UIWWSJTY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE LIBRARY AUG 2 2 1972 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92664 cutruj , f.|1;|fl I ' THE SCIENCE AND ART OF OBSTETRICS. BY THEOPHILUS PARYIN, A.M., M.D., LL.D., PROFESSOR OF OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN, JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE ; EX-PRESIDENT OF THE STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF INDIANA, OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL JOURNALISTS' ASSOCIATION, OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, OF THE PHILADELPHIA OBSTETRICAL SOCIETY, OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, AND OF THE AMERICAN GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY | ONE OF THE HONORARY PRESIDENTS OF THE OBSTETRIC SECTION, BERLIN INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS, 1890, AND OF THE PERIODIC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS, BRUSSELS, 1892 ; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE WASHINGTON OBSTETRICAL AND GYNECOLOGICAL SOCIETY, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MEDICAL SOCIETY, OF THE STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA, AND OF THAT OF DELAWARE ; HONORARY FELLOW OF THE EDINBURGH OBSTETRICAL SOCIETY, AND OF THE BERLIN SOCIETY OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS, ETC. THIRD EDITION, CAREFULLY REVISED. ILLUSTRATED WITH 269 WOOD-CUTS AND TWO COLORED PLATES. PHILADELPHIA: LEA BROTHERS & CO. 1895. \/U6> (oo Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1895, by LEA BROTHERS & CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress. All rights reserved. PHILADELPHIA : DORNAN, PRINTER. TO THE CLASS 1894-95 JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. YOUNG GENTLEMEN: IN dedicating to you the third edition of my work upon Obstetrics I testify the strength and happiness your industry, fidelity, and loyalty have given me. Let me add to this note a quotation from one of the ablest and most eminent of my predecessors, one of the greatest of American medical teachers, the late Dr. Charles D. Meigs, asking you to make his prayer the rule of your lives : " I pray you ever to look upon the medical profession not as a business, but as a great Morality not as a trade, but as a Mission appointed by God for the benefit of the children of men." (iii) PREFACE. IN preparing the third edition of this work I have made some changes in the order in which the subjects are discussed, taking that adopted by me in oral instruction. Nearly one-third of the book has been rewritten, additional illustrations have been introduced, and my endeavor has been to make it a faithful reflex of obstetric science and art at the present hour. "The judicious Hooker" said of his age that it " was full of tongue, and weak of brain." The present age might be described as full ot tongue, so far as the publication of many volumes in the various departments of Medicine is concerned, but by no means weak of brain, as is evidenced by the many excellent works on obstetrics of compara- tively recent issue. The favorable reception of the previous editions of this treatise, both by the profession in this country and in Great Britain, has been a source of sincere gratification, and I trust this third issue may be found to merit continued favor. The author is also grateful for the many honors he has received from the profession honors that were often unexpected, never solicited, and, therefore, more highly appreciated. The Contents and Index have been prepared by my assistant, Dr. Charles H. Reckefus. THEOPHILUS PARVIN. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 20, 1895. CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION 17 PART I. SECTION I. PHYSIOLOGY OF PREGNANCY. CHAPTER I. ANATOMY OP THE PELVIS . 21 CHAPTER II. THE FEMALE SEXUAL ORGANS 46 CHAPTER III. PUBERTY OVOLATION MENSTRUATION 92 CHAPTER IV. CONCEPTION EARLY DEVELOPMENT OP THE IMPREGNATED OVULE FORMATION OF DECIDUOUS MEMBRANES FCETAL APPENDAGES . 108 CHAPTER V. THE EMBRYO AND F