-NRLF ffl o CONES. Three of our pines the great Sugar, the Yellow, and the Jeffrey Pine all of them being very val- uable trees, are also the largest trees of the family, often attaining a height of 220 feet, with a diameter of 10-12 feet no pines of foreign countries attain one-half of these dimensions. Five of our pines bear longer or heavier cones, with larger seeds than any found elsewhere, the cones of the very, valuable Sugar Pine being 15-20 inches long, while those of the Coulter Pine often weigh 8-10 pounds, the Gray Pine 3-4 pounds, the Torrey Pine 2 pounds, and the Jeffrey Pine y 2 -i pounds, while the largest cones outside of Cali- fornia scarcely exceed 6 inches and the heaviest rarely weigh i pound. Two of our spruces attain enormous dimensions the very beautiful and valuable Douglas Spruce of the Sierra and northward becomes 300-450 feet high, with a trunk 8-12 feet thick. The great Tideland Spruce of the north coast is but little less in dimensions, while the cone of the Big-cone Hemlock Spruce of the San Bernardino Mountains js 5-7 inches long and 3-4 inches thick when ripe (2) and expanded these dimensions far excelling any foreign spruce. Five of our firs, the Red-bark, the White-bark, and the Shasta firs of California, and the Grand and Noble firs of the region northward, become two or three times as large as any eastern or for- eign fir, being often 200-300 feet high, 12-18 feet in diameter, with cones 6-8 inches long. Our two world-renowned redwoods the Coast Redwood and the vSierra Big Tree, rising to the height of 300-320 feet and enlarging, while yet young, to a diameter of 20-35 f eet and growing for 3,000-5,000 years are not approached in grand proportions and regal majesty elsewhere. And the cones of one of our redwoods the Sierra Big Tree though small as compared with our pine cones, are yet, doubtless, the monsters of their race, the largest being the size of a hen's egg, while the largest cone found in connection with fossil re- mains of the twenty- five extinct species do not exceed the size of a nutmeg. So with the 2-3 inch cones of our Alpine Hem- lock Spruce, the i-inch cone of Incense Cedar, the i^-inch cone of the Monterey Cypress, the y%- inch berry of the California Juniper, and the Cali- fornia False Nutmeg, all the largest cones of their respective families. WHY THIS FAVORITISM? This prodigality in number and size extends to other vegetable growths. Our oaks are numerous and often large, with the largest acorns and cups known. One of our maples bears leaves 6-10 (3) inches across, while the little popgun elder of the East is supplanted here by a species 1 2-20 inches in diameter. Most of the trees mentioned are indigenous to California and three-fourths of them are found only in that state. Why this great prodigality of Nature in behalf of the Pacific Slope, and espe- cially of little California? The solution of this problem involves a brief discussion of certain controlling factors. At the outset we may observe that an impassable climatic barrier is set up at present, by Nature, preventing migration north and south. The Torrid Zone, in which no resinous trees can grow except on high peaks, separates the world's forests into unequal and very different floras. The Southern Hemisphere is the home of the Araucaria, the Eucalyptus and the Acacia, while in the Northern Hemisphere are found in addition to the hosts of broad-leaved, non-resinous trees, such as oak, ash, hickory, etc. all of the large families of pine, larch, cedar, spruce, and fir, with the redwood, cypress, and juniper; the distribution of these trees across the two continents, however, is very unequal. DISPARITY OF AREAS AND DISTRIBUTION. The northern part of the eastern continent Eurasia is approximately 9,000 miles across. North America is but 3,000. We would naturally expiect, for instance, three times as many pines in Eurasia as in America. Just the reverse is the case. Of the 80 species of known pines only 20 (4) are indigenous to Kurasia while 60 are flourishing in America. Again, the Pacific Slope region, from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific shore, is about i ,000 miles, one-third of the distance across, yet it has 40 out of the 60 American species, 15 being in Mexico and 25 in the western United States, with 20 of these in California, a narrow strip of coast only 800 miles long by 150 wide, yet containing as many pines as all Eurasia! Now if the distribution was equal, Eurasia hav- ing 60 pines and North America 20, the Pacific Slope, being one-third of America, would be en- titled to but 6% species, and little California, which embraces about one-tenth of the Pacific Slope, would have little more than half a chance to get one species! This excessive prodigality of Nature in favor of the Pacific Slope and especially the California part of it, is due to a combination of factors, chief of which are the contours of continents, the trend of principal mountain ranges, the behavior of certain oceanic and atmospheric currents, the alternate elevation and depression of continental areas, to- gether with the ability of all these factors to modify the effects of certain crucial climatic periods, called THE ICE AGE AND THE THERMAL AGE. The phenomenon of hot and cold periods in the earth's history compelling the migration, the change of location of the entire organic world the kingdoms of the animals and plants is a (5) much discussed and controverted topic. Seven theories have been presented from time to time, accounting for these important epochs, chief of which is the very interesting ASTRONOMICAL THEORY. This theory, first presented by Mr. Croll, and en- dorsed by Professor Geikie and many other English geologists, " attributes the Glacial Age to the com- bined influence of precession of equinoxes and secular changes in the eccentricity of the earth's orbit," whereby the seasons, summer and winter, would have a disparity of nearly five weeks instead of one week, as at present: this disparity, it is claimed, would produce Glacial and Thermal Ages alternately, every 21,000 years. However, Professor Le Conte, America's most renowned geologist, controverts this theory, in part, quoting from many authorities, showing that but one Glacial Age can be proven. Referring to the researches of Professor Wallace and others he asserts that the phenomenon is the result of several agencies astronomical, geological, and geograph- ical producing a severe Glacial Age of great length, with two cumulative periods of greatest severity and a Sub-Thermal period between; the Age commencing about 240,000 years ago, continu- ing 160,000 years, and ending 80,600 years ago. GREAT DESTRUCTION BY COLD. During this Glacial Age the plants were driven slowly, generation after generation, a few feet at a time, down across the North Temperate Zone, by (6) a world-wide sheet of ice, to be as slowly driven back by waves of tropic heat. In this double migration, owing to the configura- tion of continents and mountain ranges, most of the plants were destroyed, only a few vestiges of the post-glacial families being extant, to-day, gath- ered here and there upon the plains or stranded upon the mountains. The means and manner of this destruction are most interesting. The continents of both the old and new world are greatly expanded at the north, while the southern portions are attenuated to nar- row peninsulas. These configurations give to the North Temper- ate Zone its greatly dominant character, having most of the existing families, while the peninsulas are sparsely furnished. The Eurasian mountain ranges are mostly trans- verse, like the Alps, Himalayas, and Thian-Chan Mountains, forming barriers to the progress of plants; while North- American ranges are nearly longitudinal, permitting the plants to escape southward, during a Glacial Age, and return during a Thermal one. There is much evidence found as fossils in the rock strata, that an abundant flora of monster trees once occupied the Arctic regions, similar on the two continents, owing to connections then existing or to nearness of extremities. MANNER OF THIS DESTRUCTION. The formation of an ice-cap at the pole and of snow and ice deposits on the summits of mountains lower down in latitude, drove the plants down (7) from the northern plains, and down from the mountainsides to form vast hordes of fugitives hastening to southern plains. This hegira continuing as the sheet of ice grew and plowed its glacier beds slowly down to median latitudes of Europe and Asia, the entire members of many families were overtaken on the northern side of the mountain ranges and frozen out; others, passing between the ends of the ranges, reached the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean, and were then and there destroyed, a few only escaping by the narrow, devious Isthmus of Suez into Africa, while others huddled upon the three peninsulas of Arabia, Hindustan, and Malacca. On the Western Continent a great portion of the plants in their flight came down unobstructed, to the Gulf of Mexico, to be caught and frozen there, a few eastern families escaped on the peninsula of Florida, while the greater part of the western plants ran down along the plateau of Mexico into Central America, and perhaps finally crossed on the Isthmus of Darien into South America. GREATER DESTRUCTION BY HEAT. Following the Glacial came a Thermal Age, with contrary effects, yet with more destructive results. The ice melts on the southern vefge of the ponder- ous ice cover, allowing the plants to return, timidly seeking the newly-emptied glacier beds. Soon after, the flood- water sinking into the mountain- sides, the brown earth, becoming vivified, invites the grasses and flowers to new-made homes, while (8) sunny parterres beckon to the spying trees, prom- ising centuries of occupation if they can stand the climate. The rising heat rolling in waves from the south, nearer and nearer, urges on the lagging columns, adding the necessity of avoiding death to the attraction of better homes. But the universal return of plants from the south, was prosecuted under vastly different, more de- structive conditions than those of the northern flight. The plants on the return trip were attracted northward along the cool plains, and also, some of them upward on the mountainsides, for it is the same thing in effect, to ascend a mountain for cooler weather as to journey northward. Now the first elevations beside a valley are usually low ones, foot-hills, outlying ridges or higher spurs. The plants that ascended these elevations, as the heat came on and proved too severe for their constitutions, were shriveled and burned then and there the last battle ground and altar-places where were immolated the greater part of the vegetable creation of the period. THE LONE SURVIVORS. Here and there straggling members of a family reaching a locality on the plain or part way up a mountain when the present equilibrium of seasons was established, found themselves suited to the environment and it is the descendants of those plants that are the inhabitants of our plains and mountains to-day. These terminals of broken lines of development, (9) --^these remnants of a past multitudinous vegeta- tion, ever since they were allowed to exist and perpetuate their kind, have been obliged to wage war upon neighbors from generation to generation, in order to gain or retain a foothold, resorting to changes of ground, of character, or weapons, in order to win in the incessant battle of life. PROOFS OF DOUBLE MIGRATION. That the plants have made the double journey described is plainly proved by the characters of alpine plants on high peaks of the North Temper- ate Zone. They are found to be identical with Arctic plants. Now they could not have passed from northern regions directly to these summits during the southern flight, for the reason that both Arctic regions and these mountain tops were being slowly covered simultaneously, with snow, soon becoming permanent ice. Manifestly cold-loving plants our Alpine plants could ascend mountains only when fleeing from torrid heat, and exactly that condition was experienced on the return journey; so here on all the peaks of the North Temperate Zone are stranded Arctic species of plants, with less northern families established on the slopes of the mountains. GREAT FOREST OF THE NQRTHWEST. It has been stated that Europe and Asia were deprived of their quota of plants by the many long transverse ranges of mountains preventing the passing of plants north or south, except through the wide gaps between ranges; while North Amer- (10) ica was favored by having nearly longitudinal ranges, permitting the free passage of plants to and fro along unobstructed plateaus. The two long American watersheds the Rocky Mountains and the Alleghanies deliminate three plateaus, Atlantic Slope, Mississippi Valley, and Pacific Slope. We have seen that the distribution of plants was not equal the Pacific Slope having the lion's share, and largest growths. This is due principally to four potential agencies. I. CONDUCTED NORTHWEST BY HIGH PLATEAUS. The Rocky Mountains, lying near the western side of the continent, extend southeasterly, upon the eastern side of the high plateau of Mexico, to Central America. The plants returning from the south at the beginning of the Thermal Age, 80,000 years ago, were divided at the outset in southern Mexico, and a large part barred out of the Missis- sippi Valley by the Cordilleries, that killed off un- fortunate individuals or families which ascended their foot-hills and spurs as described while other families or other members of the same fami- lies were attracted to pursue the broad, free, and, at the time, cool and inviting pathway along the high plateau of Mexico and Arizona, diminished at every league by the many spurred Rocky Mountains; the survivors escaping to pass into the valleys and along the sides of the mountain ' ranges, some of them particularly directed north- westward again by the favoring coast plateau, deci- mated the while, by the high, similarly inclined and destructive Sierra Nevada, to reach final destination in California and the region northward. 2. DISTRIBUTED BY WARM JAI'AN CURRENT. A very important agency helping on the capture and directing the distribution of the trees all along the western coast from California to Alaska, is the presence in the north Pacific Ocean of the warm Kuro-Siwa, or Japan current, primarily a hot trop- ical current striking the islands along the southern coast of China and deflected northward to be more deflected by the Japan islands and hurled north- eastward across the Pacific Ocean, there striking the southern side of the long chain of Aleutian Islands, which turn a part of the current down along the coast of America, delayed and accumu- lated during its long sweep by the many islands and capes on the way, while its heat rises into the atmosphere, carrying with it enormous quantities of water. 3. NOURISHED BY MOIST I y AND\VARD BREEZES. Another factor closely connected with the pre- ceding is found in the cool, broad, over run ing Pa- cific breezes that prevail most of the year on the northwest coast. Mingling witrrnthe heated and moisture-filled air over the Japan current, the vol- , ume presses inland, the moisture condensing and falling most copiously upon the nearest cool ele- vations giving sustenance and stimulus to the richest and most remarkable forest on the face of the globe. ( 12 ) 4- DEVELOPED BY SEMI-TROPIC HEAT. The fourth factor necessary, it is found, for the production of largest growths, is a high degree of heat, of which the Puget Sound region lacks suffi- cient for some plants, although many of her trees, such as the Noble, Grand, and Amabilis firs, and the very valuable Gigantic Cedar, or Shingle tree, became monsters, and the Douglas Spruce, one of the most valuable timber trees on the earth, be- comes in Oregon and Washington the tallest trees known, 450 to probably 480 feet high! This necessary heat is found under the semi- tropic sun in the latitude of California. This heat added to the enclosed condition of the state the high Sierra on one side, the lower Coast Range on the other admitting the ocean breezes through its passes, and with low interlocking ranges at each end furnishes just the right conditions, it seems, for strongest allurement to enter and for highest development afterward, for here only, in this cul- de-sac of California, are found the largest cone- bearing trees on earth, of some nine different genera; and here only are found the largest and heaviest cones of sixteen different species! Is it not passing strange that out of the twenty pines of Europe and Asia, and the twelve pines of the eastern states, not one should develop cones as large as either one of five pines in California? TRIBUTE TO CALIFORNIA CLIMATE. The great truth is forced upon the attention that it is California that was set apart from all the world, when, as the geologists tell us, the Pacific (13) Slope was raised from the ocean bed, in recent geologic times, by a mighty geotherm or earth heat-wave, with the Sierra and Cascade Range as its axis of elevation; followed in a later age by another uplift with the Coast Range as its axis; while the long, narrow valley between the ranges was cross-fenced by low mountains into several magnificent parks, principal of which are the val- ley of California, the smaller Willamette valley, and the extensive Puget Sound region. Of these, California was assigned first place in the pathway of the southern fugitives, inviting to enter and urging to tarry and form a natural, un- exampled arboretum within her mountain walls, supremely aided thereto by a semi-tropic sun dis- pensing beneficent heat the whole array of factors mentioned conferring to produce the most generous and forcing climate on the face of the earth as magnificently evidenced by this Match- less Forest Endowment ! A PROPHECY. There is a collateral thought, pregnant with great promise, clearly deducible from this forest phenomenon. Because the physical conditions pro- duping largest and best forms in one of the two organic kingdoms the vegetable prevail now upon the earth in one sequestered region, \ve may believe that the other kingdom the animal and especially the human family, is equally susceptible to the world-excelling stimulus, and we may log- ically expect that this favored clime with the contiguous country it shall dominate is the com- ( H) ing empire of the earth, with a people and govern- ment preeminent in moral as well as intellectual and architectural*p4en4oi^roides, Zucc. 10. New Mexican Pinon. /'. edit/is, Engelm. 11. Parry Pine. />. ,/nadrif^lia. Parry. BROKEN-CONE PINES. 12. Western Yellow Pine. /'. f>ondcrosa, Lawson. H. Rocky Mt. Yellow Pine. Variety scofn/ornm, Engelm. 14. leffrey (or Black) Pine. P. Jeffrey^'Ore. Coin." 15. Arizona Yellow Pine. P. Arizonica, Engelin. 16. Mayr's Pine. P. Mayriana, Sudworth. 17. Apache Pine. P. ApacJieca, Lemnion. THIMBLE-CONE PINES. 18. North Shore Pine. P. cotitorta, London. Pigmy Pine. \'ariety /'auiclica, I.enmion. IP. Tamarack Pine. P. Marrayana, " Ore. Coin." 20. Lodge-i>ole Pine. Variety tenuis, Lemnion. HEAVY-CONE PINES. 21. Big-cone Pine. P. Conlteri, Don. 22. Gray-leaf Pine. P. Sabiniana, Dougl. 23. Torrey (or I.one) Pine. /'. Tnrreyana, Parry. PERSISTENT-CONE PINES. 24. Monterey Pine. /'. ractiata, Don. 25. Narrow-cone Pine. P. attennata, Lemmon. 26. Swamp-loving Pine. P. muricata , Don. 27. Chihuahua Pine. 1\ CliilinaJiuana, Engelm. TUFT-LEAVED TREES TRUE LARCHES, Larix, Link. i. Western Larch. L. occidentalis. Nuttall. a. Woolly Larch. L. Lynllii, Parlat. SO LIT A RES, Single-leaved Trees. PENDENTES, Pendent fruited Trees. TRUE SPRUCES, Picea^ Link. 1. White Spruce. P. laxa, Sargent. 2. Blue Spruce. P. pnngens, Engelm. 3. Engelmann Spruce. P. Enffeltnanni, Engelm. 4. Tide-land Spruce. P. Sitchensis, Carriere. 5. Weeping Spruce. P. Kreiveriana, Watson. (59) HEMLOCK SPRUCE, Tsuga, Carriere. 1. Western Hemlock. Ts. heterophylla, Sargent. 2. Sub-alpine Hemlock. Ts. Mertensietna Carriere 3 Hooker Hemlock. Variety Hookeriana, Lemmon. FEATHER-CONE SPRUCES, Fseudotsuga, Carriere. i. Douglas Spruce 7V. taxifoli , Britton. Cork-bark Spruce. Variety xuberosa, Lemmon. 2 Big-cone Spruce. Ps wacrocarpa, Lemmon. EREQTES, Upright-fruited Trees. THE TRUE FIRS, Abies, Link. NORTHERN FIRS, OREGON, WASHINGTON, ETC. i. Noble Fir. A. nobilis, Lindley. -_>. Amabilis Fir. A. amabilis, Forbes. 3. Lowland Fir. A. grandis, Lindley. 4. Alpine Fir. A. lasiocarpa, Nuttall. CALIFORNIA FIRS. 5. California White Fir. . /. Lowiana, Murray. 6. Magnificent (or Red) Fir. A. magnijica, Murray. 7. Shasta Red Fir. .1. Shastensix. Lemmon. 8. Needle-cone Fir. A. vennsta, Koch. EASTERN AND SOUTHERN FIRS. 9. Colorado White Fir. A. Concolor, Parry. 10. Arizona Cork Fir. A. Arizonica, Merriam. TAXODIADS, Sequoia, Endlicher. i. Coast Redwood. S. sempervirens, Endlicher. 2 Sierra Hig Tree. 5. Washingtoniana. Suduorth CYPRESSES AND THEIR ALLIES. ARBORVIT^:, Thuya, Linn. 1. Pacific Red Cedar. T. plicata, Lambert. INCENSE CEDAR, Liboredrus, Endlicher. i In-ense or Post Cedar. /.. decitrrens, Nuttall. FLAT-BRANCHED CYPRESS, Chamczcvparis. Spach T. Alaska Cypress. Ch. Nittkatensis, Spach. 2. Lawson Cypress. f/i Lawsoniana, Porlat. TRUE CYPRESS, Cupressus, Lindley. 1. Monterey Cypress. C. wacrocarpa, Hartwegf. 2. North Coast Cypress. C. C, oven tana, (Gordon. 3 McNab's Cypress. C. Macnalnana, Murray. SOUTHERN CYPRESSES. 4. C.uadaloupe Cypress. C. Gnadalonpensis, Watson. 5 Arizona Cypress. C. Arizonica, (ireene. 6 Leinmon Cypress. C. bonita, Lemmon. THE JUNIPERS, Junifierus. Linn, i Western Juniper. .?. occidentals, ooker. 2. California Juniper. y. Calif arnica, Carriere. 3 C.reat Basin Juniper. y. Utahensis, Lemmon. 4 Rocky Mt. Juniper. y. scopularum, Sargent. 5 Wyoming Juniper. . Knightii, Aven Nelson. 6 Southern Juniper- y. monaspenna, Sargent. 7 All'gator Juniper. y pachyphla'a, Engelm. TAX ADS, THE PZItS~ /JAf*, TRUE YEW Taxus, IJnn. i Pacific Yew T brevifolia, Nuttall. FALSE NUTMEG Tumion, Rafinesque i California Nutmeg. T California. Greene. ( 60) ELEMENTS OE EORESTRY WITH SUGGESTIONS. The object of Forestry is not to preserve intact the virgin forests, and thus deprive man of the use of its products, such as wood required for fuel, the making of charcoal, building of vessels, houses, carriages, fences, etc., its use for railroad ties, telegraph poles, mining purposes, bark for tanning, and the manufacture of numberless large and small wares for the use and convenience of man. It designs to teach the best way to glean rich and ample harvests of lumber, or even to re- move large areas of forests where the lands are fertile, accessible, and well adapted to agriculture, for clearing of roads, for the lay- ing out of towns and cities. Its design is to protect and save the boun- teous rainfall by maintaining the forests on high mountain slopes, because the rainfall is greatest there there the rivers take their rise. Remove the forests, and the waters drain off so rapidly that dangerous floods occur, caus- ing avalanches and mountain slides, sweeping everything before them, taking away vast quantities of the real forest floor, leaving an irreparable, barren, rocky waste, a menace to man and beast, causing more frequent, earlier, and heavier frosts, droughts, sudden changes in temperature, severe hail-storms all work- ing constant injury to the 'diligent bread- winner on the lower levels. The people of California may take a hint from the interest in forestry in the east. There is seldom a lack of ra'infall there, and nature provided it (61) with an abundance of timber. Settlement has cleared off a great deal of the wood. The consequence is that water runs off so fast as to cause disastrous floods in many localities. Many people will remember the tragedy of Johnstown, Pa., in May, 1889, when thousands of lives were lost by the giving way of the dam from the rush of waters. "The Johnstown Water Company has bought the watershed of the Conemaugh Creek, and propose to replant in forest trees so that it will not pour down devastating floods. The government will fur- nish the expert work, and perhaps some of the material for reforesting the region." Again, forestry designs to show that the reckless denuding of forests by contractors and lumbermen, wood choppers and fire-fiends, can by proper and fair means be avoided. Forestry teaches how to plant and cultivate trees, the suitable trees for reforesting and for ornamental purposes ; the particular species of trees adapted to certain kinds of soil and elevation ; it points out the enemies to tree growth, both animate and inanimate, and how to g-et rid of them. Forestry stimulates patriotism regard for country and laudable pride that it be adorned in its richest garments for use and beauty. It is the duty of all patriotic women as well as men to assist in awakening an interest in this saviour of the country if we would not be held responsible for its weakness and dec- adence. "Why should woman be interested in the subject of forestry?" has been asked. Why should she not be interested in forestry, since she enjoys the -benefits with man and suffers with him in the loss of the trees? Women can exert the most powerful influ- ence to advance this noble work by becoming well versed in the subject. A preparation must come through study if women hope to effect anything worthy their effort. Let us learn something about trees how they grow; the names of different species as an introduction to becoming better acquainted, especially those that clothe the high moun- tain slopes, where grand forest trees have room to lift up their protecting branches above the little springs and rivulets then follow the different families of trees to the lower levels and out upon the plains; learn not only their names, but all possible about them, their habits of growth, how they mature their fruit, their simple needs, etc. A close acquaintance will ripen into a real, not affected, love, and when we become really intelligent tree-lovers, we shall more and more desire their protec- tion, seeking it most earnestly in every pos- sible way. exerting our influence in their be- half with voters, tax-payers, owners of forests, wood-cutters, lumbermen, and lumber mer- chants, all, in fact, who have to do with the grand forests in any way. DESTRUCTION OF FORESTS. Forests have been unwisely removed or de- stroyed from several large regions of the old world, notably in Italy, the Spanish Penin- sula, France, portions of Germany, and the two Scandinavian Peninsulas. These regions were once clothed with dense forests of large trees. "If nature is let alone, she will cover any portion of the earth, where vegetable life is possible, with the particular kinds of vegeta- tion best fitted to grow under the existing conditions of soil, heat, light, and moisture," writes an eminent authority. But nature is not allowed to do her normal work unhindered. Many conditions and objects are inimical to the growth of trees, such as parasites and (63) epiphites (which might be denominated inani- mate tramps), insects and animals, but chiefly man himself. It is a pitiful story, that of the destruction of the forests of Spain. Madrid, its capital, was located on a beautiful plateau in the midst of a magnificent forest, well watered by large and numerous fresh-water lakes. The Span- iard, however, does not love trees, in fact, seems to hate them, seizing every opportunity to destroy them. The consequence is that the Madrid of to-day is a magnificent city, to be sure, but situated on a hot, parched, and barren waste, almost a desert, its lakes long since dried up, the springs, once in adjoining hills, exhausted, the water supply obtained at great cost from their distant Sierras. Other cities of southern Europe, through thought- less deforestation, are nearly as badly off, ow- ing to lack of shade and water. The Spanish explorers of the western con- tinent brought with them the bad custom of tree-destruction. The original city of the Montezumas was situated like Madrid in a lovely, picturesque, well-watered forest on the plateau of Anahuac. The Spaniards located their capital, Mexico, on the same site, and began at once the destruction of its surround- ing forests, and a second Madrid is the result. (The writer has seen in Arizona the Mexican turn off the trail and ride out several yards to strike his hatchet into' a tree or cut down a young- sapling wantonly. .A Mexican sel- dom plants a forest tree.) California is quite like Italy as regards latitude, and is sometimes called New Italy, with its sunny, blue skies and equable climate. The effect from the destruction of Italy's for- ests should sound the note of alarm. Ignore the subject as we may, the loss of the forests has a retroactive effect upon the people, and (64) the climatic conditions best suited for the growth of the trees are also best suited for the growth and development of man. It is note- worthy that, in countries where forests have. been laid waste without renewal by man or nature, the inhabitants have gradually deteri- orated. RESTORATION OF FORESTS. Several governments of Europe, taking the alarm, have attempted to check wanton de- struction, and have set about reforesting. The expense at the beginning is enormous, but al- ready several distinct forests are so well man- aged that they are yielding a good government revenue. America's lesson in economics should be that it is far better to save forests, especially at the headwaters, far up on the mountains, on middle slopes, and lower levels; to judi- ciously regulate the removal wherever neces- sary, than for the government at length to set about the task of reforesting. Where our government has, in times past, sold and almost given away thousands of acres of forest lands, it should condemn and repurchase, and what she still holds she should zealously guard as a sacred trust for her future well-being. In an address by Dr. Gifford Pinchot, he declared that, in order to develop a well- sustained forestry policy, much depends upon the work of educated specialists, and in it the specialists need to be supported by an intelli - gent public sentiment. Now, this intelligent public sentiment must come first through cer- tain lines of study, already referred to. Forestry is fast gaining the attention of the people, and none too soon, for the logger, shake-maker, and millmen have long been at work unhindered. The whole people should be aroused and en- (65) listed in the cause of forest-saving, of wise, judicious tree cutting, and the establishment of a proper forest policy by the states. First become well informed upon the subject, then help to educate others. The various Federation clubs might devote an afternoon occasionally to the subject of forestry, taking up for discussion or study some specified topic through a given paper or lecture. The clubs might give assistance to municipal officers in developing taste in regard to planting trees in parks and along streets ; they might influence legislators to urge the general government to retake possession of the great forests of the country; they might arrange for holding meetings at the centers of population to be addressed by competent speakers, preferably specialists in forestry; they might recommend the procurement of books upon forestry for close study of the trees, their names, habits, and value. Teachers might introduce, in nature studies, talks upon trees, and during the children's walks to and from school the receptive mind and quick eyes of the child would discover . much about the habit and growth of trees by the wayside. The observance of Arbor Day should be encouraged by the planting of one tree by each child at specified places, when the local- ity is favorable or convenient, and cause it to grow. The child keeps watch and guard over the pet tree, waters \nd nurtures it, and so learns while young more intimately the needs and designs of forestry. To study and gain a familiar knowledge of the trees of our country is to hold the key to the treasures of field and wood. MRS. J. G. LEMMON, Chairman of the Committee on Forestry for the California Federation of Women's Clubs. (66) Books and publications suggested for use in the study of Forestry. By the Forestry Committee of the California Federation of Women's Clubs. MRS. J. G. LEMMON, Chairman. HANDBOOK WEST-AMERICAN CONE-BEARERS With Appendix J. G. LEMMON 4th edition, 116 Pages and 17 Full-page Illustrations. Brief, Concise Descriptions and Helpful Classifications PRICE, $1.00 OAKS OF PACIFIC SLOPE With Biographical Notes and Classifications J. G. LEMMON PRICE, 25 CENTS HOW TO TELL THE TREES With Forest Endowment for Introduction J. G. LEMMON And Addenda by Mrs. LEMMON. 16 Full-page Illustrations PRICE, 50 CENTS For the above publications apply, with money-order, to J. G. LEMMON, or MRS. J. G. LEMMON 5985 Telegraph Ave. Oakland, Cal. ILL. PRIMER OF FORESTRY GIFFORD PINCHOT, Washington, D. C. FORESTRY FOR FARMERS B. E. FERNOW, Cornell University, N. Y. PUBLICATIONS ON FORESTRY Bureau at Washington, D. C. THE FORESTER A Monthly Magazine. American Forest Association, Washington, D. C. FOREST TREES Two Illustrated Volumes, by DR. C. I. NEWHALL 2326 Fulton St., Berkeley, Cal. A WORK ON FORESTRY By ABBOT KINNEY, Los Angeles, Cal. "WATER AND FOREST" A Serial Journal, Published in the Interest of Western California, at San Francisco, Cal. ^^ s ^^''"'' OUTLINES OF FOREST^V-^ E.J.HOUSTOK f UNIVERSIT UNIVEESITY OP CALIFORNIA LIBKAEY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. am 109102