggestions for the better organisation of examinations — more especially in reference to the qualification of teachers of technical subjects ; by W. Vibart Dixon. The limitations of the work of county councils : by Thomas Turner. The true basis of technical education ; by William Slingo. Rapport sur l'enseignement commercial sup^rieur en France ; by Jacques Siegfried. Suggestions on commercial education ; by H. W. Eve. Commercial education and the need for a school of commerce ; by Dr. Richard Wormell. Commercial education in England and America ; by Bernard de Bear. Systematic commercial education : by T. A. Organ. The teaching of economics ; liy W. A. S. Hewiiis. L'enseignement des langues vivantes : by L. Suttlc. 78 Education, TefhiiuMl KJuL-ution Congress — cimfinucd. TiK' jirovisiiin of hiy^her commercial education ia Loadoii : liv Sidue}' Webb. The present state, claims, and prospects of commciviitl education ; by Edward E. Whitlield. A i)lea for tlie m liistorical account of the great level of tlie Fens, called Bedford Level, and other fens, marshes and lowlands in this king(him, and other places; with references to Leland's Itini'rary, Duufdales history of imhankinjif and draininof, and othei's of the most ap])r()ved authority. Lynn, 1793. 8vo, pp. XX., 276. Eltoil < Charles IsaaCJ A tieatise on commons and waste lands, with special reference to the Law of Approvement. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. xxiii., 333. Ely Place- Act of Parliament relating to, 1842. London. Folio. Contents: Pavintr. litrhting. watchins;. cleansintr and improving, 1842. [This is l)onn 1 up with the voluinu of Acts relating to Charterliouse.J Ely (Richard T.i !»'i'^ J. H. Finley, Taxation in American states and cities. New York, 1888. 8vo, pp. xx., 544. Contents : — I. Taxfs (lefiiieil— General propositions respecting; taxes - Oricjin and t^ruwth of modern taxation — A few general remurk.son the workings of taxation — The tlifferent kinds of taxes — Direct and indirect taxation compared — The literature of taxation. II. TiiwiitiKu iix if is: Colonial taxation — Taxation in ITItO — Tlie transition peiiod -Experience of Ohio -Experience of Georgia — Experience <>t Wisconsfn and AVest Virginia — Experience of New Vork-=-Experience of other states— Other features of existing financial systems — The testimony of reason. in. Taxation as it xhotild he: The principles on which a new system of taxa'ion should ba basei savinirs banks, churches, and educational and benevolent institutions — Technical details and administrative machinerj'. I\'. Ciinxfitiitional provixians, xtiitintical information, Si'r.: Constitutional [)rovisions — Revenues and expenditures of the states — Revenues and expenrjitures of cities— Rates of taxation — Valuations of real and personal pro|)erty — Public debt-j of stat^^s and cities — Inheritance and bequests. Emden 'Alfreds The law relating to building leases and building contracts: together with the statutes relating to building, with notes and the latest cases under the various sections ; and a glossary of architectural and bnildirg terms. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. xlii.. 716. The Metropolis Management and Building Acts TAmend- rnent) Act. 1882 (A'y Vict.,c. 14) ; fortniiicr a supplement to tlu^ law relating to building leases, Ac. London, 1882. Hvo, pp. 4.{. 81 Emerson (Gr. R.) ijondon : how tlie great city grew. London 18G2. 8vo, pp. vi., 313. Contents : Queen Elizabeth's London— L()n plates. Epping" Forest Commission, 1871- London, 1873-77. Foho 7 vol. VmI. I. .Minutes of tvideuee taken from KJtIi May, 1872, to Oth April, 1873. 1873. pp. 1(127. Vol. 1 1. Minutes of evidence taken from 24tli Julv, 1S73, to 17ih December, 1873. 1873. pp. 1()2!)-18H8. Vol. III. Tables put in evidence on behalf of the Commissioners of .Sewers of the City of London and other commoners, and minutes of evidence taken from 13th Ja'nuaiy, 1874, to 31st July, 1874. 1874. pp. 18tJ'.l-323(!. Vol. IV. Minutes of evidence taken from 23rd December, 1S74, to 22nd November, 1876. 1876. pp. 3237-422."). Vol. V. Ther.dlsof the Court of Attachments of the Royal Forest of Waltham. in the county of Essc-k, from Slst October, 1713, to 6th December, 1848. 1873. 4 parts in one vol. Part i. 31st October. 1713. to 11th June, 1748 ; pp. 194. Part ii. 30tli July, 1748. t.j'Jth July, 17y2 ; pp. l.")'.). Part iii. 27th Au^rust, 17!»2, to 22nd Septendjer, 1817 ; pp. 171. Part iv. 18th September. 1830, to 6th December, 1848 ; pp. 68. Vol. VI. Preliminary report and appendix. 1875. pp.71. 8 plan^. Contents of appendix : Book of reference to the plan of the waste lands of Epping Forest, within the meaninj^ of the Eppintr Forest Act, 1871, as ascertained by tlie Epping Forest Commissioners — PeramVjulation of the Forest of Waltham. in the county of Essex, in the seventeenth year of the re'gM of Kinf,' Charles the First. Vol. VII. Final report and appendix. 1877. pp.116. 7 plans. Essex (W. R. H.; and Sydney Smirke, illustrations of the archilec-tiiial oiTiaments and einbelli.>limcnts and painted glass of the Temple Church, London, from drawings specially made, by permission, by W. \'. l\. Essex, with an account of the i-ccent restojation of tlie church, by Sydney Smirke. Jjondon, 1845. Folio, pp. 15. 29 plates. Amonjj the pla'es is a general plan of the Temple Church as restored. The remainder consist of coloured representations of the stained glass windows and deconitions of ceiling, arches and altar-piece, and drawiners of the various carved oak cUjows to seats, and capitals and bases of columns. 83 Evans (John) Physiograpliy. Iiondon, 1885. 8vo. [One of a series of lectures delivered at the Institute of Civil Engineers durinjj: session 1884-85 on Theory and practice of hydro-mechanics. See Civil Engineers.] Evans (Thomas W.) La Commission Sanitaire des Etats-Unis, son originc, sou organisation et ses resultats, avec une notice sur les liopitaux militaires aux Etats-Unis et sur la reforme sanitaire dans les armees europeennes. Paris, 1865. 8vo, pp. 178. 5 plates. Eve (H. W.) Sug-gestions on commercial education. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Eversley (William Finder) The law of the domestic relations, including husband and wife, j^arent and child, guardian and ward, infants, and master and servant. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. xlix., 1097. Exeter, City of, Abstract of accounts, 1893-94 to 1894-95. Exeter, 1894-95. 8vo, 2 vol. Explosive substances, Report from select committee, with pro- ceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1874. Folio, pp. xxviii., .441. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Return of factories of gunpowder, gun- cotton, ammunition, fireworks, &c. ; store magazines for gunpowder ; and magazines for nitro-glycerine preparations, in each county of the United Kingdom — Return of the average quantity of gunpowder shipped at Blackwall Stairs during each of the years 1868-73 — Return of the quantities of gun- powder landed and shipped off daily in the locality of Blackwall during the years 18(J8-73. There is bound up with this a report by Major V, D. Majendie on " the necessity for the amendment of the law relating to gunpowder and other explosives, with suggestions for a new Act." 1874. pp. 81. 1- 2 84 F Fairbairn ('Sir William) On tho application of cast and wronght iruii to buikling pui'jxiscs. Londuu, 1854. 8vo, pp. viii., 183. The same ; to wliich is added a short treatise on wrougrht iron bridges. Second edition. London, 1857-58. 8vo, pp. xii., 21)2. The same — fourth edition. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xix., 37(3. 6 plates. Useful infomiation for engineers. Third edition. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. XX., 380. The same ; together with a series of appendices, containing the results of experimental inquiries into the strength of materials, the causes of boiler explosions, etc. Second sezies. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. xYii., 329. Fairholt ( Frederick W.) Lord Mayors' pageants ; being collections towards a history of these annual celebrations, with specimems of the descriptive pamphlets published by the City poets. London, 1843-44. 8vo, 2 vol. in one. Part I. History of Lord Mayors' pageant''. 184.S. pp. xl., 178. Thispart contains an appendix, fcivin'2') extracted from the parish books. Plates : Bishop of London's Palace, Fulliam — Mip of Fulham, 1813— South view of Fuham clinrcli— Monuments of Lady Lcgh, Catherine Hart, and Lord Mordaunt in Euliiam Church — North view of Hammersmith Church — Interior quadrangle of the Bishop of London's Palace — Normand House. Hi.storv and antiquities of Kensington, interspersed with biographical anecdotes of royal and distinguished personages, and a descriptive catalogue of the collection of pictures in the Palace. London, 1820. 4to, pp. xix., 449. Index, ])p. [lOJ. 11 plates. Contents : Etymologj'. situation, boundaries and peiamljulation, Kensington division of tlie hundrecl of Ossulstan, highways and parochial ways. Commis- sion of Sewers, stratilication, soil, agriculture, botanic gardens and nurseries, mineral spiiin^s and wells — Manor of Earl's-court, Kensington, Domesday survey, account of De Vere family — Holland House— Manor of Abbots'- Kensington, annexation of the manor and church to the Abbey of Abingdon, compositions b. tween the Abbot of Abingdon and the Bishop of London and I'riorof C(jlno. first endowment of vicarage, Manor House and rectoiy — Parish church, monuments and epitaphs — Benefactions, almshouses, national school, workliousc population, extracts from parish registerand historical documents from parish books — Kensington, ancient and i)resent state, public institutions and societies — Royal palace and gardens — Hyde-jiark, Bayswater, Kensington gravel pits, Manor of Knotting-Barns, Knotting-hill — Earl's-court, Little Chelsea, Bromfiton, Kensington Gore. Plates, infer (ilia : Kensington national school — Map of the parish, 1S20 — Holiancl House (2 plates) — Kensington (!hur(;h — No^l House, Kensington Gore — Campden Hon.se — Kensington Palace — Bayswater Chapel. The hi.story and antiquities of the parish of Hammersmith, inter.xpersed Avith biographical notices of illustrious and eminent j)crsoiis who have been liorn or who liave resided in the parish during the thi'ce preceding centuries. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. xvi., 446. T) plates. Contents, inter alia : Introduction, situation, etymology, artesian wells, V)oun laries. extent. i>opulatioM, highways, puljJic roads, Roman i-oad, river Thames, fishery — London and Birmingham Railway, Great Western Railway, Birmingham, Bristol and Thames .Junction Railway — Dometday survey. 87 Faulkner (Thomas) History of Hammersmith — continued. parish church, iiaioi'hial schools, extracts from parish registers and parish books^General description of the town and neighbouriiood — Lower and Upper Malls, Hit,di-i>ri(^lE^(;, West Middlesex waterworks, Hammersmith- terrace, !^t. Peter's district, chapel and square, Theresa-terrace — Manor of Palings wick, Ravensrourt-pai'k, Turnham-grcen-common, Stamford-brook, Gaggle-Goose-green, Starch-green, New-road, Gould- Hawk-road, Shepherd's- bush, Wood-lane, Wormholt-scrubs and manor, Old Oak-common, Harlesdon- green, nortliern boundary, Brook-green. Appendix, inter (iha : Copies of surrenders and admissions to copyhold lands within the manors of Fulham and Kensington, H8y-1516 — Parliamen- tary surveys of livings, " Hammersmith in the parish of Fulham " — Extract from the Fulham parish books, relative to the opening of Hammersmith Chapel, 1661 — " Sessment of the poore of Hamersmith, 1626-27" — Poor's rate for 21 years, 1816-36— Management of the poor — Act for making Hammersmith a distinct and separate parish. 1831. Plates, i.ntrr alin : Map of Hammersmith, 1839 — View and plan of St. Mary's Training College, Hammersmith. The history and antiquities of Brentford, Ealing and Chis- wick, interspersed with biographical notices of illustrious and eminent persons who have been born or have resided there during the three preceding centuries. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. xvi., 504. 14 plates. Fenn (Charles) -A- compendium of the English and foreign funds, debts, and revenues of all nations, banks, railways, mines, and the principal joint stock companies, forming an epitome of the various objects of investment and speculation negotiable in London, the laws and regulations of the Stock Exchange, etc. Ninth edition, re-written, greatly enlarged, and brought down to the present time, by Robert Lucas Nash. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. XX., 584. Field (John) Analysis of gas accounts, 1869-80. Oblong 4to. Contents : — Averages per ton of coal carbonized and per 1,000 cubic feet of gas sold of the items in the accounts of the Imperial Gas Company for each of the years 186i)-73, antl for 1874 in manuscript. Anal^'sis of the metropolitan gas companies' accounts for each of the years 18f)9-80. The accounts and other particulars for the last year (1880) of the metro- politan and suburban gas companies, viz., Gas Light, Commercial, Jjondon, South Metropolitan ; Barnet. Brentford, Bromley, Colney Hatch, Croydon, Crystal Palace, Lea Bridge, Mitchain, Richmond, Tottenham, Wandsworth, West Ham, Woolwich (Consumers), Woolwich (Equitable), are analysed under the following heads: Date of incorporation— Capital authorised — Capital rai.sed — Capital unraised — Cai)ital employed — Coals carbonized — Per cent, of cannel gas sold — Illuminating power required by Act — Price per 1,000 charged — Gas made — Gas sold — Used at works and offices — Unaccounted for — Coke made — Coke used for fuel — Average price per chaldron obtained for coke sold less charges — Net proceeds of coke and other residuals per cent on co^t of coal — Cost of coal — Less residuals — Net cost of coal — Manufactory charges — Distribution — Rent and taxes — Management — Law charges — Bad debts— Public officers and testing offices — Depreciation of works on leasehold — Other charges — Total working expenses — Coals and working expenses — Gas rental — Less lighting and repairing public lamps — Net gas rental — Expenditure for gas — Profit on gas — Xdd meter rent — Deduct meter repairs — Add miscellaneous receipts 88 Field (John) Analysis of gas accounts — continued. — Detluct exceptioual charges — Gross profit — Insurance or other fund — Interest on borrowed monies, less ere lits — Net i)rofit— Standard dividends — Additional dividend — Sur[)lus - Dt ficienc}'— Ket profit per cent, on stock and share capital raised— Standanl dividend i)er cent, on stock and share capital raised— Reserve fund aiul balance on net revenue account after providing for dividend— Insurance and other funds. Finaucial News (Reprint from) A brief account of the dis- ..clo.sures wliifli liavelcdlo llie njipoiiitment of a Royal Commission to investigate the cluifg-cs brought ap,ainst the Metropolitan Board of Works. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. 111. Contents : Introductory— Our first visit to Spring-gardens— The Pavilion leases — 1 he Robertson scandal — The Pavdion inquiry^— Report i.f the Pavilion Committee — The Board shirks the is-ue — Our ajipeai to Parliament — A sham in(iuiry— Sj.ring-gardun rings— Perqui>it. s in Spring-gardens — Cues for the lu.yal Coinn)ission— JIetroi)()litan sewage— Tie P.oard and the theatjes — An old scandal in the Board — The question for the ratepayers. FilllafJOn (W. F.) The Common Law Procedure Acts of 1852, 1854 and If^GO, with notes and the forms and rules, to Avhich are prefixed all the Acts relating to Common Law Procedure. London, 1860. 12mo, pp. xi., 394. A brief and practical exposition of the law of charitable trusts, with special reference to the jurisdiction of the Com- missioners of Charities, containing also all the Charital)le Trusts Acts ; with notes, and the rules, minutes, and orcers of the Court of Chancery and the Commissioners of Charities. London, 1860. 12mo, pj). viii., 244. Finley (J. H,) Taxation in American states and cities. See Ely (Richard T.). Fire Brigade, Metropolitan, Report from select committee, with jiroceedirigs, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, ly76. Folio, pp. xii., 814. 1 map. Contents of apjiendix, inttralia: Distribution, iiiinil)er of calls received, and duties done during April, IXOH, at each station of the Metropolitan Fire Brigjwle — Number of men required at each station in order to allow every man one night in bed each week — Number of tuincocks and assistant turncocks of eacli of the water companies — Proposed sites for new fire-escapes- Return of cases of men who have broken down in the service, with amounts awarded to them by the Metropililan P.oard of Works— Return of men who have rlisjjlayed great merit in saving life from fire — Nunjber of fires in each hour during the day of eaeh of the years 18(;6-75 — Bates of i)ay and scale of pensions authorised for the Metropolitan Polica- Monthly, daily, and weekly Bummaries of fires for each ©f ten years 18(!0-7r; — Number of fire-engine statioDB, men, fire-escapes, ami fire-escape stations on 1st Jauuaiy of each of the years IH6(i-7fi — Numl^er of men temjiorarily emj.hjyed as sujiernumeraries in place of men (resbures in various parts of the water companies' districts, arranged with reference to the altitudes of the several places above Ordnance Datum, 1876 — Pensions firoposed for the Metropolitan Fire P.rigade compared with those now in forcj in the City and Metropolitan Police and the Manchester and Liveri)Ool Fire Brigades— Proportion of jiay which a member of the Fire 89 Fire Brig-ade, Metropolitan, Report, 1876— continued. Hrij^aile would ruceivc us jn'iisioii after various terms of service according to each of three schemes — Length of service of men leaving the Urigade iu each of the years ls(U)-75 — Amount contributc^d by first, and last man in each class of the Fire Hrigade, and annuities they would Ije entitled to under the Hoard's scheme, if it had been accepted — Memorandum by Sui)erinteniling Architect of the Metrof>olitan Board of Works as to means of providing lire plugs in the metropolis, with suggestions by Captain Shaw, and correspondence with water companies — C<)ntri})utions from insurance offices u[ion the rate- able value of the metropolis — Receipts and expenditure in each of the years 18(!()-7r) — Estimate of working expenses for 187G — Loans raised and amount expended in each of the yenrs 18(!6-7r) — First cost of stations, I8ti6-7r) — Stations in use on 31st December, 1875, showing rental, etc., cost of erection, and amount expended in alterations and repairs — Pay and superannuation allowances of the Manchester Fire Brigade — Number of steam and hand eiitrines. and men proposed at the several stations — Number of police stations in the Metrop'-litan Police District, showing number in each division within and beyond the boundary of the Board — Details of fires iu Liverpool in 1875, ■with accounts of the Brigade. The map is of London, setting out the different stations of the Fire Brigade, fire escapes, police stations, and the boundaries of the several water companies. Repoi't from select committee, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1877. Folio, pp. Ixiv., 505. The report is divided under the following heads : — Preliminary — Administra- tion of Fire Brigade — Police — Water supply — Insurance companies —Theatres — Conclusions. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Report of a special committee of the Society of Arts on insecurity from fires, and from panics at theatres and pla' es of public resort — Legislation for public protection against fires and panics in theatres in France — Rules for theatres licensed by the Lord Chamberlain — Metrojxjlitan theatres licensed bj' the Lord Chamberlain, 1866 and 1H77 — List of music-halls, concert -halls, and one casino licensed by magistrates in London — Various returns giving particulars of supply of water at fires by the water companies — Statistics of fire brigades in various towns in Europe and America. Fire Protection, Report from select committee, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1867. Folio, pp. xxvi., 287. Index, pp. iv., 55. Contents, inter alia : Rewards paid for calling West Middlesex Waterworks turncocks to fires in each quarter of the years 1862-67 — Results of an examination of the inflammable properties of 65 speci no ens of mineral lamp oil purchased at shops in various parts of London — Table showing that fires have increased in London in an undue ratio to the increase of population and of houses — Table showing increase in numbers of fires recorded as of '•suspicious, doubtful, or unaccounted for" origin — Table showing the practice in several of the countries on the continent with regard to investigations into- the origin of fires — Acts of iarliament relating to buildings in the metropolis — Acts of Parliament relating to water companies in the metropolis - Table showing comparative strength of the late London Fire Brig^tde establishment on the 31st December, 1865, and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade on the 1st June, 1867 — Percentage of principal causes of fiies for 33 years — Table showing tlistribution of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade in June, 1867 — Table of known and unknown causes of London fires for each of the years 1833-66 — Table showing, for each of the years 18-10 64, numbt-r of fires; estimated population; number of houses, marriages, births, and deaths; number of people to each house, marriage, birth, death and fire ; number of houses, marriages, births, and deaths to each tire. There are maps of the London Fire Engine establishment en the 31st December, 1865, and of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade on the 1st May, 1867. 90 FireilZe, Comune di. Bulk'ttiuu di statistica del mese di Giugno, 1M»7. Foli(\ p]). 8. Fires in Theatres. [Anonymous]. ^\nariitk- aiipearing in the " Westiniuster Review " for April, 1882, pp. 412-42G.] Fires in the Metropolis. Hi'])nit from select committee, with pi-oceeding.s, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1862. Folio, pp. xxiv., 262. Contents, inter alia : List of puljlic fire-escape stations — Fire offices forming the London Fire Enorine establishment — Number of times the St. Maryleljone engine has attenrleil at fires in each of the years 18.5S-61 — Estimate of expense of placing a tire-engine station of three encrines. four horse-;, one driver and 12 firemen within 4"0 yards of Buckintrham Palace— Amounts charged to the poor rates for the expenses of fire-engines, engineers, ladders, escapes, etc., in each parish of the City of London fcjr each of the years ended Ladyday, 18.59- (Jl — List of parishes included in the metropolitan area — Estimated present value of the plant of the Liverpool fire brigaoard of Works — London vestries — Gas supply of London — Water supply of London — Various jurisdictions, viz , Corporation of Westminster, London police, London School Boanl, Thames and Lee Conser- vancy Boards, poor relief, Tower of London, burial boards, parliamentary boroughs, London charities— Summary of divisions of metropolis f r various purposes — Metropolitan lo.an liability — Income and expenditure of the metropolis. Liindon undi-r n vinnieipnl council : Corporation reform — Bills in Parlia- ment — Methods of reform discussed — Constitution of the Supreme Council — Work of the Su|)rcme Council — London in the future. MapM : Municipal London, as divided into 40 districts, together with estimated f»opulation — Map showing Vjoundary of Metropolitan Board of Works, witli the division into vestries and district boards, together with the acrwige and census poi)ulat-(jn of each — Map sliowiiig the boundaries of the various London gas companies, with the authorized share capitals up to December, 1874 — Map showing the areas supplied by the London water companies, with the authorized share capitals up to DecemVjcr. 1874. London Goveramont, and liow to reform it. See Probyn (J. W.) Local govern iiwnf and taxation. and Edg^ar R. Simpson, London government under the Local Govejiunent Act, L^bb. London, A888. 8vo, pp. xxiii., Contents : — Part I. CiinJifitutinn, prorredindu, and work of the London Council : — The London Council : General scheme of Local Government Act — Area of government — Constitution of Council— Chairman — Dei)uty-chairman — Aldermen — Councillors— As to chairmen, aldermen, and councillors pe,nerally. Flection of Councillors: Electoral divisions — Electors — First election — fjlections generally —Contcstcl elections — Costs of elections. 91 Firth (J. F. B.) and Edgar R. Simpson, London government — continued. Proceedings of Council : Meetings — Standing Joint Committee — Other joint committees — Committees generally. Finttncf^ : County Fuiiri — Exchequer Contribution Account —General County Account — Special County Accounts — County rate — Finance Committee — Borrowing powers — Lending powers — Contributory powers —Audit. Powrrs of London Council : New powers — Transferred powers, viz., from county freeholders, from Justices out of Sessions, from highway authorities, fromcouu'y autliorities, from the Metropolitan Board of Works. The Provixional Council : Election — Meetings and proceedings — Functions — Arrangement of committees. Jiidici/il arranf/f merits : Commission of the Peace — Quarter Sessions — Justices out of Sessions — Siieritf. Part n. Local Government Act, 1883 — Municipal Corporations Act, 1882 —County Electors Act. 1888. Appendix I. Borough Funds Act, 1872 — Public Health Act, 187.") — — Parliamentary Elections (Returning Officers) Act, 187."j — Parliamentary Elections (Ueturiiing Officers) Amendment Act, 188(5 — Highways and Locomotives (.\mendment) Act, 1878 — District Auditors Act, 1879 — Metropolitan Board of Works Money Act, 1888. Appendix 11. Electoral divisions in the metropolis — llateable value of parishes in London — Summary of Acts conferrnig powers on the Metro- politan Board of Works — Rating of metropolis by the Board — Accounts of the Board — Debt of the Board — Local loan account of the Board — Accounts of counties of Middlesex, Surrey, and Kent — Powers trans- ferable from Government dei)artments — Main roads — Petty sessional divisions — Coroners" districts — Area of Lord Chamberlain's jurisdiction. Fisher (C. M.) Farm land and land laws of the United States. See Probyn (J. W.) Si/stems of land tenure. Fisher (R. A.) An analytical digest of all the reported cases deter- mined in the House of Lords, the several courts of common law, in banc and at nisi prius, and the Court of Bankruptcy ; from Easter Term, 1843, to Michaelmas Term, 1855. London, 1856. 8vo, 2 vol. Fisher (William Richard) The law of mortgage and other secui'ities upon property. Second edition. London, 1868. 8vo, 2 vol. Fitch (Sir Joshua) Some limitations to technical instruction. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Fitzadam (John Thompson) The Supreme Court of Judicatm-e Acts, 1873 and 1875, together with orders in Council and additional rules of coui-t ; with practical notes. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. Ixix., 499. Fitzfferald (G. A. R.) The law relating to public health and local government, as contained in the Public Health Act, 1875, and other statutes. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. xiii., 529. Fitzmaurice (Lord Edmond) The areas of rural government. See Probyn (J. W.) Local government and taxation. 0-2 Fitzstephen (William) Description of the City of London, newly translated rioni tlie Latin original ; with a necessary commentary. A dissertation on the author, ascertaining the exact year of the production, is pretixed ; and to the whole is subjoined a correct edition of tlie original, witli the various readings and some use- ful annotations hv an antiiiuarv [in ms. "The Keverend Samuel Pegge."] London, 1772. 4to, pp. ix., 81. Fleming" ( George) A manual of veterinary sanitary science and pdliee. Loiulon, 1875. 8vo, 2 vol. Fleming- and Tibbins ( Professors) Royal Dictionary, English and I'reiieh, and Fn'ueli and English. Paris, 1875-79. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. I. (If*?-)). English and French ; pp. x., 12R4. Vol. II. (187y). Francais-Anglais ; pp. xi., 112 2. Fletcher (Banister) The Metropolitan Building Acts. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. xxix., 219. 22 plates. The London Building Act, 1894: a text-book for the use of architects, surveyors, builders, etc., containing the Act printed in exfensn, together witli a full abstract giving all the sections of the Act which relate to buildings set out in tabular form for easy reference, and an introduction showing the leading alterations made by the Act; also, the unrepealed sections, relating to buildings, of all other Acts; and the bye-laws, standing orders, and I'egulations of the London Countv Council ; etc. Second edition. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. xliv., 320. 19 plates. The plates show tliicknrss of walls, plans of chimneys, shop fronts, open- ings aiid recesses permitted in i)aTty and external walls, h(jvv much party- wall must be on respective owner's land where owners are buililing different class of building, the walling necessary in certain cases of lights in loofs, etc. Flower ^Major Lamorock) The river Lee " up to date" : a paper read at the I'arkes' Museum, May 19th, 1887. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. 39. There is a folding map f f the Lee watershed to illuetrate statement made in the paper as to disposal of pollutions. Forbes ''John) The Judicaime Acts and rules. See Mackeson (W. W.;. Forbes ' U. A J The law relating to waters. See Coulson (H. J. W.). Forrow ('Alexander; 'I'l'c 'I'liJimes and its docks: a lecture. LundMii, 1>77. fc\(>, ]!]). 75. I'.j maps and plans. FOSS ^Edward; ^Vestminstcr Hall : a paper read at the Archa;o- lofj-ical ConLTi-CHS, iHiJij. See London ((Jld London). Foulkes (W. D. I.) TIio Licensing Acts, 1828, 1869 and 1872-74. Stc Lelv (J. M.). 93 Fox-Davies (Arthur Charles) and M. E. B. Crookes, The book of public arms : a cyclopaedia of the armorial bearings, heraldic devices and seals, as authorised and as used, of the counties, cities, towns and universities of the United Kingdom. Edinburgh, 1894. 4to, PI). 57. 130 plates. Fraenkel (Carl) GrundHss der Bakterienkunde. Berlin, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii., 515. Frankland (E.) Water analysis for sanitary purposes, with hints for the interpretation of results. London, ISbO. 8vo, pp. viii., 139. Contents : Introduction — Water analysis without gas apparatus — Water analysis requiring gas apparatus— Reagents in water analysis — Tables — Conversion uf parts per 100,000 into grains per gallon or the reverse- Typical analysis of various waters — Average composition of unpnlluted . waters — Average composition of various waters — Conclusions and recom- mendations of the liivers Pollution Commissioners — Standards of purity recommended by the liivers Tollution Commissioners. Frankland (Percy F.) and Professor Marshall Ward, First I'eport to the Water Research Committee of the Royal Society, on the present state of our knowledge concerning the bacteriology of water, with especial reference to the vitality of pathogenic schizomycetes in water. London, [1892]. 8vo, pp. 97. Second report, on the vitality and virulence of bacillus authracis and its spoi"es in potable watei's. London, [1893]. 8vo, pp. 153. Eraser (Sir William) London self-governed. London, 1866. 8vo, pp. 103. Freeman (George Mallows) The law and practice of compensation. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xlvii., 447. Frere (W. H.) Memorials of Stepney parish. See Hill (G. W.). Fresenius (Dr- C. Remigius) Quantitative chemical analysis. Seventh edition, translated from the sixth German edition by A. Vacher. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. xii., 524. Freshfield (J, W.) County rates : practical suggestions for carrying into eli'ect the Act 15 and 16 Vict., c. 81, to consolidate and amend the statutes relating to the assessment and collection of county rates in England and Wales, in a lettei- to the Earl of Chichester. London, 1854. 8vo, pp. 35. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Accounts, finance, rates, etc., 18G2, for whicb see Addenda.] Fry (Danby P.) The local taxes of the United Kingdom, containing a digest of the law, with a summary of statistical information concerning the several local taxes in England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1846. 8vo, pp. [viii.], 278. Contents, niter aliii : — TJie load taxes of England anil Wales : Introduction — Rates of independent districts on the basis of the pojr rate, viz., poor rate, workhouse building rate, survey and valuation rate, jail fees' rate, constables' rate, highway 9J- Fry (Dauby P.) Local taxes — continued. rates, lightiHe: and watching rate, militia rate — Rates of independent districts not on the basis of the poor rate, viz., church rates, sewers' rate, general sewers' tax. drainasre and inclosure rates, inclosure rate, regulated pasture rate — Rates of aggregate districts on the basis of the poor rate : (i.) counties, viz.. county rate, police rate, shire hall rate, lunatic asylum rate, burial rate ; (ii.) hundreds, viz.. hundred rate ; (iii.) boroughs, viz., borough nite, watch rates, jail rate, prisoners' rates, lunatic asylum rate, museum rate ; (iv.) counties and boroughs, viz., distiict prison rates — Tolls, dues and fees, viz., turnpike tolls, borough tolls and dues, light dues, port dues, church dues and fees, marriage fees, registration fees, justiciary fees — Statistical summary of amount and incidence of the local taxes in England and Wales, and comparison of the local with the general taxes of the United Kingdom. The local faj-cs of Scotland. The local taxes of Ireland. Try (Sir Edward) and W. D. Rawlins, A treatise ontte specific peHonnaiice of contracts, including those of public companies. Second edition. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. Ixxxvi., 765. Fulham, Ye endowed charities of ye anticnte parishe, 1594-1877, now first printed from the original ^LS., to whiche is added a compleat liste of guiftes now enjoy'd. Edited (with notes) by the vicar of the sayd parishe. London, 1879. 4to, pp. 62, [5]. Parish of. Acts of Parliament relating to, 1725-1881. London. Folio. Contents: Bridge. 1725.1727, 1863— Common, 1881— Land. 1827— Roads, 1730,1749,1825. Reports and accounts of the vestry, 1886-87 to 1896-97. London, 1887-97. Svo, 2 vol. and parts (continuing). Fulham District Board, Reports and accounts, 1856-57 to Ibbo-.^t;. London, 1857-86. Svo, 4 vol. o: G Gale (Charles James) A treatise on the la-/ of easements. Second edition. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. xix., 467. The same, with the notes of W. H. Willes. Sixth edition, by G. Cave. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xxxvi., 636. and T. D. Whatley, The same — first edition. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. xvi., 464. Gale (James M.) On the mechanical appliances of the Loch Katrine Waterworks for the supply of Glasgow. Glasgow, [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 123-146. 19 plates. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume London water svpply, 1849- 64. Sec Water.] Glasgow Corporation Waterworks. — Report on water fittings. Glasgow, 1864. 8vo, pp. 7. \ A. pamphlet bound up with others in volume London, water svpiily, 1849- 64."" Sec Water.] On the disposal of the sewage of Glasgow. Glasgow, 1865. 8vo, pp. 20. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Seivage utilization, 1845-65, See Drainage and Sewerage.] Galer (Allan M-) Norwood and Dalwich, past and present ; with historical and descriptive notes. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. [x.], 123. Contents : Norwood in the pa3t — Norwood at present —Dulwich — Edward AUeyn — Local celebrities — Appendices, One of the appemlices consists of etymological and lii>torical notes on local names. Among other illustrations there are maps of Dulwich and Norwood reproduced from Rocque's map of Loudon and its environs, 174(5. Ganguillet (E.) and W. R. Kutter, A general formula for the uniform flow of water in rivers and other channels. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. xxiii., 240. Garcke (Emile) Manual of electrical undertakings, 1897. Second year. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. vii., 598. Contents : Preface — Telegra])!! undertakings— Teleplione undertakings — Electricity supply undertakings — Electric traction undertakings — PJlectrical manufacturing undertakings — Miscellaneous electrical undertakings — Directory of officials, &c.. of electrical undertakings — Companies registered since 1856 not included in index — Index. Maps : Electricity supply areas within the County of I>ondon, viz., Charing-cross and Strand Corporatioj, Chelsea Company, City of London Company, County of London and Hrusli Provincial Com[)any (St. Luke's and Clerkenwell ; and Wandsworth), Crystal Palace Company, Hammersmith Vestry, Hanipstead Vestry, House-to-house Company, Islington Vestry, Kensington and Knightsbridge Company, London Electric Company, Metro- politan Company, Notting-hiil Company, St. James and Pall Mall Company, St. Pancras Vestry. Westminbter Corporation, Woolwicii District Company — Electric railways of London — Diagram showing comparative results of working of electricity supply undertakings. 96 Garnett (Professor William) The work of the polytechnics. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Gas. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the Gas (Meti-opolis) Bill, with proceedings and index. London, 1860. Folio, pp. xii., 382. Contents, inter alia : Koturn from each eras company lighting any portion of the metropolis, for each of the years 1855-5!), of (1) amount of share capital (2) number of shares (8) amount paid up on each share (4) total amount of cajiital paid up (5) rate of ilividend per cent, per annum (6) total amount of such dividend (7) amount of debenture debt (8) rate of interest thereon (^It) tt>tal amount of such interest (iD) amount of all other borrowed cajjital (11) rate of interest thereon (12) total amount of such interest (13) amount of all undivided prolit carried to capital (11) rate i)er cent, of divi- dend paid thereon (15) amount of reserve fun(l — Table showing for each parish or district in the metropolis sundry particulars of the cost of public lightine in July, 185!) — Table showing for each parish or district in the metroplis the price per 1.000 ft. paid for gas in the public lamps as compared with the jtrice to the ])rivate consumer and consequent overcharge of the former — Prices jxiid for public lighting in a number of princij)al towns in the United Kingdom — List of towns where gas is sold at i)rices lower than 4s. 6d. per 1,000 ft. — Consumption of gas per hour by public lamps in London — Prices charged for gas by the various metropolitan companies - Gas Acts ]iassed in sessii ns 185(J-.59 — Com|)arative tables showing for each com- pany fen- each of the years 1854-.'i9 for every £100 expended in coal (1) rental (2) value of residual products (3) cost of raw materinl (1) amount of all expenses, exclusive of raw material (5) cost of gas making (fj) profit — Re- sults of testing eight meters belonging to the Commercial Gas Comi)any in Mile-end Old-town — Sal ford Corporation Gasworks : capital invested, quantity of cannel used, gas produced, gas rental, and amount of profit in each of the years 1840-58 — Table showing for the London Gas C(jmpany, for each of the years 1S48-5I), amount of loans, princiicd and interest ; amount of shares and debenture stock, ])rincipal and dividends; total capital; per- centage on total capital — Table showing for the London Gas Company the price per 1,000 ft. paid for gas supplied in the public lamps as compaied with [iriee to private consumer, and consequent undercharge for ])ublic lighting. Tlie metropolitan companies at this f aj)f)endix : Accounts from each metropolitan gas company, showing actual state and condition of eaeli company as to cajiital, revenue, and flividcnds for the year 18t;(; — l)ividends actually jiaiil by the Equitable Gas Light Company in each half-year of the years 1810-0(5 — Keturns from each metropolitan comfiany of (1) capital at intervals of five years for latt 20 years, distinguishing share anil loan capital ; (2) maximum statutory dividend (if any) on the whole capital or on any part ) amount paid for damages ; ((i) price per 1.01)0 ft. of gas for last 20 years, distinguishing between common and eanriel ; (7) price charged per street lamp per annum ; (8) accounts for 18G() under Act of 1860 — Alphabetical table of towns showing niiuimum illuminating powci' ]>rescribed by parliament from 18r>(i t') 18Gl>. witli date of Act and maximum price — Analysis of foregoing return according as the charges for gas are higher or lower than those of the London couiiJaTiies, showing price jjaid for coal and present [iricc of gas — Capitals of certain provincial gas com[)aaies j)er ton of coal, per £100 gas rental and per million feet of gas sold — Comparison between capital and other particulars of the Western Company iu 185(i and 186(5 — Table showing results of each company's operations in 1866, and average of those making coal gas only and those makii-g both kinds — Jlr. Hughes' plan, Dr. Frank- land's thicc ))lans and Mr. Stevenson's plan, for sup|)lying London with tiighteen-candlc gas at 3s. tnl. per l,0Oi) cubic feet — Mr. Clemeushaw's esti- mate of the cost of making eighteen-candle gas in London — Cost of gas at the consumer's meter, of various illuminaiing powers, on the basis of 9,600 cubic feet of twelve-canals and . 202-203) — Gas produced at each of the manufacturing stations during 18 72 and estimate for 1873 (p. 202) — Recei]its for residual products, 1872 (pp. 203-204) — Detail, with prices, of coal to be delivered in 1873 (]5p. 204-20.")) — Detail of coke sold at each station in 1S72 (p. 206) — Detailed account of capital entitlcxl to different percentages of dividend and to carry 1 per cent, for the Insurance Fund (p. 206) — Detail of debenture interest paiil in 1873 — Powers as to raising of capital under Acts (p. 207) — Rate of dividend paid, 1866-68 — Amended es-timate of income and expenditure for 1873. showing an estimated deficit of .CI 70.000 (pp. 208-209) — Accounts for half years eisdetl June and December. 1872 (])]«. 210-218)^ Ct 98 Gas, Board of Trade repoit, 1874 — continued. Estimate by the company of uiiprotluctive capital (pp. 221, 251)— Estimate of wages for 1873 (_p. 221) — Es-timate of probable iucrease in cost of storts for l{>7:s (^p. 222) — Ouattity and cost of coal and cannel required for US78 (p. 225) — Cajtital raised in 1878. hoM" and where expended (p. 231)— Teimsof issue of such capital (p. 231) — (."ontraets under which coals were received in 1-73 and a'C to be re eived in l.'"74 (pp. 232-/33) — Contracts under which residuals wer^' di-poseil of in 1873 and are to be ilisposed of la 1874 (pp. 234-23fi) — Estiniated and actual tiirures of income and exptcditure for 1873 (p. 238) — E*tiniatetl income and exptiuliture for 1«74 (p. 239) — Salaries and w«ges on 1st January. ls73 ai.d 1874 (pp. 23'.l-241) — Gas produced and coal carbonised at each of the manufacturing stat'ons during 1873 and estimate for 1874 (|ip. 212,253) — Contracts entered int ) in ISOG and 1^69, showing name, date, and jmce i)cr ton (pp. 242-245) — Gas consumed for puMic lighting in tach talf year, 18-247) — Savings effected in 1873 in management, cost of i:)roduction, k.c.. and savings likely to arise in 1874 from closing of stations or otherwise (p. 247)— In- crease or diminution of expenditure in the Western Company's business since amalgamation (p. 24S) — Quantify' of gas made in each of the years 18IJ8-73. distinguishing quality (p. 248) — Amount paid for site of Beckton works, acreage (jf site, and date of contract and payment (p. 24;t) — I' I'J'ther particulars of Beckton works (pj). 250-251) — Selling price for coke retail at each station on each Monday througliout 1873 and in January and February, 1874 (p. 253) — Accounts for half years ended June and December, 1873 (pp. 254-259)— Loan capital on 31st December, 1873 (p. 263)— Comparative view of the aggregate workings of the companies now amalgamated in the Chartered Com'pany in each of the years 1869-74 (pp. 302-305) — Percen- tages of increase or decre;ise in sale of eas, 1H68-73 (p. 304) -Analysis of estimated and actual wages for 1873 (p. 337)— Carbonising statement for week ending 11th October, 1873 (p. 367)— Quarterly consumption of gas, 187a-73 (p. 368) — Average cost of coals cluring each of the jears 1869-74, and on the 1st January of each of those years (p. 368)— Stock of coah on 1st January of each of the years 1869-74 (p. 429). Iiiijirrial Gnx Compniiy: Cii])ital and capital expenditure since 1869 (pji. 470-471) — Terms of issue (p. 471) — Balance applicable to dividend (p. 471) — Contracts under which coals and cannel were received in 1873 and are to be rectived in 1874 (pp 472-473) — Contracts under which residuals were disposed of in 1873 and are to be disposed of in 1874 (p. 474)— Contracts entered into in 1S69 and 18ti6, showing name, date, quantity, price, &c. {\>\K 475-476)— Detailed income and expenditure, 1873. and estimate for 1874 (p. 477)— Salaiies and wages on 1st January, 1873 and 1874 (pp. 478-479)— Pensions or compensation allowances paid, 1873 (p. 4H0) — Gas made and sold in each of the years 1869-73 and in the last quarter of each (p. 480) — Gms made at each of the manufacturing stations in use in 1873 (p. 481) — Particulars of the works at West Ham (p. 481)— Sum required in 1874 for payment of authorised dividend on capital and to make up reserved fund and contingency fund (p. 482)— Accounts for half-years ended 30th June and 31st Deceinber, 1873 (pp. 483-486)— Estimate of quantity of gas to be sold in 1874, and quantity and cost of coals to be carbonised (pp. 516-517) — Estimate of quantity of coke to be sold in 1874, and price it will fetch (p. 518)— Capital expenditure on each of the stations up to the end of 1873 (p. 530)— Compensati' n paid to Lee Conservancy (p. 579) - Loan capital from incorfKjration (p. 5H0)— Cost of purifying at Pareras and Shoreditch in 1872 and 1873 (p. 5«1)— Detailed statistics for each of the years 1869-73 and estimates for 1874 (pp. 646-648). General : Capital employed per ton of coals carbonised and pier 1,OCO cul ic feet of gas sold by y statute (p. 427) — Comparative table of working expenses of eleven 1)0 Gas, l^oiii'tl of 'l'r;i(le report, 1874 — continued. metropolitan i^is compiuics (p. 51!)) — Flo.atiugr capital of nine metropolitan gas companies on the 31st December, 18ri)-72 (p. i32!>) — Capital raised by each of t) metropolitan gas companies up to the end of each of the years 1870-73(0. 530) —Price and quality of gas supplied in metropolis by com- p inies not subject to th9 and 188-1 the thirteen companies became amal- gamated in the three given above. The earlier returns do not give figures fiir separate half-yeare. Gas Lighting", water supply, and sanitai-y improvement. Journal of, l>oL l»7. Vols. X.-LXIX. Loudon, 1861-97. Folio, 60 vol. (roji- tinidug). Gas Undertaking's. — Return relating to all authoinsed gas under- takings in the United Kingdom other than those of local auth>rities. for each of the years ended 31st December, 1881-96. Loudon, 1882-97. Folio, 2 vol. and parts (continuing). The earliest retnrn (for 1881) is for England and Wales only. The number of heads of the return has increased from 22 in 18S1 to 28 in 1890. In the case of the last return these are divided briefly as follows : (1) Acts of Parliament or provisional orders; (2-14) accounts; (15-17) charges; (18) illuminating power; (i;»-20) sliding scale; (21-22) coals carbonised and other materials used : (2:?-25) gas made and sold ; (2()) length of mains ; (27) number of consumers : (28) number of public lami)a lighted. Of the (•omi)anies supplying London the Commercial. Crystal Palace District. Gas Light and Coke. South Jletropolitan. and Wandsworth and Putney are given under London on pp. 48-51, the Brentford and Hornsey under Middlesex on pp. 50-53, and the Mitcham and Wimbledon under Surrey on pp. G8-6!». Gas Undertaking's 'Local authorities). — Return relating to all authorised gas undertakings in the United Kingdom belonging to local autlioi-itit's, for each of the vears ended 31st December, 1881-83, and 2otl. March, 1885-97. ^ London, 1882-97. Folio, 1 vol. and parts {continuing). The earliest return (for 1881) i.s ff)r Eneland and AVales only. The number of heads of the return has increased from 20 in 1881 to 23 in 1896-97. In the case of the last return these are divided briefly as follows : (1) Acts of Parliament or provisional orders; (2) limits of supi)ly ; (3-7, 12-15) accounts: (8-10) charges ; (II) illuminating power ; (J6-17) coals carbonised and other materials used; (18-20) gas made and sold: (21) length of mains; (22) number of consumers; (23) number of j.ubli,- lam].s litrhted. No part of London is supplied by local authorities. Gavin 'Hector) Sanitary ramblings, being sketches and illus- tiations of ]>etlinal-gi-een : a typo of the condition of the metio- polis and other large towns. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. [iii.], 118. 4 plates. The account is arranged in five divisions, according to the boundaries of the medical relief districts. A description is given of the sanitary condition of each street investigated and at the end of each district a summary of the sanit^r^' state of the district. Finally a summary for the parish is given nnder the following hearjs : Location and structure of dwelling houses — Space allotic/l to dwelling liouscs — House accommodation — Lodging houses 101 Gavin ^Hector) Sanitary ramblings — continued. — Wiirmint,' ;iii I vciitilatioa of houses — Vcntihition of ])ul)lic buildiiies — House clcauiiiir by ilraiiia.ire and removal of refuse — I ri vies and cesspools — Pctving — Street e!eau-ing — Sewerage — Interments — yiiiyanees — \Vatersiip;)ly' — Siekness and disease and mortalitj'' — Tables illustrating sickuess and mortality. Plates, inter nlln : Map of the parish without date or author on a scale of 7^ in. to ti.e mile— Same map shaded according to death rate in the ye^r 1847. Geary (W. N. M.J "i'lie law of theatres and niusit'-halls, including contracts and precedents of contracts ; with historical intro- duction by James Williams. London, 1885. Svo, pp. xii., 230. Gem (Harvey) Strictures on the report of Her Majesty's Com- missioners for the concentration of the Law Courts and offices, and on their recommendations as regards site. London, 1861. 8vo, pp. 2-i. 1 plate. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Miaedlnn'-ous /i/nnphl/'f.t, 185(5-64. Sec Pamphlets.] Genova, Muuicipio di, Uffizio d'Igiene, Rassegna medico-statistica del mese di Ottobre dell' anno 1895, del mese di Marzo dell' anno 1807. Folio. 2 ])amphlets. Gaorg'e (Ernest) Etchings of Old London. London, [n.d.]. Portfolio, 12 plates. List of plates : " Oxford Arms," Warwick-lane — London-bridge — Oxford- market. Oxford->treet — Tower of London — ' Ohl George." Tower-hill— Shad- well — But -hers' shops. Aldgate — -Drury-lane — Staple-inn, Holborn — West- minster — St. Bartholomew. Smithfield— Temple Bar, 1877. Ghent. — Memorial administratif de la ville de Gand, Tomes Xll.-XVI. (land, 1893-95. 8vo, 5 vol. Gibbons (David) -^ treatise on the law of dilapidations and nui- sances. Second edition. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. xl., 424. Gibbs (Joseph) Considerations relative to the sewage of London, and suggestions for improving the sanatory condition of the metropolitan districts, together with some remarks on the pro- duction of periodic disease arising from bad drainage and the want of sufficient water. London, 1849. 8vo., j)p. 88. [A pamphlet bouml up with others in volume Fltins for metrajjoHfan dn/i/iaf/e, lS4t>-(;.5. ,V.'6' Drainage and Sewerage.] GifFard (J. W. de Long-ueville) Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chaiiceiy by the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart. See Smale (Sir John). GifFen ls. »S'ee Education CTechnical education congress). GlafgOW Corporation Tramways, Abstract statement of levenue and exjienditure for year ended 3Lst May, 18S6, with capital account and balance sheet as at ?>\%t May, 1896. Glasgow, 1896. Eolio. j)p. II). Glen CAlexanrer; and R Cunningham Gler, A handbook to the J^ocjil (irivernnieiit (Kngiand and \Vah,s^ Act, 1888, for the use of councillors and otlicrs. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. vii., 242. 103 Glen (R. Cunning'ham) 'l^'lie Local Governmont and Public Health oi'ik'is iclatiiii^- to urban, rural and port sanitary authori- ties, and joint hospital boards, with official documents relating thereto, explanatory notes, table of statutes, and index. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. xxiv., GOO. Index, pp. [HI.] and Arthur Anderson Bsthune, The laws regulating streets and buildinys in the metropolis imder the London Building Act, 1894, and other metropolitan statutes ; with explanatoiy diagrams by A. Conder. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 6N2. Glen (W. Cunningham) The law in relation to the legal liabili- ties of engineers, architects, contractors and builders. Loudon, 1860. 8vo, pp. xii., 136. The law of highways ; comprising the Highway Acts, 1835, 1862, 1864 ; the South Wales Highway Act ; the decisions of the courts on the subject of highways, bridges, ferries, &c., including the law of highways in local Board of Health districts. Second edition. London, 1865. 8vo., pp. xxxvi., 764. The law relating to public health and local government; including the law relating to the removal of nuisances injurious to health, the prevention of diseases, and sewer authorities, with the statutes and cases. Fourth edition. London, 1866. 8vo, pp. XXXV., 1,000. ■ The Acts regulating the duties of Justices of the Peace, out of sessions, with respect to indictable offences, summary convictions, and orders (Jervis's Acts). Third edition. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 266. The Burial Board Acts for England and Wales, with the regulations of the Secretary of State, and copious notes of decided cases ujjon the construction of the Acts ; also the law relating to the burial of the dead, together with the Consecration of Churchyards Acts, 1867, 1868, and the Union of Benefices Act, 1871. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. xii., 210. The Poor Law orders of the Poor Law Commissioners, the Poor Law Boai-d, and the Local Government Board ; with ex- planatoiy notes elucidating the orders, tables of statutes, cases, and index. Ninth edition. London, 1883. 8vo, pp. xxviii, 945. The Summary Jurisdiction Acts. Seventh edition, by A. E. Gill and C. G. Douglas. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. Ivii., 618. and Alexander Glen, The law relating to public health, local government and urban and rural sanitary authorities. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. xliii., 1085. The Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1875, with introduction, notes, appendix of statutes and forms, and index. London, 1875. 8vo, pp. vii., 116. 101 Gleu (W. Cuiming-ham) and Alexander Glen, The Public Health Act, 1875. ;iiid the law relating to public health, local govern- nicnt. and urbnii and rni-al sanitary anthoritief. LoLdon, 1876. 8vo, |)j). Ixxxviii.. C/J-i. The same — second edition. London, 1878. 8vo. j)|). Ix., 963. Gloucester, City of. Statement of accounts, 1893-94. Gloucester, iXi-k 8v().' Gcdkin (^ Edwin L.) The problems of municipal government. (Aiueric-an Academy of Political and Social Science). Phila- delphia, [n.d.] 8vo, pp. 26. Godwin 'ee Koberts (James). Gomme 'Georg^e Laurence) Index of municii^al offices, compiled from the appendixes to the first repoi-t of the Commissioners appointed to inf|uire into the municipal corporations in England and NV'ales, 1835 ; with an historical introduction. London, 1879. 4to, pp. 77 On the early municipal history of London : a paper read at an evening meeting of the London and Middlesex Aicha-ological Society, held at Skinners' Hall, 12th Xoveniber, 1884. Jjondon, 1884. 8vo, pp. 40. Jjiterature of local institutions, Londou, 1886. 8vo, j)p, viii., 248. ns of local '^-overnment — Localities, counties — Localities, boroughs — Localities, the parish — Functions of local .eovernnieut —Doctrines of licnctit and of i^-eneral utility — Lienient of local taxaticjn — Concluiliii<^ dclinitions — Notes and illustrations. Goodall (Edward Wilberforce) aiid John Wycherford Wash- bourn, -^ nuuiual of infectious diseases. London, 1896. Svo, pp. vi., 'MiS. GoodnOW (Frank J.) Municipal problems. New York, 1897. 8vo, pp. xiii., o21. Contents: History of municipal oriianizatiou in the United States — Position of the City — Sphere of municipal activity — Relation of the City to the State — -Central adiuiiustrative control over cities in Europe — Effects of the central administrative contnd in Enuiaiul — Universal suflEraoe — .^luni- cipal govern 'neut and the national political parties — The city council — The city executive — The metropolitan city — Index. Goodwin (Thomas) An account of the neutral saline waters recently discovered at Hampsfcead. with chemical experiments on their component parts, observations on their medicinal application and effects in certain diseases, and on the different modes of bathing as an auxiliary to the drinking of minei-al waters. London, 1804. 8vo, pp. viii., 118. 2 plates. Gordon (Alexander) Reports of cases in the High Court of Chan- cery during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham. See Macnaghten (Steuart). Gordon (Lewis D. B.) and Charles Liddell, f^xposition of a plan for a metropolitan water supply; shewing that the Thames at Maple-Durham is tlie most eligible source from which a stipply of pure soft Avater can be brought for the inhabitants of London and its suburbs. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 44. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume London Water Suj>2)li/, 1849-(;4. 6c-t' Water.] Gore (George) The art of electrolytic separation of metals, &c., theoretical and practical. London, 1890. Svo, pp. xv., 301. Electro-chemistry. London, 1888. Svo, pp. viii., 1.34. Goschen (Georg'e J.) Reports and speeches on local taxation. London, 1872. Svo, pp. vi., 218. Contents : Report on the progressive increase of local taxation, with especial reference to the proportion of local and imperial burdens borne by the different classes of real proj)erty in the United Kingdom as compared with the burdens imposed upon the same classes of property in other European countries — Corre pondence on the report — Draft leport submitted to the Select Committee on Local Taxation — Report of the St^lect committee — Speech on Sir Massey Lopes' ro-olution on local taxation, 2Sth February, L'^71 -Speech on moving for leave to bring in the Ratins and Local Govern- ment Bill and the Rating and Hou'^e Tax Bill, .Srd .\pril, Is71 — Ab»trActs of abdve Bills. ] U() Gosset 'Alplionse^ Traite de la construction tics theatres. Paris, 1^^<'|. l-\ili('. lip. IW. ()2 i)lates. Goilldino' (^R. W.) Louth okl corporation records ; being extracts i'liiiii llie accounts, minutes, and nu'nioranchx of the warden and six assistants of the town of Loutli and free school of King Edwai-d VI. in Louth, and other ancient documents relating to the town. Louth, 1891. 8yo, pp. x., 202. 9 plates. Couteuts, i/itrr /ilia: Charters — Documents— Old corporation— Manor of Louth— Justices of the peace— I'lagues—Civil war— Coronation iejoicinl — Bye-laws, regulations, and standing orders in force withni the City of London. "Grip,' The monster municipality ; or, Gog and Magog reformed. London, 1882. 8vo, i^p. 128. Gross ' Charles j A bibliography of British municipal history, including gikls ami parliamentary representation. New York, ltt97. 8vo, jjp. xxxiv., 461. This volume lorins Vol. V. of the Harvard Jlistnriral Studicx, published under the direction of the Dejiartment of History and Grovernmeat from the Income of tlie Henry Warren Torrey Fund. C-ontents : — Introdiicthm : Pu die records— Town records— Towrn chronicles — General histories of boroughs — Histories of particular boroughs tiriwral avtUiir'itii-H: I'.iblio'.THphies and cataloL'-ues — fient-ral public records, etc. — General muiiifip;d histories— Jioman and Anglo-Saxon periods— Later middle ages, l(»ii(;-l.',():)— .Moilern times, l.">i)U-lfS — Nineteenth century nuuiicipil reform — Parliamentary history— Gilds — Couuty histories— Cinque ports — Ireland — .Scotland— .Miscellaneous (England and Wales). Pavt'icudav towns : Aberdeen lo Voughal (London is givcaon pp. 2.S<;-32.V)—Aflditions— Index. 1 < 19 Gross (Charles) Bibliograpliy of municipal history — continued. The Luiulon portion (pp. 28(i-825) is arraiieod under tlic heads : Biblio- graphies — Town records — Chronicles — General histories — Medieval London — r'harters, laws and j)rivilo^o-CTy. Scr Drainatre and Sewerase.] Guyot ^M. Yves) The French corn laws. Ti-nnslatod bv J. W. Proliyn. London, 1888. 8ro, pp. 32. Gwilt (Joseph) An encyclopaxlia of architecture, historical, theo- I'otical and practical. London, 18.51. 8vo, pp. xiv., 1443. Gwynil (John) London and Westminster im]iiovcd, illustrated by plans; to which is prefixed a discourse on pulilick muguitieence, with observations on the state of arts and artists in this king- dom, wherein the study of the ])olite arts is recomuipnded as necessai-y to a liberal education ; concluded by some proposals relative to places not laid down in the plans. London, 1766. 4to, pp. xvi.. 132. 4 plans. Plans: Hyde-park with the City and Liberties of W( s' minster. &c., showing the several imf)rovemcnts proposed — Part, of Wesminster showina- the improvements proposed about Leicester-fields. Covent-gaiden. the Mewse. ll. Contents : Trafalgar-square and the National Gallery — The West End — Regent's-strect and Regent's-park — By Oxford-street to the City — AVhite- liall — Westminster Abbey — Westminster — Lambeth — Chelsea — Kensing- ton and Holland House — South Kensington. Hare (Thomas^ Reports of cases adjudged in the Higli Courts of Chancery, before the Riglit Hon. Sir Jame.s Wigrani, Yice- Chancellor. fjondon, 1843-58. 8vo. 11 vol. Harper 'E. J.) I'rade claims : a paper I'ead at the mdinary general meeting of tlie Surveyors' Institution, Jan. Sth. 1S94. London, 1894. Svo, pp. [21].' Harrison (J. B.j Oljservatifms on the treatment of jjublic plan- tations, more especially relating to the use of the axe. See Olmsted (F. L.). Harrison 'R. Tarrantj An analytical digest of all the reported ca.-^c.T dttt rmimd in the House of Loi-ds, the several Courts of Common Law, in Banc and at Nisi Frins, and the Coui't of Bank- ruptcy, from Michaelmas Term, 1756, to Easter Term, 1848. London, 1844. 8vo, 4 vol. 113 Harrison (S. B.) An analytical digest of all the reported cases determined in the House of Lords and the several Courts of Common Law, both in Banc and at Nisi Prius, from Michaelmas Term, 175G, to Michaelmas Term, 1827, including the manuscript cases from the best modern treatises not otherwise reported. London, 1828. 8vo, 2 vol. Harrison (Wilmot) The managers' handbook and directory of theatres and public halls, bill posting and newspapers, for 1883-84. London, 1883. 12mo, pp. 123. Memorable London houses. Thii-d edition. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. X., 224. Hartley (Sir C. A.) Inland navigations in Europe. London, 1885. 8vo. [One of a series of lectures delivered at the Institute of Civil Engineers (luring session 1884-85 on Theori/ and j)raotlce of hydro-mechanics. See Civil Engineers.] HarWOOd (Sir John James) History and description of the Thii-lmere water scheme. Manchester, 1895. 8vo, pp. xv., 277. 21 plates. Hasted (Edward) History of Kent, corrected, enlarged, and con- tinued to the present time, from the manuscript collections of the late Rev. Thomas Streatfield and the late Rev. Lambert Blackwell Larking, the public records, and other sources. Edited by Henry H. Drake. Part I. — The hundred of Black- heath. London, 1886. Large folio, pp. 12, xxvi., 332. 31 plates, 4 folding pedigrees. Contents : Introduction — Additional notes — The hundred of Blackheath — Deptford— Greenwich — Charlton — Kidbrook — Woolwich — Eltham — Lee — Lewisham — Addenda — Corrigenda— Index of places — Index of persons — Index of arms — Index of subjects. The eight parishes arc treated under the same gciicral heads and similarly in cases peculiar to each. The heads under which Deptford is treated arc : The Manor— Sayes Court — Brockley — Premises of lesser note — The Bridge- Railway — Royal Naval School — Dockyard and Navy offices — List of ships built at Deptford— Victualling office — Bounds of the County of Kent and Deptford — Manor of Hatcham — Antiquities — Botany — Heraldry — Trinity House and Hospital — Charities — Ecclesiastical jurisdiction— Vicars of St, Nicholas— Rectors of St. Paul — Monuments in St. Nicholas Church — Monu- mental inscriptions in St. Paul's Church— Present state of Deptford— Popu- lation — Vestry minutes and Churchwardens' accounts — Feet of fines— Mis- cellanea — Wills — Selections from parish registers — Close rolls — Sir Francis Drake's ship. Among the plates may be mentioned : Map of the hundred of Blackheath, 1778 — Map of the hundred of Blackheath ])ased on the Ordnance Survey of 1885 — Two rough plans of Deptford Royal Dockyard sketched from finished plans in the King's MSS., British Museum, by the Editor, one in IfiSS and 1698 (showing alterations made up to the latter year by shading), the other in 1774 — Sketches of Schoolhouse on Deptford Green and Admiral Hughes House, Deptford — Deptford in H)23, from a sketch by .lohn Evelyn— Survey of the King's Lordship or Manor of East Greenwich within the bounds and perambuhition of the parish, lt'>95 — Bird's-eye view, by Wyngaerde, of the Thames from Duke Humphry's Tower, the site of the Royal Observatory. Greenwich, 1558— Sketch by Wyngaerde in 1558 of the Royal Palace of H fL C. .1 1] Hasted (Edward) History of Kent — continued. " VWs.ninvc." the site ikuv oceupieil l)y the Royal Flospital, Greenwich — lioyal Jlospital, Greenwicli, showiu;^ the roail orit,diially reserved between the l^ucen's House and the Thames — (leneral plan of (Jreenwich Hospital with its buildinjjs and grounds — Crowley House, from a drawini^ made in 18.")9 by ('. Stantield — staircase and drawiiij^-rooni in Crowley House — View of Morden Colleire by Richurd lUonie, 17(10 (r//vv/) — Geometrical ]ilan and north elevation of Woolwich ])iickvard, with part of the town, by Tlinmas Milton, 1 Z,"):}— Sketch of the prison-ship at Deptford, 182«;— Sketches of Old Wool- wich from the King's AISS., British Museum — Plan of Eltham Talace, 1590, the courtyard traced from the original in the Record Office, and the existing remains sketched by G. R. Corner — Sketches of Eltham Church in 1798; north chapel added to Eltham Church in 1667 ; Eltham Palace (undated) ; Severndroog Castle, Shooter's-hill (undated) ; tomb of John of Eltham in \\'estminster Abbej' — Views and plans of Lee-place, the residence of Christopher Boone, jiulled down in 1825; and Boone's Almshouses, pulled down in 1877 — View of The Firs, Lee, i)roperty of J. AV. Larking — View of The Cedars, Lee, property of John Penn — Views of the old and new churches at Lee — Brasses in Lee Church — Facsimile of original charter of St. Peter's — Sketches of Mottingham and Place houses, and the okl and new churches, Lcwisham. Hasting'S, Borough of. Abstract of accounts, 1893-94 to 1895-96. Hastings, 1894-96. 8vo, 3 vol. Hawkins (Francis Vaug'han) A concise treatise on the con- struction of wills. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. xxxvi., 359. Haydn (Joseph) Dictionary of dates and universal information I'elating to all ages and nations. Fifteenth edition. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. xii., 807. The same — twentieth edition. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. vi., 1136. Hayes (William) The concise conveyancer ; or short precedents, witli ])i-aclical remarks and summary of the stamp laws relating to conveyances. London, 1864. 8vo, pp. xxx., 615. Hazell ( ) Annual for 1898 : a cyclopoedic record of men and topics of the day, revised to November 22nd, 1897. Edited by W. Palmer. L(mdon, 1898. 8vo, pp. 690. Hazlitt ( W. Carew) The livery companies of the City of London, ilieii- origin, cliaiucter, development, and social and political importance. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xiv., 692. Contents, inter alia: Voluntary associations which have disappeared or have merged in the livery guilds — \'oluntary associati(jn w]iii;li survives in that form — Foreign cor[)nratious— Other riverside trading companies — The eriuat companies — The minor companies. Health, A weekly journal of domestic and sanitary science, Yol. IX.- XI. London, 1887-88. 4to, 3 vol. Health, General Board of, Report on the supply of water to the metropolis, with appendices. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. viii., 325; 80; 204; 252; 31. Maps and plans. The report (pp. '.i'2')') is divide i into five heads : (1) As to sources, quanti- ties and qualities of water at present supplied or jjroposed to be supplied, and as to the best available sources of supply ; (2) as to the mode of distri- 115 Health, General Board of, Report on water supply to metropolis — continued. bution now adopted, and as to the influence of the mode of dir,tril)uti()n upon the ([uantity of water rc)— Tabulated replies to queries addressed to the several water com- panies respecting supplies of water at high pressure (p. ]."')4). Appendix I. (pp. 80) consists of " Returns to the queries addressed to the several metropolitan water companies." Among the numerous statistical tables constituting many of the answers, the following are important : Return showing, for the New River Company for each of the years 1834-48, receipts from water rents for dwelling-houses, watering streets and roads, rents for lands and houses, gross income, and dividends (p. 8) — Bast London Company's scales of charges for various purposes (pp. 17-19) — Various analyses of Thames water, 1828 (p. 31)— Return showing, for the Urand Junction Company for each of the years 1819-49, dividend per cent, paid on cost of works (p. 61). Appendix II. (pp. 204), entitled "Engineering reports and evidence," consists of statements of the various schemes proposed, and laid before the General Board of Health, for the improvement of the supply of water to ths metropolis, with plans. Appendix III. (pp. 2.52) consists of "Reports and evidence, medical, chemical, geological, and miscellaneous." Appendix IV. (pp. 31) consists of a report by Thomas W. Rammell on " The cesspool system in Paris." Plates, inter alia : Plan showing positions of the works of the districts supplied by the several metropolitan water companies — Plan showing l)rincipal proposals for imjiroved supplies — Four plans of works of the Gorbals Gravitation Water Comjjany — Plans of works of Kilmarnock and Stranraer Water Companies — Diagram showing the fall of water in the sand spring underlying the blue and jilastic clays under London, 1837-49 — Diagrams illustrative of flux and reflux of the tidal waters of the Thames on a float discharged at high and low water. Summary of experience on disease and comparative rates of mortality ; by William Lee, superintending inspector. London, 1851. 8vo, pp. 78. [This does not touch the metropolis.] h2 116 Health, General Board of, Report on the epidemic cholera of L" IS ami 1S49; with appendices. London, 1851-52. 8vo, pp. viii., 159; iv., 164; 203; 93. Maps and plans. Appendix A. (pj). iv.. 164) consists of a report by Dr. Sutherland, arranged in tlic following sections : Localising causes of cholera — Management of cholera through its localising causes — Management of cholera through its premonitory stage — Special reports on towns — Comparative results of the treatment of cholera cases at home and in hospital — On the carrying out of the regidations in regard to the timely interment of corpses of persons dying of cholera — On the execution of the regulations of the General Board of Health by the local authorities — Extract from report on the outbreak of cholera on board the American ship •' American Eagle" — Conclusions. Appendix I'>. (pp. 203) consists of a report by Mr. Grainger, arranged in the following sections : Relation betweeti cholera and other epidemic iliseases — Progress of cholera in London — Habitat or seat of cholera — Exemptions from the epidemic and results of sanitary improvements — Predisposing causes of cholera — Primary seat of cholera and existence of a premonitory stage ; notice on diet and on the treatment of premonitory diarrhoea — Neglect of premonitory diarrhoea by the poor — Measures ailopted by the boards of guardians during the late epidemic — Measures adopted by the General Board of Health, and the system of house visitation. An appendix to this report contains, inter aha: Analysis of deaths from cholera in the metropolis during the sixty weeks ending 24th November, 1849 — Dr. Guy's abstract of the professions and occupations of 4, .312 males, of the age of 1.5 years and upwards, who died of cholera in London during the epidemic of 1848-49, with a rough approximation to the ratio which the deaths bear to the living — Dr. AValler Lewis' report on investigation into alleged cases of contagion from washing cholera clothes — Directions and regulations issued by the General Board of Health to Poor Law guardians and others — Instructions as to the duties of the medical superintendents and visitors of the metropolitan districts, in carrying out the preventive measures of the General Board of Health — Return of choleraic disease in the parish of Bethnal-green, in the practice of the parochial medical officers, and discovered by the visitors during the visitation — Progress of cholera in St. Luke, Islington, Clerkenwell and XSTiitechapel. Appendix C. (pp. 93) consists of an abstract of a report by James Wynne on epidemic cholera, as it prevailed in the United States in 1849 and 18.50. Plates, intrr alia: Map exhibiting progress of the cholera from Hindustan to Great Britain — Diagram showing comparison between mortality in metropolis from all causes during 1832-33 and 1848-49 and the mortality from cholera for the same periods, together with the weekly mean of the barometer, thermometer, dew point, and rainfall for 1849 — Plans of Shore- ditch and Bethnal-green showing deaths from cholera — Cholera map of the metropolis showing mortality in each registration district. Rapport sur la quarantaine. Londres, 1851. 8vo, pp. 146. [This is a French translation of the first report on quarantine.] Second report on quarantine (yellow fever); with appendices. London, 1852. 8vo, pp. iv., 414. 2 plates. [The plates arc a plan and a view of Gibraltar.] Minutes of information collected on the practical application of sewer water and town manures to agricultui-al production ; with appendices. London, 1852. 8vo, pp. iv., 167. Minutes of information collected in respect to the drainage of the land forming the sites of towns, to road drainage, and the facilitation of the drainage of .suburban lands; with appendix. London, 1852. 8vo, pp. iv., 125. 117 Health, General Board of, IMinutes of information collected with refe7'once to works for the removal of soil water or drainage of dwelling-houses and public edifices, and for the sewerage and cleansing of the sites of towns ; with appendix. London, 1852. 8vo, pp. 207. Contents, inter alia : Superior economy of the removal of refuse by water — Removal of all cesspools from amidst habitations the first duty of local boards — Materials and construction of old house drains — Sizes of mains and sewers — Gain of fall on the same levels by small tubular drains — Trial of tubular house drains — Increased power of the sweep of water gained by alterations in the forms of sewers — Trial of tubular sewers — Expedieats in default or in substitution of im])roved works for the removal of cessi)ools — Ailjustments of sizes of tubular house drains and main drains required for the tlischarge of storm waters — Special arrantjements requisite for the drainage of low-lying districts and economy of the constant removal of sewerage from them by steam power — Impermeable and permeable lines of drainage not always coincident— Junctions of drains and sewers — Cesspits for the deten- tion of road detritus — Accuracy in the form of pipes — Joints for tubular drain pipes — Materials for the construction of sewers — Expedients to prevent the ingress of fmil gases into habitations — Principles of the construction of t'iie watej'-closet — Means of removing waste water from kitchens, outhouses and yards — Provisions for the supply of pure water into and the removal of foul or waste water fi'om upper rooms and flats or separate tenements in houses — Provision for the frequent removal of solid refuse from dwellings — Public conveniences — Surface cleansing of streets and edifices —General view of combined works of house and town drainage — Principle of back drainage — Conclusions. There is a map showing the area and levels of the Holborn and Finsbury District of Sewers. Report on murrain in horned cattle, the public sale of diseased animals, and the eifects of the consumption of their flesh on human health, with appendix; by E. Headlani Qreenhow. London, 1857. 8vo, pp. 78. Contents of appendix, i?iter alia : Return showing the number of horned cattle exposed for sale in the Metropolitan Cattle Market in each week of the years IS55 and l.So6— Amount of articles seized liy inspectors of slaughter- h(juses in the City of London in each of the years 1855-o(}, as returned to the Commissioners of Sewers — Instructions in respect to the delivery of cattle — Return showing numl)er of animals imported from foreign ports which have been destroyed in consequence of being imlit for human food, through disease, with the nature of the complaint with which affected. Health of Towns, Report from select committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances affecting the health of the in- habitants of large towns and populous districts, with a view to improved sanatory regulations for their benefit ; with minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1840. Folio, pp. xxiv., 262. Contents of appemlix, inti'v alia : Abstract of a report by T. Southwood Smith on the prevalence of fever in twenty metropolitan unions during the year ended 25th March, 1838. First report of the Commissioners appointed to inq^^i^e into the present state of large towns and populous districts in England and Wales, with reference to the causes of disease among the inhabitants ; with minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1844. Folio, pp. xvi., 470 ; 212. Maps and plans. Tables in body of evidence, inter alia : Ages of persons dying of fever in the London Fever Hospital in each of the years 1825-28 (p. 70) — Number and abstract of causes of fires in London for the ten years 1833-42 (p. 106) 118 Health of Towns, First report of Commissioners — continued. — Workmen omploved in cleansing the public sewers for Westminster, etc., 10th December, 1831 (pp. l()(i-l()8) — Statement of alterations of the surface of the City of London in various parts (p. 2UG) — Amount expended by the City of London in the construction of new sewers in each of the years 1883-42 (p. 21(')) — Applications of the Westminster Commissioners of Sewers to Parliament for increased powers, 1770-1842 (p. 248)— Statement of deaths occurring within five Years in streets and places in the district of Gray's- mn-lane, St. Taneras, diviiled into four classes, each containing nearly the same number of persons ; number of deaths in each class and ages at time of death (p. 254) — Expenses incurred in supplying Nottingham with water (j). 304) — Average ages of death among the chief classes in St, George, Hanover-square, 183y (pp. 341-342) — Ages at death of the diiferent classes in Whitechapel, 183H (j). 3.").')) — Carriage and horse traffic and number of foot passengers through Ludgate and Holhorn Hills in March. 1843 (pp. 31t0-391) — Analvsis of mortality statistics according to classes in various parts of London' in 1841 (p. 411). Contents of ajipendix, inter alia : Deaths in 1841 in large towns in England and Wales — Abstract of replies from 50 towns to questions as to sewerage, drainage, cleansing and water supply — Special reports on the physical causes of high death rate in Liverpool ; on the sanatory condition of Preston, Chorlton-upon-Medlock, Ashton-under-Lyne, York, Nottingham ; on the different rates of mortality and of births among the same classes of society living in the suburban and rural townships and town districts of Sheffield ; on the different rates of mortality prevalent among diiferent classes of society, and among classes of persons engaged in different manufactures in Sheffield and Huddersfield ; on the comparative mortality in the drained and undrained districts of Leicester ; on the standard of vitality actually attained in middle-class life — Philadelphia and New York water supply — Constant supply of water under higii pressure at Preston — Supply of water to the houses of the poor— Filtration of water, with the description of M. Maurras' sy.stem — Expense of filtei'ing and raising water — Obstacles to improvement of water supply in Manchester and Salford, Huddersfield and Ihdl — Application of clay pipes for house drains and sewers in Ayr — Replies in full from Liverpool — Liverpool Cori)oration baths and washhouse — House cleansing in Edinburgh — Cleansing and construction of roads and streets in Manchester an\T Arthur) The government of London. [An article a}>pearing in the "Contemporary Review" for March, 1882, l.p. 404-416.1 Hobhouse (Henryj The working of the Technical Instruction Acts in Somerset. (See Aciand (Arthur H. D.) and Fanshawe (E. L.) The county councillor's guide; being a handbook to the Local Government Act, 1888. London, 1888, 8vo, pp. XXX., 294. Hodg'es (^William) A treatise on the law of railways, railway companies and railway investments ; with an appendix containing all the statutes, precedents, etc. Second edition. London, 1855. 8vo, ])p. xxxviii., 768 ; 295. The same — fourth edition. London, 1865. 8vo, pp. xxxvi., 624 ; ii., 346. The same — fifth edition. London, 1869. 8vo, pp. xl., 675 : 401. • The same — sixth edition. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. li., 1087. Hogg" (^Quintin; Polytechnics, See Education (Technical Educa- tion Congress). Holborn District Board, Reports and accounts, 1858-59 to 1895-96, London, 1859-96, 8vo, 4 vol, and parts {continuing). 123 Holborn (R. M.) Misuse of the power of local taxation in Islington. London, 1872. 4to, pp. [3], 4, 29, iv. This consists of four parts. The first (pp. S) is a letter in manuscript, undated, from Mr. Molhorn to the Chairman of the Special Committee on the Collections. The second (pp. 4) is a rei)rint of a circular letter, dated April, 1S72, addressed liy Mr. lldlliorn to the '•householders of Ward 7, Canonbur}'," entitled "Why Islington is taxed 3d. or 4d. in the £ moic than it ouu;ht to be." I'he third (pp. 2!)) consists of repri?its from the Vestry minutes from 18th October, 18<)7, to 28th July, 1871. The fourth (pp. iv.) consists of extracts from the Islington Gazette of the time. Holden (John) Easements and rights of light. Manchester, 1885. 8vo, pp. 48. 2 sketches. Ancient lights : a paper read liefore the Sheffield Society of Ai'chitects and Surveyors, at a meeting held on February r2th, 1895. Sheffield, 1895. 8vo, pp. 32. Holdsworth (E. W. H.) and Archibald Young, Sea fisheries and salmon fisheries. London, 1877. 8vo, })p. [vii.], 300. Holdsworth (W. A.) The Weights and Measures Acts, 1S78 and 1889 ; with introductions, notes, index, and the orders in Council, regulations and bye-laws issued under the Acts. Second edition. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. 180. Hole (Rev. Charles) A brief biographical dictionary. Second edition. London, 186(3. lOmo, pp. xv., 485. Hollar (W.) Map of London before the fire in 1666. London, [n.d.]. Eound the margin of the map the arms of some of the City Companies are given. Holmes (Mrs. Basil) The London burial grounds ; notes on their history from the earliest times to the present day. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. 339. 63 illustrations. Contents: Introduction — British and Roman burying-places— Graveyards of priories and convents — Cathedral, Abbey, Temple, and Tower — City churchyards — London churchyards outside the City— Pest-fields and 'plague- pits — Dissenters' burial grounds — Burial places of foreigners in London — Hospital, almshouse, and workhouse grounds — Private and promiscuous cemeteries — Closing of burial grounds and vaults — Graveyards as public gardens — Cemeteries still in use — Forecast of the future. Appendix : List of burial grounds in existence — List of burial grounds which have disapi)eared — Churches and chapels without burial grounds, but with vaults under them — How to lay out a burial ground as a ganlen— Disused Burial Grounds Act, etc. Homersham (Samuel CoUett) Review of the report by the General Board of Health on the supply of water to the metropolis ; contained in a report to the directors of the London (Watford) Spring Water Company. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. iv., 71. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume London water siqjply, 1849- 64. See Water.] Hope ( W.) The sewage of the metropolis : a comparative analysis of Baron Liebig's three letters. >S'ee Napier (W.) 124 Hope (W. H. St. John) Corporation plate and insignia of office. Nr, Jewitt (Llewellyn). HopkillSOn (J.) Some points in electric lighting. London, 1884. b\o. [One of a series of lectures ilelivered at the Institute of Civil Ensjincers during session 1882-83 on Practical applications of electricity. Sen Civil Kngiueers.] Horuor ( Thomas) View of London and the surrounding country, taken with mathematical accuracy from an observatory purposely erected over the cross of St. Paul's Cathedral, to be published in four engravings. Second edition. London, 182.3. Svo, pp. 31. 4 plates. plates : View of the ohservatnry erected over the cross of St. Paul's, with a sketch of the Catliedral showing its elevation as comoan-d with the neighbouring churches and buildings (taken from the sou' h end of P)lack- friars-biidge)— North side, of St. I'aul's Churchyard, wth the end of Cheap- side — Section of part of St. Paul's, showing the circular staircase with the ascent through the dome, and thence to the observatory, from which the panoramic view was executed — South side of St. I'aul's Churchyard, St. Austin's Chu'-ch, and the end of Watlin^-street. Hoi'Selydown. Parish of St. John, Acts of Parliament relating to, 17;i2-l«70. London. Folio. Contents: Charities, 1870 — Church, and forma'ion of parish, 17.S2 — Lighting and watching, 1749 — Poor rate, 178()— Railway from London to Greenwich, 1833— Rector. 1827— Voting, 1824- Wharves, 1848. Horwcod fR.) Plan of the cities of Lonaon and Westminster, the Jjurough i)i Soutliwark, and parts adioining, showing every house." London, 1792-99. 32 sheets, 20 by 2l\ inches. Hosking" (William) Kssay and treatises on the practice and aichitecture of liridges. London, 1843. 8vo, pp. 248. Hoskyns (C.Wren) 'i"he land laws of England. >SW Probyn (.T.W.) Sysffms of land tanure. Hospitalier (Edouardj The electrician's pocket book: the English (•(litiKins' Dwellings Act, 1882 — I'rovisions as to height and open space about Vjuildinga — List of bills deposited with the Local Government Board seeking powers that would displace persons of the labouring classes in the metropolis, with number of houses and persons in each parish that would be so displaced — Annual report of the Clerkenwell medical officer of health for 1883. Vol. 111. Indexes ; pp. 318. Howard (Luke) The climate of London deduced from meteoro- logical observations made in the metropolis and at various places around it. Second edition, in which the observations are continued to the year 1830. London, 1833. 8vo, 3 vol. Vol. I., pp. vii., Ixxii., 348. This volume contains an introduction, with the necessary descriptions of instruments and definitions of terms used ; a series of dissertations on the several parts of the subject ; a summary of the phenomena of the climate ; general tables of results, and a copious index. Vol. II., pp. 407. This volume contains the observations from 1806 to 1819 [those by the Clock Barometer included from the beginning of 181.5], with copious notes, extracts in illustration from other sources, and occasional pieces of dissertation. Vol. III., pp. 383. This volume contains the observations from 1819 to 1830 [those on the pressure by the Clock Barometer being added], with copious notes, extracts in illustration irom other works, and occasional pieces of dissertation. Howel (James) Londinopolis ; an historical discourse or perlustra- tiou of the City of London, the Imperial Chamber, and chief emporium of Great Britain ; whereuuto is added another of the City of Westminster, with the Courts of Justice, antiquities, and new buildings thereunto belonging. London, 1657. 8vo, pp. [x.], 124, 301-407. Index, pp. [7]. 2 plates. Contents : Foundation and first rise — Fresh water rivers, aqueducts, con- duits, and fountains — Famous great navigable river of Thames — Chief fortresse or Tower of London — Public places of .sciences and literature — Political government and civil sway — Ecclesiastical government — Companies and corporations of the City, with their originals and arms — Progress made through the twenty-six particular wards, precincts, or aldermanries, where- into the whole City is divided — Places adjacent and contiguous to the City — Savoy, Uutchy, and City of Westminster, with the antiquities, the tri- bunals of justice, anil liberties thereunto belonging — Westminster Abbey — Westminster Hall, and all the tribunals of justice which have their motion therein ; and, first, of the High Court of Parliament — Court of King's Bench, now called the Upper Bench — Court of Chancery or Equity and Conscience- Court of Common Pleas — Court of Exchequer — Court of Admiralty — A [)arallel by way of corollary betwixt London and other great cities of the world — Index. There is a folding view of Londoi), without author or ilate. Huddersiield, Corporation of the City of. Abstract of accounts, 1887-88 to 1896-97. Huddersfield, 1888-97. 8vo, 10 vol. 126 Hudson (Alfred A.) The law of building iuul engineering con- tracts, ami of the duties and liahilities of engineers, architects, snrvevors and valuers. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. Ixviii., 880. Hughes ( Miss E. P.) The relation between general and technical eiliK-itiou. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Hug"hson » David ) London ; being an accurate history and descrip- tion c)i tiie liritish meti-opolis and its neigh bourliood to thirty miles extent, fi-oni an actual pi^rambulation. London, 1805-09. 8vo, 6 vol. Vol. I., pp. 652. ludex, pp. xvi. 7 plates. This volume contains the history of the metropolis up to the close of the year ISOO. Among the plates are : J'lan of the City and environs of ],un(lon as fortified by order of Parliament in the years 1042 and H'tiS — A view of London as it appeared before the Fire in 16(jG — Wren's plan for rebuilding the City after the Fire — Sir John Evelyn's plan for rebuilding tlie City after the Fire— Plan of London in the reign of Queen P^lizabeth — The City gates as they appeared before they were pulled down. Vol. II.. pp. .560. Index, pp. xvi. 11 plates. This volume gives an aecouut of the government of tlie City of London, and commences the topography witli a description of the first four perambula- tions on the east side of the City. Among tlie {>lates are : Map of London, dated 1806, extending from the head of the Paddington-canal, west, to the West India Docks, east, with the proposed improvements between the Ito\'al Exchange and Finsbury-scjuare — East India House — Trinity House, Tower-hill — Traitor's Gate, Tower of London — London Bridge in the year ]7.">7 — Fish-street-hill — Interior of St. Stephen's, Walbrook — Egyptian Hall, Mansion Houfe — Mansion House. Vol. Ill,, pp. 640. Index, pp. viii. 12 plates. This volume describes five perambulations westward of the Royal Exchange. Among th.e plates are : Bank of England (;{ plates) — Old Cheapside with the Cross — Guildhall — St. Paul's Cathedral (2 plates) — Great Hall, Charterhouse — London from Chatham-place, Blaekfriars. Vol. IV., ))p. '>7'J. Index, pj). viii. 3() plates. This volume describes the three final perambulations of London, and gives an account of Westminster and South wark. Among the plates are : Somerset House — Drury-lane Theatre — Savoy Chapel and Palace — Scot- land-yard — Westminster — Westminster Hall — Westminster Abbey — In- terior of Westminster Abljcx' — Carlton House — Ancient view of St. .lames's, Westminster Abbey. Hall, tec, from the village of Charing, now Charing- cros.s — Arms of the City companies (11 plates) — Lansdowne House, Bcrkeley-sfjuare — Entrance to London by Oxfoni-street — British Museum — Entrance to London at Shoreditch Church — Aldgate House, Bethnal- green — London Docks, Wajiping — Southwark, towards St. Margaret's Hill — Bcrmondscy Priory — Entrance to London ])y tlie Obelisk in the Surr<:y-road. Vol. v., pp. 476. Index, jip. viii. 3."> plates. This volume gives some descrijition of the counties of Surrey, Kent, P.erk- fihire. Buckingham and Hertfordshire. Among the plates are : Map of the country surrounding London to the extent of 30 miles — Deptford from the Greenwich-roa^tipply of water to London from the river Thiimes at Henley under the management of a metropolitan commission. London, 1849. 8vo, pj). 14. 2 diagrams. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume London water supply , 1849.64. Sre Water.] Humphreys-Davies (George) The principles of rating. See Boyle (Ed ward j. Hungerford-bridge and Wellington-street-viaduct, First report from select committee appointed to inquire into the roadway and viaduct proposed to be made on the Thames-embankment from Hungerford - bridge to Wellington - street, Strand, and whether the site might not be more advantageously occupied by .some public building; witli proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1869. Folio, jjp. x., 143. 15 plans. Contents, inter aliti : Return of the number of vehicles and persons passing over Westminster-bridge between the hours of 6 a.m. the 10th, and 6 a.m. the 11th of .June, 1865 — Memorandum on measures to be adopted for pre- venting excess over the original estimates of the cost of public buildings — General method of executing buildings at the South Kensington Museum. Plates : Plan showing the works authorised by the Thames Embankment Acts, 1862 and 1868 ; and the disposal of the rcclaimeii land as prorided for by the same Acts and by the Metropolitan Districts Railway Act, 1864 — Plan showing suggested af)proiich from Chjiring-eross. skirting the west side of Northumberland Hous.'. and the authorised approach t(^ Welliiigton- htrect — Plan of works i)roposed by the Thames Embankment (North) Appioaches Pill, 1866— Plan of metropolis, sliowing main thoroughfares in connection with the Thames embankment anris — Slcrliiiir uioin'y i-oiDod l>y John — I'oll-tax leviiMl — Mrthnd.-* adoiid.""! to supply Loii Ion with water — Westniiustcr-abboy built — ■ Explanation of term Folliiii"te — TabUs of price of provisi ns — Expenses of maintenance — First assessment in the f'ity of wards — Noa^ jirivi leges of Loml-n — Sniithiield market laws — Guildhall budt — New charter — Fleet ditch renilercii navif^able to Hoi 'orn— Extent of Lond')n in l.'2'<— Sti-cets of London ordered to be paved and water bioutrht from Hanipstead to tlie City — Number of for ii^ners in L'mdon in the time of Eiizal)eth — New buildintjs prdhibited — Charterhouse school e»tablishcd — New River brought to Ixindon — Corporation of London reraonstrat'-s against ship-money — M- asures taken to rebuM London after tlie fire — Origin of corporation towns — Boundaries of City di»tinguished — Incorporation (;f City companies — History of the IJank of England — Billingsgate made a free market — Watchmen apfiointed to gnaixl London — London extended on all sidc^ — Fleet market — Jlau'^ion-house built — BuiMing of Westminster-brklge — British museum — City gates pulled down — Building laws enacted — London new paved and the streets dis- tinguished by their names — Improvements in buildings about London — Account of the West India docks. Plates : Views of Teinjile-bar, Somerset-house, St. James's-palace, Tothill- fields, the Munumeut, the new church (Strand). Buckingham-house, West- minster-bridge, Blackfriar.s-bridge — Plans of the City of Loudon before and after the fire in 1660, and of the n:w wet docks. Hunter (Sir Robert) The preservation of open space.^i, and of foot- paths, and other rio^lits of way : a practical treatise on the law of the subject. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. xxii., 424. Contents : Nature of a common and rights thereon — Inclosurc of a manorial common by the lord of the manor — Rights of common connected and not connected with manorial system — Common of estovers and common of turbary — Bights of digging gravel and odier species of subsoil — Rights of sole vesture and sole ]»asture — Claims by the inhabitants of a district to enjoy rights on a common — Mode of ascertaining common rights, atid loss or extinguishment thereof — Power of local authorities to prevent inclosures by the loi-d of the manor — Inclosurc of a manorial common by way of copyhold grant — Disfigurement of a manorial common; and, herein, powers of high- way authorities — Inclosure of a manorial common by authority of parliament — Common fields, meadows, and pastures — Waste and commonable lands of a forest — Village greens — Fuel allotments and recreation grounds — Excep- tional provisions as to inclosurc — Appropriation of Cf)mmon lands for the purposes of industrial undertakings — Regulation of commons as open spaces under the Metropolitan Commons Acts and under the Commons Act, 1.S76 — Nature of a footpath - Obstruction of footpaths ; ami, herein their dediea- 'tion — Remedies for obstruction of footpaths — Stoppage or diversion of a footpath by order of Quarter Sessions — Repair of footpaths -Highways of an exceptional kind— Road-side waste — Foreshore and cliffs— Rivers and lakes. Theie aie eight appendices, among which are : Judgment of the Master of the li illi upon the scheme for regulating Hackney commons— Act and wbeme under the Metropolitan Commons Acts for the management of F»an'^tca'l comrnfins. Kurlstone ''E. Tj and J. p. Norman, Reports of cases argued and determined in the Courtw oi Exchequer and' Exchequer Chamber. London, 1857-62. 8vo, 7 vol. Hurlstone (E. T.; and F.J. Coltman, lloijorts of cases argued and (iitci iiiinf'd in tlic Crturts of lO.vf licjuer and Exchequer Chamber. London, 18G.'^j-64. 8vo, 2 vol. 131 Hutchinson (Gr. L.) A^lan for the equalization of tlie poor rates tlir')iiL;'lu)ut the United Kingdom by abolisliing the law of settle- ment and the removal of paapers ; also saving annually thousands of pounds to the ratepayers, preventing all parochial litigation and greatly heuetiting the condition of the poor. Second edition, with considerable additions, new tables, &c. London, 1849. Svo, pp. ix., 151. A])peiidices, pp. [44]. Contents, i/itcr "lia : Table of jinniial valun of real |)roperiy as,sess d to the poor rates — Coutr.ist of sev^en of the hii,'hest-rat.ed counties with seven of the lowest-ratuil counties, and the ability of each to hear tlie burden, shown — Unju-st proportion of such l)irden deuioaslrated — I'arocliial divisions iutendod for ecclesiastical purposes only — An equalized rate proved to be in strict conformity with 43 Eliz., c. 2 — Mr. W. Farr's opinion of equalized rate as respects the metropolis — Tables showing gross inequalities of rateal — Iniquitous shirking by wealthy corporations, k.c., of the poor rates — P]xtra parochial places not contributing anything for the support of the poor — An equalized rate of Is. Gd. in the £ shown to be amply sufficient for the support of the i)Oor and which would lower the rates in forty-six counties of England and Wales — Xecessity for revaluation of parishes — Cases of in- adequate valuation — Cluse parislws, their unjust immunity from poor ratja shown — Crowding of "open parishes" most injurious to morals and health — Universities and Inns of Court to pay no poor rates— Objections to national rate without parochial control — Expense and absurdity of the law of settlement — Monstrous waste of the ratepayers' money in parish litigation — A pau[)er's illegal marriage very costly to the ratepayers — Injury of the liw of settlement on the morals and habits of the poor — Waste of thousands of pounds annually in removals — Injury and deaths caused by forced removals — Necessity for taxing personal property for poor rate — Contrast between treatment of the poor and the criminal— Table of the average rate paid in the & for every parish in England and Wales — Table of costs of removal of pauper3 in England, 18i2-44. Hutton (Charles') Mathematical tables. London, 1860. 8vo pp. Ixviii., 368. Hutton (Laurence) Literary landmarks of London. London, 1885. Sxo, pp. X., 361. Hyde Park, Plan of. London. 1799. The plan was taken on -Ith June, when 60 volunteer corps paraded there- It shows the position of the corps and the position occupied by His Majesty ; also, the strength and commander of each corps. Hydro-mechanics, A series of lectures on the theory and practice of. See Civil Engineers, Institute of. 32 I. Import Duties (Colonial) Return of the rates of import duties levied nj)on the prodnce and manufactures of the United Kingdom, etc., in the principal colonial and other possessions of the United Kingdom. London, 1897, 8vo, pp. viii., 399. Some notes at the beginning contain refjulations of general appl cation to the c\i»tom3 tariffs of the re»i)ective colonicH ; and a table of the rates at which the standard coins of certain countries hare been converted into poonds sterling. Tlie return is an-auged primarily under fomteen general heads roughly classifying all cominoditit s. Moot of these are sub- divided under more special heads. Under these last the import duties are set out umler each countn'. Under each country the individual items are set out in detail. Import Duties (Foreig'n) Return of the rates of import duties levied in Kuropean countries and in the United States upon the produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom. London, 1897. Svo, pp. xiii., 433. The introduction (pp. xiii.) contains a table of weights, measures, and money used in the tariffs of the respective countries, with the English equivalents. Be-ides this, the English equivalents are given opposite each item of import duty. The return is arranged similarly to that of colonial import duties QviJe supra"). Improvements. Metropolis.— London improvements, 1734-1854 l\ ulumo of pani{)hlets.J 8vo. Contents : — A critical review of the public buildings, statues and ornaments in and abont London and Westminster ; to which is prefixed the dimensions of St, Peter's Church at Rome and St. Paul's Cathedral at London. [Anonymous,] London, 1734. 8vo, pp. [vi,], viii., 119. Prospectus of a design for various improvements in the Metropolis, prin- cipally about the Court ; by an Architect. London. 1816. Svo, pp. 7.5. Metropolitan improvements, with nine plans of the new streets and two maps of the Royal Victoria-park for the Tower Hamlets [From the West- vtintter Rerieicf or October, IHil.] London, 1841. Svo, pp. 32, 11 plates. A letter to the Rev. the Dean and Chapter of Westminster on the intended alterations in the interior of Westminster Abbey ; by a clergyman of the Church of England. London, 1844. 8vo, pp. 20. 1 jjlate. Metropolitan Improvement Society. Fourth annual report from the Committee of Management to the general meeting of the society, held July 31, 184.5. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. 8. An address to the inhabitants of St. James's, Westminster, on certain local circumstances affecting the health of rich and poor ; by a Retired Church- warden. Lomlon. 1847. Svo, pj). 2*'>. Parish of St. John, Clerkenwell, Middlesex. — Report of a committee of the Board of Commissioners for paving, &c., respecting ruinous and dangerous buildings and nuisances. London, 1847. Svo, pp. 10. On cleansing the house drains and sewers of the Metropolis and large towns upon a self-acting jjriiiciph', whether under an intermittent or constant iystern of water sujjply, with a description of Hosmer's patent self-dis- charging hou»fj cistf^rn. [,\nonyniou8 ] J,ondon, 1848. Svo, pp. 16. A description of the new palace of Westminster. [Anonymous.] London, 1848. Svo, pp. 24. .5 plates. Old anrl New London. [An anonymous article on Knight's "London," extracted from the WeKtmhmter Itcvieiv, No. II. of Vol. xliii,, pp. 2.5y-306.] London, '^n.d.]. Svo. pp. 2.59-306. 3 plates. 133 Improvements, Metropolis.— t-ondon improvements — continued. DL'sciiptioii of St. Gcoti^e's Cathe iral. [Auoiiymou&.J London, [n.d.], 8vo, I'p. 24. See also Bennodi (Francis\ Dunkiu (A. J.), Eden (Sir F. M.), Gisborne (Lionel), Hes eth (Hoberr. Hume (Rev. Charles), Kerl (Heurv), Kyle (Davis D.), Taylor (J- H.), Williams (John). Two plans on one sheet (i) of the old sti'eets about London Bridge ; (ii) of a new street proposed to be built from the Royal Exchange to London Bridge, London, 1760, [These appeared in the GentlemaiCs Magazine for 1760, Vol, xxx., p. 610.] Report from select committee appointed to consider of the most effective plan for raising of money to carry into effect the necessary improvements required in the Cities of London, West- minster, Borough of Southwark, and Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, and for the purchasing of the interest of the proprietors of the Waterloo and Southwark Bridges, that they may be thrown open for the use of the public free of toll; with minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1836. Folio, pp. vi., 56. 15 plans. Contents of appendix, inter alia ; Southwark Bridge Company : state- ment of capital raised, capital expenditure, annual tolls, 1819-3.5, and dividends paid, 1824-35 (p. 47) — Produce of lotteries in each year from 1793 to 1824 (p. 54). Plans : Proposed street from Finsbury-square to Whitechapel, and from Whitechapel to Commercial-road — Pr>p sed street from Holborn to Strand, and plan for taking down one side of Ho' y well-street next Strand — Proposed street from Farring'^on-street t > Clerkenwell Sessions House— Proposed street from Mansion House to Soutkwark Bridge — Proposed street from Oxford- street to Broad-street, St. Giles — Proposed street from the Bank to the Post Office — Proposed street from Gower-street to Waterloo Bridge — Proposed iraprovempnt at High Holborn by taking down Middle-row — Proposed street from St. Paul's Cathderal to Blackfriars Bridge— Proposed viaduct from 8kinner's-street, Snow-hill, to Holborn — Proposed street from St. George's Church in the Borough to Blackfriars Bridge — Proposed street fromWestminster Abbey to Pimlico — Proposed street from the I'ost Office to Holborn-hill — Pioposed improvement from the St. Ca'heine's Docks to Eastcheap — Con- tnuation of proposed street from St. George's Church, Southwark, to Black- friars, Waterloo and Westminster Bridges. Second report from select committee appointed to take into their consideration the several plans, concerning which a report was made in 1836, together with any other plans which they may deem deserving of consideration, and to report their opinion as to the expediency of adopting any of the said improve- ments, and also as to the best means of carrying the same into effect ; with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and plans, London, 1838. Folio, pp. xii., 182 ; iv., 41 ; [61. 39 plans. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Abstract of estimates for proposed street improvements (p. 35) — Statement of distances saved by proposed new lines (pp. 58-59) — Statement of debt and interest of the City moiety of the Gresham Estate (p. 77) — Schedule of houses and property required for pro- posed public improvements in Wappine (pp. 115-117) — Ace ;uiiT of amount received for defraying charge of making apjiroaches to Lon km Bridge from 3Gth June, 1^32 (p. 122) — Stat.-ment of amMunt of incumbrances charged upon funds raised, amount discharged and sum remaining undischarged, with 13J- Improvemeilts, Metropolis. — Second report, 1888 — conthined. estimate of time required to pay ofE remaininsr (k'l)t (p. 12:}) — I!r|)uit (-!' the Coniiiiissioneis of Woods, etc.. on plan of now street tioiii UroaJ Sanctuary. Westiniuster, to UrewcrVstrcetin (.'heKea-ri>afl ; with estiinatci>f cost thereof and income to be derived therefrom (pj). 17()-17H) — Mcnioiial to the Coai- niissionei-s of Woods, etc.. from inhabi'ants in neighbourhood of Long-acre, api>lying for continuation of line opened from Waterloo-britlge to Long-acre, and from Long-acre to Holborn (pp. 180-181) — Comparative heights of several of the streets in Westminster, with the Trinity House datum of the average high-water level of spring tides in the rivei' Tliames, as inscribed on tlie west pier of the centre arch of Westminster-bridge : and as compa-ed with the outlet of the Wood-street sewer (p. 1S2). Plans (other than those in first report) : Wren's plan for rebuilding London after its destruction by fire in 10()6 — General vieiv of the ]>lans — Line of streets to connect Piccadilly with C'heapside — Improved commnnications from east end of Piccadilly to Great Queen-street and (^ovcnt-garden — ■ Improved communications from Long-acre to Lincoln's-inn-fields and Chancery-laTie, and to New-inn and Clement's-inn ; and transverse communi- cations from the Stranti to High Holborn. ci'ossing the east and west sides of Lincoln's-inn-fields — Proposed new street from Pickett-place, Strand, to High Holborn — Improvements of Holljorn-hill — Proposed street from Oxford- street to Leicester-square — Aldgate and its vicinity— Proposed improven\cuts in Wapping— Westminster improvements — I'roposed improvements in build- ings and site surrounding Westminst3r Abliey and the new Houses of Parlia- ment— Imi)rovemcnt of Lower Westminster and locality westward to Chelsea-road, including purlieus south and east of Buckingham-])alace — Proposed improvements in roads from Lonilon and Westminster thi'ough Chelsea; also proposed road into Hyde-park from Knightsbridge — • Approaches to the P>ritish Museum ; improvement of purlieus of Ciivent - garden and Drury-laiie theatres ; connecting line between Oxford-street and High Holborn — Improvement of Clerkenwell by con- tinuatiou of Farringdon-strect to Coppice-row, and by covering Fleet sewer — Communication south of the Thames, connecting the eastern and western parts of the metropolis— New street from Little Tower-street to Crutched Friars, opening a communication between London-bridge and Whiteehn]iel and the Commercial and I'lad wall Railway ; new street from Custom-liouse to Gracechurch-.street. for relief of Thames-street and Fibh- Btreet Hill — Parish of Christchurch. Middlesex, with pr. posed new road from north end of Wheeler-street, tlirongh Rose-lane, t>) Wentworth-street — Pi'o- posed new streets in Southwark — i'r. pof-ed new streets from Southwaik Town-hall to Westminster-bridge, connecting the five bridges; from St. George's Church to P>laekfriars-bri(lgc ; from Tooley-stivet to Plackliiars- bridge — 'i'hames im])rovement plan - Elevati( n and longitudinal sections of proposed improvements to Thanus, showing situation of wharves, docks and other property u|)on intended line — Longitudinal section of intercepting Bcwer of TbaTnes inriprovement plan — Pros]iective view and elevation of pio- posed improvements to river Thames, with section of grand sewer, wliaives, and public walks — Proposeii colli<'r and steam sliipping wharves on the ca.'^tern side of the Isle of Dogs — Proposed thoroiighfaris from east to west to relieve HollK)rn,the Strand and the City of a portion of the trafiic — Proposed thoroufhfare from E(;gent's-circ.us to the Hritish Museum — I'roposed thoroughfares from Oxford-street to Old-street ; from Clerkenwell to Farbif-an : from ?'insbury-squaie to White(;lia|iel- Prop( sed thoroughfares from IJarViiran to F(jrc-street ; from lyondoii-wall to Houndsditch : from ]''oie- Ptreet to the P>anli — j'ropo'-ed stre(;t from south side of St. Paui's-cliurchyard to London-bri h Janunry, 1S40, (listinguisbing !-ums received under sevei'al heads of taxation or coutributi ii fr-'m-the Ci y of London (p. 12) — Account of quantity of coaN, culm, Hac , imported into Port of London in each of the three years ending Hist December, 183 ."-Hi), and 5th January, 183^-40 ; and account of drawback of Sd. per ton npon coa's exported from I'ort of London from l.-)th October, 1SH8, to oth January, 184'l (p. 28) — Staten.ent of produce of duty of 8d. per ton on coals imported into Port (-f London, fo raising £l,()!it) 0(_H) for making and improving approaches to Loudon Bridge fr m .^th Ji ly, 18i;l), to .^th January, 1840 (p. 3.;) — Widths of principal streets in Loudon ({)p. 311-41). PlaLs : New streets from O.xford-strcet to Holborn, from Bow-street to Charlotte-street, from London Docks to Sptalfields Church, from Coventry- street to Long-acre — <^Herkenwell improvement, continuation of Farringdon- street to ClerkenweU-green — Southwark improvement, new street fiom Stamford -street to Wellington-street, London Bridge —Estate of Francis Nugee, Fsq., in St. Giles-in-the-Fiekl — Propoted new street through Mr Nugee's estate. Second report; with minutes of evidence, appendix, index, and plan. London, 1840. Folio, pp. vi., 32. 1 plan. Plan : New street connecting tlistrict around Belgrave-square with the Houses of Parliament and <'ourts of Law. 136 luiprovemeilts. Metropolis. — First report of Commissioners appointed by Her Majesty to inquire into and consider the most effectual means of improving the metropolis, and of providing inci'eased facilities of communication within the same ; with minutes of evidence, appendix, and plana. London, 1844. Folio, pp. 261. 62 plans. Contents of appeiulix, inter alia : Abstract of Thomas Page's estimates for cost of terraces from Westminster Briilge to Blackfriars Bridge on Middle- sex and Surrey sides of the river (p. 115) — Jeneral estimates of City improve- ments proposed (pp. 1G4-1(),5)— Amount of frontage of river occupied by each party from Vauxhall Bridge to Chelsea (p. IG'J) — Memoranda resjiecting conservancy of the Thames, and conflicting rights and authorities connected with its management — Estimate of expenditure and subsequent income from Sir Frederick Trench's plan — Table showing at one view th i results of a series of questions submitted by the Commission to the Hydro'zrapher of the Admiralty and otheis, in reference to an embankment of the Thames between London and Vauxhall Bridges — Corres{)ondence between Earl Lincoln and George Tayler in reference to embankment l>etween Westniinster and Black- friars — Correspondence between Earl Lincoln and W. Cubitt and VV. K, Maughan — Letter from Directors of London Dock Company to Earl Lincoln as to probable effect of any embankment of the Thames upon the influx of tidal waters and upon the general scour of the river in the Fort of London — Memorandum by Sir H. T. de la Beche on estuaries and their tides— Extracts from papers referred to by Thomas Page — Letters from Thomas Page to Earl Lincoln in explanation of tidal taVjles, etc. — Comparative statement of tidal observations at Sheernessand St. Katherine's Docks during months of February to April, 1848 — Letter from Thomas Page to Earl Lincoln on the present state of the river below London Bridge and above it, on the progressive change in the state of the river, on the effect of the change in the river upon tlie bridge-;, etc., on the objects of a system for improving the river, on the treatment of the Thames as a navigable rivei', on the adaptation of the means of improving the river to facilities of communication in the metropolis, on the adap'ation of side channels or docks for the trade at the wharves, on the general and suljsequent embankments — Measurements of common sewers, drains, etc., from Lomlon Bridge to Vauxhall Bridge on north or Middlesex side of river — Depth of mud at about 80 feet in front of wharves on north and Boutli sides of the river, taken oridon Bridj^e — Correspondence as to proposed cmbftidtnient between Vauxhall and Battersea Brid.,es. I'laris : Thames from Westminster to Blackfriars in st^venteenth century, showing successive encrfjachments by embardtments — Embankments in pro- gres? on south side of 'I'hames (2 plates) — Emijankments in progress on north side of Thames — End^ankment in progress at Isle of Ocjgs— River 137 Improveme;its, Metropolis. — First report of Commissioners, 1844 — continued. Thames fi'oni Vmixhall-bridgo to Loiuloii-bridge, showing line of proposed embankments — Thames and metropolis improvement plans by .John Martin : (i.) line of embankment and roadway between Westminster-bridge and Blackfriar-i, as laid down in 18iS2 ami 1834 ; (ii.) general line of embaiik- nieut, sewers, etc., marking de|)ths between Westminster and London-bridge ; (iii.) elevation of line of roadway and wharf s in which public thoroughfare can be continued in front of property of Chelsea College — River Thames from Battersea-bridgo to Vaux- hall-bridge, showing proposed line of puljlic roadway (2 plates)— Transverse sections of the river at 17 jioints between Battersea and Vauxhall Bridges (<■> jilates) — Longitudinal section showing bed of river from Battersea-biilge to Vauxhall-britlge — Chelsea Hospital and parts adjacent. Third report; with minutes of evidence, appendix, and plans. London, 1845. Folio, pp. vi., 72. 10 plans. Contents of appendix, intir alia : Correspondence between Treasury, the Commissioners of Woods, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, and others, respecting certain p'ans for improving the southern parts of Westminster, with other papers relating thereto, of dates previous to appointment of Com- mission — Tables of heights of several streets in southern Westminster. Plans : Proposed new streets iu Westminster (2 pla'cs) — New street con- necting district round Belgrave-square with Houses of Parliament and Courts of Law — Part of the City of Westminster showing line of street from Westminster Abbey to Vauxhall Bridge-road — Improvements at Westminster, pro]iosed by Metroi)olitan Improvement Society — Southern Westminster, with levels of surface at various ))oint3 above Trinity datum — Sections of ground along twelve linos in Westminster compared with the level of Trinity high-water, and that of the highest tide (4 plates). Fourth report; with minutes of evidence and plan. London, 1845. Folio, pp. 12. 1 plan. Table : Width of existing thoroughfares between the new street from London Docks to Spitalfields Church, at its termination in front of Spital- fields Church, and Shoreditch, Plan : Improvements suggested in exten<-ion of, and in connection with, the new street from London Docks to Spitalfields Church. Fifth report; Avitli minutes of evidence, aj)pendix and plans. London, 1846. Folio, pp. 30. 12 plans. Plans : Kiver Thames from Battersea-bridge to Vauxhall-bridge, showing proj^osed royal park at Battersea. and profjosed line of public roadway along the north bank of the river — Designs for a bridge to connect proposed embank- jnent and park (4 plates). The remaining plans and the ajjpendix are reproduced from the second report. Sixth repoi-t ; with minutes of evidence, appendix and j)lai)S. London, 1^47. Folio, pp. 44. 4 plans. Contents of appendix : Memorandum as to practicability and expediency of eref'ting upon the Rolls Estate a general dcjiository of public records, witii reference also to tlie improvement of the public thoroughfaies around that C8tat«j — Letter from Mas er of the Rolls to Secretary of Treasury as to site, A:c., of General Kecord Re|»ository — iJeport on measurements of certain (,f the public records — Extract from 'Materials for ihe history of public (icpartmi n'fi." I'laiis : Rolls estate and other properties in the ncighliourliodd thcr. of, showing how they would be affected by the erection ol tlic jmip-se 1 rublie 139 Improvements, Metropolis.— Sixth report of Commissioners, 1847 — continued. Record O.'Bce and by public improvements —Main central thorDiitjlifare fi'om eastern to western quarters of Ijonclon, suggested in connection vvdth proposed new Record Office — Proposed arrangements of ground and first floors of new Record Office (2 plates). Seventh report; with minutes of evidence, appendix and ])hxns. London, 1851. Folio, pp. 42. 4 pLans. Contents of aijjiendix, inter alia : List of owners or reputed ownei's, lessees and occupiers of the property required for making the proposed new street from near the north-east corner of St. Martin's-hxne (opposite Cran- bourne-street) to King-street, Covent-garden — Some particulars of the lettings-otl: and businesses carried on on the same property — Resolutions of the Vestry of St. Paul, Covent-garden— Accounts of receipts and expenditure at various dates under various heads of the London Bridge Approaches Fund. Plans : Proposed new street from St. Martin's-lane to King-street — Several pro])erties that would be interfered with by such street— Proposed 7iew street, fi'om Cranbornc-street to Bedford-street, Covent-garden— Parish of St. Paul, Covent-garden, with circumjacent district, and communication of proposed line of street with existing thoroughfares in vicinity. Town improvements (betterment). — Report from the select committee appointed to consider and report whether, in the case of improvements sanctioned by Parliament and effected by the expenditure of public funds, persons, the value of whose pro- perty is clearly increased by an improvement, can be equitably required to conti^ibute to the costs of the improvements, and, if so, in what cases and under what conditions Parliament should sanction the levying of such coiitributions in local Acts or provisional orders ; with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1894. Folio, pp. xiv., 374. Contents of appendix, inter alia : List of improvements executed by the London County Council and its predecessors— Rateable value (net) of each paxisli and union in the County of London .'excluding Penge and the extra- parochial places), at quin piennial periods, or thei'eabouts, from 188i) to ISUl — Tables put in before Committee on London Improveiuents Bill, showing effect of recoupment principle in cases of metropolitan improvements — E.-icerpt from accompt of '' The receipt and expenditure of the Commissioners for the City improvements, for the year from 'J July, 1833, to 9 July, 1834" — Rateable value at various periods of the houses in Kentish Town-road^ Clarence-road, and Castle-road, witliin the area of the Kentish Town-road improvement. Statements, to the 5th January, 1846, of the receipt and expenditure of monies forming the account at the Bank of England, in respect of improvements in the metropolis by the formation of new streets from the east end of Oxford-street to Holborn, near the south end of Southampton-street; from the north side of Long-acre, opposite Bow-street, to Charlotte-street, Bloomsbury ; from the London Docks to the west front of Spitalfields Church under the Act 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 87; also from the east end of Coventry-street to Long-acre, and East Smithfield to Rosemary-lane. — Return, in detail, stating the names of the surveyors or valuers, and the sum or sums paid to each surveyor or valuer emploj'^ed in valuations and purchases by private con- tract, 01' by references to arbitration, and by verdicts of juries, 140 Improvements, Metropolis. — Statements, 1848 — continued. the amounts for which are included in the sum of £33,425 18s. Id., charged in Ajipendix No. 27 (n) in the twenty-third report of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, Forests. Land Revenues, etc., being the seventeenth annual report, dated 25th August, 1846. London, 1848. Folio, pp. 3. [This is bound up with the reports of the Improvements Commission.] Accounts of all monies borrowed or guaranteed on the security of the land revenues of the Crown for the purpose of metroj)olitan improvements. — Of all monies charged upon the London Bridge Approaches Fund for the like purpose, which monies it is proposed to pay out of the Consolidated Fund, to the amount not exceeding £1,220.000 ; stating the various amounts of such monies, the date when the specific purpose for which each such amount was borrowed or guaranteed, the rates of interest on each amount, the arrears of interest now due, and the amount of interest paid by the Department of Woods, etc., and to be repaid to that department. — A return of the various items composing the total income of the London Bridge Appi-oaches Fund ; of the sources of the income ; of the periods at which such sources of income will expire ; of the amount of the incumbrances on the said fund ; the specific cause of each incumbrance ; of the rate of interest of each incumbrance, and of the arrears of interest now due. London, 1853. Folio, pp. 33. [This is bouad up with the reports of the Improvements Commission.] Statement of the advances out of the Consolidated Fund to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works, etc. ; of the appli- cation of the funds so advanced, and of the monies paid into the Consolidated Fund, from 9th May, 1853, to 31st December, 1853. London, 1854. Folio, pp. 3. [This is bound up with the reports of the Improvements Commission.] Income Tax- — An attempt to show the justice and expediency of substituting an income or property tax for the present taxes, or a part of them ; as affording the mf)st equitable, the least injurious, and (under the modified procedure suggested therein) tlie least obnoxious mode of taxation ; also, the most fair, aflvantageous, and effectual plans of reducing the national debt. [Anonymous.] London, 1833. 8vo, pp. xv., 356. Appendix, pp. 72. Ingram (Thomas Dunbar) Compensation to land and liouse- holdci-s, being a lreati.se on the law of the compensation for interests in lands payable by railway and other public companies ; with an appendix of forms. London, 1864. 12mo, pp. xii., 299. Inland Revenue- — Reports (second to fifth, seventh to twelfth, fourteenth to forty- second) of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Inland Revenue for the years ended 31 st March, 1858-61, 1863- lU Inland Revenue. — Reports — continuei. 68, 1870-99. London, 1858-99. 38 parts in 13 vol., 8 vol. ?,vo and 5 vol. folio {continuing) . The last return is arranged under (i.) Excise (with sub-heads, beer duty, spirit duty, lie 'iices, chaiijes on deliveries from excise bonded warehouses, rail\va_y passenger duty, coffee mixture labels, chicory duty, judicial decisions) ; (ii.) Stamp duties ; (iii.) Tax-is (with sub-heads, land tax. in- habited house duty, income tax, judicial decisions) ; (i7.) Death duties (with sub-heads, estate duty, probate, inventory, and account duties, temporary estate duty, legacy duty, succession duty, corporation duty, judicial decisions) ; (v.) Miscellaneous (with sub-heads, laboratory, local taxation accounts). Inwood (William) Tables for the purchasing of estates and foi the renewing of leases held under corporate bodies. Seventeenth edition, vpith considerable additions by F. Thoman. London, 1859. 12nio, pp. xxxiii., 180 ; 63. The same — twenty-first edition, with logarithmic tables of compound interest and annuities, by F. Thoman. London, 1880. 12mo, pp. xxxviii., 206 ; 63. Ireland, Census of. See Census. Reports (twenty-third to thirty-seventh) from the Board of Public Works, 1854-68. Dublin, 1855-69. Folio, 15 parts in one vol. Irish Society and London Companies (Irish estates) Report from select committee ; with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1890. Folio, pp. xii., QQ4i. The appendix contains various statistics and accounts in connection with the Irish estates of the London companies. Ironmongers' Company. — Report of a deputation appointed by a Committee of the Ironmongers' Company and their Associates, held the 9th May, 1868, to visit their estates in Ireland. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 22. Islington, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1772-1857. London. Folio. Contents : Agreement between the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's Cathedral and John Ambler of Islington, 1829 — Cattle market, 1835 — Chapel of ease and additional burial ground, 1811 — Ecclesiastical burthens equaliza- tion, 1832 — H'ghgate Archway Company, 1812 — Lands, 1811 — Lighting and watching, 1772, 1806— New North-road Trustees, 1833 - Poor relief and employment, 1776, 1802, 1813 — Repeal of several Acts and provisions in lieu thereof, 1824, 1857 (two Acts) — Koads repairing, 1795. Reports and accounts of the vestry, 1858-59 to 1897-98. London, 1859-98. 8vo, 8 vol. and parts {continuing.) 11.2 J. Jackson (Lowis d'A.) ITyili'milic inauual and statistics, consisting of woi'kiiiLT tables and explanatory text, intended as a t^'iiido in hydraulic calculations and field oj)eratious. Tliii-d edition. London. 1875. 8vo, pp. vi., 571. Jackson (Morton Strode) 'I'lie Corporation Duty: its liistory, law and jjiactice ; with suggestion for an amendment and extension of the Act imposing tlmsame. London, 1892. 8\^o, pp. viii., 220. Contents : Histm-ical and iiarliamcntary — Corporation Duty al)road — Law and practice — Future possibilities of the Corporation Duty — List of judgments in full (from the passing of the Act in 188,') to .June, 189:^) — Index. Jackson (Thomas) and George Thornton, Drainage of London on the north side of the Thames : designs, ex])^anatory report, and proposal to execute the same. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 18. [A paraplilet bound up with others in volume Plans for mctropulitan druinaiic, 1848-0."). See Drainage and Sewerage.] Jacob (Edward) and John Walker, Reports of cases ai^gued and determined in the High Cotirt of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1819-22. London, 1821-28. 8vo., 3 vol. Jacob (Giles) City liberties, or the rights and privileges of free- men : being a concise abridgment of all the laws, charters, by- laws and customs of London down to this time ; containing the liberties and advantages of the citizens, their wives, widows, orphans and others ; and the laws concerning wills, administra- tion and distribution of estates, actions, attachments and seques- trations ; also of binding forth *-ppventices, taking out freedoms, election of oflicers and coui-ts in the City, companies of trade, &c., as regulated by late statutes. London, 1733. 8vo, pp. viii., 168. Index, pp. [8]. Jarman (Thomas) A treatise on wills. Fifth edition, by L. G. G. Kobbius. London, 1893. 8vo, 2 vol. Jeaffreson (John Cordy) Middlesex County records. London, 18b6-92. 8vo, 4 vol. Contents — Vol. I. — Indictments, coroners' inquests-post-mortem .-nid I'ecognizances from 3 Edward A'J. to the end of tlie reign of Queen Elizabetli ; with an index by A. T. Watson. 188fJ, pp. Ix., 309. Vol. II. — Indictments, recognizances, coroners' inquisitions-post-mortem, orders and menioramla, ttmp. James 1. ; with an index by A. T. Watson 1887, pp. Iv., 442. Vol. III. — Indictments, recognizances, coroners' inquisitions-post-mortem, orders, memoranda arid certilicates of convictions of conveiitielers, temp. 1 Charles I. to 18 Charles II. ; with an index by A. 'J'. Watson. 1888, pp. xxvii., 504, Vol. IV. — Indictments, recognizances, coroners' inquisitions-po.st-mortem, ortierB, memoranda and certificates of convictions of conventiclers, tcm]>. 19 Charles II. to_4 James II. ; together with a notice of Sir Baptist Ifieks, Knt., P.art., and first Viscount Campden, and other matters by H. Woodd Bmith, P'.S.A., with illastrations and autotype reproductions 18^2, pp. Ixxix., 452. 14^ JefFerys (Thomas) A new and exact plan of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of South wark, and the additional new building-s, churehes, etc., to tlic present year 173"). London, 17ou. (Scale, 1- iiiclics to the mile. Jeffrey (Peter) Plan for the improvement of the City of London, showiiii;' the line for a new level street from New London-bi-idge to Cornhill, a new street from the Iron-bridge to the Mansion- house, a new street fi'om Lotlibury to Moorgate, and a line for an ai'cade from 13artholomew-lane to London-wall. London, 1827. Jemmett (C. F.) A treatise on the jurisdiction and pi'actice of the Lnglish Courts in Admiralty actions and appeals. See iJruce (Gainsford). Jenkin (A. F.) The councillor's handbook. See Herbert (Nicholas). Jenkin (Fleeming) (3ras and caloric engines. London, 1885. 8vo. [One of a series of lectures deli vercil at the Institute of Civil Engineers during session 1883-8-1 on Ilcat in its mechanical applications. Sec Civil Engineers.] Jenkins (H. M,) Report on agricultural education in North Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, and the United Kingdom. See Education (Second report of the Technical Instruction Commissioners) . Jenks (Edward) An outline of English local government. London 1894. 8vo, pp. 236. Contents: Introductory —The parish — The school district — The hundred — Petty sessional division — The county court district — The poor law union — ■ The sanitary district — The shire or county (parliamentary and judicial) — The administrative county — The standing joint committee — The borough (parliamentary and municipal) — Special types of borough. Jervis (Sir John) The Coroners' Act, 1887, with forms and pre- cedents, by R. E. Melsheimer: being the fifth edition of the treatise by Sir John Jervis on the office and duties of coroners. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xvi., 260. Jevons (W. Stanley) The theory of political economy. Third edition. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. Ivi., 296. Jewitt (Llewellyn) and W. H. St. John Hope, The corpora- tion plate and insignia of ufHce of the cities and towns of England and Wales. London, 1895. 4to, 2 vol. Vol. I. Anglesey-Kent, pp. cxxxv., 3(i7. Vol. II. Lancashire-Yorkshire, pp. xiii., G38. London is included in Vol. IF. Johannesburg^, De Stadsraad. — Treasurer's report and balance- sheet for the year 1897. Johaunesbui-g, 1898. Folio, pp. 14. Hi Johnson < Emory R) Relation of taxation to monopolies. (American Academy of Political and Social Science). Phila- delphia, [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 67-93. River and harboi' bills. (American Academy of Political and Social Science). Philadelphia, [n.d.]. 8vo, pp. 49-80. Inland waterways, their relation to transportation. (American Academy of Political and Social Science). Phila- delphia. 1893. 8vo, pp. 164. Johnson ' Henry Robert Vaughan) Reports of cases areiied in the Hifz-h Court of Chancery before Sir W. Page Wood, Vice- Chancellor. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. viii., 819. Johnson (Samuel) A dictionary of the English language, in which the words are deduced from their originals, and illustrated in their different significations by examples from the best writers ; tocether with a history of the language, and an English grammar, with nmnei'ous coriections by the Rev. H. J. Todd. Second edition. London, 1827. 4to, 3 vol. Johnston (A. Keith) A general dictionary of geography : descrip- tive, physical, statistical and historical, forming a complete gazetteer of the world. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. 1513. Johnstone (Andrew) London commercial guide and street directory on a new and more efficient principle than any yet established: corrected to August 31st, 1817. London, 1817. 8vo, pp. sxxii. ; 956 columns (2 on a page) ; pp. 957-1114, 152. The directory is divided into four parts, viz. :— (i.) names of streets, ortho- pi-aphicallv classed and topoKi'aphically described ; with lengths of each, number of hou<»e.s, addre'-s and professions of the inhabitants ; (ii.) names lof individuals, firms, and companies, alphabetically arranged, with a descriptive reference to each residence ; (iii.) all professions and trades, on an original and Ecientific classification : (iv.) an accurate list of coaches, waggons, &c., the inns, and their days of departure ; to which is affixed a separate one of the mail coaches, and all wharves whence goods are conveyed coastwise. Johnstone CJohn) An account of the mode of draining land accoiding to the system practised by Mr. Joseph Elkington. Second edition, corrected and enluiged, drawn up for the con- sideration of the Board of Agriculture. London, 1801. 8vo, pp. xvi., 164. 19 plans. Jones (Lieut.- Col.) Sewage, sewerage and town refuse. See Leamington Exhibition, Journal of the. Jones (^David) On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables; to which is appended a treatise on pro- baVjility, by Sir William Lubbock and J. E. Drinkwater Bethune. London,' 1844, 8vo, 2 vol. 145 Jones (Evan Rowland) Tlie Sliipping World year-book : a desk manual in trade, commerce, and navigation. Fifteenth edition. London, 1901. 8vo, pp. 1,198. 1 map. Contents, inter alia : Ships enteivd ami clciirwl at priiifipal ports of the United Kint,'dom — Dis^est of Merchant Biiippin.i,' Acts— Port directory of the world, [giving particuhvrs as to accommodation, depth of water, time of tifle, port and pilotage charges, Acts of Parliament, &c. — Tarifis of all nations — Pilotage laws — Consular fees. The map shows in distinguishing colours the routes of steamers and rail- ways throughout the world, and the products, ports, coaling stations, coal- tields, \c., of all countries and colonies. Jones (Richard) Peasant rents : being the first half of an essay on the distribution of wealth and on the sources of taxation, 183l. New York, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii., 207. Contents : Division of the subject — Labor or serf rents — Metayer rents — Ryot rents — Cottier rents — Peasant rents in general— Proofs and illustrations. Jordan (Thomas) London's resurrection to joy and tiiumph, ex- pressed in sundry shews, shapes, scenes, speeches, and songs in parts ; celebrious to the much-meriting magistrate Sir George "Waterman, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London, at the peculiar and proper expences of the Worshipful Company of Skinners. London, 1671. [This is one of a series of reprints of descriptive pamphlets of Lord Mayor's pageants, collected by F. W. Fairholt (q.v.)]. The triumphs of London, performed on Tuesday, October 29, 1678, for the entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir James Edwards, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. All set forth at the proper costs and charges of the Worshipful Company of Grocers. London, 1678. [This is one of a series of I'eprints of descriptive pamphlets of Lord Mayor's pageants, collected by F. W. Fairholt (q.v.)]. Judg'e (Mark H.) The working of the Metropolitan Board of Works. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. 42. Contents : Pavilion Music Hall site — Lisson-street rookery — Public meet- ing at Willis's Rooms — Vestry conferences on London government — " Financial News " and the Board — Public inquiry by the Board in 1887 — Vestries ask for a Royal Commission — Chairman of the Board — Board and the theatres — Inquiry Committee — Appointment of the Royal Commission, article from '• Saturday Review" — Rights of ratepayers to inspect the books of the Board — Opening of the inquiry — Metropolitan Board (Commission) Act, 1888, Justice of the Peace, find county, borough, poor law union, and parish law recorder. Vols, xxi-lxvi. London, 1857-1902. 4to, {continuing.) Justitia, [2)seud.'] A statistical account shewing the mismanage- ment and abuse of parochial officers, and recommending prompt measures for effecting a remedy. London, [n.d.] 8vo, pp. 32. [A pamphlet Ijound up with others in volume Accounts, finance, ratcK, etc.. 1862, for which see Addtnda]. A voice from Bermondsey. Loudon, 1848. 8vo, pp. 32. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Accounts, finance, rates, etc., ]8()2, for wliich see Addenda.] K liO K. Keane (David Deady) The N'uisances Removal, Diseases Pre- vention, ;uul Sewage Utilization Acts. Sixth edition, by W. Cunningham Glen. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xii., 212; [8]. Keen (Benjamin) Report of eases in the High Court of Chancery doi'ing the time of Lord Chancellor Bi'oiigham and Sir John Leach. 8--)9 to 1897-98. liOndon. lS.")!)-f)H. Svn. 9 vol. and ])arts (rcmtinuing). Kensington Buard of Trustees- Diagrams of the parish of St. .\I;iiy Alihotts, Kensington. London, 1847. 8vo, pp. xxii., 199. Every street in Kensington in 1846 is shown, with the streets converging. The numbers f)f the houses and the names of the public-houses arc given. The general direction of each street is indicated liy the letters of the cardinal points. Kentish Town. Some account of Kentish Tow-n, shewing its aiiiitiil condition, progressive improvement and present state ; in which is comprised a hi-ief review of the river Fleet, or river of the Wells ; and the principal events connected thei'ewith. Kentish-town, 1S21. 8vo, pp. vi., 74. Kerl CHenry) Plan fr^r building new towns at Windsor and Eton. S-r- Kyi.- r David I).). Key CThomas; and Sir H. W. Elphinstone, Compendium of pre- cedents in conveyancing. Fiitli edit ion, by Sir H. W. f]lphin- .stonc, assisted bv W. H. ('oltman. London. 1H97. 8vo, 2 vol. 147 Kimbell (^John) An account of the legacies, gifts, rents, fees, etc., a})periainint>' to the Church and ])oor of the jiarish of St. Alphege, Greenwich, in the county of Kent ; to whicli is achlcd an apj)endix containing the plan and survey of the Eoyal Manor, the grant of the Manor of Old Court to Sir J. Morden, the local Act for the government of the poor, etc., etc. London, 1816. 4to, pp. 288. 22 plates. Contents, inter alia : Church — Poor — Trinity Hospital — Grey Coat School — Free Grammar School, Blackheath — Green Coat School — Hoyal Hospital for Seamen — lUuc Coat School — Itoyal Xaval Asylum. Amonj^f the plates are a survey of the Manoi' of East Greenwich in KiO") and a ground plan and view of the Church of St. Alphegc. The rest of the plates are plans of estates. Kiugzett (Charles Thomas) Nature's hygiene : a systematic manual of natural hygiene, etc. Second edition. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. viii., 343. Kirk (A. C.) Compressed air and other refrigerating machinery. London, 1885. 8vo. [One of a series of lectures delivered at the Institute of Civil Engineers during session 1883-84 on Heat in its mgchaniral ajiylicotions. See Civil Engineers.] Klein (Edward Samuel) Micro-organisms and disease. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. xii., 595. Knight ( ) Annotated model bye-laws of the Local Government Board, with respect to (i.) cleansing of privies, etc. ; (ii.) nuis- ances ; (iii.) common lodging-houses ; (iv.) new sti-eets and buildings ; (v.) slaughter-houses. Third edition. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xii., 242. Knight (Charles) London. London, 1841-44. 8vo, 6 vol. in three. Voh I. (1841). pp. XX., iv.. 444. Contents, inter alia -. Paul's Cross — The Tabard — London-bridge- St. Mary Oveiies — Street noises — Pioman London — The parks — • Undcrgrounil — ■ Suburban milestones — Lambeth-palace — Roman remains — Piccadilly — Crosby- place — Old Whitehall — New Whitehall — Ben Jonson's London — Eanelagh and Vauxhall — Street sights — The Monument. A'ol. IL (1842), pp. .XX., 400. Contents. JH^r «//« : The building of St. Paul's — College of Physicians — Priory and Church of St. Bartholomew — House of Commons — Milton's London — Charterhouse — St. John's-gate — Strand — Loudon antiquaries — The T(jwer — Old Royal-exchange and its founder — Royal-exchange and the South Sea House — Smithfield — Christ's Hospital — Some features of London life in the last century — St. James's-palace — Spitalfields — Custom House. Vol. in. (1842), pp. XX., 400. Contents, inter alia : Bermondsoy — Modern Bermondsey — The Mint — Thames-tunnel — Docks — Westminster-bridge — Strawberry-hill — Blackfriars- bridge — Clerkenwell — Vauxhall, Waterloo and Southwark Bridges — Barber Surgeons' Hall — College of Surgeons — Royal Academy — London astrologers — St. Giles's, past and present — Post office — Pall Mall — Temple - church — Scotsmen in London — Foundling-hospital — Corn-exchange — Ely-place — Goldsmiths'-hall. k2 148 Knight (Charles)— CO"// ««e J. Vol. IV. (1S43), pp. XX.. 41i;. Contents, inter alia : Fleet-prison — Westminster-abbey — London burials — London fires — Billincrseate — London churches at close of fourteenth century — Old St. Paul's — Somci-set-house — Old Bailey — New St. Paul's — Inns of Court — Reading room of the British jNIuseum. Vol. V. (1843), pp. xxiv., 400. Contents, inter alia : Doctors'-cointnoii: — 'r('ni])le-churcli — East India-house — Historical recollections uf Guildhall — Civic t^overnment — Excise office — Comiianies of London — Covent - scarden — Admiralty ami Trinity-house — Churches of London — Horse Guards— Old London booksellers — Exeter-hall — Gaa'dens of the Zoological Society — Theatres of London — Treasury — Horti- cultural and lloyal Botanic Societies — Prisons and ])enitentiaries — London newspapers — Society of Arts, &c., in the Adelphi — Medical and .surgical hospitals and lunatic asylums — London shops and bazaars. Vol. VI. (1844), pp. xxiv., 402. Contents, infir olid : Education in London, ancient and modern — Old Jewry — Old tradinsr companies — Public statues — College of Arms — Houses of the old nobility — Buckingliam and Old Westminster Palaces — Westminster- hall and the new Houses of Parliament — British Museum — Squares of London — Stationers' Company — Bills of Mortality — National Gallery and Soane JIuseum — Metropolitan boroughs — Exhibitions of art — Stock-exchange — Itailway termini — Jlilitarj' liOndon — Charities of London — Learned societies — Courts of Law. Pictorial half-houi-s of London topograi)liy. [Edited hy C. Knight.] London, [1851]. 4to, pp. 233. Illustrations. Contents : Parks — Gardens — Iloyal Palaces — New I'alaoe of Westnnuster — Government departments — Tower — St. Paul's Cathedral — Westminster Abbey — Asylums — Schools — Medical and Surgical Hospitals — Lunatic Asylums — Learned Societies — Churches of the Metroiiolis — Inns of Court and Chancery — Doctors' Commons — Land^eth Palace — Port of London — Bridges — Do(;ks — Thames Tnnnel — London Companies and their Halls — Itoyal Exchange — Banks — Stock Exchange — Guildhall and Mansion House — Law Courts and Prisons — British Museum — Exhibiti(ms of Art — Markets — Clubs — Theatres — Railway Stations. Kuight 'J. J.) Bri.sbane : a historical sketch of the capital of t^ueensland ; giving an outline of old-time events, with a description of Brisbane of the present day, and a municipal retrospect. Brisbane, 1897. Oblong 8vo, pp. 105. Knight (^ James) Remarks on the main drainage of the metropolis with a plan of a better provision for dis})osing of the solid matter of the sewei's, with the view of preventing tlie contamina- tion of the river Thames, and [for the] advancement of agi-iculture. London, 1858. 8vo, pp. 8. [.\ pamphlet bound up with others in volume Sctcagr utilization, 1845-<)5. Sfr l)r;iiii:i'^i' ;ihd Si-\Vi-ragC.] Kutter (Wilhelm Rj A general formula for the unifoi-m flow of water in rivers and other channels. See Ganguillet (E.). Kyle ''David D. ) and Henry Kerl, Outline of a proposed plan for building new towns at Wiiid.soi- and Eton, in oi-der com- pletely to inij>rove the Castle and pai-ks. Addressed to the Right Hononi-able the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods, &c., to the Provost and Fellows of Pj'ton College, and to the Mayor and Corporation of Windsor. London, 1847. 8vo, pp. 9. 2 maps. [A pampliUt l>ound u|) with others in volume London improvementu, 17-j4-1854. iko Iraprovement.s.] 149 Labour Department, Board of Trade- Kepoit on agencies and methods for dealing with the unemployed. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. ii., 438. Contents : Introductoiy — Permanent ajj^cncies dealing witli the unemployed — Temporary schemos for tlie relief uf the unem[)loyed — Foreign and colonial examples — Historical examples — Sunnnary and appendix. On pp. 114-11.") tiiere i> a tabic showing number and occupations of unem- ployed assisted by metropolitan labour bureaus. 1S!I3. On ])p. 18S-1!>3 there is a table showing municipal relief work in London. 1892-'.).3. On p. 240 there is a i)lan of area under Mansion House Relief Scheme, 1892-93. Lambert (B.) Histoiy and survey of London and its environs from the earliest period to the present time. London, 1806. 8vo, 4 vol. Plates, inter alia : — Vol. I. (pp. [vi]., 5()0 : .") plates) : Newgate. Vol. II. (pp. [ii], .■j.")7 ; 22 plates) : City of London in the time of Queen Elizabeth — View of part of London as it appeared in the Great Fire, 1666 — iMansion House— Ileuiains of cloisters of l>artholomew-the-(jreat Priory — Hicks's Hall, t'lerkenwell — City gates (4 plates) — Custom House — Whitting- ton's House, Hart-street, Crutchcd-friars — Remains of St. Michael's Chapel, Aldgate — Bast India House in its former state — East India House — House once Sir Paul Pindar's, Bishopsgate-street — Crosby House, P>ishopsgate- street— The Bank— The Monument— Mercers' Hall, Poultry — Guildhall — ■ Figures over the gateway of Bethlem Hospital. Vol. III. (pp. [ii.], .")44 : index, \i\). xlv. ; IS plates) : City of Westminster in the time of Queen Elizabeth — General Monk's House, Hanover-s(iuare, Grub-street — Shaftsbury House. Aldersgate-street— St. Paul's — West view of St. Paul's Cathedral before the Fire of London — Bird's-eye view of the Royal Exchange — Ely-place in its former state — Bangor House, Shoe-lane — Giltspur-street Comjjter — Principal gate of St. Bartholomew's Hospital — London Bridge before antl since tlie houses were pulled down — Westminster and Blackfriars Bridges— Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster — Temple Bar — New Court House, Westminster — Front view of Westminster Hall — Somerset House — The Painted Chamber, Westminster. Vol. IV. (pp. [ii.], 536 ; 12 plates) : City of London and Westminster, with the borough of Southwark, exhibiting all the new ])uildings to the present year 180t> — Oliver Cromwell's house, Cleikenwell-closc — St. John's Gate — Charterhouse Great Hall — The Tower — Trinity House. Tower-hill — ^Lambetli Palace — Gate belonging to the old I'alace of Whitehall — St. James's Palace. Lambert (George) I'le Barber.s' Company: a paper read before the British Arclueological Association at Bai'ber Surgeons' Hall. MonkAvell-street, London, on Sattrrday, October 5th, 1881, London, 1881. 8vo, pp. 67. Illustrations. Lambeth, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1786-1888. London. Folio. Contents: Bethlem Hospital, 1825, 1839— Charities. 1820, 1828— Church- yard, 1814 — Lighting and watching, 1812 (2 acts). 1846— Manor, 1806, 1821 — Pedlar's-acre Estate', 1826— Poor and other rates, 1810— Roads. 1786. 1807, 1822- Strand (afterwards Waterloo) Bridge, 1809, 1813, 1816, 1818— Vau.xhall-park, 1888 — Watching, lighting, cleansing, and improving, 1829. Lambeth, Vestry of, Reports and accounts of the vestry, 1858-59 to 1898-99. London, 1859-99. 8vo, vol. and parts {continuing). J 50 Lciliark, rnuntv IJoi'oul;-!! t)t'. Aiiun;il iiccDUuts lit' the Cuiinni ■;s"i)iiprs, IS97-98 aiid 1898-99. Lanark. J898-99.- Two rolding sheets {co7itinuing). Abstract of accounts between tbe provost, bailHes and council, and the burg-h treasurer, 1897 to 1897-8. Lanark, 1898. One folding sheet {cz)itinuiiuj). Lancaster, County Palatine of, Accounts of the County Treasui-cr and oilier public otlicers, 1889-90. Preston, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii., 158. Land Agent's Record and Real Property Guide London, 1890-1902. Polio, {cntitinnhuj). Land Owners, England and Wales Return, 1873. London, 1^7."). Lai'u'c -ito, 2 vol. This return is exclusive of the mctropoHs. For the rest of the country it shows names of hmd owners alpliabetically arranged in each county, address of land owner, extent of land (in acres), and gross estimated rental. Land Owners, Ireland Return of owners of land of one acre and upwards in the several counties, counties of cities, and counties of towns in Ireland, &.Q. Dublin, 1876. Large 4to, pp. vi., 325. Land Tax A return of livings and charitable institutions ... in England and Wales in respect of which ccrtifi'.^ates of exoneration from land tax wei-e granted by the comniissionci's appointed under the gieat seal, in execution of the Acts 46 Geo. iii., cap. 183; 49 Geo. iii., cap. 67; 50 Geo. iii., cap. 58; 53 Geo. iii., cap. 123; and 57 Geo. iii., cap. 100. London, 1898. Polio, pp. 12L Tlie retui'n is j)recedcd liy a memorandum as to '* Exoneiation from assess- ment to land lax of ihe messuages, lands, tenements, titlics and hereditaments behjnging to ceitain small livings and other ecclesiasiical licncticcs and cliaritaVjle instituti(jns, as specified in tlie resp(.cti\e niemoiials wliicii furnicd the ha.sis fif such exonerations." The return is divided into two parts. I'ait I.. 1 ivings and other ecclesiastical benefices, is arranged in alphabetical order under the heads: living (willi sub-heads, name, county, drscription) ; ex'^neratinu certitieate (witli suh- lieads. date, registry number). I'art 11., chantaljle irstitutiuDs, is arranacd in alphabetical order under the beads : charity Qwilli sub-heads, name, county) ; exoneration certiiicate (with sub-heads, date, registry number). Langley ( ) and Belch ( )■ New map of London. London (1816]. Scale, 3f inches t(j the mile (nearly). Size, 30^ inclu'S by 16 inches. Marginal illustrations. New map of London. London [1812]. Scale, 3j inches to the mile. Size, 30| inches by 16 inches. Mai-ginal illustrations. Larwood 'Jacob,) Stoiy of the London parks. London [1871.] bvo, pp. [iv.J, 490. Illustrations. Contents, inter alia : }Iy, and of tiie Water Com- panies (Regulation of Powers) Act, 1887, are given in full. The names and addi-usses of the secretaries of the metropolitan water comi)anies are given. The tables for the other years are uniform with those fi^r the above year. Maps showing the districts actually supplied with water by each of the companies and the districts included within tlieir parliamentary limits are given with some of the earlier reports. Latham (Baldwin) Sanitary engineering : a guide to the con- struction of works of sewerage and house drainage. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. [viii.], 352. 21 plates. The influence of the movement of subterraneous water on health. See Leamington Exhibition (Journal). Latham (Stanley) A plea for the more scientific and systematic teaching of book-keeping. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Laurie (A. P.) Secondar}^ education in Liverpool. See Acland (Arthur H. D.). 152 Laurie (James") Taltles of simple intorost (5, 4^, 4, 3|, o, and 2^ J)!.'!' (.'enl. per aimuui) from 1 day to 365 days; 1 month to 12 montlis ; 1 year to 12 years also tables of compound interest, and interest on large sums for a single day at the above rates ; with copious tables of commission or bi'okerage, from ^ to 10 per cent. Twenty -fourth edition. London, 1859. 8vo, pp. [v.], 408. The same. Tvfenty-fifth edition. London, 1861. 8vo, ]^p. iii., 409. Laurie (R. H.) T^Tew plan of London and its environs, comprising the new buildings and recent improvements. London, 1844. Scale, 4 inches to the mile. Size, 3H by 24:1 inches. ■ New plan of London and environs. London, 1825. Scale, 4 inches to the mile. Size, ol by 24^ inches. Plan of London — Westminster and Southwark. London 1848. Scale, 4 inches to the mile. Size, 42 by 24| inches. Laurie ( ) and ( ) Whittle A north view of Hanover- square, London. London, 171'4. Coloured. Size, 16 by 9j inches. The picture shows u right of way through tlic square. Laveleye (Emile de) 'I'be lantl system of Belgium and Holland. Str i'robyu (J. W'.), "Systems of land tenure." Law Society (Incorporated) Catalogue of ]n-inted books in the liluaiy. London, 18!'l. 8vo, pj). iv., 1084. Laws, Expired and Expiring Report from the Committee ap- pointed to in([uire Avluit laws are expired, or near expiring, and to report their opinion, from time to time, to the House which of them are lit to be revived, continued, or made pei^petual ; and wlio Avere instructed to inquire what temporaiy laws of a public and general nature are now in foi'ce ; distin- guishing the matter of each such statute, its date, title, and period of continuance, etc London, 1802. Folio, pp. 73-118 of " Rejjorts frcjm Committees of the House of Common.s, 1793-1802." Laws, Temporary Keport fiom the committee appointed to inspect ami consider all the tcmjjorary laws, of a public nature, which are ex[)ired or expiring, and to report to the House a statement of all such ex])ired law'S as shall appear to them to have been made upon occasions whei-eof the like may recur hereafter ; and al.so a statement oi all the expii-ing laws of every sort whatevei", descrihing each statute by its princi])al matter, date, chapter, section and title, and distinguishing the duration of such na are expii'ing ; togethoi- with the observa- tions of the said C(;mmittee arising out of the sevei^al matters referred to them. London, 1796. Folio, })p. 34-72 of "Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1793-1802." ')'-> Layton (Charles 'I'^l Edwin) The iiisumnce register, 1899; con- taining-, witli other ini'orniation, a record of the yearly progress and the present financial position of British insurance associa- tions. Twenty-first year of publication. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. 129. Lea (Frederic Simcox) The Royal Hospital and Collegiate Church of St. Katharine near the Tower in its relation to the east of London. London, 1878. 8vo, pp. viii., 171. Plates. Lea River Conservancy Bill Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee ; with proceedings. London, 1868. Folio, pp. xiv., 198. Leadam (G. S.) What protection does for the farmer and labourer ; a chapter of agricultural history. London, [1888] 8vo, pp. 112. Leake (John) An exact surveigh of the streets, lanes and churches comprehended within the ruins of the City of London, first described in six plats, 10 Dec, a.d. 1666, by the order and dii-ections of the Rt. Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermenn, and Common Councell of the said City . . . and reduced into one intire plat by John Leake for the use of the Commissioners for the regulation of streets, lanes, etc. Vertue's edition. London 1723. Two sheets, each 19| by 24 inches. Published for the Society of Antiquaries. Leamington Exhibition, Journal of the, and register of sanitary apijJiances and inventions. London, 1877. 4to [not continuously paged.] Contents, uUc-r alia: — The present possibilities of sanitary legislation ; by Robert Brudenell Carter. Mode of treating town sewage ; by 8ir Joseph Bazalgette. Sewage, sewerage and town refuse ; by Lieut. -Col. .Jones. On the influence of climate on health ; by F. S. B. F, de Chaumont. Treatment of domestic sewage ; by William White. Water for domestic use ; l\y H. C. Bartlett. On the diminution of insanity which took place during the political com- motions in France ; by Rev. E. Wyatt-Edgell. On the necessity of ])luinbers and builders possessing a competent know- ledge of the laws of health as bearing on their respective occupations ; hj J. A. Russell. Cremation — a sanitary institution ; by W. Eassie. The sanitary conditon of Leamington ; by Joseph S. Baly. Missina: links in the sanitary administrative service ; by Thomas Jones Dyke. Woman's work in relation to sanitary science : by Miss Rose Adams. Sanitary work in English watering places ; by Edwyn Slade-King. Supply and storage of water at East Brent ; by Archdeacon Denison. The effects of growing vegetation upon human health ; by W. Eassie. On the new artesian water supply at Leamington ; by Horace Swete. The dwellings of the poor in large towns ; by Henry C. Burdett. The influence of the movement of subterraneous water on health ; by Baldwin Latham. 1 :. I Leailin? (John) Quantity snrveyintr.ofc. Third edition. London, I'^L-*?. fevo. pp. xvi., .j47. Lee, Parisli of, Act of Parliament relating to, 1838. London. Folio. Tontents : Erection of new church, 1838. [Tliis is bouii 1 u 1 1 with the Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of T,r\\i>hani.] Lee (Thomas) Dii-tionary of the ])ractice in civil actions, in the ("ipiiits (if King'.s Bench and Common Pleas, together witli ])ractical directions and forms, distinctly arranged under each head. London. 1825. 8vo, 2 vols. Yol.^L, 1811, jip. xviii., 497. Vol. 11., 1J?12, pp. xxviii., 499-1205. Leeds, Borough of. Annual rejiorts of the Markets Committee to the Town Council. November, 1886-88. 8vo, 3 pamphlets. Leeds, Citv of, Annual accounts, 1893-4 to 1895-96, 1897-98, lb98-99. Leeds, 1894-99. 8vo, {continuing). Report on cattle and fish markets, 1882. Leeds, 1882. Folio, pp. 71. Illustrations. A description of the cattle markets, abattoirs and fish markets of the following towns — Paris, .\ntwerp, lirussels, Rotterdam, London, Manchester, Leicester, Leeds. Leeds (^W. H.j illustrations of the public buildings of London, with descriptive accounts of each edifice ; supplement, containing the new suljjccts and descriptions incorporated in the second edition. London, 1838. 8vo, pp. xiii., 136. Plates. Contents: St. Dimstan'sin-the-West — Corn Exchange — Fishmongers' Hall — Post OfBcc — St. George's Hospital — Hritisli Museum — National Gallery — London rniversity — Tiavelk-rs' Club House — New Palace— Archway, Green-park — Index. Leg-ge ^T. Mj and Harold Sessions Cattle tuberculosis: a j)ractical guide to the farmei-, butchei', aiul meat inspector. London, 1«98. 8vo, ])p. 77. Tables. Leicester, Boiough of. Annual accounts, 1893-94 to 1898-99, 11'" ) (ll. Leicester, 1894-1901. 8vo, {continuing). Leith, Borough of, Annual accounts, 1897-98 to 1900-01. Leith, l>9s-190l. 8vo, {continuing). Lely (Z. M J Statutes of practical utility passed in the sessions of 1>?92, etc. London, 1892, etc. 8vo, {continuing). In continuation of Chitty"s Statutes. Lely fJ. Mj and W. D. I. Fculkes. The Licen.sing Acts, 1828, 1869 and 1872-74; containing the law of the sale of liquors by retail and the management of licensed liouses, with notes to the Acts, summary of the law, and appendix of forms. Second edition. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. xvi., 222. LesbrOS ( ) Experiences hydraaliques. Sea Poncelet. 1 )■) Leslie (John) * Mu lines of suo-o-estions for the sewerage and drain- age of tliL' Metiopolis umler the powers conferred by the Metropolis Local Management Act. [London], 1&56. 8vo, pp. 11. [A pamphlet bound u]) with others in volume. Plans for metropolitan drainage, 18-18-0."). See Drainage and seweiairo.] Copy of pi'otest read in open court at the Metropolitan Board of Works. Friday, 24th October, 18.56, and delivered to the Clerk. [London], 185(5. Svo, pp. 4. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Plans- for vietroj)olitan drainafje, 1818-1)5. See Drainage ami Sewerage.] [Letter] to the vestry of the parish of St. George, Hanovei'- square, on the adoption by the Metropolitan Board of VYork.s of the re})ort of Messi-.s. Bidder, Hawksley and Bazalgette for the main drainage of the metropolis. London, 18.58. 8vo, pp. IG. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume. Plans for metropolitun drainage, 1848-65. Sec Drainage and Sewerage.] [Letter] to the representative vestries and disti-ict boards under the Metropolis Local Management Act. London, 1859. Svo, pp. 6. [A pamphlet bound up witli others in volume, Accounts, Jinanee. rates; ,fc., 1H&2, for which .tee Addenda.] [Letter] to the representative vestry of the parish of St. George, Hanover-square. London, 1861. Svo, pp. 11. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume. Aceoinitx, finance, rate.t, etc., 1802, for which .wr Addenda.] Leslie (T. E. ClifFe) The land system of France. See Probyn (J. W.) Systems of land tenure. L'Estrange (Rev. A. Gr) The Village of Palaces ; or Chronicles of Chelsea. London, 1880. Svo, 2 vol. Contents, inter alia : Vol. I. (p. xii., 311) : Early history— Grant to Westminster Abbey — Chelsea palace— Lord t'heyne — Chelsea College. Vol. 11. (pp. viii., 317) : Royal Hospital — Sir Hans Sloane — Bun-house — Botanical (iardens — " World's End " — Ranelagh — Cremorne— Index. Lethaby (W. R.) Technical education in architecture and the building trades. See Education (Technical Education Congress). Lewin (Thomas) Practical treatise on the law of trusts and trustees. Fifth edition. London, 1867. Svo, pp. Ixiv., 894. The same. Ninth edition. London, 1891. Svo, pp. Ixixvii., 1402. Lewis (Samuel, junr.) The history and topography of the parish of St. ^lary, Islington, in the County of ^liddlesex. London, 1S42. 4to, pp. xix, 'iSQ. Maps, etc. Contents : General historical view — Manorial history — Parochial govern- ment, ecclesiastical and civil — St. Mary's district — St. .John's district parish — District parish of St. Paul, Ball"s-pond — District parish of Holy Trinity — 156 Lewis (Samuel, junrO —continued. St. I'eter's district fluipclry— St. James's district clmpelry— District chapelrv of All Saints', Dattle-bridi^e— District chapelry of St. Stephen— That part of the yillatre of Islington in the parish of Clerkenwell—Parocliial charities— Aihlitional bi(Hnaphical notices. \'\i\tcs, inter (il ill : View of the villatre as entered from London— Interior of the theatre of the Islington Literary and Scientific Institution— Islington Literary and Scientific Institution— Plan of the parish, witli the boundaries of the several ecclesiastical districts, 1841— Two chimnev-pieces in Canon- bury House— Skeleton map of the borough of Finsburj-— Old Queen's Head public-house— Old Pied Bull inn— Highbury College— St. Mary's old church —Present parish church— St. Mary's chapel-of-ease— Union Chapel. Compton- terrace— Islington Chai)el— Wesleyan Chapel. Liverpool-road -P.arnesbury Chapel— Church Missionary Institution— Old Hornsey-yvood House— Old Copenhagen House— St. John's Church. Holloway— Hollowav Chapel— Whittiugton College— Bishop's-place, Neyvington-green— St. Paul's Church. Ball's-pond— Trinity Church, Cloudesley-sciuare- St. Peter's Church, River- lane— Church of the Irvingites— Scotch Church, lliver-terrace— St. John's Roman Catholic Chapel— St. James' Church. Hollcway— White Conduit House. 1731— All Saints' Church. Battle-bridge— WanKs-place (or King J(.hn's-place)-St. Stephen's Church, New Xorth-road— Lower-street Chajjel — Xeyv River head and water-house, 1780— Old Sadler's Wells, 173L Lewis ' William Draper ) The political organization of a modern niiinicipality. (American Academy of Political and Social Science.) Philadelphia, 1890. Syo, pp. 25-38. Lewisham, Pari.sh of, Act.s of Parliament relating to, 1774-1888. London. Folio. Contents: Church rebuilding, 1774— Lands inclosing. 1810— Peckham, Lewisham, and Catford-bridge-road, KS82— Poor. 1814— Eecreation-srround, 1877, 188S. Lewisham District Board, Reports and accounts, 1858-59 to l^'.'.^ '.•'.». London, 1859-99. 8vo, {continuing). Liddell 'Charles) Exposition of a plan for a metropolitan water -upjdy. Sec Gordon (L.lJ.B.). Lig-er ^F.) Pans do bois et pans de fer. Paris, T8G7. 8vo, pp. 156. Limehouse, Parish of, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1781-1885. L(jii(lun. Folio. Conti-nts: Canal, 181:5. I.sl9. I8t;."i— Klcclric liglitinL;. 1SS3— Improvement. 187(5, 1879, 1K83— Poor rates, 1809— Roads, 1781-82—Thames subyvav, 1877, 1S82. 18So— Workhouse. 1811. Limehouse District Board, Reports and accounts, 1858-59 to 1^96-99. Lr.iHl(ni. LS59-99. 8vo, {continuing). Lincoln, City of. Annual accounts, 1893-94; 1894-95. Lincoln, I-91--95. 8vo, 2 vol. Lincoln's-inn, Acts of Parliament relating to, 1734-1847. London. toiio. Content.s : T'onfirmation of agreement yvith St. Andrew and St. George povernors of the fjoor. 182!t— ronfirmation of agreement witli St. Giles and St, George Ve-try. 1847— Pates, 1734-3r>. 157 Liverpool, City of. Annual accounts, 1892 to 1899. Livorpool, 1893-1900. 8vo, {continuing). ■ Proceedings of the Council, 1870-71 to 1875-76, 1878-79, 1880-81 to 1886-87, 1895-96 to 1897-98. Liverpool, 1871-99. 8vo, 16 vol. — Establishment of markets on the site cleared under the Nash-gTove scheme. Report of the Markets Committee, and reports of the Corpoi-ation surveyor and of the manager of St. John's Market, and the manager of the wholesale vegetable market. Liverpool, 1880. 8vo, pp. 23. Report of surveyor as to proposed wholesale fish and poultry markets. Liverpool, 1881. 8vo, pp. 7. 1 plan. Proposed new wholesale fish market — Re])oi't of the manager of St. John's Market. Liverpool, 1881. 8vo, pp. 3. 1 plan. Proposed wholesale fish and poultry mai'ket — Report of the surveyor and the manager of St. John's Market. Liverpool, 1882. 8vo, pp. 7. Wholesale fish and poultry markets — Report of the Cor- poration surveyor as to the scheme proposed by Dr. Cross. Liverpool, 1883. 8vo, pp. 4. Wholesale fish markets — Report of Dr. Cross. Liverpool, 1883. 8vo, pp. 8. • Wholesale fish market — Report of the surveyor. Liver- pool, 1883. 8vo, pp. 4. By-laws with respect to the drainage of buildings and to Avater-closets in connection with buildings. Liverpool, 1883. 8vo, pp. 9. [A piimphk't l)Oiind np with otlicrs in Tolumc, Streets and hvildingx. Jnj- laws and other papers relatinij to (q.v.).] By-laws with respect to new buildings. Liverpool, 1890. 8vo, pp. 9. [A pamphlet bound up with others in vdhune, Streets and huildini/x, Inj- laws and other paptm relating to (q.v.).] Lloyd's Register. Register of British and foreign shipping, July, 19U1 to Juno, 1902. London, 1901. 4to, 4 vols. VoL I. Steamers. A'ol. 11. Sailintr vessels. Vol. III. AppL'ndix. Rules and regulations. Lloyd (Eyre) The law of compensation under the Land Clauses, Railways Clauses Consolidation, and Meti'opolitan Acts, ttc. liondon, 1867. 8vo, pp. xvi., 273. The same, second edition. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 408. 168 Lloyd (Eyre) — continued. The same, third edition. London, 1875. 8vu. pp. xxvi., 469. • The same, fourth edition. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 51-i. The same, fifth edition. London, 1882. 8vo. pp. xixiii., 553. The title is changed slightly in each edition. The full title of the fifth edition is as follows — '■ The law of compensation under the Land Clauses, Railways Clauses Consolidation Acts, Public Health Act. 1875, Artizans' and Labourers' J)\vclling3 Im])rovement Act, 1875. and other Acts, Metropolis Local Management Act, &c., with a full collection of forms and precedents." Lloyd (F. J.) Arrricultnral education. See Education (Technical Edui'atioard for various purposes, amounts paid off, and Vjalance outstanding — Coal and wine duties account, 1863-6.") — Statement in detail of the sums raise) nature of the duties performed— Returns from each parish and extra-parochial place within the metnjpolitan area under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, of the assessment upon which such parishes and places were assessed to the property tax (Schedule A), police rate, couilty rate, and poor's rate, for tlie year ending Ladyday, 1863. Index to the reports. London, 1867. Folio, pp. ii., 39. Local Government Board. Annual reports 1871-72 to 1900-01. London, 1872-1901. 8vo, {continuing). Contents of report 1898-99, pp. elxxxv., 712 :— Report ; Local Government Act, 1888, and County Councils, including, inter alia, metropolitan medical officers of health and sanitary inspectors ; London (Equalisation of Rates) Act. 1894 ; Metropolis Water Act, 1897 — Local Government Act. 1894 — Relief of the poor and tlie poor rate, in- cluding, inter idia : Poor law expenditure and out-relief in the metropolis ; Metropolitan Common Poor Fund ; Metropolitan Asylum District ; imbecile asylums of Metropolitan Asj-lums Board ; occupations of pauper children placed out (metropolis) ; report of Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants : outdoor medical relief (metropolis) ; casual paupers (metropohs) ; return of deaths from starvation (metropolis) ; Metropolitan Poor Act, 18'J8— Public health and local administration, including, inter alia : Byelaws under the Public Heakh Acts and Public Health (London) Act, 1891 ; appointment of analysts under Food and Drugs Act, 1875 ; London vaccination returns ; Metropolitan water companies — Agricultural Rates Act, 1896, and local taxation and valuation, including, inter alia. equalisation of rates in London ; London debt, 189G-97 ; valuation to poor rate, 1871-1898 (metropolis) ; local valuations compared with Crown valua- tions (metropolis). Appendices : Circulars, etc., issued by the Local Government Board, in- cluding, inter alia : Poor Law Legislation in 1898 (circular letter to boards of guardians in the metropolis) — Reports of inspectors, etc. (including, inter alia, the reports of Major-General Scott, and Allen Stoneham, on the metropolitan water 8ui)ply) — Local Government Act, 1888, and county councils (including, infer alia, amounts certified as payable during 1898-99, by the London County Council towards the remuneration of poor law medical officers, etc.) — Other transactions affecting county councils, municipal corporations, parish councils, etc. — Statistics of the number of paupers relieved, including, infer alia : Mean number of paupers of all classes (metropolis), 1862-99 ; mean number of paupers excluding vagrants and insane (metropolis), 1802-99 ; mean number of adult able-bodied paupers, excluding vagrants (metropolis), 1862-99 ; number of paupers (exclusive of lunatics in asylums and licensed houses, and vagrants) relieved on the last day of each week in 1898, and on the last day of the last week in each month, 1857-97 (metropolis) ; number of paupers on the last day of the last week of each quarter, 1897 and 1898 (metropolis) ; area, population, 1896, rateable value on 6tli April, 1897, and pauperism and cost of relief for the year ended Ladyday, 1898 (metropolitan unions) ; number of vagrants relieved in metropolitan casual wards on Friday night in each week in 1897 and 1898 ; average number of vagrants relieved in metropolitan casual wards on each Friday night from 1871 to 1898 ; number of vagrants admitted into metropolitan casual wards during four weeks of the year 1898 ; number of vagrants identified, for purposes of detention, by visiting officers of metropolitan casual wards in 1898 ; number of vagrants charged at metropolitan police courts in 1898 — Poor rates, etc.: receipts and expendi- ture — Education of pauper children ; employment of children sent from 162 Local Government Board —continued. metropolitan pauper sohools-Metropulitaii Common Poor Fund— Poor law officers— Vaccination— Infectious disease notification— Public health and local administration (iucludiiiff. /«^fr alia, loans to metropchtan baths and libraries and sanitary autlu)rities)-Disallo\vances, surcharges, allowances, etc.— Orders— Local taxation returns, summary for 181)6-97 -Parliamentary returns. 1898. Supplements containing the reports of the medical officer, 1876-7, 1879, 1891-2, 1893-1 to 1899-1900. London, 1878-1901. 8vo, {continuing). Contents, inter alia, of 1897-98 report (pp. xxvi,, 314) : Vaccination st.atistics (includim,' births " unaccounted for." 1895 (metropolis); digest of vaccination officers' returns, 189.^, metropolitan unions : Lamb s-conduit- street animal vaccine station, operation statistics, 1897-98)— Table showing week by week (1897), for each sanitary area in the county of London, cases and deaths from each of following diseases : small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, enteric fever, simide continued fever, typhus fever. Lead poisoning by moorland waters; being a report by "W. H. Power. London^ 1895. 8vo, pp. viii., 332-424 (original paging). 3 diagrams. [Reprinted extract from medical officer's report for 1893-91.] Model bye-laws for the use of sanitary authorities. Part IV.— New streets and buildings. Loudon, 1884. 8vo pp. 52. [A pamphlet bound up with others ia volume, Streets and buildings, bye-laws and ether j)//j)er.s- relating to (q.v.).] Reports and papers on the port and riparian sanitary survey of England and Wales, 1893-94 ; with an iutioduction by the medical officer of the Local Government Board. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. viii., 740. Maps and plans. The contents consist of a detailed r^'port on each customs port. That on the London Port Sanitary District api)ears on pp. 2.")()-2(;.5. The heads of the report are : Constitution— Limits of jurisdiction — Itiparian districts included (wholly or in part) in the Port, Sanitary district— Apportionment of expenses —General character ami efficiency of arlminist ration— Ports whence ships arrive— Character of trade— Amount of shipping inwards during three years, 189U-92— Inland water communication— Lines of railway conveying goods from port— Medical officer of health— Inspectors of nuisances— Nuisances— Isf.lation hospital -I)isiiifc<-ling aji]! iratus -Morluiry- R gda'iotis uiiltr the Public Health Act, 187.5— Adoption of Infeclious Disoa;se (Not ideation; Act, 1889— Cholera orders. An appendix contains a table showing the port sanitary districts, urban sanitary districts, a"d j.arislies of rural sanitary districts riparian to the several customs ports of England and Wales. Report by Sydney Stcphcn.son on an inquiry undertaken by him at the request of the Local (jovernnient IJoaid upon the ophthalmic state of poor law children in the metropolis. London, 1897. Folio, pp. 239. Contents of report: Introduction— Present state as to ophthalmia of the prjor law children : (a) district and separate schools, (Ji) Roman Catholic certified Bchwls, (c)" training ship " Exinoulh," {d) ophthalmic school, (e) certific\)2 [ -■?] setting out the " state of the revenues of the City of London and of the offices in the disposal of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, and of the charge of their government" — Annual produce of the several ilutics and payments constituting the '• Orphans' Fund," distinguisli- ing the amount of each ihity or payment — List, with date, of each improve- ment in the metropolis chargeable to the coal liuties — Account of monies raised for public works exct'uted, buildings erecteil, or street improvements efiected out of the coal duties receivable by the Corporation in the character of trustees for administration or otherwise, since the same were made chargeable V)y Parliament for such purposes in 176G, distinguishing such as are situate within tlie City, witliout the City, and such as partake of a mixed character, with names of public bodies or jterson entrusted with execution of each — Ciiaiges for public improvements effected Ijy the Corporation on the 4d. per ton coal duty in the period 1S5I5-60 — Income and expeniliture in respect of improvements authorised to be effected by the Corporation to complete the improvements authorised to be made by the Clerkenwell Imjirovement Commissioners in the period ISaS-dO — Statement of moniej rai>erd lirigg Union, Lines.— Report of the Committee a]ipointeI to report as to what steps are necessary to protect the interests of various branches of trade in view of the increased assessments of local authorities for rating purposes, and the anomalous conditions under which assessments arc made, to tlie Council of the T^ondon Chamber of Commerce — Memorandum l)y the Clerk to the Assessment Committee of the Samford Union, Suffoll — Table by the Rector of Lasham, rej)resenting the Parlia- mentary Committee of the Diocese of Winchester — -Memorandum by the County Councils Association — Memoranila by the Clerks of the County Councils of Lancaster and East and West Sussex, representing the County Councils .Association — Memorandum by the Town Clerk of Dover, repre- senting the Association of iMiinicipal Corporations — Memorandum by the Treasurer of Bolton — Memorandum by the Clork to the Assessment Com- mittee of Cardiff Union. GlamorgaTi — Tallies by the Presi— Memorandum by Mr. 15. F. C. Costelloe, on behalf of the T^ondon County Council— Memoranda by Messrs. E. V. Huxtable. W. H. Wai,vst:ill' and Walter Barnett. on behalf of the Corporation of London and the City KatinLr Authorities— Table showinf? as regards certain benetiees in England and Wales, gross income from all sources, outgoings, net income, rateable value upon which rates were paid, and ])ercentage of rates to net income for the year 1897-'.)8— Statement fallowing for the year 181)6 gross income from all sources (excluding the value of the j^arsonage house) and the outgoings of certain benefices where the rates, cumtes" sti|)ends. or other necessary outgoings reduce the gross income to a small amount — Amount of tithe rent charge in England and Wales — Points u|)on which clerks to certain valuation and rating authorities in the metropolis were asked to give information to the Commission. Loch (C- S) Charities register and digest, being a classified register of charities in or available for the metropolis, together ■with a digest of information respecting the legal, voluntary, and other means for the j)rev('utior. and relief of distress and the improvement of the condition of the poor. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. cxcix.. 970. Contents : Introduction — Charity Organisation Society — Eelief in affliction — Relief in sickness — Relief in distress— Reformatory relief — Miscellaneous — Spiritual institutions — Local charities, poor law, etc. — Benevolent in- stitutions — Friendly societies — Trade societies— Registry ofliccs — Savings banks — Index. The same — London, 1895. 8vo, ])p. cciv., 1010. The same — London, 1898. 8vo, pp. clxxxii., 711. Lockie f John) Topography of ]jondon ; giving a concise local (leseTi]>tion of, and accurate direction to, every square, street, lane, court, dock, wharf, inn, public office, etc., in the metropolis and its environs, including the new buildings to the present time, iipon a plan never hitherto attempted ; the whole alpha- l)etically arranged. Second edition. London, 1813. 12mo, not paged. The book is accompanied by a map of London and its environs, dated 1814. Locomotives on Roads, lieport from select committee appointed to enquire into ti)e effect of the use of locomotive engines on turnpike and other public roads, and as to the limitations and restrictions which ought to be imposed by law on their use upon finch roads for securing the public safety and protecting the public interests ; with pi'oceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1873. Folio, ])p. xxiv., 215. Loftie (^ReV. W. J.) Memorials of the Savoy: the palace, the hosjtital, the chapel. London, 1878. 8vo, i)p. ix., 267. Contents, ititrr alia : Origin of the Savoy — Ancient limits of Westminster and the Savoy — Strand — Manor house — Destruction of the Savoy — Savoy settled on the Crown — Hospital — End of the Hospital — Savoy in 1739 — Chapel. Appendix (consisting of original texts of grants and other deeds) — Index. Illustrations, etc. ; Old Savoy — Ruins of fheMjarrack and prison — Hospital in l.otJO — Plan of Savoy precinct in 1730 — Chapel Tower in 1787 — Map of the Savoy liberty IS.^'O — Chapel and prison. 1G9 Loftie (Rev. W. J.) —continued. A History of London. London, 1883. 8vo, 2 vol. Contents : Vol. J. (pp. XX., 447) : Site of London— Konian Lomlon — Saxon i.onournc. Ty Bourne, and Hole Bourne and Fleet — Roman London — Saxon London — London in the thirteenth century — London in wards and parishes— St. Paul's before l.^tjl — St. Faith under St. Paul — Interior of St. Paul's choir — Southern aspect of St. Paul's — Entrance to St. Paul's choir — Entrance to Guildhall — London in ir)04, by Ryther of Amsterdam — London and Westminster, showing the forts erected by order of Parliament in 1(J43 — Temple Gate — London from the north in 166.J — London after the Fire of 1066 — Wren's plan for rebuilding the City of Lond(;n — I'ow Steeple — St. Magnus — St. Stephen, Wallbrook — London Bridge before lotil — Ijord Mayor Crosby's cup. Vol.11. : Tower in 15.">:?— Hundreds of Middlesex about 17.50 — Westminster in 1658 — Benedictine Abbey of Westminster — Westminster Hall in the eighteenth century — York Gate — City and Liberties of Westminster — Manor of Stepney — Northern suburbs — Western suburbs — Marylebone estate in 1708 — Soutliern suburbs — London and the suburbs, showing the area built ui)on at different dat«i— Parish of St. Peter Cheap — Cheap after the Conquest. ■ Kensington, picturesque and historical. London, 1888. 4to. pp. xix., 287. Illustrations, maps, etc. Contents: Geography of Kensington — The Veres and the Manor — Holland House — Old Kensington — Kensington Palace and Kensington Gardens — Church of St. Mary Abbots — Modern Kensington. London City : its history, streets, traffic, buildings, people ; illustrated by W. Luker, from original drawings. London, 1891. Large 4to, pp. xvi., 377. Contents : Origin of the City — Growth of the City — City government — Commerce — Churches — City as it is. ■ London. [Historic towns scries.] Third edition. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. X., 223. 3 maps. Contents : London before Alfred — Portreeves — Mayors— Wardens — Municipality — London and Midillescx — The Church in London — London trade — London and the Kingdom — Index. Maps : London about the year 1300 — Roman London — Ward of Castle Eaynard. Inns of Court and Chancery. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xi., 302. Illustrations. Contents : Site — Chapels — Inner Temple — Middle Temple — Lincoln's Inn — Gray's Inn — Inns of Chancery. 170 Loudon [A view of] Lunden [from the Tower to St. Paul's.] LAuonymous.] [London], 1623. Size, 12| by 4| inches. City Law, or the course and practice in all manner of juridicall proceedings in the Hustings in Guildhall, London ; Englished out of an ancient French manuscript ; also, an alpliabet of all the offices disposed and given by the Lord Mayors of London. [Anonymous.] London, 1647. Small 4to, pp. [viii.], 69. City Law, shewing the customs, franchises, liberties, privileges and immunities of the famous city of London, together with the names, natures, kinds, jurisdictions, powers and proceedings of the seveial courts within the same, as also the titles, qualities, advantages, and profits of the severall officers and offices in London ; and in whose dispose those offices are. [Anonymous.] London. 1658. 16mo, pp. [viii.], 127. A ])lan of London and Westminster, showing the forts erected by order of the Parliament in 1643 and the desolation by the fire in 1666. [Anonymous.] No scale given. Size, f'4 by 8 inches. A true and faithful account of the several informations exhibited to the honounible committee appointed by the Parliament to inquire into the late dreadful burning of the City of London, together with other infoi-matioiis touching the inso- lency f>f pcjpish priests and jesuites ; and the increase of popery brought to the honourable committee appointed by the Par- liament for that purpose. [London], 1667. Svo, pp. 35. Lex Londinensis, or the City law, showing the powers, customs and j>i-actice of all the several courts belonging to the famous City of London, together with several Acts of Comnaon Council, and also a method for the ministers Avithin the said City to recover theii- tithes. [Anonymous.] London, 1680. 8vo., pp. [vii.], 271. Contents : Lord Mayor's court — Orphans' court — Court of Hustings — Court of Common fVjunoel — Court of Aklerme!! — Wardmotes - Courts of Cf)nst'rvafy for the river of Thames — Court of Conscience — Sheriffs' court — Chamberlain's court — Index. The pleadings, arguments, and other proceedings in the Court of King's Bench upon the quo warranto, touching the charter of the City of Loudon, with the judgement entred thereupon. [Anonymous.] London, 1696. Folio, pp. [iv.], 35, 22, 65, 126. A new view of Londou ; or, an ample account of that city, in two volumes or eight sections, being a more particular description thereof than has hitherto been known to be published of any city in the world. [Anonymous.] London, 1708. 8vo, 2 vol. pp. [xxxi], ilii., 824 (two vols, continuously paged). 5 plates. Contents : Index to the founders, patrons, incumbents, benefactors, lecturers, and remarkable passages — Index to the monuments, cenotaphs, etc., JHRcriptions, epitaphs, arms, except the arms of companies — Introduction 171 London — continued. concerning London in general : its antiquity, magnitude, walls and gates, number of houses, inhabitants, fighting men: its riches, strength, fran- chises, etc. — Streets, squares, lanes, markets, courts, alleys, rows, rents, yards, and inns, in London, Westminster and Southwork : ali)liabetically shewing their names, derivation, quality of building and inhabitants, dimensiiins, bearing, and distance from (^liaring-cross : with many other remarkable passages — An account of the churehes in London, Westminster and Southwork : shewing their situation ; their names ; foundation ; orders of building : ornaments ; dimensions of the churches, steeples, and number of bells ; benefactors ; monumcTits and tombs described, with their epitaphs, jnscri])tions, mottos, arms, &c. ; the nature and value of the livings anu ; '> plates): Houses in Lincoln's Inn Fields — Mansion House — Marltwrough House — Bow Steeple — Part of the Mews and St. Martin's Church. Vol. V. (pp. [vi.], 348 ; plates) : Monument— Northumberland House, Charing Cross — St. Paul's — College of Physicians — Royal Exchange. Vol. VI. (pp. [iv.J, 37(j ; 17 plates) : Somerset House— St. Stephen's, Walbrfjok — Temple liar — York Stairs — St. Thomas' Hospital — The Tower — Treasurv and Horse Guards — Westminster Bridge — Westminster Hall — Gate of old Palace of Whitehall. Laws and customB, rights, liberties and privileges of the City of Ijondon. [Anonymous.] London, 17Go. Svo, pp. xix., 315, (xii.). List of the by-laws of the City of London, unrepealed. [Anonymous.] London, 1769. Svo, pp. 134. Index. The by-laws are arranged chronologically, dating from 16 Edward III. 173 London — continued. ■ Plan of London, with its modei'n improvements. [Anony- mous.] London, 1814. Scale, 3*- inches to the mile. Size, 22| by l^ inches. The picture of London for 1817 : being a correct guide to all the curiosities, amusements, exhibitions, public establish- ments, and remai'kablo objects, in and near London ; with a collection of appropriate tables, two large maps, and various other engravings. [Anonymous.] Eighteenth edition. London, 1816. i2mo, pp. XX., 340. London parishes : containing the situation, antiquity and re-building of the churches within the bills of mortality. [Anonymous.] London, 1824. 8vo, pp. 156. The public edifices of the British metropolis with historical and descriptive accounts of the different buildings. [Anony- mous.] London, 1825. Large 4to, pp. 22. 21 plates. Plates : Front of Cathedral of St. Paul— Side view of Cathedral of St. Paul— Interior of Cathedral of St. Paul— Henry Vll.'s Chapel, West- minster Abbey — Westminster Abbey — Interior of Westminster Abbey — Interior of St. Stephen's, Walbrook — St. George's Church, Hanover Square — St. Paul's, Covent Garden — West front of St. Martin's Church — Queen's Palace or I?uckinridge — P.ageants — Reports and plans for the improvement of the port of Ijondon — Soutliwark — Thames Fords and Ferries — Westminster iiridge — Vauxhall Bridge. A view of the northern approach while in a state of progress. Size by inches. Ko author, date or place of publication. A professional survey of the old and new London Bridgea, and their approaches, including histoi-ical memorials of both Hd-iictMi-cs ; with I'cmai'ks on the jtrobablu ('i'lVuifs of the changes in |ii-ogre.ss on the navigation of the Tliaines. [Anonymous.] London, 1831. 8vo. pp. iv., 46. 14 jjlates. The plates illustrate vaiious asjtects of the two bridges, both generally and in detail. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords on the i^ondon Bridge Bill ; with proceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1879. Folio, pp. viii., 172. Contents of ai)pendix : Traffic over London Bridge hourly between fi a.m. and 9 fi.m, on Tues LiVL'fy Companius vindication. [Anonymous.] London, 1885. 8vo, ])p. viii., 306. London, Corporation of the City of, Report to the Court of Common Council from the Committee appointed in relation to the election of aldermen. Loudon, 1834. Folio, pp. 83. Ceremonials to be observed by the Lord Mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, and officers of the City of London. London, 1845. Folio, ])p. xvi., 111. City of London sewers. Reports by James Walker, William Cubitt, and Isambard K. Brunei, addressed to the City Remembrancer. [London, 1848.] 4to, pp. 43. 3 plates. 17G Loudon, Corporation of the City of — continufd. The Chamberlain . . . izi account with the Corporation . . . iu respect of the City's estate ; and in respect of various public and trust funds in the Chamber of London, 1850 to 1900. London, 1851-1901. Folio, {coiitDiuing). Memoranda, references and documents relating to the Royal Hospitals of the City of London, prepared and printed under the directions of the Committee of tlie Court of Common Council appointed in relation to the said Hospitals. London, 1863. bvo, pp. viii., 1 57. The memoranda consist of an account of the foundation of St. Bartholomew's, Christ's, St. Thomas', Bethlcm and ISridewell Hospitals, and the regulations which have been made from time to time for their control and management. Memoranda relating to the Royal Hospitals — supplement, consi.sting of original documents from the Record Office, British Museum, I'rivy Council, Archives of the City, etc. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. viii., 118. The supplement consists of various information, brought to light since the i)ublicatioii of the memoranda (vide AUjira), relating to the Royal Hospitals. Catalogue of sculpture, paintings, engravings, and other wox"ks of art belonging to the Corporation of London, together ■with books not included in the catalogue of the Guildhall library. London, 1867-68. 8vo, 2 vol. Indexe.?. Vol.!.. ISC:. Pp. 93. Works of art. Vol. II., 1808. Pp. 4:55. Prints. Classified catalogue of the circulating portion of tlie library of the Corporation of London. [London], 1863. 8vo., pj). vi., 154. Index. Report of Mr. Hawksloy on proposed regulations of water companies for constant supply. [London], 1872. 8vo, ])p. 7. [A painphlet bound up with others in volume, Water sujiphj, 1871-77. Sfc Water.] Repoi'ts from the Gas and Water Committee on water supply at fires. London, 1874-77. Fcjlio. Five reports in one vol. The five re)(orts arc as follows : Sujjply of water in case of fire — Supply of water to hydrants for the extinction of fires — Sujiplj of water for extinction of fire and street washing — Fire hydrants. Analytical index to the series of i-ecords known as the Remembiancia, preserved among the archives of the City of London. Jjondon, 1878. 8vo, pp. xvii., 623. Report from the Fisli Sujjply Committee on llie tish supply of the metropolis, with minutes of proceedings. London, 1881. Folio, pp. 673. 177 London, Corporation of the City of — couHnned. Re})oi't oil the City Day Census, 1881, by the Local Govern- ment and Taxation Committee of the Coi'poration of London. Second edition. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. xii., 140. Map. Contents : Report of Committee — niodu-t operandi, emploj'ed — Dates of ceBsus-takiiigraiid enumeration of street traftie — Scope, extent, and manner of tlie house-t()-liouse enumeration — Numl)ers of enumeration forms in 18(i(! and 1881 — Kesults of the house-to-house census — Occupations in the Cit}' — Summary of em])loyers, employed, women and children — Scope, extent, and resultsof enumeration of passenger and vehicular traffic: or of persons resorting: to the City daily — Night jiopulation — Day population — Relative position of City to otluir districts of the metropolis in respect of iiopulation and I'ate- al)le value — Population of Parliamentary jjoroughs in metropolis— Relative ))09ii ion of City to certain counties and incorporated cities in England and Wales in respect of population — Number of inhabited houses — Relative position of City to rest of London in respect of inhabited houses and to certain incorporated cities in respect of rateable value — Fiscal j^ositions of City and metropolis — Customs duties paid in Londim and in all other ports of the Empire compared — Relative fiscal position of City to certain incorporated cities — Schc'lule A, being forms used in taking census — Schedule B, being an analytical classification of trades, profession, and employments — Schedule C, being particulars of a census taken in the City, 1681— General index. There is a folding map of the City and liberties, showing the inlets to the City at which the enumeration of the passenger and vehicular traffic took place. Catalogue of the Guildhall Library of the City of London. London, 1889. Large 8vo, pp. 1137. Ten 3'ears growth of the City of London. Report to the Local Government and Taxation Committee of the Corporation , with the results of the day census, 189L London, 1891. 8vo, pp. 139. Map. Similar information is given to that in the 1881 report {vide su])r((') but contains, in addition, the following : Past enumerations of the population of the City — Comparative statement (1881 and 18'Jl) of ]>assenger and vehicular traffic — Forecasts as to the City — -Coal dl^es — '' Old London " — Facsimiles of the bills of mortality. — Royal Commission on London Government : statement as to the origin, ])()sition, powers, duties and finance of the Corporation of London. London, 1893. Folio, pp. iv., 450. Contents : Origin— Constitution — Charters — Mayor — Lord Mayor — Court of Mayor and Aldermen — Aldermen as justices — Grand ('ourt of Wardmote — Court of Common Council — City wards; the wardmote — Common-hall — Sheriffs — Central Criminal Court — Quarter sessions— Southwark sessions — City Courts of Law (Lord Mayor's Court ; SheriiJs' Court ; City of London ('ourt : Court of Husting) — Chamber of London — Chamberlain's Court — Police — Committees — P>ridges — Commissioners of Sewers — Irish Society — Officers — Lieutenancj' — City of London Luiuxtic Asylum — Markets — Open spaces — Port of London sanitary authority — Thames pollution — Water — Gas — Railway rates and charges — Weights and measures — London Chamber of Arbitration — Guildhall library, museum and reading room — Guildhall Art Gallery — Educational institutions — Charitable institutions — Fellowship Porters — Day census of City— Analysis of rateable property and municipal M 178 London, Corporation of the City of — continued. ninoseututiou in the City (ls.")2 iiiul 1893) — Appcmliccs containing au account of the parliamentary work of the Corporation since IJSSl. There is bound up with this a report, to be presented 10th January, 181)5, to the Court of Common Council from the special committee on London Government : i>p. 14. Annual reports of the City Markets, 1892-97. London, 1893-98. Folio. Contents : Billingsi;ate market — Cattle market — Central markets. Reports by the medical officer for the C'ity of London on the sanitary condition of the City of London for the years 1894 to 189!i. London, 1895-1900. 8vo, {continuing). London. Corporation of the City Commission, 1853 Report uf the Coiiunissiuners appointed in ib.jo to inquire into the existing state of the Corporation of tlie City of London, and to collect information respecting its constitution, order, and govern- ment, etc., with minutes of evidence, a])pendix, and index. London, 1854-. Folio, i)p. xxxviii., 1058. Tables in the report, iiitry (ilia : An account of the revenue and e.vpcn- iliture of the Corporatinn of Jjondon, 1852 (pp. xxvii-xxx) — Number of houses and population in each of the metropolitan boroughs, 1851 (pp. xxxv.) Tables in the body of the evidence, inter alia : An account of charities witliin the City of London in 18.52 that are rcpoi-ted to have been misapplied or not ajiplied (p. (!1) — Accounts of Chandierlain and Comptroller contrasted, \x')2 (p." 06) -Charges connected with the oHice of Lord Mayoi', 1852 ([). (;.">) — Legal expenses, 1852 (p. 61!) — Expenses in respect of the navigation barge and shallop, 1S52 (p. 66) — Allowance to conmiittees and sections of the Court of Common Council for summer excursions, 1852 (p. 60) — Benevolences, 1852 (p. 67) — Return of monies paid to the Chamberlain of the City of London b}' persons either nominated or elected to tlie office of Sheriff of London and ^Middlesex, 1800-52 (pp. 107-1 10)— Number of freemen made in each of tlie years, 1800-52. with anjounls of lines and fees charged on them, and amounts annually paid to (iovernnient for Stamp Duty (p. 123) — Statement of the cost to the public, in the year 18133, of the otticers and clerks of the London Corporation, in .salaries, fees, and office allowances (j). 270) — Abstract of accounts of jiarish of St. jyiarylebone, 1852 (l)p. 273-274) — .\n account, and in pait an a])proxima1e estimiile, of the sums collected for puldic and cliariiablc (jbjects by dill'crenl local bodies within the City of London, 1852 (pj), 276-277) — Statement of further loans secured upon the jn-ospective receipts of the 8d. Coal Uuty (p. 271i) — Expenses of • ach of the five Committees, City Lamls, Bridge House, Navigation, Coal and Corn, Conend i'urposes, in each of the years 1802-08 (p. 3'.»5)— Nundier of municipal electors in each ward of tlie City in 1SI4. 1S49, I85(J, and 1851, (p. 42'>; — Sheriffs Accounts, 1.S33-31 (pp. 4t;4-4(J8) — Scale of fees of Scrjcant- at-Macc, Lord Mayor's Court, 1853 (p. 612j — Sums cliargcd ujioii llie London Bridge Approaches ]?'und up to 5th .January, 1853, for impiovements in the metropolis, not within the City of London (p. 042) — Charges for public im])rovcments effected by the Corporation on the coal duty of 4d. per ton, 1844-52 (p. 043) — Names of all persons holding oflicc under the Corporation of London who liave purchased their places, wlien purchased, of whom, for what consideration, and the annual income (p. 6!)7j. Appendix, inter alia : Accounts of the Corjioration of the (.'ity of London in detail for 1852 — Statement showing area, number of iidiabited houses, population in each decade since 1801, and assessment to jioor rate in 1852, for each of the metropolitan districts. 179 London County Council. Annual accounts, 1889-00 to If 99-1900. London, 1891- 1901. Folio, {contiiun)/g). Annual reports of the proceedings of the Couiuil, 1889 to 1900-01. London, 1890-1901. Folio, {continuing). Reports on railway and other schemes of sessions 1890 to 1901. London, 1890-1901. 8vo, {continuing). A collection of reports by the architect, engineer and Tarliamentary agent of the council on various bills in Parliament affecting the administrative County of London. Report to the Special Committee on Technical Education, being the i-esult of an inquiry into the needs of London witli regard to technical education, the existing provision for such education, and the best means to be taken by the London County Council for improving that provision, under the Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891, and the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890 ; by H. Llewellyn Smith, secretary of the committee. London, 1892, Folio, pp. 184. Precedents of assessments according to benefits, and the interception by chai-ge upon property of a portion of the value added to such property by the expenditure of public money for improvements. London, 1893. Folio, pp., 62. Special report of the Public Conti'ol Committee relative to existing markets and market rights, and as to the expediency of establishing new markets in or near the Administrative County of London. London, 1893. Folio, pp. 82. Summary of evidence presented to the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply. Prepared by A. Eassett Hopkins, Esq., chairman of the Special Water Committee, 1893. 8vo, pp., X. 173. Royal Commission on London Government ; papers ordered to be printed by the special committee of the Council on London Government. London, 1893-94. Folio. Contents : — Memorandum on the Corporation of the City of London, and on the County of London, and the County of the City of London ; by J. Kemp. Secretary of Special Committee. 1S03, pp. 79. Analysis of the accounts of the Cori)oration of the City of London, and the rating authorities (exclusive of poor law) within the City of Loudon, fur the four years 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892 ; together with a memorandum on the expenditure of the Corporation, its revenues from estates, markets, etc., and its debt, and an estimate of the financial effect of unification ; by U. L Gommc, Statistical officer. 189:5, pp. ii., xlv., 5.5, Proposals for the amalgamation of tlie Citv and Countv of London. 1894. pp. 26. Supplementary memorandum showing to what extent it is proposed to assimilate the government of London to that of a municipal borough, and why assimilation in all respects is not possible or desirable. [1893], pp. 8. Jlemorandum upon the respective merits of the system of triennial election of the whole body and the system of annual election of one-third of the members of the l)ody ; 1)y the Deputy Chairman of the Council. 1894, ])p. 4. M 2 ISO London County Council — coniinved. Estimate of the financial results to the ratepayers by alternative systems of dealing with the ("ity Police under a scheme of unification of London government ; by G. L. Gomme, Statistical othccr. 1894, pp. 4. Table comparing the Metropolitan and the City Police ; by J. Kemp, Secretary of Special Committee. IX'M, pp. 0. Detailed analysis of the expenditure of the City of London Corporation for the four years 1889-!'2 under the heads of : mayoralty ; state and civic ; Guildhall and other buildings ; receptions, honorary votes, and civic functions : Library, Museum and Art Gallery ; general establishment expenses : ])ensions to Civic officials ; pensions to School and Library officials : law and jiarliamentary ; donations ; by G. L. Gomme, Statistical officer. 1894. pp. 21. Analysis of the receipts and expenditure of the City markets on capital account and on revenue account, showing to what extent the markets of the City of London have been a source of profit or of loss to the Corporation during the thirty-eight years 18.55 to 1892 ; by (J. L. Gomme, Statistical officer. 1894, pp. vii.. 44. Return showing powers and expenses which run throughout the adminis- trative county of London, and those \vhich do not extend to the City of London. 1S93. pp. iii., 60. Statement as to the present powers and duties of the I.,ondon County Council. [1893]. pp.39. Memoranilura on tiie county of London and the county of the City of London. 1893. pp. 11. Table showing the various branches of administrative work within the county of London carried on by the Council, the Vestries, the Com- missioners of Baths and Washhonses, the Commissioners of Free Libraries, the Burial Boards ; by the Deputy Chairman. 1893. pp. 24. Loiulon stati.stics : statistics printed hy the London County Council during the years 1890-91 to 1899-1900, with an analysis of the statistics relating to London printed in the annual reports of vestries and district boards for the years 1890-91 to 1899-1900, and in parliamentary papers of the years 1890 to 1900. London, 1892-19U1. Folio, {cimt inning). Annual I'eports of the ]\fedi(al Oflicer of Health of the Adniinibti-ative County of London ; 1892 to 1900. London, 1893-1901. Folio, {continuing). Annual repoits of the A.sylums Committee and the sub- committees of Banstead, Cane Hill, Claybury, Colney Hatch, and Hanwell asylum^ 1889 to 1900-01. London, 1890-1901. 8vo and fdio, {rontinuing). Annual reports of the chief officer of the Public Control department, 1892 to 1900-01. London, 1893-1901. Folio, {continuing). Report made to the Fire Brigade Committee of the London County Council by the chief officer of the Fire Brigade on the fires in London during the years 1889 to 1900. Loudon, 1890-1901. 8vo and folio, {continuing). Rating and expenditure per £100 rateable value, 1890-91 and 189o-9t). London, 1894-97. Folio. Contents : Ketum [by the statistical officer of the Council] showing the amount actually paid in rates, exclusive of garden and other semi-private rates by a person rated at .t'l'jo a year in every rating area of London ; the 181 London County Council — continued. amount of subventions in aiis of Sir Alexander K. Binnie's evidence given before the Royal Commission, with an appendix of statistical tables on London Water Supply. 1898, i>p. iii., 87. Heads of evidence of Mr, Harry Edwin Haward, Comptroller, to be sub- mitted to the Royal Commission. 1897, pp. 59. 8 diagrams. Synopsis of tlie Comptroller's evi lence given before the Royal Commission, together with comments thereon by the (Jomptroller, and suggestions for the cross-examination of the companies' witnesses. 1898, p|i. 9. Report of the Statistical Ofticer to the Water Committee on the evidence under Sections C ami E of the Committee's statement proposed to be given l>efore the Royal Commission. 1897. pp. 2. Heads of cvitlencc of Mi', (jeorge Laurence Gomme, Statistical Officer, to be submitted to the Royal Commission. 1897, pp. ii., 127. Heads of evidence on municipal water supjjlies to be given by Mr. George Laurence Gomme, Statistical Officer. 1898, pp. 2. Synopsis of the evidence of the Statistical Officer, together with a memo- randum under each head. 1898. pp. 42. Statement of evidence to be given by Mr. Willoughby Hyett Dickinson, Chairman of the Water Committee, as to the general policy of the Council with respect to the water supply of London. 1897, pp. uU. Hca«ls of evidence of Sir Arthur Arnold. 1897, pp. 6. ■ ■ T{e])0i't of the special sub-conimiitee of the Tcclmicil Education Board on commerciul educiition. London, (1898). Folio, pp. xvi., 83. Rejjort of the special sub-committee of the Technical Education Board on the building trades. London, [1899]. Folio, ])p. xii., 03. London County Council (General Powers) Act, 1899 Minutes 111' cviiltncc iicjon; tlic select coimnittef.'S ot (lie House of Lords and House of Commons, with a coj^y of the Bill and Act. London, 1899. Folio, (separately paged). London G-OVernment London Government Commission, 1893. •Statenieiil a,-, to the powers and duties of the Commissioners of Sewers. Jvondon, 1893. Folio, ])p. 91. Report of tlie Commissioners appointed to consider the ])roper conditions under which the amalgamation of the City and County of London can be effected, and to make 183 London Government — continued. specific and practical proposals for that purpose ; together with jiiaps illustrative of the report. London, 1894. Folio, pp. 31. 2 maps. Maps : London areas of jurisdiction. 1891, showing tlje areas of the City of London, County of London, Administrative County of London (and School Board district), Poor Law (and. Resist rat ion) District, Metrojjolitan Police Courts District, Central Criminal Court District, and Metropolitan Police District — Map showing, for the County of London in 1894, the boundaries of Parishes, poor law unions, London County Council and Parliamentary electoral divisions, and local government areas. Minutes of evidence ; with digest and index. London, 1894. Folio, pp. vi., 620. Tables in boily of evidence, hifrr alia ; Table showing the local authorities in London through and l)y whom the Council's levy of the County Hate is collected (pp. 47-48) — List of byelaws made by the Council with acts authorising their making (ji. 57) — Expenditure out of the City's revenues on street improvements, public buildings, and educational and sanitary purposes for the benefit of the City and metropolis since IS.'iO, separating the remunerative from the unremunerative expenditure, together with amounts expended during the same period for Royal, colonial and other receptions (pp. 225-226) — Tabular statement of authorities sharing the Government of London (})p. 612-(ilS) — Tabular statement of qualificatious of electors and candidates for different pul)lie offices, etc., in London (pp. (;19-G2U). Appendices; with index. London, 1894. Folio, pp. iv., 704. Contents : Memorandum prepared at the Local Government Board showing in detail in what respects the City of London differs from the vestries in the metropolis in regard to the powers they respectively exercise, and the control of the County Council — Memorandum prepared and handed in by the legal adviser to the Local Government Board, showing the authorities sharing the government of London, their powers and duties — Statement handed in by the Town Clerk as to the origin, position, powers, duties anil finance of the Corporation of London — Statement handed in by the Chairman a? to the powers and duties of the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London — Statement handed in by the Town Clerk of the City of London, containing the i-ecommendations of the Royal Commissioners appointed to inquire into the state of the Corporation of the City of London in 1853-54 ; and observations of the corporation showing (as requested), to what extent, antl in wliat manner (if at all) the various suggestions have been met — Return handed in by the tlepiity chiiirman of the I^ondou County Council, showing the powers and expenses which run throughout the administrative county of London, antl those which do not extend to the City of London — Statement handed in by deputy chairman as to the present powers and duties of the London County Council — Memorandum handed in by the deputy chairman of the London County Council on the county of London and the county of the City of London — Table prepared and handed in by the deputy chairman of the London County Council, showing the various branches of administrative work within the county of London carried on by the following authorities ; the Council, the vestries, the commissioners of baths and washhouses, the commissioners of free libraries, the burial boards — Jlemorandum on the corporation of the City of London, prepared by Mr. John Kemp, secretary of the special committee of the London County Council— Analysis of the accounts of the corporation of the City of London and the rating authorities (exclusive of poor law) within the City of London, for the four years 1889-92, together with a memorandum on the expenditure of the corporation, its revenues from estates, markets, etc., and its debt, and an 184 Loudou Goverumeut — coiiiiuurd. estimate of the linaiicial effect of unification, prepared by the statistical otticer of the Lomlon County Council — Paper handed in by the deputy chairman containing proposals put forward Yty the London County Council for the amak'amation of the City and County of Lomlon — Su])()lementary memoraiulum showing: to what extent it is proposed to assimilate the govern- ment of London to that of a municipal borough, and why assimilation in all respects is not possible or desirable — Memorandum prepared and handed in by the deputy chairman of tlic Loudon County Council ujion the respective merits of the system of triennial election of the whole body, and the system of annual election of one-third of the members of the body — Memorandum handed in by the deputy chairman of the London County Council giving an estimate of the financial results to the ratepayers by alternative systems of dealing with the City Police under a sclieme of unification of London government — Memorandum comparing the Metrojiolitan and City Police : prepared by Mr. Jolm Kemp — Detailed amilysis of the expenditure of the City of London corporation fiu' the four years 1S89 92. under the lieads of mayoralty, state and civic, Guildhall and other buildings, receptions, honorary votes, and civic functions, library, museum and art gallery, general establishment expenses, pensions to civic officials, pensions to school and library officials, law and parliamentary, donations, prepared by the statistical officer of the London County Council — Analysis of the receipts and expenditure of the City markets on capital account and on revenue account, showing to what extent the markets of the City of London have been a source of jn'ofit or of loss to the Corporation during the years 1855-52 ; prepared by the statistical officer of the London County Council — Memorandum prepared and handed in l)y the deputy chairman of the London County Council slmwing the distribution and statistics of the several areas into which Lond(jn is divided for the various purposes of local government and for electoral purposes — Memorandum handed in by J^ord Farrer and prepare' — Proposed docks at Wapping to accommodate 35(i ships, witii plan of the river Thames — Plan of the River Thames from the Tower to Blackwall taken by the corporation of Trinity House in the year I'M. Fir.st report from Select Committee appointecl to consider evidence taken on bills for the imjjiovement of the Port of London ; -with appendix. London, 1799. Large folio, pp. 444- 400 of Beports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1793- 1{>02. Second report : Avith appendix and ])lans. London, 1799. Large folio, ])p. 4G1-.j41 of Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1793-1802. 15 plates. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Breadth of the river at different places between Hammersmith and AVoolwich — Descrij>tion of London Bridge — Detailed statement of expenditure ujion repairs to AVestminster and Black- friars Bridges — Produce of the estates of the City of London called _tlie Bridge House Estates, and application thereof, 17.5«-tt8— Praluce of the toll rec-eivcd on Blackfriars Bridge, after dcflucting expense of collection, 1 76(J-K.j— Accountjof the Sunday.toU received on BlSickfriars Bridge, 178(3-99— Comparative statement of shipping belonging to tlic Port of London in 17P.2 and 1792— Total nundjcr of ships, with their tonnage, that entered inwards and cleared outwariis at the Port of London, to and from foreign parts, in ejich of tlie years 1700. 1750. and 1790-8— Total nundx'r of ships, with their tonnage, including their repeated voyages, that entered inwards at the Port of London, from foreign parts, in each of the years 1792-98, distinguishing countiies wlience come, with principal articles of importatif)n from each country — Number of sliips tliat entered inwards at the Port of London laden, or chieHy laer and tonnage of all lighters, hoys and craft using the Port — Tonnage of shipping, inwards ami outwards, 187 Loudon, Port of — continued. frequLHtiiio; all the outports in each of the years 17»1 and 1790-98 — Value of exports and imports from and into the port in each tenth year from 17U0 to ITUU and in each of ihc years 1791-98 — Value of exports and imports from and into all the outports of England in each of the years 1750, 1700, 1770, 1780 and 1790-98— Sketch of the principal outlines of export and import from and into the port, distinguishing, in general, whether they are landed or shipped from the legal quays, sufferance wharfs, etc. — Abstract of the state of the mooring tiers and chains in the river Thames from Loudon Bridge to Deptford — Quantity of British and foreign plantation sugar, wine, brandy and geneva imported into the port in the year ending 5th January, 1799, with value thereof and rate and amount of duty and drawback — Account of goods which may by law be warehoused, exclusive of those imported by the East India Comi)any, specifying articles, conditions, and time, on and for which the same may be warehoused ; duty, if any, paid on warehousing, and on delivering for home consumption or exportation ; in whose custody the articles remain whilst Avarehoused, and whether the warehouse rent and other charges are defrayed by the Crown or the proprietor of the goods ; distinguisliing London from the outjiorts and giving statutory authority under wliicli the powers are granted — Quantity of British and foreign plantation sugar, wine, brandy and geneva imported into the outports in England in the year ended 5th January, 1799, with value thereof, and rate and amount of dixty and drawback — Number of vessels, with their tonnage, including their repeated voyages, that arrived at the port from certain countries in each of the years 1790-92 — Account of the species, quantity and real value of certain articles imported in each cf the years 1791-92 from France, Spain, Portugal, Italj' and Turkey — Account of the foreign articles of West India products, imported from North America in each of the years 1796-98— List of those articles, with quantities imported into the Port of London, each of which in the year ended r)th January, 1798, produced a gross duty throughout all Great Britain of £1,000 and upwards, classified according to amount of production — Estimated value of the articles iiJiported into and exported from the Port of London in the year ended 5th January, 1799, and of the gross duty on the former, exclusive of imports to and ex[)orts from the East and West Indies — Quantity and total value of free goods imported into the port, in each of the years 1 796-98, with countries whence importetl — List of public foreign sufferance wharfs within the limits of the Customs Commissioners, and particularly specified and declared by them to be i)ublic wharfs on 13th May, 1789 — Dimensions of arches, sterlings, and bases of London-bridge. Plates : Surveys of the river Thames between London-bridge and Black- friars-bridge, with soundings ; by the Guildhall (surveyor ami by Trinity House — Transverse and longitudinal sections of the river between the same bridges; by Trinity House — Plan and elevation of London-bridge; by the Guildhall surveyor — Plan and description of timbers sunk in the great arch of London-bridge in the years 1793 and 1794 ; by the Guildhall surveyor — Soundings of the great arch of London-bridge from top of the sterlings — Sketch showing depth of the river from London-bridge to Billingsgate — Section of the waterway at London-bridge as it was before the opening of the great arch, and at the beginning of February, 1763 ; by Mr. Smeaton — Mr. Smeaton"s plan of the sterlings and sections between them — Plan and section of Mr. Smeaton's proposed waterway' under the great arch of London- bridge — Plan of the river from the Tower to Blackwall, taken by Trinity House in 1750 — Plan, by the Guildliall surveyor, of the legal quays in their present state, and as proposed to be improved — Plan, by the Guildhall surveyor, of the river, with proposed docks at Kotherhithe — Mr. Walker's plan for improving the streets to the free quaj^s — Mr. Walker's plan for extending the free quays at St. Catherine's — Mr. Alexander's plan of the proposed London docks — Plan of the proposed docks and line of a canal, with a collateral cut, on the Surrey side of the river, surveyed, by order of -the committee deputed for the inhabitants of Southwark, by Mr. Cracldow. There is another edition of these plates which does not include Mr. Smeaton's three plans. 188 London, Port of — cuntlnned. Report from Select Committee appointed to consider of such further measures as may be necessary for rendering more commodious, and for better regulating the Port of Loudon; with appendix and pUms. London, ISOO. Large folio, pp. 543-603b, of Reports from Gomvilttees of the House of Commons, 1793-1802. 24 pUxtes. ' Cinitents nf apiiomlix. inter alia : Report of Mr. Mylne on the state of the river Thames and its bed, on the structure of London-bridge, and as to the naviLMtion nf the river above and below it — Depth of the river at low water in May, 1767, at every 10i> feet distance (i) from QuecTihitlie to the Tower ; (_ii) from a Awal above Lnndon-bridtre to another below — Measuremeats across the river in straight lines at London, Blackfriars and Westminster bridges, showing proportions of piers to arches — Soundings at London-bridge, 1767 — Borings of the river between London-bridge and Blackfriars-bridge ; l>erformed betwe^-n I'.tth May and 16th June, 18(10, by .John Foulds— Total numberof ships, with their tonnage, that entered inwards and cleared outwards at the Port of London to and from foreign parts in the year 17'J!i — Total number of shijis, with their tonnage, including their repeated voyages, that entered inwards at thepnrt from foreign parts in the year 1799, distinguishing countries whi.'iice come, with principal articles of importation from each country — Total number and tonnage of ships in the coasting trade entered inwards and cleared outwards at the port in the year 17'J'J, distinguishing colliers from other vessels — Tonnage of shipping inwards and outwards, frequenting all tlie outports, in the year 1799 — Mr. Dodd's account of London-bridge, witli ideas for a new (jne, with wharfs, warehouses, &c. — Mr. 3Iylne's sth -me for a new bridge — Messrs. Telford anil Douglass' scheme for improving the Port of Lonridge — Ilei^ort of special committee to the Court of ('ommon Council on Iniilding and comj)leting r>lackfriars-bridge, forming the embankment, and making the new Surrey roads, 1784 — Final report of same committee, 17.S6 — Abstract of acciounts of the London-bridge Waterworks, 1780-1800 — Account of net income of Bridge House Estates for five years ending Christmas, 1799, distinguishing respective amounts of rents, dividends, fines, and other articles constituting the said income — Statement of the Oriiiians' Fund, in order to shew by what time the present ()r])hans' Debt, amounting to £H2.").800 on the oth July, 1800, will be paid off : and. jirovided a further sum of £200,000 at 5 per cent, should be charged thereon, wliat effect the said charge would have on the Fund — Report ))y .Mr. Jessop on the effect of deepening and endjanking the river Tiiames. Plates: Section of the locks and construction of the jjiersof London-ljridge, as<-ertaincil by the taking up the i>ier from under tlie (Jreat Arcli in 1762 — Profile down the middle of the river Thames at low still water passing through the middle of the Great Arcli at London-bridge, taken in the year 1767 — Mr. Dodd's j)lan for a bridge to be erected on the foundations of the present London-bridge, having its centre arch of iron .300 feet span, so as to admit shipping to occupy the space, now nearly useless, between London and Black- friars bridges — Mr. Dodd's design for a stone bridge to iidmit shii)ping to pass under its centre arch, with views of the propos(;d emlKinkments and fireproof warehouses alxjve them— Klevation of fireproof warehouses built on iron pillars to admit carts under them according to Mr. Dodd's plan — Mr. Dodd's plan for the imi>rovement of the Port of London to ailmit shipping between London and Blackfriars bridges — South pier of the Great Arcli of London- bridge, exliibiting its present decaj-cd state, and shewing its being held together only by iron cranijjs, also shewing two dangerous chasms in the centre ; surveyed by It. Doyal Exchange — Portion of above on an enlarged scale showing the structure of the work and the style of the ornaments. Report from Select Committee who were appointed to consider of sueli further measures as maybe necessaj for render- ing more commodious and for better regulating the Port of London; with appendix and plans. London, 1801. Large folio, pp. 604-635 of Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, 1798-1802. 3 plates. The appendix consists of answers by eminent engineers to questions put by the Committee resi)ecting the construction of a cast iron bridge, designed by Messrs. Telford and Douglass, of a single arch. tUM* feet in the span and 65 feet rise. Plates : Messrs. Telford and Douglass' explanatory drawings — Elementary elevation of London new bridge as proposed by Mr. Southern — General Bentham's i)lan and elevation of a bridge designed to exemplify a mode of admitting ships to pass through it at all times without occasioning any interruption to the land communication over it. Report from Select Committee appointed to inquire into the state of the Port of London ; with minutes of evidence, a})pendix and plans. London, 1836. Folio, pp. vi., 2i'6. Appendix, pp. 296. 6 plans. Tables in body of evidence, inter alia : List of steam vessels (coasters and foreign) that arrive aiirl sail from the pool (p. 125)— Account of the private moorings or barge roads on the south side of the river Thames, and outside of low water mark, with the names of the original owners and present occupiers, and where the same are situated (p. 148) — Account of the desti- nation of the foreign trade for delivery of their cargoes during each month of 1835, taken from the returns at the bill of entry office at the Custom House (p. 155) — Account explanatory of the difference between the gross and net produce of the ballastage in 1832 (p. 217) — Expenses of the mooring chain service of the Port of London, as distinguished from the harbour service, for each nf the years 1831-35 (p. 225) — Number of passages daily made by steam vessels in the Port of London, showing the rate of speed at 100 Londoil, Port of — continued. which they passed the several inspectors appointed by the Lord Mayor, from July 1st to July 24th, 1S8(! (p. 253~) — Expenditure of Thames Conservancy in each of the years 1831-35 (i)p. 2!Mi-21il). Contents of appendix, inter alia : llcport to the Court of Common Council from the Thames Xaviijation and Port of London Committee, with proposed new by-laws for the harbour service of the Port of London, presented 2yth October. 1835, with plan for moorino: colliers conformably thereto. Tables, inter alia : Account of vessels which can be accommodated in the Port of London, between Blaokwall and London-bridee, so that a free passage-way of 300 feet be at all times open ; specifying the numbers and situations pro- posed for the tiers, the greatest number of vessels to be allowed at each tier, the depth of water at the respective tiers, and nature of the anchorage (pp. 61-62) ; average number of vessels allowed to lie at the legal quays and sufferance wharves, on both sides of the river, between London-bridge and Piteher's-point (p. 93) ; return of the tiers and number of vessels which have been removetl in consequence of the spaces allowed in the river Thames to the dock companies by Acts of Parliament (p. 1)7) ; statement of number of tiere occupied by the shipping in the upper and lower pools in 1827, showing those lost to shii)ping in 1833 (p. 107) ; estimate of accommodation that can be aflEorded for colliers above the Regenfs-canal entrance (p. 120) ; number of .ships intended to be moored in tiers on the north shore in the lower pool, according to the proposed bye-laws, showing the space each tier would occupy (pp. 13-1, 157-158) ; dimensions of collier tiers in the pool (p. l.")2) ; number of vessels in Cole-stairs tier on the 16th May, 1835, with their measurement and keels (j). 155) : statement of the space between the innermost ships lying in certain collier tiers in the lower pool, and low-water mark on the north shore, with the soundings at low water (p. 163) — Sir John Hall's observations on the report and pi'oceedings of the Port Committee relative to the navigation of the Port of London— Amount of dues levied for the harbour service upon ships which entered the Port of London in each of the years 1831-35, stating sum paid per ton, and detailed account of expendi- ture during same periotl — Detailed account of receipts and disbursements relating to the harbour service and the execution of the bye-laws ami regula- tions of the Port of London in each of the years 182'.)-35 — Account of receipts by the Corporation of London, in each pf the years 1801 to Ladyday, 1835, from fines oi (juit rents for permission to cut through the banks of the Thames, or to erect buildings or works, driving piles, etc., or encroachments upon such river below London-lu-idge ; setting forth the legal authority under which the grants were made or permission given, and the particular purjjoses to which those sums of money have been applied — Number of merchant and fishing vessels and their tonnage that entered the Port of London in each of the years 1800, 1810, 1K20, 1830 and 1835, distinguishing them, as engaged in the foreign trade, Irish trade, or as colliers, coasters, or fishing vessels — Number of steam vessels and tiicir tonnage employed in trade with the Port of London, and their repeated voyages, in each of the years 1820, 1830 and 1835, distingui>hing them as engaged in the coasting or foreign trade — Xum- Ijer of ships and their tonnage that entered (i.) Commercial docks ; (ii.) East Connty dock ; (iii.) St. Katharine docks ; (iv.) London docks ; (v.) Regent's- canal ilock ; (vi.) (iraiid Surrey-canal docks ; (vii.) West India docks ; (viii.) East India docks in each of the years 1820, 1830 and 1835, distinguishing those that entered with goods from those tliat entered light, to load or lay up — Return of steamboats employed between London and Gravesend — Num- ber of licences granted by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen of the River Thames for wherries, boats, etc., for the carrying of passengers, in force on 1st January, 1836 — List of tiers and wharves on the north side of the river Vj«jtween London-bridge and Greenwicli — Numljcr of steam vessels and their tonnage employed in canying passengers only, within th'^ limits of the Port of London, specifying their repeated voyages in each of the years 1820, 1830 and 1835— Number of wood-laden ships that entered the Port of Ix>iidon from 1st January to 2 Jth June, 1836, and number that went into flfK-k — Number of ships and their tonnage that entered Commercial-docks in 191 London, Port of — conthmed. eacli of tlic yc;irs lSU!)-3."). classiticd accordin.s to their car£!;ocs — Return of .soundings of the river taken between London-bridge and 15ugftby"s-h(jlc — Number of vessels forcibly removed by pilots acting under the authority of tlie harbour-masters — Number of tiers antl vessels removed in consequence of spaces allowed on the river Thames to the dock compaiues Ijy Act of Parliament — Number of shi[)S intended to In; moored in tiers on the north shore in the lower jiool, according to tlie proposed Ijyedaws, showing the space each tier would occui^y, with width of the river at low water mark, anil width of channel that would remain for purposes of navigation — Number of days the "Collier Detention Flag" has been flying at Greenwich, and number of colliers that have been detainetl by the harbour masters from entering the pools daily tluring 1835 — Regulations for the Port of London, and plan for mooring vessels to preserve a navigation througli the collier pool of 3U0 feet — • List of tiers and ferries, number of vessels at each tier, depth of water at each, and width of navigable channel from London-bridge to the upper part of Limehouse-reach, on the north side, and from London-bridge to the Surrey- canal on the south side — Number of vessels coal-laden that have been detaineil on the lower station, or between Duke's-shore and P>ugsby's-hole, for want of room in the collier pool daily during half-year ended 30th June, 183G : show- ing also the days on which the iiag has been flying at Greenwich for the detention of colliers — List of the ship-meters, their ages and residence — Number of colliers in the Port of London, discharging and waiting for turns during each week of 183i-35, setting forth the number of days the latter have usually been detained waiting for such turns, with a statement of the manner in which the turns are regulated — Amount of coal imported into the Port of London in each of the years LS2.5, 1S30 and 1835— Account of vessels broken up in the Port of London from March, 1834, to April, 1836 — Account of coroners' inquests held upon the bodies of persons drowned in the river Thames during 1834 and 1835. Plans : River Thames, from Church-hole to Cuckold's-point, showing posi- tion of collier tiers (i.) according to the proposed by-laws; (ii.) according to the proposed permanent moorings, by Charles Rowland, harbour master, 1836 — Plan for mooring 1()3 colliers in the pools, preserving a passage for the transit of shipping of the width of 300 feet, presented to the Port of London Committee by Sir John Hall — Plan of a half -tier for mooring colliers in the lower pool according to Mr. Charles Rowland's plan — Soundings of the river opposite the King's-dockyard, Deptford, 1831, b}^ Captain liullock — Three plans of wherries. London, School Board for. Annual reports, 1886-87 to 1900-01. London, 1887-1901. 8vo, {continuing').- Reports of the Bye-laws C'omnn'ttee for the rears 1872 to 1890-91. London, 1888-91. Folio. 1886 wanting. Reports of the School Accommodation Committee for the years 1893 to 19(10-01. London, 1894-1901. Folio, (conliuuina). Reports of the School Attendance Committee for the yeai's 1891 to 1900-01. London, 1892-1901. Folio, (continuing)^ 1 81)7-98 wanting. Reports of the School Manag-ement Committee for the years 1874 to 1900-01. London, 1874-1901. Folio, {contimiinq) 1886-87, 1892-93 wanting. Reports on evening continuation schools for the 3-ears 1893-96, 1900-01. London, 1895-1901. Foh'o. 5 vol. Repoi'ts of the Statistical Committee for the vears 1873 to 1890-91. London, 1873—91. Folio. 1874-76, 187!), 18S1. 1S8C. wanting. 192 London Standing Joint Committee Minutes and siTmmary of ]tr(HH>L'dings, 1889-90, etc. London. T890, etc. 8vo (continuing) . London Suburban Directory, see Kelly (in appendix). London Traffic, etc., 1855-66 [Volume of pamphlets.] Svo, L^.">")-,")(;. Contents : — Siil>wavs an.) : Wood (Thomas L.) Londonderry, County Borough of, Annual account.s, 1897 and lb9s. Londonderry, 1897-98. 4to, 2 vol. Longfield (Right Hon. M) The tenui-e of land in Ireland. See Probyn (J. W.) Systems of land tenure. Longstaff (G. B.) Studie.s in statistics, social, political, and medical. London. 1891. 8vo, pp. xvi, 455. Loudon (J. C.) Trees and shru])s: an abrido'cment of the Arboretum et Fruticetum lirittannicum ; containing the hardy trees and sluTibs of Britain, native and foreign, scientifically and popularly described. London, 1883. 8vo, pp. Ixxi, 1162. Illustrations. Louisville (Kentucky, U.S.A.) Board of Park Commissioners. Annual Reports, 1891-92, 1892-3. Louisville. 1892-3. 8vo, pp. 59, 121. Plates and maps. Low 'Sampson) The charities of London: comprising an account of the iipeiations. resources and general r;onditions of the chai-itahle, educational and religious institutions of London. London^ 1807. Small 8vo, pp. xviii., 322, with supplement and index, pp. viii., 188. Lubbock CGertrudeJ Sotne poorreliefquesticms, -with the arguments on Ijoth siiles; together with the sujnmary of the report of the Uuval Commission on the Aged Poor, and extiacts from the evidence taken before that Commission : a manual for workers. With a preface by Sir John Luiibock. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii., 329. Contents: Out-door and in-door relief — Old A'^v pensions — Provision of jiital^ — Cliaritablc relief — Appendi.v (extracts from the evidence taken before the lloyal C'omnii-sion on tlie Aged Poor). Lubbock ('Sir John) Representation. London, 1885. Svo, pp. jv. .90. .\ppendices and index. A few worrls on the "•overnment of London. [An article appearing in the Forhi'uililhj Review iui VehTuary, 1892, pp. 159-172.] 193 Lumley (William Golden) Tiio Rating Act, 1874, with com- mentaiy, notes and index, and a note on the rating of govei-n- ment property ; being an addendum to the law of parochial assessments. London, 1875. 12mo, pp. xii., 53. Essay on By-laws, with appendix, containing model by- laws issued by the Board of Trade, the Education Department and the Local Government Board. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. xi., 428. Law of parochial assessments, ex})lained in a practical commentary on the statute 6 and 7, Will. IV., cap. 96, with an appendix containing the modern statutes relating to i-ating. Sixth edition. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. xxvii., 256. The same. kSeventh edition. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. xx., 342. and Edmund Lumley Public Health Act, 1875, annotated, with an appendix, containing the various incorporated statutes, etc. Third edition. London, 1887, 8vo, pp. Ixxix., 1305. Lunge (George) Remarks on the teaching of chemistry. See Edu(;ation. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Lush (Sir Robert) Practice of the Superior Courts of Law at Westminster, in actions and proceedings over which they have a common jui-isdiction ; with introductory treatises and appendix. Third edition, by J. Dixon. London, 1865. Svo, 2 vols. Lushington (Sydney George) The County Council and Municipal Election Manual, with an appendix of statutes. Second edition. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 243 and index. See Mackenzie (M. J. M.) and S. G. Lushington The Parliami3ntary and Local Government Registration Manual. 1897. 8vo. See Macmori'au (A.) London Government Act. 1899. 8vo. Lyons (D. T) Technical education in Queensland. (See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. LySOns (Daniel) Environs of London, being an historical account of the towns, villages, and hamlets within twelve miles of that capital. London, 1810-11. Second edition. 4to, 4 vols. Plates. Middlesex occupies two volumes ; the remaining two deal with Surrey, Kent, Essex and Herts. Plates, intrr alia : Surrey : View of Greenwich — Map of Surrey wthin twelve miles of London — Dulwich College. Kent, Essex and Herts : Map of Kent and Esses within twelve miles of London — Charlton House— Eltham Palace and Hall — Plan of Woolwich ordnance ground, N [i,.c, 8 194 Lysons (Daniel) Environs of London — continued. Miaak'>(_-x. Vol.1.: View of Strawlierry-hill— Map of County of Middlesex — Phvsic-gardon, Chelsea — I'lan of Hyde-park. 172.") — Braiideiil)urgh House, Fulhani. Miiidlosfx. V.il. II. : Holland House, north view — Holland House, south ▼iew— C'anijiden House. Kensington, 1793 — Stepney Chureh. There is als j a laree paper coi)y of the two volumes containing Middloex-. An liistorical account of tliopc parishes in the County of ^Miildlcsex. which are not described in the environs of London. London, Iv^OO. 4to. pp. ix., 316. Mac Adam (John Loudon) Remarks on the present system of read making-; witli observations, deduced from practice and e.xperience, with a view to a revision of the existing laws, and the introduction of improvement ir. the method of making, repaii-ing and presei'ving roads, and defending tlie road funds from misapplication. Third edition. London, 1820. 8vo, pp. 106. There is a t ible of turnpike trusts round London, giving Acts of Parliament, length of road, amount of tolls (1818), expenses (1818), and drlit. Macan (K.) The development of technical instruction in secondary schools nndei- the pi'ovi.sions of the Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891, and the Local Taxation Act, 1890. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. Svo. MacCarthy C Justin) Cliaring-cross to St. Paul's . . . Plates and vignettes from drawings by J. Ponnell. London, 1891. 4to, pp. [ii:i, 59. Macclesfield, Borough of Abstract of the accounts, 1896-7. Macclesfield, lb97. 8vo, pp. 48. Macdoiiakl ' William) Local government and taxation in Scotland. (See Proljyn ('.J. \V.) Local government and taxation. 1882. 8vo. MacDowell ^Mary E.) Friendly visiting. See Barrows (I. C.) I'l'oceediiig.s of tlie National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by LC. iJanows. 1896. 8vo. The settlement and organized charity. See Barrows (1. C.) Pi-oceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids. Mich., .lune 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Ban-ows. 1896. Svo. Macer 'Alfred Thomas) I ^llajudations: law and practice. London, [1890.] «vo, pp. vi., 121. Macerone ' Francis) Hints to paviors; with an introductory leview, by .j. {]. Robertson, of the various plaiis proposed for the improvemejit of carriage pavements ; also, a paper on the increasing of day-light in London. Second edition. London 1833. Svo, pp. 36. 195 Mackay (A. H.) Technical education in Nova Scotia. See Kducatiun. Teclinical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Mackay (Charles) The Thames and its tributaries ; or rambles among the rivers. London, 1840. 8vo, 2 vols. Illustrated. Contents, inter alia : Vol. I. (pp. xii., 400): Loudon-biidi^'c — Bouthwark — Globe Theatre — Bear garden — Paris garden — Old houses of the nobility —Doctors' Commons — Fleet Ditch — Temple gardens — Somerset House and Waterloo-bi-idge — Savoy — Adelphi — Whitehall —Westminster-bridge — Houses of Parliament — Westminster Abbey — Lambeth Palace — Vauxhall gardens — Chelsea Hos- pital — Battersea — liiver Wandle — Putney. Vol. II. (pp. vii., 412): Billingsgate— Tower — St. Katharine's Hospital and Docks — London Docks —Thames Tunnel — Wapping and Rotherhithe — Commercial Dock— Isle of Dogs — Deptford — River Ravensbourne — Green- wich — Blackvvall — East India Docks— River Lea — Stratford-le-Bow and Bromlc}' — Shooter's-hill— Charlton — -Woolwich. Mackay (John Charles) Light i-ailw'ajs for the United Kingdom, India and the Colonies. A practical handbook setting forth the principles on which light railways should be coustructed, worked, and financed, and detailing the cost of construction, equipment, revenue and working expenses of local railways already established in the above-mentioned countries and in Belgium, France, Switzerland, etc. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. xii., 322. 32 plates. Mackay (Thomas) A history of the English poor law. Vol. III., from 183-4 to the present time ; being a supplementary volume to " A history of the English poor law," by Sir (jeorge Nicholls, London, 1899. 8vo, pp. xv., 617. Mackenzie (Frederick) The architectural antiquities of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, the late House of Commons, drawn from actual survey and admeasurements . . . accompanied by observations on the original and perfect state of the building, and a description of the plates. London, 1844. Folio, pp. X., 30. 19 plates. Mackenzie (Montague Johnstone Muir) See Chalmers (M. D.> and M. J. M. Mackenzie Rules of the Supreme Court. 1883. 8vo. and Sydney George Lushington The Parliamentary and Local Government Registration Manual . . . Second edition, etc. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 664 ; [56]. Mackenzie (William) and Percy Handford Model bye-laws, rules and regulations under the Public Health and other acts, with alternative and additional clauses. Prepared and edited by W. Mackenzie and P. Handford. London, 1899. 8vo, 2 vols. N 2 196 MackrOW (Clement) Naval architect's and sliipbuilder's pocket- book of formula', rates and tables, and marine engineer's and surveyor's handy book of reference. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. vi., 526. MacLareu i Walter S. Bright; and John Beaumont Report to the "Worshipful Clothworkers' Company of London on the weaving and other technical schools of the Continent; with general observations and suggestions as to the best mode of extending and improving the textile industries department of the Yorkshire College of Science, Leeds, and of establishing other technical schools throu2:hout this counti-v. London, 1877. 8vo, pj). viii., 118. Macmorran (^Alexander) London Government Act, 1899, and the vaiiuus statutes incorporated with it or specially referred to therein ; with notes and index, by A. MacmoiTan, S. G. Lusliington and E. J. Naldi'ett. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. xxx., 202, and index. The Public Health (London) Act, 1891. London, 1891. 8vo, ])p. xli., 306, and index. The Local Government Act, 1888, and the incorporated provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882; the Munici- pal Electors (coriupt practices) Act, 1884 ; the Ballot Act, 1872 ; and the County Electors Act, 1888 ; the whole fonning a complete epitome of the law relating to the constitution and election of county councils, their powers, duties and liabilities. Second edition. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. Ixxiii., 388, and index. Macnag-hten ('Steaurt) and Alexander Gordon Keports of Cases in the iiigli Couit.s of Chancery dui-ing the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, 1849-51. London,^ 1850-52. 8vo, 3 vols. Madox 'Thomas) Firma Burgi, or an historical essay concerning the cities, towns and boroughs of England. London, 1726. Folio, pp. [xx.], 297, and index. Madrid Anuario estadistico demografico. Ano 1897. Madrid, lto99. 4to, pp. 545. Boletin del ayuntamiento de Madrid ; 13 de Noviembre do 1898 al ]5 de Abril de 1900. Madrid, 1898-1900. Folio. Incomplete, many numbers wantiog. Boletin semanal de nacimientos, matrimoniosy defuncionea; 30 de Octubre de 1898 al 31 de Marzo de 1900. Madrid, 1898^ 1900. Folio. Jpcomplete, many numbers wantinj;. 197 Magdalen Hospital An account ... of the Magdalen Hospital for the reception of jienitent prostitutes ; togetlier with Dr. Dodd's sermons, preached before the President, Vice-Pi-esi- dents, Governors, etc., before His Royal Highness the Duke of York, etc., and in the Magdalen Chapel, Jei-. xiii., 23 . . . to which are added The Advice to the Magdalens ; with the Psalms, Hymns, Prayers, Rules, List of Subscribers ; and an abstract of the Act forestablishino'the charitv. Fourth edition. London, 1770. 8vo, pp. X., 451 ; 1 plan. Magnus (Sir Philip) Theory and practice in trade teaching. See Kducation. Technical Education Congress. 1897, 8vo. Maguire (P. C.) Ihe sewage of towns : its value and distribution, agricultural and commercial. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. 15. [A pam[)lilet liound up with others in volume, Seicagc I'tilisatlon, 1845-65. Si'e Drainage and Sewerage.] Maidstone Epidemic of typhoid fever, 1897. Report of inquiry and appendices. London, 1898. Folio, pp. 84. Maps and plates. Maitland (William) Histoiy and surxey of London from its foundation to the present time, etc. London, 1756. Folio, 2 vols. Contents : Vol. I. (pj). xiv.. 712) : [The Annals of London.] Vol. II (pp. iv., 718-1-110) : Political history of London, and a survey of the wards, liberties, precincts, etc., within the City and liberties — Account of the parishes within the City and liberties — Civil, ecclesiastical and military government — Account of the City-Incorporations, its commerce, and the several offices, etc., depending thereon — Account of the schools, societies, libraries. Inns of Court, Courts of Justice, colleges, hospitals and almshouses within the City and suburbs — History, anti(]uilies and government of West- minster, with a description of the several parishes and other remarkable things — Account of the parishes and liberties in the county of Middlesex within the Bill of Mortality — The borough of Southwark, with a description of the parishes — Index — Appendix ; abstract of Acts of Parliament for build- ing .1 new bridge at Blackfriars, and for repairing London-bridge. Plates, infer alia : Vol. I. : Plan of City gates (frontispiece)— London-bridge (i). 43) — View of London, circa l.")(iO (p. 252) — I'lan of London as fortified by order of Parlia- ment in the years 1(U2 and 1 tUo (p. 869) — Sir John Evelyn's plan for re- building after the fire in 1G6G (p. 447). Vol. II. : New map of the countries ten miles round (frontispiece) — Aldersgate ward and the liberty of St. Martin's-le-Grand (p. 761) — City of London Lying-in Hospital (p. 764) — Aldgate ward (p. 77(>) — Billingsgate ward and Bridge ward within (p. 7'.iU) — Bishopsgate wanl within and with- out (p. 71)8) — IJread-street ward and Cordwainers' ward (p. 828) — Plan of London-bridge and projected plan (p. 828) — Broad-street ward and Cornhill ward (p. 838) — Bank of England, perspective view (p. 840) — College of Arms (p. 857) — Cheap ward (p. 880) — Wards of Coleman-street ami Bassishaw (p. 8'J2) — Cri]iplegate ward (p. 904) — Baynard's Castle ward and Farringdon ward within ; Merchant Taylors' school ; St. PauTs school (p. 922) — Farringdon ward, without: Temple Bar; Bridewell, north gate (p. 9G0^ — Bridewell (p. 979) — St. Bartholomew's hospital (p. 93:^)— Surgeons' theatre in Old Bailey (p. 991)— Langborn ward and Candlewick ward (p. 995)— Lime-street ward (p. 999) — Portsoken ward (p. 1U06) — Queenliithe ward and Vintry ward (p. 1U24) — Custom House (p. 1U38) — W'albrook ward and Dowgate war)— College of Physicians; Lomloii Hospital {p. i:^12)— St. Thomas' Hospital (p. i:<22)— Royal Hosi)ital. Cliel'.M-. s\o, pp. .\ii., 206. Maltbie ('Milo Roy) English local government of to-day: a study of the I'chitioiis of centi-al and local g-overnment. New York, 1897. 8vo, ])p. 29G. Vol. IX., No. I, of '• Studies in history, economics, and public law," edited by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. Municipal functions : a study of tlie development, scope and tendency of municipal socialism. New York, 1898. 8vo, pp. 223. Vol. II.. No. 4, of " .Municipal Ailaiis," edited by the Reform Club Com- mittee on Municip.'il Administration, New York. 190 Malton (Thomas) Pietnresc|ne toiiv ilironali (lie Cities of London and Westminster. Illiistnited with tlie most interesting A-iews executed in aquatinta. London, 1792-96. Folio, pp. 40. Volume I. only. I-ist of plates: Westminster Bridge (two views)— New Palaee Yard — View in Marti;aret-strcct — Dean's Yard — North-west view of Westminster Abbey — North front of Westminster Abbey— Privy Garden — Whitehall — Horse Guards — Parade — Admiralty- Charinn; Cross — Mews — Inside of Mews — St. Martin's-in-the-Fiekls, interior — North front of St. Martin's Church — South-west view of St. Martin's Church — View from Scotland-yard — Watergate, York Buildings — Adelphi Terrace— John-street, Adelphi. Manchester, City of Abstract of Accounts, 1868-G9, 1871-72, 1887-88, 1891-92 to 1900-01. Manchester, 1869-1901. 8vo, (^continuing). — Building, etc., regulations. Extract from the Manchester Corporation Act, 1891. [Manchester, 1891.] 8vo, ])p. 4. [A pamphlet bound with others in volume, Streets and J i/ild/'/if/s. hijc- laws and othrr papem. Sec Streets and buildings.] • 13ye-Ia\vs with respect to new streets, buildings, etc., Manchester, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii., 75. [A pamphlet bound with others in volume, Streets and huihlings. hye-laws and other ptijiers. See Streets and buildings.] Experts' reports on treatment of Manchester sewage. Man- chester, 1899. Svo, pp. vi., 58. 23 diagrams and two plates. -■■ Papers on the Manchester building bye-laws read at a joint meeting of the Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association and the Manchester Society of Architects, in the Memorial Hall, Manchester, on March 3rd, 1887, with discussion thereon, Man- chester, 1887. 8vo, pp. 30. \_X ]iamj)hlet bound with others in volume, Streets and tjuildlngs^ bye-laivs and other pajnrx. See Streets ami buildings.] Proceedings of the Council, 1869-71, 1896-97 to 1899-1900. Manchestei'. 1871-1901. Svo, (continuing). Tramways : report of the special committee appointed by the City Council. Manchester, 1897. Svo, pp. 235. Manchester Ship Canal A sketch of the histury and develop- ment of the Manchester Ship Canal, and formation and growth of Cotton Association. Manchester, 1901. 01)1. fol., ])p. 52. Contents : Port of Manchester by W. 15. Tracy — Engineering details of the work of construction by Sir E. L. Williams — The movement and its pioneers by W. H. Linton and F, E. Cornwall. Manning" (James) and Thomas Colpitts Granger Ca.ses argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas, 1840-45. Loudon, 1841-46. Svj. 7 vols. 200 Mauniug- (James Alexauder) The i;tiHzation of sewage; being a it'l'ly to Baron Liebig's letter to Lord llobert Montagu. London, 1864. 8vo, pp. 82. [A pamphlet bound with others in voliune. Scwiigr ('tilizatinn, 1S45-65. Sec Dniinairo and Sewerage.] MailWOOd < John) Treatise of the forest laws . . . digested . . , in an alpliabetical order. Fourth edition, by William Nelson. London, 1717. 8vo, pp. [iv.], 4.85, and index. Marechal (Henri) L'oclairagcaParis: etude teclinicpie des divers modes dV-clairage employes a Paris. Paris, 1894. Svo, pp. viii., 49G. Market Rights and Tolls First antl tiuul reports of the royal commission on market rights and tolls ; together witli the reports of the assistant commissioners, minutes and precis of evidence, and appendices. London, 1888-91. Folio, 14 volumes in 5. Contents : Vol. I. : First report, together with the report on charters and records relatintr to the history of fairs and markets in the United Kingdom. Vol. II.: Minutes of evidence taken in England. This volume contains the evidence on liOndon markets. I'ahles in evidence, i/itrr iilla : Receipts and expenditure of the Corporation of London markets in 1827, 18-i7, 1854, 188-1-6 (p. 38) — Capital expenditure and loans in respect of Corporation markets (p. 39) — Average annual expenditure and gioss receipts, in detail, of Corporation markets. 188.5-87 (p. 41) — Fish condemned at r.illingsgate, .Sliadwell. and Farringdon Markets in January. 1S88 ; total weight of fish deliverey the markets is insnSicient ami unsuitable for the local trade ; (xxii.) the terms and conditions u|ion which the local authorities have leased the tolls and other rights, and the reasons which induced them to consider the arrangement of leasing desirable ; (xxiii.) the views of iocal authorities as to the exi)ediency of placing restrictions on the sale outside the market buildings of goods that may be lawfully sold in the market ; (xxiv.) the views of the local authorities as to provisi(ju being made that the tolls and other rights of the markets held by them shall be from time to time revised, with a view to their being regulated by the necessary expenditure in connection with the markets, and tliat the markets shall be free and open when the capital charges in resi)ect of them have been paid off by the incomes from the markets or otherwise, and whether in their opinion, a charge should be made for meeting the expenses of maintenance ; (xxv.) the alteration, if any, in the existing law relating to riiarkets. considered desirable by local authorities ; (xxvi.) information similar to the above with regard to fairs. Vol. XIV. : Kei)orts as t(j foreign markets. Marriott (T. L.) Gras consumer's manual, containing the Gas Measurement Act of 1859. London, 1859. 8vo, pp. xii., 66. Marriott (Thomas Weatherley Moutag;ue) House drainage, considered as to its defects and cai)abilities of improvement in a letter to the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 15. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sanitanj rc/onii, 1S4S~56. Sfc Sanitary reform.] Marshall (Alfred) Principles of economics, vol. I. Third edition. Lor.don, 1895. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 823. Marshall (Thomas Wilfrid) See Vernon (A.) Estate fences With a chapter on boundaries and fences in their legal aspect, by T. W. Marshall. 1899. 8vo. Martin (Charles Trice) 'S'ee Loftie (W. J.) Memorials of the Savoy . . . with an appendix of original documents . . , by C. T. Martin. 1878. 8vo. Martin (John) Description of plans for affording an unlimited supply of pure water to London, in connection v.'ith an improved system of draining the Metropolis ; for rescuing the river Thames from every species of pollution ; for the supply of sewage manure to the country and for other objects of public utility and sanitary importance. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. 8. [A i)amphlet bound up with others in volume. Plans for ihetr«2>oUtan druinage, 184S-G5. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Plan for improving the air and water of the Metropolis by preventing the sewage being conveyed into the Thames, therobv preserving not only the purity of the air but the purity of the water, and likewise the manure for agricultural 2^^^J"P*^ses. London, 1832. 4to, pp. 12. Plate. 202 Martin (John) — anitinued. -Plan for .suppl3'iii,o- with pure water and materially beautify- iiiLi" tlio western end of the Meti'opolis. London, 1828. 8vo, pp. 8. Plan for supplying with ]iure water the cities of London and \Yestniinstor, and of materially im])r()vin<>- and beautifying the western parts of the Metropolis. Jjondon, 1828. 4to, pp. 25. Plates. Prospectus of a company intended to be called the Thames Conservani'V (^ompany, foi- preventing the pollution of the river, upon the plan pro])osed by Mi-. Martini. London [1880 ?] 4to, pp. 4. Martin (Temple Chevallier) See Greenwood (H. C.) and T. C. Martin. Magisterial and police guide. 1874. 8vo. Marwick < James David) Provisions of the several local acts regulating the [)olice of the city of F^dinbui'gh. London. 1818. 8vo., pp. xxxi., 240. Hound up with G. Monro's Puhlir lliulth {Scotland') Act, 18G7. Marylebone Views in olde Mary-le-b(me of its village, tea-gardens and old watch-house, in the eighteenth century. From olde prints and drawings. [London, lOOl.] 4to. Contents: I'lan of Mary-le-bou (iardcus from Rocciue's map, 17-1(! — The villa.fre of Mary-le-bonc in 1740 — A view of St. Marylebone from the Bason — The old Ilo.se of Normandy public house — The nortli front of the Yorkshire Stino^o public house, 1794 — View of the Farthing Pie House, afterwards the Green Man public house. 1780 — The (Jneeirs Head and ArticholvC Iini, Mary- lebon J'ark. 1 7'.)i"i — Jews' Ilarj) Tea Gardens, Mary-le-l)one Park, 17'.)4 — Vaults in Mary-lc-bone wai^cli-house — Cell in I\Iary-le-l)one watcli-house, i7.n. Masefield (John Richard Beech) Wild bijd [jrotection and nest ing boxes. London, lSiJ7. Svo. pp. 129. Illustrated. Maskell 'Joseph) l»cikyngechirclic jnxla 'I'niiini. Collections in iiluslratii>n of the parochial history and anti(|nities of the ancient parish of Allliallows JJarking. London, 18G4. 4to, p],). x., 188. Illustrated. Contents, inter alia: Ori,t,'in of the parish — Vestry minutes and church- wardens' accounts — Henefactions an I charities — Endowments of charities — Number of inhabited houses, population, etc., (ISOl) —Number of paupers — V.dnatioii of p:o|)erties (1844-61). Mason ^Thomas) Catalogue of hooks and docnments belonging to til'- liojal I'ai-ish of St. ^lartin-in-the-Fiehls. Coni|)iled by '1'. Mason. Pi-inted for the Vestry, 1895. 8vo, pp. vi., S7. /SVe St. ^lartin-in the-Fields, Paiisli <){. A register of baptisms, mairiagos, and bui-ials in tlio parish of St. Martin-in- the-Fiel.l> from 1550 to 1G19. Kdited hy T. Mason, 1899. 8vo. Massachusetts Examinations by the State Jirntrd of Health of tilt' wato- supplies and inland wateis of Masisachusetts, 1887-90. Parti.: Report on water suj)ply and sewerage. Boston, J 890. 8vo, pp. xviii.. 857. ^laps. 203 Massachusetts — continued. Re])ort of a general plan for the piuiuotiou of public and pei'sonal liealtli by the commissionei\s ap})ointed undei' a resolve of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to a sani- tary survey of the State. Boston, 1850. 8vo, pp. 544. Mathesoa (Ewinof) Works in iron bridge and roof structures London, 1877. 8vo, pp. xvi., 343. Mathews (William) The influence of taxation on rent. London, [1885.] 8vo. A paper I'ead at the Surveyors' lustitutioii and discu^siuu thereon, com prising vol. 17, parts ix., xii., of the transactions of the institution. — On the taxation of real property. London [1886.] 8vo. A paper read at the Surveyors' Institution, ami discussion thereon, com- prising: vol. I'S. parts ix., x., of the transactions of the institution. Mathieson (Frederic Coxhead) and Sons Stock Exchange values : a decade of finance, 1885 to 1895. The introduction, witli statistics and diagrams, by S. F. Van Oss . . . The charts and tables compiled by F. C. Mathieson and Sons. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. cxxviii., 194. Contents: Introductory — Position at the end of 1884 — Review of each year from 188.5 to 1891 inclusive — The course of trade, 1881-1894 — Silver — •'New capital created" — The money market — Government and municipal securities — Colonial securities — Foreign government securities — Home railway stocks — American railways —Foreign and colonial--Miscellaneous securities — Charts of prices, 188.")-1894 — Yearly highest and lowest prices, dates when they occurred, and extreme fluctuations of every securit}- officially quoted on the Stock Exchange. Matthews (Nathan) City government of Boston : a valedictory address to the members of the Citv Council, January 5, 1895. Boston, 1895. 8vo, pp. 289. Matthews (William) Hydraulia; an historical and descriptive account of the waterwoi'ks of London, and the contrivances for supplying other great cities, in different ages and countries. London, 1835. 8vo, pp. xx., 454. Contents, iiitci- alUi : Modes of supplying London prior to AVilliam I., and during Henry II. — Sites of the fountains — Construction of Conduits — Hampstead Water-works — Lambe'.s Conduit^Situations of tlie conduit- heads— Destruction of the conduits by tlie Great Fire, 16(1^ — Uemaiiis of one at r.ayswat'r — Projects to remedy defective su|)ply — UussePs scheme — Morice's first Water-wlieel at London Bridge — (xenebelli's |)r(^posal— Pevis Bulmar's horse engine at Broken Wharf — New River — Plans of Forde and Sir W. Roberts — London Bridge Water- works Company— Southwark Water- works — York Buildings' Works — Mary-la-bonne Springs — Marcliant's Water- works — Company of St. Alban's Waters — Chelsea Water-works — -West Middlesex Water- works — Grand Junction Water-works — Shadwell and Westham Water-woiks— East London Water-works — Lambeth Water-works — South Londim Water-works — Scheme for conveying water to Southwark from the River Wandle — Thames Water Company — Publication of •• The Dolphin." Maps, plates, etc., inter alia : Yiewsof conduit-head at Bayswater — London Bridge Water-works — ]\Iap of the New River and River Lea — Ma[) showing the sites of the water-works that supply the western portion of tlie Metro- polis — -Maps shovv'ing ]\Ir. Telford's scheme for supplying water to Ijondon, north of the Thames, from the River Verulam, above Watford, and Southwark from the River Wandle. 204 Maunder (Samuel) Treasury of knowledge and library of reference. London, 1886. 8vo, \)\). \\., 899. Maw (William Henry' Recent practice in marine engineering. Loudon, l^b3. -ito, 2 vols. Plates. Maxwell ( George) An essay on drainage and navigation, occasioned 1)V the scheme now in agitation for improving the outfall of the Kivcr Oqsc. l\'terl)or()Ugh, [1792.] -ito, ])p. 15. Maxwell (Sir Peter Benson) On the interpretation of statutes. Ldudoii, 1875. 8vo, p}). xxxii., 458. The same. Second edition. London, 1883. 8vo, pp. li., 688. Maxwell (William H.) The removal and disposal of town refuse. London, 1898. 8vo, ])]). x., 372. May (Sir Thomas Erskine) Treatise on the law, i)rivi leges, jn-oceedings, and usage of Parliament. Seventh edition. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. xxvi., 861. The same, eighth edition. London, 1879. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 888. The .same, ninth edition. London, 1883. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 950. The same, tenth edition. London, 1898, 8vo, i)p. xlii, 898. Mayer (^Svlvain) A code of the law of rating and procedure on a]i|)f:il. w illi an appendix containing all the statutes — including tlie Agricultural Hates Act, 189(3 — fully annotated, and speci- mens of valuations made for the purposes of rating. London, 1897. 8vo, ])p. xxxiv, 558. Mayet CP.) Agricultural insurance in organic connection with savings hanks, land credit, and the commutation of debts. Translated from the (Jei-man by the Jlev. Arthnr Lloyd. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. x\x., 388 ; xxviii., 9 folded sheets. 'I'liis work deals wirli tlic question as it affects tlie Japanese lubourer. The fliTiiiaii c-ilitioii was |>ut)Hslicii at Tokyo, in 1,S8'\ MayheW (^Henryj London labour and tlie Loinhm ])ooi-; a cyclo- ji;e(li;i of tlic condition and earnings of those that will work, those that cannot work, and those that will not work. London, 1«61-G2. 8vo, 4 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. (iil>. iv., 491): The London street-folk, eom])risin.i; street sellers, street buyers, street tinders, street performers, street arliz.ius, street laV)Ourer«. Vol. II. rpp. •'il2) : The London street folk (continued). Vol. ill. (pp. ■H2) : 'J'lie London sireet-iolk ((Mntinued). Vol. IV. (pp. xl., .".lit) : Tho.se thai will not, work ; cornprisinir prostitutes. thieves, swindlers, begfrars ; with introductory essay on the agencies at j.resent in operation in the metropolis for the suppres-iion of vice and crime, bv the Kev. William Tuckniss. Appendix (maps and tablesj. 205 Mayhew (Henry) and John Binney The criminal prisons of Loudon and scenes of pi'ison life. London, 1862. 8vo. pp. xii., 634. Plates. Contents : Introduction — Professional London — Legal London — Adminis- tration of the criminal law — Convict prisons of London— Correctional prisons nf I.omlon — Dctentioual prisons nf London. Medley (George W.) l^air trade unmasked ; or, notes on the minority report of the Royal Comnr'ssion on the depression of trade and industiy. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. 95. Meeson (Roger) and William Newland Welsby Report of cases argued and determined in the courts of Exchequer and Exchequer chamber. London, 1837-49. 8vo, 16 vols., and index. Meitzen (August) History, theory, and technique of statistics. Translated, with an introduction, by R. P. Falkner. Philadelphia, 1891. 8vo, pp. 243. Supplement to the "Annals oE the American Academy of political and social science," March, 1891. Melbourne, Corporation of the City By-laws, regulations, etc., 1843-95, Melbourne. [1895.] 8vo, pp. 318, and index. Proceedings of Council, 1896-97. Melbourne, 1897. Folio, [not continuously paged.] Report in regard to the health, cleanliness, and general sanitary state of tlie city for the year 1897. Melbourne, 1898. Folio, pp. [7.] Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works Analyses of accounts, under the headings of water supply, sewerage and general, for each of the years 1891-92 to 1896-97. Melbourne, 1898. Oblong folio, pp. 15. Chairman's report, 1895 to 1900-01. Melbourae, 1897- 1901. 8vo, (continuing). Notice papers, minutes, returns, reports and memoranda. 1891-92 to 1900-01. Melbourne, 1892-1901. Folio, {contmmmj). The volume for the year 1808-99 is wanting. Sewerage scheme. Melbourne, 1900. Folio, pp. 86. Plates. Melbourne Harbor Trust Reports of commissioners for the years 1897, 1898, 1900. Melbourne, 1898-1901. Folio (continuing). The volume for the year 1899 is wanting. Melbourne Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board Annual reports, 1897, 1898, 1900. iAlelbourne, 1898-1901. Folio, {continuing). 206 Mellor (Francis Hamilton) See Short (K. H.) and F. H. Mcllor The practice on the Crown side of the Queen's Bench Division of Her :Majesty's Hi.s^h Court of Justice. 1890. 8vo. Melsheimer (Rudolph Eyre) Coroners Acts, 1887 and 1892, with forms and precedents. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. xix., 264. Merewether (.Henry Alworth) and Archibald John Stephens 'i'hc history of the borouglis and municipal corporations of the United King-dom, from the earliest to the present time, witli an examination of records, charters and other documents, illustra- tive of their constitution and powers. London, 1835. 8vo,3 vols. Merivale (John Herman) Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in the IIIliIi Court of Chancery, 1815-1817. London, 1815-19. 8vo, 3 vols. Merrian i Augustus C.) 'J'l^c Greek and Latin inscriptions on tlie (ilu'Iisk-crab i)i the Metropolitan Museum, New York. New York, 1883. 8vo, pp. 49. Metropolitan Asylums Board Annual report, 1898-1900. London, 1899-1901. 8vo, {continuing). Contents : Vol. I. : Reports of tlic Board ami Committees. Vol. H. : Report of the Statistical Committee. Tn a pocket at the cml of Vol. II. are citrht maps locating Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria, PJuteric, Smallpox, ami Typhus Fever cases in liOmlon during the year. The minutes and proceedings of the Managers, 1871-1902. [London], 1871-1902. Folio, {continuing). Reports of the Chairman of the Board for the years 1890-92. London, 3890-92. Folio, 3 vols. Reports of the Statistic-al Committee and the IMedical Superintendent of the infecti(nis hospitals and imbecile asylums; also of the ambulance and training ship " Fxmouth " Committees, for the years 1891-97. London, 1892-98. 8vo, 8 vols. The Report of the Statistical Comniittco aflcr 181t7 is continued as Vol. 11. of the Aiuiual Report. In a pocket at thcend of cacli rci)ort are mai)s f(}r certain zymotic diseases. Metropolitan Board of Works. Annual Reports. Annnal i-epoi-ts, 1855-88. London, 1857-89. Folio and Svo, 10 vols. [Another copy.] 1855-58. London, 1857-59. Folio, 3 vols. [Another copy.] 1871-87. London, 1872-78. Svo, 207 Metropolitan Board of Works— continued. Bridges. Extract fi'oni report of Committee of Works and Improve- ments, on tlie plan of the Cliaring- Cross Bridge Conipiiny, for converting tli3 present foot bridge into one for general traflic. 1857. 8vo, pp. 6. • Report by engineer . . . relative to railway ])ridges in course of construction. 1872. 8vo, pp. 1(1 Report made to the Works and General Purposes Com- mittee by the Sub-Committee appointed to consider the question of freeing the bridges in the Metropolis from toll. 1874. 8vo, pp. A. Report by Sir J. W. Bazalgette upon the position, character, and cost of a pi-oposed bridge over the Thames below London Bridge ; with appendices. 1878. 8vo, pp. 10 ; folding tables, maps, plan.s, and views. Metropolis Toll Bridges Act, 1877. Proceedings on arbitration in the matter of Deptford Creek Bridge Company V. The Metropolitan Board of Works. 1879. Folio, pp. 297. Programme and plan of route for the procession on the occasion of the opening, free of toll, of Lambeth, Vanxhall, Chelsea, the Albert, and Battersea Bridges, by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, on the 24th May, 1879. "^Also a short descriptive account of each of the bridges. 1879. 8vo, pp. 10. Metropolitan bridges. Report by Sir J. W. Bazalgette, as to repairs urgently necessary. 1880. 8vo, pp. 18. Official programme and plan of route for the royal pro- cession on the occasion of the opening free of toll of Wands- worth, Putney — otherwise Fulham — and Hammersmith bridges by T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, on the 26th June, 1880 ; and a short descriptive account of each of the bridges. 1880. 8vo, pp. 10. Metropolitan Bridges Act, 1881. Putney Bi-idge. Reports by the engineer, the solicitor, and the superintending architect. 1881. 8vo, pp. 4. Bye-laws for the management and regulation of the bridges and embankments under the control of the Board. 1884. Folio, pp. 4. Description of I'utney Bridge ; [with] the i)rogramme to be observed on laying' the stone in the southern abutment by the Prince and Princess of Wales, 12th July, 1884. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. 9, and map. Plan of the royal route and programme of the proceedings on the occasion of the opening on the 29th May, 1886, by T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, of the new bridge connecting' Fulham and Putney. 1886. 8vo, pp. 9. 208 Metropolitan Board of Works— continued. Bridges — continued. — Openinc: f>f Hammersmith Bridge and laying of a. memorial stone in Uattcrsea Bridge by H.R.H. Prince Albert Victor of Wales on the 18th June, 1887. Programme of the proceedings witli plan and description of the bridges. 1887. Svo, pp. 9. Uuilway bi-idges. Four reports I)}' the engineer on I'ailway bridges. 1868-9. 8vo. Lines of communication. See infra : Comnmnications. Building Act. Annual reports on the examination of the monthly returns of district surveyors, with abstract of fees received, 1856-68, 1871-79, 1881-87. London, 1857-88. 8vo. Report on the duties of the Board under the Meti'opolitan Building Act. 185G. 8vo, pp. 7. Memorial from the District Surveyors' Association and extract from report thereon of committee under the Building Act and fm- Genei^al Pui^poses. 1857. 8vo, pp. 12. Ashby and othei\s v. "Woodthorpe. [A i-eport by the solicitor.] 1863. Svo, pp. 2. List of district surveyors under the Building Act. 1865. 8vo, pp. Retnrn tif district sui'veyors under Metropolitan IJuilding Act, 1855. sliowing the situation and condition of their offices and the time and mode of transacting the business of the respective districts. 1865. 8vo, pp. 9. Retui-n of the number of appointments of special snr veyors, where the district surveyor is engaged in supeiintending the erection of ])nildingK in his own district. 1865. Svo, pp. 8. Menioiunduni \>y the ai'chitcct relative to management of districts under the Building Act. 1866. Svo, pp. 25. Report of the sub-committee on the management of districts and payment of salaries under the Metropolitan Building Act. 1^07. Svo, pp. 9. Draft of a Bill to amend Metropolitan Building Act, 1855. London, 1869. Svo, pp. 3. MetrojKjlis ^fanagement and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878. Reference book. [1878.] Folio, pp. 46. 209 Metropolitan Board of Works— cotdinued. Building Act — continued. ■ Metropolis Management and Building Acts Amendment Act, 1878. Regulations. [1878.J Folio, pp. 5. — Metropolis Management and iiuilding Acts (Amend- ment) Act, 1882. Report of the solicitoi- on certain sections of tlie Act wliicli liHve been referred to the Building Act Committee. 1882. 8vo, ])p. 6. Concrete hnilduujs. Report by architect and J. Gi'ant on concrete walls for houses. 1867. 8vo, pp. 6. Report of the solicitor, and revised draft bye-laws i-elating to concrete buildings. 1886. 8vo, pp. 5, and addenda. Dangerous structures. ■ Correspondence and report by architect regarding the draft Dangerous Structures Bill. 1869. 8vo, pp. 5. Report by the architect on the Dangerous Structures Act. 1869. 8vo, pp. 8. Retui-n by architect as to dangerous structures in Metropolis for two years ended 30th September, 1871. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. 10.' Metropolis Management and Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1882. Reports of the solicitor and of the superintending architect on section 17 of the above-mentioned Act relative to dilapidated and neglected buildings. 1882. 8vo, pp. 6. Report by the accountant submitting table of fees and charges relating to dangerous structui'es. 1884. 8vo, pp. 5 Bye-Laws, Rules and Orders. Bye-laws, general rules and orders made by the Board for regulating their proceedings, etc.; also, the bye-laws for regulating parks and open spaces, tramways, slaughter-houses, etc. 1868. 8vo, pp. xiv., G6. Bye-laws, etc. 1876. 8vo, pp. 147. General rules and ordei\s. 1877. 8vo, pp. 20. Bye-laws, etc. 1882. 8vo, pp. 164. Bye-laws made under the Metropolis Local Management and other Acts. 1887. 8vo, pp. 19 See : Bridges ; Parks and open spaces — Regulations. Cholera. Rei)ort by engineer and Mr. T. W. Keates relative to sanitary pi-ecautions with regard to the sewers, in view of the possible appearance of cholera in the Metropolis. 1873. 8vo, pp. 4. o [L.C. 9 210 Metropolitau Board of Wovks— continued. Coal and Wine Duties. Letter fi-om the Treasury on the subject of the coal and wine duties and the lioard's future financial policy, together with tlie Boai'd's re])ly. 1888. 8vo, pp. 4. The coal and wine dues : showing the effect upon the rates of the Metropolis if the same are abolished, etc. 1886. 8vo. pp. 12. Communications. Communications between the north and south of the Thames behjw London liridge. Report by Sir .1. \V. Bazalgette. 1882. 8vo, pp. 2.5 ; 3 maps and separate plans. Report of the sub-committee on communications between the north and south sides of the Thames. 1882. 8vo, pp. 2 See infra : Tramways. Contagious Diseases (Animals). L.xtract fi'om report mach' l)y tlie committee api)ointcd by the Board to carry out tlie provisions of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act. 1873. 8vo, pp. 6. — Return showing amounts claimed and paid for compen- sation under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1869. 1875. Folio, single sheet. Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill, 1878. Extract from a report by the Special Purposes and Sanitary Com- mittee on the provisions of the Bill. 1878. 8vo, pp. 6. — — Pleuio-pneumonia in cattle : exti-act from the report on mun^ain in horned cattle, the public sale of diseased animals, and the effects of the c(msumption of their Hesh on liuman health, addiessed to the General Board of Health . . . and the report ... on the effect produced on the human system l)y the consumption of the flesh of cattle affected with j)leuro-])neumonia. 1880. 8vo, pp. 10. Pleuro-pneumonia in cattle : extra(;ts from various authoi-ities as to the fitness of the flesh for food. 1880, 8vo, pp. 20. Petition from eighty members of the Royal College oi Veterinaiy Sui-geons ... as to the a[)pointment of vetei-inar)' inspectois by the Board under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1878. 1886. 8vo, }>p. 7. Drainage and Sewerage. Coi-resjiondence between Captain Borstal and the engineer on tidal experiments, efr. 1856. 8vo, pp. 2. — Construction of ^letropolis Local Management Act in reference to contributions to cost of constructing main sewers in resj)ect of drainage of houses into such sewers. 1857. 8vo, pp. 8. 211 Metropolitan Board of Worlds— con fumed. Drainage and Sewerage — continued. Report oil the extension and covering of the sewer out- lets from hig-h to low water mark in the River Thames, hy J. W. Razalgette. 1858. 8vo, pp. 15, Report of Messrs. Stephenson, Field, Penn, Hawksley, Bidder and Bazalgette on the relative merits of the designs and tenders for pumping engines and machinery for raising sewage at the Deptford station, etc. 1859. 8vo, pp. 8. Re])ort by engineer on inci-eased value of materials and labour used in the main drainage works since the year 1858. 1863. 8vo, pp. 24, and folding table. Repoi't of the Main Drainage Committee on the evidence given before a committee of the House of Commons, on the sewage of the Metropolis, and some statements which have been made in the Metropolitan vestries and district boards in reference thei'eto. [1865 ?] 8vo, pp. 23. ■ Report on an ins]iection of manui'e and chemical works in the neighbourhood of tlio noi-thern and southern outfalls, by Dr. Letheby and the engineer. 1865. 8vo, pp. 7. Letter from . . . Lord Dufferin containing report by H. Briscoe ... on the nuisances arising to the inhabitants of Woolwich from the noxious effluvia emanating from the factories in that neighbourhood. 1866. 8vo, pp. 12. Report by engineer on the rainfall on 26th July, 1867 [and on the ca})acity of the sewers to carry off storm- water]. 1867. 8vo, pp. 9. Report by W. Dutchess as to schools, etc., at Crossness. 1867. 8vo, pp. 3. Reports by the engineer relative to the admission of the sewage of outlying districts into the area compi^ehended in the Board's jurisdiction. 1867. 8vo, pp. 8. Report by sub-committee on the same subject, and as to the present condition of the main drainage funds. 1868. Svo, pp. 7, and plan separately. Reports of the engineer and solicitor on the application of Mr. Webster for payment of interest in respect of his account for the works of the southern outfall ; letter of ^h: Webster and clauses of the contract relating to the question. 1872. Svo, pp. 11. Return showing the number of persons emi»loyed in the Board's sewers, and the number attacked by fevei", etc. 1872. 8vo, pp. 16. Thames Sewerage Commission Bill. Abstract of clauses prepared by the solicitor. 1872. 8vo, pp. 4. 02 212 Metropolitan Board of Works— contimced. Drainage and Sewerage — continued. Statement by Dr. Pink of the cases of illness which have occun-ed at the De])tford pumping station during the year ending 1st August, 1878. 1874. 8vo, single sheet. Report by solicitor on certain questions submitted to him relative to liability to provide additional drainage. 1874. 8vo, pp. 5. Statement bv l)r. Pink of the cases of illness Avhich have occurred at the Deptford Pumping Station during the year ended 1st August, 1874. 1874. 8vo, pp. 2. Statement by Dr. Pink of the cases of illness which have occurred at the Deptford Pumping Station during the year ended 1st August, 1877. 1877. 8vo, pp. 6. Ketum . . . showing the number of men employed by the Board as flushers, &c., who have been temporarily invalided dui-ing the past two years. 1878. 8vo, pp. 3. Report ... on a visit to the sewage works at Sheffield, and also a report . . . upon the sewage works at Bradford 8vo, pp. 9. Main drainage generally. Report by engineer on extension of drainage outfalls north and south of the river. 1856. 8vo, pp. 8, and plans. Kepoi-t by engineer on whole question of northern and southern drainage, etc. 1856. 8vo, pp. 12, and plan. Report of deputation appointed to confer with the First Commissioner of Works on intercepting sewers. 1856. 8vo, pp. 7, and plan. Observations by Captain D. Galton and J. Simpson, Esq., in reply to objections of !Meti-opolitan Board to i-eport of referees on main drainage. 1857. 8vo, pp. 24, and plans. Questions put to Mr. J. W. Bazalgette ... by A. Wiight, Esq., at a meeting of the Board held at Guildhall . . . on 2nd October, 1857, with ^\v. Bazalgette's answers thereto. 1857. 8vo, pp. 14. Repoi*t of proceedings at a conference on main drainage of the Metropolis. 1857. 8vo, pp. 39. Letter from Alfred Austin, PJsq., transmitting a further communication from Cyaj)tain Calton and James Simpson, Esq., on the main drainage. 1858. 8vo, pp. 7. Main di-ainage in the Metropolis : Mr. Bazalgette's replies to questions put to him by A. Wright, Esq., at the Board held on June 2nd, 1858. 1858. 8vo, pj). 8. 21 n Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Drainage and Seweragfr — Main drainage generally — continued. ■ — Main di-ainap-e of Metropolis : report by engineei' on arrangements proposed for constructing main drainage and intercepting sewers. 1858. 8vo, pp. 52, tables and plan. Report of the deputation appointed by the Board to submit the plan of main intercepting drainage to the First Commissioner of Her Majesty's Works, &c., and letter from the Chairman of the Board to the Fii-st Commissioner, etc. 1858. 8vo, pp. 15. Report of engineer on completion and improvement of the main sewers. 1863. 8vo, pp. 30. Report of engineer on works necessary for completion and improvement of the main sewers, arranged in order of urgency. 1864. 8vo, pp. 6. Main drainage north of the Thames. Letter on behalf of Mr. B. Dixon complaining of injury sustained by him from the use made of his private sewer at Norway Wharf, Limehouse ; together with the engineei^'s repoi't thereon. 1856. 8vo. pp. 7, and map. Report by engineer on the sewage interception and main drainage north of the Thames. 1856. 8vo, pp. 26, folding tables and plans. Memorandum by the chief engineer on Mr. G. Gurney's report . . . upon the sewers in the neighbourhood of the Houses of Parliament. 1857. 8vo, pp. 8. Report of the engineer of the Board on memorial from the vestry of the parish of Islington, complaining of the pre- sent condition of the open Hackney Brook sewer, and praying thai the same may be covered in. 1858. 8vo, pp. 8, and two maps. Letter from Ml-. Henchman . . . relative to the con.struc- tion of the King's Scholars' Pond, and other sewers, and report by the engineer thereon. 1865. 8vo, pp. 7. Report by the engineer of the Board on the interception of the sewers within the city of London, and a report upon the same subject made to the City Commissioners of Sewers by their engineer and surveyor. 1872. 8vo, pp. 14. Report of the engineer on the frequent overflow of the Fleet sewer. 1872. 8vo, single sheet. Main drainage western pumping station : descriptive statement issued on the occasion of laving the foundation stone. 1873. 8vo, pp. 7. Main drainage western pumping station : descriptive statement issued on occasion of opening. 1875. 8vo, pp. 8. ■2]'[ Metropolitan Board of Wor'ks- ronfinneil Drainage and Sewerage — Main drainage north of the Thames — contd. Report by engineer on . . . main sewer in Queen's-road, Dalston. 1875. Svo, pp. 2. and map. Report bv entrineer on . . . main sewer on Bai-nett-gi'ove estate, Bcthnal-green. 1875. 8v(), pp. 4. Report of sub-committee of Works and General Purposes Committee to consider . . . admission of sewage cf West Ham into metropolitan system, and report by engineer on the subject. 1875. 8vo, pp. 8, and map. Stateinent with reference to questions pending between Board and Ironmongers' Company as to certain hind at West Ham. 1875. 8vo, single sheet. Reports by the engineer and the solicitor on the applica- tion of Mr. Hambi-idge, for permission to drain his property at Tottenham into the sewer at Hornsey. 1876. 8vo, pp. 5. General description and progress of the sewage precipi- tation woiks at the northern outfall, Balking Creek. 1887. Svo, pp. 2. Main drainage south of the Thames. — ■ Report by engineer on extension of main outfall sewer from Plumstead marshes to Long Reach. 1856. 8vo, pp. 4, and plan. Report by engineer on the sewage interception and main drainage south of the Thames, 1856. 8vo, pp. 21, folding tables and plans. Extract from report of Main Drainage Committee relative to claim for compen.sation bv Mr. Howard, Woolwich. 1860. Svo, pp. 4. Report by engineer as to continuation of covered sewer in lieu of open Kffi-a sewer. 1862. Svo, ])p. 4. Report by engineer on boring operations at Crossness jMimjiing station. 1868. Svo, pp. 17, and plans. Reports by engineer on the same subject. 1869. Svo, pp. 20 and plan. Further report l)y engineer on the same subject. 1869. Svo, pp. 6. Kepoit Ijy Sfdicitor relative to jn-oposed .sewage operations at Wimbledon. 1872. Svo, single sheet. Report by engineer and correspondence with Messrs. Thomas Docwni and Son, relative to theii- alleged inability, for reasons stated, to proceed with the boring at Cros.sness. 1S73. Svo, pp. 17. 215 Metropolitan Board of Works- '•oj(/////(''(/. Drainage and Sevrersige ^Ma in drainage south of the Thames— conid. ■ lleport by solicitor relative to proposed sewage operations at Wimbledon. 187:}. 8vo, pp. 10. Repoi't by sub-committee on supply of water at Crossness pumping station. 1874. 8vo, pp. 4. — Report by the engineer on a letter from tlie Wandswortli district board as to di.scharL'ini'- surface waters int(i the IJeverley Brook. 1879. 8vo, pp. 4. Crossness Pumping Station. Visit of the Works and Genei-al Pur|wses Committee on view 17th July, 1886 : description by the engineer and the chemist of the pumping station and the sewage experiments. 1886. 8vo, pp. 7. Report by the engineer upon the section of the southern outfall sewer between Blue-stile and Stockwell-street. 1888. 8vo, pp. G. Ventilation of sewers. Report by the engineer and Dr. W. A. INIiller on experi- ments with respect to the ventilati(m of sewers through charcoal ventilators. 186t). 8vo, pp. 22. Repoit by the engineei' on experiments witli respect to the ventilation of sewers. 1866. 8vo, pp. 13. Report by the engineer on the ventilation of sewers. 1866. 8vo, pp. 27. — Further report by the engineer on the ventilation of sewers. 18GS). 8vo, pp. 6. Extract from a i-eport by the committee on ventilation of sewers. 1872. 8vo, pp. 6. Ventilation of sewers : further report by the engineer. 1882. 8vo, pp. 6. Epping Forest. Report on the Epping Forest Bill and the Metage on Grain (Port of London) Bill about to be introduced into Parliament ]»y tlie Corporation of the City of London. 1872. 8\'o, }tp. 7. Address of Mr. Douglas Straight to the Commissioners under the Epping Forest Act, 1871, on the part of the Afetro- politan Board of Works. 1874. 8vo, pp. 96. Report by solicitor on scheme of Epping Forest Com- missioners. 1876. 8vo, pp. 6. Further repoit by solicitor on same subject. 1876. 8vo, pp. 6. 21(1 Metropolitan Board of Works— c. 1879. 8vo, pp. 5. Fires. Letter from secretary of Biigade to Sir G. Gi-ey; [and] repent of the sub-committee of the London tire engine estab- lishment. 1862. 8vo, ])p. 16. Con-espondence between *he Secretary of State for the Home Department and the chairman of the Board, on the suljjfct of the establishment of an improved system for the protection of life and pi(ii)erty agaiubt tiie in the Metio])olis. 1H()3. 8vo, pp. l:{. • Suggestions by Captain Shaw, foi- tlic ])rotection of the Metropolis from fiie, pending permanent arrangements. 1865. 8vo, i»j). 6. Ca))tain Shaws lea.sons for caiiying out his scheme for the protection of tlie Metropolis fiom tire at a cost of £50,0(JO a jear. 1866. 8vo, pj). 8. 210 Metropolitan Board of Works— '-onfmaed. Fires — confinucd. Extract from report of the Fire Brigade Committee, relative to the })rotection of life from fire being- undertaken by the Board. 1867. 8vo, pp. 10. Pai'ticulars of the staff, station.s, and machinery, revenue and expenditure, of tlie Royal Society for tlic Protection of Life fi'om Fire ; together with a statement of the terms pro- ])Osed by the Society for the transfer of the whole of the property to the Board. 1867. 8vo, pp. 15. Further particulai-s . . . referred to in the statement of the terms proposed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Life from Fire, etc. 18G7. 8vo, pp. 13. Amended ])r()posal for the transfer of the staff and property of the Royal Society foi- the Protection of Life from Fire to the Board. 1867. 8vo, pp. 4. Instructions concerning branches and nozzles, by Captain E. M. Shaw. 1868. Svo, pp. 23, and 9 folding plans. Instructions for the use and management of fire escapes and the rescue of life from fire. [1868. J 8vo, pp. 53. Instructions concerning air and. water, by Captain E. M. Shaw. 1869. 8vo, pp. 61. Fires Bill : extract from votes of 7th June, 1871. 1872. 8vo, pp. 4. • Report by the chief officer of the Fire Brigade on the fire in Rotherhithe-street on 14th December, 1871. 1872. 8vo, pp. 7. • Reports by the chief officer of the Metrojiolitan Fire Brigade on the localities in which further protection from fire appears to be needed. 1872, 8vo, pp. 8. • Reports by the solicitor on the Fires Bill. 1872. 8vo, pp. 4. — Report by the chief officer of the Fire Brigade on the protection from fire of the City of London. 1878. Svo, pp. 4. • Report of the Works and General Purposes Committee on the protection of the City of London from fire. 1878. 8vo, pp. 4. ■ Report of the Fii'e Brigade Committee on the protection from fire of the City of London. 1881. 8vo, pp. 10. ■ Inquiiy into causes oi fires. Letter from the Secretary of State, with draft bill suggested by Mr. W. J. Payne, Coroner for London and Southwark. 1883. 8vo, pp. 7. Fire Brigade. Annual report.^ of the chief officer of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade on the state of the Brigade and the fires in London. 1866-68,1871-76,1879-87. London, 1867-1888. Svo. 220 Metropolitau Board of Works — continued. Fires — Fire Brigade — coiitinuetl. Report of the Snb-Coniniittee mi the new permanent stations to be provided for the Fire Brigade, etc. 1866. 8vo, J)]). 7. - Repoi-t to the Fire Brigade Committee ... on the Hec*ommo(hition to be provided at the several pi'oposed Fire Brigade stations. 1866. 8vo, pp. 7. Return shewiii"- tlic number of Fire Briarade stations erected by the Board, and the cost thereof, and tlie present couditicm of the stations now in course of erection. 1868. Folio, single sheet. Comparative cost of stations constructed by direction of the File Brigade Committee. 1869. 8vo, pp. 3. Re])oit on the Board's present engagements in the matter of building and altering Fire Brigade stations. 1869. 8vo, pp. -i. Invontoiy of fire engines, etc., belonging to Metropolitan Fire Biigade in April, 1872. 1872. Folio, pp. 9. Report of Fire Brigade Committee relative to pay of engineci's and firemen. 1872. 8vo, pp. 6. Menioi'ial of the officers and men of the Metropolitan Fii-e Brigade, praying the Board to adopt a scale of jjcnsions for the Brigade. 1874. 8v^o, pp. 5. — Retuins bv the chief officer of the Metropolitan Fii-e Bi-igade showing the mortality, etc., amongst the men employed in the liiigade. 1874. Folio, pp. 4. Rej)ort by accountant on a superannuation fund for the Fire Brigade. 1875. 8vo, ])p. 7. Report of snb-committee on Fire Brigade superannuation. 1876. 8vo, pp. 4. Fire Brigade : repoit on the conclusions ariived at by the Select Committee of the House of Commons. 1877. 8v(), pp. 16. Statement relative to .special duties for which men receive extra pay. 187K. 8vo, pp. 6. 'J'elegi-apbic commnnicatioii l)C'l\veen the stations of llie Fire Brigade and Police : report by the chief officer of the Fire ]'>rigade. 1878. 8vo, p|.. 20. Rc]io)-t by the chief officer on the services rendered and payment.i i-cceived by the r)fficei\s of tlie Jirigade outside the limits of theii- duty ; also copy of evidence as to hours of firemen's duty, given at an infjuest held on 15th May, 1886, witli respect to a fatal fire at l>eak-street. 1886. 8vo, pp. 9. 221 Metropolitan Board of Works—continued. Fires — contitiued. Fires prevention in theatres. Prev'cntiou of lire in tlicutres. Report by the chief officer of the Fire Brigade on the (condition of various theatres in London. 1882. 8vo, jjp. 93; 370. Gaiety Theatre. Remark.s on the observations of the manager and architect on the replies which they liave made to Captain Shaw's report. 1882. 8vo, pjj. 7. Opera Comique Theatre. Observations on the report of Captain Shaw ... by Mr. C. J. Phipps, architect, etc. 1882. 8vo, pp.,6. — Opera Comique Theatre. Remarks on the reply to Captain Shaw's report, etc. 1882. 8vo, pp. 5. Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. Observations on the report of Captain Shaw ... by Mr. E. Gye. 1882. 8vo, pp. 19. Covent Garden Theatre. Remarks on the manager's replies to Captain Shaw's report. 1882. 8vo, pp. 8. Vaudeville Theatre. Observations on the report of Captain Shaw ... by Mr. C. J. Phipps, etc. 1882. 8vo, pp. 8. Vaudeville Theatre. Remarks on the observations of the architect, by Captain Shaw. 1882. 8vo, pp. 6. Waterside fires. — Suggestions by the chief officer of the Metropolitan Fire Bi'igade for effecting a saving in the annual cost of the ar- rangements for extinguishing fires on the river side. 1874. 8vo, pp. 3. Waterside fires : reports by the chief officer of the Fire Brigade, on the subject of the floating fire engines, etc. 1880. 8vo, pp. 8. Water supply at fires. - — ■ Memorandum by the superintending architect, as to the means of providing fire-plugs in the Metropolis, with further suggestions by Captain Shaw . . . and correspondence with water companies. 1866. 8vo, pp. 39, and 3 folding plans. Letter from Fast London Water Company as to provision of hydi-ants for use in extinguishing tires, and report by solicitor of the Board and chief officer of the Fire Brigade on the subject generally. 1873. 8vo, pp. 5. Report made to the Works and General Pur{)oses Com- mittee by the chairman of the Board and the deputy-chairman of the Committee, on the subject of hydrants for extinguishing fires. 1874. 8vo, pp. 4. •)•)•) Metropolitau Board of W oiks— continued. Fires — Water supply at fires — continued. Fire liydi-ants : notes relating to water supply and fire extinguishing service of Manchester and Liverpool. 1875. 8vo, ]ip. 29, and plans. Letter addres.sed bv order of Fire Brigade Committee to all ^letiopolitan water companies ajid replies to same. 1875. 8vo. ])p. 8 ; 10. Letter addressed to town clerks of Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Glasgow, on subj<'ct of use of hydi'ants in extinguishing tires, and absti-act of replies. 1875. 8vo, pp. 8. Report of Works and General Pui'po.ses Committee upon hydrants for extinguishing fires. 1876. 8vo, pp. 8. Report by Sir J. W. Bazalgette . . . upon the best means of pi-oviding an efficient sup])ly of water for extin- guishing tires, and for other purposes, and appendix. 1877. 8vo, pp. 17. Water jets for extinguishing fires : experiments at Grays, Essex. 1877. 8vo, pp. 4. Water jets for extinguishing fires : report by Sir J. W. Bazalgette, etc. 1877. 8vo, pp. 26. Report by Sir J. W. Bazalgette and Mr. F. J. Bramwell, upon experiments . . . with hydrants in the City of London. 1878. 8vo. ])p. 6. Fish Market Sites. Fish market sites : re])ort by the engineer and superin- tending architects. 1881. 8vo, pp. 9, and folding table. Supplemental report by the engineer and superintending architect, with estimates and further details. 1881. 8vo, j.p. 89. Floods. R{'i)oi-t bv s()li(4tor relative to inundations bv hiyh tides or the river Thames. 1874. 8vo, pp. 4. Repoi-t by engineer relative to complaints of Hooding diiring pei-iods of heavy lainfalls in the districts of Mile End- road, liurdett-i'oad, etc. 1875. 8vo, ])p. 7, and map. Report by Sii" J. W. Bazalgette, on the overflow of the Thames on 2nd January, 1877. 1877. 8vo, pp. 6. Report by the engineer oti letters from the Wandsworth District Boanl relative to floodings in that district. 1877. 8vo, pp. 4. Drainage of Quaggy and Ravensbourne districts : report by the solicitoi-. 1878. 4to, pj). 6. 223 Metropolitan Board of Works -continued. Floods — cdHtinucd. Keport by Sir J. W. Bazalf^X'ttt', on i lie suljjt'et ui' lloudiiigs from rainfall on the 10th and lltli Ajml, 1878. London, 1878. 8vo, pp. 18. Prevention. Report by cngineei- as to works necessary to protect the Metropolis from inundations by the overflow of the river Thames, and report by the solicitor on the subject. 187G. 8vo, pp. 9. Report on Thames River (Prevention of Floods) IJill. 1876. 8vo, pp. 5. ■ Report by the engineer, submitting sclicdules showing the result of the letter addressed to Avhartingers and othei-s suggesting the desirability of raising the level of the wharves along the banks of the river Thames, so as to prevent a recurrence of the overflow. 1877. 8vo, pp. 48. Report by the solicitor on the question of the powers of existing bodies to take steps for preventing fluodings in the Thames. 1877. 8vo, pp. 5. Metropolis Management (Thames River Prevention of Floods) Amendment Act, 1879. Analysis of the Act, prepared by the solicitor. 1879. 8vo, pp. 10. Report hy Sir J. W. Bazalgette as to the progress made by the Board under the Thames River (Prevention of Floods) Act, 1879, to the 24th May, 1882. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. 3. Housing of the Working Classes. Analysis, by solicitor, of Artizans' Dwellings Act, 1875. 1875. 8vo, pp. 9, and folding plans. ■ Report by engineer and architect on an improvement scheme as applied to an unhealthy area adjoining Giay's Inn- road. 1875. 8vo, pp. 12, and plans. Report by engineer and architect on an improvement scheme as applied to an unhealthy area between Royal Mint- street and St. Katharines Docks, Whitechapel. 1875. 8vo, pp. 7. Report of Parliamentary Committee on Working Classes Dwellings Bill. 1875. 8vo, pp. 8. Report by solicitor on the operation and suggested amendment of the Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Act, 1868. 1876. 8vo, pp. 13. Further report by solicitor on the same subject. 1876. 8vo, pp. 4. 224 Metropolitan Board of Works— continued. Housing of the Working Classes — continued. Repoi'l; by solicitor, submitting an epitome of the opinions of ^Ii'. Joseph lirown and Mr. Everitt upon certain questions untk'r the Arti/.aiis' and Laboui'crs' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875. I87t). 8vo. pp. o. Repoi-t of the Woi-ks and General i'urposes Committee on ])roposed schemes under the Artizans' and Labourers' Dwrlliugs Impi'ovement Act, 1875. 1876. 8vo, ])p. 11. S^'nopsis by the solicitor of the piovisions of the Artizans' and Labourers' Dw.dlings Act, 1868. 1876. 8vo, pp. 13. ^Metropolitan Sti-eet Liiju'ovements Bill, 1877. Repoi-ts by the engineer and architect on the provision of accommo- dation for the labouring classes, to be dispossessed by the proposed improvements ; also, a I'ejjort by Mr. Grant, assistant engineer, on the accommodation ]n'ovided for the labouring classes in Glasgow. 1877. 8vo, pp. 23. Metropolitan iStreet Improvements Act, 1872: sites for working class dwellings. Statement of the Board's proceedings. 1S78. 8vo, pp. 7. Analysis of the Arti/ans' and Labourers' Dwellings Act (1868, Torrens) Amendment Act, 1879. 1879. 8vo, pp. 4. Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1875. Statement submitted by the Board to the Secretary of State foi- the lluiiie Department. 1879. 8vo, pp. 8. Artizans' Dwellings Act (1808) Extension Bill. Report of the solicitor and analysis of Bill. 1879. 8vo, pp. 10. Report by the solicitoi- on the subject of the draft agree ment between the Board and ihe Trustees of the Peabody Donation Fund, as to sites under tiie Artizans', etc.. Act, 1875. 1879. 8vo, pp. 7. Report by the superintending architect as to tenemental properties belonging to the Board, in connection with schemes under the Artizans', etc.. Act, 1875. 1879. 8vo, pp. (5. — Report by the su])erintending architect on an offer by the Ti-nstees of the Peab(jdy Donation Fund for sites under t lie Aitizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act, 1879. 1S79. 8vo, i)p. SW supra : Fires — Water supply at fires. Improvements. Report by committee on designs for subways in new streets in the Metropolis. 1858. 8vo, pp. 7. Report by engineer and architect on proposed subway under Covent Garden approach. 1860. 8vo, pp. 6. Extract from report of Sti-eets Committee, submitting copy of letter to Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, urging the laying down of water mains in the subway under Southwark-street, instead of bi-eaking up the thoroughfare for that pui'pose ; together with the reply of the Company thereto. 1865. 8vo, pp. i. P •22(j Metropolitan Board of Wov\s—couti)ntrd. Improvements — conloiui^il Report by solicitor :is to power of St. Olave's District lioard of Works to cai'ry oiil an iinprovemciit in Tooley-street under the existing law. 18()7. i^vo, pp. 7. Metropolis Management Acts, 1855 and ISOi! : dral't bye- law as to formation of streets in the Metropolis. 1869. 8vo, pp. 8. - Extract from '-The Metropolitan" newspaper of the 17th February. 1872, I'elating to metropolitan street improve- ments. 1872. 8vo, i^p. 0. — Jieport by the engineer in answer to objections to pro- posed metropolitan street improvements. 1872. 8vo, pp. 21. Return of amount of moneys paid by the Board towards the cost of local improvements in the Metropolis from 1st January, 185G, to 3Uth September, lb72. 1872. Folio, pp. 10. Returns fuimished by the vestries and district boards to the ^Metropolitan Board of Works of the works and improve- ments effected by them since the passing of the Metropolis Local Management Act. 1855. Jjondon. 1872. Folio, pp. 112. 3 tables. [Anpther co])y.j Report by solicitor on the legal effect whirli the decision in the case of McCarthy r. The Boaid in the House of Loi-ds will have upon the action of the Board in dealing with property affected by the several improvements. 1874. 8vo, pp. 6. Report of solicitor as to course to be pursued to secure proper adjudication of claims in respect of metropolitan street improvements. 1874. 8vo, pp. 6. Reports by the engineer, solicitor, and architect relative to the formation of a road from Waterloo-bridge to Villiers- street. 1874. 8vo, pp. 6. Return showing amr)unt of moneys paid, oi- agreed to be contributed, by the Jioard towards the cost of local improve- ments in the Metropolis, 1856-74. London, 1874. Folio, ,.p. 13. Return showing total amount "of new works executed by vestries an. See su])ra : Thames-emhanhments. Infant Life Protection. Infant Life Prolecti(m .\ct. lS72 : ix'iiort by solicitor and architect regarding the operation of the Act. 1872. 8vo, pp.8. - -- - Report as to the steps taken in carrying into effect the provisions of the Infant Life Protection Act during the year 1>>84, with appendices. 1885. 8vo, pp. 14. Insurance. hisui'ance of huildings on the Hoard's lands. Roport by solicitor anP- 15- ^letropolitan Boaixl of Woi'ks v. Steed Brothers. [Streets.] 1882. 8vo, pp. 12. Pew V. Metropolitan Board of Works. [Assessment.] 1865. 8vo, pp. 8. Phoenix Gas Co. v. Dethick. [Damffge caused by placing of sewage pipes.] 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. Plumstead District Board r. Kent Commissioners of Sewers. [Liability to repair embankments.] 1877. 8vo, pp. 7. Poplar District Board v. North Metropolitan Tramways Co. [Street frontage.] 1879. 8vo, pp. l.S. Queen v. Head and Metropolitan Board of Works. [Poor rate assessment of Imperial Gas Co.] I860. 8vo, pp. 8. Queen (re Ealing summonses) v. Meti'opolitan Board of Works. 186.S. 8vo, pp. 19. Queen (re Stainton) v. Metropolitan Board of Works. [Com- pensation in respect of damage caused by construction of sewer.] 1863. 8vo, pp. 8. Queen v. Yulliamy. [Jurisdiction of the Architect of the Board.] 1879. 8vo, pp. 9. 282 Metropolitan Board of Works— continued. Judgments — continued. Kecketts v. Metropolitan Railway Co. [Compensation in I'espect of injuries to land.] 1865. 8vo, pp. 18. Scott (Charrington's Brewery) v. Legg. [Building Act, 1855, section 27.] 1877. 8vo, pp. 7. Taylor r. Metrojtolitan Board of Works. [Formation and width of existing streets.] 1866. 8vo, pp. 18, and plan. Telford V. Metropolitan Board of Works. [Tooting Common.] 1872. 8vo. pp. 11. Webb V. Tulk. [Leicester Square Gardens.] 1873. 8vo, pp. 7. Lighting. Report by Mr. W. J. Dibden, chemist and superintend- ing gas examiner to the Board, on the standards of light. 1880. 8vo, pp. 58. Report by the engineei- and consulting chemist on the cost of the light as compared with gas. 1880. 8vo, pp. 3. Victoria-embankment and Waterloo Bridfje lisfhtinsr. Rejiort by Sir J. W. ]>azalgette on the comparative cost of lighting by gas and electricity. 1882. 8a'o, pp. 4. Report by the chemist and superintending gas examiner to the Board of the results of a series of tests made with a four-way photometer on the ])roposed standards of light. 1887. 8vo, pp^ 38, and four folding diagrams. Electric lighting. Report on experinieTits with the electric light on the Victoria embankment, by Sir J. W. Bazalgette, engineer, and T. W. Keates, consulting chemist. 1879. 8vo, pp. 16. Electiic lighting. Rcpoits by the solicitor on Bills in Parliament for the Session of 1882. 1882. 8vo, pp. 14. Electnc Lighting Act, 1882. Report by solicitor, with analysis of Act. 1882. 8vo, pp. 12. Oas companies. Report of solicitor as to restrictions imposed on gas comj)anieH with reference to raising price of gas. 1873. 8yo, pp. 5. Report by solicitor with reference to proceedings before Commissioners appointed to revise the price of gaH .supplied by the Imperial Gas Company for the year 1874. 1874. 8vo, pp. 7. Reports by the .Molicitor and accountant relative to the Board of Trade Commission on the application of the Gas Light and Coke Company fcjr an increase in the j^rice of gas for the year li<74. 1874. f-!vo, pp. 7. 233 Metropolitan Board of Works — continued. Lighting — Gas companies — continued. Letter from Board of Trade relative to sclienie for amalgamation of imperial and independent gas companies with Gas, Light and Coke Company . 1875. 8vo, pp. 4. Report of Parliamentary Committee on the same subject. 1875. 8vo, pp. 12. Observations of the Board upon the scheme of amalga- I err mation of the Gas Light and Coke and the South Metropolitan Gas Companies. 1883. 8vo, pp. 4. 6ra.5 lighting. Report by chemist on sulphur impurity in the gas of the Metropolis. 1872. 8vo, pp. 2. Report by engineer on the gas supply to the Victoria- embankment. 1873. 8vo, pp. 5. Report by Works and General Purposes Committee on Metropolis gas bills. 1874. 8\^o, pp. 5. Report of Parliamentary Committee on proceedings in Parliament during session of 1875 with reference to Metro- politan gas supply. 1875. 8vo, pp. 11. Gas meters. > ■ Tables for ascertaining per-centages of error in the registration of gas meters. Compiled by the Metropolitan Board of Works. 1862. Folio, pp. 80. Report of the chemist on defective indices in gas metei's. and returns of the inspectors of meters, of meters with defective indices. 1884. 8vo, pp. 15. Gas testing, ~ Reports of the chief gas examiner on the I'esuUs of the daily testings of the gas supplied to the Metropolis. 1^69-89. Svo, 2 vols. The same. 1872-88. - — — Report of the clei-k of the Board, with reference to the proposed alterations in the arrangements for gas testing. 1884. Svo, pp. 6. Reports of the clerk, solicitor, superintending architect and chemist as to the revision of the existing arrangements for testing gas meters, and opinions bj' Mr. M. White on the subject. 1888. 8vo, pp. 16. Loans. Return by accountant showing amounts which the several vestries and district boards of the metropolis have obtained sanction to borrow. 1856-68. London, 1869. Folio, pp. 5. 234. Metropolitan Board of Works- '•n/idnued. Loans —continued. Return .sho\viiii>' jill monevs owing' at time of formation • of Board, aitiounts borrowed since, and amounts owing by Board on 1st January, 1868, etc. 1869. Folio, single sheet. Return of loans sanctioned to vestries and district boai'ds, from date of formation of Board to 30th June, 1872. London, 1872. Folio, pp. 8. Report by solicitor as to proposed jtublic bodies to be em])owered to borrow money from the Board. 1873. 8vo, pp. 4. Return of loans sanctioned to vestries and district boards, from formation of the Board to 30th June, 1873. London, 1873. Folio, pj). 7. Report by the accountant on the rate of interest to be charged in respect of loans to other public bodies. 1880. 8vo, pp. 3. Report by the accountant on the cost of the stock created by the Board for loans to other public bodies, and the vahie of the assets to redeem the same. 1881. 8vo, pp. 4. Report by the accountant on the rate of interest to be charged in respect of loans to other public bodies. 1881. 8vo, pp. 2, and 2 folding tables. p]xtracts from the minutes of tlie finance committee on the subject of fixing the period fm- the repayment of loan.s advanced by the Board to guardians and other bodies whose bori owing power is subject to the sanction of the Local Government Board. 8vo, jip. 4. Local Government. Report of the deputation appointed by the Board to confer with the Government on the subject of the Bill for amending the Metropolis Local Management Acts. 1861. 8vo, pp. 4. Letter from Speaker's counsel relative to local govern- ment of Metropolis, together Avith report by solicitor on the subject. 1875. 8vo, ])p. 13. Report by Parliamentaiy Committee on pi-ovisions of Municipality of London Bill. 1875. 8vo, pp. 7. Abstract of the pi-ovisions of the County Government Bill, 1878. 1878. 8vo, pp. 9. Copy [of a] petition to Her Majesty in Council for incorporation of the parish of West Ham. 1878. 8vo, pp. 5. Jteport of the sub-committee on the memorial of the Vestiy of Kensington applying for an additional representative at the Board. 1H78. 8vo, pp. 4. Municipality of London Bill. Analysis of clauses pre- I»ared by the solicitor. 1880. 8vo, pp. 16. ■ISo Metropolitan Board of Works continued. Local Government — continued. ■ — London Government Bill. Epitome of the ])ro visions of the Bill. 1884. 8v(., i)p. IC Petition of the Metropolilaii Hoai-d of Works against the London Government IJill. ISSk Foli(>, single sheet. Speech of Mr. W. R. Selway, at tlie Metropolitan Board of Works, on the London Government Bill. ISSL Svo, pp. 1(5. Local (lovernmcnt (England and Walesj Bill. Jteports by the ofhcers upon the clauses of the Hill affecting the Metropolis. 1888. 8vo, pp. 11. Local Government (England and Wales) Bill. Further report by the accountant on the iinancial provisions on the Bill affecting the Metropolis. 1888. 8vo, pp. 4. Minutes. Minntes of the proceedings of the Mctropi)Htan Board of Works. 1855-88. Folio, 84 vols. Noxious Businesses. Report passed by Works and Genci-al Pui'poses Com- mittee on question of slauii'htei'-houses and noxious businesses within the Metropolis. 1873. 8vo, pp. 7. ■ ■ — - Report by solicitor and form of bye-laws I'elative to slaughter-houses in the Metrt)polis. 1870. 8vo, pp. 9. Bye-laws made by the Metro] )oHtan Board of Works under the Slaughter-houses, etc. (Metropolis) Act. 1874. 8vo, pp. 11. — Bye-laws under Slaughter-houses, etc. (Metropolis) Act, 1874. 1876. Folio, pp. 2. Slaughter-houses, etc. (Metropolis) Act, 1874 : con- ditions on which the Board will consider as to giving sanction to the establishing anew of the business of a tripe boiler. 187G. Folio, sino'le sheet. Offensive Substances. Summary of information supplied by Vestries and District Boards on the subject of the conveyance of offensive substances through sti-eets. 1888. 8vo, pp. 8. Offices of the Beard. Report of the Building Act and General Purposes Com- mittee [on otiices of the Board]. 1858. 8vo, pp. 8. Memorandum bv the architect on the same subject. 1858. 8vo, ]>]). -. Repoi't of the Committee of Works and General Purposes on new offices at Spring-gardens. 1858. 8vo, pj). G. Extract from report of Streets Committee as to altera- tions to offices of Board. 1866. 8vo, pp. 4. 236 Metropolitan Board of Works— rmitmued. Overhead Wires. Ovei'head -wires, etc. Summary of replies received from the .surveyors of Vestries and Disti'ict Boards on the .subject. 188(>. 8v(). pp. 5. Parks and Open Spaces. Report of the Committee of Works and Improvements on applications for parks and open .spaces. 1857. 8vo, pp. 8. Report of the Committee of Works and Improvements on the formation of a park in the south-eastern portion of the Metropolis. 1857. 8vo, pp. 14. Report by the architect on the preservation of open spaces in the Metropolis for the use of the public. 1863. 8to, pp. 8. Report by the ai-ehitect on the Public Gardens Protection Act, 1863. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. 14. Extract fi'om report of Streets Committee with resolution on preservation of open spaces. 1865. 8vo, single sheet. Report by Alexander McKenzie on the parks and open spaces under the control of the Board. 1872. 8vo, pp. 19. Report on annual expenditure for labourers' wages, and other matters in the Board's parks and gardens and on their open spaces. 1886. 8vo, pp. 11. Suggested form of the Parks, etc.. Bill, 1887. London 1887. 8vo, pj). 7. Report by the clerk of the Board on parks management. 1888. 8vo, ])p. 6. Report f)rij)ared by the clerk of the Board in conjunction with ^lessi's. Coc^liiane and Ct)ppiii ... as to details lor the future management of the Board's parks and gardens. 1888. 8vo, ])]). 8. Report on officers' duties at Spring Gardens. 1888. See supra : ?]stablishment — Ojfficers' duties. AUiert-emhankvLent-gardens. Albert-embankment : draft bye-laws made undei- Thames- embankment Csoutli) Act, 1873. Ijondon, 187.'>. 8vo, j)p. 5. Jiattersea-park. Repoi't as to the staffs at Battersea and Kennington parks. 1888. 8vo, pj). 6. Additi(mal repoi-t on the same subject. 1888. 8v(), pp. 9. See infra : litcjulations. 237 Metropolitan Board of Works— coiiHnued. Parks and Open Spaces — continued. Blackheatli. Report by the solicitor on the memorial of the Greenwich District Board as to a scheme for the management of Black- heath. 1868. 8vo, pp. 20. Bye-laws made by the Metropolitan Board of Works for the I't'gulation and preservation of Blackheath. 1872. 32mo, pp. 10. Return showing amount expended by the Board on Blackheath to 5th April, 1873. London, 1873. Folio, single sheet. Brook-green. Reports by solicitor relative to Brook-green. 1874. 8vo, pp. 4. Clapham- common. Metropolitan Commons Act, 1866 : Clapham-common, draft scheme. 1875. 8vo, pp. 9. Fivshiiry-parh. ■ Memoranda by the architect on the opening of Finsbury- park. 1869. 8vo, pp. 3. See infra : Begulations. Hackney -coninions. Bye-laws made by Metropolitan Board of Works for the regulation and preservation of the Commons in the Hackney district. 1872. 32mo, pp. 9. Hampstead-heath. Bye-laws made by the Metropolitan Board of Works for the regulation and preservation of Hampstead-heath. 1872. 32mo, pp. 12. Report by Mr. A. McKenzie, oti condition of Hampstead- heath. 1872. 8vo, pp. 4. Kennington-park. Staff. See supra : Battersea-park. PecMiam E>ye-comm,on. Notes of decision of Mr. Chance ... at the Lambeth Police Court, and appendix. 1883. 8vo, pp. 10. Regulations. Battersea, Victoria, Finsbury, and Southwark-parks. Regulations for cricket in each park. 1888. Folio, pp. 4. Battersea, Victoria, Finsbury, Southwark, and Kenning- ton-parks. Gymnasium regulations. 1888. Folio, pp. 2. OQ 38 Metropolitau Board of Works— rr/»/;;/»r^7. Parks and Open Spaces — Beguhtfions — continued. Fiusbarv-iiark. Reg-ulations for football. 1878. Folio, PP- ■^- / Victoria -paik and 1 >atiersoa-|iark. llcgulatious fur football. 1888. Folio, pp. i. See supra : lilacliJieatJi, JLickiu'i'-coinmoiis, Hai)ipstead-Jieut7i, and lU'o-law.s. (fc. ,Soutlucark-par]i. ]\reiU()i'aiula hv the arcliiteet on tlie opening of Southwark-park. l8(jl>. 8vo, ]>}). '2. Report by !Mr. Charles IJennis as to j)roposed alterations, etc., ia Soutli\vark-])ark. 1873. 8vo, pp. 11. Revised estimates by Charles Dennis for proi)Osed works in Southwark-park. 187 !•. 8vo, jip. (5. See supra : Ilegulations. Tooting Gra veney-comnion. Report by tlie solicitor and architect relative to Tooting Gravcney-comnion. 187-1. 8vo, pp. 9. y ictoria-pa rli . See supra : Iteguhitions. Wormwood Scrub?. ^lemorial to the Inclosure Commissioners with regard to Wormwood Sci'ubs. 1877. 8vo, pj). 0. AV'ormwood Scrubs. Report of solicitor and analysis of draft Bill as submitted by the War Department to the Board. 1877. 8vo, pp. 4. Wormwood Sci'ubs, 8ci-ubs-lane, and Wood-lane. Report of the Park, etc., Committee, and report of the solicitor. 1881. 8vo, pp. 12. Parliamentary Standing Orders. Kejiort by the .solicitor on the alterations made in the standing- oi-dei-s of Parliament. [1865.] 8vo, pp. 2. Petroleum. Report by Mr. Kcates (»ii general q nest ion of stoi-age of petroleum within metropolitan ai-ea, and conditions under which petroleum is introduced into ihe Port of London. 1875. 8vo, pp. 9. Pro])osed lettci- to tiio .Secretary of State for the Home Department on the necessity for an amendment of the law relating to the sale and storage of petroleum. 1881. 8vo, pp. 3. ■)•;< .•)il Metropolitan Board of Works— continued. Petroleum ^continued. Report by the afchitect on ccrtaiu provisions of ihe Peti-oloum (Hawkei-rf') Act. 1881. 8vo, pp. :>. — Rejiox't as to su,ii-,n'esti;d alterations in tlio scliedide relating to the testing ol: petroleum in tlie Petrolcunx Act of 1879, by ^V. .1. Livingston. 1883. 8vo, j.p. p. 14. • Report hj the chemist in leply to INFr. Tv R. Cook's statement on the deodorisation of sewage in ihe sewers by manganate of soda. 1887. 8vo, pp. 1(>. Report by the engineer, the cleik, and the chemist as to tlie deodori.<. Reports by Sir ,T. W. Bazalgette and others upon the condition of the river Thames, with reference to certain allegations contained in a report . . . to the Conservators of the river Thames. 1878. 8vo, pp. 40. Reports by the engineer and the consulting chemist relative to the condition of the water in the river Thames in the neighbourhood of the main drainage outfalls. 1878. 8vo, pp. 14, and map. Tliames Conservancy and main drainage outfalls : I'cport by Sir J. W. Bazalgette, C.B., on the ai'bitration between -the Board and tlie Conservators. 1880. 8vo, p[). 11. a 2 2ii Metropolitan Board of WoYks^continued. Sewage — continued. Utilisation of seimge. Draft agreement for use of sewage. 1860. 8vo, pp. 8. Report of the committee of the wln)le Board on the main drainage of the INFetropolis [on tenders for utilisation of .sewage]. 1862. 8vo, pp. 10. Report of tlie Main Drainage Committee on the tenders for the metropolitan sewage. 1868. 8vo, pp. 146. Copy of letters relative to the utilization of the sewage of the ^Metropolis. 1868. 8vo, pp. 12. Further communications with reference to their tenders for taking the sewage of the Metropolis, from Mr. Kirkman, Mr. Shepherd. ]\Ir. Moore, Lord Torrington, Sir C. Fox, Mr. T. Hunt, and .Mr. H. Smith; and Mcs.srs. Hope and Napier, 1864. 8vo. pp. 48. Further coiiininiiications relative to the utilization of the sewage of London. 1864. 8vo, pp. 9. . ■ Additional coi-respondence in reference to the utilization of the sewage of the Metropolis. 1864. 8vo, pp. 45. Additional coiTespondence . . . Mr. B. Smith ; ^fi . G. Sliepherd. 1864. 8vo, pp. 7. Report of the Main Drainage Committee on the ap})lica- tion of sewage at Kughy, Ci-oydon, C:irlisle, and Edinburgh. 1864. 8vo, pp. l;}. Tenders for the utilization of the southern sewage of the Metropolis. 18(55. 8vo, pp. 77, and plan. Communications referred to in the tenders for the sriuthern .sewage . . . and the agreement between tl.c Board and Messrs. Napier and Hope, etc. 1865. 8vo, pp. 141. Report by the engineer on the tenders for the south sewage, with appendix, etc. 1865. 8vo, pp. 228. Extract from the report of the Main Drainage Com- mittee, with reference to the tender of Mr. Ellis, for utilizing the southern sewage. ]8(;6. 8vo, pp. 14. Letter from Mr. T. Ellis, in reference to his proposal for the concession of the sewage on the south side of the Thames. 1866. 8vo, i)p. 18. Tenders for a concession of the sewage on the south side of the Thames, opened March 1st, 1867. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. 80. Report by the engineer on the tenders for the southern sewage of the Metropolis. Is(i7. Svo, pj). 18. ]jetters in reference to tlu; ufilizatimi of the southei-n sewage of the Metropolis, by Mr. \i. Smitli, Mr. C Shepheixl, and -Mr. '!'. Ellis. 1867. 8vo, pp. .'.d. See sujira : Metropolis Senruje and I'Lisex li'irlumfilion Company. 245 Metropolitan Board of Works -^ an, tinned. Streets. Lt'ttei- from Mr. Bariiio-, of the Home Office, in reference to the debate which took phice in the House of Commons, June 13th, 18G5, on the subject of the paving, lighting", etc., the Metropolis. 18G5. Svo, })]). 12. Nomenclature. Memorandum relative to replies of vestries and district boards to the circular transjinitting resolution of the Board of 1st May, for return of names of new streets, formed since 1st January, 1856. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 3. Returns of the names of streets in the Metropolis regu- lated by the orders of the Board since 1856, including streets renamed and houses numbered, street names abolished, new streets named. 1864, 1866-69, 1874, 1880-85, 1887. London, 1864-88. 8vo. Index of the streets and places in the Metropolis according to the existing nomenclature, compiled ... to assist the Board and its ofhcers in the naming of new streets. 1868. pp. viii., 504. Names of streets and places within the metropolitan area as defined by the Local Management Act, 1855, showing postal districts, localities and parishes, and an appendix of names adopted during the progress of this work. 1887. 8vo, pp. 594. Obstructions. Reports by solicitor and architect in reference to existing bai's and street obstructions in the Metropolis. 1867. 8vo, pp. 17. Theatres and Music Halls. Report of the superintending architect as to revising the existing i-egulations with respect to new theatres and music halls. 1882. Folio, pp. 8. Theatres and music halls : regulations in force on the continent. 1882-88. Folio, 5 parts in 3 vols. Fires iirevention. Sea supra : Fires — Fires prevention in theatres. Traffic. Abstract by engineer relative to amount of carriage and horse traffic passing along the Victoria-embankment and Northumberland-avenue. 1876. 8vo, pp. 2. Waterloo and Charing Cross Bridges : return as to traffic. 1878. 8vo, pp. 8. 2i(; Metropolitan Board of Works coidimicd. Tramways. Reports by the engiueer and the solicitor i-elative to tlio maiiitenaiico of fi-amways in the ^Metropolis. 1H79. 8vo, pp. ->. Re})ort upon ^[etropolilau traiuvvays, session 1883, by Sir J. W. Bazalgette. 1883. 8vo, pp. 65. (Sec supra : Communications. Tribunal of Commerce. Report of Parliamentary Committee on Tribunal of Commerce Tlill. 1873. 8vo. ])p. 9. Water Supply. Analysis, by solicitor, of Water Supply Bill. [1871.] Syo, VV- ^• J{e])i)i't Ity solieitcn- and chairman on provisions of the Metropolis Water Bill, 1871. 1871. 8vo. pp. 15. Report of Parliamentary Committee on Metropolis Water I5ill, 1871. 1871. Svo, jip. 7. [{eport of Parliamentary Committee on Metropolis Water Bill (No. 2), 1871. 1871. 8vo, pp. 4. Further repoit of Parliamentary Committee on procecd- injcs with reference to Metropolis Water Bill (No. 2), 1871. 1871. 8vo, pp. 7. iletropolis watc!' su])])ly : abstract of I^lctropolis AVatcr Supply Act, lram\vell (jn i-egulatii)ns for constant supply of watei- made by water companies under ^Metropolis Water Act, 1871. 1872. 8vo, pp. 22. Joint letter from Messrs. Ih-amwell, Barlow and Pole accompanying the amended regulations for a constant supply of water, prepared by them for the consideration of the Board. 1872. 8vo, pp. 34. Meti'opolis Water Act, 1871 : regulations made by water companies and amended regulations proposed by Metropolitan Board of Woi'ks for consideration of Board of Trade. 1872. bvo, pp. 19. Report by F. .). Bi-amwell on regulations for constant supply of water made by the water companies under the pro- visions of the Metropolis Water Act, 1871. 1872. 8vo, pp. 22. Solicitor's report on regulations for a constant water supply, made in accordance with the piT)Aisi(jns of the Metropolis AVater Act, 1871. 1872. 8vo pp. 8. -E.stimates by Mr. Chas. Stephenson of cost of application of Meti'opolis Water Act, 1871, to houses of a rerdal of £250 and £315 pei- annum. 1873. 8vo, pp. 8. ■1\1 Metropolitan Board of Wox'&.s—contiuwd. Water Supply —continued. Fai-tlier report by solicitor as to regulations for a constant supply of Avater. 1873. 8vo, pp. 21. ■ ReiK)it of Works, etc., Committee on tlie Metropolis Water Act, 1871. 1S7:!. 8vo, pp. 10. Report by engineer as to inspection of Louses in districts in wliicli East London and Kent Water Companies have given notice that they have provided "with a constant supply of water. 1874. 8vo, pp. 6. Report of Parliamentaiy Committee on water supply of the Metropolis. 1876. 8vo, pp Abstract of the report of the Royal Commissioners on Avater supply, 1869, and analysis of evidence ; extracts from other reports bearing upon the question ; and epitome of the Stockton and Middlesborough Corporations Waterworks Act, 1876. 1877. 8vo, pp. 36. Report by the consulting chemist upon Colonel Bolton's retuj'n of the state of Metropolitan waters during- the month of October, 1880. 8vo, {ip. 4. Works, Monthly report by the engineer on the progress of the several special contract works. 1872-88. London, 1872-88. 8vc. — Quarterly returns by the engineer showing the names of the several special clerks of works in the employ of the Board, the wages paid to them respectively, and the Avork.s upon which they are at jiresent engaged. 1874-77, 1880-88. London, 1874-88. " ' . Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers. Cholera Epidemic. Report on the state of Hare Brain-court, Rosemary- lane. 1848. Folio, pp. 3. Letter of Mr. W. Baker. Coroner, respecting the responsi- bility of Commissioners of Sewers whei'e excessive mortality is referable to defective drainage. 1849. 8vo, pp. 2. Report on memorial from Hoai-d of Guardians for the parish of Camberwell, by J. (I rant. 1849. 8vo, pp. 5. Two reports on the condition of Surrey-court, Horsely down, bv J. Grant. 1849. 8vo. Report by J. W. Bazalgette, on the precautions employed for preventing works in progress from injuriously affecting the locality. 1854. 8vo, pp. 4. Report on an inquiry and examination into the slate of drainage of the parish of St. James, Westminster, in which deaths have occnired from cholei^a to .so great an extent. 18."J4. Svo, pp. 11, and folding plan. 248 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers — continued. Drainage and Sewerage. Charge to the jury, delivered by Viscount Morpeth. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. ()j)inioii of counsel as to forms requii^ed under the Mctroi)olitan Scwlm-s' Act, lb!48. 1848. Folio, pp. 5. Return of orders and resolutions involving questions of principle. 1848. Folio, pp. 3. Opinion of (Miiiiscl i-especting the liability of commis- sioners for tlie acts and defaults of their subordinates. 1849. 8vo, pp. 2. Outline of the law of sewers affecting the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. 1849. 8vo, pp. 8. Copy of general orders ... as to house drainage and sewers passed since October, 184! >. 1854. Folio, pp. 4. lieturn . . . shewing the sewers, drains, and flaps con- structed wholly or in ])art at the expense of the Commission, and the amount of contributions received thereto. 1849-55. 1855. Oblong folio, })]). 3. (S'ee infra : Flushing' and eleansins:. District drainage^ TJcport of Mr. H. Austin on the drainage of Westminster, 1848. Folio, pp. 8, ami 2 plans. Report of .Mr. .1. Phillips on the improvement of the drainage of the city of Westminster, with plans, sections and estimate. 1848. Folio. Rej)ort of Mr. J. Phillips on the sanitary condition of St. Maiylebone. 1848. Folio, ])j). (i. Report on existing drainage in the Snirey and Kent district. 1848. Folio, pj). 4. A rcpdil t') the Siii'vey Committee upon an inspection of sewei-s in Sniilhwai'k. 1S4(S. Folio, single sheet. iJe.sci'iptive report on the state of the sewers in the Surrey and Kent disti-ict. 1849. 8vo, ])p. 4. The same : Westminster district. 1849. 8vo, pp. 22. A re)»ort Ijy Messrs. Lovick and Donaldson on the drainage of Hammersmith Avithin the area of active operations, its present condition, and necessity of remedial measures necessary. 1«49. Hvo, |,p. :?. Rejioil of c(jnMilting engineer ujjon applicati(j)i of West- minster Improvement C(»mmissione)-s foi- iinjn-oved drainage of the City of Westminster. 1849. 8vo, single sheet. Report of ^fr. Gotto as to the sewerage of the intended nev/ street at Westminster. 1849. 8vo, pj». G. 249 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewevs—coiuinued. Drainage and Sewevsige - 1 Hsinrt Jralwigi' — continued. — ■ Reiiiiirks on the report of jSTi-. Gotto, by H. Austin, consulting- enoiueer. l8-i9. 8vo, })p. 5. Report of the assistant surveyor, Mr. Uouahlson, on the subsoil drainage of the City of Westminster. 1849, 8vo, pp. ^1 Report on the di'ainage of Riclunonfl. by Mr. G. Donaldson. 1849. 8vo, pp. 18, and 4 folding plans Sydenham drainage, etc. : reports and estimates by Messrs. Donaldson and Gotto. 1849. 8vo, pp. 13, and folding plan. The engineer's report on Suirey and Kent drainage. 1850. 8vo, pp. t), and folding plan. Engineer's report on the drainage of districts north of the Thames. 1851. 8vo, pp. 6, and folding plan. Return of the estimate for the first contract length of the Victoria-street sewer ; report of J. Smith, surveyor, on its state and condition ; antl report of the engineer on the above report. 1851. Folio, pp. 6, and folding plan. Report of Mr. J. Simpson on the Victoria-street sewer, 1853. Folio, pp. 8. Reports, minutes and proceedings . . . and correspondence with the Kent Water Works (company in reference to the works for the diversion of the Ravensbourue drainage. 1855. 8vo, pp. 71', and 7 folding plans. House drainage. Report by J. Phillips on tubular house drains laid down at Peckham. 1848. Folio, single sheet. - Report of the surveyors on house drainage. 1848. 8vo, pp. 54, and 33 plates. Report to the Survey Committee on the drainage of the new palace at Westminster by H. Austin. 1848. Folio, pp. 6. Exjieriments of Mr. E. Gotto in respect to tubular back drainage at Dover. 1849. 8vo, pp. 5. Re})ort by E. Gotto on the noxious effluvia pervading the Houses of Parliament due to structui'al defects, contiguous grave yards, and other local nuisances. 1849. 8vo, pp. '2. Report of Mr. H. Austin on the drainage of the new palace at Westminster, with Sir C. Barry's reply ; Mr. Austin's observations thereon, and Sir C. Bai'ry's rejoinder. 1849. Svo, pp. 30. Report of Mr. Lovick on Mr. Wass's application on drainage of No. 23, Somers-place, East, St. Pancras. 1849. 8vo, pp. 2, and plan. )() Metropolitan Ccmmissioners of Sewers — contlmieii. Draiiiage and Sewerage — llonse drainage — continued. Report on Cliui-ch-lane and Cai'rier-street, St. Gile.s', In- E. Gotto. 1849. 8v(>. ])]>. n. and i'oldino- plan. Report on evils foni])lained of in Blackfriars-road and neighbourhood. 184'J. 8vo, pp. (i. Repoi't on the drainage of Jenning-s'-buildings and Ken- .sington workhouse, also as to raising sewage deposit from south end of Kensington sewer for the use of the Sewage Manure Company. 1849. Svo, pp. 8. Rules and regulations to he observed by officers charged with the ])reparation of plans and the superintendence of works of house drainage. 1849. 8vo, })p. 5. Suggestions for the execution of house drainage. 1849. Svo, pp. 8. — Report of tlie Bje-laws Committee on measures for giving effect to the above suggestions of Messrs. Bullar and Chadwick. 1849. 8vo, pp. 10. Tubular di-ainage, etc., for Jennings'-buildings, Ken- sington; with distribution of cliarges ovoj' twenty joai's. 1849. Svo, pp. 21, and 4 folding plans. Bye-law requiring buildei-s to give notice and deposit plans and pai-ticulars before commencing to build or rebuild any dwelling-house. 1850. Svo, pp. o. B^-e-law rcciuiring di.sti-ict surveyors under Metropolitan Buildings Act to make weekly returns of all notices for new d, and map. Report of Mr. Donaldsoti on the state of JTyde-park. 1849. Svo, pp. (>. 2.M Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers— continued. Drainage and Sewerage— continued. Main Drainage. Reports of the surveyors upon the bill (jf the (ii-eat London Drainage Company. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. Concise statements of the main features of the plans iov the drainage of the Metropolis. 1849. 8vo, p]). 95. The same. Second series. 1849. 8vo, ])p. 155. Letter . . . on the drainage of the Metropolis, l)y ]\lr. .1. Phillips. 1849. 8vo, pp. 4. ]\lemoraii(luni hy T. Lovick respecting the size of pipe capable of ilischarging the entire house drainage of the Metropolis. 1849. Svo, pp. 2. Preliminary report on the drainage of the Metropolis, by J. Phillips. 1849. Svo, pp. 18, and map. Observations on the above plan, by H. Austin. 1849. 8vo, pp. 7. Report on the plans for the drainage of London. 1850. 8vo, pp. l(j. Reports by J. W. liazalgette and by Sir W. Cubitt and R. Stephenson on the high level line for the interception of the drainage north of the Thames, and on the intercepting lines south of the river. 185- >. Svo, pp. 25, and 2 folding maps. Re})ort upon the scheme of the Great London Drainage Company, by J. W. liazalgette and W. Haywood. , 1853. 8vo, pp. 31. " Return of copies of letters to J. J. Morewood, Esq., and resolutions of the Commissioners in reference to Great Londcm Drainage scheme, and copies of reports . . . in reference to the Victoria-street sewer, with original estimates, etc. 1853. Folio, pp. 111. Repoi't in respect of . . . the northern drainage, by J. Roe, together with the report thereon of J. W. Bazalgette, etc. 1854. Svo, pp. 47, and 5 folding maps. Further report on the same, by J. Roe. 1855. Svo, pp. 10. Report by R. Stephenson on the report of J. W Bazalgette and W. Haywood on the sewage interception and main drainage of districts north of the Thames. 1854. Svo, pp. 8. ■ Report upon the sewage interception and main drainage of the districts north of the Thames, by J. W. Bazalgette and by W. Haywood and Sir W. Cubitt. 1854. Svo, pp. 86, and folding ma]) and tables. Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers— po»/wMe(7. Drainage and Sewerage— .Vrn;* drainage— conimweA. The calculations of Mr. Bazalo;ette as to the slope, size, velocity, Hdw, and discliaiy-iii^- jjowcr of the various intej'ccpt- iug Hues of sewer north of the Thames ... at each of the points where their dimensions and slope change, and at each of the points where the intercepted sewers join. 1855. 8vo, pj). 70. Data employed in dctfiiuiiiing tlie sizes and estimating the cost of the works designed for the main drainage of the *n^ ^fetropolis, by J. W. Bazalgette. 1855. 8vo, pp. 19, and 3 folding tables. Memorandum on the above, by F. 0. \yard. 1855. 8vo, pp. 19. Estimates of the cost of the extension of Mr. Forster's ])lan for the main drainage of the streets south, of the Thames, etc. 1855. 8vo, pp. 11. Letter on the scheme for drainaye of the districts Tiortli of the Thames by Messrs. Bazalgette and Haywood, by H. Law. 1855. 8vo, pp. 30, and 11 folding maps. Reports as to the fall of tlie extension of the main sewer from the Ravensbourne to the outlet, by Messrs. Bazalgette and Donaldson, and otliers. 1855. 8vo. jjj). 12, and map. Repoi-ts l)y the engineers on the extension of Mr. Forster's plan for the main drainage of the districts south of the Thames and modification of its branches. 1855. 8vo, pp. 32, and 3 folding maps and tables. Open seicers and mUlets. Report as to covering the outfall.s of the sewers on the banks of the Thames. 1848. Folio, single sheet. Resolution with respect to a meeting at Christ Church, Surrey, upon the subject of the sewers. 1848. Folio, pp. 0. Reftort by J. Lovick on open ditches in i^ower Tooting. 1849. 8vo, pp. 4. Repoil of Messrs. Phillips, lJo)ial(lson and Grant, on Bermond.sey mill streams, with solicitor's remarks. 1849. 8vo, pp. 3. Report of the Committee on viewing the dams and — _ _ . __ _--j^ — encroachments upon public waterway at Lower Tooting and other places, and on the expediency of prostrating the same. 1849. 8vo, pp. 3, and map. Report on complaint of Mr. Graham, of Hedge-farm, Battersea, by Mr. J. Grant, with an appendix. 1849. 8vo 253 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sew eics— continued. Drainage and Sewerage — coniinncd. Pipe sewers. First report of Mr. .1. I>. Hale on . . . Ilio practicability of ,su]).stitutit)j^ small [)ipes fur lai-ge sewers and drains. 184b. Folio, pp. 8. Preliminary report of Mr. J. Roe on flie form and construction of kilns now used for the burning of the various kinds of clay ware, etc. 1849. 8vo, pp. 9. Report as to the efficioncj^, •Avorking condition, and sanitary advantages of the tubes laid in open ditches in the Kent and Surrey districts. 1849. 8vo, pp. 5. Report by Messrs. Austin and Lovick on the di'ainage of the Westminster Abbey precincts. 1849. 8vo, pp. 4, and 2 folding plans. Report on drainage of the Potteries, Kensington, and appendix. 1849. 8vo, pp. 3. Report on the drainage of Goulston-street and neighbour- hood, Whitechapel, by Messrs. Phillips and Gotto. 1849. 8vo, pp. 12, and 2 plans. — A table of the prices of drain pipes by various manu- facturers. 1849. Folio, folding sheet. Report by the secretary on works executed at Church - lane, St. (liles's, on the substitution of egg-shaped brick sewers for tubular stoneware, with other particulai'S. 1852. 8vo, pp. 6. Extract from a report of the general sui'veyor of works on past failures and present condition of pipe sewers ami di-ains. 1853. Folio, pp. 2, and 12 plans. Reports on pipe sewers laid down in Church-lane and Carrier-street, St. Giles's. 1853. Folio, pp. 2, and 3 plans. Copies of correspondence relating to the drainage of East Country-road, and Commercial-road, Rotherhithe. 1854. Folio, pp. 18. Report upon the .system of drainage and water supply at Rugby, Sandgate, St. Thomas's, Exeter, and Barnard Castle, by J. W. Bazalgette. 1854. 8vo, pp. 62. Communications from Mr. Pilton . . . and Messrs. Doulton . . . with reports by Professors Miller, AVay, and Letheby, con- taining the results of analyses and expei'iments in reference 1o the composition of the Lambeth stone ware and Aj'lesford pottery pipes, and a report by Mr. Bazalgette on their com- parative efficiency for sew^erage purposes. 1855. 8vo, pp. 39. Reports on the present state of pipe sewers, by the district engineers. 1855. 8vo, pp. 64, and folding ])lans. See supra : House drainage. 251 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers- cnjitinucJ. Drainage and SewevsLge—confinned. Vfiifilafion of seu-ern. Report by II. Austin on tlic prog-ress of tlic subterranean survey and on the atmo.s])here of cerliiiu sewers; ord August to 16th Septembei-, 18 AS. Folio. - Report of Mr. Cooper on the gases in the Sui'rey and Kent sewers. IS 18. Folio, pp. H. Report on ventilation of sowers. 184S. Folio, pp. 2. Remarks on llic snhiccl of effluvia from gully gratings, by Capt. Vetch. 1841). Svo, ])p. 8. Report by K. i^Iui'i-iy on trajiping of gullies. 1849. Svo, pj). G Report on the trapping of gullies, by the eonsultin;. engineer. 1849. Svo, i)p. 9. Suggestions for inipn)ving tin method of trapping and ventilating sewer and house drains, by J. Lovegrove ; with ]Mr. Ba/.algctte's report thereon. 1855. Svo, pp. 11. Establishment. Accountant's statement as to salaries and charges for service, 1847. London, 1848. Folio, pp. 5. Bye-law creating office of engineer, salary £1,300 per annum, with £200 additional for expenses. 1849. Svo, pj). 2. Letter from Mr. L. t'. liertslet [with reference to his resignation and the future action of the commissioners]. I84f>. Svo, pp. 2. Report of committee ajipointed to enquire into Mr. Freeman's allegation against the officers in Suri-ey and Kent. [1849 >] Svo, i)p. 2. RetiiiMi of officers and jtcrsons employed in surveyor's dejjartnient. 1849. Svo, pp. 12. Statement prepared by the cliainnan w ith reference to a reduction of establislimenl chai-ges. 1851. Oblong folio, pp. [14.] List of olllcers, willi tlieir salaries and allowances. 1852-55. Folio. Finances of the Commission. Abhti-acts of receipt iind evpenditure, and works executed during each year, 1849-1855. Folio. Draft report on the Suri-ey accounts. 1848. Folio. i)p. 5. Repoi't of the Genei'al Purposes ('oniniittcc on the accounts of hilo SuiTey and Kent ( '(unniission. ISlS. Folio, IM). 5. 255 Metropolitan Commissioners of SeweYs^coutiuucd. Finances of the Commission - -avifinucd . Paper to accompany tlic above. 184S. I^'olin. ]))), ;>. Report of R. G. Anderson on system of book-keeping- proposed by the public accountant. 1848. Folio, single sheet. Report of the pul)lic accountant on the books of the former Commissions ; with reply of the district clei'k of the Surrey and Kent Commissions. 1848. Folio, pp. 13 ; o. Resolution of Committee for General Pui-poses on Surrey and Kent accounts. 1848. Folio, pp. 2. Cash balances on the several districts. 184"J. 8vo, sincjle sheet. General abstract of weekly wages. 2(Jth July, 1849. Folding sheet. Report by Mr. W. IT. Grey on a new system of keejiing the accounts of the Commission. 1849. 8vo, pp. (3. Remarks on the above by the clerk of accounts. 1849. 8vo, pp. 3. Return, etc., setting foi'th the separate sums expended for works, local supervision, and compensation damaQ-es. 1853. Folio, pp. 3. ■ A detailed statement of the liabilities and resources of the Commission, etc. 1854. Folio, pp. [18]. Estimates of available balance for extraordinary works, 1854-55. Folding sheets. Flushing and Cleansing. Cleansing cesspools by jjump aiul hose ; answers to en- quiries as to effects. 1848. Folio, pp. 8. Draft regulations, etc., for cleansing cesspools. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. Repoi't by J. L. Hak; on the cleansing of streets, courts and alleys by means of the hose and jet. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. Rej)ort on flushing sewers, by Messrs. Stable and TA:)vick. 1848. Folio, single sheet. Reports on street cleansing by T. Lovick. 1848-49. Folio. Surveyors' report on llushiug and cleansing sewers and cesspools. 1848. 4to, pp. 4, and folding ]ilan. Approximate pieliminary report on llu» il ashing opera- tions. iH19. Svo, pp. lOl. 256 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers — continued. Fhishing and Cleansing — coulinued. Report of Mr. J. L. Hale on cleansing King's Scholars' Pond sewer, i-oduction of cost of flnsliiiig apparatus, and pi-e- ventiou of cflhivia froin sewers. 184-9. 8yo, ]ip. k Report (if Mr. lidvick on llusliiug operations generally, with opinions of the (Hiblic thereon. 184!>. 8vo. pp. 5. Report on emptying cesspools. 1849. Svo, ]»j). I». Sec supra : Cholera. Minutes. ■ ]^linutcs of Proceedino-s. 1848-55. [London, 1848-55.] Folio. Ordnance Survey. Apportionment of cost of oi'dnance snrvcy to the several districts. [Case: with opinion of Attorney and Solicitor- General, and Mr. Peacock. ] 1848. Folio, pp. ?>. Proceedings witli respect to the ordnance survey. 1848- Folio. ])p. 5. and single sheet. A report as to the proposed ordnance survey of the metropolis. 1848. Folio, pp. 8. Report by H. Austin on the extension of the survey. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. Papers Presented. Index to papers presented to courts and committees from 1848 to 1855. London, 1850. Folio, pp. ]00. Procedure. Recommendation of the General Committee for regulating the business of the Commission. 1849. 8vo, pp. 5. Case and (i|jinion of counsel upon flio above. 1849. 8vo, pj). 11. Suggestions as to the course to be taken on the opening of the new Commission under the Act, 11 and 12 Vict., c. 112. 1849. Folio, ].p. ]0. ^Ir. Hume's notes on tlie above suggestions. 1849. Folio, pp. ?). Public Conveniences. Letter of Mr. Razalgette on establishment of public conveniences thi-oughout tlie Metropolis. 1849. 8vo, pp. 7, and map. 257 Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers- -cnntijiued. Rates and Contributions. Opinion of counsel as to rates. 1S49. Hvo, pp. 3. (3pinion of counsel as to enforcing frontage charges due under separate Commissions. 1849. 8vo, pp. 2. Bye-law respecting ap])eals against orders imposing charges for default. 1852. 8vo, single sheet. Inquiry to ascertain the maximum limit of the annual taxation required from the sewers rate-papers, and to advocate the community the adoption of the principles of joint stock as.=^^ociation ... to improve . . . the sewage and drainage of London, presented by A. Sayer. 1855. 8vo, pp. 98. Sewag'e — Deodori'«(tioi/. Report on flushing sewei's and cleansing cesspools ; enclosing a comparative statement respecting three deodorants, by C. J. Hodson. 1848. Folio, pp. 4. Utilisation. Heads of draft report in the case of Metri)[)olitan Sewage Manui-e Company. 1848. Folio, pp. 5. Memorandum on the Company. 1848. Folio, pp. 19. Prospectus of the Company. [1848.] Folio, pp. 3. Report by Mr. G. Donaldson on application of sewage as manure — Manchester and London — with abstracts of analyses. 1848. Folio, pp. 3. Report of Mr. Donaldson as to the application of sewage to market gardens at Fulham. 1848. Folio, pp. 3. Reports on distribution of sewage manure. 1848. Folio, pp.2. Substance of resolution to be proposed with reference to the application of sewage water as manui'c. 1848. Folio, single sheet. Mr. Donaldson's letter on the cost and distribution of *»' liquid manure. 1849. 8vo, pp. 3. Result of some inquiries ui)on the amount of water required per acre by ii^rigated nu'ads, and the supply obtainable from the sewers of the Metropolis. 1849. 8vo, pp. 7. Statement of Mr. Donaldson on expenses of the applica- tion of sewage manure, with appendices. 1849. 8vo, pp. 5. Repoi't upon the most advantageous mode of dealing with the sewage matter of the Metropolis with a view to the prepa- ration of sewage manure, by T. Wicksteed. 1854. 8vo, pp. 47. On the application of sewage to agricultural purposes; a paper by W. Johnson, Esq. 1855. 8vo. pp. 44. K 258 Metropolitan Commissioners of SQweYi—cuntimied. Tides. Register of tides taken at J )eptford, London Bridj^'C. and IJattersea. from 19tli June to 19tli July, 1849. 1849. 8vo, 1.,.. :^1. Water Supply. .Sinimiarv of answei's i-etui-ncd b\- tlie various water companies su])plyimi' the Meti'0])()lis to (juestious submitted by the Commissionei-s of Sewei's [as to wuter supply to courts and alleys]. 1848. Folio, foldinir sheet. Works. Return of ]ml)lie and ])rivate woiks ordered and allowed. 1847-48 and 1850. Report on the works and general proceedings of the Commission during tlie year 1850. 1851. 8vo, pp. 10 Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market Fiist, second and third ri.'ports from the select commit tee on the Metropolitan Foreign Cattle ISIarket Bill, with the minutes of evidence taken before them. London, 18G8. Folio, pj). iv., 348; iv., 120; xxxviii., 76. Contents <>t apiJcndix to thinl nin/rt. /ntt;r alia : lieport of the Governors a\v Administration, 1872-91. Lcmdon, 1872-91. Folio, 20 vols. r'ontiuued as the " r,ocal Covernmi n1 .lourual." Metropolitan Public Gardens Association Annual reports, ]>--'; 9s. London ; lh;&7 99 ,. .Svo, o vols. Metropolitan Railway — V'ce London traHic. rfr.] Moore ' Harold E.) County councils and practical training in agriiuhure. iSee Eduealion. Technical education congress. 18!»7. 8vo. Moore (Henry Charles) Omnibuses and cabs: their origin and liistoiy. London, liA>2. 8vo, pp. xiv., 282. Moore (John James) 'I'^e best mode of arranging the drainage nf tlie mi'ti'opolis ill ortler to apply the sewage as manure to agricultui-al purposes; a memorial to the Metropolitan Board of Works, liondon, 1858. 8vo, pp. 12. [A i>aniphk't ImjuikI np with ollicrs in volume^ Srwiuje Util'zafion, 1S45-G.5. See DraiiiaLTt' ami Scwcraircl Moore (Stuart Archibald) History of tlie foreshore and law relating thereto, with a hitherto unpublished ti-eatise by Lord Hale, Lord JIale's '■ Le jure maris," and Hall's essay on the lights of the Crown in tlie sea-shore. London, 1888. 8vo, pj). liv., 984, and indices. Mord.en (William Edward) The history of Tooting-Craveney, Suri-cy : compih^d from original documents, by W. B. Morden. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. xxx., 882. Morel • Julesj Special treatment of insane in prisons. See Barrows (1. C) Proceedings of the national conference of charities . . . held in Grand Kapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by J. C. BarrowK. 1896. 8vo. Morewood 'J. J.; 'i'he great London draijiage plan: to afford tiicans for effectually draining the metropolis; to preserve the 'J'hames fi-om the impui-ities at present passing into it, and to collect all the jn-odiice of the sewers for ai)plicat ion to agricultural purpo.ses. London, 184S. (Svo, pp. 6. [A pamphlet bound up with others in voliinu;, Planx for Metrojjnlitun (Iriiiiicgr, 1848-05. See Drainage and Sewerage.] How long is London to lu; \ictimised by its sewage ? liOndon, 1856. 8vo, pp. 16. [A pam]*hlet bound up with otiiers in volume, ,V//:St. Savioui-'s, Suuthwark. 1795. ' Svo. Morgan (George Osborne) and Edward Albert Wurzburg Statutes, rules of Coui't and g'eiieral oihUm's relatiiii^- to the practice and jurisdiction of tlie Cliancery division of the Hif^h Court of Justice and tlic Coui't of Ap|K'al. fjoiidon. 1885. Svo, pp. Ix., 723. A treatise on the law of costs, in the Chancery Division of tlie High Court of Justice. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. Ivi., 996. Morier (Eight Hon. Sir Roger Burnett Davis) The agrarian legislation of Prussia during the present century ; also a report on the tenure of land in the Grand Duchy of Hesse. See Probyn (J. W.) Systems of land tenure. 1881. "8vo. Morley (Henry) Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. N'ew edition, liondon, 1880. 8vo, pp. xvi., 404. Illustrated. Morley (John) The life of Richard Cobden. London, 1882. 4to, pp. 124. Morrison (William Douglas) The treatment of criminals. See Hand (J. E.). Cood citizenship, e/f. 1899. 8vo. Moscow Atlas statistique de la ville do Moscou. Moscou, 1887, 1890. Folio, 2 vols. There is, with each volume, an e.-splaDa'ion of the diagrams, etc.. date 1 respectively ]S!)0, 1891. — Bulletin ivcapitulatif de la ville de Moscou, 189G-l9(J0. Moscou, 189(j-1901. Folio, {coniinuincj). Bulletin statistique mensuel, 1894-1902. Moscou, 1894-1902. Folio {continuing). Incomplete, many numbers wanting. Les deces a Moscou en 1893. Moscou, 1895. 8vo, pp. 52. En({uete sur la boulangerie dans la ville de Mo.scou. Moscou, 1889. Folio, pp dG; 47. Enquete sui- les entrepi'ises de transport par rues dans la ville de ]\1oscou. Moscou, 1895. Svo, })p. .■!2. Etablissements de commerce et d'industrie a ^Moscou en 1885-90. Moscou, 1892. Folio, pp. 32. Mortalite a Moscou, 1872-89. Moscou, l89l. Folio, i)p. 79; 26. Rapport sui' les ])rix normals pouvant servir de base pour revaluation des valeurs locatives des logements. Moscou, 1887. Folio, pp. 39, and tables. Renseignements statistiques sur I'assistance dans la \ ille de Moscou en 1889. Moscou, 1891. Folio, pp. xxxi., 34. 26i Moseley ( Henry "l The inechanical principles of engineering and arcliiti't-'tuiv. London, 1855. 8vo, ])p. xxiii., ()75. Mott (Frederick Walker) >^c<^ London County Conncil. Archives of iuMirolo--v . . . Edited l)y F. W. Mott. 1899. 8vo. Mlllhall (Michael G.) Tlie dictionary of statistics. London, 1892. 8\ii, pp. \ iii.. (y,V2. Municipal Affairs Municipal affairs; a quarterly magazine drvnted tu ihe cuusidci'ation of city problems from the standpoint of the taxpayer and citizen. Vols. I.-V. New York, 1897-1901. 8vo, {contiiini)ig). Vol. I., No. 4 (I)ecenibcr. 1897). is wanting. Municipal and County Engineers, Incorporated Association of The public works of Jjcicestci' ; a souvenir of the annual meeting at Leicester, June, 1901, etc. Leicester, 1901. 8vo, pp. 49. A reprint of various new.spaper accounts of the meeting ; containing also the presidential address and a biography of Mr. E. G. Mawbey, the president for 1!)01. Municipal Corporations First report of the commissioners apjiointed to iiuiuire into the inunicipal corporations in England and Wales. London, 1835. Folio, pj). 132. There is an appendix containing a sunmiaiy and tables. Appendix to fii-st rej)oi-t of the commissioners. London, 1835. Folio, 4 vols. Contents : i'art I. : Midland, western and south-western circuits. I'art 11. : South-eastern and southern circuits. Part III. : Northern and north-midland circuits. Part 1 \'. : lOastern and north-western circuits. Second report of the commissioners apj)ointed to inquire into the municipal corpoi-ations in Kngland and Wales ; London and Southwark. London, 1837. Folio, pp. iv., 34G. Contents, hitrr alia : Nature tjf evidence as to iVe Corporation of London — Nature of eviilence as to the Coinpanies — Limits and divisions — Charters — Corporate body and officers — Klections — Fiinclicjns of the governing body and officers— Courts — Boards— Police — Revenues — Licences of public-houses — irouthwark — London companies. Reports from places not in any district. [London, 1835.] Folio, pp. 2,8Gl-2940. Contents : Gravcsend — Guildford — Ifavering-at - Bower — Hertford — Kingston-upon-Thames- Maidenhead — St. Albans —Windsor — Wokingham. Rej)ort of the commissioners appointed to inquire into manicijia! cor [)f nations not subject to the Municipal Corporations Acts other than the City of J^ondon ; together with minutes of evidence, index, etc. London, 1880. Folio, 2 vols, in 1. 265 Municipal Corporations —continued. Boundaries commission. Report of the commissioners appointed to report and advise upon the boundaries and wai-ds of certain boroughs and (•oi-{)oi'ate towns, England and Wales. London, lbH7. Folio, '■'> vols. Plans. Contents : — Vol. I. : Aberystwith to Favcrsliaiii. \'ol. II. : Ffilkestoiie to Nottinghiuii. Viil. 111. : Oswestry to York. Instructions given by his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with reference to the boundaries and division into wai'ds of the several cities, boroughs, and towns corporate in Ireland, with letters or reports and plans received in answer to such instructions. London, 1837. Folio, pp. vi, 161. Plans. ■ Reproductive undertakings. Return of the water, gas, tramway, electric lighting and other re])roductive undertakings carried on by municipal boroughs. London, 1899. Folio, pp. 09. Municipal Journal The municipal journal, Vols. VIII. — XI. London, 1899-1902. 8vo, (continuing). Murray (James Aug-ustus Henry) A new English dictionary on historical piiiiciples ; edited by J. A. H. Murray, Avith the assistance of many scholars and men of science. Oxford, 1888- 1902. 4to, {continuing). Mylne (James William j See Russell (J.) and J. W. Mylne. Reports of cases ... in the High Court of Chancery. 1832-37. 8vo. and E-ichard Davis Craig" Report of cases in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenhani, with a few in the time of the Roval Commissioners, and Sir C. C. Pepys, 1832-35. London, 1837-48. 8vo, 5 vols. and Benjamin Keen Reports of cases argued and determined in thu High C'ourt of C'hancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Brougham and Sir J. Leach, Master of the Rolls, 1832-35. London, 1834-37. 8v<). 3 vols. Mylne 'Robert) The report on the 23roposed improvements of the di-ainage and navigation of the River Ouze, by executing a straight cut from Eau-brink to King's Lynn. Lynn, 1792. 4to, pp. 52. Mylne (Robert William) Sections of the London strata : to which is prefixed a block plan of the Metropolis and its suburbs. London, 1850. Folio, pp. 8. List of Plates : Plan of London and its suburbs, Is.oO — Section of the London strata in adiiect line from Hampstead to Camberwcli, from Highgate to Peckham, from Newiiigton to Lewisham, from Kensington to Greenwich, and Chiswick to Bow. !()(; N N., G. P. Hampstead Heath in Chancery. London, 1867. 8vo, pp. S. [Bound up with Park's Tojwg ra ph ij of Ham pat end. ISIS.] Naldrett 'Edward James) (SVt- Mat-moi-j-an (A.) London Govern- iiu-nt Act, ISW. etc. L^!>9. Svo. Napier ("Hon. William) and William Hope The sewage of the .Met r()]>olis ; a letter to Juhu Tliwaile.s, J%S(|., chaii'inan of the Metropolitan Board of VVork.s, being a comparative analysis of Baron Liebig's three letters. London, 1865. 8vo, pp. 32. [.\ paiiiplilet l)i)uud up witli others in vohime. SiMvngc utdizntimi, lS46-(Jo. Sr-e Drainage and Sewerage.] Nasll < Robert LucaSj See Fenn (C.) Fenn's compendium of the Fnirlish and foreign fund.s. 1867. 8vo. National debt History of the earlier years of the funded debt from 1694 to 1786. London, 1898, Folio, pp. 78. Remarks on the necessity and the means of extingui.shing a large portion of the national debt ; with notes, partly on miscellaneous topics. Bath, 1828. 8vo, pp. 95. [With M.S. notes. Bound with Itemarhnin the huildi/u/.s- and i/n/iiuireiiirii'x in Linldon. ISIG.] Report by the secretaiy and comptroller general of the jtroceedintrs of the commissioners for the reduction of the national debt. London, 1891. Folio, pp. 329. [Boun.l with Ilixtory of the fundrd dcl,t fmm 1004 to 17S6 ] Return showing {I) the aggregate gi-oss liabilities of the State as represented by the nominal funded debt . . . from 1835-6 to 1897-98, both inclusive, and (2) the gross and net expenditure charged annually during that period against tiie public levenue on account of the luitional debt, etc. Jjondon, 1898. Folio, pp. 35. [Bound witli History of the funded di-ht front 1004 to 17S6.] Neale 'John Preston) Sec Hrayley (K. W.) and .). \\ Neale. 'llie liistoiy and antiquities of the Abl)ey Church of St. Peter, \V.-'.»7 >. >iil>on, (ls97.) Xvo. pp. 1S2, and index. Water department ; scale of water charges for domestic and ti-ade pnrj)oses. Nelson, (1895.) 8vo, pp. 23. Nelson (Joihu.) J '•*-* history, topography and antiijuitics of the jtarish of St. Mary, Islington, in the county of MichJlesex. ijondon, iHll. 4to, pp. viii., 416, and 14 plates. 2(i7 Nelson (William) >^'''' Manwood (J.) Ti-eatise of tlie forest laws . . . K.,iii-tli cdifion by W. Nelson. 1717. 8vo. Nesbit (John Collis) '^I'he history and propei'ties of the different varieties of natural guanos. London, 18G0. 8vo, pp. 50. [A paiuphli't 1)01111(1 \\\) with otliers in vuluine. Mi-icella/ieiiK-s panijihlft-s. 1S66.64. 1 Netberway (Robert) 'f'he sewerage of London and its environs ; or, a renioditication of the high level drainage seheme, with a pro})osition for extending the outfalls to below Gravesend. London [1850 ?]. 8vo, pp. 40. [A paruplilet bound np with otliers in vohnne, Plaiix for mrtropolitan dralniKjv. lS-iS-65. Sac Di'iiinagc aiul Sowerage.] Suggestions for improving the sanatory state of London and its environs, slightly modified from the scheme submittetl to the Metropolitan Commissionei'S of Sewers in 1849. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. 72, and map. [A pamphlet bound up with others in voluinc, Snnitarij reform, lS48-5^'>. See Simitaiy Reform.] Newall (Walter) Memorandum relative to the organization of business, and salaries and emoluments of oftieers in the office of the Metropolitan Board of Woi-ks. [London], 1859. 8vo, pp. 7. [A panipldet l)Ound up with others in volume, Mi-sccUaiwovs jxiiajyldrts 786(!-04.] Newbigging" (Thomas) Handbook for gas engineers and manager.s. London, 1889. 8vo, ])p. xv., 524. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, City of Reports and accounts, 1897-8 to 1898-9. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1898-9. 8vo, 2 vols. New Haven A report to the commissioners on lay-out of East Rock-park; by Donald G. Mitchell, LL.D. New Haven, 1882. 8vo, pp. 20, and plan. Newport, County Borough of Reports and accounts, 1893-4 to 1890-7. Newport, 1894-7. 8vo, 4 vols. New South Wales Agriculture in New South Wales, by T. A. Coghlan. (Sydney, 1900.) 8vo. pp. 47. The climate of New South AVales. by T. A. Coghlan statistician. (Sydney, 1900.) 8vo, pp. 10, and map. Department of Labour and Industry ; report on the woi'king of the Factories and Sliops Act (GO Victoria, No. 37) during the year 1897. Sydney, 1898. Folio, pp. 39. Department of Mines and Agriculture ; annual reports for the years 1894, 1897, 1899. Sydney, 1895-1900. Folio, {continuimj) . 268 New South Wales —con finned. Tlie fauna of New South Wales, by T. A. Coglilan. ( Syibiey, 19CK).) 8vo, pp. 15. Fire Ib-igades Hoard, Sydney; annual report, 1895. (Sydney, 1896.) Folio, pp. 30. Forty years of progress in New^ Soutli Wales, by T. A. Coghlau. (Sydney, 1900.) 8vo, pp. 8. Metropolitan Board of Watei Supjjly and Sewerage ; ro])orts for the years 1890, 1897-1900. Sydney, 1892-1901. Folio, (continninfj). Mineral resources, No. 7 ; mercury, oi- quicksilver, in New South Wales, with notes on its occurrence in other colonies and countries, by J. E. Came, geological surveyor. Sydney, 1900. 8vo, pp. 36. Mineral resources. No. 8 ; report on the Hillgiove gold- Held, by E. C. Andrews, geological surveyor. Sydney, 1900 8vo, pp. 44, and map. The mining industry of New South Wales, by T. A Coghlan. (Sydney, 1900.) 8vo, pp. 41, and map. Reports of the Department of Public Works, 1893-94 to 1898-99. Sydney, 1894-1900. Folio, {cnntinulncj). Statistical registers for 1895-99, and previous years ; compiled fi-om official returns by T. A. Coghlan, government statistician. Sydney, 1897-1900. 8vo, {continuing). The issue for IS'Jfi is wanting. The timber resources of New South Wales, by T. A. Coghlan. (Sydney, 1900.) 8v(), j)]). 1(J. The wealth and i.iogress of New South Wales, by T. A. Coghlan, government statistician, 1894 to 1897-98. Sydney, 1895-1900. 8vo, {continaimj). Newton ( ) Statement at the Mile End Vestry in relation tu the charges in Mr. lieal's ])am])Iilet against the Metro2:)olitan Boartl of Works. London, [1864.] 8vo, pp. 16. [A pamphlet Iwund up with others in \o\ume, Accounts, Ji lunire, rata, etc., 1862. ."v-e Accounts, etc.] New York, City of Annual report of the Board of Cojnmlssioners • if tlie Ceiitiai-park for the yeai- 1866. New York, 1867. 8vo, l,p. 152. Annual reports of the Commissioners of Taxes and Assess- ments, 1896, 1897. New York, 1897. 8vo, 2 vols. Annual report of the Comptroller, 1866, 1896. New York, 1867, 1896. 8vo, 2 vols. 269 New York, City of — continued. Annual jvpoi'b of tlie Croton A(|ueduct Department made to the Common Council of the city of New York for the year 1866. New York, 1867. 8vo, pp. 149. Annual report of the Metropolitan Board of Health, 1866. New York, 1867, 8vo, pp. 456. Bulletin of the New York Public Libraiy, 1899-1902. New York, 1899-1902. 8vo, (confinumg). Foliniary. 189J). February and October, 1901. ar^^ wanting. Messao-e of R. A. van Wyck, Mayor, to the Municipal Assembly, 1898. New York, 1898. 8vo, pp. 21. Reports of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks, 1870-71 to 1873. New York, 1871-75. 8vo, 3 vols. Report of the Fire Department of the city of New York for the three months and year ended 31st December, 1891. New York, 1893. 8vo, pp. 82. County of Annual report of the Comptroller, 1866. New York, 1867. 8vo, pp. 168. University of the State of Annual reports of the res^ents, 1896, 1897. Albany, 1S97-98. 8vo, 2 vols. Leofislation by states, 1894-1900. Albany, 1895-1900. 8vo, i^contimiing). State library bulletin : Lci^islatiou. Nos. 5-7. 9-11 and i:^. State finance statistics, 1890 and 1895 ; comparative receipts, expenditures, funds and debts. Albany, 1897. 8vo, pp. 429-482. State library bulletin, No. 8. Trend of legislation in the United States, by R. H. Whitten. Albany, 1900. 8vo, pp. 401-435. State library bulletin : Legislation, No. 12. New Zealand Annual repoi-t of the Minister of Education, 1899. (Wellington, 1900.) Polio, pp. xxviii., 111. Canterbury Agricultural College; annual report, 1899. (Wellington, 1900.) Fobo, pp. 4. The Canterbury^College ; annual statement, 1899. (Wel- lington, 1900.) Folio, pp. 12 The Costley Training Institution; annual report, 1899. (Wellington, 1900.) Folio, 2 pp. Native schools ; extract from annual report of the Minister of Education, 1899. (Wellington, 1900.) Folio, pp. 30. 270 New Zealand — continued. Rcj)iiitsuf inspectors of schools, \^i)d. (Wellington, 1900.) Folio, pp. 48 Teachers" and civil service examinations, January, 1900 ; In.s])ectoi--gcneral of schools' report. (Wellington, 1900.) Folio, l.p. :M\ Niagara Falls Park Annual reports of the commissioners l>9:j-l,si)^. Tuinnto. 189G-99. 8vo, 4 vols. Nichols (John Bowyer) A hi-ief account of the Guildhall of the City (if Ltiiidon. London. 181'.'. 8vo, pj). [iv.], 64. Nichols ("John Gou^h) London |)ap(. lints : I. Accounts of fifty-five rnyal processions and cntei-tainnients in the City of London, chiefly extracted from contem})orary writers : to which is added an account of the pre])arations made in 1831 for the reception of King William and Queen Adelaide. II. A bibliographical list of Lord Mayors' })ageants. London, 1837. 8vo, pp. 122. [Bound with J. B. Nichols' A hrirf account nfthr (htildhall, 1S19.] See London, t'hronicle of the Grey Friars of liondon. Edited by J. G. Nichols. 1852. 4to. Nicholson (^Renton) A treatise on the Sale of Beer Bill; addres.sed to the public and the publican. London, 1854. 8vo, pp. 40. [A paniplilet honml uj) with otlicrs in volume, MisccUnncdvs puinphlftn^ 1866-64.] Nicholay 'J. A.) Administration of the sewerage and drainage of the metrojiolitan disti-icts : statement of objections to the existing svstem and of essentials for a sound one. London, l8ol. 8vo, pp. 111. [A pamphlet lx>un(l up with others in volume, I'hiiix fur mtiroiwlitan ilnihiugc, 1S48-06. Sec Drainage and Sewerage.] Nicholl (^John) Some account of the worshipful Coni])any of Tron- juougers ; c(nnpiled fi'om their own records and other authentic sources of information. London, 1851. 8vo, pp. xi., 610. NichoUs ('Sir Georgej A history of the English poor law in con- nection with the state of the country and the condition of the people. Xew ('(lit ion, containing the revisions mad(; by the author, and a bioLriaphv by 11. G. Willink. London, 1898. 8vo, 2 vols. Contents : — Vol. I. rpp. X. : Ixxviii., 384) : A.o. 924 t., 1711. Vol. II. (pp. viii. ; 460) : A.D. 1714 to iK.-j.i. There is a continuation of this work, Vol. Ill , ls.34-98, hv T. Mackav. See Mrickay (T.). Nicol 'Henry; >if'f- Pollock (Sir G. E.) 'Die practice of the County Courts, etc. 1870, 8vo. 271 Nitrous Fumig'ation Hcixn-t from the committee on Dr. Smyth's ])etiliun, rtspc'ctinj^- liis discovery of nitrous fumigation. Ijondon, 1802. Folio. [PP. 1811-229 of RiqHirt.1 from Comniittrr:^ of the Uousc of Commons, 1793- 1802. Srr I'iivlianicnr.] Noble (John) and Company 'I'ramways as a means of facilitating the street ti'aihc of the metropolis ; providing first-class pul)lic carriages at reduced fares ; a more easy and pleasant means of transit; and relieving the ratepayers of the expense of main- taining a large portion of the public streets and roads. London. 1865. 8vo, pp. 1(). [A pamphlet bouml up wiili otliers in volume. Lyndon traffic, etc.. lStG-06. Sre Li)n(lon traffic] Noble ( TheophiluS Charles) Memorials of Temple Bar: with some account of Fleet Street and the parishes of St. Dunstan and St. Bride, London. London, 1869. 8vo, pp. 142. (Contents : The s^reat highway through Temple Par — The ancient history of Temple Bar — The modern history of Temple Bar — Chronicle of Fleet-street processions and Temple Bar pageants — The modern Traitor's Gate — A rambl j oastwanl of Temple Bar — The Fleet-street printing press — Index. Nocard (Ed.) The animal tuberculoses, and their relation to human tuberculosis ; translated by H. Scurfield. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. 143. Noorthouck (John) A new history of London, including West- minster and Southwark ; to which is added a general survey of the whole, describing the public buildings, late improvements, etc., illustrated with copperplates. London, 1773. 4to, pp. viii., 902, and index. Contents : History of London — Survey of London, with descriptions of the jjublic buildings — Survey of the borough of Southwark, including Kotherhithe, Ne\\ington and liambeth — Survey of Westminster — SuViurbs of London and Westminster — Ajipendix (containing the seveial charters of the City of London, with Acts of Parliament, anil of Common Council, etc., relating to its government) — Addenda (including, inter alia, the original regulations framed by the City legislature for the government of the City hospitals). Norman (John Paxton) See Hurlstone (E. T.) and J. p. Norman. Kxchei[uer rL'})orts. 1857-62. 8vo. Norman (Philip) London .signs and inscriptions. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. XX., 237. Contents : Human signs — Tlirce l. Nottingham. 1891-99. 8vo, and 4to, 9 vols. Noxious Businesses Report from the select committee on noxious l)ii.>iiics.scs : tdgcther Avith the pi-oceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1873. Folio, pp. xii., 299. — ■ Return of all pti-.sons licensed to car)y on the ti-ade of .slauglitej'crs of cattle or sheep, etc., within the limits of the metropolitan district. London, 1873. 'l''()lio, ])p. 14. [Bound with the Rrpint on no-rioux //nginrsMes, 1S73.'\ Noxious Vapours Report of select committee on injiiiy from noxious vapours ; together with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1862. Folio, pp. vii., 297. Repoi't of I'oyal commission on noxious vapours ; with minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. Lcnidon, 1878. Folio. ]»p. 38; 588, and inrlex. 273 Oakes ( W. H.) Tables of compound interest, for each rate between 4 and 10 j)er cent, per annum, jiroceeding by intei-vals of oric- eightli, and from 1 year to 100 years. London, 1877. 8vo, ]ip. xvii., 7(3. OdgerS (William Blake) Digest of the law of libel and slander .... with a chaijter on the Newspaper Libel and Registration Act, 1881. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. Ixxii., 803. Local government. Jjundon, 1899. 8vo, pp. x., 28-1. O'Doherty (William Archdall) Water for domestic use ... a collection of the o])ini()iis and eA'idence of the leading scientific authorities of the day . . . also a description, and illustration of the apparatus proposed to be used by the Metropolitan Water Purifying Company ; compiled and arranged by W. A. O'Doherty. (London, 1862.) 8Vo, pp. 51. TA pamphlet bound up with others in volume, London vat r supph/, 1S49-64. Srr Water Supply.] Odling (William) Report on the effects of sewage ctmtamination u])on the i-iver Thames, l^ondon, 1858. Svo, pp. 22. FA pamphlet bound up with others in volume, London icatrr supply, 1S49-64. See Water Supply.] [Another copy.] [Bound up with other pamphlet- in volume, Snragc vtilhation, 1S4)-G5. See Drainage and Sewerage.] See Crookes (W.) London water supply. 188-i. Svo. Ogden (William Sharpe) Studies in mercantile architecture, com- prising fifty suggestive designs for warehouse, shop, and office buildings suitable f(jr commercial districts of large cities. London, 1876. Folio, 50 plates. Ohlmiiller (W.) Die Untersuchung des Wassers ; ein Leitfaden zum Gebrauch in Laboratoi'ium fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Studirende. Berlin, 1894. Svo, pp. x., 178. Oke (George Colwell) The laws as to licensing inns, etc., con- taining the Licensing Acts, 1872, 1874, and the other acts in force as to alehouses, beei-houses, wine and refreshment rooms, shops, etc., Avhere intoxicating liquors are sold, and billiard and occasional licences. London, 1874. Svo, pp. xxxi., 353. The laws of turnpike roads : comprising the whole of the general acts, etc. London, 1860. Svo, pp. xxii., 396. The magisterial formulist ; being a complete collection of forms and precedents for practical use, in all cases of Quarter Sessions, and in parochial matters, by magistrates, their clerks, attornies, and constables. London, 1S68. Svo, pp. xxiv., 1,033. s [L.C. 11 271 Oke (George Colwell) —continued. The magisterial synopsis ; a j)ractical guide for magis- trates, thoir olei'ks, attornics, and constables; summaiy oouvietious aud indictable offences, with their j)enalties, punish- ments, procedure, etc. London. 1872. 8vo, 2 vols. Old Age Peiisious Report from committee on old age pensions, with minutes of evidence and appendices. London, 1898. Folio, pp. iv.. 210. Old Artillery Ground Acts of Parliament relating to tlie Old ArtiUery Ground, in the liberty of tlui Tower of London, 1774. London, 1774. Folio. Contents : Workhouse, paving, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1771. Oldham, County Borough, of Abstract of accounts, 1893-4 to 1S97-8. Oldham. 1S94-1898. 8vo, 5 vols. Olmstead (Frederick Law) A consideration of the justifying value of a public park. Boston, 1881. 8vo, pp. 20. Mount Royal, ^lontreal. New York, 1881. 8vo, pp. [iii.], 80. The s{)oils of the park, witili a few leaves from the deep- laden note-books of a wholly unpractical nnm. Detroit, 1882. 8vo, pp. 57. and J. B. Harrison Ob;5ervations on the treatment of public plantations, moi'e especially relating to the use of the axe. Boston, 1889. 8vo, jip. 24. Oporto Boletim mensal de estatistica .sanitaria, publicado pela ie[)artiYao municipal de saude c hygiene da cidade do Porto. 189(J-1900. Porto, 1900. 8vo, 10 parts. 'J'hcre arc wanting of 18'J0 all except August ; and of 19G. Paris, 1837. 4to, pp. 206, and folding tables. Pouiiil witli I'dpport .vwr Id marclic (hi (■]niJi''r<(-)iiorhi(s, 1S34. Direction des affaires municipales, etc. Paris, 1900. 4to, pp. 43. [An acc-ontt of Ihc local government of Paris, compiled for tlic use of visitors to the E.xhihition of lliO,^. and extracted from tie '-Journal Onicicl."] Exposition univcrselle de 1900; catalogue de Veis^posltion speciule de la ville de Paris et du dcj)artcmcnt de la Seine. J'aris, 1900. 8vo, pp. 179. E.xposition univcrselle de 1900 ; cx])ositi()n iv( rospeclive deja ville do Paris. ]\iris, 1900. 8vo, pp. 61. [Exposition inii\ crselle de 1900.] Paris international exhibition, 1900 : report of His Majesty's Commissioners, etc. London, 1901. 8vo, 2 vols. Les logements k laon marche ; recueil annotc des dis- cussions, debljcrations et i'apj)orts da conscil municipal de Pnris, file. Paris, 1897. 8vo, pp. xvi., 1343. Note du directeur des travaux de Paris sur la situation dn service des eaux et egouts et sur les mesures k projm.ser au conseil municijtal. J'aris, 1879. 8vo, pp. 264. 277 Paris — cunthmed. Note snr lo Bois do Bouloo-ne psir M. Barras. Paris, 1900. 4to, p]). 148. Notice, des.siu.s-types el dorunients regleincntaircs cuii- cernant recoulemenfc dirccfc Ji Tcgout. Paris, 1898. 8vo, pp. 1(). Kap})ort sur la mavclie et les efEets du cliolera-morbus dans Paris ct los communes rurales du department de la I^scine par la commission nommee . . . par MM. les prefets de la Seine et de Police ; anuee 1832. Paris, 1834. 4to, pp. 205, and tables. Receuil de pieces concernant la regie des eaux . . . par la compagnie generale des eaux. Paris, 1884. 8vo, pp. 110. Receuil des clauses connus sur le noni de reserves domaniales, imposees aux acquereurs de biens nationaux au liospitaliers et de celles consenties par divers proprietaires, ])Oiir relargissement ou le percement des voies publiques . . . depuis ranneo, 1790, suivi d'uii atlas iudiquant la situation des imnieubles greves. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1897. 4to, pp. 129. Administration de I'Octroi. Budget des depenses, 1889. Paris, 1889. 4to. Compte des frais de perception, 1887. Paris, 1888. 4to. Projet de budget des depenses, 1887. Paris, 1888. 4to. Assistance publiqiie. Budget des recettes et des depenses, 1888, 1899-1901. Paris and Montevrain. 1888-1901. 4to, {continuing'). Compte financier, 1887, 1897-1899. Paris and Montevrain, 1888-1900. 4tu, (nDitinuinij). Compte morale, 1886, 1896-1899. Paiis and ]\lontevrain, 1888-1901. 4to, (cunt inning). Ueveloppements du compte tinancier, 1897-1899. Paris and Montevrain, 1899-1900. 4to, (continuing). Pi'ojet de budget des recettes et des depenses, 1889. Paris and Montevrain, 1888. 4to. Bourse du Travail. Annuaire de la bourse du travail, 1889. Paris, 1890. 4to. Bureau des Inhumations. Documents concernant les cenietieres de la ville de Paris. Paris, 1896. 8vo, pp. 103. Paris — continued. Conseil nmnicipal de Paris. Pioces-verbaux, 1891-1900. Talis, 1891-1901. 4to {contimiing) . Rapports et documents, 1891-1901. Paris, 1891-1901. 4to, {contiuning) . Finances. Budget, 1889, 1892-1893, 1895-1901. Paris, 1889-1901. 4to, {continning^. Budget supplementaii^e, 1887. Paris, 1888. 4to. Compte general des rcccttes ct des depenses, 1891-1899- Paris, 1892-1900. 4to, {continuing). Developpements a I'appui du eonipte general des recettes et des depenses, 1887, 1891-1899. Paris, 1888-1900. 4to, {continuing). Emi.runts de 1886, 1892, 1894, 1896 et 1898; lois et decrets, delibeiations et arretes. Pains, 1898. 4to, pp. 212. Projet do budget, 1888-1889, 1899. Paris, 1887-98. 4to, 3 vols. Projet de budget sui)pleinentaire, 1888. Paris, 1888. 4to. Releve comparatif des recettes et des dejienses, 1876 a 1887, 1888 a 1899 inclusivement. Paris, 1888-1900. 4to, 3 vols. Desinfectiou. Service municipal do desinfectiou. Paris, 1900. 8vo, pp. 47. Direction des Travaux. Priijct de reglement et projet de loi relatifs a I'assainisse- ment de Paris : resultats do I'enquete ouverte. Paris, 1884. 4to, ))]). 252. Proces-vei-bau.\ de la coninii.ssiun suj)erieure et des sous- commissions de Tassainisscmcnt dc Paris, 1885-1880. Paris, 1885-86. 4to. Mont-de-Piete. Jiudgot, 1889. Paris, 1888. 4to. Compte adminishatif de I'exei'cice 1887, clos de 31 Mars, 1888. I'nvis, 1888. 4to. Prefecture de Police. Budget des dt'pen.ses, 1889. Paris, 1889. 4to. Comi)te des depenses, 1887. Paris, 1888. 4to. Projet de budget des depenses, 1889. Paris, 1888. 4to. 279 Paris — continued. Service de la Statistique municipale. Annufiii-c statistique, 1881-1897. Taris, 1880-05. 8vo, 14 vols. The volumes for 18P1 and 1804 are wniiting. Rcsultat.s statistique.s du denonibrements dc 188G, pour la A'illo de Paris ct lo d('])arteuient de la Seine, et rensignemcnts relatifs aux drnonibi-einents antei-ieurs. Paris, 1887. 4t(). - Ri'sultats statistiques du deuorabrements de 1801 . . . Edition abregee. Paris, 1894. 4to. La voie publique, etc. ■ Notes a rajjpni du couiptc des depenses, 1898-1899. Paris, 1899-1900. 4to, 2 vols. Departement de la Seine. — Assainissemeut de la Seine; epuiation et utilisation des eaux d'egout. Pai'is, 1876. 8vo, 2 vols, in 1. Catalogue de la bibliotheque administrative de ]a pre- fecture du department de la Seine ; section fran^aise. Paris, 1890. 8vo, pp. 632. [Another edition.] Paris, 1898. 8vo, pj). 890. [The same.] Section etrangere, dresse par A. Carnct. Paris, 1892. 8vo, pp. 712. Conicil (jcncral. Memoirs de M. le prefet de la Seine et de JV1. le prefet de Police et proces-verbaux des deliberations, 1887-1892. Paris, 1887-93. 4to, 19 vols. Fttiances. Budget des recettes et des depenses ordinaiix\s et extra- ordinaires, 1889. Paris, 1889. 4t(). Budget rectificatif, 1888. Paris, 1889. 4to. Compte lies recettes et des depenses, 1887. Paris, 1888. 4to. Projet des budget des recettes et des de))enses, 1889. Paris, ISSS. 4to. — Projet de budget rectificatif, 1888. Paris, 1889. 4to. Prefecture de Police. — Budget special des recettes et des depenses, 1889. Paris, 1889. 4to. 280 Paris — continued. Departement de la Seine — Prefecture tie Police — continued. Com])te des recettes et des dejienses departementales ordinaires, 1887. Paris, 1888. -tto. Projet de budget special des recettes et des depenses, 1889. Paris, 1888. 4to. Service dC architecture du departement. Rapport sur le service d'architecture du departement dresse a I'appui du compte departemental de 1897. Paris, 1898. 4to, PI). 227. Park f JollU James) The topogra])liy and natural history of Haiiip.stead, in the county of Middlesex ; with an a})pendix of original records. London, 1818. 8vo, pp. xxi., 359, and index. Contents, inter alia : Situation — Roman roads — Plants — Waters — Conduits — Hampstead Water Company— Etymology of name — History of property — Manor of Hampstead — Manor of Belsizc — Priory of St. John the Baptist at Kilbnrn — Shuttup-hill Estate — Abbey Farm, Kilburn — Parish Church — Places of amusement — Ancient houses — Charities — Biographical notices — Index. Plates, i/itcr alia : Distant view of Hampstead — Plan of Hampstead — Hollow elm — Kilburn Priory — Old church— Residence of Sir H. Vane — Old workhouse. Parker ( Jolin Henry) The Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield. A lecture, etc. [London], 1863. 8vo, pp. 19. An article reprinted from tlie " Gentleman's Magazine," new series, Vol. XV.. pp. 891. Parker 'Frank Rowleyj The election of county councils under tlio Local Gi)veinment Act, 1888. Second edition. Loudon, 1892. 8;vo, pp. xliii., 422. Parkes (Edmund Alexander; A manual of practical hygiene. London, 1883. 8vo, i)p. xix., 731. [Another edition.] London, 1887. 8vo, i)p. xx., 766. Parkes 'Louis) MoJel dwellings in London and overcrowding on .-pacf ; a paper read at a sessional meeting of the Sanitary Institute, February 11th, 1891. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. 11. [A paiiijdilet bound with others in volume, Streets and buildinffn, bye-law-f, and otiur jitipcr*. Sec Streets and buililings.] Parkin ''Johnj The causation and prevention of disease. London, i^Oy. bvo, pp. viii., 191. [There is an appendix with reference to preventive measures applicable to London.] Parkinson 'George Hewling'SJ A liandy hook for the common law judge-i' cljamhers. Lundoii, 1j:>61. 12iiio, j)p. xvi., 233. 281 Parliament Acts of Parliament — General collections. Tlie statutes at large from Magna Cliarta to 46 Goo. III., [1225 to 1806] ; cai'efully collated and revised, with . . . index ... by D. Pickering. Cambridge, 1762-1807. 8vo, 46 vols. [Another edition : 1225 to 1869. Edited by 0. Ruft'head, J. Raithby and Sir Gr. K. Rickards.] London, 1786-1869. 4to, 47 vols. [Another copy.] [Another edition : 1807 to 1868-9.] London, 1807-69. 8vo, 64 vols. [Another edition. 1868-9 to 1901.] London, 1869-1901. Svo, {continuing). [Another edition, 1868-9 to 1901.] London, 1869-1901. Svo, i^continning) . The statutes revised. [1235-1800.] London, 1870. 8 vols. The statutes ; second revised edition. London, 1888-1900. 8vo, {continuing). A collection of statutes of practical utility, by J. Chitty . . . Third edition. Loudon, 1865. 8vo, 4 vols. The statutes of practical utilitj; . . . being the fifth edition of Chitty's Statutes, by J. M. Lely. London, 1894. 8vo, 13 vols. [The same, continued by J. M. Lely, 1892-1901.] London, 1892-1901. Svo, (continuing). Local and personal acts, 18S9-1901. London, 1889- 1901. Svo, (continuing). The years 1891 and 1892 are wanting. Collections relating to London generally. — [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to, or affecting London, 1845-1858.] London 1845-58. Folio. Contents : Metropolis local management, 18.").5, I8.">(>, 1858 — IJuilJing Act, 18.>5 — Covent-garden approach and Southwark and Westminster communication, 18.)7 — Finsbury Park. 1857 — Burdctt Road, 18.58 — Diseases Prevention, 185.5 — Compulsory Accpiisition Consolidation Act, 1845. [Another collection, 1869-73.] London, 1869-73. Svo, 2 vols. [Another collection. 1861-1888.] London, 1861-88. [Another collection, 1884-1901.] London, 1884-1901. Svo, (contimdng) . These volumes contain a complete collection, for the years named, of Acts of Parliament relating to, or atlecting London. [Another collection, 1889-1895.] London, 1889-95. Svo, 3 vols. 282 Parliament — continued. Acts of Parliament — covtinueJ. Colled ions relating to London parishes and dit^tricfsi. [A eolloctioii of local Acts of Parliament relatiiisr to various parishes and districts in the County of London.] Loudon. Folio. (»7 vols. For (ktailoil contents see : Aldjrate. Pattcrsea. Bermondsoy. IJethnal Green. l?o\v (bound witli Stratford'). Brondey (liouiid witli Stratford). t'amberwell. Charlton. Cliartcrhouse. Clielsea. Christehurcdi, Smitliwarlv. Christ church, Spitallields. Clapliam. Clerkcnwell. Ely Place (bound with Charter- house). Finsbury (bound with Cliartcr- house). Fulhani. (Jreenwich. Hackney. Hammersmith. Hampstead. Islinf^ton. Kensington. Lambeth. Lee (bound with Lcwisham). Lewisham. Liniehousc. Lincoln's Inn. Mile End New Town. Mile End Old Town. Minorics. Norton Folgale. Old Artillery (Jrouml. Old Tower Witiiout. i'addington. I'lumstead. Acts of Pai-lianient relatiii','- to the parish of St. George, ITauover-sfpiare ; with instrunients \'<>v appoiiiiine;' vestries. London, L^^IH. 8vo, pj). 160. Anotlier edition. London, IS^iO. 8vo, pp. 171. Cojitents : Ci'Uimissioncrs of coal duties. 1711 — St. Marlin-in-the-Fields' (hiirch, 17r.'-20— JJnrial grounds, 17n?-:5 - Workhoufc, 1787— Paving and lighting. IR-T — Instruments for a)ii>oiiitiiig vestries of St. .Maitin, IC.O^, and St. Gcoigf, 172i5. Acts of Parliament relating to the ])arisli (jf Saint James, Westminster. London, 1842. 8vo. Contents: Erection of pari>h, 1<)85 — (Jlmrchyard, 1710 — Poor, 17(;i, ]«1.')— Regulati. ti of vestries, 1830— Paving nii1 — Paving and lighting, 1751, 1834 — Vestries, 1817, 1830 — Boundary and vestry instruments of the l)arish of St. John the Evangelist, 172i-28 — Westminster government, 1584-5 — Constables and jurymen, 1765, 1757 — Buildings, 1773 — Millbank Penitentiarj^ 1815 — Seditious meetings. 1816 — Improvements, 1826 — Coal vending, 1830— Small debts, 1886— Titles of acts in. force affecting the parishes of St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster. Pancras, Southampton Paving Acts : 41st, 43rd, 52nd, ' and 55th George 111. [1801-15.] London, [1845?'] 8vo, pp. 156, and index. Collections on special subjects — Bridges. [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to Black- friars Bridge.] London, 1766-1833. Folio. Contents : Construction, 1755 — Completion and Eedemption of Tolls, 1766— Sunday Tolls, 1786, 1809— Maintenance Fund, 1812— Repairs, 1833. Canals. — [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating for the most part to the Grand Junction Canal.] London, 1793-1826, Folio. Contents : Grand Junction. 1793, 1826 — West IMiddlescx Waterworks, 1810— Regent's Canal, 1812, ISlC— Counter Creek, 1824— Kensington Canal, 1826. [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to Regent's Canal. 1812-1826.] London, 1820-35. Folio. Consolidated Clauses. [Consolidated clauses Acts. 1845-1847.] London, 1845-47. Folio. Contents : Companies, 1845 — Acquisition of lands for public buildings, 1845 — Railways,' 1845 — Markets and Fairs, 1847 — Gas, 1847 — Public Com- missioners, 1847 — Water, 1847 — Harbours, 1847 — Paving, 1847 — Cemeteries, 1847— Police, 1847. 284 Parliament — coniinned. Acts of Parliament — L'ulhdions on special subjects — continued. Electric lighting. [Electric lis^htiii'^ Acts relating to London, 1881-1901.] London, 1881-1901. 8vo, 2 vols. Gas lighting. [A collection uf Acts of Parliament relating to the snpi^ly of gas, 1847-1860.] London, 1847-61. Folio. Contents : Sales. LSo'.)— Mt'trin)olitan sapi)lv, LSfU) — Coiisoliilated clauses 1847. [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating to the supply and sale of gas, 1847-1888.] London, 1847-88. 8vo. Highways, [A. collect ion of Acts of Purliament relating to highways in or near the metropolis, 1741-1835.] London, 1779-1835. Folio. Contents : UxbriilKC Koad, 1741, 1760, 1794, 1S02, 1814, 182(;— Edgeware Road, 1778, 1799, 1819— Harrow Uoad, 1801, 1804, 1819, 1826— Staines Road, 1811, 1813, 1825— Marylehone Road, etc., 1813— Highgatc and Hampstead Roads, 1821 -Turnpike Roads, England, 1822, 'l823, 1835, 183(5— Trustees, 1823, 1824— FuUiani and lirompton Roads, 182.5— Gold hawk Roa-l. Sheplierds Bush, 182(; — Kinchley Road, 1826 — Consolidation of Trusts on Metropolitan Roads north of the Thames, 1826, 1829— Avenue Road, 1835. Hospitals. [A collection of Acts of Parliament relating princif)ally to the estates of the Bethlehem Hosi)ital.] London, 1813-35. Folio. Contents : Agreement with Mayor and Citizens of London, 1781 — Eniliankin? ho.spital estate at, Wainflcel St. Mary, Line, 1813, 1825 — Confirmation of leases, I'-ridewell and Bethleliem Hospitals, 1825— Reformation of prisons, 183." ■>. Improvevieiits. [A collection of Acts of Pai-lianictii reliiting to various impi-ovcments in the metrojx^lis, 1766-1857.] Lond(m, l833-5>^. Folio. Contents: ni,'u;kfriars-bri<]ge, 1 766, 1833— Coal Dues, 1839, 1840, 18tl. 1844— Farrinffdon Roac(juef;ts, gifts, estates, i-ciit charges, annuitieP, etc., now or heretofore belonging to tliis ])arish on belialf of the ])oor. London, 1851. 8vo, pj). \()^\ 280 . Pask (^ James) ''"'iR ]ir;ictlce of rcgistci-Iiifj^ judgments, decrees, vie. Ijoiidoii, is.")!!. Svo, pp. xii., \l'-'>. Paterson (James) Tlic Intoxicating Licpior Licensing- Acts, 1872, ib71; with introduction, notes, and index. London, 1877. Svo, pp. xxii., 269. Paton (Diarmid Noel) 'SV'e Edinbargh. A study of the diet of tlif labouring chisscs in Edinburgh, elc. [liX)l.] 8vo. Paton (James) 'See Hell (Sir J.) and J. Paton. Glasgow : its municipal organization and administration. 1896. Svo. Patten (Simon N.) The decay of state and local governments. Pliiladelphia, 1890. Svo, pp. 17. Ileprinted from the " Annals of tlie American Academy of Political and Social Science." Paul (Roland W.) Vanishing London : a series of draAvings illustrating some of the old houses, etc., in London and "West- minster. London, 1894. 4to, pp. 24. Plates, inter alia : Emmanuel hospital, Westminster : chapel, courtyard and entrance — Doorway, and fireplace, No. 9, Grosveuor road — Nos. 417,418, 413, 414, Strand — Doorways, Buckingham street, Adelphi — Nos. 10 and 11, Buckingham street — Nos. 1(34, 165, 166, 167, Strand— Dysart house, Norfolk street — Wych street, Strand — Holywell street, Straufl — Clement's Inn, garden house: three views — No. ni, Lincoln's Inn Fields and gateposts of Lindsey house — Houses in Strand, Chancery lane and Fetter lane — Rolls house and chapel — Lincoln's Inn: gateway and Old Square — Nos. 184 and 185, Fleet street — Middle Temple lane — No. 17, Fleet street : ceiling and fireplace — Temple, Lamb building — Nos. 55 and 56, Great Queen street— Doorway, Featherstone buildings, Holborn — Old Bell Inn, Holborn — Fetter lane- Barnard's Inn Hall — Sir Paul Pindar's house, Bishopsgate street : window, ceiling — Three old houses in Bishopsgate — Nos. 8, 9, 10, Great St. Helen's — Crosby Hall chambers, ceiling — No. 10, Austin Friars — Nos. 6, 7, Aldgate — Fireplace from the Palace, Bromley-by-Bow. Paul (S. Cassan) London evictions. [London], 1882. Svo. [An article in ]\Lacmil]an's Magazine for October, 1882, pp. 498-504.] Pavy (Frederick William) Treatise on food and dietetics, physiologically and therapeutically considered. London, 1875. Svo, pp. X.. 613. Payne (William Henry Christopher) See Richards (H. C.) and W. H. C. Payne. The ^letropolitan water supply. 1891. Svo. *S'ee Richards (H. C.) and AV. H. C. Payne. London water supply. Second edition. 1899. Svo. Peabody (Francis Gr.) Chainty and character. See Barrows (I. C.) Proceedings of the National Confei'ence of Charities held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. Svo. T [L.C. 12 290 Pearson (Cliarles) ^*''.v of Loudon Sewers: report on the ease in the (Queen's l?iiicli, Newbold r. Daw. London, 1859. 8vo, • VV- '■ [A pamph'i't bound up witli otlurs in vdliuiic. Lo/itlun trojiic, rtr., ISo(j-(itl. St-f London TratHc] Peek (.Sir Henry William) Tlie Christ's Hospital coulroversy. London. 1S95. 8vo, pp. 373, and index. Pember (Francis W.) See Griffiths (W. ]^) and V. W. Pend)er. The London J>iiildiuo- Act. 1894. 8vo. Penfold (Charles) A letter to the Earl of Carlisle upon tlie diaiiiage of the town of Croydon under the Healtli of Towns Act. London, 1849. Svo, pp. 12. [A pamphk't bound up with others in volume, J'l/nix fur vui n-lJo. Si-c Drainage auil Sewerage.] Practical remarks upon the principle of I'ating i-ailway, gas, water, and other companies ; land, tithes, buildings, manu- factories, and other properties liable to be assessed towards the relief of the poor. Sixth edition, re-written and extended by J. T. Kershaw and W. :\larshall. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. xx., 304. Pennant fThomas) The history and antiquities of London. London, l^L'l. 8yo, 2 vols. Plates, inter tiJin : Vol. L : Palace at Westminster — Westminster Hall — Map of London in the time of Elizabeth — Lambeth Palace — Llan of the City of Westminster in the time of Elizabeth — Westminster Abbey — Painted Chamber — Gate belonging to the Old Palace of Whitehall — St. James's Palace — Somerset House — Temi)le Bar — E]ly Place — Remains of the cloisters of Bartholomew the Great Priorj' — Princijial gate of St. Bartholomew'^ Hospital — Charter House, Great Hall — St. John's Gate — Newgate — Giltspnr Street Compter — Shaftesbury House, Aldersgate Street — Sir Paul Pindar's House, Bishopsgate Street. Vi>l. IL : Picmains of St. Michael's Cliapel, Aldgatc — Tlie Tower — Custom House — Port of London as it ai)peared in the Great Fire, 1G66 — The Moinnnent — Whittington's House, Hart Street, Crutched Eriars— St. Paul's— Guildhall — Mercer's ihill — The East India House — The Bank — Crosby House. Second edition. London, 1818. 8vo, pp. 104. Peoria, Illinois Fifth annual report of the Department of Public Works, 189(J. Peoria, 1897, 8vo, pp. 52, and ') folding tables and map, Percy 'Sholto and (Reuben) London, or interesting memorials of its rise, progress, and present state, f iondon, 1824, 12mo, 3 vols. Perth, Western Australia Pertli Cily Council ; mayor's report, lb99-19(J0, with departmental reports attaciied. Pcrtli, 1900. Folio, pp. 31. 291 PetersJorfT (Charles) Concise and ])i;;icf ical nl»i'i(l<4'tnci]t of the common and statute law, etc. London, lS(Jl-()4. 8vo, S. Report from the select committee on petroleum ; togetlier with the procoedino-s of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendi.x, and index. London, 1896. Folio, pp. xii., 918. [Another report.] London, 1897. Folio, pp. x., 407. [Another report.] London 1898. Folio, pp. Ixxiv., 75. Philadelphia, City of Second, annual message of E. H. Titler, Mavor of the City of Philadelphia, with annual reports . . . 188S. Philadelphia, 1889. 8vo, pp. xiii., 519, and tables. Annual reports of the commissioners of Fairmou.nt Park, 1869 to 187 L, 1878. Philadelphia, 1869-78. 8vo, 4 vols. Phillimore (Mrs. R. C.) Women in social life. See Hand (J. E.) Good citizensliij). 1889. 8vo. Phillips (G-. W.) The histoiy and anti(|uities of the parish of Bermondsey. London, 1841. 8vo, pp. xii., 115. Contents : The Abbey— Chapels— Churches — Court leet— Fendall estate — The Grange — -Hospitals — Indenture between the king and the monks of Bermondsey — Leather market — Loyal volunteers — The manor — Priors of the monastery — The j)arish — Paving and lighting acts — Poor laws — Population — The Piiory — Rood or Cross — Royal Palace — Schools — Convent of Sisters of Mercy — Spa — St. James's Distiict Visiting Society— Trade and manufactures — Tradesmen's tokens. Plates : South-west view of St. Mary Magdalen — North Gate House of Bermondsey Abbey — Ancient houses in Long "Walk — West front of St. Mary Magdalen — St. James's Chapel of ease. Phillips (H. Joshua) Engineering chemistry ; a practical treatise, etc. Second edition. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. xvi., 398. Phillips (John Rolandj Local taxation in England and Wales. See Probyn (J. W.j Local government and taxation. 1882. 8vo. Phillips (^Richard) Modern London : being the histor}^ and present state of the British Metropolis. London, 1805. 4to, pp. viii., 573. Contents, inter alia : History of London — General description of London — Present maniiers and police of the Metropolis — Hospitals and otlicr public charities — Juridical and legal tribunals and establishments — Royal palaces, jiarlcs ami otlier aiipurtenances of state and government — Commerce and trade of l^jondon, pui>lic oftices, and public commercial buildings — Prisons — Architecture, public and private buildings, stpiares and statues — Learned societies, literature and literary journals — Public amusements, theatres, Phillips (Richard) — continued. imisioal aiiil theatric il jierformances — State of the fine arts, etc.. public and private collections, and public exhibitions — Appendix (list of public buildings and institutions) - Index. Plates : London and Westminster from Greenwich — Map of London — West India Docks and Greenwich Hospital— ^Greenwich Park on Easter Monday — Court of King's Bench, Westminster — Promenade in St. James's Park — Entrance to HtiIo Park on a Sunday — The Admiralty, the War Ollicc. and the Treasury — Westminster from Lambeth — Houses of Parliament, with the royal procession — The King: on his throne in the House of Lords — The House of Commons — The Rotunda in the Bank of Eno;land — The liank, P)ank Buildings, Pioyal Exchange, and Cornhill — The Royal Exchange— St. Paul's Cathedral — The annual meeting of the charity children in St. Paul's Cathedral — Westminster Abljey — The Society of Arts distributing its })re- miums — Drury Lane Tlicatre from the stage — The Royal Family at Covcnt Garden Theatre— Vauxhall on a gala night — A series of plates illustrating London street trades. A morning walk from London to Kew. London, 1820. 8vo, pp. xvi., 393, and index. Phillips 'Thomas Jodrell) Reports of cases argned and deter- mined in the High Coai-t of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Lvndhurst, with a fev? during the time of Lord Chancellor Cottenham, 1841-1849. London, 1847-49. 8vo,2vols. Pickering (Danby) See Parliament. Acts of Parliament — Genend rollpctions. The statutes at large [1225-1806] ; carefully collated . . . by D. Pickering. 1762-1807. 8vo. Pigot 'James) and Co. London commercial directory, etCi 1838 and 1«46. London, 1838-46. 8vo, 2 vols. [With the directory for 1846 is bound up a directory of the counties of Bedford, Cambridge, Essex, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent, Middlesex, Norfolk, SuflFolk, Surrey, and Sussex.] Pinks 'William John) The history of Clerkcnwell; with additions by the editor, E. ,). Wood. London, 1865. 8vo, jjp. xx., 800. I'latcs, iii/.flr alia : Map of ClerkenwcU — Plan of Clerkenwell, l-'iGO — Ray Street, showing site of the old Clerk's well, etc. — The new church of St. James — The old church of St. James — The cloister of St. Mary's Nunnery — The crypt of St. Jolm's Church — Newcastle House — St. .John's Gate, north side, Hiiil — Spa Fields Chapel — London Spa, 1731 — Remains of St. John's Pi'iory, 1661 — Aylesbury House and chapel, 1G61 — The entrance to the river Fleet, with Bridewell Bridge, 17.56 — St. John's Gate — Hieks's Hall — Middlesex Sessions House, 1796 — Old houses, St. John Street, 1814 — St. .John's Church — Sadler's Wells, 1804 — Bishop Burnet's house, St. John's Square, 1858 — St. Mark's Church — Tiie Queen's Head, St. John Street, 1787 — Islington Spa, ISCS— North view of old Sa-ller's Wells, 17:50— New River Head, 17.30, 17'.)8 — The church of St. James, Pentohville — Christ Church, Pentonville — St. Phillip's Church, Granville Square — Busby's Folly — Belvedere Garden.s — White Conduit House, 1731— Old White 'Conduit House Tea Gardens- Remains of the residence of Nell Gwynn, Bagnigge Wells, 1844. Pitt ''Charles) Exposition of some par-ticulars respecting the y)lan and ex[)en.so.s of the new street, comparison of the original estimates with the actual expenditure, etc. London, 1818. 8vo, pp. xiv., 120; 334. 2t)3 Pitt-Lewis (George) N''t^ f-cwis (C. J'.; Playfair (Sir Lyon) ludnstrial competition and conaniercial fi'ee- dom ; an address, etc. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. IG. Subjects of social welfare. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. vi., 292. Contents : Public health — Sleep and its conconiitanL phenomena — Vacci- nation — Vivisection — Disposal of the dead — Depres&ion of agriculture and fair trade — Displacement of labour by invention — Industrial competition and commercial freedom — Effect of protection on wages — Bi-metallism — Inosculatidn of tlie arts and. sciences — Science and the State — Petroleum — Primary education — Technical education — Teaching universities and examin- ing boards — Univei'sities and professional education. The tariffs of the United States in relation to free trade. [A speech.] London, 1890. 8vo, pp. 31. Plumstead District Board Reports and accounts of the Plum- stead District Board, 1855-1900. London,. 1855-1900. S^^o. Marsh Acts of Parliament relating to Plamstead Marsh, 1530-1878. London, 1878. Folio. Plymouth, County Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1894-95 to 1895-99. Plymouth, 1895-99. 8vo, (continning) . Report by Mr. James Mansergh, U.E., on the Plymouth sewage. Plymouth, 1894. Folio, pp. 20, and 2 plans. Report of the Finance Committee, with abstract of accounts, 1893-94, and estimates, 1894-95. Plymouth, 1894. 4to. Pocock (William Willmerj The drainage of London; a letter addressed to the Metropolitan Board of Works, on the value of the sewage, the most economical mode of disposing of it, and the means of effecting its application to agricultural purposes. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 32. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Seivage vtilization, 1S45-G5. See Drainage and Sewerage.] See Jupp (E. B.) An historical account of the Company of Carpenters . . . Second edition ... by W. W. Pocock. 1887. Svo. Police First report cd' the commissioners appointed to inquire as to the best means of establishing an eificiont constabulary force in the counties of England and Wales. London, 1839. Svo, pp. xii., 410. Metropolitan Accounts of the Metropolitan Police, for the years 1829 to 1900-1901. L(mdon, 1830-1901. Folio, (^rontinni)ig). Police, Metropolitan — coutinneJ. Report from the c-onimittee on tlir state of the police of the ^h'trojtolis. witli flic niiiniK's of r\i(l(Mioe, (7c. London, 1810. Svo, pp. ;{Ut;; ;>2. Police report of ^luy, 1817, relative to public house licences : report of the committee on the state of the police of the Metropolis, with the minutes of evidence. London, 1817. 8vo, pp. 460. PP. l-S arc wantin.ir. l{e])ort of the Commissioner of Police of the IMetropolis for the years l870-li:>00. London, 1871-1UU2. Folio, {routiiiniiuj). Police Courts, Metropolitan Report of departmental committee of i8'J2 '.*;> upon tlie number and limits of the Metropolitan Police Court Districts aiul the arrano-ement for service of the Courts by the Metropolitan magistrates. London, 1893. Folio, pp. 127. Contents of aiipeiidix : Sumniaiy of evidence — Mimites of evidence — Business transacted at Metropolitan Police Courts, 1881 to 1891, and summary of tiffiires for the jcars 18S1 and 1891 — Total luimber of attendances in court of each of the magistrates, and number of cases disposed of during years ended March, 18S8, March. 1. Poncelet C Jean Victor; and Joseph Aime Lesbros lOxperiences liydrauliiptes sur les hjis de recoiilement de I'eau a travers les orifices rectangulaires verticaux a giandes dimejisions Meuioire In k I'Academie dcs Sciences . . . 1829. Paris, lb'.)2. 4to, pp. [iv.], 268, and folding i)iate.s. 295 Pontich (Henri de) Sei' Somirou ( ) imd H. de Pontldi. lieciu'il iuiiioti; des lois et drcrets sur riiciministration . . . de I'aris et dii departcment de la .Seine. 1S1);5. 8vo. Poor Law Commissioners Foui-frentli annual ivjioit, witli apjjcn- dices. London, 1848. 8vo, pji. iv., 187. Report of special assistant poor law commissionei-s on the employment of women and cliildrcn in af^ricnlture. London, 1843. 8vo, pp. xiv., 378. [Thi.s volume has been incorrectly iiiailo up, a second copy ol' pp. H3-48 having been in.serted in place of pp. 1-16. j Report to Her Majestj^'s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department ... on an inquir}^ into the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain; with appendices. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 457. Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment on the training of pauper children, with appendices. London, 1841. 8vo, pp. xii., 421. Schools Report of the departmental committee appointed by the Local Government Board to inquire into the existing* systems for the maintenance and education of children under the charge of managers of district schools and boards of guardians in the Metropolis, and to advise as to any changes that may be desirable. London, 1896. Folio, 2 vols. Unions Statement of the names of the several unions and poor law parishes in England and Wales ; and of the popu- lation and area thereof ; together with the post town of each parish. London, 1898. Folio, pp. iv., o09. Poor Rate Valuation Return of the viduation to the poor rates of each parish in England for the parochial \ear 1881-82. London, 1882. Folio, pp. 234. Poplar District Board Reports and accounts of the Poplar District Loaid, 18.J8-19U0. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. Hamlet and Parish of Acts of ParlianuMit relating to the handel and palish of Pophir, 1799-1885. London, 1806-85. Folio. Contents: West Tiulia Docks, 1799, 182.-), 1881. 1838, ISlio— East India Docks. 1803, 1806, 1814, 1828, 1835, 1838, 1865— Paving, lighting, and watching, 1813— Creation of Poplar Parish, 1817 — Eastern Counties Uaihvav, 1S47- Subway under Thame=. iMii"., 1.S77, 1882, 18S5 — Imjinivenient^. 187;>— Ferries, 1«53. Ucion Financial and statistical statements and abstract of the accounts of the Board of Guardians, 1900-1901. London, 1901. 8vo, ],]■). 91. Popplewell (William Charles) The prevention of smoke com- bined with the ecojiomical combustion of fuel; with forty-six illustrations. London, 1901. 8vo, pp. xx., 203. 21»6 Portal I Ethel M.) i"l'<^' work of a lailiu.-;' settlement, (b'ee Hand (.1. K. ) Good citizonshijt. 1S99. 8vn. Porter (Charles T. I A m-atise on the liicliurds steam engine iudioutoi- . . . and tlie development and application of force in the steam entfine. I'ii\ii-tli edition. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. --'78. Portsmouth, County Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1898-99 to Isyu-lyou. Portsmouth, 1^99-1900. 8vo, (continuing). Potosi, Mexico Boletin de la inspeccion general de saluln-idad l)ubliL-a del cstado, 1895-1902. San Luis Potosi, 1895-1902. 8vo, {continuing). Ciudad de San Luis Potosi . . . Boletin demografico- meteorologico, 1895-1902. San Luis Potosi, 1895-1902. 870, {continuing). Potter 'Henry Ingle) See Cranfield (S. AV.) and H. J. Potter. Houses for the working classes in urban districts. 1900. 4to. Povah 'Alfred; The annals of the parishes of St. Qlave, Hart Street, and All Hallows Staining, in the City of London, ecclesiastically united. A.i". 1870. London. 1894. 4to, pp. xxiii., 429. Contents : The parish— Parish church— Church furniture — Pre-reformation period — The lirasses — Marble monuments — L&lger stones, etc — Baptismal register — Marriage register — Burial register — Plagues — Account and minute books — Aooks — .\pperi'lix — Index. Powell 'Francis E.j The church and civilisation. /See Hand (J. E.) Good citizenship. 1899. 8vo. Powell (^Harry Jj Technical education in i^elation to glass manu- facture. Hitc Lducation. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Powell 'Wilfrid; llei)ort on commercial education in Germany. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. 29. Pownall '^Henryj The maintenance of the aged and necessitous ])oor, a national tax and not a local poor i-ate ; a subject for the consideration of all ratepayers. London, [1856 ?] 8vo, pp. 23. fA pamphh't bound uj) with others in volume, AcnmntH.fnance, ratei,etc., 1802. See A-counts.] Pragne Lie konigliche Hauptstadt Prag mit den Voroi-ten . . . Sijiaratabdnick ans dem Statisti.schen Handbucho von Prag und Vororten fur das Jahr 1890. Prag, 1891. 8\o. pp. iv., 51. 297 Praffue -^cuntinued. Prag niit den A'(jrorten . . . Statistiselif Beviclit iibci- die wic'litiii'steu demograpliisclieii Vei-Iiiilliiisso. AV'ien, 1887. 8vo, pp. 71. Uapitort sur radiniuistration coiiamnuale . . . du Prague et des (^ommune.s-faubourgs . . . 1893 et 1894. Prague, 189>'' Hoblyn (R. D.) A dictionary of terras used in luedii-ine. Twelfth edition, revised . . by JAP Price. 1892. 8vo. Price (John Edward) A description of the Rotnan tesselated pave- ment fouml in Bucklersbury, with observations on analogous discoveries. London, 1870. 4to, pp. 78. A descri])tive account of the Guildhall of the City of Loudon : its histoiy and associations : compiled from original documents, with fac-simile charters, maps, and other illustrations. Londttn, lb8G. 4to, pp. iii., 299. Contents: Introduction — Survival of municipal institutions— The Mayor- alty—Ward divisions — Parishes— Guilds— Gilda mercatoria— The Dutch (iuildhall-The Steelyard— The Guildhall— Guildhall, A.n. 1326— Enlarge- ment of the hall. a.d. 1411 — Kitchen and offices— Roof— Porch— Interior of the Hall — Portraits of the judges — Statuary — Windows — Gog and Magog Eastern crypt — Bosses in crypt — Western cryjit — The Chapel — Library — I'lackwell Hall — Lord Mayor — Aldermen — Aldermen's Couit — Common Council— Council Chamber— New Council Chambtr- Chamberlain's Court — Town Clerk — Comptroller — Receptions and entertainments — Lord Mayor's show — State and other trials — Great fire of leuij — Lotteries— Orf)lians' Court — New Library — Museum — Excavations for the site of the new Council chamber — Appendix. Plates, y/ffcr «//« : Plan of wards and parishes in which the Guildhall is situated, 188o — Prospect of Guild-Hail— The prospect of Guildhall. 175.5 Wyngaerde's View of London, circa lo50 (section showing the Guildhall)— Agas's View of London, circa l.")60 (sectinn showing the Guildhall) — Hollar's View of London. 1647 (section showing the Guildhall) — Plan of the Guildhall and its surroundings about 17^0- View of the East end of Guildhall and the old Library — South view of the entrance to Guildhall, by John Carter — GuiMliall. entrance to the different Courts of Law, by I!. P. Schnebbelie View of the interior of Guildhall — The inside of Guildhall— Ground plan of Guildhall, 1884— The ciypt of Guildhall— Gerard's Hall cry j it, by E.Mackenzie — Exterior view of I lie Guildhall (Jhapcl.by R. B. Schnebbelie, 'ISLj— Interior view of the Guildhall Chapel, by R. B. Schnebbelie — Ground plan of Guild- hall Cha|.el, by R. B. Schnebbelie, ISliJ— West front of Guildhall Chapel, by J. C. P.uckler — West view of Guildhall Chapel and P.lackwell Hall, by J. C. Bu'-kler. 1820— Pdackwoll Hall, by G. Shepherd, 18I'.»— (ireat C(juit of V.lack- well Hall, by J. Nash — South-cast view of the Guildhall Chapel and Blackwell Hall, by J. C. Buckler. 1K20— North .side of Guildhall Chapel, by J. C. Buckler, 1.H20— The Aldermen's court room, by J. P. Emslie — Common Council Chamber, 1808 — Common Council f Chamber, 1884, by J. P. Emslie — New Council Chamljer — State ball in the Guildhall. l>-r>\ — London actually sarveytd by John Ogilby, l(;77 (section showing the Guildhall) — I)la^^ing the state lotteiy in Guildhall, 1 ((;:i^Exlerior view of the Libiary and Museum— Guildhall, lorth side, by If. Hodge— A'ea under Chamberlain's Court, by H. Hodge. •'^W Price (John Edward) — coniinnrd. — iio)ii:ui ;uiti(|iiities illustruted by remains receiilly dis- covered on the site of tlie Kutioual Safe Deposit Company's premises, Mansion House, London. London, 187.S. 4to, pp. 79. [Another copy.] Prichard (Frank P.) 1'lit; study of the science of municipal govei-n- nient. Phihidolphia, [1892.] 8vo. [PP. 17-25 of No. 43 oF the imbliciitions of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.] Prickett (Frederick) I'he history and antiquities of Highgate, Middlesex. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. viii., 175. Contents, inter alia : The " High Gate" — Bishop's castle in Hornsey Great Park — Manorial customs — Manor of St. John of Jerusalem — Mousewell Hill — Grammar school, chapel and bec^uests — Presbyterian chapel — Dorchester House — -Wliittington's stone^Lazar house at Holloway — Ken wood — Riots of 1.S70 — The Spaniards, New Georgia, and Park Gate — Arundel House — Cromwell Mouse — Lauderdale House — Mansion House — Fitzroy House — i^t. Michael's church — Highgate cemetery — The Highgate oath — Charitable benefactions — Almshouses — Memorials of remarkable characters and occur- rences — B ighgate Archway — Addenda — Index. [Another co])y.] Prideaux (Frederick) and John Whitcombe Precedents in conveyancing \vith dissertations on its law and pi-actice. Four- teenth edition. London, 1889. 8vo, 2 vols. The same. Sixteenth edition. London, 1895. 8vo, 2 vols. Pridmore (Thomas Webster) (iuide to the preparation of bills of costs. Sixth edition. London, 1879. 8vo, ])p. xvii., ()78. 750. The same. Eighth edition. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. xx., Prison Accounts instructions for the establishment of a revised system of accounts in the prisons of Scotland, with an appendix containing specimen forms. Edinburgh, 1888. 8vo, ])p. 105. Probyn (Jehu Webb) liocal government and taxation in tlie United Kingdoni : a series of essays published nndcr the sanction of the CobdenChib: editfd by J. W. Probyn. l.cmdon, 1882, 8vo, pp. vii., 520. (^intents : Local governnu'nt in England ... ... ... ... G. ('. P)rodriek. County boards ... ... ... ... ('. T. D. Aclaiid. The areas of rural government ... ... ... ... Lord Fitzmaurice. London government atid how to reform it ... ... J. F. B. Firth. Municipal borniiglis and urban districts ... ... J. T. Bunce. Local govt'rnuient and taxation in Ireland ... ... H. 0"Sliaughnessy Local government and taxation in Scotland ... ... W. Macdonald. Local taxation in England and Wales ... J. R. Phillips. oOU Probyu (John Webb) — continued. Systems ol' land ti'iiure in viin'ons countries: a series of" essa^-s published undei' the sanction of the Cobden Club; edited by J. W. Probyn. London, 1881 8vo, pp. ix., 634. Contcuts : The tenure of land in Ireland M. Longfield. The law and custom of primogeniture ... G. C. Brodrick. Tiie laml laws of En<,daiicl C. W. Hoskyns. The tenure (if land in liidiii Sir G. Campbell. The land system of France T. E. C. Leslie. The Russian agrarian legislation of ISC. 1 ... ... .1. Fauclier. The agrarian legislation of Prussia during the present century : also a rei)ort on the tenure ol' land in the Grand Duchy of Hesse R. 15. D. Morier. The land sy.stem of Belgium and Holland 1*L de Laveleye. P'arm land and land laws of the United States ... C. M. Fisher. Prouy ( Gaspard C. F. M. Riche de) Baron See Kiche dc Prony (a. C. P. M.) Baron. Providence, Rhode Island Inaugural address of W. C. Baker, JVlayor of the City, 1898. Providence, 1898. 8vo, pp. :37. The same, 1900. Providence, 1900. 8vo, pp. 46. Public Park Association : ])arks of leading cities of this country, their advantages : jJaiks of Providence ; the Cove park ; terminal facilities. Providence, 1887. 8vo, pp. 56, and map. Public Pai'k Association : interior open spaces in cities, their advantages : parks of Providence ; the Thomas Dan Estate. Providence, 1889. 8vo, pp. 85. Pugh ( ) Pugh's almanac and Queensland directory, 1898 and 1900. Brisbane, 1898-1900. 8vo, 2 vols. Pug-in (Augustus Charles) and John Britton liiustrations of the jiuljlic Imildings of Loiid5Vo, pp. Iv., 580. Contents : Introduction — Municipal con.stitution of the City of London — Ix)rd Mayor — Aldermen — Common Council — Citizens of London — Companies ^Livery — Property and revenues of the Corporation of London, and the mode in which they are managed and disposed of — Local rates and taxes — ■ Mini>t<-rial olhcers of the (^orpoiation — Slieritls— Police — (.Vjuits (jf Law belonging to the Cit}' of London — Gaols and houses of c-orreetion — Maint(;n- ance and relief of the poor and sick in London — Laws relating to tithes, 301 Pulling (Alexander) —contiuned. clnuclies, cemeteries, ele., in Loudon — Laws rclat.in;^ tu l)tnl -64. On some dangers connected with dwellings, and how to avoid them. Manchester, 1883. 8vo, pp. 16. Some evidence respecting tubercular infective areas. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. 15. Rashdale CH.) The general functions of the state. See Hand (.1. K.) (rood citizcnshi}). lSi»i). 8vo. RatclifFe, Hamlet of Acts of Parliament relatinn- to (he hamlet of Hatcliirc. 1755-1810. London, 1827-51. Folio. Contents : Watching, lighting, paving and cleansing, 175.">. ISIn. Rates Exemption Report of the select committee oii the exemj)tion of public establishments fi-om rates; togetho- witli the pro- ceedings of committee, minutes of evidence, aj)pendix and index. London, 1858. Folio, pp. xxii., 90. Rawlins /William Donaldson) See Fry (Sir E.) and W. D. iiawiins. A treatise on the specific performance of contracts 1881. 8vo. RawlinSOn 'Sir Christopher; The Municipal Corporation Act, 5 (V 6 Will. 4, c. 76, ami the Acts since passed for amending the same. Fifth edition by T. Geary. LoihIoh. 1868. 8vo, pp. XX.. 855. The same. Ninth edition. London, 1884. 8v(» i»i) xxi 1074. 'II--, Rawlinson ^Sir Robert) lli'poi-ton pollution of the River Thames. London. I>7'i. I'olio. pp. xii., l.'jt), and n)ap. 303 Readiug-, Eorougli of Aii.^nari of acc-nunts, 1893-94 to 1897-98 and estimates Foi' rales, 1894-95 to 1898-99. Reading, 1894-98. 8vo, 5 vols. Real Property licport from select committee of the House of Lords ou tlie Inii'dens afFecting real pro])erty, and tlio impediments to agricultural ti'ansactions, causiul by the ])resent system of excise duties, poor laws, aud local taxation; also on the legislative exemptions and pecuniary advantages provided by law in respect to taxation as affecting landed pro])erty ; minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London. LS46. Folio, pp. xiv., 752 ; iii., 158. Contents of ajipendix. iiifrr alin : Xumber of occupiers of Litnl in six tithe districts in eacli county of England aud Wales under various areas — Rent- charges of 8,177 tithe districts in wliich the apportionments liave been con- tirnied and deposited — Memorandum relative to the power of the Commis- sioners of Land Tax to alter the apportionment of the quotas of the several jiarishes within their division — Striking inequalities in the land tax quotas — Average rate in the pound at whicli land tax is charged (i.) in each county of England and Wales, and in Scotland, taking the value at three-fourths of the amount assessed to the property tax in 1815 and at the amount assessed to the property tax in 1842 respectively ; (^li.) in each city, borough and town, upon which distinct cjuotas are set by the Act, taking the value at the amount assessed to the proi)erty tax in 1842 — Amount of duty assessed on personal estate in each county of England and Wales for the service of year ended 2.")th March, 188B, the year preceding the i'e[)eal of the said duty — Annual accounts of the Chamberlain of the City of London, 1844-45. Return of the annual value of real property in England and Wales as assessed to the property tax in the year 1842 ; distinguishing lands, tithes, and houses, and of the amount of the income and property tax in England and Wales in the year 1842. London, 1842. Folio, pp. 378. [Bound with licport of real properfu hurdcns romviitfef, 1846.'] Reckenzaun (Anthony) Electric traction on railways and tram- ways. Loudon, (1892.) 8vo, pp. 422, xxi. Redgrave (Alexander) The Factory and Workshops Acts, 1878 to 1891; with introduction, copious notes, and . . . index: by A. Redgrave and S. A. Redgrave. Fourth edition, etc. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. xxxvii., 292. Redgrave (Gilbert Richard) The irterventi(m of the state in secondary technical educaticm. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Redgrave (Jasper Alexander) >^ee Redgrave (A.) The Factory and Workshops Acts, 1875 to 1891. Fourth edition, by A. Redgrave and S. A. Redgrave. 1891. 8vo. Redlich (Joseph) Englische Lokalverwaltung; Darstellung dor iunercn Vei'waltung Englands, in ihrcr geschichtliclien Entwick- lung und in ihrer gegenwiirtigcn Gestalt. Leipzig, 1901. 8vo, pp. xxii., 835. ■■}(.) \ Redman (John Baldry) Au acc-oiuu of the Mupliu Sund J^iglit- liDiise, ereftc'd on Mitcliell's screw piles, at the entrance of the liiver Thames. London, 1849. 8vo, pp. 15. [A pamphlet I'oiiiiil up with others in vohirae MiacrlJaneoux Pamplilrfs, 7S5U a-f.] Redwood 'Boverton) IVtroleum: a treatise on the gcograpliical disti-ibntion and o-eologicai occurrence of petrolevim and natural pis . . . bj- B. liedwood, assisted by G. T. Holloway and other contributors . . . with maps, efc. London, 1896. 8vo, 2 vols. Reeves (William Pember) The nation's duties to the empire. >.c Hand (J. L.j Uood citizenship. 1899. 8vo. Referees, Court of Cases decided by the Court of Referees on private bills in Parliament, 1807 -1899. [By E. Anstin, F. Clifford, 'SI. J. Michael, A. G. Riekards, R. C. Saunders, and P. S. Stephens.] Loudon, 1870-1900. 8vo, (continuing). Reformatory and Industrial Schools Annual reports of the inspector appointed ... to visit the certified reformatory and industrial schools of Great Britain, 1896-1900. Tiondon, 1897- 1901. 8vo, {continuing). Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment of the Departmental Committee on reformatory and industrial schools ; together with minutes of evidence, appen- dices and index. London, 1896. Folio, 2 vols, in 1. Regent's Park Report on the explosion of gunpowder in the Jiegcni's Park, on the 2nd Oct., 1874, by Major Majendie, lloval Artillery, H.M. Inspector of Gunpowder Works. London, 1875. Folio, pp. 46, and 7 plates. Registrar-General of Births, etc. Annual report of the registrar- general of births, deaths and mairiages in England, 1869-1899. London, 1871-1900. 8vo, (continuing). AVeekly returns and annual summary-of births and deaths in London and in thirty-two other gi-eat towns, and (|iiarle)-ly retui-n of maniages, birtlis and deaths in England and Wales, 1856-1902. London, 1856-1902. 8vo, (confinuina). Reid CHenryj A ])ractical ti'catise on the nianuFac^ture of Port- land cement. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. xvi., 78. Reincke 'John Julius) I 'er Typhus in Hamburg, mit besonderer IJeni'-ksichtignng dor Kpidemieen von l8fS5 bis 1888, etc. HiinilMng. ls!H). 4to, pp. 71. Rendle (^ William) Constant water supply; St. George-the- .Martyr, Soiitli wai-k. JjOTidon, 1866. 8vo. [PP. :^l-42 of a pamphlet, "On a constant water supply for London," bound up with others in volume, Water supply, 1871-77. Src. Water Supply.] 305 Rendle (William) — continued. Old South wai'k and its people. London, 1878. 4to, pp. xxiv., 383. Contents : Early appearance of Southwark — Southwark before the Mayor — The lords of early Southwark — London-britlge, Long Southwark, and St. Margaret's-hill — The iuns — St. George's church — The prisons — St. Margaret's church, St. Margaret's-hill— St. Thomas's Hospital— Explanation of Tiler's plan of the church of St. Saviour — Church of St. Mary Overy, afterwards St. Saviour's — Neighbourhood and associations of St. Saviour's — Deadman's- ])lace— Montague-close— St. Olave's church — Smit's-alley and Wahiut Tree- alley — Grammar schools — The Flemish burial-ground — Goodchepe's Key — Borghene— The inn and gardens of the Abbot ofBattle, the Maze, and Battle- bridge— Bar uiese-cross — Bermondsey-street — The church of St. Mary Magda- len, Bermondsey — Sir Thomas Pope and Bermondsey — Kent-street. " and Philip Norman The inns of old Southwark and their associations. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xiv., 437. Contents, inter alia : Ale and the brewers — The Anchor Brewery — Eam's Head — P^leur-de-lis— Walnut Tree- Chequers — Boar's Head — Ship — King's Head— The White Hart— George— Southwark fire of IGTfi-The Tabard —St. Margaret's Church— Town Hall— Queen's Head— Three Tuns- Spur — Nag's Head — Axe and Bottle Yard — Southwark Fair — Plays at inns — Half Moon — White Swan — Griffin — Mint marriages — Tumbledown Dick — Harrow — Old Bull^ — Duu Horse — Gaols — Black Bull — Angel — Catherine Wheel — Dog and Bear — May Pole Alley — Red Lion — Greyhound — Bell — Green Dragon — Bull's Head — Bear at Bridge Foot — Montague Close — Stoney Street — Dog and Duck — Deadman's Place — Clink — Bankside — Globe — Elephant — Stews — Rose — Unicorn — Horse Shoe — The Falcon — Paris Garden — Goldsmith's Arras or Finch's Giotto — Old King's Arms, Surrey Row — Apollo Gardens — Elephant and Castle — Playhouse at Newington Butts — Bull, Old Kent Road — Lock Hospital — Southwark Bar — Lock Bridge — Bricklayers' Arms — St. Thomas a Watering— Bermondsey Spa — Jamaica House. Maps and plates, i/iter alia : High Street and neighbourhood, from Rocque's Map, 1746 — Anchor Public-house — Chequer Yard — Baxter's Coffee-house — Boar's Head Court — Old Ship — King's Head — White Hart — George Inn — Tabard — Queen's Head — Three Tuns — Spur — Nag's Head — Half Moon — Dun Horse — Catherine Wheel — Dog and Bear — George, Stoney Street — Bankside and neighbourhood, from Rocque's Map, 1746 — Elephant and Castle — Cooper's Arms— Jamaica House — Lock Bridge. Bennie (George Banks) See Cooke (E. W.) and G. B. Rennie. Scientific and historical notices of old and new London Bridges. 1833. Folio. Renwick-Seager (J.) See Seager (J. R.). Revy (Julian John) Hydraulics of great rivers ; the Parana, the Uruguay, and the La Plata estuary. London and New Yoi-k, 1874. 4to, pp. xvi., 163, and 8 plans. Reynolds (James B.) The settlement and municipal i-eform. See Barrows (1. C.) Proceedino-s of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Rhys (Ernest) See Hampstead Annual. The Hampstead Annual ; edited by E. Rhys. 1898-99. Svo. U 300 Ricardo (David) I'lif jirinciples of political economy and taxation. Sfcoud eeliliun. Londun, l8ll). 8vo, p]). viii., 550. Eice (C. Spring") Report on local government and finance in l^iussia. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. 28. Richards (Henry Charles) and William Henry Christopher Payne ' 1"-' -Metropolitan water su])])ly ; being a compoii- diuni of the history, the law, and the transactions relating to the metropolitan water companies from the earliest times to the present day. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. viii., 122. London water supply. Second Edition, edited by J. P. H. Soj)ei'. Lonilon, 1899. 8vo, pp. xi., 310. Old London ; a lecture, etc. Hastings, 1900. 8vo, ])p. 21. Richardson (G. B.) 'I'he Local Government Act, 1888 ; an abstract ul' it.s provisions so far only as they relate to the County of London. London, 1888. Bvo, pp. 58. Richardson (Henry S.) Greenwich ; its history, antiquities, im- provements, and public buildings. Greenwich, 1834. Bvo, pp. 1.30. Riche de Prony (Gaspard Clair Frangois Marie) Baron No a- velle architecture hydraulique. Paris, 1790-96. 4to, 2 vols. Rickards (Arthur George) >S'ee Referees, Court of . Cases decided by the Court of Referees. [By A. G. Rickards, etc.], 1870- 1900. 8vo. Rickards (Sir George Kettilby) See Parliament. Acts of I'ai-lianient- (Jcncnd coUccluim. The statutes at large [1225- 1869. Edited by Sir G. K. Rickards, e^c] 1786-1869. 4to. Rideal ' Samuel) Water and its purification : a handbook, etc. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. vi., 292. Riley ^ Henry Thomas) Memorials of London and London life in the 13tli, lith and 15th contui-ies ; being a series of exti-acts, local, social and ])olitical fioni the early archives of the City of Lond«m, A.D. 1276 1419: selected, translated, and edited by II. T. Kiley. London, 1868. 8\d, pp. Ix.wiii., 706. Srp London. Chronicles of llie Mayors and Sheriffs . . . I and I tlu! French Chronicle of London . . . translated by H. T. Riley. 1863. 4to. ■ Sue [.iondo7i, Corporatioii of the City. Liber Albns . . . translated by if. T. Riley. 1861. 4to. See London, Corporation of the City. Munimenta riildhallse Londoniensis ; Liber Albns, Liln-r Custuniatum, et Libei-Hoi-n: edited by 11. T. Kiley. 1859-62. 8vo. 307 Ring" (Thomas F.) Catholic- child-luilping agencies in tlie United States. See ]iaiTows (I. C.) Procecdino-s of the Naticnial Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Ka])ids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by 1. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Rivers Pollution Keport from the select committee on the River Thames ; together with proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1858. Folio, pp. xiv., 286. [On suggestions for tlie purilicutioii of the River Thames, especially in the immediate vicinity of the Houses of Parliament.] First, second and third reports of the commissioners appointed -to inquire into the best means of preventing the pollution of rivers; together with minutes of evidence, appen- dices, plans and indices. London, 1866-67. Folio, 6 vols in 3. The first report deals with the [iollution of the Thames ; the second of the Lee ; and the third of the Aire and Calder. Reports of the commissioners appointed in 1868, etc. London, 1870-74. Folio, 10 vols in 5. The first report deals with the pollution of rivers in the area of the Mersey and Kibble basins ; the second with the ABC process of treating sewage ; the third with pollution arising from woollen manufacture, and processes connected therewith ; the fourth with the rivers of Scotland ; the fifth with pollution arising from mining operations and metal manufactures ; and the sixth with the domestic water supply of Great Britain. Report upon inquiry as to the truth or otherwise of certain allegations contained in a memorial from the vicar and other inhabitants of Barking . . . calling attention to the pollution of the River Thames by the discharge of sewage through the Northern main outfall sewer . . . together with minutes of proceedings, abstract and index. London, 1870. Folio, pp. xiii., 180, and map. With this is bound up a special report from the select committee on the Thames Navigation Bill, 1870, on the same subject and on sewage utilisation. Report from select committee on rivers pollution, River Lee ; together with pi-oceedings, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1886. Folio, pp. x., 353. Contents of appendix, inter alia : Memorial from Lee Conservancy Board, with suggestions for purification — Results of various analyses of samj)les of the river water — Statement of traffic- for year ended 1st April, 188G — Report on notices serveil requiring discontinuance of the flow of sewage into the river and its tributaries — Particulars as to length, depth, inclination, velocity and discharging capacity of main intercepting sewer — Rateable value. 18S1 or 1884, of the towns and parishes draining into the Lee — Comparison of the outlay involved by the intended chemical treatment of Metropolitan sewage at the existing outfalls by the Metropolitan Board with that attending the Canvey Island scheme —Flow of water over Fielde's Weir, 1881-8.J — Water abstracted from Rivers Thames and Lee by East London Waterworks Com- pany, 1881-85 — Comparative accounts and statistics of the East London Waterworks Company in 18.")5 and 1885 — Abstract account of wells in the valley of the Lee below Broxbourne. u 2 308 Rivington ( ) and Co. Kivington's series of notes on hiiil.lino- constnictioii. London, 1899-1901. 8vo, 4 vols. Robbins (Leopold George Gordon) The devolntion of real ostato on doatli. ctr. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. xv., 150, and index. Roberts (Charles H.) Pli^" f*^*!' the embankment of the Thames. London, 1858. 8vo, pp. 1-. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume Sewage Urilization, 1S45--G5. See Drainage anil Sewerage.] Roberts (James) Handbook of weights and measures, etc. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. xii., 206. The same. Second edition, assisted by J. H. H. Rothery. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. xvi., 326. and Gollan (H. C.) The law relating to the i)ublic healtli of London; being the Pnblic Hcaltb (London) Act, 1891, cfr. Loiuhm. 1891. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 382. Robertson (James Clinton) S^e Macerone (F.) Hints to paviors ; with an introductory review l)y J. C. Robertson, of the various plans proposed for the improvement of carriage pavements. 1833. 8vo. Robins (William) Paddington-. past and present. London, (1853.) 8vo, })p. xvi., 200. Contents, inter alia : Abbey lands —Manors of Westbourn and Paddington— Manor of Kensington— Manor of Knightsbridge— Manor of Notting Barns — Commons and waste— Charity lands— 'Jlic Paddington estate— Churches and chapels — Schools — Condition of the people. Robinson (Charles Mulford) The improvement of towns and cities or tlie jjiactical l)asisof civic a'sthetics. New York and London, 1901. 8vo, pp. xii.. 309. Robinson (William) F.L.S. The parks, promenades and gardens of Talis described and considered in- relation to the wants of our own cities and of public and private gardens. Tiondon, 1869. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 644. The wild garden ; .suggestions fn- the regeneration of the bare borders of the London parks. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. xiv., 179. Robinson C William) LL.D. The Idstoi-y and antiquities of the parish of Hackney, in the county of Middlesex. London, 1842. 8vo, 2 vols. Contents, inter alia : Vol. I. (pp. xviii., 4.58): Etymology'— Geology— The marsh— The Templars' House — Priorv of St. John of .Jerusalem, and P>eaulieu or Shorefliteh Place — Barber's Barn— Church House— Black and White House— Lord Vaux's House — Brook House — Shacklewoll House — Bond Hopkin's House — Ward's House— Lo Lvjue Hospital and Chapel— St. Bartholomew's Chapel— Howard's House — Lord Zouch's House— Mermaid Tavern and Gardens- Beresford's White House— Gothic Hall —Stamford Hill— Balmes' House— De Beau voir Town — St, Peter's Church — Ancient gardens — Victoria Park — The manors, 309 Robinson (William) LL.D.—contimted. Vol. II. (i)|i. X., 3'.I7) : Church of St. Augustin— Church of St. John— South Hiickney Kcctory — West Hackney Rectory — Staiat'onl Hill J)istrict Chapel — Dalston Church — St. James's Church, Clapton — Chapels — Charities. Maijs and plates, infer alia -. Vol. I. : Map of the parish before its ilivision in district parishes — Map of the parish by J. Rocqiie, 1745 — Two views of Hackney — Geological map of Hackney — Map of Hackney Marsh, 174.5, 17i)9— Templars' Hou.se— Residence of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, Well Street — Barber's Barn — Church House — Black ami White House — Brook House, 1761 — Shacklewell House, 170U— Hackney House, 1728— Plan of the Bond Ibipkin's estate, 1775 — Ward's House — St. Bartholomew's ('hapel, Kiugsland — Howard's House — London Orphan Asylum, Clapton — Baumes, 1650 — Baumes House and Estate, 1580 — St. Peter's Church, De Beauvoir Town — -Plan of St. Peter's Endowment, 1841. Vol. II. : Church of St. Augustine — Church of St. John — South Hackney Cliurch- West Hackney— Stamford Hill District Chapel— St. Philip's Church, Dalston — St. James's Church, Clapton — Hackney Church and Grammar . School — Protestant Dissenters' College, Homerton. The history and antiquities of the parish of Stoke Newington in tlie county of Middlesex, etc. London, 1820. 8vo, pp. xvi., 296. ^Another edition. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xvi., 296. Contents, inter alia : Extent of the parish — New River — Ermin-street — Newington-green — High road — Local contents of the parish — The manor — Ancient manor house — House built on its site — Present manor house — Gunston's House— Palatine House — Fleetwood's House — Eminent inhabi- tants — Rectory-house — Church — Schools— Survej'S of the manor, 1639, 1649. Plates and maps : Map of the parish and prebendal manor — Church and New River — Map of the demesnes, 1734 — Rose and Crown. Robinson (William) M.E. Gas and petroleum engines ; api-actical treatise on tlie internal combustion engine. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xxiv., .596. Robison (John) A system of mechanical philosophy. Edinburgh, 1822. Svo, 4 vols. Robson (George Young) A treatise on the law of bankruptcy, etc. Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. lii., 988. The same. Fifth edition. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. Iviii., 1165. The same. Supplement. London, 1891. Svo, pp. x., 208. The same. Seventh edition. ]jondon, 1894. Svo, pp. Ixii., 1350. Robson (William) London commercial directoiy, street key, and conveyance list . . . with other miscellaneous information of a^ public and commercial natui^e, for 1821, 1822, 1830, 1841, and 1843. London, 1821-43. Svo, 5 vols. Rochdale, County Borough of Treasurer's abstract of accounts and committee's reports 1893-94 to 1899-1900 and estimates 1894-95 to 1900-1. Rochdale, 1894-1901. Svo, {continuing). 310 Roffe (Edwin) A jn'rumbulatinp: survey or topog'rapliical and liisturical acT'Ouiit of tlie parish of St. Pancras. London, 1865. 8vo. Rogers (.Francis Newman) Rogers on elections. London, 1890-94. 8vo, S vols. Part 1. Re?istratiim. ai)peal8. 15th edition. Part II. Elections, petitions. 16tli edition. Part III. Municipal and other elections and petitions. 17th edition. Tlie Parliamentary .Reform Act, 2 Will. IV., c. 45, with notes, etc. Second edition. London, 1832. 8vo, pp. xii., 144. Rogers ('James Edwin Thorold) Local taxation, especially in English cities and towns. London, [1886.] 8vo, pp. 23. Woi'k and wages, being a popular abridged edition of Six ceiituries of woi-k and wages. London, [1894.] 8vo, pp. 206. Rogers (Jasper Wj Facts and falUicics of tlie sewerage system of London, and other large towns, with plans, elevations, and sections. London, [1849?] 8vo, pp. ii., 48 ; xxviii., and 8 plates. [A i)ara])hlot bound up with others in volume, Plann for Metropolitan drainage, lS4S-l,S0o. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Roget (Peter Mark) Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas and assist in literary composition. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. xlv., 670. Rolls Liberty Acts of Parliament i-elating to the liberty of the Rolls, 1660-1837. London, 1777-1839. Folio. Contents: Building leases. 1G60, 177G — Paving, lighting and watching, 1810 -Public offices, 1810— Rents, 1820— Demise of" estate, 1836— Vestment of est.ate in the sovereign, 1837. Rome Bollettino amministrativo del comnne di Roma, 1890-1898. Roma, 1890-98. Folio. An incomplete series : many numbers wanting. Romney Marsh ilic cliartcr of Ronmey Marsh . . , framed an. L^ii.], 76. Roper ^William John DufFj See R., W. J. D. Roscoe 'Edward Stanley) A digest of cases relating to the con- struction of buildings, tlie liability and rights of architects, surveyors and builders in relation thereto. London, 1879. 8vo, pp. xii., 116. ■ A treatise on the jurisdiction and practice of the Adniiialty Division of the ili*,'!! Couit of .Justice, and on appeals tliei-e- from, etc. London, 1878. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 228; ccxcvii. oil Roscoe (Henry) A digest of tlie law of evidence on the trial of actions at Nisi Prius. London, 18;}6. 8vo, pp. Ix., 852. Roscoe (Sir Henry Enfield) Lessons in elementary chemistry inorg-anic and oi-gauic. Loudon, 1877. 8vo, pp. viii., 500. Rostron (Laurence W. S.) The powers of charge of the Metro- politan gas companies: a history of the question of price in London from the introduction of gas lighting to the present time ; with a pi-eface by Gr. Livesey. London, 1900. 8vo, pp. xvi., lot). Rotherhithe, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of Rotherhithe, 1737-1876. London, 1738-1876. Folio. Contents : Burial-ground, 1737,,1766, 1820, 1840— Paving, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1783— Thames Tunnel, 180."), 1824, 1828, 1833, 1840, 1866, 1876 —Commercial Docks, 1810, 1811, 1817, 1851, 1859, 1860, 1864— Grand Surrey Canal and Docks, 1811, 1855. 1860, 1864— East Country Dock, 1811, 1825, 1851— Rates, 1829— East London Railway, 1865. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of Rotherhithe, 1858-1900. London, 1858--1900. Folio, and 4to A statement of the estates, rent charges, gifts, grants. and charity schools belonging to the parish of St. Mary, Rother- hithe, Surrey. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. 44. [Originally prepared by a committee appointed in vestr}- on the 1st February, 1859 ; revised by order of the vestry dated 8th January, 1878.] Rothery (Joseph Hume Hume) See Roberts (J.) Handbook of weights and measures. Second edition . . . assisted by J. H. H. Rothery. 1899. 8vo. Rouse (Rolla) The copyhold enfranchisement manual. London, 185<^. 8vo, pp. xviii., 315. Rowe (Leo Stanton) The municipality and the gas supply, as illustiated by the experience of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1898. 8vo, pp. 23. Published by the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Rowland (L. P.j The friendly visitor. .S'e^ BarroAvs (T. C.) Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Rowntree (Joseph) and Arthur Sherwell The temperance problem and social reform. Loudon, 1900. 8vo, pp. xxxi., 777. Royal Kalendar The Royal Kalendar or . . . annual I'egister, 1769, 1782, 1792, 1797. London, 1769-97. 12mo, 4 vols. etc. 812 Ruegg" (Alfred Henry) Employers' Liability Act, 1880, and the Workineii's Compensatiou Act, 1900, etc.. Fifth edition London, 1900. 8vo, pp. xxvi., 462, and index. RufFhead (Oweil) Nee Parliament. Acts of Parliament — General collections. The statutes at large [1225-1869. Edited by 0. Rutt'head, etcl 1786-1869. 4to. Russell • Francis) A treatise on the power and duty of an arbiliator, and tlie law of submissions and awards. Thiril edition. Jjondon, 1864. 8vo, pp. Ixxix , 962. The same. I'il'lh edition. Jjinidon, 1878. 8vo, pp. Ixxx., 972. Russell (George William Erskine) Christian socialism and local government, tiee llaiul (J. bj.). Good citizenship. 1899. 8vo. Russell (James) Jleports of cases argued and determined in the lliuli C'oiut of Chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1826-1829. London, 1827-29. 8vo, 5 vols. (S'ee Turnci- (G.) and J. Russell. Reports of cases in the High Court of Chancery. 1832. 8vo. and John William Mylae Repoi-ts of cases argued and determined in the lliuli Court of Chancery during the time of Lord Chancellor Lyndhurst, 1829-1832. London, 1832-37. 8vo, 2 vols. Russell 'James Alexander) On the necessity of plumbers and Imihk'i's j)ossessing a competent knowledge of the laws of health as bcai'iiig on their respective occiipaticms. See Leamington Exhibition, J(;urnal. 1877. 4to. Ryde 'Edward) and (Arthur Lyon) Metropolitan rating; a ,>iiiiiiiiary (jf tlie aj)|)fals liciiiil Ix'forc the court of general assessment sessions, 1871-1^S(). Third edition. London, 1881. 8vo, j)p. 254. The .same, 1871-1885. Fourth edition London, 1885. 8vo, j)p. Iviii., 485. The same, 1886-1890. Hee Ryde (W. C.) Ryde ' Walter Cranley; 'I'lie Agricultural Rates Act, 1896. Second edition. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. xxiii., 250. riie law and practice of rating, both within and v/ithout the Metrop)olis. London, 1900. 8vo, pj). Ix , 756; 54 — Reports i)i lating ajjpoals heard during 1886-1890, London, 1890. 8vO, pp. xxiv., 420. 313 Ryde (Walter Cranley) —continued. and Thomas (E. Lewis) The Local Government Act, the County Electors Act, 1888, the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882, etc. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xlvii., 787. Rye Harbour A report of the summing np of the Lord Chief Justice Dallas, on the trial of an action at Lewes in 1817, brought by the Duke of Newcastle . . . against Thomas Clark for cutting and removing a dam and bank that tended to destroy the harbour of Rye. [London], 1818. 8vo, pp. 15<>. s Sachs (Edwin 0.) Fires and public entertainments : a study of some 1,1UU notable tires at theati-es, music-halls, circus buildings and temporai-y structures during the lust 100 years. London, 1897. Folio, pp. 58. Coatents : Preface — Fires and public entertainments — Analysis of fires — Life of buildings — Origin of fires — Time of fires — Fires according to ilecades — Distribution of fires — Fires in European capitals and important American cities — Fires distributed according to months — Lives lost in various countries — Records of early fires — Record of I.IUU fires from 1797 to 1897 — Index. A German technical college from an English point of view. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. and Ernest A. E. Woodrow Modern opera houses and theatres ; examples selected from playhouses recently erected in Europe, with descriptive text, treatise on theatre planning and construction, and supplements on stage machinery, theatre tires and protective legislation. London, 1896-98. Folio, 8 vols. St. Andrew and St. George, Holborn, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of St. Andrew and St. George, Holborn, 1736-1872. London, 1747-1872. Folio. Contents : Red Lion-square paving, 1736, 180(! — Burial ground, 1746, 1872 — Cleansing, lighting and watching, 1765, 1799, 1832 — Workhouse, 1770 — I'arisli church of St. George, 1816, 1819— Poor rate, 1825— Sale of Bangor estate, 1827— Lincoln's Inn, 1829. Standing orders of the governors and directors of the poor for the united parishes of St. Andrew, Holborn, above the Bars, and St. George the Martyr, Middlesex. London, 1832. 8vo, pp. 67. [Bound up with St. Andreir, etc.. Poor Act.] St. Anne, Westminster, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the ])arish of St. Anne, Westminster, 1678-1841. London, 1736-1841. Folio. Contents : Formation of parish, 1678 — Cliurch, 168."), 1802 — Portland estate, 1727. 1739 — Watch, 173.J — Paving,, cleansing and lighting, 1782 — Improve- ments, 1841. 314 St. Clemeilt Danes, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to tilt" parish of St. Clement Danes, 1672-1887. London, 1770-1887. Folio. Contents : Aruiulel-housc, ir.72— Norfolk estate, 1723— Wat eli, 1764, 1809— I'oor, 1770 — Tomiile 15:ir improvement. St. Clement Danes Churcli removal, 17'.».5, 1798— Piekett-strect, 1806, 1809, lSI2^Land tax, 1829— King's College Hospital, 1857— Law Courts, 1805, 186(i — St. Clement Danes improvement, 1S65, 1867, 1871— Searle-street and Cook's-conrt improvement, 1872, 1.S78— I'.ankrnptey Office site, 1887. St. Georg-e, Hanover Square, Parish of Acts of Parliament I'L'hiting to the parish (jf St. (ieorge, Hanover Square, 1753- 1844. London, 1772-1844. Folio. Contents: Poor, 1753, 1789— Burial [ground, 1762— Road trust, 176.5- Grosvenor-squarc improvement, 1774, 1S3,5 — Workhouse, 17S7 — I'avinof, clean- sing, lighting and watching, 1789, 1S02, 1818, l.S2r., 1831, 1834— Sewers, 1827 — Grosvenor Chapel, 1S31 — Piccadilly improvement, 1844. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestrj of St. Geoi-ge, Hanover Square, 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. St. George in the East, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating til tile piirisii of St. (leorge in tlie East, 1753-1883. London, 1754-1883. Folio. Contents : Cannon-street-road and Cable-street, eastern extremity for- mation, 1753 — Cleansing, lighting and watching, 177t>, 18U6 — Poor, 1814 — Tench-srrect, 1883. Vestry of iic^pcn-ts and accounts of the vestry of St. George-in-tho-Enst, 1858-1900. Londoii, 1858-1900. 8vo. St. George-the -Martyr, South wark, Parish of Acts of Par- liaineiit rehitiiig to the ])arisli of St. George-the-Martyr, Southwark, 1719-1890. London, 1720-1890. Folio. Contents: lload Trusts, 1719. 1724, 1737, 1 7.-)2, 1765, 1780, 17S5, 1802, 1.S18, 1826, 1828— The mint, 1723— Parish church, 1732— Stipend of rector, 1749, 1807— Paving, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1765, 1804, 1829— White Lyon or Hangman's Acre, 1772 — Poor rate, 1810 — St. George's Fields, 1810, 1M12 — Kent Street Eoad, paving, lighting and watching, 1812 — Parochial relief to prisoners, 1813- — Roval Circus or Surrey Theatre, 1816 — Church- yard, 1816— Philanfhroiiic Society, 1823— Market, 1834, 1837— Trinity Street and Suffolk Street, 1842 — Improvements, 1877 — Street improvements, 1877 — Electric lighting, 1H83, 1890. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. George-tlH-Martyr, Southwark. 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. St. Giles District Board Reports and accounts of the St. Giles district board, 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. . St. Giles in the Fields and St. George, Bloomsbury, Vestry of Rei'iitatiDH of (-luu-ges against the select vestry, made in several jirinled papers dated oOth Api-il, 26th May, 23rd June, 15th DecembeT', 1828 ; and a statement of proceedings up to July 22iid, 1829. London, 1829. 8vo, pp. 50; 19. ;n5 St. Helens, County Borough of The aicounts ... of tlie county l>oi-(jiigli of St. Helens, 189;i-94 to 1899-1900. St. Helens, 1894-1900. 8\^o, (continuing). St. James, Westminster, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of »St. James, Westminster, 1685-1864. London, 1751-1864. Folio. Contents : Erection of parish, 1685— Church Del)t, 1(196 — Haymarket, 1697 — Halifax House, 1718 — liands, 1723 — St. James's Square improvement, 1725— Watch, 1 731— Grafton Estate, 1742— Burial-<,mnuRl, 1746, 1761, 1789, 1790— Banks Estate, 1747 — Golden Square iniprovenieut. 1750, 1827 — Devonshire Estate, 17.".9— Poor and cleansing, 1761, 1816— Rating, 1819— Thatched House Court and Little James Street, 1843 — Darby Court, 1845 — Cleveland Square, 1847 — Cranbuurne Street, 1864. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. James, Westminster, 1858-1900. Jjondon, 1858-1900. 8vo. St. John, Horselydown, Parish of Acts of Parliament re- lating to the pai-ish of St. John, Horselydown, 1732-1870. London, 1733-1870. Polio. Contents : Maintenance of rector, 1732, 1827 — Lighting and v^atching, 1749— Poor rate, 1786— Vestriee, 1824— Greenwich Railway, 1833— Wharves, 1848— Charities, 1870. St. Katherine near the Tower, Precinct of Acts of Parlia- ment relating to the pi'ccinct of St. Katherine near the Tower, 1785-1832. London, 1785-1832. Polio. Contents: Paving, watching, lighting and cleansing, 178.">, 1814, 1815 — East Sniithtield paving, 1807 — Hospital, 1811 — Street improvements, 1814 — Docks, 1832. Bibliotheca topogi-aphica Britannica ; no. v., containing the history of the royal hospital and collegiate Church of St. Katherine, near the Tower of London, from its foundation in the year 1273 to the present time. London, 1782. 4to, pp. viii., 112, and 24 plates. St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Parish of The accounts of the Cluu'chwardens of the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 1838- 1858. London, 1838-58. 8vo, 2 vols. Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, 1720-1876. London, 1721-1876. Folio. Contents: Hertford Road, 172ii, 1728, 1743, 1774, 1815— Parish Church, 1734, 1737 — Lighting, cleansing and watching, 1748, 1802 — Hacknev Road and Cambridge Road, 1753, 1781, 1802— Paving, 1767, 1775, 1777, 'l785- Old Street, 1772, 1789, 1812— Poor, workhouse, "^burial-ground, 1774. 1813— Hoxton Square, 1776 — Orphans Fund, 1774— Dalston Lane, 1814— Com- mercial Street, 1846, 1850, 1853— Board of Guardians, 1858— Appold Street, 1876. Alphabetical list of all the streets, roads or places in the parish and parliamentary borough of Shoreditch, t^tc. Revised edition. [London], 1895. 8vo, pp. 36. 316 St. Leonard, Shoreditch — cvntiuncd. Vestry of Annual i-eports and accounts of tlie vestry of 8t. Leonard, Shoreditch. 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. Report on the sewage interception and main drainage of the Metropolis, and its effect on the sewers under the control of this vestry ; l)y "William Yates Freebody, chief surveyor to the vestry. Loudon, 1850. 8vo, pp. 29. [This report is bound up with otliers ia volume, Plan-s for mctriipolitan drainage, lii4S'65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] St. Luke, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating- to the parish of St. -Luke, 17o2-l884. London, 1738-1884. Folio. Contents : Erection of parish, 1732 — Lighting, cleansing-, watching and rcpairintr, 1 7:)3, 1770, 1779, 1790, 171»;5, ISlii. 18.52— Poor rate, 17.">G— Work- hnuse, 1771— City Road, Hn3. 1824— Poor, 1808— St. Luke's Hospital, 1838— Vestry Hall, 1803- Vestry, surplus lands, 18S0— Four Law Order, 188L Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St, Luke, I8ti0 19<»0. London, 1860-1900. 8yo. The annual report for the year 1801-65 is wanting. St. Margaret, Westminster, Parish of Bygone briefs: an es.say, to which is appended ... a schedule of more than a thous.nid bi'iefs laid in the parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, between the vears 1G44 and 1793, elc. See Briefs. Bvgone briefs, etc. 1896. *8vo. Report of the late important trial in the Court of King's l^ench . . . respecting the ])arochial rates (daimed by the parish of St. Mai-garet, AVestminster, from the inhabitants of Rich- mond Terrace. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. 191. St. Margaret and St. John, Westminster, Parishes of Ai-ts , 1811 — Improvements, 1777, 18.t1 — Paving and lighting, 1781, 183.^ — Totliill-fields improvement, 1S2."> — Vestries, 1853 — Harrington estate, 1854 — Westminster Terminus Rail- way Act, 1854 — Parliament-street improvement, 1S,S7, 1890, 1892 — Horse (iuar. Westminster, 1<;78 — Poor, 170(1 — Rebuilding of parish church, 1719, 1721 — Building lease, Spring-gardens, 1726 — Watch, 173() — Building leases, 173S— Dodwell estate, Strand, 1713 — Kevcrsion of lauds to Crown, 1749 — Poor, cleansing and watching, 1750 — Chadwickc estate, I7'u] — Yoik buildings, terrace anfl water-gate, 17.")6 — Workh()use. 1770, 1772, 1X66, 1S69— Kmbanknient of Thames, Durliain-yard,etc., 1770 — Paving, cleansing and lighting. 17S2 — Burial ground, ISO-t, IS.il — Drury-lane Theatre, lebuilding, ISlu, ISI2, 1820— .Almshouses, 1S18— Northumberland estates, 1821 — Charing-cross and Strand improvement, 1826 — Hungerford market, 1830, 1886, 1860— Hungerford-bridge, 1836, 1813, ls.51. 1860— Cranbourne- street, 1841 — York-house, 1841 — Tratalgar-.stiuare, 1814, 1851— Vict cTria-street, formation, 1850 — Smith estates, 1854 — Charing-cross Railway. 1859, 1860 — Charities, 1860— Victoria-embankment, 1862, 1864, 1868, 1870— National Gallery enlargement, 1836, 1X67 — Northumberland-avenue, 1X73 — Leicester- square, 1874 — South Eastern Railway, 1876— Admiralty and War Office, 1882— Electric lighting, 1883, 1884, 1889. A register of baptisms, marriages, and burials in the parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields . . . from 1550 to 1619. Edited by T. Mason. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. viii., 266. See Mason (T.) Catalogue of books and documents belong- ing to the i^oyal parish of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, etc. Com- piled by T. Mason. 1895. 8vo. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. Martin-in-tle-Fields, 1856-1900. London, 1856-1900. 8vo St. Mary, Newington, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of St. Mary, Newington, 1755-1887. London, 1755-1887. Folio. Contents : Churchyard, 1755 — Walworth Road, lighting and watching, 1776— Road trusts, 1785— Buildine leases, 1805— Poor rates, 1808, 1814— Great Dover Street, 1809, 1829, 1830— New churches, 1820— Glebe, 1829— Paving, lighting and cleansing, 1830 — Workhouse, 1851 — Walworth Common, 1851— Endowment, 1869— Southwark and City Subway, 1870, 1887— Market, 1882— Tabard Street improvement, 1885. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. ]Mary, Newington, 1857-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. St. Marylebone, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the ])arish of St. INLarylebone, 1755-1878. London, 1756-1878. Folio. Contents : Watching, cleansing, lighting and paving, 1755,1772, 1794, 180(!. 1822, 1824. 1825— Poor and workhouse, 1774- -Church, 1779, 1811, 1827— Portman Scjuare improvement, 1781, 1823 — Cemeterj', 1806 — Marvlebone Road and Euston Road, 1808— Paving. 1813— Regent Street, 1X13, 1816, 1824, 1825,1X28 — Bryanston Square improvement, 1813 — Dorset Square improve- ment, 1813 — Montagu Square improvement, 1813 — Impropriate rectory. 1817 —Districts, 1825— District churches, 1821— Regent's Park, 1824, 1825, 1828. 1832, 1851— Building leases, 1826— Finchley Road. 182ti, 1850— Oxford Chapel, Welbeck Chapel, and Portland Chapel, 183o, lXi4 — Portman Market, 1832 — Avenue Road, 1835 — Stingo Lane, 1868 — Turnpikes. 1870 — Kilburn and Harrow Roads, 1872 — Surplus lands, 1873 — Bowman's Buildings im- provement, 1878. 318 St. Marylebone, Parish oi~continued. Annual accounts of the parish of St. Marylebone, 1798- 1826. London. [1799-1827.] 8vo. Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. Marylebone, 1855-1900. London. 1856-1900. 4to St. Mary-le-Strand, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the i)arisli ot St. Mary-le-Straiul. 1725-187o. London, 1726- 1873. Folio. Contents : Maintenauce of rector, 1725 — Somerset House, 1774— Work- house, 1811— Inland Revenue Office, 18.52— King's College, 1873. St. Nicholas and St. Paul, Deptford, Parishes of Acts of i'ui-liuiuent relating to the parishes oi St. Nicholas and St. Paul, Deptfoi-d, 1758-1848. London, 1807-1891. Folio. Contents : Paving, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1753, 1804 — Croydon Canal, 1801, 1808, 1811— Building leases, 1806— Charity lands. ISlo— New- Cross Turnpike Roads, 1812, 1S26, 1889, 1842— J'ier, 1835, 1839— Deptford Pier Junction Railway, 1836, 1839— New roads, 1843. St. Olave, Southwark, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the jiai-ish of St. Olave, Southwark, 1786-1879. London, 1787-lf>79. Folio. Contents: Rebuilding of church, 173(;— Maintenance of rector, 1817 — London Bridge approaches, l."«"36, 1879— London and Greenwich Piailwav, 1840, 1842. 184.")— London and Croydon Raihvav. ISir,— Tower Subway, 1S68, 1871— Charities, 187(1. District Board Reports and accounts of the St. Olave district board. 1^5^-1900. London. 1859-1900. 8vo. and St. John, Southwark, Parishes of Rental and particular account of monies arising out of and from gifts, grants, benevolences, lands and tenements of and belonging to the j)arishes of St. Olave and St. John . . . and of the several allowances to be made out of the same. London, 1829. 4to, pp. 51. [Another edition.] Ijondon, 1838. 4to, ]»j). vii.. 72, and maps. A short account of the Free Grammar School of St. Olave's and St. John's, Southwark. Southwark, [1850?] 4to, p|i. 1 1. St. Pancras, Parish of Acts of i*arliament relating to the parish of St. I'ancras, 1789-18«7. London, 1740-1887. Folio. Coiitcnt.3: Foundling Hospital, 1739. 1885 — Pavintr, lighting, cleansing and watchin;.'. 1772, 1789, 179u, 1794, 1797, 1800, 1801. 1808, 1808, J8l6, 1811, 1X12, 1814, 181.">, 1816, 1817, 1822, 1824, 1827, 1841, 1842, 1843— P.iirial- irround. 1792, 1821 — Poor-rate and workhouse. IKOJ, 1805 — liuilding Ica.scs, (Camden Town ami Kentish Town. lHO."j, 1851 — Junction Road, 1811. 1812, 1883- Prebend of Cantelowes, Kentish Town, 1813— Select vestry, 1819— Caledonian Hoad, 1K2.-., 1S48— Cnmberlanfl Market, 1830— All Saints, Gordon Street, 1842— St. .Matthew's Church, O.-ikley .S(]uare, 18."il— Saint Luivc, King's Cross, 1H6X — Kf'clesiastical regulation, 1868 — Disused burial ^.Touiids, 1875 — Ix.ans, 1879, 1887 -Guardians of the Poor, 1882. 310 St. Pancras, Parish of— continued. 8t. Paucra.s Notes and Queries. Parts l.-V. lioiulon, 1897-1900. 4to, {continuing). [A collection of articles relating to the topography of St. Pancras ; reprinted from the St. Pancras Guardian.] Vestry of Reports and accounts of the vestry of St. Pancras, l.So6-1900. London, 1857-1900 4to. St. Paul, Cathedral of Documents illustrating the history of St. Paul's Cathedral : edited ... by W. 8. Sim])son. Printed for the Camden Society, 1880. 4to, pp. Ixx., 238. Contents, inter alia : A short chronicle, 1140 to \M\ — Chroniculi ad annum 139I> — Vera historia incemlii Tenipli Sancti Pauli Lordon (from Bishop Grindal's register), l.")61 — A trve report of the burnyiige of the stepic and churche of Ponies in London, 1561 — Ballad, the burning of Ponies, lofil — Proposal to erect a meeting house near St. Paul's Cathedral, H).">7 — Pajjcrs relating to the Dome, rirrii 1708 — List of altars and chapels in OUl St. Paul's — Dimensions of Old St. Paul's— Note upon the tracts on the burning of the spire. 1561 — Note on Lollard's Tower — Note on earthcjuake, 1382 — Chroniculi St. Pauli. St. Paul's Cathedral Library : a catalogue of bibles, rituals, and rare books ; works relating to London, and especially to ■ St. Paul's cathedral . . . maps, plans, and views of London and of St. Paul's cathedral, by W. S. Simpson. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. xxii., 281. St. Paul, Covent Garden, Parish of Acts of Parliament re- lating to the parish of St. Paul, Covent Garden, 1660-1876. London, 1736-1876. Folio. Contents: Precinct made parochial, 1660, 1811 — Watch, 1735 — Work- house, 1774 — Theatre Royal, 1776— Paving, cleansing and lisjhting, 1783 — Church, 1787, 1789, 1796— Market, 1813, 1828— Parish affairs, 1829— Bow- street Police Court, 1876. St. Saviour, Southwark, Parish of Acts of Parliament re- lating to the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, 1754-1892. London, 1755-1892. Folio. Contents: Abolition of market in High-street. \~7A — New market. 17.')4. 1756, 1829 — Workhouse ami street improvements, 1774 — Paving, etc., in the Clink, 1786. 1812— Paving. 1804— Poor rate, 1808— Southwark-bridge, 1811, 1816, 1820, 1824 — Manor of Paris Garden, 1816 — Surrey and Sussex Roads Trustees, 1818, 1828 — South London Gas Company incorporation, 1821 — Loiulon-bridgc approaches, 1831 — Grammar school, 1838 — Chaplain. 1868 — Church rate. 18S3 — borough-market, 1892 — South Eastern Railway, 1892. District Board Reports and accounts of the St. Saviour district board, 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. St, Sepulchre, Parish of Acts of Parliament i-elating to the parish of St. Sepulchre, 1742-1806- London, 1772-1809. Folio. Contents : Charterhouse-square, paving, etc., 1742 — Paving, cleansint^ lighting and watching, 1772— Workhouse, 1798 — Lottery, 1806 ot 320 Salford, County Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1893-i to 1899-19CK). Salford, 1894-1900. 8vo, {contimiing) . Salmon (C. S.) The Caribbean confederation ; apian for the union of the fifteen British West Indian colonies, preceded by an account of the past and present condition of the Eui'opeans and the African races inhabiting them, witli a true explanation of the Haytian mystery, etc. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. 175, and map. Salomons 'Sir David Lionel) Electric light installations, and the manaooment of accumulators; new edition, etc. London, 1890. 8vo, pji. .S;U. Samuelson (Sir Bernhard) See Montague (F. C.) Technical cilui-iitiiin . . . w itli a })i-eface by Sir B. Samuelson. 1887. 8vo. San Francisco, City of Twenty-sixth annual report of the Board of Park CommissiontTs, 1896-7. San Francisco, 1897. 8vo, pp. 71. Municipal reports for the fiscal year, 1896-97, etc. San Fi-ancisco, 1897. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 1206 ; 460. Sanitary Institute Journal of the Sanitary Institute, Vols, xviii.- xxiii. London, 1^97-1902. 8vo, {continuing). General index to the Transactions and Journal, Vols, i.- xxi., including also three volumes of miscellaneous papers. 1876-1900. London, [1901.] 8vo, pp. 2.32. Sanitary Laws Enforcement Society What to do and how to do it : a manual of the law aft'ecting the housing and sanitary condition of Londoners, with special reference to the dwellings of the poor. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. 107. Contents : Administration of the law — The sanitary Acts — Metropolitan T.ocal Manasement Acts — Water supplj' — Pullin» down and rebuilding — Artizans' Dwellinirs Acts — Compensation — Railway clearances — Appendix. Sanitary Record Sanitary Record : a journal of pul)lic health and the progress of sanitary science. 1893-1902. London, 1893- 1902. 4to, {rnntinuing) . Sanitary Reform Sanitary reform, 1848-56. [A volume of ji;iiiHilil(t>.j London, 1848-56. 8vo. Contents : Report of a coMiniittee of the Council of the Statistical Society of London, consisting,' of Licut.-Colonel W. H. Sykes, V.P.R.S., Dr. Guy, and F. G, P. Nelson, Ksq.. to investigate the state of the inhabitants and their dwellings in Church Lan.-, St. Giles's. London, 184H. 8vo, pp. 25. Sanatory reform ; Jacob's Island and the tidal ilitches of Bermondsey ; a visit to the cholera district of Bermondsey. [Reprinted from Morning Chronicle, September 24tii, 1K4'.).] Sanitary progress: Ixiing the lifth report of the National Philanthropic Assf>ciation . . . for the jiromotion of social ami salutiferous improvements ; street cleaidiness : and the employment of the poor; — so that able-bodied men may be prevented from burthcning the jiarish rates, and preserved independent of workhouse alms and degradation. London, 1849. Svo, pp. viii.. 16L .7, 1.S58 and the first six months of 1S59 — Casualties which have occurred in the Serpentine to bathers .and suicides in tlie years 1844 to IH.'JS — Tabuhir statement of the relative depths of rnud and water in the Serpentint!, from soundings made in IH.'iH, under the direction of Mr. i'age. C'.K. — Itepoit, microscopical and chemical, on the water of the Serpentine, by Di-. Hassall, May, 18.57. Servia Statistique du commerce exteriur du joyaume de Serbie j.our I'annee 1898. Belgrade, 1899. 4to, pp. 248, 323 Sessions (Harold) Sre Leq-uo (T. M.) and H. Sessions, Cattle tiil)er('n]()sis, ric. 189S. Svo. Seve (Edouaird) L'enscigiiomeut tecliiii([uo ct commercial en J>el(>i([ue. /See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo'. Sewerag'e See Drainage and Sewerage. Sexby (John James) The municipal parks, gardens, and open spaces of London : tlieir history and associations. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. XX., 6-iG. Contents : Introduction — Battersci Park — Blackhcath — Bostal Heath — Bostal Woods — Pluinstead Common — Shoulder f)f Mutton Green — Brockwell Park — Lhihvich Piirk— Clapham Common — Hilly Fields — Deptford Park — Telegraph Hill — Kennington Park — Ladywell Kecreatioii-ground — Maryon Paik— Myatt's Fields — Peckham Rye — Peckham Rye Parle — Goose Green — Niinhead Green — Southwark Park — Nelson Recreation-ground — Newington Recreation-ground — Walworth Recreation-ground — Tooting Gra\eney Com- mon — Tooting Beck Common — Streatham Green — Streatham Common — Wandsworth Common — Bethual Green Gardens— Embaidvment Gardens — Finsbury Park — Clissold Park — Hackney Commons^Hackney Marsh — Hanipstead Heath — Parliament Hill — Highbury Fields — Island Gardens, Poplar — Royal Victoria Gardens — Leicester Square — Lincoln's Inn Fields — Red Lion Square — Ravenscourt Park — Shepherd's Bush Common — Spa Green • — Whitfield Gardens — Victoria Park — Meath Gardens — Waterlow Park — Western Commons — Wapping Recreation Ground — Churchj'ards and small playgrounds — Apjiendix — Index. Plates, inter alia : Red House, Battersea — Old Battersea Bridge — Wrickle- marsh, Blackheath, 1730 — Old Manor House. Wickham Lane^Lesness Abbay ruins, 1750 — Manor House, Sayes Court — Hatcham House — Kennington Common and Church, 1830 — Heaton's Folly, 1804 — Thrale Place — Ku-by Castle, Bethnal Green — Shrewsbury House — Winchester House, Chelsea — (Jhelsea Place— Don Saltero's, Cheyne Walk, 1840— Cheyne Walk. 1750— Hornsey Wood House — Lea Bridge Mills, 1830 — Old Cat and Mutton, London Fields, 1830 — The Spaniards, Hampstead Heath — Leicester Square, 1700 — Red Lion Square, 1800 — Whitfield's Tabernacle, Tottenham Court Road, 1756 — Laudei'dale House, VV^aterlow Park — Andrew Marvell's cottage — Cromwell House, Highgatc — Peterborough House, Parsons Green. Seymour (Robert) A survey of the cities of London and West- minster, borough of Southwark and parts adjacent. London, 1734. Folio, 2 vols. Contents : The original foundation, and ancient and modern state — A description of all wards and parishes, parish-churches, palaces, halls, hospitals, public offices, edifices and monuments — An account of the government of London ; of all charters. liberties, privileges and customs ; and of all livery and other companies, with their coats of arms — -Lists of all officers of His Majesty's revenues and houseiiold, and those of the rest of the royal family, together with their respective salaries. Plates : Map of London, 1733— London P.ridge— The Tower— West Front of St. Paul's — Royal Exchange — The Monument — Guildhall. Shadwell, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of Shadwell, 1755-1887. London, 1770-1887. Folio. Contents : Paving, lighting, cleansing and witching, 1755, 1810 — Poor, 1770, 1810— Paviug, 1775— Building leases, 1812, 1820— New roads, 1815. 1828 — Church and churchyard, 1817. 1823 — Parsonage, 182H — Commercial Road, repairing, 1849 — London Dock Comi)any, 1853 — Ratcliff Gaslight and Coke Company, 1854 — Fish Market. 1882 — Cable Street, unhealthy area, 1887. x2 324 Shad well (Arthur) The London water sup])ly. London, 1899. PI'. X. SharmaU (Henry RiseborOllgh) 'I'lit; duty on lire insurances t'lTOueous in j'rini-iple and iujurioas in practice: an appeal to Parliament and the public, in behalf of the ultimate abolition of the tax and its immediate reduction from three shillings to one shillinLT JH'r cent. London, 18(){). 8vo, pp. .SI. Sharp (Granvillej Remarks concerning the encroachments on the J{i\ ir Thames near Durham-yard. (By G. Sharp.) London, 1771. 16mo, pp. xvi., 42, and index. Sharp (James) Addi-ess on . . . canals. See Whitworth (R.) A repoit . . . of the canal . . . from Waltham Abbey to Moorfields. 177."'. Folio. Sharpe (Reginald Robinson) London and the kingdom: a his- tory derived fi-om the archives at Guildhall in the custody of the Corporation of the City of London. London, 1894-95. 8vo, 3 vols. See Husting, Court of. Calendar of Wills proved . . . in the Court of Husting. 1889-90. 8vo. See London, Corpoi-ation of the City. Calendar of Letters from the Mayor and Corporation , . . circa, a.d. 1350-1370 . . . edited Ijy R. H. Sharpe. 1885. 8vo. Shaw ( ) ^lanual of the vaccination law, containing the statutes, (jrders, and regulations, with introduction, notes, and index. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. xii., 228. The same. Seventh edition. London, 1899. Svo, pp. iv., 256. Shaw 'Albert; Municipal government in continental Europe. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xii., 505, and index. Contents : Paris — French municipal system — Belgian system — Dutch system — Spanish system — Recent progress of Italian cities — Framework of German city government — Municipal functions in German}' — Hamburg and its sani- tary reforms — The transformation of Vienna — Budapest : the rise of anew metropolis — Budgets of Paris and Berlin, 18'.»4— French municipal code. Munici])al government in Great Britain. New York, 1895. Svo, pp. ix., 385. Contents : Introductory : the groAth and problems of modern cities — The rise of British towns, the reform acts, and the municipal code — The Briti.sh sy.stem in operation— A study of Glasgow — Manchester's municii)al activities — Birmingham : its civic life and expansion — Social activities of British towns^'i'he government of London — Metropolitan tasks and problems — Appendices : The English municipal code — The London (progressive) plat- form — The unification of London — Index. Shaw ''Sir Eyre Massey) Fire protection; a complete manual of tiie organization, nuudiinery, discipline, and general working of the Fire Bii'j-iidc of [jonrlon. Loriflon. 1870. 8vo, pp. xvi., 825 Shaw (William Arthur) The history of currency, 1252 to 1894, being an account of the gold and silver moneys and monetary staiulards of Europe and America, together with an examination of the effects of currency and exchange phenomena on commei-cial and national progress and well-being. Second edition. Loudon, 189(). Svo, pp. XXX., 4.17. Sheffield, City of Abstract of the accounts, 1898-4 to 1899-1900. Sheffield, 1894-1900. 4to, {cnntinning). Shelford (Leonard) The law of banki^uptcy and insolvency, etc. Third edition. London, 1862. 8vo, pp. Ixxvii., 748, appendix and index. Law of joint stock companies, ei'c. Second edition. London, 1870. Svo, pp. Ixxv., 519. Shelford (William) See Williams (R. P.) and W. Shelford. London water supply. 1877. 8vo. Shepherd (Thomas Hosmer) London and its enviTOus in the nineteentli century, illustrated by a series of views from original drawings, with historical, topographical and critical notices. London, 1829. 4to, pp. 160, and 192 plates. See Elmes (J.) and T. H. Shepherd. Metropolitan im- provements, etc. 1827. 4to. Sherwell (Arthur) See Rowntree (J.) and A. Sherwell. The temperance problem and social reform. 1900. 8vo. Shields (F. W.) The strains on structures of ironwork; with practical remai-ks on iron construction. London, 1861. Svo, pp. ii., 51. Shoreditch, Parish and Vestry of ^ee St. Leonard, Shorediteh. Short (Frederick Hugh) The taxation of costs in the Crown Office, etc. London, 1879. Svo, pp. xi., 147. and Francis Hanailton Mellor The practice on the crown side of the Queen's Bencli Division, etc. London, 1890. Svo, pp. Ixviii., 835. Shrapnel (Henry Needham Scrope) Stradametrical survey of London and its environs, containing uj)wards of fourteen million eight hundred thousand mean distances, with their relative cab fares to or from every street, square, or place in London. London, 1858. 16mo, pp. 4 ; xliv., 206. Siegfried (Jacques) Rapport supcrienr en France. See E( sur I'enseignement commercial ^upcrienr en f ranee, ^ee Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. 326 Silverthoriie (Arthur) 'I'he transfer of gas-works to local autho- rii'fs, with tlu' lati'st statistics and analyses of workiniJ' under uiuiiieipal nianagviuent, 1868-78; also the London gas supply, 1878, with statements of capital, increased sale of gas, and profits. London, 1878. 8vo, ])p. 110. Simms (Frederick Walter) Practical tunnelling. London, 1844. \-\i\ pp. xii., 174, and I- plates. Simon (John) Public health reports. London, 1887. 8vo, 2 vols. Simons (Nicholas) Keports of cases decided in the High Court of Cliaiici-rv in iS.jO and 1851, etc. London, 1851-52. 8vo, 2 vols. Simpson (Edgar Rossiter) See Firtli (J. F. B.) and E. R. iSinipson. Loiiddu g(nerinnent under tlie Local Government Act. 1888. 8vo. Simpson (R. ) Some account of the monuments in Hackney church : compiled by R. Simp.son. Printed for private circulation. Guildford, 1884. 4to, pp. vii.. 111. Some notices of the life of Henry, Lord Percy . . . and of the parish clnii'di of St. Augustine, afterwards St. John at Hackney : compiled by R. Simpson. Printed for private circu- lation. Guildford, 1882. 8vo, pp. viii., 301, and indices. Simpson (William Sparrow) St. Paul's Cathedral and old city life; illustrations of civil and cathedral life from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuiies. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. xiv., 312. See St. Paiil, Cathedral of. Documents illustrating the history of St. Paul's cathedral: edited by W. S. Simpson. 1880. 4to. >S'ee St. Paul, Cathedral of. St. Paul's cathedral library : a catalogue, etc. 189.3. 8vo. Sinzheimer (Ludwig) Der Londoner Graf schaftsrat: ein Beitrag zui- stiidtischeii Sozialreform. Stuttgart, 1900. Svo, {rontimdng). Contents : Erster IJaiid ; Die Schliis.'iperiode dc^r Hcrrscli.it't der Mittel- klasse ill der LondoiKT Stiidtvciwaltuiig. Sisley (Richard; lli'' London water supply: a retrospect and a survey. London, 1899. 4t<), pp. \ii , 192. Skeat • Walter William) An etymological dictionary of the I'^nglish language. Second edition. Oxfoid, ISSS. Ito, jjp. \x.\ii., h' 44. Skinners' Company The Skinners' Company versus the Honour- able tlie Irish Society and others ; proceedings upon the motion for a receiver at the suit of the Skinners' Company, commencing November 23, 1835, in His Majesty's High Court of Chancery: copied from the transcript of tlie shoithand wiitcr's notes. Loudon, l83G. 8vo, p]). 0(J8. 327 Sling'O (William) Tlie ti-ue basis of tecliiiical education. See Kducatiou. Tecliiiiual Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Sly (J. E.) (^'ity of London rates for the past twenty-five years from 1870 to 1894. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. 16. With MS. additions to 189(). Smale (John) and John Walter de Longueville Giffard Reports of cases adjudged in the High Court of Chancery by the Vice-Chancelh)r Sir Jolm Stuai-t, 1852-1857. London, 1855-58. 8vo, 3 vols. Vol. ii. is wanting. Smethurst (James Mellor) A treatise on the Locus Standi of petitioners against private bills in Parliament. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. xvi., 144. Smirke (Sydney) Suggestions for the architectural improvement of the western part of London. London, 1834. 8vo, pp. 117, plan and 2 plates. [Another copy.] See Essex (W. R. H.) and S. Smirke. Illustrations of Temple Church. 1845. Folio. Smith (Adam) An intpiiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. London, 1893. Svo, pp. xvi., 780. Smith (Charles Roach) Catalogue of the Museum of London antiquities collected by . . . C. R. Smith, Printed for suIj- scribers only, 1854. 8vo, pp viii., 194. Inserted at the end are accounts oF a puVjlic:!inner given to Mr. C. R. Smith, at Newport, and a conversazione, at Ryde, Isle of Wight. Illustrations of Roman London. London, 1859. 4to, pp. iv., 178. Smith (Edward Orford) Municipal finance ; or, local taxation and local ex])enditure as illustrated hy the case of the city of Birmingham, etc. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. 33. Reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. Iviii., pp. 327-351). Smith (Hubert Llewellyn) Report to the special committee on technical education ; lieing the result of an inquiry into the needs of London with regard to technical education, the existing provision for such education, and the best means to be taken by the London County Council for improving that provision, under the Technical Instruction Acts, 1889 and 1891, and the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Act, 1890. London, 1892. Folio, pp. 184. Contents : Introduction — Meaning of technical education — Powers of the Council with regard to technical education — Classitication of institutions supplying technical educations — Local distribution of London industries, 828 Smith (Hubert Llewellyu) — continued. :ui-l the relation of technical schools and classes to these iinlustries — Qualifi- cation and training of technical teachers — The teaching of art in London— The teaching of science in London— The teaching of tcelmology in London — Manual instruction in London — Teaching of commercial suhjects in London Teaching of household economy in Loiulon — Technical museums — City and (iuilds Institutcand the London Polytechnic Institutes— Secondary education in London — Higher education in London — Scholarshi|)s and exhibitions — C'cinclusion : administrative machinery. See Acland (A. H. D.) ;md H. L. Smitli. Studies in secondary education. 18U2. 8vo. Smith (John Edward) Catalooue of Westminster vecords dcpositi'd at llic Town Hall, Ca.vton street, in the custody of tlie vestry of St. Margaret and St. John, with introductory essay, illustrations and extracts. Jioudou, 1900. 4to, pp. 260. St. John the Evangelist, Westminster: parochial memorials. Westminstei-, 1892. 8vo, pp. xix., 544. Contents : The parish— The church— The rectors— The curates and Icctui'crs — The burial ground— The parish officers — Self government — • Ecclesiastical divisions — Tothill Fields— The horse ferry — Millbank— Streets and places — Local institutions— Public buildings and schools— Tiie parochial charities. ■ See Briefs. Bygone briefs: an essay, etc. [By J. E. Smith.] 1896. 8vo. Smith 'John Sidney) The practice of Court of Chancery, etc. Lomlou, lMi2. bv(j, pp. Ixxvii., 1156. Smith (John Thomas) Ancient t()pnoia])hy of London; con- taining not (inly views (^f buildings which in many instances no longer exist, and which for the most part were never before ]inblished, Imt some account of the places and customs either unknown or overlooked by the liondoii liistorian. Ijondon, 1815. 4to, ])[). 82. I'lates, inter alia : St. Dunstan-iu-ihc^Kast — St. Barthdlomcw-the-Greater ; nortii-east view of the back of the allar— West entrance to the vestibuh; of the Temple Church- Vest ibule of the Tc'iiiple (Jhurch — North and cast walls of tlie con vent of St. Clare or .M inore.oses, 1 7!»7 — Sout h and west, wall of t he c:»7-.^. Southampton, 1894-98. 8vo, 4 vols. The abstract of accounts for 1894-5 is wanting. 331 South Kensing'ton Museum Cataloj^ue of special loan collection of scientitie apparatus at the South Kensington Museum. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. Iviii., 1084. South Shields, County Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1897-8 to IDOO-l. South Shields, lSOH-1901. 4to, {continning). Southwark, Borough of Acts of Pailiament relating to the Borough of Southwark, 1748-1824. London, 1759-1871. Folio. Contents: Small debts, 1748, 1758, 180fi, 1824— Orphans' Fund, 1777— Gas liphting, 1824. Souviron ( ^ and Henri de Pontich Recueil annote do lois et decrets sur radministratitni connnuiuile et departementale comprenant les textes speciaux a I'administration de la ville de Paris et du departement de la Seine. Paris, 1893. 8vo, pp. 1328. Spalding (Warren F.) The progress of prison I'eform. Sea Banows (1. C) Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 189G. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Spencer (Herbert) Against the metric system, etc. London, 1896. 8vo, pp. 31. A seiies of letters reprinted from The Times of 4th, 7th, 9th and 25th April, 18t)i;. Spencer (Thomas) Report to the New River Company on the corro.sion of iron mains and the effects of gas leakage on the Metropolitan street earth. [London], 1860. 8vo, pp. 61. [A pamphlet bound uj) with others in volume, London gaa, 1SG1~C5. S.'c Gas.] Spilsbury (William Holden) Lincoln's Inn, its ancient and modern buildings, with an account of the library. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. xvi., 324. Springfield, Massachusetts Thirty-seventh annual report of the City Library Association . . . for the year ending May 3, 1898. Springfield, Mass., 1898. 8vo, pp. 91. Squire (Peter) Companion to the . . . British Pharmacopoeia, etc. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xl., 620. The same. Seventeenth edition, i-evised by P. W. Stiuirc. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. xxxii., 850. Squire (Peter Wyatt) See Squire (P.) Companion to tlie . Lritish Pharmacopoeia. Seventeenth edition, revised by P. W. Squire. 1899. 8vo. Stafford, Borough of Abstract of the accounts of the Stafford Corporation. 1896-97. Stafford, 1897. 8vo. Stallard • Joshua Harrison) London pauperism amongst Jews and C'lu-ist ians : an int|iiiry into the principles and practice of out -door relief in the Metropolis and the result upon the moral and ]>hysical condition of the pauper class. London, 1867. Svo. ])p. \. :VJ-/. Stamp (George) An index to the statute law of Eng-land ; brouo-lit down to the close of the session, 15 & 1(3 Vict., 1852. London, 185.S. 8vo, ])p. l.vxxi., lOo. [Another edition.] London, 1862. 8vo, pp. xcv., 468. Stamp Duties A digest of the stamp duties, duties on probates, legacies, and successions ; and of the judicial decisions thereon ; with notes. London, 188n. 8vo, pp. xvi., 334. Stanley (Arthur Penrhyn) Archaeology in its religious aspect. *bVf London. Old London, etc. 1867. 8vo. Historical memorials of AVestminster Abhey. London, 1868. Svo, p[). xxxii., 5(34. Stapleton (Thomas) *See London. Do antiquis legibus liber ; [et] rronica maiorum et viceconiitum Londoniaruni . . . typis mandata carante T. Stapleton. 1846. 4to. Statistical Abstract Statistical abstract for the several colonial and othei- ])()ssessions of the United Kingdom in each year from 186(J to 1874. London, 1876. Svo, pp. 104. Statistical abstract for the United Kingdom, 1861-1900. London, 1876-1901. Svo, {coutinuing). Statistical Institute, International Bulletin de I'lnstitute internati(jnal dc statisticjue. Tome xii. Kristiania, 1900. Svo, jij). xxiv., 377. Statistical Society .I'liunal of the Royal Statistical Society,. Vol. XXX. -Ixv. Jjondon, 1867-1902. 8vo, (continuing). -An incnniplete series : manj' nunilicrs w;uitin,t^. Statutes at large Hcpoi-t from the comniittee a])pointed to con- >idri- oi tlie iriost ell'ectiial means of promulgating the statutes f)f the realm, and to report the same, with their observations, to the House. London, 1796. Folio. i'T. irj-H;» of Itrpnrtx from Cinnviitters of the. Ilonxe of Commons. 1793- 1802. For collections of the statutes. See Parliament — Acts of Parliament. Steer ('John; Parish Law ; being a digest of the law ... of [mriMhes, friendly societies, etc. ; and the relief, settlement, aiid ]-emoval of the poor. Third edition. London, 1857. Svo, pp. xxxvii., 923. The same. Fifth edition. 1887. Svo, pp. xxiii.. 604. 333 Steill (Benjamin) City ti-act, no. 4. Irish estates: plenty of intHicN , ;uul wliere to obtain it, for London inipvovenionts, without taxation. London, [1850 "r'] Folio, single sheet. [A painj)lilet bound up with otliers in vdlunii'. M isi-rlla ncuKx jjiunphlrt*-. 1S.5(!.64.] Stephen (A. Condie) France : repoi-t on the relations between c-apital and labour. London, 1892. 8vo, pp. 196. Stephen (Henry John) I^ew commentaries on the laws of England. Fifth edition. London, 1863. 8vo, 4 vols. The same. Sixth edition. London, 1868. 8vo, 4 vols. The same. Ninth edition. London, 1883. 8vo, 4 a'oIs. * The same. Thirteenth edition. London, 1899. 8vo, 4 vols. Stephens (Archibald John) The law of Nisi Prius, evidence in civil actions, and arbitrations and awards. London, 1842. 8vo, 3 vols. Stephens (Henry C.) Parochial self-government in rural districts; argument and plan. London, 1893. 4to, pp. xiv., 304. Stephenson (Charles) Estimates of the cost of the application of the Metropolis Water Act, 1871, to houses of a rental of £250 and £315 per annum. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Watci' supply, 1S71~77. See Water Supply.] Stephenson (Sydney) Epidemic ophthalmia ; its symptoms, diag- nosis, and management, with papers upon allied subjects. Edinburgh and London, 1895. 8vo, pp. viii., 178. Stepney and Hackney, Manors of Customs and privileges of the manors of Stepney and Hackney in the county of Middlesex, etc. In the Savoy, 1736. 12mo, pp. [iv.], 128. Sternberg (George Miller) A manual of bacteriology. New York, 1892. 8vo, p}). xii., 886. Stevens (F. W.) Stevens's plan to purify the Thames. Second edition. London, 1858. 8vo. pp. 7. Stevenson (Edmund Herbert) and Edward Kynaston Biirstall Precedents in jirivate bill legislation affecting gas and water undertakings, 1879-1890. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. [vi.], 165. Steward (W. Augustus) Technical education in connection with the gold and silver trades. See Education. Technical Educa- tion Congress. 1897. 8vo. Stewart (Horace) Histor}^ of the worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre-drawers, and of the oi-igin and development of the industry which the Company represents; compiled by H. Stewart. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. xvi., 140. 334 Stillman (Thomas B.) Kno-inoering chemistry : a manual of quantitativi' i-lieinical analysis, etc. Second edition. Easton, Pa.. 1900. 8vo. ])p. xxii.. 508. Stock (Cecil Haden) A treatise on shoring- and underi^inning, and genei-ally dealing- witli ruinous and dangerous structures. London. 188S. 8vo. ])}). x., 54, and 10 plates. Stockholm, City of Benittelse angaende Stockholms Kommunal- forvaltuno-, 1888-1897. Stockholm, 1890-1899. 4to, {continuing). Tlu' voluine.s for the years 18!n, 181)6 are wanting. Stockton and Middleshoroug-h Water Board Common fund aecounts and lialancc sheets . . . witli the auditor's reports, 1894-I89ti. Middlesborough, 1894-96. 4to, 4 vols. Stoke Newington, Borong'h of Annual report of the public libraries committee, 1900 1. London, 1901. 8vo, pp. 20. Parish of Acts of Pai-liament relating to the parish of Stoke Newington, 1774-1830. London, 1774-1830. Folio. Contents : Liorhtine. watching and watering, 1774 — Pretend, 1iinilar st luct uies, i-tr. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. xxxi., (J32. Storey 'Joseph) Commentai-ies on the law of bailments, etc. London. Isti;'. 8vo, pp. xlviii., G23. Stow 'John) A survey of the cities of London and Westminster, and tiie borough of Southwark . . . corrected ... by J. Strypc . . . illustrated with exact maps of the city and suburbs, and of all the wards, and, likewise, of the out-painshes of Ijondon and Westniinstei', and the country ten miles round, etc. The sixtli edition, l.-ondon, 1754-55. Folio, 2 vols. Contents : — Vol. T. : A general description of tlic City of I>ondon — The thirteen wai'ds on the east side of Walbrook — The twelve wards on the west side of Walhrook. Vol. 11. : The ward in the borough of Southwark, the suburbs of the City, and the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster — An account of the government and governors of the (Mty of London ; its corporations and trades; its laws, • orders, and eustoms ; and militia -An account of the City of Westnunster ; to which is !ulde6 — T>ondon in Queen Elizaljeth's time— The Tower and St. Katherine's— The Tower liberty Tower St. Ward -AldgateVVard— LimeSt. Ward — Bishopsgate Ward — Broad St. Ward— Langborn Ward — Billingsgate Ward and Bridge Ward Within— Walbrook Ward and Dowgate Ward— Cheap 335 Stow (John) — confiiiticd. Wanl — Colemuii St. Ward and I5a.ssishaw Ward — Cripplc^ate Ward — Alders- gate Ward — Faringdon Ward Within and Baynard's Castle— l'>read St. Ward and Cordwainer Ward — Queenhithe Ward and Viatry Ward — Ward of Faringdon Without— Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn. Vol. IF. : Country ten miles round London — St. Saviour and St. Geor.L'e, Southwark — St. Olave and St. Thomas, Southwark — St. Olave and St. Mary Magdalen, Bcrmondsey — St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey — St. Mary. White- chapel, and St. John, Wapping — St. Paul, Shadwell, and St. John, Wapping — St. Mary, Whitechapcl, and St. Katherine by the Tower — St. Dunstan, Stepney — Spitalfields — Shoreditch — Norton Folgate and Crii>plcgate Without — St. Giles, Cripplegate — Cow Cross — St. Sepulchre's Without, Charterhouse Liberty and Clerkenwell — St. James, Clerkcnwell — St. Giles-in-the-Fields — St. Clement Danes and St. Mary, Savoy — St. Margaret, Westminster — • St Martin-in-the-Fields— St. James, Westminster— St. Anne— St. Paul, Covent Garden — Lambeth and Christ Church, Southwark — Redriffe and St. Mary Magdalen, Southwark — St. Paul, Shadwell — St. Mary. Rotherhithe. Plates : — Vol. L : The City Gates— London Bridge— The Tower— Christ's Hospital — St. Bartholomew's Hospital — St. Thomas's Hospital — Bridewell Hospital — • Bethlem Hospital — The Charter House — Hoxton Hospital — Chelsea Hospital — Inside view of the rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens — Greenwich Hospital — Mordcn College — St. George's College — St. Ijuke's Hospital — The Londcjn Hospital — Bencroft's Alms Houses — Foundling Hospital — Guy's Hospital — St, Botolph without Aldgate — Custom House — St. Botolph without Bishops- gate, Devonshire Sipiare — South Sea House, Bishopsgate Street. — Royal Exchange — St, Michael, Cornhill — St. Magnus-the-Martyr — St. Bennet, Gracechurch — Fishmongers' Hall — The Monument — Interior, St. Stejihen, Walbrook — Mansion House — Merchant Taylors' School — Bow Church — Guildhall — St. Alphage — Goldsmiths' Hall— Ironmongers' Hall — North-west prospect of St. Paul's Cathedral — Interior of St, Paul's — St, Andrew, Holborn — Furnival's Inn— Gray's Inn — Powis House — Ormond St, — St, Bride — The Temple — Surgeon's Theatre, Old Bailey. Vol. II. : St. Gcorge-the- Martyr, Southwark — Christ Church, Spitalfields — St. Leonard, Shoreditch— St. Luke, Old Street — Charterhouse Square — Lincoln's Inn — Newcastle House, Lincohrs Inn Fields — St. Giles-in-the- Fields — Bloomsbury Square — Montague House — St. Mary-Ie-bone Church — St. George, Bloomsbury — St. Mary-le-Strand — Somerset House — St, Clement Danes — Whitehall — Whitehall from St. James's Park — Parade in St. James's Park — Westminster ;Abbey — Westminster Bridge — St. Martin's Church — ^St. James's House — St. James's Square — Leicester Square — Soho Sfiuare — Han- over Square — St. George, Hanover Scjuare — Lord Archer's House, Covent Garden — Golden Square — Grosvenor Square — Buckingham House, St. James's Park — Marlborough House — Kensington Palace — Vauxhall Gardens — St. Mary, Islington. Strand District Board Reports and accounts of the Strand district board of works, 1858-1900. Loudon, 1858-1900. 8vo. Stratford, Parish, of Acts of Parliament relating to tlic jiarish of .Stratfoi-il and adjacent parishes, 17-17-1876. London, 1748- 1876. Folio. Contents: Water, 1747, 1807, 180.<, 1829— Poor rate. 18nl, 1811 — Canal, 1824, 185S— Burial ground, 1825— Roads and bridges, 1827, 1834. 1876. Streatham, Parish of Acts of Parliament rclatiny- to the parish of Streatham, 1790-1875. London, 1790-1875. Folio. Contents : Workhouse, 1790 — Tooting Beck Common, 1873 — Tooting Graveney Common, 187.5. 336 Streets and Building's A collection of pamphlets consisting of hvi'-laws and otlu'i- papers relating to streets and buildings. London. ^lanchester, and Ijiverpool, 1887-94. 8vo. Sec Blafk'bouni (H.). Gol.lstraw (W.), Hisrtrins (T. W. E.). Liverpool, City of, Local Govonuneut Board, Manchester, City of, Metropolitan Board of Works— Judgments, Parkes (L.), Ransome (A.), Wallen (F.), Williams (R.). Strype (John) >^i'i' Stow (J.) A survey of the cities of London and Westminster . . . corrected . . . by J. Strype. 1754- 55. I'Vilio. Subways Re])ort from tlie select committee on the Metropolitan sul)\vays bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and a])pendix. London, 1864. Folio, l)p. X., 298. ]\[inutes of evidence taken before the select committee on ^letropolis subways l)ill ; together witli the proceedings of the committee, and an appendix. ]jondon, 1867. Folio, pp. xiv., 362. Index to the above. London, 1867. Folio, pp. iv., 57. Summerhays (^ William Frank) and Thornton Toogood Pre- cedents of bills (jf costs, t'tc. L(jndoii, 1877. 8vo, pp. vi., 387. The same. Sixth edition. London, 1889. 8vo, pp. viii., 595. Sunderland, County Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1897-8 tu lilQO L Simdei-land. 18!>8-1901. 8vo, {cnntinuing). Surrey and Kent Commissioners of Sewers Reports relating to the sewage, willi inference to the ol)servations of the Poor Law Commissioners, on their inquiry into the sanitary condition of the laboui-ing ])o])nlation of Great Biitain. London. 1843. 8vo, pp. 86. [Bound up with the report of tlie Poor Law Commissioners in question. See Poor Law Commissioners.] Suttle CLi.) L'enseignement des langues vivantes. ;S'ee Education. Technical Education Congress. L'^97. 8vo. Sutton (^Francis) Systematic handbook of volumetric analysis, i:lr. Jjondoii, 1882. 8v(), pp. xii., 471. The same. Seventh edition. Tjoiidon, 1896. 8vo, ])p. xi., 587. Swansea, County Borough of The accounts oi the treasurer, I.V.k; 4 to I9lj() 1. Swansea, 1894-1901. Hvo, (continuing). Swanston ^Clement Tudwayj Reports of cases argued and deteiTiiiiifd in tin; High Court of Chanceiy, during tlio time of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 1818-1819. London, 1821-27. 8vo, 3 vols. 337 Swete (Horace) (^n the new ai-tesian water supply at Leamington. tice L(;:iiniiigi()ii Exhibition, Journal. 1877. 4to. Swift (Lucius B.) Dano-ers of the spoils system. See Barrows (1. C.) Proceeding's of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 189(5. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Swinburne (J.) Practical electrical measurement. London and New York, 1888. 8vo, pp. xii., 155. Sydney, City of Municipal Council of Sydney; vade mecum. Sydney, 1901. 16mo, pp. 31. Repoi-ts and proceedings of the Municipal Council, 1890- 1900. Sydney, 1897-1901. Folio, (continumg). Sykes (John Frederick Joseph) Public health problems. London, 1892. 8vo, pj). xii., 370. Symons (G. J.) British rainfall : on the distribution of rain over the British Isles, 1867-1900. London, 1868-1901. 8vo, {coutinning) . The years 1869-71, 1873-77, 1879 arc wanting. Tabberner (John Loude) Metropolitan water supply, present and future ; in four letters to the Daily News newspaper. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. 58. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Water .■supply, ISl'l-dJ. St'e Water Supply.] Tait (Archibald Campbell) See Browne (J. C.) Lambeth Palace with an introduction by the Archbishop of Canterbury [i.e. A. C. Tait]. 1882. 8vo. Tallack (William) Penological and preventive principles, etc. London, 1889. 8vo, ]ip. xi., 414. The same. Second and enlarged edition. London, 1896. Svo, pp. xii., 480. Contents : Principles essential for diminishing crime and pauperism — Crimes of society — Social crime against prisoners — Social crime of cruel laxity — Prison separation and classification —Progressive system of sentences — Sentences in general — Habitual ofEenders and supervision — Land cultivation by prisoners and by free men — Perpetual, or life, impriscmment — Puni>hment of death — Prison labour — Prison officers, their responsibility to God — Aid of discharged prisoners —Pauperism, suggestions for its prevention — Child- saving — Intemperance, its diminution — Prostitution — Substitutes for im- prisonment — Corj)()ral jiunishment — Criminal statistics — Police, especially in relation to pawnbrokers, publicans, prostitutes, and i)revenlion of crime — John Howard's practical principles — Christianity the chief basis for moral reforms and restraints. [L.C. 14 338 Tallerman (D.) Farm produce realization. Second edition. LoiidiMi, 1S92. 8vo, pp. xvi., 001. Tanswell (John) The history and antiquities of Lambeth. London, 1^^(,);>. Svo, pp. xvi., 245. Contents, inter alia : General survey — Manorial history — Lambeth Palace — Tlie archbishops— Tho churches — Rectors of St. Mary's. Lambeth — Monu- ments and epitaphs — Anti(nie and other bnildinu'S — Remarkable events — Charities. Plates, inter alia : Gateway of Lambeth Palace and Lambeth Church — Lambeth election, 18.">7 — Guard Chamber. Lambeth Palace — Lollards' Tower— Lollards' Prison— St. Mary's. Lambeth — All Saints' Church— All Saints' Schools— St. Thomas's Church and Parsonage— St. Thomas's Chapel of ease — St. Barnabas's Church and Schools. [Another copy.] Tapping i Thomas) The law and practice of the high prerogative writ of mandamus, as it obtains botli in Enghmd and in Ireland, liondon, 1848. Svo, pp. Hi., 501. Tatham ('John) The royal oake, -with otlier various and delightfull scenes presented on the water and the land, celebrated in honour of . . . Sir Richard Brown, Bart., Lord Mayor of the City of London, the 29th day of October, . . . 16G0, and performed at the costs and chr.rges of the right worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors, etc. London, 1660. See Fairholt (F. W.) Lord Mayors' pageants . . . Part II. Reprints of Lord Mayors' pageants. 1844. Svo. Taunton (^William Pyle) Reports of cases as argued and deter- mined in the Court of Common Pleas and other courts, 1807- 1819. London. 1814-23. Svo, 8 vols. Tayler (^Thomas) A law glossary of the Latiii, Greek, Norman, French, and other languages, etc. liondon, 1823. Svo, pp. iv., 219. Taylor ''Graham) The social settlement and the labour movement. Sec Barrows (I. C) Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. Svo. Taylor 'John Pitt) A treatise on the law of evidence, etc. Foujth edition. Jjondon, 1864. Svo, 2 vols. Taylor ''John Robert) Correspondence on the contemplated im- provemf-nt of widening the noi-th end of Chancery Lane ; com- piled by J. R. Taj'lor. London, 1850. Svo, pp. 3l. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, London improvements, See Improvements. J 339 Taylor (Tom) Leicester Square ; its associations and its woi-thies, with a sketch of Hunter's scientific character and works by K. Owen. London, 1874. 8vo, pj). viii., 495. Contents : Before the houses — The tirst house ; the Sidneys — Leicester House under Charles and Cromwell — The end of the Quoea of Hearts — lieicestcT House and Leicester Fields to the end of the century — A night hue and cry in the Fields — A duel in Leicester Fields— Oi-tinc^uishcd lodgers and visitors ; Peter the Great, Swift, and Prince Eugene — Newton and Mrs. Catherine Barton in St. Martin's Street — The pouting-place of l)rinces— The golden horse and its rider — Hogarth at the Golden Head — Sir Joshua Reynolds at No. 47— John Hunter — Sketch of Hunter's scientific character and worlvs — Other famous surgeons in the square : Cruikshank and Charles Bell — Shows of the square — Renovation and dedication — Appendix Maps and Plates, intrr alia : Leicester Square about 1700 — Agas's map of Leicester Fields about L560 — Faithorne's map of Leicester Square and its surroundings ahiMit lO.'iS — Newton's hou=:c in St. Martin's Street — " The last of the old horse," from the picture by J. O'Connor, 1874— The Shakespeare Fountain — Leicester Square in 1874. Taylor (William) Annals of vSt. Mary Ovary ; an historical and descriptive account of St. Saviour's church and parish. London, 1833. 4to, pp. 144. . Plates, inter alia : South-east view of the church — Remains of the priory — Cliapel of the Virgin Mary — Chapels, east-end of the church — South-west view of the church — East-end of the church— Ancient houses in Southwark. Teggart (Frederick J.) Catalogue . of the Hopkins Railway Libi-ary. Palo Alto, California, 1895. 4to, pp. x.. 231. Telephone and Telegraph Wires Report from the select com- mittee on telephone and telegraph wires ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and index. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. xvi., 212. Telephones Report from select committee on telephones ; together witli the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1898. Folio, pp. xxxvi., 659. Principal headings of the index: Areas — Call oftices — Competition — Cost — Delaj' and inefficiency — Exchanges — Express Delivery (Messengers) — Licences — London : I. Representations as to the inefficiency of the service of the National Telephone Company and the unduly high rates : 2. Advocacy of a municipal system, as under the London County Council ; calculations as to the cost, and as to reduction of charges : 3. Questions of the whole service being in the hands of the Post Office : 4. Explanations on tlie part of the National Telei)hone Comjiany, more especially on the score of cost : o. Statements in connection witli the London area, the opening of streets, etc. — Monopoly — Municipalities — National Telephone Company — Plant — Post Office — Trunk wire — Underground wires — Wayleaves. Information is also given respecting the telephone systems of the under- mentioned countries and towns : — Edinburgh, Germany, Glasgow, Guernsey, Huddersfield, Liverpool, Manchester, Norwich, ami Switzerland. Reports respecting the telephone service in various foreign countries. London, 1899. Folio, pp. 63. The countries respecting whose telephone service information is given, are : Austria - Hungary — Bavaria — Belgium — France — Germany — Italy — Nether- lands — Russia — Sweden and Norway — Switzerland — United States. Y 2 340 Thames River. The Thames ; or, g-raphic illustrations of seats, villas, public buildings, and picturesque scenery on the banks of that noble river: the engravings executed by W. B. Cooke, from original drawings by S. Owen. London, 1811. 8vo, 2 vols. Plates, into- alia : Fulham — Battersea — Clielsea Hospital — Randall's Mill. Nine Elms — Lambeth Palace — Westminster Abbey — London and Blackfriars Bridge— Somerset House — London Bridge — Custom House — Tower of London — West India Docks — Deptford — Greenwich — Mast House in the Dock, Blackwall — Shooter's Hill — Woolwich. Conservancy. Report from the select committee on the Thames Con- servancy bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 18G4. Folio, pp. xii., 126. Minutes of proceedings of the Thames Conservancy, 1894-1901. London, 1894-1901. Folio, {continuing). Bye-lows. Thames Conservancy bye-laws for the regulation of the River Thames. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. 116. [Another edition.] London, 1872. 8vo. Riiles and bye-laws for the I'egulation of the navigation of the River Thames. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. 71. Crossings. Report fiom the select committee on Meti'opolitan Board of Works (Thames Crossings) bill, etc. ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1884. Folio, pp. xxvi., 896. EmbanJcment. Report from the select committee on Thames embank- ment ; together with the minutes of evidence, ap])endix, and index and plans. London, 1840. Folio, pp. iv., 107. [JJound up with the Ilr.jjort on the Jwalth of t mem, 1S42. 8vo, pp. 24. •Sec also Bird (H. IL), Gisbornc (L.), Metropolitan Board of Works — Improvements, Walmsley (E. B.). Report from the select commitfco on Thames embank- ment; together with the jiroceediiigs of tlie committee, minutes of (;vidence, appendix, and index. London, 1860. Folio, p]). xii., 293. . :U1 Thames River — continued. Embankment — continued. Thames embankment commission, 1861 : report of the commissioners appointed to examine into plans for embanking the river Thames within the Metropolis ; with phin and appendices. London, 1861. Folio, pp. xxiv'., 130. [Bound up with the Report on Thames emhanhment, 1860.] Report from the select committee on the Thaines embankment bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1862. Folio, pp. xx., 359; 57, and plan. Copy of all correspondence between the Treasury, the Office of Works, and the Commissioners of Woods relating to the works under the Thames embankment bill, and the plans relating thereto. London, 1862. Folio, pp. 30. [Bound up with the Bcporf on Thames emhanhment, 1SG2.] Report from the select committee on Thames embank- ment ; together with the pi-oceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1871. Folio, pp. xii., 129. To inquire whether, having regard to the various rights and interests involved, it is expedient that the land reclaimed from the Thames, and lying between AVhitehall Gardens and Whitehall Place should, in whole or in part, be appropriated fur the advantage of the Metropolis, and, in such case, in what manner such appropriation should be effected. House of Commons : select committee on private bills . . . Monday, April 29th, 1872; Thames embankment (north) bill ; minutes of proceedings. London, 1872. Folio. See also Metropolitan Board of Works — Imjirovements — Thames Embankments. Floods Prevention. Report fi-om. the select committee on Thames River (prevention of floods) bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1877. Folio, pp. xiv., 242. — Report from the select committee on Thames floods pre- vention ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence and a})pendix. London, 1877. Folio, pp. xviii., Z/b. [Another copy.] [Bound up with the Jiejmrf on Thames Mirer ^prevention of ftootfs) bill, 1877.] [Another report.] London, 1879. Folio, pp. xii., 123. [Bound up with the lieport on Thames Biver {prevention o/Jtoodx) hill, 1877.] See also Metropolitan Board of Works — Floods — Prevention. 342 Thames River — continued. Navigation. Report fi'om the committee appointed to inquire into the progress made towards the amendment and improvement of the navigation of the Thames and Isis, in consequence of the several acts passed for that purpose; and, also, into the amount of the receipts and expenditure and of the state of the trade on the said rivers. London, 1798. Folio. PP. 230-266 of Reports from Comnntf&i's «!' tin- Ilovnr of Commonx, 1793-1602. Report fi'om tlie select committee on Thames Conservanc}', etc. ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, a])pendix, and index. London, 1863. Folio, pp. xxiv., 387. To inquire as to the buoyage, beaconage, and ballastage of the river from Staines to Yautlet Creek, and to the regulation of vessels navigating or plying on the river between those limits. Report from the select committee on the Thames River ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1865. Folio, pp. xviii., 91. To inquire as to the steps necessary for the better management of the Thames above Staines, with regard to the maintenance and improvement of its navigation, and to the proper regulation of the depth and levels of its water. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the Thames navigation bill ; with the proceedings of the com- mittee, and index. London, 1866. Folio, pp. xiv., 365, and index. Thames Navigation Act, 1870 : minutes of proceedings of the arbitration between the Conservators of the River Thames and the Metropolitan Board of Works. London, 1879-80. Folio, pp. xvi., 1209. [Another copy.] See supra : Conservancy — Bye-laws. Pollution. See Rivers Pollution. Preservation. Report from select committee on Tliaines river preserva- tion ; together with tlie proceedings of tlie (;omm]ttce, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1884. Folio, pp. xxviii., 556. To inquire into the operation of the acts for the preservation of the Thames, and the hteps which are necessary to secure the enjoyment of the river, as a place of recreation. Tunnel. An explanation of the work of the tunnel under the Thames from R(;therhithe to Wapping. London, 1839. Oblong 12mo, pj). 24. Plates, inti-r alia : Plan shewing progress of the Tunnel, 18,39 — Tunnel, 1824 — Western archway — Plan of the roads in the eastern j)art of London as connected with the Tunnel, 1835— Tran verse section of the Tunnel. 843 Theatres The state of the London theati'es ami nmsic li.ills. London, 1887. 8vo, pp. 44. A series of articles reprinted from the Saturday Review. Report from the select committee on theatres and places of entertainment ; together with the jjroceedings of the com- mittee, minute.s of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1892. Folio, pp. XX., 592. Api^endices ; inter alia : Number of places licensed for music or music and dancing — Number of theatres licensed by the Lord Chamberlain, ami those licensed by the London County Council — Return of the proceedings of the Metropolitan Board of Works in carrying out the provisions of the 41 and 42 Vict., c. 32, with respect to theatres and music halls — List of theatres in the Metropolis which have been destroyed by fire since 1st January, 1S(3(J — List of music halls and places of public entertain- ment (not theatres) which have been destroyed by fire In the Metropolis since 1st January, 1866 — Number of surveys of theatres made during 18i»0, 1891, and 1892 — Cases in which structural alterations of theatres have been retiuired by the Council — Number of inspections of music halls, etc., during the years 1890, 1891, and 1892 — Cases in which structural alterations of music halls have been required by the Council — Proceedings since the constitution of the Council ; sealed notice not complied with — The same ; for not having certificate, etc. — Metro})olitan Board of Works : theatres and music halls ; regulations in force in Berlin and Vienna for the protection of theatres, and bye-laws relating to theatres, music halls, and other places of public amusement in Paris ; also, regulations made in the case of the Central Theatre, Hamburg — The same : regulations in force in Lower Austria as to new theatres ; also, regulations with regard to theatres in Brussels — The same : proposed obligatory regulations relating to the construction and management of the larger theatres in St. Petersburg — The same : Italian theatre regulations — Memoranda showing the result in several instances of the requisitions made by the Metropolitan Board of Works upon music hall proprietors — Theatres, etc. (London) bill : state- meirt by the proprietors of Entertainments' Association against the second reading of the bill — Return giving the number of persons, music halls and theatres will accommodate — Return giving particulars of cases where altera- tions carried out under the Metropolitan Board of Works have been requii-ed to be pulled down by the Council, and other alterations made — Return of applications for approval of plans of new theatres, etc., made to the Metro- politan Board of Works and London County Council, with the results, during seven years ended 31st December, 1891 — Return giving number of times the Theatres and Music Halls Committee ha^e met since the constitution of the Council to view theatres, music halls, etc., and the number of places viewed, 1889 to 1892 — Number of persons visiting thirty-five music halls in London nightly — Copy of license issued by the Lord Chamberlain — Rules and regulations with regard to theatres in the jurisdiction of the Lord Chamberlain - — List of theatres licensed by the Lord Chamberlain — List of pro- vincial patent theatres — List of theatres the Lord Chamberlain has ceased to license since the passing of the Metropolis Management and Buildings Acts Amendment Act, 1878 — Variations between rules of proceduie of the London County Council Licensing Committee for the year 1889 and tho.se for the year 1891 — The same of the Licensing Authority for the year 1890 and the year 1891 — Copy of a cii'cular letter addressed to county councils as to the licensing of theatres, etc . by the Local Government Board, and replies — Result of appeal against orders of Loudon County Council — Statement as to arbitration between the London County Council and the owner of the Egyjjtian Hali as to structural alterations— Remarks by Mr. J. L. Graydon, proprietor of the Middlesex Music Hall, relative to certain structural alterations, etc. — Questions submittal to music hall proprietors and managers, with summary of returns — Return of expenses of arbitiatious 344 Theatres — continued. with reforeuco to structural alterations, 1882 to 18'J2 — Return giving list of arbitrations, name of i)laco, and decision of arbitrator— Return of expensc-5 incurred each year by the Council, since its constitution, in connection with the performance of its duties in regard to theatres and otiier places of public entertainment : and of receipts for license fees and penalties — Theatres and Music Halls Committee : return showing the members elected to the com- mittee since the constitution of the Council, with their attendances, including all sub-committees — Metropolitan Fire Brigade : list of places used for public entertainment at which fires have occurred since 1st January, 1866 — London theatres destroyed by lire, 1792 to I860 — Return showing the numl)cr of cases in which a panic has occurred in i)laces of public entertainment situate within the Metropolitan )>olicc district, 18(5(5 to 18i)2, together with the cause thereof, and the number of persons injured or killed in each case— Memoramlum issued from the Lord Chamberlain's office relative to the supervision and management of theatres. Theobald (^William) A practical ti-eatise on the law of principal ami siiretv. rtr. I.ondon, lSo2. 8vo, pp. xviii., 297. Thomas (Evan Lewis) Public Health (London) Act, IbiJl, eir. Linidoii, ISlU. Hvo, pp. xxxix., 393. See Kjde (W. C.) and E. L. Thomas. The Local Govern- ment Act, etc. 1888. 8vo. Thomas 'Henryj The ancient remains, antiquities, and recent inij)ro\ ements, of the City of London; containing a full descrip- tion of the .several wards, parishes, precincts, churches, halls, and other public buildiTigs and curiosities, ancient and modern : to which is added a list of the aldermen and mayors since the revolution. London, 1830. 8v"0, 2 vols. Thompson (SilvanuS Phillipsj Keforms in the oro-anisaticm of technical edncation. See Educati(ni. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Thomson 'Richard) See London Bridge. . The chronicles of London iJridge, t)y an antiquary [-i.e. R. Thompson.] 1827. Sv o. Thornbury 'George Walter) and Edward Walford Old ami new L(jn(l()ii ; a mniativc oF its liistoiy, its jicople, and its jilaces : illustrated with numerous engnivings from ilie most authentic sources. London, [1873-78.] 8vo, 6 vols. Illustrations, inter alia : Vol. I. : Old wooden Temple Bar — Bridewell in ](;(;(5— Mrs. Salmon's Waxwork, No. 17, Fleet Street — Izaak Walton's House, Chancery Lane — I»r. .Johnson's Ifouse, Bolt Court — Dryden's House, Fetter Lane — Bangor House, 1SJ8— Old St. Dunstan's Church— Whitefriais— Temple, 1671. Vol. U. : London Bridge, 17.^0, 17!)(5— Nonesuch House— Cold Harbour — Hall of the Skinners' Company -Billint^sgate, 1820— Tower Moat, 1800— Old House on Little Tower Hill, 1792- Old Gateway at Stepney, 171(1- Kirbv Castle, Bethnal Green— White Hart, Bi.shopsgate Street, 1810— The FcjiiV Swans Inn, (^'ondiill, 1620 — Map showing extent of fire in Cornhill in I74.S — Prince Rupert's House, Barbican— Sir W. Raleigh's House, Islington, 1780— London from Islington, by Canaletti, 17.5:{— Hickss Hall, ]7o(J— Pie 345 Thornbury (George Walter) and Edward Wsblfordi— continued. C'linuT, 17s'.) llolborii VaUey ami Suow ilill- Goldsmitlfs House, Green Arbour Court, 1800— Chattertou's House, Brook Street — Furniv^l's Inn, 17.")4. Vol. III. : Boswell Court— Lyon's Inn, 1800— Craven House, 1800 — Somerset House. 1755 — Turner's House, IMaiden Lane — Northumberland House, by Canaletti — Dryden's House, Gerrard Street — Covent Garden Market, 1780, 1820— Whileliall, about 1650. ^'ol. IV. : Milton's House, York Street — Oliver Cromwell's House, West- minster — Judge Jeffery's House, Duke Street — Colonel lUood's House — St, James's Palace and Park in the time of Charles II. — Two views of St. James's Park, 1680— Arlington House, 1700— Warwick House. l.slO— Old Carlton House, 17o;t— Clevelanil House, IT'.li)— Mrs. Fitzherberfs House, Pall Mall, 1820— Nell Gwynne's House, Pall Mall, 1820— Schomberg House, 1S20— Samuel Rogers' House, Green Park Front — The old White Bear Inn, Piccadilly, 1820— Sir Isaac Newton's House — Burlington House, 1700 — Clarendon House, 1(;G(> — Clarges House, Pieeadilly — Hyde Park Corner, 1750 — Apsley House, 1800 — Marvlebone Church in the sixteenth centurv and in 1750 — Langham House, 1820— Foley House. 1800— The Manor House of Toten Hall. 1813— Bedford House, 1772 — Powis House, 1714. Vol. V. : North side of Knightsbridge, 1820 — Old Chelsea Manor House — Old Gore House, 1830— Campden House, 1720— Earl's Court House — The Priory, Kilburn, 1750 — Ground plan of new road from Islington to Edgware Koad— St. Pancras Wells and Church, 1700— Claude Duval's House, 1825 — Dorchester House, Highgate, 1700— Vane House, Hanipstead, 1800 — -Eosslyn House, Hampstead — Frognal Priory. Vol. VI. : St. Mary Overy, 1647— Winchester House, 1660— Hall of Win- chester House, 1647 — St. Olave's Grammar School, 1810 — Bermondsey Abbey. 1790— Peter the Great's House at Deptford, 1850 — Placentia— Old Palace of Greenwich, 1630 — Flamsteed House — Charlton House, 1845 — Eltham Palacc^^ 17ii0 — Old Camberwell Church. 1750-Bi.shop Bonner's House, Lambeth, 1780- York House, Battersca, 1790— Old Battersea Church, 1790— Putney . House, 1810 — Fairfax House. Putney — Hogarth's House, Chiswick. TllOrne (James) Handbook to the environs of London; alplin- beticaliy arranged, containing- an account of every town and village and of all places of interest Avithin a circle of twenty miles ronnd London. London, 1876. 8vo, 2 vols. Thornton (George) See Jackson (T.) and G. Tliornton. Drainage of London on the nortli side of the Thames. 1856. 8vo. Thornton (William) The history, description and survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Sonthwark, and tlie parts adjacent ; including . . . the towns, village.", palaces, seats, and country to the extent of above twenty miles round . . . written and compiled by a society of gentlemen, revised, corrected, and improved, by W. Thornton, and others. London, 1784. Folio, pp. 532. Contents : Origin of London — Antiquities — Constitution, etc. — Survey — Companies — Charitable institutions — Celebrities — Places of amusement — St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower, Westminster Abbey, M(jnument, British Museum, Ivoyal Exchange, Bank, Adelphi Buildings, bridges and public offices — ■ Minei'al springs — Survey of environs. Plates, inter alia : Map of London. 1784 — Tower — Custom House — Royal Exchange — Interiors, St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey, St. Stephen Walbrook, St. Bartliolomew's, St. Thomas's, and Guy's Hosjutals — Map of London, show- ing the Forts, 1642-3 — View -95. 8vo. Thorpe (Mary) and (Charlotte) London church .staves, with sonic notes on their sun-oundiiins ; with a preface by E. Freshfield. London, 1895. 8vo, pp. xiv., 76. Thudichum (John Louis William; On an improved mode of collecting excrementitious matter, with a view to its application to the benefit of agriculture and the relief of local taxation : paper i-oad before the Society of Arts, May 13th, 1863. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. 12. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sewage utilkation, 1S45-65. Si-f Drainage and Sewerage.] — and August Dupre A treatise on the origin, nature, and vai-ietics ot wine: being a cora])lute manual of viticulture and ajnology. London, 1872. 8vo, pp. xxiv., 7()(). ThwaiteS 'Sir John; A .sketch of the history and ])rospects of the metropolitan drainage question. Southwark, 1855. 8vo, pp. 29. [A i)am))hlct bound up with others in volume, Planx fur Metro iwl It an (lrnincrentices. Vol. II. (pp. iv.. ;U6) : Basket justices and trading justices — Justice Welch — Fleet and Mayfair parsons — Sarah Malcolm : a tragedy of the Temple — Elizabeth Canning — Dr. Dodd — Attempt of Margaret Nicholson on tlie life of George HI. — London robberies, 1800 — Trial and execution of Colonel Despard — Flight of young Watson, the rioter — Hone's three trials — Pillory punishments — Pressing to death at the Old Bailey — Memorable executions in the Old Bailey — A humane sheriff — Heads and tales of Temple Bar — The Islington garland — Swearing-in at Highgate — Garraway's Coffee House — The London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill — Literature of the Seven Dials — Honors of old Bethlem Hospital — The remains of Lord Jeffreys — Playhouses in Shakespeare's time — Mrs. Siddons' first appearance — Old theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields — How Peter of Colechurch built London Bridge — Sir Richard Whittington — The plague and the pest-house field — The Lion sermon — Escape of the Duke of York from St. James's Palace — Sporting in St. James's — George I. and II., at St. James's Palace — The Chapel Royal, St. James's — Jottings in St. James's — Foley House and the crookedness of Langhani Place — A dull season in London — The London world in 17.53 — Brandenburgh House — London coffeehouses — Tennis courts in London — Characteristics of City men — Bartlemy Fair and Richardson's Show — Two hundied pounds : going to law — The Marble Arch — Holland House — Thrale's Villa at Streatham — Battersea — Death of William de la Pole — The young Pretender — Doctors' Commons — Restoration of the Guildhall — Panics of the present century — Funeral of Lord Nelson — Ancient prison of Ludgate — Peter the Great in London — Phosphorus first made in CVivent (iarden — Pageants of the nightly watch— Blanket or frost fair on the Thames — How London is supplied with water — The underwriter — ■ The trial of the pyx — Milton's genealogy — London church organs — Tlie Westminster Abbey viult — The Stockwell ghost — The Hammersmith ghost — The common hunt — " Fiddlers' money'' — The Canary House in the Strand — '•The great Jennings property" — Crosby Place — Canons, and the Grand Duke of Chandos — Birds in London. Times Newspaper The Times, July, 1816-1902. London, 1816- li)U2. Folio, {continuing). The following years are wanting : 1821-25, 1828-30, 1832-40 : the vacancies are supplied by the Morning Advertiser. Palmer's index to the Times newspaper, 1866-1902. Shepperton-ou-Thames, 1866-1902. 4to, (^continuiny) . 348 Times Newspaper — mnHmied. Thv Times register of events, 1881-1889. London, 1882-90. 8\'o, 9 vols. See Parliament — Debates. The Times parliamentary debates. 1886-94. 4to. Tite (William) A descriptive catalogue of the antiquities found in the excavations at tlie New Royal Exchange, preserved in the museum of the Corpoi-ation of London ; preceded by an intro- duction containing an account of their discovery, with some ])articulars and suggestions relating to Roman London. London, 1848. i^vo, pp. xlvii., 90. Notes on the discoveries of Roman remains which have taken place at various times in Tiondoii. London, 1865. 4to, pp. 14. An article reprintetl I'roin Archaelogia, Vol. xxxix. On discoveries of remains of the Roman wall of London. London, 1867. 4to, pp. 12. An article reprinted from Archaelogia, Vol. xl. Tithes Commutation Return of all tithes commuted and appor- tioned under the acts for the commutation of tithes, distin- guishing between those assigned to clerical apju-opriators and their lessees, lay impropriators, parochial incumbents, and schools, colleges, etc., up to the 30th June, 1887; together with a return of fourteen |)arishes, in which tlie coi'u-rents formei-ly ])ayable in lieu of tithes have Iteen eonvej-ted into titlie rent elini-ge and apportioned under the acts for the commutation of tithes. London. 1&S7. Folio. y)p. 2P5. Tomlins 'Sir Thomas Edlyne Yseldon) Tlic law dictionary, etc. Third edition. London, 1h20. 4to, 2 vols. A perambulation of Islington. London, 1858. 8vo, j)p. viii., 214, and index. [A map of the roads, lanes, aud foot[)ath.s in the parish of 8t. Mary, Islinffton, is in.serted.] Tonnage and Poundage The act of tonnage and poundage, and book of rates ; with several statutes at large i-elating to the customs ... as also the tares, j,orts of Kngland and Wales, lawful keys and wharfs in the Port of London; with the tables of officers' fees, scavage, package, balliage. and packers-porters' duties, etc. London, 1689. 12mo, pj). .%8. Toogood ' Thornton) See Summerhays (W. V.) and T. Toogood. Precedents of hills of costs. 1889. 8vo. Tooting Acts of Parliament relating London, 1780-1876. Folio. to Tooting, 1708-1876. Contents: Coldham estate. 1708 — Manor, 1723— Epsom Road, 175;!, 177'.)) 1801, 1815, 1839— Railways, 1863, 1864, 186.5, 1876. 349 Torquay, Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1896-7. Torquay, 1897. 8vo. Torrens (Sir Robert Richard) An essay on the transfer of land by reo'isti'ation under the duplicate method operative in British colonies. London, [1882.] 8vo, pp. 88. Torrens ('William Torrens MacCullagh ) 'f'hc government of London. London, 1884. 8vo, pp. 30. Tower Bridge Huvise of Commons ; select committee on private bills : Tower High Level Bridge (Metropolis) bill ; minutes of proceedings, 1879. London, 1879. Folio. [Another copy.] Report from the select committee on privilege, Tov^^erHigh Level Bi'idge (Metropolis) committee ; together with the pro- ceedings of the committee and minutes of evidence. London, 1879. Folio, pp. X., 69. [Bound with the Mimttes of the Tower Bridge hill committee, 1879.] [Another copy.] [Bound with the second copy of the Minutes of the Tower Bridge hill '■ommittec, 1879.] Report from the select committee on the Corporation of London Tower Bi-idge bill ; together with the |)i'oceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1885. Folio, pp. xiv., 731. Contents of appendix : Hay's wharf and docks— Table showing the number of voyages of vessels (other than the regular line of steamers), and number of the regular trading steamers discharging in the docks and alongside, in the years 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885 (1st May) ; the number of discharges from barges discharging goods, and the number of cargoes loaded into barges loading goods in the dockyard and alongside, in the years 1881 to 1884 ; also the cost of casual labour and the cost of permanent staff, in the years 1881 to 1884 — Diagram showing the force which would have to be exerted in opening the bridge. See also Metropolitan Board of Works — Bridges. Tower Hamlets Commissioners of Sewers Report of the com- mittee on some of the statements contained in the appendix to the report of the Poor Law Commissioners on the sanitary condition of the laboaring population of Great Britain, pre- sented to Parliament, 1842. London, 1843. 8vo, pp. 51. [This is bound up with the report of the Poor Law Commissioners in (juestion. Sre Poor Law Commissioners.] Town Holdings Report from the select committee on town holdings ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1886. Folio, pp. xii., 825. To inquire into the terms of occupation, and the compensation for improve- ments, possessed by the occupiers of town houses and holdings in Great Britain and Ireland. 350 Town HoldiuffS —continued. [Another report, etc-l London, 1887. Folit), pp. xvi., 383. Contents of appomlix, hirer alia : Table showing the value of land and the value of buildinirs in the Metropolis in 59 cases — Abstract of some private Acts of Parliament. 1702-1782, to illustrate the terms of leasing granted for building purposes in the Jletropolis, because the leasing powers in the deeds of settlement were inadequate. [Another report, etc.} London, 1888. Folio, pp. xiv., 680. [Another report, etcl London, 1889. Folio, pp. 491. [This report contains the index to the reports of 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889.] [Another report, etc.'] London, 1890. Folio, pp. x., 422. To inquire into tlic (piestion of imposing a direct assessment ou the owners of ground rents and on the owners of increased values imparted to land by- building operations or other improvements. Contents of appendix, i7ite7' alia : London's unearned increment, statistics showing increase of rental, by Mr. Sidney Webb —Rough draft of clauses for amending the Valuation (Metropolis) Act, 18(>9, so as to provide for the separate assessment of land — Totals of outstanding loans for the Metropolis, 1879-80 to 1887-88— Rates raised by the Metropolitan Board of Works and tlie London County Council, ISofi to 1889, together with the estimate for 1890-91, and the rate in the £ for each year — London County Council : report to the finance committee as to how the rate estimated, as required in 1890-91, on both the general and si)ecial accounts, compares with i)rior j'cars — Debt of the Metropolitan Board of Works up to 2i)th ^larcli. 1889, and then of the Lt)ndon County Council — Table of rates made by the vestry of St. George, Hanover Square, since the passing of the Metropolis Local Management Act, 1855 — Effects of quinquennial re- valuation in increasing rates — Statement of gross debts of the Metropolitan Board of Works and Council, including debts borrowed for, and lent to, other authorities — Assets of Council to be set against debt — Total debt of the Metropolis on 81st December, 1886, with analysis thereof — Rateable annual value of Metropolis and rating by the Board and County Council, 1K56 to 1889 — Position of the London County Council, under their common seal, relating to rating in the Metro|)olis— Comparative tables of rates in the Metropolis from 1879-80 to 1887- 8H— Valuation for jjoor rate— Out- standing loans, 1887-88 — Loans raised by School Board, 1887-88 — Metro- politan stock, 1887-88 — Table to illustrate the number of freehold reversions which would fall into possession from 1900 to 1981, based upon the number of houses shown in each census to have been added to those existing in 1800, and assuming that each house has been built upon the short leasehold or 99 year system ; together with the percentages of the results, in the Metropolis — Table showing the Metropolis expenditure of vestries atid district boards, 1887 to 1888 (so far as it was not defrayed out of loans), and amount levied by "rate" toward such expenditure — Metropolis and City : some of the principal items of expenditure by central and local authorities on work of a permanent nature, from 1885 to 188S, with the years of the acts under which the expenditure was authorised, anfl amounts expended — Return of the number of houses assessed to house duty in the year ending 5th day of Ai)ril, 1888 and 1882 respectivel}'-, in the Metropolis, distinguishing the numbers charged, and showing also the total amount received in each county, and also the number of houses exempt from the house duty in each county — Notes, handed in by Mr. Thorold Rogers, from rontcmporary newspapers, illustrating the i:)rice or rental of London houses in the 18th century. [Another report, etc.] London, 1891. Folio, pp. xii., 411. [Another report, etc.] London, 1892. Folio, pp. cxvi. 351 Town Holding's — ccntinued. Town holdings : a dig'est of evidence as to England and Wales given befoi'e the select committees of the House of Commons, of 1886 and 1887, and statement as to leasoliold enfranchisement and taxation of ground j-cnts and building land. London, etc., 1888. 8vo, pp. 331. Town Improvements Report fi-om the select committee of the House of Lords on town improvements (betterment) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, index, and analysis of evidence. London, 1894. Folio, pp. xiv., 374. Contents of ;ipi)cn(lix, intcf alia : List of improvements executed by the London County Council and its predecessors — Rateable value (net) of each parish and union in the County of London at quinquennial periods, or there- abouts, from 183t) to 1891 — Tables put in before committee on London Improvements bill, showing effect of recoupment principle in cases of Metropolitan improvements — Excerpt from accompt of the receipt and cxpendit'irc of the Commissioners for the City Improvements, for the year from 9 July, 1838, to 9 July, 183i— Effect of the Kentish Town Road improvement on the gross value of the houses alleged to be betterefl thereby— Reports of the Mayor of Crewe and the Deputy Town Clerk of laverpool on the practical application of the principle of betterment. Toynbee (Joseph.) Ventilation illustrated : a tract for the schools of rich and [)ooi'. London, 1848. 8vo, pp. 36. [A pamphlet bound up with others in vohuno, J/Lseellaneous 2}(tin2)hlet.'i, 1S5G.64.] Trade Annual statement of the trade of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British possessions, 1879-1881. London, 1880-82. 4to, 3 vols. Trade, Board of Reports on the volume and effects of recent immi- gration from Eastern Europe into the United Kingdom. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. v., 218. Trafalgar Square Report from select committee on Trafalgar Square; together Avith the minutes of evidence, and appendix. London, 1840. Folio, pp. xii., 43. Contents of appendix : Estimate of cost of proposed works — Correspondence respecting the Nelson i\Iemorial. [Another copy.] [Bound uj) with the Report on fin- health of towtiJi, 1S40, See Health of Towns.] Tramways Report from the joint select committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons on tramways (Metropolis) ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix. Lomlon, 1872. Folio, pp. xvii., 160. To inquire into the question of Metropolitan tramways proposed in session, 1872, and to report : (1) whether it is desirable or not that any fresh tramways should be laid within the Metropolitan area ; (2) what should be the limits of the Metropolitan area in respect of tramways ; (3) under what authority the construction and working of Metropolitan tramways, if any, should be placed ; (4) along what lines of streets, if any, tramways should be allowed to be constructed, and under what restrictions. 352 Tramways — continued. Report from the select committee on tramways (use of mechanical power) ; together with the proceedings of the com- mittee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1877. Folio, pp. xiv., '119. [Another re])ort on the same subject.] London, 1878. Folio, pp. xiv., 88. Tranthim-Fryer < J. R.) See Fryer (J. K. T.) Tredg"0ld (Thomas) Flomentary princij^les of carpentry; with jiiactical iiilrs nnd exanip]e.s ; to which is added an essay on the nature and properties of timber. London, 1840. 4to, pp. xxii., 312, and 49 plates. A practical essay on the strength of cast ii'on and other metals. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 308. [Another edition.] London, 1860-61. 8vo, pp. ix., 384. The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery used in steam navigation. London, 1851. 4to, 3 vols, in 4. Tracts on hydraulics, edited by T. Tredgold. London, 1836. 8vo, pp. xix., 219, and 7 plates' Trelat (Emile) Le feu an theatre; rapport. Paris, 1887. 8vo, pp. 10. Treloar (William Purdie) Ludgate Hill ; past nnd present : a narrative coiicei'iiiiig tlie great London highway ; illustrated with numerous engravings. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. 130. Trench CF. W.) A collection of p^jiers i-elating to the Thames <|uay ; witli hints for some further improvements in the Metro- jiolis. London, 1827. 4to, pp. x., 176, and 17 plates. j)er I'uuuo 1899, etc. Trent, City of C'ontu preventivo . . Trento, 1899. Folio, i)p. 25. Tricoupis 'CharilaOSj 'I'lie finances of Greece: speech , . . on introducing to the Hellenic Chamber the budget for 1889, etc. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. 69. Trinity House 'l'h(; royal chark-r of confirmation granted by . . . .lames I J. to the Trinity-house of Deptfon]-8trond, etc. London, 17.30. 8vo, i)[). 17^!. (Contents: Charter of confirmation -Oaths to be taken by the officers and members— Charter of Henry VJII.— An act of Kiiziiljctli— Grant of Queen Elizabeth of balla.staf^e, beaconage, and buoyage— Giant of King Charles II. of ballaslage— I'roelamation jirohibiting diit-boats and bum-boats — Pro- clamation for regulating the colours to be worn by merchants' ships— Orders, constifut ions, and by-laws — List of the thirty-one elder brethren appointed by the charter of King James II. 353 Trollope (William) A liistory of the royal foundation of Clirist's liuspitiil, with an account of the phm of education, the internal economy of the institution, and memoirs of eminent blues ; pre- ceded by a narrative of the I'ise, progress, and suppression of the Convent of the Gi-oy Friars in Londtm. London, 1834. 4to, pp. xvi., 358 ; cxviii., and index. Plates, inter alia : The old Hall, Whittington's Tjibniry, and the Gloisterp, 1700— Ruins of the old Hall — View of Christ's Hospital, Hertford— The new Grammar and Mathematical Schools — Elevation of the new Hall — Exterior view of the new Hall and new Wards — Interior view of the new Hall. Trotter (John Glasse) Appeals from the convictions and orders of justices. liondun, 1884. 8vo, pp. xxvii., 305. Tuberculosis Report of the royal commission a})pointed to inquire into the effect of food derived from tuberculous animals on human health. London, 1895. Folio, 2 vols, in 1. Contents : — Part I. : Report. Part II. : List of witnesses, minutes of evidence, and index. Part III. : Appendix ; special inquiries. Tucker (George A.) Lunacy in many lands. Sydney, 1887. 8vo, pp. xvi., 1564. Tudor (Owen Davies) A selection of leading cases on mercantile and maritime law. Second edition. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. xlviii., 1036. See White (F. J.) and 0. U. Tudor. A selection of leading cases in equity. 1866. 8vo. Turnbull (Andrew Hugh) Tables of ccmipound interest and annuities; yearly, half-yearly, and quarterly payments in decimals and currency, with rules for determining the amount of principal and interest in any payment of annuity, and for the construction of tables showing the same. London, 1863. 8vo, pp. xi., 143. Turnbull (Ralph) and Son TurnbuU's dock and port charges for the United Kingdom. Sixth edition. North Shields, [1900.] 8vo, pp. xvi., 640. Turner (Ernest) Home, sweet home. [An essay on sanitation.] See Leamington Exhibition, Journal. 1877. 4to. Turner (George) and James Russell Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Eldon. Vol. I. 1822-24. London, 1832. 8vo, pp. viii., 582. No more published. Turner (Richard Otway) ^ee Wolstenholme (E. P.) and R. 0. Turner. The Convevancing and Law of Pi'operty Act, 1874. 1882. 8vo. z I.e. 16 354 Turner (Robert Alder son) Memorials of St. Lawrence Jewry, London. London, 1870. 8vo, pp. 426. Turner (Thomas) 1'l>c limitations of the work of county councils. See Educp.tion. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Tyrrell ( Edward) >^er London. A Chronicle of London, 1089- 1483. [Edited by E. Tyrrell and Sir H. Nicolas.] 1827. 4to. Tyssen (Amherst Daniel) The real representative law ; being ])art 1 of ilie Land Transfer Act, 1897, and a discussion on administration thereunder. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. xv., 132. u Underground Railways Heport from the joint select committee (if tlie House of Ijoi'ds and the House of Commons on London underground railways ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1901, Folio, pp. xxiv., 435. Contents of appendix : Report of the commissioner of police of the Metro- polis with respect to the effect of uiidertrroiincl lines on street traffic — Table, prepared by Mr. H. L. Cripps, showing the dates at wliich various railway's were authorised, the lengtli of line authorised, the time limited by the original statute for the completion of the works, and the extensions of time granted by subsequent acts, the total share and loan capital, and the capital per mile of radway. Map of London showing the tube raihvavs proposed and completed in 1901. United States. Agriculture, Department of Eaitli roads: hints on thcii" construction and repair; compiled by R. Stone. Washington, 1894. 8vo, ]»p. 20. Foods and food adulterants. Washington, 1887. 8vo, 7 parts in 2 vols. I'art I.: Dairy products. I'ari II.: Spices and condiments. Part III. : Kermented alcoholic beverages, malt li(juors, wine, and cider. Part IV. : Lard and lard adulterations. Part V. : P.aking powders. I'art VI. : Sugar, molasses and sirup, confections, honey and beeswax. I'art VII. : Tea, coffee, and cocoa preparations. The forces which o])crate to destroy roads ; with notes on road stones and problems therewith connected, by C. L. Whittle. Washington, 1897. Svo, pp. 14. Information regarding I'oads and I'oad-making materials in certain eastern and southern states. Washington, 1894, 8vo, pp. 29. 355 United States — continnrd. Agriculture, Department of — continued. Papers on liorticultural and kiiuU'orl subjects, by W. Saunders. Washiiif^ton, 1891. '6\o^ pp. 124. Ropoit of tlic secretary of agriculture for 1893. Washing-ton, 1894. 8vo, pp. 608. State laws relating to the management of roads, enacted in 1888-1893; compiled by R. Stone. Washington, 1894. 8vo, pp. 95. Wide tires : laws of certain states relating to their use, and other pertinent information ; compiled by R. Stone. Washington, 1895. 8vo, pp. IG. Year-book for 1894 and 1895. Washington, 1895-96. Bvo, 2 vols. Labor, Department of Annual reports of the commissioner of labor, 1886-1894. Washington, 1886-96. 8vo, {continuing). Contents : — • 1886. (pp. 4itil) : Industrial depressions. 1886, (pp. 612) : Convict labor. 1887, (pp. 1172) : Strikes and lockouts, 1881-86. 1888, (pp. 631) : Workinq' women in large cities. 1889^ (pp. 888) : Eailroad labor. 1890, (pp. HOI) : Cost of production : iron, steel, coal, etc. 1891, (pp. 2048) : Cost of production : textiles and glass. 1892, (pp. 707) : Industrial education. 1893, (pp. 719) : Building and loan associations. 1894, (pp. 1909) : Strikes and lockouts. Bulletin of the department of labor, nos. 1-6, and 37, November, 1895 to September, 1896, and November, 1901. Washington, 1895-1901. 8vo, 7 parts. Special reports of the commissioner of labor. Washing- ton, 1889-95. 8vo, {continuing). Contents : — First report, 1889, (pp. 1074) : Marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886 ; including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. Third report, 1893, (pp. 376) : Analj'sis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statistics in the United States prior to November 1, 1892. Fourth report, 1893, (pp. 370) : Compulsory insurance in Germany and other countries of Europe. Fifth report, 1893. (pp. 2.53) : The Gothenburg system of liquor traffic. Sixth report, 1893, (pp. 145) : The phosphate industry of the United States. Seventh report, 1894, (pp. 620) : The slums of Baltimore, Chicago, New York and riiiladelphia. Eighth report, 189.5, (pp. 461) : The liousing of the working people ,with plans and illustrations. z 2 356 United States — continued. Sanitary Commission. The sanitary commission of the United States army : a succinct narrative of its works and purposes. New York, 1863. 8vo, pp. vi., 318. The United States sanitary commission : a sketch of its purposes and its work ; compiled from documents and private papers. Boston, 1863. 12mo, pp. xiii., 299. Unwin (William Cawthorne.) The elements of machine design. London, 1890-91. 8vo, 2 vols. Urban Sanitary Authorities A digest of statutes relating to urban sanitary authorities. London, 1873. 8vo, pp. xix., 256. [Another copy.] Ure (Andrew) A dictionary of arts, manufactures, and mines, etc. Seventh edition, [edited] by R. Hunt, assisted by F. W. Rudler. London, 1875-79. 8vo, 4 vols. [Another copy.] Urquhart (John W.) Electric light fitting . . . with illustra- tions. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. xv., 226. V Vaccination Report from the committee on Dr. Jenner's petition, respecting his discovery of vaccine inoculation. London, 1802. Folio. PP. 172-188 of Jtfpo)ts from Qnnviittees of the limine of Cnmmnnx, 1793-1 SOS. A table is given showing the number of deal lis from small pox per 1,000 fleaths in each of the years lf;c>7-1772. Vacher (Thomas Brittain) A jacket digest of stamp duties, etc. Fifth edition. London, 1862. 8vo, pp. viii., 248. Van OsS (S. F.) See Mathieson (F. C.) and Sons. Stock E.xchange values: a decade of finance, 1885 to 1895: the introduction ... by S. F. Van Oss, etc. 1895. 8vo. Verity (John B.; Electricity up to date. London, 1894. 8vo, pp. xii., 226. Vernon ( Arthur j Estate fences : their choice, construction and cost; with ... a chapter on boundaries and fences in their legal aspect, by T. W. Marshall. liondon, 1899. 8vo, pp. X., 420. 357 Vesey (Francis) the Younger Reports of cases argued and determined in tlie High Court of Chancery, 1789-1817. London, 18U-22. 8vo, 19 vols. and John Beanies Reports of cases argued and deter- mined in tlie iligh Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord ChanceHor Eklon, 1812-1814. London, 1813-15. 8vo, 3 vols, in 2. Vestries Reports from the select committee appointed to inquire iuto the general operation and effect of the laws and usages under which select and other vestries are constituted in Englaud and Wales. London, 183J. Polio, pp. 142 ; 152. Veterinary Department Annual reports, 1872-1879. London, 1873-80. Folio and 8vo, 2 vols. [Another copy for the year 1873.] London, 1874. Folio, pp. 126. Victoria, Australia Statistical register of the colony of Victoria, 1896-1900. Melbourne, 1897-1901. Folio, {tmtinuing). An incomplete series : many numbers wanting. Victorian year-book, 1895-1898 : containing a digest of the statistics of Victoria, etc. Melbourne, 1899-1901. 8vo, 4 vols. Contents : — Section I. : Governmeut and population. Section II. : Wanting. Section III. : Interchange and vital statistics. Section IV. : Produce and defences. Section V. : Law, crime, and social condition. Vienna J^ie definitiven Ergebnisse der Volkszahlung vom 31 December, 1900, etc. Wien, 1901. Folio, pp. [6.] Die Gemeinde-Verwaltung in den Jahren, 1894-1898. Wien, 1895-1901. 8vo, 3 vols. Statistische Daten fiir das Jahr, 1898. Wien, 1900. 32mo, pp. viii., 39. Statistisches Jahrbuch, 1898. Wien, 1900. 8vo, pp. xii., 936. Vigers (Francis) A letter to the president of the Metropolitan Board suggesting means for the improvement of the dwellings of the poor in the Metropolis. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 7. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sanitary reform, 184S-56. See Sanitary Reform.] Vincent (Charles Edward Howard) A police code, and manual of the criminal law. London, 1881. 8vo, pp. iv., 454. 358 Vincent (William Thomas) The roeords of the Woohvich dis- tiict ; Wodlwich. i*luinstL'ad. ^Vellillg, Erith, Bexley, Wickhain, Shooter's Hill, Charlton, Kidbrook,"Eltham. Woolwich, 1890. 8vo, - vols. Contents, intrr nliu : Government — Charities and customs — Streets and people — Church — Churchyard — Parsons — Ecclesiastical districts — Noncon- formity — Dockyard — Arsenal — Ordnance departments —Woolwich garrison — (Jeiitlemen cadets — North Woolwich — Records of Plumstead — Barrage Town and New Plumstead — Growth and government of Plumstead — Erith exi)losion — Lesncss and Erith — Bc.xley and I'.exley Heatli — East Wickhara and Welling — Shooter's Hill — Charlton — Kidhrook — Kltham — Explosions — Thames disasters — Appendix. Illustrations, inter alia : — Vol. I. : Views of Woolwich, 1(3(;2, 1G98, 178'.t, 1756, 1777. 17'.t8, 1800, 1821t, 1840. 1847— Woolwich Common, 1778— Queen Street Chapel, 183.5— Old tavern, Warren Lane, 18."JU — Plan of Woolwich, 1748 — Woolwich Cage, 183.5 —Market Hill, 1835 -Map of Dockyard district, 1832— Green's End, 1790— Sketch plan, 1815 (showing land afterwards taken into Dockyard) — Plan of ordnance iiroperty. 1810— Bcresfurd Scpiare. 1837 — Steam Flour Mills, New Uiiad (formerlv Roman Catholic Cliurcli) — British and Foreign Schools, 1830 —Theatre Royal, 1837— Hog Lane (Nile Street), 1887-8 — Mill iu Mill Lane. 1S4.5 — Goldsn'iiths' Almshouses, 1835 — Workhouse, demolished 1842 — Maps of Woolwich. 1778, 1885— Church Hill, 1809— Woolwich Church, 1790— Holy Trinity Church, 1835 — Enon Chapel, 1835 — Salem Chapel, 1835 — Bethlehem Chapel, Charles Street, 1SI2 — Birthplace of Henry Maudslay in Salutation Alley — Woolwich ropehouse, 1598 — Milton's ])lan of Dockyard, 1753 — Tower Place in the Warren, 1773 — Royal Fuuiidery, 1779 — Plans of Warren. 17nl, 1717 — Cadets' barracks, 1789 — Plan of Woolwich Ar.senal, 1880. Vol. IL : Plan of ground taken for Royal Artillery Barracks, 1774 — Royal ^lilitary Academy, 1839 — Rotunda, 1825 — Gordon's birthplace, Woolwich Cimimim — Royal Artillery Barracks, 1820, 1882 — P>ee Ferry — Ferry at North Woolwich, 1839 — Lesncss Abbey ruins, 1750— Map of Woolwich and district from Camden's Britannia — Remains, Lesncss Abbey — Plan of Lesness Abbey, 1753 — Old Manor House, Wickham Lane, 1886 — Old mill, Plumstead Common, 1820— Plan of Plumstead, 1720— Plumstead Workhouse, 1748— Plumstead Cape, 1S20 — Map of Kent, sixteenth century, showing the Plumstead River — Bodk-'s Farm. Plumstead — View of Burrage Town, 1S49 — Plan of Burrage estate, 1800 — Precincts of Arsenal Station, 1845 — Plumstead Manor House, 1.SS9 — Braniblebriars, 1820 — Plan of proposed canal from p]rith to Woolwich, 1S12 — Plan of Plumstead, 1.S55— Plumstead Church, 1780, 1800, 187U— Plumstead Free School — St. Margaret's, Plumstead, 1875— St. John's, Plum- stead— First chapel in Plumstead — Royal Artillery Hospital, 1804 — Eiilli, 17.-,()— Erith Cliurcii, 1844 — P.elvedere House, 1777— Belvelaek Furest. 4. Plantation of scotch tir on moorpan soil. 5. Management of village and ecclesiastical forests in Hanover. (). Natural oak forests of Sussex. 7. 1 rofessioEal studies of forcbt officers. Walker (George Alfred) Bm ial ground incendiarism : the last tire at the bime-huuse in the Spa-Fields Golgotha, or, the minute anatomy of grave-digging in London. London, 1846. 8vo, pp, iv., 48. [A pami)hler Ijouml up with others in volume, London huriul grounds, lSn-4tj. Sic Burial Grounds.] 360 Walker (George Alfred) — amtinued. (Jatlioiin^s from gravevards, particulai'ly tliose of LondoQ ; ■\vitli a concise ln8tory of the modes of interment among different nations from the earliest periods, and a detail of dangerous and fatal results pi-oduced by the unwise and revolting custom of inhuming the dead in the midst of the living. London, 1839. 8vo, pp. xvii., 258. Contains accounts of the condition of all Metropolitan church-yards. The graveyards of London; being an exposition of the physical and moral consequences inseparably connected with our uiichristian and pestilential custom of dej)Ositing the dead in the midst of the living ; with the examinations of the author, upon this highly important subject, before a select committee of the House of Commons. London, 1841. 8vo, pp. 32, xiv. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, London burial grounds, 1S41-4r,. S-f Burial Grounds.] Walker (John) See Jacob (E.) and J. Walker. Reports of cases in the High Court of Chancery, 1821-28. 8vo. Walker (Thomas) Observations on the best means for cleansing the sewage of large towns, and a description of his patent plan of subsiding pool. Birmingham, 1860. 8vo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sewage ■Utilization, 1S45-65. Stg Drainage and Sewerage.] System for the utilization of the sewage 6f large towns. Birmingham, [1860 ?] 8vo, pp. 7. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sewage ■utilization, 1845-66. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Wallen ' Frederick) The Metropolitan Building Act : some remarks on the judgment of Lord Coleridge . . . and Mi-. Justice Cave in the case of Smith v. Legg. London, 1893. 8vo, pp. 9. Walmsley (Edward B.) Proposed Thames isolated embankment, with side canal and marginal low level intercepting sewer, etc. London, [1856?] 8vo, pp. 17. [A pamphlet lx>und up with others in volume, Thames embankment, 1850-03. See Thames Iliver — Embankment.] Walsall, Borough of Statement of income and expenditure, 1897-8 to 1900-1. Walsall, 1899-1901. 8vo, {coiitiyiuing). Walsh (^ Charles Rj Pai-ish maps and other matters : a letter to the parochial authorities of the ])arishes and unions of St. George, South wark, St. Saviour, St. Olave, and Bermondsey. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. 8. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sanitary reform, 1848-56. See Sanitary Keform.J 361 Walter (L. Edna) Treatment of domestic science as an element in girls" educatittn. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Wandsworth, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of Wandsworth, 1801-1877. London, 1805-77. Folio. Coiitent.s : Surrey Iron Railway, 1801. I8U.5, 1800, 1K4(;— Rates, 1826— VVamlsworth Bridge, 1864, 1867, "l»70, 1873, 1877— Wamlsworth Common, 1871. Bridge Metropolitan Toll Bridges Act, 1877: the Waudswortii Bridge Company v. the Metropolitan Board of Works, in arbitration : minutes of evidence. London, 1879. Folio, pp. iv., 465. District Board Reports and accounts of the Wands- worth district board, 1858-1900. London, 1858-1900. 8vo. WanterS (Paul) Rapport sur I'enseignement technique en Belgique. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Wapping, Parish of Acts of Parliament relating to the parish of Wapping, 1728-1872. London, 1729-1875. Folio. Contents: Creation of parish, 1728 — Watching, lighting, paving, and cleansing, 1755 — Paving Wapping Street, 1770 — New streets and paving, 1776, 1778, 1781 — Poor, workhouse, burial ground, and nevr streets, 1781, 1782— Rates, 1812 — Workhouse, 1817 -Street improvements, 1872. Ward (Marshall) See Frankland (P. F.) and M. Ward. Reports to the water research committee of the Royal Society on the present state of our knowledge concerning the bactei'iology of water. [1892-93.] 8vo. Ware (John) An account of the several charities and. estates, held in trust for the use of the poor of the parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, and of benefactions to the same, compiled in the years 1833-34-35. London, 1836. 8vo, pp. 175, appendix, and index. Contents : Benefactions which produce a revenue annually under wills — Benefactions which have been ajiplied &o as to ju'oduce an annual revenue — Benefactions of other public benefit, such as almshouses — Gifts of plate, ornaments, etc. — Benefactions lost or not at present made available — Benefactions extinct ; transferred to other nianagemeat ; towards building a workhouse — Benefaction uncertain (at present) — Contingent. Waring (George Edwin) Street cleaning and the disposal of a city's waste : methods and results and the effect upon public health, public morals, and municipal prosperity. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. ix., 230. Contents : History — Conditions under recent administrations — Effect of political control as shown by the condition of the department at the begin- ning of the present adnunistration — Reorganization of the force — Street sweeping — Carting — Final disi)osition of garbage — Final disposition of street sweepings and ashes — Final disposition of pajjer and rubbish — Stock and plant — Removal of snow — Street railroads and pavements in New York — Street cleaning in Europe ; a report of observations made in the summer of 1896 — Juvenile street cleaning leagues. • 3t)2 Warren ^ J. Neville) Tlic report of ihe Board of Health on the supply nf watii- to tlio Metropolis weiglied in its own balance and found wanting. London, 1850. 8vo, pp. 18. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, London water si/ppiy, 1S40-64. .Sec Water Supply.] Warwick (Robert E.) Observations on the laws of settlement, poor removals, and the equalization of the poor rates, in a letter addressed to F. W. Knight, Es(j., M.P., late Secretary to the Poor Law Board : in I'cply to his two pamphlets entitled, Centralization v. the parochial sj'stem, and, the Parochial system r. centralization. London, 1855. 8vo, pp. 20. [A pamphlet bound up with others in \olumc, Accounts, Jitianee, rates, etc., 1S62. iiee Accounts.] Washburn (John Wycherford) See Goodall (E. W.) and J. W. Washburn. A manual of infectious diseases. 1896. 8vo. Watermen and Lightermen, Company of The laws and con- stitutions of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, rowing on the River Thames, betwixt Gravesend in the county of Kent and Windsor in the county of Berks. London, 1742. 8vo, pp. 187. Water Supply Minutes of evidence taken before the select com- mittee on the supply of water to the Meti^opolis ; together with an apjtendix containing sundry papers laid before them. London, 1821. Folio, pp. 247. The Committee's enciuiries were chieliy iliiected to obtainiug particulars of the increase in the charges of the comj)anics and the grounds on which this action was based. Apjtendices : Correspondence between St. Marylebone Vestry and the water companies. I^ondon Bridge Waterworks : Account of the works — Leases granted to the company by the Corporation of.the City of London — Income of the company in each year from 1800 to 1820 — Rate of dividend paid in each year i'rom IT.S'J ty in. and 1819, according to the parishes in which they are situated — Account showing application of capital actually raised by the company — Gri'ss income of the comixmy for each year from 1814 to 1820 — Rates charged on jiremises in 1818 and 18:i0 showing high, ordinary and extra services in the latter period — Rule? upon which the comjiany acts in respect of distinction between high and low, extra and onlinary services, and list of trades subject to extra charges, and the periods duiing which these rules have been acted upon — Gross charge of the company for water rates from 1818 to 1820 — l.ate of interest which would be produceil on the capital by their rate of 1810 and by their increased rate. Miscellaneous papers : Estimate of fund necessary to provide against the wear and tear of capital for a waterwork — Abstract showing rentals and dividends of the old water companies up to the year 1810 under the rates then paid — Comparative statement of the quantity of water delivered yearly to the Metropolis on the north side of the Thames m the years 1809 and 1820, together with the number of tenants and buildings supplied and the gross water rental of each company at both ])eriixl8 — C'omitarative statement of the value of the new companies" works with the estimated value of the old companies' works, with the yearly current expenses of each company, numVjer of buildings supplietl, gross amount of the water rentals including the increased rates charged by the companies, average yearly rates per house or building, charge per 1,000 hogsheads computed on those rentals, total ((uaiitity of water supplietl annually, average daily supply for each houte or building, including all extraordinary consumption and the elevations at which same is supplied. Report of the commissioners appointed to enquire into the state of the supply of water in the Metropolis ; together with appendices. London, 1828. Folio, pp. 155. Appendices, inter alia : Report of Mr. H. R. Palmer on samples of water taken at the entrance to the several companies' intakes at low water, half flood, high water, and half ebb, and also at several other places on the Thames — Analysis of the above by Dr. liostock — An investigation of some of the properties of the Thames water by W. Lambe, M.D.- A plan by which London could V>e suppliwl with pure water from a point close to Islcworth by II. M. Kerrison, M.D.— A plan by which London could be supplied with pure water from betwetn Brentford and Richmond by means of a sub- teiTanean aqueduct to Hampstead-hill or its vicinity, and from thence by pumiting to a reservoir at a considerable elevation above the end of this acqueduct by Mr. G. Taylor — Petitions by the inhabitants of Southwark, liai tie-bridge, Lambeth, St. George-the-Martyr, and the west part of the Metroix)li8 — Correspondence between the Commissioners and the Home Department — Memoir of Mr. J. Wright : Heads of the memoir were : (1) on the necessity of a pure and wholesome-supply of water to the inhabitants of the Metropolis; (2) of the monopoly ; (3) of the Grand Junction Company ; (4) of the River Thames between Chelsea Hospital and London Bridge ; (.'i) of the remedy. — iieport of the select committee on the supply of water to the Metropolis ; together with minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1828. Folio, pp. 68. To inquire into the present syfatem of supplying water to the Metropolis, including the Ixjrough of Southwark, and into the amount of tlie lates paid by the inhaVjitants, and who were instructed to include Lamljeth, Christ Cburcb, Surrey, and the iuljacent parishes in the inquiry ; and to whom the petition of the inhabitants of the western parts of the Metropolis, and also 365 Water Supply — continued. the iei>nit of the commissioners appointed by His Majesty to inquire into the state of the siipi)ly of water in the Metropolis, severally presented to the House in the present session weic referred ; and who were empowered to report the minutes of evidence taken before them. Appendices: Returns from the We^t Middlesi^x. Grand Junction. Chelsea, New River, East London, i^'outh London, r>amV)cth and Southwark water companies, as to when the company was established ; number of apjilications made to Parliament subsequently, and th°ir results ; amount of capital employed, and how inrested ; :im()unt expended for engines, reservoirs and pipes ; dividends paid per share from the fii'st establishment of the company to 1828 ; quantity of imperial gallons pumped jier day, and to what height ; the greatest rjuantity that the engines can pump ; number of houses paying for high service ; rates paid for high service ; number of houses receiving low service : rates paid for low service ; increase of rates since the establishment of the company ; as to further increase should the company avail itself of full poweis ; area of supply by the company. Grand Junction Company : Account of the gross income derived from water supplied for domestic purposes and public buildings, from street watering, and from other sources — Number of houses and other buildings supplieil, and the rates at which supplied — Experiments to ascertain the current of flood and ebb tides of the Thames at spring and neap tides, with a view to decide in what degree the Thames at Chelsea is affected by the drainage water of London. New River Company: Dividends paid in the years from 1770 to 1827 — Houses and other buildings su])plied in the years from 1821 to 1827 — Gross income and dividends (the former is divided under the heads : water supplied for dwelling houses, etc., watering roads or streets, rents for laud and houses). East London Company : Scale of rates of the company, and a list of trades subject to extra charges — Dividends paid, and rates of such dividends from 1809 to 1828 — Gross income in 1820 and 1827 — Number of dwelling houses and other buildings supplied by the company in the years from 1821 to 1827. South London Company : Number of tenants supplied in each year from ISOS to 1828 — Number of shares of the company — Hours worked and coals consumed Vjy the engines for the year from June 1st, 1827 to June 1st, 1828— Income of the company for each year from 1809 to 1828. Table showing comparis(m between 1820 and 1827 of each company supplying the Metropolis with water as regards numlier of houses supplied, average rate per house, gross annual income, gross expenditure, net profit. Report from the select comraittee on Metropolis water ; with minutes of evidence and appendix. London, 1834. Folio, pp. 196. This was the committee to whom the report of Mr. Telford, presented to the House on the 26th day of March, 1834, was referred, to examine the matter thereof, and report the same, with their observations thereon, to the House, and who were empowered to report the minutes of evidence taken before them. Ajipendices : Ib'turiis from the New River, Grand Junction, West Middlesex, Laniocth and Southwark and Vauxhall water companies, as to date of estab- lishment ; number of api)lications made to Parlianjent subsequently and their results ; amount of capital employed aiid how invested ; actual sum expended on engines, reservoirs and jjipcs : dividends jiaid to shareholders ; quantity of water in imperial gallons ])umped per day and to what height : greatest quantity engines can pumji ; number of houses paying for high service : rates paid for high service; nunjber of houses receiving low service ; rates paid for low service ; increase of lates since the first establishment ; further increase shoulil the company avail itself to the full extent of the provisions of the Act ; agreements entered into with other companies for obtaining the sole supply of any district and the dates thereof. New River Company: Gross income and dividends from the year 1828 to 366 Water Supply —continued. 1S;>3 (the I'linner is divided uuder the liciids : rents for (Iwclliiig houses, etc.. watering roads and streets, and rents for laud and liouses) — Houses and other buildinirs supplied for the years 1S2S to 1833, showing number of tenants in each district or walk — Gross income and expenditure in 1833 — Dividends paid i)er share for the years 1828 to 1833. East London t'ompany : Amount of capital employed, actual amount expended to Christmas, 1827, and from that date to 1833 — Gross income and e.xpeuiliture in the years 1827 and 1833 — Average daily supply of water in 1833 — IMvidends ))aid in each year from 1828 to 1834 with rate of dividend. South London C'ompany : Account of shares of the company — Income for the years 1828 to 1834. Statement of the gross expenditure of each company to 1834 ; limitation of capitals according to acts and charters ; number of shares of the company ; nominal value of the shares ; nominal joint stock capitals created ; net amount of subscription monies received ; average per share ; expenditure on works beyond amount of subscriptions ; gross expenditure ; average per share ; estimated current expenditure for the future ; houses and Imildings supplied ; gross rental ; average rates per building supplied ; total (juantity of water in hogsheads sujiplied yearly : average charge per l,(»(iO hogsheads computed in gross rental ; average daily supply per house or building, including manufactories : mean and highest elevation at which water is supplied. Report from the select committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the .su])ply of water to the Metropolis ; and to report tliereon to the House ; witli the minvites of evidence, ajjpendix, and index. London, 1840. Folio, pp. 100. The principal part of the evidence taken was in examination of a scheme of a proposed company to be called the London and Westminster Water Comi)any, which had for its object the supply of water from the springs under the chalk at Bushey meadows. Appendices : Questions submitted to the New lliver, Chelsea, West Mid'llesex, and Grand Junction water comjianies — Answers to the questions by the New River Conipany, and letters from tlic other companies declining to answer the cjuestions, as they considered such action would be detrimental to their interests, in view of tlie facts that a new competing comjiany was being formed, and that the information asketl for might be of considerable assistance to this new company iu their operations. [Another copy.] The index is wanting. Minutes of evidence taken before the select committee on the ]^tetrf)pf)lis water bill, with an index. London, 1851. Folio, pp. 814. Tables in body of tvidence : Comparative estimates of the annual cost for the daily supply of .50,000 gallons of filtered water to the Metropolis from the Thames between Twickenham and Thames Ditton, and from l''arnham and tlie sand districts of Surrey, founded on an aveiage of ihree years' expenditure of the Southwark and \'auxhall ('omiiany to JjP.dyday, 18.")1 (p. 13G) — State- ment of water pumped annually from the 'i'hames, New lliver and Lea by the several water companies ; number and horse power of engines at Brentford ; power of three engines used for distribution ; number and description of engines on the north and south side of the Thames ; sources from which the New Kiver receive their supply ; area of the New lliver Company's reservoirs ; dimensions and power of the East London Com[);iny's engines and wheels ; amount of engine power employed by the several companies ; capital ex- pended by the several companies fpp. 18^-196) — Statement of the (lischargc of the River I/ca between Hertford and Fielde's-weir, March, 1850 ; result of 367 Water Supply ■ — continued. gaugings of tlu' rivers Colne, Gade, Chess and Misbourn, March, 1850 (pp. 223-fi) — Scale of quarterly chars^es for domestic ami trade consiimpiion and regulations of I he Wolverhampton Waterworks Company (pp. 2.>fi 8) — Receipts and expenditure of the Metropolitan Parochial Water Supply Association (j). 359) — Calculations made upon the water supply to (he Meti'opolis from several rei)orts made to the General Board of Health by E. Cresj^, superintendent inspector (p. 4:54) — Statements of amounts received and expended for the three years 1848-50, together witli the rates authorised by Parliament or otherwise to be charged, by the nine water companies that supply the Metropolis (pp. 437-54) — Number of dwelling houses supplied by the Dundee Water Company on the l.'ith May, 1S51 (p. 517) — Table of rates charged by the Manchester Waterworks (p. 557) — Capital that would be required to be expended by the East London Company in machinery anlieevonsIiire -street, Portland - place, Homer - street, Chapel - street, Hamilton-teirace, Edgwarc-road, Warwick-street, Hyde-park-gardeus, West- bourne-terrace, Stockbridge-terraee, Eaton-place, Belgrave-square, Upper Brook-street, New Bond-street and Grosvenor-square — Return by Chelsea Water Company of assessments to water rates in Sloane-street, Stockbridge- terraee, Eaton-place, I'elgrave-square anil Warwick-street for the j^ears 1S49 to 1S51 — Return of assessments to water rates in mews for the years 1849 to 1851 — Return of the number of houses of each class and the water rates paid by them — Quantity of water {)umped annually by the Chelsea Water Company between 1835 anil 1850, with the prices charged during the same period for one thousand gallons — Dividenils paid by the Chelsea Company from the period of its incorjioration, 1723 to 1850 (pp. 431-55). New River Bill (pji. 485-5'J2 and 828-68) : Tables, etc., in body of evidence : Amount of capital expended by the company up to the end of each of the years 1820 to 1851 (p. 585) — Particulars of the additions to the capital since the return to the select committee of 1834, completed to 1833 inclu- sive (p. 586) — Capital, additions to capital out of income, gross dividends paid to proprietors, total income, etc., for the years 1821 to 1851 (p. 591) — P^stimate of the number of rooms and houses in each class, of the annual value of each house, and of the total value in the New River district (p. 839). New River and East London Waterworks Bill and East London Water- works Bill (pp. 61.5-72 and 1-53, sec. 2). Lea River Trust Bill (|ip. 67.3-732) : Tables, etc., in body of evidence : Tolls payable on this navigaticm from the 16th January, 1849 — Rates of tonnage {'ayablc on and after the 1st March, 1852 — Return showing the gauging of the whole liiver Lea at Fielde's-weir, the junction of the Stort, including the abstraction of water by the New River (.ompany at the balance engine between Hertford and Ware, with the registers of the rainfall at Greenwich, Fielde's-weir, Hatfield, and Hitchin— Gauging of the River Lea, showing the discharge I'f the several tributary streams forndng the total volume of the river for the first foitniglit in Mav, 1852. Wandlc Water and Sewage Bill (pp. 73.S-823). Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company Bill ([)[>. 55-7, sec. 2) : Tables, etc., in Vjody of evidence — The capital, additions to capital, grof.s receipts, current expenseK, net income, percentage of net income on total capital for the years 1838 to 1852 (p. 59, sec. 2) — The rates and amount charged for water, the rates and amount authorised to be charged by the company's Act (4 and 5 Will, l^^, c. 79), number of houses under each rate, annual value of all houses, etc. ([>. 70, sec. 2). (Jrand Junction Waterwoiks Company I'>ill (pp. 79-87, sec. 2): Tables, etc., in bixly of evidence: The company's expendiiurc on works, gross receipts, current expenses, total net income and dividend paid to |)ro|)rietors (p. 81, sec. 2) — Htalenujnt showing number of houses, nundjcr of high and extra .services, including wat'.r-closets. baths, and small trades, and gross annual value and amount of rates charged thereon both for ordinary and high service (p. 87. sec. 2) West Middlesex Waterworks Bill (pp. 89-107, see. 2). London (Watfonl) Ki)ring Water ("ompany Bill (pp. 109-342, sec. 2) : Tables, etc., in body of evidence : Places included in the parliamentary powers of the company's bill, and now unsupplied by any existing water company, as returned by the Registrar-General ; number of houses and 360 Water Supply —continued. population of tlic jiliiccs included in the parliamentary powers of the company supplied by cxistinj:,^ water companies; total number of houses and popula- tion of the before-mentioned j)laces, both unsupplied and supplied (pp. I6"<-G, sec. 2) — Details of cost of works, plant, etc. (p. 176, sec. 2) — Estimate for distributinjT Jtipcs for supiilyins" 40,000 houses, consisting of 7,9.53 houses in the upland district and 32,047 houses in the Metropolitan district, with 170 gallons of water each per diem, with annual income and expenditure — Estimate of distributing mains and pipes for 80,0uo houses, consisting of 20,000 houses sui)plied with 170 gallons of water each per diem, and 6O,0oo houses with 60 gallons each per diem for drinking and personal ablution (pp. 192-3, sec. 2). Report and minutes of evidence of select committee on East London water bills, etc. ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1867. Folio, pp. xlviii., 523. Tables in body of evidence, inter (d'ui : List of places in the City of liOndon where a constant supjdy of water from the New River or East Jjondon water companies' mains has been furnished through stand-pipes, for the service of houses in the occupation of the poor (p. 13(i) — Brighton Waterworks : Talde showing number of services and consumption of water, 1S62 to ISOC) (p. 211) — Amount of storage for water and proportion of water-closets in the poorer houses of London (p. 217) — Table of analysis of the Kent water, from the pumping-well at Deptford and from a public main at New Cross, 1S64 to ISfif! (p. 250) — Return of moneys expended on capital account by the Lambeth Waterworks Company since 1818 and by the other four Thames water com- panies since 1852 (p. 250). Appendices, Inter alia : Memorandum of information required from the Metropolitan water companies under the " Jletropolis Water Act, 1852," for the use of the committee on the East London water bills, etc. — Return of such information from each of the companies — Acts of Parliament relating to the water companies — Tables : (1) General properties of the water supplied by the Metropolitan water companies in 18i)7. before and after filtration at the works ; (2) analysis of water supplied by the companies in 181)7, before and after filtration at the Avorks ; {.'i) variations of water supplied by the companies during each month of the years 1865 and 1866 ; (4) comparison of the quality and quantity of water supplied by the companies in the years 1851, 185(;, and 1867 ; (5) quality of water supplied to 27 towns in England ; and (()) composition of the waters of the pumps and surface wells of the City of London — Return of the average daily quantity of water supplied by each of the companies — Return of the amount of capital, rate of dividend and bonus (if any) of the several companies for the 3'ears 1850-51. 1860-61, and 1865-66 — Particulars of the documents put in as evidence on the part of the water companies — Water companies supplying each of the parishes and districts constituted under the Metropolis Management Act of 1855, number of vestrymen and health oflieers. area in statute acres, annual value of pro- perty assessed in 18()fi, estimated population in 1866, deaths and the rate of mortality to 10,000 population from all causes and from cholera an. Folio, 3 vols. Appointed to ascertain what supply of unprflluted and wholesome water can be obtained by collectiiitr and storing water in the high grounds of England and Wales, either by the aid of natural lakes or by artificial reservoirs, at a sufficient ehivation for the supi)ly of the large towns, and to report, firstly, which of such sources arc best suited for the supply of the Jlctropolis and its suburbs, and secondly, how the supply from the remaining sources may be "most beneficially distributed among tiie j)rin- cipal towns; and also to inquire into the present water supjily of the Metropolis, and whether there are other districts, in addition lo the high districts of England and Wales, from which a good supply of unpolluted and wholesome water can be obtained. Appendices : Mr. Pole's report on the selection of samples of water in the Cuniberland and Westmoreland lake districts and North Wales — Supplement to the last-mentioned report — Drs. Frankland and Odling's report on the chemieal quality of the aVjove samples — Uei)rint of Mr. J. F. Piateman's l)ami)hlct on the Metro})(ilis water fcupply, with tab'es showing estimated cost of new supply from North Wales — General ])articular3 of the drainage areas, estimated supply of water and reservoirs — Analyses of water collected from the streams in Nr)rth Wales proposed to be tapped — Analyses of waters supplied by the Metropolitan water cotn))anies in 1856, 1S()2. ISti.S and 1.SG5 — Average rainfall in the Cumberland and VVcstmoreland lake district from 1H44 to 18.")B — Average rainfall in the Loch Katrine district of the Gla.sgow Corporation Waterworks — Rainfall in the Manchester Waterworks district for the ten year.s ending December 31st, 1864 — Yield of the Kivington dis- triet derived from informatitm afforded by Tiionias Duncan, Es(j., 186.^ — fiross annual revenue, working exjienscs, and dividends and interest paid on 1h<' eapital and 1 oi-rowcd money of the seven water cf)nq)anies supplying the Metropolis— 'i'able of the entire works of the. Metio;iolis watei' siipfjiy, 18t;5 — Comparative statement of revenue deriveil at Manch ster. (Jla=govv and Liverpool from the i>'il)]ic and domestic water rates, and from supplies of water to suburban districts, and for trading purposes — -Reiirint of Messrs. Hemans and Hassard's patnphlct on the future water supply of London — l.ettcr fiom Dr. Clark on the hardness of water — .Meinofaiidum by Mr. I'.raveiider on the upper part of the Thames basin — Reprint of Mr J. F. . P»ateman b report, on a constant supply for London - .Memor-Mida of the cost of pumping and filtration — Keturns as to the capabilities of the Metropolitan watfjrworks drawing water from the Thamfs for increasing the quantity of water taken — Details furnished by Mr. J F. I'ateman in illustrati)n of his evidence as regards the Welsh scheme and the Thames supply — Tables of the average numtjcr of gfillons of water supplied daily by the Metropolitan water companies in the years iMfiG, 18t»7 and IH68 — Mr. Pole's report on the selec- tion of samples of water in the Vjasin of the Thames — lletnrns of the qualities of water 8uj)plied by the Metropolitan water companies in former years, giving the daily average supply and number of liouses supplied in each year (the returns of the Chfdsca, Southwark and Vauxhall, Grand Junction, and Laml>eth Water Ctmipanies extend from \K>1 to 1867, New Piiver Water Company from ].sr,S to 18G7, Eist London Water Comjiariy from 1830 to 1H67, Kent Water Company from 1839 to 1867)— Extract from report of the Commission of 18.^1 on th*; chemical quality of the London water — Analyses of Metropolitan waters by Drs. Letheby and Odling and Professor Abel, 1867, showing general projierties of the water before and after filtration at the 371 Water Supply — continued. works — \'ariations of the watei's supplied in llie years 1865 and 1860 — Comparison of quality and (quantity of water supplied in the years 18ol. 18r)6 and 1867 — Quality of water supplied to lar^^o towns in England — Composition of the waters of the pumps and sui'facc wells of the City of London — Report by Drs. Letheby and Odling, and Professor Abel on the quality of the waters, 1868, with tables showing the general properties and analyses of the waters supplied by the Metropolitan water companies in May, June and July, 1868 — Examples of the Registrar- General's monthly reports on the London waters, with tables showing analyses of the Metrojiolitan waters in February, March and August, 1867 — Weight of solid impurity, organic carbon, nitrogen as nitrates and nitrites, ammonia, total combined nitrogen and previous sewage contamination in 100,000 parts, degrees of hardness, and other points of comi)arison of the London with some non-metropolitan waters in 1867 and 186.S — Average number of houses, etc., and average daily supply of water in gallons sui)plicd by the companies in 1867 and 1803 — Analyses of the Metropolitan waters in January, February and June, 1868 — Report from Professor Wanklyn on the (juality of the water sujjplied in the Metropolis — Particulars of water .sup- plies to various provincial towns — Preliminary report from T)ts. Frankland and Odling on the waters of the Thames basin — Report by Dr. E. Frankland on the chemical quality of samples collected in the basin of the Thames, giving results of complete analyses of Thames and other waters, results of partial analy.ses of Thames water, series of analyses illustrating purification of sewage at Croydon, change in the chemical character of Thames water during its flow through populous districts — Dr, Pole's report on the collection of further samples of water from the Thames basin — Report on gravitation water supplies to large towns, viz., Manchester, Liver])Ool, Penrith, Glasgow, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Bristol — Report on the drought of 1868 as regards its effects on gravitation water supplies to large towns, viz.. Manchester, Stockport. Rochdale, Bury. Bolton, Liverpool, Preston, Kendal, Newcastle- on-Tyne, Bradford, Halifax and Sheffield —Supj)lementary report by Drs, p-raukland and Odling on the chemical quality of samples of water collected in the basin of the Thames — Letter from the engineer of the New River Company — Extracts from Messrs. Hoffman and Blyth's analy.sis of London watcr.s, 18.56 — Information from Mr. Taunton as to gaugings of the Thames at licchlade ami other data affecting the upper basin of the Thame«, abstract of rain at Thames Head, ISo'J to 1868 — Thames and Severn Canal Navigation, abstract of weekly returns as to summit level for 1863, 1864, and 1865 — Letters on the deficient supply of water in case of fire in the Borough of South wark — Letters from Messrs. Hassard and Symons on the rainfall in the I,ake district during the dnmght of 1S()8. .Maps, drawings and diagrams : Mr. Bateman's project, maps of the aque- duct and district— Messrs. ilemans and llassard's project, maps of district, line of aqueduct, longitudinal sections of aqueduct, transverse sections of aqueduct— Mr. Dale's project, map and section — Diagram of. storage in I,iverpool reservoirs- Diagram of Kent Waterworks supi)ly— Mr. McClcan's project, map and section— Mr. Bailey Denton's plan— Map of Manchester W.aterworks- Geological sections near Cirencester — Geological maj) of the Thames basin— Contoured map of Thames basin— Geological sections of Thames basin— Mr. Mylne's project — Mr. Fulton's project, maps of (listrict and line of aqueduct— .Map and longitudinal section of a part of the Thames —Transverse «K-tions of a part of the Thames— Mr, Harrison's diagram of rainfall and discharges in Thames basin — Diagram of diminution of flow in s-ame—Dia<_n-am of water level in chalk — Diagrims illustrating statistics of the Metrojiolitan populatiim— Mr. P.ateman's service reservoirs and mo]>. 28(5. and index. Tables, etc., in hinly of evidence : Rules and regulations of the Lambeth Company respecting supplies of water, together with rates and charges, 185'J (pp. (il-h) — Tottenham Local Board of Health, regulations for the constant sujpply of water for domestic purposes (pp. S5-(i)— P>righton Waterworks, table showing number of services and consumption of water; regulations of tlie Brighton, Hove and Preston Constant Service Waterworks Com[)any, to be observed by all persons laying on water from the company's mains (pp. 117-8) — Manchester Corporation Waterworks, general instructions to authorised jilnmbers, and supjily of water, 1867-71 (pp. 12G-8) — Metropolis Water Act, 1871 : statement of Mr. Stephenson's estimate ; water companies ji'gulations ; jiarticulars of alterations necessary to be made to a si.\-roomed house, rental value t24 per annum, in order to comply with the regulations proposed bj' the water companies, as compared with those proposed by the Metropolitan Board of Works (pp. 13()-8)— Revised copy of the preceding (pp. 141-4) — List of the tattings which the London water companies at present propose to keep at their office as pamjiles (pp. 145 6)— Local Board of Bedford, cliarg(!S for water supply, regulitions for water supply and connecting house drains (pp. 150 1) —Sheffield Waterworks, regulations and notice of intention to apply for confirmation thereof (pp. 175 8)--Regulations to be observed for preventing water misuse, undue consumption or contami- nation of the water supplied by the Commissioners (pp. 181-6) — Constant Fujiply questions submitted to the companies by the Conmiissiouers, with the companies' replies (pp. lS7-yO). [Another copy.] The index is wanting. Jleporl fi'oni the select committee Oil Ijondon water supply ; together with the proceedings (d' the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. London, 1880. Folio, jip. xx., 334, and index. To inquire and report as to the expediency of acquiiing on behalf of the inhabitants of London the undertakings of the existing Metropolitan water compani«H, and also to examine and report whether certain agreements, (jr any of them already cntercfl into provisionally for the purchase of these companies would furnis-h a satisfactory basis for such an acquisition, and further to infpiire and report as to the nature and extent of the jiowers of the water comiianics to levy water rales and rents, and how far it may be desirable to modify the same. Tahflcs, etc., in Ixxly of evidence : The powers of the companies in relation 373 Water Supply — continued. to supply (pp. 2-"))— The basis on \vhi<-li the water rates are assessed, as ascertained from tlie companies (p. fl). Appendices : Statutory powers as to diviide the Metropolis but within those watershed?, or will have to be obtained outside the water- shcls of the Thames and Lea. Appendices: Statements made by the New Kiver, East London. West Midillesex, Chelsea, Grand .Junction, Soutliwark and Vauxh.iU, Lambeth, and Kent water companies — 'i'alde showing ntf increase in number of supplies of New River Company in eight periods of five years each from 1851 to 1891 — Average daily discharge of the Chadweil spiing — Population within the 375 Water Supply — continued. Lea waitTi-lied above the New lliver Company's intake — Periods of minimum discharge over Fielde's-wcir durins: wliich the New lliver Company took their full quantity of water, 22^ miliiou (gallons per day — Quantity of water supplied for trade and other non-d2). Tables, etc., in body of evidence, inter alia: Table showing the average rlaily sup|)ly during year, and the highest m(;nthly average daily supply during year, of the VVest Middlesex and Grand Junction companies for each of the years 1875 to 1894 (p. 57) — Estimate of the average daily supply during year, and higliest monthly average daily supply during year at 15-4 per cent, additional for the West Middlesex and 1(> per cent, aildititjual for t.hefJrand Junction Company, for each of the yeais 189.'* to 1901 (p. 59)— Table showing, for eacli of the yeais 18X3-91, nuiobei' of days during which 250, 3(K), and 350 million gallons or le.ss flowed over McU weir ; number of con- secutive days during which 250, 300 and 350 million gallons or less flowed over Hell weir ; an compared with the average suji^dy of the two years liS'J3-9l ; average daily supply per head by all the companies during each month of the .\eirs 189;i-91, compared with that fia- each month of 1895; ;.u I daily average natural flow at Teddington-weir in each month of the years i698-9rj (pp. rJ4-20B) — Daily quantities of water claimed or taken from the fiiver Thames above Molesey during each of the years 1898 to 189") (pp. 212-11) — Daily average (piantity supplied, 1893 to 189.") (p. 215) — Table of available ([uaiitities at the disposal of the New River, Wist i\Iiddlesex and tirand Junction companies (p. 21(j) — Daily average supply of these three companies ill 1905 (p. 217) — Present resources of the five Thames companies at the rate of 35 gallons per head, excluding the East London company (p. 219) — Estimate of cost ot works in detail (p. 351) —Estimate of capital expenditure to provide fur 15 years from Isytj (p. 354)- -Estimate of capital expenditure to provide a further supply of water and for general capital expenses (p. 362) — Overdrawn capital to Christmas, 1895 (p. 36(5) — Approximate amount of overdrawn capital since Christmas, 1895 (p. 36tj) — Tables showing the supplies, population, maximum daily supply, and average daily supply per head and maximum daily sup[)ly per head, of the Southwark and Vauxhall Company for each of the years 1876, 1881, 1886, 1891 to 1895 (p. 131)— Number of days' storage that will be required and wid be possessed by the company on a basis of a decennial increase of 18-2 per cent, in the supplies from the 1st January, 1876, at the average of -Id gallons per head per day, increaseil by 10 per cent, for the maximum su[)ply above the average, and deducting two minions for Streatham well supply (p. 432) — Storage required, on a basis of the average of 40 gallons per head per day should Harefield yield 10 million gallons in 19ol ([>. 434) — Agreements between the Southwark ami Vauxhall Company and the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of Lontlon, and between the Southwark and Vauxhall Company and the Conservators of the River Thames (pp. 447-50). Royal commission on water supply within the limits of the Metropolitan water companies ; report.s, minutes of evidence, appendices, maps, plans, diagrams, and indices, fjondon 1898- 1900. Folio, 6 vols in 4. Appendices, inter alia : List of Metropolitan water companies' bills intro- duced since 1880, with summary of proceedings and result, iiulicating ultimate purchase — The variations in the compai ies' powers to charge for water supply — Summary analysis of the published accounts of the companies for 1895 and 1896 — The various areas in London under the Metropolis MMiagemtnt Acts ; the companies originally authorised to supply water within those areas, and the manner in which Parliament has introduced and confirmed the principle of competitive powers of supply in London — Certain areas actually supplied by the New River and Chelsea companies, and the dates at which a fre.>;h competitive supply by another company or other companies, was authorisid — Dates of the acts under which the several Metropolitan water companies were originally authorised to make charges for water, and cases in which authorised rates have been reduced, and the dates when the existing scales of charges were tixed — Population of London. Outer Ring, and Greater London, 186rto 1891 — The daily average quantity of water delivered from the Thames during each month of the years 1894 to 1897 — The same, from the Lea, 1892 880 Water Supply — continued. to IS'.t? — The same, from sprinss and wells in the Lea valley, 1S92 to 1897 — The average daily quautity ul' water supplied by eaeh of the Metropolitan water companies, in eaeh month of the years IS'ji to 1897 — The Metropolitan water companies" authorised abstraction from the Thames — The average and maximum requirements in IDiU of the West Middlesex and Grand Junction ci'nipanies— Supjily per head of eaeh company in 1891, estimated future supply, and actual supply, IS'.K! — The total daily average of water supplied by each company in 18(17, 1891. and 1896 — The powers to construct works and to raise additional moneys granted to the companies, 1891 to 1897, with a comparison of the authorised capital previous to those dates — Supply required in 1981 and 1948 — Intakes, works and sources of suj^jily of each comjiany — Storage reservoirs of uiitiltered water — Service reservoirs of filtered watir — Area of filter beds — Length of trunk mains — Annual and monthly average rates of supply jier head, 1891 to 1897 — Eules and regulations of the Bradford Corporation waterworks — Estimated average and maximum supplies of the New Kiver Company, 1895 to 1915 — Keciuirements of companies in 1931 — Percentage of maximum month of daily supply over average daily supply, 1898 — Daily average and maximum supplies and rates per head in certain American cities — Estimate of poiiulation, average annual daily supply and average daily supply in maximum mouth in 19:51 — Effect produced on the fiow of the Thames at Teddington-weir by the average abstraction of 300 million gallons a day by the Staines scheme with reservoir capacity of 28,000 and :i8,000 nullion gallons respectively, and a supply to London given in the mean proportion of the years 189() and 1897, the minimum How of the Thames at Teddington-weir being 200 and 25(» million gallons a day respectively — Daily average quantity of water delivered from the Thames by the companies i)er month in 1896-97, and the percentage of the daily average supply for the year — Estimates of the cost of the Staines reservoir scheme — Times and duration of overfiow and storm water from the weirs at Old Kurd and Itydon's Wharf, 1891 to 1897— Estimate of the cost of obtaining from the Thames by the St.aines scheme 114.^ million gallons per day — The same, Welsh scheme, 114.^, 147, and 147 to 20U million gallons a day — Natural fiow of the Thames on the days upon which the Chelsea Company closed their intakes in 1893 and 1896 — Capital raised, authorised, and expended by the . 31st Decendjer. 1896 . ^ . •. i .• . ^ ^ u comitanies up to — ... ^ .. , , „ Amount of capital estimated to have ' ' 31st March, 1897 ^ been jiaiil up each year in rcsj)eet of stock taken \\\^ at par by shareholders, 1872 to 1897, and the estimated amount of premium value of such stock — Table showing how the capital of the companies has been raised, 1872 to 1897 — Amount claimed by each of the companies in 1880 in respect of back dividends, and the amount allowed by the late Mr. E. J. Smith — Estimated amount of dividends which the companies (excluiling the New lliver Company) could in — n — ^^ — ro,^s— ' claim to divide on their paid up capital beyond the March, 1897, i i r maximum or prescribed rates divided, («) on the assumed legal position, and {h) on the basis of a limitation to six years — Cost of management of the comjianies, worked at per million gallons, average daily supply for 189()-97, together with the dividends i)ai(l by the companies for the year — Capital of each of the conqtanies which is subject to siidcing fund, an estimate of the annual payments to the sinking fund, and estimates of the total amount of the sinking fund at future dates — Comi)arison between the Stock Exchange value on the 31st December, 1890, of the debenture loan and preference capital of the conqianies, and the estimated value of the same if secured on the rates — Table showing as on 31st December, 1890, (1) the total nominal capital of the companies on the market ; (2) the value of such capital (share and loan) at Stock Exchange prices ; (3) the yield per cent, to an investor according to last years diviaends, interest on, and market prices of the stock — Dates in liistory of the London water question, 1879 to 1896 — Annual expenditure of the companies on management per million gallons average daily supply, 1871 to 1897 — Cases in which a longer period than 60 years has h»een allowed hy Parliament to local authorities for the repayment ef the 381 Water Supply ■ — continued. money borrowed for water undertakings — Gross receipts, expenditure and ci c 11 • i- .1 X December, 18% ,. . , , pronts (if the cumpanics tor the seven vears to — .. — , Estimated March, 189/ l)opuIati(in wiiliiii Loiidun area su|iplied by each of tlie companies (1) on absolute and (2) (Ui conditional rights — The same, for estimated i^pulation outside London area — Revenue and dividend of the New River and Chelsea com])anics before the introduction of the West Middlesex Company's supi)Iy in competition in ISnG — Effect of competition on the incomes of the Xcw River and Chelsea conipaiues, 1810 to 1820 — Ktfcet on changes of competition between the Landjcth and Southwark and Vauxhall coniiianies — I'arislies and ])arts which could lie transferred from companies by which the}' are now supplied to companies which would supply them at a lower rate of charge — • Ap[iliea.tion of increase in revenue of each of the companies from 1853 to 1870 and from 1871-72 to 18!l6-'.t7 — Tables showing for each of the comjianies how far increased dividends are due to increase of capital and how far to increase in rate of dividend (l)from 1851 to 1871. and (2) from 1872 to 1896— Annual increase of the West Middlesex Company in revenue devoted to expenditure (1) from 1877 to 1887 and (2) from 1887 to 18;t7— Analysis of the water accounts of such county boroughs in England and Wales as have control of their water supply, and of Dundee, Edinlnirgh, and Glasgow — Statistics of the water supply of the county boroughs in England and Wales where the works are in the hands of the corporation — Revenue, expenditure, and dividends of each of the companies jicr million gallons average daily supply in lS'.M)-97 — Authorised maximum charges of the companies for water for trade i)ur])oscs per 1000 gallons quarterly consumption — Proportion per cent, of water supplied by each of the conijianies for imrposes other than domestic — The revenue for a series of years of each of the companies per 1000 gallons total annual supply — Capital of each of the companies per million gallons average daily supply, 1890 to 1807 — Tables analysingthe cajiital of eachof the compan- ies, with summary — Rate charged by each of the compavnes per ii of rateable value, and the rate per cent, of rateable value — Amount of taxation levied by local authorities in London in respect of water supplied for pid)lic i)urposes, 18i)5 to 189fi — Average rateable value of projicrties supplied l>y each of the companies in London and extra-London rcsjiectively — Number and rateable value of properties in each paiisli in the County of London liable to be rated for water hy each of the companies, ami of properties not supplied with water by the com]janies — Increase in ]iopulation and rateable value in London from 1811 to 1891 — Table showirg for the area of the London water companies, the average rateable value per house in 1851, compared with 18'.t(i — Increase in valuation of certain properties in the Chelsea Water Company's district from 1851 to 1891 — Increase in water rentals in certain streets supplied by the Chelsea Company from 1851 to 1894 — Abstract account of the annual revenue and expenditure of the Glasgow Corporation Waterworks from 1848-49 to 189()-97 — Scale of charges for water b}' the corporations of the county boroughs of England and Wales, and of Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, togetlier with a comparison with the charges made by the water companies which formerly sufjplicd the boroughs — Statement showing generally the system of charge by the corp(n'a- tionsof the county boifiughs of England and Wales for watersnpplied beyon and 1897 — Report of the County I'urposis committee of the City Corporation with reference to the commission — Water companies' sinking fund: table of investments made by the City Chamberlain, and copies of the water companies' certificates granted to the City Chamberlain — Charge for domestic purposes by companifs north of the Thames and provincial undertakings under corporate management — Increase in water rates under corporate management — Report of the members of the Middlesex County Council appointed to represent Middlesex at a conference on the 382 Water Supply — continued. London water supply, lield on 30th July, 1894 — DiflSculties of assimilation of charges ia the County of Middlesex— Letter addressed by the Surrey County Couneil to the Local Government Board and reply thereto— Report of the pwceedings at a meetinsr convened by the chairman of the Surrey County Council to consider the terms of reference to the Commission, 25th October, ISiU — Average daily flow of the Chidwell spring ; with the average yearly, and average winter rainfall from 187o to 1898— Average daily flow of the Kiver Lea, with the average yearly, and average winter rainfall, from 188ly from the Thames of 1;10 increasing to 40u million gallons, based on the years lS'.t3 and 189,s respectively, with a limit of 20.) million gallons at Tedilington— The same, for 190 increasing to 398 million gallons, with a limit of 1.50 million gallons at Ted iington — The same, for a supply iiicroasing from 119 in 189.5 to 399 million gallons in 1948, with a limit of 2(')0 million gallons at Teddington— Service reservoirs («) which can be, and (/y) which canuot be, economically tilled by gravitation from the proposed service reservoirs at Elstne— Estimate of the cost of supjilying 18oi, ] 14 J (in addition to the 185^ million gallons per day already authorised). 300 million gallons per day from the Thames, under the conditions of 1893 and 1898 respectively — The same, under the coDflitions of 1893 and 1S98, including the cost of mains necessary to supply anything above 130 million gallons -Estimate with details of the cost of supplying 128^, 135, 172,215 million gallons per day (a) from the Thames (?y) from Wales -Comparison of the respective cost of the Thames scheme and the Welsh scheme — Estimate of the cost of supplying 123.^ million gallons per day from Wales under the conditions of 1893 and 1898 respectively — Estimate showing by method of deduction the cost of supply- ing 114J million gallons per day from the Thames (in addition to the 185.i million gallons per day already authorised), under the ccjoditions of 1893 and 189-5 — Storage required for an average daily supply from 130 to 400 million gallons, based on 1898, with a minimuin flow of 100 million gallons at Teddington — The same, for 307 and 400 million gallons daily, based on the flow of the Thames for each year from 1883 to 1897, with a minimum flow of 200 million gallons at Teddington — Flow at Teddington, as gauged, and the natural flow, with the total (juantily which would be taken by the companies each year, with average daily supplies of 300 and 400 million gallon*- and the i>crcentage of such take ujion the natural flow of the river — Estimate for a daily additional supply of 121^ million gallons from the Thames, In.sed on the conditions of 1898, with a minimum flow of )00 gallons at Teddington — The same, for an additional supply of 93 million gallons— Estimate of the cost of bringing 121. i million gallons jxir day from Wales_ — The same for an additional suoply of 93 million gallons — ■ Estimates fo'r daily additional suj)plies of 121 ^ and 93 million gallons, based on conditions of 1H'.)3 and 1898, with a minimum flow of 200 million gallons at Teddington — Summary of the cost of the Welsh and Thames schemes in 1 91 f), 1920. and 193() — Estimated population in Greater London and the outlying parts of Water London in each decennium from 1891 to 1911 — Average daily supply, poijulation supplied, and increases each year in supply and population from 18H1 to 1897 — Daily quantity of water required to mc-et the e.stimatei»u]ation of Greater London and the oul lying portions of Water London from 1901 to 194 1 — Ues(;rvoir capacity required in the Thames Valley in 1921, 1931, and 191 1 - Estimate showing, Tor the Thames Valley reservoirs scheme, the capital expenditure to j)rovidc for interest' on capital, and the 383 Water Supply — continued. cost C)!' pumping to' store and to supply — Estimate showing, for the Welsh reservoirs scheme, the :iiinu;il expenditure to meet interest on capiiul — Comparison of the cost of the Thames and Welsh schemes — MeinoraM(him showing some of the financial lesults of the transfer of water under- takings to municipal authorities in ceriain towns — Charges made for water in various towns liaving a population of lOtt.OOO and upwards — Annual charges made by cich of the companies and the average of those charges with the average of the annual charges maile in the case of li) water undertakings belonging to local auth.irities —Table indicating at each point of value the number of the 19 water undertakings belonging to local autho- rities in which the annual charges are higher, the same as, or le-is than the charges made by the res))e'itive London companies — Consumption of water per head per day in 1S97 in 15 towns in England — Amount of organic imj)arity in the Thames from May, 1S'.)1 to May, 1»'.)2^ and fnjm January, 16915 to January, 1894 ; from January to November, 1897 ; from January to Oc'ober, 1898— The same, during Hood on 1st N(jvend)er, 1S92, and 20th to 29th October, 1S9S ; from 24th to 2(5th November, and 6th to 11th December, 1898 ; from 28th December, 1898 to 4th January, 1899— Improvement which has taken place in sewage effluents from the larger sewage farms on the Thames — Mortality from typhoid in London and other large t iwns. Documents handed in by the Chelsea Waterworks Company : Financial retui-n — Works and supply — Distribution of capital expenditure — Number of supi)lies, estimated popu ation supplied, anrl the rateable value of population snpjilied — Future eai)ital expenditure — Average supply per head per day sujiplied through Deacon's waste-water meter — Decrease in water rates in the Fulham district, 18.')2 to 1894 — Increases and decreases in rateable values at the iiiiinquennial re- valuation. 189n~91. compared with that of 1885-86. Documents hande 1 in by the Eist L:)ndon Waterworks Compau}' : Works and supply — Distribution of Oj.)Mtal expenditure — Future capital expenditure — Financial return — Num er of supplies, estimated population supplied, and the rateable value of the properties supplied — Average daily supply per lead supjilied through Deacon's waste-water meters. Documents h mded in by the Grand Junction Waterworks Company: Works and supply — Distribution of capital expenditure — Financial return — Future capital expenditure — Cost of management in relation to ciuantity of water i)umped and to the gross re ;eipts for each year from 1880 to 1897 — Effect of quinquennial re-valuation of 1891 as compared with that of 1886 in regard to rateable value of the ("moany's flistrict of supply — The same, lor 1896 as compared with IS91 — Nuraoer of su[>plies, estimated population, su jplied, and rateable value of properties su])p]ied. Documents lianded iu by the Kent ^\'d.t^Jrwo^ks Company : Rainfall for each year fron 1816 to 189S, ending lird September — Dun-eases and decreases . of water rates upon alteration of the rateable values by the local authorities over the ten years, 1887 to H96 — Table showing that the increase caused by the quinquennial re-valuation is chiefly on propert es upon which the company does not derive any benefit in increased water rental — I'roperties in the pari-ih of St. Nicholas. Deptford, whose r;.i cable v. due is not a criterion of the charge f >r water— Comparative table of the average water rents per supply, and per house, and also per mile of mains in the several districts of the co.npanies. and the adjacent areas within their limit.s, showing that the four companies having scales of charges with higher rates per cent, than the others nevertheless derive a much lower average water rate per supply and per house, and a^so per mile of mains laid — Works and supply — Financial return — Distribution of cipital expenditure — Number of supplies, estimated population supi>lied, and rateable value of properties suiiplied — Future capital expenditure— Table comi)aring the water rates of various cities aiul boroughs with the rates of the company. Documents handed in by the Lambeth Waterworks C'jmpany : Financial return — Number of supplies, estimated population sujiplied, and rateable value of properties supplied— Amount payable by the company annually on 384 Water Supply — contimicJ. aocuimi uf >inkini: fund when all the debenture stoek subject to the charge has been issued and become cliaitxeable at varying rates of dividend — Distribution of capital expenditure — Works and supply — Future capital expenditure — Capital account at Slst March. \S'>i. ilocuments handed in by the New River Cninpany : Financial return- Number of supplies, estimated population sujiplied, and rateable value of l)roi)erties supplied — Distribution of capital expenditure — Substance of a ilecd between the New Ixiver and Fast liondon Waterworks Companies dated 9th November, 1815 — Future capital expenditure — Works and supj)]y — Kate of supply per head per dny in Shoreditcli in 1882, and atter the intro;luction of the waste meter system in 188:5, 18St, ISOS-Supplj- per head per day in 8tuke Newinalfour's estimate of increase of poi)nla- t ion, and daily supply, and of the actual increase between 1891 and 1898 — Population and quantity of water required in 19:^1, 1937, and 1941, on the estimate of Lord I'alfour's commission on the company's proportionate amountof the same, ami on the basis on increase between 1891 and 1898 — Wiirks and supply- -Hednction (;f waste obtained by systematic itispection of fittings, and the necessity for constant inspccl ion — Results of a systematic inspection of fittings in small houses. Documents handed in by the West Middlesex Waterworks Company : Financial return — Expenses of maintenance, 1872 to 1898 — Analysis of in- crease in certain maintenance charges — Result of ((uin(|uennial revision in 1891 of assessments — Works and supjily — Distiil)ution of capital exj)cnditurc — Nuiidjcr of supplies, estimated population supplied, and rateable value of properties supplied — Future capital expenditure. Memorandum on the water supply of the Metropolis issued by the Govern- ment pn;vjous to the intrixluction of the Metropolis water bill, 1H51 — Sum- mary of tlie main statutory provisions as to control — Provisions as to control to whicli the companies are subject by public statutes — Return showing the county and ratealjle value of each jiarish, outside the County of London, sapplicfl by the companies, and the number of sujiplics in eacli such jiarish — Daily volume of discharge at Teddiiigton-weir from 1H93 to 1898 — Quantities abstracted from the River Thames by the companies, and the gaugings at Tcldington-weir, during July to December, 1H98 — Daily flow at Teddington- wcir from 1st January to 20th October, I.S99 — Gauging of discharge over 385 Water Supply — continued. Ficlde's Weil- from 1851 to 1898 — Quantity of water used, methods of charp;- ing, and amount paid for water t)y the Vestry of St. JIary. Islin<^ton in 1S<,»7 — Diifeience in c-har^es made by the Lanibetli Company and the Corporation of Croydon — A^jreenient Ijctween the Essex (,'ounty Council and the Lomlon County Council, 1897 — Agreement between the Borough of West Ham and the Londim County Council, 18'.l7 — Charges made by the East London Company in the Borough of West Ham — Memorandum by Sir F. Bramwell on the waste of water in certain cities in the United States, where the water supply is controlled by the municipalities — Views of the vestries and tlistrict boards on the subject of the reference to the Commission — Boroughs, urban districts and rural districts within the area of Water London — Table showing the urban aiul rural districts (wliolly or partly) within Greater London and out- side Water London, with their population in 1881 and 18!)1 : the decennial increase per cent., and the poi)ulati(m in 1941, estimated at the rate of increase — Comparative statement illustrating the statutory charges of the companies as applied to houses of rentals ranging from \Ql. to .")(>?. per annum — Summary of the financial returns of the companies for 1897 — Particulars of the water supply afforded (1) within Water London, and (2) within Greater Jjondon other than by the eight Metropolitan companies, («) by local autho- rities, (h) by comjianies— Eeport by Colonel W. H. Rathbone, assistant com- missioner, on statistics and estimates ])ut in evidence before the commission — Total natural How and total abstraction by the companies for yearly and six-monthly periods from 1889 to 1898 ; (a) from the River Thames, and (/») from the River Lea — Table sho\ving for the companies, capital, income, working expenses, and gross profits per 1000 of population and per million gallons of daily supply ; also the working expenses and gross profits percent. on the capital employed and the net profits per cent, on the ordinary share capital — Number of supplies afforded by the Metropolitan companies in Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, and Hertford, and the rateable value of the parishes in which such supply is given. Maps, plans, and diagrams : Map of the County of London, Water London, and Greater London, showing the area supplied by the eight Metropolitan companies, with their intakes, works, and principal mains — Map showing the parliamentary boundary of the district which the Chelsea Company is authorised to supply with water, and the areas within that district which are actually supplied by the Chelsea, West Middlesex, Grand Junction, and New River Companies respectively — The same of the East London Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the East London and New River Companies — The same of the Grand Junction Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the Grand Junction, West Middlesex, Chelsea, and New River Companies — The same of the Kent Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the I^ambeth, Southwark and Vauxhall, and East London Companies — The same of the Lambeth Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the Lambeth, Suuthwark and Vauxhall, and the Kent Companies — The same of the New River Company, ami the areas within that district actually supplied by the New River and East London Companies — The same, of the Southwark and Vauxhall Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall, Lambeth and Kent Companies — The same of the West Mitldlesex Company, and the areas within that district actually supplied by the West Middlesex, New River, Grand Junction, Chelsea, Southwark and Vauxhall, and Lambeth Companies — Map showing the propose! watersheds and reservoirs in Wales — Map showing the proposed aqueducts to London from Wales — Map showing the Thames storage scheme — Map showing the aveiage rate per £ of the rateable value of the charges of each of the Metropolitan water companies. Chelsea Waterworks Company : Plans of district and stations — Storage reservoirs at West Molesey — Works at Surbiton — Works at Putney. East London Waterworks Company : Plans of intake and works on River Lea — Lea Bridge works — Haggar Lane and Buckhurst Hill reservoirs — Hornsey Wood reservoir, and Sunbury pumping station — Hanworth pumiiing station, BB 386 Water Supply —continued. filter bi'ds. imd reservoirs -Waltham Abbey punipinc^ station and High Beech reservoir. Grand Junction Waterworks Company: riiuis of works at Mam|)ton— Works at Kew Briilire— Reservoirs at Ealinir— Works at Cainpden Hill. Kent Waterworks Com pan v : Plans of Deptford station— I'lumstead and SouthHeet stations— We^t Wickbani and (Iharlton stations— Wilmington and Belvedere stations— Orpington and Cray ford stations— Greenwicli Park and Eltham reservoirs— Plumstead reservoir and land at Oriiington— Woolwich Common and New Cross reservoirs— Farti borough and Knoekholt reservoirs — Westerham and Constitution Hill reservoirs— Lands at Shooter's Hill and Chislehur.st -West Wiekham and Chislehurst Summer Hill reservoirs— South- fleet reservoir site- Well at Westerliam Hill and land at Dartford— Dartford, Brent, and Westerham Hill reservoirs. Lam])eth Waterworks Company : Plans of reservoirs and works at Molesey, Coombe. and Dit ton— Reservoirs and works at Brixton, Selhurst, Norwood, Streatham, and Pioek Hill. New River ComjjaDy : Plans of intake from River Lea (new gauge) and Chadwell Spring'— Broadmead and Amwell End wells and pumping stations— Aniwell Hdl and Amwell Marsh wells and pumping stations— Rye Common ami Iloddo'^don wells an.l jmmping stations— Broxbourne and Turnford wells and pumping stations- Chesliunt well, pumping station and reservoirs— White Webbs and Hoe Lane wells and pumping stations— Southgate and Bush Hill reservoirs -Bourne Hill reservoir and llightield well and pumi)ing station— Betstile well and pumping station and Tottenham pumping station— Hornscy reservoirs and lilter beds— Hornscy pumping station and Campsbourne well and i)umping station— Stoke Newington reservoirs, pumping station, and filter V,eds-New River Head reservoir, filter beds, and pumping stations— Clare- mount Square and llampstcad reservoirs— Highgate reservoir and Hornsey Lane reservoir and pumping station— Maiden Lane reservoirs— Crouch Hill reeervoirs — Camden I'aik Road reservoir. Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company : Plans of works at Wandsworth ; Battersea; Streatham; Forest Hill ; Nunliead ; Hampton. West Middlesex Waterworks Company : Plans of Hampton intake and pumping station— P.arnes and HnmnKirsmitli works— Barn Elms works— nammersmitli pumping station- Kensington reservoir and Barrow Hill reservoir and pumjjing station — Willesden reservoir and pumping station — Kidderpore reservoir — Shoot-up-hill reservoir. Diagrams showintr the working of the Staines reservoirs scheme ia such years as 18'0 million gallons over Teddington- ^veir— The same, in such a year as 1X'.»:?, supplying 185i and IJOO million gallons a day, with a minimum flow of iOO million gallons over Tfddington-weir-Thc same in such a year as 1898, supplying 185J, 3O0 and 4iiO million gallons a day. with a minimum flow of 200 gallons over TcddiTigfon-wcir— Diagram showing the flow fif the River Lea from August, iH'.r,, to December, 1898. and the working of the East London Com|»any's reservoirs sclieme— Diagram to accompany table showing the daily average supply required («) for (ireater London (/;) for Water London, in each year" from 1895 to 1948 and 1954— Diagram to accompany table showing the storage required for an average daily supply from the Tbames of LW million gallons daily, increasing to 400 million L>-ailons : the d. ficiencics calculated on a year similar to that of 189:{, no water being drawn from the river when the daily flow over Teddington Weir is 20i) million gallons, or less— The flame for a" year similar to thai of 189H— The sameforan average daily supply from the Thames of 190 million gallons, increasing to 398 million gallons ; the deficiencies calculated on a year similar to that of 1893. no water being drawn from the river when the daily flow oyer Tc Idinglxjn Weir \n 150 million gallons, or less — The same for an average daily Hupplv from the Thames, increasing from 119 million gallons in 1895 to 399 million gallons in 1948. no water being taken from the jiver when the daily 387 Water Supply — continued. flow over Tcddington Weir is 2fln million gallons or less — The same for an avi'iat'c tlaily sopply from tin; 'lliMiues, iiicrt'asing from 180 n'illion gallons to 400 million gallm.s, ami thi; maxiinuiTi annual ileticicucy from tht' reservoirs at the various supplit's in a year similar to 18'.)8, •with a minimum of lUO million gallons at Teddington — The same in a year similar to l.S'.i;5, with a minimum flow of 20O million gallons at Teddington Weir — Diagram showing the natural flow of the River Thames at Teddington Weir in the years 18^3 and 18il,S — Diagram showing, for the Thames Valley storage reservoirs, the quantity of water in store daily in the years 1921 and 1941 —1 iagram showing the flow of the Thames at Teddington Weir and the colour of clear Altered water during the flood in the casi! of the Ave Thames derived companies, from 1888 to 1898 ; and also the monthly average of microbes from February, 1895 to December. 189S — Diagram showing comparison of brown colour in Lake Vyrnwy, Thirlniere, Loch Katrine, and filtered Thames water — Diagram showing the number of microbes in filtered and unfiltered Thames water from 189") to 1898— The same from May, 1892 to February, 1899. Minutes of evidence: anotlier edition. London, 1897-99. Folio, 4 vols. The Uolpliin ; or Grand Junction nuisance : proving that seven thousand families, in Westminster and its suburbs, are supplied with water, in a state, offensive to the sight, disgusting to the imagination, and destructive to health. London, 1827. 8vo, pp. viii., 104. Contents : Introduction- — Of the importance of pure and wholesome water for all domestic purposes — Of the several companies monopolizing the supply of water to the Metropolis: 1. The New River Company; 2. The Chelsea Water-works Company ; 8. The East; London Water-works Company ; 4. The West Middlesex Water-works Company; ."). The Grand Junction Water- works Company — Of the Dolphin ; or Grand Junction Nuisance : 1. Partition of the Metropolis between the five confederated companies, and establish- D ent of a clese monojioly of the suj)iily of water ; 2. Original engagements of the Grand Junction Company with their customers; 8. Analysis of the water promised to be supplied l)y th i Graud Junction Company ; 4. Grand Junction promises compared with Grand Junction performances; 5. New table of rules about to be levied; (5 (Quality of the water supplied by the Grand Junction Comjjany ; 7. The Dolphin; or Grand Junction nuisance described ; 8. Analysis of the Dolphin wuter ; 9. Opinions res])ecting the quality of the Grand Junction water, and iis fitness for culinary and domestic purposes — Of the abatement of the nuisance; and of the best mode of procuring a pure and wholesome supply of water for Weslmioster and its suburbs. London water supply, 1849-1864. [A volume of pamphlets.] London, etc., 1849-64. 8vo. Contents : — Preliminary piospectus of the Metropolitan Water Purifying Company. Limited. London, [18.").') .'] Folio, pp. 4. .SW-also Civil Engineers, Institute of, Close (G.). Gale (J. M.). Glasgow, City of, Gordon (L.l). P.). Havwood (W.). Homersliani (S. C). lluniphreys (W.), Liddell (C.), Odling (W.), O'Doherty (W. A.), Tabbeiner (J. L.), Warren (J. N.). The Metropolitan water supply : report on the condition of the Metropolitan watei' supply . . . by the water examiner appointed under the Metropolis Water Act, 1871. 1872-1902. London, 1872-1902. Folio, (coniiiming). BB 2 388 Water Supply —continued. Return sliowing in respect of each of the Metropolitan water companies, the maximum number of houses or other buildings supplied with water, and the total amount of the rates, rentals, and other charges, in the years 1872 and 1883 respec- tively, etc. London, 1885. Folio, pp. 23. Water supply, 1871-1877. [A volume of pamphlets.] London, etc., 1867-77. 8vo. Contents : — llctrulations of the New River Company for the constant supply of water f'>r domestic purposes. London. 1872. 8vo, i)p. 11. On a constant water supply fnr London ; being a reprint, by permission, of papers by .J. F. Bateman, T. Beggs, and W. Rendle. London, 18()7. 8vo. pp. 42. The waste- water meter system. Liverpool [187.5?] 8vo. pp. 19. Srr also Bazalgette (Sir J. W.), Brannvell (F. J.), Deacon (G. F.), London, Cori)oration of the fity. Stephenson ((/iiarles), Williams (R. P.). See also Health, General Board of ; London, Corporation of the City ; London County Council ; Metropolitan Board of Works ; Metiopolitan Commissioners of Sewers. Watkins (Charles) A treatise on copyholds. Second edition. London, 1816. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 451. A'ol. i. only : Vol. ii. is wanting. Watney (John) Some account of the Hospital of St. Thomas of Aeon, in the Cheap . . . and of the plate of the Mercers' Company, Privately printed. London, 1892. 4to, pp. xii., 308. Watson CA. T.) See Jeaffreson (J. C.) Middlesex County Records, vols i.-ii. ; witli an index by A. T. Watson. 1886-88. 8vo Watson (Chalmers) Encyclopaedia niedica : under the general e.litoiship of C. Watson. Edinburgh, 1«99-1902. 8vo, {con- i inning). Watson (William Henry) A practical treatise on the office of sheriff, etc. Lundoii, lSl;8. 8vo, pp. xvi., 577. Watts (^Henry) A dictionary of chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences. Ltnidon, 1879-83. 8vo, 8 vols, in 9. Way ' Thomas Rj See Wheatley (H. B.) Reliques of old London : drawn in lithography by T. R. Way. 1896-99. 4to. Wazon (A.) Principes techniques d'assainissement des villes et habitations suivis en Angletei-ic, Fi-ance, Alloniagne, Etats-Unis, et j)resente8 sous forme d'ctudes sur I'assainis.sement de Paris, Paris, 1884. 8vo., pp. ii., 364. ;i8i> Webb (Sidney) The provision of higher commercial education in London. See P]ducation. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. and Beatrice Potter afterwards Webb The history of trade unionism. Second edition. London, 189G. 8vo, pp. xvi., 558. Contents: Origins of trade unionism — Struggle for existence (1799-182.'>) Revolutionary period (18211-42) — New spirit and new model (1843-f)i») — The Junta and their allies (IStJO- 75) — Sectional developments (1861^-8')) — The old unionism and the new (lS7."»-8i)) — Trade union world (1892-94) — Appendi.\ : On the assumed connection between the trade unions and the gilds in Dublin ; sliding scales ; summons to first trade union congress ; distribution of trade unionists in the United Kingdom ; progress in membership of particular trade unions ; list of publications ou trade unions and combinations of workmen — Index. Map showing distribution of trade unionists in pre portion to population throughout England and Wales. Industrial democracy. London, 1897. 8vo, 2 vols. Contents : — Trade union structure : Primitive democracy — Representative institutions — The unit of government — Interunion relations. Trade union junction : Introduction— The method of mutual insurance — The method of collective bargaining — Arbitration — The method of legal enactment — -The standard rate — Tlie normal day — Sanitation and safety — New processes and machinery — C(^)ntinuity of employment — The entrance to a trade Qi) apprenticeship (i) the limitation of boy-labor {/■) progression within the trade (rf) the exclusion of women — The right to a trade — The implications of trade unionism — The assumptions of trade unionism. Trade union theory : The verdict of the economists — The higgling of the market — I'he economic characteristics of trade unionism («) the device of restriction of numbers (i) the device of the common ride (c-) the effect of the sectional application of the common rule on the distribution of industry (d) parasitic trades ((<)the national minimum (/) the unemployable (7) summary of the economic characteristics of the device of the common rule (/() trade union methods — Trade unionism and democrac}'^ — Appendices : The legal position of collective bargaining in England ; the bearing of industrial para- sitism and the policy of a national minimum on the free trade controversy — Some statistics bearing on the relative movements of the marriage and birth- rates, pauperism, wages, and the price of wheat ; a supplement to the biblio- graphy of trade unionism — Index. Weber (Adna Ferrin) The growth of cities in the nineteenth centui^- : a study in statistics. New Yoi-k, 1899. 8vo, pp. xvi., 495. Contents: Introduction — The history and statistics of urban gnnvth — ■ Causes of the concentration of popuhition — Urban growth and internal migration — The structure of city populations — The natural movement of jiopulation in city and in country — The phj-sical and moral health of city and country— General eifects of tlie concentration of population — Tendencies and remedies. Webster (Edward) Parliamentaiy costs, etc. Third edition, London, 18(37. 8vo, pp. vii., 247. The same. Fourth edition. 1881. 8vo, pp. xvi., 382. 390 Webster (Thomas') Tlie port and dot-ks of BirkenKead, with maps, plans, sections, and tidal diagrams, and an account of the acts of Parliament relating to the Mersey and dock estate of Liverpool. London, 1848. 8vo, jip. xliv., 192, and 9 maps and plans. Wells (Samuel) History of the drainage of the fens, called Bed- lord Level ; with the constitution and laws of the Bedford Level Corporation. London, 1828-30. 8vo, 2 vols. The trainincr of technical teachers. See Wells ^ (Sidney H.) T Education. Technical Education Conjjress. 1897. 8vo. Welsby (William Newland) See Meeson (R.) and W. N. Welsby. iteport of cases argued and detei-mined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber. 1837-'i9. 8vo. Welton (Thomas A.) Statistical papers based on the census of i'viigland and Wales, 1851, and relating to the occupations of the people and the increase of population, 1841-51. London, 1860. 8vo, pp. 168. Wenckstern (Otto) ^ee Schlcsinger (M.) Saunterings in and about London ; the English edition, by 0. Wenckstern. 1853. 8vo. Wertheimer (J.) The influence of various examining bodies on the progress of technical and commercial education in England, See Education, Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. West Bromwich, BorOUg'h of Abstract of accounts, 1890 and lbU7-b. West Bn^mwich, 1891-98. 8vo, 2 vols. Westbrook (^R. A.) The question of ventilation considered : its imjjurtance, and the con.sequences of it.s neglect. London, 1861. 8vo, pp. 19. [A [laniphlet bound un with others in volume, Pamphlets mitcellaneovg, 1 ><:,(;. (;4.] Westgarth (William) Essays on the street aligjimcnt, recon- struction and sanitation of central London, and on the re-housing of the poorer cla.sses, [Edited by W. Westgarth.] London, 1886. 8vo, pp. viii., 276, and 10 plans. Contents : — \. Introductory remarks, by \V. Westjrarth. 2. The sanitation and rc(;onstructi()n of Central London, by W. Woodward, '6. Street alignment and reconstruction of Central London, by H. IL Uridj^rnan. 4. On the rehousing of the poorer classes of Central London, Ijy .]. Corbett. ."». Appendix. West Ham, Borough of Abstract of accounts, 1889-90 to 11>0 to ISlfi — Amount of grants voted in each year from 1835 to 184(5 for the New Palace — Reports as to warming and ventilating the new Houses of Parliament — Return of the number of men employed in each week upon works at the New Palace since the commencement of the superstructure. Report from the select committee on Westminster Temporary Bridge bill ; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. London, 1850. Folio, pp. viii., 75. Report of the commissioners appointed to con.sider the best and most convenient site for a new bridge at West- minster. Loudon, 1851. Folio, pp, vii., 34, and 2 plans. 392 Westminster — amtinned. Charities. The jiarocliial charities of Westminster, being the first report of the trustees appointed under the scheme of the cliarity commission dated 81st May, 1889; toofether with some liistorii-al notes on the ])an)chial charities of Westminster past and ])resent. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. 109. Commissioners of Sewers. Addi'ess upon the report from the Poor Law Commis- sioners in reference to those parts wliich inculpate the !N[ctropolitan Commissions of Sewers, delivered at a meeting of the Court, held Friday, 23rd December, 1842, by the chairman, T. L. Donaldson. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. 44. [This is bound up with a report by the Toor L;i\v Commissioners on an inquiry into the sanitary condition of the hibouring population of Great liritain. Sre Poor Law Commissioners.] District Board. Reports and accounts of the Westminster district board, 1858-1888. London, 1858-88. 8vo, 4 vols. Hall. Report from the select committee on Westminster Hall restoration ; together with the i)roceedings of the com- mittee, minutes of evidence, appendix, and index. 1885. 4to, pp. 200. I'lates, infer ali/i : View of the Hall from the south-west — View from the niirth-wcst — Foundations of cloisters — West elevation — Plan of the lower linor of the cloister building — Tpper lloor of tlie cloister building — ^\'est elevation of the Hall — Sections looking north and south — Proposed north elevation — Enlargement from part of the original plan of the Houses of I'arliamont by W. Capon, made l)etween ITilS and 182:} — Lower plan of til! Hall and a Ijoining offices, 1 7".i3 -Plan of the old Parliament Houses, sliowing the first Hour of the Mxcliequer Court and adjoining buildings, ma.le before 17'.t3~Planof Westminster Hall, 1795— Plan of the Hall and 7ieighljourhood by T. Lediard, 1710 — Plan of old record room, Margaret's Lane — Plan and section of the Hall, enlarged from a pencil drawing by A. I'ugin and 'J'. Willis— New Palace Yard in 1647. by Hollar — New Palace Yard in 1793, by W. Capon— Interior view of the Hall — Westminster Hall, lor)king towards the AbVjey, taken during the demolition of the old Exchequer Court — Queen Elizabeth's be^'i7. ^vu, j)p. xvi., 458. Whatley ^T. D.j See Gale (C. J.) and T. D. Whalley. A treati.se (Ml ilic III w (jf easements. 1839. 8vo. Wheatley (Henry Benjamin) The Adel])hi and its site. London, 1 ->'5. 4t.")-.")•; — Lineoln's Inn : Arch Uow, west side of the Fiehls ; Old gateway, Clancery Lane — -Holborn : Staple Inn, east end; west end ; l>ariiard"s Inn Hall: the Old Bell— Fetter Lane : Nos. S2, Sr>-i^7, and '.H : White Horse Yard ; Nevile's Court, Nos. L3, 14 and 1.5 — St. Bartholomew's the Great, Sniithfield : The entrance gate : Back Court, E.C. ; Cloth Fair — Fore Street, Criiiplegate — The Borough, Southwark : High Street, Nos. 146-l.Jl ; the George Inn ; the Queen's Head Inn. Later reliques of old London: drawn in lithography by T. R. Way, with an introduction and descriptions by H. B. Wheatley. London, 1897. 4to, pp. [vi.], 111. Plates : Bisliopsgate Street Within : St. Ethelburga's — Houndsditch : No. 148 — Aldgatc : Nos. (i and 7 ; High Street, llie butchers' shops, Nos. 43-.")0 — Whitechapel : High Street, Nos. 81-84— Royal Mint Street : Nos. 2, 3, 8^ and 4 — Mile Eniidgewater House — Cleveland Square — Cleveland Row — Cleveland Court — St. James's Place — Park Place — liennet Street — Arlington Street — Grosvenor Place — Great Windmill Street —llejjji'nt Siiect — Swallow Street — Sackville Sireet— Bond Stnet — 'Clifford Stieet — Conduit Street — Bruton Street — Grafton Street — Albemarle Street— Dover Street — Berkeley Street— Stratton Street — Bolton Street — Clarges Street — -Half Moon Street — May Fair — Chesterfield House — Down Street — Park Lane— Hamilton Place — Hyde Park Corner — St. George's Hospital — The Ring — Rotten Row — The Serpentine — Kensington Gardens — The I'alace — Green Park — Constitution Hill— St. James's Park — Rosamond's Pond — Duck Island — The Mall— Bird- cage Walk - The Parade — Horse Guards — Sjjring Gaidens — St. James's Hospital — King's Manor House — St. James's Palace — Chapel Royal — German Chapel — Royal Library — Stable-yard — Buckingham Palace— Mulberry Gar- dens — Goring House — Arlington House — Buckingham House — Queen's.House —The King's Library— Marble Arch— Tart Hall — Pall Mall-St. James's Field — The Rookery — Old clubs — Marlborough House— Scliomlierg House — New clubs — Carlton House — Warwick Mouse- British Institution— St. James's Square — Norfolk House— St. James's Market — Charles Street — York Street — Jerniyn Street — King Street — Willis's Rooms— Bury Street — Duke Street. Illustrations, inter alia : Hyde Park Corner, IbOO — York Hou.se, now the Albany — Hertford House— Old Apsley House— Burlington House, I8f>8 — Old Burlington House, I7U0 — The colonnade of Burlington House, 1868 — Piccadilly wall of Burlington House, 18(18 — Queensbury House- Burlington Gardens and Uxbridge House — Marshal Wade's house in old Burlington Street — Clarendon House, 16()7-83 — Devonshire House, 1808— Chesterfield House— St. George's Hospital, 1746 - Cheesecake House — Ranger's Lodge, Green Park — Constitution Hill, 1748 — St. James's Park in the time of Charles II. — Rosamonfi's Pond — St. James's Palace and Park — St. .James's Palace- Buckingham House, 1748— Schomberg House — The screen of Carlton House — St. James's Square, about 1727. Wheeler (Gerald John) The practice of private bills, with the standing (jrders of the ITouse of Lords and House of Commons, and nilos as to provisional orders. London, 1900. 8vo, pp. xx., 5.'31. Wkitaker (Williams The geology of London and of part of the Thames valley. London, 1889. Svo, 2 vols. Memoir of the Geological Survey, England and Wales, being explanatory of sheets 1. 2 and 7 of the Geological Survey Maj). Vol. I. (|)p. xi., .5.">6) : Descriptive geology: [ntroiluction — Underground jilan f.i older rocks —Cretaceous beds— Lower London tertiaries^London (;l,-iy — Lower Bagshot be, 1803, 1823, 1-828— Small debts. 1749, 1778. 1832 — Poor, cleansing, lighting and watching, 1763, 1765, 1779, 1806, 1853— Paving Goodman's Fields, 177U— Paving High 396 Whitechapel, Parish of —continued. Street. 1770 — Highway repairing, 1772 — Improvement, Dirty Lane, etc., 1777— Paving, I'huroh" Lane, etc., 1782— Commercial Road, 18U2, 1804, 1806, ]80;>, 1811, 181.\ 182t. 1S28. 1834— East India Dock Road, 1804, 180;>, 1811, 1S15. 1824, 182S, 1834— Tilbury Road, 18(t8, 180<1, 1811,181.5, 1821. 1824, 1828, 1S34— Charities. 1811— Barking Road, 1811, 1S15, 1824, 1828, 1834— Whitechapel Road, gas lighting, 1821- Row Bridge, 1834— Burdett Road, 1865— Unhealthy area, 1876, 1879, 1888— Goiilston Street, Flower and Dean Street, improvement, 1877 — East London Railway, 1882, 1883, 1884 — London Hospital. 1884 — Boor Law Order confirmation, 1884. ■ District Board Kcport.s iind uccounts of the Whitechapel ilistriot board, 1^50-1900. London, 1857-1900. 8vo. Union Keport of the guardians and abstract of the union account.s for the year ended Lady-day, 1901. London, 1901. 8vo, (^continuing). Whiteley (George Cecil) See Whitele}' (G. Ci-ispe) The licensing laws, etc. Third edition, by G. C. Whiteley. 1901. 8vo. Whiteley (George Crispe) The law relating to weights, measures, and weighing machines. London, 1879. 12nio, pp. xvii., 20G. The licensing acts, 1872-1874, etc. London, 1874. 8vo, pp. XXXV., 223. The same. New edition, by G. C. Whiteley and F. J. Lowe. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. liii., 450. The same. Third edition, by G. Cecil Whiteley. London, 1901. 8vo, pp. xlv., 401. Whitfield (Edward E.) The present state, claims, and prospects of commercial educati(m. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Whitten 'Robert Harvey) See New York, University of the State of. Trend of legislation in the United States, by R. H. Whitten, Ph.D. 1900. 8vo. Whitworth (Robert) A report and survey of the canal proposed to Ijc iiiade on one level from Waltham Abbey to Moorfields ... to which is subjoined an address ... on the importance and great utility of canals in general ; the advantages which may fairly be expected from the canal now propo.sed ... by J. Sharp. London, 1773. Folio, pp. 8; 16. i'latiH : Plan and profile of the intended canal from Waltham AV>bey to MoorfieMs, 1773 — Plans of the intended canal from Marylebone to Moorfields, 1773. Whormby fjohn) An account of the Corporation of Trinity llou.^o of Deptfoi'd Stfond and of .sea marks in general, 1746, London, 1861. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 149. 397 Wicksteed (Thomas) Report upon the various plans proposed for renderino- available the manure contained in the sewage water of the Metropolis, with a detailed oxplaTiation of the plan proposed by the London Sewage Company, and an estimate of the cost of the woi'ks and of the annual expenditure and revenue. London, 1845. 8vo, pp. 55. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sewage utilization, 1845-GS. See Draiuaife and Sewerage.] Wigan County, Borough of Accounts of the treasurer, 1894- 1901. Wigan, 1894-1901. 8vo, {continuing). WiffffinS (John) The polluted Thames: the most speedy, effectual, and economical mode of cleansing its waters, and getting rid of the sewage of London. London, 1858. 8vo, pp. 32. [A pamphlet bound up with others in volume, Sewage utilization, 1S45-65. See Drainage and Sewerage.] Wilkinson (Robert) Londinii illusti^ata : graphic and historical memorials of monasteries, churches, chapels, schools, charitable foundations, palaces, halls, courts, processions, places of early amusement, and modern and present theatres in the cities and suburbs of London and Westminster. London, 1819-25. 4to, 2 vols. Wilks (Samuel) and George Thomas Bettany A biographical history of Guy's Hospital. London, etc., 1892. 8vo, pp. viii., 500. Contents : Life of Thomas Guy — Guy's Hospital in the eighteenth century — Guy's Hospital in the nineteenth century — Physicians and surgeons in the nineteenth century — Later history of Guy's Hospital and the medical school. Will (John Shiress) The practice of the referees' courts in Parliament, in regard to engineering details, efficiency of works, and estimates, and water and gas bills. London, 1866. 8vo, pp. xxii., 340. See Michael (W. H.) and J. S. Will. The law relating to gas, Avater, and electric lighting. Fourth edition, by J. S. Will. 1894. 8vo. Willes (William Henry) See Gale (C. J.) A treatise on the law of easements. Third edition, by W. H. Willes. 1862. 8vo. Williams (Sir Edward Vaughan) A treatise on the law of exectitors and administrators. Fifth edition, London, 1856. 8vo, 2 vols. Williams (James) See Geary (W. N. M.) The law of theatres and music-halls ; with historical introduction, by J. Williams. 1885. 8vo. 3^ Williams ('John) An historical account of sub-ways in the British Metropolis for the ilow of pure water and gas into tlie houses of the inhnbitants, Avithout distui-bing the pavements; including the projects of 1824 and 1825. London, 1828. 8vo, pp. 472, index and plates. ^letropolitan sub-ai-ch railways ; and the streets of London made perfect, without disturbing the paving for pipes, sewers, or any other purpose : the line of railway is shown, and this entirely new system clearly explained. London, 1854. 8vo, pp. 19. [A pamjihlet bound up with others in volume, Loiuhin iniprorcments. See Improvements.] Williams (Joseph William Humej and Sir John Richard Somers Vine The P^nglish municipal code : being the Municipal Corporations Act, 1882 . . . with historical introduction, notes, etc. London, 1882. 8vo, j)]). viii., 299. Williams (Joshua) Principles of the law of real property. Ninth edition. J.,ondon, 1859. 8vo, pp. xxiii., 460. The same. Eleventh edition. London, 1868. 8vo, pp. XXV., 547. Williams (Michael) Some London theatres: past and present. Loiiilon, ]>s.j. bvo, ])]). vi., 215. Contents : The stoiy of olil Sadler's Wells — Something about old Highbury Barn — The drama in Norton Folgate — The ]». ix., 53. Williams (^ William Meade) Annals of the worshipful Company of Foiiiideis of tii(!(,"itv of London. London, 18(J7. 8vo, pp. xii., 291, and 13 plates. Williamson 'Emily E.) The relation of municipal and county charities to the commonwealth. Saa Ban"Ows (I. C.) Proceed- ings of the National rVinference of Charities . . . held in Grand Kapid.s, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by 1. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. 399 Willich (Charles Madinger) Popular tables . . . for aecer- . tainiiiu:, accoi'diiio- to the Call isle tables of mortality, the vahie of lifehold, leasehold, and cliurch property, etc. London, 1876. 8vo, pp. xxii., 196. Wilson (Arthur) The Supreme Ccuii-t of Judicature Acts. Second edition. London, 1878. 12nio, pp. liii., 604. The same. Fourth edition, by M. D. Chalmers and M. M. Mackenzie. London, 1883. 12mo, pp. Ixxvii., 947. The same. Seventh edition, b}- C. Burney, ISl. M. Mackenzie and C. A. White. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. cxxxii., 983. See Pollock (Sir C. E.) The practice of the County Courts, etc. Eighth edition, by H. Nicol and A. AVilson. 1876. 8vo. Wilson (Erasmus) Cleopatra's Needle; with bi-ief notes on Egypt and Egyptian obelisks. London, (1877.) 8vo, pp. xvi., 214, and 21 plates. Wilson (H. B.) The history of Merchant Taylors' School from its foundation to the present time : in two parts. I. Of its founders, ]iatrons, benefactors, and masters. II. Of its principal scholars. London, 1812-14. 4to, 2 vols. Wilson (James Holbert) Catalogue of collection of engravings and drawings relating to . . . London, formed by the late J. H. Wilson, Esq., of 19, Onslow Square, to be sold by auction by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, etc. London, 1898. 8vo, 2 parts in 1. Wilson (James M.) The progress of morality in the relations of men and women. See Hand (J. E.) Good citizenship. 1899. 8vo. Wilson (^John) A concise account of St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell. Loudon, 1869. 8vo, pp. 31, and 9 plates. Wilson (Mona) Factories and workshops. See Hand (J. E.) Good citizenship. 1899. 8vo. Wilson (Robert) Boiler and factoi-y chimnej's ; their draught powei' and stability, with a chapter on lightning conductors. London, 1877. 8vo, pp. ii., 64. Windeyer (Sir William C.) Technical education in New South Wales. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Winkler (Clemens) Hand book of technical gas analysis, containing concise instructions foi- cari-ying out gas analytical methods of proved utility. London, 1885. 8vo, pp. viii., 125. 400 WisWOuld (SamueD Charitable foundations, bequests, and gifts of j)ious and charitable benefactors to the parish of St. Pancras . .. to wliich is added some particulars of the rent chai'ges payable in lieu of rates, and a list of vicars and churchwardens from the earliest times. London. 1803. 8vo, pj). vi., 128. Contents : Benefactions for the beuetit of the poor — Lapsed charities and temporary gifts to the poor— Gifts for tlie cliurch— For the repair of the highways. — Appendix : Kent charges in lieu of parochial rates ; list of vicars and churchwardens. Witt (,Otto N.) The relations existing between the teaching of pure chemistry and applied chemistry. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Wolff (Henry W.) People's banks; a record of social and economic success. London, 1893. 8vo, ])p. 261. Contents: Introduction — General idea — Tlie credit associations of Sdiulze-Delitzsch — RaifPeisen Loan F)anks — The great co-operative contro- ver.^y — Offshoots and congeners — The Banche Popolari of Italy — The Cassc Rurali of Dr. Wolleinborg — The Belgian lianques Populaires — Co-operative credit in Switzerland — Co-operative credit in France — Conclusion. Wolstenholme (Edward Parker) Forms and precedents adapted for use under the Conveyancing Acts and Settled Land Acts. 1881 to 1890. Fifth edition. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. xxviii., 376. and Richard Otway Turner The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1874, efc. London, 1882. 8vo, pp. xxv., 258. The same. Sixth edition, by E. P. Wolstenholme and W. Brinton. London, 1891. Svo, pp. xxvi., 424. The same. Eighth edition, by E. P. Wolstenholme, W. Brinton, and B. L. Cherry. London, 1899. 8vo, pp. xlv., 530. Wolverhampton, County Boroug-h of Abstract of the accounts, 1893-4 to 1898-9. Wolverhampton, 1894-99. 8vo, '6 vols. Annual reports of the several committees of the Corpora- tion, 1875-6. Wolverhampton, 1876. Folio. Wood C Edward J.) Sec Pinks (AV. J.) The history of Clerken- wcll. Edited by E. J. Wood.] 1865. 8vo. Wood 'Sir Henry Trueman) Proposals for a system of technical (•ducat idii: a icport to a committee of the livery companies of London. London, 1877. 8vo, ])p. 53. The Society of Arts examinations. See Education. Technical Education Congress. 1897. 8vo. Wood '^Thomas Lett) London health and London traffic ; being a letter ... on the subject of the embankment of the north side of the Thames between Ijla(;kfiiars and Westminster bridges. London, 1859. 8vo, pp. 47. [A pamphlet bound uji with others in volume, London traffic, 1856-66. See London Traffic] 401 Woodfall (William) Practical treatise on the law of landlord and tenant. Fifth edition. London, 1843. 8vo, pp. Ixiii., 1062. The same. Sixth edition. London, 1849. Svo, pi). Ixxii., 1064. The same. Eighth edition, London, 1863. Svo, pp. Ixvi., 1101. The same. Fourteenth edition. London, 1889. Svo, pp. Ixxxvi., 1110 • The same. Sixteenth edition. London, 1898. 8vo, pp. Ixxviii., 1112. Woodhead (German Sims) Bacteria and their products. London, 1891. 8vo, pp. xiii., 459. Woodnorth (J. H.) Pensions and state soldieis' homes. See Barrows (1. C.) Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited by I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. WoodroW (Ernest A. E.) See Sachs (E. 0.) Modern opera houses. 1896-98. Folio. Woods, Commissioners of Reports of the commissioners of His Majesty's woods, forests, and land revenues. London, 1812- 32. Folio, 9 vols. Woodward (Horace Boling'broke) Soils and sub-soils from a sauitaiy ])oint of view, with especial reference to London and its neighbourhood. London, 1897. 8vo, pp. vi., 58. Couteuts : Introduction (London and its neighbourhood ; geological considerations ; geological formations and soils) — Soils and subsoils of London and its neighbourhood (made ground; na(ural soil; marshlami ; gravel, sand, and sandstone ; mixed subsoils ; clay ; limestone) — General remarks on the subsoil with lefereuce to sites and foundations for houses (clay and gravel subsoils ; contamination of subsoils ; foundations and buildings ; gardens) — Water supply and drainage (London water supply ; rural water supply and sanitation) — General sanitary considerations in regard to situations and 8urr(jun(lings of houses (fogs antl sunshine, rain and winds ; conclusions) — Cemeteries — Notes of heights and indications of the general characters of the subsoils at the localities mentioned. Map of the subsoils round London, 1897. Woodward (William) London as it is and as it might be. London, 1886. 4to, pp. 55. • Keprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Contents : London before and after the Great Fire — London as it is in 1885 — The government of London in 188.^ — Acts of Parliament governing Lontlon — Inadequacy of machinery for executing acts — The Metropolitan Board and street improvements — Site of the projtosed Admiralty and War Offices — The Corporation and lines of frontage — Amendments needed — Oi)en spaces — List of some acts of Parliament passed during the present century for the government of Loudon. Plans : Sir C. Wren's plan for rebuilding London — The Gray's Inn Road cc- 102 Woodward (William) —rontmned. imi)rovcment, May, 188-1 — The same : plan suggested by Mr. L. H. Isaacs — riot of building land in St. Luke's parish as laid out by the Metropolitan Board of Works — The IMccadilly ("ircus imjirovcment — Site of new public oflicLs — Lines of frontage as regulated by the Corporation and the Metropolitan Board of Works. Proposed public improvements at Cliai-ing- Cross. London, 1894. 4to, pp. [6.] Reprinted from the Journal of the Society of Architects. riatcs, etc. : Tropdscd entrance (or triumj)hal arch) from Charing Cross to the Mali — Trafalgar Scjuarc, proposed central staircase — Trafalgar Square, the Shaftesbury Fountain — St. JIartin's Church, showing the proposed podium to the west front — Plan of the proposed pul)lic improvements at Charing CrosB. The sanitation and reconstruction of central London. See Wcstgarth (AV.) Essays on street alignment, etc. 1886. 8vo. Woolrych (Edmund Humphrey) The Metropolis local manage^ ment acts. London, 18()."{. 12mo, pp. 1., 686, [Another copy.] The same. Second edition. London, 1880. 8vo, pp. Ix., 745, and index. [Another copy.] The same. Third edition, by L. Goodx-ich. London, 1888. 8vo, pp. xxxiii., 922. [Another cojjy.] Woolrych CHumphrey William; Metropolitan bnildino- acts. .Second etiilion. London, 1^77. Svo, pp. xxxii., '2i^)2. [Another copy.] Worcester, Corporation of An abstract of the accounts, 1893-4 to lb!.t7-^. Worcester, 1894-98. 4to, 5 vols. Workmen's Trains Workmen's trains on Metropolitan lines. [A collection of parliamentary papers.] London, 1890-97. Folio. Copy of statements funiished to the Board of Trade by the railway companies having termini in the Metropolis, in reply to a circular letter rc'iucsting information for the use of tlic London County Council. London, IS'JO. Folio, pp. 37. Copy of statements furnished l9. Notes of conference held at the Board of Trade on 2Ktli .June, 189."^, with representatives of the London County Council and representatives of the lu;') Workmen's Trsiuis— continued. railway comp:inies having toiniiiii in the Metropolis ; and also copy of subsequent conespondoiicc between the Board of Trade, the London County Council, and the railway conipanies". London, IS'.iL Folio, i)p. 3o. Copy of correspondence between the lioard of Trade and the railway companies having termini in the Metropolis on the question of an al]et;cd necessity for the provision of later cheai) trains for workwomen. London, 1895. Folio, pp. IT). Copy of statements furnished to the Board of Tiade by the railway companies having termini in the Metropolis, in reply to a circular letter rccpiesting information on the subject; together with a general statement showing the total number and mileage of the trains re(piired to be run by special act of rarliament, and also of those actually running in the years ]8s:^, 18itn, LH91, and 1897 respectively on the Metropolitan lines. London, 1897. Folio, pji. m. Wormell (Richard) Commercinl education and the need for a school of eonimerce. See Education. Technical Education Con- gress. 1897. 8vo. Worsley (Sir William) Thames reform : a new plan for the drainage of the Metropolis ; combined with practical suggestions for public convenience, health, and recreation; with an explana- tory map. London, 1856. 8vo, pp. 34. [A pam])hlet bound up with others in volume, Phnix for .Vet rajmlUan dro'nKujr, lS4S-(j.j. St't' Drainage and Sewerage.] Wright (Albert 0.) The new philanthropy : vagrancy. (See Barrows (T. C.) Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities . . . held in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 4-10, 1896. Edited liy I. C. Barrows. 1896. 8vo. Wright (T. D.) Watch and clock making. See Education. Technical Educational Congress. 1897. 8vo. Wroth (Arthur Edgar) 'S'ee Wroth (W.) The London pleasure gardens of the eighteenth centuiy ... by W. Wroth, as.sisted by A. E. Wroth. 1896. 8vo. Wroth (Warwick) The London pleasure gardens of the eighteenth century . . . In* W. Wroth, assisted by A. E. Wroth. London, 1896. 8vo, pp\ xviii., 335. Contents : Islington Spa — The Pantheon, Spa Fields — The London Spa — The New Wells, near the London Spa — The English Grotto, or Grotto Garden, Rosoman Street — The Mulberry Garden, Clerkenwell — Sadler's Wells — Merlin's Cave — Bagnigge Wells — Lord Cobham's Head — Sir John Oldcastle Tavern and Gardens — St. Chad's Well, Battle Bridge — Bowling Green House, near the F<3undling Hospital — Adam and Eve Tea Gardens. Tottenham Court Road — The Peerless Pool — The Shepherd and Shepherdess, City Road —The Spring Garden, Stepney — Maryle])one Gardens— The Queen's Head and Artichoke — The Jew's Harp House and Tea Gardens — The Yorkshire Stingo — Bayswater Tea Gardens — Pancras Wells — Adam and Eve Tea Gardens, St. Pancras— The Assembly House, Kentish Town — White Conduit House — Dobney's Bowling Green, or Prospect House — Belvidere Tea Gardens, Pentonville Road — The Castle Inn and Tea Gardens. Colebrooke Row, Islington — Three Hats. Islington — Barley Mow Tea House and Gardens, 404 Wroth (W&Yyjick)—co)itlnued. Isliniiton— Canonlun-v House Tea G anions— Copenhagen House— Highbury Barn— The Devil's House. Hollo way— Hornsey Wood House— The Spring Garden. Stoke Newingtnn— The Black Queen Coffee House and Tea Gardens, Sharklewell — Hauipstea.l Wells— The Spaniards— New Georgia— Belsize House — Kilburn Wells — Uanclagh House and Gardens — Stronibolo House and Gardens— Star and Garter Tavern and Gardens, Chelsea— Jenny's Whim. Pinilico — Cromwell's Garden«<, aftewards Florida Gardens, Brompton — Bermondsey Spa Gardens — St. Helena (iardens, Eotherhithe- Finch's Grotto Gardens— Cuper's Gardens— The Folly on the Thames— Belvedere House and Gardens, Lambeth— Restoration Spring Gardens, St. George's Fields— Tlie Flora Tea tiardens, or Mount Gardens, Westminster Bridge Road— The Temple of Flora— Apollo Gardens, or Temple of Apollo— Dog an.l Duck, St. George's Fields (St. George's Spa)— The Black Prince, Newinsrton Butts— Lambeth Wei's— Marble Hall, Vauxhall— The Cumber- land Tea Gardens, Vauxhall (Smith's Tea (iardens)- Vauxhall Gardens. Illustrations, Infrr alia : I'lan showing distribution of London pleasure gardens— South-east view of Copenhagen House, 1783 — The Rotunda at Ranelagh, 17.51— St. Helena Tavern and Tea Gardens— The Savoy, Somerset House, and the water entrance to Cuper's Gardens— General prospect of V.auxhall Gardens, 17.">1— Plan of Vauxhall Gardens, 1826— Islington Spa, 1733— EuLrlish Grotto near the New Iliver Head, 17()0— Sadler's Wells, 1792— Marvlebone Gardens. 175.5 to 1761— Jew's Harp House, 171)4- Bayswater Tea Gardens, 17'J6— White Conduit House— Highbury Barn, 17(12— Long Room, Hampstead, 17.">2— The Spaniards, 1750— Belsize House and Park— West view of Chelsea Bridsre, showing .Jenny's Whim, 1761— Plan of Cuper's Gardens, 1761 - The Folly, 1720— The Black Prince, Newington Butts, 1788— Waterside entrance to Cumberland Gardens— Vauxhall in 1850. Wurtzburg (Edward Albert) 'S'ee Morgan (G. 0.) and E. A. Wuitzburg. Statutes . . . relating to the practice and jurisdiction of the Chancery division, etc. 1885. 8vo. See ]\Iorgan (G. 0.) and E. A. Wurtzburg. A treatise on the law of costs, etc. 1882. 8vo. Wylde (W.) The inspection of meat: a guide and instruction l)ook tu olliceis supervising contract-meat and to all sanitaiy inspectors ; embodying the teaching imparted to the Army Service Corps. London, 1890. 8vo, pp. viii., 104, and 32 plates. [Another copy.] Yarmouth, Borough of Abstract of the accounts, 1897-8 to 19(J