THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES u B i 4 THE RAIDERS. By the Same Author. THE STICKIT MINISTER And some Common Men. In a Utter to a friend, Robert Louis Stevenson says : — " The whole book breathes admirably of the soil. ' The Stickit Minister' and 'The Heather Lintie' are two that come near to me particularly. They are drowned in Scot- land. They have refreshed me like a visit home. 'Cleg Kelly is a delightful fellow. I enjoyed his acquaintance particularly. Likewise that of the Junior Partner. Gavin Ogilvy and the Stickit Minister do not derive from one another. They are complementary. When I read the first page of 'The Stickit Minister' — the ploughing — I knew I was not in Scotland, and I knew I was not with Gavin. The Stickit Minister is out-of-doors— Barrie is within doors. By different ways ye shall attain.'' See also Press Notices at end of book. THE RAIDERS BEING Some Passages in the Life of John Faa, Lord and Earl of Little Egypt: B Y S. R. Crockett Qonbcftx T FISHER UNWIN W. POLLOCK WYLIE PATERNOSTER SQUARE CHRISTIAN LEADER OFFICE MDCCCXCIV I8W To Alexander Whyte, my friend, I offer this story of the hills of my Home land — to me also, friends ancient, unforgotten, ^well-beloved. £\*J*. - 31 antes, be the grace of God, King of Scottis : To our Scbereffis of Edinburghe, principall . . . and to all otheris Scbereffis, Stewards, pro'veftis, aulder- menne, and hailleis within our realme, greting. Forsamekill as it is buimlie menit and sche