r 3323 /1/3 IRLF SB 315 375 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF a d Class FIRE ENGINE TESTS AND FIRE STREAM TABLES * * J eo NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS New York Copyright, 1910, by THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS THE EVENING POST JOB PRINTING OFFICE 136 FULTON ST.. N. Y. PREFACE. This pamphlet has been prepared for the purpose of assisting fire department officials and others who may wish to determine the condition of fire engines. It may also be of service in testing the capacity of new engines with a view to their accept- ance by a city. Tests similar to those outlined herein have been adopted by several fire departments and are being made by our engineers in their investigation of cities throughout the country, so that by corresponding with this Board, the location of the nearest field party may be ascertained and if desired, an opportunity afforded to observe such tests. The appended fire stream tables, on pages 26 to 47, are based on tests of rubber-lined fire hose made in October, 1909, by our engineers, with the assistance of the New York Fire Department and the co-operation of the Department of Water Supply of New York City. These tables may also be used to find the approximate amount of water used at a fire, if engineers will observe from time to time the water pressure carried and the length of time at work. With an approximate average of the water pressure at each engine, the amount of water delivered per minute can be found for each line if the size of nozzle and length of hose is also known. Copies of this pamphlet will be sent to such captains of companies and en- gineers of steamers as would use them in keeping accurate records of the performance of their engine at fires. NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS COMMITTEE ON FIRE PREVENTION, 135 William Street, New York. March, 1910. 23 7481 PRACTICAL TESTS FOR FIRE ENGINES. It is the purpose of this manual to set forth convenient and practical methods of making fire engine tests which will show the physical condition of engines, their capacity for delivering water at a reasonable pressure and the ability of the operating crews. The method described has been in use for a number of years and has been found practical, exact and of great value. Although methods similar to that described below are in use in some departments, the character of tests made in many cities, and especially those for acceptance, are usually more spectacular than exact. The throwing of a stream over a church spire, city hall or court house does not necessarily show that the engine is capable of delivering its full rated capacity at a proper working pressure. Investigation has shown that where regular and systematic tests of engines are not made, even in well managed fire departments, defects often exist which may continue unsuspected for considerable periods and become manifest under the stress of a large fire, where the engine is called upon to deliver its full capacity under suitable working pressures. Such tests will bring to light numerous defects, as, for ex- ample, improper setting of steam valves, broken or worn pump valves, broken, weak or displaced valve springs, loose or tight bearings, worn or broken pump plungers, poor or defective condition of the boiler and poor quality of the coal supplied for engine fuel. Furthermore, regular tests are a most valuable drill for engine crews, for in only a few departments do they receive sufficient training in operat- ing engines to capacity. The breakdown of an engine at a fire or the inability of the crew to operate it to capacity may be the direct cause of confusion and the needless loss of property and perhaps of life, to the discredit of the depart- ment. Contracts for new fire engines usually contain guarantees that the engine will deliver a certain quantity of water, but often do not specify the pressure at which it is to be delivered, nor provide for any definite tests which will accurately determine whether the engine has fulfilled the guarantee; or, in other words, if the department is getting what it is paying for. In several cities, engines are required to fill large measured tanks in a specified time, but this is a cumbersome method at best, and such tanks are frequently unavailable; this usually gives no definite results as to pres- sure obtained and power developed. A practical test should show, with fair accuracy, the condition of both water and steam ends of pumps and the condition of the boiler; determine the amount of water which the engine will pump at a reasonable working pressure, such as would be required when operating at a large fire; demonstrate the ability of the engine to draft water, whether the pumps and waterways are tight under high pressures and steam valves are properly set, and whether the coal used is quick steaming and free from objectionable impurities. In addition, the test should be of such a character as to approach the working condition at a serious fire where the full capacity of the engine would be required, and at the same time be easily understood. The following tests bring out all of these points. The displacement test indicates very closely the actual condition of the pumps as a whole and, in conjunction with the high pressure and valve tests, the condition of the plungers, pump valves, packing, etc. The high pressure test, in connection with the results obtained from the capa- city test, indicates the setting of steam valves and condition of steam cylinders. The capacity test shows the steaming quality of the boiler under heavy draft and the ability of the engine to make sufficient speed to develop its capacity when working against a reasonable water pressure. If the test is made from a cistern or reservoir, it will show the ability of the engine to draft. If made from a hydrant, the percentage of slip obtained will indicate this feature as well, as an engine showing less than 7 per cent, slip may be de- pended upon to take suction satisfactorily. Incidentally, the test also shows the ability of the engine crew in operating and stoking the engine. Any machine, when new, should be capable of greater work than after several years of service; for this reason, a new engine should be given an acceptance test at least as APPARATUS OR TESTING *2P\ CM severe as any work it may have to perform in actual service. This test should bring out not only the capacity to pump the actual volume of water specified by the maker as the rated capacity, but also to do this at a good working pressure. It is the opinion of many supervising engineers that this pressure should be at least 150 pounds if engine is likely to be required to draft, and as this does not seem too severe and is required in some specifications, the suggestion is made that engines purchased be required to have sufficient boiler capacity to give a net water pressure at acceptance test equivalent to the fol- lowing values: Hydrant Pressures Engine to Deliver Under Fire Draft. Net Water Pressure of 50 Ibs. or over. 100 Ibs. 30 " to 50 Ibs. 120 " 10 " to 30 " 140 " 10 " or less. 150 " Engines in service need not be given as severe a test as those being accepted, as it is mainly their general condition that is to be ascertained; for this reason, 100 pounds net water pressure would seem a sufficiently high requirement for the ordinary capacity test, which should be made at least yearly. Apparatus Necessary for Testing. For the tests outlined below, no elaborate or costly outfit is needed, the only special appliances absolutely required being as shown on Plate I and listed below: A revolution counter. (Figure 3.) A stop-watch. (Figure 5.) A small Pitot tube. (Figure 8.) Two or more pressure gages. (Figures I and 9.) A set of smooth bore nozzles. (Figure 4.) A hydrant or engine-discharge cap. (Figure 2.) The revolution counter should be of a type easily at- tached to the engine frame, or any convenient part, and so made as to register accurately at any speed likely to be reached by a reciprocating engine and be easily read. The counter may be provided with straps for attaching to engine, or with the clamp and angle iron shown on Plates I and II. 5 Tachometers and speed indicators are unsuitable for fire engine work, as the vibration is apt to render their readings unreliable. A stop-watch can be purchased for less than $10, although an ordinary watch can be used. The Pitot tube may be any of several suitable types now on the market, or the type shown on Plate I may be readily constructed. Dimensions are given below. It should be con- nected by J4-inch brass pipe fittings to a pressure gage as shown. NOZZLE STREAM PITOT Scale Full Size To be of brass and finished-smooth The pressure gages should be preferably not more than $1/2 inches in diameter, in order that they may be conveniently handled. They should be of the compound type, in order 6 PLATE II. METHOD OF ATTACHING GAGES AND COUNTER FOR TESTING ENGINES. that any disarrangement of the needle may be readily ob- served, one capable of indicating pressures from a vacuum up to 150 pounds and one up to 200 pounds, and preferably divided for every pound and marked every 5 or 10 pounds, as shown in Figures I and 9, Plate I. Gages, especially those used with the Pitot, should be of good quality and accurate. They should be carefully calibrated (tested) with a weight tester or a standard gage before each day's work. Nozzles suitable for testing are usually found in the regular equipment of every fire department. Only smooth bore tapered nozzles should be used, as discharges from ring nozzles are uncertain. Care should be taken that the tips are not nicked or otherwise injured, and that washers do not project into the pipe, as a perfectly smooth waterway is essential. The ring nozzles on many engines have loose rings, which may be slipped out by unscrewing the end cap, leaving a suitable smooth-bore tip. Shut-off nozzles should not be used, as these generally have interior projections or breaks in the waterway, likely to cause eddies in the stream. Where much testing is to be done, it is better to set aside nozzles, keeping them solely for that purpose. The bore of nozzles should be accurate to size within 1/1,000 of an inch and carefully measured. The engine-discharge cap, or hydrant cap (in most cities these have the same thread) is tapped for $-inch pipe thread and fitted with a nipple and stop-cock for attaching the test gage. By attaching to the discharge outlet of the engine as shown on Plate II, the engine water gage and the test gage may be compared to determine if the engine gage is correct. Where there is time to detach the water gage and a testing set is available, the gage can be more accurately checked. The steam gages are less likely to get out of order, being less subject to sudden fluctuations, and a comparison of readings of side and rear steam gages will usually be sufficient. If the engine has no suction gage or tapped suction cap, the engine or hydrant cap should be used on the second outlet of the hydrant when testing an engine at a double outlet hydrant Tests are best made by a supervisor (as the master mechanic or other officer conducting the test will hereafter be called), with an assistant accustomed to reading gages. Tables showing the discharge at various pressures through different nozzles, for use with Pitot tube readings, are to be found on pages 24 and 25. A suitable form for recording data of tests is shown on page 14, and until the supervisor becomes familiar with tests, it is advisable to use a similar form at the tests in order not to overlook any necessary data. Later, a pocket note-book will doubtless be found more convenient, care being taken to record all the necessary data. Preliminary to Test. If possible, calibrate gages of engine before the test, by detaching and comparing on a portable gage-testing set. They should be calibrated in the position in which they are to be used, either horizontally or vertically. If this is not done, check water and suction gages at test, as explained below. If it is desired to determine the ability of the regular engine crew, the engine should, of course, be operated by them; if the condition and capacity of the engine are the un- known factors, a crew known to be efficient should be selected. If there is any convenient body of water, or cistern, where water may be drafted with not over 10 feet of lift, then test should be made at draft; otherwise, attach engine to hydrant, care being taken to get a hydrant attached to a large main (8-inch or larger), and that the hydrant pressure is not ex- cessive, preferably below 40 pounds. Four-inch or larger suction should be used. After suitably stationing engine, light the fire; note the time when smoke comes from stack, when steam gage needle moves, at 50 pounds of steam, at 100 pounds, and pressure and time of blowing off. If engine has hot water in boiler, this may be omitted, noting only the pressure at which safety valve blows off. Then, if water gage on engine has not been calibrated (checked), attach hydrant cap and 2OO-pound test gage to engine discharge outlet, as shown on Plate II. Record zero of all three gages water, suction and test gages; open hydrant and record static pressure on all three gages; then with churn (hand relief) valve partly open and discharge gates shut, pump up pressure and compare test and water gages at 80 pounds, 100, no, 120, etc., up to no pounds over the static or hydrant pressure. li 8 engine has no suction gage, one of the suction caps on the engine can be tapped to connect the gage, as shown on Plate II, or the engine or hydrant cap provided with the second gage should be attached to one hydrant outlet. Let supervisor and assistant compare watches and set second hands together, or nearly so; this is more quickly accomplished if one watch has a stop-hand. The supervisor will find it convenient to tie his watch to coat or wrist in order to leave his hands free to hold note-book or Pitot. A leather watch holder and wrist strap, as shown on Plate I, such as any harness maker can make, is a convenient appliance for this purpose. Attach the revolution counter and con- nect with one of the eccentric strap oil cups or studs by a short length of cord, as shown on Plate II; have engine started slowly and adjust counter cord so that each revolu- tion registers. Displacement and Capacity Test. While the engine is get- ting up steam, have firemen lay hose and connect nozzle. If testing on a paved street, it is best to lay nozzle down in gutter. Use a play-pipe holder or tie nozzle to any con- venient post, in order to prevent pipe getting away from pipeman and doing damage. For the larger engines, attach a line of hose on each side of the engine and connect into the Siamese of a deluge set. With the smaller size engines, it is usually more convenient to use a single line from one side of the engine; when deluge sets are not available, single lines may be used on the larger engines. In the tables on pages 18 and 19, the length of hose and size of nozzle best adapted for testing engines of various sizes are given. In testing with the siamesed lines, start the engine with both lines open and bring it up to speed; if the desired water pressure is not obtained, close the discharge gate on one line slowly until the gage indicates the proper pressure. Similarly, with a single line attached, the gate is closed slowly after engine has obtained its full speed until the desired pres- sure is obtained. The supervisor can, from time to time, regulate this discharge gate to keep the desired water pressure, although if the crew operates the engine properly but little change will have to be made throughout the test. The engineer can be instructed to direct all his attention to operating his engine to full capacity, and the supervisor or testing engineer can regulate the water pressure, take the readings of the revolution counter, steam, water and suction gages, while his assistant takes readings of the nozzle pressure through- out the test. When siamesed lines are used, should the engine not be able to maintain the desired water pressure with one line shut off entirely, add another length of hose to each side, or use a nozzle Ji-inch smaller. With single lines, when the engine cannot maintain the desired pressure without undue throttling of the discharge valve, use a smaller nozzle or add another length of hose. The nozzle readings should, if possible, be over 40 pounds, as below this point readings must be very nearly constant to give accurate results. Should water pressure at the engine be too high with both lines wide open, use a larger nozzle or cut out a length of hose from each side. Relief valves should be closed, sprinkler used only as needed, and feed pumps operated regularly. The capacity test should last at least 20 minutes from the time the engine reaches full speed. During this time the water pressure at the engine should be constant and such as to give a net water pressure over the suction pressure as given on page 5. In all cases at least loo pounds net pressure should be held. Unless the rubber tires cause undue vibration, a modern engine, if in good condition, can safely run for an indefinite period at 400 to 425 feet of piston travel per minute, that is, 300 to 320 revolutions for an 8-inch stroke. It is usually better to hold about 10 pounds over the pres- sure actually required, when the water pressure fluctuates much, as most engineers read the top of swing of a gage needle, while the supervisor, of course, should read the middle of the vibration. Gages may be throttled to prevent excessive vibration, but should always show some vibration to get true readings. During the capacity test, the supervisor should read counter (exactly at minute) and steam, water and suction gages each minute in regular order, and note the handling and stoking, feed water, leaks, uneven steam pressure, blowing off, foaming of boiler, accidents, and the .other little details 10 PLATE III. SHOWING UdS bit NOZZLE t- which his experience teaches him to observe. Meanwhile the supervisor's assistant should read the nozzle pressure every J4 minute. Special care should be taken in reading the nozzle pressure. The Pitot should be held in the middle of the stream, with the tip about one-half the diameter of the bore from the end of the nozzle. Gage should be horizontal or ver- tical, according to the position in which it was calibrated, and at the same level as the end of the nozzle. This is shown on Plate III. High Pressure Test. After a run of 20 minutes in which there were no serious interruptions to readings, and pressure was maintained at an average of at least 100 pounds net, stop stoking; shut down, close discharge gates, partly open churn valve and get steam down to between 70 and 80 pounds, drawing fire if necessary. Then start engine slowly, and gradually close churn valve tight. See that all other openings, feed pumps, sprinklers, relief cocks, etc., are shut. Let engine turn in this condition for one or two minutes; observe the number of revolutions, and the water, steam and suction (now static) pressures; note any uneven motion of engine, blowing through of steam or imperfect valve setting, leaks in steam or water ends, or fittings, etc. If pumps are in good condition and valves set correctly, speed should not be over one revolution in 10 seconds in any modern type engine. (This does not apply to a Silsby or a Button.) With 70 pounds steam and 50 pounds suction, water pressure will reach about 250 pounds; this is perfectly safe and not a severe test, as such pressures are frequently met in operation when long lines are used. Valve Tests. After taking the observations for the high pressure test, shut off throttle of engine and open cylinder drips. Note the drop in water pressure for say one-half minute. The manner in which this pressure holds up is an indication of the condition of the discharge valves. A drop of not over 15 pounds in one-half minute, provided there are no external leaks visible around the pump, indicates a fairly good condition of the valves. Suction Test. If the engine has been tested at a hydrant, its ability to draft may be determined as follows, provided it is equipped with a compound suction gage or one of the suction caps is tapped to receive a compound gage: Discon- ii nect engine from hydrant while there is still some steam pressure on boiler, put both suction caps on tight, open one of the discharge gates and then open throttle, allowing en- gine to run at a moderate speed, observe the reading of the compound gage while running, and also after shutting down. The drop of the vacuum after shutting down is an indication of the condition of the suction valves, provided all joints are good. To Figure Displacement. (Displacement is figured as in- dicated for sample test, pages 14 and 15.) In averaging the nozzle, steam, water and suction pressures, subtract ^ of first and last readings from sum of readings used (see page 15 and sample test sheet). Average the nozzle pressure during a period in which the engine ran steadily, water pressure was well maintained and the nozzle pressure varied the least. When possible, use a 20-minute period in figuring the displacement; if for any reason there is much variation in the nozzle pressure, say over 10 per cent, during any one minute, select as long a period as possible, but at least 10 minutes, during which the pressure has been well maintained. Correct for gage error. Take out corresponding gallons from table, pages 24 and 25, in- terpolating for odd pressures or for odd sized nozzles. Example: i l / 2 " nozzle, 61 pounds nozzle pressure. 62 pounds' nozzle pressure gives 525 gallons 60 " " " " 517 gallons or 2 pounds give a difference of 8 gallons and i pound gives l /i of this, or 4 gallons Therefore, 61 pounds' nozzle pressure =5i7-{-4 =521 gallons Example: i 9/16" nozzle, 60 pounds nozzle pressure. 60 pounds through \%" nozzle gives 607 gallons 60 " " i#* " " 517 gallons or y%" difference in nozzle diameter gives ... 90 gallons and 1/16" " " " "... 45 gallons Therefore, i 9/16" nozzle at 60 pounds gives 517+45 =562 gallons Divide the average gallons discharged by the average revo- lutions per minute to obtain the actual net displacement of the pumps. The nominal displacement will be found from the table, page 16, allowing for the pump rods. The dimen- sion of the pumps, such as stroke, diameter of pump barrel and pump rods, should be accurately measured, if in question. The difference between actual and nominal displacements is the slip, which should be from 3 to 5 per cent, of the nominal displacement in a new engine (6 per cent, in a rotary) ; of this, about H per cent, is due to the feed water (i per cent, with a Button or Silsby engine). After engine has been in use a few months, slip will generally increase about I per cent; thereafter, if valves and packings are given proper at- tention, there should be only a slight increase. A slip of 10 per cent, or over indicates broken or displaced valve springs, and more than this, a badly worn plunger or pump barrel, or possibly a leaky suction. In a rotary, the wear is prin- cipally in the pump cam slides, which will also stick at times, causing increased slip even if not worn. To Figure Capacity. When the engine is run for 20 minutes at a uniform speed during the displacement test, the average discharge measured at the nozzle by the Pitot is the capacity of the engine. If only a lo-minute period of the run is used for figuring the displacement, the capacity of the engine is determined by multiplying the actual displacement (found in the displacement test) by the average revolutions per minute during a 2O-minute period in which the engine worked at its full capacity. Steam, water and suction pressures during the capacity run should be averaged and corrected for gage error. In figuring percentage of capacity delivered, for a new fire engine, it is well to use contract figures for the rated capacity which the engine is guaranteed to deliver. A capacity due to a piston travel of about 420 feet per minute (315 revolutions for 8-inch stroke) less a 3 per cent, allowance for slip, is reasonable for a modern engine; older types vary considerably. LOG OF. FIRE ENGINE TEST GAGE COMPARISON TES ENGINE: Size_ DIMENSIONS: Cylinders. ..^.T. ....... Pomp Bore ... BOILER: Typ_...-'._ ........... ........ Diame fK TIME COUNTER RRM ... Rated Capac(ty..K?.<2...Bullt..../.W7 ... .'. ....... ...._ Stroke ..... .": .......... _. Pump rods.. ^ ' Height-...*^'-' ......... Bullt__-_.l*0Z.... +4 _2 /*g 33 & 145 /3S 14J5L 3L S2. *L 4032 . 31 a DISPLACEMENT TEST CAPACITY TEST M GH PRESSURE TEST .Corrprteri prg<^ Gnllons per min . RP.VS. per min. rijsnlacement (nom-n 4-.ll Slip per cent. Figured CALCULATIONS FOR ENGINE TESTS. (FOR TEST ON OPPOSITE PAGE.) DISPLACEMENT TEST. AVERAGE DISCHARGE. To obtain Average Nozzle Pressure; Sum Column " Min." 1,870 Subtract % sum of first and last figures 85 1,785 Sum Column "J4" 1.791 "H" 1,795 " "%" 1,802 Divide by 80 ) 7.173 Average Nozzle Reading. . 89.7 Correction from Gage Test Sheet +2.0 Average Nozzle Pressure. 91.7 From Discharge Tables for 1%" Nozzle: 92 Ibs. gives 751 gallons. 90 " ...743 1.7 Ibs. gives 6.8 " Then 91.7 Ibs. = 749.8 gallons. AVERAGE R. P. M. Counter at 3. 59 4,358 " " 3.89 7,870 _ ~ Divide by 20 ) Average R. P. M = 824.4 ACTUAL DISPLACEMENT. Average Discharge _ 749.8 Average R. P. M~T ~~ 324.4 NOMINAL DISPLACEMENT. From Engine Displacement Table: 4%" Bore, 8" Stroke 2.455 1^4" Pump Rod 085 Nominal Displacement = 2.370 SLIP, IN PER CENT. Nom. DisplacenVt Act. DisplacenVt Nominal Displacement 2.370 2.311 _ OTO '*? CAPACITY TEST. AVERAGE R. P. M. Same as for Displacement Test in this case. GALLONS PER MINUTE. Same as for Displacement Test in this case. AVERAGES OF PRESSURES. Steam: Sum of Column 2,787 16 of first and last figures 133 Divide by 20 ) 2,654 Average Steam Reading.. 132.7 Water: Sum of Column 3,065 Y% of first and last figures. . . 142.5 Divided by 20 ) 2,922.5 Average Reading. ..... . 146. 1 1.0 Gage and Test Sheet, for Gage No. 119 Average Water Pressure 145 . 1 Suction: Sum of Column 746 ^3 of first and last figures 85 Divide by 20... ...) 711 Average Reading 85.6 Correction from Test of Gage + 1.0 Average Suction Pressure 86.6 Net Pressure: Average water pressure 145 . 1 Average suction pressure. . 86.6 Average net pressure. . 108.5 PERCENTAGE OF CAPACITY OBTAINED. Reasonable capacity of Pumps based on 400 Ft. Piston Travel per Min. = 700 gals. Obtained at Test 750 gals. or 107^ of Rating. ENGINE DISPLACEMENT TABLE. DOUBLE PUMPS. PLUNGER DISPLACEMENT. PUMP ROD CORRECTION. GALLONS PER REVOLUTION. GALLONS PER REVOLUTION. Bore Stroke in Inches. Diameter Stroke in Inches. of Pump of Inches. 789 Pump Rods. 789 3 1/2 1.166 1.333 1.500 1 " 0.047 0.054 0.061 3 5/8 1.251 1.480 1.609 1 1/16 0.053 0.061 0.069 3 3/4 1.339 1.530 1.721 1 1/8 0.060 0.069 0.078 3 7/8 1.430 1.634 1.888 1 8/16 0.067 0.077 0.087 4 1.528 1.740 1.958 1 1/4 0.074 0.085 0.096 4 1/8 1.620 1.851 2.082 1 6/16 0.081 0.098 0.105 4 1/4 1.719 1.965 2.211 1 3/8 0.089 0.102 0.115 4 3/8 1.822 2.088 2.343 1 7/16 0.098 0.112 0.126 4 1/2 1.928 2.203 2.478 1 1/2 0.107 0.122 0.138 4 5/8 2.036 2.327 2.618 1 9/16 0.116 0.183 0.150 4 3/4 2.148 2.455 2.762 1 5/8 0.126 0.143 0.162 4 7/8 2.268 2.586 2.909 1 11/16 0.186 0.155 0.174 5 2.380 2.720 3.060 1 3/4 0.146 0.167 0.188 5 1/8 2.500 2.858 3.215 5 1/4 2.624 2.999 3.374 5 3/8 2.750 3.143 3.536 Subtract pump rod correction from plunger displacement to obtain cor- 5 1/2 2.880 8.291 3.702 rect displacement of engine. 5 5/8 3.012 8.442 3.872 For single-pump engines, use one- 5 3/4 8.147 3.597 4.047 half of result obtained. 6 7/8 8.286 3.755 4.225 6 8.427 8.917 4.407 Example : Engine with 5J4-inch pump, 9-inch stroke and IJ^-inch pump rod. From Table above : Displacement of Plunger = 3.874 gallons. Correction for Rod = . 1 38 gallons. Nominal Displacement = 3. 236 gallons 16 The following table gives the reasonable capacity of several common sizes of fire engines: REASONABLE CAPACITIES OF MODERN STEAM FIRE ENGINES. Bore of Pumps, Inches. Stroke, Inches. Capacity, Gallons per Minute. 6 9 1,100 Sti 8 or 9 1,000 5/2 8 900 3% 8 or 9 850 5 8 750 4ti 8 700 4/2 7 or 8 600 4 l /4 7 or 8 550 4 7 500 RATED CAPACITY OF SILSBY ENGINES. Maker's Size. Nominal Displacement per Revolution, Rated Capacity, Gallons. Gallons per Minute. Extra First First Second Third Fourth Fifth 1.261 1,000 1.141 900 0.952 700 0.804 600 0.675 500 0.513 400 II 1 *i if f **. Ilsl If W N O N \& r X 7 Sis SF l S S 05 O s? IIP S cL? a I'l II- OSi 11 18 u. .- o s 05 &sS SI3 d|S IF ill Hi ||| O ft" N , c o MAINTAIN NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN LENGTHS OF BEST QUALITY ^ r^A ^Q Otj 11s g hp^>, Single 2^-inch Lines. !j~ Is. IE; 1 "" .2 IOO 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Q Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet, 20 132 25 30 35 39 44 49 53 58 25 148 3i 37 43 49 55 60 66 72 30 162 38 44 5i 58 65 72 78 85 35 175 44 52 59 67 75 83 9i 98 40 187 50 59 68 77 86 94 103 112 45 198 56 66 76 86 96 1 06 H5 125 50 209 62 73 84 95 106 117 128 139 55 219 68 80 92 104 116 128 140 152 60 229 75 88 101 114 127 140 153 166 65 238 81 95 109 123 137 151 165 179 70 247 87 1 02 117 132 147 162 177 I 9 2 75 256 93 109 125 141 157 173 189 205 80 264 99 116 133 150 167 183 200 217 85 272 105 123 141 159 177 195 212 230 90 280 in 130 149 167 1 86 205 224 243 95 287 117 137 157 177 196 216 236 2 5 6 100 295 123 144 165 185 206 227 247 268 26 2J/3- AND 3-INCH HOSE, FIRE ENGINE, WHILE STREAM is FLOWING, TO IN FIRST COLUMN, THROUGH VARIOUS | 2|- AND 3-iNCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. t/i bJ3 Single 3-inch Lines. Two 2^-inch Lines Siamesed. >- QJ rj 1,000 I,20O 800 1,000 1,200 1,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1" Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. Feet. 68 77 35 39 42 48 33 40 46 20 84 95 43 48 52 59 4i 49 57 25 99 112 52 57 62 70 49 59 68 30 114 I 3 60 66 72 81 57 68 79 35 130 148 68 75 82 92 65 78 90 40 145 I6 5 77 84 92 103 72 86 99 45 160 182 85 93 102 114 80 95 IIO 50 175 199 93 102 112 125 88 105 121 55 192 218 102 112 122 137 96 114 I 3 2 60 207 235 110 121 131 148 103 122 141 65 222 252 118 130 141 159 in I 3 2 152 70 237 269 127 139 151 170 1 20 142 164 75 251 285 135 148 161 181 128 151 175 SO 266 302 143 I 5 6 170 191 135 159 184 85 280 .... 151 I6 5 1 80 202 H3 169 195 90 295 158 173 189 211 150 177 204 95 3 IO ... 167 I8 3 199 223 157 1 86 215 100 27 i 1/8-INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE. /> PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HYDRANT OR FIRE ! 2 o NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN IN FIRST 1^ . 1 j QUALITY T.\- AND *> o ~. Single 2j-inch Lines. 1| 111 5 8 ? 84> 9 ... 90 355 123 152 181 210 240 269 298 327 95 365 130 160 191 222 252 283 3M 100 374 136 1 68 20 1 233 265 297 329 28 a 1/2- AND 3-INCH HOSE. ENGINE, WHILE STREAM is FLOWING, TO MAINTAIN =0 COLUMN, THROUGH VARIOUS LENGTHS OF BEST "c Sf 3-iNCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. 3 O Single 3-inch Lines. Two 2j-inch Lines Siamesed. |l 8tj D $ Bi ti \$ i% 8* 8 ~ M -fc OOfc ~fe ~ ~& * U 32 37 43 48 54 62 71 38 42 4 6 53 60 20 40 46 53 60 67 77 87 45 50 55 63 70 25 47 55 63 71 79 9i 103 53 59 65 74 82 30 55 65 74 83 93 107 121 62 69 76 86 9 6 35 63 73 84 95 105 121 137 70 78 86 97 1 08 40 70 82 94 1 06 118 135 153 79 87 95 108 121 45 78 9i 104 117 130 150 169 88 98 107 121 135 50 86 100 114 128 142 164 185 96 107 117 132 H7 55 93 109 124 139 155 I 7 8 2O I 105 116 127 143 1 60 60 101 117 134 151 167 I 9 2 217 114 126 138 I 5 6 174 65 108 126 144 162 1 80 206 233 122 135 148 I6 7 1 86 70 116 135 154 173 192 221 249 130 144 157 I 7 8 198 75 124 144 165 185 206 236 267 I 3 8 153 167 189 210 SO 131 153 174 195 217 249 28l 147 163 178 201 22; 85 139 161 184 207 229 263 2 97 156 172 1 88 212 237 90 146 170 194 218 242 277 313 I6 4 181 198 224 249 95 154 178 203 228 253 20\3 172 190 208 235 26 100 29 I 1/4-INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE. 1-1 O n J PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HYDRANT OR FIRE PRESSURES GIVEN IN FIRST COLUMN, ! M -1 Jti II II y 20 206 32 42 53 64 75 85 96 107 128 149 25 230 40 53 66 79 92 105 118 131 158 184 30 253 48 63 79 95 IIO 126 142 157 189 220 35 273 55 73 9i 109 127 H5 163 181 217 253 40 292 63 83 104 124 144 165 185 206 246 287 45 309 70 93 116 138 161 183 206 229 274 319 50 326 78 103 128 J53 178 203 228 253 303 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 342 357 372 386 399 413 438 461 86 93 IOI 108 116 124 139 153 123 133 142 152 163 172 182 191 201 140 152 164 176 1 88 201 225 236 248 167 182 196 2IO 224 240 254 269 282 295 194 211 228 244 26l 279 312 327 222 241 260 2 7 8 297 318 249 270 292 312 333 276 300 323 330 30 a 1/2- AND 3-INCH HOSE, ENGINE, WHILE STREAM is FLOWING, TO MAINTAIN NOZZLE THROUGH VARIOUS LENGTHS OF BEST QUALITY RUBBER LINED HOSE. Nozzle Pressure In- dicated by Pitot Gage. Single 3-inch Lines. Two 2^-inch Lines Siamesed. || Jti $i 0^ O "a; ! 8s *O u ll ^Tr T . 37 Q S O oj vO [^ II s 1 M O _ J* Q PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HYDRANT OR FIRE NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN IN FIRST QUALITY 2%- AND Single 2^-in. Lines. Single 3-inch . . *J 1 .: D -1 M 1 1 O O ->6 2C7 118 65 Ill T 44 177 2IO 24.^ *JI 27 C j 1 w 70 118 I 13 1 88 22T. ^r.8 2Q-2 75 127 1 6/1 2OI 2-3Q 0-76 ^yj 5 T -3 SO I?C 174. 214, ^JV 2C7 2QT. J 1 J 85 142 783 22EJ ?66 708 90 I CQ 104 237 ^81 95 I 5 8 204 250 296 100 39 2-INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE.- ^ & c/> PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HYDRANT OR FIRE % NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN IN FIRST 4,0 v- .,_, "3 QUALITY 2|- AND 5 O 3 ll fijp &s rt >-. Single 2^- inch Lines. Single 3-inch Lines. OJ _c , rt , b/)S 3^-iNCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. >> p IS, fsj -4_) Q *j Q Q N *2 |S cti C rt o FIRE ENGINE, WHILE STREAM is FLOW- c bo HH C3 2 *a ING, TO MAINTAIN NOZZLE PRESSURES 0^0 SB g GIVEN IN FIRST COLUMN, THROUGH l & VARIOUS LENGTHS OF BEST QUALITY E OJ T3 ow^ Jfc o & 3^-iNCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. ^^ o _-fe S2 O rt 55 y 20 407 28 35 41 4 8 54 61 74 87 101 20 25 455 35 43 51 59 67 75 9i 107 123 25 30 498 4i Si 60 70 79 89 1 08 127 146 30 35 538 48 59 70 81 92 103 124 146 168 35 40 575 55 67 80 92 105 117 142 167 191 40 45 609 62 75 89 103 117 131 158 1 86 213 45 50 643 68 84 99 H5 130 H5 176 206 237 50 55 674 75 92 109 125 142 159 192 225 259 55 60 704 82 IOO 118 136 154 172 208 244 280 60 65 732 89 1 08 127 147 1 66 1 86 224 263 302 65 70 761 95 116 137 158 178 199 241 282 70 75 787 102 124 146 1 68 190 212 257 301 75 80 813 109 132 156 179 203 226 273 320 80 85 838 He 140 165 IQO 214 2^Q 289 85 90 vjv 862 f 122 T^ 148 174 y 2OO **F 227 "jy 2C'? -2 QC 90 95 885 128 J. tj\J I 5 6 * / H 183 211 m+ 238 *j J 266 J^J 95 100 909 135 164 193 222 251 280 100 45 5/8-INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE.- 3 1/2-INCH HOSE. 1 -^ fll C/3 PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HY- , a I* a DRANT OR FIRE ENGINE, WHILE "e ^ HH C5 ~ STREAM IS FLOWING, TO MAIN- > i ^ ^ *j cti qj TAIN NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN IN ^ |2 G FIRST COLUMN, THROUGH VARIOUS g| cu PH h/)^5 LENGTHS OF BEST QUALITY 3^- > >- u, INCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. p^ > Hi I s " 11 8 t- 5 O oj 55 5 II \O f T J3J CU [ T) O^ a; 5l ^^ O aj CXD 20 350 3i 41 50 60 70 so 94 109 20 25 392 38 5i 63 75 87 99 118 136 25 80 -429 46 60 75 89 103 118 139 161 80 85 463 53 70 86 103 120 136 161 1 86 85 40 496 61 79 98 117 136 155 183 211 40 45 525 68 89 no 131 152 173 205 2 3 6 45 50 554 76 99 122 H5 1 68 192 226 26l 50 55 581 83 1 08 133 158 184 209 247 284 55 60 607 90 117 144 172 199 226 267 308 60 65 631 97 127 I 5 6 1 86 215 244 289 65 70 655 105 136 I6 7 199 230 262 309 70 75 678 112 I4C. 170 212 24 5 270 75 80 700 *T J ICC / S IQI 226 i J 262 / ;/ 80 85 / 722 127 j j y 2O2 278 16 85 90 / ^^ 74. -2 1 1. / 174. 214. 2CA ** 1 \j 204- 90 95 / *T J 763 141 / T" 183 ** x *T 225 *" J'T 267 JfT 309 95 100 783 149 193 237 28l 100 46 2-INCH SMOOTH NOZZLE.- 3 I/2-INCK C fcuo >-. " 11 Discharge, Gallons per Minute. PRESSURES REQUIRED AT HY- DRANT OR FIRE ENGINE, WHILE STREAM IS FLOWING, TO MAINTAIN NOZZLE PRESSURES GIVEN IN FIRST COLUMN, THROUGH VARIOUS LENGTHS OF BEST QUALITY 3^- INCH RUBBER LINED HOSE. ^ bio ^0 | | >! l| 8| O al v ^ C T I l| II 20 532 33 44 55 65 76 87 109 130 20 25 594 4i 54 67 80 93 1 06 133 159 25 30 651 49 64 80 96 in 127 158 189 30 35 703 57 75 93 in 129 147 183 219 35 40 752 65 85 105 126 I4 6 1 66 207 247 40 45 797 72 95 118 140 163 185 231 276 45 50 841 80 105 130 155 1 80 205 255 305 50 55 881 88 116 143 170 197 225 279 .... 55 60 65 70 75 80 920 994 1,029 1,063 96 104 112 119 127 126 136 146 156 1 66 155 1 68 1 80 192 205 185 200 214 229 243 214 232 248 265 282 244 263 282 303 60 65 70 75 80 .... 85 90 95 100 1,095 1,128 1,158 1,189 135 151 I 5 8 176 1 86 196 206 217 229 241 253 2 5 8 272 286 3 OI 299 ... .... 85 90 95 100 47 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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