OF Cooper Medical College THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRARY CONTENTS-INDEX. VOLUME I. I:I:I:KI:I.I:Y. CALJPORN1 \ :-- . Printed at the State Printing Office, Sacramento. J. D. YOUNG, Superintendent. V, I e. a PEEFACE! This volume is a result of the endeavor to utilize all the resources of a comparatively small but valuable library of reference. Two working tools of the collection are the short-title analytical Author Catalogue and the full-title classified Subject Catalogue. Early in our experience,' hojvever, it became evident that the cataloguing ordinarily done was insufficient to meet the demands of university study, and the practice of indexing books and magazines immediately upon their receipt was begun. To prevent the subject catalogue from attaining an unwieldy growth and to retain its character as an actual shelf-guide, the experiment was made of writing the index upon sheets of note paper size arranged alphabetically in boxes placed upon the librarian's desk where it was centrally located/or purposes of reference and available for the insertion of fresh entries at any moment. Fourteen years of trial have demonstrated the success of the experiment as a labor and time-saver in the daily assistance to* readers. Generally, nothing less in extent than a ten octavo-page article has been entered in the index. Dates following the name of a person are those of his birth and death. Roman numerals (excepting the lower-case v. for volume) signify a series, period or portion of a work. Volume and page numbers are separated by a colon. A dash after the page number denotes continuation of the article. A word of explanation is needed. Important and useful as indexing may be, to be done at all in a library where the entire labor is performed by two persons, it must be executed in the most expeditious manner con- sistent with accuracy, and many of the niceties of bibliographic work must be disregarded. As, however, this volume will be consulted mainly by the professional librarian, it is hoped that the use of abbreviated titles, the omission of initials, etc., may not seriously affect its value. A vast num- ber of references, since printed in Poole's Index to periodical literature, have been omitted; a few only, by reason of local authorship or interest, have been retained. During the progress of this Index through the press a large number of books and periodicals have been received, and references to them, falling under the first part of the alphabet, will appear in the second volume, for which sufficient material will have accumulated when an additional forty or fifty thousand volumes have accrued. JOSEPH C. ROW KM.. Librarian. 688674 ABBREVIATIONS. Abbreviations of fore-names of persons commonly used are those recom- mended by the American Library Association. Acad. Sci. Mor.= Academic des Sciences Morales et Politiques de 1'Institutde France. Berlin Akad. Abh. = Berlin. Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaf ten, Abhandlungen. D. Dante-Gesell.=Jahrbuch der deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft. Diss. = Dissertations. Engl. Stud. = Englische Studien. Herrig's Archiv = Archiv fiir das Studiuni der neueren Sprachen. Jahrb. Philol.=Jahrbuch fiir Philologie und Paedagogik. Kuhn's Zeits.=Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachforschung. N. F., N. S.=Neue Folge, Nouvelle se"rie, New series. Pams. = Pamphlets. Paris, Me" rn. Acad. Sci. = Paris. Institut de France. Academic des sciences. Me"m- oires. 1816- Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. = Paris. Institut de France. Academic des sciences. M" moires pre'sente's par divers savants. 1827- Preuss. Jahrb. = Preussische Jahrbiicher. Rev. d. d. Mondes = Revue des Deux Mondes. Rev. Sci.= Revue Scientifique. Rhein. Mus. = Rheinisches Museum fiir Philologie. Roy. Soc. Trans.= Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions. 1800- Rundschau= Deutsche Rundschau. St. Petersb. Acad. Me"m.=St. Petersburg, Acadniie Irnperiale des Sciences, Memoires. Univ. Stud. = University Studies. Lincoln, Neb. v.= volume. - Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl.=Wien. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Denkschriften. Zeits. or Zts.=Zeitschrift. TOPICAL CONTENTS INDEX. Aachen. Abraham-a-Sancta Clara. Aachen, Albrecht von. See Albert of Aix. Aachen ( Aix-la-('hapelle), Pnisain. Congress, 1818 Metternich, Memoirs. Mineral waters. Kay, Travels 1:.V>. - Peace. 1668. Temple (Sir W:) Works. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood. 1836- Philosophie (Renouvier) Critique Philos. N. .<. /. d. 1004. Histoire litttfraire de la France v. 7. Abd-el-Kader, Arab chief. 1807-83. K.'ddition (Ronsset) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:540. Abdallah ben Zobayr. Life. Asiatic Jour. N. 8. v. 9. Abdomen. - Fibrome(Heerdink) Heidelb. Univ. l>i v. 1. Abdul-Assia, sultan of Turkey. 1830-76. - Unscre Xeit 1S77:1:1, 113, 588,905. Abdul-Medjld, *,,ltn, t of Turkey. 1823-61. l'n -ere. Xeit IBBl Abeille, Oaspanl. UUH-171-. Alemliert. Oeuvres 9:1M">. Abel, N. H :, imitlifiiintirlnH. 1802-29. Arugo. Oeuvres :;:530. dental function* (Abel) Paris. M.'-III. Savaiis Etranjr. v. 7. .Meni..ir(U<.\vc) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881: Abelard, Pierre, abbot of Kuyt. 1079-1142. K. miisat. Abelanl 1 :xiii. II -t..rii- of philosophy l>v: I.ewe.s, Kilter 106). P..iyl". Dictionary. - BotagtOn. Literary history of the mid- . German. Development (Wells) Am. Philnl. AJHOC. 14:57: r>:88. Greek roots (Bloomfield) Am. J. Philnl. 1:281. Abolitionalism. See Slavery. Abortion. Criminal (Hitchcock) Mich. 15,1. Health 1871 Aboukir battle. &-r Nile battle. About, Edmund F. V. IV- I.l.-cs lil).Tales (Ma/.aile) Kev. d. d. Moil- d ii: .vi ::-':. Kiinian* ( M:;. -- Murray. Greek sculpture. Achilles Tatius. 3d century. Dunlop. History of fiction. Acids. See also names of acids. Cocoa-nutoil fatty (Robin son) Rov. Edin. Trans 2*:'_'77. Heat developed in combination with hascs. (Andrews) Boy. Iri-h Trans, v. !!>.- Koy. Edin. Trans. 2>:85. Influence stir la gomme el lafeciilel Biot. Perso/) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 1:5:437. Kristalwaterhondende. Dissociate (Fro- wein) Leiden I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Peroxides of radicals of organic (Brodie) Koy. Soc. Trans 1863:407. Strength of (Kirwan) Royal Irish Trans. v. I, 7. Ackermann, Mine. L. V. Choquet. 1813- 1'n po.-te pdsjiiviste (Caro) Rev. d. d. Monde- HI :8:24L - Vie (In her Oeuvres v. 1). Aconite. - Pure cry-tallized. Toxicology ( Wagner) Dorpat t'niv. Diss. v. 3. Aconitic acid. Kenntniss der (Klingemann) Bonn t'niv. 1'i--. v. 2. Aconitine. - l.ycaconitin (Dohrniann) Dorpat I'niv. 1 >i--. v. 1. Acoustics. Sfe aim Sound. of buildings. Henry (Jos.) Scientific writings 2:403. Acre. See alto works on <'rn-ade<, Palestine. French siege, 17!>9. Naval chronicle. Actium battle. 1',. C. 31. (.In ricn de I.a (iraviere)Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:54:536. Acton, shattuck. History of Concord. Actors, Acting. 7u (Wright) Arber's English ner v. _'. k. P.ird-ma-ks (Smith) .1. Hellenic Mlldic- L>:.'!0(. Acts of the Apostles. lii-toriral value. [MuirJ, Supernatural religion . Adalard, Si., nl>l>< ' K.idbert. VitallVrtx, M..JI. ( Jt-rin. hist., Script, v. '_'). Adalberon II, l,i.ihnj, <>f M 1'crt/. .NIoii. lierni. hiM., Scriiit. I.' Adalberon, l>i-lii> f HVx.rii/ii-/. Vita. Porte, II on. Germ, hist, ocriptv. 12 Adalbert, St., Ushi> <>f Prague. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 4:574. Adalheida (Adelaide), St., empress of Ger- innnil. Epitaphia. Miracula. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 4. Adam, the first man. See also Creation. Talmudische Sage (Kohut) Zts. deut-i b. morgenl. Gesell. v. 25. Tod. Klopstock, Werke. I'ngleischen Kinder Evas. Zts. deutsch. Alterth. 2:LV>7. Adam, Mine. Edmond (Juliette Lamber). 1886- Lemaitre. Contemporains 1 : 120. Adam, Jacques. 1663-1735. Alembert. Oeuvres 10: (!1. Adamantius. 5th century. ~ l)e physiognomonicis (Foster) Philologus 4( i: 250. Adams, Charles Francis. 1807-. Annual cyclopaedia 1871. Portrait. Adams, 3 ohn,2d president of the United States. 1786-1826. Bibliography. Administration. Monthly Reference Lists 3 : 18. Gibbs. Administrations of Washington and Adams. (Kirkland) Ainer. Acad. Arts and Sci- ences, Memoirs, N. S. v. 1. Kives. Life of Madison. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration V. -. and Jefferson. Webster, Works v. 1. as a statesman (Chamberlain) Pains, bi- ographv v. 3. Pair lie conduct. Cobbett, Porcupine's works, index. Adams, John Quincy, Gth president of the U.S. 1767-1848. Bibliography. Administration. Monthlv Reference Lists 3:39. Benton. Thirty years' view. Curtis. Life of Buchanan. Everett. Orations 2:555. Gallatin. Writings. Jay. Mexican war 290. Seward. Works 3 : 75. Adams, Samuel. 1722-1803. ( Hosmer) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 2. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration v. !. Addison, Joseph. 1672-1719. Histories of English literature by : Perry, Taine, etc. Hayle. Dictionary. 1-ciiillet de Conches. ( 'aliseries .", Hax.litt. English comic \\riters. llowitt. Home- n!' the Urili-li poet-. JohiiMin. Live- of the ]>oi-t-. Maeaulay. \ Thackeray. English hiimon (Tiifklieim) Herrig's Archiv. mi; 17 Adel Khan. - r.odcnstcdt. Schriflen _': l:f.'; :: ; l. AdeliCia nf I. n ml a. 'nnil. d. I I'll. Uand. n of llrnrtj I of England 1 : I'M!. Aden. Aeschylus. Aden, Arabia. (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Monties III : 19:605. Gebiet der Afer und (Hildebrandt) Zts. Krdkunde 10:1, 2fi6. Politique anglaise (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36:957. Adjective. Arische Flexion d. A. auf nt (Barthol- oniae) Zts. vergleich. Sprachf. 29:487. EngHan. Doppelformige (Beckmann) Herrig's Archiv 64:25. French. Feminalbildung (Liitgenau) Herrig's Archiv 70:73. German strong declination (Sievers) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 2:98. Gothic (Holtzman, Mever) Germania 8:257; 9:137. - Latin (Hanssen) Am. J. Philol. 10:34. Aktivbedeutung( Hanssen) Philologus N. F. 1:274. Doppelgradation (Ott) Jahrb. Philol. 111:787. Old English inflections (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1 : 65. Admiralty Islands. Challenger voyage. Narrative v. 1, pt. 2. Adolphus Frederick, of Sweden. Documents relative" to. Historiskahand- lingar 1:258; 4:192. Adria, Italy. Naturgeschichte (Schmarda) Wien Acad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Adrianople. - Montagu (Lady). Letters. Adriatic sea. Literal faun a (Heller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 26. Adso, abbot of Montier-en-Der. 910-992. Histoire litteraire de la France v. 6. Adulterations. See also Food, Materia medica. - Allen. Commercial organic analysis. Bell. Sale of food and drugs acts. 1886. in Germany. U. S. Consular reports. No. 16, etc. of food and drugs. U. S. Nat. Bd. Health Reports, 1880, etc. Paris, Laboratoire municipal (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 57 : 861. Adverbs. - Verwandschaft d. Orts-A. mit d. Prono- nien (Humboldt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Aediles(Roman). (Moll) Philologus 46:98. Aegean sea. - Kiisten-Veranderungen (Cold) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Aegina island. - Bildwerke. Wagner tiber. Schelling, Werkel:9:lll. - Temple. Beule*, Art grec 203. Composition d. Aegineten (Schwabe) Jahrb. Philol. 119: 616. (Julius) Jahrb. Philol. 121:1. -Zeus und (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Aelfric, archbishop of Canterbury. (Dietrich) Zts. hist.Theol.25:487:26:163- - i' '. Aelfric. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon church 2: 311, i:> Petrie and Sharpe. Monuments hist. Brit., index. Eine Gesprach. Herrig's Archiv 5:161. Syntax (Schrader) Giitt. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Version of Alcuini Interrogationes Sige- wulfi in Genesin (Mac Lean) Anglia 6:425; 7:1. Aelius Promotus, Alexandrian physician. (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 28: 264. Aeneas. See also Virgil. Bochart. Num Aeneas umquam in Italia? - (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59: 282. Oyidius. Heroides. Epistola Didonis. Virgilius. Aeneis. Ankunftin Latiuni (Bamberger) Rhein. Mus. 6:82. en Sicile (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:72:38. Aeneas Silvius. See Pius II. Aenesidemus. (Natorp) Rhein. Mus. 38:28-91. Saisset. Scepticisme 1-240. Aeolis. Explorations (Savce) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:218. Southern. History of (Ramsay) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 2:44,271. Aeronautics. See also Balloons. Arago. Oeuvres 9 : 489 ; Smithsonian Re- port 1863. Fonville. Adventures ae"riennes. Glaisher. Travels in the air. Marion. Wonderful balloon ascents. Pettigrew. Animal locomotion ; Smith- sonian Report 1867. Wieland. Werke 33 : 105, 131. Aerostat & he"lice (Dupuy de Lome) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Direzione (Gazzeri) Miscellaneous pams. v. 4. Meteorological observations (Welsh) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853 : 311. Navigation ae'rienne (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 48 : 279. pendant le siege de Paris. Revue des deux Mondes 11:90:612. Rapport sur (Navier) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 11: XI. Aeschines. Demosthenes. De corona oratio. Schaefer. Demosthenes und seine Zeit. AdversusTimarchus; UeberdieGesandt- schaft(Bekker) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Aeschylus. - Histories of Greek drama and literature. Bulwer. Athens 2: 21. - Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 1: 184. (Myers) Abbott's Hellenica. (Plumptre) In his translation of Aeschy- lus. Quinet. G6nie grec (Oeuvres 28 : 108.) Schlegel. Lectures on dramatic art. Aeschylea (Macnaghten) J. Philol. 16: 205. Aetna und die Paliken (Schneidewin) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3 : 70. Agamemnon (Hardy) Roy. Irish Trans v. 2. (Housman) J. Philol. 16:244. Aeschylus. Afghanistan. Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Wilson (J :) Es- savs4:390. Bemerkungen (Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. 15:584; 10:115. Davies' translation (Paley) Jour. Phi- lol. v. 1. Erste Chorlied (Fleischmann) Jahrb. Philol. 133:289. German translations (Eichhoff) Jahrb. Philol. 110:186. Heck's edition (Enger) Rhein. Mus. 20: 231. Interpretation (CJoodwin) Jour. Philol. 10: 214 ; Am. Philol. Assoc. 1877 : mi. Koinnios im v. 1 458- 1576 ( Tod t) Philol- ogus 39: 193. - f Campbell) Amer. J. Philol. 1 : 427. Sdmeiilewin-Hense edition (Wecklein) Jahrb. Philol. 127:441. Simile of hound (Verrall) Jour. Philol. 10:239. Zur Kritik (Todt) Philologus 39:396. Auflosungen im Trimeter (Enger) Rhein. Mus. 11:444. ChoephoroD (Schumann) Jahrb. Philol. Il.">: 1,81,301-. (Todt) Philologus 41 : 385. ( h. .rus of (Verrall ) Jour. Philol. 9: 114. Koiimio.s in ( F>nger) Rhein. Mus. 12 : 189. Chorgesange (Muff ) Jahrb. Philol. 127 : 21. - Conditional sentences in (Clapp) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 18:43. Kumenides. Beitriige zur Kritik (Todt) Philologus 44: 31. German translations (Eichhoff) Jahrb. Philol. 110: out. Parados in (Weil) Rhein. Mus. 16:198. Scenenwechsel (Todt) Philologus 41: 207. Formal artifices (Bury) J. Hellenic Stud. 6: i Hermann's edition (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. !:17'.l. 'JIT Iphigeniu und Philoktetes (Welcker) Rhein. Mus.:,: H7. Mythologumena (Kausche) Halle Univ. r>i". v. :;. -ae ( Welcker, Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 5: 204; 27:114. Bemerkungen (Enger) Rhein. Mus. 25: His. und die Erobening von Eion (Blass) Kl.rin. Mus. it): HI. Prometheus. Coleridge, Lectures on Shakespeare 2: 1^2. ( Kobsch) Philologus 41: 227. Date of (Seymour) Amor. Philol. Assoc. 1879:111 Iiiu-ntion of (Royce) Univ. Cal., Bull. in. Shelley's Prometheus and. Lanier, Enrich novel. IJelijMous and ethical views ( Holl'man ) Indiana I'niv. Bull. 1:53. Religious sentiment in. P>unsf!i, God in lii~tory 2: 170. em ad ver.sus 'flickis (BUchcler) Khcni. M Anfang M'onradt ) HIT' Kritik (Hahn) Ith.-in. Mus. _'! iil>er die Tlicbanische Tetralojjic -hi) Khein. Mu>. 27 Stolbergs translation. Schlegel (A. W: von), We r Aeschylus. Suppliees. Rhein. Mus. 13:268. Afirypter, Danaiden (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. N. F. v. 4. 13. Erkliirung und Kritik (Todt) Philolo- gus 48 : 20. Treatment of myth (Campbell) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 6:153. Aesculapius. - Statue of youthful (Wroth) J. Hellenic Stud. 4:40. und die Asklepiaden (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1845. Aesopus. 6th century B. C. Bayle. Dictionary. Landor. Works. Lessing. Werke 11:1: 117. -".7 eine Fabel (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. c, : 3t^i. in Egypten (Ziindel) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5 : 422, 639. not the author of the Fables. Bentley. Works y. 2. und Lessing. Herder, Werke 2 : 188. Aesthetic ism. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 2:1. Aesthetics. See also Beauty, Sublime, Taste. < irillparzer. Werke 9 Mil. a science? Hall, Aspects of German culture. allemande contemporaine (Bnard) Rev. Philos. 1:125; 2:1. chez Kant,SchilleretSpencer(Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 9: 148. der Hegel'schen Schule (Hartmann) Un- sere Zeit 1886 : 1 : 58. Education chez l'enfant( Perez) Rev. Phi- los. 8:535. Erziehung. Schiller, Werke 12:1-; Works tr. v. 8. Schiller iiber (Michelsen) Rundschau 7:67- Hauptgrundsatze. Mendelssohn (Moses), S.-hriften 2:141. Kant gegen Empiricismus, etc. (Konig) Philos. Monatsh. 20 : 233. Kostlein's (Hartmann) Zeits. Philos. 87 : 215. Prindp d. kleinsu-n Kraftinasses in (Jii- ger) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 5: 11."). Principienfehler d. modernen (SchasU-r) /its. Philos. v. 89. Satire de (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondcs 111:80:378. Vie estln'tique (B. Bull i::;i. - Murray. Discoveries in .\xj : i Vamliery. Tra\ cK in central A - EiiL'lish'war, is lo. Alison, F.s.i\ Urquhart, Pam|>lilet \\ritinL-s v. l _'. Conclusion. Miller (Hugh), Leading articles 106. Afghanistan. Agathodamon. Afghanistan. Knirlish war, 1878-80 (Balck) j Tn-cri' Zeit is*2: 1:191- Mi ( 'artliy. Kngland under Gladstone. - in 1 *'*). Gegen \v a rt 4 : 442. in I860 (Dnnlop) rains, history v. 10. Pamphlets on history v. 11. in 1862. Vie (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:48:204. - Question indo-russe (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:90:201. Afghans. I Kousselet) Rev. d' Anthrop. Ill :3: 412. (Sachau) Rundschau 19:72. Ursprung, Geschichte (Wilken) Berlin A kad. Abb. 1818-19. Africa. In general. Artdes Reisens (Schwemfurth) Runds- rhau 2:245. Kibitz, Recht, Hb'rigkeit (Pechuel-Loes- che) Rundschau 59:281. Circumnavigation by ancients. Gibbon, M isc. works 5 : 170. Ethnographic (Chaix) Geneva. Soc.de ( it'ogr. Mem. 1: 1. Forschung der Gegenwart (Hellwald) t'ns.Zeit 1878-1879. Africa, Central. See also Congo, Sahara, Soudan. Angaben bei Plinius u. Mela (Schweder) Philologus47:636. Baker's explorations (Cailliatte) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 : 07 : 07. Earth's travels (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:15:911. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 545 ; 1858 : 16; 1859 : ,337. Ktat social XEscayrac de Lauture) Acad. Sci. Mor. 36 : 103, 209. Exploration (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 8:10. Bruxelles conference (Laveleye) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 20: 584. Histoire physique (Blerzv) Rev. d. d. Mondes II- 73:312. Lake regions (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:39:074. - Nachtigal's travels. Rundschau 7:45- Niams-Niams et les Akkas (Radau) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:8:203. Pinto's voyage (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 49: 188. Wakamba nnd ihre Nachbarn (Hilde- brandt) Zts. Ethnol. 10:347. Africa, East. See also Abyssinia, Egypt, Nubia, Red sea, Somali, Zambesi, Zanzi- bar. Kiiste (Krapf) Zts. d. morgenl. Gesell. v. 3. und die Deutschen (Hellwald) Uns. Zeit 1887:1:320. Zaouia de Chellata ( Aucapitaine) Geneva. Soc. Gogr. Mem. 1:211. Africa, North. See also Algeria, Egypt, Libyan desert, Morocco, Nile, Tripoli, Tunis. - Bedeutung( Hellwald) Unsere Zeit 1882: 1:66- Caravanes (Thomassy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4:385. Deserts. Charakteristik(Ehrenberg) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1827. Africa, North. Riimische (Friedlander) Rundschau 34 :44. Volkerkunde (Krause) Zts. Erdkunde 11:21. Africa, South. See also Basuto, Cape of Good Hope, Hottentots, Kaffraria, Natal. Transvaal, Zululand. Douglass. Ostrich farming in south Africa. Universal history: modern v. 11-15. Colonies. Meidinger, Englische Colonien. (Mont^gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:v. 32, 34. (Rolfs) Unsere Zeit 1880 : 2 : 29. England's interest in. Bibliography. Mo. Reference Lists 4 : 12. Hydrologie (Clave 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:51:133. in 1874. Froude, Short studies v. 3. Ladislaus Magyar's Reisen. Unsere Zeit 1861 : 721. Reisen, in 1887 (Marloth) Rundschau V. 53-54. Sotho-Neger (Endemann) Zeits. Ethnol. 6:16. Africa, West. See also Ashantee, Congo, Guinea, Liberia, Loango. Explorations (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:10:668. Gabun-und Ogowe Lander (Czerny) Zts. Erdkunde 11:209,241. Nhanga. Reisen (Gussfeldt) Zts. Erd- kunde 10 : 142, 161. Ogooue (Montaignac) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 66 : 187. Okande. Reisen (Lenz) Zts. Erdkunde 10:236. African languages. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft, Zeitschrift, index. Alphabet suited to south. J. Am. Or. Soc. v. 5. Central. Du Chaillu, Equatorial Africa 474. Classification of south. (Adamson) J. Am. Or. Soc. v. 4. Coincidences in roots (Wedgwood) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1858. Contributions (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855:85,185. Onomatopo3ia in west. Am. J. Philol. 7 : 489. West and south (Bleek) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855:40. Zulu and kindred dialects (Grout) J. Am. Or. Soc. v. 3. Agassiz, Louis J. R., naturalist. 1807-73. (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 10 : 5, 539. (Fayre) Smithsonian Report 1878. National Academic Science. Biographi- cal memoirs v. 2. Whipple. Characteristic men. Relation to the theory of evolution. Le Conte, Evolution. Travaux, theories (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11 : 77. Agathemerus, geographer. (Dittrich) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:76. Agathodsemon, the good god. (Gerhard) Berlin Aka'd. Abh. 1847. Wieland. Werke v. 35. Age. Agrippa. Age. See Golden age, Life, Longevity, Old age. Agesilaus, Spartan king. Nepos. Vitae. - Plutarch. Lives. Xenophon. Agesilaus. Agglutination. Delbriick. Introduction to study of lan- guage. Agincourt battle, Oct. 2.\ 1415. Histories of England time of Henry V. Monstrelet. Chronicles. Percy. Folio manuscript 2 : 156, 595. Agis, kin/I of Sparta. Plutarch. Lives. Agnation. - McLennan. Patriarchal theory. -Maine. Ancient law. Guardianship of minors (Lawrence) Jour. Philol.9:24. Agnosticism. - Picton. Mystery of matter and other essays. Plumptre. Movements in religious thought I '. < leutungder Negation (Borelius)Philos. Monatsh. 17:385, of Hume and Huxley. McCosh, Realistic philosophy v. Qnelqaes mots snr (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. ->::! 17. Speculativ Protestantismus (Hartmann) DBS. Xeit l>s! : l:7lM. ver-us positivism. Clarke, Vexed ques- tion-: in theology. Agonlt, Marie C. S. de Flavigny, comtesse <]'. ( Daniel Stern, ps.) - Hillehrand. Xeiten, Volker 4 : 7'!. Klindsehau V128. Agrarian laws of Rome. See lives of the Qracchi Cicero. Orationes; ed. by Long 2: 380, etc. ( Labutut) Jour. Econ. Ill : 11 : 109. Mom m -en. History of Rome 2:430. Niebuhr. Roman history. Agrarianism. See alto Land, Property. Fragon (Edtvt) I'nsereZeit 1888:2:151. Agricola, Cnanis Julius. 49-93. Tacitus. Vita Agricolae. Agricola, .lohann. I'lagiatoren (richulze) Herrig's Archiv Agriculture. See also Animals, Cattle, Colo- natus, Dairying, Drainage, Farming. -, l-'ore-t-. Fruit. i ianlening, Grain. Grape, II I n-i-i 1~, I .a l nl, Pea-ant-. Plow.-, Rotation of crop-. Sheep, SuiK Su^ar. Wheat, etc. Ilililiography. l!r ura litera- ria . :.--t..n. Prize essay (Classical Jour. Journal des Economistes. Series 1-2, Works. Steward. Work- :5 : I'll, 1 Animaiix :180,385. InMuen/a delle opinioni e delle legge su. Gioja, Filnsolia della statistiea v. .".. Japanese. United .States Japan expedi- tion v. 1-2. Machinery used in. U. S. Consular re- port-, NIIS. is, 54. luthoda. Puissance productive (Pa--\ ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7 : 47. Nahrungsfrage. Unsere Zeit 1868: 1 :;_' 220. Netherlands (Laveleye) Acad. Sci. Mor. 73:105. Portuguese (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Monde> 1 1 : M' : 738. Scientific principles (Gilbert) Pams. agri- culture v. 4. Scotch. Hindrances (Ho{>e) Grant, Re- cess stmlie-. Soci ;. Theoriede ( 1'a y ) .Imir. Kcon. 1 V : '_' : .".. 1'niteil States department of (Swank) Pams. agric. v. 4. Virgil's instructions (Smith) Am. J. Phi- lol. - Xwi-c-hetihandel und Con-um (Adler) I II-. Xeit U Agrippa ro Nftttthfiin. II: Corm-liu- I -. ::, Sigwart. Kleine Si hriften v. 1. Soldan. llexenj)rox.e-s ( . v. '.'. i:mtl. U'erke. II itOTlMOi philo-ophy hy: Kitten ' Agrippina I. Agrippina I, wife of Germanicus. d. 33. (BeuKS) Rev.'d. d. Mcndes II : 75: 386. Agrippina II, the younger, mother of Nero, d fiO. (BeuM) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:80:992. Aguesseau, Henri Francois d'. 1668-1751. Legare\ Writings 2 : 559. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v.3. Ordonnances (Monnier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 46:273,367; 47:47. Ouvrage ine'dit (Monnier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42:335. Philosophic (Bouillier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:233. Ahasuerus. See Xerxes I. Ahlden, Princess of. See Sophia Dorothea. Ahlefeldt-Laurwig, Elisa D. M., Grdfin. 1790-1855. et Imnierniann (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 14: 753. Ahmed-Mukta-Paslia, Turkish general. - Unsere Zeit 1878 : 1 : 81. Aicard, Jean. 1848- Smilis (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 61:933. Aigues-Mortes, France. (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 1 : 780. Aimeric de Peguilnin. Works on the Troubadours : Diez. Aimpin, monk of Fleury. d. 1008. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 7. Aimon de Varennes. Florimont(Risop) Herrig's Archiv73:47. Ainos. See also Yesso. Catalogue of works relating to (Japan, Imp. University. Literature College. Memoirs No. 1. '1887.) Coulenr des yeux et cheveux (Lefevre) Rev. d'Anthrop 111:4: 129. Air. See also Atmosphere, Ether, Micro- organisms, Pneumatics. Changes produced by respiration (Allen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1808 : 249. Compressed. Pernolet, Air comprime". Elasticity. Arago, Oeuvres 11 : 13. Liquifaction (Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:65:83. Production from water. Rumford, Works v.l. Resistance (Button) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2:29. Angriffspunkt der Resultante (Kum- mer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. auf Korper von verschiedener Gestalt (Kummer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. bei kleinen Geschwindigkeiten (Frei- burg) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Messung (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1874. Vortex rings. Rotation (Ball) Roy. Irish Trans. 25: 135. Air engine. See also Gas machines. (Joule) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852:65. Air pump. (Little) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 6. (Robinson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 15. Aix-la-Chapelle. See Aachen. Ajaccio, Corsica. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 1. Alaska. Akenside, Mark, poet. 1721-70. Bell. Lives of the poets. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Aksakof family. Chronique (Delaveau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:875. Aksakof, Konstantin. 1817-60. (Reinholdt) Unsere Zeit 1888:2:71. Alabama, southern state. Admission, 1868 (Conness) Pams. U. S. history v. 1. Alabama, Confederate privateer. Geffcken. Alabama Frage. McCarthy- History of our own times. Moore. Rebellion record 9:217; 11:587. Claims (Davis) Pams. war of succession v. 6. et le droit de gens (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 52: 224. Geneva award (Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:47. Alamanni. Schlacht bei Strassburg, 357 (Hecker) J ah rb. Philol. 139:59. Alameda county, California. Harvey. Centennial history 1876. (Shinn) Overland II : 1 :596. Fruit culture in (Burns) Overland II: 12:1. Alarcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de. d. 1639. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 11 : 1. Alaric, king of the Visigoths. Bayle. Dictionary. Burigny. Histoire de Sicile 1 : 349. Claudianus. De bello Getico. Dahn. Kb'nige der Germanen 5:21. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 30-31. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders v. 1. Siege de Rome (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 44: 46, 788. Alary, P : Joseph de, prior. 1689-1770. Alembert. Oeuvres 11:391. Alaska. See also Seals, Sitka, Yukon. Bibliography. Bancroft, History of Alas- ka xxiii- Dall, Coast pilot : Alaska, app. 1. Belcher. Voyage 1 : 92. Cook. Third" voyage v. 2. Corwin cruises : 1881, 1885. Duflot de Mofras. Exploration de 1'Ore- gon 2:297. Kotzebue. Voyage. 1815. 1:187; New voyage. 1825. 2:27. Langsdorff. Voyages, pt. 2. La Pe>ouse. Voyage 1 : 354. - McClellan. Golden state. Meares. Voyages. Schwatka. Reconnaissance, 1883 (U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1884-5, v. 1). Seward. Works 5 : 559. Cession to the United States. Sumner, Works 11 : 181. U. S. House Com. Rept. 1867-8, no. 37: H. Ex. Docs. 1867-8, v. 13. Civil government. U. S. Senate Com. Re- ports 1881-2 : 457. Copper, Tanana and Koyukuk rivers (Allen) U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1886-7, v. 2. Education in (Jackson) U.S. Senate Misc. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1 ; 1885-6, v. 6. Alaska. Albumenose. Alaska. Geographical notes (Blake) Paras. travel v. 2. in 1869 (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 997. in 1875. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1875-6, v. 10, 12. in 1881. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1881-2, v. 19. in 1882 (Beardslee) U. S. Senate Misc. Docs. 1881-2, v. 4. Indians. Bancroft, Native races of the Pacific. Natural history (Henshaw, Turner) U. S. Senate M. D., 1885-6, v. 8. Population, resources. 1881 (Petroff) Pams. travel v. 2. Southern (Lindsley) Pams. travel v. 2. Alban, St. (Seint Auban.) Anglonormannishe Vie de (Uhlemann) Roman. Studien 4:543. Legende (Kb'hler) Germania 14:300. Albania. See also Arta, Dulcigno. Baker. Turkey. Finlay. History of Greece 6:28. (Gopcevic) Unsere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 96- Scutari et, 1872 (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 102: 93. Albanian language and literature. Beziehungen (Bopp) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Chants populaires (Dora d'Istria) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:03:382. Thiernamen (Stier) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. v. 11. Albans, St See St Albans. Albany, Louise Marie Caroline, comtetse d'. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 5. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:31: 257, 589, T Albany, New York. Capitol building (Schuyler) Scribner's 19: ML in 1880. United States. 10th census 18:447. Alber, jtriest. Tundalus (Sprenger) Germania 22:264. Alber di, J. B. (Mannequin) Jour. Econ. IV:27:96. Albergati, Francesco, marchete. 1728-1804. - Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 5:89. Alberic of Besancon. (Bartsch) Germania 2:449. Alberon, archbishop of Trevet. ta. Pertz, Monurn. Germ. hist., Script- ores 8 : 234. Alberoni, Ciulio, ranlinal. 1664-1752. Coxe. Kings of Spain. Duclos. Mi'inoircs secrets. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1 ) Uev. <1. il. Momlf* II: v. 30. Saint Simon. M-'iuoire-. Albert (Alberic) of Ms. 8yl>- hteder 1 U>n. Kreu/.zujr-TJ. Peter der Krenute uml(SvM) Hist. Zta. 44 Albert, bishop of Liege. Vita. Pertz, Moo. Germ, hist, Script, v. 25. Albert II, biihop ,,f IIr>ttv rlectricity( Rrantle)Roy.Soc. Trails. LKViSTS. Mntieres album. MIO'I,|-* ( ItrVhamp) Paris, Mi'm. Savan* Ktrallg. V. 28. Albumenose. und VitflloMe(Neumeister)HeideIb. I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Alchemy. 10 Alexander VI. Alchemy. Berthelot. Origines de 1'alchimie. Boyle (Rob.) Works. Chevreul. Histoire de la matiere (Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 39:401-) D'Israeli. Amenities of literature 3: 189, 229; Curiosities of literature. Hermes Trismegistiis. Book of quinte essence. Wieland. Nikolas Flamel, Paul Lukas, etc. (Werke). Artefii clavis majoris sapientiae (Chev- reul) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 36:27. Berthelot sur (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 3:371; 4:303. Chinese. Lettres e"difiantes 22:119. Martin, The Chinese 167. Paracelse et (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 26:371. Alcibiades. Landor. Works 2:122; Pericles and Aspasia. Nepos. Lives. Plato. Dialogue.s. Plutarch. Lives. als politischer Schriftsteller (Helbig) Rhein. Mus. 16:511. Ziige aus> der Geschichte (Philippi) Hist. Zeits. 57:398. Alciphron, sophist. Briefe (Hermann) Rhein. Mus. 11:58. Alcman. (Blass) Rhein. Mus. 23:545; 25:177. Aegyptische Fragment (Blass) Hermes 13:15. Fragmenta (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 10: 242, 405. Alcohol and its physiological effects. See also Intemperance. Bibliography. U. 8. Surgeon-General's Library, Index-catalogue. Anstie. Use of wines in health and dis- ease. Baer. Alcoholismus. Brunton. Disorders of digestion. Druitt. Report on cheap wines. Hammond. Physiological memoirs. (Jewell) Cal. Bd. Health Rept. 1884-6: 137. (Lathrop) Pams. on medicine v. 3. (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:816. Alcoolisme en France (Benoist) Jour. Econ. iv : 40 : 340. Entailments (Hitchcock) Mich. Bd. Health 1874 : 1. et 1'absinthisme (Dastre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 2:463. Excitants modernes. Balzac, Oeuvres 20:611. Production en Allemagne (Grad) Jour. Econ. IV: 35: 217. Role dans les socie'te's modernes (Roch- ard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:74:871. Alcoholmeter. Gebrauch (Stampfer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 3 : 237. Spirit meters. U. S. Congress 1867-8, H. Ex. Docs. v. 15. Alcohols, Chemistry of. See also Ethers. Action de 1'acide sulfurique (Se"rullas) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 11 : 213. Action de 1'acide phosphorique (Pelouze) Paris, M6m. Savaus Etrang. 6 : 369. Alcohols. Densit6 (Pouillet) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 30:407. Ethylic, and water mixtures (Dupr6) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868 : 591. Formation of alcoates (Graham) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11 : 175. Methylic, and water mixtures (Dupre") Roy. Soc. Trans. 1872:331. New class (Hofmann) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857 : 555. Naturels et artificials (Rocques) Rev. Sci. 43:481. Siedepuncte mehrerer alkoholhaltiger Fliissigkeiten (Pohl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 2. Alcott, Amos Bronson. 1799-1888. Frothingham. Transcendentalism. Alcuiii, surnamed Flaccus, also Albinus, A.D. 73^804. Choice Literature 1 : 96. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 4. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon church 2:203. Morley. English writers 1, pt. 1. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 3 : 230. Aldhelm, St., Saxon bishop. William of Malmesbury. De gestis pon- tificum (Rolls chronicles, 52). Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. (Schpnbach) Rundschau 47:93. Marjorie Daw. Revue d. d. Mondes II : 105:670. Aldrovandi, Ulysses. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 17. Aldus, printer. See Manutius. Aleardi, Aleardo, poet. 1810-78. Howells. Modern Italian poets. (Lanzky) Unsere Zeit 1879: 1:608. Alembert, Jean-le-Rond d' philosopher. 1717-83. Albert. Litte"rature f rancaise au 18. siecle 352. Brougham. Men of letters 1 : 391. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance, index. Schlosser. History of 18th century 1 : 338. Villemain. Litte>ature au 18. siecle 2 : 113. Me"moire (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 27: 65, 227 ; 28 : 87. Vie et ses travaux (Bertrand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59 : 984. Alembert 's theorem. Solutions e'le'mentaires (Catalan, Del- boeuf ) Rev. Sci. 43 : 265. Aleppo, Syria. in 1573. Ray, Travels 2 : 45. Alesia. Belagerung, B. C. 52. Jahrb. Philol. 120 : 102, 113, 172. Aleuadae. (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. Alexander, Paphlagonian imposter. Lucianus. Opera. und Perigrinus (Zeller) Rundschau v. 10. Alexander VI (Rodrigo Lenzoli Borgia), pope. 1430-1503. Creighton. Papacy during the reforma- tion v. 3-4. Roscoe. Life of Leo X. Symonds. Age of the despots. Villari. Machiavelli and his times. Alexander VII. 11 Alfred the Great. Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi), pope. d. 1667. Bargrave. Pope A. and the college of cardinals (Camden Soc. 92). Alexander III, the Great, king of Nacedon. B. 0. 356-323. Arrian. Anabasis. Curtius Rufus. De rebus Alexandrinis. Grote. History of Greece v. 12. Freeman, Historical essays v. 2. Humboldt. Cosmos. Johnson. Oriental religions: Persia. Oncken. Staatslehre des Aristoteles v. 2. Plutarch. Lives ; Morals vol. 1. Ranke. Universal history v. 1. - Rotteck. Kleine Schriften 1 : 108. Seneca. Suasiprum libri 1, 4. Valerius Maximus. De rebus Alexan- drinis. Arrny (Droysen) Hermes 12:226. (Hogarth) Jour. Philol. 17 : 1. Briefe. Echtheit (Hansen) Philologus 39:258. Dernieres campagnes ( Jurien de La Gra- viere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : f>2 : <;2, 275. Felzug am Indischen Kaukasus (Ritter) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Geschichte der Nachfolger (Droysen) Rhein. Mu-. N. F. 2:387. 511. in Afghanistan (Maiden) Jour. Philol. 12: 271. Indian expedition. Harris, Voyages 1: 386. (Lezius) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 2. March (Court) Asiatic J. N. 8. 23:46. Notice of a life, tr. from theSyriac. Jour. Amer. Orient. Soc. 4 : 357. Todesjahr (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Ziige durch Turan ( Droysen) Rhein. Mus. 2:81. Alexander the Great. Romance. Ama'lordelosRios. Literaturaespafiola 3:277. iMinlop. History of fiction. Uildische Darstellungen in Kirchen d. Mittdalters (Meissner) Herrig's Archiv I'.nich^tiirke (Luick) Anglia 11:553. Fragment in Verona (Zarncke) Berichte -ells. d. Wissens. zu Leipzig. Phil.- hi-t. 01. 29:57. Quelle des deutschen (Rochat) Germania 1:273. Texte et les sources du Libro de Alexan- dre ( Morel- Fatio) Romania 4 : 7-90. Alexander I, emperor of Russia. n77-\*-~>. (Kleinschmidt) Un'sere Zeit 1877:2:818, Lacroix. Vie de Nicolas I. v. 1. Mrttrrnich. Memoirs. ii .It- lilx'ralNme en Polngne(Mazade) .1. d. Mon.l,- II : I:, -Intorr-tin tin- liiitc.l States. Gallatin, Writings. Alexander II, >/; -mr of Russia, 1818-81. ( Kl.-ins. hinidt) TUMTC /eit 1881:1 : Mi ttiTiii'-li. Memoir-. Assassination. U. S. Foreign relations t la mi--ion err of Russia. 1845- Annual cyclopaedia l^>. 1'ortrait. Alexander III. et les re'formes (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 45: 680. Russie sous (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes May 15, 1882. Alexander of Aphrodisias. (Nourri.sson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 92 : 151, 415. Ueber die Mischung (Apelt) Philologus 45:82. Alexander ( Alexandre) of Bernay, or of Paris. - 1 1 istoire litte"raire de la France v. 15. Alexander I, of Bulgaria. Abdication. Rev. d. d. Mondes Oct. 1, 1886. Alexander, Stephen. 1806-83. National Academy Science. Biograph- ical memoirs v. 2. Alexandria, Egypt. Ancient. MannfTY, Greek thought. -- Stanley. Jewish church v. 3. -- in 5th century. Kingsley, Hypatia. -- Libraries. Edwards, Memoirs of libra- ries. -- Philosophic schools. Kingsley, His- torical lectures. -- Studien (Gercke) Rhein. Mus. 42:262, 5fK). Zur Geschichte (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mas. 86:448, - Modern (Childe) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 52:303. Alexandrinlsme. (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:91. Alexis, Wilibald, pseud. See Hiiring.G. W: II : Alexis Petrovitsch, son of Peter the Great. ( Vogue 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 39: 125, 295. Alexius, St. Legende (Blau) Germania 33: 181. Lied. Herrig's Archiv v. 17, 51, 56, 59, 73. Alfalfa. (Pabor) Pams. agriculture v. 3. Alfieri, Vittoria, conte, poet. 1749-1803. Headley. Miscellanies. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Jeffrey. Essays. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 6:pt. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Kurope v. 2- Villemain. Littcratnrc an 18. siecle 3 : 80. and Goldoni. Symonds, Southern Kurope 2:174. Alfonso X, king of Uon and Castile, "El Sabio." L98-M. A mador de los Rios. Literature espafiola 3:417 Alfonso XII, king <>f Sixtin. 1857-85. i;.-t:mration ( lieroy-Beaulieu) Krv. d. d. Alfred the Great, king <>f Knglnnd. xi9-901. r. Life of Alfred (In Six old English chronic!. Bavlr. iMi'timiary. liiiidiam. Literary men v. 1. \ Ait-.-iiiil nionunients 2:21. :KT. Wcrkc v. J (drama I. lVtriraiil Sliarpc. Miiiiuiiu-iita hi>tnriac r.rilann; Tiirncr. Hi-lory of tin- Alfred the Great. 12 Algonkin Indians. Alfred the Great. Character. Freeman, Norman conquest 1 : 48. Laws. Schmid, Gesetze d. Angelsachsen. Orosius. Vowel-length (Cook) Am. .1. Philol. 5:318. Syntax d. Pronomina u. Numeralia (Bock) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Proverbs. Language (Gropp) Pains. An- glo-Saxon v. 1. Neue ( Wulcker) Beitr. deutsch. Spra- che 1:240. Psalms 1-50 (Wichmann) Anglia 11:39. Verfasser der Metra des Boetius? (Hart- mann) Anglia 5:411. (Leicht) Anglia 6 : 126-170; 7 : 178. Algae. See also Diatomacea?. (Grimard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68:664. Aegagropila Sauteri. Stratonomie (Lo- renz) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 10. and fungi of Himalaya. Hooker, Hima- laya journal 2 : app. Corallinenalgen (bolms-Laubach) Naples Zobl. Station, pt. 4. Fresh water, of United States (Wood) Smithson. Contrib. v. 19. Marine (Anderson) Californian 3: 77. Bau u. Friichte (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Icelandic (Stromfeldt) Upsala Univ. Diss. v. 1. Morphologic (Pringsheim) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Niederste Formen (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 7. Algebra. See also Binomial theorem, Con- gruence, Cubics, Determinants, Elimi- nation, Equations, Fractions, Functions, Imaginary quantity, Irrational quan- tity, Multinomial, Quantics, Series, Sturm's theorem, Transcendants, Trans- formation. Analytical operations (Murphy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837 : 179. Expression of value of one variable quan- tity in integral powers of another (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 7. Foundation (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans, v. 7-8. Notation (Jarrett) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3:65. of logic (Mitchell, Ladd) Peirce, Studies in logic. Partitions. Expression (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:399. Powers and their differences (Burke) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 11. Reciprocitatsgesetze unter d. Resten u. Nichtresten d. Potenzen (Kummer) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1859, 1861. Reciprocitats-Satze (Igel) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. Square roots of negative quantities ; geo- metrical representation (Warren) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:241, 339. Symbolical. Real nature (Gregory) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:208. Algeria. See also Biskra, Constantina, Ka- bylia. Bryant. Letters of a traveler 2 : 219. Universal history: modern v. 14-15. Alsaciens-Lorrains en, 1875 (Louis- Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 11 : 88. Algeria. Barbarossa in. Vertot, Knights of Malta v. 4. Captif dans, au 18. siecle (Pingaud) Rev. Hist. v. 13. Charles IX et (Dareste) Acad. Sci. Mor. 71 : 183. Colonisation (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 53: 758. ( Vesin) Jour. Econ. IV : 6 : 171, 406. officielle (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 57: 481; 58:75. Condition des Strangers en (Roussel) Rev. d.d. Mondes I II: 9: 682; 10:895. Conquete (Daudet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:36:858. ( Rousset) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 67- 69, 79, 84-86, 88-90. Cultivateurs et vigne"rons (Roller) Rev. d. ,d. Mondes II 1: 73: 179. Etudes (Grammont) Rev. Hist. v. 25- Excursion dans 1'Oued-Rir (Richet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:51:443. Exploration scientifique (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 107 : 138. Extreme sud. Relations de France (Ney) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:617. Fall of, 1830. Knox, Decisive battles. Letter to Brougham (Misc. pams. v. 6). Franzosische8trafcolonie(Larnbese)Uns. Zeit 1858: 658. in 1850. Gegenwart 10 : 370. in 1859 (Duval) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 21: 257. in 1872 (Bartling) Unsere Zeit 1872:1: 657- in 1881. Journal des Economistes IV: 16:81. ( Vogt) Unsere Zeit 1881 : 2: 504. Prise de Narah, 1849 (Bocher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:855. Produits maritimes(Fillias) Pams. travel v. 4. Questions, et Tunisiennes. 1887 (Gomel) Jour. Econ. IV:40:176. Reforme administrative. 1860 (Duval) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 25 : 5. 295 ; 27 : 84. Regime commercial (Lavollee) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 881. Skizzen aus (Marlet) Unsere Zeit 1887:2: 368. sousl'empire(Vacherot) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:83:173. Tribunaux de justice (Roussel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 16: 678. Voyage to. Tyndall, Fragments v. 1. Algiers, city. ( Morse) Californian 3 : 468. Bombardment, 1816. James, Naval his- tory 6:397. Naval chronicle. Algodon bay, Bolivia. (Bibra) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Algonkin Indians. Language. Eastern tribes (Prince) Amer. J. Philol. 9:310. Grammar (Trumbull) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1870:105. Lord's prayer in (Trumbull) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1872 : 113. Names for man (Trumbull) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1871:138. Verb (Trumbull) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1876:172. Algorithms. 13 Alphabet. Algorithms. (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 180J-11. ?]liminirungsmethode (Gruson) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Alhambra palace, Granada, Spain. Ainicis. Spain 3<>5. Brentano. Schrif ten 1:366 (poem). Bryant. Letters of a traveler 2:201. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 3. Hacklander. Werke 24 : 61. Irving. Alhambra (tale). Mangm. Jardins 82. March. Madeira 358. - Martiniere. Dictionnaire 3 : 205. Pinkerton. Voyages 5 : 298. yuinet. Mes vacances en Espagne(Oeu- vres 11:229). - Wallis. Glimpses of Spain 334. All Kourschid Bey. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:53:199. All Pasha. 1750-1822. (Challernel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:73:886. Alif Lalla. See Arabian nights' entertain- ments. Alisma Plant ago. Milchsaftgange (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 13. Alison, Sir Archibald, historian, critic. 1792- 1868. Bayne. Essays 2d series. History of Europe. Headley, Miscel- lanies. Alkali. See alto Ammonia, Bleaching. Artificial vegeto-. (Fownes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845:253. (Stenhouse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:47. Decomposition by electricity (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1808:1. Oxidation by A. peroxides (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:837. Planzenalkali (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1792-7. Allanite. from Greenland (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 6:371. Alleghanies. See Appalachian mountains. Allegiance. See alto Citizenship, Naturali- zation, Patriotism. Allen. Roval prerogative. Godwin. Political justice 1 :223. Allegory. -- Hegel. Aesthetik (Werke 10:1:498). Herder. Adrastea (Werke 23:309). Allen, Ethan. 1737-89. Sparks' American biography v. 1. Allen, Orlando. (Bryant) Buffalo Historical Society v. 1. Allen,' Wijliam, cardinal. 1532-94. Pi-rarli. Amenities of literature. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Allingham, Mrs. Kiiskin. Art of Kn^land. Alliteration. Alliterative. V'etter. Zum Musjiilli. l.-i den romisch.-n 1'rosaikern (Bint/.) I'hilolnvru- II en romanilc France. Romania 11 : 572. English, im It. Jahrhundort ( Ui-s. v. 4. in den friesischen Rechtsquellen (Heyne) Gerinania 9:437. in Latin (Peck) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15:58. Poetry (Kennedy) Afternoon lectures 3: 87. Percy, Reliques 2 : 285. (Skeat) Percy, Folio manuscript v. 3. (Wilken) Gerinania i'4:257. Alloys. Analysis by spectroscope (Lockyer) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1874 : 495. Electric conductivity (Matthiessen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860 : 161 ; 1864 :!;:. Kmploi des forces e'lectro-chimiques (Bec- querel) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 38:499. Expansion by heat (Matthiessen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:861. Specific gravity (Matthiessen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:177. Allston, Washington, poet, painter. 1779- 1843. (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1881 :;!;. Huntington. View of fine arts 269. Jameson (Mrs.) Essay. Ossoli. Papers on literature. Sumner. The scholar, the jurist, etc. (Works, v. 1). Tuckerman. Artist life. Almanacs. See Calendar, Chronology. Alnmcantar. "(Chandler) Harvard Astron. Observ. An- nals v. 17. Alphabet. See also Consonants, Hieroglyph- ics. Itunt-s, Vowels. - Taylor. The alphabet. 1883. Actionische, auf Samos (Curtius) Rhfin. Mus. 29:159. Anordnung u. Verwandschaft des S?mit- ischen, Indischen, Alt-Perischen, Atlii- opischen, etc. (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1835. de la Polvne'sie asiatique. Humboldt (K:W:v.)'Werke7:397. Discrepancies of early (Cayley) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1873-4:69. Ktryptian(Hincks) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21. Kuropean, anpliqiu' aux lan^ui-s asia^- tii|ties. Volney, Oeuvres v. 8. Greek. Contractions. Classical Jour. v. 9-11. Geschichte(Gardthausen)Rhein. Mus. |o:599. Studien zur Geschichte (Kirchhotf) Berlin Akad. Ahh. 1863. Theory of. Donaldson, New Cratylus 167. I'seof sigma(Dalzel) Roy. Edin. Trans. v. _'. Variations, mntractions, etc. Ha--. Jour. v. 9, 10, 11. and Unman. Egyptian origin (Wedg- wood) Philol. Soc. 1'rnc. 5:1. Ionic carlv (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 7:220. Latin. <;.-, hi. l.tc ( UitM-hl) IMn-in.Mus. Jl: I l..-|.-iii-' stan. lard (Whitney) .1. Am. Or. Letter I* (Graff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Alphabet. 14 Altitude. Alpnabet. Letter R (Wey mouth) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1862-3:264. Modern names of letters (Cayley) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1870-2, pt. 1. Origines, de"veloppement (Maury) Rev. d. d.Mondes 111:11:121. Persian cuneiform (Salisbury) J. Am. Or. Soc. 1:517. Phoenician. Volney, Oeuvres 7 : 329. Relative legibility of the small letters (Sunford) Amer. J. Psych. 1 : 402. Writing(Kearney,Carmichael) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3, 12. " Zend. Urspriingliche (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Alpharts Tod. Untersuchung (Neumann) Germania 25: 300. Alps. See also Blanc mountain, Glaciers. Cheever. Pilgrim of the Jungfrau. Dana. Month's tour in the Alps. Forbes (Ja. I).). Life and letters. Gegen wart 8:115. Headley. Alps and the Rhine. Quinet." M6moires d'exil 1 : 165. Trollope. Italy from the Alps to Etna. Animals living at 20,000 feet altitude (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Bahnen. Unsere Zeit 1868 : 2 : 865. - Bavarian (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Berninagebirge (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Centrale Bahlen (Stein) Unsere Zeit 1880: 2:588. Col du Lion (Giissfeldt) Rundschau 29: 438. - Foot of the Rigi ( Byers) Calif ornian 6 : 120. Geology. Works by : Agassiz, Forbes, Heim, Hunt, Shaler, Tyndall. Jenseits der Schneegrenze (Giissfeldt) Rundschau 23:383. Love of the. Symonds, Southern Europe 2 : 284. Reboisement (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:43:625. Schneeregionen (Giissfeldt) Rundschau 11:410. Sketching tour. Barnard, Drawing from nature. Ueber den St. Gothard. Hackllinder, Werke v. 40. Verbreitung grosser Geschiebe (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Wirthschaft. Unsere Zeit 1860 : 428. Alsace-Lorraine (Elsass-Lothringen). Cession to Germany. Bismarck, Reden 2:28,67- Contes populaires (Cosquin) Romania v. 5-7, 9-10. Deutschland und, 1887. Rundschau 50: 228. Emigration, 1872 (Me"zieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:102:560. et 1'empire germanique, 1880. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:721; 40:241. , Finances, 1882 (Muller) Jour. Econ. IV: 17:20. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire 1 : 184. in 1840. Rouvrois, Voyage pittoresque. in 1846. Mercure alsacien. in 1871 (Riickert) Unsere Zeit 1871 : 1 : 1- in 1871-5 (W: Muller) Unsere Zeit 1876: 1 : 1, 200, 363. Alsace-Lorraine, in 1872 (Reybaud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:213, 353. in 1876-87 (W: Miiller) Unsere Zeit 1887: 2:145,376. Le"gendes (Schure") Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 60:784. pendant 1'armistice, 1871 (Me"zieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:92:72. Propagande prussienne en (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 93: 589. Regime allemand, 1878. Revue d. d. Mondes III: 26: 448. Reichstagswahlen, 1887. Rundschau 51 : 408. Reunion & la France (Giraud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 90: 716. Rhine boundary question. Blackie, War songs of the Germans. Right of conquest (Holtzendorff) Parns. history v. 12. Rive gauche du Rhin an 10. siecle (Gour- dault) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 92: 659. Situation e"conomique, 1882 (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 54: 118. sous le regime jmissien (Rambaud) Rev. d. d.Mondes II: 93: 138. (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :93:401. (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:102: 218. Sprachgrenze (Kiepert) Zts. Erdkunde 9: Union douaniere de 1'Europe centrale (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV: 44: 329. Unsere Grenzen (Wachs) Rundschau 51 : 93. vor d. Revolution von 1789 (Schneegans) Rundschau 23:415. WiedergewinnungfiirDeutschland( Wag- ner) Pains, history v. 12. Altai mountains. Atkinson. Siberia 169. Sprachengeschlecht(Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847, 1859, 1861, 1866, 1869, 1871. Altaich. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. v. 4, 17, 20. Altars. See also Sacrifices, Worship. Fulviana. Inschrift (Zangemeister) Rhein. Mus. 19:49. Altenberg on-the-Danube. Therme. Geologie (Burgerstein) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. Alternative. - Defense de (Clay) Grit. Philos. N. S. 8:345. Altitude. See also Barometer, Climate, Tem- perature. Barometrical and trigonometrical (Sa- bine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824: 290. method of measure (Christie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1846:121. (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851. (Fisher) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803:108. (Gilbert) U. S. Geological Survey, Re- port 1881. Determination by boiling point of water (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:409; 21: 235. Effect in pulmonary disease (Yeo) Fortn. Rev. 37 : 636. Mondealpestre (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:27:121. Altmann. 15 American Colonization Society. Altmann, St., bislwp of Passati. Vita. Pertz, Mon. German, hist., Script. 12 : 22G. Altruism. See Egoism, Sympathy. Aluminium. (Henderson) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Atomic weight: revision (Mallet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880:1003. Honigstein (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Alva, Ferdinand Alvarez, duke of. 1508-82. Motley. Dutch republic. Prescott. Philip II. Rotteck. Kleine Schrif ten 1 : 138. en Flandre (Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:411. Alvarado, Juan Bautista, governor of Cali- fornia. (Hittell) Overland II :6:337, 459. Amadis of Gaul. See Lobeira, V. Amalekites. und andre Nachbarvolker (Noldeke) Or. u. Occid. v. 2. Amalgam. See also Alloys. -- Kmploi cles forcese'lectro-chimiquespour la formation (Becquerel) Paris, M4m. Acad. Sci. 38 : 499. Prozess (Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Amasia, Asia Minor. in 1862 (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44 : 896. Amazon river, Brazil. La Condamine. Descent of (Pinkerton's Voyages v. 14). Lettres e'difiantes 8 : 284. \Vin-or. History of America v. 2. Bates' explorations (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 46: 703. Tupi language (Hartt) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1872:58. Valley. Herdon and Gibbon, Explora- tion. Amazons. Kleist. Penthesilea (Werke v. 1). Strain*. Geography. of South America. Humboldt, Equinoc- tial Am erica 2: 399. Raleigh. Discovery of Guiana (Works v.8). - Van Henvel. El Dorado. Painting "ii < nrncto sarcophagus (Col- vin) J. Hellenic Stud. 4: Statiicii von I'lii.lias. I'olyklet (Klug- iiiami) KheJn. MUM. 21:321.' Ambassadors. Virtues and office. Phil Jinlacu.s, Works v 1. Amber. Bernstein (Blau) Zts. morgenl. (Jesell. v. 23. Kli-ktnm ( r.uttiiiaiin) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1-Is 1'.'. Ambition. B:i' ays. Bossuet Oeuvr.'S eaoiflM 5:358. Amboise, (Si-orge aire de la France v. 1. Newman. Historical sketches v. 1. Ambrosiaceae. Vergleichende Anatomic (Hildebrandt) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Amelungen Lied. See Hildebrandslied, Nil>- elungen. America. Antiquities. See also Indians of North America. (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:400. Smithsonian Institution. Publications. Mississippi monuments (Squier) Am. Ethnol. Soc. 2:131. Moundbuilders. Switzler, History of Missouri. Tennessee remains (Troost) Am. Ethnol. Soc. 1:355. Virginia. Grave creek (Schoolcraft) Am. Ethnol. Soc. 1 : 369. America. Discovery. Belknap. Biographies of early discover- ers. Doyle. English colonies in America ch. 4. Kingsley. Historical lectures 237. (Rosseeuw-Saint Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 23:409; 24:217. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 6:314. Consequences (Leblois) Critique Relig. 3:231. by Chinese. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 34. (Davis) Overland II :6:1; Pams. eth- nology v. 2. by Madoc. Woodward, Wales 2 : 316. Pre-Columbian. Bibliography. Lib. Jour. 6:227; Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 37. America. Description and Trnri-l. Bibliography of bibliographies by : Ford (Lib. Jour. v. 13), Sabin. Early explorations, historians. Bos- ton Pub. Lib. Bull. nos. 38-42. Early English explorations. Monthly Reference Lists } : L'7. Maps, 1540-1600. Boston Pub. Lib. Hull. no. 41. America. History. Bibliography. Harvard Univ. Lib. Bull. no. <>- Local history. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. 5:336- -- Political progress of nations. U. S. Sen- ate reports, 1885-!i. (iiirley. Life of A>liiiiun. Johnson. Life of Garrison. e. On colonization (Slavery - Park. Memoir of S. Hopkins. - Spring. M.-moir oi I:, v 3, .1 Mill-. Stockton (Com. K. F.) Life ami -p.. American Literature. 16 Amphitheaters. American literature. Works by: Nichol, Richardson, Tyler. Brownson. Works 19 : 1, 22, 203. (Brunnemann) Herrig's Archiv 36:241- 298 Channing. Works 1 : 243. Ossoli. Papers on art, literature, pt. 2. Shaw. English literature. 1853. Whitman. Democratic vistas. Directory of writers, 1884 (Griswold) Pams. literature v. 1. in 1840. American almanac 1840. List of writers, 1888. Publishers' Weekly Jan. 21, 1888. Motives for exertion (Everett) History pams. v. 5. New England early. Winsor's Boston, index. Prose writers. Headley, Miscellanies. American party. See also Know-Nothing party. Brownson. Works 10:17; 18:281. (Mills) Pams. U. S. history v. 2. Address, platform, 1886. "Pams. U. S. his- tory v. 2. American tract society. Lowell. Political essays. Americanisms. See also Calif ornianisms. (Bristed) Cambridge essays, 1855. Charleston provincialisms (Primer) Am. J.Philol. 9:198. - Political (Norton) Mag. Am. Hist. 12: 564; 13:98,495. Southernisms (Smith) Am. Philol. Assoc. 14:42; 17:34. Ames, Fisher. 1759-1808. Brownson. Works 16:379. Gibbs. Walcott's Memoirs. Perry. Biographical sketches of Ameri- can statesmen 518. Rives. Life of Madison. Amethyst. Neue Varietat (Haidinger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:195. Optical structure (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:139. Amicis, Edmondo de. 1846- (Rod) Rev. d. d. Mondes April, 1884. Unsere Zeit 1878:2:224. Amidon. (Payen) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 8: 209. Amiel, Henri Fre'de'ric. Arnold. Essays in criticism, 2d series. (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes Jan., 1886. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 23: 145, 177; 25: 385; 26:33,113. - Dernie>s anne"es (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes Oct., 1884. Maladie de ride"al (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes Feb., 1883. Amiens, France. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monuments v.3. Constitution communale. Thierry. Tiers e"tat 295. Coutumes locales (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 28:117. Fgodalite", communes, coutumes (Trop- long) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9: 142. Peace of, 1801-2. Wyndham, Speeches. Vicissitudes historiques (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 106 : 648. Ammianus Marcellinus, historian. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 23. (Wirz) Philologus 36:627. Bentley's Handexemplar (Schroder) Rhein. Mus. 35:336. Quaestiones (Gunther) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Ammon. Orakel und Oase (Parthey) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Ammonia. Action on chlorides and oxides of mer- cury (Kane) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 17. Chloride solutions. Change in the dark (Leeds) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Compounds (Wurtz) Pans, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 11:777. Nature of (Kane) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 19. Einwirkung auf Aldehyde (Bach) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Experiments, analysis (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1809:430. Nitrite (Leeds) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Oxidation in the body (Jones)'Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851:399. Union of A. nitrate with (Odling) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1873 : 359. Wasserfreie schwefe'lsaure, schweflicht- saure (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Wirkung auf Diketone (Siillwald) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Ammonites. See also Nautilus. in d. alteren Gebirgs-Schichten (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Ammonium. Determination. Chloroplatinate method (Dittrnar) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:561. Ammonius Saccas. Quelle der Ueberlieferung (Arnim) Rhein. Mus. 42: 276. Amnion. Dropsy of (Pelzer) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Amoor river. See also works on Siberia. Collins. Voyage down the Amoor. Amurland. Unsere Zeit 1861 : 17. Russes sur (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:15:815. Ampere, Andre" Marie, mat hematician. 177&- 1836. Arago. Oeuvres v. 2. Mariage (Weiss) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 99:688. Ampere, Jean Jacques A., historian, archaeol- ogist. 1800-64. Hamerton. Modern Frenchmen. Sainte-Beuve. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 77 : 5; also Nouveaux Lundis 13:183. Amphibia. See also Batrachia, Frogs, Rep- tiles. Urodela: skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877:529. Ampuipoda. Adriatic sea (Heller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 26. New genus (Willembes-Suhm) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873 : 629. Amphitheaters. See also Nismes. Flavian, at Rome. Gailhabaud, Monu- ments v. 1. Ainrtim Island. 17 Anaximenes. Amrum island. Sprachlehre (Bremer) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Amsterdam, Holland. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 1 :239. in 1U72. Temple. Works 1:95. Itise and fall (Heath) Choice Literature 2:191. Amusements. See also Athletics, Bicycles, Boats, Bull-fights, Festivals, Yachts, names of sports. and health (Brigham) Michigan Bd. Health 1877:27. Books on. Critic N. S. 7:93; Literary Now* 8:149. British. Brande, Antiquities of Great Britain. KM-OU. England. Wright. Homes of other days. Greek. Condillac, Histoire ancienne (Oeuvres v. 10). Oldest. Wieland, Werke 33 : 75. Popular. Jevons, Methods of social re- form. - 1'uritan. Withington.The Puritan 1:202. Recreation. Helps, Friends in council v. 1. Scottish. Tytler, History of Scotland 2: 278. . ni>h. Jovellanos, Diversiones (Bibl. i-~pana 46:480). - Theorie esthgtique (Renouvier) Crit. Phi- los. IS. S. 1:81. Amylene hydrate. als Schlafmittel (Avellis) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Amyls. of the fatty acids (Rowney) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 :'299. Amyot, Jacques. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 4. Anabaptists. Adams. Emancipation of Massachusetts 105. Bayle. Dictionary 1 : 628. Catrou. Histoire des Anabaptistes. Davies. History of Holland. Dyer. History of Europe 1 : 567. Robertson. Charles V. I'nipagnnde (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :1"1 : I!,.'., 298. Wiederherstellungd. katholi-chen Kin-he nach 1535-7 (Keller) Hist. Xeit. 47:4l*>. Anacreon. Sainte-Beuve Premiers Lmnlis v. 1. and Polycrates. Landor, Works 2 : 38. au 1C. siecle. Sainte-Beuve, Tableau de la po&de franca; Bergk's edition. Khein. Mus. 3: 128, 260. M.-tn- (M. K.) Classical Jour, v. 3-5. PMndttUiakreonta ( Han^m) I'hilologus 145. Anaesthetics. See alto Narcotics. (Dastn-i K.'v. .1. ,1. Mon.lt- III : l_':850. Gegfiiwart 7:91. itant- mudernes. Balzac, Oeuvres 20: (ill. Analytic geometry. Itihlio^raphy. Harvard Library. Bull. iio,| (Woodhotue) Roy. Soc. Tran- 1802:85. Anam (including Tonquin). Churchill. Voyages v. 6. Dampier. Voyages 2 : 1. Lettres Mifiantes 16 : 1, 200, 245; 18 : 108. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 6 : 1078. Universal history : modern 6:417. Annexation (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:41:350. Campagne, 1861 (Pallu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 427300. China and, 1883 (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 57: 165. Colonie de la Cochin Chine, 1871. Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 97: 204. --- (Kerrilis) Jour. Econ. IV: 13: 263. --- (Vial) Jour. Econ. IV: 12: 395. -- de Saigon (Duchesne de Bellecourt) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 68:427. Finances du Tonkin, 1887 (Gervals) Jour. Econ. IV :39: 161. French in (Chasse") Jour. Econ. 111:32- 239. in 1835. Ruschenberger, Voyage 347. in 1867 (Des Varannes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:73:957. in 1884(Hellwald)Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 507- in 1889 (Lanessan) Rev. Sci. 43:258. Language. Schrift und (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Mission arche'ologique (Delaporte) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111: 23: 421. Politique francaise, 1862-3 (Galos) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:51:173. --- 1877 (Merruau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:23:618. Relations commercials, 1874 (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 3 : 147. Usages (Glasson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131 : 419. Anarchy. See alto Government. Anarchistes de Boston (Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. IV :41: 375. Anatolia, Asia Minor. Turcsdans(Levasseur) Jour.Econ.II :43: _>, ;_>_ (Per rot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44 : 99. Anatomy. See also Bone, Physiology, names of parts. Comparative. Beobachtunpen (Rudol- phi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. gen<5rale et les travauz de Robin ( 1'apil- lon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:88:330. systematik (Lohrer) Marburg Univ. Diss. V. L'. Anaxagoras, philosopher. B. C. 499- Bayle. Dictionary v. 1 and index. Hegel. Werke 13": 3 1 1. und Empedocles. Zeitverhiiltnisse (Un- ger) Philologus, suppl. v. 4. Histories of philosophy by : Ritter (1: L'!7), Brandi.s (1:232). Anaximander :!7. Xahlwort (Fricke) Giitt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Anglo-Saxon laws. Earle. Hand-hook to the land-charters. K--ays in Anglo-Saxon law. I - Kemble. Codex diplomaticus. Squire. Enquiry into foundation of En- glish constitution. Schmid's Gesetze. Grimm, Kleinere -chriften5:312. Anglo-Saxon literature. See also Poetry. Bibliographical reference*. Wiilrker, A-S. Litteratnr. 1S85. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's v. 12. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon church v. Longfellow. Prose works 1:384. (Miiller) Herrig's Archiv 28:377. Influence of Latin -yntax in Gospels (<>wen) Am. Philol. Assoc. 13:. Vi. Study (March) I'. S. Comm'r. Kduc. Re- port L876:47& Anglo-Saxons. Hi-torics by : Kemble, Turner, Palgrave, Wright, and Histories of Kngland. I>e Vere. LegemNof the Saxon saints. I Israeli. Amenities of literature V. 1. Freeman. Norman conquest. Millar. English government. Milman. Latin Christianity. Stnbbs. Constitutional history of En- land v. 1. I " n version to Christianity. Montalcin- iHTt. Monks of the wc-t v. t. |iotne.YJ. v. 1. Hi-tory ( < MTV inn-) I 'a ins. hi-tory v. 3. B, character (Hawkins) Hi-t. ad- dre--es v. 1. Wexford colony (Vallnncey) Hoy. Irish Trans, v. '_'. Angola Africa I \\ Qrenzlftnder (Bastian) Xt-. l-lrdkun-le '>. 420. Angora, .1 '/ Trnis mo ' i 1'errot) Uev. d. d. Mon.les II : II: SKI. Angouleme, Marie T. ( ' .. I. as treated by the poets (Robinson) Choice Literature 2: 119. (Tobler) Zeits. Volkerpsychologie 2:211. at height of 20,000 feet(Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Biicher des Mittelalters (Kressner) Her- rig's Archiv. 55 : 241. Cave, of N. America (Packard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Cruelty to. Hogarth, Works. Jevons. Methods in social reform. Domestic. Veredlung (Thaer) Berlin Aka.l. Abb. 1811-13. Extinct. Depuis les ages histori<|iies (Blanchard)Hey.d.d.Mondes 1 1 :s::i;7,V Geographical distribution, llanghton, Physical geography. (Maury) Rev. d. 1. Mondes \\-.-l\-. 100. Gregarious. Berthelot, Science et philos- ophic 17J. Intelligence of. Buckland, Curiosities of natural hi-tory. Calderwood. Mind and brain. Condillac. Traite" des animaux (Oeu- vres v. 3). Hartley. Observations on man 1 :404. Romanes. Intelligence of animals; Mental evolution of animals. Stewart. Philosophy of the human mind v. 3. Wood. Man and beast. Land or water, most crafty '.' Plutarch, Morals v. 5. Mental evolution(Espinas)Rev.Philo-. 25:1. evolution (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 4 : 'J Mental phenomena. Huxley, Life of Hume. l'-e of rea-on. Plutarch, Moral Willensaii-M. nmg (Schneider) Viertelj. \vi--en. 1'hilos. v. 3. Kingdom. Harmonies ( !,' venue) Acad. !!i::tti7. Land. EntMehung. Cu-ere Xeit 1^1 : i . Mexii-an. Hernandez' Descriptio. P.erlin Akad. Al.h. 1- Premiers orjraniMiie- terre-tn-s (Saporta ) d. .1. Mondes II :'n; Schiitz-und Triit/watl'en dor ( Marshall) In-. Xeit : S.-hiii/vorrichtnngeii(Seitx)Gic!sen I'niv. v. -2. Souls of. Bayle, Dictionary. Animals. 20 Antarctic Regions. Animals. Souls of. Leibniz. Opera philos. ed. Erdmann 463. - Lettres ddifiantes 28: 168. Norris. Ideal world 2:58. (Nourrisson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98:449. (Saint-Germain) Acad. Sci. Mor. 89: 241, 445. Animism, Anima mundi. Oersted. Soul in nature. Schelling. Von der Weltseele. (Siimmtl Worke v. 2). Tylor. Primitive culture. Ame du monde (Nourrisson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97:65. Platonische Weltseele(Ueberweg) Rhein. Mus.9:37, 320. Stahl et (Lemoine) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 42- 45. Univers anim4. Him, Me"canique de la chaleur v. 2. Anna Ivanovna, empress of Russia. 1694- 1740. (Barthold) Histor. Taschenbuch 1836. Anne, Mh queen regnant of England. 1664- 1714. Ashton. Social life in the reign of queen Anne. Burnet. History of his own times. Burton. History of reign of queen Anne. Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 2. Lecky. England in the 18. century. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Morris. Age of Anne. Strickland. Queens of England v. 8. Swift. Four last years of reign of Anne. Anne Boleyn, 2d queen of Henry VIII. 1507- 36. Bayle. Dictionary. - Bayley. Tower of London 1:69; 2:365. - Burnet. Reformation. 1679. 1 : 205. Ellis. Original letters illus. English his- tory 1 : 2 : 32- Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Strickland. Queens of England 2 : 562. Thierry. Dix ans d'e"tudes historiques 446. Calligraphy. Mackintosh, History of England 2: app. Coronation, 1533. Arber's English garner v. 2. Anne Hyde, queen of James II. 1637-71. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Conversion to Roman Catholicism. Dry- den, Prose works v. 3. Anne of Austria, queen of France, consort of Louis XII. 1601-66. Birch-Pfeiffer. Anna von Oestreich(Dra- mat. Werke v. 19.) Me* moires. La Rochefoucauld, Oeuvres. Anne of Bohemia, queen of Richard II. d. 1394. Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 591. Anne of Cleves, 4th queen of Henry VIII. d. 1557. Strickland. Queens of England 3: 31. Anne of Denmark, queen-consort of James I. 1574-1619. Strickland. Queens of England 5 : 1. Anne of Warwick, queen of Richard III. Strickland. Queens of England 2 : 373. Annelida. Japanese (Marenzeller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 41. Reproductive organs (Williams) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1858 : 93. Tubifex. Structure(McIntosh)Roy.Edin. Trans. 26:253. Annexation of territory. See also Alaska, Cuba, San Domingo, Texas. Gait. Political essays. Anno II, St., archbishop of Cologne. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scriptores v. 11. Annolied. Dichter des (Holtzmann)Germania 2:1. Annuities. See also Life insurance, Mortal- ity. Calculation of (Lubbock) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3 : 141. Comparison of tables (Lubbock) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3 : 321. Estimation of value (Gompertz) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1820, 1825, 1862. Tables de mortalite" pour (Boutteville) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11 : 166. (Villerme", etc.) Acad. Sci. Mor. 26:395, 422; 32:119. Annulosa. See also Annelida, Bdellida, Cen- tipedes, Crustacea, Insects, Nemetoda, Parasites and Entozoa, Peripatus, Spi- ders, Sternaspis,Trematoda,Turbellaria, Worms. Generative organs (Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:595. Anomaly (Astronomical). Calculation of (Robertson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1816:127. De"veloppement de 1'A. vraie (La Place) Paris, Me"iri. Acad. Sci. 6:61. Anschaire, St., bishop of Hamburg. Vita. Pertz, Mon. German, hist., Script. v. 2. Ansdell, Richard. British painters. Anselm, St., archbishop of Canterbury. 1034- 1109. Histories of philosophy by : Ritter (7 : 315). Church. St. Anselm. Eadmer of Canterbury. Vita (Rolls chronicles, 81; Migne, Patrol. Lat. v. 158). Freeman. William Rufus. Histoire litteraire de la France v. 9. Hook. Lives of the archbishops 2: 169. Maurice. Moral and metaphysical phi- losophy 1 : 514. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 6. William of Malmesbury. De gestis pon- tificum (Rolls chronicles, 52). Anselme of Laon. d. 1117. Histoire litteraire de la France v. 10- Anselmo, St., bishop of Lucca. 1036-86. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, histor. Script. v. 12, 20. Anstie, Francis E., M.D. (Buzzard) Pams. biography v. 3. Antar, Arabian poet, warrior. Lamartine, Pilgrimage v. 2; also Vies. Antartic regions. Challenger voyage. Narrative 1 : pt. 1. Antarctic Regions. 21 Antoninus. Antarctic regions. Moseley. Naturalist on the Challenger ch. 10. Wilkes. United States exploring expedi- tion 1:133; 2:281. Discoveries, 1833 (Enderby) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3:104. Expeditions (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:1:802. Ice islands. Cook, Second voyage. Ice sheet. Croll. Discussions on climate and cosmology. Anteaters. Anatomy (Macalister) Roy. Irish Trans. v '' > Soienodon Cubanus (Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Antedon rosaceus. Development (Bury) Roy. Soc. Trans. 17!):2.")7. Kmbryoeeny (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:513. Structure, physiology (Carpenter) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:671. Antelope. North African (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Anthracaridae. (Packard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Anthracene. Products of decomposition (Anderson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:681. Anthrax. Abechwichang dcr Milzbnmdbacillen ( Koch, etc.) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Mittheil. 2: 117. Aetiologie (Koch) Berlin, K. Gesundheit- samt, Mittheil. 1:49. Anthropology. See also Civilization, Man, Society. ttrundproblem der Philosophic (Baeren- bach) Philos. Monatsh. 10:20!. l'ro;_'n-s (Broca) Pams. ethnology v. '_'. Psycologische(Gerland)Zts. VOlicerpsycb 1:387. Kaili-' -Mage fiir Untersuchungen (Thau- low) Zts. Kthnol. 0:102. Urgeschichtsfonchong. UnsereZeitl882: ;. 7i;. Anthropometry. (Juetelet. Anthropom^trfe. i U'ei-bacli) Zeits. Kthnologie 9:1 and supplement. Habitants des ilcs Canaries (Verneau) Rev. d'Anthrop. Ill :2:H1. Inlgalite ( Lapouge) Ucv. d'Antlirop. Ill: - Mannliche Form. Humboldt ( K : \V : v..n), \Verke 1 :-'!.' 2il. Proportions du corps liumain (Bcrtillon) tl'roy St. Hilaire) Paris, M.'m. Savan- Kt rang 3: 503. Wach.sthum d. Sk. Mirer) Wien I. Data M v 'i v Anthropomorphism. See al*o work son < '><\. Reflr.xions su r ( Ituiidiitt-') Acad. >.. Merivale. ll.iinans under theemp:- Kenan. Knjrlish confen-: l:..tteck. KI.MnereScliriftell 1 Xeller. Vortriifn- I Anec.li.ta. l.e--in^. Werke !l : |:'.7. and liis a>re. Nielmhr, Letters :(: I and -loicisin. I'ollock, Essays in juri-- prudence. Antoninus. 22 Apostles. Antoninus. Jeunesse (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:671. Thoughts. Arnold (M.) Essays in criti- cism. Antoninus Liberalis, grammarian. Textkritik (Hercher) Hermes 12:306. Antonius, Marcus, the triumvir. B. C. 83-30. Plutarch. Lives. and Cleopatra. Alfieri, Tragedies. Shakespeare, Dramas. Antonius, St., abbot. 251-356. Newman. Historical sketches v. 2. Antonius, abbot of Sens. Vita. Pertz, Men. Germ, hist., Scriptores 25:345. Ants. See also Formic acid. (Blanchard) Rey.d. d. Mondes III : 11 : 780. Swedish. Studier (Adlerz) Upsala Univ. Diss. v. 1. Antwerp (Anvers), Belgium. Befestigung als europaische Frage. Unsere Zeit 1859:108. Capture, 1832. Knox, Decisive battles since Waterloo. Siege, 1584-. Motley, United Nether- lands v. 1. Schiller. Works 2 : 287. Anus. Atresia congenita (Drescher) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. - Fistula (Greffrath) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v.l. Apache Indians. Cremony. Life among the Apaches. Crook. Pams. N. American Indians v. 2. Ober. Mexico ch. 30. Country. Overland II 9 : 172. Fort Marion prisoners (Welsh) Pams. N. Amer. Indians v. 2. Geronimo's surrender. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1886-7, v. 2. - Language (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855, 1859, 1860. 1862. Mohaves and. Stratton, Captivity of the Oatman girls. Apel, Johann. 148&-1536. Muther. Universitatsleben im Zeit der Reformation. Apelles. Artemis (Dilthey) Rhein. Mus. 25:321. et la peintnre grecque (Beulg) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:48:257. A per, (jrammarian. Ella und (Hertz) Rhein. Mus. 17:578. Apes. See Monkeys. Aphasia. (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:410. Aphrodite. See Venus. Apis, bull of Memphis. Mariette sur la mere (Barthe"lemy Saint- Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor.38:289. Apocalypse (Revelation of St. John). Critique moderne (Re"ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:47:600. mit polemischer Tendenz (Steinschnei- der) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesells. v. 28-29. Philosophic (Schloesing) Crit. Philos. N. S. Apocrypha. See also Enoch, Esdras. (Ellicott) Cambridge essays 1856. Islandische (Maurer) Germania 13:59. - Kiinigsnamen (Gutschmid) Rhein. Mus. 19:161,380. Apollinaris of Laodicea, father and son. Psalter-Metaphrase (Ludwich) Hermes 13:335. Apollinaris Sidonius, C. S., St., bishop of Cler- mont. 430-488. Histoire litt^raire de la France v. 2. Latinitas (M tiller) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Poe'te-e"veque (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:11:30. Apollo. Miiller. Dorians 1 : 219-396. Tern pel zu Bassae (Lang) Rundschau 9:85. Apollo Belvidere, statue. Winckelman. Werke 1 : 226. Apollo Citharcedus. (Hoffmann) Philologus 47:678. Apollo Ler menus. (Hogarth, Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 8: 376. Apollodorus of Athens, grammarian. Bibliotheca. Excerpt (Wagner) Rhein. Mus. 41 : 134. Chronica (Diels) Rhein. Mus. 31: 1. (Unger) Philologus 41 : 602. Apollonius Dyscolus. (Schneider) Rhein. Mus. 24:585. (Uhlig) Rhein. Mus. 19:33. De adverbiis (Schneider, Dronke) Rbein. Mus. N. F. 3:446; 12:321. De emendatione (Dronke) Rhein. Mus. 9:582. De techne grammatice (Dronke) Rhein. Mus. 11 : 549. Apollonius Pergaeus, mathematician. B. C. 222. Figuier. Savants de I'antiquite". Apollonius Rhodius. (Merkel) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1 : 601. Apollonius Tyanaeus, mystic philosopher, d. A. D. 98. Baur. Drei Abhandlungen zur Philos- ophic. Bayle. Dictionary. Froude. Short studies v. 4. 6:551. Newman. Historical sketches v. 1. Philostratus. Vita. Critique allemande (RSville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 59: 620. Apollonius, king of Tyre (Romance). (Teuffel) Rhein. Mus. 27 : 103. Apophthegms. See also Maxims, Proverbs. Wiener Sammlung der griechische (Lortzing) Philologus 43:219. Apophyllite. Optical peculiarities (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9.: 317. Apoplexy. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 2. Apostles. See also Creeds, names of Apostles, Acts. - Works by: Greenwood, Renan. Lardner (N.) Works. Apostles. 23 Arabs. Apostles. Teaching of the twelve apostles. (Bonet-Maury) Crit. Philos. 25:310,343, 353,401; Crit. Kelig. 7 : 134. Apostolical succession. Works by: Carmichael, Le Courayer, Perceval. Appalachian mountains. Geognosy. Hunt, Chemical and geol. essays. Apparitions. See Demonology, Dreams, Ghosts, Illusions, Supernaturalism. Apperception. See also Consciousness, Per- ception. Begriff, in d.neuern Psychologic (Staude) Philos. Stud. 1 : 149. Dauerbeieinfachen Vorstellungen( Fried- rich) Philos. Stud. 1:39. Kant's Lehre von der Einheit (Wille) Philos. Monatsh. 18:449. Theory of (Erdmann) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 10: 307- - Versuch. Methodik (Friedrich) Philos. stud. 2:66. Zeitverhaltnisse (Tchisch) Philos. Stud. 2 : (103. Appianus, historian. (^uuestiones (Mendelssohn) Rhein. Mus. 31:201. Apples. Burroughs. Winter sunshine. and pears. Blight. Illinois Univ. Report 1880 : (J2. Tissus cellulaires(Turpin) Paris, Me"m. Acad.Sci. 17:37. Appleton, Rev. Jesse, Pret. of Bowdoin college. 1772-1819. Memoir, portrait. Anier. t^uar. Reg. 11 : 1. Apprentices. See also Children as laborers. Ecoles (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 99:518. en France (Simon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 55:717. in Germany, 1888. U. S. Consular report 103. London. Songs and ballads. Percy Soc. v. 1. Apuleius. A. D. 130-174. Dunlop. History of fiction. Beitriige zur Kritik (L. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 23:445. et son temps (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Monde* Ul:28:42L GriechischeStellen(Spengel) Rhfin. Mus. 16:27. Ma^i" i'-ti (Monceaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:85:571. Metamorphoses (Rolule) Rhein. Mus. 80:9 8ainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis2:422. (Teuffel) Itl.iMM. Mus. i!i :_:,. Quaestiones (Ik-ytt-) <;<">tt. I'niv. I>ixs. v.5. Apuleius (Pseudo i De orthographia (Crusius) Philologus N. F. 1: I.'JI. Apulia, Italy. A tr.iv.-r- ( I.i-normant) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :.-;: 1r- genl. Gesell. v. i. Karl der Grosse in (Bacher) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell. v. 34. Arabic language. Pronunciation (Smith) Robinson, Biblical researches v. 3. Source of European languages. Asiatic Jour. 6:274- Sprachlaute u. deren Unschrift (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1861. Arabic literature. Drama. Klein, Geschichte des Drama's v. 8. in Spain. Amador de los Rios, Literatura espaflola v. 2. Villemain, Literature au moyen Age 1:103. Zwei Pergamentblatter (Rodiger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. Arabinose. Galactose, etc. (Stone) Gi.tt. Tniv. IM^s. V. -v Arabs (Saracens). See alto Arabia. Herder. Philosophic der Gwehfohte 4 : ft Pertz. Monumenta German, bi-tor . Scrip to res v. 2-3- Bedouin. Martinifro, Dictionnairi' v. 1 Culture and learniiiK. Bvrington, Liter- ary history. l)ra|>cr, Intellectual development of Kim>|,r. GiiiKuin.'. Histoire litt.'rairo v. 1. Ilumlx.ldt. Coanionv. 2. Arabs. 24 Architecture. Arabs. Culture and learning. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature south Europe v. 1. Turner. England in the middle ages v. 4. in Italy. Burigny, HistoiredeSicile 1:364. in Spain. Abd-el-Hakim, History (Hist. pains, v. 9). Cclmeiro, Economia politica 1 : 161. Coppe"e, Conquest of Spain. Florian. Oeuvres v. 1. Irving. Conquest of Granada. Histories of Spain by Dunham, Lembke (v 1-2). Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella 1: ch. 8. Expulsion. Geddes, Tracts. 1702. - Revolt, 1568. Prescott, Philip II,bk.5. Stirling-Maxwell, Don John of Aus- tria v. 1. Aracan. Notes on (Comstock) J. Am. Or. Soc. 1: 219. Aracese. Aroiderc (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1840. Araclmida. See Spiders. Arago, D. F. J. 1786-1853. Autobiography. Smithsonian Report, 1870. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 10. Eloge (Jamin) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 44 : Ixxix. Aragonite. Epoptische Figuren ohne vorlaufige Po- larisation (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Aral sea. Alte Oxuslauf und (Kiepert) Zts. Erd- kunde9:266. Aran islands, Ireland. (O'Flaherty) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 14. Arany, Johann, poet. (Saenger) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:781. Ararat mountain. Armenian traditions about. Jour. Amer. Oriental Soc. 5 : 189. Aratus, Greek general. B. C. 271-213. Plutarch. Lives. Arbela battle, B. C. 331. Creasy. Decisive battles. (Jurien de la Graviere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:43:599. Arbitration. See also Peace, Strikes, War. Hopkins. Handbook of average. a substitute for war (Pams. on interna- tionalism). Industrial (Eichthal) Jour. Econ. IV:37: 381. International. Legare", Writings 1 :354. Pamphlets on war v. 1. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 92 : 184. Stipulated. Sumner, Works 2 : 393. Arblay, Frances Burney, Mme. d'. 1752-1840. Macaulay. Essays. Arbor day. See also Forests, Trees. Ohio State Forestry Bureau. Annual report, 1887. United States Bureau Education, Circu- lars, 1885. Arbrissel, Robert d'. 1047-1117. Histoire litt^raire de la France v. 10. Arbuthnot, John, M.D. 1675-1735. Pope. Works. Schlosser. History of 18. century 1 : 77. Swift. Works. Arcadius of Antioch. und der codex Matritensis (Galland) Rhein. Mus. 41:292. Arce, Gaspar Nunez de. See Nunez. Archaeology. See also Bronze age, Cata- combs, Ethnology, Hieroglyphics, In- scriptions, names of countries, places, tribes, etc. Comparative(Saalschiitz) Orient u. Occid. v. 1. Deutsches Institut. Unsere Zeit 1879: 2: ,481. Etudes depuis Winckelmann (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 40 : 516. Greek and Roman. De"couvertes en France (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Moudes II : 51 : 116. Kritik und Hermeneutik (Levezow) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1833. Vandalisme en Orient (Reinach) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 56: 132. Archeopteryx. (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:33. Archery. Ascham. Toxophilus. Modern (Havens) Californian 2: 106. Arches. Burr. Masonry arch. Greene. Trusses and arches. Woqdbury. Stability of arches. Equilibrium (Moseley) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5:293. Form u. Starke d. gewolbten (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Gothic. Origin (Young) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. Stability (Villarceau) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 12:503. Archestratus of Gela or Syracuse. (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 11:200. Archidamus of Sparta. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. Archilochus. Hymnen (Buchholtz) Rhein. Mus. 28:558. Archimedes, mathematician. B. C. 287-212. Figuier. Savants de 1'antiquite". Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 1 : 108-. Burning mirrors of (Scott) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25 : 123. Handschrift Georg Vallas(Heiberg) Phil- ologus42:421. Architecture. See also Acoustics, Amphi- theaters, Arches, Bridges, Churches, Decoration, House, Schools, Stone, Strength of materials, Temples, Towers, Ventilation, Wood. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. no. o5. Barry (Sir Redmond). Lectures and es- says. Bascom. Aesthetics. (Fiedler) Rundschau 15:361. Cyclopean. Schelling, Werke 1 : 9 : 336. Doric. Muller, Dorians 2 : 265. Egyptian civil (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:46:604. Elements of. Wotton, Reliquiae. Architecture. 25 Ari Thorgilssohn. Architecture. English. Influence of Nor- man on. Freeman, Norman conquest v. 5. Monastic. Fosbroke, British monach- iam. school of. Alison, Essays : political 3:199. Florentine. Yriarte, Florence 193. Gothic (Hall) Roy. Kdin. Trans, v. 4. Kingsley. Literary essays. ( Liibke) Zeits. Vdlkerpaych. 2 : 257. Schlegel (K: W: F: yon) Werke v. :. Wallon. Saint Louis et sun temp- ~2: 276. Irish ancient (Beaufort) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 15. Norman. Gray (T:) Works v. 1. Persian (Beaumont) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: .. 981. I Ionian ancient. Parker, Archaeology of Home pt. 3. Swiss, u'irtli, Beschreihungder Schweiz 1 : -258. - Vienna. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 2 : 401 ; 1878 : 1 : 881. Exhibition 1873. Reports v. 4. Archons (Athenian). Aintseid ( P.ergk) Rhein. Mus. 13:448. Atti-chni von Ol. 119, 4. 301-123, 4:285 i I 'nger) PhiIologus3S:423. De Atticis psemlepor.y mis (Boeck) Berlin A kail. Abb. ISL'T. Arctic regions. See also Antartic, Northeast and Northwest passage. A rapt. Oeii. :573. Ancient jreography (Kafn) Am. Ethnol. Trans. J:209. -trian expedition. Unsere Zeit 1874: 1 : 703. Currents (Brooks) Pains, ethnology v. 2. Dernieres expeditions (Pavy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77:21:',. I'loration. Bibliography. Monthly Keferem-f Lists l : i:.. in Is7l (Hcliwald) llundsdiau 1 in 18K5. Un-erc/cit 1888: 1:614. SSL in 1884 (Rated) Kundschau 88:1 Utility (>tt). I, air. Econ. III::!7:272. German second expedition. Unsere Zeit 1871 : 1 : 128. Greeley's expedition. Melville, In the Lena delta. S-hlcy. Report of relief expedition. Inquiry. I . S. Senate Ex. 1). 1883^4, V.5. I l'i-.\ .-.,!, - expedition. Natural hi-tory. Smith-on. Mi-r. Coll. v. 'I'-',. Jaannette expedition. Pctcrmann's Mit- tdlungoii S:241. I I ). 1882-3, v. 24 ; House M. ; 31. Probable position, 1880(Brooks) Pains. I v. Search for mi^-iiij,' people ( Harber) Pains, travel \ (Cliaix) (iriieva BOC. .'>. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 12, 11. (Vall)ert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 88: 683. sur les ide"es morales ( Kathery) Acad. Sci. .Mor. v. 1S-49. Argentine republic. See also Buenos Aires. Civilization (Washburn) California!! >'>: 331. Confiit avec le Br^sil (Daireaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11:877. Coup-d'ceil ^conomique, 1874(Belly)Jour. Econ. 111:35:71. Derniers jours de la tribu de Catriel ( I ilie lot) Kev. d. d. Mondes III :32: 1 !.">. Expedition au Rio-Negro (Ebelot) Kev. d.d. Mondes III::;' in 1K83. U. S. Consular reports, Aug. 1883; Oct., Nov. 1884. in 18SS. Pamphlets on history v. 13. in 1HS9. I". S. Coii-idar report, Feb. 1889. Industrie pastorale (Daireaux) Kev. d. d. M., tides 1II:10:M!IJ: i;',:318. Insurrection, 1*74 (Daireaux) Rev. d. d. Mon.h- 111 :s:434. Progres, 1886 (Ebelot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:73:423. Argonautlc expedition. See Jason. Argus ans alter Sehrift u. Kunst (Panofka) Ber- lin Aka.l. Al.h. 1837. Argyll, Archibald Campbell, iimn/iiis of. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Argyll, Archibald Campbell, '.nh carl f. d. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Argyll, Archibald Campbell, ht ilukr f. d. 1703. Lodge. Portraits % Argyll, (i: Douglas Campbell, Sih dnke of. Mi.^in-on. EiiL'INh .-late-men. Argyll, John CampU-ll, ,'edite" (Lemoinne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2:416. French peerage. Saint-Simon, M^moires. Hungarian. Unsere Zeit 1886 : 1 : 21. Most bitter foe of nations (White) Histor- ical addresses v. 1. Rechtsgeschichte im neuern Europa (Savigny) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Roman patricians and plebians. Swift, Works. 1814. 3 : 253. Mommsen, RomischeForschungen v.l. (ZumpU Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Russian ( Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1:15:331. Venetian. Kuskin, Stones of Venice v.3. Aristodenras. als Historiker (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 23 : 303, 383, 582, 673. Arision of Ceos, peripatetic philosopher. Bei Cicero De senectute (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. N.F.I : 193, 640. Aristophanes, dramatist, about B. C. 444- 380. Bunsen. God in history v. 2. Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. Felton. Ancient and modern Greece. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 2 : 81. Schlegel. Lectures on dramatic art. Acharnians (Clark) Jour. Philol. 8:177; 9:1,165. - Wieland, Werke 34 : 234. Bemerkungen (Pokel) Jahrb. Philol. 137: 245. Birds: Aves (Miiller-Striibin) Jahrb. Phi- lol. 121:81. (Siivern) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. und Hermokopiden (Droysen) Rhein. Mus. 3:161; 4:27. Clouds :Nubes (Thompson) Jour. Philol. 12 : 169. Deemendatione(Kockius) Rhein. Mus. 8:341. Epirrhema in (Weyland) Philologus 36:73. Hielten d. alten Kritiker fur nicht vol- lendet? (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 11:536. Scholien im cod. Ven. 474 (Zacher) Phi- lologus 41 : 11. Sechste Hypothesis (Teuffel) Rhein. Mus. 10:214. De enuntiatorum condicionalium usu (Petri) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Dichter und Politiker (Koch) Rhein. Mus. 39:118. Eine Reform (Zielinski) Philologus N. F. 1:25. - Frogs :Ranae (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 23: 508. ( Wecklein) Philologus 36:221. Kritik der Komodien (Bachmann) Phi- lologus, suppl. v. 5 : 229. Mitchell's edition. Frere, Works 2 : 178. - Notes. Gray (T : ) Works v. 4. Peace: Pax. Scenische Darstellung (En- ger) Rhein. Mus. 9:568. Aristophanes. 27 Aristoteles. Aristophanes. Peace. Responsio Heliodori (Schrader) Rhein. Mus. 21:93. Ravenna ins. Jour. Philol. 3:153. Religion dans (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:28:616; 30:391. Responsion von Dialogparteien (Helbig) Rhein. Mus. 10:251. Thesmophoriazusae. Erkliirung(Enger) Khdn. Mil*. N. F. 2:224; 4:49. tiit und ho*ti.i in pronominalen Wieder- holungsfragen (Uckermann) Philologus IS: 57. - Wasps : Vespae. Parodies ( Allinson) Am. .}. 1'hilol. 1:402. Zur Kritik(Velsen) Rhein. Mus. 18:123; 20:390. Aristoteles, iihilosopher. B. C. 384-322. Course 01 study. Bibliography. Jour. Philoo.20: 12-;. Histories of philosophy by : Benn, Bran- dis (v. 2), Hitter (v. 3), Stanley, etc. Bayle. Dictionary 2:265. Bunsen. God in history v. 2. Figuier. Savants de I'antiqaitd. Higden. Polychrpnicon 3:358. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 14. Mahaffy. Greek literature y. 2. Teichmiiller. Literarische Fehden ; Stu- dien zur Geschichte der Begriffe. Analytical Barthelemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Mor. 1:40. Interpretationes. Boethius, Opera v. 2. Anatomic et physiologic (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N.S. 3:42, 138- Aristotelia (By water) Jour. Philol. 17:53. - Aristou-li-ches < I'.lavs) Rhein. Mus. 30: UL Categoriae. AlthochdeutscheUbersetzung Kiratl') Berlin Akad. Abh. iv;:,. De amina. Stellen (Schneider) Rhein. Mus. 21: 111. De coelo (Barthe'lemy St-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 78:51,305,343. (Xeller) Berlin Akad. Abhandl. 1878. - Dialogue on philosophy (By water) J. Philol. 7:64. Economica. Macleod, Dictionary of po- litical economy. Entllechie d' (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1H04-11. Kthit-a (Barthelemy St-Hilaire) Akad. Sci. Mor. v. 31,33-35. Blackie. Four phases of moral-. (Jackson) Jour. Philol. 4:308; 6:100, aoa - Schleiermacher. Werke III : 2:309; 3: - Griechischen Scholien (Sehlciermach- .T) IWlin Aka.l. Abh. isi'i 17. Order of composition (Heath) Jour. Philol. 13:41. Studien (Susemihl) Jahrb. Philol. 119: I.:.. 10D7(Arleth) Xts Philos. 90:88. 1 :4 (Noertel) Jahrb. Philol. 1 i:i Kudemus (Bernavs) Rlicin. Mus. 16:236, Klegiean(Bernays) Khcin. Mus.:i3:232. U-'.s itnalvsiM. Mill, I)irriati>us v. .">. Lectiones (Brandis) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1832. I/ost dialogue* P.ywatcr).Iour. Phil- Mechanisclie Probleme (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820. Aristoteles. Metaphysica (Brandis) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Cousin, Fragments philosophiques 1 : 109-27:5. Beniitzung in d. Schriften d. iilteren Peripatetiker(Zeller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1877. Fragmente Alexanders erhaltenen durcn Averroes (Freudenthal) Berlin Akad. Abh. issi. K 1-8, 1065 a 26(Natorp) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1 : 178. Thema und Disposition (Natorp) Phi- los. Monatsh. 24 : 37, 540. Meteorologica (Bartln'lemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. UT : 147; 62 : 325. Opuscules ( Bartht-lemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12:m V. 1. chez les Arabes (Ravaisson, Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5 : 9. 29. in middle ages. Whewell, History of inductive sciences v. 1. Introduction into England. Turner, England in the middle ages 4 :63. Physica (Barthe'lemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 57-58. Bk. 4-6 (Torstrik) Hermes 9 : 425. Textgeschichte (Diels) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1882. Poetica (Barthe'lemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 41-42. (Raumer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828; Hist. Taschenbuch, 1842; Pamphlets on poetry v. 1. Erganzung (Bernays) Rhein. Mus. 8: 561. Notes (Bigg) Jour. Philol. 12 : 103. Studien (Suscmihl ) Uhein. Mus. V. 18- 19, 22, 26, 28; Jahrb. Philol. 135:61. Politica (Barthi'lemy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 1.V14. (Pierson) Rhein. Mus. v. 13. Tremenheere. Principles of govern- ment. Conception of the state (Bradley) Ab- bott's Hfllenica. im Mittelaltcr (Ht-rtling) llbein. Mu>. 39:4M. Ordnung der Biicher (Woltmann) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1 : ,TJ1. TextiilMTlii-fcrung (Susemihl) Jahrb. Philol. I.".:. :^ Arcbiv (ics, h. Pliilos. 1: J77. (HUMl) HITIIH- _ Prot LU) Viertelj. wisaea. 3:470. Aristoteles. 28 Arminius. Aristoteles. Psychology. Bain, Senses and intellect. De memoria 2 : 452(Freudenthal) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:5. De mente huniana (Elfes) Bonn Univ. Di.ss. v. 1. Me*moire (Barth61emy St.-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9 : 371, 451. Rhetorica (Lersch) Rhein. Mus. N. F. y. 1. Bemerkungen (Schiitz) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 081. - Kritik (Vahlen) Rhein. Mus. 9:555; 22 : 101. Tragisches Katharsis(Bernays) Rhein. Mus.' 14: 367, 488. und Plato's Gorgias (Anton) Rhein. Mus. 14:570. Zur Kritik (Roemer) Rhein. Mus. 39: 491. Sprachgebrauch (Torstrik) Rhein. Mus. 12 : 161. Theologie des (Dieterici) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell v. 31. Vatican mss. (Brandis) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Verbaltniss z. griech. Cnltur. Schlosser, Weltgeschichte2:216. Zoology (Carrau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 63 : 183. ( I'michet) Rev. Philos. 18:353,531; 19: 47, 173, 288. (Susemihl) Rhein. Mus. 40:563. Aristoteles (Pseudo-) - Melissos (Apelt) Jahrb. Philol. 133:729- Arithmetic. See also Algorithms, Format's theorem, Fractions, Irrational quantity, Mean, Numbers, Series. Number-work. Rational method (Ginn) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888 : 392. Root extraction (Young) Roy. Irish Trans. 1:59. Signes nume'raux dans 1' antiquite" (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70:395. Zur Klarung d. elementaren Multiplica- tions-problems (Hauptmann) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 10:34. Word arithmos (De Morgan) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1859:8. Arizona. McCormick. Message to assembly. 1866 (Paras, travel v. 5). (Gates) Californian 1 : 367. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia. Botanical trip (Lenimon) Californian 4 : 517. Casa Grande (Hanks) Californian 2:101. in 1847. Emory, Military reconnoissance. in 1858. Froebel, TraVels in Central America 493. in I860. Pacific Railroad reports v. 3. in 1863. Mowry, Arizona and Sonora. in 1881. Governor's report. U. S. House Ex. D. 1881-2, v. 10. in 1883. Resources of Arizona. - Mining district (Brown) Californian 4:49. Salt river valley. 1887. Pams. travel v. 5. Ark (Noah's). Dimensions. Bedford, Chronology. Universal history : ancient 1 :5& Babylonian (Haiipt) Am. J. Philol. 9: 419. Arkansas. Gerstacker. Schrif ten 1:18:297; 11:13:129. Arkansas. Long. Expedition to the Rocky mountains v. 2. Admission as a state. Clay, Speeches 2: 255. Constitution, 1866. U. S. Reconstruction report. Hot springs (Garnett) Pams. geology v. 1. Arkwright, Sir Richard. 1732-92. Coleridge (H.) Northern worthies v. 2. Aries, France. Mylius. Reise 3 : 241. Constantin et (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:8: 103, 299. Armada, Spanish. 1588. References. Monthly Reference Lists 1:35. Histories of England, time of queen Elizabeth. Creasy. Decisive battles. Deloney. Three ballads on (Arber's En- glish garner v. 7). (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:387. Lieber. Great events. (Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 82 : 263. Southey. British admirals v. 2. Armadillo. Chlamydophorus truncatus (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 9. Anatomy (Macalister) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 25. Doedicurus giganteus (Burmeister) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1878. Glyptodon (Huxley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:31. Gattung (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Armenia. Bodenstedt. Schriften 1 : 125- Lettres edifiantes 3: 7, 421 ; 4:2. Odericus. Voyage (Hakluyt, Voyages v.2). Ray. Travels v. 2. Southgate. Visit to the Syrian church. Universal history : ancient v. 8. in 1809. Morier, Journey. in 1835 (Brant) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 6: 187. in 1867 (Dandian) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 69:903. Massacres du Taurus, 1862 (Langlois) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 43 : 900. Rom und (Regnet) Unsere Zeitl873:2: 246. Armenian language. Dialekt von Tiflis (Petermann) Berlin ' Akad Abh. 1866. im Kreise d. indogerman. Sprachen (Hiibschmann) Kuhn's Zeits 23 : 5, 400. Arminianism. Bayle. Dictionary 2 : 280. Burigny. Life of Grotius. Motley. John of Barneyeld. Pemble. Vindiciae gratiae. Scott (T :). Articles of the synod of Dort. Fete, 1875. Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 11 : 219. Arminius (Hermann), German chieftain. See also Varus (P. Quintilius). Grabbe. Hermannschlacht: Drama (Werke v. 2). (Hauff) Herrig's Archiv 67 : 25. Kleist. Hermannschlacht: Drama (Werke v. 2). Anninius. 29 Army. Arminius. Hermannschlacht in cl. deutch. Literatur (Ritfert) Herrig's Archiv (J3: 129. Namen (Hiibner) Hermes 10:393. Armor, Arms. See also Helmets, Ordnance, Shields. Carter. Ancient sculpture, index. Lacombe. Arms and armor. Aigis bei Homeros (Bader) Jahrb. Philol. 117:.YT7: 1 IT,: 518. - Homeric (Leaf) J.Hellenic Stud. 4: 73, 281. Oriental. Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 36. i;..man. Wehr und Waffen (Saalfeld) .lahrb. Philol. 132:161. veterum cum nostris comparata. 1800. ae, Werke 10 : 33. (iT>. - Votive (Greenwell) J. Hellenic Stud. 2: 65. Army. See also War. Austrian in 1887-8 (Wickede) Unsere Zeit 1-^7:1:377: 1888:1:420. British. Flogging in. Brougham, Speeches v. 1. Wellington, Dispatches 8:348. -- in l^so nvs.iuiros) Uev. d. d. Mondes 11:29:257,894; 30:513. chine-,. Mcvers, Chinese government. ( Wolfe) Californian 2:393. Kiiropean, in isitt. Unsere Xeit ls'tf:273. French. Application aux travaux publics (Chevalier) Acad. Sri. Mor. 11 ::;<;!. -- Armement de 1'infanterie. Rev. d. d. Mnmles 111 : 60: 894. -- Cha--M'iirs d'Afrique (NoS) Rev. d. d. M mules 11:29:204. compareeanxsoldate&rangen. Acad. Mor. !*i: l.')l. -- Engagement volontaire ( Parmentier) Jour. Econ. IV: 33:1 M. -- in 1859. Unsere Zeit 1859: 721. -- in 1877 (Bartltng) I'nsere Zeit 1877:1: Ml. -- in 1885. Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 69: 844 ; 70:418. -- in 1887 (Wic-kede) Unsere Zeit 1887: 1: -- Institutions militaire.s (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Monde- II:H8:5. lation in 1804 (Beauverger) Acad. Mor.67:8L -- MobOmachung, 18*7 (Schott) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:548. -- Nation arnn'e (Cosseron dc Villcnoisv) d.d Monde* 111 : 64: 518. Reorganisation. l887(Cochot) llev.d.d. M ..... 1,- II :OT J74. -- royale, nn'MDuruv) Ki-v. d. d. Mondes III -- Service df saiit.' (I.e Fort) Uev. d. d. Monde- III :M :<;io. < nliligatoin- ft If* haute.-, Etudes ri.il..-. N.8. : !;i. icnuaii. liurinv < imild, (iiTinany. Th'-inpx,,!, (.!,,-. |V) AiiK-ricaii COm- Army. German Priifung junger Leute. Seume, Werke 10: 181. -- Reorganization in I860 (Zernin) Uns. Zeit 1885 : 1 : . -- Centurionen (Miiller) Philologus 11: 482. -- in A.D.60. Dubois-Guchan,Tacitel:24. -- in der Kaiserzeit (Miiller) Philologus N. F. 1:514. -- in later times. Gibbon, Decline and fall 1:0. -- Leeio XIV gemina. Geschichu- ( Mi v er) Philolopus 17 : -- Legion. Rangordliung (Miiller) Phil- ologus 38: r.'ii. -- Legiones urbanae (Steinwender) 1'hil- oloffos 89:627. -- Manipulartaktik(Delbriirk) Hist.Zeits. 51 :_':;: i. -- Res niilitaris ( Pirambach ) Hlicin. Mu- 20:, r >!>!. -- Servianischf Centurion (Ritter) llhfin. Mu-. N. F. 1 :.vr:>: s : 308- Phalanx (Brancfce) 1'hil- -- d..-r KorfttritMi, 1880-6 (llinoh) lli>t. '/.>} -- in 17im. Fn-yta^, I'.ildf r 1 : 17.",. --- in i*n>. Bcharnbont liber. Hi-t.X,-itv 58: -- in 1^70. Kfv. d. .1. Mond,- II :,H5:5. -- in 1^7*.* ( M-Mum-en i Hfrme- 11 : lit. i:ii"i.ni iii L8M (Ledoo) Joar. Kcon. II: 2:72. -- in 1^77 (Lerov-Beaalien) li.-v. 7:;. Reports v. 2. Greek. Gillies, History of Greece 2: 293. Hegel, Philosophy of history 250. Manany, Social life in Greece ch. 14. and Egyptian (Brunn) Rlu-in. Mn<. 10:153. - Bearl>eitete Stoffe (Schubart) Rhein. Mi Genius. Symonds, Greek poets 2: 363. Idoal.-. \\'ii-l:iinl, Werkc34:115. PaimlleUsmtU in dm Compo-ition (Brunn) Kh.-in. M '/AIT iiltrrn (irM-biditc (Xm-kcr) Jahrh i'bilol. 1:55:786. I'l.-al of ( Ilinghnm, Diebl) I'niv. Missouri. I^ectun- ; in AHgrim-im-ii. Stiftor, Vermischte Schrifim v. 1. Art (Fine) in industry. Mass. Bureau labor statistics, Report 1886. Influence of politics on (Preston) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 10. Japanese (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:21:288. - Luxury and. Winthrop(R.C.). Speeches. Laprade sur. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis v. 1. Modern. Entwicklung (Kolloff) Hi. Taine's. Fiske, Unseen world. - Phoenician (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Phrygian (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 9: 350- Precision dans (Martha) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:62:388. Principles. Elementary. Seeley, Essays. et les traditions ( Delaborde) "Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 72: 196. Realism. Origines (Muntz) Rev. d. d. Momles 111:74:557. Rediculous in. Baudelaire, Oeuvres v. 2. Roman (Beul6) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :56: 312. Lord, Old Roman world 1 '.:". under the Antonines. Friedliinder, Sittengeschichte v. 3. Russian ( Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 54:27. Samian. Kunstlerschule(Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 10:1,152. Subventions par 1' etat (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. IV: 22: 388. Theatralische in (Blomberg) Zts. Vblker- psych. v. 1-2. I tifit^ dans un e"tat. Frederick II, Oeu- vres 9: 169. - Verhiiltniss zn der Natur. Sohellinp, Werkel:7:289. Vulgarity in. Schiller, Werkc r_':.T17. Arts., Albania. Observations on the gulf (Wolfe) lly. Geogr. Soc. J. 3:77. Artaxerxes III. Ochus. Chronologie (Bergk) Rhein. Mus. .".7 Artaxerxes Mnemon, brother of Cyrus Ihf Younger. Plutarch. Lives. Xenophon. Anabasis. Artemidorus Daldlamus, of E phono. Lectiones (Hercher) Khuin. Mn-. 17;^l, 407. Art emus Ward, pseud. See Browne, * Arteries. See al<> Itlo..,!. \ Anciiri^in (.liir|ib) (M>II. I'niv. Pi--, v. 1. Contractions rc-gulatcd (l.i-trr) Itoy. Soc. Tr.-in derSnurier(Rthk.-)Wii-n Akad. D.-nk-. M-N.a des Untcrs-bfiik<-ls (Hvrth \Vi-i. Akad. Denks. M N Arteries. 32 Asciburgius Mountains. Arteries. Heat (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814 : 590. Krankheken (Rokitansky) Wien. Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 4. of slow-moving animals (Carlisle) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1800, 1804. Artesian wells. - Arago. Notices scientifiques v. 1. Babcock company. Circular. Pains, en- gineering v. 1. - Buckland. Geology 1 : 561. Degouse'e. Guide du sondeur. United States Mineral resources 18G8: app. along Union Pacific railroad. Hayden's Survey, Bull. v. 3. of Alabama (Winchell) Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. v. 10. Requisite conditions (Chamberlain) U. S. Geol. Survey, 5th Report. Arthur, Chester A., 2 1st president. 1830-86. Annual cyclopaedia. 1881. Portrait. Administration (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1885:2:636,763. Arthur, king; and the Arthurian romances. See also Grail, Lancelot du Lak, Merlin. Child. English and Scottish ballads v. 1. Cox and J ones. Popular romances of the middle ages. Dunlop. History of fiction. Ellis. Early English metrical romances. Frere. Works 2 : 215. Geoffrey of Monmouth. British history bk. 9. Langtoft. Chronicle v.l (Rolls chronicles, 47). - Malory. Morte d'Arthure. Morley. English writers ch. 16, 21. Robson. Three early English metrical romances. - Tennyson. Idylls of the king. - Turner. History of England in the mid- dle ages 3:484. - Waurin. Chronicles 1 :321 (Rolls chron- icles, 40). Arthuriad. Preston, Troubadours and trouveres. Artus (Holtzmann) Germania 12:257. Eulogium historiarum 2:302-363 (Rolls chronicles, 9). Geschichte nach d. Chronik des Brit. Mus. (Boddeker) Herrig's Archiv 52:1. Jagd in (Bormann) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Legend. Mythical materials. Cox, My- thology of Aryan nations 1 : 308. Mittelgriechesches Gedicht (Hagen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1848. Morte (Luick) Anglia 11: 585. Mythic king (Stubbs) Choice Literature 4:97. Origine et dveloppement des romans de la table ronde (P. Paris) Romania v. 1, etc. Ritter Kei (Sachse) Herrig's Archiv 29: 165. Arthur's Seat, Wales. Appearances of the ground (Hutton) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2:3. Article. Abweichungen im Gebrauch des franzos. u. englischen (Liidke) Herris's Archiv 44:129. Article. Apollonius Dyscolus zur (Eich- horst) Philologus 38:423. Cypriote inscriptions (Hall) Am. Philol. Asspc. 1880:51. English definite (Hevrnan) Engl. Studien 12 : 269. German, beim Superlative ? (Stadler) Her- rig's Archiv 31: 287. Gebrauch (Edman) Herrig's Archiv 30:225. (Kriiger) Herrig's Archiv 52:45. Partativ. Theilungsartikel? (Stadler) Herrig's Archiv 36: 299. Greek, and noun; alien intrusion (Mer- riam) Am. Philol. Assoc. 13:34. Gebrauch (Procksch) Philologus 40: 1. Lehre (Procksch) Philologus 37 : 302. Artillery. See Ordnance. Arundel. See Fitzalan, Howard. Arvers, Felix, poet. (Blaze de Burv) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 55 : 605. Aryans. Duncker. History of antiquity. Hearn. Aryan househould. Reviewed. Leslie, Essays in political philosophy. Pictet. Origines indo-europe"ennes. Reviewed (Pa vie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:21:485. d'apres la science moderne (Re"ville) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 49: 694. identified with Scythians (Urquhart) Pams. history v. 10. Leben. Zimmer's (Kaegi) Jahrb. Philol. 121:433. Philology. Works by : Beames, Pezzi. Questions (Lapouge) Rev. d' Anthrop. 111:4:181. Religion. Bunsen, God in history. Cox. Mythology of the Aryan nations. Keary. Dawn of history. Miiller. Chips from German work- shop v. 1. Gb'tter (Roth) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell. v. 6. Sacred laws. Miiller, Sacred books of the east v. 2. Arybas (Arymbas, Arribas) king of Epirus. (Reuss) Rhein. Mus. 36: 161. Asafcetida. See also Silphium. Plants (Balfour) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22 : 361. Asbestos. Venerand. Asbest und Feuerschutz. chlorite, and talc (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11:352. Ascension island. (Brandreth, Power) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. '5:243. Asceticism. See also Celibacy, Hermits, Monks. Anselm, St. Tractatus asceticus. (Opera). Ascham, Roger, English scholar. 1515-68. Bayle. Dictionary v. 2. Coleridge (H). Northern worthies v. 2. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v 2. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Asciburgius mountains. (Much) Zeits. deutsch. Alterthum 33 : 1. Ascidians. 33 Association. Ascidians. See also Tunica ta. Anatomic d. Schwanzes d. Larven (Rei- chert) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1875. composees des cotes de La Manche( Milne Kdwards) Paris Mem. Acad. Sci. 18:217. Asellus. Brain-structure (Packard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Asbantee war, 1870-3. (West Africa.) Congreve. Essays. (Plauchut) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:108:852. I 1 1 sere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 577 ; 2 : 1254, 330. Ashburner, William, d. 1887. Notice of life (Stearns) Science 9:462. Ashburnbam, Bertram, earl of. Manuscripts (Delisle, Wright) Pains, lit- erature v. 1. Asbburton, Harriet U&ring'lady. Houghton. Monographs : personal and social. Ashburton, .lohn Dunning, lord. 1731-83. Brougham. Lives of statesmen. - Uo-roe. I'.ritish lawyers. Asbkow, princesse. Arago. Oeuvres 3 : 93. Asia. Bibliography. Murray, Discoveries in A>ia .'< : ajip. Roman province. Long, Cicero's Ora- tions 1': 2 Asia, Central. See also Afghani-tan. Kn^li-ih-Ru-'sian rivalry in. Burnaby, Kidr to Khiva. (<'iichfval-(.'larignv) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :'! :302. (CHlcken) Iiundsrb.au 2:l2l2. (Jegenwart '< : >'--. (Lejcaii) liev. d. d. Mondes 11:69:678; 70:fi;i2. ( I^eroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 7:',": 1283. Revue des Deux Mondes 111:10:069. In-.- iv X.-it 1887: v. i.'; 1S70, 1875, 1878, 1881. ;ratVnung in 1200-1300 (Hirsch) Hist. Xer .Mohammedaiii-c-her Krol.ererf Yambe'ry) FIIM-IV X.-it 1^7:!: v. 1-2. e in I \':itnl'T\ ) I'n-ere Zeit 1805:72; t, 901. ' Reise-ki/zo aiis (I'jfalvy) I'n-ere Xeit 1878: i : 041, 929: i>7!i : i':.m Revolutions de(Bler/y) Rey.d.d.Mondea III : 12: 177. 1".,; .", . Ki; (Jonveauz)Rev.d.(LMondefl II :> . Alia Minor. .sV/-i//\ .\rm-nia, Arabia. Ara- rat, A.-vi^in-, A->yria, <'a*piai. < bablaea, ailie| Kov. Iri-b '/rails. v. Ifl .lourin-\. 1880 i ll.iiniliciii) Roy. Oeogr. .1. 7 ::;i. I'bysiral and political p-o-rraphy. Kaw- linvon'i Hrroiiotii- i Princi|.aiit'-. Iran . .iiimberger) I..I. M..II.I.- til: ]fl : v. 'I d. II v I.;, II. Voyage, 1870 (Collignon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:152; 38:891. Asoka, king of Magdala, India. See also Buddhism'. Felsenedicte (Biihler) Zts. dent, morgenl. Gesell. 43 : 128. Asparagus. Chemische Zergliederung (Hermstiidt ) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Aspartic acid. (Boutron-Charlard) Paris, M'm. Savans Etrang. 6 : 353. and malic (Pasteur) Paris, M6m. Acad. 23:339. Aspasia, wife of Pericles. Croly. Poems 1 : 253. Portrait - Ilamerlinjr. Aspasia (fiction). Landor. Pericles and Aspasia (fiction). Vindication of. Wieland, Werke 32:311. Aspermont, Anna Maria, contessad' Ait/unm. - Vico. Orazione in morte. (Opere; ed. Ferrari : 229). Aspbaltum. Malo. Asphalte. change of vegetables into (Hatchet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1804 : 385. in stones (Knox) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823: 517. Assam language. (Avery) Amer. J. Philol. 7:344. Assassination. See also Murder. politique en V6nise (Lumanskv) Rev. Hist. 20:105. Assassins (Ansayrii) followers of Hassan bin Keightley. Secret societies of the middle ages. Martiniere. Dictionnaire v. 1. Doctrines transl. (Salisbury) J. Amer. Or. Soc. v. 2. Assimilation (Philological). See also Pho- netics. Zeitschrift t'iir vergleichende Sprachfors- chuiif:, iif -- in Latin (Schwenck) Ubein. Mns. <>: IL'. uml Attraction (Steinthal) Xts. V.ilk- erpsych. 1 : 93. Assimilation (Physiological). See Digestion, Food. Assing, Ludmilla. BrinnerangeD (Ofterdinger) Herriir's Archiv 7i:401. Assisi, Itniii. ('liuivb 'of St. Francis. Cailhabaud, Monuments v. .'{. Association. >'? ;/><. Huildin^ and loan, Contract, Cooperation, . Monop- olies, Prolit-shariiiK. .- .tic-, Trade union-. Brown-mi. Works 10:38. Frif.Miet. AsMx-iatioii ciimnu-rcialc. Journal des Kconomi-te-. Scrirs I _', indes. Micbelet. Le peu].l<- _'_'. I Molinari) .lour. KC..II. Ill ::>:<\; (IrKIl; 188. en Ire i.atron>-t ouvri.-t - 1 Ur\ baud ) .\> ;id \lor. . > 12:'.C internatioiiale (lleybaudl Itev. d. d. Monde- 117'.: 152; -I >71. Association. 34 Athanasius. Power and value of. Channing, Works 1 : 281. Principe (Blanqui) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:407. Association of ideas. See Ideas. Assus, Mysin, Asia Minor. - Beule". Art grec 160. Inscriptions (Sterrett) Arch. Inst. Amer., Papers Amer. School Athens v. 1. Assyria. See also Babylonia, Nineveh, etc. Bibliography. Archaeology. Johns Hop- kins Univ. Cire. 5:56. Clinton. Fasti Hellenic! 1 : 263. Herder. Philosophic der Geschichte 2 : 76. Kruger. Geschichte der Assyrier. Ranke. Universal history v. 1. Rawlinson. Five great monarchies. Twesten. Ideen der asiastischen Cultur- volker. Universal history: ancient v. 3. Volney. Oeuvres v. 5-6. Contributions to history of Assyriologv (Haupt) Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire. 8:57. Assyrian language. See also Inscriptions. Inschriften Tiglath Pileser's II, des Asarhaddon u. des Asurbampal (Schra- der) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Invention of cuneiform writing (Lottner) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1858: 124. Sargonsstele (Schrader) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1881. Asteroidea (star-fishes). und Euryalidea (Studer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Aston, Walter, 1st lord. 1584-1639. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Astor, John Jacob. 1763-1848. Bancroft. History of the northwest 1 : 499. Gray. History of Oregon. Smith. Sunshine and shade in New York 113. Astoria, Oregon. Bancroft. History of the Northwest v. 2. Irving. Astoria. Poe. "Works 4: 551. Astrsea (planetoid). (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Astrolabe. Chaucer. Treatise on the astrolabe. in d. Kgl. Bibliothek zu Berlin (Woepcke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Usus (Joannes Alexandrinus) Rhein. Mus. 6 : 127. Astrology. Ashton. Social life in reign of queen Anne. Bayle. Dictionary ; Oeuvres diverses. - De Quincey. Works 8 : 260. Gasgendi. De affectibus siderum (Opera 1727. 1:622). - Helmont ( J. B. van) Opera. 16(57. 73. Lydus. De ostentis; Stellarum itiones. - Manetho. Apotelesmatica. - Manilius. Astronomicon. - Nostradamus. Prophecies. Palais des curieux. Scott. Guy Mannering (fiction). Sibly. Key to physick. Chaldean (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. appar- English. Disraeli, Amenities of Liter- ature. - Knight. London 8 : 241. Hindoo. Hiigel, Kaschmir v. 4, pt. 2. Medicine and. (Phillips) Numismatic Soc. Phila. v. 1. - Roman. Goll, Kulturbilder 1 : 114. Sept me'taux et planetes. Berthelot, Science et philosophic 155. Astronomy. See also Anomaly, Astrolabe, Astrology, Azimuth, Comets, Earth, Eclipses, Equinox, Gravitation, Lati- tude, Light, Longitude, Meteors, Moon, Nebulae. Observatories, Optics, Parallax, Pendulum, Scintillation, Spectroscopy, Sun , Syzy gy , Telescopes, Tides, U ni verse, Zodiac, Dames of planets and stars. Biographies. Arago, Oeuvres v. 1-3. Chinese. Letters e'difiantes 21: 460; 24: 263; 36:71. Christianity and. Oersted, Soul in nature 425. Color in practical (Smyth) Roy. P^din. Trans. 28:779. Egyptian. Periodesothiaque(Biot) Paris, Meru. Acad. Sci. 20:1. Fundamental problems. Dynamical so- lution of (Hutchinson) Pains, astron- omy v. 1. Greek, etc. Whewell, History of the in- ductive sciences. Harmonies providentielles (Leveque) Acad. Sci. Mor. 88 : 193. Hindoo (Playfair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2: 135. History. Smith (Adam), Works v. 5. Mohammed Abibeker al Farsi's tables (Lee) Carnbr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 249. Positive magnetic (Smith) Pams. astron- omy v. 1. Storungserscheinungen bei A. Registri- rung (Leitzmann) Philos. Stud. 5 : 56. Utility (E: Everett) Dudley Observ. An- nals v. 1. Mansfield, American education 134- Astronomy. Instruments. Astronomical circle. Correction of errors (Robinson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. '15. Influence of temperature on (Wood- house) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1827 : 144. Irish ancient (Betham) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 17. New improvements (Newcomb)U.S. Sen- ate Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 5; also Pams. as- tronomy v. 1. Reflecting circle improved (Rios) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801 : 363. Asylums. See also Charity, Hospitals. des fonctionnaires civils (Clement) Jour. Econ. 1 : 4 : 27. Atalanta. Morris. Earthly paradise v. 1. Swinburne. Atalanta in Calydon. Ate. (Lehrs) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1 :593. Athabasca Indian language. (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Athanasius, St., archbishop of Alexandria. 296-373. Histories of philosophy by : Ritter (6:30). Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 21. Stanley. History of the eastern church. Athanasius. 35 Athletics. als Vertheidiger der Homousie (Hessler) Zeits. hist. Theul. 2*5 : 331. Atharya-veda. Position of the Vaitana sutra in the lit- erature of (Blooinfield) Arner. Orient. Soc. J. v. 11. Seven hymns(Bloomtield)Amer.J. Philol. T: i';<;.' I'naugmented verb forms (Avery) Ainer. ( >ricnt. Soc. J. v. 11. Atheism. See also Deism, Faith, God, works on Natural theology. Bayle. Ofiivre- diverges, imlfs. Ben tier. Boyle lectures: ul.m Remarks upon free-thinking (Works v. 3). Hemsterhuis. Oetivres philosophiques _':!. \\M. Seuine. Werke7:ll. Smith (.1 : <>f ('tmthriiiye). Select discourses. - Voltaire. Oeuvres 2!* : 2:'>.\ ill, etc. ( 'au-e- of. Newman ( Fs. W.) Miscellanies J: LSO. Confessionaturaecontra. Leibnitz.Opera philos; IM|. Krdmann 1 : !">. et hi morale. Holbach, Systeme de la nature 2:371. Explanation of religion. Hutton, Ks>a\ - v. 1. - Moral significance. Hutton, l-Nsays v. 1. i-s-ity of. Shelley, Prose works 1:30. Refutation. Brownson. Works 2: 1-100. Cudworth, Intellectual system. Science and. Hutton, Essays v. 1. Yeiiillot's Libre- pen-curs. Pelletan, NollVelles heure- ''<><-. Athena. See Juno. Athenaeums. See also Clubs. II Story and uses. Lieber, Writings. Athenagoras of Alhfn.. Apologia. Inscriptio et iBtas(Otto) /is. hist. 'I'heol. -2''>:>^7. Athenais. Ser Kudocia. Athens ( Ancient). Description. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 1:492. Stoll. Altgrieehisches Lel>en. Acropolis. Beule on (Bur-ian) Khein. Mn-. Hi: 473. ieineinde ( Wachsmuth ) Khein. Mu.s. v. 2.T21; .lahrb. Philol. 119:18. .let/iger /ustand (Michaelis) Khein. Let/ten Dntarrachangen (Bb'tticher) Philologus suppl. .'!: 2s7. -- Paiisanin- u.d. Bildwerkel Wei/.sJicker) .lahrb. I'l.ilol. 188: i. Ar-enal at Thiloii ( Ludlow) Am.. I. Philol. 117. Diony-us theatre (Paper- Amcr. School A then- v. 1). Kniieakriiiio.- ( Dyer i Am. .1. Philol. 3:81. liiheioii (Murravj .1. Hellenic Stud. Bi Olyiiipicion (Paper- Ainer School Atlien- v. 1 ) ll..rl,or-(Ludlo\v) Am.. I. Philol. I: I'.rj. Life in America and. Ki-ke, I'nseen world. Luxe public et prive ( Handrillart) A cad. Murkt. Ik-M-hreibunj; bi-i l'aii-ania> T). lahrb. Philol. IM Pandroseum stairs (Fergusson) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 2:83. Pelas.irikon ((uittling) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:321,480: 10:30. und Pnyx( Welcker) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1&52. Pythion (Curtius) Hermes 12:4!)2. Stoa (B. Schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 20: Nil, 480. Temples. Works on architecture by: Gailhabaud v. 1-2; Pen rose, etc. Metroum (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Topographie(Schul/, Wachsmuth) Khein. Mtu. 28:1; 30:528. Athens (Ancient). Hinlorv. Secnlm Archon-, Attica, Democracy, Greece, Ostracism. and Kleusis (Curtius) Rundschau 39:200. - and Sparta. Republiques (Troplong) Aea.l. Sei. Mor. V. l!t-20. and U. S. government. Monroe, People the sovereigns. Aristoteles Politic der (Bergk) Rhein. Mus. 3s : -*KI. FinanXL'eschichte (Heloch) Khein. Mu-. 38:34,280. Ili-tory. Hulwer's. Alison, E--ay-. in den dunkeln .lahrh.((!regorovius) l'n-. /eit lSSl:l:tifH. Jurisdiction over allies (Morris) Am. J. Philol. 5: 298. More renowned in war or learning? Plu- tarch, Morals v. 5. - Phoros der Hiindner. 44fM2ii (Busolt) Philologus 41 : Public economy. Legare", Writings 2:502. Bchatemeister iler .lahrc t >1. UK), i (Kirch- hor Berlin Akad. Abh. 1 Schrift vom Staate (Kirchhoff) Berlin Akad. Abii. 1>71, 1878. Socii (Fischer) Bonn I'niv. Di>s. v. 2. Staatscliat/ im '>. .lahrh. (Kirchholf) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1S7C. Stadt(Miiller-Striibing) Philol(gus,suppl. v. 4. Steuerreform im .lahr.d. Nausiuiko-( Lip- sius). lahrb. Philol. 117: -Tributslisieu ,ler .lahre Ol. 85 (Kirchhoff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1870. University life. Canes, I niver-ity life, /weites Seebund (Hahn) Jahrb. Philol. Ill Athens ( Modern). Work- on modern Greece by: Andcr- -on, Baird, Mahally, Mure, Schneider, Symonds (Southern Europe 2:'i'i|. Word-worth. Browne. Vn- Freeman. Hi-torical e--.-iy- v. 3. Laniartme. Pilgrimage I in \'^7 ( Wald-tein).I. Hellenic Stu.i Siege, l"2tl l.lurien de La (iraviere) Key. d. d. Monde- II : |o: Athls and Prophlllas. (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. lll. || Athletics. Sff iil.ui (James, (Jymnastic-, Pentathlon Athletics. 36 Atropia. Deutsche Turnwesen in Nordamerika (Doehn) Uns. Zeit 1888:2:512. Education hygie'nique (Rochard) Rev. d. d. Mondes [11:81:425. Englisli sports (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:39:5. German. Entwickelung. Unsere Zeit 1866:2:90. - Harvard (Davis) Overland 11:1:560. Physical education. References. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circular 5:31. Blackie. On self-culture. (Coubertin) Revue Sci. 43: 137. Hamerton. Intellectual life. (Hartwell) U. S. Bur. Educ. Circulars 1885. Maclaren. Physical education. (McLean) Mich. Bd. Health 1882: 158. -- Mat-hews. Getting on in the world. Spencer (H.) Education. Turiispiele (Kohlrausch) Jahrb. Philol. 122 : 214, 246. Turnwesen. Arndt, Schriften v. 3. Atbos mountain. Audouard. Orient et ses peuplades 195. ( Vogue 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 13 : 281. Monasteries (Rossmann) Rundschau 10: 84. (Smith) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 7 : 61. Xerxes' canal. Rawlinson's Herodotus 4 : 21. Map. Atlanta, Georgia. Battles 1864. Grant (Gen. U. S.) Memoirs 2 : 163. Sherman (Gen. W. T.) Memoirs v. 2. Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Atlantic ocean. See also Ocean. Gerstacker. Schriften 1 : 18 : 23. Maury. Physical geography of the sea. Atlantis. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses 1 : 205, 217. Grimm- Diderot. Correspondance ine'dite 160. Irving. Companions of Columbus, app. - Martiniere. Dictionnaire 1 : 504. Plato. Timaeus. (Ploix) Rev. d'Anthropologie III : 2 : 291. Winsor. History of America v. 1. Versunkene Continents (Meyer) Rund- schau 27 : 284. Atlas mountains. Hooker and Ball. Tour in Marocco. Atmosphere. See also Aeronautics, Air, Me- teorology. Boundaries (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822 : 89. Chemico-geological relations. Hunt, Min- eral physiology 30. Constitution (Dalton) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1826, 1837. Dust particles in (Aitken) Roy. Edin. Trans. 35 : 1. Limits of terrestrial (Biot) Paris, M6m. A cad. Sci. 17: 769. Mean pressure(Buchan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:575. Phe'nomenes optiques (Cornu) Rev. Sci. 43:290. Temperature of lower. Distribution (Hennessey) Roy. Irish Trans. 24 : 371. Transparency (Forbes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1842 : 225. Transparency nocturne (Allard) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. v. 25. Atoms, Atomic theory. See also Elements, Isomorphism, Matter, Monad. Histories of philosophy. Bayle. Dictionary. Clifford. Lectures and essays 1 : 158, 19J . Democritus Abderita. Fragmenta. Donovan. Treatise on chemistry. (Herschel) Smithson. Report, 1862. Lange. Materialism 2 : 351. (Le"veque) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 597. Meyer. Moderne Theorien der Chemie. Somerville. Molecular and microscopic science. Stallo. Modern physics. Tyndall. Fragments of science v. 2 (Bel- fast address); also Longman's 1 : 29. Avenarius' Prinzip (Petzoldt) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 11 : 177. Certain hypothesis(Stearn)Cambr.Philos. Trans. 14 : 71. Cohiisionslehre(Weiss)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Constitution of bodies. Metcalfe, Caloric v.l. Entwickelung. Theorie. Unsere Zeit 1879 : 2 : 801. Erneuerung in Deutschland (Lasswitz) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 3 : 408. Giordano Bruno und (Lasswitz) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 8: 18. Greek (Le"veque) Rev. Philos. 5 : 353. Kinetic. Rechtfartigung( Lasswitz) Vier- telj. wissen. Philos. 9: 137. Law of volumes of aeriforms extended to dense bodies (Macvicar) Ro*y- Edin. Trans. 23 : 581. - Lehre (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Umwaltzung (Meyer) Rundschau 37 : 419. Molecular influences (Tyndall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853 : 217. Physics in high vacua (Crookes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879 : 641. Pressure lines and trajectory of (Crookes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879 : 135." Vibrations d'un double systeme(Cauchy) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 22 : 599. Weights (Turner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833: 523. Wirbelatome (Lasswitz) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 3 : 206, 275. Atonement. See also Regeneration, Sacri- fices, Salvation, Sin. Brooke. Unity of God and man, and other sermons. Griffin. Doctrine of divine efficiency. Hedge. Ways of the Spirit. Noyes, ed. Theological essays (by Jowett and Foster). Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 4 : 94. Shedd. Discourses. History of opinions. Priestley, Theol. works 5 : 91, and index. Necessity. Strong, Philosophy and re- ligion 213. Philosophie d'apres le pessimisme (Ar- reat) Rev. Philos. 19 : 628. Itropia. - in ophthalmic practice (Curtis) Pains. medicine v. 6. Attains I. 37 Augier. Attalus I, kin;/ <>f P^.., Galaterkriege(Koepp) Rhein.Mus. 40:114. Attention. See nlxo Perception. De mensura. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 7: Etats morbides (Ribot) Rev. Philos. 25: 170. Mecanisme (Ribot) Rev. Philos. 24:378, 490. Theorie der .sinnlichen (Lange) Philos. Stud. 4 :390. Atterbury, Francis, Irishopof Rochester. \M2- 1782. Bayle. Dictionary v. 2. ige. Portraits v. 4. Jay. Essay*. Letters to (Pope)Camden miscellany v.4. Attica. #,//> Athens. Archonten 292-200 B. C. (Unger) Philolo- Mippl. v. 5. i 'inmerce des ce're'ales, B. C. 300 (Perrot) Rev. Hist. 4:1. 1 r-chiiiigeii /.uralteriiGeschichtetLand- wehr) Philologus, sujipl. v. 5. Geologic (Bittner) \\ien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v. 40. Ph ratrien -mid Geschlechterverfassung. Rheiu. Mil*. 40:500. Phylen ( Dittenbcrger) Hermes 9:385. Rechnangsarkunaen (Bockh) Berlin Akad. Abb. Isjr,. Studien ( Milchhijfer) Rundschau 51 : imi; 56: 2M. Atticus, T. Pomponiu-. (Bois-icr) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : :> : 528. Nepos. Live-. Atticus Herodes. See Her.' Attila, kimj of tli>- 11 ii UK. .x'.v nhn I'halons battle. ' Gibbon. Decline and fall eh. 34-35. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Pri-cus I'anite-. Ry/.antiaca. Rotteek. Kleine Schriften 1:127. Campus Maitriacus (Girard) Rev. lli-t. 27:821 Attraction. See alo Capillarity, Gravita- tlOII. Herbart. Principia metaphysical Werke. l-:,n 2. I Lagrangr. < >eiiv: Pratt. Treati-c on attraction. Toclhnntcr. History of mathematical theories of attraction. llalion of < Hargreavc) Rov. 8oC. Trans. IM1 : 7.">. il'mi Hlipxoide hoino^enei Poi--on) Paris, Mem. A. -ad. Sei. I.'!: I!i7. entre lie- -oli.le- submerge- Kurard) Pari-, M.'m. Acad. Sci. I 1 T a fluid homogeneoii- ma-^ (Airy)Cambr. I'hilo-. Trail-. '_' : -o;{. Off ellipsoids (Chaslea) Pari- M.-m. Savans ;ig. 9:;2!i. :or and interior (Green) Cambr. Pbilo-. Tran-. .>:.T.i:). oi homogeneous ellipsoids (Ivory) Roy. . of mountain m.-i--c- (\ir\i Roy. 8oc. Trans. i..v. : |oi. 1 1! i. (i Soe. i'ran-. 1855:53 31; 185U of ocean on plumb-line in India (Pratt) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:779. of solids bounded by ellipsoids, etc. (Don- kin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1S<)0: 1. bounded bv planes (Knight) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1812:247. of spheroids. La Place's method (Ivory) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1812:1, 4i; 1822:99. (Airy) Cainbr. Philos. Trans. 2:380. Problem of the three bodies (Challis) Hoy. Soc. Trans. ls^; ; :,_:;. Solar and lunar, on plummet (Sang) Roy. Kdin. Trans. l'3:89. Solids of greatest (Play fair) Roy. Kdin. Trans. :187. Attraction ( Philological ). See also Assimila- tion. - Kinige Falle (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1S5S; Gerniania 2:410; Kleinere Bchriften 8:312. Aubanel, J. M. .1. B. Theodore. 1829-. Preston. Troubadours and trouvcres. (Taillandier) Rev.d. d Mondes II : 23: 807. Auber, D. V. K., c<.//(o.71. (Blaze de Bury) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:35: 43. Krve d'amour ( Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 85 : 2.">: . Aubign^, Theodore Agrippa d'. 1550-1(530. -- Albert. Litt^rature francuisedesorigines 244 Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi 10:311. Aubrey, John. English scholar. lt!2i; !'7. (Montegut) Rev.'d. d. Mondes 111:82:45. Aucassin and Nicolete. References. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. 4: 184. Auch, b'rancr. t'albedral. (iailbabauil, Monument- v. I. Monastery. Annalcs, bistoria. Pert/. Mon. (!erm. hist., Scr. v. .'{, 24. Audley, Xir Thomas. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Audubon, J.Ja., (rief biograpoies. Auerbach, P.erthold, nuielist. Is I (ioitM-liall) Inhere Xcil lss| : _' : U'{. - Hoiurger. Culturgeschichte4:26& Prutx. Deutsche Literatur der Geiren- \vart 2:227. (.1. Schmidt) ItundM-liau |O:3^4. -(Taillandier) Kev.d. d. Mondes II . 12:88; B4:89L I'eber Land mid Meer 17 : V.'^. Portrait. ( Valbcrtl Itev. d. d. Mondes III :6B lXal.,-1) (JnMn Xeit lssL':l:.-)01. Auersperg, Anton A. von ( Aiia-ta-in* (iriin, i>s,-iil,;iiiintl>t. '. Mattbew-. French dramatists of 1!V century. I Montr-lit) Rcv.d.d. Mond.- III : _' CaiiM-rio du Lundi v. I'rcmicr- Lund: ( 'mitagion (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondc- Ktl'r.-nt-'- (<:andera\( Rev. .1. .i. Monde- II! de <;il.oycr I l'ic\..-t -P.iradnl ) R-v ,1. d. Mo:. I-.'. Augier. 38 Australia. Jeunesse (Monte'gut) Kev. d. d. Mondes 11:13:938. Maitre Gue"rin (Prevost-Paradol) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:54:493. Paul Forestier (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 : 73: 789. Augsburg, Bavaria. Misson. New voyage to Italy 1 : 128. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ.'hist., Script. v. 3, 10. St. Ulrich monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 17. Augsburg confession. Ptister. Geschichte Deutschlands 4:118. Raumer. Europa seit 1500. 1 : 403 ; 3 : 266, 325. Erklarung (Miinscher) Jahrb. Philol. 132: 519. Portrait-picture of members. German Bible. 1686. (end). Augustine (or Austin), St., archbishop of Can- terbury. Butler. Lives of the fathers. Hook. Lives of the archbishops v. 1. Stanley. Memorials of Canterbury. Augustinus, Aurelius, St., bishop of Hippo. 354-430. Histories of philosophy: Ritter (6:153). Allen. Christian history. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Beda. Ecclesiastical history. Newman. Historical sketches v. 2. Richard of Cirencester. Speculum his- toriale (Rolls chronicles, 30). Anthropology. Schicksal ( Wiggers) Zts. hist. Theol. 24 : 25. City of God, au 19. siecle( Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2:388. Conversion (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:85:43. Letter to Bonifacius. Hodgkin, Italy and her invaders 1 : 495. Life and character. Hedge, Atheism in philosophy. Metaphysics. Fraser, Essays in philos- ophy. Philosophic (Barthe'lemy Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70 : 93, 161. Stellung in d. Publicistik (Mirbt) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Augustus, C. J. C. Octavianus, Roman empe- ror. B. C. 63-A. D. 14. (Ampere) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 5 : 697; 6 : 76. Stoll. Helden Roms 689. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars. Caesarism and worship at Alexandria (Merriam) Am. Philol. Assoc. 14 : 5. Cosmographie (Petersen) Rhein. Mus. 8: 161,377; 9:85,422. Edict liber d. Wasserleitung von Vena- frurn (Henzen) Rhein. Mus. v. 9. Imperium of, and successors (Pelham) Jour. Philol. 17 : 27. Muse"e de (Reinach) Rev. d'Anthrop. Ill : 4:28. Principal des (Loebell) Hist. Taschen- buch 1834. Rechenschaftsbericht (Mommsen) Hist. Zeits. 57 : 385. Testament politique (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44 : 734. Aumale, Henri d'Orleans, due de. 1822- Lemaitre. Contemporains 3 : 191. Aurelia aurita. Nervous system (Schiifer) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1878 : 563. Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus. Aurora borealis. Arago. Oeuvres v. 4, and index. Back. Arctic land expedition 428. Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific 2 : app. Capron. Aurora; : characters and spectra. Estes. Half-hour recreations. Franklin. Expeditions. Hall. Esquimaux 1 : 152- Ray. Report polar expedition to Point Barrow. 1885. (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59 : 664. ' Arrangement, order, height (Gilbert) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829 : 103. Cause, origine, etc. (Becquerel) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 38 ; 231, 395. Height (Dalton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1828: 291. (Farquharson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1839: 267. in 1848(Challis) Cambridge Philos. Trans. 8:621. Influence on magnetic needle (Farquhar- son) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830 : 97. on terrestrial magnetism (Fox) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831 : 199. Record in high latitudes (Force) Smith- son. Contrib. v. 8. Relations to meteorology (McAdie) U. S. Signal Service Notes 18. Secular period (Olmsted) Smithson. Con- trib. v. 8. Ausonius, D. M., Latin poet. d. 394 A. D. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 1. (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 105 : 793. Handschrift. Ueberlieferung (Brandes) Jahrb. Philol. 123 : 59. Austen, Jane. 1775-1817. Roman classique (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 29: 449. Austin, Alfred. Romancier satirique (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59 : 469. Austin, Texas. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census 19; 301. Austin, Moses, d. 1821. Bancroft. North Mexican states 2 : 54. Australasia. Bibliography. The Torch 1 : 89. Melanesia (Copcevic) Uns. Zeit 1885 : 1 : 453- Australia. Description and travel. See also Melbourne, New South Wales, Tasmania. Beauvoir. Australia. Burney. Voyages. Cook. Voyages v. 1. Dampier. Voyages v. 3. Minturn. From New York to Delhi. Wilkes. U. S. exploring expedition 2 : 157. and New Zealand (Desmond) Californian 1 : 302. Bevolkerung (Gerland) Zts. Volkerpsych 5 : 257. Entdeckungsreisen (Greffrath) Zts. Erd- kunde v. 10-11. Unsere Zeit 1863 : 529. Australia. 39 Avesta. Field sports (Desmond) California!! 1:339. in 1850. Gerstacker, Schriften 1 : 6 : 39. in 1877 (Monte'gut)Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 1-1 : 72, 017. North (Campbell) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 4 : 129. Sociologie (Reclus) Rev. Anthrop. Ill : 2 : 20,692. South. Colonie (Greffrath) Zts. Erdkunde 101. Swan river colony (Barrow, Brown) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 1:1, 17, 21. und Nachbarschaft (Bastian)Zts. Ethnol. <;:2<;7. 2!t:; ; 7: 17,163. Australia. History. Confederation (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:68:398. - Entwickelung. Unsere Zeit 1869: 2: i'Al- Europeans dans (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:19:89. Histoire physi7I 53:959; 54:854. in matters of faith. Brownson, Works 8:574-598. in matters of religion. Bolingbroke, Works. 1809. v. i-7. Liberty and. Brownson, Works 10: 111. - Liberte" et (Clement) Jour. Econ. Ill : 14 : 5. of the church. Ruskin, Sheepfolds. Revival of. Harrison, Order and pn Authors, Authorship. See also Composi- tion (Literary), Literature, Originality, Patronage. Bayle. Dictionary; Oeuvres divr:-- Eliot (George). Bacaya 275- Smith. Dreamthorp 1.;-. Advice to. Shaftesbury.Characteristicks v. 1. Books and bantlings. Coleridge (H.) K--UVS 1:84. Code Iitte>aire. Balzac, Oeuvres 22 : 285. Mission des (Rmusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:43:57. Relations to life. Whipple, Lecture-. sous Louis XIV (Clement) Acad. Sci. Mor 87 : 89. Austria. See also Bohemia, Bosnia, Carniola, Danube, Hungary, Pragmatic sanction, Prussia (war 1886). Transylvania, Vienna. Annales, to 1564 (Pertz, Mon. German. histor., Scriptores v. 9). ('hronicon rhytlimicum (Pertz, Mon. lierin. histor.,*Scriptores v. 25). depuis 1856 (Bailleux de Marizy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:26:46. Electoral system. Annual cyclopaedia 1882. in 1806-9. ( Fournier) Rundschau 53 : 120, 348. in 1852-65. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 1, 721 ; 1865: 768- in 1856 (Bailleux de Marizy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:4: in 1856. Gegenwart 11 : 811. in 1861. Hartmann (Mor.) Werke v. 10. in 1866-8. Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 1. in 1867. Role dans I'Kurope orientale. Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 71 : 941. in 1869 (Perrot) Rev. d.d. Monde* 11:84: 38. in 1873-5. Unsere Zeit 1875 : v. 1-2; 1876 : 1 : 123- in 1884-5. United States Consular report Metternich's id'e d'un; representation centrale (Stern) Rev. Hist. 31 : 313. Mouvement rc"formi-tc. HI*- (Muller) Rev. d.d. Mondes 1 1 : ]:, : 117. .velle constitution. lHi7 ( Laveleye) d. .1. Monde* II :7:529. Politik seit Andrassy (Rogge) Unsere X.-it !->: 1 : 100; 1885:1:21- Revolt. 1 uwart :.:*i76; 10:126: 11 Authority. See also Liberty. (iioja. Kilo-olia dclla -tali-tica v. I. Lewis. K--ay on A. in matters of I opinion. (Beaumont) Jour. Econ. I :31 :3. Gladstone, Gleanim:* v. 3. Acad. S-i. Mor. l j:t : Sl. <'riti<|iie t l-'nmrf. Iniprt-ssions de voyage (Moo tegut) Rev. d. d. Monde- III :'l: 111. iii 1874. I.e-li.-. bMtyi U2. Auxerre, France. i rpi-ii oponiin. Pertz, Mon. Geim. hist.. Script, v. 13. Average. Nrr works on Insurance, lliipkins. Handbook Of average. New \'ork Chamber of eonu K. port on. 1865-6. Averroei. Hi- lories of philosophy l>\ Kittcri* ll.'-i. Renan. Avei Averroiim. Lea. Hi-tory of the in.|iii-it ion :!:558. De-tin. '(- !! Italic. F 'her d<- Careil. l.cihnix.. Aveita. S>-f /end Avesta. Avicebron. 40 Bacon. Avicebron, Salomon Ibn Gebirol, called. Joel. Beitriige zur Geschichte der Philos- ophie 1 :app. Avicenna. Histories of philosophy by : Hitter (8 : 18). - IVychologie (Landauer) Zts. deutsch. niorgenl. Gesell. 13:477. Avienus, R. F. Periplus (Unger) Philologus suppl. v. 4: 189. Avignon, France. Mylius. Reise2:242. Council 1326. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. v. 5. Avitus, S. A. E., St., bishop of Vienne. d. 525. Histoire litteraire de la France v. 3. Axoom ( Axonm), Abyssinia. Anfange des Reiches (Dillinann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Geschichte, A. U. 300-600 ( Dillmann) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1880. Ayacucho, Peru. Battle, 1824. Knox, Decisive battles. Azara, Felice d'. 1746-1811. Jardine. Naturalists' library v. 19. Azay-Le-Rideau, France. Chateau. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 4. Azeglio, Massimo Taparelli, marquis dell'. 1798-186-. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 67: 880. Azimuth. Craig. Azimuth. 1887. Mesure et le calcul (Puissant) Paris. Mem. Acad. Sci. 9: 185. Azores islands. Geologic (Fouque") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 103-104. Aztecs. See also Mexico. Bancroft. Native races of the Pacific states. Foster. Pre-historic America. (Gallatin) Amer. Ethnolog. Soc. Trans. v. 1. Humboldt. New Spain. Kingsborough. Antiquities. Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. Short. North Americans of antiquity. Wallace. The fair god (fiction). Drama. Klein, Geschichte des Drama's v. 3. Land tenure among (Bandelier) Peabody Mus. Rept. 2:385. Language. Spuren (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854: suppl. v. 2. Wb'rter in d. sonorischen Sprachen (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856. Popol Vuh. Muller, Chips from a Ger man workshop v. 1. Social organization (Bandelier) Peabody Mus. Rept. 2:557. Baader, Franz B. von. 1765-1841. Fortlage. Genetische Geschichte der Philosophic seit Kant 246. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 2:31. Baalbeck, Syria. ( Bock) Uhsere Zeit 1889: 1 : 97. (De Forest) Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. 3:349. Lamartinc. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2:82. Maundrell. Travels. 1697. - Prime. Tent life 456. Universal history 1:439. Wright. Early travels in Palestine. Babel. Lauth. A us Aegyptens Vorzeit 84. Smith. Chaldean account of Genesis. Assur und (Scheuchzer) Zts. dent. niorgenl. Gesell. v. 16. Baber, emperor of Hindostan. Jeffrey. Essays. Babeuf, F: Noel, French politician. 1764-97. Kly. Socialism. Society of equals. Kaufmann, Utopias ch. 3. Babrius. - Babriana (Bergk) Philologus N. F. 1 : 385. Fables. Conington, Miscellaneous writ- ings; Rhein. Mus. 16:361. Studien (Crusius) Jahrb. Philol. 127:225. Babylon, Babylonia. Clinton. Fasti Hellenic! 2 : 367. Duncker. History of antiquity v. 1. Keppel. Journey from India. Layard. Discoveries at Nineveh and. Rawlinson. Five great monarchies. Stanley. Jewish church. Twesten. Ideen der asiastischen Kultur- volker. Universal history : ancient 3:423. Ausgraberungen (Meyer) Rundschau 50:33. Culture. Ursprung (Schrader) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1883. Fouilles de M. de Sarzec (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 53: 525. Language, " Woman's " (Haupt) Amer. J. Philol. 5:68. Legends. Smith, Chaldean account of Genesis. Post A]exandrimorteni(Reicke)Kb'nigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Recentes de"couvertes (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:448. Urgeschichte (Sax) Zts. morgenl. Gesell. V. 22. Bacchanals. See MaBnads. Bacchus (Dionysus). Brown. Great Dionysiak myth. Anthesterien u. d. Verhaltniss d. attis- chen Dionysus zum Koradienst (Ger- hard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. bei Horaz (Pierson) Rhein. Mus. 15:39. und die Thyaden(Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Bacli, Johann Sebastian, composer. 1685-1750. (Ehlert) Rundschau 5 : 81 ; 25 : 73. (R6cy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 : 72: 405. Bache, Alex. D. 1806-67. Eulogy (Henry) Smithsonian Report 1870. Bache, Franklin, M.D. 1792-1864. Memoir (Wood) Am. Philos. Soc. [Misc. publs.j Bacon, Sir Francis, baron Vernlam. 1561- 1626. Histories of philosophy by: Ritter (v. 10); Windelband (1:119). Barnes. Essays v. 1. Bayle. Dictionary. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 3. Feuerbach. Werke v. 4. Bacon. 41 Balder. Heron. Jurisprudence 347. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Maoaulay Essay-. Maurice. Moral and metaphysical philos- ophy v. 2. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Whipple. Literature of age of Elizabeth. and Descartes. Schlosser, Weltgeschichte 13:38. Character and style. Hazlitt, Literature of age of Elizabeth. Fall. "Gardiner, Prince Charles and the Spanish marriage. Influence in Germany. Miiller (Max), chip- v. -2. Influence of his philosophy ( Napier) Hoy. Kdin. Trans. 8:373. M.'-taphysicien (Le'veque) Rev. Philos. 3: U& v Atlantis. Kaufmann, Utopias 14. Philosophical genius. Mackintosh, l'.- Philosophy. Hegel. Werke T> -nchaftliche Principien (Lasson) Pains, philosophy v. 1. Bacon, Sir Nicholas. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Bacon, Roger, philosopher. 1214-92? ( 'iiu-iii. Fragments phfloM>phique82:21& ne. Friar Bacon and friar Bungay (drama). ( l.aii-en) HistorUche Xeit-chrift 51:434. opera; ed. by Brewer. Preface. ivp-y >',.-iety. PoUlcationa v. 15. i'n'curseurs de Pe-carte-. Bacon's rebellion in Virginia, I 1 : lli-torics of Virginia and the United tes. Fon-c. Historical tracts v. 1. Ware. Life of Nathaniel Bacon (Sparks' Amer. biography). Bacteria. Bibliography. Crookshank, Manual of bacteriology. Bternberg. Bacteria. 1884 457-491. Mary. <'"iiiparative morphology and biology. I 1 *-:. Conference (Steinberg) Rev. sd. t:; MnrpholoL'v (Sehedtler) Marburg t'niv. v. :;." "in- and cllVct-. Illinois Industrial University Report lvv.':93. Verniehrung im Wasser (Wolffhttgel) Merlin, K. < ieMindheit-anit, Arl). 1 Bactrta. liuncker. History of antiquity ~>:19. Hy-taspes und (Spiegel ) Ili-t. Xeit-. 11:1. Bactrian language. Lodcographie (<! Keppel. Jniirney from India. Bagehot, Walt." (F.Mitpcrtuis) Jour Eem. 1 1 1 : 1C :'-'-'7. 6 Baggesen, Jens I., j>oet. 17tiJ l - Horn. Scandinavian literature. Howitt. Literature of northern Europe. Bagirmi (Baghlrml), Africa. Geschichte (Nachtigal) Zts. Erdkunde 9:39,99. Bahama Islands. Handkerchief shoal (Tillinghast) Harvard Lib. Contrib. 14. Bahnsen, Jul. Di^ciiile de Schopenhauer (Hartmann) Itev. Hi.-t. :5:lo, 11.-,. Baif, Jean Antoine. Lel>en, Werke (Nagel) Herrig's Archiv v. 90-8L \Viirter, Strophenbildung (Nagel) Her- rig's Archiv Gl : 201, 439. Bailey, Samuel. llibot. English psychology. Bailly, Jean S., astronomer. 173f>-93. Arago. Oeuvres v. 2; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 23. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 10. Bain, Alexander. 18ls 77 Ribot. English psychology. Bajazet I, *nltnn of Turkey. Hammer-Purg>tall. >manisehes Ueich 1 :_'!;. Bajazet H, znltan of Turkey. 1447-1502. Creasy. Ottoman Turks. Froissart. Chronicles. Baker, Col. E. Dickinson. 1811-!'!. undd. Radicalism us. Ilumlschau 1 : 12:214 Balance. Balance of wisdom. Jour. Amer. < >rient. Soc. C: 1 ( Water-balai Mr-i-hreibung einer neiien (Schonemann) Wien Akad. Dcnks. M N. ('I. \ S'ii-itivi Hehel-Ketten-Systeni iii'iiiemann) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. (1 Theorie einer neuen (Tralles) lU-rlin Akad. Ai.h. l-oi-n. Balard, Antoine. I. 1-"-' 7-:. (Duma.-) 1'aris. Mem. Aead. Sci. v. 11. Balder. Arnol.l (M.) Balder dead (Poem- \ Buchanan. Malder the beautiful ( Poelii al work- 1 Dohell. Poem- v. '_'. (irimm. Teutonie mytholo i llu]i]>) (ii-rmania 11 : 1-1. d-r Lichtgott (Rudolf) 1 \rchiv ML > r und, und die dent-dieti ^ r Vetter) Germanla i'.: !'.;. hu- von Maldurs Tod (Hofmann) eriiiani.i Baldwin. 42 Banda Oriental. Baldwin, Joseph G. 1815-64. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Bale, John, bishop of Ossory. 1495-1563. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2 : 250. Comedy concerninge the lawes (Schroer) Anglia 5 : 137, 238. Balearic islands. (Guardia) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 71 : 426. (Hiibner) Rundschau 54 : 362. Bali island. Raffles. History of Java 2 : cxxxviii. Humboldt. Kawi-Sprache ( Berlin Akad. Abb.. 1882. Suppl. Volkskunde (Tonkes) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Balkan mountains. Etats in 1887 (Fontpertius) Jour. Econ. IV:38:56. Geology. Grundlinien (Toula) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 44. Ball, Sir Alexander. Coleridge. The friend 3 : 215. Ballads. Hazlitt. Early popular poetry of En- gland. Child's collection (Davidson) Am. J. I'hilol. 5:466. Corsican (Tozer) Jour. Philol. 6:196. Danish. Buchanan, Master-spirits 225. Dichtung(Drosihn) Herrig's ArchivSl: 1. Greek. Baird, Modern Greece 343. Irish (MacDonnell) Afternoon lectures v. 1. Italian. Symonds, Renaissance, index. Marchenpoesie (Kopke) Herrig's Archiv 38:131. Popular poetry. Scott, Minstrelsy of Scottish border v. 1, 2. Romaic (Ramsav) J. Hellenic Stud. 1 : 293. Spanish early. Legare", Works 2 : 299. Swiss (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 76: 791 ; 77 : 81. - Verschiedene Behandlung (Goerth) Her- rig's Archiv 46 : 369. Ballanche, Pierre Simon. 1776-1847. (Blum) Grit. Philos. 5 : 401. Laprade. Questions d'art. Ballard, John, Jesuit. Execution. Ballad on. Percy Society v. 1. Balliol, John. Siee John Balliol, king of Scot- land. Ballistics. See also Ordnance. Ingalls. Exterior ballistics. Abweichung d. Geschosses ( Magnus) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1852. M^moire (Didion) Paris, Mm. Savans Etrang. 10 : 619. Balloons. See also Aeronautics. ( Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 67 : 113. Dirigible. U. S. Ordnance report 1884-5, app. 11. Rebel bird-of-art. Moore, Rebellion record 8:323. Ballot. See also Elections, Representation, Suffrage. McMillan. Elective franchise in the United States. Ricardo. Works 565. Smith (Sydney). Essays; also Works 3:91. Street. Handbook of practical registra- tion. dans 1'antiquite (Borgeaud) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Extension. Dangers. Greg.Miscellaneous essays 58. People's power (Stetson) Pams. U. S. his- tory v. 1. - Reform (Vassault) Overland II : 13: 134. Balmat. Auguste, Alpine guide. Shairp. Life of Ja. D. Forbes: app. C. Balmes, J. L. 1810-48. Philosophy. Brownson, Works 2 : 462. Balsamo, Joseph. See Cagliostro (Count). Baltard, Victor, architect. (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 2 : 788. Baltic sea. Tides (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857, 1859. Preussische Kiiste (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. Baltimore, George Calvert, lord. 1582-1632. Scharf. History of Maryland. Baltimore, Maryland. Bibliography. Peabody Institute, Library catalogue 1 : 227. as a medical center (Van Bibber) Pams. medicine v. 4. in 1865 (Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 61: 817. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census v. 19. Balzac, Honpre" de, novelist. 1799-1850. Albert. Litte>ature francaise au 19. siecle 2:245. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 5. Faguet. Etudes litte'raires sur le 19. siecle. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 4 : 36. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 : 108. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 2. Correspondance. Critique Philos. 12 : 231, 280. Oeuvres, influence (Poitou) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:6:713. Balzac, Jean L: Guez de. 1594-1654. Albert. Litterature franchise des origines 352. Bamberg, Bavaria. Annales (Pertz, Mon. German histor., Script, v. 5, 10, 17). Bamboo. and palm. Chinese Repository 3 : 261. Bamford, Samuel. 1788-1872. Smiles. Brief biographies. Bancroft, George, historian. 1800- History of the United States. Brownson, Works 19: 382. Prescott. Essays. Bancroft, Hubert H., historian. 1832- Historical works. Eulogy. Pams. Cali- fornia v. 8. History of the Pacific states (Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. 4:25:85. Literary methods. Nation 36 : 103, 123, 144, 169. ' Native races reviewed. Edin. Rev. 144 : 283 North Amer. Rev. 120 : 34. Westm. Rev. 103 : 416. Banda Oriental. See Uruguay. Bandello. 43 Baptism. Bandello, Matteo, novelist. 1480-1562. iSyrnonds. Renaissance. Banditti. See Brigandage. Banishment. See Ostracism. Bank of England. Adams. Chapters of Erie. (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 43 : 769. Hnskisson. Speeches. Journal des Economistes. Series 1-2, index. Peel. Discours. 1844. (Jour. Eccn. 1:8: 251,357.) - Reserve. Price, Political economy; ap- pendix. Solidarite" (Bonnet) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 66:588. Bank of France. (Forcade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 2 : 298. Billets sousle regime du cours force 1 (Bon- net) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 4:388. et la circulation fiduciaire (Wolowski) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:55:664. et la crise, 1871 ( Bonnet) Rev. d.d. Mondes Il:9fJ:682. et le credit, 1862( Bonnet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:37:156. et les B. dpartmen tales (Lavergne) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 50: 851. Organisation inte>ieure (Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 80: 295. pendant la Commune (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 27: 286, 527, 831; 28:113. Bank of North America. Holland. Life of Van Buren ch. 5. Sparks. Life of Gouverneur Morris 3 : 435. Bank of Spain. in 18*7. T ni ted States Consular report 79. Bank of the United States. Financial histories by: Bolles, Hoch, etc. Works and speeches of: Adams (J :), Cal- houn, Clay, Everett, Gallatin. Jeflerson, Legarc?, Madison, Webster, Winthrop. Benton. Thirty years' view. (Carey) Political pamphlets v. 1. Chevalier. Lettres sur I'Anie'rique. Duane. Removal of the deposites. Gibbs. Walcott's memoirs. Holland. Life of Van Buren ch. 19. Kendall. Autobiography ch. 14. Paine. Political works 1 Rantoul. Life of Madison ch. 7. Tyler. Memoir of Taney ; Letters and times of the Tylers. Williams. Statesman's manual. Specie payments in 1838. Seward, Works 3:356. ' Sub-treasury bill, 1838. Brownson, Works 15:85. Banking, Banks. See alto Commerce, Credit, Currency, Exchange. Journal des Economistes. Series 1-2, fn- Caisse de retraite. Nouvelle loi (Beau- mont) Jour. Econ. IV:35:389. pour ouvriers (Dormoy) Jour. Econ. IV:35:39. Caissea d'lpargne (Guilbault) Jour IV 14:31. (Sa.s)Ji.iir. Iv-iin. IV:35:380. Caisse d'escompte avant 17M9(I^avergnc) Acad.8ci.Mor. 71 Caisses de secours (Dupont) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98 : 107. Canadian system. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Canadian economics. 1884. Cheque : effets de commerce (Petit) Jour. Econ. IV:6:347. Circulation aux Etats-Unis(Guerin) Jour. Econ. IV: 35: 255. dans 1'antiquite' (Bernardakis) Jour. Econ. IV: 14: 336; 15:181. Epargne au moyen age(Mossmann)Rev. Hist. 10 : 55. European great Rise of. Frignet, Asso- ciation commerciale. French, 1871-2 (Malarce) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:99:929. state system (Parks) Halle Univ. Diss. v.4. German. Gesetz, April, 1874. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 1 : 598. Socie'te's anonymes, 1884. Jour. Econ. IV: 28: 57. Volksbanken. Unsere Zeit 1870 : 1 : 09. Law. Embryologie (Bamberger) Rund- schau 2:111,413. Liberte" demission (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:49:75. (Chevalier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 78 : 99. Napoleon et Mollien sur ( Wolowski ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 68 : 191- Notes. . Coullet, Circulation inonStaire. Ricardo, Works. Postal savings. Austrian. U. S. Consular report, Aug. 1883. Canadian. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Ca- nadian economics. 1884. State tamperings with. Spencer (H.) Es- says 319. Trapezites d'Athenes (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 50 : 240, 242. (Koutorga) Acad. Sci. Mor. 50 : 2_'l . United States, in 1882 (Flaix) Jour. Econ. IV: 19:321. National. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 2 : 27. Zettelbankstreit (Eras) Unsere Zeit 1875: 1:166. Bankruptcy. - < 'allioun. Works 3 : 506. Cost in United States. U.S. Senate Docs. 1873-4, v. 1. English court bill. Bentham, Works 5: 5::J>I. Jardine. Naturali-t-' lihrary v. 38. Lodge. Portraits v. I. Banville, Thrudnn- ilr. Letiinitrc. t'onU'inporains 1:7. Oeuvreu. Baintc -I'.i-uvr, '.-m-i-rii'* 14 :69. Baptism. Augustine. <>n Ilif I'onati-t runtrf. IWnanln* < larevallcnsis. Opera 1 < Im-tian's Magaziix Baptism. 44 Barometer. Clarke (S:). Works. 1738. v. 3. Edwards (P:) Renouncing antipaedobap- tisni. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. Hall (Robert). Works. Ploss. Das Kind 189, 207, 221. Scott. Effect of baptism. Wall. Infant baptism defended. Wesley. Works. of Jesus. Strong, Philosophy and reli- gion 220. On antipaedobaptism. Priestley, Theol. works 20 : 467. Sprinkling, pouring, immersion. Pains. on religion v. 10. Baptists. See also Anabaptists. Neal. History of the Puritans : supple- ment. Sprague. Annals of American pulpit v. 0. History in Boston (King) Winsor's Bos- ton 3 : 421. Barante, A. G. P. B., French historian, states- man. 1782-1866. Guizot. Melanges biographiques; also Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 70 : 5. Barbadoes. Phillips' voyage. Churchill, Voyages v. 0. Barbarism. See Civilization, Savagery. Barbarossa. See Frederick I. of Germany. Barbauld, R. and his wife. Arblay, Diary. Barbes, Armand, French socialist. 1810- - Mirecour. Contemporains. Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. A. Laporte. Bibliographic contemporaine 1 : 136. Barbier, Henri Auguste, satiric poet. 1805- 82. Laporte. Bibliographic contemporaine 1:148. Vie, oeuvres (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes, Oct. 1882. Barbour, John, Scottish poet. 14th century. Horstmann's Legenden (Buss) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Barcelona, Spain. in 1853. Hacklander, Werke v. 22. Barclay, John. 1758 r 1826. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 24. Barcochebas (False Christ). Bayle. Dictionary. Bardesanes. Works on gnosticism by: Baur (208), Hansel (129), Matter (1 : 293). Bar do, archbishop of Mentz. - Vitae. Pertz, Mon. German hist., Script. v. 11. Bards. See also Minnesinger, Troubadours. Klein. GeschicMte des Drama's 12:305. en Irelande et dans le pays de Galles. Rev. Hist. 8:1. Welsh. Stephens, Literature of the Kymry 84. Bargine. des eaux the>males (Turpin) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 15 : 355. Barere de Vieuzac, Bertram!. 1755-1811. Histories of the French revolution of 1789. Macaulay. Essays. Barium. Determination (Schweitzer) Pams. chem- istry v. 2. Wirkung (Bary) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Bark of trees. and wood (Mirbel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 8:139. Bildungd.Bastzellen(Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 16. Formation (Knight) Roy. 8oc. Trans. 1807 : 103 ; 1808 : 103, 313 ; 1820 : 156. Wachsthum d. Verdickungsringes (Krabbe) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Barker, Thomas Jones. British painters. Barlaam and Josaphat. Lachmann. Kleinere Schriften v. 1. Barlow, Joel. 1755-1812. as a poet. Greene, American revolution 393. Barnabas, Sf. Epistola (Weiss) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Barnave, A. V : J. M. Oeuvres. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2 : 22. Barneyeldt, Jan van Olden. 1547-1619. Burigny. Life of Grotius 57- Btirnet. History of his own time. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. Motley. Life and death of John of Barne- yeld. Life. Motley's (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2:563. Barometer. See also Altitude. Herschel. Manual of scientific inquiry. Williamson. Use of the barometer in surveys. Aneroid. Goldschmid's. Pams.on science v. 3. Verwerthung (Wiillerstorf-Urbair) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 31. Bewegungen zu Berlin (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Correction for wind (James) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20 : 377. Diurnal oscillations (Buchan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:397. variation between the tropics (Hors- burgh) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:177. Formula for mountain heights (Renny) Roy. Irish Trans v. 23. Horary oscillations. Edinburgh (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12 : 153. Hygrometric states. Constants (Renny) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23. Marine (Flinders) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803: 239. Measurements. Causes effecting accuracy (Play fair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 1:87. - New (Baily) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837:431. Portable (McGuire, Austin, Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 1, 4, 5. Pression atmosphe"rique. Arago, Oeuvres 12:343. Self-registering (Bry son) Roy.Edin.Trans. 15:503. Thermometrical (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1817 : 183. - Variations (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v.2. - Verification (Welsh) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856: 507 Water (Daniell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1832 : 539. Barretier. 45 Batrachia. Barretier, John P. Johnson (S:) Lives of the English poets. Barrett, Elizabeth. See Browning (Eliz. B.) Barri, Gerald de. See Giraldus Cambrensis. Barriere, Theodore. Comedies (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:20:210. Barry, Elizabeth. 1658-1713. Doran. Annals of the stage v. 1. Barry, James, British painter. 1741-1806. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Barthel, Karl. 1817-53. Biogruphie (/ his Erbauliches and Be- scnaulicbes.) Earth, L'ev. Louis. 1764-1*11. (Foin) Am. Catholic Hist. Soc., Records v. 2. Barthelemy, Jean Jacques, dbM. 1716-95. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 7. - Villemain. Litte"rature au 18e. siecle 3 : 270- - Voyage du jeune Anacharsis. Egger, Hel- li'nisme en France 2: 294. Bartholomeu dos Martyres. 1514-1590. Urunada. Vida. (Bibl. espafl. v. 11.) Bartholomew, hermit of Fame. Vita. Rolls chronicles 75 : v. 1. Bartlett, Josiah. 1729-95. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration. v. 3. Bartlett, Hon. John Russell. 1805-86. Life (Gaiuiuell) 1'ams. biography v. 3. Bartolommeo, /'///, jminter. 1469-1517. Mant/. Chefs-dVuvre de la peinture. Bartolozzi, Francesco. 1728-1815. Sandby. Koyul academy of arts ch. 4. Bartsch, Karl F: 1832-83. ( Jeitteles) Unsere Zeit 1888 : 1 : 468. (Schroer, Bechstein) Germania 33:59,65. als Romanist(Neumann)Germaniu 33:98. Barye, Antoine L., sculptor. 1795-1875. - Hartmann (Moritz). Werke 10 : Jl.",. (Hunriet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:85:758. Baryta. (Helmhacker) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. n. . Harzer (Herschenz) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Basalt. See also Lava. Zirkel. Structur der Ba-altgesteine. < hemik (Klaproih) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2. .n-itioii from vitreous texture (Watt) Kov.Sor. Tran-. 1*O1 : 27! . Znsammensetzung n-ii-.f,lniiil. i.-ilral. < iailhabatid, Monument- v. 3. .nc-il. I l.;i !i. l-'..\. Art- ami moini- III.-!: . I71G. (Sorel) i: . i; ; ; : Bashan ami th< iGr.iliam ) 'am bridge e ay.i 1858. Basllides. Histories of philosophy by : Hitter (5 : 123). Works on gnosticism by : Baur (210), Mansel, Matter (2:37). Basllius, Saint, bp. of Caesarea. 329-379. Newman. Historical sketches v. '_'. Fayyum ms. (Landwehr) Philologus 43: 106. Basque language. Ellis. Sources of the Etruscan and B. languages. Affinities in (Kennedy) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1856 : 216. Priifung d. Unterschungen iiber d. l'rl>e- wohner Hispaniens. Humboldt ( K : \V : v.), Werke 2 : 1-198. Basques. ( Kirkpatrick) California!! 6 : 178. (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 68 : 313. Pays(Louis-Lande) Rev. d.d. Monde- 111: 19:780; L'O: 417: -2-2-.S-28, SOU; 23:900. und ihr Land ( Willkomm) Uns. Zeit 1886: 1:48. Basselin (or Vasselin), Olivier, poet. 1350- 1419? Besant. Early French poetry. Bastian, Ph. W: Adolf. 1828- Arbeiten (Happel) Zts. Volkerpsychol. 17:1. Bastiat, Fr^d^ric. 1801-50. Cairnes. Kssays in political economy. Macleod. Dictionary of political econ- omy. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1 : 28 : 180. (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 13:225,245,353; 14: 72, 90. Reybaud. Economistes modernes ; also Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 136. Stirling. Lifeof (In Bastiat's Harmonies). Bastille, Paris. See also works on 1'aris, Prisons. Fall, 1789. Histories of the French revo- lution. Medal commemorative of (Medal col- lection No. 510). sous Louis XIV (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4: 197. Basuto Land. \Varl878-81. Contemporary I: Fortn. Rev. 35:285; 19 Century v. I Batavia. See also Java. (Bousquet) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 19:310. Bath, Knglnnil. Beauties of England and Wales 13: pt. 1 : Thermal spring at (Daubeny) Roy. Soc. Trail.-. 18.-JI: 1. Water. ('omiM(-itioii(Murray)Uoy.Kdin. Trans. 7:445. Baths, Bathing. See also Health re-nrt-. -,-ri Mieli. Bd. Health 1^77:111. publies a I'ari- ((iirard) 1'aris, Mem. I. >ri. !_: 111. Warm. Kumford. Work- I :588. Bathurst, Henry, enrl. 1711 !U. < '.impbell. Lord rhanrellors. Batrachia. See nh Frog. < lopment of -knll I I'arker) Ko- Trail-. Ixsl : 1. i-!. li myologie (Dug<5s) Paris, M. ii. Bats. 46 Beaumont. Bats. Allen. Monograph of N. American bats (Smithson. Misc. coll. v. 7). Morinops u. Phyllostoma (Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856. Myology of (Macalister) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1872:125. Nyctophilus (Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Remarkable accumulation (Figanierre e Morao) Smithson. Rept. 1863. Battles. See also names of battles. Creasy. Fifteen decisive battles. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. Lieber. Great events. since 1500. Thalheimer, History 336. Baudelaire-Dufays, C: P: 1821-1867. Laporte. Bibliographic contemporaine 1 : 173. Baudissin, Wolff H: F: Graf von. 1789-1878. (Heltner) Rundschau 15:455. Baudri, bishop of Ltege. d. 1018. Vita. Pertz, MOD. Germ, hist., Script. 4:724. Baudri, abbe de Bourgneil. d. 1130. (Thurot) Re'yue Historicme 1:372. Poesies (Delisle) Romania 1 :23. Rcit de la croisade fonde" sur (Meyer) Romania 5: 1. Bauer, Ludwig. Strauss. Schrif ten 2 : 199. Bauernfeld, Eduard von. 1802- Franz von Sickingen. Hebbel, Werke 11:216. Baur, F. C., German theologian. 1792-1861. Zeller. Vortrage 1 : 294, 390. Oeuvres (Revilie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 45:104. und d. Tubinger Schule. Unsere Zeit 1862 : 289. Bavaria. Duller. Donaulander. Adressdebatte, 1870 (Miiller) Uns. Zeit 1870:2:65-. im Mittelalter (Wachsmuth) Hist. Tas- chenbuch 1834. in 1870-4. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 81, 171. in 1882-7 (Miiller) Unsere Zeit 1887: 1 :577. Memoiren aus. Hist. Zeits. 49:79. NeuesteGeschichte. Unsere Zeit 1869:2: 801- Question de la succession, 1778. Frederick II, Oeuvres v. 6. Baxter, R:, nonconformist divine. 1615-91. American Quarterly Register 4 : 1. Neal. History of the Puritans. Stephen. Essays ; Ecclesiastical biog- raphy v. 2. Exegetical notes. Coleridge, English divines v. 2. Bayeux tapestry. See Tapestry. Bayle, Pierre. 1647-1706. - Bouillier. Philosophic cart^sienne 2 : 476. Feuerbach. Werke v. 6. Fischer. Bacon und seine Nachfolger 441. Herder. Adrastea (Werke v. 23). Leibnitz. Opera philosophica. Staudlin. Geschichte des Skepticismus 2:103. et ses doctrines (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 13:37. Bazaine, F. A., marshal of France. 1811-88. (Zemin) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:43. Trial. Diplomatic Review bk. 6. Bazin, Anais de Raucou. 1797-1850. -Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 2 : 464. Bdellida. Arten (Diesing) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14. Beach, Lewis. 1835-86. Memorial addresses. U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1886-7, v. 7. Beard, James H: 1814- Sheldon. American painters. Beard, William H. 1825- Sheldon. American painters. Bears. Hunting. Hittell, Life of Ja. Capen Adams. Beaton (Bethune), David, cardinal. 1494- 1546. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Beatrice Portinari (Dante's). Bartoli. Letteratura italiana 4 : 185. Jameson. Loves of the poets. Wilson. Essays 1 : 289. et la potisie amoureuse (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 37: 721. Beattie, James, Scottish poet. 1735-1803. Jeffrey. Essays. Vie et les Merits (Mallet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:221,367. Beaucaire canal. (Lenthe'ric) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 37 : 864. Beaufort, Sir Francis, rear admiral. 1774- 1857. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Beauharnais, Josephine de. See Josephine. Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, sire de. Werke (Schwan) Roman. Studien 4:351. Beaumarchais, P: A: Caron de, dramatist. 1732-99. Albert. Litt6rature f rancaise au 18. siecle. Besant. French humorists. Dauban. Prisons de Paris 30- Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance, index. Lenient. Come"die en France au 18. siecle 2:240- Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 6. Van Laun. History of French literature. and Clavijo. Goethe, Clavijo : drama. Bettelheim's Biographic de(Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 73 : 682. Figaro (Breitinger) Herrig's Archiv 26: 319. Beaumont, Francis, dramatist. 1584-1616. Bayle. Dictionary. Dyce. Memoir of (In Beaumont's Works). and Fletcher. Coleridge, Lectures on Shakespeare v. 1-2. Dunham. Literary men v. 2. (Herrig) Herrig's Archiv 12 : 137. and Massinger (Boyle) Eng. Stud. 5: 74; 6:66; 8:39. Beaumont, Sir John. 1583-1627. Life. Beaumont, Poems; ed. byGrosart. Beaumont, Mine. Pauline de Montmorin, comtesse de. (Bardoux) Rev.d.d. Mondes III :57:826; 58:273,835; 59:315; 60:276. Beaumont. 47 Beecher. Raynal. Correspondants de Joubert. Beaussire, Eniile J. Arniand. 1824-89. (BouUIier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132: 124. Pre"curseur de Hegel (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 58 : 244. Beautemps-Beaupre', C: F. 1766-1854. Me"moire (Beaumont) Paris, Mh. 1*1:'. l.i v>'-i|iie'- Science du (Saisset) Rev. d. d. Mondes II ::; 1:405. Metaphysik des. Schopenhauer, Werke 0: H7." Morale de, selon le mysticismccontenipo- rain (Fouille*e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 52 : 401. Personal. Finrk, Romantic love and per- sonal beauty. Lucianus, De pulchritudine. ( M.-rkel) Kundschau ;Vi: 111. Spencer (H.i K--ay-. Philosophy of ( Black'ie) ( 'lioice Literature 1 : I :. 1'lai-ir !: 'lit: 35. Relation to culture. Sh.-.ld, I>i-c,,i. Science et (Seailles) lu-v. Phi: M .In, .In-/, l.-s bCtes (Lvquf) Kev. .1 .1. M.)iidesII:107:39. Variation-^ ,i u < Delacroix) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:908. Beauvois, A. M. F. .!. I'ulisot, baron de. (Cuvier) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 4 : cccx viii. Beavers. Fossil Cambridgeshire (Okes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 175. Beavis, Richard. British painters. Bebeeru tree of Guiana. (Maclagan) Roy. Eoii, Works 3: 400. Beelen. 48 Belisarius. Beelen, J. T., Belgian savant. Vie et les travaux. Louvain Univ. An- nuaire 1885 : cvi. Beer. Knight. London v. 4. en Prance et h l'tranger (Beaumont) Jour. Econ. IV: 39: 382. European. Vizitelly, Wines of the world. Fabrication (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:18:433. in technolog. u. culturhistorischer Hin- sicht. Uns. Zeit 1867 : 1 : 278- Thermo-ar;iometrischeProbe(Pohl)Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Bees. Burroughs. Locusts and wild honey ; Pepacton. Economy (Knight) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807: 234; 1828:319. Mexican. Beechey, Voyage to the Pacific 2:357. Beet. See Sugar. Beethoven, Ludwig van. 1770-1827. Grillparzer. Werke 8 : 105. Haweis. Music and morals. Strauss. Old faith and the new : app. 199. Beethoveniana(Spitta) Rundschau 54: 88. et ses critiques (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:920. Life. Thayer's (Ehlert) Rundschau 21: 157. Ninth symphony. Ehlert, Letters on music. Strauss, Schriften 2 : 339. Pilgrimage to. Wagner, Art life and theories. Beetles (Coleoptera). Californian (Rivers) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:61- Colorado. Unsere Zeit 1877 2 : 528. Madagascar (Klug) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Myodaires (Robineau-Desvoidy) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 2. North American (Casey) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:157- Water. Leg muscles. Minute structure (Schafer) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873:429. Beggars, Begging. See also Charity, Pauper- ism, Tramps. Fish (Simon). Supplication for B. (E. E. Text Soc. 11:13). Colmeiro. Economia politica en Espafia 2:17. Mendicit4 a Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 87: 175. Begonia. Gattung (Klotzsch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Beheim, Michael. Lebensende (Caspart) Germania 22:412. Behn, Mrs. Aphra, novelist. 1640-89. - Bayle. Dictionary 3 : 140 ; 10 : 126. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Behr, W. Jos. 1775- Duller. Manner des Volks 5:341. Bearing's straits. Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific. Kotzebue. Voyage, 1815. v. 1, 3. Nordenskiold. Voyage of the Vega v. 2. Seemann. Voyage of the Herald v. 2. Being. See Life, Ontology. Be"jart, Madeleine, French comedienne. (Larroumet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69: 123. Bekker, Balthasar. Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 305. Soldan. Hexenprozesse v. 2. Belemnites. of Wilts (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1844 : 65. (Man tell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:171; 1850:393. Structure (Allan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9: 393. Belgium. Description and travel. See also ,Ghent, Netherlands (before 1830). Economic rurale (Lavergne) Acad. Sci. Mor. 65 : 433. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33: 617; 35:674; 38:51. Organisation del'industrie. 1842. (Ramon de La Sagra) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2 : 125. Belgium. History and politics. Belgische Experiment(Hillebrand) Rund- schau 24 : 258, etc. Crise politique, 1864 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 52 : 638. 1871 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 97:241. English expedition to the Scheldt, 1809. Canning, Speeches 2:425. Fondation du royaume (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:38. Geschichte seit 1600 (Arendt) Hist. Tas- chenbuch 1845. Government. Brougham, Political philos- ophy 3: 372. Griindung (Geffcken) Rundschau 9:256- in 1830. Annual Retrospect for 1831. 2 v. Ungewitter, Niederlander. in 1831. History pamphlets v. 8. in 1830-1880. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6:249. in 1834. Arndt, Schriften v. 3. in 1848. Gegenwart v. 1-2. in 1848-58. Unsere Zeit 1858:305, 417; 1859:46. in 1850-67. Annuaire des Deux Mondes. in 1857 (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 10: 481. in 1857-72 (Bartling) Unsere Zeit 1874:2: 678-; 1875:1:116- in 1883 (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111: 60:681. in 1885 (Menzelburger) Unsere Zeit 1885: 1:190- Libert comme en 1880 (Penchinat) Grit. Relig. 2:84, 342; 3:209. du commerce au 18. siecle (Vosges) J our. Econ. Ill : 25 : 289. Belief. See also Certainty, Doubt, Faith. Venn. On some characteristics of belief. Ethics of. Clifford, Lectures and essays v. 2. How made (Royce) Californian 5 : 122. Philosophic de (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 47 : 867. Scientific and religious. Temple, Religion and science. Belisarius, Roman general. A. D. 505-565. Finlay. Greece 1 : 429. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Wagner. Mediaeval Greek texts pt. 1. (Philol. Society.) Belisarius. 49 Benzole. Vandalenkrieg (Pflugk-Harttung) Hist. Zts. 01:69. Bell, Sir Charles. 1774-1842. - Biography (M'Neill) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15: 397. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte", Charlotte. ; Bellarmino, Roberta, cardinal. 1542-1621. Bayle. Oeuvresdiverses.iwter; Diction- ary. Ginguine*. Histoire litte"raired'Italie v. 7. Bellerophon. Morris. Harthly paradise v. 4. Miiller. Chips from a German workshop v. .'. Belli, Giuseppe ili), Ginguin' I v. !), Tiraboschi iiii' 1 Symonds. Renaissance in Italy, index. Benavidea, Fram-i-ca-. Oratio pro auspic. in His]iani:itn reditu. Vico, Opere; ed. Ferrari <: 1<>7. Benedetti, Francesco, poet. 1785-1821. (Kannegies.ser) Herrig's Archiv 2<>:429. Benedict, alhnt of ('Luxes. Vita. Pert/, Mon. < Serin, hist., Script. V. 12. Benedic tbeuern . Chroni'-a. 1'ert/, Mon. Germ, hi.-t.. Script. v. !. Benedictines. S>-,- , ( /.,, Ucnedic! Motitalemliert. Monk-* of thewestv. 2. of France. Stephen, Kcclesiastical biog- raphy v. 1. il-i (I'.oddeker) Hug. Stinl. 1' : locki ) Xt-. dent. inor^ciil. i ie-i-ll. 4'J : 1 !.'{. Bengal. Srr als,, Calcutta, (ianp-. Hindo^- tan, India. - Letters 4-771. Honegger. Coliurgeschichte 1:7*;. Jeffrey. Essays. Joiitt'roy. Droit naturel v. 1. Maeaulay. Kays. Mackintosh. Progress of ethical philos- ophy. Madison. Works 3:52. Mill. Dissertations v. 1. Mohl. StaatswissMis ( -haft 3:90. I Kciioiivier) ('ritili. Residence in London 314- Smith (Sydney). Works. and the utilitarians. Legare!, Writings 2 : 149. Doctrine morale applique'e it, IVSconomie politi<|ue (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. II: ;-'_'::., 177. Ktudehibliographique(Raffalovich)Jour. Econ. IV:43:l!Ki. Moral system. Jouffroy, Introduction to ethics "v. 2. Bentivogllo, el (Bernays) Rhein. Mu- B; 1 Life. Classical Jour. ."> : _'7!. Quarrel with lloyle. Disraeli, (^uarreK of authors. QM of Kimlisli (She|.her.l) Am. .1. Philol. Benton, H,,n. T: II . \^2 ; Fremont, Jes>ii- \\. Sketch of life of H I Fremont. Memoirs v. 1 ). Unsere Xnt U Benvenuto, Ilnli/. AnnaU-. 1'ert/, Mon. (ierm. luster., Scr. \ Benzole j Benzine i. iiml Yerbindunp-n ( M it-cherlic-h | Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1.H33. Dinitroparadil>rom( Austen ) I'ams.i hem- v. '.'. Benzone. 50 Berlin. Benzone. Substituirbarkeit (Paepcke) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Beowulf : Anglo-Saxon poem. Bibliography. Wiilcker, Grundriss d. angels. Lfteratnr. Histories of English literature by Azarias, Brink, Metcalfe, Morley, Taine, etc. (Bugge) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 4 : 192. (Holtzmann) Gennania 8:489, 506. Turner. History of the Anglo-Saxons 3:326. Vigfusson. Icelandic prose reader 209, 404. Sturlunga saga 1 : xlviii (Grettis sage). Arnold's translation (Wiilcker) Anglia 1 : 177. Bildliche Ausdruck im (Hoffmann) Engl. Stud. 6:163. Composition (Hornburg, Hummel) Her- rig's Archiv 72:333; 62:231. Einleitung (Kohler) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2:305. Eomaer und Heming (Bachlechner) Ger- mania 1:297, 455. Germanische Alterthilmer im (Kohler) Ger mania 13:129. Grundvig's edition. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften 4 : 178. Halle Heorot im ( Heyne) Pams. on Anglo- Saxon v. 1. Handschrift (Kolbing) Herrig's Archiv 56:91. Hero-life. Disraeli, Amenities of lit- erature v. 1. Hey ne's edition (Rieger) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2:371. Islandische Grettissaga und (Gering) Anglia 3 : 74. Monster Grendal (Skeat) Jour. Philol. 15:120. Oldengelske Digt (Bugg) Tidskr. for Philol. 8:40, 287. Sigemund und Sigeferd (Uhland) Ger- man ia 2:344. Sprachformen d. Hildebrandliedes im (Schulz) Pm. Anglo-Saxon v. 2. Ten Brink's Untersuchungen (Heinzel) Zts. deutsch. Altert. Anz. 15 : 153. (Moller) Engl. Stud. 13 : 247. Translation (Gummere) Am. J. Philol. 7:46. Ursprung (Kriiger) Herrig's Archiv 71: Verskunst (Rieger) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 7:1. Vorlesung(Bouterwek) Germania 1:385. Waffen im (Lehmann) Germania 31:486. World of (March) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1882. Stranger, Pierre Jean de, lyric poet. 1780- 1857. Albert. Litte>ature francaise au 19. siecle 2 : 155. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 2. Besant. French humorists. - Hartmann (Mor.) Werke 10 : 215. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 2 : 501. Paris; ou le livre des 101. 1 : 219. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 633. als Bonapartist (Silbergleit) Herrig's Ar- chiv 47 : 121. Chansons. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi v. 2, 15. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis v. 1. Derniers chansons (Montegut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12 : 634 ; 13 : 70. Economiste. Journal des Economistes 1:1: 330. Lieder (Schmick) Herrig's Archiv 26: 129. The'ologie. Ilenan, Questions contempo- raines 461. Berber language. Notizen (Duveyrier) Zts. deutsch. mor- genl. Gesell. v. 12. of Mt. Atlas (Newman) Philol. Soc. Proc. v.l. Berchet, Giovanni. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Berdan, David. Seward. Works 3 : 117. Berengaria of Navarre, queen of Richard I. -1230. Scott. Talisman. Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 294. Berengarius (Berenger I) , king of Italy. -924. Panegyricus. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 4. Berengarius (Berenger) of Tours, archdeacon. 990-1088. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 8. Works discovered. Lessing, Werke 8 : 251. Bergerac, S. Cyrano de. 1620-55. Morley. Cle'ment Marot v. 2. Berkeley, George, bishop of Cloyne. 1684- 1753. Histories of philosophy by : Lewes, Rit- ter (12 : 233), Windelband (1 : 300). Bowen. Critical essays. (Butt) Afternoon lectures 3 : 185. James. Lectures and miscellanies. McCosh. Realistic philosophy 2 : 88. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Idealism of. Fischer, Bacon und seine Nachfolger 694. Graham. Idealism. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 2. Stewart(Dugald). Essays (Works v.5). Wyld. Physics and philosophy of the senses - Philosophic (Mill) Rev. Philos. 1 : 225. Philosophic religeuse (Carrau) Rev. Phi- los. 22 : 376. Berkeley, George, 1st earl of. 1628-98. Evelyn. Diary. Berkeley, California. (Bartlett) Muir, Picturesque California 99. (Sheldon) Overland II : 7 : 581. (Sutliffe) Pams. California v. 6. Berlin, Germany. als Industriestadt(Vogel) Rundschau 20: 243. Congress, 1878. McCarthy, History of our own times. Avortement (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 26: 912. im Griinen (Bock) Rundschau 3 : 404. in 1789-1816 (Hillebrand) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:86:447; 87:67; 90:5. in 1817. Cousin, Fragments philo- sophiques 5 : 99. in 1827. Briihns, Life of Humboldt 2 : 75. in 1848. Ministerium Pfuel (Brandt) Rundschau 11 : 134- Berlin. 51 Bertran de Born. in 1850. Wall, Foreign etching. in 1886. Sunnier, Northern Europe. Leben (Rodenberg) Rundschau v. 37, 38, 40,43,49,53,54, Municipal administration. U. S. Foreign relations 1881 : 478- Mu.-ccs (Michel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 49:420,898; 51:91. NM men. Slavische (Hey) Herrig's Ar- ehiv (19:201. - rrsprungund I$edeutung(Mahn) Her- rig's Archiv 27 : 241. Nationalgalerie (Kneschke) L'nsere Zeit ::_': 211. Selbstrerwaltang ( Lamxnen) Rundschau 180. Spa/iergang. Schiller, Werke 10 : 58. - und Frankfurt, 1848-9. Rundschau 55: :: 56:47. I'niversity. Dwiglit, Travels in north (iermany 174. -- Fondation (Lavis.se) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:375. -- Griindung. Humboldt (K: W: v.) \V, : -- Une revocation (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 23: 210. Winter in (Crane) California!! 2: 223- Berlioz, Hector lu,muftoaleompofr. 1803-(>9. (P.la/e d.- I'.iiry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: BO: loo'i. [Jnsere Xeit !;!: 2:401. Uriefe und Memoirun (Hanslick) llund- :369. Bermondsey, . Monastery. Annal-. (Rolls chronieles - ; . \. ::.' Bermuda Islands. Smith. Plantation ( Harri", Voyage- v. 1 i. Smith. History of Virginia and the. Thomson. Voyage of the Challenger v. 1. College in. Berkeley, Works. Discovery (.loiirdain) Hakluyt, Voyages : -Uppl. Vol.. p. '>'>>. Bernard, St., f < '/,//, ///,,.,- lOM-ll'rf. 1'.'. net. Pan^gyrique (Oeuvre* choisiea v.:.). Ili-toire litt.'raire dc la France v. 13. mder. Life and times of Bernard. i.er (Theodore). Critical and misc. writings. Pen/. Moiinmeiita Germ. hist., Script., 2'i:!M 111'. Small hooks on great -uliject- No. 17. Bernard, )> f T<>li->l<>. <\. 11-*. Ili-toire littcraire de la France v. 11. Bernard, Claude, y/i /"'"'"'/ ''<'. 1*1': T~ (( haiiHard) P.ev.d.d. Honda 1 1 1 1 80 : 272. .vn- (.land | K.-V..I. d. Monde- 1 I '-' 1'hilo^ophie liiiloL'ii|ii- ( Henoiivier) Crit. PhUo6.6:ll2, Pliy-iologie l'rancaie d (Savelie\i K'\ d.'d. Monde- II [76: I'-'" Bernart <\r IV/i/m/./i/i-. Work- c,n tin- Troul>ad..ur- : Die/. ( 1C). Berne, Strit-,-,-l,i,iil. Annale- I1!H I I' i:. Hon. <:erm. lii-t., Script, v. 17. >i>reinkiins( /.HIM M lint/.' d.- I lit- ( Fl.-i- lilnanii) I'll*. Xeit 1- 814. Bernhardt, Sarah, mVre**. 1847- Annual cyclopaedia 1880. Lemaitre. Contemporains 2:203. Bernl, Francesco, noet. 1490-1536. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 1. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Bernis, F. J. de P:, cunliitnl de. 1715-94. i Ma/ade) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:31:531. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 8. Bernpn, abbot of Reich f nan. d. 1045. Ili-toire litteraire de la France v. 7 Bernoulli's numbers. - Penny cyclopaedia. Vergleichang d. Diflerenx-Coefficienteii (Eytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1S16-17. Bernward, St., bishop of llUil?.rBerri),C. F. L. de Bourbon,./ de. 1798-1870. < a ptivite(Meniere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 18:649. Legitimitische Partei und (Hillebrand) Rundschau 10:31. Berry, Mary. 17i;2-l*.Y_'. Houghton. Monographs: personal and social. Martineau. Biographical sketche-. Berryer, P: Antoine, mlnx-ntc, statesman. 17! HI- 1868. ( Ma/.ade) Rev. d.d. Monde- 1 1 1 : :U : 103. Mirecour. Contemporain-. - rn.-ereZeit 18i9: 1:321. Bersezlo, Victor. Roman de (Perrens) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12:273. Bersot, Ernest. - Hillebrand. Xeiten, Vdlker t cnrl ( Li,, Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Bertran de Born. Works on the Troubadour-: li/ ill-i Berwick. 52 Bimetallism. Berwick, James Fitz-James, duke of. 1670- ^1734. Eloge. Montesquieu, Oeuvres. 1792. 7 : 93. Berzelius, J. J. 1779- 1848. (Pvo.se) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851. Wurtz. History of chemical theory. Besancon, France. Depping. Voyage 212. Besenval, P: V:, baron de. 1722-91. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 12: 492. Bessarabia. (Kulemann) Unsere Zeit 1867 : 1 : 669. Bessel, Friedrich W: 1784-1846. (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 184(i. Besser, Johann von, poet. 1654-1729. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 10. Bethlen-Gabor, Gabriel, Fiirst von Siebenbur- fie.n. 1580-1629. ( Krtiner) Hist. Zeitschrift 58 : 1. Betterton, Thomas. 1635-1710. Doran. Annals of the stage v. 1. Betting. See Gambling, Wager. Beugnot, Jacques Claude, comte de. 1761- 1835. Reeve. Royal and republican France 1 : 301. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 11. Me"moires. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 69: 245. Beust, F: Fd., Graf von. 1809-86. (Schiitz) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 1 : 433. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 81 : 670. Kanzler a la minute (Schlesinger) Runds- chau 50 : 78. Bewick, Thomas, engraver. 1753-1828. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 10. Ruskin. Ariadne Florentina. Beyle, M. H: (Stendhal pseud). 1783-1842. Albert. Litte"rature francaise au 19. sie n le 2 : 233. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 5. Caro. Etudes morales 159-276. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 9. Beza, Theodore de, reformer. 1519-1605. Bayle. Dictionary. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2 : 206. Bhagavad Gita. See also Mahabharata. (Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 87 : 5. Humboldt (K: W: von). Werke v. 1; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. reviewed. Hegel, Werke 16 : 361. - Fragment (Weber) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865, 1866. Bible. See also Apocalypse, Apocrypha, Commandments, Deluge. Inspiration, Masora, New Testament, Old Testament, Pentateuch, Prophecy, Schools, names of books. Arabic, of Smith and Van Dyck(Hall) J. Amer. Orient. Soc. 11:276. Arche"ologie et (Soury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:97:572. Benutzung der Vulgata zu sprachlichen Untersuchungen (Thielmann) Philol- ogus42:319. Bibliolatrie. Lessing, Werke 11:2: 165. Bunsen's researches (Williams) Essays by English churchmen. Catholic creed and. Newman, Discus- sions. dans l'e"ducation (Renouvier) Grit. Philos. 3 : 161. Devotional reading. Religious Mag. 1 : 345. - Distribution. Winthrop (R. C.) Ad- dresses 165. Educational value (Grimke) Miscella- neous pams. v. 9. Eliot's Indian. Winsor's Boston 1 :465. English version. Philol. peculiarities (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc. 6 : 7. Exe"gese moderne. Origines(Pillon) Grit. Philos. 9: 337, 389; 10:10. Explication par des monuments (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:42. Gedruckte vorlutherische Uebersetzung (Biltz) Herrig's Archiv 76:17. Geography. Religious Magazine v. 2-3. Interpretation (Jowett) Essays by English churchmen. Voltaire, Oeuvres 29:448- Introduction into England. Froude, His- tory of England ch.12. Luther's Herstellung des Textes (Rau- mer) Germania 2 : 109. Old and new views. Clarke, Vexed ques- tions in theology. Origines (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 74 : 5, 241 : 78 : 522, 799. Rare, in Boston Public Librarv (B. P. L. Bull., No. 47). Revision. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 1:19. Study. Ernesti on. Christ. Spect. 13 : 116. Wiclif s translation. Lechlef, Life of Wyclifte. Bibliography. See also Indexes. Boston Public Library. Handbook for readers. Wheatley. -How to form a library. Recent special. Harvard Univ. Bull. 4 : 380; 5:136; also Bibl. Contrib. 20, 24. Bibliomania. See also Books. (I. Browne) Albany Inst. Trans. 11:84. Dibdin. Bibliomania. (Laboulaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:23:212. Bicycles. Dalton. Lyra bicyclica. Intellectual profit (Richardson) Choice Literature 2 : 206. Bida, Alexandre. Illustrations to the Gospels (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 107, 635. Bierstadt, Albert. 1830- Sheldon. American painters. Bigler, Henry W. Journal, 1847-9. Overland II : 10 : 233 ; 12 : 381. Bignon, L: P: Edouard, historian, diplo- matist. 1771-1841. Mignet. Notices v. 2; also Acad. Sci. Mor. 14 : 105. Bile. See also Liver. Action of drugs on secretion(Rutherford) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29 : 133. Billardon de Sauvigny. See Sauvigny. Bimetallism. See also Gold, Money, Silver. Annual cyclopaedia. 1881:60. (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 89:337. Bimetallism. 53 Bismarck. Case against. Giffen, Essays in finance 286. Cernuschi stir (Strauss) Jour Econ. IV: 40:3(37. European. U. S. Consular report, No. 87, 1887. Question (Bertrand) Rev. d. d. Mondes Sept. 1. 1881. Rforme en Allemagne (Cayla) Jour. Econ. IV:28:2U. Theorie mathmatiqne (\VaIra>) Jour. Econ. IV: 11:1*!'. Binney, Edward W :. iicol^iht. 1812-81. -Smith. Centenary of science in Man- chester. Binomial theorem. (Vince) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 12. New demonstration (Robertson) R< Trans. 180(5 : 305. ( Wollas.ton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810:331; 1817:946. Biography. See nhn Autobiography. Helps. Friends in council .''>:184. Oxford prize essay, 1818. < 'hiss .1 our. v. 19. Kleine Erinnerungen an grosse Men-chen ( Weber) Rundschau 21: HO. Biology, tiee also Cells, Evolution, Genera- lion, Life, Morphology, Protoplasm, Zoology. Comte. 1'o-itivc polity 1 : 150. Dellxeufs (Dauriao Rev. Philos. 2-i; 1:10. lutitm in. Huxley, Science and cult- ure. Future. I'rincipia. I,ot/e,Kleine.Schriften 1:1. Instruction in universities (Whitman) Pain*, /oology v. 1. Me. Heine ami. " Huxley, Science and cult- ure. Methode (1'illon) Crit. Philos. 13:51, 72, experimentale (Malteticci) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :84:642. lodicals relating to. Johns Hopkins Univ. ('ire. N< blame ( Wundt) Philos. Studien 5::i27. .tl -ciencc and ( Field) Jour. 1'hilol. 10: ( Le Conte) Pop. Sci. 1 J . :;25. Spencer'- Brownson, Works ! : 435. iin.l Paedagogik. Jahrh. 1'hilol. 138:101, 278. I'ni'.c organiqiie dans les aiiiinanx et le- "taux( Martins) Rev.d.d. Monde- I I I'liter-chied /.wi-chen Thier u. I'llaii/e a-burger) Rund-chau .">-': 7!. Blondo, Flavio. ,*vv Flavin Iliondo. Blot, Jean Bapti-te. 1771 : d. d. Monde- ll:l:i:200. ic I'.cuve. <'au-cric- v. !.">; Nouveanx I.tiiidis v. 2. Birds. Animal-. ilher-, NN'in^'-*, names of liird-. Bibliography. Motion Public Ui>. Hull. I: !. Burroughs. Birds .-mcl \- II iiiicrtoii. Chapter- on animal-. Pn.-i- idyll-. Branchial arterial archea (Maokay) Ro\. Iran- I?': 111. Cambridgeshire (Jenyns) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:287. Darincanal (Postnia) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Enemies. Burroughs. Signs ;i nd seasons; M'ake robin. English and American. Burroughs, Fresh fields. Fabulous (Eastlake) California!! 0:207. Farbenverftnderungen(Rass) I'n-ereZeit 1-70:2:114. Flight. Argyll, Reign of law. (Radau) Key. d d. Momle^ il:8i:72!. Geographical distribution (Illiger) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1811-13. Hebrides. Buchanan, Master-spirits. - Leben (Russ) Unsere Xeit ls72: v. 1-2. --Maladies (Flourens) Paris, M,'m. At ad. Sci. 10:007. Migration (Kkmarck) Linineiis, Amo'iii- tates acad. v. 4. ( Jenner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824 : 11. Normale Zeiten in Oesterreich( Frit sell ) Wicn Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v . 33. Nests (Bryant) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. v. 2- ; Burroughs, Signs ;md seasons. Wallace, Natural selection. | Organism. Synthesis in (Bongers) Ki'inigsb. I'niv. Diss. v. 1. -Sharp eyes. Burroughs, Locusts and wild honey. Solitaire or didine bird (Newton) R>v. Boc. Trans. 1969:827. Voice organs Passeres (Miiller) Berlin Akad. A bh. 1845. Birds of paradise. Wallace. Malay archipelago. Blron,C: deGontaut,c/cde, inartchal. 1. VI2 1602. Arrestation. Rev. Hist.<;:355. Birth. Blutyerlust bei abnornien ( Pohle) Marb. I'niv. Diss. v. 2. mit gedoppeltem Korper (Cramer) Halle I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Biaerta, Tun IK. - Kampf, 18S9(Wachs) Rundschau 58:2U. BiShOpS. X"' nlxn KpiscopaCV. P.ernardus Claraevallensis. De moribus et offlcio (Opera). linton. Fasti Romani 2: ."'.".I. and Roman emjierors. (iibbon. Decline and fall .-h. 20. Boy-bisliops. Two sermons (Camden miscellany v. 7). Kirdienfrciheit u. B.-wahlen (I.oren/) Rundschau :?:333; 4:84. -- Richt to visit chapter-. < ro--ctc-t<'. F|istola 127 ( Rolls chronicle- L'.")). Table of bishoprics of the world, IT'". Martimcrc, Dictionnaire I Biskra, .ll'i ir-ion a. Rev.d.d. Monde- III:.'..: Blsmarck-Schonhau-en. K 0:1 I von. 1-1.; ecour. Contemporaina. I n-crc Xeit Is , Aiim'-i's d'appreni '-ill Rev. d.d rajihic. rn-ere Xeit 1-71 : I : ,.'1. M7. raphl-che >ki/. : u v. I. Bismarck. 54 Blessington. Busch's, Journal (Valbert) Re v.d.d.Mondes 111:30:690; 62:693. Daheim in Friedrichsruh. Unsere Zeit 1884:2:433. Deceptions dans sa politique inte"rieure (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:672. Gortchakof and ( Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: v. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Kanzlerkrisis, 1878 (Kobner) Rundschau It!: 304. Reconciliation avec Rome (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:47:685; 49:681. Theories de Klee (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 32: 680. und die Liberalen. Rundschau 36:421. Bismuth. Krystallform (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Biter olf: Gedicht. Verhaltniss der Klage zum (Edzardi) Germania 20:9. Bitzuis, Albert (Jeremias Gotthelf, pseud.) Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 : 273. Bivalves. See Brachiopoda, Lamellibranch- iata. Bjb'rnson, Bjornstjerne, Norwegian poet. 1832- Horn. Scandinavian literature. (Katscher) Unsere Zeit 1877:2:944. (Schur6) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:86:333. Strodtinann. Geistliche Leben in Dane- mark. Sigurd Slembe. Buchanan, Master-spirits. Black, Joseph, Scotch chemist. 1728-1799. Brougham. Men of letters : 2: 324. Por- trait. Life. Roy. Soc. Edin., Trans, v. 5. Black, W:, English novelist. 1841- ( Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 23 : 643. Heywood. How they strike me. 23. Black death. See also Epidemics. in England, 1348-9. Longman, Edward 111.1:302. Pike, History of crime v. 1. Black Hawk. - War. Ford's History reviewed (Bracken, Parkison) Wise. Hi'st. Soc. Coll. v. 2. Black hills, Dakota. Ludlow. Reconnaissance. Newton. Report on geology and resources. Black sea. Arrianus. Periplus ponti Euxini. Civitates Graecae (Kleinsorge) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. - Voyage of the Blonde (Goodenough) J. Roy. Geogr. Soc. 1 : 101. Blackmore, Sir Richard, physician, poet. 1650-1729. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Blackstone, Sir William. 1723-80. Roscoe. British lawyers. Blackwood, Henry, vice-admiral, 1770-1832. Memoir. Wilson (J :) Essays 2 : 153. Bladder. See also Calculi, Urine. Involuntary muscular tissue (Ellis) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859 : 469. Muscles of B. and prostate (Pettigrew) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867 : 17. Sectio alta(Couve"e) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Elaine, James G., statesman. 1830- Railroad transactions. Mulligan letters. Pams. on biography v. 3. Blainville, H: M. Ducrotay de. 1777-1850. Eloge de (Flourens) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 27; also Smiths. Kept. 1865. Blair, Francis Preston. 1821-75. Davis and Durrie. History of Missouri. 472. Blair, Sir James Hunter. 1741-87. - Life (Greenfield) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 31. . Blake, Robert, English admiral. 1599-1657. Bisset. Commonwealth of England v. 2. Johnson (S:) Works 6: 293. Society Diffusion Useful Knowledge. Se- lect biographies. Blake, William, painter, poet. 1757-1828. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. 4 : 335. British painters. Blanc, J. J. Louis. 1813-83. Ely. Socialism. Gegenwart 4 : 178. Biographie. Unsere Zeit 1883 : v. 1-2. Organisation of labour. Kaufmann, Uto- pias ch. 9. Blanc mountain. See also works on Alps. Ascent by Saussure. Pinkerton, Voyages v. 4. and Bravais(Martins) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 56 : 377. Expedition scientifique, 1875 (Violle) Rev. d.d. Mondes I II: 12: 204. Blank verse. See also Metre (Poetic). Anfangein England (Schroer) Anglia 4:1. History. Milton's. Symonds, Southern Europe v. 2. Blanqui, Adolphe Jerome. 1798-1854. Socialisme de ( Pillon) Grit. Philos. N. S. 8: 61, 126. Blasphemy. (Macdonnell, Stephen) Fortnightly Rev. 39:776; 41:289. Blasting. See also Explosives. Versuch einer Theorie. Baader, Werke 6 : 153. at Lime Point, Cal.(Mendell)Pams. engi- neering v. 2. Blaze de Bury, A. H. Blaze, called. 1813-88. Sa critique (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 107 : 349. Bleaching. See also Alkali. Action of dry gases (Wilson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:475. alkalies (Kir wan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. Blende. See also Zinc. Composition (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11:332. Blenheim battle, 1704. Burton. Reign of queen Anne 1 : 289. Coxe. Memoirs of Marlborough 1 : 390. Creasy. Decisive battles. Lettres Historiques 1704-5. Voltaire. Siecle de Louis XIV. Blessington, Marguerite Power Gardiner, countess of. 1789-1849. Stoddard. Recollections of Hazlitt, Lamb, etc. Blicher. 55 Boccaccio. Blicher, Steen S., Danish poet. 1782-1848. Howitt. Literature of northern Europe 2:168. Blind, Blindness. See also Sight. Diderot. Oeuvres. 1821. v. 1. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Asylum for. Prescott, Essay s. from birth. Cure (Dunan) Rev. Philos. : 58. (Franz) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841 : 59. Education. Miscellaneous pamphlets v. 5. at Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:104:801. Formation of artificial pupil (Wardrop) Roy. Soc. Trans, 1S20 : 529. GgneValiser Education (Blanchet) Acad. BeL M.ir. 49:439; 50:87. Les Quinze-Vingts. Paris (Bourbon) Jour. Econ. 1 : 21 : 189. Block-books. See histories of printing. Holbein. Ars moriendi 1881 reprint (In- troduction). Blockade. See also International law, War. Cobden. Political writings v. 2. Droit de (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20:307. Blomfleld, C: Ja., bishop of Chester. 1786- Martineau. Biographical sketches. Blondel, trn(Groll)Knuigsb. I'niv. Diss. v. 1. utul I'rotopla-ma (.Schwartz) Dorpat I'niv. Diss. v. .'{. Hematine ( He.rmhsta'dt) Berlin Akad. A 1)1, - in doppelt untergebandenen I Biiiti-her) Konig>l>. Iniv. Di*s. v . 1. .'ii-mia ( Lueder) :Jotl. I'niv. Di-v v. ;. Mi : .iiiniN, Natriums ( VYanach) Dorpat I'uiv. Di~ Motion (Young) Roy. S.c. Trail- \*>* : dans les vaisseaux eapillairc- euillc) 1'ari-. M'-in. MIV.UI-- litrang. 7: Action on (Camgei-t II. Trans. 18*58:589. ' Observations (Daw) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 19. of invertebrates (Williams) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852:595. of mollusks (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1810-17. Respiration, and the (J. Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1838:283. (Harley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865 : 87. and circulation (Sanderson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807:571. Temperature (Daw) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845 : 319. within the tropics (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850 : 437. Transfusion (Lemattre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:85:387. Vergleichende Anatomic de (iefass-Sys- temes(Briicke) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 15. Wundernetze bei Vogeln u. Saugthieren (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. :. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 9. Briefe. Historische Zeitschrift 54 : 193. Blue laws of Connecticut. Selections. (7n Conn. General Court. Code of 1650, etc.) Bluebird. Burroughs. Wake robin. Blum, Robert. 1807-48. Duller. Manner des Volks 7 : 133. Blumenbach, Joliann V : 17:>iM840. (Flourens) Paris, Mm. Acau. Sci. v. 21. Bluntschli, .1. Kaspar. 1808-81. 1'iiM-rc Xeit 1864:520. Lielier, Laboulaye (Oilman) 1'ains. biog- raphy v. a. Boadicea (Bonduca), queen of the Iceni. d. A. D. 01. Tragedies concerning (Leonhanln Km:l. Studien 13:36. Boats, Boating. See also Yadit-. lireck races (lianiner) J. Hellenic Stud. 2 :'.*>, 315. .lapanesc. I'nited States Japan expedi- tion ; I Life ( NVashington) Lectures on London exhibition I'.u-itic i>landers'. Cook, Srcond \ 1 :_'! I.. i r.'roii-i-, Vova-je. Atlas. Venetian gondola. Rtiskin. Stoiie "f Ven- .i].p. Boccaccio, /. (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : (2 : 39. in l*;i (U.'musat) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 35:335. Bologna university. F'ighth centenary (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mon-lrs III :*s:609. in llth. century. Tiraboschi, Letteratura italiana3:595. Professors, 1664. Ray, Travels 1 : 191. Bolton priory. II*. witt. Ruined abbeys of Yorkshire. Bombay. Asiaatic Journal N. H. 2ii: !:. (Lucy) Choice Literature 3 : 459. UnhealthincMS. Churchill, Voyages V. 6. Bonald, L. G. A., vicomte de. 1754-1840. (Faguet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 92: 913. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 4. Sur les connoissances morales. Baader, Werke 5:43. Traditionalisme (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:43. Bonaparte family. See Napoleon I, Napol- (ion II, Napole'on III, Jerome Napoleon, Joseph Napol<5on. Bonaparte, Mine. Elizabeth Patterson. 1785-1879. Unsere Zeit 1&79: 1 : 881. Bonaventura (Giovanni di Fidanza), St. 1221-74. Influence on Dante. Ozanain, Dante. Bone. See also Crania, Joints, Teeth. Formation bv the periosteum (Syme) Roy. Edin. 'f rans. 14 : 158. Human face (Callender) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869 :163. Spontanfractur (Westphal) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Structure and development(Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853 : 109. Subaxial arches in man (Callender) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871:119. Trochlearforsatzed.menschlichen(Hvrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 18. Bonerius, Ulrich. Zur Kritik (Schonbach) Zts. deutsch. Philol.6:252. Bonghi, Ruggiero. Italian minister of educa- tion. Unsere Zeit 1875: 1 : 148. Bonheur, Rosa. French painter. 1822- Ellet. Women artists. Unsere Zeit 1861 : 573. Boniface (Winfrid), St., apostle of Germany. (>80-755. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 4. Neander. Church history 5:62; Memo- rials of Christian life. Conqute de la Germania (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 80: 878. Life(Willibald) Pertz, Mon. Germ. liM ., Script, v. 2. Bonin islands. in 1835. Ruschenberger, Voyage 437. in 1853. United States Japan expedition v. 1-2. in 1882. United States Consular report 21. Bonlti, Hermann. 1814-88. (Miin/) ln-ere Zeit 1888: 2:381. Bonn, Prussia. Cathedral. Gailhalmud, Monument* v J University. U.S. Bureau Kdur. Circular* 1882:3. Bonnell, James. 1653-99. Life. Religious Magazine 3 :277. Bonner, K o//xuion. d. 1569. Fox. Acts and monuments v. ft, <>, 7. Bonner. Robert. 1824- Smitli. .Sunshine and shade in New York. Bonneval, C. A., comte de. 1075-17 IT. Saint'-HMivi'. 'iiUMTii-s du l.uniliv. 5. Bonnivard, Francois de. M'.X'K! Hyron. 1'ri.sonor of Chillon (poem). Vie et ses oauvres (Marc-Monnier) Key. d. d. Mondes 11:82 Bonpland. 58 Borneo. Bonpland, Aim.'. Briihns. Life of Hurnboldt 1 : 397. Bonstetten, Cnrl Victor von. 1745-1832. Sainte-Benve. Causeries du Lundi v. 14. Briefe an. Miiller (Job. von), Werke v. 34-36. Book of common prayer. See also Liturgy, Ritualism. Alteste christliche (Langen) Hist. Zeits. 63:193. Communion service. Conington, Misc. writings v. 1. of 1549. Troubles connected with (Cam- den Soc., II :."..). Book-illustration. See alto Engraving, Illu- mination. Feuillet de Concbes. Causeries 4 : 85. als Kunstwerk (Bucher) Rundschau 16: 432. der Lehrbiicher (Kniffler) Jahrb. PhiloJ. 136:283. Histoire (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:24:927. in California (Sheldon) Overland 11:11: 337, 449. Books. See also Authors, Bibliography, Bib- liomania, Block-books, Copyright, Li- braries, Printing, Stichometry. Best. Fifty in cheap form. Occident Jan. 28, 1887. of all ages. Corute, Catechism of pos- itivism. Boys'. Literary News 8 : 51. California early (Shinn) Overland II : 12 : 337. Duties on. Sumner, Works 7 : 166. Removal. Pams. free trade v. 4. International exchanges (Vattemare) Acad. Sci. Mor. 31 : 317. New. Hazlitt, Sketches. Old. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Reference. Practical use (Hinman) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1880: 194. Books and reading. See also Fiction, Liter- ature. Brownson. Works 19: 517. Burigny. Life of Grotius 35- Carlyle. Choice of books. Clarke. Self-culture. Emerson. Society and solitude. Helps. Friends in council 1 : 221. King. Substance and show. Library Journal, assi??i. (Poole) Literary News 6 : 37. Porter. Books and reading. Ruskin. Sesame and lilies. Smith. Dreamthorp 187. Bookselling. Carlyle-Emersqn. Correspondence. Deutsch-Amerikanische (Kapp) Rund- schau 16: 42. sous Malesherbes (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d Mondes 111:49:567. Boomerang. Wilkes. United States exploring expedi- tion 2 : 191, 198. Antiouity (Ferguson) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 19. Boone, Daniel, pioneer of Kentucky. 1735- 1822. Shaler. Kentucky. - Sparks. American biography v. 23. Bootan ( Bliotan ), Asia. Guerre, 1865 (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:63:176. Booth, Barton, English tragedian. 1631?- 1733. Doran. Annals of the stage v. 1. Booth, Edwin, American actor. 1833- Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 3:17. Bopp, Franz, German philologist. 1791-1867. (Kuhn) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 17 : 156. Raumer. Geschichte der german. Phil- ologie 606. - Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 780. Grammatik (Schweiger) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. v. 38. Linguistic theories. Delbriick, Introd. to study of language. Obituary notice (Martineau) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1867 : 305. Boppe, Spruchdichter. Leben und Werke (Tolle) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Boracic acid. Crystals (Miller) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3:365. Werth bei Mittelohreiterungen (Hilde- brandt) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Borax. Deposits. Cal. State Mineralogist, 3d report. Bordeaux, France. Commerce, etc. 1854 (Blaise) Jour. Econ. 11:3:223. Grand port (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:23:107. Travaux maritimes (Vidalin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:32:658. Bore, tidal flood. Comoy. Marges fluviales (Mascaret). Borgia family. See also Alexander VI. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 20 : 241. (Gebhart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:84:890; 86:141. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2:40. Simonde de Sismondi. Re"publiques italiennes v. 7-8. Villari. Machiavelli 1 : 312. Borgia, Cesare, duca di Romagna. d. 1507. Bayle. Dictionary. Creighton. Papacy during the reforma- tion v. 4. - Machiavelli. Works, index. - Epe"e de ( Yriarte) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 71:349. - Murder of Vitellozo. Machiavelli, His- tory of Florence, app. B. - Rehabilitation (Maury) Rev. Hist. v. 13. Borgia, Lucrezia, duchessa di Ferrara. d. 1523. - Hugo. Theatre v. 3 (Drama). Roscoe. Leo X. 1 : 467. Borne, Ludwig. 1786-1837. (Brahm) Rundschau 47 : 245. Duller. Manner des Volks 8 : 313. Heine. Werke v. 12. Sainte-Beuve. Premiers Lundis v. 2. Borneo. - British (Herbig) Unsere Zeit 1886: 1 :408. Borneo. 59 Bouilhet. Chasse aux tetes (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:43:138. Bornu (Borneo), central Africa. Zts. deutsc'h. morgenl. Geselleschaft, Register. Boron. Organic compounds (Frankland) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802. Borrow, George. 1803-81. Smiles. Brief biographies. Romanye Rye (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes "1 1: 11": 109. Bosc d'Antic, L: A. (J : 1759-1824. (Cuvier) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 10:cxci. Boscovicb, II. G., mathematician. 1711-87. Theoria philos. naturalis. Robistm. Me- chanical philosophy 1:2(57. Bosnia. See also Herzegovina. ( M. -nirer) In sere Zeit 1870:2:89. (Vambfiry) Rundschau 5: 242. apres 1'occupation austro-hongroise(Caix lfS:iint-AyiiHur)Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 55:130,378,535. Kxcursion en, 1875 (Yriarte) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11: 1*57 ; 15:177, 5! is. Guerre, 1851 (Pomade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II .2:*i2: r>:133. in isitf). Ranke, Servian revolution. Map. r.artenlaube 1X*2: 17(5. Question religieuse, 1885 (Charmes) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:09:019. K- u'iiue agraire (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. M. mdes 111:70:516. und Herzegovina. I'ns. Zeit 1860:401,625. Bosphorns. Pardoe and Bartlett. Beauties of the Bocpbonu. 'mndiinien (Boiatzis) Konigsb. Univ. I>i-s. v. 1. Bossuet, J. B., bithop of Meant. 1(527-1704. Albert. Littf rature francaise au 17. siecle. Alembert. Oeuvres 7:251. Alison. K ays. Bnylo. Oeuvres di verses, t/K/'-r. ;illiT. 1'hilosophie cartlsienne 2:227. lift, Grands maitres du 17. siecle. . Flint. Philosophy of history v. 1. Janet. Passions "dans la littt-rature du 17. Mi-fir: U.-v. .1 d. Mondes 111:7.;:-!': Lamartine. Vies v. 4. Matthews. Oratory. Sainte-Ik-uve. Monday chats ; Catiseries du Luudi v. 10, 12, 13; Nouveau.x Lundis v. 2. gn. f^ettres v. 12. ;:iai~-ance do Dieu (Henry) Herrig's Ar.-hiv 60 Leibniz -t ( U.'-mnsat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:31 Philosophic (Nourrisson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5L niionnaire (Ni.sard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7: llo Bossut, Charles. 1730-lsll. ( H.-laiiibn-) Pari-. M.'-ni. Acad. r-ci 1 : XCi. Boston, Matt. Winxir. Mt-inorial hi-iory ( P.o^ion. rii.-ir.K-ifr ..f tin- people, 177'i. Tudor, li Oti- II! -- City povcriinifiiti Bogbee)Jobn> Hopkin- I'niv. Stii.i Common exteiiMon Snmtier. Works v. 4. in 1819. Fearon, Sketches of America 105. in 1821. Dwight, Travels 1 : 489. in 1829. Otis, Mayoralty address (His- tory paras, v. 2). in 1841-6. Lyell, Travels in America. in 1880. United States 10th. census 18 : 91. Bostrom, Philosophic (Borelius) Philos. Monatsh. 21:235. Boswell, James. 1740-95. Character. Prior, Life of Goldsmith 1 : 440. Bos worth Field battle, 1485. Ballad. Percy, Folio manuscript v. 3. Beaumont (Sir J:) Poems; ed.by GroMirt. Botany. See also Algae, Bark, Cells, Flowers, Fruit, Fungi, Leaves, Lichens, Morphol- ogy, Mosses, Orchids, Palaeobotany, Par- thenogenesis, Plants, Pollen, Sap, Seeds, Trees, Vegetables, names of species. NVhewell. History of the inductive sciences v. 2. Chinese (Fournier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59:907. Crimean. Clarke (K. 1).), Travels l:app. <;iirtelf(5rmigeCiffasstraiif,'-Yerbiii7. Jardins de B. de 1' Angleterre et de France (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:78:805. Nosologie (Turpin) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 6:217. of China ( La voltee) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : Hi: 190. of San Domingo. Wade, San Domingo report of the Troad. Schliemann, Ilios. Organogenic et la physiologic (Turpin) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 14:105. Organographie(Mirbel) Paris. Mi'-m. Acad. Sci. 20:497; 22:525. physiologic (Gaudichaud) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 8: 1. Probleme(Cohn) Rundschau 1:80. 'in nebst einer Anordnung d. Krvp- tophyten (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. l^'-'l. Both well Bridge battle, 1 .?.'. Histories of Scotland, Covenanters. Scott. Minstrelsy of Scottish border 1 : Covenanter's lament. Praed, Poems. Bdttger, Adolf. 1815-70. - (liottschall) I'M -ere Xeit 1871:1:118. Botticelli, San.lro. 1 1::7 1M">. Lives of painters by: Mant/, Va-ari. Di-M'gns in engraving. Itnskin, Ariadne Florentina; Works 7: !71. Bouflers, Stanislas, abbf et le Chevalier de. I::;T i-i'.. (mnim-IMderot. Correspondance, fMMT. Mine, de Sabran et (Mazade) Kev. 1. d. Mon.b-s III :- Bouflers-Bouvrel, Marie c. 1L. rumt,.. ite-Beuve Nouveaux Lundis 4 Boughton, George H : Briti-h ]>a inters. Bouhier, .lean. Ii7:{ l Aleml'crt Ocuvren 10 :36B. Bouilhet, Louis. l^.'1-flO. d Mi i 'amp) Ucv. d. d. Mondes II 1:53: Bouillon. 60 Brahmanism. Bouillon, H: de la Tour d'Auvergne, ducde. 1555-1(523. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:18:897; 1M:161. Boulanger, G: E. J : M., French general. 1837- (Sulzer) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 1 :*289. Bourbon, hoimt and dukes of. Spanish. Renonciation au trone de France (Courcy ) Kev. d. d. Mondes III : 88 : 305, O:.'; 89:242. Bourbon, Charles IV, connetable. 1490-1527. Conjuration centre Francois I (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 52 : 79, 325; also Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 25 : 868; 26 : 5, 372. Bourdaloue, Louis. 1632-1704. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 9. Grand sermonnaire (Nisard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:410. Bourges, France. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 2. Election d'un 6veque au 5. siecle( Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42 : 5. Bourget, I'aul. 1852- - Lemaitre. Contemporains 3:339. I '-ychologie. Critique Philos. N. S. 1 : 225. Bourgogne, Marie A. de Savoie, duchesse de. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 2. Bourgogne, France. en 1787 (Pautet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70: 263. Souvenirs (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 98-102, 104. Bourgolng, Frangois, plre. Bossuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 4. Boursault, Edme. 1638-1701. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:30- 31, 351, 573. Bouvlnes, France. Battle of 1214. See also Philip II of France. - Relatio. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 26:390, a nd index. Bowditch, Nathaniel. 1773-1838. - Memoir. La Place, Me"canique celeste transl. v. 4. Bowdoin, James. 1727-90. - Life and services. Winthrop, Speeches 90; Pams. history v. 4. Bowdoin college. - History to 1835. Amer. Quar. Reg. 8 : 105. Bowrtng, Sir John. 1792-1872 - Unsere Zeit 1857 : 780. Boycotting. (Stephen) 19. Century 20 : 765. Boy 1 *. Richard, 3d earl of Burlington. 1695- 1/53. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Boyle, Robert. 1626-91. Bayle. Dictionary. Evelyn. Diary 3: 260. Portrait Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Boyne water : ballad. Percy Society v. 1 Boys. See children. Bozzaris, Marco, d. 1823. Halleck. Poems. (Yemenis) Rev. d. d. Mondez II : 21 : 833. Brabant. PertZi Mon - Germ - - Revolution, 1789-90 (Arendt) Hist.Tasch- enbuch 1843. Brachiopoda (Palliobranchiata). See also Productus, Spirifer, etc. der Hallstatter Schichten (Suess) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 9. der KiJssener Schichten (Suess) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 7. der Oolithe von Balin (Szajnocha) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 41. Organization (Hancock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858 : 791. Brachistochrone. d'un corps pe"sant en gard aux resist- ances passives (Haton de LaGoupilliere) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 27. Probleme inverse (Haton de La Goupil- liere) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. v. 28. Brachvogel, Albert Emil, dramatist. 1824-78 - Unsere Zeit 1879 : 2 : 881. Braddock, General Edward. 1695-1755. - Defeat, July 9, 1755. Bancroft, History of United States 4 : 189. New York Colonial hist, Docs. 10 : 309. Parkman. Montcalm and Wolfe. Scharf. History of Maryland 1 : 432. Washington. Letters 2 : 91, 468. Braddon, Mary E. Roman d sensation (Forgues) Rev. d. d Mondes II : 45 : 953. Bradford, John, prebendary of St. Pauls, burnt 1555. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 211. Bradford, William, 2d governor Plymouth colony. 1588-1657. Belknap. Early discoverers 179. Plymouth colony. Records. Bradford, Mass. Gage. History of Rowley. Bradlaugh, Charles. 1833- Gladstone. Speeches. ( Katscher) Unsere Zeit 1886 : 2 : 89. - McCarthy. England under Gladstone. - Biography. Unsere Zeit 1882 : 1 : 441. Bradlee, Rev. Caleb D. / Ordination. Pams. on biography v. 3. Bragi. (Mogk) Beitr. deut. Sprache 14 : 81. Brahe, Tycho, astronomer. 1546-1601 - Arago. Oeuvres 3 : 186. Brewster. Martyrs of science. - Morton. Heroes of science : astronomers. - Apologia contra R. Ursum. Kepler, Op- era 1 : 215. - Portrait. Pamphlets on biography v. 3 by sterna et vita. Gassendi, Opera. 1727 4:49; 5:319. Brahmanism. See also Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism, Krishna, Mahabharata, Kamayana, Vedas. Clarke. Ten great religions. Duncker. History of antiquity v. 4. Johnson. Oriental religions : India. - Lettres e"difiantes 11 : 9; 14 : 65. Manu. Ordinances. - Miiller. Chips from a German workshop Plumptre. History of pantheism. - Ward. History of the Hindoos. Brahmanism. 61 Brazil. Aitareya Brahmana (Barthelemy-St.-Hi- laire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 81 : 123. Conversation between European and. Asiatic Jour. N. S. v. 11-12. Learning, theology. Harris, Voyages 1 : 449. Lebenskraft (Miiller) Rundschau 5: 421. Rites sacre's : Brahmakarmu. Crit. Philos. N. S. 1 : 321. Tenets and philosophj*. Classical poems translated 3 : 713. Brahmo Somaj. (Stebbins) Overland II : 3 : 186. New development. Unsere Zeit 1882:2: 836. 50e. anniversaire, 1880 (Alviella) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:41:413. Brahms, Johannes. 1833- (Ehlert) Rundschau 23 . 341. Brain. See alto Apoplexy. Crania. Dura mater. Insanity, Intellect, Memory, Mental science, Mind, Nerves, Phre- nology, Psychology, Senses, Sleep, Spine. and soul. Lange, Materialism 3 : 111. r.u^hwoman and idiots (Marshall) Roy. Soo. Trans. 1864 : 501. Centrum des reflectorischen Lidschlusses (Nickell) KiJnigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Cerebral cortex (Horsley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179 : 1. Commissures of cerebral hemisphere of marsupials and placenta! mammals ( Flower) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865 : 633. Effets consecutifs des plaies (Larrey) Paris, Me^ni. Acad. Sci. 14 : 185. et la pense'e (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 : :.7:!71; 58:413. (Lelut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2 : 299. Feinerer Bau (Lenhossdk) VVien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 10. Fonctions (Bernard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 ' 98 ' 373 (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814 : 469. Geographic et me'canique ce're'brales (Taine) Rev. Philos. 6 : 329. Irritability et reaction (Richet) Rev. Phi- los. 12: 5/51. Localisations ce're'brales (lupine) Rev. Philov 1 : .Vi2: 2:253. (Varignv) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:41: 897; alto Pop. Sci. 18:599. et Involution (Lewis) Rev. Philos. 16: MB, psychologiques (Debon) Rev. Philos. 10:129. - Marsupials (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837: Materials exist in the blood (Home) Kv. franc. 1--'1:25. M.itur regions. Analysis (Beevor) Roy. Soc. Trans. 17J Negro (Tiedemann) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836: :. Occipital and temporal !!.-. Function-. (Brown, Schater) K..y. Sue. Tran-. IT'.t: Occlusion des plain (Larrey) Paris M.'-m. Physiologic cerchrale et la peychologie Kev. .1 .1. Monde- 111 :-' Qaadrumana. Posterior lol.e- (Flower) 90C. Tran Rodents (lx:wis) Roy. Soc. Trans 1 **-': am Structure (Clarke) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858: 231; 1868:263. bei Menschen u. Thieren (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Comparative (Lewis) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880:35. Microscopic (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824 : 1 ; 1825 : 436. in chimpanzee, idiot, etc. (Macart- ney) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. Time of operations (Cattell) Mind 11:220, 377, 524. Unconscious action (Carpenter) K-t.-. Half hour recreations. Holmes. Mechanism in thought, ete. von einem Kinde, welchem d. rechte Auge u. d. Nase fehlten (Rudolphie) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1814-15. Weight in different races (Davis) U..y. Soc. Trans. 1868 : 505. Brandan, St. Legend. (Schroder) Germania 16: 60. Meerfahrt (Zimmer) Zts. deut. Altert. 33 : 129, ->:>7. Brandenburg, Prussia. Ranke. Memoir of the house of. Chronica principum. Pertz, Mon. (ierm. hist., Script, v. 25. Gouvernement. Frederick II, Oeuvres 1 : 241. Histoire de la maison. Frederick II, Oeuvres v. 1. in ersten Monaten des Jahr. Kii'7 (O|>el) Hist. Zeits. 51 : 193. und Frankreich, 1688 (Meineke) Hist. Zeits. 62 : 197. Brandes, Georg M. C. 1842- als Litteraturgeschichtsschreiber (Pul>) Herrig's Archiv 80: 1. Brandis, Christian August. 17!>i IM7, Zur Erinnerung (Trendelenburg) Berlin Akad. Al.h. U Brandon, Charles, duke of Sn/olk. d. 1545. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Brandt, H : von, Prussian general. 178J> 1 ;- Chesney. Military biography. Brandt, Sebastian. 1458-1520. Ship of fools. Choice Lit. 1 : 433. Miiller. Chips from a German work- shop v. 3. Brannan, Samuel. 1819-89. (Hittell) Overland II : 13 Soull. Annals of San Fram -i-m 7 Is Brasldas of Sparta. Cox. (ireek statesmen v. _'. Braun, Karl. Urrmnn stntrsinnn. \--- ln>ere Xeit 1869: 1:881. Braunschweig. Srr Brunswick. Brauweiler monastery. Annalcs etc. Perlz, MOD. (ierman. liist., Script, v. 1. '-'. II. !:. Bravals, Auguste. 1811-63. (Beaumont ) I'aris, Mem. At ad. Sci. v. 35. Braxton, Carter. l~'*'>-ffl. Sanderson. Signer- of the declaration \.<>. Brazil. Xrr nl.i'i Ama/iiii. Kio de Janeiro. Herrcra. Uit>ria general. Wau-rton. WanderlDjpln8oath America. Aborigines (Martin- 1 I: Brazil. < Am Guahyba (Ihering) Unsere Zeit 1886: L' : '243. Austellungin Porto Allegre. Unsere Zeit L88S: 1:288. Chronology to 1832. Art de verifier les dates HI: Y. 18-14. I H-iitsche Colonisation. Unsere Zeit 1861: et la colonisation (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:39:930; 40:375. et la socie'te' (Assier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : . r > : 554, 753: 46 : 65; 49 : 548; 52 : 323. logic. Partie australe (Pissis) Paris, M.'-in. Savans Etrang. 10:353. in 1708. Rogers ( Woodes), Voyage 37. in 1740. Anson, Voyage 58. in 17i. Kine historische Landschaft (Warsberg) Uns. Zeit 1884 : 1 : 553. Brinkley, John. 1763-1835. A rago. Oeuvres 3 : 430. Brinvilliers, M. Marguerite d'Aubray, mar- anise de. Morale du 17. siecle (Michelet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :i'ii: 538. Brisbane, General T: M. 1773 7 1860. Memoir (Bryson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22: 589. Brissot de Warville, J. P. 1754-93. Brougham. Statesmen, time of George Bristol, John B. 1826- Sheldon. American painters. Bristol, r.nilliiml. Kii -art. Themaireof B.iskalendar(Cam- dcn Hoc. II :5). Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 4. Britain. See also Anglo-Saxons, Great Britain. Ethnology. Skene, Celtic Scotland 1 : 1>1. British America. See also British Columbia, Canada, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia. Back. Arctic land expedition. (See also K.-y. , Edwards. Memoirs of libra: in. Life of I'ani/./.i. II : d. Monde* III: 12::.K.S9U. ling room. Knight, London v. 4, 0. Brittany ( Bretagne) France. See also Breton. Agriculture et des classes agric. (Du Cha- tellier) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 00-63. Ancienne province (Lucas, Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3 : 189. Anciens e've'ques (Du Chatellier) Acad. ^Sci. Mor. v. 52-53. Evffche de Cornauailles (Du Chatellier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 47 : 2*17, 439. Histoire (Carne") Rev. d. d Mondes II : v. 71-74. Industrie en (Benoiston de Chateauneuf) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2 : 77, 189. Louis le Debonnaire centre Morvnn. Thierry. Dix ans d'e"tudes. Modes de la pronrie'te' (Du Chatellier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5< : 5. Moyens d'unir, au domaine du roi. 1485. Rev. Hist. 25:275. Nationality dans Tumie" francaise 1532- 1789 (Carne") Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : :;i : 857. Populations rurales (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 66: 797; - Brizeux, Julien Auguste P. 1806-58. Vie et ses ceuvres (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:17:68; also in Brizeux' Oeuvres v. 1. Brockes, Barthold II. und Reimarus. Strauss. Schriften v. Brockhaus, F: Arnold, German book.>-ll,-i: 177L'-1823. - (Kapp) Rundschau 29:274- Brockhaus, Heinrich. j (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1875 : 1 : 81. Broderick, David C. 1820-59. Histories of California : Bancroft ( Shuck. Representative men. English and Terry. Broadside, 1880. Pams. California v. 8. Broglie, A. L. V : C :, due de. 1785-1870. (Geffcken) Rundschau 5.'i (Guizot) Rev. d.d. Monde- 1 1 :9,5: 241,002. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Londi 2:876, Doctriniir (Blennerhassett) Rund-chau 50: !:. Economiste (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:487. Etudes diplomatiqaefl (Hrunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 :67:6BL Frederic II. reviewed (Koser) Hist. Xeit. 51 : 54'. Vie et ses Merits (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:48:307. Brome, Richard, ilramiititt. d lu'.j (Faust) Herrig's An hiv J : i Bromine. in sea water (Gutzkow) <'al. Acad. Sci.. Proc. II : 1 :-l. Manufacture (Hoot) Ohio Geol. Survev. Viirkoiiinieii u. I)ar-ianiido-a-Naphti'! land) Marh. I'niv. l>i^s. \ Brongniart, Alexandrc nml Adolphe T. KUigi- de ( Iiiima-) 1'ari-, M.'-in. Acad. Sci. Bront', Anne (Acton Bell, /..!/ieures au 12e. siecle (270). Brunanburh battle. 65 Buddha. Petrie and Sharpe. Monumenta histor. Britannica. Site. Athenaeum Sept. 26, Oct. 3, 1885. Brunelleschi, Filippo, architect. 1377-1446. Works on the Italian renaissance by :Sy- monds. Vasari. Lives of the painters. Yriarte. Florence 131. Brunet, Jacques C. 1780-1867. Laporte. Bibliographic contemporaine 2: -23. Bruneticre, Ferdinand, critic. 1849- (Dauriac) Critique Philos. N. S. 4 : 293. Lemaitre. Contemporains 1:217. Brunhilda. See also Nibelungen Lied. Menzell. History of Germany v. 1. Bruno the Great, St., and bishop of Cologne. 925-965. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ. Scr. v. 4. Bruno, St., founder of Carthusians. 1040?- 1101. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 9. Bruno, Giordano. 1550-1600. Histories of philosophy by: Hitter (9: Win. lelband (1:65). Historiesof Italian literature by :Canello, Tiraboschi(7:689). Bayle. Dictionary. Cafriere. Reformationszeit 2 : 46. ( Hegel) Jour. Spec. Philosophy 20 : 206. Jasche. Pantheismus 2 : 184. Maurice. Moral and metaphysical phi- losophy 2 : 163. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 1. Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reaction v. _'. Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 3 : 189. Opera inedita (Lutoslawski) Arch.Gesch. Philos. 2 : Science de 1'ordre social ( Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 73 : r-'7. vor dem Inquisition. Sigwart, Kleine Schriften v. 1. Brunswick, Houseof. See also George I-IV. Antiquities of. Gibbon, Miscellaneous works v. 3. Brunswick, Chronik (Beck) Germania 23: 142. Denkwiinligkeiteneines Ministers. Rund- .vhaii 41:376- Successionsfrage. T'nsere Zeit 1*74 : 1 : 28. Brusa, Ax in Minor. Asiutischu Olymp und (Haeckel) Rund- -chatl ."i : 41. Brutus, Lucius Juniu*. d. 509 B. C. I. Hclden Koms 18. Brutus, Marcus .Inn ins. B. C. 85-42. Alfieri. Tragedies v. 2. <'icrn>. Letter-. 11,-nlcr. Hrutus: Diehtiing (Werke 28: 11. Plutarch. I. Voltaire. P.rntu-: tnupMie (OeOTTOI v. 1 i. Character. : May 1. Works J Stedman. Poets of America. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 641. ( Victor) Herrig's Archiv 18 : 354. Wilson (J :). Works 6 : 191. Buccaneers of America. See also Piracy. Bancroft. History of Central America v. 2; Mexico v. 3. Burney. South sea voyages v. 4. Cordoba. Puerto Rico" 1 : 84. Dana. Poems and prose writings. Edwards. West Indies. Griswold. Panama. Raynal. Histoire des deux Indes 3 : 32. Bucer, Martin, reformer. Fuller. Abel redevivus. Concerning divorce. Milton, Prose works. Buch, C. L. von. 1774-1853. (Flourens) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 26. Buchanan, George, Scottish scholar. 1506-82. Kingsley. Historical lectures. Buchanan, James, 14th president U. S. 1791- 1- -. Annuaire des Deux Mondes 7 : 768. Administration : Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 4 : 38-40. Buchanan, Robert, poet. 1841- Stedman. Victorian poets. Bucharest. See also Roumania. (Zerboni di Sposetti) Unsere Zeit 1869:2: 278. Buchholz, Andreas II : Cholevius. Deutsche Romane 17. Jahrh. Buchholz family. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 72 : 201. Buckingham, George Villiers, 4th duke of, fnrnrite of James I. 1592-1H-JS. Clarendon. History of the rebellion bk. 1. Gardiner. History of England Kil7-2S. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Scott. Fortunes of Nigel (fiction). Assassination. Poems on (Percy Soc. v. 29). Buckingham, George Villiers, 5th duke of. l'L'7-88. Clarendon. History of the rebellion. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Wotton. Reliquiae. Buckingham, Henry Stafford, duke of. d. 1488. Poem on. Sackville, Works. Buckland, Her. R. J. W. Strong. Philosophy and religion 337. Buckle, Henry Thomas. 1- (Kat-clicri I'n-en- Xcit IS-^l : 1 liuth's Life of. Rund-cliaii : : 440. Po-itivi-nn- . Pilgrim's progress. Coleridge, English divines v. 1. Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. 1474-1564. Bibliography. Boston Public Lib. Bull. 4 : 218. Harvard Library Bull. no. 7 ; Bibl. contrib. no. 3. Alison. Essays. Dumas. Trois maitres. Evelyn. Diary. Hebbel. Dramen (Werke v. 2). (Henke) Rundschau 5 : 16. (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 37 : 72. Longfellow. Poets of Europe; Angelo: a poem. Mantz. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture. - Quinet. Revolutions d'ltalie 2 : 150. Roscoe. Life of Leo X. Ruskin. Modern painters. Society Diff. Useful Knowledge. Select biographies. Syinonds. Renaissance, index. Taine. Italy : Rome and Naples 186. Yriarte. Florence 287. Histories of painting by : Beyle, Lanzi (v. 1). Caractere du gC-nie (Montlgut) Rev. <1. <1. Mondes 11:85:918. Fourth centenary. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 2 : 72L Gedichte (Witte) Roman. Studien 1 : 1. Platonismus( Kaiser) Zts. Volkerpsychol. v. 15, Hi. Vie et ses oeuvres (Clement) Rev. d. d. Moi.d.- II :.':60. Vie rnondaine (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25:481. Buonvlsi, cardinal. et lacroisadedeBude, 1684(Sayous) Acad. S.i. Mor. 131:251. Buovo d Antona. Frammenti di redazioni italiane (Rajna) '/.\^. rornan. I'hilol. 12:403. Buoys. I >ster gas-lighted. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v Burchard III, archbishop of Magdeburg. I.i'l.rii ( Korh) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Burchard, hi*hi> f Cambrai. Vita. I'l-rt/., .Mnii. (icriii. hist, Script. 11: 112 Burchard. Inshnp nf Worms. Vita. JPertz, Mon. \l. Berichtigungen(Prohle) Herrig's Archiv 21 : 169. Gedichte. Schiller. Werke 12 : 341 Burgoyne, Gen. John. 1722-92. et les re"formes militaires (Blerzy) llev.a. d. Mondes II 1: 14: 40. Burgsdorff, F. Aug. L: von. 1747-1804. (Willdenow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Burial. See also Catacombs, Cemeteries, Cre- mation, Monuments. Suttee. Brahman (Miiller) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 9. Chinoises ( Pale"ologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:83:918. Funeral honors (Attfield) Class. Jour. 4 : 391. Greek (Stackelberg) Rhein. Mus. 4 : 470. -- Ceremonies. Lemaire's Bibl. Class. Lat. 143 : 279. --- St. John, Ancient Greece 3 : 414. -- Criminals' (Hager) Jour. Philol. 8: 1. Homeric tumuli (Paley) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:267. Kgl. Grabmaler d. heroischen Zeitalters (Mure) Rhein. Mus. 6 : 240. Law of (Kuggles) Pams. on law v. 1. -- Roman ( Wamser) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. London. Knight, London v. 4. North American indian. Yarrow, Mor- tuary customs. North European early (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 179^1800. Northern indian mounds (Thomas) U. 8. Bur. Ethnol. Report 5. Phrygian customs (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. r>: 241. Question. Arnold. Lastessays on religion. K.'-fus de S. religieuse(Pillon)Crit. Philos. 10 : 289. Roman. Luxus im (Friedliinder) Rund- schau 23 : 407. Buridan, Johannes. Histories of philosophy by : Ritter (8 : 604). Burke, Edmund, Kmjlish statesman. 1730-97. Arblay. Diary. Broug'ham. Statesmen 1 : 1 1-'. Cusiirk. History of Ireland Hallam (A. H.). Remains. I'aine. Rights of man. -- KaumiT. Mathews. Getting on in the world. Ausgabebudget (Hampke; Halle Dniv Diss. v. 2. _PompeianischenQuittungstafeln(Momm- sen) Hermes 12: 88. lussy-Rabutin, Roger, comte de, satirist. 1618-93. Sainte-Beuve. Causenes du Lur.dij. 3, 13. Correspondance (Despois) Rev. Nat. 18: Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 3 : 487. Bute, John Stuart, earl of. 1713-92. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Butler, James, 1st duke of Ormonde. 1610-88. Carte. Collection of letters. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Butler, James, 2d duke of Ormonde. 1665- 1745. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Butler, Joseph, bishop of Bristol and Dur- ham. 1692-1752. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 2. Analogy. Barnes, Essays and reviews V Christ. Spect. 12 : 694; 13 : 85. and the Zeit-Geist. Arnold, Last essays on religion. Philosophy (Carrau) Rev. Philos. 21 : 144, 265. Butler, Pierce. 1744-1822. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 459. Butler, Samuel, poet. 1612-80. Bell. English poets v. 1. Howitt. Homes of the British poets. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Rossetti. Famous poets. Hudibras. Bayle, Dictionary 6 : 289. Voltaire. Oeuvres 24 : 127. Butte county, CaJ. Resources, 1886 (Wood) Pams. California v. 3. Butter. See also Dairying, Oleomargarine. Beitrage zur Kenntniss (Sell) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arbeiten 1 : 529. Butterflies. Nervous system of sphinx ligustri (New- port) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1832:383. North European (Petersen) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 3. Pacific coast (Edwards) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. v. 5-7. Buttmann, Philipp K:, philologist. 1764- 1829. Schleiermacher. Gedachtnissrede(Werke 111:3:116). Byng, John, admiral. 1704-57. Ellis. Original letters illus. English his- tory 11:4:381- Harris. Life of lord Hardwicke. Walpole. Letters 2 : 328. Byrne, Henry Herbert. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Byron, Anne I. Millbanke, lady. ( Althaus) Unsere Zeit 1870 :'l : 21. Martineau. Biographical sketches. (Mezieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 108:593. Byron, George Gordon, lord. 1788-1824. Arnold. Essays in criticism, 2d series. Brandes. Hauptstrbmungen 4 : 382. Disraeli. Venetia. Gervinus. Geschichte des 19. Jahrh. 8:1: 136. Byron. 69 Caesarian section. Goethe. Werke 20 : 425. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 2: 188. Howitt. Homes of the British poets. Hugo. Litte"rature et philosophic 1 : 279. Legare". Writings 2:351 j- Rossetti. Famous poets. Shelley. Prose works, index. Whipple. Essays v. 1. Histories of English literature and poetry by Raumer (2: 199), Taine, Ward (v. 4). als Dramatiker (Montagu) Herrig's Ar.'hiv 4:338. Charakteristik(Greverus)Herrig's Archiv 12:112. Childe Harold. Lamartine, Oeuvres v. 2. Einfluss auf die franzos. Litteratur( \\Yd- digen) Herrig's Archiv 69:89. et le Byronisme( Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. MondesII:101:513. in Greece. Finlay, History of Greece 6: 324. Manfred (Gantzer) Herrig's Archiv 19: 209. ( Lohmann) Anglia 5 : 291. - Poems (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:41: 908. Poetry, tragedies. Jeffrey, Essays. Pone's Einfluss auf (Weiser. Levy) Anglia 1:252; 2: 266. i-hologisch-asthetischeStudie(Goerth) Herrig's Arch. 45:31. Retour vers (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:79:906. Scott, Campbell and. Alison, Essays. Southey and (Breier) Herrig's Archiv 5:290. Trelawney's Recollections (Guerle) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 19: 69. und die Gegenwart Unsere Zeit 1866: 2:481. Writings immoral ? Hadley, Essays. Byzantium (Byzantine empire). See also Constantinople. Freeman. Historical essays v. 3. Universal history : ancient v. 14. Chronology. Clinton, Fasti Romani. Emploi du mot Basileus dans les artcs dc la chancellerie (Gasquet) Rev. Hist. iM: 281. !li-torians. Finlay, History of Greece 1 : 17<;. ^erpaliiste (Hertzberg) Hist. Zeits. 51: l.)l . Origines et la formation (Drapeyron) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:102:432. Parteien der Rennbahn ( Wilken) Hist. Taschenbuch 1830; Berlin Akad. Abh. l B7. Ungedruckten Ili.storiker d. St Marcus Bibliothek. Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. Cabala. See alto Zohar. icher de Careil. Leibnitz. Frunck. La kabbale. .M'irr (II :> < >|>rra |>liil<>-nphica. Origiiif, principo* Franck) Acad.Sci. Mor. 1 : -'. Caballero, Fernan, p*c>l. Re"cit* (Mazade) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 18: 352. Cabanis, 1': J: G. 1757-1808. H-t. NottOM v. 2; Acad. 8ci. Mor. 17 , et Bichat (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 39:35. Cabet, Etienne, French communist. 1788-1856. Ely. Socialism. Kaufmann. Utopias. Cabeza de Vaca. See Nunez (Alvar). Cabinet government. See also Bureaucracy. Bagehot. English constitution. Todd. Parliamentary government in En- gland y. 2. Instability. Cause e"conomique (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 1V:9:337. Responsabilite" ministe'rielle (Pillon) Crit. Philos. v. 10-11. Stability ministe'rielle ( Pillon) Crit. Philos. v. 17-18. Cable, G: W. 1844- (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: (il : 402. Cabot, George. 1751-1823. Gibbs. Wolcott's Memoirs of Washing- ton and Adams. Cabot, Giovanni, and Sebastian. Belknap. Early discoverers of America 38. ( J urien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:757. Sparks. American biography v. 9. Tytler. Progress of discovery: app. Winsor. History of America 3: 1. Cadiz, Spin' n. in 1625 (Granville) Camden Soc. II :32. Caedmon's Paraphrase. See also Genesis and Exodus. Freybe. Altdeutsches Leben 1 : 244. Hammerich. Aelteste christliche Epik. Hymnus (Wiilcker) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 3:348. (Zupitza) Zts. deutsch. Alterthum 22: 210. Syntaktische Gebrauch d. Dativs u. In- strumentals (Hofer) Anglia 7:355. und Milton (Wiilcker) Anglia 4:401. Caesalpinus, Andreas. Histories of philosophy by: Ritter (9: 653). Caesar, Cains Julius. B. C. 100-44. Bacon (Sir Francis). Works. Beesly. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius. Froude. Short studies v. 3. Lucanus. Pharsalia. Plutarehus. Lives. Stoll. Helden Hums 648. Suetonius. Lives. Cicero et ( Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : .-.!:fi7(i; 54:108. De bello Gallico. Bemerkungen (Heller) I'liilnlo^us, >uppl. v. 5. Fortsetzern (Heischer) Jahrb. Philol. 117:273; 11!:>!: li.'.-.:215. Tradition from Cicero to Orosius (Sihlor) AIIHT. I'hilol. A-M.C. IS: 19. Expedition to Britain (Maiden) Jour. Philol 17: Ki3. I.itVof. Napoleon's (Laboulaye) Rev. Nat. 20: .iv of. 'ii-rro, Or:itii> in risoniMii. Kliine bridm- (Mi-np-) 1'hilologiis 4:'.'7!t. Caesarian section. Cii.rdr*) Honii I'niv ( .- hrocrs) Marlmrg I'niv. Diss. V. 3. Caesarius. 70 Calculus. Caesarius, St., bishop of Aries, d. 542. H istoire litteraire de la France v. 3. Caesars, Roman emperors. De Quincey. The Caesars. Juliamis. Caesars (satirical). Suetonius. Lives. Apoth^ose (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :!>3:GO. Opposition sous (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 85: 488. Caesura. See also Metre ( Poetic). Feminine, in Homer (Seymour) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 16:30. Nature of (Humphreys) Amer. Philol. c.l879:25. Caffarelli, Gaetano, singer. 1703-83. (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38 : 1021. Caffeine. Kenntniss (Wernecke) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 3. 1 \vchischer Einfluss (Dehio) Dorpat I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Cagliari, Paolo. See Veronese. Cagliostro, count, Joseph Balsamo, called. Carlyle. Essays. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Cagots. et leurs cong<5neres( Louis- Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 25: 426. Cailnava de 1'Estandoux, J. F. 1731-1813. 4 : 515. Transformation d. bestimmten Doppel- Integrale(Winckler) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v. 20. - Values of La Place's coefficients of the orders n, n' (Strutt) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870:579. Variation des constants arbitraires( Mau- rice) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 19:553. -- (Poisson) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 1 : 1. Various points of analysis (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814 : 440. Calcutta, in 1821. Tyerman and Bennet, Voyages eh. 48- University. Maine, Village communities Ma Vi-it t<> ( I>e-mond)Californian 2:495. Calderon de la Barca, Pedro, dramatist. 1601- Klein. Ge.schichte des Dramas v. 11. s-mn'iiilr . I'MIM mis-inner of Agriculture. Kejiort 1 ! - an ideal Italy < Hall i Pftm*.0*lifari Animals (Cooper) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. Cronise. Natural wealth 434. California. 72 California. as health resort (Rogers) Pams. medicine v.l. Birds (Cooper) Cal. Geol. Survey, Ornith- ology. (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838 Pacific Railroad Reports v. 10. Botany. See aUo names of plants, trees. California Academy of Sciences, Pub- lications. California Geological Survey. Botany 2v. Cronise. Natural wealth 502. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 4-7. Rattan. Popular California flora. Wheeler. Surveys west of 100th. merid- ian v. 6. Fremont's collections (Torrey) Smith- son. Contrib. v. 6. Island flora (Le Conte) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:515. Veranderungen in d. Flora (Semler) Petermann's Mitteil. 34 : 239. Chief need (Sill) Berkeley Quar. 2: 248. Climate (Blake) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 4: 110. Climatic map. 1887. Cronise. Natural wealth ch. 4. (Hittell) Hutchings' Cal. Mag. v. 3. (Logan) Smithsonian Report 1857. (Robinson) Cal. Bd. Health 1884-6: 199. Wickson. California fruits. of San Francisco. Smithsonian Report 1854. of southern California (Orme) Cal. Bd. Health 1884 -6: 117. ( Widney ) Californian 2 : 460. Commerce and finance for 1876. Pams. California v. 5. Commercial interests (Walker) S. F. Chamber Commerce, Rept. 1873. Cretaceous fossils (White) U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Bull. v. 3. metamorphic rocks (Becker) Pains. mineralogy v. 1. Karl y spring in. Choice Literature 1 : 316. Epidemics in 1868 (Hatch) Pams. medi- cine v. 3. Evils of (Allison) Pams. California v. 5. Finance and industry of (Tevis) Pams. California v. 5. Fisheries. United States Fish Commis- sion, Reports. Fishes. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 6, 10. Fossil. Pacific Railroad Reports 5 : 513. Viviparous. AgassizJScientific papers]. Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage 89. Future (Kellogg) Berkeley ^uar. 2: 201. Geology. Blake, Geological reconnais- sance. ( Frignet) Pams. geology v. 1. (Marcou) Pams. geology v. 3. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 5-7. Stratigraphy (Becker) U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, Bull. v. 3. Gold mania. De Quincey, Letters to a young man. Immigration. See alto Chinese immigra- tion. desired. Pams. California v. 5. Immigrants. Distress among. Thorn- ton, Oregon and C. v. 2. Indians. See names of tribes : Digger Euroc, Modoc. (Baegart) Smithsonian Reports 1863-4. Bancroft. Native races of the Pacific coast. Burney. South sea voyages. (Gerlahd) Petermann's Mitteil. 25 : 241. Gerstacker. Schriften 1:5: 349. Hutchings' California Magazine v. 3. La Prouse. Voyage 2 : 355. Schoolcraft. Archives of aboriginal knowledge. Tuthill, History of California. Arrow-head making (Redding) Cali- fornian 1 : 125. Dances (Sargent) Californian 1:464. Doom (Hittell) Overland II : 11 :609. Food, medicines (Powers) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 5 : 373. Graber (Schumacher) Zts. Ethnol. 10: 183. in 1839. Forbes, California. in 1884. U. S. Senate Reports 1884-5, v. 2. Inscription in Mono. Petermann's Mitteil. 23: pi. 8. Languages. Latham, Philological es- says. Kizh und Netela (Buschmann) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1855. Manufactures of southern (Schu- macher) Parns. ethnology v. 2. Mission (Jackson, Painter, Whiting) Pams. N. Amer. indians v. 1. Jackson. Ramona (fiction). - U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1; 1885-6, v. 1. Tribes(Powers)U.S. Bureau Ethnology v. 3. War claims. U. S. House Com. Rept. 1882-3, v. 1. - Wedding (Beatty) Californian 6 : 433. Insects. Cal. State Bd. Horticulture, Reports. Cooke, Insects: injurious and benefi- cial. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 12, pt. 2. Land claims. See also McGarrahan ( W :). Field (Ste. J.). Work as a legislator 20. Mexican (Hittell) Hutchings' Cal. Mag. v. 2. Moquelamos grant. U. S. Senate Com. Rept. 1884-5, v. 1. Lands, boundaries. Webster, Works 5 : 386. - Mammals. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 10. - Maps (Rowell) Univ. of Cal. Lib. Bull. No. 9. - Minerals. Cronise, Natural wealth 39.1. - Rath. NaturwissenschaftlicheStudien. Mines. Journal des Economistes 1:22- 202; 24:41; 26:296; 28:69; 11:16:100 177. Stirling. Mines d' or en Australie, etc. United States Directorof Mint, Reports. - Terrains auriferes (Laur) Rev. d. d Mondes 11:43:453. Missions. See also Serra (.Tunipero). Ford, Etchings of the Franciscan mis- sions. (Hittell) Californian 3:432. - Lettres 6difiantes 8: 52. Map. Pauw. Amerika 1 :309. - Unsere Zeit 1879 : 2 : 707. (Victor) Californian 5 : 389- in 1823. Hutchings' Cal. Mag. v. 5. - Name (Archbald) Overland 2:437. California. 73 California. -- Burney. South sea voyages 1 : 178. -- (Marcou) U. S. Chief Engineers, Kept. 1878:1648; Wheeler's Survey 7:299; Pams. California v. 6. -- Montalvo. Sergas de Esplandian (Bibl. espafi. v. 40); also in Male's His level best. -- Pacific coast pilot : California 6. -- Quimby. Ophir (Pams. California v. 6). Ocean currents off coast (Kichter) Cal. Acad. Sci. Bull. 2:337. Rainfall (Becker) Univ. of Cal. Bulletin, No. 31. -- 1851-9. Hutchings' Cal. Mag. v. 4. -- Cyclical (Chase) Pams. meteorology v. 2. Resources (Cronise) Pams. California v. 5. -- (Street) Pams. California v. 5. -- (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:78: 599. Shells. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 3. 6. Southern (Carr) Muir, Picturesque Cali- fornia IL'1. Weather types (Glassford) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2: 77. California. Discovery, Voyages before 1848. Bancroft. North Mexican states v. 1. Domenech. Deserts of America 1:224. Harris. Collection of voyages 1 : 18, 27, 104. 173, 231; 2: 162, 395, 431, 1024. Herrera. Historia general. Raynal. Histoire des deux Indes. Winsor. History of America 3:457. Drake in. Pinkerton, Voyages 12: 172. First discovery (Marcou) U. S. Chief En- gineers. Rept 1878:1648. in 1533 (Ximenes) Burney. Voyages v. 1. in 1536 (Cortez) Burney, Voyages v. 1. in 1539-1603. Examination (Davidson) U. S. Coast Survey, Report 1886 :app. 7. in 1539 (Ulloa) Burney, Voyages v. 1. in 1542 (Cabrillo) Burney, Voyages v. 1. in 1595 ( Viscaino) Burney, Voyages v. 2. in 1683 (Otondo) Burney, Voyages v. 4. in 1697 (Piccolo) Burney. Voyages v. 4. in 1700 (Kino, Uguarte) Burney, Voyages v. 4. in 1708. Woodes Rogers, Voyage. in 1790-5. Vancouver, Voyages. in 1792. Viage por les Sutil y Mexicana. in 1803. Humboldt, New 'Spain 2:335; 4:300. -- Langsdorff. Voyage pt. 2 : 136. in 1816. Chainisso, Werke. in 1816, 1833. Kotzebue, Voyages. in 1819. Bonnycastle, Spanish America 70. in 1 *_'';. Beechey, Voyage v. 2. in 1835. Daiui. Two raan before the mast. -- Ruschenberger, Voyage 505. in 1837. Belcher, Vovage 1 : 110, 312. in 1840-2. Duflot de Mofras, Exploracion in 1HJ1. Wilkcs, ['. S. Kxplor. expedition. in 1M1 L'. Mayer, Mexico 3C2. -- Simp-on, Overland journey 156. in IHl'J. (iilliam, Mexi< in HI'). Kfi'iiianii, Voyage of the Herald. California. I.ntrr tmrrl. Bancroft. California pastoral li I niter) liny. 'Jeo^r. Sin-, .lour. ">:59. Pacific Kailmail Ileport- v. '_', 5-7. (Rover) Unmlx-haii v. I'l l'i. Aiuerii-aiii'-i u Mailly) Rev. d. d. Mi. ml- II: r.:434- 10 Early days (Peabody) Pams. California v. 8. Early voyage to (Eagleston) Pams. Cali- fornia v. 8. Fresh water tide lands. Pams. California v. 9. in 1846-59. Sherman(Gen.W:T.)Memoirs 1:37- in 1849. Whiting expedition (Knapp) Overland II: 10: 409, 499. in 1849-50. Gerstacker, Schriften I : v. 5. ( Hittell) Overland II : 9: 193. in 1860 (Feilner) Smithson. Report 1864. (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 32 : 556. in 1878. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 256- Medical topography (Logan) Pams. health v. 1. New California (Del Mar) Californian 3: 207. Old Californians (Miller) Californian 3: 48. Road across Sierra Nevada. Pams. Cali- fornia v. 8. Southern. Emory, Mexican boundary survey v. 1. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 5. (Shinn) Californian 3:446. Harbors. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1878- 9, v. 11. California. History and politics. Fremont. Memoirs of my life 1 :411- Thompson. Recollections of Mexico. 1846. ch. 25. Admission to the Union. Seward, Works 1 :52; Pams. California v. 8. Winthrop (R. C.) Speeches 654, 700. Annexation, 1845. Hoist, Constitutional history y. 3. Histories of Mexican war by: Jay, Ramsav, etc. Aus friihen Tagen (Harte) Rundschau 25:268. Chronology to 1823. Art de verifier les dates III: v. 9-10. Constitution. 1879 (Hittell) Overland II: 1:34. Division of state. Legislative report, 1885. Pams. California v. 8. Election of 1886. True issue (White) Pams. California v. 8. Fact and need (Sumner) Pams. California v. 8. in 1861-5 (Morris) Pams. on California v. 1. Aid to Sanitary commission. Stille", Sanitary commission ch. 8. Volunteers' experiences (Carlson)Over- land 11:7:480. Kearney agitation, 1879 (George) Pop. Sci. 17:433. I. i-t night of legislative session. Pain-. California v. 8. Legislature, 1879 (Hittell) Berkeley ijuar. i :J nations for. Tyler, Letters ami times of the I'ylers V. 2. Ue.listrict'ization, 1881 (Widney) Cali- fornian 3: 1-M. Republican state convention, l^i. Pam-. California Taxation in (Hopkins) Pains. California V. 8. Territorial government, 1849. Oalhoon, \\,. t<> IHU. Wilkes, U. 8. Exploring expedi- tion v. 5. California. 74 Campanella. to 1849. Gegenwart 3 : 355. to 1880 (Patterson) Fortnightly R. 34 :325. Union state convention, 1862. Pains. Cali- fornia v. 8. California, Lower (the peninsula). Bancroft. North Mexican states. 2v. Universal history: modern 35:114. Aborigines (Baegart) Smithson. Report 18G3-4 Geologv (Lindgren) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 11:1:173. in 153(5. Lorenzana, Nenva Espafia 322. in 1540 ( Alarcon) Burney, Voyages v. 1. in 1686. Dampier, Voyages v. 2: index. in 1708. Rogers (Woodes), Voyage 312. in 1719. Shelvocke, Voyage 388- in 1768. Chappe d'Auteroche, Voyage. in 1793. Colnett, Voyage. in 1803. Humboldt, New Spain 2 : 319. in 1808. Little, Life on the ocean 109. in 1840. Duflot de Mofras, Exploracion 1:216. Uguarte's mission (Hittell) Californian 1:15. Californianisms. Bancroft. California pastoral 526. Caligula, C. C., emperor. 12-41. Suetonius. Lives. Caliphs. Kremer. Cultnrgeschichte. (Spitta) Rundschau 11:457. Callimachus. B. C. 240. - Hecale (Nake) Rhein. Mus. 2:509; 3:509; 5:1. Scholia (Reinecke) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Callixtus II, pope. d. 1124. Histoire litteraire de la France v. 10. Calorimeter. for radiation of surfaces in air (Hopkins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:379. Cal vacant!, Guido. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana v. 4. Calvert, Leonard, governor. 1582-1647. Archives of Maryland. Sparks. American biography v. 19. Calvin, John, Swiss reformer. 1509-1564. Albert. Litte>ature fr. des origines 161. Havle. Dictionary; Oeuvres diverses. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 312. and Servetus (Bacon) Scribner's 16: 116. au val d'Aoste (Bonnet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 58:129,273. Syntacktische Studien (Grosse) Herrig's Archiv61:243; Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Histories of Switzerland by : Daguet(v.2) Vulliemin (v. 2), Dandliker (2:414-). Calvinism. Froude. Short studies v. 2. Fuller. Calvinism and Socinianism. abandoned. Newman^ Phases of faith. Doctrines. Pamphlets on religion v. 12. Five points of. Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. - Moral argument against. Channing, Works 1 : 217. Cambodia. Universal history : modern 6:382- und die Franzosen. Unsere Zeit 1870:1: JO Cambodia river. Exploration (Carn^) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 80-82, 84-87. Cambrai, France. Annales, 1099-1170. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 16. Gesta episcoporum. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 7, 14. League of, 1508. Hosack, Law of nations 321. Cambrian formation. North American (Irving) U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, 7th. report. Cambridge, Massachusetts. in 1840. Lowell, Among my books v. 1. in 1880. United States 10th. census 18 : 166. Oration at, 1826 (Everett) Pams. history v. 5. Cambridge university, England. Beauties of England and Wales v. 2. Le Keuxand Cooper. Memorials of Cam- bridge. in 1625. Masson, Life of Milton v. 1. in 1806. Silliman, Travels 3 : 112. Studies at, Sedgwick on. Mill, Disserta- tions v. 1. Cambyses, son of Cyrus the Great. Duncker. History of antiquity 6: 131. Camden, C : Pratt, 1st earl. 1713-94. Brougham. Statesmen 3 : 156. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Camden, Wlliam. 1551-1623. and Brooke. Disraeli, Quarrels of authors. Camels. Hekekyan Bey. On the dromedary. ( U. S. Sec. War,' Report 1858.) Anatomie d. zweibuckeligen (Muller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3. Stomach, urine (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806:357. Use in U. S. deserts. Bartlett, Personal narrative 2:576. - Davis, Report 1857. Cameroon country. (Hellwald) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 2 : 313. Camillas, Marcus Furius. Plutarch. Lives. Stoll. Helden Roms 99. Camisards. - Edin. Rev. 104:123; Quar. Rev. 150:434. Camoens, Luis de. 1524^80. Montgomery. Italian, etc., authors v. 3. Schafer. Geschichte von Portugal 4 : 294 Schlegel (A. W. von). Werke 10 : 37. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Europe v. 4. Dichter und Krieger (May) Herrig's Ar- chiv 49:121. Campan, Henri. - Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 17 : 127. Campanella, Tommaso. 1568-1639. Histories of philosophy by: Ritter (10- 3-62), Windelband (1:76). Carriere. Philosophische Anschauung d Reformationszeit 2 : 215. - Heron. Jurisprudence 379. Kaufmann. Utopias ch. 2. - Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 8 : 240. Campanella. 75 Canoes. Woolsey. Communism and socialism. Poems. Symonds, Renaissance. Politische Ideen. Sigwart, Kleine Schriften v. 1. Campbell, dukes of Argyll. See Argyll. Campbell, Alexander. 1820- Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Campbell, John, 1st baron. 1779-18G1. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Campbell, Thomas, Scotch poet. 1777-1844. Alison. Essays. Howitt. Haunts of the British poets v. 2. Jeffrey. Essays. Rossetti. Famous poets. Htoddard. Recollections of Lamb, etc. Gertrude of Wyoming(Schmick)Herrig's Archiv26:163. Campeachy. Phillips. Mexico illustrated. Camper, Peter. 1722-89. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 21. Camphausen, Ludolf. Gegenwart 2: 155. Camphor. in China. Lettres e'ditiantes 22 : 232. Campion, Edmund, English Jesuit. 1540-81. Bayley. Tower of London 2 : 486. Campistron, J. G. de. 1656-1713. Alembert. Oeuvres 8 : 193. Canada. See also British America, British Columbia, Fisheries, Labrador, New- foundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 4:19. Aborigines. Origin (Campbell) Quebec Hist. Soc. 1880-1. Annexation to U. S. Pams. U. 8. history y. 1. Civil government. Huskisson, Speeches 531. Economic minerals (Selwyn) Pams. mineralogy v. 1. Emigration to (Bannister) Misc. pams. v. <;. French in. New York Colonial docs. v. 9-10. History, 1608-1700 (Belmon) Quebec Hist. Soc. 1883-6. in l*jdge. Portraits v. 2. Carew, Sir Nicholas, d. 1539. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Carew, Sir Richard. 1555-1620. Tomb. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Carew, Thomas, poet. 1589-llvJl). Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 20(Celia). Carey, Henry C. 1793-1869. :i-n to. Manual of English prose. (Shinn) Californian 2:443. Smiles. Brief biographies. (Stewart) Quebec Hist. Soc. Trans. 1880-1. Taine. English literature. Unsere Zeit 186(5: 2 : 1. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 44 : 209. Whipple. Essays v. 2. als Moralist (Grant) Rundschau 24:417. French revolution. Brownson, Works 19:40. Goethe correspondence (Grimm) Rand* chau 53 : 43. Life. Fronde's (Althaus) Unsere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 824. Recollections. James, Literary re-main-*. Sprach iiinl Stil in Fricdrick II (Krum- nmchcr) Kngl. Stud. v. 11 I.. (Irlirauch ( Krummacher) Kngl. Stud. 6:352. Translations. Taylor, German literature. Carmel mountain. Martinirre. Dictionnaire 2 : 186. Carmen Sylva, pseud, .sw Elizabeth, qnren of ]in Anglo-Saxon v. J. Carnatic, In,li,i. L-ttr.->rdiliantes 13:190,311; H:ll. Carneadea of ( '>/rrnf, j>hili>i">)>lif>-. a Rome (Martha) Kev. d. d. MmU-s 1 1 1 29:7L Carneades. 78 Case of nouns. Phenoin^nisttieCPicavetJRev.Philos.v.US. Carniola (Kraln). Alpen.see-Bilder aus. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 1 : 887. - Herzogthum. Unsere Zeit 1876 : 1 : 844. Neuesten Griiberfunde( Hocbstetter ) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 47. Priihistorische Ansiedelungen (Desch- mann ) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl.v. 42- Carnival. Dickens. Pictures from Italy. Yriarte. Venice ch. 19. at Pisa. Crawfurd, Life in Tuscany 80. on the Cornice. Green, Stray studies from Italy. Carnot, L. M. N., mathematician. 1753-1823. Arago. Oeuvres 1:511; Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 22. Carnot, M. F. Sadi, president of France. 1 837- Annual cyclopaedia 1887. Caro, Elrne Marie, philosophic critic. 1826-87. ( Waddington) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:844. Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, queen of George IV. 1768-1821. Chesterfield. Works v. 4. Greville. Journals. Trial. Histories of England by : Pauli, Walpole, etc. Brougham. Speeches v. 1. Canning. Speeches 4 : 228, 255. Rogers. Protests of the lords. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 13 : 555. Caroline Matilda, queen of Denmark, d. 1775. Wraxall. Memoirs. Caroline islands (New Philippines). Seealso Pelew islands. Kotzebue. Voyage 1815. 3 : 181. Lettres e"difiantes 15: 196. Paulding. Cruise of the Dolphin 72. Carpaccio, Vittore. Pictures by. Ruskin, St. Mark's rest. Carpathus island. - (Bent) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:233. Carpeaux, J. B., sculptor. 1827- (Henriet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:477. Carracci, Annibal. Works on Italian painting by : Mantz, Lanzi (v. 5). Carrel, Armand, French journalist. 1800-36 Duller. Manner des Volks 8: 153. - Mill. Dissertations and discussions 1 :211. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 6. Controverses, 1848 (Broglie) Rev. d. d Mondes 11:21:5. Carrer, Luigi. - Howells. Modern Italian poets. Carriages. See Chariot, Coaches. Carroll, Charles, of Carrolllon. 1737-1832. Brougham. Statesmen. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration y. 7. - Histories of Maryland by : Scharf. Carson, Christopher (" Kit "). 1809-68 Fremont. Memoirs of my life. Carson City, Nevada. - Footprints in prison (Harkness, LeConte uibbes) Pams. ethnology v. 2. Carstens, Jacob Asmus. Reber. Neuere deutsche Kunst 1 : 121- Carthage. Universal history: ancient v. 15-16. and England : a parallel. Chateaubriand, Revolutions 1 : 295- Constitution (Bourgeois) Rev. Hist. v. 20. Defense of. Newman (F. W.) Miscel- lanies. Government. Monroe, People the sov- ereigns. Punic wars(Re"ville)Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 31:413. Kalenderverwirrung (Soltau) Philolo- gus 46 : 666. Second (Egelhaaf) Hist. Zeits. 53:430. Sb'ldnerkrieg ( Unger) Rhein. Mus. 34 : 90. Statten, 1887. Rundschau 51 : 197. Treaties with Rome. Mommsen, History of Rome 1 : 631. Polybius. Selections ; ed. by Strachan- Davidson 50. (Soltau) Philologus 48 : 131. (Unger) Rhein. Mus. 37 : 153. (Vollmer) Rhein. Mus. 32:614. Second (Dyer) Jour. Philol. 9:238. Zur Geschichte (Schafer) Rhein. Mus. 15: 391, 488. Cartler, Jacques, explorer. 1494-1556. Belknap. Early discoverers. (De Costa) Winsor, History of America 4:47. Tytler. Progress of discovery. Cartilage. Non-vascularity, nutrition (Toynbee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841 : 159. Cartography. See Maps. Cartwright, Peter. 1785-1872. Predication (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 22: 864. Carus, K: Gustav. 1789-1869. - Unsere Zeit 1869:2:624. Carving. Labarte. Arts indust. au moyen age v. 1. Ivory (Westwood) Parker, Archaeology of Rome pt. 10. - Wood (Norton) Paris Exposition 1878, Reports v. 2. Gary, Lucius. See Falkland. Casa, Giovanni della, poet. 1503-56. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Casas, Bartolome" de las, historian. 1474- 1566. Helps. Spanish conquest. Quintana. Obras. - Winsor. History of America v. 2. Casaubon, Isaac. 1559-1614. Classical Journal 12: 172. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 14. Cascade mountains. Lava-flood (Le Conte) Cal. Acad. Sci Proc. 5:214. Cascellius, Aulus. Rechgstelehrte (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Case of nouns. Ablative. German (Paul) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 2 : 339. Accusative. English. Cum Infinitive mit for (Stoffel) Herrig's Archiv 62:209. Case of nouns. 79 Catacombs. -- Latin 3d declension (Keller) Hhein. Mus. 21:241. -- qualitative. English (Zupitza) Anglia 7:156. and number. Chinese (Moule) Jour. Philol. 2 : 120. Dative. Early English reflexive (Voges) Anglia 6: 317. -- English (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1 : 251. -- Gothic. Syntactische Gebrauch (Kb'h- ler) Gerniania 11:261. Genitive. Origin, import. Garnett, Phil- ological essays. -- absolute. Use by Attic orators(Spieker) Amer.J. Philol. 6:310. Indoeuropean system (Whitney) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 13 : 88. Lehre (Misteli) Zts. ViJlkerpsych. 10: 121. -- Fundament der (Lineke) Jahrb. Philol. 128:401. Nominative and accusative. Scheinbare Verwechselung (Tobler) Zts. deutsche Philol. 4 : 375. Vocative. Aelteste franzos. Sprachdenk- maler. Romanische Stud. 3 : 493. Cashmere, India. Hiigel. Kaschmir. (Moorcroft) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 2:253. Eastern paradise. Choice Literature 4 : 230. Casilear, John W. 1811- Sheldon. American painters. Casimir-P<-rier, A. C. V. L. Pe>ier, later. 1811- 76. Politiqne conservatrice, 1831-2 (Monta- livet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :3:387. Caspar. See Kaspar. Caspian sea. and Black sea canal (Ott) Jour. Econ. II : M:M& -- (Reclus) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:34:592. Commerce (Hommaire de Hell) Jour. Econ. 1:8:138. in 1832 ( Monteith) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3 : 1. Cass, Lewis. 1782-1807. - Unsere Zeit 1867 : 2 : 844. Cassa. Sec (Quassia. Cassandra. Lycophron. Cassandra. Lycophron the author of? (Niebuhr) Class. Jour. 36:28. Cassia language, I !;. (Bchott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Casslni, Giovanni Domenico. Letteratura italiana 8:336. Casslodorus, Magnus Aurelius. 46S - Hodgkin. Italy 4:383. Tiratjoschi. Letteratura italiana 3 : 4- Casserly, Kugene, xenator. 1822-83. I'.rilii-ry : a corm-dy. lxnri>le }>rrcii>itntf of fjnhl. (Clarke) ( ambriilgf 1'Iiifoa. Trans. 1 :53. Cassowary. )! (Mcrrtin) I'.orlin Akad. Abh. 1810-17. Caste. See also Aristocracy, Nobility, Soci- ety. Bluntschli. Theory of the state 108. Bose. Hindoos as "they are. Eliot. Roman liberty. Faber. Caste and Christianity. Hunter. Indian empire. Kingsley (C:) Lectures on history. Manu. Ordinances. Millar. On ranks. Muir. Original Sanskrit texts v. 1. Miiller. Chips from a German workshop v. 2. Murray. Discoveries in Asia 2 : 312. Schlegel. Philosophy of history ch. 4. Sumner. Works 13:"l31. Ward. On the Hindoos. Ashva Ghoshu's refutation (Weber) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1859:205. Hindoo, 1879. Zeits. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 33:549. Castel-Franco, 7/a/i/. und Villa Maser (Woltmann) Rundschau 4:357. Castelar y Rissoll, Emilio, statesman. 1832- Duff. Miscellanies. ( Lauser) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 601. Castiglione, Baldassare, statesman. 1478- 1529. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Castile. Administration sous Philippe II (Gounon- Zoubens) Jour. Econ. II : 6 : 29. Castle Howard, Yorkshire. Pictures in. Panis. on travel v. 3. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, viscount. 1739- 1821. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 121. Rush. Residence in London. Castles. - Bau in Deutschland, 1000-1200 (Leo) Hist Taschenbuch 1827. Castro, Inez de. See Inez de Castro. Casuistry. See also works on Conscience, Ethics, Logic, Sophists. De liuincey. Works. Maurice. The conscience: lectures. cle'ricale (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 16:33. rationale. N6cessit6 (Renouviur) Crit. I'll ilos. 3:257. Thamin's Etude (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondesi II: 67: 200. Catacombs. - 1'aris. Livre des 101. 6: 19. -- Pt-rn-y. (uiidc. - Unman. Hiblingraphy. Boston Public Lib. Hull. 1: 168, --- Monthly Kofcn'm-,' I.i-ts 2:5. -- (Bointar) Rcr. d. : -- Wall. Fiin-ign -tc-hings 314. Ciiiu-ticri- ili- t'allist,- ( Bni.-oior) Ut-v. d. .1. Moi.,1,- 11 :- K-'lIcr on the ( Rfiinuvier) Crit. Krlig. -- Tht-ologi>etli-synit>oliMiie(Aub: 1!". LehredesSextus Knipiricus(Hartenstein) Zts. Philos. u-{:217; Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. selon les Grec.s ( I..'w que) Acad. 8ci. Mor. v. 75-77. Study of. Quetelet, Theory of probabil- itio*. und Idetititjit (Riehl) Viertelj. wissen. Phflo*. 1:866. und Sittlichkcit(Carneri) Viertelj. wissen. 1'l.ilo.s. 12:129. Caustics. Bernoulli.' Opera v. 3. (C*y ley) Roy. Boc. Trans. 1867: 273; l.-;7:7. I MiK''kiTir> Problem d. Brfiniliiik'ii :mrh) Wien Aka.i. Dt-nks. M N. Cl. Cavaignac, L: I 1802-57. hi.- Fran kreichs 2:286. - Fainilic. < M-gi-nwart 1:107. 11 Cavendish, Henry, physicist. 1731-1810. Brougham. Men o'f letters 2:429. Cavendish, Thomas, admiral. 1564-93. Harris. Voyages 1 :2. Southey. British admirals. Cavendish, W:, 1st duke of Newcastle. 1592- i<)7<;. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Cavendish , W :, 1st duke of Devonshire. 1640- 1707. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Caverns. See also Mammoth cave. Hovey. American caverns. bei Laas in Krain ( Hochstetter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 43. Caripe grotto. Humboldt, Equinoctial America 1:254. Egyptian crocodile (Pailhet) Californian 1:563. Origine. Daubre"e. Eaux souterraines a l'6poque actuelle 1 : 290. Slouper Hohle (Wankel) Wien Akad. Denks.~M-N.Cl. v. 28. Wyandotte (Cope) Indiana Geol. Survey 1872. Cavour. Camillo Benso, count. 1810-61. Annual cyclopaedia 1861. Godkin. "Life of Victor Emanuel II. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 14-19. Probyn. Italy. UnsereZeit ,1859:222; 1861:767. et la crise italienne (Haussonville) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 41: 402. undder Krimkrieg(Lang) Hist. Zts. 53:1. und Garibaldi, 1860 (Speyer) Unsere Zeit 1885:2:406- Caxton, William, printei: 1421-91. Society Diffusion Useful Knowledge. Select biographies. Caylus, Marthe Marguerite de Villette de Murray, marquise de. 1673-1729. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 3:5dge. Portraits v. 2. Cecil, William, loni Rurghley. 1520-98. Bayle. Dictionary v I Forster. British statesmen v. 1. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Macaul.-iy. Kssays. Scott. Kenilworth. Celaenae, . (Hiraehfeld) Beriin Akad. Abh. 1875. YiMt ( Hogarth) J. Hellenic Stud.U Celebes Islands. Rallies. Java 2: Ixxxv. Celibacy. See also Marriage. - Hull (J:) Works. Celibacy. 82 Centralization. Hyacinthe. Family and the church. Lea. Sacerdotal celibacy. National. Leslie. Essays in political phil- osophy. Cellini, Benvenuto, goldsmith. 1500-70. ( Delaborde) Rev. aire d'Asie en Europe (Moreau de Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 26:119. Origines gauloises ( Arbois de Jubainville) Rev. Hist. 30:1. - Topography of Scotland (Skene) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:207. - Wanderungen. Pfister. Geschichte Deutschlands 1:6- Cements. Arago. Oeuvres 6:492. Branner. Portland cement (Ark. Geol. Survey Report 1888 : v. 2.) Reid. Portland cement. - Natural and artificial (Lord) Ohio Geol. Survey, Geol. 6:671. Cemeteries. See also Burial, Catacombs, Monuments. Danger from urban (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2: 812. Mount Auburn (Story) Pams. history v. 5. United States national. U. S. Senate Docs. 1869-70, v. 2. Cenci, Beatrice, d. 1599. (Geffrey) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 38 : 941. Landor. Works v. 7 (drama). Shelley. Poetical works v. 2 (drama). C^nis mountain. See Tunnels. Censorinus. Zur Kritik (Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 22:465. Census. See also Population. German, 1880. Uns. Zeit 1880 : 2 : 360. Irish, 1789 (Bushe) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. Prussian, 1820-1834 (Hoffmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841, pt. 3. Centaurs. on Greek vases (Colvin) J. Hellenic Stud. 1:107. Centipedes. Circulation of blood in vessels (Newport) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1843:243. Development (Newport) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841:99. Centlivre, Susannah. 1667-1723. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Central America. See also Clayton-Bulwer convention, Copan, Costa Rica, Darien, Guatemala, Honduras, Mosquito coun- try, Nicaragua, San Salvador. Tehuan- tepec, Uxmal, Yucatan. Cotes ( Vane'echout) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 9:444. History to 1554. Herrera, Historia. Land und Leute (Engel) Unsere Zeit 1874:1:248- Languages (Latham) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1854:151; 1856:57. Political condition 1858 (Belly) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 28 : 328, 597, 865. Proiectirte Confederation (Stoll) Unsere Zeit 1885: 2 :338. R6publiques de (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:479. Semi-civilized nations (Gallatin) Am. Ethnol. Soc. Trans, v. 1. Treaty of peace, 1887. U. S. Foreign rela- tions 1887:101; U. S. Consular report 102:234. Centralization. See also Bureaucracy. Bluntschli. Lehre von modernen Stat 3:481. (Crane) Berkeley Quarterly 2 : 259. Draper. American civil war l:ch. 14-15. (Dunoyer) Jour. Econ. 1:1: 353. (Dupuynode)Jour. Econ. 1:20:409; 21 :16. Eiitvos. Einfluss d. herrsch. Ideen v. 1. Kingsley. Historical lectures (Ancien regime). Parieu. Science politique 243. Salisbury (Lord). Speeches. Tocqueville. Old regime 50, 79. Train. Central government. , administrative (David) Jour. Econ. 1 : 30 : 193. Decentralisation (Vignes) Jour. Econ. II: 39:401; 47:463; 48:196. administrative (Boutarel) Jour. Econ. 111:21:358. Centralization. 83 Chadwick. (Pauliat) Jour. Econ. Ill : 23 : 393. Depopulation des campagnes (Beaulieu) Jour. Econ. 111:7:332. Impot et (Lavergne) Jour. Econ. Ill: 8:90. des actes de 1' 6tat civil (Loir) Acad. Sci. Mor. 38:429; 63:215. Dupont- White on (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. 11:28:62. in France (Re'musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:29:798. and Germany (Biedermann) Uns. Zeit 1868:1:721- in Switzerland. Sicard. Odessa. , Intents locanx ( Vignes) Jour. Econ. II : 33:206. Napoleon's policy. Alison, History of Europe ch. 47. Cephalopoda. See also Ammonites, Belem- nites, Cuttle-fishes. aus d. alpinen Trias (Laube) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 30. aus d. Lias d. nordostlichen Alpen (Hauer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 11. aus d. Muskelkalk d. Alpen (Beyrich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1866. der Hallstatter Sehichten (Hauer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 9. der Wernsdorfer Schichten (Uhlig) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 46. des bosnischen Muschelkalkes (Hauer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. Leben ( Kollmann) Viertelj. wissen. Phi- los. 1:136. d. Tintenfische(Schmidtlein) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:764. Morphology (Huxley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:29. Sepien mit krallen ( Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Cephalus and Procris. Ovid. Ars amatoria. (Schwenck) Rhein. Mus. 6:522. Ceramics. See also Glass, Porcelain, Pot- tery. and "glass (Blake) Paris Expos. 1878, Re- port v. 3. Catalonian. U. S. Consular report, N. S. 1. Ceratites. See also Cephalopoda. (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Ceratodus. - ('Jiinther) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871:511. Cercldas of Megalopolis, poet, philosopher. (Meineke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Cereals. See Grain, Wheat. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. (Baker) M ifli. IM. Health 1874:115. Ceremonies. See also Burial. Coronations, Manners, Marriage, Worship. of Peraherra i<> Vishnu. Asiatic Jour. Triumphal shows; Roman triumphs. Gibbon, Misc. works v. 1. Cerrotl, Francesco. (Cugnotii) Tains, on biography v. 3. Certainty, Certitude. See also Belief, Doubt, Faith, Probability, Truth. Begritl, in d. Kantischen Philosophic (Gnat) I'bilos. Monatsh. 23 : 35. judiciaire (Chancel) Crit. Philos. N. S. 7: 241, 350. Methode. Leibnitz, Opera philos.; ed. Erdmann 172. Nature and limits (Miller) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Providence, prayer, and. McCosh, Real- istic philosophy 1:205. Question de (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 13: 49, 81, 147, 193. 273, 369; 14:65, 81, 97. Rapport sur (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 10: 5,89,217,372; 12:269. Cerutti, G. A. G. 1738-92. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. 1547-1616. Coleridge. Lectures on Shakespeare 2 : 56. Hallam. Literature of Europe. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 3. Prescott. Essays. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Europe v. 3. Don Quixote. Dunlop, History of fiction. Caractere (Monte'gat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 50: 170. devant la clinique (Guardia) Rev. Philos. 24:409. Illustrations. Hogarth, Works. Saltau's tr. Schlegel (A. W: von), Werkel2:106. Viardot's tr. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis v. 8. Dramas. Klein, Geschichte des Drama's v.9. Vie et P ceuvre (Me'rime'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:24:721. Cetacea. See also Whales. Gravid uterus and foetal membranes (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26:467. Respiration nasale (Saint-Hilaire) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. v. 5. Ziphius Sowerbyi (Andrews) Roy. Irish Trans. 24:420. Ceylon. Asiatic Journal 1817-40, passim. (Baldseus) Churchill, Voyages v. 3. (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 19: 605. De Qumcey. Works 11 : 1 ; Letters to a voung man. titeber. Indian journal 2: 148. Hordenakidld. Voyage of the Vega v. L'. Smith (Sydney). Works 3 : 1. United States Japan expedition v. 1. Adam's peak (Haeckel) Rundschau 37: Histoireet mccurs (Lavoll!. P. (i. d.. 1730-92. Grimm-Diderot. < orrcspondance. Chadwick, Kdwin. l^H- Macleod. Dictionary political economy. Chadwick. 84 Character. Smiles. Brief biographies. Chalcedon council, 451. (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :98:497. Chalcedony. Formation (Mackenzie) Roy. Edm. Trans. 10:82. Chaldaea. *>> Babylonia. Chaldaic philosophy. See alto Magic, Zoro- aster. (Drummond) Classical Jour. v. 16- Stanley. History of philosophy. Chalier, Marie Joseph. 1747-93. Revolution & Lyon (Wahl) Rev. Hist. 34:1. Chalk. See also Limestone. Dutenkalk (Huidinger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:181. Heteromorphen Zustande d. kohlen- sauren (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856, 1858. Chalmers, Thomas, D.D. 1780-1847. Bayne. Christian life. Mathews. Oratory. (Ramsay) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:497. Religious Magazine 4 : 480. Chalons battle, 451. See also Attila. Creasy. Decisive battles. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Chambord, H: C: Fd. Marie Dieudonn6 d' Artois. comte de. 1820-83. (Kleinschmidt) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:817. Chambord, France. Chateau. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 4. and park. Mangin, Jardins 121. Chameleons. - Browne (Sir T :). Works 1 : 321. African. Farbenwechsel (Briicke) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Tongue (Houston) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 15. Chamfort, S. R. N., poet. 1741-94. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 4 : 539. Chamlsso, L. C. Adelbert. 1781-1838. Barthel. Deutsche Nationalliteratur 306. Garteiilaube 1881 : 4. Portrait. Hitzig. Leben und Briefe. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 2 : 411. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 18:264. als Naturforscher (Du Bois-lleymond) Rundschau 56 : 329. Gedichte. Kleeblattaus. Herrig's Archiv 11 : 268. Sacularfeier. Unsere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 359. Champagne, wine. United States Consular report 49 : 285. Champcenetz, chevalier de. 1759-94. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Champfleury. See Fleury-Husson. Champlaln, Samuel de, founder of Quebec. 1608-35. Parkman. Pioneers of France. (Slafter) Winsor, History of America v. 4. Champlaln lake. French seignories on. N. Y. Doc. Hist. 1:345,359,368. Chamyl. See Schamyl. Chance. See Probability. Chancellor, Richard, d. 1556. a la cour d'lvan le Terrible (3 urien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 16 : 77. Chancery. Courts in England. Millar, English gov- ernment 2:340. Permanent judge in (Causidicus) Pams. law v. 4. Chandos, Sir John. d. 1370. Froissart. Chronicles. Longman. Edward III. Channel Islands. See also Guernsey. Hugo. Toilers of the sea. Inglis. Channel islands. Visile aux (Gaidoz) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 91:917. Channing, W: E., Unitarian divine. 1780- 1842. Sunmer. Works 1 : 241. Philosophical character. Hazard, Essay on language. Channing, W: E. 1818- Poe. Works 2: 229. Channing, W: H. 1810-84. Story. Life of Joseph Story ch. 3. Chansons de geste. Wright. Essays on literature v. 1. Chant illy chateau. Monuments de la renaissance francaise (Gruyer) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 64 : 106. Chapln, Edwin H., D.D. 1814-80. (Titus) Pains, on biography v. 3. Chapman, John G., painter. 1808- Tuckerman. Artist-life. Chaptal, Jean Antoine. 1756-1832. (Flourens) Paris, Mets ed. v. 1.) Journal des Economistes. I-II, index. Seneca. De beneficiis. , a Paris (Boissay) Jour. Econ. 111:48:347. (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:87: 175, 910. Charit^ privSe (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 56^58, 61-63. and philanthropy. Brown.son, Works 14 : 428. Assistance par le travail (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :85:300. en Angleterre (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 1:43. en Europe (Hunter) Jour. Econ. Ill : 41: 208. en France (Husson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 78: 209. in the early church. Choice Lit. 1 : 133. Israelite & Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II I :v. 83. Literature of (Adams) Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. v. 5. French. New themes for the Protest- ant clergy 323. of Boston (Hale) Winsor's Boston 4:641. of New York (Simonin) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:7:634. Organisation dans les campagnes ( Vache- rot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :9:650. Pensions viageres pour les vieillards(Ro- manet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9: 161. People I would endow (Kellogg) Califor- nian3:168. Secours publics. Cabanis, Oeuvres v. 2. sous 1'empire romain (Boissier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:96:617. Travail et (Marbeau) Acad. Sci. Mor. 14: 390. - Vestryism. Greg, Political problems 252. Wohlthatigkeit u. Armenpflege (Lam- mers) Rundschau 28: 198. Charlemagne romances. See alto Otuel, Roland, etc. Gautier. Epope'es francaises. Ginguine". Histoire litt. d' Italic v. 4-5. (King) Oxford essays. 1856. Anklange an d. german. ICjthoIogfo in (Osterhage) Zts. roman. Philol. 12:365. Chanson du p^lerinage (G. Paris) Roma- nia 9:1. Chanson du voyage a Jerusalem (Kosch- witz) Rom. Stud. 2:1. Old French. Vergleiche(MeinhofT) Mar- burg Univ. Dis.s. v. L'. Onomastica it alia na e (Rajna) Romania 18:1. Turpin's history and. Turner, England in middle ages 3:495- Charlemont , .1 . Ca u 1 (i eld , earl of. 1728-99. Jeffrey. Essays. Charles I, the (irent (Charlemagne), emjxror >f the \\'r*t. 7r_' i'<'linc and fall cli. I''. Heg-l. Philiisophy of lii-tory. ire litt'T.-iir' ile la France V. 4. M.Mi/.d. llitorv of Germany. Miliiian. History of Latin Christianity v.'J. Charles I. 86 Charles. Pertz. Mon. German, hist., Scri. v. 1-2. Schlegel. Philosophy of history. Still*?. Mediaeval history ch. 3. Voltaire. Mueurs des nations ch. 15. and literature. Berington, Literary his- tory. Litefarische Bewegung zur Zeit (Ebert) Kundschan 11:398. Annalen (Sybel) Hist. Zeits.43:411. et les Huns (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:1:768. Gouvernement( Fustel de Coulanges) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:13:123. L^gislateur (Monnier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 05:499; 90:379. Privat und Hofleben (Lorentz) Hist. Tas- chenbuch. 1832. Charles V, emperor of Germany, king of Spain. 1500-58. Bryce. Hply Roman empire. Kampen. Geschichte Niederliinde 1 : 270. Praet. Essays on polit. history 97. Abdication. Gibbon, Decline and fall 1 : 218. Motley. Dutch republic v. 1. au monastere de Samt-Yuste (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 27 : 5 ; 29 : 285. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 3. Einzug in Antwerpen (Hegel) Hist. Zeits. 44:446. - Field of cloth of gold (Camden Soc.21). Pouvoir royal au temps de(Lavisse) Rev. Hist. 2f>: 233. Rivalit<5 avec Francois I (Mignet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: v. 14, 25, 26, 61, 62, 68; Acad. Soi. Mor. 28:259. und die Waffenstillstand (Raumer) Hist. Tasehenbuch 1836. - Visit to England, 1522 (Camden Soc. 21). Charles VI, Hob/ Roman emperor. 1685-1740. See also Pragmatic sanction. Politik (Beer) Hist. Zeits. 55 : 1. Charles I, of England. 1600-49. See also Eikon Basilike. Evelyn. Diary. Portrait 4 : 69. Fuller. Church history of Britain v. 3. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. - Masson. Life of Milton v. 3. - Milton. Defensio pro populo Anglicano. - Mitford. Charles I : a drama. - Neal. History of the Puritans. Coup d' 6tat avorte", 1642 (Forgues) Rev d.d. Mondes II: 32: 802. Panegyrick. Wotton, Reliquiae. Secret history. Disraeli, Curiosities of literature. negotiation with, 1643-4 (Camden mis- cellany v. 8). Spanish marriage project (Francisco de Jesu) Camden Soc. 101. (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 40 : 257- (Justi) Rundschau 36:197. Charles II, of England. 1630-85. Burnet. 'History of his own time. - England's joy. 1660 (Arber's Engl. garner v. 1). -Evelyn. Diary. Portrait 2:441. Guizot. Monk. Lauderdale papers, 1639-79. 3 v. (Camden Soc. 11:34,36,38). - Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Pepys. Diary and Memoirs. Letters. Facsimiles. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. 1862-3:488. Restoration. Masson, Life of Milton v. 6. Manners. Taine, English literature. Secret service monies (Camden Soc. 52). Charles II, of France. 823-877. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 5. Charles V, of France. 1337-1380. and Charles VI. Froissart, Chronicles. Charles VI, of France. 1368-1422. Delavigne. Theatre v. 4. Monstrelet. Chronicles. Charles VII, of France. 1430-61. Monstrelet. Chronicles. Agnes Sorel et (Vallet de Viriville) Acad. Sci. Mor. 37; 357; 38:383. Charles VIII, the Affable, of France. 1470-98. Commines. Memoirs. Monstrelet. Chronicles. in Italy. Creighton, Papacy during the reformation v. 3. Roscoe. Life of Leo X. Symonds. Age of despots. Charles IX, of France. et Fr. Clouet (Gruyer) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:72:578. Charles X, of France. 1757-1836. Works on French revolution of 1830. Rochau. Geschichte Frankreichs v. 1. Charles I, of Spain. See Charles V, emperor of Germany. Charles II, of Spain. 1661-1700. Coxe. Kings of Spain v. 1. Stanhope. Spain under Charles II. Charles III, of Spain. 1716-88. Coxe. Kings of Spain. Nuptiae. Vico, Opere; ed. Ferrari 6:277. Charles XI, of Sweden. Historiska handlingar 1 : 66. Charles XII, of Sweden. 1682-1718. See also lives of Peter the Great. - Herder. Adrastea ( Werke 23 : 415). -Historiska handlingar 1:68; 2:43; 3:61; 4:1-; 5:1-; 7:19-. Lettres historiques. 1692-1731. de Voltaire (Wagler) Herrig's Archiv 18: 63. et de 1'histoire (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:362. Talents militaires et caractere. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7 : 69. Charles, count of Anjou and Provence. - Victory over Manfred, 1266. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 26:559. Charles IV, duke of Lorraine. - Vie privet (Favier) Rev. Hist. 31:73. Charles, prince of Hesse and Schleswig. Memoirs (Tai'llandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:60:774; 61:891. Charles the Bold, of Burgundy. 1433-77. Commines. Memoirs. - Kirk. Charles the Bold. - Histories of France, time of Louis XI. Charles the Good, count of Flanders. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12: 531. Charles, Emile. - Elements de philosophic. Crit. Philos. N. S. 1 : 17. Charles. 87 Chaucer. Charles, Jacques Alex. Ce"sar. 1746-1823. (Fourier) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 8:lxxiii. Charles Edward Stuart, the young pretender. L720-4& Aytoun. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. Bolingbroke. Letter to Wyndhara. Ewald. Life of Charles Stuart. Harris. Life of lord Hardwicke. Scott. Tales of a grandfather; Red- gauntlet; Waverley. Charleston, South Carolina. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census 19 : 95. Charlestown, Mass. Everett. Orations at. 1828, 1830 (Pa ms. history v. 5). Drsuline convent burning, 1834. Report of citizens' committee. Stetson, Ser- mon on. Trial of J : R. Buzzell ( Pams. crime v. 5). Reed. Six months in a convent. Winthrop (R. C.) Speeches 174. Charlet, X. T., painter. 1792-1845. ( Delacroix) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 37 : 234. Charlotte Sophia, of Mecklenburg-Strelilz, f/ueen of George III. 1766-1822. Gillray. Caricatures. Greville. Journal. Charlotte Caroline Augusta, princess of Wales, daughter of George IV. 1796-1817. Albeniarle. Fifty years of my life. Croker. Correspondence. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. More (Hannah). Hints forming character i>f young princess. - (Taillandier) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 13 : 44. Charms. Blunt. Ancient customs in modern Italy 162. f'iriiiim. Teutonic mythology v. 3-4. Saxon. Cockayne, Leechdoms 1:385. Charpentier, Francois. 1620-1702. Alembert. Oeuvres 10:383. Charpentier, Jacques. tssinac Kamus?(Bertrand)Rev. d. d. Monde- III: 11:286. Waddington. Ramus. Charras, J. B. A., general. 1808-65. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 254. Charrlere, Mine, de St. Hyacinthe de. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits de femmes; Portraits of women. Charron, Pierre. 1531-1603. lo. Dictionary v. 4. Desjardins. Moraiistes franc, du Ki.siocle. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 11. Histories of philosophy by : Hitter (10: Charter House school. Pamphlets on education v. 1. Staiiiiton. i ; real schools of England. Chartists. Histories of England during 1832-48. Carlyle. Works v. 10. i^sley. Alton Locke (fiction); Let- ters and memories ch. _. 7 Correspondence, 1839. Urquhart, Pam- phlet writings v. 1. Chasdal Creskas. BeUgionsphilosophische Lehren. Joel, /.. Qesoh.d 1'hilos. v.2. Chase, Salmon P., chief-justice. 1808-73. Annual cyclopaedia" 1867. Portrait. Chase, Samuel, jurist. 1741-1811. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration. Impeachment. Adams, Lifeof Randolph. Chase, William M. 1849- Sheldon. American painters. Chasles, V. E. Philarete. 1798-1873. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6 : 73. Chaspt, Chevalier de. Miiller. Chips from German workshop v. 3. Ami de Fre'de'ric II (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 20: 350. Chastellux, F : J : marquis de. 1734-88. Lavergne. Economistes francais; also Acad. Sci. Mor. 71:303. Chastity. See also Celibacy, Prostitution, Virtue. Anselmus (St.). Opera. Augustinus (St.). Opera. Hali meidenhad; Clene maydenhod (Early Engl. Text Soc. 1 : 18.) Chateaubriand, Celeste de La Vigne-Buisson, vicomtesse de. ( Pateologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:91: 80& Chateaubriand, R. F. A., vicomte de. 1768- 1848. - - Albert. Litte"rature fr. au 19. siecle 1 : 109. Alison. Essays. Brandes. ,Hauptstrb'mungen 1 :63; 3:167- Faquet. Etudes litte>aires sur le 19. siecle. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 1:303. Raynal. Correspondants de Joubert. Reeve. Royal and republican France 2 : 1. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 1-2; Nou- veaux Lundis v. 3. Histories of French literature. Ambassade a Rome en 1828 (Hausson- ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 69: 481. English literature. Prescott, Essays. Ge"nie du christianisme. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 10:74. Me'moires. Quinet, Oeuvres completes 7 : 175, Villemain sur (L<5fvre-Pontalis) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:19:661. Chatham. See Pitt. . Chattanooga, Tennessee. Battle, 1863. Grant (Gen. U. S.) Memoirs 2: TO Sherman (Gen. W:T.) Memoirs 1:372. Chatterton, Thomas, poet. 1752-70. Ha/litt. English poets. Mas-on. Chatterton. Turner. England during middle ages Walpole (Horace). Letters; also Works I : . Ward. English poets 3 : 400. - Biographische Sldy./e (J. Schmidt) Her- rigs Arehiv 21 Chaucer, (a-.trn-y. i>ft. 1328-1400. k (A. S.). "Bibliography of Chaucer. Bascom. Philosophy of English liter- ature. I>iraeli. Ameiiitie- of literature v. 1. Dunham. Literarv men v. 1. Green. History of the English people. Chaucer. 88 Chenier. Hazlitt English poets. Howitt. Homes of the British poets. Hunt. English poets v. 2. Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 10. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 12:626. Landor. Imaginary conversations. Lowell. My study windows. (O'Hagan) Afternoon lectures 2:245. Pauli. Pictures of old England. Rands. Chaucer's England. Rossetti. Famous poets. Smith. Dreamthorp 211. Thynne. Animadversions. Turner. England in middle ages 4 :444. Villemain. Litte'rature au moyen fige 2: 173. Beitrag zur Kritik (Koch) Engl. Stud. 1 : 249. Beurtheilung (Fiedler) Herrig's Archiv 2:151,390. Caecilien-Legende ( Ktilbing) Engl. Stud. 1:215. "Here" and "there" in (Weymouth) 1'hilol. Soc. Trans. 1877-9. Historische Anspielungen (Brandl) Engl. Stud. 12:161. House of fame and Dante (Rambeau) Engl. Stud. 3: 209. and Pope's Temple of fame (Uhle- 111:11111) Anglia 6:107. Influence on Douglas (Lange) Anglia 6: 46. on James I ( Wood) Anglia 3 : 223. Legende of goode women. Verhaltniss der Confessio amantis (Bech) Anglia 5 ' 313-38*^ Millere's tale (Kohler) Anglia 1:38,186; 2:135. Prosaische Nachbildung (Proscholdt) Anglia 7 : 116. -- Pardoner's tale. Buddhist original. Jour. Philol. 12:203. Paris ms. Probe (Gesenius) Herrig's Archiv 5:1. Squire's tale. Historical allusions in (Kittredge) Engl. Studien 13: 1. Women of (Ainger) Choice Literature 4:237. See also critical essays in editions of Chau- cer's Works by Oilman, Morris, Tyr- whitt, Urry, etc. Chanlieu, G. A. de. 1639-1720. Lettres ine"dites. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 1:453. Cheese. - Poisonous. Mich. Bd. Health 1883, 1884. Cheirognathus. cordylus. Associated bones (Seeley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179 : 487. Chelini, Domenico, mathematician. Vita. (In Beltrami and Cremona, Collect. mathematics! ). Chemistry. See ho Acids, Alchemy, Alkali, Atoms, Distillation, Filtration, Gases, Spectroscopy, names of elements and substances. Affinity (Karsten) Berlin A kad. Abh. 1843. Modifying circumstances (Gladstone) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1855:179. agricole (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12:562. Analyse exacte (Beudant) Paris, Acad. Sci. 8 : 221. Boiling points and combination. Bezie- hungen (Urban) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Calculus of operations (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:781; 1877:35. Changes and equivalent volumes. Hunt, Chemical and geol. essays 426. Classification by generic radicals (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 331. Combinaisons qui agissent stir la lumiere polarised (Biot) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 15:93; 16:229. Condition of elements at moment of change (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850: 759. Conditions and amount of change (Har- court) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:193; 1867: 117. Constitution and physiological action (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25 : 151, 693. Corps simples (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:900. Dyamique chimique (Becquerel) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Effets produits au contacte des solides et des hquides (Becquerel) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 23:379. Electricity. Emploi (Becquerel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 9:551. Equivalents ( Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. ,1814:1. Evolution depuis Lavoisier(Saveney)Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 82: 298. Heat disengaged during metallic substi- tutions (Andrews) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848 : 91. History. Whewell, Inductive sciences v. 2. Observations. Oersted, Soul in nature 300. Isomeric compounds. Theory (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23 : 707. Literature (Bolton) Pains, chemistry v. 2. - Logik (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 1:473. Molecular constitution of volatile organic bases (Hofmann) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850: 93; 1851:357. Organic analysis. Getreidearte (Hermb- stadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. bodies containing metals (Frankland) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852: 417; 1855:259; 1857: 59; 1859:401. Philosophy. Considerations sur. Rev. Philos 9 :"601. Refraction-equivalents of the elements (Gladstone) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870:9. Saline solutions. Supersaturation (Tom- linson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:659; 1871: DA. Synthesedes matieres organiques. Berth- elot, Science et philosophic 41. Me" thodes gne"rales. Berthelot, Science et philosophic 68. Thermal changes in basic substitutions (Andrews) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1844:21. Transmutation of matter ( Li veing) Cam- bridge essays, 1855. Types in. Hunt, Chemical and geol. es- says 459. Ver'bindung der Korper (Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824, 1831, 1833, 1834, 1839, 1840, 1841. Chenier, Andre" M. de, poet. 1762-94. - Albert. Litte'rature fr. au 19. siecle 1 : 75. Brandes. Hauptstromungen 5 : 72. Egger. Helle"nisnie en France 2: 331, 358. Chenier. 89 Children. Hugo. Literature et philosophic 1 : 131. Villemain. Literature au 18. siecle 4 : 288, 312- fi Saint-Lazare (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:805; 9:145. Hoinme politique. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series v. 4. Poesies. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lun- dis v. 3. Vie et ses Merits (In his Poesies; also Oeuvres en prose). Chenonceaux castle. (Aubry-Vitet) Kev. d. d. Mondes 11:69: 851. Cherbourg, France. Digue de (Cachin) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 7:403. in 1858 ( Baude) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 18 : 890; 19:257. Kriegshafen. Unsere Zeit 1859 : 448. Cherbuliez, Victor, novelist. 1828- Romans (Montgut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:09:482. Cb/'rtn, L : N. H : , general. 1762-99. (Bougier) Rev. Hist 6 : 369. Cherokee Indians. Clav. Speeches 2 : 249. Jefferson. Works. Penn. Essays on condition. 1829 (Hist. pams. v. 4). ( Koyce) U. S. Bur. Ethnol. Report 5. Tracey. Life of Jer. Evarts : app. Cherubim. See also Angels. De sex alis. Bonaventura, Opera 12 : 504. Nature. Strong, Philosophy and religion 391. of the Jewish temple (Mason) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 13. Cherubinl, L. M. C. Z. Salvatore. 1760-1842. (Hiller) Rundschau 5 : 404. Chesapeake bay. Geology of bead of (M'Gee) U. S. Geol. Survey, 7th. report Chess. Chinese (Irwin) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. and oriental. Zeits. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell., index. invented in Persia. Asiatic J. 5:121, 333. Chester, Kmiland. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 2. Chesterfield, P. I). Stanhope, 4lh earl of. 1094- 177:;. (Adams) Eatays from the North Ameri- can Review. Letters. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2:226; Kn^lish portraits. Chestnut. Sweet (Bleasedale) California!! 5 : 137. Chevalier, Michel, economist. 1800-79. (Leroy-Boauliru).!(>nr. Kr.m. IV:8:434. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV: 9:30. !:. -yhauil. Economiste* modernes; -1. .1. Mnn.l.-s II : 2:900. Chevalier, S. G., called Gavarni. 1804-66. Balzac. Onivrr- L"_':lx3. (IMatM.r.li-t IU-v.,l.,l. Mnmlrs II : 107 : 158. .ry. Caricature moderne. Sainte-lk-uvf. Nmn-caux Lundi* 0:138- (Walden) rn.scrc / i I--I 2:926. Yriarte. Etude (In C's Manicres de voir). 12 Chevelere Assigne. (Kriiger) Herrig's Archiv 77 : 169. Chevreul, Michel Eug., chemist. 1786-1889. Cente"naire. Paris, Acad. Sci. Comptes Rendus v. 103. Funrailles (Lucas) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:5. Chevtchenko, Tarass G., Russian poet. (Durand) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:15:919. Chlabrera , G abriel . poet. 1552-1637. Montgomery. Italian, etc. authors v. 2. Chiasognathus. Grantii (Stephens) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4:209. Chicago, III. See also Pullman. Chicago historical society. Collections. and St. Louis (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:553. Early medical ( Hyde) Pams. medicine v. 4. Great fire, 1871. insurance pams. v. 2. Revue des Deux Mondes 11:96: 235. in 1870. Frignet and Carrey, Etats du north-west. in 1880 (Waring) U.S. 10th. census 19: 489. Lake tunnel. Paris Exposition 1867, Reports v. 4. Chlchester, England. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 6. Chico, Cal. (Parry) Overland II : 11 : 561. Childeric I, kinij of the Franks, d. 481. und Chlodovech (Junghans) Pams. his- tory v. 13. Children. See also Education, Foundlings, Infants, Mothers, Paternity, Primogen- iture. a Paris (Hatissonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes Ill:v. 17, 18, 20, 27, 31, 32. Art chez (Perez) Rev. Philos. 25:280. as laborers. See also Apprentices. Simon. Ouvrier de nuit ans ; also Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 54: 715. ( Villerm<5) Jour. Econ. 1 : 1 : 335 ; 4 : 208. dans les mines anglaises (Villerme 1 ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3:45. der deutschen Theaters (Gene"e) Rund- schau 24:2 H. en France et en Angleterre (Eicbthal) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 100:415. Factory (McNeill) Pams. social science v. 3. Whose is the child ? Brownson. Works 13:400. Developpement psychique(Sikorski) Rev. Philns. l!l:lM1, l(i. : ;, Facultt's a IV-noque de la naissance (Pe- rez) Rev. I'lnlos. 13:133. - Ftirforge fiir bttlfsbedUrftin (Tzschoppe) Uns. Zeit 1885:1:351. Kidna]iping in India. Asiatic Jour. N.8. 23:li7. I ue ( Perez) Rev. Philos. 17 : m Mind-. Prayer, Mind of the child. lality (Gibboill) I'ains. iiu'dn-iiic v. I NataliU5 en France (Tunjimn) Rev. Sci. 43:40. of New York (Simonin) Rev. d.d. Monde* III :7:il. pauvresen Angleterre(Haussonvill' ,!.,!. M I,-. Ill :80:24L lii|,Kir (Compayri) Rev. Philos. 6: Children. 90 China. Preyer on (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 8 : 298. Rudimentary society among boys (John- son) Johns'Hopkins Hist. Stud. 2 : 11. Schuta im ronuschen Recht (Savigny) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Training. Plutarch, Morals v. 1. Childs, George W :, publisher. 1829- (Norton) Pams. on biography v. 3. Chile. Description and travel. Burney. Voyages, index. Cogges'hall. Second series of voyages, 1825. 213. Gerstacker. Schrif ten 1 : 14 : 383. Kotzebue. Voyage, 1815. 3:15; New voyage, 1823. 1 : 5. Lettres gdifiantes 8: 154. Pinkerton. Voyages, index. Rogers. Voyage, 1708. 340. Ruschenberger. Three years in the Pa- cific, 1831. 81. Shelvocke. Voyage, 1719. 79. U. S. Exploring expedition, 1838. 1 : 165. Eingeborenen (Martin) Zts. Ethnol. 9: 161, 317. Language. Molina, History of Chili 2 : 285. Naturgeschichte (Bibra) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 5. Province of Chiloe"(Blankley)Roy.Geogr. Soc. J. 4:344. Resources. 1881 (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 14:359. Chile. History and politics. Art de verifier les dates III :v. 10-11. Ercilla. Araucana. Herrera. Historia general. Winsor. History or America v. 2. Bolivian difficulty, 1879. Pams. history v. 13. Conquest by Spaniards. Raynal, Histoire du commerce 2:249. Criseeconomique,1857(Mannequin)Jour. Econ. 11:14:319; 18:55. in 1859 (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 24 : 822. in 1850-67. Annuaire d. d. Mondes v. 1-14. Liberation, 1821-4. Gervinus, Geschichte des 19. Jahrh. v. 3. Peruvian war,1879-81(Birkedal)Overland II :v. 3-5. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. United States Foreign relations 1880-2. United States Senate Docs. 1881-2, v.4 ; House C. R. 1881-2, v. 6; House M. Docs. 1884-5, v. 7. Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 : 870; 1881 : v. 1. (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:46: 350; 48:654; 63:406. Spanish difficulty, 1865-6 (Chambarlhac} Rev.d. d. Mondes II : 77 : 730. United States Foreign relations 1866 v. 2. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 241. Chillingworth, William. 1602-44. Tulloch. Rational theology in England. China. Dctcription and travel. Canton to Hangkow (Bickmore) Pams travel v. 4. Explorations des naturalistes(Blanchard' Rev. d. d. Mondes II :v. 91-93. Fu-Kien. Lettres gdifiantes 19: 325; 23:40 Fu-Sang. Notices of (Williams) J. Amer Or. Soc. 11 : 89. Grenzlander Indiens und. Unsere Zeit 1866:1:369. Hn-Kuang. Lettres e"difiantes 17:385; 20:295; 21:237- Hu-Nan. Lettres ^difiantes 17:266; 18: 81,467; 23:6. Lettres chinoises. Voltaire, Oeuvres v.25. in 1695 (Gemelli-Careri) Churchill's Voy- ages v. 4. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire 2 : 386. in 1835. Ruschenberger, Voyage 369. in 1840. Belcher, Voyage 2 : 140. in 1848. Population, trade. J. Amer. Or. Soc. 1 : 143. in 1870 (Tcheng-Ki-Tong) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 63: 278- in 1884 (Fontpertius) Jour. Econ. IV :26: 272. Population (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 53 : 75, 92. productions, etc. (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. 111:38:429. Products. Topography (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842. Ressources (Li-Chao-Pee) Jour. Econ. IV: 13:92; 16:222. Richthofen's Reisen. Uns. Zeit 1883 : 1 : 669. Sciences introduced by Jesuits. Lettres difiantesl7:283; 19:258; 21:457; 22: 132 ; 23 : 361, 540 ; 24 : 281, 330. China. History and politics. Brougham. ' Political philosophy 1 : 161. Hegel. Philosophy of history 121- Brautschau u. Hochzeit des Kaisers (Bis- mark) Zts. Erdkunde 9:81. Constitution. Schlegel, Philosophy of history. De"clin de la puissance ( Cucheval-Clarig- ny) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:65:368. Diplomatic anglaise depuis 1858 (La- volle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 24 : 580. Dynasties. History of. KwongKiChiu, Dictionary of English phrases. England's operations in. 1834-40. His- tory pams. v. 11. Expedition en 1860 (Lavollge) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 58: 443, 697. France en. 1863 (Giquel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:51:962. French embassy, 1844 (Harcourt) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 39: 654. in 1842. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 165, 372. in 1856-7. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 417, 673. in 1857-8. Cook's Correspondence (La- volle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 22 : 145. in 1858 (Aube) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 13 : 432. in 1860-70 (Merruau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:88:712. ~- in 1875-8. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 1 : 481- Mongols in. Letzten Jahre (Schott) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1849. Northern barbarians in ancient (Martin) Amer. Orient. Soc. J. 11 : 362. Opening ports, 1834. Chinese Repos. 3 : 130- 1878. Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 26: 131. Passe et 1'avenir. 1862. (Escayrac de Lauture) Acad. Sci. Mor. 61 : 403" Politique de la France, 1858-72 (Giquel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 99 : 5. Portuguese embassy, 1727. Lettres e"diri- antes 21 : 56. China. 91 Cholera. Portuguese in. Chinese Repos. 3 : 288. Si-Liao (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Taeping rebellion, 1851-64. Ste also Gor- don (Lieut-Col. C : G :). (Courcy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:34:5- (Mars)" Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9: 481. (Oppert) Unsere Zeit 1886 : 1 : 360. (Varennes) Rev. d. d. Moudes 11:44: 857. Tartar invasion. Martini, Regui Sinensis enarratio. Chine ha Islands. Pas Soldan. Atlas ge"ografica. Chinese. American origin (Brooks) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 6:95. Culture (Brown) J. Am. Or. Soc. 2: 167. Who are the? (Bay ties) Zts. Volkerpsych. Hi : 297. Chinese immigration. Bibliography. Boston Public Lib. Bull. 4:143- Monthly Reference Lists 2: 12. (Day) U. & Commissioner of Education. Rept 1870:422. Dooner. Last days of the republic. (Kennedy) U.S. Senate M. Docs. 1877-8, y. 2. Kirchhoft. Californische Kulturbilder 336 (Miller) California!! 1 :237. ( Montegut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 15 : 785. Pamphlets on. 1855-1889. 3 v. San Francisco Municipal reports 1884-5. ( Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III 1 29: 589. Wharton. Digest U. S. international law. Bill. Hayes' veto. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1878-9. v. 16. California legislation. Field (S. J.), Work as a legislator 37(3. Labor and mode of life. Cal. Bur. Labor Statistics, Rept 1885-6. Relations internationales (Leclerc) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111: 92: 650. - Treaty of 1881. U. S. Foreign relations 1881; U. 8. Sen. Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 4. - Wyoming riot. 1885. D. S. Foreign rela- tions 1886 : 101. Indemnity. U. S. House Com. Rept. 1885-6, v. 7 ; House Ex. Docs. 1885-6, v. 30. Chinese language. Chinese Repository v. 3. Hue. Chinese empire. Johnson. Oriental religions : China. Lettre* .diliante- L'l :!!>:. (Schott) Berlin A kail. Abli. 1867. Diphthongs (Edkins) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1873-4:346. reduced to writing (White) J. Amer. Or. Soc. 4: 327. Roots. Classification (Davis) Philol. Soc. Proc. v. 1. Tone and other characteristics (Moule) Jour. Philol. 8 :_'!. Um.xelmft, Laiitverhaltnisse (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Chinese literature. rtin. The Chinese: education, etc. White. Classic literature. Williams. Middle kingdom I Entwiirf einer Bench reibung (Schott) Ber- lin Aka.l. A I, h. 1853. Indo c. I'hilologie(Baynea)Zts. Volker- psych. 18:284. Mengwerk (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1880. Poesies de l'6poque des Thang (MonteVut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44 : 414. Tcheou-li : livre des rites (Biot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19:187. CMnoline. and its homologues (Williams) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 377. Chios. See Scio. Chippewa Indians. Lands. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1886-7, v. 2. Vocabulary. Carver, Travels 414. Chitons. See also Gasteropoda. Structure (Gray) Ro.v. Soc. Trans. 1848; 141. Chivalry. See also Crusades, Golden Fleece, Knights Hospitallers, Knights Templar, Teutonic Knights, Tournaments. (Charny) Froissart, Oeuvres 1 : pt. 2. Chateaubriand. Etudes historiques 3: 396. Froissart. Oeuvres 1 : pt 1 : 189-216, 417- Fauriel. Provencal poetry 308. Hallam. Europe in the middle ages v. 3. Hegel. Aesthetik ( Werke 10 : 2 : 165). History of the Chevalier Bayard. Kitchin. History of France 1: 235. Rands. Chaucer's England 1 : 110. Kenan. France chevaleresque (fiction). Schafer. Geschichte von Portugal 1:71, 347. Steenackers. Histoire des ordres en France. Turner. England in the middle ages 1: 454. Villemain. Literature au moyen Age 1 : 226. Bilder aus dem Leben (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Bourgeoisie et. Quinet, Revolutions d' Italic 1:210. CM oral ism. (Broers) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Chlorine. Cyanure de (Se"rullas) Paris, Mt'm. Acad. Sci. 11 : 157, 186. Fluid (Faraday ) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823 : 160. Chlorite. Krvstallisation (Kokscharow)St Petersb. Acad. Me"m. VII:v. 36. Choate, Rufus. 1799-1858. (Jones) Pains, on biography v. 3. Mathews. Oratory and orators. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer- ican statesmen 507. Whipple. Essays v. '2. in court (Bacon) California!! 2:523. Chocolate. See also Cocoa. (Hoffman) Linnaeus, Amojnitates acad. v. 7. Choiseul, Etienne Fs.. rfnc de. 1719-85. James. Foreign statesmen v. 5. Ambassadea Vienne, 1757-8 (Filon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97: 3; c,, 7.11 ; 06: r.':;, -_v>l. etlacorrcKpniidanee , and index, Asiatic Journal, jtattim. Cholera. 92 Christianity. Brunton. Disorders of digestion. Gegenwart 1:069. . (Serres, Nonat) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 14 : 573. Trace. Gegenwiirtige Stand (Alsberg) Uns.Zeit 1888:2: 539. Hygiene Internationale (Papillon) Kev. d.d. Mondes II: 101: 878. in Egypt and India, 1883 (Koch) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt Arbeiten v. 3. in Europe, 1884. U. S. Consular report on. in Gonsenheim, 1886 (Gattky) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt Arb. 2:39. in Paris, 1832. Heine, Werke 8 : 161. in Prussia, 1831 (Hoffmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Lehre (Fliess) Rundschau 40:399. of 1833. Christian Spect. 20 : 148. Power of congress to provide against. Surnner, Works 10: 435. Prevention and treatment. Panis. medi- cine v. 5. Respiration et la chaleur dans (Doyere) Paris, M<5m. Savans Etrang. 18:1. und Gesundheitspflege (Reich) Unsere Zeitl884:2:311. Chondrocanthus. Lophii (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23 : 67. Chondrosteus. ( Kgerton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858 : 871. Chopin, F. F., musical composer. 1810-49. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. a. d. Mondes III: 59:849. Ehlert. Letters on music; also Runds- chau 10: 453. Haweis. Music and morals. Chorea (St. Vitus's dance). (Larrey) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 16:424. Chotusitz battle, 1742. (Droysen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1872. Chrestien de Troyes, poet. 12th century. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 15. Christ. See also Anti-Christ, Atonement, Incarnation, Miracles, Resurrection, Trinity. Anselm (St). Cur Deus homo. Herder. Sammtliche Werke 7 : 313. Klopstock. Messias (poem). Plato. Republic. Riickert. Leben Jesu :Gedicht (Werke v. 12). Against religious hero-making. Newman (Fs. W.). Miscellanies 2 : 129. Character. Channing, Works 4: 7, 135. Divinity. Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. Ante-Nicene testimony. Religious Mag. 2:80. denied. Priestley, Works (especially v. 6). humanity. Joannes Damascenus, Opera v. 2. False Christs. See Apollonius Tyanaeus, Barcochebas, Simon Magus. Hillel and Jesus. Choice Literature 2 : 61. Iconography. Feuillet de Conches, Can- series 1 : 83. Life, j^uinet, Oeuvres completes 3 : 285. Critique des remits (Havet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 44: 582. Renan's (Havet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 46:564. Hutton. Essays v. 1. M'Cosh. Christianity and positivism ch. 8. Pelletan. Nouvelles heures de tra- Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 6: 1. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 1 : 103. Zeller. VortrUge 1 : 480. Schleiermacher's. Strauss, Schriften 5:1. Strauss's. Baader, Werke 7 : 259. Norton. Internal evidences of the gospels. Parker. Critical and misc. writings. Mediation. Brpwnson, Works 4 : 140. Messiah. Jewish doctrine. Wescott, Introd. study of Gospels. Moral perfection. Newman (F. W.), Phases of faith. Natures. Strong, Philosophy and religion 201. of dogma : Jesus of history. Fiske, Un- seen world. Passion. Barrow, Works 1 : 97. Portrait. Ursprung (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842. Seeley's Ecce Homo. Gladstone, Glean- ings v. 3. Sermo in conceptionem (Joannes of Eu- bcea) Migne, Patrol. Graeca v. 96. Socrates and. Cocker, Christianity and Greek philosophy. the Spirit. Brownson, Works 3 : 272. True Messias. Barrow, Works v. 5-6. True temptation. Newman (Fs. W.) Miscellanies 2: 228. Two natures. See Eutychianism. Wi tness of God. G reen (T : H.), Works 3 : 230. Christian I, of Oldenburg, king of Denmark. 1425-81. Daae. Kong Christiern d. Fb'rstes 1448-58. Christiania, Norway. Brogger. Silurisiche Etagen. Du Chaillu. Land of midnight sun 1 : 297. Christianity. See also Bible, Christ, Church, Creeds, Humanism, Millenium, Mis- sions, Passion play, Persecution, Refor- mation, Revelation; and references under Doctrines, Religion, Sects. Blackie. Four phases of morals. Hegel. Philosophy of history 330. Shelley. Prose works 2: 339. African church under Severus(Aube') Rev. Hist. 11 : 241. am Ende der alten Zeit. Schlosser, Welt- geschichte 3:644. Ancien et le nouveau (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 86: 834. and fall of Roman empire. Lord, Old Roman world 537. and science. Newman, Idea of a univer- sity; Oxford sermons. and the Roman state. Bryce, Holy Ro- man empire 10. as a political movement. De Quincev, Works 11 : 234. at time of Mohammed. Koran, transl. by Sales. Baring-Gould on. Brownson, Works 3 : 484. Condition in 70. Dubois-Guchan, Tacite 1:384. Christianity. 93 Chronology. Constantine and. Gibbon, Decline and fall. Critique et le foi (X.) Crit. Relig. 1 :1G2. dans la Gaule d'apres les inscriptions (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 63 : 984. en France. Etat, 1867 (Vitet) Rev. d. d. MoiHlesII:67:678. Establishment. Voltaire. Oeuvres 13 : 318. et la morale (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85; 123. et la revolution francaise. Quinet, Oeu- vres v. 3. et le spiritualisme (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 83: 5. Guizot on (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 79:529. in 2. century (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:48:106. Pol6rniques(Boissier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:51:66. in 13. and 14. centuries. Ozanam, Dante et la philosophic, in relation to the age of its appearance. Neander, Emperor Julian. Influence of Rome on. Renan, Hibbert lectures, 1880. on happiness (In De la fe'licite' publique). on literature. Newman, Idea of a uni- versity. Introduction into China. Hue, Chinese empire 1:136. Kircher. China illustrata. Lettres 6difiantes 20:428. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 5:548. into Denmark. Dahlmann.Geschichte des Diinneinark 1:310. into England. De Vere, Saxon saints. Freeman. Norman conquest 1:28. Millar. English government 1 : 140. K. i pi ii. England 1 :27, etc. Religious Magazine 3:315. Turner. England in the middle ages 4 : 151. into France. See Paulinus (St.); histo- ries of France by Godwin, Martin. into Germany. Diercks, Geist der Menschheit2:l-44. Freytag. Bilder 1 : 210. into India (Graul) Zts. hist. Theol. 26: 451. into Rome. Merivale, Romans under the empire'!: 435; 8:134. Origin. Herder, Philosophische Ge- scuichte y. 4. - and political relations. Schlegc-1, I'hi- ln-iijihy of history. Bunsen on(Burnouf) Rev.d. d. Mondes II :>:<): 712. Renan on (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :.V):40. judiiiquc (Uenouvier) Crit. Philos. 15: misation of. Plumptre, Pantheism v. 1. Parallelism with other religions. Hard- wick, Christ and other in:: - Maurice. Religions of the world. PnVurseurs. ( M.'nanl) Crit. Relig. '_':17. Primitive. Parker, Critical and misc. writings. Progre-s. Chateaubriand, Fit tides hi-- toriipH-s v. 1 .". Strong. Philoso|iliy anl rcli^i" > Propagation. Lessing, Wcrke 11 : 1 : 87. Psychologic et la morale du (Milsand) Crit. Relig. 2:323; 3:59. Revision der Philosopheme der Hegel- schen Schule. Baader, Werke 9 : 289. Romische und grieschische Urtheile liber. Zeller, Vortrage 2 : 189. Spirit of. Herder, Christliche Schriften 4 (Werke v. 20). Transient and permanent in. Parker, Critical and misc. writings. Tiibinger historische Schule. Zeller, Vor- trage 1 : 294. Urchristenthum. Zeller, Vortriige 1 : 222. What can replace? Chateaubriand, Re"v- olutions2:439. Christianity. Evidences. Addison. Works 2 : 400. Brownson. Charles El wood (Works 4: 173). Channing. Works 3 : 105, 315. Emerson. Miscellanies. Hartley. Observations on man v. 2. (Powell) Essays by English churchmen. Internal argument. Newman, Discus- sions and arguments. Wilson on. Religious Mag. 2 : 239 ; 4 : 4(kS. Christina, queen of Sweden. 1626-89. Alembert. Oeuvres 4 : 7. (Barine) llev.d.d. Mondes 111:89:783. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 2: 406. Foster. Life of Cromwell (appendix), Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 2. Ranke. History of the popes v. 2. Afsagelse, 1654(Gustafsson) Upsala Univ. Diss. v. 1. Christine de Pimn. About 1363-1431. Werke u. Leben. Wieland, Werke 36 : 19. Christine of Stommeln. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 39: 275. Christmas. See also Festivals. Schleiermacher. Gesprach. 1826. Schelling. Werke 1 : 7 : 498. Smith. Dreamthorp. Stif tr. Vermischte Schriften 2 : 298. Carols. Old English. Percy Soc. v. 4. Spieleund Lieder(Prohle)Herrig's Archiv 13:4'_'7. Chrodegang, St., bishop of Metz. 712-7^. Vita a Johanne abbate Gorziensi (Pertz, Mon. Germ., Scr. v. 10). Vita (Pertz) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Chromic acid. Combinaisons avec les chlorures nu'tal- liques (Peligot) Paris, M.'in. Savans Etrang. 5 : 499. Chromides. Mexican (SteimlaclmiT) Wien Akad. Denks. M- N. ri. v. L 1 ::. Chromium. Compounds (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans mil d. Fluor u. Chlor (Hose) Berlin Aka.l. Ahh. 1S33. \VirkunK(I'aM(ler)I)orpat fniv. Diss. v.2. Chronology. See aUo Calcn-lar. Ancient. Nott ami (Middon, Typtt of mankind 653. Volney, Oruvn-s \ Arabian (Meier) r.erlin Aka.l. Al.li. \-\\ It, Chronology. 94 Church and State. Assyrian annals. Werth(Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1869. v. 1. astronomique (Biot) Paris, M6m. Acad. S-i. 22: 20d-47. Beriihrungspunkte d. agyptischen, grie- chischen u. romischen (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1859. Biblical and profane. Religious Mag .2 : 8. Books most useful. Harvard Univ. Bull. .) . ;)] Chinese (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1837. Egyptian. MacCullagh. Collected works. Annte vague (Biot) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 13:547. Arsinoe Philadelphus (Wiedemann) Rhein. Mus. 38: 384. Dates inscrites' (Biot) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 24: 205,549. - Manetho's. Greppo, Champollions hieroglyphic system 133. Reduction ausd.Ptolemaischer(Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Years and cycles ( Hincks) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Greek according to Newton. Gibbon, Mis- cellaneous works 3 : 150. and Macedonian (Brandes) Rhein. Mus. 22 : 377. AttischeSchaltkreis(Unger)Philologus 39:475. Volksbeschliissefiir Methone(Kirch- holf) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801. Diadochenzeit (Reuss) Philologus 39: 91. Eleusinische Steuerdecret (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 131:681. Fragmente (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 129:649. Jahrepoche des Diodorus(Unger) Phil- ologus 39 : 305. Legendary. Grote. History of Greece 2:34. Hebrew. Moses to Solomon. Hadley, Essays. Hilfstafeln fur (Schram) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. - Me"thode (Oppert) Rev. Hist. v. 13. Melon und sein Cyklus (Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. 13:428. (E. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 14:41, 327. Oriental. Zeits. deutsche morgenl. Gesell., index. Chata und Igur (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Persian ( Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15 Roman (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Fasti. Interpolationen (Peppmiiller' Philologus 44: 698. von Constantinople und Ravenna (Kaufmann) Philologus 42 : 471. Chronometers. See also Clocks, Time Watches. Break-circuit (Davidson) Pams. science v. 3. Effects of density of air (Harvey) Roy Soc. Trans. 1824:372. of proximity of iron (Barlow) Roy. Soc Trans. 1821 : 361. Errors in sea-rates (Scoresby) Roy. Edin Trans. 9 : 353. Magnetic intensity (Harvey) Roy. Edin Trans. 10:117. Spiral re"glant (Phillips) Paris, Me"rn Savans Etrang. 17 : 129. Testing ( Moore) Pams. science v. 3. U. S? Naval Observatory. Report 1883. ChrysostomuB, Joannes, St. 350-407. Butler. Lives of the saints v. 1. Newman. Historical sketches v. 2. et 1'impe'ratrice Eudoxie (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:70:273; 71:73; 81:257, 828; 85:25,586. Chukches, of northern Siberia. Nordenskiold. Voyage of the Vega 2 : 70. Church, Frederick E. 1842- Sheldon. American painters. Church and State. See also Church of En- gland (Disestablishment), Papacy (Tem- poral power). Works by : Allen, Chalmers, Coleridge, Elliot, Geffcken, Grotius, Rogers, Sydow, Warburton, Wolfart. Anselm (St.). Lives by Church; Hasse (1:235). Arnold. Lectures on history 64, 261. Bluntschli. Deutsche Statslehre 179-230. Bluntschli. Lehre vom Stat 3 : 213. Brownson. Works y. 11, 12, 13. Burrows. Constitutional progress. Fronde. History of England ch. 4. Gladstone. Gleanings 7 : 97. Hegel. Werkell:240. Hobbes. Leviathan. (Hoffmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Jefferson. Works. Jennings. Eighty years of republican government. Lamennais. Oeuvres. Lavater. Schrif ten 4 : 305. Long. Vindication of primitive Chris- tians. Mill. Dissertations v. 1. (Milsand) Crit. Relig. 3: 163. Milton. Civil power in ecclesiastical causes (Works. 1851. v. 5). -Mohl. Politik 1:171. Parieu. Science politique 269. Ranke. Popes ot Rome 1 : 482. (Remusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :53 : 135. Ruskin. Construction of sheepfolds. Stubbs. Constitutional history of En- gland 3:287. Townsend. New world compared with old. Wachsmuth. Europaische Sittenges- chichte. (Wette) Pamphlets on history v. 3. Whewell. Elements of morality and polity v. 2. Woolsey. Political science 2 : 439. (Zeller) Rundschau 21 : 310, etc. Aphorismen iiber (Laas) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 7 : 1. Authority of secular power. Priestley, Theol. works 5 : 426. Gladstone on. Macaulay, Essays. in America. Works by: Riittimann, Thompson. Astie. Histoire des Etats-Unis 1 : 279. (Laboulaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 107:721. in France. Avant Henri IV (Perrens) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 97-98. Liberte" des cultes (Prevost-Paradol) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 342. in Irland (Raymond 1 * Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75:465. Church and State. 95 Cicero. in Russia. Wallace, Russia. in Scotland, 1560-1602. Gardiner, History of England 1 : ch. 2. in Virginia. Rives, Life of Madison. Minghetti sur (Pillon) Crit. Relig. 5:97. Relation between. Hauptmomente (Hundeshagen) Pams. religion v. 13. Secularisation of politics. Lecky, Ration- alism v. 2. Separation. Central committee. Appeals, 1885-6 (Pams. religion v. 12). (Edward) Crit. Philos. 16: 1. Jour Econ. 111:27:329; IV: 16:413. (Lamy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 79:293. (Lerov-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 74:" 832. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 10:193; 15: 119. (Tarrou) Crit. Philos. N. S. 3 : 224. selon M. Littre" (PDlon) Crit. Philos. 10:369. Church of England. Brougham. British constitution ch. 18. Evelyn. Diary. Examiner. nil. Fischel. English constitution 203- Hallain. Constitutional history of En- gland. Hooker. Ecclesiastical polity. Anglo-American church. Newman, Es- says : critical v. 1. in New York, 1657. N. Y. Doc. History v. 3. Catholicity. Newman, Essays: critical v.2. Conformitv, 1700. Burton, Reign of queen Anne v. 1-2. Controverses, 1858 (R<5umsat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:19:5. Convocation of Canterbury. Newman, Hist sketches v. 3. Creed. Exposition. Barrow, Works v. 7. Forbes on. Conington, Misc. writings v. 1. Disestablishment Arnold (Arthur), Social politics. Gladstone. Speeches 1881-5. Smith (Sydney). Works 3 : 119. Against. Alison, On population 2: 242. Swift. Works. 1814. v. 8-9. I'issenters. Birmingham riots. Priest- ley. Theol. and misc. works, index. KiiL'lish schism. Brownson, Works 12: ML Functions of laymen. Gladstone, Glean- ing v. <;. in 1-*13. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 5. Jarvi.s' reply to Milner. Brownson, Works v. 7. Jowett and the Broad church. Newman (Fs. W.), Mis.ollanies2:63. letters on establishment Foster (Rev. J :), Life. National church (Wilson) Essays by En- glish churchmen. Nature of. Arnold, Last essays on re- ligion. Oxford evangelical movement Froude, Short studies v. 4. Gladstone. (Meanings v. 7. Prospects. Newman, Essays: critical v. 1. Royal supremacy. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 5. Truth of. Brownson, Works 4 : 461- Church of Ireland. Macaulay. Works v. 8. McCarth'y. History of own times 2 : 142. Pauli. Geschichte "Englands 1 : 362. and British liberalism. Arnold, Mixed essays. Reformation in 1820. Religious Mag. 1 : 42,399; 3:459. Church of Scotland. Histories of Scotland by : Burton, Ty tier. Elliot. Church and state. Directory of worship. Neal, Puritans. 1754. 2:819. Government. Neal, Puritans. 1754. 2:849. in 1632-8. Masson, Life of Milton 1 : 697. Tendencies (Wallace) Grant, Recess studies. Theses of Erastus and. Gladstone, Glean- ings v. 3. Churches. See names of cities. Bauwerke. Stifter, Vermischte Schriften v.l. Churchill, Rev. Charles, poet. 1731-04. Caricature of. Hogarth, Works. Churchill, John. See Marlborough. Churchill, Lord Randolph. et la democratic conservatrice (Filon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 89 : 148. Chyle. Gefasse(Briicke)WienAkad.Denks.M-N. Cl. v. 6. Gibber, Colley, dramatist. 1671-1757. Histories of English literature by Morley, Taine, etc. Baker. English actors 1 : 74. - Doran. Annals of the stage v. 2. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Pope. Dunciad. Cibola (Cevola) . See also Coronado. Bancroft Arizona and New Mexico. Emory. Military reconnaissance 470. (Hittell) California!! 1: 130. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. B. C. 106-43. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. De C^uincey. Historical and critical es- says v. 2. Lamartine. Vies; also Oeuvres 34 :41. Newman. Historical sketches v. 1. Plutarch. Lives. St.. 11. Helden Roms 717. and Caesar (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:676; 54:108. Bedingungssatze (Priem) Philologus, suj.pl. v. 5. as an orator. Brougham, Speeches v. 4. Tiraboschi. Letteratura i ta liana 1 : 380. Villemain. Literature au 18. sieclev.4. Briefe ad Atticum (Otto) Rhein. Mus. 41: 3ii4. Briefe ad Brutum (Becher) Philologus It: 171. (Schmidt) Jahrb. Pl.ilol. 12:il7. Archtypus (Gurlitt) Jahrl.. 1'hilol. 131 : Erlithfit(<;urlitt)I > hilplogus,snppl.v.4. Spruchc ( I'.oclicr) Ulu-in. Mus. ;t7 :.">7fi. Character. Differing opinions. Class. Jour. .':104. (inciilftitiae usus (Lattmann) <;r>it. I'niv. Diss. v. 6. De amicitia. De codice DidottUM) (Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. 18:594. Cicero. 96 Cinderella. De inventione. Aeltesten mss. (Stroebel Philologus i 45: 469. De jure civili in artem redigendo (Dirk sen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842. De legibus (Janet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70:5. (Reifferscheid) Rhein. Mus. 17:269. De natura deorum (Schumann) Jahrb Philol. 111:686. - Notes (Mayor) Jour. Philol. 12: 1, 248. Quellen (Schwenke) Jahrb. Philol. 119 49,129; 125:613. De offlciis. Textkritik (Unger) Philolo- gus suppl. v. 3. (Lund) Tidskrift Philol. 8: 259. Deora tore (Fried rich) Jahrb. Philol. 135:73. - Bk. I-1I (Muther) Jahrb. Philol. 129: 593. De senectute (Lutjohann) Rhein. Mus. 37:496. (Meissner) Jahrb. Philol. 131:209. Declamatio in (Sallust) Lemaire. Bibl. Lat. class. 82:496. deliberat an Antonium deprecatur. C. deliberat an scripta sua comburat. Sen- eca, Suasoriae 6, 8. - Ephemerides, A. C. 49 (Ziehen) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Epistolae (Bucheler, Koch) Rhein. Mus. 11:509; 12:268. Chronologic seit Caesar's Tode (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 129:331. - Florence ins. (Schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 40:611. - Mss. (Ruhl) Rhein. Mus. 30: 26, 135; 36: Wiederauffindung durch Petrarca (Viertel) Jahrb. Philol. 121:231. Excerpte von Hadoardus. Philologus, suppl. v. 5. Fin de la liberte a Rome (Ampere) Rev. d. d. MondesII:50:677. - In C. Verrem. Mss. (Clark) Jour. Philol. 18:69. - Invectiven (Jordan) Hermes 11:305. - Merton codex (Reid) Jour. Philol. 17: 294. - Monuments of. Classical Jour. 23:265. Orationes. Bemerkungen (Koch) Rhein Mus. 13 : 284. - Halm's ed. (Dietzsch) Rhein. Mus. 12: I-III. Textkritik der Scholiasten (Stangl) Rhein. Mus. 39:231, etc. Orationes in Catilinam. Tag der ersten Rede (John) Philologus 46:650. Orator (Friedrich) Philologus 44:666. - Philosophy. Histories of philosophy bv : Ritter(4:106), etc. (Friedrich) Jahrb. Philol. 127 : 421. Hallam (A. H.), Remains 146. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. 12:167. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 1 : 469 Zeller. Eclecticism 146- - Pro A. L. Archia. Didaktische Behand- lung (Salkowski) Jahrb. Philol. 133:369. o M. Gaelic. Interpolationen (Scholl) Rhein. Mus. 35:543. - Pro Cluentio. Nettleship, Lectures and essays ; Jour. Philol. v, 8. Pro C. Rabirio (Lallier) Rev. Hist. v. 12. Respublica (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 51-53, 55. - Legar. Writings 2:216. - Rhetorica ad Herennium. Beitrage(Sie- vers) Rhein. Mus. 28:568. Interpolation (Spengel) Rhein. Mus. 16:391. Textkritik (Halm) Rhein. Mus. 15:530. Rhetorischen u. philosophischen Schrif- ten (Weidner) Philologus 38 :63. - Topica (Friedrich) Jahrb. Philol. 133: 281. Tusculanae quaestiones Bk. I. Quelle (Corssen) Rhein. Mus. 36:506. Vie publique et prive"e (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 55 : 461 ; 56 : 45. Cid, Roderigo Diaz de Bivar, called the. Histories of Spanish literature by: Amador de los Rios (v. 3), Ticknor, etc. Coppe"e. Arab conquest of Spain. Du Me"ril. Poe'sies latines au moyen age 284. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 8: 297. Ormsby. The Cid: introduction. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Europe v. 3. Villemain. Litte"rature au moyen 8ge v. 2. Etudes sur(Corna) Romania 10:75. Herder's (Niemeyer)Herrig's Archiv27: 1. Cider. Manufacture in England and France. U. S. Consular report 106J. Cilicia. Landeskunde und Geschichte (Neumann) Jahrb. Philol. 127:527. Cimbri. and Chersonesus Cimbrica (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:181. Cimini, AngioJa, marchesana della Petrella. - Vico. Orazione in morte. (Opere; ed. Ferrari 6: 248.) Cimon of Athens, about B. C. 450. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. - Nepos. Lives. Plutarch. Lives. Cinchona. See also Quinine. Drury. Useful plants of India. - Humboldt. Equinoctial America 1:211. King. Cinchona culture in India. (Petersen) Linnaeus, Amcen. acad. v. 9. Chinarinde (Mayer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1788-9. Abstammung (Klotzsch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. - Experiments(Broughton) Roy.Soc.Trans. 1871 : 1. - Volatile bases from (Williams) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 309. Cincinnati, Society of the. Daggett. Oration before (Pamphlet ser- mons v. 1). McMaster. Historv of the people of the U. S. 1 : 167. Silliman. Oration before (In Sermons by Dwight, Strong and Silliman). Official publications. Phila. Library Co. Bull. July, 1885. Incinnati. Ohio. - in 1837. Gerstacker, Schriften 1 : 18 : 175 - in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census 19:344. - Waterworks (Scowden) Pains, engineer- ing v. 1. Incinnatus, Lucius Q. - Stoll. Helden Roms 69. Jinderella. Grimm. Kinder-und Hausmarchen. Cino. 97 Civilization. Cino da Pistoia. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana v. 4. Cipher-writing. See Cryptography. Circassia, western part of Caucasia. See also Georgia (Transcaucasia), Schamyl. Clarke (E. D.) Travels. 1800. 1 : 228. Diplomatic Review Bk. 2-3- Portfolio (The) 1 : 187, 231- (Regnault) Rev. Nationale 17:405. Expedition of the Chesapeak, 1864 (His- tory paras, v. 10). Language. Loewe, Dictionary of (Philol. Soc. Proc. v. 6: appendix). Stellung (Miiller) Orient u. Occid. v. 2. Circle. See also Malfatti's problem. Contact. Aufgabe d. Apollonius (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. Developpante. Diderot, Oeuvres 10 : 465. Properties (Glenie) Roy. Edin.Trans.6:21. Property (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 7. of tangents to (Hey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814 : 348. Quadrature. Bayle, Dictionary; Oeu- vres diverses. Nicolas Cusanus. Opera. 1565. 1091. Young. Unity of purpose. Ratio of diameter to circumference (Ruth- erford) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841 : 281. Theilung (Gruson) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Circourt, A. M. J. A., comic de. 1809- (Geffcken) Rundschau 28:438. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6 : 97. Circumstances. Force of. Green (T: Hill), Works 3 : 3. Circumstantial evidence. See Evidence. Cirripedia. See alto names of species. Organization (Saint-Ange) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 6 : 511. Cistercian monks. Newman. Lives of the English saints: Stephen Harding. iin 12. Jahrhundert (Sebicht) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Recherches sur Joachimisme (Gebhart) Rev. Hist. 31: 56. Cities. See also Local government, Munici- pal government. Bonds. Burhans, Law of municipal bonds. Dangers. Strong, Our country. English. Kscott, England. Free, in middle ages (Klemm) Pains, his- tory v. 14. Great. Influence of. Kingsley, Sanitary and social essays. Italian. Trollope, Commonwealth of Florence : introduction. Hi -I-. Simonde de Sismondi. Re"pub- lic)iies italiennes. and German mediaeval. Niebuhr, letters 3 : 155. Physical, moral view of. Home, History of man 2: 60. H^ime immicipaledescapitaux(Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 94 : 1 Rise of. Robertson, Charles V. Citizenship. See also Naturalization. Bates. Opinion on (Pol it. pain*, v. 1). Wharton. U. S. international law. Austrian law. U. S. Foreign relations 1881. Deutsche Indigenat. Uns. Zeit 1872 : 2 : 225. German expatriation treaty (Sargent) Overland 11:7: 148. Swedish law. U.S. Foreign relations 1888. Citron. Commercial. U.S. Consular report61 : 180. Cividale (Forum Julii). Chapel. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 2. Civil law. See also Agrarian laws, Justini- anus, Lex. Dubois-Guchan. Tacite et son siecle 1 : 274. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 44. Academical study (Bryce) Pams. law v. 2. Analogisten und Anomalisten (Schanz) Philologus 42 : 309. and Roman education (Maine) Cam bridge essays 1856. Character, influence. Ozanam, Civiliza- tion. Einige schriftliche Verfiigungen d. Kaiser (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Fragmenta juris antejustiniani (Momm- sen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1859. German. Vorgeschichte (Leyen) Rund- schau 58 : 235, 398. Influence du christianisme sur(Troplong) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1 : 105- Introduction to (Hoffman) Miscell. parns. v. 3. Jus gentium (Nettleship) Jour. Philol. 13: 169. Leges annales (Wex) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3:276. Origin and influence. Legare", Writings 1:502; also Law pains, v. 2. Rechtsbuch d. Constantin (Dirksen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1847. Rechtsfalle (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. Study (Pickering) Pams. history v. 2. Nova methodus. Leibnitz, Werke; hrsg. Klopp v. 1. Table de Malaga (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39:177. Twelve tables. Hooke, Roman history 2 : 314. Loi des (Saint-Prix) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5: 163. Unterschriften in d. Rechtsurkunden (Bruns) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Verdienstlichkeit methodischer Snrach- forschung (Dirksen) Berlin Akau. Abh. 1855. Zeugnissen d. Epigraphik (Dirksen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1852. Civil service. See also Office. Bibliography. Boston Public Lib. Bull. 5:120. Monthly Reference Lists 3:1. Eaton. Civil service in Great Britain, 1880; also in U.S. House Ex. Docs. 1879- 80, v. 12. Jenckes. Civil service of the United Stir McMillan. Elective franchise 77. Pamphlets on civil .service. 5 V. Stickney. True republic. Sumner. Works, index. Civilisation. Seealto Climate. Culture, Evo- lution, Man, Progress, Savagery. Civilization. 98 Clayton-Bulwer convention. Balmes. Protestantismo comparado con el catolicismo. Condorcet. Progres de 1'esprit humain. Emerson. Society and solitude. Mill. Dissertations v. 1. Noirot. Art de conjecturer. American. Emerson, Miscellanies. Development (Stille") Pams. war seces- sion v. 5. Ancient. Kingslev. Historical lectures. and modern. Dubois-Guchan, Tacite et son siecle 2 : GOO. Perry. Biographical sketches 217. Anglo-Saxon influence on. Strong, Our country 159. Art militaireet(LaBarre-Duparcq)Acad. Sci. Mor. 54:451; 55:125, 187. Buckle's fallacies. Fiske, Darwinism and essays. Christianity and. Lange, Materialism 3 : 269. ( Renonvier) Crit. Philos. 7 : 177. Christianity the means of C. Evidence before the House of commons. 1837. Causes qui ont influe" (Passy) Jour. Econ. 1:8:128,219. Condition mate"rielle, ancienne et mod- erne (Chavanne) Jour. Econ. 1:37:202. Conscience and (Payne) Berkeley Quar. 1:129. Elements. Kalisch. Path and goal. Etat actuel de I'humanite'. Jouffroy, Me"- langes philosophiques 73. European. Constant, Esprit de conquSte. and oriental. Alison, Europe ch. 64. First constituents. Lieber, Misc. writings v. 1. Future melioration. Aikin, Works 321. Greek (Burnouf) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 27 : 182. Jouffroy. Melanges philosoph. 64. Influence des ide"es gconorniques sur (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95:421. of commerce on. Millar, English gov- ernment 4:102. par diversity des formes de gouverne- ment sur la (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95: 373. sur des formes de gouvernement (Pas- sy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 94:347. Marche (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5:233. Mexican. Clavigero, Storia 4 : 203. Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. Robertson. America. Wallace. The fair god. moderne(Re"musat)Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 18:5. Origin (Lazarus) Zts. Volkerpsychologie 1:437. Lubbock on. Brownson, Works 10: 418. Philosophic doctrinaire (Pillon)Crit. Phi- los. 6:117. Religion and (Dwinell) Berkeley Quar. 2: 281. Roman. Lord, Old Roman world. Roman Catholic church and. Brownson Works 12: 117, 182, 305, 325. (Gregorovius) Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 : 347. Cladel, Le'on, French novelist. 1835- Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 500. Clans. See also Family, works on Scottish history by:Skene (v. 3), etc. Clapham sect. Lives of Carlyle, Isaac Milner and lord Teignmouth. Stephen. Ecclesiastical biography v. 2. Clarendon, E: Hyde, 1st earl of. 1608-74. Campbell. Lives of the chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. History of the rebellion. Ranke, History of England 6: 5. Letters. Evelyn, Diary v. 4. Portrait. Clarendon, G : W : F : Villiers, earl of. 1800- Whitty. Political portraits. Clark, Abraham. 1726-94. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 6. Clark, Alvan, optician. 1804-87. Autobiography. Lowell, Mass., Old. Res. Hist. Assoc., Contrib. 4 : 164. Clark, Henry James. 1826-73. (Packard) Pams. biography v. 3. Clarke, Samuel, D.D. 1675-1729. (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 15:30. Clarotes. Heuglini (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 16. Claude, Jean, theologian. 1619-87. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Claude Lorraln. See Lorrain. Claudianus, C. Aelteste Textesrecension (Jeep) Rhein. Mus. 28:291. Genius and writings. Classical Jour. v. 23, 27, 29, 30. Latinitas (Paucker) Rhein. Mus. 35 : 586. Raptus Proserpinae (Jeep) Rhein. Mus. 30:1. Claudii family. Mommsen. Romische Forschungen v. 1. Claudius I and II, Roman emperors. (Beul6) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:80:334. Merivale. Romans under the empire. Seneca. Apocolocyntosis. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars. Claudius, Matthias. 1740-1815. Duller. Manner des Volks 7:329. Clauren. See Heun. Claverhouse. See Graham, J :, viscount Dun- dee. Clay, Edmund R. Haute me" ta physique (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. 8.7:268. Clay, Henry, statesman. 1777-1852. Baldwin. Party leaders. Benton. Thirty years' view. Coleman. Life of J. J. Crittenden. Mathews. Oratory. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 50. (Schonbach) Rundschau 56:31. Sunmer. Works 3 : 104. Tyler. Letters and times of the Tylers 1 : 464, and index. Clay. and clay industries (Orton) Ohio. Geol. Survey, Geol. 5 : 643. deposits. N. J. Geol. Survey, Report. plastique d'Auteuil (Becquerel) Paris, . Acad. Sci. 11:1. Clayton-Bulwer convention, 1850. See also Monroe doctrine. Pamphlets on history v. 13. Clear lake. 99 Clifford. Clear lake, California. Water cqinpanj'. Report, 1868. Pams. California v. 9. Cleaveland, John. 1613-59. Bell. English poets v. 2. Cleisthenes of Sicyon. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Clemens, S: L. (Mark Twain, pseud). (Bentzon) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 100:313. Gilded age (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:319. Life on the Mississippi (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:73:879. Clemens A lexandrimts, T. P. Works on the Christian Fathers. Baur. Christliche Gnosis. Bigg. Christian platonists of Alexandria. Dahne. Darstellungd. jiidischalexandrin. Philosophie. Mansel. Gnostic heresies. Critical notes (By water) Jour. Philol. 4: 203- Histories of philosophy: Ritter (5:421). Homilies et leurs annexes (Courdaveaux) Crit. Relig. 3 : 115. Clemens Romania. Works on Christian Fathers. Clement. See also Clemens. Clement V (Bertrand de Goth), pope. 1264- 1314. Papaute 1 hors d'ltalie (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:107. Clement XIV (Giovanni Vincenzo), pope. 1705-74. Duller. Manner des Volks 2 : 203. Schubart. Werke v. 7. Clement, Jacques, assassin. L'tftoile. Regne de Henri III. 1:463- Cleomenes. Plutarch. Lives. Cleon, Athenian demagogue, d. 422 B. C. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. (Lautoine) Revue Historique 6:241. Aristophanes' Babylonier und (Schrader) Philologus36:385. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:99: 768, Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 1. Trauerspiel (In Kiirschner's Sammlung v. 36). Cleophon of A them. ( Lnllier) Revue Hist. 5: 1. Cleophons in Aristotle (Bywater) Jour. I'hilol. 12:17. Clergy. See alto Celibacy, Monks, Nuns, Priests. Emerson. Lectures (Riverside ed.). Lecoy de La Marche. Chaire francaise au moven age. Anglo-Saxon. Lingard, Anglo-Saxon i-hiirch 1:147- British. Depravity of old. Gildas the .-. Works. In 17. century. Arber's English garn- er v. 7. Time of Wolsey. Roy and Barlowe, Rede me and be not wrothe. Character. Love an element in. Amer. r. Reg. 11:402. Claims of the ministry. Strong, Philoso- phy and religion 269. Direction des arnes au 17. siecle. Caro, Nouvelles Etudes morales. Education (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 9 :353. Strong, Philosophy and religion 294, 302. French. Hamerton, Round my house. Assemblies sous 1'ancienne monarchic (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:v. 31, 32, 35, 40. Fortune sous 1'ancien regime (LeDuc) Jour. Econ. IV: 15: 217. in 15. century. Milman, Latin Christian- ity v. 8. Inefficiency. Barnes, Essays v. 1. Knowledge of ancient languages neces- sary to. Bacon (R.), Compendium phi- losophiae. Manners, habits. Christ. Spect. N. S. 1 : 487. Nature, influence (Dunoyer) Jour. Econ. 1:9: 328. Ordination. Councils of. Strong, Phi- losophy and religion 259. Pouvqir. Constant de Rebecque, De la religion v. 2-3. Sick calls. Brownson. Works 10 : 585. Sources of supply. Strong, Philosophy and religion 281. State support Rives, Life of Madison 1 : 634. Success. Christ. Spect. 15 : 505 ; 17 : 353. University education (Spaulding) Pams. on educ. v. 10. Cleiidae. Svstematische Bestimmung (Klug) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1840. Clermont, Louis de Bourbon-Conde". 1709-71. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 405. et sa cour. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis v. 11. Clermont-(Ferrand), France. Church of Notre Dame. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 2. Clermont-Tonnerre, A. M. G., marquis de. 1779-1865. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 69: 203. Clermont-Tonnerre, F. S. de., bishop. 1629- 1701. Alembert. Oeuvres 9: 143. Cleveland, Rev. Aaron. (Rand) Pams. on biography v. 3. Cleveland, Col. Benjamin. 1738-1806. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 577. Cleveland, G rover, president. Administration (Doehn) Uns. Zeit 1889: 2 : 208. Cleveland, Ohio. (Griswold) Western Reserve Hist Soc. Tracts 62. in 1880 (Waring) U. 8. 10th census 19: 377. Cli-ves, Marie de. See Marie de Clcves. Cliff-dwellers. See alto works on Colorado. U. 8. Geographical survey (Whevlrr'.-), Report 7 : 370. U. 8. Geographical survey (Hayden's), Reports 1874-5-6; alto Bulletin T. 2. Clifford, Anne, canniest of Dorset. Coleridge. Lives of northern worthies T.2. Clifford. 100 Coal. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Clifford, G : Sd earl of Cumberland. 1558-1605. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Southey. British admirals. Clifford, Rosamond. See Rosamond. Clifford, T :, 1st lord Clifford of Chudleigh. 1630-73. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Clifford, William K., mathematician. 1845-79. Monistic theory (Lyon) Rev. Philos. 16: 466. Climate. See also Acclimatization, Altitude, Heat, Temperature, works on physi- ography, names of places and countries. Ramsay. Bibliography of climate. (Turner) Illinois Univ. Report 1870-1 : 142. Anciens (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 88: 208. and civil laws. Montesquieu, Spirit of the laws bk. 14- and tim. Croll, Climate and time. Einfluss des Waldes (Borggreve) Unsere ,Zeit 1882 : 1 : 680. Etat thermome'trique du globe. Arago, Oeuvres 8 : 184. Geological. Wallace, Island life. Influence on beauty, character, shape. Baudrillart, Bodin et son temps 413-447 Buckle. History of civilization. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 4. Draper. American civil war 1 : 80-125. Ferguson. Civil society. Giofa. Filosofia della statistica. Godwin. Political justice 1 : 95. Metcalfe. Caloric 2 : 690, 779. (Passy) Jour. Econ. Ill : 31 : 313. (Scott) Classical Journal v. 10, 12, 13. Taine. Art in Greece; Art in the Netherlands. Winckelmann. Ancient art v. 1. Lumiere comme e'le'ment du (Radau Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 66 : 220. Secular changes. Ball, Naturalist in fc America, app. B. Zonen wahrend d. Jura u. Kreidezei (Neumayr) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N Cl. v. 47. Clinton, De Witt, N. Y., governor. 1769-1828 Seward. Works v. 4. Clinton, E:Fiennes de, earl of Lincoln 1512-85. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Clive, Robert, lord. 1725-74. Histories of British India. Browning. Dramatic idylls, 2d. series. Gleig. British military commanders. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Macaulay. Essays. Clocks. See also Chronometers, Pendulum Time. Paris Exposition, 1878. Reports v. 4. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Reportsv. Escapements (Denison) Cambr. Philos Trans. 8:633; 9:417. New going-fusee (Airy) Cambr. Philo Trans. 7:217. Clodius Pulcher, Publius. Beesly. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius. Cicero. Oratio pro Milone. (Lacour-Gayet) Rev. Hist. 41 : 1. loth. See also Costume. Manufacture, cost, 1888. U. S. Consular report, May-June, 1888. in India. Lettres Sdihantes 13 : 81 ; 14 : 116, 146, 218. Webstiihle der Alten ( Ahrens) Philologus 35:385. jlouds . _ Greek myths. Ruskin, Works v. 9. Luminosity. Arago, Oeuvres. louet, Francois, painter. 1510-80. Charles IX et (Gruyer) Rev. d. d. Mondes Un tabfeau (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 48:723. dough, Arthur Hugh, poet. 1819-61. Arnold (M.). Poems (Thyrsis). Bagehot. Literary studies. Button. Essays v. 2. Memoir (In his Poems). Jlove. Tree. Churchill, Voyages 2 : 155. Clovis I, king of the Franks. 465-511. Sieg liber die Alamannen (Vogel) Hist. Zts. 56:385. Clubs, Club-life. Croly. Political life of Burke 2 : 26. Emerson. Society and solitude. Book. Publishers' Circular June 15, 1888. Literary. Mathews, Great conversers. London (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26:769. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works 1 : 158. Cluny, France. (MontSgut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 103 : 150. Clymer, George. 1739-1818. Sanderson. Signers of the Declaration v.4. Clyomon and Clamydes : drama. (Kellner) Engl. Studien 13 : 187. Clytenmestra. Aeschylus. Agamemnon. Lytton (E. R. Bulwer). Poems. Charakterbild bei Aeschylus u. Sophocles (Fleischmann) Jahrb. Philol. 115:513. Clytia leachi. (Reuss) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 6. Cnidus. Epigramm von (Usener) Rhein. Mus. 29:25. Cnidus, coast of Asia Minor. Plan, chart. Rawlinson's Herodotus 1 : 228. Cnut. See Canute. Coaches and carriages. See also Chariot. Hunt. Indicator. Rumford. Advantages of broad felloes (Works 4: 661). publiques de Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:69:318. Coahuila, Mexico. in 1888. U. S. Consular report 92. Coal. See also Explosions, Lignite, Smoke. Philadelphia Exhibition, 1876. Reports v.3. and iron. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 2 : 343. Angleterre et la France (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 17: 664, 895. Brazil. Fletcher, Brazil: appendix. California (Hanks) Overland II : 12: 145. Canada. Canadian economics 1884 : 161. Coal. 101 Coffee. Carrick accident. Geikie, Geological sketches. Composition (Schweitzer) Pams. chem- istry v. 2; Missouri Univ. Report 1874-5. Formation. Huxley, Critiques. (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. (Saporta) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 54 :657. France (Larne'-Fleury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:12:183. Machine mining of (Wheeler) Pams. mining y. 3. Mid- Lothian and east- Lothian fields (Milne) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:253. Mines (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. Naval coaling stations. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs., 1884-5, v. 1. New South Wales (Liversidge, etc.) Pams. mineralogy v. 1. 1887. U. S. Consular report 78. New Zealand tertiary (Lindsay) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 167. Pacific coast. Isherwood's experiments. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1871-2, v. 10. Pennsylvania mines. Exhaustion (Schae- fer) Pams. mining v. 3. Pressed manufactures. Paris Expos. 1867, Reports v. 5. Products of distillation (Williams) Roy. 8oc. Trans. 1857 : 447, 737. Ressourcesdu globe (Kirrilis) Jour. Econ. 111:43:180. Scottish Lowlands formation (Greenock) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13 : 107. United States (Macfarlane)Zts.Erdkunde 9:241, 351. State geological survey reports, espe- cially Ohio, Pennsylvania. Whitehaven, 1793 (Fisher) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Yesso. Pamphlets on geology v. 1. Zacualtipan deposits (Cope) Pams. miner- alogy v. 1. Coalitions. English (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19: ,473; 20:23. Etude historique (Malapert) Jour. Econ. 111:26:347. Europe"enne, 1813-14 (Metternich) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 36: 481. Histoire et morale (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 5:371. illegitimite du droit (Royer) Jour. Econ. 111:12:348. Coast defense. Studies in (Guarasci) Pams. war v. 1. Cobalt. Ultra-violet spectrum (Liveing) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 231. Cobbett, William. 1762-1835. Autobiography. Porcupine's works 4 : 23. (iillray. Caricatures. Hildreth. History of the United States 5:120,163. Lodge. Studies in history. Pnuii. Geschichte Englands 1 : 135, Ktf. (VallxTt) lU-v.il.d. Momlr- III :'.)\:-JV2. on Spanish affairs, 1823. Chateaubriand, Congres de Verone 1 : 299. Cobden, Richard, economist. 1804-65. Annual cyclopaedia 1805. Blanc. Lettrea *ur 1'Angleterre. (Gamier) Jour. Econ. II : 46: 98; 47:269. Hazlitt. Table talk. (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 58: 301. Macleod. Dictionary political economy. Reybaud. Economistesmodernes; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 27 : 257. Smiles. Brief biographies. Unsere Zeit 1865:539. Coca, Cocaine. Works on Peru, Stimulants. U. S. Consular report 78:447. Cocceji, Samuel von. Friederich der Grosse und (Trendelen- burg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Cochin, P: S. Augustin. 1823-72. (Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97 : 587. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 6 : 876. Cochin China. See Anam. Cocnlaeus, J., theologian. 1479-1532. Rettung. Lessing, Werke 4 : 89. Cockburnlaw, Scotland. Geology (Stevenson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:33. Cocoa. Cultivation in Venezuela. U. S. Consular report 54. et le chocolat (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:24:153. Cocos island. Burney . South sea voyages 1 : 276 ; 2 : 387 ; 4 : 155, 189. Colnett. Voyage (Chart). Dalrymple. Voyages. Cod (fish). See also Fisheries. and herring fisheries, 1580, 1615. Arber's English garner v. 2, 3. and whale fisheries, 1791, 1852 (Jefferson, Sabine) U. S. House M. Docs. 1871-2, v. 1. Codazzi, Agostino. (Schumacher) Zts. Erdkunde 9:22. Codeine. Constitution, etc. (Anderson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20 : 57. Codes. See also Constitutions. French, et les ouvriers (Desjardins) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 86: 350. Louisiana black. Gayarre", Louisiana 1: app. Napoleon's. Origines re"volutionnaires (Sevin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 74:161,321; 75: 177; 76:5,52. Revision (Batbie) Acad. Sci. Mor. 75: 395, 448. Codification. Legare". Writings 2 : 482. Co-education. See also Education of women. (Chadwick) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90: 17. U. S. Bureau of educ., Report 1808:3 Consumption. I'.S. ('.m-ular report .'M. Ooltore, application! hvKi'-in<|in:>( 1'uycn) Rev.d. d. Mondes II 123: 473. Coffee. 102 Coleridge. in Cuba. Dana, To Cuba and back 112. Edwards. History of West Indies 2 : 284. Hazard. Cuba. in Java. Raffles, Java 1 : 138. in Liberia. U. 8. Consular report 17. Mexican. Romera, Estado de Oaxaca. 1886. Part 2. Potus (Sparschuch) Linnteus, Amceni- tates acad. v. 6. Production and trade in. U. S. Consular report 98. Cohesion. des corps. Diderot, Oeuvres 10 : 536. Coins, Coinage. See also Money. Deutsche morgenland. Gesellschaf t, Zeit- schrift, index. Macleod. Dictionary political economy. Ancient. Falsification (Harzfeld) Phila. Numismatic Soc. v. 1. found in Ireland (Beauford) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 1. Anglo-Saxon (Akermann, Haigh) Alfred the Great, Whole works, v. 1. Anzahl antiker Weihgeschencke (Panof- ka) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1839. Athenian (Prokesch von Osten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Boeotian (Imhoof-Blumer) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:6. Branch mints. Sumner, Works 8:437. British early. Petrie and Sharpe, Monu- menta. Ranking. Mongols and Romans 354. Rapin. History of England. Decimal. De Morgan, Memoirs. Etruscan. Betham, Etruscan literature v. 2. French fabrication (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 78 : 769. German. Reform (Friihauf) Uns. Zeit 1874:2:531. Wahnungsf rage (Stein) Uns. Zeit 1881 : 2 : 136. Greek. Gardner, Types of Greek coins. Newton, Essays on archaeology. Earliest (Levezow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Unknown (Prokesch von Osten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Illyrian. Monunius(Uhden) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. International (Toppan) Phila. Numis- matic Soc. v. 1. Invention. Rawlinson's Herodotus 1 : 563 Irish. Edward IV, Henry VII (Smith) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. Jewish early. Brydges, Censura literaria 9:211,312. Metric system (Stephens) Pams. finance v. 4. of all nations. Paris Exposition, 1867, Reports v. 1. of Corinth and Megara (Imhoof-Blumer) J.Hellenic Stud. 6:50. Ostrogothic. Hodgkin, Italy and her in- vaders 3 : 722. Peloponnesian (Imhoof-Blumer) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 7:57. Pergamean (Imhoof-Blumer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1384. Roman. Napoleon III. HistoiredeCe"sar 2:527. A. D. 1-500. Hodgkin, Italy and her invaders. and Byzantine. Finlay, History of Greece 1:432. Flavian (Chambalu) Philologus 45 : 100. Province of Asia(Pinder) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. World and English (Smith) Cobden Club essays 2 :341. Coke, Sir Edward. 1549-1634. Bayle. Dictionary. Campbell. Chief justices. Roscoe. British lawyers. Society Diffusion Useful Knowledge. Se- lect biographies. Coke manufacture. Ohio Geol. Survey, Geology 5 : 555. Penn. 2. Geol. Survey. L. United States 10th census v. 10. Colardeau, C : P : 1 732-76. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondence. Colbert, J : B., marquis de Seignelay. 1619-83. (Clement) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 72-73. James. Foreign statesmen v. 3. Administration (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39:77. provinciate, 1661-1783 (Clement) Acad. Sci. Mor. 77:417. Commerce sous (Levasseur) Jour. Econ. 11:44:42. Declaration de 1682 (Clement) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90:289. Operation sur les rentes (Cle'ment) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:69. Vie (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9 : 475. Colbert, J . N., archbishop of Rouen. 1654-1707. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 243. Cold. See also Heat. Waves. Progress of (Woodruff) U. S. Sig- nal Service Notes 23. Cole, Hon. Cornelius. 1822- as a senator. Pams. on California v. 8. Cole, Thomas, painter. 1802-48. Huntington. View of the fine arts 285. Noble. Course of empire and pictures. Tuckerman. Artist life 116. Cole, Hon. W: H. 1837-86. Memorial. U. S. House. Misc. Docs. 1886-7, v. 7. Colebrooke, Henry T:, lord. 1765-1837. Life. Miiller, Chips v. 4. Colemanite. (Jackson, Evans) Gal. Acad. Sci., Bulletin v.l. Colenso, J : W:, bishop of Natal. 1814^83. Confessions d'un nnssionnaire (Scherer) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44 : 395. Coleoptera. See Beetles. Coleridge, Hartley. 1796-1849. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 1. Smiles. Brief biographies. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 1772-1832. Bayne. Essays v. 2. Brandis. Hauptstronmngen 4 : 117. De Quincey. Literary reminiscences. Frothingham. Transcendentalism. (Hort) Cambridge essays 1856. Hunt. English poets. Mill. Dissertations v. 2. (Miinz) Unsere Zeit 1889 : 1 : 500. Coleridge. 103 Colonies. Rossetti. Famous poets. Shairp. Studies in poetry. Ward. English poets 4:102. Wilson ( J:). Essays 3 : 293. and opiu ru -eating. De Qnincey, Narra- tive and misc. papers v. 2. as a philosopher. Brooke, Theology of English poets. Green. Spiritual philosophy. Whipple. Essays v. 1. Wordsworth, Southey and. Herrig's Archiv 16 : 1. Colet, John. 1466-1519. iMiller. Abel redevivus 1 : 112. Seebohm. Oxford reformers. Colfax, Schuyler, vice-president. 1823-85. Unsere Zeit 1869: 1 : 106. Coligny, Gnspard de. admiral. 1517-72. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 58 : 656; 59:162. Motley. Dutch republic. (Vigne) Critique Philos. 24:353; Crit. Relig. 3:382. Souvenirs historiques (Becquerel) Acad. Sci. Mor. 45:159: 87:155. und d. Ermordung Franz von Guise's ( Marks) Hist. Zts. 62:42. Histories of the Huguenots; massacre of St. Bartholomew. Coligny, Louise de, princess of Orange. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 14:374. Colle", Charles, dramatist. 1709-83. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lenient Come'die au 18. siecle 2: 136. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 7 : 355. Collectivism. See alto Individualism. (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. IV :33:337. , et Leroy-Beaulieu (Lefort) Jour. Econ. IV : 28": 404. rationnel (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. I V : 25 : 425. College de France. Chaire d'esthe"tique (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 50: 444. Litte"raturefrancaiseau (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 68: 682. Colleges. See also Degrees, Education (Higher), Universities. American (Fitch) Univ. State of N. Y., Report 98: 91. and free institutions. Soc. Prom. Coll. Educ. at West, Docs. v. 2. Curriculum extension (Moses) Berkeley yuar. 2:336. distinguished from universities. Johns Hopkins Univ. Rent. 1878. Elective studies. Columbia College, Re- ports. (Eliot) Harvard Univ. Reports 1884- (Howison) The University 1885: Sep. Oct. 24, Nov. 21 ; 1886: Feb. 26. National Kduc. Assoc. 1888:268- Reply to Eliot (West) Farns. on eduo. V M French and English. Vie (Valbert) Rev. d.d. Mondes I II: 50: 681. Intellectual duties of students. King, .nice and show. Military instruction in. Pams. war v. 1. Collegno, Giacinto. (Mazude) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 20: 460. Collier, Arthur. 1680-1732. Idealisme (Lyon) Rev. Philos. 10 : 375. Collin d' Harleville, J : Fs. 1755-1806. Lenient. Comedie au 18. siecle 2 : 322. Collins, William, poet. 1720-56. (Monte*gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 91: 744. Collins, William Wilkie, novelist. 1824-89. Forster. Life of Dickens. Colman, Samuel. 1832- Sheldon. American painters. Colmar, Alsace. Annales 1211-1472. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 17. Cologne (Koln), Rhenish Prussia. Gailhabuud. Monuments v. 2-4. Annales. Chronicon rhythmicum. Pertz, Monumenta v. 1, 2, 16, 17, 24, 25. University. Kampf gegen Humani.smus (Kammel) Jahrb. Philol. 112:401. Colombia, United States of. Madden. West Indies 1:50. Chronology. Art de verifier les dates III: v. 12. Constitution. U. S. Foreign relations 1886:179. Einige Volksstiimme in San Martin (SAenz) Ztz. Ethnol. 8 : 327. in 1830. Brauns, Skizzen von Amerika 314. in 1860. Gerstitcker, Schriften I : v. 14. in 1867. Unsere Zeit 1867 : 2 : 848, 935. in 1889. U. S. Consular report N. S. 1. Presidents (Evans) Overland 11:14:117. Sprache d. Indianer. Zts. Ethnol. 8 : 359. Sturz (Loffler) Unsere Zeit 1888 : 2 : 521. Voyage a (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 24-27. Colombo. Cristoforo. 1446-1506. Bibliography. Neuere Literatur (Ha'bler) Hist. Zeits. 57:222. Barlow. Columbiad. Belknap. Early discoverers of America 17. Cartas de Indias. Gordon. Spanish discovery in America v. 1. Helps. Spanish conquest v. 1. Herrera. Historia general 1 : 11, 167. Irving. Columbus and his companions. Lamartine. Vies des grands hommes. Quinet. Revolutions d' Italic 2: 107. Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. Riickert Colombo : drama ( Werke v. 10). Winsor. History of America v. 2. Cruise in the Bahamas (Murdock) Pams. travels v. 3. Epitaph on tomb. Wallis, Glimpses of Spain 374. et Savone (Harrisse) Rev. Hist. 35:59. Offer to Henry VII, 1488. Hakluyt, Voy- ages v. 3. Origine (Heius) Rev. Hist 29:316. Voyages. Harris, Voyages 1:2; 2:3. Colonatus, Colon!. (SaviKny) Berlin Akad. At.h. 1822-3. Kntwicicelung (Zumpt) Rliein. Mus. N. F. 3:1. Colonies, colonization. See also Emigration, Immigration, 1'rovim-i--. (Bastian) Unserc Xcii IS;T: 1:375. Alison. Principles <>f population S: 847. Brougham. Colonial policy of the Kun>- peau powers. Colonies. 104 Color. Carey. Past, present and future; also .Social science. Lewis. Government of dependencies. Shadwell. Political economy 468. Catholics and. Bellingham, Social aspects of Catholicism. Distant. Uselessness to European nations. Bentham, Works 4: 407. Dutch. Laspeyres, Volkswirthschaf tliche Anschauungen. (Meyners d'Estrey) Jour. Econ. IV : 40 : 237 English. Cobden club, Essays, series 2. : Fischel, English constitution 561. Mav, Constitutional history 2:547. Seeley, Expansion of England. de la Malaisie (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. MondesII:66:643. , Puissance (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV:30:221. Puissance (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:683. Shall we retain ? Greg, Essays 2 : 219. European (Neumann-Spallart) Rund- schau 37: 368. , French (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV : 34 : 74. , . Journal des Economistes. I-II, index. de 1'ancien regime (Chailley) Jour. Econ. IV: 39:335. depnis 1'abolition de l'esclavage(Samt- Remy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 13 : 88. Loi des re"cidivistes et (Plauchut) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 66: 166. Penal (Chevalier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 74: 127. Politique coloniale (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:49. ( Duval) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 17 : 517, 837;22:83L (Guyot) Jour. Econ. I V : 29 : 12. German, 1888 (Lesser) UnsereZeit 1888: 1: 517. Greek (Curtius) Rundschau 35: 340. (Morris) Amer. J. Philol. 5:479. Miiller. Dorians 1 : 112. Tributpflichtigkeit (Kirchhoff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. Influence europe"enne sur les population indigenes ( Le Bon) Rev. Sci. 44 : 225. Modern (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 43:880. Roman. Beaufort, Re"publique romaine 6:59. Government. Arnold, Roman pro vincial government. in Italy. Martiniere, Dictionnaire 2 477. Jus Italicum (Savigny) Berlin Akad Abh. 1814-15. Under Augustus. Merivale, Romans 4 : 112. Spanish. Bancroft, California pastoral 57 Colmeiro. Economia politica 2 : 375. au 16. siecle(St. Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor 26:281. System still applicable. Brauns, Skizzen von Amerika 3. Colonna family. Bulla d' excommunication de Paul IV Rev. Hist. 7:12L Colonna, Francesco. 1433-1527. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. olonna, Vittoria. 1490-1547. Black. Life of Michel Angelo ch. 3. Diiringsfeld. Buch denkwiirdiger Frauen. Grimm. Life of Michel Angelo ch. 14- Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 24. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Color, Colors. See also Complexion, Dyeing, Iridescence, Optics, Painting, Polariza- tion. Plato. These tetus; Timseus. Ruskin. Lectures on art. Aniline (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 4 : 892 Atmospheric (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:371,375. Bezeichnungen bei den Griechen (Weise) Philologus46:593. Chemical rays in the sky. Tyndall, Frag- ments of science. Compound (Maxwell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:57. Contrast vermittelst rotirender Scheiben (Schmerler) Philos. Stud. 1 : 379. dans le regne animal (Pouchet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 97: 74. Houille et les matieres (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 61: 654. in dress. Crane, Art and formation of taste. in practical astronomy (Smyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:779. Influence on heat and odors (Stark) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:285. Loi du contraste (Chevreul) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 39. Moyen de de"finir et de nonimer (Chev- reul) Paris, Me"rn. Acad. Sci. v. 33. of natural bodies (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12:538. Perception (Fick) Rundschau 23 : 48. Hall. German culture 277. Prismatic. Heating and lighting power (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800:255. Production. Cases of (Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802:387. Reflected. Measurement (Abney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:A:547. Sehn und. Schopenhauer, Werke v. 1. Sense. Allen, Colour-sense. Wallace. Tropical nature. der Naturvolker (Andree) Zeits. Eth- nol. 10:323. Origine (Espinasse) Rev. Philos. 9 : 1- . _ Wolffberg's apparatus (Herzog) Ko- nigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Subjective (Briicke) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N.C1. 3:95. Superficial, of colorless liquids (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845: 143- Symbolic. Dwight, Study of art ch. 16. use of black and white in Germanic tradition (Gummere) Haverford Coll. Stud. 1:12. Theoria physiologica. Schopenhauer, Werke 6: 190. Two, seen simultaneously (Chevreul) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 11 : 447. used by the ancients. Davy, Works 6: 131. ' Vegetable. Action of sunlight ( Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1842 : 181. Vergleiche im Mittelalter (Zingerle) Ger- mania9:385. Color. 105 Comets. Vision des (Chevreul) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 41. Vision experiments. Campbell, Life of Ja. C. Maxwell 465. Color blindness. (Harvey) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:253. (Maxwell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21:275. (Pole) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:323; Con- temp. Rev. 37 : 821. in Homer. See Homerus. Colorado. Pacific Railroad Reports v. 5. U. S. Geol. Survey (Hayden's), Reports. Parks of. Pams on travel v. 1. Past, present, future (Zahm) Pams. travel v. 5. Raffner's reconnaissance. U. 8. House Ex. Docs. 1873-4, v. 12. Colorado river. Ives. Report of exploration. 1861. - Macomb. Report of expedition. 1876. Powell. Exploration. 1875. Sitgreaves. Expedition down. 1853. U. S. Geogr. Survey (Wheeler's), Reports. Columba, St., abbot of Tona. 521-597. Beda. Ecclesiastical history. Dunham. Literary men v. 1. Montalembert. Monks of the west v. 3. Ossian. Poems, appendix. Columbia. See Colombia. Columbia river. - Kirchhoff. Reisebilder 2:72. U. S. Chief of engineers, Reports. Explorations (Stone) U. S. Fish commis- sion, Report 1883:237. Mouth. Maps of. U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1882-3, v. 1. I'pper. Symonds, Report. Columbus. See Colombo. Colusa^county, ''.//. in 1&86 (De Jarnatt) Pams. California v.3. Combe, George. 1788-1858. - Martineau. Biographical sketches. Smiles. Brief biographies. Combes, Charles. (Bertrand) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 44: cxxiii. Combinations. See also Coalitions, Mo- commerciales (Salomon) Jour. Econ. IV: 29 : 178. Syndicats (Du Bled) Rev. d. d. Mondes 'III: VI: Ml. Uses and abuses (Dodd) Pams. social sci- ence v. 2. Combustion. See also Fire, Flame. in dried oxygen (Baker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:A:. r )71. Influence of atmospheric pressure( Frank- land) Hoy. Soc. Trans, isnj : i;-j!i. Theorir*. I'hcvreul, Histoire de la ma- in re (Paris, Mtfm Acad. Sci. v. 39). Comedy. See alto Drama, V Il.-nl.-r. A-lraM.-a (\Verk.- 2. 1 : ami trap-dy. Walpol.-, Works -2:306. Attic (l*>o) Illi. in Mu-. .T',:400. des acaer) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21. 1858. tiuinot. MSmoires d'exil 2 : 183. 1800:111. Bahn (Auwers) Berlin Akad. Abh 1873-4. Moder (Broch) Pams. astronomy v. 1. 1881: VIII. Orbit (Olsson) Upsala Univ. Di.ss. v. 1. Biela's (Dnmoiseau) Paris, Mi'm. Ai-al. Sci. 8:215. Catalogue of. American almanac 1> i Encke's. !< L' (Henderson) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1833:649. Comets. 106 Commines. Hnlley 's. 1837 ( Roth man ) Cambr. Philos. Trans. G: 403. Re"tour, perturbations (Pontecoulant) Paris, M viation and length of needles (Smith) liny. Sue. Trans, ls.il : K;l. DiH'iTfiices from alteration of direction of ship's head (Flinders) Roy. Soc. Trans. l*X r > Invention by Chinese. Asiatic Jour. N. 8. !..:106. - Magnetism. U. 8. Navy department, Profess, papers 13, 17. Variation and dip, 1786-1805 (Gilpin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806:385. -- on shipboard (Airy, Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831:215; 1839:167; 1856:53. -- (Evans) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860 : 337 ; 1865 : 2e. Bhiitturk. History of Concord. 1 lli-torical addresses at. Kmer-on, Mis- Oration at (Everett) Pains. history v. 5. Concordat. 108 Congress of the United States. Concordat. Austrian 1855-08 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. MondesII:80:850; 81:091. Eglise romaine et le premier empire (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. .Mi, 57, 05-07, 09-73, 70, 78-80, 82. Guerre en France. Crit. Relig. 3 : 278. of 1801 (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7 : 242. (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7:473; 8:57- and 1879 (llenouvier) Crit. Philos. 10: 140, 225, 257, 275. Panes et les roi de France (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 11 : 587. Concorclia, planet. Tafeln (Oppolzer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 47. Concurrence. See Monopolies. Condi', Eltfonore de Roye, princesse de. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 19:870. Cond. , Henri I de Bourbon, prince de. 1552- 88. Mort (Loiseleur) Rev. Hist. 1:410. Cond.', Louis II de Bourbon, due d'Enghien, prince de. 1621-80. Bossuet. Oraison funebre (Oeuvres choisies v. 4). La Rochefoucauld. Memoirs. Perkins. France under Mazarin. Combats devant Fribourg, 1644. Rev. Hist. 29:1.. et les dames (Aumale) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:91:721. Premiere campagne (Aumale) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 50 : 481, 721 ; 57 : 5, 241. Regimens suisses (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 42: 310. Cond.- family. Bayle. Oeuvres diverges. S6" vigne". Lettres 12 : 105. Sully. M:. J7. et la nature ( l/ovO-iiue) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98 : 017. Conscience. 110 Constantinus I. Exaincn chez les anciens (Martha) Rev. d. d. MondeslII:9:377. Grote on (Gazelles) Rev. Philos. 2:356. Intelligence et (Egger, Renouvier) Grit. Philos. N.S. 2: 81,258. Limits (Re"musat) Acad. Sci. Mpr. 64:5. Loi physique (Herzen) Rev. Philos. 7 : 353. philosoplnque. Exanien (Kenan ) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 94: 721. Science et (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:81:56; 82:192,625. The"orie religieuse( Renouvier) Grit. Relig. 2:305. Consciousness. See also Apperception, Ego, Knowledge, Mind, Personality, Senses. Ferrier. Works y. 3. Grote. Exploratio philosophica. 1 Ian 111:11111. Philosophy of the uncon- scious. Hegel. Werke 2: 71- Herbert. Realistic assumptions of mod- ern science ch. 2. - Mill. Examination of Hamilton's phil- osophy v. 1. and unconsciousness (Achelis) Philos. Monatsh. 20:492. (Fouille"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 59- 60. Asymptotische Function (Wernicke) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 11:483; 12:82- Dichterische Phantasie (Cohen) Zts. Yiilkerpsych. 6:171. Erkenntniss aus d. praktischen (Berg- mann) Philos. Monatsh. 16:225. Gegenstand der Psychologic und (Schu- bert-Soldern) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 8: 407. in evolution. Cope, Origin of the fittest oJU. Kuno Fischer und das Gewissen (Unna) Zts. Viilkerpsych. 9:97. Physiology of unconsciousness (Wythe) Berkeley Quar. 2:1. Self-consciousness. Hegel, Werke 2-127 (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 4:292. - Evolution. Wright, Philos. discus- sions. Frommes. Schleiermacher, Werke I: 3:159. Lehre (Cesca) Viertelj. wissen. Philos 11:385. sous 1'action de chloroforme (Spencer) Rev. Philos. 6:387. Conservatism. See also Progress. Emerson. Miscellanies 283. Consolation. Seneca. Opera; ed. Fickert v. 3. Consonants. See also Diphthongs, Vowels. Kuhn's Zeitschrift, index. English th. Herrig's Archiv 20 : 163. der Mundart v. Schaffhausen (Stickel- berger) Beitr. deutsch. Spniche 14 : 381 Drench and German. Physiologic (De- vantier) Herrig's Arch. 69:97. Greek treatment of hard aspirates (Moul- ton) Am. J. Philol. 8 : 207. - Labials (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 3 : 187. " ? , G emination (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 127:774. Old French. Vocalisation (Ulbrich) Zts roman. Philol. 2 : 522. ~ 01 ? ?T ma . n ' Verdoppelung (Eicker- shoff) Herng's Archiv 75: 113. Palatals. Physiologic der (Lenz) Kuhn's Zeits. 29:1. Sigma in Verbindung mit Nasalen u. Liquiden (Solmsen) Kuhn's Zeits. 29 : 59. Spiranten (Rapp) Herrig's Archiv 20:38. Verbindungen (Benary) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1 : 46. Westfiilish-niederdeutsche (Honcamp) Herrig's Archiv 17 : 371. Conspiracy. Prosecutions and laws. N. Y. Bur. Sta- tistics Labor. 5th. Report. Constable, John. 1776-1837. British painters. N. Y. 1881. Constance council, 1414. Gairdner. Lancaster and York. - Milman. Latin Christianity v. 7. Pfister. Geschichte Deutschlands 3: 364. Constance Fhaulcon. See Phaulcon. Constant de Rebec que, H: B: 1767-1830. Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neu. Stats- wissenschaft. (Faguet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 87 : 598. - Turnbull. French revolution of 1830. 378. Politique. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lun- dis 1:411. (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 60:105; Jour. Econ. II : 33 : 373. Constantina battle, 1837. See also Algeria. Clausel. Explications. (Orleans) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 86: 770. Constantinople. See also Bosphorus. Byzantine times (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 94: 761. Capture by the Turks, 1453. Histories by .-Creasy, Finlay, Harnmer-Purgstall (1:500), Zinckeisen (1 :833). Kriegk. Darstellungen 569. - Lieber. Great events. Monstrelet. Chronicles. - Rottec-k. Kleine Schrif ten 1 : 44. (Vast) Revue Historique v. 13. - Wagner, Mediaeval Greek texts pt. 1 (Philol. Soc.) Church of Theotocus. Gailhabaud, Mon- uments v. 2. Eisenbahnen nach (Dehn) Unsere Zeit 1888:2:126. Founding. Gibbon, Decline and fall ch. 17. in 1582 (Hareborne) Hakluyt, Voyages V. . in 1655 (Thevenot) Harris, Voyages 2 : ] 'I - in 1656 (Rolamb) Churchill, Voyages v. 4. in 1717. Montagu (Lady), Letters and works 1:326. in 1730. Ray, Travels 2 : 349, 368, 404. - in 1829. Jones, Naval recollections 2 : 87. - in 1830. Brewer, Residence at. in 1833. Lamartine, Pilgrimage 2 : 195. in 1840. Hacklander, Werke v. 8 in 1850. Browne, Yusef. in 1860. Schickler, En Orient 22- - in 1864. Audouard, L'Orient 157. - in 1870. Gamier, Constantinople. in 1878. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 161- in 1885 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 73:329. Constantinus I, C. F. V. A. C., the Great, Ro- man emperor. 272-337. - Histories of Christianity by : Milman (v. 2); Stanley (Eastern church); etc. Constantinns I. Ill Contract. Praxagoras. Fragnientum. Conversion (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:51. Politique chre"tienne (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11:374. Valesische Bruchstiick zur Geschichte (Klebs) Philologus N. F. 1:53. Constantius II, F. J., emperor. 317-301. Julianus. Lettre au S6nat d'Athenes (Oeuvres). Orationes 1-2. Constantinus Cephalas. Anthologia (Wolters) Rhein. Mus. 38:97. Constitution. See also references underGov- ernment, Politics. - Athenian (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 5:321. Carthaginian (Bourgeois) Rev. Hist. v. 20. English (Ayen) Rev.d. d. Mondes II :39: 563. (Chevalier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:72: 529. Fischel on (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 72:5,161,190. - Thierry. Dix ans d'e"tudes 455. Histories of England by Green (1 : 195), Rapin (1:282), Freeman (Norman con- quest 1 : 68-), etc. Who's to blame. Newman, Discus- sions and arguments. Why different from that of France. Martin, Histoire de France 2: 151. European. Robertson, Charles V. 58. - French. 1789-1842 (Raumer) Hist. Tas- chenbuch 1843. 17M1. Pouvoir l^gislatif dans (Morizot- Thibault) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:769; 132: 60. - 1701-5. Humboldt (K: W: v.), Werke 1:301. Stein. Socialismus. 1791-1848. Lladieres, Souvenirs parle- iiu'iitaires. 1H52. Opinion pnblique (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 28: 307. - Lavergne on (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 9:391, 448. Revision, 1851 (Tocqueville) Pams. law v. 4. lie vision. Droitsducongres en (Pillon) Crit. Philos. v. 20, 25, 26. German. U. S. Foreign relations 1877-8. Bntrtdrang (Below) Hist. Zeits. 58: : ; 59 : 193. Greek, 1864. Finlay, History of Greece 7 :821, 845. Jamaican, before 1830. Edwards, West Indies. I'nlitical. Brownson, Works 15:546. Pouvoir constituant (Laboulaye) Rev. d. . Contract. Anson. On contracts. Chitty. On contracts. Hegel. Philosophic des Rechts (Werke 8:j 72-80). PuHVntlorf. Law of nature bk. 5, ch. 2- Savigny. On obligations. Completed. Kiii kwirkcude Kraft (To- fohr) GUtt. Univ. His*, v. 8. Conductor and locator. VerblltmlM (Marnuanlt) (Siitt. Univ. Dis*. I dissociation (Troplong) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3:9. I>c|>i--. v. ::. doprestation de travail (Courcelle-Sem-uil) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:37. Contract. 112 Copley. (R^nouard) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 27-28. Differenzgeschivft (Seelemann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Freedom of. Green (T: Hill), Works 3: 365. Korrealitatund Solidaritiit(Pfyffer v. Wy- her) Gott. Univ. Diss. y. 8. Literal, der Riimer(Savigny) Berlin Acad. Abh. 1816-17. Specific, law. S. F. Chamber of commerce, Address, 1865. Contradiction. Bedeutung (Staudinger) Philos. Monatsh. 25:257,385. Principe (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 4 : 244- Convents. See Charlestown (Mass.), Monks, Nuns. Conversation. De Quincey. Works 13: 150; also Letters to a young man. - Fielding. Works 9 : 361. Mathews. Great conversers. Heads of an essay on. Temple (Sir W:), Works 3: 541. - Kunst (Liliencron) Rundschau 42:382. Naturalness (Payn) Longmans 2:67. of authors. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. of lords. Hazlitt, Sketches. - Polite. Swift, Works (satirical). Conversion. See Regeneration, Repentance, Revivals. par la contrainte. Bayle, Oeuvres di verses v. 2. Convicts. See Crime, Prisons. Cook, Hon. Daniel P. 1795-1827. Edwards. History of Illinois 253. Cook, Capl. James, navigator. 1728-79. Coleridge (H). Northern worthies. Cooke, G: F: actor. 1756-1811. Doran. Annals of the stage. Cookery. See also Food. and art. Plato, Gorgias. Biichlein aus Tegersee. Germania 9:199. Liber cure cocorum. Old English. Philol. Soc. Trans. 1862-3. Training schools. U. S. Bureau Educ. Circulars 1879. Zur Geschichte (Virchow) Rundschau 11:72. Cooper, A. A. See Shaftesbury. Cooper, Ja. Fenimore. 1789-1851. - Borne. Werke4:249. ( Parkman) Essays from the North Ameri- can review. Poe. Works 2: 389. Richardson. American literature 2:297. Sainte-Beuve. Premiers Lundis v. 1. Sumner. Works 3 : 43. - Ways of the hour. Brownson, Works 16:326. Cooperation. See also Association, Guise (Familistere), Labor, Partnership, Profit- sharing, Trade unions. -Works on labor by: Le Play, Simon, Thornton. Booth. Robert Owen. (Clement) Jour. Econ. Ill : 11 : 5. (Ducuing) Rev. Nat. 20:490. Fawcett. Economical position of British laborer. (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1885 : Dec. 15. Jevons. State in relation to labor. Shadwell. Political economy 227. Thompson. Problem of evil 209. Wisconsin Bureau Labor Statistics, 2d Bienn. report. Burnley self-help society. U. S. Consular report June 1888. Cqngres a Halifax, 1874 (Limousin) Jour. Econ. 111:34:364. Congres de Paris, 1876(Pillon) Crit. Philos. 10:401; 11:4. de production a Paris (Ott) Jour. Econ. IV: 24:5. Distributive ( Wright) Cal. Bur. Labor Stat. Rept. 1885-6; Mass. Bur. Labor Stat. Rept. 1886. en Allemagne (Somer) Jour. Econ. Ill :6: 74; 11:231. en France et Angleterre (Simon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 61 : 151. en Russie (Porochine) Jour. Econ. II : 47:242. et le salariat (Cherbuliez) Jour. Econ. Ill : 4:161. Horn's Association (Horn, Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:435, 472. in America. Johns Hopkins Univ. Hist. studies v. 6. in England. Escott, England. Holyoake, Cooperation in England. Molesworth. History of England 2 : 206. (Regnault) Rev. Nat. 19:119. , Origines (Duval, Gamier) Jour. Econ. Ill : 8:216,240. Principe (Limousin) Jour. Econ. 111:39: 53. Slate quarries of North Wales. Cairnes, Essays in polit. economy. Socie'tS a Grenoble (Rambaud) Jour. Econ. IV: 32: 103. Stores in England (Chadwick) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 81-82. Copan, Guatemala. Ruins (Galindo) Archaeologia Amer. 2: 543. Cope, Charles W. British painters. Copenhagen, Denmark. English expedition, 1801. Canning, Speeches 2 : 286. - Naval Chronicle. - Nelson. Dispatches v. 4. Niebuhr. Letters 1 : 169- 1807. Naval Chronicle. Wellington. Dispatches v. 3. - Morning in. Buchanan, Master spirits. University. Quatrieme cent^naire. Rev. Hist. 10:428. Copernicus, N., astronomer. 1473-1543. Arago. Oeuvres 3 : 173. Gassendi. Opera. 1727. 5:439. (Lohmeyer) Hist. Zeits. 57:1. Morton. Heroes of science : astronomers. Astronomy. Epitome. Kepler, Opera v. 6. Kepler und das C. Weltsystem. Schuster, Johann Kepler. Copley, J : S., painter. 1737-1815. Tuckerman. Artist life. Copley, J : S., lord Lyndhurst. 1772-1863. Greville. Journal, index. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Coppee. 113 Corinth. CoppC-e, Francois E: J., poet. 1842- Lemaitre. Contemporains 1 : 79. Copper. Alteration du doublage en C. des navires (Becquerel) Paris. Me"m. Acad. Sci. 35:3. Arseniates, of Cornwall (Bournon, Chen- evix) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801. Corrosion by sea-water (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824:151. 242. Electric conductivity (Matthiessen) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1860:85. Hardening. Lost art (Duffield) Schlie- lilllllll. IllOS. Lake Superior mines. Schoolcraft, Ex- ped. to Mississ., appendix. Pnosphatefrom the Rhine(Lunn) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1:203. Sulphurets (Bournon) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1804:30,63. Zustande des hammergaaren (Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Coprolltes. Analysis (Connell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13: 283. Hippoliths (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2. Coptic sect. Butler. Coptic churches of Egypt Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 47. Lane. Modern Egyptians v. 2. Lettres e\Iifiantes 4:413; 5:368. Spencer. Egypt 207. Coptic language and literature. (Abel) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855:51. Thatworter (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsy- chologie 2 : 378. Zeitschrift deutsche morgenl. Gesell. v. 5,8. Copyright. See alto Patents. Bibliography. Boston Public Liby. Bull. 5:59- (Solberg) Publishers' Weekly v. 20, 21, 22,27. Alison. Essays. - Balzac. Oeuvres 22 : 206, 285, 299. Erskine. Speeches 1 : 29. Hood. Prose works 3 : 466. Lamartine. France parlementaire v. 6. Lieber. Misc. writings 2:329; also Law nams. v. 1. Macaulay. Essays. (Moliuari) Jour. Econ. 1 :31 : 252. Paterson. Liberty of the press 241. ( Pillon) Crit. Philos. 13 : 407 ; 14 : 1, 17, 38. - Rotteck. Kit-inert- Schriften 3:330. Scudder. Life of Noah Webster ch. 3. Talfourd. Essays. (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor.,48:115. avant 1789 (Malapert) Jour. Econ. IV:12: _'>_', 1:5:437. Belgium law. U. 8. Foreign relations 1886:24. German. Rcichsgesetzgebung. Unsere Zeit 1>77:1 : :.ll. <;iM. International. Arnold, Irish essays. ('| i;i .-, II. 8. Sen. Rep. 1885-6, v. 7. (Smith) Albany In-t. Trans. 11:100. Thompson. American comment^ 'Berne conference (Lavolltfe) Jour. Econ. IV:. -17: 358. U.S. Foreign relations 1880 : 852. Italian and Swiss laws. U. 8. House Ex. Docs. 1885-6, v. 35. 16 Coquelin, Charles, economist. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1 :33: 167. Coquillart, Guillaume. Besant. Early French poetry. Coral islands. Beechey. Voyage 1 : 254. Cheever. Sandwich islands 175. Dalrymple. Voyages 1 : 22. Dana. Coral islands. Huxley. Critiques. Kingsley. Madame How 196. Kotzebue. Voyage, 1815. 3:331. Corals. Austrian miocene (Reuss) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 31. Banke des Rothen Meeres (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Bony structure (Bowerbank) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1842:215. Minute structure of higher (Farre) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837 : 387. Palaeozoic period (Nicholson) Rov. Edin. Trans. 27:237. Physiologische Kenntniss (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Stylasteridae (Moseley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878:425. Tubular and cellular (Lister) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1834:365. Corax of Syracuse. and Tis'ias (Verrall) Jour. Philol. 9: 197. Coray, Diamantios. Life (7i his Lettres intfdites). Corbie monastery, Saxony. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v.3. Corday d'Armans, M. A. Charlotte de. 1768-93. Histories of the French revolution, biog- raphies of Marat Diiringsfeld. Buchdenkwiirdiger Frauen. Michelet. Femmes de la revolution 211. Wieland. Werke 35 : 94. Jeunesse (Perrier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38 : 597. Cordova, Spain. Mosque. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Cordylophora. (Allinan) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:367. Corea. Harris. Voyages 2 : 1000. (Herbig) Rundschau 42: -J.Mi. ( Kraus) Unsere Zeit IHSJI : 1 <*!. (Oppert) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 :230. ( I 'apologue) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 78: 421. ( 1'lauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : d : 87ft. Siebold. Japan ch. 15. U. S. Foreign relations 1885:315. Foreigners at Chemulpo. U. S. Consular report Sept. 1884. Corfu. See also Ionian islands. Freeman. Neighbor lands of Venice. ( Hairkd) Rundschau 12:477. Corinth, Greece. tii-i-liichte (Curtius) Hermes 10:215. Periia von (<'urtiu>) Rhcin. Mtis. N. F. 4: 200. Sngen. Qeschlchtliche Bedeutnng (Wi- lisch) Jnhrb. I'lnlol. 117:720. Sturz des Bttkchiadenkb'nigthumi (\Vi- li-< li) Jalirl). Philol. 113:585. . I'.fiilt'-, Art grec 48. Corinth. 114 Cortez. Vaseninschriften (Kretschmer) Kuhn's Zeits. 29:152. Coriolanus, Cains Marcius. Plutarch. Lives. Erziihlung. Mommsen, Riimische Fors- chungen v. 2. - Was he ever tried ? Hooke, Roman his- tory 2 : 97. Corippus, Flavins C. Johannis. Erkliirung (Partsch) Hermes 9:292. Cormenin, L: M. de La Haye, vicomte de. 1788-1868. (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 53 -.287. Cormorants. Gracula Gattnng (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1810-17. Corn laws. See also Free trade. Canning. Speeches 6 : 1, 113, etc. Cobden. Writings. Lives by Morley, Rogers. Disraeli. Life of Bentinck. Huskisson. Speeches. - Macaulay. Speeches; also Works 8 : 349. Ricardo. Works. Smith. Life of John Bright, index. - Manchesterschule. Uns. Zeit 1858:436. Cornea. Acute Entziindung (Jacobs) Bonn. Univ. Diss. y. 2. Keratitis (Mever) Giitt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Staphyloma (Pincus) Kb'nigsb. Univ. Diss. v.2. Cornellle, Pierre, dramatist. 1006-84. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4:44. Albert. Literature fr. an 17. siecle. (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:88:830. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siele. Martin. Histoire de France. Shelley. French authors v. 1. Anschaungvom Wesend.Tragb'die(Foth) Herrig's Archiv 58 : 277. Cid. Sainte-Beuve, u Nouveaux Lundis 7: 199. Lustspieldichter (E. Schmidt) Herrig's Archiv 50: 285. Sprache. Rntwickelungsgange in (Fah- renberg) Herrig's Archiv 83: 129. Syntactische Studien (Jacobi) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Textkri tik (Bromig) Herrig's Archiv 1 : 189. und Racine im Wettstreit(Sarrasin) Her- rig's Archiv 68:295. Cornellle, Thomas. 1625-1709. Earl of Essex. Lessing, Dramatic notes (Prose works 284). Cornelius, Peter von, painter. 1787-1807. (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 : 70:854. Grimm. Neue Essays ; Rundschau 38: 389. Reber. Neuere deutsche Kunst 1:277; 2:4,174. Unsere Zeit 1867: 1 : 801. Corneto, Italy. Tombes 6trusques (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:779. Cornificius, L. Commentationes(Langen) Philologus 36: 444,577; 37:385. Cornish language. (Jenner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1873-4:165. Glossary (Stokes) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1868- 9:137. Relics in Mount's Bay (Jenner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1875-6:533. Cornutus, L. Annaeus. Palaephatushandschrift (Boysen) Philol- ogus 42:285. Cornwall, Barry. See Proctor, B. W. Cornwall, England. Antiquities. Miiller, Chips from a Ger- man workshop v. 3. Jews in ? Miiller, Chips v. 3. Lizard district. Physical structure (Sedg- wick) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 291. Paysages et moeurs (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 48: 399; 50:5. Cornwallis, Charles, 1st marquess. 1738-1805. Chesney. Military biography. Gleig. Military commanders v. 3. Johns. Military and naval heroes. Lewis. Administrations of Great Britain. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Mackintosh. Essays. Mill. History of British India. Coronado, Vasquez de. Bancroft. Arizona and New Mexico. North American States v. 1. Prince. New Mexico. Smithsonian Report 1869. Coronations. Stanley. Westminster Abbey. of Henry VII. Camden Soc. 21. Corporations. See also Combinations, Mort- main. Hegel. Philosophic des Rechts (Werke 8: 250. Mazaroz. Corporations francaises. Merewether and Stephens. History of boroughs. 3 v. a responsabilit limite'e (Lair) Jour. Econ. 11:36:390. et les jeux de bourse (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour, Econ. 11:46:35. Roman. Dendrophores (Fix) Jour. Econ. 1:2:351. Societtfs anonymes en Angleterre et en Italie(Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:84:730. Corpse. Privatrechtliche Stellung (Schultheis) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Correggio, Antonio Allegri, called. lluskin. Modern painters. (Schure 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 45: 328. - Works on Italian painters by Lanzi (v. 4), Mantz, Vasari. Correnti, Cesare. - Unsere Zeit 1870 : 1 : 200. Corsica. See also Ajaccio. Etat physique. Volney, Oeuvres 7 : 279. France and. Raumer, Europa, 17C3-83. 2:148. - in 1872 (Lauser) Uns. Zeit 1872 : 2 : 244- - in 1882(Gregorovius) Uns. Zeit 1882 : 1 : 102. Cortez, Hernando. 1485-1554. Histories of Mexico. Godoy. Lettera del discoprimento (Ra- musio "Viaggi v. 3.) Cortez. 115 Courbet. Helps. Spanish conquest v. 2-3. Mifiana. Historia de Espafia. Winsor. History of America v. 2. Dona Marina et (Biart) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 79:99. Corundum stone. (Bournon) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1802:233, 327. Corvin, Olto von. Autobiographic (Gottschall) Uusere Zeit 1881:2: 82& Corvus, Marcus Valerius. Stoll. Helden lloius 137. Cos island. Geology (Neumayr) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N.C1. v. 40. Cosmogony, Cosmology. See also Creation, Karth. Aryan (Darmesteter) Rev. Philos. 11 : 11! i. Entwurf einer (Funk) Pains, astronomy v.l. Me"taphysiquedesGrecs (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abn. 1811-13. Mosaic (Goodwin) Essays by English churchmen. Missouri Univ. Lectures 1879. of Empedocles (Tannery) Rev. Philos. 21:285. of Nicolaus von Kues (Schaefer) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Cosmography. See also Astronomy, Crea- tion, Karth, Geography, Geology, Physi- ography. Frankische, des 7. Jahrh. (Pertz) Berlin Akad. Ahh. 1845. Cosnac, Daniel de, archbishop of Aix. Mi' moires. Sainte-Beuve.Causeries 6:282. Cossacks. See also works on Russia. Gegenwart 2 : 512. de 1'Ukraine. Merime'e, Melanges his- toriques 59. Costa de Beauregard, Jos. H: marquis de. 17.VJ ivjl. Ilillebrand. Zeiten, Viilker 5:214. i Ma/a. in Ki-v. d. d. Mondes III : 29:305. Costa Rica. See also Nicaragua. in 1858-00 (Belly) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 28:597,865. Costume. See also Fashion. - Bibliography. Boston Puhlic Lib. Bull, no. 33. Doric. Miiller, Dorians 2:271. English, 1700. Ashton, Social life reign of queen AIIIIC. et les habitation- dans leurs rapports avec 1'atmosphere (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes [II: 68: m French mediaeval ( Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. M or. 90:51. German mediaeval. Weinhold, Deutschen i. -n 2:218-338. Hebrew. Martniaiiii, Hcbracrin. Iliniloo. Kd wards, Year on Punjab fron- tier v. 2. Mi-.liaevul military. Busching, Rittcrzeit 1: 1'iT. Mexican. Cubits, Mexico in l M-ina-tie. (''"-broke, British mmiachi-m. Parisian, 1*50. Livrc. de> I'M. 7:1. :U7; II Roman tOgU(Leneh) Khein. Mns. 0:509. Satirical songs (Fuirholt) Percy Soc. v. 27. Venetian. Yriarte, Venice ch. 17. Cotes, Roger. 1782-1810. Theorem. Remarkable application (Her- schel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1813 : 8. Cottington, Francis, lord. 1578-1052. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Cotton. (Gutierrez) Pains, agriculture v. 2. Journal des Economistes 1-11, imti-.i. Unsere Zeit 1803 : 100. and cotton gin. Wailes, Agriculture, etc., of Mississippi. Crise en Angleterre, 18(59 (Ninet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:343. Culture (Wright) Univ. Cal. Bull., No. 30. (Young) Paris Exposition 1878, Re- ports v. 3. in Algeria (Revbaud) Rev. d. d. Mondea 11:52:092. in California. S. F. Mechanics' Insti- tute Exhibition, 1871. in Kgypt and India (Ninet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 04 : 350; III: 12 :577. in West Indies. Edwards, West Indies 2 : 203. Disette en Angleterre, 1803 (Verdeil) Rev. .1. d. Mondes 11:43:211. Fasergewebe(Reissek) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v. 4. Geographische Verbreitung (Hitter) Ber- lin Akad. Ahh. 1X51. Industry, 1871 (Coq) Jour. Econ. III:v. 21-22. . aux Etats-Unis, 1865-70(Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:272. Manufacture. Phila. Exhibition, 1870. Reports. Market, 1801-4 (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondea II: 56: 189. " Mills of Europe, 1882. U. S. Consular re- port 23. (.Question en Agleterre, 1801 (Ninet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:32:190; 37: 170. Workmen in. Condition (Rev baud) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 55-01; Jour. Econ. II :v. 29-30, 32-34. Coucl, Chatelain de : romance. (G. Paris) Romania 8:343. Councils (Religious) . See also names of ci l irs wlu-re held, as Constance, Trent, etc. Conclave im vorigen Jabrhundert (Hart- wit:) Kumlscbau 40:243. Synod of 502 (Vogel) Hist. Zeits. 50:400. Country life. Burroughs. Signs and seasons. Guevara. Praise of (In Vaughan, Works; ed. Grosart v. 3). Court and. Barclay, Cytezen and uplon- dyshman (In IVri'V .Soc. v. 22). Londoners ;i ni| country j>eople. lla/.litt, Plain speaker. Courage. See also Heroes. Emerson. Society and solitude. Pbilo Jtid:cu*. Works. Plato. Ladies. Valerius Maximus. Facta et dicta bk. 3, rh. 2. Commerce the developer of. Millar, En- glish government 1 : 170. Courbet, Frrnrh ,t,l,niral. 1827-8* Mori (Viau.l) Kev. enger) Acad. Sci.Mor. 33:173. English (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 73:661. French Carlovingian. Role des scabins etc. (Saleilles) Rev. Hist. 40:286. Cours souveraines (Geflroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5: 746. German supreme. Einheit (Bahr ) Preuss. .Tahrb. 22:621. Greek eisangelia ( Hager) Jour. Philol. 4 :74. - New York police (Eaton) Pams. crime v. 6. Palais de justice a Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 82: 841. Roman. DeMateurs (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:72:305. Star chamber and high commission (Cam- den Soc. 11:39). Cousin, Louis. 1627-1707. Alembert. Oeuvres 9 : 295. Cousin, Victor, metaphysician. 1792-1867. - Albert. Literature fr. au 19. siecle 2 : 121. Boissieu. Lettres d'un passant 2 : 48. Bowen. Critical essays. Frothingham. Transcendentalism. (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 67 : 737 ; III : v. 61, 62. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 87:429. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 1 6 Schelling. Werke 1 : 10 : 201. - Unsere Zeit 1868: 1:452. and Jouffroy. Flint, Philosophy of his- tory v. 1. Discours aux funerailles (Sacey) Acad. Sci. Mor. 80:139. Influence spiritualiste (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:14:497. Philosophy. Bro wnson, Works 2 : 307, 330- Covenanters of Scotland. - Treaty of Charles I. 1640. (Borough)Cam- den Soc., 100. Coventry, T: 1st lord Coventry. 1578-1640, Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Cow tree. Milk (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11 : 235. Cowley, Abraham, poet. 1618-67. Bayle. Dictionary. Bell. English poets v. 1. -Evelyn. Diary 3: 349. Portrait. Hazlitt. English comic writers. Howitt. Homes of English poets v. 1. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Cowpens battle, 1781. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer- ican statesmen 65. Cowper, Mary, countess. Diary, 1714-20 (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:190,291. Cowper, William, 1st earl. 1664-1723. Campbell. Lives of the chancellors. Cowper, William, poet. 1731-1800. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 1. Brooke. Theology in English poets. Hazlitt. English poets. Jeffrey. Essays. Miller (Hugh). First impressions of En- gland. Rossetti. Famous poets. Sainte-Beuve. English portraits; Cau- series v. 11. - Ward. English poets 3 : 422. and Rousseau. Stephen, Hours in a library v. 3. as descriptive poet. Aikin ( J :) Memoir and works 259. Cox, David. British painters. Coypel, Charles A. 1694-1752. Lustspiele. Lessing, Werke 4 : 420. Crab (Brachyura). des Vicentinischen Tertiargebirges (Bitt- ner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v.34,46. Fossil (Reuss) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Ci. v. 17. Crabbe, George, poet. 1754-1832. Jeffrey. Essays. Roscoe ( W : C.) Essays. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Cracow, Poland. Annales -1283. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 19. Geognostische Karte des Gebietes (Hohe- negger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 26. Crafts, William. 1787-1826. - Writings. Legare", Works 2 : 142. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Mulock. 1826-88. Roman de femme (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 25: 797. Cranes. Ernst. Hebezeuge. Cranfleld, L., 1st earl of Middlesex. 1575-1645. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Crania. See also Brain, Calaveras, Phre- nology, Trepanning. Affinities of man and apes. Estes, Half- hour recreations. Crania. 117 Credit. Afrikanischen dolichocephalen Typus d. Ostjaken (Europaeus) Zts. Ethnol. 8:81. Altrojanische (Virchow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1882. Assos und Cypern (Virchow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Avarian (Fitzinger) Wien. Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 5. Blutgefiisse d. Schiideldaches (Langer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 37. Briiche. Mechanismus (Greiffenhagen) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Comi>osite photography applied (Billings, Matthews) Nat Acad. Sci. Mern. v. 3. der Deutschen u. Friesen( Virchow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. des dolmens de La Lozere (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. Ill :2:513. Doppelten Schliifelinien (Hvrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 32." Enipyem d. Stirnhohle (Wolff) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Indice cphalique de la population pro- vencale(Fallot) Rev. Anthrop III : 2 : 129. des Italiens (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2:333. en Norvege (Arbo) Rev. Anthrop. Ill : 2:257. Kirghis (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. Ill :2: I :>. - Measure (Spengel) Zts. Ethnol. 9: 129. Mi-rkinale niederer Menschenrassen (Vir- chow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. of common fowl ( Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869 : 7.V). of frog (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 137. Prussica (Lissauer) Zts. Ethnol. 6:188: 10:1,81. Roumanian (Weisbach) Wien Akad. I'.-nk*. M-N. Cl. v. 30. Slavic (Weisbach) Zts. Ethnol. 6:306. Variations of human (Cleland) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870: 117. Vomer, ethmoid, intermaxillary bones (Cleland) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:289. Cranmer, T :, archbishop of Canterbury. 1489- 1606L Blunt Reformation church of England v. 2. Burnet Reformation. 1679.1:179. Fox. Acts and monuments. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury v. 6-7. Lodge. Portraits y. 1. Mackintosh. British statesmen v. 1. Morice. Anecdotes (Camden Soc. 77). Contemporary biographies of (Camden Soc. 77). Crashaw, Richard. About 1605-50. -e) Choice Lit 1 : 321. Crassus, Marcus Licinius, triumvir. Plutarch. Lives. Crates of Mnllut, tjrmnmtirian. Charakteristik (Liibbert) Rbt-in Mus. 11: Craven, William, lit earl of. 1606-97. Loilgo. Portraits v. 3. Crawford, F. Marion, novelist. 1854- i i;.-ni/.on) IU:v. d.d. Momles III :ii2:850. Crawford, William H. 1772-1831. (iallatin. Writings. ivrry. Biographical sketches of Ami-ri- can statesmen 270. Crayfish. Huxley. Crayfish. Creation. See also Cause, Cosmology, Earth, Evolution, Genesis. Acevedo. Creacion del mundo:poema. - Augustine. City of God bks. 11-12. Bohme. Aurora ( Werke 2 : 192). Chambers. Vestiges of creation. Collier. Specimen of true philosophy. Faye. Sur 1'origine du monde. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6:125. Graham. Creed of science. Hedge. Ways of the Spirit. Herder. Sammtliche Werke 6:3, 132. Japies. Society the redeemed form of man 125. Leibnitz. Opera philos. ed. Erdmann 147. Lenormant. Beginnings of history. More. Conjectura cabbalistica (Philos. writings. 1712.) Philo Judaeus. Works translated v. 1. Smith. Chaldaean account of Genesis. and the Zend-Avesta. Miiller, Chips v. 1. Beliefs in. Pfleiderer, Philosophy of re- ligion 3:324. by law. Argyll, Reign of law. Wallace. Natural selection 264. d'apres les naturalistes (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:96:764. des animaux d'aprcs la doctrine du trans- formisme (Bouchut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97: 119. des formes organises (Virey) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2:238. Evolution and. Missouri Univ. Lectures 1879. Geology and the biblical account. Ilelig. Mag. 3:445. Laws of. James, Lectures and miscel- lanies. My thologie de. Vplney, Oeuvres 5 : 185. of the material universe. Harper, Meta- physics of the school 2:730. TlnSorie de yuinet (Remusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 88: 876. Cr. -billon, C. P. J. de, novelist. 1707-77. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Cr. -billon , P. J. de, tragic poet. 1674-17' ;:.'. Alembert. Oeuvres 8:351. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 42. Crecy battle, 13H;. Histories of England and France. Froissart. Chronicles. 1 .01 Ionian. Edward III. Map. Minot's song on. Morley, English writers 1 : pt. 2 : 737. Credit. Journal des Economistes I- II, index. agricole (Batbie) Rev. d. d. Monti*- II : 89:r>i!>;. Circulation liiluciairc (Wolowski) Acatl. Sci. Mor. 7. Naval history (Langlois) Rev.d.d. Mondes [1:18:082,787. Ncutrr- |>rnclant(DrotiyndeLhuys)Acad. SH. Mor. - Pacific ocean campaign (l>n Hailly) Rev. d.d.Mond.-s II:H; : iw<; ; 17:109. Kous-rtV Mistoirc (Taillandier) Rev.d.d. Momles 111:27:38. - Ru.swia and Kngland (Morcll) Pams. his- tory v. It. Sonnets on. Dobcll, Poem* v. 1 Tur.|iiir pendant (Saint 1'rii^t) Kev. d. d. Mo,,,|,., 1 1 : L'7 : 402- \Vhnt next? Cobden, Political works v. 2. Criminal law. Srr al*u Kxtnidition. /nwart :i:-2**; 4:.';7; Ktrang. XMJ41. Solution and (I.iveing) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14:370. Crystallography, Crystals. Ausdehming dun-h d. \Viirmc (Mit-- cherlich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826. 16 Axes of optical elasticity in C. of the oblique-prismatic system ( Miller) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5 : 431 ; 7 :209. Bezeichnung d. Krystallflachen (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Calculation of angles ( Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 182o:87. Circular (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:607. Classification of combinations (Whe- well) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:391. Combinaisons par la voie seche (Ebelmen) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 13:510. Composition atomique et la forme (Dela- fosse) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 13 : 542. der Salze (Mitscherlich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Dihexaeder( Weiss)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Elementary particles (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1813:51. Epidotsysteme( Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Existence in cavities of minerals (Brew- ster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16: 11. Fluids in (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:1,407. Formation by compression (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:555; 23:39. dans les espaces capillaires(Becquerel) Paris, Mini. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Forme crystalline, composition chimique et pouvoir rotatoire mole'culaire (Pas- teur) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 23 : <>7. (Senarmont) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 24:395. Gestaltend. rhomboedrischen Kalk-Halo- ides (Zippe) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 3:109. Hexakis-Octaeder. Theorie (Weiss) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1837. Korper in Kristallen (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Lichterscheinungen (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Magnetic induction (Pliicker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:543. Molecular formation (Forster) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23. Notation to denote planes (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2: 427. Optical phenomena (Talbot) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837 : 25. 29. Projectionsbilder (Goldschmidt) Pams. mineralogy v. 1. Sechsunsechskantneru.Dreiunddreikant- ner (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3, 1840. Sphimidrisches System (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Staurolithsystem (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Sulphato-tri-carbonate of lead (Haidin- ger) Rov. Kdin. Trans. 10:217. System d. rhomboedrischen Kalk-Halo- ides (Hochstetter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. N Systfini- ( \\Yiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814- 15; 1XUJ-17. Verliiiltiii-* ili-r Krystallfonn zu den cheinix-licii I'mpurtii-in-n ( Mitsclu-rlich) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1- in d. l>imrii.sioiien ysteme (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh.'lv Ctenophora. 122 Curia. Ctenophora. (Chun) Naples, Zool. Station, Monogr. 1. Ctesias of Cnidus. Diodor und (Jacoby) Rhein. Mus. 30:555. Cuba. Annexation to the United States. Seward, Works 3: 605. et les Antilles. I860 (Duvergier de Hau- ranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 65 : 140. 619- Expeditions to, in 1849. Brownson, Works 10:272,298. in 1873 (Romey) Jour. Econ. 111:30:369. in 1874. Question cubaine (Louis-Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2:434. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 828 ; 2 : 122. Insurrection, 1868-70 (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 84: 430. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1869-70, v. 7 ; Sen- ate Docs., v. 1. Political essay on. Humboldt, Equinoc- tial America 3:153. Cubics. See also Curves. Diameters of a plane (Walker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 151. Nodal circular (Morley) Haverford Coll. Stud. 1:88. Quaternary (Salmon) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:229. Cubieres, Michel de [DoratKI. 1752-1820. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Cudworth, Ralph, philosopher. 1617-88. Bavle. Oeuvres diverses, index. - Tulloch. Rational theology in England. Intellectual system. Disraeli, Amenities of literature v. 3. Culture. See also Civilization, Knowledge, Kulturkampf, Self-culture. Arnold. Culture and anarchy. Bacon. Dignity and advancement of learning (Works). Emerson. Conduct of life; Lectures (Riversideed.); Letters and social aims. Eucken. Concepts of modern philosophy. Goldsmith. Present state of polite learn- ing (Misc. Works). Goltz. Bildung und Gebildeten. Herder. Philosophic d. Geschichte 4 : 386. Tylor. Primitive culture. Vico. De nostri temporis studiorum ratione (Opere, ed. Ferrari v. 2.) Adaptation of the universe to mental. Hazard, Essay on language. American. Barnes, Essays 2:258. Ancient and modern (Addison) Class. Jour. 11 : 229. Swift. Battle of the books. and poetry. Selkirk, Ethics of modern poetry. Christianity and. Mutual support. Oer- sted, Soul in nature 289. Duties of educated men (Curtis) Pams. oireduc. v. 10. Eigenliche Wiirde (Teller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Einwirkung d. modernen Verkehrsmittel (Herzog) Rundschau 42:359. English school. Uns. Zeit 1879 : v. 2. Ethische u. asthetische (Schmoller) Preuss. Jahrb. 16:427. German. Baring-Gould, Germany. 1500(Voigt) Hist. Taschenbuch 1831. Halbbildung ( Lasker) Rundschau 17 : 20. Highest use. Hitchcock, Religious truth. History and natural science (Du Bois- Reymond) Rundschau 13:214. Jewish influence. Huidekoper, Judaism in Rome (Works v. 1). Laws (Henne-Am-Rhyn) Unsere Zeit 1881:2:718. Literature (Henne-Am-Rhyn) Unsere Zeit 1859:1; 1876:1:721; 1885:1:110. Manliness in the scholar (Storrs) Pams. on educ. v. 10. Moral and intellectual (Le Conte) Over- land II: 1:10. Prof esseurs au 4. siecle. Ri valit6 ( L6 veque) Acad.Sci. Mor. 78:147. Relations to practical life (Greenwood) Owens College addresses. Scholar's mission. Brownson, Works 19 : 65. Scholar's vocation, nature. Fichte, Pop- ular works v. 1. Sitz in der Urwelt (Eckstein) Zts. Vb'lker- psych. 1 : 261. State power developed by. Choate, Ad- dresses. University. Diffusion (Swift) Overland 11:14:43. Was ist Aufklarung ? Kant, Werke 4 : 159. Culverwel, Nathanael, divine, d. 1651? Tulloch. Rationalism in England 2:410. Cumae, Italy. Grab bei (Olfers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Cumberland, Richard, poet. 1732-1811. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Gumming, John, D.D. 1810-81. Evangelical teaching. Eliot (G :) Essays. Cundurango. - U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1871-2, v. 2. Cunegonda, St., empress of Henry II. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, h'ist., Scri. 4: 787, 821. Cuneiform writing. See Assyrian language, Inscriptions, Writing. Cupid. and Psyche. Apuleius, Amours of. Friedlander. Romische Sittenges- chichte 1 : 468. Morris. Earthly paradise v. 2. Raphael. Works engraved. Tighe (Mrs). Cupid and Psyche (poem). Denkmalern (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. GottEros(Gerhard)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Liebesgott( Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh.1851 Statuette (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 4: 266. Zeus und (Benndorf) Rhein. Mus. 19 : 442. Curare poison. Diabetes (Simson) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Etude physiologique (Bernard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 'II: 53: 164. Preparation, use. Waterton, Wanderings in S. America 43, 69. Curci, C. M., Italian Jesuit. (Mariano) Unsere Zeit 1882: 1 : 88. Curia, Roman. (Pelham) Jour. Philol. 9:266. Patricischen und d. plebejischen Sonder- rechte. Mornmsen, Romische Fors- chungen v. 1. Zeit des letzten Conclave. Unsere Zeit 1878:2:856. Curran. 123 Custine. Curran, John Philpot. 1750-1817. Brougham. Statesmen. J effrey. Essays. Currency. See also Bullion report (1811), Finance, Money, Resumption. Carey. Miscellaneous works. Macleod. Dictionary political economy. American paper, 1786. See also Shay's rebellion. Phillips. American paper currency. Coin and paper. Cooper, Ideas for good government. Continental paper (Breck) Am. Philos. Soc. [Misc. publ.J Ramsay. American revolution 2:125. Economical and secure. Ricardo, Works 391. English, 1833. Mill, Dissertations v. 1. French assignats. Dulaure, Revolution francaise 4:352. Legal tender act. Adams, Chapters of Erie. (Curtis) Pams. finance v. 3. (Field) Miscellaneous paras, v. 2. Massachusetts, 1690. Mass. Hist. Soc. Prpc. 1862-3:438. National banks and. Sumner, Works 8 : 419. Paper. Price, Practical political economy. (Schmidt-Scharff) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 68 : 135. .dans 1'antiquite' (Bernardakis) Jour. Econ. 111:33:353. Experience (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:18:330. Inflation in France, 1789 ( White) Pams. finance v. 4. Notes in opposition to. Madison, Works 1:255. Specie payments suspended, 1814. Gal- latin, Writings. Treasury notes a legal tender. Sumner, Works 6: 319. Cursor mundi : poem. Handschriften (Hupe) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3; Angliall : 121. Curtius, Ernst, historian. 1814- (Girard)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:58:345. Curtius, Georg. 1820-85. Jubilaum in Leipzig (Hultsch) Jahrb. Philol. 112:L':>7. Curtius Rufus, IJ., historian. (Niebuhr) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3:231. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 2:211. Zur Kritik (Kiihler) Rhein. Mus. 19:184. (Hug) Rhein. Mus. 20: 117. Curves. See okoBrachistochrone, Catenary, Circle, Conies, Cubics, Knots, Pedal ..curves, Surfaces. Ahnliche (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Contacts (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. ma (Spottiswoode) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862 : 41. Cubic. Classification (Cayley) Cambr. I'hilox. Tr:in>. ll:*l. 129. in space. Coordinates (Spottiswoode) Roy. Soc. Trim*. lssl:375. Involution (Cayley) Cambr. Philos. Train. 11 :-'!. :::. ~ Nine-point contact (Hart) Roy. Irish Trans. 25 : 569. Curvature and orthogonal surfaces (Cay- ley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873:229. Cyclides and sphero-quartics (Casey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 585. Double tangents of plane (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:193- of 4th. order (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:357. Epicycloidal. Contact of loops (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 121. Even. Puiseux von (Jackstein) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. forming outer limit of positions of point of contact of ellipsoid touching planes of reference (Plarr) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:465. Grundgesetze d. Configuration d. alge- braischen (Miiller) Wien Akad. Dents. M-N. Cl. v. 19. Hesse'sche Configuration d. ebene C. 3e Ordnung ( Witting) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Intrinsic equation (Whewell) Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 8:659; 9:150. Kriimmungs-Schwerpunkt ebener (Stein- er) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. Loci. Classification (Clifford) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878:663. of fourth order. Ge'ne'ration (Jonquieres) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 16:159. of second degree. General equation (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4:71. of third order (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:415. (Salmon) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:535. Brennpunktseigenschaften (Fuchs) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Points singuliers des C. algSbriques^ planes (Halphen) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. v. 26. Polyzomal (Cayley) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25": 1. produced by reflection from a polished re- volving straight wire (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28 : 273. Quadrature of simple (Young) Roy. Irish Trans. 1:31. Rectification (Cauchy) Paris, M^m. Acad. Sci. 22:3. Anwendung d. Analysis (Dirksen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1833. Isometer (Sipos) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1790-1. Rolling (Holditch) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7:6L (Maxwell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:519. Satisfying certain conditions (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868: 75, 145. Sextactic points of plane (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865 : 545. (Spottiswoode) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1865:653. Singular points. NWton's coordinated exponents (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:008. Theoried.algebraischen Raum-(Noether) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1882. Cusanus, Nicolaus. See Nicolaus Cusanus. Gushing, Jonathan P. 1793-1835. Memoir. Amer. Quar. Reg. 11 : 113. Gushing, William. 1732-1810. 1 landers. Chief justices v. 2. Custer, Gen, G: A. Portrait Moore, Rebellion record v. 8. Custine, Louise E. M. Delphine de Sabran, in ni < unite de. 1770- Custine. 124 Dairying. (Bardoux) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 85 : 804 86:387. Customs. See Free Trade, Protection, Rev- enue, Tariff. Customs. See Amusements, Etiquette, Man- ners, Society. Custoza battle, 1866. (Mazade) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:70:994. Cuthbert, St., bishop of Lindisfame. Bede. Ecclesiastical history. Historia (Rolls chronicles 75, v. 1). Cutting, A. K. Case of. U. S. Foreign relations 1887 : 757-; 1888:1113- Cuttle fishes. See also Cephalopoda. (Wilson) Pop. Sci. 21 : 753. Cuvler, G. L. C. F. D., baron. 1769-1832. (Flourens) Paris, M6in. Acad. Sci. v. 14, 18; Smithson. Rent. 1868. Jardine. Naturalists library v. 16. Obsequies. Livre des 101. 5:371. Cuyp, Albert, painter. 1620-91. (Fromentin) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 13: 770. Cuypert, Gisbert. Journal. Rev. Historique 2: 499. Cyanate. Cabaraate und (Snape) Gott. Univ. Diss. v.8. Cyanbenzoic acid. (Broemme) Gbttingen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Cyanide of potassium. - Wirkung (Plange) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Cybele, mother of the gods. Julianus (emperor). Oeuvres ; tr. par Talbot 137 : also Oratio V. Cycads. Stellung (Link) Berlin Akad. Abb.. 1843, 1846. Cyclades. See also Siphnus. - Researches (Bent) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:42. Cyclones. See also Tornadoes, Wind. Piddington. Sailor's horn-book. A propos d'un ( Monaco ) Re v. d. d. Mondes 111:87:674. - Pacific ocean. U. S. Japan exped. 2 : 337. Cylinder. Circumference of oblique (Brinklev) Rov Irish Trans, v. 9. - Rolling motion (Moseley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851:549. Cylindroid. - Plane sections(Ball)Roy.IrishTrans.29:l. Cymria. See Wales, Welsh. Cynewulf. See also Juliana (St.). Hammerich. Aelteste christliche Epik ( Rieger) Zts. deutsch. Philol. v. 1 ( Wiilcker) Anglia 1 : 483. Andreas-Gedicht und (Fritzsche) Anglia Sprache (Leiding) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Cynicism. Julianus (emperor). Contra Heraclius- also Orationes VI-VI1. Cyperaceae. (Fenzl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl v 8 (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1837, 1839. Cyprianus, T. C., St., bishop of Carthage, d. ^OO. Works on Christian fathers. (Havet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1885: Sept.- Cyprus. See also Paphos. Cesnola. Cyprus : tombs, temples. (Hirschfeld) Rundschau 23 : 257. Newton. Essays on archaeology. Cesnola's discoveries (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 31: 564. inscriptions (Hall) Am. Or. Soc. J. 11: 209. Culturbild, 1883 (Ohnefalsch-Richter) Uns. Zeit 1884: 1:346. Mission scientifique (Gaudry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36:212. Reisestudien. Uns. Zeit 1880 : 1 : 699- Role dans 1'histoire (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:30:508; 31:564; 33:373. Cyrene, Cyrenaica. Researches (Goddard) Am. J. Philol. 5:31. Cyrillus I, St., archbishop of Alexandria. 376- 444. Kingsley. Hypatia (fiction). - Eusebius und (Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 25 : 253. Cyrillus, jurist. Glossare (Rudorff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. Cyrus the Great. - Duncker. History of antiquity v. 5-6. Kingsley. Historical lectures. Cyrus the Younger. Grote. History of Greece v. 9. Xenophon. Anabasis. Cysts. See also Cells. (Rokitansky) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:323. Cytisine. Gefasscontrahirendes Mittel (Streng) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Wirkung (Radziwillowicz) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 3. Dablitz. Breite u. Azimuth (Littrow) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 28, 32. Dacier, Mme. Anne Lefevre. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 9. Daghestan. in 1873 (Bruning) Zts. Erdkunde 11 : 198. Dagmar, empress of Russia. 1847- Loubat. Fox's mission to Russia. Daguerreotype. Arago. Oeuvres 7 : 455. Daguesseau. See Aguesseau. Dahlmann, F: C., political writer. 1785-1860 Treitschke. Aufsatze; Preuss.Jahrb.7:185 Unsere Zeit 1862:68. - Id^es politiques (Le>y-Bruhl) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 88 : 121. Dahomey. Mission britannique (Forgues) Rev d d Mondes II: 56: 74. Dame" (Dallaeus), J. 1594-1670. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Dairying. - California (De Groot) Overland 4 : 355. (Sneath) Overland II : 11: 387. Danish thrift. U. S. Consular reports 1883. Imitation products. U. S. Senate M. Docs. 1885-6, v. 5. - Italian. U. S. Consular report 10. Dakota. 125 Dante. Dakota. See also Black hills, Sioux. Admission as a state. U. S. House Com. Repts. 1885-6, v. 8-9. -- tf 8. Senate Com. Repts. 1885-6, v. 1. in 1885. Warren, Explorations (Pams. travel v. 1). Dalagoa bay, Africa. Tribes (Cooley) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3:310. Dalmatia. Freeman. Neighbour lands of Venice. (Schmidt) Rundschau 4:231. Unsere Zeit 1870 : 1 : 313. in 1871 (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : . 101:678. Dalton, John. 1766-1844. Smith. Centenary science Manchester. Damages. verjahrte Forderungen (Bourwieg) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Damascus, Syria. Hacklander. Werke v. 9. Lamartine. Holy Land 2 : 118. Lettres difiantes 2:438. Schickler. En Orient in 1874 ( VoguS) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 7 : 328. Darner, Annie Seymour, sculptor. 1748-1828. Ellet Women artists. Morris (Gouverneur). Diary and letters. Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. 4. Damletta battle, 1249. Matthew Paris. Chronica majora 6; 152 (Rolls chronicles 57). Dana, R: H. 1787-1879. Brownson.'^ Works 19:317. Whipple. Essays v. 2. Dance of death. Dance of death ; from cemetery wall in Basle. Holbein. Dance of death. Michelet. Histoire de France 4 : 355. Ticknpr. History of Spanish literature. Wildridge. Dance of death. Jungere (Rieger) Ger mania 19:263. Spriiche (Schroer) Germania 12 : 284. Dancing. Californian 1: 154. Lucianus. De saltatione. Indian. Domenech, American deserts L':1!U Mania. Hecker, Epidemics of middle Morrice. Kemp's nine days' wonder (En- gli*h garner v. 7; Camden Soc. 11). Predigten gegen (Herolt) Germania 30: 193. Dancourt, F. C. 1661-17-' Y Lenient. Come'die en France au 18. siecle 1 : 102. Dangeau, L: de Courcillon de. 1643-1723. Alembert. Oeuvres 11:427. Dangeau, 1'. de Courcillon, marquis de. 1638- 1720. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du I. tin. I i v. 11. Danlcan. See Philidor. Daniel, Hebrew prophet. l'ni|,li,..-y. Fulfilment. Relig. Mag. 1: 330; 2:399. Daniel I, prince of Montenegro. 1826-60. Annuuire des Deux Mondes 3:633. Daniel, Samuel, poet. 1562-1619. Career (Fleay) Anglia 11:619. Daniel, Anglo-Saxon poem. Entstehung (Hofer) Anglia 12: 158. Daniele (Ricciarelli) da Volterra. Works on Italian painters: Mantz. Danish language. Pronunciation (Sweet) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1873-4:94. Schriftsprache. Entwickelung(Molbech) Herrig*s Archiv 9:43; 10:288. Dannecker, J : H: von, sculptor. 1758-1841. Jameson. Visits and sketches 1 : 91. Ruskin. Modern painters. Dante Allgnleri. 1265-1321. See also Beatrice Portinari. Bibliography (Lane) Harvard Univ. Lib. Bull. 4:113-; also Bibl. contrib. 7; also Dante Soc., Cambridge, Reports. Histories of Italian literature by: Bartoli (v. 4-5), Ginguine' (v. 1-2), Sauer, Tira- boschi (5 : 710), etc. Aretino. Vita di (Dante Soc., Cambridge, 2d Report). Carlyle. Heroes and hero-worship. Hallam. Literature of Europe. (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:241, 721; 38:515. (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 15:520. Longfellow. Prose works 1 : 419- Lowell. Among my books v.2; also Dante Soc., Cambridge, 5th Report Macaulay. Works, index. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 1. Oliphant. Makers of Florence. Quinet. Revolutions d'ltalie 1 : 127. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 3: 199. SimondedeSismondi. Literature of south Europe v. 1. Rpubliques italiennes 2:370. Strong. Philosophy and religion 501. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Vico. Opere; ed. Ferrari 6: 41. Villemain. Literature au moyen flge 1: 313. and recent Italian struggles. Grimm, Essays on literature; also Neue essays. at Verona. Rossetti (D. G.), Poems. De volgari eloquentia (Boehmer) Roman. Stud. 4 : 112. Divina comim>din. Longfellow's transla- tion. Fiske, Unseen world. Mesnard's traduction. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 11 : 198. Stiirler's compositions (Gu<5roult)Rev. d.d. M..H.1.- lll:if>:191. Witte's Uebersetzung (Scartazzini) Rundschau 16:325. I'mma l'ii'!d-:i episode (Carpenter) Dante Soc., Cambridge, 8th Report. et le Cutliolicisiiic (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38: I'll. Homer, Michelangelo and. Alison, Es- says. in Deutschland. Uns. X.-it l*:321. Influence on Romance literatures. Ania- th Report. - Philosophy, s, lulling, Werke 1:5:152. Dante. 126 Daunant. Rossetti's Spirito anti-papale. Hallam (A. H:), Remains. Sonnets. Tomlinson, The sonnet. Siindensysteni (Paur) Herrig's Arch. 38: 113. Tomb. Yriarte, Florence 99. und der germanische Geist (Miiller) Her- rig's Arch iv 37: 241. Verhaltniss zu d. Altitaliens u. Proven- zalen (Mahn) Herrig's Archiv 38:1. Danton, G. J. 1759-94. Brougham. Statesmen 3 : 72. Dantzig, Germany. Defense, 1813 (Auriol) Rev. Hist. 40:89, 305. Danube river. Audouard. L'orient 112. Duller. Donaulander. Delta. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 325; I860 : 529. Eisdecke im Winter, 1858 (Haidinger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 18. Eisverhaltnisse, 1851-62 (Fritsch) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 23. Question des embouchures (Engelhardt) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 88 :93. Races along. Fiske, Darwinism and other essays. Regulirung der untern (Schwicker) Uns. Zeit 1888: 2: 209. Russian commerce on. Urquhart, Prog- ress of Russia. Verhaltnisse. Gegenwart 3 : 116. Wirthschaftliche Entwickelung. Unsere Zeit 1884: 1:797; 2:95. Danvers, Henry, earl of Dariby. 1573- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Daphnia. Reproduction (Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857 : 79. Dapnnls. Gessner. Gedichte. Daphnis and Chloe. See Longus. Dare. See Joan of Arc. Dares Phrygius. Koerting. Dictys und Dares. Beitrag zu (Wagener) Philologus 38:91. Malalas und Sisyphos (Haupt) Philo- logus 40:107. Mittelenglische Bearbeitungen (Zietsch) Herrig's Archiv 72: 11. Darlen Isthmus. See also Panama. Notes on (Lloyd) J. Roy. Geogr. Soc. 1 : 69. Relative height of Atlantic and Pacific oceans at (Lloyd) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830: 59. Route to China via. 1867. Pams. travel v.4. Darius, king of Persia. Duncker. History of antiquity v. 6. Bflhist.nn ins^.rint.ion Pawlinunn'a Behistun inscription. odotus2:490. Rawlinson's Her- Darllng, Rev. C: Chauncey. (Darling) Pams. on biography v. 3. Darmstadt. See also Hesse. Grimm. Vorzeit an d. Bergstrasse dem Neckar. Darnley, Henry Stuart, lord. 1541-67. Lives of Mary queen of Scots. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. - Murder. Robertson, History of Scotland : app. Dartmouth college. Defence of. Webster, Works 5 : 462. Daru, P : A. N. B., comte. 1767-1829. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 9: 434. Darwin, Charles R., naturalist. 1809-82. (Carus) Unsere Zeit 1882 : 2 : 200. (Preyer) Rundschau 57:231. Unsere Zeit 1863:699. Buffon et (Lanessan) Rev. Sci. 43 : 385, 425. et ses critiques (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:130. Goethe and Lamarck (Haeckel) Rund- schau 38 : 69 : N ature 26 : 533. Griechische Vorganger. Zeller, Vortriige 3:37; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Life and works (Huxley) Roy. Soc. Lon- don, Proc. v. 34. (Varigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 84: 161. Manen ( Wernicke) Viertel j. wissen. Philos. 6:385. Memorial. Biological Soc. of Washington (Smithson. Misc. Coll. v. 25.) Pre"curseurs francais (Quatrefages) Rev. d.d Mondes II: 78: 832. Scientific influence. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 2: 15. Verhaltniss zu deutschen Naturforschern (Breitenbach) Uns. Zeit 1888:2:275. Darwinism. Seealso Evolution, Man, Species. Candolle. Histoire des sciences. (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 17 : 272- (Schleiden) Unsere Zeit 1869: 1 : 50, 258- German. Wright, Philosophical discus- sions. naturel et social (Tarde) Rev. Philos. 17 : 607. und Ethik (Gizycki) Rundschau 43:261. und Socialdemokratie (Schmidt) Rnnds- chau!7:278. Wallace et (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 14: 272- Date. Klee. Culture of the date. Culture dans le Sahara (Duponchel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 45 : 384. Dates. See Chronology. Daude de Pradas. Auzels cassadors (Werth) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Daudet, Alphonse, novelist. 1840- (James) Atlantic 49:846; Century 26:498. - Laporte. Bibliographic contemn. 3 : 39. Lemaitre. Contemporains 2:273. (Monte"gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 18: 605. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 1 : 81. Evange"liste (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:916. Immortel (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:88:695. Nabab (Gamier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 25:456. Numa Roumestan (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 80: 452. Rois en exil (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 36: 446. Sapho. Lekture in Anschluss (Wehr- mann) Herrig's Archiv 77:181. Daudet, Mme. Alphonse (Julia Allard). Lemaitre. Contemporains 1 : 165. Daumler, Honore". 1808-79. Fleury. Caricature moderne. Daunant, Achille, baron de. 1786-1867. Guizot. Melanges biographiques. Daunou. 127 Death valley. Daunou, P. C. F., jurist. 1761-1840. Mignet. Notices*" et portraits v. 1; also Acad. Sci. Mor. 3 : 355. Davenant, Sir William, poet. 1605-68. Disraeli. Quarrels of authors. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Gondibert. Aikin, 'Memoir and pieces 196. Davenport, John. 1597-1670. (Dexter) Pams. on biography v. 3. David, king of Israel. See also Psalms. Regne (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :88: 268. Saul et( Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 83:763. Ruckert. Werke v. 9 (drama). David, St., patron saint of Wales. Giraldus Cambrensis. Vita. (Opera, v. 3. Rolls chronicles, 21.) David, Jacques L: 1748-1825. Reber. Nenere deutsche Kunst 1 :208. David, Pierre J : of Angers. ( Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 27 : 423. (Planche) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:2:73. Davidson, John, traveler, d. 1836. Notice. J. Roy. Geogr. Soc. 7 : 144. Davidson, Lucretia M. 1808-25. -Poe. Works 2: 219. Sparks. American biography v. 7. Davies, Sir John. 1570-1626. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Davies, Rev. Samuel. 1724-61. American Quar. Reg. 9:305. Da Vinci. See Vinci, Leonardo da. Davis, Hon. Henry Winter. 1817-65. Sumner. Works 10 : 104. Davis, Jefferson. 1808- (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1867:2:241, etc. Sumner. Works, index. Amnesty (Blaine, Garfield) Pams. U. 8. history v. 2. Davison, John, prebendary of Worcester. 1777-1834. Newman. Essays : critical v. 2. Davout, L. N., marfchal. (MonWgut) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 35: 646; _' :7'i!; i:i:243. Pamphlets on Hamburg, 1813-14 (Misc. pams. v. 7). Davy, Sir Humphry, physicist. 1788-1829. Brougham. Men of letters 2:448. (Cuvier) Paris. M<5m. Acad. Sci. 12:1. De Quincey. Literary reminiscences v. 1. Correspondence with Faraday. Jones, Life of Furada}'. Day. Abweichung(Holborn)Gb'tt.Univ.Diss.v.4 Normal (Secre'tan) Rev. Philos. 25:481. Days. Jours d'emprunt (Shaineanu) Romania 18:107. - Roman (Soltau) Jahrb. Philol. 137 :833. Sieben vor Theben u. d. chaldiiische Wocbe (Meyer) Zts. Ethnol. 7:105; 8: 1 :204. Dead. See Burial, Cemeteries, Cremation, Death, Epitaphs. Dead sea. See also works on Jordan river, Palestine. (Gregorovius) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 81. Kinglake. Eothen. Prime. Tent life in Holy Land. Map. Robinson. Biblical researches 2 : 200, 480- Analysis of water (Marcet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807:296. - ( Hermbstadt) Berlin Akacl. Abh. 1820-1. Deafness, Deaf-mutism. See Bridgman ( Laura), Mitchell (James). Bibliography. Columbia Institution, 18th Report, 1875. Diderot. Oeuvres v. 2. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 58-59. Hamilton (Sir. W:). Discussions. Pamphlets on the deaf, dumb, and blind. 2 v. among school children. D. S. Bur. Educ. Circ. 1881. Education (Dufau) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7:437. ( Rapet) Jour. Econ. 1 : 15 : 33. (Tilden) Overland II : 5: 504. (Wilkinson) Californian 4:376. at Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:104:555. Livre des 101. 3 : 245. Movens de ge'ne'raliser (Blanchet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39: 149, 297. Faculty's (Berthier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19: 173. Formation of a human variety (Bell) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 2. De;tk, Franz, Hungarian statesman. 1803-76. Unsere Zeit 1861 : 251 ; 1876 : 1 : 481. Deane, Silas. 1737-89. Reception at Paris. Pitkin, U. 8. history 1:500- Deas, Charles. 18^ Tuckenrtan. Artist life. Death. See also Capital punishment, Drowned, Hanging, Life, Mortality, Resurrection, Starvation. Bacon (Sir Francis). Essays. Cicero. Tusculan questions 1. Diihring. Werth des Lebens. Feuerbach. Gedanken iiber( Werke v.3). Plato. Dialogues: Axiochus. Plutarch. Morals v. 1, 5 (Consolation to Apollonius, etc.). Wielnnd. Euthanasia (Werke 30:105). Zschokke. Meditations on death. Altgriechischer Todtenbestattung (>. luvartz) Zts. Ethnol. 9:281. appa rente et re"elle (Papillon) Rev. d. d. M.. ndes 11:104:669. Causes. Systematic study (Baker) Mich. Bd. Health 1881:107. Ft-ar of. Hazlitt, Table talk. Martha. Poemede Lucrece; Acad. Sci. Mor. 86:101. Smith. Dreamthorp. Ide"e chez lez Egyptiens (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: 43: 568. Ide"es antiques (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:30:90. is penal, and originated in Adam's sin. Augustine, City of God bk. 13. Nature (Philip)'Roy. S (H.) Northern worthies v. 1. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Derby, T:, 1st earl of. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Dereliction (Legal). von Rec-lit und IJesitz ( Wolff) Giitt Univ. v. 8. Derffllnger (Dorfling), G: 1606-95. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 7 : '-Ml. Dervishes. Gautier. Constantinople. Desbordes-Valmore, Mme. M. J. F. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 14 ; Nouveaux Lundis v. 12. Poesies posthumes (Mont^gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:30:997. Descartes, Rene" du Perrot. 1596-1650. Histories of philosophy by Fischer (v. 1), Lewes, Ritter (11: -97), Windelband (v. 1). Albert. Literature fr. au 17. siecle. Bayle. Dictionary; Oeuvres diverses. Feuerbach. Werke 4 : 184. (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 73: 345. Kant. Pure reason; tr. by Miiller 1:113. Leibnitz. Opera philos.; ed. Erdmann. Martin. Histoire de France 12 : 23. More (H: of Cambridge). Opera philos. Regis. Cours entier de philosophic. Schelling. Werke 1 : 10 : 4. S<5vign<5 (Mme.) Lettres 12: 135. Wyld. Physics of the senses 370. Bordas-Demoulin'sCarte'sianisme. Lotze, Kleine Schriften 1:388. Bouillier's Histoire. Lotze, Kleine Schrif- ten 1:257. Cartesian doubt. Brownson,Works2:358. Cogito, ergo sum (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 19: 373. Esprit Leibnizien et (Papillon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98:689. Esthe'tique(Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:53:446. Genesis der Corpuscularphysik (Lass- witz) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 10: 166. Influence du carth. IM.<. to Mcuvf. < miseries du Lundi v. 3. Schlosaer. History of 18. century. Diderot. 134 Diomedes. Cente"naire (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes ,111:64:449. Ecole sceptique. Villeraain, Literature ,au!8. siecle2:113. Economic politique (Tourneaux) Jour. Econ. IV:27:161. Gedachtniss (Du Bois Reymond) Rund- schau 40:342. inddit (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:35: 825; 36:94,566. Salons (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 39:457. Theater. Lessing, Prose works 439; Werke6:355. Diede, Charlotte. (Hartwig) Rundschau 41:68. Dieffenbach, Johann Friedrich. Gegenwart 4 :43. Diepenbrock, Melchior von. (Jacoby) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:607. Diesterweg, F: Ad. W: 1790- Duller. Manner des Volks 5 : 407. Diet. See Food. Diethylene. Bisulphide. Compounds (Mansfeld)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Dietrich von Bern: Sage. (Uhland) Germania 20:304. Thidrekssage (Edzardi) Germania 20:47- (Treutler) Germania 20: 151; 25:240. Iron und Apollonius (Neumann) Ger- mania 27 : 1. Dietrich von Nieheim. (Bernhardi) Hist. Zeits. 61:425. Differential equations. See Equations. Diffraction. (Fresnel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 5:339. Calculation of Newton's experiments (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5 : 101. - Dynamical theory (Stokes) Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 9:1. of object glass with circular aperture (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5:283. with triangular aperture (Earnshaw) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:431. Digby, George, %d. earl of Bristol. 1612-76. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Digby, John, 1st. earl of Bristol. 1580-1653. Defence of his Spanish negotiations (Cam- den miscellany v. 6). Impeachment. Rapin, History of En- gland 2: 325. Digby, Sir Kenelm. 1603-48. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Digestion. See also Chyle, Cookery, Dyspep- sia, Food, Intestines, Stomach. Brunton. Disorders of digestion. Forces physico-chimiques (Becquerel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Pepsin-forming glands (Langley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881:663. Rumination. Me"canisme(Flourens) Paris Mm. Acad. Sci. 12:463, 531. Digger Indians. (Abbott) Pacific Railroad Reports v. 6. Digitalis (Foxglove). Hybrid (Henslow) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4:257. Digne, France. Gassendi. Notitia ecclesise (Opera. 1727 v. 5). Dijon, France. Depping. Voyage 244. (Monte"gut) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:99:102. Dimpna, St. (Legend). (Heuckenkamp) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Dinarchus, Attic orator. (Sihler) Am. Philol. Assoc. Trans. 16: 120. Dingelstedt, Franz von. 1814-87. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1878 : 1 : 721. (Rodenberg) Rundschau 28: 145; 59:59- Histories of German literature by Barthel (716), Prutz(l:96). Dinocerata. Bibliography. Marsh, Dinocerata (U. S. Geol. Survey, Monographs). Dinornis. Footprints in New Zealand (Voy) Pams. Zoology v. 1. Diocletianus, C. V. A., emperor. 245-313. Histories of Rome, especially: Gibbon, Merivale Place in architectural history. Freeman, Hist, essays v. 3. Re"forme provinciale (Jullian) Rev. Hist. 19:331. und Constantine. Geschichte (Seeck) Jahrb. Philol. 137:713. Zeitfolge der Verordnungen (Mommsen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Diodorus Siculus. Assyrische Geschichte (Krumbholz) Rhein. Mus. 41:321. - Bk. II, 1-34 (Jacoby) Rhein. Mus. 30:555. Bk. XI. Quellen (Unger) Philologus 40 : 48; 41 : 78. -Bk. X1II-XIV. Timaeus als Quelle (Bachof) Jahrb. Philol. 129:445. Bk. XVI. Quellen (Adams) Jahrb. Philol. 135:345. (Pack) Hermes 11 : 179. Quaestiones mythographae (Bethe) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Romische Quelle (Cohn) Philologus 42: 1. Untersuchungen (Meyer) Rhein. Mus. 37: 610. Verhaltniss zum Stoicismus (Busolt) Jahrb. Philol. 139:297. Wiederholungen (Krumbholz) Rhein. Mus. 44 : 286. Diogenes of Apollonia. (Natorp) Rhein. Mus. 41:349; 42:374. Schleiermacher. Werke 111:2:149; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. (Weygoldt) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:161. (Leukippos und(Diels) Rhein. Mus. 42:1. Diogenes of Sinope, the Cynic. B. C. 412-323. Histories of philosophy by : Lewes, Stan- ley. Higden. Polychronicon 3 : 206-320. Vie. Racine, Oeuvres 5 : 505. Diogenes Laertius. Fontes (Nitzsch) Rhein. Mus. v. 23-25. Pariser Handschriften (Bonnet) Rhein. Mus. 32:578. Diomedes, Homeric hero. und Rodomonte: Parallele (Biichner) Herrig's Archiv 33 : 45. Dion. 135 Disinfectants. Dion of Syracuse. Nepos. Lives. Plutarch. Lives. Dion Chrysostomus. als Historiker (Haupt) Philologus 43: 385. Dionsea. Electromotive properties of leaf (Sander- son) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882 : 1 ; 1888 : 417. Dionysius the Areppagile, St. Bishop of Corinth or of Athens? Abe"- lard, Opera; ed. Cousin 1:681. Translatio. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 11. Dionysius of Byzantium. Anaplus Bospori (C. Miiller) Philologus 37:65. Dionysius o f Halicarnassus. (Hertleiii) Hermes 10:408. (Jacoby) Jahrb. Philol. 127:841. (Meutzner) Jahrb. Philol. 115: 809; 125:249. (Regell, Sadee) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 544. Critic and historian. Class. Jour. v. 34-38. Dionysius Musicus (Scherer) Bonn Univ. Piss. y. 3. Rhetorische Schriften (Kiessling) Rhein. Mus. 23:248. Dionysius Periegcte*. (Ruehl) Rhein. Mus. 29:81. (Unger) Jahrb Philol. 125:449. Quaestiones criticae (Anhut) Konigsb. I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Dionysius Thrax, grammarian. Ars grammatiea. Uhlig's ed. (Stude- inund) Jahrb. Philol. 131:745. Scholien (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 20: 375. Dionysus. See Bacchus. Dioscorides, Pedacius. Figuier. Savants de I'antiquite*. Diphtalic acid. (Juillard) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Diphtheria. Behandlung (Robinson) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. - M icroorganismen und (Loeffler) Berlin, K. -!inlheit-amt, Mittheil. '-': l-'l. Report on. Mich. Bd. Health 1883 : 44, 111. - National Bd. Health, Report 1881. Spread. Mich. Bd. Health 1877 : 351 ; 1878: 75. Treatment with bronio-chloralum(Bayles) 1'anis. medicine v. 5. Diphthongs. - Zcitsrhrift fiir vergleichende Sprachfors- cliHii^r, indexes. an uim en (Itoth) Herrig's Arch. 7:239. Ki reluce0; 4:119; ', French(Ulbrich)Zts.roman. Philol. 3:385. Italian. Giebt es im (Stiidler) Herrig's Arch. 29:129. nach weggefallncn Consonanten (Grim in) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1H45; aim Kleinere Sc hrift*n3:102. Old Germanic and old English (Wells) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 18:134. Diplomacy. See also Ambassadors, Treaties. \Valpole. [English] foreign relations. Liber diurnus (Roziere) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 86, 88, 89. Origine des consulats francais (Lesseps) Jour. Econ. 1:2: 255. U. S. consulates (Keim) U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1872-3, y. 8-9. Wharton, Digest of D. S. international law. Fees. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1881-2, v. 5. Dipnoi. Anatomic u. Physiologic (Ayers) Pams. zoology v. 1. Diptera. Mundtheile (Becher) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. of Vienna museum (Brauer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 42, 44, 47. Recherches (Dufour) Paris, Me"m. Savans. Etrangll:171. Dirichlet. See Lejeune-Dirichlet. Disciples of Christ. in Hiram, Ohio. History (Hinsdale) Pams. religion v. 11. Origin, aim, methods (Tyler) Pams. relig- ion v. 10. Disco island. Mineralogy (Giesecke") Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:263. Discovery. See also Geography, Inventions, Travels. Conqute de la mer (Michelet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:31:91. Great explorers before Columbus (Reade) Quebec Hist. Soc. 1882-3. Scientific. Glanvil, Essays upon impor- tant subjects. Disease, Diseases. See also Epidemics, Faith- healing, Fevers, Germ theory, Health, Medicine, names of diseases. Cold-weather. Causation (Baker) Mich. Bd. Health 1887 : 197. Egyptian. Madden, Travels. Volney. Travels 1 :2'24. Ethilogy of. Progress in (Lonigo) Pams. medicine v. 5. How to avoid (Insurance pams. v. 1). Influence men tale. Cabanis, Oeuvres 3: 438. Influence of weather (Scoresby- Jackson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23 : 299. Malaise agricole en France (fibres) Acad. Sci. Mor. 87 : 139. Neuroticorigin(Lente) Pams. medicine v.5. Statistik des deutschen Reich, 1882. Ber- lin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arbeiten 1: .' Time of greatest prevalence. Mich. Bd. Health, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Disestablishment. See Church of England. Disgust. Causes (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: It : 644. Disinfectants, Disinfection. See aho Epi- demics. (Koch) Berlin, K. (!esuii73-1631. Walton. Choice English biography. Memoir ( Alfonl) Doimr, Works v. 1. Sermon*, i olfridge, English divines v. 1. Donner party, 1*46-7. Burnett ( 1'etcr). Recollections 275. Dorat, Claude J. 17.11-80. (irimm-Didcntt. ( 'orrf*|>oii'lanaires. Rev. d. d. Mondes III:v. 45-49, 51-53. Duch.-'itel, C: M. Tanguy, comte. ( Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 86 : 513. Du Chatelet, G. E. Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise de. 1707-49. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 2. Duels, J: F: 1733-1816. Albert. Litte>ature fr. au 19. siecle 1 :297. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 6; Nouveaux Lundis v. 4. Villemain. Littrature au 18. siecle. Duclos, C: Pineau. 1704-72. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 9 : 204. Ducrot, A. A., general. 1817-82. (Zemin) Unk Zeit 1885 : 1 : 234. Du Deffand, Marie de Vich y-Chamrond, mar- quise. 1697-1780. Alison. Essays. (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:92:256. Jeffrey. Essays. Lettres. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 1:412; 14:218. Dudevant, Mme. A.L. A.D. See Sand (George) Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick. 1530-89. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Dudley, J : duke of Northumberland. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Dudley, Joseph. 1647-1720. Sibley. Harvard graduates 2: 166. Dudley, Rob., earl of Leicester. See Leicester. Duelling. See also Wager of battle. - Bacon (Sir F.). Works 6 : 108, 125. Bayle. Dictionary. Bentham. Works, index. De Quincey. Literary reminiscences v. 2. (D wight) Pamphlet sermons v. 1. Hudson. History of journalism. Switzler. History of Missouri 481- at Paris. Paris : ou le livre des 101. 3 : 1. in California. Bancroft, California inter ppcula. Origines et l'6tat actual (Portalis) Acad. Sci.Mor. 10:58. Du Fall, Noel. (Baudrillart) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:92:109. Dufaure, J. A. S., advocate. 1798- (Picot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 50-52. Duffy, Sir C: Gavan. 1816- (Manning) Californian 6:471. Dufresny, C: Riviere. 1648-1724. Lenient. Come"die au 18. siecle 1 : 83. Dugga, Tunis. Punico-Libyan monument (Catherwood) Am. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. 1 : 477. Dugommier, J: F. C., general. 1736-94. (Vauchelet) Rev. Hist. 30:276. Dugong (Raffles) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820-1. Milk tusks, ears (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820:144,315; 1821:390. Du Guesclln, Bertrand. Froissart. Oeuvres 18:511. Rancon. Cr6pet, Poetes fran?. 1 : 348. Duhamel, J: P: F. Guillot. 1730-1816. (Cuvier) Paris, He'm. Acad. Sci. 6:clx. Duhan, Jacques-Egide. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7 : 10. Dulcigno, Albania. Demand for its session, 1880. Monthly Ref. Lists 1 : 3. Dumarsals, Ce"sar C. Alembert. Oeuvres. (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 48-49. Dumas, Alexandra J. D., novelist. 1803-70. Albert. Litte>ature f r. au 19. siecle 2 : 203. (Bartling) Uns. Zeit 1871:513, 678. (Brunetiere) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 70 : 695. Matthews. French dramatists. Mirecour. Les contemporains. (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 25:209; 26:65. Sainte-Beuve. Premiers Lundis v. 2. Dumas, Alexandre (fils). 1824- Matthews. French dramatists. Affaire Clem^nceau (Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 64: 744. Denise (Ganderax) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 67:692. Fils naturel ( Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:13:701. Passions dans le theatre (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:452. Princesse de Bagdad (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 43: 953. line pere nrodigue (Montgut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 24: 965. Dumeril, Andre M. C. 1774-1860. (Flourens^Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. v. 35. Dumont, Leon. 1837- M6taphysique nouvelle. Crit. Philos. 8 : 56. Philosophic (Bouillier) Rev. Philos. 3: 60. Dumouriez, C : F. D., general. 1739-1823. Sainte-Beuve. Premiers Lundis v. 1. (Sorel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:64:302,798. Dunbar, William. 1465-1530. Smith. Dreamthorp. Wright. Essays on literature v. 2. Dunbar battle, 1650. Bisset. Commonwealth of England 1:356. Duncan, A., earl of Camperdown. 1731-1804. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Dundas, Henry, viscount Melville. Brougham. Statesmen. Wraxall. Memoirs. Dundas. 141 Dyeing. Dundas, Rt. Hon. Robert. 1713-87. (Tytler) Roy Edin. Trans. 2:37. Dundee, viscount. See Graham (John, of Claverhouse). Dundee, Scotland. (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 73: 212. Manufactures, institutions, etc. U. 8. Consular reports 17, 27, 28. Duni, Egidio, musician. 1709-75. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Dunkirk, France. Capture, 1658 (Morgan) Arber's English garner v. 4. Dunlap, William, itainter. 1766-1839. Huntington. View of the fine arts 260. Dunning, J :, lord Ashburton. See Ashburton. Dunoyer, C. B. P., econoinist. 1786-1862. (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. Ill : v. 13-15, 17. (Mignet) Jour. Econ. 111:30:161. Cente"naire (Courtois) Jour. Econ. IV:35: 63. Duns Scotus, Johannes. Histories of philosophy : Ritter (8:354-) Koehler. Realismus und Nominalismus. Werner. Thomas von Aquino v. 3. Dunstable monastery. Annales. Rolls chronicles 36, v. 3. Dunstan, St., archbishop of Canterbury. 925- 988. -- Eadmer. Vita. (Migne, Patrol. Lat. 159: 785). Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury 1 : 383. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon church 2:267. Memorials of. Rolls chronicles 63. Dupanloup, F. A. P., bishop of Orleans. 1802- 78. Mirecour. Contemporains. (Sarburg) Rundschau 23:222. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 81, 198, 292. Du Petit-Thouars, A. A. 1758-1831. (Flourens) Paris, Mini. Acad. Sci. v. 20. Dupin, Andre M. J. 3., jurist. 1783-1865. Boissieu. Letters dun passant 1 : 117. Sainte-Beuve. Premiers Lundis v. 2. Dupin, P: C: F. (Bertrand) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 44. Dupleiz, J., French governor of India. Lettres Idifiantes v. 14. Du Ponceau, Peter S. 1760-1844. (Dunglison) Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. [Misc. i>iibl.j. Memoir. Jour. Am. Or. Soc. 1 : 161. Dupont, A. Pierre, poet. 1821-70. Baii'li-lairr. Oeuvres 3: 191, .'57';. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 4. Dupont de Nemours, P: S: 1739-1819. Lavergne. Eoonomi-tes francais; Ai-.-nl. S<-i. Mnr.!U: :.**); Jour. Econ. Ill : 17 :349. Du Prat, Marie M. Mrillmi, marquise. 1725- Souvenir* ( I'ourrhel) Rev. Nat. L'l : _'.'.. Dupr.', Giovanni, sculptor. 1817-82. (Schi.nfel.l) I'll-, /.-it 1 :_>: 142. Dupult, A. J. K. .1 (Laiuf'-Fleury) .J.Mir. Kmn. II 1:7: 1'il. Dupuy de Li'.me, H. (': II I. H16- (Bertrand) Paris, M^m. Acad. Sri. II clxxzv. Dupuytren, Guillaume. 1777-1835. (Cruveilhier) Pams. biography v. 3. Du Quesne, Abraham, admiral. (Lonandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 104 : 244. Dura mater. Endothelialsarcom (Kraushaar) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 2. Durand, Asher B. Sheldon. American painters. Tuckerman. Artist-life. Durant, Rev. Henry, d. 1875. (Pel ton) Univ. C'al., Bull. 10. Duras, C. Lechat de Kersaint, dncliesse. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of women. Diirer, Albert, paiiiter, engraver. 1471-1528. (Chesneuu) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:48:878. Grimm. Essays on literature; Rund- schau 39: 401. J ameson. Visits and sketches 2 : 75. Ruskin. Ariadne Florentina. Schefer. Artists' married life. Engravings. Maberly, Print collector. Grosser Satyr (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 39:595. Durfee, Job, chief justice. 1790-1847. Hazard. Essay on language. Durham, England. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 2. Monastery records. Rolls chronicles 61. Kellawe's Registrum 1311-1316. Rolls chronicles 62. i Symeonof D. Opera. Rolls chronicles 75. Durozoi, Farmian de. j Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Diisseldorf, Prussia. Kunstakademie(Blanckarts) Unsere Zeit 1869:2:39. Dutch language. See also Friesic. Characteristik (Hanel) Herrig's Arch. 58: 177. Provincialisms(Latham) Philol.Soc. Proc. 2:128. Du Trochet, Rene! J. H: 1776-1847. (Coste) Paris, Me"ni. Acad. Sci. v. 37. Duty. Bascom. Ethics. Ferraz. Philosophic du devoir. Begriff. Schleiermacher. Werke 111:2: 37! i: Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. etla science morale (Paulhan) Rev. I'liilo-. y. 22. Simon on. Pelletan, Nouvelles heures de travail 343. Du Vair, Guillaume. 1556-1621. Desjardins. Moralistes fr. an 16. siecle. Duval, (iov. William P. Little. Ben Hardin : times 182. Duveyrter, Charles. Democratic franvaise. Sainte-Beuve.Nou- veaux Lundis v. 10. Duytz monastery. I>c iiiccinlio. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, I2:C.'J!. Dwight, Timothy, divine. 1752-1817. Sparks. American biography v. 14. Dwindle, John Whipph-. as a lawyer (Smy tli) Califurnian 4:20. Dyeing, Dyes. See alto Color, Indigo, Lac. Ancient purple. Smithson. Report 1863. Dyeing. 142 Earth. Archil and litmus ( Kane) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1840 : 273. Morinda citrifolia( Anderson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:435. Muriola,murrata,murrma(Voigt)Rnein. M us. 28:56. of Argentine Republic. U. S. Consular report 69. Recherches chimiques (Chevreul) Pans, Me-m. Acad. Sci. v. 15-17, 19, 23-24, 34. Rubian (Schunck) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851: 433; 1853:67; 1855:389. Dyer, J. C. Smith. Centenary science Manchester. Dynamics. See also Force, Kinematics, Motion, Screws. Boltzmann's Theorem on average distri- bution of energy in system of material points (Maxwell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12 ' 547 Differential coefficients and determina- tions of lines (Cohen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:469. Introduction au traite de. Alembert, Oeuvresl4:203. Leibniz' (Gerhardt) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:566. Principe de la moindre action (Serret) Paris, M6rn. Acad. Sci. 38 : 151. Small oscillations of a rigid body about a fixed point(Ball)Roy.IrishTrans.24:593. Speculative. Wright, Philosophical dis- cussions. Stability and oscillations of floating bodies (Moseley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:609. Dynamite. See also Explosives. Choice Literature 4 : 284. Dynamometer. Lawrence improved balance. Pams. me- chanics v. 1. Dyspepsia. See also Digestion. forestalled. Christ. Spect 13 : 418. Eadwig (Edwy) , king of England. 955- Life. Allen, Royal prerogative. Baling, England. Water-bearing strata (Brown) Pams. geol- ogy v. 2. Ear. See al-so Deafness, Senses. Abnorme Behaarung (Bartels) Zts. Eth- nol. 8 : 110. Acute diseases (Leymann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Canaux semi-circulaires(Flourens) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 9:455, 467. Fremdkdrper (Varenhorst) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Gehorschnecke. Anatomie(Reichert) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1864. Mechanik. Riemann.Sammt. Werke 316. Membrana tympani (Toynbee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851 ~:159. Effects of destruction (Cooper) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800, 1801. Fistulae (Kretschmann) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Perforation bei Otitis (Bense) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Structure, uses (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800. Vergleich. Anatomic (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1: 29. Ossica auditus in higher mammals (Fra- ser) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882 : 901. Stapes (Carlisle) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:198. Early English language. Adjective inflections (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1 : 65. Dialects (Sweet) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1875-6: 543. North Anglian (Kemble) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2:119. Disguised compounds in (Sweet) Anglia 3:151. Foreign idioms (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 5 : 169, 185. Grammatik. Notizen (Stratmann) Engl. Stud. v. 2, 3, etc. Phonology (Stratmann) Philol.Soc. Trans. 1867 : 357. Pronunciation (March) Ainer. Philol. Assoc. Trans. 1871 : 108. Ellis on (Bristed) Am. Philol. Assoc. Trans. 1871 114. Suffix ere (Brink) Anglia 5: 1. (Stratmann) Engl. Studien 3 : 273. Earth. See also Astronomy, Cosmography, Creation, Deluge, Geodesy, Geology, Ocean, Physiography, Temperature. Axis of rotation : influenced by geological changes (Darwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877: 271. Chaleur centrale (Babinet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:4:201. Crust. Constitution (Pratt) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 335. Drehung (Colberg) Pams. geology v. 3. Thickness (Hopkins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1842:43. Density. See also Pendulum (invariable). (Hutton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1821:276. Cavendish apparatus (Hearn) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1847:217. Pendulum in Harton colliery (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:343. Plumb-line at Arthur's Seat (James) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:591. Erschiitterung. Kant, Werke 1 : 401. Ewigkeit bei Aristoteles (Zeller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878; Vortrage 3: 1. bei Plato (Baeumker) Philos. Monatsh. 23:513. Figure (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826: 548. (Biot) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 8 : 1. (Hargreave) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841:75. (La Place) Paris," Me"rn. Acad. Sci. 2: 137; 3:489. (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. and primitive formation (Hennessy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851 : 495, 511. density, etc. (James) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:607. Legendre's theory: equation determin- ing form of strata (Todhunter) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12:301. Theorems relating to (Playfair) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 5. Form. Mandeville, Travels ch. 17. Heat-diffusion at surface (Murray) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:411. Hollow within (Culmer) Pams. geology v. 2. Huttonian theory of (Kirwan, Richard- son) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8-9. Inequality of long period in the motion (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1832:67. Earth. 143 Eastern question. Interior (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 35 : 886 ; Pop. Sci. 17 : 289. (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 83 : 141. Limits of knowledge (Dawkins) Owens College essays. Magnitude (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 11. Mechanische ti. Teleologische Anschau- ung ( Hein/e) Grenzboten 1874 : 2 : 2 : 81. Nutation (Schilling) Zts. Erdkunde 10: 437. -precession, density (Hopkins) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1839:381; 1840:193. Ob die E. veralte ? Kant, Werke 1 : 187. Orbit (Cole) Pams. astronomy v. 1. Plato's idea of. Plato, Timaeus. Precession (Darwin) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1879: 447. Premiers ages (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:21:329,898. Rigidity (Thomson) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1863: 573. Rotation. Plato and Aristotle on. Grote, Minor works. diurnale (Poisson) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 7:199; 9:309. Secular cooling (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:157. Sun, moon, and. Intervals. Kepler, Opera 3:511. Surface changes. Ranking, Wars of the Mongols 471. Theories me'taphysiques (Dunan) Rev. Philo8.:22& Veranderung. Kant, Werke 1 : 179. .1. Krdpole (Bode) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Earthquakes. See alto Seismometer. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 26. British Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1858. California!!. Holden, List of. 1887. (DaubrSe)Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 68 :01. - Helmont (J. B. van). Opera. 1667. p. 57. Humboldt. Equinoctial America. Kingsley. Madame How 35. Lydus. De terrae inovibus. Puusanias. Descriptio Graecae 7 : 24. Seneca, (juaestionum natur. liber, bk. 6. Andalousia. 1884 (Fouqul) Paris, Mt'-m. Savans Etrang v. 30. Austria, 1021- (Suess) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 33. Calabria and Sicily, 1626- (Suess) Wien id. Denks. M S. ri. v. 34. 1783( Dolomieu)Pinkerton, Voyages v.5. California (Holden) Overland II": 11: 39. History (Trask) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 1: 80,93,98,108; 2:38,90; 3:127,131,190,239. Carintlii.., :','^-1877 (Hoefer) Wien Akad. Dcnk.s. M-N. ci. v. IJ Charleston, lH8*i. Annual cyclopaedia 1886. Chile, 1835 (Caldcleugh ) Roy. Soc. Trans. 2L 1856. Analo III : 10:423. - Diplomatic seit 1878. Uns.Zeit 1880: '.' : in. Deutschland und (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 3* England's interest. Pauli, Gesrhirhtr England* L': )!><;. Kvi.lutinii (Klii<-/.ko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:29: 721; 3<>:.\ IM. Cin-tM-c a fartor. (ilail-tnnc. ( SU-atiings v.4. in lsu->< r,-rtrand) Kcv. Hi.st. ;{!:<;;{. in 1H0 and lS'i'_' (Girardin) Krv. d. d. in K-; '.; (t-irardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : -0:273. in isxi. I'rcuss. .lal.rh. I; : 31S. Oekumenische 1'atriari'liat. (Cirardin) Rt-v. d. d. Mund- i I : ' M.CiiTI. Eastern question. 144 Edda. Politique anglaise (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev.d. d. Mondes III: 26: 160. Eastlake, Sir Charles L. 1793-1865. British painters of 19. century. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Eaton, Margaret O'Neill. 1796-1879. Parton. Life of Jackson v. 3. Eaton, William. 1764-1813. Sparks. American biography v. 9. Eaton, Wyatt. 1849- Sheldon. American painters. Ebenacese. (Him) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12:27. Eberhard, archbishop of Salzburg. - Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 11. Ebernand von Erfurt. Heinrich und Kunegunde (Bechstem) Germania 5:488; 6:422. Ebers, Georg. Egyptian princess (Soury) Rev. a. d. Mondes III: 7:436. Reviews. Rundschau 11:171; 14:319; 16:319; 22:470-; 26:468; 30:309. Ebersberg. Chronica. Pertz, Mon. Ger. hist., Script. v. 20, 23, 25. Ebert, J. A. Ungedruckte Briefe. Herrig's Arch. 23: 9. Eboll, Anne de Mendoza, princess. 1540- - Unsere Zeit 1879:2:44- Ebony. (Hiern) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12:27. Ebrard, J. H. A., theologian. 1818- Schaff. Germany 389. Ecclesiastes, Old Testament. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:49:721. Echinodermata. See also Asteroidea, Cri- noidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea. Allgemeiner Plan in d. Entwicklung (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Arctic (Marenzeller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 35. - Bau(Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. dello Schlier d. collina d. Bologna (Man- zoni) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 39, 42. des braunen Jura von Balin (Laube) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 27. des Eifler Kalkes (Schulze) Wien Akad Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 26. des Eiseler Kalkes (Miiller) Berlin Akad Abh. 1856. des Vicentinischen Tertiargebietes (Laube) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl v. 29. Diadema of Mozambique (Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Echinoidea: "Porcupine" dredgings (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874:719. - Echinus (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854 Locoruotor system (Romanes) Roy. Soc Trans. 1881:829. Organization (Duvernoy) Paris, Me"in Acad. Sci. 20:579. Sphaeridia of. Function (Ayers) Pams zoology v. 1. - Tooth of echinus (Salter) Roy. Soc. Trans 1861:387. Echternach monastery. Chronica.- Abbates. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 23. Eckhart, Meister. (Plumacher) Zts. Philos. 92:176. Works on mysticism. Eclipses. of the moon. Kepler, Opera omnia 3 : 550. 1783. Roy. Irish Trans. 1 :25. Tafeln zur Berechnung (Oppolzer) Wien Akad. Denks M-N. Cl. v. 47. of the sun, 1605. Kepler, Opera 3 : 726. 1816. Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. 1820(Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-21. 1842. Arago, Oeuvres 7 : 136. Stifter, Verm. Schriften 2: 275. 1851 (Swan, Smyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:335- 1860 (De La Rue) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862: 333 1868(Engelmann) Uns. Zeit 1869 : 1 : 130. 1875(Lockyer)Roy.Soc. Trans. 1878: 139. under Thakelath II (Mahler) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. of Agathocles, Thales, Xerxes (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853 : 179. of Herodotus. Epoche(Oltmanns)Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Predictions by Thales (Baily) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1811:220. Th6orie (Grunert) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 7-8. Economy. See also Domestic economy, Po- litical economy. Franklin. Way to wealth. Peacham. Worth of a penny (Arber's garner v. 6). Ecuador. Herrera. Historia general. Lettres e"difiantes 8 : 248. in 1847. Seemann, Voyage of Herald v. 1. in 1860. Gerstacker Schriften 1 : 14 : 63. in 1881 (Church) U.S. Senate Docs. 1882-3, v. 3. Ecumenical council. See Vatican council, 1869-70. Edda. See also Icelandic literature, Vol- sunga saga. Bibliography (Solberg) Boston Public Lib. Bull. 6 : 74. Anderson. Norse mythology. Bunsen. God in history 2:453. Crichton. Scandinavia v. 1. Horn. Scandinavian literature. Howitt. Literature of northern Europe. ( Jessen) Zeits. deutsche Philol. v. 3. Pfeiffer. Visit to Iceland. Raszmann. Deutsche Heldensage. Beitrage (Edzardi) Germania 23: 158, 314, 406; 24:46; 27:399; 28:17. (Etmuller) Germania v. 14, 17-19. Helgakvida hundingsbana (Hahn) Her- rig's Archiv 38 : 183. Hrafnagaldr Ohdins (Rupp) Germania 11 : 311. Liebe d. Konigs Helgi u. d. Walkyrie Sig- run. Herrig's Archiv 69 : 37. Lied der Billungs mey. Herrig's Archiv 63 : 187. Neun Welten (Hahn) Herrig's Archiv 34:439. Saemund's (Zupitza) Zts. deutsche Phi- lol. 4: 445. Edda. 145 Education. Upsala. Traktat af setningu hAttalykils (Brenner) Zts. deutsche Philol. 21:272. Versteilung (Hillebrand) Zts. deutsche Philol. Ergz. Bd. 1874. Eden. Map. Werthington, Sacred history of earth. Site (Ansart) Lemaire Bibl. Class. Lat. 59:764. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 3 : 69 ; 4 : 778. Edessa. Alten Namen (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. Edgeworth, Maria, novelist. 1767-1849. Jeffrey. Essays. Edinburgh, Scotland. ( Le Moine) Quebec Hist. Soc. Trans. 1881-2. Castle. Ruskin, Arrows of the chace 1:145. Climate, 1795-1850 (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:327. in 1800. Miller ( Hugh), Essays 121. in 1806. Silliman, Travels v. 3. in 1833. Seward, Works 3 : 549. in 1856. Wall, Foreign etchings. University. Academical regulation. Hamilton (Sir W:), Discussions. in 1859. Shairp, Life of Forbes ch. 12. Edinburgh Review. Byron. English bards and Scotch review- ers (poem). First reviewers. Bagehot, Literary studies v. 1. Stephen, Hours in a library v. 3. Editha, St. Mittelenglische Legende (Heuser) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Sprache u. Autorschaft (Fischer) An- glia 11 : 175. Edmonds, Francis W. 1806-63. Tuckerman. Artist life. Education. In general. See alto Art, Ath- letics, Blind, Colleges, Culture, Deaf, Examinations, Kindergarten, High schools, Normal schools, Pedagogy, Schools, Study, Self-culture, Teaching, Universities. Arago. Oeuvres 12:692. Campan. Journal. Channing. Works 1:369. (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. 8. 3:462. De Quincey. Works 13:9. KMHT-OII. Lectures (Riverside ed.). Froude. Short studies v. 2 (St. Andrews' address). Helps. Friends in council 1:120. Helvetius. Oeuvres 4:308; v. 5-10. Henry (Jos.). Scientific writin_r~ 1 :.':L'">. Herbart Werke 1: 1 1:;, :;i7 ; _ 1-170. Milton. Prose works. Plato. Laws bk. 7 ; Republic, bk. 3 ; etc. Seward. Works 3 : 135. - Ward. Dynamic sociology 2:540-633. -Wordsworth (<'.). Memo&l of William Wordsworth L': IM Academic life. OerMcd, S.nil in nature. AddraM at Booth DanYcn. I'lmate, Ad- dreaMS. American, 1834 -i ;. Julius, Nimhunerika 1 . 203. Princi|K!s (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes [1:21 Hyh-in (Hinds) I'ams. <>n educ. v. I". I'.t Americans educated abroad? Conn. School Report 1873 : 32-95. and crime ( Allart) Jour. Econ. 1 : 24 : 2M. -- British Almanac companion 1829. -- California School Report 1872-3 : 23. -- (Hawkins) Pams. on education v. 8. -- r (Lieber) Pamphlets on crime v. 3. Massachusetts School Report 1877-8: 167; 1882-3:139. -- (Schoelcher) Jour. Econ. 1:8:41. -- U. S. Bureau of Education, Reports 1871:538; 1872:586. - [Miscellaneous publications] vol. 1. -- (Welles) Pamphlets on crime v. 4. -- ( Wickersham) Pams. on crime v. 6. -- Statistique des consents et des accuses (Fayet) Acad. Sci. Mor.4:270. Athenian. Barthe"lemy, Voyage d'Ana- charsis 3: 1. -- Capes. University life in Athens. Best, to make law-abiding citizens (Brown, etc.) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888 : 102- Bolivian. U. S. Bur. Ed., Circ. 1873-4. Boston. Winsor, History of Boston 4 : 235. Canadian. Canadian economics 1884. Catholic. Bellinghatn, Social aspect of Catholicism. Chinese. Hue, Chinese empire 1 : 114. -- Martin, The Chinese. -- Williams, Middle kingdom 1:519. Common school (Hinsdale) Pams. on educ. v. 8. Compulsory. Connecticut Educ. Report 1872, 1875. -- Illinois School Report 1871-2: 187. Missouri School Report 1873 : 59. (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. II : 47: 161. -- Victoria. Royal commission, Report 1878:38. Concentration in (Matthias) Jahrb. Philol. 136:553. "Cram." Jevons, Methods of social re- form. Disaccord avec les besoins publics (Blan- qui) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:225. English (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 99:721. -- (Hantute) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 20-21. -- (Korell) Jahrb. Philol. 11(5: (55, 121. -- Wotton. Reliquiae Wottonianae. -- in London. Knight. London v. (i. -- mediaeval (Vatke) Herrig's Archiv 72: 129. -- middle class (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:58:169. -- Wahl d. Lesestoffs (Ottmann) Engl. Stud. 3:338. -- - 1700. Ashton, Social life reign of Anne. Etudes d' Erudition en France et en Alle- magne (Duinont) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:.'.: 7(i7. Factor in modern civilization (Eaton) r.iiv. N. Y. llt-jHirt : favorable to liberty, morals. Everett, Orations 1 :5!K. i-'r.-nch. Billebrand. Zellen,Volk*rl:64. U. S. Bur. Education, <'irr. 1881. hic(lM>iiille'e)Rev.d.il. Mnndi-s -- i>hilosoph III::):m provincial (Du Chatellier) Acad. Si. .NIor. v. tW-70. Ki-fi.rni 1*7! > SO. Crit. 1'hil.-. v. 15 1*. 1800- (C'arran ) llrv. d. d. .Monde- Ill 111. Education. 146 Education and the State. 1870. Renan, Questions contemp. German. Baring-Gould, Germany. Fb'rderung(Kapp)Herrig's Archivl2:l. Patriotisme dans (Bre'al) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7:39. Schulfrage u. unsere Classiker, 1888 (Grimm) Rundschau 55:257. Greek. Mahaffy, Old Greek education. St. John, Manners of ancient Greece. 1830. Anderson, Peloponnesus. 1856. Baird, Modern Greece 77. Illiteracy ( Eaton) Pains, on educ. v. 8. in a republic. Everett, Orations 1 : 313. in Algeria, 1878. Pamphlets on educ. v. 8. in New Zealand (Stout) Pams. on educ. v. 10. Irish. Suitable system (Dickson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. Italian. Instruction publique, 1874 (Hip- peau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:339. Japanese (Rowland) Californian 2:348. U. S. Bur. Educ., Circ. 1875-8, 1885. Legal. Roman law and. Maine, Village communities 330. LibertS de (Dunoyer) Jour. Econ. 1 : 8: 101. (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:33: 414,650; 37:178. Hugo, Litte'rature et philosophic 2: 287. Modern. Ruskin, Stones of Venice v. 3. Modern languages in (Eidam) Herrig's Archiv80:417. Original research a means of (Roscoe) Owens College Addresses. Philosophy of (Guimps) Acad. Sci. Mor. 47 : 161, 369. Plato's system (Nettleship) Abbott, Hel- lenica 67. Packard. Studies in Greek thought. (Tannerv) Revue Philos. v. 10-12. Political (White) Paris Exposition 1878, Reports v. 2. Popular. Alison, Population 2 : 292. Brougham. Speeches v. 3. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 2. Everett. Orations 1 : 206. Hazard. Essay on language. (Ingersoll) Pains, on educ. v. 4. Jennings, Eighty years of republican government. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 60, 61, 62, 64. Mirabeau. Oeuvres oratoires 4 : 269. Parker. Critical and misc. writings. Wilson ( J:). Essays 1 : 298. National government and (Monroe) Pams. on educ. v. 8. Portuguese. U. S. Bur. Educ., Circ. 1873-4. Positivist scheme. Congreve, Essays 361. Principles. Herbart's (Pillon) Grit. Phi- los. N. S. 3 : 304. Problems (Boirac) Rev. Philos. 9:47. Professional (Chevalier) Jour. Econ. I: 13:121. (Fleury) Jour. Econ. II series, v. 44-48. (Reybaud) Rev.d.d.MondesII:50:138. et la production (Smith) Jour. Econ. 11:30:373. Public. Staatserziehung. Humboldt(W- von) Werke 1:336. Re"forme au 16. siecle (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:54:579. Relation between young and old. Oer- sted, Soul in nature. Riddles of (Harris) Pams. on educ. v. 8. Roman. Greek influence (Saalfeld) Jahrb. Philol. 126:371, 417. Instruction publique (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:62:316. Russian, 1829. Schnitzler, Russie 90. 1862. Preuss. Jahrb. 10 : 569. 1874 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 2:769. 1885. U. S. Consular report 54. Science of. Nothwendigkeit (Ritter) Phi- los. Jour. 8:47. Scottish (Sellar) Grant, Recess studies. 1847. Miller (Hugh), Leading articles. Spanish. U. S. Bur. Educ., Circ. 1873-4. Spartan. Miiller, Dorians 2 : 307. Spencer on (Dauriac) Grit. Philos. N. S. 5:199. Swiss. Wirth, Allgem. Beschreibung der Schweiz v. 3. Turkish. Lyce"e de Galata-Srai (Salve) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5: 836. Ueber Anlagen und (Lasker) Rundschiiu 1:204- Ueber Schiile, Universitat, Akademie. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften 1:211. Universal. Everett, Orations 1 : 404. (Palmer) Pams. on educ. v. 9. - Uraguayan. U. S. Bur. Educ., Circ. 1873-4. Education. Agricultural, Industrial, Tech- nical. See also Apprentices. American Soc. Civil Engineers, Proc. v. 2. Arago. Oeuvres 12 : 634. California Bur. Labor Statistics, 3d report. Connecticut Education Report 1881. Huxley. Science and culture. ( Jewett) Paris Exposition 1878. Rep. v. 2. Massachusetts School Reports 1876-7- (Montague) Cobden club essays, 1879-87. National Educational Assoc. 1880 : 222 ; 1887:196; 1888:166- - New Hampshire School Report 1881 : 227. - New Jersey School Report 1878:49. (Orton) Illinois Univ. Report 1878. Pamphlets on agric. education. 1 v. Pamphlets on industrial education. 1 v. (Peabody) Smithsonian report 1872. Robins. Technical school and college building. Wisconsin Bur. Labor Statistics. Report 1:94. American, 1882. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1882-3, v. 2. Austrian. Unsere Zeit 1868 : 2 : 1. Colonie agricole des enfants trouve"s (Lucas) Acad. Sci. Mor. 14:228; 21:417. English. U. S. Consular report 39. Fallenberg institution. Owen (R. D.), Autobiography. Labor and study. Amer. Quar. Reg. 2 : 57; 3:166. Organization (Morin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 81:32. Prussian, 1825 (Kloden) Miscell.pams.v.5. Education and the State. (Atherton) Pams. on educ. v. 4. Barnard. Report on education 1868 : 311- (Bateman) Illinois School Report 1871-2: 106. (Becker) Univ. California, Bulletin 28. Blakeslee. Archology ch. 17. (Boyd) Colorado School Report 1879-80 : 86. (Brooks) Education pams. v. 4; Lov. Publ. Soc. 86. Craik. State in its relation to education. Education and the State. Education, Higher. (Curry) Conn. Educ. Report 1882:46- (Oilman) Conn. Educ. Report 1868. (Harris) Pams. on educ. v. 5. (Lothrop) Mich. School Report 1878:183. Montesquieu. Spirit of the laws bk. 4. (Peabody) Illinois Univ. Report 1884:57. - Plato. Laws. (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. IV: 17: 382. (Sawyer) Conn. Educ. Report 1877: ll'l. Schle'iernmcher. Werke III : 3:227. I. s. Senate Misc. Docs. 1883-4, v. 2. (Wool worth) Pains, on educ. v. 5. Aid to land-grant colleges (Morrill) Pams. on educ. v. 10. and republican government. Brownson, Works 13: 445. Mann, Lectures on education 117. Duties of the State (Swett) Pams. on educ. v. 1. Kndowments. Mill, Dissertations v. 5. et la democratic (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:75:160. Pouvoir de lY'tat (Troplong) Acad. Sci. M..r. 5:31. University and the State (Angell) Pam>. on educ. v 10. Education. Classical and Liberal. See aha Creek. Latin. Bibliography. Harvard Library Contrib. 21:!) IL'. Monthly Reference Lists 4 : 1. Adams. A college fetich. (Allen) I "a 1 1 is. on educ. v. 5. American i^uar. Reg. 1:85, 193. Arnold. German universities ch. S ; Discourses in America; Irish essays (Eton sjieech). Beattie. Works v. t;. Brougham. Installation address. 1860. (Clark) Cambridge essays 1855. -ii-al Journal !: .'.-1.' 236; 18:320. Conington. Miscellaneous writings v. 1 Duff Miscellanies. ( Klliott) Pamphlets on education v. 9. (te) Cambridge essays 1856. Hamilton (Sir \V :). I>i-cu-Mons 311. Hofmann. Division of thephilos.factilty. Jefferson. Works. Legare. Writings 2:4. Laprade. liuc-tions de 1'art 273. Lieber. Miscellaneous writings 1 :499. Mann (A. L.). Address (IMS.) Mill. Di^-ertations v. 4 (St. Andrew's address). M.~oiiri 1'niv. lectures 1879:263- Murley. ('lenient Marot 2: l!> Porter. American colleges 337. Relative importance of ancient and modern langn:i Koyce. Kace education. EttUb (K:|. Ks>:iys '21. Saint I... m- School Keport 1^7:::^. I'liiverMtV Stat.-of New York. Kepi.: Zeller. Vortrl I, 10H. claims i.f the Nightingale) Nat. Kdnc. A K-inivalents (Harri*) Nat Kdm . Assoc. 1880; i'.7 Present - (7. en France (Simon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 47:349. Gratuite" et 1'obligation (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 87 :fi3<). obligatoire (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondts 111:50:6X1. Systemededemi-temps(Chadwick) Acad. Sci. Mor. 69:5. Education. Religious. See also Schools (Bible in). - Brownson. Works 10:551, 564. Cobden. Speeches v. 2. Eliot. Early religious education. Bases (Schloesing) Crit. Philos. 25:17. Belgium state control. U. S. Foreign relations iss] : <; in colleges. Lieber, Miscell. works v. 2. - Webster. Works 6: 136. Motive in moral (Hamilton) Berkeley ljuar. 2:118. of working classes (Ashley) Pams. edu- cation v. 4. Sectarian (Smyth) Pams. education v. 4. Education. Scientific. See. also Education (Classical), Science. (Griffin) Univ. State of N. Y. Report 1886. Conflict of studies. Wright. Philosophi- cal discus>ions. Education. Secondary and Higher. See also Colleges, High schools, Normal schools, rniversitie-. Berthelot. Science et philosophic 252- Compulsory. C^uincy, Protection of ma- jorities. des sciences en Allemagne (Pouchet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:430. Kncouragement of (Adams) Johns Hop- kins U. Circ. 8:41. German (Grimm) Rundschau 58 :2."x;. (Treitschke) Preiiss.Jahrb.51 : 158; 57:138. in Belgium (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes [1:8 in Europe (Bleny) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 80:9i. in France. Arnold (M.), Mixed e-says. (Bersot, Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor.91 :83- (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75: H<; M2:900. (Kenan) (Questions con temporal lies ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : ;,1:73. a la campagne (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes [11:87:818. LilHTte ( Duruy) K,. v . d. d. Monde- 1 1 : -(Pillon) Crit. Philos. ; :::<.: (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: Hfi. Reforme (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III ';s : ;{30. Education, Higher. 148 Ego. (Janet) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 102:322. sous la 3 C re"publique (Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 51 : 865 ; 52 : 607. Statistique (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:32:556. in Ireland. Arnold, Irish essays 82. in Sweden (Cogordan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:9:424. Methode des Studiums. Schelling, Werke 1:5: 207. MtHhodes nonvelles (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 100: 683. Necessity. Brownson. Works 19:88, 431. Objects (Le Conte) Univ. Cal. Bull. No. 27. Plea for ( Angell) Michigan School Report 1879:203. Primary and. Harmony (M'Cosh) Nat. Educ.'Assoc. 1880:138. Public duty towards (Simmons) Pams. education v. 9. Reform (Monod) Rev. Hist. v. 14. (Welsh) Arkansas Indus. Univ. Report 1873. - Washington and (Adams) Pams. educa- tion v. 9. Education of Women. See also Coeducation. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science., Proc. sessions 3-4. ( Barnard, Stevens, etc.) Pamphlets on edu- cation v. 10. (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:59:48. Mansfield. American education 290. ( Rochard) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 85 : 644. Rush(B:). Essays 75. (Simon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70:243. Strong. Philosophy and religion 418. en Ame"rique(Hippeau)Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:83:450. en France (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 73 : 202. en Russie (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:104:321. - Higher. Univ. State N. Y. Report 1836. Industrial training. U. S. Education report 1873 : 505. Lower. Kingsley, Sanitary and social es- says. Edward the Confessor, king of England. 1004- 66. Histories of England in Saxon period, especially: Petrie and Sharpe, Monu- menta; Rapin (1:388-); Walsingham (Rolls chronicles 28); etc. Carter. Ancient sculpture. Froissart. Chronicles. King. Cathedrals of England 4:34. Poem on times of. Percy Soc. v. 28. Edward I, Icing of England. 1239-1307. Matthew Pans. History. Rishanger. Gesta ( Rolls chronicles 28). Stubbs, ed. Chronicles of reign. Walsingham. De tempore ( Rolls chron- icles 28). Charters. Thomson, Magna charta. Claim to Scottish crown. Rapin, History of England. Edward H, king of England. 1284-1327' Stubbs, ed. Chronicles of reign. Edward III, king of England. 1312-77. Carter. Ancient sculpture. Chronicon, a monacho S. Albani (Rolls chronicles 64). Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. Walsingham. Historia v. 1. Louis IV and. Pauli, Pictures of old En- gland. Edward IV, king of England. 1441-83. Bulwer. Last of the barons. Commines. Memoirs. Amours. Chateaubriand, Etudes his- toriques 4 : 28. Arrivall in England, 1471. Caniden Soc. 1. First 13 years of reign ( Warkworth) Cam- den Soc. 10. Edward V, king of Eiigland. 1470-83. Death. Percy, Folio manuscript 3 : 162- Edward VI, king of England. 1537-53. Burnet. Reformation. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Epitaph on. Percy Society 1 : 17. Edward the Black Prince. 1330-76. Carter. Ancient sculpture. Jamison. Bertrand du Guesclin. Stanley. Memorials of Canterbury. Edwards, Jonathan, divine. 1703-58. (Miller) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 8. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Edwards, Jonathan. 1745-1801. Memoir. Amer. Quar. Reg. 8:289. Eel river, California. ( Durst) Overland 11 : 1 : 250. Eels. Caudal heart (Jones) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:675. Genitalia (Cattie) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. v.3. Organs of generation (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823:140. Efficiency. See also Atonement. Griffin. Doctrine of divine efficiency. Effort. Sentiment de( James) Crit. Philos. 18: 123- Egerton, T:, baron Ellesmere, viscount ErackUy. 1540-1617. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Eggs. Brewer. North American oology. - Freezing (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23 : 505. (Paget) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:221. Incubation (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24: 341. (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822: 339, 377. (Tessier) Paris, Me"rn. Acad. Sci. 2 : 1. Eginon, abbot of Constance. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. 12 : 429. Egmont, Lamoral, prince of Game. 1522-68. Goethe. Egmont : drama. Motley. Dutch republic. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. Trial (Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 66-67. Egmont (Egmunda) monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 16. Ego, Egoism. Seealso Character, Conscious- ness, Individualism, Personal equation, Personality, Subjective. Hazlitt. Plain speaker. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. 4 : 276, 298. Amour et. Herder iiber. Hemsterhuis, Oeuvres philos. v. 1. Begriff des (Schubert) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 6:137. Ego. 149 Eighteenth century. Causalitat des (Laas) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 4 : 1- Conscience du (Galicier) Rev. Philos. 4:72. Entwickelungdes theoretischen. Fischer, Neue Philos. 5:542. Eudamonismus (Schuppe) Viertelj. wis- sens. Philos. 8 : 129. Ide"e du (Taine) Rev. Philos. 1 :289. Naturund Einheitdes(Spir) Viertelj. wis- sens. Philos. 4:368. Principle of philosophy (Be*raud) Rev. Philos. 4: 600. Herbart, Siimnitliche Werke 1 :18. Schelling, Werke 1:1: 149. Egwin, St. Life and miracles. Evesham abbey, Chronicon (Rolls chronicles 29). Egypt. Archaeology. Deutsche morgenl. Resells. Zeits. itulejr. (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 71 : 182. Ausgraberung, 1880 (Ebers) Uns. Zeit 1880:2:161. Boulaq et Saqqarah (Vogue 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:331. muse'e. Reorganisation (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :41 : 175. Fouilles de Mariette (Desjardins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2:298. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 56: 660. Lowenkopfige Bildsaulen (Humboldt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Schliissel zu d. heil. Wissenschaften. Herder, Werke 6: 325. Egypt. Description and travel. See also Nile, Pyramids, names of cities, Soudan. Alluvial lands. Geological history (Hor- ner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1855:105; 1858:53. beim Geographen von Ravenna (Parthey) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Cairo to Sennar, 1829 (Prudhoe) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 5:38 Ethnological affinities. Rawlinson's Her- odotus 2: 255. in time of Rameses. Ebers, Uarda. - in 1800. Clarke (E: D.), Travels v. 2. in 1814. Burckhardt, Travels in Nubia. in 1837. Robinson, Biblical researches v. 1. in 1840. Hackliinder, Werke v. 9. in 1S68 (Stahl) Uns. Zeit 1868:2: 19. - in 1874. Duff, Miscellanies. . in 1885 (Fonti>ertuis) Jour. Econ. 1V:32: 74. Naturgeschichte(Schmarda) Wien Akad. I>>nk>. M N. (1. v. 7. Soil iini>overishmentcured(Girard) Paris, M' \ id >ri. 2:185. I" j.per (Childe) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 52 : rn desert (Wilkinson) Rov. \ Rawlin-mi. - Twesten. Ideen d. a>ias. ('ultiirviilker. I'ni verbal history: ancient y. 1. 12. und 22. Konitf-dynaxtic (Lcp-in>) r..Tliii Aka.l. Al.h. 1-vV.'. 1H56. Aelteste XHten (Knotd) Khdn. Mus. 20: l1 L'_'::.I7; '.'I : tL'U. Alte<'hronikon(Krirk)Uhi'iM.Miiv'-:'_'.Yj Denkniiilcr fiir il. Kenntniss d. I'lolcma- ergeschichte (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Earliest, nach der Araber (Wiistenfeld) Orient u. Occid. v. 1. - Ein Blick(Rohlfs) Rundschau 6:381. - Manethonisehe Bestimmung d. Um fangs (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. Pauw sur. Jacobi (F. H.), Werke 6 : 265. Stellung in der Weltgeschichte (Gut- schmid) Rhein. Mus. 12:1. Egypt. History. Modern. Tniversal history : modern v. 11, 37. England and. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 4 : 12 English-French control, 1879- (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 34: 776; 35:105. (Leroy-Beaulieu)Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 52:696. English occupation (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II I :v. 90-91. European interests in. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 2:25. in 1874. Re"forme judicaire (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7: 657. in 1877. Aggression on. Gladstone, Glean- ings v. 4. in 1880. Re'formejudicaire(Charmes)Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 42: 278. in 1882. UnsereZeit 1882:2:188; 1883:1: 177- British operations (Goodrich) U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1884-5, v. 7. in 1883. Battle of Obeid. Knox, Decisive battles 450. Insurrection (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 58 : 757 ; 59 : 86. in 1884. England's protectorate (Affen- bach) Uns. Zeit 1884 : 1 :433- Louis XIV et (Vandal) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131 : 271. Napoleon's expedition to. Alison, His- tory of Europe ch. 25, 34. Nouveaux tribunaux,1878(Bousquet)Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:26:185. sous Ismail Pacha (Merruau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1:16: 904. sous Mohammed-Said-Pacha (Merruau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11 :323. Stellung im Orient (Luttke) Unsere Zeit 1876:1:735. Egyptian language. See Coptic, Inscriptions. Egyptian literature. See also Hieroglyphics, Papyrus. Profanliteratur (Erman) Rundschau 31: 141. Ehrensward, K: A. Preuss. Jahrb. 10: 19. Elchendorff, Joseph von. 1788-1857. Honegger. CtutoraMChichta 3 Jubiliiuni (Minor) Xt>. dent. 1'hilol. '_'! : 214. Elchhorn, K: Y:,jnrisni.itilt. 1781-1854. (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrh. 40 : ML'. Molil. Staatswissenschaft 2:593. Lebensbeschreibung (Erhardt) Hist. Zts. 87:417. Ministerinni. Preuss. Jahrb. 5.. ">7 Eichst.idt, lln i-i-c(>|ioniiii. IVrtz, Moil, (icrni. hixt., S.-ript. -'"):590. Elfel hills, /ViM.t/Vi. Vulcanische Erscheinungen (Mit-M her lid.) Ik-rlin Akad. Al.h. 1865. Eighteenth century. Schlosser. History of the 18. century. Eikon Basilike. 150 Electricity. Eikon Basilike. Bayle. Dictionary 7 : 572. Mackintosh. Essays. Masson. Life of Milton v. 4. Milton. Eikonoclastes. Billiard von Oberge. Tristan. Textgeschichte (Bartsch) Ger- numi* 36:886. Elasticity. See also Force. Axes of, and crystalline forms (Rankine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856 : 261. Biegungs-E. von Zink,etc.(Kiewiet)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Centrifugal theory (Rankine) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:425. dans les machines en mouvement(Kretz) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. v. 22. des corps qui cristallisent regulierement (Savart) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 9:405. Hyperbolic law of (Cox) Cambr. Philos trans. 9: [177]. Impact of E. beams (Cox) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:73. Mathematical theory(Thomson)Roy.Soc. Trans. 1856:481. of metals. Effect of magnetizing (Tom- linson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 1. Potentials and isotropic(Larmor) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14 : 121. Elba island. et ses mines de fer (Sirnonin) Rev. d. d. Mondesll:53:430. Visit to (Reyer) Rundschau 33:57- Elbe river. Panorama der Niederelbe. Unsere Zeit 1866:2:561,666. Zolle. Preuss. Jahrb. 3 : 439; 46 : 494. Elder, William, economist. 1806-85. (Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. IV: 26:83. Eldon, John Scott, earl of. 1751-1838. Brougham. Statesmen 2:54. Campbell. Chancellors. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 2. Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen of England. 1122- 1204." Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 237. Eleanor of Castile, queen of England, d. 1290. Strickland. Queens of England 1 :418. Eleanor of Provence, queen of England, d. 1291. Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 356. Election. See Salvation. Elections. See also Ballot, Bribery, Caucus, Presidents of the U. S., Representation. Corrupt practices act (Anstey) Grant, Recess studies. Sermons, 1776-1807. Pamphlet sermons v.3. United States, 1772-1800. Gibbs, Adminis- trations of Washington and Adams. Electric light. (Jamin)Rev.d.d. Mondeslll :26:281; 48: 193. Tyndall. Fragments of science v. 2. Carbons for arc-lamps (Frazer) Panis. science v. 3. Dur6e de I'e'tincelle (Lucas, Cazin) Paris Me'm. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Gluhlicht ( Pisko) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1 : 92. in Europe. U. S. Consular report Sept. 1884. Long spectrum (Stokes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:599. Rayonnementchimique(Becquerel) Paris, Mm. Savans Etrang. 8 : 373. Spectra obtained by (Miller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:861. (Robinson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:938. Electricity. See also Galvanism, Induction, Lightning, Magnetism, Ohm, Telegraph. Action on gases (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1872:435: 1874:83. electro-capillaire. Effets augmented (Becquerel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 38: 313; 41: 67 etc. Animal. American almanac 1851 : 74. (Monro) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 231. Applications (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:23:674. (Pisto) Unsere Zeit 1882:1: 118- me'dicales (Re'musat) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:18:407. Atmospheric. Franklin (B:), Works v. 5. and terrestrial. Causes (Becquerel) Paris, Me'ni. Acad. Sci. 27 : 153. at Baltimore (Morrill) U. S. Signal ser- vice notes 17. Origine celeste (Becquerel) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 38:231. Attraction and repulsion (Miller) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 7. Beziehungen der Grossen (Haberlein) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Cause des effets produits au contact des me"taux inoxydables avec liquides (Bec- querel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 38: 105. Causes qui de"gagent, dans les ve'ge'taux (Becquerel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 23: 36. Changeraents par 1'action de la chaleur, etc. (Becquerel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 11:317; 12:333; 13:177. Chemical agencies (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807 : 1. Chloride of silver battery ( De La Rue) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878 : 55, 155 ; 1880 : 65. Conductivity of metals(Matthiessen)Roy. Soc. Trans.' 1858: 383; 1862:1. of saline solutions (Ewing) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:51. varying with temperature (MacGregor) Rov. Edin. Trans. 29:599. Conductors. Anordnung (Riess) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Courants unipolaires(Baroncelli) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 3. Cristallisation du soufre, etc. (Becquerel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 10:271. des Ampere's 3en. Versuches (Knape) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Developpement par la pression (Bec- querel) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 12:551. Discharges through rarefied gases (Spot- tiswoode) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1879: 165; 1880: 561. Disruptive discharge (Macfarlane) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:633-688: 29:561. Dvnamo-E. current: steadiness (Siemens) lloy. Soc. Trans. 1880 : 1071. Effets chimiques de 1'action calorifique des de"charges (Becquerel) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 38:239. dans les tubercules, racines, etc. (Bec- querel) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 23:301. Electro-torsion (Gore) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874:529. Electricity. 151 Elephants. Elementary laws (Harris) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1834:213; 1836:417; 1839:215. Kntladungsstrom in einein dauernd un- terbrochenen Schliefsungsbogen (Riess) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1850. excited by mere contact ( Volta) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800:403. Faraday's lines of force. Campbell, Life of Ja. C. Maxwell. Figuren und Bilder (Riess) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Forces e"lectro-motrice.s( Becquerel) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. v. 41. Gas voltaic battery (Grove) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1843:91; 1845:351. Interference fringes (Wilberforce)Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14:170. Levden jar: residual charge (Hopkinson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:489; 1877:599. Measurements of constants (Gordon) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879 : 417. Motions in fluid conductors (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824: Ii2. of minerals exposed to heat (Forbes) Roy. Ivlin. Trans. 12:27. Organic polarity (Baxter) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:248. Origin (Akin) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11 : 6. Phenomena in vacuo (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 122:(,1. Philadelphia conference, 1884. U.S. Senate i:.\. Docs. 1885-6, v. 1. Physiological researches (Matteucci) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845 : 283, 297, 303 ; 1847 : 231- ; 1850 : 2*7, U.', ; 1 s'>7 : 1 2!J ; lSf.1 : 3*33. Polariiiitserscheinungen. Mechanische Principien(Doppler)Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 157. Resistance of thin liquid films (Reinold) Roy. Soc. Trans. !.*.*! : H7. Reziproke Wirkung d. zwei Thiitigkeiten (Krinan) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Ringfiguren (Riess) Berlin Akad. Abh. 186L Schmelzen von Metalldriithen von (Riess) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Seitenentladung der Batterie (Riess) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1849. Spontaneous currents of wires (Barlow) K".v. Soc. Trans. 1849:61. Stationary Strb'mung (Bennecke) (iOtt. I "niv. Diss. v. 9. Stratifications in Torricellian vacua (Gas- siot) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:1; 1859:137. Technik. Ergebnisse (Hoffmann) Rund- schau 31 : 79- Tln'orie mathlmatique de lY'lectro-ily- nainiqiie (AmiK-re) Paris, Mlm. Acad. : 17"). Theory. Vibratory. Mutual action of ifatory twists in elastic medium (Leahy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:1**. VT. : iiiderlichkeit ; 28:321. iMiuvoir ill-- mi'taiix (Becquerel) Pari-. M.'in. A.-a.l. BeL 1" STIC i M.itlii.'rii) Roy. Soc. Trans. StP)ine( Ma^iiiisjHcrlin Akail. Ahli. I-.M Transport ill-- -!- par lesrg) Hermes 10:203. Elements. See alto Atom-, ('h.-im-m Organic. Negative natur (Schneidvwind) tt. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Pliy-iM-lu'(Sflli') I'.i-rlin Aka.l. Anh. IT'.rj 7. 5ii'iii' Tlicoric ( HtTmli-iinlt ) Ik-rlin Aka.l. Al.h. LS03. Elephants. (fnvi.-r)Lfmairr Hilil. LAtdBMk60:S70 Elephants. 152 Elizabeth. Foreign bodies inclosed in tusks (Goodsir) Rov. Edin. Trans. 15:93. Fossil in Yorkshire (Buckland) Roy. boc. Trans. 1822:171. Use in ancient warfare. Ranking, Mon- gols and Romans. modern warfare (Gaidoz) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:481. Eleusis, Eleusinian mysteries. See also Mysteries. Classical Journal v. 14-, 39-40. Heinse. Laidion (Schriften v. 3). Bilderkreis (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. is.;-.', 1863, 1804. Lenormant on (B. Schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 31:273. Marbres (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26: 217. Steuerdekret aus d. Hohe/eit d. Perikles (Schmidt) Jahrb. Plrilol. 131:681. Eleutherocerus. (Koken) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1888. Elgin, James Bruce, earl of. 1811-63. M.irtineau. Biographical sketches. Elle de Beaumont, J: B. A. L: L. 1798-1874. (Bertrand) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 39. Elimination. See also Equations. of quadratic, cubic, etc., surds (Allman) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814. of radicals ( Mooney ) Royal Irish Trans.v.6. of unknown quantities (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844, 1845. (Murphy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5:65. Resultante eines Systemes mehrerer alge- braischer Gleichnungen (Schafli) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. und Kettenbruch-Entwicklung (Bor- chardt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Eliot, George, pseud, for Marian Evans, M. J. Lewes, and Mrs. Cross. 1819-80. Bibliography. Library Journal 6 : 15. Monthly Reference Lists 1 : 15. (Dohm) Unsere Zeit 1869: 2 : 189. Dowden. Studies in literature. Hey wood. These authors: how they strike in 6 (M. L.) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:431. Lanier. English novel. ( Montagu t) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 56 : 77- (Scherer) Rundschau 10:240. Adam Bede (Monte'gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:21:867. as a religious teacher (Royce) Calif ornian 3:300. Daniel Deronda (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 17: 826. Later work (Shinn) Calif ornian 3:501. Life and letters (Barine) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:70:100. writings (Blennerhassett) Rundschau 44:362. Middlemarch (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 103: (567. Rornola (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 48:939. Silas Marner (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:35: 188. Spanish gypsy (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:429. Eliot, Sir John. 1590-1632. Mackintosh. British statesmen v. 2. Eliot, John, Indian missionary. 1604-90. Massachusetts Bay Co. Records. Shattnck. History of Concord. Sparks. American biography v. 5. Eliott, G: A., lord Heathfield. 1717-90. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Elizabeth, St., landgravine of Thuringia. 1207-31. Butler. Lives of the saints. Dliringsfeld. Buchdenkwiirdiger Frauen. Kingsley(C:). Poems: the saint's tragedy. Elizabeth (Stuart), queen of Bohemia. 1596- 1662. Histories of the thirty years' war. Heywood. Marriage triumph. (Percy Soc. v. 3.) Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Correspondence with Sir E : Nicholas (Evelyn, Diary v. 4). Elizabeth (Tudor), queen of England. 1533- 1603. Birch- Pfeiffer. Dramatische Werke v. 4. Burnet. History of reformation. 1679. 2 373 Chamberlain. Letters (Camden Soc. 79). Disraeli. Curiosities of literature. Diiringsfeld. Buch denkwurdiger Frauen. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries v. 4. Fox. Acts and monuments 8 : 600. Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 1. Kingsley. Westward ho ! (fiction). Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Macaulay. Essays. Naunton. Fragmenta regalia. Scott. Kenilworth (fiction). Strickland. Queens of England v. 4. Assassination attempts. Bacon (Sir F.), Works v. 5. at Tilbury : ballad. Percy Soc. v. 1. Day before coronation. Arber's English garner v. 4. Felicities of. Bacon (Sir F.), Works 3 : 457. Household expenses, 1551-2. Camden miscellany v. 2. Isabella of Spain and. Prescott, Ferdi- nand and Isabella. Marriage advised. Egerton papers (Cam- den Soc. 12). projects (La Ferriere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:46:857. Mignet. Histoire de Marie Stuart 1 : app. Reign. Buckle, Miscell. works 1:83. First four years (Hay ward) Camden Soc. 7. Song to. Johnson's Crowne garland (Percy Soc. v. 6). Youth (Kalckstein) Preuss. Jahrb. 51 : 304. Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII. 1466-1502. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Strickland. Queens of England. Song of marriage. Percy, Folio manu- script v. 3; Percy Soc. v. 20. Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Edward IV. d. 1498. Strickland. Queens of England 2 : 315. Elizabeth (Carmen Sylva, pseud.), queen of Roumania. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:345. Elizabeth. 153 Empedocles. Elizabeth, sister of Louis XVI. 1764-94. (Saint-Aruand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :60: 259. Elizabeth Charlotte, duchesse d j Orleans. See Orleans. Elk. Irish fossil (Weaver) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825:429. Ellenborough, E: Law, baron. 1750-1818. Brougham. Statesmen 3: 198. Campbell. Chief justices. Ellery, William. 1727-1820. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 9. Sparks. American biography v. 0. Ellesmere. See Egerton. Ellicott, Joseph. 1760-182(3. (Evans) Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. 2. Elliot, Rt. lion. Hugh. (Haussonville)Rev.d.d.MondesII:81:406. Elliott, Ebenezer. 1781-1849. Smiles. Brief biographies. Corn-law rhymes. Carlyle, Essays. (Etienne) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:5:387. Ellipse. See also Conies, Functions. Areas. Property of (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 9. Circumference of eccentric (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 9. - Rectification (Ivory) Roy. Edin. Trans. 4 : 177. Ellipsoid. Bewegung eines fliissigen, homogenen (Knoblauch) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Ellora, India. (iailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Ellsworth, Oliver. 1745-1807. - Flanders. Chief justices v. 2. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 403. Ellwood, Hon. Reuben. 1821-85. - U. S. House M. Docs. 1885-, v. 15. Elmore, Franklin H. 1799-1850. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 99. Elocution. Eloquence. See Oratory. Elves. Grimm. Teutonic mythology 2:439. Elwangen monastery, Bavaria. Annales. Pertz.Mon. Germ. hist, Scr.v.10. Ely, England. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 3. Elysium. See Future life, Heaven. Embalming. See Mummies. Embargo. Sef works on war of 1812. Gallatin. Writings. Jefferson. Works. Emblems. See Symbolism. Embryology. See al*o Biology, Foetus, Gen- eration, names of animal-*. Researches < Harry) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1838: 301; 1839:307; 1840:529; 1841 Emeralds. Columbische Smaragden. Zte. Knl- kutule 10:38. Emerson, Mary Moody. Km.-r-.iii ( 1: W.) Lecturea ( Riverside ed.). Emerson, Ralph Wai. I,,. 1803-82. Hi>tori<"> of American literature l>y: Nichols (ch. !>, Richardson (v. 1-2), etc. Arnold. Discourses in America ; Choice Literature 3: 491. Burroughs. Birds and poets. Choice Literature 1 : 20. Grimm (Hn). Neue Essays; Essays on literature. as a lecturer. Lowell. My study windows. Carlvle correspondence (Lutz) Preuss. Jalirb. 53: '.'.I. - Doctrines (Sill) California!! <>:295. Ethics (Norman) Choice Lit. 2: 106. Mental character. James, Literary re- mains 293. Philosophy. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists i>: 17. Poetry (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1880: Mai 1. -- Brownson, Works 19: 189. -- Stedman, Poets of America. Prose works. Brownson, Works 3:424. -- and verse (Sill ) Overland 11:4:434. Recollections (Smith) Californian 5:491. Emery. Composition (Tennant) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802:398. Emetic tartar. Action sur lesanimaux ruminants (Flou- rens) Paris, Me*ni. Acad. Sci. 16:170. Emigration. See also American colonization society, Chinese immigration, Colonies, Immigration, Migration. Fawcett. British laborer. Gerando. Bienfaisance publique v. 4. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Malthus. Principles of population. European, 1800- (Say) Acad. Sci. Mor.30: 431' 31 '79 -- 1887. U. S. Consular report 76. Freiziigigkeitsgesetzgebung (Flottwell) Preuss. Jahrb. 40: (502. German (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 1:207. -- Preuss. Jahrb. 2 : 389-; 52 : 52. Improvement resulting from. Williams, Vermont 2: 458. Law of. MacLean, De jure emigrandi. -- Swiss, 1888. U. S. Consular report 96. - Modern (Bernard) Jour. Econ. 1 V : 42 : 217. Verbot. Schleiermacher, Werke 111:2: 327; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Emma, (/tteen of Hawaiian islands. (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:72-77. Emmeramne, St., bishop of Poitiers. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 4 : 543. Emotions. See also Passions, names of emo- tions. Malebranche. Search after truth 2:bk. 5. ( 1'apillon) Rev. d. d. M.>mlc< 1 1 : His : M>7. as motives. Stephen. Science of ethics. Bain on. Spencer, Universal Conditions nsychologiques (1-Vn) |;,\. Plains. I'! Cosmic. ( 'lilt'ord, Lecture- ami essays v. '_'. esthetiqiie (I'anlhan) Itev. J'hilos. 19:652. Expression (Car ran) Kev.d.d. Mondes III: i 75. -- (Foiling) Rev. d.d. Mon. 1- II! :*0:154. -- Rule des iiiouvcmcnt> (liueroult) Rev. I'hilo*. 11 :.V,!; !'_' i.T-'. Music and. Hawei-, Music and moral-. Empedoclti. HiMoricsof philosophy hv : Hitter (1:532); Empedocles. 154 English language. Arnold. Empedocles on Etna (poem). Ouvrages retrouve"s (De"zeimens) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:199. - Tod. Holderlin, Werke 1 : 124 ; 2 : 253. und die Orphiker (Kern) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1 : 498. Empire'. See alto Government, Sovereignty. Bacon (Sir Fs.). Essays. Empiricism. Philosophische. Schelling, Werke 1 : 10 : 225. Enclitics. Ne in early Latin (Warren) Am. Jour. Philol.2:50. Endomose. (Dutrochet) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 15 : 281. Endymion. Callecerrada. Endimion. Keats. Poems. Energy. See Force, Dynamics. Princip. Weyrauch, Erhaltung seit Mayer. 1885. der Erhaltung (Elsas) Philos. Monats. 25:191. Enfantin, B. P., socialist. - Booth. St. Simon 100. Science de 1'homme (Montgut) Rev. d. d. MondesII:19:715. Engadine, Switzerland. Chazuns popularas (Flugi) Roman. Studien 1 : 309. Dramen, 1500-1700 (Flugi) Zts. roman. Philol. v. 2. 4, 5. Historische Gedichte (Flugi) Zts. roman. Philol. 4: 256. Liederdichter (Flugi) Zts. roman. Philol. 3:518. Upper (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 90:505. (Ludwig) Rundschau 14 : 449. Engel, Johann Jakob. 1741-1802. (Nicolai) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803. Enghien. See also Conde". Enghien, L: A. H : de Bourbon-Conde", due d'. 1772-1804. RSmusat (Mme.). Memoirs 1 : 120, 140. ~ Gouverneurde Champagne (Babeau) Rev. Hist. 37:58. Engineering. See Aqueducts, Arches, Bridges, Canals, Drainage, Foundations, Hydraulics, Irrigation, Mechanics, Min- ing, Railroads, Sewers, Stone, Strength of materials, Surveying, Timber, Tun- nels, Water, Wood. England. Description and travel. Ethnography (Donaldson) Cambridge es- says 1856. Fens. Kingsley, Prose idylls 93, 223. Draining, 1661. Arber's English gar- ner v. 1. Fremdensucht. Religiose Leben. Hille- brand, Zeiten, Volker 7 : 197, 246. in 600-700. Watson, Caedmon 11. in 1350. Rands, Chaucer's England. in 1600. Creighton, Age of Elizabeth. Tegg, Shakespeare and contemporaries. in 1620-90. Blundell, Cavalier's note book. in 1685. Macaulay, History of England ch. 3. in 1776-1832. Soziale Geschichte (Stieda) Hist, Zeits. 53:215. in 1850. Greg, Essays 1 : 297- Lake country. Beauties of England 3,15: pt. 2. Burroughs. Fresh fields. DeQuincey. Literary reminiscences v.2 Gray (T:). Works v. 1. Meyer. Life of Wordsworth 38. Penley. English school of water color painting. Mceurs et les lettres, 1800 (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11: 36: 521, 914. Scandinavian influence. Howitt, Litera- ture of northern Europe ch. 1. Skizzen aus (Honegger) Unsere Zeit 1885: 1:94- Society, 1840 (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 61 : 275. Vie (Esquiros) Rev. d.d. Mondes II :v. 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 29, 33-36. religieuse (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:60:817. England. History and politics. See Great Britain. English grammar. (Sattler) Englische Studien 2 : 1, 384- Notes on (Ihne) Herrig's Archiv 35:63. Origin of "had rather go" (Hall) Am. J. Philol. 2:281. "Shall" and "should" bei Macaulay (Ro- thenbiicher) Herrig's Archiv 50:399. in protasis (Good win) Jour. Philol. 8: 18. "Shall" and "will" (Sill) Californian 2:315. Relativsatz(Flebbe) Herrig's Archiv60:85. Separation of "to" and infinitive (Hall) Am. J. Philol. 3:17. English language. See also Americanisms, Anglo-Saxon, Early English, Words, names of parts of speech. Celtic element (Hadley) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1873:30. Conjunctive in (Rade) Herrig's Arch. v. 9-10. Consonant relations of German and (Ed- gren) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1880:113. Dialects. Garnett, Philol. essays ; also Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:91; 2:15. (Nicolai) Herrig's Archiv 55 : 383. Diminutives (Key) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1856 : 219. in let (Coleridge) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1857 : 93. Effects of Norman conquest. Freeman, Norman conquest v. 5. Entwicklung seit Alfred (Schmick) Her- rig's Archiv 25 : 109. Euphonische Moment (Voigtmann) Her- rig's Archiv 2 : 109. Future (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc.4 : 207. Geographical terms enrich (Hume) Pams. language v. 2. History. Disraeli, Amenities of litera- ture v. 1. Turner. England in middle ages 4 : 534- and etymology (Susemihl) Herrig's Archiv 18 : 321. - Idioms (Perowne) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1856: 146. Improvement. Proposals for. Swift, Works. 1814. 9:341. in America (Fliigel) Herrig's Archiv 4: 130; 13:76,353; 14:1. in New England. Dwight, Travels 4 : 277. Negro (Harrison) Anglia 7:232. English language. 155 Epic poetry. Norfolk words (Gurney) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855:29 Origin. Dasent, Jest and earnest v. 1. Pidgin-English (Kreyenberg) Preuss. Jahrb. 53:587. Prefix a (Skeat) Jour. Philol. 5:32. Scandinavian element in (Coleridge) Phi- lol. Soc. Trans. 1S59. Study ( Bouton) Univ. State N. Y., 98th report. -- (Marsh) Columbia College addresses. -- by women. Morley, Clement Marot v. 2. and Literatur (Herrig) Herrig's Archiv 12:241. Verhaltniss zu d. niederl., niederd. u. jiitischen Mundarten (Jellinghaus) Her- rig's Archiv 78:271. Wesen der Breitenglische (Clement) Her- rig's Archiv 5:28. Wwtgermaniache Element (Clement) Herrig's Archiv 4:2.">1. (Greverus) Herrig's Archiv 6:81. English literature. See also American lit- erature, Ballads, Composition, Drama, Folk-lore, Poetry, Style. Classic and romantic schools (Kushton) Afternoon lectures y. 1. in 1700. Ashton, Social life reign of Anne. -- Morris. Age of Anne. in 1800 (Paine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36: 814. in 1815. Walpole, History of England 1 : ch. 4. - in 1825-1855. Gegenwart 11 : 344. in 18. century. Knight, History of En- gland v. 5. in schools. Seeley, Essays. ( M Chesney) Nat. Educ.Assoc. 1888:405. Influence of foreign literature on (Byrne) Afternoon lectures v. 3. Naturalisme aux Etats-Unis (Bentzon) ! Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 83: )-' . 1'rose. Development since 1550 (Shep- I herd) Mod. Language Assoc. Trans, v. 2. i -- Variations, KW8-1800 (Wallace) Roy. Irish Trans, v. <>. Scottish influence on. Masson, Words- worth 75. Study. Value (Garnett) Mod. Language Assoc. Trans, v. 2. Engraving. See also Etching. Bibliography. Maberly. Print collector. . \miriit. Wwtropp, Archaeology 251. ami etching (Klackner) Publishers' Weekly 33:77^ Best portraits in. Sunnier, Works 14 : 327-354. i ;. .p|>er. Lage, 1888. Rundschau 54 : 189. It; francaise (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. M nudes II:lM:7tJ5. Kuirlisli. Walpolf, Anecdotes of paint- ing . Origines< Deiaborde) iu-v. d.d. Monties II : 31 :970. :iml progress. Lan/.i, Painting in Italy v. 1. et ( Delaborde) Rev. d. d. \V ..... 1. Ai-lti-tte (ieschifhte (Sotzmann) Ml~t. Ta- ti.-nlmrh , Ennlus, Tiralxwhi. I^tU-rattira italiana 1 : '-'!;. Annales(Keichartlt) Jahrl>. 1'hilol : Bemerkungen (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 10: 265. -- (Vahlen) Rhein. Mus. 14:552; 16:571. Delphigenia(Duntzer) Rhein. Mus.5:433. - Kritik und Erklarung (Miiller) Phi- Iologus43:86. und d. christliche Dichter (Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 21:123. und Vorganger (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 133:401. Enoch, Book of. Christian Observer 29:417, 49(i, 647. Huidekoper. Judaism in Rome (Works v. 1). Religious Magazine 4 :394. Ensdorff monastery, Ratisbon. Annales. Pertz,Mon.Germ.hist.,Scr.v. 10. Ensilage. Madison experiments. 1882. Pams. agri- culture v. 2. Enthusiasm. See also Delusions, Fanaticism. Garve. Versuche viber verschiedene Gegenstande 5:331. More. Enthusiasmus triumphatus. Shaftesbury. Characteristicks v. 1, 3. Decay of earn estness( Roy ce) Californian 3:18. Locke et Leibniz sur (Damiron) Acad. Sci.Mor. 24:259. Natural history of. Religious Mag. 4 : 159. 310. Entomology. See Insects. Entozoa. See Parasites and. Envy. Bacon (Sir Fs.). Essay-. Hazlitt. Plain speaker. Eon de Beumont , C: G. L. A. A. T., chevalier d'. Descente en Angleterre (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:29:538. Epaminondas. Nepos. Lives. Ephesus. Discoveries at. Newton, Essays on arch- aeology. Topographic (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1872. Ephialtes. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. Epic poetry. See also Alexander the Great, Arthur, Charlemagne, Cid. Edda, Gu- drun. Kalevala, Nibelungen, Dante, Homer, Milton. Dryden. Prose works v. 4 ; also Classical poems tr. v. 3. (Dussault) Lemaire's Bibliotheca Lat. class. 131 :^XI. Qautier. Epopee's francaises. (Steinthal) Zt*. Viilkerpsychologie 5: 1. Villemain. Litt^rature au nioyen flge 1 : 313. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 8. and dramatic. Millar, English govern- ment 4: 319. Cyclic (Monro) J. Hellenic Stud. 5 : 1. Entstehung d. einheitlichen (Krohn) '/.\-. Viilkerpsych. 18:59. r>a of. Hillhouse, Dramas v. 2. Ilr\aiiiftrisciii. rjebenchrifUa zu den .lahrh. Philol. 137:. r >77. Epic poetry. 156 Equations. Old French. Verteidigungswatf'en (Schirl- ing) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Verwandtschaften (Determann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Proclus' abstract of the cycle in the cod. Venetus of the Iliad (Monro) J. Hellenic Stud. 4:305. Psychologic des altern griech. (Schrader) Jahrb. Philol. 131 : 145. Russian. Cycle de Vladimir (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:41. Theories nouvelles (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 67: 848. Epicharmus, comic poet. (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:40:767. Epictetus, stoic philosopher. Farrar. Seekers after God. Quinet. Ge"nie grec (Oeuvres 28 : 213). Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophic 4:213. and Montaigne. Pascal, Opuscules. Epicurus, Epicureans. Histories of philosophy by: Ritter (3: 454), Stanley, Zeller. Bayle. Dictionary ; Oeuvres diverse?. Benn. Greek philosophers v. 2. (Courtney) Abbott, Hellenica 244. Gassendi. Opera. 1727. v. 3, 5. Hedge. Atheism in philosophy. (Le"veque) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59: 925. Lucretius. De rerum natura. Martha. Poe'me de Lucrece. - Plutarch. Morals v. 2, 5. Doctrine d'apres M. Guyau (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 1H: 374. of fate (Masson) Jour. Philol. 11 : 34. Epoque, religion (Carrau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 88: 653. Gods. Physical constitution (Scott) Jour. Philol. 12:212. Logic (Marquand) Peirce, Studies in logic. - Peri physeos (Scott) Jour. Philol. 13 : 289. Epidemics. See also Black death, Cholera, Disinfectants, Germ theory, London (Plague), Quarantine, Small-pox, Yellow fever. Attische Pest. Thucydides iiber (Steup) Rhein. Mus. 26:473. Hygiene et (Gallois) Rev. Sci. 44 : 5. in* France. 1720. Michelet, Histoire de France 15: 296- in Italy, 1340-8. Simonde de Sismondi, Re"publiques ital. v. 3. in Mexico. Humboldt, New Spain 1 : 111 ; 4:132. in Milan, 1630. Manzoni, Betrothed. in St. Petersburg. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 470- Legislation and (Sims) Pams. medicine v.5 of Astrachan (Baas) Uns. Zeit 1879: 1:481. Restriction (Lindley) Pams. medicine v. 5. Epidermis. See Skin. Epigrams. Ma thews. Great conyersers 53. - Anmerkungen. Lessing, Werke 8 :412. French. Sauvage, Gupes gauloises. German (Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 15 : 369. Greek (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 11:23. ( Welcker) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3: 234. - De syllogis (Dilthey) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 9. Ex lapidibus coll. (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 34:181. Epilepsy bei Schwangeren (Bellinger) Mar- burg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Epimenides. Erwachen. Goethe, Werke. Epinay, Louise F. P. de la L. d'. d. 1783. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 2. Smith (Sydney). Works 2 : 407. Lives of Rousseau. , Epiphanius, St., bishop of Pavia. Translatio. Pertz, Mon. Germ., Scr. v. 4. Epirus. See also Albania. Pachalikat, 1872 (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 102: 676. Episcopacy. See also Bishops, Church of England, Methodist Episcopal, Protest- ant Episcopal Christian's Magazine 1 : 85, 187, 309; 2:73- asserted. Taylor (Jeremy), Works v. 5. Sparks on. Brownson, Works 4:558. tested by scripture. Barnes, Essays v. 1. Epitaphs. Bayle. Dictionary, index. Equality. See also Communism. Arnold (Matthew). Mixed essays. Gasparin. Egalite. (Le"lut) Acad.Sci.Mor.l6:253,293; 73:389. Rousseau. Oeuvres v. 1, 6. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance 1:344 Morley. Rousseau. Seward. Works 4 : 330. Stephen. Liberty, E. and fraternity. and liberty. Anies (Fisher), Works 230- Equations. See also Alembert's theorem, Elimination, Functions, Sturm's the- orem, Transformation. Abelian. Eine Classe (Igel) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. Algebraic. Approximate solution (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Geometrical representation of roots (Goodwin) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 :342. Resolution (Murphy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4 : 125. Roots. Numerischen Werthe (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. . proved (De Morgan, Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:261.283, 327. Analysis of roots (Murphy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837:161. Divers points (Cauchy) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 8:97. mit Bezugnahme auf d. Hulfsmittel d. algebraischen u. geometrischen Opera- tionslehre (Zmurko) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 44. Biichstabengleichnungen mit einer ein- zigen unabhangigen Buchstabengrosse (Heger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 12, 13. Conditions for existence of three equal roots, of binary quartic or quintic (Cay- ley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868 : 577. Cubic. Resolution (Ivory) Roy. Edin. Trans. 5 : 99. (Meredith) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 7. (Talbot) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:573. Darstellbarkeit d. Wurzeln einer allgem. (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Differential. Bibliography (Nixon, Fields) Am. J. Math. 7:353. Equations. 157 Equations. determining form of roots (Boole) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864 : 733. Integration (Bour) Paris. Me"m. Savans Etrang. 14 : 792. (De Morgan )Cambr.Philos. Trans. 8: 606. Arbitrary constants in (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 13. occurring in dynamics (Donkin) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1854*: 71; 1855:299. symmetric. Integration (Imchenetsky) St. Petersb. Acad. Me"m. VII : v. 37. l -Factorial resolution of x n 2cos?a+ (Airy) Canibr. Philos. Trans. 11 :4L'ti. Finite differential. Integration (Binet) Paris, M.'in. Aoad. Sci. 19:639. Fonctions Y et Z qui satisfont a l'<5qua- tion4(Xn l)=(X-l)(Y2nZ)(Legen- dre) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 11:81. for the product of differences of roots (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:45. Fresnel's wave surface (Smith) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:85. Functional, Reduction to E. of finite dif- ferences (Herschel) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 77. General, including E. of hydrodynamics (Hill) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14: 1. Imaginary roots. Distinction (Fourier) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 7 : 605. Newton's rule (Sylvester) Roy. Soc. Trans. 18U:579; Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Indeterminate. Auflosung(Heger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14. Neue Satze (Lejeune-Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 18:4. problems resolved (Leslie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2:193. vom ersten Grade zwischen zwei gan- zen Zahlen (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Invariants (Malet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882: 751. Irreducible. Roots. Beziehungen (Srhd- nemann) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. :.. Least roots (Dickson) Roy. Edin. Trans. i 1 -: 119. Linear, in finite differences (Hargreave) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1850:261. Integration (Libri) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 14:94. Linear differential (Hargreave) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:31. Gesamkeit partic-uliirer Integrale (I-N- cherich) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. ;, 47. Homogenous (Heffter) Giessen Univ. v. 2. Invariants, covariants (Forsyth) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A::$77. of first order. Integration (Griinfeld) Wien Akad. D.-nks. M N. Cl. > Ki'diirtion aux formes integrates (Ilal- phen) Paris. M'm. Savans Etrang. v. > Solution (Bronwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. tan tnes (Cauchy) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sri'. I' Linear indeterminate (Smith) Roy. Soc. Tr.,n Linear partial differential. Integration (Kytehveiii) !',.-rlin Akad Al.li. 1->'JI. (Oruson) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1*11-13. Negative quantities used (Greenfield) Roy. Edin. Trans. 1 : 131. Numerical. Resolution (Sturm) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 6:271. Roots. Rechungmechanismus(Moth) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. 1: 105. Trennung (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Studien (Zmurko) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 30. with integer roots. Solution (Talbot) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:303. of an isotropic elastic solid in polar and cylindrical co-ordinates (Chree) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14 : 250. of fifth degree (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. New auxiliary (Caylev) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:263. of differences for an, of any order (Cay- ley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860 :'93. of finite differences (Murphv) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:91. Partial differential (Cailler) Geneva l"ni v. Diss. v. 2. (Hearn) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1846: 133. x Analyse(Liouville) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 5:559. Integration (Cauchy) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 9 : 97. (Pfaff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. of first order. Solutions (Darboux) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 27. Quadratic. Ueber n-mal nacheinander tmgewandte Substitutionen (Bermbach) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 1. Relations between functions of roots and coefficients of (Dickson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:535. Resultant of a system of two (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:703; 1868:173. Riccati's. and transformations (Glaisher) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881: ::.i i. Rootof general, above 4th degree. Expres- sion (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Root-limitations. Geometrical represen- tation of Cauchy's theorems (Caylev) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12: 395. Schwarzian derivative (Cayley) Canibr. Philos. Trans. 13:5. Simultaneous differential, of 1st order: number of variables one more than numl>er of (Boole) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862: I.'.T; 1863:485. Solution by continuous approximation (Homer) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1819. of V pri.|iic (Fourier) Paris. M.'tn. Arad. Sri. 10 :!!!. Aullosung(S|iit/.-r) Wii-n Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v.3. Equations. 158 Essenes. Machine for resolving (Herschel) Canibr. Philos. Trans. 4:425. Proprie'te' ge"nrale d'une classe de fonc- tions (Abel) Paris, Mini. Savans Etrang. 7:176-265. Racines (Poisson) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 9:89. Equilibrium. See also Force, Instability, Statics. and motion of solids and fluids (Haugh- ton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21. des corps cristallise's (Poisson) Paris, Mature au 18. siecle 4: 226. Erysipelas. (Gatzen) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Eryx mountain, Sicily. (Gregorovius) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 1 : 28. Esculapius. See Aesculapius. Esdras, Book of. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :8 : 127. - Missing part (Wood) Jour. Philol. 7 : 264. Eselkiinig, Thierepos. (Kohler) Germania 14 : 243. Esling family. Genealogy. Am. Catholic Hist. Soc., Records v. 2. Espinasse, Charles, general. Unsere Zeit 1858:589. Espinasse, Mile. See Lespinasse. Esquimaux. a Paris, 1867 (Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 81: 345. Hall on the (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:56:90. Essays. - Writing. Smith, Dreamthorp. Essenes. - De Quincey. Histor. and crit. essays v. 1. Hausrath. New Testament times 1: 153. Essenes. 159 Ethnology. Keini. Jesus of Nazara 1:365. Martiniere. Diction naire 2 : 819. Philo Judaeus. Works. Prideaux. Connections. Racine. Oeuvres 5 : 532. Stanley. Jewish church. - Voltaire. Oeuvres 35 : 504. Essex, Robert Devereux, 2d earl of, favorite of queen Elizabeth. 1567-1601." Bacon. Works (Papers relating to Essex). Bay ley. Tower of London 2 :509. Campbell. Lives of the chancellors. Fischer. Bacon und Nachfolger 55. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Scott. Kenil worth (fiction). Southey. British admirals v. 4. - Wotton. Reliquiae. Dittie on death of. Percy Soc. v. 1. Essex, Rob. Devereux, 3d earlof. 1592-1646. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Marriage. Gardiner, History of England 2:166. Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st, earl of. 1540-76. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Essex, England. in 1594 (Norden) Camden Soc. 9. Este, Leonora d'. See also lives of Tasso. Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 18. Estebanez, Calderon, Serafin. 1799-1867. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :62:201. Esthonia, Rustia. Sagen von Kalewi- Poeg (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Estienne'(Stephanus), Henri I. 1460-1520. (Pa*M>\v) Hi>tor. Taschenbuch 1831:547. et ses fils. Egger, Helle'nisme en France 1 : 196. Estradas, Godefroi, comte d'. Ambassades. Authenticity (Goll) Rev. Hist. 3:283; 4:275. Estrt'-es, C4sar d', cardinal. 1628-1714. Alembert Oeuvres 9:345. Estr'es, Gabrielle d', dnchesse de Beaufort. 1 .-.71-99. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 8. | et Sully (Desclozeaux) Rev. Hist. 33:241. ! Mariage et divorce (Desclozeaux) Rev. ! Hist. 30:49. Estr.'es, Jean d', abbe de Saint-Claude. Alembert. Oeuvres 7:243. Etching. Hamerton. Etchings; Thoughts about art ch. 23. Lung. The library. MaKcrly. 1'rint collector. Eternity. See fc<> Future lift-, Immortality, Time. I'lntinu*. Knneades 1 1 1. Ethelreda, St. MittdriiKli-clip I/egetide (Heuser) Gtitt. I'niv. Piss, y. 1. Bthelwold, St. d. 984. Vlta(Aelfrir) ( 'lm>nicon de Abingdon v. Ether, hiijHithrtic.nl mnlinm. Sec also Al\\i~. ;ui.l it- 1'n nrt inn*. Nature L'T :'.V>\. Transparency ( Krai r) I'niv. Stud. 1 : 1. Ethers. &r h<, Ak.lmN. mpOMft (BooIUir, Puma-) 1'ari-, MI'-III. .\.a.l.8ci. 15:457,667. Synthetical researches (Frankland) Roj r . Soc. Trans. 1866:37. Ethics. See also Moral science. and morals. Pollock, Essays in jurispru- dence. and science (Achelis) Vierteli. wiss. Phi- los. 7:53. and theology (Peabody) Christianity and modern thought. Begrundung durch d. Physik. Baader, VVerke5:l,35. Christian. Religious Mag. 2 : 105. Formen (Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Greek (Ziegler) Philos. Monats. 24 : 440. Grundbegriff. Hartenstein's. Lotze, Kleine Schrif ten 1 : 268. Jasche's Grundlinien. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. 12:552. Locke's (Miinz) Philos. Monats. 19:344. Methods (Heymaus) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 6:74- Moral motive power. Shairp, Studies in Modern, and egotism (Shinn) Californian 6:375. - Philonische (Wolff) Philos. Monats. 15: 333. Philosophy. Balfour, Philosophic doubt: app. Political. Bowen, Critical essays. Postulates. Bowne, Studies in theism 406. Principien (Hoffding) Viertelj. wiss. Phi- los. 10:249. - Reform (Achelis) Uns. Zeit 1888:2:394. Sovereignty. Emerson, Lectures. Vergeltung ( Hey mans) Viertelj. wiss. Phi- los. v. 7-8. (Laas) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. v. 5-6. Wiederstreit zw. Kant u. Aristoteles. Trendelenberg, Beitriige 3 : 171. Wundt's (Hartmann) Zts. Philos. 95:82. Ziele und Wege (Baerenbach) Zts. Philos. 89:47. Ethiopia. 5kakoAbyssinia,Nubia, Soudan. Lepsius. Letters from Ethiopia. Universal history: ancient 16:192. Voyageur francais dans (Louis-Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 30 : 877 ; 31 : 375. Ethnology. See also Language, Man, names of races. Application de la psychologic a la da ili- cation des races (Le Bon) Rev. Philos. 22:593. applied to architecture. Fergusson, Ar- chitecture v. 1. British. Huxley, Critiques. Croisement des races (Cjuatrefages) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:8: 159. - Hnirterung(Bastian)Zeits. Kthnol. 9:183. Evolution des peuples (Assier) Rev. si-> v. L*. Human race. Bt-stiiumung de.s Begritls. Kant, \\Yrki- I:!.'!:.. fnity. MilkT(Hugli), K^ay.s 387. Mt-tli.Mh ani. Huxley, 'ritii|iif-. Mnilorn (Aclieli-) Uuinl-chan M\ili

von d. iilif-tcn .Mcnx-henge- -' hUi-tern (Huttmann) Berlin Akad. A lih. 1814-15. Ethnology. 160 Eudoxus. Pateontologie applique'e (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:76:973. Swiss paleoethnology (Gross) Rev. An- throp. III:3:G20. Svnthese paloethnique (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 57: 81. - Verschiedene Racen. Kant,Werke2:433. Wissenschaftliche Charakter (Achelis) Zts. Volkerpsychol. 17 : 20. Ethyl. (Dumas, Peligot) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 15:633. Dimethvl-thetine derivatives (Letts) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:571. Halogen compounds. Action on vege- table alkaloids (How) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21:27. Propyl-, butyl-, amyl-thetines (Letts) Roy. Edin. trans. 28:583. Etienne. See also Estienne, Stephen. Etienne, bishop of Tournay. 1132-1203. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 15. Etienne, Charles G. 1778-1845. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 6. Etienne Hardingue, St., abbot of Citeaux. 1060-1134. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 11. Etiquette. See also Conversation, Costume, Courtesy, Manners. Campan (Mine). Journal. Chesterfield. Letters to his son. Epinay (Mnie). Lettres a mon ills. Good behavior. 1881. Guttmann. Aesthetic physical culture. Swift. Works. 1814. 9:452. Etna mountain. Sicily. Browne. Yusef. (Lucilius Junior) Lemaire Bibl. class. Lat. v. 136. Trollope. Italy. Eruption, 1865 (Reclus) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:58:110. in 1788 (Spallanzani) Pinkerton, Voyages v. 5. Origin (Lyell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:703. Eton school, England. Richie. Windsor castle and environs. Staunton. Great schools of England. Foundation. Bekynton, Correspondence (Rolls chronicles 56). Etruria, Etruscans. Dennis. Cities and cemeteries. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. - Taylor. Etruscan researches. Universal history: ancient 18:113- - Winckelmann. Ancient art v. 1. Art. Yriarte, Florence. Kunstvorstellungen des E. Tages (Braunl Rhein Mus. N. F. 1:98. Malakisch auf E. Spiegeln (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Metallspiegel(Gerhard)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836, 1859. Sa'cula (Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. 12:539. Studien (Cuno) Jahrb. Philol. 117-801- 123:850; 125:553. Todtenkisten (Uhden) Berlin Akad. Abh 1816-19, 1827, 1828, 1829. - Tombes de Corneto (Boissier) Rev. d d Mondes 1822: Aug. 15. Etruscan language. Betham. E. antiquities and literature. Crawford. Etruscan inscriptions. Ellis. Sources of the E. language. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana v. 1. Sprachfrage (Meyer) Rundschau 24:232. Etymology. See also Names, Roots, Spelling, Words. Cambridge Society ( Whewell) Philol. Soc. Proc. 5 : 133. Deutsche Volks- (Fb'rstemann) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1 : 1. Dissimilated gemination (March) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1877 : 145. und Sprachvergleichung. Grimm, Klein. Schrif ten 1:299. - Versuch eines Systems (Tobler) Zts. Vol- kerpsych. 1 : 349. Euboea island. Geologic (Teller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 40. Topographic (Ulrichs) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5 : 481. Eubulides. Mallet. Ecole de Me"gare. Eucalyptus tree. Muller. Eucalyptographia. Rayeret-Wattel. Eucalyptus. United States Consular reports 8, 26. Industrial applications. Ann. des Ponts V : v. 14. Globulus. Au point de vue botanique, e"conornique et medical (Planchon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7: 149. - Medical uses. Calif. Med. J. 3 : 6. Varieties (Kellogg) Cal. Acad. Sci. 6:30. Eucharist. See Lord's supper, Transub- stantiation. Eucherius, St., bishop of Lyons, d. 450. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 2. Eucken, Rudolf. Geistesleben der Menschheit (Falcken- berg) Zts. Philos. 90 : 110. Euclase. Krystallsystem (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. Monographie (Schabus) Wien. Akad. Denks M-N. Cl. v. 6. Eucleides of Alexandria, geometrician. B. C. 300. Figuier. Savants de I'antiquite'. (Klamroth) Zts.deut. morgenl. Gesell v.35. Optik (Weissenborn) Philologus 45:54. Eucleides of Megara. B. C. 440- Lewes. History of philosophy. Mallet. Ecole de M6gare. Eudemonism. See Happiness. Eudemus Rhodius. Brandis. Griech.-rom. Philosophie3:215. Eudocia, formerly Athenais. See also Chrys- ostomus. (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 95 : 721 ; 98 : 497. alsDichterin(Ludwich)Rhein.Mus.37:206. - Violariuin. Nonnus-Quelle (Patzig) Rhein. Mus. 37: 67. Textur (Patzig) Philologus 43:249. Eudoxus of Cnidus. B. C. 366. (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828, 1830. Eugene. 161 Eutropius. Eugene, Prince Francois Eugene de Savoie- Carignan. 1863-1736. ( Viel-Castel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33: 709. Eugenius III, pope. Historia pontificalia, 1148-52. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 20:515. Eugubian tables. (Breal) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 12:57. (Lassen) Khein. Mus. 1:360; 2:141. (Lepsius) Rhein. Mus. 2:191. Literatur(Schweizer-Sidler) Jahrb. Philol. 115:49. Eumenes Cardianut. Nepos. Lives. Plutarch. Lives. Eunapius of &i ///.<. Cousin. Fragments philos. 1:274. Euphorbiaceae (Spurge- worts). (Klotzsch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1859. Euphorlon. (Kuaack) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 145. Euphrates river. in 1834-6 (Chesnev) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3:231; 4:377; 7:411. Euphuism. See also Lyly (John). Landmann on (Breymann,Schwan) Engl. Stud. 5:409; 6:94. Euripides, tragic poet. B. C. 480-406. -- Bayle. Dictionary 5: 141. Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. Felton. Ancient and modern Greece. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 1:403. <4uinet. G. 31 :318. (Weil) Khein. Mus. 22:345. lpliif.'i*iiia in Auli- (Stadtmiiller) Jahrb. I'hilol. I.''.: Parado^ in <>. hone) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5:80,228. Iphigenia in Tauris (Wecklein) Jahrb. I'hilol. 11:1:81. (B*rgk) Khein. Mus. 17:588. Medea. Abctragiidic des Kallias mid ill. i.-.-j Kbi-iii. M H -. .'.1:582- Arrangementof text(Cockayne)Philo). Soc. Proe. 2:21. I'haethon. iViu-i.rk. Works 3:355. Hniclistiirke (Hartung) Klu-in. Mils. Phoenissae. Pars extrema genuina? (Gebauer) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Randglossen eines Laien zum(Raumer) Hist. Tasehenbuch 1841. Religious sentiment in. Bnnsen, God in history 2:224. Rhetoricus (Miller) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Supplices. Symmetrische Composition des Dialogs (A. Schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 23:439. Troades (Busche) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. -- In Danish (Schmidt)Tidskr. I'hilol. 8:94. - Writings (Thompson) Jour. Philol. 11 : 24:5. Euroc Indians. - Trip to, 1861 (Hallidie) Overland 11:9:340. Europe. Jhstor;/ and politics. Future foretold in history. Leslie, Essays 94. in 800 (Forester) Alfred the Great, Whole works v. 1. in 1500-1600. Vico, Opera; ed. Ferrari v.l. - in 1580. Bacon (Sir Fs), Works 3 : 428. in 1671. Temple (Sir W:), Works 2 : 209. in 1763. Bancroft, History of United States 5:3- in 1790. Political balance. Urquhart, Writing v. 1. in 1807. Military system. Leslie, Essays 128. in 1813. English and French relation to. Arndt (G. M.), Schriften v. 1. - in 1830(Hillebrand) Preuss.Jahrb.37:494- in 1848. Brownson, Works 16: 102. in 1849-54 (Bunsen) Preuss. Jahrb. 25:46. in 1857. British preponderance. Brown- son, Works 16:536. in 1859. Brownson, Works 16:548. in 1861. Preuss. Jahrb. 7 :453. in 18(53. Forces relatives(Lavergne)Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:44:216. -- (Reybaud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66: 151. in 1865. Impending woes. Pains, religion v. 12. in 1883 (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59:549. in 1886. Inquietudes. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:79:935. in 1S89. Triple alliance. Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 1>1: 277. Southeastern. Elements of unity. Monthly Reference Lists 2:9. Eusebia, wife of Constantiiis II. Praise of. Julianus, Opera. Eusebius Pamphilus, bishop of ( \rsarta. 264- 340. Chronicle. Armenische 1 Cliersetzung (Niebuhr) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Eustace the .W<>nk, iro/ 77i<-.et. EUtrOplUS, hi.ilnri'tn. lli-toirc litteraire de la Franei- v. 1. Kev. d.d. M. mdcs II :8S:6; ".i Invective again-t. Clainliaiiu-, <., Eutyches. 162 Exchange. Eutyches, archimandrate of Constantinople. - et le concile du brigandage (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 96: 721. Eutychianism (Two natures of Christ). Boethius. Opera v. 2. Joannes Daniascenus. Opera v. 1-2. Nestorius et Eutyches (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 96: 21, 721. Euxine. See Black sea. Evans, Josiah J. 1786-1858. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 116. Eve. Milton's. Hazlitt, Round table. Everaclus, bishop of Liege. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 20 : 561. Everett, Edward, statesman. 1794-1865. Annual cyclopaedia 1865. Mathews. Orators and oratory. Whipple. Characteristic men. Eve sham abbey, England. Chronicon. Rolls chronicles 29. Evesham battle, 1265. (Rishinger) Walsingham.YpodigmaNeu- striae : app. Eviction. Pactuin de non praestanda (Kiihnert) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Evidence. See also Certainty, Testimony, Witnesses. Best. Englische Beweisrecht. Greenleaf. On evidence. Canons of (Cooper) Pams. history v. 9. inmetaphysischen Wissenschaften. Men- delssohn (M.), Schriften v. 1. Incarnation and principles. Hutton, Es- says v. 1. Law of probable. Gladstone, Gleaningsv.7. Rationale. Bentham, Works v. 6-7. Study of moral (Shirley) Class. Jour. 26: 280. Theory. Maine, Village communities 295. Evil. See also Crime, Dualism, Gnosticism, Good, Manichseism, Pessimism, The- odicy. Bayle. Dictionary; Oeuvres diverses. Cunningham. St. Austin 45. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. 9:49. Holland. Bitter-sweet. Jouffroy. Melanges philosphiques 280. - Mainionides. Guide of the perplexed. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 4 : 1. Plato. Dialogues. Plotinus. Ennades; tr. par Bouillet 1:117. ProcJus. Opera; ed. Cousin. Thompson. Problem of evil. Amour du (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 23 : 603. Existence. Newman (Fs. W.) Miscella- nies 2:1. Origin. Augustine, City of God. bk. 12. Leibnitz. Essais de the'odice'e. Schelling. Werke 1:1:1. Spiritual creation. James, Literary re- mains. Evolution. See also Creation, Darwinism, Design, Man, Natural selection, Species. Fiske. Cosmic philosophy v. 1. Gaudry. Ancetres de nos* animaux 17. Graham. Creed of science. Hartmann. Philosophy of the uncon- scious 2 : 298 ; 3 : 120. Huxley. Critiques. McCosh. Christianity and positivism. Miller (Hugh). Footprints of the creator. Murphy. Habit and intelligence. (Naville) Revue Philos. 20:561. Salmon. Non-miraculous Christianity. Temple. Relations between religion and science 97, 159. (Ward) Dynamic sociology. Wright. Philosophical discussions. and theism. Bibliography. Library Jour. 6:31. Application to thought. Green (T : Hill), Works 1:373. Christianisme et (Renouvier) Crit. Phi- los. N. S. 3:241; 5:44,81,171. (Sabatier) Crit. Philos. N. S. v. 4-5. Direct evidence. Huxley, Lectures in America. Doctrine of (Leys) Pams. zoology v. 1. Ecole transformiste (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondesll:83:635. et liberty (Secrelan) Rev. Philos. 20: 1GO. Ethical. Wundt's (Sommer) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:189, 478, 486. Lehre. Rolph, Biologische Probleme. Martineau on. Spencer, Recent discus- sions. Mental. Maudsley, Body and will. Mona-und polyphyletische Theorie (Sem- per) Vierteli. wissen. Philos. 4 : 145. Morale de (Fouill6e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:40:112. Phe'nomenisme et. Crit. Philos. 13:294- Philosophy of. Strong, Philosophy and religion 39. Preuves (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 13:750. Primeval vegetation and (Williamson) Owens College essays. Theories transformistes (Quatrefages) Rev. Sci. 111:44:65. Theory of progression (Patterson) Pams. zoology v. 1. Virchow and. Tyndall, Fragments of science v. 2. What it can do. McCosh, Realistic phi- losophy 1 : 155. Evremond. See St. Evremond. Evreux, France. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 4. Ewald, Hans, poet. 1743-81. Howitt. Literature of northern Europe ch. 23. Ewald, Paul. 1851-87. (Lowenfeld) Hist. Zeits. 59:507. Examinations. College admission. Pams. on educ. v. 10. University (Morren) Pams. on educ. v. 10. Exchange. See also Banks, Reciprocity, Trade (balance of). Goschen. Foreign exchanges. ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 79 : 5 ; 80 : 25. Journal des Ecpnomistes I-II, index. Nicholson. Science of exchanges. Beschrankung, 1881 (Borries) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:227. Influence (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 87-89; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 77: 391. Lettres d' (Pascaud) Jour. Econ. IV:21: 418. dans Pantiquit <'ity School Import 1 ""' ; : 17" Anatomy (Homei Uoy.Sn-. Trans. 1822:76. Apparent direction in portraits. Poggt-n- aoHTl Aiinaleti v. *>. (Wolla-to,. 94:947. a> a camera obscura (Wilson) Rov. Edin. 1'r.in-. '.'I Blutgefasse (Leber) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 24. Brain and. Clifford, Seeing and thinking. Canal of Petit (Knox) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:231. Comparative anatomy (Knox) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:43. Couleur(Topinard)Rev.AnthropIII:3:513. chez les Tunisiens se'dentaires (Collig- non) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3:1. en Danemarck(Hansen) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3:38. en Norvege (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. 111:4:293. Crystalline lenses of the cod (Brewster) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1833:323; 1836:35. Cuttle-fish. Optic lobes (Clarke) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867:155. et la vision (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77:709. Exophthalmus of both (Eckerlein) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Fish. Spicuke of choroid (Drummond) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:377. Flussigkeitswechsel(Ehrenthal) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Humours. Chemical nature (Chenevix) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803 : 195. Iristuberculose (Schneller) Halle Univ. Di-^s. v. 4. Mechanism (Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801:23. - Motions (Bell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823 : Ki<5- Nerves. Colobom (Caspar) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 1. - Semi-decussation (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824 : 222. Netzhaut-gliom (Bochert) Konigsb. Univ. Diss v. 1. of cymothoidae. Minute structure (Bed- dafd) Rov. Edin. Trans. 33:443. of Mongols. Beschaffenheit d. Augen- lider (Metzschnikoff) Zts. Ethnol. 6 : 153. Verletzungen des n. opticus (Schliephake) Giessen t'niv. Diss. v. 2. Eyrbiggja saga. Mallet. Northern antiquities. Eytelwein, Johann A. 17(54-1848. (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Ezzolled. - Textkritik (Giske) Germania 28:89. Fabius Maximus, Cnnctator. B.C. 275-203. Plutarch. Liv-. und Diodor. Monimsen, Rb'mische Fors- chungen 2:221. Fables. Bacon (Sir F.). Wisdom of the ancients. Herder. Siinimtliche Werke 23 : 252. Asinus vulgi. Orient n. Occid. v. 1. Chinese. Martin. The Chinese .'.'I Hagedorn's. Ramlors Anderungen(Pick) Herrig's Archiv 73: I'll. Irish. Origin (Cooper) Roy. Irish Tran>. y. 10. Literary symbolism. Hegel, Philosophy of art* Migration. Miiller, Chins v. 4. Moorish. Hooker and Ball, Tour in Ma- rocco. of the Greek tragedies (Hippenstiel) Marh. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Thierfalwln bei d. Meistersiingern (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Fables. - Wesen. Leasing, Werke 5 : 403 ; 10 : 329. Fabliaux. Crpet. Poetes francais 1 : 234. Dunlop. History of fiction. Legrand d'Aussy. Fabliaux. Fabre, Ferdinand, novelist. 1830- Lemaitre. Contemporuins 2 : 297. -Unsere Zeit 1877: 2: 721. Fabre d'Eglantine, Ph. Fs. N. 1755-94. Lenient. Come'die an 18. siecle 2 : 358. Face, Human. Seealao Physiognomy. Beauty. Alison, On taste ch. 6. Facetiae. See Humor, Wit. Fagel, Francois. 1740-1773. Hemsterhuis. Oeuvres philos. 2 : 211. Fagnani, Giulio Carlo. 1682-1766. - Theorem (Talbot)Roy.Edin.Trans.23:285. Failure. See Success. Fairfax, T :, 3d baron, general. 1611-71. Coleridge. Northern worthies v. 1. Fairs. See also Exhibitions. Agra bazaar (Gilmour) Californian 3: 366. Southwark. Hogarth, Works. Fairies. Hazlitt. Fairy mythology of Shakespeare. Keightly. Fairy mythology. English. Wright, Essays in literature v. 1. German. Simrock, Deutsche Mythologie. French (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38:648. Lithuanian. Latham, Nationalities of Europe 1 : 23. Relation to religion (Pennell) Rev. d. d. Mondes 54 : 457. Rings ( Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807 : 133.- Shakespeare's(Halliwell)Shaksp.Soc.v.l4. Fairy tales. See also Folk-lore. Dunlop. History of fiction. Thorpe. Yule-tide stories. Children's. Roscoe (W : C.), Essays. Friar Rush and the elves. Wright, Es- says in literature v. 2. Faith. See also Belief, Certainty, Doubt, Supernaturalism. Barrow. Works v. 5. (Brochard) Revue Philos. 18: 1. Compayre'. Philosophic de Hume 222. Creuzef. Luther und Grotius. Fichte. Vocation of man ( Pop. works v. 1). Green (T : Hill). Works 3 : 253. Hegel. Werke 11 : 206. - Murphy. Scientific bases of faith. Norris. Reason and faith. Whately. Thoughts and apophthegms 135 and science. Baader, Werke 1:339, 357. Brownson. Works 9:268. (Guizot) Noyes, Theological essays. Hegel. Werke v. 1. and sight. Newman, Oxford sermons. Picton. Mystery of matter. Christian. Nichtwissen und absolutes Wissen im Verhaltniss zur. Hegel, Werke 17: 112. Emotion of conviction. Bagehot, Literary studies v. 2. et reality (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 10 : 19R. et volonte" (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 18:675. Family. Hang der Menschen an. Wieland, Werke 30 : 89. Justification by. Green (T : H.), Works 3:190. On things above reason. Boyle (Rob.), Works. Reason and. Collard on. Brownson, Works 3: 205- Newman. Oxford sermons. Wieland. Werke 30 : 1. Limites(Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:541. Wesen im Sinne Luthers. Feuerbach, Werke 1:259. Faith healing. Faith cure. Tuke. Influence of mind on body. (Bertrand) Rev. Philos. 21:591. Falconry. See Hawks. Faliero, Marino, doge of Venice. 1274-1355. Byron. Dramas. Delavigne. Theatre v. 2. Hazlitt. Venetian republic v. 3. Yriarte. Venice ch. 1. Dramaturgische Parallelen. Unsere Zeit 1877:1:881. Falk, Johannes D. 1768- - Duller. Manner des Volks 3 : 237. Falkland, Lucius Gary, 2 d viscount. 1610-43. Arnold (Mat). Mixed essays. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Tulloch. Rational theology in England. Falkland islands. - Unsere Zeit 1860: 125. Fall of man. See also Eden. Shuckford. Connections. Fallacies. Bentham. Works v. 2. Sidgwick. Fallacies. Smith (Sydney). Works v. 2. Fallmerayer, Jacob Philipp, publicist. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 42 : 119. Falloux, A. F: P: comte de. 1811- Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 15. Falsehood. See also Truth. Epinay (Mme). Lettres h mon fils. Political. Swift, Works. 1814. 6:409. Falstaff, Sir John. 1377-1459. Bayle. Dictionary 5 : 191. Shakespeare. King Henry IV. Fame. Dion Chrysostomus. Orationes. and glory. Sumner, Works, 2: 1. Desire of reputation. Barnes, Essays v. 2. Love of. Young, Poems. Modern idea. Burckhardt, Renaissance 1:197. Posthumous. Bulwer, Caxtoniana. Family. See also Home, Kinship, Marriage. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:436. Fustel de Coulanges. Ancient city. Gasparin. Famille ; Ennemi de la famille. Hearn. Aryan household. Hegel. Philosophic des Rechts (Werke -8 : 158- ). Hyacinthe. Family and the church. Lippert. Geschichte der Familie. McLennan. Patriarchal theory. Plato. Laws bk. 3 ; Republic. Schiiffle. Bau d. socialen Korpers 1 : 213 ; 3:1. Family. 165 Faust. Simon. Famille. Thwing. Family. Thompson. Problem of evil 158. Ancient divisions. Maine, Early institu- tions 64, 185. Autorit^ paternelle (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 57:55. 193. Christian and pagan. Brownson, Works 1B:W>. et ia loi de succession en France (Bau- drillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:98:827. et la proprie'te' aux premiers ages(Font- pertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 6:5. et la socie'te' (Passy) Jour. Econ. 1 1 : 11 : 59- Etat et la. Parieu, Science politique; , Acad. Sci. Mor. 86: 5. Evolution suivant M. Spencer (Renou- vier)Crit. Philos. 17:17. - French. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Vtflker 1 : 13 ; 3:254. Irish ancient divisions, McLennan, Stud- ies in ancient history. Organisation (Thouverez) Crit. Philos. N.S. 7:420. Patriarchal. Lippert, Culturgeschichte 2:505. Role dans I'Sducation (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39:161. Roman. Becker, Callus. Fanaticism. See also Enthusiasm. unddieMittel dagegen. Kant, Werke&60 Tombeau du; exanien de Bolingbroke. Voltaire, Oeuvres v. 30. Fantosme, Jordan. .Mt-trikder Chronik (Rose) Roman. Stu- dien5:301. Faraday, Michael, chemist. 1794-1867. --(Dumas) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 36. (La Rive) Smithson. Report 1867:227. (Radau) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:71: 1015. as a discoverer. Schelling, Werke 1 : 9:439. Tymlall. Fragments of science. Farallones islands. Birds and eggs (Bryant) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 11:1:25. Farces. See alto Comedy. Troiscommcres( Meyer) Romania 10:533. Far fa monastery. Annales; Historiae. Pertz, Man. Ger- man, hist., Scriptores v. 11. Farina, Salvatore. 1846- (.-amosch) Rund-chatl 1<>:L>16. Humorist)! (Marc-Monmer) Rev. d. d. Monde, Ill :.M:405. Novels. Rundschaii it: l.vj. Farlnellt, Carlo Hro>chi. im - (Scudo) Kcv. d. d. Mondes II :.V>:759. Farming. See alto Agriculture. F.mer-<.n. Society and -olitnde. Amcrii an home*. Conn. School Kept. ':90. Freud. (Villerme 1 ) Rev. d. d. Moii.lr- II i"7. Mltayagf dims le I'erigord (. \udi- ganm-j Kcv. .1. d. Mondes II :' Law f. AIIDT Agriculturist law hook. ( 1'arriih ). Mich. H.I. A^ric.U.'port 1882-3. Farneae, Ah-ssandro, ,l,,kr< >f r> ,. \ (Uugel) Rev. d. d. M..II.I.". Ill :7L': 171. Faroe islands. Dasent. Jest and earnest v. 1. Marmier. Lettres sur le Nord 2:214. Geology (Mackenzie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7 : 213. Mineralogy (Allan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7: 229; 9:461; 13:46. Farquhar, George, dramatist. 1678-1707. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Farragut, David G., admiral. 1801-70. Annual cyclopaedia 5:596. Portrait. Chesney. Military biography. I (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1869:2:499. Fashion. See also Costume, Etiquette. Arndt. Schriften 2:67. I Garve. Versuche 1 : 117. Fasts. See also Festivals, Lent. funraire (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:20:378,557. Fatalism, Fate. See /. Libertj', Necessity. Providence. Will (Freedom). Asiatic Journal 14:355. Bardesanes. Book of laws of countries. Cicero. De fato. Diderot. Jacques lefataliste(Oeuvresv.6). Emerson. Conduct of life. Erigena. De prsedestinatione. Laurent. Histoiredudroitdes gens 18:53. Plutarch. Morals v. 5. Leibnitz de fato. Trendelenberg, Hist. Beitrage 2 : 188. Mohammedan doctrine. J. Amer. Ori- ent. Soc. 8:105. Notions grecques. Constant de Rebecque, de la religion 3:358. Fathers of the church. Literature. Anfange. Hist. Zeits. 48:417. Method of reading. Bayle, Dictionary 2: 212. Philosophy. Ozanam, History of civili- zation v. 1. -- Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie v. 1, 3. Testimony. Clinton, Fasti Bommni 2:518. Faucher, Lon, economist. 1803-54. (Levasseur) Jour. Econ. 111:40:1*111. Reybaud. Economistes modernes ; also Rev. d. d. Monde- II :8S: Correspondance (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:85:(W1. Faust. Set also Mephistopbeles, Theo]>hi- lus (St.). Bibliography. Goethe, Fau-t ; trad, par I'.la/.c on (Kiirchncr's Saiumlung v. 79). Li-nan. Faust: t-in (u-dicht (\Verkc v. .'5). ero. Choice Literature 1 : M7. Aeltote ()|.er(S])itt;i) Uund-cliait .">S : ;57i;. P^ine Trilogie(I)ingelstedt) RtimNchau v. 7-8. English pantomines (Dii>l>U>r) Anglia': ML Kutychianus Faii-tn-. -enior and junior. Herrig's Arch:, Goethe^. (A. L.) HiTrig's Archiv -- ( Assinaiiii) Herrig's Archiv !: L'->7. -- (I)iinUer) Herrig's Archiv 10- 121. -- iKnnO Fischer) Kiindx'han -- (Jarnl.y) (ioethe .lahrhuch 1:186. -- ICaMOU. Three devils. -- Mosun (Jul.). \Verkev.8. Faust. 166 Fenelon. (Schmidt)Preuss.Jahrb.39:361; 53:551. Taylor. Studies in German literature. Altitalienische Gemiilde als Quelle ( Dehia) Goethe-Jahrb. 7 : 251. Archiv (Rudolf) Herrig's Arch. 81 :405. Betrachtungen (Scherer) Goethe- Jahrb. 6:231. Erste Theater-AufTiihrungen (Enshn) Rundschau 24:95. Genese(BtazedeBury)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:3(5:5. Herder im (Huther) Zts. deutsche Phi- lol. 21:329. Scherer as critic of (Thomas) Mod. Language Assoc. Trans, v. 2. Schlussworte (Nitzsch) Preuss. Jahrb. 56 : 162. Second part. Aesthetiker Fischer und (Duntzer) Herrig's Archiv 34 : 269. Translation by Blaze. Herrig's Arch. 2:417. Translation by Gonzaga. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Volker2:114. und Hegel (Borinski) Goethe-Jahrb. 9 : 198. und Helena (Bobertag) Goethe-Jahrb. 1:44. Verstudien (Hauff) Herrig's Archiv 66:295. Vorgeschichte(Schmidt) Goethe-Jahrb. v. 2-4. Gounod's opera (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:20:757. Legend (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 35:921. Conway. Demonology 2 : 332. Goethe. Faust; tr. by Taylor 1 : app. (Stieglitz) Hist. Taschenbuch 1834. Lessing's (Schmidt) Goethe-Jahrb. 2:65. Marlowe s(Breymann)Engl.Studien 5:56. (Duntzer, Wagner) Anglia 1:44; 2:518. Collation der Quarto ( Proscholdt) An- glia 3 : 88. und das 16. Jahrhundert (Schmidt) Goethe-Jahrb. 3:77. Volksbuch. Entstehung(Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 47:445. Faustus, bishop of Riez, St. d. 490. Histoire litt^raire de la France v. 2. Fauveau, Flicie de, sculptor. Ellet. Women artists. Favart, C: Simon. 1710-92. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lenient. Comedie au 18. siecle 2 : 191. Favorinus of Aries. und Florilegienliteratur (Freudenthal) Rhein. Mus. 35:408. Favre, Guillaume, of Geneva. 1808-51. Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi 13 : 231. Favre, J ules C. G. 1809-80. Mirecour. Contemporains. Fawcett, Edgar, poet. 1847- Poems (Newmark) Californian 3:326. Fawcett. Henry, economist. 1833-84. Jour. Econ. I V : 28 : 274; 33 : 261. Fawkes, Guy. - Histories of England in time of James I. - Bayley. Tower of London 2:542. Lamb. Works. Pike. History of crime in England. Fear. See also Courage. Etude psychologique (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 'III: 76: 73. Fechner, Gtistav Theodor. 1801-87. (Bruchmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 59 : 293. ( Miinz) Unsere Zeit 1888 : 1 : 275. Ribot. German psychology of to-day. Erinnerung (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 4:471. Philosophie(Achelis)Uns. Zeit 1883:2:377- Wiirdigung( Achelis) Zts. Volkerps. 19 : 164. Fecundity. See also Generation. American and foreign (Storer) Pains. medicine v. 5. Federal party in the United States. Adams (H:). New England federalism ; Life of Gallatin. Adams (J:). Works. Ames (Fisher). Works. Gibbs. Administrations of Washington and Adams. - Hamilton. History of American republic. Hartford Convention. Proceedings; ed. by Dwight. Lalor. Cyclopaedia of political science v. 2. Lodge. 'Life of Cabot; Life of Webster. Rives. Life of Madison. Federation, Federacies. Boom. Unite" europe'enne. (Borel) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Brie. Bundesstaat. Dicey. Lectures on the law of the consti- tution 126. Fiske. American political ideas. Frantz. Kritik aller Parteien 240. Freeman. History of federal gov't. . Treitschke. Aufsatze 2 : 77- Ancient and modern. Madison, Works 1:293,319, 389. Washington. Writings 9 : 521. Power and stability (Denison) Class. Jour. v. 40. Feelings. See Emotions, Passions, Senses. Fehmgericht. See Vehmic courts. Fehrbellin battle, 1675. (Erdmannsdorffer) Preuss. Jahrb. 36: 110 Felspar. Krystallographische Bestimmung( Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17; 1820-1. System in d. Stellung einer svmmetrischen Saule FT ( Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. und Kalkspath. Krystallsystemen ( Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Felton, Hon. John B. 1827-77. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Fenelon, F. de Salignac de la Mothe. 1651- 1715. Albert. Litterature f rancaise au 17. siecle. Alembert. Oeuvres 8 : 7-60. Bouillier. Philosophic cartesienne 2 : 264. Channing. Works 1 : 167. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. Lamartine. Vies des grands homines. Martin. Histoire de France. Sainte-Beuve. Monday -chats; Cau- series v. 2, 10. Shelley. French authors v. 1. a Cambrai (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:65:213. Bemerkungen (Wagler) Herrig's Arch. 14:106. Fenian movement. 167 Fetichism. Fenian movement, 1863-5. (Herv) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:52:521. (Lasteyrie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68:996. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 161 ; 1868 : 1 : 427. Imprisonment of U. S. citizens. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 18(57-8, v. 13. Patriots: O'Brien and Meagher. Seward, Works v. 1. Fenouillot de Falbaire, C : G : 1727-1800. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Fenwick, B. J., bishop of Boxton. 1782-1846. Brownson. Works 14:470. Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria. 1793-1875. Dnsere Zeit 1875:2:429. Ferdinand VI, king of Spain. 1713-59. Coxe. Kings of Spain v. 4. Ferdinand VH, king of Spain. 1784-1833. Holland. Foreign reminiscences. Ferdinand H, king of the two Sicilies. 1810-59. ( Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 22 : 513,797. Ferguson, Adam, LL. D. 1723-1816. Biography (Small) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23: 599. Feridoun (Feridun). Sage (Roth) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell. 3:21& Fermat, Pierre, d. 1665. Arago. Oeuvres 3:517. Fermat 's theorem. (Legendre) Paris. Mi'tn. Acad. Sci. 6:1. ( Pollock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861 : 409; 1868 : 887. (Talbot) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 403. - Nouveau cas (Lam) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 8:421. Sfitze (Knmmer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. Fermentation. See alto Bacteria, Germ theory. Yeast. Chevre'ul. Histoire de la matiere (Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 39). alcoolique et ace"teuse (Turpin) Paris, M.'iii. Acad. Sci. 17:93. Bearings on medicine. Tyndall, Frag- ments v. 2. Bedeutung fiir die Gesundheitspflege (Fleck) Pams. health v. 1. Nouvelle th^orie (Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II:103:!)U. Ferns. Ban der (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834, 1835, 1840, 1841. Flachen-Skelete (Ettingshausen) Wien Aka-1. n.-nk*. M-N. Cl. v. J Fructification (Kidston) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:137. Gefassbiiinlel-Vertheilung im Stanmie (Reichardt) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. ci. v. 17. Germination (Macvickar) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 10:263. Ferrara, ltul I ii^i-rr X,-it I >^: I:'.': 691. Fenrler, Ja. F. ISO* >;i Institute* iif met a | ih y- jr. <.mti-. Kxplor- atiu philn-nphica. -- (Penjon) Rev. Philos. 2: 130. Femi mountain, Sardinia. Vulcan (Doelter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 38, 39. Fertilizers. See also Guano. and worn-out soil. U. S. Consular report 75:641. Best(Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Bone meal. Pams. agriculture v. 2. Chemistry of excrements (Marcet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1854 : 265 ; 1857 : 403. Commercial (Collier) Vienna Exhibition, 1873, Reports v. 2. Einfluss (Hermbstiidt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824, 1826. Fabrikation v. Standpunkte d. Volks- wirthschaft. Uns. Zeit 1866:1:541. Geschichte. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 753, 833. Human excreta. Disposal (Hitchcock) Mich. Bd. Health 1875:55. mine'raux (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 29:705. mixtes (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 37 : 976. Nitrogenous (Wagner) Pams. agriculture v. 2. Phosphate discoveries in Brazil. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 6. -- industry. Canadian economics 1884. Thomas slag. U. S. Consular report 81 : 1. Was ist Diinger? (Hermbstadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2. Festivals. See also Amusements, Carnival, Christmas, Easter, Fasts, Thanksgiving day. Lippert. Christenthum, Volksglaube 354,580- Allerseelenbrod (Rochholz) Germania 11:1. English early. Brande, Popular antiqui- ties v. 1. Ferien (Rodenberg) Rundschau 5: 110- French, before 1800 (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:28:836. German. Simrock, Deutsche My thologie. Greek. Becker, Charicles. -- Mahaffy. Social life in ancient Greece. Dionysia (Boeckh) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. --- (Spalding) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11 Hindoo. Bose, Hindoos as they are. Italian renaissance. Burckhardt, Renais- sance v. 2. Roman. Ludi mngni. Mommsen, RJim. Fnrschungen v. 2; Rhein. Mus. 14 : 7!). -- Ludus Aemilins (Jordan). Hermes !l: 416. -- Lupercalia (Unger) Rhein. Mus. 36:50. -- Lustra (Zumpt) Rhein. Mas. 25:465; _';:!. Festus, Sextus Pompeiu^. Codicis quarternio decimus ( M.iiniiiM'ii) I'.i-rlin Akad. Abli. i:.)iiii-rh-rechtiiche Quellen Akad. Ahli. 1 Fetichlsm. Lil>l>ert. Christenthum, Volksglaube 171 : Ctilturgeschiditc _':'.';-', L'. r ); Seel- encult ;{;. ii ili- Hindoos 3:220. !> linition, place, source (Renouvier)Crit 1'hilov 17 I.-.M Fetichism. 168 Fiction. Egyptian (Pietschmann) Zts. Ethnol. 10: 153. Philosophy. Hedge, Atheism in philos- ophy. Theory of the age of. Comte, Positive polity 3:65. - West African (Bastian) Zts. Ethnol. 6:1, 80. Feuchores, Sophia Dawes. Cretinean-Joly. Princes de Condi? l:ch. 4. Feuchtersleben, Ernst von. 1806-49. - Hebbel. Werkell:87. Feudalism. -Alison. History of Europe: introd. Brougham. Political philosophy 1:257. Chateaubriand. Etudes historiques 3:363. De la fe"licit6 publique bk. 2, ch. 1-2. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works 3: 183. Guizot. Essais sur 1'histoire de France. Hegel. Philosophy of history. - Maine. Early history of institutions. Mundt. Geschichte d. Gesellschaft 119. Robertson. Charles V. Seebohm. Protestant reformation. Wallon. Saint Louis et son temps v. 2. dans les Pyre'ne'es (Lagreze) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 65-68. Decay of feudal property. Maine, Early law and custom. in ancient Canada. Parkman, Old regime ch. 15- in England. Histories by : Hume (v. 2), Millar (v. 1-2), etc. Cunningham. Growth of English in- dustry. in France. Histories by: Mably, Martin, Schmidt (1:240), etc. Montesquieu. Spirit of the laws bk. 30-31. Abolition (Doniol) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 71- 72, 80, 91-92. in Iceland. Conybeare, Place of Iceland. in Switzerland. 'Histories by: Dandliker (1:207), etc. Influence on society. Johnson, Normans in Europe. Institutions carolingiennes (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4:344. Monks and. Montalembert, Monks of the west v. 6. Origines (Fustel de Coulanges) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:105:435; 111:4:551. Process of feudalisation. Maine, Village communities. Feuerbacli, Ludwig Andreas. 1804-72. Gegenwart2:89. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1872:2:577. Feuerbacli, Paul J. A., jurist. 1775-1833. (Geyer) Rundschau 10:465. (Neumann) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:57. Feuillet, Octave, dramatist, novelist. 1812- Lemaitre. Contemporains 3:5. ( Montagu t) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 18: 677. Chamillac (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:74:933. - Histoire de Sibylle. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis v. 5. Monsieur de Camors (Montgut) Rev d d. Mondes 11:73:497. Montjoye (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:48:707. Plays. Matthews, French dramatists. Fevers. See also Germ theory, Malaria, names of fevers. (Wood)Smithson. Contrib. 23. putrides (Portal) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. 9:379. Feydeau, Ernest Aime". 1821-73. Catherine d'Overmeire (Monte"gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 26: 728. Fanny (Mont6gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 18:196. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 14. Fibula. Congenitaler Defect (Fricke) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Fichte, Immanuel H. 1790-1879. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 721. Fichte, Johann G., philosopher. 1762-1814. Historiesof philosophy by Fischer (5:215), Fortlage, Windelband (2 : 197, 282). Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neu. Stats- wissenschaft. Duller. Manner des Volks 4 : 1. Flint. Philosophy of history v. 1. Jasche. Pantheismus 3 : 64-119. Michelet. Neueste deutsche Philosophic. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1:275. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 2. Zeller. Deutsche Philos. seit Leibniz. als Politiker. Zeller, Vortrage 1 : 153. and Schelling's systems. Differenz. Hegel, Werke v. 1. Doctrines religieuses (Bartholmess) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 29-30. Erinnerung. Preuss. Jahrb. 7 : 244. Idealisnius(Giihloff) Halle Univ. Diss. v.2. Lehre. Verhaltniss d. Naturphilosophie. Schelling, Werke 1:7:1. Life (Smith) In his Popular works v. 1. Philosophic. Hegel, Werke 15:535. Religious philosophy. Gostwick, German culture. und d. nationale Idee. Treitschke, Auf- satzel:113. Ficinus, Marsilius. 1433-99. Maurice. Moral etc. philosophy 2 :60. Reumont. Lorenzo de ! Medici 2:23. Roscoe. Lorenzo de' Medici. Fiction (Prose). Bascom. Philosophy of English litera- ture. Besant. Art of fiction. Dunlop. History of fiction. Wright. Essays in literature v. 2. Helps. Friends in council v. 1. - Herder. Sammtliche Werke 23 : 273. Lanier. English novel. Stael-Holstein (Mme.). Oeuvres v. 2. Tuckerman. History of English prose. American, 1856 (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:4: 181. modern (Schonbach) Rundschau v. 46-47. au temps deShakespeare(Jusserand) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:79:573. Byzantine (Hartung) Herrig's Arch. 50: 1. Children's. Roscoe (W: C.), Essays. Danish. Buchanan, Master-spirits. dans 1'antiquite". Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis v. 2. English early. Turner, England in the middle ages 4 : 367. Influence of Italian on. Hallam (A. H.), Remains. Fiction. 169 Final causes. modern (Honegger) Unsere Zeit 1874: 1 : 113. Evil (Shinn) California!! 6:442. Fable and. Beattie, Works v. 3. French (Lomnie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12:593; 16:446; 37:722; 40:651. depuis 1'Astree jusqu'a Rene" (Du Par- quet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:40:455. modern (Brandes) Rundschau 26:55. 1857 (Planche") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 8: 410. German (Hartung) Herrig's Archiv48:391. Gothic. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 1. Greek (Hartung) Herrig's Archiv 49:89. Origines (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:32:285. Grundlinien einer Theorie (Keiter) Her- rig's Archiv 55 : 1. Heroes insipid. Hazlitt, Sketches. Historical. Alison, Essays : political, etc. 3:521. Idealisme dans (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II I: i;n the church. Coleridge. Knglish di 1:35. Field, Stephen .1., /'. S. ehiff jtmticf. 1816- ShiK-k. llfiich and l>:ir in California: i:-|>rc-rntativr men. 22 Fielding, Copley. Ruskin. Art of England. Fielding, Henry, novelist. 1707-54. Forsyth. Novelists of the 18. century. I la/.litt. English comic writers. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 3. Thackeray. English humorists. Whipple. Essays v. 2. Charakteristik (Bobertag) Engl. Studien 1:317. Tom Jones. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Volker 3:357. Fielding, William, 1st earl of Denbigh. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Fierabras (Ferumbras). English version; ed. by Herrtage (E. Engl. Text Soc. 11:34). Synopsis. Ellis, Metrical romances. Provenzalisches Gedicht; ed. by Bekker (Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826). Fifeshire, Scotland. Geology of coast (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:385. Fig. Arten (Willdenow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Figuler, G. L: 1819- Tomorrow of death. Fiske, Unseen world. Figulus, P. Nig-dius, Pythagorean philosopher. (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 13: 177. Fiji Islands. ( Bohr) Rundschau 1 : 380. Challenger voyage. Narrative 1 : pt. 1. ( Hiibner) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 72 : 749. (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 36:5fi<;. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 1 : 698.764. als britische Colonie. Rundschau 36:234. in 1840. Belcher, Voyage 2 : 36. - Wilkes. U. S. explor. exped. 3 : 45. in 1859. Williams and Calvert, Fiji. in 1870 (Britton) Pams. on travel v. 4. Filangieri, Gaetano. 1752-88. Heron. J urisprudence 603. Villemain. Litte>ature au 18. siecle 3:57- Filelfo, Francesco. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana. Fillmore, Millard, 13th president. 1800-74 Administration. Monthly Ref. Lists 4: 21. Autobiography. Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. i'. Final causes. Bascom. Problems in philosophy. Boyle (Rob). Works. Brownson. Works 1:381. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 5. (Janet) Rev. Philos. 1:24; Rev. d. d. M..nd.- 11 :ica Kant. Werke 4 : 469 ; 5 : 369- (Void) Philos. Monats. l. : r,l Maimonides. (Juidc of the perplexed. lialebranehe. Mi'ditation^ lOcnvrrs i: 111; L': lit). Stewart. 1'hilosophy of human mind '_': 453. Voltaire. Oeuvres 34:320. Darwinism and. Ljmge, Materialise Doctrine in physiology. \Vln-wrll. Hi- tory indiK-tivc scien Kritici-mns (Laas) Viert-lj. wi-s. Philo-. - I Mechanism and. Ik>wne, Studies in theism. Final causes. 170 Fischart. Paley's failure ; Hume's fallacy. Thomp- son, American comments. Science moderne et ( Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondesi II: 16: 481. Streiflichter (Gutberlet) Zts. Philos. 90 : 177. Finances. See also Banks, Bimetallism .Coin- age, Commerce, Contract, Credit, Crises, Currency, Debt, Exchange, Gold, Money, Refunding, Resumption, Silver, Stocks, Wealth. Austrian, 1856. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 145. 1859 -. Unsere Zeit 1863: 1,145, 235. 1875 (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7:409. British. See also Bullion report. 1793. Paine, Political works 2 : 365. 1816. Adams, Chapters on Erie. 1842 ( Dussard) Jour. Eccn. 1 : 2 : 14. 1842-70 (Calmon) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 94- 95; Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 90: 315, 481. 1887 (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 82:647. Sinking fund. Pitt's policy. Alison, History of Europe ch. 41. Danish, 1858. Preuss. Jahrb. 1 : 60. European, 1887. U. S. Consular report 90. French. Budgets anciennes (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 1 :403. Conseil superieur (Neymarck) Jour. Econ. IV:36:31. Controle(Audiflert) Acad. Sci. Mor. 78: 161. de 1'ancienne monarchic (Bouchard) Jour. Econ. IV: 43: 336; 44:371. Deficit communal (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 54 : 611. Derniers ferruiers-ge'ne'raux(Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :5: 282. Papier-monnaie, impots. 1873 (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 108 : 389. Senate et le vote des lois (Cucheval- Clarigny) Rev. d d. Mondes 111:18:177. Service de la tre'sorerie (Audifl'ert) Acad. Sci. Mor. 69:401. 1700-1800 (Audiffert) Acad. Sci. Mor. 44:313. 1715 ( Vuitry) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 60-62. 1789-1860 (Audiffert) Acad. Sci. Mor. 55:321,356. - 1814-70 (Courtois) Jour. Econ. Ill : 21 : 196. 1857-60. Unsere Zeit 1860: 657. 1869-89 (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 93: 280. 1871 (Batbie, Bouchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:94:71,359. 1872 Valeurs 6trangeres (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 100: 196. 1881 (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 46: 562. 1882 (Block) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 53 : 911. (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 54: 147. 1884 (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:57:352. - 1885 (Say) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:67: 278. 1886 (Lacombe) Jour. Econ. IV: 36: 178. German. Wahrung, Angriffe (Geffcken) Rundschau 45:59. 1872-3 (Trollard) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 104:39. 1876 (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 18:373. 1882 (Grad) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 53 : 5. Italian 1870 (Poujade) Jour. Econ. Ill: 18:161. 1880-1 (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :v. 43, 48,49. Latin union (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:82:324, <>47 V (Noel) Jour. Econ. IV : 27 : 5. Russian 1863(Wolowski) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : v. 49-50. 1879-87. Jour. Econ. I V : 21 : 390 ; 35 : 250; 39:252. Spanish 1875 (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 9- 183. United States 1862 (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 41: 189. 1865 (Walker) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 58 : 473 1886 (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 82:647. Finch, Heneage, earl of Nottingham. 1621-82. Campbell. Chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Fine arts. See Art. Fingers. See also Hand. Anomalies (Guyot-Daubes) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3:534. Finland. Du Chaillu. Land of the midnight sun. ( Sartor ius) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 1 : 454. als militarische Position. Unsere Zeit 1863:683. Finnish language. See also Kalevala. Finnisch-Tatarische(Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Kullervo sage (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Relationship with the Indo-European (Wedgwood) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1856, 1860-1. Firdusi, Abu'l Kasim. Jussuf und Zuleicha (Griinbaum) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 43 : 1. Livre des rois. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries v.l. Mohl's Ausgabe (Riickert) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell. v. 8, 10. Shah-Nameh. Johnson, Oriental relig- ions: Persia 711. Fire. See also Combustion. Theophrastus. Peri pyros. Fundamental form of life. Heraclitus Ephesius, Writings. Nature, propagation. Voltaire, Oeuvres v. 28. Transcendentalische Ansicht (Sauer) Philos. Jour. 8:91. Fire-places. See also Stoves. Rumford. Works. Firenzuola, Agnolo, poet. 1493-1545. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Fischart, Johann, 16th century. Bibliography (In his Dichtungen ; hrsg. yon Kurz v. 1). - Dichtungen (Wirth)Herrig'sArchiv 75:69 Quelle von Jesuitenhiitlein (Kurz) Her- rig's Archiv 34 : 61. Fischart. 171 Flame. Rabelais und (Strehlke) Herrig's Archiv 14:149; 15:17. Fisher, K. Kuno B. 1824- Unsere Zeit 1857:460. Fish. See also Fisheries, Fishing, names of fish. African (Steindachner) Wien Akad. Denk.s. .M-N. Cl. v. 44, 45. Anipullen am ductuscysticusder(Hyrtl) \Vien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 28. Atlantic coast. U. 8. Senate Reports ! 1883-4, v. 7. British new (Parnell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14 : 137, 146. Caribbee poisonous (Ferguson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:65. Classification (Dume'ril) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. v. 27. Culture in France (Baude) Rev. d. d. M. .tides 11:31:293. (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:576; -. Action (Carlisle) Roy. Soc. Trail*. I**;: 1. Nests (Coste) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrani:. 10:574. Neue u. seltene (Steindachner) Wien id. Dcnk> M N. Cl. v . 11. Organe ili- I'Diiie ( llrrM-ln-t ) Paris, Mem. . in- Ktrang. .">:tio7. tOOM. ovum of (Kaiisom) Roy. Soc. Trans. l-"i7:431. DrppottteclM System (Hyrtl) Wien Aka.l. Denks. M N. Cl. -_':27. Scale* and bones. Structure (William- son) Roy. Boe. Tr.m-. i-oi : t;i:t. South American. Flutische (Stein- .lacliner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. U II, \. Urogenital organs (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 391. Vertebra. Osseous structure in (Stark) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:643. Fisher, John, cardinal. 1459-1535. Coleridge (H). Northern worthies v. 2. Fisheries. Canadian. Canadian economics. 1884 : 41. Pamphlets on history v. 12. U. S. Consular report 77. U. S. Foreign relations 1887. Wharton. Digest of international law. Awards. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1877-8, v. 18-20. Question in 1852. Seward, Works 1:254. Report, 1887 (Edmunds) U. S. Senate Reports 1886-7. v. 1. Rights of New England. Bancroft, History U.S. 7:239. Treaties. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:111. of 1818. Rush, Occasional produc- tions. Coast. Police (Baude) Acad. Sci. Mor. 59:421. German. Binnenfischerei (Hartmann) 1'ns. Zeit 1881: 2: 453. Seefischerei. Uns. Zeit 1867 : 2 : 452. High sea (Sturz) Pains, social science v. 3. Icelandic. Burton, Ultima Thule v. 1. - Kunstliche Zucht. Uns. Zeit 1857 : 98. Fishing. Ancient authorities: Ausonius, Ennius, Ovid, Mosella. Brydges. Censura literaria v. 10. Kingsley. Prose idylls. Fly-. Literature of (Francis) Cambr. essays. 185H. Pre-historic(Rau)Smithson.Contrib.v.25. Fistula. Ve"sico-vaginales (Jobert de Lamballe) Paris. Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 14. Fitch, John, inventor. 1743-98. Sparks. American biography v. 16. Fitzalan, Henry, earl of Arundel. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Fitzroy, H: duke of Richmond and Somerset. Memoir; inventory of goods(Camden mis- cellany v. 3). FitzSimons, Thomas. 1741-1811. (Griffin) Am. Catholic Hist. Soc., Records v. 2. Five Forks battle, 1865. Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Fixtures. Law of. Pamphlets on law v. 1. Flaccus, C. Valerius. See Valerius Flaccus. Flaccus, Verrius. Nettleship. lectures; Am. J. Philol. v. 1-2. Uoniiseb-reclitlicbe (^Mullen (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. U Flaccus Avillius. Philo Judaeus. Works v. I. Flagellants. Froissart. Oeuvres 18:305- Flagg, G: W. 1816- Tuckerman. Artist-life. Flame. Transparence (Allan!) Paris, MC-m. Sa- vans Etrang. \ Flaniel. 172 Florida. Flamel, Nicolas, calluirapher. 1330-1418. - Wieland. Werke 32 : 369. Flanders. See also Belgium, Netherlands. Economic rurale (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondesll:30:722. Flandrin, Jean Hippolyte. 1809-64. Peinture religieuse (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:24:862; 51:819. Flat head Indians. Mission (Mallet) Am. Catholic Hist. Soc., Records v. 2. Flaubert, Gustave. 1821-80. Baudelaire. Oeuvres 3 : 407. (Brandes) Rundschau 27:390. (Brunetiere) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:39:828. (DuCamp) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:47:5. Unsere Zeit 1880:2:933. Correspondence with George Sand (Klein) Uns. Zeit 1884:2:753. Delirium tremens'. Hillebrand. Zeiten, , Viilker 2:172. Education sentimentale(Taillandier) Rev. ,d. d. Mondes II: 84: 987. Erudition dans le roman (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 21 : 681. Madame Bovary. Sainte-Benve,Causeries 13:346. Salammbo. Sainte-Beuve, NouveauxLun- dis4:31. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :43: 840. Tentation de St. Antoine (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 3 : 205. Flavlo Biondo. 1388-1466. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana. Leben und Werke (Masius) Jahrb. Philol. 120:65,130,180,219. Flax. Fasergewebe (Reissek) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Flaxman, John, sculptor. 1755-1826. Lee. Sculptors v. 2. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 9 : 102. Flechier, Esprit, bishop of Nimes. 1673-1710. Alembert. Oeuvres 11:7-74. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 15. Eloquence (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:72:213. Fleming, Rev. John. 1785-1857. (Bryson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:655. Flemish language. - Wichtigkeit des Studiums (Teipel) Her- rig's Archiv5:326. Flemish literature. in 1830-80 ( Hack) Uns. Zeit 1889 : 1 : 151. Flemming, Paul, poet. 1609-40. - Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 10:1. Fletcher, John, dramatist. 1576-1625. See also Beaumont (F.). ( Rapp) Herrig's Archiv 20 : 1. Memoir (Dyce) Beaumont and Fletcher. Works. Fleurieu, C: P: Claret, comte de. 1738-1810. (Delambre) Paris, Me"m.Acad.Sci.l:lxxiii. Fleury, Andr6 H. de, cardinal. 1653-1743. Alembert. Oeuvres 10: 7. James. Foreign statesmen v. 5. et la Pragmatique Sanction (Broglie) Rev. Hist. 20:257. Fleury, Claude, prior. 1640-1723. Alembert. Oeuvres 10:7-60. Fleury-Husson, J., called Champfleury. Laporte. Bibliographic contemp. 2 : 109. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 4. Flodden Field battle, 1513. Aytoun. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers. Percy. Folio manuscript 1:212, 313. Flood, Henry, Irish orator. 1732-91. Lecky. Leaders of opinion in Ireland. Flood, The. See Deluge. Floods. See also Rivers. - Danger lines, 1882 (Hazen) U. S. Signal service notes 15. Torrens des Alpes (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 99: 548. Flora. See Flowers, Palaeobotany. Floreffe abbey, Belgium. Annales -1482. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., . Script, v. 16. Florence and Blanchefleur. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 7 : 272. Beiden Sagenkreise (Herzog) Germania 29:137-228. Florence, Italy. Description and travel. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 2 : 1. Crawford. Life in Tuscany. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 2-3. Grimm. Life of Michael Angelo. Hacklander. Werke v. 22. Jameson. Diary of an ennuye'e. Ruskin. Mornings in Florence; Works v. 8. Taine. Italy Florence and Naples ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 61 : 273. Yriarte. Florence. Heutige(Breitinger) Uns. Zeit 1883 : 2 : 500. Medici and. Symonds, Southern Europe v. 1. of Dante. Green, Stray studies from En- gland. Utizzi palace statues (Justi) Preuss. Jahrb. 28 : 581. Florence. History and politics. Hallam. Europe during the middle ages. Machiavelli. History of Florence. Trollope. History of Florence. (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 67: 135. Anciens banquiers (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 103: 645. Anfange (Hartwig) Preuss. Jahrb. 37: 457- Annales, 1110-1173. Pertz, Mon. German. hist, Script, v. 19. Constitution. Brougham, Political phi- losophy v. 2. Wpolsey, Political science. depuis 1878 (Perrot) Rev. d. d Mondes 111:27:111; 28:294. Insurrection, 1378 (Simonin) Jour. Econ. 111:32:425. to 1559. Leo. Geschichte ital. Staaten v. 4-5. Florian, J: P: Claris de, poet. 1755-94. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lenient. Come'die au 18. siecle 2: 309. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 3. Florida. Art de verifier les dates III : 9 : 38. Cabeca de Vaca. Narrative. Herrera. Histpria general. Martiniere. Dictionnaire v. 2. Acquisition by the U. S. Gallatin, Writ- ings. Florida. 173 Fluids. Ancient. Winsor. Historv of America 2: 231. Huguenots in. Parkman, Pioneers of France. Line of the Perdido, 1810. Clay, Speeches 1:200. Florida Blanca, .1. M., count of. 1728-1808. James. Foreign statesmen v. 5. Apology. Coxe, Memoirs of the kings of Spain. Floras, Lucius Annaeus. Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 1. Vier Zeitalter (Unger) Philologus 43:429. Flotow, F. von, musical composer. 1812- (Zemin) Unsere Zeit 1883:2: 426. Flourens, M. J: P: 1794-1867. (Vulpiati) Paris, M4m.Acad.Sci. 44:cxlix. Flowers. See also Palaeobotany, names of plants. Bibliography. F. of different countries. Harvard Univ. Bull. Nos. 10-; also Bib- liogr. contrib. No. 9. Insular. Challenger vovage, Botanv Ruskin. Proserpina: studies of wayside. Anatomic compared (Tieghem) Paris, Me"in. Savans Etrang. 21:1. Arctic. Leslie, Discoveries in polar seas. Artificial. Chinese manufacture. Lettres Sdifiantes 21 : 42. Australian. Genetische Gliederung ( Kt- tingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 34. Decoloration par 1'e'lectricite' (Becquerel) Paris, M: 71. '..mpressjuii (<'<,lladon, Sturm) 1'ari-, M. in. ~.i\.in- iji-.ing. 5:207. Conditions of equilibrium of an incom- pressible, acted upon by accelerating forces ( Ivory) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1839 : 243. Diffusion applied to analysis (Graham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861 : 183. -- of liquids (Graham) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1850:1,805; 1851:483. Elektrische Polarisirung (Karsten) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1838. Equilibrium (Poisson) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 9:1. -- analogous to the electric F. (Green) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5:1. -- et le mouvement. Alembert, Oeuvres 14 : 173. -- of elastic (Maxwell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:87. Figure requisite to maintain the equilib- rium of a revolving homogeneous F. mass (Ivory) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824:85; 1831:109; 1834:491. Films. Equilibrium, motion, etc. (Brews- ter) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 505; 2o : 111. Flow through capillary tubes (Hannay) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879:270. --- dans les tuyaux (Navier) Paris, Mini. Acad. Sci. 9:311. -- Vitesse ( Vautier) Rev. Sci. 43 : 27. Fluidity of solids (Tresca) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 18, 20. Friction and resistance (Rennie) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1831:423. Influence sur 1'action mutuelle des mole"- cules sol ides qu'elles enveloppent (Gi- rard) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 4:1. Internal friction (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 : 287. Mechanische Beschattenheit d. elastichen (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1S30. Motion (Magnus) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. -- des deux 1? .^lastiques superposes (Pois- son) Paris, Mdm. Acad. Sci. 10:317. -- dans des tuyaux cylindriques( Poisson) Paris, Mini. Acad. "Sci. 2 : 305. -- Differential equations (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7 : 371. Equation of continuity (Earnshaw) Cambr. Philos. Trans. (i:203. -- Equation of integration (Poisson) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 2:305. -- General equations (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3:383. -- Lois (Navier) Paris. Mini. Acad. Sci. 6:389. -- Researches (Challis) Cambr. Phil<. Trans. 5 : 173. -- Some cases (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:105. 409. Oberflache (Hagen) Berlin Akad. At.h. 1845, 1M-;. 1'niivoirs rf-fringt'iits des F. ela>ti<|iie> (Dulong) Paris, Mini. Acad. Sci. 7:. 'I I .">. Propagation of heat in. Rumford, Works 1:1 Refraction. disi>>r-iciii. -nixjiivfiirs- (iladstone) Koy. Soc. Tranv I^a : : :?17. Ki'-sj-iaiici- des' (Saint-Venant) 1'ari-, M.-i.i. Aca.l. S<-i. v. U. SpjDUting. Velocity of (Young) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. 7. Steady motion of incompressible (Stokes) Gamer. I'hilo-. Tnui-. ~ SoMdenoe of pariicU- in (Itrewer) Nat. M.-IM. v. '_'. Fluids. 174 Food. Thermal effect of F. in motion (Thom- son) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:357; 1854: 321; 1800": 325; 1862:579. of compressing(Joule) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1859:133. Thermal resistance (Guthrie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 18(i9:G37. Transpiration and chemical composition (Graham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:373. Vibratory motions of elastic (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3 : 269. Fluor-spar. Double crystals (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1:331. Fluoride of calcium. Solubility in water (Wilson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:145. Fluorides. Aromatic (Heusler) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Fluorine. Detection (Wilson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20: 483. Fluxions. See also Calculus, Curves. Hegel and the metaphysics of (Smith) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:491. Newton's principles. Walton's vindica- tion. Berkeley (G:), Works. Fly. Etudesanatomiques(Dufour) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 9:545. Flying. See Aeronautics, Birds. Foetus. See also Monstrosities. Beckenenlagen (Legiehn) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Beschreibung einer friihzeitigen (Reich- ert) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. De"veloppement (Baudrimont) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 11 : 409. Extra-uterine (Blizard) Roy. Edin. Trans. v. 5. Extraordinary human (Gibson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810 : 123. Formation. Descartes, Oeuvres 4 : 431-506. Intestinal canal and liver (Lee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:121. Misgeburt (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Metzhautcirculation (Friedrichson) Dor- pat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Fog -signals. Experiments. Tyndall, Fragments v. 1. Foix, Gaston III, comte de. 1331-91. Froissart. Chronicles. Foix. See also Nemours. Folengo, Teofilo, poet. 1491-1544. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Folgore da San Gemignano. Rossetti. Dante and his circle. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Folk-lore. See aho Ballads, Fables, Fairies, Legends. - Bibliography. Halliwell-Phillipps. Chap books (Percy Soc. v. 29). Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Library catalogue v. 2. - Muller. Chips fr. German workshop v. 2. Beitrage zur (Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 19: 361. Bluebeard. Romance de Clotilde. Ro- mania 6 : 428. Flemish. Volkslieder. Germania 14:84. German. Goltz, Zur Charakteristik d. deutsch. Genius 1 : 34, 64. Kinderlieder (Gelbe) Germania 22 : 293 ; 24:66. Miirchen vom Zaunkonig. Germania 6:80. Quellenkunde der Sagen (Caster) Ger- mania 25:274; 26:199. Gold, Milch und Blut (Rochholz) Ger- mania 7 : 385. --Indian and European. Zusammenhang (Liebrecht) Orient u. Occid. v. 1. from the Jatakas(Tawney) Jonr.Philol. 12:112. Jours d'emprunt (Shaineanu) Romania 18:107. London society (Liebrecht) Engl.Studien 3:1. Neapolitan. Marchensammlung (Mayer) Herrig's Archiv 45:1. Siirselvische Marchen (Decurtins) Zts. roman. Philol. 12:126. Swedish. Volksliteratur (Liebrecht) Ger- mania 24: 129. Transmission of popular stories. Wright, Essays in literature v. 2. Volksthumliches aus Schwaben (Birlin- ger) Germania 17 : 79. Volkszahlungen (Neumann-Spallart) Rundschau 25 : 361. Von den drei Frauen (Liebrecht, etc.) Germania 21 : 385; 32 : 442. Folkes, Martin, English antiquary. Portrait. Hogarth, Works. Folquet de Marseille. Works on the Troubadours: Diez (193). Folsom, Capt. Joseph L. Soule. Annals of San Francisco 754. Fontainebleau park. Barnard. Drawing from nature. (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 45: 142. Mangin. Jardins. Fontanelle. See Dubois. Fontanes, L:. marquis de. Raynal. Correspondants de Joubert. Fontenelle, B. Le Bovier. 1657-1757. Albert. Litte"rature f ran?, au 18. siecle 43. Alembert. Oeuvres 8 : 425. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 3. Food. See also Adulterations, Cookery, Di- gestion, Health, Starvation, Vegetarian- ism, names of beverages and foods. Donovan. Domestic economy v. 2. (Melier) Jour. Economistes 1:5: 276. (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:72:816. Rumford. Works 4 : 395. Alttestamentische Speiseverboten ( Wien- er) Zts. Ethnol. 8 : 97. Chinese. Chinese Repository 3 : 457. Composition of animals used for (Laws) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:493. Consumption, cost. Mass. Bur. Statistics of Labor, Report, 1886. Dinner, real and reputed. De Quincey, Misc. essays. Fish as (Atwater) U. S. Fish report 1880. (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:599. Gebrauche u. Aberglauben beim Essen (Haberland) Zts. Volkerpsych. 17:353. Food. 175 Forests. of the ancients. Athenaeus, Deipno- sophistae. Preparation (Johnston) Paris Exposi- tion, 1867, Reports v. 5. Red earth eating in Guinea (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1868. Rgformes dans la taxe, etc. (Payen) Rev. d.d.Mondes II: 1:596. Roman luxury. Vico, Opere; ed. Ferrari i:215. Substances used as (Lindley) London Ex- hibition, 1851, Lectures. -Tafelluxus(FriedIander)Rundschau 22:62 Theorie du dejeuner. Balzac, Oeuvres v. 20. Viande de cheval, de 1'ane (Magne) Jour. Econ. 111:20:218. Foote, Samuel, actor. 1720-77. Doran. Annals of the.stage. Forage. See Ensilage, Grasses. Foraminifera. See also Protozoa. Bibliography (Woodward) Minn. Geol. Survey, Rept. 18*3:167-311. (Carpenter) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:181, 547: 1859:1; 1860:535. Arctic (Brady) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 43. (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:325. des deutchen Septarienthones (Reuss) j Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 25. des osterreich. Tertiarbeckens (Reuss) : Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:365. Fossil, von Oberberg (Reuss) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 23. Ordnung d. Stichostegier (Neugeboren) Wien Akad. Denk.s. M-N. Cl. v. 12. Parkeria and loftusia (Carpenter) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1869: 7 :M. Polythumien (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Schafberg bei Salzburg (Dnnikowski) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. l.\ Forbes, James D., geologist. 1809-68. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace 1 : 187. Force. Seealso Attraction, Cause, Elasticity, Equilibrium, Graphics. Gravitation, In- ertia, Matter, Power, Statics, Torsion. Allgemeine Deduktion. Schelling, Werke 1:4:1. chimiques. Transformation et 1'equiva- lence (Favre) Paris, Mm. Savans Ktrang. v. 25. Compensation. Emerson, Essays v. 1. Conservation. Bowne, Studies in theism. Abus du principe (Androde) Rev. 1'hilos. 17: 11.'.. Geschichte d. Lehre (Mayer) Runds- chau .'.!:_' II interaction. Helmholtz, Lectures v. 1 ; alto Abhandlungen v. 1. Kant imd il. Princip (Stadler) Philos. Monat-ii. i.-. :.-.::. Law of. RmpblKlMUrapnincfPoeke, Wiin.lt ) Vii-rti-lj. wi>*. Philos. 8:385,405. Leibniz' Anschaunngen ( Hiir/erj Vier- telj. wi-M-n-. I'hilo.-. iiipii*ition of, externally applied to an el:i-tic -olid (Kankinej Hoy. Ivlin. Tran-. L''. v on quantity. Itci.l (Tlio*.), Work-*, v 1. Faraday'- liip \ ell ) Catiitir. I'hi- \~. Trail-. 10 r'JT. General principles of composition (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:290. Ide"e de (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 3:77. Matter and. Tyndall, Fragments v. 2. Minding's system of (Chrystal) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:519. (Tail) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:675. Percussion (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806 : 13. Perpetual. Emerson, Lectures. Persistence. Fiske. Cosmic philosophy 1 : 279. Physical. Theories of. Clifford (W: K.), Lectures v. 1. Pure science of (Goodwin) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:269, 278. Reciprocal figures and diagrams of (Max- well) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26: 1. Vital and" physical (Barker) Half-hours w. mod. scientists v. 1. (Grove) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:727. vives dans les mquvements relatifs des machines (Coriolis) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 3 : 573. Zusammensetzung der (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Ford, John, dramatist. 1586-1639? Dunham. Literary men of Great Britain. Jeffrey. Essays. \Vhipple. Literature of age of Elizabeth. MetriK(Hannemann) Halle Univ.Diss.v.2. Forests, Forestry. Seealso Floods, Trees Journal des Economistes I-1I, index. Schonberg. Politische Oekonomie 2 : 712. - Alienation de l'e"tat (ClavS) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:62:197. Associations (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:174. Brazilian. Products (Gama) Pams. agri- culture v. 4. Canadian. Canadian Economics, 1884. Climatic influence (Becquerel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 35-3*5. Commerce des bois en France (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 33 : 446. Corsican (Clave 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 51 : 353. Culture in Hesse. U.S. Consular report 88. Economic forestiere (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:21:923. English. Burroughs, Fresh fields. Exposition, 1878(Clave") Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:29:809; 30:157. French. Administration (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:37:584; 111:26:788. Vie animate (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes [1:M:91& < Jernian, 1848. GcMDWaii 3 : < Indian. Exploitation (Clave) Rev. d. d. Monde> I : Preservation (Dnnnell) U. S. House Com. Hep. 1S73-4, v. 1. -Principe fundamental ( Roscher) Jour. Kcon. Ill : lii:. r >. Reboisement des montagnes (Val-errc-) Jour. Kcoi,. Ill: i:,:218. en France (<'la\v-) i:<-\. d. d. Mondes II :l!t:tu-',', ; _:>: I.M; 27:714; :ui:126. .-Military value ( < 'aiilkin-) Mich. Bd. Health Ltt Submarine (Kleinini;) Koy. Soc. Tran-. : lift Forests. 176 Fox. Swiss. U. S. Consular report 74. Forgeot, N. J. 1758-98. Grimm-Diderot Correspondence. Forgeries (Literary). (Robertson) Class. Jour. v. 16. Form. Sublimity and beauty of. Alison, On taste ch. 4. Visual. Plaisir esthltique (Sully) Rev. Philos. 9:493. Formic acid. Salts (Voss) Kiinigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Formosa island. (Candidius) Churchill, Voyages 1:404. La Pe"rouse. Voyage 2 : 408. Lett res e"ditiantes 18:424; 19:171. Psalmanazaar. Description of Formosa. Expedition japonaise, 1874 (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:447. Sprache (Gabelentz) Zts. dent, morgenl. Gesell. v. 13. der Ureimwohner (Schetelig) Zts. Vcilkerpsych. 5:435. Fornovo. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 2. Forrest, William. - Theophilus (Ludorff) Anglia 7 :60. Forster, Alex. Franz. 1819- (Kanngiesser) Preuss. Jahrb. 42 : 409. Forster, Johann Georg A. 1754-94. Duller. Manner des Volks 3 : 183. Hettner. Literaturgeschichte 3:2:352. Forster, Rt. Hon. W: E: 1818-86. Higginson. English statesmen. Fortification. Arago. Oeuvres 6 : 57-257. Corps of Royal Engineers. Professional papers. Fortlage, Arnold R. Karl. (Brasch) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:730. Fortunatus, V. H. C., bishop of Poitiers. 530- 600. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 3. (Leo) Rundschau 32:414. Thierry. Temps me>ovingiennes, 5. recit. Poesies (Nisard) Rev. Hist. 37:49. Fortune. See also Happiness, Wealth. Bacon (F.). Essays. Dion Chrysostomus. Orationes. Fortune-telling. See also Astrology, Divina- tion, Sibyls. Man in the ruoone. Percy Soc. v. 29. Palais des curieux. 1738. Forward, Oliver. (Sheldon) Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. 1. Foscari, F., doge of Venice. 1372-1457. Histories of Venice by: Hazlitt (v. 4), Yriarte. Byron. Two Foscari (tragedy). Mitford. Dramatic works v. 1. Palace. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Foscolo, Niccolo Ugp, poet. 1776-1827. - Fagan. Life of Panizzi. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. (Zschech) Preuss. Jahrb. 45 : 61; 46 : 70. Fossils. See Palaeontology. Foster, John, essayist. 1770-1843. Bayne. Christian life. De Quincey. Essays on the poets. (Whately) Afternoon lectures 1:181. Fothergill, Dr. John. 1712-80. Coleridge (H). Northern worthies v. 3. Foucault, J: Bernard Le'on. Progres de la me"canique (Bertrand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 51: 96. Foucault, Nicolas Joseph. 1643-1721. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 3. Fouch, J., due d'Otrante. 1763-1820. Brougham. Statesmen 3:117. Fouille"e, Alfred J. E., philosopher. 1838- Morale criticiste(Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N.S. 2:1, 94, 321, 418; 3:8. Foundations in compressible soils (Delafield) Pains, engineering v. 2. of Washington national monument. Paras, engineering v. 2. Seitendruck der Erde (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1871. Stability of loose earth (Rankine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857 : 9. Statik unfester Korper (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1850. Foundlings. See also Children, Illegitimacy, Infants. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Assistance (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 1:374. (Bailleux de Marisv) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:54:140. Hospices de Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:73,310. Fountains. Plastik d. Hellenen an (Bruns) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Fouquet, C. L : A., due de Belle-Isle. 1684-1761. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 274. Fouquet, L: Marie de, due de Gisors. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 11:225. Fouquet, Nicolas, vicomte de Melun, marquis de Belle-Isle. (Carnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:44:340. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 2: 528. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 5 : 294. Fouquier, Henri. 1838- Lemaitre. Contemporains 3 : 279. Fourier, F. M. C : 1772-1837. See works on Communism and socialism by Ely, Kauf- man n, etc. Blanqui. Economic politique 2 : 258. Flint. Philosophy of history 1 : 155. (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes lit : 35: 619. - Mill. Political economy 1 : 274. Philosophic (Renouvier) Rev. Philos. v. 23-24. Fourier, J. B. J., physicist. 1768-1830. Arago. Oeuvres 1:295; Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 14. Fox, Charles James. 1749-1806. - Albemarle. Fifty years of my life. Brougham. States'men 1 : 178. Duller. Manner des Volks 2:1. Gillray. Caricatures. Hazlitt. Sketches and essays. Lodge (E). Portraits v. 4. Lodge (H: C). Studies in history. Mathews. Oratory. (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:1: 103. Fox. 177 France. Smith (Sydney). Works. Stanhope. Li'fe of Pitt. Wraxall. Memoirs. and Pitt. Bulwer, Misc. prose works 1 : 183. Fox, Henry, 1st lord Holland. 1705-74. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Fox, Henry R. V., lord Holland. 1773-1840. Brougham. Statesmen 3:325. Harris. Life of lord Hardwicke. Macaulay. Essays. Fox, John, martyrologist. 1517-87. Townsend. Life and defence of (Acts and monuments v. 1). Fox. Burroughs. Winter sunshine 51, 79. Fox-bunting. Kingsley. Prose idylls. en Angleterre(Esquiros)Rev. d.d.Mondes 11:38:128. Foy, M. S., general. 1775-1825. (Giraud) Revue Nat 19:37. Fractions. Anwendung auf d. Bestimmung d. Na- herungswerthe gegeben Reihen (Eytel- wein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. y Briiche ~ aus ay=bx + l (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1840. Eisenstein's continued (Muir) Roy. Ed in. Trans. 28 : 135. Independence Bildungsgesetz (Giinther) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 36. Tabulation of, having their values be- tween two prescribed limits (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:287. France, Anatole. 1844- Lemuitre. Con temporains 2:83. France. Description and travel. Chemins vicmaux (Bosredon) Rev. d. d. .Monde? 11:89:119. Classes agricoles (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 25:301. -mine et le luxe dans 1'ancienne (Lou- andre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 15:301. Economic rurale (Lavergne) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 35, 3*5, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, 49. in 1825. Carter, Letters from Europe 1 : 381. Littoral (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 1; 4>:673; 48:460; 53:191. Navigation inte>ieure(Simonin) Rev. d.d. Mondes HI:19:i30. Northern (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes [1:106:85,817,648,818. Petite culture (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV:39:75. Population. Ilistoire statistique (Cher- vin) Rev. Sci. I II :v. 43-44. Mouvement ;ui H. .-iecle (Levasseur) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:817. 1700- 1800 (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. IV: 30:1'. 1. Populations agricoles 7. rurales (Buudrillart) Rev d. d. Monde- 111:52:849; 53:126; 7; 37:367; 38:386; 43: sous Louis XVI (Pauliat) Jour. Econ. Ill :'J7 :*;.'>. Con flits des pouvoirs publics (Louandre) Rev. d.d. Monde! 111:27:828; 28:1 Conspiration n'nuhlicaine (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes [11:76:876- -- Diplomatie (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:58:575. Emeu tes .-ous I.ouis XI V(< 'lenient) Acnd. M..r. 71: V.U; Rev. d. .1. Moiulc- 11:58:996. France toute catholique. Bayle, Oeuvres diver-e* v. '_'. France. in 1600-1800 (Lotheissen) Rundschau 56: 242. in 1718-63 (Despois) Rev. Nat. 17:5. in 1765 (Choiseul) Acad. Sci. Mor. 13:299- Renonciation des Bourbons d'Espagne au trone de France (Courcy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 : 88: 305, 872; 89:267. Six mois de la re"gence, 1718-19 (Michelet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 43 : 473. France. History. Revolution 1789-1800. See also Girondists, Jacobins, names of per- sons conspicuous during. Alison. Essays. (Baumgarten) Preuss. Jahrb. 26:651. Brougham. Statesmen y. 3. Buckle. History of civilization ch. 8-14. Burke. Reflections on the revolution. Croly. Marston (fiction). Dickens. Tale of two cities (fiction). Fox (C: J.) Speeches. Headley. Miscellanies. Hugo. Ninety-three (fiction). Jefferson. Works. Lecky. England in 18. century v. 5-6. Mill. Dissertations v. 1. Morris (Gouverneur). Diary and letters. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 95 : 165. Paine. Political works v. 2. Perkins (T. H.) Memoir. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works 22: 145. Raynal. Correspondants de Joubert. Robison. Conspiracy of the illuminati. Walpole (Hor.) Letters. Administrations collectives (Du Chatel- lier) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 86, 88-92. Analyse par Dubois-Crance". Critique Philos. N.S.I: 66. Ancien regime. Kingsley, Historical lec- tures. Taine's (Hillebrand) Rundschau 12: 12. (Sybel) Rundschau 21 :29. Tocqueville's ( R6musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 4:652. and Greek revolution. Chateaubriand, Revolutions v. 2. Ann^e royale en 1789 (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:81:580. Assembled de Vizille, 1788 (Picot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 88: 414. Austro-Prussian alliance (Wehrenpf en- nig) Preuss. Jahrb. 22:345. Berechtigung d. Urtheile d. Publicum iiber. Fich te, Wei ke 6 : 39. Blanc's Histoire e'conomique (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 1:17:44. Bourbons et la seconde coalition (Daudet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 77 : 140, 418. Bourgeoisie pendant (Bardoux) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 73: 396; 74:307. But politique(Re'niusat) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:83:769. Campagnes dans les Pyre'ne'es. Sainte- Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 2:51. Cente'naire (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 93: 860. Club des patriotes suisses, 1790-1 (Stern) Rev. Hist. 39:282. Comite de saint public. Autriche et, Avril 1795 (Sorel) Rev. Hist. 17 : 25. Coalite's re"volutionnaires (Guiffrey) Rev. Hist. 1:438. Conspiration a Strasbourg, 1792 (Saint- Genis) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 38: 392. 178 France. Crisefinanciere (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. IV: 19: 5. Custine's mission to Brunswick, 1792 (So- rel) Rev. Hist. 1 : 154. Declaration of rights, 1791. Bentham, Works 2: 496. Defence of. Mackintosh, Essays. Deutschen und (Blennerhassett) Runds- chau 60:51- Diplomatie espagnole, 1792-6. Rev. Hist, v. 12-13. Frontieres, 1795 (Sorel) Rev. Hist. 19:21. principes (Broglie) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:73:582. Disette en Auvergne (Lafayette) Jour. , Econ. 111:41:278. Elections municipales, 1792 (Mortimer- Ternaux) Acad. Sci. Mor. 75:87. Emigration. Bourbons et la Russie pendant (Daudet) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : Emigre's. Forneron's Histoire (Brunet- iere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:436. Indemnity (Calmon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 93:159. Esprit revolutionnaire avant. Grit. Phi- los. 14:253,281. et 1'esprit de liberty (Milsand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 38: 943. Finances (Moreau de Jonn^s) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 50-51. Ge'ne'ration de (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:43:861. Ide"es e"conomiques (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 111:4:337. Impot 1789 (Vuitry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 64 : 305. in 1794-6. Monroe, Conduct of the exec- utive. Industrie pendant (Levasseur) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 72-74. Influence surl'agricu!ture(Lavergne)Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 18: 436. on literature. Dowden, Studies on lit- erature. Journe'e des Tuiles, 1778 (Du Casse) Rev. Hist. 38:305. Justice r^volutionnaire (Pont) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95:403; 96:527. Larochejaquelin's memoirs. Jeffrey, Es- says. Luxe public et (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 99 : 798 ; 100 : 107 ; Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 98-99. Mallet Du Pan's correspondence, 1794-8. Rev. Hist. 24 : 303. Malouet's M6moires(Taillandier) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:5:481. Mazzini sur (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 6:81. Ministere des affaires etrangeres (Cogor- dan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 : 22 : 870. " "Moniteur"' als Geschichtsquelle (Stock- mar) Hist. Zeits. 43 : 438. Neutrality du nord de 1'Allemagne, 1795 (Sorel) Rev. Hist. v. 17. Paix de Bale. Rev. Hist. v. 5- Philosophes et (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 29: 922. Philosophic de (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:97:42,270. Poterafs mission to Vienne, 1796 (Sorel) Rev. Hist. 29:283. Propri^te pendant (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 23 : 320. France. 179 France. Quinet sur (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:63:451. Reign of terror. Bulwer, Prose works 1:9. Lettres (Sismondi) Rev. Hist. v. 3-6. Notre Daiuede Paris apres. Rev. Hist. 3:71. Repubiique et la conven tion (Quinet) Rev. d. .1. Mondes II: 59: 1007. Royalistes du midi sous. (Daudet) Rev. d.'d. Mondes 111:44:163,363. Sendschreiben. Baader, Werke 6:291. Society during. Lome'nie, Life of Beau- | niarchais. Sybel's History (Challernel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes "1 1: 72: 893. Preuss. Jahrb. 7:275. Taine's Darstellung(Hagmann) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:661.785. W.i men of (Jacob) Hist. Taschenb. 1840. Michelet. Femmesde la revolution. France. History, 1800-1815. See also Con- cord at. Canning. Speeches. Coleridge. Essays on his own times. Ligne. Me"moires 4 : 125- K.'musat (Mine). Memoirs 1802-8. AHS der Zeit (Hase) Rundschau 29:124- Cainpngne de 1815 (Quinet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:34:834; 35:5,283,521. - and d. Vertriige. Preuss. Jahrb. 16:74. , - I'uiniiieiitaires des soldats (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:552. "n-titiitional charter, 1814. Chateaubri- and, Melanges polit. v. 2. Defection du Gen. York, 1813 (Lefebvre) A<-a. I.Sri. Mor. .".!): 247; 40:109. Dernieres negotiations de l'empire(Haus- >nville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:31:488. Kxpedition du Tage (Jurien de La Gravi- .n-) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:84:347. FmHiot's Souvenirs ( Lavolle'e) Rev. d. d. Moh-l.-s II :77:443. in 1S14 (Houssaye) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 83:788. in 1814-18. Corvette, Vie. ch. 4-14. in 1815. Chateaubriand, Melanges polit. 2:333. Landung in England (Duncker) Prcu--. .lal.rb. 47:215. l'a>*agedela republiqueal'empire(Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes HI : 85 : 241, 481. Power in 1800. Ames (Fisher), Works 188,302. Reconnaissance du second empire (Ro- tlian ) Uev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 89. lleoiiiNtrnrtion in 1800 (Taine) Rev. d. d. MOM.!.". Ill :!L':'_Ml.. r )l 1,721. IIn-M.in campaign (Harnack) Hist. Zts. ;i:193. (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 106: I'M Ft /fiiensac on. Chesney, Military bi- ography. Saintc-Hclive. I 'au-erii - 1 :360. Soiivcnirs(Haussonville) Kev.d.d. M. France. lti.at ) i:. v. ,i 4 Honda M :13: \-\ Lamartine's Histoire. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 4:389. Monarchic constitutionnelle (R^musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :57 : 117. Montlosieret(Bardoux)Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:38:137; 44:128. Parti conservateur (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 28: 332. Souvenirs (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:74:517; 75:43,521. Talleyrand's rapport, 1814. Rev. d. d. Hondas 111:41:788. Viel-Castel's Histoire. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 14:355; Nouveaux Lundis 4:237. France. History, 1830-18 J^f. Alison. Essays. Annual Retrospect for 1831. - Balzac. Oeuvres 23 : 99, 241. Borne. Briefe aus Paris. 1830-1. Gervinus. Geschichte des 19. Jahrh. v. 8. Heine. Werke v. 8. Hugo. Literature et philosophic 1 : 185. Metternich. Memoirs v. 5. - Paris : ou le livre des 101. 3 : 289 ; 10 : 1. Quinet. Oeuvres avant 1'exil (Oeuvres v. 14). Raumer. Briefe aus Paris. 1830. Belletristische Bewegung (Hillebrand) Rundschau 14:n/. Sfcond empire. 1848-1870. (i.. llrkrii) I'rni-s. .lahrb. 31: 1- Lamartiiif. France parlementaire v. 5-6. Parieu. Science politiquc I"T. Conl'Hcatiun suns ( Montalivet) Rev. d. d. Diplomaten. Unsere Zeit 1861 : 108. et Allemagne, 18 : 'H'.i. UouvcriK-mcnt lib.'-ral. < 'ondition.s (Ga- los) lU-v d.d. MninU- II :.s;{:131. France. 180 France. in 1848-51. Gegenwart 9 : G02. in 1848-52. Greg, Essays v. 2. in 1860. Opinion publique (Rgnmsat) Rev. d. d ; Momles 11:28:5. in 1863. Elections (R^musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 4*5: 257. Re>eil liberal en province (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 47: 530. in 1864 (Rgmusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 53:899. Lois electorates (Lefevre-Pontalis) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:48:647. Monarchic constitutionnelle depuis (Re- nan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:71. Politique (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:98:536. Reconnaissance par les cours du nord (Rothan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:515. France. History. War of 1870-1871. See also Alsace- Lorraine. Bismarck. Reden. Buchanan (Rob). Poetical works. Congreve. Essays 216. Diplomatic Review bk. 5. Gladstone. Gleanings v. 4. Gbtzinger. Zittung d. Kriegs. Hamerton. Round my house. ( Hartmann) Rundschau 7 : 189, 354 ; 8 : 60. Hugo. Anne"e terrible. (Krause) Pains, history v. 12. (Lame"-Fleury) Jour. Econ. Ill : v. 20-22. Lewis. Historv of Germany. (Mazade) Rev.' d. d. Mondes II :v. 101, 102, 104-107; lll:v. 1-5. Miiller. Politische Geschichte. 1815-75: 428. Provost- Paradol. Lettres. 1869 (Pams. history v. 12). Reeve. Royal etc. France 2:237. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 89: 264. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace v. 2. Schlosser. Weltgeschichte 18:269- Unsere Zeit 1871-1873. Allemands en Bourgogne (Aubertin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 92 : 349. Alliances, 1869-70 (Jerome Bonaparte) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:26:489. Armistice. Premiers jours (Cresson) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:44 : 515. Artillerie francaise (Susane) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:193. Bonhomme Franklin, Mai, 1871. Pams. ! history v. 12. Campagne de la Loire (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. j Mondes 11:93:223. 20e corps (Aube) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 94:5. Cost. Giffen, Essays in finance. Dans la Baltique" (Layrle) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 100: 241. Dans les Ardennes, Aout, 1870 (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:211. De 1'im passe politique. 1869. Pams. his- tory v. 12. Department de la Moselle (Me"zieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 91 : 525. Dichtungen (Kirchner) Unsere Zeit 1877: 2:401,583. Droit de gens et (Giraud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11: 91: 436. Application (Caro) Acad. Sci. Mor. 94 : 361. Garde mobile (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:469. Gouyernement de la defense nationale a-t-il le droit de conclure la paix? (Es- person) Pams. history v. 12. Grece et ses volontaires (Mezieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 94: 26. Guerre d'envahissement (Fustel de Coul- anges) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:91:5. Haines nationales (Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 91: 491. Impots apres (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:92:496, WO. Indemnity (Bnard) Jour. Econ. 111:22: 137. (Bamberger) Preuss. Jahrb. 31 : 441. (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 106 : 156. (Lavolle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:96:289. Resultats e"conomiques (Wolowski) Jour. Econ. 111:36:345. Invasion de la Lorraine (Mezieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:546; 96:443. dans le nord (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:95:46. 1792 et 1870 (Mezieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:92. Journal d'un voyageur (Sand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 92: 5, 209, 417. Lesson to civilization. Sumner, Works 14:7. Ligue des neutres (Duvergier de Hau- ranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 99 : 481. Marine frangaise (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:124. Mobilises aux avant-postes (Dumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 91 : 321. Moderne Volkerrecht in (Bluntschli) Pams. war v. 1. Mommsen's Agli italiani (Geffroy) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:90:122. Morale de la guerre (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:577. Poe"sie bretonne pendant (Gaidoz) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:96:923. Politique italienne (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:68:670. Province pendant (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :92: 145, 299. Prusse responsable, 1868 (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77:256. Re"cits d'un soldat (Achard) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 94: 134, 557. Relations de la Prusse, 1867-70 (Rohan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 73, 74, 78. Re"publique en France (Gue"roult) Rev. d. d." Mondes 11:90:104. Ressources (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:135. Revanche (Laveleye) Pams. history v. 12. Science et la defense nationale (Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 90 : 347. Siege de Paris (Clamageran) Jour. Econ. 111:24:345. Quinet, Oeuvres completes \.25. Alimentation (Legoyt) Jour. Econ. Ill : 22:331. ( Molinari) Jour. Econ. Ill : v. 20-21 ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 91 : 112, 738. hygiene ( Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:575. Bombardement. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 91 : 454. . Cantines et le fourneaux (Siegfried) Jour. Econ. 111:20:335. Clubs (Molinari) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 90:528. France. 181 Francis of Assist. Communication avec la province. Berthelot, Science et philosophic 421. Finances (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:95: 176. Fortifications (Picot) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:89:623. (Raymond) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:89: 192. Fusiliers marines ( Louis- Lande) Rev. ! d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 94 : 268. Garde nationale (Liebert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:51:.'. Hippophagie(Magne) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:91:284. Mois aux ramparts (Simonin) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:90:138. Poste et la le'le'graphie (Boissay) Jour. Econ. 111:22:117,273. Situation, 1871. Brownson, Works 18 : 481. (Clement) Jour. Econ. 111:23:19. Six semaines aux tirailleurs alge'riens (I'uruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:431. Swiss and Belgian relations. Preuss. Jahrb. 50:77. Volkslieder. Herrig's Archiv 58:55- France. Ilittory. Commune, 1S7 '1. Grenzboten 1874 : 1 : 2:401, 459, 491. Hans. Comite central et la commune. Larousse. Grand dictionnaire 16: 565- ( Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:186. (Mehrinjr) Preuss. Jahrb. v. 43-45. Reeve. Royal, etc., France 2:311. a 1'Hotel de Ville (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 II :y. 33-35. -e du travail (Audiganne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11-93:296. Decrets et doctrines (Lavolle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 :! i: *:;.">. EnquO-te parlementaire ( Ma/.ade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : !H*: >'>'<. Honnfites gens de Paris (Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes Il:!4:100. Mini^tere de la marine pendant (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:26:99, ML Papiers (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:1:887. Paris sous (Pressense) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:561. Prisons de Paris sous (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Monde* 1 II :v. 21-23. Rlpublique et les republicans (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:516. 8ittenbilder(Wallner) Unsere Zeit 1878: 1 :401- Tuileries et le Louvre pendant (Du Camp) I' v. d. d. Mondes 111:28:753; 29:127. France. ///*<(/ \ncr. 1.^71. i Hutlm-i I'li-i-re /fit l*7." 1S76. Oonditioni de la regeneration. < (envre* \ 'onseil d'etat ( Aucoc) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: ron-titmioimelle et parlenientaire ( Va- herot) Rc-v. d. d. Mondes III : 36: 241. Defen-e de* I'rontiere* maritime* (Tou- ihard) Uev. d. d Mondes 111:19:5. K-jirit n'voliitionnaire (Janet) Rev.d.d. ItOOdW 1 1 : I'**: 721. et ritalie. 1866-84 i Uothan) Rev.d.d.; Monde* 111:6*1:298.502. - et rorient. 1**J dliarm.-) Key. d.d. 211. Expulsion des Strangers (Desjardins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:50:657. Ferry lois, 1879 (Pillon) Crit. Philos. v. 15, 16. Fusionsbewegung (Zelle) Grensboten 1874:1:280- Germany and, 1875 (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:12:217. in 1871 (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 94:872. Pre\sidence. Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:95:231. Re"forme administrative (Clave") Jour. Econ. 111:23:177. 26:165. in 1873. Question constitutionnelle (Mo- linari) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:103:429. Presse allemande a propos (Sorel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:104:711. in 1874 ( Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 6:574, 755. in 1876 (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 17 : 721. in 1877. Simon's resignation (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II : 22 : 216. in 1883-6. Ministerien Ferry and Frey- cinet (Sulzer) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1 : 541. in 1885. Elections legislatives (Pcaut) Crit. Philos. N. S. 2:400. - in 1886 (Germain) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 7.-. : 820. Question des princes, 1872 (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 2:241, 305. 1883 (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 56:197. ReTorme administrative (Avenel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:824; 94:574. Republic. Dangers (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 15:177. et les anciens partis (Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 102:5. et ses conservateurs ( Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 100 : 565. Grundung(Reuter)Uns.Zeitl879:2:161- iib^rale (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:5. person nelle ou impersonnelle (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 20:81- Stability. Mo. Ref. Lists 1:1. Septennate. Geschichte des (Zelle) G renzboten 1874 : 2 : 2 : 293- Travaux legislatifs, 1887-8 (Liesse) Jour. Econ. IV: 44: 3. unter Carnot (Seefeld) Uns. Zeit 1888:2: I tii>. Franc esca da Remini. I>:iiuc. Inferno, canto V. Hunt. Poetical works. Pellico. Tragedie. Franceschl-Delonne, J. 1?. 1767 l-M Souvenirs militaircs. Sainte-Bcuve, Nuii- veaux Lundis v. 11. Franchise. See Liberty, Suffrage. Francla, J. (Jaspar Uodriguoz. IT'-', l^io C:irlylc. ]S-.iy<. Wushliurn. Hi'story of Paraguay ; <';ili- fornian . r > : PH. Francis of Astisi, St. 118*2-1226. Bonaventura. Ojiera, inostolat de ((Jebhart) Rev. d.d. MondM 111:77: 101. Francis I. 182 Frederick II. Francis I, king of France. 1494-1547. Actions de guerre (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95:571. Death. Revue Hist. 5 : 84. Documents relatifs aux projets d'e"vasion de. Rev. Hist. 8:297. in Italy. Creighton, Papacy during the reformation v. 4. Francis, Sir Philip. 1740-1818. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 88. Francis de Paulo, St. 1416-1507. Bossuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 5. Francis de Sales, St. 1567-1622. Bossuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 5. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 7. Franciscans. See also Francis of Assisi Bonaventura. Opera, index (Fratres minores). Deutsch Regel des 13. Jahrh. (Birlinger) Gerrnanial8:186. Francke, Augustus Hn. 1663-1727. - Duller. Manner des Volks 7 : 399. Religious Magazine 4:389. Stiftungen in Halle (Eckstein) Preuss. Jahrb. 11:616. Frankfort, Germany. in 1850. Gegenwart 5 : 371. in 1871 (Robert) Preuss. Jahrb. 28: 1. Kriegk. Deutsches Biirgerthum. Reichsversammlung, 1849 (Duncker) Panis. history v. 12. Streitigkeiten "d. Geistlichkeit mit d. Ge- lehrten Anzeigen, 1772(Dechent)Goethe- Jahrb. 10:169. Treaty. Article 11 (Miiller) Jour. Econ. IV:44:336. und Berlin, 1848-9. Rundschau 55 : 332 ; 56:47. Franklin, Benjamin. 1706-90. Brougham. Statesmen 1:314. Cabanis. Oeuvres 5: 217-274. Curtis. History of the constitution v. 1. Duller. Manner des Volks 7 : 65. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Herder. Briefe Beforderung Humanitat 1:10. Jeffrey. Essays. Mignet. Notices v. 2. - Mirabeau. Oeuvres oratoires 2: 434. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 308. Richardson. American literature v. 1. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 7; English portraits. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 2. (Tpwle) Winsor, History of Boston 2: 269. Winthrop (R. 0.). Speeches. at Paris. Sumner, Works v. 1 Papers. Stevens' collection. U.S. Senate M. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1. - Youth. Everett, Orations. Laboulaye. Discours populaires. Franklin, Sir John, artic explorer. 1786-1847. Brauns. Skizzen von Amerika 94, 216. Gilder. Schwatka's search. Grinnell expedition. Seward, Works 1:298. Schwatka's expedition (Valbert) Rev. d.d. MondesIII:57:679. Searches for. Summary of. Seeman, Voy- age of the Herald 2: 189. Franks. See also Gaul. Pertz. Mon. Ger. hist, Scr., indexes. andGa\ils. Freeman, Historical essays v.l. Foi et la morale (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. MondesIII:74:365. Herkunst (Schroder) Hist. Zeits. 43: 1. in the Peloponnesus (Tozer) J. Hellenic Stud. 4:165. Reichsannalisten. Kritik (Ranke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Statistique judicaire (Moreau de Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:281. Fraser river. Mining excitement, 1858. Bancroft, Brit- ish Columbia ch. 20, 24. ( Waddington) Pams. California v. 1. Fraticelli. Lea. History of the inquisition 3 : 129. Fraud. , Gauner und Abenteurer, 1800-. Freytag, Bilder 3 : 461. Official, in the United States. Legare, Writings 1 : 338. Frauenlob. See Heinrich von Meissen. Fredegonde, queen of the Franks. Fauriel. Provencal poetry. Godwin. History of France v. 1. Menzel. History of Germany v. 1. Frederic, bishop of Liege. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. 12 : 501. Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, margravine of Baireuth. 1709-58. Sainte-Benve. Causeries du Lundi v. 12. Jeunesse (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 80 ' 599 Meriioiren (Pertz) Berlin Akad. Abh.1850: 117. (Ranke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849: 531. Frederick I (Barbarossa), emperor of Ger- many. 1121-90. Bischoff. Barbarossa : roman. Bryce. Holy Roman empire. Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. Gottfried of Viterbo. Gesta (.Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 22 : 307). Grabbe. Barbarossa : drama. Otto and Ragwin. Gesta (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 20 : 338). Raumer. Hohenstaufen. Schlosser. Weltgeschichte. Simonde de Sismondi. R6publiques ital- iennes 1 : 270. Testa. War against Lombardy. Gedichtedes Mittelalters. Grimm, Klein. Schriften 3:1; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. Gesta. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 18-, indexes. Kreuzzug von (Funck) Kriegk, Darstell- ungen 325. Zeit de. Schiller, Werke 11 : 30. Frederick II, emperor of Germany. 1194-1250. Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 19- (Philippi) Preuss. Jahrb. 50:406. (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:82:426. Wallon. St. Louis et son temps. Frederick II, the Great, king of Prussia. 1712- 86. See also Seven years' war. Bischoff. Historische Novellen Uber. Bluntschli. Gesch. d. neu. Statswissens- chaft. Brougham. Statesmen 1:320. Freytag. Bilder 4 : 219. Goethe. Werke 21 : 331. Frederick 183 Freedom of opinion. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Johnson (S:). Works 6 : 435. Jomini. Grand military operations. Macaulay. Essays. Grimm. Essays on literature. Miiller(Joh.von). Werke25:274; 26:257. ! Ranke. House of Brandenburg. Tocqueville. Regne de Louis XV. als Philosph (Rossler) Preuss. Jahrb. 58: 538. as historian. Villemain, Literature au ! 18. siecle 2 : 29. Carlyle on (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 103:269. - Preuss. Jahrb. 2 : 542. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve.Causeries 7:455; 12:350. Erimierungen (Droysen) Preuss. Jahrb. 1>:392- et les arts (Michel) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : ^an ft Marie The"rese (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:199. Premiere lutte (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 48-50, 61-64. Seconde lutte (Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:v. 80- (Koser) Hist. Zts. 51 :54. Hi>toire de nion temps. Textkritik (Koser) Hist. Zeits. 52:385. in tier bildenden Kunst (Du Bois Rey- ntoiid) Rundschau 51 :'27<'>. in englischen Urtheilen (Du Bois Rey- mond) Rundschau 34:395. Jugendzeit. Raumer, Beitriige neu. Ges- chichte 1:491. Klopp on (Hausser) Preuss. Jahrb. 7:318. Kriegsfuhrung(Delbriick) Preuss. Jahrb. 54:195. Lettres d' Alembert et. Rev. Hist. 26: M. Letzte Tage (Koser) Rundschau 48: 190. MSmoires de H : de Catt ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:67:188. Oeuvres. .Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 3 : 144 ; also Monday-chats. Polemik gegen(Cauer) Preuss. Jahrb. 12:1. Politische Testamente (Lehmann) Hist. Zts. 60:255. Politik ( Maurenbrecher) Preuss. Jahrb. 27:543. Regierungsprogramm. Preuss. Jahrb. 10: 335. Religiose et politische Denkweise. Hett- ner, Literaturgeschichte2:3. Second SileMan war (Koser) Hist. Tas- Chenbnrh nr'.M 2. Trois lettres au public (Droysen) Runds- rhau) JU:383. uii-l die deiitsche Dichtkunst (Herwig) H. Trig's Archiv 70:221. Literatnr (Hopfner) Zts. deutsche Philnl. U und die Ituliener (Fischer) Rundschau' 100. und lit- P)iiliii>|ihie seiner X.cit (Xeller) Kmi Keymond) KundM-hau 1! :_'!. uii'l .seine Zeit. Kauiner, I'.citriige neu. Werke. Herder, Briefc /.ur .... llnman- itat 1:66; 2:53. Wie wiirde F. heute regieren. Schleier- macher, Werke 111:3:28, 45, 163. zum Breslauer Frieden (Koser) Hist. Taschenbuch N.F. 7:66. Frederick TO, emperor of Germany, king of Prussia. 1831-88. (Schultz) Gott. Univ. Dis.s. v. 9. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 87 : 685. Diary. Geflcken et (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:91:695. Personliche Erimierungen (Delbriick) Preuss. Jahrb. 62 : 97. und Victoria (Gottschall) Gartenlaube 1888:181 -- Ueber Land und Meer v. 59, 60. Zum Gediichtniss (Kiihler) Halle Univ. . v.2. Frederick, electors of Brandenburg. Ranke. House of Brandenburg. Fredrelck V, Prinz von Hoinberq. 1633-1708. in Geschichte u. Dichtung( Varrentrapp) Preuss. Jahrb. 45 : 335. Frederick William III, king of Prussia. 1770- 1840. Briihns. Life of Humboldt. in 1809 (Duncker) Preuss. Jahrb. 41 : 136. Rede, 1822 (Raumer) Hist. Taschenbuch 1830:391. Regierungsprogramm (Lehmann) Hist. Zeits. 61:341. Frederick William IV, king of Prussia. 1795- 1861. Briihns. Life of Humboldt. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Streckfuss. Huldigungsfest. Unsere Zeit 1862 1 ; 1874 : 2 : 81. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59: 206. et Bunsen (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: v. 106, 108; 111:1:107. et Ranke ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 83:201. Huldigungsfeier, 1840. Pams. history v. 12. Frederick William , elector of Hesse. 1802-75. t'nsere Zeit 1875:1:161. Free soil party. Su inner. Works, index. Free trade. See also Corn-laws, Protection, Reciprocity, Tariff. Alison. Essays 1 : 3rit en Angleterre (Chevalier) Kev. II : :VJ:i;72; 3 Si, v. .'5. Freedom. >< Lil-rty. Freedom of opinion. Set Authority, Con are. Liberty, Toleration. Freedom of the will. 184 Fresno county. Freedom of the will. See Will. Freemasonry. See also Knights Templar, Secret societies. der neuesten Zeit. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 657. Gesprtiche fur. Leasing, Werke 10 : 247, 283 Occult lodges. Barruel, Jacobinism v. 2. Freiburg, Baden. Cathedral. Guilhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Freldank (Fridanc), Bernhard. (Grion) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2 :408. (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849, 1851. (Pfeifter) Germania 2:129. Freiligrath, Hn. Ferdinand. 1810-70. Histories of German literature by: Bar- thel (508), Prutz (1 : 105). (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1876: 1:561. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4:398. (Nodnagel) Herrig's Archiv 2:1. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 37 : 408. Vermittler englischer u. franzos. Dicht- ung ( Weddigen ) Herrig's Archiv 66 : 1. FrC'Jus, France. (Lentheric) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:34:641. Fremont, John C., general. 1813- Benton. Thirty years' view v. 2. Colton. Three years in California. Stockton (Com. R. F.) Life and speeches. Liability of the U. S. for military acts of. Pains. California v. 8. French language. See also Provencal. an 16. siecle (Giinther) Herrig's Arch. v. 11, 12, 15, 17. au 19. siecle (Wey) Herrig's Arch. 2:209. Canadian (Elliott) Am. J. Philol. v. 6-8; Mod. Language Assoc. v. 2. Diakritische Zeichen (Schulz) Herrig's Archiv 45: 381. Dialecte Ronergat (Aymeric) Zts. roman. Philol. 3:321. Vermischung (Meissner) Herrig's Archiv 50: 191. Einfluss der Latein auf (Dressier) Herrig's Archiv 5 : 16, 267. (Otto) Herrig's? Archiv9:21I. Substantiva (Strehlke) Herrig's Archiv 13 : 116. Ellipse des Substantivs (Corte) Herrig's Archiv 34: 79. Flandricismen (Duesberg) Herrig's Archiv 1 : 138. Formen der Bejahrung u. Verneinung (Honcamp) Herrig's Archiv 36:143. FortentwicKelung seit 1700. Herrig's Archiv 41: 149. GebrauchdesConjunctivsin Hauptsatzen (Nobolsky) Herrig's Archiv 14:306. Gegenwiirtige Gebrauch (Bertram) Her- rig's Archiv v. 47. Geist der (Falkenheimer) Herrig's Archiv 9:333; 10:381; 12:82. Grammatik (Heller) Herrig's Archiv 20: 225. Influence de la scholastique sur (Re"inu- sat) Acad. Sci. Mor. 28 : 377. des sennonnaires du moyen age (Au- bry-Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:82:811. Interpunctionslehre(Muller) Herrig's Ar- chiv 9: 315. Keltische Element* (Griinwald) Herrig's Archiv 53 : 1. Provinzialismen (Barbieux) Herrig's Archiv 3: 340. Satzdoppelformen (Schwan) Zts. roman. Philol. 12 : 192. Sources celtiques et latines. Michelet, Histoire de France 1 : 112. Transformations & propos du Diction- naire de Littre" (Pavie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:51:857. Vermischte Beitrage (Tobler) Zts. roman. Philol. 1:1; 2:389,549; 5:181. Volksetymologie (Fass) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Wortfiigung. Hamann, Schriften 2: 27. Old French language (Arbois de Jubain- ville) Romania 1 : 129. (Kennedy) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855 : 158. Negation in (Perle) Zts. roman. Philol. 2:1,407. Negative particle mie (O'Connor) Am. J. Philol. 2 : 210. Qiiellen d. parasitischen i (Waldner) Herrig's Archiv 78:421. Si-bis, bevor (Gessner) Zts. roman. Philol. 2:572. Wortstellung im direkten Fragesatze (Schulze) Herrig's Archiv 71 : 185, 303. French literature. Contes et legendes de Picardie. Romania v. 8. Conteurs des 17-18. siecles (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 2 : 97 ; 5 : 198. Convention in. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Vblker 7 :143; also Rundschau 44: 196. Grands classiques (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. S. 3:32. History. Ventouillac, French librarian. Histoire philosophique (Re"musat) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5 : 273. in Be"arn. Herrig's Arch. 19 : 317. in Louisiana (Fortier) Mod. Language Assoc. Trans, v. 2. Influence des femrnes (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 78:205., Lyrisme en prose. Caro, Etudes morales 354. Mediaeval (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:107:419. Ecrivains comiques (Peschier) Her- rig's Archiv 4 : 299. .Tagdlehrbucher (Werth) Zts. roman. Philol. 12:381. Modern. Brownson, Works 19:48., Necessity d'uneL.populaire. Caro, Etudes morales 365. . pendant 1300-1400 (Littre") Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 53: 381. Protectorat de Napoleon (Uepois) Rev. Nat. 19:467. since 1848 (Baumgarten) Herrig's Archiv 17 : 259. sous le premier empire (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 24: 905. Frere-Orban, H. J. W.. Belgian statesman. - Unsere Zeit 1857 : 767. Fre"ron, Elie Catherine. Critique au 18. siecle (Soury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:20:80. Frescobaldi, Dino. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana v. 4. Fresnel, A. J.. physicist. 1788-1827. Arago. Oeuvres 1 : 107. Fresno county, California. (Freeman) Overland II :9:621. Fresno county. 185 Fronde civil wars. in 1884 (Bell) Pams. California v. 3. Freytag, Gustav. 1816- (Rossler) Preuss. Jahrb. 58 : 209. Ahnen (Scherer) Preuss. Jahrb. 31:481; 47:65. Briider vom deutschen Hause(Foss) Her- rifr's Archiv 50: 129. Dichterportrat(Ziel) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1 : 145. - Fabier. Preuss. Jahrb. 3 : (157. Roman. Prutz, Deutsche Lit. d. Gegen- wart 2:90. (Reville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:536. (Taillandier)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:8:33. d'e'ducation (Bourdeau) Rev. d. d. MmidesIII:48:128. - V r erlorene Handschrift (Riissler) Preuss. Jahrb. 15:03. Friant, Louis, comte. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 14. Friction. between slow-moving surfaces (Jenkin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877:509. water and air ( Lang^ Rov. Soc. Trans. 1876:589. Debasement de la chaleur (Becquerel) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 17 : 181. Experiences (Morin) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 4 : 1, 591 ; 6:641. Heat excited by. Rurnford, Works. of surfaces of solids (Rennie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:143. Rolling-friction (Reynolds) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:155. Friedrich nut I tauten. Minnesinger. (Lehfeld) Beitr. deut Sprache 2 : 345, 422. Friendly islands (Tonga islands). See also Fiji islands. Cook. Second voyage v. 2. Third voy- age v. 1. Friendly societies. See also Life insurance. English ( Brabrock) Jour. Econ. 1 1 1 : 31 : 85- (Laurent) Jour. Econ. II : 24 : 196. Friends. See Quakers. Friendship. Aristoteles. Nicomachean ethics. Augustinus (St.). De amicitia. Bacon (Sir Fs). Kssays. Cicero. De amicitia. Emerson. Kssaysv. 1; Prose works v. 1. Jouffroy. Melanges philosophiques 210. Lunanu.*. ToxarK Plato. Dialogues; especially Ly-i-. Plutarch uv M M nils v. 1-2. Seneca. Epistolae 6. 9, 35, 63. Taylor (Jeremy). Whole works v. 1. Fries, J. F: Histories of philosophy by: Fortlagi- CUT!, Win.lell.au,! <->: 386). Frlesen, U: von. M.-moiren (Flathe) Hist. Zts. 4 he v. II. Oera Linda Ixxik iterature of northern Kurojw. Provincialisms (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1846. Rask's Sproglaere. Grimm, Kleine Schrif- ten 4 : 301. Friesland. Amicis. Holland and its people. Enio. Chronicon, J204-34 (Pertz, MOD. Germ, hist., Script, v. 23). Menco. Chronicon, 1234-96 (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 23). Gesta episcoporum. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 24. Lex. Pertz, Mon. German, hist, Leges v. 3. Frithiof saga. dem starken saira. Hcrrip's Archiv 67: 369. Sprachvergleichendes (KiJrner) Herrig's Archiv 58: 395. Fruili, Italy. Annales, 1252-1364. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script. 19:1!)4. Frobisher, Sir Martin, d. 1594. Southey. British admirals v. 5. Relics. Hall, Esquimaux v. 2. Froebel.F: 1782-1852. Seealso Kindergarten. Compayr^. Historv of pedagogy. Gar ten la ube 1882:4.* Portrait. Frog. Anatomy of nervous system (Wyman) Smithson. Contrib. v. 5. Cutaneous pigmentary system (Lister) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858 : (527. Development of tadpole (Higginbottom) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1850:431. Heart. Automatic (Lucowicz) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Rhythm (Gaskell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:993. Nerve-cells (Beale) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863: 543. Papillae of tongue (Beale) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:443. and nerves (Waller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849:139; 1850:423. Skull ( Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 137 ; 1876:001. Specimens at Cracow (Schmidt) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14. Torpid state. Williams, Vermont 1:479. Froissart, Jean. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 9. Villemain. Litte"rature au moyen age 2: 115- Restitu^ d'apres les manuscrits(Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7:678. Sprache (Gartner) Herrig's Arch. 40:453. Syntaktische Studien (Ebering) Xiv roman. Philol. 5:324. Fromentin, Kug.. )iinter. 1820-70. Sainte-Heuve. Nouveaux I.umlN 7 : 102. vain (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 11 :_': 074. Oeuvre(Houssaye)Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 20:882. Frommann, F: J. i (H. Froiiiinann) Goethe-.Jahrb. s :_'_'. Fronde civil wars, 1048-52. ; Livev.,f AnniMif Au>tria,Cond<5, Mazarin, Turenne. I^a Rochefoucauld. M.'inuires. a Bourdeaux (Cousin) Rev. d. <1. Mon2. Spermojronien d. Kost|>ilze( Rathay) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. I'!. Funkelin, Jakob. ( Kochholz) Germania 14:412. Furnaces. '1 ' nipcraturc. Keglementation (Rolland) 1'aris, M0-l852. Treitschke. Aufsatze 1:143; Pmis-. Jahrb. K: 444. Galllard, Gabriel II : 17L'i;-1806. (Iriinm-Diderot. Correspondance. Gainsborough, T:, painter. 1727-88. Reynolds. Literary works : discourse 14. Gaius. Institutiones. Lexikale Excerpte (Ru- dorff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. Galba, Servius Sulpicius, emperor. Plutarch. Lives. - Suetonius. Lives. -(Beule-) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:82:331. Galdos, Benito Perez. Roman patriotism; ( Louis- Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:14:i;U. Galenus, ('laudius, physician. Fiiruii-r. Savants de ranti<|uit<'. Xeller. Eclecticism 860- Schriftstellerei(Ilberg) Rhein. Mu.44:207. Oalfrldus, tirrhh;.ihi> f York. <>lit i<;il ,;-i,niniiiL 1728-87. (Brunetiere) Itcv. d.d. Mondt-s III. Galiani. 188 Gardiner. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Monday-chats; Causeries 2:421. Galicia, Poland. Franzos. Halb-Asien. Zustzinde (Zehlicke) Uns. Zeit 1870: 1:657- Galilee. See also Palestine, Syria. de Je"sus (Cocquerel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:284. Galilei, Galileo, astronomer. 1564-1642. Arago. Oeuvres 3 :240. Brewster. Martyrs of science. Duller. Manner des Volks 8 : 1. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Morton. Heroes of science : astronomers. Quinet. Oeuvres completes 2: 183. Society Diffusion Useful Knowledge. Se- lect biographies. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 8 : 248- White. Warfare of science. Yriarte. Florence 172. Portrait. als Philosoph (Natorp) Philos. Monatsh. 18:193. Auf den Spuren (Gebler) Rundschau 15:43 Beharrungsgesetz (Lange) Philos. Stu- dien 2:2(56. Trial (Ferri) Rev. Philos. 2 : 367. (MeVieres)Rev.d.d. Mondes I II : 17: 645 (Scartazzini) Uns. Zeit 1877 : 1 : 490 ; 2: 436. Zeller. Vortrage2:252; Rundschau 9:66. Vie et mission scientifique (Bertrand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 54 : 41. - Vita. In his Opere. 1744. v. 1. Gall, St. 546-640. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2. Gallatin, Albert A. A. 1761-1849. Lodge. Studies in history. Gallenga, Antonio C. N. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6 : 120. Gait, John. 1779-1839. Memoir. In his Annals of the parish. Galvanism. See also Electricity (Voltaic). Helmholtz. Wissenschaftliche Abhand- lungen v. 1. Whewell. History of the inductive sciences v. 2. and magnetism (Gumming) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 269. Deflections produced by attrition of metals ( Donovan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23. Heat excited in metals by (Harris) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12:206. Magnetismus der G. Kette (Seebeck) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. measure of electricity (Gumming) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 281. Galvanometer. Pocket (Tanakadate) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1:275. Gama, Vasco da. d. 1524. Histories of Portugal by : Schafer, etc. Gamtoetta, Le"on Michel. 1838-82. Annual cyclopaedia 1881. Portrait. (Bartlingj Uns. Zeit 1883:2:180; 1884:1:189 (Goltz) Rundschau 29:35. (Pillon) Critique Philos. v. 22-23. and the third republic. Monthly Refer- ence Lists 3 : 2. De"pi>ches de Tours, 1871. Rev. Hist. v. 24. Role politique ( Amagat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:372. und d. Loirearmee (Goltz) Preuss. Jahrb. 34:350,443; 35:26- Gambier islands. Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific 1 : 142. Gambling. See also Lotteries, Monte Carlo. Manifest detection of dice-play. Percy Society v. 29. Proctor. Chance and luck. Smith. Sunshine and shadow in N. Y. Ethics of (Eliot) Pains, social science v. 2. in California. Bancroft, California inter pocula. in London. Grant. Great metropolis 1 : 159. Game laws. Smith (Sydney). Works. Gamelyn, Tale of. ( Lindner) Engl. Stud. 2 : 94, 321. Games. See also Amusements ; Olympia, names of games. Isthmian (Unger) Philologus 37:1. Nemean (Unger) Philologus 37:524. Pythian. Clinton, Fasti Hellenici 2 :932. Gampsony chidae . (Packard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Gandar, Eugene. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 12 : 255. Gandini, Dionisio. Lustspiele. Lessing, Werke 4 : 445. Ganges river, India. Asiatic Journal v. 17, 18- Ganoid fishes. See also Cera tod us, etc. Bau und Grenzen (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Zusammenhang d. Geschlechts u. Harn- werkzeuge (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 8. Gardening. See also Flowers, Vegetables. Ausonius. Rosae. Bacon (Sir Fs.). Essays. Columella. De culta hprtorum. Palladius. De insitionibus. - Temple (Sir W:). Works 3 : 202. Vomanus. De laudibus hortuli. in alter und neuerZeit(Gohn) Rundschau 18:250. in Boston (Wilder) Winsor, History of Boston 4 : 607. in California. Californian 1 : 119 ; 2 : 153. in Ireland (Walker) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. in Shakespeare's England (Vatke) Her- rig's Archiv 77 : 85. Modern (Engel) Uns. Zeit 1870:1:145- (Portig) Uns. Zeit 1883 : v. 2. My garden acquaintance. Lowell. My study windows. of Cyrus : the quincunx. Browne (Sir T:), Works v. 2. Gardening, Landscape. Bibliography. Boston Public Lib. Bull. 4:268. Bascom. Aesthetics. Evelyn. Diary. Schleiermacher. Werke III : 7 : 477-507. Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. 4. Gardiner, Sir Christopher. Longfellow. Tale of a wayside inn. Gardiner, Marguerite P. See Blessington. Gardiner. 189 Gas. Gardiner, S., bishop of Winchester. 1483-1555. Burnet. Reformation. 1679. 2:320. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Gardner, Francis, LL. D. (Dimmock) Pains, biography v. 4. Gareth (Gar el), Sir. Garel vom bliihenden Thai (Zingerle)Ger- mania 3:23. Garneld, James A., 20th president. 1831-81. (Blaine) U. S. Senate M. Docs. 1881-2, v.5. (Davis) Pains, biography v. 4. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:47: 071. Hi sere Zeit 1882:2:42. (White) Pains, biography v. 4. Addresses at statue at Washington. U. S. Senate M. Docs. 1885-6, v. 6. and civil service reform. Panis. biography v. 4. Death. Strong, Philosophy and religion 347. Election (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:44:68. Garibaldi, Giuseppe. 1807-82. Annual cyclopaedia. 1866. Portrait. Deutsche Rundschau 40:97. Godkin. Life of Victor Emanuel II. Mirecour. Contemporains. Probyn. Italy. Quinet. Me"moires d'exil 2 :419- (Scherr) Gartenlaube 1882 :t Mi. vcr)rns.Zeit 1883: 1:46-; 1885:2:406- Unsere Zeit 1860:371. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:202; 86:214. als Romanschriftsteller (Gottshall) I'us. X.-it 1870:2:785. Elpis Helena et (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33:579. Expedition of I860 (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :v. 32-33. I'n-ere Zeit 1861: 170, 441. of 1HU7 ( Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : Garin de Loner ain. Ludlow. Popular epics. Manuscrits (Bonnardot) Romania 3:195. Garnier, Adolphe. 1801-04. Discours -ur. Acad. Sri. Mor. 70:137- I'-ychologie (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 54:1039. Garnier, Joseph. 1813-81., (Mohnari, Say) Jour. Econ. 1 V: 16:5. Garonne river. Inundations (Assier) Rev. d. d. M.. rides III :ll:fitt Garrtck, David, actor. 171' Hak.-r. Kngliwh actors 1:133. <'iinil>erlaiiora:i. AnnaN of the tt Grimm-Diderot Corrwpondjuioa, I^ecky. Knglimd in IH. century 1 : 590. in clinracter of Richard III.' Hogarth, Work-. Verses in memory. Sheridan (R: B.), Wot**. Garrison, ('. K. l*n k. Ki-pn-M-nMtive mm. SnuiY*. Aunal- tit San Franci-cn 7H. Garrison, W: L., anii-tl M^-rn. Savans Etrang. 4:563. Specific heats (Apjohn) lloy. Irish Trans. v. 18. (Haycraft) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 10:195. Specific weights. Verhiiltniss /u d. che- mischen Proportionen (Mitacherlieh) r,i-rlin Aka.l. Al.h. 1833. Stresses la rarifld, arising from inei|iiali- tic> of temperature ( Maxwell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879:231. Vicosity or internal friction (Maxwell) Koy. Sor. Trail". lSi: _'!. at high exhaustions (Crookes) Koy. Six . Tr.ins. 1881:387. Gas, Illuminating. Companies of Paris (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes N,.v. l (Laiiii'-Klenry) .lour. Kroii. I V : IS : 311. lomir application ( Henry I K- Tran>. ISO- Gas. 190 Geary. (Murdoch) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1808:124. Histoire (Payen)'Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 50:388. Investigations. Henry (Jos.), Scientific writings 2:477. Natural. Sources, management, uses. Ohio Geol. Survey, Geol. v. 6. Wasser-u. Heizbereitung (Lang) Giessen Univ. Diss. V. 2. Gas engines. (Cecil) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1:217. Clerk. Theory of the gas engine. Knoke. Kraftmaschinen. Macgregor. Gas engines. Schottler. Gasmaschinen. Schwartze. Gasmaschinen. Witz. Etudes sur les moteurs. Gascogne, France. Landes de (Chambrelent) Rev.Sci. 43: 103. Gascoigne, George, poet. 15367-77. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 13 : 179. Cascoigne, Sir William. 1350-1413. Campbell Chief justices. Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. S., novelist. 1810-65. Mary Barton. Greg, Essays 1:344. Gasparin, VaUJrie Boissier, comtesse de. et Eugenie de Gue'rin. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 9:240. Humoriste protestant (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 58: 197. Reveries protestantes ( Montagu t) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 36: 986. Tristrisses humaines ( Re'musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes Il:54:ffl6- Gassendi, Pierre. 1592-1655. - Historiesof philosophy by :Ritter(10:543). Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Feuerbach. Werke 4 : 114. Lange. Materialism 1 : 253. Atomistik (Lasswitz) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:459. Gasteropoda (Univalves). See also Snails. der Alpen (Homes) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 10, 12. der Hallstatter Schichten (Homes) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 9. des braunen .1 ura von Balin (Laube) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 22, 30. Gastric juice. Verhalten bei carcinom (Koch) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Gaul. See also Franks. Universal history: ancient 16:380. Anciennes populations (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6:313. anres la conquete. Thierry, Lettres sur I'histoire de France 79- Politique romaine (Viollet) Rev. Hist. 39 : 1. au temps de la conquete romaine (Re"- ville) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:22 :838; 23:42. (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 44 : 53, 72. Beginning of French monarchy. Gibbon, Decline and fall ch. 38. Caesar's campaign in Alesia. Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 15 : 64. Map. Civilisation au temps de Ce"sar (Pautet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 83 : 275. Commerce et civilisation (Fre"villfc) Acad. Sci. Mor. 25:425. Conque'tes germaniques (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 106: 280. Constantin en (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:349. Cultur unter den Romern (Friedlander) , Rundschau 13: 396. Etat agricole avant les remains (Dareste) Acad. Sci. Mor. 43:99. Ethnology; Roman conquest. Merivale, Romans 1 : 191. Fontes Strabonis (Wilkens) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 3. Ge'ographie(Re'ville) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 34:864. Impots sous les Remains (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7 : 99, 163. Invasion germanique au 5. siecle (Fustel de Coulanges) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :99: 241. Notitia provinciarum (Brambach) Ilhein. Mus. 23:262. Origines. Empire celtique ( Arbois de Ju- bainville) Rev. Hist. 30:1. Partages des terres (Dareste) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42:273, 383. Regime municipale (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7 : 140. Roman natives. Hallam, Europe in mid- dle ages 1 : 280. Vis ac significatio (Baethgen) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Gautama. See also Buddhism. Arnold. Light of Asia. Bigandet. Life and legend of Gaudama. Kellogg. Light of Asia and Light of the World. Institutes. Miiller, Sacred books of the east v. 2. Life ; from the Ma-la-len-ga-ra wottoo. Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. 3: 1. Gautier, P. J. Theophile. 1811-72. Baudelaire. Oeuvres choisies 3 : 151, 344. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 5. Faguet. Etudes litt. sur le 19. siecle. Laporte. Bibliographic contemp. 5 : 269. Mirecour. Contemporains. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 6. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 84 : 693. Capitaine Fracasse ( Asselineau) Rev. Nat. 16:121. (Frank) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:49: 508. Poems (Fawcett) Californian 3:397. Gavarni, pseud. See Chevalier, S. G. Gawayne, Sir. Werke d. Dichters von (Luick) Anglia 11 : 572. Gay, John, poet. 1688-1732. Hazlitt. English poets. Howitt. Homes of the British poets v. 1. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Thackeray. English humorists. Beggars' opera. Hogarth, Works. Gay, Mme. M. F. S. Nichault de Lavalette. 1776-1852. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 6: 64. Gay-Lussac, J. L., cftemist. 1778-1850. Arago. Oeuvres v. 3. Gaza, Theodorus. 1400-78. als Philosoph (Stein) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:426. Geary, John W. 1819-73. Soule. Annals of San Francisco 718. Grebhard. 191 Genghis Khan. Gebhard, bishop of Constance. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 10. Gebhard, archbishop of Salzburg. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 11. Gedoyn, Nicolas, canon. 1667-1744. Alembert. Oeuvres 9:323. Geffcken, F: H: 1830- Fall. Unsere Zeit 1889: 1 : 258. Geibel, Emanuel, poet. 1815-H4. Barthel. Nationalliteratur der Neuzeit. (Cherbuliez) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 98: 296. - Deutsche Rundschau 39: 463. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 :412. (Nodnagel) Herrig's Archiv 2:1. (Scherer) Rundschau 40:36. Briefe an Karl v. d. Malsburg. Rundschau 44 : 42- tind die neue Lyrik (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1884: 1:759. Geijer, Eric G.. historian, poet. 1783-1847. Howitt. Literature northern Europe v.2. ( M -es) Californian 5 : 184. Gellert, Christian F. 1715-69. Kmeherischen Einfluss (Schuller) Jahrb. Philol. 122:87, 113. und Janu (Brockhaus) Zts. deut. mor- genl. Gesells. 14 : 706. Gellius, A til us. Noctes Atticae. Nettleship, Lectures; Am. J. Philol. 4:391. Ausziige au.s d. Schriften d. rom. Rechtsgelehrten in (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1851. Beitrage(Bergk) Jahrb. Philol. 113:279. und Ammianus Marcellinus (Hertz) Hermes 8: 257. Gelon of Syracuse, d. 478 B. C. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Gemblours monastery. Gestaabbatum. DeCombustione. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 8, 14. Gemlnus of lihodes, matliematician. 1'hilologische Beitriige (Schmidt) Phi- lologus 42 : 82; 45 :63, 278. Gemistus Plethon. See Plethon. Gems. See also names of precious stones. Ancient engraved. Crowley, Poems v. 1. Artificial. Daubre"e, Geologic expe"ri- mentale. Ceylon mines. Nordenskib'ld, Voyage of the Vega v. '1. French Tapidarins, 13. century. Herrig's Archiv 68: 319. .loyaux de la couronne (Bapst) Rev. d. d. Mon.l.- lssii : Kebr. Lapidaires de Septmoncel (Audiganne) K.-v. d .1. Mon.lt- II :_'!: 375. mil Inschriften (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. l-.-l. Gender of nouns. (Bramlretli) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1880-1 : 235. in Indo-European languages (Uowi.lour. I'l.ilol. Hi::t!. Feminin-Bildung (Johansson) Kiilm'^ X.-it- :w):398. Genealogy. Bibliography. Brydgi-s, Centura literaria American. l!4. ( Vogt) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache v. 2. - Exodus Studien (Strobl) Germania 20:292. Heliand und (Sievers) Pams. on Anglo- Saxon v. 1. Morris' Story of (Schumann) Anglia 6 : Anzeiger. Studien (Honncher) Anglia 7:469. Textkritik (Kolbing) Engl. Stud. 3:273. Werk eines Verfassers ? (Fritsche) Anglia 5:43. Genesius, Josephus. Byzantine historian. ( Wiischke) Philologus 37 : 255. Genest, C: Claude, abbe. 1639-1719. Alembert. Oeuvres 9 : 371. Geneva, Switzerland. A'lams. Life of Gallatin. Universal history: modern 32: '2 17. D<5faite de la democratic autoritaire, 1878 (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: .HO:'_M\ Gouvernement. Alembert, Oeuvres; ed. Bastian 4:411. Rousseau, Oeuvres. radical (Cherbuliez) Rev. d. .1. Minnie* II : 1!):579. in 1700. MNsun. New voyage to Italy I: 409. Mti-urs. Epinay (Mine.), I^ettres ft mon Ills. i:.-\..liiti<.n, l-iiw (Marc-Monnier) Rev. f Mongols ami Tartar*. Gibbon. Decline ami fall d,.i;i. Genghis Khan. 192 Geology. Schlosser. Weltgeschichte 5 : 549. Universal history: modern 4:84. Maxims. Croly,' Life of Burke 1 : 227. Sage (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851. Genius. Bain. Study of character ch. 14-15. Galton. Hereditary genius. Goltz. Bildung und Gebildeten 1 : 286 ; Charakteristik d. deutschen Genius. Hedge. Atheism in philosophy. Helvetius. De 1'esprit (Oenvres 4 : 1). Reynolds (Sir J.), Literary works: dis- course 11. Whipple. Lectures 156. and common sense. Hazlitt, Table talk. conscious of its powers? Hazlitt, Plain speaker. dans 1'art (SSailles) Grit. Philos. N. S. 1 : 133. Eccentricities. Brydges, Censuraliteraria 9:75. et les metamorphoses dela folie(Colonna d'Istria) Rev. Philos. 27 : 385. Influence of civilization on. Green (T: H.), Works 3: 11. Uses. Emerson, Representative men. Genlis, S. F. Ducrest de St. Aubin, comtesse de, later marquise de Sillery. 1746-1830. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 3. Gennadius of Marseilles. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 2. Genoa, Italy. Dickens. Pictures from Italy. - Trollope. Italy 117. Universal history : modern 25 : 181. Annals, -1294. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 18. Annexation to Sardinia. Mackintosh, Essays 508. Genoveva (Genevieve) de Brabant, St. Hebbel. Genoveva : Drama. Larousse. Grand dictionnaire. Miiller (Maler). Golo und G. (drama). Tieck. Genoveva (drama; Werke v. 2). Gentleman. See also Etiquette, Manners. Character of. Lieber, Misc. writings v. 1. Look of. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Gentz, F: von, publicist. 1764-1832. Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- wissenschaft. (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 75:611. - Hebbel. Werke 11 : 105. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2 : 488. (Sorel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 18:805. - Varnhagen von Ense. Schrif ten 18 : 118. Friede von Schiinbrunn (Fournier) Rund- schau 49: 102. Geodesy. See also Earth, Surveying. - Bibliography (Gore) U. S. Coast Survey, Report 1887. Aragp. Oeuvres 11 : 140. (Davies) Wisconsin Geol. Survey v. 4. Grossere Messungen (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Indian arc of meridian (Pratt) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861 : 579. - Leipzig-Dablitz Meridiandifferenz (Lit- trow) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 28, 32. Measurement of arc of meridian (Lamb- ton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818 : 486. (Mudge) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803:383; 1812:321. de la courbure(Biot) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 3: Ixxiii. d. Graffschaft Marck (Muller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1788-9. in Lapland (Todhunter)Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12:1. Methode (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. M6ridienne de France. Arago, Oeuvres 11:54. (Puissant) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 14 : 1. et d'Espagne. Latitude de I'extremit6 australe (Biot) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 19 : 359. Montjouy-Formentera meridian diff- erence (Puissant) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 16 : 3- Operations des Pyre'ne'es. Niyeau des deux mers, etc. (Corabceuf ) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 3 : 45. Problems ( Wallace) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6 : 107. Reconnaissance. U. S. Coast Survey, Re- port 1885 : 469. Geoffrin, Marie The>ese Rodet. 1699-1777. Alembert. Oeuvres 14 : 239. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v.2; Monday- chats. Correspondance de Poniatowski et (Ma- zade) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 12 : 266. Geoffroi, cardinal abbot of Vendome. d. 1132. Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 11. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, E. 1772-1844. (Flourens) Paris, M6ra. Acad. Sci. v. 23. Zoological system. Goethe, Werke30':397. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. 1805-61. (Dumas) Paris, Me'm. Acad Sci. v. 38. (Quatrefages) Smithson. Rept. 1862. Geography. See also Cosmography, Earth, Maps, Physiography. Ancient, of eastern Asia (Murray) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8 : 171. True key. Boston Univ. Year-book 1882. Bildung eines Erd-katalogs (Oltmanns) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Education. Ziel u. Methode (Oehlmann) Jahrb. Philol. 124 : 273- Erdkunde d. alten Aegyptens (Parthey) ^Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Etude (Levasseur) Acad. Sci. Mor. 96:415. Evolution. Geikie, Geological sketches. Historische Element in (Ritter) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Modern (Galton) Cambridge essays 1855. Ortsbestimmungen im Oriente (Olt- manns) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. im sudostlichen Europa (Kreil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 20. Geology. See also Creation, Earth, Glaciers, Mountains, Volcanoes. (Hopkins) Cambridge essays 1857. Whewell. History of inductive sciences v.2. American authors. Harvard Bibliogr. Contrib. 15. classification (Marcou) Pams. geol- ogy v. 3. Geology. 193 George I-IV. and navigation (Nimmo) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 14. Boulder-clay of Europe (Home) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25 : 655. Deux doctrines (Dillon) Crit. Philos. 7:37- Erratic blocks. Transportation (Hop- kins) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:220. Experimental (Delaire) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:356. Illogical. Spencer (H.), Illus. of uni- versal progress. Interior stresses, caused by weight of continents (Darwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:187. Irish and Cornish systems (Haughton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864 :393. Laws of structure of more disturbed zones of crust (Rogers) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 431. Limits of our knowledge (Dawkins) Owens College essays. Old red sandstone of Europe (Geikie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:345. Physical researches (Hopkins) Cambr. 1'iiilos. Trans. (J:l. Quarternary period (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 47 : 335, 835. Scottish school of. Geikie, Geological sketches. shelfs (Dick) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9: 1. Storungen der Gange (Kiihler) Pains. mining v. 3. Strata. Consolidation (Hall) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:314. Vertical position (Hall) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:7!>. Taconic question in. Hunt, Mineral physiology 517. U. S. surveys. Reorganisation. U. S. Senate Rep. 1885-6, v. 7; House Com. Rep. 1885-6, v. 9. Geometry. See also Analytic, Angle, Circle, < 'onics, Cubics, Curves, Malfatti's prob- lem, Mean, Pencil, Polyhedra, Porisms, Space, Spherics, Surfaces, Tangents, Tri- angle. Abstract(Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870 : 51 Analysis, lieitrage zur unbestirnmten ( I'oselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Axioms. Origin and significance. Helm- holtz, WisM-iisrhafth. Abhandl. 2:610; Popular lectures v. 2. Bestimmung d. Tetraeders v. grysstem Volumen bei gegebenem Inhalt seiner vier Seitflarhen (Borchardt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 18*0, 1H66. Boethin- '. \'n]H- Gerbert's connexion with (Sloane) Philol. Soc. Proc. 4:163. Carnot s theorem (Gruson) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1831. Centers.faisceaux, envelopes of homology (Martin) Koy. Kd in. Trans. 24 :.">'umont) Viertelj. wis-i-n-. 1'hilo*. v. 5-6. Kntwickelung (Sturm) Preu.ss. Jahrb. (iO: Kin-lid's. Book 10 (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Al.h. I- Vercinfnrhung (. Physical (Jacobsen) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 4:401. Plane. Theorie der Ebene (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834. Quaternions and Grassmann's Ausdeh- n lings) eh re applied to different kinds of uniform space (Cox) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 13:(i9. Stereometria doliorum. Kepler. Opera 4:551. Stewart's general theorems ( Davies) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 15:573. Superposition (Kelland) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21:271; 23:471. s\ mbolical. Contributions (O'Brien) Cambr. Philos. Trans. s : |<7. Theory of the earth (Hutton) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 1 : 209. Trilinear co-ordinates (Martin) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:. ".7. George, Saint. Aelfric. Passion of. Percy Soc. v. 28. AltfranzosischeSage. Sprache und (Juelle (Weber) Zts. roman. Philol. 5:498. Place of dragons, Venire. Kuskin. St. k's rest. Sage ( Vernaleken) (iermanin !: 473. George I-IV, i-i'n//.< <>f Knijlnnil. fhe-lerfel.i. 'Work George I-IV. 194 German language. Thackeray. Four Georges. (Fourges) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 39: 445. George I, king of England. 1660-1727. Montagu (Lady). Letters. Diary of countess Cowper ( Forgues) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:83:190,291. State of parties under. Bolingbroke, Works 4: 335. George II, king of England. 1683-1760. Carlyle. Frederick the Great. - Death. Walpole, Letters 3 : 95- George III, king of England. 1738-1820. Alison. History of Europe ch. 60. Arblay (Mme.). Diary. Asiatic Journal v. 9-10. Brougham. Statesmen v. 1. Croker. Correspondence. Gillray. Caricatures. Stanhope. Life of Pitt. Regency question. Wraxall, Memoirs. George IV, king of England. 1762-1830. Brougham. Statesmen 2:1. Croker. Correspondence. Greville. Journal of reign of. George V, king of Hanover. 1819-78. (Samarow) Unzere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 17. Unsere Zeit 1862 : 721- ; 1878 : 2 : 685. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:46: 199. George, Henry. 1839- Arrest in Ireland, 1882. U. S. Foreign relations 1882 : 295. Nouveau nrophete (Wuarin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 74: 625. On taxation (Dwyer) Berkeley Quar. 2:210 Progress and poverty (Argyll) Choice Lit. 3:418. Reply (George) Choice Lit. 4 : 128. Brown ( W:). Land catechism. Dixwell. Progress and poverty. (Gide) Jour. Econ. IV : 22: 169. Laveleye. Socialism. Rae. Contemporary socialism. Scudder. Labor-value fallacy. (Taylor) Californian 1 : 182. (Upton) Californian 3:530. Walker. Land and its rent. German criticism. Berkeley Quar. 2: 376 George of Podiebrad. See Podiebrad. George lake battle, 1755. N. Y. Documentary history 4: 169. Stone. Life of Sir W: Johnson 1 : 551. Georgia, Transcaucasia. Bodenstedt. Schriften v. 1. Language ( Bopp) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Georgia, United States. Bibliography. M9nthly Ref. Lists 3:10. Account of establishment. 1733 (Force, Tracts v. 1). Graham. State of the province. 1742 (Force, Tracts y. 1). Lyell. Second visit to the U. S. - Marty n. History to 1742,(Force,Tractsv.l) Montgomery. Discourse. 1717 (Force, Tracts v. 1). - Tailfer. History to 1741 ( Force, Tracts v. 1) Campaign, 1864. Sherman (Gen. W: T.), Memoirs v. 2. during the revolution (Stevens) Histor. addresses v. 2. Settlement. Harris, Voyages v. 2. Georgia island. Cook. Second voyage 2 : 210. Gepidae. (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1857:1. G6rando, J. M., baron de. 1772-1842. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 30:345. Gerard, St., bishop of Toul. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 4. Gerard, Andreas. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2 : 261. G.'rard, Francois Pascal, baron. 1770-1837. Peinteur de portrait (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes II -.5:770. Gerbert. See Silvester II, pope. Gerbet, Olympe P. 1798-1864. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 6. Gerhard, Der gute. Dankbare Todten und(Kohler)Germania 3:199. Gericault, J: L: Theodore A. (H oussaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 36: 374. Germ theory. See also Bacteria, Consump- tion, Epidemics, Fermentation, Micro- organisms, Spontaneous generation. Annual cyclopaedia 1871 : 265. Bastian. Beginnings of life 2: appendix E. Krebs and Tommassi-Crudeli. Ursache d. Wechselfiebers. (Lister) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27 : 313. Miquel. Organismes vivants de 1'atiiio.s- phere. (Pasteur) Annales de Chimie V : 34 : 563. Tyndall. Floating matter of the air; Fragments of science. Eine fnfectionskrankheit(Meissen) Rund- schau 53 : 58. Germain, George, lord Sackville. Wraxall. Memoirs. Germain, Sophie, mathematician. 1776-1831. Manuscrits. Revue Philqs. 8 : 619. Vorlauferin Comte's (Goring) Zts. Philos. 91:1,171. German language. See also Phonetics, Spell- ing. Altpreussische (Bopp) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. Apologie des Buchstabens, Orthographic. Hamann, Schriften; hrsg. v. Petrie 2: 407; 3:81,384. Ausbildung in der Neuzeit (Salpius) Her- rig's Archiv 49: 269. Nothwendigkeit (Schmidt) Herrig's Archiv 29: 145. Biirgerliche Elemente (Nodnagel) Her- rig's Archiv 1 : 156. Conjunctional Relativ doss (Zeising) Her- rig's Archiv 11 : 279. Consonantische Deklination (Kahle) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Dialects (Braun-Wiesbaden) Unsere Zeit 1883:1:361- - Dpppelworter. Richter, Werke v. 54. Einheit (Scherer) Preuss. Jahrb. 29: 1. Frankfurter Dialekt im Mittelalter (Wiilcker) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache4:l. Fremdworter (Hessen) Preuss. Jahrb. 62: 193. Generalsprachmeister(Rcdenberg) Rund- schau 16 : 273. Grammatik des 15. Jahrh. (Kehrein) Her- rig's Archiv 7 : 378. German language. 195 Germany. -- His torische(Schmeller) Herrig's Archiv 37 : 353. -- Unterrichtin (Wagler) Herrig's Archiv 30:69. High. Wasist? Wieland, Werke33:343. Lateinische Element (Dilthey) Herrig's Archiv 3: 33. Low (Clement) Herrig's Archiv 5:302. -- Etymologische Lese (Gliemann) Her- rig's Archiv v. 7-8. Luthers Stellung zur kiirzsachsischen K;inzleisprache (Wiilcker) Germania 258:191. Middle high. Verhiiltniss zum Neuhoch- deutschen (Holtzrnann) Zts. Volker- psyeh. 5:817. Missbrauch d. Comparativs u. Superlativs (Breier) Herrig's Arrhiv4:44. N:une Germanen (Holtzmann) Germania 9:1. NichtTlogische Seite (Teipel) Herrig's Archiv9:300; 10:70. Nominal suffixe io und ten (Streitberg) Beitr. deutsch. Spraclie 14 : Ifi5. Old High. Glossae Cassellanae (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. l*n;. --Negation (Dittmar) Zts. deutsche Philol. Ergz. Bd. 1874. - 1'artikel a (Zingerle) Germania 7:257. Verba Kiinnen u. mogen (Kahl) Zts. deutsche Philol. 22: 1. 1'artikel j/e' (Reift'erscheid) Zts. deutsche Philol. Ergz. Bd. 1^71. Pedantische in (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847; alto Klein. Schriften 1:327. Pennsylvania dialect (Haldeman) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1870:80. -- (Hoffman) Am. Philos.Soc.Proc.26:187. ( Learned) Am. J. Philol. 9:64- PiemontischeSprache (Clement) Herrig's Archiv 8: 377. Prefix Vcrl Key) Philol. Soc.Trans.18H7 :!. Schweizerdeutschen. Herrig's Archiv 53: 171. Sprichwortliche Formeln (Schulze) Her- ri}:'* Archiv v. 48-54. Suffixform sla (Osthoff) Beitr. deutsche Sprache 3:335. Siinde der Gegenwart (Lehmann) Her- rig's Archiv 53:315. Siinden gegen (Liibben) Herrig's Archiv 10: Swiibian dialect. Vokalismus (KaufT- iiiaiui) Marb. I'niv. Diss. v. 2. I'nterrieht im 17. Jahrh. (Hanns) Jahrli. Sprachschatz (Forstemami) Gennania v. 14, 15. 1<>. Verbindungen von (z) ^ guttural + /, m,n, (Ji)ti;i!insoii) lieitr. deutsch. Sprachr 1 1 Verwalsfhiing (Wustmann) Grenzl>oten 1874:1:321. German literature. (Kin-lM-1) Ooetbe-Jahrboch 10:117. - Miillcr. ('hips fr. (ii-rmaii workshop v. 3. Parker. Critical and mi-c. writii Auf.satzc (Beschinanti) Herrig's Arch. l! < 'la^ir. Vorgeschichte (SrhmMt) Preuss. Jabrh. 51: 117. - I'lassjkcriinil 1 toman tiker( Minor)* iin'1 In- Jalirb. 10 :_'!-'. l-'n-iU-rick 1 1. Ocuvres 7: 89. EinHuss d. religiosen Spaltungen (Backe) Herrig's Archiv 44 : 1. Femmes auteurs (Sorel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:370. in 1800 (Anster) Afternoon lectures 2: 151. Literarhistoriker d. neuesten Zeit (Gotts- chall) I'ns. 7eit 1887: 1 :65. - Neuere Prpsa (Riimelin) Rundschau 59:3f>. Peculiarities in English translation (Pres- ton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8. Popularization (Sachse) Herrig's Archiv 19:121. Prosastil, 1880 (Forster) Preuss. Jahrb. 4(5:109. Ursprung (Scherer) Preuss. Jahrb. 13 : 445. Vermittler in England und Nordamerika ( Weddigen) Herrig's Archiv 59: 129. Wernigerode literarisch (Steudener) Her- rig's Archiv 21:45. Germanicus Caesar. B. C. 14-A. D. 19. Familie (Mommsen) Hermes 13:245. Felzug im J. 16 (Harttung) Rhein. Mus. 41:73. Portrait (Beule) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75: Ki4. Veuve de(Beule") Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 75: 386. Germany. Description and travel. - Baltische (Bienemann) Uns. Zeit 1889:1: 540. Boundaries. Gegenwart 1:615. Excursion en (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:75:903. Geist. Entwicklungeschichte. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:594. Geistige Leben (Cuers) Jahrb. Philol. 120: 534. Grenzaltertiimer (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. in the 18. century (Bourdeau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 76:593. (Thiemann) Herrig's Archiv. v. 72-75. Liindliche Wucher (Barre) Preuss. Jahrb. (i2 : 213. Nordseekiiste. Uns. Zeit 1860:307. Mseekiiste. Uns. Zeit 1860: 1. Ostseeprovinzen(Kattuer) Uns. Zeit 1869: 2:561. Peasant life. Eliot (G:), Essays 179. Population (Grad) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 67:78,357. Rhenish population, 1820 (Bernegg) Gott. I'niv. Diss. v. 4. Tertiiirbildungen (Beyrich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Vie domestique (Bent/on) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: Is Germany. History. Ancient. Frevtag. Bilder 1 : 27- Gibbon. Decline and fall 1:121. - Godwin. History of France 1: 215. Millar. English government 1:39. Motley. Dutch republic: introd. Stutibs. Constit. history of England v. 1. Tacitus. Germania. Universal history: ancient 17:1. Biirgerkrieg, A. D. 49- (Niessen) Hist. /eit-. N. F. v. 8-9. King and people. Hodgkin, Italy 3: 24C. Kimigthum ( Kosen-tein) Zts. " Viilker- |>-vch. 7: 113. Origines dii (iermanisme (:96. Feuerbach. Werke 4 : 252. - Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophie 11:97. Leibnitz iiml (Eucken) Philos. Monatsh. l'.i:525. Geysers. Stealso Yellowstone national park. I'cale. Thermal springs (Hayden's Re- |H)rt 1878, v. 2). - of California ( Avery) Scrilmer's i:Ml. -- Bartlett. Narrativeof explorations 2:27 (King) Mulchings' Magazine V. 5. (Le ('..me) I'op. Sci. 12:407. (Le i:..y K.-v. d. d. M.mdcs II :97:449. i \V. I,.) i':ini-. California v. (i. of Ireland. Burton, ritima Thtile2:ch.ll. Puclis. Vulkan. Kr-cheinungcn ''!-' (Klaproth) Merlin Akad. A bh. 1792-7. I'feitler. Yi-it lo Iceland 111'. I'rever and Zirkel. Rei.se nadi I -land. (Stanley) Roy. K.lin. Tran-. :;:127, 138. of New Zealand (Bunbury) Pop. Sci. 15: (Gumming) Overland 11:5:1. Gh&xzali, Alni-Hamid-Mohainnied-al. I.t-U'ii uinl Wcrkc ('"- h.-i I'.erlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Gneel, Belti'mm. (Duval) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12: 138. (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:67:633. Ghent, Belgium. Annales -1310. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 16. Jean de Theilrode. Chronicon (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hi.st.. Scr. v. 25). in 1539(Arendt) Hist. Taschenbuch 1842. Ghibelins and Guelphs. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works. Machiavelli. Works. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 18, 21. Raumer. Hohenstaufen. Schlegel. Philosophy of history ch. 14. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Trollope. History of Florence. Ghiberti, Lorenzo. 1378-1455. Svmonds. Renaissance: the fine arts. Vasari. Lives of the painters. Baptistery gate. Yriarte, Florence 210- Ghirlandajo, D. C. 1449-94. Works on Italian painters by: Main/, Va- sari, etc. Tyrwhitt. Pictorial art. Ghosts. See also Illusions. Bayle. Dictionary (Apparitions.Spectres). Brande. Popular antiquities v. 3. Glanvil. Essays; Saducismus triumph- atus. Gurney. Phantasms of the living. Grimm. Teutonic mythology v. 3. Roscoe (W: C.). Essays. Schiller. Werke 10 : 129. Schopenhauer. Werke 5 : 239. et la science (Chandos) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:87:203. Haunted houses. Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. pts. 1, 6. Mythus vom Korperschatten (Rochholz) Germania 5 : 69, 175. Stories. Shelley, Prose works 2 : 209. Theory of. Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. pt. (;:109,157. Gianni, Lapo. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana v. 4. Giants. Button. Natural history 2 : 270. Grimm. Teutonic mythology 2:518. Giant's Causeway, Ireland. Whym dykes (Richardson) Roy. Iri-Ii Trans, v. !>. Gibbon, Edward, historian. 1737 !' I. Bagehot. Literary studies \. _'. Brougham. Men of letters 1 : 277. Guizot. Melanges biooraphiqaeo. Sainte-Beuve. Causenes v. 8; English portraits. SrlilosM-r. History of IS. century 2:73. Villemain. LitU'-raturc an Is.siede'J: I!-. Autobiography. In hi* Misc. works v. 1. Decline and fall. Religious Mag. I : .'.">. Bk. 1, la-t chapter. I'rie.-tley. Theo- logical works 4:535. Gibraltar. Dix. Winter in Madeira 278. Mackenzie. Year in Spain 2:218. March. Skctche- in Madcir.i Capture, sieges, session. Coxe, Kings of Spain. by English. Burton, Reign of Aiiiierh.it. Gibraltar. 198 Glaciers. in 1858. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 572. Mineralogical description (Imrie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 4:191. Siege, 1781. Botta, American war 2 : 433. Gibraltar strait. Tide (Holland) Churchill, Voyages 4:777. Giesebrecht, Ludwig. als Dichter, Gelehrter u. Schulmann (Kern) J ahrb. Philol. 114 : 198, 252, 309, 400 Gifford, Robert S. 1840- Sheldon. American painters. Gifford, Sandford R. 1823 7 80. Sheldon. American painters. Gilbert, Edward, d. 1862. Soule". Annals of San Francisco 773. Gilbert (Gillebert) de Cambrai. Lucidaire (Eberhardt) Herrig's Archiv 73:129. Gilbert de La Porre ( Porretanus). Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophic 7:437. Gildas, Welsh monk. Lingard. Anglo-Saxon church 1:356. Gilds (Guilds). See also Trade unions. Chinese. U. S. Consular report 83 : 463. Dutch. Laspeyres, Volkswirthschaft. English. Brentano, History of E. gilds. Cunningham. Growth of English in- dustry. Stubbs. Constit. history of England. European, 1885. U. S. Consular report. French. Anciennes corporations (Renou- ard) Jour. Econ. 1:4: 353. Thierry. Temps me'rovirigiens 495. Gildemaster, 1292. Scheller, Shigt-bok d. Brunswyk. London. Munimenta Gildhallae (Rolls chronicles 12). Steinhauer-Z. zu Obernkirchen (Hundorf) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Gillis, Ja. M. 1811-65. (Gould) Nat. Acad. Sci. Annual 1866. Gillmore, Gen. Q. A. 1825- Headley. Grant and Sherman 553. Gilm, Hermann von, poet. (Maurer) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 2 : 793. Gilmer, Fs. Walker. 1790- (Trent) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 7. Gilpin, Bernard, reformer. 1517-83. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2:51. Glnguene", Pierre L: 1748-1816. Mission enSuisse, 1815. Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:29:497. Ginseng. - Lettres (Sdinantesi 18:127; 19:300; 22:210. United States Consular report 46. Gioberti, Vincenzo. 1801-52. Brownson. Works 2 : 101-270. Gioja, Melchiorre. 1767-1829. Vita. In his Filosofia d. statistica. Giotto di Bondone. 1266-1337. Works on Italian painters by: Mantz, Lanzi, Vasari. Lindsay. Christian art v. 2. Oliphant. Makers of Florence. Ruskin. Mornings in Florence. - Tyrwhitt. Pictorial art. Giraldus de Barri, Cambrensis. 1146-1220. (Lounsbury) New Englander v. 37-39. Morley. English writers 1, pt. 2. Girard, Gabriel, d. 1748. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 209. Girard, J: B., Jesuit. 1680-1733. und seine Heilige(Kurtzel) HistTaschen- buch 1843. Girardin, Emile de, journalist. 1806-81. Mirecour. Contemporains. (Pillon) Critique Philos. 19:216. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 7:306. Unsere Zeit 1868:2:641. Girardin, Mme. Emile de. Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi3:384 Girart de Rossilho : romance. - (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:64:241. (Kannegiesser) Herrig's Archiv 24:368. (Meyer) Romania 7 : 161-235. dans 1'histoire (Longnon) Rev. Hist. 8: 241. - Tiradenfolge in d. Hdschr. (Heiligbrodt) Roman. Stud. 4 : 124. Girgenti, Sicily. Temple. Winckelmann, Werke 2 : 301. Gironde estuary. Embouchure (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 42 : 901. Girondists. Brougham. Statesmen v. 3 (Brissot). Lamartine. Histoire des Girondins. dans la Haute- Vienne. Rev. Hist. 8: 10. Gisors, France. Church. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 4. Giusti, Giuseppe. 1809-50. Ho wells. Modern Italian poets. Sauer. Gesch. der italien. Litteratur 542. Glaciers. References. Shaler-Davis, Glaciers 177. Forbes (James D.). Life and letters. Helmholtz. Lectures 1 : 107. Kingsley. Madame How 105. ( Rambert) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 72 : 377. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace; Deu- calion v. I. Alpine. Gegenwiirtige Ruckgang(Sturm) Uns. Zeit 1889 : 1 : 41. Boundary in Ohio. Ohio Geol. Survey, Geol. 5:750. et la pe"riode glaciaire (Martins) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:67:407, 588; 68:189; 111:8:838. (Saporta) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:95:618. Frage (Krause) Uns. Zeit 1873 : 1 : 836. Marginal kames(Lewis)Pams.geology v.2. Motion (Forbes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1846. (Hopkins) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:50, 159; Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862: 677. (Tyndall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857. of Chamouny (Rumford) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1804:23. of New Zealand (Lendenfeld) Rundschau 50:436. of Scandinavia. Du Chaillu, Land of the midnight sun. of Scotland and Iceland. Geikie, Geolog- ical sketches. of the Sierra Nevada (Muir) Californian 2 ' 550 of the United States (Russell) U. S. Geol. Survey, 5th. report. Physical phenomena (Tyndall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:261. Rock-scorings of great (Chamberlin) U.S. Geol. Survey, 7th. report. Glaciers. 199 Gnostics. Veined structure (Tyndall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:279. Gladiators. Becker. Callus. Friedlander. RiimischeSittengesch.2:318. Stoll. Bilder aus d. altrom. Leben. Entesseren (Elter) Rhein. Mus. 41:517. (Meier) Rhein. Mus. 42: 122. Spiele und Thierhetzen (Friedlander) Rbein. Mus. 10:544. Gladstone, William E., statesman. 1809- Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 3:7. (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 88:44. Higginson. English statesmen. Smiles. Brief biographies. - Unsere Zeit 1860:55. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1885: June 1. Beaconstield and. Uns. Zeit 1880: 1 :670. Ministry, 1870. Uns. Zeit 1877-1878. Work in finance. Giffen, Essays in finance 208. Glanders. Aetiologie (Loeffler) Berlin, K. Gesund- heitsamt, Arb. 1: 141. in man and animals (Baker) Mich. Bd. Health 1879:301. Glands. See also Peyer's gland, Thyroid. Salivarv. Extirpation (Larrey) Paris, M^m.'Acad. Sci. 18:807. Ultimate secreting structure (Goodsir) liny. Kdin. Trans. 15:295. Glanvil, Joseph. 1636-80. Tulloch. Rational theology in England v.2. Glasgow, Scotland. Lockhart. Peter's letters 465-526. Nicol. Statistics of Glasgow. in 1833. Seward, Works 3 : 542. - University. Reid (T:), Works. 1863. v. 1. Glass. Antike Glaspasten (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Bohemian industry (Schwarz) Unsere Zeit 1886:1:518. Compressibility (Buchanan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:589. Electrostatic capacity (Hopkinson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878 : 17 ; 1881 : 355. Manufacture a Saint-Golmin, 1665-1865 (Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 75:115, 321; 7 pressure (Fair- luirn) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:213. - Rigidity (Everett) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806: 185; i-'.T: 1 .7 1; 1888:988. Venetian. Yriarle, Venice ch. 16. Glassbreonen, Adolf. UiiM-n- X.-it 1^77: 1:1.M1. Glauber salt. Baader. Werke6:227. Glaucophane. ( Ki-t.) Japan Imper. Univ. Col I. Sci. Jour. 1:85. Glaucus <>f A 1 /,,-./ /./;. MM -nt. (IIill.T) Iliicin. Mus. 41:398. Gleim, J. W: L: 1719-1803. Kriegslieder (Niemever) Herrig's Arch. 21:121. Ungedruckte Briefe. Herrig's Arch. 24: 267. Glen Tilt, Abei-deenshire. Geology (Seymour) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:303. Glencoe massacre, 1692. Histories of Scotland. Aytoun. Lays of Scottish cavaliers. Talfourd. Dramas. Macaulay on. Paget, New " Examen." Gleyre, M. Charles G. (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 29: 395. Glisson, F. Philosophic (Marion) Rev. Philos. 14: 121 Glory. See also Fame, Greatness. Nations pauvres plus avides. Helv<5tius, Oeuvres 3 : 328- Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of. Pauli. Pictures of old England. Gloucester, England. Cathedral. Carter, Ancient sculpture. King. English cathedrals v. 4. Monastery. Historia(Rollschronicles33). Glouvet, Jules de, pseud. See Quesnay de Beaurepaire. Gluck, C. W. von. 1714-87. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Haweis. Music and morals. Alceste (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:66:175. (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 36: 485. Biographic von Reichardt. Polko, Aqua- r c 1 1 s 1\ i x z G 1 1 Orphe"e (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:24: 719. Glycogen. (Cramer) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Glyoxylic acid. Compounds (Debus) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:437. Gneisenau, A. W. A. von, field-marshal. 1760- 1830. Arndt. Schriften v. 3. Colberg und (Koberstein) Preuss. Jahrb. 46:275.619. Mittheilungen iiber. Preuss. Jahrb. 11 : 82- Sendung nach England, 1812 (Lehmann) Hist. Zts. 62:46tcn- thum, etc. m Gnostics. 200 Goethe. Colorbasus-Gnosis (Volkmar) Zts. hist. Theol. 25:003. Principles. Priestley, Theological works 6:74- Traces in New Testament (Tittmann) Society of clergymen, Essays v. 1. Goat. Angora (Landrum)Pams. agriculture v. 2. GobiidJB. American (Eigenmann) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 11:1:51. God. See alto Atheism, Anthropomorphism, Christ, Deism, Holy Spirit, Monotheism, Pantheism, Polytheism, Providence, Theism, Trinity. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Hegel. Philosophic der Religion (Werke 11:88). Heinze. Lehre vom Logos in d. griech. Philosophic. Hermes Trismegistus. Poemandres. Lettres e"difiantes 25: 111- Plato. Dialogues. Priestley. Theological works 6: 152. Soulier. Doctrine du Logos chez Philon. Spinoza. Ethics; Kurzer Tractat von Gott. Voltaire. Adorateurs ; Dieu et les homines (Oeuvres v. 30, 32). Amour intellectuel de (Malapert) Rev. Philos. 26:245. and man. Unity. Brooke(S. A.), Sermons. Being proved. Barrow, Works 5 : 181. Brownson. Works 1:253. Descartes. Meditations. Leibnitz. Opera philos. 177. (Pillon) Grit. Philos. 19:410; 20:17, 40. Home. History of man 349, 361. Demonstration. Kant, Werke 2 : 107. Mendelssohn (Moses), Morgenstunden (Schriften v. 1). Murphy. Scientific bases of faith. and attributes. Hartley, Observations on man v. 2. and nature. Smith (J: of Cambridge), Select discourses. Belief in. Pfleiderer, Philosophy of re- ligion 3 : 237. (G.) Critique Relig. 4 :305. - philosophique ( Vidal) Crit. Relig. 5 :66. Cabbalistic idea. Franck, Kabbale 168. Dieu c'est le mal (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 6:289; 7:4. Doctrine of. Neander, Church history 8 : 131. Errors concerning. Newman (Fr. W.), Miscellanies 2:365. Goodness. Leibnitz, Essais de the'odice'e. Knowledge of. Home, Essays on princi- ples of morality. Gratry on. Brownson, Works 1 :324. Living. Strong, Philosophy and religion 180. Mohammedan conception. Maimonides, Guide of the perplexed. Names. Dionysius Areopagita, De di- vinis nominibus. of Genesis and the Bible (Cole) Pams. religion v. 10. - Personality. Lotze, Microcosmus v. 2. Power, wisdom, goodness (Toogood) Pams. religion v. 10. Rede, ratio, logos (Schultz) Zts. Volker- psych. 19 : 41, 141. Relation to nature and man. Le Conte, Evolution. to the world. Bowne, Studies in theism. Vorstellungen bei d. attischen Rednern (Meuss) Jahrb. Philol. 139:445. Godefrid of Capenberg. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12 : 513. Godeliard, St., bishop of Hildesheim. Vitae et miracula. Translatio. Pertz, Mon. German, hist., Script, v. 11; 12 :639. Godfather ship. Ploss. Das Kind. Godfrey of Bouillon. Histories of the Crusades. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 8. Reiner. Triumphale Bulonicum. Tasso. Jerusalem delivered. Godlva, wife of Leofric, earl of Leicester. Percy. Folio manuscript. Tennyson. Poems. Godman, J: D. 1794-1830. (Sewall) Pams. on history v. 9. Godolphin, Sidney, earl of. 16307-1712. Coxe. Memoirs of Marlborough. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Godwin, earl of Kent. d. 1053. Freeman. Norman conquest v. 1-2. Green. Conquest of England. Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft. 1759-97. (Zimmern) Rundschau 60:247. Godwin, William. 1756-1836. (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:21: 171. De (.^uincey. Essays on the poets. Talfourd. Essays. Goedeke, Karl. 1814-87. - Nekroiog (Lier) Uns. Zeit 1888: 1 : 180. Goethe, Catharina Elizabeth. 1731-1808. (Schmidt) Rundschau 14 : 133. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. 1749-1832. Carlyle. Miscellaneous essays. De Quincey. Biographical essays. Emerson. Representative men. Goltz. Charakteristik des deutschen Genius 2: 61. Helmholtz. Scientific lectures v. 1. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1 : 235. Strauss. Old faith and the new : app. 132. - Taylor (Bayard). Poems 225. Wilson. Noctes ambrosianae 4 : 104. Aeltere Gestalten (Suphan) Goethe-Jahr- buch2:103. Aesthetische Naturanschauung (Biese) Preuss. Jahrb. 59 : 542 ; 60 : 36. als Botaniker (Cohn) Rundschau 28:26. als Staatsmann (Scholl) Preuss. Jahrb. 10: 423,585; 11:135,211. als Uebersetzer d. Hohenliedes (Badt) Jahrb. Philol. 124 : 346. d. Voltaire (Munch) Herrig's Archiv 57:383. and his daughter-in-law. Jameson, Sketches of art. and his influence. Hutton, Essays v. 2. auf Frankreich (Supfle) Goethe-Jahrb. 8:203. au siege de Mayence (Mr|iau 17:434. in Amerika(Wliitf)<">ethe-Jahrb. 5:219. in Italy, (iriinni (Hn.), Netie Essays. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:511. in Weimar, 1775-9 (Schmidt) Preii-*. Jahrb. 46: 515. Iphigenie(Herli-t) Hi-m^'* Archiv 19:1. Heiluiig()rests(Huther)Jahrl>. Philol. 11" IlliiMtratiom-ii (Ruland) Goethe-Jahrb. 9:21*. d Antike in (Schultz) . Jahrl.. IVJM). Jahrmarkt-iV-t /u l'liiu\Vfilen. Am. .1. I'hilol. 1: 17. 26 (Wilmanns) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:42. Jeunesse (Blaze) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 9:142; 12:532. Jugendportraits (Zarncke) Goethe-Jahrb. 4:141. Kleinere dramatische Dichtungen (Vie- hoff) Herrig's Archiv 1:5; 2:63. Lettres de Bettina. Sainte-Beuve, Caus- eries 2 : 330. Literature. Justification (Duntzer) Her- rig's Archiv 2:403. Lustspiele (Henneberger) Herrig's Archiv 8:117; 11:140. Masquerades (Carter) Am. J. Philol. 1 : 1 Minna Herzlieb u. Bettina Brentano ((jrimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 30:591. Mme. de Stein et (Blaze de Burv) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 86: 900. Mutter (Jacob) Histor. Taschenbuch 1844. Operas. Weissischen und (Martinsen) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Philosophy (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : V. 59-62. Gostwick. German culture. der Natur(Dilthey ) Arch.Gesch. Philos. 2:45. Satyros und Brey (Scherer) Goethe-Jahr- buch 1 : 81. Schopenhauer und (Harpf) Philos. Mi>- natsh. 21 : 449. Schriften. Anordnung (Scherer) Goethe- Jahrb. v. 3-5. - Weimar edition (Grimm) Rundschau 53:425. Studien (Duntzer) Herrig's Archiv v. 3-7. (Scherer) Rundschau v. 17, 19. 22, 25,39. Scherer's criticism of. Arnold, Mixed essays. Rundschau 39:240. Stella (Scherer) Rundschau 6:66. Stellung zu Religion (Girschner) Herrig's Archiv 33: 120. zum Christenthum (Schmidt) Goethe- Jahrb. 2:49. Stickel's Beriihrungen mit. Goethe- Jahrb. 7:231. Tasso. Handlung in (Kern) Jahrb. Philol. 1>:585. Textkritik und A. Scho'll (Duntzer) Her- rig's Archiv 40:1. Theatersintendantur. Unsere Zeit 1866: 1:561. Trilogie d. Leidenschaf t ( Loeper) Goethe- Jahrb. 8:165. und d. Alexandriner (Bartsch) Goethe- Jahrb. 1:119. und d. Antike (Urlichs) Goethe-Jahrb.3:3. und d. Sprache d. Bibel (Hehn) Goethe- .lahrb. S: 1>7. (H.-nkrl i Jahrl.. Philol. 140: 174, 24S. uiul Friiu von Stein (Schmidt) Uumlsrhaii 1 1 : 2f><;. undevy)Goethe-Jahrb.(!:281. und Herder, 1789-96 (Suphan) Preuss. Jahrb. 43: N5- iiinl H.prM/(Morsch)Jahrb.Philol.l32:268. u ml Karl August als (^uellenforscher (tii-na-l) I'rt'Uss. .lalirl). .'>:.">!<;. - unl LuiMBeidler (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 33 iiinl Man/.uiii (Senigaglia) Goethe-Jahrb. ::135. uiul S-hiller (Jacoby) e. Gothic language. See alto Ulfila*. Absoluten Nominativ U. Aci-tisativcon -(ruction (Kiickert) Cermania II :415. Auslailtsgcset/. (\V-tplial) Xt-. vergl. Spra.-hl. 2:161. Gothic language. 204 Government. Declination (Ebel) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 4:138. d. Substantiva (Pelbriick) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2:381. d. starken Substantiva (Treitz) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 16:344. Etymologien (Schweizer) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1:148. Gotthica minora(Massraann)Zts.deutsch. Altertum 1:294. Kehllaute( Meyer) Orient und Occid.v. 1-2. Partikel ga in d. Conjugation (Bern- hardt) Zts. deutsche Philol. 2:158. Worterklarungen (Hofmann) Gennania v. 8. ZweientdekteGedichte. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Goths. Agathias. Historiae. Bryce. Holy Roman empire. Chateaubriand. Etudes historiquesv. 1-3. Dahn. Konige der Germanen. Dexippus. Scvthica. Euselnus Scholasticus. Poliorkia. Finlay. History of Greece. Freytag. Bilder 1 : 102- Gibbon. Decline and fall. Godwin. History of France. Hegel. Philosophy of history. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Kingsley. Roman and Teuton. Menzel. History of Germany v. 1. Milman. Latin Christianity v. 3. at Ravenna. Freeman, Historical essays v. 3. Coins. Florez, Medallas de Espafia. De Gepidarum rebus (Kropatscheck) Pams. history v. 13. in Spain. Amador de los Rios, Literatura espanola 1 : 237- Colmeiro. Economia politica v. 1. Jornandes und. Grimm, Kleinere Schrif- ten 3 : 171. Mind, literature, art. Coleridge, Lectures on Shakespeare y. 2. Settlements in Britain before 450(Adams) Philol. Soc. Proc. 5 : 13. Gotland island. im Besitz d. deutschen Ordens, 1398-1408 (Kehlert) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Gottfried von Strassburg. (Pfeiffer) Germania 3 : 59. - Histories of German literature : Barthel. Leben (Kurz) Germania 15: 207- - Tristan (Kottenkamp) Germania 26:393. Kritik und Erklarung (Paul) Germania 17:385. Quelle (Behaghel) Germania 23:223. Reimbrechung(Glode) Germania 33:357 Gotthelf, Jeremias, pseud. See Bitzuis, A. Gut tin gen university. Anniversary, 1888 (Ritschl) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 9. in 1817. Cousin, Fragments philoso- phiques 5 : 76. Staatrechtliches Studium in (Frensdorff) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 9. Gbttling, K: W: 1793-1869. Verhaltniss zu Goethe (Wendt) Preuss. Jahrb. 47 : 133. Gottschall, Rudolf von. 1823- Prutz. Deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart 1 : 173. Gouberville, Sire de. 16th century. Chatelain de Normandie (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 27 : 150. Gould, Jay, capitalist. 1836- Miller. Californian 2:389. Gounod, C: Fs., musical composer. 1818- Mors et vita (Bellaigue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:75:921. Gouryille, J : He"rault, sire de. 1625-1703. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi v. 5. Gout. Lucianus. Tragopodagra. (Portal) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 13:139. Cure by moxa. Temple (Sir W:), Works 3:246. Governesses. Jameson (Mrs.). Essays. Government. See also Aristocracy, Bureau- cracy, Centralization, Cities^ Colonies, Congress, Constitution, Democracy, Federation, Kings, Liberty, Local gov- ernment. Nation, Parliament, Police, Politics, President, Provinces, Regency, Representation, Republics, Rights, Self- government, State. Bentham. Works 1 : 221- (Crane) Berkeley Quar. 1 : 14, 105. Helps. Friends in council 2:47; 4: 163, 188. Paine. Political works. Plato. Dialogues. Ruskin. Munera pulveris ( Works 2 : 111). Absolute. Political ignorance and. Cur- tis (B: R.), Life and writings v. 2. Advice to a prime minister. Bacon (Sir F.), Works 6: 400. Anglo-Saxon. Histories of England by Hume, Lingard, Rapin (1:147). Squiers. Anglo-Saxon government. Best form. Parieu, Science politique. Chinese. Hue, Chinese empire 1:85. Johnson. Oriental religions: China. Lettres ;:3<>7. Gozzo island, near Mnltn. Gailhabuud. Monuments v. 1. Gracchi family. Plutarch. Lives. Stoll. Helden Roms 477- Demagogues? Bibliography. Harvard Libr. Bull. 2:2. Grace (in theology). Augustim- (St.). Opera. Bernard of Clairyaux. Opera 1: 1002. lli-toryof opinions. Priestley, Theol. works 5: W>. Nature and. Brownson, Works 3:350; 1 1 : .m Leibnitz. Opera philos. ed. Erdmann ;n. Grace (of motion). Alis:ilau. Teatro v. 5. DutT. Miscellanies. Histories of Spanish literature by:Tick- nor(v. 3). Gradlltz (Hradlsko), Bavaria. Annales, 894-1145. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist, Script, v. 17. Grafigny, Mmr. K. d'lssembourg d'Happon- <-<,urt. 1<2).V 1 Sainte-Beuve, Causeries v. '2. Graham, James, 1st marquis of Montrose. See Montrose. Graham, James, lord Lynedoch. Whitty. Political portraits. Graham, John, of Claverhouse, viscount Dun- dee, d. 1689. See works on the Cov- enanters. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Scott. Old Mortality (fiction). Macaulay's account criticized. Aytoun, Lays of the Scottish cavaliers : app. Paget. New " exanien." Grail, Holy: romance. Joseph of Arimathie (E. E. Text Soc. Publications). Nutt. Legend of the Holy grail. (P. Paris) Romania 1:4.~>7. Tennyson. Holy grail and poems. . Utility. Bacon ( Roger), Opus majus, pt.3. Verha'ltniss zii Logik u. Piychofogie (Marty) Viertelj. wisscn. I'bilo's. 8:56- Gramont, Ant.iin,- III, due do. l^)t-78. Memoiren(Troeger) Halle Univ. Diss. v.5. Granada. Irving. Conquest of Granada. Grandville, .1. I. I. Gorard. c.nUrd. lsii;{ 17 Fleury. Caricature inoderne. Granite. ( Hutton) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 77. -- and granitic vein .-tonr*. Hunt, 'lu-miral and geol. cs-ay-. I'lini-gal, Ireland (Haugliton) liny. Iri-h Trans, v. 10. Granite. 206 Great Britain. Recherches (Delesse) Paris, Mem.Savans Etrang. 18:423. Theorie (Keilhau) Panis. geology y. 3. und Gneuss vorziiglich in Hmsicht d. HM-- tTKii Form (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842. Grant, Ulysses S., ISth president. 1822-35. rhesnev- Military biography. Unsere'/eit 1867 : 1 :600, 754. Administration (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d.MondesIII:17:5. Elections, 1868-72 (Duvergier de Hau- ranne)Kev.d.d.MondeslI:78:654; 102: 513. Nepotism of. Sumner, Works 15:83. Granvelle, A. Perrenot de, cardinal. 1517-86. Motley. Dutch republic. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. Granvelle, Nicolas Perrenot, Sieur de, states- man. 1486-1550. et le petit empereor de Besancon, 1518-38 (Castan)Rev. Hist 1:78. Granville, < i :, viscount Lansdowne. 1667-1735. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Gran ville, G: Leveson, earl. 1815- Higginson. English statesmen. Grape, Grape culture. See also Phylloxera. Wine. Analyses comparatives sur la vigne saine et la vigne phylloxere'e (Boutin) Paris, Mini. Sayans Etrang. v. 25. dans le,midi de la France (Garbouleau) Jour. Econ. 11:38:421. Future in California (Hilgard) Overland 11:3:1. Maladie de la vigne (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5:172. (Radnu) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 66: 771. - Vigne (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:27: 962; 28:369. Vignes americaines (Fitzjames) Rev. d. d. M.rndes 111:44:685; 45:179,880; 57:628; 73:919. - Vignohle francais, 1886 (Muller) Jour. Econ. IV: 34: 391. Reconstitution (Sagnier) Rev. Sci. 43: 226. (Sauvaire) Rev. Sci. 43: 432. Graphics. See also Force, Statics. ure 66. Grasses, Forage plants. See also Ensilage. Natiirliche Ordnung (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. - Nutritive qualities. Davy, Works v. 8. of the United States. Vasey and Richard- son, (Jrasses. 1884. Useful( Richardson) Roy. Irish Trans, v.ll. Gratia Del monastery. Fundatio. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 20:683. Gratry, A. J. A., abbt. 1805-72. - Meditations (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 42 : 677. Grattan, Henry, statesman. 1750-1820. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 260. Froude. English in Ireland. - Lecky. Leaders of opinion in Ireland. Mathews. Oratory and orators. Gravelotte battle, 1870. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. Gravenhorst, C: Theodor. (Drewes) Jahrb. Philol. 136:37,65. s'Gravesande, Wilhelm J. 1688-1742. - (Mallet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 43:35- Gravltation. See also Attraction, Specific gravity. (Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830: 41. Hobbes. Works v. 1. Whewell. History of inductive sciences bk. 7. Kinetic theories of (Taylor) Smithson. Report 1876. Resistance and. Newton's solution of re- lation (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 11. Variation at earth's surface (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:672. de la pesanteur terrestre (Biot) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 3 : Ixxiii. d. Lothlinie (Pechmann) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 22. Verlegung d. wissensch. Schwerpuncktes (Neumann-Spallart) Rundschau 44:81. Gray, David, poet. Buchanan. David Gray and essays. Gray, Thomas, poet. 1716-71. Arnold. Essays in criticism, 2d series. Bulwer. Miscell. prose works 1 : 123. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Rossetti. Famous poets. Ward. English poets v. 3. Poetic expression. Roscoe(W:C.), Essays. Gray's peak, Colorado. Raymond. Camp and cabin. Grazzini, A. F., called 11 Lasca. 1503-83. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Great Britain. Description and travel. See England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, names of localities, cities, etc. Gr eat 'Brit ain . History and politics in general. See also Constitution, Government, Par- liament, Parties. Continuity. Freeman, Historical essays v. 1. Drift of power in government (Moses) Overland 11:5:239. Entstehung d. Einheitsstaats (Pauli) Preuss. Jahrb. 29:274; 30:68- Future of (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II :v. 69-70. Montalembert on. Brownson, Works 16:489. Geschichtsphilosophie. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:501. Great Britain. History to 1066. See also Anglo-Saxons, Celts, Gaels, Picts. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1:43. Caesar. Commentaries. Gibbon. Decline and fall. - Merivale. Romans under the empire. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars. Tacitus. Agricola. Universal history : ancient 17 :36. Celtic period. Morlev, English writers 1 : pt. 1. Mythical element in. Freeman, His- torical essays v. 1. Roman Annexion (Hubner) Rundschau 15:221. Great Britain. 207 Greece. Heeresabtheilungen (Hiibner) Rhein. Mas. v. 11-13. Legaten (Hiibner) Rhein. Mus. 12:46. Period (Mommsen) Rundschau 42: 271. Great Britain. History, 1066-1485. Cade's rebellion. Proclamation 1450 (Cam- den Soc. II : 28). Conquest. Bulwer, Harold (fiction). Kmgsley. Hereward the Wake(fiction). Vaughan. Revolutions in E. history. Results. Freeman, Norman conquest v. 5. Rdmusnt. Anselmede Canterbury 58- Formation politique et territorial (Mig- net) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11 : 189. French wars (Benoiston deChateauneuf) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20 : L'L'.'.. Relations de la France et (Funck-Bren- tano) Rev. Hist. 39 ::',_'*; Vienomade(Jusserand) Rev. Hist. 19:264. Wars of the Roses. Daniel, Poetical works v. 2. Great Britain. History, 1485-160S. . \iiilia--adede Hurault de Muisse, paixde Vervins (Prevost-Paradol) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 3-35. Froude's History. Preuss. Jahrb. 2:79. Handelspolitik, 1500( Pauli) Preuss. Jahrb. 17:. -597. Naval victories over Spanish, 1586-94. Hitkluyt, Voyages 2:pt. 2. Rebellion. 1549. Answer to rebels. Cran- mer. Works 2:L'r_'. L'l- Scottish- English crown relations. Free- man, Historical essays v. 1. Great Britain. History, 1603-88. Restoration. Society under. Courthope, Life of Addison. Revolution of 1640 and Commonwealth. Baxter, Reliquiae. Cromwell. Letters and speeches. :i(T:Hill). Works 3: 277. Hiiusser. Period of the reformation. Hobbes. Behemoth (Works v. >'). Masson. Milton and his times. - Milton. Prose works. Praet. Essays in political history. Thierry. Dix ans d'etule<. Cavaliere u. Rundkiipfe. Preuss. Jahrb. 3:3*7; 1:1 : i; : .'l. Falsifications of history. DeQuincey, book. Great remonstrance, K'Al (Forgues) Rev. d.d. .Momk-.- II : 97:561 Influence on Maryland. Scharf, Mary- land v. 1. Political poems. Percy Society v .".. Zur Gesrhichtu (Brosi-h) Hist. Zeits. :.l :1. Revolution of 1688. Causes. Mackintosh, -71. (Jiii/.ot sur. S.iinte-r.eiive, Causeries i-.'ill. in New England. Trumbull, Connec- ticut ch. I'i. Great Britain. History, 1G89-1S3G. - Bolingbroke. Works v. 2. Thierry. Dix an dV-tiide.s. in 1700-1800. Bibliography. Monthly .lice j,i-l Hillcl.rand. Xeiten. V.ilkcr 5:30; - Knnd.schaii 21 :371. in 1711. Aussichten d. Hauses Hannover (Pauli) Rundschau 34:347. in 1769-71. Grafton's ministry. Junius, Letters. in 1804. Dangers of invasion. Paine, Political works 1:423. in 1815- (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: v. 39-40. Great Britain. History since 1837. Defenselessness. Battle of Dorking. Pams. history v. 14. Foreign policy, imperial or economic? Greg. Miscellaneous essays. in 1760-1860. Preuss. Jahrb. 10:1. in 1857. Elections (Lefevre-Pontalis) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:378; 10:76. in 1868. Election ( Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:78:957. in 1874-84. Uns. Zeit 1885 : 1; 326- in 1885. Elections. Jour. Econ. IV:33: 200. Politique (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69:668. Non-intervention. Mill, Dissertations v.3. Palmerston's foreign policy (Pauli) Preuss. Jahrb. 23:135. Thronwechsel, 1837; und d. Abtrennung Hannovers( Pauli) Preuss. Jahrb. 19: 162. - Welt-reich (Geffcken) Rundschau 31:68- Great Salt Lake, I'tnh. Stansbury. Exploration. 1849. Greatness. See also Fame, Genius, Glory, Success. Cousin. Philosophic moderne 6:211. Helps. Friends in council v. 1. Begriffdes grossen Mannes (Teller) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Grands hommes; grandes pense"es (.lames) Crit. Philos. 18:396, 407 ; 19:1 Greece. Description aiul travel. Ancient. - Works by : Mahaffy, St. John, Stoll, etc. Novels by: Becker, Greenough, Hamer- ling, Rydberg, etc. Ethnographic affinities. Donaldson, New Cratylus. Grecian question. Plutarch, Morals v. 2. Life, intellect, etc. Schlegel, Philosophy of history. Selection ethnique (Dally) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2:408. Taste for picturesque (Cope) Cambridge essays 1H56. Greece. Description aiul travel. Mmlern. List of books. Sandys, Easter vacation in Greece. Agriculture, travaux publics (Yemenis) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 57: 858. Geologie(Bittner,etc.) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 40. (Gaudry) Rev. .1..1.M.. ii.l- II : 10:502. in 1800. Clarke (E. D.), Travels v. _'. in 1M: 16. Neo-Hellenic dialect. Blackie, Horae Hellenicae; Roy. Edin. Trans. 27: 1. Nicunor UM Hwrodiaa. Technae grain- mat. (Wackernagel) Khein. Mus. 31:432 >letc words. Attic use (Maiden) I'hilol. Soc. Proc. 2:57- Participial periphrases in prose {Alex- ander) Am. J. Philol. 4:291. I'rin in the Attic orators (Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. 2:465. Pronunciation (Clark) Jour. Philol. v. 12. Egger. HelkJnisme en France 1 : 451. aii'l modern Bohemian. Jour, i'bilol. t: _-. of Byzantine (Hadley) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1872:33. Use in Roman public writings (Viereck) Gott. I'niv. IMSS. v. 9. Greek literature. Anthologie. Bcnierkimgen (Dilthey) Khcin. Mil-. _'7:-_>!tti; .->:_':<;. Atlisi lie Kedner. Excurse(Fuhr) Rhcin. Km Kleinere (Buermanu) Khein. Mils. Hi; r|irinn.lnj;i: ( Kb'le) Uln-iii. Mus. 36 :380- First written (Femu-ll) t'ambr. Philos. Tran^. 11 : I'll. man). lour. I'bilol. S :133. Packard. Studies in (Jrt-ck A HUT. Philol. AsaOC. !-' Gorcias und d. attUrlu- I'n^a (Su-cmihl) .L.lirb. Philol. ll.">: Orientalism in. Asiatic .lour. 6:121, :7; 7 IJi-li^i>ii. i'lras in. Kankc, l"n: . lii-torv y. 1. Revival in middle ag-* (Tvller) \\<>\. K-lin Trail-. |., L'T Greek (Modern) or Romaic language. Blackie. Horae Hellenicae. (Geldart) Jour. Philol. 2: 161. Linguistische Stellung (Meyer) Runds- chau 11:470. //// and of (Gildersleeve) Am. Jour. Philol. 1:45. Some points in (Freeman) J. Hellenic Stud.3:3fil. words (Wagner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1867:85. Vokalismus (Hat/.idakis) Kuhn's Zts. 30: 357. Greek (Modern) literature. Baird. Modern Greece. Chants populaires (Dora d'Istria) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:70:587. Exploits ;. Sparks. American biography v. 20. Greene, Robert. 15/...;. f Vmn. ..14-695. Ilisioire litteraire de la France v. .'5. Gregoire, Henri, l,i*hi< f llhns. 1750-1831. (: 178. Grotius (De Gropt), Hugo. 1583-1G45. Handus. Epistolae. 1W2. I'.ayle. Oeuvres diver-ex. Blnntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- \\i-senschaft. Heron. Jurisprudence 382. Laspeyres. Volkswirthschaft d. Nieder- liinder. Lawrence. Essays in international law. Motley. John of Barneveld. - Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophic 10 : 428. Merits of. Brydges, Censura literaria 9: 287 Right of war (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. tf: I'!!. :-' I; 84:221. Grubbe, Samuel, Swedish philosopher. (Zoller) Zts. Philos. K7 : 7 1. Grumbach, W., German adventurer. 1503-Gi). und seine Handel (Voight) Histor.Tasch- enbuch. 1*1';. Griin, Anastasius. See Auersperg. Grundy, Felix. 1777-1840. Perry. Biographical sketches of Anier. statesmen .">J;. Grundtvig, N. F: 8., poet. 1783-1872. Histories of Scandinavian literature by: ! lorn, Howitt. et ses doctrines (Cogordan) Rev. d. d. Momlcs 111:13:524. Gryphius, Andreas. MH. >;|. I.ehen und Schriften (Strehlke) Herrig's An-l.iv 22:8L l'.-i|.iiiiaini- (Heine) Zeits.deutsch Philol. 21: Guadalupe Island, I'ncljir. <>,;,, . Ornithology (Bryant) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2: 209. Guadeloupe Island, 1 1 hoelcher) Joiir. Econ. I : ."> deiuii* r.'inaiici|.ation (l)uval) Rev. d. d. HOOdM 1 1 :---: 39. Guaglng. (Kytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803:93. Guano. See nho I-'ertili/.ers. Day on c.nieyko) I'niv. ('bile An Lager an d. peruanischen Kiiste (Tschudi) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 2:1. Guarini, G. B., poet. 1537-1012. Histories of Italian literature by: Gin- guin^ (v. G), Tiraboschi (7 : 1929). Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reaction V.2. Guarino Veronese. Tiraboschi. I^etteratura italiana 6: 1449. Guatama. See Gautama, Guatemala. Ancient sculptures from (Eisen) Cal. Acad. Sci., Mem. 2:9. Boundary dispute, 1882. U. S. Foreign relations 1882 : 42,32*> ; House Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 27. Chronology. Art de verifier les dates III: 9:314. in Ifi25. Gage, West Indies 265. in 1888. U. S. Consular report 97. Independence celebration, 1883 (Estrada) Pains, history v. 13. Usumasintariver(Galindo) J. Roy.Geogr. Soc. 3:59. Guayaquil, Ecuador. in 1708. Rogers, Voyage 195. Gudrun (Kudrun). (Bartsch) Germania 10:41,148; 12:220. (Hildebrand) Zts. deutsche Philol. 2: 4(58. Morris. Sigurd the Volsung. (Schrceder) Zts. deutsche Philol. 1 : 257. Fortleben (Bartsch, Martin) Germania 14:323; 17:425. Guebres. See Parsis. Guelphs. See also Ghibelins. - Alte Genealogie (Waitz) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1881. Gueneau de Montbr,;l,-,i. 1746-92. -- lirougham. Statesmen 1:346. ll:-toriska handlingar 1:307; 2:270; 3: et la cour de France (Gett'roy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : v. 49, 50, 52, 58-60. Gutenberg, Johann. II"" Works on history of printing. I'.irch-PfeiHer. Draniati-ehe Werke V. 8. Pingelstedt. Meister Gutenbergs Toil. (Werke v. 3.) l.amartine. Vies dt-s grands homim--. Mmles. Huguenots in Kngland. Krlindiing d. Typographic (Kraus) Knnd- -i li.ni H : 110.' nnd seine Mitgewerber (Sot/niann) Hist. Ta-ehelil.. l-ll Guthlac, St., Ani/I'i-S'ijon fxtem. ( i h iriliu-) Anglia 2 : 2*i.~>. (Lefevre) Anglia eas corpus pain-. 1- fHeermana) l-oyal Pubue. Soc. No. :\~1. (Lincoln, Whiting) Pams. war of seces- -ion I : no-. 7. H, 10. Moore. BebeOion re<-ord. Hablngton, William, im : Hrydgfs. Cen-nra literaria. Ilallam. Literature of Knropo. .lame-on, l.ovcsof the |>oet- eh. 27. Johnson. Lives of the jM>ets. Habit. See alto Ideas (AssM iation of), In- -tinet. i (KMiter. Mental physiology. - Darwin. l>c-i-ciil of man. Habit. 214 Hals. (I)umont) Revue Philos. 1:321. Ferguson. Moral and pout science 1 : aM. (Prmnck) A cad. Sci. Mor. 10: 463. Holmes. Mechanism in thought and - ( I nmfce) Acad. Sci. Mor. 91 : 149-; 92 : 79. Murphy. Habit and intelligence. etles revolutions (Renouvier) Grit. Philos. - Influence (Cannichael) Roy. Irish Trans. v 12 Principle, scion M. Taiue. Crit. Philos. 10:33. Hackert, Jacob Philinp. 1737-1807. - Leben. (Joethe, Werke 24 : 37- Hacket, John, theologian. 1592-1070. Notes on. Coleridge, English divines v. 1. Hackett, Rev. Horatio B. 1808^75. Strong. Philosophy and religion 330. Hadamar von Laber. (Stejskal) '/As. deutsch. Alterth. 22:2<33. Hades. See also Future life. Hell. Bartle. Scriptural doctrine of Hades. Homer's, Pindar's. Constant de Re- becque, De la religion 4:362- Situation (Valpy) Class. Jour. 39:80. Hadfteld, James, would-be assassin. Erskine. Speeches 4 : 113. Hadrianus, P. Aelius, emperor. 76-138. Torso (Wroth) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:199; 7: 126. und seine Zeit. Dietrichson, Antinoos. Hadrian's villa. (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:24:304. Haeckel, Ernst H: 1834- (Hartmann) Rundschau 4:7. - Naturphilosophie. Ons. Zeit 1875 : 2: 81. Schopmngs-Geschichte. Huxley, Crit- iques. Hagada. Mythologie aus (Grunbaum) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell v. 31. Hager, Hon. John S. 1818- Shuck. Bench and bar in California 389. Hague battle, 1692. Lettres historiques 1692:2:41. Hann, Hon. Michael. 1830-86. - U. S. House M. Docs. 1885-6, v. 15. Halm-Halm, Ida M. L. G., countess. 1805-80. nach ihrer Conversion. Uns. Zeit 1876: 2:385. Halght, H: Hiintly, governor. 1825-78. (Galpin) Califortnan 2:330. Shuck. Representative men. University of California. Bulletin 33. Hail. See also Ice. Arago. Oeuvres 12:390. (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15:73. Shower at Orkney, 1818(Neill) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9: 187. Zones d'orages dans la France ( Becquerel) Paris, Me" m. Acad. Sci. 35:689; 36:83. Haimerad, St. - Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 10:595. Halnaut (Hennegau) . Baudouin d'Avesne. Chronicon (Pertz Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 25). Gilbertof Mons. Chronicon (Pertz, Mon Germ, hist, Scr. v. 21). Hair. Couleur (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. 1 1 1 : . 1 1 * 3 c 513. Human body. Richtung (Voigt) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. V. 13. (See also V. 22, pt. 2.) Rothe (Andree) Zts. Ethnol. 10:335. Wechsel bei Thieren u. Menschen ( Lan- ger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 1. Hairion, Fre"de"ric. Louvain Univ. Annuaire 1888. Hfila. Spriiche (Weber) Rundschau 42:223. Halberstadt monastery. Gesta episcoporum. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 23. Haldeman, S: Stedman. 1812-80. National Acad. Sci. Biogr. memoirs v. 2. Hale, Sir Matthew, chief justice. 1609-76. Campbell. Chief justices v. 1. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Roscoe. British lawyers. Hales, John, of Eton. 1584-1656. Tulloch. Rational theology in England v.l. Hal5vy, Jacques F. F. Elie. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 2:227. Halevy, Ludovic. Matthews. French dramatists of 19th. century. Reine de Chypre (Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:22:920. Halifax, C: Montague, earl. 1661-1715. Ewald. Representative statesmen. Halifax, Nova Scotia. in 1794. Sheridan (R: B.), Speeches v. 2. Hall, Lyman. 1731-1790. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 3. Hall, Robert, Baptist divine. 1764-1831. Mathews. Orators and oratory. Religious Magazine 1:306. Hallam, A. H. 1811-33. Tennyson. In memoriam. Memoir. In his Remains. Hallam, Henry, historian. 1777-1859. Martineau. Biographical sketches. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 59:259. Constitutional history. Macaulay, Es- says. Halle-am-Saale. Sedirnentar-Geschiebe (Borckert) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Halleck, Fitz-Greene, poet. 1790-1867. - Poe. Works 2 : 56. Whipple. Essays. Halleck, Henry W., general. 1815-72. Shuck. Representative men. Haller, A. von, naturalist, poet. 1708-77. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 13. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 41 :59. - Wieland. Werke 35 : 222. Haller, Karl L., Swiss publicist. 1768-1854. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2 : 529. Halllwell-Phllllpps, J. O. 1820-89. - Works. Harvard Library, Bull. 12-14 ; Contribution 10. Hallucinations. See Illusions. Halm, Friedrich. See Miinch-Bellinghausen. Hals, Franz, Dutch painter. 1584-1666. (Fromentin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 14 : 110 Hamann. 215 Hanseatic league. Hamann, J. G., magus of the north. 1730-88. Hedge. Prose writers of Germany. Hegel. Werke 17 : 38-111. Michelet. Entwickelungs-Geschichte deutsche Philosophie. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1:196. Zeller. Geschichte deutsche Philosophie seit Leibniz. als Padagoge (L: Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 116:1. Hamburg, Germany. Schleiden. Brand im Hamburg, 1842; also Rundschau 01: 112. Annales, -1265. Pertz, Mon. German. hist, Script, v. Hi. Annexation to Zollverein, 1889. U. 8. Consular report N. S. 1. Begebenheiten, 1813. Misc. pamphlets v. 7. Krniedrigung, 1814. Misc. pamphlets v. 7. Handelskrisis, 1858. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:275. Verfassungskampfe. Gegenwart 9:397; 1'iK. /eit 1807:2:041- Hamelln, F. A., French admiral. 1796-1864. Unsere Zeit 1859:779. Hamerling, Robert 1830-89. Histories of German literature by : Bar- thel (842). (Lemmermayer) Uns. Zeit 1889:2:263. Hamerton, P. G. 1834- Journal et opinions (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Momk- II :4I:51. Hamilton, Alexander, statesman. 1757-1804. See also Burr (Aaron). - Ames (Fisher). Works 282. Baldwin. Party leaders. Curtis. History of the constitution v. 1. Gay. Life of Madison. Gibbs. Administrations of Washington and Adams. Lodge. Studies in history. Perry. Biographical sketches of Ameri- can" statesmen 289. Rives. Life of Madison. and the constitution. Monthly Refer- ence Lists 1 : 11. as an economist (Harrower) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Death (Nott) Johnston, Representative Anier. orations v. 1. Hamilton, Anthony, count. 1646-1720(7) S;iint-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 1:92. Hamilton, Knnna Harte, Ituli/. 17OI-1815. - - Ijnerard. Supercheries L':iML'. Live*- i>f Ni-1-.iin a n< I Sir William U am ill on (1730-1803). Hamilton, .1 ames, 1st duke of. 1606- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Hamilton, James, r ,,,t <>f Anna. Ixxlge. Portraits v. 1. Hamilton, Januvs, ~' (^IIUK c\ . Philosophical writers v.l. Masspn. Recent British philosophy. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Lectures on metaphysics. Grote, Explo- ratio philoso]>hica. Philosophy (Remusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2:405"; 20:133. Mill on. Grote, Minor works. Principles of Kant and. Bolton.Inquisitio philosophica. Hammond, James H. 1807-61. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 104. Hampden, John. 1594-1643. Croke. Judgment in the case of ship- money (Camden miscellany v. 7). Evelyn. Diary. Mackintosh. British statesmen v. 3. Grenville's Memorials. Macaulay, Essays. Hampton, Gen. Wade. 1818- Perry. Sketches of American statesmen 504; Reminiscences 2: 108. Hampton Court, England. Palace and gardens. Pains, travel v. 3. Hancock, John, governor. 1737-93. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 1. Hancock, General W. S. 1824-86. Annual cyclopaedia 1880. 1886. Headley. Grant and Sherman 294. Hand. See also Fingers. - Bell. On the hand. Reptilian inheritance (Seeley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:141. Handel, G. F., musical composer. 1684-1759. Haweis. Music and morals. - Herder. Adrastea ( Werke 23 : 556). Ossoli. Papers on art, literature. Bach und Schiitz (Spitta) Rundschau 43: 30. und Zeit. Preuss. Jahrb. 4 : 366. Hannibal, Carthagenian general. B. C. 247-183. Alison. Essays: political 2 : 203. Grabbe. Hannibal: drama (Werke v. 2). Stoll. Helden Roms 269. en Italic (La Barre Duparc) Acad. Sci. Mor. 64 .-69.409. Passage of the Alps. Lemaire, Bibl. class. Latina 111:475; 115:559. (Rtfville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:39:00. War. ^uelle (Keller) Rhein. Mus. 29:88. Hannover, Prussia. Heerschaft Unsere Zeit 1868: 1 : L'c. in IHOl (Nourrisson) Acad. Sci. Mor.56:77- in 1864-6. Unsere Zeit 1867 : 1 : T.M . in 1KOO-7. Preuss. Jahrb. 19:075; 20:78. - Kreisordnung, 1872 (Fuchtmann) I'rcii--. Jahrb. 30:0! is. landsehaftlich u. volkswirthschaftlich ( Busch ) Preuss. Jahrb. 21 : 558. Provineiallaiidsrhafter. (Grumhrecht) Preuss. Jahrb. -H: ll!>. Rcartionsjahre. Preuss. Jahrb. .'5:505. Btaatawirthaohftft, 1850-00. Preuss. Jahrb. 0:583. unter Georg V. Unsere Zeit isn-j : 7L'l. Verfassungs-Ormiiiisation vor.d.Ahjreonl- neteiihaus /.u Merlin, IsnT ( Faehimann) Preir-s. .lahrli. LM : 051. Hans Sachs. .See Sachs. Hanseatlc league. &eabo histories of eom- meree, of Hanse towns: llreineii, Ham- burg, l.iilieek. etC. Frignet. A-^oi-iation <-oininereiah > ch. .'{. Hanseatic league. 216 Harrington. Gallois. Hansabund. (Goldschmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 9:528. Sartorius. Ursprung der deutschen ii. ( Wolowski) Acud. Sci. Mor. G4: 447 ; Jour. Econ. 11:38:384. Anfiinge (Usiriger) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:160. Bcziehungen z. Kirche (Pauli) Preuss. Jnhrb. 41:268. Gesohichte (Pauli) Rundschau 22:309. Hnnse anglaise (Gross) Rev. Hist. 33:296 London steelyard. Pauli, Pictures of old Ordensland Preussen uud,-1370 (Sattler) Preuss. Jahrb. 41: 327. Ktelluug d. Hansestiidte. Rundschau 24 : 72. Happiness. See also Optimism, Pain, Pes- simism, Pleasure, Sorrow. Alison. Principles of population. Bayle. Dictionary. Ferguson. Civil society; Moral and political science 2: 495. Gassendi. Syntagma philos: pars tertia (Opera. 1727. 2:579). Good. Book of nature 437. Hartmann. Philos. of unconscious v. 3. Helps. Friends in council 4 : 15, 39. Helv<5tius. Bonheur: poe'me (Oeuvres 10:1). (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 11. Leibnitz. Opera philos. ed. Erdmann 1: 71, (571. Lucas. Enquiry after happiness. Manu. Ordinances. Pluto. Euthydemus. Spencer (H.). Social statics. Conditions of. Kalisch, Path and goal. (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 14:637. Eudiimonismus u. d. franzos. Literatur (VVittstock) Herrig's Archiv 54 : 129. Influence des passions sur. Stael-Hol- stein, Oeuvres v. 3. Leibnitz on. Trendelenburg, Histor. Beit- rage 2 : 192. Neue Lehre. Unsere Zeit 1865:458. Schiller's Ideale (Kern) Jahrb. Philol. 126: 196, 2(52. Supreme good and. Hutcheson, Moral philosophy. Universal, als Moralprincip. Gizycki, Ethik Hume's 245. Virtue and. Cicero, Tusculanae disputa- tiones 5. Holbach. Systeme de la nature 1:337. necessary. Seneca, De vita beata. Vraie nature (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:54:1011. Harcpurt, Sir William G : G. V. V. 1827- Higginson. English statesmen. Hardenberg, F: Aug., Freiherr von. 1700-67. Preussische Jahrb. 35: 581; 36:149. Hardenberg, F: L: von (called Novalis). 1772-1801. Carlyle. Essays. Hedge. Prose writers of Germany. (Dilthey) Preuss. Jahrb. 15: 596. ' Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1 : 260. (Huym) Preuss. Jahrb. 31:563. Hardenberg, Karl A., prince von. 1750-1822. - Haugwitzund(Bailleu) Rundschau 20: 268. (Duncker) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:571. - Denkwiirdigkeiten (Duncker) Preuss. Jahrb. 38: 600. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 20 : 215- Hardenburgli, J. R., surveyor-general. Official conduct. Charges and reply (Pams. California v. 10). Harding, J. D. 1798-1863. Ruskin. Modern painters. Hardinge, Henry, viscount. Whitty. Political portraits. Hardwicke, Philip. See Yorke. Hardwicke hall, England. Jameson. Visits and sketches 2 : 149. Hardy, Gathorne. 1814- Higginson. English statesmen. Hardy, Thomas. Trial, 1794. Erskine, Speeches v. 2-3. Ha'ring, G. W: H: (Willibald Alexis, pseud.) Prutz. Deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart 2 : 133. (Ziel) Unsere Zeit 1872: 1 :685. Hariulf , founder of Elwangen monastery. Ermenric. Vita (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 10). Harley, Lady Brilliana. Webb. Memorials of the civil war. Letters. Camden Society 58. Harley, Robert, earl of Oxford. 1661-1724. Coxe. Memoirs of Marlborough. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Examiner for 1711. Harmattan wind. United States Japan expedition v. 1. Harmony (Musical). See also Quatuor. Coussemaker. Art harrnonique aux 12. et 13. siecles. Beats of imperfect consonances (De Mor- gan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10 : 129. Physiological causes. Helmholtz, Popu- lar lectures. Harmotome. and Wcihlerite. Dispersion of optic axes (Miller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:565. Haro, Luis Mendez de. 1599-1661. James. Foreign statesmen v. 4. Harold I (Harfagra), king of Norway. 850- 934. Einziehung d. norweg. Odelsgiiter (Maurer) Germania 14:27. Harold III (Hardrada) , king of Nonvay. d.1066. Magnus and. Dasent, Jest and earnest v. 2. Harold II, king of England, d. 1066. Histories of the Norman conquest by: Freeman (v. 2), Green (ch. 11). Bulwer. Harold (fiction). Petrie and Sharpe. Monumenta hist. Britannica. Tennyson. Harold (drama). Harpalus. Trial. Geschichte (Duhn) Jahrb. Philol. 111:33. - Politik in (Schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 15: 211 Vorgeschichte (Haupt) Rhein. Mus. 34:377. Harpocratipn, Valerius. De lexici fontibus (Stoientin) Jahrb. Philol. 119:113. Harrington, James. 1611-1677. (Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:287. - Toland. Life of H. (In Oceana). Harrington. 217 Hatton. Oceana. Disraeli, Amenities of literature v. 3. Harris, Stephen R. Soule. Annals of San Francisco 740. Harrison, Benjamin, d. 1799. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 8. Harrison, W. H., f Jth jn-esident. 1773-1841. Benton. Thirty years' view. Julian. Political recollections. Administration. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 13. Hart, James McDougall. 1828- Sheldon. American painters. Hart, John. 1708-80. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 9. Hart, William. 1823- Shi'ldon. Ameriraii painters. Harte, Francis Bret, novelist. 1837- ( Achelis) Unsere Zeit 1886: 1 : 786. (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 99: 82. Floyd. Lights in San Francisco 301. (Schiinhacli) Rundschau Hi: r_"-'. as a humorist. Hey wood, How they strike me. Hartington,S.C. Cavendish, marquisof. 1833- Higginson. English statesmen. Hartley, David. 1705-57. Ribot. English psychology. Sketch of. }n his Observations on man v. 3. Hartmann, K : R. K: von, philosopher. 1842- - E.sthctimie (S&iilles) Rev. Philos. 4 : 482- Morale (Reinach) Rev. Philos. 7:383- Nouveau systeme (Re"ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:511. Philosophic d. Unbewussten. Uns. Zeit 1879:1:321. Religionsphilosoph (Portig) Uns. Zeit 1889:2:17. Schriften (Lasson) Rundschau 8:391. mid Lotze(Hartung) Philos. Monats. 21:1. Verhaltniss'zu Hegel (Hartmann) Philos. MonaH. L'4:316. zu SchojMjnhauer (Hartmann) Phil<>-. Monats. 20:32. Hartmann, Moritz. 1821-72. 1'rutz. Dcutsche Lit. d.Gegenwart 1:116. (Ziel) Unsere Zeit 1x72:2:145. Hartmann i-n Anf. 1170-1220. Erek ( Hartsch) Oermania 7 : 141. ( Beck ) Oermania 7 : 429. (Bechstein) Germania 25:319; 26:385. (Miiller) (iermania 7: 129. (PfeUfer) (M-riiiaiiia 4: 185. i inform- ( Hart-ch) (Jermania 11 : -' Legende (KOhler) Germania i.vx. Ijluelle (Strobl) (iermania i:?:188. Hcimath und Stammlmrg (Bauer) (ier- mania 1'i: 155. Iwcin (Server) (iermania 27:350. (Paul) I'.citr. dentseh. Sprat-he .'{: 1-1. Altfran/.<">-i-che (juelle (< uith) Herrig's An-hiv lu :_'">!. Deutsche Conjunetiv in (Holtheuer) [fldtaclM Philol. Krf;/.. H1 1 Hate. & riho Envy. Pleasures of. llaxlitt, Plain sin-aker. Ueln-r V.. Ik-has-. Arn, It (<;. M ), Scl.rif- ten 1 Hathumoda, tihhr.i* / (inmlfuhfini. - ViUi. I'm/, Mini, (ierin. Mist .. Scr. v. 4. Hatton, Sir Chrislopli.T. ( 'ain|>l>ell. CliaiK'ellors. Pnrlraits v. 1. ii. !.">< 71. Hatton family. 218 Hazlitt. Hatton family. Correspondence, 1601-1704. CamdenSoc. 11:22-23. Hauenschild, R: G: Spiller von (Max Wal- Prutz/'Veutsche Lit.d.Gegenwart2: 115. Hauff, Wilhelm, German novelist. 1802-27. - Leben. In his Werke. 1840. v. 1. Haupt, Moritz, philologist. 1808-74. (Kirchholt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. Nettleship. Lectures and essays. Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philologie 5 : 445. Hausen, Friedrich von. (Becker) Gerraania 28:272. Hiiusser, Ludwig. 1818-67. (Kluckhohn) Preuss. Jahrb. 21:611. Hautefort, M. de, duchesse de Schomberg. 1616-91. (Cousin ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 1 : 225. Haiiy, Ren6 Just. 1743-1822. (Cuvier) Paris, M6ni. Acad. Sci. 8 : cxlv. Havelok the Dane. SagebeiGaimarund. Roman. Stud. 4:411. Sprache und Stil(Hohniann) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Zum Havelok (Zupitza) Anglia 7 : 145. Havre, France. et le bassin de la Seine (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25:834. Fondation. Revue Historique v. 14. Hawaiian islands. See also Mauna Loa. Beechey. Voyage 2 : 88. Belcher. Voyage 1 : 51, 259. Cook (James). Third voyage v. 3. (Davidson) Calif ornian 1:508. (Galopin) Geneva Soc. Ge"ogr., Me"m. 1:191. Gerstacker. Schrif ten 1:5: 403. Kotzebue. First voyage 1 : 291 ; Second voyage 2 : 151. Paulding. Cruise of the Dolphin 196. Ruschenberger. Voyage 451. Seemann. Voyage of the Herald. Simpson. Overland journey 224; pt. 2. Vancouver. Voyage v. 1. (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 86: 582. Almanac for 1882. Pams. on travel y. 4. Annexation schemes (O'Meara) Califor- nian 4 : 257. Commercial treaty, 1875. U. S. House Com. Rep. 1885-6, v. 6. Constitution, 1887. U. S. Foreign rela- tions 1887. Early discoveries (Peirce) California!! 2 : 234. in 1856. Hill's travels (Montegut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 6: 904. in 1879 (Boehr) Rundschau 20 : 132. in 1884 (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV:29:75 in 1887. Political revolution(Clarke)Over- landll:ll:298. Kauai (Herrick) Overland II : 11 : 23. - Labor system (Frear) California!! 5:37. Language (Chamisso) Berlin Akad. Abh 1837. Oahu colonization scheme, 1885. Pams on travel v. 4. - Trip to (Stoddard) Pams. on travel v. 4. Hawke, Edward, lord admiral. 1715-81. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Hawkins, Sir John. 1719-89. Southey. Britisli admirals v. 3. Hawkins, Sir Richard, d. 1622. Southey. British admirals v. 3. Hawks, Hawking. Brydges. Censura literaria. Wright and Halli well. Reliquiae an tiquae 1:293. Hawley, Major Joseph. Tudor. Life of James Otis 253- Hawthorne, Julian. 1846- Idolatry. Hey wood, How they strike me : these authors. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, novelist. 1804-64. Histories of American literature by: Nichol (ch. 10), Richardson (2 : 330). (Curtis) Essays from North Amer. Itev. (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 2 : 633. Fields. Yesterdays with authors. Button. Essays v. 2. -Poe. Works 2: 188. Smiles. Brief biographies. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 1. Whipple. Characteristic men. and Sophia Hawthorne. Con way, Life of Emerson. Beitrage zur Charakteristik (Schonbach) Engl. Stud. 7 : 239. Marble faun (Monte"gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:28:668. Philosopher of crime. Heywood, How they strike me. Seclusion (Kennedy) California!! 4:124. Twice-told tales. Longfellow, Prose works v.l. Haydn, Franz Joseph. 1737-1809. Haweis. Music and morals. Ossoli. Papers on art, literature. Hayes, Rutherford B., 19th president. 1822- (Kapp) Rundschau 12 : 293. Administration (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 43: 810. (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1880:2:665. Crise presidentielle, 1876 (Cucheval-Cla- rigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 17 : 278. Hayne, Paul Hamilton. 1831-86. Gedichte. Rundschau 35 : 309. Hayne, Robert Y. 1791-1839. (M'Duffie) In "Eulogies." Perry. Reminiscences of public men 68. (Pinckney) Nullification pams. Hayti. See also San Domingo, Toussaint L'Ouverture. Molinari. A Panama,risthme de Panama. St. John. The black republic. 1884. Independence. Suniner, Works 6: 445. Language. Rafinesque, American nations v. 1. Richesses naturelles (Melvil-Bloncourt) Jour. Econ. 11:31:407. Spaniards in. Burney, Voyages v. 4. Haytorite. (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Hazen, W: B., general. 1830-87. Headley. Grant and Sherman 490. Hazlitt, William, critic. 1778-1830. De Quincey. Essays on the poets. (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :84 : 165. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Character ; Dramatic lectures. Tal- fourd, Essays. Head. 219 Heat. Head. See also Brain, Crania, Hair, Hydro- cephalus, Phrenology. Verletzungen (Ginger) Heidelb. Univ. Ii. v. 1. Health. See also Climate, Disease, Disinfect- ants, Epidemics, Food, Houses, Quaran- tine, Sanitary science, Schools, Sewers, names of health resorts. Kingsley. Sanitary and social essays. London exhibition. Guide. Pains, medi- cine v. 5. and longevity. Temple, Works 3 : 274. des nations (Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. IV : 39:1-. Karly rising. Wilson (John), Essavs 1:187. in Deiit-clihmd. Zukunft(BGrner)Preuss. J ah rb. 56:234. Intervention gouvernmentale(Say) Acad. Sci. Mor. L'; ii:LM!i. Preservation. Aikin, Memoir and miscell. works. (Preyer) Rundsehau 37:237. Rules. Franklin, Works 2:86. Plutarch. Morals v. 1. - Public (Le"lut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 15:381. (Orton) Choice Literature 3 : 13!. (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. IV:31:389. I'n-rrr Xcit l-7<;: J.-sln. >! ;. lleirimen of. Bacon (Sir !'.). K-say-. - and (Pettenkofer) Rundschau 29: J17 -(Puinpelly) U. 8. Nat. Bd. Health, Keport 1881. Heart. See also Blood. (Goltz) Rundschau 21 : 460. and arteries. Function (Young) ROY. Trans. 1809:1. Bruits norruaux. Origine (Mugeinlit ) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. U : 155. I>i-cait I'niv. I>i-s. y. ">. Bei SchwaiiL'er-chaft ( Wirscnthal) Marl.. Tiiiv. I Error- of Ari-totle. Huxley, Science and culture. HerzKchlag (KorniUer) Wien Akad. Dcnks. M N. ;; 1-1_' Muscular lidres of vent ride* ( Pettigrew) K..y. BOO. Trail Inflammation (PfdtFur) Bonn. I'niv. v. 3. Nerves and ganglia (Lee) Roy. Soc. Tran-. /client Wcirircich) Halle I'niv. Hi--, v. . Nervi.u- vy-tcm an: 147,191, l Meciianical equivalent (Joule) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1X50 :;i; Is7.s : 36f). rSaveney) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :45:38. (Tresca, Laboulaye) Pari-, Mem. 8a- van> Ktranjr. 1- Mechanical theory (I'i-ko) t'nsere Zeit L878:2:L and chemistry. Berthelot, Science et philosophic 97. Heat. 220 Hegel. Motivity (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:741." . Mouvement dans les corps solutes (Cou- rier) Paris, Mt'm. Acad. Sci. 4 : 185 ; 5 : 153 dans les fluides (Fourier) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 12:507. Nature, mode of communication (Rurn- ford) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1804. produced by compression of gas (Thom- son) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:289. Progress when communicated to spheri- cal bodies from their centres (Playfair) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 0:353. Propagated along glass plates (Brewster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1816:40. dans les polye'dres (Lam Kuv. d. d. Mondes III : 03:241. (Nodnagd) Hcrrig's Archiv 2:1. Ouinet. Oeuvres completes 7 : 288. Biographes allemands (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:71:083. RntwkkeianjHgn*. 1'ns.Zeit 1868: 1:321 rave. Arnold (M.), Poems. Last days. Hoiighton, .Monographs. l.aiiln- ilber. Rundschau 52: 158. Letter- Oiott-cliall) Uns. Zeit 1884:2:55. Mutter (Strodtmaini) Rundschau 12: s'i. Tennyson, Musset and. Buchanan, Mas- ter-spirits. Tragedies (Taillandier) Rev. d. il. Mondes II : 17: \'M. mid iMmoldOIiiflcr) Rundschau 12: 127. - Wit. George Eliot, Essays. Heinrich < b'rtibcrg. (Krau-) Cermania 30: 1. hleclit und Heimat(Bech)Gerniaiii;t l':420. - Tristan ( I'.crlistoin) (ii-niiania .'!2: 1. Heinrich run f\ Spraclir ( r.iM-li-tcin) CiTinania S:". Heinrich nm Meitnen (l-'raiicnloli). (Be<-h) (icrtiiania 2'i:2.'>7; 2I: 1. Heinrich f Trrvm, nrchbuhop. Gesta. 'Pertz > M..n.(M.riii.l.ist. ) S-r.2l:lll Heinrich rn Veldeke. (Braune) Zts. deutsche Philol. 4:249. Servatius (Bartsch) Cermania 5:40(i. und Virgil. Zts. deutsche Philol. 3: 106. Heinrich der Vogler. Dietrichs Flucht u. d. Uulicnschlacht (Wegener) Zts. deutsche Philol. Ergz. Bd. 1874. Held, Hans H: L: von. 1704-1842. Duller. Manner des Volks 7:307. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 13. Helena, wife of Menelaus. Bayle. Dictionary. Coluthus. Rape of Helen. Lang. Helen of Troy (poem). Antique representations ( Valpy) Class. .1. 37 : 204. Helena-Kassandra(Hinrichs) Philologus 44:401. Helgi-saga. (Symons) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 4 : 166. Heliand. (Behaghel) Gennania 21:139; 31:377. Hammerich. Aeltiste christliche Epik. (Haync, Wackernagel) Zts. deutscln- Philol. 1:275.291. (Schulte) Zts. deutsche Philol. v. 4. (Schumann) Gennania 30:05. Krkliirung (Grein) Germania 11:209. Metrik (Horn) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 5 : Ml. Schmeller's edition. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften 5: 104. Studies in (Cook) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1879:00. und Anglo-Saxon Genesis (Sievers) Pains. Anglo-Saxon v. 1. Heligoland. Naval combat, 1864. ( Werner) Unsere Zeit 1889 : 1 : 430. Heliodorus, hixhopnf Tricca. Dunlop. History of fiction. Heliopolls, Kiti/jif. Plan. Rawlinson's Herodotus v. 2: end. Heliopora caerula. Roy. Soc. Trans. 187. Mindejahrigkeit (Eckerlin) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. - Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12 : 268. Henry VI, emperor of Germany. 1165-97. Gesta. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 22 : 334. Lieder (Meyer) Germania 15:424. Henry I- VI, kings of England. Capgrave. Book of illustrious Henries (Rolls chronicles, 7). Henry I, king of England. 1068-1135. Pertz. Monumenta Germ, hist., Scr. y. 6. Accession. Freeman, Reign of William Rufus. Henry II, king of England. 1133-89. Benedict of Peterborough. Gesta (Rolls chronicles, 49). Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 14. Hewlett. Chronicles (Rolls chronicles, 82). Pertz. Monumenta Germ, hist., Scr. v. 6. Penance. Carter, Ancient sculpture. Henry IH, king of England. 1206-72. Matthew Paris. History ; Chronica majora. Barons' war. Camden Society 15. Charters. Thomson, Magna charta. Letters illustrating reign. Rolls chron- icles, 27. Only English proclamation (Ellis) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1868-9 : 1. Henry IV, king of England. 1366-1413. Shakespeare. King Henry IV (drama). Henry V, king of England. 1388-1422. Monstrelet. Chronicles. Rapin. History of England 1 : 504. Shakespeare. King Henry V (drama). Walsingham. Chronicle (Rolls chron- icles, 28). and Sigismund. Pauli, Pictures of old England. Henry VI, king of England. 1421-71. Bekynton. Official correspondence (Rolls chronicles, 56). Bulwer. Last of the barons (fiction). Shakespeare. King Henry VI (drama). Henry VH , king of England. 1456( ? )-1509. Bacon. Reign of Henry VII. Carter. Ancient sculptures. Letters illustrating reign of. Rolls chron- icles, 24. Marriage with Elizabeth of York. Papal bull on (Camden Soc. 39). Materials for history of reign of. Rolls chronicles, 60. Henry VIII, king of England. 1491-1547. Histories of the church of England by : Burnet, etc. - Lodge. Portraits v. 1. - Neal. History of the Puritans. Shakespeare. King Henry VIII (drama) Henry VIII. 223 Herbert. England in time of. E. E. Text Soc. II: 12, 32. Literary character. Disraeli, Amenities of literature v. 2. Henry I, king of France. 1011-60. Capgrave. Book of illustrious Henries. Henry II, king of France. 1519-59. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Henry IV, king of France. 1553-1610. See also EstrC-es (Gabrielle d'). Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Big . . . (Tabbe"). Parlement de Paris. Davila. Civil wars of France. Kitchin. History of France 2:440. L'Etoile. Regnede Henri III. 1:328. Motley. John of Barneveld. Riickert. Heinrich IV (drama). Sully. Memoirs. Voltaire. Oeuvres 16 : 1, and index. Administration (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 34-35; fJour. Econ. 11:7:343; 8:32. Assassination. Malherbe, Oeuvres 165- Auteur des Oeconomies royales(Perrens) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95 : 119, 545. Commerce exte>ieur de la France sous. Rev. Hist. Ki:l. Deutsches Reich und (Nitsch) Hist. Zeits. ,45:1- Ecrivain. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 11:351. et Chamier (Reade) Acad. Sci. Mor. 28 : 425. et Marguerite de France. Feuillet de ('ouches, Causeries 3:59. Grand dessein (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 54 : 29. Industrie en France sous (Faignez) Rev. Hist. v. 23. La Noue et la conversion de. Rev. Hist. 36:311. Mere(Laugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:21:813. 1'oirson's Regne de (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:321. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 13:210. Politique (Desiardins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:62:890. Portrait by Porbus. Mus6e du Ix>uvre, e*cole flamande. les Suisses et la haute Italie, 1598-1610 (Huniker) Rev. Hist. 23:355. Voltaire's Henriade. Frederick II, Oeu- vres 8 : 49. Henry, prince of Wales. 1594-Kil2. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Henry, Frederic Louis, prince of Prussia. .172'J~i;7. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7:37. Henry, Joseph, scientist. 1797-1878. AddnMM "ii ("-arlield, Waite, Porter) 1'ams. biography v. 4. - Memoir (-99. ( I ;v-rett)Sparks, American biography v.l 1 Ma.lisoii. Works. .M;ithews. Orators and oratory. Perry. Biographical sketches of Ameri- can staU.-siii.-ii 27'.i. Henry < 'unrlmnntel, ton of Ilnni/ II ( h'ntm-r. 1 ' .ah. IJc.lN diroiiH lc-. mi. Henry nf lliiiiiimit., Scr. 4:739. Herbert, K:, lfM>f -CUMKT: > . siecle (Rothan) Ri-v. d. d. Mmidrs HI : .ss:(l,801. Bhemalim Kurfiirstenthum (Rodenberg) Etondaohati 3:187. in 1850. Gegenwart 5 : 478. in 1850-66. Una.Zeit 1886: 2:484 ; 1*67:1:1- Kirrlicnfrage, 1870(Oetker) l'ri-ti.ss.Jahrl. _'T: T_'7. Mahi7.fr Vorgjingi-, 1 . \vart 1:IJ1. Staatliche ZiisUinde, 1850-<>9. 1'rcu-- Jahrb. LM:J. VerfumiigMnfdflgenheit, I'nsere Zeit 1880:226. 29 Hesychius. 226 Hip-joint. Hesychius, arammarian. Lexikon (Weber) Ph)lologus,Suppl.3 : 451. Ranke's Cominentatio. Rhein. Mus. z: 2i-rirx 2: Uil-340. anrc en. Coiiditiims p^ych m , .-bos) Rev. Phil" Con tern porary. Philosophy of. Renan, C^ue.stions conternporains. -Critique sous Auguste (Rogeard) Pams. history v. 13. Dramatic and narrative (Richardson) ^Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 1. Ecoles anciennes. Dubois-Guchan.Tacite 2:549. Epochen der Schreibung. Hist. Taschen- bucb 1841. European schools of (White) Johns Hop- kins Univ. stud. v. 5. Evidence in matters of (Tytler) Roy. Ivlin. Trans, v. 5. Evolution in(Klemm) Pams. history v. 14. Gediinken iiber. Grimm (J. L. C.), Klein. Schriften 4 : 74. Geist der Vb'lker-G. Herder, Briefe-Hu- manitat 121. -Geography and (Hillard) Pams. history v. It. Grundziige (Gervinus) Pams. history v. 9. Philosophische (Hinneberg) Hist. Zts. 63:18. Heist und Ende. Schiller, Werke 10:362. Ideen in (Lazarus) Zts.Volkerpsvch 8:385. Imagination dans (Milsand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 43: 631. Influence des anciens sur les modernes. Miiller (J. v.), Werke 25:239. du Muse des monuments franc, sur les eludes (Couraiod) Rev. Hist. 30 : 107. Kritik und Legende (Giirres) Hist. Zeits. 57:212. Laws. Benlccw's. Crit. Philos. N.S.I: 233. Limits of exact science applied to. Kings- ley, Roman and Teuton. Literature may illustrate. Masson, Three devils. Materialising in d. Schreibung (Zitel- mann) Preuss. Jahrb. 37: 177; 38:513- Method (Adams) Johns Hopkins Studies v. 2. (Delbriick) Preuss. Jahrb. 53:529. (Sorley) Seth and Haldane, Essays. und Aufgabe (Maurenbrecher) Pams. history v. 14. Mode of writing. Alembert, Oeuvres 4: 183. Ligne. M moires 4:339. Lucianus. Opera ; also Racine's Oeuvres :-: 106. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:150. Depuis 1400. Thierry, Lettres sur 1'histoire 45. Mably on. Grimm-Diderot, Corre- spondance 11 :'2W. Modern. Wann beginnt. Bluntschli, Lehre vom Stat 1 : 52. Miitbinasslicher Anfang. Kant, Werke OA Oriental. Natural limits of ancient (MoUat) Am. <>r. 8OC.J. ti:571. Origin and limits. Fichte, Popular works 2-.m. Fichte's Ansicht. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 1 2:2 1 7. - Stu.lien (Ritter) Hist. Zts. v :.. Philosophy. Hascom, Problems in phi- losophy. (Bras'.-b) Tns. Zeit 1882: 1 :L'7<;. < '"iisjn. l'biloso|ihie iiioderne V. 6. Jouflroy. Melanges ]>hilos. (Smith) Mi-r. addresses v. 1. History. 228 Hohenlinden battle. and use. Bolingbroke, Works 3:315; 4:3. Mansfield. American education. Flint's (Paulsen) Zts. Volkerps. 8:433. Michelet's. Crit. I'hilos. 9: 2(!7, 30o. Moglich ? Schelling, Werke 1:1: 466. Nouvelle (Sudre) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 49-50. __ Various theories. Brownson, Works 4-361 Ya-t-il une? (Bouillier) Rev. Philos. 21:329. Plan of universal. De Quincey, Works 12 : 133. Poetry of. Wright, Essays on literature v. 2. - Rationality of (Ritchie) Seth and Hal- da ne, Essays. Science of. Froude, Short studies v. L Taine. Essai sur Tite Live. Scientific method. Froude, Short studies v 2 (Ulmann) Hist. Zeits. 54 :42. Scientific pretensions. Thornton, Old- fashioned ethics. Sense. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Volker 2 : 311. Spirit Nature, influence. Shedd, Dis- courses. Study in England (Fredericq) Johns Hop- kins Univ. Stud. v. 5. necessary in free states. Lieber, Writ- ings v. 1. Oxford prize essay, 1821. Class. J. 24:93. of local (Burdick) Oneida Hist. Soc. Trans. 1887-9:88. - Teaching (Schulze) Jahrb. Philol. 132: 21. English (Froude) Oxford essays 1855. in secondary schools. Univ. State N. Y. Report 1886. Traits communs de la nature et (Tarde) Rev. Philos. 14 : 270. Unity of. Freeman, Comparative politics 296. Verhaltniss zur Poesie. Hist. Taschen- buch 1841. Weltgeschichtein ihren neuesten Darstel- lungen (Jastrow) Rundschau. Hitchcock, E : 1793-1864. (Lesley) Nat. Acad. Sci. Annual 1866. Hlttites. (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:303. Wright. The Hittites. Hoadley, B:, bishop of Winchester. 1676-1761. Hogarth. Works'. Portrait. Hoar, Rev. Leonard. 1630-75. Sibley. Harvard graduates 1 : 228. Hoar, Samuel. 1774-1856. Emerson. Lectures (Riverside ed.). Hoaxes. See Delusions. Hobart, J: Sloss. 1738-1805. Street. N. Y. Council of revision 177. Hobbes, Thomas. 1588-1679. Histories of philosophy by: Cousin (3- 245), Lewes, Ritter(10:453), Windelband (1:135). Bayle. Dictionary 6 : 185. Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- wissenschaft. Burnet. History of his own time. Disraeli. Quarrels of authors. - Evelyn. Diary 2: 118. Portrait. Feuerbach. Werke 4 : 79. Fischer. Bacon und Nachfolger 517. Heron. Jurisprudence. Jouffroy. Droit naturel v. 1. Lange. History of materialism 1-270. Masson. Life of Milton 6:279. Maurice. Moral etc. philosophy 2 : 235. Morris. British thought and thinkers. (RSmusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:88:162. Saisset. Philosophic sensualiste au 18. siecle. (Tonnies) Rundschau 59:94; Philos. Monats. 23 : 287. Grotius, Montesquieu et. Voltaire, Oeu- vres 31 : 213. Leibniz und (Tonnies) Philos. Monats. 23:557. Leviathan confuted. Cudworth, Intel- lectual system. Molesworth's edition. Grote, Minor works. Moral system. Jouffroy, Introduction to ethics. Philosophy. Anmerkungen (Tonnies) Viertefj. wissens. Philos. v. 3-5. Hoche, Lazare, general. 1768-97. Capitulation de Quiberon (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:890. Vie, correspondance ( Du Chatellier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98:657; 99:431. Hock, Karl von. 1808-69. (Parieu) Jour. Econ. Ill : 19 : 264. Hodgson, Shadwprth H. Essais de critique (Renouvier) Crit. Phi- los v. 19-20. Metaphysique phenome'niste (Penjon) Rev. Philos. 7:154. Hofer, Andreas. 1767-1810. Duller. Manner des Volks 5:219. Hoffman, O^den, judge. 1822- Shuck. Bench and bar in Cal. 314. Hoffman von Fallersleben, A. H: 1798-1874. Prutz. Deutsche Literatur 1:81. - Unsere Zeit 1874:1:369. Hog. See also Trichinae. American pork, 1881. Pams.agriculturey.2 Chemistry of (McMurtrie) Illinois Univ. Report 1884. Rothlauf (Loeffler) Berlin, K. Gesundheit- samt, Arb. 1 : 57. Seuche (Schiitz) Berlin, K. Gesundheit- samt, Arb. 1 : 376. Skull ( Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874:289. - Teeth of wild boar (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801 : 319. Hogarth, W:, engraver, painter. 1697-1764. (Filon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 67 : 385. Hazlitt. English comic writers; Round table. Knight. History of England 5 :465. Wai pole. Anecdotes of painting v. 4. Epistle to. Churchill, Poems. Genius and character. Coleridge (H.), Essays 1:250; 2:201. Lamb. Works 4: 138. Hoge, Hon. Joseph P. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Hohelied. (Hayner) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 3:491. Hohenlinden battle, 1800, Campbell (T :). Poems. Hohenlinden battle. Holy Spirit. (Tessier) Revue Historique 9:333. Hohenstaufen. Freytag. Bilder 1 :509. Rauraer. Geschichte der Hohenstaufen. Downfall. Brvce, Holy Roman eiupire205. Italy under. Leo, Itahenische Staaten v. 2. Hohenzollern. Ahnherren, bis 1300(Riedel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. et le nouvel empire d'Allemagne (Giraud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :97 : 153, 401. Pre'de'cesseurs ( Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:12:407. Hausverfassung(Bernon)Hist.Zeits.52:78 Holbach, Paul T. von, philosopher. 1723-89. (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19:253, 381. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Histories of philosophy by: Ritter (12: System of nature. Morley, Diderot ch. 14. Holbein, Hans, painter, engraver. 1497-1543. Feiiillet de Conches. Causeries v. 4. Ruskin. Modern painters ; Ariadne Florentina. Madonna (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:418. Holberg, Ludwig, poet, historian. 1684-1754. (Brandes) Rundschau 56: 76. Hebel. Werke 10: :;;. Horn. Scandinavian literature 183. Howitt Literature north. Europe ch.21. als imitateur Moliere's (Humbert) Jahrb. Philol. 124:376- Hnlder, Julius. ( Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 01 : 213. H.ilderlln, Job. C. F: 1770-1843. Klaiber. Holderlin, Hegel und Schelling. - - (Miiller) 1'reus.s. Jahrb. 17:548. Leben. In his VVerke v. 2. Poe"sie paienne (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:09:929. Holidays. Sfe Festivals. Holiness. See also Perfection. Lawrence. Practice of the presence of God (Pams. religion v. 10). Plato. Euthyphro; Protagoras. of God. Strong, Philosophy and religion 188. Holl, Frank. Itritish painters of 19. century. Holland, lords. See Fox, Rich. Holland. See also Belgium, Netherlands. Burigny. Life of Grotius. Universal history: modern v. 27. Conquests in India. Raynal, Histoire 1:152. - Universal history : modern v. 9. Economic rurale (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:47 " ; 49 : 302 ; . r " et le nouvel empire ^eriiianique, 1872 1. II :!*: 7:;7. in 1580-1'^!. V.-rr. < '..mmentaries (Ar- IMT'S Gariu-r v. 7 i. li:>-7. Kvelyn, Diary. - 1066-80. Temple (Sir'W:), Works. in HJ67-86. Mackintosh. K--.-i\ - :J84. in 1672. Restauratinn lu stathnii.l.-rat (Lefevre-Pontalis) Rev. d. d. Mondes II! in 1743. Fliigschrift (Droysen) Berlin Akad. AM.. 1- in 177:5. Diderot, Oeuvres v. 21. in 1805-0. Silliman, Travels 2:260; 3:9- in 1808-9. Niebuhr, Letters v. 3. in 1813. Befreiung (P. L. Miiller) Hist. Zeits. 55:559. Invasion prussienne, 1787 (Witt) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 74: 129. Louis Bonaparte et ( Reville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 87 : 513, 845 ; 88 : 5. Son passe 1 , sa libert (Stern) Rev. Nat. 19 : 284. Vie (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2: 129; 3:49,681; 5:725; 10:275. Vlamische Studien (Rodenberg) Rund- schau 27 : 117- Holmes, Oliver Wendell. 1809- Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 3: 17. Richardson. American literature 2:172. Stedman. Poets of America. Holothurioidea . Bibliography. Challenger voyage, Zo- ology 14 : 269-277. Entwickelungsgeschichte (Reichert) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1801. Metamorphose (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849, 1850. Holstein duchy. See also Schleswig. Chronicon, 1172-1428. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 21. Standeversammlung, 1859. Preuss. Jahrb. 3:420. Holt, Sir John. Campbell. Chief justices 2: 118- Holtei, K: von, poet, dramatist. 1797-1880. Prutz. Deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart 2 : 185. Unsere Zeit 1880: 1 : 481. HiJlty , L : H : C :, poet. 1748-76. Leben. In his Gedichte. Holtzmann, Adolf K: W: 1810-70. Zts. deutche Philol. 3: 201. Holy alliance, 1815. Brougham. Speeches 1 : 625. Davis. War of Ahriman and Ormuzd. Menzel. Jahre 1815-1828. Moore (T:). Fables for the H. A. (poems). en Portugal. Quinet, Oeuvres completes 14:261. Holy Grail. See Grail. Holy Land. See Levant, Palestine, Syria. Holy League. 1511-1513. Creighton. Papacy during reformation v. 4. Holy League. 1570-93. Satyre iin'-nippec. Holy Roman (Germanic) empire. Allen. Christian history: first period. Brougham. Political philosophy 1:473. yuinet. Rt'-volution d Italic 1 :36. Annales. Voltaire, Oeuvres v. 22. P.ryceon. Freeman, Historical o-:iy> v. I. Fondiition (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:,s7:H57. Origine (Zeller) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98 : 721. Papal hierarchy and. Schail, Christian church v. 4. Reichskleinodien (Winkler) Pams. on law V. 4. Teutsche Fiirstenbumle. Miiller (Joh. von), Werke v. 21. Holy Spirit. &e also Trinity. Blasphemy against. Religious Mag. 1 : V.*'<. Holy Spirit. 230 Homerus. Sin against Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. - Wirkung in d. apostel. Zeit (Gunkel) Giitt. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Homalodontotherium Cunningham!. (Flower) Roy. Sue. Trans. 1874 : 173. Home. See also Family, House. Domestic life. Emerson, Society and sol- itude. Einfluss auf das Betragen (Laspeyres) Zts. Viilkerpsych. 0:1. nach altdeutschein Kecht (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1852. of the German working people. U. S. Consular Report 98. Home-rule. See Ireland. Homer, Winslow. 1836- Sheldon. American painters. Homerus. See also Troy. Barthllemy. Voyage d'Anacharsis 1 : 76. Cabanis. Oeuvres 5 : 275-374. De Quincey. Essays. Froude. Short studies v. 1. Herder. Kritische Walder. Lamartinc. Vies des grands homnies. - Plato. Ion. Vico. Nuova scienza (Opere; ed. Ferrari 5:422; Oeuvres ed. Michelet v. 2). Abode of the living. Bost. Univ. Year- book 1885. Aeolismen ( Week) Philologus 43 : 1. Allegorical in. Kingsley, Hypatia ch. 8. and Montesquieu. Herder, Briefe Hu- inanitat no. 7-8. and Ossian. Herder, Werke 18:446. and Socrates. Dion Chrysostomus, Ora- tiones. and Virgil. Lemaire, Bibl. Lat. class v. 132. Aristarchus. Erkliirung d. Wortbedeu- tungen (Hecht) Philologus 46:434. (Rammer) Jahrb. Philol. v. 115, 119, 129. Art. Leasing, Laocoon. Authorship. Histories of Greek literature by: Bergk ( 1 : 440), Browne, Mahaffy (v. 1), Mure, etc. Clinton. Fasti Hellenici 1:366. (Erhardt) Zeits. Volkerpsych. 19: 1. Grote. History of Greece 2: 118. ( Parrot) Kev. d. d. Mondes III : 84 : 577. Preussische Jahrb. 1 :618. Florentinische Tractat (Nietzsche) Rhein. Mus. 25:528; 28:211. Geddes on ( Packard ) A m. J. Philol. 1 : 32. - Homer als Collectivname (Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 42:321. Late date, composite character (Paley) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:360. - Wolfsche Hypothese (Liebhold) Jahrb Philol. 119:801. Basileus in (Week) Philologus 41: 193. Batrachomyomachia(Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 20:176. - Bekker's diganunated text. Hadley, Es- 4 savs. - Biblische Parallelen (Krenkel) Jahrb. Philol. 137:15. Dante and Michel Angelo. Alison, Es- says. - D^eouvertesderarch ,! a ! ) t r.', ts in < M Mro - Sayce) Jour. Philol. J O ; 10 : 110. Dionysoshymnus u. d. Legende v. d. Ver- wandlung d. Tyrsener (Crusius) Philol- ogus 48 : 193. Epithet obrimos (Weymouth) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1860-1 : 250. Etymologien (Goebel) Philologus 36:32. Excurse (Ahrens) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 2: 161. (Kirchhoff) Rhein. Mus. 15:62, 329. Fiirstenideal (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 42: 198. Gotterculte bei (Volcker) Rhein. Mus. 1: 191. Hymne auf Apollo (Wegener) Philologus 35:217. auf Hermes (Ludwich) Jahrb. Philol. 133:438; 137:734; 139:413. Hymni( Peppni tiller) Philologus N.F. 1: 13. Angebliche Widerspriiche (Ludwich) Jahrb. Philol. 135 : 121. Iliad and Odyssey compared (Pope) Transl. of classical poems v. 1. Bentleiana. Jour. Philol. 13: 122, 145. Bk. 1- 10 (Lachmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1837. 1841. Bk. 6. Passage in (Ledwich) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. - Bk. 9. Frere, Works 2 : 163. - Bk. 12 ( Benicken) Jahrb. Philol. 117 : 445. - Bk. 18. Trial scene (Leaf) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:122. - Bk. 24 (l)iintzer) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5: 378, 638. Peppmiiller's Commentar (Diintzer) Jahrb. Philol. 115:241. Codex Venetus (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 18:178. Dindorf's edition. Scholien (Ludwig) Rhein. Mus. 32:1, 160. Equestrianism in the Dolomeia (Per- rin) Am. Philol. Assoc. 16: 104. Geschichte, Composition (Brandt) Jahrb. Philol. v. 131, 133, 137, 139. Griechen irn Troerland und (Sittl) Philologus 44: 201. Grote's theory of structure (Packard) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1876:24. Historical sources (Perrin) Am. J. Philol. 8:415. Notion abstracte de force divine (Mo- nin) Crit. Philos. II : 3 : 83. Rhapsodising of (Jevons) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 291. Odysseus Sendung nach Chryse (Diint- zer) Jahrb. Philol. 129: 793. Schiffskatalog. Apollodor und Strabo (Niese) Rhein. Mus. 32:267. -Interpolation (Lehrs) Rhein. Mus. 17: 481 ; (Christ) Jahrb. Philol. 123 : 145- - Interpunktion(Cauer) Rhein. Mus. 44:347. - Language (Sayce) Mahaffy, Greek litera- ture 1 : apjp. Margites ( Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 11 : 498. - Mythical phrases furnishing materials of. Cox, Aryan mythology 1 : 241. Nautisches zu (Breusing) Jahrb. Philol. 131:81; 133:81; 135:1. - Necyomantie. Sainte-Croix, Mysteres du paganisme 2:236. - Odyssey. Bk. 1-7 ( Scotland) Jahrb. Philol. 133:522; 135:153. - Bk. 3. Zwei Lieder (Anton) Rhein. Mus. 18:91. Bk. 5 u. d. proemium d. Bk. 1 ( Wegiier) Philologus 35 : 410. Homerus. 231 Horatius Flaccus. -- Bk. 7. Interpolationen (Anton) Rhein. Mus. 18:416. -- Bk. 8. Bemerkungen (Anton) Rhein. Mus. 19:288- - Bk. 10:81-86 (Packard) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1874:31. -- Bk.l3,17(Reichert) Halle Univ. Diss.v.4. -- Fayyum ms. (l^andwehr) Philologus 44:585. -- Hadesfahrt(Scotland)Philologus45:569 -- Hayman's edition (Paley) Jour. Philol. 5:101. Monuments relating to (Harrison) J. Hellenic Stud. 4 : 248. -- Nausikaaepisode (Marx) Rhein. Mus. 42:251. -- Scholien. Codex Hamburg (Ludwich) Rhein. Mus. 33 : 439. -- Untersuchungen (Scotland) Philologus v. 44-46. Palaces (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:264. Personal existence. Priestley, Theol. and misc. works 23 : 505. Place in classical education (Gladstone) Oxford essays 1857. Probleme (Week) Jahrb. Philol. 129:145; 131:4<>7; 137 :T,. Pseudo-archaic words( Paley) Jour. Philol. 6:114. Religion, composition. Constant de Re- becque, De la religion 3 : 409-472. Schicksal(Friedliinder) Rundschau 46:309. Schiffahrt in H. Zeit (Pierson) Rhein. Mus. 16:82. Syntax. Beitriige(Capelle) Philologus 36: 193. Theology. Blackie, Horae Hellenicae. Translation. Arnold, Essays in criticism. - Wilson (J:) Essays 4 : 1-399. -- Bodmer's. Herder, Werke 2 : 163. -- Chapman's (Regel) Engl. Stud. 5: 1,295. -- Le Conte de Lisle's. Boissieu, Lettres (1'un passant 2: 35. -- Klotzen's Briefe. Herder, Werke v. 14. Useof di gam in a. Dunbar, Greek prosody. Zeit (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 36:380- Zeitalter (Hecht) Jahrb. Philol. 137:793. Zoology (Sachs) Amer. Phil. Ass. 17: 17. Zur Krklarung (Gemoll) Jahrb. Philol. v. 131, 133. Homeyer, Carl Gustav. (Brunner) Preuss. Jahrb. 36: 18. Honduras. Colonization, 1883. Pams. travel v. 4. - Laud laws, 1889. U. 8. Consular report 105. Honesty. - Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 25. Honor. Bacon. I. t>> Whately 541. 1'n.tection \tjUM (Beaus-irc) Uev. d. d. Mimics III :.Hl : ^-{. Honorc, Histoire littcraire de la France v. !'_'. Honoiios, A. I-'.. Honxin i-ni)>eror. 384-423. Hood, Ilciliin. Xf-- Holiiii Hood. Hood, Samuel, nilmiral. 17'J 1H14. Ixxlge. Portrait- v. I. HOOd, Tlioma-. fQtt, 17:i- 1 - 1 >. Rosflvtti. l-'aiii'-ii- poets. Stediiian. Victorian poets. Whipple. Kssays. Hook, James C. British painters of 19. century. Hook, Theodore E. 1788-1841. Smiles. Brief biographies. Hooker, Gen. Joseph. 1814-79. Headley. Grant and Sherman 360. Hooker, Richard, theologian. 1553-1600. Coleridge. English divines v. 1. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Walton. Choice English biography; Hooker's Works v. 1. - Whipple. Literature of age of Elizabeth. Hooper, William. 1742-90. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 7 Hope, Thomas C:, chemist. 1766-1844. (Traill) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:419. Hope. Cowper. Poems. Pleasures of. Campbell. Poems. Possibility de me"sure (Tarde) Rev. Philos. 10:150, 2G4. Hopeite. (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:107. Hopkins, Stephen. 1707-85. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 6. Hopklnson, Francis. 1737-91. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 2. Hopton, Ralph, lord. 1598- Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Horatius Flaccus, Ci. B. C. 65-8. Lachniann. Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Suetonius. Lives. Tiraboschi. Letteratura it alia na 1 : 291. Abfassungszeit der Gerdichte (Teuffel) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:93, 208. Arspoetica. Nettleship, Lectures; Jour. Philol. 12:43. Vico. Note (Opere; .ed. Ferrari 6: 52). Komposition (Fritzsche) Philologus 44:88. Ausgabe d. Eruquius (Zangemeister) Rhein. Mus. 19:321. Canon der Ly rik (Gebhardi) Jahrb. Philol. 122:161. Epistolae. Bk. 1:1, 7 (Drewes) Jahrb. Philol. 113 : 705. 16-18 (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 23:66. German translators. Herder, Werke 1:450 Geschichtliche u. d. Anspielungen im (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Handschriftenklasse (Keller) Rhein. Mus. 33:1.'. Horatiana (Housman) Jour. Philol. 18: 1. (Mtinro) Jour. Philol. 9: 211. Imitator of Menippus? (Howe) Halle I'niv. l>i-s. v. 4. Interpolationen (Srlnvt-nck) Hhein. Mu-. 15:239. Life; poems. NettU-liip, Lecture-. Maenius, I'antolahu-. Nonientaiius ( 11,'cker) llhein. Mus. N. I; 1 ..". Mi ' is, Servius) Keil, (irammat. Lat. v. J ;. Ode- rr,art-.-li).lalirb. Philol. Ill :7(H. Auslegung (Biichelcr) Hhein. MILS. M Hk. 1:4,25 (Phiss) Jahrl.. Philol. r.'7 : 493: Bk.--':-J-) Jahrb PhiM. 119:209. Bk. :{:<;. Uider-.t, OeOTTM ' I I- Horatius Flaccus. 232 Houston. Bk. 4 : 8 ( Verrall) Jour. Philol. 17 : 145. Rpode 9 (Faltin) Jahrb. Philol. 131:617 Glossen (Keller) Rhein Mus. 18:271. Symmetrische Bau (Prien) Rhein. Mus. 13*321 Zur ErklJirung (Pulss) Jahrb. Philol. 133:115- Poetische Attributen. Herder, Werke 3:94. Realistische Bemerkungen (JUger) Jahrb. Philol. 123:337. Regulusode. Bedeutung (Teuber) Jahrb. Philol. 139:417. Rettungen und Erliiuterungen. Herder, Werke 3: 320. Lessing. Werke 4 : 7. Sabine farm. Classical Jour. 30: 216. ( Boi.ssier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 57 : 758 Satires. Bk. 1:3 (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 121 : 249. Bk. 2:3(Kammer) Jahrb. Philol. 111:61 Sermon. 11:5 (Bliimmer) Rhein. Mus. Studien (Fritzsche) Philologus 35:477. Style. Ellis, Criticisms of Catullus 227. Traducteurs (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7:90. Vocabula graecanica in (Zarncke) Jahrb. Philol. 123:785. Vorwort (Keller) Rhein. Mus. 19:211. Horn (King), poem. Gebrauch d. Tempora u. Modi (Rudolph) Herrig's Archiv 74:257. Studien (Wissmann) Anglia 4 : 342-400. Horn childe and maiden Rimnild. Auchinleck ms. (Caro) Engl. Stud. 12: 323. Horses. Adams. Horsemanship. Hamerton. Chapters on animals. .1:1 hi is. Ross und Reiter in Leben d. Deutschen. Xenophon. De re equestri. Arab, in France (Vidalin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:56:430. Bankes' bay horse in a trance. Percy Society v. 9. Courses en France (Clave) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 59: 502. English. Scenes du turf (Esquiros) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 36: 257. Fossil remains from America (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869:559. Hipparion mediterraneum (Hensel) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1860. in d. Romanischen u. Englischen (Brink- mann) Herrig's Archiv 50:123. Production en France (Magne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 89: 719. Rennbahn. Partheyen (Wilken) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. - Tattersall's. Knight, London v. 6. - Trotting. Evolution (Brewer) Am. J. Sci. 111:25:299. - Transport-e'curie. Ventilation (Bertin) Paris, Mm. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Horsley, John C. British painters of 19. century. Horticulture. See Gardening. Horv;ith, Cvrill. - Philosophisches System (Nemes) Zts. Philos. 88:63. Hosmer, Harriet G., sculptor. 1830- Ellet. Women artists. Hospitality. in Alter thum(lhering) Rundschau 51: 357. Roman. Mommsen, Romische Forschun- gen v. 1. Hospitals. Seealso Asylums, Charity, Nurses. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 2. of London, Paris (Husson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 65:305. of Paris (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:88:513. of Turin (Villerme) Acad. Sci. Mor. 50: 151. Scottish endowed. Grant, Recess studies. Hostages au 16. siecle(Desjardins) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:238. Hotman, Francois, French jiirist. 1524-90. (Dareste) Revue Hist. 2:1, 367. Hottentots. et leur religion (Ploix) Rev. Anthrop. Ill : 2:570. du jardin d'acclimatation (Deniker) Rev. Anthrop. 111:4:1. Marchen (Liebrecht) Zts. Volkerps. 5 : 58. Native name of race (Wedgwood) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1866:6. Houdetot, E. F. S. de la Live de Bellegarde, comtesse. 1730-1813. Lives of Rousseau. (Selden) Revue Nationale 22:88. House. See also Architecture, Home. American indian (Morgan) Contrib. Amer. Ethnol. v. 4. de 1'ouvrier (Rochard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:87:393. Amelioration (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131 : 193. a Rouen et Lille. Acad. Sci. Mor. 19 : 221. for the poor (Raff alovich) Jour. Econ. IV : 25:208. German, in 1700. Freytag, Bilder. Hygiene. Annual cyclopaedia 1880. (Lyster) Mich. Bd. Health 1877:47. Greek and Roman. Works by Becker, Montfaucon, St. John, Stoll. Homeric (Jebb) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 170. Modern rented. Bevb'lkerungsdichtigkeit (Wasserfuhr) Rundschau 50:209. Moral influences. Boyd, Recreations 235. Tartar. Bodenstedt, Schriften 2 : 87. Westfalische Bauern-(Heyne) Germania 10 : 95. House of commons (Great Britain). Seealso Parliament. (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 70 : 891. (Laugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:99:269. - Inner life,1854(Spellen)Pams.historyv.l4. Procedure rules, 1883(Oppenheim) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:342. Ursprung (Riess) Hist Zeits. 60: 1. House of lords (Great Britain). (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 77 : 161. Harrington. Oceana. Salisbury. Speeches. 1882-5. Drift of government (Moses) Overland II: 5:239. Reform (Geffcken) Rundschau 57:116. - Value. Bentham, Works 4:419. Houston, Gen. Sam. 1793-1863. Bancroft. North Mexican states and Texas. Houtteville. 233 Hugo. Houtteville, Cl. Fs., abbt. 1688-1742. Alembert. Oeuvres 10 : 177. Houwald, C. E. von, dramatist. 1778-1845. Borne. Werke 4 : 42, 52, 147, 197. Howard, C:, 1st earl of Nottingham. 1536- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Howard, Frances (Stuart), duchess of Rich- mond. 1594-1632. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Howard, G: W: F:. earl of Carlisle. 1802-64. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Whitty. Political portraits. Howard, H:, earl of Northampton. 1539- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey. See Surrey. Howard, J ohn, philanthropist. 1726-90. Bayne. Christian life. Howard, O. O., general. 1830- Headley. Grant and Sherman 538. Charges against. U. S. House Com. Rep. 1869-70, v. 3. Howard, Philip, earl of Arundel. 1557-95. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Howard, T:, earl of Arundel and Surrey. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Howard, T:, 4th duke of Norfolk, d. 1572. Bayley. Tower of London. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Howard, T:, earl of Suffolk. 1561- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Howard, W:, viscount Stafford. See Stafford. Howe, Richard, earl, admiral. 1725-99. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Howe, William, general. 1725-1814. Galloway's exposure of. Cobbett, Porcu- pine's works 10 : 275. Howella, W: Dean. 1837- as a novelist (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:634. (Phelps) Californian 1 :42. (Schonbach) Rundschau 47:95. Howland, John. 1757-1854. (Hall) Rhode Island Hist. Soc. v. 1. Huber, Marie. 1695-1753. - Vie. peuvres, the'ologie (Metzger) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 1. Huchown, poet. (Trautmann) Anglia 1 : 109, 188. Hudson, Henry, nariitntor. About 1560-1611. Belkitap. EaiijF discoverers 113. (Cleveland (Sparks' Atncr. biography v. 10. Third voyage (Juet) N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. Hudson, Sir Henry. Curlyle. Latter day pamphlets. Hudson river. I'.ryant. I'irtun-xijue America v. 2. Dutch oommnnittM on (Kiting) J. H. Univ. Hist. Stud. v. 4. Guide, 1863. Pamphlets on travel v. 3. Hudson's bay. Alert expedition, 1825(MncNaughtou) Al- bany lust, Trans. ll:-'l!i. Hudson's bay company. Barrows. Oregon 33. Douglas*. North America 1 : 273. - Duflot de If ofraa. Exploration 2 : 165. 30 Gray. History of Oregon. Greenhow. History of Oregon and Cali- fornia. Hind. Red river exploration 2:206. Huet, P: D., bishop of Awanches. 1630-1721. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 253. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 2 : 163. et 1'abbe" Flottes (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 20: 1011. Huger, Daniel ~E., jurist. 1779-1854. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 90. Hugh de Avaion, St., bishop of Lincoln. Froude. Short studies v. 2. Giraldus Cambrensis. Vita (Opera v. 7. Rolls chronicles, 21). Magna vita (Rolls chronicles, 37). Hughes, John, archbishop. 1798-1864. Brownson. Works 14 : 485. Hughes, Thomas. 16th. century. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 13 : 258. Hughes, Thomas. 1823- Tom Brown's school days (Kares) Engl. Stud. 6:327; 7:387. (Monte'gut) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:16:350. Hugo, Gustav, jurist. 1764-1844. (Mejer) Preuss. Jahrb. 44:457. Hugo, Victor Marie. 1802-85. (Abrest) Unsere Zeit 1885 : 2 : 159- Baudelaire. Oeuvres 3 : 311, 395. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 3, 5. Critique Philosophique N. S 1 : 388. Faguet. Etudes litt. sur le 19. siecle. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4:53. Matthews. French dramatists. Mirecour. Contemporains. (Monod) Revue Hist. 28: 332. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries, index. Stapfer. Racine et Victor Hugo. als Komanschriftsteller (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1870:1: 843; 2:191. Ann^e terrible (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 100: 439. Antithesis bei(Marquart) Herrig's Archiv 5:64. Chausons des rues etdes bois (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 60: 1045. ( 'ha timens(Lagenevais) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:90:154. Commencemens d'un grand poete (Brun- etiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 57 : 186. Contemplations (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:3:413. Deutsche Kritik (Sarrazin) Herrig's Archiv 74:447. et Shakespeare(Lagardie)Rev.Nat.l7:357. Ktude sur (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v r>- 1 1 :.'i: 1 1!>. Poete et songeur (Renouvier) Crit. Hist. N. 8. v. Hugo. 234 Hume. Poetry (Alexander) Afternoon lectures v.2. Dowden. Studies in literature. Swinburne. Poems and ballads 166; aho Choice Lit. 2:230. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 :881. Uuatrevingt-treize (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. M oiides 111:2:201. (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 5: 113. Religions et religion (Renouvier) Crit. Relig. 3: 190. Torquemada (Ganderax) Rev. a. d. Mondes 111:52:214. Travailleurs de la mer (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:63:482. Hugo de Bregi. Lieder (Engeloke) Herrig's Arch. 75: 147. Hugo ron Laiujcnsttin. Martina. Quellennachweise zu (Kohler) Germania 8 : 15. Hugo of Pitta, archbp. of Nicosie. Revue Historique 5:68. Hugo von Trimberg. Leben und Schriften (Janicke) Germania 2:363. Renner. Fabeln (Janicke) Herrig's Archiv32:161. Handschriftenverhaltniss (Ehrisman) Germania 30: 129; 31:315. Weltanschauung (Janicke) Germania 5: 385. Huguenots. See aho Camisards, Massacre of St. Bartholomew. Nantes (Edict of), Satyre Menippe"e, Waldenses. Schiller. Werke 11:63. Sully. Memoirs. (Weiss) Acad.Sci.Mor. 20: 101, 257; 21:69- Conjuration d'Amboise (Paillard) Rev. Hist. v. 14. Emigration (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:699. in Boston. Winsor, Boston 2 : 249. in England, 1618-88. Camden Society, 82. in Florida. Parkman, Pioneers of France. in New England (Winthrop) Pams. his- tory v. 9. in Rhode Island. R. 1. Hist. Soc. Proc. 1885-6. Influence en Ame'rique, en Hollande (Weiss) Acad. Sci. Mor. 24:285; 25:309; 26:91,431. M6moires d'un famille. Me>irne"e, M6- langes historiques. Hugues. See also Hugh, Hugo. Hugues, abbot of Clugny. 1024-1109. Histoire litt^raire de la France v. 9. Hugues, archbishop of Lyons, d. 1106. Histoire littt-raire de la France v. 9. Hugues Capet, king of France. 946-996. Histoire (Monod)'Rev. Hist. 27:241. Hugues tVAmietis, archbishop of Rouen, d. 1164 Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 12. Hugues de St. Victor, d. 1140. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 12. Hugues de St. Marie, monk of Fleury. d. 1125. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 10. Humanism. Histories of the renaissance by: Burck- hardt, Symonds, etc. Creuzer. Luther und Grotius. - Florentine. Reumont, Lorenzo de'Medici 1:388. German (Weber) Preuss. Jahrb. 61:470. Greek. Benn, Greek philosophers ch. 2. Humanity. See Man. Humanity, Religion of. See Positivism. Humboldt, F: H: Alex, von, naturalist. 1769- 1859. Alison. Essays : political 3 : 169. Gegenwart8:749. Grimm (Hn). Neue Essays. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 1:93. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 37. Lieber. Miscellaneous writings v. 1. Martineau. Biographical sketches. at the court of Berlin. Houghton, Mono- graphs. Biider vor d. Kgl. Universitat zu Berlin (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 51 : 641. Denkmaler (Du Bois Raymond) Rund- schau 37:71. Einflussaufd.Naturwissenschaft. Preuss. Jahrb. 2:44- Erinnerung (Schleiden) Uns. Zeit 1869: 2:481. Kosrnos (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 14:693. Lettres intimes (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:28:58. Humboldt, K: W: von,philologist. 1767-1835. Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- wissenschaft. (Bruchrnann) Rundschau 41:400. Gervinus. Geschichte d. 19. Jahr. 8 : 1 : 49. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 18: 212. and Charlotte Diede. Calif ornian 4 : 526. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 68 : 200. Humboldt bay, California. Improvement; Map. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1882-3, v. 21. Hume, David. 1711-76. Brougham. Men of letters 2:195. (Espinas) Revue Philos. 11: 113; 12: 118. Fischer. Bacon und Nachfolger 730. Grimm-Diderot. Correspond ance. - Maurice. Moral etc. philosophy 2: 560. Morris. British thought and thinkers. (Noire") Kant. Pure reason; tr. by Miiller 1:329. Schlosser. History of 18. century 2:73. Staudlin. Geschichte d. Skepticismus 2: 139. - Villemain. Litte"rature au 18. siecle 2 : 361. Histories of philosophy by : Lewes, Ritter (12 : 287), Windelband (1 :313). and Rousseau. Walpole, Works v. 2. Autobiography. In his History of En- gland. Death. Christian's Magazine 1:294. Enquiry. Sceptical positions (Kirwan) Roy. Irish. Trans, v. 8. - Human nature. Green(T: Hill), Works v.l. Kant und, urn 1762 (Erdmann) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:62, 216. Metaphysical writings. Priestley, Theol. and misc. works. - Thornton. Old fashioned ethics. Philosophical scepticism. Seth, On the Scottish philosophy. Pr6tendu scepticisme (Cornpevre") Revue Philos. 8:449. - Vie et Merits (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 6:107. Hume. 235 Huon de Bourdeaux. Hume, Joseph. 1777-1855. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Humor. See also Caricature, Satire, Wit. Seattle. Works v. 6. Besant. French humorists. Emerson. Letters and social aims. American. Nichols, Amer. literature ch. 12 and wit distinguished. Coleridge, Lec- tures on Shakespeare 2: 74. Art of punning. Swift, Works. 1814. 13:399. Begriff in d. modernen Aesthetik (Hart- niann) Philos. Monatsh. 22:449. Court jesters. Rand, Chaucer's England 1:263. dans 1'esprit et dans 1'art (Le'veque) Rev. d. d. MondesII:47:107. dans 1'esthe'tique allemande (B<5nard) Rev. Philos. 10:241; 12:256. Hobson's jests. Percv Society v. 9. Joca monachorum. Romania 1:483;5:230. Psychologie der Komik (Kraepelin) Phi- los. Studien 2 : 128, 327. (Lipps) Philos. Monatsh. v. 24-25. Robin Goodfellow's mad pranks. Percv Soc. v. 2. Humphreys, Andrew A. 1809-83. Nat. Acad. Sci., Biogr. memoirs v. 2. Humphreys, David, poet. 1753-1818. Green. American revolution 397. Hungarian language. Bowring. Poetry of the Magyars. (Meerheimb) Herrig's Archiv 53:49. Nature(Pulzyky)Philol.Soc. Proc. 1858:21. Recent history (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855:285. use of passive participle. Zeits. Volker- psych. 3:21*;; 4:77. Verbal affixes (Pulzyky) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1859:97. Hungarian literature. Periodische(Paloczy)Uns.Zeit 1882:2:873. Hungary. K.'itvos. Nationalitatenfrage. Kau t z. VnlkswirthschaftlicheldeeninH. Universal history: modern 32:99- Deutsche Ansiedelung. Uns.Zeit 1859:172. " Deutschenhetze," 1881. Preuss. Jabrb. 47:&2L et 1'alimentation de 1'Europe (Bontoux) Rev. d. d. Mori. I.- II :::;: 467. et les partis magyars, 1872 (Sayous) Rev. d. d. Hondo II :!*!' Gesi-11-.i-li.-nt. Rundschau 43:369. . Hn.wns,,,,, Works 16:17*. 209. Davis, ( >rmuz: 465. Huntingdon, Srlina. countess of. 1707-91. Newman. Kssays : critical etc. v. 1. Huntlngton, Daniel. - Slu'ldon. American |>ai liters. -- Tuckurman. Artist-life. Huntlngton, Samuel. 1732-9fi. SaiitltTsini. si^nt-rs of the declaration v. 4. Huon de Bourdeaux: romance. - Klriiu-nt historique tie (Longnon) Roma- nia H: 1. Verhiiltniss des Ortnit (Hummel) II. i- Archiv60:295. Hurley. 236 Hymns. Hurley, Very Ret: Michael. 1780-1837. (Westcott) Am. Catholic Hist. Soc. 1:165. Huron! an group. (Irving) Pains, geology v. 2. HUBS, John. 1373-1415. See also Constance (council), histories of Bohemia and the reformation. Duller. Manner des Volks 3 : 1. Fox. Acts and monuments v. 3. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1: 13. Lea. History of inquisition 2 : 506. Lieber. Great events. Mailatb. Geschichte d. Magyaren 2 : 152. Stenzel. Geschichte v. Preussen 1 : 173. Hutcheson, Francis, philosopher. 1694-1747. Histories of philosophy by: Cousin (4: 30-190). Philosophic (Espinos) Rev. Philos. 11 : 131. Hutchinson, Mrs. Anne. 1591-1643. Antinomian controversy (Upham) Sparks' Amer. biography 4 : 122. Life (Ellis) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 16. Hutchinson, John^'ud^e of Charles I. d. 1664. Jeffrey. Essays. Hutten, Ulrich von. 1488-1523. Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 1. Preussische .Tahrb. 1 :487. SchrOder. Klassisches Studium in Deutschland 241. Wieland. Werke 35:250. Epistolae obscurorum virorum. Hamil- ton (Sir W:), Discussions 204. Button, James, M.D. 1726-97. (Play fair) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 5. Button, William, bookseller. 1723-1816. Hunt. Book for a corner 218. Huysmans, Joris K: 1848- Lemaitre. Contemporains 1 : 311. Hyacinthe. See Loyson (C:). Hyazinth, Prim. (Braui)) Preuss. Jahrb. 24:423. Hyde, E: 1st earl of Clarendon. See Clarendon. Hyde abbey, England. Chronicon (Rolls chronicles, 45). Hydraulics. See also Fluids, Hydrodynam- ics, Rivers, Water. Helmholtz. Wissenschaftliche Abhand- , lungen v 1. Ecoulement a travers les orifices agrandes dimensions (Poncelet, Lesbros) Paris, Mini. Savans Etrang. 3 : 242 ; 13 : 1. Geschwindigkeit d. stromenden Wassers (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1871. in verschiedenen Tiefen (Hagen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1883. - Mouvement des eaux dans les reservoirs a alimentation variable (Graff) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 21 : 393. Hydrocephalus. (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Hydrodynamics. See also Fluids, Turbines, Water wheels. Ausfluss durch vertikale etc. Offnungen (Eytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Bewegung des Wassers (Eytelwein) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1814-15; 1818-19. - in Stromen (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1 - v in cylindrischen Leitungen (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1869, v. 2. Ecoulement des eaux (Graeff) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 28. Laws of certain phenomena (Russell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:47. Mouvement de 1'eau dans les tuyaux (Darcy) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 15: 141. ' New fundamental equation (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:31. Stellung, welche drehbare Planscheiben in stromendem Wasser einnehmen (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. The"orie des eaux courantes (Boussinesq) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 23, 24. Hydrofluoric acid. (Gore) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869: 173. Hydrogen. Aeriform compounds of charcoal and (Henry) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1821 : 136. Arse"niures(Sobeiran) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 3 : 184. Carbon compounds (Faraday) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825 : 440. Phosphuretted (Graham) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13:88. Hydrogenium. Physical constants (Dewar) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27: 167. Hydroida. Genetic succession of zooids( All- man) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26: 97. Hydrometer. See also Fluids (Specific gravity). Baume" (Chandler) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v.3. Methode pour graduer (Pouillet) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 32:793. Hydromotor. (Werner) Unsere Zeit 1882 : 1 : 621. Hydrophobia. Inoculation against (Pas- teur) Pop. Sci. 28 : 289. Hydroxylamine. Benzylderivate (Walder) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Hygieia, divinity. (Wroth) J. Hellenic Stud. 5 : 82. Hygiene. See Health. Hyginus, Caius Julius. Astronomicon. Altfranzos. Bearbeitung (Bunte) Herrig's Archiv 56:155. Cornelius Nepos oder? (Lupus) Jahrb. Philol. 125:379. Tabulae. Bemerkungen ( linger) Philolo- gus35:278; 46:210. Hygrometer. - Adjustable hair (Koppe)Pams. science v.3. Moist bulb( Apjohn ) Roy. Irish Trans.v. 17. - New (Connell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 15. Hygrometry. -Methods(Shaw)Roy.Soc.Trans.l79:A:73. Hymenoptera. See Ants, Bees. Hymns. and hymn writers (Pearson) Oxford es- says 1858. Berlines Gesangbuch. Schleiermacher, Werke 1:5: 627. Christian Latin, 1500. Milman, Latin Christianity v. 8. Schaft. Christian church 4 : 402. Greek (Dilthey) Rhein. Mus. 27:375. Hyopotamidae. 237 Icelandic literature. Hyopotamidae. Osteology (Kowalewsky) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873 : 19. Hypatia of Alexandria, d. A. D. 415. Goldsmith. Works ed. by Prior 1:46. Kingsley. Hypatia (fiction). Hyperides, Attic orator. Oratio funebris(Comparetti) Rhein. Mus. 13:533. (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :a5:80. Rede gegen Demosthenes (Blass) Hermes 10:23. Hyperbola. See also Conies, Curves. Arcs. Comparison (Merrifield) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:171. Hypnotism. See also Mesmerism, Somnam- bulism. Braid. Neurypnologie. Hall. Aspects of German culture 134. Maudsley. Pathology of mind. Society for physical research, Proc. Actes inconscients (Janet) Rev. Philos. 22:577. Anesthsie systematise^ (Janet) Rev. Phi- los. 23:449." Braidisme(Lasegue)Rev.d.d.Mondes III: 47:914. chez les hyste>iques (Binet, F6r6) Rev. Philos. 19:1. Entdeckung ( Preyer) Rundschau 26 : 229- et p<$dagogie(Bluin)Crit.Philos.N.S.4:375. et responsibility (Binet, F6re) Rev. Philos. 19:265,369. Influence de 1'eclucation (Delbceuf ) Rev. Philos. 22:146. Theorie (Wernicke) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 11 : 308. Hypocrisy. Hazlitt. Sketches. Hyponltrlc anhydride. Action on organic bodies (Leeds) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Hopostomidae. (Kncr) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl.v. 7. Hypothesis. See aUo Knowledge. Against confidence in speculation. Glan- vil, Essays. Conditions des H.s<5rieuses( Naville) Rev. Pbilos. 3:371. Deconjecturi.s. NicolausCusanus, Opera. Exclusives (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Place dans la science (Naville) Rev. Phi- los. 2:49, 113. les sciences mathrnatiques (Lechelas) Criti<|uc I'hilos. 6:81. Prinripfs directeurs (Naville) Rev. Philos. 1 Ii:5, -2> V,. Transformation of ( Whewell)Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 9: [139J. Hypsilophodon. Foxii. Osteology (Hulke) Roy. Hoc. Trans. ma ton Hytaspes. umt Bactria (Spiegel) Hist. Zeits. 44:1. lasos (lassos). . M ks) J. Hellenic Stud. 8: 83. IbH. Mimics (Pearson) Roy. Soc. Trans. of Ovid (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 7:244 ; 14:93. Ibn Gebirol. See Avicebron. Ibn Roschd. See Averroes. Ibn Sina. See Avicenna. Ibsen, Henrik, poet. 1828- (Brahm) Rundschau 49: 193. Grosse. Literature of northern Europe. (Sierke) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 2: 185. Strodtmann. Geistliche Leben in Dane- mark. (Zabel) Unsere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 513. Ibycus of Rhegium. Carmina. Schneidewin's ed. Rhein. Mus. 2:211. Icaria. See also works on Communism. (Shaw) Pams. social science v. 2. Ice. See also Glaciers, Refrigeration, Snow. at bottom of running water (Farquhar- son) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835:329; 1841:37. Expansive force (Williams) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2 : 23. Formation. Arago, Oeuvres 8 : 147. Greenland or polar. Scoresby, Artie regions. Industry (Hall) U. S. 10th. census v. 22. Physical properties (Tyndall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:211. Plasticit^ (MacConnell) Rev. Sci. 43:353. Purity (Heyroth) Berlin, Kgl. Gesund- heitsamt, Arbeiten v. 4. Ice-machines. Le Doux. Ice-making machines. Schwarz. Eis-u. Kiihlmaschinen. Iceland. Bibliography. British Museum, Cata- logue of books printed in Iceland. Mallet. Northern antiquities. Cotes; pOche de la morue (Aragon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11:711. in 900. Dasent, Story of Burnt Njal. in 1872. Unsere Zeit 1873 : 2 : 600- Oc<5an islandais (Babinet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:12:122. Resources (Peirce) Pams. on travel v. 1. Topographie (Maurer) Germania 24 :88. Verkehr mit dem Siiden, A. D. 800-1300. ( Maurer) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2 : 440. Zeit d. Heidenthumes (Leo) Hist. Tasch- enbuch 1835. Icelandic (Old Norse) language. Brechnung und Umlaut (Edzardi) Beitr. deut. Sprache4: i:\~2. Consonant declension (Primer) Am. J. Philol. 2:30, 118. Laute to, io,iu (Dietrich) Germania 12:385 NeuisHimlisch.es Grammatik (Olsen) Ger- m.-iiiia 27 :'_'.">7. Origin of Knglish are (Lottner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1860-1. Icelandic literature. See alto Kdda, Kyr- biggja, Krithiof. (Jrail, Hflgi, llervarar, Magus, Njals. ofla, Volsunga. Freybe. Alt-lrut-rhes Leben v. 1. Howitt Literature of northern Europe. MetrallV. Kngli*hmun ami Sfandinaviaii. Vigfusson. Sttirltinga saga: proU-go- Wheaton. History of the Northmen. Apocrypha (MMurcr)Qernuuiia i.';:.v.': 207. Icelandic literature. 238 Ignorance. Er Norclcns gnmle Literatur.islandskeller nordisk? (Jessen) Tidskr. Philol. 8:213. Prostuthingsbok. Textgeschichte(Araira) Germania 32: 129. Lieder( Rudolf) Herrig's Archiv 78:43, 16o. Living authors. 1882. Cornell Library 1:78. Recent ( Fiske) Berkeley Quar. '2 : 74. Sammlung wlintyri (Cederschiold) Ger- niania 25: 129. Iconoclasm. Finlay. History of Greece. Joannes Damascenus. Opera 1 : 1227. Motley. Dutch republic. Schiller. Revolt of Netherlands bk. 4. Ida, St., countess of Boulogne. - Uffing. Vita(P'ertz,Me^n.Gerru.,Scr.,v.2). Idaho. Kirchhotf. Reisebilder v. 1. Pacific Railroad explorations v. 12. U.8.Geol.Survey(Hayden's)Reports6:ll. Iddesleigh. See Northcote. Idealism. See also Realism. Berkeley (G:). Works. Brownson. Works 2 : 284. Collier. Clavis universalis. Ferrier. Works v. 3. Graham. Idealism. (Janet) Revue Philos. 3 :32. (Milsand) Critique Philos. 17:328,378. Trendelenburg. Logische Untersuchun- gen 2:511. Webb. Veil of Isis : essays. and realism. Hegel, Werke 17 : 229. Lehre. Schopenhauer, Werke 5 : 3. Berkeley's. Stewart, Philosophical essays 53. Collier's. Hamilton (Sir W:), Discussions. der Wissenschaftslehre. Schelling, Werke 1:1:343. Dorguth's Kritik. Feuerbach, Werke 2 : ,137. Equivoques de la question. Critique Phi- los. 15: 190. 241. German (Dieterich) Revue Philos. 21:59. Schmidt Deutsche Literatur 1 : 266. Grundfragen (Spir) Vierteli. wissens. Philos. v. 3-4. in Sprachwissenschaft (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerps. 1 : 291. Leibnitz und (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 55: 151. Modern. Strong, Philosophy and religion 'V Physiology of the sense organs. Lange, Materialism 3:202, 335. Swedish ( Hoffding) Philos. Monats. 15:193. Transcendental and metaphysical (Leh- 11 1 an ii) Philos. Monatsh. 18:346. Bemerkungen (Bergmann) Philos. Monatsh. 19:39,542. System. Schelling, Werke 1:3:327- 10:73. Verhaltniss zur Piidagogik. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 11:319. Ideas. See also Abstraction, Instinct, In- tuition, Memory, Perception, Thought. Bascom. Problems in philosophy. Green. Spiritual philosophy 1 : 194. Hartley. Conjecturae. Holbach. Systeme de la nature 1 : 168. Hume. Human nature pt. 1. Plato. Parmenides. Rosmini-Serbati. Origin of ideas. Abstract. Geschichte und Theorie (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 2: 161. and general. Formation. Grit. Philos. N.S.I: 118, 178. Association of. Coleridge, Biographia lit- eraria 1 : 211. Mill. Hamilton's philosophy 1:307. (Noel, Paulhan, Rabier) Crit Philos. N. S. v. 1-2. . _ (Penjon) Critique Philos. 19: 133. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works. Stewart. Philosophy of human mind ch. 5. _ _ ( Wahle) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 9 : 404. (Wills) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21. et la synthese psychique (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 25: 32. Experimentelle Untersuchungen (Trautscholdt) Philos. Stud. 1:213. Loi de similarity (Brochard) Rev. Philos. 9:257. Causes of. Helve"tius, De l'esprit(Oeuvres v. 1-4). Etude sur (Alaux) Acad. Sci. Mor. 63 : 105. forces. Philosophic (Fouille'e) Rev. Philos. 8:1. Formation (Schmitz-Dumont) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 10:42- Geschichte d.rhetorischen I-Lehre(Liers) Jahrb. Philol. 131:577. Innate. Rosmini-Serbati, Origin of ideas v. 2. Locke's theory. Gibbon, Miscellaneous works 1 : 436. Webb. Intellectualism of Locke. Theorie Spenceriste (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. 8.4:81. Origin of (Bouillier) Rev. Philos. 23 : 150. Luys. Brain and its functions 250. Plato's theory (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10 : 94. later theory (Jackson) Jour. Philol. v. 12-13. Sentiments et (Milsand) Crit. Philos. 17: 107, 139. True. Arnauld, Oeuvres philosophiques. Words and. Hartley, Observations on man 1 : 268. (Pillon) Critique Philos. 4:177. Identity (Personal). See also Ego, Person- ality. and diversity. Locke, Works. und Apriori (Staudinger) Viertelj. wis- sens. Philos. 13 : 51, 221, 289. Idiocy. See also Insanity. Origines et effets (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:25:75. Idleness. See also Industry. Frederick II. Oeuvres 45 : 11. Seneca. De otio. Idolatry. See also Worship. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Indian idols (Cadell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:381. Ignatius, St., bishop of Antioch. Carmichael. Early Christian fathers. Letters. Echtheitd. syrischen Recension ( Lepsius) Zts. hist. Theol. 26 : 1. Theology. Newman, Essays: critical v. 1. Ignorance. See Knowledge. Iguanodon. 239 Immortality. Iguanodon. Osteology (Mantell) Roy. Hoc. Trans. 1848: 183; 1849:271. Iguvine tables. See Eugubian. Iliad. See Honierus. Illegitimacy. See also Foundlings, Paternity. en Europe (Legoyt) Jour. Econ. 111:10: 177. Hliger, JohannC: W: 1775-1813. (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Illinois. in 1723. Lettres gdifiantes 6 : 166, 320 ; 7 : 99. in 1817. Fearon, Sketches of America 255. Present and future (Peabody) III. Univ. Report 1884. Illumination. Shaw. Handbook of illumination. Tymms. Art of illumination. Westwood. Anglo-Saxon and Irish mss. Illusions. See also Delusions, Perception, Senses. Emerson. Conduct of life. (Gurney) Mind 10:161; Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. pt. 8. Leibnitz. Opera philos. ed. Erdmann 443. Sully. Illusions. Philos. Monatsh. 22:250. Aesthetische (Siebeck) Zts. Volkerpsych. 10:1. Erreur et la selection (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 8:72- Luther's vision. Coleridge, The friend 1 : 187. Origin (Exner) Rev. Sci. 43:33. Recherches (Binet) Rev. Philos. 17:377- niyria. Freeman. Historical essays v. 3. Images. See. Idolatry, Iconoclasm. Introduction in "worship. Gibbon, De- cline and fall ch. 49. Imaginary quantities. Argand. Imaginary quantities. (Bute) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806:23. Truth of conclusions (Woodhouse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801. Imagination. See also Faith-healing, Illu- Mnn~, Reason. Ferrier. Works 3 : 515, 527. M.i It-bra nche. Search after truth bk. 2. More. Knthusiasmus triuinphatus. Stewart. Philosophy of human mind ch. 7. Tuke. Influence of the I. on the body. Culture of. Torrey, Theory of fine art. Kinhildtmgskraft der Dichter (Dilthey) Y.\~ Volki-rpsyrh. Id: VI. Wesen ( Meyer) Zts. V.ilkorpsych. 10: 26 uoryand. Beat tie. Works v. 1. Nature and genesis. Coleridge, Biogra- 1-hia liU-raria 1:279,370. Pleasures of. Akenside, Poems. Power and office. Ruskin, Modern point Scientific use of. Tyndull, Fragments of nee. Imbert, Bartln'-U-my, wet. 1747-90. Grimm-Diderot. Lorres|>ondance. Imitation. Stewart. Philosophy of human mindv.3. in painting. Reynolds, Discourses, no.*;. in the imitative arts. Adam Smith, Works v. &, Immaculate conception. Annuaire d. d. Mondes 5: 214. Anselm. Opera 1 : 431. Migne. Patrologia Lat. 159:301,319, 323. Immermann, K: L., dramatist. 1796-1840. Barthel. Deutsche National! iteratur 441 Gegenwart 3 : 486. Strauss (D: F:). Schrif ten 2 : 159. Dramen. Borne, Werke 4: 87, 110. Roman (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:14:753. Immigration. See also Emigration. Effect on labor. Wise. Bur. Labor Statis- tics, 2d report. en France (Llut) Acad.Sci. Mor. 79:209- Foreign contract labor. U. S. House Re- ports 1883-4, v. 2. into the United States (Marcel) Jour. Econ. 111:33:253. (Simonin)Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:1:376. German. Thompson, Church and state 160. Perils. Strong, Our country. Overhaste (Kellogg) Overland 11:5:15. Service (Wood worth) U. S. Senate Docs. 1873-4, v. 17. Immortality. See also Future life, Soul. Davy. Works 9: 313. (Dupont- White) Crit. Relig. 1:27. Emerson. Letters and social aims. Feuerbach. Gedanken (Werke v. 3, 10). Fries. Wissen, Glaubenund Ahndung. Graham. Creed of science. Holbach. SysKJme de la nature 1 : 275. Mendelssohn (Moses). Phaedon (Schrif- ten v. 1). More (H: of Cambridge). Opera philos- ophica. 1679. v. 2. Plato. Dialogues; tr. by Jowett, index. Richter. Selina; Campagner Thai. ( Renouvier) Crit. Relig. 1 : 184. Rutland Free Convention. Proc. Schneider. Unsterblichkeitslehre des Aristo teles. Smith (J: of Cambridge). Select dis- courses. Teichmiiller. Literarische Fehden 2 : 135 ; Platonische Frage. Christliche Begriff. Baader, Werke 4: -V.7. 423; 7:155. conditionnelle (Pe"tavel-011iff) Crit. Relig. 2:46,948. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 24 : 385; 25: 1- d'apres la Bible (PStavel-Olliff) Crit. Relig. 5 : 1. der alten Chinesen (Plath) Zt. deut. inor- genl. Gesell. v. 20. Deutsche Philosophic. Uns. Zeit 1868 : 1 : US; trlfla Doctrines physico-religieuses(Renouvier) Crit. 1'hilos. 8:81, 135, 145; 14:209. facultative (Ptavel-Olliff) Crit. Relig. 1 : I: 5:305; 7:1. Foi dans (G.) Crit. Relig. 5:332. Hypotheses dans la philosophic dVSvolu- t i(.n(<;uyau) Kev.d.il.Momlt- I II :77:17;. M.itrnaliMiir et (Har,sen) Crit. l'hil<>*. 7: Plato's argument. Becker, Philos. Sys- tem Platen's. Classical Jour. v. 21- Htiml.oldt (K: W:von). Werke v. 3. Packard. Studies in Greek thought. Immortality. 240 Indians of North America. Riimische Glaube. Friedlander, Rom. Sittengeschichte v. 3. Immunity me>ovingienne(FusteldeCoulan- ge.s) Rev. Hist. v. 23. Impeachment. Rogers. Protests of the lords. - Trial by (D wight) Law pams. v. 1. Impressment. Sre works on war of 1812. Improvisation. (Raoul-Rochette) Class. Jour. v. 15-16. Incasof Peru. Barlow. Vision of Columbus 81. Marmontel. Incas (drama). Civilization (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 12:5. Incarnation of Christ. - Augustine (St.). Letters 2: 178, 338. Barrow. Works 6 : 181. Bbhme. Werke v. 6. Brownson. Works 8 : 186 ; 14 : 141. Coleridge. Notes on English divines 2:255. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 47. G reen (T : H ill ). Works 3 : 207. India. Description and travel. See also Ben- gal, Calcutta, Caste, Cashmere, Ceylon, Himalaya. Twesten. Ideen d. asiast. Culturvolker. Ancient and modern (Pavie) Rev. d. d. Mondesll:v.3,4, 7-9, 13. Finances, 1883 (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV:22:237. in 1818-40. Asiatic Journal. in 1835. Ruschenberger, Voyage. in 1867 (Dunin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 81 : 5. in 1876-7. Famine. Caird, India. Progres mate'riels (Valbezen) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 7:870. Reisebriefe (Haeckel) Rundschau v. 30-33 Route par la valle'e de 1'Euphrate (Clave') Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 85 : 135. India. History and politics. Before 1857. Seelev. Expansion of England. Buddhist genesis of eastern. J. Amer. Orient. Soc. 4 : 103. dive's government (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 56. 57, 64, 65, 67. Decaen in. Rev. Hist. v. 15. English in. Preuss. Jahrb. 1 : 4. (Fridolin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :y. 6-8. Erste Kampf d. Franzosen u. Englander in (Roepetl) Hist. Taschenbuch 1836. Francais dans (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:78:138. in 1818-40. Asiatic Journal. Portuguese in. Camoens, Lusiad. Schaefer. Geschichte v. Portugal v. 3-4. - War, 1740. Lettres Sdifiantes 14 : 91, 291 ; 15:5. Histor. Taschenbuch 1836. Lettres gdifi antes 14:251; 15:152- - War with British, 1799- Wellington, Dis- patches v. 1- - Wellington's administration. Alison, Europe ch. 52. Sherer. Memoirs of Wellington. India. History and politics. Revolt of 1857. Histories of England. (Buxton) Cambridge essays 1857. Defence of Lucknow. (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :v. 15, 16, 18, 21, 26, 27. Knox. Decisive battles. (Lemoinne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11: 610. Meade. Sepoy revolt. Spurgeon. Fast-day sermon. 1857. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 274 ; 1861 : 81, 209, 377, 465. Urquhart [Pamphlet writings] v. 2; Diplomatic Rev. bk. 2. Cause (Crawshay) Pams. history v. 10. justified. Congreve, Essays 69. India. History and politics. Since 1860. McCarthy. History of own times. als Kaise'rreich. Tins. Zeit 1877 : 1 : 481- Etate"conomique, 1875 (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. 111:37:237. Government and penal code. Macaulay, Works. Mission d!Angletere dans (Alviella) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:16:588. Russian aims. Marvin, Russians at gate of Herat. sous Victoria (Burnouf) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:57:612. (Cailliatte) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 88 : 294. India. Languages. See also Sanscrit. Aussprache u. Geschichte, 1050 (Sachau) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1888. Vernaculars and literature. Hunter, In- dian empire. India. Literature. Lettres e"difiantes 14 : 65. Mill. History of British India v. 2. (Taylor) Afternoon lectures 2: 101. Sagen (Glaser) Herrig's Archiv 32 : 303. Ueoersichten (Baur) Herrig's Archiv 4: 379; 5:337; 11:241. India rubber. Isoprene and caoutchine( Williams) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:241. Indian territory. See also Oklahoma. Leases of lands. Report 1885. U. S. Sen- ate Ex. Docs. 1884-5, v. 1. Indiana. Geology (Owen) Pams. geology v. 3. Political geology (Rabb) Pams. U. S. his- tory v. 2. Indians of North America. See also America (Antiquities), Algonkins, Apache, Az- tecs, California, Cherokee, Cree, Iroquois, Mosquito, Nootka, Pima, Pueblo, Semi- nole, Sioux, Tonkawa, Wyandot, Yuma, Zufii. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 3 : 5. Reports of early travelers as: Bartlett (1850), Hind (1857), Long(1819), Macken- zie (1789), Mullan (1863), Pike (1805), etc. Audouard. Le far-west 149. - Douglass. North America 1 : 151. Lettres e'difiantes v. 6-9. Begrabnissarten (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1884:1:688. Catlin's gallery. Smithson. Rep. 1885 : pt. 2. Character. Dovle, English colonies ch. 3. White. Earfy history of New England. Civilization (Gates, Cutoheon) Pams. N. Amer. Indians v. 1. Colorado, New Mexico. Photographs by O'Sullivan. Derniers (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2:66. Education, civilization (Fletcher) U. S. Senate Ex. D. 1885, 2 : pt. 2. Eloquence. Williams, Vermont 1 : 503. Indians of North America. 241 Indus river. in 1858 (Mondot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 14:521. Kane's wanderings (Lavolle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:22:963. Management in British America. U. S. House M. Docs. 1869-70, y. 3. Mexican. Oubas, Mexico in 1876. New England. Dwight, Travels 1:111; 4:186. Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth Colony, Records. Indian money and civilization (Weeden) Johns Hopkins Stud. v. 2. New York. Documentary hist, of N. Y. Origin. Carver, Travels 181-216. (Coates) Pams. on history v. 4. (Eichthal) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4 :243. Asiatic (Campbell) Quebec Hist. Soc. Trans. 1880-1. Duflot de Mofras. Exploration 2 : 327 Madden. West Indies 1 : 213. Jewish (Adair) Kingsborough, An- tiquities v. 8. Origines, langues, avenir (Daireaux) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 18: 148. Pacific northern. Kip, Army life. Problem. Bibliography. Boston Public Lib., Bull. 4:68. Pams. N. Amer. indians. 2 v. Practical view (Howard) Californian 1:494. Schurz' on (Gates) Californian 4:202. Quaker relations(Vaux) Pams. history v.7. Seelen-und Familienleben (Loew) Zts. Ethnol. 9:261. Transfer of I. bureau to War department. U. 8. House M. Docs. 1878-9, v. 3; Senate C. Reports 1878-9, v. 1. Washington. Swan, Washington terri- tory. Woman's position among Huron-Iro- quois tribes (Carr) Peabody Mus. Rept. 3:207. Indians of North America. Languages. Domenech. Deserts of North America. (Hermes) Herrig's Archiv 29:231. (Latham) PhiloL Soc. Proc. 1856:57. Schoolcraft. Archives; Expedition. Dakota and Montana. U. S. Senate Re- ports 1883-4, v. 2. Fables (Dunne) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 9. Method of study (Trumbull) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1870:55. Mexico. Ordinalzahlen (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. New Mexico; British Columbia (Busch- mann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. Numerals, counting (Trumbull) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1874:41. San Bias and Caledonia bay, Darien (Lull) Am. Pliilol. Assoc. 1873 :103. Snnnru (Buschmann) Berlin Akud. Abh. 1863, 1-.7. Vocabularies. Archieologia Amer.2:307. Gallatin. North AIIKT. Indians. (H,,w-,.) 1'liilol. Soc. Proc. 4 : 102, 191. EXMUK Kxpedition. Pacific railroad reports v. 3. Words derived from (Trumbull) Am. 1'hilol. Asaoc. 1X72:19. Zeichensprache(Gerland) Rundschau 35: m Indigo. Culture. Edwards, West Indies 2 : 275. 31 Individualism. See also Character, Collect- ivism, Ego. Coquerel. Rembrandt et I. dans 1'art. Eucken. Concepts of modern philosophy. Lange. History of materialism 3 : 233. Leibnitz. Opera philos. ; ed. Erdmann 1 : 1. (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5:664. Tocqueville. Democracy in America 2:119. Tucker. Man in quest of himself. Mittelstadtund(Bartz)Preuss.Jahrb.47:25 and the crowd. Leslie, Essays in political philosophy. and the state (Dupont- White) Jour. Econ. 11:13:374. (Vignes) Jour. Econ. IV: 36: 334; 37:18. Christian. Strong, Philosophy and reli- gion 156. contre l'e"tat. Crit. Philos. N. 8.2:189; Rev. Philos. 20:68. Droits de 1'individu (Fouille"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 58: 803. Durchbruck bei d. Griechen (Steinthal) Zts. Vblkerpsych. 2 : 279. Krisis in England (Nasse) Preuss. Jahrb. 57:429. Responsibility (\V alley) Amer. Quar. Reg. 8:117. Substanz und Person (Steinthal) Zts. Vb'l- kerpsych. 1 : 501. Unterschiede. Sigwart,KleineScbriftenv.2 Indo-European family. See also Aryans. Ursitz (Wolzogen) Zts. Vb'lkerpsych. 8:1. Indo-European languages. Curtius' chronology. Miiller, Chips v. 4. Stammbaum( Jolly") Zts. Vb'lkerpsych. 8: 15 Zusammenhang. Herrig's Archiv 21 : >3. Induction (Electrical). See also Electricity. (Joule) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:287. Allgemeine Gesetze (Neumann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Capacity of dielectrics. Measurement of (Gibson) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 573. durchEisen( Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh.1841. in conducting thin shells (Burbury) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 297. in different masses of same metal (Chris- tie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:95. in infinite plates and spherical shells (Niven) Roy. Soc. Trans 1881:307. Page's coil. U. 8. House M. Docs. 1867, v.l. Princip d. mathem. Theorie (Neumann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Induction (Logical). Bitlfnur. Defense of philos. doubt. Aristotle's account (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:63. Geschichte des 1. Begriffs (Guggenheim) Xts. Volkerpsycb. 17:52. Mathematische (Wundt) Philos. Studien 1:90. Method of Zadig. Huxley, Science and culture. iiu'est-ce que? (Hamelin) Crit. Philos. 17:291. Science et (Liard) Rev. Philos. 8:33. Indulgences. Luther. Sermon on (Select treatises). Ablassbriefe, 1454, 1455 (Pertz) Berlin Akad. AM.. 1856. for building St. Paul's, London (Caiuden Soc. II : Indus liver. (Burnes) Roy. Oeogr. Soc. J. 3 : 113. Indus river. 242 Ink. Maritime communications. Roy. Geogr. Soc. J.6:23, 113. Industry. See alia Labor, Work. ( Key baud) Acad. Sci. Mor. G6 : 203; Jour. K.-M n.Il:40: 5. and idleness. Hogartb, Works. en France. Legislation (Vivien) Acad. Sci. Mor. 10:2(i4. sous Henri IV(Faignez)Rev.Hist.v.23. sous Louis XIV (Moreau de Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 26:349. History of. Lecky, Rationalism in Eu- rope 2: 222. Libert^ de l'I. legislative(Limousin) Jour. Econ. IV: 42: 71. moderne (Chevalier) Rev. d. d.Mondes II: 42:5. Paris minor (Asher) Rundschau 56:400. Relations of government to. Sidgwick, Political economy. Renaissance au moyen age (Moreau de Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 28 : 351 ; 29 : 161. Inez de Castro, d. 1355. Diiringsfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. Infallibility of the pope. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. - Brownson. Works 13 : 351, 412, 483, 499. Deutsch. Literary remains 285. H vacinthe. Family and the church : app. ( P'illon) Crit. Philos. 2 : 17; 14 : 329, 559. (Zeller) Preuss. Jahrb. 27 : 511. Infanticide. in China (Li-Chao-Pee) Jour. Econ. IV: 3 : 360. ( Rondot) Jour. Econ. 1 : 26 : 258. Influence de la suppression des tours dans les hospices d'enfants trouve"s (Rapet) Jour. Econ. 1: 13: 51. Infants. See also Children, Foundlings. Actes de naissance en France, etc. (Loir) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8 : 89. Mortality des nourrissons (Simon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 87 : 43, 53, 153. en France (Le Fort) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:86:363. enParis(Husson)Acad.Sci.Mor.93:211. Statistique (Loir) Acad. Sci. Mor. 13:244. in Germany (Wiirzburg) Berlin Kgl. Gesundheitsamt, Arbeiten v. 3-4. Temperature of newly-born (Maclagan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:435. Infidelity. See Atheism, Belief, Doubt, Faith, Scepticism. Infinity. See alto Continuity. Bruno. Opere. Calderwood. Philosophy of infinite. actuel: est-ilcontradictoire? (Lotze) Rev. Philos. 9:481, 665. and sign of equality (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11 : 145. Idea of. Diihring, Natiirliche Dialektik 109. ( Giinther) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 1 : 513. - B. C. 300 (Tannery) Rev. Philos. 14 : 618. Logische Analyse (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. dans la me"taphysique de M. Lotze (Ren- ouvier) Crit. Philos. 17 : 33, 49, 65. Evellin sur (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 19: 265- Ignorance of. Fraser, Essays in philos- ophy. Kosmologische Problem (Lasswitz) Vier- telj. wissen. Philos. 1:329. (Wundt) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 1:80- Lehre vom Transfiniten (Cantor) Zts. Philos. 91:81, 252; 92:240. Problem (Gutberlet) Zts. Philos. 88 : 179. Theories de Leibniz, Kant, etc. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 10-12. Unendlicheind.Ausdehnung(Isenkrahe) Zts. Philos. 86:73,145. Verschiedene Standpunkte (Cantor) Zts. Philos. 88:224. Wahrnehmung(Max Miiller) Rundschau 15 : 269. Inflammation. Early stages (Lister) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858 : 645. Infusoria. See also Protozoa, Rotifera. Felsbildende Bacillarien in Californien (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1870. Gebirgsschichten unter Mexico (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1869, v. 2. Lebensdauer (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Meteorpapier in Curland, 1686 (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. Neue Formen (Schmarda) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 1. North and South American (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. Organisation ; Verbreitung in Sibirien (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Polycistenen-Mergelbei Barbados (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. Raderthiere, Magenthiere (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833, 1835. Undescribed (Dalrymple) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1849 : 331. Verbreitung in Nord Africa (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Ingeburge, queen of France. 1176-1236. Davidsohn. Philipp II. August uud In- geborg. Ingemann, B. S., poet, novelist. 1789-1862. Howitt. Literature north. Europe 2 : 186. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Ingres, J: A: D., painter. 1781-1867. ( Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 68 : 545. Unsere Zeit 1867: 2 : 625. Inheritance. See also Property, Primogeni- ture, Wills. American, to English property. U. S. Foreign relations 1884:225. Ancestor-worship and. Maine, Early law and custom. Attic. Intestaterbfolge (Seeliger) Philolo- gus43:417. Dingliche Schutz d. Legatars (Meyer) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. French (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:98:827; Jour. Econ. II : 13: 8. im Regierungsbezirk Trier (Hanssen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Lex Voconia (Savigny) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. - Pfiichtheilsrecht (Braun) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:278. Rechtswohlthat des Inventars (Mansfeld) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Scotch entails. Home, History of man 2:481. Injustice. See Justice. Ink. Permanent (Traill) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:419. Inkermann battle. 243 Inscriptions. Inkermann battle, Nov. 5, 1854. Works on Crimean war: Nolan (1:586), Kinglake (v. 5). (Almazan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:15:373, Inman, Henry. 1801-4*;. Tuckerman. Artist life. Inness, George, painter. 1825- (Fawcett) California!! 4:453. Sheldon. American painters. Innocent IH, pope. 1161-1216. Roger de Hoveden. Annals. Verhaltniss zu d. Kiinigen. Raumer, Hohenstaufen. Innocent VIH, pope. 1432-92. Creighton. Papacy during the reforma- tion v. 3. Inoculation. Seealso Smallpox, Vaccination. Alembert. Oenvres v. 4. Douglass. North America 2 : 392. (Irimm-Diderot. Correspondence. Chinese method. Lettres e'difiantes 18: 376; 21:5. Immunitatsfrage (Loffler) Berlin K. Ge- sundheitsamt, Mittheil. 1: 134. Introduction into America. Sparks, American biography 6 : 304. Inquisition. Disraeli. Curiosities of literature. Quinet. Oeuvres completes 2:223. Km ike. Popes of Rome. Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reac- tion v. 1. albige"oise, 1400 (Haure"au) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75:815. Compendium inquisitorum (Benrath) Hist. Zeits. 44:400. Establishment. Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella. Handbuch eines I. in Greifswald (Wat- tenbach) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1888. in Holland. Motley, Dutch republic. in Spain, 1HOO. Pinkerton, Voyages 5 : 405. Juifs et (Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 17:355. Luis de Leon. Proceso contra, 1571 (Bibl. espafi. v. 37). Tortures. Lea. Superstition and force. Insanity. See alto Brain, Delusions, Idiocy, Paranoia. Maudsley. Body and mind. and crime. Annual cyclopaedia 1881:429. Stephen. History of criminal law 2: 92. Hoarding-out system (Stedman) Mass. Bl. Lunacy and Charity, 10th. Report. chez enfants (Compayre") Rev. Philos. 10: Defence of Freeman. Seward, Works 1 : 411. P.'iimiiiamies d'aujmird'hui ( Richet) K.'v. ,1. -I. M,,i,,l.". III::57:340. d'autrt-fois (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:552,828. Kurnpt-aii a-yltuns. Mass. Bd. Charities Report 1873': 111 Frontieres de (Dauriac) 'rit. I'hilos. N. .577. Geistrstornn^ mid Vi-rhn-chfii (Hins- wangcr) Ruml-i-haii TiT : Hit. (Mieel. Colonit- d'alii'-n^ | Duval) Rev. d. .!. Mn,,,|,- 11:1 (Varigny) Rev. 3. from Palestine (Allen) Am. J. Philol. >;:190. Hittite. Wright. Hittites. Kleinasiatische (Gelzer) Rhein. Mus. 27: 465- Latin. Zwei Sepulcralreden (Mommsen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Lokrifche. von Naupaktos (Vischer) Rhein. Mus. 26:39. M' -sapische. Kntzifferung (Deecke) Rhein. Mus. 36:576; 37:373; 42 : -Ji'i :. Nacoleian( Ramsay )J . Hellenic Stud. 3: 119. Numasios(Darbishire) Jour. Philol. 16: 196. Olympian (Comparetti) J. Hellenic Stud. 2:3. no. 7,3(Ahrons) I'hilologus 38: 193,385. no. 362(Bergk) Rlicin. Mvis. :tS:.v_'.;. Oskische (Corssen) Philologus 35:115; Kuhn's Zts. 22:289. P:.ni|.hilian(Sayc') J.Hellenic Stud. 1:212 Phrygian, of Roman period (Ramsay) Ki'-hn's /.-its. 28:381. Prien<-an (Hicks) J. Hellenic Stud. 4: 237; 0- 8:871 IHiodian (('..Smith) J. Hrllmir Stu.l. I: l.t'i. 351. unedited (Newton) J. Hellenic Stud. 2:354. Inscriptions. 244 Interest. and Delian (Schumacher) Rhein. Mus. 41 ''i'? 8ftlonican( Hogarth) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:356. Taormina ( \Vachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 24: 451- Thasian (Hicks) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:401- Thera (Boeckh) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Tithora(Ulrichs) Rhein. Mus. N. P. 2 : 544. Insects. See also Beetles, Butterflies, Dip- tera, Hemiptera.Orthontera, Phylloxera. Austrian. Jiihrliche Periode (Fritsch) Wi.Mi Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 34, 37,38, 39, 41, 42. Entomologie analytique (Dume"ril) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 31. Eves. Simple and compound (Lowne) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878:577. Stirn-u. Scheitel (Klug) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Force musculaire (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:64:770. Fossil. Bibliography (Scudder) Harvard Library, Contrib. 13. Siberian (Brauer) St. Petersb. Acad. Me^m. VII: 36. Libraries on, in the IT. 8. Harvard Li- brarv, Contrib. 11. New Granada, Venezuela (Kollar) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:351. Ova and psetidova (Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:341. Persian ( Kollar) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:42. Pflanzenthiere (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Recherches physiologiques (Dufour) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 7 : 265. Reproduction of lost parts (Newport) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1844 : 283. Respiration (Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1855:139. (Dutrochet)Paris,Me'm.Acad.Sci.l4:81. (Newport) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836:529; 1837:259. Synemon. Gattung (Klug) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Tvmpanale Sinnesorgane (Graber) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 36: 1, 263. Ways of (Tracy) Missouri Univ. lectures 1879. Inspiration. Kmerson. Letters and social aims. Fiske. Darwinism and essays. Method of. Strong, Philosophy and relig- ion 148. of jpriests of India. Lettres e"difiantes 11 : - What is? (Giles) Pams. on religion v. 10. Inspiration of the Bible. Bolingbroke. Works 5:3. (Newman) Choice Literature 3:220. (Tholuck) Noyes, Theological essays. Instability. See also Equilibrium. in open structures (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:321. Instinct. See also Automatism, Habit, He- redity, Ideas (innate), Intuition. Cabanis. Oeuvres 4 : 317. Chadbourne. Instinct in man and animals. (Darwin) Romanes, Mental evolution in animals. Lotze. Kleine Schriften 1 : 221. Wallace. Natural selection. Animal. Browne, Human understanding 158. chez les insectes (Pouchet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 85: 682. du peuple.des animaux. Michelet, Peuple 132. et la vie (Le"vque) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 : 16:326. Origin ( Fouill^e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 77 : 869. Insurance. See also Annuities, Average, Friendly societies, Life insurance. Austrian Lloyd. Entwickelung. Unsere Zeitl879:l:'l45. in Boston. Winsor, History of Boston 4 : 179. Intellect. See also Brain, Mind, Perception, Reason. Emerson. Essays, 1st series. Health and disease. Whipple, Lectures 186. Logische Fragen (Sigwart) Viertelj. wis- sens. Philos. v. 4-5. of man and animals. Stewart, Philos. of human mind. Porter's Human. Brownson,Works2:383. Intellectualism. See Idealism, Sensualism. Intelligence. See also Perception. Taine on. Mill, Dissertations v. 5. Intemperance. See also Alcohol, Beer, Ma- guey, Prohibition, Wine. Bibliography. Gustafson, Foundation of death. Arnold (Arthur). Social politics. Channing. Works v. 2. Gough (J: B.). Autobiography. Hallock. Life of Justin Edwards. Hazard. Essay on language. (Hosack) Misc. pamphlets v. 3. Plato. Dialogues. Porphyrius. De abstinentia. Strong. Our country. Address on (Society of Friends) Pams. religion v. 11. Bekampfung (Alsberg) Preuss. Jahrb. 53: 248. Catechism (McDonald) Pams. social science v. 3. Drink question (Eliot) Pams. religion v. Jjfo et ne"phalisme(ColIeville) Jour. Econ. Ill : Experimental legislation. Jevons, Meth- ods of social reform. incompatible with profession of Chris- tianity (Stuart) Misc. pams. v. 3. - Temperance movement. De Quincey, Narr. and misc. papers v. 2. in Germany (Lammers) Rundschau 36 : 301. Part dan^ la misere ( Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 111:36:5. Rhode Island law, 1852. Curtis (B: R.), Writings v. 2. - Verein in Berlin (Hitzig) Pams. social science v. 3. Interest. See also Debt, Loans, Money, Rent. Baudus. Epistolae 655. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Kelly. Law of usury. Interest. 245 Iphigenia. Lodge. Alarum against usurers (Shakesp. Soc. v. 18). (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 64 : 169. (Troplong) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6:414. and the Bible (Browne) Dogmatic pains. v. 2. and the Jews (Del Mar) Pams. finance v. 3. chez les Rom a ins (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3:223. (Mesnil-Marigny) Jour. Econ. 111:41:86. Defense of. Bentharn, Works 3:1. en Chine (Simon) Jonr. Econ. Ill: 16:80. Moeurs de la France (Bailleuxde Marisv) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 25 : 923. The'orie(Courcelle-Seneuil)Jour.Econ. II: 6:161; 7:179. Uncial rate of. Niebuhr, History of Rome 3:54. und Gesetze. Uns. Zeit 1861 : 657. Zins oder? Laspeyres, Volkswirthschaft d. Niederlander 256. Intermittent fever. Causation (Nicholson) Mich. Bd. Health 1880:191. International law. Seealso Arbitration, Ex- tradition. Neutrality, Treaties. (Chevalier) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 99: 39 i. (Xettleship) Jour. Philol. 13: 169. Parieu. Science politique. Christian and non-Christian peoples. In- tercourse. Thompson (Jos. P.), Ameri- can comments. Derniers progres (Desjardins) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: 49: 328. International rights. Niebuhr, Letters 3:120. Irresponsibility du Pane (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 12:145. Nations and. Leslie, Essays in political philosophy. Ortolan's Regies (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:514. Principles. Ben thani, Works 2:535. of relative equality applied (Lorimcr) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 557. Staatsgrenze (Oppermann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Streitfragen (Holtzendorff) Rundschau 5:55. Visit and search (Hecker, Whitman) Pams. law v. 4. Internationale (La). Works on socialism by Laveleye, Woolsey. Annual cyclopaedia i871: 411. (Lefort) Jour. Econ. Ill : 26: 22. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 86:920. (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 871 BakounineeU Laveleye) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:39:546. Grandeur et decadence ( Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:296. Interpretation. See Criticism, Translation. Art of (Hiiser) Herrig's Arch. 20:333. Interregnum. See Regency. Intestines. !- races humaines (Chudzinski) Rev. Antlirop. III:'.':275. I'.. liinciC(M-ci-n( Kamla) Hallo I'ni v.Diss.y.3 Kntorotomy (Oettinger) Dorpat I'niv. tuition of fat ( Home) Roy. Soc.Truns. Gekrose d. menschlichen Darmkanales (Toldt) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 41. Heilung von Wunden (Ritschl) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Inflammations ( Portal) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. 5 : 56. Minute anatomy (Watnev) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:451. Nath(Benninghoven) Bonn Univ.Diss.v.l Perforation durch ascaris (Schroder) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Verhalten d. Schleimhaut an d. lliocoe- calklappe (Langer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. Intolerance. See Liberty, Persecution, Tol- eration. Intuition. Seealso Instinct, Perception. McCosh. Intuitions of the mind. Wright. Philosophical discussions. Geometric. R61e et legitinrite' (Bous- sinesq) Rev. Philos. 8:357. Place in man. Martineau, Christianity and modern thought. Psychische Verarbeitung (Kerry) Vier- telj. wissens. Philos. v. 9-11, 13. und logisches Causalgesetz ( Planck) Vier- telj. wissens. Philos. 3 : 17, 152. Inula Europae. (Beck) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v.44. Inventions. See also Patents. Journal des Economistes l-II, index. Seward. Works 1 : 516. Propriety ?(B6nard) Jour. Econ. 111:11: 47; 12:251; 14:251. (Le Hardy de Beaulieu) Jour. Econ. 111:16:209. Inyo county, California. Stone elephant (De Quille) Overland II: 14 : 113. Iodides. Decomposition. Action of light (Leeds) Pains, chemistry v. 2. Iodine. (Davy) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1814:487: 1815:203. Compounds (Se>ullas) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 11:246, 264, 276. Iodine gas. Absorptionsspectrum ( Hassel- berg) St. Petersb. Acad. Mm. VII : v. 36. Ion. Euripides. Dramas. Talfouru. Dramatic works. Ion of Chios, tragic poet. (Scholl) Rhein. Mus. 32: 145. lona. See also Columba (St.). Skene. Celtic Scotland v. 2. Ionian islands. See also Corfu. Anderson. Peloponnesus and. 1830. Mure. Tour in Greece and. ls}'_'. J/rme) < 'al. Bd. Health K,-|>i. 1^'J Systt-me du Limousin (Le Play) Paris, M- in Savani Etrang. v. 23. Irving, Kdward. Scottish divine. 1792-1834. Carlyle. Reminiscences; Essays. Irving, Washington. 1783-1859. Bibliography. Critic 3:143; Monthly Reference Lists 3 : 13. Histories of American literature by : Richardson (v. 1). Conquestof Granada. Prescott, Essays 48. Sunnyside. Bolton, History Westchester county 1 : 285. Isabella of Angouleme. d. 1246. Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 328. Isabella of France. 1290-1357. Strickland. Queens of England 1 : 471. Isabella I of Castile, queen of Spain. 1430- 1504. Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 1. Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. Isabella II, queen of Spain. 1830- Spanish marriage question, 1845. Fagan, Life of Panizzi 1 : 199- Isabella of Valois, queen of England, d.1409. Strickland. Queens of England 2:1. Isabella, planet. Bahnbestimmung (Wolyncewicz) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. CI. v. 47. Isseus. Jebb. Attic orators v. 2. ( Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 97 : 882. Erbschaft des Kleonymos. le Rede (Lu- ndk)Philologus42:275. Isaiah, prophet. Notes on viii-x (C: Tavlor) Jour. Philol. 6:149. Ischia Island. See also Earthquakes. ( Fuchs) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 24. Trollope. Italy from Alps to Etna 414. Isidorus Mercator. and the false decretals. Spittler, Werke v. 1. Wer ist d. Pseudo-Isidor (Langen) Hist. Zeits. 48:473. Isidorus of Seville, St. 570-636. A in a i lor de los Rios. Literatura espaflola 1:329. De fide catholica. Althochdeutsch (See- dorf) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. De nativitate domini (Holtzmann) Ger- niania 1 : 4fi Isis. and Osiris. Plutarch, Morals v. 4. Tafel. Lessing, Werke 11 : 1 : 266. Isle of Man. Beauties of England and Wales v. 3. Isle of Wight. in 1 790 (Hassel)Pinkerton's voyages 2: 661. Isobutenyltricarbonic acid. (Bernstein) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Isocrates. ( Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:96:313. Art et la predication (Havet) Rev. d. d. Momles U : is Dritter Brief und Tod(Blass) Rhein. Mus. 20:109. 1 . lide gegen Aristotles. Teichmiiller, Literal i-' -In- r'ehden V. 1. Panegyrikus, Bophiltenrode, Busiris. Teichmiiller, Literar. Fehden v. 1. Papyrus Massiliensis(Bluss)Jahrb. I'hilol. 119:417. Text bei Dionys v. Halikarnasa (Fuhr) Rhein. Mus. 33: 325. Isometer. 248 Italy. (Siposj Berlin Akad. Abh. 1790-1. Isomorphism. Kntdeckung(Wohlwill)Zts. Volkerps.4:l. Geometrical (Brook) Roy. Soc. Trans. 185 1. Isopoda. - (Studer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1883. Parasitic (Buller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878. Israel, Israelites. See Jews. Istrta, I)orad',p5id. SeeKoltzoff-Massalski. Istria. See Capo d'Istria. Istria, Austria. and Dalmatia, 1883 (Gothein) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:384- in 1877. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 321. Issus battle, B. C. 333. Histories of Greece by: Grote (v. 12), etc. Italian language. and poetry. Testa, War of Frederick II. 105. Diminutives (Cayley) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1875-6. e le relative questioni. Canello, Lettera- tura 312. Geschichte. Abriss (Schleicher) Rhein. M us. 14:329. Grammatik (Buchholz) Herrig's Archiv 54:183. Indole della. Tiraboschi, Letteratura italiana 3: xx. Neapolitan dialect (Gaspary) Herrig's Archiv 52: 403; 53:425. Cento novelle antiche. Dunlop, History of fiction. Fonti(D'Ancona) Romania 2:385; 3:164. Contes de Pomigliano (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 24 : 133. de Toscane et Lombardie (Marc-Mon- nier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 36: 646. Debt of English literature to. Symonds, Southern Europe y. 1. Earliest. Nettleship, Lectures; Jour. Philol. 11:175. in 1846-56. Gegenwart 12 : 54. Mnndartliche (Lerucke) Herrig's Archiv v. 6, 7,9. Revival. Burckhardt. Renaissance. Symonds. Renaissance. Villari. Life of Machiavelli v. 1. Italy. Desa-iption and travel. Climate. Seit d. Altertum geandert? (Olck) Jahrb. Philol. 135: 465. Distinguished men of. Lessing, Werke 11:2:29. in 1701-3. Addison, Works v. 2. in 1720. Berkeley (G:), Works v. 4. in 1826. Carter, Letters from Europe v. 2. in 1828. Heine, Pictures of travel. in 1830. Greville, Journal 1 :282- in 1884. U. S. Consular report 62. Life in 16. century. Canello, Letteratura italiana. militaire (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:16:106. rurale ( Vidalin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 16:568. (Roller) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 97 : 367. Militar-geographische Skizze. Unsere Zeit 1860: 209, 273. Paltfoethnologie: les fonds de Cabane (Castelfranco) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2: 182; 3:568. Terrains tertiaires du nord-ouest (Col- legno) Paris, Me"m.SavansEtrang.lO:589. Voyage dans le nord, 1857 ( Re" nmsat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11 : 465, 705 ; 34 : 289 ; 35 : 335. Italy. History and politics. Before 1S59. See also Renaissance. Latham. Nationalities of Europe. Universal history: modern v. 22. Ancient Greece and mediaeval. Free- man, Historical essays y. 2. Archivio storico (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 5:45. au moyen age (Rendu) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 47-48. Austria in, 1859 (Baude) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:20:656. Delord. Histoire du second empire 2 : 542. ( Mazade) Rev.'d. d. Mondes II : 19 : 685 ; 20:955; 21:714." Preuss. Jahrb. v. 1-2. Deutschland u. d. Diplomatic, 1848. Preuss. Jahrb. 4:345. Diplomatic 1260-1550 (Reumont) Hist. Taschenbuch 1841. 1700- (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 22 : 297. 1815-59. Unsere Zeit 1859, 1860. Domination francaise(Sclopis) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 56-58. Early civilization. Nettleship, Lectures and essays. Formation politique (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12:310.337. Governments. Brougham, Political phi- losophy 1:537-; 2:250- in 1815-49. Gegenwart 3 : 149, 604. in 1817. Metternich, Memoirs. in 1852. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 4. in 1856 (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 3: 884. in 1857 (Gouraud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 7:289. Mediaeval republics. Adams (John), Works y. 5. Monarchic representative (Blanc) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 19 : 167 ; 20 : 68. Politique francaise au 18. siecle (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 23 : 225. Republics. May, Democracy in Europe ch. 7. Italy. History. Unification, 1859-61. See also lives of Cavour, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Victor Emanuel. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1 :33. Annuaire des Deux Mondes 1850- Brownson. Works 18:418- Congreve. Essays. Diplomatic Review bk. 2-3. Dunand. Souvenir de Solferino. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:30:834; 31 : 513. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace v. 2. Urquhart. [Pamphlet writings] v. 1. Arrivabene's Souvenirs. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 45 : 394. Consequences 6conomiques(Pautet) Jour. Econ. 11:23:240. English sympathy. Blanc, Lettres sur 1'Angleterre. Epreuve d I'unite" (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 63 : 1006. Italy. 249 Jainism. France en, 1860 (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 27: 353. Frankreich, Oesterreich und. Preuss. Jahrb. 4:179- in 1861. Hartmann( Mori tz),Werke 10:117. Napoleons III Politik. Uns.Zeit 1868:1:81. (Question romaine 1861 (Forcade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :v. 34, 35. und Pie IX (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 56-68. Unite", la papaute" et la France (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 44: 130. War (Mol^nes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:27: 513. -- Marine francaise dans (Varannes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:25:134. Vorgeschichted. Erhebung(Baumgarten) Preuss. Jahrb. 16:409. Zur Geschichte. Preuss. Jahrb. 6:353. Italy. Jlistoi-y. Since 1SC1. Auswartige Politik, 1870-87 (Speyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 60:57. and the papacy (Boettcher) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:483- -- (Bonghi) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:105:115. -- 1875. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 6. -- 1876 (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 37 :23. -- 1878-82 (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:54-314; 59:752; 61:121. in 1864. Forces, finances (Saveney) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 50: 899. in 1866. Convention avec Rome ( Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 66 : Ti'i i. -- Situation, finances (Cochut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: (53: 221. in 1867. France et. Quinet, Oeuvres 24 : 225 in 1868(Reuchlin) Preuss. Jahrb. 22:399- in 1871. Regime parlementaire(Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 93: 88. in 1872(Simonin) Jour. Econ. 111:28:221. in 1879-Wi (Spt-yiT) Uns. Zeit 1886:2:24- Kriegsiimcht, MM. Preuss. Jahrb. 17:nrapliy. 1'arton, Life of Jackson IrxiiT. Baldwin. Party Benton. Thirty years' view. (Gigot) Rev. d. 'd. Mondes 111:57:792; 59:519; 62:158. Mayo. Eight years of Washington. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 25. Tinted States Telegraph v. 1. 1828. Administrations. Monthly Ref . Lists 4 : 7. -- Curtis. Life of Buchanan. -- Hoist. Constitutional history 2 : 1. Election, 1828 (Baltimore Republican) Pains, history v. 2. Jacobiia roii Holland. Duringsfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. Jacob!, C: G. J., timthrmtitician. 1804-51. (Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Jacob!, F: H:, philosopher. 1743-1819. Histories 01 philosophy by: Fischer (2: 843 ; 5 : 185), Windelbaiul (2 : 330), etc. Feuerbach. Werke 2 : 83. Gostwick. German culture. Hegel. Werke 15 : 486 ; 16 : 203 ; 17 : 3. Schelling. Werke 1 : 10 : 165. ( Weinhold) Preuss. Jahrb. 24 : 645. Zeller. Deutsche Philos. seit Leibniz. Lehre ( Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Woldemar. Humboldt (K: W: von), Werke 1 : 185. Jacob!, Johann G :, poet. 1740-1814. (Martin, Scherer) Zts. deutsch. Altertum 20:891 Rotteck. Kleine Schriften v. 1. Jacob!, W: Alex. Theodor. (Weinhold) Zts. deutsche Philol. 5: 85. Jacobins. Barruel. History of Jacobinism 2 v. Programme (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:5<;:43. Psychologic du (Taine) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:44:531); )iaiiapala's Kishahli.ipancai-ika (Klatt) Y.\-. ilrut. iixirp'iil. (M-.-dl. :i'{ : II.Y llamlscliriftcii xu Berlin. Xt*. dt-nt. nn>r- genl. 'u'-oll. v llrin.icanilra's Vi>t:ara^tra ( Windi.-rh) /(-. .Inn. morgrnl. (M-I-H. L'^: 185. Jakob. 250 Jaquelot. Jakob von Warte. Lieder (Techen) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Jamaica. See also works on Slavery, West Indies. in 1790. Edwards, West Indies. in 1833. Madden, West Indies. in 1850. Bigelow, Jamaica. in 1862. McCarthy, History of our own times. Insurrection, 1865. Ruskin, Arrows of the chace v. 2. - UnsereZeit 1865: 1:95. Jamblichus. - Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 2: 1. De vita Pythagorica (Herwerden) Rhein. M us. 40:444. (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 26: 554 ; 27 : 23; 34 : 260. James I, king of England. 15C6-1625. Arrival in England, 1603. Arber's English garner v. 5. Letters to Rev. Robert Bruce. Roy. Irish Trans, v. 15. James H, king of England. 1633-1701. Burnet. History of his own time. - Evelyn. Diary 2 : 118, 348. Portraits. Macaulay. Essays. Se'vigne' (Mnie). "Lettres 12:324. Autobiographic memoir. Ranke, History of England 6 : 29. Reign of. Fox on. Jeffrey, Essays. Secret service monies. Camden Soc. 52. James Francis Edward Stuart, the old pre- tender. 1688-1765. Cox. Memoirs of Marlborough. real son of James II ? Rapin, England 2:764. James, Henry, theologian. 1811-82. Spiritiial autobiography. In his Literary remains. James, Henrv, novelist. 1843- (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1883: Mai 1. Heywood. How they strike me. (Schonbach) Rundschau 47 : 104. Jameson, Mrs. Anna M. 1797-1860. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Jane Seymour, 3d queen of Henry VIII. d. 1537. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Strickland. Queens of England 3:1. Janlcke, Oskar P. A. 1839-74. Zts. deutsche Philol. 5: 457. Janin, Jules G., critic. 1804-74. - Mirecour. Contemporains. Gaietds champf'tres. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series 5 : 23. Religieuse de Toulon. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- senes 2 : 103. Janissaries. Destruction (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev d. d. Mondes II : 106 : 589. Jansenists. See also Port Royalists. Histories of France by: Martin, etc. - Albert. Litte"rature fr. au 17. siecle. - Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. - Pascal. Provincial letters. Raumer. Europa seit 1500. 6:180. - Villemain. Literature au 18. siecle 1 : 219 - Bull unigenitus (Moret) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4(i:87. Carte"sienset(Brunetiere) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:90:396. sous Louis XIV (Moret) Acad. Sci. Mor. 46:243. James, heathen deity. (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Japan. Universal history: modern 7:342. Adel und Volk in. Uns. Zeit 1865 : 387. Commerce europe"en (Del prat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5:611. Early travels to. Murray, Discoveries in Asia v. 3. Eintritt in d. Volkerbewegung. Uns. Zeit 1859:606. Expedition contre Nagato, 1864(Roussin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :56: 106. in 1540. Ramusio, Navigation! 1 : 418. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire 3 : 438. in 1858-68 (Andree) Uns. Zeit 1868:2:481- in 1861 (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 33: 370. in 1863(Lindau) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:45:73. in 1864. Guerre civile (Roussin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:59:948. in 1866 (Barthelerny Saint-Hilaire) Acad Sci. Mor. v. 73-74. in 1867 (Layrle) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 73 : 629, 855. in 1868. Daimio rebellion (Roussin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:80:673. in 1871-6 (L. Miiller) Rundschau 57:312- in 1873. Revue d. d. Mondes II : 104 : 472. in 1876 (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 17 : 311, 619. - in 1876 (Hellwald) Uns. Zeit 1876 v. 1-2. in 1879. Nordenskiold, Voyage of the Vega v. 2. in 1883. Unsere Zeit 1883 v. 1-2. Inte"rieur, 1873 (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:1: 278 ; 2 : 888 ; 7 : 175. Missions in. Chinese Repository v. 3. Lettres e"difiantes 17 : 378. Mceurs, droit (Bousquet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:10:241. ouvert au commerce (Leduc) Jour. Econ. 11:21:61. Perry's embassy (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:8:502. Revenues, 1740. Churchill, Voyages 1 : 412. Staatswesen. Entwicklung (Brauns) Uns. Zeit 1885: 1:763. - Transformation sociale (Fontpertuis) Jour. Ecqn. Ill : 40: 76, 219. Trois palais d'Asie ( Pale"ologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:78:417. und Fremde. Uns. Zeit 1866 : 1 : 859. - Voyage autour (Lindau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 46 : 155, 597 ; 47 : 140, 898. Japanese language. Grammatik. Humboldt (K: W: v.), Werke 7:382. Japanese literature. (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. MondesJIII : 29: 747. -Theatre (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:721. Ja'qubi. Ausziige aus griechischen Schriftstellern (Klamroth) Zts. deutsch. Morgenl. Ge- sell. 42:1. Jaquelot, Isaac. 1647-1708. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Jarcke. 251 Jerusalem. Jarcke, Karl E. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2:578. Jasher (Jashar), Book of. Deutsch. Literary remains. Jasmin, J., barber poet of Agen. 1798-1864. ( Giovanoly) Herrig's Archiv 37: 1. Preston. Troubadours and trouveres. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi4 :309. Jason and the Argonautic expedition. Apollonius Khodius. Opera. Becker. Erzahlungen aus d. alten Welt. Flaccus (C. V.). Oj>era. Grote. History of Greece 1 : 231. Kingsley The heroes. Morris. Life and death of Jason. Orpheus. Argonautica. Catalogue of heroes. Leinaire, Bibl. class. Lat. 121:327. Medea's epistle to. Ovid, Heroides. Sage von goldenen Vliesz ( Forchhaminer) .lahrb. Philol. 111:391, 840. Jaufre : romance. Verfa-M-ur (Stimniing) Zts. roman. Phi- 1..1. 11': 3^3. Java. See also Batavia, Krakatoa. Churchill. Voyages 2 : 252. Cook(Jiiines). Third voyage. - Lettres t'difi antes 19:211; 23:509. l'olo( Marco). Travels. Stauiiton. Kmbassy to China 1:235. in 1821. Tyennann and Bennet, Journal v. 3. ' in 1S.V). Ruschenberger, Voyage 213. in 1850. Gerstacker, Schriften 1:6:327. in 1868. Beauvoir, Vovage. language. Humboldt, Kawi Sprache (Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832). Raffles. Java. Jaw. Lower. Briiche (Thiele) Bonn. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Jay, John. 1745-1829. Flanders. Chief justices v. 1. .Madison. Works. Perry. Biographical sketches of Ainer. statesmen 393. (.Street) N. Y. Council of revision 112. Treaty. Dallas, Life and writings. Jean dCArrat. Romans of Partenay. Sprache (Hatten- dorf) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Jean of Gorzc, St. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 4. Jean Sant-Terre. Condemnation 1202 (Bgmont) Rev. Hist. :. 2!*). Jeannin, Pierre. 1540-1622. Saintc-Beuve. Cuuseries du Lundi 10:131 Jefferson, Thomas, 3d president. 174.3 Iv.'.;. P>aldwin. Parly leader*. I'.roiiL'liam. MaleMiien .'1:1^7. rett. ( (rations v. 1. (iallagher) Pamphlets on biography v.4. - 'iallatin. Writings. iililis. Administrations of Washington and Adaniv Perry. Biographical sketches of Ainer. \'.\- Lift- of Madi-Min. .lcr*on. Sigtn-r-.nl" tin- declaration v. 7. Tyler. Letters ami times ( ,f the Tylers Adams and. Webster, Works v. 1. Administration. Monthly Ref. Lists 3:21. as philologist (Shepherd) Anier. J. Philol. 3:211. Character censured. Cobbett, Porcupine's works v. 12. Kirkland address. Amer. Acad. Memoirs N. S. v. 1. Vie et correspondance (Witt) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 8:536; 15:332; 22:353; 29:78. Writing desk presentation. U. S. House M. Docs. 1881-2, v. 12. Jeffrey, Francis, lord. 1773-1850. Carlyle. Reminiscences. Froude. Life of Carlyle. Miller (Hugh). Essays. Smiles. Briei biographies. Jeffreys (Jeffries), G:, lord chancellor, d. 1689. j Campbell. Lord chancellors. Roscoe. British lawyers. Jehan le Marchant. Sprache (Dunker) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Jellachich von Buzim, J., general. 1801-59. Gegenwart 1 :499. Jemshid, legendary Persian king. Sage (Roth) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 4. Jena university. Finances, 1874. Clrenzboten 1874 : 2 :281- Jengls Khan. See Genghis Khan. Jenkinson, Anthony, navigator, d. 1584. (.lurien de La Graviere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:17:554,885. Jenkinson, C:, earl of Liverpool. 1727-1808. Brougham. Statesmen 2:131. Jenkinson, Robert Banks, earl of Liverpool. 1770-1828. Lewis. Political administrations of Great Britain. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Jensen, Wilhelm. 1837- - UnsereZeit 1879:1:1. Jeremiah, Old Testanieiit. Reden gegen d. Heiden (Schwally) Gies- sen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Jerome of Prague, reformer. 1378-1416. j Fox. Acts and monuments 3:511. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 24. Lea. History of the inquisition 2:495. Jerome Napol.'on, king of Westphalia. Difficulty's an snict ome) 11:70:232. - Napoleon I et. Rev. Hist. 16:359. Jerrold, Douglas W: 1803-57. (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 20: 40. Jerusalem. Audouurd. Orient 439. Howe. True site of Calvary. Spencer. Kgypt etc. I'liT. XeitM'hrift deut. morgenl. Gesells., in:!!>. -- Bauden toii-tantin des Grossen (Un- ger) Orient u. Occid. v. 1-2. Convent library (Harris) Haverford Coll. Stud. 1 :1. in l. r >7:t. Kay. Travel- _' : 220. in is-jj. Ma.l.len. Travels 1': 194. Jerusalem. 252 Joachim. in 1832. Lamartine, Pilgrimage 1 : 259. in 1836. Stephens, Travels in Egypt v. 2 in 1838. Kf York. Vitae. Rolls chronicles, 71. v. 1. John , tint, <>f England. 1 1 oo 1 _' 1 o. H of the Magna charta; early chroniclers as: Matthew Paris (Chron. nuij. v _' Bale. Kynge Julian: a play (Camden Society 'i'). John III (Sobleskl), king of 1'nlmul. Kleclion, 1071. Milton, Work* v. 8. John of A nslrin, son of Charles V. 1545-78. (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:72:514. (Laugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:61:908. Motley. Dutch republic. - Prescott. Philip II. Rufo. Austriada (Bibl. esnafi. v. 29). Stirling-Maxwell. Don Jon n of Austria. John of Salisbury, bishop of Chartres. d. 1180. i Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 1 1. Verhaltniss zur klass. Literatur (Schaar- schmidt) Rhein. Mus. 14:200. John, Prester. Neue latein. Redaction des Briefes (Xarncke) Berichte K. siichs. Gesoll. d. Wissench. Ph-hist. Cl. 29:111. Verwandlungen (Briiuii) Zts. Erdkunde 11:278. John Balliol, Icing of Scotland. 1292- Election. Rishanger's Chronica, 233 (Rolls chronicles, 28). John, Gospel according to St. Lessing. Werke 10:42. Authorship, character. Supernatural re- ligion v. 2. Historical problems. Hutton, Essays v. 1. Johnson, Andrew, 17th president. 1808-75. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 32. Unsere Zeit 18*37 : 2 : 721, 881. Impeachment Curtis (B: R.), Life and writings. ( Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 60: 785. on the stump, I860. Lowell, Political essays. One man power (Sunnier) Polit.pams.v.l. Johnson, Eastman. 1824- Sheldon. American painters. Johnson, Samuel, lexicographer. 1709-84. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 41. Arblay (Mine. d'). Diary. Bascom. Philosophy of English litera- ture. Brougham. Men of letters 1 : 1. Carlyle. Essays; Heroes. Cumberland. Memoirs. Landor. Imaginary conversations. Macaulay. Essays. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Dictateur littc'raire (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:074. Dictionary. Gariu-u, Philological essays. Richardson. Illustrations of English philology. Rambler. Choice Literature 2: 148. Style (Burrowes) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 1. Joints (Anatomical). Pnngelenke d. Viigel (Langer) Wien Akad. Denk>. M N. Cl. v. 1C. Gelenksbau bei d. Arthrozoen (Langer) Wien Aka.i. IH-nk-. M N. ']. v . H. Gritti'scheOperationsmelhode(Astho\vcr) Bonn I'niv. l>is*. v. 1. ction- atyi'i.jiie- (Soutter) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. I. Sprunggelenk d. Saii^etliiere (Langer) Wien Akad. Denk-. M N. (I. v. 11'. Wirhelsynostoseii u. Wirlu-lsuturen bei Fischen (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Dcnks. M-N. Cl. v. 20, 21. Jolnvllle, Jean de. rAr.uuV/o. 1_M 1319. Miiller. Chips fr. German workshop V. 3. Joinville. 254 Judaea. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 8:495. Charles. Lauten des * (Scholle) Herrig s Archiv 52: 177. Jomini, Antoine H:, baron de. 1779-1869. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 13. Jones, Inigo, architect, etc. 1572-1652. (Cunningham) Shakespeare Soc. v. 17. - Walpole. Anecdotes 2: 330. Jones, Sir William, orientalist. 1746-94. Ixxige. Portraits v. 4. Roscoe. Eminent British lawyers. ( Villemain) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 12:810. Jonson, Ben, dramatist. 1574-1637. Histories of English literature by : Taine, Whipple, etc. Bavle. Dictionary 6:399. Coferidge. Lectures on Shakespeare. Dunham. Literary men v. 2. Hazlitt. English comic writers. (Herrig) Herrig's Archiv 10:241. (Masius) Herrig's Archiv 9:204. Mnsson. Milton and his times 1 :432. Ward. English dramatic literature. and Decker. Disraeli, Quarrels of authors. als Lustspieldichter (Ulbrich) Herrig's Archiv 46: 407. in seinem Anfangen (Vatke) Herrig's Archiv 71: 241. Masques(I. Schmidt) Herrig's Arch.27:55. Jordan, Camille. 1838- Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 12 : 255; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 74 : 5. Jordan, Charles-Etienne. 1700-45. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7:3. Jordan, Mrs. Dorothy B.. actress. -Wright. William IV. 1:209, 332; 2:426. Jordan, Sylvester, jurist. 1792-1861. Duller. Manner des Volks 6 : 205. - Unsere Zeit 1861:701. Jordan, VVilhelm, jwet. 1819- Histories of German literature by: Bar- thel (810). (Schiffner) Unsere Zeit 1889: 1: 139. Jordan river. Lynch. Report on exploration. 1852. Jornandes (Jordanes), bishop of Ravenna. (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1846. Joseph, son of Abraham. im Drama des 16. Jahrh. (Werner) Zts. deutsch. Alterth. Anz. 15:40. Joseph II, emperor of Germany. 1741-90. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 359. Herder. Briefe zu Befb'rderung d. Hu- manitat 1: 115. Frage der Wahl (Gehlsdorf) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Joseph, king of Portugal. 1714-77. Mordversuch gegen (Olfers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. Joseph, F: Le Clerc du Tremblay, called le ptre. 1577-1638. See also Richelieu. Jeunes.se et role dans la pacification de Loudun (Fagniez) Rev. Hist 35:263. Joseph Napoleon, king of Spain. 1768-1844. - Napoleon I et. Documents in^dits. Rev. Historique v. 10, 11. Josephine, Marie J. R. Tascher de la Pagerie Beauharnais, wife of NapoUon I. 1763- Iol4. Beugnot, Mlmoires 1 : 423. Rgmusat (Mme.). Memoirs. Josephus, Flavius, historian. A. D. 37-97. Saulcy. Derniers jours de Jerusalem. Antiquities xiv, 8,5 (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 30 : 419. xiii, xiv, xvi (Niese) Hermes 11 : 466. Historian and apologist of the Gospel. Class. Jour. v. 16- Joshua. Life and character. Brooke, Unity of God and man : sermons. Joubert, B. C., general. 1769-99. Histories of French revolution by: Thiers. Sainte-Beuve. CauseriesduLundil5:146. Joubert, Joseph, moralist. 1734-1824. Arnold. Essays in criticism v. 1. (Caro) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95 : 323 ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 90: 27. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 1:159; Mon- day-chats. Gedanken (Kraus) Rundschau 49:348. Jouffroy, Theodore S., philosopher. 1796-1842. Albert. Litte'rature fr. au 19. siecle 2 : 109. - Flint. Philosophy of history 1 : 206. Vie et les travaux (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes II ' 56 ' 333 (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 25: 197. Joufrois, poem. Snrache und Dialekt (Dingeldey) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Joule, James P. Smith. Centenary science Manchester. Tyndall. Fragments of science 1:474. Journalism. See also Liberty of the press, Newspapers, names of magazines. - References. Cornell Lib. Bulletin 1 : 329. Lewis. Influence of authority in matters of opinion. abolished by Charles IX. Turnbull, French revolution 22. American magazines, 1700-1800 (Ford) Liby. Jour. 14 : 343. Berlin (Kapp) Rundschau 21:107. Conseils a un journaliste. Voltaire, Oeuvres 42 : 275. English reviews ( Jutrosinski) Rundschau 8:217. European, 1830. Pams. on history v. 1. - French (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1866 : 2 :922. German. Revue d. d. Mondes III : 9 : 201. Licentiousness. Brownson, Works 16:133. - Pacific Coast(Hearst)Overland II: 11:403. Personal or impersonal ? (George) Pams. on literature v. 1. Protestant. Brownson, Works 13:567. -United States (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:3:557. ( Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 20: 113. Jovellanos, G. M., statesman, poet. 1744-1811. Holland. Foreign reminiscences. Juan Fernandez island. in 1683. Dampier, Voyage 84. in 1708. Rogers, Voyage 125. in 1719. Shelvocke, Voyage 200. in 1740. Anson, Voyage 153. in 1749-76. Royal Geogr. Soc. Jour. 4 : 182. Juarez, Benito P '., president of Mexico. 1806-72. - Histories of Mexico bv: 'Bancroft(v.5-6). Annuaire des Deux Mondes v. 10. Unsere Zeit 1862: 706. Judaea. See Jerusalem, Jews, Palestine.Syria. Judah. 255 Julius II. Judah, Theodore D., C. E. Life. California Territorial pioneers. 1st annual, p. 30. Judaism. See also Cabala, Jews, Sabatai Sevi, Talmud. Clarke. Ten great religions. Dubois-Guchan. Tacite et son siecle. Gegenwart 10:526. Hamann. Golgotha und Schlebimini (Schriften 4:35). Hausrath. New Testament times: Time of Jesus. Hedge. Ways of the Spirit. Kip. Early conflicts of Christianity. - Pfleiderer. Religion 2: 268; Philosophy of religion 3: 117. linnet. Oeuvres 1:371. Blending of Hellenism and. Drummond, 1'hilo Judaeus 1:131. Darmesteter sur (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. 8.6:306. depuis la captivite" (Re>ille) Rev. d. d. Monde* II: 98: 114 Einfluss auf d. nichtiiidische Welt. Joel, BeitragezurGeschichted. Philosophic v.2 Present and future of (Cohn) Pams. re- ligion v. 12. Reprobation of Yisroel(Mogyorosi)Pams. religion v. 13. Sectes avant le Christianisme (Franck) Acad.8ci.Mor. 25:271. Thoughts on ( Brandon) Pams. religion v.13 Traditions of the rabbins. De ^uincey, Avenger. Judas Iscariot. De t^uincey. Essays. Llgendes. Du Me'ril, Poesies latines au nioyen Age. des Mittelalters (Creizenach) Beitr. deutsch. 8prache 2: 177. Judas Mace abacus. Histories of the Jews by:Milman, Stan- ley, etc. Longfellow. Poems. Judenknabe: legend. (Sprenger) Germania 27 : 129. Judgment. See alto Reason. and reasoning. Mill, Hamilton's philos- ophy v. 2. Casufstry of common sense. Pollock, Es- says in jurisprudence. Dictated by interest Helve'tius, De 1'es- prit v. 2. Sur 1'entendement (Gerdy) Acad. Sci. Mor.2:88, 202. Judgment, Day of. Frederick II. Oeuvres 15:1. Nicoluus disarms. Opera. 1565. 932. Quindecim aigna ante .Indicium. Her- rig's Archiv46:33. Judiciary. See also Courts in law. Bacon (Sir !'-.. Kxsays. Hchtinberg. I'olitische Oekonomie 1:485. Aesthi-ii-i -in- Bdte (HoltMndorff) Uumi- ; 11:111 Elective. Bibliography. Monthly Refer- ence Lists 3 : 3. (Desjardins) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:52: Kntflisli. Todd, Parliamentary govern- ment in England v. '_' Extraterritorial rights. U. S. Senate M. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1. French (Le Berquier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:37:818. Moeurs (Gournot) Rev. Nat. 16:542. au 8. siecle (Monod) Rev. Hist. 35 : 1. Origines(Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 27: 397. (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 34:432. Organization. Bentham, Works v. 4. (Barrot) Acad. Sci. .Mor. v. 95-98. Re'forme (Picot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 42, 43, 6 (Pillon) Crit. Philos. v. 21-22. German (Coleman) U. S. Foreign rela- tions 1882 : 134. Reform (Schreck) Uns. Zeit 1878:2:172- Roman. Lex curiata de imperio (Allen) Am. Philol. Assoc. 19:5. Scotch reform. Bentham, Works v. 5. Tenure. Choate, Addresses. Milton. Prose works. Schoffeninstitut in Deutschland (Rohde) Preuss. Jahrb. 39:337- United States. Adams (J:), Works 3 : 513. Annals of congress. Curtis (B: R.). Life and writings v. 2. Federalist. Holland. Life of Van Buren ch. 13. Jennings. Eighty years of republican government. Morris (G.). Speeches; Life by Mor- ris v. 3. Municipalist 96. (Noailles) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:88:571. Riittimmm. Nordamerikan. Bundes- staatsrecht 1:280. Webster ( Daniel). Works 3 : 150. Judith. Hebbel. Judith: Drama. and Holofernes (Hicks) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:261. Jugurtha, king of Numidia. Sallust. Jiigiirthine war. Julia, daughter of Caesar. B. C. 83-54. Vindication. Wieland, Werke 32:335. Juliana, St. Cynewulfs. Quelle (Glode) Anglia 11 : 146. Liflade. E. E. T. Soc. 1 : 51. Priester Arnold's (Bartsch) Germania 28: 257. Julianus, F. C., the apostate, em}>eror. 331-363. Church histories by : Milman, Neunder (v.3), etc. (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 40: 72. Gibbon. Decline and fall. Merivale. Romans under the empire. Edict (Hertlein, Mommsen) Hermes 8: n;7, iTi'. et 1'egli.se (Martha) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 68:137. Romantiker. Strauss (D: F:), SchrifU-n 1 : 17;'). Ungedruckte Brief (Henning) Hermes 9: - * i . View of Christianity (Gardner) Choice Literature 2:141. Julius II, ;*<;*. 1441-r>i:i. Creighton. Papacy during reformation v.4 - Machiavelli. Works. Boscoe. Life of U>o X. Julus terrestris. 256 Kamtchatka. Julus terrestris. Development(Heathcote) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179 : 157. Junius, pseudonymous jwlitical winter. Bisset, History English parliament ch. 7. Campbell. Lord chancellors (Lough- borough). I)e yuincey. Works 7 : 78. Macauluy." Essays; Life by Trevelyan 2:285. ( R<5musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 77 : 326. Stanhope. History of England 5 : 211 and xxv. Authorship. Bibliography. Allibone, Dictionary of authors. --- Cushing. Initials and pseudonyms 145. Lowndes. Bibliographer's manual. Junius, Francis. 1589-1677. Motley. Clement Marot v. 2. Juno, divinity. and Enceladus. Bronze (Smith) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 4:90. Athena glaukopis (Hildebrandt) Philol- ogus46:201. Athena Parthenos. Statuette (Newton) J. Hellenic Stud. 2:1. Jupiter, . Titles. Rawlinson's Herodotus 1:560. Jupiter, planet. Conjunction with Saturn, 1623. Kepler, Opera v. 7. Grande indgalite" (Ponte"coulant) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 6:389. Satellites, 1642-3. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. 4:552. -- Eclipses(Goldingham)Roy. Soc. Trans. 1808:322. Thrie des mouvements (Souillart) Paris, Me*m. Savans Etrang. v. 30. -- Transits (Davidson) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. v. 1. Jupiter Ammon. St. John. Libyan desert 136. Jura mountains. German (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1837. - Travail et les mceurs (Audiganne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 51 : 882. Jurieu, Pierre, theologian. 1637-1713. Bayle. Dictionary ; Oeuvres diverses. Jury. - Bentham. Works 2:117. Blackstone. Commentaries v. 3. - Hallam. Europe in middle ages 2:386. Rowland. British constitution. Stubbs. Const, history of England. a failure? (McGraw) Californian 3: 412. as judges of the law. Curtis (B: R.), Life and writings v. 2. - Bill of 1873 (Oppenheim) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:517. Competenz f. Pressvergehen(Mittelstadt) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:436. - Entstehung( Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 31: 81. et les avocats(Desjardins)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:75:610. Government by. Shellev, Prose works 2:323. Rights of. Erskine, Speeches 1 : 224. Unanimity of. Lieber, Misc. writings v. 2. Jussieu, Antoine Laurent. 1748-1836. (Flourens) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 17. Justice. Hume. Human nature v. 2. Leibnitz. Opera philos.; ed.Erdmann 118. Mill. Utilitarianism. Plato. Dialogues. a principle of divine government. New- man, Oxford sermons. England's injustice. Newman (F. W.), Christian commonwealth. et la charite". Saisset, Philosophic sensu- aliste 311. et les moeurs publiques (Boiteau) Jour. Econ. 11:35:81, 255. Idea of. Proudhon, What is property? Organisation dans I'antiquite" et les temps modernes (Fustel de Coulanges) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:670; 92:274; 94:536; 95 : 570. Origine (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 3: 129. Reparative. Fraternite" et(Fouille"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 37: 281. Justification. See a/soAntinomianism, Faith Works of : Bunyan, Cranmer, Edwards, Wesley, Witherspoon, etc. Justinianus I, F. A., emperor. 483-565. See also Civil law. Histories of Rome by : Gibbon (ch. 40), Merivale. Finlay. History of Greece 1 : 193. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders 3 : 595. Gesetzebung (Seuffert) Rundschau 39:446. Justinus, St., martyr. Passages in. Gibbon, Miscell. works 1 : 456. Jutland. See Denmark. Juvenalis, D. J., satirist. Dubois-Guchan. Tacite et son siecle2 : 146 Suetonius. Lives. (Weidner) Jahrb. Philol. 135:279. et son temps (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:87:141. Geburtsiahr (Schwabe) Rhein. Mus. 40 : 25. Life and poems (Nettleship) Jour. Philol. 16:41. Notes (Mayor) Jour. Philol. 16:220. Prosodische Florilegium (Stephan) Rhein. Mus. 40:263. Witz und Humor (Jessen) Philologus N. F. 1 : 321. Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus. Amador de los Rios. Literatura espanola 1 : 195. Kabala. See Cabala. Kabylia. Insurrection, 1871(Watbled) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:108:625. Kabyles des Djurdjura (Bibesco) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 56 : 562, 951 ; 60 : 862 ; 62 : 113 Kairwan, Tunis. (Maupassant) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:91:520. - Pilgerfahrt. Rundschau 53 : 285. Kaiserfeld, Moritz von. (Rullmann) Unsere Zeit 1888: 2:253. Kalewala, Finnish epic. (Getfroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:300. Grimm. Kleinere Schriften 2 : 75. Latham. Nationalities of Europe 1 : 177. Kaffraria. - Kafirs et (Capus) Rev. Sci. 43 : 1, 237. Kamtchatka. See also works on Siberia. Cochrane. Pedestrian journey. Kamtchatka. 257 Kant. Cook (James). Third voyage v. 2-3. Harris. Vo> ages 2 : 1016. Kotzebue. Voyage. 1815. 3 : 261 ; New voyage 2 : 1. Langsdorff. Voyages 2 : 252. La Pe"rouse. Voyage v. 2. Agriculture (Beaumont) Geneva Soc. Ge"ogr. Me"m. 1:117. Kanada, oriental philosopher. (Barthe'lemy Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 46:321. Kangaroo. Generation of marsupials(Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1834 : 333. Pouches, mammary glands (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865 : 671. Kansas. in 1819. Jx>ng, Expedition. in 1854-8. Emerson (R. W.), Miscellanies. -- Johnston. Representative Amer. ora- tions v. 2. -- N. Y. Tribune almanac 1855-1868. -- Seward. Works 4 : 385, 433. 479, 512- -- Sunnier. Works. -- Geary's administration. U. S. House M. Docs. 1868-9. Vorgzingeu.Zustande. Uns.Zeit 1857: 225. Kant, Immanuel. 1724-1804. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1 : 29. Histories of philosophy by : Cousin (v. 5), Fisher (v. 3-4), Fortlage," Murdock, Win- delband (v. 2). Bowen. Critical essays. Frothingharn. Transcendentalism in New England. Hedge. Atheism in philosophy. Hegel. Werke 15:499. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 1 : 137. Jouffroy. Droit naturel 2:231. Michelet. Entwickelungsgeschichte neti- este deutsche Philosophic. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1:147. ll'i-mini. Origin of ideas v. 1. Saisset. Scepticisme. Schelling. Werke 1:6:1: 10:73. Wyld. Philosophy of the senses 42seau (Nolen) Rev. Philos. 9 : 270. -- (Stein) Rundschau 56:206. and Schiller. Flint, 1'hilosophy of history 1:388. Antecedents lmes.s) Acad. BoL M..r. -?: _'.-.: BO: n:. - Drei Reden zu. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. IS: lift ein Pessimist? (Hartmaim) Philos. M..H.-.I-II n ; Knryklopaedie. Herder, Hriefe Bed'ird. Hiiiiniiiii.it 8: L6& Kntwirklungescliirhte(Krdiiiann) 1'hiln-. M-mat-h. l!i:lJ!. l.ihik. Scho|H:nhuiier, /pt. Battle, 1885. Knox, Decisive battles. Meteorology (Kreil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 15. Reise nach Gondar (Fenzl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 8. Khereddin-Pasha, Turkish statesman. InsereZeit 1879: 1:137; 2:401. Khiva. Burnaby. Ride to Khiva. - Fall, 1873 (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 5:r_'7. -- Knox. Decisive battles. -- (Vambe>y)Rev.d.d.MondesII:104:504. Kldd, Captain William, pirate, d. 1701. Macaulay. History of England. Winsor. ' History of Boston 2: 173. Kidneys. See alto Nephritic ken d.Siiugethiere(Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-NT Cl. v. 31. Leukaemische Erkranken (Weber) Halle I'niv. Diss. v. 5. Malpighian bodies (Bowman) Roy. 8oc. Trail-, 1-i CJuergcstreifte Muskelarcom (Bott) <.ie~- Men I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Structure, function*, disease. Bruntmi, Disorders of digestion. Tumors ( Hieck ) Marburg I'niv. Diss. v. 1. Kllauea. See Maunu Ix>a. Kllcolman, fiflmnl. opuii monument (': Irish Trans. 29:33. Klldare, Ireland. Kilossy church (Beauford) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. Killigrew, 3/r*. Anne. 1660-85. Walpole. Anecdotes v. 3. Portrait. Elegy on. Dryden, Poems. Kindergarten. School reports: California (1874-5:163), Michigan ( 1877 : 287), Ohio (1882 : 271,301), St. Louis (1874-5: 95; 1876-7; 1878-9:192), San Francisco (1880: 360). Froebel. Padagogik des Kindergartens. Hanschmann. Friederich Frobel. National Educational Assoc. 1880:128; 1887:332; 1888:325. Benefits of. Royce, Race education. Froebel und. Ueber Land u. Meer 48 : 579. Kinematics. See Motion. King, James (King of \Villiam). Shuck. Representative men of Pacific. King, John C. 1806-82. Lee. Sculptors v. 2. King, Thomas Starr, D.D. 1824-64. Annual cyclopaedia 1865. Lloyd. Lights and shades of San Fran- cisco. Shuck. Representative men of Pacific. Stille 1 . Sanitary commission 212. Whipple. Character and characteristic men. Life. In his Christianity and humanity. King, W:, archbishop of Dublin. 1650-1729. Bayle. Dictionary; Oeuvres diverses. Kings. See also Coronation, Monarchy, Princes, Sovereignty. Divine right of. Brockhaus, Legitimats- princip 91. Dante. De mpnarchia bk. 3. Filmer. Patriarcha. Puffendorf. Law of nature bk. 7, ch.8. Sidney. Discourses cone, government. Wieland. Werke 30 : 283. English. Gentry u. Abstammung (As- cher) Rundschau 61: 121 Racines populaires (Boutmy) Acad. Sci. M or. 131:525. Increase of power. Walker, Royal power in France. Relation to early civil justice. Maine, Early law and custom. Kings, Books of (Biblical). Chronology (Smith) Jour. Philol. 10:209. Klngsley, Charles, cation. 1819-75. Bayne. 1-Nsay- in criticism v. 2. (Max Mttller) RnndMhan 11:483. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 3. Two years ago (Montcgut) Rev. d. d. Momlcs 11:14:595. Westward ho! Brimley, Essays. Klngsley, Pro f. James L. 1778-1852. (Thacher, Woolsey) Pains, biography v. 4. Kinkel, J. Gottfried. 1815-82. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. ( .Maicsl.ach) UnsereZeit 1883:1:751. Histories of (u-rinan literature: Barthel (681). Kino, Kuvliiti Francisco, padre. Memorials. Hatching! 1 Cul. Mag. v. I. Kinship. See alto works on Marriage, Family. Wills, Clans. -- .McLennan. Studies in ancient history. Kinship. 260 Knowledge. Morgan. Systems of consanguinity (Smithsonian Contrib. v. 17). and custom (Jevons) Jour. Philol. lb:87. Kirby, Hon. Ephraim. 1757-1801. (Garlick) Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Tracts 58. Kirchhoff, Gustav Rob. 1824- (Helmholtz) Rundschau 54 : 232. - (Pisko) Unsere Zeit 1888:1:209. Kirchmann, Jul. Hermann von. Unsere Zeit 1869:2:461. Kirghiz (Kirgheez). Poe"sie populaire (Dora d'lstria) Rev.d.d. Mondes II: 103:543. Ueber die achten (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1864. Kirtland, Jared P. 1793-1877. National Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Kitai and Karakitai. Beitrug zur Geschichte Asiens (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Klaproth, Martin H: 1743-1817. (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Klaucke, Paul. 1839-88. Lebensbild. Jahrb. Philol. 140:206. Kleber, J. B., general. 1754-1500. (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 33 : 139. Klein, Ernst Ferdinand. 1744-1812. (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Klein, Julius Leopold. 1804-76. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1876:2:561. Kleist, H: B. W: von, dramatist. 1776-1811. Preussische Jahrb. 2 : 599. Treitschke. Aufsiitze 1 : 75. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 37:593. - Leben (Wilbrandt) In Kleist's Werke. Neues liber (Bormann) Unsere Zeit 1886: 1:549. Prinz von Homburg. Hebbel, Werke 11: 196. Robert Guiskard (Brahm) Rundschau 39: 52. Schuld u. Schicksal im Leben (Isaac) Preuss. Jahrb. 55 : 433. Stil (Weissenfels) Herrig's Archiv 80:369. Element, Michael von. Prozess wider(Friedberg) Hist.Zts.62: 385. Klopstock, F: G. 1724-1803. Histories of German poetry by : Bohtz, Gervinus (4: 126), Hillebrand (1:70). Jameson (Mrs.). Loves of the poets ch. 30. Schubart. Werke6:36. Strauss ( D: F:). Schrif ten 10 : 1-170. Grammatische Gesprache. Schlegel (A. W: y.), Werke 7 : 197. Messias. Herder, Werke 1 : 277. (Pawel) Zts. deutsche Philol. v. 21. mit Homer verglichen. Herder, Werke 1:298. Oden. Herder, Werke 20 : 327. Poetische Sprache (Wiirfl) Herrig's Archiv v. 64-65. Revolutionsoden (Niemever) Herrie's Archiv 22:1. Streitigkeiten mit Cramer u. Wieland. Herder, Werke 1:513. Sy Ibenmaas. Herder, Werke 1 : 207. Klosterrad. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 16 Klotz, C. Ad. 1738-71. Homerische Briefe. Herder, Werke 3: 195. Kliiber, Johann L., jurist. 1762-1837. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2:473. Knee. Joint. Lipoma des (Wagner) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 3. Patella. Extracapsulare Briiche (Rb- diger) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Phanomen im Kindesalter (Zeising) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Kneller, Sir Godfrey. 1646-1723. Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. 3. Knesebeck, K: F: Freiherr von der. (Lehmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 34: 1. Mission to Russia, 1812(Duncker) Preuss. Jahrb. 37:34. Knighthood. See also Chivalry, Crusades, Teutonic Knights, Tournaments, names of famous knights as Bay ard,George(St). Maner of makynge. Camden Soc. II : 28 : 106. Knights Hospitallers of St. John. See also Malta, Rhodes. Kip. Historical scenes. Schiller. Werke 11 : 311. Universal history : modern 15 : 199. Vertot. History of the Knights of Malta. in England, 1338 (Thanie) Camden Soci- ety 65. Letze Zeiten (Reuinont) Hist. Taschen- buch 1844. Knights of Labor. Mission (Scott) Overland 11:9:470. , Esquisse historique (Wright) Jour. Econ. IV: 37: 399. Troubles in central states, 1886. U. S. House Rept. 1886-7, v. 3. Knights Templar. See also Freemasonry. Addison (C. G.). Knights Templars. Findel. Geschichte der Freimaurei 808. Keightley. Secret societies of middle ages. Lea. History of the inquisition 3 : 238. Welcke. Geschichte der Tempelherren- ordens. Abolishment, 1316. Histories of Europe by : Hall am, etc. (Gebhardt) Preuss. Jahrb. 62 : 537. Martin. Histoire de France. Michelet. Histoire de France 3:91. Milman. Latin Christianity v. 6. Simonde de Sismondi. Republiques italiennes 2 : 417- Turner. England in middle ages 1 : 579, in Germany. Staatzur Zeit seiner Blilthe (Sattler) Hist. Zeits. 49:229. - Lotherund Mailer. Schlegel (K: W: F:v.). Werke 7: 189. Trial (Soldan) Hist. Taschenbuch 1845. Knobelsdorff, H. G. W. von. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7 :32. Knots. (Tait) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28 : 145. Know-nothing party. See also American party. Brownson. Works 18 : 300-380. Hambleton. Virginia campaign of 1855. Knowledge. See also Culture, Doubt, Hy- pothesis, Perception, Science, Senses. Ward. Dynamic sociology 2:470. Knowledge. 261 Kossuth. - Absolute. Hegel, Werke 2 : 574. and relative. Mill, Hamilton's philos- ophy v. 1. and scepticism. Bowne, Theism. Bases of. Murphy, Scientific bases of faith. Begriff (Goring) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. v. 1-2. Grundlegung (Staudinger) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 6:413. De docta ignorantia. Nicolaus Cusauus, Opera. Doctrine of. Fichte, Popular works v. 2. Elements selon Hume (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 12:314,331. Ferrier's theory. Fraser, Essays in phi- losophy. Goethe's Erkenntnissprincip (Harpf) Philos. Monatsh. 19 : 1. Grenzen d. historischen ( Vischer) Preuss. Jahrb. 46:56. Learning and professional skill. New- man, Idea of a university. Locke's theory. McCosh, Realistic phi- losophy 2:37. Stewart. Philosophical essays. Modern improvements of. Glanvil, Es- says. io7;. Nature of. Bolingbroke, Works 5 : 119. kinds, uses. Plato, Dialogues. Relativity of. Bascom, Problems in phi- losophy. Fiske. Cosmic philosophy v. 1. Seth. On the Scottish philosophy. Scientific. Importance to practical men. Everett Orations 1 :246, 307. Postulates. Bowne, Theism. Secular. Negative properties. Newman, Discussions and arguments. Theory of (Se"cretan) Crit. Philos. N. S. 1 : 251. Unification of. Guthrie, On Spencer's T. of knowledge. Unknown. Davy, Works 9 : 278. Philosophic de (Renouvier) Crit. Phi- los. v. 5-6. Theorie de( Paulhan) Rev. Philos. f> : 270 Woman's influence on progress of. Buckle, Essays. Knowles, James S., dramatist. 1784-1862. Macready. Reminiscences. William Tell (Schirmer) Anglia 12 : 1. Knox, John, Crotch reformer. 1505-72. Carlyle. Portraits of Knox. Froude. Short -Indies v. 1. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Kobell, Franz W. von. 1803-82. (Kisenhart) I'nsere Zeit 1885:1 :L'^;. Kobersteln, Karl August. 1797-1870. Xeii-clirift deiit-<-he Philologie 2:507. Koch, Karl Friedrieh. 1813-72. Zeitschrift deutsche Philologie 5:98. Kock, C: Paul de, uwrliit. 17!M-1871. Mirer, m r. ('<>n tern porains. Un 71:-_':710. Kollln battle, 1757. DuiK-ker. Zeit Friedrichs d. Grossen 49. Koltzoff-Massalskl, M.-l.-n.i (ihika, jtrincett I lor;i .1 I-tria, ,,^; 3:(!r. 13:374. Organisation (Villerine 1 ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:177. dans I'aiiticjiiit)' (Moreau-Christopha) Acad. Sci. Mor. 16:1 organist' et libre(.Siiuon) Rev.d.d. Mondes . 100. -work. Kvils. Kingsley, Alton ke. Political function. Harrison, Order and profrn-** 207. Progn-- dans la da--i- ouvriere (Levas- seur) Am. I. s-i. M-.r. M .I) Uns. / ii lx.sr>:2:89. (\\Y>M-1) I'rniss. Jahrh. 51 : tl. K.-po- lichdmiimluire (Haudrillurt) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:337. Servitude. Michelet, Le peuple. Simon sur (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:67:614. State employment in times of distress. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Supply and demand (Jenkin) Grant, Re- cess studies. Thornton on. Mill, Dissertations v. 5. Thoughts on. Parker, Critical and misc. writings. Transferability. Bagehot, Economic studies. Unruhen in den Vereinigten Staaten ( Doehn ) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1 : 206- Werthbegriff und(Beutner) Preuss. Jahrb. 23 : 448, 501. Zustande, 1886 (Stieda) Preuss. Jahrb. 57: 180- Labrador. in 1883. Stearns, Labrador. La Bruyere, Jean de, moralist. 1644-96. Albert. Litte>ature an 17. siecle. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12:358. Janet, Passions dans la litt<5rature du 17. siecle. Caracteres. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 1 : 122. - Clefs de (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 70 : 833. Labyrinths. Martinicre. Dictionnaire 3 : 687. Lac. Analytical experiments (Hatchett) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1804 : 191. Lace. Yriarte. Venice ch. 17. Lac. PI de, B. G. E. de La Ville, cointe de. (Ctivier) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 8:ocxii. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 26. La Chabeausslere/ A. E. X. P. de. 1752-1820. Grimm-Diderot Correspondance. LaChapelle, Jean de. 1656-1723. Alembert. Oeuvres 7 : 401. La Chaussature fr. au 18. siecle 430. - Gri mm- Diderot. Correspondance. Ligne. Mlmoires v. 4. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 5 : 103 Laissez-faire. Cairnes. Essays in polit. economy. Lakanal, Joseph. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 40:405. Lake, Lakes. Shores (Gilbert) U. S. Geol. Survey, 5th. report. Lake county, Cal. in 1885 (Elliott) Pams. California v. 3. Lake dwellers. Italian (Castelfranco) Rev. Anthrop III : 2:706; 4:412. Swiss. Keller, Lake dwellings. (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:37:883. Lally, T: A., baron de Tollendal. 1702-66. Trial (Hamont) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 80 : 633. Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de Monet de. 1744-1829. (Cuvier) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 13. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 31. (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 104 : 142. Darwin, Goethe und(Haeckel) Rundschau 33:69. Psy chologie de( Compayre" ) Rev. Philos. 6:1. Transformiste (Duval) Rev. Sci. 44:417. La Marmora, A. F., marchese di. 1804-78. Rechtfertigungsschrift(Bulle)Grenzboten 1874 : 1 : 361- Lamartine, A. M. L: de Prat de. 1790-1869. Alison. Essays. Faguet. Etudes litt. sur le 19. siecle. Honegger. Culturgeschichte. (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :6:438. Preussische Jahrbiicher 8 : 95. Confidences. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 1:20. Leben, Poesie, Politik (Kolloff) Unsere Zeit 1869: 2:1. Poesie (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 76:931. Raphael. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 1:63. Religiose Gedichte. Schlegel(K:F: W: v.), WerkelO:244. Vie litte"raireet politique(Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : v. 88-90. Lamb, Charles. 1775-1834. Bulwer. Prose works 1 : 89. De Quincey. Biographical essays ; Lit- erary reminiscences v. 1. Hood. Prose works 3 : 393. and Dickens (Fitzgerald) Afternoon lect- ures 2 : 67. Lambert, bishop of Arras, d. 1115. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 10. Lambert, St., bishop of Maestricht. De triumpho. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 25 : 169. Lambert, Anne T. de Marguenat de Cour- celles, marquise de. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4:217. Lambert, John, traveler. 1775- Dwight. Travels 4 : 257. Lambeth and the archbishops. Green, Stray studies from England. Lam6, Gabriel. 1795-1870. (Bertrand) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 41'. Lamellibranchiata. See also Oysters, Unios. Aquiferous system (Rolleston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862 :~29. desbraunen Jura von Berlin (Laube) Wien Akad. Denks. M-K. Cl. v. 27. Lamellibranchiata. 265 Land. in d. nordostlichen Alpen (Zittel) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. f'l. v. 24. Megalodus. Gattung (Hoernes) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 42. Systeme nerveux(Duvernoy)Paris,Mem. Acad. Sci. 24 : 3. Lamennais, H. F. R. de. 1782-1854. Albert. Literature fr. au 19. siecle 2: 141. Dowden. Studies in literature. Correspondance. Caro, Nouvelles Etudes morales. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 1, 11. Fall of. Brownson, Works 12 : 216. Newman. Essays: critical v. 1. Indifference en matiere de religion. Baader, Werke 5: 121-24*;. Oeuvres posthumes (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 10: 765. Philosophie de (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:91:549; 92:156,376. (Binaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:28:803. La Mettrte, J. O. de. 1709-51. Lange. History of materialism 2:49. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7 : 22. et la critique allemande (Pica vet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:361. Me"moire (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 17: 163- Lamia, Siege of. B. C. 323. (Schaefer) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. La Monnoye, Bernard de. 1641-1728. Alembert. Oeuvres 9 : 81. Sainte-Beuve. Poe"sie fr. au 16. siecle 448. La Motte, A. Houdart de. 1672-1731. Lettres sur "Omphale." Grimm-Diderot, Correspondance 15:281. Lampadius, Jakob. 1593-1649. Politische Theorien d. 17. Jahrh. (Kocher) Hist. Zts. 53:402. Lamprecht, Pfaffe. Alexanderlied (Bahder, Bech) Germania 30:257,385. (Harczyk) Zts. deutsche Philol. 4 : 1- Lampreys and hag-fishes (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1834, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1843. Lamps. Perpetual. Legends of (Bolton) Pams. history v. 13. Lancashire, England. Laborers' distress, 1862-5. Blanc, Lettres sur 1'Angleterre 3:91. (Forcade) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:43:674. Races of ( Da vies) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1855 : 210. Lancaster, John of Gaunt, earl of. 1340-99. Carter. Ancient sculpture 113. Portrait. Chronicon, a monacho S. Albani (Rolls chronicles, 64). Lancelot (fish). Amphioxus (Goodsir) Roy. Edin. Trans. .'17. (Rohon) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v.45. Bau des branchiostoma lubricum Costa (Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. IMI Lancelot du Lak. (P. 1'aris) Romania 10:466. Deutsche Prosaromane( Peter) Germania 28:129. Sage (Martens) Roman. Stud. 5:667. 34 Land. See also Agrarian, Agriculture, Evic- tion, Ireland (Land question), Land tenure, Mortmain, Peasants, Public lands, Rent. Works on political economy, especially: Carey, Fawcett, George, Mill, Perry. Dove. Human progression. Laveleye. Primitive property. Spencer. Social statics. Abuses of landed gentry. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Acquisition by the poor. Alison, Popula- tion 2:1. Anglo-Saxon property. Turner, Anglo- Saxons v. 3. Common (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:46:451. Origine en France (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 44:93, 106. Division du sol (Wolowski) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:10:640; Acad. Sci. Mor. 42:95- dans les Gaules (Dareste) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42 : 273, 383. dans 1'Yonne (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70:151. in France (Passy) Jour. Econ. 1 : 15: 1. in Westfalen, 1824. Pams. on history v. 7. Egyptian system. Kenrich, History of Egvpt2:22. English. Blanc, Lettres sur 1'Angleterre 4:263. laws, 1880 (Ompteda) Preuss. Jahrb. 46: 401, 449. Free. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Grundlagen des Stats. Bluntschli, Lehre v.d.Stat 1:254. Homeric system (Ridgeway) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:319. Monopoly in California. Pams. on Cali- fornia v. 9-10. Nationalization of (Fawcett, Wallace) Choice Lit. 2:9, 112,243. New England colonies system (Egleston) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 4. Non-residence of landlords (Tozer) Camb. Philos. Trans. 7 : 189. Obligations of the soil. Greg, Miscella- neous essays. Peasant proprietorship. Greg, Mistaken aims of artizan class. Laing on. Greg, Essays v. 1. Prussian. Heron, Jurisprudence 685. Political economy and. Cairnes. Essays. - Price in New York, 1791. N. Y. Doc. his- tory 3 : 648. Proprie'te'fonciere. Jour.Econ.I-II.t'ntfez. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 73:829. dans les pays musulmans (Macarel, Worms) Acad". Sci. Mor. 4: 148- en Alge>ie( Macarel, Worms) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4 : 148. 187. Evolution (Bernard) Jour. Econ. IV: 86: im Statistique (Moreau-Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 31:. V Prussian Landrecht (History pams. v. ; ; Misc. pams. v. 8). Reclamation (Lyster) Midi. Bd. Health 1879:233. by iron dykes. Pams. engineering v. 1. Land. 266 Language. of tide. S. F. Mechanics' Inst. Kept. 1871. Transfer of. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Une forme dn capital (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. 111:10:5. Land tenure. Bibliography. Library Jour. 6 : 268. Allen. Royal prerogative. Fawcett. Economical position of En- glish labourer. Maine. Early institutions; Village communities. Maurer. Geschichte d. Fronhofe in Peutschland. Mill. Dissertations v. 5. Ropers. Cobden and modern political opinion. Etruscan. Crawford, Etruscan inscrip- tions 146. Javanese. Raffles, Java 1 : 150; 2 : app. Landais. Pierre. et la nationality bretonne(Carne') Rev. d. d. MondesII:30:454, 691. Landi, Ortensio. Bayle. Dictionary. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 7:1177. Landini, Cristoforo, philologist. 1424-1504. Symonds. Renaissance. Landor, Walter Savage. 1775-1864. Bra tides. Hauptstromungen 4 : 300. De yuincey. Essays on the poets; Works 8 : 284. Dowden. Studies in literature. (Forster) In Lander's Works v. 1. -Frere. Works 2: 285. Houghton. Monographs : personal. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Stedman. Victorian poets 33. -Ward. English poets 4: 4(55. Imaginary conversations. Stephen, Hours in a library v. 3. Landseer, Sir Edwin H: 1802-73. British painters of 19. century. Ruskin. Modern painters. Lanfr anc , archbishop of Canterbury. 1005-89. Eadmer. Historia novorum (Rolls chron- icles, 81). Histoire litte'raire de la France v. 8. Histories of England, time of Norman conquest. - Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury 2:73. William of Malmesbury. De gestis pon- ti firm m (Rolls chronicles, 52). Lanfrey, Pierre. 1828-77. (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 41- 5, (534; 42:5. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:50:727. Lange, C. K. Ludwig. 1825-85. - Erinnerung (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 135: 307. Lange, Johann P., theologian. 1802-84 Schaff. Germany 381. Ide'alisme (Heinse) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 1:173. (Nolen) Rev. Philos. 4 :380, 575. Langland, William. - Piers Plowman. Disraeli, Amenities of literature. - Lechler. Life of Wycliffe 70. Langres, France. Depping. Voyage 66. Langton, S., archbishop of Canterbury. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury 2 : 658. Rapin. History of England 1 : 267. Thomson. Essay on Magna Charta. Language. See also Accent, Alphabet, Apha- sia, Etymology, Grammar, Grimm's law, Hieroglyphics, Names, Onomatopeia, Orthography, Philology, Phonetics, Prosody, Punctuation, Roots, Slang, Style, Thought, Translation, Vocabu- laries, Volapiik, Writing, names of parts of speech and of individual languages. Bancroft. Native races 3 : 1. Bentham. Works v. 8. De Quincey. Works 8 :76. Stewart. Philosophy of human mind v. 3. Acquisition chez les enfants (Taine) Rev. Philos. 1 : 5. als Kennzeichen der Nationalitat (Bockh) Zts. Volkerpsych. 4 : 259. and race. Freeman, Historical essays v. 3. Tylor, Anthropology. and writing (Scott) Class. Jour. 1:37; 2: 422. Articulation (Whitney) Amer. J. Philol. 2:345. Barrier between man and beast. Miiller, Science of thought v. 1. Begriff einer Sprachlehre (Jost) Herrig's Archiv v. 7-8. Combination illustrated by sufflxes( Whit- ney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15: 111. Conditions logiques (Regnaud) Rev. Phi- los. 24:515. Confusion of languages. Philo Judaeus, Works v. 2. Consistency in views of (Whitney) Amer. J. Philol. 1:327. - Darwin on. Miiller, Chips v. 4. Development (Farrar) Jour. Philol. v. 1. and families. Keary, Dawn of history. Emotional and imitative. Tylor, Prim'i- ,tive culture v. 1. Etude philosophique. Volney, Oeuvres v. 1. - Evolution (Powell) U, S. Bur.Ethnol. 1st. report. Gesetze (Tobler) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 3:30. phone"tique (Regnaud) Rev. Philos. 27: - Formation. Smith (Adam), Works 5:1. Gefuhl bei d. Deutschen u. Romern (Hil- debrand) Zts. deutsche Philol. 2:253. Gemination in der Volksmundarten (Mieck) Herrig's Archiv 46:293. Gift at Pentecost. Herder, Werke 19 : 1. - Harmony. Alembert, Oeuvres 3 : 107. Improvement. Herder, Sammtl. Werke 1:159-; 2:29- - Infantile (Humphreys) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1880:5. Kindheit der (Mieck) Herrig's Archiv 45:299. Malerische in (Hermann) Jahrb. Philol. 138:465. Material and form in (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1872:77. - Mixture (Oetker) Preuss. Jahrb. 36: 176. (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 12:5. Miiller's inconsistency (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1880:92. Language. 267 Larivey. - Nature, origine, formation (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 21 : 201. - of animals. Good, Book of nature 289. -Origin. Grimm, KleinereSchriften 1 Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851. - ( Hale) Pams. language v. 2. Hamann. Schriften; hrsg. v. PetriS: 147. (Kelle) Herrig's Archiv 20:297. (Lasker) Rundschau 21:209. Schelling. Werke 1 : 10 : 419. Wedgwood. Dictionary English ety- mology. (Whi'tney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1870:84. - Herder iiber. Jacobi (F. H.), Werke 6:24.3. Sieinthal gegen Whitney. Zts. Volker- psych. 8:21<>. Pale'ontologie des. Quinet, Creation (Oeu- vres v. 23). Parrots and nature of (Wilks) Rev. Philos. 9:fi5. Philosophy of. Donaldson, New Cratylus. moghch"? (Hornav) Herrig's Archiv 16:148. Neueste (Bruchmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 11:409. Primeval (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 10 Reason and. Herder, "Werke 21 : 191. Schleicher's views (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1871:35. Science of (Burnonf) Rev.d.d. MondesII: 67:274. Results. Miiller, Chips v. 4. ( Wilkins) Owens college essays. Sign. Bei den Arabern (Golziher) Zts. Volkerpsych. 16:369. - Indian '(Mallery) U. S. Bur. Ethnol. Report 1. -- Tneorie (Kleinpaul) Zts. Volkerpsych. ::.3. Ursprung(Hirschfeld) Rundschau 22: >ittiiche in (Wundt) Rundschau 47:70. Bprachreflex, Natmomtu (Marty) Vier- telj. wissens. Philos. 8:456; 10:69; 13 195, 304. Stratification. Miiller, Chips v. 4. Streitfragen (Whitney) Rundschau 4:259. study of modern. Hamerton, Intellect- ual life. (Hennequin) Mich. Sch. Rept. 1879: 147. Place in a curriculum (Jacobi) Am. J. Paych. i:0L - Teaching (.lost) Herrig's Archiv 5: 132. - Hamilton's method. Bleeck, Persian grammar. - Smith (Sydney), Works 2:171. Theory of. ''mute. Positive polity 2: I*:.'. (Dewar) llov. K.lin. Trail-. 7:.>7. Thought and. Hazanl.K^avMii language. Lot/e. Micp'c.i-mii- L:60L (Mimicl) Ht-rrig's Archiv 11:129: 18:344. M .lliT. Si-jence of thought. 2 v. (Paiilhan) U.-v. Philos. 21 :2-!. .1. I >iM-c,ur>r-. Smart Thought and language. word and deed (Cowell) Jour. Philol. :t :l'l... u nd das Krkt>nnen( Jung) Philos. Monat-h. 178, t'niversal. Advantage to science. Can- dolle, Histoire des sciences 531. Commendatio. Leibnitz, Opera pbjlos. ed. Erdmann Ki2. Conditions of (Ellis) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1888-90:59. English to be the (Bell) Pams. lan- guage v. 2. for the learned (Meierotto) Berlin Akad. Abh. 171)2-7. Use. Calderwood, Mind and brain. Vermengung. Hillebrand.Zeiten, Volker 2:339. Languedoc. Note ( Lavergne) Acad. Sci. Mor. 53:384. Sous 1'ancien regime (Lafarelle) Acad. Sci. Mor. 40:61, 349; 41:71. Languet, Hubert. Author of Vindiciae contra tvrannos. I'.ayle, Dictionary 10:305. Languet de Gergy, J: Jos., archbishop. 1G77- 1753. Alembert. Oeuvres 11:81. Lanier, Sidney. 1842-81. Memorial of. 1888. Pams. biography v. 4. Lansdowne, H: Petty-Fitzmaurice, marquess of. 1780-1863. Marti neau. Biographical sketches. Lansdowne, William Petty, marquess of. 1737-1805. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. M&noires (Fontanes) Rev.d.d. Moudes 111:13:802. 25:378. Laocoon. See also Lessing (G. E.). Lessing. Laocoon. Neue Deutung (BHimmer) Jahrb. Philol. 123:17. Sb'hne in (Brunn) Rundschau 29:204. - Wahrscheinliche Alter (Gerlach) Rhein. Mns. 17:443. Laou-tsze. Douglas. Confucianism and Taouism. La Place, 1': S.. marquis de. 1749-1827. Arago. Oeuvres 3: r>7. (Fourier) Paris, Mt'-m. Acad. Sci. v. 10; also in Svstfcme du nionde. 6e 4d. Morton. Heroes of science: astronomers. Id^e cosmologique. Faye, Sur 1'origine du monde. Theorie. Kant, Lambert und (During) Preuss. Jahrb. 58: 128. Lapland. Du Chaillu. Land of the midnight sun. (Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. IV: 21: 243. MarmiiT. Lett res sur le nord. Miirclu-n (LJebrecht) (iermania 15:l(il. Mt.'urs (Rabot) Rev. Sci. 43: 112. Laprade, P: M. Victor R: de. 1S12-83. (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mon.lcs 11:1:409. (Taillandier) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:31:721. La Rame, Louise de (Ouida. i>srncnt/on) Rev. d. d. Momlt-s 111:2--' Larcher, P: H.. Hellenist. 172>-lsi2. Classical Journal 10: 130. Larevelllcre-L.'peaux, I. M.<1>> Mt'moin- ( H.-irciui ll.-v. Hi-t 10:68. La Rive, Arthur An^n-t.' dc. IMII -73. (Dumas) Paris, M. MM. Acad. Sci. V. 40. Larivey, Pi.-rn- dr. l.v-o i<;i2.' Kinlliiss ant' Molicre (Wenzel) Herrig's Archiv _':. Larivey. 268 Latin literature. Oebrauch d. Tempora u. Modi (Vogels) Roman. Stud. 5:445. Larixinic acid. (Stenhouse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:53. Larkln, Thomas O. Histories of California by : Bancroft (4 : 706); Colton (428); Soule (756). La Rochefoucauld, F., prince de Marsillac, due de, moralist. 1613-80. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 11:404; Nou- veaux Lundis 5:371. 8e'vigne - (Mme.). Lettres 12 : 482. Shelley. French authors v. 1. Mdmoires. In his Oeuvres v. 2- La Rochefoucauld, duchesse de. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of women. La Rochefoucauld-Llancourt, F. A. F., due de. 1747-1827. Dwight. Travels 4 : 235. Laromiguirre, Pierre. Cousin. Fragments philosophiques 5:341- Philosophic (Mallet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12: 109. Vie et les travaux (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 35: 183. Larynx. See also Voice. Mechanism ( Willis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4:323. Schwindsucht (Blindermann) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Tuberculosis (Schwann) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Locale Behandlung(Wirz)Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. La Sale (La Salle), Antoine de. 1398-1461. (Stern) Herrig's Archiv 46:113. Cent nouvelles nouvelles (Volkmann) Herrig's Archiv 18:143. Testament de Pathelin (Mnret) Herrig's Archiv 39: 49. La Salle, A. N., marquis de. 1735-1818. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. La Salle, Robert C., explorer. 1635-87. French. Hist, collections Louisiana. Parkman. La Salle. Sparks. American biography v. 11. - Winsor. History of America 4:201. - Voyage of the Griffon. Buffalo Hist. Soc. 1:253. Lasaulx, Anillie de (Soeur Augustine). (Penchinat) Critique Relig. 4:161. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:40:698. Lasca, n. See Grazzini, A. F. Las Casas. See Casas. Lasioptera cerris. (Kollar) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1: 347. Lasker, Eduard, statesman. 1829-84. - Briefe(Rodenberg) Rundschau 38:443. Lassalle, Fd. J. G., socialist. 1825-64. - Works on socialism by : Ely. Laveleye Rae, Schaffle., (Block) Jour. Econ. Ill : 27: 161. (Brandes) Rundschau 2:276, 369; 3:213. Hall. Aspects of German culture. - Kaufmann. Utopias ch. 11-12. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 18 : 867. Mariano. Lassalle e il suo Eraclito. Unsere Zeit 1865:561. Brief e an Sophie (Heinze) Uns. Zeit 1881: 1:292. Eine Liebe. Uns. Zeit 1878 : 1 : 241. Lassay, A. L. de Madaillan de Lesparre, marquis de. 1652-1738. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 9 : 162. Lassen county, California. History of Plumas, Lassen, and Sierra counties. Land and cattle co. Prospectus, 1884. Pams. California v. 3. Latliom house ; sie^e 1643. Hutchinson (Col. J:). Memoirs, app. Latin-sea clandestina. (Ducharte) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 10:423. Latin language. Abstractbildung durch d. Suffix tion (Meyer) Or. u. Occid. v. 2. Altes Latein (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 35: 627; 36:235; 37:516; 39:408; 42:582. AltitalischeStudien(Bugge) Kuhn's Zeits. 22:385. Esvf und Oskisch mehr (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 30:436. Grammar. Study by Romans of 1st century (Nettles'hip) J. Philol. 15:189. Mezentius zur (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 12:419. -History (Keller) Jahrb. Philol. 133:261, 697, 843. Latinite" des modernes. Alembert, Oeu- vres 3 : 122. Locale Verschiedenheiten (Vogel) Jahrb. Philol. 127:177. Oskische Bleitaf el (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 33:1. Partikeln auf d und m (Savelsberg) Rhein. Mus. 26:117, 370, 639. Prefix vse or ve (Williams) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13:63. - Pronunciation. Bacon (Roger ), Opus ter- tium cap. 63^ (Fisher) Missouri Univ. Lectures 1879. (Haldeman) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1873:44. Plautus, Aulularia; ed. by Wagner; in trod. Heutige Aussprache (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 31: 481. Punisches in (Hitzig) Rhein. Mus. 10: 77, 15.6. Source of non-Hellenic portion (Williams) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13:494. Stellung im deutsch. Gymnasium (Roth- ert) Herrig's Archiv 6:233. Study of (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III": 72: 862. Conington. Miscell. writings v. 1. (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. IV: 34 : 231. (Kellogg) Califprnian 4:399. Sumxe tia, tio (Duntzer) Rhein. Mus. 34: 245- - Wortbindungen (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. 3: 569. Latin literature. - Dubois-Guchan. Tacite et son siecle v. 2. - Legare\ Writings 2:52. Lord. Old Roman world 262. Altitalisches Weihgedicht (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 33:271. Amatory writers (Preston) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 9. Latin literature. 269 Law. and art Mommsen, History of Rome. Anthology (Baehrens) Rhein. Mus. 31 : 89, 254, f>02; 32:211. -- (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 9:186. -- (L.'Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 18:432; 23:94. -- (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 26:40*). Prose development (Nettleship) Jour. Philol. 15:35. Study. Mediaeval. Great errors. Bacon (Roger), Opus minus. under Augustus and the Antonines. Friedlander, Rom. Sittengeschichte v. 3. -- the Flavians. Merivale, Romans 8 : 69. Latouche.^H. T. de. 1785-1851. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 3 : 474. Latour, Th. Baillet von, count. Murder. Coxe, House of Austria v. 4. Latour d'Auvergne, Th. M. Corret. 1743- 1800. Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 293. La Trappe, France. Chateaubriand. Vie de Ranee". Convent de Staoueli (Reybaud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 22:411. Refugees in United States (Flick) Am. Catholic Hist. Soc. 1:86. Latreille, Pierre Andre 1 . 1762-1833. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 32. La Trf-moullle, C. de, countess of Derby, d. 1663. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Scott Peveril of the peak (fiction). Latude. See Masers de Latude. Laube, Heinrich, poet. 1806-84. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 2: 455. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 54 : 228. Laud, William, archbishop. 157%1645. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury v. 11. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Ncal. Puritans pt. 3, ch. 5. Church of England under. Masson, Life of Milton bk. 3. Lauderdale. See Maitland. Laughter. K-.-ence dans les arts plastiques. Baude- laire, Oeuvres v. 2. Physiology of. Spencer, Universal prog- ress 194. - Theories du. Critique Philos. 9 : 67. Laujon, Pierre, poet. 1727-1811. Grimm- Diderot. Correspondance. Launfal, Sir : romance. Rawlinson version (Kittredge) Am. J. ri.ilol. 10:1. Laura, friend of Petrarch. See Noves. Lauraguais, I,. L. V.,cmtede,ducdeBrancat. Urimni-Diderot. Correspondance. Lauremberg, Johann W: 1590-1658. (Grimm) < icrinaiiia 2:298, 445. Scherzgedichte (Latendorf) Germania L'l Laurent, Henry. 17'_'l :_'. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 420. Laurentlum. - (Bois.sier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:66:762. Lausanne, Switzerland. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 3,24. Lauterberg. Mons Serenus monastery. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 23 : 130. Lauzun, A. L: Gontaut, due de. 1747-93. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4 : 287. Madame de Coigny et (Du Bled) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 95: 559. Lava. See also Basalt, Volcanoes. des dykes de Thera (Fouque 1 ) Paris, Mt'm. Savans Etrang. v. 2t>. Experiments on whinstone and (Ken- nedy, Hall) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 5. Fields of northwest Europe. Geikie, Geo- logical sketches. Structure of, consolidated on steep slopes (Lyell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:703. Studien (Penck) Pams. mineralogy v. 1. La Valliere, F. L. de la Baume le Blanc, duchesse de. 1644-1710. (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1 : 45 : 451. Bulwer. Dramas v. 1. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 3 : 451. Profession de foi. Bossuet, Oeuvres choisies v. 5. Lavater, Jean Gaspard. 1741-1801. Gervinus. Deutsche Dichtung 5: 307. Grimm. Life of Goethe. Schlosser. History of 18. century 2:24. Wieland. Werke 35 : 297. Glaubensphilosophie. Fischer, Geschichte neuern Philos. 2:829. Wurdigung (Feuerlein) Preuss. Jahrb. 40 : 253. La Vire aux May ens. (Gourdault) Rev.d. d. Mondes III : 22 : 900. Lavoisier, A. L., chemist. 1743-94. Brougham. Men of letters 1 : 227. Wurtz. History of chemical theory. Jeunesse, mort (Grimaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:79-884; 84:826. Law, E:, baron Ellenborough. See Ellen- borough. Law, J:, of Lauriston, financier. 1671-1729. Histories of France by : Martin (v. 15), Michelet (v. 15), etc. Duclos. Me'moires secrets. Gayurre'. History of Louisiana 1 : 193. Irving ( W.). Wo'olfert's roost (KurUeJ) Histor. Taschenbuch 1846. Saint Simon. Memoires. Tocqueville. Regne de Louis XV. 1 : 110. (Vuitry) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:62:350,817. La Jonchere:une'mulede(Lavergne)Acad. Sci. Mor. (53:5. Paris et la France sous (Michelet) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:44:497. System (Davis) Pams. on finance v. 3. Frignet. Association commerciulech.6. Law, William. 1686-17il. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Law. See alto Bankruptcy, Blockade, Bre- linii, Canon, Civil, Codes, Com UK m, Con- stitution, < 'on tract, Corpora tii ms. Courts, Criminal, Divorce, Evidence, Extradition, Habeas corpus, International,. I ndiciary, Jury, Legislation, Libel, Maritime, Nat- ural, Partnership, Patents, 1'oor laws, Precedents, Itight, Salic, Testimony, Treason, Trials, usufruct Eucken. Concepts of modern philosophy. Law. 270 Leake. Ferguson. Moral and polit. science v. 2. a bottomless pit (Arbuthnot) Arber's English garner v. 6. Administration in India, 1714. Lettres ddifiantes 12:255. as u profession. Cicero, Oratio pro L. Mu- rena. Talfourd. Essays. Austin on. Mill, Dissertations v. 4. Chinese (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39: 227; 40:203. Conflict of (Fouill^e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:3(5:392. Evolution, selon M. Maine (Penchinat) Crit. Philos. 11:65.150.161. French, dans 1'orient (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2:261. Dur<5e persistante, 1789(Valette) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95:185, 647. German. Aufnahmed.romischenRechts (Boretius) Preuss. Jahrb. 52: 105. Growth. Bushnell, Work and play 78. Grundbegriffe (Planck) Zts. Philos. 89: Beigabeheft. History in Massachusetts(Sullivan)Pams. history v. 2. Ide moderne du (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:3:517; 8:862. en France (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25:764; 26:501; 28:635, Icelandic. Conybeare, Place of Iceland. Gottesurtheil im (Maurer) Germania 19:139. in general. Spencer, Recent discussions. Military. Russische Standerecht. Uns. Zeit 1868:1:138. Moral influence. Newmann(Fs. W.),Mis- cellanies 2:84. Mosaic. Milman, History of the Jews 1 : 177. GeschichtlicheStellung. Preuss. Jahrb. 57:339. Origin (Joly) Revue Philos. 15:170. Persian caliph. Kremer.Culturgeschichte d. Orients v. 1. Philosophy (Laferriere) Acad. Sci. Mor. 49:421. (Steudel) Zts. Philos. 90:142. Lasson's(Hartmann) Philos. Monatsh. 18:461. Physical. Conceptions of (Nipher)Pams. science v. 3. Principles (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour.Econ. 111:3:161. Progress. Millar, English government 4:26(5. Raisonsd'e'tabliroud'abroger. Frederick II,Oeuvres9:9. Reform in England, 1830. Bentham, Works. Brougham. Speeches v. 2. Rules. Classification. Maine, Early law and custom. Study and teaching (Dupin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42:481. in Prussia. Preuss. Jahrb. 3: 29. (Adickes) Preuss. Jahrb. 29: 195. - Reform (Fuld) Uns. Zeit 1887:1 :(529. and Priifungsordnung(Eccius) Preuss. Jahrb. 61 : 164, 244. Suspensivbedingung (Gunkel)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. - Ueber Jugend n. Altern des (Giercke) Rundschau 18: 205. Universal. Principe et fin (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 76:337. Universality. Bascom, Problems in phi- losophy. Lawrence, G: A. 1827-76. Guy Livingstone (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:21:149. Lawrence, Sir Thomas, painter. 1769-1830. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Lawrence, William. 1791- (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 89: 177. Lawyers. American. Choate, Addresses. English (Franqueville) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:529. Foundingof states(Hoar)Pams.lawv.4 Ausbildung (Bahr) Preuss. Jahrb. 50:571. Barreau moderne (Le Berquier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 34 : 134 ; 43 : 162. dans la Grece antique (Saripolos) Acad. Sci. Mor. 96:121. DeutscheStaatsanwaltschaft(Mittelstiidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 34 : 19. Function, duties (Read) Pams. law v. 1. Institut d. Staatsanwaltschaft. Preuss. Jahrb. 4:22. of Boston. Winsor, History of Boston 4:571. Relations to literature (Rearden) Pams. law v. 4. Advocatur in Preussen. Preuss. Jahrb. 14:424. Layamon. Histories of Anglo-Saxon literature. Morley. English writers. Paragogische n im (Stratmann) Anglia 3:552; 4:107. Possessives in es and his (Furnivall) Philol. Soc. Trans. 18C5 : 75. Quellen (Wiilcker) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 3 : 524. Spruch und Bild (Regel) Anglia 1:197. und Orm. Flexionsverhaltnisse (Callen- berg) Herrig's Archiv 57 : 317. Vers (Trautmann) Anglia 2:153. Laybacli, Illyria. Congress, '1821. Metternich, Memoirs. Lazarus. Resurrection. Herder, Werke, hrsg. v. Suphan 31 : 339. Lazarus, M. (Reinach) Revue Philos. 6 : 603. Lazian language. (Rosen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. Lead. Action of water on (Christison) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:2ri5. Arseniate (Gregor) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1809: 195. Atomic weight of graphite (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859 : 249. Gesetz betreffend den Verkehr ( Wolff hii- gel) Berlin, Gesundheitsamt, Arbeiten 2 : 112. Smelting (Keyes) Cal. State Mineralogist, Report, 1888. Leadville, Colorado. Emmons. Geology and mineral industry. Leake, W: M. Wiederentdeckung d. klassischen Lander (Curtius) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:237. Leander. 271 Legate. Leander. See Hero. Learning. See Culture. Least squares. See also Personal equation. Chauvenet. Spherical and pract. astron- omy v. 2. Gauss. Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. Merriman. Least squares. Penny encyclopaedia. Methbd^of (Bienayme") Paris, Mm. Di- vans. Etrang. 15 : 615. (Ellis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:204. (Todhunter) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11 : 219. Leather. See also Tannin. and shoe industries. U. S. Consular re- port 59. and tests. Phila. Exhib. 1870. Reports v. 5. Discourse on. 1622. Arber's English garner v. 6. Leaves. See also Botany, Plants. Anatomy (Loebel) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Buds. Schutzeinrichtungen (Feist) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 9. Decoloration par 1'e'lectricite' (Becquerel) Paris Mem. Acad. Sci. y. 38. Organe nouveau (Turpin) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 15:419. Respiration (Pepvs) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1843:329. Uses and origin of the arrangements. Wright, Philos. discussions. Venation der Apetalen (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 15. der Bombaceen ( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14. der Celastrineen ( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 13. der Farnkrauter( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. D.-nks. M N. OL v. der Loranthaceen (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 32. Lebanon, Mount. et Davoud Pacha (Alaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:58: 139; 63:5. in 1800. Guerre (Ferrette) Rev. d. d. Mnndesll:28:1007. in 1874 (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7: 328. Monks of. 1721. Kip, Historical scenes. Tour in (De Forest) Jour. Amer. Orient. Soc. 2: 235. Traces of glacial action on (Thomson) Jour. Am. Or. Soc. 10:185. Le Bon, ii,,,H. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2. Lecanora ventosa. (GUmbt'l) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 11 Lecky, W: K: II., l,i.-t,>ri,m. History <>f Kn^lam! ( Filon) Rev. d. d. .Mon.ii-. ill : 88: fid Moraliste (Carrau) Rev. Philos. 6:344. Leclerc, Jean, Swiss divine. 1057-1736. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Le Clerc, Joseph Victor. 1789-1805. (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 74 : 341. Le Clerc du Tremblay, F: See Joseph (le pere). Leclercq, Michel Theodore. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 3 :526. Le Conte, J:, LL.D. Portrait (Photograph case). Le Conte, J: Lawrence, naturalist. 1825-83. National Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Leconte de Lisle, (".': Marie, poet. 1820^ Lernaitre. Contemporains 2:5. (Me'nard) Crit. Philos. N. 8.5:314. (Weigand) Unsere Zeit 1889:2:57. Le Couvreur, Adrienne. 1090- Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 1: 198. Lecturing, Lectures. Carlyle-Emerson. Correspondence. Lowell. Emerson as a lecturer (My study windows). Ledru-Rollin, Alex. Aug., journalist. 1808-74. (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 6:369. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 1 : 641. Ledyard, J:, traveler. 1751-88. Cook. Last voyage. Sparks. American biography v. 24. Lee, Arthur. Calendar of mss. Harvard Lib. Contrib. 8. Lee, Charles, major-general. 1731-82. Moore. Treason of Lee. Sparks. American biography v. 18. Lee, Francis L. 1734- Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 9. Lee, To/. Henry. 1750-1818. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 534. Lee, Nathaniel, dramatist. 1657-92. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. (Mosen) Engl. Studien 2:410. Lee, Richard H: 1732-94. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. Statesmen 302. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 9. Lee, Robert E.. general. 1807-70. Annual cyclopaedia 1870:429. Chesney. Military biography. (< Inkle) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:105:497. Leech, John, caricaturist. 1 In. skin. Arrows of thechace 1: 111; also Art of England. Leeches. D<5veloppement enibrvgenique (Robin) Paris Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Leeuwenhoek, An toon van. 103'J 17J.. Premier observateur au microx-ope (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Minnies 11:70: :*7!). Lefebvre, Armainl K: Cabineta de 1'Europe. Sainte-Beuve, Nouvcaux Lundis v. 10. Leg. See also Fibula, Tibia. -.-y.stem (Lunger) Wien Akad. lienkv M N. Cl. y. .'Hi. Legare, Hugh S. Perry, lieminisre nres of public men _">1. Legare. 272 Lemurs. Legan's Mary S. (aftencards Mrs. Bullen). Ellet. Women artists. Legendre, A. M., mathematician. 1752-1833. Eloge de (Beaumont) Paris, M6m. Acad- Sci. v. 32. Legendre, Louis, abbe, historian. 1655-1733. ( I).->|>ois) Rev. Nat. 10:509. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 5: 150. Legends. Set also Folk-lore, Grail, Seven sages, Wandering Jew, etc. Barhani. Ingoldsby legends. Greek. Grote, History of Greece v. 1-2. Miiller. Chips v. 2. Indian. Overland Mo. 1st series, ras. index. Rhine. Hugo, The Rhine. Spanish. Irving, Spanish papers. Tartar. Castren, Ethnol. Vorlesungen. Legislation. See also Politics. Plato. Laws; Statesman. Legislature. See also Congress, Parliament. American. Improvement. Stickney.True republic. Controle des defenses publics ( Audiffert) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:53. Disciplinary powers over members. Annual cyclopaedia 1882. Mandat et'ses limites (Martineau) Jour. Econ. IV: 29: 217; 31:160. The'orie du (Courcelle-Seneuil) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:297. Lehmann, C: E. R. H: (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:81:220. Leibnitz (Leibniz), G. W. 1646-1716. Histories of philosophy by Fischer (v. 2), Henry, Hegel (Werke 15:403), Lewes, Ritter (12:47). Windelband (1:436). Bluntschli. Gesch. neu. Statswissens- chaft. Bouillier. Philosophic cartsienne2:403. Fraser. Essays in philosophy. Heron. Jurisprudence 517. Hettner. Literaturgeschichte 1 : 120. (Noire 1 ) Kant, Pure reason; tr. by Miiller 1:2H5. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion v. 1. , Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 2. Rosnnni. Origin of ideas v. 1. Saisset. Pre'curseurs de Descartes; Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 30: 961. als Jurist (Hecht) Preuss. Jahrb. 43: 1. and Geulincx (Eucken) Philos. Monatsh. 19:525. ( Pfleiderer) Philos. Monats. 21 : 20. and Hobbes (Tonnies) Philos. Monatsh. 23:557. Arbeiten u. Entwiirfe. Herder, Werke 23:469. Bossuet et. Correspondance (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 31 : 386. Briefe in Halle aufgefundenen. Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1 :78. 231, 391. Character. Herder, Briefe Beforderung Humanitat Nos. 61-62. Charakteristik. Schleiermacher, Werke 111:3:9. - Trendelenburg. Hist. Beitrage zur Philosophie 3:1; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856. Correspondance avec Malebranche; avec Nicnise. Cousin, Fragm. philos. v. 4. Doctrines religieuses(Bartholmess)Acad. ScL Mor. v. 26, 27, 31. Element der Definition in. Trendelen- burg, Beitrage 3 : 48. Esprit (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. et la science contemporaine (Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:92:327. Life. Lessing, Werke 11 : 1 : 63. et doctrine (Foucher de Careil) Acad. Sci. Mor. 58 : 385 ; 59 : 63. (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 55 : 367, 389. Me" moire (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11: 349. Monadology. Fischer, Gesch. neu. Philos. 2:315. Hedge. Atheism in philosophy. Entwickelungsgang bis 1695 (Selver) Philos. Studien 3 : 420. Philosophie (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 51, 52, 54. 55. Darstellung. Feuerbach, Werke v. 5. Quelques jugements sur (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 6:17. Thomasius et (Joly) Rev. Philos. 6:462. Verhaltniss z. positiven Theologie (Boeckh) Hist. Taschenb. 1844. Volkswirthschaftliche Ansichten (Bode- mann) Preuss. Jahrb. 53:378. von den ewigen Strafen. Lessing, Werke 9:146. Leicester, Robert Dudley, earl of. 1532-88. See also Robsart (Amye). Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Lelghton, Alexander. Heath. Speech in the case of, 1630 (Cam- den miscellany v. 7). Leighton, Sir Frederick. Ruskin. Art of England. Lelghton, Robert, archbishop. 1613-84. (Pearson) In Leigh ton's Works v. 1. Commentary on Peter. Coleridge, En- glish divines v. 2. Leipzig, Germany. Neue u. alte. Grenzboten 1874 : 2 : 26- Leipzig battle, 1813. (Francois) Rundschau 28:417. Menzel. History of Germany 3:331. Preussische Jahrbucher 12:344. Lieder. Pums. on history v. 3. Leisler, Jacob, governor of N. T. d. 1689. Sparks. American biography v. 13. Lejeune-Dlrlchlet, Gustav P. 1805-59. (Rummer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Leland, C: (Hans Breitmann, ps.). (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 100 : 837. Lelewel, Joachim. 1786-1861. Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 369. Lemercier, L: J: N., dramatist. 1771-1840. Hugo. Litterature et philosophic 2 : 153. Le Mercler de La Riviere, P. P., economist. (Joubleau)Acad.Sci.Mor.46:439; 47:121- Lemierre, A. M., dramatist. 1723-93. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lemnos Island. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 5 : 642 (Stali- mene). Le Monnler, G. A., abbe. 1721-97. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lemurs. Placentation (Turner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:569. Lenain Brothers. 273 Leslie. Lenain brothers, painters. - (Chesneau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:46:218. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 4 : 110. Lenau, Nicolaus. 1802-50. Histories of German literature by: Bar- thel (615). Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 : 347. (Theuriet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:29:196. Schwabische Dichterschule (Ebner) Uns. Zeitl885:2:549. Lennep, Jacob van. 1802-68. (R^ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77:864. Lennox, Henry, lord. Whitty. Political portraits. Lenox, Mass. Historical address, 1876 (Rockwell) Pams. U. iS history v. 1. Lent. See also Fasts. Kip. Holy season of Lent. Lentulus. Apocryphal letter. Feuillet de Conches, I'auseries 1:04. Lens, Jakob M. R. 1751-92. (Urlichs) Rundschau 11:254. Leo I, St., the Great, pope. d. 461. Allen. Christian history. Leo X, pope. 1475-1521. Creighton. Papacy duringreformation v.4 James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. Ranke. Popes of Rome. Simonde de Sismondi. Re"publiques ital. 7:443. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Villari. Machiavelli and times v. t. Yriarte. Florence 52. Portrait. Portrait by Raphael. Muse"e Louvre, Ecole italienne. Leo XIII, pope. 1810- als Dichter (Munz) Uns. Zeit 1886:1:634. Conclave 1887(Valbert) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:80:670. Leonardo da Vinci. See Vinci. Leon hard, G. A. W., statesman. Unsere Zeit 1880:2:37. Leontius, blxhop of Neapolis. (Gelzer) Hist. Zeits. t~. (Lanzky) I'nsere Zeit 187*: l : JL>O. ', .rn-|i oinl arirr(Mazade)Rev.d.d. Mondes 1 1 : :t2 : 706. IVs-iiiUMM (Hcysc) Kmid-chaii l';: - _'">7. (Krantz) Rev. Philos. 10 I'n'i iir^fiir i,ijrand diik>-f Tuscany. 1790 i -miiig and healing. Mailath, Gesch. Ootrdchi Reformer. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Vr.lk.-r l:'JI7. Wahl (Bertram) 1'rctix*. Jahrb. .V_':539. 35 Leopold I, king of Belfiium. I'nsere Zeit 1866: 1 : 81. United States Foreign relations 1866 v. 2. Un roi constitutionnel (Lavelej'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:79:273. Lepage, Jul. B., painter. (Theuriet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 68: 807. Lepanto battle, 1571. Bibliography. Stirling-Maxwell, Don John of Austria v. 2. Rufo. La Austriada. Herrera's poe'me (Villemain) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 648. Lepas fascicularis. Development(Willemoes-Suhm)Roy.Soc. Trans. 1876:131. Lepidoptera. See Butterflies. Lepidosteus. Development of skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:443. Structure, development (Balfour) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:359. Le Play, P: G: F: 1806- Re"forme sociale(Boutmy)Rev. Nat.21:389. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 9. Leprosy in den Ostseeprovinzen (Hallet) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 2. Lepslus, Karl Richard, Egyptologist. 1810-84. (Ebers) Rundschau 41 : 184. Lerdo de Terjada, S., president of Mexico. d. 1889. Annual cyclopaedia 1873:492. Lerma, F. de Roxas de Sandoval, duke of. d. 1625. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. (Perrens) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 90-92. Lerna, Greece. Lage und Oertlichkeiten ( Butt man n) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Lerneopoda Dalmanni. (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23 : 77. Leroux, Pierre. Heine. Werke9:211. Le Sage, Alain Rene". 1668-1747. (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :57:385 Lenient. Come'die au 18. siecle 1 : 122. Villemain. Litte"rature au 18. siecle 1 : 244. Gil Bias. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2:353; 16:22. Geschichte de Frage (Veckenstedt) Her rig's Archiv 61 : 129. und d. novela picaresca (Collmann) Herrig's Archiv 46 : 219. Lesbos island. - Le.sbiaka (TUmpel) Philologus 48:99. Lesdigui. res, Francois de Bonne, due de. 1543- 1'W. ( Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 87 :4>. Leslie, Charles R., paintrr. 1794-1859. (Forgue*) Rev. d. d. Mondi-s II : 28:834. llaiiii-rton. Thoughts about art ch. 20. Samlhy. Koyal aradi-my of arts. Leslie, David, 1*1 lord Newark. Lod^c. Portraits v. 3. Leslie, .Iiilni. tinier of Hothes. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Leslie, T: E: CliU,-. |s-_>7-82. Political otioniy ( Laveleye) Rev. il. <1. Mnndo III:ll Lespes. 274 Lewis. Lespcs, Napoleon Le"o. 1815-65. Mirecour. Conteniporains. Lespinasse, Claire Francoise de. 1731-76. Alembert. Oeuvres. 1805. l:li, Ix, 3,21,32. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Marmontel. Me"moires. Voltaire. Correspondance. Lettres. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2 : 121. Lesseps, Fd.,viacomtede. 1805- See articles on Panama and Suez canal* Leasing, G. E. 1729-81. Histories of German literature and poetry by Bohtz. Gervinus (4:353), Hettner (2:489), Hillebrand (1:207), Hosmer, Raumer(2:216),Scherer(v.2),Taylor,etc. Histories of philosophy by Fischer (2: 789). Windelband (1:524), Zeller ( Deutsche Philos. seit Leibniz), etc. (Cherbuliez) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 73: 78, 981. De Quincey. Works v. 12; Philos. writers v. 1. (Dilthey) Preuss. Jahrb. 19: 117, 271. Duller. Manner des Volks 2 : 315. - Flint. Philosophy of history 1 : 366. Gostwick. German culture. Lowell. Among my books. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1 : 134. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 2. (Scherer) Rundschau 26:272. Schlosser. History of 18. century 2:41. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 47 : 161. Treitschke. Aufsatze 1 : 56. als Theolog. Zeller, Vortrage 2: 283. Emilia Galotti. Borne, Werke 4 : 130. Herder. Briefe Beford. Humanitat 3: 135 ( Werke v. 17). (Niemeyer) Herrig's Archiv 12:369; 23:237. Erich Schmidt on (J. Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 54:101. Goe the und (Biedermann) Goethe Jahrb. 1:17. Hamburgischer Dramaturgic (Cosack) Herrig's Archiv 51 :33. in France. Uns. Zeit 1882 : 2 : 290. Laocoon (Eikershoff) Herrig's Arch. 57 : 129. Goethe. Werke 24: 223. Herder. Werke v. 13 ; Kritische Walder v. 1. Schiller's "Huldigungder Kiinste" als Einleitung (Breucker) Jahrb. Philol. 122:258. Minna von Barnhelm. Politische Bedeu- tung. Jahrb. Philol. 118:600. Nathan der Weise. Auerbach, Schriften v. 19. (Boxberger) Zts. deut. Philol. 5 : 433 ; 6: 304. Fiske. Unseen world. Strauss. Schriften 2 : 43. -^ Fortsetzung (Ebner) Herrig's Arch. /3 : 1. Gleichniss v. d. drei Ringen (Beger) Herrig'.s Archiv 31 : 241. - Personlichkeit (C. E. W. Schiller) Herrig's Archiv 3: 317. Philotas (Niemeyer) Herrig's Archiv 20 : 113. Studien (Rossler) Prexiss. Jahrb. 20:268. und der Ineptus religiosus (Borinski) Zts. deut. Altert. 33:220. und St. Afra (Peter) Rundschau 26: 366. Ziinmernon(ileuss) Preuss. Jahrb. 45:404 Zur Beurteilung d. stilistischen Kunst in Prosa (Irnmisch) Jahrb. Philol. 136:331. Leasing, Karl F: (Hausrath) Rundschau 55 : 96. Unsere Zeit 1880:2:566. Lestrange, Sir Nicholas. Notices of. Camden Soc. 5. Le Tellier, F. M. See Louvois. Le Tellier, Michael, chancellor. 1603-85. Bossuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 4. Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. Leti, Gregorio. 163(^1701. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Letters, Letter- writing. See also Composi- tion. Scoones. Four centuries of English let- ters. Leucoline. Series. New bases (Robinson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:561; 29:265,273. Leucon, king of Bosporus. Athenischer Volksbeschluss zu Ehrer der Sohne. Rhein. Mus. 33:418. Leuthen, Silesia. Schlacht, 1757, in Prosa (Greverus) Her- rig's Archiv 12: 266. Leuthold, H: (Honegger) Uns. Zeit 1880: 1 : 234. Leutze, Emanuel. 1816-68. Tuckerman. Artist-life. Levant. See also Arabia, Armenia, Asia Minor, Assyria, Circassia, Egypt, Greece, Mediterranean, Persia, Red sea, Syria, Turkey, Eastern question, etc. Lettres e"difiantes v. 1-5. France dans (Burnouf) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:83:894. (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes Feb. 1883. Politique prussienne, -1800. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:61. Leveque, Pierre. 1746-1814. (Delarubre) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 1 : cii. Lever, C: Ja., novelist. 1606-72. Poe. Works 2: 447. Lever. Fundamental property (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 6:397. Theorie des Krummzapfens (Eytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Leverett, John. 1662-1724. Sibley. Harvard graduates 3 : 180. Le Verrier, Urbain J. J. 1811-77. (Bertrand) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 41. Levita, Elija. Wissenschaftliche Leistungen (Bacher) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 43:206. Lewes, G: H: 1817-78. Ribot. English psychology. - Philosophie (Carrau) Rev. Philos. 2: 259. Problems of life and mind(Delbo3uf) Rev. Philos. 11 : 225, 370. Wright. Philosophical discussions. Lewes battle, 1264. Rishanger. Chronicon. Lewis, Francis. 1713-1803. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.6. Lewis. 275 Liberty. Lewis, Sir George Cornewall. 1806-63. (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 88:809. (Liebrecht) Preuss. Jahrb. 12: 19. Lewis, Capt. Meri wether. 1774-1809. Davis and Durrie. History of Missouri 539 Lewis, Prof. Tayler. (Potter) Panis. biography v. 4. Lex Cornelia judicaria (Wilmans) Rhein. Mus. 19:528. Lex curiata de imperio (Morninsen) Rhein. Mus. 13:565. Lex del (Collatio legum Mosaic, et Roman.). (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. (Rudorff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1868. Lexicography. See Dictionaries, Vocabu- laries. Lexington, Massachusetts. Battle, 1775. Everett, Orations v. 1. Lincoln. Journals provincial congress, 661. Leyden, Siege of. 1573-4. Ebers. Burgomaster's wife (fiction). Lieber. Great events. Motley. Dutch republic. Leyden university. Dritte Sacularfest. Uns. Zeit 1S75 : 2 : 161. (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8: 169. L'Hopital (L'Hospital), Michel. 1505-73. Desjardins. Moralistes franrais du 16. siecle. Libanius, rhetorician. Libaniana (Foerster) Rhein. Mus. 32:86. Schriftstellerei (Foerster) Jahrb. Philol. 113:209,491, 633. Unedirte Declamationes (Foerster) Her- mes 9: 22, 373; 10:7; 12:217. Libel. See also Liberty of the press. Bayle. Dictionary 10 : 330. Krskine. Speeches v. 1-2, 4: 408. Hudson. History of iournalism. Rogers. Protests of the lords. Seward. Works 1 : 391. Law of. Brougham, Speeches 1 : 373. Liber diurnus. (Roziere) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 86, 88, 89. Liberalism. See also Parties, Radicals. Clerical. Renan, Questions contemp.419. Ecole libe'rale (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :U!:662. Falsische, unserer Zeit (Krug) History pams. v. 7. Future of. Arnold, Irish essays. German (Baumgarten) Preuss. Jahrb. 18: 455, 575. Mlcomptes (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69:421 Mouvement europlen, 1866 (Rlmusat) Rev. d. d. Moii-lr- II :;>: 5. Roman Catholic church and. Brownson, Works 13: 1,201. Bellingham. Social aspects of Catholi- cism. Liberia. See alto American colonization society. Anmiiure <1. d. Mondes 1:1118; 3:800; 8:882. iurlev. Report on Liberia. 1850. Hawthorne. Journal African cruiser 15. Ruffin. Liberia unveiled (Slavery pams. v. 7). Unsere Zeit 1859:496. Census. 1845 (Slavery pams. v. 8). Colonization. Line of mail steamships. 1851 (Slavery pams. v. 8). Maryland state society. 1850 (Slavery pams. v. 8). Education in. 1851. Report of Trustees (Slavery pams. v. 8). RepubliSof (Slavery pams. v. 8). Liberty (Moral and religious). See also Authority, Conscience. Determinism, Fate, Necessity, Will (Freedom). Brownson. Works 20 : 308. Collins. Philosophical inquiry. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works 4 : 255. Compayre". Philosophic de Hume 384. Cunningham. St. Austin 77. Gassendi. Opera. 1727. 2:725- Hobbes. English works v. 2. Godwin. Political justice 1 : 170. Home. Essays principles of morality. Lecky. England in 18. century 5: 155. Leibnitz. Oeuvres philos. ed. Janet 2: 424. Morley. On compromise. - Newman (Fs. W). Miscellanies 2:48. Plotinus. Enneades VI. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works. Proclus. Opera ; ed. Cousin. Whitman. On religious liberty. (Zorn) Preuss. Jahrb. 39: 157. au nioven age (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II:34:4. Beaussire sur (Janet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 82 : 457. in Prussia, 1830 (Bluntschli) Pams. relig- ion v. 2. Pamphlets on history v. 1. Kirchenfreiheit und Bischofswahlen (Lorenz) Rundschau 3:333- sous Louis XIII (Avenel) Rev. Hist. v. 32-33. undVernunft. Jacobi(F:H:),Werke2:311 Liberty ( Political and civil). See also Habeas corpus, Individualism, Labor, Rights, Slavery, Toleration. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Blakeslee. Archology ch. 18. (Clement) Jour. Econ. 111:48:157. Coleridge. The friend 2 : 179. Cooley. Constitutional limitations. Cowley. Poems 2 : 672, 687. -- Davis. Orinuzd and Ahriman. Dicey. Law of the constitution 217. Harrington. Oceana. Hume. Essays 1 : 91. (Kirwan) Roy\ Irish Trans. 7:305. Lahoulaye. Etat et ses limites 103- Lieber. Civil L. and self-government. Mill. On liberty. Buckle. Rttajfc Misc. works v. 1. Montalembert. Constitutional liberty. Plato. Dialogues. 1'rif-aley. Theol. and misr. \\-nrk*. Quinct. K. -volution francaise 2:tL"J. SchHling. \\Vrke 1 :8:14B. - -Sidney. Ode to liberty. Simondi' ;!. Mystery of. Ruskin, Works v. 1; also Afternoon lectures v. 5. Natiirliche System d. Organistnen (Stras- burger) Rundschau 50:370. Origin (Preyer) Rundschau 3:58. bei Socrates (Volquardsen)Rhein. Mus. 19:505. chemistry, dynamics. Murphy, Habit and intelligence. Phenomenes et la principe (Lelut) Acad. Sci.Mor. 20:333. Philosophic des. Herder, Briefe Beforde- rung Humanitat 4: 137. Physical basis. Brownson, Works 9:335. Thornton. Old-fashioned ethics. Pleasures. Lubbock on (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:95:694. Possibilities, destiny. Hedge, Atheism in philosophy. Powers on which functions of, depend (Philip) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836:343. Prixde(Caro) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:52:481. Probleme physiologique (Dastre) Rev. Philos. v. 0-7. Providence and. Young (E:), Works 1798. 3:116. Sinn u. Zweck d. Verkorperung. Baader, Werke v. 2. Struggle for existence (Bonar) Seth and Haldane, Essays. Temperature et (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:93:170. Theories of. Ancient and modern. Met- calfe, Caloric v. 2. Tolstoi on (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 10:181. Ueberwicht des Guten oder des Bosen' (Zollner) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1792-7. Vital action. Mechanism (Holmes) Es- says fnun N. A. Review. affinity (Alison) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16: 105,305; 20:385. and physical forces (Grove) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1HT)0:7L'7. VitaIisme(Bouchet)Aca . OJiJ - English and French (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 67: 552. for workmen in mines. U. S. Foreign re- lations 1881:450. Formula of the decrement of life (Bast) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820:281. Life* tables construction (Farr) Roy. hoc. Trans. 1859:837. Mutual (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes July. 1885. Praxis (Miiller) Preuss. Jahrb. 59: 119. Systeme an nioyen d. reserves de primes ( I^roy) Jour. Econ. I V : 34 : 379. Unfnllversicherung (Gareis) Uns. Zeit 1882:1:350. Value of life contingencies ( Gomperlz Roy.Soc.Trans.l820:214; 1825:513; 1862:511 Life saving service. English (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 51:314. German. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 49, 299. Light. See also Caustics, Color, Diffraction, Optics, Phosphorescence, Photometry, Polarization, Refraction, Scintillation, Spectroscopy, Zodiacal light. Humboldt. Kosmos v. 3. Absolute intensity of interfering (Kel- land) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:315. Absorption (O'Brien) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:27. by colored media (Herschel) Roy. Ed'in. Trans. 9:445. als hb'chsten Wertmassstab (Hartmann) Zts. Philos. 89: Beil. Hft. and colors. Malebranche, Search after truth. (Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802: 12. Blue. Good effect on plants, etc. Pams. on science v. 3. Calorific rays in solar (Young) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 7. Chemical action. Arago, Oeuvres 7 : 530. (Bunsen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:355, 381,601; 1859:879; 1863:139. Registration (Roscoe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:605; 1874:655. Chemical intensity (Roscoe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867 : 555 ; '1870 : 309: 1871 : 467. Concentration by reflectors (Scott) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:123. Dispersion (Powell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835:249; 1836:17; 1837:19; 1838:b7, 253; 1840:157. explained by hypothesis of finite inter- vals (Kelland) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6: 153. within solid bodies (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:111. Dispersive power of the atmosphere (Lee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1815:375. Experiments (Young) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1800:106. Intensity near a caustic (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:379; 8:595. ' - Interference by gratings (Kelland) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7 : 153. Lime, in surveys (Drummond) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826:324. Molecular forces regulating constitution of the luminiferous ether (Earnshaw) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7 :97. Motion affected by moving refracting substances (Robison) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2:83. of the sun and fixed stars (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829 : 19. Perception (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 4:311. Mechanische Theorie(Norrie) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 13:145. Physiological action (McKendrick) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27 : 141. Plane waves in biaxal crystals (Glaze- brook) Roy. Soc. Trans.' 1879:287. (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 17. Propagation in crystals (O'Brien) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7 : 397. Properties (Brougham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:235. Rayons lumineux simples et les rayons e'vanescents (Cauchy) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 22 : 29. Recherches (Brougham) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 27 : 123. Reciprocal action between rays and re- flecting media (Power) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1854:11. reflected by thin plates (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 24. Rings in fibrous calc spar (Stoney) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 24. Sense. Psychophysik des (Neiglick) Phi- los. Stud. 4:28-116. Theory (Cauchy) Paris, MSni. Acad. Sci. 10:293. of luminous rays (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 : 363, 584. Three systems of rays (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 15, 16, 17. Total intensity of interfering (Stokes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20 : 317. Transmission by charcoal (Daw) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:335. in crystals (Kelland, Green) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6: 323; 7:121. Undulatory theory. Arago, Oeuvres 7 : 569 (Barnard) Smithson. Report. 1862. Geometricalpropositions(MacCullagh) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 17. Velocity. Arago, Oeuvres 7:548. of white and colored (Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:231. Vibrations of an interrupted medium (Kelland) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:511. Wave-length. Absolute (Bell) Pams. sci- ence v. 3. and KirchofTs spectrum (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1 868 : 29 ; 1872 : 89. Light (in painting). Ruskin. Lectures on art; also Laws of F6sole. Lighthouses. Adams. Lighthouses. Arago. Oeuvres 6 : 1. Bell. Structures in concrete. British (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 53:90. French (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 62: 215. Reynaud. Beaconage of France. Illumination (Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837:211. (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11 :33. Lighthouses. 279 Literature. (Drmnniond) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830:383 United States. Annual cyclop. 1880. Lighting. See Electric light, Gas. Lightning. See also Thunder. als Vaterdes Lichtes. Baader, Werke2:27 Death by. Tyndall, Fragments v. 1. Effects on ship New York (Scoresby) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 4:697. Protection from. U. S. Ordnance notes No. 168. Ligne, K: J., prince von. 1735-1814. (Du Bled) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:92:581. Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi8:234. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 17. Lignite. See alto Coal. Physiographic (Zincken) Pams. geology v."3. Liguria. Ligurer (Cuno) Rhein. Mus. 28 : 193. Lilburne, Col. J:, Puritan. 1618-57. Bisset. Commonwealth of England v. 1. Liliaceae (lily-worts). (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842. Lilleburlero : ballad. Percy Soc. v. 1. Lima, Peru. Pas Sold a n. Atlas ge"ografica. Limburger chronik. Poetry in (Goebel) Am. J . Philol. 8 : 158, 448 Lime. Production (Orton) Ohio Geol. Sur- vey, Geol. 6:703. Limestone. See also Chalk. dolomites, gypsums. Hunt, Chemical and geol. essays 80. zu Reichenstein (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Limeuil, Isabelle de. ( La Ferriere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:60:636. Lincoln, Abraham, IGth president. 1809-65. - Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1:21. Emerson. Miscellanies. ( Laboulaye) Revue Nat. 21 : 5. Lowell. My study windows. Mooar. Religion of loyalty (Pams. Cali- fornia v. 1). Seward. Works 5 : 515, and index. ntr) I'ams. California v. 1. (Sturz) I'am-. -lavery v. 5. Simmer. Works 9:367, and index. (Thompson) Loyal Publ. Soc. No. 85. Whitman. leaves of grass 255. Election, I860 (Cueheval-Clarigny) Rev. .1. .1. Mondt-s 11:30:650. Halstead. National convention 1860. Lowell. Political essays 17. Phillips ( Wendell). Speeches 294. i (Puvergier do Hauranne) I lev. d.d. Mondes II :(:( ;_:. (Laiigel) Hev. d.d. Mondes 11:54:777. Lowell. Political essays 153. Souvenir* personnels (Laugel) Rev. d. d. !.- II : :.7: ITQL ir(Scrmcnt) Pams. biography v.l Lincoln, Heiijamin. general. 1753-1810. >l>.irks. American biography v. 23. Lincoln, Kniilnixl. Cathedra). King. Cathedrals v. 3. Rebellion, 1470. Ciini.len Miscellany v. 1. Lincoln, Mass. Shattuck. History of Concord. Lind, Jenny. See Goldschmidt, Jenny Lind. Linguet, S. N. H: 1736-94. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Linnaeus, Carolus( Karl von Linne"). 1707-78. Jardine. Naturalist's lib. v. 0. Lioni, Lione, of Arezzo. Vasari. Lives of the painters. Lionne, Hugues de, marquis de Berny. Diplomatic (Topin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 27:771. Lions. ( Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 55 : 817. Anatomic (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Lipari islands. See also Stromboli. Antiquities (Murray) J. Hellenic Stud. 7:51. Lippi, Filippino, son of following. Mantz. Chefs-d'oeuvre. Vasari. Lives of the artists. Lippi, Filippo, Fra. Browning. Poems. Vasari. Lives of the artists. Ltppo-Schaumberg, F: W: von. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 7:1. Lippoldsberg. Chronicon, 1051-1111. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 20. Liquids. See Fluids. Liquors. See Alcohol, Beer, Intemperance, etc. Lisbon, roftnijnl. Capture, in 1147. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 27 : 3. Stubbs. Chronicles (Rolls chronicles 38, v. 1). ?:arthquake, 1755. Schafer, Geschichte von Portugal 5 : 245. in 1843. <4uinet, Vacances en Espagne. Scenes in. Talfourd, Essays. L'Isle Adam, Villiers. Oefele. Johanniter auf Rhodus. Vertot. Knights of Malta. Lisola, F. P., baron de. 1613-75. (Kirsch) Hi-t. /cits. m : His. (Reynald) Rev. Hist. 27:300. Lissa, Silesia. See Leu then. Llssa island, Adriatic sea. Fight, ism;. Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:66:295. List, Friedrich, economist. 1789-1846. (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 1:33:309. Hildt'hrand. Nationaliikonoinie. . Kaut/. Nationaliikonomie. (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 111:5:353. Liszt, Franz, pianist. 1811-86. (Lewiild) Rundschau 52:270. in 1'aris, 1823 (Reimann) Uns. Zeit 1888: 2 : '29. Lltanei aller Heiligen. - (Vo>;t) Heitr. .leutM-li. Sj.rache 1:108. Litchfleld county, Mas. in 1 si HI (Morris) Pamphlet sermons V. 2. Literature. See also Authors, Bibliography, I'.ooks, Copyright, Criticism, Prama, Fic- tion, Folk-lore, Journalism. Parody, Pla- giarism, Poetrv, Romanticism, Style, names of individual literatures. Literature. 280 Livingston. Favre. Influence des moeurs sur la L. Newman. Idea of a university. Storv. Phi Beta Kappa oration, 1826 (History panis. v. 5). a means of education. Mansfield, Amer- ican education 220. and diffusion of knowledge (Sergeant) Misc. panis. v. 8. and republican government. Hillhouse, Dramas v. 2. and science. Arnold, Discourses in Amer- ica. Archive fiir (Dilthey) Rundschau 58:360. Aristocracy of. Haziitt, Table talk. as a profession. Alembert, Oeuvres v. 3. Greeley. Recollections 433. Hamefton. Intellectual life. Catholic English. Newman, Idea of a university. secular." Brownson, Works 19 : 293, 575. Catholicity and. Brownson, Works 19:447. Christianity and. Newman, Idea of a university. Code litte"raire. Balzac, Oeuvres 22 : 285. Commerce and extension of. Millar, English government 4 : 102, 138. Conseils aux jeunes litterateurs. Baude- laire, Oeuvres 3: 277. Esprit de discipline en (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 65 :683. Ethics. Emerson, Miscellanies. Etude de. Gibbon, Misc. works 4 : 1. Independence in. Churchill, Poems v. 3. Influence sur les moeurs (Rey baud) Acad. Sci. Mpr. 40:129. Scientific movement and. Dowden, Studies in literature. Man of. Emerson, Lectures. Manliness and power in. Burroughs, Birds and poets. Mccnrs (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68: 170: Nouvelles etudes morales. Morality. Buchanan, David Gray and other essays. Obscene (Leeds, Society of Friends, Mer- riam) Pains, literature v. 1. Bayle. Dictionary 10:417. Old ballad. Percy Soc. v. 1. of 18. century. Schlosser, Hist, of 18. century v. 1-2. De Quincey, Note book. of 19. century. "Grands courans( Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:108:5. Patronage in Italy, -1600. Tiraboschi, Letteratura ital. 7 : 20; 8 : 14. Place in college course (Sprague) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1887:448. in common education (Scudder) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888:57. Politics and ( Preston) Roy.Irish Trans.v.10 Power in France. Stephen, Lectures his- tory of France v. 2. Prose. Gattungen (Wissenborn) Jahrb. Philol. 132:113. Qu'est-cequ'unclassique? Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 3:38. Scientific and polite (Phelan) Roy.Irish Trans, v. 12. - Taste for. Practical value (Beecher) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888:78. - Tradition en. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 15:356. Lithocharla . Cali f ornia species (Casey ) Cal Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:1. Lithography. (Hunt) Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci. 1856:259. Rapports avec la peinture (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 47 : 554. Litliology. See Rocks, Stone. Lithoscope. (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:419. Lithuania. (Dorneth) Unsere Zeit 1884:1:60- Latham. Nationalities of Europe v. 1. Littre', M. P. E. 1801-81. (Brenneka) Rundschau 39:82. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 5 : 200. Dictionnaire(Pavie) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 51:851. Histoire de ses travaux (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 50:516; 51:5. Oeuvre m^dicale ( Daremberg) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:634. Liturgy. See also Book of Common Prayer, Ritualism, Worship. Apology for. Taylor (Jer.), Works v. 5. fiir Garnisonkirche in Berlin. Schleier- macher, Werke 1:5:189. History. Kip, Church of the apostles ; Double witness of the church. Recht evangel. Landesfiirsten. Schleier- macher, Werke 1:5: 477. Revision, 1787. Herder, Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan 31 : 761. Liudger, St. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2. Liver. See also Bile. Anatomy (Beale) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856: 375. (Kiernan) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:711. Arteriosen und Venbsen beim Thunfische (Eschricht) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Cancer. Statistik(Burhenne) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. y. 1. Cirrhosis. Im Kindesalter (Mogk) Gies- sen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Glyconic function (Le Conte) Am. J. Science y. 115, 119. (Moszeik) Kb'nigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. (Pavy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:595. Grosses Cystom (Heuter) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Structure (Jones) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849: 109; 1853:1. Livermore, California. in 1887. Pams. California v. 5. Liverpool, lords. See Jenkinson. Liverpool, England. (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:568. Seward. Works 3 : 509. Silliman. Travels 1 :52. Livia Drusilla, empress. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2: 591. (Naudet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1:317. Living. See also Life. Cost in Europe. 1881. U. S. Consular report 11 : 392, 439. Livingston, PMward, jurist. 1764-1836. (Gilpin) Amer. Philos.Soc. [Misc. publica- tions.] Mignet. Notices v. 1. Parton. Life of Jackson. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 555. Livingston. 281 Lofoden islands. Livingston, Philip. 17J6- Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.3. Livingstone, David, A frican explorer. 1813-73. Death. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 2 : 20. Neueste Reise. Uns. Zeit 1872 : 2 : 513. Reise, 1849-50. Unsere Zeit 1860: 157. Voyages, 1849-64 (Cailliatte) Rev. d. d. M..IKU-S II:i;2:702. Livius Patavinus, T. B. C. 59-A. D. 17. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 1 : 445. Hk. 1-10. Machiavelli. Works v. 2. Bk. 2: 1-4. yuellen (Nitzsch) Rhein. Mus. 23:600; 24:145; 25:75. Bk. 3-6. Codex Veronensis (Moramsen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1868. Bk. 98 (Pertz) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Dionysius of Halicarnassus and (Peter) Rhe'in. Mus. 29:513. Geschichtswerk (Nissen) Rhein. Mus. 27 : 539. Periochae. Hdschr. Ueberlieferung(Ross- bach) Rhein. Mus. 44:65. Romische yuellen in d.4. und 5. Dekade (Unger) Philologus. Suppl. 3. Livonia. Chronicon (Heinrich of Livonia) Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 23. in 1877 (Briiggen) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:384. - in lsx. I'n.sere Zeit 1888:2:451. Reimchronik. Zts. deut. Philol. 4 : 407. Lizards (Lacertilia). See also Chameleon, Iguanodon, Reptiles. Australian land (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859, 1880, 1881. Cercosaura aus Siidamerika (Peters) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1862. Development of skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879:595. Doubtful amphibious animal (Schreibers) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801 : 241. Hatteria. Anatomy (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867:595. Lvmphherzen(Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. 1:25. Zwei neue (Steindachner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 38. Llama. Fossil, from Mexico (Owen) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1870:65. Stomach structure (Knox) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11: 17'.. Lloyd, Charles. De ijuincey. Literary reminiscences v. 2. Poems. Talfourd, Writings. Loan association*. See Building and. Loan offices. (Imfau) A cad. Sci. Mor. 31:457. Journal des Economi.stes. I- 1 1, index. (Mercier) Jour. Econ. IV:25:36. German system (Hauthuille) Acad. Sci. M..r. 2:la. Paris (H.-rnard) Jour. Econ. Ill : 1^:71. (I)ii Camp) Uev. d. esche) Zts. Kthnol. in: 17. Ki; '.-Lit) Uim.l-rhaii I'!: 103. VeK<'t:ition--ki/./i-n (Styaux) Zts. Erd- kiin.le 1" 36 Loans. See also Debt, Interest. : War (Gildemeister) Preuss. Jahrb. 17 : 119. Lobbes monastery, Belgium. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2, 4. 13. Gesta abbatum : Monumenta. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist,, Scr. v. 21, 14. Lobeira, Vasco. 1360-1403. Amadis de Gaula. Amador de los Rios, Literatura espanola 5:ch. 2. und Ritterromane der Spanier(Twiste) Herrig's Archiv 28 : 21. Lobsters. U. S. Fish comm'r. Reports, passim. Local government . See also Cities, Municipal government, Self-government. Chalmers. Local government. 1883. Cobden Club. Local government essays. Helps. Thoughts on government. en France et en Angleterre (Dupont- White) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :38:289; 40: 871; 42:612; 43:568; 45:171. (Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 93 : 73. Institutions locales. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:83:863. in Canada (Bourinot) Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. v. 5. in England (TachC) Jour. Econ. IV: 2 : 362. in United States. Johns Hopkins Hist. Studies v. 1. (Laveleye) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:94:638. Locke, John. 1(532-1704. Histories of philosophy by Cousin (v. 1, 3, 8), Hegel (Werke 15:375), Lewes, Ritter (11:449-), Windelband (1:237). Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Bpwen. Critical essavs. Fischer. Bacon und ^achfolger 545- Leibnitz. Opera philos; ed. Erdmann 136. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Morris. British thought and thinkers. (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 23: 5- Rosmini. Origin of ideas v. 1. Saisset. Philos. sensualist* au 18. siecle. Schlosser. History of 18. century 1 :25. Stewart (Dug.). Philosophical essays; also Works v. 5. Wyld. Physics of the senses 383. als piidagogischer Schrif tsteller. Herrig's Archiv 50 : 347. and Bacon. Mackintosh, Essays. Documents nouveaux (Marion) Rev. Philo-. .v I6B.61& Empirical tendency (Noire 1 ) Kant, Pure reason; tr. by Miiller 1:229. Ktliik (Mttns) Phflo*. Monatsh. 19:314. Locke, R- Adams. 1800-71. Poe. Works 2: 120. Lockhart, J: Gibson. 1794-1854. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Lockwood, Rufus A. 1811^57. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Locomotives. See Steam engine. Locusts. in British America. Hind, Red river expedition 2:385. Lodi, Hob/. Annales 1153-68. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., s ( -r. r.18. Lofoden islands, A'on/-y. Gosse. Literature o'f north Europe. Logan. Logan, Cai/iiga chief, d. 1780. Stone. 'Life of Brant. Murder of his family. Jefferson, Notes on Virginia. Logan, Gen. John A. 1826-86. Annual cyclopaedia. 1888. Headley." Grant and Sherman 434. U. S. Se'nate Misc. Doc. 1886-7, v. 6. Logarithms. (Roget) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1815:9. Account of "table of, to 200,000 (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26:521. Application of a converging series to the construction of (Allman) Hoy. Irish. Trans, v. 6. Bernoulli's numbers (Cayley) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 12:384. Formulae. Investigation (Wallace) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:148. Rectification (Graves) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:171. Geometrische Constructionen (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Halley's series (Murray) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 9. New series for computation (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:217. New method of computing (Banks) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806:327. Tables. Construction (Knight) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1817:217. Logic. See also Affirmation, Dialectics, Evi- dence, Fallacies, Induction. Reason, Probability, Syllogism, Thought. (Barthe"lemy St. Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5:175; 12:369; 15:315. Hobbes. English works v. 1. Leibnitz. Opera philosophica 118- Algorithms de (Delboeuf) Rev. Philos. 2: 225- Analytisch,Synthetisch (Heymans) Vier- telj. wiss. Philos. 10:381. Ancient. Smith (Adam), Works v. 5. Argument. Origin, use of the word (Donaldson) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:317 Aristotelian and inductive. Stewart, Philos. of human mind v. 2. Behauptung. Baader, Werke 1 : 33. Beweisen und Grenzen (Jiinger) Philos. Monatsh. 22:193. Boole's (Liard) Rev. Philos. 4 : 285. Bradley's ( Lasson) Philos. Monats. 23 : 307 Categories, et institutions sociales(Tarde) Rev. Philos. 28 : 113, 292. Compound statement involving four classes. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. De principio exclusi medii inter contra- dictoria non negligendo. Herbart, Werke 1:533. English modern (Riehl) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 1:50. treatises. Hamilton, Discussions. .Errors in. Abbott and Seeley, English lessons 261. Formal. Mill, Hamilton's philosophy v. 2. Forschungen der Gegenwart (Witte) Zts. Philos. 91 : 25. Fragments on. Newman (Fs. W.), Mis- cellanies. Fundamental relations. Bascom, Prob- lems in philosophy. Gegensatz (Schmitz-Dumont) Vierteli. wiss. Philos. 9:385. 282 Lombards. Geometric. Lange's (Seydel) Zeits. Phi- los. 94 : 210. German modern (Nolen) Rev. Philos. 16: 449. Gratry's. Brownson, Works 1 : 362. Hauptpuncte v Herbart, Werke 1 : 465. Indian. Thomson, Laws of thought. Jevons' (Liard) Rev. Philos. 3:277. Kant's (Schuppe) Philos. Monats. 16:513. Laws. Mill, Hamilton's philosophy v. 2. Lectures on. Green (T: Hill), Works 2: 158 Mechanical performance (Jevons) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870:497. - Mill's. Green (T: Hill), Works 2: 195. Negative character. Balfour, Philosophic doubt. of science (Peirce) Rev. Philos. 6 : 553. Propositions numerically definite (Boole) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:396. Province. McCosh, Examination of Mill's philosophy. Quantification d. Pradicats (Nedich) Philos. Stud. 3 : 157. Raisonment par 1'absurde (Fonsegrive) Rev. Philos. 20:611. Reform (Baerenbach) Uns.Zeit 1881: 1:452 (Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1874. Regressus (Nicolai) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803 : 168. Science of knowledge (Bosanquet) Seth and Haldane, Essays. of what? Mill, Hamilton's philosophy v. 2. Stammbegriffe u. Hauptbegriffe( Schmitz- Dumont) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 11:24. Streitfragen (Wundt) Viertelj. wiss. Phi- los. 6:340. Studien (Erdmann) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. v. 6-7. Symbols (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:79. - Wundt's (Rabus) Philos. Monatsh. 21 : 370 Zur Frage vom Urtheil (Didolff) Jahrb. Philol. 132 : 254. Lohenstein, Daniel Kaspar. Cholevius. Deutsche Romane. Loire river. Digue de Pinay. Action sur les crues (Graeff) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 21: 539. Region du bas (Audiganne) Rev. d. d. MondairiM-i. Rncine. Oeuvres 5:233. et le due de Bourgogne. Sainte-Beuve, Noiiveaux Lundis2:lll. :i< < under. Herder, Adrastea(Werke Galanterie am Hofe. Meiners, Gesch. weibli.-lii-n : 27, 208. - Varnhagen v. Ense. Denkwiirdigkeiten. Louis, L. }).,baron. 1755-1837. Principes en linum-t^ (Calmon) Acad. Sri. Mor. v. 77, 7S, 82, 83. Louisa (Auguste W. A.), queen of Prussia. 177(^1810. (Cochin) Acad. Sri. Mor.95:63; Rev.d.d. Moinl.-s II :!H Diiring^ffld. Hurh dmkwiirdiger Frauen. ( Mommsrii ) 1'n-ii^s. Jahrb. 37: 117. Louise de Savoie, rajrnt of b'ninrr. U7<>-1532. uii.iaiirav aire de la France v. 5. Lourdes, Notre Dame de. France. Brownson. Works 8 : 104. Louvols.F.M. LeTellier,7argimde. 1639-91. James. Foreign statesmen y. 3. Rousset. Histoire de Louvois. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 1:315; 7:83. et I'arrae'e de Louis XIV (Witt) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:37:610. et Saint-Cyr, 1689-92 (Michelet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33:544. Louvre, Paris. Calvert. Scenes in Europe 1 : 151. in 1866 ( Vitet) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 64: 57. Restauration, 1849. Merime'e, Melanges historiques 343. Lovat, Simon Fraser, lord. 1666- Hogarth. Works (Portrait). Love. See also Cupid. - Alexander. History of woman v. 2. Burton. Anatomy of melancholy. Dante. II convito bks. 3-4. Emerson. Essays v. 1. Finck. Romantic L. and personal beauty. Gower. Confessio amantis. - Morris. Love is enough (poem). Ovidius. Ars amatoria; and Remedia amoris. Plato. Lysis; Phaedrus; Symposium. Plotinus. Enneades III. Plutarchus. Morals v. 4 (notable exam- ples). Shelley. Prose works, index. Swedenborg. Conjugal love. and self (Herder) Hedge, German prose. Begriff, in alten u. neuen Sprachen (Abel) Pams. language v. 1. dans la musique (Bellaigue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:305. Engel u. Liebesgotter (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 34:34. FStichisrne dans (Binet) Rev. Philos. 24: 143- - Influence on literature and life. Bulwer, Prose works v. 2. Knaben-u. Frauenliebe in Plato's Svm- posium (Wohlrab) Jahrb. Philol. 119:673. - Morale, selon le mysticisme contemporain (PonilUe) Rev. d. d.Mondes 111:52:401. Philtres. Bayle, Dictionary 10:356. Religion de. Caro, Etudes morales 131. Religiose Erotik. Baader, Werke v. 4. - Satze aus d. erot. Philosophic. Baader, Werke 4 : 163. Schlegel's Lucinde. Schleiermacher, Werke III:v. 1. Treatise on (Sidney) Choice Lit. 3 : 215. und Seele. Verhaltniss (Siebeck) Zts. Volkerps. 16:1. Lovejoy, Rev. Elijah P. 1802-37. Johnson. Garrison and his times. Lowe, Rev. Charles. (Courdaveaux) Crit. Relig. 7 : 351. Lowe, Robert, statesman. 1811- Higginson. English statesmen. -UnsereZeit 1857: 342. Lowell, James Russell. 1819- Griswold. Poets of America. - Poe. Works 2: 275. Stedman. Poets of America 97. as a poet ( Larremore) Overland II : 10 : 271. Richardson. American literature 2: 172. Vision of Sir Launfal. Brownson, Works 19:308. Lowell, John, founder of Lowell, Mass. Everett. Orations 2 : 379. Lowell, Mass. Miles. Lowell in 1845. Old Residents' Hist. Assoc. Contributions. Pidgeon. Old-world questions. in 1836. Chevalier, Lettres sur 1' Anie'rique. Lowndes, William. 1782-1822. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 371. Loyalty. See also Allegiance, Patriotism, Treason. Doctrine. Bushnell, Work and play. Pflichten d. Pietat gegen d. Person d. romischen Kaisers (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Loyola, Ignacio de. 1491-1566. See also works 011 the Jesuits. Bayle. Dictionary 7:184. Ranke. Popes of Rome 1:120. (Rivadeneyra) Bibl. auto res espan. v. 60. Stephen. Ecclesiastical biography. Loyson, C: J. M., Father Hyacinthe. 1827- Boissieu. Lettres d'un passant 1:153. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 11. Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. 39-69. Amador de los Rios. Literatura espan. 1:97. Suetonius. Lives. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 2: 95. a historical source for Appian (Perrin) Am. J. Philol. 5:325. Pharsalia (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 10:423. Lubeck, Hanse town. Gautier. Winter in Russia. Annales -1324; Acta episcoporum. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 16, 25. Chronica 1172-1209. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 21. Biirgermeisterfehde, 1530 (Barthold) Hist. Taschenbuch 1835. in 1853. Gegenwart 8 : 605. - Marien Kirche. Merkwerdigkeiten. Misc. pams. v. 8. Selbstfreiung, 1226. Pams. on history v. 9. Lubrication, Lubricants. See also Oil. - Thurston. Friction and L. Lucas, Paul, traveler. Wieland. Werke 32:367. Lucca. 287 Luther. Lucca, Italy. Heine. Pictures of travel. Lucianus, Greek satirist, d. A. D. 200. Froude. Short studies v. 3. als Queile fur d. Kenntniss d. Tragodie (Schulze) Jahrb. Philol. 135:117. and the cynics (Bywater) J. Hellenic Stud. v. 1. Cynicus. Authorship(Bridge) Am. Philol. Assoc. 19:33. Handschriften zu Venedig (Sommer- brodt) Rhein. Mus. 14:613; 15:596. Life. Dryden, Prose works v. 4. Scholien (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 25:548. undOenoinaus(Bruns) Rhein. Mus. 44:374. Lucldarius. Provencal (Appel) Zts. roman. Philol. 13: 225. Lucifer, crustacean. Morphology (Brooks) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:57. Lucilius, < 'a ius. (Ellis, Munro) Jour. Philol. v. 7-9. - Aetna (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 16:292, 313. - Bk. 1 (Bouterwek) Rhein. Mus. 21 : 339. Kritik ( Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 33 : 94. Luciliana (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 29:118. Specimen C^uaestionum (Varges) Rhein. Mus. 3 : 15. Lucretla. Dyer. Kings of Rome 409. Hey wood. Rape of Lucrece. Moratin. Lucrecia (Bibl. espafi. v. 2). .Shakespeare. Rape of Lucrece. Lucretius Cams, T., poet. B. C. 95- Faye. Sur 1'origine du monde. Lange. Materialism ch. 5. (Martha) Acad. Sci. Mor. 86: 101-; Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:44: 187. (Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 86 : 209. Sellar. Roman poets of the republic ; also Oxford essays. 1855. Symonds. Southern Europe. and Catullus. Conington, Misc. writings v. 1. Bk. 1. Bemerkungen(Susemihl) Philolo- gus4l Mil. Bk. 2. Horschelmann on (Brieger) Jahrb. Philol.- 111:609. Bk. 5:312-3. Schilling, Werke 1 : 9:303. Bk.fi ( Ellis) Jour. Philol. 2:219; 3:115- Chronologic d. Gedichtes (Brandt) Jahrb. 1'hilol. i:H :MI|. De versis repetitis (Tohte) Jahrb. Philol. 119:541. Kmendatio (Bernays) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5:533, 640. German translators. Herder, Werke 1 : 469 or Paul. Thompson, American comments. ProemiuMi (Masson) .lour. Philol. 8:39. Textkritik (Gobel) Rhein. Mus. 15:401. Lucullua, Lucius Licinius. Plutarch. Lives. 8toll. Helden Roms. 570. Luden, Heinrich. 1780-1847. Preussische Jahrb. 46:379. Ludlow, tihrtifiihire. Church wardens' ac- counts, l.MO 71 (Caimlfti S7. -- und ihre Aufgaben (Dresdner) Uns. Zeitl889:2:237. Greek. Lois (Gerard) Kev. d. d. Mondes 111:44:793. Greek. ZurGeschichte(Immisch)Rhein. Mas. 44: 553. Innere Bau u. Abschluss (Viehoff) Her- rig's Archiv 35:1. Irish (MacDonnell) Afternoon lectures 1: 205. M i< idle English ( Aust) Herrig's Archiv 70 : 253. - Various forms. White, Ballades and rondeaus. Lysander of Sparta. Plutarch.- Lives. Lysias, Athenian orator. Bemerkungen (Weidner) Jahrb. Philol. 137:305. Eloquence (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 94:839. Oration against Aeschines (Welcker) Rhein.Mus.2:391. -- Bk. 8 (Gleiniger) Hermes 9: 150. -- Codex Palatinus X88(Lampros.Schnler-88. Hiii'-k. I'.ein-M and l>:ir in California. Macao, China. Lettres Sdifiantes 16:360; 22: 25. Macassar, Malay archipelago. Churchill. Voyages 1 : 232. Macaulay, T: B., lord. 1800-59. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 2. Bayne. Essays T. 2. Gladstone. Gleanings v. 2. (Kobner) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:55. Martineau. Biographical sketches. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 65:205. Min to. Manual of English prose. Preussische Jahrb. 6:353. (Rodenberg) Rundschau 14 : 228. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 3. Tnine. English literature. I'nsereZeit 1860:759. Whinple. Essays y. 1. as a historian. Alison, Essays political, etc. :; -- Raumer. Geschichte d. Literatur 4:110. -- Anmerkungen (Thiin) Engl. Stud. 4: 290,404; 6:50,398; 8:1. Essays (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:441. Lays of ancient Rome. Wilson (J:), Es- says 3: : und die Alten. Jahrb. Philol. 116:433. - Vie et personne (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:51. Macbeth. See Shakespeare. Maccabees. Josepbus. Opera omnia. McCarthy, Justin. as a novelist (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:45:091 MacCleUan, den. G: B. 1826-85. Pamphlets on presidential campaign 1864. Peninsular cam puign (Edge) Loy. Publ. Soc. No. 81. McCullough, John, actor, d. 1885. Overland II :<;:M;. McDuffle, (tor. George. 1788-1851. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 74. Macedonia. Dexippus. Historia. Universal history: ancient v. 7. Alexander's conquest (Jurien de La Gra- viere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 41 -i:;. - I >ia loots (Kick) Kuhn's Zeits. >: 1'tt. Entstehung der Anagraphe (Packe) Her- mes 10:2M1. in 1885 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Monde- III 73 329 - in 1887. ' Revue d. d. Mondes I II : , : 337. - Kings. Clinton. Fasti Hellenid 2372; &8M Language ( Kick ) Orient und Occident v. 2. Ma. -cildiiica (Tiibing) Uheiu. Mu^. 5:157. Settlement. Miiller. Porians 1 : Iea. History of the inquisition 3:379. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe v. 1. .MiclH-k-t. Histoirede France 7: 118, 172; 11:288- Rydberg. Magic of the middle ages. Scherr. Deutsch Kulturgeschichte 364. Bombay ( Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:80:428. Chaldaic. Stanley, History of philos. 780. durch Schlanpen (Spalding) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Forms enumerated in Deut. xviii: 10-11 (Smith) Jour. Philol. v. 18. Greek. lugx in (Bury) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 157. Zauberpapyri (Parthey) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. and Roman. Class. Jour. v. 36- Prosecution of Alice Kyteler, 1324 (Cam- den Soc. 24). squares and cubes (Barnard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Magna charta. Works on the British constitution. Thomson. Historical essay on. Roman Catholic church and (Hodges) Pain*, history v. 13. Magna Qrsecla. See alto works on Greek col- imif.-i and southern Italy. Lenormant on (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : l- Magnetlsm. See alto Aurora, Compass, Klcr- trinty. Actions excises par I'influenced'aimants tn''--.'nergiqnes (Becquerel) Paris, Mini. Acad. Sol L 11 riatic sea. Ortsbfstinuuungen(Kreil) D Akad. Priiks. M N.ri. v. 10. Aerial and tfrn-strial mipured (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870:215. -- Animal. See also Hypnotism, Mesmerism. Arago. Nntii <- sdentif. 1:449. Newton. Modern Bethesda. Schopenhauer. Werke 4 : 90. Wieland. Werke 35 : 328. und Mediumismus(Preyer) Rundschau 17 : 75. dans tils de platine, d'acier (Becquerel) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 11 : 13. Declination. Errors from imperfect in- version of magnet (Swan) Rov. Edin. Trans. 21 : 349. Directive power of large magnets on small ones (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1872:485. Distribution in war ships (Harvey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824 : 310. Effects of stress on magnetization (Thorn- ton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:693; 1879:55. Equateur magnltique. Arago, Oeuvres 11:609. Greater disturbances : forces involved (Stewart) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862 : 621. Periodical laws (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851:123; 1852:103; 1856:357. (Younghusband) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:65. in alien Metallen durch Vertheilung (See- beck) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Influence by iron masses: laws (Christie) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1 : 147. of solar rays(Somerville,Christie)Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826: 132, 219; 1828:379. Intensity according to needle oscillations (Harris) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13: 1. distribution over Europe (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:1; 15:27. over Scotland ( Dunlop) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12:1. Kremsmiinster. Beobachtungen, -1850 (Relshuber) Wien Akad. Denk*. M-N. 01. v. 6. Laws (Harris) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11 :277. of deviation of M. needles towards iron (Christie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1828:325. Lunar-diurnal variation (Neumayer) Roy. Soc. Trans, mil: 503. Mathematical theory(Thomson)Roy.Soc. Trans. ISM :lM3, 269. Mutual action of particles of M. bodies (Christie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1827:71. of permanent magnets (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. of hot iron (Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1 *__: 117. (Seebeck) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. of iron developed by percussion (Scores- by) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1822:241; 1824:197. hot-rolled and cold-rolled (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862: --'7.5. of soft iron (Watkins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:333. Organische. Richter. Werke 44 : 13. Paramagnetic and diamagnetic forces. Tvndail, Fragim-nts v. 1. Polarisation dun h 'IViuperatur-Diflerenz (Seebeck) Berlin Akad. Abh Ut verschiedener Metalle, Alliagen und < >xyde (.Seebeck) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Position "I imrtli M. pole(Ross)Roy.808. Trans. 1-s'U: 17. I'raL'. BeobachtiiiiKen(Kreil)Wien Akad. It.-nks. M-N. Cl. v. 8. Ratio i'f forces on a iift-dlc at London MM Paris (Sal.iiu- ) i:.-y.. Sor. Tran- l-> I Repulsion Natun-i.f (Tyndall)Roy.8oc. Tr:in. 1X55:1; 1850:237. Solar variations at Bombay (Chambers) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1889:888. Magnetism. 292 Maine de Biran. Storms and currents (Walker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:89; 1862:203. Sun's action on the earth (Chambers) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1863:503. Survey of eastern archipelago (Elliot) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1851:287. Temporary M.in rotating iron(Herschel) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1825:317,347, 467, 497; 1826:494; and pt. 3:788. Terrestrial. Aimant et (Babinet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:201; 8:837; 11:594. American almanac 1857-8. . _ Contributions (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1840-4, 1846, 1849, 1866, 1868, 1870, '72, '75,77. Currents and variations (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 24. during calms (Stewart) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:355. Declination (Ransom) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc.2:132. in Berlin (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. in Krakau (Weisse) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 18. Einfluss d. Mondes (Kreil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3, 5. Dip and intensity in the U. S. U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1885 : 129. London, 1821 (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822:1. Effects of temperature (Christie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825:1. Einfluss der Alpen auf d. Ausserungen (KreiH Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:265. Electric origin( Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831:99. Gang in Tiflis, 1882-3(Huff)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 9. General investigations (Davies) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835 : 221; 1836 : 75. In northern New York (Calvin) Albany Inst, Trans 11 : 181. Intensity (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21, 23. Methods of determining(Christie)Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833 : 343. Observations (Lloyd) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 17. Planetary influence on (Chambers) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875:361. Thorie (Poisson) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 5:247.488; 6:441. Thoughts (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 6. -Transient state of bodies (Harris) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831:67. Tubular iron bridges (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873 : 331. Variations. Franklin, 2d expedition cxxxix. (Harding) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. at Bombay (Chambers)Roy.Soc.Trans. 1876:75. Daily (Barlow, Christie) Roy.Soc.Trans. 1823:326,342; 1827:308. at Trevandrum (Broun) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 600; 26:735. at Port Bowen, etc. (Foster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826 :pt 3. Decennial period (Broun) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:595. of daily mean horizontal force as influ- enced by sun and moon (Broun) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:387. Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:511. Relation of intensity to solar and lunar periods (Broun) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16: 99, 137. Verhaltniss d. unmagnet. Eisens zur tel- lurischen Polaritat (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Vienna. Beobachtungen (Kreil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 12. Wunder der. Hartmann (Mor.), Werke 10 : 353. Magnetometer. (Scoresby) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9: 243. Balance ( Brisbane) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:67 Bifilar (Broun) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:467; 28:41. Magnln, Charles. 1793-1862. (Sainte-Beuve) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:45: 299; Nouveaux Lundis 5:440. Magnus , H : G ustav, physicist, chemist. 1802-70 Helmboltz. Lectures v. 2; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1871. Maguey (Century plant). Lobato. Estudio de los productos. Magud saga. (Kohler) Germania 21 : 18. Quellen (Suchier) Germania 20:263. Magyars. See also Hungary. Mailtith. Geschichte der Magyaren. Abkunst der. Unsere Zeit 1877 :2:59. Mahabharata. See Bha gavad Gita. Mahan, Dennis H. National Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Mahdi. (Con der, Smith) Choice Lit. 3 : 286 ; 4 : 161. Mahomet. See Mohammed. Maillard, Olivier. (Schmidt) Zts. hist. Theol. 46: 489. Maimbourg, Louis, historian. 1620-86. Bay le, Dictionary; Oeuvresdiverses.indez. Maimon, Salomon. 1753-1800. (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 95: 771. Fischer. Geschichte neu. Philos. 5:118. ! Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon). 1135-1204 (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 15: 129. Joel. Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Philos. v. 1. Renan. Averroes 177- Leibnitz sur. Foucher de Careil, Leib- niz, etc. Spinoza et. Saisset, Pre"curseurs de Des- cartes; also- Re v.d.d. Mondes 11:37:296. Maine, Anne L.. B. de Bourbon, duchesse du. 1676-1753. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 3 : 206. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. 1823-88. (Benoist) Jour. Econ. IV : 41 : 397. Later writings. McLennan, Patriarchal theory. - Travaux (Dareste)Acad. Sci. Mor. 131: 598. Maine, state. Belknap. Early discoverers 99. Wells. Water power of Maine. Winsor. History of America 3 : 169. in 1807. Kendall, Travels v. 3. in 1821. Dwight, Travels 2 : 168. Maine de Biran, F. P: G. 1766-1824. Cousin. Fragments philos. 5 : 302, 335. (Naville) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20:5. (Re"musat) Acad. Sci. Mor. 40 : 153. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 13 : 304 Maine de Biran. 293 Malibran. der franzosische Kant (Konig) Philos. Monats. 25 : 162. Philosophic (Pica vet) Acad.Sci. Mor. 132: 710. Pre'curseur: Key Regis (Janet) Rev. Phi- los. 14:368. Maintenon, F. d'Aubigne". marquise de. 1635-1719. Histories of France by Kitchin, Taine. Duclos. Me"moires secrets. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 2:572. Saint-Simon. Me'moires. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4 : 3(59. Se'viKiif (Mine.). Lettres 12:388. Lettres. Authenticity (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:79:362. Maistre, Joseph M., coi< de. 1754-1821. (Binaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 18:610. (Faguet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:90:811. Fischer. Bacon und s. Nachfolger 427. Villemain. Litte>ature au 18. siecle 4:342- Lamennais und. Preuss. Jahrb. 6:313. (Binaut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 31 : 555. Lettres. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 4:192; 15:67. (Lataye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 30: 236. Maistre, Xavier de. 1763-1862. (Ey) Herrig's Archiv 73: 273. Maitland, J:, 1st lord, of Thirlestane. d. 1595. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Maitland, J:, duke of Lauderdalc. 1616-82. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Letters addressed to (Camden miscellany v. 8). - Papers, 1639-79 (Camden Soc. 11:34, 36,38). Maitland, Sir W:, of Letlurington. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Majorities. cjuincy. Protection of majorities. - Tocqueville. Democracy in America 1:324. Loi des (Renouvier) Crit Philos. 4 : 1. Makart, Hans, painter. 1840-84. (Pecht) Unsere Zeit 1880: 1:91. Makua language. ( Maples) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1880- 1:58. Malachlas, St., Irish bishop. Vita. Bernardus (St), Opera 1 : 1074. Malaga, SjHtin. Wallis. Glimpses of Spain 79. Malagasy language. (Cousins) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1877-9:283. Malagrida, G., Italian Jctuit. 1689-1761. KpiM.de. Rev. Hist. v. 18. Malalas, Joannes. Chronic-a. Liicken in (Jeep) Rheiu. Mus. Malaria. See also Drainage, Fevers. at Washington. Nat. lid. Health Bull. 3: 389. Kiioio.jy. Nat. B.l. Health Bull. July 23, 1881. Marsh poison (FtrgO8sm) IJ".v. Kdin. Tranv !:L'7.'l. Malatesta, Kigismond 1'andolfe. M:u hiavclli. Work*, im/rr. >viii!-. Malet, CI. F. do, aenrrai. 1754-1812. Conspiratimi (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondt-s 111:31:632. Malfatti s problem (Talbot) Roy. K.iin. Trans. '_M:127. Steiner's extension (Cayley) Roy. Uoc. Trim-. !<'-': 253. -- (M.-ru-n-) Wi.-ii Akad. Denkv M N.CI. Malherbe, FraiH'oi-. I-"-'- I 1 '-" AllttTi. l.itt.-raturc fr. .It- i P..i\ If. i IIMIVTCS iliviTM-., ii Fetiillrt do Conrlit-. c.iu-fnf- :; s.iintf I'.fiivc. tan-fries 8:67; Nou- vranx l-uiiili- l.'(:357. it- (In In* <>euvre v. 1). Malibran, Maria K.-lifita Can-ia 1808-36. . Bufh9, 394 ; 16 : 17, 41. De'ge'ne'rescences (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:25:75. Descent of. Darwin's. Seealso Darwinism. Brownson. Works v. 9. (Frauenstadt) Uns. Zeit 1872 : 1 : 535- McCosh. Christianity and positivism 346. Miiller. Science of thought 1 : 149. (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 95 : 675. Destiny (Fichte) Hedge, German prose writers. Herder. Philosophy of history. Entstehung und Gliederung. Uns. Zeit 1858:65. Genealogy. Dernieres Stapes (Topinard) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3:298. Histoire naturelle(Quatrefages) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : v. 30-32, 49. Influence of nature on. Hegel, Philoso- phy of history 83. Nature of. Schiller, Werke 10 :3 ; Works tr. v. 8. Connaissance an 17. et au 18. siecle. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 3:220. Origin. Intellectual and moral. Fiske, Cosmic philosophy v. 2. Pressensee on (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. 8.2:217. Zustande. Wieland, Werke 29 : 161. Palaeolithic, in America. Pams. ethnol- ogy v. 2. PaTe'ontologie stratigraphique (Boule) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3: 129- Perfectibility. Leroux on. Brownson, Works 4 : 100. Place in nature. Huxley, Man's place in nature. Ward. Dynamic sociology v. 2. Platonische Betrachtungen. Wieland, Werke 29: 103. Pre-glacial (Littre") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 14:5. Pre-historic( Perkins) Pams. ethnology v.2 Primeval. Brownson, Works v. 9. Primitive (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 45:204. (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68:637. Spencer on (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 15:82. Reformer. Emerson, Miscellanies 217. Relation to animal world. Lange, Mate- rialism 3:83. (Mailfer) Jour. Econ. IV : 5: 427. Unity of race. Foster, Pre-historic races. morale (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 77:892. Varieties. Lotze, Microcosmus. Mander, Karl van, painter. 1548-1606. (Michel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:863. Manchester, England. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 2. in 1805. Silliman, Travels 1:89. Ship canal. U. S. Consular Rept. 95. Mancini, P. S. 1817-88. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 82:25. Mandeville, Sir John. d. 1372. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 1. (Gesenius) Herrig's Archiv 27 : 391. Mandeville. 295 Manuel. (Montegut) Rev. d. d Mondes III: 96 : 277- Manetho, historian. B. C. 320 ( ? ). Histories of Egypt by Kenrick (2:72), Wilkinson, etc. Chronology. Volney. Oeuvres 6 : 319. cyklisch oder rein historisch? (Gut- schraid) Rhein. Mus. 14:235, 256. of 18. dynasty (Hincks) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 21. Manganese. Chemistry (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11 : 143. " Index to literature (Bolton) N.Y.Lyceum Nat. Hist, Annals 11:208. Ores (Haidinger) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11:119. Manganic acid. (Mitscherlich) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1831. Manichaeism. See also Dualism, Evil, Paul- icians. Augustine (St.). Writings. Bayle. Dictionary ; Oeuvres diverses. Joannes Damascenus. Opera v. 1. Kessler. Mani : Forschungen. Neander. Church history 2: 157. Manilla. See aho Philippine islands. - (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:78. Manin, Daniel, Italian patriot. 1804-57. Reuchlin. Geschichte Italiens 2:2: 128. Yriarte. Venice ch. 1. und Pallavicino(Lang)Preuss. Jahrb. 41 : _'!. Manlius of the Capitol. Death. Hooke, Roman history 3 : 118. Manlius, M. Mommsen. Romische Forschungen 2: 179 Mann, Horace. 1796-1859. Laboulaye. Discours populaires 205. Manners, John, marquis of Granby. d. 1770. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Manners and customs. See alto Amuse- ments, Character, Conduct, Costume, Courtesy, Etiquette, Fashion, Gentle- man, Society. Emerson. BMftyt, 2d series. Erasmus. Colloquies. 1. 1 P.ruyere. Caracteres. Miiller. Chips from German workshop v.2. Spencer, lllus. of universal progress. Tvlor. Anthropology ch. 9-11. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 13-16. Arab.in Spain. Coppe"e, Arabconqm-t V.L' connected with number SO(Honieyer) Ber- lin Akad. Al.h. ls<;:87. Egyptian ancient. Duncker, History of antiquity 1:183. - Wilkinson, Ancient Egyptians. English. Bulwer, England ( With hit Stu- dent 184'i). Guldsmith. Letters from citizen of the world (Misc. works v. 2). and French. De Quincey, Letters to a young man. Early. Uabees' book. E. E. Text Soc. I : 3-J. ' Rrande. Popular anti<|iiitu. La Tour Landrv. Instructions ( I'.. r i. E( Soc, I :.v,). Waterman. Fardle nf fucion-. Wright. Home* i-f other day-. in I 1 *. ciMitnry. l-'-T-yih, Rngltafa novel- ists. --- Hogarth. Works. --- Leckv. History of England 1:560; 6:138. --- Stanhope. History of England 7:311. -- in 19. century. Porter, Progress of the nation 673. French. Balzac, Oeuvres 20 : 437. -- Cheruel. Dictionnaire historique. | -- Mably. Histoire de France 3 : 35. , -- Montesquieu. Lettres persanes. German domestic. Jameson, Visits and sketches 1:158. -- in middle ages. Frederick II. Oeuvres 1 : 213. --- (Hildebrand) Germania 10: 129. --- Kriegk. Deutsches Biirgfrthum. Greek ancient Works by Becker, Falke, Felton, Mahaffy, St. John. -- Handshaking (Schulze) Rhein. Mus. 5: 600. in 16. century (Voight) Hist. Ta.schenbuch 1835. -- and 17. centuries. Buckle, Misc. works 3:515. Influence of democracy. Tocqueville, Democracy in America v. 2. Italian. Blunt.Vestiges in Italy and Sicily. -- (Rossetti) E. E. Text Soc. 1 1 : 8. Mexican ancient. Brasseur de Bourbourg, lli-toiro .".: T>7. of New England. Dwight, Travels 4:293. 4fi3 Regie des (Bouillier) Rev. Philos. :{ : -j.-.j. Roman ancient. Works by Becker, Falke, Kriodla'nder, Herberman, Juvenal (Sat- ires). -- and Gothic compared. Hodgkin, Italy 2:314-371. Scandinavian. Mallet, Northern antiqui- tics. Welsh, in 1700. Ashton, Social life reign of Anne. Manny, Sir Walter, d. 1372. Gleig. Military commanders v. 1. Mansel, H: L., dean of St. Paul's. 1820-71. Life. In hit Gnostic heresies. Mansel, Sir Robert, d. 1620. Sou they. British admirals v. 5. Mansfeld, Stis/. Seeen ( Ule) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Mansfield, W: Murray, furl of. 1705-93. - Campbell. Chief justices 2:302. i Lodge. Portraits v. 4. i:-i~'-"i-. British lawyers. Mantinea battle, I 1 ., r. :>'-'. (Schiifer) Rht-in. Mu- N. 1 . ">:45. Mantua. Trollopc. Italy. Annali-s lls;;.ij!>!. 1'ertz, Mon. (MTIII. hist.. Script, v. 19. Mann, the Adam of Hindu mythology. Laws. JohnKHl, Oriental religions: India LflB I -- Maine. Karlv law and custom. -- Schl.-jrrl. \Vcrke 8 :2i2. -- Analysis. A-iati.- .1 i Quotations in Mahahharata (Hopkins) .1. Aincr. Orient. S.M-. 11:239. Manuel, Juan. !."<-' 1347. Amad..rde|.i- \\\n*. LiU?ratura i-panola >-300, 581. Manufactures. 296 Margaret of Anjou. Manufactures. See also Patents. Anciensreglements en France(Renouard) Jour. Econ. 1:6:29. Chinese grass cloth, featherwork. b. * . Mechanics' Inst. Kept. 1871. German. 1882(Stieda) Preuss. J ahrb. ol :48. Marques de fabrique ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2 : 247. Greek. St. John, Ancient Greece 3:96. Industries extractives (Dunoyer) Jour. Econ. 1:3:1, 113. insalubres (Ruolz) Pans, Mem. bavans Etrang. 11:161. Manures. See Fertilizers. Manutius, Aldus. 1449-1515. Renouard. Annales de riinpriinerie. Roscoe. Life of Leo X. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Manx language. (Jenner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1875-76: 172. Manzanlta. California species (Parry) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:483. Manzonl, Alessandro. 1784-1873. Histories of Italian literature by: Saner (497). Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2 : 59. Howells. Modern Italian poets. (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 106: 349. (Sarburg) Rundschau 39:208. Unsere Zeit 1873 : 2 : 369. HeiligeHvmnen(Heyse)Rundschau25:29 und d. italien. Romantik (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 33:1, 99. Map (Mapes), Walter. Nugae curialium (Liebrecht) Germania 5:47. Maple tree. Sugar. Rush (B:), Essays 270. Maps. Bliss. Classified index to maps in the publications of the Geological Soc. of London, 1811-1885. (B. P. L. Bull. 7: 78-) Classified index to maps of the Roy. Geogr. Soc. publications (Harvard Lib., Bibliogr. contrib. 17). Classified index to maps in Peter- mann's Geograph. Mittheilungen, 1855- 1881. (Harvard Univ. Bull. 2: 344; Bibl. contrib. 16.) Rowell. List of printed maps of Cali- fornia,^?. (Univ.ofCal.Lib.Bull.no.9.) - Winsor. Bibliography of Ptolemy's Ge- ography (Harvard Univ. Bull. v. 2, 3; also BioL contrib. 18). Cartography of America (History of America, passim). Kohl collection of early maps (Harvard Univ. Bull.3:171-; akoBibl. contrib. 19). Abbildung d. Erde nach d. epicycloidis- chen Projection (August) Zts. Erd- kunde 9: 1. Drawing. Ruskin, Laws of Fe"sole. M6sure et la representation du globe ( Blerzy) Rev. d. rt. Mondes II : 50 : 617. Projection (Eisenlohr) Zts. Erdkunde 10:321. Romische Wei tkarte(Miillenhoff) Hermes 9:183. Spruner-Menke's Atlas antiquus(Bursian) Rhein. Mus. 21:210. Marais, Muthieu, jurist. 1664-1737. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 9. Marantacese. Morphologie und Systematik (Eichler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1883. Marathon battle, B. C. 490. Works on Greece by Mure, Snider, Words- worth, etc. Creasy. Decisive battles. (Duncker) Hist. Zeits. 46 : 231. Herodotus. Transl. by Rawlinson 3 : 426. Historical parallels 1:257. (Llovd) J. Hellenic Stud. 2: 380. (Miiiler-Striibing) Jahrb. Philol. 119:433. Difficulties in account of (Blakesley) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1854:1. Mar bach, Alsace. Annales 631-1375. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script, v. 17. Marble. de 1' Altissimo et de Carrare (Simonin ) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 52: 125. Marbode, bishop of Rennes. d. 1123. Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 10. Lapidaire de Cambridge (Johansson) Up- sala Univ. Diss. v. 1. Marcel, Etienne, general. 1792-1880. und d. Pariser Commune (Bojanowski) Preuss. Jahrb. 45 : 375. Marcellinus, Christian martyr. Augustine. Letters 2 : 252- Marcellinus, Ammianus. See Ammianus. Marcellus, Empiricus, of Bourdeaux. (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847, 1855 ; also Kleinere Schriften 2 : 114, 152. Marcellus, Marcus Claudius. B. C. 270-200. Plutarch. Lives. Stoll. Helden Roms. 355. Marcellus, Nonius, grammarian. Nettleship. Lectures and essays ; also Am. J. Philol. 3:1, 170. Noniaiia (Onions) Jour. Philol. 16 : 161 ; 18:89. Marcet, Mrs. Jane. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Marchantia. Polymorpha. Tissu cellulaire, etc. (Mirbel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 13: 337. 375. Marchtel monastery. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 24 : 660. Marclon. Baur. Christliche Gnosis 240. Mansel. Gnostic heresies 203. (Hilgenfeld) Zts. hist. Theol. 25:426. Schelling. Werke 1:1: 113. Marcus Aurellus. See Antoninus. Maremma, ivestern Italy. (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:39:596- Margan monastery, Wales. Annales. Rolls chronicles 36: v. 1. Margaret of Angouleme, duchesse d'Alencon, queen of Navarre. 1492-1549. Besant. Early French poetry. Crpet. Poetes f rancais 1 : 653. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 7 : 434. Margaret of Anjou , queen of England. 1429-81 Buhver. Last of the barons. Margaret of Anjou. 297 Marlborough. Scott. Anne of Geierstein. Shakespeare. King Henry VI. Strickland. Queens of England 2 : 162. Margaret of Austria, duchess of Parma. Motley. Dutch republic Pamphlets on history v. 9. Prescott. Philip II. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. Margaret of France, %d. queen of Edward I. d. 1317. Strickland. Queens of England 1 :452. Margaret of Lancaster, mother of Henry VII. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Margaret Tudor, qneen of James IV of Scot- land. 14*9-1541. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Strickland. Queens of England. Margaret of Valois, queen of Henri IV of {','ince. 1553-1615. Albert. Litterature fr. desorigines iM. (La Ferriere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:65: 552; 66:134. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 6: 182. Amours de. L'Etoile, Henri III. 171. Maria Carolina of Austria, qneen of Naples. (Brosch) Hist. Zeits. 53:72. Maria Theresa of A nstria. 1717-80. See also Frederick II of Prussia, Pragmatic sanc- tion. Seven years' war. Arneth. Gescbichte Maria Theresa's. Bossuet. Oeuvres choiMc* v. 4. Broglie. Frederick II and M. T. Diinngsfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 2. et la Pompadour ( Brunetilre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:23:456. et Marie Antoinette. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veauz Lundis v. 9-10. Marie de Cleves, duchesse d" Orleans, mother of Louis XII. ( Maulde) Rev. Hist 36 : 81. Marie dr <'niii/i!egne. Evangile aux femmes (Mall) Zts. roman. Pbilol. 1:337. Marie de France. Cre'pet. Poetes fran<;ais. Ellis. Karlv English metrical romances. Warton. English |>oetry. Zeit (Warlike) Zts. roman. Philol. 4:223. Marie Antoinette, qneen of Louis XVI. 1755- ;ipan (Mine.). Memoirs. Diinngxfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. M.ni.ii-> 11 :>'C,:tW>. Holland. Foreign reminiscences. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:55:5. Reeve. Royul, etc., France 1 :239. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4:330. (Wehl) Unsere Zeit 1K<>7: 1:24, KU. Wraxall. Memoirs. Oorrwpondaiiea inedite. Sainte-Beuve, Noiivcaux Lundis v. H. et Marie Th-. Papier>errct-< Men-\ Argente:ni)i:ev.d.d.Mond-s II : 1"- Lett res. Autlu-mieite ( l-Vutllet ,, \ ill l:.->03. Politische Kinflus.s (Jacob) Hist. Taschen- Inicli 1838. Trial. Stael-IIolstvin, Oeuvres v. 2. 38 Marie Leckzinska. 1703-68. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 8. Lives of Louis XV of France. Marie-Louise, empress of France. 1791-1847. Lettresintimes(Valbert)Rev.d.d.Mondes III:82:W2. Mariengaarde (Hortus 8. Mariae) monas- tery. Gesta Abbatum. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script. 23 : 561. Mariette, Aug. K: (Mariette-Bey). 1821-81. (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:43:768. Mar in county, Cal. (Field) Picturesque California 219. Marino, Giambattista. 1509-li2.\ Longfellow. Poets of Europe, f-ymonds. Renaissance : Catholic reac- tion v. 2. Mario, Jos., marquis of Candia. 1808- (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 61:440. Maritime law. .See also International law, Neutrality. Anglo-American opinion, 1862 (Perier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 37 : 421. Congres de Paris et (Reynaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:909. Extracommerrialitat (Kaufmann) Bonn I'niv. Diss. v. 2. im Kriege ( Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 17 : 19. Reform (Lammers) Preuss. Jahrb. 'H: eaa Letters of marque and reprisal. Stunner, Works 7:L'7S, ;U3. Observations relatives (Giraud.etc.) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5T>:12o, 151. Propri^te" prive>(Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 77:71), .'7, 273. Right of search. Tyler, Letters and times of theTylenS:8lk Urquhart. [Pamphlet writings] v. 1. Marius, ('. B. C. 157-87. Plutarch. Li\ Stoll. Helden Roius 506. Marivaux, P: Carlet de Chainblain de. 1688- L788, Alembert. Oeuvres 10:209. (Brunetiere)Uevd..l. Mondes III :<:848. Grimm-Diderot. Correspomlance. Lenient. Comedie au IS. siecle 1 :.'?t'i. Sainte-Beuve. <'.UIM -rie- oem). Evelyn. Diary. Gleig. Military commanders v. 1-2. Johns. Military ami naval heroes. U'ttres btetOriqOM I-'!'-' 1721. Ixxlgf. 1'ortraits v. 3. Macaulav on. Pngei, New " Kxaiuen." Swift. \Vorks. isll v. 5-6. Thackeray. Henry INmond (fiction) Marlborough, S.J.Churi-hill.dueAeMof. 1000- 1711. (Dronsart) Kev. .1 d. Mondes 111:53:151. Jxxige. Portraits r. & Mario. 298 Marseilles. Mario, Carl. See Winkelblech. Marlowe, Christopher. 1564-93. See also Faust. (Grant) Preuss. Jahrb. 34:327. Hunt. English poets 97. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 13: 607. Tegg. Shakespeare and contemporaries. Ward. English dramatic literature. Whipple. Literature age of Elizabeth. Marly-le-Roi, France. Mangin. Jardins227. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 4 : 104. Marmont, A. F: L: Viesse de, due de Ragusa. 1774-1852. Me"moires. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries v. 6. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 289; 1858: 737. ( Viel-Castel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 14: 348. Marmontel, J: F., critic. 1723-99. Albert. Litte"rature fr. au 18. siecle. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4 : 515. Voltaire. Oeuvres. Marne river, France. La Bedolliere. Tour de la Marne. Marner, Der. (Bech) Germania 22:385. Mar nix de Saint e- Aide gonde, Ph. van. 1548-98. et les Gueux. Quinet, Oeuvres completes v. 6. Marolles, Michel de,abbtde Villeloin. 1600-81. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 14: 107. Maronites, Syrian Christians. Lamartine. Pilgrimage 2:30. Lettres e"difiantes v. 1, 2, 5. Volney. Voyage en Orient. Marot, Clement. 1495-1544. Bayle. Dictionary 7 : 460. Besant. Early French poetry. (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II f 76: 634. Metrik. Herrig's Archiv 68 : 331. Sprache (Eckerdt) Herrig's Arch. 29: 183. Marquesas islands. Melville. Typee. Paulding. Cruise of the Dolphin 30. (Radiguet) Rev.d. d. Mondes II: v. 22-23. Occupation (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 1: 4: 167. Marque tte, Father, explorer. Sparks. American biography v. 10. Marriage. See a/so Celibacy, Divorce, Family, Love, Polyandry, Polygamy, Woman. Bayle. Dictionary ; Oeuvres diverses. - Erasmus. Colloquies. Hamann. Schriften; hrsg. v. Petri 3:69. Hamerton. Intellectual life. Hegel. Philosophic des Rechts. Hutcheson. Moral philosophy v. 2. (Koenigswarter) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19:69. Lawrence. Disabilities of American woman married abroad. Letourneau. Sociology. Plato. Laws bk. 6. Puffendorf. Law of nature bk. 6. Rauh. Ursprung der Staaten 6. Raumer. Hohenstaufen 6:546. a la mode. Hogarth, Works. Ages respectifs des e"poux (Villerme") Acad. Sci. Mor. 54 : 273 ; 58 : 145. and concupiscence. Augustine, Anti- Pelagian writings v. 2. and divorcein the United States (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II : 95 : 65. and maternity. Rutland Free Conven- tion. 1858. ! Chinese. Lettres e"dih'antes 23:444. I Civil. Bismarck, Reden 2 : 281 ; 3 : 686. (Zeller) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:507. Historische Entwickelung. Uns. Zeit 1860:514. Consanguineous. Anselm, Opera 1 :557. Domestic life. Dana (R: H.), Poems and prose. durch Raub und Kauf (Kulischer) Zts. Ethnol. M): 193. Ehegelobnisse in d. romischen Herrschaft (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Encouragement in Canada. Parkman, Old regime in Canada. Fleet. Knight, London v. 4. French. Hamerton, Round rny house. au theatre dans Moliere (Girardin) Rev. Nat. 22 : 387. dans le Haut-Forez (Smith) Romania v. 9. German mediaeval. Freytag, Bilder3:269. Gould. Germany, present and past. Weinhold. Deutschen Frauen 1:293; 2:1. Geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl in d. Urzeit (Kulischer) Zts. Ethnol. 8 : 140. Greek ancient. St. John, Manners of ancient Greece. modern. Baird, Modern Greece 88. Hebrew betrothal and. Hartmann, He- braerin. How to wyve well. Percy Soc. v. 1. Mixed. Bretschneider, Freiherr von San- daw (Pams. social science v. 3). Origins. Giraud-Teulon sur. Crit. Philos. N. 8.2:121. Pain and sorrow of evil. Percy Soc. v. 1. Precepts on. Plutarch, Morals v. 2. Primitive. McLennan, Studies in ancient history. Scotch bill, 1835. Brougham, Speeches v. 3. Selections sociales (Lapouge) Rev. An- throp. 111:2:519. Soci^te" conjugale (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:90, 2H7. Spartan. Miiller, Dorians. Statistique (Roquet) Jour. Econ. IV: 13: 221. und Familie( Raumer) Hist. Taschenbuch 1833. Verhaltnisse (Bastian) Zts. Ethnol. 6 : 380. Wife's duties. Xenophon, Oeconomics. with deceased wife's sister. Christ. Spect. N. S. 1:42. (Prudden, Turnbull). Pamphlet ser- mons v. 5. Mars, planet. Arago. Oeuvres 11 : 245. Atmosphere (South) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831: 417; 1833:15. De motibus. Kepler, Opera 3 : 1. Mars, deity. - Tumpel's Ares und Aphrodite (Crusius) Jahrb. Philol. 123 : 289. Marseilles, France. Mylius. Reise 4 : 93- Commerce (Simonin) Jour. Econ. Ill : 24 : 400. Marseilles. 299 Mary Stuart. Conditions du travail, 1883 (Bernard) Jour. Econ. IV: 25: 410. Finances, travaux publics (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:64:620. Grand port (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:22:389. Griindung (Dederich) Rhein. Mns. 4:99- in 1853. Hacklander, Werke v. 22. Marsh, G: P. Trial bibliography (Koopman) Lib. Jour. 11:474. Marshall, John, chief justice. 1755-1835. Flanders. Chief justices v. 2. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 4C7. (Rawle) Pams on biography v. 4. U. S. Senate Rep. 1883-4, v. i. Marshall's archipelago. Kotzebue. Voyage. 1M.">. 3:140; New voyage. 1823. 1:289. Marsolller des Vivetii-res, B. J. 1750-1817. (irim in- Diderot. Correspondance. Marsupini, Carlo. 1399-1453. Yriarte. Florence 129. Marten (Martin), Henry. 1M2-60. Forster. British statesmen v. 4. Martens, (I: V. von. 1751-1821. Mnhl. BteatowiflMnschaft 2:480. Martha' s Vineyard island. Geology (Shaler) U. S. Geol. Survey. 7th annual report. Martial de Paris (or d" Auvergne). 1440-1508. Hc-ant. Early French poetry. Martialis, M. Valerius. A. D. 43-101? Arnador delos Rios. Literatura espafiola 1:97. (Hiibner) Rundschau 59:85. Bk. 3 (Mayor) .lour. Philol. 16 : 229. Kpigrammala. Conington, Misc. writings v. 1 ; Jour. Philol. v. 2. - (Kostlin) Philologus 36:269. - Textkritik (Gilbert) Rhein. Mus. 40:210. Martin, >V., hishop <>f Tours. 316-397. Newman. Historical sketches v. 2. Martin, Henri, hlxton'tnt. 1810-83. Vie et les travaux (Simon) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:21). Martin Mar prelate. - ArlnT. Knglish scholar's library, Nos. Disraeli. Quarrels of auth<>r>. Martineau, Harriet. 1802-76. <'arlylu. Emerson, < 'orre-pondence. iMoiinari) Jour. Econ. IV: 11: 54. Smiles. Brief biographies. Martineau, .lame-. 1805- De Morgan. Memoirs. Martinez, Ramon. I'lijrio li'lei (Schiller-Szinessy) Jour. 1 1'hilol. l>i:i:;i Martinique island. Molinari. A Panama, I'isthme de Pana- ma. 1887. Irpni- I'.'mancipation (Duval) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :'_!): 39. Martlno, Simone di Memmi. r_N<) nil Works on Italian painting by: Mantx. Vazari. Martins, C. F. I'h. von. (Kichu-r) I'am-. biography v. 6. Martyrs. See aho Persecution, names of martyrs, histories of religions. Brewster. Martyrs of science. Butler. Lives of the saints. Chateaubriand. Martyr-. Fox. Acts and monuments. Fuller. Abel redevivus. Newman, (.'allista (Ik-lion). - English, 1559(Brice) Arber's English gar- ner y. 4. Premiers, de la Gaule (Renan) Rev. Hist. 17 : 303. Marvell, Andrew. ;>/>/. Ki20-78. Coleridge ( H.). Northern worthies v. 1. Parker and. Disraeli, (Quarrels of author-. Marx, Karl. See also works on socialism by Ely, Laveleye, Rae. (Block) Jour." Econ. 111:27:5. Kaufmunn. I'topias oh. 13-14. (Stegemann) Preus.s. Jahrb. 57:213. Mary, mother of Jesus. See also Immaculate conception. Jameson. Legends of the Madonna. Milman. Latin Christianity. Assumptio. Aelteste mittelengl. Version (Gierth) Kngl. Stud. 7:1. Grazer Marienleben (Lambel) Germa- nia 20:71. Worship. Brown-on. Works 8:59- Feuerbach. Werke 1 : 181. in Oesterreich(Vernaleken) Germania Ki:42. Mary I (Tudor), t/neeii of England. 1517-58. - Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Neal. History of the Puritans. Prescott. Philip II. Strickland. Queens of England 3:301. -Tennyson. Queen Marv (drama). Konigin von Frankreich (Pauli) Hund- schau 24 : 190. Time of (Underbill) Arber's Engl. gar- ner v. 4. Mary II, i/tirm of Kmjlnnd. l;2-94. - Strickland. Queens of England V. 7. Mary Beatrice of Modena, queen of England. 1658-1715. Strickland. Queens of England v. 6. Mary Magdalene. Robinson's Ufeof(Som- mcr) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 3. Mary Stuart, i U s: HNtoric- of England and Scotland by Burton (full, impartial), Fronde (unfa- vorable), ( I reen (v. 2). Hume(v.~> il), I.m- gard (v. <1, favorable), Rapin (impartial), Tvtler. etc. Allicri. Marv Stuart (drama). (Bres-lan) Hi'-t. Xrit-. :..'::.':>. - Can-c- cclcl.n-s. 17 is. v. 17. Elli-. Original letter- illu-. English liis- tory I : v Janic-on. Female sovereigns v. 1. Miclicl.-t. Histiiirede France ln : 163. Itanmer. Beiliige ?.. neu. CM-SI liiclitc v 1 Saint.-H.-nvc Can-cries j : |in : En- glish ]ori Schiller. Mary Stuart (drama). Swinburne. Bothwell ; Mary Stuart. l'...tli\v.-ll and Darnli-y ( II. -u-- . 21: , Ca-ket letters (Pauli) Hist. Zt I:. \ lli-t. v.31.37. Mary Stuart. 300 Mathematics. Deutsche Forschung (Friedenburg) Un- sereZeit 1886:1:245. Neue Forschung (Zschech)Preuss. Jahrb. 50:435. Literatur. Hist. Zeits. 50 : 84. Papers relating to. Camden Soc. 93. Portraits. Feuillet de Conches, Causer- ies v. 4. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. by Milliard (Art gallery). Relations diplomatiques (Philippson) Kev. Hist. 38:1; 39:241. Maryland. English in, 1032-91. Winsor, America 3:517 in 1760. Douglass, Travels 2 : 353. Influence upon land cessions (Adams) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 3. Invasion, 1862. Jacobs, Rebel invasion. Local institutions ( Wilhelm) Johns Hop- kins Hist Stud. v. 3. Masacclo, Tommaso Guidi, called. 1402-43. Tyrwhitt. Pictorial art. Masaya volcano. Squier. Nicaragua 1: 216; 2: 15, 101. Stephens. Central America v. 2. Mascarene islands. Lettres eMifiantes 13 : 302. Masers deLatude, J: H: 1725-1805. (Funck-Brentano) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 95:638. Mason, Jeremiah, lawyer. 1768-1848. - Webster. Works 2:479. Mason, Cnpt. John. 1600-72. Sparks. American biography v. 13. Mason, Ken. William, poet. 1725-97. Coleridge (H.). Northern worthies v. 2. Mason andDixon's line. (Latrobe) Parns. history v. 9. Masonry. See Free Masonry. Masora. Syrian. Nach Bar-Hebraeus (Weingar- ten) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Mass. Canon of the. Salisbury use. Fox, Acts and monuments 6 : 362. Massachusetts. Alleged conspiracy, 1828. Pams. history v. 4. in 1620-30. Bibliography. Harvard Lib. Bull. 1:195. in 1800. Kendall, Travels v. 2-3. in 1820. Dwight, Travels. in 1827-8. Hall, Travels 1 : 274. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. See also works on the Huguenots. Histories of England by Mackintosh (3:211), Turner (4: 293). . Histories of France by Martin (9:312) Michelet(9:379), Davi'la. (Baumgarten) Hist. Zeits. 50:385. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 59: 162. (Loiselier) Rev. Hist. 15:83. Raurner. Europa seit 1500. 2:253. Sully. Memoirs. - Swinburne. Queen mother (drama). Waddington. Ramus. -Vindicated. Bayle, Dictionary 4:272; 8:445 Massf-na, Andre", due de Rivoli, prince d'Ess- ling. 1758-1817. - Napier. Peninsula war. Thiers. Consulat et 1'empire. Revolt of army at Rome. Garden, Traite's depaix6:385. Massey, Gerald. 1828- Smiles. Brief biographies. Massillon, J. B., bishop ofClermont. 1603-1742 Alembert. Oeuvres 7 : 1-62. Sainte-Beuve. Monday-chats; Cau- series 9 : 1. Eloquence (Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:43:154. Grand sermonnaire (Nisard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:410. Masslnger, Philip, dramatist. 1584-1039. Dunham. Literary men v. 2. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 3. - Life, plays (Phelan) Anglia 2: 1, 44, 504. Masson, David, critic. 1823- (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:64:901. Matamoras. Phillips. Mexico illustrated. Mate of Parana (Macedo Scares) Pams. agriculture v. 4. of Paraguay. U. S. Consular report 28. Materia medlca. See also Cinchona, Coca, Cundurango, Ginseng, etc. Einwirkung (Kraepelin) Philos. Stud. 1 : 417- Erregungsmittel (Helm) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Hoplocrisma-spongia Fosteri. Fludd, Responsum. Russian vegetable (Demitsch) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Materialism. See also Matter, Pessimism, Positivism, Realism. Caro. Mate>ialisme et la science. Graham. Creed of science. Jouff'roy. Melanges philos. 121. Lange. History of materialism. Grit. Philos. 17 : 346, 392; 18 : 54, 87, 241. (Soury) Rev. Philos. v. 1-2. Materialism. By a late fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge. 1881. Pollock. Spinoza: his life, etc., ch. 5-6. Prince. Nature of mind. Body and mind. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Consequences (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 5: 145. contemnorain en Allemagne (Janet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:40:877; 48:556. der Gegenwart (Frauenstadt) Uns. Zeit 1807:1:253. Nature of things-in-themselves. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Origines (Caro) Acad. Sci. Mor. 08 : 111. Renaissance de(Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 13: 481. Scientific. Possible? (Caro) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85 : 97. Scope of. Tyndall, Fragments v. 2. Spiritualismus und. Feuerbach, Werke v. 10. Mathematics. See also Algebra, Arithmetic, Calculus, Geometry, Probability, etc. Application to chemistry (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:091. History. Cantor's(Hultsch)Jahrb.Philol. 123:509. Identitat d. Algorithms filr Differenz, In- tegral, etc., Operationen mit d. bloss al- gebraischen(Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Mathematics. 301 Maupassant. Influence of signs in M. reasoning (Bab- bage) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:325. Logic and. Jevons, Pure logic. Missbrauch in d. Philosophic (Goring) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 3: 2-il. Models. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. 4 : 36. Nature, uses ( Davis) Columbia Coll. inaug. addresses. Notation Du'. u (O'Brien) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 : 415. Notions premieres (Calinon) Rev. Philos. 96:42. Stellung zur Kunst (Hauck) Preuss. Jahrb. 4i; :!_';. Study (Ficklin) Missouri Univ. lectures 1879. -- Hamilton (Sir W:). Discussions. -- Mill. Hamilton's philosophy 2:305. -- Newman (Fs. W.). Miscellanies v. 1. -- Course of. Critic July-Aug. 1883. -- Neue Methode (Piper, Haebe) Jahrb. Philol. 128:172; 130:97. -- Value of. Malebranche, Search after truth 2 : bk. (J, ch. 4-5. nbolic forms derived from the concep- tion of the translation of a directed mag- nitude (O'Brien) Roy. Soc. Trans. IS.>L : I6t Sviubols: ao, =, +, (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11: 145, 203. 213. Theory de la connaissance (Tannery) Rev. Philos. v. 7-8. Theorien derjenigen M. Gegenstande (Michelsen) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1792-7. Transreiidant. Application (Binet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:3:177. typical of universal science. Randolph, "Windfalls. Value. Bacon (Roger), Opus ma jus 57. Mansfield. American education. Mather, Cotton, !>.!>. 1H>;L>-1728. Siblev. Harvard graduates v. 3. sparks. American biography v. '!. Family and its influence (Dexter) Win- BOr*l !'.">t<>n L':i*)7. Magnalia. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. l!2-3. Mather, Increase, D.D. 1630-1723. Sibley. Harvard graduates 1 : 410. Mathew, Theobald, father. 1790-1H56. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Mathews, Cornelius. 1817- I'.M-. Works 2 :_';:.'. Mathllde Laetltla Wllhelmine Bonaparte, jiiinrfMe. 1820- Saintr Uriive. Causeriesdu Lundi 11:389. Mathy, Karl. 1807-68. Treit-ehke. Aiil^atze 1:484; Prcu--. Jahrb. 21:325. Matilda, >V.. ./,-, ,,f Hfniin,!,,. d.968. Vitac. 1't-rtx. Mon, tier n i. hist.. Scr. v.4,10. Matilda, >V., irlfe of emperor Henri/ I. Vita ( Doiiini/.o) Pert/., Mon. (Jerm. hist., . 1.'. Matilda / H.ml.Hjne. 1128-51. .-inckl.md. Queens Oi England 1 : 109. Matilda of l-'lawlen. 1054-83. Strickland, l^iccn- <>i F.ngland 1 : 21. Matilda >,f Sr,,il,,n,l. Strickland. yuutMi* of England I: 106. Matilda, the "great countess" of Tuscanv. 104IM115. Ren^e. La grande italienne. - Lives of Gregory VII by Villemain, etc. et le Saint-Siege (Perrens) Acad. Sci. Mor. 74 : 273, 405. Matrix, Matrices. See Determinants. Matter. Srcako Atoms, Gravitation, Inertia, Materialism. Picton. Mystery of matter. ActiviW- (I^ec-halas) Crit. Philos. N.S.5: 103- and force (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 14: 106- Tyndall. Fragments of science. as will. Hartmann, Philosophy of the unconscious 2: !.">!. Begriff bei Locke u. Hume(Koenig) Phi- los. Stud. I:L'.:I. der Sub^tantialitiit (Paulsen) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 1:488. brute et vivante (Delbumf) Rev. Philos. v. 16, 18. Constitution (Papillon) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:105:689. Divisibility finite (Wilson) Rov. ?:din. Trans. l.i : 7!. Emplois du terme de substance. Crit. 1'liilos.N. 8.1:161. IN-cnceof. Descartc>, Meditation-. Existence of. Mill and Hamilton on (Janet) Rev. d. < I. Mondt-s ll:s:i:!u. et In connaissance. Saisset, Scepti- cisme 406. Histoire de (Chevreul) Paris, M!: 13:32. Kant's (Tannery ) Uev. I'hilos. 19: _:. Matthew, Gospel according to St. Krkl:irung(.Miinsi -her) Jahrb. Philol. v. 138. Trinity college ms. (Barret) Koy. Iri-h Trans, v. 1. Matthew Paris. Biography. In /u'.< Historia minor v. 3. Matthias <,f.l,i,,i,: <1. 1391. Vorliiufer der Hcforniation (Ncandcri li.Tlin Akad. Abb. 1M7. Matthlsson, F.. r ,,,-t. 17<:1 -l31. Scliill.T. W.-rkr 11' Maucrolx, Franvois de. H,i!t 1708. Sainte-Beuve. Cnu-erie* du Lundi lii:'JI7. Mauna Loa volcano. \\li~. Paradise in the Pacific 88. Challenger voyage. Narrative v. 1 : pt 1. ( Douglas) Kii.v. <;.-.,^r S>o. J. 4:80. Kllis. Tour around Hawaii 121- (Stowart) ChrUtian library v. 1. \Vilk< i .- \: \i-ediiion. Kilam-a crater. Iss."). puma, on travel v.4. Maupassant, < iuy de. 1850- Leiuaitre. Contemporain.i 1:28B. Maupassant. 302 Measures. Nouvelles (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:693. Maupertuis, P: L: Moreau de. 1698-1759. (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 43-45. Hettner. Franzos. Literatur 92. Voltaire. Correspondance. - Vie. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 14:86. Maurice, duke of Saxony. 1521-53. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 11. (Taillamlier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 51-54 Beurtheilung (Kugler) Preuss. Jahrb. 23: 635. Maurice, F: Denison. 1805-72. Kingsley. Literary essays. Mauritius island. Lettres gdiflantefl 13:325. St. Pierre. Paul and Virginia. U. S. Japan expedition v. 1, 2. Creole language (Bos) Romania 9:571. et la soci^te 1 (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36:61. Peter Botte mountain (Taylor) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3 : 99. Maury, Jean S., abU. 1746-1817. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4:263. Maury, Matthew F. 1806- Influence sur la navigation (Du Haille) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 14 :33, 414. Maxima and minima. Methode (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. de Fermat (Duhamel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 32 : 269. Minima. Geometrische Aufgabe (Gru- son) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Theorie (Zmurko) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 27. d. relativen (Zmurko) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 36. Maximianus Gallus Etruscus, C., poet. - Elegies (Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 5:1, 145. Maximilian I, emperor of Germany. 1459-1518. Auersperg. Last knight (poem). Coxe. House of Austria v. 1. Machiavelli. Works. und d. deutsche Reich. Preuss. Jahrb. 51 : 269. Maximilian II, emperor of Germany. 1527-76. Religiiis-kirchhche Haltung (Brieger) Preuss. Jahrb. 33:619. Maximilian, F. M. J., emperor of Mexico. 1832-67. Abbott. Life of Napoleon III. 626. Annnaire des Deux Mondes v. 13-14. Bancroft. History of Mexico v. 6. Basch. Recuerdos de Mexico. - Delord. Histoiredu second empire v. 4-5. LefSvre. Mexique et {Intervention euro- pe"enne. Seward. Works v. 5. - U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1867, no. 30. Catholic influence in time of. Rund- schau 34 : 124. Maximinus, C. J. Verus, Roman emperor. (Seeck) Preuss. Jahrb. 56:267. Maxims. See also Epigrams, Proverbs. Hazlitt. Characteristics. Joubert. Pense'es. La Rochefoucauld. Reflections. State. Machiavelli, Works v. 2. Stoic. Holland, Reign of the stoics. Maximus, Valerius. (Bergk) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4: 120. (Kempf) Jahrb. Philol. 133 : 49. ( Wensky) Jahrb. Philol. 129: 777. Bemerkungen (Vahlen) Rhein. Mus. 11: 586. HistorischeBeispiel-Sammlung( Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Zu Januarius Nepotianus Epitome (Eber- hard) Hermes 8: 91. Mayas. See. also Yucatan. Civilization. Bibliography. Bost. Public Liby. Bull. 4: 187. Mayence. See Mentz. Mayer, Julius Robert von. 1814-78. - Tyndall. Fragments 1 : 481. Mazada, Charles de. 1821- (Monte'gut)Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:31:286. Mazarini, Giulio, cardinal. 1602-61. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Birch- Pfeiffer. Mazarin (drama). James. Foreign statesmen v. 2. La Rochefoucauld. Me"moires. Martin. Histoire de France v. 11-12. Perkins. France under M. and Richelieu. Raumer. Europa seit 1500. 4 : 149. Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. Jeunesse (Cousin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26:81,257. Nieces. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 13 : 376. Palais. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2 : 247. Mazeppa, I. S., Cossack chief. 1644-1709. Byron. Poems. (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:48:320. Mazzini, Giuseppe. 1808-72. ( Assing) Unsere Zeit 1872 : 2 : 104. - Hartmann ( Moritz). Werke 10 : 167. Mirecour. Contemporains. Quinet. Me"moires d'exil 2 : 419- Unsere Zeit 1859: 311. Meade, Gen. George G. 1816-72. Headley. Grant and Sherman 347. Mean. Theorie d. arithmetisch-geometri- schen Mittels aus vier Elementen (Bor- chardt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Measures. See also Metric system, Ohm, Vernier, Weights. Altagyptische Elle(Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. Ancient. Langen-und Flachenrnasse (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13, 1827. Apparatus for accurate. Harvard Lib., Bibliogr. contrib. 5. Cube, cylinder, and sphere (Kater) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1821 : 316. Division of astronomical circles (Kater) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814:419. Egyptian. Coude"e septennaire (Girard) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 9:591. Greek. Oxford relief (Michaelis) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 4 : 335. Stadion (Ridgeway) J. Hellenic Stud. 9:18. Linear, 1700. Misson, New voyage to Italy 2:620. Ancient and modern. Martiniere, Dictionnaire v. 4. Baylonisch-assyrischen (Lepsius) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1877. Measures. 303 Mediterranean sea. -- British standards (Kater) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1821 : 75. -- New standard (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:621. -- Comparisons of standards(Clarke) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867 : 161 ; 1873 : 445. -- East Indian. Lettres e"ditiantes 15 : 172. - Errors (Kater) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1830:359. Peruvian toise (Steinheil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 30. Roman congius (Hase) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1824. -- foot and denarius (Greaves) Churcbill, Voyages v. 2. Siamese. Bowring, Siam 1 : 257. Stadien : alten und neuern(Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1825. 1826. United States, 1790. Jefferson, Works v. 7. Meauz abbey, England. Chronica. Rolls chronicles 43. Mecca, Arabia. Kremer. Culturgeschichted. Orients v. 2. Kaaba. Black stone (Partsch) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 13. Pelerinage (Avril) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 71:451. Mechanics. See also Dynamics, Hydrody- namics, Lever, Machinery, Motion, Sta't- ics, Torsion. Whewell. History inductive sciences. Composition des moments (Poinsot) Pan.s, MC-ni. Acad. Sci. 7:557. Connection with geometry (Goodwin) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 : 2(i9. Fundamental views (Pliicker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1886:361. Industrial (Hesse) Univ. Cal. Bull. 13. Theory of machines (Moseley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1841:285. Mecklenburg, north Germany. Auswanderung. Uns. Zeit 1866: 1:347. in 1848-51. Gegen wart 6:340. in 1850-60. Uns. Zeit 1860 : 679, 735. in 1874(Gaedcke)Grenzboten 1874:2:430- Kirchliche Verhaltnisse. Uns. Zeit 1861: 313. Meconlc acid and derivatives (Anderson) Uoy. Ivlin. Trim-. -JO: 401. Medals. See alto Numismatics. Addisnn (Jos.). Works v. 2. - Yriarte. Venice ch. 6. Irish (I)awson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. <. York. N. Y. 'Doc. hi>t.:;:71f>. Roman. Kinig Medallion* (Friedlinder) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. Mode, Joseph, theologian. 1586-1638. Religious Mag. 4:457. Media. Duncker. History of antiquity v. 5-6. Herodotus tr. l>y RawiinMNI 1:325. Rnwlinsoii. Five great monarchies. ll.-tory < Wakesley) 1'hilol. Sue. Proc. ti:i:5. King*." <'liiiton, Fa-ti Helleniri 1:257. Monan-hic. Gibbon, Mi-c. works 3:56-149. Mediastinum. Dermoidcysten (Pinders) Bonn Univ. Tumors(sjtrauscheid) Bonn Univ. Diss.v.4 Medici, Loren/.o 1, tk,- nni'initii-rnt. 1448-92. (Griiyi-r) EUr.cLd. Monde* 111:7:758. HilUbmnd. /Him. Volker 2: 17. James. Foreign a tu teamen v. 1. Jameson. Loves of the poets. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 1. Reumont. "Lorenzo de' Medici. Roscoe. Lorenzo de' Medici. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Medici family. See alto Catherine de' Me- dici, Leo X, histories of Florence and Italy. Dumas. Les Medicis. - Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 4 : 231. Historical parallels l:ch. 5. Machiavelh. Works. Sully. Memoirs. Yriarte. Florence 17-85. Portraits. Medicine. See also Alcohol, Anatomy, Blood, Brain, Climate, Disease, Kpideiii- ics, Faith-healing, Food, Health, He- redity, Materia medica, Physiology, Surgery, Therapeutics, Tobacco, Vacci- nation, Vivisection, names of diseases and parts of the body. Bibliography. U. S. Surgeon-General's office, Index-catalogue of the library. als Wissenschaft. Schelling, Werke" I : 7:131, 260. Briefe (Stein) Ueber Land und Meer 47:106 Christianity and. Newman, Idea of a university 505. Education (Baas) Uns. Zeit 1888: 2:4:*). -- (Caswell, Miller, Montgomery, Pepper, Steiner) Pams. medicine v. 4. -- Huxley. Critiques. -- in France (Chauffard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25:194 -- Percentage of college-bred physicians (Mclntire) Pams. medicine v. 4. Fratiencurse in Petersburg (Heyfelder) r.i-. Zeit 1887: 2:248. fur das Volk ( Basset) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 389. Greek. Rapports a la philosophic (< 'hau- vet) Rev. Philos. 16:233. in Boston (Green, Holmes) Winsor's Bos- ton 4: 527- in Massachusetts (Green) Pams. medi- cine v. 4. Indian. Ursprung (Haas) Zts. deutsch. morgenl. Gesell. v. 30. Infelicities (Wy the) Pama. medicine v. i. militaire en France! Lahoiilaye) Itev.d. d. Mondes 11:84:841. -- (Le Fort) Rev. .1. <1. Mon.le- 111:1'.': 17X Nostrum-. Kvil> of ( l're>c..tt) Mich. Hd. Health 1881:151. Old French prescriptions. Romania 18: 571. Platons Ansicht v. d. Ausiibung. Schlei- ermacher, Werke 111:3: -J7S. Progress in (Guardia) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:21 -- Helruliolt/. Popular lecture- v. 2, Revolutions of. Hamilton (Sir W:), Dis- .. Science and (tiamgee) Owens College -.MI- I'cmpire romain (Kevillout) I; 81: Hit 8pe-ilics in (Mercer) Pain-, n-e.licine V.5. Man.l .1. Aert/e. lii- Xeit 1875: 1 : 286-; 187- Medlterranean sea. Ba-ssin. I. unite-, rlinnit .|.,1. M,,nd.-> HI : -I Medoc. 304 Mendelssohn. Medoc, France. Landeset les dunes (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 46: 673. Medusa. Archaic Gorgons (Six) J. Hellenic Stud. Head in art(Levesow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Medusae (Jelly-fishes, Sea-nettles). Anatomy and affinities (Huxley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849:413. der Adria (Claus) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 38. des Rothen Meeres u. der Ostsee (Enren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Locomotor system (Romanes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876 :'2<>9 ; 1877 : 659 ; 1880 : 161. Physalia arethusa (Olfers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. producta (Olfers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Meeker, Joseph R. 1827- Sheldon. American painters. Megatherium (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851: 719; 1855:359; 1856:571; 1858:261; 1859: 809. Megerle, Ulric. See Abraham-a-Sancta Clara. Mehemet-Ali. 1769-1849. Morley. Life of Cobden 1 : 59. Mehemet-Ali Pasha. 1807-65. Unsere Zeit 1877:2:626. Mehemet-Fuad Pasha. Unsere Zeit 1869: 1: 721. Meilhack, Henri. 1832- Mathews. French dramatists of 19. cen- tury. Meilhant, France. Chateau. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Meinwerc, bishop of Paderborn. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 11. Meiolania platyceps. Skeleton (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:181. Meissner, Alfred, poet. 1822-85. (Gottschall)Uns.Zeitl884:2:177; 1885:2:39. Prutz. Deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart 1: 127. Meistersiinger. See also Minnesanger. Beweisdaszd.Minnesang. Grimm, Kleine Schriften4:12. Drei Lieder. Germania 23:49. Gesange des 15. Jahrh. (Holtzmann) Ger- mania 3:307; 5:210. Lieder. Germania 28 : 38. Musikalische Bildung (Jacobsthal) Zts. deutsch. Alterth. v. 20. Me-Kong river. See Cambodia river. Mela, Pomponius. Amador de los Rios. Literatura espafi. 1 : 147. Chorographia (Hansen) Jahrb. Philol. 117 : 495. Quelle der geograph. Darstellungen (Schweder) Philologus 46:276. Melancholy. Burton. Anatomy of melancholy. More. Discourse of enthusiasm. Melanchthon, Philip (Schwarzerde). 1497- 1560. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 274. Schroder. Klass. Studien in Deutschland 256. Melbourne, Australia. in 1855. Howitt, Land, labor, and gold. in 1888(Konneritz) Uns. Zeit 1888:2:182. Meli, Giovanni, und die sicilianische Poesie (Wentrup) Herrig's Archiv 27:295. Melodrama. See also Drama. - Herder. Adrastea ( Werke 23 : 329). Melos island. Martiniere. Dictionnaire v. 4 (Milo). Melrose abbey. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. 27: 432. Melville, G: J: Whyte. Roman de sport (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 3:423. Memling (Hemling), Hans, painter. 1425- 1500 ( ?). (Fromentin) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:14:262. ( Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 29: 934. Memnon statue at Thebes. (Darling) Pams. poetry v. 1. Memory. See also Mental science, Mind, Psychology. Bibliography (Burnham) Amer. J. Psych. 2:614. Bruno. Opera Latina v. 2. Child. Letters from New York 2 : 57. Holbrook. How to strengthen the M. Luys. Brain and its functions. Stewart. Philosophy of human mind ch.6. Themistius. Paraphrases Aristotelis. Analyse des faitsde(Gratacap) Acad. Sci. Mor. 82:187. and imagination. Beattie, Works v. 1. and speech. Bacon, Works 2 : 194. Bain iiber d. mechanischen Correlate (Koerber) Viertelj.wissen. Philos. 11: 137. chez les hypnotistes(Delbo3uf) Rev. Philos. 21:441. c'ommefaitbiologique(Ribot) Rev. Philos. 9:516. Diseases of. Ribot, Diseases of memory ; Rev. Philos. 10:181,485. (Korsakoff)Rev.Philos.28:501. 616mentaire (Richet) Rev. Philos. 11:540. historically considered (Burnham) Am. J. Psych. 2:39- Origines et les modalite"s (Richet) Rev. Philos. 21:560. Pleasures of. Rogers, Poems. Phonographeet(Guyau)Rev.Philos.9:319. Survivance des ide6s (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 69: 357. Wesen des Gedachtniss (Focke) Jahrb. Philol. 122:378. Memphis, Tennessee. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th. census 19:140. Sewerage (Waring) Pains, health v. 1. Menander of Athens, poet. Andria (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 31:234. and the Pseudo-Pessimist (Koch) Rhein. Mus. 32:101. Pessimist (Mbllendorff) Hermes 11:498. Spruchverse (Koch) Rhein. Mus. 41 : 85. Zu Menander (Gomperz) Hermes 11 : 507. Mendafia de Neyra, A. Voyage. Dalrymple, Voyages. Mendelssohn, Moses, philosopher. 1729-86. Auerbach. Poet and merchant. Mendelssohn. 305 Merlin de Douai. Joel. Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Philos. v. 2. Jost. Geschichte d. Israeliten 2:476. Maimon. Autobiography. Life (Schriften; hrsg. v. Brasch v. 1). Philosophy. Fischer. Geschichte d. neu- ern Philosophy 2:773. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, composer. 1809-47. Ehlert. Letters on music ; alto Rund- schau 8: 201. Haweis. Music and morals. ( Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Morides 1 1 : 58 : 215. (Selden) Revue Nat. 23 : 284, 403. - Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 658 ; 2 : 120. Briefe an Aloys Fuchs. Rundschau 57:65. Elias. Polko, Aquarellskizzen 111. Mendoza, 1). H. de. 1503-75. Sismondi. Rpubliques italiennes v. 16. Lazarillo de Tormes (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:870. Menedemus of Eretria. Mallet. Ecole de Megare. Mengs, Raphael Anton. 1728-79. (Jtisti) Preuss. Jahrb. 28 : 109. Reber. Neuere deutsche Kunst 1 : 69. Meningitis, Cerebro- spinal. I'nsere Zeit 1865: 710. Mennonites. (Martin) I'ams. on religion v. 12. Menon de Turbllly. See Turbilly. Menstruation. Dysmenorrhea (Oatman) Pams. medicine v.5. Mensuration. See also Geodesy, Measures, Surveying. Telemeter. Problems (Davidson) Pams. engineering v. _'. Mental science. See also Abstraction, Atten- tion, Automatism, Brain, Consciousness, Dreams, Ideas, Illusions, Insanity, Intel- lect, Intuition, Memory, Mind, Monism, Nerves, Perception, Personality, Psychol- ogy, Reason, Reflection, Senses.Thought. Bibliography. Bost. Pub. Lib., Bull. nos. 39-48,52. Einfluss d. Uebungauf geistige Vorgange (Berger) Philos. Sttidien 5:170. Phenomena. Classification. Huxley, Life of Hume. Study. Antagonisme des naturalistes et - philosophies (Dubois) Acad.8ci.Mor. _':_'<..; .'5:89. Mentz, ditf <>f I leu*. Cathedral' <>f .St. Martin, (iailhabaud, Monument- v. 2. De calamitate ecclesiae. Pertz, Mon. (ierm. hist. .Script. _'.->: -':< i. Surrender, 1792 (Keim) PraOM. Jahrb. 11: I-... Menzel, Wolfgang, critic. 179K 1-7 ::. der Kran/ox-nfresser. Borne, Werke v.3. Mephlstopheles. Xrr nlt P.-vil, Faii-t. il..i.-klan.|).J.Si.iT. Pl.ilov Uii.'V.-o. Hephlatat- Lucifer (Rudolf) Herrig'.- Ar chiv :.">: 360. (Ku.lolf) Herri's Anhiv 62:289. Theopnilcu-Faustai und (Rudolf) Her- rig's Archiv (ii: _'!!. Mercantinl, I.uigi. - Howells. Modern Italian poets. 39 Merchant. Hamann. The merchant. Position, duties. Sumner, Works 3:479. Zuriickbehaltungsrecht(Marckhoff)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Mercier, L. S^bastien, dramatist. 1740-1814. Albert. Litte>ature fr. au 19. siecle 1 : 320. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondence. Lenient. Come"die fr. au 18. siecle 2: 358. Mercuric methyl. Isolation (Buckton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:163; 1859:417. Mercuric salt. Crystallized halogen (Sie- vers) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Mercury, Hermes. Bilder auf griech. Vasen (Gerhard) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1855. gaulois (Monceaux) Rev. Hist. 35:225- Olympia statue (Rumpf) Philologus40:197 und Dionysos(Back) Jahrb. Philol. 135:433. Mercury, planet. Transits. Bibliography. Harvard Lib. Bull. no. 9; Bibli. oontrib. no. 1. Gassendi. Opera. 1727. 4:537. (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803:214. Kepler. Opera omnia 2 : 773. Mercury, quicksilver. See also New Almaden. Conductivity of amalgams, etc. (Calvert) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:831. Gisements en Californie (Rolland) An- nales des Mines 14:384 (1878). Heat expansion (Matthiessen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:231. Specific resistance (Glazebrook) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 351. Sulphites (Divers) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1 : 101. Mercy. See also Justice. Seneca. Opera; ed. Fickert v. 2. Marian, Jean Bernard. 1723-1807. (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Merian, Maria S. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 30. Meridian. See Geodesy, Longitude. Merimto, Prosper. 1803-70. - Albert. Literature fr.au 19. siecle 2:299. Brandes. Hauptstriiimingen v. 5; Rundschau v. 22-23. Faguet. Etinlos litt. sur le 19. siede. i Haussonville) Rev.d.d. Mondes 1 1 1:34:721 H< megger. Ciilturgeschichte 4:126. (Renouvi.T) Crit. Philos. 5:305. - Faux De'me'trius. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- -crics v. 7. und die rnbekannte. Hillebrand.Zeiten Vi.lki-r-J: 1J-. Merlin, Hritish tmniician. Cox and Jones. Popular romances. Kllis. Harlv Knglish metrical ronianc.- GeoHrev of Monmootfa. Briti-h hiMorv bk. <; : Immermann. Werke (Drama). { I.ii-bm-ht, Bonft-y) Orient u. <>,-,-i,l,Mit v.l Waurin. ('hronicle.s(Kollschronicle40: OeMhichte. Schlegel (F: v.). Werke Y. 7. - Maerlant'a (Nordbofl) Ormania 19:800. Vita i-iini proplietii.- (In KnlOfiUOl hUto- riarutn. 2:281-; Rolls ehronicles 9). Merlin de Douai, P. A., comtr. 1754-183*. -- Migix-t. Notice* v. 1. Merlin de Thionville. 306 Meteorology. Merlin de Thionville, A. C. 1762-1833. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 1 : 362. Mermaids. Asiatic Jour. 15:49. Merope, daughter of Atlas. Alfieri. tragedies v. 1. Arnold. Merope. Voltaire. Tragedies (Oeuvres y. 3). Voltaire's and Maffei's. Leasing, Prose works 330. Merseburg, Saxony. Chronicon. Pertz, Mon. German, hist., Script, v. 10. Mertens, J. Anton. Rotteck. Kleine Schriften 1 : 249. Merv. Annexation a la Russie (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 62 : 189. Mesentery. Thrombosis of vein (Gb'hrum) GiHt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Mesmerism. See also Magnetism (Animal). Baader. Werke v. 4. Bersot. Mesmer. Figuier. Histoire du merveilleux v. 3. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance 12:83. Ricard. Physiologic du magnetisme. Society Psych. Research. Proceedings. Mesopotamia. See also Babylon. Southgate. Visit to Syrian church. Messiah. See Christ. Messier, Charles. 1730-1817. (Delambre) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 2 : Ixxxiii. Messina, Sicily. Walls. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 1. Meszlenyi, Mme. Susanne Kossuth. - Memorial of. Pams. biography v. 5. Metallurgy. See also names of metals, Min- ing. Erzguss bei Plinius (Blumner) Rhein. Mus.31:591. Saigerhiitten prozess (Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Science of (Becker) Univ. Cal., Bull. no. 7. Metals. Ecoulement et les applications (Tresca) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 18, 20. en France. Recherches(Villefosse) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 9:144. in den agyptischen Inschriften (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1871. Magnetization. Changes in dimensions by (Bid well) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 205. - Mechanical properties, in relation to the periodic law (Austen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:A:339. Pouvoir thermo-e'lectrique (Becquerel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 10:237. - Precious. Schelling, Werke 1:4: 511. - Relative production (Becker) Pams. mining v. 3. - Rabotage des (Tresca) Paris, Me"m. Sa- vans Etrang. v. 27. Metamorphism of rocks. Daubre'e. Eaux souterraines aux e"poques anciennes. Metamorphosis. See also Morphology. et la ge'ne'age'nese (Quatrefages) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:3: 496, 859 ; 4 : 55. Metaphor. Kuhn's Zeitschrift, indexes. bei d. Vorlaufern Moliere's (Degenhardt) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Studien (Brinkmann) Herrig : s Arch. v. 54-56. von Plautus bis Terentius (Langen) Jahrb. Philol. 125:673, 753. Metaphysics. See aho Philosophy. Course of reading in. Sharp, Essays 127. Avenir (Renan)~Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 25:365. Crise actuelle (Fouill^e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:110; 87:115. depuis Hegel (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:20:821. Grundbegriff, im Lichte d. neu. Psychol- ogie (Glogau) Zts. Vb'lkerps. y. 9-10. Judaeo- Arabic. Deutsch, Literary re- mains. Nature, object. The Triangle 2 : 64. Origines (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. 23:257. Metapontum, Lucania. Beule". Art grec 143. Metastasio (or Trapassi), P. B. 1698-1782. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Europe 2: 306. Metaurus battle, B. C. 207. Creasy. Decisive battles. Metempsychosis. See Transmigration of souls. Meteorites (Aerolites). Huntingdon. Catalogue of meteorites. 1887. Analysis (Apjohn) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. (Maskeleyne) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870: 189; 1871:359. Atacama (Tschermak) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 31. Beschreibung u. Entheilung (Rose) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1863. Beziehungen zur Erde (Rammelsberg) Pams. on geology v. 1. Chemische Natur (Rammelsberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1870, 1879. et la constitution du globe (Daubr6e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 72 : 882. Experiments (Howard) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802 : 168. (Flight) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:885. Formation (Meunier) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. y. 27. Minerals in (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803. Orientirung d. Schnittflachen (Brezina) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 44. Reichenbach'sche. Lamellen in (Brezina) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 43. Tieschitz in Mahren (Makowski) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 39. - Ursprung (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Meteorology. See also Atmosphere, Aurora, Barometer, Climate, Clouds, Dew, Elec- tricity, Lightning, Magnetism, Ocean, Rain, Signal service, Storms, Tempera- ture, Weather. Austria. J ahrlicher Gang (Jelinek) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 26. Automatic registration (Blackadder) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10 : 337, 440. (Brooke) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1847. 1850, 1851. Meteorology. 307 Metz. (Ronalds) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1*47:111. Makerstoun observations, 1843-6. Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 17-19. Prag. Taglicher Gang (Jelinek) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 2. Predictions (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:47:170. (Maurice de Tastes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:2:852. (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 54 : 167. Progres (Jainin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:4: 387. (Laugel)Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:28:32. Scottish, 1857-88 (Smyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 35: 185. Variations of the atmosphere (Kirwan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8. Meteors. See also Meteorites. Arago. Oeuvres 11 : 569. (Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 52 : 491. Langley. New astronomy. (Newton) Nat Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 1. Seneca. Quaestiones natural, lib. 1. Catalogue; observes en Chine (Biot) Paris, M^m. Savans Etrang. 10: 129:415. Feuer-(Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. in Santa Rosa de Columbia. Freiny, Encycl. chim. 2:app. 2; Reviero, Me- morias 1:43. Shower, 1799. Humboldt, Equinoctial America 1 : 352. 1833. Amer. almanac 1835 : 70. Methodism. See alto lives of Wesley and Whitefield. Lecky. England in 18. century 2 :598. Smith (Sydney). Works v. 1. Stanhope. History of England 2:235. in California (Briggs) Overland II : 5:571. Methodist Episcopal church. History in Boston (Dorchester) Wiusor's Boston 3: 433. Methyl alcohol. Physical properties (Ditt- nuir) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:509. Metre (Poetic). See also Accent, Blank verse, Caesura, Hexameter, Prosody, Versifica- tion. Schlegel (A. W: v.). Werke 7 : 155. (Young) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. Ancient. Geschichte (Hbrschelmann) PhilologusN. P. 1:1. Anglo-Saxon. Conybeare. Illus. of A.-S. - Begrif?'(Minckwitz) Jahrb. Philol. 124: 509; 126:121,144. De Saturnio versu (Schweizer-Sidler) Jahrb. Philol. 123:753. der indogerman. Viilker (Westphal) Kuhn'sZts. 9:437. KnjrlHli. Abbott. English lessons. (Guest. Abbot, Mayor) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1874:624; 1876:"397. Latin in (Monro) Jour. Philol. 4:223. quantity (Goodeil) Am. Philol. Assoc. l'i:78. liiTiniiti I'.ritrage(Amelung)Zts.deutsch. 1'hilol. 3:253. irrck forms in(Lange) Rundschau 20: 430. (in-ck :m: 1'il (Miinru) Caml.r. I'hil.'v Trail-. 10:371. iambic tritiiftiT. Positiodebili.t (Kopp) i:i,.-iii. MIIS. ii .-_: Kleine Beitrage (Blass) Jahrb. Philol. 133:451. lyric ( Maiden) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1854: 10. tragic (Verrall) Jour. Philol. 12: 136. Heroic. Pseudo-Plutarchus de. Phi- lologus 46 : 27. Homeric. Ursprung( Allen) Kuhn'sZeits. 24:556. lambische Tetrameter bei Terentius (Krauss) Rhein. Mus. 8:529. Italian and English. Affinity. Smith (Adam), Works v. 5. and German. Achtzeilige Stanze ( Vie- hoff) Herrig's Arch. 25:241. Keltische u. romanische (Bartsch) Zts. roman. Philol. 2:195; 3:359. Middle-English (Luick) Anglia 12:437. New (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 2 : 161. Old German. Grundzuge (Jessen) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2:114. Old Teutonic. Vigfusson, Corpus poet. borealium v. 1. Plautinische (Leo) Rhein. Mus. 40:161. Regeln des Hesler (Bartsch) Gerinania 1 : 192. Spanish. Origin and forms. Amadorde los Rios, Literatura espaflola 2:303,415, 459, 593. Theorie (Hermann) Jahrb. Philol. 122:65. des Dochmius (Drewes) Jahrb. Philol. 121:409. und Musik(Brambach) Rhein. Mns. 25:232 Varro's Beurtheilung d. ionischen Vers- masses (Buchholtz) Rhein. Mus. 33:509. Metric system of weights. (Le Conte) Overland II :G: 174. Su inner. Works 10 : 524. (Vance) Pains, science v. 3. Adoption in U. S. marine hospitals. 1878. Pams. science v. 3. Copien d. Kilogrammes u. des metre pro- totype der Archive zu Paris (Steinheil) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 27. Reports. U. 8. House Com. R, 1878-9, v. 1 ; House Ex. D. 1877-8, v. 15; House Com. R. 1879-80, v. 1. Metropolltanus Campus, Phrygia. (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 4:53. Metternich, C. W. N. L., due de Portella, prince de. 1773-1859. Grillparzer. Werke 9: 3. Hillebrand. /eiten, Volker5:295; Rund- schau 22 : 432. Martineau. Biographical sketches. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 76, 77, 82,87. Preussische Jahrb. 4:42. UnsereZeit 1880: 1:442; 1882:2:227. Me"moires (Bailleu) Hist. Zts. 44 : '.-.'T. (Stern) Rev. Hi-t. US: 333. Nachgelassene Papiere (Rogge) Unsere Zeit 1HX4:1 Mettray. See alo Reform schools. ( Valserres) Jour. Econ. 1 : 37 : 24, 212. etOstwald (LeClerc) Jour. Econ. III. index. Mets, August Jos. 1818-74. (Blum)Greniboten 1*74:1:382. Mets. Siege. 1562 (Giraud) Rev. d. d. Monde* II : 90:240. (Jahns) Grenxboten 1874 : 1 : 5, 41. 91. Metz. 308 Micro-organisms. Siege, 1870. See also Bazaine. Delord.Histoiredu second empire 6: 247. (Mezieres) Rev.d.d. Mondes II :90 : 385; 95:408. Mexico. Description and travel. Geology of northern (Esmond) Cal. Acad. Sci.,Proc. 3:244. in 1646 (Navarette) Churchill, Voyages 1:203. in 1708. Lettres e'difiantes 11 : 373. Rogers. Voyage 318. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire v. 4. in 1761. Pauw. Amerika 1:249. in 1792. Viage por las Sutil y Mexican*. in 1800. Bancroft, California pastoral 97. in 1805. Pike, Expedition. in 1836. Ruschenberger, Voyage 521. in 1838. Belcher, Voyage 1 : 142. in 1840. Duflotde Mofras, Exploration v.l. in 1850. Bartlett, Explorations. Taylor. El Dorado 2 : 80. in 1861. Pamphlets on travel v. 4. in 1864. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 337, 4(55. in 1867. Gerstacker, Schrif ten II : 13 : 252. in 1881(Fontpertuis).Tour.Econ. I V:13:353. Gesellschaft (Lamp) Rundschau 26: 88. in 1888 ( Wedell) Preuss. Jahrb. 61 : 535. Mme. Calderon in. Prescott, Essays. Northwestern (Robertson) Pains, travel v.4 Semi-civilized nations(Gallatin) Am.Eth- nol. Soc. Trans, v. 1. Trade with the U.S. U.S. House Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 20. Map. Mexico. History and politics. See also names of rulers Diaz, Juarez, Maximilian, etc.; United States (War of 1847). Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 5. Art de verifier les dates 1 1 1 : 9 : 95. Continental railroad, 1853. Seward, Works 3:623. Foreign intervention in. Sumner, Works 6:365. Free zone. II. S. Foreign relations 1888. Rights of foreigners in. U. S. Consular report Oct. 1883. 1838. French expedition (Jurien de la Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:73:759. 1859. Revolution (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 27: 438. 1862. French expedition (Chevalier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38 : 513, 879. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 37: 761; 39:497; 40:733; 48:675. Quinet. Oeuvres v. 24. Lettre de Prim (Savinhiac) Rev. Hist. 36:335. Marine f rancaise au ( Riviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 43 : 188, 658 ; 44 : 415. 1864-7. Empire. Delord, Second empire v. 3-4. Salut(Ke>atry) Rev.d.d. Mondes II: 65:443. Unsere Zeit 1867-8. 1865. Contre-gue>illa francaise (Ke>atry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59 : 691; 61 : 738, 996. Mexico city. Humboldt. New Spain. Phillips. Mexico illustrated. Capture, 1847. Knox, Decisive battles. Meyer, Konrad Fd. 1825- (Schifmer) Unsere Zeit 1888: 2 : 356. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 53 : 264. Meyerbeer, G., musical composer. 1791-1864. (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 51 : 500. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:23: 645. Africaine (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 53: 740. (Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :57 : 424. Pardon de Ploermel (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 21: 222. M6zeray, Francois Eudes de. 1610-83. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 8 : 195. Mezzofanti, Giuseppe, cardinal. 1774-1849. Kip. Christmas holydays in Rome 179. as a linguist (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc. 5: 111. Life, Manavit's (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1854 : 133. - Russell's (Watts) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1859. Miami Indians. - Vocabulary. Volney, Oeuvres 4 : 467. Mice. Springmause. Dipus (Lichtenstein) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1825. Michaud, Joseph. 1767-1839. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 7 : 20. Micliault, Pierre. et Michault Taillevent (Piaget) Romania . 18:439. Michel, Dan. Ayenbite of inwyt. Beitrage zur (Varn- tiagen) Engl. Stud. 1:379; 2:27. Michel- Angelo. See Buonarroti, M. A. Michelet, Jules, historian. 1798- Foguet. Etudes lit. sur le 19. siecle. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2 : 137. (Zelle) Grenzboten 1874 : 2 :441- as a historian. Albert, Litte>ature fr. au 19. siecle 2 : 61. Bible de I'humanite" (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:55:698. Fantaisies d'histoire naturelle (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 31 : 719. History of France. Flint, Philosophy of history 1 : 285. Mill. Dissertations v. 2. (Monte"gut) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 7 :643. Po<5sie de la Montagne (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:74:217. Vie et ses ceuvres ( Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 15: 273, 481. Michigan. Morley. Michigan and its resources. in 1831 (Tocqueville) Rev. d. Mondes II : 30:565. Lower. Climate, topography (Lyster) Mich. Bd. Health 1878:167. Michon, Jean Hippolyte. 1806- Maudit (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 49:644. Micrometers. Mechanical defects (David- son) Pams. science v. 3. Micro-organisms. See also Bacteria, Germ theory. (Alsbefg) Preuss. Jahrb. 49: 175. and disease. Klein, Micro-organisms. (Marcy) Pams. medicine v. 4. Atmospheric (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1871. Micro-organisms. 309 Mill. (Hesse) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Mittheil. 2:182. im Seltzerwasser (Hochstetter) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arb. 2: 1. Microbes (Hericourt) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:108. Priiparate(Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Passatstaub und Blutregen (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Phenomenaof putrefaction(Tyndall)Rov. Soc. Trans. 1875 : 27 ; 1877 : 149. Progres de la micrographie (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 57: 442. Untersuchung (Koch) Berlin, K. Ge.suml- heitsaiMt, Mittheil. 1 : 1. Vie psychique(Binet) Rev. Philos.24: II',) 490, 582. Microscope, Microscopy. SeafcoLeeuwen- hoek. Aplanatic image searcher (Pigott) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870 : 591. Applications a la geologic (Fouque') Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 34 :40ti. Methode zum Festhalten Objecte(Elircn- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Monochromatic lamp for(Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:433. Properties in achromatic object-glasses and improvement of (Lister) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830:187. Middle ages. See also Chivalry, Feudalism. Renaissance, Scholasticism. Histories of civilization by Draper, Oza- nani. etc. Berington. Literary history of the. Cox and Jones. Popular romances of the. Disraeli. Amenities of literature. Hallam. Literature of Europe during. Labarte. Arts industriels au. Lacroix. Moyenftge (Manners, customs). Ludlow. Popular epics of the. May. Democracy in Europe. Pouchet. Sciences naturelles au. Scott. Mediaeval architecture. Schiller. Werkell:3. Schultz. Horische Leben. Christendom in the. Montalembert, Monks of the west 1 :bk. 1. Culture. Bedeutungd.irischen Elements (Ximiner) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:27. Learning. Schaff, Christian church 1:.")*:!. - Politi(jue. Mtiller(J.von),Werke25:201. I\v<-hische Typus. Diercks, Gesch. d. G'eistes d. Menscheit 2:94. Renaissance de 1'industrie (Moreau de Jonncs) Jour. Econ. 11:5:217; tory : modern v. X'> .'!!. Hi^toria. Gestaarchiepiscoporum. Pertz, MOM. (ierin. hist., S. ; in 1097-1137 (Landulf) Pert/,Monumenta v. 20. in 1154-1230. Pertz, Monumc-nta v. 18. in 1859-65 (Probvn) Rev. d..l. Mon.lesII: 59:758. Military Science. See Army. Navy, Ord- nance, War. Milk. Cheinik(Hermbstadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Composition chimique (HtVhamp) Rev. Sci."43:673- Creaming by centrifugal force (Frederik- sen) Pams. agriculture v. 2. Handhabung der M-Kontrole. Berlin, K. (H'sUMilhfit>a!iit, Arbeitcn 1 : - _'l. ; Human. Proj>erties (Jos. Clarke) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. Koumiss(Grieve) Rov. Edin. Trans. 1: 178. Krankheiten durch h'leisch und(Alsberg) Uns. Zeit 1889:2:418. Recherches microscopiques sur laits de vaches affect^es de la maladie cocote (Turpin) Paris, M.'in. Acad. Sci. 17:201. San Francisco supply. Pams. agriculture v. _'. Technische Grundlagen fiir die poliz. Controle (Preusse) Berlin, K. Ge-uuul- ln-it>amt. Mittheil. 1:378. /rrsetzungen (lurch Microorpinismen (Hueppc) n t -rliii, K. (icsuiiiilieit.-anit. Mittheil. -2:309. Mill, James. ITT.'M- 1 Ribot. Englisli psychology. - Bain on (Marion) Rev. Philos. 10:553. Mill, John Stuart 1800-73. ' Froinle. Life of Carlyle. Journal des EcoMoMii-tr- I II. - Martineau (.la.t. Essay.-: ph&MOpldnL I Morris. British thought Reybauil. Ecoimmi-tes mndernes. , Ribot. English psychology. i Taine. English literature I UDMreZdt 1874: 1:280 1878 Wright. 1'hilo-ophical di-cussions. als Philosoph u. Oekonom. Uns. Zeit 1MB: 910. Confe->ioii-(Lagel) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 106:906 I Dualism (Carrau) Rev. I'hilos. 8:139. Kio, Provengal poet. 1830- Preston. Troubadours and trouveres. (Tailjandier) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:23:807. Mirejo (Kannegiesser) Herrig's Archiv -"1: 241. Mitchel, Rev. Jonathan. 1624-68. Sibley. Harvard graduates 1 : 141. Mitchell, James, deaf-mute. Stewart. Philosophy of the human mind ; Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 7-8. Mitford, Mary Russell. 1787-1855. Fields. Yesterdays with authors. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Mittermaier, K: J. A. 1787-1867. Juhiliium, 1859. Pams. history v.9. - Travaux (Lucas) Acad. Sci. Mor. 88:299. Moablte stone. Zeits. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 24, 25, 30. Mobs. See Riots. Mocha, Arabia. Churchill. Voyages v. 6. Mochulleus, St., bishop of Ireland. Vita. Pert/, Mon. Ge'rm. hist., Scr. 20:512. Mode of verbs. - English infinitive. Anwendung (Haupt) Herrig's Archiv 15: 17: li;7. tempus and ( Kdlsing) Herrig's Archiv 1:113. French infinitive. 1m 16. Jahrh. (Klaus- ing) <;ir>-i-n I'niv. I>i-*. v. 1. < I"! liir infinitive! Kdhlcri 1 iermania 12:421. Greek uoristsuhjunctive(t.c. 1*70:41.. articular infmitive<<; ili lcr*leeve) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1878:5; Amer. J. l'hilol.8: 329. infinitive substantive (Weiske) Jahrb. Philnl. 12'i: !H, r>2!. [ndQMrmank infinitive. Jolly, Ge- chichte. in Imptrfectiubjunctivein fnlk-speech M--.iv) Am.-r. .1. Philnl. 1: llu. subjunctive in principal clauses ( Hark- ness) Am. Philnl. A--c,,-. !>::: Tii. Ti-iiipn- iiml. Uebergung (Tobler) Zta. Viilkenisych. 2:29. Theory (Gregory) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 2. 40 Modoald, St. Translatio. Pertz, Mon. German, hist. Script. 12:284. Modoc county, California. Lava beds (Bunker) Californian 1:161. Surprise and Goose Lake valleys (Kober) Cal. Bd. Health 1884-: 170. ' Modoc Indians. War, 1872-3. Bancroft, History of Oregon Kirchhoff. Californische Kulturbilder L^s. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1873-1. v. 9 ; 1874- 5, v. 12; Senate Ex. Docs. 1876-7, v. 2. Moffat, Robert. 1795-1883. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:78:681. Mogul empire. See also India, Tartars. Dernier* temps (Pavie) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:16:389; 18:141; 19:465,549. Mohacz battle, 1526. - Mailath. (Jesch. d. Magyaren 3 : 186. Mohammed, Mohammedanism. See alto Koran. Malnli, Nusairians, Sofisiu. Annual cyclopaedia. 1878. Arnold. Through Persia. Audouard. Orient 2.T. Carlyle. Heroes and hero-worship. Clarke. Ten great religions. Coppe"e. Arab conquest of Spain ch. 1- Deutsch. Literary remain* .v. Diercks. Geist de'r Mcn-chheit 2:45. Du M'-ril. Poesies latines au nioven Aee 3/J8. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 50-52. Hullam. History of Europe. Hegel. Philosophy of history. Henne-am Rhyn. OaltargWOhiehta v. 3. Johnson. Oriental religion*: Persia. Koran. Translations by Palmer, Sales. Kriegk. Darstellungen 519. Matthew Paris. Chronica majora (Rolls chronicles 57:3:344). - Milinan. Latin Christianity v. 2. Prleiderer. Religion: Wesen2:35l. Quillet. Oeuvres complete* .;: lo-. Rawlinson. Seventh oriental monarchy. Schlegel. Pliilosophv of bi-tory. Schlosser. Weltgex-hit-hte v. 4. Select biographies by Soc. Diff. I'seful Knowledge. StilK 5 . Mediaeval history. Universal history : ancient v. 16; modern, iiuirjr. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 13. Zeitscbrift deutsche morgenliind. (lenell., indfj. Kiirsten .Icr Netizeit (VaniWry) Kund- Kchau 4:437- Geistli.bkeit AfricaM (Schafer) Una. Zeit House of AH. Rotteck, KleinereSchriftrn 1 : 2.'|. im Kamiife geirt-n Europa (Vnin: Una. Xeit : in Java. Kallles. I IiMorv of Java V. 2. - Islam (Nul.lekc) Utm.lMluiu 33:378. Polcmik zw. Jinleii u. (.S breincr) Zta. deui. morgenl. 7. Bluntschli. Theory of the state bk. <. Bodin. Six bookes of commonweale. Brockhaus. LegitinutJitsprincip. Condillac. Histoireanciennev.2(Oeuvres v. 10). Dante. De monarchia. Filir.er (Sir Rob.). Works (Original gov- ernment). - Harrington. Oceana. Parieu. Science politique; Acad. Sci. Mor. 81:321. Schleidan. De monarchiis. Absolute, en Espagne (Mazade) Rev. d. d. M nudes II: 28: 704. Epochen in d. neueren Geschichte (Ko- ser) Hist. Zts. ill :2H!. in France. Stephen, Lectures on his- tory of France v. 2. Constitutional. Aretin and Rotteck, Btutmnecht Chateaubriand. Melanges polit. v. 1. t. Philosophic sensualiste 342. - English (Delbrtick) Preuss. Juhrb. 42:321. and French. Growth compared. Ste- phen, Lectures history of France v. ~1. Influence on the formation of states. Kirk, Charles the Bold 2:224. Representative. Wirkungeii. Bluntschli, I -eh re VOMI modernen Suit. 3 :.'!!-. Roman Catholic church and. Brownson, Works 13:107. Moncrif, F. A. Paradis de. 1687-1770. Alembert Oeuvres 11:307. Money. See also Coinage, Currency, Interest, Numismatics, Value, references under Finance. Bfbttography. Horton, Internal, mon- ry conference 1870. 737. Berkeley. Uueri-t. Franklin. Works v. 2. Journal des Economist's III. inel Mar) Pains. finance Circulation fidiiciaireaux tadMOricntalM neerlandaises (Bern) Jour. Iv ,,n. IV: 198, Division et nomenclature (Costaz) Paris, I. l_':599. I >ouble tftalon ( Bonnet) Kev. 1. d. Mondes II; His :!.:,. -- (Chevalier) Rev. d. d. Moudes III : 14 : 556; 10:621. -- (Mannequin) Jour. Econ. IV:3:202. et ses delve's (Chevalier) Jour. Econ. Ill: ^5:21. E talon unique d'or en Angleterre (Man- nequin) Jour. Econ. IV: 15:332. Fixite! de la valeur de I'e'talon (Walras) Jour. Econ. IV: 20: 5. French. France, Bureau des Longitudes, Annuaire 1886. German reform, 1867 (Lammers) Preuss. Jahrb. 20 -- treaty, 1858. Preuss. Jahrb. 2 : 33. Homeric talent (Ridgewav) .1. Hellenic Stud. 8:133. Influence. Hamerton. Intellectual life. International (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:028. (Chevalier) Jour. Econ. Ill: 12: 178, -- (Laveleye) Rev. d d. Monde- II :<;--<;n. -- (Nothoiul)) Preuss. Jahrb. 24:101.. -- Kiniuete anglaise (bnard) Jour. Econ. 111:12:383. Laws relating to use Montesquieu, Spirit of the laws bk. 22. Loi de Germinal an XI (Wolowski) Jour. Econ. Ill: v. 15-16; Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 90, 91.93. -- du Japon. 1871 (Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98:145. l*o\e of. Leslie, Essays. Origines et leurs DOOM (Kcrnanlaki-) Jour. Econ. Ill: 18:. Parliamentary usurpations. I'rquhart I'am. writings v. 1. Pecus pecunia (Ridgeway) J. Hellenic Stud. !):20. Ring money of the Celtae ( Betham Irish Trans, v. 17. Roman. (Ja-semli. Abacus sestertiornn:. Hi-Hii (Opera. 1727. v. 5). -- Byzantine. Finlay. T..rt.ir\ Atkinson. Siberia. K:inkini:. War- and -portSOt (Stein i X.-it-. Kthnol. 7:353. Aeltc-i.- Nachrichten (Sehott) BrllB Aknd. Al.h 1- Erfiir-chiingen (Marlhei /.eitv Kr.lknmle 10: M. History. <'liii ...... \l-\- :: HI. EtaMMt(Dorad'Istrta) i:-v d.d.MondM ::800. Monism. 316 Monson. Monism. See also Dualism, Matter. Clifford. Lectures and essays 2:31, 71. Eucken. Concepts of modern thought. en Alletuagne (Nolen) Rev. Philos. 13:54, 140. World as an eject (Romanes) Contemp. R. 50:44. Monitor- Merrimac combat, 18(52. Knox. Decisive battles niiice Waterloo. Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Monk, George, duke of Albemarle. 1608-69. Sre works on restoration of Charles II. Guizot. Monk. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Musson. Life of Milton v. 5. Pepys. Diary v. 1. Monkeys. Anthropoid (Hartmann, Nissle) Zeits. Ethnol. 8:4(5. 130; 9:117. Brain (Ferrier) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875:433. Chiromys: Aye-Ay*e( Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh.1865. Cvnocephalus d. Aegypter (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abb.. 1833. Domestication (Rover) Rev. Anthrop. Ill: 2:170. Embryo (Rudolpbi) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1828. et 1'homme. Quinet, Creation v. 1 (Oeu- vres v. 22). Semnopithecus (Beyrich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Monks, Monasteries. See also Benedictines, Celibacy, Clergy, Dominicans, Francis- cans, L'a Trappe, Nuns, Port Royalists, names of monasteries. Histories of Christianity by Milman, Ne- ander, etc. Blunt. Ancient customs in modern Italy 127. Carlyle. Past and present. Gibbon. Decline and fall. Jameson. Legends of the M. orders. Montalembert. Monks of the west. Ancren riwle. Camden Soc. 57. Anglo-Norman. Turner, England in mid- dle ages 4 : 226. Anglo-Saxon. Lingard, A.-S. church v. 1. as a moral force. Allen, Christian history. Burmese. Bigandet, Life of Gautama. Discipline. Church. St. Anselm 43. English. Fosbroke. British monachism. Fuller. Church history v. 2. Rolls chronicles, passim. Dissolution, 1528-39. Blunt, Reforma- tion of Church of England v. 1. Camden Soc. 26. Froude. Short studies v. 1. Italian. Question, 1867 (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68:1011. (Reuchlin) Preuss. Jahrb. 17: 239. Life, 900. Freitag, Bilder 1 : 351. Priestley. Theolog. works 5 : 446. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:1. Mendicant orders. Lea, History of the inquisition 1 :243. Lechler. Life of Wycliffe. Pauli. Pictures of old England. Raumer. Hohenstaufen 3 :579; 6:321. of Bethlehem (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:58:5; 62:465. of Nile delta; of Thebaid. Kip, Historical scenes. Monmouth, James Scott, duke of. 1649-85. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. and Shaftesbury. Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel. Death. Bay ley, Tower of London 2:633. Monnier, H: B. 1799-1877. Fleury. Caricature moderne. Monooxybenzoic acid. Einwirkung von Phosphorpentachlorid (Moore) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Monopolies. See also Association, Combi- nations. Political economies by Sidgwick, etc. (Bastiat) Jour. Econ. 1: 14:106. Farrer. State in relation to trade. (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. I V : 24 : 157- (Le Hardy de Beaulieu) Jour. Econ. II: 36:325. h Paris (Charpentier) Rev. Nat. 17: 165. conce'de's & diverses socie'te's par actions (Neymarck) Jour. Econ. I V :44 : 182. des allumettes chimiques (Vesin) Jour. Econ. 111:34:234.407. des houilles de la Loire (Clement) Jour. Econ. 1:16:15; 17:157. Dutch. Laspeyres, Volkswirthschaft. facultatif de 1'alcool ( Alglave) Jour. Econ. IV:33:382. Gomme de Senegal (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 1:3:154. professionnels (Pascaud, Petit) Jour. Econ. IV : v. 13, 15, 16. Regime de (Dunoyer) Jour. Econ. 1:1: 13, 129. Monotheism. See also God. Schelling. Werke 11:2: 1-127. Account of defensive. Comte, Positive polity v. 3. De"veloppement(Reville) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:83:86. Greek. Zeller, Vortrage 1:1. Semitic. Miiller, Chips v. 1; Rund- schau 14 :375. Monroe, James, 5th president. 1758-1831. Bibliography. Gilman, Life of Monroe. Monthly Reference Lists 3 : 35. Life. Li his People the sovereigns. Monroe doctrine. Curtis. Life of Buchanan 1 : 619. Diplomatic Review bk. 3. Pamphlets on Monroe doctrine. 1 v. Tucker. Monroe doctrine. U. S. Foreign relations 1882:271. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1881-2, v. 6. Webster. Works 3 : 179. Wharton. Digest of U. S. internat. law. Williams. Statesman's manual. Canada and (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:32:628. Monsabri>-. v . Principes d'embryoge'nie et de t^ratoge'nie (Serres) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. v. L'.'I. Montagu, Charles, earl of Halifax. See Hali- fax. Montagu, Sir Edward, d. 1556. Campbell. Chief justices. Montagu, E:, gd earl of Manchester. 1002- Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Montagu, E:, Ixt earl of Sandwich. 1025-72. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Southey. British admirals v. 5. Montagu, Sir Henry, d. I0li. - Campbell. Chief justices. Montagu, J ohn, '/ duke of. d. 1749. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Montagu, Lad;i Mary W. 1<;00-17'; Bagehot. Literary studies v. 1. Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 30. Jeffrey. Essays 711. Correspondence. Pope, Works v. 7. (Selden) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:83:973. Montaigne, Michel E. de. 1533-92. - Albert. Litterature fr. des origines 297. (Church) Oxford essays 1857. Desjardins. MoralNtes francais. Emerson. Representative men. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 3:3. 290. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophic 10: 184. Shelley. French author* v. 1. Staiidlin. Geschichted.Skcpticismus v. 2. Economiste (Grun) Jour. Econ. 11:7: 114; 10:121. en voyage. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux LondUiT:lM -- Mairede Bourdeaux. Sainte-Beuv. veaux Lundis 0:239. Nouveaux documents sur. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries v. 4. Syntaktische ArchaiMiicn (Glaanlng) 'Merries Arrhiv tit. PL",, .TJo, 415. und Bacon. Herrig's Archiv 31 :250. Montalembert, C: F., comte de. 1810-70. letters to a schoolfellow. Bruwn-: U. Monte Carlo. Suppression des jeux(Planchut) Rev. d.d. Monte Casino monastery. (Vogiig) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:81:91. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, bi-t.. S. r v 3, 19. Montenegro. Constitution 1885. Ann. d. d. MOIL: Ma Delimitation (Jurien de la Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 98 : 573. in 1K50 (Baschet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II. 646. in 1858, 1875. Uns. Zeit 1858 : 323 ; 1 841 in 1875 (Kapper) Rundschau 7:285, 415; 9:374- in 1877. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 4. Turcs et. 1858 ( Masieu de Clerval) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1I:K- Women of (Jez) Rundschau 30:4U. Monterey, California. Beechey. Voyage v. 2. Dana. Two y'ears before the mast (Fitch) Muir, Picture-quc California 35. Irving. Rockv mountains ch. 13. La P*?rouse. Voyage 1:430- Simpson. Overland journey 189. Vancouver. Voyat-'- Milpitas rancho(Stuart) Pains. California v. 10. Montespan, F. A.deRochechouart, marquue de. IfA 1-1707. Saint-Simon. Mr moires. Voltaire. Siecle ! P Albert. Litt.'rature fr. an IV .-!< le. Aleml>ert. ( >euv res i; .--jj-'i. Ali-on. 1-N^tv: political v. 1. Bluntschli. \vi--enscbafl. (Brie) I'reiiH^. Jahrb. 1!> - Flint. Philosophy of hi-tor\ : (iriinni-Diclerot. OorrWpOOOUUMMi Heron. .TurNpriidenre. Hettner. Franx.'i-. Literatur '_M!. Hillebrand. Zeiten. Volker5:L Kaiser. Fran/os. Verfassnnnsgocbichte 82. Sainte-Ueiive C;ui-erie* 7:41. ussor. llitnry of IV century. Villemain. Litt.'rature an Is. si, , le v. 1. Idees ^conomii|ue- ( Dupmt) Jour. Econ. Ill: 1- I- Montetson, Charlotte J. IVraud de. 1737- 1806, Grimm-Di.leriit. Correspondance. Montfort, Simon. r7. Progres (Portalis) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3:331. yuerelle des anciens et des modernes (Bouillier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90: 177. Rapports avec l'8:Ki9; 29:75. Theory. Hildreth's. Brownson, Works 14:236- Whewell's. Mill, Dissertations v. 3. Morality. See also Crime, Virtue. and art. Ruskin, Lectures on art. Selkirk. Ethics of modern poetry. and poets, artists. Hamerton, Intellect- ual life. and science. Rousseau, Oeuvres v. 1. Basis ( Nathan Zts. 1'hih.-. ,S6:1. Physical. Cabanis, Oeuvres v. 3-4. Christian. Browne (Sir T:), Works v. 3. James. Lectures and mi-' Christianisme et(Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85:123. Church as a teacher. Seeley, Essays. Droit de I'e'tat (Pecaut) Crit. Philos. N. S. :;: Kl. English and French (Guerry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 48 : 5. Greek. Packard, Studies in Greek thought. and Roman. Cumberland, Laws of nature. Histoire (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 27, 29, .TJ. :;.;, _. Idea of. Analysis (Allen) Pains, philos- ophy v. 1. Transformations futures (h'ouillee) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:855; 93:779; 95:303. Influence du bien-ttre materiel (Barres. Rapet) Jour. Econ. 1 : 13: 380; 27 :.'!:.' ; 28: : of commerce on. Millar, English gov- ernment 1 : 171. stir le phv-i'|iie i I'nissac) Acad. Sci. Mor. :!!!: ti:{; II :_'!. Misere morale (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. IV: 20:70. Mouvement des socie'te's (Maury ) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :29:45ti:493. Psychologic der (Struve) Philos. Monatv 18:1. Rapport avec la religion (Muralt) Crit. BMC. 5:101 Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion Religious (Renouvier) Crit. Philo-. N - 2 : 451. beliefs and. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. moderne (Gourd) Crit. Relig. 3:305. Speculations on. Shelley, Prose work* _': 300. Stati.stik. Preuss. Jahrh. 27 : i:<. tomes 6volutionniste et traditionnelle (Dauriac-) Crit. Philos. _>:>: 113. The'oricien.s moralistes (Andrade) Rev. Philos. 16:385. Unite" des peuples modernes. ijuinct, Oeuvres 1:545. Morality plays. See Miracle plays. Moran, Peter. 1842- Sheldon. American painter-. Moran, Thomas. 1837- Sheldon. American painters. Mordaunt, C:, td earl of Peterborough. 1668- 1786. Gleig. Military commanders . Loi-raeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. - (Kran.-k) Acal. S.-i. M..r. 1-:II'.'. :W:288. Green. History of England - Lodge. Portraits v I Mackintosh. British statesmen v. I; IT* (Roper) /.. rt.pi:i; e.l. l-y l.uml.y. Sir Thomas More: a piny (Shakenp. Soc. Seebohm. oxfc.rd reformers. Wori !> . Tower of London 2:859. Utopia. BrWer. Henry VIII. V. 1. Dunlop. lli-t..r> "i lii-tion. Heron. Juri-i-rndeneefKl Kaiifmanii. Utopias. Moreau. 320 Moscow. Moreau, Hegesippe. 1810-38. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4:51. Morellet, Andre', abbe. 1727-1819. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lavergne. Economistes francais ; - Jour. Econ. 11:45:43. Moreto y Cabafia, A. 1600-69. Klein. Geschichte d. Drama's 11 : 1 : 258. Morike, Eduard. 1804-75. ( Baechtold) Rundschau 41 : 269. Barthel. Deut. Nationalliteratur 268. Moritz the learned, of Hesse. undd.englischen Komodianten(Duncker) Rundschau 48: 261. Morley, John. 1838- A young positivist. Buchanan, Master- spirits. Mormons. See also Polygamy. Audouard. Le Far-west ch. 1. Doinenech. Deserts of America 1:270. (Haussonville) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:54: 262. Kirchhoff. Reisebilder ch. 1. McClellan. Golden state. Merime. Melanges historiques. (R6my) Jour. Econ. II : 32: 227. (Say) Jour. Econ. 11:7: 236. Stansbury. Valley of Salt Lake 120. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 353: 1877 : 1 : 667. Campagne centre. 1857-8 (Laugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 23: 194. et les Etats-Unis, 1861 (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 32: 881. in Missouri. Burnett, Recollections ch. 2. Gerstacker. Schriften 1 : 10 : 133. Swiss. U. S. Foreign relations 1888. Valeur morale( Montegut)Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:1:689. Mormyrus Niloticus. (Heckel) VVien Akad.Denks.M-N.Cl.v.l2. Moray, C: A: L: J., due de. 1811-65. Boissieu. Lettres d'un passant 1:22. Moro, Sir Antonio. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 4 :300. Morocco. Hooker and Ball. Tour in 1877. Universal history: modern 14:288, 327. (Washington) Roy. Geog. Soc. J. 1: 123. Expedition to Tangier, 1683. Pepys, Life 1:325; Diary 1:227- inl859(Duval)Rev.d.d.MondesII:24:930. in 1859-60. Spanish war(Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 29: 426. Unsere Zeit 1861:273. in 1885 (Palologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes II I : 68:888. Politique europe"enne, 1884 (Valbert) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111: 66: 681. Vocabulary of names of places (Graberg) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 7 : 243. Morone, Giovanni, cardinal. 1509-80. (Sclopis) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90 : 29, 321; 91 : 49. Morphinism. Alcoholisme et (Broers) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Heilung (Lange) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Morphology. See also Metamorphosis. of plant sexes (Moore) Roy. Irish Trans. 24:629. Vegetationsorgane der Stauden (Meigen) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Morris, Gouverneur. 1752-1816. Curtis. History of the constitution v. 1. Perry. Sketches of Amer. statesmen 428. Morris, Lewis. 1726-98. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.9. Morris, Robert. 1733-1806. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.5. Morris, William, English poet. 1834- (Robinson) Unsere Zeit 1879:2:457. Stedman. Victorian poets. Unsere Zeit 1879:2:457. Morrison, Robert, orientalist. 1782-1834. Chinese Repository v. 3. (Neumann) Zts. deut. morgenl.Gesell.v.l. Morse, Harry N., sheriff. (Richardson) Overland II : 12: 129. Morse, Samuel F. B. 1791-1872. Annual cyclopaedia 1872:556. Tuckerman. Artist-life. Mortality. See also Annuities, Death, Life Insurance, Population. Europe. Verhaltnisse (Dieterici) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851:721. Loi de. France, Bur. des longitudes, An- nuaire 1886:510. Statistische Beobachtungen (Dieterici) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Mortgages. en France (Letort) Jour. Econ. 111:25:389. Hypotheque maritime (Emion). Jour. Econ. 111:38:357. Konvalescenz des (Otten) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. not taxable property. Pams. finance v.4. ReTorme hypothecate (Boiteau) Jour. Econ. 111:1:199. (David) Jour. Econ. 1:13:393; 14:329. ( Wolowski) Jour. Econ. 1 : 9: 193 ; 27 :305 Mortmain. (Royer) Jour. Econ. 11:33:400. en Italic (Duprat) Jour. Econ. 11:45: 172; 111:8:162. in Spain. Colmeiro, Economia politica 2:135. Morton, John. 1724-77. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 6. Morvan, France. ( Dupin) Jour. Econ. 1 : 33 : 327; Acad. Sci. Mor. 23:45. Mosaics. Gerspach. Mosaique. Antique (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2: 137. (Uhden) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. et du moyen age (Muntz) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:162. - Kolner (Urlichs) Rhein.Mus. N. F. 4:611. Relief (Engelmann) Rhein. Mus. 29:561. Roman. Parker, Archaeology Rornept. 11 St. Mark's baptistery. Ruskin, St. Mark's rest. Moscheles, Ignaz. 1794-1870. (Killer) Rundschau 28:302; 29:83. Moscow, Russia. Bodenstedt. Schriften 1 : 1. Gautier. Winter in Russia; Rev. Nat. 19:197; 20:310; 23:462. Stephens. Greece 2 : 45. Moscow. 321 Mozart. Burning, 1812. Thiers, Consulate v. 14. Exposition, 1882(Y r ogii) Rev.d.d.Mondes 111:54:27. Kremlin als Mittelpunkt d. russ. Ges- chichte. Bodenstedt, Scbriften 12 : 39. Kunstammlungen (Leasing) Rundschau 53:3fJ3. Moser, F: K: von. 1723-98. Bluntschli. Gesch. neu. Statswissen- schaft. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2 : 401. (Rosenstein) Preuss. Jahrb. 15:229- Moses. and Pharaoh's daughter. Hogarth, Works. Rubens. Painting (Art gallery). Divine legation. Religious Mag. 2:117; 3:507. Schiller. Werke 10 : 409. Life. Philo Judreus, Works v. 3. Mosquito country. Burney. Voyages v. 4. Indians. Dampier, Voyage 1:7. Language (Cotheal) Am. Ethnol. Soc. Trans. 2:235. Mosses of California (l.*squereux) Cal. Acad. Sci.. Mem. v. 1. of Egypt and Syria (Lorentz) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1867. Sphaignes (Schimper) Paris, M6m. Sa- vans Etrang. 15 : 1. Mothers. See also Woman. Ploss. Das Kind. Motion. See also Fluids, Rotation, Velocity. Clifford. Common sense of the exact sciences. Leibnitz. Opera philosophica. Begriff. Entwickelung (Lange) Philos. Stud. 3:337- Defacement d'une figure de forme inva- riable ( Mannheim) Paris, Mini. Savans Etrang. 20 : 1. des corps solides glastiques (Phillips) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 38:91. Hamilton's characteristic function ap- plied (Tail) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 147. Nature of truth of laws of (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans 5-149. of a particle, and equilibrium of BezJblC strings on a spherical surface (Preston) Irish Trans. 2!:321. of all free systems of attracting potato reduced to one characteristic function (Hamilton) Boy. Sor. Trans. 1834:247; 1X35:95. of beams and thin rods (Rohrs) Cambr Philos. Trans. 10:359. of heavy body along circumference of circle (Bong) Boy. Win. Tran<. _'::! _>;: m. of rigid body acted on by no c-xterna forces (Sylvester) Roy. Soc. Trans. 18W 757. of small sphere acted upon by the vil.ru lions of an ela-tie medium (Challis ,l,r. Philns.Tr.ni-. 7 :.'$.. of system of invariable form about lixc. point ( Max well) Uoy. Kdin. Trans. J1:.V.'. of particles iKeUand) Cambr. Philoe Trans. K: 235. of tsvo sph.-res in a fluid (Hicks) Boy Soc. Trans. 1880:255. 41 Perpetual. Conditions (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3:369. - Plaisir du (Souriau) Rev. Sci. 43:365. Propagation dans les milieux elastiques (Poisson) Paris, M'm. Acad. Sci. 10:549. Rotatory (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:11. Schwingungen d. gespannter Saiten (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abb. IM -- (Petzvai) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 17. Small finite oscillations(Holditch)Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:89. Suspension chain oscillations (Ruhr*) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:379. Systemes Notropes des points matlriels (Canchy) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. . Transformation chex. les ctres nrgai: Candolle, Hi-t. -. 1756-8L Haweis. Music and morals. Oftsoli. Pa|K-r< on art. etc. pren-M- 1..- Jahrb. enks. M N. Cl. v. 20. Motion (Carlisle) Kov. Soc. Trans. 1806:1 N.-rvous syt'Mi mid (Philip) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1S33:55. Observations on (Monro) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 3:250. of neck, shoulder, chest ( Wood) Roy. Soc. Tran>. ls:o:83. Stnii-turr(ll..mr) Kov. Si..- Trans. 1 vjc.-Kj. - Voluntary. AbnormiM. - < l'a^et)Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1(1:240. Brain and (Hell) K. .y. Soc. Trans. 182(5: U8. Minute structure, et.-. (Howman) Roy. I' rans. 1M" niniivemeiits. Knergie, Vitesse ( - : .'57. rmeentwickeluiiL' In-ill. Muskelthiitig- keit (Fi.k) Kundschau 18:142. Museums. French. M. de province ( Houssave) Rev d.d. Mondes 111:38:546. Muse"e francais. Influence (Couraiod) Rev. Hist. 30:107. Object, organization (Flower) Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1889; Rev. Sri. 44 : 3X5. Saint-Germain(Boissier)Uev..l d. Mondes 111:46:721. Use and abuse. Jevons, Methods of social reform. Music. See aho Birds, Harmony, Opera, Songs, Voice, names of instruments. Reading lists. Lit. News 8:84. Bascom. Aesthetics. Hegel. Aesthetik ( Werke 10 : 3 : 125). King. Substance and show. Plato. Laws bk. 2; Republic bk. 3. Plutarch. Morals v. I. Ancient systems. I>i.ier..t. vuvres :i : 17. and poetry. Harrv (Sir R.). Lectir Aristoteles' Problemata 19.12 (Monro) Jour. Philol. v. 1. bei Thieren u. b. Menschen (Weismann) Rundschau t;i :50. Berlin life (Krause) Rundschau 44: 4~>l (Lilioncron) Rundschau ">7:210. Boston i(Dwight) Winsor's Huston 1:4K>. Catholic choirs in Philadelphia t< Am. Catli. Hist. Soc. Records N Church. Hamann, Sclmften; hrsg. v. IVtri 2:49. Revival of (Spitta) Rundschau 31: 105. Critique nu 18. siecle (Recy) Rev. <1. d. Monde* III: 78: 188; ::: 1:1. Destinies (Blaze ;ue|Kov. d.d. Mondm 111:85:000. of the spheres. Kepler, < tpera 5 : 75- Origin, function. Spencer, UnhaiMll progress. Music. 324 Mythology. Parole et(Danriac) Grit. Philos.N.S. 4:162. Peruvian syrinx (Traill) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:12. Physical effects. Oersted, Soul in nature 325. Place in education, conceived by Aristotle . (Jebb) Carribr. Philos. Trans. 12:523. Prosodie et. Condillac, Connoissances humaines (Oeuvres v. 1). Psychologic de (Le'vfcque) Rev. Philos. v. 13, Hi, 17. Religion dans (Bellaigue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:83:395. Religious (Bushnell) Work and play. (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :34 : 1011. Roman. Friedlander, Rom. Sittenges- chichte v. 3. Rules for beginners. Schumann, Music 1:409. Scale. Temperament. Robinson, Mechan- ical philos. 4:376. Spanish (Diercks) Uns. Zeit 1885 : 1 : 79. Spartan. Miiller, Dorians 2 : 323. Theory. Schopenhauer's (Bruchmann) Uns. "Zeit 1880:1:730. Tonic sol fa method (Bachelor) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1887 : 30. Tzigane en Hongrie (Bertha) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 28: 909. (Franz) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:5:940. und Geselligkeit (Ehlert) Rundschau 19: 459. Vocal, in schools (Smith) Mich. School Rept, 1879:215. Welsh. Stephens. Literature of Cymry 55 Wiehorenwir?(Hiller) Rundschau 24:432. Muspllli (Bartsch) Gerrnania 3:7. Vetter. Zum Muspilli; also Gerrnania 16:121. Ordnungsversuch ( Wilken) Germania 17 : 329. Mussato, Albertino. 1261-1329. Eccerinis(Wy digram) Herrig's Arch. 71: 2(33. Musset, L: C: Alfred de. 1810-57. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 5. Faguet. Etudes litt. sur le 19. siecle. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 :91. Laprade. Questions d'art 431. Mirecour. Contemporains. (Monte'gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 45: 136- ( Palgrave) Oxford essays 1855. Unsere Zeit 1859 : 507 ; 1877 : 1 : 641. (Villetard) Revue Nat. 21:322. Poesies. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 1 : 294 ; 13:364. Tennyson, Heine and. Buchanan, Mas- ter-spirits. Mutina war, B. C. 44. (Hagen) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 2. Mycenae, Greece. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. (Philippi) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:575. Argos und (Lang) Rundschau 11:214. Schliernann's explorations (Cogordan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 27 : 866. Newton. Essays on archaeology. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 161. Thor von (Gottling) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1 : 161. Tombs. Stephani on (Gardner) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 1 : 94. Myoctonine. (Einberg) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Myrica ( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 54. Myriothela. (Allman) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875:549. Myrsinaceae. et sapotacese (St. Hilaire) Paris, Mm. Acad.Sci. 16:117. Mysteries. See also Eleusis, Worship. Ancient. Constant de Rebecque, De la religrion v. 5. Dollinger. Heidentbum und Juden- thuni. Hamann. Schriften ; hrsg. v. Petri 3:347 Jamblichus. De mysteriis liber. Sainte-Croix. Mysteres du paganisme. Mystery plays. See Miracle and. Mysticism. See also names of mystics as Boehtne, Eckhart, Swedenborg, etc. Histories of philosophy bv: Cousin (2: 94), Ritter (7:502-), Windelband (1:25, 92, 350), etc. B;irth4lemy Saint-Hilaire, Ecole d'Alex- andrie; Acad. Sci. Mor. 7: 13, 44. Dion y sins Areopagita. Opera v. 1. Jouffroy. Introduction to ethics 1 : 115. Kingsley. Literary essays. Lea. History of the inquisition 2:358- Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion v. 1. Schmidt. Deutsche L'iteratur 2 : 279. Selkirk. Ethics of modern poetry. Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 3: 117. apocalyptique au moyenage(Pillon)Crit. Philos. N. S. 5:56. au XIV. siecle (Schmidt) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:532; 9:53,281,487. Characteristics of the present age. Fichte, Popular works v. 2. Gemeinden d. Gegenwart. Uns. Zeit 1869: 1:342,499. German. Carriere, Philosophische An- schauung d. Reforruationszeit 1:246. Goltz. Deutscher Genius 2: 129. Maurice. Moral, etc., philosophy 2: 17. Spruche(Pfeiffer) Germania 3:225; 18: 195. Mediaeval. Dorner, Protestantische The- ologie. Whewell. History of inductive sci- ences bk. 4. LowGerman. Beitrage(Jostes)Germania 31 : 1, 164. Moslem doctrines. J.Am.Orient.Soc.2:258. Mystic numbers. Wilkinson, Ancient Egyptians 2 : 487. Russian(Leroy-Beaulieu)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:80:808. Mythology. See also Fairies, Folk-lore, Le- gends, Symbolism, names of deities. Keary. Dawn of history. Re"vifle. Prolegomena of the history of religions 103. Schelling. Werke 1 : 1 : 41. (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsych. 17:113. Ancient. Betham, Etruscan literature v.2. Clarke. Ten great religions. Kip. Early conflicts of Christianity. Lactantius. Works. Bemerkungen(Schwenck) Rhein. Mus. 6:279. Mythology. 325 Names. Fliigelgestalten der Kunst (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Poetical use of Coleridge (H.), Es- says v. 1. Apothe'ose des C<5sars (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:60. Aryan. Duncker, History of antiquity vJ>. Sources (Brandreth) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1875-6:142. Baum in vergleichende (Bastian) Zts. Vtflkerpsych. 5:287. Christian. Lindsay, History of Christian art v. 1. Comparative (Max Mtiller) Oxford essays 1856; Chips v. 2. East Indian. Churchill, Voyages 3 : 733. Egyptian. Lauth, Aus Aegyptens Vor- ze'it 34. Erster Gotterkreis (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1851. Cotter d. vier Elemente (Lepsius) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1856. Eine Wissenschaft (Forchhammer) Phil- ologus 46 : 193. Entwickelungsstufen d. Bildung(Kuhn) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. Ethiopian (Gruppe) Philologus N. F. 1 : 92. 328. Ktruscan(Gerhard)Berlin Akad.Abh.1845. Spiegel (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh 1861. - Ks,ays on. Miiller, Chips v. 2. Forschung(Forster) Jahrb. Philol. 113:801. German (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 97:96. Klemm. German. Altertumskunde. Altdeutsche Sonnenlehen (Menzel) i it-nil a nia 1:63. Entstebung (Delbruck) Zts. Volkerps. 3:J Grimm on. Wright, Essays on litera- ture v. 1. Schlnssd. wilden Jagers auf d.Sonnen- hirsch ( Kuhn) Zts. deut. Philol. 1:89. Greek. Bulwer, Athens 1:27. (Friedlander) Riindsrhau 53:83. Grote. History of Greece 1:340. Miiller. Chips fr.Germaii workshop v.2. St. John, liannenof ancient G. Symonds. Greek poets v 1. A'ntikiMlesKonigl. Mus(Panofka i Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Giitterrnutter (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. OOUertypen (Back) Jahrb. Philol. 135: etc. Heilgotter(Panofka)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. HomerlectUrcii.pnu'historisch.e(8chro- l.-ri Jahrb. Philol. l.V>: HI. Kalloiu- ( I'-i-ntT) Khciii. MU-. '_'.?: 31<.. Uchtaottheiton anf Kunrtdenkraltoni hanl) Iti-rlm Akad. Al.h. 1H38. Philoaophische Pi-uning (Battmann) H.-rlin Akad. Abh I vom MMhiehtUcben 8tandponkt(Our" tins) Pn-u-s Jahrb. 36: 1. Zoflaehtagottheiten (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh I- Zwolf Gtttter (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. IMu M-lk-iid-n (Jotter IMM d. I ndojwnnaneti (-.liw.irt/) Zi-. V..lkT|.-\. b. !!>:{. - Methodik (Bevr) (icnnania 33:1. Mexican and Peruvian. Prescott, Mexico and Peru. Llorona.das weinende Madchen(Veck- enstedt) Herrig's Arcbiv 77 Nacht u. Tag in d. Po>si d. (iermanen ( Hah ii) Herrig's Archiv5: 111 Mallet. Northern antiquities. Schichtung (Steinthal) Zts. V..lkorp-y. h. 9:272. Scientific interjin-tatioti. Blackie, Horae Hellenicae; ulto Roy. Kdin. Trans, v. -V Solar myths. Ix'ttisrhrn (Mannhardt) Zts. Ethnol. 7:7:;. -'"''. -'*!. Vedic. Muir, Sanskrit tt-xts v. 4. Mytilene. Verfabren der Athener gegen. 428(Holzapfel) Rbein. Mus. 37:448. Nabatael. Inschriften (Blau) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 1'i. Landwirthscbaft ((Jutsrhmid) Zts. deut morgenl. Gesell. v. \>>. NablS of Lnctdarmon. \\. ('. 204. I^tzte Kampf der Achaer gegen (Rtihl) Jahrb. Philol. 127:33. Nachtigal, Gustav, trnrrlrr. 1834-85. (CiissfeltH) Kundschaii 44:103. Erinnerungen. lliiiulsrhau 15:51. Naigeon, J. An.ln 1738-1810. (l)amiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 39-41. Names. See alto Nicknaim-- ..,. Azu-c. <>rt- (Bucnmann) lU-rim Akad. Al.h. KYJ. Behandlung fr.-in.lc-r Ki^t-n- Hi-rri^'s Archiv 7:21.1. Brandenburg. Ort- (Uebttacb, H.-rriu's An h. :t: l-N: 41:113. British. Cam-U-n. lU-niaiii". Chatu-n u. \\^->v\\ (Kellner) H- Arch. 48:1 Deutung antiker ( Angi-rmann) Jahrb. Philol. 137:1. EinHiiss d,-r Gotthrit.-n ( Panofta) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1M". l-ll Knglish |.l. i--. Distribution (Browne) Philol. Soi-. Trans lH*M:li. Frauen- aus HIiuiH-n (Urimm) Ik-rhn Akad. Al>h K r >2; aUo Kleiners Schriftcn - French. Klgen- (Bonnier) Halle Univ. I M * v 1. Oemrrnphic. Etymologic (Mahn) Her- rig's Arch. 28:149. German ApiH-lhniv- (Warkernagel)(er- man p.-r-.tn.-n- (Surk) Germania 2:478; Plla.uT-n' (Pcrgt-r) Wien Akud. l>enk!.. M.M.CI v. u.iH, i. -Gtchlecht-, auf ei* (Buck) Oermanl. 19:62. Names. 326 Napoleon I. Heutige Familien-, auf -maun (Andre- sen) Herrig's Archiv 42:409. im Recht(Levi) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Indian-English. Hybrid. See Petition Cherokee Nation in U. S. House M. Docs. 1869-70, v. 3. IndogermanischeGbtter-(Ahrens) Orient, u. Occid. v 2. Instrument of reasoning (Dyer) Philol. Soc. Proc. 3-137. Mannichfaltigkeitd.sprachl. Ausdrucks (Pott) Zts. Volkerpsych. v. 1-2. Natural or conventio'nal (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1874 : 95. Nordische Orts-(Beissel) Herrig's Archiv 34:203. of ants, insects, spiders (Adams) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1858-61. Old German Orts- (Petters) Germania 12: 469. personal- (Lucae) Preuss. Jahrb. 45: 553. Ortsnamenkunde (Kogel) Beitr. deut. Sprachel4:95. Ostfriesische Koen- (Ruprecht) Ger- mania 13:301, 392. Person-, in d. Volkerkunde (Andree) Zts. Ethnol. 8:253. Phoenician. Orts- (Olshausen) Rhein. Mus. 8:321, 597. Roman. Eigen-. Mommsen, Romische Forschungen y.l ; Rhein. Mus. 15 : 169,328. im Griechischen (Strehlke)Zts.vergl. Sprachf. 1:211. Poseidonios und Plutarch iiber (Bauer) Philologus N. F. 1:242. Scottish place- (Browne) Philol.Soc.Trans. 1880-1 : 322. Sea. In d. assyrischen Inschriften (Schrader) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1877. Slavic. Orts- (Petters) Herrig's Arch. 26: 349. Strassen-, von Gewerben (Forstemann) Germania v. 14-16. - Teil-,der Patrizier(Ruppel) Heidelb.Univ. Diss. v. 1. - Tier- (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Tyrol. Personen- (Zingerle) Germania 1 : 290. Vertretung mannlicher durch weiblicher Namensformen (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858; also Klein. Schriften 3:349. Zusammensetzung altdeutscher Person- ( Forstemann) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1 : 97. Nantes, France. Edict of. Revocation (Pillon) Grit. Philos. N. 8. 2:370. ( Puaux) Rev. Hist. 27 : 68; 29 : 241. Consequences (Weiss) Acad. Sci. Mor. 26:431. Influence surl'industriede la France ( Vivien) Jour. Econ. 1:36:350. Suisses Romands et les re'fugie's (Gaberel) Acad. Sci. Mor. 54:91. et le bassin de la Loire (Simonin) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:24:409. Napa, California. (Heath) Calif ornian 2 : 216. in 1885. Pams. California v. 3. in 1886 (Jackson) Pams. California v. 3. Land register (Hunt and Wood) Pams. California v. 3. Naphtha (Kidd) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1821 : 209. Naphthalene. Disubstituierte Derivate (Kirchhoff) Halle Dniv. Diss. v. 3. Naphtochlnon. Halogenderivate des Beta- (Frolich) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Naphtylphenylketones. Verhalten gegen Chromsaure(Kegel)Marb.Univ.Diss.v.2. Napier, Sir Charles John, admiral. 1786-1860. und Familie. Uns. Zeit 1857 : 394. Napier, William John, lord. 1786-1834. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Funeral sermon (Bridgman) Pams. relig- ion v. 3. Naples. Description. See also Vesuvius. in 1600. Vico, Opere; ed. Ferrari 1:80. in 1714. Misson, Voyage to Italy 2:424. in 1786. Goethe, Italienische Reise. in 1803. Sen me, Spaziergang 151, 293. in 1819. Grillparzer, Werke v. 10. in 1827. Carter, Letters from Europe 2:199. in 1864. Taine, Rome and Naples; Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:54:802. Jameson. Diary of an ennuye"e. Spielhagen. Sammtl. Werke v. 7. Trollope. Italy 362. Maritime Ausstellung (Volpi) Uns. Zeit 1881:2:264- Zoologische Station. Preuss. Jahrb. 35:542. Naples. History and politics. Platen-Hallermunde. Werke. Universal history: modern v. 24, 25. Aumentodell'entrate. Campanella, Opere v. 2. Camorra u. d. Camorristen (Hinschius) Preuss. Jahrb. 15:575. Charles VIII. Droits sur (Van der Hae- ghen) Rev. Hist. 28 : 80. Con jura tio, 1701. Vico, Opere 1 : 317. in 1820-1. Gervinus, Gesch. d. 19. Jahrh. v. 3^. Niebuhr. Letters v. 2. Insurrection, 1647 (Rosseeuw Saint-Hil- aire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 98 : 801. Politique, litte>ature, 1830-65 (Marc-Mon- nier) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:56: 1010. Rebellion, 1798-9. Nelson, Dispatches y. 3. recuperada por Alonzo (Esquilache) Bibl. espafi. v. 29. sous Victor Emanuel(Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 41 : 5. State prosecutions, 1851. Gladstone.Glean- ings v. 4. to 1492. Leo, Italienische Staaten 4 : 619. Napoleon I, emperor of France. 1769-1821. Alison. Essaj's ; History of Europe ch. 70. Bayne. Essays v. 2. Bryce. Holy Roman empire ch. 20. Byron. Ode to Napoleon. Carlyle. Heroes. Channing. Works 1:69. Reviewed (Henshaw) Misc. pams. v. 8. Constant. Esprit de conquete. Emerson. Representative men. Fouche. Me"moires. Grabbe. Napoleon : drama (Werke v. 2). Holland. Foreign reminiscences. Metternich. Memoirs. R6musat (Mme). Memoirs, 1802-8. (Taine) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:79:721- Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 3: 71. Abdication, 1814-15. Beugnot, Me"moires v. 2. Napoleon I. 327 Natural law. at St. Helena. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundi.s 3:177. Bonapartismus (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 16:197; 20:357; 21:40-; 22:1. Caesar and. Treitschke, Aufsatze 3 : 99. Canipagnes d' Egypte et de tsyrie. ISainte- Beuve, Causeries 1 : 179. Character (Anon.) Pams. history v. 2. Correspondance (Gasse) Rev. Hist. v. 31- Documents inedits, 1773-1846. Rev. Hist. v. 12, 13, 15, 16. et les Bourbons. Chateaubriand, M- langes politiques 2 : 23. Excommunication et le second manage (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 74 : 822; 75:39. Fiirstenbrief e an ( Bailleu ) H ist. Zeits. v. 58. Historic doubts (Whately) Misc. parns. v.3. Life. Lanfrey's. Pelletan, Nouvelles heures. -- Scott's. Heine, Pictures of travel 424. Miot's Mlmoires (Viel-Castel) Rev. i Mor. 21:281. Bagehot on (Paulsen) Zts. Volkerp*. 9:324. Politische Entsittlichung. Treits<-hkc. Aufs-iUe - Prosperity. Bellinghum, Social aspects of Catholicism. Nationality. See also Patriotism. Bluntschli. Theory of the state bk (Riidiger) Zts. VOUtcrpcych. :5:95. Bedeutung d. Volkssprache (Biickh) '/.\-. Vi.lkerp.-y. 4:259. Principle ("Block) Jour. Econ. Ill :3:J4i. (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. E<-on. 111:1: iaa (Fontenay) Rev. Nat. J (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 2:81. Entwickelung des deutschen (Wagner) Preuss. Jahrb. 21 : 290- in Europa (Wagner) Preuss. Jahrb. 19:540; 20:1. und d. italien. Volkerrechtsliteratur (HoltMndorff) Zte. Vnlk.Tj.-y. 7:19. Recht der. XdU-r. Vnrtn.^i- '-'iSOB; - Preuss. Jahrb. 2i::27. und Humanttiit. /-lii-r, Vi.rtr;in- - Volkssprache als Kennzeichcn (Biickh) Pams. language v. 2. Natural history. K-prit nouveau dans (QoilMt) Rev. d. d. liondM I1:7J M^thode naturellc et artifu-iell.- (Chev- reul) 1'ari-, M.MII. A ..38. Study. Kintr-U-y. Scientific lectures 181, Natural law. See alto Law, Right". Bibliography, l*~'>- Ahrens, Conr de iruit natural i Analytische Ht-leiirbtung. Ilerbart, Wefke. 1860-2. 8:215. au College de France (Beaussire) RT. Ili-t. -':J:M5. Behaii.lhiiiK'Mirt.-n. Hegel, Werke v. 1. Foundation >U, Kleine Sofarif- tM. 1 Natural law. 328 Navy. Leibnitz und. Trendelenburg, Histor. Beitrage 2 : 233. 257. National and. Mackintosh, Essays. Publicistes: Suarez, Mariana, Selden (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. y. 53, 54. (Giraud, Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 55:125, 151. und Sittengesetz. Schleiermacher, Werke ; 111:2:397; Berlin Akad. Abb. 1825. (Siebeck) Philos. Monatsh. 20:321. Wer istder Gesetzgeber?(\Vundt) Philos. Stud. 3:493. Natural philosophy. See Nature, Science. Natural selection. See also Evolution, Species. (Blanchard) Rev.d. d.Mondes 111:4:580; 5:583. Wallace. Contributions to the theory. Physiological (Romanes) Pams. zoology v.'l. Natural theology. See also Cause, God. (Hume) Critique Philos. N. S. v. 5-6. Kant. Werke 2: 281. Argyll's Reign of law. Brownson, Works 3 ' 375 (Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 88:353. en Angleterre (Re'musat) Rev. d. d Mondes 11:25:537. Gottliche Weltregierung (Fichte) Philos. Jour. 8 : 1. Leibniz on. Fischer, Neue Philosophic 2:641. of the future. Kingsley.Scientific lectures. Positive science. Wright, Philosophical discussions. Scientific accord of natural and revealed religion. James, Lectures and miscel- lanies. Study of evidences (Powell) Oxford essays 1857. Naturalization. See also Citizenship. Annual cyclopaedia 1881:613. U. S. Foreign relations 1873-4. Alie'ne's & l'e"tranger et en France (Du Bled) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:77:896; 78:122. Laws. Abuse of. Seward. Works 2 : 395. Privatrechtliche Stellung d. Auslander bei d. Hellenen,etc. (Ubbelohde)Preuss. Jahrb. 32:563. Nature. Emerson. Essays, 2d series. Hamerton. Sylvan year. Humboldt. Views of nature. Ruskin. True and beautiful. Saint-Pierre. Studies of nature. Allgemeinste Verhaltnisse. Herbart, Werke; ed. Hartenstein 1:515. and God. Martineau (Ja.), Essays. Anschauungen der Encyclopadisten (Schmidt) Rundschau 7:82. Artistic observation. Hamerton, Thoughts about art. Conflicting views. Lotze, Micrososmus v.l Constitution. Tyndall, Fragments of science. Darstellungd. Naturprocesses. Schelling, Werke 1: 10 :301. Diffe'reiits sens du mot. Candolle, His- toire des sciences 549. Einheitlichkeit d. Naturerkennes (Car- nerei) Rundschau 58:242. Erklarung. Aufgabe und Ziel (Kbnig) Uns. Zeit 1889:1:352. Interpretation. Bacon (Sir F.), Works 1 : 256. Laws. Einfachheit.Einheit(Boue') Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3. Notip apud Aristotelem (Weber) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Philosophic und Wissenschaft. Schop- enhauer, Werke 6: 188. Plastic arts and (Schelling) Hedge, Ger- man prose writers. Ruckschritt in (Weismann) Rundschau 48:437. Stand (Zollner) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1792-7. Teleologische u. mechanische Erklarung. Zeller, Vortrage 2:527; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Works of art and. Religious Mag. 3 : 115. Worship. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Zusammenhang mit d. Geisterwelt. Schelling, Werke I: 9:1. Naucratis, Egypt. (Soldan) Rhein. Mus. 4 : 126. - Discovery ( Petrie) J. Hellenic Stud. 6 : 202. - Griindung(Hirschfeld) Rhein. Mus.42:209. Nautilus umbilicatus. ( Macdonald) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1855 : 277. Navagero (Naugerius), Andrea. 1483-1529. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Navajo Indians. Works on New Mexico by: Davis. Smithsonian Report 1855. Silversmiths; weavers; mountain chant (Matthews) U.S. Bur. Ethnol. Rept.2.3,5. Navarino battle, 1827. Cox. Athenian empire 78. Finlay. History of Greece 7 : 17. James. Naval history 6 : 471. (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:108:937. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. Navigation. See also Buoys, Commerce, Compass, Ships. Arago. Oeuvres 5 : 527. Chart and compass (Zetetic Soc.) Pains. astronomy v. 1. English laws (Coquelin) Jour. Econ. I: 17:376; 18:12; 28:358. Great-circle sailing(Godfray)Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 10:271. hauturiere ( J urien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 5:99. Observations. Franklin (B:), Works 6:463. Ocean. Commencements. Dyer, His- tory of Europe 1 :310. Ports & la grande (Flaix) Jour. Econ. IV : 36:68,384. Privileges ( Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 11:26:161. Safety in. Coefficient of (Rogers) Pams. commerce v. 2. Navigator islands. See Samoan. Navy. (Lamy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 53-54. Austrian, 1856 (Baude) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:6:377. British. Cobden, Political writings 2 : 209. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 1; 1881 : 1 : 340. Early ballads. Percy Soc. v. 2. Future (Hughes) Cambridge essays 1855. Navy. 329 Negroes. 1882 (Tobin) U.S. House Ex. D. 1882-3, v. 19. 1886 (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 66:513; 68:273. Byzantine ( J urien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 05: 130. European, 1876 (King) U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1876-7. v. 2. Foreign naval training (Soley, Chad wick) U. S. Senate Ex. D. 1879-80, v. 3. French. Avenir(Auhe) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:4:175. depuis!815(Raymond)Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:9:027,841; 40:91,415. et les ports militaires ( Aube) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: 50: 314. He>os du Grand-Port (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:84:101. Mortality dans les colonies (Lagneau) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:541. Rlforme (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:66:872; 68:127, 770. sous la restoration (J urien de La Grav- iere) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:25:336, 636; 26:562. sous Louis XIV (Riviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:78:170; 79:979. 1812 (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d Mondes 111:73:592. l*iO (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : SB:06L 1802(Galos) Rev.d.d. Mondes II: 41: 293. 1865 (Mars) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:58:777. 1870 (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 94 : 300, 509, 689. 1876. Revue d. d. Mondes III : 18: 5. German. Anfange(Batsch) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:297. (Merruau) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:15: 147. Uns. Zeit 1857 : 81 ; 1875 : 2 : 701. 1866. Unsere Zeit 1866: 2:284. 1883. Preuss. Jahrb. 53 : 63, 230. 1885 (Werner) Uns. Zeit 1885:2:48- 1889 (Miles) Uns. Zeit 1889: 2: 224. Greek. Mitford, History of Greece 2:79. Time of Pericles (Jurien de La Grav- iere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:30:746. in 1000. Stirling-Maxwell, Don John of Austria 1:85- Ironclads. Preuss. Jahrb. 9 : 034. (Keranstret) Rev.d.d. Mondes II :?-':' ii Italian, 1880 (Merruau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:42:829. 1887 (Wickede) Uns. Zeit 1887:2: 100. Roman vs. Gothic (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:61:509. Russian, 1876 (Merruau) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:15:065. Strategic. Rev.d.d. Mmi.les 111:94:707. United States (Miller) Pains. U. 8. his- tory v. '2. Report on war ships. U. 8. Senate Rents. 1885-6, v. 1. Flogging in. Stockton, Life and l805(.M;ir-) K.-V..I..1. Monde* 1 1 :.V<:777. 1881. U. A. House Rep. 1881-2, v. 27. Wieentstehen(l'uuli) Preii>v.!alirb.l4:500 Heal, Kanii-1. /'.n if/i/i hi*tritin. Whipple. K.ssays v. 1. Meander, J. A. W:, hittorian. 1789-1850. Schaff. Germany '-'til. Stettens. 8tory of my career. 42 Neander( or Neumann), Michael. 1525-86. (Kulewein) Jahrb. Philol. 136:166; 138:306. (Meister) Jahrb. Philol. 124 : 180-; 126: 188. Nebraska. in 1819. Long, Expedition. in 1855. Warren, Expedition. Question, 1854. Parker, Additional speeches 1:295. Nebulae. See also Orion. ( Herschel) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1811 : 269. (Rosse) Roy. S~oc. Trans. 1850:499. Catalogue (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864 : 1-138. Constitution physique (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11:626. Observations, at Slough, 1825-33 (Her- schel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:359. Origin. Croll, Discussions on climate. Spectra, brightness (Herschel) Roy. Soc, Trans. 1866:381. Nebular hypothesis. Helmholtz. Popular lectures v. 2. (Le Conte) California Teacher v. 7. Spencer. Universal progress. Stallo. Modern physics 277. Necessity. See also Determinism, Fate, Lib- erty (Moral), Will (Freedom). Hobbes. Works v. 4-5. Joiiffroy. Introduction to ethics 1:83. Leibnitz. Essais de the'odice'e. Idde de (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. 25:337. in der griech. Philosophic. Trendelen- berg, Hist. Beitrage '.' : 1 1 Mill sur (Renouvier) Rev. Philos. 5 : 225- Philosophic de M. Taine (Hommay) Rev. Philos. 24:395. und Freiheit (Wichert)Zts. Philos. 93 : 28. Necker, Jacques, ftatemnnn. 1732-1804. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 199. (Jrimm-Diderpt Correspondance. James. Foreign statesmen v. 5. Marmontel. Mlmoires. Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi 7:329. and Calonne. Beesly : Catiline, Clodius. Biographic. Schlegel (A. W. v.), Werke 8:177. Vie privee. Stae'l-Holstein, Oeuvre* v. 17. Necker, Mme. S. Curchod de Nasse. 1739-94. Gibbon. Mist-ell, works, index. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4 : 240. 8alonde(Haussonville)Rev.d. d. Mondes III:v. 37-40, 42-43. Needles. Industrie (ViUernie 1 ) Acad. Sci. M,.r. 1;::M5; 17:453. Needlework. See Lace, Sewing, Tapestry. Negroes. See alto Slavery ~enden. KeoHistriK'tion report 1888. Hayrood. Our brother in black ll.-rder. Briefe Ui-i.ini. Hmmmitatno.lU Nicholas. Conservative essays. - Anthro|K>logie (Gerland) Zts. Volkerps. Blyden sur (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:84:201. Education (Orr) Pamphlets on education v.8; Nat Kduc. ASMX U-gal Mtatuv Barnard, Schools of IM-I <>f Coliiinliia 1-71:305. Excxlus from the South. U. 8. Senate Con 'NO. V. 7-8. in 1WO-3 ( Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : i; , i an Negroes. 330 Nestorians. in public schools (Cowdery) Pams. Cali- fornia v. 8. Rights, etc. Barnes, History 39. congress. Sumner. Works, index. Nekrasoff, N. A., Russian poet. 1821-77. ( Delaveau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 18 : 834. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 544. Nelson, Horatio, admiral. 1758-1805. Alison. History of Europe ch. 22, 39. Brougham. Statesmen. Coleridge. The friend 3 : 192. Gillray. Caricatures. James. Naval history v. 4. Johns. Military and naval heroes. Lamartine. Vies des grands hommes. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Martin. Australia. Portrait. Naval chronicle. Nelson, Thomas, junior. 1738-89. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 7. Nematoda(Bastian) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:545 Arten ( Diesing) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. CLv.lS. Ascaris mystax (Nelson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852: 563." Nemertida. British (Mclntosb) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:305. Nemesis. Zoega, Abhandlungen 32. Nemotognathi. South American (Eigen- 111 aim) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. II : 1 : 119. Nemours, Gaston de Foix, dwcde. 1489-1512. Sismondi. Rpubliques italiennes 7:374. Nepenthe of Homer (Desfontaines) Lemaire, Bibl. Lat. class. 64:150. Nephrites. Etiology. Statistik (Schneider) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 9. nach Aloinintoxication (Strauch) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Nutzen d. Friihgeburt bei (Lympius) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Nepos, Cornelius, historian. Compared with Plutarch. Lemaire, Bibl. Lat. class, v. 27. Neptune, deity. Ursprung, Wesen und Geltung (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1850. und Dionysus (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Neptune, planet. Discovery. De Morgan, Memoirs 126. Satellite. Orbit ( Hall) U. S. Naval obser- vatory. Rept. 1881. Theory of long inequality (Peirson) Cambr. Philos. Trans, v. 9. Neresheim. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr.v. 10 Nero, L. D., Roman emperor. 37-68. - Merivale. Romans under empire v. 6-7. Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars. Turnus. Fragmenta. Author of the conflagration at Rome? (Browne) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Biographic ( Naudet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3 : 110. Caligula, Claude et (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:6: 838. Golden house. Universal history 13 : 15. Nerthus Island. (Maack) Germania 4 : 385. Nerva, M. C., Roman emperor. A. D. 32-98. Trajan et Adrien (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:8:384. Nerves. See also Brain, Neuralgia, Senses, Spinal chord. Helmholtz. Abhandlungen 2:663- Bindegewebschyperplasien (Trzebinski) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 3. Centers. Echauffement (Herzen) Rev. Philos. 3 : 36. Central system in vertebrates (Sanders) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878 : 735; 1882 : 927. Dermato-Neurologie (Voigt) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 22. Distribution to muscle fibres (Beale) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:611; 1862:889. Energiespe"cifique(Lewes) Rev.Philos.l:61 Experiences (Flourens) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 9:478. Facial (Bell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:317. Influence in heat-production(Home)Rov. Soc. Trans. 1825 : 257 ; 1826 : 60. of galvanic current on motor (Waller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882 : 961. Irritability (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801. Knee-jerk. Relation of variations to cen- tral system ( Lombard) Am. J. Psych. 1 : 5. Morphologische Elemente (Mauthner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 21. Motor and sensitive(Bell)Roy.Soc.Trans. 1834:471; 1835:255. of encenhalon and spinal marrow (Bell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14 : 224, 229, 237. of eye-ball (Alison; Roy.Edin.Trans.l5:67. Reflex function of medulla oblongata (Hall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:635. Sensible Atmosphare (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Sensory. De"couvreurs (Chauvet) Rev. Philos. 20:268. Structure, functions (Bell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1821:398; 1822:284. Sympathische (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. System (Bell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1840:245. Clifford. Seeing and thinking. Evolution (Beaunis) Rev. Sci. v. 42-43. Functions (Philip) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:261. ( Pouchet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:93:717. und Nerostat(Lutz)UnsereZeit 1883:1:447. Vagus. Influence on vascular system (Rutherford) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26: 107. Visual and auditory (Gray) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:189. Nervousness. in religion. Religious Mag. 2 : 403. Nesselrode, Karl Robert. 1780-1862. Chateaubriand. Congres de Ve"rone. Thiers. Consulate and empire. Unsere Zeit 1857: 129. Nestor, Homeric hero. und Machaon (Scheidewin) Rhein. Mus. 5:405. Nestorians. Badger. Nestorians. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 47. Layard. Nineveh 1:153- Southgate. Syrian church 135. Zeitschrift deut. morgenl. Gesell. Monument at Signan-Foo. J our. Am. Or. Soc. 3:399; 4:444; 5:275. Kircher. China illustrata 12. Nestorians. 331 New Hampshire. Williams. Middle kingdom 2:275. Zeits. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 4:33. Nestorius, Syrian herexiarch. d. 450. et la question des deux natures (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 90: 21. Exil et la mort(Thierry)Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:96:241. Netherlands. See also Belgium, Brabant, Flanders, Holland. Kirk. Charles the Bold. Taine. Art in the Netherlands. Gueux. yuinet, Oeuvres completes v. 6. in 1559( Rosseeu w Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4'i:lll,223. Neue Geschichte (Wenzelburger) Uns. Zeit 1887: 1:217; 2:392. Republik der. Treitschke, Aufsatze v. 2; Preuss. J ah rb. 24:43- Forme du gouvernernent (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : 4 : 865. Revolt. Creighton, Age of Elizabeth. Dyer. Modern Europe v. 2. Fiske. Unseen worm. Haus.ser. Period of the reformation. May. Democracy in Europe v. 2. Motley. United Netherlands. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:57:387. (Overbury) Arber's Engl. garner v.4. Prescott." Philip II. Raumer. Europa seit 1500. v. 3, 5. Schiller. Revolt of the Netherlands. Stirling-Maxwell. Don John of An- tria v. 2. - Anfange (Ritter) Hist. Zts. 58:385. Kampf um d. evangelische Bekennt- niss. l.->.V>-li09 (Keller) Hist. Zts. 63: 103. Ultramontane Geschichte (Wenzelbur- ger) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:3'. Statistiquecompare'e(K<>nigswarter)Acad. Sci. Mor. 40:235; 41:149. und Preussen, 1867 (Anschiitz) Prcu^-. Jahrb. 19:696. Verfassungu.Verwaltung(Mique'l) Preuss. J ah rh. 21:312. Nettelbeck, Joachim. 1738-1824. Duller. Manner des Volks 7:319. Neuberg, Joseph. Rundschau 41 : 145. Neufchatel, Switzerland. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 481 ; 1858 : 145. Neuhoff, Th. See Theodore (king of Corsica). Neuralgia. - Trigcniinus (Wiistenhofer) Bonn I'niv. Hi->. v. 4. Neuropteris plicata and rectinervis. ( Kidston) Roy. Edin. Trans. 35 : 313. Neuser, Adam. d. 1 Lessing. Werke 9:352. Neutrality. Brougham. Speeches 3:005. HMO. Works. \ndff. Devoirs les nations nciitrcs (Pupin) Acad. Sci. Mor Proit drs tifum-> (Doniol) Acad. Sci. Mnr. 1. !_>: 258. Marine. Origin of question. Alison. II tory <>f KurojH- i-h. 33. Hera rtrer. illation (Jackson) Roy. Geogr. Sot. I Nevada. See also Comstock lode. I Silver mines (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes Nevada county, Cal. Resources in 1886 (Preston) Parns. Cali- fornia v. 3. Nevers, France. Voyage d'art (Montegut) Rev. d. d. Mondei 11:104:896. New Albion. See California. New Almaden, California, Bartlett. Narrative 2:53. Quicksilver mine. Becker, Geology of the quicksilver deposits. How obtained. Pams. mining v. 3. New Caledonia. Cook. Second voyage. Importation a (Marcel) Jour. Econ. Ill: 38:109. in 1873 (Marcel) Jour. Econ. 111:30:85. Revolt des Canaques ( Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:30:' Socialisme colonial (Merruau) Rev. d. , 10. 1.'. Reformers Kmer*on, E**:ty- Religious element. Winsor, History of Anierica3:257. Settlement. Everett. Orations v . 1. Should be illustrated by romance. Choate, Addn Social life; early and recent Mo. Refer- ence Lists :i :_>.;. 31. Towns. Origin, inmience( Parker) 1' slavery \ Vie intellectuale (Duvergier de Hau- ranne) Kev. d.d Mondes 11:00:898. New Qranada. Sw Colombia. New Guinea. Albertis. New Guinea. Da m pier. Voyages. - Kolff Vovajre, 1825-fl. - l>rutM-l,e i'olitik (CenVken) Knndschau 41 : 120. F.tlmologie (SchwarU) ZU. Ethnol. T. 8-8. L .niKuagfM Latham) I'hilol.So, 1'roo. T.I Noeforewn (Ma 'It) Xt- Ktln.ol. s:134- Reisen, 1875ille) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 52 : 392. Politics of. Politics for American Chris- tians 73. Proposals for printing Greek. Bentley, Works v. 3. Revision, -1881 (Hall) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 13:5. (Short) Amer. Jour. Philol. v. 2-4. St. Germain codex (g. 1). " Sortes sancto- rum" in (Harris) Am. J. Philol. 9:58. Syllabus of studies (Hall) Johns Hopkins Circ. 5:29, 55. Translations. Notes (Dawson) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1880-1 : 352. Unitarian version (Lawrence) Pams. re- ligion v. 12. Versions provencales. Orighie (Meyer) Romania 18:423,430. New York city. Brooklyn bridge. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 3 : 22. in 1760. Douglass, North America 2:229. in 1817. Fearori, Sketches of America. | in 1824. Waterton, Wanderings 212. ' in 1827. Hall, North America. in 1840. Gurney, North America 132. in 1841-6. Lyell, Travels in America. in 1843. Child, Letters from N. Y. in 1880. U. S. 10th. census 18 : 533. Logement des ouvriers (Raftalovich) Jour. Econ. IV:36:412. Municipal reform, 1866-70. 1 v. of pams. New Amsterdam (Darling) Pams. U. S. history v. 1. Society (Du Hailly) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 42: 177. (Simonin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 6 : 658. New York state. Besserungsanstalt zu Elmira (Winter) Uns. Zeit 1889: 1:527. Dutch in. Winsor, America v. 4. English in. Winsor, America 3:385. in 1800-57 (Francis) Hist, addresses v. 2. Indian wars. Stone, Lives of Brant, Red Jacket, and Sir William Johnson. Topography. Henry (Jos.), Sci. writings 1:8. Verwaltung(Kapp) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:522. New Zealand. Europeans dans (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:20:323. in 1770. Cook, Voyage 3 : 31. in 1838. Wilkes, U. S. explor. exped. 2 : 369. in 1866. Uns. Zeit 1866 : 1 : 582; 2 : 762- in 1878- (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 26, 36, 47, 49, 63, 65. in 1882. U. S. Consular report 36. Settlement of crown lands (Sealy) Pams. history v. 13. Newfoundland. See also Fisheries. in 1770. Cassini, Voyage. in 1867 (Du Hailly) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 76:948. in 1877. Tocque, Newfoundland. Newman, J: H:, cardinal. 1801- Apostacy. Pams. eccles. history v. 1. Gramniar of dissent. Froude, Short studies v. 2. Newspapers. 333 Nicaragua canal. Newspapers. See also Journalism, Liberty of the press. Bascom. Philos. of English literature ch. 11. American editors: portraits (Photograph case). and writers(Hope)Cambridgeessays,1858. Buffalo early (Salisbury) Buffalo Hist. Soc. 2:199. Catholic. Brownson, Works 19:269. in Germany. Uns. Zeit 1877 : 1 : 470. English and French, 1858 ( 1'revost-Para- dol) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 13: 186. Early. Knight, London v. 1. Lecky. England 1:560; 3:248. Masson, Life of Milton 4:37, 116, 324; 5:51,670; 6:324. Schlosser. History 18. century 1:98. 1836. Grant, Great metropolis v. 2. 1838. American almanac 1838:92. French, 1851-7. Delord, Histoire du sec- ond empire 2 : 178. London Times. Blanc, Lettressurl' Angle- terre3:l. Maryland early. Scharf, History of Ma- ryland. Ne'w York early. Seward. Works 2 : 25. Origin. Disraeli, Curiosities v. 1. Paris, 1884 ( Abrest) Uns. Zeit 1885: 1 :337. Prussian law, 1859. Preuss. Jahrb. 3 : 408. 1863. Preuss. Jahrb. 11 : 627. Relation to religion (Bartlett) Pams. re- ligion v. 12. Rights of reporters. Pams. law v. 3. Russian. P. M. Leontjew und. Rund- schau 5: 187; \ K.lin. Trans. 1L':M. Theoried. Himmcls. Kant, Werke 1 :-">:. Hey, Michel, due d' Klchitigen, prince de La Mokowa. 1769-1815. Alison. Essays. Napier. Peninsular war. Stfgur. Histoire de la grande arme"e. Niagara falls. -- Hryant. IVt.urcs.nn' America v. 1. tteauliriaml. Atal.i. Qonzalea. Voyagea en pantouHea 201. New York Nat. Hist. Geol. v. 4. Story. Life of Joseph Story 1:449. Tyndall. Fragments of science v. 1. Volney. Oeuvres 4: 94. in 1820. Dwight, Travels 4 : 71. in 1827. Hall, North America 1 :95. in 1840. Gurnev, Journey 317. in 1841. Lyell. Travels v." 1. Manual for visitors (Ingraham) Pain-. travel v. 3. Preservation (Harrison) Pams. travel v. 3. Ship canal. U. 8. House M. D. 1S7---3, v. -".'. Nibelungen Lied. Histories of German literature and poetry. Adler. Provencal poetry. Carlyle. Kssays. Geibel. Brunhild (TragUdie). Hebbel. Nibelungen (Drama). ( Holtzmann) Germaina 7 : 196. Howitt. Literature of north Europe. Grimm. Kleinere Schriften 4 : 1, 85. Lachmann. Kleinere Schriften v. 1. (Miiller) Germania 14 :l2:>7. Magnusson and Morris. Volsunga saga. (Putzker) Overland 15:413. (Re^ille) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 66: 887. - (Scli.-rcr) 1'rcu-s. Jahrb. 16:253. Wagner. Art life anil theories. (Zarncke) Germania 13:444. Adjectiv in (Holtzmann) Germania ': 1. Authorship (Carter) Am. Philol. Assoc. Is77:9l. 134. Chrienihild und Brunhild (Breier) Her- ri;:'* ArchivS:333. Deutsche Heldensage und (Golthen mania 84: - Dramat. Parallelen. Uns. Zeit 1876: 1:922. Entstehuiigazeit (Tausing) Germania U: 435. Frage (Paul) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 3: 373-490; 5: VI*. Handschriften( Bart >eli) (; crmania 13:195- K (Holtzmann ) Germaiiia 1 : '.!" Hortder(Vernaleken) Herrij.''- Arch -IT) Literarische Vergiingenheit (Timm) H. r ric's Archiv 10: 1. Niflungasagaund (K(lzarili)(''ermania23: 73-104. Paul zur (Fischer) (i.-nnania _ > 7:233. liucllen in d. Thidrekssage (Doring) ZU-. ,leut-.-h. 1'hilol. v. -2. (Ki.-cri Archaeology (Bransfonli Smithson. Con- tril.. v. 25. Boundary. U. 8. Foreign relations 1887: 140; 1888:456. in 1X38. Belcher. v > ML in 1850. Oapron, California. in ls7.Y Kir-lili..tr. Keisebilder. N:ihuatl-S|.ani-li dialtvt ( F.lliott) Am. J. Philol... 1 Nicaragua canal. _ Benthain. Works . _ Dutlot .! M..fr.is. Kx|.L -ration 1 I - Engineering Newi.Sept. 14, 18J. Pronto. Gamond. Ct I -(Meno, al) T. s >onal Ex. D. 1- | (I'.uiut) Jour. Econ. II:J:67. Nicaragua canal. 334 Nile river. Sqnier. Nicaragua v. 2. Stephens. Central America 1:396. Sullivan. Interoceanic communication. - U. S. House Report 1881-2, v. 6. NiccolaofPtsrc. d. 1278. Lindsay. Christian art 1:357. Ruskin. Works 8: 1, 21. Vasari. Lives of the artists 1: 70. Yriarte. Florence 249. Niccolinl, G. B., dramatist. 1785-1861. Howells. Modern Italian poets. (Lane) Preuss. Jahrb. 19:015. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 64:302. Nice, Italy. Mylius. Rfiise 4 : 138. Geology of environs (Allan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:427. Nicholas, &. in d. Tradition u. in d. rnittelalterl. Dich- tung (Kressner) Herrig's Arch. v. 59. Nicholas I, emperor of Russia. 1796-1855. Gegenwart 2:287. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Metternich. Memoirs v. 4. Nolan. War against Russia 2: 144. Unsere Zeit 1858:209. Nicholas, bishop of Cambrai. - Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 14 : 228. Nicholas, Sir Edward. 1593- Evelyn. Diary. Portrait 4: 118. Nicholls, Mrs. G. B. See Bronte" (C.). Nicias, Athenian general, d. B. C. 413. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. Plutarch. Lives. Nickel. Electric properties (Knott) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1 : 325. resistance at high temperatures (Knott) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33: 187. Magnetic qualities (Ewing) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 325. Oxyd (Hermbstiidt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Ultra-violet spectrum (Liveing) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 231. . Nicknames. Frey. Soubriquets and nicknames. Nicobar islands. in 1688. Dampier, Voyage 1 : 476. in 1876. U ns. Zeit 1876 : 1 : 217. Missions abandoned. Relig. Mag. 4 : 129- Nicolai, C. F: 1733-1811. (Biester) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Fichte. Werke v. 8. Hettner. Literaturgeschichte 2 : 185. Lessing. Briefe. Kampfe gegen d. Idealismus (Lasson) Herrig's Archiv 32:267. Nicolaus Cusanus, cardinal. 1401-64. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philos. 9: 141-219. Nicolaus von Jeroschin. (Bech) Germania 7 : 74. Nlcoll, Robert, poet. 1814-37. Smiles. Brief biographies. Nicopolis battle, 1396. Froissart. Oeuvres v. 15-16. Hammer-Purgstall. Osman. Reich. 1 : 216 Nicuesa, D. da. 1464- Irving. Companions of Columbus. Niebuhr, B. G:, historian. 1776-1831. (Isler) Rundschau 13:159. Lieber. Misc. writings v. 1. Society Diff. Useful Knowledge. Select biographies. Niemcewicz, J. U. 1757-1841. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 35:450. Nietzsche, Friedrich. (Hansson) Uns. Zeit 1889 : 2 : 400. Niger river, Guinea. (Lander) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 1 : 179. The ancient ? (Lake) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 2:1. Nightingale, Florence. 1820- Jameson. Sisters of charity. Longfellow. Santa Filomena (poem). Nolan. War against Russia 1 : 697. Unsere Zeit 1862 : 202. Nightingale. Juventinus. Philomela. Speratus. Philomela. Hunt for. Burroughs, Fresh fields. Rath der N. Gedicht(Uhland)Germania 3:129. Nihilism. See also Bakounine. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. 4:332 - Harvard Univ. Bull. 2 : 62- Monthly Reference Lists 1:9. (Brliggen) Rundschau 14 : 207. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 37 : 761. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV: 10: 274; 14:5; 20:176. Rae. Contemporary socialism. Unsere Zeit 1886:2:48- ( Waldeck) Uns. Zeit 1879: 2: 110. Administrative. Huxley, Critiques. Geheirne Denkschrift, 1875. Rundschau 27 : 351. Precursors. Rundschau 25 : 124. (McAlpin) Berkeley Quar. 2:345. Nickolaidy, B. M. See Ali Kourschid Bey. Nile (Aboukir) battle, 1798. James. Naval history 2: 163. Naval chronicle. Nelson. Despatches v. 3. Nile river. See also works on Central Africa, Egypt, Nubia. Browne (Sir T:). Works 2 : 163. (Hamm) Unsere Zeit 1870: 1 :681- Lane. Modern Egyptians. Lettrese"dinantes3:333; 5 : 399 and v. 9. Prime. Boat life in Egypt. Ramusio. Navigationi"l:205. Schickler. En Orient. Delta und seine Zukunst ( Wachenhuson) Uns. Zeit 1882: 2: 690. Explorations, 1856 (Jacobs) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5:883. Source. Bruce, Travels to discover. Geddie. Lake regions. Seneca. Quaestionum naturalium bk. 6. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 183, 581, 691. Upper Nile exploration (Lejean)Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 37 : 854 ; 38 : 735. Speke's exploration (Cailliatte) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 52 : 815. White Nile voyage (Linant) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 2:171. Nimeguen. 335 Norman language. Nimeguen, Holland. Peace of 1678. Temple, Works, index. Nineveh. Benjamin of Tudela. Travels. Layard. Nineveh and Babylon. Srn'ith. Assyrian discoveries. Lage d. Stadte (Scheuchzer) Rhein. Mus. 18:329. Nouvelles de"couvertes (Maury) Rev. d. d. MondesII:74:448. Nlnove monastery. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 25. Niobe. Friedrich on (Brunn) Rhein. Mus. 11:161. Group (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 4:233. Unedierte Relief (Heydemann) Ber. K. sachs. Gesell. Ph-hist. Cl. 29:70. Nirvana. Set also Future life. (Barthe'leiiiySaint-Hilaire)Acad.Sci.Mor. 60:321,342". Johnson. Oriental religions: India. Muller. Chips fr. German workshop v. 1. Nismes (or Nimes), France. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Menard. Antiquiu5s( History pams.v.8). M \liu-. Reise 2: 11-103. Histoire municipale (La Farelle) Acad. Sci. Mor. 16:3til; 17:145. Nitre, Saltpetre. Natural production (Kidd) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814:508. Nitric acid. Action on vegetables (Sten- house) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851. Nitrocymol. Beta- (Holleman) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Nitrogen. Compounds. Aromatic (Austen) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Excretion. Einfluss des Antipyrins auf ( linbach) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Fixation par la terre ve'ge'tale (Berthelot) Rev. Sci. 43:450. Nitroglycerine. See alto Explosives. Aufbewahrung, Transport (Dittmar) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Nitrophenoxylacetic acid. (Duparc) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Nltrophenylparaconlc acids. (Salomonson) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 1. Nitroprussides. (Playfair) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849:477. Nitrosalicylic acid. Aldehyde (Taege) Marburg Univ. Diss. v.3. Nitritoluylic acid. Products of decomposi- tion (Noad) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1854:43. Nltros oxide. Davy, Works v.H Nitzsch, K: I., theologian. 1787-1868. Schatt*. Germany 331. Nltasch, K: W: 1818-80. (BoMnmnnd) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:425; 49: Nlvelle de La Chausst'e, P: C. See La Chaus- Nivernais, L: J. B. Mancini-Mazarini, due ITliJ-'Js. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 13:37*5. Nlvernals, France. - ( Mont.'gut) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:104:890. Niza, Marco de. Prince. New Mexico. Nijolius (Nizzoli), Mario. 1498-1566. De vera ratione philosophandi. De stilo philosophico. Leibnitz, Opera philos.ed. Erdmann 1:48.55. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philos. 9 : 445. NJals saga. Dasent. Story of Burnt Njal. (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 12: 112. Noah, the patriarch. See also Ark, Deluge. Mythos von Sohnen (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abb.. 1816-17. Nobility. See also Aristocracy, Caste. Dante. 11 convito bk. 4. Philo J udaeus. Works v. 3. Action de (Mounier) Jour. Econ. I : . Ethische Werthschatzung der eugeneia bei den Sokratikeru (Rausch) Philos. Monatsh. 20:449. French, avantetdepuis 1789 (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:54:77!). iMipV (Benoiston de Chateaum-uf ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 7:210. Prices of titles, 1830. Que'rard, Super- cheries 1:4*;. Responsabilite's (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. IV: 11:317. sous Richelieu (Avenel) Rev. Hi>t. 21 : 291. German. Baring-Gould, Germany. Freytag. Biluer. Geschichte (KJeinschmidt) Uns. Zeit 1874:1:225- (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 46: 14O- Stilleben des Ho<-lnuei-ters (Voigt) Hist. Taschenbuch 1830. Nodler, Charles. 1783-1844. Brandes. Hauptstriiiuungen V. 5. Feuillet de Conches. Cau-frii- I (Mont^gut) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111 :M : 1^1 Nogaret,Guillaumede,c/ifincMor. 1260-1313. (Kenan) Rev.d.d. Mondea 11:98:328- Nogaret.J: L: de,ducd'Epernon. 1554-1MJ. (Monbrison) Rev. d. d. Mondes lIl:t!:H2. Nonius Marcellus. See Marcellus, Nonius. Nonnus, poet. Dionysiaka. Handschrift Uet>erliffer- ung(Ludwich) Mi-run- rj:273. Metalxjle (Ludwich) Khcin. MuvX (^uaestionum specimen (Tier..ii..n> . Illinois School ld-|.rt ls73-4. University Mat.- ..f N. Y. Report 1881 American' (Brooks) Pnms. elucntion v. 4. Curricultini. Nat. idoc. Aaoo. ltt8:B8- State (Swesey) Puma, education v. 1. Norman language. AlinormaiitiiaclM C (Varnbagen) ZU. niman. Plnli-l. 3: 161. Normanby. 336 Nose. Normanby, C. H: Phipps, marquess of. 1797- 18(53. Blanc. Lettres sur 1'Angleterre 1 : 246. Normandy. Freeman. Norman conquest 1 : 147. Palgrave. History of N. and England. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 26. Walsingham. Ypodigma Neustriae. Insurrections in Basse-, au 15. siecle (Gasle^) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:573- Populations agricoles, 1880 (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. IV: 10: 5, 194. Normans. See also Northmen. Depping. Heerfahrten. Dudo. Historia (Pertz, Mon. v. 4). Freeman. Norman conquest. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 56. Johnson. Normans in Europe. Taine. English literature. Turner. England in middle ages. Wace. Roman de Kou. at Palermo. Freeman, Histor. essays v.3. in France. Pertz, Monumenta v. 1- Abbo. De bella Parisiaco. M6moires de Doublet de Honfleur, un corsaire normand (Brard) Rev. Hist. 12:48,314. North, Edward North, 1st lord. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. North, Fs., lord Guilford. 1637-85. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Roscoe. British lawyers. Talfourd. Essays. North, Frederick, lord. 1732-92. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 48. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Wraxall. Memoirs. Views on the revolution. Washington, Writings 6: 531. North America. See also America. Ethnographv (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2:31. Physiography (Shaler) Winsor's History of America v. 4. North cape. Du Chaillu. Land of midnight sun 1 : 100. North Carolina. Constitution, 1868. Reconstruction pams. v. 1. in 1841-6. Lyell, Travels in America. Political outrages, 1870 (Holden) Pains. U. S. history v. 1. Northcote, Sir Stafford H:, earl of Iddesleigh. Higginson. English statesmen. Northeast passage. Buffon. N atural history 2 : 309. Nordenskiold. Vovage of the Vega. ( Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:892. Pinkerton. Voyages v. 1. Northmen. See also Normans. Burton. History of Scotland 1 : 299. Du Chaillu. Landof midnightsun 1:370. (Irving) Essays from North Arner. Rev. Strinnholm. Vikingsziige. Wheaton. History of Northmen. Derniers Vikings (Montegut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:17:342. in England. Freeman, Historical essays v.3. in Iceland (Dasent) Oxford essays 1858; N jals saga : introd. Miiller, Chips fr. German workshop v. 2. Northumbrian language. ( Peacock) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1862-3 : 232. Northwest passage. Bancroft. History Northwest coast v. 1. (Barrow) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 6:34. (James) Churchill, Voyages v. 2. Meares. Voyages xli- Parry. Voyages. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 567, 681. Winsor. History of America 2:85. Northwest territory, United States. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 3:41. Chase. Statutes of Ohio and. Coles. History of the ordinance of 1787. Cutler (Manasseh). Life, journals. Gallatin. Writings. Rives. Life of Madison. Winsor. History of America 4: 163; 7:527. Ordinance of 1787. Pams. on law v. 5. and education. Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1887 : 117- Norton, William A. National Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Norway. See also Scandinavia. Gonzales. Voyages en pantoufles. Marmier. Lettres sur le nord. (Sauerwein) Rundschau 20:299. Berna's voyage (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 46: 814. Derniere crise, 1884 (Dareste) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 66: 347. England and, 1000- Dasent, Jest and earnest v. 1. in 1854. Gegenwart 11 : 246. Landschaften (Marholm) Uns. Zeit 1889: 2:1. Reichsgerichts-action (Martens) Uns. Zeit 1884:1:745; 2:250. since 1814. Uns. Zeit 1880 : 1 : 206. Spuren romischer Cultur (Lorange) Zts. Ethnol. 7 : 245, 330. Union with Sweden (Martens) Uns. Zeit 1886:1:122. Norwegian language. Bewegung (Maurer) Germania 25: 1. Norwegian literature. Auff'assung (Maurer) Zts.deutsch. Philol. 1:25. Popular tales. Miiller, Chips from Ger- man workshop v. 2. Sagas. Freeman, Norman conquest3:363 Volkssage (Rauch) Herrig's Arch. 51: 153. Norwich, Connecticut. Gilman. Historical discourse 1859. Norwich, England. Cathedral. Browne (Sir T:), Works 3 : 279. Carter. Ancient sculpture. King. Cathedrals of England v. 3. Nose. Mathews. Great conversers 257. Morphologic (Bertillon) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2:158. Nomenclature quinaire de 1'indice (Col- lignon) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2:8. Rachennbroiden (Heitmann) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Scheidewand. Deviationen(Lewin)Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Nose. 337 Numbers. Schiefstand (Schaus) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Verkriimmungen (Eicb) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 1. Nothomb, J. B., Belgian statesman. 1805-87. (Geffcken) Rundschau 37:117- (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:53:682. Notker, Labeo, of St. Gall. d. 1022. Histpire litte>air de la France v. 6. Flexionslehre (Wolfermann) Gott. Univ. l>i-s. v. 2. Nottingham, earls of. See Finch. Noun. See also Case, Gender, Names, Num- ber. Kuhn's Zeitschrift, indexes. agentis d. attnordischen Sprache (Falk) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 14: 1. Attic second declension (Allen) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1371 : 18. Collective. Use in English (Guest) Phi- lol. Soc. Proc. 2 : (i9. Collocatio apud poetas satiricos (Heitz- niann) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. English gentile, as names of districts (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:103. German. Declina*.ion(Wilkin)Germania 19: 18. Ursprung (Osthoff) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 3 : 1. Imperativisch gebildete (Schulze) Her- rig's Archiv 43: 13. Instrument of reasoning (Dyer) Philol. Soc. Proc. 3:137. LocativdesZielesim Rigveda u. Homerus (Holzmann) Zts. Volkerps. 10: 182. Neuhochd. swache Deklination (Gort- zitza) Herrig's Archiv 16:408. Propria et appelativa (Tobler) Zts. Volkerps. 4:68. Nova Scotia. See also Acadia, Halifax. in 1841-2. Lyell, Travels v. 2. Novels. See Fiction. Noverre, J. G. 1727-1810. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondence. Noves, Laura de,/riJid of Petrarch. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana 7:185. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4: ML Herder. Briefe .... Humanitiit 5:11. Jameson. Loves of the poets ch. 6-7. Wilson (J:). Essays 1 :280. Yriarte. Florence. Portrait Nubia. See also Sennaar. Works of travel by Burckhardt, Madden, Makri-i, Santpn. Prime. Boat life in Egypt. NuUlflcation of U. 8. tariff laws by South I .irolina. Works of Calhoun, Clay, Madison, Web- ster. Perry (B: V.). Reminiscences 2: 199. Ben ton. Thirty years' view. (Cooper) Pains, law v. 1. Curtis. Life of Webster. Hayne. Speeches; Proclamation 1832 (Pain- IS history v. 1). John-toil. K-|.r -tntative Amer.orations v. 1. I^ilor. Cyclopaedia v. 2. Parton. Life of Jackson v. 3. 43 South Carolina convention, 1832-3. Pams. on law v. 5. States rights party. Celebration, 1831. Pams. on history v. 2. Williams. Statesman's manual. Numa, king of Rome. B. C. 714. Plutarch. Lives. Number (grammatical). English plural (Satth Stiti. er) Engl. Studien 12: Numbers. See also Arithmetic. Clifford. Common sense of exact sciences. Bilineare Formen uiit vier Variabeln (Kronecker) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1883. Bruncker's method extended (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2U: 59. Complex. Theoried.idealen Prim f iik toren (Rummer) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1856. Untersuchungen ( Lejeune-Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1841. et 1'espace (Noel, Pillon) Crit Philos. v. 23-2' i. Greek alphabet (Gow) Jour. Philol. 12:278. Hypothusenal (Sylvester) Roy. Soc. Trans. A : 178, 179. Mystic. Wilkinson, Ancient Egyptians 2": 489. Notion de (Dauriac, Renouvier, Pillon) Crit Philos. v. 21-22. (Husserl) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. etses conditions (Noel) Rev. Philos. 22: 172. Mathematische (Brix) Philos. Stud. 5: --;.. Number 7. Hadley, Essays. Number 30. Customs connected with (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abb. Ordnungstypen (Schwarz) Halle Univ. 1'i-s. v. 5. Our figures. Miiller, Chips ^froni a Ger- man workshop v j Partition (Cay ley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1886: 127; 1858:47. (Warburton) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8: 471. Plato's (Monro) Jour. Philol. 8 : 275. Poisson s Loi des grands (Bianayim') A cad. Set. Mor. 31:379. Prime. In unbegrenzte arithmetiscbe Progressionen (Leieune-Dirichlei) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1837. Produkten zu bestimmten Sum men d. Zeigezablen ihrer Faktoren (Trallea) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1M-- 17. Properties of square.and quadratic forms (Pollock) Roy. Soc. Trans. ISM :31l. Roots of the fours squares; relations (Pol- lock) Roy. Soc. Trail!* 1859:49. Signiliotni-e in religious feasts, etc. Au- gustine, Letters 1 : 216- | Sums of digits (Terrot) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 16:87. Theilbarkeit eines Potenzen-Polynoms in ganzen Zableu durrh eine beliebige Zdri (frt-lle) Berlin Akad. Abb. UML Theory (Caurhy) Paris, Mm. AcA 8d. 17:-.M9-768. (I.il.n) Palis, M. m.Sa vans Elrang. 5:1. (T.iH- nn.Trnns. XS:4A. AnweiKluiiK -li-r Pulynome (CrUe) Berlin Akud. Abh. 1843. Applinition de l'algbr (Poinsot) Paris, M<5m. Acad. Sci. 4 :99. Numbers. 338 Observatories. Bestimmung d. raittleren Werthe (Le- jeune Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Satz aus der(Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. WOrter (Grimm) Germania 1 : 18. Numismatics. Seenlso Coins, Medals, Money. - Bibliography. Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 47. Docimasie (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1792-7. Munzengeschmack. Herder, Sammtl. Werke3:373. Nunez, Mvar, called Cabeza de Vaca. About 1540. Bancroft. North Mexican states v. 1. Prince. New Mexico. Nunez de Arce, Gaspar. Poe"t lyrique (Louis-Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:39:414. Nuns. Anglo-Saxon. Montalembert, Monks of the west v. 5. Sisters of Jesus and Mary (Reuss) Am. Cathol. Hist. Soc. 1:64. Ursuline nuns in America (Vogel) Am. Cathol. Hist. Soc. 1 : 214. Nuremberg (Ntirnberg) , Bavaria. Burggrafschaft. Ursprung (Riedel) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1854. Church of St. Lawrence. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. in 1300-1500 ( Weech ) Preuss. J ahrb. 13 : 315. Nurses, Nursing. See also Hospitals. San Francisco training school (White) Overland II: 9. -123. Training schools. U. S. Bur. Educ. Circ. 1879, 1881, 1882. Nusarian religion. (Sulaiman) J. Amer. Or. Soc. 8:227. Nussir-u-deen, king of Oude. (Mont6gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:1: 178. Nytaginace*. (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Oak tree. Greene and Kellogg. West American oaks. Physiologic ve"ge"tale (Grimard) Rev. d. d. Jrfondes 11:64:721. Oakes, Rev. Urian. 1631-81. Sibley. Harvard graduates 1 : 173. Oakland, California. ( Bartlett) Muir, Picturesque California 97. Charter. 1889. Pams. Oakland v. 1. City vs. Charpentier. Pams. California v. 2. Estuary in winter (Yale) Overland 11:1:382. in 1871. Information. Pams. Oakland v.l. in 1880 ( Waring) U. S. 10th. census 19: 783. judged from an eastern standpoint (Emer- son) Pams. Oakland v. 1. Street grades, sewers, 1869. Pams. Oak- land v. 1. Oates, Titus. 1620-1705. Burnet. History of his own time. Pike. History of crime v. 2. Oaths. See also Contract. Bentham. Works 5 : 187. Hutcheson. Moral philosophy v. 2. Lea. Superstition and force. Puffendorff. Law of nature bk. 3-4. Rogers. Protests of the lords. Attische Heliasteneid (Frankel) Hermes 13:452. of allegiance. Pollock, Essays in juris- prudence. Salfrankische Eideshilfe (Amira) Ger- mania 20:53. und d. religiose Gewissen (Bahr) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:289. Obelisks. Parker. Archaeology of Rome. Pt. 4. Buddhist ( Wise) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 271. Erection at Seringatapan (Kennedy) Rov. Edin. Trans. 9:307. Oberkampf, Christoph Philipp. 1738-1815. (Fages) Rev. d. d. Moudes II : 29: 594. Oberlin, Jean Fre"de>ic. 1740-1826. Duller. Manner des Volks 7 : 301. Memoir. Religious Mag. 1 : 353. Objective. See also Subjective. Coleridge. Lectures on Shakespeare 2:287. Ob der Mensch die ausseren Gegenstande recht oder verkehrt sehen? (Walter) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1788-9. Schlussel zum 0. Erkennen (Seydel) Zts. Philos. 95:1. Theories grecques de la connaissance (Mille) Crit. Philos. N. S. 9: 121. Observation. See also Perception, Personal equation. Mal-O. possibilities. Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. Pt. 11:381. Mathematical expression of (Chambers) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875 : 361. Theory of errors (Glaisher) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14 : 138. Observatories (Astronomical). Altitude. Teneriffe experiments (Smyth) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:465. Berlin. Beobachtungen(J?i Berlin Akad. Abh. 1788-). Latitude, longitude (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Polhbhe (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Berlin and Brussels. Difference of lon- gitude ( Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Berlin-Wien-Leipzig. Meridian differenz (Littrow) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 32. Cambridge, England. Latitude, longitude (Airy)Cambr. Philos. Trans.3:155; 5:271. Longitude determined by galvanic sig- nals (Challis)Cambr. Philos. Trans.9:487. Transit instrument ( Woodhouse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825:418; 1826:75. Cambridge, Mass. Travaux de Bond (Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:24:43. Dublin. Trinity college (Ussher) Roy. Irish Trans. 1 : 3. English and colonial (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:446. Greenwich (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:65:811. and Paris. Difference of longitude (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826:77. ( Henderson ) 1827 : 286. ( Kater) 1828 : 153. Lick. Description. In its Publications v. 1. Holden. Handbook of the Lick O. James. How we climb to the stars. Muir. Picturesque California 89. Observatories. 339 O'Higgins. Mountain (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III 13:911. Paramatta. Observations (Rumker)Rov. Soc. Trans. 1H29 : pt. 3. Paris. Arago, Oeuvres 6:5*>4. depuis sa fondation (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II:73:7|u. Pekin. Churchill's Voyages 1: 13. Lettres eMifiantes 17:258. Pulkowa. Observations. Herleitung im 8. Bd. (Backlund) St. Petersb. Acad. Me"m. VII:v.36. Vienna. K. K. techn. Hochschule. Pol- hohe(Tinter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. ( 'I. v. 42. Washington. New observatory. U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1885-6 v. 1. Obsidian cliff, Yellowstone National Park. (Iddings) V . S. Geol. Survey, 7th report. Occam, William of. Koehler. Realismus u. Npniinalismus. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophic 8:574. Werner. Thomas von Aquinas 3: 114. et les Franciscains du 14. siecle (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 67 : 2*23. Occasionalism. Amike Vorlauferdes(Stein) ArchivGesch. I'hilos. 2:193. Genesis (Stein) ArchivGesch. Philos. 1:53. Occleve, Thomas, poet. 1370-1454. 1'i-raeli. Amenities of literature v. 1. Occult science. See Alchemy, Astrology, Hypnotism, Magic, Rosicrucians. Ocean. See also Atlantic, Dredging, Gulf Stream, Pacific, Sea, Water, Waves. Currents. Wilkes, U. S. explor. exped. 5:457. Deep sea phenomena. References. Monthly Ret Lists 1:27. Depth found without sounding line(Sie- . men-) Hoy. Soc. Trans. Is7i>:ti71. Etudes on Norvege (Thoulet) Rev. Sci. 3 : .554. Kleinste Leben d. Tief-grunde (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1872. Mean levehpressureof atmosphere (Ross) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1854:285. Phenomena. Arago, Oeuvres 9:548. Physique (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 7ii:9fi3. Subrnarineexplorations. A gassiz, Cruises of the Blake. - (AMnTg) Prenss. .Tahrb. 48:60. ( Blanrhanl) K-v. d. d. Monde- 1 1:91:34*!. (Rgquirofl) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:105:567. (K: Sliiller) t'ns. /.-it 1-72:1:400- (Saporta) Kev. d. d. Monde* 1 1 : !U : 177. Temperature (Davy) Roy. Soc. Tran- 1817:278, and specific gravity (Marcel) Ri>y. Soc. Trans ixi'cl.il. depth (Boguslawski) Zts. Erdkundi- 10:117. (Prestwi. ID Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875:687. Connell, Daniel. 177:. i Brown-on. Work Ijecky. Leader-* of opinion in Ireland. Matbews. Oratory. Seward. Works :": II. L Sketches of Iri-li bar. Tbackerav. Iri-h -ket< h-l>K>k. Full (Pauli) I'reu-s. Jahrl). :il :673. Odd Fellows. History in St. Paul (Will- iams) Pams. sociafscience v. 2. Oder river. Durcbstechen d. Kriimmungen (Scheibel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1788-9. Odes. See also Lyric poetry. French, 16. century. Egger, Helle"nisme en France 1:352. Odessa. Franzos, Halb-Asien 1 :291. Sicard. Lettres sur Odessa. Odin. Grimm. Teutonic mythology 1 : 131. Odo, St., abbot of Clugny. d. 943. i Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 6. OdO de Ciriiitltimin (-1850. Horn. Scandinavian literature. Howitt Literature north. Europe v. 2. Aladdin (Brandes) Rundschau 61 :90. Oenopion und seine Sippschaft (Osainu Rhein. M us. 3:2(1. Oersted, H. C. 1777-1851. (Beaumont) Paris. Mem. Acad. Sci. T. 34 ; alto Smithson. Re|>ort 1868. Oesophagus. Primary cancer (r.. Ik- ) (itt . I'niv. Hiss. v. 1. Offa saga. ~ ( Snchier) Beitr. deut Sprache 4 : 500. Office. See alto Civil service. Choice of men. Helps, Social pressure ch. 21. Preparation for holding (Kellogg) Berke- ley l^uar. 1 Mil. Rerriitemciit arel with the old. Venality in (Thenreau) Jour. Econ. Ill : v. Verantwortlichkeit d. Beamten (Meyer) Pretiss. Jahrb. i:>:ltl. Oglcr the Dane nella letteratura romanecioa degli Italinni (Knjmi) Konuinia 2: 15S; 3:31; 4:398. Ogletborpe, J. E., fouwler of (ieorfia. 1698- (Peabody) Spark- 1 Amer. biography V. 12. HlKKins, lU-rnnrdn. 17HO-lH4i. Mt-neiicle/ Ili-toria de Chili- . Pr. t.-r Audi-. Limn and Peru 107- , - WUkes. U. a exploring exped. 1 : 2U. Ohio. 340 Omaha Indians. Ohio. in 1817. Fearon, Sketches of America 216. in 1837. Gurney, Journey 10- in 1841. Lyell, 'Travels v. 2. Settlement Cutler (M.), Life, journals. Ohio river. Hall. Notes on western states 21. Ohm. Bestimmungdes (Wiedemann) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1884. Ohnet, Georges, novelist. 1848- Lemaitre. Contemporaines 1:337. Oil. See also Lubricants, Petroleum. United States Fish reports. Cajeput(Schmidl) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:369 Decomposition in contact with sulphur (Anderson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:3(53; 20:247. Illuminating (Kedzie) Mich. Bd. Health 1873:34; 1877:69; 1879:1. of Michigan (Day) Mich. Bd. Health 1875:84. Whale. Jefferson (T:), Works 2 : 525. Ojibway Indians. History (Warren, Neill) Minn. Hist. Soc., Coll. v. 5. Oken (Ockenfuss), Lorenz, naturalist. 1779- 1851. Fortlage. Gesch. d. Philosophic seit Kant 189.. Oklahoma territory. (Chenclos) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:93:833. Organization. U.S. House Rep. 1885-6, v.6 Old age. See also Life, Longevity. Aristoteles. De juventute et S. Boyd. Recreations of country parson. Cicero. De senectute. Coleridge (H.). Essays 1 :334. Emerson. Society and solitude. Grimm. Kleinere Schriften 1 : 188. (Lasker) Rundschau 4:49. Parker (Th.). Additional speeches 2 : 413. Reveille'-Parise. Traite" de la vieillesse. Anne climacte'rique(Pillon) Grit. Philos. N. S. 3:1. of artists. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Phe"nomenes (Chevreul) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. v. 39. Respect paid by the ancients. Class. Jour. 3:142, 319. Old Testament. See Bible, Creation, Deluge, Jasher, Midrash, Pentateuch, Poetry (Hebrew), Targums, names of books, defines. Derivatives (Guthrie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22: 61L Oleomargarine. Mass. State Bd. Health. Report 1887. (Sell) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arb. 1: 481. Oligochaeta. Biologie (Semper) Pams. zoology v. 1. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. 1820- a gossiping novelist. Heywood, How they strike me. Oliver, H: Kemble. Biography. Mass. Bureau statistics labor, Report 1886. Oliver, Peter, chief justice of Mass. 1713-91. Diary and letters of Gov. Thomas Hutch- in son v. 2. Olives and olive culture. Bernays. Olive and its products. (Bleasdale) Californian 3:256; Pams. agriculture v. 3. Cappi. Coltivazione dell' O. Caruso. Dell' olivo. (Cooper) Pams. agriculture v. 3. Coutance. Olivier: histoire, culture. Du Breuil. Cours d'arboriculture v. 3. Marvin. The olive. Sieuve. Me"mqire sur les moyens de ga- rantir de la piquure des insectes. U. S. Consular report, June 1884; May 1889. for California (Boynton) Overland 11:14:70 Olivet, J. Thoullier. 1682-1768. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 283. Olivi, Jean Pierre. Lea. History of the inquisition 3 : 42. Ollivier, Olivier Emile. 1825- (Frensdorff) Preuss. Jahrb. 25:384- U nsere Zeit 1869 : 1 : 561. Olshausen, Hermann, theologian. 1796-1839. Schaff. Germany 295. Olshausen, Justus. 1800-83. (Schrader) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1883. Olympia. Mahaffy. Rambles in Greece. Altare (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1881. Boetticher's (Classen) Jahrb. Philol. 127:81 Bronzefunde (Furtwangler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Bronzerelief (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Excavations. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 1 : 39. (Conze) Preuss. Jahrb. 37:538. (Curtius) Preuss. .lahrb. 33:602; 43: 184 ; Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 : 607. (Hirschfeld) Rundschau 13: 286. Newton. Essays on archaeology. (Petersen) Jahrb. Philol. 121 : 33. (Schiibring) Preuss. Jahrb. 39:491. 1833 (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 1:503. 1875-8. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 401- Games at ancient. Barthe'lemy, Voyage d'Anacharsis 3 : 473. Religious Magazine 2:162. Stoll. Altgriechische Leben 207. Pe'lerinage (Gebhart) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:96:985. Register. Authenticity (Mahaffy) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 2 : 164. Zeus temple. Eastern pediment (Wald- stein) J. Hellenic Stud. 5: 195. and Alcamenes (Six) J. Hellenic Stud. 10:98. Figuren(Kekule') Rhein. Mus. 39:487. Giebelcomposition (Fiirster) Rhein. Mus. 38:421. Metope. Hesperide of the ( Waldstein) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:171. Olympiodorus of Alexandria, 6th. century. Cousin. Fragments philosophiques 1:329. Olympus, Thesmly. Heuzey's Mont O. et 1'Acarnanie (Bur- sian) Rhein. Mus. 16:414. Olympus, mountain of Asia Minor. See Brusa. Omaha Indians. Sociology (Dorsey) U. S. Bur. Ethnol. Report 3. Wawan or pipe dance (Fletcher) Peabody Mus. Rep t. 3:308. Oman. 341 Optimism. Oman. -See Muscat. Omens. See also Astrology. Maximus, Valerius. De auspiciis. De ominibus. Zwei Vedische Texte iiber( Weber) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Ongaro, Francesco dall'. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Onomatopoeia. See also works on Language. Blackie. Horae Hellenicae 217; also Roy. Kdin. Trans. 24:1. (Wedgwood) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2: 109. Ontology. See also Life. Ontologism and psychologism. Brown- son, Works 2:468. WasfehltdemO. Beweiss? (Doderlein) Zts. Philos. 88:47. Opera, Operas. Devrient. Geschichted.deutschenSchau- spielkunst 1:269. French (Abrest) Cns. Zeit 1876:2:338; 1877:1:321; 1878:1:851. Comique (Bellaigue) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:73:.>4; 74:1115. German (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1882:1:56. ' Maitres (Brethous-Lafargue) Rev. d.d. Monde* 111:64:427. German. Wieland, Werke 34 : 71, 185. Modern. Gegenwart 4 : 555. Purpose. Wagner, Art life and theories. Kit-Ill's Geschichte (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d.d. Mondes II 1: 65: 665. Ophir. Site. Martiniere, Dictionnaire 4 : 665. Ophiuroidea. (Studer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1882. - Metarnorphose(Miiller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846, 1848, 1851. Opie, Anielia A. 1769-1853. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Opie, John, painter. 1761-1807. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Opinion. See also Authority, Conscience, Toleration. Bailey. Formation and publication of. Morley. On compromise. Plato. Crito; Meno. Freedom of (Janet) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : Morale et(Taillandier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:4:324. Public. Disraeli, Amenities v. 2. Godwin. Political justice v. 2. Harrison. Order and progress 95. Hazlitt. Winterslow. Herder. Briefeznr Humanitiit.no.58-59 Phillips (Wendell). Speech Urquhart [Pamphlet writings] v. 3. more iust than that of the higher or- iler-. (treg. Misc. essays. Opiti von Boberfeld, Martin. 1597-l39. Briefe (Witkowski) Zts. deutsch. Philol. Jl : 1'i, K3. Opium. Baudelaire. Oeuvres 4 : 225- De yuincey. Confession*. (Denontainet) Lemaire Bibl. LaU class. - Commerce (Kerrilis) Jour. Eoon. IV - Crystalline constituent- I Anderson) Roy. .n. Trans. 3J :.'H7 ; -'1:195. -Effects (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 20:178. Habit (Meylert) Pams. medicine v. 6. -- in Michigan (Marshall) Mich. Bd. Health IhT -- Treatment by the avena sativa (Sell) Pams. medicine v. 6. in China. Williams, Middle kingdom -' : 47:231. et les arts (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : s*0. Experiments in physical (Young) !:> Soc. Trans. 1804:1." Figures pnxluced by disintegrated sur- faces of crystals (Brew^ter) Ry. Edin. Trans. 14:itM. Influence des lunettes sur les images. Arago, Oeuvres 11 :305. Lunettes achrotu:iii<|iie- a iM-ul:iires mul- tiples (Biot) Paris, M^m. Acad. Sci. 1'.' 3-310. Method of examining reflective powers by prismatic retlertinii (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 180-' Newton's rings (Airy) Camhr. 1'liilo- Trans. 4:279.409. -- Formation <>f ( entral s|X)t btJOnd the critical anjrle (>t>kf>) Camhr. l'lnl<>- Tra. Properties des cristaux et lea TarUttoni sous la ch.ileiir des Clni.eaux) Paris, M6m. Sav 511. Relation to painting. HelmholU, Popu- lar lectlin Theorif l.-r NeU-nlMlder (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 1SI2-IS. Optimism. See abo Pessimism. Eucken C,,nce|.f of mmlern philos. Kant. Werke . l&Uphy sique .1. I'eud^monUme Un) Ber. Pbilos. 15: 37a Optimism. 342 Ore preparation. Vrai et le faux (Bouillier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 10:345. Oracles. See a/so Delos, Delphi, Divination. Dodona, Prophecy, Sibylline books. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses 1:4 and index. De yuincey. Memorials v. 1. Chaldaean. Collection (Taylor) Class. Jour. v. 16- Greek (Bruch) Grenzboten 1874:2:2: 161. (Myers) Abbott's Hellenica 425. Mitford. History of Greece 1 : 183. Plutarch. Morals v. 3, 4 Poesie. Bergk, Griech. Literatur 1:331. Wiirfelorakel (Kaibel) Hermes 10:193. Orange, Maurice of Nassau, prince of. 1567- 1625. Motley. John of Barneveld. Orange, William I, the Silent,prince of. 1533- 84. Histories of revolt of Netherlands. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 24. Macaulay. History of England. Motley. Dutch republic. Praet. Essays on polit. history 201. Ehe rait Anna von Sachsen (Bottiger) Hist. Taschenbuch 1833. Erinnerung(Menzelburger)Hist.Zts.53:63. Orange, William III, prince of. See William III of England. Orange, Orange culture. Alderton. Orange culture. (Estee, Garey) Pams. agriculture v. 3. belong. Treatise on citrus culture. - Moore. Culture in Florida. Risso and Poiteau. Grangers. in Europe. U. S. Consular report 41J. in New South Wales (Bennett) Pams. agriculture v. 3. in Spain. U. S. Consular report 33. Insects affecting (Hubbard) U. S. House M. D. 1884-5, v. 16. Oratory and Eloquence. Alembert. Oeuvres. 1805. 1:135,145:3: 235, 276. Emerson. Letters and social aims ; Society and solitude. Lucianiis. Rhetorum praeceptor (satir- ical). (MacEwan) Mich. Bd. Agric. 1884: 237. a part of education. Newman (F. W.), Miscellanies v. 1. als Kunst. Herder, Kalligone. Ancient. Brougham, Speeches v. 4. Cicero. Ad M. Brutum orator; ed. Sandys: introd. superior to modern ? Hadley, Essays. Athenian. Macaulay, Essays. Brzoska De canone (Harnecker) Jahr. Phi lol. 129:35. Bright's. Smith, Life of J: Bright 2 : 605. Causes of corrupt. Tacitus, Works v. 2. Early Christian. Ozanam,Civilizationv.2. et la'liberte (Burnouf) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 66 : 624. funebre chez les Remains (Martha) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 21: 654. - Livesof ten orators. Plutarch, Morals v.5. Parliamentary. May, Constitutional his- tory of England 1 : 480. Political. Villemain, Litte'rature au 18. siecle 4 : 1, 27- , dans le parlement de Paris (Aubertin) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:39: 194; 45:358. t en France avant 1789 (Aubertin) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:30:646; 36:914; 37:650. et judiciaire a. Athenes (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:81, 631; 91:406; 93: 633; 94:839; 9<5:313; 99:604. Popular (Sherlock) Afternoon lectures 5:181. Pulpit. Mathews, Great conversers 200. : Talfourd. Essays. Spanish. Specimens. Amador de los Rios, Liter, espan., 7 : 541, 562. ', Specimens recommended for study. Jef- ferson (T:), Works 6:346. Utility. Sharp (R:), Essays 96. Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d'. 1802-57. Gaudry. Ancetres de nos animaux 238; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 19: 816. Orcagna, Andrea di Clone. 1329-89. Lindsay. Christian art 2:208. ; Yriarte. Florence 229- Orchids. - Bau (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. Luft-wurzelm (Leitgeb) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 24. Ordeals. Lea. Superstition and force. German. Geschichte (Dahn) Pams. law v. 4. Ordnance. See also Ballistics, Torpedoes. U. S. International Exhib., 1876 v. 6. Air resistance to elongated projectiles (Bashforth) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:417. to rifled projectiles (Merrifield) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:443. au 19. siecle (Buire) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26:698,893. Berliner Zeughaus, 1872. Polko, Aquarell- skizzen. Cannon metal. Chemische Zergliederung (Hermbstadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826. French. Artillerie de campagne. Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:90:104. Krupp's (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 94 : 610. Marine. Unsere Zeit 1859: 273. Penetration des projectiles (Dupin) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 15:55. Percussion shell (Miller) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1827 : 1. Perforation of armored walls (Maguire) Pams. war v. 1. Physical conditions involved in construc- tion of (Mallet) Roy. Irish. Trans, v. 23. Pressure of blast from 15-in. guns (New- ton) Pams. war v. 1. Prussian. Uebergang v. glatten zum gezogenen. Preuss. Jahrb. 61 : 611. Rifled (Bartlett) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 1. Strains (Rohrs) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11 : 324. Tir des projectiles creux (Andre"ossy) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 7 : 177. Venetian arsenal and Contents. Yriarte, Venice ch. 4. Ore deposits. Origin. Hunt, Chemical and geol. assays 220. Ore preparation. Mechanical dressing (Althaus) U. S. Intern. Exhib. 1876 v. 3. Oregon. 343 Orr. Oregon. Description and travel. Early missionaries. U. S. Senate Docs. 1870-1, no. 37. settlement. Bancroft, Northwest v. 2. Eastern. Resources [187-]. Pams. travel v. 2. in 1793. Vancouver, Voyage v. 2. in 1H30 (Kellev) Pams. history v. 4. in 1833 ( Wyeth) Pams. history v. 4. in 1839. Belcher, Voyage 1 : 288. in 1841. Duflot de Mofras, Exploration v. 2. Wilkes. U. 8. Explor. exped. v. 4-5. in 1843. Fremont, Explorations. Gilliam. Mexico 371. in 1868-76. Kirchhoff, Reisebilder v. 2. in 1879. Uns. Zeit 1879 : 1 : 161- Klamath basin. 1855. Pams. travel v. 5. Resources (Small) Pams. travel v. 5. 1864. Pams. railroads v. 4. 1879. Pains, travel v. 5. Oregon. History and politics. Boundary question, 1844-8. Bibliography. Barrows, Oregon. Burnett (Peter). Personal recollections 239. Calhoun. Works 4 : 238, 258, 479- Curtis. Life of Buchanan 1 : 551. Gallatin. Writings v. 3. New York Tribune almanac. Pamphlets on England and America v. 1. Rush. Residence in London. Tyler. Letters and times of Tylers. Webster. Works v. 5. Williams. Statesman's manual. Winthrop. Speeches 415, IM. Reilly, J: B., poet. 1844. (Bensel) California 5 : 420. Oresme, Nicolas, bishop, d. 1382. (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 11:43:251. More'ri. Grand dictionnaire. (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 62:297, 435; also Jour. Econ. II:35:35. Orestes. Aeschylus. Eumenides (drama). Becker. Erzahlungen aus d. alien Welt. Euripides. Orestes (drama). Ovid. Heroides: epistola 8. S'phocles. Electra (drama). Anonymi tragoedia (L. Muller) Rhein. M us. 21:455. Mad scene. Landor, Pericles and Aspasia. Orfeo, Sir. (Kittredge) Amer. J. Philol. 7: 176. Organ. Wasserorgel der Alten (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1804-11. Orient. Hee Eastern question, Levant Orlgenes, Ureek fnther. Biggs. Christian platonists. Carmirhufl. Christian fathers. Ni-ander. Church history '.' Ritter. Gwobfebtod 1'hilos. 5:466. and < VI-uv Kroinlf, Short stmlu-* v. 4. (Courdnveaux) Crit Kelig. 2: 205). Lu ties (Thierry) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:58: ''l Philoculia. Text( Robinson) Jour. Philol. Originality. Her. also Plagiari-m. Emerson. Letters and social nims. Mathews. Getting on in the world; Great conversers. Orinoco river. Humboldt Equatorial America v. 2. Orion, dcmi-god. - (K: O. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 2: 1. Orion, nebula. ( Bond) Harvard Observ. Annals v. 5. (Oxmantown) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:57. Orlando. See Roland. Orl.'ans, dukes of. Biens et la loi de De"cembre, 1872 (Magde- leine) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :55:96. Orleans, Charles, due d'. 1391-1465. Besant. Early French poetry. Allegoric bei(Ruhl (Marburg Cniv.Pi - Orleans, K.. < '... ducheue d'. Hi52-17.'. (Jaeglg) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:31:1!1 Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi (': 305; 9:41. Orleans, France. University (Bimbinet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20:293. Ormesson, Olivier III. Lefevred'. d. 168ft Journal. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 15:35. Ormond, James Butler, duke of. See Butler. Ormulum. Change of p to t (Blackburn) Amer. J. Philol. 3: 4'i. Einfache u. donpelte Konsonanten im (Effer) Anglia 7 :!>< (Anreiger). O.uellen (Sarrazin) Kngl. Stu.i I'norganische e (Suchse) Pain, on Anglo- Saxon v. 1. Zur Textkritik ( Ki.lbing) Engl. Stud. 1 : 1. Ornament. See aUo Decoration. - Bibliography. BoctPubUcUbwBalLaoJi Hebrew. Ifartmann. Hebruerin. in architecture. Ruskin, lectures on ar- chitecture oh. '2. Or gaulois (Carthaillac) Rev. Anthrop. 111:4 :.>:-'. Ornithology. See Birds. Ornithorhynchus (Durk-mole). (Home) Hoy. Soc. Trail*. I-"'. 1-'-'. Cochlea of O. i>latyj.nx (Prltuard) K"\. SOC. Trail-. 1^-1 Mammary glands (Owen) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1832:517. Ova (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1834 : 555. Orontes river, %ria. Journey to sources (Barker) Roy. Geogr. Boc. J.7:95. Oroslus, . Ama.lor de los Rios. Literature enpaflola 1:237. Orpheus. :u^ rariiuMi-i-. Orpbeus. Argnnaiitica. KI.M-utio (ROMOb Ihilli- 1'iuv I>i-". V.4. und ilit- mythiM-hi-n Thraker (KiM) Jnhrt.. 1'h.lol. 1IR-.23S. und .11.- < >n.hik-r ((terhard) Berlin Akad. - VwMtohnta -I-T Werke b*l DttidM (0*- M..- H:70.aii Orr, Go*. Jame* I _ p e r nlMWMM of public OMB 179. Orsini. 344 Otranto. Orsini, Felice, Italian revolutionist. 1819-58. Fagan. Life of Panizzi. McCarthy. History of own times v. 2. Orthography. See also Ablaut, Punctuation, Spelling. Englische(Michaelis) Herrig's Archiv37: 169; 38:299. Phonetic. Dawson's plan. U. S. House M. Docs. 1877-8, v. 1. Orthoptera. Iowa ( Bessey ) Iowa A gric.Coll. Repts. 1876- Orthotoluic acid. Recherches(Racine)Geneva Univ.Diss.v.l Ortnit. Entwickelungder Sage (Neumann) Uermunia 27 : 191. Mone's ed. Lachmann, Kleinere Schrif- ten v. 1. Orvieto, Italy. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 1. A'nnales 11(51-1313. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script. 19: 2(i9. Osborne, T:, earl of Danby. 1661-1712. Forster. British statesmen v. 5. Osborne , T:, 1st duke of Leeds. 1631-1712. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Oscan language. Inschrift von Agnone (Aufrecht) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1 : 86. Vokaleinfiigung (Kirchhoff) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1:36. Oscar I, king of Sweden. 1799-1859. et son royaume (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondesri:28:90, 436. Oscar II, king of Sweden. 1829- und d. Schrift " Deux d^troits" (Dannehl) Preuss. Jahrb. 45 : 218. Osgood, Frances S. 1812-50. Poe. Works 2: 87. Osmose. See also Fluids. - Force (Graham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1854: 177 Influence de la pression (Becquerel) Paris, Me'in. Acad. Sci. 38: 327. Osmundacese. (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 6. Osney monastery, England. Annales. Rolls chronicles, 36 v. 4. Ossetic language. (Rosen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1845. Ossian. (Drunmiond, O'Reilly) Roy. Irish Trans. y. 16. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works, index. Grimm. Kleinere Schrif ten 7 : 535. H erder. Werke 18 : 446. Hume. Essays; ed. by Green, etc. 2: 415. (Nicolai) Herrig's Archiv 58:129. (Oswald) Herrig's Archiv 22:45, 296. Schlegel (C. W. F. von). Werke 10 : 65. Tytler. Life of lord Kames 2 : 88. Villemain. Litte"rature au 18. siecle 3 : 1. Karthon iibers. Herrig's Arch. 39 : 201. Temora. Class. Jour. v. 14, 16. Ossoli, S. Margaret Fuller, marchesa d'. 1X10-50. Frothingharn. Transcendentalism. Poe. Works 2: 72. Smiles. Brief biographies. Ossuno, P. Tellez y Giron, duke of. 1579-1624. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. Ostend, Siege of, 1001. ( Vere) Arber's Engl. garner v. 7. Osterhofen monastery. Annales -1433. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 17. Ostracism. Athenian. Class. Jour. v. 19-20. (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55: 886. des Hyperboles (Seeliger) Jahrb. Philol. 115:739. 834. Letzte (Zurborg) Hermes 12:198. Ostriches. Beerbohm. Wanderings in Patagonia. Douglass. Farming in South Africa. Development of skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:113. Farming. U. S. Consular report 24J. Oswald, St., archbishop of York. Eadmer. Vita (Migne, Patrol. Lat., 159: 761). Deutsche Gedichte (Bartsch) Germania 5:129. Legend. Entwicklung (Schultze) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Stuttgarter Prosa (Edzardi) Germania 20-190; 21:171. Vitae. Rolls chronicles 71, v. 1-2. Oswego, N. Y. Plans, 1727, 1756. N. Y. Doc. history 1 : 292, 312, 315. Otfried, monk of Weisaenburg. Hamrnerich. Aelteste christliche Epik. Lachmann. Kleinere Schrif ten 1:449. Beziehung zu d. biblischen Dichtungen (Marold) Germania 32:385. Erklarung (Erdmann) Zts. deutsch. Phi- lol. 5:338. Wiener u. Heidelberger Hds. (Erdmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Otho, M. Salvius, Roman emperor. 32-69. (Beulg) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:82:341. Merivale. Romans under the empire. Plutarch. Lives. Suetonius. Lives. Otho I, emperor of Germany. 912-973. Hroswitha. Carmendegestis(Pertz,Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 4). Liutprand. De rebus gestis (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 3). Otho II, emperor of Germany. 955-983. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 3. Otho III, emperor of Germany. 980-1002. Richer. Chronicon (Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 3). Otho I, king of Greece. 1815-67. (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) Preuss. Jahrb. 14:365. Othryades, Spartan soldier. (Kohlmann) Rhein. Mus. 29 : 463. Otis, James, statesman. 1725-83. (Bo wen) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 12. Otis, Nathaniel T. 1830-49. (Hamilton) Pains, biography v. 5. Otmar, St. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Gerru. hist., Scr. v. 2. Otranto, Italy. Freeman. Neighbour lands of Venice. Otto. 345 Pacific coast. Otto, St., bishop of Bamberg. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 12:721-919; 20:697. Ottobeuern, Bavaria. Annales; Chroni- con. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 5, 17,23. Otuel, Sir. Sage im Mittelalter (Treutter) Engl.Stud. 5:97. Otway, Thomas, dramatist. 1651-85. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Life. In his Works v. 1. and works (Mosen) Engl. Stud. 1:425. Ouida, pseud. See La Rame. Ovariotomy complizirtmit Parotitis (Godde) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Great operators in (Fitch) Pams. medi- cine v. 6. Ovary in man and mammals (Foulis) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 27 : 345. Grosses Teratom des (Lazarus) Giessen I'niv. Diss. v. 2. Overbeck, V:, Herman painter. 1789-1869. Kip. Christmas holyilays in Rome. ( Por tig) U nsere Zeit 1887 : 2 : 72. Overbury, Sir Thomas. 1581-1013. Amos. Trial of earl of Somerset. Bayley. Tower of London 2:549. Gardiner. History of England 2:175- Overland monthly. Dinner. 1882; and reminiscences. Over- land 11:1:1, 216. Ovidius Naso, I'. Bayle. Dictionary v. 8. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 1 :320. Carmina (L. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. v. 17, 18,20. De compositione strophica (Korn) Rhein. Mus. 22:201. De ttlia (Loers) Rhein. Mus. 1 : 125. Exile (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :<: 580. Fasti (Gilbert) Jahrb. Philoj. 117:771. Astronomic (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. Kritisches (Nick) Philologus 36:428; II :445. Heroides. Animadversiones(Birt) Rhein. Mus. 32: 386. Anfange (Vahlen) Berlin Akad. Abh. LHL Metamorphoses (Magnus) Jahrb. Philol. 135:129. Beauties. See prefaces to Addi-mi - Dryilen's, etc., translation*. Some pa-sage* (Kill-). Jour. PhfloLlMB Owen, Uo>ert. 1771-1858. Holyoake. Cooperation in Knglaml v. 1 Kau'l'mann. l'tipias. Martineau. Biographic*] ketches. Pionierevon Bodldale(Omptda) l'reu-s Jahrl.. I 1 ' Owen, Robert Dale. 1801- Lanark colony. Hrauns, Skizzen \i .\inerikal83. Owl and the nightingale. Analysis (Hiermaii) Am. PhDOL A8SOC. Oxalic acid. I Tin ,,,,-o ID Boy. .--..Trans. 1808:68. 44 l CII-II-, Oxenstierna, Axel, count. 1583-1654. James. Foreign statesmen v. '_'. Oxford, University of Oxford. Beauties of England and Wale- li':pt. I'. De v^uincey. Memorial! v. 1. Hamilton (Sir W:). Discussions. (Lordin) Acad. Si. Mor. 18:97. < 'athedral. King, English cathedrals v. 3. Early history. Green, Stray studies from England, etc. Geology. 1'hillips, Geology of O.; alto Oxford essays 1855. Mediaeval. Lechler. Life of WydiflV 47J. Newman. Historical sketches v. 3. Museum. Ruskin, letters of the chace 1:125. Reform (G. Smith) Oxfor.l i-~.iy- 1858. Register of visitors, 1M7-.V< (Camden Soc. 11:29). Studies (Pattison) Oxford essays 1855. Oxygen. nhinaison avec 1'eau (Th^nard) Paris, M.'IU. Aca.l.Sci. 3:385. Spectrum (Schuster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879:. '57. Usage physiologique (Dutrochet) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 14: 59. Oysters. U. S. Fish Commission, Reports. Industry (Ingersoll) I*. S. 10th. extra bulletin. Propagation (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. lv_'7:39. Ozone. (Kedzie) Mich. Bo". Health 1875:133. I iiM-re /fit 1*71:1:195. Bildung bei ElectrolyM- (Biohais) 1 chemistry v. '2. Constitution, nroperttM (Andiwwt) Uoy. Soc. Trans. l.V;ti:l. Kinwirkiuigauf Fiiulniss( Fischer) Pams. health v. 1. Literature ( Leeds) N*. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals 1:373; 3:150. Natural (Mnlvany) Mich. B<1. BeUtB 1880:277,285. Solubility in water. - .-/.MIHUT. Production of (Leeds) Pams. okMUMr] v. 2. Volumetric relations, and arti"ii <>f elec- trical discharge on oxygen, etc. (An- drews, i;,,y. Soc. Trans. 1800:113. Paca, William. 1740-99. Sander-mi. Signers of thedeclarati- Pachyderms. See alto Kl.-phant. Hipl"'!-"' amii*, Pig, RhiiHH-vro-.. Tapir-. NaiJtalwiin.lernelze (Mirit-:) \\ien Akmd. Deiiks. M-N.C1. 1:13. Pacidius, W: Plus ultra; Initia. I/eibniU, Open pliil..s. eil. Knlmann 86; 9H Pacific coast. Abra-i.m- ( Iavi 'alifornian 2 _ HarlMir..f refuse. U. 8. fl>Mt ll DOB* 1879-80, V. 5; 1KX)-1, v. S. 8pani-li i-xp-.htii.ns along. Ihiflot 99 M..fr:i-, Kxplorati-.n Vlagc p. I. Sutil y Mexic*na: i*trwL Win^-r History of America v. i Pacific ocean. 346 Painting. Pacific ocean. Oceanic moderne (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:81:908; 82:631- Pacuvius, Marcus. Dulorestes (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 4:598. Padua, Italy. Taine. Italy : Florence, etc. 197. Chronica (Rolandino) Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 19. Families. Origini(Rajna)Romania4:161. St. Justin monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 19. Paestum, anciently Sybaris. Temples. Beule", Art grec. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Paganlnl, Nicolb. 1784-1840. Heine. Scintillations 23- Paganism. See also Polytheism. Fall of ancient. Gibbon, Decline and fall ch.28. Lord. Old Roman world. Ozanam. Civilization in 5. century. Greek. Dernieres luttes (Le"vque) Rev. j d. d. Mondes II : 63 : 419. Page, William. 1811-85. Sheldon. American painters. Paget, William, 1st lord. 1506-63. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Pagholo, Bartolommeo. See Bartolommeo, Fra. Pagosa springs, Colorado. (McCauley) U. S. Sen. Ex. D. 1878-9, v. 4. PaUleron, Edouard. dramatist. 1834- Faux manages (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 79: 515. Pain. See also Consolation, Pleasure. (Richet) Rev. Philos. 4 : 457. (Rochard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:92:830. Modified aspects of. Campbell, Life of Ja. C. Maxwell 444. morale (Beaunis) Rev. Hist. 27:251. notanevil. Cicero,Tusculan.disput.no.2. Paine, J: Knowles. Oratorio: St. Peter. Fiske, Unseen world. Paine, Robert Treat. 1731-1814. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 2. Paine, Robert Treat, Jr. 1773-1811. Irving. Spanish papers. Paine, Thomas. 1737-1809. Cobbett. Porcupine's works 4 : 73. Franklin (B:). Works. Jefferson (T:). Works. McMaster. History of U. S. 1 : 150. Trial. Erskine, Speeches 1 : 338. Painting. See also Art, Color, Light, Per- spective, Pre-Raphaelitism. Balzac. Oeuvres 22 : 143. Bascom. Aesthetics. Ruskin. True and beautiful. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 9:3- Stifter. Vermischte Schriften v. 1. Amateur. Hamerton, Thoughts about art. Ancient. Baumeister, Denkmaler d. class. Altertums 851. (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800- 1801-2; 1803; 1814-15. and writing. Affinity ( Addington) Class. Jour. 3:219. - Art of. Watelet's. Diderot, Oeuvres v.10. Grimm-Diderot, Correspondance 2 : 370. - Asia Minor ancient (Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:180. - Berlin exhibition, 1872. Polko, Aquarell- skizzen. Nationalgalerie (Pietsch) Rundschau 20:93. - Bolognese school. Symonds, Renaissance: Catholic reaction v. 2. - British. Alison, Essays 2 : 158. - Campanische Wandbilder(Helbig) Rhein. Mus. 24 : 251, 497 ; 25 : 202, 393. - Chinese. Feuillet de Conches, Causeries 2:87,115. - Colors of the ancients (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1815 : 97. - de la vie moderne. Baudelaire, Oeuvres 3:51. - de batailles (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:13:864. - des coupoles ( Delaborde) Rev. d . d. Mondes 11:48:801. - Dichtung u. Fabel. Herder, Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan 15:523. - Dusseldorfer Lehrjahre(Schirmer) Rund- schau v. 11-12. - en Italic (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 65:411. - English school(Esquiros)Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:41:670. - etla musique( Lechalas) Rev. Philos. 20:136. - Etruscan, from Caere (Murray) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 10:243. - Florentine (Meyer) Rundschau 50:195. Yriarte. Florence 313. - from nature. Hamerton, Thoughts about art. - German early (Wyzewa) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:92:856. - Goethe u. Diderot iiber (Dbring) Preuss. Jahrb. 61:393. - Greek (Bliimmer) Rhein. Mus. 26:353. Mahaffy. Rambles in Greece. - (Wustmann) Rhein. Mus. 23:225. - Griibeleien iiber (Knille) Rundschau 48 : 239. - Koch's Gedanken. Strauss, Schriften 2:258. - Modern (Neumann) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:259. - (Schosler) Unsere Zeit 1S80 : 2 : 87- - Monumental (Richmond) Poole's Art lec- tures. 1882. - murale. Eglises de Paris (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:6:44. - oder Tonkunst eine grossere Wirkung gewahre? Herder, Werke; hrsg. v. Su- phan 15 : 222. - Oil paintings. Recherches (Chevreul) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 22 : 655. - Optique et (Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : - Paris salon, 1831-2. Heine, Werke v. 11. Pavsagistes : Ruysdael, Claude, Poussin (Planche) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:9:756. Pleasures of. Hazlitt, Table talk. Poetry and. Dryden, Prose works v. 4. Roman (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 35:514. (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:80. Russian. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 538. Sikyonische Malerschule (Wustmann) Rhein. Mus. 23:454. Painting. 347 Palaeontology. Uexkull's Sammlung. Strauss, Schriften L':239. - Virgil Williams' notes. Overland 1 1:9:285 ven Oberzell auf der Reichenau (Kraus) Rundschau 35:37. Palaemon, Q. Rhemnius. Charisius. C^uellenanalyse (Beck) Phi- Iologus48:255. Palaeobotany. Acrobryen von Aachen, etc. (Debey) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 17. Coal-measures (Williamson) Roy. Soc JTrans. 1871-4, 1876-8, 1880-1, 1888. Krect trees in coal formation, Nova Scotia (Dawson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:621. Flora of Bovey Tracey, Devonshire (Heer) -oc. Trans. 1862:1039. of Euboea (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 27. Gleichenberg (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v.7 Leoben in Steiermark( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. mahrisch-schlesischen Dachschiefers (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. -M N. Cl. v.25. north Greenland ( Why mper) Roy. Soc. Trans. 186-9: 44f>. Monte Promina (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 8. 1'arschlugin Steiermark (Ettingshau- sen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v 38. Radoboj (linger) Wien Akad. Denks M N. 'l. v. 29. the Radstock coal series (Kidston) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:335- Sagor in Krain (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 32, 37. Sotzka (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. "I. v . l':131. Staffordshire coal fields (Kidston) Roy. Edin. Trans. 35:317. (Schulze) Wien _. Kreide Halle Univ. I>i--. v. 5. Siisswasser-Kalkes (Unger) Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14. S/antn in I'ngarn ( 1'nger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 30. Tertiarbeckens von Australien (Et- tingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 17. - Tertiftrbeckena von Bilin (Ettingshau- i) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. n, 20. carbonifire dn department de la I..>ir. (Grand 'Eury) Paris, Mem. Sevan* Etrang. v. LM. il trees, near Edinlmrgh (Cbristison) i:..y. Eilin. Trans. 27:203. Icon<>graphia( Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M N.ci. v. I Lower coal-seam- of Laura-hire ( Binncv ) 807. Soc. Trail- Nat nrc ili- \ ':.'' tan x au x diverse- .')>< Hjiie- ( Itrongniart) Paris, Mem. Acad. S<-i. 16: :;': PngHhu(Uliger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. c|. v _'_', 25. Ke-tc JIM S.il/-ioek- vi. n Wieliczka ( I'nger) Wien Aka.l. Keiik-. M N. < '1. 1:311 Milting au- il. Tertiiir-r'ormmtion (UaMr)Wiao Akad Dank*. M N.n \ \:> Si-liii-fcr-ii. SamNtcinfli.ra ( 1'nger) Wien Aka.l. Denks. M N. CLt.ll. Thallophyten von Aachen, etc, (Debev) Wien Aka.l. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 16. Vegetation antfrieure a 1'homm. porta) Rev. d. d. Mon.k- 11:74:315. Vegtaux d'Autun (Renault) Paris, M.-m. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Palaeocoryne. (Duncan) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869-003. Palaeography. SecaUo Alphabet, Illumina- tion, Inscriptions, Paper. Kimes, Stieh- ometry. Writing. Bambefg Kgl. Bibliothek. A us den Schatzen. Baumeister. Denkmftler d. class. Altrrt. v. 2. Feuillet de Conches. Can series. Freund. Triennium phill<>gicnm v. 1. Westropp. Archaeology Westwood. Anglo-Saxon and Irish max. Ars notaria im 12. Jahrh. (Rose) Hermes 8:303. A yrian. List of books. Johns Hopkins I'niv. Circ. 2:l. r >3. Keilschrift. Prufung d. Charakters (Olshausen) Berlin Aka.l. Al>h. 1*M. tablet (Hinck-) Kov. Iri-h Tran-. v.23. British. Petrie and Shari>e, Monumenta hist. Brit. Greek (Gardthausen) Ber. il. Kgl. s&cha. Hieratic papyri (Goodwin) Cambridge essays 1858. Latin. Wattenbach. Anleitung ar. contractions. Keil. Gram mat Lat.4: Perpetuation of mss. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. 4:39. Persepolis( Hincks) Kov. Iri-h Tran- Persische Keil-.-hrift. l.ant-vstem (Lei- sius) Berlin Aka.l. Al.h. It Spanish. A mador de los Rios, Literatura espafl. Palaeontology. Alps. Lius ( Lauhe) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. ci. v. _. Tertiar-chichtcn (Ken--) Wien Akad. Denk-. M N. Cl. v. 28. 29,33. Trias (Laiilx") Wien Aka.l. l>enk-. M N. ci. v _'.,. L'S.30. Amiens. Flint implement- ( I'restwich) BoT.8oe.Trmn Brixham cave ( Busk, etc.) Roy. Soc. Trans. 171. Bruniquel cavern (Owen) Roy. Soc. IIS. 18flO:517. Drift dciMisit*: accumulation, age (Pret- wleh) .iicia. Krenlever-t. inerungen (Kn-r) Wien Aka.l I>enk- M N.CI.r.8. Eastern Alp*. Krei.l.--. hu hien ( IteOM) Wien Aka.l. Denk-. M N. C| v. 7. Rutland. Intercambriscbe Fauna (8chmi.lt) St. Peter In, VII > : Grt-. .rbililung (Kn'h-> v Akad. Denk- M \ < I v. 37. . Oreensami OnmnieeiMe Lebeo (Ehrm berg) Iterl.n Aka.l Al.h : In.lin. Geograi>hiche Vertlie: gen) Wien A I v 3d. Ireland ' i.-o/.iicr.i- Mt(Jokw) Roy. Irish Tran*. v. 23. Palaeontology. 348 Panama city. Knochen-ttberreste aus Uruguay (Alton) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Madura island. TertiareFossilien(Bohm) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. Miscellen (Reuss) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 10. Persia. Mitgebrachte Tertiarverstein- erungen (Fuchs) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 41. -Petrifactions. Ray, Travels. 1663. 1:96- Progres (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 3: 359. Riesenthiere in Beziehung zu asiatischen Sagen (Olfers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Sahara. Kohlenkalkfatma (Stache) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 46. Stand und Aufgabe (Vogt) Unsere Zeit 1880:1:67. Thiiringer Waldes (Richter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 11. Uitenhage-formation in Siid-Afrika (Ho- lub) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 44. Venetian Alps (Hauer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 2:109. Palaeopikrite. Studien(Brauns) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Palatals. Physiologic und Geschichte (Lenz) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Palate. Cleavage of. Behandlung (Llihr- mann) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Palenque, Mexico. Stephens. Central America 2:289. - Tablet ( Rau) Smithson. Contrib. v. 22. Palermo, Sicily. Chapelle Palatine. Gailhabaud, Monu- ments v. 3. in 1884 (Schneegans) Uns. Zeit 1884 : 1 ^OS- Palestine. See also Dead sea, Jerusalem, Jews, Lebanon, Phoenicia, Syria. Strabo. Geography v. 3. Strong. Philosophy and religion 468. Zeitschrift deut. morgenl. Gesell. Commerce (Lynch) Pains, commerce v. 1. in 1800. Clarke (E. D.), Travels v. 2. in 1820. Scholz, Reise. Palestrina, Giovanni P. 1524-94. (Nohl) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:556. Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reaction v. 2. Paley, William, D.D. 1743-1805. Argument for the being of God. Bowen, Critical essays. Memoir. In his Complete works. - Works. Religious Mag. 3 : 162. Palfrey, William. 1741-80. Sparks. American biography v. 17. Palingenesis. See Regeneration. Palissot, C: de Montenoy. 1730-1814. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lenient. Comedie en Fr. au 18. siecle2:81. Palissy, Bernard, potter. 1510-90. Albert. Litterature fr. des origines 279. Lamartine. Vies des grands homines. Smiles. Huguenots in England. Palladium (metal). (Chenevix) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803 : 290. Discovery (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:316. Electrical properties of hydrogenised (Knott) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33: 171. Palladius, R. T. Aem. Locality of the De agricultura (Harris) Am.J'. Philol. 3:411. Mittelenglische Uebersetzung (Struver) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Pallas. See Minerva. Pallas, Peter Simon. 1741-1811. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 18. Palliobranchia. - Histology (King) Roy. Irish Trans.24: 439. Palm tree and bamboo compared. Chinese Repository, y. 3. Siidamerikanische (Willdenow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803. Uses. Xenophon, Anabasis. Vegetationsorgane(Karsten)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1847. Wissenchaftl. u. culturgeschichtl. Be- deutung. (Engel) Uns. Zeit 1886 : 1 : 684. P almas cape, west Africa. (Schonlein) Zts. Erdkunde 10:409. Botanik (Schonlein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856. Palmer, Alonzo B., M. D. (Ford) Pams. biography v. 5. Palmerston, H: J: Temple, viscount. 1784- 1865. Boissieu. Lettres d'un passant 1: 105. Diplomatic Review 1855- Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 2. (Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:16:259,869. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Pamphlets on history v. 10-11. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 116 ; 1866 : 1 : 1. Urqnhart. [Pamphlet writings.] Whitty. Political portraits. Anfange, Macht, Popularitat (Paul!) Preuss. Jahrb. 16 : 461, 519. Dalling's Life of ( Jarnac) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:104:578. Palmyra. See also Zenobia. Peacock. Palmyra: poem (Works v. 3). Universal history : ancient 1 :440. Volney. Travels in Syria 2 : 232. in 1840. Hacklander/Werke v. 9. in 1888 (Bock) Uns. Zeit 1889: 1:385. Zoll u. Steuertarif. Aramaische Theil (Reckendorf ) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 42:370. Paludan-Miiller, F:, Danish poet. 1809- Gosse. Literature north. Europe 184. Strodtmann. Geistliche Leben in Dane- mark 133-167. Pamphilus, painter. und P. der Grammatiker(Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 16:247. Pan. Hornerische Hymnus (Ludwich) Rhein. Mus. 42:547. (Peppmiiller) Philologus 48: 1. Panama city. See also Darien. Herrera. Historia general. in 1670. Buccaneers' attack. Burney, Voyages 4 : 64. in 1697. Dampier, Voyages, index. in 1735. Pinkerton, Voyages 14 : 370. in 1849. Taylor, El Dorado. in 1852. Griswold, Isthmus of P. in 1853. Capron, California 339. in 1855. Tomes, Panama. in 1856. Seeman, Voyage of the Herald. Panama city. 349 Paracyanogen. in 1863. Kirchhoff, Reisebilder 2 : 33. in 1867. Gerstacker, Schriften II: 13:392. in 1886. Molinari, A Panama. Panama Interoceanic canal. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1:45. of routes. Sullivan, Interoceanic com- munication 214. Annual cyclopaedia 1879, 1881. Bancroft. History of central America v.3. Hmnboldt. New Spain 1 : 10. ( Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 7 :436. (Lesseps) Pams. engineering v. 1. (Polakowsky) Randschaa 40:250. ( Rodgers) U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. 6. (Royer) Jour. Econ. 111:30: 224; 37: 103. (Saint-Mesmin) Rev. Nat. 21:454. - ( Wheaton) Jour. Econ. 1 : 7 : 42. Concessions, treaties. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1879-80. v. 4. in 1879 (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 34:668. in 1885 (Kimball, Capps) U. S. House M. Docs. 1885-6, v. 17. in 1886. Molinari, A Panama, 1'isthme de Panama. Map. Scientific Amor. BnppL 15:5852. Petermann's Mitteilungen v. 31. Neutrality. U. S. Foreign relations, 1881. Clay ton-Bulwer treaty. Lawrence, Es- says international law. Seward. Works 1 : 376. U. S. President. Messages, 1880 (Pams. engineering v. 1). RechtlicheSeite(Schleiden) Preuss. Jahrb. 49:589. Panics. See alto Crises. of 1857 (Seaman) Merchants' magazine v. 37. Panlzzi, Antonio. 1797-1879. (Hillebrand) Rundsrhau 29:235; alto Zeiten, Volker 0:130. Panorpidae. Feststellung (Klug) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. Pantheism. See alto God, Polytheism. Abbot. Scientific theism. Hedge. Ways of the Spirit. JJische. Pantheismu-. Martincau. Study of religion 2:133. Plumptre. History of pantheism. Christian. Picton, Mystery of matter. Piety and morality of." Johnson, Oriental religions: India. Popular. Hiitton, 1-N-ays v. 1. Spin. ./.a'-. .loiiflroy, Introd. toethics 1:1 I"' Theism and. Bownc, Studies in theism. Pantomimes. See alto Drama. .l.-r K.imer (Grysar) Rhein. Mu-. 2:KX Papacy. Sfr >l. Pn-u-. Jahrb. . : Growth. Taylor. Manual of history 390. Griindung d. KirchensUtatos (Winckel- maiin) Preuss. Jahrh. Xt . History to 553. Hodgkin, Italy and her invaders. in 15.century(Voight) Hist.Ta-ichenb.18S3 - in lO.century. I>yer,Mo<):413 Tremharkeit. itaader. Wi-rke :>: ;{' und Conzil (Maurenbrecher) 1874:1: Ml. Vereinbarungen,ls.V7. Preuss. Jahrh. 1:L' Weltliche Heer-chaft ( Yolpi) t'lisere /t-it 1870:1:33. Paper. See alto Papyrus. Davis. Manufacture of paper. U. S. Internat. Kxhib Is7<: Kc].r: ImpTit sur. et es effets (Legraml) Jour. Econ. 111:47:00. Industrie en Grande Bretanie(BsqainM) K.-v. d. .1. Mo,,. I- II:.V. 1'oiM.noiis (Ked/ie) Mich. Bd. Health Is7:t:m : 1-71:53. Und wenn der Hinunel \viir (Kohlcr) Or. ll. Occid. v. I'. Paphos, Cintrttt. Temple of Aplirodite. tonil.-((;ar(lner).I.Hellen.St u. l.f:l!O, 'J-H. Paplneau, Hn. L: Joseph. (Brown) Pain-. hioj;raph\ Papua. See New Guinea. Papyrus. Ancient ami Sicilian (Parlatore) I M.:: Ltrang. 1L':4O. iattung ( \Villdonow) Berlin Akad. Ahh I -II IS. Herciilaneiim. D.ivy. \V..rk~ Thfl.an (Parthey) Berlin Akad. Abh v. 1. Paracelsus (Bombastus) >" n-hrnheim, P. \ II phra-tuv : -- Browning Paracd-ii- (i Duller. Manner de- Yolk- L 1 : Ml. Kiin."l.y. Hi-torical lectun'-. Uilt.-r. '(c-clnclite .1 I'lillo- 9 irt. Kleinc S. hriften V. I. Ubr< von d Kntwii keluiiR (huckeii) I'liil..- Monat-b I .TJl. Paracyanocen. (John -ion) JUy. Bl!n. Trans. *. li-lft. Paradox. 350 Paris. Paradox. and commonplace. Hazlitt, Table talk. Paraffin. Normal paraffins (Schorlemmer) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1872:111; 1878:49; 1880:451. Paraguay. Washburn. History of Paraguay. in 1867. U. S. Senate Docs. 1868-9, v. 1. in 1884. U. S. Consular report 39. in 1889. U. S. Consular report 104. Jesuit missions. Kip, Jesuit missions to America. Lettres e"difiantes v. 8-9. Muratori. Missions to Paraguay. Uruguay et, 1878 (Kerrilis) Jour. Econ. IV: 1:220. War against. 1865. See also Francia. Annual cyclopaedia 1865- (Duchesne de Bellecourt) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:65: 257. (Mannequin) Jour. Econ. 111:3:230. (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:72:934; 76:891. Unsere Zeit 1869: v. 1-2. Derniers combats (Ravmond) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 85: 988. Parallax. (Brinckley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818:275; 1821 : 327. (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826:266. (Pond) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1817-18. des Sterns 34 Groombridge (Auwers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1867. of a Lyrse ( Pond) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823 : 53; 1824:471. ofGlCygni. (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1868. Observations (Hall) Wash. Observ. 1883. Results (Wrottesley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1851:333. Paralysis. agitans (Lantzius-Beninga) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 1. (Winkler) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Atrophie musculaire progressive (Thom- as) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 1. Nach Gelenkrheumatisrnus (Krabbel) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Usage der moxaetdugalvanisme(Larrey) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 18:417. Paranoia (Noyes) Am. J. Psych. 1:460. (Peterson) Am. J. Psych. 2: 193. Parasites and Entozoa. Acephalocysts (Goodsir) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:561. Ascaris pellucidus (Kennedy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:107. Binnenwiirme (Diesing) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 9. Cephalocotvleen (Diesing) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 12. Chytridiuru (Braun) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Cysticercus cellulosae (Rainey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:111. Entomologie delagaledel'homme (Bour- guignon) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang.l2:l Entozoon folliculorum(Wilson) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1844:305. Fauna helminthologica Venetae (Molin) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 19. Hamatozoen (Wedl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 1. Pediculi of different human races (Mur- ray) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:567. Psore des homines etdesanimaux(Bour- guignon) Paris, Me"ru. Savans Etrang. 16:276. Vegetable (Bennett) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:277. Pardons and Pardoning power. Lieber. Civil liberty 437. New York. Secretary of state. Report, 1857 (Pams. crime v. 6). of the president. Sumner, Works 3:49. Pare", Ambroise. 1517-90. (Malgaigne) In his Oeuvres v. 1. Pareiasaurus bombidens. Affinities (Seeley) Roy.Soc. Trans. 179:59. Parents. See also Children, Mothers, Pater- nity. and children. Channing, Works v. 3. Plato. Laws ; Republic ; States- men. Parhelia. 1629. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. 3:591. Parlni, Giuseppe. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Paris, Homeric hero. Ovidius. Heroides : epistola 5. Death. Morris, Earthly paradise v. 3. Judgment of. Two vases (Harrison) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 196 ; 8 : 268. Paris, Gaston B. Paulin. 1839-81. Lemaitre. Con temporains 3:221. et la litte'rature du nioyen Sge (G. Paris) Romania 11 : 1. Paris, Isaac. Oneida Hist. Soc. v. 1. Paris, France. See also Louvre. Academic des beaux-arts (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 94, 95. . Administration, 1843- (Say) Jour. Econ. I : v. 6-10. Alie'ne's & (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:101:786; 102:36. Alimentation(DuCamp) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:75:279,885. Annexation de la Banlieue (Le Berquier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 20 : 931. Associations protestan tes (Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:81:548; 82:291. Autonomie communale (Pillon) Crit. Philos.-N. 8.5:1.116. Bourgeois au 18. siecle (Aubertin) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 96: 199. Churches. Gailhabaud,Monumentsv.3-4. Cluny hotel. Merime'e, Melanges his- toriques 221. Commune de 1588 (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:95:176. Early sieges. Depping, Normannen v. 2. Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. Voltaire. Henriade. Eclairage (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:105:766. et la province(Beaussire) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:93:114. Exposition, 1855. Annuaire d. d. Mondes 6:108. Exposition, 1867 (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:69:705; 70:929. Beaux-arts (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:70:113. Paris. 351 Parliament, British. Chine et le Japon (Duchesne de Belle- court) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 70: 710. Sylviculture (Clave 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:70:686. Exposition, 1878 (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 28: 365, 779. (Neumann-Spallart)Rundschauv.l7,18 Concerts (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. MondflIIl:28:672. Peinture(Cherbuliez) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:28:858. Exposition. 1889 ( Vogu6) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:94:186- Finances.etc. 1800-G3(Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 47 : 775. 1871-3 (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 104:178. 1877 (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 22: 449. Fortifications. Lamartine, France par- lementaire v. 2-3. Gas company and (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 54: 432. Government (Loning) Preuss. Jahrb. 22: 275. in Ii43. Evelyn, Diary. in 1(^7 (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 68:5. in 1686. Churchill, Voyages 4 : 613. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire v. 4. in 1801. Rundschau 25 : 145, 287. in 1810 (Varnhagen von Ense) Hist. Tas- chenbuch 1845; also Schriften v.3-4. in 1815. Crowley, Poems v. 1. Thackeray. Paris sketch book, in 1829. Ptickler-Muskau, Tour 549. in 1830. Borne, Briefe, Schilderungen. in 1850. Choules, Young Americans abroad. in 1851. Hacklander, Werke 40 : 203. in 1856(Moltke) Rundschau 16:219. in 1857. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 353. in 1866. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 2 : 801. in 1868 (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1868:2: 401- Industrie, 1851 (Say) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20: 385; 21:41. population, 1864 (Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 69:201. Inundations dans la valle'e de (Girard) Paris, M^m. Acad. Sci. 16:27. souterraines (Girard) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 3:91. Life in. Roqueplan, Parisine. Municipal organisation (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:31. Le Berquier. Commune de Paris. -(Lavollee) Rev. d. d. Mondes I! !:>..: 159. -ances. manages, d 111:1:510. Opera house. Peintun-s ( Houssaye) Rev. .1. .!. Mnndes III:7:7. Pantheon, yuinet. Oeuvres 24: 155. I'arismen ((iroih) Herrig's Archiv 72:207. Park*. Alpliaiid, Promenade- de l'ari>. Mangin. Jurdin-. 1'rovinx. und. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Volker ., 152. Kevin ic miinicipal (iMi Hied) Rev. d. d. Hon 1-71 >v, I- ,-:,nce (History, War of 1870-1). sous le premier empire(Passy) Acad. ScL Mor. 80:379. Stimmungsbilder (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1882 : v. 2. Underground (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 106: 5. University. Entstehung (Altmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 58: 75. History to 1836 (Baird) Am. Quar. Reg. 9:17. JSsuites et (P6caut) Crit. Philos. N. S. 9:382. Origines (Laferriere) Acad. Sci. Mor. 23:109; 25:5. Vie etlessalaires(Haussonville) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111: 56: 815. Ville de 1'intelligence et des revolutions (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 95 : 763. Water-supplv(Du Camp) Rev. d.d.Mondes 11:105:275. Pariseau, P: G., dramatist. 1753-94. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Pariset, Etienne. 1770-1847. Eloges acade'miques. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series 1:392. Park, Mungo. 1771-1805. Jameson. Discovery in Africa 83. Parker, Matthew, archbishop. 1504-75. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2:11. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury v. 9. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Parker, Theodore, D.D. 1810-60. Emerson. Miscellanies (Riverside ed.). Frothingham. Transcendentalism. (Rville) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:35:718. Consistent Protestant. Brownson, Works 7:259. - Library. Bost. Public Lib. Report 1883. - M v ministry. In his Additional speeches 2": 295. Parks. See Gardening (Landscape), names of cities. Parliament. See also Caucus, Congress, Curiae, House of commons, House of lords, Witenagemot. and presidential systems. Harrison, Order and progress. as an executive. Harrison, Order and progress. Caractere politique (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 46:155. Deuxieme chambre (Front de Mnt- pertuis) Jour. Econ. 111:29:365. Erfahrungen d. jiingsten Jahren. Treits- chke, A ufsatze 3:ti29. Kuropean(Maconochie) Roy. Edin.Trans. v. 1. Government (Thudichum) Preuss. Jahrb. 47:M7. Organ der Gesetzgebung. r.lunt-clili, l.clirc v. mod. Stat. 1:31- Origin in Europe. Frt-e Britons' me- morial (supplement, 1770). - .-tudien. Preuss. Jalirli. :: : 1 '".. Zweikammersyatem (Treit.schke) Pren-". Jahrb. 31:L"_'l'. Parliament, Austrian. < NrmiMivi) liUlidx-hau .">!: .'''.. I MOttUl 1SSO: 1:553- Parllament, British. Works bv HI-M-I. May. Millar, Stul.li- Todd, Waipole, etc. Parliament, British. 352 Parsifal. Escott. England. Greg. Political problems 187. Formation (Boutmy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:68:82. in 14. century. Pauli, Pictures of old England. in 1806-1830 (R^musat) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:60:5,339. Prerogatives. Raleigh, Works 8 : 156. Reform. Essentials of. Grote, Minor works. Reform, 1831-. Alison, Essays : political v. 1. Bentham. Works 3:433, 558. Brougham. Speeches v. 2. Canning. Speeches 4 : 330. Cobden. Speeches. Croker. Correspondence. Fox. Speeches. Greville. Journal 2 : 121- - Hegel. Werke 17 : 425. Mackintosh. Essays 472, 580. Raumer. England in 1835. Ricardo. Works. Rogers. Cobden and modern polit. opinion. Senior. On national property (Pains, history v. 14). Shelley. Prose works 2 : 82. Sheridan. Speeches. Smith (Sydney). Works v. 3. Spencer (Herb.). Essays. (Villemain)Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:20:477. - Windham. Speeches. Wright. William IV. Histories of England by Lecky (v. 1,3); Cory(v.2); May; Hughes (7:274); Moles- worth; Pauli (v.2); Walpole; etc. Theories (Shaftesbury) Oxford essays 1858. Reform, 1850-. Greg, Essays v. 2. Mill. Dissertations v. 4. Reform, 1867 (Braun)Preuss.Jahrb. 20:675. (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7: 827. Harrison. Order and progress. Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 272. Regierung,1882( Wester kamp)Rundschau 31:365. Scottish. Alison, Essays: political 2:635. Sovereignty. Dicey, Law of the constitu- tion. Parliament, French. & Poitiers, 1418-36. Rev. Hist. v. 6. Assemble des notables, 1596-7, & Rouen (Poirson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 76: 199. Assemblies provinciales, 1780-90 (La- vergne) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 63-64. Droit de dissolution (Pillon) Crit. Philos. JS T . S. 7:297, 384; 8:107. Etats ge"ne"raux avant 1789 (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 105: 309. 1593 (Vivien) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:385; 19:21. sous Charles VII (Thomas) Rev. Hist. 40:55. Fonction et le mandat du depute" (Ren- ouvier) Crit. Philos. 20: 177. in 1885. Portrats aus (Abrest) Uns. Zeit 1886:1:190. Origines et la politique (Louandre) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 27: 928. Parlement de Paris. Big . . . (l'abbe),His- toire. La Rochefoucauld. Me"moires. Voltaire. Histoire (Oeuvres v. 23). Diderot. Oeuvres 3 : 88. Question des deux chambres(Laboulaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:457. Re'forme. Lladieres, Souvenirs 181- du se"nat (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 26:202- Representation du Tiers Etat. pour la reduction des coutumes, 1500- (Babeau) Rev. Hist. v. 21. sous la ligue (Aubenas) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11 : 147. Parliament, German. (Bottscher) Unsere Zeit 1881 : 12: 581. Gegenwart2:682; 5:168; 7:239; 9:159. des norddeutschen Bundes. Unsere Zeit 1868:2:161- in 1640(Wiilcker) Preuss. Jahrb.53:335. in 1859-61. Preuss. Jahrb. 8 :315. in 1863. Hartmann (Mor.), Werke 10: 73. in 1873(Lavisse) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:108: 187. in 1882. Parteien (Berg) Unsere Zeit 1882: 1:656-; 1883:2:218. Reichstagscompetenz (Bahr, Beseler) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:72, 184. Parliament, Norwegian. Hertzberg. Aeldste norske Proces 111. Parliament, Spanish. Geddes. Miscellaneous tracts. 1702. Parliament, Swedish. - Naumann. Sveriges Statsfofattningsratt. Crown and (Moses) Berkeley Quarterly 1:268. Parma, Italy. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 2. in 1138-1335. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 18. in 1849-59. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 401. Parmenides of Elea. References. Riaux, Essai sur P. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philos. 1:486. Physique (Tannery) Rev. Philos. 18:264. Parnassus mountain. Mure. Tour in Greece 1 : 206. Snider. Walk in Hellas v. 2. Parnell, Rev. Thomas, poet. 1679-1717. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works 4 : 189. Parny, Evariste D. de Forges, vicomte de. 1753-1814. Sainte-Beuve. Causer ies du Lundi 15 : 285. Parody. Taylor. The echo club. Parr, Samuel, D.D., critic. 1747-1825. DeQuincey. Works; Philos. writers v.2. Smith (Sydney), Works v. 1. Parsees (Parsis). See also Zend-Avesta, Zo- roaster. Dobhabhai Framji Karaka. History of the Parsees. Voltaire. Guebres: tragjjdie. J udaism and. Kuenen, Religion of Israel v. 3. Pahlavi texts. Miiller, Sacred books of the east v. 5. Parshall, Rev. Revilo F. Trial of, 1860. Pams. biography v. 5. Parsifal, Parzival. See also Wagner (R:), Wolfram von Eschenbach. Eingang. Lachmann, Kleinere Schriften 1 : 480; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Parsifal. 353 Pasini. Nordische Sage. Quelle (Kolbing) Ger- manial4:129; 15:89. Parsifal und Parzival (Biitticher) Preuss. J ah rb. 50:46. Parsons, Theophilus. 1750-1813. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 478. Partenay. See Jean d' Arras. Parthenogenesis. See also Generation. of plants (Braun) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1856, 1859. Parthenon, Athens. Baumeister. Denkmaler d. class. Altert. v. 2. Fergusson. Parthenon. Waldstein. Art of Pheidias. Athene in west pediment (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:244. Brunn'sche Deutung d. Giebelfelder (Bliimmer) Rhein. Mus. 32:118. Cellafries (Overbeck) Rhein. Mus. 14:101. Lapith head from (Waldstein) J. Hellenic Stud. 3 :.'-v Parthia. See also Arsacidae. Montesquieu. Oeuvres. 1792. 7:1. Rawlinsnn. Sixth oriental monarchy. Universal history : ancient v. 9. Trajan's war. Chronologic (Volkmar) Rhein. Mus. 12:481. Participle. English perfect P. used infinitively (Hall) Amer. J. Philol. 3:297. Flexion des P. passe" (Hiiser) Herrig's Archiv 0:172. German construction (Andresen) Her- rig's Archiv 10:72. Gothic. Syntactische Gebrauch (Gering) Zts. deutsche Philol. 5: 294, 393. Greek aorist (Seymour) Amer. Philol. A-soc. 12:88. Stylistic effect (Gildersleeve) Amer. J. Philol. 9: 137. Substantive use(Stevens) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1872 : 45. Parties (Political). Arnold. Lectures on history 219. Bluntschli. Lehre v. mod. Stat 3 : 4!7. Theorie und Geist der P. Brougham. Political philosophy 2:34; alto Statesmen of the time of George III. Coleridge. The friend 2 : 1. H ume. Essays 1 : 55- Plato. Laws. Treitschke. Aufsatze 3:503; Preuss. J ii h rb. 27:175- Vidaurre. Efectos de las facciones. Wool-ry. 1'olitical -HellCC. Begriff (Schmidt) I'r.-u . .lahrb. 42:11. in poetry. Coleridge (H.), Essays v. 1. Spirit Ghtfntor. <>'uvres en prose. Hazlitl. I'iain ~|x-akiT; -Sketches. mul I'arteiiiaiiien in l'tiilosophie(Eucken) I'hilo-. Monat.sh. 20:1. Parties (Political) in Hi-mi Mritain. Set alto Politic-. Kaihcal-. Whig. (Iileniierha-et ) liund-chati 15:95. Bolingbrok*. Work- v. 3. iN'.jmii.-ey. Works 15:205, . (tlud-tonc. Speeches. HalNlmry. Speeches. in 1M28. Heine, Pictures of travel. 45 Parties (Political) in the United States. See also American party, Democratic, Elec- tions, Federalism, Free-soil, Know- nothing, Republican, Whig. Ames (Fisher). Works (Laocoon). Brownson. Works 16:350. Doehn. Politische Parteien. Jefferson. Works. Jennings. Eighty years of republican government. McMillan. Elective franchise. Stickney. True republic. Sunnier. Works, index. History to 1846. Williams, Statesman's manual. to 1850 (Johnston) Winsor, History America 7:207. Independent's place. Lowell, Political essays. Partnership. See also Co-operation, Profit- sharing. Commandit-Gesellschaft (Kiister) GOtt I'niv Diss. v. 6. English law. Pollock, Essays in juris- prudence. German law, 1868 (Endemann) Preuss. Jahrb. 25:1. Pas-de-Calais, France. Statistique (Fayet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 31 : 275. Pascal II, pope. d. 1118. Histoire litte"raire de la France v. 10. Pascal, Elaise, mathematician, pietist. 1623-62. References. Wight's ed.of his Provincial letters 137- and bibliography. Librarian's letter- book 2:373- Albert. Litte"rature fr. au 17. siecle. Bayle. Dictionary v. 8. Bouillier. Philosophic cart^sienne 1:539. (Cantor) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:212. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 74: 234. Ritter. (Jeschichte d. Philos. 11:292. Sainte-Beuve. Monday-chats. Saisset. Scepticisme 241-340. Shelley. French authors v. 1. Abime imaginaire (Le"lut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:139. Amulette (LeUut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6:453. Esthe"tique (Bertrand) Crit. Philos. N. S. 3:228. et Descartes (Adam) Rev. Philos. v. 23-25. Gefalschte Autographen (Rawack) Uns. /.it IS70: 1 :_;;. Neuilly, la vision (Le"lut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8:301. Pense"es (Natorp) Preuss. Jahrb. 54:50. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 5:523. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 29. l'liilosophie(Ravaisson) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:80:399. I'liilos.-Ki'M-liichtliche Bedeutung (Stef- fens) n.-rlin Akad. AM.. 1837. ProviniMaU^(Havet)Kev.d.d. Mondes III: tl Scepticisme. I>roz sur (Dauriac) 'rit. l'hil.. N. S. J:^"i. iiuxicrne (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : .v;: , Pasini, Valentino. (Mazade) Rev. d.d. Mondes II :69: 199. Paso de Robles. 354 Patriotism. Paso de Robles, California. Sulphur springs (Morse) Pams. chemis- try v. 1. Pamphlets on California v. 6. Pasolini, Giuseppe, count. ( Hartwig) Rundschau 31 : 220. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6 : 217. Pasqualis, Martinez. 1715-79. Lehre. Baader, Werke 4 : 115. Doctrines mystiques (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 66:199; 74:89,203; 75:367; 77:437; 78:221. Pasquier, Etienne. 1529-1615. (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. 65:449. (Bremond d'Ars) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 87:177. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 3 : 249. Passavanti, Jacopo. 1297-1357. Yriarte. Florence, 107. Portrait. Passerat, Jean. 1534-1602. See Satyre Me"- nippe'e. Passion play. See also Miracle plays. Aeltestedeutsche(Bartsch)Germania 8:273 der Neuzeit(Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1881: 2:44. Ober-Ammergau (Bartsch) Unsere Zeit 1872:1:175. Hall. German culture. Howitt. Art student at Munich. Ueber Land und Meer 1880, no. 41. Passions. See also Emotions. Influence sur le societ6 (Villeneuve-Bar- gemont) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:313. Nature (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 17: 113. Pasteur,- Louis, chemist. 1822-. See also Hy- drophobia. (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:66:840. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:47:326. (Roscoe) Moniteur Sci. 34 : 1353. Pastor, Louis Maria., (Rodiguez) Jour. Econ. 111:30:388. Pastoral poetry. See Bucolic. Patagonia. Burney. Voyages, index. Cook (James), yoyages. (Cox) Anales Univ. Chile. Peterrnann's Mitteilungen 26:47. Wilkes. U. S. Explor. exped. v. 1. in 1704. Kip, Historical scenes. in 1740. Anson, Voyage 80. in 1801. Gerstacker, Schriften 1 : 15 : 431. in 1876. (Daireaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:20:849. in 1877. Beerbohm, Wanderings. Negro river (Parish) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 6:136. Santa Cruz river (Fitz-Roy) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 7 : 114. Southern (King) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 1 : 155. Patarines (Paulicians). a Florence (Perrens) Rev. Hist. 2:337. Patents. See also Inventions. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull, no.5 Arago. Oeuvres 6:677. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Abolition. Macfie, Recent discussions. 1869. contraires a la liberte" du travail (Chev- alier) Jour. Econ. IV: 2: 169. Foreign laws. U. S. Commercial relations 1882, report no. 24. French, 1863 (Chevalier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 63:235- German law (Schulze) Preuss. Jahrb. 39: 294. T Uns. Zeit 1864 : 252. Unsere Zeit 1882 : 1 : 430. Histoire dela legislation (Malapert) Jour. Econ. IV :3: 95. Mexican laws, 1883. U. S. Consular re- port, August 1883. Paris convention, 1883. U. S. Foreign re- lations 1886 : 549. Prussian law, 1837 (Hitzig) Pams. law v. 1. United States system, 1850. Seward, Works v. 1. U. S. Senate Misc. D. 1877-8, no. 50. Paterculus, C. yelleius, historian. Handschriftliche Ueberlieferung (Halm) Rhein. Mus. 30:534. Paternity. Recherche de la (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III. -59: 349. (Molinari) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 12:612. Paternoster. See Lord's prayer. Paternus, Tarruntenus. (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1856. Pathelin (Patelin) . See La Sale ( Antoine de). Pathos, Pathetic. Pope. On bathos (Works 5 : 219). Schiller. Werke 11 : 396 ; Works tr. v. 8. Swift. On bathos (Works. 1814. 13:15). Patience. Garve. Versuche 1 : 1. Patin, Gui. 1602-72. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 8 : 88. Patmore, Coventry, poet. 1823- Angel in the house. Brimley, Essays. Faithful forever. Ruskin, Arrows of the chace 2:168. Paton, Sir Joseph N. 1823- British painters of 18-19. centuries. Patow, Erasmus R. von, statesman. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 186. Patrat, J , dramatist. 1732-1801. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Patriarchal theory. See also Family, Gov- ernment. McLennan. Patriarchal theory. Reviewed. Grit. Philos. 9 : 201 . Patrick, St. 372-464. Histories of Ireland by: Cusack, etc. Neander. Memorials of Christian life. Nennius. Historia. Schatt. Christian church v. 4. Tripartite life (MacCarthy) Roy. Irish Trans. 29:183. Patrick's purgatory. Calderon de la Barca. Dramas. Various old English chroniclers like : Matthew Paris (Chronica majora 2 : 192-) Patriotism. See also Loyalty, Nationality. Classical Jour. 24 : 197. Frederick II. Oeuvres 9:211. Garve. Versuche 2: 127-247. King. Substance and show. Seward. Works 3 : 200. Aim of college training. Pams. on educ. v. 10. Patriotism. 355 Peace. and liberty. Beecher, New star papers 264 Haben wir noch d. Vaterland d. Alten? Herder, Werke 1 : 13. Ide"e de la patrie (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:243. -- Transformation ( Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :W: 415. in Monarchien. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 9:35. Rise and fall of. Home, History of man 1:439. Spirit of. Bolingbroke, Works 4:187. Patronage. See also Civil service. Edirrworth. Patronage (fiction). and purling. Hazlitt, Table talk. dans les compagnies de chetnins de fer (Bailleux de Marisy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:71:608. dans 1'industrie (Reybaud) Rev. d. d. Monde* 11:68:787. ll'iiiiische P. iiber iuristische Personen (I'hilippi) Rhein. Mus. 8:497. Patru, Olivier. lfJ04-81. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 5:275. Patteson, J: C., bishop. 1827- Gladstone. Gleanings v. 2. Paul, St., the apostle. P.oxsuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 5. - Milinaii. History of Christianity. Renan. A pot (Aube") Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:82:877. -- Hutton. K ays v. 1. before Felix. Hogarth, Works. Character (Jowett) Noyes, Theol. essays 341, 357. Conversion. Donne. Works v. 2. -- Green (T: H.). Works 3 : !<*;. -- (Lyttclton ) Christian library v. 1. -- Religious Magazine 2: 71. Correspondence avec Se"neque. Feuillet de Conches, Causeries v. 1. >rs and doctrines. Neander, Planting of the church. Epistle to the Romans (Li^htfoot, Hort) J. Philol. v. 2-3. -- Erklarung (Miinscher) Jahrb. Philol. 13:3'iS. ; Gothir translation. Germania 10:225. -- Italafragmente (Ott) Jahrb. Philol. 116: U& Vision. Quelle d. mittelengl. Versionen (Bnuides) Kngl. Stud. 7:34. Paul II ( Pietro Barbo), pope. 1418-71. Creighton. Papacy (hiring reformation v. 3. Paul I, emperor of /,'.wa. 1754-1801. (Winkelnuimil Hi-t. Zeit. 58:38. A Tenement (Vogiie) Kev. l. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : .VJ : I '_'. Krmonlerung. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:420. Paullciana, rnrl>i < 'hnttian reformers. Set alto Patarines. H:iyle. Dictionary S : LM:!. Fini.ir. History of GrMO* Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. ->\. aider. Life of 8t. Bern a r. I Smith. Dictionary of Christian biogra- l-hy v. 4. Paullnus, I'. MrTopiiis, *t.. l,i*hn f \<>l Arbitration. War. - Advocate of peace. 1 *'i7 ( M i-c. pains, v. 2). Cobden. Speeches 2 : 401. Journal ean ( Ward ) Owen.-* College essays 507 Peace. 356 Pelouze. Evolution. Lawrence, Essays in interna- tional law. Friedegut in d. Fehden d. deutschen Mit- telalters (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1866. Grand dessein de Henri IV (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 54 : 29. Institutions, inte>ts, vertus(Hyacinthe) Jour. Econ. 111:15:91. Obstacles to. Chinese Repos. v. 3. perpe"tuelleest-elleuneutopie? (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 11:12:33. Peacock, T: Love. 1785-1866. Biography. In his Works v. 1. Peale, Anna C. (afterwards Mrs. Duncan). Ellet. Women artists. Pearls. Cevlon fisheries. Ruschenberger, Voyage 187. Chinese artificial. Lettres e'difiantes 22:92. Formation (Home) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1826: 338. Souloo island fisheries. Dalrymple, Voy- ages. Pears. - Blight. 111. Industr. Univ. Report 1880:62. Tissus cellulaires (Turpin) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 17 : 37. Peasants. See also Land, Serfs. Aufstande im Mittelalter (Wachsmuth) Hist. Taschenbuch 1834. Danish. Dahlmann, Dannemark v. 3. French. Hamerton, Round my house. Sous 1'ancien re"gime(Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 56: 601. German. Befreiung (Bornhak) Preuss. Jahrb. 61:478. Geschichte(Meyer)Preuss. Jahrb. 42:339 1618-48. Freytag, Bilder 3 : 425. Norddeutsches Leben (Oetker) Rund- schau 22: 111; 23:115; 24:115. Polish,1863(Nakwaski)Jour.Econ.lI:38:86 1864 (Gamier) Jour. Econ. II : 42: 230. Roumanian (Amiable) Jour. Econ. II : 32:236. Scottish (Currie) Burns, Works. 1813. Miller (Hugh). Essays. Peat. Perthshire mosses (Tait) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 266. Scottish mosses and climatic changes (Geikie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:363. Pedagogy. See also Education. Kant. Werke8:453. Anwendung der Psychologic. Herbart, Werke. 1850-52. lO : 343. Dunkle Seite. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 7:63. psychologique (Chaumeil) Grit. Philos. 5:468. sociale (Allier) Grit. Philos. N. S. 5:300. Pedal curves and surfaces. - Volumes (Hirst) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:13. Pedantry. See also Culture. Knowledge. Hazlitt. Round table. Pedro I, emperor of Brazil. 1798-1834. Pamphlets on biography v. 5. Pedro II, emperor of Brazil. 1825- Annual cyclopaedia 1877 : 74. Portrait. Pedro V, king of Portugal. 1837-61. UnsereZeitl864:70. Peel, Sir Robert, statesman. 1788-1850. Groker. Correspondence. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 2. Greg. Essays v. 2. Greville. Journal. (Guizot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 37:173; 38:115; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 3-5. (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7: 140. (Passy) Jour. Econ. II : 14 : 114, 206. (Jarnac) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:284. McCarthy. History of our own times. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1:27:47. Peel Island. U. S. Japan expedition v. 1. Peele, George. 1553-98. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 13 : 542. Pegavia monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr.v. 16. Peire Cardinal. Works on the Troubadours: Diez. Peire Daniel. Handschrift (Usener) Rhein. Mus. 22:413. Peire Vidal. Works on the Troubadours: Diez. Peirol. Works on the Troubadours: Diez. Peisistratus of Athens. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Regierungen (Unger) Jahrb. Philol. 127:383 Pekin, China. Lettres e'difiantes 16:409: 17:245; 18:5; 19:1; 20:5; 23:154,560; 24:462; 26:296. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia. Capture, 1858-60. Knox, Decisive battles. Imperial palace (Pal^ologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:78:407. Soiree d'hiver ( Palologue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1886: Feb. 15. Pelagianism. Augustinus. Opera; also Works tr. a Jerusalem (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:62:529. Pelasgians. See. histories of Greece. Rawlinson's Herodotus 3 : 437. Pelew islands. Keate. Pelew Inseln. Lettres 6din'antes 11 : 353. Pelham, Thomas Holies, duke of. -1768. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Pelissier, A. J. J., due de Malakhoff, marshal of France. 1794-1864. Unsere Zeit 1859: 196. Pelleport, Pierre, vicomte de. 1773-1855. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 13:324. Pelletan, P. C. Eugene. 1813-84. (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 26 : 337 ; N. S. 2 : 270- Pellew, E:, viscount Exmouth. 1757-1833. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Pellico, Silvio, dramatic poet. 1789-1854. Fagan. Life of Panizzi. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Pelopidas, Theban general. Nepos. Vitae. Plutarch. Lives. Pelorosaurus. (Mantell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:379. Pelouze, The'ophile Jules. 1807-67. (Dumas) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. v. 38. Pelvis. 357 Perception. Pelvis. Musculatur am Boden d. weiblichen (Luschka) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 20. Pelycosauria. Structure of columella auris (Cope) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Pemberton, Sir Francis. ( 'ampbell. Chief justices 2 : 24- Pemphigus, disease. (Dickson) Royal Irish Trans. 1: 47. Penchinat, Le"on. 1822-89. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 9: 137. Pencil. Algebraischen Strahlensysu-mr (Kummer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1806. Pendulum. (Crosthwaite) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. Acceleration. Parry, Voyage 1 : app ; 3 : app. 87. Arago. Oeuvres 11 : 176. - < hronometres et. Arago, Oeuvres 12 :'!">. - 1 'i-turbaiices of balances and (Airy) ( 'aiubr. Philos. Trans. 3: 105. - Error in physical observations (Kater) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1819:70. Invariable. Corrections for temperature (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830:251. Experiments (Brisbane) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823:308. (Fallows) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830: 153. ( Foster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826: pt. 3. (Hall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823: 211. Length of seconds (Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826. at Berlin (Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. at Greenwich (Sabine) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1831:459. at London, etc. (Kater) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818:33; 1819:337. (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1828:35. at Madras (Goldingham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822:127. Motion. Effect of internal friction of fluids on (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9: [8]. d un P. etdel'air(Poisson) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 11:521. Number of vibrations, at Greenwich and Ixmdon (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:83. Reduction to vacuum of vibrations (Yi.miK) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1H29: 207, 331. (Baily) l882:89ft Resistance de 1'air. Diderot, Oeuvres 10: M4. - Times of vibration, different latitudes (Sabine) Roy. Soc. Tran-. IV_M : K. Vibrations in fluids (Green) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13:54. Penis. Carcinoma (Bruckhaus) Bonn Univ. Di->. v. 1. Penn, John. 1741-88. -HmlTM>n. Signers of the declaration v.6. Penn, William. 1M 1-1718. Bancroft. HUtory of the U. S. 2:373. Belknap. Early discoverers 2'J'i. Maranlay. Ili>tory of England. Paget. New "I'xatnen.'' rks. American biography v. _'J. a friend of Catholics (GriHin) Am. < 'at 1ml. Hi-t. Soc. 1:71. .in. I Peterborough. I.amlor. Imaginary conversations. Pennant, Thomas. 1726-98. Jardine. Naturalist's library'v. 7. Pennatulida. (Marshall) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33 : 453. Pennsylvania. Boroughs (Holcomb) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 4. Pounding. Winsor, History of America 3:4(iO. in 1760. Douglass, North America 2:297. ! in 1867. Gerstacker. Schriften II : v. 13. Society before 1743 (Tyson) Am. Philos. Soc. [Misc. publ.]. Whiskey insurrection, 1794. Cobbett, Porcupine's works v. 4. Gallatin. Writings v. 3. Stevens. Life of Gallatin. Pens. Poems on steel. Paras, poetry v. 1. Pensions. Utility of. Arago, Oeuvres 3:611. Pentateuch. See also Commandments, Genesis. Linguistic affinities of the elohist( Driver) Jour. Philol. 11:201. Samaritan. Deutsch, Literary remains. Commentar von Marqah (Baneth) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Pentathlon of the Greeks. | (Gardner) J. Hellenic Studies 1 :210. Marqnardt. Pentathlon der Hellenen. (Meyers) J. Hellenic Stud. 2:217. Pepin I, kintj of Aquitaine. d. 838. Ermoldus Xigellus. Carmina(Pertz,Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2). Pepsine. Remarks on. Pams. medicine v. 6. Pepys, Samuel. 1632-1703. Evelyn. Diary. Hunt. Men, women, and books. Jeffrey. Essays. Perception. See also Apperception, Atten- tion, Consciousness, Illusions, Intuition, Knowledge, Nerves, Observation, Recog- nition, Senses. Bander. Werke, index. Hamilton (Sir W:). Discussions; Lec- tures. Stewart. Philosophy of human mind ch.l Theophrastus. On perception and smells. a nriori and a posteriori (Schubert-Sol- tlern) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 7:413. Aehnlichkeit u. IntensitJit (Wahle) Vier- telj. wissen. Philos. 13:273. - Anfgabe der Theorie' und d. Wundt'sche Logik (Lipps) Philos. Monatsh. v. !< 17. Begriindung (Natorp) Philos. Monatsh. 23:257. des Licbts u. der Farben(Wundt) Philos. Studien 4:311. - distinct from sensation. Hutcheson, In- quirv into beauty. et deduction (Dauriac) Crit Philos. N. S. 4:57. - (in-nzeii (Preyer) Rundschau 6: 100. 1 1 imili'Mi on. Stirling, Sir William Ham ilton. and Reid on. Fraser, Essays in phi- Kant stfieory( During) l'reuss.,1 ab rl Cohen and Hartmann iilier ( Kililx-ck ) Zta. f. Phtto*. 89:260, Perception. 358 Peripatus Capensis. StellungdesSubstanzbegriffes(Manno) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Voorthuysen liber (Land) Philos. Mo- natsh 24:207. Kategoriender Begriffe(Schmitz-Duniont) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 5:393; 6:62, 330, 474. Menschliche (Knauer) Philos. Monats. 2o : 585. Origin of impressions. Huxley, Life of Hume. Raisonnement dans (Binet) Rev. Philos. 15:306. Raum der Wahrnehmung(Lipps) Philos. Monatsh. 21: 193- Schwierigkeiten in d. einfachsten Form d. Bildung ( Volke) Philos. Monatsh. 17:129. Sight and insight. King, Substance and show. Simultaneous, bei Kant ( Witte) Zeits. Phi- los. 94 : 255. Streifziige mit Rucksicht auf Gunther (Koch) Zts. Philos. 87:49. Theory. Helmholtz, Wissens. Abhand- lungen 2 : 591- als einer voraussetzungslosen Wissen- schaft(Volkert) Philos. Monatsh. 17 : 513. Bedeutung und Aufgabe. Zeller, Vor- trage 2 : 479. Non-Euclidian geometry and (Milhaud) Rev. Philos. 25:620. und Psychologic (Heymans) Philos. Monatsh. "25:1. Vorbemerkungen(Lasson) Philos. Mo- nats. 25:513. Wiirdigungdes Gedachtniss(Meinong) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 10 : 7. Trugwahrnehmungen(Krapelin) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 5 : 205- Unterschiede (Paulsen) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 1 : 159. " Voraussetzungslosen" Theorie(Schuppe) Philos. Monatsh. 18:375. - Wasist? (Knauer)Philos.Monatsh.l7:542. Wissenschaftliche. Hegel, Werke 2 : 1. Wundt's theory (Lachelier) Rev. Philos. 10:23. Zeit der (Cattell) Philos. Stud. 2:635. Perceval, Spencer. 1762-1812. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 246. Perchloric acid. (Se'rullas) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 11 : 306- Percival, James Gates. 1795-1856. Griswold. Poets of America. Lowell. My study windows. Percival, Thomas. 1740-1804. Smith. Centenary science Manchester. Percy, earls of Northumberland. Lodge. Portraits v. 2-3. Percy, Dorothy, countess of Leicester. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Percy, Lucy, countess of Carlisle. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Percy, Pierre F., baron. 1754-1825. (Flourens) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. v. 13. Percy, Thomas, bishop of Dromore. 1728-1811. Life. In his Folio nianuscript. Peregrinus Proteus. Lncian. De morte Peregrini. Wieland. Peregrinus Proteus (fiction). Zeller. Vortrage 2 : 154. Pereira, Gomez. (Guardia) Rev. Philos. 28 : 270- Perez, Antonio. 1540-1611? - Mignet. Perez et Philippe II. Motley. Dutch republic. - Prescott. Philip II. Perfection (Religious). See also Holiness. Bohme. Vom iibersinnlichen Leben (Werke 1:130). Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 2 : 707. Works by Bates, Boardman, Bushnell, Thomas a Kempis, Upham. Bios teleios bei Aristoteles (Arleth) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2 : 13. Pergamus, Mysia. Baumeister. Denkmaler d. class. Altert. v. 2. (Milchhoefer) Rundschau 38:214. (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 19:55. Fouilles(Gogodan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 44:560. (Forster) Preuss. Jahrb. 46 : 420. Frieze. Relation to literature and tradi- tion (Farnell) J. Hellenic Stud. 3 : 301 ; 4 : 122 ; 6 : 102. Gross Altar (Trendelenberg) Unsere Zeit 1881:1:67. Miinzen (Imhoof-Blumer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Origines (Reinach) Rev. Hist. 32:73. Position in the Hellenistic world. Ma- haffy, Greek life and thought 309. Schlangentopfwerferin des Altarfrieses (Roscher) Jahrb. Philol. 133:225. Sculpture (Forster) Preuss. Jahrb. 44 : 646. Influence (Farnell) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 251. Tempel der Athena Polias (Bohn) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1881. des Dionysos (Bohn) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Topography, Geschichte (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1872. Pericles, Athenian statesman. See also As- pasia. Barthe"lemy. Voyage d'Anacharsis 1: 281, 348. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. Croly. Poems 1:253. Portrait. (Egelhaaf) Rundschau 49: 265. Oncken. Staatslehre d. Aristoteles 2:505. Plutarch. Lives. Quinet. G6nie grec ( Oeuvres 28 : 176). Eloquence (Perrot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 90:81. Perier, Gasimir. See Casimir-Pe'rier. Purler, Jacques-Constantin. 1742-1818. (Delambre) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 3:lix. Perineum. Restauration chez la femme (Roux) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. v. 5. Period (Astronomical). Berechnung (Koller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 54. Periodicals. See Journalism, Newspapers. Peripatetic philosophers. Arbeiten der altesten (Diimmler) Rhein. Mus. 42 : 179. Peripatus Capensis. (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874:757. Peritoneum. 359 Personality. Peritoneum. Kenntniss d. Netzhautgliome (Grolman) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Prirr.are Tuberculose (Seyffert) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Perkln Warbeck, pretender. Bay ley. Tower of London 2 : xxxviii ; 2:843 Ellis. Original letters illus. English his- tory 1:1:22. Rolls chronicles, 24. Histories of England time of Henry VII. Perkins, William, puritan divine. 1558-1602. Fuller. Abel redevivus 2:145. Pi'ron, Francois. 1775-1810. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 25. Perowsky, Basil, count. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 532. Peroxide of hydrogen. Bibliography ( Leeds) N. Y. Acad. Sci. Annals 1:410; "2: 153. Perraud, J : J., sculptor. 1821-76. (BeulS) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:33:666. Perrault, Charles. 1628-1703. Albert. Litte"rature fr. au 17. siecle. Alembert. Oeuvres 9:193. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 5:255; Nou- veaux Lundis l:29i. Marchen(Marelle) Herrig's Archiv 41:405. Perreyve, Henri, ecclesiastic, orator. 1830-65. Hamerton. Modern Frenchmen. Perrin, Mine. Louise L. (called Louise Labe"). Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 4 : 289. Perry, E. Wood. 1831- Sheldon. American painters. Perry, Commodore O. H. 1785-1819. Brauns. Skizzen von America 137. Persecution. See alto Fanaticism, Inquisi- tion, Liberty, Martyrs, Toleration. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe v. 2. Pike." History of crime. Shelley. Letter to lord Ellenborough (Prose works v. 1). -de Dece, 250(Aube") Rev. Hist. 24:1. Death of persecutors. Lactantius, Works des Protestants sous Louis XIV (Moret) Acad. Sci. M or. 43:' ;7. Premieres (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:14:487; 73:790. Theory of. Pollock, Essays in jurispru- dence. under James I. Brownson, Works 10:395. Persephone. Rauhund Iliickkehr(Forster) Philolngus, suppl. v. 4. Persepolis. Herder, Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan I.'.:. -.71. I'niversal hi-tory : ancient v. I. \Vrks on architecture by: Fergusson, i '.nlhabaud (v. 1), etc. Persons. Kinsley. The hi r.u.^t of (Murray) .1. Hellenic Stud. 2:55. ninl die Graea (1'atiofka) Berlin Akad. At.h. 1846. Persia. Srral.ni Caliphs, Teheran. Keppel. Journey from India. Letlre- I'llifiantes 1:53- Murray. Di-coverii- in Asia v. 3. I'inkerton. \. Ram u MO. Navigation! Ancient, compared with modern Ger- many. Chateaubriand, Revolutions ch. 55-62. Arab conquest. J. Am. Or. Soc. 1:435; 2: 207. Heritage de Darius (Jurien de La Gra- viere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:49:628; 50: 135. Hochlande ( Pohlig) Unsere Zeit 1888 : 1 : 97. in 1694 (Gemelli-Careri) Churchill, Voy- ages v. 4. in 1809. Morier, J ourney. in 1856 (Gobineau) Acad. Sci. Mor. 38 ; 235. in 1863. Vanibery, Central Asia 19- Eastwick's Journal (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:51:280. in 1875 (Guilling) Jour. Econ. 111:38:299. in 1885 (Brugsch) Rundschau 45:116- (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 79: 367. Peoples of. Hegel, Philosophy of history 180. Persans chez eux (Patenotre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:145. Politische Lage, 1888. (Mirza-Kara- Dahali-Chan) Unsere Zeit 1888: 1 : 332. und d. Tiirkei (Vambery) Unsere Zeit 1868:1:767. Wandering tribes (Morier) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 7:230. Persian gulf. Eastern shores, 1828 (Kempthorne) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J.5:263. Littoral (Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:79:856. Persian language. Zeitschrift deut. morgenl. Gesell., index. - Early (Blakesley) Philol. Soc. Proc. ot) Jour. Econ. 111:40:404. in 1875-7. Unsere Zeit 1875^77. in 1881(Fontpertuis)Jour.Econ. IV: 15:54. in 1882-3. Burgerkrieg (Loffler) Uns. Zeit 1887:1:642- Spanish conquest. Herrera, Historia. Raynal. Histoire du commerce 2: 123. Robertson. History of Anierica bk. 6. Winspr. History of Anierica v. 2. War of liberation, 1821-4. See also Bolivar. Gervinus. Gesch. d. 19. Jahrh. v. 3. War with Chile, 1879-. See Chile. Perugia, Italy. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 1. Perugino, P. Vannucci, called. 1446-1524. Works on Italian painting by: Mantz, Vasari. Pervigilium Veneris. Restitutum (Frei) Rhein. Mus. 10:195. (Mackail) Jour. Philology 17: 179. Pessimism. See also Hartmann (K: R. E: von ),Optimism , Schopenhauer ( Arthur). (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. S. 7:223. Graham. Creed of science. Hall. German culture. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat. Sully. Pessimism : a history. and modern thought (Royce) Berkeley Quar. 2 : 292. and the religious consciousness (Kil- patrick) Seth and Haldane, Essavs. au 19. siecle (Grotz) Crit. Relig. 2 : 61. Chamfort und. Schmidt, Franzosische Literatur 1 : 99. dans le roman (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:70:214. Deutsche, und englische Kritik. Uns. Zeit 1878 : 1 : 869. et la posie (Sully) Rev. Philos. 5:387. et stoicisme (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. S. 9:46. Ethik des (Sommer) Preuss. Jahrb. 43 :375. Frage (Hartmann) Philos. Monats. 19:60. Griinde (Paulsen) Rundschau 48:360. Grundfrage (Simniel) Zts. Philos. 90 : 237. Hartmann's. Hedge, Atheism in philos. Kant als Vater des (Hartmann) Uns. Zeit 1880 : 1 : 262, 429. Kompensations-Aequivalent von Luft (Hartmann) Zts. Philos. 93:50. Maladie du (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 24:241,481; 27:321. politique ( Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 28:729. Provisions (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:13:690. Psychologische Begriindung (Horwicz) Philos. Monats. 16:264. Studien (Ribbeck) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 9:265. wissenschaftlich zu begriinden? (Hart- mann) Philos. Monatsh. 15:589. Pestalozzi, Joh. H: 1746-1827. Cornpayre". History of pedagogy. Duller." Manner des Volks 1 : 103. Gegenwart 3:331. Herbart. Werke v. 1. Paroz. Histoire de la pedagogic 296. Raumer. Geschichte d. Padagogik 2 : 296- Lehrart (Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1803: 181. Systeme (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:35, 205. Petelia, Italy. Gold tablet from (Comparetti) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:111. Peter, St., the Apostle. Sage als romischen Bischof. Zeller, Vor- trage 2 : 215 ; also Rundschau 4 : 203. - (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 30: 87- Peter the Great, czar of Russia. 1672-1725. Bodenstedt. Schriften 12:75. (Bruckner) Hi.st. Zeits. 45:468. Herder. Adrastea ( Werke 23 : 436). (Motley) Essays from North Amer. Rev. Posselt. Franz Lefort: Leben. -Raumer. Europa seit 1500. 7:263. L6gende dans les chants populaires( Ram- baud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:106:679. Will of. Diplomatic Rev. bk. 7, no. 29. (Sybel) Hist. Zeits. 41:385. Unsere Zeit 1872: 1 : 379. Peter of Bhis, archdeacon of Bath. d. 1200. Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 15. Peter the Hermit. Sybel. Gesch. d. len. Kreuzzugs. Peter the Hermit. 361 Phallic worship. und Albrecht von Aachen (Sybel) Hist. Zeits. 44 : 22. Peter der Suchenwirth. Handschriften (Kratochwil) Gerraania 34:203. Peter Lombard, bishop of Paris, d. 1160? Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 12. Tiraboschi. Litteratura italiana 3 : 434. Peter Martyr ( or Vermigli) . 1500-62. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1:241. Peterborough, earl. See Mordaunt. Peterborough, England. Abbey. Chronicon (Camden Soc. 47). Cathedral. King, Cathedrals v. 3. Peters, Hugh. 1599-1660. Neal. Puritans. Peter shausen monastery. Casus. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 20:621. Petoefl, Sandor. 1822-49. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26 : 927. ( Waldmiiller) Unsere Zeit 1889: 1 : 53. Petra, Arabia Pelraea. (Wilson) Century 31:3. Petrarca, Francesco. 1304-74. See also Noves (Laure de). Histories of Italian literature by: Bartoli (v. 7), Ginguine' (v. 2), Koerting (v. 1), Sauer, Tiraboschi, etc. Aretino. Vita di (Dante Soc., Cambridge, 2d report). Hallam (A. H:). Remains. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2:3. - Landor. Works 8: 424. Macaulay. Essays. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 1. ^uinet. Revolutions d'ltalie 1: 177. Kenan. Averroes 328. SimondedeSismondi. Literature of south Europe. Villeiuain. Literature au moyen age v.2. Voigt Wiederbelebung des classichen Alterthums v. 1. Yriarte. Florence. (Zelle) Grenzboten 1874:2:81. and the revival of learning (Hettner) Rundschau 2:228. Svmonds. Renaissance. Villari. Machiavelli v. 1. Weltenschauung (Jacoby) Preuss. Jahrb. 49:567. Sonnets. Toinlinson, The sonnet. Petroleum. Annual cyclopaedia. 1861- (Broadhead) U. S. Internal. Exhib. 1876. v. 3-4. ( Buchenau) Pams. mining v. 1. Hunt. Chemical and geological essays 168. Missouri I'niversity, LeetdfM. 1879. Ohio Geological Survey, Geology v. III : Vi U. S. Consular report- '.1 in foreign countries, 1884. U. 8. Consular report .'57. Niclitvorkoninien i|. Hvpoguasiiure im (Schon) Oiessen rniv. biss. v. 2. 46 North American (Foucou) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:80:875. ( Wilkie) Pains, geology v. 3. Producte bei d. trockenen Distillation (Schneider) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Rangoon. Chemistry of (Christison, etc.) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13: 118, 124. Verkommen in Deutschland (Noldeke) Pains, geology v. 3. Volatile constituents ( Ronalds ) Roy. Edin . Trans. 23:491. Petromyzon fluviatilis. Dritte Auge (Owsiannikow) St. Petersb. Acad. Me^m. VII :v. 36. Petronius Arbiter, d. 66 A. D. (Ellis) Jour Philol. 11:237. Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 1. : Tacitus. Annales bk. 16. I Bedenken in Betreff (Teuffel) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:511. Cena Trimalchionis (Keller) Rhein. Mus. 16:532. Emendationes(Strelitz) Jahrb. Philol. 119: KiO- Satiricon(Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 6:320. (Jacobs) Jour. Philol. 7 :206. (Krohn) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Composition (Klebs) Philologus 47:623. Zeitalter(Studer) Rhein. Mus. N.F.2:50- Zwei Werke(Ritter) Rhein. Mus. N.F.2:561 Petrus Ravennas. Muther. Universitats-Leben im Zeit d. Reformation. Pettenkofer, Max von, M.D. 1818- und die Hygiene ( Fleischmann ) Uns. Zeit 1889 : 1 : 10"8. Pettlgrew, J. J., general. 1828-63. Spencer. Last 90 days of the war 278- Petty, William, marquis of Lansdownc. See Lansdowne. Peurbach, Georg. Vita. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. 5 : 457. Peyer's glands. Bau (Briicke) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 2:21. Peyton, Hon. J: Howe. Peyton. History of Augusta county, Va. 350. Pfalzgrafen von Tubingen. (Uhland) Germania 1: 1. Pfizer, Paul. 1801-67. (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 21 : 171. Pfuel, General Ernst von. Krinnerungen(Loewe) Rundschau 54 : 202 Phaeaclans ( Drummond) Class. J. 5:285. (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 1:219. Phaedrus. Leasing. Werke 11 : 1 : 124. ( Wagner) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1867:245. Iambic meter. Class. Jour. Hi: 74. Metrik (Langen) Rhein. Mus. 13:197. Phallic worship. Ki.cfo (Sim). Masculine rn>-. Westropp and Wake. Symbol worship. en Provence (Berenger-rYniml) Rev. Antl.rop. Ill ::i:559. in America. Relics of. Bancroft, Native ra< Schliemann. Ilios. Phallic worship. 362 Philo Judseus. Sonnenphallos der Urzeit (Schwartz) Zts. Ethnol. 6 : 167 ; 8:437. Pharmacy. See also names of drugs and Eoisons. inese (Culin) Pams. medicine v. 6. Pharsalia battle, B. C. 48. Lucan. Pharsalia. (Perrin) Arn. J. Philol. 6: 179. Crastinus episode (Perrin) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15 : 46. Pharynx. Maladies (M<5gevand) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 1. Phaulcon, Constance. 1648-88. Bowring. Siam 2 : 385. Phavorlnus. See Favorinus. Phenomena. Possibility d'une me"thode dans (Evellin) Rev. Philos. 28:1- Phenomenalism. Chose en soi dans la philosophic alle- mande (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 10:55. Double sens du terme (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 26 : 129, 161. Phenylcyanate. Einwirkung auf Orthotoluylendiamin (Herzberg) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Phenyloxypropionic acid. (Erlenmeyer) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Pherecydes of Si/rog. (Diels) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1 : 11. Phidias, Greek sculptor. yuinet. Gnie grec (Oeuvres 28 : 160). Atelier de (Beule") Kev. d. d. Mondes II: 32:292. Jeunesse(Beule") Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:26: 453 Mort (Beule") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38 : 359. (Miiller-Striibing) Jahrb. Philol. 125: 289-340. Philadelphia, Pa. Bibliography: 1682-1882. Mo. Ref. Lists 2:39-41. City government (Allinson) Johns Hop- kins Univ. Stud. v. 5. Exhibition, 1876. Rundschau 8 : 283- (Simonin) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:17:795. in 1817. Fearon, Sketches of America 134. in 1837. Gurney, Journey 88. in 1880. U. S. 10th census 18 : 773-849. Malignant fever, 1793 (Carey) Parns. his- tory v. 4. See also Yellow fever. National Union convention, 1866. Perry, Reminiscences 2 : 297. Philanthropy. See also Charities. scientitique au point de vue du Darwin- isme (touille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 53 : 407 ; also Pop. Sci. v. 22. Philidor, F. A. Danican, called. 1727-95. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Philip, king of Macedon. Histories of Greece by: Grote, etc. Demosthenes. Philippic orations. Schaefer. Demosthenes und Zeit. Philip, indian sachem. Barry. Massachusetts v. 1. Irving. Sketchbook. Philip II, king of France. 1165-1223. Davidsohn. Philipp II und Ingeborg. Guillaume le Breton. Philip ( Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. 26: 295). Rigord. Gesta (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 26:288). Philip III, king of France. 1245-85. Gesta. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 26:667. Philip II, king of Spain. 1527-98. Kampen. Geschichte Niederlande 1 : 325. and William the Silent. Praet, Essays on polit. history. De"cadance de 1'Espagne sous (Mignet, Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6 : 74, 88. Derniers moments (Rosseeuw Saint- Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 86:447. et ses nouveaux historiens. Guizot, Me- langes biographiques. Forneron's Histoire (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:53:379. Prescott reviewed (Merime'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:20:576. Philip III, king of Spain. 1578-1621. Cour (Perrens) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90:453; 91:349; 92:59. Philip V, king of Spain. 1683-1746. Coxe. Kings of Spain v. 1. Stanhope. War of succession in Spain. Vico. Opere; ed. Ferrari 6: 200. Philipon, Charles. 1800-62. Henry. Caricature moderne 271. Philippa of Hainault. d. 1369. Strickland. (Queens of England 1 : 543. Philippine islands. See also Manilla. Churchill. Voyages 1 : 210 ; 4 : 397. Lettres (Jdin'antes v. 15. (Marvin) California!! 1:412. (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 932. Universal history: modern 8: 130. Archipel (Plauchut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:20:447,896; 21:885. Domination espagnole (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 : 27 : 906. in 1686. Dampier, Voyage. in 1788. Meares, Voyages 34. in 1815. Kotzebue, Voyage 3 : 52. - in 1842. Wilkes, U. S. Explor. exped. v. 5. in 1889. U. S. Consular report N. S. 1. Language. Bowring, Philippine islands .215. Lugon et Mindanao. Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:87:341. Politische Lage (Blumentritt) Unsere Zeit 1889:2:512. Phillips, Wendell. 1811-84. Choice Literature 3 : 409. (Curtis) Pams. biography v. 5. Philo Bi/blius und Hesychius von Milet (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 34:561. Philo Judseus. Baur. Christliche Gnosis. Dahne. Judisch-alexandr. Religions- Philosophie. Heinze. Lehre vom Logos. Joel. Beitrage z. Gesch. d. Philos. Keim. Jesus of Nazara 1:276. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philos. 4 : 444. Smith. Dictionary of Christian biog- raphy. Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 1 : 125. De virtutibus (Ausfeld) Gbtt. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Philonea (Bucheler) Rhein. Mus. 32:433. Philo Judaeus. 363 Philosophy. Politiqne (Delaunay) Acad. Sci. Mof. 99: 305. Philochorus. Atthis (Boeckh) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1832. Philoctetes. (Jebb) Jour. Philol. no. 3:70. Philodemus of Gadara, Epicurean. Philodeniea(Arnim) Halle Univ. Diss.v.l. Philolaus the Pythagorean. Aristoteles und (Zeller) Hermes 10: 178. Fragments (By water) Jour. Philol. 1 : 21. (Tannery) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:379. Philology. See also Language. Ausgezeichnete Philologen des 16. .Tahrh. (Passow) Hist, Taschenb. 1830. Bildung des jungen Philologen. Jahrb. Philol. 118: 3U1. Bildung des P. Lehrers. Jahrb. Philol. 120:305,353. Comparative. Uns. Zeit 1870: 1 : 770. in Beziehung auf d. verschiedenen ICpochen d. Sprachentwicklung (Hum- boldt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. I'rincipes, applications (Maury) Rev. d.d. Mondesi! :8: 905. - Stmlien. Humboldt (K. W. v.), Werke 3:241. - Value as a study. Miiller, Chips v. 4. Wesen und Bedeutung (Hoffmann) Herrig's Archiv 30: 1. Criticism. Begriff und Eintheilung. Schleierrnacher, Werke 111:3:387. Gegenwartige Stand (Steinthal) Preuss. Jahrb. 13:563. Germanic. Bibliography, 1870-. Ger- mania v. 16- History and present state. Donaldson, New i'ratvlus. Moderne (Friedemann) Herrig's Archiv 2 : 2.56. Study. Donaldson, New Cratylus. und Naturwissenschaft. Preuss. Jahrb. 7:129. Philosophy. See alto Absolute. Aesthetics, Agnosticism, Cause, Cosmogony, Cyni- ci-in. Determinism, Doubt, Ethics, Id'eal- ism. Intellect. Knowledge, Logic, .Ma- terialism. Matter. Mental science. Meta- physics, Mind, Monism, Moral science, Si y>ticism. Occasionalism, Peripatetic, Personality. Pessimism, Positivism, I'-v- cholo^y, nationalism, Kealism. Reason, Scepticism, Scholasticism, Science, Soph- i-ts, Space, Stoics. Time, Traditional- ism, Transcendentalism, Utilitarianism, names of philosoj.li. Bibliography. Philosophy in America. Mo. Ref. Lists 3: 42. als Wis-eii-chaft. Herbart, Werke. 1850- _'. i : i:;i. Schelling. Werke 1:9:209. Analysis ( Hersot) Acad. Sci. Mor. W: 123. and Christianity (Hartmann) Philos. Monatsh. -M : 101. Mid common MOM BrowMOn,Worki v.i. and faith (Smith I Pams. philosophy v. 1. and n-ligion( Itarthelemy St H ilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. l.'t! , -- ( llowison) Pams. religion v. 1'J. (Max Miiller) KnmNchau I- Strong. Philosophy ami religion 1. Alliance (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 3:1,49. Guizot on (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81:334. Lutte au temps de Socrate (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 1 : 84 : 44. and science(Achelis) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:449. (Ritter) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Seth and Haldane. Essays. Martin's (Franck) Acad." Sci. Mor. 94: 67, 197. and theology. Hitchcock, Religious truth. (Janet) Rev. Philos. 27 : 1. Art and(Dauriac) Rev. Philos. N.S. 8: 27fi. as criticism of categories. Seth and Hal- dane, Essays. Aufgabe. Zeller, Vortrage 2:445. Classification des doctrines (Renouvier) Crit. Relig. v. 5-7. Renouvier's (Dauriac) Rev. Philos. 24 : 225- ( Whittaker) Crit. Philos. N. S. 5:359. de 1'esprit (Le"veque) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:927. Definitions recentes (Janet) Rev. Philos. 25:577. Devoirs dans 1'^tat actuel de la socie'te' (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12:5. Est-elle une science? (Janet) Rev. Philos. 25:337. et les sciences (Barthe'lemy St. Hilaire) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 84: 310. Etat et 1'avenir. Prudhomme (Sully). Oeuvres v. 4. ethnographique. Lineaments (Salles) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9: 7, 121. Extreme in(Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Fondation conime science (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 3:289. Function. James, Substance and shadow 89. Fundamental antithesis. Grote, Explo- ratio philosophica. ( Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8: 170, 614. Geographic de( Janet) Rev. Philos. 28:337. healing art of the soul (Wieland) Hedge, German prose 130. Historv. Bascom, Problems in phi- losophy. Bedeutung d. Archive der Literatur fur das Studium (Diltbey) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:343. Ziele. Wege (Zeller) Archiv Gesch. Phi- los. 1:1. in colleges (Harris) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1888: l.-.M. Influence des etudes morales sur 1'idee de (Naville) Acad. Sci Mor. 7!: !:*. Jubiliiums-Betrachtungen (Cohen) Phi- los. Monatsh. '24:257. Kriticismus (Achelis) Unsere Zeit 1888: _':lll. Hedeutungfiird. positive \Vissenschaft (Schnppe) Philos. Monatsh. 25:307. Limits of inquiry. Maudsley, Body and mind. Methods. Bascom, Problems in philoso- phy- (Goring) Viertelj. wisscns. Phil- Schopenhauer. Werke *'>: 3. Object and scope. M uxlcy, l.it'e of Hume. (Kromaii) Viertelj. wissen-. Philos.ftl. Popular. Relation to life. : 7. - o and M ( Wells) Am. Philol. Assoc. 17:47. Evolution (Bourdon) Rev. Philos. 26:335. Form d. Alernanischen (Heusler) Ger- inania34:112. Frankish. Lautverschiebung (Braune) Beitr. deut-ch. Sprache 1:1. itn f. .lalirh. ( I'ietsch) Zts. deutsche PhfloL 7: 880^407. French and English. Unterweisung (Kares) Herrig's Archiv 59:377. IS.Jahrh .(Ruhr) Hall.- I'niv. Pi-, v I Protonique in (I)armesteter) Romania 5:140. SvHtem (Liitgenau) Herrig's Archiv 72:"59. Oferm6(Pari*) Romania 10:30. 7jfravocali(Mu*salia) Romania 18:529. German. Anjrebliches Gesetz (Krauter) .l.-ihrb. Philol. 120:401. Disputed poinH (Super) Mod. Lan- gUaj/ I rails. V. -'. LaatTenchiebang < Ddbruck) Zts. deutsche Philol. 1:1, 133. (Paul) Beit. deut. Sprache 1 : 147. Mundart v. Seifhennersdorf (Michel) Beitr. deut. Sprache 15:1. Rauhigkeit Herder, Samiutl. Werke 1:186- Wohlaut (Minckwitz) Jahrb. Philol. 132:124- au (Gradl)Zts. deutsche Philol. 3 :342. e-und o (Luick) Beitr. deut. Sprache 14 : 127. g, und Entstehung des sch (Kronig, Rudolph, Dorn) Herrig's Arch. 36:1; 39:402; 40:389. Glanures phonologiques (Cornu) Roma- nia 7:353. 7/und die verwandten Laute (Michaelis) Herrig's Archiv 79:49:283. High German. Dialektfreie Aussprache (Grabau) Herrig's Archiv v. 54, 57-58. Prosodie der Mitlauter (Krauter) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 2:561. Irish Auslautgesetze (Windisch) Beitr. deut. Sprache 4 : 204. Italian (Canello) Zts. roman. Philol. 1:510. (D'Ovidio) Romania 6: 199. o and e (Staedler) Herrig's Arch. 33:369. Klang, nicht Dauer (Boehmer) Roman. Stud. 3:351-; 4:336. Latin. Laws (Wharton) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1888-90:43. quantity (Foerster) Rhein. Mus. 33: 291,639. (Peck) Am. Philol. Assoc. 13:50. Law. Existence of ( Bloomfield) Amer. J . Philol. 5:178. (Tarbell) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 17:5. Middle English (Wissmann) Anglia 5:46*5. Numerische Lautverhiiltnisse im Gr.. Lat., u. Deutschen (Forstemann) Zts. vergl. Sprachforschung 1: 163. Old English (Schipper) Anglia 5: Anz. 88. Old French (Arbois de Jubainville) Ro- mania 1:318. (Michaelis) Herrig's Archiv 39:411. Old high German (Braune) Beitr. deut. Sprache v. 4. Endsilben. Qnantitft (Braune) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 2: 125. Verskunst u. Betonung. Lachmann, Klein. Schriften v. 1; Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Oxford Psalter (Harseim) Rom. Stud. 4:273 Physiologic der S-laute (Michaelis) Her- rig's Archiv 32: 129. Principle of economy as a force in (Whit- ney) Amer. Philol. "Assoc. 1877: 123. Provencal. Chute de / mediate (Nigoles) Romania 8: 392. Resultate d. Lautpliysiologie (Deutsch- bein) Herrig's Arch." 70: 39. Rumiinisclic Lautfri'si -hichte (Ouster) '/A*. roman. Philol. 2 : 355. Spanish and Portuguese (Cornu) Roma- nia 9:71. Finales en (Joret) Romania 1 :4H. Surd and sonant relation (Whitney) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1.N77: 1. Tiefton von Tonsilben (Oldenberg) Jahrb. I'liilol. l.'{4 :5GO. Was bedciitcii.l die Time (Kriiger) Her- riK % > Archiv 23: 228. Phonography. I'.iM and present (Tremjwr) Overlain! II : 2:40. Phonography. 366 Physics. Phonetic writing. Keary, Dawn of his- tory 191. Practical (Richardson) Sci. Amer. Sup. 13:5036. Study (Van Dyke, etc. )Californian 6:566; Overland "II: 1:309. Teaching, practice, literature of (Rock- well) U. S. Bur. Educ. Circ. 1884. Phormion. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 2. Phosphorescence. Arago. Oeuy res 7:518. Holder. Living lights. (Hulme) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800: 161; 1801: 403. des composes d'uranium (Becquerel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 40. Luminous animals (Macartney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810:258. of the sea. Lettres e"dinantes 11 : 190. (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1834:411 Phosphorus. Aequivalentbestimmung(Schrb'tter)Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 4. Allotropischer Zustand (Schrb'tter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 1. Arseniates etc. of phosphoric acid (Gra- ham) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833:253. Bases (Hofmann) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857: 575; 1860:409-533. Combinations (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818:316. mit d. Stickstoff (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Natur d. amorphen (Schrotter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 2: 127. Poisoning. Verhalten der Ammoniak- ausscheidung bei (Engelien) Kbnigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Photography. Applications scientifiques (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25:873; 26:198. Astronomical. France, Bur. Longitudes, Annuaire 1887 : 795. Entwickelung. Uns. Zeit 1865:939. Evolution (Londe) Rev. Sci. 43: 418, 460. Gegenwartige Leistungen (Vogel) Rund- schau 15:414. in 1856. Gegenwart 12:604. Iodine-argentine process (Hunt) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1840:325. Niepce processes (Chevreul) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 20:533. Some processes (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1840:1; 1843:1. Relation to painting. Hamerton.Thoughts about art. Servant of astronomy (Holden) Overland 11:8:459. ( Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 92 : 626. Stellar (Holden) Overland 11:11:587. Photometry. See also Light. Arago. Oeuvres v. 10. mittelst rotirender Scheiben (Lehmann) Philos. Stud. 4:231. New photometer ( Reynolds) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1876:725. (Ritchie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825: 141. Simple photometer (Ponton) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 363. Photomicrography. Bibliography. Steng- lein and Schultz-Hencke, Ausfiihrung rnikrophotog. Arbeiten 115. Phratry, Attic. (Tarbell) Am. J. Archaeol. 5 : 135. Phrenology. See also Brain, Crania. Bain. Study of character. Blakey. Philosophy of mind 4 : 583. , Christian Spectator 16 : 497, 525 ; 17 : 274. j Good. BOOK of nature 495. Hecker. Scientific basis of education. (Reich) Unsere Zeit 1879 : 2: 993. Weaver. Mental science. Modern (Goltz) Rundschau 45:263. Pretensions. Brownson, Works 9: 235. Spurzheim's theory. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Phrygia. Citiesandbishoprics(Rarnsay)J. Hellenic Stud. 4:370; 8:461. Monuments (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:256. Notes of tour(Smith)J. Hellenic Stud. 8:216 Rock-necropolis (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:1. Phylloxera. See also Grapes, Wine. (Hilgard) Univ. Cal., Bull. no. 23. Canaux du Rhone et (Duponchel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 67 : 898. dans la Gironde (Azam) Paris, Me*m. Sa- vans Etrang. v. 25. dans le sud-est de la JFrance (Duclaux) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 25, 26. dans les Charentes (Girard) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 25. du chene (Balbiani) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 22. en Europe et en Ame'rique (Planchon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:1: 544, 914. Experiences pour combattre(Cornu)Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 25. , Potasse et (Nottelle) Jour. Econ. IV : 8 : 243. Question en 1876 (Planchon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:241. Ravages. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 108 : 207. Treatment. U. S. Consular report 95. parlasubmersion(Faucon)Paris,Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 22. vastatrix (Cornu, Duclaux) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 22, 26. Vignes ame>icaines (Latitte) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:44:196. (Millardet) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Physic. See Medicine. Physics. See also Air, Astronomy, Atoms, Capillarity, Color, Dynamics. Electricity, Equilibrium, FluidsiForce.Friction, Gas, Gravitation, Heat, Hydrodynamics, In- duction, Light, Magnetism, Matter, Me- chanics, Motion, Optics, Pendulum, Pneumatics. Science, Sound, Statics. Ancient. History of. Smith (Adam), Works v. 5. Conditions de constitution (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 4: 337. Descartes et Newton (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 21 : 81. 145, 195. fondateur de (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 12:209. Deutsche Reichsanstalt (Pisko) Uns. Zeit 1887:1:516. Physics. 367 Piedmont. Modern (Saveney) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 66 : 142, 329, 919. Consequences philosophiques(Naville) Rev. Philos. 11:46. Esprit (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 17:199. Principe(Renouvier)Crit. Philos. 5:129- Study. Tvndall, Fragments v. 1. Subjects for students' work. Harvard Lib. Bull. 2:94. Physiocrats. See alsolives ot Beccaria.Ques- nay, Turgot. Bibliography. U. S. Bur. Educ. Circ. 1887, no.2:205. Histories of political economy by: Blan- qui, Kautz. (Baudrillart) Jour Econ. 1:29:1. (Daire) Jour. Econ. 1 : 17 : 229, 349; 18: 115. (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 24:239. Lavergne. Economistes frangais. Martin. Histoire de France 16: 169. (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12:45. Schlosser. History of 18. century v. 2. Taine. Ancient regime. Physiognomy. Darwin. Expression of emotions. Gallon. Human faculty (Composite por- trait.-). Goltz. Hinter d. Feigenblatten 1 : 48- Lavater. Schriften v. 3-4; Hedge, Ger- man prose. Grim m- Diderot. Correspondance 11:240 Redfield. Comparative P., man and ani- mals. Schopenhauer. Werke6:670. des 19. Jahrhunderta (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1865: 660. et la parole (Lemoine) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 72, 73. Physiography. See also Earth. Erosion. Bibliography (Whitaker) Brit. &M. Adv. Sci. 55:442. Action humaine(Reclus) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:54:7.12. Raumliche Anordnungen auf d. Aussen- seiten d. Erdball (Ritter) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1849. Kchitive quantities of land and water (Rigaud) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:289. Revolutions of the earth's surface (Hall) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7 : 139, 169. Stellung u. Ausbreitungd. Erdtheile( Rit- ter) Berlin Akad. Al.h. l Physiology. See also Anatomy, Biology, Blood, Bone, Brain, Death. Digestion, Kar, Kye, Pood, Generation, Hair, Hand. Health, Heart, Heredity. Intestines, Lon- gevity. Lungs, Man, Medicine, Mon-tm ities.NliiM-le-, Nerve>, >v:ir\ . I'lotnplaMii, Senses, Skin, Sleep. Urine, Voice. Chemical constitution and 1'. action (Brown) Uoy. Kdin. Trail*. J6:16L et la psychologic (Dutxiis) Acad. Sci Mor. 4 : 403. Fundamentale Problem (Reinke) Uumi- schau30: II Instruction in. Huxley .Science and cul- ture. Laboratories (Martin) Johns Hopkins I'niv. ('ire Machine 11:11 :^\\. in 1M!> :.!. TIIMTC Xeit ls..:::337. I'olUiijlle tle|.lli- 1713 ( Ma/adel KeV. d. d. Mondes II:i'l:689. Piedmont. 368 Piracy. Statistique (Beaumont) Acad. Sci. Mor. 11:9,34. Piedmontite in Japan (Koto) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1:303. Pieraerts, C.F.J. Eloge (Cartuvvels) Louvain Univ. An- nuaire 1888. " Pierce, Franklin, 13th. president. 1804-69. Annnaire d. d. Mondes 3 : 685. Annual cyclopaedia 1869:569. Pierre. See Peter, Peire. Pietists. See also Mysticism. Dorner. Gesch.protestant.Theologie624. Hettner. Deutsche Literatur 1 :55. Schlosser. History of 18. century 1 : 177. Kampf mit d. Philosophic. Zeller, Vor- trage 1 : 117. Kant und (Feuerlein) Philos. Monats. 19: 449. Piety. See also Holiness. Religious Magazine 1:481. Pigeons. Carrier (Russ) Uns. Zeit 1875 : 1 : 65- Piis, A. P: A., dramatist. 1755-1832. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Pike, Z. M., explorer. 1779-1813. Prince. New Mexico. Sparks. American biography v. 15. Pilatus. Legenden und Sagen (Creizenach) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 1 : 89. Pilgrim fathers. See also Plymouth. Everett (E:). Orations v. 2. Gardiner. Prince Charles and the Spanish marriage ch. 7. Hawes. Tribute to memory. Phillips (Wendell). Speeches 228. Russell. Pilgrim memorials. Sears. Pictures of the olden time. Sunnier (0:). Works 3:269; 15:291. Winthrop (Rob. C.). Speeches. Age of. Choate, Addresses. and liberty. Seward, Works 4: 179. and present New Englanders. Curtis, Life and writings v. 2. German (Kapp) Rundschau 38 : 130. Landing at Plymouth. Webster, Works v. 2; Hist. pams. v. 5. unconsciously great. Bushnell, Work and play. Pilgrimages, Pilgrim. See also Crusades. Manners and customs. Fosbroke, British monachism. Pillersdorff, Franz von. 1786-1862. Gegenwart 4 : 707. Pilots. Compulsory pilotage. U. S. House M. D. 1883-4, v. 19. Piloty, Carl von. 1826-86. Reber. NeueredeutscheKunst3:230.250. Pima Indians. Language (Buschmann) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1856. Pinckney, Charles, governor. 1758-1824. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer- ican statesmen 447. Pinckney, C: C. 1746-1825. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer- ican statesmen 259. Pindar us, Greek lyric poet. Felton. Ancient and modern Greece. Herder. Sammtliche Werke 1 :307. (Jebb) J. Hellenic Stud. 3: 144. <4uinet. Ge"nie grec (Oeuvres 28 : 151). Bootische Dialekt (Fiihrer) Philologus 44 : 49. Daktylo-epitritische Strophen (Her- mann) Jahrb. Philol. 130:481. Epinikien (Fritzsche) Jahrb. Philol. 125: 145. Homonymen in (Leutsch) Rhein. Mus. 17:368. Erklarungen (Heimsoeth) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5:1. et 1'art grec (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 25:711. et les lois du lyrisme (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:44:793. Kritische Behandlung (Bockh) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. MetrischeLebensskizze(Ludwich) Rhein. Mus. 34:357. Nemean ode 7 (Bornemann) Philologus 45:596. Neue Fragmente (Blass) Rhein. Mus. 32: 450. Olympian odes. Racine, Oeuvres v. 6. ode 6 (Bornemann) Philologus 47:589. Plan einzelner Gesange (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 2:364. Pythian ode2(Mezger) Philologus 35: 430. Rauchenstein'sCommentatio(Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. N. F. t:539. Religiose Standpunkte (Seebeck) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3:504. Syntax (Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. 3: 434; 4:158. Vortrag iiber (Kayser) Jahrb. Philol. 112 : 530. Pine. See also Coniferae. Gordon. Pinetum. Europaische Arten (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Pacific coast (Lemmon) Cal. State Bd. Forestry, Report 1887-8. Pinaster." Cones (Dickson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26:505. Spray of. Burroughs, Signs and seasons. Pinguicula vulgaris. Development (Dick- son) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25 : 639. Pinkney, William. 1764-1822. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 329. ( Weaton) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 6. Pinto, Major Serpa. Voyage dans 1'Afrique (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes Jan. 1882. Pinturicchio, Bernardino Betti. 1454-1513. Works on Italian painting: Mantz, etc. Pinzon, V. Y., Portuguese navigator. -1493. Irving. Companions of Columbus. Piobert, General Guillaume. 1793-1871. (Morin) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 38. Pioche, Nevada. Trip to (Sumner) Pams. travel v. 2. Piozzi, Mrs. E L. (Thrale). 1739-1821. (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33:425. Piracy. See also Buccaneers, Vikings. Algerine. Arber's English garner v. 2,4. Chinese. Chinese Repository. in , West Indies, 1717-21. Ramsay, South Carolina 1 : 198. Piracy. 369 Planets. Rhode Island. Kip, Historical scenes. Vitalienbriider, 1400. Hist. Taschenbuch 1841. Pirckheimer, Wilibald. Schroder. KlassiscbeStadien in Deutsch- land 218. Plron, Alexis, dramatist. 1689-1773. Grim m-Diderot. Correspondence. Lenient. Corue'die fr. an 18. siecle 1 : 206. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 7:404. Pisa, Italy. Marangoni. Annales (Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script. 19:236). Trollope. Italy 183. Bapti>tery. < iailhabaud. Monuments v.2. Stadtgesetze(Raumer) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1827. Pisano. See Niccola of Pisa. Pisemski, Russian novelist. Roman satyrique (Uelaveau) Rev. d. d. Mondes \.\:-i:>:Vl\ Pisidia. Graeco-Roman civilization in (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 4:23. Notes of tour(Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 8: 216. Pistia. (Klotzsch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Pitcairn (Norfolk) island. - Beechey. Voyage 1:66-136. Belcher. Mutineers of the Bounty. in 1S2H. Kotzebue, New voyage 1:226. in 1833 (Barrow) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3 : 156. in 1885 (Hiibner) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 72:749. Pitt, William, earl of Chatham. 1708-78. Histories of England: Green, Lecky (2: 508), Smollett, Stanhope, etc. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 17. Chesterfield. Works v. 4. - Hwald. Representative statesmen v. 1. Hazlitt. Sketches and essays. Lamurtine. Oeuvres v. 42. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. inlay. Kssays. Villemain. Litte>ature au 18. siecle 4 :55. 90- Wal } >ole. Letters. Wraxall. Memoirs. Pitt, William, ton of preceding. 1759-1806. Brougham. Statesmen 1:195. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 1. Gillray. Caricatures. Hazlitt. Sketches and essays. Lamartine. Oeuvn-- v. 12. Lewis. Political administrations. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Macaulav Mathews. Oratory and orators. Lecky. History of England v. 5. (Nase) I'reuss. .lalirli. 11 Mnith. Throe Kngli>h statesmen. Wraxall. Memoirs. and Fox. Bulwer, Mi-<-. pro-e work- 1:1 Vi aii'l Napoleon I. Bissvt, English parlia- ment ch. H. as a liiiaiici.T (CalmOO) Hev.d.d. Mondes [1:51 :881 (Diimon) Aead. Sci. Mor. 73:353. Pitt mountain, (>,,, (Eminons) Cal. Acad. 8ci., Bull. 1:229. 47 Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1880. II. S. 10th census 18 : 805. Pittsburg Landing battle. See Shiloh. Pius II, pope. 1405-64. Tiraboschi. Letteralura italiana 6:993. Pius VI, pope. 1717-99. \md die Franzosen (Sugenheim) Grenz- boten 1874:2:378.418. Pius IX, pope. 1792-1878. About. Roman question. Annual cyclopaedia 18f>9:608. Godkin. Victor Emanuel II. Encyclical, Dec. 8, 1864. Annuaire d. d. Mondes 1864. Pontifical. Gegen wart 7:45. und Leo XIII. Uns. Zeit 1878: 1:876. Vie,parClav. Pelletan,Nouvellesheures de travail 213. Piute Indians. \Varof 1878 (Howard) Overland II :v.9-ll Pizarro, Francisco. 1475-1541. (lay. Historiade Chile 1:82- Helps. Spanish conquest. Herrera. Historia general. Miiiana. Historia de Espafia. Prescott. Conquest of Peru. Robertson. History of America bk. 6. Sheridan. Dramatic works. Winsor. History of America 2:505. Placenta. Arteries. Bulbi (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. ri. v. 29. Nerves (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1825:66. of apes and woman (Turner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878:523. of elephants (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:347. of seals (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:'_'75. of sloths (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:71. Structure (Lee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1832:57. Placer county, Cal. in 1886. Pamphlets on California v. 4. Placidla Augusta, Galhumprm. A.D.389-450 Gibbon. Decline and fall. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Placidus, Luctatius, grammarian. Notes on (I. Owe) Rhein. Mus. 31:55. (Settleship) Am. J. Philol. 2:312. Placllla (Flacilla), Aelia. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 2:959. Placodus laticeps. Skull (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:169. Plagiarism. See also Originality. Ethics (Matthews) Longmans 8:621. Literary (Lang) Contemp. Rev. 51:831. Plague. See Epidemic*. Plana, Giovanni A. A. 1781-1864. (Beaumont) Pari*, Mem. Acad. Sci.v.38. Planarida. (Johnson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823: 437; 1825: LM7. Cevlon land (Moseley ) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1*71:105. Planche, J: B. Gustave. 1808-57. (Montegnt) Kev.d.d. Mondes 11:15:642. Planchette (Myer*> ('"iitemp. Kev. J7:233. Planets. See aUo nnmes of ]>lai Apsides of orhits of great eccentricity ( Whewell) Cainbr. Philos. Trans. 1:179. Planets. 370 Plants. Soda's empirical law extended (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3: 171. Formeln fiir d. Variation d. Constanten beid. Storungsrechnungen (Encke) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1834. Inhabited? Miller, Heavenly bodies. Orbits. See also Anomaly, Kepler's prob- lem. Hegel. Werkel6:l. Ausnahmefall einer doppelten Bahn- bestimmung aus drei geocentrischen Oerten (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1848. Elliptische Elemente (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849. of satellite revolving about a tidally distorted planet. Secular changes (Dar- win) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880:713. of two apsides acted upon by a cen- tripetal force varying as function of dis- tance (Brinkley) Roy. Irish. Trans, v. 8. Lage u. Austheilung (Bode) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Origin of the system. Helmholtz, Popu- lar lectures v. 2. Perturbations (Ivory) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1832:195; 1833:559." Determination of the terms of the dis- turbing function (Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835 : 57. HansenscheForm(Encke)Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Ermittlung d. Storungswerthe in d. Coordinate!! durch d. variation entspre- chend gewahlter Constanten (Oppolzer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 46. Physische Zusammenkiinfte (Littrow) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 16, 31. Theil der Storungen (Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Transneptunian (Todd) Pams. astronomy v. 1. Variation of elliptic constants (Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830:327; 1831:25,283; 1832 : 43, 229. Plantagenets. English. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 1:1. Stubbs. Early Plantagenets. Plants. See also Botany, names of genera and species. Action of light on (Daubeny) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836 : 149. Aeltere Geschichte (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826. Alpine. Stammland (Sturm) Unsere Zeit 1889:2:136. Anwachsen von Theilen (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Apparition successive (Fournier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:13:180. Atavistische Formen (Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. Atmosphere et (Jamin) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:53:482. Biblical. Browne (Sir T:), Works 3 : 151. Bodenstiitigkeit gewisser ( linger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 :83. Carbonic acid excretion (Broughton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869 : 615. Carniverous (Cohn) Rundschau 7:440. (Planchon) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:13:631. Climbing (Schulz) Uns. Zeit 1878 : 1 : 745- Composition chimique (Payen) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 8 : 163. Cross and self-fertilization (Rossbach) Uns. Zeit 1886: 1:107. Developpements, tissus (Payen) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 9. Dicotyle'es. Diame'tre (Durand) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 12 : lf>'9. Einfluss d. Lufttemperatur(Fritsch) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 15. Entwicklungsnormen beblatterter Stamme (linger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:90. Epidernie(Strasburger) Rundschau 49:116. Farbestoff (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 75. Fette (Jacobson) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Flowerless (Burrill) Report Illinois Univ. 1870-1 : 197. Geographical distribution. Haughton, Physical geography. (Martins) Rev. d. d Mondes 11:5:457. Growth. Direction of (Roget) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:253. Warmeveranderungen d. Atmosphiir (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Guiana (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Haargebilde ( Rauter) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 31. Heliotropismus (Wiesner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 39, 43. India( Hamilton ) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:171. Individuum d. P. in' seinem Verhaltniss zur Species (Braun) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. Instinkt der (Hermbstadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Living beings? Him, The'orie de la chaleur 2:479. Medicinal, of Brazil. U. S. Consular re- port 49. Missbildungen(Unger)Wien Akad.Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:99. Names. English. Engl. Dialect. Soc. 22, 2t>. German (Perger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 14, 18, 19. Naturalization (Templeton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8- Natiirliche Ordnung (Link) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-3. Nitrogen of. Sources, etc. (Lawes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:431-578. (Rigg) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1838:395, 403. (Wilson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:591. Nova genera P. vascularium (Fenzl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:253. Origine, migrations (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 85 : 628. Periodicity at Vienna( Fritsch) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 24, 27, 29, 33. Pflanzenweltd. Jetztzeit. Historische Be- deutung (Unger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3. Phylogenied. Arten( Ettingshausen) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 38, 43. Protection centre les animaux (Varigny) Rev. Sci. 43:161. Reste aus altagyptischen Graben (Braun) Zts. Ethnol. 9:289. Sensibility ve'ge'tale (Grimard) Rev. d. d Mondes 11:73:370. Textile, of Brazil (Gama, Moreira) Pams. agriculture v. 4. Thermische Constanten fiir d. Fruchtreife (Fritsch) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 21. Plants. 371 Plato. Zusammenleben verschiedenartiger( Will- komm) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:799. Planudes, Maximus. Sprichworter.sammlung (Crusius) Rhein. M us. 42-3*J. Plataea battle, B. C. 479. Herodotus. Historia bk. 9. Rawlinson's transl. 4 :326. Plans. Thucydides. Historia. Authenticity (Miiller-Striibing) Jahrb. Philol. 131:289. Seume. WerkelO:7. Platen-Hallermiinde, A., Graf von. 1796- 1835. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 2:437. (Schirlitz).Tahrb. Philol. 134:17. (Schonfeld) Uns. Zeit 1885:2:742. Platinptype. Pizzighelli and Hubl. Platinotype. Platinum. Action of P.andmercury(Chenevix)Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:104. Action of finely divided P. on gases (Henry) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824:2f><>. Combinations of (E. Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820:108. Fulminating (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1817:1:',';. Hvdroxylaminhaltige Basen (Alexander) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Rendering P. malleable (Wollaston) Roy. 8 Trans. 1829:1. Plato, (rrrek philosopher. Hi-tories of philosophy by: Brandis (v. 2), Ritter (v. 2), Stanley, etc. Bayne. K--ay^, 2<1 series. Bunsen. God in history v. 2. Figuier. Savants de 1'antiquite'. Mill. Dissertations v. 4. Mushet, Trinities of the ancients. Plutarch. Morals translated v. 5. Teichmiiller. Studien zur Geschichte d. Bqpiih. Wyld. Philosophy of the senses. bines und (Hup) Rhein. M us. 29:434. Albinos Isagoge (Alberti) Rhein. Mu-. 13:7i. Anachronismen (Zeller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. and his times. Benn, Greek philosophers. i reformer. Benn, Greek philosophers. Critical notes. Gray (T:). Works v. I. De corporis mutidani fabrica (Boeckh) Pains, philosophy v. 1. De sy-tein.itis fuiulainento. Herbart, Werke. 1S.V) 2. 12:>;i. Dialogue-. Chronology of (Friederking) .lahrl.. Phil-.l (Siel k) .lahrh. Philol. 131 : .'.">. Teichmiiller. Literar. Fehden. Qesichtepankte (Alberti) 1'hilologus, Suppl. 3:109. Qrotrs Plato(B4maMt) Rev.d.d. Monde* 1 1 : 73 : 43. HandM-hriften (Jordan) Hermes r_':ltil; I.'',: I'. 7. (8ohans)Phflologa*86:648; EcrmM 11:loj. Heruklit und Sophmn in P. Citaten ister, Rh.-in. Mtis. 2!:590. Idea~ Liter theory of (Jackson) Jour. PhiM. v. lu. 11,13-15. Ideenlehre (Cohen) Zts. Volkerps. 4:403. Lehre vom Willen. Wildauer, Psycholo- gic des Willen s pt. 2. Maniere de. <4uinet,Ge'nie grec (Oeuvres 28: 225). Neo-Platonism. Platonische (Gercke) Rhein. Mus. 41 :2r>. Neueste Behandlung des Textes (Wohl- rab) Jahrb. Philol. 113:117; 123:721. Number ( Donaldson) Philol. Soc. Proc. v 1 (Gow.Munro) Jour. Philol. 8:275; 12:91 nuptial (Tannery) Rev. Philos. 1:170. Personliche Lehrthatigkeit (Zeller) Hermes 11:84. Phe'nome'nisnie dans 1'^cole (Picavet) Rev. Philos. 23:378. Philosophy of. Hegel, Werke 14 : 147- PsYchologT. Difficulties (Hind) Jour. Philol. 10:120. Staat in seiner Bedeutung f. d. Folgezeit. Zeller, Vortrage 1 : 68. Zeitbestimmung d. Euthydem, Gorgias u. d. Republik (Sudhaus) Rhein. Mus. 44:52. Plato. Single works. Cratylus (Heath) Jour. Philol. 17:192. (Sachs) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1878:59. Echtheit (Alberti, Schaarschmidt) Rhein. Mus. 20:321; 21:180; 22:477. Gorgias. Cron's edition (Troost) Jahrb. Philol. 133:801. Grundabsicht (Natorp) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2:394. Hippias als Archaolog (Osann) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 2:495. Laches. Zur Erklarung (Becker) Jahrb. Philol. 121:305. Leges 4 : 716. Schilling, Werke 1:9: 313. Letters. Authenticity de (Huit) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:820. Lysis. Erklarung (Becker) Philologus 41:284. Menon. Mathematische Stelle (Schultz) Jahrb. Philol. 125: 19. Geometrical problem ( Butcher) Jour. Philol. 17:219. Parmenides (Ribbeck) Philos. Monatsh. 23:1. Commentar des Proclus (Apelt) Rhein. KM. 85:184. Phaedo (Schirlitz) Jahrb. Philol. 113:193. Ethische Parteien (Seelisch) Philos. Monatsh _"_>; 321. Sources, caractere lyrujue. Cousin, Fragment-* philos. 1:92. I'haedrns. Abt'as^um;szeit (Susemihl) Jahrb. Philol. 121:707: 123:1157. (Usen.T) Rhein. Mus. 35:131. Or.ix ( . Mvthos (Lukas) Philos. Mo- nat-li. 21 BchoUMHTNitcaoh) Rhoin. Mus. 12::{9(). Philelius (Tliompson) Jour. Phil. 11:1. Protagoras. Methodologische Bedeutung (Kleist) Philologus 39:1. Scnsualismus(Sattig) Zts. Philol. v. 89. Simonideisclie (iedicht (Hla-s) Rhein. Mus. 27: und kein Knde(Miinz) /ts. Philos. 92: 107. Respublica. Aristoleles. Politics bk. 2, ( b. 2-5. Barthelemy. Voyage d'Anacharsis 4 : De Quincey. Hist, and critic, essays v.l. Plato. 372 Plinius Secundus. Book 6:509 (Jackson) Jour. Philol. 10: 132. Ansicht vorn Staate (Pierson) Rhein. Mus. 13:1,209. Cosmogony, bk. 10 ( Donaldson) Cambr. Phiios. Trans. 10:305. Einleitungen (Rettig) Rhein. Mus. 16: 161. Kritische Grundlage (Schanz) Hermes 12:173. Theory of education (Nettleship) Ab- bott's Hellenica, 67. Unterschied der dikaiosyne u. sophro- syne (Hirzel) Hermes 8:379- Sophista. Genuineness (Alberti) Rhein. Mus. 21 : 180. (Schaarschmidt) Rhein. Mus. 18: 1 ; 19:63. (Thompson) Cambr. Phiios. Trans. 10:146; J. Philol. 8 : 290. Symposium (Teuffel) Rhein. Mus. 29: 133 Etudes (Huit) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:369- Fortsetzung. Jacobi(F: H.), Werke6:63 Knaben-und Frauenliebe in (Rettig) Philologus41:410. Theaetetus. Abfassungszeit (Rohde) Jahrb. Philol. 123:321; 125:81. Tiniaeus. Faye, Origine du monde. Adrasticommentarium (Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 26 : 582. Archer-Hinds' ed. (Shorey) Am. J. Philol. 9:274. Interpretation (Shorev) Am. J. Philol. 9:395; 10:45. p. 40 c (Campbell) Jour. Philol. 5: 206. Runt oder bewegt sich die Erde (Sar- torius) Zts. Phiios. 93:1. Platysomidae. Structure (Traquair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:343. Plautus, T. Maccius, comic dramatist. B. C. 254-184. Lessing. Werke3:15- Sellar. Roman poets of the Republic. Amphytruo (Osann) Rhein. Mus. 2:305. Veriorene Partie( Brandt) Rhein. Mus. 34:575. Anapasten; Sprache (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 31: 530. Asinaria. Bemerkungen(Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 37:56. Aulularia (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 37:261. Bacchides. Urspriingliche Gestalt (Rit- schl) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4 :354, 567. Camerarius' Studien (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 28: 151, 352. Captivi (Spengel) Philoiogus 37:415. Charakteristik. Rhein. Mus. 8 : 51. Didascaliae (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1:29. ( Windischmann) Rhein. Mus. 1 : 110. Einleitungen u. Bemerkungen ( Ladewig) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3: 179, 520, 537. - Epistula (Leo) Rhein. Mus. 38:1. - Excurse (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 8:150, 475; 12:99,159,473,639. Geizige in Ragusa (Polivka) Herrig's Archiv 81 : 433. Jiingste Studien (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5:128. Kritik (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. 4:153- Menaechmi (Onions) Jour. Philol. 14:53. (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 37:531. Mercator. Prolog (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 26:421. Miles gloriosus (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 12:594; 29:13. Parallelen zur Entfuhrungsgeschichte (Zarncke) Rhein. Mus. 39:1. Patriotic passage (West) Am. J. Philol. 8:15. Vermuthungen (Birt) Rhein. Mus. 40: 521. Mostellaria (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 11 : 161. Ms. des 13. Jahrh. (Goetze) Rhein. Mus. 34:52. Persa. Auffiihrungszeit (Goetz) Rhein. Mus. 30:162, 480. Pluralformen des hie (Schmidt) Hermes 8:105. Prosodie (Christ) Rhein. Mus. 23:559. (Wagner) Rhein. Mus. 22 : 111, 422. Pseudolus (Brix) .Jahrb. Philol. 115:327. (Kiessling) Rhein. Mus. 23:411. (Lorenz) Philoiogus 35: 153. Punic passage, and the Hebrew scriptures (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Punica( Wex) Rnein. Mus. N. F. 2: 131, 160. Rudens. Prolog (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 24 : 570. Textkritik (Luchs) Hermes 8: 105. Trinummus. Codex Ambrosianus(Stude- mund) Rhein. Mus. 21:574. Truculentus (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 12:256. Prolog (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 29:51. Untergeschobe Scenen (Niebuhr) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Pleasantness. Helps. Friends in council v. 4. Pleasure. See also Amusements, Happi- ness, Hedonism, Pain. Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics. Helve'tius. Oeuvres 10:84. Plato. Laws bk. 2; Philebus. Young (E:). Works 2: 23. and joy. Newman (Fs. W.), Miscellanies 2:376. and pain (Bouillier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 70: 39; 71:89. Mill. Hamilton's philosophy v. 2. au point devuede la selection naturelle (Fouilie'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 74 : 658. Cause de (Bouillier) Rev. Philcs. 1:433. Pleiades. Position (Gould) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Plethon (Gemistus), Georgius. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. (tozer) J. Hellenic Stud. 7:353. Pleura. Exudate im Kindesalter (Conitzer) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Pleurisy exsudativa. Sudden death (Holz- berg) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Plevna battle, 1877. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. Plinius Caecilius Secundus, Caius. A. D. 61-113? Letters. Bodleian ms. (Hardy) Jour. Philol. 17:95. Chronologic (Asbach) Rhein. Mus. 36:38 Gerunds and gerundives in (Plainer) Am. J. Philol. 9 : 214. - Kritik (Stangl) Philoiogus 45:642. Plinius Secundus, Caius, the elder, naturalist. A. D. 23-79. Figuier. Savants de 1'antiquite". Jardine. Naturalists' library v. 9. Sainte-Beu ve. Causeries du Lundi 2 : 44. Plinius Secundus. 373 Poetry. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana. Bemerkungen (Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 31: 493. Excurse (Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 14:599. Geography (Detleffen) Philologus 46:691. Knnstgeschichte (Wustmann) Rhein. Mus. 22:1. Medicina ( Rose) Hermes 8: 18. Naturalis historica (Nissen) Rhein. Mus. l>>;:497. 640. Bk. 7 (Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 18:527- Eigennaraen (Detleffen) Rhein. Mus. 18:227- Fontes ( Voigt) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Sillig's Ausgabe (Detleffen) Rhein. Mus. 15:265- Plotinus, Neo-Platonic philosopher. 204-270. ; Baur. Christliche Gnosis 418. Benn. Greek philosophers 2 : 2W. Porphyrius. Life of Plotinus. Ritter." Geschichte d. Philos. 4 : 57' :. Vacherot Ecole d'Alexandrie 1:360. Enneades 1:1:1-6 (Pabst) Philologus 43 : - 111:1 (Kleist) Philologus 45:34. VI: 5 (Kleist) Philologus 42:54. Plows. Gilbert. Life of Jethro Wood. Missouri Univ. Report 1876-7. N. Y. plow company. Paras, agriculture v. 4. Plumpton family. Correspondence (Caraden Soc. 4). Plutarchus, biographer, moralist. A. D. 50- 120? Emerson. Lectures (Riverside ed.). as a historian. Class. Jour. v. 16- as a moralist (Lvque) Acad Sci. Mor. M : 199 ; 85 : 285 ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 71 ::-'.-.. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philos. 4 : 530. De Herodoti malignitate. Echtheit(Hol- zapfel) Philologus 42: 23. - Lehrgedicht(Crusius) Khein. Mus. 39:581. Life. Dryden, Prose works v. 3. Proverbia Alexandrinorum (Crusins) Jahrb. I'hilol. 13.1:241. Shakespeare and (Vollmer) Herrig's Archiv77:353- Svmpo-iaea (<;raf ) Jahrb. Philol. 137:557. Vitae(Herwerden) Rhein. Mus. 35:456- (Sintenis) Rhein. Mu-. N. F. 1:113. Plymouth, Mast. See alto Pilgrim fathers. Records of the colony, andsacriticialstones. Kendall, Travels 2:35 church and colony. Winsor, History of America 3: 257. Pneumatics. See also Air, Fluids. Berlin Dei>e-i -hen -P.Horderung. Siemens, Al.handlimgen 283. Pressure on flat plate oppo-cd to stream of air from orifice in a plane surface (Willis) Cambr. I'liilo-. Tranv .'! : 12! I. Pneumonia. A M'irations (Becker) Ciitt. I'niv. Diss.v.5. 'audition (Baker) Mich. I'.d. Health 1886: ,iiamative ( Komissopulos) Halle I'niv. Diss. v. 3. ril.rinoiis (Fricke) Colt I'uiv. Di-s. v. 1. Poaching. See (iame laws. Pocahontas, later Mrs. John Rolfe. Histories of Virginia, lives of Capt. John Smith. Cooke. My lady Pocahontas. M' Kenny and Hall. Indian gallery 3:64. Podiebrad, G: von, king of Bohemia. 1420-71. (Taillandier) Rev.d.d.' Mondes II: v. 40-41. Poe, Edgar A. 1809-49. (Bentzon) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:75:80. ( Ingram ) Poe's Works. 1880. v. 1. Richardson. American literature v. 2. Smiles. Brief biographies. Stedman. Poets of America. Poetry. See also Alliteration. Ballads, Bards, Bucolic, Chansons, Drama, Elegiac, Epic, Hymns, Improvisation, Lyric, Metre, Meistersiinger, Minnesiinger, Prosody, Refrain, Rhyme, Rhythm, bongs, Sonnet, Translation, Troubadours, Versification. Alembert. Oeuvres v. 4. Frederick II. Oeuvres 9:61. Arnold. Irish essays. Bascom. Aesthetics. Buchanan. David Gray 1, 287. Coleridge. Biographia literaria. Emerson. Essays, 2d series; Letters and social aims. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works 2:234- Greeley. Recollections 460. Grillpa'rzer. Werke 9:98. Hazhtt. English poets. Hegel. Aesthetik ( Werke 10:3 : 220). Herder. Kritische Wiilder; ature fr. des origines. Chants de pauvres. Romania 2: 4f 5. en 1852. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 5 : 380. en 1861 (Pontmartin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:34:697. Epischer Stoffe d. altfranzb'sischer (Der- ,nedde) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Epope'es du rnoyen age (Boissier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:64:241. Moderne (May) Herrig's Archiv 48:41. Naturalismus". Unsere Zeit 1881 : 1 : 50. Nouveaux poetes (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 82: 710. Pasquille, Spottlieder, 1500-. Histor. Tas- chenbuch 1838. Pastourellen. Textkritik (Brakelmann) Zts. deutsche Philol. Erg. Bd. 1874. Populaire(Marelle) Herrig's Arch, v.55-56. (Theuriet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 21 :43. Rondeaux und virelais (Pfuhl) Kbnigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Some writers. Dowden, Studies in lit- erature. The'orie du vers (Renouvier) Grit. Philos. N.S 4:179. Zwei Pariser Vereine (Petersen) Unsere Zeit 1889:2:353. - Volkslieder des 16. Jahrh. (Bartsch) Zts. roman. Philol. 5:521. Volkspoesie(Wollenberg) Herrig's Archiv 31:35. Poetry, French. 375 Poetry, Servian. Volksthumliche Epos (Tobler) Zts. Volker- psych. 4:139. Poetry, German. Bliithenzeit (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 46: 174. des Rbeins (Semmig) Unsere Zeit 1878: 1: 90- Dichterische Stoffe d. deutschen Alter- thums (Botticher) Preuss. Jahrb. 53: 145. Ewerharzische Zitter (Prohle) Herrig's Archiv v. 60-61. Genien (Zininiermanii) Herrig's Archiv 11 : 66 ; 15 : 121, 391. Goethe's und Schiller's Einfluss. Uns. Zeit 1867:2:213,341. Goldene Baum in (Zingerle) Germania 7 : 101. Grosser Dichter. Strauss. Schrif ten 6: 201. Handschrifteiigemalde (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1842, 1844, 1850, 1852, 1853. Heldensage. Zeugniss in d. Aniutlen v. yuedlinburg (Lorenz) Germania 31:137. Heptadisten (Zarncke) Preuss. Jahrb. 40: 475. Jugendzeit,1772-5( Schmidt) Preuss.Jahrb. 43:501- Liebe als Gegenstand der (Hoefer) Ger- mania 30:401. Lyrik, 1872-82 (Schlosser) Uns. Zeit 1882: 1 : 757. Modern. Study of (Kircher) Univ. State N. Y., 18th Report. National (Liibben) Herrig's Arch. 9:378. Opitz' Buch (Berghoeffer) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Pasquilled. 16. Jahrh.(Birlinger) Herrig's Archiv 40: 349. Politische, unter Friedrich II (Volker) Herrig's Archiv 50:319. L'riameln (Kodler) Germania 3:368. Schlesiesche Schule (Schaetter) Herrig's Archiv 39: 161. Vergessene (Volker) Herrig's Archiv 52: 129. I'nbekannte Gedicht v. Rosengarten (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1859. Volkspoesie. Goethe, Werke 26:519. Poetry, Greek. Grote. History of Greece. and French compared. Chateaubriand, Revolutions anciennes 1:214- and Latin. Difference*. Class. Jour. 20: 327. Bergk's Poet, lyrici (Bla.s) Rhein. Mus. 40:1. Bukoliker (Blicheler) Rhein. Mus. 30: 33. (Haupt) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:2y ilvilprin. Herder, Lowth. Hutton : v. _'. Withington. the Puritan _':_'!. Poetry, Hungarian. Bowring. Poetry of the Magyars. au 19. siecle(Taillandier)Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:26:927; 29:109. Hauptzug. Zeits. Volkerpsych. 3:330. populaire( Dorad'Istria) Re v.d.d. Mondes 11:88:642. 1848-9 (Sayous) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 100:775. Poetry, Italian. Prescott. Essays 221, %'A. (Ranke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Testa. War of Frederick I. 105. * Dichterinnen (Schnakenburg) Herrig's Archiv 22: 167. Geistliche Lieder (Feist) Zts. roman. Philol. 13:115. Popujar (Heyse) Zeits. Volkerps. 1 : 181. (Nigra) Romania 5: 417. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 1. moderne (Rathery) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:38:327. Poetes contemporains, 1859(Brisset) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:21:83. Ritornelle (Schulze) Zts. roman. Philol. 13:253. seit Manzoni. Uns. Zeit 1866 : 2 : 367. Poetry, Latin. -Herder. Werke 1:361- Suetonius Tranquillus. De viris illustri- bus. Farbenbezeichnungen (Bliimmer) Plii- Iologus48:14 General character. Sellar, Roman poets of the republic. Hofische, unter Nero (Biicheler) Rhein. Mus. 26:235, 491. in 500 A. I). Ozanam, Civilization v. 1. Princip der variatio (Schulze) Jahrb. Philol. 131 : 857. Ribbeck's Geschichte (Bruns) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:117. Sagenu.Gebrauche(Krepelka) Philologus 37:450. Zu spaten (Manitius) Rhein. Mus. 44:540. Poetry, Norwegian. since 1814. Gosse, Literature of northern Europe. Poetry, Persian. Emerson. Letters and social aims. Kremer. Culturgeschichte des Orients 2:341. Poetry, Polish. Remembrances of a Polish exile. Political influence (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:37: 5. Poetry, Provencal. See Provencal literature, Troubadours. Poetry, Russian. Heldenepos (Ewreinoff) Herrig's Archiv 45:321. Volksepos (Bistrom) Zts. Volkerpsych. 5: 180; 6:131.'. Volk-|>oo*ie (Altmann) Herrig's Archiv 30:343. Poetry, Scottish. Pre- -"it. IN-avs 308. Church poets. Miller, Leading artides302. to Lymlcsay(Nichol) Iv K. Text Soc. 1 :47. Poetry, Servian. \ rin^'. Servian |>o|mlar poetry. Goetze. Serbische Volkslieiler. Poetry, Servian. 376 Polaris. Ranke. Serbische Revolution 11. Poetry, Slavic. Bodenstedt. Schriften 12:1. Poetry, Spanish. Castro. Observacionessobre(Bibl.espan. v. 42). Cantes flamencos(Schuchardt)Zts.roman. Philol. 5:249. Popular Gallega (Mila y Fontanals) Ro- mania 6:47. Spanish American (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:49:902. Volkspoesie (Boehmer) Herrig's Archiv 24 : 107. Poetry, Turkish. (Wickerhauser) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 22. Altes Gedicht (Houtsma) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 43:09. Poetry, Westphalian. (Nordhoff) Germania 18 : 281. Pogglo Bracciolini, G. F. 1380-1459. Ginguine". Histoire litt. d'ltalie v. 3. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Voigt. Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums. Poinsinet, A. A. H:, dramatist. 1735-69. Gritum-Diderot. Correspondance. Polret, Pierre. 1646-1719. Bouillier. Philosophic carte"sienne 2 : 306. Poisons . See also A rsenic, Curare, Hellebore, Hemlock. (Sanaq) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 34 : 503. Atropia. Action on mammals and cold- blooded animals (Fraser) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:449; 26:592. Electro-chemical detection ( E. Daw) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831 : 147. formed from food. Brunton, Diseases of digestion. Javanese. Raffles, Java 1 : 50. Rattlesnake (Home) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1810:75. (Mitchell) Smithson. Contrib. v. 12. Snake. Wirkung(Feoktistow)St. Petersb. Acad. Me"m. VII :v. 36. Use in agriculture (Kedzie) Mich. Bd. Health 1875:11. Vegetable. Modes of death (Brodie) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1811 : 178; 1812 : 205. Poisson, S. D., geometer. 1720-98. Arago. Oeuvres v. 2. Poitiers, Diana de. See Diana de Poitiers. Poitiers, France. Baptistery of St. John. Gailhabaud, Mon- uments v. 2. Battle, 1356. See also Tours, lives of Ed- ward the Black Prince and John of France. Froissart. Chronicles. Jamison. Bertrand du Guesclin 1 : 84. Kitchin. France 1:427. Map. Longman. Edward III. Plan. Rapin. History of England 1 : 429. Poker, game. Proctor. Chance and luck. Polacanthus Foxii. (Huike) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881:653. Poland. Description aiid travel. in 1760. Martiuiere, Dictionnaire 4 : 1019. in 1790. Harris. Voyages 2 : 508. Gesellschaft (Briiggen) Preuss. Jahrb. 38 : 136- in 1822. Heine, Werke 13: 131. in 1830. Amer. l^uar. Register 4 : 97- in 1840. Stephens, Greece v. 2. Poland, History and politics. See also War- saw. Latham. Nationalities of Europe v. 1. Universal history: modern v. 30-31. Anciennes provinces et ses ve"ritables lim- ites (Mars) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:45:497. Annales, 899-1419. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 9, 19. Bismarck et, 1886 (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 74: 200. Essai de libe'ralisrne russe en (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 45 : 257. First partition, 1772. Raumer, Europa 1763-83, v. 2. (Sybel) Rundschau 1 : 16. Lives of Frederick II of Prussia. u.d.Constitution,1791(Bruggen)Preuss. Jahrb. 35:6- France et.au 16. siecle (Mazade) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 70: 201. in 1794-5. Alison, History of Europe ch. 17-; Essays. Dyer. Modern Europe. - Mackintosh. Essays. Seume. Werke 9 : 5-52. Sybel. French revolution v. 4. in 1811-13. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lun- dis v. 9. in 1820-34. Davis, Ormuzd and Ahriman 117. in 1831. Annual Retrospect, 1831. v. 2. in 1831-50. Gegenwart 2 : 100. in 1848. Lamartine, France parlementaire 5:286. in 1862-4 (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 33, 38, 43, 44, 47, 54. in 1863. Annuaire d. d. Mondes v. 11- Bismarck. Reden v. 1. Blanc. Lettres sur 1'Angleterre v. 3-4. Busch. Our chancellor v. 2. Diplomatic Review bk. 3. in 1864. Ukases du 2 Mars sur la pro- prie'te' territoriale (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:51:208. Diplomatie europeenne(Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:299, 625; 55:5; 56: 725; 58:329,900. in 1868 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 83 : 831. in 1879. Rundschau 21 : 89. in 1888 (Didolff) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:614. Innere Zustande vor 1772 (Briiggen) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:491- Invasion by Charles XII. Histor. hand- lingar 5:138. Preussische Politik. Preuss. Jahrb. 11:533. Saxony and, 1756- (Herrmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 47:558; 48:1. Untergang. Preuss. Jahrb. 3:683; 4 : 133- (Raumer) Hist. Taschenb. 1*32. Wielopolski und d. russischen Aussoh- nungsversuche. Rundschau 27 : 39. Polaris, the pole-star. Bestimmungd. Nutations-u. Aberrations- Constanten (Lindenau) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841. Polarization of light. 37' Political economy. Polarization of light. See also Light, Optics, Refraction. A rago. Oeuvres 7 : 291-446; 10 : 36- (Brewster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814, 1815, 1818, 1819. 1830; Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 7-9, 11. j (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820:45. Apparent new polarity (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1840 : 225; 1841 : 1. Atmospheric, 1841-5( Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:211; 24:247. bv rough and white surfaces (Brewster) "key. Edin. Trans. 23 : 205. Circulaire. Applications & la chimie or- ganique (Biot) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. 13:39. Compensations (Brewster) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. Composition of streams (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:399. Couleurs dans les fluides homogenes (Fresnel) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 20: 163. Curves of constant intensity, in a uniaxal crystal (Spurge) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14:63. Deviations from Newton's scale in tints of uniaxal crystals (Herschel) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1:21. Einfluss der Temperatur (Boll) Konigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Elliptic, by reflection (Powell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1H43: 35; 1845:269. im nienschlichen Auge (Carion) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 5. Lamellaire (Biot) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 18:539. Modifications que la reflexion imprime (Fresnel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 11:393. New analyzer( Airy )Cambr. Philos.Trans. 4:313. Phe'nomenes dans le cristal de roche ( Biot) Paris, MSrn. Acad. Sci. 20:221. Plane and angle at surface of crystal (Kelland) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:37. Rectiligne (Cauchy) Paris, Me"m Acad. Sci. 18:153. Reflection from polishedsurfaces(Haugh- ton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:81. Rotation by rock crvstal plates on planes of (Herschel) Carabr. Philos. Trans. 1:43. Rotations que certaines sustances irupri- ment aux axes de (Biot) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 2:41. Theory : on undulatory hypothesis (Chal- lis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:371. Utilite" des loi de la P. pour reconnaitre les cristaux(Biot) Paris, Mt'm. Acad. Sci. 1:275. Piilden. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 10. Pole, Reginald, cardinal. 1500-58. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury v. 8. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Police. & Paris ( Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 152. English secret service (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Moneys II :7 London. Knight, London v. 4. Metropolitan. Phillip^ \Vemlell),Speeches 495. Norman constables in America (Adams) Johns Hopkins Stud. v. 1. Roman, -u^ \>-- rni|>ereurs (Naudet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 16:183. 48 sous Louis XIV (Clement) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:50:799. Polignac, A. J. A. M., prince de. 1780-1847. Gervinus. Geschichte d. 19. Jahrh. 8: 311-382. Polish literature in 1862-82(Hausner) Rund- schau 32: 102- Politian. See Poliziano. Political economy. See also Banks, Bullion. Business, Capital, Conimerce. Corn laws, Credit, Exchange, Finance. Free trade, Insurance, Interest, Labor, Laissez-faire, Manufactures, Money, Physiocrats, Pop- ulation, Prices, Production, Property, Protection, Rent, Taxation, Value, Wages, Wealth, Work. . Bibliography. Blanqui, Economic pol- itique 2 : 385. Cossa. Guide to the study of. McCulloch. Literature of. Sumner. Annotated list. Critic Mar. 10, 17. 1883. Franklin. Works 2 : 253. Noirot. Art de conjecturer applique". and sociology. Leslie, Essays. Avenir (Clement) Jour. Econ. IV:4:362. Cairne's theory. Leslie, Essays. Chaires d'.en France (Rey baud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:54:948. Christianity and. Strong, Philosophy and rejigion 443. Definition. Broglie, Libre ^change 381. (Gasparin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 35:41. nouvelle (Black) Jour Econ. IV: 20: 376. des re*publicains et des conservateurs .(Puynqde) Jour. Econ. IV:33:15- Economic sociale et (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. IV:38:329. English, 1887 (Philippovich) PreussJahrb. 59:397. Tendances ( Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes April, 1881. Enseignement (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 11:33:161; Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69: 158. ( Dunoyer, Passy ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 13 : 68 ; 14-306. dans les e"coles de droit (Courcelle- Seneuil) Jour. Econ. 11:39:5. . Esprit progressif (Fix) Jour. Econ. 1:2: 224. et la democratic (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 11:37:9. et la religion (Cherbuliez) Jour. Econ. I : 32:1. ( La vergne)Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:42:421. (Passy) Jour. con. 11:37:192; 111:4:5. et le spiritualisme (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 11:35:40. (Dameth) Jour. Econ. II : 34 : 216; 36:43. (Modeste) Jour. Econ. 11:44:29. French economists. Schlosser, History 18. century 2:152. in Germany. I^eslie, Essays. 1600- (Roscher) Preuss. Jahrb. 13:613 14:28,159. in Itah ( Wolowski) Acad.Sci.Mor.47:l7 in the 18. century. Stephen, English thought v. 2. - in the United States (Reybaud) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:74:974. Political economy. 378 Pollen. Influence actuelle en Europe (Modeste) Jour. Econ. 11:31:45. Limites, objets (Cherbuliez) Jour. Econ. I : 36:360. (Dunoyer) Acad. Sci. Mor. 23:145; Jour. Econ. 1 : 33 : 217 ; 34 : 223. (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 11:16:5; also Acad. Sci. Mor. 44 : 111. Loi du progres (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 11:45:321. Lois naturelles(Laveleye) Jour. Econ. IV: 22:92. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV: v. 28, 29, 30. Maniere d'observer les fails (Fix) Jour. Econ. 1:12:97. Manual. Bentham, Works 3:31. Mathematical exposition of doctrines (Whewell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 3:191; 4:155; 9: 128 [I]. Method (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 111:1:11. (Bernard) Jour. Econ. IV: 30: 5. (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 34: 321. Leslie. Essays. (Pe'trement) Jour. Econ. 111:2:214. historique ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 42:361; 43:301-; Jour. Econ. II : 15:172- Molinari's Cours (Dunoyer) Acad. Sci. Mor. 36:229. Morale et (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. II: 20:161. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25: 891. le droit et (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. 11:23:321. - ( Passy ) Acad. Sci. Mor. 57 : 377. Necessity pour 1'histoire (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. II : 45 : 9. Nomenclature (Clement) Jour. Econ. Ill: 28 : 5, 206, 388. Nouvelles recherches(Du Puy node) Jour. Econ. IV:41:188,-352. Objet, caractere (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. 11:45:161. Opinions extremes (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:38:222. Paradoxes ( Walras) Jour. Econ. II : 28 : 373. Philosophic de(Cochut) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:20:539. Poe"sie e"conomique au 18. siecle (Re- naudin) Jour. Econ. IV : 17 : 277. Principienstreit, 1872 (Held) Preuss. Jahrb. 30:185. Psychologie et (Tarde) Rev. Philos. 12: 232, 401. Recent thought, 1868 (Perry) Pams. social science v. 2. Science, application, etc. (Courcelle- Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 2: 225. Une veritable science (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. 11:5:321. Politics. See also Caucus, Church and state, Cities, Civil service, Civilization, Com- munism, Diplomacy, Elections, Govern- ment, History, Liberty, Law, Nation, Office, Parties, Revolutions, State, Treaties, Utopias, War. (BartheUemy Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci.Mor. v. 13-14. Brougham. Political philosophy 1 : 1-32. Emerson. Essays 2 : 193. Hume. Essays 1 : 13- Aged men. Value in. Plutarch, Morals v. 5. Ancient and modern. Burrows, Constitu- tional progress. teacher of. Lieber, Writings; Law pams. v. 2. Anwendung der Moral auf. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 12:616. Balance of power system. Schlegel, Phi- los. of history ch. 17. Credo des races latines (Renouvier) Grit. Philos. 6:65, 161, 194. Dogmatisme en (Valbert) Rev. d. d. ^Mondes 111:11:686. Evolution du 19. siecle (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV :v. 15-19, 21, 23, 25. Fetichism. Spencer, Recent discussions. - H istory. Adams ( J : ), Works 6 : 227. Ide"es au 16. siecle. Baudrillart, Bodin et son temps. Influence of religion in. Millar, English government 3 : 126. Menschennatur als Grundlage. Blunt- schli, Lehre voin Stat 3 : 93. Morality in. Dewey, Moral views 257. of the Bible. Bossuet's (Nourisson) Acad. Sci. Mor. 79:57, 227. Party. Froude, Short studies v. 3. Philosophy, en Angleterre, 1500-1700 (Beauverger) Acad. Sci. Mor. 45: 129. Primacy of great powers. Lawrence, Essays in internal, law. Principes ( Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 81-83- Reich sbildungen im class. Alterthum (Curtius) Rundschau 27 : 195. Study. A branch of education (Wash- burn, Manderson) Educ. pams. v. 5. Necessary in free countries. Lieber, Writings 1:329, 369. Teaching. Seeley, Essays. Staatsgewalt und (Hoffmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1840, 1842. Terms, words (Bucher) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1858 : 42. Theories libe'rales au 16. siecle (Viguie") Crit. Relig. 1 : 58, etc. und Staatswissenschaft (Cohn) Rund- schau 43: 351. Verhaltniss z. Rechte. Zeller, Vortrage 2 : 380; Preuss. Jahrb. 21 : 637. Poliziano, Angelo de Ambrogini, Italian scholar. 1454-94. Roscoe. Lorenzo de' Medici. Sismondi. Literature of South Europe v.2. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Orfeo. Symonds, Southern Europe 1:159; 2:383. Polk, James K., llth president. 1795-1849. Administration. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 4 : 17. and his cabinet. Hoist, Constitutional history v. 3. Pollajuolo, Antonio dell'. 1426-98. Works on Italian painters by, Mantz. Pollen. der Asclepiaden. Anomalien (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. Hemerocallisfulva L. (Tangl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 45. Widerstandsfahigkeit gegen aussere Ein- flusse(Rittinghaus) Bonn Univ. Diss.v.3. Pollnitz. 379 Pompeius. Pollnitz, K: L: 1692-1774. (Ranke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1849:517. Polo, Marco, Venetian traveler. 1250-1320( ?) Bibliography. Bost. Publ. Lib. Bull. no. 34:374. Leasing. Werke 9:185. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 4 : 131. Polyandry. McLennan. Studies in ancient history ch. 8. Poly bins , statesman, historian. B. C. 210-138 ? - (Lammert) Jahrb. Philol. 137:617. Strachan-Davidson, td. Selections from Polybius 642; Abbott. Hellenioa 387. and his age. Mahaffy, Greek life and thought. Oeographische Werke (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 125:113. OekonomiederGeschichte(Nissen)Rbein. M us. 26:241. Quellen im pallischen Bericht (Unger) Pnilologus39:69. Scipio's march to Carthagena (Droysen) Rhein. Mus. 30:62. Polycarp, St., bishop of Smyrna. Carmichael. Christian fathers. Life. Racine, Oeuvres 5:559. Martyrdom. Date (Randell) Studia Bib- lica. 1885. 175. Polychaeta sedentaria of the Frith of Forth (Cunningham) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33: 635. Polycrates. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Polygaceae d'Europe et d'Orient (Chodat) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Polygamy. See also Marriage, Mormonism. - Krenier. Culturgeschichted. Orients 2:95 McLennan. Studies in ancient history. en Orient (Blanqui) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3:261. et d'Ame"rique (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. M.mdes 111:1:307. musulmane (Eusebe de Salles) Acad. Sci. Mor. 2:152; Jour. Econ. 1:3: 171. Polygnotus. (Beulniir2. (Pedroso) Romania 10:101. Romances sacros (Coelho) Romania 3:263. Posavia monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 16, Poseidon. See Neptune. Posen, Prussia. Friede, 1806 (Schiemann) Hist. Zts. 60 :34. Kreisordnung, 1 ( Wilamowitz-Mollen- dorff) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:605; 39:29. Marztage, 1848 (Brandt) Rundschau 3: 392. Posey, T:, governor of Indiana. 1750-1818. Sparks. American biography v. 19. Position. Clifford, Common sense of the exact sciences. Positivism. See also Idealism. Materialism, and works by Comte, Congreve (1J:>. Harrison (F:), Lewes, Littre", Mill (J:S.). Caro. Etudes morales 67. Feuerbach. Wesen d.Christenthnm- r> (Werke v. 1). | M'Cosh. Christianity and |>sitivism. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1 : 27:217. Pfleiderer. Philo-opliy of religion 2: 117. Schmidt. Beleurhtunj; d. neueren Schel- lingsitlien Lehre. anglais (Main) Rev. Philos. 2:280. au courant de la science? (Renoorier) Oil. I'hilos. 11:291.327; 12:1.97, ll.T christiMnitv and. BrowMon,Wom24S8 Comte's. HrimU'v. l-N^a\ ^. UI,S,TO Xrit isiKi:-.': HI. Ward. Dynamic s, K -jology. Cainl on" iSrhaarx-hmiilt) 1'hilo-. Monata. 22:876. et Mill(Littn') Kov. d. d. Mondes II: 64:829. Positivism. 382 Praetor. Origines (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 82 : 593. criticized. Fiske, Cosmic philosophy. devant la morale, le droit, etc. (Ma'ilfer) Jour. Econ. 1 V : 23 : 317. Ecole scientifique (Milsand) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11:295. en Allemagne (Durkheim) Rev. Philos. 24:33- (Sommer) Preuss. Jahrb. 52: 128. et la science expe"rimentale (Secre'tan) Crit. Philos. 20:246, 257. 279, 312. francais (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111 : 41 : 273. Littre"'s(Dupont- White) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:55:545,869. M^taphvsique et les sciences (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:66:421. Prix de la vie humaine dans (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:52:481. Trois e"tats de 1'esprit humain (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 40 : 856. nnd Transcendental psychologie (Schnei- der) Philos. Monats. 23 : 530. Post Office, Postal service. American, 1796. Gallatin, Sketch of finances (Writings v. 3). 1832. Ouseley. Statistics of the U. S. 1841. Pams. commerce v. 2. Kendall. Autobiography. English ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:159. 1875 (Malarce) Jour. Econ. Ill : 41 : 75. French. Administration (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 67 : 167. Geschichte. Unsere Zeit 1871 : 1 : 535- Internationale Reform. Uns. Zeit 1875: 1 : 449. - London. Knight, London v. 3. Parcel post; money orders. Jevons, Methods of social reform. Postage stamps. Adhesive. James Chalmers the inventor. Pams. commerce v. 2. Cheap, 1851. Seward, Works 1:336; 13:387. Postal cards. (Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:561. Postal telegraph. (Green, Orton) Pams. commerce v. 2. Jevons. Methods of social reform. United States. 10th census v. 4. United States. House Ex. Docs. 1868-9. v.7; Com. Reports 1869-70, v. 3; Misc. Docs. 1870-1, v. 1; 1872-3, v. 2; Senate Reports, 1873-4, v. 1 ; 1883-4, v. 5. Potassium determination. Chloroplatinate method (Dittmar) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:561. Potocka, Helene Massalska, countess. Deutsche Rundschau 59 : 126. Potter, L: J. Antoine de. 1786-1859. - Unsere Zeit 1859:637. Potter, Paul, Dutch painter. 1625-54. (Fromentin) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:13:602 Pottery. See also Porcelain, Terra-cottas, Tiles, Wedgwood. Bibliography. Host. Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 41. Altes Vasengemalde ( Uhden) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Antiker Vasenbildner (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Archaic vase (Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 1: 202. Calymnos and Carpathos vases (Paton) J. 'Hellenic Stud. 8:446. Cvprian vases (Murray) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:317. en Belgique a 1'age du mammouth (Frai- ppnt) Rev. Anthrop. 111:2:385. Griechische u sicilische(Petersen) Jahrb. Philol. 129:81. Griechische Trinkhorner (Panofka) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1850. Naucratite vases (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:119. North American Indian. U. S. Bur. Eth- nol. Reports. Smithsonian institution. Reports. Phoenician vase (Richter) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:102. Polychrornie d. griech. Vasen (Schreiber) Jahrb. Philol. 113:337. Polygnotan and early Greek (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 10:li7. Rhodian archaic vases(Smith) J.Hellenic Stud. 5:220. Vase des Klitias und Ergotimus (Wei- zacker) Rhein. Mus. 32:28. des Midias (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. chinoisetgrecs(Beule")Rev.d.d.Mondes 11:6:556. Potvin, Charles, dramatist. 1818- (Klein) Unsere Zeit 1885:2:271. Poullet, Edmond I. J. M. (Pieraerts, Groutars) Louvain Univ. An- nuaire 1883: 309, 326. Poussin, Nicholas, painter. 1594-1665. Reynolds (Sir Joshua). Discourses no. 5. Ruskin. Modern painters. Poverty. See also Pauperism. Improvements of rural poor. Helps, Friends in council v. 2. Pride and. Withington, The Puritan 1 : 139. Power. See also Energy, Force. Emerson. Conduct of life. Idea of. Home, Essays on principles of morality. Possession of. Advantages. Xenophon, Hiero. Recht und. Jacobi (F: H:), Werke 6 : 419. Powers, Hiram. 1805- Calvert. Scenes in Europe 2 : 88. Lee. Sculptors v. 2. Powlett, J:, 5th marquis of Winchester. 1597- 1674. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Powlett, Wf, 1st marquis of Winchester. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Prades, J: Martin, abbe. Suite de 1'Apologie. Diderot, Oeuvres. 1821, v. 1. Praed, W. M., poet. 1802-39. Memoir. In his Poems. Prsesepe. Photographic observations(Gould) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Praetextatus, St., bishop of Rouen. Thierry. Temps merovingiens 325. Praetor, Roman. Lemaire. Bibl. class. Lat. 8 : 385, 511. Pragmatic sanction. 383 President of the United States. Pragmatic sanction. Cardinal Fleury et, 1713 (Broglie) Rev. Hist. 20: 257. Ludwig's des Heiligen (Soldan) Zts. hist. Theol. 26:377. Prague, Bohemia. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr.v.9. Prati, Giovanni. Howells. Modern Italian poets. Praxiteles. (L6vque) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59: 925. Hermes (Brunn) Rundschau 31:188. (A. H. Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:81. Prayer. See also Book of common prayer, Liturgy, Lord's prayer. Clarke. Christian doctrine of P. Grimm. Kleinere Schriften 2:439. Herder. Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan 31 : 73. Altes Kindergebet Germama 5:448; 11: 435; 12:235. and natural law. Tyndall, Fragments of science v. 2. Antique forms. Kip, Double witness of the church. as a form of physical energy. Tyndall. Fragments v. 2. Collection of. Taylor (Jer.), Works v. 8. Controversy about Newman (Fs. W.), Miscellanies 2: 249. Duty of. Barrow, Works 1 : 293- Efficacy of. Gallon, Human faculty. Probleme de (Be"zenech) Crit. Relig. 3:369. Remarkable answers to. While, New En- gland. Scientific basis. Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. Special providence and. Cocker, Theistic conception, preaching. See also Oratory. Augustine. On Christian doctrine. Granada. Retorica eclesiastica. Taylor. Street preaching in San Fran- cisco. American. Harrison, Dangerous tenden- cies in American life. Deutsche, des 12. Jahrh. (Barack) Ger- mania 10:464. Kanzelberedsamkeit des 17. u. 18. Jahrh. (Birlinger) Herrig's Archiv 40:323; 44: 407. Praclical. Barnes, Essays v. 2. Theology and. Barnes, Essays v. 2. University. Newman, Idea of a univer- sity 405. Preble, E:, commodore. 1761-1807. Sparks. American biography v. 22. Precedents. Lieber. Legal hermenentics 182, 312. Precious stones. See Gems. Predestination. .Sre Kate, Necessity, Will. Prediction. See Prophecy. Prefaces. Idee der (Feuerlein) Philos. Monats. 18:513. Pregnancy. See alto Gestation. Durtfe (Teller) Paris, Mience(Sorel) Rev. Philos. 23:50. Suggestion mentale et (Richet) Rev. Philos. 18:609. Definite, from combination (Terrot) Rov. Ed in. Trans. 21:*iJ). des erreurs de situation d'un point (Bra- vais) Paris, M'm. Savans Etrang. 9: 255. in games of chance (Babbage) Roy. K. Foundations (Ellis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:1; 9:605. of local (Crofton) Roy. Soc. Tran.s. 1868:1-1. Question (De Morgan) Cauibr. Philos. Trun-. '. . Wittw<-iira.NM'ti vorfallcnden(Gruson)Ber- liu Aku.l. Al.li. 1M1-13. Proclus, at v- 1 'latonic philosopher. Cousin. Fragments phllosophiquea 1:310. 49 Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 2 : 210. Abstract of the epic cycle (Monro)J. Hel- lenic Stud. 4:305. TheolpgischeUnterricht Dionysius(St.), Schriften; Ubers. v. Engelhardt 2: 139. Proctor, B. W. (Barry Cornwall). 1787-1874. Fields. Yesterdays with authors. Stedman. Victorian poets 72. Prodicus of Ceos. Vorganger des Sokrates (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 1:1, 533; 4:355. Production. See also Labor, Wages. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Mongredien. Wealth-creation. But de la P. morale (Rondelet) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 61, 67, 69, 70. Cost. Bagehot, Economic studies. Economic n'est pas mesure'e par les salaires(Schoenhof)Jour. Econ.IV:43:64. Lois morales dela P. materielle( Rondelet) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 54-56. Role de la bourgeoisie ( Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 88 : 451. Ueberproduction u. Krisis (Claussen) Preuss. Jahrb. 44:490. Productus (brachiopod). (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1841. Professions. See also Business, Merchant. Sunnier < C:). Works 1 : 241. Choice of. Barnes, Essays v. 2. Influence on health (Brigham) Mich. Bd. Health 1875:38. Unhealthy (Ruolz) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etraug. 11:161. Profit-sharing. See also Association, Capi- tal, Cooperation. Bibliography. Oilman, Profit sharing 446. Bohmert. Gewinnbetheiligung. (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 13: 195- Jevons. Methods of social reform. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 87:405. Mass. Bur. Statistics Labor. Report 1886. (Ott) Jour. Econ. IV : 25: 382. Taylor. Profit sharing. (Valaray) Jour. Econ. IV:10:169; 11:10. Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Schrift no. 6. Progress. See also Civilization, Conserva- tism, Culture, Evolution, Inventions. (Bancroft) Pams. on history v. 9. Channing. Works 6:147. Froude. Short studies v. '_'. George. Progress and poverty. Hedge. Ways of the Spirit. Herder. Briefe zu Beforderung der Hu- inanitiit. Lotze. Microcosmus v. 2. (Pelletan) Jour. Econ. 11:15:82. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 18-20. Smith. Thorndale bk. 4, and p. 436- Si>encer. Illus. of universal progress. Volney. Ruines. Ancient and modern. Oersted, Soul in nature 244. dans les soci<-ts ( Littrf) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:20:798. Destiny <>f humanity. Herder, Philos. der Geschichte. Kllcct of mixture of races (Le Conte) lU-rkt-ley l^uar. 1 : 81. from .savagery to civilization (Stark) Roy. K.iin. Trans. 15:177. Progress. 386 Property. from 1800 to 1864 (Ruggles) Historical addresses v. 1. Future. Talfourd. Essays. General account of. Comte, Positive pol- ity v. 3. Laws of disorder. King, Substance and show. Liberalism and. Brownson, Works 20:342. Loi (Carrau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 11 :568. (Fauvety) Crit. Philqs. 7:209. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 7 :49- Sumner. Works 2 : 89. of arts and sciences. Hume, Essays v. 1. Present age. Characteristics of. Fichte, Popular works v. 2. Saint-Bonnet on social restoration. Brownson, Works 14 : 197. Social (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:107: 743; 108:116. Spirit of the age. Schlegel, Philos. of his- tory ch. 18. Theories (Thomas) Crit. Philos. 24 : 103. du P. inde'tini (Thonissen) Jour. Econ. 11:31:222. Ungehemmte Ausbildung nachtheilig? Wieland, Werke29:285. Voluntary. Nature of (Royce) Berkeley yuar. 1:161. Woman's influence on. Buckle, Misc. works v. 1. World education. Lessing, Werke 10:307. (Temple) Essays by English church- men. Prohibition. See also Intemperance. Roman Catholics and (Storer) Pams. so- cial science v. 3. Prokesch-Osten, Anton, count. 1795-1876. (Baedeker) Unsere Zeit 1876:2:930. Correspondance (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:43:217. Prome, Burmah. Battle, 1825. Knox, Decisive battles. Prometheus. See also Aeschylus. Goethe. Werke 7 : 195. Herder. Werke 28: 392. Quinet. Prome'the'e (Oeuvres v. 12). Meister Hephastus-Lucifer (Rudolf) Her- rig's Archiv 65 : 369. Sage (Eichhoff) Jahrb. Philol. 120:73. (Flach) Jahrb. Philol. 123:819. (Re>ille) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 40 : 842. Urspriingliche Form (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsych. 2 : 1. Pronoun. Kuhn's Zeitschrift, indexes. Assyrian personal (Hincks) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23. Demonstrative. Formi Plautini (Stude- rnund) Jahrb. Philol. 113:57. English indeterminate (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:151. personal (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:277. Dative-nominative (Gummere) Am. J. Philol. 4:283. relative. Auslassuug (Lohmann) An- glia 3:115. French personal (Behschnitt) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. relative (Pietsch) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Greek, aus Apollonius Dyscolus(Dronke) Rhein. Mus. 9 : 107. (Herschelmann) Rhein. Mus. 35 : 373. Homeric reflexive, d. dritten Person (Brugmann) Jahrb. Philol. 117:433. H en langue d'oil (Horning) Roman. Studien 4 : 229. Neuangelsachsiscb.(Witte) Engl. Stud. 2: 121. Possessive. Bedeutung f. d. Ausdrucks- weise d. Substantiv (Kovar) Zts. Volkerpsych. 16:386. Provencal (Chabanau) Romania 4:338. personal (Bohnhardt) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Reciprocal (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1 : 132. Relative. Anlassung und Vertretung (Tobler) Germania 17 : 257. who (Weymouth) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1860-1:64. Pronunciation. tSee Phonetics, names of languages. Propertius, S. A., elegiac poet. Bk. 1 (Birt) Rhein. Mus. 38 : 197. Bk. 2. Last elegy (Munro) Jour. Philol. 6:28. Emendationes (Housman) Jour. Philol. 16:1. Erklarung (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 40:481. Kritik (Kindscher) Rhein. Mus. 17:216. Neapolitans (Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 1:389. Notes (Paley) Jour. Philol. 16: 183. (Postgate) Jour. Philol. 9:62. Vindiciae (Leo) Rhein. Mus. 35:431. Property. Seealso Communism, Copyright, Inheritance, Inventions, Land, Money. Mortmain, Primogeniture, Wealth. Arnold. Geschichte d. Eigentuuis in d. deutschen Stadten. Comte. Positive polity 2 : 120. Godwin. Political justice bk. 8. Hegel. Philosophic des Rechts (Werke 8:41). Journal des Economistes I-II, indexes. Lawrence. P. of women married abroad. Lieber. Essays on P. and labor. Proudhon. What is property? (Diehl) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. (Selle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1792-7. Accumulation. Everett, Orations 2:288. as a symbol. James, Lectures and mis- cellanies. au moyen age (Thevenin) Rev. Hist. 31:242. Classifications of. Maine, Early law and custom. Division en France (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:505. Erwerb (Joseph) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Etudes recentes (Fouille"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:63:759. Exemption froni capture at sea. Law- rence, Essays in international law. German laws of succession. Baring- Gould, Germany. Hereditary, justified (Thomas) Pams. on labor v. 1. Histoire du droit de (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 1:161. in socialen Bedeutung. Unsere Zeit 1880 : 2' 303 Kinds of, defined. Ruskin, Works 11 : 167. of married women. Maine, Institutions. Origin, object, succession. Puffendorf, Law of nature bk. 4, ch. 4- Property. 387 Protestantism. Primitive. Laveleye, Primitive property; also Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:100:135,505; 101:38. Leslie. Essays. Maine. Ancient law. en Suisse ( Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:105:598. Real. Bentbam, Works v. 5. State power over private. Work of Hon. S. J. Field, 156. Wort des Besitzes. Grimm, Kleinere Schriften 1 : 113. Prophecy. See also Astrology. Divination, Fortune-telling, Omens, Oracles, Sacri- fices. Julius Obsequens. De prodigiis. - Nostradamus. Prophecies. Re>ille. Prolegomena of the history of religions. Smith (J:, of Cambridge). Select dis- courses. Spinoza. Theologico-political treatise. Shelley, Prose works 3:315. (Stanley) Noyes, Theological essays. Stewart. Interpretation of prophecy. --Thomas of Erceldoune. Propnecy (E. E. Text. Soc. 1:61). Anruf (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerps. 18:431. Biblical. ModernitS (Havet) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: 94: 516 799. au point de vue de la critique historique (Re'ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:69:818; 70:147. et messianiques (Courdaveaux) Crit. Relig. 6:28. by Taliesin. Woodward, Wales 2:432. in the Medea of Sophocles (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 14. Knowledge of the future. Home, Essays on principles of morality. Liberty, limits. Taylor(Jer.), Works v. 5. of natural phenomena. Arago, Oeuvres 8:1. True and false ideas of. Christian's Mag. 2:274,387. Proserpine. Claudianus. Raptus Proserpinae. Prosody. See alto Accent, Metre. Onomat- opeia, Poetry, Versification. Gascoipne. Notes of instruction. James I. Rules of Scottish poesie. Prosper, St.. of Aquitaine. Hi.stoire iitte'raire de la France v. 2. Prostitution. Amos. Laws for suppression. International council of women. 1888. May hew. London labour v. 4. Pornographe: reglement pour. 1769. Sanger. History of prostitution. Smith Sunshine and shadow in N. Y. Femmes libe're'es ( Benoiston de Chateau- neuf) Acad. Sci. Mor. 12. 171. Greek courtesans. Lucia n us, Dialog] meretricii. ignle. Crit. 1'hilos. I, index. Paris and London. Jour. Econ. 111:39: reglemente'e. Abolition. Crit. Philos. N. 8.1:450. 'Repression (Allier) Crit. Philos. N.8.2:345. Protagoras of Abdera. et De"mocrite (Brochard) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 2 : 368. Ueber d. Masz aller Uinge(Seliger) Jahrb. Philol. 139:401. Protection. See also Free trade, Tariff ! Birnbaum. Wichtige Tagesfragen 253. i Brownson. Works 15:493. Cooper. Ideas for a science of good gov- ernment. Greeley (Hor.). Recollections 528. ! N. Y. Tribune almanac 1838:54. | Rogers. Protests of the Lords. Roscher. Political economy v. 2. Winthrop (R. C.). Speeches. Dangers (Blanqui) Acad. Sci. Mpr. 1 : 118. Egalite" dans (Martineau) Jour. Econ. IV : 42 : 180. Fallacies. Lieber, Writings. in France (Alby) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 83:900. (Chevalier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:6:616. ( Layolle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2: 639. in Spain. Bentham, Works 3: 85. in the U.S. (Dilke) Jour. Econ. Ill: 18: 262. (Simonin) Jour. Econ. 111:15:191. Influence ( Dunoy er) Acad. Sci. Mor. 4 : 131. Intents des colonies (Tache") Jour. Econ. IV: 1:191. Pr6tentions (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 5: 13. Re"action(Molinari)Jour. Econ. 111:9:178. Protestant Episcopal church. See alto Church of England. a reformed Episcopalian (Nicholson) Pams. religion v. 13. in Boston (Brooks) Winsor, History of Boston 3:447. Union in the church (Ruggles) Pams. religion v. 13. Protestantism. See Reformation, Roman Catholic church, Smalcaldic league, names of sects, Albigenses, Camisards, Huguenots, Waldenses. Arndt (G. M.). Schriften v. 3. Brownson. Works v. 4-8. De Quincev. Works 7 : 88. Raumer. Eurona seit 1500. 3 : 266. Allemagne et (Milsand) Crit. Relig. 3 : 393 ; 4:97. Alliance des libres penseurs et(Me'nard) Crit Relig. 1:71. and government. Brownson, Works 10: 411. Catholicism and. Baader, Werke 1 : 71. Controversial points. Relig. Mag. 2:309. Distinction. Brownson, Works 12:238. Crise ( Benezech) Crit. Philos. 6 : 340. en Angleterre, 1861 (Scherer) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33:403. Criticisme et (Trial) Crit. Relig. 2:356; 8:1*3. French, 1865 ( Lang) Preuss. J ahrb. 15 : 339; 1:345. Synode glnlral (Pressense") Rev. d. d. IfondW II: HiO: 7 is. Future of. Brownson. Works 13 : 162. Kroude. Short .studios v. '2. imgelobten Lande. Uns. Xcit 1858:710. in Italy. Unsere Zeit 18C1 : M2. (Peter) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 1. in the 16. century. Brownson, Works 10 : 491. Protestantism. 388 Proverbs. Liberal (Be"zenech) Crit. Relig. 5:209. (Courdaveaux) Crit. Relig. 7:30. Bases? (Bost) Crit. Relig. 4:369. moderne (Milsand) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 23:846. not a religion. Brownson, Works 10:426. Religions weakness. Newman (Fs. W.), Miscellanies 2: 24. Speculative, der Gegenwart (Hartmann) DnsereZeit 1879: 721. Protoplasm. See also Biology. Life. (Huxley and Stirling) Half hours with modern scientists v. 1. Contractile Substanz (Reichert) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1866. Protozoa. See also Foraminifera, Infusoria, Spongidae. Thalassicolla, polycystina, acanthro- metra of the Mediterranean (Muller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1858. Proudhon, Pierre Joseph. 1809-65. Ely. Socialism. (ITbucherdeCareil) Jour. Econ. 11:48:388. (Gamier) Jour. Econ. 1:6: 290. Hildebrand. Nationalokonomie 283. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 3 : 158. Kaufmann. Utopias. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1 :21:57. as a writer on art. Hamerton, Thoughts about art ch. 18. Life and works (Langlois) In Proudhon's What is property? (Pelletan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 61 : 328. Unsere Zeit 1859:562. Correspondance et son historien (Bau- drillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 103: 584. Prout, Samuel. 1783-1852. Ruskin. Modern painters. Provencal language. See also French lan- guage. Faunel. Provencal poetry 118. Dialektisches (Sachs) Herrig's Arch. 30 : 135. Du passage d'sz a r et d'r a sz (Meyer) Ro- mania 4 : 184, 464 ; 6 : 261. .E-Reime (Oreans) Herrig's Arch. 80:178. Etymologies, etc. Romania, passim. Grammatik. Beitrage (Volkmann) Her- rig's Archiv 14 : 322. Idiome bourguignon (Wollenberg) Her- rig's Archiv 28:259. Imparfait du subjonctif en es (Meyer) Romania 8 : 155. Mundart d. Leodegarliedes (Suchier) Zts. roman. Philol. 2 : 255. Provenzalismen (Giinther) Herrig's Archiv 3: 23. Troisiemes personnes du pluriel (Meyer) Romania 9:192. Verhaltniss zu Romanischen (Mahn) Herrig's Archiv 55 : 83. Z dans les mots mouilles (Horning) Ro- man. Stud. 4:627. Provengal literature . See also Troubadours. Bartoli. Letteratura italiana v. 1, 2. (Breymann) Owens College essays. Hartmann (Mor.). Tagebuch aus Pro- vence (Werke v. 3). Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 4 : 514. Villemain. Litterature au moyen age v. 1. Canzonieri di eruditi italiani del secolo xvi (Lollis) Romania 18 : 453. Chansonniers(Brakelmann) Herrig's Ar- chiv 42: 43; 43:185. Drei Dits de 1'ame (Bechmann) Zts. ro- man. Philol. 13:35. Epos (Mahn) Herrig's Arch. 52:281. (Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 26: 141. Handscrift 42 zu Florenz. Herrig's Ar- chiv v. 49-50. 389 d. Stadtbibliothek zu Bern. Her- rig's Archiv v. 41-43, 51. Lyrik. Bilder und Vergleiche (Stb'ssel) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 3. Melanges (Meyer) Romania v. 1. Nouvelle poe"sie (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 23 : 807; III : 12 : 660. Ordonament de Bathayla (Otto) Zts. ro- man. Philol. 13:98. Poesie (Sachs) Herrig's Arch. 15:245. Relation to Italian poetry. Tiraboschi, Letteratura italiana 3 : 516. Sprichworter bei d. Lyrikern (Cnyrim) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Zwei Lieder(Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 17:387. Provence, France. Martiniere. Dictionnaire. Bois, torrents, 1789 (Baude) Acad. Sci. Mor. 40:283. Droit, au moyen age (Laferriere) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39:321; 42:203. Old towns of. Symonds, Southern Eu- rope v. 2. Populations agricoles (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:145- Renaissance sociale. Quinet, Revolutions d'ltalie 1:107. Vicissitudes (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:74:789. Proverbs, Maxims, Aphorisms. Agricola. Deutsche Sprichwbrter. (Alfred the Great) E. E. Text Soc. 1 :49. Epigrammatum dilectus. 1752. Erasmus. Adagiorum epitome. Fournier. Esprit des autres; Esprit dans 1'histoire. Helps. Friends in council v. 3. Joubert. Pense"es. Korte. Sprichworter d. Deutschen. La Rochefoucauld. Sentences. Simrock. Deutsche Sprichworter. Thompson. Sales Attici. Wander. Deutsches Sprichworter Lexi- kon. Wright. Essays on literature v. 1. Zingerle. Deutsche Sprichworter im Mit- telalter. Altprovenzalische (Peretz) Gbtt. Univ. Diss. v. 4. apud Aeschylum, Sophoclem (Eoch) Ko- nigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 2. British. Camden, Remains. (Denham) Percy Soc. v. 20. Chinese, English. Kwong Ki Chiu, Dic- tionary of English phrases. Churwa'lsche (Bohmer) Roman. Stud. v.2. Corean. Griffis, Corea 317. des 11. Jahrhunderts (Bartsch) Germania 18:310. Fribourgeois. Romania 6 : 76. German. Auf biblischem Grunde (Schulze) Herrig's Archiv 28: 129. Quellen (Franck) Herrig's Archiv v. 40-41. Greek modern. Class. Jour. 17 : 39. Italian (Kradolfer) Zts. Volkerps. 9 : 185. Proverbs. 389 Prussia. Languedocische(Thiessing)Herrig's Arch. 43:65. Lippesche(Greverus) Herrig's Arch. 8:343. Niederdeutsche (Schroder) Herrig's Ar- chiv43:411; 44:337. Old German law. Freybe, Altdeutsches Leben v. 3. Philippine. Bowring, Philippine islands 286. Philosophy of. Disraeli, Curiosities of literature. Sammlungen des Laurentianus 80, 13 (Jungblut) Rhein. Mus. 38:394. Proverbs of Solomon nach Saadja (Bondi) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Providence. See alto Fate. Plotinus. Enneades III. Proclus. Deprovidentia (Opera; ed. Cou- sin). Action in history. Vico, Scienza nuova (Opere 4-5). Gerette Vorschung. Mendelssohn (Mo- ses), Schrif ten 1:498. Providence, Rhode Island. in 1880. U. 8. 10th. census 18 : 354. Provinces, Provincial Government. See also Colonies. Roman. Personnel administratif (Nau- det) Acad. Sci. Mor. 95:3, 381. Principal des Augustus (Loebell) Hist. Taschenbuch 1834. Re"forme par Diocl<5tien (Jullian) Rev. Hist. 19:331. Provlncetowm, Mas*. Thoreau. Cape Cod. Prudence. Emerson. Essays 1st series. Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens. Amador de los Rios. Literatura espafi. 1 : ch. 5. (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 91: 357. Horatii imitator (Breidt) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Pmdhomme, Sully. 1839- Lemaitre. Contemporains 1 : 31. Bonheur: poeme (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. M. Hides III: 86:693. Prud hommes. Journal des Economistes I-II, indexes. Prussia. Description and travel. Alte Bewiihner (Biester) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. RacelprussienneWQuatrefages) Rev. d. d. Monfles II: 91:647. Prussia. History and politics. Before 1866. See also names of Kings, Hohenzollern. Germany, Kulturkampf, Seven years' war, Thirty years' war. Agrarkrisis,'lH20(l r cke)Hallerniv.Diss.v.5 Anfange d. grossen Kurfiirsten. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:605. Annales to 1450. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 19:090. Befreiung. 1812. Preuss. Jahrb. 11 : ftl. Cabinet. Ursprung(Lehmann)Hist.Zeits. 63:266. Coalition gegen, 1756 (Duncker) Preuss. Jahrb. 49:191. ('ipiiijtlrif par Ics ch'V;iliiTx triit<>i)i<|ues il.avisst.-) Kcv. d. d. Muiide.1 111:32:319, 71M. Constitutionelle Konigthum in. Treits- chke, Aufsatze v. 3. Decadence apres Fre"de"ric II (Sorel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:287. Entstehung d. Konigsthum. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:485. Grundung des Staats. Preuss. Jahrb. 3 : 541. (Griinhagen) Preuss. Jahrb. 33 : 448. in 1805. Duncker, Aus d. Zeit Friedrichs d. Grossen. in 1807. Pams. on history v. 3. in 1807-13. Fichte. Werke v. 7. in 1807-15. Hassel's Geschichte (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 48: 493- - in 1809. Allgemeine Wehrpflicht. Hist. Zts. 61:97. in 1813. Lefebre, Cabinets de 1'Europe v. 5. in 1822 (Raumer) Hist. Taschenb. 1830. in 1831. Pams. on history v. 3. in 1840. Pamphlets on history v. 12. in 1843. Recensement (Villerme') Jour. Econ. 1:14:224. in 1847-51. Gegenwart, index. in 1848. Briefe eines Offlciers. Rund- schau v. 26- in 1848-58. Uns. Zeit 1862:337; 1863:39, 401. in 1859(Taillandier) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 22 : 210. Innere Verwaltung, 1713- (Schmoller) Preuss. Jahrb. 25:575; 26:1.148- Justizgesetzegebunp 1800-40 (Beseler) Preuss. Jahrb. 15: 155. Kirchliche Reaction, 1850-60. Preuss. Jahrb. 5:281. Landund Volk, -1300(Lohmeyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 33:148- Landtag, 1851-7. Preuss. Jahrb. 1 : 186. Partis. 1862 (Simon) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 37:209. Princes colonisateurs (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 12: 867; 13:890. Rechtszustande, alte u. neue. Preuss. Jahrb. 5 : 375- Regentschaf t. Preuss. Jahrb. 2 : 438. Sendung Robinsons ins pr. Lager, 1741 (Griinhagen) Preuss. Jahrb. 36:490. Soulevement apres 1856(Lefebvre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:5,510. Standische Versammlung. Humboldt (K: W: v.), Werke 7 : 198-278. und d. Hierarchic, 1858. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:382. undd.Meer. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:433-; 2: 7-; 4:163; 7:512. und Frankreich, 1795-1800 (Wohlwill) Hist. Zts. 51:385. 1795-1807 (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:587. 1800-7 (Wohlwill) Hist. Zts. CL': l._ und Russland vor d. siebenjnhr. Kriege ( Koser) Preuss. Jahrb. 47:285- Verfassung. Drei Capitel liber. Prcn . Jahrb. 11:349. Sieben Worte. Preuss. Jalirb. 1 1 Vorgeschichte. Preuss. Jnhrl). 10: IS7. Verfassungsfrage, 1807-15 (Stern) Hi-t. Zts. 48:236. 1815-23 (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 29 : 313- 1847 (Struve) Pams. on politic* Vorbildiing <1. liiiheren Vorwaltunjrs- IxMintrn ( Kichter) Preuss. Jahrh. 17: 1. - Wahlen, 1858. Preuss. J ah rb. 2 : 457. Prussia. 390 Psychology. wahrend d. territorialen Zeit, 1440-. Preuss. Jahrb. 5 : 219. Prussia. History. War of 1866-7. Annuaire des Deux Mondes 14 :324. (Chevalier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:63:758. - (Klaczko) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:63:199. Miiller. Politische Geschichte 1815-75: 340- (Raymond) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:64:322. Unsere Zeit 1866-7. Anmarchkampfe in Bb'hrnen. Preuss. Jahrb. 20:478-; 21:1. Deutschland's Lage (Rossmassler) Panis. history v. 14. D6veloppement de la Prusse. Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 77 : 769. Italienische Allianz (Homberger) Preuss. Jahrb. 28 : 132-; 29 : 513 ; 30 : 162. Langensalza u. Vogel von Falckenstein (Delbriick) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:448. Literatur des. Preuss. Jahrb. 22 : 100. Politique francaise (Rothan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :v. 29-30. Politische Vorgeschichte. Uns. Zeit 1866 : 2:721, 881. undd. Bundesreforra (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 17:677. Switzerland's position. Pams. history v. 14. Sanitatspflege d. Arraee (Samuel) Preuss. Jahrb. 19:379. Te'le'graphes, chemins de fer (Gr6gori) , Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 65 : 212. Wiirttemberg. Armee (Bauer) Preuss. Jahrb. 21:581. Prussia. History. Since 1866. See also France (War 1870-1), Kulturkampf. Ausbildung d. hoheren Jnstiz-u. Ver- waltungsbeamten. Rundschau 54:378. Beamtenstaat (Twesten) Preuss. Jahrb. 18 : 1, 109. Droits et les devoirs, 1866 (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 65 : 925. et la nouvelle Allemagne, 1866 (Sybel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:65:491. etles deux empires, 1872 (Sorel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:95:35. France et, 1867-70 (Rothan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 73: 42- in 1866 (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: v. 67, 69, 71, 78, 85, 86. . (Taillandier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:66:848 in 1879-87 (W: Miiller) Uns. Zeit 1887: 2 446- Innere Geschichte (Oppenheim) Uns. Zeit 1876-7. (W: Muller) Uns. Zeit 1879:2:81- Kirchenstreit (Jolly) Preuss. Jahrb. 50- 107. (Meyer) Preuss. Jahrb. 44:294, 371. (Pressense") Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:105:5. (Zorn) Preuss. Jahrb. 42 : 541. Klagen iiber England (Pauli) Preuss. Jahrb. 26:515. Ostpreussen. Nothstand. Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 353- Reorganisation d. Verwaltung, 1868 (Lette) Preuss. Jahrb. 22: 139. Sociale Frage und (Schmoller) Preuss. Jahrb. 33:323. und Schwaben (Strauss) Preuss. Jahrb. 19 : 186. Verwaltungsreform,1877. Preuss. Jahrb. 42:303. Prussian blue. Proprie'te's (Chevreul) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. v. 23. Prutz, Robert. 1816-72. (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1872 : 2 : 433. Prynne, William. 1600-69. Proceedings against, 1634, 1637 (Camden Soc. 11:18). Przewalski, N. M., Russian explorer. (Toll) Unsere Zeit 1889:1:176. Psalms. Psautierjuif (R6ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:12:171. Vorlutherische deutsche Urbersetzung (Gliemann) Herrig's Archiv 3:128, 348. Pselaphidae. North American new (Casey) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:455. Psellos, Michel, Byzantine statesman. (Rambaud) Rev. Hist. 3:241. Psyche. See also Cupid and Psyche. Schulze. Psyche (Poetische Werke v. 3). Psychology. See also references under Men- tal science. Steinthal. Philologie, Geschichte und Psychologie. Art et (Sully) Rev. Philos. 2:321. Bain's. Mill, Dissertations v. 4. Bedeutung der Wiederholung (Hb'ffding) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 7:296. Begriff( Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1874. Buddhist (Bastian) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 20. Cerebral. Bain on. Martineau. Essays. Comparative (Bastian) Zts. VOlkerpsych. 5 ' 153 (Espinas) Rev. Philos. 5:600. (Spencer) Rev. Philos. 1 :45. Instinct, raison (Devillario) Grit. Phi- los. N. S. 6:258. contemporaine (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:709. de 1'artiste. Crit. Philos. N. S. 1 : 173. de 1'homme primitif (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 6-8. Defense des sciences (Vacherot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 68:335; 69:31, 315. der Scholastik (Siebeck) Archiv Gesch. Philos. v. 1-2 ; Zts. Philos. v. 93-94. des grands homines (Joly) Rev. Philos. 13:361; 14:37- distinct from physiology. Jouffroy, Nou- veaux melanges philos. Dur6e des actes psychiques (Ribot) Rev. Philos. 1 : 267. (Richet) Rev. Philos. 6 : 393. EineGrundlegung(Gierke) Preuss. Jahrb. 53 : 105. Est-elle une science? (Straszewski) Rev. Philos. 4: 366. et me"taphysique (Lachelier) Rev. Philos. 19:481. ' Riemann (B.). Werke 477. ethnographique en Allemagne (Ribot) Rev. Philos. 2 : 596. Experimental. Aufgaben (Wundt) Uns. Zeit 1882:1:389. Chaire au college de France (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:518. Finalite" dese'le'ments (Paulhan) Rev. Phi- los. 26 : 105. Fonction psycho-motrice (Manouvrier) Rev. Philos. 17:503, 638. ge'ne'rale et morbide (Dauriac) Crit. Phi- los. 26:209. Psychology. 391 Puebla mountains. German, in 1879 (Erdmann) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 3:377. Herbartian (Stout) Mind 13:321. im Dienst der Padagogik (Fauth) Jahrb. Philol. 136:1. Kant's. Einflussaufd. Padagogik (Jahn) Jahrb. Philol. 130:404, 492. Lois selon Wundt(Lachelier) Rev. Philos. 19:121. Mathgmatiques et la (Janet) Rev. Philos. 5:308. Messung psychischer Vorgange (VVundt) Philos. Stud. 1:251,463. (Zeller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1881. Methods (Se"ailles) Rev. Philos. 13:341. (Wundt) Philos. Studien 1:1. der Mimmalanderungen (Wundt) Phi- los. Stud. 1:556. Object (Richet) Rev. Philos. 23 : 166. pathologique (Richet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1880: Jan. 15. Pedagogic et (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. 26: 49. Phe"nomenes affectifs au point de vue de la P. g<5n6rale(Paulhan) Rev. Philos. 20 : 449,583. Physiological (Richet) Rev. Philos. 5:29. Platonic. Difficulties (Archer-Hind) J. Philol. 10:120. Principles (Spencer) Crit. Philos. v. 11-14. Psychogenesis (Preyer) Rundschau 23:198 Psychometrische Lntersuchungen (Cat- tell) Philos. Stud. 4: 241. Kt'-fk-xcs psychiques (Richet) Rev. Philos. 25:225,387,500. Schmucker's. Brownson, Works 1 : 19. Scientific. Lange, Materialism 3 : 162. Stellung z. Philosophic (Avenarius) Vier- telj. wissen. Philos. 1:471. (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 64 : 189. Streitfragen (Achelis) Philos. Monats. 18 : 321. ( Vokelt) Zts. Philos. 90 : 1 ; 92 : 65. Transformations des forces psychiques (Mantegazza) Rev. Philos. 5:241. undStaatswissenschaft. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 9:199. Vblkerpsychologie (Bruchmann) Dns. Zeit 1876 : 2 : 161. Begriff'(Steinthal) Zts. Viilkerpsych. 17:233. Zieleu. Wege (Wundt) Philos. Stud. 4 : 1 Psychophysics. Campbell. Life of Ja. Clerk Maxwell 452. Applications (Sorel) Rev. Phi Jos. 22:3*53. appre'cie'e d'apres la doctrine mathe"- matique de la me'sure des grandeurs (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 13:179. Elsas iiber (Wernicke) Philos. Monats. 23:165. Laws (Bertrand) Rev. Philos. 17:241. (pelbojuf) Rev. Philos. 3: 225, 5:34,127. Deutung (Elsas) Philos. Monata. 24: 129. Sogenannte (Kries) Viertelj. wissen. I'hilo*. (i:257. Photornetrischer Apparat (Kirschmann) PhUo.btod.5:9K Weber's law (Tannery) Rev. Pliilo*. 17: !">. Maasprincipien and (Fechner) Philn*. Stud. 4 : l;i. Matlu-inatischf Formt-lirung (Kohlcr) Philo.x. Stacl.-li.VTL'. biiineM-rmiidung im Bereicbe (Mei- nong) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 12:1. Pteropoda. Barrande. Pte>opodes siluriens de la Boheme. Morphology (Huxley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:29. Pterosauria. (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859:161. Ptolemaeus I. Soter, king of Egypt. (Farther) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Ein Dekret (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 26:463- Ptolemaeus II. Philadelphus, king of Egypt. Ehe mit Arsinoe II (Wiedemann) Phi- lologus N.F. 1:81. Ptolemaeus, Claudius, geographer, astronomer. Bibliography of geography. Harvard Bull. v. 2-3. et I'e'cole d'Alexandrie. Figuier, Savants de 1'antiquitd. Marinus lyrius und (Ukert) Rhein. Mus. 6:173,313. und die Schule von Toledo (Rose) Hermes 8:327. Public lands in the United States. See also California, Land. Works of Calhoun, Clay, Gallatin, Jeffer- son, Madison, Seward (v. 1), Webster. Brownson. Works 15 : 149. Edwards. History of Illinois 105. Williams. Statesman's manual. Cessions by Indians. U. 8. Bur. Ethnol. 1st rept. Disposal. Hall, Notes on western states. 1838. 150. Distribution bill, 1841. Brownson, Works 15:202. Grants for educational purposes. Misc. pams. v. 2. Grants to Hungarians. Seward, Works 1:289. Grants to railways in Michigan. U. S. House Com. Rep. 1883-4, v. 3-4. Oregon. U. S. House Com. Rep. 1883-4, v. 2. Northern Pacific. U. S. House Com. Rep. 1883-4, v. 5. Texas Pacific. U. S. Com. Rep. 1883-4. y. 1, 3. History of question (Sato) Johns Hopkin* Hist. 'Stud. v. 4. in Iowa, 1840. Williams, Iowa. Laws, 1884. U. S. House M. Docs. 1882-3, v. 16. Location, preemption. Hawes, U. S. surveying. Report of commission. U. S. House Ex. D. 1879-80, v. 22; 1880-1, v. 25-26. Proceeds of sale. Winthrop,Speeches289. Public schools. See Schools. Publicola, Puhliu.s Valeria* Cicero. De republicu. Plutarch. Lives. Piickler-Muskau, Hn. L. H., Fiirtt von. 1785- 187L HiHt-brimd. Zeiten, Volker 2:385. Pudens and Claudia. (iue-t.OriginesCelticae 2: 121. Puebla mountain!, Nevada. (Blake) Pain*, mineralogy v. 1. Puebla Indians. 392 Pyrenees mountains. Puebla Indians. Works on New Mexico by: Davis, Dom- enech. Prince, etc. Visit to, 1885 (Welsh) Pains. N. Amer. indians v. 2. Puerperal fever. Use of bromo-ckloralum. Pains, medicine v. 6. Puffendorf, Samuel, Baron von. 1632-94. Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- wissenshaft. Heron. Jurisprudence 507. (Treitschke) Preuss.Jahrb.35:614; 36:61- Puget Sound. Maps of approaches. Berlin arbitration U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1872-3, v. 5. Puiseux, Victor. (Bertrand) Paris, M6m. Acad.Sci.44:lxvii. Puissant, Louis. 1769-1843. (Beaumont) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. v. 37. Pulaski, Casimir, Polish patriot. 1748-79. Sparks. American biography v. 14. Services to the United States. U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1886-7, v. 2. Pulcheria, empress of the east. 399-453. (Thierry) Kev. d. d. Mondes 11 : 95 : 721 ; 98:57." Pulcheria, daughter of Theodosius the Great. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 2:946. Pulci, Luigi.poet. 1431-87. Hunt. Indicator ch. 62. Reunion t. Lorenzo de' Medici 2 : 42. Simonde de Sismondi. Literature of south Europe. Symonds. .Renaissance in Italy. Pullman, Illinois. (Wright) Pams. social science v. 3. Pulmonata. Pacific coast (Cooper) Cal. Acad. Sci. Bull. 2:355,497; Proc. II: 1:11. Pulpit. See Clergy, Preaching. Pulteney, William, earl of Bath. d. 1764. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Pultowa battle, 1709. Lives of Charles XII and Peter the Great. Creasy. Decisive battles. (Pushkin) Bodenstedt's Schriften 4:181. Pumps. Steam. S. F. Mechanics' Inst. Exhibition 1875. Wooden. Pams. on machinery. Punctuation as affecting sense. Ralph Roister Doister act 3, scene 4-5. Begrundung d. Lehre(Gortzitza) Ilerrig's Archiv 15 : 217. Punishment. See also Capital punishment, Crime, Hell, Prisons. Ahrens. Cours de droit naturel 1 : 232. Geldstrafe (Schmolder) Preuss. Jahrb.62: 149. Ide"e dans Platon (Thonissen) Acad. Sci. Mor. 91:271. Inequality in (Fry) Choice Lit. 2:261. Influence (Helie) Acad. Sci. Mor. 53 : 233. Nemesis divina (Linng) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:32:178. Power of the state. Woolsey, Political science 1 : 324. Whom God is slow to punish. Plutarch, Morals y. 4. Pur bach. See Peurbach. Purgatory. See also Future life, Hell, Pat- rick (St.). Foster (Rev. J:). Life, index. Monk of Evesham. Revelation (Arber's reprints). Thurchill's vision of. Matthew Paris, Chronica majora 2:497. Puritans. Bibliography of P. and Separatists. Har- vard Lib. Bull. nos. 7-8. Arnold. St. Paul and Protestantism. Astie 1 . Etats-Unis 1 : 17, 267. Blunt. Reformation of church of En- gland v. 2. Carlyle. Heroes and hero-worship. Neal. History of the Puritans. Withington. "The Puritan 1 : 163, 202. and the restoration. Lodge, Studies in history. Colony at Annapolis, Md. (Randall) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 4. Purpura. Neurotic (Tyrrell) Pams. medicine v. 5. Piischel, Robert. (Schultz) Herrig's Archiv 72: 1. Puseyism. (Buddensieg) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:411. (Thierry) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:69:170. Putnam, Israel, general. 1718-90. (Peabody) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 7. Putter, J.S. 1725-1807. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft. 2:524. Puy-de-D6me, mountain of Auvergne. Grand temple decouvert!875(Monceaux) Rev. Hist. v. 35, 36. Pygmalion and Galatea. Herder. Sammtliche Werke 28: 264. Morris. Earthly paradise v. 2. Pygoptems GreenocMi. (Traquair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 701. Pyhy, Conrad von. Historiska handlingar 1 : 15. Pym, John. 1584-1643. Browning (Rob.). Stratford. Mackintosh. British statesmen v. 3. Smith (Goldwin). Three English states- men. Pyramids. Ballard. Solution of the P. problem. Churchill. Voyages v. 2. Grobert. Pyramides de Ghize. Herodotus ; tr. by Rawlinson 2 : 170. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Kenrick. Egypt under the Pharaohs. Lepsius. Letters from Egypt. Proctor. Great pyramid. Ray. Travels v. 2. Spencer. Egypt 43. Metrological system (Smyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:667; 24:385. Pyramus and Tysbe : early English. (Fliigel) Anglia 12: 13. Pyrenees mountains. Michelet. La montagne. Taine. Tour through the Pyrenees. Pic du Midi. V6g6tationausommet(Ra- iiiond) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 6:81. Tour in. Barnard, Drawing from nature 307. Pyrogallol. 393 Quincy. Pyrogallol. Wirkung (Natanson) Dorpat Univ. Uiss. v. 2. Pyromalic acid. ( Wirtz) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Pyromucic acids. Substituted (Hill) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Pyrrho, Pyrrhonism. See also works on the Greek sceptics bv Maccoll, Tafel, etc. (Brochard) Rev. Philos. 19:517. Sextus Empiricus. Opera. Sitz der Schule( Pappenheim) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 1:37. Pyrrhus, king of Epinu. Plutarch. Lives. Stoll. Helden Roms 208. in Italy (Maiden) Jour. Philol. 10: 172. Pythagoras. See also Jamblicus. Histories of philosophy by: Brandis (1: 418), Bitter (1:351), Stanley. Figuier. Savants de 1'antiquite" 54. Grote. History of Greece 4 : 390. Hegel. Werke 13: 213. Higden. Polvchronicon 3 : 188. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 1. Porphyrius. Vita Pythagorae. Aegyptische Entstellung (Gladisch) Phil- ologus39:113. Doctrine d'apres la critique alleniande ( Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 52 : 969. Frauen. Wieland. Werke 32 : 277. Pythagoreismus und Christenthum. Baur, Drei Abhandl. z. Philos. Quadrat in natur. Baader, Werke 3 : 247. Sage. Zeller, Vortrage 1 : 33. Secret dans l'e'cole(Tannery ) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:28. und Anazimenes (Chiapelli) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:582. Pythagoras of Rhegium, sculptor. Athlete statues (Waldstein) J. Hellenic Studies 1 : 168; 2:332. Pythagorean theorem. Demonstrations e'le'inentaires. 43:208. Rev. Sci. Quakers (Society of Friends). Adams. Emancipation of Massachusetts 128. Barclay. Apology. Bayle. Dictionary 2 : 654. Coffin. History of Newbury. Gurney. Journey in North America, 1837-40. Neal. History of the Puritans. Penn. Passages from life and writings. Smith (Sydney ). Works v. 1. Tuke. Religions-Grundsiitze. Voltaire. Oeuvres24:3. Whiltier. Life of John Woolman. Defence of Pennsylvania. Cobbett, Por- cupine's works 12:89. in early New York. N. Y. doc. history 3 : aot ' IVim and. Jetl'tvy, K^ays 643. 651. Publications. PamphkteoarwigioaT.il. Trial. 1660. Hamilton, Quarter-sessions. Quality. Dependence on specific energies ( Montgomery) Mind 5:1. Quantics. See alto Conies. Curves. Memoir on O'aylev) Hoy. Soc. Trans. 1854, 1856, 1858, 1850, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1878. 50 Theorie d. quadrat. Formen (Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Quantity. Clifford, Common sense of the exact sciences. Quarantine. See alto Epidemics. ( Woodworth) Pams. medicine v. 5. Laws of the United States. U. S. Com- mercial relations 1885-6 : 2 : 1853. Louisiana methods ( Holt) CaLBd. Health, Rept. 1888:256. Quarterly Review. Croker. Papers. Quartley, Arthur. 1839-86. Sheldon. American painters. Quartz. Krystallisationssystem (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Structure inte"rieure , (Des Clotseaux) Paris, M<5m. Sayans Etrang. 15:404-614. Ueber rechts u. links gewundene (Weiss) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Quassia bark. Action ( Brun ton ) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877:627 -- (Wright) Roy. Edin. Trans. 2:73. Quaternions. Elimination of a, ft, y, from conditions of integribility of S//HC//J, etc. (Plarr) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27 : 251. Green's and allied theorems (Tait) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26 : 69. Principles on an analytical basis (Plarr) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:" 175; 28:37. Quatuor (in music) Psychologiede(Le'vC'que) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:495; Rev. Philos. 27:113. Quebec. in 18(55 ( Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 60: 188. Siege. 1759. Bancroft, History of the United States. -- N. Y. Colonial hist docs. v. 10. Quedlinburg, Saxony. Siadtbuch (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Queen Charlotte islands. Canada Geological survey. Report 1878-9. Hawkesworth. Voyages. Qut'rouaille. See Keroualle. Quesnay, Francois. 1694-1774. Laboulaye. Discours populaires. Lavergne. Economistes francais ; alto Acad. Sci. Mor. 81 : 147 ; ami Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:68:965. Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Jules. 1838- Lemaitre. Contemporains 3: 141. Quevedo y Villegas, F. G. de. 1580-1045. Montgomery. Italian, etc., authors v. 3. Quicherat, Jules E. J. 1814-82. - Life (os pieux (Pavie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:7:115. Zur Kritik (Bohtlingk)Zts.deut.morgenl. Gesell. 43 : 53. Ramberg, Joh. H: Nachlass (Conze) Preuss. Jahrb. 26:83. Rambert, Eugene. 1830-86. Literaturd.franzos. Schweiz(Breitinger) Rundschau 29. -405. Rameau, J: P., musical composer. 1683-1764. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Raraeses IV, king of Egypt. Grave. Grundplan(Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1867. Ramillies battle, 1706. Coxe. Memoirs of Marlborough 2 : 339. Morris. Age of Anne. Prior. Poems. Ramler, Karl Wilhelm. 1725-98. (Nicolai) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-1800. Rammohun Roy. Asiatic Journal N. S. v. 11-14. Ramon de la Sagra. See Sagra. Ramond de Carbonnieres, L: Fs. E., baron de. 1755-1827. (Cuvier) Paris, Mem. A cad. Sci. 9:clxix. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 10 : 446. Ramsay, Allan. 1685-1758. Memoir. In his Poems v. 1. Ramsay, David. 1749-1815. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 496. Ramsey abbey, England. Cartularium. Rolls chronicles, 79. Chronicou. Rolls chronicles, 83. Ramus (or La Rame'e), Pierre. 1715-72. Saisset. Pre'curseurs de Descartes. (Waddington) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:427. Charpentier, assassin de R. ? (Bertrand) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 44 : 286. Waddington. Ramus. Randolph, Edmund, statesman. 1753-1813. Curtis. United States constitution v. 1. and commercial treaty, 1795. Cobbett, Porcupine's works. Randolph, Edmund. 1819-61. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Randolph, John, of Roanoke. 1773-1833. Baldwin. Party leaders. Benton. Thirty years' view. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer. statesmen 382. Ranke, Fz. Leopold von. 1795-1886. (Prutz) Unsere Zeit 1886 : 2 : 145. (Rossler) Preuss. Jahrb. 58:64. (Schmidt) Rundschau 47:218. (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 76 : 693. Brief e an s. Verleger. Rundschau 52 : 123. Erinnerungen (Dove) Rundschau 51:38. Gedachtnissrede (Sybel) HistZts. 56:463. Weltgeschichte(Pohlman)Hist. Zts. 51:31 Banke. 397 Eazzi. (Rossler) Preuss. Jahrb. 60:153. (Schmidt) Preuss. 3 ahrb. 47 : 606 ; 49 : 80. Rankin, I fan. Joseph. 1833-86. U. S. House M. Docs. 1885-6, v. 15. Ranks. See Aristocracy, Caste. Rantoul, Robert. 1805-52. Simmer. Works 3 : 76. Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio). 1483-1520. Histories of painting in Italy. Dumas. Trois maitres. (Grimm) Rundschau 45: 185. Roscoe. Life of Leo X. Ruskin. Modern painters. Taine. Italy : Rome and Naples 50-159. and Michel Angelo. Reynolds, Fifth dis- course. Biographic nouvelle (Michel) Rev. d. d. MondesIIl:82:3GO. Disputa et Schule von Athen. Grimm, Neue essays ; Preuss. Jahrb. 13: 18- Drawings at Oxford (Butler) Oxford essays. 1856. Einige Bildnisse (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 24:573. Erste Zeiten (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 49 : 117. et la soctfte" de son temps (Boutmy) Rev. Nat. 20:81. Madonna diTerrannova (Grimm) Preuss. Jahbr.43:576. Nouvelles recherch.es (Clement) Rev.d.d. MondesII:27:668. Oeuvre paienne (Le"v(kme) Rev. d. d. MondesII:76:54. Ruhm in vier Jahrhunderten (Grimm) Rundschau 41: 216- Sistine Madonna (Brunn) Rundschau 47:33. Skizzenbuch in Venedig (Schmarsow) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:122. und d. Neue Testament (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:191. Vie, poe"sies, amours (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 25:481. Rapp, George, American socialist. Nordhoff. Communistic societies. Rask, Rasmus Kristian. 1787-1832. Raumer. Geschichte d. germanischen I'liilologie470. Raspall, F. V., chemist, politician. 1794-1878. Mirecour. Con tern porains. Rastadt, Haden. Gesandtenmord, 1799(Sybel) Rundschau 9:50. Neueste Literatur (Wegele) Hist. Zts. li:193. Rasteden monastery. Historia. Pertz, Moii (ii-rm. hist, Script. 25 : 495. Rath, Gerhard VOID. 1830- Lflcnskizze (Laspeyres) Pams. biogra- phy v. 5. Rathler, liithnp of Verona, d. 974. Histoirc litt. i,l. Natural history (Marshall) Roy. Iri-h Trans, v. 17. Rationalism. See alto Reason. Bretochndder. Evangel. Kegierungcn gegi-n K. (Hist, pains, v. 1). Clarke (Ja. F.). Steps of belief. Gostwick. German culture. Mansel. Limits of religious thought. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe. Eliot (George). Essays. Tholuck. Vorgeschichte des R. Tulloch. Rational theology in England. activit<5 et foi (James) Crit. Philos. 22: 129, 147, 161. and traditionalism. Brownson, Works ,1:490. Eglises de Ixjndres (Alviella) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 11: 194.' German. Hettner, Literaturgeschichte 2:286. Introduction into revealed religion. New- man, Essays: ^critical v. 1. religieux aux Etnts-Unis (Alviella) Rev. d.d. Mondes II 1: 56: 627. Ratisbon, Bavaria, Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 13, 17. - Peace of. 1630 (Faignez) Rev. Hist 27:38- St. James church. Gailhabaud, Monu- ments v. 2. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 1, 13, 17. Ratramne, monk of Corbie. Histoire litt. de'la France v. 5. Rats mit platten Stacheln (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Rattazzl, Urban o. 1808-73. Unsere Zeit 1862: 195. Rauch, C. I)., sculptor. 1777-1857. (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 39:87. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 3:570. Unsere Zeit 1859: 750. Rauch, Frederic A. 1806-1841. Murdoch. Modern philosophy. Raumer, Rudolf von. 1815-76. Nachlass (Steinmeyer) Zts. deut Altert. A nz. 15:227. Raupach, E. B. 8., dramatist. 1784-1852. Leibeigenen. Borne, Werke 4 : 17. Ravalllac, Fs., assassin of Henri IV. Trial. Sully, Memoirs 6 : 136. Ravalsson, J. G. F. 1813- (failles) Rev. Philos. 6:359. Philosophe( Dauriac) Crit Philos. N.S.2:34. Ravenna, Italy. Svmonds. Southern Europe 2: 110. - (f aine) Rev. d. d. Mnnd.-s 11:1 Church of St. Vital. Gailhabaud, Monu- ments v. 2. Karly ecclesiastical history. Hodgkin, Italy and IIIT invaders 1 : 17'-'. Goths at. Freeman, Historical essays v.3. in 1861 (R6musat) Rev.d.d. Mondea II: 35:335. Rawdon, Marnmduko. 1609-68. Life. Camden Soc. 85. Ray, John, mitnralut. 1628-1705. - Jiinline. Naturalist's library v. 33. Raynal, Q, T V.,nW. ITU !:. (Jriinin-nidcrot. Oorrtqxmdaooti Raynouard, V*. J. M. I7;i Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi 5:1. Raul, (!. A., cnlled II S.nntiTs: Lunii, Mantz. Vtturi. Read. 398 Reflection of light. Bead, George. 1734-1798. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.4. Reade, Charles, novelist. 1814-84. Cloister and the hearth (Forgues) Rev. d. d. MondesII:38:919. Hard cash (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 49:669. It is never too late to mend (Dudley) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 17: 447. Reading. See Books and Reading. Realism. See also Idealism, Materialism* Truth. Herbert. Realistic assumptions of] mod- ern science. McCosh. Realistic philosophy defended. Mill. Hamilton's philosophy 1 : 190- Connnentatio de R. natural!. Herbert, Werke 1850-2. 12:283. oder Pessimismus? (Hausrath) Rund- schau 58 : 457. Planck's Philosophic (Diez) Zts. Philos. 89:Beilage. Reine. Biedermann'su. Rehmke's (Hart- niann) Zts. Philos. 88 : 161. selon le sens commun (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N.S. 7:24. Spencer's proof of. Balfour, Defence of philosophic doubt. spirituahste( Janet) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 51 : 617. Reality and thought (Bradley) Mind 13:370. Mind-stuff and (Royce) Mind 6:365. Ream, Vinnie, sculptor. and statue of Lincoln. Sumner, Works 10:540. Reason. See also Faith, Illusions, Imagina- tion, Instinct, Logic, Rationalism, Su- perstition. Hegel. Werke 2 : 169-316. Norris. Reason and faith. Stewart. Philos. of human mind v. 2. and imagination. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. and religion. Coleridge, Lay sermons 63. et le sentiment (Bersot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85:317. Loi fondamentale (Magy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97:177. Principles, progress. Home, History of man 2: 102. use, supremacy. Coleridge, The friend 1 : ch. 14-16. Pure. Metakritik iiber d. Purismus der. Hamann, Schriften; hrsg. v. Petri 4:3. Sens commun et R. pratique (Dauriac) Grit. Philos. N. S. v. 5-6. Sentiment de rationality (James) Crit. Philos. 16:72, 81, 113, 129. Usurpations in religion. Newman, Ox- ford sermons. Vernunst in Glaubensachen. Wieland, Werke 30:1. Vierfache Wurzeld. Satzes v.zureichende Grunde. Schopenhauer, Werke v. 1. What human R. can do. Brownson, Works 1:306. Recamier, Mme. Jeanne F. J.A.B. 1777-1849. (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 24 : 513; and Melanges biographiques. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 1:121; 14:303. et ses amis (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 103:691. Rechbauer, Karl. 1815-89. Unsere Zeit 1889 : 1 : 462. Reciprocity. See also Commerce, Exchange. (Chamberlain, Cross, Mallet, Medley) Cob- den club essays 1879-87. (Domino) Gottingen Univ. Diss. v. 5. Fawcett. Free trade and protection. Canadian treaty. Sumner.^Works 9:178. Sophismede (Mallet) Jour.Econ.IV:6:153. Recognition. See also Perception. (Lehmann) Philos. Stud. 5:96. Association u. psychische Activitat. (Hoffding) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 13:420. Reconstruction in the United States. Adjutant-General. Report on (U. S.House Ex. Docs. 1867). Barnes. History 39-40th. congresses. Brownson. American republic ch. 13; Works 17 : 448. ( Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev.d.d.Mondes 62:612. Johnston. Representative Amer. orations v. 3. Julian. Political recollections. Lowell. Political essays. McPherson. Political history, 1865-70. Surnner. Works, index. Red cross society. (Cauchy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 90 : 203. Dunant. Charite" Internationale. History of Red cross society. 1883. French (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 89:721; 90:241,746. Geneva convention. U.S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1. Red Jacket. 1752-1830. (Steele) Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. 2. Portrait. Red river, Louisiana. Kirchhoff. Reisebilder 1 : 360. Marcy and McClellan. Exploration. Raft region. U. S. Engineers reports, index; U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1878-9, v. 16. Red sea. See also works on Egypt. Ramusio. Navigation! 1:303. Bruce's charts. Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 5 : 286. Name (Goeje) Orient und Occid. v. 3. Navigations des Egyptiens (Maspero) Rev. Hist. 9:4. Passage by the Israelites (Sicard) Lettres e"difiantes5:188, 261. und Kiistenlande (Neimans) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 12:391. Voyage, 1838. Asiatic J . N. S. v. 26. Redding, Joseph D. 1858- Shuck. Bench and bar in California 424. Reed, Joseph, of Pennsylvania. 1742-85. Sparks. American biography v. 18. Reflection. Hodgson. Philosophy of reflection. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 21-23. Begriffe (Knauer) Zts. Philos. 90:248. Logische u. wissenschaftliche (Stadler) Philos. Monatsh. 17:321. Reflection of light. See also Refraction. (Fresnel) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 20: 195. an d. Grenze krystallinischer Mittel (Kirchhott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Gesetze (Naumann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. Reflection of light. 399 Refrigeration. von Metallspiegeln( Fischer) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1814-15. Reform schools. See also Mettray. Travail dans (Lucas, Blanqui) Acad. Sci. Mor. 17 : 283. Reformation of the Kith, century. See also Protestantism, and names of reformers as Erasmus, Luther, Melancthon, Vorst, Waldberg, etc. Carriere. Philosophische Anschauung der Reformationzeit. Creighton. Age of Elizabeth. Frey tag. Bilder 2 : pt. 2. Geffcken. Church and state. Henne-Am Rhyn. Kulturgeschichte v. 4. Schlegel. Philosophy of history ch. 15-16. Stephen ( Ja.). Essays 38. Effect on Germanic empire. Bryce, Holy Roman empire, ch. 18. Essays on. Brownson, Works 12 : 514-G07. Grand schisme d'Occident (Bonnechose) Acad. Sci. Mor. 5:456. Guerres de (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:36:676. in England. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 4 : 23. Taine. English literature bk. 2, ch. 5. Hopkins on. Brownson, Works 6:568. in Gottingen (Erdmann) Gott Univ. Diss. v. 5. in Liineberg. Einfiihrung durch Herzpg Ernst der Bekenner(Wrede)Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 9. in Spain (Guardia) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 28:463. and Germany (Noorden) Grenzboten 1874:1:2:1. in various countries. See histories of such countries. Janssen's Histoire (Bourdeau) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 86: 905. Luther and. Brownson, Works 10:463, 491. not conservative. Brownson, Works 14 : 447. Philosophische Weltanschauung (Las- son) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:425. Results and political influence. Hegel, Philosophy of history. Schwciz in der Zeit. Hist. Zts. 43 : 193. Sixteenth century arraigned. Gladstone, Gleanings v. 3. Reformed Dutch church. in the U. S. Christian's Mag. 1 :365; 2: 1, Reforms. See alto Parliament. ; rot. Art de conjecturer. Smith. Philosophy of reform. and conservatism. Brownson,Works4:79. and reformers. Greeley.Recollection^ r.'T Man the reformer. Emerson. Misrdlanie*. Refraction of light. See also Caustics, Light, Optics, Polarization. an d. Grenze ahsorhiremlur Krystalle rtii*>. v. 5. an Zwillinnfllchen ((Jnilich) Wien Aka.l. I>.-iik<. M N.C1. V. 9, 11. Astronomical (Ilrinkley) Roy. Trans, v. U. (Ivory) Hoy. 8oc. Trans. 1823:409; LflH : at surface of tinrrystallized body (O'P.rit-n) Cambr. Philos. tran of uniaxal crystal (Glazebrook) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:595. Atmospheric (Groombridge) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1814:337. ( Maskelyne) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810 : 190. (Stampfer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 2:101. (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. at Port Bowen (Parry ) llov. Soc. Trans. 1826 :pt. 3. Finite expression of (Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1824:159. Change of refrangibility (Stokes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852:463; 1853:385. Constants ( Ambronn)Gott. Univ. Diss. v.9 (Robinson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. Crystalline. Laws (MacCullagh) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18, 21. Differential. Tables for computation (McLaren) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33: 279. Double (Fresnel) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 7:45. Lois (Biot) Paris, Miu. Acad. Sci. 3:177. (Naumann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1841, pt.2. images caused by (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800:239. in analcime (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 10:187. in crystals (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7 : 285. in Iceland spar (Glazebrook) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830:421. of calcareous spar (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:233. of quartz. Laws (MacCullagh) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 16, 17. Nature of the light (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 4:79, 199. on the hypothesis of undulations (Challis) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:524. Electromagnetic theory (Fitzgerald) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880 Mil U. " Exponenten des Wassers fur Natrium- licht (Zehnder) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Fresners formulae (Kelland) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:393. Laws(Cauchy) Paris, Mem. Acad. Soi. 22:1 7 at common surface of two non-crystal- lized media (Green) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 7:1, 115. New cases of interference (Powell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:213. Oblique, of Iceland crystal (Wollaston) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1802:381. of anophyllite (Herschel) Cambr. Philo*. Trans. 1:241. Quantity of horizontal (Wollaston) i:y. Soc. Trans. 1803 : 1. Temperature influence (Dale) Roy. Soc. Trans. IfttS :*:. unendlich diinne.r Btrahlensvstema an Kiigcltliichen ( Lippich) Wien Akad. Penks. M N. Cl. v. 38. Unequal refrangibility (Hlair) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 3:3. Refrain in poetry. Altnordische Stef (Miibius) (icrmania I - : 129. Refrigeration. See Schrtttar. Ultmnaachlnen. - Artificial (Qamgee)D. 8. flah report : - l.y muriate of lime (Walker) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1801:120. Refrigeration. 400 Religion. Specifications for ship. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1879, v. 1. Refunding. See also Debt (Public), Finance. Annual cyclopaedia 1879. Congressional Globe; Record, passim. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1879-80, v. 17. U. S. Senate Com. Rep. 1881 (Pams. finance v. 4). (Wood) Pams. finance v. 4. Moyens de Moyens de (Chevallier) Jour. Econ. Ill : 37 : 27. Regency. Canning. Speeches 3 : 50, 71. Sheridan. Speeches v. 1. im deutschen Staatsrecht (Dieckmann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. Regeneration. See also Atonement, Evil, Salvation. Sears. Regeneration. Bonnet's Palingenesie. Mendelssohn (M.), Schriften 2:561. Philosophic de, d'apres le pessimisme (Arre"at) Rev. Philos. 19:628. Reginald, bishop of Liege. - Vita. Pertz, Mori. Germ, hist., Scr. 20:571. Regiomontanus, Joh. Muller, called. 1436-76. -Vita. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. 5:457. Regnard, Jean Francois, poet. 1655^1709. Lenient. Come"die en Fr. au 18. siecle v.l. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 7 : 1. Vie et ses osuvres (Gilbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 23 : 167. Regnault, A. G. H., painter. 1843-71. Hamerton. Modern Frenchmen. Monument (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:17:211. pendant le siege de Paris (Delaborde) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 92: 178. Regnault, H: Victor, scientist. 1810^72. Berthelot. Science et philosophic 218. Regnier, Mathurin. 1573-1613. Sainte-Beuve. Tableau de poe"sie f r. au 16. siecle. Leben und Satiren (Feigner) Herrig's Ar- chiv 62 : 53. Regnier Desmarais, F. S. 1632-1713. Alembert. Oeuvres 9 : 1. Regulus, Marcus Atilius. Stoll. Helden Roms 244. Reichersberg, Bavaria. Magnus. Annales 921-1355. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 17. Reid, Thomas, metaphysician. 1710-96. Cousin. Philosophic moderne 4 : 303-619. Jeffrey. Essays. Rosmini. Origin of ideas v. 1. Seth. On the Scottish philosophy. - Memoir. Stewart (Dugald), Works v. 10. Realisme (Dauriac) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132: 317. Reimarus, Hermann S. 1694-1765. Fischer. Geschichte neu. Philosophic 2 : 759. Brockesund. Strauss(D:F:),Schriftenv.2. Schutschrift f. d. verniinftigen Verehrer Gottes. Strauss (D: F:), Schriften v. 5. Reimer, G: Andreas. 1776-1842. Arndt (Mor.). Schriften v. 3. Reims, France. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 13, 26. Martiniere. Dictionnaire v. 5. Concilium. Acta. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. 3:658. Hesson, Narratio. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. 12:422. Reindeer. (Hooper) Overland II : 1 : 630. Reinfrid von Braunschweig. Geschichtliche Bestandtheile (Zimmermann) Germania 31 : 151. Reinhard, K: F: von. 1761-1837. (Guhrauer) Hist. Taschenbuch 1846. Minister zu Paris (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 56:362- Reinhart, Benjamin F. Sheldon. American painters. Reinhold, K: Leonhard. 1758-1823. Histories of philosophy by: Fischer (5: 31), Fortlage (440), Zeller. Leben. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 12:588. Reinmar von Hagenau, der Alte. (Becker) Germania 22:70, 195. (Regel) Germania 19:149. Reinolt von Montalban. Handschriften (Pfaff) Germania 32:49; 33:34. Religion. See also Agnosticism, Atheism, Atonement, Church, Clergy, Conscience, Death, Deism, Evil. Faith, Fate, Future life, God, Iconoclasm, Immortality, Infi- delity, Liberty, Martyrs, Materialism, Miracles, Missions, Morality, Mythology, Philosophy, Polytheism, Prayer, Preach- ing, Prophecy, Rationalism, Religions, Revelation, Revivals, Ritualism, Science, Sects, Sin, Soul, Supernaturalism, The- ism, Theology, Transcendentalism, Will, Worship. Hobbes. English works v. 2. Schopenhauer. Werke 6 : 347. and civilization (Dwinell) Berkeley Quar. 2:281. Art and. Ruskin, Lectures on art. Avenir (Grotz) Crit. Relig. 2 : 172. Renan. Questions contemporaines 337; also Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 29 : 761. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 6: 66. Bases psychologiques (Lesbazeilles) Rev. Philos. v. 21. Begriff (Forberg) Philos. Jour. 8:21. Briton. Religious Mag. 2 : 490. Cate"chisme des libres penseurs (Menard) Crit. Philos. 7 : 375, 391, 407; 8 : 24. Chinese. Chinese Repository v. 3. Hue. Chinese empire 2 : 173. Martin. The Chinese. Courses of thought. Gladstone, Glean- ings v. 3. Crise au 19. siecle (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 43 :810. (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77: 814; 80:149-; Response (Gratry) II: 80:129. dans 1'economie sociale (Clement) Jour. Econ. IV: 8: 169. Discredit de (BSzenech) Crit. Relig. 1 : 255. Early development. Keary, Dawn of history. Egyptian. Assmann, Gesch. d. Alter- thums 381. Religion. 401 Renaissance. Duncker. History of antiquity 1:42. Kenrick. Egypt under the Pharaohs 1:293. Wilkinson. Ancient Egyptians. Enthusiasm; credulity in. Hogarth, Works. et libre pensee (Ebersolt) Crit. Relig. 1:193. EtJipes de 1'idfe (Verne) Re v.Philos. 13:221. Ethics of. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Evolution and(Be"zeaiech)Crit.Relig.l:371. Excellence and nobleness. Smith (J:, of Cambridge), Select discourses. Fin (Milsand) Crit. Relig. 2:148. Greek. Packard, Studies in Greek thought. De'veloppement (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondesi! 1: 74: 591. Volksreligion (Hiittemann) Jahrb. Philol. 124 : 448. Gueroult's Etudes. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis v. 4. Guerres, au 16. siecle (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 36: 676. Hindoo. ( Dollfus)CritReliK. l:li - Reason and. (Jlanvil, Kssaya on taut subjects. 51 Renaissance des Etudes R.en France (Re"- ville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :24:68. Revolution au 19. siecle. Uuinet, Oeuvres 24:471. Roman. Friedlander, Ilom. Sittenges- chichte v. 3. Zeller. Vortrage 2 : 93. Histories by Beaufort, Mommsen.etc. Science of (Burnouf) Rev.d.d. Mondes 1 1 : 54:521, 989; 74:995; 76:864; 77:679; 82:85. Semitic. Baethgen's. Zts. deut mor- genl. Gesell. 42:470. Theory of. Comte, Positive polity 2:7. Unacceptable to persons of taste. Foster, Essays. Views on. Jefferson, Works. What is ? Thompson (Jos. P.), American comments. Religions . See also Sects, names of religions. Evolution (Lefevre) Rev. Sci. 43:199. G<5nie. Quinet, Oeuvres v. 1. Nouvelles. Caro, Etudes morales. Origin (Guyau) Rev. Philos. 8:561. Remaclus, St., of Malmldy. Triumphus. Pertz, Mon. German, hist, Script, v. 11. Rembrandt van Ryu, PI. 1608-69. (Fromentin) Rev.d.d. Mondes III:14:2<>2. (Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 32: 777. aux muse'es de Cassel, Brunswick, Dresde (Michel) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:35:579. Table of etched works. Maberly, Print collector. Re mi, of Auxerre. d. 908. Histoire litt. de la France v. 6. Remigius, St., bishop of Lincoln. Giraldus Cambrensis. Opera v. 7. Rt'musat, Aug. Laurent. Correspondance(Valbert)Rev.d.d.Mondes 111:61:683. R.'musat, C: F. Marie, comtc de. 1797-1875. ( Duvergier de Hauranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:12:315. Historien de la philosophic anglaise (Ja- net) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:8:42. Renmsat, Mme. C. E. J. 1780-1821. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 5:243; alto Uundschau23:358. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of women. M<5moires (Paul de R^musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II :v. 23,33. Renaissance. See also Hellenism. Bibliography. Bost. Pub. Lib. Bull. v. 4-5. Bryce. Holy Roman empire ch. 15, 17. Burckhardt Period of the renaissance. (Gebhart) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 72:342. 1 >ieri-ks. Geist der Menschheit 2: 135. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 1 : 440. (Freeman) Oxford essays 1857. Gibbon. Decline and fall < h. 66. Hallam. Kuroj>e in middle ages v. 3. Ilettner. Literatur^i-liu'lile 1 : 150. 321. Martin. Histoire de Framv. Michelet. Hi-toire ile France v. 7. Pelletan. Nouvelles heures. Symonds. Renai--am-c in Italy. Vilieinain. Litteratnre au moyen age 2: J' '> >. Voipt. Wiederbclebung des clasaischen . Yriarte. Florence 87; alto Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:41:802. Renaissance. 402 Republican party. in France. Albert, Litte'rature fr. des origines 112. in Italy. Creighton, Papacy during the reformation v. 3-4. Ginguine". Hist. litt. d'ltalie v. 2-4. Cultur der. Preuss. Jahrb. 11 : 103. Cultur, \Vissenschaft der. Koerting, Gesch. d. Literatur Italiens v. 3. Influence on commerce. Frignet, Asso- ciation commerciale ch. 4. of letters (Woolsey) Pams. literature v. 1. Kenan, Jos. Ernst. See also Anti-Christ. Christ, Paul (St.). Lemaitre. Contempqrains 1 : 193. Apotres. Deutsch, Literary remains. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 2 : 81. Essais de morale. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis v. 2. als Philosoph. Hillebrand, Zeiten, Vol- ker 4 : 177. et Louis Veuillot. Boisseu, Lettres d'un passant 1 : 249. Philosophic religieuse (Mazzini) Grit. Philos. 5 : 184, 205. Pretre de Ne'mi (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. 8.3:176. Reception a I'Acade'mie (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 32: 936. Souvenirs. Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 14 : 241; 18:481; 42:68; 48:721; 54:5, 241; Crit. Philos. v. 24. unddeutsche Cultur (Homberger) Rund- schau 19: 470. Renouard, A: C:, economist. 1794-1877. (Baudrillart) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:40:802. Renouvier, C: Bernard. 1815- et le criticisme francais (Beurier) Rev. Philos. 3 : 321, 470, 576. Philosophy (Hodgson) Mind 6:31, 173; Re"ponse (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 19-21. Kensselaerwyck manor, Albany, N. Y. Difficulties, 1840. Seward, Works 2 : 354. Rent. See also works on Land, Ireland (Land question), Tenants, Value. Arnold. Geschichte d. Eigentums 60-140. Macleod. Economical philosophy. Walker. Land and its rent. des terres (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 44:391. History of. Maine, Village communities 175. Just? (Brown) Pams. social science v. 2. Metayage. Jour. Econ. I-1I, index. Natur und Bestimmung (Hoffmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Renten-oder Kapitalschulden (Bekker) Preuss. Jahrb. 25:33. Ricardo sur (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. I: 30: 103, 206, 288; 31 : 186, 191. Sachmiethe(Seng) Heidelb. Univ. Diss.v.l Variations. Italy. Ministero di agricol- tura. Variazioni del fitto. 1886. What is ? Price, Practical polit. economy. Rentes (French)., Journal des Economistes I -I I, index. Repentance. See also Atonement, Sin. Bossuet. Oeuvres choises 5 : 217. Doctrine and practice. Taylor (Jer.), Works v. 7. Entstehung in der Seele (Teller) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1792-7. How to cause. Barnes, Essays v. 1. Repnin, N. W., prince. und d. C/artoryski, 1794-7 (Roepell) Preuss. Jahrb. 41 : 485. Representation, Representative govern- ment. See also Ballot, Democracy, Government, Parliament, Republics, Suffrage. (Buckaiew) U. S. Senate Com. Rept. 1868-9. Guizot. Representative government. Hare. Election of representatives. Mill. Representative government. (Dupont- White) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36:187. Macaulay. Essays. (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 60:421. Mulford. The nation. Spencer (Herbert). Essays. Sumner. Works, index. Apportionment of. Sunnier, Speeches. Webster. Works 3 : 69. Assemblies nationales. Thierry, Lettres sur 1'histoire 311. Conditions de (Ayen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:39:563. Conseils ge'ne'raux (Boiteau) Jour. Econ. 111:2:390. Deutsches System (Miiller) Pams. history v. 7. Establishment in England. Guizot, Es- ^sais sur 1'histoire de France. Etats ge'ne'raux (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 6:7-60. Influence of French revolution on (Re"- musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 11 : 52. Minority(Aubry-Vitet)Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:87:375. Buckaiew. Proportional R. : app. (Field) Jour. Soc. Sci. no. 3. (Hare) Jour. Soc. Sci. no. 3; Polit. pams. v. 1. Tremenheere. Principles of govern- ment. Origin, qualities. Brougham, British constitution ch. 3-8 ; Political philos- ophy v. 3. Proportional. Buckaiew, Proportional R. Morin. Hist, polit. de la Suisse 5:287. (Stetson) Pams. on U. S. history v. 1. Reform in England. Greg, Essays v. 2. in Schweden. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 270 ; 2 : 819. in the United States (Fisher) Law pams. v. 1. Reforms. Eb'tvos, Einfluss d. herrsch. Ideen v. 2. Spread in Germany. Gervinus, Gesch. d. 19. Jahrh. 8:667. Reproduction. See Generation. Reptiles. See also Crocodiles, Lizards, Pareia- saurus, Pterosauria, Turtles, etc. Fossil. Structure, classification (Seeley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: 141. Organes g^nito-urinaires (Duvernoy) Paris, M^m. Savans Etrang. 11 : 1. Theromorphous, and monotreme mam- malia (Cope) Pams. zoology v. 1. Republican party in the U. S. Beginning, etc. Seward, Works, index. Sumner. Works, index. Evolution of. Julian, Political recollec- tions. Republics. 403 Revenue. Republics, Republican government. See also Democracy, Representation. Bluntschli. Lehre v. mod. Stat 3:364; also Theory of the state. Campanella. Citta del sole (Opere v. 2). Cicero. Republic. Legar6. Writings 2 : 216. Harrington. Oceana. Milton. Establishment of a free com- monwealth. Plato. Republic. Stickney. A true republic. Doctrine (Renouvier) Grit. Philos. 2:1. Europe tending to ? Hadley, Essays. Failure? Frazier, Mosaic gleanings 314. Forms throughout the world. Adams (J:), Works v. 4. Greek. Ce qui manquait a la liberte' (Reynald) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 51-54, 56. Presidential government. Freeman, Es- says v. 1. Roman Catholic church and. Brownson, Works 12: 1,33. Townsend. Fate of republics. Requescens, Luis de Zufiiga. 1522-76. Motley. Dutch republic v. 2. Rescllid Pasha (Mustapha). 1800-58. UnsereZeit 1858:171. Resedacese. Structure (Saint-Hilaire) Paris, M.'m. Acad. Sci. 15:1, 313. Resins. Chemistry of (Johnston) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1839, 1840. of ficus rubiginosa (De La Rue) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:43. Respiration. See Lungs. Responsibility. Maudsley. Responsibility in mental dis- ease. Ide"e (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 2:241. morale (Binet) Rev. Philos. 26:217. (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 106:531. Resumption of specie payments. Poor. Resumptionandthesilverquestion. Sherman. Speeches and reports ; also Pains, finance v. 4. --Simmer. Works 13:234. U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1877-8, v. 3, 6. in 1817. Gallatin, Writings. Repeal of law, 1877 (Lwing, Garfield, Kelley) Pams. finance v. 3. Resurrection. See also Future life. Athenagoras. Opera. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 2:613- Howe. True site of Calvary. Supernatural religion v. 3. and fotnretadgmemt Burrow, Works v.6 ala Glauben. Herder, Werke 19 : ature fr. au 17. siecle. Bargrave. Alexander VII and the college of cardinals (Camden Soc. 92). James. Foreign statesmen v. 3. Se'vigne' (Mme.). Lettres 12:473- Affaire du chapeau (Chantelauze) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:22:525-; 23:185,355. Carte"sien. Cousin,Fragmentsphilos.3:140 Debuts dans la carriere eccle'siastique (Chantelauze) Rev. d. d. Mondes II I: 22:303. Me" moires. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 5: 40,238. Portrait. La Rochefoucauld, Oeuvres v. 1 Reuchlin, Johann. 1454-1522. Geiger. Reuchlin. Schroder. Klassisches Studium in Deutschland 97. Reunion island. f Duval) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 26 : 854. U. S. Consular report 19. Renter, Fritz. 1810-74. Barthel. Deutsche Literatur d. Neuzeit 482. UnsereZeit 1875: 1:1. Auf der Festung (Glagau) Rundschau 2: 443 Chaslesiiber(Maass) Herrig's Arch. 45:373 in franzos. Gewande (Maass) Herrig's Archiv44:397. Ungedruckte Gedichte (Peters) Rund- schau 54: 440. I'liiverxitat.s-und Festungszeit (Bailleu) Rundschau 43: 385. Vie et sesoeuvres(Sorel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:80:433. Revelation. See also Deism. Browne. Human understanding. 1729. 290- - Jacobi (F: H.). Werke 3 : 247. Murphy. Scientific bases of faith. Pfleiderer. Religion 1 : 356-410. Supernatural religion: an inmiiry. and the Messias. Bentk-y, \N orks v. 3. Drei Principien. Bohme, Werke 6 : 639. et la miracle (GJ Crit. Relig. 5 :31. Evidences of. Religious Mag. 1 : 212- ; 2 : r>29. Higher philosophy on the basis of. Hal- lam (A. H.), Remains. Reason and. Maret on. Brownson, Works 1:438. Usefulness. Cumberland, Laws of nature. What is? Hutton, Essays v. 1. Martineau (Ja.). Essays. Revelation of St. John. See Apocalypse. Revenge, Fight of the. 1591. Arber's ri'print>. Hakluyt Vovage 2 : j-t Pinker'ton. Voyages 1 : 824. Raleigh. Works. Revenue. See aUo Tariff. i Xenophon. De vcottfaHbus. English. Rapin. Knglaiian, IVr>ia.<'hina, etc. U.S. Consular reports!*';, 102. Janiine.se mill. U.S. Japan expedition 1: lit. Rich, Henrv. I 'I earl of IMliiml. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Rich, Robert, td earl of \Vanriek. 1587- Ixxige. Portraits v. 3. Richard I (Cocur de Lion), king of England. 1157-99. Histories of the Crusades. Benedict of Peterborough. Gesta (Rolls chronicles, 49). Burigny. Histoire de Sicile 1 :507. Diez. Troubadours 86. Ellis. Early English metrical romances. Hewlett. "Chronicles of reign (Rolls chronicles, 82). Millot. Troubadours v. 1. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr., index. Roger de Hoveden. Annals; Chronica v. 3 (Rolls chronicles, 51). Stubbs. Chronicles of reign ( Rolls chron- icles, 38). Early Plantagenets. und Blondel. Wieland, Werke 35 : 35. Voyage to Jerusalem. Hakluyt, Voy- ages 2 : 20. Richard II, kinq of England. 1366-1400. Froissart. Chronicles. Pearson. English history in 14. century. Shakespeare. Dramas. Walsingham. Historia (Rolls chronicles, 28: v.l). Wright. Political poems v. 1 (Rolls chronicles, 14). Death in Scotland. Ty tier, Scotland 1 ''.>. Deposition. Poem on (Camden Soc. 3). Richard III, king of England. 1452-85. Ghost of: poem (Shakesp. Soc. v. 10). Historic doubts. Walpole, Works 2 : 103. Gibbon. Misc. works 3:331. Letters illus. of the reign of (Rolls chron- icles, 24). Murder of the princes. Bay ley, Tower of I .< 'i i- 1< MI 1 : 52. Delavigne. Theatre v. 3. Turner. England in middle ages 3: 209. Vergil. Historic of England, l>k. 'J."> (Camden Soc. 29). Weisse. Trauerspiel ( Kiirschner v. 72). Richard, abbot of Verdun. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 11. Richard, L: (Maude Marie. 1754-1821. (Cuvier) Paris, M<5m. Acad. Sci. 7:cxcv. Richards, William T. 1833- Sheldon. American painters. Richardson, Sir John. 1787-1865. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Richardson, Samuel. l>.v> 17<;i. Forsyth. Novelists of 18. century. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 1. V illemain. Litte>ature au 18. siecle 2 : 33> 1*.'. (Bruckner) Hist. /cits, u:.': _'!_'. en Russie et en France (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Momles II I: si Second ministers, 1819-21. Rev. Hist. 37 : 100. Richelieu, Armand J. du Plessis, due de, cardinal. 1585- 1'IJ Bibliography. Monthly Kef Lists 1:35. Histories ,,f I-' ranee by Kitcliin (v. :<), Martin (v. 11), Scliini.lt (v. 3), etc. Bulwer. Dramas v. 1. James. Foreign statesmen v. 2. La Ko< hef'.ucatild. M.'moires. Perkins. France under Mazarin and K. Richelieu. 406 Bipon cathedral. Praet. Essays on polit. history. White. Outlines of history lectures. Administration pro vinciale sous (Avenel) Rev. Hist. v. 40-41. Administration sous (Feillet) Jour. Econ. 11:24:376. Duel de Marie de Medicis et (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 24 : 348. Gustave Adolphe et (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 45: 543. Ingnieur (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. 89:161, 255. Jeunesse (Hanotaux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:94:80- Louis XIII et (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 16: 931. (Raumer) Hist. Taschenbuch 1830. Me"moires (Ranke) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19:5. Ministere. Voltaire, Oeuvres 16 : 74. Papiers de Squlavie. Rev. Hist. 25 : 107. d'e'tat. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 7 : 224. Pere Joseph et (Fagniez) Rev. Hist. v. 36-39 : _ Acad. Sci. Mor. 132 : 502- Testament politique. Voltaire, Oeuvres 25:346. Richelieu, Louis F. A. du Plessis, due de, marshal. 1696-1788. Duclos. Me'moires secrets. Richepin, Jean. 1849- Lemaitre. Contemporains3:315. Richmond, Rev. Legh. 1772-1827. Memoir. Religious Mag. 2:260. Richmond, Virginia. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census v. 19. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich. 1763-1825. Borne. Werke 5 : 31. Carlyle. Essays. De Quincey. Works 13 : 113 ; Philo- sophical writers v. 1. Gervinus. Deutsche Dichtung 5 :233. Goltz. Charakteristik des deutschen Genius 2 : 107. Taylor. German literature. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 2: 136. Humoriste allemande (Stapfer) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:93:133. Liebesleben (Baerenbach) Unsere Zeit 1878:1:321. Richter, Ludwig. Selbstbiographie(Portig) Unsere Zeit 1886 : 1 : 311- Richthofen, E. K: H: P. von, diplomatist. 1810- Autobiographic. Rundschau v. 35. Ricimer. d. 472. Gibbon. Decline and fall. Ricinine. (Stillmark) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 3. Riddles. Swift. Works v. 1. Symposius. Aenigmata. Ridicule. See also Satire. Helps. Social pressure ch. 14. Ridley, N., bishop of London. 1500-55. Burnet. Reformation. Fox. Acts and monuments. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 225. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Riehl, W: H: 1823- Natural history of German life. George Eliot, Essays. Riemann, G: F: B., mathematician. 1826-66. Lebenslauf. In his Werke. Rienzi, Cola di, Roman dictator. 1313-54. Bulwer. Rienzi (fiction). Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. 70. Milman. Latin Christianity v. 7. Mitford. Dramatic works v. 1 (drama). Mosen (Jul.). Werke v. 4 (drama). Simonde de Sismondi. R^publiques italiennes3:226, 351- Symonds. Renaissance in Italy, index. Riesser, Gabriel. Duller. Manner des Volks 2: 165. (Veit) Preuss. Jahrb. 11:516. Rieti, Italy. Annales 1054-1377. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 19:267. Rievaux abbey. Howitt. Ruined abbeys of Yorkshire. Catalogue of library. Wright and Halli- well, Reliquiae antiquae 2 : 180. Rig-Veda. See also Vedas. Johnson. Oriental religions : India 87. Gleichnisse u. Metaphern (Hirzel) Zts. Volkerpsych. 19:276, 347. Indra in (Perry) J. Am. Or. Soc. v. 11. Liedverf asser (Oldenberg) Zts. d. morgenl. Gesell.42:199. Mythologie des ( Biihler ) Orient u. Occident v. 1. Rigault, Ange Hippolyte. 1821-52. Oeuvres. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 1:255. Right. and wrong. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Right of petition. Winthrop. Speeches 389. Righteousness. See also Holiness. Smith (J:, of Cambridge). Select dis- courses. Rights. See also Liberty, Natural law. G reen (T: Hill). Works 2 : 335. Mirabeau. Oeuvres oratoires v. 2. Bills of. Sumner, Works 3 : 258. Declaration of. Shelley, Prose works v. 1. Natural (Royce) Berkeley Quar. 1 : 312. Rimbert, St., archbishop of Hamburg. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2. Rimini, Francesca da. See Francesca. Rimini, Italy. Symonds. Southern Europe 2 : 92. Rint, Johann, sculptor. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 63. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ruschenberger. Three years in the Pa- cific 17. Seemann. Voyage of the Herald. Wilkes. U. S. Explor. expedition v. 1. Riots. See names of cities. How to quell (Porter) N. Amer. R. 141 :351. Riparian rights (Durst, Haight) Overland 11:5:561; 6:10. Ripley, Ezra. Emerson. Lectures (Riverside ed.). Ripley, George. 1802-80. Frothingham. Transcendentalism. Winsor. History of Boston 4 : 307. Ripon cathedral. King. English cathedrals v. 1. Ripperda. 407 Rochester. Ripperda, Jan Willem, duke of. 1690-1737. James. Foreign statesmen v. 4. Rissoidea.(ga3teropod). (Schwartz von Moh- renstern) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 19, 25. Ristorl, Adelaide. 1822- Unsere Zeit 1&57:54. Ritchie, Mrs. See Thackeray (Anna E.). Ritschl, F: W:, philologist. 1806-76. (Gildersleeve) Am. J. Philol. 5:339. (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 32 : 1. - Leben. Ribbeck's (Peter) Jahrb. Philol. 123:707. Rittenhouse, David, physicist. 1752-97. Sparks. American biography v. 7. Ritter, Karl, geographer. 1779-1859. Preussische Jahrb. 5: 323. Ritual. Durham. Collation (Skeat) Philol. Soc. Trans., 1877-9, app. 11. Ritualism. See also Worship. (Buddensieg) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:411. Gladstone. Gleanings v. 6. Rivarol, Antoine, comle de. 1753-1801. (Brunetiere)Rev.d.d.MondesllI:57:691. \ Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 5 : 62. Rivers. See also Floods, Riparian, Water, names of rivers. Action de la digue sur les crues (Graeff) Paris, Me"rn. Savans Etrang. 21 : 539. Application des courbes de debits a l'tude du regime des (Graeff) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 21 : 627. Debris (Durst) Californian 3:9. Deflection. Sufficiency of terrestrial rotation for (Gilbert) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. French. Canalisation, etc. (Blerzy) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:7:899; 8:69. German. Names. Etymologic. Herrig's Archiv70:355. Veriinderungen d. Wasserstande j (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1880. Inclinations et 1'endiguement (I)ausse) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 20:287. Regulirung (Riedel) Uns.Zeit 1888: 1:248. ! Temporary drying up (Milne) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:449. Terraces. Earn and Teith (Brown) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 20: 149. Li >chal>cr parallel roads (Milne) Roy. Edin. Trans. 1(5:395. (Home) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:595; 28:93. Tweed (Home) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:513. Riviera. Trollope. Italy from the Alp-. Blvlere, Briton. 1840- British pain'. Roadg. See alto Pavement*, Railroad*. Ancienne corvee (Cotelle) Acad. Sci. Mnr. 19:285. German. Uebcrnahme (Sybel) Runds- chau -i: ::: 7: Mft Greek (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Roman ( .Momm-cn) Hrrinr- U:186. en Italic et en (ianle (Maury) Rev. l.d. Monde* I !:'-: 1-1. Robbins, Horace W. 1842- Sheldon. American painters. Robert I, king of Scotland, " the Bruce." 1274- 1329. Alison. Essays. Froissart. Chronicles 1 : 15- Robert, Louis Leopold. 1794-1835. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 10:409. Robert the Devil. Legende von (Borinski) Zts. Volkerpsych. 19:77. Roberts, David. 1796-1864. British painters. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Robertson, W:, historian. 1721-93. Brougham. Men of letters 2:256. Schlosser. History of 18. century v. 2. Villemain. Literature au 18. siecle 2 : 390. Memoir. Stewart (Dug.), Works v. 10. Roberval, Giles Personne. Cousin. Fragments philos. 3:229. Robespierre, Maximilian M. I. de. 1758-94. Brougham. Statesman 3:51. Politique (Sorel) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 94: 883. Robin, bird. Ruskin. Love's meinie. Robin Hood, earl of Huntingdon. Circa 1150- 1250. Munday. Death and downfall of (Dods- ley, Old plays v. 8). Thierry. ConquOte de 1'Angleterre. Wright. Essays in literature v. 2. Ballads concerning. Auersperg, Werke v. 5. Child. English and Scottish ballads v. 5. (Fricke) Herrig's Archiv 69:241. Percy. Reliques v. 1. Ritson. Songs and poems relative. Robinet, J: B. R. 1735-1820. (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. W: 17">. Robinson, Henry Crabb. 1775-1867. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 2. Robinson, J:, of l.tijden. 1578-1625. Belknap. Early discoverers 160. Robinson, Mary, " Perdita." Baker. English actors 2: 79. Robison.J:, LL.D. 1739-1805. (Play fair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:495. Robsart, Amve. LYi'MiO. Froude. History of England. Scott Kenilworth (fiction). Robson, George. - Ku*kin. Art of England. Robust!. See Tintoretto. Rochefort, M. T. de Brancas, comtesse de. Famille et ses amis ( Ix>menie) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11 :79:666; 81:116. Rochefort-Lucay, V: II:, romtf 7 :'_': 513. Rochefoucauld. See La Uoi-hcfc.ucaul.l. Rochester, J: Wilmot. rnrl of. 1C59-80. Lebon und Dichten (Traut) Herri; rhiv 18:1 (Forgues) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:10:822; 11: lit Rochester, Hn1. Cathedral. Carter, Ancient >culpture. Rochester. 408 Roland, Song of. King. Cathedrals v. 6. Rochester, N. Y. Early history, 1810-27. Pams. U. S. his- tory v. 1. Rochon, Alexis-Marie. 1741-1817. (Delambre) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci.2:lxxii. Rochon de Chabannes, M. A. J. 1730-1800. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Rockingham, C: W. Wentworth, marquess of. 1730-82. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Rocks. See also Geology, Limestone, Por- phyry, Quartz, Stone, etc. Analysis. Nouveaux^proce"des (Fouque") Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Bildungd.Kreidefelsendurchunsichtbare Organismen (Ehrenberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. Cleavage (King) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 25. Tyndnll. Fragments v. 1. Cause (Hopkins) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:456. in north of Scotland (Sharpe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852 : 445. of old red sandstone (Haughton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:333. Conglomerate. Bildungsart (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Crystalline. Origin. history, decay. Hunt, Mineral physiology. Firth of Forth volcanic (Geikie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:437. Igneous origin(Kirwan)Roy.Irish Trans. v. 5. (Richardson) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 10. Infusorien-Conglomerat in Ungarn (Eh- renberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Klingstein (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2. Me'tamorphisme ; . Etudes (Daubr^e) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 17 : 1. Histoire (Delesse) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 17 : 127. near Edinburgh (Allan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 6:405; 13:29,169. North Carolina mur naturel (Beauvois) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 3: 109. Pre-Cambrian. Hunt, Mineral physiology 402,426. Scottish trap-. Chronology (Geikie) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:633. Transition R. of Werner (Allan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 7:109. Untersuchungsmethoden (Cohen) Pams. mineralogy v. 1. Volcanic. Hunt, Chemical and geological essays v. 1. Natural system (Richthofen)Cal. Acad. Sci., Mem. v. 1. Petrographie ( Roth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1869, v. 2; 1873, 1879, 1884. Weathering (Ansted) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:387. Weisstein, Felsit (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Wirhelthiere gefundene (Rudolph) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Rocky mountains. Fisk. Expedition, 1864 (Pams. travel v.l). Irving. Bonneville's adventures. Long. Expedition. 1819. Mullan. Military road. 1863. Parkman. Oregon trail. Rocroy battle, 1643. (Aumale) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:56:721. Lives of Conde". Rodbertus-Jagetzow, K. (Dietzel) Preuss. Jahrb. 55: 1. Rodents. See also Beavers, Mice, Rats. Aeussere Backentaschen (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. Merkwiirdige (Peters) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Verwandschaftd. kleinen Raubthieremit (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Rodney, Caesar. 1730-83. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 8. Rodney, George B., admiral. 1717-92. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Rodolf, Rodolphe. See Rudolf, Rudolph e. Rodriguez island. Botany, zoology. Roy. Soc. Trans, vol.168. Roebuck, Col. Benjamin. Perry. Sketches of Amer. statesmen 592. Roebuck, John, M.D. 1718-94. (Jardine) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 4. Roederer, P: L:, comte de. 1752-1835. Mignet. Notices v. 1. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 8 : 325. Roger de Collerye. Besant. Early French poetry. Rogers, Samuel, poet. 1763-1855. Mackintosh. Essays. Martineau. Biographical sketches. Conversation and poetry. Roscoe( W: C.), Essays. Leben und Schriften (Jolowicz) Herrig's Archiv29:361. Rogers, William Barton, LL.D. 1804-82. (Walker, and others) Pams. biography v.5. Rohan, F. de (Mme. de la Garnache). Une cause ce"lebre (La Ferriere) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 53: 649. Rohan, H:, due de. 1579-1638. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 12:298. Famille, ieunesse (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 33: 46, 589. Rohan, L: R. E:, cardinal de. 1734-1803. Beugnot. Memoires 1 : 7, 52. Carlyle. Miscellaneous essays. (Clement) Acad. Sci. Mor. 37:253. (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:376- Rojas Zorilla, F. de. Klein. Geschichte d. Drama's 11 : 1 : 185. Roland, peer of Charlemagne. Ariosto. Orlando Furioso. Boiardo. Orlando Innamorato. Cox and Jones. Romances middle ages. Ludlow. Epics middle ages v. 1. Tasso. Rinaldo. Death. Buchanan (Rob.), Poet, works. Legend. Symonds, Renaissance in Italy. nach Turpin's Chronicle. Schlegel (F: von), Werke 8:5. Roland, Song of. (Bartsch) Germania 19:385. Gautier. Epope'es francaises. Baiigantepisode (Scholle) Zts. roman. Philol. 1 : 26. Date et la patrie. Romania 1 : 400. Roland, Song of. 409 Roman Catholics. Farbenbezeichnung (Veckenstedt) Zts. Volkerpsych. 17:139. French mss. (Fassbender) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Gerard de Viane (Meyer) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 3:422. Mittelenglische (Schleich) Anglia 4:307. Oxford ms. A, K, I (Boehmer) Roman. Studien 1:599; 3:169. Rechtsalterthiimer aus (Bresslau) Her- rig's Archiv 48:291. Syntactische Studien (Niebuhr) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Traduction frangaise. Roehrich's (Grin- delle) Crit. Philos. N. S. 2:217. und Karls Pilj-erfahrt. Vergleich zw. d. Rhetorik (Groth) Herrig's Arch. 69:391. Verhaltnisse d. verschied. Ueberliefer- ungen d. altfranz. (8cholle) Zts. roinan. Philol. 4:7, 195. Wortstellung ini altfranz. Liede (Morf) Roman. Stud. 3:199. Roland de la Plati- re, time. M. J. Philipon. 1754-93. Histories of French revolution, 1789. Beugnot. Mmoires 1:229. fCaro) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :S2: 256. Lamartine. Girondists. ( M azade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 53 : 868. Michelet. Femnies de la revolution. Sainte-Beuve. Souveaux Lundis v. 8; Portraits of women. Shelley.. French authors v. 2. ( Wehf) Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 178- Rolle, Richard, hermit of Hampolc. (Ullmann) Engl. Stud. 7:415; 8:67. Rollin, Charles. 1661-1741. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 6: 261. Rollins, Anthony Wavne. Davis and Dufrie. H is lory of Missouri 582 Rollo, duke of Normandy. 860- \Viice. Roman de Rou. Walsingham. Ypodigma Neustriae. Roman Catholic church. See also Bi*h<>|>-s Canon law, Concordat, Councils, Inqui- -ition, Jesuits, Liberalism, Kulturkampf, Monks, Nuns, Papacy, Popes, Ultramon- tanism. Bentley. Works v. 3. Blunt. Ancient customs in modern Italy. Channing. Works 2:'_'il. a corruption of Christianity. Newman (Fs. W.). .Miscellanies 2:219. Catholic libe'raux et I'e'glise de France, 1830-84 (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :64:7'i2; u;:79*i. Conversion to. Brownson, Works v. 5-8. Manning. Grounds of faith. Newman. Apologia; Grammar of assent. Crises du Catholicisme naissant (Renan) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : :: Danger to America. Strong.Ourconntry. II:IMVI- -if. Taylor (Jer.), Works v.'fi. Donne'* catechism (A layman) Pains. religion v. 12. NTH and western. Baader, Werke 10 : Errors of the age stigmatized by Pius IX. Ming, Enryrliral Idler. 1886. Unser. i.'U. et le critii-isinc, is?3 ( Renouvier) Crit. Phil... I li.\ 52 Evil effects (Milsand) Crit. Relig. 4:273. Force (BSzenech) Crit. Philos. 9:276. Gemeindeorganisation(Weingarten)Hist. Zts. 45:441. German schism, 1830-. Baader, Werke 5:380,399. -- 1845. Greg, Essays v. 1. Grenzen zw. Alterthum u. Mittelalter in (Miiller) Preuss. Jahrb. 60:257. Herzog Alba u. d. Wiederherstellung am Rhein (Keller) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:586. im Elsass u. in Preussen (Loning) Preuss. Jahrb. 27:716. in Boston (Byrne) Winsor, History of Boston 3 : 515. in France, 1800. Thiers, Consulate and empire 3:117. -- 1884 (xxx) Crit. Relig. 6: 123. --- (Saint-Paul) Crit. Relig. 6: 142. in Germany (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:78:842. in Italic. Crit. Relig. 3:346. in Mexico. Wilson, Slexico and its people. in middle ages. Brownson, Works 10:239. -- Draper. Intellectual development -- Hallam. History of Europe. in Prussia, 1873 "(Hinschius) Preuss. Jahrb. 34:117. in 300-400 (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:22:647. in 1887 (Vogii<) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 81:815. Kirchliches Leben d. 15. Jahrh. (Schie- mann) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:581. Klassische Moral (Baumann) Philos. Monatsh. 15:449. Libre penseur et un catholique. Dia- logues (Renouvier) Crit. Relig. v. 1-4. Literary policy. Brownson, Works 6: 520. Lutte centre le cle"ricalisme (Pillon) Crit Philos. v. 18-19. Philosophy of. Froude, Short studies v.l. Popery ana Protestantism tested. Pams. religion v. 10. Protestantism and Anglicanism. Hutton, K^says v. 1. Reformation in 11. century. Newman, K".iys: critical v. ~2. Relations politiques, 1860. Quinet, Oeu- vres polit v. 1. Revival. Froude, Short studies v. 3. Revolution au 19. siecle. Quinet, Oeuvres polit. v. 1. sous Pie IX (Renouvier) Crit. Relig. 1:113. > and progress (Coquerel) Christianity and modern thought. St. Peter's catechism (Hittell) Pams. re- ligion v. 10. The\)logie et le culte (Renouvier) Crit Relig. 1 : Theories politiques (Courdaveaux) Crit Relig. ri-'l. VerfoTgung. Uns. Zeit 1880 : 2 : 857. - - Vicanat in Hi-rlin. Friedrich II und i M.. m m -ni) I'rru^s. Jahrb. 39: 141. Vieux C. dt'lini par Hyacintlii-. t'rit. I'lr Wltderbentdlonff in Miinster. 1535-7 (KHli-r) Hi-t Xtv IT Roman Catholics. Ktmoral of political I/IM- h\litif. II tnri.-sof England by: Hughes (7:181), 'atili. etc. (Blerzy) Ucv. d. d. Mondes 111:29:806. Roman Catholics. 410 Borne, City of. Brown son. Works 16 : 390. Canning. Speeches ; also Life of Stapleton. Coleridge. Church and state ; Essays on his own times. (Flaminio) Rundschau 38 : 93. Foster (Rev. J:). Life and correspond. Fox. Speeches^ Hansard. Parliamentary debates 1811- Lewis. ^Political administrations of Great Britain. Rogers. Protests of the lords. Smith (Sydney). Essays 449 ; also Works. Wordsworth (W:). Life by Wordsworth 2 : 132. Roman literature. See Latin literature. Romance languages. See also French, Ital- ian, Portuguese, Provencal, Romansch, Spanish. Palgrave. History of Normandy v. 1. Dialect von Ile-de-France, 1200 (Metzke) Herrig's Archiv v. 64-65. Etymologien (Langensiepen) Herrig's Archiv 31 : 139. Formation. Simonde de Sismondi, Lit- erature of Europe v. 1. Koniunktiv in d. Hauptsatzen (Morgen- roth) Herrig's Archiv 69:419. Mundarten d. Siidwestschweiz (Hafelin) Kuhn's.Zts. 21:289,481. Oc und oyl (Biester) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Origines y formacion. Arnador de los Rios, Liter, espafi. 2 : 361. Sprachwissenschaft (Schuchardt) Kuhn's Zts. 22: 153. Verbal parasynthetics in a(Elliott) Am. J. Philol. 5:186. Vernaculars. Disraeli, Amenities v. 1. Romances. See Fiction. Romanofs. Ausgang des Joan'schen Zwei- ges (Barthold) Hist. Taschenbuch 1837. Romans, Epistle to the. See Paul (St). Romansch (Wallachian) language. Miiller. Lectures on language v. 1. ft in (Michaelis) Herrig's Arch. 65:233. E bref latin en (Lambrior) Romania 7: 85. Heutiger Stand (Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 54:241. Lateinsch und (Benecke, Steinthal) Her- rig's Arch. 36 : 129 ; 45 : 337. Orthographic ( Schuchardt) Romania 2:72. Phone'tique (Lambrior) Romania 9:99; 10:346. Vocabulaire. Romania 18:494. Vokalismus (Tiktin) Zts. roman. Philol. 12:220,436. Romanticism. See also Pre-Raphaelitism. Encyclopaedias by : Johnson, Larousse. Albert. Litte>ature fr. au 19. siecle v. 1-2. Barthel. Deutsche Nationalliteratur 5- (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 46:5. Fortlage. Genetische Gesch. d. Philos. 232. Hegel. Philosophy of art. Heine. Romantic school. Matthews. French dramatists ch. 1. Reber. Neuere deutsche Kunst 1: 233. Royce. Religious aspect of philosophy Scherr. Deutsche Kulturgeschichte 526. Windelband. Geschichte d. neueren Phi- losophic 2 : 246. Art romantique. Baudelaire, Oeuvres v. 4. Ausbreitung iiber Europa. Gervinus, Gesch. d. 19. J ahrh. 8 : 1 : 75. Classiques et (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:412. Dichtkunst. Richter (J: PI. F:), Werke 49:82. Schlegel (K: W: F: v.). Werke v. 10. Epithet Romantic. Foster, Essays. Fine art in romantic literature (Cook) Overland II: 6:52. German. Geschichte (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. 49:34. in Jena. Unsere Zeit 1871 : 2 : 450- Naturalisme et (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:95:867. Was heisst ? (Lubben) Herrig's Arch. 4:291. Rome, City of. Ancient. Acca Laurentia (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 131 : 777. Alter der (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 2 : 481. Founding. Date of (Soltau) Philologus 45:439. ( Unger) Rhein. Mus. 35 : 1. Catonisches (Soltau, Triemel) Jahrb. Philol. 131:553; 133:189. Sagen von (Niese) Hist. Zts. 59:481. Prafectur (Klebs) Rhein. Mus. 42 : 161 Regime municipal, A. D. 1-200 (Duruy) Rev. Hist. 1:39, 321. Siege par Alaric (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:44:46,788. Urkundenstudien (Seeck) Rhein. Mus. 37 : 1, 598. Rome, City of. Antiquities. Baumeister. Denkmaler d. class. Altert. v. 3. Ausgraberungen (Hellwald) Rundschau 8 : 357. ( Winterberg) Uns. Zeit 1884 : 1 : 208. Briicken (Zippel) Jahrb. Philol. 133:481. Capitol (Dyer, Burn) Jour. Philol. 3:236; 4 : 126. Capitoline marbles. Hooke, Roman his- tory 6:217; 11:443. Colosseum. Parker, Archaeology pt. 7. Fouilles de 1'Esquilin (Boissier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:20:765. Histoiremonumentale(Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:35:76,363. . Palatine (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 22:264. (Burn) Jour. Philol. 2: 82. Schautempel der Augurn (Regell) Jahrb. Philol. 123:593. Tabernen am Forum (Urlichs) Rhein. Mus. 12 : 215. Tern pel des Divus Julius (Jordan) Hermes 9:342. des kapitol. Jupiter (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. der Magna Mater (Gilbert) Philologus 45 : 449. Rome, City of. Modern. Taine. Rome and Naples; Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 55: 161, 273; 56:801; 57:273. Bezug auf d. mod. Culturverhaltnisse (Winterberg) Preuss. Jahrb. 49:243. Campagna (Sombart) Uns. Zeit 1889 : 2 : 28. Capture by Napoleon, 1808 (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 72 : 595. Churches. Gailhabaud, Monuments v.2-4. Churches (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:86:392,979. Rome, City of. 411 Rome, Kingdom, Republic of. Churches. Parker, Archaeology of Rome. First impressions. Freeman, Historical essays v. 3. in 1300 (Reumont) D. Dante-Gesell. 3:369. in 1644. Evelyn, Diary. in 1738. Ray, Travels 1 : 297. in 1803. Seume, Spaziergang 118. in 1819. Grillparzer, Werke v. 10. in 1826. Carter, Letters from Europe 2: 157, 306. Jameson. Diary of an ennuye"e. in 1834. Quinet, Oeuvres completes 7:429. in 1849. Croisadecontre. Quinet,0euvres 14:325. in 1856. Wall, Foreign etchings. in 1858. About, Rome of to-day. in I860. Dickens, Pictures from Italy. Quinet. Oeuvres politiques 2:5. in 1868. Kip, Christmas holydays. Inundations, 1871. Ruskin, Arrows of the chace v. '2. Moltke's Wanderungen. Rundschau 18: 3'i9- Rise of. Niebuhr, Letters 3 : 277. Sack of, 1527. Leo, Gesch. Italiens 5:349. Lieber. Great events. Sirnonde de Sismondi. Re"publiques 8:ch. 5. Villa Malta (Gregorovius) Unsere Zeit 1888:2:1. Ziige d. deutschen Kaiser (Diimmler) Preuss. Jahrb. 24 : 296. Rome, Kingdom, Republic, Empire of. Aelteste Geschichte (Helbig) Hermes 11: J.~>7. Begriffdes Pomerium. Mommsen, Ro"m. Forschungen v. 2. Censusliste (Beloch) Rhein. Mus. 32:227. Civil war, A. D. 49. Ausbruck (Nissen) MM. Zts. v. 44, 46. Commencemens de la liberte" (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 36: 613. -Customs. Plutarch, Roman questions (Morals v. 2). Decline and fall. Alison, Essays : politi- cal 3: 440. Augustine. City of God bks. 1-5. Gibbon. Decline and fall. (Grimm) Rundschau 46:321. Hpdgkin. Italy and her invaders. Kingsley. Roman and Teuton. Merivale. Roman-; under the empire. Thierry. Dix tins deludes 512. Vol tai re. Oeu vres 1 3 : 345. Democracy. May, Democracy in Euro]>e v. 1. DreialtestenTribus(Volquardsen)Rliein. M us. 33:538. Elections vers la tin de la rfnublique i I: >. d. d. Mondes III :4 :.K F.nipire ( Friedla'ndcr) Kundschuu 5:266. (Mihly) Un-ere Zeit I s-i( i :_':. -,;. au temps d'Augn-tc ( Ampere) Rev. d. .1. M..II.I- Consulate der Julicli-('lamlischen r (Ashaeh) Ith.-in. Mus. 35:174. Dyna.Mi-i-he Klement in il. (Jesrhirlit- nbralbang (Ki.-i.-i MM /.'its. m : -_>n. Krti- Kaiser (Pern ice) l'rens. Jahrb. Geschichte (Enmann) Philologus, -iippl. v. 4:335. St.i.|tiveen inner ( Frivdliindcr) Kund- schttul9:20 Etat des peuples les plus anciens (Moreau de JonnSs) Acad. Sci. Mor. 16:235. Fin de la liberte" (Ampere) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 50: tiTT. Friede mit Antiochos. Mommsen, Rom. Forschungen v. 2. Greatness and virtue. Plutarch, Morals v. 4 Greece and. Parallels. Plutarch, Morals v. 5. History. Ampere's (Re'musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 41: 85. Early. Lewis on the credibility of. Grote, Minor works. Grundprobleme (Riess) Preuss. Jahrb. 66:543. Mommsen's (Schmidt) Rundschau 44: 88 Imperialism. Seeley, Essays. in the middle ages. Bryce,"Holy Roman empire 273. in 300-500 A. D. (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:5; 54:265; 57:5; 58:5, 521; 62:465, 529. Institutions militaires et politiques: rap- ports (Fustel de Coulanges) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:296. Interregnum und Amtsjahr (Unger) Philologus. suppl. v. 4 : 281. Italische Mvthen (Usener) Rhein. Mus. 30:182. Jeunesse au temps de Ce"sar (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 49 : 41. Luttes de la liberte" (Ampere) Rev. d. d. .Mondes 11:47:71. Luxe au temps de Sylla (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. 84:69.' des femmes sous 1'empire (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mpr. 95:35. NicdereGeineindeamtindenLandstadten (Ohnesseit) Philologus 44:518. Origo gentis (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 135:7 (Mommsen) Hermes 12:401. (XSnopol) Rev. Hist 23:98. Patricians. Auctoritas (Christensen, Herzog) Jahrb. Philol. 113:521; 115:565. . Geschlechter ( MoiiiniM-ii) lUn-in. Mus. I6:8SL Ursnriingliche Bedeutung (Chri-trii- sen) Hermes 9: 19tory. De Quincey, Hi^t. etc." essays v. 1. Provinces. Administration (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1 Vertheilunn in d. iilteren Zeit. d. Re- ].nl.lik(Kaerst) PhflolonS 48:dOft Verzeichniss urn Lf'T (Kuhn) Jahrb. Philol. Ii:>:fifi7: (Moiiini-en) Boriin Aka.l. Al>h. 1- Rect'ttcs et (lepenses an temps de I'An- guste (Dureau de Lamalle) Acad. Sci. Mor. 8: Ml Reform des Tar<|uinius (Kranke) Rhein. Muv r.':513. . d^inocrati<|iie, H. C. L'.'^ (Bloi-h) Rev. Mi~t..TJ:l.L>ll. Keliv'ion et la i>olitiotie (Hrocher) Kev .1 ,1. M,,n.li- II:!0::W!. Republic. Last years. Bibliography. Society. Fronde, Short .studies v. 3. 8ociet interienre (Sonlier) Arn.l Mor. 00:205; 61:103; .':97, 17-'. Borne, Kingdom, Republic of. 412 Rosswurm. Staatsrecht. Mommsen's (Bernays) Rundschau 2:54. Transitio ad plebem (Dernburg) Rhein. Mus. 20:90. Uebergang von d. Renublikzur Monarchie (Gothein) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:31. Vermessung unter Augustus (Ritschl) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1:481. Vie civile, A. D. 300 (Moreau de Jonn6s) Jour. Econ. 1:3:42. Von welchen Staaten in seiner Kultur beeinflusst? (Weise) Rhein. Mus. 38: 540. Western empire (Smith) Oxford essays 1856. Derniers temps (Thierry) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :v. 9-11. Zeitrechnung (Mommsen) Rhein. Mus. 13:49. Romilly, Sir Samuel. 1757-1818. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 290. Roscoe. British lawyers. Romulus, king of Rome. Plutarch. Lives. and the wolf. Sage (Liebrecht) Ger- mania 11:167. Delupa AeneaCapitolina(Urlichs)Rhein. Mus. N. F. 4:519. Fabier und (Schwenck) Rhein. Mus. 6:481. Rondelet, Guillaume, naturalist. 1507-66. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 36. Kingsley. Historical lectures. Ronge, Johannes. 1813- Duller. Manner des Volks 8 : 121. Ronsard, Pierre de. 1524-85. Albert. Litte'rature fr. des origines 194. Bayle. Dictionary. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 12:57; Posie fr. au 16. siecle. Entwickelung d. franzos. Sprache (Giin- ther, Peschier) Herrig's Arch. 1:62; 2:58. Roots (Mathematical). See Equations. Roots of words. See also Etymology. (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsych. 2:453. Gaf, Gamf ( Kuhn) Zts. vefgl. Sprachf . 1:123. Ide'ede.dansleslanguesindo-europe'ennes (Regnaud) Rev. Philos. 28:531. - Kad (Kuhn) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 1:91. Roquette, H: E. de, abbe. d. 1725. Alembert. Oeuvres 10 : 135. Roquette, Otto. 1824- Prutz. Deutsche Lit. d. Gegenwart 1 : 241. Rosa, Salvator. 1615-73. Works on painters by : Mantz, etc. Rosa, Monte, of the Apennine Alps. ( Laveleye) Rev.d.d. Mondes II : 57 : 819. Rosamond Clifford, mistress of Henry II. Addison. Dramas. Brewer. Reader's handbook. Child. Ballads 7 : 283 (Brit, poets ed.). Daniel. Dramas. Deloncy. Dittie on death of (Percy Soc. v. 3, v. 30:1). Korner. Werke v. 3. Percy. Reliques 2 : 151. Scott. Talisman; Woodstock. Swinburne. Queen mother. Tennyson. Fair Rosamond. Rosas, J. M. 0. de, general. 1793- Annuaire d. d. Mondes 1 : 1043. Rosbacn battle, 1757. Carlyle. Frederick the Great. France au lendemain (Aubertin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:101:331. Roscher, Wilhelm. 1817- Economic du commerce (Block) Jour. Econ. IV: 16: 192. Roscoe, W: 1753-1831. Coleridge. Northern worthies v. 3. Roscoe, W: Caldwell. 1823-59. Memoir. In his Poems and essays. Rose, Heinrich, chemist. 1795-1864. (Rammelsberg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1865. Rose, Toussaint. Alembert. Oeuvres 7 : 337. Rose, Roman de la. See Lorris. Rosecrans, Gen. William S. 1819- Headley. Grant and Sherman 398. Rosengarten von Worms (Uhland) Ger- mania 6 : 307. Rosetta stone. ( Hincks) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. ( Lepsius) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 1 : 264. Rosicrucians. Seealso histories of mysticism. Herder. Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan 15:82. Origin. De Quincey, Works 16: 353. Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio. 1797-18f5. Ferri. Histoire philos. en Italic v. 1. Life. Davidson, Philos. system of R. (Kraus) Rundschau v. 54-55. Ross, George. 1730-79. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.8. Rosseeuw Saint-Hilaire, Eugene. 1802-89. (Bouillier, Himly) Acad. Sci. Mor. 131:591. Rossetti, C: Dante Gabriel. 1828-82. Ruskin. Art of England. Sharpe. Rossetti: a record and study. Stedman. Victorian poets. - UnsereZeit 1879: 1:767. Art of (Quilter) Choice Lit. 1 : 117. Rossetti, Gabriele. 1783-1854. Spirito antipapale. Remarks on. Hal- lam (A. H.), Remains. Rossi, Ernesto, Italian actor. Ueber Land und Meer 47 : 176. Rossi, Pellegrino L. O., statesman. 1787-1848. Gegenwart 2: 360. - (Ideville) Rev. Hist. 30:237. Mignet. Notices v. 2; also Acad. Sci. Mor. ,16:335. Economic politique (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. 111:8:45. Reybaud. Economistesmodernes; also Jour. Econ. 1:1: 186. en France, 1833-45. Jour. Econ. IV:31:239. et la papaufa; (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 36 : 718. Rossini, G. A., musical composer. 1792-1868. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 79 : 337. Edwards. Rossini and his school (Great musicians). and Meyerbeer. Ehlert, Letters on music. Comte Ory ( Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:42:457. Rosslyn. See Wedderburn. Rosswurm, Hermann C. von. (Barthold) Histor. Taschenbuch 1838. Rostoptchin. 413 Royal Institution. Rostoptchin, Fedor V., count. (Ramhaud)Rev.d.d.MondesIII:14:822; 29:329. Rotation. See also Motion. Axes permanens (Ampere) Paris, Me*ni. A cad. Sci. 5:86. d'un corps solide (Poisson) Paris, Me*m. Acad. Sci. 14:275. M<5thode de la variation des arbitraires (Serret) Paris, Mt'm. Acad. Sci. 35:585. of rigid body about fixed point (Tail) Roy. Edin. trans. 25:2*>1. Liisung des Problems (Richelot) Berlin Aka.i. Abb. 1850. filiform (Siemens) Roy. Soc. Trans. I860: G57. Rotation of crops. (Boussingault) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 18: 345. (Daubeny) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845:179. Barley and root crops experiments (Gil- bert) Pams. agriculture v. 3. Rotbe, Johannes, poet. d. 1434. (Beck) Germania v. f>, 7, 9. Diiringische Chronik (Witschel) Ger- mania 17: 129. Rothe, Richard, theologian. Schaff. Germany 360. Rother, KJinig, Gedicht. ( Bander) Germania 29: 229, 257. Textkritik (Edzardi) Germania 20:403. Untersuchungen iiber (Edzardi) Ger- mania 18:385. Rotifera. Dioecious character (Gosse) Roy.- Soc. Trans. 1857:313. M.-inducatory organs (Gosse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1866:410. Rotteck, K: W. ll.von,*tatesman. 1775-1800. Bluntschli. Gesch. neu. Statswissenschaft. Mi ib I. Staatswissenschaft 2:561. Rouen, .\ttrmandjj. ( Baude) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 :36 : 777. (LeMoine) (Quebec Hist. Soc. Trans. 1881 -2. Pettier. Faience de Rouen. Siege, 1591. Camden miscellany v. 1. ( Leger) Rev. Hist. 7 : W. Page. Poem on (Camden Soc. 11:17). Tombes des Cardinaux d' Amboise. Gail- habaud. Monuments v. 4. Rouher, Eugene, ttntetman. 1814-84. Boissier. Letters d'un passant 2: 104. Roumania (Wallachia). See also Bucharest, Romanscli. Frati/.ii-. Halb-Asien. Chants p(>i>nlairex(I>orad'Istria) Rt-v.d.d. Mond.- II :'.li cia-sik.-rfltu.low) I'us. Zeit 1889:2: I'M. Constitution. U. S. Foreign relations V. '_'. Deutiche Dynastiein. Riindscliau 34:410. Finances, 1855 (Thibault-Lefevre) Jour. Iv-'.n. II lW(nriciiii)Jour. Econ. 11:80: 2il. l-7-:( L.-aKO-'our. E.-OII. Ill: ! in 1814. Bright, Travels through lower Bangui in 1WW. Pren.ss Jahrb. 18:57. in 1X75 ( Vng-l) Rev. <1. d. Mondes 1 1 1 : v Ron mains, yninci, OcaTTW OOmpL T. 7; - lie v. d. d. Monde* 1 1 : 1 : 375 ; 2 : 5. Union with Moldavia. Unsere Zeit 1866: 2:53. Vorgeschichte (Rudow) Uns. Zeit 1888: 2:385. Roumanille, J. 1818- (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 23 : 807. Roumelia. Eastern (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 73:329. in 1881 (Krahmer) Uns. Zeit 1881:2:28. Souvenirs (Duniont) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:94:418,810; 95:544. Rousseau, Jean Jacques. 1712-78. Albert. Litte'rature fr. au 18. siecle. Barruel. Jacobinism 2:99. Bluntschli. Gesch. neu. Statswissens- chaft. Brougham. Men of letters 2: 14.'!. Burton. Life of Hume v. 2. Croly. Life of Burke 2 : 121. Duller. Manner des Volks 5:293. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Hazlitt. Round table. Heron. Jurisprudence. Kaiser. Franzosische Verfassungages- chichte 159. Marmontel. Mlmoires. Martin. Histoire de France 1'i: HI. Kaiuner. Gesch. d. Litteratur 2:61. Ritter. Gesch. d. Philosophic 12:612. Schlosser. History of 18. century v. 1-2. Shellev. French authors v. 2. Stael-Holstein ( Mme.). Oeuvres v. 1. Villemain. Litt^rature au 18. siecle. Windelband. Gesch. d. neu. Philos. l:4Ki. als Botaniker (Cohn) Rundschau 47:3'!4. als Musiker (Jan) Preuss. Jahrb. 56:331. and Kant (Stein) BandKhaufi6:90& and Malesherbes. Landor, Imaginary conversations. and the French revolution. Quinet, Revolution 2:84. and the sentimentalists. Lowell, Among my books. Bildnisse (Jansen) Preuss. Jahrb. 52: 111 Confessions. Saintc-Beuve, Causeries 3: 78; nlso Moinlay-chats. Contrat social. 'Genf und (Koch) Hist. Zeits. 55:193. Correspondance. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries ,15:219. Emile. Compavn'. Hi^tdry ('da^ni:i<- -l.'i. Ide"es politi<|iK-s (Kcnouvier) Crit. Pliil<. 96:198, ML jup^ par les Genevois d'aujourd'hni (Renouvier) Crit Philos. 2.">:97. 14. r >. !;!. Mme.de La Tour-FraiK|iH'vilk' rt. Saintr- Fk-uvc, Caii-crit-s L':ii.'{ Nouvcllf H('l(ii-c. MfiulcNMibn (Moses). Srbrift.-n :.' :::().'. ParticMilarit's im'diirs (Qaberd) Acad. 8ci. M..r. i:.-:;71. - Politik. Wivland. \\Vrko ->!): 1'51. -- Litoratur iilwr (Jansrn) 1'rouss. Jahrb. ;?2. Vie et sea onvrage* (Olrardin) Hi-v. d. d. . Rousset, Camille F. M. 1--M Mi-l(iric!i (TaillandiiT) Kcv. d. d. [11:1 Royal Institution, l,nn, 18-19, 21-22, 24, 28-29, 33. 35, 37, 39. Frontier between Germany and. Unsere Zeit 1882: 1:879. in 1565. Hakluyt, Voyages v. 1. in 1800. Clarke (E. D.), Travels v. 1. in 1840. Stephens, Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, etc. in lO.Jahrhundert. CulturzusUinde. Un- sere Zeit 1879:1:19- Moscpvia. Milton, Works v. 8. Religion and government (Wheeler) Cali- fornian 2:4Hi- Sentiment religieux(Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d.d. Monde- 111:80:808. Skopzensekte (Stein) Zts. Ethnol. 7:37. Statistical description. Alison, History : of Europe ch. 68. Russia. Uittory and politic*. See alto Afghanistan, Asia (Central), Crimea, Niliili-m, Serfs, Turkey, names of rulers. Finlay. lli-tory of (ireece. I'liiviT-ul Uttory: modern v. 31-32. Agrargesetzgebung, 18i7. Preuss. Jahrb. II: da and Prussia. I**:. 1'reuv. Jahrb. 18:667. Baltic sea province- I'n-ere Zeit 1898: 7:711 Ru.Msificirung (Dorneth) Una. Zeit 1886:2:817- Verdrangen d. Deutschthums in (Dor- neth) Unsere Zeit 1887:2:626- China and. Unsere Zeit 1880: 1:837.^ Commerce avant 1650 ( Vogel) Jour. Econ. II : v. 4, 6, 7. depuis 1'abolition du servage (Cailliatte) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 92 : 609. Despotismeen. Pelletan.Nouvellesheures de travail. 1860 (Fischel) History pams. v. 10. England and (Balrk) Uns. Zeit 1885: 1:604. (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69:766. Europaische Grenzenlander (Briiggen) Uns. Zeit 1888: 1:316. European relations in 1814. Rundschau 47:49. in 1828-33. The Portfolio. in 1854. Retslag, Political sketches 10, 98 Germans in. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 549. Government. Brougham, Political phi- losophy 1 : 193. History. Karamsin's. Alison. Essays 299. in 1848-54. Gegenwart 6:1; 7:3<>4. in 1855-60. Preuss. Jahrb. 23 : 63- in 1855-77. Diplomatic Review. in 1861-3. Innere Politik. Preuss. Jahrb. 24 : 127- in 1871. Reorganisation (Laveleye) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 96: 379. in 1879(Valbert)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:33: 700. in 1881 (Briiggen) Rundschau 28:287; 31: 122. in 1881-7. Preuss. Jahrb. GO: 431- in the 17. century (Bruckner) Hist. Zts. 52:193. Innere Verhaltnisse, 1861. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:57. Zustande. Unsere Zeit 1885 : 1 : 737- Interregnum 1825-. Rundschau 58:425. Machterweiterung im Sudosten (H<-\- felder) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1:495. Origin of monarchy. Gibbon, Decline and fall ch. 55. Pougatchef's revolt, 1773 (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Alondeslll:a:2 -'!i: :. UDMTC Xeit I8t in lK5i-80. liambaud, Kussia 3:257. Rustem, I'ersian hero. Arnold (Matthew). Poem-. Rust em. 416 Sagern. I ^amartine. Vies des grands homines v. 1. Muir. Early caliphate. Riickert. Rostem und Suhrab (Werke v. 12). Riistow, W: F: 1821-78. (Zemin) Unsere Zeit 1882:2:701. Rutebeuf , poet. Petit de Julleville. Theatre en France 1 : ch. 3. Ruth well cross. Works on runes by : Stephens, etc. Dietrich. Disputatio de (Bd. with Leo's Cynewulf). Hammerich. Alteste christliche Epik. Rutilius Numatiauus, Claudius. (Thierry) Rev. d. d Mondes II : 105 : 793. Rutledge, Edward. 1749-1800. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 3. Rutledge, John. 1739-1800. Flanders. Lives of the chief justices v. 1. Ruysdael, Jacob, d. 1681. ( Fromentin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 13 : 770 (Michel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:835. (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :9:756. Ryder, Sir Dudley. 1691-1756. Campbell. Chief justices 2: 233. Ryswick, Peace of. 1797. Lettres historiques 1797-8. Saadi, Musli-uddin, poet. d. 1292. Diderot. Oeuvres 7:441. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance 3: 120. Saadja ben Joseph alFajjumi(caZ/edSaadias). Joel. BeitragezurGesch.d. Philosophic v.2 Sabeans. Zeits. deut. morgenl. Gesell., index. Sabatai Sevi. 1625-76. and his followers (Schauffler) Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. v. 2. Sabbath. See Sunday. Sabianlsm. Herder. Sammtl. Werke 6:445. Sabinus, Anna, wife of G: Sabinus (1508 r 60). Muther. Universitatsleben im Zeit d. Reformation. Sabinus, Julius. Zur Kritik (Gb'rres) Philologus 39:459. Sabran, Mme. de. See Bouflers (Stanislas). Sacadas of Argos, musician. (Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 31:76. Saccharic acid. Crystallisirte (Sohst) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 8. Sacher-Masach, Leopold von. 1836- Roman (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 12:816. Sacheverell, Henry, Tory divine. 1672-1724. Histories of England, time of Anne\ Burnet. History of his own time. Examiner. 1711. Sachs, Hans. (Mayer) Herrig's Archiv 40:241. Vier Dialogen(Rochholz) Germania 4:97. ZurErinnerung(Lucae)Preuss.Jahrb.58:l Sachsenspiegel. Extravaganten (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1861. Genealogie d. Handschriften (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1859. Johannes Klenkok wider (Homeyer) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1855. Landrecht des (Homeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Nochmals Altvile im (Hoefer) Germania 18:29. Sack, F: Fd. Adolf. Politische Poesie (Prohle) Herrig's Ar- chiv 22: 131. Sackvllle. See Dorset, earls of. Sackville West, L. S., lord. Murchison letter. U. S. Foreign relations 1888:1667- Sacramento, California. in 1850. Family's Defender 4 : 239- Squatter riot ( Roy ce) Overland 11:6:225. in 1851-7. Journals of a pioneer. Over- land 11:7:75- in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th census 19:789. Meteorology, 1853-7 (Logan) Smithson. Report. 1855, 1857. Sacramento valley. Irrigation canal, 1867. Pams. on Cali- fornia v. 9. Northern(Eames) Overland 11:10:561; 11:1. game regions (J. Miller) Muir, Pictur- esque California 111. Tule lands, 1872. Pams. on Calif orniav.9. Sacraments. See also Baptism, Lord's sup- per, Transubstantiation. Hall (Rob.). Free sacramental com- munion. Doctrine of. Barrow, Works v. 7. Sacrifices. See also Atonement, Omens, Worship. R6ville. Prolegomena of the history of religions. Allerseelenbrod( Rochholz)Germania 11:1. Einfuhrungin Homerischer Zeit(Stengel) Jahrb. Philol. 127 : 361. German. Simrock, Deutsche Mythologie. Greek expiatory (Donaldson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:427." Farbe u. Geschlecht der Opferthiere (Stengel) Jahrb. Philol. 133:321. Human. Constant de Rebecque, De la religion 4: 208. der vedischen Zeit (Weber) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 18. Origin. Christian's Mag. 1 : 121, 261. Religious Mag. 1 : 249. Theorie des. Baader, Werke 7: 271. Vase pictures of (Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 9:1. Sacy, C. L: M. de. 1654-1727. Alembert. Oeuvres 7 : 355. Sacy, Silvestre de. See Silvestre. Sadowa battle, 1866. Delqrd. Histoire du second empire 4:407. Hozier. Seven weeks' war. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterloo. Preussische Jahrbiicher v. 22-24. Revue des Deux Mondes II : 73 : 801. Diplomatic (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:77:365, 513. Sagern, H. von. (Rogge) Unsere Zeit 1880:2:779. Sagra. 417 Saint-Simon. Sagra, Raraon de la. Travaux (Villeneuve-Bargemont) Jour. Econ. 1:7:358. Sahagun, 6. de. Bancroft. Native races 3:231. Sahara. See also Africa (North), Soudan. St. John. Adventures in Libyan desert. (Tchihatchef) Rev.d.d.Mondes 111:91:187. Eisenbahnprojecte(Lenz) Rundschau 29: 392. Flooding of (Roudaire) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:3:323. Souvenirs de voyage (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:52:295,611. Sailing. See Boats, Yachts, Ships. Sailors. See Seamen. Saint, Saints. Priestley. Corruptions of Christianity (Theof. works 5: 180). Mohammedan (Lilly) Choice Lit. 2: 17. Worship of. Brownson, Works 8: 117. St. Albans monastery. Annals. Froude, Short studies v. 3. Chronica. Rolls chronicles, 28. Saint-Amant, Marc A. G. 1594-1661. Oeuvres. Sainte-Beuve, Causeriesl2:173. Saint- Andre\ Jean- Bon. 1749-1813. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis v. 8. St. Anthony falls, Minn. Minnesota Geological survey. Final report v. 2. 1888. St . Arnaud , Ja. A. Leroy de, marshal. 1801-54. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 13:412. Unsere Zeit 1858:395. Saint- Aulaire, Fs. J. de Beaupoil, marquis de. I'dS- 1743. Alembert. Oeuvres 10 : 319. Saint-Barth.'lemy island. Annexation a la France (Plauchut) Rev. d.(i. Mondes 111:32:417. Saint-Bartholomew. See Massacre of. Salnt-Cyr. Maison royale. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 8:473. St. Dlslbodus (Disenberg) monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri.v.17. St. Evremond, C: de M. de S. D. 1613-1703. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 4: 170; Nou- veaux Lundis 13:425. el sa vie d'exil ( Langsdorf ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:56:209. Saint-Polx, G. F. P. de. 1698-1776. Lustspiele. Lessing, Werke 4:434. St. Gall, Switzerland. Arx. Geschichte des Kantons. Daiidlickrr. -1502. nt. Karly French poetry. Saint George. See George. Saint George's company. See Ruskin. Saint-Germain, C. \.., 'tmril. 17U7-7S. - UaiimtT. Kuropa M-U 17ti3-1783 V. 3. St. Gothard battle, 1<; II :57:575. St. Ort-al. See GraiL 53 St. Helena island. Kotzebue. New voyage. 1823. 2:305. Livre des 101. 13:35. Seeman. Voyage of the Herald 2: 269. Staunton. Embassy to China 2:595. United States Japan expedition v. L Capture by the English, 1673 (Arber's English Garner). Saint-Hilaire. SceGeffroy; Rosseeuw. St. John, H. See Bolingbroke. Saint-Just, A. L: L. Plorelle de. 1769-94. Etudes par Fleury. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series du Lundi 5:334. Saint Lambert, C: F., marquis de. 1717-1803. Cousin. Philosophic moderne 3:215. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondence. Saisset Philos. sensualists au 18. siecle. Me"moire sur (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 30:173,214; 31:101, 161. Saisons. Diderot, Oeuvres 3 : 191. St. Louis, Missouri. Chicago and (Simonin) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:8:553. City government (Snow) Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. v. 5. in 1837. Gerstacker, Schrif ten 1 : 18 : 99. in 1880 (Waring) U. S. 10th. census 19:567. Saint-Martin, L: Claude de. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 10:235. Erlauterungen. Baader, Werke v. 12. Esprit des choses. Schubert's Ueber- setzung. Bauder, Werke 1:57. St. Michael's mount, Cornwall. Insulation. Miiller, Chips from a Ger- man workshop v. 3. St. Paul, Minnesota. Williams. History to 1876 (Minn. Hist 8oc. Coll. v. 4). St. Petersburg, Russia. in 1805. Seume, Werke 4:62. in LtNB(HiUer) Rundschau 35:95. Saint-Pierre, C: I. Castel de, abbe. 1658-1743. Albert. Litt6ruturefr.au 18. siecle. Alembert Oeuvres 11 : 101. (Hertz) Preuss. Jahrb. *>2:465- Lavergne. Economistesfrancais; Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 89; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 79:557. Suinte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi l.V-'l*;. et les hiiinainitairus (Ueybuud) Jour. Econ. 1 : 5 : 90. Saint-Pierre, J. H: Bernardin de. 1737-1814. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi <>:414. Villemain. Literature au 18. siecle 3:350. Paul et Virginie( Wagler) Herrig's Archiv 22:111'. Saint-Simon, C. H: de Rouvroy, comte de. 17iO-1825. Works on communism and socialism by Kly. Woolsey, etc. BlaiKjui. Economic politique v. 2. Flint. riiil<<>i>liy <>t hirtorj 1:186. (Janet) Rev.d.. I. .M.-!,.K> I II": 14:758; 17: 587. Kiii.M-r. I ranztisische Verfasaungiges- i-hichte 355- Livn-.l. Kochau. Geschichtc Frankreichs 1:344; 2. : W>. Saint-Simon. 418 Salt. Saint-Simoniens (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:51:241. Religion. Balzac, Oeuvres 23 : 333. Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, due de. 1675-1755. Duclos. Me'moires secrets. Faguet. Grands maitres du 17. siecle. Reeve. Royal and republican France 1:105. Vinet. Chrestomathie francaise. et rabbe" Dubois, 1718-22 (Che"ruel) Rev. Hist. 1 : 140. Fragments ine"dits. Revue Hist. v. 15-16. Me" moires. Albert, Litte"rature francaise au 17. siecle. (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 37 : 520. (Came") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 7 : 807. Sainte-Beuve. CauseriesS: 270; 15:423. Oeuvre indite (Picot) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:39:370. Saint Thomas Island. Ramusio. Navigationi 1 : 124. St. Tron monastery, Belgium. Gesta ab- batum. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. j v. 10. St. Trudpert (Trupt) monastery. Annales, -1246. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v.10. St. Vincent cape. Battle, 1797. Nelson, Dispatches v. 2. St. Vitus's dance. See Chorea. Sainte-Baume mountain, Provence. Castellets (Be'ranger-Fe'raud) Rev. An- throp. 111:3:49. Sainte-Beuve, C: A: 1804-69. Albert. Literature fr. au 19. siecle 2: 309. ( Bar tling) Unsere Zeit 1870 : 1 : 369. Brandes. Hauptstromungen v. 5. (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7: 119, 285, 558. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6:1; also Rundschau 15:200. Mirecour. Conternporains. Life. In his Nouveaux Lundis v. 13; also Monday-chats; also English portraits. Sainte-Claire-Deville, H: E. 1818- Berthelot. Science et philosophic 236. (Dumas) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 44: xxix. Salamander. Giant (Sasaki) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1 : 269. Salamis, Greece. Pre-historic building(Richter) J.Hellenic Stud. 4:111. Sea fight, B. C. 480 (Goodwin) Papers Amer. School Athens v. 1. Herodotus. Historiae bk. 8. and Aeschylus on (Sihler) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1877:109. Historical parallels 1 : 348. (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:28:519. (Loeschcke) Jahrb. Philol. 115: 25. Position and tactics (Blakesley) Philol. Soc. Proc. 6 : 101. Salaries. See Wages. Salem, Mass. See also Witchcraft. First settlement(Story) History pams.v. 5. Guide, 1885. Pams. travel v. 3. in 1880. U. S. 10th census 18 : 287. Village communities (Adams) J.H. Univ. Hist. Stud. v. 1. Salerno, Italy. Romoald II. Annales (Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Scr. v. 19). - Trollope. Italy 404. Salic law. See also Agnation. (Leo) Zeits. deut. Alterth. 2 : 158- Maine. Early law and custom. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1:498. Rapin. History of England 1:446. Salicylic acid. Anwendung. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 2 : 146. Salisbury, Robert A. T. Gascoyne-Cecil, marquess. 1830- Higginson. English statesmen. Salisbury (New Sarum), England. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monuments v.3. King- Cathedrals v. 5. Monastery. Osmundi registrum (Rolls chronicles, 78). Sallet, Friedrich von. 1812-43. als Lyriker (Paur) In Sallet's Gedichte. 1852. Sallustius Crispus, C., historian. Invectiven (Jordan) Hermes 11:305. Ueberlieferung der Reden und Briefen (Jordan) Rhein. Mus. 18:584. Salmeron y Alonzo, Nicolas, statesman. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 145. Salmon. Davy. Salmonia: fly-fishing, habits (Works v. 9). Columbia fisheries. Gartenlaube 1882:768. Development from the ova (Shaw) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:547. Growth (Young) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:343. of salmon-trout (Shaw) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:369. Natural history (Knox) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12:462. Ova (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856:21. impregnation (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 1, 245. Salmo umbla (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:326. Reproduction artificielle (Kunstler) Rev. Sci. 43:359. Structure of skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873 : 95. Salomon and Saturn. (Schipper) Germania 22:50. Salomon und Markhoff (Morolf ) . (Liebrecht) Germania 25:33. Untersuchungen (Schaumberg) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 2 : 1. Salonica, Roumelia. Revue des Deux Mondes III : 85: 107. Salt. Journal des Economistes i-II, index. Kerl. Salinenkunde. Analyses (Henry) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810:89 Anciennes gabelles (Louandre) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:103:187. dans le Royaume-Uni (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:24:753. Impot(Gomel) Jour. Econ. 111:26:222, 236 Konigsborner Salzolen (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1790-1. making processes (Chatard) U. S. Geol. Survey, 7th. report. Therapie (Guischard) Bonn Univ. Diss. v.2 Salt. 419 San Francisco. Wieliczka und Stassfurt (Hamm) Uns. Zeit 1870:2:466. Salt Lake. See Great Salt Lake. Saltpetre. See Nitre. Saltus, Francis 8. Poems (Cartwright)Californian 3:70. Saluste du Bartas, G. de. 1544-90. Sainte-Betive. Tableau de la po4sie fr. au 16. siecle. Salutato, Colnccio di Piero. Voigt. Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums 1:194. Salvatierra, Padre Juan Maria. Bancroft. North Mexican states. Burney. Voyages v. 4. Salvation. See also Atonement, Regenera- tion. De infantibus. Gregorius Nyssenus, Opera. 1615. 2:749. Kampf um ( Bender) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:20. of papists. Hooker, Works 3 : 548 : 570. Porphyry's doctrine of. Augustine, Citv of God bk. 10. Universal. Barrow, Works 4 : 273- Salvation army. rtenlaube 1883:124. ( Kutscher) Unsere Zeit 1884 : 1 : 40- Salvator Rosa. See Rosa. Salviani, Hippolito. 1314-72. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 35. Salvianus, St., of Marseilles. - 1 I istoire litt. de la France v. 2. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders 1:504. j Salvlnl, Tommaso, actor. 1829- as Othello (Kemble) Choice Lit. 4 :92. on Shakespeare (Zimmern) Choice Lit. 3: 263. Salzburg, Austria. Gesta archiepiscoporum. 1'ertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 11. Samaritans. Traditionen (Wreschner) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Samarof, Gregor. I'm Szepter und Kronen (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:104:950. Samoan (Navigators') islands. (I'Mihr) UumNcliau C: I'-M. (Hiibner)Rev. d.d. Mondes III:73:;i. Kotzebue. New voyage. 1823. 1:251. La PeVouse. Voyage v. 2. (Steinberger) U. 8. Sen. Docs. 1873-4, v. 2; Hon.-.- Kx. Does. 1875-6; 1876-7. Wilkes. U. 8. Explor. expedition 2:117. Bewohner (Gopcevic) Unsere Zdt 1 *7'. : J : 641. German- American interests (Werner) I'M*. Zeit 1889:1: I'.J in 1879. U. 8. Senate Kx. Doc. 1879, v. 1 . in 1887. U. 8. Foreign relations 1888:574- Samogltia, /'.-/.;-//. in l.SKO(Briiggen) Pn-uvs. Jahrb. 46:29&- Samos Island. BartheN'iny. Voyage d'Anuehanis. Martinicre. Dictionnairc 5: Archaeology (Bent. Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 7: Au!flugnach(Nasse)ZUj.Krdkunde 10:222 Samothrace island. Geologie ( Hoernes) Wien Akad. Denks. M-X. 01. v. 33. Samoyedes of Siberia. Hakluyt. Voyages v. 1. Nordefiskiold." Voyage of the Vega. Marchen. Castren, Vorlesungen. Sprache u. Literatur. Zt deut. morgenl. Gesell., index. Sampson, abbot of St. Edmunds. Green. Stray studies from England and Italy 187. Samson. Sage (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsy- chologie2:110, 129. Samuel, Jeu'ish high priest. Histoire de. Volney, Oeuvres v. 7. Light on 8. thrown by the Septuagint (Woods) Studia Biblica. 1885. San Antonio, Texas. as a health resort (Jones, Kirk) Pams. travel v. 5. San Bernardino, ' '///. in 1885. Pams. on California v. 4. San Diego, Cal. Kirchhoff. CalifornischeKulturbilder246 (Van Dyke) Muir, Picturesque California 175. Cuyaruaca rancho. Survey (Pams. Cali- fornia v. 11). in 1803. Cleveland, Voyages 1 : 210. in 1835. Dana, Two yea'rs before the mast. in 1850. Bartlett.Narrativeof exploration in 1874. Pams. California v. 4. Ornithology (Emerson) Cal. Acad. Sci., Bull. 2:419. Pueblo lands. Survey (Pams. California v. 11). San Domingo. See also Hayti, Toussaint L'Ouverture. Annals. Rafinesque, American nations v. 1. Annexation to the U. 8. Sumner, Works 14 89 in 1725.' Lettres e^ifiantes 7 : 107, 254. in 1871 (Fish) Political pams. v. 1. Wade. Report on 8. I). Inte'rflts maritimes d'Kspagne (Le Pelle- tier de 8ainte-Remy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 33 :;:.. und Haiti. Unsere Zeit is<;i>:377. San Francisco. Drstriiitiim nml trnvrl. See also works on California ( Description). Overland Monthly. 1st series. Mt.indff. Turriil. California notes v. 1. Chinatown (Brooks) ('alifornian 6:6. Karly days in (King) Overland 11:11:275. in 1803. "Langsdorf, Voyage. - in isiii. Chaini-o, \\V-rke 3:126; also 'vt-rlaml v. 10. in IML'II. I'.ccclicv. Voyage v. 2. in 1839. Forben," California. in 1*11. Siinji-oii. Overland journey. Wilk->. 1 . s. -\|>|..r. i-\|..-.lition v. 5. in l*'l. Ca]>ron, California. Renssclacr lii-titiit<- -rini-c.-iUcnnial 1-71 in 1-vV.. Froi-lii-l. c.-ntral America -- in IX'is. <'roni>.-. Natural wealth of Cali- fornia. in lv. KirclihotV.Californisohe Kultur- bildt-r. San Francisco. 420 Sanitary commission. (Reyer) Rundschau 45: 230. in 1886 ( Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 78:168- in 1888 (Kaiser) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Manufactures in (Hallidie) Overland II: 11:636. Mechanics' institute (Culver) Overland 11:8:314. Sea wall and warehousing. S.F. Chamber of commerce, Report of committee. 1886. Sewerage (Humphreys) Pams. engineer- ing v. 1. Water supply. Various schemes. Pams. California v. 9. San Francisco. History and politics. Charter. McClure (Baggett) Pams. San Francisco v. 2. Commerce (Merry) Overland 11:11:369. Crisis, 1880 (Hopkins) Californian 1:407. Establishment of municipal government (Moses) J. H. U. Hist. Stud. v. 7. Fire department. Laws. 1863. Pams. S. F. v. 2. Harbor frauds (Crane) Pams. San Fran- cisco v. 1. Land-gambling (Pickett) Pams. Cali- fornia v. 5. Limantour claim (Hittell, La Reintre) Pams. S. F. v. 1. Mayoralty addresses, 1871. Pams. Cali- fornia v. 2. Mission creek canal (Alexander, David- son) Pams. S. F. v. 1. Moore title. Pams. San Francisco v. 1. Old regime (Moses) Overland II : 7: IPS. Outside lands. Clement ordinance. Pams. S. F. v. 1. Pueblo lands, 1851. Field (S. J.), Political work 3W- U. S. House Rept. 1883-4. v. 7. Decision of U. S. Secretary of Interior. Pams. S. F. v. 1. Real estate. Condition of, 1851 ( Wheeler) Pams. S. F. v. 1. Santillan grant. Pams. San Francisco v.l. Spring Valley water works. Laws, 1879. Panis. S. F. y. 1. Street car strike, 1887. Circulars. Pams. S. F. v. 1. Street grades, 1854. Pams. San Francisco v. 1. Vigilance committee, 1856. Histories of California. (Ayres) Overland 11:8:160. Bancroft. Popular tribunals. Address of committee. Hutchings' Mag. v. 1. Constitution. Hutchings' Mag. v. 1. San Francisco bay. Ringgold. Charts of. First exploration. Hutchings' Mag. v. 5. Map, 1790. Winsor, History of America 8:212. Mare island case. Pams. law v. 3. Tidal area (Mendell) U.S. House Ex. Docs. 1880-1. Yerba Buena island case. Pams. Cali- fornia v. 7. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1880-1, v. 18. San Gemlgnano, Folgore da. See Folgore. San Joaquin county, Gal. Resources, 1886 (Ellis) Pams. California v. 4. San Joaquin valley, Cal. Artesian belt of upper (Shinn) Overland 11:12:113. Irrigation of. Pams. California v. 9. Overflown lands. Reclamation (Naglee) Pams. California v. 9. Southern. Resources, 1886. Pams. Cali- fornia v. 4. San Jose, Cal. in 1849 (Field) Overland II : 9:543. in 1886 (Thompson) Pams. California v. 4. Ranches S. J., Addition and Azusa. Sur- vey of. Pams. California v. 11. San Luis Obispo county, Cal. Description ( Phillips) Pams. California v.6 San Marino. Addison(Jos.). Remarks on Italy (Works v. 2). Annuaire des Deux Mondes 7:247. Bent. Freak of freedom. San Mateo county, Cal. Pulgas rancho (Jones) Pams. San Fran- cisco v. 1. U. S. House Rep. 1883-4, v. 5. San Ramon, Cal. Rancho case, 1870. Pams. California v. 11. San Remo, Italy. Green. Stray studies from England. San Salvador, Central America. (Newbigging) Overland 11:12:419. Sancroft, W:, archbishop. 1616-93. Evelyn. Diary 3: 55. Portrait. Sanctis, Francesco de. 1818-83. (Gaspary) Herrig's Archiv 53:129; 54: 1. (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 62:632. Sand, George, pseud, for Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. 1804-76. Albert. Literature fr. au 19. siecle 2:275 Arnold (Matthew). Mixed essays. Brandes. Hauptstrb'mungen v. 5. (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1 : 83 : 572. Faguet. Etudes litt. sur le 19. siecle. (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:25: 729; 26:5,332. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 :83. (Katscher) Uns. Zeit 1876: 2:401, 508. Preussische Jahrbiicher 9: 27. (J. Schmidt) Rundschau 9: 203. Thackeray. Paris sketchbook. Correspondance. Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 43:81, 381. Mare-au-diable, etc. Sain te-Beuve, Cau- series 1:351. Me"moires. theatre (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:351. Sandabad. See Seven sages. Sanderson, Rob., bishop of Lincoln. 1587-1663. Walton. Choice English biography. Sandwich, earls of. See Montagu. Sandwich islands. See Hawaiian. Sanitary commission, war of 1861-5. Dunant. Charite" Internationale. Evans. Commission sanitaire. Pamphlets on the U. S. sanitary commis- sion. 1 vol. (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 50: 155. Stille". History of the sanitary commis- sion. Sanitary commissions. 421 Sardinia. Sanitary commissions. See also Red cross society. Guerre, 1870-1 ( Le Fort) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:96:88. (Held) Preuss. Jahrb. 27:121. Sanitary science. See alto Disease. Disin- fectants, Drainage, Epidemics, Health, Sewerage. Agencies. Mass. Bd. Charities Rept. 1877-8 :xxi. Assainissement(Blerzv)Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:69:545. City statistics (Waring) U. S. 10th census, v. 18-19. Progress (Dight) Pams. health v. 1. Sankhya (BarthSlemy Saint-Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 19-25. Sannazzaro, J., poet. 1458-1530. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Sanskrit language. Schopenhauer. Werke 6 : 425. Augment in (Garnett) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:205. Eighth verb-class (Edgren) University Studies 1:17. Final a* before sonants (Bloomfield) Am. J. Philol. 3: 25. Forschung(Oldenberg) Rundschau 47:386 Nature, age, origin (Wall) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Progress in study (Muir) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:253. Ri, ri und l\ (Benfey) Or. u. Occid. v. 3. Roots ( Whitney) A'mer. Philol. Assoc. 16:5 Si* and Sn aorists (Whitney) Am. J. Phi- lol. 6:275. Study (Whitney) Am. J. Philol. 5: 279. Verbal roots (Edgren) Jour. Am. Or. Soc. v. 11. Vergleichende Zergliederung (Bopp) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1824, 1825, 182(5, 1829, 1831. Sanskrit literature. White. Classic literature. Bitte an die kiinftigen Herausgeber(Leu- i maim) Zts. deut morgenl. Gesell. 42: 161. Manu-cript-. Lists of (Biihler) Zts.deut. morgenl. Gesell. 42:530. Santa Anna, A. L. de. 1798-1876. Works on the Mexican war. 1847. Bancroft. History of Mexico v. 5. Benton. Thirty J9ftf view. Thompson. Recollections of Mexico. Wilson. Mexico. Santa Barbara, California. Guide to, 1872 (Wood) Pams. California v. 1. Island flora (Brandegee) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 11:1:201. I Dominguez land grant. Pam. Cal- ifornia v. 7. Santa Clara county, <',//. Uuadalupe mine case. Pams. California v. 7. Santa Crux, ' 'nlifm nin. - Willf-v. Ili-torical view. 1876. H:irtMir(AlvX!iiuim of \ineveh. Hyron. Poetical works v. 7. Sardine fisheries. (P.m. 1,,-n II. v . d. d. Mondes III:8<):64&. Sardinia. AniH-xioiicii. rrciiss. Jahrb .Ill-tier civile, coiiiiiierc-iale, 1 !'( Vivien > Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 2.V Sardinia. 422 Sawyer. Mouvement de la population, 1828-37 (Vil- lerme") Jour. Econ. 1:15:344. Seit der Reforrubewegung bis 1850. Gegenwart 8:524. und Kaiser Paul. Preuss. Jabrb. 5:446. Sardis. Lydische Konigsgraber bei (Olfers) Ber- lin Akad. Abb. 1858. Topographie, Geschichte (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1872. Sardou, Victorien. 1831- Matthews. French dramatists. (Monte*gut) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:20:198. Daniel Rochat. Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 38:220. Fedora (Ganderax)Rev.d. d. Mondes III: 55:211. Reception a 1' Academic (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 27 :R95. Theodora (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:67:211. Tosca (Ganderax) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 84:920. Sarpi, Paolo, father. 1552-1623. Johnson (S:). Lives of eminent persons (Works v. (!) Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reaction v. 2. Sartl, Giuseppe. 1720-1802. Histoire musicale (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:2: 843; 3:805; 7:844; 8:132. Sarto, Andrea del. See Andrea. Sassulitscli, Vera. Process. Rundschau 30:62. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II : 27 : 215. Sastrow, B., burgomaster of Stralsund. Me"moires( Valbert) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 89:203. Satire. See also Caricature, Ridicule, Satyre Me"nippe"e. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Dryden. Prose works v. 4 ; Poems 1:105 (Brit, poets ed.). Frederick II. Oeuvres 9: 41. Laprade. Questions d'art 301. Voltaire. Oeuvres 42:355. - Byzantine (Tozer) J. Hellenic Stud. 2:233. Essay on (Brown) Pope, Works; ed. by Roscoe 4 : 293. - Horaz und Klotz. Herder, Werke 1:492. | Italian, in 16. century. Ginguine', Histoire litte"raire d'ltalie v. 9. Roman early. Sellar, Roman poets of republic. Spanish, in 14. century. Amador de los Rios, Lit. espan. 4 : ch. 19. Saturn, divinity. (Buttmann) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1814-15. Saturn, planet. Figure, climate, atmosphere (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:272; 1806:455. Grande ine'galite' (Ponte"coulant) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 6:389. Inner satellites( Hall) Wash. Observ. 1883. Rings. Campbell, Life of Ja. C. Maxwell 501. (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838. Disappearance, 1789(Ussher) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. System (Pierce) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem.v.l. Saturninus. Matter. Hist, du gnosticisme 1 :276. Satyre Menippe"e. Besant. French humorists. ( Wollenberg) Herrig's Archiv 33:59. Passerat et (Girard) Rev. Hist. 29:340. Saurin, Jacques. 1677-1730. (Gaberel) Acad. Sci. Mor. 71:245. Sauvigny, E. L: Billardon de. 1730-1809. Grimm- Diderot. Correspondance. Savage, James D. (O'Meara) California!! 5: 150. Savage, Richard. 1R97-1743. Johnson. Lives of the poets. Savagery. See also Civilization, Culture. and civilization. Bancroft, Native races 2:1-80. Savennieres, France. Church. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 2. Savigny, F: K: von, jurist. 1779-1861. Bluntschli. Geschichte neu. Statswis- senschaft. Heron. Jurisprudence 775. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 71:121. Preussische Jahrbiicher 9: 121. Unsere Zeit 1863:629. Gedachtnissrede (Rudortt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1862. Savile, Thomas, viscount. Delinquency. Camden miscellany v. 8. Savonarola, Girolamo. 1452-98. Bayle Dictionary v. 9. Commines. Memoirs. Creighton. Papacy during reformation v. 3. Duller. Manner des Volks 2 : 97. - (Gettroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 45: 437. Grimm. Life of Michel Angelo. Lea. History of inquisition 3:209. Lenau. Werke v. 3 (Gedicht). (Lord) Calif or nian 2:485. Machiavelli. History of Florence :app. A. Martin. Histoire de France. Maurice. Moral, etc., philosophy 2 : 84. Michelet. Histoire de France 7 : 243. Oliphant. Makers of Florence. Quinet. Revolutions d'ltalie 1:332. Rio. Poetry of Christian art. Schlosser. Weltgeschichte 8 : 70 ; 9 : 122- Simonde de Sismondi. Re"publiques itali- ennes 6:256. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana. Trollope. History of Florence v. 4. Villari. Machiavelli 1 : 334. Yriarte. Florence 147. Savoure", Jean Louis. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries 3 : 377. Savoy. See also Piedmont, Sardinia. Universal history : modern 34:67. Annexation, 1860. Morin, Hist, politique de la Suisse v. 4. in 1862-4 (Hudry-Menos) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:42:366; 51*: 591. Maison de (Hudry-Menos) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 66: 355. Savu Island. Hawkesworth. Voyages v. 3. Sawyer, Lorenzo. 1820- Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Saxony. 423 Schelling. Saxony. Bottiger. Geschichte Sachsens. Ancient Map of. Turner, Anglo-Saxons v. 1. Aufstand in Luttich, 1815. Preuss. Jabrb. 16:149. Dukes of. Portraits. Bible in German. 1686. in 1848-50. Gegen wart 5 : 571 ; 6 : 613. Gesetzgeberische Keformen unter Konig Johann. Preuss. Jahrb. 23 : 283- Rationale Stellung (Schwicker) Uns. Zeit 1881 : 1 : 262. Offenliche Geist. Preuss. Jahrb. 20 : 19."). unter Beust. Preuss. Jahrb. 9:344. Say, F:, zoologist. 1787-1834. (Coates) Miscellaneous pams. v. 3. Scalds (Skalds). Metrik (Sievers) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 5:449-518. Poesie (Wilken) Germania 28:308. Versmasse (Kdzardi) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 5 : 570. Scamander river. See alto works on Troy. Xanthos (Hinrichs) Philologus 44:401. Scandinavia. See also Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. Conversion to Christianity. Schaff, Christian church v. 4. De"couvertes arche'ologiques (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 42 : 155. Origines de la civilisation ((^uatrefages) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 87 : 114. Pre"historique (Undset) Rev. Anthrop. III:2:3li Politische Parteiwesen, 1884. Preuss. Jahrb. 54:446. Vieille civilisation (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:41:241. Scapanto. &eCarpathus. Scaphognathus Purdoni. Skull, brain (New- ton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:503. Scapula. Extirpation (Trottmann) Bonn I'niv. Diss. v. 4. Scarabeus. See also Beetles. Athyreus and Bolboceras (King) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1843. Famille ( Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 76 : Scarlet fever. - Michigan Bd. Health. Report 1877:397. Scarron, Paul. d. 1660. Albert. Literature fr. au 17. siecle 199. Roman comique. Syntaktische Studien (Hellgrewe) Herrig's Archiv 80:136. Scepticism. 8f faint Agnosticism, Atheism. Belief, Certainty, Doubt, Knowledge, Pyrrhonism. Joiiffroy. Melanges philos. M Plumptrc. Hi-t.iry of pantheism v. 2. SUtiih-y. History of philosophy Btattdfln. (icschichte d. Bkeptfefnnos. Stephen. English thought in 1H. century. Tafel. <;echi<-hte -I. >kepticistnu.s und Irrationali-niti". and certainty, (ilanvil. K--a\ -. 1 and knowledge. Bownc.Stmlies in tlieim. ami iniMlcrn pot-try. Selkirk, Kthica of modern poetry. Bigot and sceptic. Newman (Fs. W.), Miscellanies 2: 147. Materialistic. Strong, Philosophy and religion 31. Verbaltniss zur Philosophic. Hegel, Werke 16:70. Sceptics, Greek. Benn. Greek philosophers v. 2. Zeller. Stoics, Epicureans and S. Schack, A. F. von. 1815- (Hailing) Herrig's Archiv 74:1. als Dichter. Unsere Zeit 1880: 1 : 711- Schadow, J. G. 1764-1850. Reber. Neuere deutscbe Kunst v. 1-2. Schamyl. See also works on Caucasia. Latham. Nationalities of Europe 1:325. Longfellow. Poems. Nolan. War against Russia 1 :47, 297. Unsere Zeit 1800:69. Captivit^ des deux princesses( Vederevski) Uev. d. d. Mondes 11:3:5. Mission, guerres (Dulaurier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33:297. und der heilige Krieg. Gegenwart 1 : 266. Schefer, Leopold. 1784-1862. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 4 : 340. Scheffel, Joseph Victor von. 1826- (Bourdeau) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 58: 863. (Brahm) Rundschau 48:229. Preussische Jahrb. 61 : 101. und Feuerbach (Hausrath) Rundschau 52 : 97. Scheffer, Ary, painter. 1795-1858. In sere Zeit 1859:20. (Vitet) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:17:481. Scheftlern, Bavaria. Annales, 814-1341. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 17. Scheirn, Bavaria. Annales, -1226. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 17. Schelandre, J: de. 1685-1735. -Tyr et Sidon (Dammholz) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Scheller, Fr. E. 1791-1869. Gedachtniss. Preuss. Jahrb. 44 : 577. Schelling, Caroline. Briefe (Haym) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:457. Schelling, F: W: Jos. von. 1775-1854. Histories of philosophy bv Fischer(v.6.), Fortlage, Lewes, \Vindelhand (2:227-) (Brandis) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1855. Ferrier. Works 3 : 545. Flint. Philosophy of history 1 :42l, 542. (Janet) Rev. d. .1 .'Mon. IPS [n:X):82L J:i-che. 1'a n tin-is ii nis 3; 120- Mirlu-U-t. Kntwick.-gesrh. neuesten (k-nt-cln-n I'hilos. i Miv'in-t) Aca.l. Sci. Mor. I."': Ul. I'fleiderer. Phikwophj of religion v. 2. PI umpire. History of jiantlu-i-in j Zeller. l>eutrhe PhilCM -.'it l.eilmi/.. Biography. Klaibt-r; Hdlderlin, Hegel uiiil S. j Naturphilo>ophie. Baur, Christliche illOSIS till. 1'hilosophie. Heg.-l. Werke 1. ifiiictlrr Kii-hti-nn.!. lle^'i-l. Werkev.l I'nan^reifl.arkeit. llerlurt. Werko. 1850- 2 1. . uinl der Gegen wart (Hartmann)Unt.Zdt 1:401. Schemnitz. 424 Schleiennacher. Schemnitz, Hungary. Mines, 1814. Bright, Travels through lower Hungary. Schenectady, N. Y. Burning, 1690. N. Y. Doc. Hist. v. 1. Founder (Griffis) Albany Inst. Trans. 11 : 169. Scherer, Edmond H: A. 1815-89. Suinte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Lundi 15:53. Scherer, Wilhelm. 1841-86. (Hewett) Am. J. Philol. 8:34. Rundschau 48: 460; 49:132. (K. Schmidt) Goethe-Jahrb. 9: 249. Scherr, Johannes. 1817-86. (Henne-am Rhyn) Uns. Zeit 1887:1:532. Scherr, Thosz Arthur, Graf von. Erinnerungen. Rundschau v. 27-28. Schick, Gottlieb, painter. 1779-1812. Strauss (D: F:). Schriften 2 : 303. Schill, Fd. von. 1773-1809. Duller. Manner des Volks 6 : 101. Zug nach Stralsund. Rundschau 39: 366- Schiller, J. C. F. von. 1759-1805. Auerbach. Schriften v. 19. Carlyle. Essays; also Lite of Schiller. De yuincey. Biographical essays. Duller. Manner des Volks 4:127. Goltz. Charakteristik d. deutschen Ge- nius 2 : 76. Gostwick. German culture. Grimm. Kleinere Schriften 1:374; Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1859. (Riesser) Pams. biography v. 5. Schlegel Briider. Briefe 1795-1801 (Preuss. J ah rb. 9:194). Strauss. Old faith and the new: app. 164. Aesthetics (B6nard) Acad. Sci.Mor.93: 43. Brownson. Works 19 : 118. als Ausleger eines seiner Gedichte (Her- tel) Herrig's Archiv 5:241. als Liederichter (Kannegiesser) Herrig's Archiv 24 : 1. Beziehungen zur franz. u. engl. Literatur (Sachs) Herrig's Archiv 30:83. Briefe. Rundschau 4 : 387. Demetrius (Rudolph) Herrig's Archiv 38:169. Don Carlos (Brahm) Rundschau 61:394. Abhangigkeit von Lessing's Nathan (Levy) Zts. deutsch. Alterth. 21:277. Historischer Don Carlos(Brunnemann) Herrig's Archiv 35 : 145. yuellen (Heller) Herrig's Archiv 25: 55. Dramatische Entwurfe (Boxberger) Her- rig's Archiv 41:421. Ethical studies of (Royce) J.Spec. Philos. 12:373. Ethik u. Aesthetik(Zimmermann) Jahrb. Philol. 140:85. Gegner (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1871:2:721. Gleichnisse(Kusel) Herrig's Archiv 53:241. Goethe and (Friedemann) Herrig's Ar- chiv 3: 65. Goethe's influence on. Me"zieres, Goethe. Jubilaum. Preuss. Jahrb. 4 :516- Jungfrau von Orleans (Hauff) Herrig's Archiv 12: 385. Kiinstler: Gedicht(Schauenberg) Herrig's Archiv 21: 218. Schlegel (A. W. von). Werke 7 : 3. Life. Bulwer, Misc. prose works 1:335. Miiller. Chips German workshop v. 3. Poems. Alliteration in (Schultz) Herrig's Archiv 63 :379. Bulwer's Uebersetzung(Boddeker)Her- rig's Archiv 49: 241. Eigenthiimliche Bedeutung(Weineck) Herrig's Archiv 69: 63. Maria Stuart. Borne, Werke 4 : 168. (Hautf) Herrig's Arch. 13: 130. (Hiecke) Herrig's Arch. 7 : 192, 405. (Tobias) Herrig's Arch. 42 : 401. Rauber (Eckhardt) Herrig's Arch. 16:241. (Hauff) Herrig's Archiv 33:1. Sensucht nach der Natur (Kiisel) Herrig'd Archiv 55: 91. Sittliche Ideale (Lazarusson) Herrig's Ar- chiv 24: 225. und das deutsche Rechtsgefuhl. Unsere Zeit 1889: 1:276. und Fichte(Urlichs) Rundschau 36:247. und Schwaben (Mezger) Jahrb. Philol. 134:585. Vater (Brahm) Rundschau 53: 200. Verfasser der Gesetzgebung des Lykur- gus? (Nagel) Herrig's Archiv 33:165. Verhaltniss zum class. Alterthum (Schir- litz) Jahrb. Philol. 118 : 268. Wallenstein (Heisler) Jahrb. Philol. 114 : 101. (Kopke) Herrig's Archiv 7:395; 12:396; 13:20. Reflections sur. Constant, Adolphe 143. Werke (Scherer) Rundschau 34:417. Wilhelm Tell. Borne, Werke 4 : 156. Schimper, K: F: als Dichter (Deimling) Herrig's Archiv 18:132. Schinkel, K: F:, Berlin architect. 1781-1841. (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 33: 353. (Schbne) Preuss. Jahrb. 47:590. Schirmer, Johann W: 1807- (Hausrath) Rundschau 55:96. Schlabrendorf, G., Graf von. 1750- ( Varuhageu von Ense) Hist.Taschenbuch 1832. Schlegel, A: W: von, critic. 1767-1845. Bohtz. Geschichte der deutschen Poesie. Gegenwart 3 : 74. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 1:286. Strauss (D: F:). Schriften 2 : 119. Schlegel, K: W:F: \on,philologist. 1772-1829. Flint. Philosophy of history 1:455. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 1:276. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 8 : 285. Geschichte der Literatur. Arndt, Schrif- ten v. 3. Memoir (Robertson) In Schlegel's Philos. of history. und die Lucinde (Haym) Preuss. Jahrb. 24 : 261. Schleicher, August. as philologist. Delbruck, Introd. to study ot language. Schleiermacher, F. E. D. 1768-1834. Brunner. Vier Grossmeister d. Auf- klarungs-Theologie. Gostwick. German culture. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 1:302. Preussische Jahrb. 2:210; 3:176. Zeller. Deutsche Philosophic seit Leib- niz; Vortrage 1:195. Bestattung. Reden (Strauss, etc.) Pams. religion v. 10. Schleiermacher. 425 Schools. Glaubenslehre. Baur, Christliche Gnosis 626. Life. Dilthey's (Haym) Preuss. Jahrb. 26:556. Polilische Gesinnung. Preuss. Jahrb. 10:254. ZuniGedachtniss. Sigwart, Kleine Schrif- ten v. 1. Schleswig-Holstein. See also Denmark (War of 18b3-4). Bismarck. Reden v. 1. Diplomatic Review bks. 2- Miiller. Politische Geschichte, 1816-75. 315. Agitation, 1861 (Geffroy) Rev. d.d.Mondes 11:32:374. Crise, 1857 (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9:5. Frage. Losung(Treitschke) Preuss. Jabrb. 15 : 169. 1858, 1863. Prenss. Jahrb. 1:166; 2:663; 12:156. seit 1864. Uns. Zeit 1866: 1:481- in 1848-9. Gegen wart 2:404; 3:41; 5:294, 341; 6:448. in 1868 (Busch) Preuss. Jahrb. 22:762. Language and poetry. Aliiller (Max), Chips v. 3. Wilitarische Action, 1864. Preuss. Jahrb. 13:293,399,533; 14:243. Non-intervention anglaise (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:43:194. Parteien, 1865. Preuss. Jahrb. 15:413. Preussen nnd. Preuss. Jahrb. 5:251; 8: I. 1 :.; 12:540. Streit, 1850-8. Uns. Zeit 1858 : 673. Thronfolgerecht d. Augustenburgschen Hauses(Halschner) Preuss. Jahrb. 13:39. Zukunft. Preuss. Jahrb. 15:542. Schliemann, Henry. See alto Mycenae, Troy. Bibliography. Bost Pub. Lib. Bull. No. 33 Autobiography. In his llios; alto Troy. Life and work (Milchhoefer) Rundschau 28:392. Schlosser, F: Christoph. historian. 1776-1861. Preussiche Jahrbiicher 9:373. Unsere Zeit 1862:314. Literary history of the 18. century. De Vuiucey, Works 7 : 35. Bchlozer, A. L. von. 1735-1825. Mohl. Staatswissenschaft 2:439. Schmeller, Johann A. 1785-1852. Raumer. Geschichte d. geruian. Pbilol- ogie 555. Schneckenburger, Max, poet. Tagebiicher (Lang) Rundschau 59:260. Schneider, Eulogius. uiui d. Revolution im Elsass, 1789 (Men- delssohn- Bartholdy ) 1'reuss. Jahrb. 28:50 Schneider, Louis, Uofrath. Memoiren. Rundschau 25:439. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 39: 697. Schofleld, Gen. John M. 1831- 1 1 i-adley. Grunt and Sherman 488. Scholarship. .SrrCultun-, Knowledge. Scholasticism. Set also i'hiln-ophy (Me- diaeval), Realism. naiiM-of philosophers \IW-lard. Tli- -mas A<|iiina, etc. Cousin. Philosophic 1 modcrne 7 :220. (iinguine. Histoire lilt, d'ltulie v. 7. Hallara. Literature of Europe. 54 Harper. Metaphysics of the school. Hodgson. Philosophy of reflection v. 2. Martin. Histpire de France. Milman. Latin Christianity. Ozanam. Dante et la philosophic cath- olique. Stille. Studies in mediaeval history. Turner. England in middle ages 4:97. Einfluss der jiidischen Philosophie. Joel, Beitr. z. Gesch. Pbilos. 1 : Anhang. Lesson of neo-S. ( Winterton) Mind 13:383. Mystik und Dame (Erdmann) D. Dante- Gesell. 3:79. Rise. Plumptre, History of pantheism 1:285. Zur Beurtheilung (Freudenthal) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 3:22. Schomberg, Frederic Armand, duke of. 161H-90. Death. Percy Society v. 1. Schomburgk, Rob. H. 1804-65. .Ian line. Naturalist's library v. 39. Schon, H: Th. von. 1773-1857. Duller. Manner des Volks 5: 185. Preussische Jahrb. 5 : 10- und Niebuhr(Mejer) Preuss. Jahrb. 31:503. Schonemann, Johann F: Devrient. Deutsche Schauspielkunst 2:65 School architecture. Barnard's Journal of Education, index. Connecticut School Rept. 1869, 1875- Kansas School Rept. 1880. Kentucky School Rept. 1878-9. Massachusetts Board of Educ. Reports 1870- Oakland, Cal. School Rept. 1873. U. S. Bur. Educ. Circulars 1868: no. 2; 1880: no. 4. in District of Columbia. U. S. House M. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1-'. Schools. See also Education, High schools, Industrial schools, Kindergarten, Nor- mal schools, Reform schools, names of schools (as Eton, Harrow, Rugby). American system. Brownson, Works 13:515. Defects (Gillette) Univ. N. Y. Rept 1884:224. Deutsche Unterricht (Howitz) Rund- schau I :'_'l 1 An institution of civil society (Harris) Missouri Sch. Rept. 1873:75. Bible in. Brownson, Works 13:241. . Stud. 5:1. Co ,, lt c\ (!.<< '..iite) Berkeley Quar.2:!)7. de la nature et de 1'histoire (Kenan) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: I7:7il. IV M-irntia, Me natura. lA'ihnitz, Opera philosophic*. et patric (TNsandier) Rev. Sci. 43:321. et^ droiU(HUund)Clit I'hilos.l9:225, .505. Fictions in. Legitimate use. Univ.N.V. i:,. ( ,t i->r. r.'T. French-dermal! relation*. Berthelot, SririK-r ct philnsMtihie 351. Gcnrsjv S|II'IKT, Recent discussions. German. Wesen. Schelling, Werke 1:8:1. Higher utilities (Le Conte) Californian 5:306. Ideal and positive. Berthelot, Science et philosophic: Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:48: 442. in America (Draper) Paras, science v. 3. in Italy, in 16. century. Ginguine", Hist, litt. dltalie v. 7. Me'thode. Critique Philos. v. 8-9. (Gilbert) Pams. geology v. 2. expe"rimentale chez les anciens (Bro- chard) Rev. Philos. 23: 37. Modern. Pantheistic? (Howison) Over- land 11:6:646. National government's relation to (Gar- field) Pams. science v. 3. Natural and general. Helmholtz.Lectures v. 1. nescience and faith. Martineau, Essays. Organisation d. wissensch. Arbeit (Use- ner) Preuss. Jahrb. 53: 1. Philosophy of. Whewell's. Grote, Ei- ploratio philosophica. of pure. Clifford, Lectures v. 1. Physical. Christianity and. Newman, Idea of a university. Plato's survey of (Whewell)Cambr.Philos. Trans. 9:582. Progress. Condillac, Histoire moderne v. 6. and tendency. Barnes, Essays v. 2. Research. Newman, Idea of a university. Endowment (Davidson) Californian 3:293. Gore. Scientific basis of national progress. Materialism and. Lange, Materialism 2:297. Sittliche Grundlagen. Sigwart, Kleine Schriften v. 2. Teaching. Genetic and dogmatic. Haeckel, Freedom in science. Virchow on. Clifford, Lectures v. 2. Theism and atheism in (Whittlesey) Pams. science v.3. True and false. Brownson, Works 9 : 254. 497. undMilitiirwesen(Goltz) Rundschau 37:40. Volkskunde (Branke) Herrig's Archiv 74:83. Vulgarisateurs (Saveney) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:56:757. What is? Thompson (Jos. P.), American comments. Wonders of romance and. Hitchcock, llelijrious truth. Scintillation of light. Arago. Oeuvres 7:1-111. n lrs feux (Allard) Paris, Mm. Savans Etrang. v. 25. SdO, anciently Chios. ( Houssaye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III . i:r.ll>el)eii in 1881 (Benndorff) Kuiul-' liau II :',71. Geologic (Teller) Wien Akad. Denka. M-N. Cl. 40:340. Scipio Aemillanus Afrtcanus Minor, P. C. Utoll Hclden Roms 451. Scipio Afrlc&nus Major, P. C. - St. .11. Hcli ion Uoms373. Aelteste<;ral.M'lmfni:it-.-lil)Ul.i-m.Mus. ISO. Scipio Africanus Major. 428 Sculpture. Prozesse. Mommsen, Rbmische For- schungen 2 : 417-510. Scopas, sculptor. Bauineister. Denkmaler d. class. Altert. v.3. Works of school (Farnell) J. Hellenic Stud. 7:114. Scorpions. Anatomic et la physiologic ( Dufour) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 14:561. Scotland. Description and travel. Hamerton. Painter's camp. Ancient. Tytler, History of Scotland 2: 108. Ancient hill-top structures (Tytler) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 2. Antiquities. Burton, Scotland v. 1. Geological elevation (Darwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1839:39. (Home) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:39. Highlands. Paget. New " Examen." in 1825. Carter, Letters from Europe 1:237. Minerals of (Heddle) Roy. Edin. Trans. v. 27-29. Socle 1 te\ 1800 (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. MondesII:10:886. Scotland. History and politics. Universal history: modern v. 41. and England. Relations of. Freeman, Essays v. 1. Borough government. Home, History of man 2: 491. Burton's History (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 71: 208. Claim of Edward I. Rapin, History of England 1:364- in 1326-99. Struggles for liberty. Frois- sart, Chronicles. in 1544. Hertford's expedition. Arber's English garner v. 1. in 1700-. Lecky, History of England. Union with England. Bacon (Sir F.), Works v. 5. Scott, Dred, fugitive slave. Benton. Dred Scott case. Curtis (B: T.). Life and writings. Lincoln-Douglas. Debates. Nicholas. Conservative essays v. 2. Taney. Opinion (Pams. slavery v. 4). Tyler. Memoir of Taney. Scott, John, earl of Eldon. See Eldon. Scott, Sir Walter. 1771-1832. Allibone. Dictionary of authors. Brandes. Hauptstromungen 4 : 166. Carlyle. Essays. Emerson. Miscellanies (Riverside ed.). Honegger. Cnlturgeschichte 2:205. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Prescott. Essays; also Essays from the N. Amer. Review. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 1. Talfourd. Essays. Abbotsford baronetcy. Miller (Hu.), Es- says. Abbotsford. Visit to. Irving. Works v.3. Epitre a (Lamartine)LivredeslOl. 6:367. Lady of the lake (Krummacher) Herrig's Arch. 76:241. Lay of the last minstrel (Natorp) Herrig's Arch. 72:311. Novels. Bagehot, Literary studies 2:146. Jeffrey. Essays. Poems. Jeffrey, Essays. ( Jellet) Afternoon lectures v. 5. Rossetti. Fiinums poets. Quentin Durward (Mann) Anglia 12:41. Scott, W:, lord Stowell. 1745-1836. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 73. Scott, Rev. William A. 1813-85. Woods. California recollections ch. 11. Scott, General Winfield. 1786-1866. Coleman. Life of J. J. Crittenden. Curtis. Life of Buchanan. at San Francisco, 1859 (Simonin) Rev. d.d.Mondes!l:35:251. Scottish language. Dialects of the south. Philol. Soc. Trans. 1870-2 : pt. 2. Glossary. Ramsay, Poems v. 2. j Wesen der breitschottischen Sprache (Clement) Herrig's Archiv 6:46, 165.297. 1 Scottish literature. Beginning Burton, Scotland 3:408. Tales of the west Highlands. Miiller (Max), Chips v. 2. Screws. Standard gauge for. Pams.engineeringv.2. Theory of (Ball) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 25, 29; Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874: 15. Scribe, A. Eugene, dramatist. 1791- I 1861. (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 35:43. Matthews. French dramatists. Preussische Jahrb. 6:1. UnsereZeit 1861:201. Verre d'eau (Lamai) Herrig's Archiv 2:35. Scrofula. Aetiologie und Therapie (Haef- ten) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Scrope, R:, archbishop of York. Miscellanea relating to. Rolls chronicles 71 : v. 2. . ScudSry, Madelein de. 1607-1701. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 4 : 121. Grand Cyrus (Cousin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 13 : 920. Sculpture. See also Bronze, Carving, names of sculptors, statues, and localities as Aegina, Parthenon, Pergamus, etc. Bascom. Aesthetics. Hemsterhuis, Oeu vres philos. 1:9; 3 : 76. Reynolds. Discourses (10th). Altattiscb.es Grabdenkmal (Kirchhoff) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1873. Ancient and modern compared. Grimm, Life of Michel Angelo ch. 11. Disappearance, discovery. Lanciani, Ancient Rome 284. (Stark) Preuss. Jahrb. 26 : 36. Gesichtsausdruck (Conze) Preuss. Jahrb. 33 : 28. in Great Britain (Michaelis) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:143; 6:30. Nicholson's collection (Michaelis) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 240. Archaic statues (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:150. Attic sepulchral relief (Brown) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 6:16. Boy and goose in (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:1. Christian early. Parker, Archaeology of Rome, pt. 10. Sculpture. 429 Sects. Destinies (Le"vque) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:49:334. Diadumenos of terra-cotta (Murray) J. Hellenic Stud. H: 243. Fire-blower and thornextracter (Zie- linski) Rhein. Mus. 39:73. Florentine. Yriarte, Florence 249- avant Michel-Ange (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:59:580. from Xanthus (Braun) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3:481. Greek. An Quellen u. Brunnen (Bruns) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. at Berlin (Panofka) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. Beschreibungen desChristodor(Lange) Rhein. Mus. 35:110. Horse-head (Michaelis) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:234. Grenzen zwischen Malerei und (Hauck) Preuss. Jahrb. 50:1. in d. russisohen Steppen (Kohn) Zts. Ethnol. 10:33. in middle ages (Magnin) Misc. pamphlets v. 6. in Rome and Florence. Shelley. Prose works 3: 43. Italian portrait, 15. century (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:400. Mythological. Westropp, Archaeology 140 and funereal. Parker, Archaeology of Rome, pt. 10. Nike sacrificing a bull (Smith) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 275. North European museums (Farnell) J. Hellenic Stud. 9:31. rgaliste. Art grec et (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5:530. Relation to nature (Schelling) Hedge, German prose. Scylla and Charybdis. Homer. Odyssey ed. by Hay man 2:127. Scythia. Rawlinson's Herodotus v. 3. and surrounding countries (Newman) Philol. Soc. Proc. v. 1. Scythians und Celts. Universal history : ancient 4:313. Sea. See Divers, Ocean, Water. Sea-cucumbers. See Holothuroidea. Sea-serpent at Cape Ann, 1817. Pamphlets on history v. 2. Sea-weeds. See Algae (Marine). Seafarer, /><-i>i. (Klugc) Kngl. Stud. 6:322. Seals, Sea-lions. See alto works on Alaska. Allen. North American pinnipeds. i M :.vn:iPi) r.s. H, ,u-.. KX i). IST.-.-O.V.IO. (Turner) Challenger voyage, Zoology v. 28. of the Iri>li -< a- < Kail) Roy. Irish Trans. v 1-v White (Lichtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. Seals, SlKillography. uce auxiliaire . 1 1. Mittfliedfr ln-ider /.. DreifaltiKkeitskirche ^tioreiideii(M-mfiin-n Schieiermacher, W.-rkr I. Abth. Multiplication in Kujrlnnd, l<-.'Vi. Godwin, Commonwealth 4:305. Reforms, noveltie.-. Hrownson, Works 4:527,542, Sects. 430 Semitic languages. Reunion of all Christians. Brownson, Works 12:496. Tendency. Hazlitt, Round table. Unity of the church. Barrow, Works 8: 683. Newman, Discussions ; Essays v. 1. Secundus Philosophies of Athens. Miinchen mss. (Bachmann) Philologus 46:385. Sedaine, M. J:, dramatist. 1719-97. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Lenient. ComMie en France au 18. siecle 2:111,219. Sedan battle, 1870. Delord. Histoire du second empire 6:351. Knox. Decisive battles. Documents ine'dits. Rev. Hist. 26: 303. Enquete parlementaire (Mazade) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:8:589. Erinnerungen (Verdy) Rundschau 1:36. Tage (Corvinus) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:268. Sedgwlck, Gen. John. 1815-64. Headley. Grant and Sherman 416. Seebeck, Moritz. Lebensbild (Eucken) Rundschau 50:224. Seebeck, Thomas Johann. 1770-1831. (Poggendorff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Seeds. Keimen (Hermbstadt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Radicle and germen during vegetation (Knight) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806:99. Structure de 1'ovule (Mirbel) Paris, Mem. Acad.Sci. 9:609. Segesta, Sicily. Gailhabaud. Monuments y. 1. Hittorf and Zanth. Architecture de la Sicile. Segrals, J. R. de. 1624-1701. Alembert. Oeuvres 8 : 149. Seguier, Jean Francois. 1703-84. (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 92: 446. Se"gur, Philippe Paul, comte de. 1780-1873. Unsere Zeit 1875: 1 : 241. Vie et son temps (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:7:831; 8:344; 9:99. Seguy, Joseph. 1689-1761. Alembert. Oeuvres 10 : 73. Seidler, Louise, painter. ( Riiokert) Grenzboten 1874 : 1 : 441. Seignelay. See Colbert (J. B.). Seiloon, Palestine. Zerstbrung d. Tempels (Maybaum) Zeits. Volkerpsych. 17:290. Seine river. a Paris. Industries, etc. (Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:72:161. Bassin. Travaux publics (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:106:62. maritime (Baude) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 24:332; 28:903; 36:777. Seismometer. See also Earthquakes. Theory and construction (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:219. Selden, 3 ohn, jurist. 1584-1654. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Roscoe. British lawyers. Selenium. Action of light on (Adams) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877:313. Self. See Ego, Personality. Self-culture. Blackie. Self-culture. Channing. Works v. 2. Clarke. Self-culture. i Continued self-education. Lieber, Misc. writings v. 1. Self-government. See also Local govern- ment. ' Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 2 : 23. Tendencies in the U. S. Mo. Ref. Lists 2:27. Bluntschli. Lehre vom mod. Stat. 3 : 78. Preussische Jahrb. 6 : 25. and national union. Frothingham, Rise of the republic. i in English colonies (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 97: 123. Todd. Parliamentary government in British colonies. in Prussia (Bonstedt) Rundschau 28:372. in Russia (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 28: 384, 803. Over-legislation. Spencer (H.), Essays. Self-help. State help and. Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. Self-importance. I Smith. Dreamthorp 167. j Self-reliance. Emerson. Essays ser. 1. Selfishness. Jouffroy. Melanges philos. 202. im System de Moral (Feuerlein) Philos. Monatsh. 19:257. Liebe und. Herder, Werke; hrsg. v. Su- phan 15 : 304. Selinus (Selinuntius), Sicily. Beule\ Art grec 83. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. (Gregorovius) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 1 : 28. Entdeckungenimgrossen Ternpel(Holm) Rhein. Mus. 27 : 453. Selkirk, Alexander. 1676- j Rogers ( Woodes). Voyage 125. Sella, Quintino. 1827-88. (Schumann) Uns. Zeit 1889: 2 : 332. Seminole Indians. Giddings. Exiles of Florida. (Maccauley) U. S. Bur. Ethnol. Report 5. Paris. History of the civil war 1 : 59. Parton. Life of Jackson. Semiramis, queen of Assyria. Jameson. Female sovereigns v. 1. Volney. Oeuvres 6: 181. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 3 (tragedy). L6gende, en Provence (Berenge-Feraud) Rev. d'Anthrop. Ill : 2 : 559. Ninus and. Duncker, History of antiquity Semitic languages. See also Hebrew. Ausruf. Frage in (Jensen) Zts. Volker- psych. 18 : 419. - Dual in (Noldeke) Zts. Volkerps. 7:403. History. Renan's (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 38:363; 39:51. (Littre") Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 10: 114. Problems of grammar (Toy) Amer. J. Philol. 1 : 416. Vowel a (Toy) Amer. J. Philol. 2: 446. Semitic races. 431 Senses. Semitic races. See alto Jews. Charakteristik (Stein thai) Zts. Volker- psych. 1:328. Culture, palaeography, languages. Deutsch, Literary remains. Home of primitive (Toy) Am. Philol. Assoc. 12:26. Sempach battle, 1386. Histories of Switzerland: D&ndliker (1: 485, 657). Lieber. Great events. Lieder ( Lorenz) Germania 6 : 161. (Schmolke) Grenzboten 1874 : 1 : 2 : 131. und d. Sage vom Winkelried (Theuner) Preuss. Jahrb. 58:283. Semper, Gottfried. 1804- Architectur der Gegenwart (Portig) Uns. /tit 1884:1:632- Senac de Melllian, Gabriel. 1736-1803. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 10 : 91. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, statesman, phi- losopher, d. A. D. 65. See also works on Stoicism. Amador de los Rios. Literature espaflola 1:51. Dubois-Guchan. Taciteet son siecle 2:107. Farrar. Seekers after God. Klein. Geschichte des Drama's v. 2. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana. Zeller. Eclecticism. and Paul. Baur, Drei Abhandl. zur Phi- losophic. Merivale. Romans under the empire v.6. Character, philosophy. Harvard Lib. Bull. 2:30. Christianisme et la morale (Boissier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:92:40. De beneficiis. Sources (Fowler) Amer. Philol. Ass., Trans. 17 : 24. De dementia (Schultess) Rhein. Mus. 33: 221. Dialogues (Koch) Rhein. Mus. 30:79. 340. 1. Adnotationes (Aubert) Rheiu. Mus. 36:178. Imagination. Malebranche, Recherche de la ve'rite' (Oeuvres 3:304). Letters (Bartsch) Khein. Mus. 24:271. (Koch) Jahrb. Philol. 111:715. Medea (Braun) Rhein. Mus. 32:68. Oedipus (Braun) Rhein. Mus. 22:245. Phoenissae (Braun) Rhein. Mus. 20:271. Tragedies (Bert) Rhein. Mus. 34 : 509. Conington. Misc. writings v. 1. Leasing. Werke 4 : 267. (Monro) Jour. Philol. 6:70. Arbeiten Uber, 1879-89 (Tachau) Phi- lologus 48:340. Chorlieder (Richter) Rhein. Mus. 19: 360, 521. De recensendis (Leo) Hermes 10:423. Interpolationen (Richter) Rhein. Mus. 18:29. Trostune an Polybius (Spalding) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1803. Seneca, M. Annaeus, rhetori (KieMsling) Rhein. Mu. U!:50. I.Miill.-ri Ulirin. Mus. _ 1:406. (Vahli-n) Khrin. .Mu.-. l.'i:54G. BeitriiKe zur Kritik (Otto) Juhrb. 1'hilol. 131:415. Usus direndi (Ahlheim) Oiessen fniv. Diss. v. 1. Weiteres zur Kritik (Opitz) Philologus 48:67. Snec<5, Ant. Bauderon. 1643-1737. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 12 : 280. Senega, drug. (Atlass) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. L Senegal. France au Fouta-Dialon (Bayol) Rev.d. d. Mondesi II: 54: 903. Politique coloniale de France (Duval) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 17 : 517, 837. Trois ans de campagne, 1859- (Aube) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:43:513. Senegambia. Mage. Voyage dans le Soudan. et Soudan francais (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1885: Oct. 1. Senlac. See Hastings buttle. Sennaar (or Sennar). See also Nubia. Souvenirs d'un voyage (Lejean) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:57: 742. Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Zeits. deut. morgenl. Gesell., index. Sens monastery. Gesta. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. 25:249. Senses, Sensation. Seealso Attention, Com- mon sense, Kar, Emotions, Eye, Nerves, Observation, Perception, Sight, Smell, Taste, Time sense. Browne. Human understanding bk. 1. Condillac. Oeuvres v. 3. Mendelssohn (Moses). Schriften y. -. Reid. Inquiry into the human mind. Smithsonian institution. Report 1865: 249. and organs of. Huxley, Science and cult- ure. Authority. Home, Essays on principles of morality. Begriff d. Empfindung(Meinong) Viertelj. wissen. Philo*. 12:324, 477; 13:1. Berkeley on. Huxley, Critiques. Brown and others on (Alison) Roy. Eilin. Trans. 20:513. Condillac sur. Grimm-Diderot, Corre- spondence 1:225. de 1'effort (Delboeuf) Rev. Philos. 12:513. del'orientation(Viguier) Rev. Philos. 1 1:1 Delboeuf et la thdorie (Dumont) Rev. Philos. 2:452. des Intervallsinnes (Schischmanow) Philos. Stud. 5: 558. Eigenheiten d. Gefiihlsinnes (Kngel) Ber- lin Aka.l. Abh. 1788-9. et la pense"e (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:82:398. et mouvement(Fe>6) Crit. Phi los. 20: 337; H:9t7. (Joly) Rev. Philos. _>.': 113- et les inceptions (Bonatelli) Krv. I'liilo*. 17: 1 (Souriau) Rev. Philos. 1::58, 135. External. Smith (Adam). Works v. 5. Gemeingefiihl u. rinnlichea (u-fiihl (KriiiR-r) Viertelj. wissen. 1'hilos. 11:153. 11 ,-t. .in- ph\ Mologique. Cabanis.CU'iivnvs 3:103. Idtfe de "brilU-r" i-n Saii-cril, (ircr. Latin (Regnau.l) Itev. I'lul..- 17:11'1. Lehre yon d. kiirix-rlii lim illorwirz) VitTtrlj. wisM-n-. Philoa. i I*hre von d. Natur d. (Ccscn) Vi-rl-lj. TliiloH. 10:137. Senses. 432 Series. Lewes on. Green (T: Hill), Works 1 :471. musculaire (Binet) Rev. Philos. 25:465. (Gley) Rev. Philos. 20:601. (Lewes) Rev. Philos. 6:63. Porte'e et valeur. Saisset, Seep ticisme 387. Premieres determinations. Cabanis, Oeuvres4:258. Psychologic der (Hoffding) Philos. Monatsh. 16:416. Reiz und (Merkel) Philos. Studien 4 : 541 ; 5 : 245, 499. Scale of. Grote, Exploratio philosophica. Sensibility (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 21:477. Small differences (Peirce) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Temps de reaction (Beaunis) Rev. Philos. 15:611. Theory of. Bemerkungen (Lipps)Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 13 : 160. der sinnlichen Gefiihle ( Kiilpe) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 11:424; 12:50. Troubles del'usage des signes (Fe're') Rev. Philos. 17:593- Verhaltniss zur d. Frage nach d. psychi- schen Grand processe(Horwicz)Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 3:308. zu den Vorstellungen ( Wundt) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 3 : 129, 342. Vorgang d. einfachen Reaction (Lange) Philos. Stud. 4:479. Sensualism (Philosophical). Cousin. Philosophic moderne v. 8; Philosophic sensualisteau 18. siecle. Protagoreische (Sattig) Zts. Philos. 86: 275; 89:1. Sentiment. German. Goltz, Charakteristik d. deutsch. Genius 1 : 141, 199. Raison et(Bersot) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85:317. ThSorie des (Grote) Rev. Philos. 6: 232. Septicaemia experimentellerzeugte (Gaff'ky) Berlin K. Gesundheitsamt, Mitthl. 1:80. Sequoia. Kellogg. California forest trees. (Robinson) Californian 5:481. Calaveras big trees (Blake) Gal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 2:199. Hatching's Magazine v. 3-4. Pacific R. R. reports v. 4. Turrill. California notes v. 1. Whitney. Yosemite guide-book. Problems (Bradley) Overland 11:7 :305. Serapis on a Xanthian marble (Michaelis) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:287. Seraphim. See also Angels. De sex alis. Bonaventura, Opera 12 : 132. Serfs. See also Feudal system, Peasants, Slavery. French. Derniers (Chassin) Jour. Econ. IV:8:198; 9:40,161. German. Gessner, Geschichte teutschen Horigkeit. Kindlinger. Geschichte deutchen Horigkeit. Riickblickauf d. Geschichte (Thudichum) Preuss. Jahrb. 23 : 543, 698. Russian (Doniol) Jour. Econ. 11:19:381. Cust. Linguistic essays 2 : 182. (Faucher) Jour. Econ. 1:18:34. ( Pautet) Jour. Econ. II : 22 : 380 ; 24 : 412. Emancipation. Verordnung 19. Feb- ruary, 1861. (Jaudier) Pams. slavery v. 3. ( Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:16:644. Preussische Jahrb. 3 : 247. UnsereZeitlS58:609; 1867:1:198. ( Wolowski) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 46-49 ; Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 16-17. Economic results (Turgenef) J. Soc. Sci. v. 1. et la culture (Lavergne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 21 : 245. zur Zeit Alexander II (Henoumont) Preuss. Jahrb. 15:129. Series. See also Taylor's theorem. Lotze. Kleine Schrif ten 1:62. Brinkley's general term (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860 : 319. Calcul des (Poncelet) Paris, Me"in. Savans Etrang. 6:785. Convergenz u. Divergenz d. unendlichen (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Critical values of sums of periodic (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8 : 533. Darstellung beliebiger Funktionen mit- telst Reihen (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. deren Koeffizienten nach Sinussen, etc. vielfacher Winkelfortschreiten (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Divergent (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:182. Eigenschaften periodischer Divisions- reihen (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Entwickelung beliebiger Funktionen in Reihe (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1830. General term of a S. in the inverse method of finite differences (Brinkley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807:114. of infinite (Babbage) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:218. Grenzen fur d. Werthe d. Reste d. allgem. Entwickelungsreihe mit Differenzen (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Lagrange's (Cauchy) Paris, M6m. Acad. Sci. 8 : 97. (Chio) Paris, M^rn. Savans Etrang. 12: 340. (Gruson) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. (Rouch6) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. 18:457. Laplace's Entwickelungsreihe. Summa- tion (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1839. Method of differences (Goinpertz) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806 : 147. Neutral. Theorem (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11 : 190, 239, 447. Numerical calculation of infinite (Stokes) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:166. Self-repeating (Warburton) Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 9:471. Summation (Tralles) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1814-15. Anwendung bestimmter Integrale (Lejeune-Dirichlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. einer nach d. Sinussen, etc. d.Vielfachen eines Winkelsfortschreitenden R.(Dirk- sen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1829. of compound (Terrot) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:541. of several classes of infinite (Babbage) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1819:249. Transformation of infinite into fractions (Muir) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:467. Series. 433 Sevigne. Voortplanting van golfstelsels (Couv<5e) Leiden Univ. Diss. v. 1. Serk. See Channel islands. Sermons. See Preaching. Serpentine. Genetische Beziehnngen (Roth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1869, v. 2. Serpents (Ophidia). See also Poisons, Sea- serpent. Boa-constrictor (Russell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 6:249. Carotiden der (Rathke) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 11. Charming. Williams, Vermont 1 : 483. Classification (Durue'ril) Paris, Me"m. Acad.Sci. 23:391. Cultus (Nagele) Zts. Volkerps. 17 : 264. Epicrates aus Columbien (Steindachner) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 22. Expansion of skin of cobra's neck (Rus- sell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1804 : 346. Nature and cure of bite of. Smithsonian Report, 1854. Poison fangs (Smith) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818 :47L (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:377. Skull of tropidonotus natrix (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878 : 385. Serra, Junipero, padre. Shuck. Representative men. Works on California history : mission period. Centennial. Pams. California v. 8. Death and burial. Hutching's Cal. Mag.v.4 Serre, P: F. H., eomte de. 1776-1824. Ministre de larestauration(Broglie) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:63:720. Politique mode're'e (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:24:5,549; 25:569; 27:5. Serres (Serranus ), Jean de, historian. 1540-98 Vie etses Merits (Dardier) Rev. Hist. v.23. Serret, J. A. 1819- Death. France. Bureau des longitudes, Annuaire 1886: 882. Sertortua, Quintus, general. Plutarch. Lives. Servants. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace v. 2. Directions to. Swift, Works. 1814. 12:383. Doctrinal], 16. century. Percy Soc. v. ;. Servatius, St., bishop of Tongres. Translatio. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 12. Servetus, M. 1509-53. See also Calvin. ( Durdier) Rev. Hist. 10: 1. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 1. als Geograph (Tollih) Zts. Erdkunde 10:182 Scrvta. Latham. Nationalities of Europe 2: 189. Ranke. History of Servi.-t. au 19. Hifccle(Taillandier) Rev.d.d. Mondes II :v. > -I Charakterkopf. tlnsere Zeit 1877 : 1 : 777. in K'S".. I..iiii;irtiiir, Pilgrimage 2:271. in 1*.'5. I niuhart, [ I'am. writings] v. 2. in 185H-75. Unacre Zeit 1875:2:481, 580. in 184 (Ubicini) Krv. d. d. Mondes II: 51:424. in 1868. Avlnement du prince Milan (Per- rot) IJ.-v. .i.:453. Famille en Provence (Saporta) Rev. d. d. M..II.U- III : 70:329. Lettres. Fcuillet de Conches, Causeries v. 2. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Luiul! innnet*. < l:ivi-) tii. 1.1:1 mi. I Ihredeatechen BeanMiterXKnty I'reu-. .lalirl.. K'.: H4 ; 14:91. Shakespeare, \V: Siuijlr rlnnnrteri. Falstafl (tJUick) Roy. IrMi Trail*, v. -'. Weiss. Wit. hum.r, ami Bhucnware. Helena. Weiss: Wit. humor, and Shak peare. lago (Hassbach) Herrig's Archiv 55:297. Ophelia. Weiss: Wit. humor, and Shak- speare. hakespeare, W: Single plays. Antony and Cleopatra. Krlauterungen (Blumhoff) Herrig's Arch. 23:269. As you like it (Conrad) Preuss. Jahrb. 60:1. Comedv of errors und die Meniichmen des Plautus (Isaac) Ilerrig's Arch. 70:1. Coriolanus. Tiecksche Uebersetzung(Leo) Herrig's Arch. 28: 233. Cymbeline. Handlung in (Jacoby) Her- rig's Archiv 81:427. yuellen (Leonhardt) Anglia 6 : 1-45; 7: 497. (Levy) Anglia 7: 120. -Hamlet. Coleridge (H). Essays 1:151.172. Coleridge (S: T.). Lectures on Shake- speare 1 : 205. Conington. Miscell. writings v. 1. Dowden. Shakespeare 95. (Eckhardt) Herrig's Archiv 31:93. Goethe. Wilhelm Meister bk. 4, ch. 3; bk. 5, ch. 4- (Grimm) Preuss. Jahrb. 35 : 385. (Hoffmann) Herrig's Archiv 3: 373; 4:56. Maudsley. Body and mind. (Montfgnt) Rev.'d.d. Mondes II : 2:657. (Werder) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:531, mvi; ".". .">* Zinn. A throw for a throne. a la Com^die francaise (Ganderax) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:77:934. Character of. Garve, Versuche 2:431. (Robertson) Roy. Edin. Trans, v.2. Weiss. Wit, humor, and S. Commentateurs denuis Goethe (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 74 : 409. Ein Schicksaltragodie (Jung) Herrig's Arch 27 : 269. Entstehung (Sarrazin) Anglia 12:143. Grundlegung einer neuen Auffassung (Sievers) Herrig's Archiv 6:1; 8:65. 129. Ideale und d. Leben (Humbert) Her- rig's Arch. 37:253. Idiosyncracy. Ingleby, Shakespeare Monolog(Huser) Herrig's Archiv 4:328. Tiet-k iit>er (Ziel) Herrig's Arch. 3: 1. Nach d. Manuscript (Tanger) Anglia 4:211. Neglected facts (Powell) Engl. Stud. 7:87. Rathsel. Schliissel rum (Deetz) Her- rig's Arch. TragOdie der Pes>iiiii-uius (Paulsen) r k uudschau5y: Julius Caesar und Kruse's Brutus (Palm) H.Trig's Arch. :.- Voltain-^ translation (Peters) Herngs Arch. 47: '.Ml. King Henry IV (Strater) Herrig's Ar.-hiv atnsL (trundi.li-i-- (Silver-) Herrig's Arch. 11 : ML - King Henry V (Stratt-r) Herrig.-< Arrhiv - King Henry VI (Mejdcrea) BT. d. d. .M.. ndea 111:46:53. Shakespeare. 436 Shelley. King Henry VIII. Rowley's When you see me, and (Zeitlin) Anglia 4 : 73. King Lear. Coleridge. Lectures on S. 1 : 188. Conington. Miscell. writings y. 1. Geoffrey of Monmouth. British his- tory. a l'0de"on (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75:223. - Textkritik (Schmidt) Anglia 3:1. Unexplained passage (Jourdain) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1857 : 134. King Richard II (Neubauer) Herrig's Arch. 24:117. (Strater) Herrig's Archiv 66: 121. Notes on (Elze) Engl. Stud. 12: 186. King Richard III. Hebbel. Werke 11:165. (Strater) Herrig's Archiv 65 : 383. Macbeth. Coleridge. Lectures on S. 1:237. Herder. Adrastea (Werke 23 : 366). The Western 1:287, 557, 601. Weiss. Wit, humor, and Shakespeare. Davenant's and (Fleay) Anglia 7 : 128. Erklarung eine Stelle in. Herrig's Arch. 2:73; 4:319. Kelley's music (Wheeler) Overland II : 7:185. Knocking at the gate in. De Quincey, Misc. essays. Morality of. Withington, The Puritan 2:43. Motive in. Bibliography. Mo. Ref. Lists 1:47. Studien (Breier) Herrig's Archiv 7:231; 10:51. Studien (Voigtmann) Herrig's Archiv v. 8, 12, 15. Voltaire's and. Villeinain, Litt. au 18. siecle 3 : 338. Measure for measure. Whetstone's Promos and Cassandra, and. Herrig's Arch. 68:263. Merchant of Venice (Jacoby) Grenzboten 1874:1:2:81. Case of Shylock (Doyle) Overland II: 8:85. Notes (Ihne) Herrig's Arch. 31 : 423. Origin of the Shylock story. Asiatic Jour. N. 8.14:19. Midsummernight's dream (Hense) Her- rig's Archiv 10:181; 11:145, 319; 12:52, 278. Othello. Dowden, Shakespeare ch. 5. The Western 1 : 423, 473. and Lear (Delius) Herrig's Archiv 5: 254. Charakteristik (Sievers) Herrig's Arch. 9:77,137,257. Memoranda by actors. Mo. Ref. Lists 1:43. und der Arzt seine Ehre. Herrig's Archiv 26 : 1. Romeo and Juliet. Dowden, Shakespeare ch. 3. Schlegel (A. W. von). Werke 7 : 71. Gounod's opera (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 69 : 438. Tempest ( Varnhagen) Anglia 3 : 100. Historische Elemente (Caro) Englische Studien 2: 141. Hypothese sur (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 58 : 732. On the first act. Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. Timon of Athens. The Western 1 : 335. Shark. Breeding of ovo viviparous (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1810:205. Chorda dorsualis bei friihzeitigen Em- bryonen (Reichert) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1877. Centralorgan d. Nervensystems (Rohon) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 38. Glatten Hai des Aristoteles (Miiller) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1840. Kopfarterien (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 32. Sharon, William, of San Francisco. versus Sarah A. Hill. Argument of W: M. Stewart. Pams. biography v. 6. Shasta county, Cal. Resources, climate, 1886. Pams. California v. 4. Shasta mountain, Cal. Ascent (Freeman) Overland II : 10 : 205. and surroundings. Muir, Picturesque California 145. Nine days on summit (Colonna) Cali- fornian 1 : 242. Shattuck, A. D. 1832- Sheldon. American painters. Shavings of metals. (Tresca) Paris, M6m. Savans Etrang. v. 27. Shawnee Indians. Lands. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1886-7, v. 2. Shay's rebellion in Massachusetts. 1786. Ames (Fisher). Works 1-19. Barry. History of Massachusetts v. 3. Gage. History of Rowley 293. MacMaster. History of the U. S. 1 : 310. Madison. Works. Life of B: Lincoln. Sparks, American biography v. 23. Shee, Sir Martin Archer, painter. 1769-1850. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Sheep. See also Wool. and herding (Milne)Californian 1:224, 321. Heideschnucke(Stieger) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. Laine et la viande (Lie"bert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:51. f Merino. Abarten (Thaer) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Smallpox of (Klein) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875 : 215. South American native. U. S. Consular report 79. Sheffield, Joseph Earl. (Porter) Pams. biography v. 6. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, poet. 1792-1822. Arnold. Essays in criticism v. 2. Bagehot. Literary studies v. 1. Brandes. Hauptstromungen 4 : 320. De Quincey. Essays on the poets. Disraeli. Venetia. (Herrig) Herrig's Archiv 9:61. Hunt. English poets. Masson. Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats. Rossetti. Famous poets. Ward. English poets v. 4. and Byron. Kingsley, Literary essays 35. Grave. Photograph (In photograph case). Influence (Royce) Californian 1: 543. Memoirs. Peacock, Works v. 3. Poe"te panthe"iste (Schure") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:537, 745. Shelley. 437 Siberia. Poetical mysticism. Hntton, Essays v. 2. Skvlark. Facsimile of ms. Harvard L'niv. Liby., Bibl. contrib. no. 30, 35. Trelawny's Recollections (Guerle) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11: 19: 69. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, id wife of preceding. See Godwin. Shells. See Mollusca. Shells (Mathematical). Small free vibrations (Love) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 491. Shelluh language. Hooker and Ball. Tour in Morocco. Sheridan, R: B., dramatist, orator. 1751-1816. Brougham. Statesmen 1:210. Croker. Correspondence. Gillray. Caricatures. (Heron) Afternoon lectures 5: 213. Si a thews. Oratory and orators. (Philipnsthal) Herrig's Archiv 83:241. Whipple. Essays v. 2. Wraxall. Memoirs. Death. Monody on. Byron, Poems. Life. In his Complete works. Pizarro (Bahben) Herrig's Arch. 81:353. Public life. Stanhope, Life of Pitt. Rivals. Bibliography. Monthly Refer- ence Lists 1 : 15. Sherlock, W:, dean of St. Paul's. 1641-1707. Exegetical notes. Coleridge, English divines v. 2. Sherman, Hon. John. 1823- Life ( Poore) Pams. biography v. 6. Sherman, Roger. 1721-93. Perry. Sketches of Amer. statesmen 488. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 3. Sherman, General William T. 1820- Headley. Grant and Sherman. - Memoirs. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:14:481. Shields. B liildmaler (Schulz) Germania 9:463. Shiloh battle, April, 1862. Grant (Gen. U. S.). Memoirs 1 : 338. (Olney) Overland 11:5:577. .-h.Tinan (< Jon. W: T.). Memoirs 1 : 251. Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Shipley, W: D., dean of St. Asaph. 1745-1826. Trial for seditious libel. Erslcine, Speeches 1:116. Ships. See also Commerce, Navigation, Navy, Steamships, Yachts. Athenian trireme (Donaldson) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:84. (Serre) Paris, Me"m.Sa vans Etrang.v.28. Building on the Pacific coast Pams. California v. ti. Collisions. Prevention. UnsereZeitl883: 1 : 577. Construction (Shee) Roy. Irish Trans, v. >. tcr, Denk- miiliT d. class. AlUTthnniM V. 3. Homeric. Hay man's Odyssey v. 1 : app. F. Ironclads. Unsere Zeit 1862::.71. Relation of form to weight (Reed) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1 win: 473. Keels. Resistance dans les roulis ( Berlin) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Observations de roulis (Berlin) Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. v. 26. Packet service (La volle) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:71:984. Raising the Earl of Dalhousie (Scott) Overland 11:11:232. Resistance of (Bowles) Pams. engineer- ing v. 2. Riders and trusses (Seppings, Young) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1814 : 285; 303. Safety of (Woodworth) Pams. social science v. 2. Seewesen des Alterlhums (Graser) Phi- lologus Suppl. 3 : 135-284 ( Plates). Stability (Guyou, Simart) Paris, M.'m. Savans Etrang. v. 30. Reed. Stability of ships. True form (Cole) Pams. commerce v. 2. Unequal distribution of weight and sup- port (Reed) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871 : 413. Shipwrecks. Falconer. Poems. of the Cimbria, 1883. Rundschau 35:57. of the Deutschland (Kapp) Rundschau 6:276. of the San Francisco, 1854. Pams. travel v. 4. Shirlaw, Walter. 1838- Sheldon. American painters. Shirley, James, dramatist. 1596-1666. Dunham. Literary men. (Dyce) In Shirley's Works v. 1. Shoemaking. Headly. How to make a shoe. Moderne Entwickelung (Schiine) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Shore, Jane. 1460-1525. Percy. Reliques 2 : 268. Shortridge, S: M. 1861- Shuck. Bench and bar in California 500. Shoshone falls, Idaho. Trip to (Briggs) California!! 2:353. Views. Sullivan's Photographs during Wheeler's survey. Slam. Universal history: modern 6:252. Commerce and industries. U. 8. Consular rept. June 1888. in 1835. Rnschenberger, Voyage 251. in 1857 (Du Hailly) R*-v. d. d. Mondes II : 65:383. (I^vol^e) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 12:335. in 1.S63. Unsere Zeit 1863:209. in 1868, Beanvoir, Voyage. Language. Bowring, Siam 1 : 270. (Schoit) Berlin Akad. Abh.1856. 1858. Protectorat francaia (Carne 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:79:852. Siamese twins. (Bolton liny. Soc. Trans. 1830: 177. Blbbald, Sir Robert 1MI171:.'. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. I. Siberia. Seealso Amoor river, K.-unU-hatka, 8amoyede. Atkinson. Oriental and western SiWria. Barry. Ku-ia in 1-7". 308. BurroiiK" Voyage, 155(Hakluyt. V,.\ ages v. 1). Cochrnne. Pedcstri an journey. 1820. M.lvill.-. In the Lena delta. Murray. Discoveries in Asia T. 3. Siberia. 438 Sigebert. Nordenskiold. Voyage of the Vega. Ranking. Wars of Mongols and Romans. Simpson. Overland journey. 1841-2. 2:92 Sparks. Life of Ledyard ch. 8. Willughby. Voyage. 1553 (Hakluyt v. 1 ; Pinkerton v. 1). Wrangell. Expedition. 1820. Bedeutung fur d. Welthandel. Unsere Zeitl880:2:116. Lansdell's journey (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:51:203. Puissance russe, 1858 (Cucheval-Clarig- ny) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 14: 835. Russian conquest. Herrmann, Gesch. Russlands 1 : 304. Souvenirs d'un Sibe'rien (Piotrowski) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 38: 850; 39:47, 257. Sibylline books. Huidekoper. Works 1:395-459 (with translations). Sibyls. See also Divination, Oracles. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses, index. Weissagung (Vogt) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 4 : 48. Sicilian language. (Wentrup) Herrig's Archiv 25: 153. Sicilian literature. Contes de nourrice (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:10:827. Sicilian vespers, March 30, 1282. Delavigne. Theatre. Krieg (Hartwig) Rundschau 56 : 124, 189. Sicily. Description aiid travel. See also Etna, Messina, Segesta, Syracuse. Browne. Yusef. (Duff) Oxford essays. 1857. Goethe. Italienische Reise. Hittorf andZanth. Architecture antique. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 5 : 530. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 2. Tocqueville. Oeuvres 1 : 127. Trollope. Italy. Ancient. Cicero, Orations; ed. by Long 1:629. in 1863 (Hartwig) Preuss. Jahrb. 12:129- in 1875 (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 12:241. in 1876 (Hartwig) Preuss. Jahrb. 40:55. in 1884 (Schneegans) (Jns. Zeit 1884 : 1 : 174- Praehistorische Studien (Andrian) Zts. Ethnol. v. 10: suppl. Sol, population, produits (Clave") Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 66: 611. Studien (Schubring) Zts. Erdkunde 9 : 365 ; Rhein. Mus. 28:65. Sicily. History. Blunt. Ancient customs in modern S. Universal history: ancient 6:317. Annales Casinenses, 1000-1212. Diur- nali di M. di Giovenazzo. Annales Siculi, 1027- (Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script, v. 19). Cycles. Freeman, Historical essays v.3. Expedition to, 1718 (Mazade) Re'v. d. d. Mondes 11:30:183. Holm's Geschichte (Melzer) Jahrb. Philol. 111:729. in 1850. Gegenwart 11 : 149. in 1860 (Hartwig) Preuss. Jahrb. 19:413. in 1874 (Louis-Lande) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:611. Lois. Rocco's (Portalis) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1:449. Normans in. Depping, Heerfahrten d. Normannen. Freeman. Historical essays v. 3. Raumer. Hohenstaufen. Sickingen, Franz von. 1481-1523. See also works on the Reformation. Bauernfeld. Schriften v. 6 (Drama). Bischoff. Franz von Sickingen (Novel). Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 1. Hutten (Ulrich von). Opera. Strauss. Ulrich von Hutten. Sickness. See Disease, Health. Siddons, Sarah Kemble. 1755-1831. Arblay (Mine.). Diary. Baker. English actors v. 2. Doran. Annals of the stage. Jameson. Sketches of art; Visits and sketches 2: 231. Macready. Reminiscenses. Sidgwick, Henry. (Carrau) Rev. Philos. 5 : 263, 403. Sidney, Algernon. 1622-83. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Wieland. Werke 36 : 93. Sidney, Mary, countess of Pembroke. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Sidney, Sir Philip. 1554-86. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. Dudley. Correspondence(Camden Soc.27). Jameson. Loves of the poets (Stella). Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Spenser. Astrophel. (Stigant) Cambridge essays. 1858. Arcadia. Dunlop, History of fiction. Lord Brooke and. Landor, Imaginary conversations. Sidon. Phoenician inscription. Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. 5 : 227, 243; 7 : 48. Sieges. See also names of cities, etc. Famous. Historical parallels 2 : 102. Siena, Italy. Annales, 1107-1407. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist. Script. 19:275. (Capper) Choice Literature 1 : 218. Symonds. Southern Europe v. 1. - Trollope. Italy. Sierra Leone. in 1827. Religious Mag. 2 : 341. Sierra Nevada mountains. See also Tahoe, Yosemite, names of single peaks. Le Conte. Ramblings in hign Sierras. Whitney. Yosemite guide-book. Passes and peaks. Muir, Picturesque Cal- ifornia pt. 1. Perils (De Quille) Overland II : 9: 311. Post-tertiary elevation (Le Conte) Am. J. Sci. Ill : 32 : 167. Snow storm on (Clarke) Overland II : 11 : 512. Sieveking, Amalie W. 1794-1859. Duringsfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. Sieyes, E. J., comte de. 1748-1836. Brougham. Statesmen 3 : 111. Mignet. Notices v. 1. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 5 : 189. Sigebert, monk of Gemblours. 1030-1112. Histoire litt. de la France v. 9. Sight. 439 Silver. Sight. See also Blind, Eye, Light, Observa- tion, Senses, Spectacles. Bacon. Opus majus; ed. Jebb 256. Le Conte. Sight. Adaptation to distance (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:1. Amblyopia potatorum (Curtis) Pams. medicine v. 6. Berkeley's theory. Bailey on. Mill, Dis- sertations 2:li Colors and. Schopenhauer, Werke v. 1. Distance perceived by binocular (Brew- ster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:h. 1790-1. Pragheit <1. Netzhaut (Cattell) Philos. Stti.l. 3:94. Sensations visuelles sont-elles tend lies fDelboetif) Rov. Phil.)- 1:187. Theory of. llelmholtz. Lectures v. 1. Contributions (Blum) Crit. Philos. N. 8.3:401. des signes locaux ( Wundt) Rev. Philos. '17. Vision mentnle( Binet) Rev. Philos. 27:337. Slgismunda, daughter of Tancred. - Hogarth. Works. Sign language. See Language. Signal service. See alto I'niN'il static. Animal Signalling. Three method** (C.,ok.-. Kdgeworth) !:>>. Soc. Trans. ti:;VJ-V*13. Meteorology. al cyclopaedia I-?- Signprelli, Luca. 1440-1625. Works on Italian painters: Mantz. Signs (Philosophical). Jouffroy. Nouveaux melanges philos. 273. Sigourney, Mr*. L. H. 1791-1865. Zinzendorff and other poems. Christ. Spect. 17 : 670. Sikkim (or Shikimi, India. Rong-Sprache (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1881. 8 iky on. Excavations at. Am. J. Archaeol. v. 5. Silesia. See also Breslau. Annales, etc. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hi-t., Script, v. 19. Einrichtung d. preuss. Herrschaft(Griin- hngen) Preuss. Jahrb. 4fi: 1. Kreideformation im Gebirge (Bey rich) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. Ober- (Steiner) Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 :582. Staat uml Kirche in (Lehmann) Hist Zts. 50:193. Silica, Silex. Carbon converted into (Wilson) Roy. K<1 in. Trans. 15:547. Production from paracyanogen (Brown) Roy. Edin. Trans. 15:229. Researches (Yorke) Roy. Soc. Trans 1857: 533. Role dans les combinaisons minerales (Delafosse) Paris. M.'m. Savans Etrang. 13:542. Silicification organischer Korper (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Silistrla, Bulgaria. Siege, 1829. Knox, Decisive battles. Stilus Italicus, C., Roman poet. (Bauer) Juhrb. Philol. 137: 193. Silk. Journal des Economistes I-II, -j. U. 8. International Exhib. 1876. v. 5. Culture. Pams. agriculture v. 2, nos. 13-19 Industrie (Lafarelle) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 21-22 27. Introduction en France (Wolowski) Acad. S,i Mor. 34:33. Workmen. Condition dans France (Rev- hand) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 43-45; also Jour. Econ. II :v. 17-19,22. Silk-worms. Diseases (Pay en) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: (O,uatrefages Paris, M.'m. Ai-ail. Sci. 30:3,521; Rev.d.l. Mondes II :26: 186 Tyndidl. Flouting mutter of the air. IMuration (Gasparin) Paris, Mt'm. A-ail. Sci. 18 : B Life history (Sasaki) Japan. Impcr. I'niv. Coll. Sci. .lour. 1:1. Sill. K.I ward Rowland. 1841-87. (Phi-lps) Century .".'IiToi. i:, r t,,,it. I .-I. inn) Overland I! :! Sllllman, ISenjamin. 177:' l-.l. (Caswell) Nat. Acad. Sci. Annual 1868. Sllphlum.lcr Alton (Link) Berlin Akad. AM. 1829. Silver. Seealto Bimetallism, Coinage,* ; -Id, Mining, Money. C,.n.||!|:i. 1:111 Sherman (J:). 8(>eeches and reports. Silver. 440 Sisack. Arizona mines ,(Pumpelly) Cal. Acad. Sci., Proc. 2:127. Bergwerk in Attika (Bockh) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1814-15. Bland bill (Hoist) Preuss. Jahrb. 41:553. Bullion certificates. U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1882-3, v. 4. Chemische Untersucbung (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1788-9; 1790-1. Coinage (Williams) Albany Inst. Trans. 11:275. demonetization (Many authors) Pams. finance v. 3-6. Memorial against. U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1877-8, v. 1. von Handels-Piastern fiir d. Orient (Soetbeer) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:401. Demonitization. Levasseur, Question de 1'or. Depreciation (Bonnet) Jour. Econ. Ill : 40:341. Giffen. Essays jn finance 198. (Parieu) Jour. Econ. Ill : 39: 157. Etalon aux Etats-Unis, 1878 (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 27 : 679. Fluoride (Gore) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870: 227; 1871:321. Haloid compounds : effect of heat, etc. ( Rod well, Bellati) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882 : 1125. 1169. Hydrometallurgy ( Aaron) Cal. State Min- eralogist. Report 1888. Laurium mines (Ledoux) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:97:552. Mesure de la valeur de (Levasseur) Jour. Econ. 11:10:228. Mexican dollar : depreciation. U. S. Con- sular report 75:667. Mill. Experiences (Boss) Pams. mining v. 3. Moneda de vellon de Castilla (Mariana) Bibl. autores espan. v. 31. Question aux Etats-Unis (Moireau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 75: 642. Verfahrungsmethode zur Darstellung (Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1851. Wahrungsfrage in Deutschland (Nasse) Preuss. Jahrb. 55: 295. Silvester II (Gerbert) , pope. d. 1003. Histoire litt. de la France v. 6. et son e"poque (Portalis) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:165. Silvestre, Arrnand. 1838- Lemaitre. Contemporains 2:67. Silvestre de Sacy, A. I., baron. 1758-1838. (Reinaud) Asiatic Jour. N. S. 27: 115. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 14 : 179. Simart, P: C:, sculptor. 1806-57. (Delaborde) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 29: 335. Sime'pn, J. J., comte, statesman. 1749-1842. Mignet. Notices v. 2 ; Acad. Sci. Mor. 5:316; Pams. biography v. 6. Simon, Jules Fs. 1814- Manifesto de politiquelibe"rale(Beaussire) Rev.d. d. Mondes III : 56: 402. Simon Magus. Works on gnosticism by Mansel, Matter (1:185), etc. Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. 1773-1842. Alison. Essays : political 3 : 220. (Fix) Jour. Econ. 1:4: 179. Mignet. Notices v. 2 ; Acad. Sci. Mor. 7:379. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 6:24. Journal intime (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 37: 65. Simonides of Samos or Amorgos. Danae Klage (Nietzsche) Rhein. Mus. 23:480. Epigrarnme (Hiller) Philologus 48:229. Frauenspiegel(Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 20:74. Iambi qui supersunt. Rhein. Mus. 3: 353. Quaestiones (Kaibel) Rhein. Mus. 28:436, 510. Sims, Thomas, fugitive slave. Parker. Additional speeches 1 : 17. Simpson, Rob., mathematician. 1687-1768. Brougham. Men of letters 2:467. Sin. See also Atonement, Confession, Crime, Evil, Regeneration, Repentance. Bayle. Oeuvres diverses. Original (Courdaveaux) Grit. Relig. 4 : 262. Edwards (Jonathan). Works. Hasse. Anselm yon Canterbury 2 : 443. Noyes. Theological essays 265. Pamphlets on religion v. 5. Priestley. Theological works, index. Shedd. "Discourses. Taylor (Jeremy). Works v. 7. Sinai mountain. See also Arabia. Clayton. Journey to, 1722 (Pinkerton, Voyages v. 10). Ebers. Durch Gosen zum Sinai. Robinson. Biblical researches v. 1. Stephens. Travels in Egypt 1 : ch. 15-17. Sinapis juncea. Chemie (Birkenwald) Dor- pat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Singapore island. (Bousquet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:19:78. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 123, 176. Singing. See also Music, Songs, Voice. Antiphonarium Cisterciensis ordinis. De cantu. Bernardus Clarevallensis, Opera 1 : 1122, 1151, 1154. Sioux (Dakota) Indians. Neill. History of Minnesota. Elk mystery or festival (Fletcher) Pea- body 'Mus.'Rept. 3 : 276. in 1882 (Pancoast) Pams. N. Amer. in- dians v. 1. in 1883 (Welsh) Pams. N. Amer. indians v. 1. McGillicuddy's dismissal. Pams. N. Amer. indians v. 1, 2. Shadow ceremony (Fletcher) Peabody Mus. Rept. 3 : 296. Visit to Spotted Tail's tribe(Welsh) Pams. N. Amer. indians v. 1. Siphnus island. Mines (Bent) J. Hellenic Stud. 6 : 195. Sipylus and Cybele (Ramsay) J. Hellenic Stud. 3 : 33. Sir Launfal, Sir Orfeo. See Launfal, Orfeo. Sirens. Art forms (Harrison) J. Hellenic Stud. 6 : 19. in ancient literature and art ( Perr y)Choice Lit. 3 : 160. Myth (Postgate) Jour. Philol. 9: 109. Sisack, king of Egypt. Zug gegen Juda (Blau) Zt. deut. morgenl. Gesell. v. 15. Siskiyou county. 441 Slavery. Siskiyou county, California. Marble mountain region (Douey) Over- land 11:7:166. Sitka. See also works on Alaska. Simpson. Overland journey, 1841- Sivori, Camillo. (James) Paras, biography v. 6. Sixtus i IV, pope. 1414-84. Creighton. Papacy duringreformation v.3 M6cene au 15. siecle (Monte) Rev. d. d. MondesIII:48:154. Sixtus V, pope. 1521-90. Influence sur les affaires de France (Gi- raud) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 101 : 402, 624, 848. Skate. Electric organ (Ewart) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:399,539. Skelton, John, poet. 1469 7-1529. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. Skelton, Philip, divine. 1707-87. Exegetical notes. Coleridge, English divines v. 2. Skepticism. See Scepticism. Skin. See also Parasites, Perspiration. Dermato-Neurologie (Voigt) Wien Akad. Uenks. M-N. Cl. v. 22. Evaporation (Davy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:111. Grafting (Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 102:949. Sensitiveness to gradual pressure-changes (Hall) Am. J. Psych. 1:72. Trophoneurosis (Bauke) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Skulls. See Crania. Skunks. Mephitis (Liechtenstein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Skyraz of Karyanda. (Niebuhr) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Slang. See also Americanisms, Words. Avfc-Lallemant Deutsche Gaunerthum v 34 Argot(Peschier) Herrig's Archiv 10:327. Deformation de la langue par ( Brunetiere) Rev. d.d. Mondes III : 47 : 934. Peddlers' French (Barman) E. E. Text Soc. 11:9. Rotwelsche Studien (Wagner) Herrig's Archiv 33: 197. Slate (Schist). Metamorphismus d. krystallinischen (Roth) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1871. Slaughter bouses. (Hiu-hcock) Mich. Bd. Health 1879:63. Slave trade. See also Wilberforce (W:). Canning. Speeches 1 : 158- Coleridge. Essays on his own times 1 : 137 Dana. A fri< an sfave trade (Pam. sermons v.l). Fox. Speeches. Hawthorne. Journal of an African era! Lecky. Englan.l in H. century 6:279. Livingstone. /:mibr-i. Newton (Rev. John). Works v. 4. Priestley. Theolog. and misc. works index. Williams. Statesman's manual, index. 56 Briisseler Internationale Association (Nachtigal) Rundschau 10:204. in east Africa (Miles) Unsere Zeit 1889: 1:266. Moderne Metamorphose (Beta) Unsere Zeit 1874:1:675. Slavery. See also Garrison ( W: L.), Liberia, Liberty, Lincoln (A.), Missouri compro- mise. Aristoteles. Politics. Calhoun. Works. Clay. Speeches. Dion Chrysotpmus. Orationes. Emerson. Miscellanies. Frothingham. Life of Gerrit Smith. (Giraud) Acad. Sci. Morales 56:175; 58:253. Hamilton. Life of Robert Rantoul ch. 9. Helps. Friends in council v. '_'. Johnston. Representative American ora- tions v. 2. Julian. Political recollections. I. at* m lave. Discours populaircs. Lamartine. France parlementaire v. 1-3. Madison. Works. Murtineau (Harriet). Autobiography. Mill ( J: S.). Dissertations v. 3. Parker (Th.). Additional speeches 2 v. Seward. Works. Sunnier. Works ; Speeches. (Tach6) Jour. Econ. 1 V : 7 : 247. Webster. Works. Whewell. Elements of morality v. 1. Whittier. Life of John Woolmun. Adam Smith and. Leslie, Essays. Congres antiesclavagiste (Plauchut) Rev. d.d.MoiideslII:96:428. Free colored seamen in. Winthrop, Speeches. in Brazil (Gobineau) Acad. Sci. Morales 91:443- (Molinari) Jour. Econ. I V : 29 : 38. Walsh. Brazil in 1828. v. 1. Abolition, 1888 (Royer) Jour. Econ. IV:43:17. in Cuba (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 158. (Ramon de La Sagra) Jour. Econ. 1:4: 3,225. in Egypt and Turkey (Lejean) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 88: 895. in Florence, 1400. Overland II : 10: 124. in Greece. Oncken, Staatslehre des Aris- toteles v. 2. St John. Ancient Greece 3 : 1-67. - in New York, 1755. N. Y. !>.H-. hi-t. 3:503. in Rome. Beaufort, Rlpublique romaine 5:25. (Boissier) Rev.d. d. Mondes II :78:51S. in the territories. Perry. Sketches of Aim-rirjin staU-Miien 145, 153. in United States (Boiteau) Jour. Econ. II 42:88. Brownson. Works v. 15, 17. Lyell. Travels in the U. 8. (Reclus) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:30:868; HtUfl (Moiitegut) Rev.d. d. Mimics II:2:Sa Unsere Zeit 1862: 27: 101 I886:2:m AbolitiMii-mr. 1V>7 <('u< heval-Clurig- Btar.d l. Mi"t- U ' Beginning. Doyle, English colonies: Virginia. - in the West Indies. Alison, Essays: po- litical, etc., v. 1. Slavery. 442 Smoking. Corey. English history 2 : 317. Dana. To Cuba and back. Edwards. British West Indies 2:34, 102- Humboldt. Equinoctial America 3:228 Madden. West Indies 2: 78. Raynal. Histoire 3 : 1 45- Walpole. History of England v. 3. in Zanzibar (Thouvenin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:309. Libert<5 demand*; ( With Code noir, in Causes celebres. 1739. v. 13). Periodicals. Bibliography. Cornell Li- brary 1 : 229. Poems on. Works of Campbell, Longfel- low, Southev, Whittier. Re'sultats de 1'abolition dans les colonies (Cochin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 56:113. Slavs, Slavonians. House-communities. Maine, Early law and custom. Languages (Rapp) Herrig's Arch. 3:91. Northern. Chronica 800-1172 (Helmold) Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. 21. Panslavism. Literarische Bewegungen (Stein-Nordheim) Preuss. Jahrb. 54:1. Propagande (Klaczko) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:71:132. Tendenzen. Gegenwart 2:429. Slowenen (S: Singer) Uns. Zeit 1883 : 2 : 874. Southern. Freeman, Historical essays v. 3. Gegenwart 8:1. Sleep. See also Dreams, Hypnotism, Som- nambulism. Aristoteles. Opera. Cabanis. Oeuvres v. 4. J ouffroy. Melanges philos. 225. Brain action during (Boirac)Rev. Philos. 11:334. Holmes. Mechanism in thought. et la certitude (Egger) Crit. Philos. N. S. 7:321. - Nature (Philip) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833: 73. Prolonged (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:249. Rapport sur le concours (Le"lut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 29:375. Traume und (Heerwagen) Philos. Stud. 5:301. Vue psychologique (L6vque) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:14:926. Slidell, John. 1793-1871. at Paris. Sumner, Works 8:1. Sloane, Sir Hans. 1660-1733. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 23. Slocum, Gen. Henry Warner. 1827- Headley. Grant and Sherman 381. Sloth (Brady pus). Scelidothere (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857:101. torquatus. Carotiden (Hyrtl) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1 : 21. Smalcaldic league, 1530. Kriegfiihrung gegen Karl V (Lenz) Hist. Zts. 49:385. Small-pox. See also Inoculation, Vaccina- tion. How to combat (Wight) Mich. Bd. Health 1882:26. Smell. See also Senses. Einfache Reactionsdauer einer Geruchs- empfindung (Moldenhauer) Philos. Studien 1 : 606. Smellie, William. 1740-95. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 2. Smidt, Johann, of Bremen. (Lammers) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:625. Smilacina. (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Smith, Adam, economist. 1723-90. (Blanqui) Jour. Econ. 1:3:286. Brougham. Men of letters 1:86. Cousin. Philos. moderne 4:192-302; Acad. Sci. Mor. 10; 441. (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. II : 45 : 343; 46 : 187; 47:341. (Espinas) Rev. Philos. 12: 18. Jouffroy. Droit naturel. (Lavergne) Acad. Sci. Mor. 51:335, 383; Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:24:893. (Nasse) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:384. Select biographies by the Soc. Diff. Useful Knowledge. Stewart (Dugald). Works v. 10; Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 55-137. and modern economy. Bagehot, Eco- nomic studies. Ansichten uber Menschen (Baumann) Philos. Monats. 16:385. et 1'origine de la ^science e'conomique (Chevalier) Jour. Econ. Ill : 33 : 8. Moral system. Jouffroy, Introd. to ethics 2:98. Personne et ses Etudes (Bagehot) Jour. Econ. 111:43:323. Political economy. Leslie, Essays. Histories of political economy by Blan- qui (2:106), Hildebrand, Kautz (2:405), McCulloch, Shadwell. Smith, Mrs. Charlotte. 1749-1806. Brydges. Censura literaria 7 : 239. Smith, Francis Hopkinson. 1838- Sheldon. American painters. Smith, James. 1720-1806. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 7. Smith, Captain John, founder of Virginia. 1579-1631. Adams. Chapters of Erie. Bancroft. History of the U. S. 1 : 127- Belknap. Early discoverers 67. (Hillard) Sparks' American biography v.2. Scharf. History of Maryland 1:5. Smith, John, of Cambridge. 1618-52. TulJoch. Rational theology in England v.2 Smith, John Lawrence. 1818-83. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biogr. Mem. v. 2. Smith, Rev. Sydney. 1771-1845. Hough ton. Monographs: personal and social. Whipple. Essays v. 1. Smith, William Henry. Gravenhurst (Milsand) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:40:988. Smith, William (Loughton). 1758-1812. Perry. Sketches of Anier. statesmen 410. Smoke prevention. U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1881-2 v. 6. Smoking. See Opium, Tobacco. Smyrna. 443 Socialism. Smyrna.. Brewer. Residence at Constantinople. Browne. Ytisef. Gautier. Constantinople. Geschichte, Topographic (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1872. Newly discovered sites (Ramsay) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 1:63. Snails. California helices (Newcomb) Pains. Cali- fornia v. 1. Cvclas and pisidium (Jenyns) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:415. Snakes. See Serpents. Snorre Sturleson. See also Edda. Heimskringla (Mobius)Zeits.dent. Philol. 5:141. Wilkens Prosaische Edda (Edzardi) Ger- mania24:352. Snow. See also Ice. Frost on (Wilson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 1:146. Grenze im Gebiete d. mittleren Innthales (Kerner)Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 54. Red. American almanac 1833:65. (Bauer) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820: 165. Sobieski, John III, kinq of Poland. 1624 ?-96. Stuart and (Pauli) Hist. Zeits. 46:254. Social science. Bibliography of French works on. New themes for Protestant clergy 323. Channing on social reform." Brownson, Works 10: 137- 206. Contemporary (Baerenbach) Unsere Zeit 1879 :v. 1-2. Deutche Association. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 378.411. en France (Espinas) Rev. Philos. v. 13-14. Method (Moses) Berkeley Quar. 1 : 1. of study (Harris) Pams. social sci. v. 3. Philosophic anglaise (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:6:81. Scientific relation to biology (Le Con te) Pop. Sci. 14 : 325. Social organism (Jones) Seth and Hal- dane, Essays. Spencer. Universal progress. Social- Physiologic. Rundschau 1 :417. Spencer's (Carrau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:38:659. (Pellarin) Grit Philos. 24 : 248, 297, 305, 396,401. Study (Van der Rest) Univ. Brux. Rap- port 1889-90:43. Unite* (Clave") Jour. Econ. Ill :9:227. Vues synthetiques sur (Fouillde) Rev. Philos. 9:369. Socialism. See also Communism, K<|iiality, Internationale (La), Property, names of advocates as: Fourier, Lassalle, Marx, St. Simon. nirnliaiiin. \Vi<-litige Tagesfragen. Bismarck. Reden 3: 125-; Busch, Our chancellor v. '2. (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. 111:15:5; 355. (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 80:93. Graham. Creed of science. Greg. Mistaken aims of artizan class. Hawthorne. BlitheMule r an. < Journal des foooomiatM I -II. Kaufmann. Utopias. (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 86:88. (Molinari) Jour. Econ. Ill : v. 14-16. Thompson. Problem of evil 217. Address to young people (Krapotkin) Pams. soc. science v. 2. agraire en Europe (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d.d. Mondes III: 3i' American recent (Ely) Johns Hopkins U. Hist. Stud. v. 3. and the church. Brownson, Works 10 : 79. au 16. siecle(Maury) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11: 100:354; 101:105,298. chinois au 11. siecle (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:37:922. Christianismeet(Fontpertuis) Jour. Econ. 111:43:5. clericaux (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 7: 169. d'etat (Clement) Jour. Econ. IV: 13: 12. (Grad) Jour. Econ. IV: 24 : 18. ( Hubert- Valleroux) Jour. Econ. IV: 35: 237. et la marine marchande (Desjardins) Acad. Sci. Mor. 132:666. Deutschland und (Bamberger) Runds- chau 16: 234- Economic theories. Kautz, National- ,Oekonomik 2:740. Economic politique et (Limousin) Jour. Econ. IV: 39: 226. Entstehung u. Bekampfung (Peterson) Preuss. Jahrb. 44:268; 54:395. Entwickelungzum Anarchi.smus(Martin) Preuss. Jahrb. 61:562. Ethische Grundlagen (Goltz) Grenzboten 1874:1:2:41. Feuerbach und (Griin, Heuss) Political pams. v. 2. Fragments ine"dits (J: S. Mill) Rev. Philos. 7 : --'J5, 3fr>. Hiiet's christlich-liberale (Kriegsmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:60. in England. Gegenwart 2:464. Greg. Essays v. 1. in France. Gegenwart 1:290. and England (Chailley) Jour. Econ. IV: 26: 419. Anfange (Hillebrand) Rundschau 17: 368- in Germany. Baring-Gould, Germany. Gegenwart 1 : 79; 7 : 517. (Grad) Rev. d. d. Mondes III:84:HM; 85:844. contemporary (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: v. 17.30,31. 1873 (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 107:411'. in the United States (Hubert- Valleroux) Jour. Econ. IV':33:L'1I. Strong. Our country. Liberalism and. Brownson, Works ! Lois allemamles et francaisc* ( Hulx-rt- Valleroux) Jour. Kcon. I \ -- Mill on (Fontpt-rtuis) Jour. Kn. I\ 19 MiHlrrn. Origins of (Janet) Hcv. d. n solitude. .Master, or the Hpirit of. Shelley, Poems. rement. Cowper, Po Bologna, dittrict of France. in 1854. Jour. Econ. 11:3: 66, 381. Solomon, k-iiifi of Israel. Regne(Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:88: :..;;. Solomon's song. See Song of Solomon. Solomon Islands. ChurchilL Voyages v. 5. Dalrymple. Voyages v. 1. Solon, Athenian law-giver. B. C. 638-558. Barthe"lerny. Voyage d'Anacharsis 1:99, Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Plutarch. Lives. Stanley. History of philosophy. Amnestiegesetz (Philippi) Rhein. Mus. 29:1. and Pisistratus. Landor, Works. Gesetzgebung. Schiller, Werke 10:437. Statue (Donaldson) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:231. Solowief, S., historian. (Guerrier) Hist Zeits. 45:43. Solvln. Praparate (Kiwull) Dorpat t'niv. Diss. v. 2. Somali (Somauli), Africa. Bemerkungen (Hildebrandt) Zts. Ethnol. 7: 1. Somers, John, lord. 1650-1716. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Roscoe. British lawyers. Society Diff. Useful Knowledge. Select biographies. Somerset, dukes of. See Seymour. Somerset, Blanche, baroness ArundeL Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Somerset, E:, earl of Worcester. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Somerset, E:, Sd marquis of Worceiter. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Somerset, H:, 1st marquis of Worcester. Lodge. Portraits v. '_'. Somerset bishopric, England. History to 1174. Camden Soc. 8. Somervllle, Mrs. Mary. 1780-1872. Proctor. Light science. Sommer and Winter: Minnegesang. (Uhland) Germania 5 : 257. Somnambulism. See alto Dreams, Hypno- tism, Sleep. Baader. Werke 4: 11 (Janet) Rev. Philos. 25:238. de Socrate (Despine) Rev. Philos. 9:323. naturel et rhvpnotisme (Maury) Rev. d. d. Mondes it: 2:. Personnalite" et la mlmoire dans (Richrt) Rev. Philos. 15:225. Polarisation psychique (Bianchi) Rev. Philos. 23:142. Prftendue veille (Delbu>uf) Rev. Philos. 23:113. provoquS (Beaunis) Rev. Philos. 20: 1- (Richet) Rev. Phllos. 10:337 Responsibility morale dans (Bouillii-r) Kov. rhilos. 15:113. Sommeil, la rve et (Gamier) Acad. 8cL Mor. ffl:Kil. (Ix'-lut) Acad. Scl. Mor. 21 Song of Solomon (S.m^ ..i -..in:-) e il MTvmtrM- id MCtrooi tatter Ara i i:;.jn:i) Xto.romiiii. rinlul. 2:220. 41" Bongs. St* also Hnllnd-<. Hymn. I. vric po- t-try, MtiHjr. sin^itiK, TroatMdoan. Chniisdiis jMipul.nres des peoples slaves (Uboulayc) Rev. Nat. 16:201. Songs. 446 Sophonisba. Chants modernes. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series 12 : 1. populaires et le plain-chant (Burnouf) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 77 : 349. Einschluss auf d. Entwicklung d. mod- ernen Musik. Gegen wart 3:667. English popular (Rathery) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 48: 881. of 16. century (Fliigel) Anglia 12:225. German love. Miiller, Chips from Ger- man workshop v. 3. Irish ancient lamentations (Beauford) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. Mexican. Cubas, Republic of Mexico in 1876. Modern Greek folk- (McPherson) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 10 : 86. Ueber Singen u. Sagen. Lachmann, Klei- nere Schrif ten 1 : 461. Wiegen-und Schlummer. Ploss, Das Kind 2:128. Sonnet. Hunt and Lee. Book of the sonnet : in- trod. Rowell. Sonnet in America. Sharp. Sonnets of this century: in trod. Tomlinson. The sonnet. Sonora, Mexico. Mowry. Arizona and Sonora. Pumpelly. Across America. Velasco. Sonora. Crabb's expedition, 1857 (O'Meara) Cali- fornian 4 : 289. in 1853. Bartlett, Narrative of explora- tions. - Trip into (Gates) Californian 2 : 171. Sontag, Henriette, vocalist. 1805-54. in Frankfurt. Borne, Werke 4 : 186. Sophia, electress of Hanover. 1630-1714. (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:50:203. Sophia Charlotte, queen of Prussia. 1668- 1705. (Koser) Rundschau 52:353. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 10. Sophists. Hegel, Werke 14 : 5. Isocrates. Oratipnes. Philostratus. Vitae sophorurn. Plato. Republic; Sophist. (Sidgwick) Jour. Philol. 4:288; 5:66. Gesetz des Demetrios Phalereus (Unger) Jahrb. Philol. 135 : 755. Greek. Grote, History of Greece ch. 67. History (Chiapelli) Arch. Gesch. Phi- los. 3:1. (Frei) Rhein. Mus. 8:268. of 5.ceotury. Blackie, HoraeHellenicae; also Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 24. Zweite Sophistik (Rohde) Rhein. Mus. 41 : 170. Sophocles, Greek tragic poet. B. C. 500. Bibliography of dramas. Mo. Ref. Lists Klein. Geschichte des Drama's 1 : 305. Quinet. Ge"nie grec (Oeuvres 28 : 122). Schlegel. Lectures on dramatic art. Ajax. Erste Monolog (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 15: 419. Hermann's Ausg. Lachmann, Klein- ere Schriften v. 2. Technologisches (Paehler) Jahrb. Phi- lol. 135:171, 456. Zwei Scenen (Enger) Rhein. Mus. 8:211. Antigone (Abbott) Jour. Philol. 8 : 96. (Boeckh) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824,1828. De Quincey. Works 13: 198; also Note book. Packard. Studies in Greek thought. (Rauchenstein) Rhein. Mus. 26:111. (Vischer) Rhein. Mus. 20:444. Electra and (Lloyd) J. Hellenic Stud. 10:134. Hegelian interpretation (Girard) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111: 19: 105. Schluss des zweiten Episodion (Kern) Jahrb. Philol. 127:393. Strategic gegen Samos (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 2:180. und Pol veucte( Weiss) Herrig's Archiv 27 : 13. Campbell's edition (Kennedy, Campbell) Jour. Philol. v. 4-5. Chorischer Technik (Hense) Jahrb. Phi- lol. 117 : 1, 81, 145. Dative case in (Fairbanks) Amer. Philol. Ass. 17:78. Electra (Dumolard) Voltaire, Oeuvres 4: 243. Fragments (Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 2:411; 4:251. Genitive case in (Goodell) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15:5. Jowett's edition (Campbell) Jour. Philol. 13:182. Leben. Lessing, Werke v. 6. Metres (Schmidt) Jahrb. Philol. 125:1. Oedipus Coloneus. Lachmann, Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Packard. Studies in Greek thought. Schluss-Kommos (Enger) Rhein. Mus. 19:542. (Silvern) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1828. Observations ( Postgate) Jour. Philol. 10:87. Oedipus Rex. Packard, Studies in Greek thought. Ausgang (Graffunder) Jahrb. Philol. 132:389. Beitrage (Spengel) Philologus 46:48. Corneille's, Voltaire's, etc. Voltaire, Oeuvres 1:17. Ein Chorlied (Beck) Jahrb. Philol. 131:809. Interpretation (Campbell) Jour. Philol. 13:182. Rede des Konigs (Classen) Rhein. Mus. 16:489. Philoctetes. Herder, Werke 3 : 12, 39. Lost edition (Masson) Jour. Philol. 16 : 114. Prolog (Schirlitz) Philologus 37: 43. Quemadmodum sui temporisrespublicas adhibuerit (Becker) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Religious sentiment in. Bunsen, God in history 2 : 204. Theology and ethics. Abbott, Hellenica 33 Trilogy (Lloyd) J. Hellenic Stud. 5 : 263. Vortragsweise d. Stasima (Hense) Rhein. Mus. 32:489. Sophonisba. Dramas by Alfieri, Corneille, Trissino, Voltaire. Montchrestien's : Vorganger( Fries) Mar- burg Univ. Diss. v. 1. Sorbonne. 447 Sound. Sorbonne. 1252-1789. ( Delatour) Li vre des 101. 9 : 15. Jouffroy. Melanges philos. 20. Enseigneraent historique (Lavisse) Rev. d. d. Mondesi II: 49: 870. Philosophie (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. S. 2:283. Souvenirs (Caro) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 60:824. Sorcery. See Demonology, Magic, Witch- craft. Sordel. d. circa 1266. Works on the Troubadours : Diez (375). Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 4 : 531. Sorel, Agnes. 1409-50. Influence sur Charles VII ( Valletde Viri- ville) Acad. Sci. Mor. 37:452; 38:383. Sorghum. See also Sugar. et 1'igname de Chine (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:15:184. industry. U. S. Senate Misc. Docs. 1882-3, v. 1. Sugar manufacture. Illinois Indust. Univ. Rept. 1882:71. Sorrow. See alto Consolation, Happiness, Pain. Excesses in. Temple, Works 3:519. Tristresses humaines (Re'musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 54: 886. Soto, Hernando de. Circa 1500-42. Bt-lknap. Early discoverers 49. Herrera. Historia general. Irving. Conquest of Florida. Soubise, Armand, cardinal. 1717-56. Alembert. Oeuvres 11 : 233. Soudan. France au (Bourde) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:42:659; 43:689. Geschichte u. Geographic (Rohlfs) Zts. deut. morgenl. (iesell. v. 9. in 1884. See alto Egypt McCarthy. England under Gladstone. (Rohlfs) "Rundschau 40:352. in 188G(Hellwald)L"nsereZeit 1886: 1:609- Western, 1866. Mage, Voyage. Soul. See alto Animals, Animism, Body, Futurelife, Immortality, Nirvana.Trans- migration. Augustine. Anti-Pelagian writings; Letters; Opera. Buvle. Dictionary; Oenvres diverses. BOooMi Psychologia vera (Werke v. 6). Bowne. Studies in theism. Drew. Immateriality and immortality of the 8. Eberhnrd. Aristotelische Definition ta I rraz. Psychologic de S. Augustine. r.ood. Book of nature 371. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 1:922. Mr.lKe. Wa'ys of the Spirit. Huxley. Life of Humr. Lotze. Microcosmus v. 1. Malebranche. Entretien- (O.-uvres 1:1). M;. I, .;.; .-y^u-iii dT Philosophic v. 3. .vnian (F. W.). The soul. 1'l.it... TimaeiiM. Plntinu*. Knneadea IV. Plutarch. Morals v. Soranus. De Mine (Voltaire, Oeuvres 29:205). and body. Verbindung. Fischer, Neue Philosophie 1:359; 2:375. Herbart. Werke. 1850-2. 6:390. Cabalistic idea of. Franck,Lakabbale.228. de 1'embryon et de 1'enfant (Perez) Rev. Philos. 23:582. de nouveau-n6 (Dauriac) Crit Philos. N. 8.4:356. Ente'le'chie d'Aristote (Ancillon) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. et du sens vital (Bouchut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 72:321. Faculties (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 22:155. Hemsterhuis, Oeuvres philos. 2:77. Jouffroy. Melanges phitosophiques 243. ( Waddi'ngton) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 58-59, 62-64. Laromiguiere on. Cousin, Fragm. phi- los. 5:341. Frage (Glogau) Zts. Vblkerpsych. 8:381. Gehirn und (Wundt) Rundschau 25:47. Greek daimon (Krejcf) Zts. Vb'lkerpsy- cbologie 17 : 161. ideas on effect of burial (Tarbell) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15:36. Grundthatsachen (Miinsterberg) Philos. Monatsh. 24:341. Immateriality. Hume, Human nature l:(U& Mendelssohn (Mos.). Schriften 1:265. and immortality. Clarke (S:), Works. 1738. v. 3. Durant (W: F.). Memoir-. Materiality. Priestley, Matter and spirit (Theol., etc. works v. 3, alto iitder). MvthologischeVorstellungen(Cohen)Zts. Volkerpsych. v. 5-6. Non-pre-existence. Barrow, Works 9:331. Nouvelles recherches (Saisset) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:40:957. Over-soul. Emerson, Essays, series 1. Passions. Descartes, Oeuvres v. 4. Probleme (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 35:211. Propri^tes scion M. Lotze. Crit Philos. 10:89, H59. Sedes. Helmont ( J. B. van), Opera. 1667. 176- Siege, suivant les anciens (Whit) Acad. Sci. Mor 2:102. Spirituality (Lemoine) Acad. Sci. Mor. 84:101. Theorie. auf ethnolpg. Basis (Achelis) Vierteij. wissen. Philos. 9:302. Wundt's JinmiMwgritt (Wille) Philos. Monatsh. 20:58fi. Zellseelen (Haeckel) Rundschau 14:40. Soulary, Josephin, poet. 1815- U-niait re. Contemporains 3 : 17L Soult, N. J. de D., due de Dalmatie, marthal. 1769-1851. Portrait. Wright. Loui Philippe "I. Sound. Sff alt Music, Phoiifti.-s. 1'hono- graph, Photophone, Tfleplioiu-, Tuning fork>. Aristotdas. De audibilil.. Situation foonomiqiM (Dnprat, I '. ! , n i.-i rn- 1 .1 nu r . Kcoti. 1 1 1 : 13 : 44, 56. Southern. l>ix, \Vintt-r in Madeira. Spain. llit- a . v. '.'. Anci.'iit (Kennedy) Philol. 8oc. Proc. :155. Trails Catalans de (Meyer) Romania v. 6,8-9. Spanish literature. Altromanzen (Breymann) Zts. roman. PhIloL4:9B& i:.irly. (Sayarr.'-. I'liilip II. 329. 1 M'.-riiii'V. M.'IMIII:."- lii-.torii|ii"< 237. I'n-M-utt. Frr.linninl and Isnbrlln. I unpillas reviewed. Tirabosohi, Littera- lura itul. 8:803. Melanges catalanes ( Morel- Fatio) Ro- mania v. 10. Neue (IHercka) Cns. Zeit 1879 :r. 1-2. Spanish literature. 450 Spelling. Syllabus of lectures (Ticknor) Pams. lit- erature v. 1. Sparks, Jared. 1789-1866. Mss. in Harvard library. Harvard Univ. Bull. 4:387- Sparta. See also Lycurgus. Earlv historv. Rawimson's Herodotus 3:266. Kings of. Clinton, Fasti Hellenici 2 : 255. Laws and customs. Monroe, People the sovereigns. Plutarch. Morals v. 1. Leben. Stoll, Altgriechisches Leben 233. Nauarchiein (Belock) Rhein. Mus. 34 : 117. Quaestiones( Weber) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v.4. Re'publiques d'Athenes et de (Troplong) Acad. Sci. Mor. 19:355; 20:57. Verfassungsgeschichte (Niese) Hist. Zts. 62:58. Spaventa, Bertrando. Ferri. Histoire philos. en Italie 2 : 193. Species. See also Darwin, Evolution. dans le regne ve'ge'tal (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:68:357. Murcellement (Planchon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:5:389. Notions dans les sciences (Liard) Rev. Philos. 1:381. Origin of. Darwin's. Huxley, Science and culture. (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:26:644. (*4uatrefages) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:78: 832; 79:208; 80:64,397,638. Wright. Philosophical discussions. Variability (Blanchard) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:3:837. Specific gravity. See also names of sub- stances. Balance. Determination by inspection (Barnard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Determinations by Arabians. Book of the balance of wisdom. Pams. chemis- try v. 2. Spectacles. Use and abuse (Curtis, Laurance) Pams. medicine v. 6. Spectroscopy, Spectrum analysis. See also Color, Light, Polarization. Estes. Half-hour recreations v. 1. (Roscoe, Huggins, Lockyer) Half hours with modern scientists v. 2. Bibliography. Tuckerman, Index to lit- erature of (Smithson. Misc. coll. v. 32). Action of organic substances on the ultra- violet rays (Hartley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879 : 257. Bunds formed by superposition of para- genie spectra (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:221,227. by passage of polarized light through refracting crystals (Deas) Roy. Edin. Trans. 26:177. Chemische Analyse (Kirchhoff, Bunsen) Pams. chemistry v. 2. der Elemente (Kavser, Runge) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1888. " Flames of carbon-hydrogen compounds (Swan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21:411; 22:21. Influence of molecular grouping in or- ganic bodies on their absorption in the infra-red region (Abney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881:887. of bromine and iodine monochloride (Roscoe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1877:207. of ignited gases (Pliicker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865:1. of nebulae (Huggins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864:437; 1868:529. of oxy-hydrogen flame (Liveing) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 27. of some chemical elements (Huggins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864 : 139. of some fixed stars (Huggins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1864:413. of stars (Huggins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880: 669. Photographic method of mapping least refrangible end of solar spectrum (Ab- ney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1880:653. Prismatic. Wave-lengths in invisible (Langley) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 2. Solar, etc. (Kirchhoff) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1861, 1862. and lunar (Langley) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 4. Lines (Brewster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860:149. New analysis (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12:123. 1877-8 (Smyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:285 Theory of bands (Stokes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:227. Speculation. See also Business, Stocks, Trusts. Credit and (Baudrillart) Jour. Econ. II : 29:32. Spee, Frederick. 1591-1635. Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 305. Speech. See Language. Spelling. See also Orthography. German (Clement) Herrig's Archiv4:81. (Kraz) Jahrb. Philol. 136: 15. (Lohmeyer) Jahrb. Philol. 114:444. (Moller) Herrig's Archiv 14:379. (Sanders) Herrig's Archiv 51 : 79. (Schilling) Herrig's Archiv 63 : 223. Conferenz, 1876 (Didolff) Jahrb. Philol. 114 : 65, 529, 593 ; 118 : 75, 137- ( Roediger) Preuss. Jahrb. 37:487. Unsere Zeit 1876 : 1 : 825. Einheitliche (Fricke) Herrig's Archiv 52:331. Erdmann zur (Kohl) Jahrb. Philol. 114:180. Regelung. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 1 : 458. Schulorthographie (Fiigner) Jahrb. Philol. 124:491. Verbesserung. Uns. Zeit 1861 : 237. Latin elisions, contractions. Keil, Gram- mat. Lat. 4:271-352. List of amended. Amer. Philol. Assoc. 17:127. New sistem (Elis) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1870-2:89; 1880-1. Orthographic mutineers. De Quincey, Miscellaneous essays. Phonetic alphabet. Franklin (B:), Works 6:295. Reform. Conn. Education Rept. 1880 : 29. English Assoc. 3d report. Pams. lan- guage v. 2. Hadley. Essavs 351. (March) Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1880:257; Amer. Philol. Assoc. 12:52. (Max Muller) Pams. language v. 2. Spelling. 451 Spinoza. Michigan School Report 1878:124. U.S. Bur. Education, Circ. 1880. Spencer, H:, 1st earl of Sunderland. 1620-43. Lodge. Portraits v. 2-3. Spencer, Herbert. 1820- Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 2 : 31. (Baerenbach) Uns. Zeit'1879: 1:582. (Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:49:930. Morns. British thought and thinkers. Ribot. English psychology. Data of ethics (Baerenbach) Dns. Zeit 1882:1:741. Guthrie. On Spencer's Data of ethics. Pollock. Essays in jurisprudence. Dinner to. Nov. 11, 1882. Pams. biogra- phy v. 6. Education (Compayre") Rev. Philos. 3:168. First principles (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 1:241,401; 3:103. Hedonism. Rolph.Biologische Probleme. Morale <$volutionniste (Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes I II: 46: 312. Philosophy. Brownson, Works 9 : 439. McCosh. Christianity and positivism ; Realistic philosophy v. 2. Wright. Philosophical discussions. Political institutions (Crane) Californian 6:413. Sociologisches Werk (Tunnies) Philos. Monatsh. 25:50. Synthetic philosophy. Ward, Dynamic sociology. Psychologic (Lehmann) Philos. Mo- natsh. 20:577. Spencer, Lily M. Ellet. Women artists. Spencer, Rob., id earl of Sunderland. 1640- 1702. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Spenser, Edmund, poet. 1552-99. Bascom. Philosophy of English literature. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. Pryden. Prose works 4:401. Dunham. Literary men v. 1. Hales. Memoir of (Spenser's Works, globe ed.). Harvev. Letter-book, 1573-80 (Camden Soc. fl:33). Hazlitt. English poets. Hunt English poets. Lowell. Among my books v. 2. Morris. British thought and thinkers. Rossetti. Famous poets. Saintsburv. Elizabethan literature. Taine. History of English literature. \Y'hi]>ple. Literature, age of Elizabeth. Faine queene (Schmick) Herrig's Archiv 23:39. Continued allegory in bk. 1 (Whitney) Am. I'hilol. Assoc. 19: 40. Imitations of Marot's Eclogues. Morley, Clement Murot 1 : 257- Pastoral poetry. Pope. Works 2:52. Rosalind, Elizabeth. Jameson, Loves of the poets. Shepherd's calendar (Kluge) Anglia 3:260. Syntaktische Kigcmhiimhchkeiten (Glin- thrr) Hcrrig'.s Archiv 55: 17. Theology of. Kuskin, Stones of Venicev.3. Speranski, Mikhail, count. 1772-1839. (Taillandier) He v.d.d. Mondes 11:5:802. Spermatic fluid zu forenischen Zwecken (Steilberger) Bonn. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Spervogel, minnesinger. Frage (Garthaus) Germania 28 : 214. SpharceUarla. Morphologic (Pringsheim) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873. Sphere, Spheres. Determining innumerable portions(Brink- ley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8. Motion in a viscous liquid (Basset) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179: A: 43. Pulsations in an elastic medium (Leahy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14:45. Solidity. Theorem(Woodhouse)Rov.Soc. Trans. 1801 : 153. Spherics, Spherical geometry. Bestimmting d. Dichtigkeit einer unend- lich diinnen Kugelschale(Lejeune-Diri- chlet) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1850. Elastic shells of incompressible liquid (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:583. Equations of loci traced upon surface (Davies) Roy. Edin. Trans. 12 :2.">i, 379. Harmonics of complex degree (Hobson) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 14 : 21 1. Ortsentfernung auf d. Oberflache d. Erd- spharoids (Poselger) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Sphero-quartics (Casey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1871:585. Sphinx. Cvnocephalus d. Aegypter und (Ehren- berg) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Rhyton in form of (Murray) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:1. Riddle of the. De Quincey, Works 5 : 237. Spiders. (Blanchard) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 76: 429. Gale"odes (I)ufour) Paris, Mm. Savans Etrang. 17:338. Mental power (Peckham) Jour. Morphol. 1:383. Spielhagen, Friedrich. 1829- Romans (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:84:391. Spinal chord. Action dans la circulation (Flourens) I'aris, Mrm. Ac-ad. St-i. 10:625. Brown-Se"quard'sche I>iision(Nolte)Bonn. I'niv. l>isi. v. 3. Cells. Theilungsvorgange (Werner) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Cicatrisation des plaies (Flourens) Pan-, M.' in . Acad. 8ci. 13 : 9. Fonctions (Bernard) Paris, Me*m. Savans Etraii):. 11 Haut-Sensibilita'tsbezirke (Tiirck) Wii-n Akad. Denks. M N.CI. v. 29. of gorilla (Waldeyer) Berlin Akad. Abh. UN, Pathologic (Kroeger) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 2. Structure, etc. (Clarke) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853. 1859, 1862. Spinal column. Architectur d. MoUotboben (Miooladoai) ii Akad. Denks. M-N. CM. v. 55. Bplnoxa, Benedict (Baruch) de. 1632-77. ..ri-- <-f plul phv b] Henry, LPWI-J., Hitter (11:1*), band (1:180). Spinoza. 452 Spreewald. Arnold (M.). Essays in criticism. Auerbach. Spinoza: a novel. Bayle. Dictionary 9 : 346. Boiiillier. Philosophic carte"sienne 1 : 315. Feuerbach . Werke 4 : 298. Frpude. Short studies v. 1. Grimm. Life of Goethe. Hegel. Werke 15: 332. Heron. Jurisprudence 480. Jiische. Pantheismus 2:221. Kant. Critique of pure reason; tr. by Miiller 1:187. ( Leibnitz) Arch. Gesch. Philos. 3 : 72. Maurice. Moral and metaphysical phi- losophy 2 : 372. Mendelssohn (Moses). Schriften 1:461. Milman. History of the Jews 3:381. More ( H:). Atheismi Spinoziani sub- versio (Opera philos. 1679. v. 2). Pfleiderer. Religions-Philosophic v. 1; Philosophy of religion v. 1. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 2. Saisset. Precurseurs de Decartes; also Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 37 : 298. Aufgefundene Erganzungen. Trendelen- burg, Beitrage 3 : 277. Entwicklungsgang (Baltzer) Philos. Monats. 26 : 76. Entwicklungsgeschichte (Busse) Zts. Philos. y. 90-92. (Tonnies) Viertelj. wissen. Philos. 7:158, 334. Essay on liberty (Royce) Berkeley Quar. 1:312. Essentia und existentia. Bedeutung d. Begriffe (Busse) Viertelj. wiss. Philos. 10:283. et le Spinozisme (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:70:470. Ethique (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 1 :362; 2 223 327 - Exialisme (Lewes) Rev. Philos. 1:568. et ses adversaires. Caro, Idee de Dieu 360. francais au 19. siecle (Janet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:75:353. in Germany. Hall, Aspects of German culture 128. Mesmerism and. Carpenter, Mental phy- siology. Me'taphysique (Le>que) Acad. Sci. Mor. 93:405'; 94:117. Psychical phenomena. Soc. Psvch. Research, Proc. Pt. 10. Science and the spirits. Tyndall, Frag- ments v. 1. Seances (Lewis) Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. Pt. 11. Tables parlantes, etc. (Littre") Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 1:847. Spittler, L: Timotheus von. 1752-1810. Preussische Jahrb. 1:124. Strauss (D: F:). Schriften 2 : 83. Spitzbergen. Churchill. Voyages v. 2. Marmier. Lettres sur le nord. Spleen. Structure and uses (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1808:45, 133. Spohr, L:. musical composer. 1784-1859. -UnsereZeit 1863: 775. Jessondo (Spitta) Rundschau 38: 195. Sponges. Commercial (Hyatt) Pams. Zoology v. 1. Spongidae. Agilardiella radiata (Marshall) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1883. Anatomy (Bowerbank) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:279; 1862:747, 1087. Euplectella aspergillum (Schulze) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:661. Schafberg bei Salzberg (Dunikowski) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 45. Suberites domuncula. Structure (Thom- son) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33:241. Spontaneous generation. See also Biology, Fermentation, Germ theory, Life. Annual cyclopaedia 1878. Bastian. 'Beginnings of life. ( Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 54 : 422. Tyndall. Fragments of science. Biogenesis (Roberts) -Roy. Soc. Trans. 1874 : 457. Travaux de Pouchet (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 30: 400. Sports. See Amusements, Games, Hunting. Spreewald. (Sauerwein) Rundschau 60:285. Spring. 453 Stars. Spring. See alto Seasons. Burroughs. Signs and seasons. Springs. Burroughs. Pepacton. Squirrel. Destruction bv bi-sulphid of carbon (Hil- gard) Univ. Cal. Bull., no. 32. Douglas S. of California (Muir) Scribner's 17:260. Sradda. Urquhart [Pamphlet writings] v. 2. Stade, Hannover. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v.16 Stael-Holstein, A. L. G. Necker, baronne de. ITt^^l^lT. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1 : 23. Albert. Litte*rature fr. au 19. siecle 1 : 191. Alison. Essays. A rblay ( M me."). Diary. Brougham. Statesmen 2: 214. (Faguet) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:83:357. (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:6:5. Jeffrey. Essays. Lamartine. History of the Girondists. Mackintosh. Ks^avs. Michelet. Femnies de la revolution. Preussische Jahrbiicher 7:89. Sainte-Beuve. Portraits of women. Shelley. French authors v. 2. Villeniain. Litte"rature au 18. siecle 4:344. Allemagne. Carlvle, Works 7 : 363. Richter (J. P. F:). Werke v. 52. Seizure of. Lanfrey, Napoleon I v. 4. Beziehungen zu Deutschland (Blenner- hassett) Rundschau 36 :376. Coppet et Weimar. Sainte-Beuve. Nou- veaux Lundis 2:291. Corinne. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 12:188. et Camille Jordan. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis 12:255. et Heine (Caro) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97:95; Re v. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 96 : 5. in Italien (Blennerhassett) Rundschau 56: '->' IT. Soirees (Builly ) Livre des 101. 11 : 231. Staffa island. Abbott. Summer in Scotland 2.'. Pinkerton. Voyages, index. Stafford, Henry, duke of liuckinyhain. See Buckingham. Stafford, William Howard, viscount. 1612-80. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Stage. See Actors, Comedy, Drama, Thea- ter, Tragedy. Stahl, F: Julius, jurist. 1802- Blunt>chli. (Jesch.neu.>Stat^\vi--eiichaft. Honegger. Ctiltuireschichte 3:475. Un.sere/eit 18r. v. 4J Stahl, P. J., jtseud. See Hetzel, P. J. Stahr, Adolph. 1805-76. (<;ia>er) I'n-ere /fit 1876:2:801. StandiBh, Mile*, d. \W>. irlv discoverers 206. Courtship of Longfellow, Poems. Stanford, //M. l.elan.i. : Shuck. Representative men. Stanhope, Hester L., lady. 1776-1839. Diiringsfeld. BuchdenkwiirdigerFrauen. Lamartine. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 1:130. Madden. Travels in Turkey, etc. 2 : 147, 170 Stanhope, carlofCfiesterjield. See Chesterfield. Stanislaus county, '',//. Moquelemos and Roland grants. Reso- lutions of citizens, 1880. Pams. Califor- nia v. 13. Stanley, A. P., dean. 1815-81. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 1:29. Stanley, H: M., explorer. Afrikaforschung (Naditigall) Rundschau 21:208- De Brazza et (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes Nov. 1882. Stanley, earls of Derby. See Derby. Star-fishes. See Asteroidea. Starch. Amidon, dextrine, etc. (Payen) Paris, Mdm. Savans Etrang. 8: 209. Stark, John, general. 1728-1822. (Everett) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 1. Stark, K: W: Pathologic. Lotze, Kleine Schrifteu 1 : IS, 358. Stars. See also Astronomy, Parallax, Plan- ets, Spectroscopy. Humboldt Cosmos. Agrandimement a 1'horizon (Lechalas) Rey. Philos. 2t!:4'J. Auwers'scher Fundamental-Catalog. Re- duction auf die Leverrier'schen Prae- cessionscoefficienten(Herz,Strobl)Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. ;. H* Bootis (Doberck) Roy. Irish Trans. 25: 481. 5 Cancer. Bewegungsverhaltnis-e in d. dreifachen Sternsystom (Seeliger) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. H. Catalogue. Methods of construction (Pond) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1818:405. Catalogue of fixed, of southern hemi- sphere (Fallow-) H..y. Soc. Trans. 1824: 457., (Dunlop) 1828: 113. Circumpolar. S hwenl's Beobachtungen. Wien Aka.l. Denks. M N Cl. v. 10. Declination. Change- in (Pond) Roy.Soc. Trans. 1823:31. .HO. ~M; l,s'J.V5lO. Double(Doberck)Roy. Irish Trans. 25:581. ( Meyer) Unsere /fit 1879: 1 :'J41. Changes in relative j.iiMtioit- sehel) Hoy. Soe. Tran-. 1S03:339; 18M:3A3. Stellnnireii vonSH(Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. a Centauri. Orbit (Jacob) Roy. Kdin. Tran-. \i<: :>. Kntstfliinig auf d. griedi. Sliire (Hutt- manii) Merlin Akad. Ahh. 1838. Flam-teed'-. i.li-erve<| I. tit not exi-ting ( l'etcr-1 Nat. Ai-ail. BoL Meni Geology of the (Winchell) Kstcs. Half- hniir recreations. Him loo and Chinese utafimt. Amer. th polar di*tanow(BrinUy)Bo7.Me. Trai. (Groombridge) Rov K.lin Tran (Laugier) 1 I. T.I Pinni's Catalogue. Jnmdl:ii.'eii( l.itlrow) ad. Denks. M-N.Cl. v.9. Stars. 454 Steam. Plurality of worlds (Smith) Oxford es- says 1855. Psycho-physic law and S. magnitudes ( Jastrow) Am. J. Psych. 1 : 112. Right-ascensions of 36 (Bessel) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Scheinbarer Durchmesser (Stampfer) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. y. 5. Variable, in Sobieski's Shield (Pigott) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805 : 131. Starvation. See also Food. Recherches(Chossat) Paris, Mm.Savans Etrang. 8 : 438. State. See also Church and state. Education and the state, Government, Individual- ism. Nation, Politics. Ahrens. Cours de droit naturel v. 2. Bluntschli. Lehre vom modernen Stat. ( Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 33 : 932. Brie. Bundesstaat. Erdmann. Vorlesungen iiber d. Staat. Fichte. Werke v. 4. (Lieber) Paras', on law v. 2. Schaffle. Bau des socialen Kbrpers 4:217. Thompson. Problem of evil 173. Absolute form. Fichte, Popular works v.2 and subject. Froude, Short studies v. 2. Aristotle's conception (Bradley) Abbott, Hellenica. Basis; rights. Green (T: Hill), Works 2: 335- De 1'empire. Cousin, Philosophic mod- erne v. 3. Duties of citizens in times of danger. Channing, Works v. 5. Educated men's relation to (Palmer) Pams. Education v. 10. Functions (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 88: 906; 89:562; 90:328; 91: 282; 92:541. Cumul des (Worms) Jour. Econ. IV: 24 : 177. e'conomiques (Duval) Jour. Econ. Ill : 17:382. publiques (Clave') Jour. Econ. IV:40:24. Hegel's theory (Le'vy-Bruhl) Acad. Sci. M or. 132:60. Historical development. Fichte, Popular works v. 2. Influence of Christianity. Fichte, Popu- lar works v. 2. .Intervention in industry. Denslow, Economic philosophy 631. (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. II : 25 : 349. Lehre vom. Schleiermacher, Werke III : y. 8. Limites (Cherbuliez) Jour. Econ. II : 19 : 189, 367. nach Plato, Aristoteles und Machiavelli (Lutoslawski) Dorpat Univ. Diss. v. 2. sans Dieu (Be"zenech) Crit. Relig. 4:209. The"orie et le role de l'ide"e de contrat (Fouille'e) Rev. d. d Mondes III : 32: 759. Weltliteratur und d. moderne (Roden- berg) Rundschau 24:279. State rights. See also Nullification. Works of Calhoun, Jefferson, Madison, Webster. Aristoteles. Politics bk. 3. Brownson. American republic ch. 12; Works 17: 228. Centz. Republic of republics. Cooley. Constitutional limitations. -- Elliot. Debates. Field (Ste. J .). Work as a legislator 173- Hoist. Constitutional history of U. S. v. 1. Hurd. Theory of our national existence. Jay. Letter on Dawson's Federalist. Jennings. Eighty years of republican government. Lalor. Cyclopaedia of political science v.3 Lincoln-Douglas. Debates. Missouri convention, March, 1861. Pro- ceedings. Pamphlets on state rights. 1 vol. Parker. Additional speeches 2: 179. Stephens. War between the states. Statesmen. Duties. Machiavelli, The prince. Education. Helps, Thoughts on govern- ment. Lives. Works by: Brougham, Crowe, Forster, etc. Statics. See also Equilibrium, Force, Graphics. Druck belasteter Balken auf ihre Unter- stiltzungen (Eytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Functional equation applied to curves of equilibration (Wallace) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:625. Stellung und Standhaftigkeit fester Kb'r- per wenn sie auf d. Wasser schwimmen (Woltmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Strains on framework. Calculation by re- ciprocal figures (Jenkin) Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:441. Stresses due to compound strains (Niven) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27:473. The"oremes ge'ne'raux sur I'^quilibre des systemes mate'riels (Lucas) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Statistics. See also Census. Arche'ologie et (Tarde) Rev. Philos. 16 : 363, 492. Bases rationnelles (Guillaud) Jour. Econ. 11:1:213. Economic science and. Leslie, Essays. Fqnction, usage et abus (Lefevre) Jour. Econ. IV: 2:5. Scepticisme en fait (Gabelli) Jour. Econ. IV: 5. -185. Statius, P. Papinius. Besserungen etc. (Kostlin) Philologus 35: 493; 37:276. Gedichte (O. Muller) Rhein. Mus. 18:189. Later Roman epic. Conington, Miscel- laneous writings v. 1. Silvae (Ellis) Jour. Philol. 13 : 88. (Otto) Rhein. Mus. 42:362, 531. Emendationes(Baehrens) Rhein. Mus. 28:250. Steam. and boilers. U. S. International Exhib. 1876 :v. 6. Density (Rankine) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23: 147. at different temperatures (Fairbairn) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1860: 185. Expansion. Limitations (Marks) Pams. mechanics v. 1. Superheated. Forces (Prony) Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. 10:193; 11:879. Law of (Fairbairn) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1862:591. Steam. 455 Stewart. Surface condensation (Joule) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861 : 133. Use of (Reynolds) Owens College essays. Steam engine. See also Boilers. Arago. Notices scientifiques 2:1. (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:100:541. Damp'fpflug. Unsere Zeit 1860: 721. Herreshoff system (Isherwood) Pams. engineering v. 2. Improvements. Great angular velocities (Gilbert) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1830. Lois et les donnes nume'riques qui en- trent dans le calcul. Paris, Mm. Acad. Sci. v. 21, 26. Manufacture (Fitch) IT. S. 10th. census v. 22. With dry saturated steam (Rankine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1859: 177, 743. Steamships. First American. N. Y. Doc. history 2:585. "Great Britain." 1845 (Claxton) Pams. mechanics v. 1. "Great Eastern." Unsere Zeit 1860:444. First voyage. Commettant, Nouveau monde 342. Improvements in (Lundborg) U.S. House Misc. Docs. 1883-4, v. 19. Laws of motion (Barlow) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1834:309. Propellerschraube. Unsere Zeit 1858:519. Transatlantic. Ethics of ( Redding) Cali- fornian 5:558. German ( Werner) Uns. Zeit 1887 : 1 : 465. Stebbins, Rev. Horatio, I). I). Portrait (In photograph case). Stedman, Edmund 0. 1833- Poets of America (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:75:80. Steel. See also Iron. (Lodin) Revue Sci. 43:546. U. S. Bureau of navigation. Professional papers, no. 14. A Hoys (Stodart) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822:253. Manufacture (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:51:687. Reinisch-westfalische Industrie. Unsere Zeit 1870:1:225- Wootz. Experiments on (Mushet) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805:163. Steel age. ( Kranichfeld) Rundschau 36: 111. Steele, Oliver G. ( Hosmer) Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. 2. Steele, Sir Richard. 1671-1729. Swift. Works. 1814. v. :. Thackeray. English humorists. Steffens, Henrik, Norwegian poet. 1773-1845. Fortlage. Genetische Geschichte d. Phi- l"Miphie seit Kant 202. - Schelling. Werke 1 : 10 : 391. Stein, H: F: K: von, Ixiron. 1757-1831. - Duller. Manner des Volks 3:407. ( I'auli) Preus.s. Jahrb. 43:.'?i:5. Angeblicher Hrief (Lehmann) Hist Zeits. 71. Denkschriften (Gneist) Preuss. Jahrb. 37 : 257. Stein, Ix>renz. (Schmoller) Preuss. Jahrb. 19: 245. Steinthal. II - Kthik (Glogau) Zts. Philos. 88:82. Stendhal, pseud. See Beyle, M. H. Stephanas of Byzantium. Duocapita(Geffcken) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v.l Stephen, Christian martyr. Gregorius Nyssenus. Opera. 1615. 2:786. Stephen in, pope. Voyage en France ( Bay et) Rev. Hist 20:88. Stephen, St., king of Hungary. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist, Script, v.ll. Stephen, king of England. 1105-54. Henry of Huntingdon. Chronicle. Howlett, ed. Chronicles of reign (Rolls chronicles, 82). Stephens, Stephanas. See Estienne. Stephens, Alexander H. 1812-83. Portrait. Annual cyclopaedia 1872:347. Stephens, T:. Welsh antiquarian. 1821-75. Life ( Williams) Stephens, Literature of the Kymry. Stephenson, Robert. 1803-59. (Uugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:25:664. Smiles. Brief biographies. Sterling, John. 1806-44. Carlyle. Life of Sterling. Brimlev. Essays. Smiles. Brief biographies. Stern, Daniel, pseud. See Agoult, Marie C. S. de Flavigny. Sternaspis. Anatomie( Veidoosky)Wien Akad.Denks. M-N. 01. v. 43. Sterne, Laurence. 1713-68. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 3 : 387. Thackeray. English humorists. and Thackeray. Bagehot, Literary studies v. 2. Vie et ses oeuvres (Montlgut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 57: 925. SteBlchorus. De palinodia (Geel) Rhein. Mus. 6:1. Steterburg monastery. Annales. Pertz, Mun. (Jerni. hist., Script, v. !;. Gesta praepositorum. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist., Script. 25:719. Stettin, Pomerania. Treaty, 1567(Girardet) Halle Univ.Diss. vJ2 Steuben, F: W: A., baron von. 1730-94. (Bowen) Sparks' Amer. biography v. 9. Greene. German element in war of inde- pendence. Stevenson, Col. John D. Soule\ Annals of San Francisco 784. Stevenson, Robert Louis, norrlitt. K<> man tHrange(Bentzon) Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:86:550. Stewart, Alexander Turney. 1803-76. (Doahn) Unsere Zt-it l-7'i:J 282. Smith. Sunshine and shadow in New York. Stewart, Dugald. philatophrr. 1753-1828. Miller (Hugh). Leading articles 368. RHinn.il- Magazine 3: 487. !:..iiiini. Origin of ideas v. 1. Life ( Vcitrli) su-wnrt. Works V. 10. Moral philoeopbjr. COUMM, Fragments nhilosophiques 5:235. On the un.lersUnding (Wills) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 19. Philosophical essays. Jeffrey, Essays. Stewart. 456 Stone. Stewart, Frances Theresa, duchess of Rich- mond. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Stewart, J ohn (" Walking "). 1750-1822. De Quincey. Literary reminiscences; Note book. Stewart, Matthew, Edinburgh professor. 1717-85. (Play fair) Roy. Edin. Trans. 1:57. Stichometry. (Harris) Arner. J. Philol. v. 4. der Alien (Blass) Rhein. Mus. 24 : 524. Quires in Greek mss. (Gregory) Anier. J. Philol. 7:27. Stichometrisches (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 34:38. und Kolometrie (Blass) Rhein. Mus.34:214. Stiefel, Esaias. Bohme. Anti-Stiefelius (Werke v. 7). Stieglitz, Henri. Charlotte Stieglitz et (Taillandier) Rev.d. d. Mondeslf:25:159. Stieler, Karl, poet. 1842-85. (Schlosser) Unsere Zeit 1885: 1 : 755. Stifter, Adalbert. 1805-68. (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 745. Stilbineae. (Kunth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Stiles, Ezra. 1727-95. American Quar. Register 8 : 193. Sparks. American oiography v. 6. Stilicho. d. 408. Claudianus. De laudibus. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. (Thierry) Acad. Sci. Mor. 18:343; Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:40:5. Stille, C. L: de, general. 1696-1752. Eloge. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7:28. Stillingfleet, Edward, bishop of Worcester. 1635-99. Tulloch. Rational theology in England v.l. Stilpo of Megara. Mallet. Ecole de Megare. Stobseus, Joannes, Greek author. Eiue Quelle (Diels) Rhein. Mus. 3p:172. Nicolaus Schow und (Hense) Rhein. Mus. 41:27. Reihenfolge der Eklogen (Hense) Rhein. Mus. 39:359, 521. Trummer der Eklogen (Wachsmuth) Rhein. Mus. 27 : 73. Stockdale, John, publisher. Trial. Erskine, Speeches v. 2. Stockholm, Sweden. Du Chaillu. Land of midnight sun 1 : 13- Pfeiffer. Visit to Iceland 228. Stockmar, C. F:, Freiherr von. Preussische Jahrb. 12:328; 32:333. Stocks. Journal des Economistes I-II, index (Agiotage, Bourse, Rentes). Borsenspiel der Gegenwart. Unsere Zeit 1869:1:161. Courtage privile'gie' (Be"nard) Jour. Econ. 111:2:347. Extinction de 1'agiotage sur les fonds pub- lics (Cieszkowski) Jour. Econ. 111:1: 382. Influence sur la fortune publique ( Rev- baud) Jour.Econ. 11:10:321; 11:5,161,374. Plan for transfer of. Bentham, WorKs 3:105. Stockton, Richard. 1730-81. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 3. Stockton, California. Position, climate, resources, 1874 (Orr) Pams. California v. 4. Stoicism. See also Antoninus (M. A.), Epic- tetus, Seneca, Zeno. Benn. Greek philosophers v. 2. Grant. Ethics of Aristotle 1:303; Ox- ford essays 1858. Holland. Reign of the stoics. Hume. Essays 1:153. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works 17:473- Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 1 : 78. Zeller. Stoics, Epicureans, etc. Contradictions, improbabilities. Plutarch, Morals v. 3-4. Definition der Affecte (Apelt) Jahrb. Philol. 131:513. Doctrines refuted. Augustinus, Letters 2 : 104, 321. Forme moderne (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 10:17. Influence of Judaism on. Huidekoper, Judaism in Rome (Works v. 1). sur les jurisconsultes remains (Lafer- riere) Acad. Sci. Mor. 51:193; 52:5. Physiology (Lipsius) Lemaire Bibl. Lat. class, v. 86. Morale (Ogereau) Crit. Philos. N. S. 1:57. Systeme (Dauriac) Crit. Philos. N. S. 3 : 131. Stomach. See also Digestion. Cancer. Statistik (Schrader) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Catarrh, in infants (Riemschneider) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Darm-Schwimmprobe (Zillessen) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. degli ucelli (Molin) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 3. Diseases. Symptomatologie (Platz)Gies- sen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Verwerthung des Salols in der Diag- nostik(Kullmann)Giessen Univ.Diss.v.2. itself not digested (Pavy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863 : 161 of various animals (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807 : 139. Solution by gastric fluids (Haviland) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 1:287. Ulceration (Schaumlbffel) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Ulceration ( Vogel) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 1. Zoutzuur in (Endtz) Leiden Univ.Diss.v.l. Stone, Frank. British painters of 18-19. centuries. Stone, Thomas. 1743-1787. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.l. Stone. See also Basalt, Granite, Marble, Rocks. Artificial. U. S. International Exhibition, 1876. v.3. Vienna Exhibition, 1873. v. 4. Brazilian flexible (Hutton) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 86. Building (Bowen) Paris Exposition 1867. Reports v. 4. United States 10th. census v. 10. Stone. 457 Strikes. California (Jackson) Bull. Departm. Mineralogy, Univ. Cal. Compression, strength (Gillmore) U. S. Chief Engineers Report 1875:2:819. Testing (Henry) Smithson. Report 1856:303. Metamorphie durch erhohte Temperatur (Mitscherlich) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1865. Newry pitch-stone (Knox) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1822:313. of Monte Amiata (Williams) Gott Univ. Diss. v. 8. of the Rhone (Moller) Gott. Univ.Diss.v.7. Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire. Beauties of England and Wales 15:pt. 1. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Etymology of the word (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 6:31. Storm, H. Theodor W. 1817- (Biese) Preuss. Jahrb. 60:219. (Schmidt) Kundschau 21:31. und E: Morike. Brief wechsel. Runds- chau 58: 41. Storms. See also Winds. Espy's Theory. American almanac 1842: of 1838. Great Britain (Milne) Roy. K.lin. Trans. 14 : 467. of 1863. Europe (Buchan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24:191. of 1866, Nov. 17. Europe (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1867. Rotary (Helmholtz) Rundschau 6:363. Theorie (Kitao) Japan Univ. Coll. Sci. Jour. 1:113. Story, Joseph, jurist. 1779-1845. Sunnier. Works 1 : 133, and index. Webster. Works 2 : 295. Stoves. See also Fire-places, Heating. Carbonic oxide from (Remsen) U. S. Nat. Bd. Health, 1881. Franklin's. Franklin, Works 6:34,543. Stow, W. W. 1824- Shuck. Bench and bar in California 405. Stowe, Harriet E. Beecher. 1812- Dred (Lemoinne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 11:162. Minister's wooing (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 24: 17 1. My wife and I(Bentzon)Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:98:622. Pearl of Orr's island (Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:36:637; 42:970. Strabo. Beitriige zur Biographic (Niese) Hermes 13:33. - Bk. VII. yuellen (Vogel) Philologus 43: |i r , Straboniana (Niese) Rhein. Mus. 38:567; 42:559. Strafford, T: Wentworth, earl of. 1593-1641. Haylcy. Tower of Ix>ndon 2 : 571. Browning. Stra fiord: a tragedy. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 1. Gardiner. Fall of monarchy of Charlc- I. Lodge. Portrait* v. '_' Mackintosh. British xtnte.smcn v. 2. Raumer. Geschichtc Europas seit 1500. iiam. I.ifcof Vane (Sparks' American biography v. 4). 58 Straits Settlements. See Malay peninsula. Stralsund. ZUR Schill's nach, 1809. Rundschau v. 39-40. Strassburg, Alsace. Annales Argentinenses. Pertz, Monu- ment a, Scriptores v. 17. Belagerung, 1870 (Rullmann) Uns. Zeit 1871:1:289- Bombardment, 1870 (Me"zieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:601. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monu men tsv.2-3. Conspiration rovaliste, 179-2 (Saint-Genis) Rev. d.d. MondM 111:38:392. Geschichtschreibung(Frensdorff) Preuss. Jahrb. 27: 274. Verrath an Frankreich, 1681 (Scherer) Hist. Taschenbucb 1843. Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, rucotml. Whitty. Political portraits. Stratford-on-Avon. Beauties of England and Wales 15:pt _'. Choice Literature 3: 129. Strauss, David Friedrich. 1808-74. Brunner. Vier Grossmeister d. Auf- kliirungs-Theologie. (Cherbuliez) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:97:516. Gegenwart 1 : 342. Gostwick. German culture. (Reinach) Rev. Philos. 5:179. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 801. Gegner. Unsere Zeit 1873: 2:577. III. ;ilisnie(Dieterich) Rev. Philos. 21 : 59. Nouvelle profession de foi (Rli. - K.-sistance of flexure (Barlow) Roy. Soo. Trans. 1855:225; 1857 :43. K. M-tance of hollow tubes (Fairbairn) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:389. Strains in interior of beams (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:49. Strieker, Der. Karl (Jecklin) Germania 22: 129. Strikes. Stf also Arbitration, Labor, Trade unions, Wages. i - tmtekmtr of labor, Krport i-< i>n-in Bur. Labor Statist; en Ant-'lftt-rrc rt 1'artiitration (Eicbthal) Rev.d. 1. Moi, ,.-li minor*. 1**; ( HulnTt-ValU-nnix) Jour. Kndon docks. 1889. U. S. Consular re- port 100. 1'oliti.iin- allcinaiulo (Heyb\ul) Kev..l. l. l II l'i:48a Strikes. 458 Success. Preston, 1857 (Hitler) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:12:367. Railroad, in U.S.1877(Cucheval-Clarigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 23 : 560, 763. Salaires et (Baibie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 69:960. Scottish, 1854. Miller (Hugh), Essays 173. Statistics of (Weeks) U. S. 10th. census v.20. Strindberg, Aug., Swedish novelist. (Rudiger) Preuss. Jahrb. 56:597. Stromboli, volcano. in 1788 (Spallanzani) Pinkerton, Voyages v. 5. Stromeyer, Georg F: L: Unsere Zeit 1876 : 2 : 12. Strong, Caleb. 1745-1819. Lodge. Studies in history. Strong, Theodore. 1790-1869. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Strontium. Determination (Schweitzer) Pains, chem- istry v. 2. Strossmayer, Jos. G:, bishop of Djakovo. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 69 : 803. Stuart, Arabella, lady. 1575-1615. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Stuart, Gilbert, painter. 1755-1828. Tuckerman. Artist life. Stuart, Ja., duke of Richmond. 1612- Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Stuart, L., duke of Richmond. 1574- Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Stuart. See Bute, Darnley, Murray. Stuart royal family. See also Anne (queen), James I, II, Charles I, II, William III of Orange, Charles Edward. Gardiner. First two Stuarts. Hale. Fall of the Stuarts. Derniers. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:9: 481. Present house (Kirkpatrick) Californian 3 : 269. Study, Studies. See also Education. Hamerton. Intellectual life. and retirement. Use of. Bolingbroke, Works 4 : 162. Student and his vocation. Buchanan, David Gray and essays 175. Sture, Sten, Swedish statesmen. 1400- Historiska handlingar 1 : 1. Sturgeons. Structure of skull (Parker) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882 : 139. Sturm, St., abbot of Fulda. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 2. Sturm's theorem. Paris, Me"m. Savans Etrang. 6:271. Syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions (Sylvester) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1853:407. Tables of Sturmian functions (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1857 : 733. Sturz, Helfrich P: (Zimmermann) Preuss. Jahrb. 48:273. Stilve, J. Carl Bertram. 1798-1872. (Frensdorff) Preuss. Jahrb. 30:266; 31: 589; 32:176. Style (Literary). See also Composition. Works on rhetoric especially : Bain, New- man, Wackernagel. Bulwer. Caxtoniana 83. Burroughs. Birds and poets (Before genius. Before beauty). (Burrowes) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Coleridge. Lectures on Shakespeare 2:171. Condillac. Oeuvres 7 : 337. De Quincey. Works 10 : 158 ; also Hist. and crit. essays v. 2. Minto. Manual of English prose. Priestley. Theol. and misc. works 23 : 308. Saintsbury. Specimens of English prose style. Schopenhauer. Werke 6 : 536-586. Sharp. Essays 17. Spencer (Herbert). Essays 9. (Steinthal) Zts. Volkerpsych. 4 : 465. Tocqueville. Democracy in America 2:94. Bemerkungen. Borne, Werke 5:187. Familiar. Hazlitt, Table talk. German. Hosmer, German literature ch. 18. Proben S- Analyse ( Jost) Herrig's Archiv 4:357. Prose style of poets. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Newspaper (Schroeder) Preuss. Jahrb. 59:1; 61:1. Relation to thought. Shedd, Discourses. Subject (Logical). and object. Grote, Minor works 340. Spencer on. Green (T: Hill), Works 1:373. Gleichheit der (Gross) Zts. Philos. 93 : 279. Subjective. See also Consciousness, Ego, Objective. Glauben und Wissen. Hegel, Werke v. 1. Mill's (Hansen) Viertelj. wissens. Philos. 13 373 Recht. Begriff(Merkel) Philos. Monatsh. 24:74. Satze (Schuppe) Zts. Volkerpsych. 16:249. Sublime. See also Beauty. Alison. On taste. Burke. Sublime and beautiful. Goldsmith. Miscellaneous works 4:315. Herder. Kalligone (Werke v. 22). Helve"tius. De 1'homme v. 3 (Oeuvres 7:159). Kant. Werke 5: 251. Mendelssohn (Moses). Schriften 2:169,209 Schiller. Werke 12 : 295. Works transl. v. 8. Stewart. Philosophical essays 239. Torrey. Theory of fine art. Turgot de Lanoye. Sublime in nature. Idea of (Miller) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 5. Illustrations. Beattie. Works v. 3. in literature (Mendelssohn) Hedge, Ger- man prose. (Stack) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 1. Subsidies. (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 1:2:105. Steamship. Seward, Works 1 : 222. U. S. Consular report 112. opposed. Pams. on commerce 4 : no. 16. to American .merchant marine. Pams. on commerce v. 3. Success. See also Fame, Greatness. Emerson. Society and solitude. Mathews. Getting on in the world. Smiles. Self-help. Qualifications necessary. Hazlitt, Plain speaker. Success. 459 Sugar. Self-advancement. Helps, Friends in council 3 : 218. Succinic acid. and pyrotartaric (Simpson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1861:61. Aromatic. Darstellung (Earp) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Recherches (Bourgoin) Paris, Mem. Sa- vans Etrang. v. 23. Sue, M. J. Eugene, novelist. 1804-57. Miller (Hugh). Essays. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 715. Suetonius Tranquillus, Cains. Beitrage (Dirksen) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1848 Fragmentum de inarium partibus (Lun- gensiepen) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 5:240. Studien (Roth) Rhein. Mus. 12:174 ; 13:517. Suevi. (Riese) Rhein. Mus. 44 : 331. Suez canal. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 2:3. (Blake) Paris Exposition 1867. Reports v.4 (Boissay) Jour. Econ. Ill : 16: 248. Diplomatic Review 1855- Journal des Economistes I-II. index. Lawrence. Essays in international law. Nourse. Suez canal 1869-1884. Unsere Zeit 1857:1; 1868:2:270; 1870:1: 1-; 1875:2:60. England and ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes in: 13: 198. in 1853. Urquhart, [Pam. writings] v. 2. in 1855 (Lesseps) Pams. engineering v. 1. in 1856( Alexis, Barrault)Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:1:70. M:ip. in 1867 (Roussin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 70' 369 in 1870 (Merchant) Jour. Econ. 111:23:100 Lignes de commerce (Chappuis) Geneva Soc. Geogr. Me"m. 1 : 91. Suez Isthmus. Caravane en Egypte. 1860 (Se"gur) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 35:598. Geologic (Fuchs) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v. 38. Suffolk, /.',., Geology (Pbear) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:431." Suffrage. See alto Ballot, Elections, Negroes Representation. Alden. Science of government Bluntschli. Lehre voin modernen btat l-JO. Brougham. Political philosophy 3:62. Harrison (K:). Order and progress 63. Madison. Works, index. County franchise. Gladstone, Gleanings v 1 : S|.i-erhes. 1884. de raiKienne France (Picot) Rev. d.d Mon.l.- Ill El Gladstone on (Renouvier) Crit Philos in District of Colombia. Barnes, Histor) - in Holland. U. 8. Consular report in various states. Lanman, DWIMNUUrj of congress 549. Mass, soldiers' voting bill. 1864. New York sol.liers' voting bill, 1864 (Pimm war of secession v. 8-4). Parliamentary. Mackintosh, Essays 472, 580. Qualifications for. Miller (Hu.), Essays 157, 165. Scrutin d'arrondissement (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 19:113,129. Scrutin de liste (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. v. 19. 20. Shall foreigners vote? (Phelps) Califor- nian 5:157. Universal (Ayen) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 46:44. Jennings. Eighty years of republican government. Laboulaye. Etat et ses limites 202. Debate on. 1886. Pams. social science v.3. De"mocratieet(Duvergierde Haaranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 74: 608. 785. Histoire(Cochut) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 82:426. In France (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. 8.8:241.322. in U. S. (Kapp) Preuss. Jahrb. 41:225. Modes de scrutin (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. 18:321. Philosophic (Fouille"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1: 65: 103. Suffrage, Woman. Arnold (A.). Social politics. ( Blair) U.S. Senate Coin. Repts. 1885-6. vJ. Bluntschli. Lehre vom modernen 8tat 3:429. Mill. Dissertations v. 3. Rutland Free Convention. Proceedings. Stanton. History of woman suffrage. Sumner (C:). Works 11 : 48. Traveler. Teachings of the ages 340. Arguments. U. S. Senate Misc. Docs. 1881-2, v. 1 ; Senate Repts. 1883-4, v.3. Woodbull memorial. U. 8. House Com. Repts. 1870-1. Sugar. See /. MapU- tree, Sorghum. Journal des AoonomtotM I II, index. Analysis (Apjohn) Roy. Irish Trans. 24: 587. Beet(Chaptal) Paris, Mm. Acad.Sci. 1:347. (Goessmann) Mass. Agric.Coll. Report 1872. (Hilgard) Overland 11:8:561. in California. Pams. agriculture v. 3. Manufacture. U. 8. Consular report N.S.I. Betterave fc sncre (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 12: 94. CnragheenmcMi.sund Kamnose(Haedicke) (ii.tt. I'niv. Di"*. V. 5. Culture in Culm. Dann, Cuba and hack. ;wanh. \Vext In. lie* 2: 197, 228. Hazard. Culm. iiomie aniinalf (R.'musat) Rev. d. d. M,, 100. Greenock trade, 1886. U. 8. Consular re- porl Milk. Swiss manufacture, t". S. H\i-v Kx. Docs. 1886-6, v. .. Russian iiidu-trv (Molinari) Jour. Econ. IV _:::>; 37:32. 8ncrTi( s . ,,|,,ni;.los (Payen) Rev. d. d. Tariff on (Brown) Pain- fr.-> irn.lp V. 8. (M:iv.-in-\. free trader. 4. (Well-) Pam-. free trader, a Sugar cane. 460 Sun. Sugar cane. Geographische Verbreitung (Ritter) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1839. Structure, composition chimique(Payen) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 22:569. Suger, abbot of St. Denis. 1082-1152. Histoire litte>aire de la France v. 12. Suicide. See also Insanity. De Quincey. Note book. Fleetwood. Relativedutiesofparents.etc. Gastineau. Sottises et scandales. Mendelssohn (Moses). Schriften 2:260. Schopenhauer. Werke 6 : 328. Seneca. De provider! tia liber. (ShurtlefF) Paras, philosophy v. 1. Stael-Holstein. Oeuvres v. 3. Charms of life (Krause) Paras, philoso- phy v. 1. Derniers sentiments (Brierre de Bois- mont) Acad. Sci. Mor. 20:95. et civilisation. Caro, Nouvelles Etudes morales. (Scheel) Uns. Zeit 1881 : 2 : 669. et natality (Durkheim) Rev. Philos. 26:446. Ethics of (Williams) Californian 1 :344. in Europe. Hillebrand : Zeiten, Volker 7 : 102. (Legoyt) Acad. Sci. Mor. 85:271. in France (Barthe'lemy St. Hilaire) Acad. Sci. Mor. 54 : 289. in Philadelphia, 1871-81 (Lee) Pams. on crime v. 8. Lisle sur (Lelut) Acad. Sci. Mor. 39: 309. Philosophy of (O'Dea) Pams. philosophy v. 1. Suidas. Biographica(Daub) Jahrb. Philol. 123:241. Gegonein (Rhode) Rhein. M us. 33:161, 638. Suleiman pasha, general, d. 1883. Houghton. Monographs: personal, etc. Suliotes. De (Quincey. Logic of political economy. Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, dictator. B. C. 138-78 Freeman. Historical essays v. 2. Plutarch. Lives. Stoll. Helden Roms 537. Dialogue d'Eucrate et. Montesquieu, Oeuvres. Sullivan, John. 1740-95. Sparks. American biography v. 13. Sully, Maurice de, bishop of Paris, d. 1196. Lecoy de La Marche. Chaire francaise au moyen age 41. Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, due de. 1560-1641. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. Motley. John of Barneveld. Gabrielle d'Estre"es et (Desclozeaux) Rev. Hist. 33 : 241. Memoires. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 8:134. Sully, Thomas, painter. 1783-1872. Tuckerman. Artist life. Sulphides. Aromatic (Ruhnau) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Behavior with iodine (Bolton) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Sulpho- salts. Decomposition pyroge"ne"e (Frankfeld) Geneva Univ. Diss. v. 2. Sulphur. Burton. Ultima Thule. Mines in Sicily. 1888. U. S. Consular report 92. Verhalten d. Chlors zuS.-metallen(Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1837. Sulphuric acid. Action on amides, nitriles(Buckton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1856. and napthaline (Faraday) Roy.Soc.Trans. 1826:140. Nachteilig an die Vegetation (Heuer- mann) Giessen [Tniv. Diss. v. 2. Oils produced by (Stenhouse) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:467. Sulphur in (Chenevix) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 8. Verhalten gegen einige Chlormetalle (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Sumatra. Chinese Repository v. 3. Dam pier. Voyages 2 : 120. Lettres e'difiantes 16:343. War with Holland. Preuss. Jahrb. 36:516. (RSville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:138. Sumner, Charles, statesman. 1811-74. Annual cyclopaedia 1873. Portrait. (Doehn) Unsere Zeit 1872:1:513 (Hoist) Preuss. Jahrb. 36:249, 357. (Laugel) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:3: 721. Whittier. Poems. Assault by Brooks. Emerson, Miscel- lanies (Riverside edition). Books presented to Harvard university. Harvard Liby. Bibl. contrib. 6. Sumner, W: Graham, economist. 1840- (Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. IV: 26:83. Sumter, Gen. Thomas. 1734-1832. Perry. Biographical sketches of Amer- ican statesmen 570. Sumptuary laws. See Luxury. Sun. See also Eclipses, Parhelia, Solar. Atmosphere (Young) Half hours with mod. scientists v. 2. Constitution. Arago, Oeuvres 7:112. (Radau) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:15:425. De"couvertes re"centes (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 84: 585. Discordance between observed and com- puted right ascensions (South) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826 : 423. Distance (Core) Owens College addresses. Problem des. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2 : 176. Energy, surroundings. Langley, New astronomy. Familie der (Meyer) Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 : 370- Heat (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Origin of. Croll, Discussions on climate. Heat and light. Variable emission (Her- schel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1801 : 265, 354. rays the same? (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800:293,437. Magnitude, Apparent. Gassendi, Opera. 1727. v.3. Motion. Direction and velocity (Her- schel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1805 : 233 ; 1806 : 205. Nutation and the parallaxes of fixed stars (Brinkley) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 14. Oscillations (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 55:57. Sun. 461 Surfaces. Physics (Stewart) Owens College ad- dresses. Refrangibilityof invisible rays (Herschel) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1800:284. Rotation period (Crew) Haverford Coll. Stud. 1 : 100. Spectroscopic observations( Lockyer)Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869:425: 1873:253,639; 1874: 479,805; 1875:577; 1881:561. . Spectrum analysis (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 37 :402. -- Atmospheric lines (Hennessey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875: 157. System. Hansen liber die Storungen (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857. -- Mechanical energies of (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 63. -- Proper motion (Galloway) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1847 : 79. Wende im altdeutsch. Volksglauben (Menzel) Germania 2:228. What is a' Faye, Sur 1'origine du monde. Worship. Julianas (emperor) Oeuvres, 111; ako Gratia III. -- in Persia. Zoega, Abhaudlungen. Bun dials. Hour-lines upon antique (Davies) Roy. Kdin. Trans. 12: 77. Movable horizontal (Donovan) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 24. Newton's (Turner) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845: 141. Sunday. Pamphlets on history v. 1. au moyen age. Michelet, Histoire de France 11: 271. Law. Field (Ste. J.), Work as a legislator 34. Observance of. Clarke, Vexed questions in theology. -- Hallock. Life of Justin Edwards. Pamphlets on religion v. 13, Sabbat und Sonntagsfeier. Herder, Werke 6:90,161. Sunday schools. -i 'hanning. Works v. 4. Kaikes, founder of. Religious Mag. 2:45. Sunsets. Red (Jamin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 1 :63 : Hil. -- (Kiesslingand others) Pams.astronomy v. 1. -- Royal Soc. London. Report on the Krakatoa eruption. Sunspots. Arago. Oeuvres 11:431. Liiiifdey. New astronomy; Century :i-j. mid planetarv configurations (Stewart) HOT. Kdin. trans. 23:499. Beonachtungen (Hohm) Wien Akad. l>enks. M N.r; of 1 ":.' : i ! La Rue) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869:1; 1870:389. Superior, Lake. Mm. I. lied river expedition 1 : 9. loolcraft. Sources of Iht Supernaturallsm. See alto Angels, I>cinoii- ology, Illusions, Magic, Spiritualism, Argyll. Reign of law. Tylor. Anthropology ch. 14-15. Anhang der Menschen. Herbart, Werke. 1850-2. 1 : 479. Wieland. Werke 30 : 89. dans le monde vg<5tal (Dora d'Istria) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:32:481. Merveilleux autrefois et aujourd'hui (RSmusat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:36:347. Natural and. Brownson, Works 3: 1. PhiloMiphy of. Brownson, Works :.':L'71. Science and traditions of. Panis. phi- losophy v. 1. Science et (Guizot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 52:162. Fsays on. Religious Mag. 4 :21. 193, 377. Fijian. Williams and Calvert, Fiji 169. German. Wuttke, Deutsche Vofksaber- glaube. Greek modern. Wright, Essays on lit- erature v. 1. Italian. Burckhardt. Renaissance Japanese (Jung) Zts. Ethnol. 9:331. Modern. De Quincey, Narr. and misc. papers v. 2. Negro. Madden, Residence in West Indies 2:65. Scottish. Burton, History of Scotland 7:113. as subjects for poems. Campbell, Poem.-. Superstitions. See alto Charms, Delusions, Divination, Fetichism, Ghosts, Ordeals, Supernaturalism. Voodooism, \\ wolves, Witchcraft. Brande. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. Browne (Sir T:). Works 2 : 79- Coleridge ( H.). Essays 1 : !7. Grimm. Teutonic mythology v. 3-4. Kingsley (C:). Scientific lectures 201. Superstition and force. Plutarch. Morals v. 1. Smith (J:, of Cambridge). Select dis- courses. (Steinthal) Zts. Viilkerpsych. 2:83. Tylor. Primitive culture. and natural science. Oersted, Soul in nature. beim Essen (Haberland) Zts. Volkerpsych. 18:1,128,255,357. connected with children. Ploss, Das Kind. Cure of wounds bv applying salve to weapons. Fludd, Kesponsuni ad hop- lo.-riMna-sponpum M. Foster!. et la religion. Frederick Il.Oetivrcs 1:190. Surfaces. See alto Pedal curves. Algebraic. General properties (Lardner) llov. Irish Trans, v. 11. Application, les unes Mir les a litres (Co- da/zi) 1'aris, M.'tn. Savan- Ktrang. v. L'7. Bestimmung einer nicht ai. Minin.altla.-lie (< i,, t tiii k ' I ...tt. liuv. v. I. periodlscben Minimalfllche (BohiMri) (i.itt. t'niv. I'i~- \ I Con tact of iS|iotti-woode)Roy.Soc.Trans. 1-7: Cut.ic (fayle\ Tran*. 1>W8:231. witli -21 real line- (C:i\ ley ) ( aii.l.r. Plu- lo~. Tran Curved. Fine U-stiminte Art (Oflen- liauer) Halle I'niv. I' -- \ I Quadrature des (Cauchy ) 1'ari^ U4m Acad. Sci '. Surfaces. 462 Sweden. Degree of the S. reciprocal to a given one (Salmon) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23. Grenzen zwischen Unduloiden u. Nodoi- den (Hermann) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 4. Hyperjacobian curves and (Spottiswoode) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1877:351. isothermes (Lame") Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 5 : 174. orthogqnales (Bertrand) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 10:539. Kettenlinie auf einigen Rotations- (Dan- nehl) Kb'nigsb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. of second order (Reinbeck) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 2. (Zmurko) Wien Akad. Denks.M-N.Cl. v. 26. General equation (De Morgan) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 5 : 77. Harmonisch zugeordneten (Kober) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 3. Orthogonal isothermal (Tait) Roy. Edin. Trans. 27 : 105. of third order. Species (Schlafli) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:193. Reciprocal (Cay ley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869:201; 1872:73. Sextictorse(Cayley)Cambr.Philos.Trans. 11:507. Skew S. or scrolls (Cayley) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:453; 1864:559; 1869:111; Cambr. Philos. Trans. 11:277. Spheric and conic. Beziehungen zu den Schwingungskurven (Kempe) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 2. trajectoires des points d'une figure de forme invariable, etc. (Mannheim) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. v. 22. Transformation by bending (Maxwell) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 9:445. Surgery. Diderot. Oeuvres 3 : 59, 77. Entwickelung. Unsere Zeit 1880 : 2 : 203. Tendances (Richelot) Rev. Sci. 43:193. Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of. 1516-47. Disraeli. Amenities of literature v. 2. Jameson. Loves of the poets (Geraldine). Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Warton. History of English poetry. Surveying. See also Geodesy. Austro-Russian Triangulation, 1847-51 (Littrow) Wien Akad. Denks.M-N.CLv.5. Method of illuminating wires in instru- ments (Usher) Roy. Irish Trans, y. 2. Method to find large areas (Whitelaw) Koy. Irish Trans, v. 6. Nivellement de la France (Girard) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 7: 445. Precision. Application du calcul des probabilities (Puissant) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 10:533; 11:123. U. S. coast survey: history. Anier. Al- manac 1849:65. Pacific coast survey (Davidson) Cali- fornian 1:60. surveys to 1881. Wheeler. Rept. inter- nat. geogr. congress 1881. 464- Surville, M. E. C. de Vallon-Chalis. 1405-80. Besant. Early French poetry. Longfellow. Poetry of Europe. Sainte-Beuve. Tableau de la poesie fr. au .16. sie"cle. Villemain. Litte"rature au moven age 2 : 201. Susa, ancient Persia. Site (Long) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 3: 257. Sutaief, Vassili. Un sectaire russe (Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:55:56. Sutro tunnel. Answers to attack on. Pams. mining v. 4. Report on. U. S. House. C. R. 1871-2, v. 4. Sutroa ro strata. Anatomy (Eisen) Cal. Acad. Sci., Mem. 2:1. Suttee. Asiatic Jour. 13:220, 446, 556; v. 14; 20: 145,653; 23:689; 24:277- Lettres e"difiantes 12 : 123. Sutter, Gen. John A. 1803-80. Works on California history by: Bryant (244). Colton (433), Bancroft (4:738), Soule (765). Annual cyclopaedia 1880. (Del Mar) Calif ornian 2:213. Fremont. Memoirs of my life 1:350. Shuck. Representative men. United States vs. Sutter. (Law cases v. 1; Pams. California v. 10.) Suwarrow. See Souvarof. Sverdrup, Johann, Norwegian statesman. (Martens) Unsere Zeit 1885 : 1 : 816. Svetchine, Mme. Sophie Soymonof. 1782- 1857. ( Broglie) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 33 : 903- Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 1 : 209. Swabia, southern Germany. Bilder aus. Wildermuth, Werke v. 1- Herbsttage in (Lampert) Grenzboten 1874: 2:2: 187- Swain, Hon. David L. 1801-68. Perry. Reminiscences of public men 189. Life (Vance) Pams. biography v. 6. Swallow. Ruskin. Love's meinie ch. 2. Java S. nests (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1817:332. Swammerdam, Jan. 1637-80. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 28. (Pyzel) Rundschau 22 : 225. Swan. Sage voin Schwanritter (Miiller) Germa- nia 1:418. Schwanensage(Hagen) Berlin Akad.Abh. 1846. Swearing. See also Oaths. Penalty, 1646. Mass. Bay Company Rec- ords 2 : 176. Sweden. Description and travel. Marmier. Lettres sur le nord. Sumner. Northern Europe. Gradual elevation (Lyell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835 : 1. Sweden. History and politics. Universal history: modern v. 29-30. Bidrag till utskottmbtenas (Beckmann) Upsala Univ. Diss. v. 1. Crown and parliament (Moses) Berkeley Quar. 1 : 268. Government. Brougham, Political phi- losophy 1:632. in 1500. Military and assessment lists. Historiska handlingar v. 3. in 1786-92. Historiska handlingar v. 6. Sweden. 463 Symbolism. in 1788-90. Lecky, History of England 5:225- in 1789. Historiska handlingar v. 5. in 1810 (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:3: 457. in 1850. Gegenwart 11 : 55. in 1857. Question religieuse(Geffroy,Tail- landier, Trottet) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 8:044; 13:370; 16:905. in 1802-77. Innere Geschichte. Unsere Zei 11878: 1:104- in 1877-87. Unsere Zeit 1887 : 2 : 331. Junge, 1888 (Hansson)Uns. Zeit 1889:1:398. Norway union (Martens) Preuss. Jahrb. 58:339. Parlaments-Reform, 1805 (Lammers) Preuss. Jahrb. 17:201. sous Charles XV (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:102:968. Swedenborg, Emanuel. 1688-1772. Emerson. Representative men. Herder. Adrastea (Werke 23:573). James. Literary remains. Secret of Swedenborg. Society the redeemed form of man 50- Substance and shadow 31, 50, 106. Kant. Werke L> : L'T. Maudsley. Body and mind. Priestley. Theological works 21 :43, and index. Life. Swedenborg library, v. 12. 8 wedenbor gianism . Duvis' Revelations (Bush) Pams. religion v. 12. Fundamental characteristics(Giles) Pams. religion v. 12. in Boston (Reed) Winsor's Boston 3:509. Swedish literature. Geiger. Geschichte Schwedens 1:8- Howitt. Literature of northern Europe v. 2. (Moses) Berkeley Quar. 2: 12, 224. Swift, Jonathan, dean. 1667-1745. Alison. Essays. (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69:321. Burton. Reign of queen Anne. Howitt. Homes of British poets. Jameson. Loves of the poets. Johnson. Lives of the poet* Lecky. Leaders of opinion in Ireland. Masson. Three devils. 8chl<>s-er. Hi-toryof the 18. century v.l. Stanhope. History of England. Thackeray. English humorists. Roscoe ( W: C.). Essays. Genie et ses cmivres (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:16:868. Vie et es oeuvres ( Prevost-Paradol) Acnd. Mor. 36:131,245. Swimming. - Art of. Franklin, Works : 286. Miscellaneous pamphlets v. 5, 8. Swinburne, A. C., pott. 1837- Stedman. Victorian poets. Unaen Zeit 1879:2:181. Bibliography of works to 1885. Dodd, Mead & Go's Catalogue Oct. 1885. PairaniMiic po'ti<|ue (Etifime) Rev. d. d. 291. Tragedies. Lowell, My study win Swindling. Smith. Sunshine and shadow in New York 694. Swine. See Hog. Swiss Idiotikon (Socin) Herrig's Archiv 83 : 111, 321. Switzerland. Description and travel. See alto Alps, Engadine, Geneva, Glaciers, etc. Goethe. Letters from S. Jeffrey. Essay*. (I'assjr) Acad. Sci. Mor. 80:5. chre'tfenne: pages in^dites de Voltaire et de Rousseau (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. ,MondesII:38:421. Economic rurale ( Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:44:823. in 1808. Schlegel (A. W. von), Werke 8: 154. in 1827. Carter, Letters from Europe 2:519. Tertiary formations(Ansted)Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 7:141. Switzerland. History and politics. See alto Sempach battle. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works v. 3. May. Democracy in Europe. Tocqueville. Democracy in America 2: 445; Aca.l. Sri. Mor. i3:95. Guerre de Charles le Te'me'raire centre (Vaucher) Rev. Hist. 3: 297. Antecedents of federalism (Moses) Over- land II: 11: 174. Government. Brougham, Political phi- losophy 3 : 389. Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. in 1308. Delivery of four forest cantons. Lieber, Great events. in 1848-72. Unsere Zeit 1873 : 2 : 145- in 1858. Preuss. JJihrb.-J. in 1859. Dappenthalfrage. Uns. Zeit 1859:209. in 1888 (Bloesch) Uns. Zeit 1888: 1:220. Kiimpfe gegen Burgund (Schmolke) Grenzboten 1*7 1:.': 460- Kirohenpolitik (Wippermann) Unsere Zeit 1874:1:222, 410. pendant la guerrede lS70(Mnrc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mon.les 11:93:30. Regimens au service de la France pendant les guerresde religion (Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes III :4L>:31i;. Verfassungstand. 1872 (Tobler) Preuss. Jahrb. 30:117. Sword dance. Schwcrttaii/>piel aus Ungarn (Mayer) Xts. Vdlkerp-iyrh. 1!:416. Swords. Bronze. Kurze Griffe der (Rupp) Ger- mania 13:285. Sybarls. See Paestuiu. Syllogism. Ssf ah<> Logif, Rea-oii Hamilton (Sir W:). Discussions on phi- losophy. E88alssur(TaiMHTy)lJ-v.rin! ct la connaissance( Pannier) Ki-v 1'lnlo-. II - Naturc(Janet. Arrfat)Rov 1'hilov 12:106, 419. 8truct::r- (I>e Morgan) Cainl.r. Philov 10:178.881, _Th Philoa.l:4fl8. Symbolism. See alto Color, I- !i -m. Phal- lic worship. JohiiM.il. Orifiitnl n-liirion- : IVrsia. Kvville. Prol.-jroiiinui ..f th- history of Symbolism. 464 Tacitus. Christian. Lindsay, Christian art v. 1. in art. Hegel, Aesthetik; also Philosophy of art. Tyrwhitt. Pictorial art. Symmaclius, Q. Aurelius. Affaire de 1'autel de la victoire (Boissier) Rev.d.d.Mondes 111:88:61. Sympathy. See also Charity, Egoism. Hallam (A. H.). Remains 97. Home. Essays on principles of morality. Jouffroy. Nouveaux melanges phi- losophiques 311. Wieland. Werke29:l. Altruism. Stephen, Science of ethics. dans la litte"rature (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes Oct. 1882. Symplegades and the Planctae (Seaton) Amer. J. Philol.8:433. Syncarida. (Packard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Synesius of Gyrene. Hymneh (Flach) Rhein. Mus. 32:538. Synonyms. English (Lutgenau)Herrig's Arch. 72: 415. Hebrew (Miihlau) Zt. deut. niorgenl. Gesell. v. 17. Utility of defining (Hill) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 3. Syphilis. De morbo Gallico. Hutten (Ulrich von), Opera v. 5. Microorganismen bei (Fiilles) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Origine. Clavigero, Storia antica 4 : 303. Wirkung des Calomels (Graefe) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 2. Syracuse, N. Y. in 1880. U. S. 10th. census 18: 637. Syracuse, Sicily. Athenian defeat at, B. C. 415. Creasy, Decisive battles. ( Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 32: 341. in 1803. Seume, Spaziergang 195- in 1873. Spielhagen, Werke 7 : 211. Marine, B. C. 400-300 (Jurien de La Gra- viere) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:35:861; 36: 310. Stadtgeschichte (Schubring) Rhein. Mus. 20:15. Temples. Beule", Art grec 67. Topographic (Lupus) Jahrb. Philol. 131: 433. Syria. Description and travel. See also Aleppo, Arabia, Baalbec, Damascus, Dead Sea, Lebanon, Maronites, Palestine. Ausgraberungen in Thyrus. Hist. Zeits. 44:86. von Samthawro (Bayern) Zts. Ethnol. 10:415. Charakterische Denkmale (Ritter) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. in 1783. Volney, Travels. in 1850. Browne, Yusef. in 1863. Preuss. Jahrb. 12 : 305. in 1864. Unsere Zeit 1864 : 145, 273. in 1872 ( Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 7 : 328, 521. in 1880 (Charmes) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 45 : 303, 753 ; 46 : 290, 826 ; 47 : 99.; 51 : 888. Medical profession in (Van Dyck) Jour. Ani. Or. Soc. 1:561. Ruins of Husn Sulayman. Pams. on travel v. 1. Villes inconnues (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 25: 64. Syria. History and politics. French expedition, 1860. Delord, His- toire du second empire v. 3. (Se"gur) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 33 : 181. in 1860. Annuaire des Deux Mondes 10 : 524. (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:33: 964; 34:719; 35:257. (Raymond) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:29: 399, 627. in 1862. Histoire diplomatique (Girardin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38: 468. Kings of. Clinton, Fasti Hellenic! 3:310. Ostsyrische Bischofe u. Bischofssitz, 400- 800(Guidi)Zts.d. morgenl. Gesells. 43:388. Turkish government or. Volney, Travels 2:310. Syriac language. Accents (Phillips) Jour. Philol. 9: 221. Manuscript lectionary (Hall) Jour. Am. Or. Soc. 11:287. Syriac literature andculture(Frothingham) Amer. J. Philol. 5:200. Syrianus, philosopher. Vacherot. Ecole d'Alexandrie 2 : 192. Syrups. Adulterations (Kedzie) Mich. Bd. Health 1874:33. Syzygy. Tables pour le calcul (Largeteau) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 22:491. Szartoryski, A. G:, prince of Poland. 1770- Unsere Zeit 1862: 260. Szechneyi, Istv&n, count. 1792-1860. (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 70 : 628 ; 71:864. Unsere Zeit 1860: 315. als Geschichts-Philosoph. Kautz, Volks- wirths. Ideen in Ungarn 124. Szechs. See Bohemia. Tabasheer. (Brewster) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1819:283. Tacitus, Caius Cornelius, historian. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana2:225. Agricola(Gantrelle) Jahrb. Philol. 115:777. Bemerkungen (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. 20: 518. Annales. Gerunds and gerundives in ( Plainer) Am. J. Philol. 9:464. Bk. 2. Umstellung (Steup) Rhein. Mus. 24:72. as a historian (Hill) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 1. Battle of Mons Graupius (Allen) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1880:83. Bemerkungen (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. 16: 454; 17:99. Dialogus (Froitzheim) Rhein. Mus. 32:340. (Ritter) Rhein. Mus. 21 :534. Germania (Geffrov) Acad. Sci. Mor. 97 : 635; 98:33-; Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 96:810. Herder. Brief e-Humanitat 4: 153- (Meyer) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 4 : 72 : 173 ; 5:250. Tacitus. 465 Tannin. Bemerkungen (Hitter) Hhein. Mus. 20: 195. Frage iiber die Principes (Richter) Rhein. Mus. 24:229. Studien (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 121: 265. Kunstcharakter (Silvern) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1822-3. Minor works. Bemerkungen (Nipperdey) Rhein. Mus. v. 18-19. Philosophy. Staudlin, Geschichte des Skepticismns 2 : 297. Romisch-rechtliche Mittheilungen (Dirk- sen) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1860. Tadema, L. Alma, painter. 1836- British painters of 18-19. centuries. Ruskin. Art of England. Tahiti. See also Society islands. Beechey. Voyage 1 : 267. Belcher. Voyage 2 : 3. Cook. Third voyage. Ellis. Polynesian researches 1:58. Gerstacker. Schriften 1 :5:574; 6:1. Kotzebue. New voyage 1 : 119. (Quiros) Dalrymple. Voyages v. 1. Tyerman and Bennet. Journal of voy- ages 1821. v. 1. Vancouver. Voyage 1 : 82. Wilkes. U. S. Explor. expedition v. 2. France dans (Varigny) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:44:390. French protectorate (Jurien de La Gra- viere)Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 97 : 297. Tahoe lake, California. Hutchings' California Magazine 2: 107. Kirchhoff. Califnrnische Kulturbilder268 Wheeler. U. S. Geographical survey re- port 1877 : 1287. Physical studies (Le Conte) Overland II : v. 2-3. Taillandier, R, G. E. (Saint-Rene 1 ). 1817-79. (Monte'gut) Rev.d. d. Mondes III : 39:583. Talne, H: A. 1828- (Katscher) Unsere Zeit 1876:2:145; 19th Century 20:51. as a historian. Hillebrand': Zeiten.Vblker 4:207. as an art critic. Hamerton, Thoughts about art ch. 19. Divers Merits. Sairite-Beuve, Causeries 13:249. English literature. Sainte-Beuve, En- glish portraits. Life and writings (Rae) In Notes on En- gland. Panth&snie et 1'histoire (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:8:667. Philosophe-historien (Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 18:118. Psychologic (Kitx-t) It.-v I'liili-. 1:17. Rlalisme dans la critmue (Muzude) Rev. d.d. Mondes II: 70: 499. Voyage en Italic. r.nii-ii, Lettrea d'un passant 2:95. Talavera, F. de, archbishop of Granada. pour.Miivi par llnquiciaon (Du Boys) Acad. 8ci. Mor. 79 : 347. Talbot, <':, dukf. ofShrncibury. d. 1718. Lodge. Portraits v . I. Talbot, C:, baron. ! Campbell. Lord chancellors. 59 Talfourd, Sir T: Noon. 1795-1854. De Quincey. Literary reminiscences v. 2. Whipple. Essays v. i. Talismans. See Charms. Tallemant des Rt'aui, Gdon. 1619-92. Historiettes. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 13: 172. Talleyrand-P.'rigord, C: M. de, diplomatist. 1754-1838. Arndt. Schriften v. 3. Bengnot. M6moires v. 2. Brougham. Statesmen time of George III. (Fournier) Rundschau 55:282. Holland. Foreign reminiscences. Mignet Notices v. 1. R6musat(Mme.). Memoirs. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Lundis 12:12- 133. Wright Louis Philippe 407. Talma, Francois J. 1763-1826. Borne. Schilderungen aus Paris. Talmud. Deutsch. Literary remains. Hershon. Talmudic miscellany. (Theodores) Owens Culi- 329. Assimilationen in (Griinbaum) Zts. deut. morgenl. Gesell. 42:248. Traits des Berakhoth (Franck) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99: 262. Tamarisk tree. (Willdenow) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1811-13. Tamerlane (Timour Beg). 1336-1405. - Burthe"lemy. Histoire de Russie ch. 9. Gibbon. Decline and fall ch. <>5. Ranking. Wars of Mongols and Romans. Universal history : modern v. 4-5. VamWry. History <>f Bokhara. and Baiazet. Vertot, Knights of Malta 2:214. Tancred, prince of Qalilee. d. 1112. Burigiiy. Histoire de Sicile 1 :502. I'israeli. Tarn-mi (fiction). Voltaire. Tancrede (tragedy). Histories of the Crusades. Taney, Roger B., chirf-jnrtier. 1777-1864. Character, services. Curtis (B: R.), Life and writings v. 2. No bust for. Sumner. Works !' Tanagra, Greect. See also Terra cottas. Giebelgrtipi''ii (Curtius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1878. Tangents. - Roberval's method (Duhamel) I^n-, Mi'm. Savans Etrang. 5:257. Tangutes. See alto works on Thibet. (Stein) Zts. Ethnol. T Tanjore, India. - l^ttro- r.lifi:mtf> rJ::t7'J: 13:135; 15:8. Tannhauser. See also Wagner (Richard). I Kn.iulf) llfrrijr'.t An-hiv (:43. Sagi- 11. ihn- Hi-arlK-itiingen (Nodnagel) Herri^x Ar.l.iv '.:119. Tannin, Tanning. See alto Leather. (Peloure) l'uri!. M^-in. Sarans Etrnng. , . , j - Artificial substance* (Hatchett) Roy.Boc. Trans. 1806:211.285; 1OK: 109. bei den Crasnulaceen (Wagner) Otttt i my Dta \ - Tannin. 466 Tassoni. Navajo method (Shufeldt) U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 11:59. Powers of vegetables (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803:233. Tapestry. Miintz. Tapisserie. Notice sur les T. de Gobelin et de la Sa- vonnerie. Bayeux. Freeman, Norman conquest 3: G96. Lingard. History of England 1 : app. Gobelin (Beaumont) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:35:924. Tapirs des Andes (Roulin) Paris, Me'rn. Sa- vans Etrang. 6 : 557, 948. Tappan, Arthur. 1786-1865. Annual cyclopaedia 1865. Johnson. Garrison and his times. Tar. See Leucoline. Tara hill, Westmeath, Ireland. History and antiquities (Petrie) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 18. Tarakanof, Elizabeth, princess. 1755-77. (Challemel-Lacour) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 87:32. Tarentum, southern Italy. Antefixes from (Anderson) J. Hellenic Stud. 4 : 117. Sepulchral relief (Gardner) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:105. Ville disparue (Lenthe'ric) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 32: 144. Tar gums. Deutsch. Literary remains 319-403. Tariff. See also Free trade, Protection. Bibliography. Legislation in the U. S. Monthly Ref. Lists 2:43. Ames (Fisher). Works. Bolles. Financial history of U. S. Clay. Speeches 9, 139, 518 ; Works 2 : 9. Johnston. Representative American orations v. 3. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. Kendall. Autobiography ch. 15-16. Madison. Works. Webster. Works v. 3, 5. Canadian, 1886. U. S. Consular report 72. Foreign. U. S. Senate Com. Reports 1883-4, v. 5. Impot de'mocratique (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondes II 1:78: 316. in France, 1880 (Lavolle"e) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:42:372. Agriculture et 1'industrie devant (Ayen) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 45: 428,570. avant Colbert (Callery) Rev. Hist. v. 18. in Justinian's Pandekten (Dirksen) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1843. Italian, 1887 (Pareto) Jour. Econ. IV:40:5. Lumber, wool, salt (Beatty) Overland II : 12:364,541. Mexican, 1885. U. S. Consular report 53J. New South Wales, 1887. U. S. Consular report 75. on books. Suniner, Works. on railroad iron, 1853. Seward, Works 3 : 656. Revision report, 1886 (Manning) U. S. Senate Ex. D. 1885-6, v. 4. 1888 (Aldrich) U. S. Senate C. Rep. 1887-8, v. 9. Tarnowitz, Silesia. Erzfiihrende Kalkstein-Gebirge(Karsten) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Tarshish. Works on Biblical geography. Martiniere. Dictionnaire 6 : 871. Tartar language and literature. Lettres e'difiantes 19:260. Altajische Studien (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1866, 1869, v. 1 ; 1871. Formen der gebundenen Rede (Radloff) Zts. Volkerpsych. 4 : 85. Heldeusagen. Castre"n, Vorlesungen. Uigurenfrage (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1873, 1875. Tartary. See also Bokhara, Turkestan. Atkinson. Oriental and western Siberia. Clarke (E: D.). Travels v. 1. Cochrane. Pedestrian journey. Collins. Voyage down the Ainoor. Lettres e'difiantes 19:260; 24:272. Pinkerton. Voyages v. 7. Polo. Travels. Flight of a tribe. De Quincey, Narrative papers. History. Universal history: modern v. 3-5,7. since Tamerlane. Harris, Voyages 1 : 629. Invasion of China. Martini, Regni Sinensis narratio. of Hungary. Maildth, Magyaren 1:186. of Russia. Histories of Russia by Bar- the'lemy, Stahl, Wallace, etc. Kanggar u. d. osman. Reich (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1844. Marche des. Gonzale's, Voyages en pan- toufles. Steppes (Lansdeil) Choice Literature 4: 166, 260. Tasmania, formerly Van Diemen's Land. Cook. Voyages. Howitt. Land, labor and gold v. 2. (Tasman) Dalrymple, Voyages v. 2. Europeans dans (Jacobs) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:20:323. Tassp, Torquato, poet. 1544-95. Histories of Italian literature by : Canello (79, 136), Ginguine (v. 5), Sauer (347), Tiraboschi(7:1839). Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 4 : 340. Leo. GeschichtederitalienischenStaaten 5:508. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Quinet. Revolutions dMtalie 2 : 218. Sismondi. Literature of south Europe 2: 104. Symonds. Renaissance : Catholic reac- tion v. 2. English 16. century translations (Koep- pel) Anglia v. 11, 12. Leben. Heinse, Sammtl. Schrif ten 4:65. Nature du genie (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:218. Virgil, Raphael and. Alison, Essays 3 : 42. Tassoni, Alessandro, poet. 1565-1635. Montgomery. Italian authors v. 2. Symonds. Renaissance : Catholic reac- tion v. 2. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 8 : 714. Taste. 467 Taxidermy. Taste. Bibliography. Blakey, Philosophy of mind 3: 419. Alembert. Oeuvres 3:413. Alison. Nature and principles of T. Brillat-Savarin. Physiologic du gout. Burke. Sublime and beautiful. Crane. Art and formation of T. Dwight. Study of art. Hazlitt. Sketches and essays. Herder. Kalligone (Werke v. 22). Hume. Essays. Montesquieu. Oeuvres. Stewart (D.). Philosophical essays; Works v. 5. Torrey. Theory of fine art. Voltaire. Oeuvres 36 : 286. Cultivation of. Goldsmith, Miscell. works 1 : 259. Englische. Herder, Saramtl. Werke 2:230. Erreurs du gout moderne (Monte'gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:34:217. Franz. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. (Klein) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1801-2 :^\ Leroy-Beaulieu. Science des finances y. 1. McCulloch. Taxation and the funding system. Rogers. . Protests of the lords. an move'n Age (Kustel de Coulanges) Rev. :<;:!. Aufwand durchaufzuhringen( Hoffmann) Berlin Akad Al.h. 1M43. Communal (Meyer) Pn-nss. Jahrb. Ivl'll. df mocratique (Baudrillart) Rev. d. d. M.md.- 111 :7S :.' (I5oi.ii.-u K.-V..1..1. Mon.h- ill :-t>: -'T. Clay. Sp.-r.-ht- I - (iri-g. Political prolilfin- '-"'I. Un.screZeit 18X1:1: in Pru-xia i/fllit/) l'r< \.ss. Jahrb. 44: 115. Liability <>f states U. S. Senate Ex. V. 1. eiitn- valiMir- mobUlerei et Iramobiuertt A< T. i<;:2S5. Graduated. Pams. social science v. 2. Grund-.Fragein Preussen. Preuss Jahrb. 5:30; 30:572. Henry George on (Dwyer) Berkeley Quar. 2:210. in England since 1066. Austin, Life of S. Smith 1 : 130. 1217-1484. Stubbs, Constitutional his- tory. in Europe. U. S. Consular reports 99-100. in France (Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. 36:437- 484. before 1789. Saint Simon, Me'moires. Taine. Ancient regime. in Germany. Bismarck, Reden. Rundschau 11 : 322. 1866 ( Werenberg) Preuss. Jahrb. 17:303. 1882 (Kalle) Preuss. Jahrb. 50:439. 1883. U. S. Consular report Aug. 1883. ISSN (Strutz) Pn-uss. Jahrb. 62:368. in Holland. Laspeyres, Volkswirths. Anschauungen. in the United States. Peto, Resources of America. U. S. Tenth census v. 7. Income. Bilinski, Luxussteuer als Cor- rectiv. (Scott) Pams. finance v. 2. (Vignes) Jour. Econ. 111:4:193. Lois d'existence (Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. 3i:403. of bread (Cochin) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 68 Mil".) of capital (Baudrillart) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 79: Jour. Econ. 111:3:321. of deeds (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 28:147. of land. Giffen, Essays in finance 234. (Paxsy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 92:5. of luxuries (Baudrillart) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:95:523; i of railroads. Haymond, Argument in U. S. supreme court 1888. (Hopkins) Califomian 3: 139. Pains. California v. 2. of working classes. I.i-lif. I'.ssays. Principles of. <;r.->r, rXsays v. 1. Progressive and indirect (Bonnet) RT. d. d. Mondes 111:24: 4.S7. 656. and proportional (Bonnet) Rev. d. d. Mon-h's 11:103:378. Reichs-Kinkommen- (Scheel) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 2 : . r >77. Remission of. Greg, Miscellaneous essays. Renovation du cadastre (Oissel) Rev. d.d. Mondes III:3:8M. i:.-um.- df la tli.'orie (Parieu) Aca Mor. 09:77. Roman. Arnold, Unman provincial ad- ministration. (Boulangcr) Jour. Eo>n. 111:22:867; 1:29. (Jil.lH.n. l>f< -line nnd fall 1 :91. t'nu-r dfii Kai-.-rii (Savigny) Berlin Aka.l. Al.h. l-.' 3. succesaorale beige (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 104. MIT lea riches (Gamier) Jour. Boon. Ill : lv Taxidermy. ones. Key to North American birds. 2ded. 8waii.5on. Taxi.lormv Watcrton Wan.K-ringsinSouth Anierioa. Taylor. 468 Telephone. Taylor, Bayard. 1825-78. Annual cyclopaedia 1878. Griswold. Poets of America. Stedman. Poets of America. Unsere Zeit 1879 : 2 : 1, 126. Taylor, George. 1716-81. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 9. Taylor, Jeremy, bishop. 1613-67. Evelyn. Diary 3 : 203. Tulloch. Rational theology in England, v. 1. Notes exegetical. Coleridge, English divines v. 1. Taylor, Col. Meadows. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 6 : 104. Taylor, Thomas, the Platonist. Catalogue of works (Sanford) Pams. phi- losophy v. 1. Taylor, Zachary, president. 1784-1850. Administration. Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 4 : 21. Taylor's theorem (or series). Anwendung d. allgem. (Crelle) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. Grundlage der Fonctionen(Poselger) Ber- lin Akad. Abh. 1835. Reste der (Winckler) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. C. v. 28. Tea. See also Mate. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe v. 2. Introduction of. Disraeli, Curiosities of literature. Potus theae (Tillaeus) Linnaeus, Amoeni- tates acad., v. 7. Role hygie"nique; preparations (Payen) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 25 : 194. Teachers, Teaching. See also Education, Pedagogy. Methods (Kennedy) Pams. on Educ. v. 8. Women as. Compayre', History of ped- agogy. Tecumseh, Indian chief. 1770-1813. Parton. Life of Jackson 1 : ch. 36- Teeth. See also Dentistry. Decayed. Ursache chronischer Lymph- driisenschwellungen am Halse (Oden- thal) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. des mammiferes rongeurs (Geoffroy-St.- Hilaire) Paris, Mem. Acad. Sci. 12:181. des musaraignes(Duvernoy) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 9 : 333. Neuralgia of. Brunton, Disorders of di- gestion. of animals (Cuvier) Lemaire Bibl. Lat. class. 61 : 603. of dugong(Knox) Roy. Edin. Trans. 11:389. of fishes. Development (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:257. of frog,newt,green lizard, ophidia (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875:285, 297. of ganoid fish. Microscopic structure (Williamson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849:433. of marsupials (Flower) Rov. Soc. Trans. 1867:631. Tissues (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1849 : 403. of rodentia. Tissues (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850 : 529. of wart-hogs, and mammalia (Owen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:481. Preservation of (Farnsworth) Mich. Bd. Health 1878:91. Vascular den tine (Tomes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878:25. Tegnr, Esaias, poet, bishop. 1782-1846. (Brandes) Rundschau 15:293, 384. Gartenlaube 1882 : 747. Portrait. Horn. Scandinavian literature. Howitt. Literature northern Europe v. 2. (Kappe) Preuss. Jahrb. 13: 109. Longfellow. Prose works v. 1. Teliama county, Cut. in 1888 (Coffrnan) Pams. California v. 13. Teheran, Persia. in 1808. Morier, Journey. Tehuantepec. Ship-railway. Sullivan, Interoceanic com- munication. U. S. Senate Reports 1881-2, no. 213. Telegraph. See also Electricity, Postal tele- graph. Application to the Chinese language (Macy) Jour. Am. Orient. Soc. 3: 195. Atlantic submM rine (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:42:728; 43:705; 44:930; 65:521. ( Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11 : 791. LTnsere Zeit 1866 : 2 : 531. Communication with India (Gisborne) Cambridge essays 1857. Competing. U. S. Senate Com. Rep. 1878-9. v. 2. Government management. Jevons,Meth- ods of social reform. in France (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 68 : 457. in 1859. Unsere Zeit 1859 : 401. International (Saveney) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:101:359,551. Overland and Pacific (Gamble) Calif ornian 3:321,556. Russian, or Collins (Parker) Overland II : 12:14. Submarine. Transmission of signals (Jenkin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1862:987. Teleki, Ladislas, count. Unsere Zeit 1861:507. Telemeter. Improved (Davidson) Pams. engineer- ing v. 2. Teleology. See Final causes. Teleosaurus. Lames osseuses (Geoffroy-St.-Hilaire) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 12: 3-138. Teleosteans. Eggs and larvae(Cunningham)Roy.Edin. Trans. 33:97. Formation of germinal layers (Brook) Roy. Edin. Trans. 33 : 199. Telepathy. See also Thought-reading. Gurney. Phantasms of the living. Society Psych. Research. Proceedings. in England (Preyer) Rundschau 46: 30. Suggestion mentale (Marillier) Rev. Phi- los. 23 : 400. Telephone. American Bell co. vs. National improved co. Argument of Beckwith. Pams. on science v. 3. Differential (Chrystal) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29:609. Telephone. 469 Temperature. Experiments (Blyth) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:557; 29:281. in Gegenwart und Zukunf t(Muyden) Uns. Zeit 1887:2:37. Pan-electric company. Testimony, 1886. U. S. House M. D. 1885-6, v. 19. Telescopes. See alto Astronomy. Optics. Achromatic eve-pieces (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Tran O-' :!7. object-glass: correction (Potter) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:553. Artificial horizon for taking altitudes (Little) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 8. Cassegrainian and Gregorian (Kater) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1813:206; 1814:231. Correction of spherical errors in jrl Newton's theorem demonstrated ( Young) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. Elchies refracting (Smyth) Roy. F.din. Trans. 23: 371. Equatorial instrument observation- Correction of (Robinson) Hoy. Irish Trans, v. 15. Floating collimator (Kater) Roy. SIM Trans. 18^. 117; lv3i:307; 1828:257. Fluid concave lens (Barlow) Roy. Soo. Trans. 1828:105, 313; 1829:33; 1831:9; 1833:1. Grinding of mirrors, etc. (Cecil) Cambr. 1'hiios. Trans. 2:85. Melbourne (Robinson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1869:127. Metallic reflectors (Adie) Roy. Edin. Trans. ly. Soc.Tran.s. 1840:503. Rosse's. Heavens seen through. De tinincey, Works3:l'i7. Silvered glass for mirrors (Airy) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:105. Silvered glass reflecting (Brashear) Pains. astronomy v. 1. Specula. Metalliccomposition for (Little) Rov. Irish Trans, v. 10. of six feet aperture (Rosse) Roy. Soc. Trans 1861:681. Polishing (Lassell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1875' 303 Spherical aberration of eye-pieces (Airy) Caml.r. Philo-. frans.3:l. Telesio, Bernardino. 1508-88. Carriere. Philosophische Ansrhauungd. ..rmationszeit 2:34. Telesphorus. -(Wroth).!. Hcllcni.- Stud. . 1:283. Tell, William. K5M7-M. Historic- <.f BwitnrUnd by: Daguet(l: in), MndlUur (1:846); etc. rian. 0,-uvre- (fiction |. Hartmanii (M-r.). Wilh.-lm Tell (lie-lion) l.amart inc. Vies de grands hoinmea. Rochholz. Tell un.l < icsd in Sage und chichte. Schiller. Wilhelm Tell (drama). als ZauberschUtze (Rochholz) Germania 13:39. Heimdallr und (Lutolf) Germania 8:208. Le'gende et 1'histoire (Marc-Monnier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 85 : 214. Lemerre's tragedy. Grimm-Diderot, C< >r- resnondance 5:268. Rossini's opera (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 72: 985. -- (Lagenevais) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :83: 230. Sage (Liitolf) Germania 9:217. -- Mythische (it-halt ( Pfannenschmid) Germania 10:1. -- Schweiz. Volks theater und (Roquette) Preuss. Jahrb. 13:525. -- Ursprung(Mahly) Preuss. Jahrb. 62:280 Teller, W: Abraham. 1734-1806. (Nit-olai) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1804-11. Tellez, G. (Tirso de Molina, Klein. Geschichtedes Urania's 11 : 1 : 114. Telos island. (Bent) J. Hellenic Stud. 6:233. Tempe, Thessaly. Cla>-ical Journal 13:17!>. Wordsworth. Greece. Temperaments. acquis. Cabanis, Oeuvres v. 3-4. Temperance. Set Intemperance. Temperature. See alto Atmosphere, (Mi- mate. Heat. Thermometer. Altitude and. Ball, Naturalist in 8. America, app. A. -- (('halli-) Cambr. Philos. Tran-. ' -- (Forbes) Rov. Kdin. Tranx. H:489. -- (Sonklar) Wiei. Akad. Dei.k- M N I v 21. Atmospheric. Daily variations (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1846, : -- and terrestrial (Becquerel) l'ari>, M.'m. Acad. S-i. v. 11. -- Mittlere u. absolute Veranderlichkeit (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh -- Steigenu. Fallen hitmen eineranalogen 11 jahr. Periode (Frit-rh) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. Cl. v. 7. Austria. Taglirhc Anderuni:eii (.lelinek) Wien Akad. Denks. M N. M. \ Cold from higlier atmo-].lnTe il Iti.y. Kdin. Trans. S; KY des v.'p'taux, de rairetdu*ol(Beoqoerel) Paris. M,-.,,,. A. -a.!. Bd. v. 32,35,36,38, 40, 41. Einflussd. Windesri(htnng(l)ove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1848. Krwarmung von der Sonne ('1 ralles) B-r- lin Akad. Abh. 1S1H-19. Haapt-UmdMn d. Vcnehtodaiheil a>if ,1 Krdki.rper (Humboldt) Berlin Akad. Al.h Linien pi. i. her UonatewimM (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 184^ Mea-iire liy water-vapor pressure (Shaw) Cambr. I'hilos. Tran-. 11:30. of theoartband planets) Hopkin-lCambr. Philos Trans. 9:628. -- et des espace pi", 'trier) Paris, Mem. A.a.l. ft -- Mean 201 sense, bei Nervenkrankl,. Bonn Univ. Diss. v Temperature. 470 Teredo. Tafel d. mittleren T. verschiedener Orte in Reaumerschen Graden (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Terrestrial (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:75. (Hopkins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867:805. 1788 (Hamilton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 2. Underground (Cordier) Paris, He'll!. Acad. Sci. 7 : 473. (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. (Everett) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22:429. (Forbes, Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:189; 22:405. zu Berlin (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. zu Riidersdorf (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. Variations. Nicht periodische (Dove) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1838, 1839, 1842, 1845. 1852, 1858. Templars. See Knights Templar. Temple, H. J. See Palmerston. Temple, Sir William, statesman. 1628-99. Macaulay. Essays. Swift. Works, index. Temples. Gemalde als Tempelschmuck (Zacher) Jahrb. Philol. 121 : 577. Lighting Greek. Beule", Art grec 281. Orientirung (Nissen) Rhein. Mus. 28 : 513 ; 29 : 369 ; 40 : 38, 329, 480 ; 42 : 28. Tenants. See also Land, Rent. Eviction in Scotland. Miller (H.), Lead- ing articles 388. Tenant right. Heron, Jurisprudence 700. Tencin, C. A. G., marquise de. 1681-1749. (Kleinschmidt) Unsere Zeit 1881:2:124. Teneriffe. See also Canary islands. Staunton. Embassy to China 1 : 86. Peak of (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Astronomical value (Smyth) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1858:465. Tennessee. in 1788-. Parton, Life of Jackson 1 : ch. 10- Tenniel, John. Ruskin. Art of England. Tennis. (Osborn) Contemp. Rev. 40:326. Tennyson, Alfred, lord, poet. 1810- Bayne. Essays v. 1. Brimley. Essays ; Cambridge essays 1855. (Do' lien) Herrig's Archiv 17:73. (Dudley) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:1:821. Emerson. English traits. (Filon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 71 : 70. (Fischer) Herrig's Archiv 15:24. Gladstone. Gleanings v. 2. Howitt. Homes of the poets. Hutton. Essays v. 2. Kingsley (C:). Literary essays. (MontSgut) Rev.d. d. Mondes 11:24:472. (Robinson) Unsere Zeit 1879:1:81. Stedman. Victorian poets. Taine. English literature. ( Waldmiiller) Unsere Zeit 1868 : 1 : 522. Wilson ( J:). Essays 2 : 109. and Browning. Dowden, Studies in lit- erature; Afternoon lectures v. 5. Enoch Arden (MontSgut) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:62:423. Heine, and Musset. Buchanan, Master- spirits. Idylls of the king (Wiillenweber) Her- rig's Arch. 83 : 1. Symbolism of ( Applebee) Pams. poetry v. i. In memoriam. Robertson, Analysis of. Over-rated poet. Heywood, How they strike me. Princess. Hadley, Essays. Queen Mary (Boucher) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:14:887. Unsere Zeit 1875 : 2 : 622. Wordsworth, Browning and. Bagehot, Literary studies v. 2. Tenon, Jacques-Rene. 1724-1816. (Delambre) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 1 : cxlv. Terebrata. (Buch) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. Tense of verbs. English future. Bildung (Haupt) Her- rig's Archiv 17 : 228. Future. Bildung in d. roman. Sprachen (Reimnitz) Pams. language v. 2. German perfective und imperfective Actionsart (Streitberg) Beitr. deut. Sprache 15:70. preterite (Kriiger) Herrig's Archiv 22: 403; 36:313. weak preterite (Carter) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1875 : 22. (Collitz) Am. J. Philol. 9:42. Zts. deutsch. Alterth. 21 : 229. Gothic weak preterite ( Johansson) Kuhn's Zeits. 30:547. Greek (Hunter) Roy. Edin. Trans. 9:481. aspirate perfect (Schmidt) Zts. vergl. Sprachf. 27:287. future and first aorist formation (Key) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1867:1. Monboddo on (Browne) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 3. perfect (Maiden) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1865:168. Imperfect indicative (Scholle) Herrig's Archiv 44: 425. Indo-European past (Trethen) Philol. Soc. Prpc. 1:273. Italian. Perfektformen (Buchholz) Her- rig's Archiv 82 : 133. Latin past, in finite verb (Harkness) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1874, 1875. perfect. Formation (Key) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1860-1 : 172. perfect conjunctive. Potential use (Cramer) Marb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. present historical. Consecutio (Hug) Rhein. Mus. 40 : 397. sequence (Hale) Amer. J. Philol. 7 : 446 ; 8:46; 9:158. Verschreibung in d. romanischen Sprachen (Foth) Roman. Stud. y. 2. Perfect. Verschiedene Bezeichnung (Pott) Zts. Volkerpsych. v. 15, 16. Tempusbildung (Meyer) Orient u. Occid. v. 1. Tenthredo cerris(Kollar) Wien Akad.Denks. M-N. C1.3:48. Teredo. (Griffiths, Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1806 : 269, 276. (Osier) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826:342. Terentius Afer. 471 Thales. Terentius Afer, Publius. B. C. 193-159. Suetonius. Lives. Beitrage z. Kritik (Klette) Rhein. Mus. 14 : 461. Belloy's traduction. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis 5:330. Bentley's English mss. (Warren) Am. J. Philol. 3:59. Commentar des Donat (Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 29:445, 511. De dum usu (Boettger) Halle Univ. Diss. v.l. Didaskalien( Dziatzko) Rhein. Mus. 20:570; 21 : (>4. Eigenthumlichkeiten d. Versschlusses (Conradt) Hermes 10:101. Manuscripts. Relative value (Pease) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 18:30. Prosodie (Wagner) Rhein. Mus. 22:111, 422. Reflexions sur. Diderot, Oeuvres 3:31. Stichische u. lyrische Composition (Con- radt) Jahrb. Philol. 117:401. Strophische Gliederung in d. stichischen Partien (Meissner) Jahrb. Philol. 129:289. Ueberlieferungsgeschichte (Leo) Rhein. Mus. 38:317. Usus imperativi (Stahl) Marburg Univ. Diss. v. 3. Terra-cottas. Set alto Pottery. Tanagrine. Kekul6, Griechische Thon- figuren. Tarentine (Evans) J. Hellenic Stud. 7 : 1. Terray, Joseph Marie, abbf. 1715-78. (Chazal) Jour. Econ. 1:17:399. Terry, linn. David Smith. 1823-89. Shuck. Bench and bar in California. Tertullianus, (.).. S. F. 160-240. Carmichael. Christian fathers. Ritter. Geschichte der Philos. 5:362. uls Mensch und als Burger (Niildechen) Hi-t. Zcits. M :_'_'!. Antignostikus. Neander, Planting of the Christian church v. 2. De pallio (Boissier) Rev.d.d. Mondes III : 94:50. et I'Sglise de son temps (Rville) Rev.d. d. Mondes II: 54: 16;. Gedichte de Sodoma (L. MUller) Rhein. Mus. 22:329, I Testa, Gerhardi del, dramatist. (Stuhly) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:596. Testimony. See alto Evidence, Tradition. and analogy (Young) Roy. Irish Trans. 7:79. Certitude du (Naville) Acad.Sci. Mor. 99: 577. Cooperative value as to facts. Pam> hi- tory v. 9. Expert (Palmer, Washburn) Law pamph- lets v. 1. Measure of force of (Tozer)Camhr. 1'hilos. Truu. 8:148. of atheists. Law pamphleti v. 1. Winthrop. 8j>eeches 187. Theory of probabilities a|.plied (Boole) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21:887. Testude Mauroy, J:,a*<. 1626-1700. Alembert. Oeuvres 9:273; 10:909. Tetens, .lohaim Nicolas. Psychologic (Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. LB7I Tetr ame thy Idiamidobenzophenone . Derivate (Breithaupt) GottUniv. DISS.V. 5. Tetramethyldiamidorhiobenzophenone. (Baither) Gijttingen Univ. Diss. v. 5. Teutonic knights. Carlyle. Frederick the Great, index. Jiihns. Ross und Reiter. Treitschke. Aufsiitze v. 2; Preuss. Jahrb. 10:95. Chute (Lavisse) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:33: 1 i:>. Conqute de la Prusse (Lavisse) Rev. d. trikc me 39. Thackeray, \\ : Mak-|>eace. 1811-33. Bay tie. Essays v. 1. Fields. Yesterday-^ with authors. (M. L.} Pr0UM.Jahrb.tt: 444. Roscoe(\V: (' . Taine. Knulish literature. I IIMTC Xcit \-'-~> :'i!3. - Whipple. t'harai-tfri.-tic men. amlMernc. Uapchot. Literary -tiKlies v.2. Esmond. Brimley. K-says. Talent, ceuvres (Taine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 7 : 165. Vie et dernier* .'< rit- (Korgucs) Rev. d. d. M.m.l,-- 11:51:906. Thales of Mil f tut. lli-ti.rie- of i-hilo-ophy by I^eWes, Stall- Icy, etc. Figuier. Savants dc I'anti.mit* 28. - ein Semite? ( I 'h. PhUim. m, Thales. 472 Theodolith. Emprunts a 1'Egypte (Tannery) Rev. Philos. 9:299. Thallium. (Crookes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863 : 173. Atomic weight (Crookes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1873:277. Electric conductivity (Mathiessen) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863 : 369. Thames river. Frost of 1683-4. Percy Society v. 9. Poem on. Peacock, Works v. 3. Tides (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1842 : 1. Thanksgiving day. Adams. Thanksgiving. Thaun, Philipp von. Physiologus und seine Quellen (Mann) Anglia 7:420. Theater. See also Actors, Drama. Ancient. Lemaire, Bibl. Lat. class, 105: xxxviii- as a moral institution. Schiller, Works v. 8; Werke 10: 69. Construction. Durm, Handbuch d. Ar- chitectur. Fergusson. Architecture v. 4. English. Alison, Essays: political 3:551. Macready. Reminiscences. French and German (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1879 :v. 2. Esprit public (Planche) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:5: 105. in 16. century. Sainte-Beuve, Tableau de la posie. in 1873-83. Unsere Zeit 1883 : 1 : 196- Liber t6(Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1:24:342; 26:130. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 1 : 35. of the revolution (Brunetiere) Rev.d.d. Mondes III: 43: 474. under Louis Philippe. Livre des 101. 10:359. under Napoleon III. Unsere Zeit 1867 : v. 1-2. German. Prutz, Dramatische Werke 4:1; Vorlesungen. Unsere Zeit 1865:64; 1869:1:757,919. als ein Nationalinstitut. Platen, Werke 353. Gegenwartige. Schiller, Werke 10 : 49. Volkstheater. Unsere Zeit 1866 : 1 : 221. Greek. Donaldson, Theater of the Greeks. Kingsley (C:). Literary essays. St. John. Ancient Greece 2 : 220. in 5. century (Duruy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:77:593. Roman. Baumeister, Denkmaler d. class. Altertums v. 3. London (Beta) Unsere Zeit 1881:2:404- Knight. London v. 5. in 1802. Goede, England 3 : 180. in 1836. Grant, Great metropolis 1 : 23. in 1861(Esquiros) Rev.d. d. Mondes II : 33:116. Moaurs contemporaines. Caro, Etudes morales 278. Paris (Rondot) Jour. Econ. 1 : 31: 271, 356. Roman. Friedlander, Romische Sitten- geschichte v. 2. at Saguntum (Marti) Roy. Irish Trans. v. 3. Russian. Sociale Bedeutung. Bodenstedt, Schriftenl2:191. Spanish (Diercks) Uns; Zeit 1886 : 1 : 346. (M6zieres) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1883: Apr. 15. Swiss. Bauerntheater in Tirol. Bauern- feld, Schriftenl2:156. Volkstheater (Schweichel) Herrig's Ar- chiv 34 : 253. Thebes. See also Memnon. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Lepsius. Letters from Egypt 243. Schickler. En Orient. Statius. Thebais. Theism. See also Deism, God. Action re"flexe et (James) Grit. Philos. 20 : 385,401; 21:5. Evolution and. Bibliography. Lib. Jour- nal 6: 31. - Flint sur (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 4: 26. Greek. Newman, Hebrew theism. Limits of demonstrable. Thornton, Old- fashioned ethics. Moral. Newman (Fs. W.), Miscellanies 2:310. Natural history of. Hedge, Ways of the spirit. Profession de foi. Voltaire, Oeuvres v. 29. Relation to pantheism. Newman (Fs.W.), Miscellanies 2 : 204. Scientific. Strong, Philosophy and re- ligion 75. Theory of unconscious intelligence op- posed to (Morris) Pams. philosophy v. 1. Trial of (Holyoake) Pams. religion v. 10. Two theisms. Newman (Fs. W.), Mis- cellanies 2 : 193. Themistocles. B. C. 514-449. Cox. Greek statesmen v. 1. Nepos. Lives. Plutarch. Lives. Epistles spurious. Bentley, Works v. 2. Thenard, L: Jacques. 1777-1857. (Flourens) Paris, M6rn. Acad. Sci. v. 32. Theocritus' of Chios, sophist. (Schroder) Jahrb. Philol. 139:317. Theocritus of Syracuse, poet. Quinet. Ge'nie grec (Oeuvres 38 : 205). (Welcker) Rhein. Mus. 1:65. Carmen Aeolicum; ed. Bergk (Fritzsch) Rhein. Mus. 21:247. - De dialecto (Bergk) Rhein. Mus. 6: 16. Idylls. Landor, Works v. 5. Lessing. Werke 5 : 85. (Ribbeck) Preuss. Jahrb. 32:59. Lectiones (Bergk) Rhein. Mus. 4: 217. Pastoral dans (Girard) Rev. d. d. Mondes III :v. 50-51. Studien (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 17:543. und Gessner. Herder, Werke 1 : 337. Theodicy. See also Evil. Fundaments psychologiques (Leveque) Acad. Sci. Mor. '72: 225. Philosophic religieuse(G.) Crit. relig. 5:125. Probleme (Martin) Acad. Sci. Mor. 49: 245; 50:5. Rapports avec morale religieuse (Gamier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 54 : 5, 395. Systemes modernes (Damiron) Acad. Sci. Mor. 29:5. Versuch einer (Zollner) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1790-1. Theodolith. Magnetischer unifilar- (Wild) St. Petersb. Acad. M6m. VII :v. 36. Theodora. 473 Thibet. Theodora, wife of Justinian I. 500-548. (Houssaye)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:67:568. Theodora, martyr. Boyle. Works v. 5. Theodore, king of Corsica. 1690-1756. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften 7 : 173. Theodore II, king of Abyssinia. (Lejean) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 54 : 200, 599; 74 : 187. (Noldeke) Rundschau 38 : 406. Thepdoretus, ecclesiastic. Newman. Historical sketches v. 2. Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths. Dahn. KUnige der Gernianen v. 2-3. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. Theodoras, martyr. GregoriusN'yssenus. Opera. 1615. 2:1002. Theodosius I, emperor of the east. Claudianus. Panegyris. Hodgkin. Dynasty of Theodosius. Codex. Fragiuenta Taurinensia. Berlin Akad. Abh. 1879. Theoger, bishop of Metz. Pertz. Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12 : 449. Theognis, poet. Heimatn (Unger) Philologus 45:18. Kritik ira (Bergk) liheiu. Mus. N. F. 3: 206,396. Spruchsammlung(Nietzsche) Rhein.Mus. L-J: Itil. Zieglerand Sitzler editions (Hiller) Jahrb. Philol. 123:449. Theology. See also Natural theology, Re- ligion. and metaphysics. Bowen, Critical essays. catholique en France (Vacherot) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :7nnii. Lectures(Fullerton)Pams. philosophy v.l Mission (Rouxel) Jour. Econ. IV:38:73. Phenomena connected with. Soc. Psych. Research, Proc. Pt. 9. Therapeutics. See also Materia medica. Derniers progres (Papillon) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 99: 656. Therasia island. I no Pompeii antlhistorique (Fouque") Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 83 : 923. Theresa, St., Carmelitf nun. 1515-82. : a saint (Barine) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:75:549; also Overland II: 9:593. Thericles, Corinthian potter. Bentley. Dissertations on Phalaris. (Welcker) Klidii. Mus. 6:404. Thermodynamics. See Heat Thermometers. Seealso Heat, Temperature. Comparison of. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circulars 1 :31. Corrections (Russell) U. S. Signal Service Not.- -"-'. Earth, at Edinburgh. 1879-88 (Smyth) Kdin. Trans. 35:287. Kinrlussd.Au.sdelimingd.<;iases( Fischer) I'.erlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Exposure (Hazen) U. 8. Signal Service Prof. Pai Researches (Mills) Roy. Edin. Trans. 29: 567. Rock T. at Edinburgh (Smyth) Roy. K.I in. Trans. 29:637. Thermopylae battle. B. C. 480. Historical parallels v. 1. Lieber. Great event*. - Histories of Greece. Theseus. - Becker. Krziililungen aus d. alten Writ. Kingslev. Heroes. Plutarch. I. andSkiron(Kly) J. Hellenic Stud. 9:272. Kxi.i.iit- C . Bmith)J. H.-llriiirStii.i Two cylii-es relating to ( Harrison) J. H.-lliMiicStu.l. 10:231. Legend. Brown, Dionysink myth Thesialy. Notes de voyage (Vogue") Rev. l 1 Mondes Hi Theurlet, Andrf'. nnrfliit. 18SS- rn>,-n- X,-it l-> -':I16. Thlbaut, A.I I - (Hugrlmanii) Prni-s. Jahrb. 45 : 470. Thlbaut IV ,,f t hampagnt. Gedichtv. Fitrm u ilcr(DaTid) H.-rnn'- Ar.-lnv 71 1M Thibet. kcr. Himalayan journal Thibet. 474 Thomas Aquinas. Lettres gdifiantes 12:433; 24:5. Murray. Discoveries in Asia 2 : 444. Pinkerton. Voyages v. 7. Grand Larna. Pauw, Amerika 2 : 295. Oriental (Blanchard) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:93:611. Language. Gust, Modern languages of the East Indies 87. Unschrift, Lautverhaltnisse (Lepsius) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1860. Thierry (Theodoric), abbot of St. Hubert, Ar- dennes. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 12. Thierry (Theodoric), bishop of Metz. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 4. Thierry, J. Augustin N., historian. 1795-1856. Albert. Litte'rature fr. au 19. siecle 2 : 13. (Guerle) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 17 : 367. Oeuvre historique (Geffroy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4: 688. Tableau de 1'empire romain (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:45:378. Thiers, L: Ad., statesman, historian. 1797- 1877. Heine. Werke v. 9-10. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 1 : 270; 4 : 107 ; Rundschau 13:418. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 40:529. as a historian. Albert, Litte'rature fr. au 19. siecle 2 : 41. Honegger. Culturgeschichte. (Meissner) Herrig's Archiv 38:241. Raumer. Geschichte der Litteratur 3 : 169. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 1 : 138. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 2: 1. - Biographic. Uns. Zeit 1878 : 1 : 161- Cinquante ans d'histoire(Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : v. 38, 39, 42, 44, 48, 53, 58. Ministere, 1836. Balzac, Oeuvres 22 : 259. Prasidentschaf t. U nsere Zeit 1875 : 2 : 178- Talents financiers (Say) Jour. Econ. IV: 12:89. Thieves, Theft. See also Burglary. Ancient and modern. Hunt (Leigh), Es- says 85. Pans (Du Camp) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 81 : 627. Thimon, archbishop of Salzburg. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scri. v. 11. Thiophene. (Demuth) Gottingen Univ. Diss. v. 1. (Leyi) Gottingen Univ. Diss. y. 1. (Miihlert) Gottingen Univ. Diss. v. 1. acid. Abkommlinge (Damsky) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 5. aldehyde (Biedermann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 3. B-ethyl- (Gerlach) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Gruppe (Schleicher) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Halogensubstituirte. Einwirkung von Acetylchlorid auf (Romer) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 7. Molecularrefraction (Knops) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Normalpropyl-. Derivate (Ruffl) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Octylderivate (Schweinitz) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Series (Krekeler) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Isomerie in (Pendleton) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Thiophosgene. (Bergreen) Gottingen Univ. Diss. v. 5. Thirty years' war, 1618-48. See also histo- ries of Germany, Europe and the Refor- mation, lives of Frederick the Great, Gustavus Adolphus, Wallenstein. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 31. Histories by: Gardiner, Gindeley, Schiller. Freytag. Bilder v. 3. Gardiner, ed. Letters illus. relations of England and Germany, 1618-20 (Camden Soc. 90, 98). Garden. Histoire des traite's de paix v. 1. Hosack. Law of nations ch. 7. Jahn. Merke zum deutschen Volks- thum 79. Kitchin. History of France v. 3. Ligne. M6moires 3 : 335. Perkins. France under Mazarin. Ranke. History of England 2 : 15. Carve's itinerarium (Frenzel) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 1. Eine Probe politischer Publicistik. Preuss. Jahrb. 9 : 297. Tholuck, F: A. G., theologian. 1799-1877. Schaff. Germany 278. Thomas, C: L: Ambroise, composer. 1811- (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 51 : 348. Hamlet (Lagenevais) Rev.d.d. Mondes II: 74:757. Thomas, Antoine L. 1732-85. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Villeruain. Litte'rature au 18. siecle 3:243. Thomas, G: H., general. 1816-70. Headley. Grant and Sherman 261. Thomas, Isaiah, printer. 1749-1831. (Burnside) Archaeol. Americana v. 2. Thomas a Becket, archbishop. 1117-70. Bibliography. Harvard Lib. Bull. no. 8. Histories of England by Rapin (1:226), Stubbs (1:460), etc. Bossuet. Pane"gyrique sur (Oeuvres choisies v. 5). Campbell. Lord chancellors v. 1. Carter. Ancient sculpture in Great Britain. Fox. Acts and monuments 2: 196. Freeman. Historical essays v. 1. Froude. Short studies v. 4. Hook. Archbishops of Canterbury 2:354. Michelet. Histoire de France 2 : 270. Milman. Latin Christianity. Robert of Gloucester. Life and martyr- dom (Percy Soc. v. 19). Stanley. Memorials of Canterbury. Thierry. ConquSte d' Angleterre 2:61, 468. Thomas saga. Rolls chronicles, 65. Turner. England in middle ages 1 : 201. Materials for history of. Rolls chron- icles, 67. Poesies sur. Du Me'ril, Poesies latines au moyen age 70; Poesies lat. ant. au 12. siecle 416. Vitae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. v. 27. Thomas a Kempis. 1380-1471. Barthel. Erbaulichesund Beschauliches 81. Thomas Aquinas, St. d. 1274. Bayle. Dictionary. Koehler. Realismus u. Nominalismus. Thomas Aquinas. 475 Thucydides. Maurice. Moral, etc. philosophy 1 : GOG. (Montet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 9:85, 498. Ozanara. Dante et la philosophic catho- lique. Renan. Averroes 236. Ritter. Geschichte der Philos. 8 : 257. Erlauterungen. Baader, Werke 14: 197. i'hilosophie (Kcmusat) Acad. Sci. Mor. 10:6.321 -- und Kultur d. Neuzeit (Encken) Zts. I'hilos. ,S7:l>;i. Renovation du Thorn isme(Secre" tan) Rev. I'hilos. 1 <:(;:. Tbomasen (Thomasius), Christian. 1655- 1728 Bluntschli. Geschichte d. neueren Stats- wissenschaft. - Duller. Manner des Volks 1 : 305. Sold an. Hexenprozesse 2:245. Thompson, Henjainin. >>< llumford. Thompson, den. \Vaddy. 1798-1868. Perry, Reminiscences of public men 297. Thomson, .lames, Scotch i>et. 1700-48. Aikin (.}:). Memoir and works 243. Hazlitt. Knirlish poets. Howitt. Homes of British poets v. 1. Johnson. Lives of the poets. -ing. Werke 4: 159. (Philippi) Herrifi's Archiv 3:74. -etti. Famous poets. -on*. Textgeschichte(Borchard) An- glia Thorbecke, Johan Rud., statesman. 17!"V- 1 872. (Re'ville) Rev. .1. d. Mondes II: 102:378. (Wenzel burger) Preuss. Jahrb. 33: 164- Thoreaa, Henry D. 1817 ( Bartlett) California!! 2 : :>1 . Conway. Life of Emerson. - Rraerwm. Lectures ( Birenidc ed.). Lowell. My stinly windows. wart) QoebM Hist. S..<-. Trans. 1881-2. Thornton, Matthew. 1714-1803. ier-on. Siu'iiersof the declaration v.5. Thorvaldsen, Bertel, sculptor. 1770-1844. - Ilamerton. Thoughts alx>ut art ch. 22. Leo. Sculptors v. 1. Reber. NYm-re deut-che Kun-t v. 1. Mu-. '! . - Poly bins und Livius iiber (Faltin) Rhein. Mils. 3D: : Three bodies problem. La Place. M'c-anii|uo celeste. Verwandte Aufjjabe(Charlier)St Peter>l>. Acad. Mem. VII :\ Throat. See also Larynx, Oesophagus, Pharynx, Trachea. - Resektion ck-r Thoraxwand (Baldus) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 1. Thucydides, historian. IV C. 471-102. - (Meii-rotto) I'.erlin Akad. Abh. 1790-1. Mure. Literature of Greece v.5. ljuinut. G^nie grt-f (< >eu vres 2" : ! - - Anschluss d. 50 jahr. KneiU-ns (riteup) Ul.i-in. Mu-. 20 - Bk. I (Schwartz) Kl.i-in. Mu-. 41:303. - Bk. I-V (Philippi) Khein. Mi: - Bk. III-IV ( Mayor). lour. Philol. 7:227. -- ( Rauchensteiu ) Philnlojrus v. 35-37. -- (Steup) Khein Mus. .V. Bk. IV, !_'; Rede Brasidas (Torstrik) .. Characteristics (Sellar) Oxford essays, Chronology (Mnrri-) Am..l. I'hilol. 7:325. De lods (MttUer) Giessen I'niv. Diss. T.I. Ein Einschiebsi-1 (Steup) Khein. Mu-. -M: 350 Glaubwiirdigkeit (Lange) Jahrb. Philol 135' 721. Herausgeber des (Bauer) Philologus 40: 458 Kriegsiahr (Unger) PhHologus 43:577; Mint Lebenlegende(Hirzel,Scholl) Hermes 12: (Kilter) Khein. Mu-. N !,.! ( Al.lx.tt, Hellenlca 288. -(Jun^hah.OJahrl.. 1'h.lol.lll 'V-.7; 117. , it (Siirgel)Jahr). Philol. 117 Studi.-ii (JuiiKhahn) Jiihrb. I'hilol H'.i Thucydides. 476 Timaeus. Ueberlieferung des Textes (Schone) Hermes 12 : 472. Verbal abstract nouns in -sis (Sihler) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 12:96. Thugs of the Doab. Asiatic Journal. N. S. 11:17; 25:113. Thiimmel, M. A. von. Leben. In his Werke v. 8. Thunder. Arago. Notices scientifiques v. 1. en Ethiopie (Abbadie) Paris, Me"tn.Sa vans Etrang. 16:1. Namen (Grimm) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854; Klein.Schriften2:402. Thuringia. Historia brevis principum. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. 24 : 819. in 1850. Gegenwart 10:424. Voyage en (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. MondesII:63:537. Thurlow, Edward T: Hovell, lord. 1732-1806. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Roscoe. British lawyers. Thurstan, archbishop of York. Vita. Rolls chronicles 71 : v. 2. Thymus. Minute anatomy (Watney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:1063. Thyroid gland. Anatomy (Sim on) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1844:295. in cetacea (Turner) Roy. Edin. Trans. 22: 319. Minute structure ( Baber) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:557; 1881:561. Tiber river. Lanciani. Ancient Rome 231. Tiberius, C. N., Roman emperor. B. C. 42- A. D. 16. Beesly. Catiline, Clodius and Tiberius. Huidekoper. Judaism in Rome (Works v.l). Suetonius. Lives. Pannonian triumph. Datum (Schrader) Jahrb. Philol. 139:213. Tibia dans la race du Neanderthal(Fraipont) Rev. Anthrop. 111:3:145. Tibullus, Albius, elegiac poet. d. A. D. 18. De codice archetvpo (Korn) Rhein. Mus. 20:169. - Delia (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 32:445. (Soury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 101 : 68. Lebensgeschichte(Richter) Rhein. Mus. 25:518. Handschriftliche Ueberlieferung (Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 37 : 567. LesartenderMss.Scaligers( Hiller) Rhein. Mus. 29:97. Pariser Excerpte (Meyncke) Rhein. Mus. 25:368.452. Vossen's und Dissen's. Lachmann, Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Wurdigung (Grasberger) Jahrb. Philol. 125 838 Zu Tibullus (Korn) Rhein. Mus. 19:497. Ticknor, George. 1791-1871. Me"moires (Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 20:793; 21:143/436. Tides. See also Thames river. Bacon (Sir Ps.). Works 15 : 192. Comoy. Marges fluviales. (La Place) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 3: 1. Arctic seas (Haughton) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1863:243; 1866:639; 1875:317-360; 1878:1. Baltic sea (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1857, 1859, 1865, 1877. Bodily T. of viscous, semi-elastic spheroids (Darwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1879: 1, 539. Bombay and Kurrachee (Parkes) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868 : 685. Bristol (Bunt) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1867: 1. Cahirciveen semidiurnal (Haughton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 24. Coasts of America and Europe (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836 : 289 ; 1837 : 227 ; 1850 : 227. Friction of planet attended by satellites (Darwin) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881:491. Irish coast (Airy) Roy. Soc.Trans. 1845:1. (Haughton) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 23, 24. Irish sea (Beechey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848: 105; 1851:703. Laws (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1838: 231; 1840:255. Liverpool (Lubbook) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835:275; 1836:1,57; 1837:97. (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1836 : 131. London port ( Lubbock) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1831:379; 1832:595; 1833:19; (Whe- well) 1834:15; (Lubbock) 1834:143; 1836 : 217. Malta (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1878: 123. Map of cotidal lines (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1833 : 147. Pacific ocean (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1848:1. Plymouth and Singapore (Whewell) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1837 : 75 ; 1839 : 151, 163. Predicting machine (Ferrel) U. S. Coast Survey Rep. 1883. Southampton and Ipswich (Airy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1843 : 45. Tahiti (Belcher) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1843:55. Theory of. Basset, Treatise on hydro- dynamics v. 2. West India and Virgin islands (Schom- burgk) Roy. Geogr. Soc. J. 5 : 23. Tieck, Ludwig. 1773-1853. Erinnerung. Polko, Aquarellskizzen 116. und d. romantische Schule (Bernhardi) Herrig's Archiv 33 : 153. Vorlesungen in Dresden (Carus) Hist. Taschenbuch 1845. Tiedemann, Friedrich. 1781-1861. (Flourens) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. v. 34. Tierney, George. 1761-1830. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 143. Tierra del Fuego. See also Patagonia. Map. U. S. Consular report 83. Tigranocerta, Armenia. Lage (Kiepert, Mommsen) Hermes 9: 129, 139. (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1880. Map. Tilden, Samuel Jones. 1814-86. Annual cyclopaedia 1876, 1886. Electoral commission and ( Marble) Parns. U. S. hist. v. 2. Record of ( Kasson) Pams. U. S. history v. 2. Tillotson, John, archbishop. 1630-94. Hook. Archbishops or Canterbury. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Timaeus Tauromenitanus, historian. bei Plutarch, Diodor und Dionys von Halikarnass(Reuss) Pbilologus 45:245. Timaeus. Tobacco. Fragmente (Kothe) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 815. Timber. See also Trees, Wood. Dry rot in. Smithsonian Report 1864-5: 19>>. of New England. Douglass, North Amer- ica 2 : 52. Preservation of (Arnold) Pains, engineer- ing v. 2. Seeley, Bethel), Ha\ f. .rd pn .cesses (Gill- more) Pams. engineering v. 2. Time. See also Calendar, Chronometers, Days, Space, Watches. Bibliography. Standard time. Mo. Ref. Lists 3: 34. Hodgson. Time and space. Teichmiiller. Wirklicne und die schein- bare Welt. White. Time (Poem). Accurate determination by altitudes (Brisbane) Roy. Edin. Trans. s : iM7 Chronograph fur sohr genaue Zoitnu-s- sungen (Lange) Philos. Stud. 4:457. Employment of. Sumner, Works 1:184. Hour lines (Cadell) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:61. Mt'e dans les langues indoeurope"ennes (Reynaud) Rev. Philos. 19:280. International conference, 1884, to fix a prime meridian (U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1884-5, v. 1>1). keeping in London and Paris (Engler) Pams. science v. 3. Notion du. Baader, Werke 2:47, 517. Universal (Janssen) France Bur. Ixsngi- tudes, Annuaire 1886. Unterscheidungszeiten (Kries) Viertelj. i. Philos. 11:1. Time sense. (Estel) Philos. Studien 2:37. LM) I'hilo*. Studien 4:423. (Kollert) Philos. Studien 1 :78. Evolution de l'id<5e (Guyau) Rev. Philos. 19:353. In Sachen der (Fechner) Philos. Stud. 3:1. Lehreder(Mehner) Phiioe. Btudten 546 \VrUT<'che Gesetz. Philos. Studien v. 2. Timoleon, Corinthian qeneral. B. C. 415-337. Lives. Plutarch. Lives. Geschichte. Bemerkunpen (Clasen) Jahrb. Philol. 133:313; 137: I'll. Tlmon of A thens. - LiK'ianus. Opera. Shakespeare. Dramas. Stanley. History of philosophy. Timor island. KnliU-nkalk-Fauna (Beyrich) Ik-rlin Akad. At.h. 1- TlmOtheUS, .ithniliin r. I >.>!. Tin mining in I.arut. mirtnii .! La <'mi*. Min. >n<\ tidd, 1*71. Pam.tnln San JurintomimM K>l>m-.>ii ) 1'ani-. nun ing Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, calletl. 1512-88. Ruskin. Modern pain;' j Works on Italian painters by : Mantz, Lanzi, Jameson, Vasari. Tiraboschl, Girolamo. Vita (Fabroni) Tiraboschi, Letteratura italiana v. 1. Tiryns, Greece. (iailhabaud. Monuments v. 1. Ausgraberung (Schliernann) Uns. Zeit 1884:2:" Palace. Great hall (Middleton) J. Hel- lenic Stud. 7 : 170. i Ringmauer (Schliemann) I'ns. Zeit 1885: _': : i Schliemann's(Burnouf) Rev.d.d. Mondc- 111:71:7';. Tischendorf, L. F: Konstantin. 1815- Visit to Jerusalem (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. M nudes 11:58:79. Tisseur, Barthe'leinv and Jean, i Poesies (1'illon) Trit. 1'hilos. 6:59, 139. Tisseur, Clair. i Pauca paucis (Renouvier) Crit Philos. N. 8. 10:348. Titanlte. (Busz) Bonn Univ. Ii*s. v. 1. Titanium. Index to literature (Hallock) N. Y. Acad. S<-i., Annal- 1 : r&-76. Tithes. Extinction en Angleterre (Doniol) Acad. Mor.49:295; 50:243. Titian (Tiziano Veoellio). 1477-157& Histories of painting by: Lanzi (v. 3), Vasari. Puma*. Tn>is maitrr-. .lanif-Mii ( M r- i INsays. Mantz. Chefs-d'oeuvre de la peinture italienne. Ruskin. Modern painters. Yriarte. Venice n t ( -mp- M Rev. <1. d. Momlf-i II: Qetartctttto (Bohthal) rn- : Vie et opuvres (Plan< h-i Uf\ .1 >1. Momlo 11:7:481. Tlturel. &c Wolfram von F>< henbach. Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespaslanns, rM 40-81. Beult-. Titus et sa dyna^tii- Sui-t.iiiiu-. I Veritable (Beul.') K.-v. <1 >1 Mult^ 1 1 84:' Titl, Jnhann IV ii.-l.lr I KIHHRtT) deutsch. 1'l.ilnl. _! :308. Tins, dirinit'1. (\V.-inh..l.llXl-. di-iitM-h. I'l.il..! Tobacco. Beaumont (Sir Ja.). Metamor, Ml ). Jcjj intcrl.la-tv to I i \rbers rcpr rultiin-. K..rcijrn. U. 8. Con-iiUr report 1O JL - Culture in Hut. h India. U. 8. CotiMiUr r p.TtlOS. Tobacco. 478 Torpedo. German. Bau, etc., Unsere Zeit 1868:1: G12, 690. German state monopoly. Bismarck, Reden 3 : 24. (Charpentier) Preuss. Jahrb. 61 : 145. Manufacture en France (Du Camp) Rev. d.d. Mondesll:76:709. Revenues from tariff on (Block) Jour. Econ. 1:31:346. Use of. Coles, Philosophy of health. - Rush (B:). Essays 261. Tocqueville, Alexis C: H. Clerel de. 1805-59. Alison. Essays: political 3 : 358. Honegger. Culturgeschichte 3 : 295. (Janet) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 34: 101. Laboulaye. Etat et ses limites 138. ( Lome'nie) Rev. d.d. Mondes II : 21 : 402. (Mignet) Acad. Sci. Mor. 77 : 351. (Poitou) Rev. Nationale 21: 66. Preussische Jahrbiicher 7:226. Reeve. Roy aland republican France 2:77 Sainte-Beuve. Causeries v. 15; Nou- veaux Lund is v. 10. as a political science writer (Tyler) Lieb- er's [Writings]. Democracy in America. Mill, Disserta- tions v. 2. Pelletan. Nouvelles heures de travail. Life. In his Democracy 2:485; Oeu- vres ; ed. par Beaumont. Nachlass (Oncken) Preuss. Jahrb. 20: 128. Royer-Collard et (Re"musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 35: 777. Toga. See also Costume. Baumeister. Denkmaler d. class. Altert. Toledo, Spain. in 1853. Hachlander, Werke 23 : 198. Toleration. See also Conscience, Liberty, Opinion, Persecution. Christian's Magazine 1 :27. Helps. Friends in council 4 :272. Helvetius. Del'hommev. 3(Oeuvres v.7). Locke. Four letters on toleration. Martineau (Harriet). Autobiography 1: app. B. Smith (Sydney). Works 1 : 233. Voltaire. Oeuvres v. 27. Civil and religious. Brownson, Works 10:207. Edikt Ludwigs XVI (Schott) Hist. Zeits. fil : 385. Hume und Rousseau iiber. Herder, Werke 20: 288. Metaphysical basis. Bagehot, Literary studies v. 2. Religious. Cust, Notes on missionary subjects pt. 3. Tolstoi, Leo N., count. Arnold. Essays in criticism v. 2. (Vogue 1 ) Rev. d. d. Mondes July 15, 1884 ; Dec. 15, 1886. (Zabel) Rundschau 51: 248. Autobiographic (Pillon) Crit. Philos. N. S. 6:241. Childhood and youth (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:43:917. Me"taphysique (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. 8.8:28. Puissance des te"nebres ( Vogue") Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:86:426. Religion ( Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:89:414. (Renouvier) Crit. Philos. N. S. 4 : 113. Tolyglycine. m-nitro-p- (Hermann) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 6. Tombs. See Burial, Monuments. Tombstone, Arizona. (Young) Overland 11:8:483. Tommaseo, Niccolo. 1803-74. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2 : 82. Tompkins, Dan. D., governor of N. Y. 1774- 1825. Correspondence (Homes) Albany Inst., Trans. 11:223. Tone. See Sound. Tongataboo island. Wilkes. U. S. Explor. expedition 3 : 1. Tongue. Structure (Home) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803: 205. Tonka wa Indians. Language (Gatschet) Zts. Ethnol. 9:64. Tonnel^, Alfred. 1831-58. Fragments, pense'es (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 23: 720. Tonnerre, France. et Montbart(Monte"gut)Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:98:448. Tonquin. See Anam. Tooke, J: Home. 1736-1812. Brougham. Statesmen 2 : 104. Philological speculation. Stewart (D.), Works v. 5. Trial for high treason. Erskine, Speeches 2:279; 3:176. Topaz. Brazilian: structure, etc. (Brewster) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:1. Double refracting structure (Brewster) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16:7. Electrizitat (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1829. Torbanite. (Traill, Bennett) Roy. Edin. Trans. 21 : 7, 173. Topffer, Rodolphe. 1799-1846. Voyages en zig-zag. Sainte-Beuve, Cau- series 8 : 413. Tornadoes. See also Storms, Wind. Collinsville, Mo., 1879 (Nipher) Pams. meteorology v. 2. Huron, Dakota, 1884 (Glenn) U. S. Signal Service Notes 19. Indiana, 1852 (Chappelsmith) Smithson. Contrib. v. 7. Kansas, 1879 (Finley) U. S. Signal Service Prof. Papers 4. Observations. U. S. Signal Service, Tor- nado circulars. Six hundred (Finley) U. S. Signal Service Prof. Papers 7. Studies, 1884 (Finley) U. S. Signal Service Prof. Papers 16. United States, 1879. France, Bur. des longitudes, Annuaire 1886. Toroidal functions. (Hicks) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1881:609. Torpedo (fish). (Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1829:29; 1832: 259; 1834:531. Torpedo. 479 Tragedy. Electromotive properties (Gotch) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:329. Torpedoes and torpedo warfare. (Du Pin de Saint-Andre 1 ) Rev. d.d.Mondes 111:75:880; 76:343. Sleeman. Torpedoes and T. warfare. Unsere Zeit 1869: 1 : 4iK Machinery of the Destroyer. U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1883-4, v. & Torsion des prismes (Saint- Venant) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 14:233. Torture. See Ordeals. Tory party. See Whig party. Toscanella, [taly. Church of Sta. Maria. Gailhabaud, Mon- uments v. 2. Toulon, France. Mylius. Reisen 4 :317. als Kriegshaf en. U nsere Zeit 1859 : 05. Toulouse, France. Agriculture, au 18. siecle (Passy) Acad. Sci. Mor. 93:303. Touraine, France. Populations rurales (Buudrillart) Rev. d. d. Mondeslll Tourmaline. Elektrizitiit (Erman) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1 -._. (Rose) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1836. Tournaments. See also Wager of battle. Busching. Ritterzeit 1 : 284. Frey tag. Bilder 1 1 : 2 : 299. English, 1494. Rolls chronicles 24, v. 1:388. Tour nay abbey. Historiae. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Scr. v. I'-', 14. Tours battle, A. I). 732. .j.p.'-r. Conquest c,f Spain by Arabs. Creasy. Derisive kittles. Hodg'kin. Italy and her inviuler-. Recul de I'lnvasion arabe (Merrier) Kev. Hist. 7:1. Toussaint L'Ouverture. 17OM849. (HolM | 1'reuss. Jahrb. 40: _'.->. James. Naval history of Great Britain 3:170. Lamartine. Oeuvres v. 32. MarlMii*. History of Louisiana 186. PhilttlM (Wendell). >i>ee.-h.-- Wachsmuth. Frankreich iiu Revolu- tiotiMzeitalter. Whittier. Poem-. Winsor. History of America 8:284- - Na|K>leon I and('A.lams) Ki-v. Hi-t Towers. Eiffel (Koville) Jour. Kmn. IV : II (I'etiD Kr\. 8d. I risli round (I'etrie) Koy. I rish. Trans. v.20 Towns. Sre Cities, Government. Toxodontla-aml m-c,,|on (<>\ven) I toy. Soc. Tran-. I ".-,:$ :2!M. Toynbee, Arnol.l. l- i MontajMie).lolm- Hopkins Hi-t Stu.l v.7. Toynbee hall, l.mli,n. (Schlottmann) I n -7:1:830. Trachea. DrodbMbwltrein(Engclmnnn) Mr rniv. Di.is. v. I. Tracheotomy in der Mundhohle (Fischer) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 2. Tracy, Mine. Victor de (Sarah Newton). Essais. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 13:189. Trade. See Commerce. Free trade. Trade-marks. English act, 1887. U. 8. Consular report 88:65. Trade unions. See also . \pprent ciation, Cooperation, Gilds, Labor, Strikes. Fawcett. Economical position of tin- British labourer. (Fontenav) Rev. Nat. 19-.5-; Jour. E"ii. IV:31::; : J1. (Gostick) Cobden Club e-say-. - 11 :'.'_ ) :680; [II:61:m Price. Pract. ]>olitical economy. (Reybaud) Jour.Econ. I :3::;L'l. Thornton. On labour. Compagnonnage (Chevalier) Acad. Sci. Mor. 28:407. DeVeloppement ( VillermC') Acad. Sci. Mor. 15:57. - English (Chadwick) Acad. Sci. Mor. 81: M:Jtt. (Fontpertuis) Jour. E<-on. IV: l:'i. McCarthy. History of our own times. (Stirling) Jour. Eoon. Ill : 17: 177; 20:5. glass bottle makers. I". S. Consular report 89. Organisation interieur(Tliornton)Jour. :,. 111:1 V17li. 18(i7 (Collin) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :68: :.|u, 7n:44t;. et les faveurs offlcielles (Hulx>rt-Valle- roux).Ionr. K.-.-II. P. Herman. 1 user.- Xeit 188G Intrinsif viceot. tin-^r, Political ]n>lili-ms 110. 1. :_'. Leeds con^re--. \*~\ ( lU-ynaud) Jour. n. II !::: 17 I. Mill on (Stirling) Grant, Keval i-hronii-le. - Tliirrs. Consulate ami empir. Tragacantha. - Arti-ii (\Vill-lenow) Berlin Aka.l Al-h. Tragedy. > ima . -(B'ttingenJ.'ilirl.. I'liil.-l KH:ft48. r.,.lit/ I a'is.-lii-n. Mtten7. in 1889 (Bergner) Uns. Zeit 1889: 1 : 320. Land und Leute. Uns. Zeit 1866:1:514. Landtag. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 481. und d. Dualismus in Oesterreich. Preuss Jahrb. 41:591; 42:1. Unterdriickungd. Deutschen in. Preuss. Jahrb. 48:150. Trap rocks. Dykes in Yorkshire (Sedgwick) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 2:31. in mountain lime.*tone(Sedgwick)Cambr. PhUos. Trans. 2:139. Trapplsts. See La Trappe. Travel. See also Discovery. Gallon. Art of travel. Herschel. Manual of scientific enquiry. Richthofen. Flihrer fiir Forschungs- reisende. England's forgotten worthies. Froude, Short studies v. 1. Hints for( Leigh) Arber'sEnglishgarner v.l in Roman empire. Friedliinder, Romische Sittengeschichte v. 2. Travles de Villers, C: J. 1804-59. Fleury. Caricature moderne. Treason. Stephen. History of criminal law 2 : 241. Treaties. .Suo Commerce, names of cities a- Kasel, Ryswick, Washington, etc. Garden. Histoire des T. de puix, 1648-1815. Abrogation of. Simmer, \\nrks 4:98. as matter of the law of nations. Thomp- son (Jos. P.), American comment*. de la paix et les lois de la guerre (Le Ber- quier) Rev. d. d. Monde* III:' man, 1200-1300 ( Wy neken) (Jolt, fniv. v. l'. Obligations. Mill, Dissertations v. 5. Treblzond. Finlay. History of Greece 4: 307. Trees. See alto Arbor day, Bnrk, I Fruit, Nut-, 1'alaeol.otany, Sap, Timber. Wood, names of trees. Bibliography. I'M is ton Pub. Library, Bui- letin : Alburnous vessel*. Inverts! action (Kniglit) Roy. Hoc. Tran ixnmon nature. I', s. Bur. Education, Mi-c-. pub*, v. I. Japanese. Aleoek. Jupan 2:397. Ringelschnitt. Eintlu>* auf i>*. v. 1. Treitschke, Heinrich von. Apologiste de I'e'tat prussien (Bourdeau) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 93: 806. Trematoda. (Diesiii K ')Wien Akad.Denks.M-N.Cl.v.lO. Tr'-mouUle. See La Tre'mouille. Trendelenburg, F: Ad. 1802-72. Fortlage. Genetische Gesch. Philosophic seit Kant II*. Philosophic (Eucken) Philos. Monatsh. 31:342. Zur Krinnerung (Bonitz) Berlin Akad. Abb. Trent. Kriegische Begebenheiten, 1809 (Misc. pams. v. 8). - Trollope. Italy: Alps to Ktua 19. Trent, Council of. 1545-63. See alto his- tories of the Reformation, U<>MI:HI Cath- olic church. Chemnitz. Examen doctrinarum. Chitllotus. Canones.decreta et sessiones. Cramp. Text-book of popery. cl"t. Institution!'* juris cniionici. yuinet. Revolutions d'ltalie -': 189. Sarpi. History of the council. Sforza. History (In Ranke's Popes of Koine). Symonds. Renaissance: Catholic reaction v. 1. Turner. History of England: modern 3:11-;. Voltaire. Oeuvres 15:482. Stellung der Ferdinand I (Loewe) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 3. Trent steamer. Sunnier. Works 6: 153; 7 Trepanning. (Flourensjl'aris.M^m.Acad.Sci. 11:101,369 (King) Roy. Irish Trans, v. 4. (Larrey) Paris. Me"m. Acud. Sri. 1:2:468, (O'Halloran) Koy. Irish Trans v | Cranien im betnoaOM /.u Sedlec (Dudik) Zts. Kthnol. Id: .'7. Trevelyan family. Papers. Camden Soc, 67, 84, 105. Treves, Ithcnith frtusia. - Freeman. Historical essays \ Cathedral, tombs. Gailhabaud, Monu- ments v. 2-3. 1 1, ii-l.iis K ,-stJs. IVrl/, Mon. (ierin. bi>t . : ; \ * \l. '.'I. Ilistoire, arcb.'oloKie (1'errot) Uev d d M..' 'W. Trial, I.oui*. mooa(F!Qoo)Orii Piiiio- Trials. See aUt> Court*. Jury. Ti-*timony. Wa^er of kittle. WittieBM*. Lea. lii*tory of th<- iu<|ui*iti<>n 1:380, 430. 443, 459. r,undescivtlprocs90rdnung.l68. Piwua. Jab, by romkit KolK?rton, Chnrlea V. -- VnpnnUk d nord.-. In n i:,-. Homeric and Hellenic (Jebb) J. Hellenic- Stud. 2:7. palace. Homer, Odyssey ; ed. Hay- man 1 :u]>]>. Landeskuinte (Virchow) Berlin Akad. Al.h. 187ft Legend of. Grote, History of Greece 1:284 dt-r Krauken (Roth) Ge'rmania 1:33. : captured by <;reek8(Maclaurin)Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 1. Notes in the Troad (Sayce) J. Hellenic Stud. 1:75. Plaine de (Chevalier) Roy. Edin. Trans. v. 3, 4. (Hercher) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1875. Reise (Sohliemann) I'us. Zei 1 1881:2: 182- Schliemann's explorations (Sybel) Pams. ethnology v. 2. (Rossmann) Rundschau 7:252. Unsere Zeit 1880: 1 : 801- .of. Classical. I on r.v. 9- 10, 15 10, 18,27. (Frick) JaJirh. 1'hilol. 113:289. (Eckenbrecher, I'lrichs) Rhein. Mu*. N. F. 2:1; :::573. (Jebb) J. Hellenic Stml. .'!: 186. (Mahaffy) J. Hellenic Stud. 3:69. (Steitz) Jahrhuch 1'hilol. 111:225. (Virchow) BondKhm3S:S& Troy-book (Middle Enpli.-h). (Luick) Anglia 11:392. Troyes, Hi nation de. See Chrestien de Troyes. Troyes, France. iri-h of the Madeleine. QuUUUMIMli \lmim<-nl> v. .'{. in !7*: (IMer/.y) Kev. !. d. Monde- III : 11: Tmblet, N. C: Jos. 1697-1770. Alembert. Oeiivn-s 11 Truchaess, George. & Wuldberg.G.T. von. Trueba y La Qulntana, Antmiio ! l x -l Conteurespugnol(I.oiii--I.ande) B07.d.d. M,,,,, I,-- III 18: no. Truffles. (Plain lion ) Key. ,1. .1. Monde- III:> '-'.. Trumbull, John, j^t. 17 '" I - Anu-ri'-aii revolution 40S. TrumbuU, John, painter. 1756-1843. Tnckerman. Artist life. Trumpets. Greek (Verrall) J. Hellenic Stud. 5: 74, 162. Trusts. See alto Combinations. Bugaboo of (Carnegie) Pams. finance v. 6. Truth. See also Certainty, Falsehood, Real- ban. Anselm (St.). Opera 1 : 467. Beattie. Works v. 4-5. -- Priestley. Theol. and misc. works v. 3. Harper. Xfetaphysicsof the school 1:361. Hasse. Anselrae von Canterbury - : 77. Helps. Friends in council v. 1. Malebranche. Search after truth. Whatelv. Thoughts and apothegms. -Wielana. Werke29:139. als Rechtspflicht(Ehrenberg) Rundschau 39:39. and falsehood. Descartes, Meditations. and progress of error. Cowper, Poems. apprehended but not discovered? Greg, Misc. essays. Begriff( Harms) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876. Cognitio. Leibnitz, Opera philos.; ed. ' Criterion. Fiske, Comic philosophy v. 1. , M'Co>h. Examination of Mill's phi- losophy; Realistic philosophy v. 1. Reid (T:). Works; ed. by Hamilton 1:7 1 selon Spencer (Dauriac) Crit Philos. N. 8. 2:355. Eternal. Norris, Ideal world v. 1. i Heinroth iiber. Baader, Werke 1 :97. Krause iiber. Lotze, Kleine Schriften Process de 1'esprit humain (Chevreul) 1'ari-, Mi'm. Acad. Sci. v. 39. Search for. CoodflUe, Oeuvres 1:458. par les lumieres naturelles. Descartes, Oeuvres v. 11. The superlative. Emerson, Lectures (Riverside ed.). VeYits absolus. Cousin, Philosophic moderne 2:19. Tschaadajew, P. J. Sein neuester Beurtheiler ( Walther) Uns. Xeit 1889:1:248. Tscherkasskl, W. A., count. - Rundschau 15:253- TuberculOBis. -Aetiologie (Koch) Berlin, K. i--. v. 1. Iridooyclitis (Wagenmann) i . Elements of unity. MM. Kef. Lists 2:9. Diplomatic Review 1855- Finlay. History of Greece [to 1804]. Universal hi-tory: modern v. 9-10. Beginning. Gibbon, Decline and fall ch.04. Capitulation- ( Van Dyrk) I". S. Senate Kx I). 1S80-1, V. 3. Chretiens en. isoi (Oinrdln) Kev. d. d. Mondes 11:31:915; 32:727. Kuropean conquest-. Si-mondi. Re"pub- li'ines jtalienne- v. ">. Fall of. 1833. Alison, I Finance-. Moralit/- (Girardin) Kev. d. d. Monde- 1 1 :".!: 171. Government. Cust, Linguistic and orien- Uil 'I*. llof von Yildiz-Kio.sk, issl. PiwuoJahrb. 66:141 Hungarian wars. Mailath, Magyaren v. 2-3. Militarv -strength. 1852. Urquhart. Tain, writini;- v. -. Projet de oonqu4te(Drpyron) Kev. d.d. Monde- II I: ls : !_"_>. Reformo- (L.-rnv Keatilicii) Rev. d. d. Monde- IN I8:fi0a Russian war, 1770. Raunn-r, Hun-pa vom S'hlo--er History of l¢ar Russian war, 17><7 'M. Li^m-. M-'moirw V.I Russian war, ism 12. Alison, History of Kuropr i ! Russian war. H'JS. G.-rvinns. (;-chi.-|if .1. r.t. .lal.rlnindcrts 0:407. The Porttoli,,. war. 1883-7. See Crimean war. Russian war, 1877-8. See also Berlin con- gress. Deutsche Rundschau v. 11- Ramband. Hi-tory of Russia v. 3. Unsere Zeit 1877-78-79. Apologie anglaise (Re'ville) Rev. d. d. Monde- III :22:12.\ Chancen (Danzer) Preuss. Jahrb. 39:423. Guerre en 1828 et (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:24:212. Heerfiihrer (Trotha) Preuss. Jahrb. 60: 470. Marine ru--e dan- la Mer-Noire i ruau) Kev. d. d. Monde- III : 20: 304. Preliminairc- ( Leroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d. d. Monde- III : 21: 198. Riickbliek(Holst)Pren-s..Jahrb.v.40--ll San Stefano treaty (llinze) Preuss. Jahrb. 41:529. Strategic. Preuss. Jahrb. 59:95- Stoat-manner. Unsere Zeit 1875:-' 1883:1:208- Sultane an- d. (u-chle.-htc P.njeh (Mir- chond) Berlin Aka.l. Abh. 1835. Withdrawal of Kngland from affairs of. Pain-, hi-tory v. 11. Turner, J. M. W:, painter. 1775-1851. Briti-h painters of I 1 * 19. centtirie-. Ku-kin. Arrow- of the ehace 1:81-; Lectureson architecture and painting eh. ."; Modern painter-. Index. Sandby. Koyal academy of arts. Turplnus (Tilpinus), Joannes, nrrhbith<>)t. d. 800. Chronicle. Ganlier. I iiicaiseST.l Turtles, Tortoises (Chelonla). Agas.-iz. Naturalhi-tory of the I". S.v.l 2. aus d. Miociin-chichten in Steiermark (PeUT-)Wien Akad.Denk-. M N.r|.v.29. Carapace and plastron (< >\ven) K" Trans. 1849:159. Fossil. Aus d. oesterr. Tcrtiar-Ablage- rmi"en (Peter-) \Vien Akad. l>enk-. M-N.IM. terminal layers. Kormation(Mitsukuri) Japan 1'iiiv. <',,!!. Sci. Jour. 1 :2I1. Gigantic land- (Giinther) Koy.Soc.Tran- 1875:251. Lymphherzen(Miiller) Berlin Akal. Al.h. 1839. Tuscany. See alto Florence, Marcmma, Mi- lan. Universal history: modern X', nomie rnrale(Leroy Heauiieii) I: d. M..ndes 11:85:407. -in 1849-00. Unsere '/A 711. la mai-..n de I.orraiiie(Hinaut) Rev. d. d. Monde- I Tushl language. (Latham) Philol. S.K-. Pr- Twain, Mark. .' fn*er. d. 18 \, inilHof ihehnglUbmBWT.l Fox. Acts and monument r Tyndale. 486 Ultr am ontanism . Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 146. Life. In his Doctrinal treatises; New Testament. New Testament. Orthographic u. Aus- sprache (Sopp) Anglia 12:273. Sources (Cheney) Anglia 6 : 277. Tyndall, John, scientist. 1820- Belfast address. McCosh on. Wright, Philosophical discussions. British Association address. Brownson, Works 9: 528. Type. Goethe's theory of. Schmidt, Descent and Darwinism. Typhoid fever. See also Peyer's glands. (Danne) Gottingen Univ. Diss. v. 5. Causes (Becker) Pams. medicine v. 5. (Gaffky) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Mittheil. 2:372. Michigan Bd. Health 1887 : 2. Depth of water in wells and (Baker) Mich. Bd. Health 1884:89. Medical history of war of rebellion v. 3. Plates. Typography. See Printing. Tyre. Capture by Alexander, B. C. 332 (Jurien de La Graviere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 42:394. Deutsche Ausgraberungen (Sepp) Hist. Zeits. 44:86. Tyrol. See also Alps, Voralberg. and Tyrolese. Alison, History of Europe ch. 55. Ein Bauerntheater. Bauernfeld, Schrif- ten 12:156. in 1818. Alison, Essays 117. in 1850. Gegenwart 4 : 52. in 1879 (Steub) Rundschau 22 : 409. Kaldonatsch-See (Muppberg) Preuss. Jahrb. 52:159. Tyrotoxicon. (Vaughan) Mich. Bd. Health 1886:154; 1887 : 12, 177. Tyrpander. Hymnen (Buchholtz) Rhein. Mus. 28:558. Tytler, Alex. Fraser, lord Woodhouselee. 1747- 1813. (Alison) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:515. Tytler, William. 1711-92. (Mackenzie) Roy. Edin. Trans, v. 4. Tzetzes, Joannes, Greek poet. About 1120. Daktylische Verse (Schrader) Jahrb. Philol. 137:577. Scholien (K: O. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 5:333. Theogonie (Bekker) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1840. Wichtige Handschrift (Diibner) Rhein. Mus. 4:1. Ueberweg, Friedrich. 1826-71. (Dilthey) Preuss. Jahrb. 28:309. Udall, Nicholas. Ralph Royster Doyster (Walter) Engl. Stud. 5 : 67. Udalric (Ulric), St., bishop of Augsburg. Vita (Gerhard of Augsburg) Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 4. Uguarte, Juan, padre. Mission to Lower California (Hittell)Cal- ifornian 1 : 15. Uguccione da .Lotf t ( Ugucon da Laodho). Libro (Tobler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Uhland, Johann L:, poet. 1787-1862. Bibliographie d. Literatur (Friinkel) Ger- man i a 34:345. Barthel. Deutsche Nationalliteratur 178. Longfellow. Poets of Europe. Raumer. Geschichte d. german. Philol- ogie 566. Treitschke. Aufsatze 1 : 269 ; Preuss. Jahrb. 11:323. - Un.sereZeit 1863:81. Altdeutsche u. dialektische Anklange (Fasold) Herrig's Archiv 72:405. als Dramatiker (Riiinelin) Preuss. Jahrb. 42:121. als Romanist (Frankel) Herrig's Archiv 80:25. Dramatische Dichtungen (Wendt) Her- rig's Archiv 15 : 1. Einfluss des Volksliedes (Schultz) Her- rig's Archiv 64 : 11. Erklarung (Foss) Herrig's Archiv 28 : 187; 35:129. Graf Eberhard der Rauschebart (Pet- zoldt) Herrig's Archiv 33 : 21. r/hlich, Leberecht. 1799- Duller. Manner des Volks 4 : 271. Ukraine, southern Russia. Chansons historiques (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 9: 801. Notes from (Haverfield) Jour. Philol. 17 : 274. Ulfilas, Gothic bishop. 311-381. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders 1 : 66. Bible translation. Einfluss des Latein- ischen (Marold) Germania 26:129; 27: 23; 28:50. Etymologie(Uppstrom) Germania 11:93 Geschichte (Bernhardt) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 2:294. Mai and Castiglioni ed. Grimm, Kleinere Schrif ten 4 : 125. Partes ined. e palimps. Ambrosianis. Grimm, Kleinere Schrif ten 5 : 58, 203, 223, 245. Turiner Blatter. Germania 13 : 271. Ullmann, K:, theologian. 1796- Schaff. Germany 347. Ulloa, Antonio, explorer. 1716-95. Gayarre". History of Louisiana 2: 142. Ulpianus, Domitius. Lachmann. Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Ulrica Louisa, queen of Sweden. 1720-82. Memoiren(Arnheim) Halle Univ. Diss. v.l Ulrich, prior of Celle. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12 : 249. Ulrich Putsch. (Zingerle) Germania 21 :4L Ulrich von Zatzikhoven. (Baechtold) Germania 19: 424. Ultramontanism. See a/so Concordat, Kul- turkampf. Barrow. Works 8 : 1-679. Brownson. Works v. 11, 13. Quinet. Oeuvres completes v. 2. Causes indirectes (Milsand) Grit. Relig. 2:1 Ultr am ontanism . 487 United States. Crise religieuse, 1874 (Renan) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 1:752. Emancipation des Katholicismus von. Baader, WerkelO:53. in Holland (ReVille) Rev. d d. Mondes 11:99:304. Unsere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 154. Politique (Lanfrey) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:1:686. de la Suisse, 1874 (Pressense") Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:2:737. franchise ( Pressense") Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:99:134. Rechtliche Stellung d. Altkatholiken ( Kollner) Orenzboten 1874 : 2 : li'l . Va'ticanism en Angleterre. Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:10:198. Ulysses. Becker. Erziihlungen aus d. alten Welt. Homerus. Odyssey. Ovidius. Epistolae : Penelope. Raft of (Warre) J. Hellenic Stud. 5:209. Umbrian language. Panzerbieter (Aufrecht) Zeits. vergl. Sprai-hf. 1 :_'T7. Umlaut. {-Umlaut u. d. gemeinnordische Verlust d. Endvocale (Koch) Beitr. deut-. li. Sprachel4:53. im Romanischen (Foerster) Zts. roman. Philol.3:481. und Brechnung (Grimm) Zts. deutsch. Altert 2r268. Unconsciousness. See alto Consciousness. Hartmann 1 .- Philosophic (Haym) Preuss. Jahrb. 31 ill- Understanding. See Brain, Intellect, Miml. Undulatory theory. See Light, S.und. Waves. Unlonldae. Lea. Synopsis of family of. Bnfcwks&hmg (Schierholz) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 55. Unios ( Lamellibranchiata). De"veloppement des cenfs (Jacobsen) Paris M.-m. A.-a.l. Sri. <:57. Unitarianiam. See alto A nanism, Trinity. au 3. siecle (Rtfville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 75:73. Controverses en Angleterre fBemiuat) Rev. d. <1. Mondes 11:5:233.492. Elwall's trial. Prie-tlcy. Theological and mic. work- '_': 117. Fondation d'une t'-vVw a Paris. Crit Philos. 8:188, in Boston ( Peabody) Win-.T's Boston 3: I-;:. United States. l)e*cri)>ti<> mni ' Age of home-pun. Bushnell, Work and pla> indarics (Gannett) U. 8. Oeol. Survey. Hull. v. _'. Civilization; NumlHT*. Arnoll, I>i- niir-i- iii AiiHTJra. climate, etc. Volncy. . - North and west illustrated. 1*7''*. I'ain-. travel v. 5. Overland trip (Sunnier) Pains, travel v .'. Prophetic voices. Sunnier. Work- U 1-183. South in 1840. Gerstacker, Sdirifu-n 1 : v. 10. in 1865. Peto, Resources of A nu-rii-a. in 1888 (Grady) Pains. [' . S. hi-tory v I (LeConte) Overland 11:14:22. Undeveloped^ resources (Cowlam) Pains, travel v. 5. United States. ///.-' Bibliography. Courses of reading Critic :5: 77", 89. Historical xK-ieties (Griffin) Ma-/. Am. Hi-t. 11:10-; Local history. Host. Public Lib. Bull. I Topics of study. Harvard 1'niv. Bull. 4:304. : Bancroft's ( Kapp) Prcu . Jahrh. : ; ' Manuscript sources and printed authori- ties. Win-or. Hi-tory <>f Am. VerfassungsgesehichteitSehlcidenJPreu--. Jahrh. 4* : 24, 90. United States. Jliftnni. Cxluninl ami early. Ansiedelungen(Talvj) HistTa-chenl-m h 1845. Constitutional bi-tory. Story, On the constitution v I French war-. Scharf, History of Mary- land v. 1. Trumbull. Hi-tory of Connecticut. White. Earlv history >f New England. 171" 1-. Hal'iburton, Nov., - i Smollett. History of England v.4-6, 1722-57. Lrttre- .'-.lili. 1754. Washington. Letters v. 2- 1760. Canadian expedition (Holden) Pain-. I". S. hi-tor\ Origine-s (Hinaut) Rev. d. d. Monde- 11 2:587. United States, llittmy. Rerltf chu Adam- 1 '.oston records v. 18- United States. 488 United States. Burke. Speeches 1 : 191, 222, 251. Everett. Orations 1:73, 526; 2:47; Pams. history v. 5. - Fox (C: Ja.). Speeches v. 1-2. Franklin. Works. Gibbon. Miscellaneous works. Legare". Writings 1 : 257. Madison ( Ja.). Letters on current events (In his Works). Paine. Political works. Perry. Biographical sketches of Ameri- can statesmen 47. Priestley. Theological and misc. works 22:393,491. Raynal. Histoire du commerce 4 : 377. Seeley. Expansion of England 141. Trumbull. McFingal (poem). Wilkinson (Gen. James). Memoirs. Wraxall. Memoirs. Address to the colonies. Wesley (J:), Works v. 10. Association of 1774. Pams. history v. 9. Declaration. True origin of (Smith) Pams. history v. 9. Entstehung d. Union (Hoist) Preuss. Jahrb. 29:292, 379. Jubelfeier, 1876 (Hoist) Preuss. Jahrb. 38:1. (Kapp) Rundschau 6:37. Lecky on (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 53:45. Northwest during (Walker) Hist, ad- dresses v. 2. Stanhope reviewed. Pams. history v. 9. Sullivan's expedition, 1779 (Norris) Buf- falo Hist. Soc. v. 1. Taxation no tyranny. Johnson (S:), Works v. 4. True basis of independence. Seward, Works 4: 144. United States. History. 1783-1811. French spoliations. Indemnity. Seward, Works 1:132. United States. House Com. Reports 1883-4, v. 5. Sketches, 1783-1801. Cobbett, Porcupine's works. United States. History. Warof 1812-15. See also New Orleans battle, 1814. Alison. History of Europe ch. 76. Barry. History of Massachusetts v. 3. Bradford. History of Massachusetts. Canning. Speeches 3 : 376. Clay. Speeches (Jan. 8, 1813); John- ston, Amer. orations v. 1. Cobbett. Letters. Croker. Correspondence ch. 2. (Fuller) Boston Patriot 1814, Feb. 9. Gallatin. Writings. Gayarre". History of Louisiana 4 : 276. James. Naval history of Great Britain v.6 Naval chronicle v. 28- Rush. Occasional productions. Scharf. History of Maryland v. 2-3. Thiers. Consulate and empire v. 15. Wilkinson (Gen. James). Memoirs. Lives of Commodore Decatur, Andrew Jackson, James Madison, James Mon- roe, Commodore Perry, Red Jacket, Martin Van Buren, Daniel Webster. Buffalo during (Dorsheimer) Buffalo Hist. Soc. v. 1. Causes, character. Dallas, Life and writ- ings. Influence upon consolidation of the Amer- ican union (Butler) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 5. Will there be war? Paine, Political works 1 : 501. United States. History. War with Mexico. 1845-7. Histories of Mexico by Bancroft (v. 5), etc. Coleman. Life of J. J. Crittenden. Curtis. Life of Buchanan 1:579; Life of Webster v. 2. Grant (U. S.). Personal memoirs v. 1. (Hartson) Pams. U. S. history v. 1. Hawthorne. Life of Pierce. Paris. History of the civil war 1 : 30. Polk. Presidential message 1846. Pams. U.S. history v. 1. Scott (Gen. W.). Autobiography v. 2. Sumner. Works, index. Tyler. Letters and times of the Tylers y.2 Webster. Speech on ten regiment bill. 1848. - Winthrop. Speeches. Dismemberament of Mexico. Mayo, Eight years of Washington. Peace with Mexico. Gallatin, Writings v. 3 Slavery and. Brownson, Works 16: 25. United States. History. Civil war, 1861-5. See also Army, Navy, Sanitary commis- sion, Slavery, State rights, names of battles, generals, statesmen; state his- tories. Bibliography. Regimental histories. Phila. Lib. Co. Bull., Jan. 1886. Brownson. Works v. 17. Diplomatic Review bk. 3-4. Grant (U. S.). Personal memoirs. Johnston. Representative American ora- tions v. 3. Julian. Political recollections. - ( Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 47 : 872 ; 56 : 874; 58:382. Lowell. Political essays 45, 75, 118. (Meerheimb) Rundschau 9:100- Mill ( J: S.). Dissertations and discussions v. 1. Nicholas. Conservative essays v. 2. (Paris) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:4:5. Phillips (Wendell). Speeches. Preussische Jahrbiicher 8 : 147- Seward. Works v. 4-5. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 721- Beginnings; first two years. Tyler, Let- ters and times of the Tylers. Campaign of 1862. Preuss. Jahrb. 10:362. 1863 (Cluseret) Rev. Nat. 17 : 25. 1863-4. Preuss. Jahrb. 12 : 480 ; 15 : 258 ; 16:324. Causes, caracteres (Laugel) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 36: 140. Confederate congress, constitution, etc. Stephens, War between the states 2 : 710- government. Executive policy (Sher- man) U. S. Senate Ex. Docs. 1884-5, v. 1. Deux dernieres anne"es (Reclus) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:53:555. Disunion. Perry, Biographical sketches of statesmen 171. England's relations. Blanc, Lettres sur 1'Angleterre. (Bler/y) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:89:101, 338. (Field, Loring) Pams. war of secession v.6. United States. 489 Universities. Morley. Life of Cobden. Smith. Life of John Bright 2 : 78. Ruskin. Arrows of the chace v. 2. Georgia campaign (Szabad) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:57:998. Lee's surrender. Knox, Decisive battles. McClellan's report. Lowell, Political es- says. Maryland campaign (Duvergierde Hau- ranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:58:852. (Paris) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:9: I'll Men and measures (Conness) Pains. U. 8. history v. 1. Missouri during. Switzler, History of Missouri. New York in 1862-3. Opdyke, Documents and addresses. Origin and mainspring. Sumner, Works 6 : 65, also index. Poetry of. Moore's Rebellion record; poetical works of Boker, Longfellow, Lowell, Redden, Whitman. Potomac campaign (Frognon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:41:798. Secession. Kendall, Autobiography. Seward's diplomacy. Campbell, Habeas corpus pamphlets. Winter 1864-5 (Koniger) Preuss. Jahrb. 18:241. United States. Jlistory. Since 1865. See alto Negroes, Reconstruction. Hayes' southern policy (Chandler) Pains. U. 8. history v. 4. in 1867 (Duvergier de Uauranne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:72:475. in 1869-75. Unsere Zeit 1876 : 1 : 81, 284, 450. in 1873-5. Brownson. Works 18:520- North west boundary question, 1872. Ber- lin arbitration papers. Seward-Johnson reaction. Lowell, Po- litical essays. South in 1876 (Hoar) Paras. U. 8. history v. 2. Treaty with Germany, 1868 (Kapp) Preuss. Jahrb.35:509- United States. I'ol H 'ia, Political system. See also Caucus, Civil service, Congress, Con- stitution, Elections, Monroe doctrine, .rroes.NullitH'ation, Parties, President Brougham. British constitution; Po- litical philosophy v Brownson. Works Hi: 82. Channing. Works 1 : 333. Are we a nation? Sumner, Work* rJ:l-7 College graduate's place (Hoar) Pam>. I S. history v. 3. Dangers of liberty. Ames (Fisher), Works Destiny. Fiske, American political idea*. Foreign influence in. Ames (Fi-her), Works : Phocion. Davis. Ortnuzd ami Aliriman 313. Fortune of the republic. Kmerson, Mi*- cellani<-. Gerrymandering. Carey, Olive bnMB I.. "TO. Growth and possibilities (Hngen) rams. U. 8. history v. 1. Individualism in. Kundsch Institutions (Kver.-tt) Pain- I > history v. 1. Irish- Americai i citi/.-n's duties (Brennan) Pan,-. I . S. hi-tory V. 4. Mu'i.rs ..|,.rt,, rales (Sartiges) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:99:908. Nationality. Choate. Addresses. Beginnings (Small) Johns Hopkins Hi-t; Stud. 8:1. Nationalokonomische u. socialpolitische Riickblicke (Schmoller) Preuss. Jahrb. 17:38- Rights of man in. Parker, Additional addresses '-' :'_'i:V Sectionalism. Choate, Addresses. Stuatswe-eiiC-ch.inbachiRund-cli:: True greatnc--. >e\vard, Works 3: 11. Working of the democracy (Eliot) Pams. U. S. history v. 1. Universalism. See also Salvation. .. . . . tury of (Miner) Winsor's Boston - Cnnditionali-me et (PStavel-Ollif) Crit. Kelig. 7:305. Universe. See alto Animism, Cosmology, Karth, Matter, Nature. Indestructibility. Muimonides, Guide of the I'erplexed. Philo Judaeus. Works v. 4. (Bernays) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1876, Iss'J. M4taphysique (Petit) Acad. Sci. M..r. 71 : 227. Physical theory. Wright, Philosophical discussion-. 1'nity. LoUe, Microrosmus \ of 'intelligence. Oersted, Soul in nature. University de France. F.nseijrnement de hi philoxophie (Beaus- llcv. d. .1. Mondes 111:78:82. Universities. See also Co; ^rees, K.hication (Higher), names of individ- ual universities, foreign ones under the name of city where IO.M- Newman. Idea of a university. Actual and ideal. Huxley, .Science and culture. American (Smith) Pams. education v. 9. Studienleben( White)Kuii.l--huu '.'1:123 Anfangeder Verfa-sung(Hehremi) liuml- schau33:403. Benefit to society (Oilman) Johns Hop- kins f.Circ. I Catholic, in the United States. Pams. education v. U>. - K.hication. Kverett, Orations '.' (Haijrht) Pain-. I'niv. C.ilifornia Huxley. Lecture- in America. Kngli-h. Coinmis-ioners and college* npion) Cambridge essays 1858. National character. Burrows, Consti- tutional progress d, Reform-. 1H78 (Jolly) Preuss. Jahrb. ::-liis of dissenters. Hanultoi \V:i 'US. - French II, organisation (Breal) Rev. d. .1. Monde- Ml Function of i llavenl Par il.vA German. BibUOfnphj. Monthly Rfer- i .-) Panis. education v. 8. __ - uy. Aca.leinicfree,l..m. Helmholt/. Poj.u lar lertur. ,,. :, (Uvi**)RT.d.dM. medicine v. 5. Fihroniyomen. Swiftgrowlh (Gutmann) Halle Vniv. Diss. v.2. in fifth month of pregnancy (Paschen) Marb. I'niv. Di-*. v.2. Intra-amputntioneii (Viehofer) Bonn Univ. Diss. v. 4. Irritation and female ill health (Dewar) Uoy. Kctin. Trail-. !):3G5. Liga'menturn rotmidum (llainey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:.". I"-. Myxoma diorii < Kalm-Bensinger) Gies- -cii I'niv. Iii-s. y. 1. Nerves (Beck) Roy. Soc. Tran-. 1-. (Jobert Principe de morale (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. 6con. 1 1 : 43 : 337. Rapi>orts du juste et de 1'utile (Pontenay) Jour. Econ. 11:35:5. Relation of art to use. Ruskin, Lectures on art. Utility of error. Morley, On compromise. Utopias. See also works on Communism, Libertv, Socialism. - More. Utopia. Plutarch. Lycurgus. Bacon. New Atlantis. Glanvil. Anti-fanatical religion. (In his Essavs. 1676.) Campanefla. City of the sun; also I'M His Opere; ed. d'Ancona. Hall. Mundus alter et idem. Morley. Ideal commonwealths. Enchronie. <'ritiuard) Acad. Sci. Mor. 69: 377,383; 76:415. Elements (Mongin) J our. Econ. IV: 19 : 369; 21:445. Origine (Walras) Acad. Sci. Mor. 16:201. Richesses et (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. IV: 22: 5. Theorie (Dabos, Mannequin) Jour. Econ. IV: 42: 247. The"orie ge"ne"rale (Houdard) Jour. Econ. IV: 27: 321. Vampire bat. Fletcher. Brazil. Waterton. Wanderings in South America. Vanadium. Index to literature (Rockwell) N. Y. Acad. Sci., Annals 1 : 133. Physiological action (Gamgee) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876 : 495. Researches (Roscoe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868:1; 1869:679; 1870:317. VanbrUgh, Sir John, dramatist. 1666-1726. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Van Buren, Martin, 8th president. 1782-1862. Benton. Thirty years' view. Administration. Curtis, Life of Buchanan. Appointment as minister to England, 1832. Pams. history v. 2. Webster. Works v. 3. Political life. Parton, Life of Jackson v.3. Vancouver island. Geology of northern part (Dawson) Canada Geol. Survey, Report 1886. Vandals. See also Goths. Dahn. Konige der Germanen v. 1. Hodgkin. Italy and her invaders. of Africa. Universal history: modern 11:226. Vanderbilt, Cornelius. 1794-1877. Smith. Sunshine etc. in New York. Vanderlyn, John. 1775-1852. Tuckerman. Artist-life. Van Dyck, Sir Anthony, painter. 1598-1641. Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. 2. Vie et son O3uvre (Lafenestre) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 50: 173. Vane, Sir Henry, governor. 1612-62. Forster. British statesmen v. 4. Execution. Pepys, Diary 1 : 275. Life ( Upham ) Sparks' American biography v. 4. Vanini, Lucilio, philosopher. 1594-1619. Cousin. Fragments philosophiques 3:1. Carriere. Philos. Anschauung Reforma- tion szeit. Plumptre. History of pantheism v. 1. Histoire critique (Baudouin) Rev. Philos. v. 8. Vanity. Herder. Werke; hrsg. v. Suphan 31:374. Vaporization. Limits to (Faraday) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1826: 484. Varangian guard. Geijer. Geschichte von Schweden 1 : 37. Strinnholm. Vikingsziige 1 : 298. Varius Rufus, L. Thyestes (Schneidewin) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 1:106. Varna battle, 1444. Mailath. Gesch. d. Magyaren 2 : 212. Varnhagen von Ense, C: A. L: P. 1785-1858. Carlvle. Essays. Unsere Zeit 1857 : 671 ; 1858 : 508. et le parti pietiste (Coquerel) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:91:538. Tagebiicher. Grimm (Hn.), Neue essays. (Haym) Preuss. Jahrb. 11:445. und Heine. Unsere Zeit 1865 : 509. Varnhagen von Ense. 493 Veins. Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel A. F. Levin. 1771-1833. Carlyle. Works 10 : 309. Hillebrand. Zeiten, Volker 2: 420. (Selden) Revue Nationale 18:5- Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 19. Sternberg's Erinnerungsblatter (Blaze de Bury) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 18: 868. Varro, M. Terentius. Ab,de, exusus(Rossner) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 4. Antiquitateshumanae. Bk. 14-18(Gruppe) Hermes 10:51. De lingua Latina. Bk. 5-7 (Ribbeck) Rhein! Mus. 41 :<>18. Doppeltitel der Menippese u. Logistorici (Mercklin) Rhein. Mus. 12:372. Satires (Biicheler. Ribbeck) Rhein. Mu* 14:192,419; 20:401. (Riese) Rhein. Mus. 21 : 109. Ueber pecus, sppndere, ager, actus, etc. Lachmnnn. Kleinere Schriften v. 2. Vogelhaus zu Casinum (Hirt) Berlin Akad. Abb. 179-2-7. Varus, P. Quintilius. Defeat by Arminius, A.I). 9. See alto Arminiiis. Creasy. Decisive battles. Ovidiii* < iedirhte und ( Matthias) Jahrb. Philol. 130:193. (Schrader) Jahrb. Philol. 131:487. Vaseline. Uses. Pams. on medicine v. 6. Vases. Set alto Pottery. Baumeister. Denkmaler d. class. Alter- tums v. .".. Vassar college. Unsere Zeit 1870 : 1 : 209. Vate island. (Clarke) Overland 1 1 : 12 : 522. Vatican. Sec nl.> works on Rome. Wall. Foreign etching* Vatican council, 1869-70. See alto Infalli-, bility. Delord. Histoire du second empire 5:603 Deutsch. Literarv remain*. (Pressense 1 ) Rev. !. d. Mondes 11:86:147. Unsere Zeit 1870:2:401, etc. Mouvement religieux en Alleniagne de- puis ((iiraud-Teulon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:9- Oppositionelle Bewegung. Unsere Zeit 1-7J :'_':!, etc. Vauban, Si-bast in i Lepn-str,-. KV. 1707. .mlrillart) Acad.Sci. Mor. <'. : '-'<. .".17. -.lint Simon. Memoi- of l.oiiN XIV. _ Jeiiin *- i I:- v. d. d. Mondes II : tf 1 V: ls : !(.!, 32! . iomii|ues (Baude) Acad.Sci. VaudOiS. Sfe Wal.i.'lises. Vaugelas, riaudi- I'.ivrc de. 1585-1060. Sainti'- !'' -i \ Noiivcaiix Lundi- Vauquelln, Louis N. 1763-1829. (Cuvier) Paris, Mt'-m. Acad.Sci. 12:xxxix. Vauvenargues, L. de Clapiers, marquu de. 1715-47. Marmontel. M^moircs. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 3 : 123; 14 : 1. Villeniain. Litt^rature an 18. siecle '2:1. VeceUio, Tiziano. See Titian. Vedas. See alto Atharva-veda, Gautama. Rig-veda, Upanisbails. Deutsche morncnlanilische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift, index. Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Sprachfor- schunp, intlfj-. (Bartlu-leiny Saint-Hilaire) Acad Mur. v. LV,:28, 54. Hunsen. God in history v. 1. Mtiir. Original .Sanskrit Miillor. t'hiii>; from : 181. Religion. Rawliii.-on, Religions of the anrifiit worlil ch. 4. -Studien (lloth) Kuhn'> 7 Words for color (Hopkins) Am. J. Philol. 4:166. Vega, Gurcilaso de la. 1503-36. Montgomery. Italian, etc., authors T. 3. Vega Carpio, IXJJK- Felix de. IW K535. Grillparzer. W.-rke s : 123-344. Klein, (u-scliichte ilt-s Drama's v. tV-10. Montgomery. Italian authors y. 3. Sismondi. Literature of south Europe v. 3-4. Vegetables. Gescliichtr d. Httbenfrttcbto, Putter- krfiuter( Link) Berlin Akad AI.L.IH^ in Vegetarianism. See alto food. Hadley. Essays 379. Hi. !!(>. I 'rose works v. 2. fi.M-r".- Xeit 1859:120. nif of lle-h. Plutarch, Morals T. 5. Vegetlus, Flavins Kenatti-. Herme- 11 'il Vehmlc courts. - (Hornl.ak) rn-uvv Jahrb htl.-y .-.-. r, t societies of the iui.ldl- Inforinatio ex speculo Saxonum ( H..m,-M-r) Berlin Akml. Al-b. 18B& Veins. See aUo Arteries, Blood. imlnr valves i Bat :i iJond)Roy. 8oc. Trmnn. 1852:1.11. Veins. 494 Verb. Earlv development of the great (Lock- wood) Roy. Soc. Trans. 179:365. Force de contraction (Floureiis) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 13:1. Greatanterior(Marshall) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1850:133. Neck-veins (Luschka) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. 01. v. 20. Phlebosklerose (Sack) Dorpat (Jniv. Diss. v. 3. Subclavia and jugular. Throrabose (Pohl) Gb'tt. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Velt, Moritz. 1808-63. (Wehrenpfennig) Preuss. Jahrb. 13:334. Velasquez, D. R. de Silva y, painter. 1599- 1660. Stirling-Maxwell. Artists of Spain. au muse"e de Madrid (Beul6) Rev. d. d. MondesII:34:165. Veldeke. See Heinrich von Veldeke. Velocity. See also Light, Motion, Sound. and force. Proportion. Clarke (S:), Works. 1738. v. 4. Direct method of estimating (Hayward) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 10:1. Ueber den geraden, centralen Stoss zweier fester Korper(Burg) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. 1:38. Virtual (Power) Carnbr. Philos. Trans. 2:273. Venafrum. Wasserleitung. Edict des Au- gustus (Henzen) Rhein. Mus. 9:20. Vendee, French province. Formation spontane"e (Beaussire) Rev. d. d. Mondes HI: 92: 881. Vendidad. See also Zend-Avesta. Darmesteter's translation (Luquiens) Am. J.Philol. 2:323. Pahlavi. Uebersetzungen (Horn) Zts. deut. inorgenl. Gesell. 43 : 30. Venezuela. (Engel) Unsere Zeit 1867:2:496- Gerstacker. Schriften II : 13 : 453. Humboldt. Equinoctial America. Goajira peninsula, 1887. U. S. Consular report 78. Observations dans (Ten Kate) Rev. An- throp. 111:2:44. Venice. Description and travel. Freeman. Neighbor lands of Venice. Gailhabaud. Monuments v. 3-4. Goethe. Italienische Reise ( Werke 19:56). - Hacklander. Werke 40 : 32-202. Howells. Venetian life. Jameson. Diary of an ennuye'e. Seume. Spaziergang 73- (Stieler) Grenzboten 1874:2:41. Taine. Florence and V; also Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:62:801; 63:138. Yriarte. Venice. and Rome and Tintoretto. Green, Stray studies from England, etc. Architecture. Ruskin. Stones of Venice. Art history. Ruskin, St. Mark's rest. in 1495. Commines, Memoirs bk. 7. in 1645. Evelyn, Diary. in 1660. Ray .'Travels'! : 127. in 1700. Misson, New voyage to Italy. in 1834. Quinet, Oeuvres completes 7 : 395 in 1881. U. S. Consular report 25. St. Mark's. Restoration (Norton) At- lantic 41:202. (Yriarte) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 38 : 827. Venice. History and politics. Annales. Chromcum. Depacell77. Pertz, Monumenta German, historica, Scriptores v. 14, 19. Hallam. Europe in middle ages v. 1. Universal history : modern v. 23-24. Assassinat politique (Lemansky) Rev. Hist. 20:105. Consuln zu Alexandrien im 15-16. Jahrh. (Wilken) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1831. in 1848. Gegenwart 4: 723. in 1848-66 (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:65:102. in 1859-65 (Probyn) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 59 : 758. Ode on. Byron. Poems. Trahison de la chretiente" en 1202 (Hano- taux) Rev. Hist. 4 : 74. Ventilation. Franklin (B:). Works 6 : 307. by stoves. Mass. State Bd. Health, Rept. 1887. of thecapitolat Washington. U.S. House Com. Reports 1870-1; 1883-4, v. 7. Report on (Jacokes) Mich. Bd. Health 1879 : 51. Ventoux mountain, Provence. Histoire naturelle (Martins) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 44: 609. Ventura, Gioacchino. 1792-1861. Ferri. Histoire de la philosophic en Italie2:298. Ventura county, California. Rancho Sespe(Stuart) Pams. California v.7 Resources, 1885. Pams. California v. 4. Venus, divinity. See also Pervigilium Veneris. Statues (Gerhard) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1843. Worship. Rawlinson's Herodotus 2:445. Venus of Cnidus. (Michaelis) J. Hellenic Stud. 8:324. Venus of Melos. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 2:13. Grimm. Venus von Milo. (Ravaisson) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 95 : 192. Finding of arms. U. S. Foreign relations 1877 : 289. Venus, planet. Star of Bethlehem. Nature 37 : 169. Transit. Bibliography. Mo. Reference Lists 2 : 49. Geschichtl. Darlegung d. Bedeutung (Forster) Rundschau 2:69. 1769 (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1835. 1874 (Auwers) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1877. (Radau)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:1:434. 1882 (Friesach) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 44. Vera, Augusto. Ferri. Histoire philos. en Italic 2: 207. Vera Cruz. Phillips. Mexico illustrated. in 1683-1803. Bancroft, History of Mex- ico 3 : 208. Verb . See also Mode, Par ticiple, Tense, Voice. Antecedents et correspondants logiques (Regnaud) Rev. Philos. 26:588. Bantu. Temporalformen (Biittner) Zeits. Volkerps. 16:76. Verb. 495 Versification. Dualis (Humboldt) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1827. Einige Arten (Teipel) Herrig's Arcbiv 10: 158; 11:27. English. Anomalous (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2:149, 189. Conjugationssystem (Hiort) Herrig's Archiv 6: 418; 7:415. Ellipsis (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2:5. Reflexive (Beckmann) Herrig's Arcbiv 59:205. Substantive and auxiliary (Guest) Philol. Soc. Proc. 2: i French. Formen. Etymologic (Luck- ing) Herrig's Archiv 44:321. Hilfsverba (Foth) Zts. ronian. Philol. 4:249. Orthography of V. ending in eler and eter (O'Connor) Am. J. Philol. 1 : Kil. German. Flexion. Wechsel (Braune) Beitr. deutsch. Sprache 1:513. Verbaintensiva(Tobler)Germanialf>:l. Greek. Conjugation in d. Scbule (Voll- brecht) Juhrb. Philol. 118:569. Epic forms in aoa (Allen) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1873:5. Hebrew. Etymology (Toy) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1876-7. Termination wn (Toy) Am. Philol. A- soc. 1880:18. Homerische(Skerlo) Philologus 38:1. Impersonal (Goebel) Am. Philol. Assoc. 19:20. Latin. Flexion in d. lex Rom. I'linen-is (Stiinkel) Zts. roman Philol. 5:41. Gerund (Brugmann) Am. J. Philol. 8: 441. Present historical. Consecutio tem- porum (Hup) Uhein. MILS. 40:397. Schwache ( Peter) Rhein. Mus. N. F. 3 : 95,360. Nature and analysis. Gamett, Philolog- ical essays 289. Reflective. Reciprocal power (Latham) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1:232. Reduplication, and completed action (Williams) Am. Philol. Assoc. 187.V Romance auxiliary. History (Fontaine) 1'niversity Stu 1 :31. Russian. Structure (Frithen) Philol. Soc. Proc. l:9fi. Semitic. Modal development (Toy) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1879:5. Spanish. Old conjugation (Delius) Her- rig'.s Archiv 10:148. Varieties of predication (Whitney) Am. Philol. AS-OC. I : Vercelli book (or codex). (Wiilcker) Anglia. r >: K.I. Cardinal ( inala an. I (Cook) Univ.Cal. Lil.y. Bull. no. 10. Collation. l.Ge.lichte(Napier)Zts.deut3ch. Aiu-rt. :w:^;. Verclngetorix. See alto A I etlaOaule(R'villc)K.-v <38. Vcrdelln, M.de Bremondd'Ars.maryuiwde. 1728-1810. Sainte-Beuve. Nouveaux Luiulis v. 9. Verdi, fJiuM-ppe, cum }*'>(> 1M i Clement. Mii-i- "/. Edwards. Kossini and his school. Opera chez (Langenevois) Rev. d. d. Mondes Nov. 1879. Traviata (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 6:923. L'n ballo in Ma.schera (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:31: Verdun, France. Gesta episcoporum S. Vitonis. PerU, Monumenut, Scriptures v. 10. Monastery of S. Michael's. Chronicuin. Perlz, Monumenta, Scriptores v. 4. Siege, 1870 (Mezieres) Rev. d. .1. Mondes lf:9(i:443. Vergennes, C: Gravier, comte de. 1717-87. Politique, apologistes (Sorel) Rev. v. 15- !;. Vermont. in 1807-8. Kendall, Travels v. 3. Verne, Jules. is28- (Honegger) Unsere Zeit 1875: 1 Vernet, J. K. Horace, j*iintrr. 17>1M8i. Annales 1095-1277. PerU, M..II. Uerm. hi-t., Script, v. 19. Congress, 1822. Metternicb, Memoirs. Veronese, Paolo Cagliari. Works on Italian painters by Lan? Mantz. Vasari. i a la villa Barbaro (Yriarte) Kev. d. .1. Mondes 11:107:183. Verraxano, <;. da.r-rp/orer. 1480 i ! Bibliography (De Costa) Mag. A nier. Hi-t 6:68. (Dexter) Win*. >r's History of Amen, a 1.1. Verres, Cains, jirocontnl. .-ro. Oratio in Verrem. ,. i:.imi>ch Hilder. Verrocchlo, Andrea i-'. V. S. Anglo-Norm., -.1) U.-rlii. M.-n I'lricb von Hniim, Ver- libn- ( Hecker) Zu. romai. lot. 12:80. Versification. 496 Vieilleville, German (Vogt) Jahrb. Philol. 128: 109. Silbenmessung (Minckwitz) Jahrb. Philol. 122:459. Greek and English (Maiden) Philol. Soc. Proc. 3:95. Heroic verse. Pedigree of English (Cay- ley) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1867:43. Old High German (Lachmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1832. Old Irish (Jubainville) Romania v. 8-9. - Rationale of. Poe, Works 1:215. Sanscrit. Asiat. Jour. N. S. 23: 153, 241. von vier Hebungen (Gemoll) Germania 19:35. Vertebrates aus den Miocanschichten von Eibiswald in Steiermark (Peters) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 29, 30. Vertue, George, engraver. Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. 5. Vervins, Peace of. 1598. (Prevost-Paradol) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 33-35. Vesalius, Andreas, anatomist. 1514-65. Kingsley. Historical lectures. Money. Clement Marot v. 2. Vesoul, France. Depping. Voyage 107. Vespasianus, T. F. S., emperor. 9-79. Suetonius. Lives. Verfassungsstreit zwischen Titus und (Chambalu) Philologus 44 : 123. Vespucci, Amerigo. 1451-1512. Belknap. Early discoverers 36. Herrera. Historia general 1 : 96. Irying. Companions of Columbus. Winsor. History of America 2 : 129. Vesta, Vestal virgins. Lanciani. Ancient Rome ch. 6. Temple. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 1. perpetual fires (Frazer) Jour. Philol. 14:145. Worship. Class. Jour. v. 15-16. Vesta, planet. (Schroeter) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1807 : 245. Bahn (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1826. Storungen durch Jupiter, etc. (Encke) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1840. Vesuvianite. Chemische Zusammensetzung (Vogel) Gott. Univ. Diss. v. 2. Vesuvius. See also Herculaneum, Naples, Volcanoes. Roth. Vesuv und Umgebung. Drame du (Boule") Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 87:5,312,601. in 79. Merivale, Romans under the em- pire v. 7. in 1700. Misson, New voyage to Italv 2: 426, 623. in 1760. Martiniere, Dictionnaire. in 1788 (Spallanzani) Pinkerton's voyages v. 5. in 1800. Clarke (E. D.), Travels. in 1834 (Daubney) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1835: 153 in 1872 (Volpi) Unsere Zeit 1872:2:393. Studien (Roth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1877. Thatigkeit. Siemens, Abhandlungen 443. Vetneuil, France. Church. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 4. Veuillot, Louis. 1813-83. (Frensdorff) Preuss. Jahrb. 25: 591. Unsere Zeit 1858 : 455 ; 1867 : 1 : 777. Melanges. Sainte-Beuve,Nouveaux Lun- dis 1 : 44. Satires (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 46 : 402. Vzelay, France. Ville du passe" (Monte"gut) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 103 : 150. Vezet, Mareschal, comte de. 1743-1816. (Pingaud) Rev. Hist. 20:282. Viaud, L: M. J. (Pierre Loti, pseud.). Lemaitre. Contemporains 2 : 91. Romans (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:60:212. Vice. See Crime, Intemperance, Prostitu- tion, Virtue. Vichy (Moutiers-les-Bains) , France. (Monte"gut) Rev.d. d. Mondes III : 1 :817. Vicksburg, Mississippi. Siege and fall, 1863. Grant (Gen. U. S.), Memoirs 1:422,532. Knox. Decisive battles. Sherman (Gen. W: T.). Memoirs 1:332. ' Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Vico, G. B., philosopher. 1668-1743. Bluntschli. Geschichte der neueren Statswissenschaft. Bouillier. Philosophic carte"sienne 2 : 536. Heron. Jurisprudence. Quinet. Oeuvres completes 2 : 208. Eigenart und Leistung. Hist. Zeits. 49:46. Vie et ouvrages (Michlet) In his Oeuvres choisies. In his Opere ; ed. Ferrari v. 4. Viconia monastery (Casa Dei). Historia. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 24:291. Vicq-d'Azyr, Felix. 174^94. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 10:279. Eloge de. Cabanis, Oeuvres v. 5. Victor, S. Aurelius. (Wolfflin) Rhein. Mus. 29: 282. Victor Emanuel II, king of Italy. 1820-78. Nolan. War against Russia 2:651. Unsere Zeit 1878 : 1 : 561. et la monarchic italienne ( Leroy-Beaulieu ) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 26 : 837 ; 27 : 388. Victoria, British Columbia. in 1850. Seemann, Voyage of the Herald. Victoria Alexandrina, queen of England. 1819- Aus den ersten Regierungsjahren (Koelle) Unsere Zeit 1887 : 2 : 1, 205. Coronation. Martineau (Harriet), Auto- biography 1:417. FunfzigRegierungsjahre(Blennerhassett) Rundschau 52: 422. Journal in the Highlands. Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:76:5. Mariage (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:16:764; 18:32. Ode to (Corlett) Pams. poetry v. 1. Victoria regia. Anatomy (Henfrey) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1852:289; 1859:479. Vida, Marco Girolamo, bishop of Alba. d. 1566. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 7 : 2105. Vieilleville, Fs. deScepeaux, sirede. 1510-71. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus d. Leben. Schiller, Werkell:247. Vienna. 497 Vionville. Vienna, Austria. Alt. Stifter, Vermischte Schriften v. 2. und neu. Bauernfeld, Schriften v. 12. Church of St. Stephen. Gailhabaud, Monuments v. 3. Congress, 1814-15. Fyffe, Modern Europe v. 2. Gervinus. Geschichte d. 19. Jahrh. v. 1. (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 39:332. Kliiber. Acten. 9 v. Metternich. Memoirs. Seeley. Life of Stein v. 3. Talleyrand. Correspondence. Varnhagen von Ense Schriften 4 : 179. Friedrich Wilhelm III u. Hardenberg auf (Delbriick) Hi>t. Xts. .y : -jf.'. Preussen auf d. (Treitschke) Preuss. Jahrb. v. 36- Stein's Tagbuch(Lehmann) Hist Zeits. 60:385. und d. 2e Pariser Friede. Preuss. Jahrb. 12:521. Entwickelung, 1848-72. UnsereZeit 1873: !:3>i9- Gemaldegalerien. UnsereZeit 1879: 1:844. in 1814. Bright, Travels through lower Hungary. International exhibition, 1873. Vn.-ere Zeit 1874 : 1 : 390- Laaer Berge. Breite u. Azimuth (Lit- trow) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v.32. Siege by Turks, 1W3. See lives of Caraffa, Sobieski. Creasy. Ottoman Turks. Mailath. Geschichte Oesterreichs 4:156. Vlenne, Henri. (Brunnemann) Herrig's Archiv 34 :-'U. Vigfusson, Gudbrandur. 1827-89. (Maurer) Zts.deut. Philol. 22:l'i:J. Vigilance committees. See alto San Fran- cisco. Bancroft Popular tribunals. 2 v. Montana, 1864 (Barbour) Overland 11 : 10: 285. Vlgllius, pope. d. 555. Hodgkm. Italy and her invaders v. 1 Vlgny, A. V:, cointe de, poet. 1799-1863. (Blaze de Bury) Uev. d. d. Mundes III: , Fuguet. Etudes litterai res surle 19. siecle. Mill. Dissertation?- v. 1. (Sainte-Beuve) Kev. f Mariboroop. Sain te- Hen vc. Ciiuseriea 13:3; Nou v Lundi* ' Campari. .- i-n Flan. Ire, 1700-12 COimod Acad ci. Mor. 97:273, 481; 98: 7 63 Diploma te ( Vogu6) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 70:757; 77:284. Villehardouln, Geoffroi, tire de. 1150 Sainte-Beuve. Causeries du Lundi 9:381. Villele, J: B. S. J., eomU de. 1773-1854. Ministre de la restauration (Broglie) Rev. i.d. Mondes II:B:720. Vlllemain, Abel Fs. 1790-1870. Albert Litte>ature fr. au 19. siecle 2: 131. Villemessant, J. II. ('artier, called. 1812-79. Mirecourt Contemporains. Villena, Enrique, marqu.it de. 1384-1468. (l)orer) Herrig's An-hiv 77 Vlllerol, Fs. de Neufville, due de. 1644-1730. Durl">. MiMiioires secrets. - Saint-Simon. M4nn< .'- ( Mine.). Lettres 12:ill. VlUers, C: Fs. U. de. 17tiT>-1815. (Bippen) l'reu>s. Jahrh. 27:288. Vlllers monastery, Ilrl An-hiv "o: 179. :it. Early French poetry. - Crepet. I'oc'tr* franvais 1:4J7. !f-lk-uv-. 'In Lundi : inning) Herrig'> Archiv JS:-41. et ses K'getaires (Longnon) Homania v. 2. Vlncens, Penile. Vie et les ''-rit-. Jour. 1. .'173. Vincent, William, dean. 1 -ical Journal v. 13-14. Vinci, Leonardo da. 1452-1 (Droysen) 1'reuss. Jahr! iz. c'hefs-d'ceuvre de la peinture italienne. Jeunes.se ( Miintz) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 83:' Last supper (Fuseli) Royal academy lecturer Goethe. Observations on. btang's Stich des ((irimm) Hundscbau 58:88. . veaux documens (Clement) Rev. d. i. Mon Vlncke, L: von. 1774-1844. Duller. Miinner des Volks 4:208. Vinegar. See alto Acetic arid. Versnche (Htrmtetldt) Berlin Akad. Abb. Vlnet, A. R., Swiu divine. 1797-1847. Vie et ses o?uvres (Taillandier) Kev. .1 .1 Mondes 11:49:362. Viniculture. See Wine. Vintras, Eugene (Pierre Mi. h.-l. ;^- Querard. Su|>erch5rie3 3 : 129. Violins. Hurt. Violin and i( im. Hawriv MUMC .iii.l morals. Vlollet-Le-Duc, K. K..mtkil*t. 1814-78. | , u ,!|, : i. i ..nclii- i .III-TM -v _Stti, .venux Lundi* 7:172. Vionrllle (Mars la Tour) battle, 1870. 1'reuM. Jhrb. a:709: 30: L Virchow. 498 Vision. Virchow, Rudolf. 1821- Unsere Zeit 1863 : 247. Virgilius, St., of Salzburg. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 11. Virgilius Maro, Publius, poet. B. C. 70-19. Alison. Essays: political etc. 3:42. Lessing. Laocoon. Sellar. Poets of the Augustan age. Tiraboschi. Letteratura italiana 1 : 301. Aeneis. See also Aeneas. Green. Stray studies from England and Italy 227. (Maurer) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 633. Emendationes (Baehrens) Jahrb. Phi- lol. v. 129, 131, 135. Erklarung (Pliiss) Jahrb. Philol. 125: 403, 849. Middle voice in (Dawson) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1880-1:41. Notes (Nettleship) Jour. Philol. 8:50. Pays (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 66 : 577, 762. Study. Nettleship, Lectures and es- says. Wanderings (Nettleship) Jour. Philol. 9:29. . Bk. 1 (Gebhardi) Jahrb. Philol. 125:403. 849. Bk. 6. Gibbon, Miscellaneous works 4:467. . Remarks (Beattie) Roy. Edin. Trans. v.2. and Plato (Sihler) Amer. Philol. Assoc. 1880:72. au moyen age (Boissier) Rev. d.d.Mondes 111:19:515. Beitrage zur Kritik der Scholiasten (Thilo) Rhein. Mus. 14:535; 15:119. Benoist's edition. Sainte-Beuve, Nou- veaux Lundis v. 11. Bucolica. Une Eclogue (Ronchard) Rev. Nat. 22:279. 4 (Pliiss) Jahrb. Philol. 115:69. 6 (Kolster) Jahrb. Philol. 121 : 321, 625, 849. Ciris. Disputed passages (Ellis) Am. J. Philol. 8:1, 399. Color system (Price) Am. J. Philol. 4 : 1. Culex und Ciris (Ribbeck) Rhein. Mus. 18:100. Emendationes (Baehrens) Jahrb. Philol. 135 : 807. English translations. Conington, Miscel- laneous writings v.-l. Flora of. Lemaire Bibl. Lat. classica 133 : 645. Georgica. Addison, Works 2:379. Bk. 3. Einleitung (Kolster) Jahrb. Philol. 125:693. Manuscripts. Alteste( Pertz) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1863. Poetische Argumente (L. Miiller) Rhein. Mus. 19:114. Religion romaine dans (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 104 : 199. Ribbeck's Prolegomena (Conington) Jour. Philol. v. 1. Schamhaftigkeit. Herder, Werke. 1829. 14:90. Vie future dans (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 105: 538. Virgilius legend. (Liebrecht) Germania 10:406. Helle Krieg: Gedicht. Germania 6:295. Ursprung( Victor) Zts.roman. Philol. 1:165. Zauberer Virgilius: Gedicht. Germania 4:237. (Roth) Germania 4 : 257. Virgin islands. See Anegada. Virginia, Roman girl. Eliot. History of liberty v. 1. Macaulay. Lays of ancient Rome. Political results of her death (Bliss) Mis- souri Univ. Lectures 1879. Virginia, United States. See also Bacon's rebellion, Smith (Capt. J:). Bibliography. Early history. Boston Pub. Lib. Bull. no. 43. Force. Historical collections v. 1. Claim to western territory, 1780. Paine, Political works 1:267. Election outrages, 1884 (Sherman) Pams. U. S. history v. 4. First session of legislature (Crane) Cali- fornian 1 : 394. in 1837. Gurney, Journey through North America 47- Local institutions (Ingle) Johns Hopkins Hist. Stud. v. 3. Settlement. Doyle, English colonies in America. Gardiner. History of England 2:50. Winsor. History of America 3 : 127. Virginius, steamship. Capture by Spanish authorities. U. S. House Ex. Docs. 1873-4, v. 8. Virtue. See also Chastity, Happiness, Moral- ity, names of virtues, works on ethics. Butler. Analogy of religion. Dion Chrysostomus. Orationes. I Durant ( W: F.). Memoirs 221. j Edwards (Jonathan). Works v. 2. Gassendi. Opera. 1727. 2:648. i Hume. Human nature v. 2. Joannes Damascenus. Opera v. 2. i Philo Judaeus. Works v. 3. Plato. Dialogues. Plutarch. Morals. and merit. Shaf tesbury, Characteristicks v.2. Characteristics of. Ferguson, Moral and political science v. 2. Eintheilung bei Thomas Aquinas (Nean- der) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Evangelical sanctity the perfection of. Newman, Oxford sermons. Greek and modern conceptions. Green, Prolegomena to ethics. Human capacity for. Graham, Creed of science. Hygiene morale. Caro, Nouvelles Etudes morales. in different periods of life. Dante, II convito bk. 4, ch. 23- not necessary to a prince. Machiavelli, The prince. Spiritual laws. Emerson, Essays, series 1. Wissenschaf tliche Behandlung d. Tugend- begriffes. Schleiermacher, Werke III: 2:250; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1818-19. Vischer, F: Th. 1807-87. (Lang) Rundschau 60:29- (Zeller) Goethe-Jahrb. 9:262. Visigoths. See Goths. Vision. See Sight. Visions. 499 Voltaire. Visions. See Ghosts, Illusions. Visscher, Tesselschade, Dutch poetess. 1594- 1649. Gosse. Literature of north Europe 230. Vistula river. Gitterbruckenbei Dirschau. UnsereZeit 1859: 7 in. Vitality. See Life. Vitellius, A til us emperor. 15-69. (Beutf) Rev. d. <1. Mondes II : 82: 353. Suetonius. Lives. Vitet, Lud..vic. 1802-73. Vieetseso2Uvres(Guizot)Rev.d.d. Mondes 111:2:33. Viticulture. See Grapes. Vitus, St. Translatio. Pertz,Mon.Germ.hist,8cr.v.2 Vitylo, Greece. and Cargese (Tozer) J. Hellenic Stud. 3: 354. Vivisection. Hall. Aspects of German culture. txlidic Ufscbrankung (Rupprecht) Unsere Zeit 1883:2:928. Vocabularies. Seealso Dictionaries, \Vunls Borgo and Bornou. Burkhurdt, Nubia : ap]>. Kast Indian. Comparison. Raffles. Java v. '_'. Ebingersche (Brandstetter) Herrig's Ar- chiv v. 72-73. iiiimaux. Beechey, Voyage to the Pacific v. 2:app. Parry. V. .y ages 2 : 561. Johanna i>lan. IH77:'58. Pacific islands. Hurney. Voyages 2:440. Cook. Second voyage v. 2; Third voyage v. 3. (Strauch) Zoits. Kthnol. 8:405. Vocals. Seealso Phonetics, \'<, \\.-N. AnordniiMgdiT (Mirhaeli.-) Her rig's Ar- ebiv v. '-"> ii, 70.71. Flexions-n. Al>leitun>rssilben in d. iiltes- ten jrerman. Dialekten (Paul) Beitr. deut--h. Sjiraehe 1 :315. French. Nasalirung (Giabow) Herrig's Arcliiv, Reine( Lurking) HerrigVs Arclm k and Latin (Meyer) Orient u. <> n .lent v. 1. Westphalian(Honranip) Herrig's Archiv i:i:.:, mi. Voice. Sf.e also Larynx. chez rboiiime ft cbe/. \>-< aninmnx (Hlan- c-hard) Kev.d.d. Mmi.lr- 111:1 tm (I'-ii) K..V. Boa i ':20G. M;IC ki-n/i.-. Hygiene o< the vocal or- of binls(Miill.T)n-rlinAkad..M.h 1M.-. Vowt-1 -mi m I- and rt-c.l ..r-:in pi|-f- ( \\ il I ';iinbr. 1'bilu-. Trail-*. :i : 231. Voice of verbs. thal)Zta.V6lker] Voisenon, C. H: Fusee, atbf. dramatist. I7- - ;rimm-l>idiT"t Voiture, Vincent 1598-1648. Sainte-Beuve. Causeriesdu Luudi 12:192. Volapiik. See also Language ( Universal). Bibliography (Caspar) Critic, March 17, I Schleyer's Versuch (Henne-am-Rhvn) 1'ns'. Zeit 1887:2: 71' 1. Volcanoes. See also Etna, Ferru, Geysers, Hecla. Krakatoa, Laach lake, Lava, Ma- i. Manna Loa. Popocatepetl, Santo- rin, Stroml)oli, Vesuvius. Buch. Beschreibung der Canarischen Inseln. Davy. Works; also Roy. Soc. Trans. 1828: 241. Hnmboldt. Cosmos. Hunt. Chemical and geological essays. Kant. Werke 4 : 1!. Kinsley. Madame how and lady whv. Bau in Knlstricben (Humtx>ldt) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1822-3. Colorado fu morales (Veatch) Cal. A cad. 8ci. Proc. 1 : 104. Enerjrv. Origin, cosmical relation*! (Mal- let) Rov. Soc. T ran-. 1^7.? :U7: 1>*7.-.:205. Gases. ConipositimH iK'villi'JPari'.Me'm. Savans Etrang. 16 Greek ancient (Fouque) Rev. ;7:470. Java(Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:13348. Julia i-le. Si.-ilv. KU (J. Davy) Roy. Soc. Trans. !-': -:n.j:.l :>46. Martinique (Moreau de Jonnfes) Acad. :.M. New Cbilian ( 1'hillippi) Anales I'n dad li I -^les in tertiary period (Geikie) 1J..V. Kdin. Trans. 35 :-'!. of central France (Forbes) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20:1. Geikie. Geological sketches. Seat of action. Hunt, Chemical and geo- logical es- Volsunga saga. Dntenachnn|ten(8ymon8) IU-itr deut-.b. Sprache3:199. Volney, C. F. C. de, philosopher, traveler. 17.-: DwiHht. Travels , ute-Beuve. Causeries du l.undi < :S8D. Letter t. Trie-, t ley, Theological works 17:11:5. VolU, Alrssandr... ,.//...>. f. 17I.V-1827. Arago. Oeuv alto Paris, M*m. Voltaire, F. M. Aruu.-t .le I2 Alliert. Liit.'-niture fr. Barmel Historj of Jacoblntaai l'.r..iiL'li.ini 1 I'.ii. kle. fivili/atiiin u 1- I> Flint. !'bil"-'phy "f bi-t..r\ ' ,.|eri.-k II. OorrMpOOdMM* (OtVTW MUcellan*. t.riinm .itidfr..t. % orrpondanot. M:.ll..n. (A. H.) Hugo. ! Voltaire. 500 Wages. Kaiser. Franzosische Verfassungsge- schichte 114. Lecky. Rationalism in Europe v. 2. Marmontel. Me'moires. Martin. Histoire de France. Schlosser. History of the 18. century. Shelley. French authors v. 2. Strauss (D: F:). Schriften v. 11. Windelband. Geschichte d. neuen Phi- lospphie 1:367. Bibliography (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:96:208. a Cirey. Sainte-Beuve, Causeries 2 : 208, 266. Alembert and. Morley, Rousseau ch. 9. als Historiker (Marenholtz) Herrig's Ar- chiv62:31. and France. Grimm, Essays on literature; Preuss. Jahrb. 27 : 1, 566. (Gottschall) Uns. Zeit 1870 : 2 : 721. and Frederick the Great. Grimm, Essays on literature. Bewunderer Shakespeares (Humbert) Jahrb. Philol. 134 : 328. Centenaire (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 13:139, 289, 291, 401. Character and genius. Carlyle, Essays. Correspondance. Nouv. d. (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 38: 457. Dramas. Lenient, Comedie en France an ^18. siecle 2 : 44. Eloge de. Frederick II, Oeuvres 7 : 50. Erasmus and. Coleridge, The friend 1:165. et Rousseau (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:76:208. in Frankfurt (Taillandier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 56: 836. Varnhagen von Ense. Schriften v. 19. jugS par Comte (Pillon) Crit. Philos. 13: 202, 209. Lettres ine"dites. Acad. Sci. Mor. 46:33; 47:457. Sainte-Beuve. Causeries 13:1: 15:219. Physique, histoire naturelle (Saveney) Re v. d. d . Mondes 1 1 : 79 : 5, 302. Philosophic d'apres la criticisme alle- mande (Gerard) Rev. Philos. 3:441. S6jour chez. Ligne, Memoires 2: 156. Travaux re"cens (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 27: 353. Vie (Condorcet) Voltaire, Oeuvres v. 64. Zaire. Reprise (Brunetiere) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:90:695. Vondel, Joost van den, dramatic poet. 1587- 1679. and Milton. Gosse, Literature of north- ern Europe 278. Lucifer (Glaser) Herrig's Archiv 22: 119. Voodooism. St. John. Hayti : the black republic. Voralberg, Tyrol. Skizzen aus (Speyer) Unsere Zeit 1880 : 1 : 749- Vorst, Peter, bishop of Aix. Travels to proclaim council of Mantua 1536. Hist. Taschenbuch 1839. Vortex-rings. Thomson. Treatise on motion of; also Roy. Edin. Trans. 25:217. Vibrations (Thomson) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1882:493. Vosges mountains. In the heart of the. Choice Literature 2 : 136. Voss, Johann H:, poet, critic. 1751-1826. (Schmidt) Preuss. Jahrb. 38 : 628. Briefe an F: Diez (Tobler) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:9. Herbst on (Gerland) Jahrb. Philol. 115:209 Voting. See also Ballot, Suffrage. not representation (Cridge) Pams. U. S. history v. 3. Vowels. See also Phonetics, Vocals. Kuhn's Zeitschrift, indexes. Anglo-Norman system (Jagemann) Am. Philol. Assoc. 15:66. Assyrian e-vowel (Haupt) Am. J. Philol. 8:265. English mutation (Haldeman) Am. Phi- lol. Asspc. 1874 : 26. quantity (Hadley) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1871:65. e and i( Wells) Am. Philol. Assoc. 16 : 133. French e and i(Thomsen) Romania 5:64. Greek connecting (Maiden) Philol. Soc. Trans. 1862-3:283. Harmonic analysis (Jenkin) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28 : 745. History of the a-vowel (Wells) Am. Phi- lol. Assoc. 12:69. Lange a (Holtzmann) Germania 9: 179. Naturlaut (Buschmann) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1852. Old English. Length in (Cook) Am. J. Philol. 6:296; 7:79. long. Development (Wells) Anglia 7:203; Amer. Philol. Assoc. 18:134. Voyages. See also Travel. "Novara" voyage (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:73:426. Wace, Robert, poet. Histoire Iitt4raire de la France v. 13. Wachter, Eberhard G: F: von, painter. 1762- 1852. Strauss (D: F:). Schriften 2 : 283. Wachter, K. G. von. Unsere Zeit 1880:2:721. Wackernagel, K: H: W:, philologist. 1806-69. Unsere Zeit 1870 : 2 : 132. Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philologie 2: 329. Wage fund theory. See works on political economy by: Cairnes.Jevons, Mill, Perry. Wager of battle. Black book of the Admiralty v. 1 (Rolls chronicles, 55). Lea. Superstition and force. Wages. See also Capital, Labor, Machinery, Profit-sharing, Value. (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. 111:25:349. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. k Paris (Haussonville) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:56:815. Agricultural, in Europe. Leslie, Essays in polit. and moral philosophy. Causes regulating. Fawcett, Economical position British labourer. des femmes (Reybaud) Acad. Sci. Mor. 94:169. English, in 1800-51. Porter, Progress of the nation 439. Wages. 501 Wallenstein. 1849. Small books on great subjects, no. 16. Influence du taux (Renouard) Acad. Sci M or. 61:153. Justice (Ott) Jour. Econ. Ill: 16: 161. Machinery and (Tozer) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 6:507. (VillermS) Rev.d.d. Mondes 11:28:214 Political economies by: Ricardo(Work> 235), Say (85). Mode de remuneration (Dormoy) Jour. Econ. IV: 34: 5. Purchasing power. Mass. Bur. Labor Statistics, Report 1872:468. Rogers. History of prices v. 1, 4. Rate of (Atkinson) Canadian economics. Statistics of (Weeks) United States 10th. census v. 20. Tariff and ( Dolph) Panis. free trade v. 3. (Donnell) Pains, free trade v. 3. (Hartshorn) Tains, free trade v. 3. (Smith) Pams. free trade v. 3. Th^orie ( Eichthal) Rev. d. d. Mondes III: 89:653. (Levasseur) Juur. Econ. IV:41:21. Why low? (George) Pams. social science Wagner, Wilhelm Richard, cotnponer. 1813-83. Bibliography. Monthly Kef. Lists 3:9. (Bellaigue) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:69:454. Clement. Musidens. Khlt-rt. Letters on music. (Reissmann) Unsere Zeit 1883: 1:498. (Schmi.lt) I'reuss. Jahrb. 38:414: 51:316. (Thomas) Choice Literature 1:309. als Textdichter. Grenzbotcn 1*74:1:214. Bayreuth festival, 1876 (Khlert) Kunds- chau9:117. Death (Avenarius) (iartenlaitbe 1883:220. (Ehlert) Kun.l-chau 35:32. Funfzehn Hriefe. Ktin.l-chau :* i : 250, 390. Lohengrin at Paris. 1887 (Hellaigue) Rev. ,!.,!. Mon.lcs HI:*-! Oeuvre (Schur4) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11-80: 948. Parzival (Ehlert) Rundschau 32: 41''.. (Lagenevais) Kev. d. d. Mondes, March LSH Portrait-. Criitnry iMtlv; : < '< trtcnlaiibe 1880:2:74*: Scientific American Suppl i:. : u.:',M; r.-ber l.an.l un.l MecT 48: 1020 Tristan und Isol.le. Kiin.l-chan 1 Tantihiiuser. Baudelaire, Oeiivre- choj sies3:207. (Scudo) Rev. d. d. Mondes 1 1 : 32 : 759. Wagram battle, 1809. Varnhagen von Kn-e. Schrifteii 2:192; Hist. Taschenb. 1836. Waltz, Theodor. Zeller. Vortrfige 2: 363. Wala, St.. abbot of C< Vita (Ra.ll.eri) Pert/, Mon. <;,-nn. hist. Script, v. 'I. Walckenaer, c : Athann*c, I,,,,,,,,. 177 ite-l?elive. < ':iu-. Tic- ill! I.Utl.l Waldau, Max. jtteud. See llaucn*< hil.l. Waldburg/c, T . / thol.l) Hist Taschenbuch 1840. Waldeck-Pyrmont. in 1848-62. I '1882; 667. Wai (lenses. Fox. Acts and monuments 4 :507. (Hudry-Menos) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : v. 7u-. 7. :;, 79. Lea. History of the inquisition 2:11 History. Religious Magazine 4:60. Language (Gruzmacher) Herrig's Archiv If. : 369. Nene BHtra'ge zur Heschichte (Haunt) Hi-t. Xts. (:i:3y. PfeifervonNiklashau-en(Thoma)Preus8. Jahrb. 60 :.M1. Religiiise Dichtungen (Apfelstedt i rig's .\T, Zt.-.roman. 1'liilol. 4:330,521. Waldere: Anglo-Saxon poem. Fragments u. d. unpriingl. . 1 7:u-l 804. Jardine. Naturali-t's library v. 3, Walker, Captain Joseph R. (O'Meara) Califorman 4:489. Walker, Cl. Patrick. Asiatic Journal v. 7. Walker, William, iilibuttrr. 1H24-60. Annuaire ilcs Deux Monde* v. 4- 1 *. (Assolant) Kev. d. .1. Mon.ir- II : J : 872. Bancroft. History of California v. 6; Central America v. 3. Buchanan. Messages relating to. 1858 (Pams. history v. 13). Hittell. History of San Francisco 200, 287. NVw York Tribune almanac 1855-68. (O'Meara) California!! .">:229. Tuthill. Hi-tory of California 308. - Tn-ere X-it ls.;i':735. WelN. Kxpedition to Nicaragua. Walker, Warner et al. r.t rmtcd States (Pams. law v. 1). Wall. Begriff des Pomerium (MoouaMNB) ll< rmes 10:40. Chinese great ( MollcndorfT) Zt-itv l.-ut morgenl. Gesell. T. 35. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Man. I life I l.c Conte) Californian 3:48& Wallace, William. *->trh ;xi/rif. 1270-1306. Historinil parallels v. I. Metrical lev-,-,,,1. Haillie. r,.-l!.:il Wallachla. <> K<>umni. Wallacbian lanf uae. &* ItomanKh. Walleniteln (WaKUUln), A \\ ,l,,ke of JYirrfJniMf. 158S-16S4. & W hi*ti.ru-H of Autriii. (i.rmnny, lh Thirty yeare' war. HT of OuUu Preuw. Jabrb. 24:488. Wallenstein. 502 War. Nemethy. Schloss Friedland. Schiller. Dramas. als Herzog und Landesherr (Forster) Hist. Taschenb. 1834. Besitz von Mecklenburg (Lorenz) Rund- schau 23 : 81. Gegenwartige Stand der Frage (Prutz) UnsereZeit 1887: 1:348. in the drama. Choice Literature 2:249. Nati vitas. Kepler, Opera omnia 8: 343. und die Spanier (Wittich) Preuss. Jahrb. 22:329-; 23:19. Verrath an Ferdinand II (Roepell) Hist. Taschenb. 1845. Zur Kritik Szyma Rasins (Lenz) Hist. Zeits. 59:1, 385. Waller, Edmund, poet. 1605-87. Bell. English poets v. 1. Jameson. Loves of the poets. Johnson (S:). Lives of the poets. Walloon language. Etudes de dialectologie (Wilmotte) Ro- mania 18 : 209. Walpole, Horace, jth earl of Orford,antiquary. 1717-97. Knight. London 3 : 97, 145. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Macaulay. Essays. Schlegel (A. W: von). Werke 8 : 58. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 2. Walpole, Horatio, lord, diplomatist. 1678- 1757. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Walpole, Robert, 1st earl of Orford. 1676- 1745. Brougham. Statesmen 3 : 349. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 1. Harris. Life of lord Hardwicke. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Character. Chesterfield, Works v. 4. Walsingham, Sir Francis. 1536-90. Lodge. Portraits v. 1. Walter, Johaim Gottlieb. 1734-1818. (Rudolphi) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1820-1. Walter of Aquitaine. Works on the troubadours. Gervinus. Deutsche Dichtung 1 : 150. Ludlow. Popular epics v. 1. Waltham abbey. Fuller. History of ( With his History of the Univ. of Cambridge). Walther von Metz. (Schoenbach) Zts. deutsch. Philol. 5 : 159. Walther von der Vogelweide. 1170-1220 ( ?). Anzeiger f. deutsch. Alterthums 4:1. Gervinus. Deutsche Dichtung. Gosse. Literature of north Europe. (Jahns) Preuss. Jahrb. 20:233. (Pfeiffer) Germania 5: 1. (Walther) Germania 32: 197, 299. Freidank und (Hildebrandt) Zts. deut. Alterth. 34 : 6. Heimatfrage (Zingerle) Germania 20:257. Liedcr (Bartsch) Germania 6: 187. Religiose Dichtungen (Fasching) Ger- mania 22: 429; 23:34. Spriiche. Chronologic (Nagele) Germania 24:151,298; 32:165,257. Vocalspiel(Bechstein) Germania 15:434. (Hornemann) Germania 29:42. Walton, George. 1740-1804. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.4. Walton, Izaac, writer on angling. 1593-1683. Life (Hawkins) Walton, Complete angler. (Zouch) Walton, Choice English biog- raphy. Wandering Jew. j Croly. Salathiel (fiction). Schlegel (A. W. von). Warnung (poem). Wangenheim, K: Aug.. baron. 1773-1850. Treitschke. Aufsatze 1:197; Preuss. Jahrb. 11:15. War. See also Arbitration, Armor, Army, Blockade, Coast defence, Hostages, Navy , Neutrality, Ordnance, Peace, Red Cross, Sanitary commission, names of battles and treaties. Channing. Works v. 3-5. (Clement) Jour. Econ. Ill : 19 : 169. De Quincey. Works 4:258; Narrative, etc. papers v. 2. Dewey. Moral views. Emerson. Miscellanies. Helps. Friends in council 3 : 71. Newman. Christian commonwealth. Plato. Dialogues ; tr. by Jowett 4 : 150, 452. Raleigh. Works 8 : 253. Ruskin. Works 6:98; Arrows of the chace v. 2. Strauss ( D: F:). Schrif ten 1 : 297. a punishment of wicked princes. Com- ruines, Memoirs bk. 5. Abolition of. Cobden, Speeches 1 : 515; 2:403. ( Laveleye) Cobden Club essays, series 2. and loyalty. Brownson, Works 16: 1. and peace compared. Home, History of man 1 : 426. Arbitration, debts, and. Mongredien, Wealth creation. Artdes indices (La Barre Duparcq)Acad. Sci. Mor. 59:381; 60:29. Art of. Machiavelli, Works. 1680. 435. Benefits of. Alison, History of Europe ch. 78. Bonheur de ( La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. 72 : 95. Causes et les remedies (Garnier) Jour. Econ. 111:41:177. Charges (Hendl) Jour. Econ. 111:40:197. Christianity and (Farrer) Choice Liter- ature 4 :355. de religion (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 66-68. Economic politique et (Reybaud) Jour. Econ. 111:3:5. Erreurs (Courcelle-Seneuil) Jour. Econ. 111:5:177. Erzeichung d. Jugend. Preuss. Jahrb. 6 : 543. et civilisation (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 54-55. (Lucas) Acad. Sci. Mor. 99:131. Evils of (Hall) Pamphlet sermons v. 5. Jay. Mexican war. Pamphlets on war v. 1. Feldherren (Goltz) Rundschau 31 : 378. Greek tactics. Studien (Forster) Hermes 12 : 426. Ide"e au 18. siecle (Etienne) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:90:702. Imitations militaires (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. 75:453; 76:91, 371. War. 503 Washoe. Indemnity. Thompson (Jos. P.), Ameri- can comments. Lawful. What is? Pams. history v. 11. Laws. Lorimer, Law of nations v. 2. and usages (Bernard) Oxford t 1856. Lyrik. 1813-70 (Gottschall) Unsere Zeit 1871 : 1 : 225. Mediaeval. Fludd, Macrocosm! historia. Modern (Hartmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 44: 223-; 50:539. ( Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : (31 : 199. Fiihrung. Unsere Zeit 1882:2: ; ion arm.'e (Te"not) Crit. Philo- 1 : 27 Nombre tue dans (La Barre Duparcq) Acad. Sci. Mor. !H :'JI.-|. hwendigkeit (Hartmann) Rundschau 13:111- Prisoners' treatment. Historical paral- lels 1:78. Progres dans les coutumes (Molinari) Jour. Econ. II:3:11, 321. prohibited by the Gospel. Miscellaneous pains. V. 1. Rapports avec les destim'cs du genre hu- main (Portalis) Acad. Sri. .Mor. 38:5. Riches.-e ft i>ui--ance militaire des flats. Rapports (La Barre Duparcq) Aca.i. Sci. Mor. v. 83-85. Right of ( Molinari) Jour. Econ. 1 V:37:329. Puffendorf. Law of nature l>k. !s, ch.tl. Romische Nonmdlager zur Zeit <1. l'.>l\l>- iu-(Hankel) Jahrb. Philol. 121: 737; 123: 857 - (Niaaen) Jahrb. Philol. 123: 12!i. Seerecht in Kriegzeiten. Unsere Zeit 1859 :7. Life. Monthly K.-iVremv LM- I Ames (Fi-h.-r). Works. Cobln-tt. Porrupine'* works. Curtis (B: R.). Life and writings \ -Duller. Manner.!. Perry. Sketches of American slat. Simmer (C:). . Iff. Winthrnp ( li. '.). vi < l'.,t ter) Pain-. I . >. Hi-tory v. 3. iiiinent at Waahingwo, I HoU-eC. I! 1-71 L', v II loC8. 1-77 s. v . Hi; Hou-e M. 1'oc-. 1-7^ !'. N 1 .-enate M. Do. Portrait- (Lamb) Pams. bingraphx Winsor. History of America 7 : MB. -natic.n. .Iftl. Vorks 3339. Madison (Ja.i. \\ Tomb. Youth. Kverett, Oration- 1 :.VJ4. Thackeray. Virginian- (fiction). Washington, /'. C. Art in. liarnard, lleport Kdt;. in 1 s !-. 1 . :ir..n.Skft-ln-i'f Amerira288. in 1M7. (inrney, North America 79. in 1880 (Waring) I > imb ci-n-n- in 1882(Bo.lei. Origin, administration (Porter) llopkin- Hist. Stud. v. 3. Selection as jiermancnt seat of g ment Barnard, Report IMu 1-71:47. politi.iue, Ii5 (Dn\ ran... i Monde- II -.1:450. Washington (state). 1 Hi Hot de Mof ras. Exploration de I'Ore- (Oatea) Californian 1 IcecHTes. Ri\ moil, i. I'.i Washington treaty. K-i . Ki-lierien ques- tion). .oun. \V'-rk- l Webster. Work-, t rider. Washington treaty. 1 s7 1 ** aUo AUbaroa (i. rival. -(Laugel) Rev d d. Mondes II :94:7. Washoe, Pfmtdn -CaLA. ,11.2:98. Watches. 504 Watt. Watches. See also Clocks, Chronometers, Time. Saunier. Watch-maker's handbook. Water. See also Aqueducts, Artesian wells, Bath, Drainage, Hail, Hydraulics, Ice, Snow, Springs, Waves, Wells. Analysis (Sell) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsarnt, Mittheil. 1:360. of Bath and other (Murrav) Roy.Edin. Trans. 7 : 445. of Iceland .geyser (Black) Roy. Edin. Trans. 3 : 95. Sanitary value (Tucker) Albany Inst., Trans. 11:205. Berlines Leitungswasser ( Wolff hiigel) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arbeiten 1 : 1. Chemical composition. Davy, Works 7: 121. Chemistry of natural. Hunt, Chemical and geological essays. Circulation on the earth. Hunt, Chemical etc. essays. Compressibility ( Perkins) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1820:324; 1826:541. Condensation on cold surface(Dalmahoy) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20 : 299. Constituent of salts (Graham) Roy. Edin. Trans. 13:297. Crystallization (Clarke) Canibr. Philos. Trans. 1:209. Decomposition by heat into gases (Grove) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1847 : 1, 17. Decrease in springs, creeks (Wex) Pams. mechanics v. 1. Dorpat. Bacteriologie (Haudring) Dor- pat Univ. Diss. v. 1. Drops. Schwingungenfallender(Lenard) Heidelb. Univ. Diss. v. 1. Expansion. UnterverschiedenenW T arme- graden (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1855. Filters (Prescott) Mich. Bd. Health 1880:61. Filtration. Arago, Oeuvres 6:481. Forms in ancient art. Ruskin, Stones of Venice l:app. Keimgehalt brauchbarer (Wolffhiigel) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsarnt, Arbeiten 1: 546. Measurement (Randall) U. S. Mint report 1884 : 558. Nouvelle unite 1 (Prony) Paris, Me"m. Acad. Sci. 2 : 409. Mineral. Pamphlets on chemistry v. 1. Analysis formula (Murray) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:259. and thermal. British. Bibliography (Dalton) Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci. 1888:859. of California. McNutt, Mineral and thermal springs. 1888. (Robertson) Cal. Bd. Health 1884-6: 210. of Virginia (Homer) Miscell. pamphlets v.8. Nitrous acids in. Detection (Leeds) Pams. chemistry v. 2. Pressure and freezing point (Thomson) Roy. Edin. Trans. 16 : 575. Quantity of gases absorbed by (Henry) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1803:29, 274. Rain-water. Character at Paris (Barral) Paris, Me'rn. Savans Etrang. 12:265. Roth-gefarbte, in Siidpreussen (Klaproth) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1798-4800. Sawdust in (Kedzie) Mich. Bd. Health 1884 : 81. Sea-water. Analysis (Murray) Roy. Edin. Trans. 8:205. Biological action of salts in (Coutance) U. S. Fish Conimn. Rept. 1881. Composition (Forchhammer) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1865 : 203. Expansion by heat (Thorpe) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1876:405. Maximum density (Hope) Roy. Edin. Trans. 14:242. Proprie'te's (Saporta) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 66 : 654 ; Pop. Sci. 26 : 529. Sewage-water. Purification(Aubry-Vitet) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 41 : 665. (Kb'nig) Pams. health v. 1. Specific heat at different temperatures (Rankine) Roy. Edin. Trans. 20 : 441. Subterranean (Daubre'e) Rev.d. d. Mondes 111:81-82. Temperatur-Einfluss auf d. Bewegung d. W. in Rohren (Hagen ) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1854. The'orie des eaux courantes (Boussinesq) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. v. 23, 24. Versorgnung (Wollfhiigel) Berlin, K. Gesundheitsamt, Arb. 2:484. Water-cure. See also Baths. Calvert. Scenes in Europe 2:41. Water supply. Conduites de Paris. Dilatabilite" de la fonte de fer (Girard) Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. 10:405. London. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Reinigung und Entwasserung Berlins. Michigan. Mich. Bd. Health Reports. Relation to health (Hazlewood) Mich. Bd. Health 1875: 105; 1876:81. Water wheels. See also Turbines. (Thomas) Cal. State Mineralogist Report 1888. Trace's &' aubes courbes (Didion) Paris, Me'm. Savans Etrang. 20: 185. Waterland, Rev. Daniel. 1683-1740. Exegetical notes. Coleridge, English divines v. 2. Waterloo battle, 1815. Bibliography. Boston Pub. Library, Bull. no. 35. Albemarle. Fifty years of my life. Creasy. Decisive battles. Erckmann-Chatrian. Waterloo (fiction). Hausser. Deutsche Geschichte. 1786- 1815. v. 4. Hugo. Les misejables (fiction). Jomini. Campaign of Waterloo. (Kjelland) Rundschau 26:447 (fiction). Matthews. Great conversers 272. Quinet. Campagnedel815(Oeuvresv.21). (Varnhagen von Ense) Kriegk, Darstel- lungen 378. Wellington. Dispatches v. 8. Poems on, by: Scott, Southey. Scherenberg'sGedicht. Herrig'sArchiv 9:399. Reminiscences. Lieber, Miscellaneous writings. Thiers on. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis3:125. Waterton, Charles, naturalist. 1782-1865. Smith (Sydney). Works v. 2. Watt, James, engineer. 1736-1819. Arago. Oeuvres 1:371; also Paris, Me'm. Acad. Sci. v. 17. Watt. 505 Webster. Brougham. Men of letters 2 : 352. Davy. Works 7: 141. Smiles. Brief biographies. Watten monastery, France. Chronica. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist, Script. v. 14. Watts, G: F., painter. 1818- Kuskin. Art of England. Waul sort monastery. Historia. Pertz, Mon. Germ. hist.Script. 14:503. Waverley abbey, England. Annales. Rolls chronicles, 36: v. 2. Wave motor. (Duffy) Pamphlets mechanics v. -. Waves. See alto Water. Comoy. Manxes fiuviales. auf Gewassern von gletahm&Miger Tiefe (Hagen) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1861. Exact form, near surface (Kankine) Roy. Soc. Trans. lsi3:127. Force of ocean (Stevenson) Roy. Elin. Trans. 16:23. forms in animals. Kuskin, Deucalion v. 2. Mathematical theory of the two great solitary W. of tirst order (Earnsnaw) Cambr. Philos. Trans. 8:32i. Motion in canals (Green) Cambr. Philos. Trans. ;:4.Y7; 7:87. Oscillatory. Theory (Stokes) Cambr. Phi- los. Trans. 8:441. Periodic. Thrie (Boussinesq) Paris, Mem. Savans Etrang. 20:509. Plane water-lines in two dimensions (Rankine) K.v. S-. Trail*. i^'4:3B9. Propagation ( Bazin) Paris, Me*m. Savans Etrang. 19:495. (Cauchy)l'aris.Mi'-m. Savans Etrang.l:3. (Stoney) Koy. Irish Trans, v. -'1. dans un basin cylindrique i fradsky) Paris. Mem. Savans Etrang. Stilling, by oil. Franklin (B:), Works C: 355. U. 8. Hydrographic Office. Ptibl. 82. U. S. Life-.sa viiiK Service. Report 1883. Stream-lines. Mathematical thi-ory (Kan- kine) Rov. Stn:. Trans. 1K71 :L'-;7. " Theory of (Keliand Key. K.lin. Tran-. 1 : 497; 15:101. (Poisson) Paris, Min. Acad. Sci. 1 :71 ; 8:571. Thermodynamic theory of W. of finite lonL'itiiilinaltli-tiirhanre( Kankine) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1870 :L'77. Tidal, in Kn ^land, 1H43( Milne) Roy. Kdin. Tran-. i:>:<09. Vitesse dans U-* melicux gazenx nan. 1 in. Acad. Sci. v. 37. Chemical nature I Hrodie) Koy.S,., -.Trans. 'M. Chinese tree wax. I:, Political prohlfii. (Pa v) Aoad.DCL Mor. 13:7. essential to civilization ( Wainwright) . history InMuence de- institutions |Hiliti<|iies (Du Puynode) Jour. Econ. 11:21:339; 23:5. des valeurs(Cl?ment).lour. P>-on. 11:3:5. -- Moral limits. Dewey, Moral views. Morale de (< 'olirrelle-Senclill) Jour. Econ. Ill :ll::',.'l. - National (Inama-Sternegg) Rundschau :!78. :rv of. Green, Stray studies from RngUIld and Italy. Repartition (l>avoll#e) Jour. Econ. Ill: 25:1-7 Koleilans runcieiine Rome sous la itfpub- Uqae(Oeflroy)BeT.d.d Mon.l.-s ill :87: . Tin-got sur(Sfln-Ile) J<.ur. R-on. IV: 43:3. Weather. See aU<> Met- <>n health (Jackson) Koy Kdin. Tnuis.0:0i - English prov.Tlis. IVrcv Soc. T.30. II .\v to nnder-tan. 1 ( Wliittaker) Pams. meteorology \ Weber, />r.(ieorg. 1808-88. ( Hansrath) Kiin.l>chau 57: 148. Weber, K: M. K: K voti.comjMMr. 1786-182& - r|,-.|in-nt. Mu-ici. (Snitta) Rundschau _ Unsere/c.t IM6:I lirinneruiiKen. KninNchaii '> .,-. inilueiice ( I Maze de Bury) Kev. d. d. Obcron ( Scudo) Kev. d. d. Mondes 11:8:681 Webster, Dunirl, itaUrmttn, 1782-1851. P.ii.lioK'raphy. Monthly Reference LbU 1:7; ton. Thirty yer' view. .:. Ad-lreMM. - Kn "' e and -how. Lodge. Slu-li.- in hi-tory hew. Oratory. ,,-,. of pobtteoMofll. II. K.) life and speech**. Whipple. RMayi* .-.-ndealhof P.irk.: i i : Webster. 506 Werum monastery. Eulogium. Suniner, Works v. 3. Works. Brownson, Works 19:343. Webster, J ohn, dramatist. 1582-1638 ? Dunham. Literary men v. 2. Memoir (Dyce) Webster's Works v. 1. Webster, Thomas. 1800-86. British painters of 18-19. centuries. Wedderburn, Alex., earl of Rosslyn. 1733- 1805. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Wedgwood, Josiah, English potter. 1730-95. Gladstone. Gleanings v. 2. Weed, Thurlow. 1797-1882. Death. Pamphlets on biography v. 6. Weeds. Burroughs. Pepacton. Week. See Days. Weidig, Friedrich L: 1791-1837. Duller. Manner des Volks 7:1. Weight. All matter heavy ( Whewell ) Camb. Philos. Trans. 7 : 197. Weights and Measures. See also Balance, Measure, Metric system, Ohm. Ancient. Gibbon, Miscellaneous works v. 5. Boeck on. Grote, Minor works. Anglo-Saxon. Preservation. The Inter- national Standard, v. 4, no. 5 (Pams. on science v. 3). Comparison of imperial troy pound(Schu- macher) Roy. Soc. Trans.~1836 : 457. English (Kater) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1826:1. Re'forme (Michelant) Jour. Econ. II: 39:68. French. France, Bureau d. longitudes, Annuaire 1886, etc. Conversion tables. U. S. Consular re- port, Oct. 1883. German new, 1858. Preuss. Jahrb. 1:561. Imperial standard pound (Miller) Koy. Soc. Trans. 1856:753. Instruments used in measuring. Clifford, Lectures 2 : 3. Javanese. Raffles, History of Jaya2:cxlv. of all nations. Paris Exposition 1867, Reports v. 1. Prussian. Vergleichung mit d. franzosis- chen(Eytelwein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1825. Vergleichung mit d. englischen (Eytel- wein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1827. Roman. Carmen de ponderibus (Christ) Rhein Mus. 20 : 64- Weimar, Germany. in der neunziger Jahren (Merkel) Rund- schau 49 : 65- in 1810. Seume, Werke 10 : 167. in 1826. Dwight, Travels in Europe 426. in 1829. Piickler-Muskau, Tour 4. Three months in. Eliot (George), Essays. Weir, John F. 1841- Sheldon. American painters. Weir, Robert W. 1803- Sheldon. American painters. Tuckerman. Artist-life. Weise, Christian Felix, poet. 1726-1804. Briefe an Ramler. Herrig's Archiv 77 : 1 ; 79:149; 82:241. Marggraf von Ancre (Hahn) Herrig's Archiv 29: 37. Weiss, Christian S., geologist. 1780- Gedenkworte, 1880. Pams. biography v. 6. Weiss, J. J. 1827- Lemaitre. Contemporains 2 : 249. Wekhrlin, W. L. 1739- Preussische Jahrbiicher 24:341. Weld, Isaac. 1774-1856. Dwight. Travels 4 : 226. Wellesley, R: Colley, marquess of. 1760-1842. De Quincey. Notebook. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley,d?titeo/. 1769- 1852. Alison. Essays; History of Europe. Bayne. Essays v. 1. Brougham. Statesmen 3:266. Croker. Correspondence. Ewald. Representative statesmen v. 2. Greville. Journal of reigns of George IV and William IV. Lodge. Portraits v. 4. Miller (Hugh). Essays. Episode de la vieillesse du (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:97:202. Wells, England. Cathedral. Carter, Ancient sculpture. King. English cathedrals v. 5. Wells. See also Artesian, Water. Arago. Oeuvres 6: 263-480. Tecklenburg. Tiefbohrkunde. Temperature of W. within the tropics (Newbold) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1845 : 125. Welser, Philippine. 1530-80. Diiringsfeld. Buch denkwiirdiger Frauen Welsh language. Affix of degrees of quality (Aufrecht) Philol. Soc. Proc. 1856:47. and literature (Williams) Berkeley Quar. 2:151. Glosses in Cambridge cod. of Juvencus. Philol. Soc. Trans. 1860-1:204, 288. Philology (Evans) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1871:1; 1872:5; 1873:20. Wenceslas I, St., duke of Bohemia. Vita (Gumpold) Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script, v. 4. Wenceslas I, king of Bohemia. -1253. Historia. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist.. Script. 9 : 167, and index. Wentworth, C: Watson. See Rockingham. Wentworth, Thomas. See Strafford. Werner, Abraham G. 1750-1817. Jardine. Naturalist's library v. 29. Werner, F: L: Z., dramatic poet. 1768-1823. Carlyle. Essays. Wernher, bishop of Merseburg. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 12:244. Wernher von Elmendorf. Quelle (Schonbach) Zts. deut. Alterth. 34:55. Wernher der Gartener. Dichter des Helmbrecht (Schroder) Ger- mania 10:455. Wernher von Niederrheim. und der wilde Mann (Pfeiffer) Germania 1:223. Werum monastery. Chronica. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 23:454. Wesley. White lead. Wesley, John, founder of Methodism. 1703-91. Ossoli. Papers on art, literature. et le methodisme (Re'musat) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:85:350. West, Benjamin, artitt. 1738-1820. Sandby. Royal academy of arts. Tuckennan. Artist-life. West, W: E: 1788-1857. Tuckennan. Artist-life. West India islands. SreaisoCaribbean.Cuba, Havti, San Domingo, Virgin islands. Art de verifier les dates depuis 1770. v. 16. Gordon. Spanish discoveries 2: 132. Herrera. His tor ia general. Raynal. Histoire du commerce v. 3. Universal history: modern v. 36. Dutch company. Laspeyres, Volks- wirthsch. Anschauungen d. Nieder- lander. in 1856. Gegenwart 11 : 190. West Point, ffeto York. Strong. Cadet life at West Point. Map. In Report of Bd. of Visitors for 1886(1'. S. BOUM M. D. 1886-7, v. 1). Westminster abbey, London. Carter. Ancient sculpture. Irving. Sketchbook. King. Cathedrals of England. Knight. London v. 4. Loftie. History of London v. 2. Stanley. Historical memorials of. Weston, Mary. El let Women artists. Weston, R:, Itt earl of i'ortlatul. Lodge. Portraits v. 2. Westphalia, province of Prnstia. Bilderaus. I>roste-Hiil>liotr.S<-hriftcn v._ Jerome Bonaparte und (Goecke) Preuss. Jahrb. 51:233. (Rambaud) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:101: 385- Zerstiickelung d. Bauerhofe, 1824. Pain-. on history v. 7. Weyer, Sylvain van der. 1802-74. Fondaieur de la inonarchie Ixjlge(Laugel) Rev.d.d. Mondes I1I:<;:279. Whale. Leslie. Arctic regions. Scammon. Marine iiianiiuals. American fisheries. History of (Star buck) U. S. Fish Cmnnin. report 1S75-4J. Anatomy of northern Beluga (Watson) Boy. Kdin. Trans. 'J!):.m Balaena longiinana (Bt;d<>lphi) Berlin Akad. Abb. 1829. rostrata (Carte) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1868: 201. - (Rudolphi) Berlin A kad.Al.h! Barteu de> (Bownthal) Berlin Akad. A 1,1, Sibbaldii (Turner) B.y. Kdin. Trail". Dutfh indti-try ( l-Sqniro-) Bcv. d. -I M, ,!,..- II 3 :,. I N.ngaret) Bev. d. d. Mondes II: :->7. Sperma. , M (Aldernon) Canibr. Phil-.*. -ViS. Stomach (Ho me) Uoy..- I -07:98. Zii'hins <-uvin>-in> m Shetland (Turner) Uov. Kdin. Trans. 28:739. Whalley, Edward. and W: Goffe( Dexter) Pams.biography v.G. Wharton, Thomas, duke of. 140-171 Short character. Swift, Works. 1814. 4: 117. Whately, Richard, archbukou. 1787-1863. Mart ineau. Biographical sketches. Wneat. See alto Corn laws, G rain. Journal des Economises I-II, index. KttpfMUri Wheat plant. Kornicke and Werner. Handbuch das 'Jetreidehauc-. Vilmorin-Andrieux. Meilleurs bl^s. as measure of value. Condillae, Oeuvres -'.235. \-h of grain and straw (Lawes) Pains. a^'riculHir. i au point de vtiedu commerce librei aller) Acad. Sci. M..r. i:335. California culture (Bannister) Overland II :L dans le monde (Bernard* Jour. Econ. I V: 39:23. en Ame'ritiue (Lafargue) Jour. Econ. I V: L'7:4-J Production (Brewer) T.S. 10th census v.S. prix en France ( Bcfijuerel) Paris, ' Acad. Sci. 3T> : Vibrio tritici (Bauer) Roy. Soc. Trans. 1823:1. Wheaton, Henry. Sunnier ((':)." Works 2:63. WheelOCk, Rtr. Eleazor. 1711-79. Memoir. Amer. l^uar. Reg. 10: 1. Wheels. Teeth of (Airy) Camhr.Philos. Trans. 2277. of unround discs (Sang) Roy. Edin. Trans. 28:101. Whewell, William. 1794-1888. 1'nsereXeit !Sfi6: 1:839. Whlchcote, Benjamin. UilO-83. Ttilloch. Rational theology in England v. _'. Whig party in America. -Seward. Works :'.:239- Whlg party in England. t'roly. Life of Burke ch. 3. Examiner. 1711. Lecky. England in the lv ccnnir May. Constitutional lr, .gland Rapin. History of England 2:798. and ton. .l.riick ) 1'reuss, Jahrb, 18:81 Whipple, Edwin P. 1819-88. \V,,rks'_>:382. Whipple, William. 17.10-85. j Sanderson. Signers. . f ihe de.-|r:tt Whitaker, J.ihn. 17.tvi80a I Notes on bin Ari.> glish divines r. 2. Whitby abbey. 11. .wilt. Uuined al !> - "I York-! White, //",.. D. Ap|.l.-t<>ii White. /.Vi-. .l.-oph M. Blanco. 177&-184L . .ne, Gleanings v. 1 White lead mm Europe. VJ7. White mountains. 508 Will. White mountains, New Hampshire. Bryant. Picturesque America v. 1. Dwight. Travels 2 : 49. Lyell. Second visit to America 1:53. New Hampshire Geological Survey. Pub- lications. Whitefleld, Rev. George. 1714-70. Mathews. Oratory and orators. and the evangelical succession. Stephen, Essays; also Ecclesiastical biography v.2. Whitman, Walt. 1819- (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:99:565; 111:75:112. Buchanan. David Gray and other essays. Burroughs. Birds and poets (Flight of the eagle). Dowden. Studies in literature. (Fawcett) Californian 1 : 132. Griswold. Poets of America. (Kennedy) Californian 3:149. Lanier. English novel 48. Stedman. Poets of America; also Scrib- ner's 21:47. Swinburne. Songs before sunrise. Whitney mountain, California. Langley. Researches on solar heat (U.S. Signal Service, Papers 15). Whittier, John G., poet. 1807- Bibliography. Monthly Ref. Lists 3 : 3. (Bentzon) Rev. d. d. Mondes III : 75 : 80- (Chace) Pamphlets on biography v. 6. ( Murray) Californian 2 : 319. Richardson. American literature v. 2. Stedman. Poets of America; also Century 30:38. Whittingham, W:, dean of Durham, d. 1579. Life. Camden miscellany v. 6. Whittington, Sir Richard. 1360-1423. Kirby. Wonderful museum 1 : 253. Song of. Johnson (R:), Crowne-garland. In the Percy Soc. v. 6. Whittlesey, Col. Charles, geologist. 1808-86. Memorial of. Pains, biography v. 6. Whittredge, Worthington. 1820- Sheldon. American painters. Whitty, Edward M. 1827- Writings (Forgues) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 11:631. Whytt, Robert, M. D. 1714-66. (Seller) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:99. Wichern, Job. H:, divine. 1808- SchafF. Germany 405. Wickliffe, C: Anderson, governor. 1788-1869. Little. Ben Hardin : times, etc. 203. Wiclif (Wickliffe), John, reformer. 1324-84. Histories of England especially : Lingard, Turner (4 : 309). Diiller. Manner des Volks 4 : 343. Fox. Acts and monuments v. 2-3. Fuller. Abel redevivus 1 : 9. Milman. History of Latin Christianity v. 7. Neal. History of the Puritans. Netter of Walden. Fasciculi zizaniorum (Rolls chronicles, 5). Pauli. Pictures of old England. Bibeliibersetzung (Maas) Herrig's Archiv 29:331. Life and opinions. Religious Mag. 3:31, Literature. Neuere Erscheinungen (Los- erth) Hist. Zts. 53:43. Sprache( Fischer) Pams. Anglo-Saxon v. 1. Wieland, C. M. 1733-1813. (Bottiger) Hist. Taschenbuch 1839. Goethe. Werke 21 : 311. Histories of German poetry and literature by : Bohtz, Gervinus (4 : 299), Hettner ( 2 : 463), Hillebrand (1 : 70), Raumer (2: 244). Goldener Spiegel (Breucker)Preuss.Jahrb. 62:149. Leben. In his Werke 20: 561. und Meyer von Knonau (Scherer) Zts. deutsch. Alterth. v. 20. Vierzehn Gedichte. Herrig's Archiv 70:29. Wielandsage. ( Meyer) Germania 14 : 283. Frankische Heldensage und (Golther) Germania 33 : 449. Volundarkvidra (Niedner) Zts. deutsch. Altert. 33 : 24. Wielopolski, Alexander, marquis de Gon- zaga-Myszkowski. 1803- (Mazade) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 42 : 937. Wiertz, A. J., painter. 1806-65. (Laveleye) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:66:829. Unsere Zeit 1867 : 2 : 30. Wiesbaden. See Nassau. Wigalois, poem. See Wirnt von Grafenberg. Wigbert, St., of Gemblours. - Vitae et miracula. Pertz, Monum.Germ. hist., Script, v. 4, 8. Wigglesworth, Rev. Michael. 1631-1705. Sibley. Harvard graduates 1 : 259. Wight, Isle of. See Isle of Wight. Wilberforce, W:, statesman. 1759-1833. Bayne. Christian life. Brougham. Statesmen 1 : 269. Robinson (H: Crabb). Diary. Stanhope. Life of Pitt. Stephen. Essays; also Ecclesiastical biog- raphy. (Whipper) Pams. on slavery v. 3. Wilcox, Rev. Carlos. Remains, poems. Christ. Spect. 11 : 52. Wilderness battle, 1864. Swinton. Twelve decisive battles. Wilfred, St., bishop of York. Petrie and Sharpe. Monumenta histor. Britannica. Vitae. Migne, Patrologia Latina 159:709. Rolls chronicles 71 : v. 1. Wilgefortis, St. Heilige Kumernus oder (Reborn) Ger- mania 32: 461. Wilhelmshafen. See Jade. Wilkes, John, politician. 1727-97. ( Blerzy) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:11: 920. Brougham. Statesmen 3 : 181. Free Briton's memorial. Harris. Life of lord Hardwicke. Hogarth. Works. Wilkie, Sir David. 1785-1841. British painters. 1881. Wilks, Robert. Doran. Annals of the stage v. 1. Will. Bain. Emotions and the will. (Herzen) Rev. Philos. 2:290. Will. 500 William in. Hume. Human nature v. 2; Huxley, Life of Hume. Maudsley. Body and will; Physiology of mind. Schopenhauer. World as will and idea: Werke v. 5. Wildauer. Psychologic des W. bei Sok- rates, Platon, etc. Affaiblissement; an6antissement (Riboti Rev. Philos. n ::;!)!: ir.:135. Begriff. Sigwart, Kleine Schriften v. 2. Cause, etc. (Main) Rev. Philos. 4 : 402. com me pouvoir d'arrtt (Ribot) Rev. I 'hi Ios.l4:391. De"veloppement (Horwicz) Rev. Pbilos. 1 : 488. Energie (Klein) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1801-2: 102. in nature. Schopenhauer, Two essays. Lehre vom(Wundt) Philos. Stndien 1:337. (Baumann) Philos. Monatsh. 17:550; 19:354. I^ehre in d. netieren Psychologic (Kiilpe) I'hilos. Stud. 5:179, ->1. Notiones Aristotelis(Hoepel) Halle Univ. piss, v. 2. Origin. Cope, Origin of the fittest Physiology of volition (James) Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Anniversary memoirs 1880. What the W. effects (James) c r it. Philuv - 7: l'ii : 8: I'H. (Reiiouvier) Crit. I'hilos. N.S. 8:117, 404. Zeitliche Verhiiltnisse' (Merkel) Phil.', Stndien 2:73. Will, Freedom of the. See alto Determin- ism, Fate, Liberty (Moral), Necessity. works on etli; Anselm (St.). Opera 1 :489. Augustine (^t.). Anti-1'elagian writings. Baader. Werke 1: Hi Bossuet. Oeuvres choisies v. 4. Crybba on moral freedom. . -.vanK < >n the will. Fist her. Geschichte der neoMn Philoso- phic 4: 121. (iraham. Creed of science. Hartley. Observations on man. II . Anselm von Canterbury 810. -Herbart. Werke. 1850-1'. ::Jn i l.,-,,uier)Crit. Philo-. \ Mill. Examination of Hamilton's plnl..- opby v. 2. Murphy. Scientific bases of faith. . pticismc 438. .leiermaeher. Werke I : 2:393. Schopenhauer. Werke v. 4. (PlDon)Orit I'hilo- 1L':190. Tappan. Review of Edward*' <>n the will Temple Relations between science and religion '.7. Voltaire. Oe \ivre- 'JO. 47. 80. \Viii-. Essay on the will. Whitby. Discourse*. Activitat n. Pa^ivniii (\Vernicke) Vier- telj. \vi-'ii>. 1'hilo- Arguments metaphysi.pie, en favour t>svcholoi'i(iueM (Renonvier) <'nt. Phi 1 : 49. rgrive) Her. Phil. Ci 'Ian* la nature (hilo-ophy. Eiiicurean doctrine. Guyau on(Masson) Ji.ur. Philol. 11:34. et la contingence des futurs ( Fouillee) Rev. Philos. 15:585. Human resjionsibility. NVwman.Oxford sermons. Lotze on. Kritik (Wahn) Zeits. Philos. 94:88. Lucretius' argumeiit(Massnn)Joiir. Philol. der Natur und (Carriere) Rundschau 12:377. Mcxlitied Calvinism. Strong, Philn]>hy and religion 114. Nouveaux expedients en faTeur(Fouillee) Rev. Philos. 14:585. Nouvelle preuve (Maldidier) Crit. Philos. N.S. 9:271 Obligation morale (Paulhan) Rev. Philos. ML - Wittwe Uber(Walter) Zeits 1'hil.., - Willard, Ker. Samuel. UUO 17'C. Sibley. Harvard graduates 2 : 13. Willehad, St., fcAo; of liremen. Anskarii vita. Perte. Mon. Cerm. ln-t , Scr. v. L' Willemer, Mariamne von. Goethe und (Hiiffer) Rundi-hau 11:406. Willet, Andrew, dirinr. 1 Fuller. Abel redevivu.s 2:314. William (Fitzherbert -rk. -- Vitaeet miracula. K.-ll-clironn-le- 7I:\ .'. William, archbishop of Oraiufe. See (Juil- laume il'Orai! William I, emnmir of Herinnny. 17' '7 1888. Deutx-he Knnil-rhau ">.">: v. . ische Jahrliiicher 61 (Treitschke) I'reuss. Jahrh. .".7:105. - I'eher Laml mid Meer v. 59-60. als Pddherr(Kurs) DnaereZeitUMJJH, - An- Mem U-hen. Cart. nl.iulK- 1888. nl .rAllemagne. 1888(Vogtle) Kcv.d.d. Monde- II :-;:\ : Rae. Winkelried. See Arnold von Winkelried, Sempach battle. Winter, Martin Jakob. Strauss (U: F:). Schriften 2:345. Winter. See al*o Seasons. Good word for. Lowell, My study win- dows. li -H d'hiver (Vogiie) Rev. d. d. Monde- III :'.! I Mi Wlnterfeldt, Hans K. von, yenrrnl. 1709-67. - Vamhagen von Knse. Schriften v. r_'. Winthrop, J:,;/rTH. Emancipation of MaasachOMUa Barry. Hi-tory of Ma-- v 2. .dr. AniiquitK Mritnin v.3. 'n. Hi-tory of Newlmry Hi-torv MI' Cowley 168. Glanvil. Aga'in-t modern > (In his Essays Hi70); - > nmphatus. Hawthorne. Young goodman Bniwn (In his Mosses). Lea. History of tin- iii'|in-iliMn '- 492. I^et-k disin in Muroj- Lipperl. < bri-ienilium. \ ikgUube5O4. Lowell. Among my Uml. Pike. Hisior\ I r I in-. I..- 1 ranenwelt 2:138, nil urge-. I Harvard graduates, indUHt. , U , vertiaemMtt tooehiof. PltaMT (Wr K"l' i. Works. Witchcraft. 512 Woman. Dialogue of (Gifford) Percy Soc. v. 8. in Boston (Poole) Winsor's Boston 2 : 131. in England. Discovery. Disraeli, Ameni- ties of literature v. 2. in New York, 1(565. N. Y. Documentary history 4 : 85. in Salem. Histories of Mass., Conn., and the U. 8. Zwei Geschichte (Schwartz) Zts. Volkerpsych. 18:395. Witenagemot. Constitutional and other histories of En- gland. Freeman. Norman conquest 1 : 98, 590. Wither, George, poet. 1588-1667. Lamb. Works 4: 164. Masson. Milton and his times 1:474. Witherspoon, John, divine. 1722-94. American Quar. Reg. 9: 105. Portrait. Rives. Life of Madison. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 5. Witnesses. See also Courts, Evidence, Testi- mony, Trials. Recusant. Power to imprison. Sumner, Works 14:284. Self-crimination. Sumner, Works 6:290. Witt, Jan de. 1625-72. See histories of Hol- land. James. Foreign statesmen v. 3. (Parieu) Acad. Sci. Mor. 43:373. Wofflngton, Margaret ("Peg"). 1710-60. Baker. English actors 1 : 292. Doran. Annals of the stage. Wolbodo, bishop of Liege. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scr. 20 : 565. Wolcott, Oliver. 1726-97. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v.3. Wolf, Hieronymus, philologist. 1516-80. Historisches Taschenbuch 1830. Wolfdietrich saga. (Liebrecht) Germania 14:226. Geschichte (Neumann) Germania 28:346. Wolfe, Charles, poet. 1791-1823. ( Haller ) Grenzboten 1874 : 2 : 2 : 129, 175. Wolfe, James, general. 1726-59. Gleig. Military commanders. Parkman. Montcalm and Wolfe. - Death. Walpole, Letters 2 : 514. Wolff, Job. Christian, d. 1754. Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion v. 1. Ritter. Geschichte d. Philosophie 12:515. Windelband. Geschichte der neueren Philosophie 1 : 495. Zeler. Geschichte deutsch. Philosophie seit Leibniz. Vertreibung aus Halle. Preuss. Jahrb. 10:47. Wolff, Rev. Joseph. 1796- Religious Magazine 2:391. Wolfgang, St., bishop of Ratisbon. Vita. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Scri. v. 4. Wolfhelm, abbot of Brauweiler. Vita (Conrad) Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist., Script. 12 : 180. Wolfram von Eschenbach. Anmerkungen (Bech) Germania 7:291. Conditionalsatze (Erbe) Beitrage deutsch. Sprache5:l. Eigenthumlichkeiten der Sprache (Bot- ticher) Germania 21 : 256. Parzival (Paul) Beitrage deutsch. Sprache 2:64. (Ruhrmand) Herrig's Archiv 22:233. Eigennamen (Schulze) Germania 2:385. Frauen in(Kinzel)Zts.deutschePhilol. 21 : 48. Neue Uebersetzung (Kriiger) Herrig's Archiv 26 : 25. und seine Beurtheiler (San Marte) Ger- mania 7:55. vergleichet mit Albrecht's Titurel. Germania 8:421. Stil. Charakteristik(Kinzel)Zts.deutsche Philol.5:l. Titurel (Pfeiffer) Germania 4:298. Berleburger Handschrift. Tiibinger Bruchstucke(Zarncke) Germania 22:1, 16. Bruchstiicke aus. Germania 13:1. und Dante. Lachmann, Kleinere Schriften v. 1. Jungeres. Dichter des (Hamburger) Zts. deutsche Philol. 21:404. und Chrestiens des Troyes (Rochat) Ger- mania 3: 81; 4:414. und Guiot von Provins (Schulze) Ger- mania 3:445. und Heinrich vom Tiirlein (Zingerle) Ger- mania 5:468. Willehahn. Neue Handschrift. Ger- mania 14:271. Wolinski, Artemon. Hermann. Russland 2 : 607. Wollaston, Rev. William. 1659-1724. Jouffroy. Droit naturel v. 2. Wolowski, L: F. M. R. 1810-76. Obsequies (Bersot, etc.) Jour. Econ. Ill: 43:358. Vie et les travaux (Levasseur) Jour. Econ. 111:44:321. Wolsey, Thomas, cardinal. 1471-1530. Histories of England under Henry VIII. Blunt. Reformation of the church of England. Burnet. Reformation. 1679. 1 : 81. Por- trait. Campbell. Lord chancellors. Lodge. Portraits y. 1. Mackintosh. British statesmen v. 1. Society DifF. Useful Knowledge. Select biographies. Woman. See also Beauty, Costume, Educa- tion, Governesses, Gynaecocracy, Love, Marriage, Mothers, Nurses, Salic law, Sex, Suffrage, Suttee. Diderot. Oeuvres 7 : 423. Emerson. Miscellanies (Riverside ed.). La Bruyere. Caracteres. Roscoe ( W: C.). Essays. Agriculture in California for. Overland 11:9:652. Amelioration. Dupin, Forces productives de la France 1 : 115. artists. Ellet, Woman artists. as preachers. Willard, Woman in the pulpit. aux Etats-Unis (Chabot, Varigny) Rev. d.d. Mondes 111:92:350; 93:432. Bildung der (Sybel) Rundschau 44:344. Boston (Cheney) Winsor's Boston 4:331. Causes du paup^risme (Daubie") Jour. Econ. 11:43:50,358. Woman. 513 Wood. Chaucer's. Rands, Chaucer's England 1 : 174. Chinese. Unsere Zeit 1877 : 1 : 459. , Condition sociale (Cherbuliez) Jour. Econ. 111:8:20. (Gushing) Essays from the N. Amer. Review. A. D. 1-750. Lecky, European morals v. 2. au 18. siecle. Sainte-Beuve, Nouveaux Lundis 4: 1. in different epochs. Millar, On ranks. Influence of Christianity on. Ozanam, Civilization v. 2; Dante et la phi- losophic. dans la socie'te' et dans la literature ( Mazude) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 38: 76. East Indian. Asiatic Journal, passim. Cust. Pictures of Indian life 331. Johnson. Oriental religions: India 203. Ramabai movement (Sundberg) Over- land 11:12:532. Emancipation of (Valbert) Rev. d. d. Mondes 111:42:204. . (Mine. T. S.) Jour. Econ. 111:32:5. aux Etats-Unis (Baudrillart) Rev.d. d. Mondes II: 101: (Ml. et le droit (Secr4tan) Rev. Philos.20:37. Fecundity and sterility (Duncan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 287, 315, !39. (Tait) Roy. Edin. Trans. 24 : 481. according to age (Duncan) Roy. Edin. Trans. 23:475. French. Lemaitre, Contemporains 3:243. and German. Ooltz, Zur Charakter- istik d. deutsch. Genius 1:125. German. Freybe, Altdeutsches Leben 1:167. Greek ancient. St. John, Ancient Greece. History of. Beitrfige (Liebrecht) Ger- mania33:243. Homeric. Gladstone, Juventus mundi. Symonds. Greek poets 1 : 124. Influence of (Stearns) Pams. religion v.3. on progress of knowledge. Buckle, Es- says; Misc. works v. 1. Japanese (Thompson) Overland 11:11: 173 Krankempflege und Heilkunst (Leyden) Rundschau 19:l'_v LegouvS sur. Pelletan, Nouvelles heures 378 Lesbian (Charlemont) Roy. Irish Trans. v.3. Married abroad. Lawrence, Disabilities of American women. in factories. Jevons, Methods of social reform. Legal position. Arnold (A.), Social politics. Settled property of. Maine, Early insti- tutions. Maternal schools in France. U. S. Bur. Educ. Circulars 1882. Mediaeval. Biisching, Rittereeit 2:63- Medicine early practised by (Bolton) Pams. medicine v. 4. n of. Jameson (Mrs.), Essays. us de subsistence (Daubie) Jour. toon. II: 84: 861: 88:196; 39:78. Notnunftun. Crimm, KleinereSchriftcn 7:27. Passe", present, avenir (Marchef-Girard) Jour. Econ. 11:31:385. 65 Physical weakness (Carlisle) Californian 2:405. Place and work of. Strong, Philosophy and religion 400, 410. power, education of. Ruskin, Of queens' gardens. PoCtes d'ltalie. Ginguing, Hist. litt. d' Italic 9: 348. Progress of. Home, History of man. Public function of. Parker (Th.), Addi- tional speeches 2:370. Question. Brownson, Works IS: 3*1,398. in versdm-d. Culturlftndern. Unsere Zeit 1870: 1 Remarques sur. Ligne, Me" moires v. 2. Rights of. Phillip>(\Vendell),Speechesll. Rutland Free Convention. Proceed- ings. B dan- I'hi-toiredr France (Louandre) K, v. d. l. Monde* 11:101:584, 105.1 Roman (Boissier) Rev. d. d. Mondes II: 108:525. Fulke. Greece ami Koine. under the Anlonines. Friedliindrr, Rom. .SiUeiiK'e-diK-hu- 1 :403. Roumanian. Frunze, Hulh-Asien 2:3. lire et le travuil (.Simon) Uev. d. d. Moii.k-ll:L' I; SO: 151; 32:83. Shakespeare's. See Shakespeare. sovereigns. Jamison. IVmale sovereigns. Stellung iin Orient and Occident, lloden- stedt. bchriften 12 : 119. in Recht (Laband) Zts. Volkerpsych. 3:137. in deutschen Recht (Sohm) Rundschau 1(J: Virtues of. Plutarch, Morals v. L Work of (Kichthal)Jour.Kcon. 1 11:31:218. (Meynieu) Jour. Econ. II : 27: 79. dans la petite Industrie (Leroy-Beau- lieu) Rev. d.d. Mondes 11:99:332. dress, franchise of. Ruskin, Arrows of the chace v. _'. in a county parish. Kingsley, Sanitary and social essays. Working, in iarge cities. U. 8. Comm'r Labor, U.-j.ort 1888. de fabrique (I^eroy-Beaulieu) Rev. d.d. Mondes 1 1 : 97: 630. Workingmen's wives. Harrison, Ten- dencies in American life. Wonder. See alto Emotions. Affect der Ehrfurcht und. Baader.Werke 1:25. Wood, Thomas Waterman. 1828- Sheldon. American painters. Wood, Woods. See alto Timber, Trees. Disette du bois d'ceuvre ( Broilliard) Rev. d. d. Mondes II :96:S.H 111: 11 :9lO. Foreign and native, charct*rit*d. DL lnilu>. l 1880:83. industries. Vienna Kzliil>iti<>n,187S. Re- Japanese. Cross and verUcalsectioos(In case). - of Argentine republic. U. 8. Coniul.r . '-- of Philippine inlands. Bowling, Philip- pine Islands 205. _Sch , 11 VersUrtrongn(8ehwo- dener) Berlin Ak.d. Abh. 1WL -under high temperature. (Hill) Pam. chemistry T. 2. Wood. 514 Wordsworth. Useful and ornamental. London Exhi- bition 1851. 104. Vergleichende Anatomic (Moeller) Wien Akad. Denks. M-N. Cl. v. 36. Wachsthum d. Verdickungsringes in Abhangigheit von Druckwirkungen (Krabbe) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1884. Woodstock, Conn. Academy. History (Bowen) Pams. on educ. v. 10. Woodstock, England. Beauties of England and Wales 12 : pt. 2. Woodward, Joseph J., surgeon. 1833-84. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Woodworth, Selim E. Soule". Annals of San Francisco 794. Wool. See also Sheep. Journal des Economistes I-II, index. U. S. Consular report Sept. 1886. and manufactures (Muuge, Hayes) Paris Exposition 1867. Reports v. 6. Condition des ouvriers (Reybaud) Acad. Sci. Mor. v. 65-68, 70-73. Fabrics. U. S. International Exhibition, 1876. v.5. Fibres (McMurtrie) U. S. House Misc. Docs. 1885-6, v. 21. Industrie (Faucher, etc.) Acad. Sci. Mor. 24:326.* en France (Moreau de Jonnes) Acad. Sci. Mor. 37 : 5. 1871 (Benard) Jour. Econ. 111:23:47, 243. Manufactures (Bond) U.S. 10th census v.2. Peigneurs (Audiganne) Acad. Sci. Mor. 24:313. Production in Uruguay, 1864 (Sturz) Pams. on cotton, wool v. 1. Structure and strength (McMurtrife) Univ. Illinois. Report 1886. Tariff on (Garland, Morrill) Pams. free trade v. 4. (Jackson) Pams. free trade v. 5. (Taylor) Pams. free trade v. 6. Treatment and washing. U. S. Consular report J uly 1888. Woolwich arsenal. (Esquiros) Rev. d. d. Mondes 11:29:257. Worcester, Noah, D.D. 1758-1837. Channing. Works v. 4. Worcester, England. Cathedral. King, Cathedrals. Great Malvern church. Carter, Ancient sculpture. Monastery. Annales. Rolls chronicles 36 :v. 4. Registrum. Camden Soc. 91. Worcester, Mass. Worcester magazine. 1825-6. Words. See also Americanisms, Diction- aries, Etymology, Orthography, Pho- netics, Roots, Slang, Spelling, Vocabu- laries. Leibnitz. Oeuvres philos. ed. Janet 1:260. Alterbestimmung neuhochdeutscher For- men (Bech) Germania 18:257; 20:31. (Bbhme) 28:391. (Gombert) 29:345, 385. and slang (Richards) Californian 2:266. Bedeutung. Entwicklung (Bechstein) Germania 8: 330. fur die Jurisprudenz (Klein) Zts. Vblkerpsych. 16:395. Bildung der neuern Sprachen (Schmitt) Herrig's Archiv 2:288; 3:136. Curious. Univ. Missouri Lectures 1879. English. Archaic, provincial (Hettema) PhiloL Soc. Proc. 1858 : 143. Bildungslehre (Piltz) Herrig's Archiv v. 6, 8, 10-14. Neue (Jap) Herrig's Archiv 9: 1. terminating in ?k and sh, (Magnusson) Jour. Philol. 5:277. Formenverhaltnisse des Wortschatzes (Kares) Zts. Volkerpsych. 17 : 176,315, 385 Fremdworter(Holzapfel) Herrig's Archiv 3' 305 (Marquart) Herrig's Archiv 6:284, 390. (Sanders) Unsere Zeit 1875: 1 : 783. Lauterung unsere Mutter sprache ( Heuser) Herrig's Archiv 3 : 328. Verdeutschung (Salpius) Preuss. Jahrb. 23:356. French. Entwickelung d. christlichen (Keesebiter) Herrig's Archiv 77:329. Genealogy of (Easton) Am. Philol. Assoc. 16:54. German. Bildung (Kehrein) Herrig's Archiv 2: 384. Gallicismen (Brandstater) Herrig's Archiv 43: 129; 44:233. (Muller) Jahrb. Philol. 114:563, 628. Unpersb'nliche Zeitwb'rter (Sanders) Herrig's Archiv 18 : 102. Wechsel der Bedeutungen (Sachse) Herrig's Archiv 50 : 431. Glossology (Grote) Jour. Philol. v. 4-5. Histoire (Bre"al) Rev. d. d. Mondes ill: 82:187. Slavic, in d. west europaischen Sprache (Rapp) Herrig's Archiv 5:279. - Time- (Tobler) Zts. Volkerps. 3:299. Zahl-, im Sanskrit, Griechischen, etc. (Bopp) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1833. im Tschudischen, Mongolischen (Schott) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1853. Zusammensetzung, Lehre von (Nodnagel) Herrig's Archiv 4:279. Psychologische Bedeutung (Tobler) Zts. Volkerpsych. 5 : 205. Zwillings- (Behaghel) Germania 23:257. Wordsworth, William, poet. 1770-1850. Bibliography of poetry. Monthly Refer- ence Lists 2 : 33. Arnold. Essays in criticism, 2d series. Brandes. Hauptstrb'mungen 4:63. Brimley. Essays. Brooke. Theology in English poets. Brownson. Works 19:418. Carlyle. Reminiscences. Coleridge. Biographia literaria. De<4uincey. Essays on the poets; Lit- erary reminiscences. Fields. Yesterdays with authors. Frothingham. Transcendentalism. Lowell. Among my books v. 2. Masson. Wordsworth, Shelley and Keats. Rossetti. Famous poets. Shairp. Studies in poetry and philos. Talfourd. Essays. Ward. English poets 4 : 1. Whipple. Essays v. 1. Wilson (J:). Essays 1:387. and his critics. Hutton, Essays v. 2. Wordsworth. 515 Writing. and the Duddon (Malleson) Choice Lit- erature 2:270. and the lake country (Graves) Afternoon lectures 5:275. Autobiography. Wordsworth, The pre- lude. Coleridge and Southey. Herrig's Archiv 16: L Ethics. Stephen. Hours in a library v. 3. Excursion. Hazlitt, Round table. Genius. Hutton, Essays v. 2. Personal reminiscences. Martineau, Au- tobiography 1 : 507. Prose works. Dowden, Studies in litera- ture. Work. See alto Labor. Journal (If- K.-onolnistes I-II, inilfs. Bewegung in Berlin (Holzerland) Runds- chau 46: 95. Chomage des diraanches (Renouard) Acad. Sci. M.r. 7J :'>. Cite"s ouvrieres ( Villerme*, Blanqui) Acad. Sci. Mor. 17: 25. Collectivisme et (Fontenay) Jour. Econ. IV:33:13. German factory operatives. U. 8. Con- sular report 89. Laws of. Uuskin.Time and tide. Liberty of. Effet.s du (Fauveau) Jour. n". IV:31:345. Histoire du (Chevalier) Jour. Econ. 111:13:185. Nature et definition (Rossi) Jour. Econ. 1:7:113. Responsabilite 'les patron- en accident.-. .lour. Econ. IV:M-. Workingmen, Working classes. - Ad. Kliot (<;), K- Aspirations (Leroy-Beanliea) Itt-v. 1. <1. Ifondefl 111:10:133. -trafung ays v. 1. Progress ( Argvl))Choice Literature 3:435. ebsunf&lle (Albrecht) Uun.lM-l.au 'il Schutzgeaetzgebung in Oesterrwch (liuan-k) Preu--. .lahrt.. > Worms. Sft also Annulosa. illation of blood (Home) K Trans. 1-17:1. ..enporendMe) Gi.tt. Tniv. v. 8. Worms, Iffnne-l'iii-iiiftmli. - A: p.-rt/. Mon. Germ. hi-t . Script, v. 17. Diet of, I.YJI. See works on Reformation i-iitiiry, lives of Luther. Woronzow princes. Arrhiv(Hriiekner) II ist Zts. 55 : 207. Worry. Hcljis. Friend- in OOODCU .'?: -7. Worship. Si-f ;/' Altar-, Kcti.-hi-ni. Hy mil-. [dolatry,L4tDrgy,MaaIc,Mysterief,Ph*l lir. PraviT, Rituals, - . .ndin-tof !; work*. HIIIIH-. IIi-tor> of n, Pfleiderer. Philosophy of religion 4: 182. Absurdities of heathen. Lucianus, De sacrificiis. Animal (Smith) Jour. Philol. 9:75. Spencer. Recent tliscu--ion-. among the Arabs (Smith) Jour. Philol. 9:75. in Egypt. Kenrick, Egypt under the Pharaohs. Ancestor. Maine, Early law and custom. Martin. The* 'I Ancient manner of (Voullie'me) Halle Univ. Diss. v. 5. rithonian (Paley) Jour. Philol. 1 : 1 Cultes priiuitif.s(Carrau) Rev. d.d. Mondes HI: 14:668. Detabulis jilumU-is Alexandrinis(Lenor- mant) Rhein. Mus. 9:3 38. Fluchformel (Zundel) Rhein. Mus. 19: 481. des Mithras. Zoega, Abhan.llungen 89. k and Roman household. Fustel de Coulanges, Ancient tity. - Kite- and ceremonies. Augustine (St.), Letters 1:196. Wotton, Sir Henry, diplomatist. 1568-1639. Lodge. Portraits v. _'. - Walton, fhoife Knj:li-li biography. Wounds. Lesio enormis (Sandsterin) Gtt Univ. v. 7. Wren, Sir Christopher, arrhilfft. 1632-1723, ty Dili". I -of ul knowledge. Select liio^raph Walpole. Anecdotes of painting v. S. Portrait Wright, Benjamin, Oregon pioneer. ( Vi.-tor) Califurnian 1 i Wright, Oiauncey. 1830-75. - Ki-ke. Uarwini-ni an-1 other __, - Life (Norton) In Wright's Philosophical discussions. Wright, H. .1 M (later Mrs. Bonsai). Loyal girl !" Pama, hidgraph) Wrtothesley, H:, earl of Sonlhampon. l>,'e. Portrait- . Wrlothesley, T:, 4th earl of Southampton, d. LOT. Lodge. Portraits v. 3. Wrist. Re-e.-tion bei Tuber. u!..e(FahlTn- baeb|<;.'tt. t'niv. Di \ Writing. See aUo Alphabet, Comp <>> pto-raphy. Ink, Palaeography, Pho- nograph v. - Arnhii -. fli-tory of (Silveetre de Saej) As: Art of Nott am Ulliddon. Types of man- kind 28. Am D.-.M-che il. <1 latoini-rl.MKelle) K ! '" ' '. I,':.-: L'.. .' ' : Mm i: II ,<*. Mure. Greek I : 397, 5ia o, 1:3. Writing. 516 Yeames. Personnalite" et (Ferrari) Rev. Philos. 21 : 414. Picture and phonetic. Keary, Dawn of history. Verhaltniss zur Sprache (Burg) Kuhn's Zeits. 29:176. Humboldt (K: W: v.). Werke v. 6; also Berlin Akad. Abh. 1824. Wulffen-PietzpuM, Carl von. 1785-1853. (Stadelmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 11:267. Wullenweber, Georg (or Jiirgen). d. 1537. Duller. Manner des Volks 5 : 265. Histories of the Anabaptists. Wundt, W: M. 1832- Ribot. German psychology of to-dav. Philosophic (Achel'is) Zts. Philos. 91 f 188; Unsere Zeit 1890: 1 : 100. Wurtemberg, German;/. Geschichte. Spittler, Werke v. 5. in 1796-1802. Friedensunterhandlungen. Hist. Zeits. 46: 385. in 1848. Gegenwart 4 : 305; 6 : 87. Ministeriura Lindens (Pflugk-Hart- tung) Hist. Zts. 57:30. in 1859-69. Uns. Zeit 1869 : 1 : 1, 180. in 1869-74. Uns. Zeit 1875:1:18,181. in 1866. Bundeskatastrophe. Preuss. Jahrb. 18:177. in 1882. Auswartige Politik (Lang) Preuss. Jahrb. 50: 372- Industrie etoommerce(Raffalovich) Jour. Econ. IV: 33: 72, 430. Ministerium Mittnacht-Hb'lder. Preuss. Jahrb. 53:361. und d. deutsche Verfassung. Preuss. Jahrb. 26:696. Wiirzburg, Bavaria. Annales. Pertz, Mon. Germ, hist.. Script, v. 2, 16, 24. Wyandot Indians. Government (Powell) U. S. Bur. Ethnol. Report 1. Wyant, Alexander H. 1836- Sheldon. American painters. Wyatt, Sir Thomas, the younger. 1521-54. - Webster. Dramatic works (Drama). Rebellion, 1554. Chronicle of (Camden Soc. 48). Wycherly, William, dramatist, d. 1715. Dunham. Literary men v. 3. Moliere und Garrick (Sandmann) Her- rig's Archiv 77:47. Wycllffe, John. See Wiclif. Wyman, Jeffries. 1814-74. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biogr. mem. v. 2. Wyndham, W: 1759-1834. See Grenville. Wyoming. See also Yellowstone national park. Bancroft. History of Nevada, Colorado and W. Geikie. Geological sketches. Wythe, George. 1726-1806. Sanderson. Signers of the declaration v. 2. Xanten. Recht (Pertz) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1846. Xantippe, wife of Socrates. Goll. Kulturbilder 2:380. Vindication of. Zeller, Vortrage 1 : 56. Xavier, Francis, St. 1506-52. Trigaut. De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas 127- Xenophanes of Colophon, poet, philosopher. Histories of philosophy by : Hegel ( Werke 13 : 259), Ritter (1:465). Cousin. Fragments philosophiques v. 1. Teichmuller. Studien zur Gesch. d. Be- griffe. Apollodorus iiber (linger) Philologus 43: 209. Lehre( Freudenthal) Archiv Gesch. Philos. 1:322. Xenophon, Athenian historian. B.C. 444-357? (Dakyns) Abbot, Hellenica 324. Age at time of Anabasis (Morris) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1874:82. Anabasis (Reuss) Jahrb. Philol. 127:817. Bk. 5:2 (Vollbrecht) Philologus 35:445. Maps. J our. Philol. 4 : 155. Studien (Ball) Philologus 45: 614. Zur Erklarung (Richter) Jahrb. Philol. 117:601. Cynegeticus. Composition (Seymour) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1878:69. De genere dicendi (Wissmann) Giessen Univ. Diss. v. 2. Hellenica. Bk. 1. Vergleichung mit Dio- dor u. Plutarch (Breitenbach) Rhein. Mus. 27 : 497. Memorabilia. Textebehandlingen (Thorn- sen) Tidskrift for Philol. 8:32. und Platen's erste Dialoge. Teich- muller, Literar. Fehden 2:43. Oecpnomicus (Morris) Am. J. Philol. 1:169. Peri poron (Schanz) Rhein. Mus. 36:215. Abfassungszeit (Holzapfel) Philologus 41 : 242. Studien (Simon) Jahrb. Philol. 137 : 745, 812. Symposium. Ein Kunstwerk (Rettig) Philologus 38 : 269. Xerxes I ( Ahasuerus of book of Esther), d. B. C. 465. Mosen(JuL). Ahasuerus: Drama (Werke v. 2). Invasion of Greece. Map. Rawlinson's Herodotus v. 4. See also Salamis battle. Ximenes, A. L., marquis de, poet. 1726-1815. Grimm-Diderot. Correspondance. Ximenes de Cisneros, F. G., cardinal. 1436- 1517. James. Foreign statesmen v. 1. Xiphosura. American carboniferous (Pack- ard) Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. v. 3. Yachts. See also Boats. der Neuzeit(Pisko) Unsere Zeit 1885: 1 :63- in San Francisco bay (Yale) Californian 5:293. Yale university, New Haven. Trumbull. History of Connecticut v. 2. Alumni in civil war. Memorial on. Pams. war secession v. 5. Yang-Tse-Kiang river. Expedition europe"enne, 1862 (Lavolle'e) Rev. d. d. Mondes II : 46 : 326. Yaquima bay, Oregon. - Entrance, 1880. Pams. California v. 14. Yates, John H. Poems. Hopkins, Waifs. Yeames, William F: 1835- British painters. 1881. Year. 517 Zacharia. Year. See also Calendar, Chronology. Julian. Oriental forms (Ideler) Berlin Akad. Abh. 1816-17. Latin. Suetonius Tranquillus, Pratoruin libri. Yeast. See also Fermentation. Huxley. Critiques. Yelln, Job. Hieronymus. (Gussmann) Preuss. Jahrb. 57:31. Yellow fever. See also works on Epidemics (Nelson) Cal. Bd. Health Kept. 1884-6:220 U. S. Nat Bd. Health. Reports. Diagnosis and microscopical investiga- tions (Sternberg) Pains, medicine v. 5. in Philadelphia, 1798. Rush, Medical in- quiries. Cobbett Porcupine's works (Attack on Ku.-h). Yellowstone national park. See aim -ers. Bibliography. U. 8. Geological survey (Hayden's). Report 1878. 2:427. Bancroft. History of Nevada, etc. 664- Bryant. Picturesque America v. 1. Geikie. Geological sketches. Heap. Reconnaissance. 1871 (U. 8. Sen- ate Docs. 1871-2). Jones. Report of reconnaissance. 1875. Ludlow. Reconnaissance of northern Wyoming. - Phillips. Report on. 1885 (U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1885-6, v. 1). Raymond. Camp and cabin. Sheridan and Sherman. Tour of inspec- tion 1877. Superintendent. Reports (U. 8. Congres- sional document-). 1'nitfd Statt- (Geological Survey < Ha\ den's), Reports 1872, 1878. Photographs taken ( Photograph case). Yellowstone river. Forsyth and Grant. Expedition. 1875. Raynolds. Exploration. 1860. Yesso (Yezo), Jnjtan. See also Ainos. - B. (F. W.). Japan in Yezo. 1883. und die Ainos (Schlesinger) Rundschau 2\: H!'. Yoga. Philosophic nach d. Riijamartanda (Martus) Zts. Philos. 89: I'll. Yolo county, Cal. Land review (Coward) Parns. California v. I. York, Knijliuul. (L*MoinA)Uaebec Hi-t.s.,,-. 1S81-2. Cathedral. Gailhabaud, Monuments V. 3. KiiiK. Cathedrals v. 1. Historians of the church. Rolls chron- l7L Monastery record*. Rolls rhroni< ! St. Margaret's church. Carter, Ancient sculpture. Yorke, Charles. 17J-70. Camplx-ll. Lord chancellors. Yorke, C: Ph., // llmdwirkf. HWM764. upbell. Lord chancellors. Ij<>dg(>. Portraits v. I Yorkshire, Kmilamd. Howitt. Ruined abbeys of Yorkshire. Yorktown, Virginia. Battle, 1781. Bibliography. Monthly Reference Lists 1:37. Plan. Stedman, American war - Monument commission. Report. 1883. -- Papers (U. 8. Senate Ex. Docs. 1884-5, v. 1). Yoruban language. (Toy) Am. Philol. Assoc. 1878 Yosemlte, California. See alto Sierra Nevada mountain*. I (Baltzan) Ueber Land und Meer 57:351. Bryant Picturesque America v 1. (Hittell) Pams. California Kirchhofl. Californi>che Kulturbilder 134 i Lanoye. Sublime in nature. - Muir." Picturesque California. - Muybridge. [Forty photographs of.] Nordhoff. California ch 5. i Taber. [Twelve photographs of.] Turrill. California notes v. 1. , Whitney. Vosemite guide-book; Yo- semite book. , Camping trip (Jos. L Conte) Overland II:t::414. 493. Nevada fall. Discovery (Lawrence) Over- land II : 4:360. Preservation of. Cntury 39:475; Nation 50 : 106. Young, Arthur. 1711-1820. ' Voyages en France 1787-90 (Clement) Jour. Econ. 11:18:347. -- (I^avergne) Jour. Boon. 11:24:186; 27: 415. Young, Brigham. Srr alto works on Mor- rnonism v. 1. Death and burial. Pams. Mormoni-ni v 1 Young, Edward, poet. 1681-176S. Bell. Knjrli-li John-on (S:). LlTW of the poet*. WoridlinflM. Eliot (lieorge), Euayo. Young, Thomas, attronomrr. 1773-1891 Arago. Oeuvres 1:24; alto Parts. Acad. Sci. v. 13. Yucatan. See alto Central America, Mayas. Dampier. Voyap Ober. W< Stephens. Incident* of travel. in 17. Martiniere. iMctionnaSre 2:76 l'li\ -i< -al character. U. 8. Consular re- port 19. Yukon rlvwr. Exploration (Raymond) I'. & 8*natc 1871. Yuma Indians. -(Ilerzop)Xt-< Kthnol |0:44a -(Triii|K-l) Volk- i:309. Fuller. Abel redrvivus 1:89. - (iartenlaube 1883:844. 85f. Pv, Religious Magazine 2:517 Death. Birch- Pfeiffer, Dratnatische Werke v. 9. T.FRP4RY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORI^ LOS ANGELES ! I i