BANCROFT LIBRARY o THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 'One Mighty and Strong' "Thus Saith Men" Published in the Deseret News in 1905 A. D. And in the Improvement Era in 1907 A. D. by The L. D. S. Church Authorities *;.*.* AND The One Mighty and Strong" as "Thus Saith The Lord" taken from Holy Writ, etc. By John T. Clark Price Fifty Cents PREFACE TO THE BOOK ENTITLED "THE ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" Which I now, in 1930 A .D., think should be placed in this said book. After having completed the pencil writing of the manuscript of the Book entitled "THE ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG," in the spring: of 1922 \ D. which was just oft'-handedly done and the same rolled up and placed away until I should feel like publishing- it; and then in a short time afterwards, while thinking- whether or not it was time to publish it The Lord Je.sus Christ came to me and said, speaking in a firm and positive manner, "PUBLISH IT; YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE ON AND PUBLISHED IT; PUBLISH IT; THERE IS NO REDEMPTION FOR THE LAMANITES; THERE IS NO RESTORATION OF THE FULLNESS OF THE GOSPEL; THIS MUST BE PUBLISHED FIRST." He then showed me the tremendous opposition I would have to pass through and also that I should come Enough it all Victoriously. After being thus instructed by the Saviour. I immediately set about to carry out the instructions which I had received. At this time Nathan- iel Baldwin and I were quite friendly and he being very prosperous, let me have $750.00, this being the amount necessary.. to pay for 5,000 copies. For some reason, the whole 5,000 copies were published without proof- reading, resulting, as is natural to suppose, in many mistakes by the printer, such as in spelling, punctuation, capitalisation .transposition of lines, and other discrepancies which should have^Jbeen adjusted before publication. Because of these inaccuracies I hesitaled to give the books out to the public. Being short of means at this time, 1 was unable to have the book proof-read and reprinted, hence I Mfent again to Nathan- iel Baldwin and lold him about the matter. He stated that unless he could change some things in the book he would not furnish any more money. I refused to allow any changes outside of proof-reading adjust- ments, because Jesus Christ Himself had ordered it published just as it was written. Nathaniel Baldwin said to me, referring to himself, "I am the man Mighty and Strong!" I said to him, "ow do you make that out!" He said. Brother Cowley and Homer M. Brown had told him they saw a halo of light around him. "What was the color of the light?" I asked. He said, "A pink light." I said, "that isn't the kind of a light that sur- rounded the Prophet Joseph Smith, or any of the Lord's Holy prophets. He then said, "I will not furnish any mgre money!" And he didn't. I still hesitated to give the books out to the public, and while thus hesitating again the Saviour appeared as though seated upon a reclining stairway.' He was dressed in His temple robes and had a smile upon His face, (I inferred from the expression upon his face, I had nothing to worry about) and He immediately disappeared. In a day or so following this time, President John Taylor, (from the other side) came to me and said "YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Then striking his right clinched fist into his left hand said, "AND WOE BETIDE THEM THAT OPPOSE YOU IN \ THIS WORK." I immediately began to distribute the books, nevertheless I still worried about the books going out to the public without being proof-read. After giving out some thousand or fifteen hundred copies, the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came to me again and said he ap- proved of the tfook "FOR THE LOUDNESS, THE BOLDNESS AND THE CLEARNESS OF IT." Since then, I have given out thousands of copies and I don't worry ar>y more about the discrepancies in the book. The scriptures say, "But the Prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or shall speak in the name of other Gods, even that Prophet shall die." (Duet. 18:20; 13:5; Jer. 14:14-15; I Nephi 4:13.) Notwithstanding, in the face of the terrible penalty death, upon the presumer, I boldly declare before God, man and Angels, that what I have said in the above written pre- face article is true, God being my witness. Yours in the cause of truth, Very respectfully, JOHN T. CLARK. 9 ff" 1 0*7 L CS'^3 CONTENTS. PAGE "One Mighty and Strong" as "Thus Saith Men" Published in the Deseret News in 1905, A. D. and in the Improvement Era in 1907, A. D. by the L. D. S. Church Authorities 1 "The One Mighty and Strong" as "Thus Saith the Lord" Taken from Holy Writ, etc., by John T. Clark 16 The 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants Analyzed 17 Redemption of Zion 19 A President to Fall by the Shaft of Death 20 The President Who is to Fall is Termed Deaf, Dumb and Blind 24 Why a President is to Fall 25 Joseph Smith, the Prophet's Letter to W. W. Phelps 26 The Fulfillment of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and and Covenants, to be in the last days 28 The Law and not the Bishop given to Organize and Regulate the Affairs of the Church 29 When and Where "Mighty and Strong One" to be Raised Up 2<) The Impossibility of Bishop Edward Partridge or any Bishop being the "One Mighty and Strong" or the One Who is to Fall, as Spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants 30 The Power and Authority of the Melchisedek Priesthood 33 With Whom God Speaks Face to Face 33 From Whence and to Whom the Sceptre of Power 34 How Ancient Israel Received Their Inheritances 35 The Redemption of Modern Israel and Her Establishment in the Land of Promise is to be Accomplished in the Way and Manner that Ancient Israel Received Her Redemption and Inheritance in Her Land of Promise.... 36 The President of the Church Must Hold the Sceptre of Power 36 The Power, Authority and Mission of a Bishop 37 The Dividing by Lot Inheritances to be Superintended by the President of the Church... 39 II. The Word Sceptre Analyzed 39 One Special Purpose of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants 40 Lav/s to be Lived by All Who Are to Get An Inheritance in the Land of the New Jerusalem 41 A Work for the "Mighty and Strong One" to do 42 The Class of Men and Women that the Lord Purposes Shall Live the Patriarchal Law of Marriage.... 42 Some More work for the "Mighty and Strong One" to do.... 43 The Mighty and Strong President Through Whom God is Going to Perform His "Strange Act" is Referred to by Various Prophets Under Several Names and in Various Ways 44 The Sceptre of Power to Pass from the Hands of Jesus Christ into the Hands of the "One Mighty and Strong" 45 The Redemption of Zion in the Mountains 46 A Bishop As An Agent of the President, to Divide Inheritances 46 Prophecy of Heber C. Kimball of the "One Mighty and Strong" That is to Come 49 The Sceptre of Power (the Keys of the Kingdom) con- ferred upon Joseph Smith. 51 The President of the Church the Only One Who Can Put Forth His Hand to Steady the Ark and Fall 52 The New Jerusalem the City of the Great King 53 The Time When the Lord has Purposed These Celestial Laws to be Again Maintained and Practiced as Honor- able Laws 55 Making Bare of the Lord's Holy Arm Necessary 56 The Man Like Unto Moses The "Mighty and Strong One" The Much Marred One 57 The Mighty Servant of the Lord will be Marred and Cast Out of the Church by His Brethren and then be Healed of the Lord 58 The Last Records as a Sceptre of Power in the Hands of this Marred Servant of the Lord 58 The Indian Prophet's and the Lamanite's Day 61 III. One Man on Earth at a Time to Hold the Sceptre of Power 64 A Bishop to be Directed by the President 65 A President to set in order all the Affairs of the Church. ... 65 George T. Peay's Statement Concerning the Time of the Seventh President 66 President John Taylor's Prophecy Pertaining to the time of the Seventh President 66 When Zion Puts on her Beautiful Garments 67 When the Gospel Turns unto the Lamanites, Jews and all Nations in Power in Very Deed 69 The "Mighty and Strong One" is to Return Scattered Israel Back to Missouri, the Land of the New Jerusalem 70 Many Names by Which This Mighty Servant of the Lord is Designated 71 The Redemption of Zion by the "Mighty and Strong One" Necessary 72 O. F. Whitney Article Excerpt 72 Indian Prophet's Mission 74 The One Mighty and Strong and the Man Like unto Moses Identical 74 Class of Individuals to be Cut Asunder 75 When the Cutting Off is to Take Place.. 77 How and Who to Get Inheritance in the New Jerusalem.... 78 Restoration of Celestial Laws Necessary 80 Oneness Necessary in the New Jerusalem 81 Sceptre of Power in Brass Plates and Other Sacred Rec- ords and Instruments of Antiquity 82 Joseph Smith, the Prophet Predicts the Saints will become a Mighty People in the Rocky Mountains 83 Men to be Left Without Excuse 83 When Fullness of the Gentiles to Come in 85 When the Lord's Strange Work or Strange Act to Take Place 86 One Purpose of Making Bare the Lord's Holy Arm 88 Agency '.of Man ... 88 IV. Two Churches Only, One is God's and All Others the Devil's I Nephi 14:10 89 The Lesser and Greater Part of the Gospel 90 Records, etc. Yet to Come Forth 91 Marring and Healing of One of the Lord's Servants 92 Two Great and Mighty Servants of the Lord 93 The Gathering Place of the Saints Before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ 98 The Last and Mighty Servant is Extolled by the Savior Himself 100 Necessary for the Prophet Joseph to Seal His Testimony with His Blood 101 The Lord Shall Rise Up, Being Wroth, and Vindicate this Last and Mighty Servant of his 102 Day of Peace When Book of Mormon Came Forth 103 Last and All Records to Come Forth in Day of Trouble and War, etc 103 An Apostate Element to be in the Church According to President John Taylor 105 Brigham Young's Prophecy 106 United Order and Consecration Necessary 106 The Mighty and Last Servant the Root of Jesse's Mission 109 George T. Peay's Statement About Record in Utah 1 10 Last Records to Come Forth 110 When Root of Jesse is to Be Raised Up 113 When the Lord Sets His Hand Again the Second Time is the Last Time 114 Fullness of Gospel to be Preached After Last Records Come Forth 115 Millennium, When to Take Place 116 Why The Strange Act 118 The Mighty and Strong Servant is of the Lineage of Jesus Christ and of Joseph, the Son of Lehi 119 Moses of Old Tells of this Last and Mighty Moses Servant Who is to Attend to the Great Cutting Off 120 V. Leaders of the Church Like Unto Pharaoh of Old in a Measure 124 Revelation to President John Taylor, September 27th, 1886 A. D 124 Isaiah Speaks of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Servants, Watchmen and Shepherd's of the Lord 127 The Falling of a President by, a Shaft of Death Necessary.. 129 Orson Pratt Fortells the Coming of the "Mighty and Strong Moses" 130 Some Steadying of the Ark Acts 130 The Lord's Anger Kindled Against the Leaders of His (Church) or People 131 The Lord to Raise Up An Ensign.. 132 How the Lord's Great Leaders Have Been Treated 133 The< Application of the 28th Chapter of Isaiah is to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the Fat Valleys of the Rocky Mountains 134 When Manifesto, etc., to be Disannulled 136 The "Mighty and Strong One" through Nephite Lineage.... 137 Not Two But "One Mighty and Strong" to be Raised up to Redeem Zion, etc 137 The Wisdom of the Church Leaders Has Measurably Perished 138 The Various Ways the Prophets of the Lord Denominate the "Mighty and Strong" Servant of the Lord 138 How to Get Rid of the "Mighty and Strong One's Imagery or that of the President's, Who is Going to Put Forth His Hand to Steady the Ark and Fall 141 Wo Unto Those Who Betray the Revelations of God or Write and Advocate Precepts of Men 142 Why a President to Fall by a Shaft of Death 143 Authorities Weighed in the Balances and Found Wanting.. 146 Manifesto and Church Article of 1905 and 1907 are Built Upon Sandy Foundations 146 VI. Every Man His Own Judge 147 Great Division of the Righteous from the Wicked Promised 148 The Lord Doeth Nothing Except He Tells His Prophets.... 148 A Sure Foundation Upon Which to Build 149 Why Judgments Are to Come Upon Authorities of this Church 150 "Mighty and Strong One's" imageny portrayed 151 A Contrast Between Two Mighty Servants of the Lord, and the Mission and Calling for each to Accomplish in this, the last Dispensation of the Fullness of Times 152 Fullness of the Gospel to be Rejected by the Gentiles and Latter-day Saint Gentile Church 157 When Fullness of Gospel to be Again Preached 158 When Elders in Some Future Day go in Power to the Lamanites 159 Last Records to More Fully Convince the Gospel Contained in Book of Mormon, Bible, etc., the First Records to the Lamanites, etc.... 159 "One Mighty and Strong" Absolutely Necessary, and why? 160 Who are Termed Salt of the Earth 162 The Rock Foundation of Zion's Redemption 164 "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" as "THUS SAITH MEN" Published in the Deseret News in 1905, A. D. And in the Improvement Era in 1907, A. D. By The L. D. S. Church Authorities. The following has been issued by the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in explanation of verses 7 and 8 of Section 85 of the Doctrine and Covenants, and they say that this said Church article is to be received as authoritative: The following quotation is from the eighty-fifth section of the* book of Doctrine and Covenants: "And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God: "While that man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." Perhaps no other passage in the revelations of the Lord in this dispensation has given rise to so much speculation as this one. Also, it has been used by vain and foolish men to bolster up their vagaries of speculation and in some cases their pretensions to great power and high positions they were to attain in the Church. In a word, some have made claims that they were the particular individual mentioned in the reve- lation, the "one mighty and strong holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with, light for covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a foun- tain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints." One would think in such a matter as this that sufficient native modesty would assert itself to restrain a man from 2 announcing himself as the one upon whom such high honors are to be conferred, and who is to exercise such great powers in establishing the Saints in their inheritances and that even if one suspected, for any reason, that such a position, and such exceptional powers were to be conferred upon him he would wait until the Lord would clearly indicate to the Church, as well as to himself, that he had been indeed sent of God to do the work of so noble a ministry, as is described in the passage under question. Those, however, who have so far proclaimed them- selves as being the "one mighty and strong," have manifested the utmost ignorance of the things of God and the order of the Church. Indeed their insufferable ignorance and egotism have been at the bottom of all their pretensions, and the cause of all the trouble into which they have fallen. They seem not to have been aware of the fact that the Church of Christ and of the Saints is completely organized, and that when the man who shall be called upon to divide unto the Saints their inheritances comes, he will be designated by the inspiration of the Lord to the proper authorities of the Church, appointed and sus- tained according to the order provided for the government of the Church. So long as that Church remains in the earth and we have the assurance from the Lord that it will now remain in the earth forever the Saints need look for nothing of God's appointing that will be erratic, or irregular, or that smacks of starting over afresh, or that would ignore or over- throw the established order of things. The Saints should remember that they are living in the dispensation of the full- ness of times, when the Church of Christ is established in the earth for the last days and for the last time, and that God's Church is a Church of order, of law, and that there is no place for anarchy in it. (Doc. and Cov. sec. 112: 30 also sections 33: 3; 43: 28-31.) Respecting the views that have been expressed as to the meaning of this passage, who the man was that was "called of God and appointed, that put forth his hand to steady the ark of God," that should "fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning," as well as who the "one mighty and strong" was, or is to be various theories have beeen advanced. Some of the dissenters from the Church have advanced the idea that the Prophet Joseph Smith, largely on account of his sad and tragic death, fell "by the shaft of death like as a tree smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning," and that because of supposed transgression; while there are not wanting those wiho hold, that the prophecy is not yet fulfilled, but say that the fate of falling "like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightening" is a fate reserved for the present or some future President of the Church. As to the "one mighty and strong," some hold that the he has come, others that he is yet to come. Some have held that the Prophet Joseph Smith was the man, and that he would be raised from the dead and appear among the Saints to fulfill the terms of this prophecy. Others have insisted that the late President Brigham Young was the man who fulfilled the prediction, when with such heaven-inspired wisdom and masterly skill he led the exiled Saints from Nauvoo to the Rocky Mountains, and laid their settlements in the valleys of Utah. All these theories have been entertained and some of them by very good brethren; but good men, and even well informed men, are sometimes mistaken, and all are capable of receiving larger information, and more and more light respecting the things which God reveals. The revelation from which the passage is quoted is a por- tion of a letter to William W. Phelps, written by the Prophet from Kirtland under date of November the 27th, 1832. Wil- liam W. Phelps at the time was at Independence, Missouri. In order that the reader may have the whole matter before him, the letter is reproduced in extenso, and the part afterwards accepted as the world of the Lord indicated: "Kirtland, Nov. 27th, 1832. "Brother William W. Phelps I say brother, because I feel so from the heart, and although it is not long since I wrote a letter unto you, yet I feel as though you would excuse me for wrting this, as I have many things which I will mention in this letter, which are lying with great weight on my mind. I am well, and my family also; God grant that you may enjoy the same, and yours, and all the brethren and sisters who remember to inquire after the commandments of .the Lord, and the welfare of Zion, and such a being as myself; and while I dictate this letter, 1 fancy to myself that you are saying or thinking something similar to these words 'My God, great and mighty art Thou, therefore show unto thy servant what shall become of all those who are essaying to come unto Zion, in order to keep the command- ments of God, and yet receive not their inheritance by con- secration, by orders or deed from the Bishop, the man that God has appointed in a legal way, agreeably to the law given to organize and regulate the Church, and all the affairs of the same. ''Brother William, in the love of God, having the most implicit confidence in you as a man of God, having obtained this confidence by a vision of heaven, therefore I will proceed to unfold to you some of the feelings of my heart, and to an- swer the question (here begins the revelation.) 'It is the duty of the Lord's clerk, whom He has appointed, to keep a his- tory, and a General Church record of all things that trans- pire in Zion, and of all those who consecrate properties, and receive inheritances legally from the Bishop; and also their manner of life, their faith, and works; and also of all the apos- tates who apostatize after receiving their inheritances. It is contrary to the will and commandment of God, that those who receive not their inheritances by consecration, agreeably to His law, which He has given, that He may tithe His people, to prepare them against the day of vengeance and burning, should have their names enrolled with the people of God; neither is their genealogy to be kept, or to be had where it may be found on any of the records or history of the Church; their names shall not be found, neither the names of the fathers, nor the names of the children written in the book of the Law of God, saith the Lord of Hosts. Yea, thus saith the still, small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it rwaketh manifest, saying: And it shall come to pass, that I, the Lord God, will send one, mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the House of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the Law of God; while that man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning; and all they who are not found written in the book of remembrance, shall find none inheritance in. that day, but they shall be cut asunder, and their portion shall be appointed them among unbelievers, where are wailing and gnashing of teeth. These things I say not of myself; therefore, as the Lord speaketh, He will also fulfill. And they who are of the High Priesthood, whose names are not found written in the book of the law, or that are found to have apostatized, or to have been cut off from the Church; as well as the lesser Priesthood, or the members, in that day, shall not find an inheri- tance among the saints of the Most High: therefore it shall be done unto them, as unto the children of the priest, as will be found recorded in the second chapter and sixty-first and second verses of Ezra. (End of the revelation.) "Now, Brother William, if what I have said is true, how careful men ough to be what they do in the last days, lest they are cut short of their expectations, and they that think they stand should fall, because they keep not the Lord's command- ments whilst you, who do the will of the Lord and keep His commandments, have need to rejoice with unspeakable joy, for such shall be exalted very high, and shall be lifted up in triumph above all the kingdoms of this world; but I must drop this subject at the beginning (of it.) "Oh Lord, when will the time come when Brother William, Thy servant, and myself, shall behold the day that we may stand together and gaze upon eternal wisdom engraven upon the heavens, while the majesty of our God holdeth up the dark curtain until we may read the round of eternity, to the fullness and satisfaction of our immortal souls? Oh Lord God, deliver us in due time fom the little narrow prison, almost, as it were, total darkness of paper, pen and ink and a crooked, broken, scattered and imperfect language. "I have obtained ten subscribers for the 'Star/ Love for all the brethren. Yours in bonds, Amen, "JOSEPH SMITH, JUN." (History of the Church, Vol. I, p 227-9.) It is to be observed first of all that the subject of this whole letter, as also the part of it subsequently accepted as a revelation, relates to the affairs of the Church in Missouri, the gathering of the saints to that land and obtaining their inheri- tances under the law of consecration and stewardship; and the Prophet deals especially with the matter of what is to become of those who fail to receive their inheritances by order or deed from the Bishop. The petition which the Prophet puts into the mouth of his correspondent, Elder Phelps, is: "Show unto Thy servant what shall become of all those who are essaying to come up unto Zion, in order to keep the commandments of God, and yet receive not their inheritance by consecrations, by order or deed from the Bishop, the man that God has appointed in a legal way, agreeably to the law given to organize and regulate the Church, and all the affairs of the same." This paragraph clearly proves that the subject in hand is the settling of the saints in Missouri, granting them their inheritances, and the order of it all. In addition, the "Bishop," who was Edward Partridge, is especially referred to as "the man that God has appointed in a legal way, agreeably to the law given to organize and regulate the Church and all the affairs of the same." In the revelations by which Edward Partridge was called and appointed to stand as a Bishop in the land of Zion Miss- ouri the following occurs: "And let my servant, Edward Partridge, stand in the office which I have appointed him, to divide the saints their inheri- tance, even as I have commanded; and also those whom he has appointed to assist him. . . . Let the Bishop and the agent make preparations for those families which have been commanded to come to this land as soon as possible, and plant them in their inheritance." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 57: 7 and 15.) "For this cause (i. e. that the Saints might be gathered upon the land of Zion) I have sent you hither, and have selected my servant, Edward Partridge, and have appointed unto him his mission in this land (i. e. Jackson County, Missouri) : "And whoso standeth in his mission, is appointed be a judge in Israel like as it was in ancient days, to divide the lands of the heritage of God unto His children." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 58: 14, 17.) This much, then, we have learned, viz., that Edward Part- ridge, the Bishop of the Church, was the one "called and ap- pointed, to divide by lot unto the Saints their inheritances." But was Edward Partridge the one in 1832 who was "putting forth his hand to steady the ark," and threatened with falling "by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning?" Undoubtedly. The brethren in those days were limited in their experience. The Church had been organized but as yesterday. The order of the Priesthood was not understood then, as it is today. The brethren composing it had been but recently brought together. Some of them were often in rebellion against the Prophet and the order of the Church, because of these conditions; and it required instruction and time and experience to enable men to 7 stand their duties and preserve their right relationship to each other as officers of the Church. Bishop Partridge was one of the brethren, who though a most worthy man, one whom the Lord loved, and whom the Prophet described as "a pattern of piety," and "one of the Lord's great men" at times arrayed himself in opposition to the Prophet in those early days, and sought to correct him in his administration of the affairs of the Church; in other words, "put forth his hand to steady the ark." On the occasion of the Prophet's first visit to Independence, Missouri Edward Partridge accompanied him in the meetings and conferences held upon the land of Zion, Bishop Partridge several times strenuously opposed the measures of the Prophet, and was sharply reproved by the latter for his unbelief and hardness of heart. Indeed the apostate, Ezra Booth, who was present, made the scene between the Bishop and the Prophet one of the items that justified to him his apostasy. He refers to! the circumstance in a letter, addressed to Bishop Partridge, which has been several times published in anti-"Mormon" litera- ture. The Bishop, moreoevr, was reproved for his "blindness of heart and unbelief," and warned of the danger of falling from his high station, in a revelation given in August, 1831, while both he and the Prophet were still in Missouri: "Yea, for this cause I have sent you hither, and have selected my servant Edward Partridge, and have appointed unto him his mission in this land; but if he repent not of his sins,which are unbelief and blindness of heart, let him take heed lest he fall." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 58: 14-16.) All the foregoing occurred during the first visit of the Prophet to Missouri. In the latter part of April, 1832, the Prophet again visited the center place of Zion Independnece, Missouri. There were still ill-feelings existing among the brethren, especially between Elder Rigdon and Bishop Partridge; but those difficulties were adjusted and Bishop Partridge in the conference that was held on the 26th of April, gave to the Prophet the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the Church in Missouri and acknowledged him to be the President of the High Priesthood of the Church. But notwithstanding the adjustment of all difficulties on this occasion, we learn from the correspondence that passed between the brethren of Kirtland and Independence, respect- ively, that the old difficulties in all their bitterness broke out afresh. Referring to this subject, Elders Orson Hyde and Hyrum Smith, who had been appointed by a council of High Priests at Kirtland to write a letter of reproof and warning to "Bishop Partridge, his Council and the Inhabitants of Zion," say: "At the time Joseph, Sidney, (Rigdon) and Newell (K. Whitney) left Zion, all matters of hardness .and misunder- standing were settled and buried (as they supposed), and you gave them the hand of fellowship; but, afterwards, you brought v up all these things again, in a censorious spirit, accusing Brother Joseph in rather an indirect way of seeking after monarchial power and authority. * * * It might not be amiss for you to call to mind the circumstances of the Nephites, and the children of Israel rising up against their Prophets, and accusing them of seeking after kingly power, and see what befell them, and take warning before it is too late." In a letter written by the Prophet himself on the same oc- casion, written to accompany a revelation which he was sending to Zion, he refers in very pointed words to the ill-feeling existing towards him by the brethen in Zion: "Though our brethren in Zion indulge in feelings towards us, which are not according to the requirements of the new covenant, yet, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the Lord approved of us, and has accepted us. * * * Re- pent, repent, is the voice of God to Zion * * * I say to you (and what I say to you I say to all), hear the warning voice of God, lest Zion fall, and the Lord swear in His wrath the in- habitants of Zion shall not enter into His rest." Also in a revelation given on the 22nd and 23rd of Sep- tember, 1852 five months after the reconciliation at Inde- pendence the following occurs: "And your minds in times past have been darkened because of unbelief, and because you have treated lightly the things you have received, which vanity and unbelief have brought the whole Church under condemnation. And this condemnation resteth upon the children of Zion, even all; and they shall re- main under this condemnation until they repent and remember the new covenant, even the Book of Mormon and the former commandments which I have given them, not only to say, but to do according to that which is written, that they may bring forth fruit meet for their father's kingdom, otherwise there remaineth a scourge and a judgment to be poured out upon the children of Zion. * * * But verily I say unto all those to whom the kingdom has been given, from you it must be preached unto them, that they shall repent of their former evil works, for they are to be upbraided for their evil hearts 9 of unbelief; and your brethren in Zion for their rebellion against you at the time I sent you." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 84: 54-58 and 76.) It was while these conditions of rebellion, jealousy, pride, unbelief and hardness of heart prevailed among the brethren in Zion Jackson county, Missouri in all of which Bishop Partridge participated, that the words of the revelation taken from the letter to William W. Phelps of the 27th of November, 1832, were written. The "man who was called and appointed of God" to "divide unto the Saints their inheritance" Edward Partridge was at that time out of order, neglecting his own duty, and putting "forth his hand to steady the ark;" hence he was warned of the judgment of God impending, and the prediction was made that another, "one mighty and strong," would be sent of God to take his place, to have his bishopric one having the spirit and power of that high office resting upon him, by which he would have power to "set in order the house of God, and arrange by lot the in heritance of the Saints; in other words, one who would do the work that Bishop Edward Partridge had been appointed to do, but had failed to accom- plish. "But," it will be asked, "does Bishop Partridge fulfill the terms of the prophecy that relate to the man falling "by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning?' " That should not be said without some quali- fication; although Edward Partridge died eight years later, in the forty-seventh year of his age, a victim of the persecution he suffered in Missouri. Edward Partridge, in common with the most of the Saints in Missouri, as a result of the reproofs and warnings of the Prophet and others, was brought toj a partial repentance; still, as late as March, 1833, notwithstanding the partial repentance referred to, the Lord expressed himself as being "not well pleased" with Bishop Partridge and others: "Behold I say unto you that your brethren in Zion begin to repent, and the angels rejoice over them; nevertheless, I am not well pleased with many things, and I am not well pleased with my servant William E. McLellin, neither with my servant Sidney Gilbert; and the Bishop also (Edward Partridge), and 10 others have many things to repent of; but verily 1 say unto you that I, the Lord, will continue with Zion, and plead with her strong ones, and chasten her until she overcomes and is clean before me." (Doc. and Cov. Sec. 90: 34-37), Because of the failure of the Saints in Zion to fully repent and keep the commandments of the Lord, the fury of their enemies burst upon them, and they were driven from their possessions into exile, and their homes were destroyed. I here give the Lord's explanation of the troubles that came upon the people; it is found in a revelation given under date of December 16th, 1833: "Verily I say unto you, concerning your brethren who have been afflicted, and persecuted, and cast out from the land of their inheritance, I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in conse- quence of their transgressions; yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when I shall. come to make up my jewels. Therefore, they must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham, who was commanded to offer up his only son; for all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified. Behold, I say unto you, there were jarrings and contentions, and envyings, and strifes, and lust- ful and covetous desires among them; therefore by these things they polluted their inheritances. They were slow to hearken unto the voice of the Lord, their God, therefore the Lord their God is slow to hearken unto their prayers, to answer them in the day of their trouble. In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me. Verily I say unto you, notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled with compassion towards them; I will not utterly cast them off; and in the day of wrath I will remember mercy." (Doc. and Cov. Sec. 101: 1-9.) In the midst of the troublous times in Missouri Edward Partridge acted a most noble, and self-sacrificing part, and bore many indignities with the greatest patience. He was taken to the public square of Independence, partly stripped of his clothing and bedaubed with tar and feathers amid the jeers of the mob. He neither complained nor murmured at this treatment, but bore it well, with meekness and dignity. He was one with five others to offer himself as a ransom for the Church, "willing to be scourged, or even put to death," if that would but satisfy the tormentors of the Saints and stop the inhuman cruelties practised towards them by the Missourians. He was also active in settling the Saints in upper Missouri in 1836-8. He shared in all the labors and hardships incident to the settlement of a new country, and subsequently passed through the trials attendant upon the exodus of the Saints from Missouri. Who shall say that his repentance, his sacrifices, his sufferings and faithfulness did not procure for him a mitigation of the severe judgment decreed against him in the revelation contained in the eighty-fifth section of the Doctrine and Covenants? At any rate the Lord said, some three years later, that He was well pleased with Edward Partridge. The word of the Lord came to the Prophet to this effect on the 7th of November, 1835: "Behold I am well pleased with my servant Isaac Morley, and my servant Edward Partridge, because of the integrity of their hearts in laboring in my vineyard, for the salvation of the souls of men. Verily I say unto you, their sins are for- given them; therefore say unto them, in my name, that it is my will that they should tarry for a little season (in Kirtland) and attend the school, and also the solemn assembly, for a wise purpose in me. Even so. Amen." (Church Hist. Vol. 1 pp. 203-3.) Certainly in the face of this plain statement of the Lord's that the sins of Edward Partridge were forgiven him, we do not feel that his sad and early death was the fulfillment of the threatened judgment of the revelation. But that he was the man so threatened in that revelation there can be no question; not only on account of what is here set forth, but also because Orson Pratt, one familiar with Edward Partridge, and an active participant in all these historical matters, publicly declared from the pulpit in Salt Lake City, about the time of the death of President Young, that the man referred to in the passage of the revelation in question was Bishop Edward Partridge. Of the fact of his statement there can be no doubt; and at the time he was the Historian of the Church as well as a member of the quorum of the Apostles. Now, as to the "one mighty and strong," who shall be sent of God," to "set in order the house of God, and to arrange by 12 lot the inheritances of the Saints:" Who is he? What position will he hold in the Church? In what manner will he come to his calling? We draw attention first of all to the fact that this whole letter to William W. Phelps, as well as the part after- wards accepted as the word of the Lord, related to the affairs of the Church in Zion, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. And inasmuch as through his repentance and sacrifices and suffering Bishop Edward Partridge undoubtedly obtained a mitigation of the threatened judgment against him of falling "by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning," so the occasion for sending another to fill his station "one mighty and strong to set in order the house of God and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints" may also be considered as having passed away and the whole incident of the prophecy closed. 85: Closed. Such examples of the Lord thus dealing with men are found in other scriptures than in this revelation. The word of the Lord came to the Prophet Isaiah, commanding him to carry what was really a death sentence to Hezekiah, king of Israel, which sentence, however, was revoked by the Lord when the king earnestly prayed that his life might be spared unto him. The incident is related in the second book of Kings, as follows: "In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. "Then he turned his face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, saying, "I beseech Thee, O Lord, remember now how I have walked before Thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore. "And it came to pass, afore Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, that the word of the Lord came to him, saying, "Turn again, and tell Hezekiah, the captain of my people, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears; behold, I will, heal thee; on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord. "And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hands of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake." (2 Kings, 20:1-6.) Notwithstanding his self-enumeration of virtues in the above passage, it is quite evident from the closing verses of the chapter that King Hezekiah was a proud, vain, and selfish man; yet the Lord loved him for the good that was in him, and hearkened to his prayer, and set aside the sentence of death decreed against him. Other instances of like procedure will doubtless occur to the saints as they think upon this subject. If God, in the case of Hezekiah and other of His servants, prophets and kings in Israel, could thus mitigate or change the decrees against them, should it be accounted a strange thing that He forgave Edward Partridge his sins and withheld the execution of the judgment pronounced against him. If, however, there are those who will still insist that the prophecy concerning the coming of "one mighty and strong" is still to be regarded as relating to the future, let the Latter- day Saints know that he will be a future Bishop of the Church who will be with the saints in Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, when the Lord shall establish them in that land; and he will be so blessed with the spirit and power of his calling that he will be able to set in order the house of God, pertaining to the department of the work under his jurisdiction; and in righteousness and justice will "arrange by lot the inheritances of the saints." He will hold the same high and exalted station that Edward Partridge held; for the latter was called to do just this kind of work that is, to set in order the house of God as pertaining to settling the saints upon their inheritances, as will appear from the following passage: "And let my servant Edward Partridge stand in the office which I have appointed him, to divide the saints their inheri- tance, even as I have commanded; and also those whom he has appointed to assist him. - * * Let the Bishop and the agent make preparations for those families, which have been com- manded to come to this land, as soon as possible, and plant them in their inheritance," (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 57: 7 and 15.) "For this cause (viz. that the saints might be gathered upon the land of Zion) I have sent you hither and have selected my servant Edward Partridge and have appointed unto him his mission in this land (in Jackson County, Missouri.) * * * "And whoso standeth in his mission is appointed to be a judge in Israel, like as it was in ancient days, to divide the lands of the heritage of God, unto his children." (Doc. and Cov., Sec. 58: 14, 17.) This future Bishop will also be called and appointed of God as Aaron of old, and as Edward Partridge was. He will be designated by the inspiration of the Lord, and will be ac- cepted and sustained by the whole Church, as the law of God provides. His coming will not be the result of a wild, erratic movement or the assumption of authority by a self-appointed egotist seeking power that he may lord it over the people; God's house is one of order, and admits of no such irregular pro- cedure. Certainly, this prophecy does not allude in any way to any President of the Church, past, present, or to come. The revela- tion under consideration does not relate to matters that espec- ially concern the duties of the President of the Church; but to the arranging ''by lot the inheritances of the saints," and that is the whole substance of the revelation, a matter dis- tinctly placed under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of the Church. If it shall be urged that the phrase "to set in order the house of God," indicates a larger scope of action than that contemplated in settling the Saints upon their inheritances, the reasonable and sufficient answer is that the scope of this phrase should most certainly be interpreted by the whole sub- ject of the revelation, and not the meaning of the revelation by this particular phrase. So that the phrase "set in order the the house of God" is limited to setting in order the house of God by arranging by lot the inheritances of the Saints. In conclusion we would say that the Latter-day Saints by this time should be so well settled in the conviction that God has established His church in the earth for the last time, to remain and no more to be thrown down, or destroyed; and that God's house is a house or order, of law, of regularity, that erratic disturbers of that order, men of restless temperament, who through ignorance and egotism become vain babblers, yet make great pretensions to prophetic powers and other 15 spiritual graces and gifts, ought not to have any influence with them, nor ought the saints to be disturbed in their spirit by such characters and their theories. The Church of Christ is with the saints. It has committed to it the law of God for its own government and perpetuation. It possesses every means for the correction of every wrong or abuse or error which may from time to time arise, and that without anarchy, or even revolution; it can do it by processes of evolution by development, by an increase of knowledge, wisdom patience and charity. The presiding quorums of the Church will always be composed of such men, they will be chosen in such manner, that the saints can be assured that solid wisdom, righteousness, and conscientious adherence to duty will characterize the policy of those who are entrusted with the administration of the af- fairs of the Church. While from time to time, as the work of the Lord may have need of their services, men of exceptional talents, and abilities will develop among the people of God, and, without disorder, or eruption, or excitement they will be called of the Lord through the appointed agencies of the Priest- hood and Church authority, to positions that will afford them opportunity for service. They will be accepted by the saints in the regular order, appointed by the law of the Church, just as Edward Partridge was called and accepted; and just as the "one mighty and strong" will be called and accepted when the times comes for his services. JOSEPH F. SMITH, JOHN R. WINDER, ANTHON H. LUND, First Presidency. 16 "THE ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" as "THUS SAITH THE LORD" Taken from Holy Writ, etc. By John T. Clark. Having just read the article, "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG," from the viewpoint of the Church authorities, I am like the man who, after eating all that was set before him, still had a very raveneous and unsatisfied appetite. I am very hungry and my appetite is not at all appeased and I imagine a great many people are in the same fix. In order to fully satisfy my hunger on this subject, I want some food, "THUS SAITH THE LORD," instead of the opinions of men. There- fore all who desire may join me and we will proceed to feast upon "THUS SAITH THE LORD." In examining and answering the article, "The One Mighty and Strong," promulgated by the Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and published in the Deseret News of November llth, 1905, at Salt Lake City, Utah, and also in the Improvement Era, Vol. XII, October, 1907, apparent redundency may seem quite obvious to the sagacious mind, but in elucidating upon so important a ques- tion I deem it very necessary that a thorough analytical and synthetical deduction be gone into and that the covering up, and healing application (so to speak) and made of holy writ, be made larger than the apparent wound and resultant scar; This Church article (made by the opinion of men or precepts of men, II Nephi 27:25; Mor. 8:35,) has created and left in the minds of those who are "not weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts," (Isaiah 28:9,) and also that its scarred and discrepant features (whether purposely intended or ignorantly thrust upon the people) be entirely eradicated and obscured, and forever hid from view of all truth loving people; also that its very disastrous effect in the minds of many who have or may read it, may be absolutely obliterated, and that a perfect healing and cured effect may obtain, that all may see the sandy foundation upon which the said Church article is predicated, that perhaps the truth seeker will be will- ing to accept "Thus saith the Lord," taken from Holy Writ, upon so important a subject. 17 THE 85th SECTION OF DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS ANALYZED. The "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" is spoken of in the 85th Section of Doctrine and Covenants. The 7th and 8th verses of this Revelation read as follows: "And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God will send "One Mighty and Strong," holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God: "While that man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." In the seventh paragraph we have two separate and dis- tinct works spoken of, viz.: The setting of the House of God in order as one and the first work, and the arranging by lot the inheritances of the Saints in the center Stake of Zion or Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem (Doc. & Cov. 84:2) as the other, and complementary work. Both of these events are to be accomplished by the self-same individual. The scriptures plainly tell us these works are separate and distinct from each other, and that the arranging by lot the inheritances of the Saints in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, is abso- lutely supplementary and dependent upon the House of God (or Church) (Col. 4:15, I Tim. 3:15); being set in order ac- cording to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6;) which laws, are consecration, United Order, and plurality of wives, etc. (Isaiah 4:11 Nephi 14:) These laws must be lived in order to possess the promised land. For the Lord says: "My law shall be kept upon that land" Doc. & Cov. 58: 19. The Lord's request to Seymour B. Young as spoken of in a revelation to Prest. John Taylor in 1882, was to conform to His law, which was polygamy. The Doctrine and Covenants 18 also plainly shows this is God's law. Doc. & Cov. 132:31-34 also Isaiah 4: and II Nephi Chap. 14 shows plurality of wives one of God's laws that will be practiced after Zion's redemption in the land of the New Jerusalem, and that the pure in heart are the only ones that will possess the New Jerusalem when Zion is redeemed (Doc. & Cov. 100:16, 101:17-21, 56:18). Some people may ask why the Saints were driven out of that promised land: For the answer see Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 29, 34; 101:1, 2; 104:1-9; and on what conditions will they be privileged to re- turn and possess that promised heritage, see Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 29, 34; 85:3; 100:16; 101:17-21; 119:51; 41:4-11; 42:30-39, 71-73; 58:17, 18. The place of the New Jerusalem in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri is the only place appointed, or that will be appointed for the gathering of the Saints before the second coming of Jesus Christ, Doc. & Cov. 101:20; 49:22-26; and before Christ's second coming the Lamanites are to "blossom as the rose," Doc. & Cov. 49:24, and be the principle builders of the New Jerusalem, III. Nephi 20:14-22; 21:23. Which city and temple must be built before the Saviour's second coming, III Nephi 21:23-25; Doc. & Cov. 42:36; 101:6-21; 49:24, 25; 84:2-5, and in the time of the generation living in 1832, for the Lord says, "for verily this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house." Doc. & Cov. 84:5; II. Nephi 14: Isaiah 4: This can only be accomplished subsequently to the making bare of the arm of the Lord, III Nephi 20:35-37; Doc. & Cov. 105:34, when the captive daughter of Zion looses herself from the bands of her neck, which the 10th paragraph of the 113th section of the Doctrine and Covenants says, "is the scattered and cursed remnants among the Gentiles," The 10th verse of the 90th section of the Doctrine and Covenants shows the making bare of the Lord's arm to be in. the future, and is for the purpose of convincing the Jews, the heathen nations and the house of Joseph of the gospel of their salvation. Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. The Angel in speaking to Nephi said the last books and the last records were to come forth for the 19 express purpose of convincing the Jews, the gentiles and the Lamaniics, that former records were true, I Nephi 13:39-41; II Nephi 3:11. The Indian Prophet is to bring about much restoration unto the house of Israel and unto the Lamanites, etc., which is a future event, so he must be the one to bring forth the last records, etc., which is still future from June, 1922, II Nephi 3:11, 24. Christ's explanation to the Nephites concerning this matter is, that He will make bare His arm in the coming forth of the last and all records, which is future, as is the making bare of his holy arm, also in the future (See III Nephi 20:21, particularly the 35th verse of the 20th Chapter and verses 9-11 of the 21st Chapter.) The scrip- tures show this great change will transpire when God raises up the man like unto Moses. Doc. & Cov. 103: 11-18 and per- forms the mission and calling as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doc. & Cov. which will certainly be a strange act, Doc. & Cov. 101:29-95; 95:1-4; Isaiah 28:21, which is future. REDEMPTION OF ZION. Joseph Smith prayed that if the people of this land did not cease to spoil and persecute the Saints, and interfere with their religious rights in living the Gospel as revealed from heaven: (which they have not done as yet, for laws enacted to prohibit the Church from living the law as spoken of in the 132nd Section Doc. & Cov. is still unrepealed) "Make bare Thine arm O Lord and redeem that which thou didst appoint, a Zion unto thy people Doc. & Cov. 109:51, 52:101:20, 21. The Lord is to raise up one like unto Moses to redeem Zion, (this will conform to the request of Joseph's prayer) and lead her back to the place appointed, Doc. & Cov. 101:20, 21, which will be at the time the Lord sees fit to make bare his arm, (to also conform to the request of Joseph's prayer.) In the coming forth of records as Jesus explained to the Nephites, III Nephi 20:29-40; 21:8-12; and as Alma says, in which the Lord would show forth His power, Alma 37:4, 14, 18, 19, (sceptre of power). This modern Moses must hold a sceptre of power to 20 be like unto Moses of old and do the kind of mission as described in the seventh verse of the 85th Section of the Doc. & Cov. (see Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 107:91-93.) A PRESIDENT TO FALL BY THE SHAFT OF DEATH. The 8th paragraph of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants reads thus: "While that man who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the Ark of God shall fall by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." (Prov. 28:10; Mormon 8:21; Psalms 75:6, 7; Doc. & Cov. 3:4; 58:20; 90:5; II Nephi 13:12-15; 19:14-16; Mormon 8:38-41; II Nephi 28:14; I Nephi 4:13.) This revelation was given through Joseph Smith, Jr. November 27, 1832, at Kirtland, Ohio; and by a great many people, because of this particular 8th verse, it has been depre- cated and many interpretations placed upon it, in order to stop its deadly aim at the one for whom it is intended, who "putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God." Some people have said it ought not to be in the Doctrine and Covenants and attempts are made to explain away its very important purport and meaning. The Church article of 1905 makes the statement "And inasmuch as through his repentance and sacrifices and suffering Bishop Edward Partridge undoubtedly obtained a mitigation of the threatened judgment against him of falling "by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning," so that the occasion for sending an- other to fill his station 'one mighty and strong to set in order the house of God and to arrange by lot the inheritance of the Saints' may also be considered as having passed away and the whole incident of the prophecy closed." Now why is this done? Because it indicates the removal of a President of the Church in a very strange manner, (strange act, Doc. & Cov. 95:3-5; 101:91-96; Isaiah 28:21.) This strange way in dealing with a President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is not a savory dish to be altogether relished by individuals of high authority in the Church. The feelings of the authorities 21 regarding this matter seem in a measure to be similar as they were in the days of the Savior, "O Lord, if thou wilt let this cup pass," but now as then; because the crucifixion of a Savior was necessary for man's salvation, even so the falling of a President in a strange way is also necessary in order to fulfill scripture and carry out the plan of redemption that was laid in the heavens for the salvation of the children of men in our day and time. Alma 42:26. But in the tenth verse of this said revelation Joseph Smith, the Prophet says, "these things I say not of myself therefore as the Lord speaketh He will also fulfill." God says "woe unto they who wrest or change the mean- ing of the scriptures for it shall be to their own destruction," Alma 13:20 Heleman 3:29, 30; II Nephi 31:20; 33:2; 32:7; I Nephi 16:1-3; Alma 17:2, 3; 34:7; Heleman 13:25-30; Doc. & Cov. 58:20. "Wo unto all those who tremble and are angry because of the truth of God for behold he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall," II Nephi 28:28, 29; Alma 13:20; Doc. & Cov. 85:8, "Wo unto those who say we have enough and need no more of the word of God and say 'all is well in Zion, yea Zion prospers all is well/ II Nephi 28:24-32. It is not strange to think the Lord is going to send one "Mighty and Strong" holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, etc. to set in order the House of God, I Tim. 3:15, and to arrange by lot the inheri- tances of the Saints in Independence, Jackson County. Mis- souri; but it certainly does seem strange to a great many people, judging from the way they talk and act, to think that a President is going to fall as is described in the eighth para- graph of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, in order to make room for this "Mighty and Strong" one's coming. So strange is this act that many of the leading men of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say it is not going to happen, and that there will be no strange act, and they say the Lord will not dishonor his priesthood in any such a way; but the Lord says in the revelation to President Taylor in 1882 "for my priests whom I have called and whom I have sustained and honored shall honor me and obey my laws of my holy 22 Priesthood, (Polygamy is one law that is specifically referred to in President Taylor's revelation to be sustained and con- tinued and obeyed) "or they shall not be considered worthy to hold my priesthood, saith the Lord." In open violation of the request to continue polygamy the Manifesto was issued and sustained by the Church as a pretended revelation or estoppel of polygamy, and is branded as a sort of revelation by the authorities of the Church today, but Isaiah says it is a "covenant with death and agreement with hell, a refuge of lies and a hiding place; and that God in His wrath will rise up, and per- form His strange act," Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8; Isaiah 28:21 ; Doc. & Cov. 101:95; 95:4; "and your covenant with death shall be dis- annulled and your agreement with hell shall not stand." And the Lord through this mighty and strong servant, (Isaiah 28:2, 17) will sweep away this refuge of lies (manifesto) and this "Mighty and Strong One" is to redeem Zion by a mighty power Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; therefore in justice to what has been done by the Latter-day Saint Church, people can look for the Lord in his wrath to perform his strange act, one part of which is, as the Lord says, "while that man who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God," (in sustaining and calling the manifesto a revelation and in sustaining this Church article of 1905, published to the world that the "mighty and strong one" is to be a Bishop and that there is no strange act and setting of the Church in order necessary, and casting out polygamists and men with the gift of healing from the Church and fighting and opposing the coming forth of the last records etc., and because of these steadying of the ark acts,) some President shall fall by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning. The fulfillment of this particular portion of this said revelation is reasonable and absolutely necessary as a comple- ment to the meaning of the general content set forth in the revelation, for without this particular feature (8th verse) the sense of the whole revelation as it was intended to be conveyed would be incomplete and destroyed, (or wrested) : For when God sees fit to send this one "Mighty and Strong" modern 23 Moses, who is to be a President, Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93 to set his House in order, Col. 4:15; I Tim. 3:15, and establish the Saints in their inheritances in Zion, the New Jerusalem, some disposi- tion must be made of the one who will be taking charge of the affairs of the Church of God on earth, and it will not be a Bishop who will be taking charge of the affairs of the Church, for no Bishop can preside as long as some one holding the Melchisedek Priesthood is on the earth. And at the time when God sees fit to raise up this one like unto Moses, who is to be a President of the High Priesthood, (Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93,) who will hold the sceptre of power in his hand to do this great and mightly work for the redemption of Zion. The disposition God has prescribed seems to be in very plain language, and ought not to be mis-understood by any one "he shall fall by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." Why this strange and sudden death? God answers; because he putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God. It is very plain that in some way or other the President of the Church will be doing something, as God'? called and appointed servant, that will displease the Lord to such an extent as to merit such a sudden, strange death. It certainly will be a strange act for a President and leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Sains to be removed in such a strange and sudden manner. But Joseph Smith says about this strange death, "the Lord speaketh and he will also fulfill,"," Doc. & Cov. 85:10. And the Lord says, "search these commandments for they are true and faithful and the prophecies and promises which are in them shall all be fulfilled. What I have spoken I have spoken and I excuse not myself, etc., Doc. & Cov. 1 :37, 38. And again the Lord says, "And though the heavens and earth pass away my word shall not pass away but shall all be fulfilled." According to these statements of the Lord, we are absolutely assured of the fulfillment of this strange and sudden death of this prominent man, so it is im- material as to how we appreciate it. Nephi says, "it is better that one man should perish, than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief," I Nephi 4:13. Isaiah says, "The Lord wiii be wroth and rise up and perform His strange act," Isaiah 28:21. THE PRESIDENT WHO IS TO FALL IS TERMED DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND. The Lord also says, "Who is blind but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? Who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servant," Isaiah 42:19, 31, 24; 50:1, 2; Mica 4:9; Doc. & Cov. 133:67-74; Mormon 8:38. Isaiah says "The Lord will enter into judgment with the ancients" (ancients is the head, II Nephi 19:15) of his people, and the princes thereof, for ye have eaten up the vineyard and the spoil of the poor in your houses" II Nephi 13:14. United Order and consecration are abandoned today, making inequality, rich and poor, mansions and hovels, class distinction and favoritism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, out of which this Church must be redeemed and set in order, to be agree- able to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, which is equality, all things common, no rich, no poor, no high, no low and no class distinction. Every man seeking the interest of his neigh- bor in order to be acceptable unto God in the Celestial King- dom, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-7, 34. Isaiah also says, "The ancient, he's the head and the Prophet that teacheth lies he's the tail." II Nephi 19:14-16. The authorities say there is not going to be any strange act, but the Lord says there is going to be a strange act, therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel "head and tail, branch and rush in one day, for the leaders of this people cause them to err, and they that are lead of them are destroyed" II Nephi 19:14-16; Mica 4: Therefore according to this scripture by Isaiah the Prophet, which is translated from the plates by the Prophet Joseph Smith and which we find recorded in the Book of Mormon and written in a language in which no man can err, (II Nephi 25:7, 8,) a President will be removed by a sudden and strange death, for he is the head. These quotations from Isaiah, taken from the Brass Plates, Nephi deemed necessary to be handed down to our days, even the last -2S-< } ''for in that day shall they understand them, wherefore fof our good were they written." II Nephi 25-7, 8; 11 :8; 12:2. Inas- much as the strange act spoken of is a future happening, (Doc. & Cov. 95:1-4, 101 :85-95, Isaiah 28:21), the index finger of appli- cation of the scriptures just quoted points very forcibly to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today, bcause we are not yet redeemed from inequality, class distinction and re- stored to the living of the law of the Celestial Kingdom in order to be entitled to an inheritance and be established in Mount Zion, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-7, 34. Now because the Proph- et Joseph Smith saw fit to enclose this revelation as is recorded in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants in a letter written to W. W. Phelps, attempts are made to limit its meaning and mission to Bishop Edward Partridge of the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, some seventy years ago. And also to go so far as to say that the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants is obsolete and fulfilled. WHY A PRESIDENT IS TO FALL. The Lord says, "woe unto those who wrest (or change) the meaning of the scripture, for it shall be unto their destruc- tion "wo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees," (II Nephi 20:1,) and judge not according to the law of God, II Nephi 18:20. This has been done by the authorities of this Church within the last few years and still remains unrectified. Wo unto them who make lies their refuge and under false- hood hide themselves for God in his wrath will sweep away their covering and put them to shame, Isaiah 66:4-6; 28: Wo unto the leaders of my people who spoil the poor and cause my Church to err, for I will cut them off, head and tail, branch and rush in one day, II Nephi 13:19: Wo unto them that write compacts and call them revelations for he who doeth this shall die, Deut. 18:20. Inasmuch as the Manifesto is published as a revelation, death is the penalty unless God is the author of it, and the scriptures and history show he is not the author of it. Inasmuch as the article entitled the "One Mighty and Strong" 26 in the Deseret News of November 11, 1905, by President Joseph F. Smith at that time, and his counsellors, (wherein the effort is made to limit this mighty work of setting the House of God in order, etc., to a Bishop's capacity and that the one to fall was a Bishop) is not scriptural nor the will and intention of Almighty God, it is an imposition upon the people and a wrest- ing of the scriptures, and an assumption on the part of those who have advocated it and given the Church and all people to understand that said article is to be taken as authoritative. The scriptures prove conclusively that it is a President's mis- sion and not a Bishop's. Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 107:33. Then the responsibility of this article rests upon those who have attached their names unto it, and all they who may sustain and advocate it; and they become subject to the following scriptures, Deut. 18:20; 13:5; Jer. 14:15; Zech. 13:3; Doc. & Cov. 85:8; I Nephi 4:13, which is capital punishment. Thus we see it is not a diffi- cult thing to understand why the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to fall in the sudden and strange manner spoken of (Doc. & Cov. 85:) for putting forth his hand to steady the ark of God. The letter to W. W. Phelps reads as follows, (taken from the Deseret News of date Nov- ember 11, 1905.> JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET'S LETTER TO W. W. PHELPS. Kirtland, November 27, 1832. Brother William W. Phelps: I say, Brother, because I feel so from the heart, and al- though it is not long since I wrote a letter unto you, yet I feel as though you would excuse me for writing this as I have many things which I wish to communicate. Some things which I will mention in this letter, which are lying with great weight on my mind. I am well and my family also; God grant that you may enjoy the same and yours, and all the brethren and sisters who remember to inquire after the commandments of the Lord, and the welfare of Zion, and such a being as myself; and while I dictate this letter, I fancy to myself that you are saying or thinking something similar to these words my God, 27 great and mighty art thou, therefore show unto thy servant what shall become of all those who are essaying to come up unto Zion in order to keep the commandments of God and yet receive not their inheritance by consecration, by order or deed from the Bishop, the man that God has appointed in a legal way, agreeably to the laws given to organize and regulate the Church and all the affairs of the same (here the law instead of the Bishop is spoken of as being given, according to which all the affairs of the Church are to be regulated and organized, Doc. & Cov. 58:18 under the direction of the Presidency, Doc. & Cov. 90:12-16; 107:33.) Brother William in the Love of God, having the most implicit confidence in you as a man of God, having obtained this confidence by a vision from heaven, therefore I will proceed to unfold to you some of the feelings of my heart, and to answer the question (here begins the reve- lation Doc. & Cov. 85th Section), as follows: 1. It is the duty of the Lord's clerk, whom he has ap- pointed, to keep a history, and a General Church Record of all things that transpire in Zion, and of all those who consecrate properties, and receive inheritances legally from the Bishop; 2. And also their manner of life, their faith, and works; and also of all the apostates who have apostatized after receiv- ing their inheritances. It is contrary to the will and command- ment of God that those who receive not their inheritance by consecration, agreably to His law, which He has given, that he may tithe his people to prepare them against the day of vengeance and burning, should have their names enrolled with the people of God; neither is their genealogy to be kept, or to be had where it may be found on any of the records or history of the Church; their names shall not be found, neither the names of the fathers, nor the names of the children written in the book of the law of God, saith the Lord of hosts. Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pier- ceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake, while it maketh manifest, saying: and it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one might and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a cover- ing, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God; and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God: while that man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of Qod, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning; and all they who are not found written in the book of remembrance, shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut asunder, and their portion shall be appointed them among unbelievers, where are wailing and gnashing of teeth. These things I say not of myself; therefore, as the Lord speaketh, He will also fulfill. And they who are of the High Priesthood, whose names are not found written in the book of the law, or that are found to have apostatized, or to have been cut off from the Church; as well as the Lesser Priesthood, or the members, in that day, shall not find an inheritance among the Saints of the Most High; therefore it shall be done unto them as unto the children of the Priest, as will be found recorded in the second chapter and 61st and 62nd verses of Ezra. THE FULFILLMENT OF THE 85th SECTION OF THE DOC. & COV. TO BE IN THE LAST DAYS. Now Brother William, if what I have said is true, how careful men ought to be what they do in the last days (ninety years have elapsed since this letter was written by Joseph Smith the Prophet, and this strange act spoken of in this reve- lation of one falling by the shaft of death has, as yet, not hap- pened and we are not yet returned to the center stake of Zion. This strange act was to happen just prior to the return, so the "last days" referred to when this strange act was to happen, is still in the future) lest they are cut short of their inheri- tances or expectations, and they that think they stand should fall, Doc. & Cov. 124:48. (Not only the possibility of a pres- ident falling but all they who should be cut off) because they keep not the Lord's commandments, whilst you, who do the will of the lord, and keep His commandments, have need to rejoice with unspeakable joy, for such shall be exalted very high, and shall be lifted up in triumph above all the Kingdoms of the world; but I must stop this subject at the beginning (of it). O Lord, when will the time come when Brother William, thy servant, and myself, shall behold the day that we may stand together and gaze upon eternal wisdom engraved upon the heavens, while the majesty of our God holdeth up the dark curtain until we may read the round of eternity, to the fullness and satisfaction of our immortal souls? O Lord, God deliver us in due time from the little narrow prison, almost, as it were, total darkness of paper, pen and ink and a crooked, broken, scattered and imperfect language. I have obtained ten sub- 29 scribers for the Star. Love for all the brethren, yours in bonds, Amen. JOSEPH SMITH, JR." History of Church, Vol. 1, Page 227-9. THE LAW AND NOT THE BISHOP GIVEN TO ORGANIZE AND REGULATE THE AFFAIRS OF THE CHURCH. Remember and bear in mind that Joseph the Prophet speaks of the law and not the Bishop as being given to organ- ize and regulate the Church and all the affairs of the same, and refers to the last days when men might be cut off, by the "Mighty and Strone One" that is to come, holding the sceptre of power in his hands; he is the one who is to attend to the cutting off in the last days, and to occupy the place of the one who is to fall by the shaft of death, etc. According to the law, the Bishop who divides inheritances must be called and set apart for his mission to act under the supervision of a President, which President must hold the sceptre of power in his hands in order that it be done as in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov. 85:12; 58:14-18; Num. 27:13-23; 34;13, 16-29; Joshua 1 1 :23.) or else the mission and calling of a President would be inferior to that of a Bishop. Now because of this revela- tion being enclosed in this letter to W. W. Phelps attempts are made to limit its purport and meaning to the mission and calling of Bishop Edward Partridge, but Joseph Smith, the Prophet refers to the last days. WHEN AND WHERE "MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE" TO BE RAISED UP. And again, by taking into consideration that the people or Saints, were to be driven out of the land of Jackson County, Missouri, and be chastened and persecuted, and pass through much tribulation, until they learn obedience to the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-7,) if it must needs be by the things which they suf- fer, and were to come to the mountains in fulfillment of pro- phecy, Isaiah 2:1-3; II Nephi 12:1-3; Isaiah 40; 9; Mica 4:1-3. 30 And that the Church was to come to the mountains and, after that, the "Mighty and Strong" man was to be raised up to redeem Zion; while a President was to fall, etc. This man like unto Moses (a President) Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 107:8, 18, 33, 64-67, 68, 90-93, 90:12-16; is to be raised up unto Zion before she returns to her inheritance in Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem, Doc. & Cov. 49:24, 25; 103:15-18; Isaiah 51:11; Psalms 107:1-7; Mica 4:1-13. THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF BISHOP EDWARD PARTRIDGE OR ANY BISHOP BEING THE ONE "MIGHTY AND STRONG" OR THE ONE WHO IS TO FALL AS SPOKEN OF IN THE 85th SECTION OF DOCTRINE & COVENANTS. Now as the Church is still in the tops of the mountains and Bishop Edward Partridge is long since de- ceased, and died a natural death; and the dividing by lot the inheritances in the land of the New Jerusalem, is yet a future happening, therefore it is not Bishop Partridge's mission, to officiate in this work at all, either to put forth his hand to steady the ark and fall, or be forgiven for his attempt to steady the ark, or to divide inheritances in the New Jerusalem, after Zion is returned to Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, for that is certainly in the future. But it is the mission and calling of a President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints to fall, etc., yet in the future; and also the mission and calling of the one like unto Moses, (a President) holding the sceptre of power in his hand, etc., as the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants says. This mighty servant of the Lord, is to be raised up to take the place of the President who falls. This "Mighty and Strong" one, is to redeem Zion, lead her back to Mount Zion, and there establish her in her inheritance, through a modern Joshua, a Presiding Bishop yet to be chosen, an agent, Joshua 1:1; Num. 11:28; Doc. & Cov. 51:1, 2; in order to be as in ancient days; Doc. & Cov. 58:17. 31 Now if they who are maintaining that the whole meaning and application of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants is closed and fulfilled, and is to be taken as obsolete, or the possibility that any bishop, or that Bishop Partridge was the man referred to in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Cove- nants, who was to fall or be the "One Mighty and Strong," would just think for one moment, and compare the mission Bishop Edward Partridge did and what a Bishop's mission is, with what the scriptures say is to be done, pertaining to Zion's redemption, they would see the impossibility of a Bishop being the one "Mighty and Strong," or the one that is to put forth his hand to steady the ark, and fall, for in the days of Edward Partridge, and during his ministry as a Presiding Bishop to divide inheritance, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was driven from the promised land of inheritance, the only place appointed or that will be appointed, for the gather- ing of the saints or all people wo will keep all of the celestial law of God. For that class only will be privileged to return back to the land of Zion and assist the Lamanites in building that great city and temple, before the second coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; III Nephi 21:22-27; Doc. & Cov. 78:4-8; 49:22-26; 101:20; 103: 11-8. The return of the saints to the land of the New Jeru- salem, and the building up of the same is certainly in the future, and the establishing of the worthy saints in their in- heritances, in that promised land, is also in the future, so it cannot be Edward Partridge's mission to even establish the Saints in their inheritances after Zion's redemption which is also future, let alone redeem Zion, unless he be raised up (resurrected) to attend to the arrainging by lot the inheri- tances, as the "Mighty and Strong" (Moses) President will direct, Doc. & Cov. 58:17. The absurdity of Bishop Edward Partridge being the one "Mighty and Strong," to redeem Zion or the one that might fall, by putting forth his hand to steady the ark of God, to fulfill the 8th verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants is as apparent as the fact that Zion is not yet redeemed, and returned to Indepen- dence, Jackson County, Missouri, for a President is to fall at, or just prior to the time the Lord sends the "Mighty and Strong" Moses (President) who is to take the fallen President's place. At the time of the redemption of Zion in the future by this "Mighty and Strong" man, like unto Moses, some are to be cut off, and find none inheritance. Joseph referred to the cutting off in the last days, in his letter to W. W. Phelps, because they will not be willing to abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom, etc., Doc. & Cov. 103:85:9; 51:1-20; 105:1-6. It is proof positive, according to the foregoing scripture that Bishop Edward Partridge was not the man referred to as "Mighty and Strong," in the seventh verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, nor the one who was to fall, if the words God caused to be written concerning Zion's redemption and return to her inheritance in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri are to be considered and respected at all. The divid- ing by lot the inheritances of the Saints in that promised land could not be accomplished until after the Saints were expelled from there, which expelling was done in the days of Bishop Edward Partridge, and they cannot return until after being redeemed by this modern Moses (a President) (Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93) in the mountains, Micah 4:1-8; Isaiah 51:11; Doc. & Cov. 49:24, 25; 103:11-18, which is future. Then after the setting of the House of God in order, agreeable to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34, Zion is to re- turn to the promised land from whence she was driven, and the arranging by lot the inheritances of the Saints, who will abide the United Order of the Celestial Kingdom of God on the earth, is then to take place, and also the cutting off of all from inheritance who will not abide the requirements of the Celestial law, Doc. & Cov. 51:2; 105:1-6; 1:14. These are future events to transpire in this Church (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 105:34) before the Saints will be established in the New Jerusalem in the last days just before Chirst's second coming. Joseph the Prophet specifically referred to the last days in his letter to Brother W. W. Phelps. POWER AND AUTHORITY OF THE MELCHISEDEK PRIESTHOOD. Bishop Edward Partridge was only an agent under the supervision of President Joseph Smith, Jr., and the twelve Apostles, Doc. & Cov. 90:12-16; 51:8, 12; 107:64, 91, 92, 33; 82:11, 12, and why was he, Edward Partridge, only an agent? Because the Melchisedek Priesthood is the greatest of all and holdeth all the keys always pertaining to the Church, Doc. & Cov. 81:2; 84:19-27; 107:64, 65; and a Bishop's mission and calling is not equal unto the Presidents,' therefore it is supple- mentary to the Presidents' powers, therefore a Bishop cannot hold the sceptre of power, (Doc. & Cov. 107:64-68; 90:16; 107: '33) in his hand to set in order the house of God, for that is a President's duty. We see a Bishop's mission and calling is not equal to that of a President, but he is to administer tem- poral affairs only and be an agent under the jurisdiction of the Presidency, Doc. & Cov. 57:7. As Joshua was to Moses, Joshua 1:1; Num, 11:28; Doc. & Cov. 58:17. A President is like unto Moses, a Prophet, Seer and Revelator, having all the gifts of God which he bestows on the head of the Church and as the sceptre of power is a gift of God, he must hold it in his hand, Doc. & Cov.. 107:91-93. WITH WHOM GOD SPEAKS FACE TO FACE Here we find out Moses was a President of the High Priesthood and the most prominent man of ancient Israel, and the one with whom God spoke face to face. Then the one God is going to raise up like unto him must be a President also and with him God will speak face to face. Zion then, is to be redeemed by a President and not a Bishop. One of the duties of a President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints is to set in order all of the affairs of this Church and Kingdom and this is what the one is to do, that the seventh verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants speaks of; so he will have to be a President also, Doc. & Cov. 50:26, 27; 90:16; 81:2; 107:33, and be like unto Moses of old. Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93. FROM WHENCE AND TO WHOM THE SCEPTRE OF POWER The Lord says in a revelation to Joseph Smith Jun., "unto whom I have given the keys of the Kingdom, which belongs always unto the Presidency of the High Priesthood" Doc. & Cov. 81:1, 2. The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun. said that John the Baptist wrested the keys, the Kingdom, the power, and the glory from the Jews by the holy annointing and decree of heav- en. Historical Record, Vol. 7, Chap. 17; Doc. & Cov. 84:28, and the sceptre, (keys of the kingdom and law giver rights) passed into the hands of Jesus Christ, Mat. 28:18; Num. 24:17; Luke 3:31-33, Rev. 3:7; Isaiah 22:20-23, Jesus said unto them (the Jews), did you never read in the scriptures, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes, therefore say I unto you, the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof, Matt. 21:42, 43. The sceptre shall not depart from Judah nor a law giver from between his feet, until Shiloh come and unto him (Jesus Christ) shall the gathering of the people be, Gen. 49:10. The above quotation shows conclu- sively that the keys of the Kingdom is the sceptre and law giver right that passed out of the hands of the Jews into the hands of Jesus Christ, who was to be God's mouth piece, hold the sceptre of power and be the head law giver and the President of His Church and Kingdom on earth, and that the keys of the kingdom (or sceptre) belongeth always unto the Presidency of the High Priesthood (Doc. & Cov. 81:2, 107:18, 91-93.) Therefore the one who is to come holding the sceptre of power in His hands to set in order the house of God and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, etc., must be a President of the High Priesthood to conform to the Scrip- tures which speak the mind and will of God to His children upon this earth. Then the setting in order of the House of God as spoken of in the seventh verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants is a work consistent for this future Moses, (President) to do as spoken of in the 103rd section of the Doctrine and Covenants, and not a work to be attended to by a Bishop of the Levitical order of the Priest- hood, or of a Bishop who is appointed, holding the High Priesthood, to said office. A Bishop's mission is to be as *'n ancient days, Doc. & Cov. 58:17; 84:29. HOW ANCIENT ISRAEL RECEIVED THEIR INHERITANCES. Moses, a President, anciently divided by lot the inheri- tances of all the House of Israel, (Num. 34:13; Joshua 11 to 21 chapters.) Joshua the chosen presiding Judge, or head, a President of the Levitical order of the Priesthood, and by virtue of his office a Presiding Bishop, (Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88; 84: 29,) as Moses' minister, (Joshua 1:1; Num. 11:28; Deut. 31:7,) established the different tribes and families of Israel in their inheritances by lot, according as the Lord had commanded by the hand of Moses (a President) Num. 34:13-29; Joshua 11:23. Joshua as an acting agent under the directon and ordination the Lord bestowed upon him by the hand of Moses, (Num. 27:18-23,) became the head of the Levitical order of the Priesthood (of necessity a President or Presiding Bishop of the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood) Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88 performed miracles in dividing the waters of the Jordan and caused the walls of the city of Jerico to fall by having the Priests of Levi go before, the children of Israel carrying the ark of the covenant, and to do other things in compliance with the will of God. Joshua 1:6; Num. 27:18-27, and he also established the Israelites in their inheritances as the Lord had directed by the hand of Moses, Deut. 34:9. This is how the House of Israel was dealt with anciently in being redeemed, and established in the promised land. 36 THE REDEMPTION OF MODERN ISRAEL AND HER ESTABLISHMENT IN THE LAND OF PROMISE IS TO BE ACCOMPLISHED IN THE WAY AND MANNER THAT ANCIENT ISRAEL RECEIVED HER REDEMPTION AND INHERITANCE IN HER LAND OF PROMISE. Now, the Lord says, concerning the House of Israel and His Church in the last dispensation of the fullness of times, "Therefore I will raise up unto my people a man who shall lead them like as Moses (mighty and none like him Deut. 34:9-12, greatest of all Num. 12:3) led the children of Israel, for ye are of the children of Israel and the seed of Abraham, and ye must needs be led out of bondage by power and with a stretched out arm, Exo. 6:6, and as your fathers were led at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be, Doc. & Cov. 103:16-18. THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH MUST HOLD THE SCEPTRE OF POWER. The Presiding Bishop is to divide inheritances as in ancient days, Doc. & Cov. 58:17, then he will be the minister, (Jos. 1:1; Doc. & Cov. 51: 8, 12,) or agent, under the super- vision of this "Mighty and Strong" modern Moses, greatest of all, Deut. 31:9-12) who will hold the sceptre of power in his hands, to be as the ancient Moses, (Exo. 4:17,) and to be in possession of all the keys and rights that pertain and belong to the President or head of the Church (Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92; 81:2,) then he will hold the sceptre of power as did Moses of old and be like unto him. This man that the Lord said He was going to raise up like unto Moses, will be a President and do just the kind of work and mission as is set forth and described in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants, and have all gifts and powers which God bestows upon the head of the 37 Church (Deut. 34:9-12, Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92; 90:16;) and he must hold the sceptre of power, for that is one gift that a man must have bestowed upon him in order to officiate as God's head servant; for a President is God's legal representa- tive upon this earth. Jos. 1:2; Doc. & Cov. 81:2. A President of the Church is the only one entitled to hold the sceptre of power in his hand so long as the Melchisedek Priesthood is on this earth. Judah held the sceptre and law giver right to pre- side over God's work on the earth after the Melchisedek Priesthood was taken away, but of necessity her powers were curtailed and limited, as in the case of Joshua, who was the President of the Levitical Order, after Moses' death as this article will explain. A Bishop is not equal unto it (Doc. & Cov. 107:68) because he is an appendage, a supplement, a minister and is subject unto the Presidency and twelve and is an agent under their supervision, and a Bishop cannot super- ceed the authority placed over him (Doc. & Cov. 82:11, 12), therefore a Bishop cannot hold the sceptre of power in his hand to set in order the House of God, when the Melchisedek Priest- hood is on this earth, for that mission is a duty and calling to be attended to by a President of the High Priesthood, whose right it is to always hold the keys of the Kingdom, the sceptre of power in his hand, and if he is lacking in the manifestation of these rights and glorious privileges, sin lieth at his door, which is very evident will be the case when a President falls by the shaft of death, (Doc. & Cov. 85:8), When the Lord sends this mighty and strong one (a President) like unto Moses to take his, the fallen President's place and not a fallen Bishop's place. THE POWER, AUTHORITY AND MISSION OF A BISHOP. A Bishop can only officiate in his office as an agent under the direction of the Presidency of the Church, when the Mel- chisedek Priesthood is on the earth, (Doc. 51:8; Joshua 1:1,) having some of the President's power put upon him (Num. 38 ii 27:20; Doc. & Cov. 29:36.) Bishop Edward Partridge received directions how to divide inheritances through Joseph Smith, Jun., Doc. & Cov. 58:17, 51:1-4; 57:15, the same as Joshua received his mission and instructions to divide inheritances through Moses, Deut. 34:9; 31:1-7. Moses of old and Joseph Smith, the Prophet held the sceptre of power each in their time, and Joshua and Edward Partridge respectively were min- isters or agents under the supervision of these great men. Some of the discrepant features in similarity of comparison between Moses and Joshua anciently and Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Edward Partridge of our day and time are these: Modern Israel is not yet redeemed and established in her in- heritance in the promised land, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri and the surrounding country, as was ancient Israel established in their inheritance in their time and day, through Moses and Joshua. And another, we are assured that there will alweys be a President clothed with the Melchisedek Priesthod until Christ comes in His glory; (Dan. 2:44.) Sub- ject to changes of course and natural causes or as the Al- mighty may see fit to regulate from one President to his suc- cessor. Ancient Israel was not so fortunate for their presi- dent and Melchisedek Priesthood was taken from them, (Doc. & Cov. 84:25, 26) and they were only to have the Aaronic or Levitical order of the Priesthood until Christ came. And when Christ came, he conferred the High Priest- hood upon Peter, James and John and the Apostles. Matt. 16:17, 19; Luke 5:10. This great man, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun., who held the sceptre of power in his hand, and his ministering agent, Edward Partridge, the Presiding Bishop, have passed to the great beyond and Zion is not yet redeemed and returned to her promised heritage. Of necessity, when Zion is redeemed to be like as in ancient times (Doc. & Cov. 103:18), there must be a Moses President raised up who will hold the sceptre of power in his hands to redeem Zion and establish her in the promised land, in Zion, the New Jerusalem, Jackson County, Missouri. Doc. & Cov. 103:84: III Nephi 21:. 39 THE DIVIDING BY LOT INHERITANCES TO BE SUPERINTENDED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH. The dividing by lot the inheritances in that promised land must be through the instrumentality of a Presiding Bishop, a ministering servant or agent, unto this "Mighty and Strong" modern Moses, President. Joshua received his commission through Moses, the ancient President of God's people on earth, likewise must this future Joshua (the Presiding Bishop), receive his commission through this future President that is to be raised up like unto Moses. The Presiding Bishop will be ordained and set apart to attend to the temporal affairs of the Church and Kingdom of God on this earth, as the laws of God direct. The application of the 85th section of the Doc. & Cov. is absolutely in a future time, when Zion is to be re- deemed in the mountains, and then afterwards returned to the promised land to receive her inheritance, Doc. & Cov. 57:1, 2, Isaiah 8:20; II Nephi 18:20. THE WORD SCEPTRE ANALYZED. In history the word sceptre is used as ensign of royal authority of kings, nobles, magistrates and crowned heads of the earth. The king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hands, (Ester 5:2.) Webtser defines sceptre thus: A staff to lean upon, a staff or baton borne by kings on solemn occasions, as a badge of authority; a royal mace. Hence royal power or authority as, to assume the sceptre. To invest with royal authority or with the ensign of authority. Mace, a staff borne by, or carried before, a magistrate as an ensign of his authority; a sceptre. Swayed the royal mace: Wadsworth. In holy scripture the word sceptre is used as the ensign of the keys of power and authority which God bestows upon his chosen representative, vicegerent or mouthpiece to his children upon this earth. As in the case of Moses, (Exo. 4:17-21.) and with Judah (Gen. 49:10) and when the Kingdom was taken from 40 Judah the sceptre passed into the hands of Jesus Christ, the great King of this earth. (Gen. 49:10.) The word sceptre is used to indicate the raising out of Israel a mighty leader, to cause Israel to do valiantly, (Num. 24:17) and is used in con- nection with the word Star (meaning Jesus Christ) Rev. 22:16) that was to rise out of Jacob. In all the usage and application of the word sceptre by the Lord and by the learned of this earth it is only used to designate the power and authority of those who are of the highest, first and foremost ranks or sta- tions in this life, such as with presidents, leaders, kings, law- givers, nobles and magistrates in the Governments of God and of men. ONE SPECIAL PURPOSE OF THE 85th SECTION OF THE DOCTRINE & COVENANTS. It is very evident that the purpose of the revelation as con- tained in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants was and is intended to enlighten the minds of the children of men, as to how the Lord will return and establish his saints in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, after they have been driven, scattered and chastened for a little season, as also is explained in the 103rd section of the Doctrine and Covenants, Doc. & Cov. Sec. 100:13; 101:41, 75; 105:9; 103:1-18; 104:1-9; 101:1-21. The seventh paragraph of this said revelation, Doc. & Cov. 85: reads thus: "And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hands, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God (Paul says the Church is in his house, Col. 4:15, Romans 16:5; 1 Cor. 16:19;) he also says: The house of God is the Church of the living God, I Tim. 3:15. The "order" is United Order by consecration and patriarchal or plural marriage, etc., in connection with all other commandments and laws ever given to man upon which depends eternal salvation. Doc. & Cov. 85:3; 84:14-22; 105:1-34; 119: Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14:) and to 41 arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints whose names are found and the names of their fathers and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God. LAWS TO BE LIVED BY ALL WHO ARE TO GET AN INHERITANCE IN THE LAND OF THE NEW JERUSALEM. Here it is plainly to be seen that all of the names that are found written in the book of the law of God are to get an inheritance by lot in the promised land; therefore, they must be the ones that are willing to abide the laws, consecra- tion, United Order and Patriarchal marriage, etc., which are laws of the Celestial Kingdom, as has been shown. For they who are of the high Priesthood (in the Church) whose names are not found written in the book of the law, or that are found to have apostatized, or to have been cut off from the church; as well as the lesser Priesthood, or the members, in that day, shall not find an inheritance among the Saints of the most High. Doc. & Cov. 85:11. Now this enrollment spoken of cannot be effected until the people are given a chance to see whether or not they will abide the law of the Celestial King- dom. Doc. & Cov. 101 :93-95; 85:3, which is not being privileged today in an open and honorable manner, etc., Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; 119: 52:2; 132:30-36; II Nephi 14: Isaiah 4:. The law of the Celestial Kingdom will not be established so the people can have a chance to abide in, or reject the same, or in other words, to receive an inheritance, or to be cut off from an inheritance with the Saints in the land of Zion (the only place appointed, or that will be appointed) Doc. & Cov. 101:20 until the one "Mighty and Strong," holding the sceptre of power in his hand is raised up from among the people of Zion, in the mountains and redeems Zion, Doc. & Cov. 105:34, 42 A WORK FOR THE ONE "MIGHTY AND STRONG" TO DO. This "Mighty and Strong" servant is to set the house of God in order, which order is United Order by consecration. (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6,) and plurality of wives, etc. as has been shown, Isaiah 4:. No one to to get an inheritance in Zion, in Jackson County, Missouri, in any other way. Doc. & Cov. 105: 1-7, 34; II Nephi 14:. For this is the only way the Church will ever be redeemed and accepted of the Lord, in this promised land, the New Jerusalem. Thus we see the setting of the house of God in order is a work which must be attended to by a Presi- dent, (Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 107:33; 82:1; 50:26, 27,) in order to find out who will be worthy to receive an inheritance in the land of the New Jerusalem, for the Lord says, "for verily I say unto you, my law shall be kept on this land." This revela- tion was given in Zion, Jackson County, Missouri, August 1st, 1831, Doc. & Cov. 58:19. And God's law is Celestial law. Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6; 70:14; 42:30, 39; 49:20, including United Order by consecration and plurality of wives, Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14: Doc. & Cov. 132: The making of the law of plurality of wives an open and honorable law of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one thing to be attended to and set in order as well as the re-establishing of the United Order by consecration. THE CLASS OF MEN AND WOMEN THAT THE LORD PURPOSES SHALL LIVE THIS PATRIARCHAL LAW OF MARRIAGE. According to Isaiah, 4th Chapter, purified women and holy men and not impure women and sinful men will practice these laws. There is a manifesto or coward's screen, cowards because of iniquity, for the righteous are as bold as lions and are the Daniels of the Lord and are not afraid to serve him and keep his commandments, and are not afraid to trust him to fight their battles as he promised to do in President John Taylor's revelation in 1882, and in President Wilford Woodruff's revela- tion of 1889. These promises were made provided the Church would keep his laws, one of which was polygamy, but the church did not obey the Lord and trust him to fight their battles respecting polygamy for they issued a manifesto as an estoppel of the open and honorable practice of polygamy. The Lord tells Isaiah why this manifesto should be issued, "yea, for thus saith the Lord: have I put thee away, or have I cast thee off for ever? For thus saith the Lord: Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement? To whom have I put thee away, or to which of my creditors have I sold you? Yea, to whom have I sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have he sold your- selves and for your transgressions is your mother put away. Isaiah 50:1; II Nephi 7:1. Isaiah says, "God's law will be made honorable. (Isaiah 42:18-25.) And as pertaining to this law read the revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Doc. & Cov. 132:31-34, 37, 65, 66. SOME MORE WORK FOR THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG' PRESIDENT TO DO. Isaiah further says, "behold the Lord hath a mighty and strong one" (Doc. & Cov. 85:7) "which as a tempest of hail, and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters over- flowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. Judg- ment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plum- met: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the waters shall over flow the hiding place, and your covenant with death shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the over flowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering nar- rower than that he can wrap himself in it. For the Lord shall rise up as in Mt. Perazim, he shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. Isaiah 28:2, 17, 18, 20, 21. And the hail, (the mighty and strong one) shall sweep away the refuge of lies (manifesto) and your covenant with death shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell (Manifesto, etc.) shall not stand; At the time God raises up this "Mighty and Strong" servant, the manifesto will be revoked. THE MIGHTY AND STRONG PRESIDENT THROUGH WHOM GOD IS GOING TO PERFORM HIS STRANGE ACT IS REFERRED TO BY VARIOUS PROPHETS UNDER SEVERAL NAMES AND IN VARIOUS WAYS. This strange act, the fulfillment of the 85th section of the Doc. & Cov. will be done, when the Lord in His wrath rises up and performs His strange act as Isaiah tells us, Isaiah 28:21. This marvelous strange work is to happen in our time and up to the present date, June, 1922, it has not yet taken place, therefore it must be a future happening, Doc. & Cov. 95:1-5; 101 :85-95. The work that is marked out and prescribed for the "Mighty and Strong One," who is to hold the sceptre of power in his hands is just the kind of work this future Moses of indian lineage is to do. II Nephi 3:11, 24; for the lamanities are to be the principle builders of the New Jerusalem. Ill Nephi 21:22, 23; 16:16; 15:13; Doc. & Cov. 52:2. This Indian Proph- et is to be raised up and he will be a leader, a head man, a President, for he certainly has that class of work to do. Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93. This mighty servant with exceeding faith who is to work mighty wonders and to do that thing which is great in the sight of God and bring to pass much restoration unto the House of Israel and unto the seed of his brethren (the lamanites) II Nephi 3:11, 24; he is to establish the saints or Church in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. After he redeems them from bondage in the mountains by setting the Church in order according to the law of the Celestial Kingdom. This is the same kind of a redemption as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants; so the Indian Prophet, the man like unto Moses and the mighty and strong one, must be one and the self same individual, and the one who is to hold the sceptre of power in his hands. THE SCEPTRE OF POWER TO PASS FROM THE HANDS OF JESUS CHRIST INTO THE HANDS OF THE ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG. The keys of the Kingdom (or sceptre of power) Doc. & Cov. 81:2 is a sceptre that passed from Judah into the hands of Jesus Christ, Gen. 49:10, which sceptre Jesus Christ con- ferred on Peter, James and John, Matt. 16:17, 19; which scep- tre Peter, James and John conferred upon Joseph Smith, Doc. & Cov. 27:12; 132:45; 81:2; which sceptre was to remain with Joseph Smith and the successors of Joseph Smith until Jesus Christ's second coming, Doc. & Cov. 112:15; 28:7; 35:18; 90:2-8; which sceptre will pass from the Latter-day Saints church President's hands, who is to fall by the shaft of death, etc. Doc. & Cov. 85:8, into the "Mighty and Strong" one's hands, Doc. & Cov. 85:7, who is to be the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the last days and to set the same in order and to do the mighty works in behalf of Israel and the redemption of the Lord's chosen people, etc. This mighty and strong one spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants must be this future man like unto Moses, as is spoken of in the 103rd Section of the Doc- trine & Covenants for they both have the same kind of work to do and at the same time and place, and they certainly have a President's duties to perform, Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 81:2; 68:14-21. These revelations must have reference to one event and to one man, or else there are to be two redemptions of Zion yet in the future to the same promised land by two Presi- dents and at the same time, which would be unreasonable. The setting of the House of God in order, (which includes the Church; 1 Tim. 3:15; Col. 4:15,) and the arranging by lot the inheritances of the Saints, are two separate and distinct works as has been shown. The setting of the house of God, (or Church), in order is a work that can only be done by the Presidency of the same, Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 107:8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 33, 68, 91, 92; 124:125, 126; 81:2; 50:26, 27. The dividing by lot the inheritances of the saints in the center stake of Zion and the surrounding country can only be done after Zion's redemption by this "Mighty and Strong" Moses of Indian line- age, a President; for we find recorded in Holy writ these specific instructions, "let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her laws be fulfilled and executed after her redemption." Doc. & Cov. 105:34. THE REDEMPTION OF ZION IN THE MOUNTAINS. Zion's redemption must take place in the mountains be- fore her return to the land of Zion to receive her in- heritance. Isaiah 35:10; 51:11; Micah 4:10; II Nephi 8:11; Doc. & Cov. 58:44; 49: 24; 25; 105:34; 103:17, 18. This modern Moses must redeem modern Israel out of present day bondage by mighty power and with a stretched out arm like as the re- demption of Israel out of the land of Egypt. Then if this modern Moses be like the Moses of old, he will hold the sceptre of power in his hand Exo. 4:4, 21; Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. A BISHOP AS AN AGENT OF THE PRESIDENT TO DIVIDE INHERITANCE. The Bishop or agent, who is to divide inheritances in the promised land, is to be like unto Joshua of old, (Joshua 1:1; Doc. & Cov. 58:17,) he is to be under the jurisdiction of this Moses President, or ruler. (Acts 7:35) and attend to his part of arranging by lot, after he has been appointed by the voice of the Church to this capacity or mission, Doc. & Cov. 51:12. "And whoso standeth in his mission is appointed to be a judge in Israel, like as it was in ancient days, to divide the land of the heritage of God unto his children." Doc. & Coc. 58:17; Deut. 34:9. Now the important thing is to find out how this was done anciently, "And the Lord spake unto Moses, (the President) saying: these are the names of the men which shall divide the land unto you; Eleazer, Aaron's son, and Joshua, the son of Nun, and you shall take one prince of every tribute, to divide the land by inheritance," Num. 34:16-29. And Moses commanded the Children of Israel, saying, this is the land which ye shall inherit by lot, which the Lord commanded to give unto the nine tribes and to the half tribe, Num. 34:13; Joshua 14: Deut. 34:9, Exo. 18:12-27; 47 Num. 11:16, 17; 27:18-23; Joshua, Chapters 11 to 22; Joshua 19:49, 51. If modern Israel is to be served as ancient Israel was, and have the Melchisedek Priesthood and the President thereof taken out of their midst, Doc. & Cov. 84:25, 26, we might then look for, and expect a President of the next Priest- hood, the Aaronic or Levitical order of Priesthood, who would naturally be a bishop and a presiding bishop, to officiate for he would be the head of the greatest authority then upon this earth, Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88. A presiding bishop to attend to this work as spoken of pertaining to the dividing of inheri- tances in the promised land, in order to be as in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov. 58:17), and as described in the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants would of necessity be subject to the President of the Church so long as the Melchisedek Priesthood should remain upon this earth, Joshua 11:15, 23. Now as we are assured that the Melchisedek Priesthood is to always re- main with the Church, (Dan. 2:44; Doc. & Cov. 27:13; 132:45), therefore the President of the Church, who is also the Presi- dent of the High Priesthood, as Moses was anciently, in order to conform to the scriptures, (Doc. 58:17) would of necessity have to superintend this work of dividing inheritance to the Saints, which would be done through a modern Joshua as his agent, (a Presiding Bishop) Doc. & Cov. 107:33; 90:16. As the Lord commanded Moses, his servant, so did Moses command Joshua, his servant, Josh. 1:1; 14:7, 11. "And so did Joshua; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses," Josh. 11:15. "So Joshua took the whole land according to all that the Lord said unto Moses; and Joshua gave it for an in- heritance unto Israel according to their divisions by their tribes and the land rested from war," (Josh. 11:23), "And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the Lord: and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisons." (Jos. 18:10). "When they had made an end of dividing the land for inheritance by their coasts, the child- ren of Israel gave an inheritance to Joshua, the son of Nun, among them," (Josh. 19:49.) At this time Moses and the Mel- chisedek Priesthood was not among the children of Israel, Deut. 34:5, Doc. & Cov. 84:25. Joshua, the principle man and President over the Levitical order of Priesthood, the only priesthood on earth at that time, (Doc. & Cov. 84:26, Josh. 1:1-18.) by virtue of his position, a Presiding Bishop, (Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88,) after dividing by lot inheritances to all Israel, as Moses' minister, received his inheritance at the hands of all Israel, thereby showing conclusively he was the presiding authority, a Presiding Bishop and the highest authority among them at that time. This shows conclusively how Israel was established in her inheritance anciently, and the eccleastical position, rank and station of Joshua. He was the President of the Levitical order of Priesthood and of necessity a Presiding Bishop, and the chief representative of God upon the earth, (Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88.) So he then, had a right to establish Israel in the promised land. Joshua did not hold the sceptre of power, Exo. 4:16-18, (or rod of God) in his hand, but was a minister to Moses, who did, (Josh. 1:1) and did as Moses directed him, (Josh. 11:15, 23.) After Moses and the holy priesthood was taken from among ancient Israel, Doc. & Cov. 84:25, 26, Joshua received counsel after the judgment of Urim through Eleazar, the Priest, (Num. 27:18-23,) but when Moses presided over Israel anciently he talked face to face with God and got his instructions direct from the Lord. (Exo. 33:11; Deut. 34:10; 5:24.) Likewise will this modern Moses, if he be like unto the Moses of old, talk face to face with his God, and get his instructions direct from the Lord. A Presiding Bishop, the President of the lesser priesthood holdeth the keys of the ministering of angels and instructions by Urum and cannot be privileged to talk face to face with God, Doc. & Cov. 84:26. Thus we see the difference between a presi- dent of the holy Melchisedek Priesthood and a president of the Levitical order of Priesthood, and whose right it is to hold the sceptre of power, when both Priesthoods are here upon this earth, Doc. & Cov. 72:1; 81:2. Now as there is to be one raised up like unto Moses to redeem Zion and return the worthy saints to the center stake thereof, (or Zion) then he must hold the holy Melchisedek Priesthood and be the President of the same, which of necessity infers, he will be the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 40 TT \J Doc. & Cov. 35:24, 26; Psalms 14:7. He will have a minister, a Presiding Bishop, as his agent, Doc. & Cov. 51:8; Josh. 1:1; Num. 11:28. Whoso standeth in his mission is appointed to be a judge in Israel, (a presiding bishop) like as it was in ancient days, to divide the land of the heritage of God unto his children, Doc. & Cov. 58:17. The scriptures inform us how the children of Israel got their inheritances anciently. God told Moses, the head of His Church anciently, who by vir- tue of his office, would naturally be the President, who held the sceptre of power in his hand, Exo. 4:17-20, to call and ordain Joshua and to give him a charge before all Israel, and the position Joshua occupied at that time is exactly the same kind, that is in reserve for a future Presiding Bishop when the inheritances are divided unto the Saints in the promised land. Joshua done all that Moses told him to do while Moses was with him and afterwards received his instructions by Urum through Eleazer, the Priest. According to these scriptures, the "One Mighty and Strong" holding the sceptre of power in his hand, etc., to redeem Zion, as spoken in the 85th sec- tion of the Doctrine and Covenants, could not possibly be a Bishop, but will have to be a Moses, a President, the greatest of all and none like him in all Israel, in order to be as in ancient days. Doc. & Cov. 58:17; 103:11-18; Exo. 4:17-20; Isaiah 8:20. A Bishop can and will do part of that work which is spoken of in the 85th section of the Doc. & Cov. He can and must estab- lish the worthy Saints, after Zion's redemption by the mighty Moses in the mountains, in their inheritances when the Presi- dent, who holds the sceptre of power in his hands, ordains and sets him apart to that mission, and he is upheld and sustained by the Church. The Saints cannot get any inheritance in the land of Zion until they are delivered out of bondage, by this Moses who is to be raised up, who will have to be a President in order to hold the sceptre of power in his hand and be like unto Moses of old. Exo. 4:17-21; Deut. 4:7-12. PROPHECY OF HEBER C. KIMBALL OF THE "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" THAT IS TO COME. In the year 1867, in the endowments house in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Heber C. Kimball made the following 50 statement and prophecy: Looking around and at the several couples v/ho were there to be married, he said, "I want to tell you something, this Church has been moving along slowly and will be for a number of years. The President has been taken from the apostles and will be for a number of years, then God will raise up a man to be the President of this Church; he will neither be of the lineage of Joseph nor of Brigham, nor of the apostles, and will not be taken from the quorum of the apostles: he is in your midst and you don't know him." While making this prophecy, Brother Kimball's face shown with a bright light and he spoke like one having authority. Attested to by George T. Peay, Sen., Annie Mar- garet Peay, his wife; Edward Peay and Amanda Peay, his wife, all of Provo City, Utah. The scriptures say the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints is established in the last dispensation of the full- ness of times and is never to be destroyed or given to another people. Daniel 2:44; Doc. & Cov. 20:1; 22:3; 101:17; 107:1, 2; 84:17, 27:13. Then we are assured that there will always be the Melchisedek Priesthood in this Church and if such will be the case the Presiding Bishop will always be subject to and get his instructions, pertaining to his mission, through the Presi- dent of this Holy Priesthood. (Doc. & Cov. 82:11, 12; 107:8; 51:1, 2; 41:9, 10; 72:7) and will not be under the necessity of asking counsel through Urim as Joshua was because Moses and the Holy Priesthood was taken from the earth, Num. 27: 18-23; Doc. & Cov. 84:25, 26. Thus we see the establishing the worthy Saints in their inheritances in Independence, Jack- son County, Missouri in time to come will be under the super- vision and jurisdiction of the one holding the sceptre of power in his hand who must be a President. Therefore the Presiding Bishop will be his agent to assist him in this labor in order that it be done as in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov 58:17.) Thus we are shown the ecclesiastical capacity of a bishop anciently and modernly, for one is to be like unto the other. And also that the keys of the Kingdom and the sceptre of power belongs always unto the President of the Melchisedek Priesthood, whenever that priesthood is upon this earth. Doc. & Cov. SI- SI:!, 2; Exo. 4:17-20; 17:9-12; Num. 20:8-11; Gen. 49:10; Psalms 60:7; Matt. 21:32-43. John the Baptist was ordained by an angel at the time he was eight days old to overthrow the kingdom of the Jews and to make straight the way of the Lord before the face of his people, to prepare them for the coming of the Lord in whose hand is given all power, Doc. & Cov. 84:28; 93:17. All power necessarily includes the sceptre; for the sceptre and all power was given into the hands of Jesus Christ, Heb. 7:10-28; Psalms 110:4; Heb. 5:5, 6; 6:20. Thus we see the sceptre of power was conferred upon Jesus Christ and His legal representatives Judah, before His birth, and Peter after His crucifixion, Matt. 16:17-19; Gen. 49:10. THE SCEPTRE OF POWER (THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM) CONFERRED UPON JOSEPH SMITH. The keys and sceptre of power were conferred upon Peter by Jesus Christ Himself and he became God's legal represen- tative after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Peter in con- nection with James and John conferred the keys of the King- dom the sceptre of power, that was taken from Judah, upon the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun., Doc. & Cov. 27:12, 13. And as proof that Joseph Smith received these keys we refer the reader to the following scripture. "For I have conferred upon you the keys and power of the Priesthood, wherein I restore all things, and make known unto you all things in due time, (Doc. & Cov. 132:45,) and there is never but one on the earth at a time, on whom this power and the keys of the Priesthood are conferred. Doc. & Cov. 132:7. And I have given unto him (Joseph Smith, Jr.) the keys of the mysteries of those things which have been sealed, even things which were from the foundation of the world, and the things which shall come from this time until the time of My coming if he abide in Me, and if not, another will I plant in his stead," Doc. & Cov. 35:18; (and if planted in his stead, would be another President.) For I have given him the keys of the mysteries and the revelations which were sealed, until I shall appoint another in his stead." (Doc. & Cov. 81:2; 28:7; 90:2-8; 124:9-96,). The keys of the kingdom and 52 sceptre of power were to remain with the Prophet Joseph Smith and his legal successors, who must always be Presi- dents of the Melchisedek Priesthood, and God's legal repre- sentatives upon this earth. Doc. & Cov. 81:2. Thus we can see the position the man is to occupy who is to come holding the sceptre of power in his hands, as spoken of in the 7th verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. He is to be the President of the Melchisedek Priesthood, and of necessity \the presiding authority of the .Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon this earth. He is to set the house of God in order, as spoken of in said revelation; and as there is to be only one man on earth at a time, who can hold the sceptre of power, it is easy to see who it is that is to fall by "the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning," to make a place for this "Mighty and Strong" one to occupy. Doc. & Cov. 85:8. The Lord says, i"He will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand," etc. which sceptre of power he cannot hold unless he be a president of the Melchisedeck Priesthood and God's legal representative upon this earth, as has been shown. The Lord further says, "while that man who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." No one, less than one occupying the position as the President of the Church of Jesus Churst of Latter-Day-Saints would have any right to do this kind of work or have any influence with the people, in doing such a thing as putting forth his hand to steady the ark. THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN PUT FORTH HIS HAND TO STEADY THE ARK AND FALL. The President is the only one who could have any influence and is the very one that is to put forth his hand to do such a strange thing. Thus it is shown forth very plainly that a President is to be moved out of the way in a strange manner in order to make room for this one whom God is going to send to set His house in order, which is His Church, (1 Tim. 3:15,) and lead the worthy Saints back to the center stake of Zion, and arrange by lot their inheritances in that promised land, through a modern Joshua, a presiding Bishop. A person without holding the Melchisedek Priesthood cannot see the face of God and live, Doc. & Cov. 84:21-23. A Bishop, in the absence of a President and the Melchisedek Priesthood, must be enlightened concerning his mission and calling by the admisistration of angels, or by Urim, as the Lord sees fit, (Doc. & Cov. 84:19-26.) as in the case of Joshua, Num. 27:18-23, who was instructed through Urim by Eleazer, a Priest of the Levitical order of the Priesthood, because Moses and the Melchisedek Priesthood had been taken from the earth, Doc. & Cov. 84:25. When the Melchisedek Priesthood is on this earth, a Bishop must get his instructions from the Lord, through the President of the Church, who is necessarily the President of the Holy Melchisedek Priesthood, Doc. & Cov. 51:1, 2; 82: 12; 107:8, 14, which President must always hold the sceptre of power in his hand, as has been shown; and set in order all the affairs of the Lord's Church and Kingdom, or oversee the same. Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 107:33. There is an order or law spoken of in the scripture that is not being lived today, which this Church must accept and abide in, before they are eligible and entitled to an inheritance in the New Jerusalem, Mount Zion, (Doc. & Cov. 84:2), and that order is the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6) which includes all the laws that have ever been given to this Church and what other laws God may deem fit and commensurate for the perfecting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that they may have an abiding place in the New Jerusalem at Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. THE NEW JERUSALEM THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING. This being the land for the chosen habitation of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the time of his second coming, Psalms 132:13, 14. "Yea the word of the Lord concerning His Church, established in the last days for the restoration of His people, as He has spoken by the mouths of His Prophets, 54 and for the gathering of His saints to stand upon Mount Zion, which shall be the City of the New Jerusalem, which City shall be built beginning at the Temple lot, which is ap- pointed by the finger of the Lord, in the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, and dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun, and others with whom the Lord was well pleased. Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the City, New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the Saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the Temple, which temple shall be reared in this generation. For this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord which shall fill the house. Doc. & Cov. 84:2-5; II Nephi 14: Isaiah 4:. The Lord says His law shall be kept upon that land, Doc. & Cov. 58:19; 105:34; 132:31-34, 37, 65, 66, which will be done when Zion returns after being redeemed in the mountains, Mica 4:1, 6, 7, 10; Doc. & Cov. 49:24, 25: Nephi says when the cloud of glory rests upon Mount Zion the New Jerusalem (as recorded in Doc. & Cov. 84:2-6 and II. Nephi 14: Isaiah 4:) all her people will be called holy and in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach. Isaiah 4: (which is barrenness. Gen. 30:23; Luke 1:25; Psalms 113:9.) Here we have holy people with the glory of God resting upon their dwelling places and Jesus Christ in their midst, practicing polygamy as an honorable law of the Celestial Kingdom, (III. 21:24, 25; 20:22; Psalms 132:13-15; Doc. & Cov. 58:13.) For Jesus Christ dwells in no other kingdom. (Doc. & Cov. 76: 66, 92-96; Mosiah 8:16; 1st Cor. 15:40.) The Lord says that He is no respector of persons and if this statement is true, some- thing must be done with the manifesto, in order that all the Saints can have an equal privelege to practice that Celestial law, as well as now supposed, some favored few; that all people may have an equal chance to dwell in the New Jerusalem, the chosen habitation of Jesus Christ. And again the people must be living in the United Order by consecration in order to be acceptable unto the Lord, because Jesus Christ dwells in the -55- Celestial Kingdom, therefore all who live in the New Jerusalem must be united as with one heart and one mind, no rich, no poor, no high, no low, but live the United Order in word, in action and in very deed. Doc. & Cov. 105:3-6. Jesus says, "If ye are not one ye are not mine." God says the Saints must be united according to the union required by the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, and that Zion cannot be built up, unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (1 Cor. 15:40,) otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6. Some of the principles of the Celestial law as we have proven are these, United Order by consecration and plurality of wives, none of which are being practiced today by this Church as typical of a light set on a hill and not under a bushel. THE TIME WHEN THE LORD HAS PURPOSED THESE CELESTIAL LAWS TO BE AGAIN MAINTAINED AND PRACTICED AS HONORABLE LAWS. These Celestial laws cannot legally be lived and prac- ticed since the issuing of the manifesto until the redemp- tion of the Church by the "Mighty and Strong" Indian pro- phet like unto Moses, the root of Jesse, who is to bring forth the last and all records for the express purpose of bringing about the redemption of Zion, and the setting of the house of God in order. The Lord says: Let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law be fulfilled and executed after her redemption, Doc. & Cov. 105:34; II Nephi 3:24; Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 85: II Nephi 21: 30: III Nephi 20:21:. But these principles of the Celestial law must be established in the Church and complied with by the Saints in the mountains first, Doc. & Cov. 49:24, 25, in order to get an inheritance in Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem, and this can- not be done until this man like unto Moses is raised up with the sceptre of power in his hand, to set the house of God in order and redeem Zion, for it is his mission to unlock the door of bondage with the key of power (or sceptre) as did Moses of old and return the worthy saints back to the promised land by leading Israel today like as did Moses lead Israel anciently. Every law that has ever been revealed and given to this people must be lived when Zion is again established at Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem, at Independence, Jackson County, Mis- souri and its surrounding country, for that is to be Jesus Christ's abode, the Celestial Kingdom, center of this earth, III Nephi 21:24, 25; 20:22; Doc. & Cov. 58:13; Psalms 132:13-16. For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, Isaiah 2:3. And upon the land of the New Jerusalem, God's law will be kept, (Doc. & Cov. 58:19; Rev. 21:12-22; Isaiah 4:), which includes, as has been proven, United Order by consecration and plurality of wives. Thus the setting in order of the Church (Doc. & Cov. 85:7) according to the laws required to be lived, is absolutely necessary in order that all people may have an equal chance and be privileged to live the laws that will entitle them to an inheritance in the promised land of Zion, the New Jeru- salem, and dwell in the presence of their redeemer. In order to show that God is no respector of persons, all people must have an even chance to live the Celestial law, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11,) which they have not got today nor will they have that chance until this man like unto Moses is raised up and sets this Church in order, according to the requirements of the law of the scriptures pertaining to this celestial order of God's Kingdom on this earth, Doc. & Cov. 85:3; 105:1-6, 34; 103:11-18; Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14:. MAKING BARE OF THE LORD'S HOLY ARM NECESSARY. The basic principles, or foundational features of Christ's Church are not being lived today by the Saints, but they must be complied with, by all who expect to receive an inheritance and live in the New Jerusalem, therefore the making bare of the Lord's holy arm, in His strange act manner to cause a spiri- tual awakening of all nations of the earth and the convincing of all peoples of the truthfulness of the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is absolutely necessary, I Nephi 22:8-10; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 101:85-95; 95:1-6; Isaiah 28:2; Moroni 7:35. When the Lord makes bare His Holy arm in the manner and way He has promised, the Church 57 is exhorted in the following language: "Awake, awake again, and put on thy strength, O Zion," and the scattered remnants are exhorted to return unto the Lord, and not before, Doc. & Cov. 90:10; 113:7-10; 82:14; II Nephi 20:35-37; 21:9-25. Some one must attend to this great work as God's legally appointed minister. THE MAN LIKE UNTO MOSES THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG" ONE THE MUCH MARRED ONE. There is a character that is spoken of and described in the Doctrine & Covenants as being the one God has chosen to attend to this important mission; the scriptures clearly indi- cate that the one that is to do this mission, is the man that is to be raised up like unto Moses, as is spoken of in the 103rd Section of the Doctrine & Covenants. Let us examine his pre- requisites by measuring him by the scriptures, that bear upon this important subject. He is to be like unto Moses of old, who held the sceptre of power in his hand. Then this man like unto Moses could be the "Mighty and Strong" one spoken of in the seventh verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants that is to come holding the sceptre of power in his hand. Moses of old was a President, then this one that is to be raised up like unto him, must be a President, so he could set the House of God in order, (Doc. & Cov. 107:91-93; 90:16), as spoken of in the seventh verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, for that is a President's duty. (Doc. 107:33.) Moses of old divided by lot the inheritances and had a minister to attend to the work under his direction, (Josh. 1:1-23; 11:15-23), so this one who is to be raised up like unto him, could divide inheritances as is spoken of in the seventh verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants through a presiding Bishop, a Joshua. Moses of old held the sceptre of power in his hand, (Exo. 4:17, 20, 21,) so the one that is to be like him, could be the one who is to bring forth the records as spoken of in the 21st Chapter 9-11 verses of III Nephi, wherein Alma, 37:4, 14, 18, 19) says the Lord is going to show forth His power, a sceptre of power, in the hand of the one that brings them forth, II Nephi 25:18; Doc. & Cov., 90:9-11; 1st Nephi 13:39-41; II Nephi 3:24. Jesus Christ says 58 the Lord will make bare his holy arm in the coming forth of these last records (read carefully the 20th and 21st chapters of III Nephi and you will see it stated clearly in comparison. Remember the making bare of his holy arm is a future event. Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11.) Then this one like unto Moses of old could be the one through whom the Lord could work to make bare his holy arm in the coming forth of these last records. THE MIGHTY SERVANT OF THE LORD WILL BE MARRED AND CAST OUT OF THE CHURCH BY HIS BRETHREN AND THEN BE HEALED OF THE LORD. Then this man like unto Moses could be the one who is to declare unto the people of the coming forth of these last records and be disbelieved and marred for so doing. And the Lord says he will show that his wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. (This statement shows that there will be great opposition to this man's testimony and mission, which opposition will be inspired by the devil,) III Nephi 21:9-11. THE LAST RECORDS AS A SCEPTRE OF POWER IN THE HANDS OF THIS MARRED SERVANT OF THE LORD. The Lord will heal this man's marring, (Isaiah speaks of one that would be cast out of the Church, but the Lord is to appear to his joy and the brethren who cast him out of the Church are to be made ashamed, etc., Isaiah 66:4-7) and the Lord is to cause this marred man to bring forth these last records, (3 Nephi 21:9-11) which will be a sceptre of power in his hands according to the 37th Chapter of Alma. These last records are to be brought forth for the express purpose of convincing all people, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the only Church that is recognized and owned by the Lamb of God upon this earth today, I Nephi 14:10; Ephesians 4:5; II Nephi 10:16; I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; II Nephi 25:18. All they, when these last records come forth, who will not believe Christ's words, which this marred man shall bring forth unto them, are to be cut off from among the people, or Saints of God, III Nephi 21 :7-l 1. So that man like unto Moses could be the one 59 through whom Cod could cause this cutting off as is spoken of in Doctrine & Covenants, 85th Section and III Nephi 21st Chap- ter. In fact he, the man like unto Moses, spoken of in the 103rd Section of Doctrine & Covenants is the one character spoken of in the scriptures that has all the necessary pre-requisites to be the one spoken of in the 7th paragraph of the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants. The Lord says He is going to perform a strange act, strange to man, but not to God, who has purposed it, to leave all men without an excuse, as to the truthfulness of the Gospel. The making bare of His holy arm is to do exactly the same thing, to leave all men without an excuse as to the truthfulness of the Gospel. Doc. & Cov. 101:92-95; 95:4; 90:7-12. This man like unto Moses, who must be a President (Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92) could play the part in this strange act in being raised up in a strange manner, (III Nephi 21:9-11; II Nephi 3:11, 24,) to take the place of the President that is spoken of in the 8th verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants, that is to fall by a shaft of death in such a strange way, Doc. & Cov. 124:126; 90:1-6. So it shows very plainly that this man who is to be raised up like unto Moses of old, has the necessary qualifications to be the one fore- ordained, (Alma 13:1-12; II Nephi 3:11, 24,) who must be the Indian prophet who is to bring forth records in the strange man- ner, and finally, after much marring, is to bring them forth. These last and all records are to usher in the Lamanite's day, (I Nephi 13:39-41; III Nephi 21:7-11,) so, this Indian prophet spoken of could be the one who is to come holding the sceptre of power in his hands for the accomplishment of God's great design in this day and age of the world in behalf of all Israel, and particularly for the lamanities upon this continent. The redemption of Zion (the pure in heart) and Zion (the New Jerusalem) the liberating of the children of Israel from bond- age; the building of the New Jerusalem and the establishing of all people who are eligible, according to the laws of God, to in- herit the center stake of Zion, is the great and important mission before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today; and this cannot and will not be done, until the man like unto Moses, this root of Jesse, the Indian Prophet, is raised up 60 to do it, saith the Lord God (Doc. & Cov. 103:.) The Lord's strange act, (Doc. & Cov. 95:1-5; 101:85-95; Isaiah 28:21,) the making bare of His Holy arm, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11, I. Nephi 22:10, 11, II. Nephi 33:11; Moroni 7:35; III. Nephi 20:34-39.) In the coming forth of last and all records (I. Nephi 13:39-41, III. Nephi 21:9-11; 26:6-13,) wherein God's power is to be shown forth, (Alma 37:4-19.) The brass plates, the larger plates of Nephi, the sealed records and instruments of anti- quity, have never been delivered to the Latter-day Saints Church, but are to be given to this people (or Church) in this dispensation, according to Historical Record Vol. 7, 1st Chapter and last verse, which reads as follows: "Joseph, after having completed the work which the Lord had entrusted him with, delivered the records back to Moroni, who still has them in charge. The Lord has promised that the sealed part of the re- cords shall, in His own due time, be given to His people in this dispensation, together with other sacred records and instru- ments of antiquity, the hiding place which is not yet known." II Nephi 27:10, 11,21-24; 30:18; Mormon 5:8-15; Doc. & Cov. 128: 18; 5:9-11; 17:6; 6:26, 29; 25:4; III Nephi 26:6-13; Doc. & Cov. 136:37-39. This mighty man who is to do this marvelous and strange act (work), who is the Indian Prophet (II Nephi 3:24,) who is the root of Jesse, (compare I Nephi 13:39, 40, Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11) then compare II Nephi 21:5-11 with II Nephi 30: 10-18; III Nephi 21 :9-l 1, and you will see this man who is to bring forth the last and all records is to be greatly marred for bearing testimony of the same, but Jesus Christ will heal him and give him power to bring forth the records. Isaiah says that one of the Lord's servants shall be cast out of the Church and the Church will say, let the Lord be glorified, after they shall cast him out, but the Lord will appear to his joy, and they that cast him out shall be ashamed. Isaiah 66:2-7. So this root of Jesse must be the "One Mighty and Strong" spoken of in the 7th verse of the 85th section of the Doc. & Cov., for he has a mighty work to do as the Lord's servant, in bringing forth the last and all records, etc., which is the final and last work preparatory for the Savior's second advent. The redemption of Zion is many years in the future (Doc, & Cov, 58:44; 128:18; 61 123:6-17) from the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by Joseph Smith, Jr., April 6, A. D. 1830, Doc. & Cov. 95:1-6; 101:85-95; Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 105:9. The Lord says therefore in consequence of the trans- gression of My people it is expedient in Me that Mine elders should wait for a little season for the redemption of Zion and now verily I say concerning the residue of the Elders of My Church, the time has not come, for many years, for them to receive their inheritance in this land, except they desire it through the prayer of faith only as it shall be appointed unto them of the Lord. And now I give unto you a word concern- ing Zion. Zion shall be redeemed, although she is chastened for a little season. For I will raise up unto Myself a pure people that will serve Me in righteousness. (Doc. & Cov. 100:13, 16,) for it is My will that these lands should be purchased, and after they are purchased that My Saints should possess them according to the laws of consecration which I have given. (Doc. & Cov. 105:29.) They that remain, and are pure in heart shall return, and come to their inheritances, they and their children, with songs of everlasting joy, to build up the waste places of Zion, Doc. Cov. 101:18. The Lord says he will raise up unto his people a man who shall lead them out of bondage like as Moses did anciently with power, as in the land of Egypt, then he must hold the sceptre of power in his hand, for ancient Moses did, Exo. 4:2, 4, 17. This mighty and strong servant of the Lord will redeem this people, Church or Israel, out of whatever spiritual and temporal bondage they may be in, and set the Church in order according to the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov., 105:1-6, 34,) and lead them back to the center stake of Zion to their inheritance in that promised land. THE INDIAN PROPHET'S AND THE LAMANITE'S DAY. Now as the Indians or Lamanites are to be the principle builders of the New Jerusalem, assisted by the Gentile Saints, III Nephi 21:22-26, makes it very evident the Lamanites will be the prominent factors in this Church at that 62-- time, for they are to blossom as the rose and flourish upon the hills and rejoice upon the mountains, before they return to the center stake of Zion, Doc. & Cov. 49:24-26. When they return they are to be the principle builders of the New Jeru- salem III Nephi 21:22-26. The Lamanites in the day of the Lord's wisdom are to return unto Him (III Nephi 16:) and the last records are to come in the day of God's wisdom (Alma 37:) and as an Indian Prophet is to rise up mighty among them, who shall do much good both in word, (in bearing testi- mony of the coming forth of these last records) and in deed (by bringing forth of these last records after much marring III Nephi 21:7-12) being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith (exceeding faith because of the tremen- dous opposition he will meet for bearing testimony of this last work, and the many years that are to elapse before this great work is accomplished) to work mighty wonders (as Moses of old did) and do that thing which is great (the bring- ing forth of the last and all records through the greatest op- position and marring, Isaiah 66:5; III Nephi 21:9-12, and to be healed of the Lord, which will certainly constitute a great and strange work) in the sight of God and unto the seed of thy brethren, II Nephi 3:11, 24. The mission of this Indian Prophet in behalf of the house of Israel and the seed of his brethren, the Lamanites, is to accomplish the same results as are to be accomplished when the Lord reveals His arm in power, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11,) in the coming forth of the last and all records. I Nephi 13: 39-41; II Nephi 30:18; I Nephi 14:10-15. The work to be performed by the Indian Prophet and the time and pur- pose of said mission, is very convincing that he is the "mighty and Strong" character who is to do the work which the Lord says this man like unto Moses is to do. Moses was a President, (Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92,) with all the gifts, powers and author- ity, that God bestowed upon any man, and he talked face to face with the Lord; and there was none like him in all Israel, and there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, (Exod. 33:11 Num. 12:7, 8;) whom the Lord knew face to face and Joshua was in Israel and remained with them for years after Moses died, Deut. 34:9-12. The Lord does not say he will 63 raise up unto His people a man like unto Joshua, (a presiding Bishop) as the said Church article would like to make people believe, nor does the Lord say a Bishop is going to put forth his hand to steady the ark of God, and fall by a shaft of death, etc., or even infer it is a Bishop, as the said Church article would have people believe, Joshua 1:1; 11:15; Num. 34:16-20. Joshua received his instructrions from God by Urim through Eleazer the Priest of the Levitical Order of the Priest- hood, thus was the presiding Bishop instructed and why? Because there only remained after the death of Moses the Aaronic or the Levitical Order of the Priesthood, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels and instruction by Urim, etc., Doc. & Cov. 107:15; 88; 84:25, 26; Num. 27:21. Now as the Lord says; a Bishop is to divide inheritance and be a judge in Israel like as it was in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov. 58:17) he is to be a modern Joshua, a President of the Levitical Order of the Priesthood (Doc. & Cov. 107:88,) Joshua was an ancient Presiding Bishop (Doc. & Cov. 107:15,) who fulfilled the of- fice, as is delegated to the head Bishop, in this Church today. This modern Joshua must have some of this modern Moses' honor (or power) (Doc. & Cov. 107:11-15, 72-74,) put upon him (in order that the Church will be obedient to his ministry, in establishing them in their inheritances, as Joshua had put upon him anciently, (Num. 27:20; 11:17,) to establish Israel in their inheritance. Joshua did as Moses directed in everything, (Joshua 1 1 :15,) and likewise must this modern presiding Bishop do as this modern Moses directs in order that this mission shall be done as in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov. 58:17;) thus we see that a presiding Bishop cannot hold the sceptre of power in his hand, but is to have some power put upon him by the one who does hold the sceptre of power in his hand, who is God's legal representative and a President of the Melchisedek Priest- hood always (Doc. & Cov. 81:2,) whenever the Melchisedek Priesthood is on this earth; thus a bishop must always be subject to the President of the High Priesthood when upon the earth, and have some of the honor or power put upon him. This "Mighty and Strong" Indian Prophet, man like unto 64 Moses, root of Jesse, that is to bring forth the last and all records and do this great and mighty work in behalf of Israel, etc., must talk face to face with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as did Moses of old, and as did the Prophet Joseph Smith, in order to be like unto them and act with authority and power, and be rightfully their legal successors. This is the kind of a man he must be in order that the Saints will be obedient to his ministry. ONE MAN ON EARTH AT A TIME TO HOLD THE SCEPTRE OF POWER.' The scriptural proof, and reasoning, why a Presiding Bishop, who standeth in his mission as in ancient days, (Doc. & Cov. 58:17) to divide inheritances, cannot hold the sceptre of power in his hand, in part, is this, there is never to be but one man on this earth at a time, who is to hold the sceptre or keys of power in his hand, (Doc. & Cov. 132:7, 59, 60,) and that one is always the President of the Melchisedek Priesthood, and of necessity the President of the Church of Jesus Christ upon the earth, Doc. & Cov. 81:2. The keys of the Kingdom we have shown to be the sceptre that was wrested from Judah by John the Baptist into the hands of Jesus Christ, and from Peter, in connection with James and John, his counsellors, upon the head of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and this sceptre, keys of the Kingdom, belongs always unto the President of the High Priesthood. Doc. & Cov. 81:2, whenever this holy Priesthood is upon the earth. Moses was a President of the High Priesthood (Doc. & Cov. 107:91- 92) and held the keys of power and sceptre, or rod of God, in his hand as the royal ensign of his authority, (Num. 20:8, 9; Exo. 4:17-21; 17:9) and was without an equal in all Israel, (Deut. 34:9-12) and was the most meek man in Israel, (Num. 12:3) and the only one with whom God spoke face to face and there arose not a Prophet since like him, (Deut. 34:10; Num. 12:7, 8.) He was God's mighty and strong leader with the sceptre of power, (rod of God) in his hands, (Exo. 4:17-20,) and he, as God's servant, (Jos. 1:2, 7, 11:15) put some of his honor or power (Doc. & Cov. 29:36,) upon Joshua whose position and duty was 65- that of a Presiding Bishop, (Doc. & Cov. 107:15, 88,) who did as Moses directed him in his work (Joshua 1:1, 11:15) per- taining to the establishing of the Israelites in their inheritances in that olden time. (Joshua 11:15-23.) A BISHOP TO BE DIRECTED BY THE PRESIDENT. Therefore the Presiding Bishop at the time the worthy Saints are to be returned and established in their inheritance in Jackson County, Misouri, and the surrouding country, must be directed by, and be obedient to, one like unto Moses, a President, Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 107:91, 92,) who is to be raised up holding the sceptre of power in his hand, (Doc. & Cov. 85:7; Exo. 4:17-20) to set in order the house of God, (or Church, I Tim. 3:15; Doc. & Cov. 20:1; 90:16,) and arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, Num. 34:13-29; 33:50-54; Joshua 11:15-23; 14:1, 2; 18:10. This future Moses President will have the Presiding Bishop attend to the dividing by lot of inheritance, as his minister in the matter, (Joshua 1:1, 11:15,) in order that it be done as in ancient days, and to conform to the word of God, in this matter, Doc. & Cov. 58:17. "To the law and to the testimony, and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them," II Nephi 18:20. Zion is under condemnation and will remain so until they repent and do according to that which is written. Doc. & Cov. 84:56, 57. A PRESIDENT TO SET IN ORDER ALL THE AFFAIRS OF THE CHURCH. The Lord says in speaking to the Presidency of His Church, "and this shall be your business and mission in all your lives, to preside in counsel and set in order all the affairs of this Church and Kingdom." Doc. & Cov. 90:16. Therefore any setting in order that is necessary to be done, or attended to, in this Church and Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 85:7) must be done by the Presidency of this Church, in order to comply with the word of God, and that Presidency must have an offi- ciating head, as God's vicegerant, as Moses and the Prophet Joseph Smith respectively were in their day and time, for 66 there is never but one man on earth at a time who is to hold the keys of power and superintend all the affairs of God's work on this earth. Doc. & Cov. 132:7 90:16; 81:2. The Lord says "and it shall come to pass that I the Lord God will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre of power in his hand clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God." This great man evidently will be the Lord's servant, for God sends him to set His house in order, and to return the worthy Saints to their place of promise, that the great central temple and the New Jerusalem may be builded preparatory for His second coming. This great and mighty man must have aids and assistants to accomplish this great work. GEORGE T. PEAY'S STATEMENT CONCERNING THE TIME OF THE SEVENTH PRESIDENT. Elder George T. Peay, of Provo, now deceased, said, during the summer of 1900, that he was out in his field, about 2 o'clock P. M., on a clear day and could see that there was no one near him, for he could see for one fourth mile in any direction; a voice spoke out of heaven and said "In the time of the seventh President of this Church, great things will happen and wonderful things transpire; he told this to dozens of different people, who can bear witness. PRES. JOHN TAYLOR'S PROPHECY PERTAINING TO THE TIME OF THE SEVENTH PRESIDENT. In September of 1886 during the underground days, John Taylor, then the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, while standing in a halo of light, said, that during the administration of the seventh President of this Church that the Church would be in bondage temporally as well as spiritually, and at that time God would raise up the one "Mighty and Strong," as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants to deliver His Saints out of bondage and 67 to make honorable the principle for which he was then in hiding, meaning polygamy. This can be attested to by living witnesses, if further proof is necessary. WHEN ZION PUTS ON HER BEAUTIFUL GARMENTS. Zion is to put on her beautiful garments when the United Order by consecration is established and other principles and laws of the Celestial Kingdom in connection therewith are lived. (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; 82:14-21.) Then Zion is to put on the authority of the Priesthood and to return to that power which she had lost, Doc. & Cov. 113:7, 8; III Nephi 20:34-46. Some of the power which Zion has lost, is in the abandonment of the living of the United Order by consecration for the Lord says; "Nevertheless, in your temporal things you shall be equal, and that not grudgingly, otherwise the abundance of the mani- festation of the spirit shall be withheld (a spiritual bondage) Doc. & Cov. 70:14. In union there is strength, and if ye are not equal in earthly things and united according to the union required by the law of the Celestial Kingdom, ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things, (Doc. & Cov. 78:5, 6,) and without this union, Jesus Christ will never receive you or His Church unto Himself, Doc. & Cov. 105:4, 5. This Church might have been redeemed before now had the Saints lived the Celestial law, which is union, equality and oneness, then would the abundance of the spirit been with them, and they would have had continuous revelation (Doc. & Cov. 70:14,) but through covetousness, transgression and feigned words the United Order by consecration was dissolved, Doc. & Cov. 104:48-53, and discontinued for a little season, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-7, 9, 13; 58:44; 100:13, 16; 52:43. The Lord says: "And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience (to Celes- tial law of union, equality and oneness) if it must needs be by the things which they suffer/' Doc. & Cov. 105:4-6. So this modern Moses is to redeem the children of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints back into the United Order, and all other laws pertaining to the Celestial Kingdom, so that 68 they may have continued revelation, (Doc. & Cov. 103:14, 16,) and an abundance of the manifestation of His spirit, (Doc. & Cov. 70:14.) "That you may be equal in the bands of heaven- ly things; yea, and earthly things also, for the obtaining of heav- enly things; for if ye are not equal in earthly things, ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things; for if you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world, you must prepare yourselves by doing the things which I have com- manded you, and required of you." Doc. & Cov. 78:5-7; 105:1-5; 42:29-39. "Behold I say unto you, were it not for the transgressions of my people, speaking concerning the Church and not individuals, they might have been redeemed even now; But behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things which I required at their hands, but are full of all manner of evils, and do not impart of their substance, as becometh saints, to the poor and afflicted among them (the Saints today are contaminated somewhat with this same disease,) and are not united according to the union required by the law of the Ce- lestial Kingdom; (this same cap fits the Church today) and Zion cannot be biult up, unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself; (then it is absolutely necessary and imperative that this Church be set in order) and my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer;" and are willing to abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6. God says this order was given and commanded to be established and to be an everlasting order for the benefit of the Church, and for the salvation of men until he comes, Doc. & Cov. 104:1, 15, 16, 18; 82:20, 21; 42:39. Thus we see this Celestial law must be re-established. Therefore the Lord God will rise up and per- form his strange act and cause a President to fall by the shaft of death as recorded in the 85th Section of Doctrine & Cove- nants, 7th verse. Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes. It is better that one man should perish, than that a nation should dwindle and perish in un- belief, 1 Nephi 4:13; Alma 30:47. 69 WHEN THE GOSPEL TURNS UNTO THE LAMANITES, JEWS AND ALL NATIONS IN POWER IN VERY DEED. This marvelous strange act as spoken of in holy writ cannot be accomplished until the time comes when the Lord sees fit to make bare his holy arm, (I Nephi 22:10, 11, 20, 21; III Nephi 20:35), which will be when the man disbelieved and marred brings forth records as Jesus Christ explained to the Nephites, III Nephi 21:9-11. Which will be when the Gospel will turn unto the Jews and the Lamanites, and all the nations of the earth, which is a future event, Doc. & Cov. 90:7-12; Isaiah 1:16-28. Joseph Smith, the Prophet prayed for the Lord to make bare his arm and redeem Zion, Doc. & Cov. 109:51. This would indicate the man like unto Moses as being the one through whom God would work, to make bare His arm for He is the one that is spoken of that the Lord is going to raise up to redeem Zion or that which he did appoint a Zion unto his people, (Doc. & Cov. 103: 14-18,) therefore this root of Jesse, the Indian Prophet, "Mighty and Strong" man that the Lord is going to send to set in order the house of God is to re-establish the United Order by consecration and make his (God's) law (which includes plurality of wives) honorable, (Isaiah 42:21; 5:25; 24:5) and to arrange by lot the inheritance of the Saints. He is, and can be none other than this man like unto Moses, a president, for it takes a president to set in order the affairs of this Church and Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 90:16. And it takes a man like unto Moses to redeem Zion and divide by lot the inheritance of the Saints and have a Presiding Bishop attend to the dividing by lot, inheritances as his minister, as typical of ancient days, (Josh. 1:1; Doc. & Cov. 58:17), thus we see the one character that has all the necessary prerequisites to be this one spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, is this modern Moses spoken of in the 103rd Section of the same book: As has been shown he must be a presi- dent: (Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92,) and the one who is to fall by the shaft of death, is as thoroughly proven to be a President as it is proven that the one sent of God to set his 70 house or Church (I Tim. 3:15.) in order is to be a president, for the "Mighty and Strong" one, that is to come, is to take the place and be established in the position that this fallen President makes vacant. Therefore according to holy scrip- tures, this one "Mighty and Strong" who is to come, cannot possibly be a bishop, neither can it possibly be a bishop that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, and then fall, or to have the sentence of death mitigated in his behalf like as this said Church article says the sentence of death against Bishop Edward Partridge was withdrawn. According to the laws of God the ecclesiastical position of a Bishop is not equal unto such a work, as it takes a President of the Mel- chisedek priesthood or President of the Church to do, Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 132:7; 81:2; 107:8; 14, 15, 17, 18, 68, 87, 88. THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG" ONE IS TO RETURN SCATTERED ISRAEL BACK TO MISSOURI, THE LAND OF THE NEW JERUSALEM. It takes a President to fulfill the requirements as set forth in the 85th and 103rd Sections of the Doc. & Cov. Moses was a President of the Melchisedek priesthood, and not a Bishop, and one "Mighty and Strong" like unto him is to redeem Zion, them lead her back to the center stake of Zion or Mount Zion, in the land of Missouri, and then establish her in that land of the New Jerusalem, in her inheritance, Doc. & Cov. 103: 11-18; 85:. Then this mighty man will be the President of the Church, the greatest of all and without an equal in all Israel in order to be like Moses of old, Deut. 34:9-12; Num. 12:3. Some people have said President Brigham Young was the man like unto Moses, spoken of in the 103rd Section of the Doc- trine & Covenants. But this 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants says, in connection with the 103rd Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, to return to the land of Zion from whence they were scattered. President Brigham Young only helped to scatter (Doc. & Cov. 103:11, (in a manner) for he led the people out away and established them in a land more than one thousand miles from the center stake of Zion, Jackson County, Missouri. President Young has long since passed to the other side and Zion is not yet redeemed and returned to the land spoken of in the 85th and 103rd Sections of the Doctrine and Covenants. Still again the word of the Lord comes to President Brigham Young, January 14th, 1847; at Winterquarters, that stops all speculation as to President Brig- ham Young's mission, which says, "Let every man use his influence and property to remove this people to the place where the Lord shall locate a Stake of Zion, Doc. & Cov. 136:10. Independence, Jackson County, Missouri is the land of Zion and not a Stake of Zion, (Doc. & Cov. 101 :16, 21) and is called Zion, the abode of Zion (the pure in heart, Doc. 97:21) and is also called Mount Zion, which shall be the City of New Jeru- salem, Doc. & Cov. 84:2. Enoch said, "And the Lord called His people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them," Pearl of Great Price 7:18. MANY NAMES BY WHICH THIS MIGHTY SERVANT OF THE LORD IS DESIGNATED. Zion, the New Jerusalem, the selected dwelling place of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; back to this Holy and con- secrated spot of earth is where this modern Moses, root of Jesse, Indian Prophet, much marred and cast out servant of the Lord, the "Mighty and Strong" leader, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who is to be revealed and established in the very near future as God's chosen viseger- ant, and legal representative: He is to lead all worthy Saints, (Doc. 103:11-18; 101: 16-21; 85:) back to Zion the place ap- pointed, for the building of the great central temple and the City of the New Jerusalem, which is the land of Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, from whence the saints were driven and in 1847 and were led by President Brigham Young to the top of the mountains to fulfill prophecy, Micah 4:1, 10; Isaiah 2:2; Doc. & Cov. 49:25-26. In fulfillment of these prophecies, the early day saints of Joseph Smith's time have come to the mountains, and are established in Utah, and other moun- tainous states of the west. Thus we see President Brigham Young was not the one referred to as spoken of in the 72 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. The land of the New Jerusalem can only be inherited by living the United Order by consecration and other laws of the Celestial King- dom, including plurality of wives, Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14: Doc. & Cov. 132:. In the land of the New Jerusalem the Savior will come and accept Zion, the pure in heart, according to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom and upon no other condition, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34. And the Lord further says, "Let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law be executed and fulfilled after her redemption," Doc. & Cov. 105:34. This shows the reason why the United Order by consecration is not established and why the legality or illeg- ality of polygamy in this Church is such a shrouded mystery in the minds of the people today: (on account of the manifesto or Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde alliance). THE REDEMPTION OF ZION BY THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE" NECESSARY. God says these Celestial laws are to be fulfilled and exe- cuted after Zion's redemption, which cannot be accomplished until the one like unto Moses, a President, is raised up to set this church in order. Doc. & Cov. 85:7; 103:11-18 III Nephi 21:9-11; Alma 37:1-19. This setting of the Church in order cannot be attended to until this man like unto Moses has borne testimony of the coming forth of the last and all records (III Nephi 21:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; II Nephi 21:4-11 in comparison with II Nephi 30:9-18,) and be disbelieved and marred and cast out of the Church, (Isaiah 66:5 III Nephi 21:9-11,) and then be healed by the hand of the Lord, (Isaiah 66:5; III Nephi 21:11,) then he is to bring forth these last records and be established in his place at the head of the Church and then, and not until then, will the Church be set in order according to the way and manner spoken of in holy writ. O. F. WHITNEY ARTICLE EXCERPT. Apostle Orson F. Whitney gives a very appropriate reason why the authorities and members of the Church of Jesus Christ 73 of Latter-day Saints oppose the coming forth of the last records, (III Nephi 21:9-11) by the one "Mighty and Strong", to set the Church in order, etc., (Doc. & Cov. 85:) and why attempts are made to explain away this 85th section. Brother Whitney says: "Revelation is ever the iconoclast of tradition; and such is the bigotry of man, his natural hatred of the new and strange, as opposed to his personal interests or private views, that the very lives of those whose mission is to intro- duce and establish new doctrines, though designed as a bless- ing to humanity, are ever in danger from those whose tradi- tions would thus be uprooted and destroyed." History of Heber C. Kimball, pp. 333. Therefore; said Church Article of 1905 and 1907 is a natural sequence or something to be ex- pected, for the Lord says: "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the world that I am the same yesterday, to-day and forever; and I v/ork not among the children of men save it be according to their faith," II Nephi 27:23. Three revelations; two to President John Taylor in the years 1882 and 1886, and one to President Wilford Woodruff in the year 1889, have been given to this Church, or to the authori- ties of this Church, who should have given them to the Church : Said revelations have not been revoked by "Thus saith the Lord," so are still in full force and effect. The authorities to date, (June, 1922), have failed to comply with the requests par- ticularized in said revelations, and why have they not obeyed the Lord? The answer comes: Because they don't think the Lord means what he says, in said revelations; for their actions cry aloud; "we have no faith in the Lord:" And why have they no faith in the Lord? Moroni answers, "Neither can ye be saved in the Kingdom of God, if ye have no faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope; and if ye have no hope, ye must needs be in despair; and despair cometh because of iniquity," Moroni 10:21, 22. The righteous are as bold as a lion, which naturally infers that sinners are cowardly and flee when no man pursueth, (Prov. 28:1 ; Lev. 26:17; Ps. 53:5,) therefore; the whole Church, leaders and all, are branded as a bunch of cowards in the sight 74 of Almighty God, who have disregarded the contents of said above quoted three revelations. The Lord cannot work through, or with faithless, timid leaders to bring about Zion's redemp- tion; the only thing the Lord can or will do with such types of men who are occupying the positions as leaders, will be to move them out of the way in order to make room for new timber that believe in "thus saith the Lord" and are willing to do as the Lord directs, Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8. INDIAN PROPHET'S MISSION. There is no redemption for Zion, until this Indian Prophet is established as the head or President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as the mouth piece of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ unto this people. He will be established in his proper place by the Lord Himself, just about or after the time a President falls to make vacant the chair for this "Mighty and Strong One" to occupy, Doc. & Cov. 85: Therefore this modern redeemer who is to be raised up, must hold the sceptre of power in his hand to accomplish the great and mighty work that is to be done in behalf of Israel, in order to redeem Zion from the bondage of oppression, both spiritual and tem- poral, and cause the great division between the righteous and the wicked, (Doc. & Cov. 103:15, 18; I Nephi 14:1, 7; II Nephi 30:10, 18; Doc. & Cov. 90:10, 11; 101:93-95; III Nephi 21:9-11; Alma 37:4, 14, 18, 19; I Nephi 14:12-14, compare this last refer- ence with present conditions,) This great and mighty man is to set the house of God in order, in re-establishing the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, before he can establish the worthy Saints in their inheritance in the land of the New Jerusalem. This man must divide by lot inheritances to be like Moses of old (Num. 34:13, 16-29,) and that can only be done agreeable to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 85:3; 105:1-6. THE ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG AND THE MAN LIKE UNTO MOSES IDENTICAL. This modern Moses answers every description set forth in the seventh verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants and has the same work to attend to and in the same 75 place and at the same time as is delegated to the one referred to in that revelation, namely the man "Mighty and Strong," whom God is going to send to attend to His affairs upon this earth. So the man "Mighty and Strong" and the man like unto Moses must be one and the self same individual or else there is to be two, yet to be raised up, for the establishing of the Saints in their inheritance in Jackson County, Missouri, to concede this dual premise would be a vain assumption and a wresting of the holy scriptures, which plainly tell us there is one initial redemption or restoration for Zion to the land of promise, Jackson County, Missouri, from whence they were driven in the early rise of this Church and came willingly to the valleys of the mountains (because they were compelled) in order to fulfill prophecy, Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:1 ; Isaiah 40:9. The Lord says, But verily I say unto you, I have decreed that your brethren which have been scattered shall return to the land of their inheritances and build up the waste places of Zion, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11; 101:13, 18, 20,) agreeable to the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 105:29.) Therefore, I will raise up unto my people a man (not two men) who shall lead them like as Moses led the Children of Israel, Doc. & Cov. 103:16-18. This makes it conclusive as to who and what kind of a man and what office he will hold that is to do this work; He is to be a President and not a Bishop, Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92. The 9th verse of the 85th section Doc. & Cov. says, "And all they who are not found written in the book of remembrance, shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut asunder and their portion shall be appointed them among un- believers, where are wailing and gnashing of teeth." CLASS OF INDIVIDUALS TO BE CUT ASUNDER. Now let us see what class of individuals are to be cut assunder and why they are not to receive inheritances in the New Jerusalem. The 3rd verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants says, "It is contrary to my will and commandment of God that those who receive not their inheri- tance by consecration agreeable to His laws, which He has given, that He may tithe His people to prepare them against 76 the day of burning, should have their names enrolled with the people of God." (See Doc. & Cov. 119:.) The enrollment will consist of all the eligible people of this earth who will abide the laws of the United Order by consecration and other laws of the Celestial Kingdom, including pluralty of wives, and those who will not abide the laws of the Celestial Kingdom are to be cut assunder and their names will not be enrolled in the book of the law of God, for all those whose names are found written in that book are to find an inheritance in the land of the New Jerusalem, the Zion of our God. By this and the fol- lowing references we are given to understand that Zion is to be redeemed and set in order before she returns to inherit the promised land, Mount Zion the New Jerusalem, Doc. & Cov. 84:2. The redeemed of the Lord shall return and come with singing unto Zion, (meaning all who will keep all the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, for the Lord says he is no respector of persons. Isaiah 51:11.) Thy people shall be all righteous; they shall inherit the land forever, the branch of my planting; the work of My hand, that I may be glorified, Isaiah 60:21 ; Rev. 5:11. The Redeemer shall come to Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord, Isaiah 59:20. Thus we see the cutting off as spoken of in the 9th verse of the 85th Section of the Doc. & Cov. shall have been performed and attended to at the time or just before the return of the worthy Saints to Jackson County, Missouri, and they who are of the High Priesthood, whose names are not found written in the book of the law, etc., are to find none inheritance among the Saints of the most High, Doc. & Cov. 85:11. You cannot cut assunder that which does not belong to an organization, therefore, all those who profess to be Latter-day Saints, that hold the Melchisedek Priesthood, and will not abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom as has been stated, will not be en- rolled in the book of the law of God (Celestial Law Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34,) and be privileged to inherit the promised land in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. Mount Zion is a consecrated spot of earth where Jesus Christ is coming to dwell and the Saints must be united as one, and live all the laws required in the Celestial Kingdom, in order to be in 77 his presence, Psalms 132:13, 14. Jesus Christ, when speaking to the Nephites, referring to the time when this disbelieved and marred man should bring forth His (Christ's) word, said: that all people would be cut off who would not believe what this man should reveal unto them. This shows, this marred man who is to bring forth these last records, is to be the "Mighty and Strong" Moses, who is to do this cutting off. The angel Moroni told Joseph Smith the Prophet that the cutting off was not yet, or that the day had not yet come when they who would not hear His (Christ's) voice should be cut off from among the people, but soon would come, Pearl of Great Price, page 90:40; Doc. & Cov. 1:14; 85:9; III Nephi 21:11. None but the obedient to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom are to as- sist the Lamanites in building the great city and temple in the land of the New Jerusalem, which, when completed, the glory of God shall rest upon it, and the Savior Himself shall dwell therein. Ill Nephi 21:22-25. WHEN THE CUTTING OFF IS TO TAKE PLACE. Jesus Christ told the Nephites the cutting off would follow the coming forth of these last records, wherein the Lord was going to make bare his holy arm, and convince the heathen nations and the house of Joseph of the gospel of their salva- tion, III Nephi 20:21; I Nephi 13:39-41; 14:14; Doc. & Cov. 90:10; 1:14. By comparing these various scriptural references we are shown conclusively that the making bare of the Lord's arm in power is in the coming forth of the last and all records which are absolutely necessary before the cutting off can possibly take place. For the cutting off is to follow after the Lord makes bare His holy arm as these references give us to undestand, and also the cutting off is to follow the coming forth of the/ last and all records as these references give us to understand. So the making bare of the Lord's holy arm and the coming forth of the last and all records must be one and the self same event, for there is one cutting off and one great division spoken of, (I Nephi 14:7; II Nephi 30:10; Doc. & Cov. 112:23-26,) "and the arm of the Lord shall be revealed and the day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the 78 Lord, neither the voice of His servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people." Doc. & Cov. 1:14. "Therefore it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not believe in My words, who am Jesus Christ, whom the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among My people who are of the covenant," III Nephi 21:9-11. HOW AND WHO IS TO GET INHERITANCE IN THE NEW JERUSALEM. One of the terms and conditions of eligibility of receiving an inheritance in the New Jerusalem is consecration, and some of the laws of consecration are these: "Wherefore a com- mandment I give unto you to prepare and organize yourselves by a bond or everlasting covenant that cannot be broken," (Doc. & Cov. 78:11-13. "For it shall come to pass, that that which I have spoken by the mouths of My prophets shall be ful- filled; for I will consecrate of the riches of those who embrace my Gospel among the Gentiles, unto the poor of My people who are of the house of Israel, (Doc. & Cov. 42:39,) This is the way I the Lord have decreed to provide for My Saints, that the poor shall be exalted in that the rich are made low, (Doc. & Cov. 104:16.) That you may be equal in the bands of heavenly things; yea, and earthly things also for the obtaining of heavenly things, (Doc. & Cov. 78:5, 13, 14.) For if ye are not equal in earthly things ye cannot be equal in obtaining heavenly things, (Doc. & Cov. 78:6,) and all this for the benefit of the Church of the living God, that every man may improve upon his talent, that every man may gain other talents, yea even an hundred fold to be cast into the Lord's storehouse, to become the common property of the whole Church," Doc. & Cov. 82:18. This is the foundation on which the Church may stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world, (Doc. & Cov. 78:5-14;) and Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial Kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto 79 myself, (Doc. & Cov. 1051-6.) For he who is not able to abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom (United Order by consecra- tion, including plurality of wives, etc.) cannot abide a celes- tial glory. (Doc. & Cov. 88:22, 38, 39; 105:1-6), and be priv- ileged to be where Jesus Christ has chosen His dwelling place forever in Zion, the New Jerusalem; (Doc, & Cov. 84:2-5; Pslams 132:13-14; III Nephi 21:25; Doc. & Cov. 45:66, 61; 57:1-3; 49:24, 25; 42:35, 36,) then all who become heirs to dwell in the New Jerusalem, the Celestial Kingdom center of this earth, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's selected habita- tion forever, will have to conform to the laws governing the same. Psalms 48:1, 2; III Nephi 21:25; 20:22; Doc. & Cov. 70:7, 8. United Order by consecration is one of the condi- tions by which Zion (the pure in heart) (Doc. & Cov. 97:21) (Enoch said the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them, Pearl of Great Price, page 38, verse 18) is to receive an inheritance in the new Jeru- salem, Mount Zion, (Doc. & Cov. 84:2,) and all who do not con- form to, and abide in the law of the Celestial Kingdom, which has been shown to be United Order by consecration, including plurality of wives, etc. (Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14: Doc. & Cov. 132:) and what other laws God may see fit to reveal, will not be per- mitted to possess an inheritance in the promised land. There- fore a cutting off, Doc. & Cov. 85:9-11; 1:14; 133:63; III Nephi 21:11. A great division II Nephi 30:10; I Nephi 14:7. A separation of the wicked and rebellious from the righteous and obedient to the celestial law. Accordingly there must be a great and mighty reformation in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for the present system of tithing is absolute- ly inadequate to entitle this Church or any of its members to receive an inheritance in Independence, Jackson County, Mis- souri. Some may ask why? The answer comes thus: Because inequality, class distinction and favoritism could exist forever under this present law of tithing. Doc. & Cov. 119:1-7; 85:3; 78:4-15; 70:8, 14; 105:1-6, 29, 34; 42:30, 39; 82:11, 15-21; 49:20; 58:35, 36; 104:15, 16. 80 RESTORATION OF CELESTIAL LAWS NECESSARY. Thus it is plainly to be seen; the absolute necessity of the setting in order of the house of God, which is His Church, (I Tim. 3:15.) in re-establishing the celestial law that has been forsaken and abandoned for a number of years, in order that the people of this Church, or all who may be worthy, may have a chance and the privilege to conform to, or reject the law of consecration and other celestial laws; that they may be accorded the privilege to dwell in the New Jerusalem, that the Lord be shown as no respecter of persons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has long since ceased to live the laws of the United Order by consecration, or the prac- tice of polygamy as an open and honorable law. The United Order was given to be an everlasting order until Jesus Christ's second coming. (Doc. & Cov. 104:1, 15, 16; 70:15; 78:1-16; 105:1-6; 56:18; 42:30, 39, 55; 49:20. Book of Moses, 7:18; Doc. & Cov. 119:) inasmuch as you sin not, (Doc. & Cov. 82:20,) and the soul that sins against this covenant and hardeneth his heart against it, shall be dealt with as the scriptures direct (That is, he is to be cut off, Doc. & Cov. 85:3-9, III Nephi 21:11; Doc. & Cov. 1:14) and be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan until the day of redemption, (Doc. & Cov. 82:21,) and my people must needs learn obedience (to the celestial law) if it must needs be by the things which they suffer, (Doc. & Cov. 105: 1-7,) and Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise, I cannot receive her unto myself, Doc. & Cov. 105:5, 78:4-8. On the 26th of April, 1832, the Lord said, this order I have ap- pointed to be an everlasting order unto you and unto your suc- cessors, inasmuch as you sin not, Doc. & Cov. 82:20. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today is in the line of legal succession to the Church in 1832, which was under the leadership of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun., then why does not this Church today, as legal successor of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Junior, live by the voice of His holy scriptures (the oracles of God, Doc. & Cov. 90:4, 5; 124:39, 126). The 81 Church has sinned against these laws because they have ceased to abide in them. (Doc. & Cov. 104:51-53; 84:49-60; 105:1-16, 34), and are under the bondage of sin and a broken Celestial law, and will remain in this condition until the man sent of God like unto Moses, is raised up and redeems Zion and sets this Church in order according to the laws God has pre- scribed, (Doc. & Cov. 85:7; 103:11-18; 113:7, 8; III Nephi 21:9-11; Alma 37:1, 14, 18, 19) and prepares the Latter-day Saints to return and build up the City of Zion and the great central temple in the land of the New Jerusalem, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri. This work must be done by the one "Mighty and Strong" sent of God, holding the sceptre of power in his hands like unto Moses, (Num. 20:8, 9; Exo. 4:17, 20; 17:9-14,) a President, (Doc. & Cov. 107:91, 92) (and not a Bishop) to set in order the house of God (a President's duty always) Doc. & Cov. 90:16; 81:2; 107:33; 50:26, 27. This man, the mighty and strong Moses, the root of Jesse, Indian Pro- phet, much marred and cast out of the Church, then healed of God, (Isaiah 66:5-7,) just about the time or soon after the one is to fall, Num. 20:8-12) by the shaft of death, that put- teth forth his hand to steady the ark of God; will be vindi- cated of the Lord and established in the position God has purposed he should occupy. ONENESS NECESSARY IN THE NEW JERUSALEM. This man like unto Moses is to redeem Zion and lead her back to Missouri and establish her in that land according to the law of the Celestial Kingdom, (Doc. & Cov. 85:3; 105:1-16, 34; 103:11-18,) in order that the Church and Kingdom of the Lord, or Zion the pure in heart, be acceptable unto God, (Doc. & Cov. 105:5; 78:4-8), for unless the New Jerusalem is inherited according to this fashion, the people therein would not be fit associates and companions for Jesus Christ, for he is a celes- tial being, and this is to be his abode forever, (Psalms 132:13, 14, Doc. & Cov. 58:13.) and the people of Enoch are to come to that City and they are a people who live all of God's laws, "if ye are not one ye are not mine saith the Lord," The glory of the Lord will be there and her people will be called holy, (Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14:) in the New Jerusalem; then they will be united and one. Every man seeking the interest of his neigh- bor and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God, Doc. & Cov. 82:19. These are beautiful and glorious conditions to contemplate and are the height of ambition of every humble, honest, virtuous and upright individual being that exists upon the face of this earth, yea a day of joy, peace, rest and eternal happiness. What must be done before this haven of peace and rest be obtained and realized? Remember the answer comes; this happy condition is after a division, a cutting off, for only those who are living, or are willing to live, the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, are made pertakers of this blest condition. The rebellious having had their portion justly appointed unto them among unbelievers, where is weep- ing and wailing and gnashing of teeth; having had the privi- lege of repenting and conforming to the requirements of the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, and refusing to be obedient to the Celestial law; therefore they are justly appointed their portion having been left without an excuse, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 101:92-95; 1:14; 85:) because after having the op- portunity they would not enter into the covenant and bond of the United Order, of the Celestial Kingdom, required by our Heavenly Father, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; 70:8; 78:11. The cutting off is clearly shown by holy writ to be a subsequent happening to the coming of the one "Mighty and Strong", who is to hold the sceptre of power in his hand. He must bring forth the last records, for God intends to show forth His power in the coming forth of the brass plates and other sacred records and; instruments of antiquity; (Alma 37:4, 14, 18, 19). They are to come forth in this dispensation, (His. Record, Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse,) to convince the nations, the heathen nations and the house of Joseph and also the Jews of the Gospel of their salvation. I Nephi 13:39-41. SCEPTRE OF POWER IN BRASS PLATES AND OTHER SACRED RECORDS AND INSTRUMENTS OF ANTIQUITY. The last records, etc., will be a sceptre of power in this "Mighty and Strong" root of Jesse, Indian Prophet, man like unto Moses' hands who is to set in order the house of God, which is absolutely future from this present day of June and the year, 1922. This makes plain the reason why Moroni told the Prophet Joseph Smith every time he appeared unto him that the cutting off was not Vet but soon would come, Pearl of Great Price, page 90, verse 40. For according to the scriptures this cutting off event, could not be accomplished until the Church was driven to the tops of the mountains, Micah 4: Isaiah 2:2; 40:9, and then after many years (Doc. & Cov. 58:44) were about to return to the promised heritage to build up the city and temple in the New Jerusalem, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, III Nephi 21:9-21; Doc. & Cov. 84:1-15; 85: 103:11-18. JOSEPH SMITH, THE PROPHET, PREDICTS THE SAINTS WILL BECOME A MIGHTY PEOPLE IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Joseph Smith said the Church would go to the rocky mountains and become a mighty people there; attested to by Edward Rushton (His. Record, Vol. 7, page 497, 541) who heard him make this prophecy, and the 49th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants says Zion is to flourish upon the hills and re- joice upon the mountains and the Lamanites are to blossom as the rose 1 before this Church returns to the land of the New Jerusalem, and other scriptures say the redeemed of the Lord shall return unto Zion and everlasting joy shall be upon their head, they shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away, Isaiah 51:11; 2 Nephi 8:11. None are to inherit this central city, Zion, the New Jerusalem, and enjoy the haven of peace and happiness, but they who will abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; 85:3. MEN TO BE LEFT WITHOUT EXCUSE. Some people may and will say: "We do not know that Mormonism, so called, is true; and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's only recognized and ac- cepted Church upon this earth today, but the Lord in answer says: "It must needs be that all men may be left without excuse; that wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered." This event (when men are left without excuse) is to be after the Lord makes bare his holy arm. Ill Nephi 20:35, 36, 43-46; 21:8-11; Doc. & Cov. 90:10, 11; 1 Nephi 22:10, 11, 20, 21. The coming forth of records as a convincing proof or power (Alma 37:2-19) in the hands of his servant the man like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18,) and when these last records and instruments of anti- quity are brought forth, then wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered. Doc. & Cov. 101:94; III Nephi 21:8-11; 20:34-36. The Lord says the making bare of his holy arm in the coming forth of records is to cause wise men and rulers to consider his gospel. Ill Nephi 21:8-11; 1 Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. Then all who will believe and obey the laws of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and come into this Church and abide by the laws of the Celestial Kingdom are to assist the Lamanites to build the New Jerusalem, 3 Nephi 21:8-25. "What I have said unto you, must needs be, that all men may be left without excuse; That wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered; That I may proceed to bring to pass my act, my strange act, and perform my work, my strange work, that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked, saith your God, Doc. & Cov. 101 :93-95. Here the strange act is to cause wise men and rulers to consider Christ's gospel and to know where the true Church of the Lord is to be found, for they are to discern between the righteous and the wicked at that time. Thus we have proof positive according to the word of God that the making bare of the Lord's holy arm is in the coming forth of records in a strange act, or manner, that men may discern between the right- eous and the wicked, then they shall have been convinced and left without an excuse as to the truthfulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on this earth, and know where the true Church is to be found. The Lord says "The Kirtland Temple was to be built for the preparation wherewith I designed to prepare mine apostles (with their endowments, etc.) to prune my 85 vineyard for the last time." This last pruning has been going on since April 6th, 1830, for the purpose of gathering the elect, (Doc. & Cov. 95:1-8; 29:7; 5:8-11,) during the times of the Gentiles, Doc. & Cov. 45:23-31. WHEN FULNESS OF GENTILES TO COME IN. The gospel is to be preached to the gentiles first and the times of the gentiles fulfilled before the gospel is to go to the Jews, (Doc. & Cov. 45:25,) and then, "behold, and lo, they shall turn unto the Jews;" blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles is come in. Luke 21:24 Rom. 11:25, 26. And then cometh the day when the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the house of'Joseph, of the gospel of their salvation. Doc. & Cov. 90:6-11; 45:24-31; Pearl of Great Price, page 90, verse 41. The coming forth of last records are to do the same convincing act as the making bare of the Lord's holy arm. (I Nephi 13:39-41;) and the Lord's strange act is to leave all men without excuse, then they certainly will be convinced of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ upon this earth, and know where that said Church is to be found, Doc. & Cov. 101:90-95. This time or period of gathering the elect during the times of the gentiles must be fulfilled before the fullness of the gentiles can come in, which cannot be done until the last and all records are brought forth by this strong and mighty man like unto Moses. I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 103:11-18. And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men's hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth, and the love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound and when the times of the Gentiles is come in (which was April 6th, 1830) a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness and it shall be the fulness of my Gospel; but they receive it not, for they perceive not the light and they turn their hearts from me because of the pre- cepts of men, and in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (Doc. & Cov. 45:24-31; II Nephi ^8:^, 32.) (This is some of the pruning which must be done before the strange act can be performed,) that I may bring to pass my strange act, that I may pour out my spirit upon all flesh, Doc. & Cov. 95:1-5. Therefore dearly beloved brethren let us cheer- fully do all things that lie in our power, and then may we stand still with the utmost assurance to see the salvation of God and for His arm to be revealed." This statement was made by the Prophet Joseph Smith in Missouri, in March, 1839, Doc. & Cov. 123:17. There is much for this Church to do as a last effort which is enjoined upon her by our Heavenly Father before we can fully and completely claim that promise which shall call Him forth from His hiding place, and also that the whole nation may be left without excuse (in the making bare of His holy arm, in the coming forth of records in a strange manner as has been shown) before He can send forth the power of His mighty arm, (Doc. & Cov. 123:6) to destroy the wicked I Nephi 14:14-16; 22:20-31; Doc. & Cov. 101:89-95; III Nephi 21:9-25. WHEN THE LORD'S STRANGE WORK OR STRANGE ACT IS TO TAKE PLACE. The word of the Lord shows conclusively that the per- forming of His strange act to leave all men without excuse, (Doc. & Cov. 101:90-95,) will be when He will rise up in His wrath and perform His strange work and bring to pass His act His strange act, (Isaiah 28:21,) which cannot possibly be done until after the Church has been persecuted, mobbed and had murderous impositions heaped upon her for years, and that this making bare of His holy arm is to be in a strange manner, a special and particular indignation event, after she, the church, had done about all that could be done in a natural way to sur- mount the obstacles of oppression and opposition in maintain- ing her rights and privileges, for many years (Doc. & Cov. 58: 44). Thus we see the Lord's strange act is a future happening from June, 1922, and is a feature in and of itself, a righteous indignation act, Isaiah 28:21, to be a convincing strange act (out of the ordinary routine or established order in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 01; 87 according to man made rules, or precepts of men). When this peculiar work or strange act is performed it is to arm the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, with righteous- ness, and the power of God, in great glory (I Nephi 14:14,) then Zion is to arise and put on her beautiful garments and live the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 113: 82:14, 16-21. The arm of the Lord is to be revealed in power (III 20:34-36) in the coming forth of records (III Nephi 21:9-11,) last and all records, (I Nephi 13:39-41, Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11,) by the one like unto Moses (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18) the root of Jesse, the Indian Prophet who shall hold the power of the Priesthood to bring again Zion and the redemption of Israel, Doc. & Cov. 113:7, 8; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18, 3:11, 24. The strange act is for the pouring out of the Lord's spirit upon all flesh, that men may discern between the righteous and wicked saith your God (Doc. & Cov. 101:95, II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18) When this is done, all mankind will know which is the true Church, and where it is located, and if they do not embrace the Gospel of the same, they can and will be justly condemned. In the making bare of the Lord's holy arm, all the kindreds of the earth will be blessed and this is the only way proposed that can accomplish this mission in convincing all mankind of the Gospel of their salvation, which is the great blessing God has purposed for mankind. Alma 42:26; 18:39; I Nephi 22:10, 1 1. God says all the kindreds of the earth cannot be blessed un- less He makes bare His holy arm, wherefore He will make bare His arm in the eyes of all the nations in bringing about His covenants and His Gospel unto those who are of the House of Israel, I Nephi 22:10, 11. When the Gospel turns to the Jews, (which is future,) the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the house of Joseph, of the gospel of their salvation, Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41. The coming forth of the last records (which is yet future Alma 37:4, 14, 18, 19; His. Record, Vol. 7, 1st Chap. 1st verse; I Nephi 13:39, 41) are to convince the Jews, Lamanites and nations the same as the making bare of His holy arm is to do, so the making bare of the Lord's holy arm in power is in the coming forth of these last records, etc., 88 in the wrothful strange act manner Doc. & Cov. 101:90-95; 95:3, 4, Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 85:97: 7. ONE PURPOSE OF MAKING BARE THE LORD'S HOLY ARM. The purpose of making bare of the arm of the Lord is to convince all mankind that the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants and the Bible so far as it is translated correctly contains the fullness of the Gospel (Doc. & Cov. 20:9) and that Joseph Smith, Jr., was and is a prophet of the true and living God; that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints is the only true Church upon this earth today, and when men are convinced, they are certainly left without excuse. The strange act is to leave all mankind without excuse, then they must certainly be convinced that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true Church on this earth. Knowledge will save or damn mankind (Doc. & Cov. 131:6), and in order to give them this knowledge, and to leave all men without excuse, they must absolutely know that this Gospel is true, and the performing of the Lord's strange act is to do this very thing, (Doc. & Cov. 101:92-95); then if they do not embrace the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Doc. & Coc. 115:4; II Nephi 27:3-8. They must needs openly rebel against light and knowledge, having then, and not until then, been left without excuse. Then men will be brought to that station in this journey of life, where they must exercise their agency and decide and act either for their eternal salvation or eternal damnation. I Nephi 14:7. AGENCY OF MAN. President Taylor's Revelation of 1886 says: "It is now pleasing to me that men should use their free agency," as this Church did when they issued the manifesto. Of such a time an angel described to the Prophet Nephi in the following lang- uage: "Therefore wo be unto the Gentiles, if it be so that they harden their hearts against the Lamb of God, or His Gospel (for at this time to which the angel was referring the Church was to be established on the different parts of the earth in small dominion (I Nephi 14:1-6,) when multitudes among all the nations of the Gentiles were gathered together to fight against the lamb of God (I Nephi 14:13) for the time cometh saith the Lamb of God, that I will work a great and a marvel- ous work among the children of men; a work which shall be everlasting either on the one hand or on the other: either to the convincing of them unto peace and life eternal, or unto the de- liverance of them to the hardness of their hearts and the blind- ness of their minds, unto their being brought down into capti- vity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually according to the captivity of the devil, of which I have spoken, I Nephi 14:6, 7, 12-15. Thus we can see the consistency of the saying of the Prophet Joseph Smith, "That every man is his own condemner and his own tormentor" for at this time men must make their own choice and that knowingly, (His. Rec. Vol. 7, Chap. 22.) TWO CHURCHES ONLY, ONE IS GOD'S AND ALL OTHERS THE DEVIL'S. I NEPHI 14:10. Joseph Smith's mission was to try the faith of the people in the bringing forth of the lesser part of that which was record- ed upon the plates of Nephi. (Ill Nephi 26:6-12, II Nephi 3:7; 27:21, 22, I Nephi 13:34; Doc. & Cov. 58:7; 5:9-11; 6:26; Ether 5:1-4,) and also that you (meaning Joseph Smith, the Prophet) might be honored of laying the foundation, and of bearing rec- ord of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand, I Nephi 14:10; Ephesians 4:5; Doc. & Cov. 58:7; 113:4 and also those to wohm these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this Church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord am well pleased, speaking unto the Church collectively and not individually, (Doc. & Cov. 1:30; 115:4) Which foundation (he, Joseph Smith, the Prophet) did lay and was faithful and I took him to myself. Many have marveled because of his death, but it was needful that he should seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned. Doc. & Cov. 136:37-39; 135:4; 90 122:9; 17:6; 5:22; 10:45-53. Joseph's mission was to gather out the elect. (Doc. & Cov. 29:7,) for the elect hear the voice of the Lord and harden not their hearts, Doc. & Cov. 29:7; 33:6; 110:11. In a vision manifested to Joseph, the Seer, and Oli- ver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple, April 3rd, 1836, Moses appeared and committed the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, and the leading of the ten tribes from the land of the north, (Doc. & Cov. 110:11,) and Joseph Smith the Prophet, in a revelation through himself at Kirtland, Ohio, February 24th, 1834, tells of the Lord raising up one like unto Moses to lead the children of Israel out of bondage back to Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem with power and a stretched out arm, etc., (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18,) So this future Moses, Joseph refers to, is the one through whom God is going to perform His great and strange act, and this man like unto Moses, who is the "Mighty and Strong One," who is the root of Jesse, who is the Indian Prophet, that is to be much marred for bearing testimony of the coming forth of records, who is the one that the Lord is going to heal, and then cause to bring forth the last and all records to convince and leave all people without excuse, in a strange and marvelous manner. THE LESSSER AND GREATER PART OF THE GOSPEL Joseph Smith brought forth the lesser part and this future man like unto Moses is to bring forth the greater part, and reveal all that was on the plates of Nephi 1 and other sacred re- cords, and instruments of antiquity, the hiding place of which is not yet known. Ill Nephi 26:6-12; His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. This root of Jesse is to bring forth all things that have been revealed unto the children of men. There is nothing sealed upon the earth save it shall be loosed, wherefore the things of all nations shall be made known unto the children of men, II Nephi 21 :5-l 1 ; 30:10-18. There have been many records and instruments of antiquity spoken of, that have been revealed to the children of men, so according to the foregoing scripture, we may expect to have them revealed again for the accom- plishment of the Lord's great and mighty purposes, for which these records and instruments of antiquity have been preserved. 91 RECORDS, ETC., YET TO COME FORTH Some of these sacred records and instruments of antiquity are thus, viz: The brass plates that Nephi took from Laban; sealed records that Joseph Smith was not permitted to trans- late; all on the plates of Nephi that Mormon was told not to translate; 1600 years of Jareditish history; the 24 golden plates spoken of; ball and director that guided the people of Lehi in their journey through the wilderness; the 16 stones that were touched by the finger of the Lord, that gave light in the barges, that were built by the brother of Jared and his people, for the crossing of the greaf ocean, to this promised land; the sword of Laban; possibly the ark of the covenant; and other records and instruments of antiquity that have been reserved for the great latter-day work. When these sacred records and instruments of antiquity are brought forth they will be a sceptre of power in the hands of this "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord, (Alma 37:2-19; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18, I Nephi 19:3; Heleman 3:13-16; Mor. 5:8-15;) for the purpose of convincing and leaving all mankind without an excuse, as to the only Church of Jesus Christ upon this earth. Doc. & Cov. 115:4; Ephesians 4:5; I Nephi 14:10. The last records are to be a convincing evidence to the Jews, heathen nations, the House of Joseph, including the Lamanites, as to the truthfulness of the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Doc. & Cov. 115:4; 20:1; III Nephi 27: 3-8,) which Church was founded by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun., April 6th, 1830, Doc. & Cov. 20:1-4. The coming forth of the greater part as spoken of in III Nephi 26:6-12, and which are the last and all records, (I Nephi 13:39-41; III Nephi 21:9-11,) in the making bare of the Lord's holy arm through the man like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 103:11-18) in the strange and marvelous manner spoken of in the 7th verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants; this peculiar work will constitute the strange act spoken of in Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 95:1-6; 101:93-95 and will constitute the great convincing act or strange manner in which the Lord will bring forth these last and all records for the convincing of the heathen nations, the House of Joseph, and the Jews, of 92 the Gospel of their salvation, Doc. & Cov. 90:10; I Nephi 22:10, 11, 20, 21; Doc. & Cov. 1:14. Thus we see the Lord's strange act in the making bare of His holy arm, in the coming forth of these last records, are one and the self same event; and and must be done by the one like unto Moses who is to be raised up in this strange manner to redeem Zion, in the setting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in order, according to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, Doc. & Cov. 105:4-7; 85:. This great work in behalf of the House of Israel cannot be done until after Zion's Redemp- tion, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 105:34,) which redemption can- not take place until the "Mighty and Stronge One," who is the man like unto Moses, who is the Indian Prophet, (II Nephi 3:24,) who is the root of Jesse, (II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18,) who is to be cast out and then disbelieved and marred, (3 Nephi 21:9-11,) who is to be cast out and then is to be healed of the Lord; for the Lord is to appear to his joy, and they are to be ashamed, (Isaiah 66:5, 6) when a President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints falls with the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning, etc. Doc. & Cov. 85:. MARRING AND HEALING OF ONE OF THE LORD'S SERVANTS. This marring and healing spoken of in behalf of the Lord's servant must take place before he can bring forth the last and all records, III Nephi 21:9-11; Isaiah 66:2-6. The coming forth of said records must be done before this Church can be set in order, and the setting of this Church in order must take place, in order to determine who will abide the laws of the Celestial Kingdom; then and not until then, can the worthy saints be permitted to return to build up Zion, the New Jerusalem in Jackson County, Missouri, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, 34; III Nephi 21:22-25; 15:13; I Nephi 2:20; Ether 1:40-43; 2:7-12. The central city of the Celestial Kingdom, is to be built upon this the land which the Lord gave unto the seed of Lehi, of whom only the Lamanites are a remnant, and as many who will come in under the covenant by repenting and harken- ing unto the word of the Lord, will be privileged to assist the Lamanites, the remnant of Jacob, in building that city and temple, and be numbered among the remnant of Jacob to whom this western continent has been given, (III Nephi 21:22- 24) for more are the children of the desolate (Lamanites) than the children of the married wife (Gentile Church Doc. & Cov. 109:60) saith the Lord, III Nephi 22:1-3. The sixth and seven- teenth verses of the 123rd Section of the Doctrine and Coven- ants show that the arm of the Lord is to be made bare after the Church has been terribly persecuted, for years, and then after this the Lord is to come forth from his hiding place and leave the whole nation without excuse, before he can send forth the power of his mighty arm to waste away the wicked; and the performing of the Lord's strange act is for the express pur- pose of leaving all people without an excuse; (Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 101:85-95; 95:3-5; I Nephi 14:1-16; III Nephi 21: 9-25.) TWO GREAT AND MIGHTY SERVANTS OF THE LORD. According to the word of God, as has been shown in holy writ, it is made very plain and absolutely posi- tive that in this the dispensation of the fulness of times, for the accomplishing of the purposes and mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in behalf of the children of men upon this earth, that there are two great and mighty servants to be raised up as instruments in the hands of God to officiate, and each play his part respectively in the time that the Lord sees fit to use each of them, for the accomplishing of his great purposes, viz: The introduction and the vindica- tion of his gospel which is plainly marked out and portrayed in holy writ. These two events constituting the great plan of redemption that was instituted for the salvation of the children of men upon this earth, Alma 18:39; 42:26. One of these great men was to be honored in laying the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Doc. & Cov. 58:7) and of bearing record of the land on which the Zion of God shall stand, Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 6:26; 17:6; 20:1, 2; 21:1-3; 136:36-38; 135:4. This great and mighty servant of the Lord was the 94 Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. In order that he might do this intro- ductory work he was to bring forth the lesser part by translating the unsealed part of the abridgement Mormon made from the plates of Nephi, to try the faith of the people, III Nephi 26:6-12; II Nephi 27:10, 21; Ether 4:13; 1:5. This introductory work was done by Joseph Smith, the Prophet, the rod of Jesse, (Doc. & Cov. 113:3, 4,) which had to be done before the Church was driven to the Rocky Mountains. And if they would believe this lesser part, (the Book of Mormon) which has been done to the extent of approximately two millions of people, both dead and now living during the last ninety-two years, then in the day of the Lord's wisdom, (Alma 37:2-19, II Nephi 27:,) should the greater things, all on the plates of Nephi, III Nephi 26:6-12,) be made manifest unto them. When the sealed records come forth, all records and instruments of antiquity, in fact all things that have been among the children of men, shall at that day come forth, II Nephi 27:11, 22; 30:15-18; His. Record, Vol. 7, 1st Chapt. last verse; Alma 37:4-18, 21, 24, 38. Through faith as the Lord required the belief in the divinity of the Book of Mormon (the lesser part) has been sufficient to establish the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon this earth, as the introductory feature in the plan of redemp- tion, and maintain its slowly increasing identity for ninety- two years among the children of Adam upon this planet. Ill Nephi 26:6-12. Nephi saw when the Church should have small dominion upon the face of the earth that then the power of the Lord descended upon the Saints of the Church, Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 14:12-14. Now then; according to the promise of the Lord we are entitled to have the greater things (all on the plates of Nephi, other sacred records and instruments of antiquity. His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse) manifest unto us, for the request of believing the lesser part (Book of Mor- mon) has been measurably complied with by approximately two millions (dead and now living) of people during the last ninety-two years. Now the other one, the "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord, will as soon as it is wisdom in God, II Nephi 27:22) manifest the greater things, (III Nephi 26:9,) all records and instruments of antiquity, Alma 37:2-19; His. Rec. 95 Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse; II Nephi 27:10, 11, 21, 22; 30:15-18; III Nephi 21:9-11. These sacred things are kept for a wise purpose to show forth the Lord's power, and to vindicate his work, the mission and great work done by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., who was the rod of Jesse, who was honored in laying the foundation of the Lord's great work, (Doc. & Cov. 58:7,) on whom there was laid much power, (not all power for the greater part of the Gospel did not come forth unto the people) Doc. & Cov. 113:3, 4; III Nephi 26: 8, 9; II Nephi 27:21, 22; I Nephi 13:34; Doc. & Cov. 5:9-11; 6:26-29; 25:4; 17:6. The Lord told Joseph Smith, the Prophet to touch not the sealed records and also that the time would come when they and all things which ever had been among the children of men, should be revealed, II Nephi 27:11, 21, 22. The fact that there were to be two great and mighty men as servants of God raised up in this dispensation, was revealed through Joseph Smith, the Prophet, in answer to some questions on scripture in March, 1838, the account of which is recorded in the 113th section of the Doctrine & Covenants in the following manner: Who is the stem of Jesse spoken of in the 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 verses of the llth chapter of Isaiah? Verily, thus saith the Lord, it is Christ. What is the rod spoken of in the 1st verse of the llth chapter of Isaiah that should come of the stem of Jesse? Behold, thus saith the Lord, it is a servant in the hands of Christ, who is partly a descendant of Jesse as well as of Ephraim, or of the house of Joseph, on whom there is laid much power. What is the root of Jesse, spoken of in the tenth verse of the llth chapter? Behold, thus saith the Lord, it is a descendent of Jesse as well as of Joseph, unto whom rightly belongs the Priesthood and the keys of the Kingdom, for an ensign, and for the gathering of my people in the last days. Isaiah 11:5-11; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:11-18, show that the root of Jesse is to stand for an ensign to the people to bring forth the last and all records and instruments of antiquity and all things that are to be revealed unto the children of men, in order to usher in the millennium. To him, the root of Jesse, shall the gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious, and he is to rule over them as the Lord's servant, Rom. 15:12. Here we 96 learn by direct revelation from heaven that there are two mighty servants of the Lord to do great works in behalf of Israel and in reading the 26th chapter of III Nephi and the 85th and 103rd sections of the Doctrine & Covenants we are given to understand that their missions pertain to this dis- pensation of the Gospel. One of these great men, Joseph Smith, Jr., brought forth the lesser part of the Gospel, (Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 6:26, 29; I Nephi 13:34, which was called the Book of Mormon because Mormon abridged it from the plates of Nephi. Joseph Smith translated the unsealed part, or the lesser part, the mission of which is to try the faith of the people as the introductory work in the great Gospel plan of redem- tion, III Nephi 26:9-12. Why this work was called the Book of Mormon is because of Mormon, having abridged it from the plates of Nephi, (See Preface to the Book of Mormon) And when they shall receive this (the Book of Mormon) which is expedient that they shall have first to try their faith, and if it shall so be they shall believe these things (Book of Mormon) then shall the greater things, (all on the plates of Nephi III Nephi 26:9-12,) and all records and instruments of anti- quity be made manifest unto them, II Nephi 27:10, 11, 21, 22; 30:15-18; Alma 37:2-19; III Nephi 21:9-11; His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chapter, last verse. So we see the bringing to light the Urim and Thummim, sealed records, plates of Nephi, the twenty- four golden plates, the brass plates, ball and director, the pre- cious seer stones, the sixteen stones that gave light in the barges while Jared and his brethren crossed the great ocean to this promised land, the sword of Laban; and many other records and instruments of antiquity, Mor. 5:8-15; III Nephi 5:8-13; Heleman 3:13-15) is the great and mighty mission for the other servant of the Lord, the "Mighty and Strong" Moses, the root of Jesse, Indian Prophet, much marred man, cast out and then healed by the Lord. This mighty man is to accomplish this last work which is to be the complement and vindicating and convincing act in the plan of redemption. I Nephi 13:39- 41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; III Nephi 21:9-11; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18; Doc. & Cov. 85: 103:11-18. The book of Ether in the Book of Mormon is an abridgement made by the hand of Mo- 97 roni from the 24 golden plates that Ether made which were found by the people of Limhi, Ether 1:1, 2. This abridge- ment gives a short account of Jared, his brother and their people for a period of about sixteen hundred years upon the American continent. A part of this abridgement, Moroni was commanded to seal up, Ether 4:4-8. So Joseph Smith, Jr. translated only a part of the abridgement Moroni made from the twenty -four golden plates, thereby giving a very limited account of the Jaredite history, (Ether 1:1-4,) and the Lord said unto Joseph Smith, the prophet, "touch not the things which are sealed, (Ether 5:1-6,) for I will bring them forth in mine own due time, II Nephi 27:21. The Prophet Joseph was not given power, or in other words was not privileged to trans- late the sealed part of the records to get the full account (Ether 4:4-8,) but was told to touch them not, Doc. & Cov. 5:9. Moroni says: "Therefore I do not write those things which transpired from the days of Adam until that time; but they are had upon the plates; (meaning the twenty-four golden plates, Ether 1:1-5) Joseph Smith translated from Moroni's abridgement and not from the twenty-four golden plates Ether made which were found by the people of Limhi, and Ether says, whoso findeth them, the same will have power that he may get the full account, Ether 1:4; Mosiah 28:11-20. This shows plainly some one will yet find them. Also the Lord told Joseph Smith they were to be kept sealed up and hid up until he, (the Lord) should see fit in his own wisdom, to reveal all things unto the children of men (II Nephi 27:22,) and the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops, and they shall be read by the power of Christ: and all things, shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth, II Nephi 27:11. So this next act to be done is the strange (wroth, Isaiah 28:21,) act, for the setting of the house of God in order and for her redemp- tion from man made and foolish doctrines or precepts of men, II Nephi 27 :25 ; 28 : 14. This marvelous work and a wonder is for the express purpose that all mankind may give heed to the Gospel doctrines contained in holy writ, and also that they will give ear 98 to the instruction that the Lord shall reveal through this "Mighty and Strong" Indian Prophet whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words, and his bowels shall be a foundation of truth, etc. to set in order the house of God, Doc. & Cov. 85:7. Joseph Smith, the Prophet, after having completed the work which the Lord had entrusted him with, delivered the records back to Moroni, who still has them in charge. The Lord has pro- mised that the sealed part of the records shall, in his own due time, be given to His people in this dispensation, together with other sacred records and instruments of antiquity, the hiding place of which is not yet known. His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. Alma says; The Lord will reserve the brass plates which are like unto the Bible and more scripture upon them, (I Nephi 13:23). The Ball and Director, (Liahona, Alma 37:38) Urim and Thummim, and sacred records and instruments of antiquity to show forth his power in, and that all nations are to know of the mysteries contained on the brass plates, for they shall go forth unto all the people of the earth, (Alma 37:4-19; I Nephi 5:18). We are told that when the sealed records come forth, all things, such as records and instru- ments of antiquity are to come forth. II Nephi 27:11, 22; 21:5- 11, 30:10-18. The bringing forth of these last sacred relics is positively the mission of the other servant of God, the root of Jesse as spoken of in the 6th verse of the 113th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, whose mission and right it is to hold the sceptre of power and the keys of the kingdom in his hand and perform mighty wonders like as Moses of old and to gather all the pure in heart who will abide the laws of the Celes- tial Kingdom; to Zion, the New Jerusalem in Jackson County, Missouri. Doc. & Cov. 84:2; 101:13-21; 103:11-18; 29:2, 27; 49:24, 25; 38:31; 42:36; 45:42, 43; 57:1; 58:24-29; 101:10; 109:58, 59: 85:3. Ill Nephi 21:22-26. THE GATHERING PLACE OF THE SAINTS BEFORE THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST. The scriptures show conclusively that the place of gather- ing for the Saints before the Lord's second coming is to be at Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, Mount Zion, the New 99 Jerusalem, (Doc. & Cov. 84:2-6) and the man that is to be raised up like unto Moses must do this last gathering work, Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 85:. The mission of Joseph Smith, Jr. was to establish the Gospel upon this earth for the gather- ing of all people unto the Church who come under the head of the elect, Doc. &' Cov. 29:7; 109:58,60; 136:10; 51:16; Zion must flourish upon the hills and rejoice upon the mountains, and after that, are to be returned and assembled together at the place appointed in Independence, Jackson County, Mis- souri, Doc. & Cov. 49:24, 25; 42:35, 36; 45:42-44, 65-71; 84:1-5; 101:6-21; 57:1-3,) but was to wait many years before return- ing to that promised land, Doc. & Cov. 58:44; 51:16. The gathering in the tops of the mountains has been going on for seventy-five years and at the present time has gathered ap- proximately two million souls into the Church, (dead and now living, from its inception to the present time) from among the different nations of the earth, but when the Lord makes bare his holy arm, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; III Nephi 21:9-11) and convinces all nations that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Doc. & Cov. 115:4; Ephe- sians 4:5; I Nephi 14:10) is His only accepted church upon this earth, then millions of Lamanites and many of the honest, up- right and virtuous individuals among the children of men, will gather to Zion, and conform to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, which then will be in full force and effect, or they will be con- demned. Why? Because they will have been left without an ex- cuse. Then all eligible people who will abide the laws of the Celes- tial Kingdom will be gathered to Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, and when there is found no more room in this promised land, other places will be appointed and they shall be called Stakes of Zion, Doc. & Cov. 101 :6-21. Then all eligible people who will conform to the laws of the Celestial Kingdom will be privileged to return or come to this holy land. The beginning of the returning to the land of the New Jerusalem will follow after Zion's redemption in the mountains, Isaiah 2:2; 40:9; Micah 4:1, 10, 13; Isaiah 51:11; 35:10. When the pure in heart return to this promised land, they will be led by the one "Mighty and Strong" (Doc. & Cov. 100 85:7) man like unto Moses (Doc. & Cov. 103:1-18,) Indian Prophet, (II Nephi 3:11, 24,) root of Jesse (Doc. & Cov. 113: 5-6), whose mission it is to officiate in the redemption of Zion and the great and final gathering. This mighty man will stand for an ensign of the people and to it shall the gentiles seek and hfs rest shall be glorious, (11 Nephi 21:10; Rom. 15:12,) and he shall rule over the gentiles. This mighty and strong man of so many nomenclatures is to bring forth these last records and instruments of antiquity, as a convincing proof of the divinity of the mission of Joseph Smith, who trans- lated the Book of Mormon, the lesser part (III Nephi 26:6-12,) and revealed the Gospel truths as contained in the Doctrine and Covenants and some other works; who established the Church of Jesus Christ upon this earth, April 6th, 1830, Doc. & Cov. 20:1; 115:4. Moroni said, whoso findeth the twenty- four golden plates shall have power to get the full account, Ether 1 :4. According to this scripture, we are informed that some one is going to find them and give the full account as contained upon them; so we see some one besides Joseph Smith, the Prophet must be commissioned of the Lord to find the twenty-four golden plates in order to fulfill scripture and give the full account which is contained thereon. Joseph Smith did not translate from the twenty-four golden plates at all, that Ether made; but he translated only the unsealed portion of the abridgement Moroni made, from the twenty-four golden plates: Moroni says: Therefore I do not write those things which transpired from the days of Adam until that time; but they are had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them the same will have power that he may get the full account (so you see the man that finds these things is the man who is going to do the translating, or in other words get the full account) Ether 1 :4. This is certainly a future work for it is not yet accomplished. THE LAST AND MIGHTY SERVANT IS EXTOLLED BY THE SAVIOR HIMSELF. The Savior in speaking to the Nephites tells them about a man who will do this last work, and that he will be disbelieved and marred for declaring it unto the people; but this marring 101 he receives for declaring this strange act in the coming forth of records, etc., unto the people, will not hinder his work at all, for Jesus Christ says; that he will heal him and that he will show that his (Christ's) wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil, and that this marred man shall bring forth these last and sacred records that contain Christ's word, (III Nephi 21:9-11,) and according to Ether he will be the means of trans- lating the same, Ether 1 :4. We must carefully bear in mind this marred and healed servant is not the Prophet Joseph Smith, for Joseph, the Prophet, was slain and he foretold his own death three or four days previous to his martyrdom, (Doc. & Cov. 135:4; 5:22;) so the Savior could not be refer- ring to Joseph Smith when he spoke in the following language: But behold the life of my servant shall be in my hand, therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil, therefore it shall come to pass that whosoever will not believe in my word, who am Jesus Christ, whom the Father shall cause him (the marred man, and healed) to bring forth unto the gentiles, and shall give unto him power that he shall bring them forth unto the gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the cove- nant. Ill Nephi 21:9-11. The Angel Moroni told the Prophet Joseph that the cutting off was not then, but soon would come and as yet it has not been attended to. Pearl of Great Price, page 90, verse 40. NECESSARY FOR JOSEPH SMITH, THE PROPHET TO SEAL HIS TESTIMONY WITH HIS BLOOD. Further the Lord says, it is necessary for the Prophet Joseph to seal his testimony with his blood, that he might be honored and the wicked might be condemned, (Doc. & Cov. 136:36-38,) but the marred man to whom Jesus was referring, He was to heal, and give power to bring forth these last records, and after the coming forth of the same, the unnght- eous, rebellious and disbelieving factions of the Church were to be cut off. This root of Jesse-, Rom. 15:12, as has been 102 shown by comparing II Nephi 21 :5-ll with 30:11-18 is the indi- vidual that is to bring forth the last and all records, and all things else that are to be brought to light for the pouring out of the Lord's spirit upon all flesh, for the ushering in of the millennium and for the building of the New Jerusalem and the great holy temple preparatory for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Those sacred and last records and instruments of antiquity, (I Nephi 13:39-41; His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse,) as Alma says will be a sceptre of power in the hands of the one who brings them forth, for Alma says: God is reserving them for this express purpose, to show forth his power unto future generations, Alma 37:2-19, Rom. 9:33; Isaiah 28:16. These sacred records and instruments of antiquity must accomplish the object of their destination for God hath spoken it, Alma 37:4, 14, 18, 19; I Nephi 13:39-41. THE LORD SHALL RISE UP, BEING WROTH, AND VIN- DICATE THIS LAST MIGHTY SERVANT OF HIS. The Lord shall rise up and be wroth, why? Because the people of his church will reject the testimony of his servant, and mar and cast him out of the Church (Isaiah 66:2-6,) and speak evil against this root of Jesse, therefore the Lord will make bare his holy arm being wroth, and bring to pass His strange act, (Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 95:4; 101:89-95;) One part of which will be in the coming forth of these last records in rather a strange manner, strange according to the man-made order of the Church way of thinking as has been shown and proven in this article. Moroni said, And whoso receiveth this record (the Book of Mormon) and shall not condemn it because of the imperfections which are in it, the same shall know of greater things than these, behold I am Moroni; and were it pos- sible I would make all things known unto you, Mormon 8:12; III Nephi 5:8-19, Ether 4:13; 4 Nephi 1:47-49; Alma 37: Hele- man 3:13-16. Now therefore be yet not mockers lest your bands be made strong, for I have heard from the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth, Isaiah 28:22. 103- DAY OF PEACE WHEN BOOK OF MORMON CAME FORTH And no one need say these (records) shall not come for they surely shall, for the Lord hath spoken it; for out of the earth shall they come, by the hand of the Lord, and none can stay it, and it shall come in a day when it shall be said that miracles are done away; and it shall come even as if one should speak from the dead (how literally this was fulfilled when the Prophet Joseph Smith brought forth thex Book of Mormon) Orson Pratt's Divine Authority, page 14 says, it was a day of universal peace. Thomas' School History, pages 228-288 says, there had been thirty years of peace. LAST AND ALL RECORDS TO COME FORTH IN DAY OF TROUBLE AND WAR, ETC. And it (records) shall come in a day when the blood of the saints shall cry unto the Lord because of secret combinations and the works of darkness; (very applicable today) Yea it (records) shall come in a day when the power of God shall be denied and Churches become defiled and shall be lifted up in the pride of their hearts; yea, even in a day when leaders of Churches and teachers, in the pride of their hearts, even to the envying of them who belong to their churches; (such con- ditions exist today) Yea, it (records) shall come in a day when there shall be heard of fires and tempests and vapors of smoke in foreign lands; (these conditions are prevalent today) and there shall also be heard of wars, rumors of wars and earth- quakes in diverse places (according to this scripture today is an appropriate time for these last records to come forth) yea, it (records) shall come in a day when there shall be great pollutions upon the face of the earth; there shall be mur- ders, and robbing, and lying, and deceivings, and whoredoms, and all manner of abominations; when there shall be many who will say, do this, or to that, and it mattereth not, for, the Lord will uphold such at the last day. But woe unto such, for they are in the gall of bitterness and in the bonds of iniquity, Yea, it (records) shall come in a day when there shall be churches built up that shall say, come unto me, and for your money 104 you shall be forgiven of your sins, Mormon 8:21-32. The Books of Mormon came in a day of peace, in the midst of peace, Thomas' School History says there was thirty years of peace, page 228-288, and Orson Pratt says, when Joseph Smith brought forth the records it was in a day of peace, he uses the following language: "The glorious constitution of that great and free people proclaimed religious freedom to every son and daughter of Columbia's soil; yet, in the midst of that boasted land of freedom and religious rights, where universal peace seemed to have selected her quiet dwelling- place, the voice of a great Prophet is hard predicting the rise of the latter-day Church, and the bloody persecutions that should follow her from City to City, and from synagogue to synagogue." Orson Pratt's Divine Authority, pp. 14. But the Prophet Mormon says: "That records are to come in a day of wars, rumors of wars, earth-quakes, fires, tempests and vapors of smoke in foreign lands (evidently volcanoes) and all manner of wickedness and abomonation and disturbences upon the face of the earth." Mormon 8:29-31. (Very different con- ditions, from those when the Book of Mormon came forth.) The conditions existing upon the face of this earth today (in the the year 1922) are in every way very fitting and commensu- rate with the conditions Mormon describes that should exist when these last records and instruments of antiquity were to come forth. The Lord, in speaking to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. said: "And also that you might be honored of lay- ing the foundation, and of bearing record of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand," (Doc. & Cov. 58:7-11; 136:36-38; 56:18; 104:16,) and also that a feast of fat things might be prepared for the poor; yea, a feast of fat things of wine on the lees, well refined, that the earth may know that the mouths of the Prophets shall not fail; Yea a supper of the House of the Lord, well prepared unto which all nations shall be invited. Firstly, the rich and the learned, the wise and the noble; and after that cometh the day of my power: then shall the poor, the lame and the blind and the deaf, come in unto the marriage of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, prepared for the great day to come. Doc. & Cov^ 105 58:7-11; Isaiah 25:6-12; 11:5-11; II Nephi 30:10-18; Doc. & Cov. 104:16; 101:85-95; I Nephi 14:14; Doc. & Cov. 1:14. In the day of God's power (the powerful awakening) the poor, the lame, the blind and the deaf will be cared for and made to rejoice, Doc. & Cov. 58:7-11. This day of power will come as Nephi says, after the Church is established upon the earth and at the time when the Saints of the Lord, or Church of the Lamb, have small dominion on the different parts of the earth, and at a time when multitudes from among all the na- tions of the gentiles, will combine to fight against the Church of the Lamb of God, I Nephi 14:12-14; Doc. & Cov. 101:85-95. The Prophet Joseph Smith revealed that the day of power shall come after the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints had been established upon this land and preached to the gentiles unto the ends of the earth, (Joseph Smith's mission and calling was to gather the elect Doc. & Cov. 29:7) and then the arm of God would be revealed in power and convince the Jews, the heathen nations and the house of Joseph of the Gospel of their salvation. Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; II Nephi 3:11, 24. This time being after the Church had been persecuted and the Saints had done about what they could do naturally to maintain their rights and privileges, Doc. & Cov. 123:6-17. AN APOSTATE ELEMENT TO BE IN THE CHURCH ACCORDING TO PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR. Joseph certainly must have meant the Saints and not the apostate element that President John Taylor said would exist in the Church, (He, President Taylor, said the time would come when half of this Church would apostatize and perhaps half of the remaining half. At the time when making this pro- phecy he stood in a halo of light, suspended about a foot above the floor, and spoke with mighty power. Attested to by four eye and ear witnesses who heard him make the above prophecy September 27, 1886. Witnesses: John W. Woolley, Loren C. Woolley, Daniel Bateman and George Earl. 106 BRIGHAM YOUNG'S PROPHECY. In a conference held at Provo City, Utah Territory, in the year 1867, in the bowery, on the north-west corner of the now Provo Commercial Bank block, President Brigham Young, in the course of a sermon he was delivering to the people, made the following prophecy: "Brethren, this Church will be lead onto the very brink of hell by the leaders of this people, then God will raise up the one "Mighty and Strong" spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants to save and re- deem this Church." Attested to by Joshua Jones who made a minute of it at that time and now has it in his diary. He is now (June, 1922) at Provo City, Utah. The sending of this one "Mighty and Strong" the Lord has purposed for the sal- vation of the honest in heart among his people, and to be the in- itiative to bring about the great blessing the Lord has in reserve to cause the poor, the lame, the deaf, and the blind to rejoice. UNITED ORDER AND CONSECRATION NECESSARY. The United Order by consecration, as we have and will show, is to be instituted and maintained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, after the apostate element has been excluded therefrom. The Lord says: That it is not given that one man should possess that which is above another, wherefore the world lieth in sin, Doc. & Cov. 49:20. And it is my purpose to provide for my Saints, for all things are mine; But it must needs be done in mine own way; and behold this is the way that I, the Lord, have decreed to provide for my Saints, that the poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low. Doc. & Cov. 104:15, 16. And behold thou wilt remember the poor and consecrate of thy properties for their support, that which thou hast to impart unto them, with a covenant and a deed which cannot be broken; for it shall come to pass, that which I spake by the mouths of my Prophets, shall be fulfilled; for I will consecrate of the riches of those who embrace my Gospel among the gentiles unto the poor of my people who are of the House of Israel, Doc. & Cov. 42:30, 39. Behold, I say unto you, were it not for the transgressions of my people, 107 speaking concerning the Church and not individuals, they might have been redeemed even now, (the United Order by consecration is the redemption foundation of this Church, Doc. & Cov. 105:3-6, 34) But behold, they have not learned to be obedient to the things that I require at their hands (United Order by consecration) but are full of all manner of evil, and do not impart of their substance as becometh Saints, to the poor and afflicted among them, and are not united according to the Union required by the law of the Celestial Kingdom; and Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself. And my people must needs be chastened until they learn obedience, if it must needs be, by the things which they suffer, Doc. & Cov. 105:2-6, 34. Thus we see according to the word of God, the blessings of the United Order by consecration, are the feast of fat things (the marriage supper of the Lamb) and the foundation premise upon which the redemption of Zion is predicated, Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6. This great feast is to be prepared for the poor, the lame, the deaf and the blind, Doc. & Cov. 58:7-11. This is the law of the Celestial Kingdom that must be complied with by all people, in order to be redeemed, and to be at the marriage feast of the Lamb, and partake of the supper of the Lord, in the land of the New Jerusalem, Jackson County, Missouri, Psalms 132: 13-16; Doc. & Cov. 84:2; 76:62-70. According to the word of the Lord, this law is the only way whereby this Church will ever be acceptable unto Him. Doc. & Cov. 105:5. For with- out living this Celestial Order, the members of this Church would not be fit subjects to be affiliated with the Saints of the City of Enoch who live the Celestial United Order of God, for they are to return to earth and join the Saints in the Land of the New Jerusalem, Pearl of Great Price Chap. 7:18, 21, 62-64. The Celestial Order is to cause the poor and afflicted to rejoice as did the Celestial Order of Enoch cause the people of Enoch to rejoice, (Pearl of Great Price Chap. 7:18,) and is to prepare the Saints of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints to dwell with God, as also did the order of Enoch which was the United Order by consecration. This Celestial 108 Law, (United Order by consecration,) must be re-established and maintained in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in connection with all other Celestial Laws, including plurality of wives, etc., Isaiah 4: II Nephi 14: Doc. & Cov. 132: The setting of the Church in order cannot be attended to until after Zion's redemption, (Doc. & Cov. 105:34,) which redemp- tion will be attended to when the Lord raises up the man like unto Moses, (a President) as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, 7th verse, to attend to this great and mighty work and not before this time (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 105:34,) for the Lord says, "And let those commandments which I have given concerning Zion and her law be executed, and fulfilled, after her redemption," Doc. & Cov. 105:34. As has been shown in this article, this "Mighty and Strong Man" like unto Moses, root of Jesse, Indian Prophet, must be raised up and bring forth the last and all records and instruments of antiquity that the Lord may show forth his power in them and vindicate his Gospel that was established upon this earth, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jun. This "Mighty and Strong Man," who is to be raised up, will set the Church in order in kec^inr v/lth the law of the United Order by consecration, and will establish other laws that pertain to the Celestial Kingdom, in order that the Lord may receive this Church unto Himself, (Doc. & Cov. 105:5,) in the land of the New Jerusalem, Jackson County, Missouri, Doc. & Cov. 84:2; 49:24, 25; 42:36; 101:6-21. JOSEPH SMITH, THE PROPHET'S MISSION DESCRIBED. The servant spoken of in the 4th verse of the 113th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants evidently is the Prophet Joseph Smith, who had much power laid upon him. Joseph was cir- cumscribed and limited in his work, III Nephi 26:6-12; Doc. & Cov. 5:9; II Nephi 27:21, 22; His. Record Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. For Joseph the Prophet did not reveal the contents of the sealed records, nor the twenty-four golden plates that Ether made, nor the brass plates, nor all of the large and small plates of Nephi and many other records, nor did he bring forth to the gaze of man the ball and director, sword of Laban 109 and sacred relics and instruments of antiquity, Alma 37: III Nephi 5:8-17, Heleman 3:13-16. Joseph the Prophet only brought forth the lesser part, the unsealed portion of Mor- mon's abridgement, which he (Mormon) made from the plates of Nephi, III Nephi 26:6-12. Joseph the Prophet translated the unsealed part of Moroni's abridgement which Moroni made from the twenty-four golden plates that Ether made, the acount of which is given in the Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon, (Ether 5:1-6; 1:1-5; III Nephi 5:15-17; Moroni 1:1,) so we see Joseph Smith the Prophet only brought forth the lesser part, which is called much of Christ's Gospel, III Nephi 26:6-12; I Nephi 13:34,) and that part only which was wisdom in the Lord to come forth first to try the faith of the people, III Nephi 26:6-11; Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 6:26, 29. This lesser part was to come forth as the introductory feature in the plan of redemp- tion to lay the foundation of the Church and to try the faith of the people (III Nephi 26:9; Doc. & Cov. 58:7-11,) and prepare them for the day of his power when all records are to come forth, (meaning the greater things, etc., Ill Nephi 26:6-11; I Nephi 13:39-41, III Nephi 21:9-11; Mormon 5:12-15; His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, lest verse,) by the man like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18,) the "Mighty and Strong" root of Jesse, Indian Prophet and last servant, Doc. & Cov. 85:7; II Nephi 21:5-11 in comparison with 30:10-18; II Nephi 3:11, 24, 27:11, 21, 27. THE MIGHTY AND LAST SERVANT THE ROOT OF JESSE'S MISSION. Moroni says whoso findeth the twenty-four golden plates that Ether made, the same will have power to get the full account, (Ether 1 :4,) then he it is who finds the last records will have power to translate the same, even the sealed part, in order to give the full account. And the day cometh that the words of the Book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ: and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men, which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth, II Nephi 27:11, 110 21, 22; 30:16-18; Alma 37:. The Lord has promised that the sealed records, together with other sacred records and instru- ments of antiquity, (from an unknown hiding place. This was stated in Joseph's time after the hill Cumoriah was known) are to be given to this people in this dispensation, together with other sacred records and instruments of antiquity. His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. GEO. T. PEAY'S STATEMENT ABOUT RECORDS IN UTAH. George T. Peay, Sr., now deceased (June 1922) who re- sided in Provo City, Utah, says he heard Pres. Brigham Young, while standing on the veranda of the Lion House, in Salt Lake City, Utah, in connection with some others, make the following statement, with his left foot upon the east lion, took the index finger of his right hand and pointed south toward Provo and said, "I can see to where the sealed records, the sword of Laban and many other records and instruments of antiquity are buried, in connection with gold enough to pave two of the streets of Salt Lake City." This George T. Peay, Sr., told me (the writer of this article) many times during the period of twenty five years of our intimate acquaintance. LAST RECORDS TO COME FORTH. It is prophesied that the Brass Plates and other records and instruments of antiquity should be kept and handed down from one generation to another, until they should go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, that they should know of the mysteries contained thereon. (Alma 37:4). Alma told his son Helaman the Lord had entrusted him with these sacred things in which the Lord intended to show forth his power to future generations. (Alma 37:14, 18, 19). Alma further says, the Lord showed forth his power in them and brought many thousands of the Lamanites to the knowl- edge of the truth, and that he will keep and preserve them to show forth his power unto future generations. (Alma 37:19.) Ill The corner stone of our faith is the words of Jesus Christ; for without such, we could not exist as a church; and every word is binding, whether by direct revelation today or that which is recorded in Holy Writ. Alma says, the Lord intends to show forth his power in the words of Jesus Christ as con- tained on records yet to come to light in connection with other sacred instruments of antiquity. Now, as the Lord has shown forth his power in these sacred things and converted thousands to the Gospel truth it will be seen that they are tried and found to be precious, for in these instances, they have proved effectual in restoring many to the knowledge of the truth. The Lord says, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure founda- tion: he that believeth shall not make haste. (Isaiah 28:16). This tried stone must either be Jesus Christ himself, or his word and handiwork as contained in the aggregation of rec- ords, and instruments of antiquity. Which is it? Joseph Smith, the Prophet said, after having completed the work the Lord had intrusted him with, he delivered the records back to Moroni, who still has them in charge. The Lord has prom- ised that the sealed part of the records shall, in his own due time, be given to his people in this dispensation, together with other sacred records, and instruments of antiquity, the hiding place of which is not yet known. (Historical Record, Vol. 7, 1st Chap, and last verse). But Isaiah says the tried stone is to be laid in Zion. He also says the glorious beauty is on the head of the fat valley. But it shall be a fading flower. (Isaiah 28:4). Though these records are spoken of in many places in the Scriptures, and their coming forth to this people, to reveal all that ever was revealed, and more too, (See II Nephi 27:10 and Ether 3:25-27 a glorious beauty) is foretold by many prophets, yet we seldom hear anything said about them (A fading flower) except by a few obscure individuals who are supposed to be on the way to apotasy. Evidently these sacred things are the tried stone which Isaiah said the Lord would lay in Zion as a precious corner stone, and a sure foundation. On this foundation, the Lord will main- tain his church, set it in order, sweep away the refuge of lies 112 disannul the covenant with death, and perform his strange act that he may pour out his spirit upon all flesh. (See Isaiah 28:15-18). Alma says, these things are kept for a wise purpose that the Lord may show forth his power. The Doctrine and Covenants says the Lord will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, to set his church in order, and deliver his people out of bondage (into which they have plunged themselves by the issuing of the Manifesto). Jesus Christ says a man will be disbelieved and marred for declaring to the people the coming forth of these last records, in connection with which, the Lord will work a great and marvelous work, and cut off all the unbelievers. This mighty and strong one must bring forth records to fulfill these say- ings of the prophets, because God's power is to be shown forth in them, and they are means whereby God will reveal his arm in power to deliver his chosen people. Referring to the tried stone, the glorious beauty, Isaiah says, This is the rest and the refreshing, yet they would not hear. (Isaiah 28:12). The people must reject the testimony of the coming forth of these last records, to fulfill prophecy. The man who finds these last records is the one who is to reveal or translate them and have power to get the full account. The sealed records, together with other sacred re- cords and instruments of antiquity, Joseph the Prophet says, are to come forth to this people in this dispensation. Thus we see the Lord's other servant, the root of Jesse, who finds the twenty-four golden plates will find other records and in- struments of antiquity with them, and he will bring forth everything that has ever been revealed, that has been recorded and hid up, to come forth unto the children of men, for the express purpose of vindicating the Book of Mormon that Joseph Smith brought forth, which contains the fullness of the Gospel for the salvation of the children of men upon this earth, Doc. & Cov. 18:3, 4; 20:8-12; 27:5, 13; 42:12. II Nephi 27:11, 21, 22; Doc. & Cov. 113:6; II Nephi 21:5-12; 30:10-18; III Nephi 21:9-11. This last servant will perform mighty 113 wonders and do that thing which is great in the sight of God in bringing to pass much restoration unto the House of Israel and unto the seed of his brethren, (the Lamanites II Nephi 3:11, 24,) he will be like Moses of old, a President of the Lord's Church upon this earth, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 107: 91, 92,) and redeem Zion, set the Church in order, (Doc. & Cov. 90:16,) and establish all eligible and obedient people, to the law of the Celestial Kingdom, in the land of Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem. (Doc. & Cov. 84:2; 103:11-18; 49: 24, 25) and when there is no more room in the land of the New Jerusalem, other places will be appointed and they shall be called Stakes of Zion, Doc. & Cov. 101:6-21. WHEN ROOT OF JESSE IS TO BE RAISED UP. By comparing the 21st Chapter of II Nephi, verses 5-11 with the 30th Chapter of II Nephi verses 10-18, we can see plainly when this man, who is spoken of in the sixth verse of the 113th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants (the root of Jesse) is to be raised up, who is to hold the keys of the King- dom (the sceptre of power Doc. & Cov. 85:7,) in his hand (Doc. & Cov. 81:2) and stands as an ensign for the gathering of God's people in the last days. It will be when the Lord sees fit, in His wisdom, to reveal all things unto the children of men as the Lord told the Prophet Joseph in the following language: "Touch not the things which are sealed, for I will bring them forth in mine own due time: For I will show unto the children of men that I am able to do mine own work. Where- fore when thou hast read the words which I have commanded thee, and obtained the witnesses which I have promised unto thee, then shalt thou seal up the book, again and hide it up unto me, that I may preserve the words which thou hast not read until I shall see fit in mine own wisdom, to reveal all things unto the children of men, 2 Nephi 27:21, 22. Joseph, after having completed the work which the Lord had en- trusted him with, delivered the records back to Moroni, who still has them in charge. The Lord has promised that the sealed part of the records shall, in His own due time, be given to His people in this dispensation, together with other sacred 114 records and instruments of antiquity, the hiding place of which is not yet known. His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. The scripture references show conclusively, that the root of Jesse is to bring forth the last and all records, before the great division can take place, and the blessed condition exist with the righteous part of the people, for the ushering in of the Millennial reign, II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18; I Nephi 14: 12-14. Daniel says blest is he who waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days, which would be seventy- five years after the rise of the Church, as we will show further along in this article, Daniel 12:12. When this root of Jesse, (Doc. & Cov. 113:6; II Nephi 21:10; 30:10-18) stands for an ensign to the people (for he shall arise to reign over the Gentiles, Rom. 15:12,) the Gentile's rest will be glorious, (if they will obey the laws of the Celestial Kingdom II Nephi 30:2,) then the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off, II Nephi 21:10-16; 30:10-18; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. This cutting off of Judah's advarsaries is a future time or event, or when the arm of God is revealed in their behalf. Ill Nephi 20:35, 36; 21:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. The Jews are to remain and not be gathered until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, (Doc. & Cov. 45:25; III Nephi 16:4; Pearl of Great Price, Page 90 verse 41,) (Blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in Luke 21 :24; Rom. 11 :25-27,) and, the time of the Gentiles will be fulfilled when the Gospel turns unto the Jews, which time will be when the arm of the Lord is revealed in power, (at the time of the coming forth of the last and all records, which is absolutely proven by com- paring I Nephi 13:39-41 with Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11) in con- vincing the nations, the heathen nations and the House of Joseph of the Gospel of their salvation, (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11) which is in the coming forth of other books and last records as was told unto Nephi by an angel of the Lord, I Nephi 13:39-41. WHEN THE LORD SETS HIS HAND AGAIN THE SECOND TIME IS THE LAST TIME. This great day of power shall be in the day when the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the US- remnant of His people (II Nephi 21 :10, 1 1,) and in the day that He shall set His hand again the second time, to recover His people, is the day, yea, even the last time, that the servants of the Lord shall go forth in power (when He makes bare His holy arm I Nephi 22:10, 11; Jacob 6:2; I Nephi 14:12-14; Doc. & Cov. 90:10) to nourish and prune His vineyard; and after that, the end soon cometh, Jacob 6:2. The Lord pur- poses to arm His people with righteousness and the power of God in great glory before he condemns the nations, I Nephi 14:10-14. The arm of the Lord is to be revealed in power to convince all nations of the Gospel of their salvation, (which is a future event from June 1922,) and the last and convincing act, God has purposed to leave mankind without excuse, before the second coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When the Lord reveals His arm in power, every man shall hear the fullness of the Gospel in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power. FULLNESS OF GOSPEL TO BE PREACHED AFTER LAST RECORDS COME FORTH. This Church today has in it a representation of nearly all nationalities, who are schooled in the Gospel, who could go, if they were needed, to their respective mother nations, and declare whatever message the Lord might se fit to have them proclaim in their mother tongue, to the people of their respec- tive lands or countries, Doc. & Cov. 90:10, 11. Wherefore la- bor ye in My vineyard for the last time for the last time, call upon the inhabitants of the earth; For in my own due time will I come upon the earth in judgment (the coming forth of the last records in connection with instruments of antiquity is to be a convincing judgment act,) because men will be left without excuse, I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 101:85-95. The Almighty will have performed one of His judgment acts and then the great division can justly take place, II Nephi 30:10. The righteous can then gather to the promised land, the New Jerusalem, to be blessed of the Lord forever, and all people can then choose for themselves whether they will obey and abide the requirements of the laws of the 116 Celestial Kingdom upon this earth, for they will then have been left without an excuse. Then the unbelieving and rebel- lious will be cut off from among the true and faithful Latter- day Saints, III Nephi 21:9-11; Doc. & Cov. 85:9; 1:14. This great division spoken of by Nephi, (II Nephi 30:10-18; I Nephi 14:7; Doc. & Cov. 112:23-26), is to be brought about and consummated at and after the time of the coming forth of the last and all records by the root of Jesse, as you will clearly see by comparing II Nephi 21:5-11 with 30:10-8. The Lord's people will be redeemed when this root of Jesse, "Mighty and Strong Man," like unto Moses (the Indian Prophet, who is to bring forth the last and all records is raised up, II Nephi 3:11, 24. MILLENNIUM, WHEN TO TAKE PLACE. The people of the Church cannot return to the living of the United Order by consecration and plurality of wives, until their redemption by the man like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18, 105:1-6, 34,) for the Lord says let those command- ments which I have given concerning Zion and her law, be executed and fulfilled after her redemption (Doc. & Cov. 105:34,) for the great millennium of which I have spoken by the mouths of My servants shall come, Doc. & Cov. 43:28-30; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18, (when the last and all records and instruments of antiquity are brought forth). The building of the Kirtland temple was designed, in one respect, in order to prepare the Lord's apostles to prune His vineyard for the last time, that he might bring to pass His strange act, that He might pour out His Spirit upon all flesh, Doc. & Cov. 95:3, 4, 8. By comparing the scriptures, I Nephi 13:39-41, with the Doc. & Cov. 101:89-95; 90:9-11, this performing of the Lord's strange act for the pouring out of His spirit upon all flesh, is shown to be in the coming forth of the last and all records, which must be done before Zion can be redeemed and returned to the land of the New Jerusalem in Jackson County, Missouri, which redemption and return to Zion, the New Jeru- salem, must be accomplished before the second coming of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Doc. & Cov. 49:22-25. Joseph 117 Smith the Prophet, while standing at the south-east corner of the Nauvoo Temple, January 20th, 1844, said: "I have tried for a number of years to get the minds of the Saints prepared to receive the things of God; but we frequently see some of them, after suffering all they have for the work of God, fly to pieces like glass as soon as anything comes that is contrary to their traditions: they cannot stand the fire at all. How many will be able to abide a Celestial law, and go through and receive their exaltation, I am unable to say, as many are called, but few are chosen." His. Rec. Vol. 7. In the day that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, (II Nephi 21:9; 30:15) is the day when the root of Jesse is to stand as an ensign of the people and is to rule over the Gentiles, (Rom. 15:12; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18) which is still in the future from June, A. D. 1922. When this root of Jesse stands as an ensign of the people it is a day when all things that have been revealed unto the children of men shall again be revealed, which is also in the future; this saying must include all records and instrument of antiquity that have been kept sacred and hidden away, to come forth when it is wisdom in God, (Heleman 15:11, 15, 16; Mormon 5:8, 12-15) that He may show forth His power, (Alma 37:2-19,) and vindicate the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the divine mis- sion and calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith in the minds of all the people of this world, (Alma 37:2-19; I Nephi 13:39-41; II Nephi 30:16-18,) and also to usher in the millennial reign of peace, II Nephi 30:10-18, Doc. & Cov. 43:28-35. The strange act, as has been shown, is in the coming forth of the last records, (III Nephi 21:9-11; II Nephi 3:11, 24,) by this man like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18) in a strange manner; he will be disbelieved and marred because he will be raised up out of the ordinary expectation of the people, (II Nephi 3:24) and the place he is to occupy is to be made vacant by a strange and sudden death of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; (Isaiah 28:21,) who will have been occu- pying this position previous to this "Mighty and Strong One's" coming. This strange and sudden change of the Presidency 118 of this Church, as is spoken of, will certainly be a strange act. Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8. WHY THE STRANGE ACT. The Lord specifically describes this strange act in the fol- lowing language: Addressing the Prophet: Joseph Smith "Touch not the things which are sealed, for I will bring them forth in Mine own due time: for I will show unto the children of men that I am able to do Mine own work. Wherefore, when thou hast read the words which I have commanded thee, and obtained the witnesses, which I have promised unto thee, then shalt thou seal up the book again, and hide it up unto Me, that I may preserve the words which thou hast not read, until I shall see fit in Mine own wisdom, to reveal all things unto the children of men. For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles: and I will show unto the world, that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and I work not among the children of men, save it be according to their faith. II Nephi 27:20-23. And again it shall come to pass that the Lord shall say unto him that shall read the words that shall be delivered him; For as much as this people draw near unto Me with their mouth, (which they could not do until after the Book of Mor- mon was published for their perusal, meaning all people, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,) and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the precepts of men, therefore I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, yea, a marvelous work and a wonder: For the wisdom of their wise and learned shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent shall be hid. And wo unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord. And their works are in the dark; and they say, Who seeth us, and who knoweth us? And they also say, surely, your turning of things up side down shall be esteemed as the potter's clay. But behold, I will shew unto them, saith the Lord of Hosts, that I know all their works. For shall the work say of him that made it, (meaning the Gospel of the Church of Jesus 119 Christ of Latter-day Saints, for Jesus owns no other, Ephesians 4:5; I Nephi 14:10; Doc. & Cov. 115:4,) He made me not? Or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding? Mormon 8:34, 38; Alma 37:6, 7; Doc. & Cov. 38:39; II Nephi 28:9; Isaiah 66:4-6; II Nephi 20:33, 34. This "Mighty and Strong Man" like unto Moses will redeem Zion, set in order the Church (I Tim. 3:15,) in restoring and esta- blishing the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, that have been forsaken, and cause the Gospel to turn unto the Jews, the nations, the heathen nations, the house of Joseph and to the Lamanites in power, in restoring them unto the true fold of Christ, that they (the Lamanites) may do the principle work as is spoken of in III Nephi 21:22-25, in the building of the New Jerusalem. THE MIGHTY AND STRONG SERVANT IS OF THE LINEAGE OF JESUS CHRIST AND OF JOSEPH THE SON OF LEHI. This man like unto Moses is of the same lineage as Jesus Christ, (Doc. & Cov. 113:6; Rom. 9:29,) for the keys, power and authority of the Kingdom of God are in the lineage of Jesus Christ, (Heber C. Kimball's History, page 48 and 185,) and will be of Indian lineage or of the seed of Joseph, the son of Lehi, as has been prophesied by Lehi, in the following language: And there shall rise up one mighty among them (His rising up makes part of the strange act,) who shall do much good both in word, (in bearing testimony of the coming forth of these last records, etc.,) and in deed (finally bringing forth the last records, etc.,) being an instrument in the hands of God (III Nephi 21:9-11) with exceeding faith (to endure this severe marring spoken of) to work mighty wonders (as did Moses of old) and to do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the House of Israel and unto the seed of thy brethren, II Nephi 3:11, 24. Thus we see the lineage of the "Mighty and Strong Man" like unto Moses, who is to bring about this restoration to the house of Israel; and unto the seed of his brethren, (the Lamanites) as an instrument in the hands of God. He is to be the leader 120 of the Latter-day Saint Church in the great conversion day of the Lamanites, for the Lamanites are to be the principle builders of the New Jerusalem, (III Nephi 21:22, 23,) therefore their prophet representative, by lineage, after declaring this strange work at the expiration of the 1335 years, or 1905 A. D., when the blessed condition should be ushered in will be marred, (III Nephi 21:9-11,) cast out by his brethren (Isaiah 66:4-6, this is the refreshing yet they would not hear, (Isaiah 28:12) then after being marred for several years and in a time of wars and rumors of wars, (Mormon 8:22-41,) and in a day of God's wisdom, (Alma 37:2-19, Heleman 15:11-16, Mormon 5: 13-15,) the Lord will appear to this mighty servant's joy, and they who have cast him out and marred him shall be ashamed, Doc. & Cov. 85:8; Isaiah 28:21; 66:2-6; 66:6 also says: A voice of noise from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that rendereth recompence to his enemies. After this strange act, this marred one will do the great work as described in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants and else- where in holy writ, as has been shown in this article. This "Mighty and Strong" servant who is the man like unto Moses, who is also the much marred one, much marred because he fore- tells the coming forth of the last and all records, etc., and that the fulfilling of the Lord's strange act as spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants is to come to pass as the foundational feature for the redemption of Zion, preparatory for all worthy Saints who will abide the law of the Celestial Kingdom, to return and inherit the land of Zion, the New Jerusalem, in Jackson County, Missouri, Doc. & Cov. 105:34; 103:11-18. MOSES OF OLD TELLS OF THIS LAST AND MIGHTY MOSES SERVANT, WHO IS TO ATTEND TO THE GREAT CUTTING OFF. Moses of old, said; a Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things, that all those who will not hear that prophet, shall be cut off whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass from among the people, Acts 3:22, 23. 121-* And now I, Nephi, declare unto you, that this Prophet of whom Moses spake, was the Holy one of Israel, wherefore, he shall execute judgment in righteousness, I Nephi 22:20, 21. The Angel Moroni, when speaking to the Prophet Joseph Smith, quoted Acts 3:22, 23, which speaks of this Prophet like unto Moses, etc., he said that Prophet was Christ. Pearl of Great Price, page 90, verse 40. Jesus Christ, when speaking to the Nephites, said; Behold, I am He of whom Moses spake, saying, a Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren like unto me. Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass that every soul who will not hear that Prophet, shall be cut off from among the people. Ill Nephi 20:23. The Lord says; what I have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, My word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by Mine own voice, or by the voice of My servants, it is the same, Doc. & Cov. 1 :38. Then that which is translated by the gift and power of God, as is contained in the Book of Mormon and the revelations that are revealed in the Doctrine & Covenants are as Christ's voice unto all people. The Lord says: "And the arm of the Lord shall be revealed; and the day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of His servants, neither give heed to the words of the Prophets (in holy writ, etc.,) and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people. For they have strayed from Mine ordinances, and have broken Mine everlasting covenant Doc. & Cov. 1:14, 15 (in issuing and sustaining the manifesto and said Church article of 1905 and 1907) Nephi said; and the Lord will surely prepare the way for His people, unto the fulfilling of the words of Moses which he spake saying; A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that all those who will not hear that Prophet, shall be cut off from among the people, I Nephi 22:20. Jesus Christ in speaking to the Nephites in the land of South America, upon this continent, said; Therefore it shall come to pass, that who- soever will not believe in My words, who am Jesus Christ, 122 whom the Father shall cause him to bring forth unto the Gen- tiles, and shall give unto him power, that he shall bring them forth unto the Gentiles, (it shall be done even as Moses said) they shall be cut off from among my people who are of the cove- nant. Ill Nephi 21:9-11; IV Nephi 35, 36. Joseph Smith, the Prophet, brought forth records and therefrom translated the Book of Mormon and established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints upon this earth. In the course of con- versation the Angel Moroni told the Prophet, Joseph Smith, that the time had not yet come when they who would not hear His (Christ's) voice (on records as His voice) should be cut off from among the people, but soon would come (which will be when last and all records and instruments of antiquity come forth, which is future from this June 6th, 1922,) Moroni also said the eleventh chapter of Isaiah was about to be fulfilled; Isaiah 11:5-11 in comparison with II Nephi 30:10-18 show when the root of Jesse is to stand for an ensign and bring forth the last and all records, which is the time of the fulfillment of the eleventh Chapter of Isaiah. Joseph Smith, the Prophet after having completed the work which the Lord had entrusted with with, delivered the records back to Moroni, who still has them in charge. The Lord has promised that the sealed part of the records shall, in His own due time, be given to His people in this dispensation, together with other sacred records and instruments of antiquity, the hiding place of which is not yet known. His. Rec. Vol. 7, 1st Chap, last verse. Jesus Christ specifically says the cutting off is to be done after this marred servant of His, brings forth His, (Christ's) words as contained on records, etc., Ill Nephi 21:9-11. Behold, this is the blessing which I have promised after your tribulations, and the tribulations of your brethren; your redemption, and the redemption of your brethren, even their restoration to the land of Zion, to be established no more to be thrown down. Nevertheless, if they pollute their inheritances, they shall be thrown down, for I will not spare them if they pollute their inheritances. 123 Behold, I say unto you, the redemption of Zion must needs come by power; Therefore, I will raise up unto My people, a man, who shall lead them like as Moses lead the Children of Israel, For ye are the Children of Israel, and of the seed of Abra- ham, and ye must needs be lead out of bondage, by power, and with a stretched out arm; And as your fathers were lead at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. And Jesus Christ specifically says; That the day of cutting off is to follow when this man like unto Moses is raised up unto the people. Ill Nephi 20:23. Thus we are plainly shown that this man like unto Moses is to be the marred man who is to bring forth the last and all records, etc. It is plainly to be seen that the cutting off was not done in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who was a man like unto Moses, II Nephi 3:8, 9. The Lord gives a revelation through the Prophet Joseph Smith upon this subject, showing the time for the man like unto Moses to be raised up, to be when the Lord sees fit to have him bring forth His, (Christ's) words (in records) which is yet a future event; when He, the Lord, shall see fit to return the scattered Saints from the land of the New Jeru- salem, back to inherit the promised land which event is surely in the future. Zion shall flourish upon the hills and rejoice upon the mountains and the Lamanites shall blossom as the rose, and shall be assembled to gather unto the place appointed before the great day of the Lord shall come, Doc & Cov. 49:24, 25. In order to cause this rejoicing on the mountains, etc., and the Lamanites to blossom as the rose: this "Mighty and Strong" Moses must and shall have brought forth the last and all records, and instruments of antiquity, (I Nephi 13:39-41,) in order to cause the great division, (II Nephi 30:10;) then the worthy Saints are to be led back to the land of the New Jerusalem by this "Mighty and Strong Man" like unto Moses Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. The Lord says; therefore I will raise up unto My people, a man, who shall lead them like as Moses lead the children of 124 Israel, and ye must needs be lead out of bondage by power and with a stretched out arm, and as your fathers were lead at the first, even so shall the redemption of Zion be, Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. LEADERS OF THE CHURCH LIKE UNTO PHARAOH OF OLD IN A MEASURE. Thus it is plainly shown, by the just quoted sripture, how the present leaders of the Lord's Church will act (towards this modern Moses who is to be raised up, and how they will treat the Latter-day Saint faction of the Church, who are in sympathy with His work, who are looking and waiting for Him to be revealed) the actions of the leaders, will be in a similar manner, like unto the way Pharoah and the Egyptians acted to- wards Moses and the Children of Israel anciently; Pharaoh and his supporters would not listen to the entreaties of the Lord, through Moses (because the Lord kept hardening Pharaoh's heart in order that he might show forth the power of His mighty arm in behalf of Israel, through His servant Moses, Rom. 9:17) likewise the Lord will keep this modern Pharaoh president, deaf, blind and dumb; so he will reject the testimony of this modern Moses, and also so he will issue and sustain precepts of men and advocate them to the people, which has been done and is still being done because of the issuing and sustaining the manifesto and the Church article of 1905 and 1907 and other kindred acts, (Pharaoh rejected the entreaties of the Lord, and the present leaders of Israel are rejecting the en- treaties of the Lord, so Pharaoh leaders or presidents are very appropriate names.) The blind leaders issue these precepts, and in a measure justify themselves in them, because the Lord in the revelation to Pres. John Taylor of Sept. 27, 1886 says: "It is now pleasing to me that men should use their free agency," yet he says: "I do not change, nor my law does not." REVELATION TO PRESIDENT JOHN TAYLOR, SEPTEMBER 27, 1886. My son John, you have asked Me concerning the New and Everlasting Covenant and how far it is binding upon My 125 people; Thus saith the Lord, all commandments that I give must be observed by those calling themselves by My name unless they are revoked by me or by my authority, and how can I revoke an everlasting covenant, for I, the Lord am everlasting and My everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated nor done away with, but they stand forever. Have I not given My word in great plainness on this subject? Yet have not great numbers of My people been negligent in the observance of My law and the keeping of My commandments, and yet have I borne with them these many years and this because of their weakness, because of the perilous times, and furthermore; it is now pleasing to Me that men should use their free agency in regard to these matters; nevertheless, I the Lord do not change and My word and My covenants and My laws do not and as I have heretofore said by My servant Joseph, all those who will enter into My glory MUST and SHALL obey My law. And have I not commanded men, that if they were Abraham's seed and would enter into My glory, they must do the works of Abraham. I HAVE NOT REVOKED THIS LAW, NOR WILL I, FOR IT IS EVERLASTING AND THOSE WHO WILL ENTER INTO MY GLORY MUST OBEY THE CONDITIONS THEREOF, Even so, Amen. The Lord was specifically referring to the law of plurality of wives, etc., in this revelation to President Taylor, as also is upheld and sustained in the 132nd Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, and in the revelation given to President Taylor in 1882. The modern Pharaoh leaders refuse to let the people go (or in other words they advocate precepts of men, the mani- festo and Church article of 1905 and 1907, and institute the studying of various men's writings in the quorums of the Priesthood, instead of the revelations of Almighty God as contained in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Cov- enants, in which books the plan of redemption for modern Israel is clearly revealed.) The hypocritical pollution teachers of the holy Church of God (as Mormon calls them, Mormon 8:38). Pollutions are to be thrown down Doc. & Cov. 103:14; 50:6-8. These blind leaders will not listen to, or respect the five revelations, viz: Doc. & Cov. 132:85: Rev. to President 126 Taylor in 1882 and 18S6 and to President Woodruff in 1889, which contain, "Thus saith the Lord to the people." But instead thereof the Pharaoh leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, advocate the support, and study of their own precepts, (Manifesto and Church article and the writings of men which the Quorums are now, and have been studying for about twenty years.) The present leaders of the Church are exercising their free agency, to the extent of the exclusion of the five revelations of the Lord, to his people as just referred to. Nephi says: The leaders of the Lord's people will cause them to err and destroy the ways of their paths. The Lord will enter unto judgment with the ancient's of his people and the princes thereof; for ye have eaten up the vineyard, and the spoil of the poor in your houses, What mean ye? ye beat my people to pieces, and grind the faces of the poor, saith the Lord God of hosts, II Nephi 13:12-15. Therefore will the Lord cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day. The ancient, he is the head and the prophet that teacheth lies he is the tail, for the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are lead of them are destroyed. II Nephi 19:14-16. II Nephi 26:29-31. These quotations from the brass plates are to apply to the Lord's people in the last days; II Nephi 11:8; 12:1-5; 25:7, 8; Mormon 8:33. This cutting off is to be done because this blind, modern Pharaoh leader, servant of the Lord, as was Saul, before David was made King of Israel. I Sam. 31:3-5. I Sam. 9:10. I Sam. 15:10, 11, 23. I Sam. 18:8, 12. I Sam. 19:20. II Sam. 5:3. I Ch. 11. Isaiah 42:18-20. This modern Pharaoh leader who putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God (like plunging into the red sea of death, blindly attempting to hinder the redemption of modern Israel) He shall fall by the shaft of death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of light- ning, (his doom is sealed, like as Pharaoh of old who was swal- lowed up in the red sea of death) Doc. & Cov. 85:8, and many of the following of this modern blind leader (they be blind leaders of the blind; and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Matt. 15:14, Luke 6:39) will receive like unto, in a measure, what the followers of Pharaoh of old 127 received; they of old were cut off from the face of the earth, but the blind followers of this modern Pharaoh leader of the Latter-day Saints Church, will- be cut off from among the people of the Lord and will not be privileged to return and in- herit the promised land of the New Jerusalem, unless they repent, etc. Ill Nephi 21:22-29. Doc. & Cov. 85:9-12. ISAIAH SPEAKS OF THE DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND SERVANTS, WATCHMEN AND SHEPHERD'S OF THE LORD. Isaiah does not speak in very complimentary terms, about some of the Lord's watchmen, viz.: His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark (no revelations, "thus saith the Lord" in thirty-three years to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber, yea, they are greedy dogs, which can never have enough, and they are shepherds (leaders) that cannot understand; Isaiah 56:10. Matt. 15:14; Isaiah 9:16. The Lord must be referring to his watchmen and his shepherds, because he says: There is save two churches only, the one is the Church of the Lamb of God, (Doc. & Cov. 115:3, 4,) and that all other churches belong to the church of the devil. I Nephi 14:10; Ephesians 4:5. So when the Lord uses the terms "His watchmen" and "His shepherds," he must mean watchmen and shepherds of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, for he says, this is the name by which His church shall be known in the last days. Doc. & Cov. 1:30; 115:4; 20:1, I Nephi 14:10. Isaiah further says: They all look to their own ways, every one for his gain from his quarter, Isaiah 56:11. The Lord says: Behold my servant (modern Moses) whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: He shall bring forth judgment to the gentiles. Isaiah 42:1-9. The last and all records, etc., are reserved to do this very thing, III Nephi 21:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; II Nephi 21:5-11, in comparison with II Nephi 30:10-18 shows the root of Jesse to be this "Mighty and Strong Servant" Rom. 15:12, 128 The Lord is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; he, (modern Moses) will magnify the law and make it honorable, Isaiah 42:21, Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; 105:34. Judging from the foregoing scriptural references, this last blind, deaf and dumb, modern Pharaoh president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will give no revelations to the Church as "thus saith the Lord," neither will he give ear to the revela- tions to President John Taylor of 1882 and 1886 nor the one to President Wilford Woodruff in 1889, neither to the 85th Section or the 132nd Section of the Doctrine & Covenants. But being blind, deaf and dumb, he will go backwards and be snared and taken. Lamentations 3:47. This is the refreshing yet they would not hear, Isaiah 28:12. This Pharaoh president will advocate and maintain precepts of men, such as the mani- festo and Church article of 1905 and 1907, etc. He will not be cognizant of the fact that he is digging his own grave, and sealing his own doom; by putting forth his hand to steady the ark of God and that he is to fall by the shaft of death, etc. (Doc. & Cov. 85:8,) but such is the plan of redemption for modern Israel: Alma 18:39; 42:26. The present authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, need thank their lucky stars, that they are termed deaf, dumb and blind leaders by the Prophets of the Lord, (Isaiah 42:18-20; 28:12; 56:10; Luke 1:20; Exo. 4:11) that is, in a very great measure, for great mercy is to be shown and extended unto the deaf, dumb and blind sinner, (I Tim. 1:13; Luke 12:48; Doc. & Cov. 82:10; 45:54). It is rea- sonably expected and assured, that they who ignorantly put forth their hands to steady the ark of God, or assist and sanc- tion such a thing or act, will not receive as great condemna- tion and punishment as those who might knowingly commit such a grievous offense; for although this non compos, mentis leader (appertaining to this steadying the ark act, Doc. & Cov. 85:8) is to fall by the shaft of death, etc.; and his subordinate contemporaries are to be cut off, (Doc. & Cov. 85:.) Their doom will not be that of the sons of perdition, but will be that of they who come under the head of the mercy plan, as Saul (Acts 8:3; 22:6-30; 26:11-22) as David (Doc. & Cov, 129 132:39; His. Rec. Vol. 7, Chap. 21, pp. 542) and they who know not the law of the Lord, (Luke 12:48; 1 Tim. 1:13) When these deaf, dumb and blind leaders' understandings are touched and quickened; at the time the Lord performs his strange act, to leave all men without excuse (Doc. & Cov. 101:93-95) they who want to serve the Lord will then thank the God of Heaven that they were kept in this non compos mentis condition inci- dent and appertaining to the plan of redemption for the House of Israel, etc., (Doc. & Cov. 85:). The "One Mighty and Strong" who is to set the House of God in order (I Tim. 3:15) and the one who putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, and fall by the shaft of death, were each forordained to their respective missions by the God of Heaven, according to the Prophets of the Lord. Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8; Alma 13:1-9; His. Record, Vol. 7, Chap. 22, pp. 547; Eph. 1:11; Romans 9:20-23; Alma 18:39; 42:26. The Lord has purposed this strange act, (Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8; Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 101:9-95; I Nephi 13:39-41; 14:12-14; III Nephi 21:9-11; Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18,) therefore it is absolutely necessary that this modern (Pharaoh) president and his supporters and advocates be deaf, blind and dumb as was Pharaoh and his supporters anciently, in order that the redemption of modern Israel be like Israel's redemption an- ciently. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. THE FALLING OF A PRESIDENT BY A SHAFT OF DEATH NECESSARY. The removing of a president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the strange, wroth manner as spok- en of, for putting forth his hand to steady the ark of God, is absolutely necessary in order that the Lord may manifest him- self in mighty power, and pour out his spirit upon all flesh (Doc. & Cov. 95:4,) that all men may be left without excuse that wise men and rulers may hear and know that which they have never considered; that men may discern between the righteous and the wicked saith your God, Doc. 101:93-95. The Lord shall rise up, being wroth, and perform his strange act, (Isaiah 28:21.) One of the strangest acts in holy writ is when a 130 president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to fall by the shaft of death, etc., and this modern Moses is established in his stead, (Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8.) Joseph Smith, the Prophet, said in his letter to W. W. Phelps upon this subject that it should come to pass in the last days. This "Mighty and Strong" Indian Prophet, the root of Jesse, unto whom rightly belongs the Priesthood and the keys of the Kingdom, the sceptre of power, for an ensign is to super- intend the gathering of the Lord's people in the last days, (Doc. & Cov. 113:6; 81:2,) to Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem, (Doc. & Cov. 84:2), the only place appointed, or that will be appointed for the gathering of the saints before the great day of the Lord shall come, which great day will be at the time of Jesus Christ's second coming, Doc. & Cov. 42:36; 49:24, 25; 101:6-21; III Nephi 21:22-25. ORSON PRATT FORETELLS THE COMING OF THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG MOSES." Orson Pratt, in addressing the Saints said, that "The Mighty and Strong Moses" spoken of in the 103rd Section of the Doc. & Cov. was yet to come to bring about the redemp- tion of Zion, Journal of Dis. Vol. 21, pp. 150-154; Vol. 17, pp. 303 to 306. This "Mighty and Strong" man like unto Moses is to be revealed unto the people and established in his proper place at the time when the Gospel is to turn unto the Jews, etc., which time is to be in a day of wars, and rumors of wars, etc., Doc. & Cov. 45:26, 63. In the days of wars and rumors of wars the times of the gentiles will be fulfilled, (Doc. & Cov. 45:25, 26,) and the fullness of the gentiles will come in. SOME STEADYING OF THE ARK ACTS. The gentile Church, (Doc. & Cov. 109:60,) virtually closed up their right to reign in 1904, A. D. at which time the authori- ties of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sus- tained the manifesto as a law unto the Church and said, they who entered into polygamy would be excommunicated from the Latter-day Saints' Church. Apostles John W. Taylor (and Mathias F. Cowley and others, were dealt with accordingly. 131 This act of this date, A. D. 1904, at the October conference, intensifies the manifesto (covenant with death and agreement with hell, steadying the ark act, Isaiah 28:15-21) which should cause the Lord to be wroth. Isaiah 28:21, Doc. & Cov. 85:8; Isaiah 66:5, 6; I Nephi 4:13; II Nephi 19:13-17) until he shall finally rise up and perform his strange act, and cause a Presi- dent to fall by the shaft of death, etc. The statement of the Presidency of the Church in the Deseret News of 1905 and the Improvement Era of 1907, that the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenant is to be taken as being fulfilled and obsolete, and at the October conference of 1918, at which conference the President said, "all children born of polygamous parentage, who had entered into polygamy since 1904, were illigitimate off- spring; without authority from God to make such a statement, which was contrary to the word of God, Doc. & Cov. 132: President Taylor's revelation 1882 and 1886 and President Woodruff's revelation of 1889. The authorities of the Church ke the evangelical line of the Priesthood in making Hyrum Smith Patriarch instead of his father, whose right it was. emple ordinances have been changed since President Snow's reign; now why? See Doc. & Cov. 1:14, 15; 64:34-41; II Nephi 12:2; 15:24; 25:7, 8. They further make the statement that a Seventy or Elder holds only a part of the Melchisedek Priest- hood and are also rejecting the last great work, "this is the refreshing yet they would not hear," (Isaiah 28:2, 12, 17, 18, 21,) which is in the coming forth of the last records as spoken of by Jesus Christ himself, III Nephi 21:9-11; God honors one, and dishonors another to suit his purposes, Rom. 9:21. THE LORD'S ANGER KINDLED AGAINST THE LEADERS OF HIS (CHURCH) OF PEOPLE. These steadying the ark acts, in laying the word of the Lord on the shelf, and adopting and advocating precepts of men, only serves to multiply and intensify the wrath of Almighty God against the leaders of the Latter-day Saint, gentile Church, (Doc. & Cov. 109:60) who maintain and advocate these heretical ideas, of the former authorities of his church, to cause the Almighty to fulfill those scriptures which say; O my people, they who lead thee, cause thee to 132 err, and destroy the way of thy paths. The Lord will enter into judgments with the ancients of his people, and the princes thereof, for ye have eaten up the vineyard and the spoil of the poor in your houses, (II Nephi 13:12-26,) the Lord will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush in one day. The ancient he is the head and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail, (II Nephi 19:14-16.) Mormon says, O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell yourselves for that which will canker, why have ye polluted the holy Church of God? etc. (Mormon 8:38; Doc. & Cov. 50:6-8; 64:37-43; 107:82-84). The Holy Church of God is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, Doc. & Cov. 115:4; Ephesians 4:5; Nephi 14:10. Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and write grievous- ness which they have prescribed, (II Nephi 20:1,) but the pro- phet which shall presume to speak a word in thy name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other Gods, even that Prophet shall die. Deut. 18:20. Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge; and their honorable men have famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst, (no revelations.) Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter, therefore as the fire devoureth the stub- ble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, their root shall be rottenness and their blossoms shall go up as dust, because they have cast away the law of the Lord of Hosts (and issued a Manifesto) and despised the word of the Holy one of Israel, (II Nephi 15:24; Isaiah 24:5; Doc. & Cov. 1:15; 85:132: John Taylor's revelation of 1882, 1886 and Wilford Woodruff's reve- lation of 1889,) and in the stead of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants; a spurious Church article is gotten up, to explain away that holy and sacred revelation. THE LORD TO RAISE UP AN ENSIGN. Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against His people, etc., and He the Lord will lift up an ensign to the nations from afar. This "Mighty and Strong" man like unto Moses, Indian Prophet, root of Jesse is to be raised up as an ensign of the people and bring forth the last and all records and rule over the Gentiles, Rom. 15:12, (Gentile Church, Doc. 133 & Cov. 109:60,) (compare II Nephi 21:5-11 with 30:10-18 and you will see clearly that this root of Jesse is the ensign to be raised up to usher in the Millennial reign of peace, and (Rom. 15:12; II Nephi 21:10) shows he is to rule over the Gentiles, and to him shall the Gentiles seek, and his rest shall be glori- ous, II Nephi 15:13, 20, 24-30.) Because of the many pollution acts, perpetrated against the work of the Lord by the leaders of His Church, the anger of the Lord will be kindled against them, as Isaiah says, (Isaiah 28:21; Isaiah 66:3-6) ; and a Presi- dent will be smitten with a shaft of death, as the 8th verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants and the 14th to the 16th verses of the 19th chapter of II Nephi corroborates, then this "Mighty and Strong" man like unto Moses, marred and cast out Indian Prophet, the root of Jesse, unto whom rightly belongs the Priesthood and keys of the Kingdom, for an ensign and for the gathering of the Lord's people in the last days; will become the Lord's chosen representative; for the Lord will appear to this marred servant's joy, and establish him in his proper place to redeem Zion, in setting the house of God in order first, (the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, I Tim. 3:15) then this root of Jesse, man like unto Moses, will lead the worthy saints back to Jackson County, Missouri, and direct their labors in building that city, New Jerusalem and the Holy Temple, in that promised land. HOW THE LORD'S GREAT LEADERS HAVE BEEN TREATED. In every age of the world, whenever and wherever God has raised up unto His people mighty men as leaders; they have been disbelieved and marred, and in many instances put to death in various ways. History has repeated itself from the days of righteous Abel, who was slain by his brother; until the days of the Prophet, Joseph Smith, who was greatly marred and finally murdered in cold blood. Joseph of old was cast into a pit and finally sold to the Egyptians to get rid of him, yet he was the chosen instrument in the hands of God as a saviour in his father's house. Daniel of old was cast into the den of lions; yet he was one of the choicest of the Lord's servants. John, the Baptist, was called a wild man and was 134 finally beheaded. Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world, was accused of nearly everything that savored of evil, then disowned by his own people, and crucified; Paul (called Saul Acts 13:9) was hanged with his head downward. Every one of the royal house was brought before Samuel, some of whom expected to be annointed King of Israel, yet David, the Lord's choice, was made to tend to the sheep, his brethren deeming him of no consequence. Nephi, the Lord's chosen, was per- secuted and put in chains by his brethren. Abinadi was burned at the stake because he would do as the Lord told him; preach the Gospel to his wicked brethren. Even the three Nephites were cast into prison, dens of wild beasts, into the earth and three times into a furnace, but God had wrought a change upon them, so they could receive no harm. So it is to be expected in keeping with the way the Lord's past great leaders have been treated, that the last and final "Mighty and Strong One," the Lord is going to raise up, to do this great and last redemption work, for the House of Israel, will be marred and disbelieved and cast out, etc., yet finally healed of the Lord, (III Nephi 21:9-11, Isaiah 66:5, Doc. & Cov. 85:7,) but in the day of the Lord's wisdom, when He sees fit to perform His strange act, (Isaiah 28:21,) this "Mighty and Strong One" will be vindicated. 28: Isaiah, etc. THE APPLICATION OF THE 28th CHAPTER OF ISAIAH. IS TO THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, IN THE FAT VALLEYS OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Isaiah 28 says: "Wo to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim." Ephraim's dwelling place shall be on the head of the fat valleys. The Latter-day Saints claim to be of Ephraim, and their dwelling places are in the fat valleys of the Rocky Mountains, Isaiah 2:2; II Nephi 11:7, 8; III Nephi 23:1-5. Isaiah says: They are to be overcome with wine, and out of the way through strong drink (meaning beverage and various other sins,) and their priest and prophet, (meaning leaders, II Nephi 13:12-15; 19:13-17; 28:14,) are to err in vision and stumble in judgment. This class of sinful Ephraimites in the fat valleys, are to make a covenant with death and an agree^ 135 ment with hell (or manifesto) or make lies their refuge and under falsehood hide themselves; But their refuge and hiding place is to be like as Isaiah says: "For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it." (Or like unto the story about the actions of the poor, silly scared ostrich, when he thinks he is about to be captured, puts his head under the leaf of a plant or some other foolish place and thinks he is safely hid, but is greatly exposed.) This foolish hiding place (manifesto) and other kindred acts, made by the sinful drunkards of Ephraim (Latter-day Saints' Church) will get the Lord's people or church into bondage, Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18. Ephraimites, means the descendents of Joseph who was sold into Egypt, whose branches were to overrun the wall to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills; Gen. 49:26. This privelege is not to the house of Judah, only, in so far as the Lamanites, who have some of the blood of Judah in them, Doc. & Cov. 19:27, through Mulek, the youngest son of Zedekiah king of Judah. Mosiah 25:2-4; Omni 1:14-19; Heleman 8:21, may be members of the Lord's house (or church) in the top of the mountains, Isaiah 2:2, who are to be the principle builders of the New Jerusalem upon the North American Conti- nent. Ill Nephi 21:21-26. Isaiah 28 uses the term, "ye scornful men that rule this people which is in Jerusalem." The word "Jerusalem" is used often in a general sense, meaning, a land of peace, the dwelling place of the people of God; Isaiah 2:1, 2; 3: II Nephi 13:2:1, 2; Doc. & Cov. 84:2; 57:1-3; 58:7; Pearl of Great Price, p. 38, verses 18, 19; as the word Babylon which means confusion, and represents the people of the world. Isaiah 28:2, 3; says: Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, (similar as Joseph Smith, the Prophet describes in the 85th section of the Doctrine & Cove- nants) which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters over-flowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet. Isaiah further says: verses 15-18; this "Mighty and Strong One" as a tempest of hail and as a 136 destroying storm shall sweep away the refuge of lies and hid- ing place; and disannull the covenant with death and agreement with hell (manifesto) made by the scornful men (sinful drunkards of Ephraim) in Jerusalem (in the fat valleys of the mountains.) By comparing Isaiah 28: verses 1-3 with verses 14-17, it is proven the word "Jerusalem" is merely used to show the dwelling place of the Lord's people or sinful drunkards of Ephraim (with scornful men as their rulers) in the fat valleys of the mountains, who are the very ones that are to make this covenant with death and agreement with hell (manifesto, etc.) so it is thoroughly proven that the word "Jerusalem" used by Isaiah in the 14th verse of the 28th chapter, has no application to Jerusalem of Palestine at all; but means the dwelling place of the sinful drunkness of Ephraim of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the fat valleys of the mountains in the last days, Isaiah 2:2. Isaiah in the 28th chapter specifically refers to, and pic- tures the foolish things the sinful drunkards of Ephraim will do, who are prospective new Jerusalemites through the La- manites, Doc. & Cov. 19:27; 42:9; III Nephi 21:21-25, and are not Judahites in any other way. These wayward Ephraimites Isaiah is talking about are to dwell in the fat valleys of the Rocky Mountains. II Nephi 12:2; Gen. 49:26. Now because of the existing of this awful sinful condition, the Lord will rise up being wroth and perform his "strange act" and redeem his people, or church out of this hellish muddle and bondage, the sinful drunkards of Ephraim have plunged the house of God into (I Tim. 3:15) Isaiah 28:21; Doc. & Cov. 85: 103:11-18; 101:93-95; 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; III Nephi 21:9-11; II Nephi 3:11, 24; 21:5-11; 30:10-18; Isaiah 66:2-7. WHEN MANIFESTO, ETC. TO BE DISANNULLED. When this "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord is raised up in a day of wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, fires and tempests and vapors of smoke in foreign lands, etc. The Lord through this mighty servant will sweep away the refuge of lies, (manifesto, etc.) set the church in order, and lead back and establish all eligible people who will live the 137 laws of the Celestial Kingdom in their inheritances in the land of the New Jerusalem. THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE" THROUGH NEPHITE LINEAGE. The "Mighty and Strong" Indian Prophet referred to under so many scriptural headings or names by various of the Lord's prophets, Lehi refers to in addressing his son, Joseph, in the following manner: Wherefore because of this covenant thou art blessed; for thy seed shall not be destroyed, for they shall hearken unto the words of the book, II Nephi 3:23. And there shall rise up one mighty among them who shall do much good, both in word and in deed, being an instru- ment in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders, and do that thing which is great in the sight of God, unto the bringing to pass much restoration unto the house of Israel, and unto the seed of thy brethren, II Nephi 3:11, 24. So all speculation as to who, and what kind of a person, this "Mighty and Strong One" is to be, is positively shown; He is to be a continued seed of Lehi through His son Joseph upon this earth, marred and healed, III Nephi 21:9-11,) cast out and then the Lord is to appear to his joy and they who mar him are to be ashamed, Isaiah 66:2-6. NOT TWO BUT "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" TO BE RAISED UP TO REDEEM ZION, ETC. Doc. & Cov. 85:7 says: I, the Lord God will send one (not two). Isaiah 28:2 says: Behold, the Lord hath a "Mighty and Strong One." (not two) II Nephi 3:24, Lehi says; And there shall rise up one mighty among them, (not two), III Nephi 21:9-11, Jesus Christ says: They will not believe it although a man (not men), shall de- clare it unto them. And that his servant (not servants) shall be marred. Yet he will heal him (not them.) This mighty servant of the Lord is always spoken of in the singular number by the various prophets who use different language, or word painting, in picturing and describing this last, and mighty servant, who is to do this last redemption work, for and in behalf of the House of Israel. 138 THE WISDOM OF THE CHURCH LEADERS HAS MEASURABLY PERISHED, The scriptural references in this article prove conclusively, that the wisdom of the wise and learned leaders of this Church has evidently perished, and the understanding of the prudent is absolutely hid, in their attempt to explain away the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. But had the strained effort put forth in the article published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the Deseret News of 1905, and the Improvement Era of 1907 attained the object of its purposed endeavor it would only have succeeded in becloud- ing one of the several terms, (word paintings) or nomancla- tures by which this last, and mighty servant of the Lord is designated. For elsewhere in holy writ, the Lord speaks of the "Mighty and Strong" servant he has in reserve, to do this great and mighty labor, for and in behalf of the House of Israel; and also, to rule over the gentiles, etc., in the last days. THE VARIOUS WAYS THE PROPHETS OF THE LORD DENOMINATE THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG" SERVANT OF THE LORD. He is described in the following terms and ways, by various of the Lord's prophets, thusly; Isaiah 28: says: The Lord has a "Mighty and Strong One," which as a tempest of hail, as a destroying storm, and as a flood of mighty waters, through whom he is going to perform his strange act (it will certainly be a strange act when the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenant is fulfilled judging from the way many of the lead- ing brethren, of the Church of Jesus Christ are acting and talking about this said revelation.) Doc^ & Cov. 103:11-18 says: The Lord will raise up a man like unto Moses to deliver his present day Church out of bondage and return the Saints back to receive their inheritances in the land of Jackson County, Missouri, for the purpose of building the great central city and temple, preparatory to the Lord's second coming. This man like unto Moses is to do exactly the same work as spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenant. Moses of old held the sceptre of power in his hand and was a leader 139 president of the Lord's people, the same as the "One Mighty and Strong" spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants is to hold the sceptre of power in his hand and be a leader president of the Lord's people. The root of Jesse, (the ensign) is to hold the keys of the Kingdom (sceptre of power) in his hand and gather the Lord's people in the last days; and rule over the gentiles, (Rom. 15:12; Isaiah 42:) and usher in the millennium (after bringing forth all records) the same as the "Mighty and Strong One" spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants is to do and will do, II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18; Doc. & Cov. 113:6; Alma 37:2-19. The mar- red and healed servant Jesus Christ told the Nephites he was going to give power to bring forth the last records, in which the Lord's power was to be shown forth, Alma 37:2-19 Uhese last records will be a sceptre of power in this marred servant's hands.) Now, as the sceptre of power is to be held by the "Mighty and Strong One" spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants, he must be the marred servant, and this marred servant is to establish the Lamanites, assisted by the Gentile Saints, in the land of the New Jerusalem and direct their labors in building that City and Temple. Ill Nephi 21:9-25. This is exactly the mission the "Mighty and Strong One" spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants has to do. The Indian Prophet, Lehi says, will rise up and bring to pass much restoration unto the House of Israel and unto the seed of his brethren (the Lamanites) He is to bring forth rec- ords for the convincing them of God's word which shall have already gone forth among them, II Nephi 3:11, 24. This con- vincing act, is just exactly the very thing the last records are to do (I Nephi 13:39-41, Mormon 5:12-15;) and exactly the thing that is to be done, when the Lord reveals his arm in power, Doc. & Cov. 1:14; I Nephi 14:12-14; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; III Nephi 20:34-37; 21:9-11. The restoration of the house of Israel and the Lamanites is the kind of work this Indian Prophet is to oversee and attend to, and is exactly the kind of work proposed for the "Mighty and Strong One" 140 to do, as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants^ This mighty servant is called by the Lord; as having a mouth like a sharp sword: as a polished shaft in his quiver, to bring Jacob again to him, who is to be hid in the quiver of the Lord, until the time arrives for him to commence his reign, to restore the preserved of Israel, and as a light to the gentiles and the Lord's salvation unto the ends of the earth: And to cause to inherit the desolate heritage, Isaiah 49:1-8; I Nephi 21:1-8; Isaiah 42. This is the mission that the "One Mighty and Strong" spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants is to do. Isaiah says: Behold, the Lord hath a "Mighty and Strong One", which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters over-flowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: And the hail (the "Mighty and Strong One" as a tempest of hail) shall sweep away the refuge of lies (manifesto and Church article of 1905 and 1907) and the waters (this "Mighty and Strong One" as a flood of mighty waters) shall overflow the hiding place, and your covenant with death (manifesto and Church article) shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell (manifesto, etc.) shall not stand. When the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then shall ye be trodden down by it, for the Lord shall rise us as in Mount Perazim, He shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work; and bring to pass his act, his strange act. (The fulfillment of the 85th section of the Doctrine & Cove- nant and Isaiah 28:2, 17, 18, 21). So it is plainly to be seen that Jesus Christ, Lehi, Isaiah, Joseph Smith and others of the Lord's chosen Prophets, must have been speaking of one and the self same "Mighty and Strong" individual, whom the Lord shall deem fit to raise up, to do this last and mighty work, for there is but one redemp- tion, and one great division spoken of, before the return to Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, for the building of the great city and Temple, preparatory for the Lord's second coming. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; II Nephi 30:10. 141 With the photographic featured work, created by the plain and beautifulKjdelineated word picturing, made out of holy writ, and obtained from so many different angles (or prophets of the Lord) and each of the many protographic productions, from the several points of vantage, being separate and distinct from each other, yet each production clearly and forcibly pre- senting to view, the one great character, the "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord, to be raised up to redeem Zion, etc. in the last days, as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants and elsewhere. It is absolutely simple mindedness, on the part of anyone to think, let alone to attempt, to keep from view, the many angled photographs made of "Thus Saith the Lord" in holy writ, of this mighty servant yet to come; by trying to destroy one of the beautiful portraits made of him, when the Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants are full of this "Mighty and Strong One's" imagery. HOW TO GET RID OF THE "MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE'S" IMAGERY OR THAT OF THE PRESIDENT'S WHO IS GOING TO PUT FORTH HIS HAND TO STEADY THE ARK AND FALL. By the way, one thing that could be done, to get rid of this "Mighty and Strong One's imagery would be to eliminate chapter after chapter, and verse after verse, from those sacred books; or even better than that, continue to do as the Church has been doing for approximately twenty years or so: Don't allow the various quorums of the Priesthood to study the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants in the Quorums at all, but instead thereof, have them become thoroughly and intimately acquainted with the works of President Joseph F. Smith, Brothers J. M. Tanner, B. H. Roberts, James E. Tal- mage, Joseph F. Smith, Jr., N. T. Porter and others, and, so far as I am able to judge, you will not be at all bothered, or have your mind put in a flurry by coming in contact with any word protographs or even the semblance of features, resemb- ling in any manner the imagery of the "Mighty and Strong One" spoken of in the seventh verse of the 85th Section of the Doc- 142 trine & Covenants, whom the Lord is going to send to set His church in order, or be at all disturbed in your feelings, by accidentally or incidentally coming across a sentence some- thing like this: "while that man who putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning" as we find recorded in the 8th verse of the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants. Some people do and will say: Why this strange act? The answer comes, because men in authority put forth their hands to steady the ark of God by issuing and sustaining the mani- festo, in the face of "thus saith the Lord," to the contrary, as set forth in the Doctrine & Covenants, 132nd section: the reve- lations to this Church through President John Taylor in 1882 and 1886 and the Revelation to President Wilford Woodruff to this Church in 1889, all of which advocates the continued prac- tice of plurality of wives: Yet in the face of these revelations from Almighty God; the authorities of this Church today, in the year of our Lord, June, 1922, are upholding and maintain- ing the manifesto (or a precept of men) instead of "thus saith the Lord" as set forth in the four revelations just referred to. And furthermore the church article, that says the 85th section of the Doctrine & Covenants is to "be considered as having passed away and the whole incident of the prophecy closed." (Some more precepts of men) published in the Deseret News of 1905 and the Improvement Era of 1907. WO UNTO THOSE WHO BETRAY THE REVELATIONS OF GOD OR WRITE AND ADVOCATE PRECEPTS OF MEN. The Lord says: Woe unto those who betray the revelations of God whether in the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, or any others that ever were or ever will be given, Gems of Joseph Smith, page 270. II Nephi 28:32; Doc. & Cov. 109:60; 45:28-29. Wo unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and write grievousness (manifesto and Church article of 1905 doing away with Doc. & Cov. 85th section and the 132nd section and 143 the two revelations to President John Taylor and one to Presi- dent Wilford Woodruff) which they have proscribed, II Nephi 20:1; Isaiah 10:1. But behold, there are many that harden their hearts against the Holy Spirit, that it hath no place in them; where- fore they cast many things away which are written, (Doc^ & Cov. 85:132:. John Taylor's revelations of 1882 and 1886, and Wilford Woodruff's revelation of 1889) and esteem them as things of naught, II Nephi 33:2. WHY A PRESIDENT TO FALL BY A SHAFT OF DEATH. But that Prophet that shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, etc., even that prophet shall die, Deut. 18:20. The Lord says: All he has spoken will be fulfilled, Doc. & Cov. 1 :37, 38. To the law and to the testimony, and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. II Nephi 18:20; Isaiah 8:20. Some of the leading brethren of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say the Lord will not cause a Presi- dent to fall by a shaft of death like as a tree smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning, etc., they say the Lord will not dis- honor His Prieshood in any such a way. The Lord says: That the rights of the Priesthood are inseparately connected with the powers of heaven, etc., and if exercised in any degree of un- righteousness, behold the heavens withdraw themselves; the Spirit of the Lord is grieved, and when it is withdrawn, amen to the priesthood or authority of that man, Doc. & Cov. 121: 36-39; Matt. 24:45-51; Doc > & Cov. 42:59, 60. Let us see how the Lord dealt with some great men of the world and some of His ancient leaders who had charge of the affairs of His Church and ignored the will of the Lord to them, either in holy writ or otherwise. Nebuchadnezzar, the King, spake and said, is not this great Babylon that I have built for the house of the Kingdom by the might of my power and for the honor of my majesty? While the word was in the King's mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O King Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The Kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men, and thy 144 dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, etc., until seven times pass over thee (2520 years) Dan. 4:30-32. Belshazzar made his great feast and drank wine out of the golden vessels taken out of the temple; and praised the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood and stone; then came the hand writing on the wall (like the hand writing on the wall of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as recorded in the 85th sec- tion of Doctrine & Covenants) weighing the king in the bal- ance and finding him wanting, and that night was the king slain, Dan. 5:. David, King of Israel, because he placed Uriah at the front in battle and had him slain, then took unto himself the wife of Uriah, etc., though previous to the committing of that rash act, was highly favored of the Lord, but because he com- mitted these grievous offenses, he lost all, and fell from his exaltation. The only promise David received from the Lord after sorely repenting, was that he should not die, or that his soul should not be left in hell, II Sam. 12:8, 11, 15, 16; 16:20 -23; 20:3. Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, hear now ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice; and the water came out abundantly, and the con- gregation drank, and their beasts also. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them. Num. 20:9-12. Uzza put forth his hand to hold the ark; for the oxen stumbled, (manifesto made in 1890, made a law unto the Church in October conference 1904 and 85th Section of Doc- trine and Covenants explained away in 1905, these are steady- ing the ark acts) and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzza (as it soon will be against the man that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark, as spoken of in the 8th verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants) and he smote 145 him, because he put his hand to the ark; and there he died before God^ I Chron. 13:9-12. This is the kind of treatment that is in reserve for some President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the possible very near future. Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8. Judging from the way and manner the Lord dealt with the leaders of His people anciently, because of the various offences they committed against Him, who received various degrees of punishment, some received the death sentence, and the Lord says; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever; (II Nephi 27:23.) Wherefore we can look with absolute assurance for the strange act spoken of in Holy Writ, (Doc. & Cov. 85: Isaiah 28:21, Doc. & Cov. 95:1-6, 101:93-95,) to take place; Why? Because; of the various offences committed and perpetrated against the Lord and His Holy Word as recorded in holy writ by the leaders of His Church today who are putting forth their hand to steady the ark, or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Doc. & Cov. 85:8; 20:1; 115:3, 4. These steadying of the ark act offenses, are thoroughly and absolutely proven in this article, and to be very grave offenses, if we accept the word of the Lord; which says; to the law and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, II Nephi 18:20; Isaiah 8:20; Doc. & Cov. 17:6; 18:1-5. The scriptures are before you. If you will wrest them, it shall be to your own destruction. Alma 13:20. Heleman said; and now my sons remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation, etc., which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build, they cannot fall, (which is positive proof that the man who is to fall as spoken of in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants is not building upon the word of God) Heleman 5:12. This rock foundation is the revelation of the Lord, or God's word in the holy scrip- tures to us, or from His proper authority, who speaks. "Thus saith the Lord." Matt. 16:16, 17, 18; Eph. 2:20; Doc. & Cov. 11:16, 18:4, 5. 146 AUTHORITIES WEIGHED IN THE BALANCES AND FOUND WANTING. The authorities of this Church are found wanting; in this the day of our Lord, June, 1922, when weighed in the balances (made of "Thus saith the Lord" in holy writ as contained in this article.) Why are they thus found wanting? Because of the existing of the manifesto and the Church Article of 1905 and 1907, (precepts of men) which are used in explaining away the revelations, namely: Doc. & Cov. 132:85: Revelations to Prest. John Taylor in 1882 and 1886 and the Revelation to Prest. Wilford Woodruff in 1889. These revelations appertain to thft Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and are a part of the rock foundation. Heleman 5:12; Doc. & Cov. 1 :37, 38. Now because of these steadying of the ark acts, and other steadying of the ark acts, of which the Church authorities today are guilty of committing, as has been shown and proven in this article, the hand writing upon the wall of this Church today, bespeaks a similar fate for a President of this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who upholds and advocates such pollutions, (steadying the ark acts,) like unto that administered unto Uzza, and Belschazzar; which was death. I Chron. 13:9-12; Dan. 5:. MANIFESTO AND CHURCH ARTICLE OF 1905 AND 1907 ARE BUILT UPON SANDY FOUNDATIONS. The Church Article published in the Deseret News of 1905, and in the Improvement Era of 1907 does not measure up to the requirements of the law of "Thus saith the Lord" in the Holy Scriptures bearing upon this particular subject, of the "One Mighty and Strong," therefore this said Church Article is built upon a sandy foundation (of Thus saith men) and not upon a rock foundation (of "Thus saith the Lord") ; There- fore; this said Church Article, is a spurious and presumptious imposition, upon the people ("a precept of man") and is one of the pollutions (as also is the manifesto) with which the Holy Church of God is polluted. The Lord says, the teachers have done the polluting (pollutions come from within, and not from without) Mormon 8:38; Doc. & Cov. 1:14, 15; 103:14; 50:6-8. 147 The Lord further says; why have ye transfigured the Holy word of God (meaning any and everybody who should do such a foolish act) that ye might bring damnation upon your souls. Behold, look ye unto the revelations of God. Mormon 8:33. Jesus says: He that will not believe Me, will not believe the Father who sent Me. Ether 4:12. Thou shalt take the things which thou host received, which have been given unto thee in My scriptures for a law, to be My law to govern My Church; And he that doeth according to these things, shall be saved, and he that doeth them not, shall be damned, if he continues. Doc. & Cov. 42:59, 60. Yea, Lord, I know that Thou speaketh the truth, for Thou art a God of truth and canst not lie. Ether 3:12. To the law and to the testimony; and if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them, II Nephi 18:20. EVERY MAN HIS OWN JUDGE. That every man may act in doctrine and principle per- taining to futurity, acording to the moral agency which I have given unto them, that every man may be accountable for his own sins in the day of Judgment. Doc. & Cov^ 101:78. For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain that ye may know with perfect knowledge, as the day-light is from the dark night. For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man that they may know good from evil; where- fore I shew unto you the way to judge; for everything which inviteth to do good and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge, it is of God. But whatsoever thing pursuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and His words, (like as the manifesto, Church Article, etc.,) and deny Him and serve not God (by casting away the 85th and 132nd Doc. & Cov. Prest. John Taylor's revelations of 1882 and 1886 and Prest. Wilford Woodruffs revelation of 1889) then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil, for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no not one, neither doth his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him. And now, my brethren, 148 seeing that you know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully for with that same judgment which ye judge, ye shall also be judged. Moroni 7:15-18. Whom shall he teach knowledge? And whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts. Isaiah 28:9. Harken unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart I have written My law; fear ye not the reproach of men; neither be ye afraid of their reviling; for the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool. II Nephi 8:7-25; III Nephi 20: Doc. & Cov. 113:. GREAT DIVISION OF THE RIGHTEOUS FROM THE WICKED PROMISED. For the time speedily cometh, that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people, and the wicked will He destroy: and He will spare His people, yea, even if it so be that He must destroy the wicked by fire. II Nephi 30 ^0^ Wherefore the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophets, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire. I Nephi 22:16, 17, 14:7. THE LORD DOETH NOTHING EXCEPT HE TELLS HIS PROPHETS. The Church authorities say the Lord will do nothing save He revealeth His secrets to His servants, the Prophets, (Amos 3:7,) and before the Lord will do anything, He will tell His prophets about it, (Isaiah 42:9.) The authorities are absolutely right, as also is the word of the Lord as just quoted upon this question, and why? Because every phase and feature of the marvelous and strange act that the Lord is about to perform, through the "One Mighty and Strong," in the near future, is clearly shown and most beautifully pictured in word photo- graphy, in the Bible, the Book of Mormon and in the Doc- trine and Covenants, which this article presents for your con- sideration. The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Cov- enants are written in a language in which no man can err, (Doc. & Cov. 17:6; 1:29, 37, 38; II Nephi 25:7, 8,) therefore the wonderful plan of redemption which God has revealed unto 149 the children of men, as recorded in these sacred books, through some of the greatest prophets that ever lived upon the face of this earth, v'z: Jesus Christ Himself, Moses, Isaiah, Lehi, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., and others, must surely come to pass. Why? Because; The Lord says; What He has spoken He has spoken, and He excuses not Himself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, His word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by His own voice, or by the voice of His servants, it is the same, Doc. & Cov. 21:1-6; 1:37, 38. So His word in the holy scriptures cannot fail. Therefore the only thing that can be reasonably expected is, the fulfillment of the scriptures bearing upon this very important work of the Lord; the portrayal of which is most forcibly and vividly photographed through one of these great prophets in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Now if the present authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not consider and respect these wonderful prophecies in these sacred books pertaining to this great last work, something is wrong somewhere; either the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and Moses, and Isaiah, and Lehi, and the Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. and others, through whom the Lord has spoken, are wrong; or else the present authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in these the last days, are wrong: Both cannot be right, when they are diametrically opposed to each other, as this article has absolutely proven. A SURE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH TO BUILD. Heleman, in addresing his sons, said: And now my sons, remember, that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation, that when the devil shall send forth his mighty wind; yea, his shafts in the whirlwind; yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you, to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless woe, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation (rock of revelation, Matt 16:16-19; Eph. 2:20; Doc. & Cov. 18:3-5; 11:16,) a foundation whereon if men build, they can- 150 not fall, Doc. & Cov. 18:3-5; Heleman 5:12; III Nephi 28:34. Thus it is positively shown that some President, or leading authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (evidently, deaf, dumb and blind, Isaiah 42:18-20; II Cor. 4: 4; Deut. 16:19; Eph. 4:18) who still advocates these foolish steadying the ark acts (manifesto, Church Article of 1905, 1907, etc., must receive capital punishment,) and now because the authorities of this Church advocate these foolish things, it is inevitable, that a President must fall in order that the "Mighty and Strong One" chosen of the Lord may be estab- lished at the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in the place of the deposed and fallen leader, in order that the house of God, (His Church, I Tim. 3:15) may be set in order, as the Lord shall direct. Joseph Smith, the Prophet, in his letter to Brother Phelps, about this 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants says: now Brother William (William W. Phelps) if what I have said is true (the revelation says thus saith the still small voice, etc., These things I say not of myself; therefore, as the Lord speaketh, he will also fulfill) how careful men ought to be what they do in the last days (either now or future days from June 27, 1922,) lest they are cut short of their expectation, and they that think that stand should fall, because they keep not the Lord's commandments, etc., Doc. & Cov. 58:20. WHY JUDGMENTS ARE TO COME UPON AUTHORITIES OF THIS CHURCH. The authorities of this Church have not obeyed the Lord's commandments. in keeping with His requests, for they have ignored five revelations as has been shown and proven in this article, and in the place of these sacred revelations, they have put pollutions or steadying of the ark acts, viz. (manifesto and Church Article, etc.,) and are still upholding and sustaining these foolish things before the people, and because of these pre- cepts of men, the judgment that the Lord predicted through Joseph Smith, the Prophet as the 8th verse of the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants foretells, shall come upon the leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who 151 is guilty of such grave offenses, and the sentence cannot be less than that which God has prescribed; he (a President) must fall. Rom. 9:21; Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8; II Nephi 13:12-15; 19:13-16. MIGHTY AND STRONG ONE'S IMAGERY PORTRAYED. This "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord's imagery, is vividly flashed, as well as the one's who is to fall, etc., through the camera of holy writ, upon the screen of the mental vision of all who are now, or may be. searching the holy scrip- tures. This beautiful picture is clearly seen and portrayed in the following plain and beautiful language: Yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake, while it maketh manifest, saying: And it shall come to pass, that I the Lord God, will send "One Mighty and Strong," holding the sceptre of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God; and to arrange by lot the inheritances of the Saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God: While that man, who was called of God, and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death, like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning; And all they who are not found written in the book of remembrance, shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut assunder, and their portion shall be appointed them among unbelievers, where are wailing and gnashing of teeth. These things I say not of myself, (says the Prophet Joseph) therefore, as the Lord speaketh, He will also fulfill, Doc. & Cov. 85:. Jesus said; He that is of God, heareth God's word. (John 8:45-50) Jesus also says; He that will not believe My words, will not believe Me, that I am; and he that will not believe Me, will not believe the Father who sent Me, Ether 4:12. Jesus also says; But he that believeth these things which I have spoken, him will I visit with the manifestations of My Spirit, and he shall know and bear record; for because of My spirit, 152 he shall know that these things are true; for it persuadeth men to do good, Ether 4:11. Woe unto all those who tremble and are angry because of the truth of God. (as contained in holy writ, etc.) For behold, he that is built upon the rock, (word of God in holy writ, etc., Matt 16:16-19; Doc. & Cov. 11:16; 18:3-5; 1:37, 38) receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation, (precepts of men II Nephi 27:25) trembleth lest he shall fall. Woe be unto him that shall say, we have received the word of God and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough. (Meaning opposers of last records yet to come forth and rejectors of the revelations to this Church as has been proven in this article, II Nephi 28:14, 24-28.) A CONTRAST BETWEEN TWO MIGHTY SERVANTS OF THE LORD, AND THE MISSION AND CALLING FOR EACH TO ACCOMPLISH IN THIS, THE LAST DISPENSATION OF THE FULLNESS OF TIMES. Joseph Smith, Jr., the rod of Jesse, who brought forth first records. The Mighty and Strong Mos- es Indian Prophet and much marred root of Jesse, who is to bring forth second records. 1st. Records came forth in a day of peace, thirty years of peace, Thomas's School History pp. 228-288, Univer- sal peace, Orson Pratt's De- vine Authority, pp. 14. 2nd. Records are to come in a day of wars, Mor. 8:25-31, after Church of Jesus Christ is established in small domin- ion in different parts of the earth, and multitudes are gathered together upon the face of all the earth to fight against the Lamb of God, I Nephi 14:12-14. 153 1st. Records to usher in Gen- tile's day, III Nephi 26:6-12, II Nephi 27:21, Doc. & Cov. 45 :28. 1st. Records to usher in and fulfill times of the Gen- tiles. Doc. & Cov. 45:28-29. 1st. Records to reveal full- ness of the Gospel, Doc. & Cov. 20:8, 9, and restore plain and precious parts taken from the Bible by the z;reat and abomonable Church I Nephi 13:26-34. 1st. Records came through Gentiles to establish the Gen- tile Church, Ether 12:22; II Nephi 30:3; III Nephi 26:8; Doc. & Cov. 109:60, the lesser part, to try the faith of the people, III Nephi 26:6-12 and to gather the elect, Doc. & Cov. 29:7. 2nd. Records to usher in Lamanite's and Jew's days, 1 Nephi 10:14, III Nephi 16:4; I Nephi 13:39-41 ; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. In a day of wisdom, Heleman 15:16. 2nd. Records to usher in fullness of the Gentiles after the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Doc. & Cov. 45:24, 25, which times will be in a day of wars and the whole earth will be in commotion. Doc. & Cov. 45:24-26, Mor. 8:25-31. 2nd. Or last Records, Brass plates, etc., to come forth to more fully convince the truth- fullness of the Book of Mor- mon, etc. II Nephi 3:11, 24; I Nephi 13:39, 40; Mor. 5:12- 15; Alma 37:2-19. 2nd. Records to come unto the Gentiles by Indian Proph- et, II Nephi 3:11, 24; III Ne- phi 21:9-11, the greater part, the last part, III Nephi 26: 6-12, the convincing act, I Nephi 13:39-41. The root of Jesse's day, II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18, when last and all records etc., are to come forth to usher in the millennium, II Nephi 27:11. 154- 1st. Records to cause scat- tering from land of Zion the New Jerusalem to the valleys of the mountains, Doc. & Cov. 103:11, 136:10, 49:24-26. 1st. Records, the lesser part of the Gospel, Doc. & Cov. 6:26, 29; III Nephi 26:6-12, or much of the Gospel, I Ne- phi 13:34; II Nephi 27:21. brought forth by the rod of Jesse, or Joseph Smith, Jr., Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 17:6; 2 Ne- phi 30:3; Doc. & Cov. 113: 3,4. 1st. Records to cause Gen- tiles to reject the fullness of the Gospel, II Nephi 28:32; Doc. & Cov. 45:28, 29, and Gentile Church, Doc. & Cov. 109:60, to reject the fullness of the Gospel as contained in the Book of Mormon, etc., which has absolutely been proven to be the United Or- der by consecration and plur- ality of wives, Doc. & Cov. 20:8, 9; 45:28, 29; 85:7, 8; II Nephi 15:24; 13: 19:12-16; Isaiah 50:1; 24:5; 5:24. 2nd. Records to cause gath- ering to the land of Zion, the New Jerusalem from whence the Saints were scattered. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18; II Nephi 3:11, 24; 21:5-11; 30: 10-18. 2nd. And last or all records to be brought forth by the root of Jesse, the man like unto Moses, the mighty and strong Indian Prophet, who is to be much marred, III Ne- phi 21:9-11; II Nephi 3:11, 24; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10- 18; Doc. & Cov. 85:103:11-18; 113:5, 6. 2nd. Or last records to con- vince the nations, the heathen nations and the house of Joseph, which includes the Gentiles, Lamanites and the Jews, of the Gospel of their salvation, which is contained in the Book of Mormon, Doc. & Cov. 20:8, 9; Mor. 5:12-15; I Nephi 13:39-41 ; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11. 1st. Records brought forth by a man (Joseph Smith Jr.?) 2nd. Or last and all records to be brought forth by a man 155 marred and slain, Doc. & Cov. 135:4; 136:38, 39. 1st. Records to be brought forth by the rod of Jesse, who is to be slain by the Gentiles, Doc.^& Cov. 135:4; 136:38, 39. 1st. Records to try the faith of the people and if they be- lieve, then another coming forth of records, III Nephi 26:6-12; His. Rec. Vol. 7 1st Chap, last verse. 1st. Records were to come forth as in word, I Nephi 14: 1, as a lesser part to try the faith of the people, III Nephi 26:6-12, and to gather out the elect, Doc. & Cov. 29:7. 1st. Records were to come in order that the foundation of the Church might be laid, etc., Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 17:6; 136:38, 39, and there was to (mighty and strong Indian Prophet, man like unto Mos- es, root of Jesse) marred and then healed, III Nephi 21:9- 11; Isaiah 66:2-6. 2nd. Or last and all records to be brought forth by the root of Jesse who is not to be slain but is to rule over the Gentiles, Rom. 15:12; II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:3, 10-8. 2nd. Or last and all recrmh to come forth to vindicate the 1st records or Book of Mormon, etc., Mor. 5:12-15, and usher in the reign of peace, the millennium, II Ne- phi 21:5-11; 30:10-18. 2nd. And all records were to come as in power in very deed, as a convincing act in which the Lord intends to show forth His power, II Nephi 3:11, 24; Alma 37: 2-19; I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 14:1, 12-14; 19:3; Mormon 5:12-15. 2nd. Or last and all records were to come forth to cause the cutting off, III Nephi 21 : 9-11; II Nephi 30:10, Doc. & Cov. 85: and cause the great 156- be no division or cutting off until after the second re- cords were brought forth, Pearl of Great Price pp. 90: 40; III Nephi 21:9-11. division, I Nephi 14:7; 22:20, 21. 1st. Records contained much of the Gospel, I Nephi 13:34; II Nephi 27:21; Doc. & Cov. 5:9, the lesser part, III Nephi 26:6-12. 1st. Records were to come forth for the purpose of lay- ing the foundation of the Church, Doc. & Cov. 58:7, and to bear witness of the land upon which the Zion of God shall stand, Doc. & Cov. 57:1; 1:30; 135:4; 136:38, 39. 2nd. Or last and all records are to come forth after the Church has small dominion on different parts of the earth and in the coming forth of these last and all records the Lord's arm is to be re- vealed in power for the ex- press purpose to convince all mankind of the Gospel of their salvation, Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41; 14: 12-14. 2nd. Or last and all records are to be brought forth for the purpose of vindicating the fullness of the Gospel as contained in the Book of Mormon (which is the first records to the Gentiles) and then also to the Lamanites and to the Jews, Doc. & Cov. 20:8-12; Mor. 5:12-15, and also to leave all mankind without an excuse in convinc- ing the nations, the heathen nations, the House of Joseph, of the Gospel of their sal- vation. Doc. & Cov. 101:93- 95; 90:9-11; I Nephi 13:39-41. 157 1st. Records came forth to establish the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which Church is identified with the gentiles, Doc. & Cov. 109:60, in order that the gentile nations and the gentile Church, (or Latter- day Saint Church) may have the privilege of rejecting the fullness of the Gospel, which they both have done. Doc. & Cov. 45:28, 29, II Nephi 28:32, and also that the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, after the fullness of the Gospel contained in the Book of Mormon, Doc. & Cov. 20:8, 9, has been re- vealed, and then rejected may put forth his hand to steady the ark of God, and fall by the shaft of Death like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightn- ing, Doc. & Cov. 85:8, II Nephi 13:12, 13; 19:12-16. 2nd. Or last and all Records are to be brought forth by the "Mighty and Strong One" spoken of in the 7th verse of 85th Section of Doc- trine & Covenants, who is to set the House of God (or Church I Tim. 3:15) in order and do all things necessary and incident in behalf of the work of the Lord that he has purposed to bei accomplished in behalf of his Church, Doc. & Cov. 115:4 and the House of Israel in these the last days. Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18, Isiah 4: III Nephi 21 :9-29. FULLNESS OF THE GOSPEL TO BE REJECTED BY THE GENTILES AND LATTER-DAY SAINT GENTILE CHURCH. The fullness of the Gospel, as contained in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, etc., (Doc. & Cov. 27:5; 52:9; 1 :38, 39), is to be rejected by the Gentiles (II Nephi 28:32; Doc. & Cov. 45:28), and also by the Latter-day Saint Church who are identified with the Gentiles (Doc. & Cov. 109: 60), who shall refuse to abide in the fullness of the Gospel 158 laws; because of their iniquities. (Isaiah 50:1; 5:24; 24:5; 11 Nephi 7:1; 15:24). The Church has disregarded five revelations given to them from the Lord, viz: Isaiah 4: Doc. & Cov. 132: President John Taylor's of 1882 and 1886 and Wilford Wood- ruff's of 1889, and have ceased to live the United Order and consecration, etc., This Church after shelving the word of the Lord as contained in the above referred to, five revelations and revelations in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Cove- nants, etc., makes a covenant with death and agreement with hell, (Isaiah 28:15; 50:1,) (or a manifesto,) and because of this manifesto agreement and the Church Article (One Mighty and Strong of 1905-7) the church will not or dare not allow the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, etc., which contain the fullness of the Gospel, (Doc. & Cov. 27:5; 35:17), to be used and studied as text books in the various quorums of the Priest- hood in the Church, for fear the members of the Church will see and find out the foolish things the leaders of this Church have done, (II Nephi 13:12-15 7:1; 15:24). These precepts of men, are in harmony with the visions of the Prophets, who were privileged of the Lord to look down through time; who saw what a sinful muddle this Church would plunge itself into, because of their foolish acts. Now because the leaders of the Latter-day Saint Church and their contemporary supporters adopted these precepts of men, they were compelled to adopt other precepts of men, to be studied by the members of this Church; which precepts of men (writings) leave out the Lord's strange act, Doc. & Cov. 85: 101:93-95; Isaiah 28:21; Alma 18: 39), plan of redemption entirely: These last precepts of men, (II Nephi 28:14, 26, 31) are the writings of B. H. Roberts, James E. Talmage, J. M. Tanner, Joseph F. Smith, Sr., Joseph F. Smith, Jr., and N. T. Porter, etc. But the leaders of the Church were compelled to adopt this kind of plan, in order to sail along at all, (And also to fulfill prophecy.) Isaiah 28:15-21; II Nephi 27:25; 13:12-15; Doc. & Cov. 85:7, 8; 1:14, 15; 64:34-41; II Nephi 15:24-30. WHEN FULLNESS OF GOSPEL TO BE AGAIN PREACHED. The fullness of the Gospel will not again be preached to any of the people of this earth, in power and authority, until 159 after the Lord reveals his arm in power (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11), in the coming forth of the second or last and all records, (I Nephi 13:39-41), by the "One Mighty and Strong," (Doc. & Cov. 85:7), the root of Jesse, (II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18), the much marred man (III Nephi 21:9-11), the great and mighty Indian Prophet (I INephi 3:11, 24). When the arm of the Lord is revealed in power, in the coming forth of these last records by this "Mighty and Strong" servant of the Lord; then is the time when the fullness of the Gospel is to go forth and be preached in power to the Lamanites, Jews and all na- tions of this earth. (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11). WHEN ELDERS IN SOME FUTURE DAY GO IN POWER TO THE LAMANITES. During the fall and winter of 1830-31, Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Ziba Peterson, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and F. G. Williams, performed and completed the first mission to the Lamanites as Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints; about this first mission the above referred to brethren had the following to say: "Thus ended our first Indian Mission, in which we had preached the Gospel in its fullness, and distributed the record of their forefathers among three tribes, viz: The Catteraugus Indians, near Buffalo, N. Y., the Wyandots of Ohio, and the Delewars west of Missouri. "We trust that at some future day, when the servants of God go forth in power to the remanent of Joseph, some pre- cious seed will be found growing in their hearts, which was sown by us in that early day." His. Record, Vol. 7, Chapter 4. LAST RECORDS TO MORE FULLY CONVINCE THE GOSPEL CONTAINED IN BOOK OF MORMON, BIBLE, ETC. THE FIRST RECORDS TO THE LAMANITES, ETC. The Elders of this Church to-day are preaching the Gospel in part, but not in its fullness, to the nations of the earth; but after the coming forth of the second or last records, (as Alma says: the Lord intends to show forth his arm in power in the coming forth of these last records, Alma 37:2-19), 160 for the purpose that the Lamanites and Jews and all nations shall be more fully convinced of the truthfulness of the Gospel contained in the Book of Mormon, etc., which was the first records and introduction of the fullness of the Gospel unto them, (Mormon 5:12-15; I Nephi 13:39-41; Doc. & Cov. 5:9; 17:6; 25:4). "For it shall come to pass in that day that every man shall hear the fullness of the Gospel in his own tongue, and in his own language, through those who are ordained unto this power, by the administration of the Comforter, shed forth upon them for the revelations of Jesus Christ. And then cometh the day when the arm of the Lord shall be revealed in power in convincing the nations, the heathen nations, the House of Joseph, of the Gospel of their salvation." Thus we see the fullness of the Gospel cannot go to the various nations again until the Lord reveals his arm in power and performs his strange act as spoken of in the 85th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; 85: 101: 93-95; I Nephi 13:39-41. "ONE MIGHTY AND STRONG" ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, AND WHY? God says Zion cannot be redeemed upon any other principle save that of the law of the Celestial Kingdom. (Doc. & Cov. 105:1-16,) which law positively includes United Order and consecration, (Book of Moses, 7:18-25; Doc. & Cov. 49:20; 42:30, 39, and plurality of wives, when fully lived in the Central City, Zion, the New Jerusalem, Isaiah 4:. The United The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because of States has made laws prohibiting the practice of polygamy: sin, (Gen. 4:7; Isaiah 42:24,) and cowardice, (Job 17:9; 1 John 4:18; Isaiah 29:13; Prov. 28:1; 29:25), have also concurred and acquiesced with the United States (with hell or we at agree- ment, Isaiah 28:15; I Nephi 14:10), and made laws (Manifesto etc., Isaiah 50:1), against the practice of plurality of wives (they have cast away the law of the Lord of Hosts, and des- pised the word of the Holy one of Israel, Isaiah 5:24): They have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant, Doc. & Cov. 1:14, 15; Isaiah 24:5, 161 Now; how can redemption come to Zion? In keeping with the laws of the Celestial Kingdom, unless God does reveal His arm in power in behalf of His Saints, and dis-annuls these prohibitory laws, (Isaiah 28:18,) for none saith re- store in the Latter-day Saint Church, Isaiah 42; 22. This is the refreshing yet they would not hear, Isaiah 28:12. The Lord saith He would restore that which He did not take away, Psalms 69:4; Isaiah 50:1; 28:18; II Nephi 20:1. The now existing laws of the United States and the HOW existing laws of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, forbid the practice of this Celestial Law of the Lord, Isaiah 4: Doc. & Cov. 132:. Now then; as these prohibitory laws have been made in open violation and in contra-distinc- tion to the revealed will of Almighty God, upon this subject; as is revealed in five different revelations bearing upon this Celestial Law question, both by the United States and the Latter-day Saint Church; Isaiah 4: Doc. & Cov. 132: Revela- tions to Prest. John Taylor in 1882 and 1886, and to Prest. Wilford Woodruff in 1889: (The Lord says the greater the light, the greater the condemnation and punishment, Doc. & Cov. 82:3; 45:54; Luke 12:48.) Therefore in keeping with the word of the Lord, we can see plainly why judgments are to commence at the House of God, which Paul says, is His Church, (I Timothy 3:15,) and some of the judgments spoken of in holy writ, can be found by reading the following scrip- tures, Doc. & Cov. 85:8; II Nephi 19:14-16; Isaiah 66:2-6; Doc. & Cov. 112:24-26. The Latter-day Saint Church, in open viola- tion of all five of the above cited revelations, from Almighty God, which uphold and maintain the practice of plurality of wives, make laws (Manifesto, etc.,) in opposition to the word of God, as contained in the above quoted five revelations. The United States, in open violation to two of the above cited revelations; known unto them at that time, when they enacted their prohibitory laws, viz: Isaiah 4: Doc. & Cov. 132: enacted laws in open violation, to the word of the Lord; and the United States and the Latter-day Saint Church seems to glory, and take pride in what they have done in this matter. Now because of these laws, prohibitory to the practice of polygamy, one of the Celestial laws of the Kingdom of God; if ever this Celes- 162 tial law is made honorable (and God says it will be, Isaiah 42:21), and permisable, (as the Lord also says it will be, Isaiah 4: after Zion's redemption, Doc. Cov. 105:34; 103:11-18), the Lord omnipotent will have to send some "One Mighty and Strong," .(as He says He will, Isaiah 28:2; 15-18, 21, also 66: 2-6,) and clothed with almighty power (as he says he will be, Doc. & Cov. 85:7; 103:11-18), to attend to this work; for no one with less power than ancient Moses had, could accomplish this redemption work, in the face of so much opposition by the United States and the Latter-day Saint Church itself. WHO ARE TERMED SALT OF THE EARTH. When men are called unto mine everlasting Gospel, and covenant with an everlasting covenant (in the Holy Temples of the Lord, etc.,) they are accounted as the salt of the earth, and the savor of men. They are called to be the savor of men. Therefore, if that salt of the earth loses its savor, behold, it is thenceforth good for nothing, only to be cast out and be trodden under the feet of men. (Doc. & Cov. 103:8-10; 101: 39, 40; Matt. 5:13). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is identified with the Gentiles, (Doc. & Cov. 109:60, and are accounted as the salt of the earth). The Gentiles and Gentile Church (or Latter-day Saint Church) turned their hearts from the fullness of the Gospel as contained in the Book of Mormon, Doc. & Cov, etc., because of the precepts of men, (and thus bespeak themselves as salt that has lost its savor, at least for the time being) and in that generation shall the times of the Gentiles (including the Gentile Church) be ful- filled. Doc. & Cov. 45:28-30; II Nephi 27:25; 28:14, 26, 31; Mor. 8:33, 38. O ye pollutions, ye hypocrites, ye teachers, who sell your- selves for that which will canker (precepts of men, manifesto, Church Article, etc.,) why have ye polluted the Holy Church of God? (Pollutions come from within) Mormon 8:38 (mean- ing the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I Nephi 14:10; Doc. & Cov. 1:30; 20:1; 115:3, 4), but when the arm of the Lord is revealed in power (Doc. & Cov. 90:9-11; I Nephi 14:12-14), in the coming forth of the last records, (I Nephi 13:39-41), by the root of Jesse, (II Nephi 21:5-11; 30:10-18,) 163 the much marred servant of Jesus Christ, (III Nephi 21:9-11), the Indian Prophet, (II Nephi 3:11,24), the "Mighty and Strong Man" like unto Moses, (Doc. & Cov. 103:11-18), who is to hold the sceptre of power in his hand, (Doc. & Cov. 85:) then the cutting off, as recorded in Holy writ, will take place (Doc. & Cov. 1:14; 64:34-41; 85: III Nephi 21:9-11), and the House of God (I Tim. 3:15) will then be set in order. Doc. & Cov. 85:. Nephi says: for the time speedily cometh, that the Lord God shall cause a great division among the people; and the wicked will be destroyed; and He will spare His people, yea, even if it so be that He must destroy the wicked by fire. II Nephi 30:10; 13:12-15; 19:13-16; 28:14; Mormon 8:23; III Nephi 23:1-5; 15:6, 7; 20:11-15; II Nephi 25:7, 8; 11:2, 8. O my people (evidently meaning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) they who lead thee, cause thee to err (meaning the authorities of the Church) and destroy the way of thy paths, II Nephi 13:12-15, (the paths of the members of the Church, etc.) Now, if the rebellious Gentile faction of the Latter-day Saint Church do not turn unto the Lord, when the Almighty reveals His arm in power and leaves all men without excuse, they will be counted as salt that has lost its savor, which is thenceforth good for nothing, only to be cast out, and trodden under the feet of men. Doc. & Cov. 101:3, 40; 103:7-10; 45: 28, 29; 52:11; III Nephi 16:15; 12:13; 21 :9-l 1 ; II Nephi 15:24-30; 28:32; I Nephi 14:7; III Nephi 20:28. For they (the presiding priesthood, etc.,) were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the savors of men, (Doc. & Cov. 101 :39.) Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself, Doc. & Cov. 105:4-6, 34. The Church authorities have adopted precepts of men II Nephi 27:25; 28:14, 26, 31 (manifesto, Church Article, etc.,) instead of "THUS SAITH THE LORD," and have caused the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to sustain them in their foolish acts (in order to fulfill scripture because the iniquity of the people demanded it, Isaiah 28: II Nephi 15 :24; Doc. & Cov. 45:28-30; II Nephi 13:12-15; 7:1.) Now, because the Church authorities and all members who approve of their acts have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, 164 broken the everlasting covenant, (Doc. & Cov. 1:14, 15; Isaiah 24:5; II Nephi 15:24; 7:1; Isaiah 28:), they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden under the feet of men. Doc. & Cov. 103:8-10; 101:39, 40. Nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto Me; for Mine arm is lengthened out all the day long saith the Lord God of Hosts. II Nephi 28:32. This redemption work is now out of the hands of the present authorities of the Latter-day Saint Church, and beyond the power of man to do it, for the leaders of this Church, the Lord's legal representatives upon this earth, and this nation, upon the land of Zion, have refused to conform to the word of the Lcrd (God is able to do His own work, II Nephi 27:14-20), and are still refusing to comply with His holy will in regards to this Celestial law question, in an open and honorable man- ner, Doc. & Cov. 132: Isaiah 4:. They have openly and de- fiantly revolted against "thus saith the Lord" in holy writ. Therefore; they have forfeited their right to act in this matter, (similar as did Prof. Anthon in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith forfeit his privilege to act, II Nephi 27:14-22). Now, because of the prohibitory laws they, the authorities and some of the members of the Latter-day Saint Church, and the United States have made,and the seeming pride they take in upholding and sustaining the prohibitive laws (precepts of men), against the word of the Lord upon this Celestial law question, as is contained in the above mentioned revelations, the Word of God to the children of Adam upon this earth; God Himself must take a hand in this great redemption work. THE ROCK OF FOUNDATION OF ZION'S REDEMPTION. It is plainly to be seen why it becomes absolutely neces- sary in order that this Celestial law and other Celestial laws be restored and made honorable laws of this land, and of the Latter-day Saint Church, for these Celestial laws are the foundation premise upon which the redemption of Zion is dependent, for there is no redemption for Zion in any other way. Doc. & Cov. 105:1-6, Isaiah 4: (which laws the Lord says, will be established and made honorable, Isaiah 4: 42:21.) 165 Therefore it is imperative, that the Lord God send the "One Mighty and Strong" spoken of and desricbed in the 85th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants; Isaiah 28:2, 15-18, 21, and elsewhere in Holy writ, to set in order His Church and to attend to this great and mighty redemption work, for and in behalf of the House of Israel, in these the last days, in order that the Lord may come and own and dwell with His people, III Nephi 21 :25; 20:22; Isaiah 4: Doc. & Cov. 84:2-5,. "Whosoever transgretheth and abideth not in the Dotcrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the Dotrcine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son, 2nd John, Verse 9. Now I need not rehearse the matter; what I have said may suffice. Behold, the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them, it shall be to your own destruction. (Alma 13:20), If you are hungry for "THUS SAITH THE LORD" you can feast yourselves, otherwise, you will not feast yourselves, but perhaps you may become angry and hateful, be that as it may. Yours in the cause of truth, Very respectfully, JOHN T. CLARK. ./ '7-2 ,-*,* <^< = ERRATA = Page 19, line 11. Should read 3 N. 20:21: Page 29, line 11. Strone, should read, Strong. Page 42, line 6. to, should read, is. Page 43, line 12. he, should read, ye. Page 53, line 18. 12, should read, 1, 2. Page 68, line 34. 7th, should read, 8th. Page 75, line 6. is, should read, are. Page 89, line 27. wohm, should read, whom. Page 92, line 4. and, to be cancelled. Page 92, line 12. stronge, should read, Strong. Page 98, line 3. foundation, should read, fountain. Page 102, line 33. Yet, should read, Ye. Page 104, line 2. Books, should read, Book. Page 116, line 9. 10-8, should read, 10-18. Page 120, line 35. Transpose for line 36. Page 122, line 21. with, should read, him. Page 126, line 25. After Lord, insert, is like. Page 131, line 19. Hyrum M., should read, Hyrum G. Page 131, line 30. of, should read, or. Page 132, line 15. thy, should read, my. Page 134, line 4. Paul hanged.should read, Paul beheaded. Page 140, line 25. us, should read, up. Page 141, line 2. beautiful, should read, beautifully. Page 141, line 4. protographic, should read, photographic. Page 141, line 35. protographic, should read, photographic. Page 160, line 27. Transpose for line 28. 164, line 30. of, to be cancelled.