DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES RFCI "M'.TION SERVICE MEASUREMENT of IRRIGATION WATER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERVICE MEASUREMENT of IRRIGATION WATER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT. 1. Importance of -measurement. — Accurate measurement of irri- gation water is of fundamental importance to good irrigation man- agement. A perfect understanding of some of the primary^ principles relating to the subject of water measurement is therefore necessary. For the purpose of furthering an understanding of these principles and for the purpose of having information and tables on the subject convenient for field use, this booklet was compiled in 1913 by F. W. Hanna.^ 2. General units of measurement. — The units of measurement at present employed in irrigation practice in the West are the miner's inch, the second-foot, and the acre-foot. The miner's inch is not a definite unit, varying as to quantity in the different States. Fifty miner's inches are equivalent to i second-foot in Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In Arizona, California, Montana, and Oregon, 40 miner's inches are equivalent to i second-foot, while in Colorado, 38.4 miner's inches are equivalent to i second-foot. A second-foot is that unit of flow that will produce i cubic foot of volume in one second of time. An acre-foot is that imit of quantity required to cover i acre of land I foot in depth. It should be noted that the element of time enters into the miner's inch and into the second-foot, but that the acre- foot does not involve the element of time. 3. Units of measure adopted. — Owing to the fact that the miner's inch, made definite by the use of the second-foot as a unit, has a different value in different States, it is an undesirable unit of meas- ure to use, and the ser\dce has adopted the second-foot as the unit of measure where flow is considered. Owing to convenience of size and its particular application to land areas, the acre-foot has been adopted as the unit of measure where volume is considered independently of time. 4. Kinds of measuring devices. — In the measiu-ement of irrigation water the service has adopted weirs, submerged orifices, and current- meter gaging stations. Where there is sufficient available fall, and the quantity of water to be measured is not too large , the most service- able and economical measuring device that can be used is the weir; where there is little available fall, the quantity of water is small ' The text of the 1913 edition has been used unchanged. 4 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. and there is not too much floating debris, the submerged orifice is applicable; where the quantit}^ of water is large and there is not available sufficient fall for the use of a weir, current-meter gaging stations are applicable. These three methods of measuring irrigation water are, therefore, supplemental to one another in covering the entire field of need. PART I. WEFRS. 5. Definition and classification of weirs.- — A weir may be defined as a notch in the top of a vertical wall through which water flows. The determination of the quantity of water that v/ill flow through such a notch under specific conditions depends upon experimental data taken in connection with the cross-sectional area of the dis- charge sheet through the notch. The weirs generally employed for the measurement of irrigation water are the trapezoidal weir of the Cippoletti type and the rectangular weir. Each of these types inay again be divided into free weirs and submerged weirs. The free weir is one in which the water elevation on the downstream side of the weir does not reach up to the elevation of the weir crest. The submerged weir is one in which the water elevation on the down- stream side of the weir rises to an elevation above the crest of the weir. Weirs are also classified as suppressed or contracted weirs. The contracted weir is one with its sides so far removed from the sides of the channel that the filaments of water are fully contracted as the water passes through the weir. The suppressed weir is one with its sides coincident with the sides of the channel, so that the filaments of water pass through the weir without being deflected from their normal course . 6. Types of weirs adopted.- — The type of weirs adopted by the service for the meiisurement of irrigation water are the sharp-crested and sharp-sided contracted rectangular weir, the sharp-crested suppressed rectangular weir, and the sharp-crested and sharp-sided Cippoletti weir. These three types of weir will be hereinafter designated, respectively, as the standard contracted rectangular weir, the standard suppressed rectangular weir, and the standard Cippoletti weir. It is the aim of the service to use these weirs without submergence, although there may be cases where it will be necessary to permit submergence for short periods at least. 7. Definition and conditions for accuracy of standard contracted rectangular weirs. — A standard contracted rectangular weir is a rectangular weir wnth its crest and sides consisting of a thin-edged plate and so far removed, respectively, from the bottom and sides of the leading channel as to cause the filaments of water to be fully deflected from their normal course. The deflection is approximately the maximum deflection that would obtain with the crest and sides of the weir at imlimited distajices from the channel boimdaries. WEIRS. 5 The crest and sides may be made of planks if the upstream edges are definite rectangular corners, but it is best to use a thin metal plate. Several extended series of experiments have been conducted for determining the proper coefficient to apply to the contracted weir of the type here discussed and to establish conditions that insure perfect contraction. As a result of these experiments, the following conditions are considered necessary for accuracy of measurements: (a) The upstream crest and side edges of the weir should be sharp and smooth, and the distance of the crest and sides respectively from the bottom and sides of the leading channel should preferably be not less than twice the depth of water on the weir, and in no ease be less than I foot. (6) The overflowing sheet should touch only the upstream edges of the crest and sides. (c) Air should circulate freely both under and on the sides of the overflowing sheet. (d) The upstream face of the weir should be vertical. (e) The crest should be level from end to end. (/) The sides should be truly vertical. (g) The measurement of head on the weir should be the actual elevation of the water surface above the level of the weir crest, and should be taken from 4 to lo feet upstream from the weir. (k) The cross-sectional area of the leading channel for 20 to 30 feet upstream from the weir should be at least six times that of the overflowing sheet at the weir crest. (i) Corrections should be made for velocity of approach where appreciable errors are caused by neglecting the head due to it. 8. For->nulas for standard contracted rectangular weir'. — Two widely used formulas for computing the discharges over standard contracted rectangular weirs are those of Hamilton Smith and J. B. Francis. The formulas proposed by Hamilton Smith require the use of coeffi- cients of discharge varying with the head of water on the weir, and also with the length of v/eir, which makes them somewhat incon- venient, although they are accurate for the ranges of coefficients usually given. The Francis formula for this type of weir without velocity of approach is as follows: (i) C?=3-33HML-o.2//); and with velocity of approach is as follows: (2) S^=3-33[(^+A)^-A'] (L-0.2 H); in which is the discharge in second-feet without velocity of approach; O' the discharge in second-feet with velocity of approach; L the length of weir, in feet; H the head on the weir, in feet; and h the head due to velocity of approach, in feet. It will be noted that the Francis formulas contain constant discharge coefficients, 6 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. which make computations by them easy without the use of tables. The Francis experiments were made on comparatively large weirs, most of them lo feet long, with heads ranging from 0.4 to 1.6 feet, so that the formulas apply particularly to such weirs rather than to short Aveirs with low heads. Experiments on 6-inch, i-foot, 2-foot, and 3-foot weirs on the Boise project, Idaho, show that these formu- las apply fairly well to shorter weirs, provided the head of water on the weir is not greater than about one-third the length of the weir. For a ratio of depth to length greater than this the actual discharges exceed those given by the formulas by an amoimt which increases gradually from about o per cent for a ratio of 3-^ to about 30 per cent for a ratio of 1 . 9. Definition and conditions for accuracy of standard suppressed rectangular weir. — A standard suppressed rectangular weir is a rec- tangular weir with its crest consisting of a thin plate so far removed from the bottom of the leading channel as to cause the filaments of water to be fully deflected from their normal course, and with its sides coincident with the sides of the leading channel, so that there is no change in direction laterally of the filaments of water passing through the weir. All conditions for accuracy of measurements for this type of weir are identical with those of the contracted rectangu- lar weir, except those relating to side contraction. In the suppressed weir the sides of the leading channel should be coincident with the sides of the weir, and the over-falling sheet should not be allowed to expand immediately downstream from the weir. Special care must be taken in this type of weir to secure the proper aeration beneath the overflowing sheet below the crest. 10. Formulas for standard suppressed rectangular weir. — The two principal formulas used for computing the discharge of the standard suppressed rectangular weirs are also those of Smith and Francis. In the Smith formulas for suppressed weirs, as for contracted weirs, the coefficients of discharge var>- with the head on the weir and with the length of the weir, so these formulas are not convenient for com- putations without the use of tables of coefficients. The law of these variations for the two types of weirs is different, so it is necessary to provide a separate table' for each. The Francis formula for the stand- ard suppressed rectangular weir without velocity of approach is as follows: (3) Q=Z-ZZLHh and with velocity of approach is as follows: (4) G^=3-33^ [{H+h)i-hn. In these formulas the letters have the same significance as in those for contracted weirs, and the coefficient of discharge was obtained by Francis from the same general set of experiments as those stated for WEIRS. 7 the. contracted weir. No extensive tests have been made to determine the applicability of these formulas to weirs less than 4 feet in length. n. Definition and conditions for accuracy of standard Cippoletti weir. — A standard Cippoletti weir is a trapezoidal weir with its crest and sides consisting of a thin plate, and so far removed from the bottom and sides of the leading channel as to cause the filaments of water to be deflected from their normal course and with its sides sloping outward as they rise in a ratio of i to 4. While this weir is necessarily a contracted weir, and should be so considered as far as requirements of installation are concerned, yet, in discharge effect, it is a suppressed weir. This is due to the fact that Cippoletti in his formula has allowed for the reducing effect in the discharge due to end contractions b)'^ making the sides of the weir sufficiently sloping to overcome this effect. All conditions for accuracy stated for the standard contracted rectangular weir apply to the Cippoletti weir except that of the slope of the sides. 12. Formulas for standard Cippoletti weir. — Theoretically the formula for the standard Cippoletti weir without velocity of approach should be the same as the Francis formula for the standard sup- pressed rectangular weir. Cippoletti, from his experiments, how- ever, increased the Francis coelffcient by about i per cent, so that his formula, without velocity of approach, is as follows: (5) 2=3.367 LH^: The discharge for this weir with velocity of approach may be ob- tained from the following formula: (6) 2^=3.367 L(//-f 1.5 A)f In these formulas the letters have the same significance as in the preceding formulas. The correction for velocity of approach may be applied as in the Francis formula also with fair results. 13. Velocity of approach in weir measurements . — So far as practi- cable weirs should be installed so as to make the velocity of approach negligible; but where it is impracticable to do this appropriate corrections should be made. vSuch corrections for the Francis formulas are difficult to make without the use of tables providing percentages of increase to apply to the computed discharges. In the formula given for use with the Cippoletti weir the correction can be applied to the measured head directly and the proper discharge readily obtained, or the discharge can be obtained as indicated by the Francis method and use of tables. Attention is called to the fact that moderate velocities of approach with low heads on the weir produce large errors, whereas comparatively high velocities of 3k MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. approach with large heads on the weir produce relatively small errors. The velocity of approach may be computed from the follow- ing formula: (7) v=Q^A; in which t; is the velocity of approach in feet per second, Q the dis- charge in second-feet, and A the cross-sectional area of the leading channel in square feet. The discharge may be computed by the appropriate weir formula without velocity of approach, with suffi- cient accuracy for determining v for ordinary cases. Successive approximations may be used to determine -v to any desired degree of accuracy for special cases. Having obtained the value of v, the velocity of approach head may be computed from the following formula: (8) /t=o.ois6 v^. After h has been computed from formula (8), the effective head, D, on the weir can be computed from the measured head, H, by means of the following formula: (9) D=[{H+hy'-h^i■, in which H and h have the same significance as in preceding formulas, and D is the effective head due to the measured head and velocity of approach. The weir discharge is then given by the proper formula for each type.of weir as hereinbefore given. For any type of weir, if the Francis method of correcting for velocity of approach is used by comparing formula (2) to formula (i), or formula (4) to formula (3), it is seen that the increased discharge with velocity of approach bears to the discharge for the same weir and head without velocity of approach the ratio shown in the following formula: (10) ^=— j=C; Q H^ in which Q^, Q, H, and D have the same significance as in preceding formulas and C is a ratio varying with H and the velocity of approach. It is obvious that C applied as a coefficient to Q will give Q . 14. Suhnergence 0/ weirs. — Accurate measurement can not be made of submerged weir discharges, on account of lack of extensive accu- rate experiments for determining the discharge coefficient. Practi- cally all of the older experiments on submerged weirs were on sup- pressed rectangular ones. Clemens Herschel, from a discussion of these experiments, derived a formula for computing discharges for such weirs. The Herschel formula is as follows: (11) e,=3-33^("^^)''; WEIRS. 9 in which L and H have their usual significance, as applied to a free suppressed rectangular weir, Q^ is the discharge in second-feet with submergence, and n is a factor of correction taken from a table for varying values of the ratio of submergence, (d-i-H), d being the downstream head and H the upstream head on the weir, both in feet. Recently,' limited experiments have been made on sub- merged contracted weirs by J. C. Stevens, on the Sunnyside project of the service. These experiments were considered and combined by Stevens with the older ones and a diagram prepared for determin- ing the discharges of submerged weirs, both contracted and sub- pressed, from appropriate tables of free weirs. These results differ only slightly from those of Herschel, so it may be roughly con- sidered that Herschel 's coefficients apply approximately to con- tracted as well as to suppressed weirs. In Herschel 's formula the coefRcient n is applied to the observed head above the weir crest on the upstream side. By comparing formula (ii) to formula (3), the corresponding formula without submergence, it is seen that accord- ing to Herschel 's formula the discharge of a submerged weir bears to that of a free weir with the same length and head the ratio shown in the following formula: ^ ' Q H^ ' in which Qi, Q, H and n have the same significance as in preceding formulas and C^ is a ratio varjdng with ?i or with the ratio of sub- mergence. It is obvious that C^ applied as a coeflicient to Q will 15. Construction of weirs. — Weir boxes should be substantially constructed of lumber or concrete. The weir box should in all cases extend downstream from the weir crest far enough to still the water before it passes back into the earth channel below. The floor of this downstream portion of the box may well be slightly depressed to form a stilling pool; the sides should be coincident with the overflow sheet for suppressed weirs, and should be set back slightly from the sides of the weir crest for contracted weirs. In suppressed weirs a pipe or other means should be provided for admitting air to the underside of the overfalling sheet in order to assure accurate contraction. The weir baseboard might well be made removable, so that the silt accumulating in the weir pool can be flushed out from time to time. In cases of suppressed weirs the weir box should be extended upstream several feet in order to insure perfect suppression of the end contractions. The crest of the weir in any case should be placed sufficiently high above the bed of the canal to insure perfect crest contraction. The sides of 1 The text of the 1913 edition has been used unchanged. 57737—18 2 lO MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. contracted weirs should likewise be built sufficiently far from the sides of the channel to permit of perfect end contractions. Wing- walls or cut-off walls should be extended into the banks of the canal, both at the upper and lower end of the weir box, for the purpose of preventing leakage around the box, and for preventing back- cutting at the canal banks. i6. Installation of weirs. — The weir box should be installed suffi- ciently far from the turnout to permit of constructing a pool of the required length for stilling the water before passing through the weir. The leading channel or weir pool should be made with uni- form dimensions, and of the required length to give proper approach and contraction of the water. The weir box should be carefully leveled in both directions at the time of installation. The weir crest should be accurately leveled and the sides of the weir set to the required slopes for the type of weir being installed. The struc- ture should be carefully puddled to prevent the passing of water around or underneath it. There should be substantialh* installed a metallic gage reading to hundredths of a foot, located sufficiently far above the" weir crest to be out of the effect of the draw-down at the weir crest. This gage should be accurately installed with its zero-point at the same elevation as that of the weir crest, and at a convenient location for checking these elevations from time to time. Where the elevation of the water-surface in the canal is low in comparison with adjacent land to be irrigated, and where there is but little fall in the land, extra precaution should be taken to prevent submergence of the weir. 17. Care of weirs. — The weir and weir pool should be freed from weeds and trash at each round of the canal rider and the weir pool should be cleaned of silt from time to time as it accumulates. The level of the crest should be checked from time to tim.e, and should also be checked with reference to the elevation of the zero of the gage. Inspection should be made to determine whether there is leakage around the weir, and in the event of such leakage the struc- ture should be immediately repuddled and carefully rechecked to see that the crest is level and at the elevation of the zero of the gage. 18. Table i. — This table contains discharges in second-feet for standard contracted rectangular weirs without velocity of approach, computed from the Francis formula for the lengths and heads ordi- narily used in measuring small quantities of irrigation water; except that for the 6-inch, i-foot, 2-foot, and 3-foot weirs, for heads greater than one-third the crest length, the experimental values obtained on the Boise project have been used instead of the values given by the formula. This table may, therefore, be considered to give fairly accurate discharges for weirs of the above-stated lengths and for w-eirs of other lengths where the head does not exceed one-third the length of the weir crest. The method of using the table is apparent. WEIRS. II 19. Tabk 2. — This table contains discharges in second-feet for standard Cippoletti weirs withovit velocity of approach, computed from the Cippoletti formula for the heads and lengths of weirs gener- ally used in measuring small quantities of irrigation water; except that for the 6-inch, i-foot, 2-foot, and 3-foot weirs, for heads greater than one-third the crest length, the discharges have been taken from experiments made on the Boise project. The data should, there- fore, be considered fairly accurate for weirs of the above-stated lengths for all heads given in the table and for weirs of other lengths for heads not over one-third the crest length. This table is applicable also to standard suppressed rectangular weirs, as indicated in para- graph 12. 20. Table j. — Table 3 gives coefficients, which, applied to the discharges taken from Table i or 2 , will give the discharges for the same weirs when velocity of approach exists. When there is con- siderable velocity of approach, corrections should be made by means of this table. For this purpose the velocity of approach should first be computed as hereinbefore described. The discharge without velocity of approach should then be taken from Table i or 2 and Multiplied by the coefficient given in Table 3. Illustration: Suppose it is desired to find the discharge of a standard suppressed rectangular weir with a crest length of 6 feet under a measured head of 2.5 feet and when there is a mean velocity of approach determined to be 1.5 feet per second. By Table 2 the discharge without velocity of approach is 79.85 second- feet. From Table 3, for a velocity of approach of 1.5 feet per second and with a head, H, of 2.5 feet, the coefficient is 1.019. 79.85 X 1. 019 = 81.367 second-feet discharge with velocity of approach. 21. Table 4. — Table 4 gives coefficients, which, when applied to the discharge of a weir as taken from either Table i or 2, will give the discharge of the same w'eir when submerged. These coefficients will give approximate results at best and can not be relied upon for a high degree of accuracy in any case. To obtain the discharge of a submerged weir by means of these coefficients, first the discharge of the same weir, free, should be taken from Table i or 2 for the head on the upstream side of the weir and this discharge then multiplied by the proper coefficient obtained from Table 4. Illustration: Suppose it is desired to find the discharge over a submerged standard Cippoletti weir with a crest length of 3 feet when the head on the upstream side is found to be 1.32 feet and the head on the downstream side of the weir 0.33 foot. By Table 2 the discharge of the same weir, free, under the same head, is 15.71 second-feet. The ratio d -i- H = 0.33 -h 1.32 = 0.25, for which Table 4 gives a coefficient of 0.958. The product, 15.71 X 0.958 = 15.5 second -feet, the discharge of the weir, submerged. 12 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. • 22. Tabic 5. — Table 5 contains the acre-foot equivalents of given second-foot discharges for stated lengths of time. This table is designed to assist in reducing weir discharges to acre-foot quantities in working up the field records for oflice use. By means of this table the acre-foot equivalent of any second-foot discharge far any length of time may be obtained. For values not given directly in the table it is nccessarj- only to multiply by the proper factors and add. Illustration: Suppose it is desired to ascertiiin how many acre- feet are represented by a discharge of 14.52 second-feet flowing for 2 hours and 15 minutes. From the table (remembering that the tabular values are multiplied by 10 or by 100 by moving the decimal point one or two places to the right, respectively): Acre-feer 14 second-feet flowing 2 hours equals 2. 314 14 second-feet flowing 15 minutes equals '. . 289 o. 52 second-feet flowing 2 hours equals c86 o. 52 second-feet flowing 15 minutes equals on 14. 52 second-feet flowing 2 hours and 15 minutes eqfuals. ... 2. 700 PART II. SUBKEROED ORIFICES. 23. Use of submerged orifices v. weirs. — Where there is sufficient fall to permit of the measurement of water by means of a weir of reasonable length, the weir should by all means be chosen as the most desirable measuring device, as it will be free from detrimental effects from weeds and trash. Where, however, the amount of fall available for measuring the water is not adequate for the use of a weir of reasonable length, the submerged orifice should be used. In the measurement of water in laterals and farm ditches a weir can generally be used for all cases where there is as much as 0.5 of a foot of fall available, and even under the most adverse conditions the weir can be used for all falls exceeding one foot. 24. Definition and classification of orifices. — An orifice may be defined as an opening so placed in a wall of a channel or vessel carrying or holding water that the opening lies completely below the surface of the water on the upstream side thereof. The wall may have any angular position from horizontal to vertical, the opening may have any geometrical shape, the water may discharge into air or into water, and the issuing stream may or may not be contracted. The orifices generally employed for the measurement of irrigation water are either circular or rcctangtilar and are vertical, that is, are placed in a vertical wall in a canying channel. In the early days of irrigation such an orifice usually discharged into air, in which case the orifice was said to be free. Since the more general adoption of the weir for measuring irrigation water the free orifice SUBMERGED ORIFICES. 1 3 has been practically abandoned because it requires considerable fall for its use and, when this fall is available, the weir is more applicable. Later practice has developed the use of an orifice that discharges into water; such an orifice is said to be submerged. The submerged orifice is used where there is insufficient fall for the use of a weir. In addition to the subdivision of vertical orifices into free and submerged orifices, either of these classes may be con- tracted or suppressed. A contracted orifice is one with its perimeter so far removed from the bounding surfaces of the water prism in the channel of approach or other surfaces of a disturbing nature that the filaments of water are fully contracted as they pass through the orifice . A suppressed orifice is one with its perimeter coincident with the sides of the channel of approach or with other sui faces eliminating contraction. Evidently an orifice may be contracted or suppressed on any part or all of its perimeter or it may be imper- fectly contracted and suppressed on any part or all of its perimeter. This latter condition is the result of the existence of a disturbing surface intervening between that prodticing contraction and that producing suppression. If the opening is not sharp-edged or if the wall in which it is cut or formed has material thickness or if a dis- charge tube is attached, then the opening becomes a submerged tube. This condition may exist all arovmd the opening or only partially so, or it may be caused b}^ placing too close to the opening the bounding surfaces of the water prism in the channel of approach. For these different conditions different coefficients of discharge apply. ^ y ;, _ 25. Type of orifice adopted. — The principal type of orifice adopted by the service for the measurement of irrigation water is the vertical, sharp-edged, contracted, rectangular, submerged, orifice. This type will be hereafter designated as the standard submerged rec- tangular orifice. The reasons for selecting this type for general use are that it is well suited for securing accuracy and is the principal type f.Dr which the discharge coefficient has been carefully deter- mined. 26. Definition and coiidilions for accuracy of standard submerged rectangular orifices. — The standard submerged rectangular orifice is a submerged rectangular orifice with its four sides consisting of thin- edged plates, each so far removed from the adjacent side, bottom, or top of the water prism in the leading channel as to cause the fila- ments of water to be fully deflected from their normal course as they pass through the orifice. The deflection is approximately the maximum deflection that would obtain with the sides of the orifice at unlimited distances from the water prism boundaries. The sides of the orifice may be made of planks if the upstream edges are deiinite, rectangular comers, but it is best to use a thin metal plate. The conditions that are considered necessary to secure per- fect contraction and accuracy of measurement are as follows: 14 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. (a) The upstream edges of the orifice should be sharp and smooth and the distance of each from the bounding surfaces of the channel, both on the upstream and on the dowiistream side, should preferably be not less than twice the least dimension of the orifice. (6) The UDStream face of the orifice wall should be vertical. (c) The top and bottom edges should be level from end to end. (d) Tlie sides should be truly vertical. (e) The head on the orifice that should be measured is the actual difference in elevation between the water surface on the upstream side of the orifice and the water surface on the downstream side thereof. . . r i. (/) The cross-sectional area of the water prism for 20 to 30 feet from the orifice on the upstream and on the downstream side thereof should be at least six times the cross-sectional area of the orifice. (g) Correction should be made for velocity of approach where appreciable errors are caused by neglecting the head due to it. 27. Suitable dimensions for standard submerged rectangular orifices.— The most suitable dimensions for standard submerged rectangular orifices are those in which the height is considerably less than the length. This is due to the fact that the ratio of depth to width of irrigation canals and laterals is small. Convenient dimensions for submerged orifices are }4 foot by i foot, 2 feet, or 3 feet; }4 foot by i foot, lii feet, 2 feet, 2^ feet, or 3 feet; % foot by j}4 feet, iK.ieet, 2 feet, 2}i feet, or 2% feet. These dimensions will give orifices varying in" area from 0.25 to 2.0 square feet in intervals of 0.25 square foot. Where possible an orifice of i square foot area should be chosen, as the unit area simplifies the discharge determination somewhat and will give discharges ranging from 0.0 to nearly 3.5 second-feet under heads varying from 0.0 to 0.5 foot. However, the size of the orifice selected will necessarily be determined by the quantity of water to be measured and the available fall that can be utilized therefor. 28. Formulas for standard submerged rectangular orifice. — The for- mula for computing the discharge of the standard submerged rec- tangular orifice, without velocity of approach, is- as follows: {13) e=o.6iV^ A; and with velocity of approach is as follows: (14) Q'=o.6i V29 (H+h) A; in which O is the discharge in second-feet without velocity of ap- proach; Cthe discharge in second-feet with velocity of approach; g gravity' in feet; H the measured head on the orifice in feet, being equal to the difference in elevation of the water surface on the up- stream side of the orifice and the water surface on the downstream side thereof; h the head due to velocity of approach in feet, and A the area of the orifice in square feet. SUBMERGED ORIFICES. 1 5 29. Velociiv of approach in submerged orifice meastirements . — So far as practicable submerged orifices should be so installed as to make the velocity of approach negligible, but where this is impracticable appropriate corrections therefor should be made. Attention is called to the fact that neglecting moderate velocities of approach with low heads on the orifice produces relatively large errors, whereas neglecting comparatively high velocities of approach with large heads on the orifice produces relatively small errors. The velocity of approach may be computed from formula (7), page S, and after the velocity of approach is determined, the head due to the velocity of approach may be computed from formula (8), page 8. This velocity head, designated as h, should be added to the measured head, as indicated by formula (14), before computing the discharge by the formula or before taking it from the discharge table. 30. Correction for suppression of coniraciion in submerged orifica. — While it is deemed desirable to use the standard submerged rec- tangular orifice so far as conditions will permit, it may be necessary in some cases, for the purpose of avoiding accumulations of silt on the upstream side of the orifice, to suppress bottom contraction by placing the lower side of the orifice at canal grade, and cases may now^ and then arise i\"here it will be necessar\' to determine the dis- charge of submerged orifices that have also their side contractions suppressed. The discharge coefl'.cients where suppression exists are not well determined, and it is therefore undesirable to permit sup- pression except where unavoidable. In such cases the discharge for the submerged rectangular orifice without velocity of approach may be computed approximately by the following formula: (15) 2i=o-6i (i-f 0.15 r) V29// A; and w ith'velocity of approach by the following formula: (16) Q\=o.6i (i-fo.i5 r) V29 {H-^K) A; in which Qx is the discharge in second-feet of the suppressed orifice without velocity of approach; 0\ the discharge in second-feet of the suppressed orifice with velocity of approach; r the ratio of the sup- pressed portion of the perimeter of the orifice to the whole perimeter, and H, A, and h have the same significance as in formulas (13 ) and (14). By comparison of formula (15^ to formula (13) and formula (16) to formula (14) the following relations are derived: (^7) §-=§J' = i+o.i5 r=C; in whichTc',?C?^3 Qi, Q\, and r have the same significance as in for- mulas (13) to (16) and Cis aconstant equal to i-f 0.15 r. Itis obvious that C applied as a coefilcient to Q or O' will give 0^ or Q\, respec- tively. l6 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 31. Construction of submerged orifices. — Submerged orifice boxes should be substantially constructed of lumber or concrete. The orifice box should be of sufficient length to extend downstream from the orifice wall far enough to still the w^ater before it passes back into the earth channel below. The floor should be depressed below the canal grade to form a stilling pool and the floor and sides should be set at distances from the orifice opening of not less than twice the least dimension of the orifice. A flashboard may be placed at the lower end of the orifice box to secure submergence of the orifice, but the box must have sufficient length in such a case to prevent disturbance in the water issuing from the orifice. The orifice wall should be set truly vertical and should reach only to the maximum water level so as to form an overflow in case of trouble. Wing- walls or cut-off walls should be provided, both at the upper end and the lower end of the orifice box, for the purpose of preventing erosion of the canal banks and leakage on water around the structure. 32. Installation of submerged orifices. — The orifice box should be installed sufficiently far from the" turnout to permit the construc- tion of a pool of the required length for stilling the water before it passes through the orifice. The pool should be made with uni- form dimensions and with its bottom about one foot below^ the normal grade of the canal to insure bottom contraction. The struc- ture should be carefully levelled when installed and thoroughly puddled to prevent leakage. A gage should be placed on the upstream side of the orifice and another on the downstream side thereof having the same zero elevation. The upstream gage should be located at a convenient place on the upstream side of the orifice wall and the downstream gage should be placed on the side-wall of the orifice box sufficiently far downstream from the orifice wall to register the true back pressure on the orifice. This distance will be at least two feet for small orifices. Great care should be taken to fix the gages truly vertical and to set their zero marks at the same elevation. 33. Care of submerged orifices. — The submerged orifice and pool should be freed from weeds and trash at each round of the canal rider and the pool should be cleared of silt often enough to maintain proper stilling of the water and bottom contraction of the orifice. The orifice should be carefully checked from time to time to insure that the dimensions and elevation are unchanged, the sides truly vertical, the upper and lower crests level and the zero marks of the gages at the same elevation. Inspection should be made from time to time to determine whether there is any leakage around the struc- ture and, in event of such leakage, the structure should be immedi- ately repuddlcd and the orifice should again be checked as above indicated. CURRENT METER MEASUREMENTS. IJ 34. Table 6. — Table 6 contains discharges in second-feet of standard submerged rectangular orifices without velocity of approach for com- monly used heads and orifice areas, computed from formula (13), page 14. The method of using the table is apparent. The head, H, is the observed head plus the head due to any velocity of approach that may exist. 35. Table 7.— Table 7 gives coefficients, which applied to a dis- charge given by Table 6 will give the discharge of the same orifice suppressed on the bottom alone or on the bottom and two sides. For an orifice constructed as a suppressed orifice or one in which silt has collected sufficiently to effect suppression, the discharge should be corrected by means of this table. First the discharge without sup- pression should be taken from Table 6 and then multiplied by the proper coefficient taken from Table 7. Illustration : Suppose it is desired to find the discharge of a standard submerged rectangular orifice 0.5 by 2.5 feet with bottom and side suppressions under a head of 0.18 foot. For an area of 1.25 square feet (=0.5X2.5) and a head of 0.18 foot. Table 6 gives a discharge of 2.593 second-feet. For a height, d, of 0.5 foot and a length, /, of 2.5 feet, with bottom and sides suppressed. Table 7 gives a coefficient of 1.09. Then 2.593Xi-09==2.826 second-feet, the discharge desired. PART III. CURRENT METER GAGING STATIONS. 36. Use of current meter stations v. weirs and submerged orifices. — • Where the quantity of water to be measured is large and the available fall small, or where the quantity of water is small and extremely heavily laden with silt, the use of current meter stations is advis- able. Their use should be reduced to the minimum, however, as their operation is comparatively expensive and the results are relatively unsatisfactory. Only a very brief discussion of current meter stations will be given here and the reader is referred to the Water-Supply Papers of the United States Geological Survey and technical books on the subject for further information. 37. Selection of current meter stations. — A current meter station should be located in a straight uniform stretch of canal with smooth banks and bed of permanent nature, so far removed from turnouts, drops, and checks that the relation of discharge to gage height will not be disturbed by these. In many canals these conditions are difficult to find in combination and unusual care has to be taken to obtain a station that will give good results. 38. Current meter station equipment. — The essential features of a current meter station are a gage, a bench mark, fixed measuring points in the channel cross section, and a stayline to hold the meter in the measuring plane or cross section when the velocity is high 57737—18 3 1 8 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. and the water deep. Tlie gage should be of a good design, sub- stantially installed where it will indicate the water elevation at all stages, and should be so graduated as to permit accurate readings to hundredths of a foot. (See fig. 2.) The bench mark should be conveniently and permanently located and the elevation of the datum of the gage should be carefully referred to it. The measuring points should be located in a cross section at right angles to the stream flow on a tagged wire stretched across the channel or on a bridge located at the station. Where the canal is shallow enough to permit of wading measurements, the tagged wire will be appli- cable; otherwise a highway bridge or a small bridge constructed for the purpose should be used. The measuring points should be permanently fixed and marked at equal intervals of from two to ten feet depending upon the size of the canal. The stayline should be stretched across the canal far enough above the measuring section to hold the current meter in proper position. (See fig. i.) 39. Ctirrent meters. — The essential features of all current meters are a wheel capable of rotation by impact of water and a device for determining the number of revolutions of the wheel. The relation of the velocity of the water to the angular velocity of the wheel or the number of revolutions of the wheel in a given time is deter- mined by experiment, and should be checked and redetermined from time to time. A sample rating table for 4 small Price meter is given in Table 8. The two types of meters most widely used are the Haskell and the Price. The wheel of the former consists of a screw-shaped head mounted on a horizontal axis, while that of the latter consists of a group of conical cups set with the axes of the cones tangent to a circle, the whole group being mounted on a ver- tical axis. Both types are provided with vanes to keep the wheel headed against the current, weights for sinking the meter, a cable for handling the meter, and electric or acoustic sounder for indicating the number of revolutions and connections from the meters to the sounding devices. The Price meter has been developed by the United States Geological Survey for use in its work and a cut of it as now manufactured is shown in figure 4. 40. Methods of measurement. — Soundings, either with a meter or with a special sounding line and weight, should be made at the per- manent measuring points. The mean velocity at each of these measuring points should then be determined by means of the cur- rent meter, in accordance with one of the approved methods of determining mean velocities. 41. Methods of determining mean velocities. — There are five general methods of determining mean velocities in a vertical line with a current meter: (a) By taking the velocity at 0.2 and that at 0.8 of the water depth and obtaining one-half the sum; (i) by taking the velocity at 0.6 of the water depth; (c) by taking the velocities at CURRENT METER MEASUREMENTS. 1 9 equal vertical intervals of 0.5 of a foot or more and obtaining their arithmetical mean, or finding the mean value from a curve derived by plotting the measurements on cross section paper; {d) by taking the velocity near the water surface and using from 0.85 to 0.95 of the result, depending on the depth of water, its velocity, and the nature of the canal Ised, and (e) by taking velocity in the vertical line by slowly and imiformly lowering and raising the meter through- out the range of water depth one or more times. Of the methods given, the first two are most used in canal work. 42. Methods of compzituig discharge tneasurements . — There are two important methods of computing discharges from measurements made by current meters. Both of these methods are based on determining tlie discharges of the elementary areas between the measiu-ing points and taking their sum. In one of the methods the discharge is computed separately for each elementary area on the assumption that both the velocity and the water depth vary uni- formly from one measuring point to another. This may well be termed the "straight-line" method, and the formula for computing the discharge of the elementary' area is as follows: (,S),.(I^')("-f»), in which a and b are the water depths in feet at two adjacent measuring points, Va and Vb the respective mean velocities in feet per second at these points, I the distance in feet between the points, and q the discharge in second-feet for the elementary area. Formula (18) is well suited to computing discharges in canals con- forming in cross section to their original trapezoidal or rectangular dimensions. In the other method the discharge is computed for consecutive pairs of elementary areas on the assumption that the velocities and the water depths for three consecutive measuring points each lie on the arc of a parabola. This method might well be termed the parabolic method and the formula for computing the discharge for each pair of elementar}'' areas is as follows: in which a, b, and c are the water depths in feet at three consecutive measuring points, Va, Vb, and Vc the respective mean velocities in feet per second at these points, / the distance in feet between the consecutive points, and q^ the discharge in second-feet for the pair of elementary areas. Formula (19) is more particularly applicable to river channels and old canals that have cross sections conforming in a general way to the arc of a parabola or to a series of arcs of dif- ferent parabolas. (See Table 9.) 20 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 43. Range of discharge measurements. — ^The discharge measure- ments of a canal at a current meter station should be taken at suffi- cient intervals of gage heights to permit of making accurate velocity, area, and discharge curves. Inasmuch as water is usually turned into the canals gradually in the beginning of each irrigation season, it is possible at this time to get well-distributed measurements for tlie condition of the canal at this season . The canal bed at a well- selected current meter station is generally permanent in character, and a permanent rating curve for the canal could be made were it not for the fact that increased vegetable growth in the canal and on its banks during the irrigation season, together with accumulations of silt, decrease the discharge capacity- for all gage heights during the latter part of the irrigation season. This fact must be taken into consideration in computing the quantity of water carried by a canal during the irrigation season. If the canal is cleaned diiring the season, the relation of discharge to gage height is again dis- turbed. These changing relations of discharge to gage height are the chief source of errors and difficulties in irrigation canal hydrography. 44. Daily gage heights. — In order to determine the quantity of water carried by a canal at a current meter station it is necessary to read the gage twice daily and additionally at such times as changes of stage are made in the canal. These readings should be taken by the canal riders while on their daily rounds. The gages should be read accurately, generally to the nearest hundredth of a foot. The gage should be read carefully also b^- the hydrographer both before and after taking a current meter measurement. 45. Computation of discharges. — The current meter measurements at a station are interpreted and extended to cover all gage heights at the station by means of curves drawn on cross-section paper. To construct these curves the discharges of the canal in second-feet as computed from individual current meter discharge measurements, the corresponding mean velocities in feet per second and the cross sectional areas in square feet for each measurement are plotted as abscissas, each to a convenient scale, with the common gage heights as ordinates. The most probable area curve is drawn through the area plottings and from this the accuracy of the area computations and of the soundings are checked and, in case of a shifting channel, changes in the rating section are discovered. The most probable velocity curve is drawn through the velocity plottings on the sheet to provide a graphic means of finrling inaccuracies in the computa- tions and noting disturbances in the velocity due to obstructions in the channel or changes in the velocity due to increased roughness of the channel from vegetable growths in the canal. The discharge curve is then drawn through the discharge points on the cross-section CURRENT METER MEASUREMENTS. 21 paper, giving due weight to the various measurements and to prod- ucts of the mean velocity and area abscissas for various gage heights throughout the range of canal depths. WTiere the conditions of flow of the canal have not been changed during the irrigation season, it will generally be comparatively easy to draw a satisfactory curve. WTiere, however, the relation of discharge to gage height has been afTected by vegetable growth, or the introduction of other obstruc- tions, these conditions must be given careful consideration and another curve dra-'.vn for that part of the irrigation season during which such conditions have existed. The discharge curve for these conditions will generally be parallel to the discharge curve for the earlier part of the irrigation season when the canal is clean. For the period during which the change is in progress the discharges must be estimated on the theory- of proportion from the two ciu-ves constructed for the extreme conditions. (See fig. 3.) 46. Rating table. — From the rating curve the rating table may be prepared for each tenth or hundredth of a foot of gage height a^s the condition of accuracy may require, ranging from zero to the ma:^:i- mum height of water in the canal. In case of canals affected by vegetable growth two such rating tables will have to made, one applying to the early part of the irrigation season when the canal is clean and the other to the latter part of the irrigation season when the canal is in bad condition. Daily discharges will also have to be estimated for the period in which the change in the canal is being effected. In case the canal is cleaned at any time during the irriga- tion season, this fact must be given consideration in preparing the necessary additional rating curves. (See Table 10.) 47. Compilation of daily and montlily discharges. — By means of daily gage heights and the rating tables the daily discharges may readily be compiled, and adding these gives the monthly discharges and the total amount of water carried by the canal during the irrigation season. I i% MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. z o o < z ./>2 O < «»• >■ 3 UJ UJ Zj S Q a H I MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 23 0. 0. 0. 0. Any Convenient Wfdth Fig. 2. — Steward water gages. 24 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 113J Nl 1HDI3H ^OVO MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 25 •iR? ri d A fi^sw.jftr/ im-U) sRIrVJii-^ ■*! -i I'VA^ rfl».*l»«W"?*N h^^ ,^i^f^^m. ■^t£ Fig. 4.— Small price meters. 57737—18 1 26 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 1. — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. Values below and to left of heavy line determined experimentally; others computed from the formula Q = 3.33 (L — .2H) Hi. (Sec paragraphs 8 and 18.) Length of weir L, feet. Head H, , feet j 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.01 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.020 0.023 0.026 0.030 .02 .005 .009 .014 .019 .028 .037 .047 .056 .066 .075 .085 .03 .009 .017 .026 .034 .052 .069 .086 .104 .121 .138 .1.55 .04 .013 .026 .040 .053 .079 .106 .133 .159 .186 .213 .239 .05 .018 .037 .055 .074 .111 .148 .186 .223 .260 .297 .334 .06 .024 .048 .073 .097 .146 .195 .244 .293 .342 .391 .439 .07 .030 .061 .092 .123 .184 .246 .308 .369 .431 .493 .554 .08 .036 .074 .112 .149 .225 .300 .375 .451 .526 .601 .676 .09 .043 .088 .133 .178 .268 .358 .448 .538 .628 .718 .807 .10 .051 .103 .156 .208 .314 .419 .524 .630 .735 .840 .945 .11 .058 .119 .179 .240 .362 .483 .605 .726 .848 .969 1.091 .12 .066 .135 .204 .273 .412 .550 .689 .827 .965 1.104 1.242 .13 .074 .152 .230 .308 .464 .620 .776 .933 1.089 1.245 1.401 .14 .082 .169 .257 .344 .518 .693 .867 1.041 1.216 1.390 1.565 .15 .091 .188 .284 .381 .575 .768 .962 1.155 1.349 1..542 1.736 .16 .100 .206 .313 .419 .632 .845 1.059 1.272 1.485 1.698 1.911 .17 .109 .225 .342 .459 .692 .926 1.159 1.392 1.626 1.859 2.093 .18 .122 .245 .372 .499 .754 1.008 1.262 1.517 1.771 2.025 2.279 .19 .132 .265 .403 .541 .817 1.093 1.369 1.644 1.920 2.196 2.472 .30 .142 .286 .435 .,584 .881 1.179 1.477 1.775 2.073 2..370 2.668 .21 .152 .307 .467 .627 .948 1.269 1.589 1.910 2.230 2.551 2.871 .22 .162 .328 .500 .672 1.016 1.359 1.703 2.046 2.390 2.734 3.077 .23 .173 .350 .534 .718 1.085 1.452 1.820 2.187 2.554 2.921 3.289 .24 .184 .373 .568 .764 1.156 1.547 1.939 2.331 2.722 3.113 3.505 .25 0.195 .395 .603 .811 1.228 1.644 2.060 2.476 2.893 3.309 3.725 .26 .419 .639 .860 1.301 1.743 2.185 2.626 3.067 3.509 3.951 .27 .442 .675 .909 1.376 1.843 2.311 2.778 3.245 3.712 4.179 .28 .466 .712 .9.59 1.4.53 1.946 2.439 2.933 3.426 3.919 4.413 .39 .490 .750 1.010 1.530 2.050 2.570 3.090 3.610 4.130 4.650 .30 .514 .788 1.061 1.609 2.156 2.703 3.251 3.797 4.344 4.892 .31 .539 .827 1.114 1.689 2.263 2.838 3.413 3.988 4.563 5.137 .33 .564 .866 1.167 1.770 2.373 2.975 3.578 4.181 4.784 5.387 .33 .590 .905 1.221 1.852 2.4S3 3.115 3.746 4.377 5.009 5.640 .34 .35 .615 .945 .986 1.275 1.331 1.936 2.020 2.596 2.710 3.256 3.399 3.916 4.089 4.577 4.778 5.237 5.468 5.897 .658 6.157 .36 .686 1.027 1.387 2.106 2.825 3.545 4.264 4.983 5.703 6.422 .37 .714 1.069 1.443 2.193 2.943 3.692 4.441 5.191 5.941 6.690 .38 .743 1.111 1.501 2.281 3.061 3.841 4.621 5.401 6.181 6.961 .39 .772 1.153 1.559 2.370 3.181 3.992 4.803 5.614 6.425 7.236 .40 .801 1.196 1.617 2.460 3.302 4.145 4.987 5.829 6.672 7.514 .41 .830 1.240 1.677 2. .551 3.425 4.299 5.173 6.048 6.922 7.796 .42 .860 1.283 1.737 2.643 3.549 4.456 5.362 6.269 7.175 8.081 .43 .890 1.328 1.797 2.736 3.675 4.614 5.553 6.492 7.431 8.370 ..44 .920 1.372 1.858 2.830 3.802 4.774 5.746 6.718 7.690 8.661 .45 .9.50 1.417 1.920 2.925 3.930 4.935 5.941 6.946 7.951 8.956 ^4C .981 1.463 1.982 3.021 4.060 5.099 6.138 7.177 8.216 9.255 .47 1.012 l.,509 2.045 3.118 4.191 5.264 6.337 7.410 S.483 9.556 .48 1.044 1.555 2.108 3.216 4. .323 5.431 6.538 7.645 8.753 9.860 .49 1.077 1.601 2.172 3.315 4.457 5..599 6.741 7.8g3 9.026 10.168 0.5O 1.111 1.648 2.237 3.414 4.591 5.769 6.946 8.123 9.301 10.478 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 27 Table 1. — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. Values below and to left of heavy line determined experimetitally; others computed from the formula Q = 3.33 (L — .2H) Hi . (See paragraphs 8 and 18.) Head B, feet Length of weir L, feet. 1.5 2.0 3.0 { 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 0.51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .67 .58 .59 .60 .61 .63 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 .71 .72 .73 .74 .76 .76 .77 .78 .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .98 .99 1.00 1.695 2.302 1.743 2.367 1.791 2.434 1.839 2.500 1.888 2.567 1.937 2.635 1.986 2.703 2.036 2.771 2.085 2.840 2.136 2.909 2.186 2.979 2.237 3.050 2.28S 3.121 2.339 3.192 2.391 3.263 2.443 3.335 2.495 3.408 2.547 3.58 2.599 3.66 2.652 3.74 2.705 3.82 2.759 3.90 2.813 3.98 2.866 4.06 2.920 4.14 4.22 4.30 4.38 4.46 4.54 4.62 4.70 4.78 4.87 4.96 5.05 5.14 5.23 5.32 5.41 5.50 5.59 5.68 ..... 5.77 5.86 5.95 6.04 6.13 6.22 ' 6.31 3.515 3.616 3.719 3.821 3.925 4.030 4.136 4.242 4.349 4.457 4.566 4.675 4.786 4.897 5.00s 6.121 5.234 5.348 5.462 5.578 5.694 5.810 5.928 6.046 6.164 6.283 6.403 6.524 6.645 6.767 6.8S9 7.013 7.136 7.260 7.385 7.511 7.635 7.763 7.S90 8.018 8.146 8.275 8.404 8.534 8.664 8.795 8.927 9.059 9.191 9.324 4.727 5.940 7.153 4.S65 6.114 7.362 5.003 6,288 7.573 5.143 6.464 7.786 6.284 6.642 8.000 5.426 6.821 8.217 5..J69 7.002 8.435 6.713 7.184 8.655 5.858 7.307 8.877 6.005 7.552 9.100 6.152 7.739 9.325 6.301 7.927 9.553 6.451 8.116 9.781 6.602 8.307 10.012 6.753 8.499 10.244 6.906 8.692 10.477 7.060 8.886 10.712 7.215 9.083 10.9,50 7.371 9.280 11.188 7.528 9.478 11.429 7.686 9.678 11.670 7.845 9.879 11.913 8.005 10.082 12.1.59 8.165 10.285 12.405 S.327 10.490 12.653 8.490 10.696 12.902 8.653 10.903 13.153 8.818 11.112 13.406 8.983 11.321 13.660 9.150 11.533 13.915 9.317 11.745 14.172 9.485 11.958 14.431 9.C54 12.172 14.690 9.824 12.388 14.951 9.995 12.604 15.214 10.106 12.822 15.478 10.339 13.041 15.743 10.512 13.261 16.010 10.6S6 13.482 16.278 10.861 13.704 16.547 11.0.37 13.927 16.818 11.213 14.152 17.090 11.391 14.377 17.363 11.509 14.603 17.638 11.748 14.S31 17.915 11.927 15.060 18.192 12.10s 1.5.289 18.471 12.289 15.520 18.7.50 12.471 15.751 19.032 12.654 15.984 19.314 8.. 366 8.611 8.858 9.107 9.359 9.612 9.S6S 10.126 10.386 10.647 10.912 11.178 11.447 11.717 11.989 12.263 12.539 12.817 13.097 13.379 13.663 13.948 14.236 14.525 14.816 15.109 15.403 15.700 15.998 16.298 16.000 16.903 17.208 17.515 17.823 18.134 18.445 18.759 19.074 19. .391 19.709 20.029 20.350 20.673 20.998 21.324 21.652 21.981 22.312 22.644 9.579 9.800 10.143 10.428 10.717 11.008 11.301 11.597 11.895 12.195 12.498 12.804 13.112 13.422 13.734 14.04S 14.365 14.684 15.005 1.5.329 15.655 15.982 16.313 16.645 16.979 17.315 17.0.53 17.094 IS. 336 IS.GSl 19.027 19.376 19.726 20.079 20.433 20.790 21.147 21.508 21.809 22.234 22.599 22.967 23.337 23.708 24.081 24.4.56 24.833 25.212 25.592 25.974 10.791 11.108 11.428 11.750 12.075 12.403 12.734 13.067 13.404 13.743 14.085 14.430 14.777 15.127 15.479 15.8,34 16.191 16.552 16.914 17.280 17.647 18.017 18.390 18.704 19.142 19.521 19.903 20.288 20.074 21.064 21.455 21.849 22.244 22.643 23.043 23.445 23.8.50 24.257 24.665 25.077 25.490 25.906 26.323 26.743 27.165 27.588 28,015 28.442 28.872 29.304 28 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 1 — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. I'alues to left of heavy line determined experimentally; others computed from the formula Q = 3.33 (L — .2H) Hi. (Sec paragraphs 8 and 18.) Length of weir L, feet. Head //. feet 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.01 9.87 12.838 16.218 19.598 22.978 26.358 29.738 1.03 10.01 13.022 16.452 19.883 23.313 26.743 30.174 1.03 10.15 13.207 16.688 20.169 23.050 27.131 30.612 1.04 10.30 13.394 16.924 20.4.56 23.988 27.. 520 31.051 1.05 10.45 13.579 17.162 20.714 24.327 27.910 31.493 l.OS 10.60 13.763 17.401 21.035 24.669 28.303 31.937 1.07 10.75 13.954 17.640 21.325 25.011 28,697 32.383 1.08 10.90 14.143 17.880 21.618 25.3,55 29.093 32.830 1.0!) 11.05 14.332 18.121 21.911 25.700 29.490 33.279 1.10 11.20 14.522 18.364 22.206 26.047 29.889 33.731 1.11 11.35 14.713 18.607 22..501 26.. 395 30.290 34.184 1.13 11. ,50 14.904 18.851 22.798 26.745 30.692 34.639 1.13 11.65 15.096 19.096 23.096 27.096 31.096 35.096 1.14 11.80 15.289 19.342 23.390 27.448 31.501 35.555 1.15 11.95 15.482 19.589 23.696 27.. 802 31,909 36.016 1.16 12.10 15.676 19.8.37 23.997 28.157 32.318 36.478 1.17 12.25 12.40 15.871 16.006 20.085 20.335 24.. 300 24.603 28.513 32.728 36.943 1.18 28.871 33.140 37.408 1.19 12.55 16.202 20.585 24.908 29.231 33.553 37.876 1.30 12.70 16.4.59 20.836 25.214 29..591 33.969 38..346 1.31 12.85 16.656 21.088 25.521 29.953 34.385 38.817 1.33 13.00 16.854 21.341 25.829 30.316 34.803 39.291 1.33 13.15 17.053 21.595 26.138 30.681 35.223 39.700 1.34 13.31 17.252 21.850 26.448 31.046 35.644 40.243 1.35 13.47 17.452 22.105 26.759 31.413 36.067 40.721 1.36 13.63 17.652 22.362 27.072 31.782 36.491 41.201 1.37 13.79 17.853 22.619 27.385 32.151 36.917 41.683 1.38 13.95 18.055 22.877 27.700 32.522 37.345 42.167 1.39 14.11 18.257 23.136 28.015 32.894 37.773 42.652 1.30 14.27 18.460 23.396 28.331 33.267 38.203 43.139 1.31 14.43 18.663 23.656 28.649 33.642 38.635 43.628 1.33 14.. ^9 18.867 23.918 28.968 34.018 39.068 44.119 1.33 14.75 19.072 24.180 29.287 34.395 39.503 44.611 1.34 14.91 19.277 24.443 29.608 34.773 39.939 45.104 1.35 15.07 10.483 24.706 29 929 35.153 40.376 45.599 1.36 15.23 19.689 24.970 so! 2.52 35.533 40.815 46.096 1.37 15.39 19.896 25,236 30.576 35.915 41.255 46.595 1.38 15..55 20.104 25.502 30.900 36.299 41.697 47.096 1.39 15.71 20.312 25.769 31.226 36.083 42,140 47.598 1.40 15.87 20.520 26.036 31.553 37.069 42,585 48.101 1.41 16.03 20.729 26.305 31.880 37.455 43.031 48.606 1.43 16.19 20.939 26.574 32.209 37.843 43.478 49.113 1.43 16..35 21.149 26.843 32.538 38.2.32 43.927 49.621 1.44 16.51 21.359 27.114 32.808 38.622 44.376 50.131 1.45 16.68 21.571 27.385 33.200 39.014 44.828 50.643 1.46 16.85 21.783 27.657 33.5.32 39.406 45.281 51.155 1.47 17.02 21.995 27.930 33.805 39.800 45.735 51.670 1.48 17.19 22.208 28.204 34.199 40.195 46.191 52.187 1.49 17.36 22.421 28.478 34.534 40.. 59 1 46.647 52.704 1.50 17.53 22.635 28.753 34.870 40.988 47.105 53.223 MEASUREMENT OP IRRIGATION WATER. 29 Table 1 — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in ) cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q = 3.33 {L — .2H) Hi. (See paragraphs 8 and 18.) Length of weir L, feet Head H, feet 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.51 22.849 29.028 35.207 41.386 47.565 53.744 1.63 23.065 29.305 35.545 41.786 48.026 54.267 1.53 23.279 29.581 35.883 42.185 48.487 54.780 1.54 23.495 29.859 36.223 42.587 48.951 55.315 1.55 23.712 30.138 36.564 42.990 49.416 55.842 1.56 23.929 30.417 36.905 43.394 49.882 56.370 1.57 24.146 30.697 37.248 43.799 50.349 56.900 1.58 24.364 30.978 37.591 44.205 50.818 57.432 1.59 24.583 31.259 37.935 44.612 51.288 57.965 1.60 24.801 31.540 38.280 45.019 51.7.59 58.498 1.61 25.020 31.823 38.626 45.428 52.231 59.034 1.63 25.240 32.106 38.973 45.839 52.705 59.571 1.63 25.460 32.390 39.320 46.250 53.180 60.110 1.64 25.681 32.G75 39.60a 46.662 53.650 60.649 1.65 25.902 32.960 40.018 47.075 54.133 61.191 1.66 26.124 33.246 40.308 47.490 54.612 6 1.7.34 1.67 26.346 33.5.32 40.719 47.905 55.092 62.278 1.68 26.568 33.819 41.071 48.322 55.573 62.824 1.69 26.791 34.107 41.423 48.739 56.055 63.371 1.70 27.014 34.395 41.776 49.1.57 56.538 63.919 1.71 27.239 » 34.685 42.131 49.577 57.024 64.470 1.73 27.463 34.974 42.486 49.998 57.509 65.021 1.73 27.687 35.265 42.842 50.419 57.997 65.574 1.74 27.913 35.556 43.199 50.842 58.485 66.128 1.75 28.138 35.847 43.556 51.265 58.975 66.684 1.76 28.364 36.139 43.914 51.689 59.465 67.240 1.77 28.590 36.4.32 44.274 52.115 59.957 67.798 1.78 28.817 36.725 44.633 52.541 60.449 6S.358 1.79 29.045 37.019 44.994 52.969 60.944 6S.919 1.80 29.272 37.314 45.356 53..397 61.439 60.481 1.81 29.500 37.609 45.718 53.827 61.936 70.043 1.83 29.729 37.905 46.081 54.257 62.433 70.610 1.83 29.958 38.201 46.445 54.689 62.932 71.176 1.84 30.187 38.498 46.809 55.121 63.432 71.743 1.85 30.416 38.798 47.175 55.554 63.933 72.312 1.86 30.646 39.094 47.541 55.988 64.435 72.882 1.87 30.877 39.392 47.908 56.423 64.938 73.454 1.88 31.108 39.691 48.275 56.859 65.443 74.027 1.89 31.339 39.991 48.644 57.296 65.949 74.601 1.90 31.571 40.292 49.013 57.734 63.455 75.177 l.Sl 31.803 40.593 49.383 58.173 60.963 75.753 1.93 32.035 40.894 49.753 58.612 67.472 70.331 1.93 32.267 41.196 50.125 59.053 67.981 70.910 1.94 32.501 41.499 50.497 59.495 68.493 77.491 1.95 32.734 41.802 50.870 69.937 69.005 78.073 1.96 32.968 42.106 51.243 60.381 69.518 78.656 1.97 33.202 42.410 51.617 60.825 70.032 79.240 1.98 33.437 42.715 51.992 61.270 70.518 79.824 1.99 33.672 43.020 52.368 61.716 71.064 80.412 3.00 33.907 43.326 52.745 62.163 71.582 81.001 30 MEASURExMENT OP IRRIGATION WATER. Table 1 — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q = 3.33 (L — .2H) H%. . {See paragraphs 8 and 18.) Length of weir L, feet Length of weir L, feet. Head H, Head H, feet feet 1 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 2.01 43.632 1 53.122 62.601 72.091 ' 81.580 2.51 72.805 86.047 99.289 112.531 2.03 43.939 53.499 63.060i72.620 82.180 2.52 73.212 86.533 99.864 113.175 2.03 44.247 53.878 63.509173.141 82.772 2.53 73.625 87.026: 100.427 113.828 2.04 44.554 54.257 63.959i73.662 83.365 2.54 74.032 87.512 100.992 114.472 2.05 44.863 54.637, 64.411i74.185 83.959 2.55 74.444 88.004 i 101.564 116.124 a.06 45.172 55.018 64.863 74.709 84.555 2.56 74.856 88.496' 102.136 115.776 2.07 45.481 55.399 65.316 75.233 85.151 2.57 75.26S 8S.988i 102.708 116.428 2.08 45.791 55.781 65.770 75.760 85.749 2.58 75.679 89.479 103.279 117.079 2.09 46.104 56.166 66.228 76.290 86.352 2.59 76.090 89.970! 103.850 117.730 2.10 46.414 56.548 66.6S2i76.S16 86.950 2.60 76.506 90.467! 104.428 118.389 2.11 46.723 56.929 67. 135i77.341 87.547 2.61 76.917 90.957 104.999 119.039 2.12 47.037 57.316 67. 595177.874 88.153 2.62 77.332 91.454 105.576 119.698 2.13 47.350 57.702 68.054 78.406 88.758 2.63 77.747 91.9501106. 153 120.356 2.14 47.663 58.088 68.513 78.938 89.363 2.64 78.162 92.4461106.730 121.014 2.15 47.976158.474168. 972179.470 89.968 2.65 78.527 92.8831107.239 121.595 2.16 48.2S815S.859 69.43080.001 90.572 2.66 78.996 93.443ll07.890|l22.337 2.17 48.605 59.250 69.895 80.540 91.185 2.67 79.410 93.9381108.466 122.994 2.18 48.917 59.635 70.353 81.071 91.789 2.68 79.829 94.439! 109.049 123.659 2.19 49.233 60.025 70.817 81.609 92.401 2.69 80.248 94.9401109.632 124.324 2.20 49.549 60.415 71.281 82.147 93.013 2.70 80.666 95.440 110.214 124.988 2.21 49.865 60.805 71. 745'82.685 93.625 2.71 81.084 95.940 110.796 125.652 2.22 50.184 61.199 72.214183.229 94.244 ^2.73 81.502 96.440 111. .378 126.316 2.23 50.499 61. 5SS 72. 677183.766 94.855 2.73 81.925 96.945 111.967 126.987 2.24 50.819 61.983 73. 147i84.311 95.475 2.74 82.341 97.445 112.547 127.651 2.25 51.137 62.376i73.615 84.854 96.093 2.75 82.764 97.950 113.136 128.322 2.26 51.456 62.770,74.084 85.398 96.712 2.76 83.185 98.455;ii3.723'12S.993 2.27 51.774 63.16374.552 85.941 97.330 2.77 83.607 98.959|114.311 129.663 2.28 52.092 63.556|75.020i86.484 97.948 2.78 84.028 99.463 114.898 130.333 2.29 52.415 63.955'75. 495187.035 98.575 2.79 84.454 99.973 115.4912 131.011 2.30 52.732 64.347175.962187.577 99.192 2.80 84.875 100.477 116.079 131.681 2.31 53.054 64.74576. 436I8S.127 99.818 2.81 85.300 100.986ill6.672 132.359 2.32 53.375 65.142 76. 909 1 88.676 100.443 2.82 85.720 101.4891117.258 133.027 2.33 .53.696 65.539'77. 382 89.225 101.068 2.83 86.145 101.998ill7.851 133.704 2.34 .54.021 65.941 77.861 89.781 101.701 2.84 86.575 102.513 1118.451 134.389 2.35 54.342 66.338 78.334190.330 102.326 2.85 86.999 103.021 119.043 135.065 2.36 54.667 66.739178. 81390.885 102.959 2.86 87.423 103.529 119.635 135.741 2.37 54.991 67.141i79.291 91.441 103.591 2.87 87.852 104.043! 120.2.34 136.425 2.38 55.315 67.542 79.769 91.996 104.223 2.88 88.276 104.551 i 120.826 137.101 2.39 ,55.639 67.943 80.247 92.551 104.8.55 2.89 88.704 105.0641121.424 137.784 2.40 55.962 68.343 80.724 93.105 105.486 2.90 89.132 105..577'122 022 138.467 2.41 56.290 68.749 81. 208'93.667 106.126 2.91 89.559 106.089 122.619 139.149 2.42 56.613 69.149 81. 685i94.221 106.7.57 2.92 89.992 106.608,123.224 139.840 2.43 56.939 69.553 82.167194.781 107.395 2.93 90.419 107.120 123.821 140.522 2.44 57.266 69.958 82.650i95.342 108.034 2.94 90.851 107.638 1 124.425 141.212 2.45 57.593 70.363 83.133195.903 108.673 2.95 91.277 108.149 125.021 141.893 2.46 57.919 70.767;83.615{96.463 109.311 2.96 91.709 lOf.667! 125.625 142.683 2.47 58.249 71.176 84.10397.030 109.957 2.97 92.140 109.184 126.228 143.272 2.4S .58.575 7 1.579, 84.. 585! 97.589 110.595 2.98 92.571 109.701 1126.831 143.961 2.49 58.904 71.988 85.072 98.156 111.240 2.99 93.006 110.223 127.440 144.657 2.60 59.233 72.397i85.5.59i98.723 1 1 111.885 3.00 93.438 110.741 128.044 146.348 MEJASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 31 Table 1 — Discharge of standard contracted rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q =^ 3.33 (L — .3H) H%. (See paragraphs 8 and 18.) Length of weir L, feet. Length of weir L, feet. Length of weir Head H, Head H. Head H, L, feet. feet 1 feet feet [ 7.0 8.0 9.0 1 ■** 8.0 9.0 9.0 3.01 11L261 128.650 146.040 3.51 159.812 181.710 4.01 219.214 3.03 lll.737il29.207 146.676 3.52 160.451 182.443 4.02 219.981 3.63 112.300 129.864 147.427 3.53 161.092 183.178 4.03 220.750 3.04 112.821(130.471 148.121 3.54 161.733 183.912 4.04 221.517 3.05 113.343 131.081 148.818 3.55 162.373 184.646 4.05 222.286 3.06 113.865 131.690 149.514 3.56 163.016 185.383 4.06 223.055 3.07 114.389 1.32.301 150.213 3.57 163.657 186.118 4.07 223.824 3.08 114.912 132.912 150.912 3.58 164.301 186.857 4.C8 224.595 3.09 11.5.435 133.523 151.610 3.59 164.945 187.595 4.09 225.341 3.10 115.959! 131. 134 152.310 1 3.60 165.588 188.333 4.10 226.139 3.11 116.484:134. 747:153.011 3.61 166.233 189.074 4.11 226.912 3.12 117.010 135. 36lll53.713 3.62 166.878 189.813 4.12 227.684 3.13 117.536 135.976,154.416 3.G3 167.525 190.555 1 4.13 228.458 3.14 118.064 136.592115.5.121 3.64 168.171 191.297 4.14 229.232 3.15 118.590 137. 207! 155.824 3.65 168.817 192.038 4.15 230.006 3.16 119.117 137.823 156.528 3.66 169.466 192.782 4.16 230.782 3.17 119.846 138.440 157.235 3.67 170.113 193.525 4.17 231.557 3.1s 120.1771139.0601157.944 3.G8 170.763 1194.271 1 4.18 232.333 3.19 120.704 139. 6771158.650 3.69 171.412 1195.016 4.19 233.110 3.20 121.234 140.295 159.357 3.70 172.061 1 195.761 4.20 233.887 3.21 121.765 140.917 160.068 3.71 172.713 196.509 4.21 234.667 3.22 122.296 141.537 160.778 ' 3.72 173.363 197.256 4.22 235.446 3.23 122.827! 142. 158 161.489 3.73 174.014 198.003 4.23 236.224 3.24 123.360ll42.780 162.201 3.74 174.666 198.751 4.24 237.005 3.25 123.892 143.402: 162.913! 3.75 175.318 199.500 4.35 237.785 3.26 124.425; 144.026 163.G27 3.76 175.972 200.251 4.36 238.565 3.37 124.9.59*144.650 164.341 3.77 176.625 '201.001 4.27 239.-348 3.2s 125.492 145.273 165.054 3.78 177.281 201.754 4.28 240.130 3.29 126.027; 145.8991 165.771 3.79 177.9.34 202.503 4.29 240.914 3.30 126.562 146.5241 166.486 3.80 178.591 203.259 4.30 241.698 ^.31 127.098 147.1511167.204 3.81 179.245 ,204.010 4.31 242.481 3.32 127.634! 147.778 167.922 3.82 179.902 204.764 4.33 243.267 3.33 128.171 148.406 168.642 3.83 180.561 205..521 4.33 214.053 3.34 128.709 149.035 169.362 3.84 181.217 206.274 4.34 244.837 3.33 129.245!l49.663 170.081 3.S5 181.874 ,207.030 4.35 245.67D 3.36 129.7841 150.294' 170.803 3.86 182.534 1207.787 4.36 246.411 3,37 130.323 150.924 171.525 3.87 183.193 208.545 4.37 247.197 3.38 130.863: 151.555 172.249 3.88 183.8.52 209.302 4.38 247.986 3.39 131.402 152.187 172.972 3.89 184.513 210.062 4.39 248.774 3.40 131.947 1.52.825 173.702 3.90 185.173 210.821 4.40 249.562 3.41 132.482 153.451 174.420 3.91 185.834 211..5S0 4.41 250.352 3.43 133.023 154.084 175.146 3.93 186.713 212.587 4.42 251.141 3.43 133.565: 154.719 175.873 3.93 187.158 213.101 4.43 251.934 3.44 134.107 1.55.3541176.600 | 3.94 187.821 213.864 4.44 252.725 3.45 134.649 155.988 177.327 3.95 188.485 214.627 4.45 253.516 3.46 135.192 156.624 178.056 3.96 189.148 215.389 4.46 254.307 3.47 13.5.735 157.260 178.785 3.97 189.813 216.154 4.47 255.100 3.48 136.280 157.898 179.516 3.98 190.477 216.918 4.48 255.859 3.49 136.825 158.536 180.247 3.99 191.142 217.682 4.49 256.637 3.30 137.368 159.173 180.977 4.00 191.808 218.448 4.50 257.481 32 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 2. — Discharge of standard Cippoletli and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. Values below and to left of heavy line deiermined experimentally; others com- puted from the formula Q = 3.367 L H \ . (See paragraphs 10, 12 ( 2nd 19.) Length of weir L, feet. Head //, feet #> 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 «.01 0.002 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.010 0.013 0.017 0.020 0.024 0.027 0.030 .02 .005 .010 .014 .019 .029 .038 .048 .057 .067 .076 .086 .US .009 .018 .026 .035 .053 .070 .087 .105 .123 .140 .157 .04 .013 .027 .040 .054 .081 .108 .135 .162 .189 .215 .242 .05 .019 .038 .057 .075 .113 .151 .188 .220 .263 .301 .339 .06 .025 .050 .074 .099 .148 .198 .247 .297 .346 .396 .•499 .445 .07 .031 .062 .093 .125 .187 .249 .312 .374 .437 .561 .08 .038 .076 .114 .152 .229 .305 .381 .457 .633 .609 .686 .0» .045 .091 .136 .182 .273 .364 .455 .545 .636 .727 .818 .10 .053 .107 .160 .213 .319 .426 .532 .639 .745 .852 .958 .11 .061 .123 .184 .246 .369 .491 .614 .737 .8601 .983 1.105 .12 .070 .140 .210 .280 .420 .560 .700 .840 .980 1.120 1.259 .13 .079 .158 .237 .316 .473 .631 .789 .947 1.106 1.202 1.420 a* .088 .176 .265 .353 .529 .705 .882 1.058 1.245 1.411 1.587 AS .098 .196 .293 .391 .587 .782 .978] 1 173 1.369 1.565 1.760 A6 .108 .216 .323 .431 .646 .862 1.077 1.293 1.508] 1.724 1.939 A7 .118 .236 .257 .354 .386 .472 .514 .708 .771 .944 1.028 1.180 1.285 1.416 1.543 1.652 1.SS8 1.800' 2.057 2.124 .18 .129 2.314 .19 .139 .279 .418 .558 .837 1.115 1.394 1.673 1.9521 2.231 2.509 .29 .151 .301 .452 .602 .903 1.205 1.506 1.807 2.108J 2.409 2.710 .21 .162 .324 .486 .648 .972 1.296 1.620 1.944 2.268 2.592 2.916 .22 .174 .347 .521 .695 1.042 1.390 1.737 2.084 2.432i 2.779 3.127 .23 .186 .371 .557 .743 1.114 1.485 1.857 2.228 2.599i 2.971 3.342 .24 .200 .396 .594 .792 1.187 1.583 1.979 2.375i 2.771; 3.167 3..563 .25 0.214 .421 .631 .842 1.263 1.683 2.104 2.525 2.946' 3.367 3.787 .2S .446 .669 .893 1.339 1.785 2.232 2.678 3.124! 3.571 4.017 .27 .472 .709 .945 1.417 1.889 2.362 2.834 3.306 3.779 4.251 .28 .499 .748 .998 1.496 1.995i 2.494 2.993 3.492 3.991 4.4S9 .29 .526 .789 1.051 1.577 2.103 2.629 3.155 3.680 4.200 4.732 .30 .553 .830 1.106 1.660 2.213 2.766 3.319 3.872! 4.426 4.979 .31 .581 .872 1.162 1.743 2.324 2.905 3.487 4.06Si 4.649 5.230 .32 .609 .914 1.219 1.828 2.438 3.047 3.057 4.2G6i 4.875 5.486 .33 .638 .957 1.276 1.915 2.553 3.191 3.829! 4.467 5.100 6.744 .34 .067 1.001 1.046 1.335 1.394 2.002 2.091 2.670 2.788 3.337 3.486 4.005 4.183 4.672 4.880 5.340 6.577 6.007 .35 .697 6.274 .88 .727 1.091 1.4.'54 2.182 2.909 3.636 4.363 5.090 6.818 6.545 .37 .758 1.137 1.515 2.273 3.031 3.789 4.546 5.304 6.062 6.819 .38 .789 1.183 1.577 2.366 3.155 3.943 4.732 5.520, 6.309 7.098 .39 .82Q 1.230 1.640 2.460 3.280 4.100 4.920 5.740 6.560 7.380 .49 .852 1.27S 1.703 2.555 3.407 4.259 5.110 5.962 6.814 7.665 .41 .884 1.326 1.768 2.651 3.535 4.419 5.303 6.187 7.071 7.965 .42 .916 1.375 1.833 2.749 3.665 4.582 5.498 6.415 7.331 8.247 .43 .949 1.424 1.899 2.848 3.797 4.747 6.690 6.645 7.594 8. .544 .44 .983 1.474 1.965 2.948 3.930 4.913 6.896 6.878 7.861 8.843 .45 1.016 1.524 2.033 3.049 4.065 6.0s 1 6.098 7.114 8.130 9.147 .46 1.050 1.575 2.101 3.151 4.201 5.252 6.302 7.363 8.403 9.453 .47 1.0S5 1.627 2.170 3.254 4.339 6.424 6.509 7.594 8.678 9.763 .48 1.122 1.679 2.239 3.359 4.478 5. .598 6.718 7.837 8.957 10.076 .49 1.161 1.732 2.309 3.464 4.619 6.774 6.929 8.083 9.238 10.393 0.50 1.200 1.785 2.381 3.571 4.761 5.951 7.142 8.332 9.522 10.713 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. oo Table 8 — Discharge of standard Cippoletti and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. Values below and to left of heavy line determined experimentally; others com- puted from the formula Q = 3.367 L H\ . {See paragraphs 10, 12 and 19.) Head //, feet Length of weir L, feet. 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 0.51 .&% .63 .54 .55 .66 .57 .58 .59 .60 .61 .63 .63 .64 .G.5 .66 .67 .68 .69 .70 .71 .73 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .SO .81 .83 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .93 .93 .94 .95 .96 .97 .93 .99 l.CO 1.S30 2.451| 1.891 2.5251 1.949 2.698 2.004 2.672 2.060 2.747 2.116 2.822 2.173 2.89S 2.231 2.974 2.289 3.051 2.347 3.129 2.406 3. 208 2.465 3.287 2.525 3.367 2.. 586 3.447 2.646 3.529 2.708 3.610 2.769 3.693 2.832 2.894 2.9.58 3.021 3.085 3.150 3.215 3.2Sn 3.810 3.895 3.980 4.06 4.15 4.24 4.33 4.415 4.51 4.60 4.69 4.78 4.87 4.96 5.05 5.14 5.24 5.34 5.44 5.64 5.64 5.74 5.84 5.94 6.04 6.14 6.25 6.36 6.47 6.58 6.69 6.80 6.91 3.679 4.905 6.131 7.357 3.787 5.050 6.312 7.575 3.897 5.196 6.495 7.794 4.008 5.344 6.680 8.016 4.120 5.493 6.866 8.239 4.233 6.643 7.054 8.465 4.346 5.795 7.244 8.693 4.461 6.948 7.435 8.923 4.. 577 6.103 7.629 9.154 4.694 6.259 7.823 9.388 4.812 6.416 8.020 9.624 4.931 6.574 8.218 9.861 5.051 6.734 8.417 10.101 5.171 6.895 8.619 10.342 5.293 7.057 8.821 10.586 5.415 7.221 9.026 10.831 5.539 7.386 9.232 11.078 5.663 7.551 9.439 11.327 5.789 7.719 9.64S 11.578 5.915 7.887 9.859 11.830 6.042 8.057 10.071 12.085 6.171 S.227 10.284 12.341 6.299 8.399 10.499 12.599 6.429 8.573 10.716 12.859 6.560 8.747 10.934 13.120 6.692 8.922 11.153 13.384 6.824 9.099 11.373 13.649 6.958 9.277 11.596 13.915 7.092 9.456 11.820 14.184 7.227 S.636 12.045 14.454 7.363 9.817 12.271 14.726 7.500 10.000 12.499 14.999 7.637 10.183 12.729 15.275 7.776 10.368 12.959 15.551 7.915 10.553 13.192 15.830 8.055 10.740 13.425 16.110 8.196 10.928 13.660 16.392 8.338 11.117 13.896 16.675 8.480 11.307 14.134 16.960 8.623 11.498 14.373 17.247 8.768 11.690 14.613 17.535 8.913 11.883 14.854 17.825 9.058 12.078 15.097 18.117 9.205 12.273 15.341 18.410 9.352 12.469 15.587 18.704 9.500 12.667 15.833 19.000 9.649 12.865 16.081 19.298 9.799 13.065 16.331 19.597 9.949 13.265 16.581 19.898 0.100 13.467 16.833 20.200 8.583 8.837 9.093 9.352 9.613 9.876 10.142 10.410 10.680 10.953 11.228 11.505 11.784 12.066 12.350 12.636 12.924 13.215 13.507 13.802 14.099 14.398 14.699 15.002 15.307 15.614 15.923 16.235 16.548 16.863 17.180 17.499 17.820 18.143 18.468 18.795 19.124 19.465 19.787 20.122 20.468 20.796 21.136 21.478 21.821 22.167 22.514 22.863 23.214 23.5671 9.809 10.099 10.392 10.688 10.986 11.287 11.591 11.897 12.206 12.517 12.832 13.149 13.468 13.790 14.114 14.441 14.771 15.103 15.437 15.774 16.113 16.455 16.799 17.145 17.494 17.845 18.198 18.554 18.912 19.272 19.634 19.999 20.366 20.735 21.107 21.480 21.858 22.234 22.614 22.996 23.380 23.767 24.155 24.546 24.939 25.334 25.731 26.129 26.530 26.933 11.036 11.362 11.691 12.024 12.359 12.698 13.039 13.384 13.761 14.082 14.436 14.792 15.151 15.514 15.879 16.247 16.617 16.991 17.367 17.746 18.127 18.611 18.899 19.2S8 19.680 20.075 20.473 20.873 21.276 21.681 22.089 22.499 22.912 23.327 23.745 24.165 24.588 26.013 26.441 25.871 26.303 26.738 27.175 27.614 28.056 28.500 28.947 29.395 29.847 30.300 34 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 2 — Discharge of standard Cippoletti and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second. Values below and to left of heavy line determined experimentally ; others com- puted from the formula Q = 3.367 L Hi. (See paragraphs 10, 12 and 19.) Length of wcir L, feet. Head //. feet 3.0 4.0 5.0 CO 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.01 10.46 13,671 17.089 20.504 23.921 27.338 30.756 i.oa 10.62 13.874 17.343 20.809 24.277 27.745 31.213 1.03 10.78 14.079 17.599 21.116 24.635 28.1,54 31.674 1.04 10.94 14.284 17.855 21.424 24.995 28.565 32.136 1.05 11.10 14.490 18.113 21.734 25.356 28.978 32.601 1.06 11.20 14.698 18.373 22.045 25.719 29.393 33.067 1.07 11.42 14.907 18.033 22.358 26.084 29.810 33.537 1.08 11. .58 15.116 18.895 22.672 26.451 30.229 34.008 1.09 11.74 15.326 19.158 22.987 26.819 30.650 34.481 1.10 11.90 15.538 19.423 23.305 27.189 31.073 34.957 1.11 12.06 15.750 19.688 23.623 27.560 31.497 35.435 1.12 12.22 15.964 19.955 23.943 27.933 31.924 35.915 1.13 12.38 16.178 20.222 24.264 28.308 32.353 36.397 1.14 12.54 16.393 20.491 24.587 28.685 32.783 36.881 1.15 12.71 16.609 20.761 24.911 29.063 33.215 37.367 1.16 12.88 16.826 21.033 25.237 29.443 33.649 37.856 1.17 13.05 17.044 21.305 25.564 29.825 34.085 38.346 1.18 13.22 17.263 21.579 25.893 30.20S 34.523 38.839 1.19 13.39 17.483 21.854 26.222 30.593 34.963 39.333 1.20 13.56 17.704 22.1.30 26.554 30.970 35.405 39.830 1.21 13.73 17.926 22.407 26.888 31.367 35.848 40.329 1.22 13.91 18.149 22.686 27.223 31.757 36.294 40.830 1.23 14.09 18.372 22.965 27.559 32.148 36.741 41.333 1.24 14.27 18.597 23.246 27.895 32.544 37.194 41.843 1.25 14.45 18.822 23.527 28.233 32.939 37.644 42.349 1.26 14.63 19.048 23.811 2S.573 33.335 38.097 42.859 1.27 14.81 19.276 24.095 28.913 33.732 38.551 43.370 1.28 14.99 19.504 24.380 29.456 34.132 39.008 43.874 1.29 15.17 19.733 24.666 29.599 34.532 39.466 44.399 1.30 15.35 19.962 24.953 29.944 34.934 39.925 44.915 1.31 15.53 20.154 25.242 30.290 35.339 40.307 45.436 1.32 15.71 20.425 25.531 30.638 35.744 40.850 45.957 1.33 15.89 20.658 25.822 30.986 36.151 41.315 46.480 1.34 16.07 20.891 26.114 31.337 36.560 41.782 47.005 1.35 16.25 21.125 26.407 31.688 36.969 42.250 47.532 1.36 16.44 21.360 26.701 32.041 37.381 42.721 48.061 1.37 16.63 21.596 26.995 32.394 37.793 43.192 48.591 1.38 16.82 21.834 27.292 32.750 38.209 43.667 49.126 1.39 17.01 22.071 27.589 33.121 38.625 44.142 49.660 1.40 17.20 22.310 27.887 33.465 39.043 44.620 50.197 1.41 17.39 22.549 28.187 33.824 39.401 45.098 50.736 1.42 17.58 22.790 28.487 34.184 39.882 45.579 51.277 1.43 17.77 23.031 28.789 34.546 40.304 46.062 51.819 1.44 17.96 23.272 29.091 34.909 40.727 46.545 52.363 1.45 18.15 23.516 29.395 35.273 41.152 4-7.031 52.910 1.46 18.34 23.759 29.699 35.639 41.579 47.518 53.458 1.47 18.53 24.004 30.005 36.005 42.006 48.007 54.008 1.48 18.72 24.249 30.311 30.374 42.436 48.498 54.501 1.49 18.91 24.495 30.619 36.743 42.867 48.990 55.114 1.50 19.10 24.742 30.928 37.114 43.299 49.485 55.669 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 35 Table 2 — Discharge of standard Cippoletti and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q = 3.367 L //I. {See paragraphs 10, 12 and 19.) 1 1 Length of weir L, feet. Head H, \ feet 1 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.51 24.990 31.238 37.486 43.733 49.981 56.228 1.52 25.239 31.. 549 37,858 44,168 50.478 56.787 1.53 25.479 31.849 38.219 44.589 50.958 57.328 1.64 25.738 32.173 38.608 45.042 51.477 57.911 1.55 25.990 32.487 3S,9S4 45.482 51.979 58.477 1.56 26.242 32.802 39.362 45.923 52.483 58.944 1.57 26.494 33.118 39.742 46,365 52.989 59.612 1.58 26.748 33.435 40.122 46,809 53,496 60.183 1.59 27.002 33.753 40.504 47,2.54 54,005 60.755 1.60 27.253 34.066 40.879 47.692 54.506 61.319 1.61 27.513 34.391 41.270 48.148 55.025 61.906 1.62 27.770 34.713 41.655 48.597 55.. 540 62.483 1.63 28.028 35.035 42,041 49.048 56.055 63.062 1.64 28.286 35.357 42,428 49.500 56.571 63.623 1.65 28.545 35.681 42,817 49.953 57.090 64.226 1.66 28.805 36.006 43,207 50,408 57.610 64.811 1.67 29.066 36.332 43,598 50,865 58.131 65.398 1.68 29.327 36.659 43.991 51.323 58.654 65.986 1.69 29.589 36.987 44.384 51.781 59.178 66.576 1.70 29.852 37.315 44.778 52.241 59.704 67.167 1.71 30.116 37.645 45,174 52.703 60.232 67.761 1.73 30.381 37.976 45.571 53.196 60.762 6S.357 1.73 30.646 38.307 45.969 53.631 61.292 68.9.53 1.74 30.912 38.640 46.368 54.096 61.824 69.552 1.75 31.075 38.969 46.583 54.557 62.150 70.144 1.76 31.446 39.308 47.170 55.031 62.893 70.754 1.77 31.715 39.643 47.572 55..501 63,430 71.358 1.78 31.984 39.980 47.976 55,972 63,938 71.964 1.79 32.254 40.317 48.383 56,445 64,508 72.571 1.80 32.524 40.655 48.787 56,918 65.049 73. ISO 1.81 32.796 40.995 49.194 57..393 65,592 73.791 1.82 33.0G8 41.335 49.602 57,869 66.136 74-403 1.83 33.341 41.677 50,012 58,347 66.682 75.018 1.84 33.614 42.018 50,422 58,825 67.229 75.632 1.85 33.889 42.361 50.834 59,306 67.778 76.251 1.86 34.164 42.705 51.247 59.788 68.-329 76.870 1.87 34.440 43.050 51.660 60.270 68,580 77.490 1.88 34.717 43.396 52.075 60.754 69,434 78.113 1.89 34.994 43.743 52.491 61.239 69,988 78.737 1.90 35.272 44.091 52.909 61.727 70.545 79.003 1.91 35.551 44.439 53.327 62.215 71.102 79.990 1.92 35.830 44.788 53.746 62.703 71.661 80.618 1.93 36.111 45.139 54.166 63.194 72.222 81.249 1.94 36.392 45,490 54.588 63,686 72.784 81.882 1.95 36.674 45.842 55.010 64.179 72.347 82.516 1.96 36,956 46.195 55.434 64.673 73.912 83.142 1.97 37.239 46.549 55.869 65.169 74.478 83.788 1.98 37.523 46.904 56.285 65,666 75.046 84.427 1.99 37.808 47.260 56.712 66,164 75.616 85.068 2.00 38.094 47.617 57.140 66.664 76.187 85.711 36 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER- Table 2 — Discharge of standard Ctppoleiti and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q = 3.367 L H^. (See paragraphs 10, 12 and 19.) Length of weir L, feet. 5.a 6.0 7.0 47.974157. 48.333157 48.692;5S 49.052 58 49.413'59 49.775 59 50.138 60 50.502 50.809 51.225 51.597 51.966 52.335 1 62 .52.704163 53.073; 63 53.443164 53.817164 54.185165 •54.559165 54.930 '65 .55.307i66 •55.687 1 66 .56.061 67, •56.440:67, 56.819I6S, 57.199i68. 57.57769 57.9.57,69 .58.34170 .58.715:70 59.105 70 .59.489171 .39.873 71 60.26272. 60.647172, 61.035173 6I.425I73, 61.S15i74, 62.203174 6.2.58575, 62.98775 63.377 76 56967, 999:67, 63.771 64.165 64.559 64.953 77, 65.3.53 78 65.747 78 66.147 79 66.540 79 ,430 ,862 ,296 731 166 602 043 ,470 916 3.59 803 245 638 131 580 023 471 916 369 764 273 728 183 638 093 518 009 458 925 336 848 314 776 243 710 177 644 102 581 052 525 998 471 ,944 63, 63 69, 69, 70 70 71, 71, 72, 72, 73, 73, 74, 74, 75, 75, 76, 76. 77. 77. 78. 79. 79. 80 SO. ;^1 81. S2 si S3. 83 84 84 85 85. 86. 87. 87. 88. 38. 89. 89, 90, 90, 424 91 897 92 37692 848:93 164 665 169 673 ,179 086 193 703 ,217 715 236 752 ,270 ,786 302 819 .343 860 383 902 431 982 485 016 47 078 ()09 40 077 201 46 284 822 67 885 450 995 540 085 019 182 727 279 831 383 935 494 047 8.0 9.0 Head H, feet Length of weir L, feet. 6.0 76. 77. 77. 78. 79. 79. 80. 80. 81. 81. 82, 83, 83. 84. 84. 85. 86. 86. 87. 87. 88. 89. 89. 90. 90. 91. 92. 92. 93. 93. 94, 95 95, 96, 97, 97, 98, 98, 99, 100, 100. 101. 102. 102. 103. 103. 104. 10.5. 758 332 907 483 062 ,041 221 803 390 960 555 146 737 326 917 508 106 097 295 888 492 099 86.; 86.! 87.i 88.; 88.' 89. 90.; 90.' 91. 92.: 92.; 93. 94.: 94.: 95., 96. 98.: 97.. 98.: 98.; 99.. 100.: (>9S!100.S 006 105 156 106 304 911 518 124 731 340 044 507 182 797 419 034 657 280 903 526 136 779 402 033 604 295 926 505 196 835 4G4 101. 102.: 102.' 103.' 104.: 105.1 105.' 100.: 107.1 107.' 108.' 109. 109.: llO.i 111. 111. 112.1 113.: 114. 114. 115. 116.: 116.; 117.1 118.: 119.1 119.' 353 3.51 999 3.53 646 3.5;t 294 a.54 944 2.55 596 3.56 248 3.-57 904 3.58 564 3.59 205 3.00 875 3.01 539 3.63 204 3.63 867 3.64 531 3.65 197 3.66 870 3.67 534 8.68 207 3.69 874 3.70 553 3.71 237 3.73 910 3.73 592 3.74 275 3.75 957 3.76 639 3.77 323 3.78 014 3.79 087 2.80 38.S 3.81 079 3.83 771 3.83 472 3.84 164 3.86 864 3.86 565 3.87 260 3.88 966 3.89 653 3.90 377 3.91 078 3.93 787 3.93 497 3.94 207 3.95 910 3.96 635 3.97 345 3.98 045 3.99 772 3.00 80. 80, 81. 81. 82. 82. 83. 83. SI. 84. 85. 85. SO. 80. 87. 87. 88. S3. 89, S9, 90, 90, 91, 91, 92, 92. 93, 93, 94, 94. 95, 95, 90, 96, 97, 97, 93. 93, 99, 99, 100, 100. 101. 101. 102, 102, 103, 103, 104, 104. 335 814 299 7.0 8.0 9.0 93. 94, 94, 724 107, 779 95 264 95 74 9 j 2.34; 720 1 205 684 IS2I 6731 90. 97. 97. 98. 98. 99. 99. 165 100, 650 101. 093 101. 645; 102. 136 102. 027 103. 131 103. 616 104. 127 105. 02i 105. 127 106. 025 100. 123 107. 632 108. 136 108, 6;i9:l09, 148 109, 644 110. 162 111. 665; HI. 175,112. 691 112. 200 113. 107, 103 109, 109, 110 110 111 112 112 113 114, 283 849 409 975 541 107 673 239 798 379 952 5201114 099|115 609 110 116 117 118 na 552:119 1481120 72S 120 315 121 890 122 483 122 071 1 123 658' 124 2451 124 840 125 418 126 022: 120 6091 127 204! 123 800 1 123 253 820 393 930 120.502 121.221 121.949 122.008 123.396 124.123 124.852 125..580 120.308 127.026 127.773 128.610 129,247 129.984 130,039 860:131.407 516,132.205 .170 i;!2.941 .842' 133.097 4S8i 134.424 .169113,5.190 832' 13.5.930 503! 130.700 .166 137.437 838 138.192 510:138.948 18l|l39.703 852 140.459 118 752 399 038 686 332 979 626 274 912 .676 .231 886 554 .124 709 226 735 251 756 282 804 320 841 357 878 400 922 450 964 113 114 115 115 110 110 117 118 US 119, 120, 120 121 121 122 400 994 590 129 130 130 1911131 793' 1:^2 33211.33 990' 133 004 1 134 200 135 815 135 4171 130 025 137 03411,37 242 13,-J S,-)8 139 458 139 531 .192 882 554 .233 921 000 279 967 .640 334 .008 .710 405 093 788 476 171 8(57 5(i2 260 952 141.223 141.060 1-12.743 143.498 144.262 145.036 145.800 146.564 147.338 143.102 143.876 149.034 1 .50.423 151.205 151.979 152.761 153.535 154.318 155.101 1.5,5.883 150.666 157.446 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. m Table 2 — Discharge of standard Cippoletti and standard suppressed rectangular weirs in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q and 19.) 3.367 L H% . {See paragraphs 10, 13 Head H, feet Length of weir L, feet. 7.0 8.0 9.0 Head H, feet Length of weir L, feet. 8.0 9.0 I Length of Head//, feet, feet 9.0 I 3.01 .3.02 3.03 3.0A 3.G.5 S.OC 3.07 3.«8 3.ft9 3.10 3.11 3.13 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 g.l7 3.18 3.19 3.30 3.;J1 3.23 3.23 3.24 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 8.40 3.41 3.43 3.43 3.44 8.45 3.46 3.47 3.48 3.49 3.50 123.082 12.'H.649 124.309, 124.925 125.643 126.130 126.7S0; 127.400 128.020i 128.632' 129.264 129.889 130.514 131.141 131.767 132.394 13:^.023 1.33.655 134.2851 134.9041 135.5501 13G.184; 136.8191 137.455 1.38.091' 138.729] 139.369 140.007 140.648 141.2741 141.&33! 142.576: 143.221 143.868 144.514 145.162 145.810 146.460 147.111 147.749 148.414, 149.067 149.722 150.377; 151.033 151.690 152.348 153.007 153.667 154.315 M0.G65 141.311, 142.06Si 142.771 143.478 144.183 144.891! 145.600] 146.309 147.008 147.730 148.444 149.158 149.875 150.591 151.307 152.020 152.749 153.408 1.54.176 154.914 155.G3S 156.304 157.091 157. 8]8 158.548 159.278 160.008 160.741 161.4.56 102.209 162.944 163.682 164.421 165.168 165.899 160.640 167.383 168.126 168.856 169.616 170.362 171.110 171.860 172.609 173.360 174.112 174.866 175.620 176.360 158.248 158.975 159.827 160.618 161.412 162.206 163.003 163.800 164.597 165.384 160.197 166.999 167.803 168.610 169.415' 170.221 171.030 171.842 172. G51 173.448 174.279 175.093 175.909 176.728! 177..546 178.367 179.1SS 180.009 180.833 181.638 182.485 183.312 184.142 134.973 185.803 186.637 187.470 188.306 189.142 189.963 190.818 191.658 192.499 193.343 194.185 195.0.30 195.876 196.724 197.573 198.405 3.51 3.53 3.53 3.54 3.55 3.56 3.57 3.58 3.59 s.eo 3.61 3.63 3.6a 3.6* S.6S 3.6«; 3.GV 3.R8 3.C9 3.70 3.71 3.73 3>7^ 3.74 3.75 3.76 S.77 3.78 3.79 3.80 3.81 3.83 S.8S 3.84 3.85 3.86 3.87 3.88 3.89 3.90 3.91 3.93 3.93 3.9* 3.93 3.96 3.97 3.98 3.99 4.0« 177.1.30 177.888 178.648: 179.407i 180.1671 180.930] 181.691 182.4561 183.222, 183.968' 184.7.54 > 185.522: 186.292] 187.0G2 187.833 18S.606 189.378, 190.154 190.930 191.688' 192.485, 193.263' 194.042 194.822 195.604 190.388, 167.171 197.958 198.742 199.512 200.31S 201.106 201.8981 202.6881 203.480: 204.272 205.070, 205.864 206.662 207.440 208.256 209.298 209.856 210.658 211.462 212.264 213.070 213.874 214.C80 215.464 199.270 200.1241 200.979 201.833 202.688 203.546 204.403 205.263 206.] 24 206.964' 207.8491 208.712i 209.579 i 210.445] 211.312! 212.182] 2I3.05il 213.9241 214.797; 215.649! 216.5451 217.4211 218.297; 219.175' 220.055' 220.937 221.818 222.702 223.584 22^^.451 225.357 220.245 227.357 228.024 228.915 229.806 230.703 231.597 232.494 !233.370i 234.2881 235.461 236.088; 236.991 237.894 238.797 239.703 240.609 241.515 ,242.397 4.01 4.93 4.03 4.G4 4.95 4.06 4.07 4.«8 4.09 4.1« 4.11 4.13 4.13 4.1i 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.3« 4.31 4.33 4.'2I.1! 4.3i 4.3S 4.38 4.37 4.28 4.39 4.36 4.31 4.33 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.1(6 4.37 4.38 4.39 4.4« 4.41 4.43 4.43 4.44 4.45 4,4R 4.47 4.48 4.49 4.50 243.333 244.245 24 3.147 246.C70 246. OSS 247.900 248.815 249.733 250.624 251.. 550 252.444 253.415 254.340 255.263 256.183 2.57.115 2.58.043 '258.970 1259.899 I26O.8O2 261.763 202.697 263.6.30 264.500 265.503 266.439 267.370 268.313 209.2C0 270.171 271.140 272.0!;l 273.037 273.982 274.91:7 275.878 276.827 277.779 278.730 279.657 280.630 2^i..5t.O 282.. 54 9 2S3.5()u 2S4.4G3 285.421 286.382 287..345 288.306 289.242 38 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 3 — Coefficients C to be applied to a discharge taken from Table l or 2 for a head, H, to obtain the discharge of the same weir zvhen a velocity of approach, v, exists; computed Q' Dl from the formula, C = ■ — = — - Q H\ and 20.) (See paragraphs 13 h h' H V 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 0.4 0.0025 0.0002 1.014 1.007 1.004 1.004 1.004 1.002 1.002 1 1.0021.001 1.001 1.001 1.001 0.5 .0039 .0003 1.027 1.013 1.009^1.006 1.006 1.004 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.002 1.001 1.001 0.6 .0056 .0005 1.037 1.019 1.013 1.009 1.008 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 1.002 1.C02 0.7 .0076 .0007 1.050 1.026 1.017 1.013 1.011 1.007 1.006 1.004 1.004 1.003 1.003 1.002 0.8 .0099 .0010 1.064 1.033 1.022 1.016 1.014 1.009 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.004 1.003 1.003 0.9 .0126 .0014 1.082 1.042 1.029 1.021 1.018 1.012 1.009 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.005 1.004 1.0 .0155 .0019 1.098 1.051 1.034 1.027 1.022 l.OloJl.Oll 1.009 1.007 1.006 1.005 1.005 1.1 .0188 .0025 1.122 1.062 1.041 1.031 1.02611.017 1.013 l.Olli 1.009 1.008 1.007 1.006 1.2 .0224 .0033 1.141 1.072 1.049 1.037 1 1.031 1.021 1.016 1.013 1.011 1.009 1.008 1.007 1.3 .0263 .0041 1.163 1.084 1.057| 1.043 1.036 1.024 1.018 1.015 1.012 1.011 1.009 1.008 1.4 .0305 .0051 1.1S6 1.096 1.066 l.OoO; 1.041 1.028 1.021 1.017 1.014 1.012 1.011 1.010 1.5 .0350 .0064 1.208 1.109 1.075 1.057 1.047 1.032 1.024 1.019 1.016 1.014 1.012 1.011 1.6 .0398 .0079 1.225 1.122 1.084 1.065 1.052 1.035 1.027 1.022' 1.018 1.016 1.014 1.012 1.7 .0449 .0095 1.254 1.135 1.09311.071 1.059! 1.040 1.031 1.025 1.021 1.018 1.016 1.014 1.8 .0504 .0111 1.277 1.149 1.104 l.OSO I.O65I 1.045 1.034 1.027 1.023 1 1.020 1.017 1.016 1.9 .0561 .0132 1.308 1.165 1.115 1.089 1.072 1.049 1.038 1.030 1.026 1.022 1.019 1.017 2.0 .0622 .01.54 1.335 1.181 1.126 1.097 1.079 1.055' 1.042 1.0.34 1.028 1.025 1.021 1.019 2.1 .0686 .0179 1.363 1.197 1.137 1.106 1.087 1 1.060^ 1.046 1.037 1.031 1.027 1.024 1.021 2.2 .0752 .0206 1.391 1.213 1.149 1.118 1.094 1.065 1.050 1.039 1.034 1.029 1.026 1.023 2.3 .0822 .0235 1.420 1.231 1.161 1.124 1.102 1.071 1.054 1.044 1.037 1.032 1.02s 1.025 2.4 .0895 .0268 1.449 1.248 1.176 1.134 l.llOj 1.077 1.059 1.047 1.040 1.034 1.030 1.027 2.5 .0972 .0303 1.480 1.266 1.187 1.145 1.119 1.083 1.063 1.051 1.043 1.037 1.033 1.02!) 2.6 .1051 .0340 1.511 1.285 1.200 1.155 1.128 1.088 1.068 1.055 1.046 1.040 1.035 1.032 2.7 .1133 .0381 1.542 1.303 1.213 1.166 1.1371.095 1.073 1.059 1.050 1.043 1.038 1.034 2.8 .1219 .0426 1.573 1.322 1.228 1.178 1.1461 1.100| 1.078 I.O63' 1.053 1.046 1.041 1.036 2.9 .1307 .0472 1.606 1.341 1.242:1.189 1.153^1.108 1.083 1.067 1.057 1.049 1.043 1.039 3.0 0.1399 0.0524 1.637 1.361 1.256 1.199 1.165 1.115 1.088 1.07211.061 1.053 1.046 1.041 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 39 Table 4 — Coefficients C'' to he applied to a discharge given byTable 1 or 2 for a head H to give discharge of same weir submerged. computed front the formula C = = Q graphs 14 and 21.) Qi {nH)\ H\ {Sec para- d-h H 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 Tenths te 0.0 1.000 1.006 1.009 1.009 1.011 1.011 1.011 1.009 1.009 1.007 .1 1.007 l.OOo 1.003 1.000 .997 .994 .991 .988 .983 .981 .2 .078 .973 .970 .966 .963 .958 .955 .951 .946 .942 .3 .939 .9"5 .931 .926 .921 .917 .913 .909 .903 .900 .4 .895 .891 .885 .881 .875 .871 .865 .859 .854 .848 .5 .842 .837 .831 .825 .819 .812 .806 .799 .792 .785 .6 .778 .771 .764 .756 .748 .740 .733 .724 .715 .707 .7 .698 .689 .680 .670 .660 .649 .639 .626 .615 .603 .8 .589 .576 .562 .547 .531 .517 .501 .486 .469 .453 6.9 .435 .416 .396 .375 .351 .323 .293 .255 .209 .144 ,• 40 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Tatle 5 — Acre-fcct equivalent to a given number of second-feet flowing for a given length of time. (See paragraph 22.) ' Hours Minutfs Second- feet f 15 30 45 1 2 3 i 5 6 0.01 0.00021 0.00041 0.00062 0.00083 0.00165 0.00248 0.00,331 0.00413 0.00496 .oqi .000! 1 .00083 .00124 .00105 .00331 .00S96 .00661 .00826 .00992 .03 .000(52 .00124 .00186 .00248 .00496 .00744 .00992 .01240 .01488 .04 .00083 .00165 .00248 .00331 .00651 .00992 .01322 .01653 .019.83 .05 .00103 .00207 .00310 .00413 .00826 .01240 .010.53 .02066 .02479 .06 .00124 .00145 .00248 .00289 .00372 .00434 .00496 .00992 .01488 .01735 .01983 .02314 .02179 .02893 .02975 .07 .00579 .01157 .03471 .08 .OOlfio .00331 .00496 .00061 .01322 .019,83 .02045 .03306 .03967 .09 .00186 .00372 .00558 .00744 .01488 .02231 .02975 .03719 .04463 .10 .00207 .00113 .00020 .00826 .01653 .02479 .03306 .04132 .04959 .11 .00227 .00455 .00682 .00909 .01818 .02727 .03636 .04545 .05455 .li .00248 .00496 .00744 .00992 .01983 .02975 .03967 .04959 .05950 .13 .00269 .00537 .00806 .01074 .02149 .03223 .04297 .05372 .06446 .14 .002S9 .00579 .00808 .01157 .02314 .0.3471 .04628 .05785 .06942 .15 .00310 .00'.20 .00930 .01240 .02479 .0.3719 .04959 .06198 .07438 .16 .00331 .00061 .00992 .0132? .02545 .03967 .05289 .06611 .07934 .17 .00351 .00702 .01054 .01405 .02810 .04215 .05620 .07025 .08430 .18 .00372 .00744 .01116 .01488 .02975 .04463 .05950 .07438 .08926 .19 .00393 .00785 .01178 .01,570 .03140 .04711 .06281 .07851 .09121 .20 .001 ! 3 .0032') .01240 .01653 .03306 .04959 .06611 .08264 .09917 .21 .00434 .00S6S .01302 .01735 .03471 .05207 .06942 .08678 .10413 .23 .00155 .00909 .01364 .01818 .03336 .05455 .07273 .09091 .10909 .23 .00475 .009,50 .01426 .01901 .03802 .05702 .07603 .09504 .11405 .24 .00^06 .00992 .01488 .01983 .03907 .05950 .07934 .09917 .11901 .25 .00517 .01033 .015.50 .02066 .04132 .06198 .08264 .10331 .12397 .26 .00537 .01074 .01611 .02149 .04297 .06446 .08595 .10744 .12893 .27 .00558 .01116 .01673 .02231 .04403 .06694 .08926 .11157 .13388 .28 .00579 .01157 .01735 .02314 .0i628 .06942 .09256 .11570 .13884 .29 .00599 .01198 .01797 .02397 .04793 .07190 .09587 .11983 .14380 .30 .00620 .01240 .018.59 .02479 .049.59 .07438 .09917 .12397 .14876 .31 .00640 .01281 .01921 .02562 .05124 .07686 .10248 .12810 .15372 .32 .00661 .01322 .01983 .02645 .05289 .079.34 .10579 .13223 .15868 .33 .00682 .01364 .02045 .02727 .05455 .08182 .10909 .13636 .16364 .34 .00702 .01405 .02107 .02810 .05620 .08430 .11240 .14049 .16859 .35 .00723 .01446 .02169 .02893 .05785 .08678 .11670 .14403 .17355 .36 .00744 .01488 .02231 .02975 .05950 .08926 .11901 .14876 .17851 .37 .00764 .01529 .02293 .03058 .06116 .09173 .12231 .15289 .18347 .38 .00785 .01570 .02355 .03140 .06281 .09421 .12562 .15702 .18843 .39 .00806 .01611 .02417 .03223 .06446 .09669 .12893 .16116 t 19339 .40 .00S26 .01653 .02479 .03306 .06611 .09917 .13223 .16529 .19835 .41 .00847 .01694 .02541 .03388 .06777 .10165 .13554 .16942 .20331 .42 .00868 .01735 .02603 .03471 .06942 .10413 .13884 .17355 .20826 .43 .00888 .01777 .02665 .03554 .07107 .10661 .14215 .17769 .21.322 .44 .00909 .01818 .02727 .03636 .07273 .10909 .14545 .18182 .21818 .45 .00930 .01859 .02789 .03719 .07438 .11157 .14876 .18595 .22314 .46 .00950 .01901 .02851 .03802 .07003 .11405 .15207 .19008 .22810 .47 .00971 .01942 .02913 .03884 .07769 .116.53 .15537 .19421 .23306 AH .00992 .01983 .02975 .03967 .079.34 .11901 .15868 .19835 .23802 .49 .01012 .02025 .03037 .04049 .0,8099 .12149 .16198 .20248 .24297 0.50 0.01033 0.02066 0.03099 0.04132 0.08264 0.12397 0.16529 0.20661 0.24793 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 41: Table 5 — Acrc-fcet equivalent to a given number of second-feet flowing for a given length of time. {See paragraph 22.) Second- Minutes Hours feet 15 30 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.51 0.01054 0.02107 0.03161 0.04215 0.08430 0.12645 0.16859 0.21074 0.25289 .52 .01074 .02149 .03223 .04297 .08595 .12893 .17190 .21488 .25785 .53 .01095 .02190 .03285 .04380 .08760 .13140 .17521 .21901 .26281 .54 .01116 .02231 .03347 .04463 .08926 .13388 .17851 .22314 .26777 .65 .01136 .02273 .03409 .04545 .09091 .13636 .18182 .22727 .27273 .56 .01157 .02314 .03471 .04628 .09256 .13884 .18512 .23140 .27769 .67 .01178 .02355 .03533 .04711 .09421 .14132 .18843 .23554 .28264 .58 .01108 .02397 .03595 .04793 .09587 .14380 .19173 .23967 .28760 .59 .01219 .02438 .03657 .04876 .09752 .14628 .19504 .24380 .29256 .60 .01240 .02479 .03719 .04959 .09917 .14876 .19835 .24793 .29752 .61 .01260 .02521 .03781 .05041 .10083 .15124 .20165 .25207 .30248 .68 .01281 .02562 .03843 .05124 .10248 .15372 .20496 .25620 .30744 .63 .01302 .02603 .03905 .05207 .10413 .15620 .20826 .26033 .31240 .M .01322 .02645 .03967 .05289 .10579 .15868 .21157 .26446 ,31735 .65 .01343 .02686 .04029 .05372 .10744 .16116 .21488 .26859 .32231 .66 .01364 .02727 .04091 .05455 .10909 .10364 .21818 .27273 .32727 .67 .01384 .02769 .04153 .05537 .11074 .16611 .22149 .27686 .33223 .68 .01405 .02810 .04215 .05020 .11240 .16859 .22479 .28099 .33719 .69 .01426 .02851 .04277 .05702 .11405 .17107 .22810 .28512 .34215 .70 .01446 .02893 .04339 .05785 .11570 .17355 .23140 .28926 .34711 .71 .01467 .02934 .04401 .05S68 .11735 .17603 .23478 .29339 .35207 .72 .01488 .02975 .04463 .05950 .11901 .17851 .23802 .29752 .35702 .73 .01508 .03017 .04525 .06033 .12066 .18099 .24132 .30165 .36198 .74 .01529 .03058 .04587 .06116 .12231 .18347 .24463 .30579 .36694 .75 .01550 .03099 .04049 .06198 .12397 .18595 .24793 .30992 .37190 .76 .01570 .03140 .04711 .06281 .12562 .18843 .25124 .31405 .37685 .77 .01591 .03182 .04773 .06364 .12727 .19091 • .25455 .31818 .38182 .78 .01611 .03223 .04835 .06446 .12893 .193.39 .25785 .32231 .38678 .79 .01632 .03264 .04897 .06529 .13058 .19587 .26116 .32645 .39173 .89 .016.53 .03306 .04959 .06611 .13223 .19835 .26446 .33058 .39669 .81 .01673 .03347 .05021 .03694 .13388 .20083 .26777 .33471 .40165 .82 .01694 .03388 .05083 .06777 .13554 .20331 .27107 .33884 .40661 .83 .01715 .03430 .05145 .06359 .13719 .20579 .27438 .34297 .41157 .84 .01735 .03471 .05207 .06942 .13884 .20826 .27769 .34711 .41653 .85 .01756 .03512 .05269 .07025 .14049 .21074 .28099 .35124 .42149 .86 .01777 .03554 .05331 .07107 .14215 .21322 .28430 .35537 .42645 .87 .01797 .03595 .05393 .07190 .14380 .21570 .28760 .35950 .43140 .88 .v;l81S .03636 .05455 .07273 .14.545 .21818 .29091 .36364 .43636 .89 .01839 .03678 .05517 .07355 .14711 .22066 .29421 .36777 .44132 .90 .01859 .03719 .05579 .07438 .14876 .22314 .29752 .37190 .44628 .91 .01880 .03760 .05640 .07521 .15041 .22562 .30083 .37603 .45124 .92 .01901 .03802 .03702 .07603 ..15207 .22810 ..30413 .38017 .45620 .93 .01921 .03843 .05764 .07686 .15.372 .23058 .30744 .38430 .46116 .94 .01942 .03884 .05826 .07769 .15537 .23306 .31074 .38843 .46611 .95 .01903 .03926 .05888 .07851 .15702 .23554 .31405 .39256 .47107 .96 .01983 .03967 .05950 .07934 .15868 .23802 .31735 .39669 .47603 .97 .02004 .04008 .06012 .08017 .16033 .24049 .32066 .40083 .48099 .98 .02025 .04049 .06074 .08099 .16198 .24297 .32397 .40496 .48515 .99 .02045 .04091 .06138 .08182 .16364 .24545 .32727 .40909 .49091 1.00 0.0206G 0.04132 0.06198 0.08264 0.16529 0.24793 0.33058 0.41322 0.49587 42 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 5 — Acre-feet equivalent to a given number of cecond-feet flowing for a given length of time. (See paragraph 22.) Hours 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.00579 .01157 .01735 .02314 .02893 .03471 .04049 .04028 .nr,2()7 .0.3785 .00304 .00942 .07521 .080991 .08078 .09256' .09835; .104131 .10992! .11570 .12149] .12727 .133061 .138841 .14463 .15041 .15020 .16198 .16777! .17355! .17934' .18512! .19091! .19069! .202481 .20826 1 .21405 .219831 .22562! .23140! .23719! .24297; .24876! .25455, .26033; .266111 .27190] .27709 .283471 0.28926,0, .00661 .01322 .01983 .02045 .03306 .03967 .04028 .05289 .05950 .00011 .07273 .07934 .Oj;595 .09256 .09917 .10579 .11240 .11901 .12562 .13223 .13884 ,14545 ,15207 ,15808 ,10529 ,17190 ,17851 .18512 ,19173 ,19835 .20496 .21157 ,21818 .22479 ,23140 ,23802 .24463 .25124 ,25785 .26446 .27107 ,27769 .28430 .29091 .29752 .30413 .31074 .31735 .32397 33058 0.00744 .01488 .02231 .02975 .03719 .04463 .05207 .05950 .06694 .07438 .08182 .08926 .09669 .10413 .11157 .11901 .12645 .13388 .14132 .14876 .15620 .16304 .17107 .17851 .18595 .19339 .20083 .20826 .21570 .22314 .2.50.58 .23802 .24545 .25289 .26033 .20777 .27521 .28264 .29008 .29752 .30496 .31240 .31983 .32727 .33471 .34215 .34959 .35702 .36446 .37190 0.00826 .01653 .02479 .03306 .04 132 .04959 .05785 .OoOll .07438 .0S264 .09091 .09917 .10744 .11570 .12397 .13223 .14049 .14870 .15702 .16529 .17355 .18182 .19008 .19835 .206611 .21488 .223141 .23140 .23907 .24793 .25620 .26446 .27273 .28099 .28926 .29752 .30579 .31405 .32231 .33058 .33884 .34711 .35537 .36364 .37190 .38017 .38843 .39669 .40496 0.41322 0.00909 ■ 0.00992 0.01074 0.01157 .01818 .01983 .02149 .02314 .02727 .02975 .03223 .03471 .03636 .03967 .04297 .04628 .04545 .04959 .05372 .05785 .0.5455 .05950 .06446 .06942 .0ti304 .06942 .07521 .08099 .07273 .07934 .08595 .09250 .08182 .08926 .09669 .10413 .09091 .09917 .10744 .11570 .10000 .10909 .11818 .12727 .10909 .11901 .12893 .13884 .11818 .12893 .13967 .15041 .12727 .13884 .15041 .16198 .13636 .14876 .10116 .17355 .14545 .15868 .17190 .18512 .15455 .16859 .18264 .19369 .16364 .17851 .19339 .20826 .17273 .18843 .20413 .21983 .18182 .19835 .21488 .23140 .19091 .20826 .22562 .24297 .20000 .21818 .23636 .25455 .20909 .22810 .24711 .26611 .21818 .23802 .25785 .27769 .22727 .24793 .268.59 .28926 .23636 .2,5785 .27934 .30083 .24.545 .26777 .29008 .31240 .25455 .27769 .30083 .32397 .26364 .28760 .31157 .33554 .27273 .29752 .32231 .34711 .28182 . .30744 .33300 .35868 .29091 .31735 .34380 .37025 .30000 .32727 .35155 .38182 .30909 ..33719 .30529 .39339 .31818 .34711 .37003 .40496 .32727 .35702 .38678 .41653 .33636 .36694 .39752 .42810 .34545 .37686 .40826 .43967 .35455 .38678 .41901 .45124 .36304 .39669 .42975 .46281 .37273 .40661 .44049 .47438 .38182 .41653 .45124 .48595 .39091 .42645 .46198 .49752 .40000 .43636 .47273 .50909 .40909 .44628 .48347 .52006 .41818 .45020 .49421 .53223 .42727 .46011 .50496 .54380 .43636 .47603 .51570 .5.5537 .44545 .48595 .52045 .56694 0.45455 0.49587 0.53719 0.57851 0.0124C .02479 .03719 .04959 .06198 .07438 .08678 .09917 .11157 .12397 .1363P .14£76 .16116 .17355 .18595 .19835 .21074 .22314 .23554 .24793 .26033 .27273 .28512 .29752 .30992 .32231 .33471 .34711 .35950 .37190 .38430 .39669 .40909 .42149 .43388 .44628 .45868 .47107 .48347 .49587 .50826 .52066 .53306 .54545 .55785 .57025 .58264 .59504 .60744 0.61983 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 43 Table 5 Acre-fcct equivalent to a given number of second-feet flowing for a given length of time. (See paragraph 22.) Hours Second- feet 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.51 0.29504 0.33719 0.37934!0.42149 0.46304 0.50579 0.54793 0.59008 0.63223 .S2 .30083 .34380 .38678 .42975 .47273 .51570 .55868 .60165 .64463 .53 .30661 .35041 .39421 .43802 .48182 .52562 .50942 .61322 .65702 .54 .31240 .35702 .40165 .44628 .49091 .53554 .58017 .62479 .66942 .55 .31818 .30364 .40909 .45455 .50000 .54545 .59091 .63636 .68182 .56 .32397 .37025 .41653 .46281 .50909 .55537 .60165 .64793 .69421 .67 .32975 .37686 .42397 .47107 .51818 .56529 .61240 .65950 .70661 .58 .33554 .38347 .43140 .47934 .52727 .57521 .62314 .67107 .71901 .59 .34152 .39008 .43884 .48760 .53636 .58512 .63388 .68264 .73140 .GO .34711 .39669 .44628 .49587 .54.545 .59504 .64463 .69421 .74380 .61 .35289 .40331 .45372 .50413 .55455 .60496 .65537 .70579 .75620 .62 .35868 .40992! .46116 .51240 .56364 .61488 .66611 .71735 .76859 .63 .36446 .41653 .46859 .52066 .57273 .62479 .67686 .72893 .78099 .64 .37025 .42314 .47603 .52893 .58182 .63471 .68760 .74049 .79339 .65 .37603 .42975 .48347 .53719 .59091 .64463 .69835 .75207 .80579 .66 .38182 .43636 .49091 .54545 .60000 .65455 .70909 .76364 .81818 .67 .38760 .44297 .49835 .55372 .60909 .66446 .71983 .77521 .83058 .6S .39339 .44959 .50579 .58198 .61818 .67438 .73058 .78678 .84297 .69 .39917 .45620 .51322 .57025 .62727 .68430 .74132 .79835 .85537 .70 .40496 .46281 .52066 .57851 .63636 .69421 .75207 .80992 .86777 .71 .41074 .46942 .52810 .58678 .64.545 .70413 .76281 .82149 .88017 .72 .41653 .47603 .53554 .59504 .65455 .71405 .77355 .83306 .89256 .73 .42231 .48264 .54297 .60331 .66364 .72397 .78430 .84463 .90496 .74 .42810 .48926 .55041 .61157 .67273 .73388 .79504 .85620 .91735 .75 .43388 .49587 .55785 .61983 .68182 .74380 .80579 .86777 .92975 .76 .43967 .50248 .56529 .62810 .69091 .75372 .81653 .87934 .94215 .77 .44545 .50909 .57273 .63636 .70000 .76364 .82727 .89091 .95455 .78 .45124 .51570 .58017 .64463 .70909 .77355 .83802 .90248 .96694 .79 .45702 .52231 .58760 .65289 .71818 .78347 .84876 .91405 .97934 .80 .46281 .52893 .59504 .66116 .72727 .79339 .85950 .92562 .99173 .81 .46859 .53534 .60248 .66942 .73636 .80331 .87025 .93719 1.00413 .82 .47438 .54215 .60992 .67769 .74545 .81322 .88099 .94876 1.01653 .83 .48017 ..54876 .61735 .68595 .75455 .82314 .89173 .96033 1.02893 .84 .48595 .55537 .62479 .69421 .76364 .83306 .90248 .97190 1.04132 .85 .49173 .56198 .63223 .70248 .77273 .84297 .91322 .98347 1.05372 .86 .49752 .56859 .63967 .71074 .78182 .85289 .92397 .99504 1.060U .87 .50331 ..57521 .64711 .71901 .79091 .86281 .93471 1.00661 1.07851 .88 .50909 .58182 .05455 .72727 .80000 .87273 .94545 1.01818 1.09091 .89 .51488 .58843 .66198 .73554 .80909 .88264 .95620 1.02975 1.10331 .90 .52066 .59504 .66942 .74380 .81818 .89256 .96694 1.04132 1.11570 .91 .52645 .60165 .67686 .75207 .82727 .90248 .97769 1.05289 1.12810 .92 .53223 .60826 .08430 .76033 .83636 .91240 .98843 1.06446 1.14049 .93 .53802 .61488 .69173 .76859 .84545 .92231 .99917 1.07603 1.15289 .94 .54380 .62149 .69917 .77686 .85455 .93223 1.00992 1.08760 1.16529 .95 .54959 .62810 .70661 .78512 .86364 .94215 1.02066 1.09917 1.17769 .96 .55537 .63471 .71405 .79339 .87273 .95207 1.03140 1.11074 1.19008 .97 .56116 .64132 .72149 .80165 .88182 .96198 1.04215 1.12231 1.20248 .98 .56694 .64793 .72893 .80992 .89091 .97190 1.0.5289 1.13388 1.21488 .99 .57273 .65455 .73636 .81818 .90000 .98182 1.06364 1.14545 1.22727 1.00 0.57851 0.66116 0.74380 0.82645 0.90900 0.99173 1.07438 1.15702 1.23967 44 MEASUREMENT OP IRRIGATION WATER. Table 5 — Acre-feet equivalent to a given number of second-feel flowing for a given length of time. {See paragraph 22.) Hours Second- feet 13 17 18 19 30 31 Ti 33 24 0.01 0.01322 0.01405 0.01488 0.01570 0.01053 0.01735 0.01818 0.01901 0.01983 .02 .02645 .02810 .02975 .03140 .03306 .03471 .03636 .03802 .03967 .03 .03907 .04215 .01463 .04711 .04959 .05207 .05455 .05702 .05950 .04 .05289 .05620 .05950 .00281 .00611 .06942 .07273 .07603 .07934 .03 .06611 .07025 .07438 .07851 .08264 .08678 .09091 .09504 .09917 .06 .079.34 .08430 .08926 .00421 .09917 .10413 .10909 .11405 .11901 .07 .09256 .09835 .10413 .10992 .11570 .12149 .12727 .13.306 .13884 .08 .10579 .11240 .11901 .12562 .13223 .13884 .14.545 .1.5207 .15868 .09 .11901 .12645 .13388 .14132 .14S76 .15620 .16364 .17107 .17851 .10 .13223 .14049 .14876 .1.5702 .16529 .17355 .18182 .19008 .19835 .11 .14545 .154.55 .16304 .17273 .18182 .19091 .20000 .20909 .21818 .1« .15808 .16859 .17851 .18843 .19835 .20826 .21818 .22810 .23802 .13 .17190 .18264 .193.39 .20413 .21488 .22562 .23636 .24711 .25785 .14 .18512 .19069 .20S26 .21983 .23140 .24297 .2,5455 .26611 .27769 .16 .19835 .21074 .22314 .23554 .24793 .26033 .27273 .28512 .29752 .16 .21157 .22479 .23802 .25124 .26446 .27769 .29091 .30413 .31735 .17 .22479 .23884 .25289 .20694 .28099 .29504 .,30909 .32314 .33719 .18 .2.3802 .25289 .26777 .28264 .29752 .31240 .32727 .34215 .35702 .10 .25124 .26694 .28264 .29835 .31405 .32975 ..34545 .36116 .37686 .20 .26446 .28099 .29752 .31405 .33058 .34711 .36364 .38017 .39669 .31 .27769 .29.504 .31240 .32975 .34711 .36440 .38182 .39917 .41653 .23 .29091 .30909 .32727 .34.545 .36364 .38182 ,40000 .41818 .4.3636 .23 .30413 .32314 .34215 ..30116 .38017 .39917 .41818 .43719 .45620 .24 .31735 .33719 .35702 .37686 .39069 .41653 .43636 .45620 .47603 .25 .33058 .35124 .37190 .39256 .41322 .43388 .45455 .47521 .49587 .26 .34380 .30529 .38078 .40826 .42975 .45124 .47273 .49421 .51570 .37 .35702 .37934 .40165 .42397 .44628 .46859 .49091 .51322 .53554 .28 .37025 .39339 .41653 .43967 .40281 .48595 .50909 .53223 .55537 .2!) .38347 .40744 .43140 .45537 .47934 .50331 .52727 .55124 .57521 .30 .39669 .42149 .44628 .47107 .49587 .52006 .54545 .57025 .59504 .31 .40992 .43554 .40116 .48078 .51240 .53802 .56364 .58926 .61488 .33 .42314 .44959 .47603 .50248 .52893 .55537 .68182 .60826 .63471 .33 .43636 .46364 .49091 .51818 .54545 .57273 .60000 .62727 .65455 .34 .44959 .47769 .50579 .53388 .56198 .59008 .61818 .04628 .67438 .35 .46281 .49173 .52006 .54959 .57851 .60744 .63636 .66529 .69421 .36 .47603 .50579 .53554 .56529 .59504 .62479 .05455 .681.30 .71405 .37 .48926 .51983 .55041 .58099 .61157 .64215 .07273 .70331 .73388 .38 .50248 .53388 .50529 .59069 .62810 .65950 .69091 .72231 .75372 .39 .51.570 .54793 .58017 .61240 .64463 .67686 .70909 .74132 .77355 .40 .52893 .56198 .59,504 .62810 .60116 .69421 .72727 .76033 .79339 .41 .54215 .57603 .00992 .64380 .67769 .71157 .74545 .77934 .81322 .43 .55537 .59008 .62479 .659.50 .69421 .72893 .76364 .79835 .83306 .43 .56859 .60413 .63967 .67.521 .71074 .74628 .78182 .81735 .85289 .44 .58182 .61818 .654.55 .60091 .72727 .76364 .80000 .83636 .87273 .45 .59504 .63223 .60942 .70061 .74380 .78099 .81818 .85537 .89256 .4« .60826 .64628 .(58430 .72231 .70033 .79835 .83036 .874.38 .91240 .47 .02149 .60033 .09917 .73802 .77086 .81570 .S5455 .89339 .93223 .48 .>i.3471 .67438 .71405 .75372 .79339 .83306 .87273 .91240 .95207 .49 .r.4793 .68843 .72893 .70942 .80992 .8.5041 ..S9091 .93140 .97190 0.50 0.06116 0.70248 0.74380 0.78512 0.82645 0.86777 0.90909 0.95041 0.99173 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 45 Table 5 — Acre-feet equivalent to a given number of secoiid-feet flowing for a given length of time. (See paragraph 32.) Hours Second- feet 16 17 18 19 29 21 23 23 24 0.51 0.67438 1 1 0.71853 0.75868 0.800S3 0.84297 0.8S512 0.92727 0.96942 1.011.57 .53 .6S7bO .73058 .77355 .81653 .85950 .90248 .94545 .98843 1.03140 .53 .700S3 .74463 .78843 .83223 .87603 .91983 .96364 1.00744 1.05124 .54 .71405 .75868 .80331 .84793 .89256 .93719 .98182 1.02045i 1.07107 .55 .72727 .77273 .81318 .80364 .90909 .95455 1.00000 1.04545! 1.09091 .56 .740-i9 .78078 .83306 .87934 .92562 .97190 1.01818 1.00446 1.11074 .57 .75372 .80083 .84793 .89504 .94215 .98926 1.03636 1.08347 1.13058 .58 .76694 .81487 .80281 .91074 .95868 1.00661 1.05455 1.10248 1.15041 .59 .78017 .82893 .87769 .92645 .9752! 1.02.397 1.07273 1.121491 1.17025 .60 .79339 .84297 .89256 .91215 .99173 1.04132 1.09091 1.14049 1.19908 .61 .8006 1 .85702 .93744; .95785 1.00S26 1.0586S 1.10909 1.15950 1.20992 .63 .S19S3 .87107 .922311 .97355 1.02479 1.07603 1.12727 1.178511 1.22975 .63 .83306 .83512 .937191 .9S926 1.04132 1.09339 1.14545 1.197.521 1.24959 .64 .84628 .89917 .9520711.00496 1.05785 1.11074 1.16364 1.21653! 1.26942 .65 .859o0 .91.322 .9669411.02066 1.07438 1.12810 1.18182 1.23554! 1.2S926 .66 .87273 .92727 .93 lS2i 1.03036 1.09991 1.14545 1.20000 1.25455| 1.30909 .67 .88595 .94132 .90669] 1.05207 1.10744 1.16281 1.21818 1.27355; 1.32893 .68 .89917 .9.553711.01157,1.06777 1.12397 1.18017 1.23636 1.29256 1.. 34876 .69 .91240 .96012] 1.02645J1.08347 1.14049 1.19752 1.2.5455 1.31157 1.36859 .70 .92562 .98347 1.04132 1.09917 1.15702 1.21487 1.27273 1.33058 1.38843 .71 .93834 .99752 1.05620 1.11483 1.17355 1.23223 1.29091 1.34959 1.40S26 .73 .95207 1.01157, 1.07107|1.13058 1.19008 1.24959 1.30909 1.36859 1.42810 .73 .96529 1.025671 1.08595 1.14628 1.20661 1.26694 1.32727 1.38760 1.44793 .74 .97851 1.03967il.l0083'l. 16198 1.22314 1.28430 1.34545 1.4000! 1.46777 .75 .99173 1.0537211. 11570il. 17769 1.23967 1.30165 1.3C364 1.42562! 1.48700 .76 1.00496 1.0677711. 1305811. 19339 1.25620 1.31001 1.3S1S2 1.44463 1.50744 .77 1.01818 1.08182il.l4545il.20909 1.27273 1.33636 1.40000 1.40364 1.52727 .7S 1.03140 1.095S7|l.lG033jl.22479 1.28926 1.35372 1.41818 1.48204 1.54711 .78 1.04463 1. 10902a. i7521jl.24049 1.30579 1.37107 1.43036 1.501651 1.56094 .80 1.05785 1.12397il.l9008i 1.2.5620 1.32231 1.38S43 1.45455 1.52066 1.58678 .81 1.07107 1.13892, 1.20490]!. 27190 1.33SS4 1.40579 1.47273 1.63967 1.00001 .83 1.084.30 1.15207]1.21983 1.28760 1.35537 1.42314 1.49091 1.55S6S 1.C2645 .83 1.09752 1.166U,1.23471]1.3033i 1.37190 1.44049 1.50909 1.57769 1.64028 .84 1.11074 1. 18017]!. 2495911.31901 1.38843 1.45785 1.52727 1.59670 1.666!! .85 1.12.397 1.10421 1.20440]1.3347! 1.40496 1.47521 1.54545 1.61570 1.68595 .86 1.13719 1.20826 1.27934|1.3.W4! 1.42149 1.49256 1.56364 1.6347! 1.70579 .87 1.15041 1.22231,1.29421:1.36611 1.43302 1.50992 1.58182 1.653721 1.72502 .88 1.16364 !. 23636]!. 30909;1.3S182 1.45455 1.52727 1.60000 1.67273 1.74515 .89 1.17686 1.25041 1.32397 1.39752 1.47107 1.54463 1.61818 1.69173 1.76529 .90 1.1900S 1.264-16 1.33884,1.41322 1.48760 1.56198 1.63036 1.71074 1.78512 .91 1.20331 1.27851 1.. 3.5372 11.42893 1.50413 1.57934 1.65155 1.72975 1.80496 .93 1.21653 1.29256 1.30859,1.44463 1.52066 1.59669 1.67273 1.74870 1.82479 .93 1.22975 1..3061U 1.. 38347 1.46033 1.53719 1.61405 1.69091 1.76777 1.84463 .94 1.24297 1.32066 1.39835 1.47603 1.55372 1.63140 1.70909 1.78678 1.86446 .95 1.25620 1.3347! 1.41322 1.49173 1.57025 1.64876 1.72727 1.8057S 1.83430 .96 1.26942 1.34 376 1.42810,1.50744 1.58678 1.66011 1.74545 1.82479 1.90413 .97 1.28264 1.36281 1.44297:1.52314 1.60331 1.68347 1.76364 1.84380 1.92397 .98 1.29587 1.37686,1.45785,1.53884 1.61983 1.70083 1.78182 1.86281 1.94380 .99 1.30909 1.39091 1 1.47273 i 1.55455 1.63636 1.71818 1.80000 1.88182 1.96364 1.00 1.32231 1.40496 1.48760 1.57025 1.65289 1.73554 1.81818 1.90083 1.98347 46 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Tatle 5 — Acre-feet equivalent to a given number of second-feet flowing for a given length of time. {See paragraph 22.) i Days of 24 Hours Second- feet 3 3 4 5 1 7 8 9 10 0.01 0.03967 1 0.05950 0.07934 0.09917 0.11901 0.13884' 0.1586S 0.17851 0.19835 .02 .07934 .119U1| .15868 .19835 .23S02 .27769 .31735 .35702 .39669 .63 .11901 .178511 .23802 .29752 .35702 .41653 .47603 .53554 .59504 .04 .15868 .2.3802 .31735 .39669 .47603 .55537 .63471 .71405 .793.39 .05 .19835 .29752 .39669 .49.587 .59504 .69421 .79339 .89256 .99173 .06 .23802 .35702 .47603 .59504 .71405 .833061 .95207 1.07107 1.19008 .07 .27769 .41653 .55537 .69421 .83306 .97190 >. 11074 1.24959 1.38842 .08 .31735 .47603 .63471 .79339 .95207 1.11074 1.26942 1.42810 1.58678 .09 .35702 .53554 .71405 .89256 1.07107 1.24959 1.42810 1.60661 1.78512 .10 .39669 .59504 .79339 .99173 1.19008 1.38843 1.58678 1.78512 1.98347 .11 .43636 .65455 .87273 1.09091 1.30909 1.527271 1.74.545 1.96364 2.18182 .13 .47603 .71405 .95207 1.19008 1.42810 1.68611 1.90413 2 14215 2.38016 .13 .515701 .77355 1.03140 1.28925 1.54711 1.80496 2.022811 2.32066, 2..57851 .14 .55537 .83306 1.1107411.38842 1.66611 1.94380 2.221491 2.49917, 2.77630 .15 .59504 .89256 1.19009 1.48760 1.78512 2.0S264| 2.38017 2.67769 2.97520 .16 .63471 .95207 1.26942 1.58678 1.90413 2.22149 2..53884 2.85620 3.173.55 .17 .67438 1.01157 1.34876 1.68595 2.02314 2.36033t 2.697.521 3.03471 3.37190 .18 .71405 1.07107 1.42810 1.78512 2.14215 2.49917 2.856201 3.21322 3.57025 .19 .75372 1.13058 1.50744 1.88430 2.26116 2.63802 3.01487 3..39173 3.76859 .30 .79339 1.19008' 1.58678 1.98347 2.38017 2.77686 3.17355 3.57025 3.96694 .31 .83306 1.24959 1.66611 2.08264 2.49917 2.91570 3..33223 3.74876 4.16529 .33 .87273 1.30909 1.74545 2.18182 2.61818 3.054.55 3.49091 3.92727 4.36363 .33 .91240 1.36859; 1.82479 2.28099 2.73719 3.193.39 3.64959i 4.10578 4.50193 .34 .95207 1.42810 1.90413 2..38016 2.85620 3.33223 3.80826 4.28430 4.76033 .35 .99173 1.48760 1.98347 2.47934 2.97521 3.47107 3.96694 4.462811 4.95867 .36 1.03140 1.5471li2.08281 2.57851 3.09421 3.60992 4.125621 4.64132 5.15702 .37 1.07107 1.6066112.14215 2.67768 3.21322 3.74876 4.28430 4.81983 5.35537 .38 1.11074 1.6661112.22149 2.77686 3.33223 3.88760 4.44297 4.99835 5.55372 .39 1.1.5041 1.72562' 2.30083 2.87603 3.45124 4.02645 4.60105 5.17686 5.75206 .30 1.19008 1.78512 2.38017 2.97520 3.57025 4.16529 4.76033 5.35537 5.9.5041 .31 1.22975' 1.84463 2.45950 3.07438 3.68925 4.30413 4.91901 5.53388 6.14876 .33 1.26942 1.90413 2.53884 3.17355 3.80826 4.442971 5.07769 5.712401 6.34710 .33 1.30909 1.96364 2.61818 3.27273 3.92727 4.58182 5.23636 5.89091 1 6.54545 .34 1.34876 2.0231412.69752 3.37190 4.04628 4.72066 5.39504 6.06942, 6.74380 .35 1.38843 2.0826412.77686 3.47107 4.16529 4.85950 5.55372 6.247931 6.94215 .36 1.42810 2.1421512.85620 3,57025 4.28430 4.99835 5.71240 6.42645! 7.14049 .37 1.46777 2.20165'2.93554 3.66942 4.40331 5.1.3719 5.87107 6.604961 7.33884 .38 1.50744 2.26116'3.014S7 3.76859 4.52231 5.27603 6.02975 6.78347 7.53719 .39 1.54711 2..32066'3.09421 3.86777 4.64132 5.41487 6.18843 6.96198 7.73553 .40 1.58678 2.38017 3.173.55 3.96694 4.76033 5.5.5372 6.34711 7.14049 7.93388 .41 1.62645 2.43967 3.25289 4.06611 4.87934 5.69256 6.50578 7.31901 8.13223 .42 1.66611 2.49917 3.33223 4.16529 4.99835 5.83140 6.66446 7.49752 8.33057 .43 1.70579 2.55868 3.41157 4.26446 5.11735 5.97025 6.82314 7.67603 S.52892 .44 1.74545 2.61818 3.49091 4.36363 5.23636 6.10909 6.98182 7.85455 8.72727 .45 1.78512 2.6776913.57025 4.46281 5.35537 6.24793 7.14049 8.03305 8.92561 .46 1.82479 2.73719 3.649.5914.56198 5.47438 6.38678 7.29917 8.21157 9.12396 .47 1.86446 2.7966913.72893 4.66115 5.59339 6.52562 7.45785 8.39008 9.32231 .48 1.90413 2.85620 3.80826 4.7()033 5.71240 6.66446 7.616.53 8.56859 9.52066 .49 1.94380 2.91570 3.88760 4.85950 5.83140 6.80331 7.77521 8.74711 9.71900 0.50 1.98347 2.97621 3.96694 4.95867 5.95041 6.94215 7.93388 8.92561 9.91735 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 47 Table 5 — Acre-feet equivalent to a given number of second-feet flowing for a given length of time. (See paragraph 22.) Days of $4 Hours 10 02.314 3.03471 4. 0u2Si 3. 10248'3. 1421.5;3, 18182 3. 09421 15372 21322 27273 4 221491 3.33223 1 4 391734 45124 4 261163, .30083 3. 34049' 3. 3S017i3. 419S3[3. 459.50 3, 4991713. 53884:3, 57S5ll3, 618183, 657853, 69752 4, 737194, 7768614, SI653I4, 85620 4, S95S7 93554 97521 0148714 05455 4 09421 13388 17355 21322 25289 29256 33223 37190 41157 45124 4909115 53058|5 57025 1 5 60992 1 5 64959'5 68925,5 72893 is 3 3 3, 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3, 3.927: 768.59 5 80826 84793 88760 92727 95694 51074 57025 62975 68925|4 74876 4 .80826 86777 92727 98678 04628 10578 16.529 22479 28430 34380 40331 46281 52231 58182J6 64132 6 70083 76033 81983 87934 93.SS4 99S35 05785 11735 17686 23636 29587 35.537 41487 47438 5338S 59339 65289 71240 77190 83140 89091 95041 04628 5. 12562,5. 204965, 28430!5, 36364'5, 44297J5, 52231 5, 601655, 6S099 5, 76033 5 83967! 6 9190116 99835 07769 15702 23636 31570 39504 47438 55372 63306 71240 79173 87107 95041 02975 10909 18843 26777 34711 42645 50578 58512 66446 74380 82314 90248 98182 06116 14049 21983 29917 37851 45785 53719 616.53 69587 77521 8.5455 93388 05785 15702 25619 35537 45454 553721 6 .65289 6 .75206 85124 95041 04958 .14876 24793 34710 .44628 54545 64462 74380 .84297 94215 04132 .14049 23907 ,33884 43801 53719 63636 73553 83471 93388 03305 13223 23140 33057 42975 52S92I10 62809' 10 72727110 82644! 10 92561110 02479 10 12396' 10 22313|11 32231111, ,06942 ,18843 ,30744 ,42645 ,54545 ,66446 ,78347 ,90248 .02149 .14049 .25950 .37851 .49752 .61653 .73554 .8.5455 .97355 .09356 .21157 .33058 .44959 ,56859 ,68760110, ,80661110, ,92562110, ,04463110. .16364110. ,28264 10, ,401651 10. ,52066111, ,63967 11. ,75868 11. ,87769!ll. ,99669!ll. ,11570 11, ,2.3471 11. ,35372 12. ,47273 12. ,59173! 12, ,71074! 12. ,82975 12. 08099 219,83 35868 49752 63636 77521 91405 0.5289 19173 33058 46942 60826 74711 88595ilO, 02479 1 10 16364 10, 30248 10 .44132 10. 58016 71901 85785 99669111 13554 11 274381 11 41322,11 94876 08777 18678 42148 52066 619S3 71900 81818 91735 11.30578113. 11 11 11 11 11 .424 (y .54380 .66281 .78182 .90083 55207 69091 82975 96859 10744 24628 38512 52397 66281 80165113 940491 13 079.34113 218181 13 35702114 495871 14, 63471 14, 77355! 14 91240 14, 05124' 14. 1900SI15 328934.5. 46777 60661 74545 88430 09256 25124 40992 56859 72727 88595 04463 20331 36198 52066 67934 838021 11 99669 11 15537 11 31405:11 47273 11 63140 11 79008112 94876:12 10744112 26611112 ,42479 12 58347 13 74215113 90083,13 0595013 21818,13 37686 13 53554 69421 85289 01157 17025 32893 48760 6462S 80496 96363 12231 28099 43967 59835 75702 91570 07438 23306 39173 55041 70909 86777 .10413 10 .28264 10, .46116 la .63967110 8181810 99669 17521 35372 53223 71074 88925 06777 24628 42479 60331 .78182 .96033 .138,84 .31735 .49587 67438 85289 03140 20992 14 38843 14 56694 15 74.545 15, 92397 15 1024815, 2809915 4595016 6380116 81653!l6 9950416 17355! 16, 35207il7 53058' 17, 7090917, 8876017, 0661117, .24463! 18, 42314 18 60165 78016 95868 13719 31570 49421 67273 85124 11,570 .31404 51939 .71074 .90909 10743 .30578 50413 .70247 .90082 .09917 .29751 .49586 .69421 .892.55 .09090 28925 .48760 .68594 88429 .082t)4 .28098 47933 .67768 87603 07437 27272 47107 .66941 .86770 .06611 .26445 ,46280 ,66115 ,85919 ,057,?4 ,25619 ,454.54 ,65288 85123 04958 24792 44627 64462 84297 04131 23906 43801 63635 83470 48 MEASUREiMKNT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 6. — Discharge of standard submerged rectangular orifices in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q =■ 0.61 yZgH A. (See paragraphs 28 and 34.) Head H, Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet. feet. 0.35 0.5 0.J5 1.0 j 1.35 1.5 1.75 2.0 0.01 .03 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .■M .21 .28 .23 .U .25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30 ..31 .32 .33 .34 .35 .30 .37 .38 .30 0.40 0.122 0.245 0.367 0.489 0.611 0.173 0.346 0.518 0.G91 0.S04 0.212 0.424 0.635 0.S47 1.059 0.245 0.489 0.734 0.97S 1.223 0.273 0.547 0.820 1.093 1.367 0.300 0.599 0.899 1.198 1.497 0.324 0.647 0.971 1.294 1.617 0.346 0.691 1.037 1.383 1.729 0.367 0.734 1.101 1.468 1.835 0.387 0.773 1.160 1.557 1.933 0.406 0.811 1.217 1.622 2.027 0.424 0.847 1.271 1.694 2.118 0.441 0.882 1.323 1.764 2.205 0.458 0.915 1.373 1.830 2.287 0.474 0.947 1.421 1.895 2.369 0.489 0:978 1.467 1.95G 2.445 0.504 1.008 1.512 2.01C 2.520 0.519 1.037 1.556 2.075 2.593 0.533 1.066 1.599 2.132 2.605 0.547 1.094 1.641 2.188 2.735 0.561 1.120 1.681 2.241 2.801 0.574 1.148 1.722 2.296 2.870 0.5S7 1.172 1.759 2.345 2.931 0.600 1.198 1.797 2.396 2.995 0.612 1.223 1.834 2.446 3.057 0.624 1.247 1.871 2.494 3.117 0.636 1.270 1.906 2.541 3.176 0.646 1.294 1.942 2.589 3.236 0.6.59 1.319 1.978 2.638 3.297 0.670 1.339 2.009 2.078 3.347 0.681 1.363 2.045 2.726 3.407 0.C92 i.3S2 2.073 2.704 3.455 0.703 1.405 2.107 2.810 3.513 0.713 1.426 2.139 2.852 3.565 0.724 1.446 2.169 2.892 3.615 0.734 1.467 2.201 2.934 3.667 0.745 1.488 2.232 2.976 3.720 0.754 1.508 2.262 3.016 3.770 0.764 1.527 2.291 3.054 3.818 0.774 1.547 2.321 3.094 3.867 0.734 1.037 1.271 1.468 1.640 1.797 1.941 2.074 2.201 2.320 2.433 2.542 2.645 2.745 2.842 2.934 3.024 3.112 3.198 3.282 3.361 3.464 3.517 3.599 3.668 3.741 3.811 3.883 3.956 4.017 4.089 4.146 4.215 4.278 4.338 4.401 4.464 4.524 4.582 4.641 0.856 1.210 1.483 1.712 1.913 2.097 2.265 2.420 2.638 2.707 2.839 2.965 3.086 3.203 3.316 3.423 3.528 3.631 3.731 3.829 3.921 4.018 4.103 4.193 4.280 4.365 4.446 4.530 4.616 4.687 4.771 4.837 4.917 4.991 5.061 5.135 5.208 5.278 5.345 5.415 0.978 1.382 1.G94 1.957 2.186 2.396 2.588 2.766 2.935 3.094 3.244 3.389 3.527 3.660 3.790 3.912 4.032 4.150 4.264 4.376 4.482 4.592 4.690 4.792 4.891 4.988 5.082 5.178 5.276 5.356 5.452 5.528 5.620 5.704 5.784 5.868 5.952 6.032 6.109 0.188 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 49 Table 6. — Discharge of standard submerged rectangular orfices in cubic feet per second, computed from the formula Q = 0.61 V2gH A. {See paragraphs 28 and 34.) Cross-sectional area A of orifice, square feet. Head H, feet. 0.35 0.5 • 0.75 1.0 l.%5 1.5 1.75 3.0 0.41 0.783 1..567 2.350 3.133 3.917 4.700 5.483 6.2GC .43 0.792 1.585 2.377 3.170 3.962 4.754 5.547 6.339 .43 0.802 1.604 2.406 3.208 4.010 4.812 5.614 6.416 .44 0.811 1.622 2.433 3.244 4.055 4.S66 5.677 6.488 .45 0.820 1.640 2.461 3.281 4.101 4.921 5.741 6.. 362 .46 0.829 1.659 2.4*89 3.318 4.147 4.977 5. 807 6.636 .47 0.839 1.678 2.517 3.356 4.195 5.035 5.874 6.713 .48 0.847 1.695 2.542 3.389 4.237 5.084 5.931 0.77S .49 0.856 1.712 2.568 3.424 4.280 5.136 5.992 6.848 .69 0.865 1.729 2.594 3.458 4.323 5.188 6.052 6.917 .51 0.873 1.746 2.620 3.493 4.366 5.239 6.112 6.986 .53 0.882 1.763 2.645 3.527 4.409 5.290 6.172 7.054 .53 0.890 1.780 2.670 3.560 4.451 5.341 6.231 7.121 .54 0.898 1.797 2.995 3.593 4.491 5.390 6.288 7.1S6 .55 0.907 1.813 2.719 3.626 4.533 5.439 6.345 7.252 .56 0.915 1.830 2.745 3.660 4.575 5.490 6.405 7.320 .57 0.923 1.846 2.769 3.692 4.615 5.538 6.461 7.3S4 .58 0.931 1.862 2.794 3.723 4.6.56 5.587 6.518 7.450 .59 0.939 1.879 2.818 3.757 4.997 5.636 6.575 7.514 .60 0.947 1.895 2.843 3.790 4.737 5.6S4 6.632 7.579 .61 0.955 1.910 2.865 3.820 4.775 5.730 6.685 7.640 .69 0.963 1.925 2.887 3.850 4.812 5.775 6.737 7.700 .63 0.971 1.941 2.911 3.882 4.853 5.823 6.793 7.764 .64 0.978 1.956 2.934 3.912 4.,S90 5.S68 6.846 7.824 •D9 0.986 1.972 2.9.5S 3.944 4.930 5.916 6.902 7.888 0.993 1.987 2.980 3.974 4.967 5.960 6.954 7.947 .67 1.001 2.C02 3.003 4.004 5.005 6.006 7.007 8.008 .68 1.008 2.016 3.034 4.038 5.040 6.048 7.056 8.064 .69 1.016 2.032 3.048 4.064 5.080 6.096 7.112 8.128 .70 1.023 2.046 3.069 4.092 5.115 6.138 7.161 8.184 .71 1.031 2. 062 3.093 4.124 5.155 6.186 7.217 8.248 .72 1.038 2.076 3.114 4.152 5.190 6.228 7.266 8.304 .73 1.045 2.090 3.135 4.180 5.225 6.270 7.315 8.360 .74 1.052 2.104 3.158 4.210 5.260 6.311 7.369 8.421 .75 1.059 2.118 3.178 4.237 5.296 6.355 7.413 8.475 .76 1.066 2.132 3.198 4.264 5.330 6.396 7.462 8.528 .77 1.072 . 2.145 3.217 4.290 5.362 6.434 7.507 8.579 .78 1.080 2.160 3.240 4.320 5.400 6.480 7.560 8.640 .79 1.087 2.174 3.261 4.348 5.435 6.522 7.609 8.696 0.80 1.094 2.188 3.282 4.376 5.470 6.564 7.658 8.752 50 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. Table 7 — Coefficients C to be applied to a discharge given by Table 6 to give the discharge of the same orifice suppressed, com- puted from the formula C" = 1 + 0.15 r. Size of orifice. Bottom suppressed. Bottom and ndea suppressed. d, feet. I, feet. A, square feet. r c' (' 1.0 0.25 0.40 1.06 0.60 1.09 0.35 2.0 .50 .44 1.07 .56 1.08 ' 3.0 .75 .46 1.07 .54 1.08 1.0 .50 .33 1.05 .67 1.10 1.5 .75 .37 1.06 .63 1.09 0.5 2.0 1.00 .40 1.06 .60 1.09 2.5 1.25 .42 1.06 .58 1.09 3.0 1.50 .43 1.06 .57 1.09 1.33 1.00 .32 1.05 .68 1.10 1.67 1.25 .34 1.05 .66 1.10 0.75 2.00 1.50 .36 1.05 .64 1.10 2.33 1.75 .38 1.06 .62 1.09 2.67 2.00 0.39 1.06 0.61 1.09 MEASUREMENT QP IRRIGATION WATER. 51 Table 8. — Sample rating tabic for small Price current meter. 03 5 Revolu- tions. 10 Revolu- tions. 20 Revolu- tions. 30 Revolu- tions. 40 Revolu- tions. DO o Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff, Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per Diff. second. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. O o 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 0.316 .310 .304 .298 .293 .288 .283 .278 .273 .268 .263 .259 .255 .251 .247 .243 .239 .235 .232 .229 0.226 .006 .006 .006 .005 .005 .005 005 0.592 .578 ..565 .553 .542 .531 .521 .014 .013 .012 .011 .011 .010 .010 .010 010 .009 .008 .008 .008 .008 .007 .007 .007 .007 .006 .006 1.14 1.11 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 0.981 .961 .942 .923 .905 .888 .872 .857 .842 .828 .814 .801 .788 .775 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .019 .019 .018 .017 .016 .015 .015 .014 .014 .013 .013 ,013 1.69 1.65 1.61 1.57 1.54 1.51 1.48 1.45 1.42 1.39 1.36 1..33 1.30 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22 1.20 1.18 1.16 1.14 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 2.25 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.05 2.00 1.96 1.92 1.88 1.84 l.SO 1.77 1.74 1.71 1.68 1.65 1.62 1.59 1.56 1.53 1.51 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 4e 41 43 43; 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 61 53 53 64 65 56 67 68 59 60 .005 .005 .005 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 .003 .003 ■-003 .511 .501 .491 .482 .474 .466 .458 .450 .443 .436 .429 .422 .416 .410 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 69 CD 50 Revolu- tions. 60 Revolu- tions. SO Revolu- tions. 100 Revolu- tions. 150 Revolu- tions. o .S m Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. Velocity, ft. per second. Diff. o 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 Bit 53 54 65 56 67 68 69 60 2.80 2.73 2.67 2.61 2.55 2.50 2.45 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.25 2.21 2.17 2.13 2.09 2.05 2.01 1.97 1.94 1.91 1.88 .07 .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 3.36 3.28 3.20 3.13 3.06 2.99 2.92 2.86 2.80 2.74 2.69 2.64 2.59 2.54 2.49 2.45 2.41 2 37 2.33 2.29 2.25 .08 .08 .07 .07 .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 .05 .05 .05 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 4.47 4.36 4.26 4.16 4.06 3.97 3.89 3.81 3.73 3.65 3.58 3.51 3.45 3.39 3.33 3.27 3.21 3.15 3.09 3.04 2.99 .11 .10 .10 .10 .09 .08 .08 .08 .08 .07 .07 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .05 .05 5.57 5.43 5.30 5.18 5.07 4.96 4.85 4.75 4.65 4.56 4.47 4.38 4.30 4.22 4.14 4.07 4.00 3.93 3.86 3.80 3.74 .14 .13 .12 .11 .11 .11 .10 •1.0 .09 .09 .09 .08 .08 .08 .07 .07 .07 .07 .06 .00 8.35 S.15 7.96 7.78 7.61 7.44 7.28 7.12 6.97 6.82 6.68 6.55 6.43 6.31 6.19 6.08 5.97 5.87 5.77 5.67 5..57 .20 .19 .18 .18 .17 .16 .16 .15 .14 .14 .13 .12 .12 .12 .11 .11 .10 .10 .10 .10 40 41 43 43 44 45 46 47 • 48 49 50 61 63 53 54 55 56 57 63 59 BO 52 MEASUREMENT OP IRRIGATION WATER. Table 9 — Sample table of current tneter notes and computations, by formula (18), for U. S. Reclamation Service Power Canal at Spanish Fork, Utah. UNITED STATES RECLAMATIOlSr SERVICE Current Meter Notes Date, Sept. 17, 1909, 10.30 A. M.; Stream, U. S. R. S. Power Canal; Party, E. S. Fuller; Locality, Spanish Fork, Utah, Meter No. 400 Gage height, beg. 2.80, end 3.80, mean 2.80. Total area 19.0; Mean velocity, 5.66; Discharge, 107. Observations. Com putatioas. Dist. Depth Depth of ob- servat. Time in sec- onds Rev- olu- tions Velocity. Mean depth Width Area from initial point At point Mean in ver- tical Mean in sec- tion Dis- cliaTKc 4.2 1.4 2.8 Est. .8 .56 2.24 .56 2.24 .56 2.24 .56 2.24 .56 2.24 .8 Est. 3.49 4.98 6.64 5.20 6.49 6.05 6.32 5.72 6.12 5.61 6.02 5.27 4.87 3.41 3.49 4.98 5.92 6.27 6.02 6.86 5.64 4.87 3.41 5.6 7.0 46.0 34.4 44.0 35.2 37.8 36.2 40.0 37.4 40.8 38.0 43.4 47.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4.24 5.45 .7 2.1 1.4 1.4 0.98 2.94 4.2 16.0 8.0 2.8 6.10 2.8 1.0 2.80 17.1 9.0 2.8 6.14 2.8 1.0 2.80 17.2 10.0 2.8 6.94 2.8 1.0 2.80 16.6 ii.o 2.8 5.75 2.S 1.0 2.80 16.1 12.4 13.8 1.4 5.26 4.14 6.62 2.1 .7 1.4 1.4 2.94 0.98 lfl.04 16.4 4.1 100.7 MEASUREMENT OF IRRIGATION WATER. 53 Table 10 — Sample rating table for U. S. Reclamation Service Power Canal at Spanish Fork, Utah. Gage height. Discharge. Difference. Gage height. Discharge. DiSereuce. Feet. Scc.-ft. Sec.-ft. Feet. Sec.-ft. Sec. -It. 0.0 0.0 0.2 2.1 60.1 5.9 .1 0.2 0.5 .2 66.0 6.2 .2 0.7 0.8 .3 72.2 6.5 .3 1.5 1.1 .4 78.7 6.8 .4 2.6 1.4 .5 85.5 7.0 .5 4.0 1.7 .6 92.5 7.2 .6 5.7 1.9 .7 99.7 7.3 .7 7.6 2.1 .8 107 8 .8 9.7 2.3 .9 115 S .9 12.0 2.5 3.0 123 8 1.0 14.5 2.7 .1 131 8 .1 17.2 3.0 .2 139 9 .8 20.2 3.3 .3 148 9 .3 23.5 3.5 .4 157 9 .-1 27.0 3.8 .5 166 9 .5 30.8 4.1 .6 175 9 .6 34.9 4.4 .7 184 9 .7 39.3 4.7 .8 193 9 S 44.0 5.1 .9 202 9 .9 49.1 5.4 4.0 211 2.0 54.5 5.6 o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 471 411 9