UC-NRLF SB 33 DMD MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION BY C. T, SCHAEFER CONSULTING ENGINEER MEMBER SOCIETY OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS 292 ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 PARK PLACE 1919 S3 COPYRIGHT, 1919, BY D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. PREFACE This volume has been written to fill a pressing want ; to give a practical discussion of the gasoline propelled com- mercial car of the present type, and to present this subject in the plainest possible manner by the use of numerous illustrations. In other words, this work is compiled for the engineer, who, when he desires information on current practice, may quickly obtain the same without a general study. At the same time a general outline of the underlying principles is given for the student, commercial vehicle owner and operator who may desire to familiarize himself with the construction of the various units that make up the complete vehicle. The author feels confident that he has been successful in the production of a serviceable treatise on the subject of Motor Truck design and construction. C. T. SCHAEFEK. ANDERSON, IND., Sept. 1, 1919. 415370 CONTENTS CHAPTER. PAGE. I. THE GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE CHASSIS , 1 II. THE MOTOR TRUCK ENGINE, ITS CONSTRUCTION AND LUBRICA- TION 6 Two and Four Cycle Motors, Cylinders, Crank Case, etc., and their Functions. III. THE MOTOR COOLING SYSTEM 39 Air and Water Cooling-, Natural and Forced Cooling 1 Sys- tems. Radiators and their Mounting. IV. CARBUBETION AND CARBURETORS 50 Control and Vaporization of Fuel. V. IGNITION SYSTEMS 59 High Tension, Low Tension and Inductor Magnetos. Bat- tery and Igniter Systems. VI. GOVERNORS AND SPEED CONTROLLING DEVICES 85 Centrifugal, Hydraulic and Automatic Governors. VII. THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 95 Cone, Multiple Disc, and Dry Plate Clutches. Friction, Planetory, Progressive Sliding and Selective Sliding Transmissions. VIII. UNIVERSAL JOINT AND PROPELLER SHAFT 114 Mechanical and Fabric Type Universals. Solid and Tubu- lar Shafts. Propeller Shaft Bearing Mounting. IX. THE DIFFERENTIAL 125 Spur, Bevel and Worm Gear Types. X. THE FINAL DRIVE 132 Open and Enclosed Chain Drive. Bevel, Double Reduction, Internal and Worm Gear Drive Axles. Method of taking Torque and Propulsion. The Hotchkiss Drive. XI. FRONT AND FOUR WHEEL DRIVES 162 Tractors, Gasoline and Electric Types. XII. MOTOR TRUCK BRAKES 172 Internal and External Types. Jack Shaft, Propeller Shaft, and Rear Wheel Types. XIII. THE FRONT AXLE 183 Elliot, Lemoine and Reversed Elliot Steering Knuckles. Drop Forged and Built-Up Types. vii viii MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION CHAPTER. PAGE. XIV. STEERING GEARS AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STEERING MECHANISMS 192 Spur, Bevel and Worm Gear, Screw and Nut Types. Steer- ing- Gear and Linkage. Construction and Layout. XV. MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 210 Structural and Pressed Steel, Rigid and Flexible Types. XVI. POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 220 Unite Power Plant, Individual Mounting, Sub Frame Mounting. Three and Four Point Suspension. XVII. SPRINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 230 Spring Types, France and Axle Mountings. Overload and Auxiliary Spring's. XVIII. THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM 244 Gravity, Pressure and Vacuum Systems. Gasoline Tank Construction and its Mounting-. XIX. CONTROL 253 Spark and Throttle Control, Clutch and Brake Pedal Mounting 1 . Gear Shift and Brake Control Systems. XX. THE MUFFLER 265 Muffler Construction and Cut Outs. XXI. MOTOR TRUCK WHEELS 272 Wood, Pressed and Cast Steel Types, for Single and Dual Types. XXII. MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 280 Side Flange, Demountable, S. A. E. std. Pressed-on Single and Dual Types. American and European Sections. Care of Motor Truck Tires. XXIII. ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND STARTING ON COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. 298 Advantages and Disadvantages of Electrically Equipped Trucks. MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CHAPTEK I THE GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE CHASSIS ANY commercial vehicle conforming to the accepted stand- ard of construction may be divided in two parts, the chassis and the body. The chassis or running gear as it is sometimes called, consists of the frame, power plant, springs, axles, wheels, brakes and in fact all units which enter into the propulsion and control of the vehicle. There are three general types of chassis when classified ac- cording to the type of power plant, the gasoline, the steam and the electric. The gasoline propelled vehicle is by far the most popular and will be considered in this work. The general layout of the chassis covers such points as the loca- tion of the driver's seat or cab in relation to the location of the power plant, which controls the distribution of the useful or pay load of the vehicle. This affects the overall length and turning radius of the vehicle. The principal problem confronting the commercial vehicle designer is how to make use of the overall length of the chassis to the best advantage, considering accessibility and all other factors which enter into this problem. Most designers have placed the driver's seat back of the motor. This necessitates the making of the total length of the machine somewhat greater than it would be for the same capacity when the driver's seat is placed above the motor. In some cases a com- promise is effected between these two by placing the driver's seat and steering to the right or left side of hood which encloses the motor, thus saving about half the space used in the design which has the seat placed in back of the motor. Advocates of each type have a number of arguments in favor of their design, all of which have merit. The one who places the 2 1 fcB: ESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION seat over the motor, claims that by this arrangement, the load is shifted somewhat forward and the center of gravitjr is brought somewhat nearer the center of the machine. This is claimed to create more even tire wear all around and a reduction of the total overall length of the chassis. The last is an advantage as it per- mits a shorter wheel base and turning radius. Those who place the seat back of the motor claim that in the above construction too much weight is placed on the front axle, that the motor is more accessible and that it is placed in a higher position in the frame. The front springs can be made somewhat lighter, since they are not required to carry as large a percentage of the total load. And being lighter, they are less stiff and take the shocks of the road more readily, which tends to increase the life of the motor. These widely varying views of the makers are echoed in many different lengths of commercial vehicles which have been placed on the market. Probably no single feature of commercial car design merits more attention than does that of arranging the power plant in such a manner as to offer the user motor accessibility in the great- est degree consistent with reasonable compact design. The im- portance of the first desideratum will be admitted by anyone having experience in the operation of an internal combustion engine. The day is still far distant when a gasoline engine may be locked in a box and with a supply of essence, be expected to mote satisfactorily until like the justly famous Shay, its multi- tudinous parts give out simultaneously as a result of legitimate wear. The desirability of compact arrangement will be endorsed as a purely academic proposition and will be heartily subscribed to as a thoroughly practical feature by truck operators, who have had to deal with metropolitan street and garage conditions. As far as the power plant arrangement is concerned American makers have formed themselves into three distinct classes. First, the class comprising those who place accessibility above all other considerations. Second, the class comprising those whose great- est satisfaction arises from the contemplation of a design in which the compact arrangements of parts is accentuated. Third, the class comprising those who have attempted to effect a com- promise between the above two types, to secure both accessibility and compactness. Advantages of Placing Motor Under the Hood. A layout of the trend of the first class of commercial car design is depicted in THE GENEEAL LAYOUT OF THE CHASSIS 3 Fig. 1. It will be noted that the motor is carried under a re- movable hood in front of the driver's seat and control elements, being typical of current passenger car chassis design. The load- ing platform is divided into approximately equal parts fore and aft of the rear axle. This design permits of easy access to the motor and accessory parts from both sides and top, making it FIG. 3. THREE PROMINENT TYPES OF CHASSIS. equal in point of accessibility to passenger cars. The driver's seat is also accessible while the clutch and change gear can be easity reached through the floor board opening when they form a unit with the motor. The greater percentage of the paying load is concentrated upon the rear or driving wheels, resulting in good traction and easy steering. This construction also results in a pleasing appearance, which is of some advantage in smaller vehicles, which are used to some extent as an advertising feature. 4 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Disadvantages of this Type. Like all other constructions the above type offers certain disadvantages. The overall length of the vehicle must be greater in order to permit the location of the motor under a removable hood. In many cases this added length does not operate as a decided disadvantage for average applica- tion in which the machine must be maneuvered, in narrow thor- oughfares, backed up to curbings and garaged in valuable space, every inch of added length makes itself felt in the owner's purse. With the question of load distribution it may be said that care- less freight handlers are just as likely to place the light, bulky portion of a miscellaneous load forward of the axle, and to burden the overhang with heavy material, occupying little space, as they are to reverse the loading. Concentration of both driving and load stresses to a maximum degree upon one pair of tires causes loss as far as tire economy is concerned. Motor Under the Seat Type. Turning now to the type of con- struction representative of the second class of design, we find illustrated in Fig. 2, a vehicle in which the driver's seat and con- trolling elements are superimposed upon the motor space, the load being apportioned fore and aft the rear axle in an approxi- mate ratio of 2 to 1. The result of this load distribution is that it does not permit of a traction ratio so high as does the pre- viously described type, and steering is perhaps less sensitive. But when the high friction coefficient of rubber is considered upon average road surface and the fact that roller bearing steer- ing heads are to be found in most commercial car axles of mod- ern design, then these two conditions become relatively important. In respect to the load distribution, the latter construction pos- sesses advantages over the first type. For a given loading space the construction in Fig. 2 permits of marked compactness in overall length, with the attendant advantage of ease of handling, minimum projection into through fares when backed up to a curve and economy of garage space. Lack of Accessibility. These relative advantages are gained at the expense of motor accessibilit}^ Doors or removable panels are usually fitted to allow access to the motor from the side, while floor boards permit limited access from the top. When front fenders are provided the access from the sides is also ma- terially reduced. This notable lack of accessibility arises, first, from the necessity for rigid and fairly bulky superstructure for carrying the driver's seat and second, from the fact that a maze THE GENERAL LAYOUT OF THE CHASSIS 5 of control levers, brackets and rods are frequently located in the space which should be reserved for access to the motor and its accessories. Many trucks show a marked improvement in this construction, however, at best it leaves much to be desired in the way of accessibility. Type Three a Combination. There is still another type, Fig. 3, which has been introduced several years ago, in which an attempt is made to combine the advantages of the first and sec- ond types is apparent. This has been accomplished in a meas- ure, by mounting the motor in a more or less accessible position between the two seats. A removable hood is generally fitted, but the net result is almost invariably inferior from a standpoint of accessibility to the construction shown in Fig. 1, although from the same viewpoint it is an improvement over Fig. 2. The ad- vantage of longitudinal compactness is retained, moreover the weight is well distributed between the front and rear axles. In making the illustrations, the writer has taken pains to have the wheel base (i. , which is securely fastened to the armature shaft and rotates with it. The stationary con- tact A is insulated from the disc />, while the movable contact B is in metallic contact with it, and the disc D is grounded to the frame of the magneto by a grounding brush. The circuit breaker is surrounded by a cylindrical housing F, to the interior of which 64 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION at diametrically opposite points are secured steel cam blocks, G-G. Ordinarily these two contact points are kept in contact by a spring. As the disc D rotates, the outer end of the arm C comes in contact with the cam blocks G, whereby A and B are sep- arated momentarily. As soon as the cam block G has been passed, a spring brings the two contact points together again. Sta- tionary contact A is connected with one end of the primary wind- ing of the armature, while the other end has a metallic connec- tion with the armature core; or in other words, is grounded. G FIG. 49. Diagram of Circuit Breaker. When these two contact points are suddenly separated, there is a tendency for the current to continue to flow across the gap, it possessing a property similar to the inertia of matter. This would result in a hot spark being formed between the two con- tact points, which would not only burn the points away rapidly, but would also prevent a rapid cessation of the current. The Condenser. To avoid this, a condenser is used, which is built into the magneto. This condenser consists of two sets of tinfoil sheets, sheets of opposite sets alternating with each other, and being separated by sheets of insulating material. All the sheets of each set are metallically connected, and one set is con- nected with the primary winding, while the other set is grounded. These condensers are capable of absorbing an electrical charge, and their capacity is so proportioned that they will take up the entire charge of extra current produced when the contact points IGNITION SYSTEMS 65 of the circuit breaker separate that is, the extra current instead of appearing in the form of a spark across the gap, passes into the condenser. Controlling the Point of Ignition. The magneto armature is positively driven from the motor crankshaft and the current im- pulse in the armature always occurs when the piston is in a cer- tain position. Since in regular operation of the motor the charge is ignited just an instant before the completion of the compres- sion stroke, the magneto armature is so set relative to the engine crankshaft that the maximum induction effect occurs at this moment. This construction is termed a fixed spark. However, quite a few users demand a variable spark; or in other words, to vary the time of the cycle when ignition occurs. In order to make this possible, the circuit-breaker housing F is so arranged that it can be rocked around its axis, being provided with a lever arm for this purpose, which is connected with the spark lever on the steering gear. In the Mea magneto, owing to its construction, the circuit breaker and the magnets are moved around their axis so that the armature will hold its relation to the pole pieces, whether ad- vanced or retarded. An Automatic Control. One model of Eiseman magneto in- corporates an automatic spark advance, which is accomplished by the action of centrifugal force on a pair of weights attached to one end of a sleeve, through which runs the shaft of the mag- neto, and hinged at the other end of the armature. Along the armature shaft run two helicoidal ridges, which engage with sim- ilarly shaped splines in the sleeve. When the armature is rotated, the weights begin to spread and exert a longitudinal pull on the sleeve, which in turn changes the position of the armature with reference to the pole pieces. In this way the moment of the greatest induction is advanced or retarded, and with it the breaker in the primary circuit. The Distributor. The high-tension current is distributed to the spark plugs in the following manner: One end of the sec- ondary winding is grounded through the primary winding, since it is attached to one end of the primary, the other end of which is grounded. The other end of the secondary generally leads to the collector ring, from which the current is taken off by a carbon brush. From here the current is carried through a spring con- tact conductor to a distributor on the magneto. This distributor 66 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION consists of an insulated disc, in which are imbedded on the inner side one central contact piece and four or six sector-shaped con- tact pieces, the number depending upon the number of cylinders on the engine. This distributor also comprises a shaft which carries a gear wheel meshing with another on the armature shaft. The reduction between these gears is two to one, so that the arma- ture shaft makes two turns. The large gear wheel carries a brush holder, containing a carbon brush, which makes contact simul- taneously with the central contact piece and one of the sector- shaped contact pieces, which are connected by means of wiring or cable to the spark plugs. A magneto must be so designed that it will give a sufficiently hot spark at a comparatively low engine speed. This ability im- plies the ability of generating very large and hot sparks and enormously high tensions at high engine speeds. The Safety Gap. The electromotive force generated in the secondary winding is limited to the size of the spark gap of the spark plugs; for, as soon as the tension reaches a point sufficient to jump this gap, the discharge occurs and there is no further increase in the electromotive force. If, by chance, the gap be- tween the spark plug electrodes become large enough that there is no chance for the sparks to pass in the ordinary way, the elec- tromotive force in the secondary winding might build up to such an extent as to puncture the insulation of the winding and ruin the armature. To avoid this, a safety gap is provided in which the gap is larger than in the spark plugs. Under ordinary con- ditions, no spark will pass between the two terminals of the safety gap. However, should the condition mentioned above arise, a dis- charge will Occur at the safety gap, preventing the electromotive force from rising still higher. Function of the Switch. In order to stop the magneto from producing sparks, when it is desired to shut down the motor, a switch is provided. One terminal of the switch is grounded to the engine or frame, while the other is connected to a binding post on the circuit-breaker housing. This binder post is, in turn, connected with the contact points of the circuit breaker. When the switch is closed, the current generated in the primary wind- ing flows to the contact points and through the binding post and connecting wire to the switch, whence it passes through a wire to the frame work of the car and return to the beginning of the primary winding. In other words, the switch cuts out the cir- IGNITION SYSTEMS 67 cuit breaker and the primary winding is short circuited all the time, so that the opening and closing of the contact points has no effect. Summary of Independent System. Fig. 50 shows the path of the primary circuit originating in the primary winding of the armature. It flows through the contact breaker screw to the sta- tionary contact point, thence across to the movable contact point, SPARK PLUGS PRIMARY WINDING SECONDARY WINDING - FRAME iSAFETY SPARK GAP DISTRIBUTOR PLATE - V_. _l L.. FIG. 50. Path of Primary Circuit, Originating in the Armature. Primary Winding. from where it is led through the contact brush in the framework of the magneto, whence it returns to the beginning of the primary winding, which is also connected or grounded to the frame. The beginning of the secondary winding is connected to one end of the primary winding, and* since one end of the primary is grounded, the secondary is also grounded through the primary. The other end of the secondary winding leads to the insulated collector ring, from which the current is taken off by a carbon contact brush. From the brush holder the current is carried through a spring contact conductor to the distributor, from where it is distributed to the spark plugs. Dual Systems. So far high-tension magnetos of the inde- pendent type have been discussed. However, most all magneto makers also build high-tension magnetos, which provide a dual ignition system, using a battery and coil with one set of spark 68 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION plugs. Some makers use the magneto breaker for the battery cur- rent, while others provide a separate circuit breaker to avoid the possibility of both systems being put out of commission by an accident affecting only one, but subsequently extended to the other on account of its close relationship. The same distributor is used for both systems. The Coil. The battery current is of a low tension and con- nected with a two-point switch on the coil. From the coil the current is led to the circuit breaked, and, as the circuit is broken SWITCH HANDLE (CAN BE REMOVED) TO THE PLUGS - HIGH TENSION CABLE (/ LOW TENSION CABLE (I %To%"ntieii) FIG. 51. Wiring. Diagram of Eiseman Dual-Ignition System. at the proper moment, a very high voltage is induced in the sec- ondary of the coil or transformer, and being delivered to a heavily insulated cable, is conducted to the central carbon brush of the distributor, whence it is delivered to the spark plugs in the dif- ferent cylinders in correct sequence. The coil has a primary and secondary winding, similar to that of the armature of the magneto, and performs the same function in the battery circuit, being provided with a separate condenser. IGNITION SYSTEMS 69 Fig. 51 is a wiring diagram of the Eiseman dual ignition sys- tem. The high tension is led from the collector ring of the mag- neto of HM and led to TIM on the coil, thence to the switch H on the coil and to H on the magneto. When the coil handle is shoved over to the battery position, several operations take place in the switch of the coil. First, the primary current, emanating from the terminal MA of the magneto, is led to the ground or body of the magneto, and this prevents it from generating a high- tension current. Second, the battery current is allowed to flow in the coil at + on the coil, through the coil, thence to R on the coil to R on the magneto, where it is interrupted by a circuit breaker, thence it returns to the battery through the ground. When it is desired to stop the motor, the coil handle is moved to the off position, cutting off the battery current and the magneto current remains short circuited, thus eliminating all ignition. Operation of Switch. But, if instead of leaving the handle at " off," it is quickly shoved from " Bat," to " Mag," without ar- resting it between the two, the motor begins to run on the mag- neto current. In this case the battery current is left cut off as in the " off " position, while the connection, which in both the other positions has led the primary circuit of the magneto to be ground, is broken, with the result that this current is diverted to the breaker mechanism on the armature shaft, thus generating in the secondary winding of the magneto the high-tension current led to the spark plug. The same distributor is used for the battery high-tension cur- rent, for, when the switch is on " Bat," there is a connection made between the end of the coil's secondary winding and the terminal H on the coil, which sends the battery current over the same route as that of the magneto. Before the motor is in motion, the interrupter R, still re- ferring to Fig. 51, cannot operate, and this makes necessary in- terruptions by hand with a starter knob when starting from the seat on compression. This takes the place momentarily of the circuit breaker, being supplanted by the latter the moment the engine turns over. Low-tension Magneto and Battery Systems. As mentioned in the above, all systems using a spark plug are termed high-tension systems; however, a low-tension magneto may be used with a transformer coil. Eeference was made to the instrument having a single winding on its armature and employing a step-up coil 70 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION with a primary and secondary winding. This type, termed a high-tension system, although a low-tension current is obtained from the instrument itself. However, this low-tension current is transformed into a high-tension by the coil. These coils are similar to those used in connection with bat- tery systems, and as but few more wires are necessary to use a battery current, the system is generally of the dual type, making use of the magneto interrupter and distributor for both magneto and battery current. The low-tension magneto is sometimes de- fined as the primary armature type, as it incorporates but a single or primary winding in the magnetic field. The construction of a low-tension magneto is similar to that of the high-tension type. It consists of permanent magnets of inverted U-shape, and the pole pieces bored out cylindrically, mounted upon a non-metallic base. The armature is also of H section, carries a primary winding and serves to form a bridge for the magnetic flux between the pole pieces. The armature core is wrapped with primary wire until the slot is almost filled. The insulating cloth is then put in place and the armature banded. A low-voltage current is furnished by the magneto armature to the primary winding of the coil, while a secondary winding in the coil transforms this to a high voltage. The interrupter and distributor are similar to the high-ten- sion type and perform the same functions in the system. The main constructive difference between the low and high- tension types is that the former has but one winding on the arma- ture, using a transformer coil to raise current pressure value, whereas the high-tension type has a secondary winding incor- porated in the armature. The principle of a rotating armature and the method of gen- erating current in the magnetic field was explained previously. We may now discuss the method of transforming the low -tension current to a high tension. Fig. 52 is a wiring diagram of this type, with external trans- former coil. It will be noted that the primary winding of the transformer is so connected with the magneto armature winding that it completes the metallic circuit through the latter. That is, the transformer primary is in series with the armature winding. The breaker points are separated at definite intervals, and are so connected into the armature and transformer primary circuit that a direct short circuit through the armature winding is IGNITION SYSTEMS 71 caused when they are in contact. The breaker points are here said to be connected in parallel with the transformer primary. As the induced electric pressure within the armature winding rises in value, due to the motion of the armature in the magnetic field, it flows through the circuit formed by the armature winding and the circuit breaker points un- til the instant at which it has attained its maximum value, when the contact points are separated and the direct short circuit broken. When this separation of the points oc- curs, the induced electric pres- sure is caused to enter the transformer primary with great suddenness and create lines of force through the transformer windings with extreme rapidity. This entry by the current and consequent creation of lines of force causes the lines to cut the sec- ondary winding during the formation of the magnetic field about the transformer, and this cutting induces an Ex electrical pressure within the secondary. Of course with this sys- tem the armature of the magneto is positively driven from the engine by gears, so that the points of maximum pressure induc- tion in the armature winding may coincide with the instants at which ignition sparks are desired within the engine cylinders. Such a single transformer with a single breaker is employed and all the current for ignition is generated therein; it is necessary that some means be fitted for the distribution and consecutive connections of the transformer secondary with the proper spark FIG. 52. Wiring- Diagram for Low-Tension Magneto with ternal Transformer Coil. 72 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION plugs in the cylinders. This distribution is accomplished by a distributor, also made an integral part of the magneto, and driven positively and in a definite relationship with the circuit breaker as in the high-tension type. Again referring to Fig. 52, it is seen that the ends of the trans- former secondary winding are connected, for the completion of its circuit through the spark plugs, one to engine frame, or in other words, one end is grounded and the other the central car- bon brush holder of the distributor. This distributor is of the same construction as in the high- tension system, so that the high-tension current induced in the secondary winding will be forced to follow the path selected for it, depending upon the position of the carbon brush of the dis- tributor. In this illustration the heavy lines illustrate the pri- mary circuit and the light lines the secondary circuit. Most coils in use at the present writing are of the non-vibrat- ing type, the trembler type of box coil having been discarded long ago, and the interrupter is now operated mechanically in- stead of electrically. These non- vibrating or transformer coils, as they are termed, are made in various styles, and sometimes incorporate the switch and a push button for starting on the spark. The most popular type is the tube coil with switch, which can be mounted on the dash un- der the hood with switch on the outside, within reach of the operator. In some cases the coil is made separately and mounted under the hood, while the switch has the usual posi- tion on the dash. Fig. 53 illustrates the wound core of a transformer coil, com- plete with condenser casing. These coils are mounted in a tubular case provided with front and rear end plates. The front plate carries the switch handle and push button, while the rear end carries the terminals and is enclosed by a cover, so that the coil and connections are thoroughly protected. The push button is used for producing a spark in the cylinder by interrupting the primary circuit leading from the battery. /CONDENSER 'INSULATED WINDINGS FIG. 53. Transformer Coil. IGNITION SYSTEMS 73 taking the place momentarily of the breaker on the magneto. Some coils are fitted with a ratchet mechanism giving a series of sparks in the cylinder. Some are also provided with a lock and key, so that the switch may be locked in the " off " position, preventing the unauthorized use of the truck. The action of the switch was explained previously in connec- tion with the dual system, and requires no further discussion. FIG. 54. Wiring Diagram of an Induction Coil and the Other Components of a Battery System. The battery system, providing a jump spark, was extensively used before the magneto became so popular. This system re- quires a series of dry cells or a .storage battery, affording a low- tension current and a timer, the current being stepped-up to a high-tension by induction. The principle of self-induction is as follows : A current flowing through a coil of wire will set up a mag- netic field in the surrounding space, but when the current is stopped the magnetic field will stop. The effect of the stoppage of the flow of current in this coil is the same as that due to the change of position of the wire coil in a magnetic field, so that when the current is stopped there will be a current induced in the 74 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION coil. The result is that when the circuit is broken to stop the cur- rent, the decrease in the current adds momentarily to the electro- motive action in the circuit and a visible spark, or even an arc, is formed at the break. Fig. 54 makes clear the principles of an induction coil, show- ing the primary and secondary circuits and the other components of the system. The primary and secondary windings are identical with those of the compound armature, or high-tension magneto, the former consisting of a small number of turns of coarse insulated wire, while the latter is a very fine silk insulated wire, and the number of turns greatly exceeds those of the primary winding. In this system no mechanically operated interrupter is used for breaking the primary circuit, this being accomplished by a device for automatically and rapidly making and breaking the circuit. The device is known as a vibrator or trembler, as it is some- times termed, and consists of an iron disc of approximately the same diameter as the core of the coil, attached to flat spring and a platinum point located above the disc. An adjusting screw mounted above the disc carries another platinum point. These points are so situated on the coil that they make contact with each other. When these two points are in contact, the primary circuit is closed. The automatic action of this vibrator is as follows: The cur- rent flowing through the primary circuit of the coil makes an electromagnet of the core, which attracts the iron disc attached to the vibrator spring, causing the points to separate. As the cur- rent is interrupted by the separation of these points, the core ceases to be an electromagnet, since no current is flowing through it and the disc is no longer attracted permitting the points to make contact and again complete the primary circuit. This action continues as long as the current flows and is interrupted in the primary circuit. By varying the adjustment of the ad- justing screws the number of sparks in a given time are varied, as is also the strength of the individual sparks. To prevent prolonging the magnetization of the core beyond the desired limit, a condenser is connected with the contact points to absorb the surplus current induced in the primary cir- cuit, due to the breaking of the circuit. In other words, when the points are in contact, the condenser is short circuited, but when the circuit is broken the induced current, instead of jump- ing across the gap, passes into the condenser, and as the circuit is IGNITION SYSTEMS 75 again completed it passes out again and into the circuit. A com- mutator, or timer, is used to determine the exact time in the cycle of the engine at which ignition occurs. The diagram shown herewith represents a single-cylinder sys- tem, while multi-cylinder engines require a coil for each cylinder, but the battery current passing into the primary winding of the coils is controlled by a single switch. The coil units are incor- porated in a box or housing which is mounted on the dash board, with a removable cover, so that any coil may be adjusted. As each coil is a separate unit, they may be so constructed that they may easily be replaced should they become defective, without disturbing any connections. In every high-tension battery system a device is required for opening and closing the primary circuit at the proper instant, with respect to the cycle of the engine, and the position of the piston in the cylinder. This device is known as the timer, be- cause it determines the exact time in the cycle of the engine at which ignition occurs and permits of varying this point at will while the engine is in operation. It is positively driven by gears from the motor either direct or through an auxiliary shaft from the cam shaft. This timer (Fig. 55) consists of a hous- ing containing a roller and arm members so mounted upon the driving shaft that the roller and arm members may rotate, while the housing is held stationary by means of a rod or lever, which may be moved in either direction to advance or retard the spark. Within the housing is a fiber ring in which are mounted metal contact segments, the surfaces of which are flush with the fiber. These segments are held in position by screw bolts which pass through the fiber ring and housing, but are insulated from the latter. These screw bolts are provided with thumb nuts and ter- minals to which is secured a primary wire, which in turn is con- nected to the primary terminal of the induction coil. FIG. 55. Timer for Battery System. 76 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The operation of the timer is as follows : The shaft actuating the roller is metal, and one lead from the battery is connected to the frame, or other metal part, and the current is conducted from its source to the metal segment. As the roller makes contact with the segment in the fiber ring, the circuit is closed and the current flows through the roller frame and primary wire back to its orig- inal source. As the roller contact with the segment is broken, the primary current in the coil is established and broken as pre- viously described, being built up in the secondary winding, and a spark produced at the gap of the spark plug electrodes. The vibrator coil system has its disadvantages, having sev- eral primary contacts, sliding or rolling contacts in the timer, and a delicate, magnetic interrupter. To overcome these faults, igniters were introduced which combine a mechanical interrupter with a high-tension distributor. The induction coil is replaced by a transformer coil, as used with the primary armature type of magneto. With the igniter system but one primary contact is necessary and the circuit is made and broken positively by me- chanical means. The contact points are generally so constructed that they may be adjusted from the outside without dismantling the unit. Directly above the contact maker is located the high-tension distributor. Its construction is similar to the high-tension mag- neto distributor, using a central contact brush and segments located radially which are connected with the spark plugs of the motor. The advantages of this system over the vibrator coil system are two-fold. As there is only one set of wearing parts, whatever wear occurs will affect the timing of all cylinders equally and subsequently a perfect relationship is maintained at all times. Again the character of the spark in all cylinders must be identical. Fig. 56 indicates the path of the current in the igniter system, passing from the battery to the switch on 'the coil, thence to the interrupter, from where it is led to the coil and stepped-up to a high pressure. From the coil it passes through a conductor to the central contact of the distributor and is distributed to the cylinders in proper sequence. Either the vibrator and timer system, or the igniter system, may be used in connection with either the primary or compound armature magneto, thus forming two separate systems of ignition, with either one or two sets of spark plugs. With the former type the magneto distributor is used for both systems, while a vibrator IGNITION SYSTEMS 77 and a transformer coil are mounted together and controlled by a single switch. When the compound armature magneto is used, but one coil is necessary for the battery system. The above is also true of the igniter and transformed coil, excepting, of course, that but one coil is necessary for either type of magneto. To Coil- FIG. 56. Indicating the Path of Current in an Igniter System. Inductor Magnetos. The magnetos described previously, gen- erating either high or low-tension current, were built on the prin- ciple of placing the winding or windings on the armature core, so as to rotate in unison with the armature. The inductor type of magneto differs from the above, in that the windings are stationary within the magnetic field of the mag- neto and the armature is replaced by inductors which revolve, being attached to a shaft. In fact, these are the distinguishing features of this type of magneto. In other words, a stationary winding is used and mechanical energy is transformed into elec- trical energy through a distinctive principle known as induction. This inductor type, like the primary and compound arma- ture types, consists of permanent inverted U-magnets and pole pieces which form the magnetic field, mounted upon a non- metallic base. The winding or windings may be arranged for 78 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION either a high or low-tension current and may either be placed in the magnetic field or at the rear end of the magneto. The armature is replaced by inductors, mounted upon a shaft, this unit being termed the rotor shaft. The inductors are in some cases fan-shaped. The Eemy inductor shaft, which is of this type, is illustrated in Fig. 57. It is made of laminated steel, claim being made for a better magnetic circuit with this construc- ts! wHif tion. Each lamination is Ja *^S' ^^^^^Ht^^^^MV^KlB^te6 xf given an insulated coating on one side, the object of this being to eliminate eddy FIG. 57. Eemy Induction Shaft. currents and to reduce heat losses. The circuit breaker, or interrupter, is also used to open and close the primary circuit at the proper time, while the distributor is also resorted to to distribute the high-tension current to the proper cylinders. In fact, this type of magneto incorporates all the principal parts mentioned in connection with the previous types, such as the condenser, safety spark gap and switch. The functions performed by these units are identical with those described previously. As mentioned above, the principal difference of this instrument over the others, lies in the method of generating the current. Previously the method of magnetizing a bar was described in connection with the induction coil, and we may now investigate the method of utilizing this magnetism to produce electrical currents. In a coil, an electrical current will be said to be flowing in the coil, meaning that it passes in the wire. Magnetic flux, however, will be said to pass through the core in either direction, the core serving as a path to direct the magnetism through the coil. An electrical action is produced by the action of the magnetism in the core only when the strength of the magnetism varies, that is, when it increases or decreases. When this is the case an electro- motive force is induced in the winding and, the more rapid the variation of the magnetism, the greater the induced electro- motive force. Even if the core is traversed by a large amount of magnetism, it has no effect on the winding, as long as its value is IGNITION SYSTEMS 79 unchanged. Electromotive force tends to produce an electric cur- rent and if the circuit is closed it actually does produce a current. The electromotive force produced in a single turn of winding is proportional to the rate at which the magnetism through that turn varies. A winding of several turns may be regarded as sev- eral windings of one turn, connected in series, so that to obtain a high induced electromotive force, a winding of several turns is used, just as several dry cells are connected in series to obtain a higher electromotive force from that obtained from a single cell. FIG. 58. Positions of Inductors and their Shaft. In Fig. 58 are shown various positions of the inductors and their shaft. The upper view depicts the magneto with end plates removed, and the lower view represents a section of the upper view. The stationary winding is securely held in place by the pres- sure of the pole pieces against it and by brass strips which have been omitted to simplify the illustration. The rear inductor, which is located to the rear of the winding, is indicated by dotted lines in the upper views. The inductors and core are secured to the shaft and rotate with it, constituting the only moving parts shown. In order to form a path for the magnetic flux it is merely nec- essary to have a mass of iron joining the pole pieces, this being 80 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION provided by the inductors, core and their shaft. The arrows show the path of the magnetism through the revolving parts. In the position J., the front inductor is adjacent to the pole piece N) the rear inductor is adjacent to the pole piece $, and the path is formed by the inductor shaft. When the cross-section of the inductor shaft is not great enough to carry all the flux, a core must be added to carry part of it. The magnetism, there- fore, in position J., passes from the pole piece N, to the front in- ductor, through the core and shaft to the rear inductor, thence to the pole piece S. The magnetism through the winding is from the front to the back. At B, the inductors are so located that each forms a path be- tween pole pieces N and $, and the magnetism passes between the pole pieces without any of it passing through the winding. At 6 y , the conditions are similar to those at J., but the front inductor is adjacent to the pole piece S and the rear one adjacent to the pole piece N, causing the magnetism to pass through the winding from back to front, which is opposite to the direction which it had in position A. Position D is similar to B, except that the front inductor is downward and the rear inductor upward. In this position no magnetism passes through the winding. From the above it can be seen that the magnetism passing through the winding is con- tinually varying, thereby inducing in the winding an electro- motive force. As the inductors approach position J., the magnetism through the winding is increasing and as they leave that position the mag- netism begins to decrease, without changing its direction. The direction of the induced electromotive force is reversed as the in- ductors pass through position J., and is again reversed when they pass through position C. As the inductors approach position B, the magnetism through the winding is from front to back and decreasing, but after they have passed this position, it is from back to front and increasing, resulting in no reversal of the elec- tromotive force. This is also true of position D. Although the current from an inductor magneto may be util- ized in the same manner as that from any other alternating cur- rent magneto, the above sets forth the conditions existing in the Remy magneto. This instrument generates a low-tension current and requires an outside coil to step up the current to the high potential required at the spark plugs. IGNITION SYSTEMS 81 FIG. 59. K.W. Inductor Shaft. In the K.W. inductor type of magneto (Figs. 59 and 60) there are four inductors as illustrated made of soft iron lamina- tions. Two of these inductors are placed 180 degrees to each other and the other two in a plane at right angles. The windings, which are concentric with the in- ductor shafts are mounted between the inductors and stand absolutely still. The inductors collect the mag- netism from one pole piece and conduct it through the center of the windings to the opposite pole piece. The primary winding is sur- rounded by the secondary winding. The primary cur- rent passes through the cir- cuit breaker and at the moment of interruption a powerful surge of current is generated in the secondary winding, which is dis- tributed to the spark plugs, thus producing a high-tension current without the aid of external coils. This is one type of inductor magneto generating a high-tension current. The Pittsfield mag- neto (Fig. 61) offers an- other example of a high- tension inductor type mag- neto; however, it differs materially from the above. The usual primary and sec- ondary windings are used, however, they are not incor- porated with the inductor shaft, but are located at the FIG. 60. K.W. High-Tension Inductor rear f the magneto. Magneto. The three illustrations show a longitudinal section through the entire instrument, cross section through the magneto and pole pieces and end view of the interrupter. The magnetic field contains four poles, two (4A) of which are the poles of the permanent magnet as illustrated, the other 7 82 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION two poles (4) and the iron core (5) of the coil compose the field. The rotation of the inductor shaft (1) generates in the windings of the coil (6) an alternating current which attains a maximum four times during each revolution of the inductor shaft, which means, that for each 90 degrees rotation of the inductor shaft, ignition may be obtained. One end of the primary winding is 23 FIG. 61. Longitudinal Sectional, Cross-Section and End Views of Pitts- field Magneto. connected to the field by a contact (8) and its other end is at- tached to a contact block (9) which is screwed on the field and insulated by a hard rubber bushing and plate. Connection from this plate to platinum contact block (9) and screw is made by a brass contact strip. The latter is insulated from the interrupter plate (11), which is in metallic connection with the field or ground. The platinum screw (IS) on the interrupter lever (12) is held against the platinum screw (1) in the insulated block by means of a spring (H). The current generated in the primary winding is therefore short circuited as long as the two platinum screws are in contact. The primary current is interrupted when the core (15) actu- ates the lever (12) separating the platinum points. A condenser (16) protected by a housing (17) is connected in parallel to the interruption of the platinum points. One end of the secondary winding is connected to one end of the primary winding and the other is led to a conductor by means of a metal bridge (19). The secondary current is led from this bridge member to the dis- tributor (23) by means of insulated conductors (18), which are connected by means of a carbon brush and spring. In the dis- tributor plate (23) are socket inserts connected to distributing IGNITION SYSTEMS 83 inserts which take the high-tension current from the revolving conductor (21} in proper rotation and from socket inserts in the distributor plate (23) cables are connected to the spark plugs in the cylinders. The safety spark gap consists of a short pointed brass rod set on the metal bridge (19) connecting the high-tension terminal (26) on the coil (6) with the high-tension conductor bar (18), and should there be any interference with the circuit normally provided through the spark plugs, the safety gap provides a point of discharge. The timing of the spark is generally accomplished by opening the interrupter earlier or later, and with the unavoidable result that if the position of the pole pieces in the magnetic field re- mains stationary, the relative position of inductor shaft and field at the moment of the break must vary. The quality of the spark, or, in other words, the heat value, depends among other factors upon the particular position of the inductors in relation to the field poles at the moment the spark is produced. The changing of the timing is effected in the Pittsfield mag- neto in a unique way. The results obtained are ideal in that the same efficient spark is obtained, when the spark is either ad- vanced, retarded or in any intermediate position. This is accom- plished by means of a four-segment sleeve (no. 27), one for each pole of the machine, which sleeve is fitted with a lever with which the sleeve, with interrupter, can be advanced or retarded, giving early or late ignition. The inductor type of magneto is also made in the dual type; in fact, in the Remy, the same transformer coil, interrupter and distributor as is used for the magneto current. With the K.W. it is necessary to employ an external coil. The Pittsfield dual system is somewhat different from the other types explained, and owing to the unique construction it is very simple. It does away with the high-tension coil and wires from the magneto to the switch, the dual system being self- contained. The design and constructional details of the dual machine differ from the independent type, as previously described, by insulating both ends of the primary circuit instead of one end. One end of the primary winding is connected to the interrupter as in the independent type, the other to the lever of a specially constructed switch, so that when the switch lever is on the side 84 ' MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION marked " Magneto," this primary lead is grounded, allowing the magneto to run as a straight high-tension machine. When the lever is thrown to the battery side of the switch the primary lead is then connected to the batteries, thus permitting the primary and secondary windings of the magneto to be used for either current. CHAPTER VI GOVERNORS AND SPEED-CONTROLLING DEVICES COMMERCIAL car manufacturers and users are aware of the attendant results of high speeds and heavy loads over rough roads, so that at the present time this subject should be of con- siderable interest to those operating commercial cars. The most practical means of obviating this excessive speed seems to be through the use of a governor, which should be sealed so that it cannot be tampered with. This governor consists of a mechanical speed-measuring de- vice so connected to the engine throttle as to cut off the intake when the speed exceeds a predetermined maximum. It was orig- inally inherited from steam engine practice. However, lately, considerable improvements have been made in this device so as to make it more adaptable and efficient. There are four methods of regulating the speed of the motor, as follows: (1) By holding the exhaust valve open or the intake closed, (2) by the spark, (3) by changing the quality of the mix- ture entering the cylinder, (4) by changing the quantity of the mixture entering the cylinder. The method of regulating the motor speed through connecting the governor to the exhaust valves in such a way that these valves may be held open, and thereby retard the speed of the motors, or by connecting to the intake valves in such a way that they may be held closed, has been discarded long ago. The Dedion Bouton method of regulating the motor speed through connecting the governor in such a way that it will open and close the electrical circuit, has also been discarded. This also applies to the method of changing the quality of the mixture entering the cylinders. One method of governing the speed of the motor is by con- necting the governor to a butterfly valve in the intake manifold, which reduces the quantity of the mixture entering the cylinder but does not in any way reduce the quality. The butterfly valve merely changes the volume of gas and allows the motor to get the proper mixture under any speed up to the setting of the governor. 85 86 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The revolving ball, or more properly the centrifugal prin- ciple, is that generally employed. There are many variations of this construction and few that operate on different principles, but all are alike in fundamentals. The hydraulic principle is also used by some. In this type, as the motor speed raises the pressure against a diaphragm con- nected with a plunger-head acting on the throttle spring. This action overcomes the resistance of the spring and closes the throttle. This type may either be built in a unit with the pump or connected to it. There is also the automatic type which regulates the motor speed by governing the velocity of the incoming gases. There are two methods of drive for the centrifugal type of governor. The usual method is direct from the engine, either through an auxiliary shaft, or by building the governor into the cam-shaft gear. With this method the speed of the governor is always proportioned to the speed of the motor. Lately governors are being introduced which are driven from some part of the chassis and whose speed is proportioned to the speed of the vehicle instead of the motor. In the former case the governor acts only on the motor and converts it into practically a constant speed motor. In changing speeds the allowed speed of the motor is in no wise altered. The governor is generaly set at a maximum speed correspond- ing to the maximum car speed at which the car is to operate on high gear, and when it is running in second speed the effect of the governor on the motor does not change in any way. This second speed might correspond to 12 m.p.h., and the low speed to 6 m.p.h., thus limiting the motor speed on the lower gears, hence the power of the motor. This would be quite noticeable if the car was operated over a long stretch of bad road or in deep sand. The power output of the engine is dependent upon its speed and although it may be pulling hard on a wide open throttle, it is not developing its full power, for not enough power units are re- leased from the fuel, owing to the limited speed. The maximum safe motor speed may be far above the speed permitted by gov- ernor for a given car speed. These defects c have caused engineers to investigate other methods of governor drives and has resulted in the introduction of a transmission jack shaft or front-wheel drive, on the theory that the speed of the motor should be governed by the speed of the car. In this way the truck can attain its maximum speed at SPEED-CONTEOLLING DEVICES 87 a moderate engine speed, and with only a partly opened throttle. It also permits the motor to operate at a higher speed on the lower car speeds. In practice with the proper size motor for a certain car capacity, the gear ratio is generally such that the maximum safe motor speed is reached in second speed, so that the maximum power may be obtained when it is most necessary. The motor should not be permitted to develop its full power in high gear, as gear changes are provided to obtain increasing torque with decreasing car speed. Limiting the motor power in high speed is an advantage up to a certain point, for a truck should never be permitted to take a hill on high gear if it is necessary to retard the spark all the way. MECHANISM SECTION of GOVERNOR GEARS FIG. 62. Centrifugal Type of Governor. There is also a governor on the market at the present time which controls both the motor speed and the car speed, the object of this device being to obtain a better fuel economy and to form an assistance to the driver in operating the vehicle. While still another automatic governor in addition to con- trolling the speed also operates the throttle and spark and con- 88 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION trols the motor under all speeds. The operator merely sets the governor as to the speed he wishes to make and the governor does the rest. The writer is attempting to cover this subject in such a way as to present all types of governors now in use and those which may come into general use. The Centrifugal Type. Fig. 62 illustrates a centrifugal type of governor which has been used by a number of prominent com- WATER CHAMBER FIG. 63. Hydraulic Type of Governor. mercial car builders. The governor is placed at the front end of the motor and is driven through spiral gears from the magneto drive shaft. As the motor speed increases the weighted levers open and raise a sleeve which operates the auxiliary throttle valve in the intake manifolds, by means of a forked lever bearing in the sleeve and a flexible shaft which operates a rack meshing with a small gear on the auxiliary valve shaft. As the speed de- SPEED-CONTROLLING DEVICES 89 creases the pressure of the governor spring returns the operating parts to their neutral position. The Hydraulic Type. Fig. 63 shows a hydraulic type of gov- ernor used by some commercial car builders. It is mounted be- tween the intake manifold and the carburetor. The operating mechanism is combined in a unit with the governor proper, mak- ing it a simple -and compact unit. The water chamber is con- nected with the water pump and as the latter's speed increases, the water pressure raises and forces the diaphragm down. This diaphragm has a stem which bears on the throttle lever and is controlled by a coiled wire spring. The lever in turn forms a segment with several teeth and meshes with a small gear on the throttle valve shaft. As the pressure decreases the spring re- turns the diaphragm to its original setting and opens the throttle valve. The water chamber cover, operating lever housing and the spring retaining plug are sealed so that the governor cannot be tampered with, without first breaking either one of the three seals. In both of the above types the maximum speed may be changed by increasing or decreasing the spring tension. The Automatic Type. An automatic type of governor is shown in Fig. 64, in which the speed is regulated by governing DISC SPRING CONTROLLi THSDISC FIG. 64. Automatic-Type GoverDor. the velocity of the inflowing gases. This device consists of a throttle connected to a disc that is allowed to float under a con- stant spring tension, in a tapered conduit, the tension of the spring determining the maximum engine speed. The slightest change in the velocity of the incoming gases caused by a dif- 90 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ference in engine speed will affect the position of the disc in the conduit and also change the position of the throttle immediately, giving the engine more or less gas as the conditions may require. An auxiliary control lever is provided, giving the operator access to any engine speed under the maximum controlled by the gov- ernor. This governor is designed to be mounted between the intake manifold and the carburetor and does not require any form of drive whatever, its operating mechanism being self- controlled. The Krebs truck is equipped with a centrifugal type of gov- ernor which controls the motor and car speed. The spark and throttle are so connected to the governor that it constantly sets them for the power, load and speed that may be required, without FIG. 65. Another Type of Centrifugal Governor. regard to road conditions. The governor is also so contrived that when the clutch is disengaged, the motor continues to run at the same speed, preventing the driver from racing the engine. En- gaging the clutch causes the throttle to open wide until the car reaches the speed at which the governor is set. The manufacturer of this governor claims that it takes the entire responsibility of handling the motor at all speeds and all loads. This governor is shown in Fig. 65. Fig. 66 illustrates the Pierce engine governor, which also operates on the centrifugal principle. It differs from the above in that it is designed to be mounted between the intake manifold SPEED-CONTEOLLING DEVICES 91 and the carburetor, making it more adaptable to motors in gen- eral. The drive may either be taken from the cam shaft of the motor or countershaft of the transmission. As the motor speed FIG. 66. Pierce Centrifugal Type Governor and Drive. reaches the maximum setting of the governor, the triangular weights open and move endwise on the shaft upon which they are mounted, which in turn moves the operating rod. The end of this rod carries a rack gear which is in mesh with a small gear on the butterfly valve shaft. As the weights close a spring re- turns the rod to its neutral position. The governor also has a speed adjustment, so that any desired motor speed may be ob- tained. This adjustment is sealed so that it cannot be tampered with. Fig. 67 shows the Pierce speed controller which operates on the same principles as the Pierce governor. The drive is taken from the front wheel and is similar to a speedometer drive. It is so constructed that it is impossible to remove the driving gear without breaking the seals and removing the front wheel. The triangular weights are placed at right angles to the valve op- erating rod, the governor shaft movement being transmitted through a bell crank. The controller is provided with a variable speed dial, which changes 'the spring pressure on the operating rod and permits f instant adjustment of speed to suit individual requirements, automatically controlling vehicle speed, leaving the motor free at all times. This controller may also be provided with a lock so that it is impossible for any one to start the vehicle without the key. The housing of both devices are made of aluminum, so that a minimum weight is carried by the intake manifold. The chief advantage claimed for these devices, is their adaptability to any vehicle, as it is only necessary to drop the carburetor one inch to one and one-half inches. In case of repairs it is a very simple 92 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION matter to remove the governor or controller entirely, raise the carburetor and the vehicle need not be laid up pending the return of either device. THROTTLE VALVE- RECULAT/NG D/XL FIG. 67. Pierce Centrifugal Governor. The Duplex governor shown in Fig. 68 was designed on the principle of a dual actuating influence. This dual influence con- sists of a motor influence, as to its speed, which is imparted to the governor, and a vehicle influence which is also imparted to the governor. The motor speed is conveyed from some revolving part of the motor to one of the speed terminals of the governor, and the vehicle speed from the propeller shaft or jack shaft. The conveying means consists of a steel cable revolving in a hard fiber or metallic casing. The governor is so constructed that it may be mounted between the intake manifold and the carburetor. In- SPEED-CONTKOLLING DEVICES 93 stead of the ordinary butterfly valve a grid valve is used, through which the entire gas supply must pass. This grid valve consists of a fixed part set into the upper part of the valve chamber, which is provided with a series of elongated slots, with flaring walls from its upper surface downward. When the openings of FIG. 68. The Duplex Governor. both fixed and movable parts coincide, the valve is open and when the bars of one part cover the openings of the other part, the valve is closed. The movable part is held open by spring tension and its possible motion in either direction is limited by adjusting screws. Within the governor there are two automatically acting one- way clutches, the floating members of which consist of gears in mesh with a third gear mounted on the centrifugal governor spindle. These clutches are so designed as to impart to the cen- trifugal member that of the two speeds which is the higher. With the motor running idle, the motor speed will actuate the governor, and the motor is always under governor control. When the vehicle is propelled by the motor on the higher gears, the speed imparted to the governor by the vehicle will be the higher speed and will govern the motor, -whereas on the low gears the motor speed will be the higher and will govern the motor. The influence of the centrifugal member, as a result of the speeds imparted to it, is to develop a pressure sufficient to over- come the spring pressure tending to hold the valve open, and to close it. As soon as the pressure is removed, the movable valve part is released and returned to its full open position. Provision 94 MOTOK TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION is made for adjustment, which is enclosed and provided with a lock so that it cannot be tampered with. These various types of governors have their advantages and disadvantages, while there may also be certain disadvantages to their omission. When commercial vehicles are not equipped with governors, the owner is forced to rely entirely upon the discretion of the operator, while the manufacturer must rely on careful management of them by the owners to prevent the evils of motor racing and excessive speed. This also applies on hills where it is asserted that governors are of no use in preventing excessive vehicle speeds. There are some who claim that there is no adequate method yet devised which is capable of governing a truck or its engine, without handicapping the driver somewhat in the operation of the vehicle. However, the writer opines that it is worth while fool-proofing the commercial car even in a crude way, particu- larly in speed. With solid tires and the tendency to overload commercial vehicles, the speed becomes a large factor in obtain- ing long life. It may be said that certain governing devices do limit the power of the motor on the lower car speeds. However, this may not be as serious as some think, as these vehicles are operated on the higher speed the greater portion of the time. Some also claim that the intelligence and general ability of the commercial vehicle operator exceeds that of the touring car operator, but as the conditions of both are vastly different, it is a difficult matter to determine this fact. Truck drivers as a rule are paid a certain wage for a stipulated number of hours per week, and if they are delayed long enough in their daily trips to make their work exceed this stipulated time, they will try and make up this discrepancy by speeding up the vehicle whether loaded or empty. However, it should be remembered that there is a certain class of conservative operators who can operate a vehicle safely with- out limiting its speed, but as operators of this class are few, some means must be resorted to for limiting the destruction of trucks through excessive speeding. Many manufacturers equip their vehicles with governors ad- mitting their shortcomings, arguing that even though the econ- omy and efficiency of the truck may be slightly affected, this loss is more than made up for by the saving in depreciation resulting from the unskilful operation of careless drivers. CHAPTER VII THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION THE defects in the gasoline engine, relative to its flexibility, have been previously mentioned. Among these is the inability of the motor to develop its full torque from a standstill. The crank shaft of the motor must rotate at a speed consistent with power requirements, while the road wheels must rotate consistent with road conditions, or as the operator wills. For this reason it becomes necessary to use a transmission. The motor must be started by a hand crank, or some starting device, which only pro- duces enough torque to just turn the motor over against compres- sion, so that it becomes necessary to disconnect the motor from the other driving units of the vehicle for starting and after the motor has attained its speed to connect it with the vehicle again. For this purpose a device must be used, which will allow a certain amount of slippage until the motor speed has been re- duced and the vehicle speed gradually accelerated to such a point that the two correspond, in this way preventing shock and jar to the driving mechanism. This feature is accomplished by the clutch, which is most gen- erally placed in close proximity to the motor. The most popular position is inside the flywheel. In commercial cars a single clutch is generally employed, which serves to connect the engine to the driving wheels through all of the different gear reductions. It is normally held in engagement by a single spring of large diam- eter, or by a number of smaller springs, and is controlled by a foot pedal to disconnect it from the motor by releasing the fric- tion surfaces, thus disconnecting the power of the motor from the driving units. When it is desired to disconnect the engine in order to stop the car, or to change the gear, the clutch is first dis- engaged by foot pressure upon the pedal, which compresses the spring; the gear is then disengaged or changed and the clutch let in again. There are quite a number of different types of clutches, all more or less extensively used, as follows : Conical clutches of the indirect or direct type, multiple disc clutches, dry plate clutches, band clutches, and combinations of cone and disc type. The 95 96 MOTOK TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION construction of each type varies considerably in details of design and the materials used for the frictional surfaces. In light commercial cars of 4,000-lbs. capacity, or under, there is a tendency to use the unit power plant, in which the motor, clutch and transmission are always held in alignment, while on the heavier types the transmission and jack shaft are combined in a unit or mounted amidships for shaft drive. With the latter types it is necessary to use a double universal joint be- tween the clutch and transmission units. The universals take up any misalignment due to frame weaving. In some cases they are bolted to the clutch, spider or spigot, while in others they are built into the clutch center. This latter construction seems to be gaining favor with multiple disc clutches which operate in oil, a portion of which is distributed to the universal, causing it to be self-maintaining. A variety of methods are resorted to for mounting the clutch on the spigot, plain, ball and roller bearings being used for this purpose. There is also a tendency to provide clutch brakes so that the tendency of spinning caused by the inertia may be reduced to facilitate gear shifting. Cone Types. Among the conical clutches we find two types in general use, direct and indirect types. Either type consists of a male and female member, the male member being forced into the female member by the pressure of the spring or springs. When one spring is used, it is attached to the clutch spigot and when a number of small springs are used they are attached to a spider, which is free to float on the clutch spigot. The action of the clutch members is similar to a wedge movement. It is the oldest type and also the simplest type in use at present. The fly- wheel generally forms the female member for the direct type, while the male member may either be made from aluminum or pressed steel and covered with a material such as Raybestos, leather, etc. In the indirect type it is necessary to bolt the female member to the flywheel. The clutch spigot may either be an ex- tension of the crank shaft or it may be bolted to the flywheel. Fig. 69 serves to illustrate the general construction of the direct type. The male member is provided with cork inserts to obtain a higher coefficiency of friction and is bolted to a cast- steel housing, which is mounted on the clutch spigot and sur- rounds the clutch spring. The spigot is formed by an extension of the crank shaft, and is provided with a thrust bearing. THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 97 The cone clutch, depicted in Fig. 70, differs from the above in that three small springs are used. These small springs are sup- ported on studs, which are riveted to the clutch spider. The spider is provided with a die-cast babbitt bearing instead of a PRESSED STEEL CONE SPRING A NO -PLUNGER FIG. 69. General Construction of Direct FIG. 70. Cone Clutch with Cone. Three Small Springs. cast-bronze bearing. It depicts a type which is generally incor- porated in the unit power plant, owing to its short length, .which is a desirable feature. An indirect type of cone clutch is shown in Fig. 71. The male member is made of aluminum and is provided with a fractional lining and cork inserts. Small pieces of rubber are placed under the lining to obtain a smooth and gradual engagement. The female member is made of gray iron arid bolted to the flywheel. It also forms the retaining member. The spigot is bolted to the flywheel and provided with a bronze bearing, while a roller bearing is used as a thrust bearing, and the disengaging collar is provided with a ball-thrust bearing. Cone clutches of both types are also provided with flat springs, or 8 98 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION plungers, and coil springs, which are placed under the fractional facing, the object being to prevent the tendency to jerk when first engaged. The friction ma- terial is, in most cases, riv- eted to the male member, while in a few cases T-head bolts are used to facilitate its replacement, while one or two makers rivet it to the female member. Multiple-disc Type. Multi- ple disc and plate clutches are based on the same principle as the cone clutch, but constitute in a sense extreme opposites in design. This type offers sev- eral advantages not found in the others, being the most com- pact. The required frictional surface is obtained by a mul- tiplicity of small surfaces, in preference to two large ones, as in the case of the cone and plate types. A disc clutch consists of two sets of discs, one set being termed the driving discs and the other the driven discs. The driving discs are generally provided with key slots on their outer circum- ference, which fit over hardened steel keys riveted to the inside circumference of the housing bolted to the flywheel. The driven discs are also provided with key slots, but these are placed on their inner circumference, which fit over keys riveted to a hous- ing attached to the driven shaft. It is general practice to use one more driving disc than there are driven discs, so that the two end discs may be of the same kind. The driving set is driven by the engine, while the remaining set is attached to a continuation of the transmission shaft. In some cases small flat springs are used to keep the discs apart under conditions where it is desired to render the clutch inoperative, that is, when the spring pressure is removed from them. It is usual practice to enclose a clutch of this kind in an oil- tight case, which insures that the members will operate in a con- stant bath of oil, meaning long life of the frictional surface as FIG. 71. Indirect Cone Type. THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 99 well as gradual engagement. Owing to its comparatively small diameter, the inertia is not very great and gear shifting is some- what easier than with the cone clutch. The spring pressure is great enough, so that when engagement is made the oil will be squeezed from between the plates and the frictional surfaces brought into contact. As the oil is gradually squeezed out, and as there will be a certain amount of slippage as long as any considerable amount of lubricant re- FIG. 72. Helle Shaw. Multiple-Disc mains, the power will be Clutch. Universal Type. applied gradually. A multiple-disc clutch, which is ex- tensively used in commercial cars in this country and abroad, is the Hele- Shaw clutch, illustrated in Fig. 72. The discs are niade from steel and bronze, with V-groove corrugations. Only the walls of these grooves come in contact and the remaining portions of the disc serve to radiate the heat en- gendered during slippage. To permit the oil to enter and escape freely, these discs have small holes drilled in the inner walls of the grooves near the peak. The action obtained by these grooves is a wedge action similar to the cone clutch. This also illustrates a de- sign in which pressed steel is used wherever it is possible to do so. The clutch is of the universal type, having an external and internal gear type of universal, mounted inside of the clutch. A clutch brake is also provided to facilitate gear shifting, this brake being mounted upon the drive shaft and adjustable for wear. Fig. 73 is a type of multiple-disc clutch used in connection with unit power plants. It is built onto an extension of the FIG. 73. Type of Mul- tiple-Disc Clutch used in Unit Power-Plants. 100 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION transmission shaft, one end of which is supported by a ball bear- ing in the flywheel. The frictional surfaces consist of saw-steel driving discs and Raybestos-line, steel-driven discs. The con- struction is similar to those described above, excepting that two large springs are used, one being placed around the other and retained by three bolts, which provide adjustment for the spring tension. The housing or driving member bolted to the flywheel has teeth cut on its inner periphery into which the plates fit instead of keys and the plates have teeth instead of key slots. Dry-plate Type. The dry-plate clutch is similar to the mul- tiple-disc type ; however, the discs are of a much larger diameter FIG. 74. Bore & Beck Dry Plate Clutch. and but three or five plates are necessary. The driving discs are either Raybestos rings or bronze plates with cork inserts, while THE CLUTCH AND the driven discs are made of steel. These clutches are not de- signed to run in oil, but are liable to wear because of the amount of contact surface provided. A popular three-plate clutch of conventional design is shown in Fig. 74. The face of the flywheel forms one surface, while a moving member forms the other. Between them are two discs of friction material and a floating member which is keyed to the driving shaft. Pressure is obtained by coiled spring acting on a sleeve which actuates the toggle mechanism operating the mov- able member. This toggle mechanism is supported by a disc which is bolted to the flange. This flange has two slots through which the bolts pass and this together with taper surfaces on the movable member form a means adjustment for wear of the fric- tion discs. In Fig. 81 is shown a simple plate clutch for low power de- livery cars. This clutch is almost entirely of pressed steel and utilized the flywheel as a driving member. Two additional driv- ing plates are used and these are supported by three hardened steel pins fastened to the flywheel, which also carry the springs. The driven member consists of a spur gear which supports the driven plates that have teeth cut on their inner periphery. FIG. 75. Hilliard Clutch with Double Annular Ball Bearing and Enclosed Spring. The Hilliard clutch (Fig. 75) is another excellent example of the plate type. Spinning of the rotating members is prevented 102 MO f rDB^ TRtJK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION by a combination of quick acting release, which does not permit of a drag while releasing and further by having the parts so light that rotation does not continue long. Band Type. Band clutches are practically the same in gen- eral principle of operation, as band brakes, and are of the same general types, internal expanding and external contracting. This type of clutch is not very popular, and but few can be found on commercial cars at present. There is a tendency on the part of manufacturers to use ball bearings for supporting clutches of all types, as the plain bearing is hard to lubricate effectively and the friction of same tends to produce dragging. The ball bearing can be more easily lubri- cated, requires less attention and eliminates this dragging evil. Comparisons. The advantages of the cone clutch are that it may be engaged and disengaged with very small axial motion, axial pressure may be low because the normal pressure between f rictional surfaces is multiplied by the angularity of the cone, its weight is not very great as the male member may be made of aluminum or pressed steel, its engagement is entirely independent of speed and centrifugal force, no liquid lubricant is needed with attending viscosity, drag and change due to wear and tem- perature. Disengagement may, therefore, be made perfect. The chief disadvantage of this clutch is its size, it being more bulky than the other types with the possible exception of the dry-plate type. Inertia is also a disadvantage, as this must be as small as possible, in order to make gear shifting easy and to avoid gear clattering. These objections led to the introduction of the multiple-disc clutch, in which the frictional surface can be made larger and the f rictional force smaller per unit surface. The chief disadvantage of multiple-disc clutch is its tendency to drag if the oil in the clutch housing is not suitable for the purpose. Most makers recommend a light machine or cylinder oil and kerosene. It can readily be understood that the thinner the lubricant, the better the clutch will hold, while the more viscous lubricant will permit it to pick up its load more gradually. To overcome the dragging evil, the dry disc type was intro- duced. The surfaces are not lubricated but are most generally provided with frictional facings in order to increase the co- efficient of friction. This clutch has its disadvantages of inertia, similar to the cone type. THE CLUTCH AND TKANSMISSION 103 The combination of dry plate and cone has the features of the dry plate, its tendency to gradually pick up its load and the hold- ing power of the cone after it has assumed its load. It is also simple in construction. However, it requires frequent adjustment. At the present time, the cone, multiple disc and plate clutches are by far the most popular and seem to be holding their own, with all the new types which are being experimented with. The Transmission. In every gasoline engine it is absolutely necessary that some method be used for changing the relation be- tween the speed and power of the car. When a gasoline engine is loaded above a certain limit it slows down, and the intervals between the explosion in each cylinder become so far apart as to cause the engine to labor and finally stop altogether, unless some means is used to increase the speed of the engine by decreasing the load upon it. In considering this subject it must be remem- bered that, when a car is using its maximum power, it may be divided either into considerable pulling power with slow speed, or high speed with low pulling power. Consequently, when a car is going at high speed and a considerable grade or a stretch of heavy road is encountered, the car will begin to slow down until the speed reaches such a point that the engine begins to knock and labor. When this point is reached, it becomes necessary to change to a slower gear, which, for the same speed of the vehicle, gives a considerably greater number of revolutions of the engine, with a consequently larger pulling power. This pulling power is termed " torque," and if gasoline engines could be designed as to afford an increasing torque, with decreas- ing speed, all would be well and the transmission could be elim- inated. As it is taking into account the power of the motor at several speeds, nothing of this sort can be considered. At very low speed torque becomes of greatest importance, and this is espe- cially true in vehicle operation. The use of the transmission is also necessary in starting the vehicle, because until the vehicle reaches a certain momentum, there is considerable load on the engine, so that a slow speed which allows a high number of revolutions of the motor must be used. It is generally understood that to reverse the motion of the commercial car engine is to labor under disadvantages in numerous ways. Power will be lost, owing to the inferior valve timing relation which must follow if the cam shaft was designed 104 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION to suit reversing condition. Unless certain complications were introduced in the valve action, and since in any case it would be necessary to add to the flexibility of the motor by the use of a transmission, it would seem unnecessary to add to the valve motion anything by the way of complicated devices. An addi- tion to the gear set is less complicated and the end is adequately served. Types. The most popular transmissions are the friction, planetary and sliding gear. The friction and planetary, with few exceptions, are only used on the light vehicles, while the slid- ing gear type is extensively used on all sizes of vehicles. Friction Type. There are two types of friction transmission in use at the present writing, the single disc and the double disc. This single-disc type consists of a driving disc which is attached to the flywheel or an extension of the crank shaft, and always rotates with it and a driven disc which can be slid along a cross shaft and brought into f rictional engagement with the driving disc. By mov- ing the driven disc out from the center of the driving disc the speed can be varied from nothing to maximum, and by slid- ing it to the opposite side the direction of motion is reversed. Before the wheel is slid in the direc- tion of its axis it must be disengaged from the driv- ing disc. This is accom- plished by either moving the cross shaft and its bearings or by moving the driven disc. From this cross shaft the final drive may be through a single chain to the rear axle, or it may be through a single chain to the jack shaft and then through double side chains to the road wheels. Fig. 76 illustrates a friction trans- mission of the single-disc type. The discs are shown in the high position, while the lower speeds are obtained by moving the driven disc in towards the center, and reverse is obtained by mov- ing the driven disc toward the opposite side of center. Planetary Type. The planetary transmission is somewhat cheaper to manufacture than the sliding gear type and also re- FIG. 76. Single-Disc Friction-Type Transmission. THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 105 quires less skill in operation. There are two types of planetary gears, those comprising internal gears and those comprising only spur gears in their makeup. The latter is the most popular type and will be considered. Fig. 77 depicts this type of transmission, and its principle of operation may be described as follows : FIG. 77. Planetary Transmission with Spur Gears. The driving shaft A carries the driving pinion B, which meshes with the planetary pinion G. The latter forms part of sets of three pinions which are formed integral. D is the low- speed planetary pinion meshing with the low-speed gear E which is secured to the driven shaft F. By applying the brake band G to the combined pinion carrier and drum H, the planetary pin- ions are held stationary in space and act like a back gear. Pinion B rotating in a right-hand direction (see end diagram), turns pinions G and D on their pin M in a left-hand direction, and pinion D turns gear E and the driver shaft F in a right-hand direction ; that is, in the same direction as the driving pinion B. For reverse, band 7 is applied to the drum /, which has the reversing pinion K keyed to it, being thus held stationary when pinion B is rotated by the engine planetary pinion Z, is forced to roll on K in a left-hand direction, carrying the pinion pin M and pinion driver PI with it. Direct drive is obtained by engaging the high-speed clutch 106 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION N) which locks the reversing gear K to the driving shaft J., and since two equal gear B and K are now secured to the shaft A^ the planetary pinions are locked against axial motion and the whole transmission revolves as a unit. Sliding-gear Type. The sliding-gear type of transmission consists of two parallel shafts mounted on suitable bearings in a housing called the transmission case. The first of these shafts is known as the primary or main driving shaft. This shaft is divided into two parts, the forward or driving part and the rear or driven part, the latter being provided with a bearing at its for- ward end, inside the former. The second of these shafts is known as the secondary or countershaft. The driven part of the main shaft is either squared or provided with integral keys and carries the sliding gears, whose common hubs have squared holes or key- ways to coincide with the shaft to make a sliding fit upon it. The driving part of the main shaft is provided with a gear, which meshes with a gear on the countershaft and forms a drive for the latter. The countershaft has a number of gears fixed upon it, depending upon the number of speeds. The gears on both shafts are so spaced that by shifting the primary set corresponding gears on the two shafts can be brought into mesh successively without interference from the other gears. Shifting of the slid- ing set is accomplished by means of a hand lever located con- veniently to the operator and a suitable connecting linkage. The shifter rod carries a fork, which is attached to the gears in such a manner as to permit them to rotate with their shaft. There are two common arrangements of shafts. In some cases the countershaft is located below the main shaft, while in others the two shafts are located in a horizontal plane. When the shafts are placed vertically the case is generally cast in one piece, with a large hole cover plate for inspection pur- poses. When the shafts are placed in a horizontal plane, the case may either be cast in one piece or in halves joined through the centers of the bearings. There are three general methods of mounting the sliding gear transmission: combining them with the motor to form a unit power plant, individual mounting on a sub-frame or main frame cross members, and combining them in a unit with the jack shaft. All of these mountings may be made with a more or less de- gree of flexibility. Three-point support is most generally re- sorted to, with the intention of relieving the case of the stresses set up by frame weaving. THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 107 Progressive Sliding Type. In the progressive type of transmission all sliding gears are moved simulta- neously when a speed change is made. The sev- eral speeds are arranged in a fixed succession as the combination of sliding gears is progressively shifted. It is thus neces- sary to shift into the low- speed gear first and progress to the high. Fig. 78 is a diagram- matic view of a three-speed and reverse progressive transmission which is used on a number of heavy com- mercial cars. High speed is obtained by meshing the jaw clutches formed integral with the sliding member and the constant mesh gear F. Second speed is obtained by moving the sliding mem- ber backward and mesh- ing gears D and E, so that the drive is through gears F, /, E and D. For low speed the sliding member is moved backward so that the gear B will mesh with the gear C on the counter- shaft, and the drive is through the gears F, /, C and B. For reverse, gear B of the sliding set is meshed with the reverse pinion #, which is con- stantly in mesh with the U FIG. 78. Diagram of Three-Speed and Eeverse Progressive Sliding-Gear Transmission. 108 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION gear H on the countershaft, .and the drive is through gear F, I, H, G and B. This also illustrates a unit construction of jack shaft and transmission. Fig. 79 illustrates the non-direct type of change gear, the principle of op- eration being similar to the above, excepting that the high speed is obtained by meshing gears instead of jaw clutches, while the up- per shaft forms the drive and carries the fixed gears. The lower is the driving shaft and carries the slid- ing gears. Since the high speed is obtained by mesh- ing gears, the drive shaft may be constructed in one piece. The principal objection to the progressive type is that it requires long shafts, which are likely to be in- efficiently rigid and to spring and bend under the thrust of the gear teeth, causing noisy and inefficient operation. The great length of this transmission is mainly due to the fact that that the gears on each of the shafts must be spaced relatively far apart, so as to avoid interference. FIG. 79. Non-Direct Progressive Type. Selective Sliding Type. This objection is over- come j n the selective gliding type, as two sliding sets are used. By comparing the two types it will be noted that the latter is much more compact. It also has an advantage in that THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 109 the operator may change directly from one speed to any other without passing through the intervening gears. Fig. 80 shows a three-speed forward and reverse selective type transmission. The primary shaft is squared and carries two which sliding gears, are op- erated by independent shifter rods. The countershaft is driven through constant mesh gears A and B, A being driven by the drive shaft extending from the clutch. In effecting the different speeds, gear C is moved forward and meshed with gear D for low speed, while for reverse it is moved backward and meshed with the reverse pinion E, which is in constant mesh with the re- verse gear II on the counter- shaft. For second speed the gear F is meshed with gear (2, while for high speed gear /, which is integral with gear F, is moved for\vard and meshed with the in- ternal gear formed integral with the constant mesh gear A. This forms another type of jaw clutch, and in some cases the jaw clutch described above is used for effect- ing the high speed. A typical unit power-plant transmission is shown in Fig. 81. This transmission is intended for low-powered delivery cars and is provided with ball bearings for the main shaft while the four counter-shaft gears are cut in one and are provided with plain bearings. This shows the method of mounting the clutch on the forward main shaft. Fig. 82 depicts a typical four-speed transmission for amidship mounting. The main shaft is mounted on ball and roller bear- FIG. 80. Three Speed and Re- verse Selective Sliding Transmis- sion. 110 MOTOR TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION CHANGE GEAR V a CLUTCH/]\ BRAKE PEDAL II PFDAL FIG. 81. Conventional Type of Unit Power Plant Transmission and Con- trol Mounting. FIG. 82. Four Speed Selective Sliding Gear Transmission for Amidship Mounting. THE CLUTCH AND TEANSMISSION 111 ings, while the countershaft is mounted on roller bearings. The shifter rods are mounted in the cover and are provided with locks for the various speeds. High speed is obtained by meshing two jaw clutches this is the direct drive, third by meshing gears A and B, second by gears G and D and low speed through gears E and F. For reverse speed two idler gears G and H are used, which are so arranged that they may be moved along their shaft and meshed with gears E and F, the latter being held in its neutral position. FIG. 83. Constant Mesh Type of Selective-Sliding Gear Transmission. The positive clutch type of transmission is somewhat related to the selective sliding gear type. However, the gears remain constantly in mesh, and the gears on the main shaft are normally free to turn thereon, but may be fixed to the shaft by positive clutches. These clutches, when of the jaw type, are similar to those mentioned above, while internal and external gears may also be used as positive clutches. The gears on the main shaft are fixed while the clutches are free to slide upon keys or squared portions of the shaft. In this type the speed changes are obtained by the individual clutches, but since the high speed is direct through the case and the speed of the countershaft is reduced through the constant mesh gears, a provision must be made so that the latter shaft 112 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION THE CLUTCH AND TRANSMISSION 113 cannot turn on its bearings. This is accomplished by disengag- ing a clutch on the countershaft, simultaneously with the engage- ment of the high-speed clutch. Fig. 83 illustrates this type of transmission. It also presents a method of driving all four wheels by the addition of another shaft and silent chain. An Automatic Engagement Type. Fig. 84 illustrates the type of jaw-clutch transmission used on the Vulcan trucks. The clutches are shifted automatically and are slightly undercut so that they will not release until the driving pressure is removed, while the change from one speed to another is made by means of springs. This action is accomplished as follows: moving the gear-shift lever compresses a set of springs which control the arms which move the jaw clutches. However, as the clutches are undercut this spring action has no effect, but just as soon as the engine speed is momentarily reduced there is a tendency for the vehicle to drive the engine, which instantly frees the jaw clutch, which, under the action of the compressed springs already set by the movement of the gear-shift lever, forces the clutch to take up its new position, engaging the desired speed. This means that slightly throttling the engine and releasing the clutch will 'always effect the desired change of gears, but this may not take place until any desired moment after the gear-shift lever -has been moved. By this arrangement it is possible for the driver to ap- proach a hill and before reaching it, if he thinks it too steep for the highest speed, he can set the lever for the next speed. The, jaw clutch will not shift as long as the engine is driving until at the desired moment on the hill, by releasing the clutch the .change will be automatically effected. Transmission gears are usually lubricated by a non-fluid oil. For easy introduction of the lubricant, a hole is provided in the cover plate, which is enclosed by a screw plug, while a drain plug is usually placed at the bottom so that the stale lubricant may be washed out with kerosene or gasoline. The bearing caps are in- variably provided with felt washers, while all other parts are pro- vided with paper gaskets, to prevent the lubricant from working out of the case. CHAPTER VIII UNIVERSAL JOINT AND PROPELLER SHAFT THERE is a difficulty in transmitting the power of the motor to the transmission or rear axle which has to be met by a special piece of mechanism. In the chain-driven vehicle the motor and transmission usually remain in alignment when the vehicle is standing still, however, road vibrations and the nature and loca- tion of the load usually cause frame deflexions which tend to de- stroy this alignment, while with a live rear axle the motor is pro- tected from bouncing up and down by the chassis springs, and the road wheels are continually bouncing over the rough surface of the road. This means that at one moment the axle is in line with the motor and the next moment it may be several inches above or below the motor center. A rigid shaft in the case of a chain-driven vehicle would bind unless the alignment was perfect and provision made to prevent frame deflexion, while with a live rear axle the shaft would bend and bind in its bearings and the whole transmission system would be put out of commission in a short time. To overcome this, the shaft which is termed the drive or propeller shaft is made flexible to a certain extent by means of universal joints, sometimes called Hooke or Cardan joints. These universal joints serve the purpose of con- necting shafts whose axles lie in the same plane, but make an angle with each other and are particu- larly required when the angle varies between the shafts in service. There are various types and perhaps the simplest universal joint consists of a squared block secured to one of the shafts to be connected, fitting in a square hole in a sleeve secured to the other shaft. The four faces of the block are curved in the direc- tion of the axis of the shaft to which the block is fastened. This type of joint is shown in Fig. 85. 114 FIG. 85. One of the Simplest Universal Joints. UNIVEESAL JOINT AND PKOPELLER SHAFT 115 Fig. 86 illustrates a somewhat different type. This consists of six internal and external teeth; the external teeth are curved in the direction of the axis of the shaft and mesh with teeth cut into the housing. This joint is pro- vided with a pressed steel cover and packing wash- ers to retain the lubricant. The above types may be FlG> 86> Universal with Internal and properly termed align- External Teeth, ment joints, since they are only used between the clutch and transmission, when only slight angular movement exists, Fig. 86 being the type furnished with all sizes of the well-known Hell -Shaw universal clutch. These joints also constitute slip joints, since they permit movement for clutch disen- gagement. The cross type of uni- versal is depicted in Fig. 87 and consists of two forks, each of which is secured to one of the shafts to be connected to each of the forks by a pin. In this type of joint, the axes of the two pins do not intersect, but are at some distance from each other. However, there is an advantage in having the pins both in the same plane. This end can be at- tained in various ways by either using pins of dif- ferent diameters and pass- ing one through the other, by one long and two short pins, by forging the pins FlG . 88 . Split-ring Type Universal, integral with a common center or forming them integral with the forks. In the joint shown in Fig. 88 the cross is replaced by a split ring, which carries the pin bearings, while the pins are forged FIG. 87. Cross Type Universal with Forks. 116 MOTOR TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION integral with the forks. The ring is divided to facilitate assem- bling and thus permits the pins to have their axes in the same plane. This type of joint could also be made by forming the pins integral with a central ring and providing forks with separate bearing caps. Fig. 89 illustrates the Swenson joint, which in some respects is similar to the split-ring type. It consists of a fork with in- tegral pins and a large pin passing through a hub and supported FIG. 89. Swenson Universal Joint. by square bushings in a ring. The integral pins are also provided with square bushings which fit into slots in the ring. The bush- ings are held in position by two discs which together with the ring form a housing. All universal joints are of the pin type with the exception of the leather or fabric-disc type, however, there are various meth- ods used to provide angular movement. The Hartford joint, FIG. 90. Hartford Block and Trunnion Type Joint. shown in Fig. 90, is termed a slotted shell and trunnion type. This consists of a cup -shaped steel forging secured to one of the shafts with two diametrically opposite longitudinal slots milled into the shell. The other shaft is provided with a ball-shaped end, fitting the interior of the shell and provided with a pin ex- tending into the slots. Hardened steel trunnion blocks are inter- posed between the pins and the walls of the slots, to distribute the bearing pressure. This type also serves as, a slip joint and is easily enclosed with a tubular steel casing and a leather boot. UNIVEKSAL JOINT AND PROPELLER SHAFT 117 Since this type of joint permits endwise movements of the shaft, some provision must be made to hold the latter in proper relation to the two joints. Coil springs are used for this purpose. FIG. 91. Evans Type of Block and Trunnion Universal Joint. The Evans joint (Fig. 91) is also of the trunnion type with trunnion blocks located in diametrically opposite slots; however, the outer walls of these slots are curved in the direction of the axis of the shaft, thus distributing the pressure to the three walls FIG. 92. Detroit Ball Bearing Universal Joint. of the slots. The pins which carry the trunnion blocks are forged integral with the slip yoke. The joint is enclosed by a pressed steel housing provided with a packing washer and spring to re- tain lubricant. FIG. 93. The Hoosier Universal Joint. In the Detroit universal joint shown in Fig. 92 the trunnion blocks are replaced by steel balls which operated in a pressed steel housing provided with diametrically opposite slots. The construction is similar to fig. 89. 118 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION The joint shown in Fig. 93 is sim- ilar to the block and trunnion type, however, the yoke is provided with diametrically opposite slots and the pin is provided with square ends which fit into the slot. This pin is inserted through a bushing in the hub of the joint which is spherical while the hous- ing and yoke are also provided with spherical surfaces. Perhaps the most popular types of joints in use at present are the Spicer, Arvac, Hartford and Blood shown in Figs. 94 to 97. The Spicer joint is some- what related to the ring type. It com- prises a central ring with pins forged integral, having their axis in the same plane. One forked end is forged in- tegral with a hub which bolts to the hub of the permanent shaft end, while the other fork may have either a short hub for permanent attachment to the pro- peller shaft or a long hub to provide a slip joint. The bearing ends of the fork have an opening large enough to permit inserting the pins, while they are also bored out large enough to take hard- ened and ground bushings, which hold the ring and its pins in position. These bushings and fork ends have circular grooves cut in them so that a soft wire can be inserted to hold the bushings in place. The mechanism is enclosed in a pressed steel housing which also serves as a retainer for the lubricant. The Arvac joint (Fig. 95) differs from those depicted above, as it con- sists of a ball yoke and socket fitted with a cross block and pins enclosed in a forged steel housing. This housing supports two bushings which provide the bearings for the king pin, thus pro- UNIVERSAL JOINT AND PKOPELLER SHAFT 119 viding a light but strong driving member of tubular section. The bushings which fit into the yoke are provided with shoulders and form the bearings for the yoke pin. Bushings are provided with oil grooves and the oblong space provided by the housing forms grease pockets, this grease being oscillated by centrifugal action and this action forces the lubricant into the oil grooves of FIG. 95. Arvac Universal Joint and Propeller Shaft Assembly. the bushings. The pins are a press fit into the cross, practically forming a one-piece driving member. The yoke end is provided with a spherical surface which with a packing contained in a re- tainer forms a seal to hold the lubricant. The Hartford pin joint (Fig. 96) is of the type using one long and two short pins, and is related to the ring type in that a central ring is used which carries the bushings that form the bearings for the pins. One fork end in forged integral with a hub which bolts to the hub of the permanent shaft end. This hub has lugs in the form of a clevis so that the load is placed on FIG. 96. Hartford Pin Type Universal Joint. both ends of the pin instead of at one point. The long pin passes through both extensions of the yoke end and all pins are held in place by washers and cotter pins. The mechanism is enclosed in a pressed steel housing provided with packing to retain lubricant. The Blood universal joint is depicted in Fig. 97. This is also of the pin type, however, it is of the open construction since no housing is provided. It consists of a central member in the form 120 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION \/ _K v/ \7 of a cube, which is provided with a large and small pin, the latter pin passes through this cube and large pin and is locked in position by a locking pin. The two forks are provided with bushings and the outer ends of these are enclosed by caps which contain the lubricant. The universal joint assembly shown in Fig. 98 represents ~the type used on the military class A and B trucks. It is essentially a pin joint and follows ac- cepted practice, being provided with a central cross into which the pins are pressed. In order to form a solid unit these parts are locked by a bolt which passes through them. These pins pivot in hardened and ground-steel bushings which are pressed into the fork and flange yoke. The entire assembly is en- closed in a pressed steel housing. A leather boot is attached to the propeller shaft and this with the housing forms the grease retainer. These universals are suitable for use between the clutch and transmission and the latter and the rear axle. In com- mercial vehicles two universals are nec- essary for either location when amid- ship mounting is provided for the trans- mission. In the rear position one must always be provided with a slip joint or fitting, while when a slip joint is used at the front end it compensates for variations in shaft and frame lengths, clutch movement and is also an advan- tage in assembling. The slip joint in the rear must be provided to compen- sate for variations in the distance be- tween the axle and the transmission due to thfe play of the springs. This joint may either be' a square or fluted shaft with a corresponding hub or sleeve. UNIVERSAL JOINT AND PROPELLER SHAFT 121 FIG. 98. Universal Joint Used on the Class B Military Trucks. Fabric Joints. Leather and fabric universal joints have been used for some time because they present several features not ob- tainable with the mechanical type. The principle advantages are silent operation without wearing surfaces requiring no lubri- cation. Since there is no friction they are considered highly efficient in the transmission of power. However, this joint is not adapted to conditions when there is a great angularity between shafts since the flexibility of the disc is depended upon to com- pensate for this angular movement and also the elongation in the shaft. Experience generally with this type of joint has not been uniformly successful and extreme care is necessary in their de- sign. Owing to its limitations in angular movement it is mostly used between the clutch and transmission when the angular move- ment is relatively small. A typical joint of this type for use between clutch and trans- mission is shown in Fig. 99. It consists of several similar spiders usually three armed, fastened to the ends of the shafts to be con- FIG. 99. Thermoid Fabric-Disc Type of Universal. nected and of a number of leather or fabric discs bolted between the spiders. The arms of the two spiders are staggered so that any arm of one of the spiders is located midway between two arms of the other spider. Three, four or five discs may be used and individual discs ar6 often spaced by steel washers. 122 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Fabric discs are usually rubberized. These are built up of layers of fabric with the warp of succeeding layers at slightly different angles. In fact the whole circle is divided into a num- ber of parts equal to the number of layers in the discs and the angle thus arrived at is the angle between the warp of adjacent discs. Propeller Shafts. Propeller shafts were originally made of solid section, however, with the sudden increase in shaft-drive construction, especially where the transmission was in a unit with the motor, came a decided tendency to use either two shafts and three universal joints, or a large tubular shaft and two universal joints. The advantage of the tubular lies in its reduced weight and consequently the reduced whipping effect and pressure on the bearings. A large tubu- lar shaft is shown in Fig. 94 and a divided shaft of solid section in Fig. 97. These tubular shafts are made of 40 carbon seamless tubing and are attached to stub .-.... .... , shaft which form the connec- gr * i NXV T : " 7~i tions with the universal joints. lj The ends of these shafts are ^- J I m JK ->' ^ jjs* tJfe^^ generally made a shrink fit into the tube and then welded. The manufacturer of the Ar- vac universal joint uses the shrink joint fit for shafts, but these have keyways cut into them so that the tube while being shrunk over the shaft can also be swaged into the keyways, thus strengthening the welded joints in the pro- peller shaft and permitting the driving strains to be taken by the swaged portion of the tube. Propeller Shaft Mountings. When two shafts are used a uni- versal is generally attached to the transmission, while the other end of the shaft is mounted in an anti-friction bearing such as a FIG. 100. Lippard Stewart Propeller Shaft Mounting. UNIVERSAL JOINT AND PKOPELLER SHAFT 123 ball or roller bearing. While this divided propeller shaft is not new, the use of a tubular shaft no doubt has an influence on the problem, and this center bearing is receiving considerable thought at present, which is evident through the number of designs in use at present. The construction shown in Fig. 100 consists of a self-align- ing ball bearing mounted in a housing which is bolted to a cross member of the frame. A shoulder on the shaft and the hub of the universal joint hold the bearing in position while its self- aligning feature and the end play allowed in the housing pro- vides for frame deflexions and variations in shaft length. FIG. 101. Globe Propeller Shaft Mounting. On the Globe trucks a heavy duty Hyatt bearing is mounted on a stub shaft welded to the forward propeller shaft. This bearing is mounted in a bracket which is in the form of a hinge. This type of mounting may be so placed as to provide a straight- line drive from the transmission to the rear axle, since any de- flexion on the side rails of the frame may be neglected, due to the hinged bracket providing the self-aligning feature. The slip joint is mounted as close to the bearing as possible, as shown in Fig. 101. On several models of Diamond T-trucks four universals and three shafts are used, the center being supported by two roller bearings as illustrated in Fig. 102. Two slip joints are used, one immediately back of the transmission and the other back of the center shaft mounting. The bearings are Timken rollers and mounted in a dust-proof housing and provided with adjustment. 124 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FIG. 102. Diamond T Center Bearing Mounting for Divided Propeller Shaft. On the Bethlehem trucks the Barker floating bearing is used which permits the use of but two universal joints and a long shaft. .This is depicted in Fig. 103 and is so mounted on the pro- peller shaft as to permit it to float between coil springs. This bearing has a free movement up and down with the propeller shaft in one of the slots of a pivoted arm. A coil spring on the shank of the bearing, which passes through the slot in the arm, slightly resists free movement of the shaft away from the arm, and another coil spring at the top of the arm acts similar in the opposite direction, the arm being pivoted at the lower end. This pivot arm is sup- ported by a bracket attached to a cross member of the frame. To secure the highest efficiency and absence from vibration, care should be observed to have the pins at opposite ends of the assembly parallel, as this will eliminate vibration which may be- come serious if the shaft whips as the velocity of the front joint must be equalized by the rear joint, since the velocity varies during each quarter revolution. As the bear- ing pressures are necessarily high, proper means for lubrication must be provided. The 'assembly proper is usually provided with a housing to retain lubricant and means for inserting same. FIG. 103. Barker Propel- ler Shaft used en the Beth- lehem Trucks. CHAPTER IX THE DIFFERENTIAL ANOTHER unit of the power transmission system which must be used is the differential. It is a well-known fact that in turn- ing a curve the outer wheels travel faster than the inner ones. To compensate for this a differential is used, sometimes called a compensating or equalizing gear. If the driving wheels were solidly connected to each other by the axle and that axle driven by a chain or shaft from the center or thereabouts, great stress would be placed upon the transmis- sion tires and other parts, owing to the fact that both wheels in turning a corner would travel at the same speed, but owing to the fact that the outside one must travel faster than the inner one, the latter would be forced around or skidded on the road. The layman often experiences difficulty in understanding the differential, as it is always enclosed in a casing and is entirely out of sight and unless he has a chance to see it in the repair shop or factory, he has little chance to familiarize himself with its action by actual observation. The power of the motor is applied either to a centrally divided rear axle (usually termed a live axle) or to a jack shaft, thence by chains and sprockets to the rear wheels, turning loose on a dead rear axle. The first condition applies to all shaft-driven vehicles, such as the level gear, internal gear, double reduction and worm drive, the second applies to chain-driven vehicles. The action of the differential is identical for either of the above-men- tioned drives. It is mounted in the rear axle housing for all shaft-driven types, while for the chain-driven types it is mounted in the jack shaft housing. The object of the differential is to permit of equally dividing the driving effort of a single source of motive power between the two driving wheels and to allow cars driven through wheels on opposite sides to be freely steered. In turning a corner, the driv- ing effort must be divided in such a way that one- wheel may rotate faster than the other and still receive the same driving force as the other. In other words, the driving force must be equally divided between the driving wheels under all conditions for both forward and backward motion. 125 126 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The division of the driving effort is very desirable, except when the driving wheels are on ground with greatly different co- efficient of adhesion. For instance, if one wheel got into a mud hole, it might not have sufficient adhesion to prevent it from spin- ning under the turning effort impressed by the differential gear and it would then be impossible to propel the car except by lock- ing the differential, because the turning effort of the wheel stand- ing on solid ground would be no greater than the turning effort corresponding to the coefficient of adhesion of the wheel in the mud hole. For this reason differential locks are often provided. FIG. 104. Bevel-Gear Type Differential. This lock may be left engaged as long as all four wheels move in a perfectly straight path. When, however, a vehicle is to be moved in a curved path as in turning a corner the driving wheels must revolve at different speeds, since the outer one has to cover a longer distance in the same time than does the inner wheel which is on the inside of the curve. There are three types of gear differentials in common use, viz., the bevel type, the spur type and the helical type. The bevel pinion type of differential, which is probably the most common form is illustrated in Fig. 104. It consists of the following parts: a housing A, which is usually made in halves, two bevel gears B and C secured to the differential or driving shafts D and E respectively; a two, three or four-armed spider F, on the radial arms of which are carried bevel pinions G, G-l, G-%, G-3 meshing with both of the bevel gears B and G. To the housing A of the differential is usually bolted a bevel gear H for driving it, but this gear forms no part of the differential proper. It will be understood that the differential shafts D and E, either THE DIFFERENTIAL 127 have secured to their outer ends road wheels or sprockets, which drive the road wheels through chains. Gear H meshes with the bevel driving pinion. The action of the differential may be explained as follows: The spider F is held to the housing A and the turning effort or torque which is applie'd to the housing by means of the driving or ring gear //, and its pinion is equally divided by the bevel pinion G between the gears B and C. As long, therefore, as the resistance to motion of the two bevel gears B and G (in other words to the motion of the driving road wheels of the car), is the same, the two wheels will turn at the same speed. If, however, the steering wheel is turned so as to move the car to one side or the other, the driving wheel on the side to which the car turns is automatically held back with a force equal to the road adherence. The differential gear, B or C as the case may be, on that side will FIG. 105. Spur-Gear Type Differential. then turn slower and its mate on the other side will turn corre- spondingly faster, while the bevel pinion G between them will turn on their journals at a speed corresponding to the difference in speed of rotation of the two bevel gears B and C. While a vehicle is turning a curve, although the speeds of the two driv- ing wheels are unequal, the tangential forces acting at their cir- cumference are equal. Another form of differential which has been extensively used is known as the spur type illustrated in Fig. 105. The action of this can be best explained by comparison with the bevel type. The bevel gears B and C are here replaced by spur gears A and 128 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION B fastened to the differential shafts G and D respectively. While the inner sides of the hubs of these spur gears come close to- gether, the inner edges of the gears themselves are at some dis- tance apart. Meshing with these two spur gears A and B are two, three or four sets of spur pinions, E, F. These spur pinions have a width of face almost twice that of the spur gears A and B. The outer portion of the face of each pinion meshes with one of the spur gears, and the inner portions of the faces of the pinions mesh together. It will be readily understood that if the casing of the differential G is held stationary and the spur gear is re- volved by hand or otherwise in a clockwise direction, the pinion E meshing with it is revolved in a counter-clockwise direction : the pinion F meshing with E is revolved in a clockwise direction and the gear B is revolved in a counter-clockwise direction. That is, gear B is rotated in an opposite direction to gear A, exactly as with the bevel gear dif- erential. In regular op- eration the turning effort is, of course, transmitted to the differential housing by means of gears and the turning effort thus re- ceived by the housing is equally divided by the sets of spur pinions be- tween the spur gear A and B, that is, between the two driving road wheels. The properties of the spur- gear differentials are ex- actly the same as those of the bevel-gear differential. The problem of working out a neat and all around satis- factory differential lock for either of the above types presents considerable difficulty, which is probably the reason that this device is not more extensively used. Fig. 106, this lock which is in the form of a four- jaw clutch, one member being keyed to the drive shaft and free to slide upon it, while the other is keyed to the differential case. Meshing the two clutch members locks the differential, since one shaft is locked against the other through the differential housing. FIG. 106. A Neat and Simple Differen- tial Lock. THE DIFFERENTIAL 129 A differential lock can also be provided with the spur type and an excellent example is illustrated in connection with Fig. 105. A large flange is so mounted on the differential housing that it can be moved endwise, and the stud of one of the spur pinions extends beyond the housing. Half of the end of this stud is milled off so that the sliding member can be moved in, thus preventing the pinion from turning, which locks the entire dif- ferential. The ordinary type of differential mentioned above presents certain disadvantages, the principal objection being that it pro- motes skidding. Recently several designs of differentials have been developed in which this common objectionable feature has been eliminated. This type is known as the helical gear type. In the Powrlok device, there are two or more pinions mounted in the differential housing which is rotated by the engine, and also two crown wheels are attached to either driving wheel. But, in addition, there are worm gears interposed between the pinions and the crown wheels, the teeth on which are shaped to corre- spond. These worms are mounted in the differential casing as shown in Fig. 107 with their axis at right angles to those of the pinions. It will be seen, then, that the ro- tation of the differential hous- ing in the usual way causes FIG. 107. Powrlok Differential. both pinions and worm gears to be carried around bodily in rigid relation to each other, whilst at the same time both pin- ions and worms have a power of rotation upon their own axis, so that they can be moved rotationally, but not bodily, in relation to each other. When road resistance is sufficient to give adhesion to each driving wheel, both wheels are equally driven, the crown wheels to which they are attached being carried bodily round by the worms in which they are in engagement, just as, with an ordinary differential, they are carried round by the pinions. But when road resistance upon one wheel is reduced to a point at which it loses adhesion, and would, with the ordinary differential, start spinning, nothing of this kind .happens, because the angle of the worms is such that whilst the crown wheels can drive the worms, 10 130 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION the worms cannot drive the crown wheels, and, as a consequence, the differential is locked so far as any movement of the wheel in relation to the differential is concerned. The axle becomes for all practical purposes a solid one, and all the drive is taken by the wheel, which is for the moment supported on firm ground and can take advantage of its grip. When both wheels are on firm ground and the vehicle is trav- eling freely, the differential is enabled to act in the usual manner when turning corners, by reason of the fact, already alluded to, that the crown wheels can drive the worms. Each driving wheel is attached to its respective crown wheel, and when a curve in the road is followed, the outer wheel is forced by its contact with the m is FIG. 108. Exterior of the Walter Differential. road to travel a greater distance than the inner one. The outer wheel, therefore, revolving faster than the axle, turns the worm in connection with it and so enables the central pinions to act and react on the worms with a differential action and to distribute the power to each wheel in the usual manner. The Walter differential (Fig. 108) is also of the irreversible worm-gear type, which drives both wheels regardless of the trac- tion conditions of the other wheel and which still has a compen- sating differential action. It consists of two pairs of spiral gears mounted in a two-part housing, and meshing together and sep- arately with worms in the housing and on the drive shafts. Both halves of the housing are alike except for the bevel or ring-gear flange. The two bolts which bolt the housing together set one- half ahead of the other so that the spiral-gear pairs mesh directly together. THE DIFFERENTIAL' 131 The operation of this device is as follows: The driving re- sistance of the road wheels tends to rotate the spiral gears on their pins, but in opposite directions, but if one road wheel has a greater resistance the inequality of force cannot drive the other wheel faster as the spiral gear cannot drive the worm, so both wheels are positively driven. When turning the outer wheel rolls faster and so permits the inside wheel to turn correspond- ingly slower, giving a compensating differential action. Lately there has been a tendency to substitute an equalizing gear for the differential which to certain extent eliminates its disadvantages, since this equalizing device can be so arranged as to limit the pull on one wheel to the amount required to slip the other. However, as the use of these has been limited to low- powered passenger cars they will not be considered in this chapter. When all four wheels of a vehicle are used as driving wheels, it is generally necessary to provide three differentials ; one in the transmission case to equally divide the turning effort between each pair of driving wheels and one for each front and rear drive. Thus the differential is absolutely necessary in any form of final drive used on commercial vehicles and it presents consid- erable advantages in protecting all parts of the mechanism against stress when turning corners. While it also has the disadvantage of stalling a vehicle when one wheel gets into a mud hole. This disadvantage may be overcome by providing a differ- ential lock, this again places the responsibility upon the operator and should he attempt to round a curve with the differential locked, the tires and driving mechanism would be subjected to considerable wear. Should this be done quite frequently, the results would soon be noticeable. In order to overcome the latter feature, this lock is operated by a foot pedal and so arranged that it must always be held in engagement. Removing the foot pressure disengages the lock, thus providing for the poor memory of the operator. CHAPTER X THE FINAL DRIVE Chain, Bevel, Double Reduction, Internal Gear and Worm Drive. From the transmission the power must be transmitted to another unit from which it is converted into useful work at the road wheels. In commercial car construction this is generally termed the final drive. There are a variety of methods of trans- mitting the power and in taking up the discussion of the final drive, the writer will attempt to cover this subject as clearly as possible and is offering illustrations of a number of different types in use at present. The general problem of the final drive resolves itself into the transmission of motion from one or more revolving shafts to driving wheels flexibly connected to the frame through axle and springs, and at the same time effecting a reduc- tion in rotative speed between the driving shaft and rear wheels. Chain Drive. During the past years the majority of commer- cial cars were equipped with what is known as the double side- chain drive. The principal objection to it is the attention re- quired to obtain maximum efficiency. It is generally exposed and dirt soon finds its way into the numerous bearings, causing rapid wear. For a time, chain cases seemed to be the solution of the problem, but they are not satisfactory and most makers started experimenting with different types of shaft drives. This has resulted in the introduction of the bevel gear, double reduction, internal gear and worm gear rear axles. In chain drive the power must be transmitted to a unit carry- ing the driving sprockets, the differential and in some cases a set of brakes. This unit is generally termed the jack shaft and may be built integral with the transmission or in a separate unit, mounted separately or bolted to the transmission. This jack shaft is similar to and performs the same functions the bevel gear rear axle in pleasure cars, excepting, of course, that it does not carry the weight of the vehicle. For this purpose a dead rear axle is used, which has spindles upon which the wheels and their bearings are mounted. Various types of rear axles may be found in use at present, their section being either round, square, rectan- gular or I-beam. The jack shaft is usually equipped with one set 132 THE FINAL DRIVE 133 of brakes, while the other set is mounted in the rear wheels. However, some makers mount both sets of brakes on the rear wheels. Some method must be provided to take up the driving thrust from the rear axle to the frame. For this purpose a radius rod is provided, which also takes up the brake pull, and the reaction due to chain pull, as well as allowing for adjusting the slack in the chain. These rods are generally of the full universal type, being pivoted on the jack shaft and the brake support or spindle of the rear axle. They are sometimes provided with large coil springs to take up abnormal shocks, when engaging the clutch or backing up to a curb. The chain drive in reality is a double reduction through two units, one reduction being obtained through the bevel gears in the jack shaft, while the other is obtained through the jack shaft and rear wheel sprockets. fiAV/US ftOO CONNECTION FIG. 109. Sheldon Jack Shaft. Fig. 109 illustrates the jack shaft built by the Sheldon Axle and Spring Company, which was used on a number of commer- cial cars, being a separate unit so arranged that a standard trans- mission may be bolted to it. The differential is of the bevel-gear type, while the working parts are mounted on ball bearings. Fig. 110 depicts the Velie jack shaft which is a separate unit, the transmission being mounted on a sub-frame, while the jack shaft is mounted on the main frame. Like the Sheldon construc- tion, the driving unit is so arranged that it may be removed through the inspection cover opening without removing the jack shaft unit from the chassis. The differential lock is also shown, mounted on the right side of the differential housing. The jack shaft is flexibly mounted on the frame, while a torque arm is used to hold it in alignment. The differential and drive shafts are mounted on roller bearings. Internal expanding brakes are pro- 134 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION THE FINAL DRIVE 135 vided. The outboard bearing for the sprocket is mounted as close as possible to the chain center, so as to overcome the high tension in the chain on low gear. In Fig. Ill is shown the Velie rear axle which is of round section, hav- ing a spring seat, which also carries the brake spider keyed to it by a large bolt. The spring is mounted above the axle and retained by spring clips. The radius rod is mounted inside of the spring and pivots on the rear axle spindle. Inter- nal expanding brakes are mounted inside the brake drum, to which the driv- ing sprockets are attached. This drum is attached to the spokes of the wood wheel by spoke clips, while the w T heels are equipped with dual tires. Wheels have roller bearings. Fig. 112 illustrates the radius rod used on the Atterbury chain- driven models. This rod is of the universal type, being pivoted and hinged to jack shaft at the forward end and hinged to the FIG. 111. Velie Eear Axle. BRAKE SUPPQ&T RADIUS ROD FIG. 112. Atterbury Eadius Eod. 136 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION brake support at the rear end, which in turn is found to pivot on the rear axle spindle. An adjustment is provided at the forward end on which is mounted a heavy coil spring. The rod is con- structed in two sections, so that the rear end may slide upon the forward end, the spring holding both ends in their positions. When the clutch is suddenly en- gaged or when backing up to a curb, this spring takes up the abnormal shock by compressing and permit- FIG. 113. Peerless Jack Shaft Intregal ting the rear section to slide with Transmission. over the forward one. As soon as the force is re- moved the spring expands and returns the rear end to its proper position. This type of radius rod is also used on the Velie and Lewis commercial cars. Oil the Peerless truck, the jack shaft is built integral with the transmission as shown in Fig. 113. It is similar to the construc- tion described above, excepting that one set of brakes is mounted on the jack shaft inside of the frame and anchored to the frame cross-member instead of to the housing proper. The shafts are not enclosed, but are mounted in anti-friction bearings attached to the frame. With this construction the brakes are better pro- tected from mud and water. Construction of this type may also be found on several other cars. The Vulcan radius rod and rear axle construction differ some- what from the above in that the radius rod adjustment is placed at the rear instead of the customary place near the jack shaft sprocket. By referring to Fig. 114, it will be noted that the radius rod proper is similar to a marine engine connecting rod with caps bolted to the jack-shaft end which fit over a spherical bearing. The rear end has three bosses, through which are in- serted two guide pins and an adjusting screw. These guide pins are retained by clamping bolts, while the adjusting screw is at- tached to a yoke, through the outer ends of which the guide pins pass. A large bolt passes through the heads of these and through a bracket which pivots on the axle spindle, formed integral with the brake support. The hub and brake drum are cast integral THE FINAL DRI\TE 137 and attached to the wheel by bolts and the wheels are mounted on roller bearings. FIG. 114. Vulcan Eadius Eod with Adjustment at Eear End. The Kelly jack shaft (Fig. 115) illustrates a pressed steel housing and a full floating construction which is quite accessible. The housing proper is pressed in two halves and welded together, while reinforcing tubes and flanges are used to strengthen it. To this pressed steel jack-shaft housing is bolted a cast steel differ- ential carrier or housing which carries the entire differential as- sembly and also the transmission. Provision is made for inspec- tion of the differential assembly by removing the pressed steel cover from the rear of the jack-shaft housing. Each end carries a supporting roller bearing mounted in sleeves and held in place by the carrier and caps. An adjusting nut screws over each sleeve, where it is easily accessible and is locked by a small key on the carrier cap. 138 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The outer end of the jack-shaft housing terminates in ball sleeves, which are riveted to it. These sleeves provide universal movement for the entire unit when mounted in the chassis frame and also a universal movement for the forward end of the radius CARRIER L HOU5IN6 HOUSING REINFORCING FLAME AND TUBE FIG. 115. Kelley-Springfield Floating Jackshaft with Pressed Steel Housing. rod. The ball sleeves accommodate a roller bearing held in posi- tion against the shoulder of the drive shaft by a large lock nut properly secured by lock wires. A large adjusting nut, contain- ing a felt washer screwed into the end of the ball sleeve, bears against the outer race of the bearing. Sprockets are bolted to the flanges forged integral with the drive shafts and the bolts are equipped with hardened steel bushings. They afford equal dis- tribution of the shearing strains on the bolts, due to the drive of the truck. FIG. 116. Kelley Radius Eod, Brake and Rear Axle Construction. THE FINAL DRIVE 139 Fig. 116 illustrates the radius rod and double rear wheel & brakes of the Kelly trucks. The radius rod proper is a drop forging and pivots from the brake spider. The chain adjustment is incorporated at the front end by adjusting screws. The rear axle is of I-beam section with integral spring pads. FIG. 117. G.M.C. Eadius Rod and Eear Construction. The G.M.C. one-, one-and-a-quarter and two-ton models have similar constructions excepting for size, which varies on the dif- ferent capacities. This is illustrated in Fig. 117, showing the two-ton construction. The rear axle is of rectangular section and has a long spindle upon which the spring seats, brake spider to which the radius rod body is riveted and the wheels are mounted. The hub and brake drum for the internal brake are formed integral, while a separate brake drum is attached to the wheel spokes for the external brake, both sets of brakes being mounted in wheels operating on separate drums. The radius rod has the brake shaft bearings riveted to it, so that all brake reac- tions are taken on the radius rod. This radius rod is divided into a front and rear part, each having a large threaded boss to re- ceive the adjusting screw. This screw has right and left-hand threads and is locked by lock nuts. The front end of the rod is divided on the jack-shaft center and is provided with a spherical surface to give universal movement. 140 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION An enclosed chain drive is illustrated in Fig. 118. This con- struction has been used on the Natco one-ton trucks for several years. The case is cast in two parts and well ribbed, so that it can be used as the radius rod also. The forward end carries the adjusting member, which is in the form of an eccentric and pro- ECCENTRIG ADJ. MEMBER. FIG. 118. Enclosed Chain Drive. vides a spherical bearing to obtain universal action. The rear end pivots about the brake drum, in which are mounted double expanding brakes. The rear wheel hub and brake drum are cast in one piece to obtain proper strength for this construction, since the thrust is transmitted through the brake drum. Ground joints are used to prevent oil leaks, while drain plugs are also provided so that the case can be cleaned at intervals. The advantages of the chain drive are low cost of changing gear ratios, minimum unspring weight, somewhat greater flexibil- ity, mounting of differential on chassis, where it is protected by the vehicle springs, and greater accessibility, for broken links can be repaired easily. When it is kept clean, oiled and properly ad- justed it is a very efficient means of power transmission ; however, this is quite a difficult problem. This naturally suggests enclosed chain drives which operate in oil ; however, a practical chain case is a difficult problem, so that many joints and bearings are nec- essary, which are subject to frequent renewal and in service the chain case soon becomes more noisy than the open drive. It also makes a somewhat inaccessible construction, thus increasing main- tenance cost. The Bevel-gear Axle. The bevel-gear axle is almost univer- sally used on pleasure cars. However, it is not very popular on commercial cars, being used only on the light vehicles of capaci- ties up to 1,500 Ibs. Its use is limited, owing to that it is very THE FINAL DRIVE 141 difficult to provide a higher reduction than four or five to one without sacrificing road clearance. Fig. 119 depicts the G.M.C. 1,500-lb. delivery car bevel drive rear axle, which is of the three-quarter floating type. The axle housing is divided into two halves having tubes riveted into it, w T hich extend slightly beyond the wheel bearing. The differential is of the bevel-gear type and mounted on Hyatt roller bearings TUBE YOKE FIG. 119. G.M.C. Delivery Car Bevel Gear Type Rear Axle. inside of the axle housing. Ball thrust bearings with ample ad- justment are mounted on each side of the Hyatt roller bearings to take up the thrust load of the gears. The hub is provided with a Hyatt bearing, which is centered under the wheel and is re- tained by a threaded retaining member which has a funnel-shaped part formed integral to throw off the oil and prevent it from reaching the brakes. The hub is keyed to axle shaft, so that the weight is carried on the housing tube, while the shaft transmits the powder. The spring seat swivels upon the brake spider, which also carries the ends of the truss rod. The axle housing has a bracket to support the brake shafts, so that the levers can be mounted close to the center of the axle. The brakes are of the internal and external type and operate on pressed steel brake drums bolted to the wheels.. The propeller shaft is enclosed in the torque tube, which is bolted to the axle housing and carries the ball bearings for supporting the bevel pinion, while the pin- 142 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ion shaft and the propeller shafts have squared ends and are con- nected by a sleeve having a square hole fitting over the squared shaft ends. The torque is taken by the torque tube through a large fork, which is hinged to a heavy cross member, while the spring is free at both ends. Radius rods, running from the brake spider diag- onally to a point directly back of the torque tube fork, take up the thrust load. Bevel gear drive axles of similar construction are also on the Steward, Commerce, Vim and other light delivery cars. They are mostly used with pneumatic tires, where speed is a factor. Types Intended to Overcome Reduction Difficulties. The dif- ficulty with the bevel-gear axle is overcome in the double reduc- tion, internal gear and worm-gear axles. The double reduction and the internal gear type use two reductions, one by bevel gears and the other by spur gears, while in the worm-gear axle a large reduction can be obtained with a single pair of gears. The advantages claimed for the double reduction are silent operation, enclosure of all working parts, while the differential bearings are relieved of thrust loads. By mounting one pair of gears above the other, approximately straight-line drive can be obtained. The internal gear-drive axle possesses the advantages of silent operation and enclosed working parts. However, the differential bearings are subjected to thrust loads, since the spur gears are mounted in the wheel, and it is also difficult to obtain a straight- line drive. They possess an advantage in that this axle is divided into two units, the jack shaft which transmits the power and the dead rear axle which carries the weight. The jack shaft is sim- ilar to the chain drive jack shaft and may either be bolted to the front or rear of the dead axle. The worm-gear axle is probably the most simple construction, since it has the least number of parts, can easily be arranged for straight-line drive, and possesses the features of silent operation, protection of parts subject to wear and a wide range of gear ratios can be provided without changing the distance between the worm and the wheel. All types of shaft- driven axles can be made quite accessible so that maintenance can be held within reason. The double re- duction and worm-gear axles are generally of the full floating type, in which the weight is carried on the axle tubes and the shafts are subject to only torsional stresses, as they only transmit power. THE FINAL DRIVE 143 The Double-reduction Axle. One of the first commercial car builders to use a shaft-drive axle was the Autocar Company, which equips all of its models with double-reduction axles. Ex- tensive refinements have been made on this axle and it presents an FIG. 120. Double Reduction Axle used on the Autocar. excellent type of double reduction. This axle is shown in Fig. 120, and is what is termed a full-floating axle. The bevel gears are placed above the spur gears so that a straight drive can be FIG. 121. Weston-Mott Double Reduction Axle. obtained, while it also has an advantage in machining the bevel gears, since they are much smaller than they would be if they were used instead of spur gears for the final reduction. The spur gears are better able to take care of the torque of the second re- duction and the differential bearings are relieved of the high 144 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION thrust loads, which they would be required to carry if bevel gears were used. The axle housing proper is cast in two halves joined together at the center. The spring seats are cast integral and the end of the housing is provided with a flange to which the brake spider is bolted. A reinforcing tube is placed into the housing, which extends a little beyond the spring seat, the end of which carries the wheel bearings. The bevel and spur driving gear and dif- ferential are mounted in a unit in the differential carrier and bolted to the housing proper. The drive shafts have splined ends and the wheel drive is taken through flanges bolted to the hub. Internal and external brakes are mounted on the brake drums inside of the wheels. FIG. 122. White 1J Ton Double Reduction Axle with Helical Cut Spur Gears. Fig. 121 illustrates a double-reduction axle of one-ton capacity, which was placed on the market several years ago by the Weston Mott Company, and was used on the Menominee, Flint and other light commercial cars. This axle is also of the full floating type, but differs from the one described above in that straight-line drive cannot be obtained since the bevel gear set is mounted in front of the spur gear set instead of above it. The differential THE FINAL DRIVE 145 f carrier has an extension on each side into which are placed the axle tubes, while a large cover is provided for inspection pur- poses. The brake spider has a hub which is keyed to the axle tube and upon which the spring seat can pivot, while the brake operating levers are also brought inside of the frame. The drive for the wheel is through a jaw clutch, the male member of which is forged integral with the drive shaft, while the female member is formed integral with the hub. The Autocar is designed to take both torque and thrust through the spring, while the Weston Mott axle may be arranged with radius rods to take the thrust load and a torque arm to take the torque load. The one-and-one-half ton White truck is also equipped with a double-reduction axle (Fig. 122) which differs from the above in that the bevel gears are in the customary place as in the pleas- ure car axle. The propeller shaft carrying the spur pinion which has helical teeth, is mounted above the short shaft carrying the helical spur gear and bevel pinion. Both shafts are supported by ball bearings at each end and provision is made to take care of the thrust of these gears. This presents another method of ap- proximately a straight-line drive, while the torque is taken through the springs and the driving thrust by radius rods. The double-reduction drive, like the worm drive, will be found on both gasoline and electric vehicles, although its use seems to be mostly on vehicles of 5,000 Ibs. capacity and under. . The Internal-gear Drive. As mentioned above, the internal- gear drive axle is really a double reduction, in which two sets of gears are used. It is also similar to the chain drive in that a jack shaft and dead rear axle are used. However, the two units are BRAKE DRUM SPRING SEAT DEAD AXLE 1 PROPELLER SHAFT BRAKE: FIG. 123. Fremont Mais Internal Gear Axle. 11 146 MOTOK TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION bolted together and the sprockets and chains are replaced by in- ternal gears in the brake drums and spur pinions on the drive shafts. Among the users of this type of axle may be mentioned the General Vehicle Company, Fremont Mais, Mais, Denby, Re- public, Stewart and numerous others. Fig. 123 serves to illustrate the Fremont-Mais one-and-a-half- ton axle, showing a dead rear axle of I-beam section with integral spring seats and spindles carrying a bronze sleeve and a double row ball bearing upon which the wheel is mounted. The jack- shaft unit, carrying the differential, drive shafts and bevel driv- ing gears, is mounted to the rear of the I-beam axle. The hous-- ing of this unit is riveted to the axle and supports tubes which enclose the drive shafts and extend into the brake spider to sup- port the wheel brakes. The drive shafts float in the differential and are supported inside the brake spider by a double row ball bearing next to the spur driving pinion. The hub flange is made large enough so that the brake drum can be riveted to it, while inside the brake drum and bolted to the hub is the internal gear. The driving gear, with its bearing, is enclosed in a separate com- partment formed by the brake drum, spider and hub and works in a bath of oil. One set of brakes is located in the wheel drums while the other is mounted on the bevel pinion shaft and sup- ported from the rear axle. This brake acts on both wheels through the driving unit. Fig. 124 depicts the massive construction of the Studebaker internal gear drive rear axle which possesses several unique fea- tures, having a dead rear axle on which are mounted the bevel gear differential and drive shafts which comprise the jack shaft, while the wheels are driven through spur pinions meshing with internal spur gears. The whole mechanism is enclosed and felt packings are provided to keep out dust and retain grease and oil in the various compartments. The principal difference between this axle and that above is the scheme of the brakes. In front of the bevel gears housing is a very wide brake drum on the bevel pinion shaft. On this drum are the two brake bands for foot and ratches hand brakes, but an additional hand emergency brake is provided not ratchet re- tained. It consists of shoes acting upon V-shaped ribs running around on the outside of the internal gears on the rear wheels close to the spokes. It is claimed that this construction relieves all brakes from any danger of slipping due to leakage of grease around the rear wheels and yet provides a brake acting upon the THE FINAL DEIVE 147 FIG. 124. Sttfdebaker Internal Gear Drive Axle. FIG. 125. Russell Internal Gear Axle. 148 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION rear wheels themselves in case any breakage should put the regu- lar brakes out of commission. With this axle, triangular channel shaped pressed members which are bolted to the brake spiders and hinged to a heavy cross member take up the thrust and torque loads. The G. V. Mercedes gasoline trucks are also in- ternal gear driven. While they are similar in some respects to the Studebaker construction, the axle is equipped with only one set of brakes, while the other brake is mounted in back of the transmission. They also use the trian- gular pressed steel mem- bers for taking torque and thrust loads, but. have a cross member located di- rectly in front of the jack shaft and bolted to it, and the triangular members. The Eussell internal gear-drive axle illustrated in Fig. 125 has a forged steel dead axle of round section with spring seats keyed to it so the torque and thrust can be taken on the springs. The axle is similar to those mentioned above. There is one feature about the internal gear in that it employs two reduc- tions as mentioned above and is similar to the chain drive. The first reduction is through bevel gears and is such that a low torque is transmitted by the rapidly revolving drive shafts, THE FINAL DRIVE 149 which permits a light structure for the driving unit. The next reduction, of course, is near the wheels and supported directly by them. The reduction in the wheels is such as to provide a high torque direct to the wheels. By making the jack shaft a high- speed unit, considerable weight can be saved. However, it has a greater unsprung weight than the chain drive. The Torbensen axle shown in Fig. 126 is also of the internal gear type. The dead axle is a one-piece drop forging of I-beam section, with chrome vanadium spindles and fixed spring seats. The cylindrical end of the dead axle is of large diameter, and ex- tends nearly to the center line of the spokes, so that the bending moment of the spindle is reduced to a minimum. All members of the jack shaft are enclosed, affording cleanliness, efficient lubrica- tion and quiet working. FIG. 127. Clark Internal Gear Driven Eear Axle. The Clark axle (Fig. 127) is another type of internal gear- drive axle, with a load carrying member of round section. A feature of this axle is that all parts are identical, there being no rights and lefts. The driving, unit is located in front of the load carrying member and instead of supporting at the center, the driving unit is supported at each end from the integral spring seats and brake spider. The differential and drive shafts are supported on Hyatt roller bearings and ball thrust bearings, while the wheels are supported on double row ball bearings. The White 3- and 5-ton trucks are equipped with a combina- tion double reduction and internal gear-drive axle. This axle (Fig. 128), called a double-reduction drive, but in reality an in- ternal gear drive, has a floating rear axle concentric with the 150 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION axle housing. The power from the propeller shaft is trans- mitted to the usual bevel gear set and differential which in turn drive the axle shafts. These shafts have spur pinions mounted FIG. 128. New Type of Double Eeduction and Internal Gear Drive Axle used on White 3 and 4 Ton Trucks. inside the hub case which mesh with another spur pinion which in turn meshes with the internal gear bolted to the hub of the wheel. By this method of applying the power to the wheel, a FIG. 129. Fierce-Arrow Worm Drive Axle. second reduction is obtained between the three gears in the hub case very much like the reduction which takes place between the sprocket wheels of a chain drive. THE FINAL DEIVE 151 The Worm Drive. In spite of bitter opposition, worm drive has made great strides during the past year, quite a number of makers having added worm-driven models to their line, good axles of this type being obtainable. Several of the older com- panies are building their own axle, amongst these being the Pierce, Packard and Locomobile companies, the former adding a two-ton model, while the latter have recently announced three- and four-ton models. Fig. 129 will serve to illustrate the Pierce axle which is of the full-floating type, with the worm mounted above the wheel. The worm, worm wheel and spur gear differential are mounted on ball bearings and assembled as a unit with the cover. This construc- tion permits the removal of the entire unit without disturbing the balance of the axle, as shown in the illustration. The hous- ing is a heavy steel casting reinforced by tubes which carry the wheel bearing and extend beyond the spring seats. The emer- gency brakes are mounted in the rear wheels and the service brake is located back of the transmission. Thrust is taken on radius rods and the torque load on a heavy torque arm. The road wheel is driven through a squared shaft and driving flange bolted to the hub. The worm-drive axle recently introduced by the Locomobile Company is illustrated in Fig. 130, and is also of the full-floating type. However, it differs from the above in that a bevel-gear DUAL TIRE THRUST BEARING BRAKEDRUM FTG. 130. Riker Worm Drive Axle. differential is used, while the housing is divided into three parts, consisting of a center housing and two ends which are bolted together. Reinforcing tubes are also used, which carry the 152 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION wheel bearings and extend to points just outside the differential bearings. The ends of these carry a series of packing washers to prevent the oil working out onto the brakes. The outer ends of the housing have spherical bearings for the radius rods, while the spring seats pivot on bronze bushings. The spring is mounted outside the frame while the radius rods are placed directly under the side frame members. The worm is mounted above the wheel and, together with the differential and bearings, forms a unit with the cover. A heavy truss rod is anchored to the housing FIG. 131. Timken Worm Drive Axle. inside the brake drum and provided with a turnbuckle for adjust- ment. The wheels are mounted on Timken heavy roller bear- ings, while the driving unit is mounted on ball bearings and pro- vided with suitable thrust bearings. The drive shafts are of the ten-spline type, and drive the wheels through flanges bolted to the wheel hubs. Attention might be called to the method of re- ducing the weight, by lightening the reinforcing tube. The inner wall of this tube tapers from the end to the center of spring seat, from this point to just inside the inner- wheel bearing where the greatest load comes. The Timken David Brown axle used in a number of commer- cial cars is depicted in Fig. 131, being similar in construction to those described above, with the worm, worm w T heel, differential and their bearings assembled into a unit with the cover. How- ever, in this axle the well-known Timken bearings are used throughout, and, owing to their ability to carry thrust loads, it is claimed no thrust bearings are necessary. To the writer's knowledge this company is the only one resorting to roller bear- ings for mounting of the worm. The flange for driving the wheels is forged integral with the drive shaft, while the general construction is along conventional lines. THE FINAL DRIVE 153 Another worm-drive axle used by several commercial car builders is the Sheldon axle (Fig. 132). It is also constructed along conventional lines, having the differential and worm gear a unit. However, it is of the semi-floating type, and the housing, which is cast in one piece, is so arranged that either over or underslung springs may be used. As the axle is of the semi- FIG. 132. Sheldon Worm Drive Axle Semi-Floating Type. floating type, the housing is made of liberal proportion and the weight is carried on the drive shaft, while a ball bearing is mounted inside of the wheel which is attached and driven by means of a long taper 'and key. This is clearly shown in the illus- trations. The features of semi-floating axles can perhaps be best described by comparing with the full-floating and three-quarter- floating types. FIG. 133. Phantom View of Packard Worm Drive Axle. 154 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The Packard worm-drive axle (Fig. 133) also has a three- piece housing, with the differential and driving unit mounted in a unit with the cover. The differential is spur-gear type, and the entire driving unit is mounted on ball bearings and provided with suitable thrust bearings. As in the construction described above, the worm is mounted above the wheel. The housing is massive steel construction, well ribbed to provide maximum strength. The entire construction is arranged for straight-line drive from the transmission through two universals, while the thrust is taken by radius rods and the torque by a heavy torque arm. Rear Axle Types. Shaft-driven commercial car axles may be classified according to the arrangement of the wheel bearings. If the end of the drive shaft next to the wheel has a bearing directly upon it, the axle is then classed as semi-floating type. This type of axles possesses some advantages in cost of manu- facture and simplicity, and is the lightest axle for its strength. The great strains imposed upon the bearings and housing of the full-floating type in skidding against obstructions are much less in the semi-floating type, because of 'the greater distance between bearings. However, there is much difference of opinion as to the relative advantages of the various types of axles. In the semi-floating axle, the drive shaft carries the weight of the vehicle and must also resist torsional strain. In order to make an axle in which only torsional driving strains are imposed upon the drive shaft thus approximating some advantages of the dead rear axle a construction is used wherein each wheel is mounted outside the axle housing, and the drive is taken through a central shaft connected to the hub by either a jaw clutch or flange bolted to the hub. This is known as the full-floating type of axle. It has the advantage of having the axle shaft free from all lateral strains, thus greatly reducing the danger of breakage and of bending, the latter causing the wheel to wabble. Even if the shaft is broken, the wheel is still securely mounted on the axle housing, so that the axle does not drop to the ground. The construction is such that the drive shafts can be withdrawn and even the differential dismounted without removing the wheels from the axle, or the axle from the car. The jaw clutch for driving the wheel has the advantage of being more easily withdrawn from the axle and affords more freedom to allow for misaligning parts, while the flange drive THE FINAL DEIVE 155 removes all chances of noise sometimes made by jaw clutches, and is claimed to be sligthly less expensive to construct. The three-quarter-floating axle is a compromise between the semi-floating and full-floating types. It has the wheel mounted on a single bearing outside the axle housing on a reinforcing tube, and kept in alignment by being rigidly attached to the driving shaft by either a key, as in the semi-floating type, or a flanged connection as in one style of full-floating axle. Accord- ing to the type of bearing employed at the wheel, the axle shaft is held in place either by the wheel bearing or by some sort of a lock near the differential. As in most compromises, this type possesses some of the ad- vantages of each of the others. No dead load is placed on the axle shaft, but the skidding strains are little, if any, different on the bearings and shafts than with the semi-floating type. As in the semi-floating axle, any type of bearing can be used, and the weight may be less than the full-floating axle. When the wheel bearings are of a type suitable to take end thrust, they are usually so mounted as to hold the wheel in place on the axle end, and the shaft is connected by a flange. The shaft can then be removed without disturbing the wheel. Worm and bevel-gear axles are similar to pleasure car axles, and various parts of the other two types are also similar; how- ever, while they are similar, their proportions are materially in- creased to withstand vibration. Method of Providing for Torsion and Propulsion in Shaft- driven Commercial Cars. At the present writing there seem to be about five methods of providing for torque and thrust loads on shaft-driven axles, as follows: (1) torque and thrust through the vehicle springs; (2) torque and thrust through triangular struc- ture attached to a rigid cross member; (3) torque on springs, thrust on radius rods; (4) separate torque and radius rod mem- bers; (5) torque tube surrounding drive shaft and anchored to the frame by a large yoke and triangular radius rods anchored to the torque tube. In a shaft-driven axle there are two separate torsional forces. There is first, the primary torque of the drive shaft, and the sec- ondary torque of the axle itself. The inertia of the axle causes the shaft to react upon the gear set support in a tendency to whirl them instead of itself turning, and the inertia of the wheels on the road tends to cause the axle to whirl, instead of the wheels 156 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION revolving. Owing to the reduction afforded by the gear set on the lower gears, there is a certain amount of drive-shaft torsion, even on a heavy vehicle. It is no greater, however, the motor being of the same power as in a passenger vehicle, as a rule, and, as in the latter, it can be transmitted directly to the frame, the springs being the medium relied upon to absorb it. The axle torque offers the greatest problem. In some vehicles the springs or the ordinary form of torque arm supported from the frame have proven successful, while in other cases torsion is provided for by connecting the sub-frame, upon which the com- plete power plant and transmission system are mounted, to the rear axle at one point and to the forward part of the frame on two points. Propulsion may be through the swinging sub-frame, torque tube, springs or radius rods. When radius rods are used, the springs are shackled at both ends, and when the thrust is taken through the springs the front end is rigidly attached to the frame and the rear end is shackled. There seems to be a very wide difference of opinion as to the relative merits of .the various methods, and examples of each type may be found with either type of axle. The method of tak- ing stresses on the springs, which is termed the Hotchkiss drive, has been quite popular on the lighter vehicles and at the present there seems to be a general tendency to apply it to the heavier vehicles also. The separate torque and radius rod construction is also used on a number of heavy worm-driven vehicles. TT "TT FIG. 134. Arrangement of Springs for Taking- Torsion and Thrust. This is called the Hotchkiss Drive. The internal gear-driven vehicles are divided between Hotch- kiss drive and triangular members anchored to the frame cross member for taking up these stresses. The double reduction seems to favor the worm practice, as both of these methods are found, while the bevel drive seems to favor pleasure car methods. THE FINAL DRIVE 157 Fig. 134 depicts the spring mounting for Hotchkiss drive, in which both torque and thrust are taken by the springs. The front ends of the springs are rigidly mounted in a heavy bracket at- tached to the frame, while the rear ends are shackled in the usual manner. The springs must be made with as little camber as pos- sible, that is, the spring should be nearly flat under load, so that the driving effort is applied lengthwise of the top leaf, the direc- tion of the effort lying within the metal instead of across a chord of the arc outside it. FIG. 135. Diamond T-Spring Anchorage. Springs for Hotchkiss drive must be especially designed to take these stresses and require numerous rebound clips. Some excellent features have been developed lately which show how the problems connected with this type of drive have been solved. Nickel steel U-boats are used by many, while others are providing rigid anchoring of the springs to axle in various ways. As flat springs must be used, this necessitates a rigid anchorage to prevent the pressure blocks from creeping. On the Diamond T-trucks particularly rigid anchoring of the spring to the axle is used. This is shown in Fig. 135, and con- sists of a special casting which is U-shaped and snugly fits the spring. On top of this casting is a special block, which is re- cessed to take an upward arch in the center of the top leaf of the spring. On the vertical sides of the U-casting are heavy shoulders 158 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FIG. 136. Torque taken on Springs. Driving Thrust taken on Radius Rods. FIG. 137. Triangular Torque and Radius Rods Applied to Internal Gear- Drive Axle. THE FINAL DRIVE 159 bearing against the clips or U-bolts and so preventing displace- ment of these. This feature of keeping the clips at right angles to the spring leaves is an essential of this type of drive. The Winther trucks are provided with a similar arrangement, while on the Military class B trucks the spring plates are provided with spherical depressions which lock the spring plates and pre- vent creeping. Those makers who do not provide any special, anchorage give special attention to have anchorage as rigid as possible with the use of a specially flat spring with heavy upper leaves. Spring FIG. 138. Separate Torque and Baclius Rods. seats are usually machined to the center of the spring and all points of contact are carefully white-leaded so that both air and water are kept out of the joints. On the new G. M. C. worm-driver trucks, the springs are shackled at both ends and take the torque load, while radius rods are used to take the driving thrust as shown in Fig. 136. Fig. 137 illustrates the method of taking these stresses on tubular rods forming a triangular construction with the rear axle. The tubes are rigidly attached to the brake supports at the rear, and form a large ball at the forward end, which is mounted in a spherical bearing on the frame cross member, directly over or under the universal joint. This construction will be found on several internal gear models. 160 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION The dotted lines in this illustration show another type of triangular torque and radius rods. However, each rod is hinged separately on each side of the universal joint to the frame cross member. This construction is used on the Studebaker and G.Y. internal gear-driven vehicles and the Flint double reduction drive and others. Separate torque and radius rods are used on the Pie'rce, Loco- mobile, Packard and other dorm-driven models, and the Menomi- nee double-reduction drive, the latter being shown in Fig. 138. The torque rod is a pressed-steel channel-shaped member, having a ball end, which is mounted between springs in a bracket hinged to the axle and frame side rails. FIG. 139. Manly Method of Taking Drive and Torsional Strains. On the Manly trucks, the radius rods (Fig. 139) are of pecul- iar construction and in addition to taking the torque and driving strains also maintain the axle in correct relation to the drive shaft, thus releasing the rear universal joint of any irregularity. Connection from the frame to the axle is made by means of a pair of rods on each side, the rods of one pair being placed above the other and pivoted at both the axle and frame ends. The driving force passes through both rods, being taken from a point under the springs and in line with the axle center to a heavy steel bracket on the frame. The tendency for the axle housing to rotate, which it is a natural result of the reaction of the wheels in driving, is resisted by these pairs of rods. This torque reaction compresses one rod and pulls on the other and because of their pivoted mounting it is impossible to place a binding strain on either rod. The upper and lower rods on each side of the chassis are not quite parallel with each other, their distances apart front and rear, being so proportioned that the rear axle itself is caused to move in a curve that would result from an ideal condition of having radius rods as long as the propeller shaft tube and having their front pivots in line with the front universal. Deflection of the rear universal is thus entirely done away with. THE FINAL DRIVE 161 With bevel-drive axles there are several methods in use, which follow pleasure-car practice closely. The torque tube may either surround the drive shaft and the drive be taken through the spring and the radius rod, as in the Commerce, Vim and others, or the torque and thrust may be taken through a torque tube and radius rod hinged to the cross member, as advocated by the G.M.C. 1,500-lb. delivery car, which is illustrated in Fig. 119. There are various arguments which can be advanced for either of these constructions, while each type seems to have its share of support amongst the manufacturers. From the writer's ob- servations it seems to be the general tendency to let the springs perform these functions in the lighter vehicles, and to use radius and torque rods and combinations of these on the heavier models. 12 CHAPTEK XI FEONT- AND FOUR-WHEEL DRIVES IN the foregoing chapters on the final drive, we considered all types of final rear wheel drives. There are also a number of commercial cars, in which the final drive is through the front wheels, and others in which it is through all four wheels. Both of these types have gained considerably in popularity of late. This is possibly due, to some extent, to the ' demands of the various war departments, for motor-driven vehicles, which can propel themselves to any point where mules can pull a wagon. This same ability is also of great importance in many other classes of service, where departure from the road surface is some- times necessary. It is especially of importance to coal dealers, who are generally called on to make deliveries in narrow alleys; excavating contractors, who must haul material in and out of excavations, building supply concerns, handling such as lumber, gravel, brick, etc., over unpaved roads and sometimes across swampy land to deliver the material to the building site. There are also other cases to which the four-wheel drive is adaptable. There is also a variety of cases in which extremely low bodies are necessary, as in hauling long structural girders, timbers and heavy stone. On the other hand, there are such problems as handling light paper, boxed paper and tin cans and tubes and other articles which present a very bulky load. For these pur- poses, the front-wheel drive lends itself to best advantage, while it is also of considerable advantage for fire apparatus, etc., where it is desired to retain the vehicles used with the horse equipment. Foreign manufacturers were the first to experiment with these types of vehicles and have perhaps led the way; however, there are a number of companies in America, which are prepared to manufacture these types of vehicles. As the front-wheel and four-wheel drives are closely related, and practically involve the same mechanical problem in driving and steering, they will be considered together. Four Methods of Drive. In comparing the various designs we find four methods of driving and two methods of steering. In the first construction, the whole axle pivots about its center 162 FKONT- AND FOUR-WHEEL DRIVES 163 and the wheels are driven, as in the ordinary dead or live rear axle. This construction is mostly used with front-drive units, that is, in vehicles propelled through the front wheels only. In the second type, the axles have steering knuckles, as in the con- ventional type, but the flexibility is obtained through universal joints or chains driving the wheels through internal gearing. In the third type, the wheels are driven through bevel gears mounted inside the wheel and on the steering knuckles, another pair of bevel gears mounted on the steering knuckles driving the wheels, through shafts extending from the central pair of gears in the axle housing. These three are termed mechanical drives; while the fourth construction is a non-mechanical drive, electric motors being mounted in the wheels and driving direct through reduction gearing. The front-wheel drives, in some cases, are so constructed that this forms the power unit, which may be attached to any type of vehicle the user may desire, while a rear frame construction, upon which any type of body can be mounted, may also be provided. With the latter, the rear wheels may be shod with steel or rubber tires as desired. The Devon, Pull-More, and Meyers may be men- tioned as examples of this type. Whole Front Unit Pivoting Chain Drive. Referring to Fig. 140, illustrating the Devon Tractor Trailer, the engine is mounted u-e FIG. 140. Plan View of the Devon Tractor. 164 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION in front of the axle and placed lengthwise. It is located toward the left side and enclosed by a metal hood. At the rear of this hood is the vertical steering column, and back of this, a metal seat. The power from the engine is transmitted to the clutch and transmission at the rear, the transmission being a unit with a jackshaft, as in the ordinary chain-driven truck. The front axle is similar to the ordinary dead rear axle, and carries a set of brakes and sprockets. From the jackshaft, the power is trans- mitted to the front wheels through chains, which are enclosed. In steering, the entire unit is turned bodily by means of the steer- ing wheel, through bevel gears, rotates a worm, engaging the cir- FIG. 141. The Meyers Tractor. cumference of a large worm wheel attached to the forward part of the main frame and concentric with the pivot. This worm is mounted on a splined shaft, between heavy coil springs to absorb the road shocks. The Pull-More front drive is similar to the above; but has a power steering device operated by the engine, this steering device working through a sprocket on the crankshaft, which, by means of a chain, drives a countershaft, located in the lower half of the crank case. This countershaft operates the arm of the steering reach, which is a part of the king bolt. This king bolt is located midway between the front wheels, and forms the axis upon which the entire front unit revolves. Differentials are provided to permit right-and-left-hand steering. An ordinary steering post and wheel is used to operate the power steering device. FKONT- AND FOUE-WHEEL DKIVES 165 The Meyers front drive (Fig. 141) is similar to the above types, in that the engine is placed forward of the front axle. The power of the motor is transmitted from the jackshaft, through FIG. 142. Side and Plan View of Walter Transmission and Front-Wheel Drive. side chains, to a shock absorbing bracket, carrying another sprocket attached to a short shaft, on the opposite end of which 166 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION is a small gear, meshing with a large internal gear, bolted to the spokes of the wheels. The main frame is mounted upon semi- elleptic springs. The upper frame, which forms the pivoting member, has a detachable castor-like wheel and as the weight is to the rear of the unit, it is perfectly stable and can be driven from place to place. The vehicle is steered by means of a circular rack and pinion, upon a fifth wheel. The shock of starting is eliminated by a patented arrangement on the driving pinion. This pinion is mounted on an arm pivoted by the axle and is free to roll in the internal gear to a slight extent, its forward motion being limited by a positive stop and its rearward motion by the rod and spring shown. Gear Drive. In the types described above, the power is trans- mitted to the wheel by means of roller chains. In the Walter truck the power- is transmitted by shafts and internal gears, along lines similar to the Latil front-drive trucks, built in France. The transmission of the Walter is mounted with the engine, to form a unit power plant, which is so located that the flywheel is just in front of the front axle, the entire engine overhanging the axle. From the sectional view of the transmission (Fig. 142), it will be noted that the differential and bevel driving gears are mounted at the front end of the secondary shaft, which is placed above the main shaft. From the differential, extends two universally jointed shafts to spur gear pinions on the steering knuckles, which mesh with internal gears bolted to the front wheels. There is no mechanism whatever back of the driver's seat, and the con- struction is very compact. Four-wheel Drive. The layout is such that the front-drive unit does not have to be altered or changed in any way on vehi- cles, which drive the rear wheels also, the forward unit of the front drive being identical with the front unit of the four-wheel driven vehicle. The secondary shaft of the transmission is ex- tended back to another differential and bevel driving unit, mounted on a frame directly over the rear axle. This unit also has universal jointed shafts, extending to the rear steering knuckles and carrying spur pinions, which mesh with internal gears bolted to the rear wheels. The rear axle is also used for steering in the four-wheel drive, but not in the front drive. The conventional type of worm and gear-steering column is used, with a longitudinal cross-shaft, having a universal joint at FEONT- AND FOUR-WHEEL DRIVES 167 its forward: end. The rear end of this shaft carries a steering arm, which is connected with the usual linkage to the rear wheels, as shown in Fig. 143. FIG. 143. Plan of the Walter-Four- Wheel Drive Chassis. The Nash Quad and Duplex four-wheel drive trucks are also driven by means of internal gears and universal- jointed shafts. The wheel construction of the Nash Quad is shown in Fig. 144. The propeller shafts are driven from the secondary I rZ IL, shaft of the transmission. 1 1 A^TTiHffl _r~~ "ZL The cross-shafts, which drive the wheels, are lo- cated above the axle, while the axle carries the weight only and has the driving gear and differential unit bolted to it. The driving pinion meshes w r ith an in- ternal gear, mounted in the wheel. The wheels are cast steel with integral rim, hubs and brake drums. The driving pinion is located above the steering knuckle and driven through a universal joint, the center of which is directly in line with the pivot center of the knuckle. FIG. 144. Nash Quad Method of Driving Four Wheels. 168 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Combined Chain and Shaft Drive. The Duplex is also driven by means of internal gears in the wheels and universal joints mounted directly over the steering knuckles, and with drive shafts above the springs. However, the method of transmitting the power to the wheels is somewhat different from that described above. The transmission is of conventional design and built in a unit with'the engine. Power is transmitted by shaft to a chain case, attached to the frame at approximately its center. This oil- FIG. 145. Duplex Four-Wheel Drive Chain Case. tight chain case, Fig. 145, is the junction point, connecting the front and rear axle drive shafts, the driving sprocket, by means of a silent chain, delivering power to the sprocket, to which the fore and aft shafts are attached. The shaft, on which the driving sprocket is mounted, carries a brake drum, which forms the service brake, acting on all four wheels. Emergency brakes are on the rear wheels. The vehicle is steered by the front wheels only, in the usual manner. Live-axle Drives. Another type of four-wheel drive construc- tion is that employing a live front and rear axle ; that is, an axle which both propels the car and carries the weight of the vehicle and load. The F.W.D. and Nevada trucks are of this type. In the F.W.D. chassis, the transmission is centrally located with a very broad, silent chain, which transmits the power to a shaft parallel to and far enough to one side of the transmission to permit proper clearance between the engine and propeller FRONT- AND FOUE-WHEEL DRIVES 169 shaft. Each of the two propeller shafts carries a brake drum, so that the braking force is applied to all four wheels. Steering is by the front wheels only, so that the rear axle is of conventional full-floating design with bevel-gear drive, excepting that the dif- ferential housing is located to the left of the axle center. FIG. 146. F.W.D. Front Axle. The steering-knuckle pivot of the front axle (Fig. 146) is in the form of a spherical joint, which has two trunnions, one on the upper side and one on the lower side, so that only a pivoting action, instead of a universal action is obtained. A divided hous- ing surrounds these joints, to which is bolted the spindle, upon which the wheel revolves. This pivot and wheel spindle are hol- FIG. 147. Nevada Front Wheel Drive. 170 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION low and contain the drive shaft and universal joint. The center of this universal is in line with the center of the wheel pivot and the shaft from one end extends into the differential, while the other end has a square, which fits into the flange that drives the wheel. In the Nevada, the steering is also by front wheels only. The general application of the power to the front wheels differs some- what from the above, although this design also employs full- floating axles. In this vehicle, the differential in the axles is located to the left of the center and the front axle has a somewhat different power-transmitting device in the steering knuckle. The steering knuckles (Fig. 147) are similar to the usual type, consisting of a yoke at the end of the axle tube, through which passes a king bolt, on which revolves a solid wheel spindle. On the knuckle, which surrounds the king bolt, is revolvably dis- FIG. 148. Couple Gear Electric Drive. posed a double bevel pinion. The lower teeth of this bevel pinion are engaged by a bevel at the end of the axle shaft, which is dis- posed within the axle tube. The upper teeth mesh with a larger bevel gear, this being fastened to a stub shaft extending through the wheel to the outer edge of the hub. The end is squared and engages the driving flange, which drives the wheel. In the chain-driven vehicles, the thrust and torque are taken by the conventional radius rods, while the remainder are divided between spring and radius rod construction. This is also true of differentials, as some use three and others two, in compensating for the division of power between the wheels. FEONT- AND FOUE-WHEEL DEIVES 171 Electric Drive. The fourth type, or electric, is particularly adaptable to one, two or four-wheel drives, and affords a very simple construction mechanically. The Couple Gear Freight Wheel Company makes a type of road wheel, which is constructed from two steel discs, between which is mounted an electric motor. This wheel (Fig. 148) can be attached to an axle, regardless of whether or not it is pivoted. This company builds two types of trucks, one straight electric and the other gasoline electric. In the former, batteries are used to supply the current to the motors in the wheels, while in the latter type, a gasoline engine drives an electric generator, which furnishes the current consumed by the motors, in driving the wheels. The motor is carried by the steer- ing knuckle, the armature having a pinion at each end, one pinion pulling up on one side and the other pulling down on the oppo- site side and both mesh with large ring gears attached to the two discs of the wheel, ^his affords a single reduction of twenty- five to one. A device, which is termed an " evener," permits of compensating movements and divides the force equally between the two pinions, regardless of any unequal wear or adjustments. Both front-wheel drives and four-wheel drives, are capable of further developments, and, if demands for these types of vehicles continue, we may expect to see considerable improvement in details. CHAPTEE XII MOTOR TEUCK BRAKES FROM what has been said of the brakes in discussing the final drive and the various methods of applying the power to the road wheels, it can readily be understood that there would be little uni- formity as regards brake construction and location, except that all states have laws which specify that vehicles must be equipped with two-brake systems one system for ordinary service and one for emergency. In horse-drawn vehicles, the brakes are applied directly to the steel tires; however, since rubber is quite ex- pensive, this method of brake application is not commercially possible; but it is effectively accomplished by securing to the wheels a metal drum, on which the friction members act. Until recently more attention has been given to acceleration of the commercial car than to the retarding forces at the driver's disposal. This subject at present is receiving considerable study, which is evident by the variety of types and the numerous loca- tions. The brakes are invariably applied to the rear wheels, as they present considerable advantage, supporting the greatest por- tion of the vehicle and load. On vehicles employing the double side-chain drive, it has been considered good practice to place one set of brakes on the jack- shaft and one set in the rear wheels. There are various positions for this brake, either inside or outside of the frame. This type of brake can be made light and powerful, but possesses other disad- vantages which have led some makers to place both brakes in the rear wheels. On shaft-driven vehicles, one brake can be mounted either at the front or rear end of the propeller shaft and one set in the wheels, or both sets may be placed in the wheel drums. Locations. Rear- wheel brakes for either type of final drive may be divided into three general arrangements, viz., two in- ternal brakes on the same drum, one internal and one external brake on the same drum and one external and one internal or two internal brakes operating on concentric drums. Types. There are two general types of brakes the band and shoe types, and either may be made external contracting or in- 172 MOTOR TRUCK BRAKES 173 ternal expanding. The band type consists of a continuous steel band having a fabric frictional facing, while the shoe type may either be of cast iron with a high percentage of manganese, of phosphor bronze with cork inserts, or provided with a fabric facing. When frictional facings are not used, the shoes are provided with diagonal grooves to prevent chattering and squeaking. Each type presents a variety of constructions, as regards anchor- age, adjustments, and operating mechanism. In addition to the brakes acting on the rear wheels, the Saurer motor brake can also be mentioned. The writer, in discussing this subject, will endeavor to cover the principal types in use and in conclusion outline their advan- tages and disadvantages. Considering first the chain-driven vehicles, we find two loca- tions for the service brake, either outside or inside of the frame. FIG. 149. Knox Jack Shaft Brake. Jackshaft Brakes. Fig. 149 serves to illustrate the jackshaft brake used on the Knox tractor. This is of the shoe type mounted outside of the frame and is anchored to the frame side rail by heavy brackets. Like all jackshaft brakes, this is of the high- speed type and equipped with two cast iron brake shoes, which are easily removed for renewal and mounted on large supports, while ample adjustment is provided through the rod connecting the two shoe supports with the operating lever. The brake drum is made from cast steel and is fourteen inches in diameter with four-inch face. It is attached to a hub which also carries the 174 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION driving sprocket. Features worthy of attention in connection with this construction are the particular attention paid to the strength of the brake anchorage and the unusual provision for cooling presented by the twenty ribs on the brake drum. Hydraulic Rear-wheels Brakes. The rear-wheel brakes are perhaps the largest ever attempted and are 20 ins. in diameter with a 6^-in. face. They consist of steel shoes lined with friction fabric and hydraulicallly operated. This hydraulic mechanism is of ingenious design, so that there is practically no difference in their operation from the ordinary hand brakes. A pump lever takes the place of the ordinary hand lever and a button for the release of the brake. To apply the brakes, the operator makes two or three full strokes with the handle forward and backward and the application of the brake will then be felt in the form of a resistance pulling the lever backwards, the same as with the hand lever. After the resistance is felt a good hard pull on the handle will lock the rear wheels. The release is accomplished by push- FIG. 150. Kelley Internal Expanding- Rear Wheel Brake. ing the button on the top of the handle and pushing the handle forward beyond the stop normally interposed. Passing beyond this stop exposes a release part in the pump, which allows the liquid to flow back through the pump into the reservoir. Most any of the following brake constructions can be applied to the jackshaft, while they may be placed either outside of the sprocket, between sprocket and frame and as mentioned pre- viously inside of the frame. MOTOE TKUCK BRAKES 175 Rear-wheel Brakes on Chain-drive Models. When both brakes are located in the rear wheels, they are generally of the internal expanding type. The reason for this is, should an external brake become disarranged, the chain and other parts may be injured, due to the brake mechanism being caught in the chain or sprocket. The Kelly and Natco trucks are examples of this type. The Kelly brake construction, shown in Fig. 150, presents an excellent arrangement and possesses several features. These brakes are of the shoe type, located side by side, lined with a friction fabric, BfiAHf FIG. 151. Natco Double Eear Wheel Brake. and operated by a combination toggle and eccentric. Each set of shoes are hinged on liberal eyed pins and anchored to the brake spider, which is attached to the radius rod. A toggle action, operated by an eccentric or cam, expands the front end of the shoes, while the tubular shafts, operating the eccentrics, extend through the brake spider flange extensions and are keyed at the outer ends of the worm-wheel operating levers. This feature places the brake adjustment outside of the wheel so that adjust- ment can be obtained without removing the wheels. Another feature is the provision of large grease cups arid liberal grooves for lubricating the various shaft bearings. The Nacto Brakes (Fig. 151) are also of the lined-shoe type; however, they differ from the above in that they are cam actuated and have their adjustment incorporated in the brake linkage. Each pair of shoes is hinged to the spider at one end, while the other end carries hardened steel plates, against which the cam 176 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION bears in expanding the shoes. The shoes are not rigidly attached to the hinge pins, but are free to move and, in applying the brake, the forward end engages the drum first, so that this free end permits the shoe to engage more evenly at all points of its circumference. Brakes on Shaft-drive Models. The two brake locations in the shaft-drive vehicle are on the propeller shaft and rear wheels, or both in the rear wheels. This applies to either bevel, double reduction, internal gear, or worm drive, the bevel and double re- duction axles universally using the double rear- wheel brake. FIG. 152. Fierce-Arrow Propeller Shaft Brake. Propeller-shaft Brake. The Fierce-Arrow worm-drive trucks offer an excellent example of the propeller shaft brake. This brake (Fig. 152) is located immediately back of the transmission and anchored to a frame cross member. In this type, two cast- iron shoes are brought to bear against the cast steel brake drum. These shoes are hinged to arms on each side of the drums, these arms in turn are hinged to a bracket, which is attached to the bottom of the cross member, the top ends pivoting on the op- erating shaft. Springs are placed on the operating shaft, between these two arms, to keep the brake released. Mounted on the operating shaft, is a ratchet, which is prevented from turning by a tongue fitting into a groove in one arm. The brake lever has an integral ratchet, which meshes with the ratchet mounted on the operating shaft, forming a means of applying the brake. A nut is placed at the other end of the operating shaft, forming the brake adjustment. The drum has an integral ratchet, and a pawl lever is attached to the lower link, being held erect, out of en- MOTOK TKUCK BRAKES 177 gagement by a spring. This forms a ratchet type of sprag for locking the wheels on steep hills and removes the strain from the brakes. The Packard worm drive and G.V. internal gear-drive trucks also employ the transmission brake, while the Mais, Fremont- Mais and 3|-ton Republic internal gear-driven trucks have the service brake mounted on the pinion shaft and anchored to the axle housing. FIG. 153. The Sheldon Internal Expanding- Brake. Band Brake. The Sheldon brake (Fig. 153) illustrates a simple band brake, sometimes called a single expanding shoe, operated by a toggle linkage. This type of brake is used on this company's worm-drive axles, being located side by side in the rear-wheel drums. The bands are supported by three brackets bolted to the brake spider, which carries the operating levers and shafts. The bands are expanded through small links attached to brackets riveted to them and a long link attached to the lever on the operating shaft. A large stud, located in the spider, prevents them from rotating. A coil spring releases the bands and holds the brackets in contact with the stud. Adjustment is made through the brake linkage and one of the toggle links. 13 178 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION Internal and External Brakes. The Clark Equipment Com- pany offer an excellent example of internal and external rear- wheel brake (Fig. 154) in the construction employed on its inter- nal gear-driven axles. The external brake is anchored to one end of the brake spider while the other end is provided with a simple adjustment for taking up the wear of the lining. The internal brake band is also lined with a friction fabric and expanded by a cam. This cam operates on hardened steel plates, set into the ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT FIG. 154. Clark Internal and External Brakes. brake band brackets and so arranged that they can easily be re- newed. The forward end of the brake is supported by an exten- sion of the brake spider and has liberal provisions for adjustment. An excellent feature in connection with this brake is the pro- vision of a metal disc and packing separating the gear compart- ment from that of the internal brake. This, in addition to mak- ing it possible to lubricate the gears with graphite, guards against the breakage of the gears in case any part of the brake mechan- ism should come loose. MOTOK TEUCK BKAKES 179 Another good example of internal and external brake con- struction is shown in Fig. 155 and used on the Autocar. The ex- ternal brakes are of the double shoe type, fabric-lined and hinged to a stud projecting from the brake spider, and small clevises, attached to the spider, hold the shoes longitudinally on the drum. They are connected at the front end by a rod, which forms the adjustment and also carries the springs to release the brake. The FIG. 155. Autocar Internal and External Brakes. internal brakes are also of the shoe type, fabric-lined and hinged to the brake spider. They are expanded by a double-armed lever which is connected to them by links. This lever is similar to a bell crank, with pins extending laterally from the ends of its arms, to which the links are attached. Concentric Brakes. The G.M.C. construction, Fig. 156, de- picts a type employing concentric drums. The internal brake is of the conventional shoe type, fabric-lined, expanded by a cam and operating on the inner drum. The external brake operates on the outer drum, being of the band type and contracted by a 180 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION double-armed lever. This double-armed lever is formed integral with the operating shaft and is slotted to receive the band bracket and the clevis rod, which carries the releasing spring and also forms the adjustment. FIG. 156. G.M.C. Concentric Brakes. The Timken Duplex Brake. The Timken Detroit Axle Com- pany has recently introduced a new type of brake (Fig. 157) on its worm-drive axles, which is termed a " duplex brake." These brakes consist of four fabric-lined shoes, located in such a manner that the pair of brakes takes up but little more room than a single brake of ordinary shoe type. These four shoes are equally spaced on the inner circumference of the brake drum and each pair located diametrically opposite are expanded by cams and sup- ported by the brake spider and large pins. One pair of shoes has single arms, which extend to the cam and its support and these pass between two arms of the other pair of shoes. These shoes are made somewhat larger in width, to obtain the proper brake area and are held longitudinally, by means of hardened steel washers on the operating shaft and by the brake spider. Any one of the brakes described above, with the exception of the Pierce and Knox, may be applied to a chain- or shaft-driven vehicle in any position mentioned. MOTOR TRUCK BRAKES 181 Saurer Motor Brake. Another type worth mentioning is the Saurer brake, being an air brake worked by the the throttle lever. For a quarter of a circle this lever controls the throttle, but beyond this position, through a device incorporated in the car- buretor, it causes the motor to operate on the two-cycle principle, compressing air in the cylinders to an extent which enables the car to be controlled on a 20 per cent, grade without the need of a brake. FIG. 157. Timken Duplex Brake. In applying any type of brake, it must be held from rotating and this strain is generally taken by the brake spider which rides free on the axle or jackshaft and transmits this strain to the radius rod or frame on the chain-driven vehicles and to the axle housing on shaft-driven vehicles. Mounting the service brake on the jackshaft or propeller shaft places these brakes where they are well protected and, as they are of the high-speed type, the reduction through the chains or gearing makes them more powerful. This presents a disadvan- tage, in throwing the entire braking strain on the chains or drive shaft and differential and thus shortening their lives. Should the chains or drive shaft break on a bad hill, and the emergency 182 MOTOK TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION brakes be out of commission, serious damage would result. Al- though this may rarely occur, some makers have protected their vehicles against such accidents, by placing both sets of brakes in the rear wheels, thus placing the retarding force as near as possible to the point where the momentum of the vehicle is checked. In a sense, this argument is true, especially on the heavier vehicles, for the fewer elements there are between the tire and brake, the fewer are subjected to stress and the fewer are the chances of failure. Brake adjustments are also receiving considerable study and, while in some cases they are almost hidden, in others they are very accessible. This adjustment may either be incorporated in the brake linkage or in the brake. The tendency seems to be toward locating it in the brake in such a manner that it is ac- cessible without removing the wheel. Brake equalizers are quite common on commercial cars, the well-known whippletree type being quite popular. When a single brake is applied on the propeller shaft, the differential takes care of the distribution of force to the two wheels equally, but this kind of compensation has a disadvantage, in that, if the adhesion of the two wheels is greatly different, that with the slightest grip on the road may actually cause it to rotate backwards. Still, it is only on very rare occasions that this re- verse motion occurs and it is not, therefore, a cause of much added tire wear. If the braking forces are not equalized, the task of adjusting the brakes is much more difficult than it need be. On one vehicle, the whippletree equalizer is replaced by a diminutive differential gear, providing a smoother action and a much larger range of equalization. CHAPTEE XIII THE FEONT AXLE THE front axle with its steering gear, knuckle and arms is largely depended upon for the safe control of the vehicle, while it must also carry the forward portion of the vehicle and load. It must be so arranged as to permit steering the car and in order to accomplish this, the front wheel spindles are pivoted in the axle end and are held in proper relation to each other by a tie rod, which connects levers extending from each pivot. Another lever extends from either right or left-hand pivot (depending upon left or right-side drive) which is connected by a drag link with the steering gear. This pivot is termed the steering knuckle and has the wheel spindle formed integral, while the levers may either be formed integral, or attached to the knuckle. Three General Types. There are three general types of steer- ing knuckles, known as the Elliot, Reversed Elliot and Lemoine types. In American practice the Elliot type is most extensively used and the Lemoine least. In the Elliot type the ends of the axle proper are forked and the steering knuckle is T-shaped, while in the reversed Elliot the knuckle is forked and the axle end forms a T. In the Lemoine type both axle end and knuckle form L's. In practice each of these types differ somewhat, de- pending upon the type of bearings and the method of mounting the knuckle in the axle end. For some time it was the general impression that when the plane of the front wheel was in line with the plane of the knuckle pivot, the effect of road inequalities would not be transmitted to the steering gear. This contention led to the introduction of a type of knuckle in which the wheel center lies very close to the pivot center. The knuckle in this type, instead of having a T-shape, in- cludes a sort of a yoke extending outside of the wheel hub to points close to the spokes and the forked axle ends are pivoted to the yokes at these points. However, this is of minor importance, since the speed of commercial cars is comparatively low and with a semi-reversible gear the road shocks are not transmitted to the 183 184 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION steering wheel. One prominent maker employed this type of knuckle for a number of years, but has discarded it and is now using the Elliot type. The levers to which are attached the tie rod used for connect- ing the two knuckles and the one for connection with the steering gear are known as knuckle arms. These may either be formed integral with the knuckles, or attached by means of a taper and keyway, retained by a castellated nut. One prominent maker forms the spindle and levers separately so that they may be dove- tailed together and retained by the pivot pin. The general prac- tice is to attach them to the knuckles since this simplifies manu- facturing and replacement. Owing to their importance, the knuckles and arms are always forged from a good quality of steel and heat treated. The tie rod may either be placed in front or in the rear of the axle, while the steering connection may either be arranged for cross or fore and aft steering. The arrangement of tie rod and steering connections depend upon the general construction of the vehicle and the loca- tion of the steering gear. The Axle Proper. The axle proper may either be forged from medium ca,rbon steel of solid rectangular section or of I-beam section, approaching a full rectangular section. Cast steel axles are also used, while one maker of a popular priced vehicle uses cast steel ends with a round section center. These axles may also be built up with tubular centers, flat plates riveted together, or from pressed steel of channel section. Attachment to Frame. In conventional designs the only con- nection between the axle and the frame is through the front springs, which with few exceptions are of the semi-elliptic type. One maker uses a full elliptic front spring and provides a dis- tance rod to hold the axle in alignment with the frame. Fig. 158 illustrates a front axle with cast steel center for light delivery cars of 750 to 1,000 Ibs. capacity. The center is dropped considerably, that is, the topmost surface of the axle bed is located considerably below the center of the wheel spindle, since it is in- tended for use with full elliptic front springs and pneumatic tires. The knuckle is of the Elliot type and drop -forged with integral spindle and has a boss at its lower end which is provided with taper and keyway for attaching the knuckle arm. The tie rod is placed to the rear of the axle center and is attached to the knuckle arms by a clevis and bolt. The knuckles are arranged for THE FEONT AXLE 185 cross steering and one clevis bolt has an extension which carries a cross to which the drag link is attached. This cross serves as a universal coupling to compensate for the angular positions of the CUP f CON BALL BEARING FIG. 158. Light Truck Axle with Cast Center. knuckle arms and the variation in the vertical movement between axle and frame. This is necessary as the steering gear is always FIG. 159. Vulcan 5-Ton Front Axle. attached to the frame and the action of the springs tend to vary the distance between the frame and the axle. The hubs are mal- leable castings with flanges, which hold the spokes of the wheel. 186 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Cup and cone ball bearings are used for mounting the hubs on the spindle. Bearing adjustment is by means of a nut on the spindle and spacing washers. The Vulcan Front Axle. The Vulcan five-ton axle (shown in Fig. 159) offers an example of heavy vehicle construction ar- ranged for fore and aft steering, with the tie rod located to the rear of the axle. The axle center is a drop forging with integral spring seats. These spring seats are placed as close as possible to the wheel center in order to obtain the maximum capacity. The stress, due to both the combined weight of the vehicle and its load and that due to the wheel striking an obstruction, increases from nothing at the center of the wheel to a maximum at the center of the spring seat. For this reason a minimum distance is desired. It is customary to increase the section of the axle center between the knuckles and spring seat centers, both in a vertical and horizontal plane to withstand this stress. The knuckles on this axle are also of the Elliot type, but instead of forging the spindle integral with the knuckle pivot and keying the arms to the former, these parts are forged separately and keyed together by integral keys. The pivot pin has a shoulder at one end and a nut at the other end to hold them together and the entire unit is supported by bushings and thrust washers in the fork of the axle center. The hub con- struction is of conventional design, employing annular ball bearings for wheel mounting. The Peerless Axle. Fig. 160 depicts the Peer- less front axle, which is built along conventional lines with drop forged cen- ter, integral spring seats and Elliot type knuckles. In detail, this construction differs from those mentioned above in that the bush- ings for supporting the pivot pin are located in the knuckle in- FIG. 160. Peerless Front Axle. THE FKONT AXLE 187 stead of in the axle fork. Thrust washers are replaced by a ball- thrust bearing, located in the upper part of the fork. The steer- ing arm is forged integral with the knuckle arm and attached to the knuckle by a taper and key. The steering arm being so ar- ranged as to clear the lower surface of the center. The front wheels are mounted upon Timken roller bearings and dished, that is, the wheel spokes are set at angles with a plane perpendicular to the axis of the wheel. The Timken Front Axle (Fig. 161) is used on a num- ber of commercial cars. It has a drop forged center of I-beam section, and Elliot knuckles. The axles are arranged for either type of steering to meet the re- quirements of vehicle mak- ers. However, in this case the cross steering arrange- ment with the tie rod and drag link located in front of the axle is shown. The knuckle and pivot pin are locked together with a bolt, so that this part is properly supported by the Timken bearing in the axle fork. Timken bearings are also used for wheel mounting. The axles mentioned above are all arranged for right-side steering, while the Natco axle (Fig. 162) arranged for left-side fore and aft steering with the tie rod located at the rear of the axle. It is of conventional design with Elliot knuckles and pivot pin bushings located in the knuckles. This illustration shows how the center is dropped to provide the proper clearance between it and the radiator or other units which may be near it. It also shows the method of providing clearance for the tie rod and it will be noted that this is not bent to the shape of the axle, as pro- vision must be made to compensate for the movement of the knuckle arms. This axle is an example of light truck construc- FIG. 161. Plan and Side View of Tim- ken Front Axle. 188 MOTOR TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION tion, and also presents one method of driving the speedometer by gearing from the wheel. STEEPING MOTION OF FIG. 162. Natco Axle Top and Side Views. Pierce Axle. The Pierce worm-driven trucks are equipped with front axles having reversed Elliot type knuckles and fore and aft right-hand steering. The axle center is an I-beam section 5TEER/NG ARM FIG. 163. Type of Front Axle used on Pierce- Arrow Worm-Driven Trucks. forging and is perfectly straight, with integral spring seats. The pivot pin bushings are located in the knuckles and so arranged that the thrust is taken by the shoulders of these bushings and a THE FRONT AXLE 189 J FIG. 164. Packard Front Axle. thrust washer. The pivot pin has a taper which fits into the axle center so that it can be drawn up tight by a castellated nut. The wheels are mounted on Timken roller bearings as shown in Fig. 163. Packard Axles. The new Packard worm-driven trucks are equipped with front axles (Fig. 164), em- ploying the reversed El- liot type of knuckle; how- ever, they are arranged for left side fore and aft steer- ing. The axle proper, how- ever, is dropped at the center. This construction is similar to the one depicted above, with the exception of the steering arms, which are attached to the lower part of the knuckle. This permits proper clearance for the tie rod and places it in such position that it is not necessary to bend it. A feature worthy of attention on both of these axles is the provision of ball and socket connections for the tie rod and drag link in place of the more customary clevis and bolt. These ball and socket joints have springs so that the wear in the steering connections is auto- matically taken up. The International Har- vester Corporation trucks for some years had used the Sarven type of wheel in connection with an Elliot type of steering knuckle, in which the pivot center lies very close to the center of the wheel. This is shown in Fig. 165 and it will be noted that the hub construc- tion resembles an ordinary vehicle wheel hub. This consists of wooden hubs with steel hub flanges, the former have steel shells which carry the wheel bearings. The outer wheel bearing is of the roller type FIG. 165. Axle used on some of the In- ternational Harvester Trucks. 190 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION made by the I.H.C., while the inner bearing consists of a steel and bronze shell, the latter having a taper bearing in the shell in- serted in the wood hub. The bronze shell is provided with oil holes and grooves, so that the entire bearing can work in graphite and grease. The knuckle, instead of having the usual hub for the pivot pin or king bolt, as it is sometimes called, has a yoke, which fits into the axle yoke. Short pins pass through the axle and knuckle yokes to form the pivot. The above axles all have drop forged centers, which may either be forged in one piece or the two ends may be forged sep- arately and welded together at the center. The Reo Axle. The Reo two-ton front axle (Fig. 166) differs from those shown above in that the center is built up from a bar of round section, pinned and brazed into cast steel ends which form the forks. The knuckles are of the Elliot type and carry the bushings for the pivot pin. The knuckle arms fit over the FIG. 166. Reo 2-Ton Front Axle. ends of the knuckle and are held in unison with knuckle by two keys. This axle is arranged for left-side steering and the tie is placed directly back of the axle bed. It is not necessary to bend it, since ample clearance is obtained by placing the spring seats above the wheel center. The wheels are mounted on Timken roller bearings and retained by a castellated nut and keyed washer. Vim and Commerce Axles. The Vim and Commerce trucks also employ built-up axles with Elliot knuckles, but the center or bed is made of tubular section. The Avery farm trucks em- ploy another type of built-up front axles. A malleable casting forms the steering head to receive the Lemoine type of knuckle, which is equipped with a series of hardened steel washers to take the thrust. THE FKONT AXLE 191 FIG. 167. Lemoine Type of Knuckle. On either side of the steering head extensions are riveted a couple of steel plates as shown in Fig. 167. These are straight at the spring seats and bent up slightly at the ends to attach to the steering head castings. Blocks are placed between the two axle plates di- rectly under each spring to form the seat. The steering connections are arranged for cross steer- ing and are located in front of the axle. The three-wheel "Wayne Light " commercial car having a capacity of 800 Ibs. also employs a built- up front axle as shown in Fig. 168. Two sections of rolled chan- nel steel are riveted together and with drop forged yokes and Elliot type knuckles at either end. Pressed steel centers may also be used, while combinations of the above types may also be worked out. Bearings. All American trucks are equipped with anti-fric- tion bearings such as the ball and roller types, which are capable of carrying both a radial and thrust load. The mounting of these bearings presents no difficulty and they are usu- ally provided with adjust- ments to compensate for wear. The tie rods and FIG. 168. Wayne Light Axle, Bnilt-Up dra g links . a1 * 6 made f Type. tubular section and are pro- vided with adjustments so that the alignment of the wheels may be properly maintained. Lately there seems to be a tendency to use the ball and socket joint for these in preference to the clevis. The former will to a considerable extent take up the wear automatically and can also be more efficiently lubricated. CHAPTEE XIV STEERING GEARS AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STEERING MECHANISMS Certain Principles That Must be Understood in Designing Them. Some interesting problems pertaining to the design, con- struction and operation of the modern commercial car are found in the various steering mechanisms employed. Like almost every other important mechanical features, the steering devices now in general use have resulted from a careful study of the conditions to be fulfilled, supplemented by extensive experiments with dif- ferent types. These researches have resulted in a general steering system which is applied in different forms to all standard com- mercial vehicles. This, in brief, consists of a hand-wheel, con- nected through some form of linkage and gearing leverage to the front wheels of the vehicle, these wheels being carried on pivoted ends of the front axle. The design and construction of some of the most important features of this general arrangement afford interesting subjects for discussion. Throw of Front Wheels. Commercial vehicles must neces- sarily be operated within a limited space such as a narrow street, and it is of importance that the extreme throw, from side to side of the front wheels be settled upon, as the amount of this throw, together with the wheelbase and tread determines the turning radius. In practice the latter two items are established by the load or body requirements, and with these fixed, the throw of the front wheels is usually limited by the width of the body, frame or springs and the permissible distance between the pivot cen- ters about which the wheels swing. The angles which the con- necting linkage make, become too acute or obtuse according to their location, if the maximum throw of the wheels is made more than 35 degrees. If this throw is exceeded, steerage is difficult and unsafe. The theoretical center about which the vehicle turns is some- what in the center line of the rear axle prolonged, the exact loca- tion being determined by the intersection of this line by a line drawn normal to the inside front wheel. Another line drawn from this intersection to the center of the outside front wheel 192 STEEEING GEARS 193 should be normal to this wheel if it is at the correct angle to pre- vent excessive side slip, which is very destructive to the vehicle tire. The four wheels will describe concentric circles about this theoretical center. This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 169 and it will be noticed that the minimum turning radius is the radius of 14 194 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION the arc described by the outer front wheel when these wheels are in the position of maximum throw. The differential device allows the proper relation of speed between the rear wheels. The outer front wheel pivot is turned a smaller angle than the inner, and they are connected, by a cross rod, rigidly attached to them. There must be some compensating device interposed to give the same angular relation when the wheels are turned in the opposite direction. This is accomplished by making use of the principle of varying ratios of sines of the angles at different FIG. 170. Arrangement of Knuckle Levers and Tie Eod for Front and Rear Positions. points in the arcs through which the knuckle levers turn. This necessitates locating the pivot or knuckle levers so that their cen- ters diverge if they project ahead of the axle, and converge if they project back of it. As the wheels swing, the knuckle lever mounted on the spindle of the inner wheel travels away from the dead center arc, thus traveling a smaller angular distance. This is illustrated by heavy lines, Fig. 170, which are shown for both front and rear location of the cross-rod. Knuckle Lever Angles. There are various methods of theo- retically determining the proper angles of these levers, either mathematically or graphically; however, this is largely a matter of compromise, between what is theoretically correct and what is attainable practically. Some makers follow the practice of lay- ing out these steering connections so that the center line of the knuckle lever extended will intersect the center of the rear axle. Others endeavor to obtain a knuckle lever length and angle, that while fitting into the general layout of the vehicle, gives the STEEEING GEARS 195 largest possible range of steering angle without undue error. This is generally determined more by experience than by any figures. Another point which must be considered in the general layout, is the various lengths of wheel bases and this suggests making the angle of the knuckle levers as small as possible, con- sistent with reasonable clearance between the ends of the cross tube and the spokes of the wheels. Location of Knuckle Levers. Both front and rear positions of these two levers are used and each position possesses its ad- vantages and disadvantages. Some makers prefer the forward location for the reason that it enables large steering angles to be used safely, thus diminishing the turning radius of the vehicle. With the rear position the tie-rod, connecting these two levers, is better protected from injury, providing the proper clearance can be obtained under the engine base. The length of this tie-rod is so adjusted that with the front wheels in the central position the distance apart of the w T heel felloes at the height of the spindle is from 3/16 in. to 5/8 in. less in front of the axle than back of it. The amount of toe-in depends upon the diameter of the wheel, the lower figures being used for wheels 34 ins. or less. This toeing-in is intended to allow for slight play in the joints of the tie-rod and the flexure of its members. It is also intended to cor- rect the tendency of the wheels to toe outward when the vehicle is moving. Inclination of the Wheel Spindles. The spindle upon which the wheel revolves is generally inclined from 1^ to 2 degrees below the horizontal center, while the king bolt about which the wheel pivots is brought as close to the spokes as possible, in order to bring the point of intersection of the center of the wheel with the ground as close to the center of the bolt produced as possible. This distance forms the lever arm at the end of which the re- sistance to motion of the front wheels acts when the wheels swing around for steering. To approximate castor steering, some manufacturers also in- cline the axles and king bolt in a fore and aft plane, as in Fig. 171, the inclination being about four degrees on the average. The reasons for these features are that they make steering easier, in that the construction produces a trailer effect which tends to ob- viate serious consequences in the event of breakage or disconnec- tion of the steering linkage. The point of wheel contact with the ground is behind the point at which the center of the king bolt 196 MOTOK TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FIG. 171. Trailer Effect when Cas- tor Steering is Approximated by In- cluding King Bolt. produced meets the ground, hence the steering wheels trail and are automatically kept in the straight ahead position by the road resistance. This trailer ef- fect somewhat reduces wob- bling of the front wheels and also reduces the shock on the steering gear. Reversibility of Steering Gears. To prevent road shocks from being trans- mitted to the operator's arms, it is considered best to have the steering gear back- locking, or irreversible to some extent at least. With a perfectly reversible system it is evident road shocks, which are transmitted to the operator's hands, depend on their magnitude and the lever arm through which they act. This system is best adapted to show moving vehicles running over smooth pavements, such as the light electric vehicles in common use. Between the limits of reversible and irreversible steering gears, is the semi-reversible type, which allows the vehicle wheels to be turned independently of any effort exerted on the steering wheel, yet exerting an even resistance to movement. This feature allows the road wheels to follow the path of least resistance and at the same time indicates to the operator the extent and direc- tion of the movement by more or less swerving of the steering wheel depending upon the gear ratio. The semi-reversible sys- tem also relieves the parts of considerable strain which would be present if the vehicle wheels w r ere rigidly held to their position. A disadvantage of the semi-reversible feature is in steering through sandy or muddy roads and in crossing obstructions such as car tracks obliquely. Irreversible Gear for Heavy Service, Heavy service seems to offer a logical field for the irreversible gear as the connection may be made heavy and strong. Considerable manipulation of the steering wheel is usually necessary on these vehicles, which tends to make this type a favorite by relieving the operator of STEEEING GEARS 197 jerks and considerable muscular exertion on the steering wheel. It also permits a very low gear ratio or large hand wheel motion which is quite desirable from the leverage standpoint in operating a heavy vehicle when at a standstill or moving very slowly. Steering-gear Ratios. Because a commercial vehicle is heavier and slower than a pleasure car, it necessarily has a different kind of steering gear. Theoretically the layout would be the same for both machines, if they had the same wheelbase, but practically it is necessary to have a greater reduction in the commercial vehicle because it is heavier and naturally takes a greater leverage to turn the wheels; and also, since this vehicle acts at a slower rate of speed, the reduction can again be greater because it is not so necessary to be able to turn the wheels from one side to another quickly. Owing to the great inertia of a moving loaded commercial vehicle, it is not desirable to make quick turns with the front wheels on account of the tremendous stresses involved by the in- ertia force and the high center of gravity. The term, irreversible, in itself, is confusing because it has no exact meaning when applied to a steering gear, beyond the rather indefinite condition, that it means that any ordinary road wheel impact will be insufficient to turn the steering wheel. It is simply a question of reduction between the worm and gear or screw and nut, whichever system is used. The greater the reduc- tion the less reversible the system and likewise the slower the motion of the road wheels in relation to the movement of the steering wheel. Hence, the steering mechanism for a heavy vehicle will be less reversible than the steering mechanism for a lighter vehicle. Tie Rod. The tie rod connects the steering knuckle levers on opposite sides and is usually of tubular section. When placed in front of the axle it ordinarily works under tension, while behind the axle it works under compression. In the forward position the road resistance encountered by the front wheels, acting through the steering knuckles and arms, puts a tension on the rod and in the rear position a compression. The force impressed by the operator in steering the vehicle produces a tension for one direction of motion and a compression for the other, with both constructions. The ends of the knuckle levers swing in the same plane and the tie rod must be connected with forked connectors. These 198 MOTOK TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION connectors are generally made adjustable, so that the wheels may be kept properly lined up even if the rod or steering levers be- come slightly bent. The adjustable connectors must be securely clamped and safeguarded against working loose. The Drag Link. The drag link may be placed either in a fore- and-aft position or crosswise of the vehicle. The fore-and-aft position is more generally used when the engine is under a hood, while with the seat over the engine it is difficult to place the gear in such a position as to permit placing the drag link parallel with the frame. The gear usually is so close to the front axle that the drag link must be placed crosswise. Cushion springs are usually put in the joints of this member to assist in absorbing abrupt shocks which might be transmitted in either direction. These members sometimes are made adjust- able for length, while ad- justments are also provided to take up the tension on the springs. An important point in the steering gear layout is a desirability of a proper ge- ometrical layout for the drag link to avoid front wheel Avobble under front spring deflection when the vehicle is in motion. In other words, it is very im- portant to have the drag ^ , . , link so arranged as to FIG. 172. Steering- Gear Back of Axle and Drag Link Parallel with Frame, produce the least tendency to rotate the steering gear arm as a result of the action of the front springs. When this member is placed crosswise it should be in nearly the same plane as the tie rod under normal load, but with the fore- and-aft position conditions are entirely different. With this arrangement the drag link may be either forward of or behind the front axle. In the latter position, which is the more popular, this link should be so placed that when the truck is loaded, a straight line drawn through the eye of the front spring will ap- proximately intersect both front and rear ball- joint centers of the drag link, as in Fig. 172. A slight deviation from this inter- STEERING GEARS 199 section will not materially affect the results, depending upon the characteristics of the front spring, but the centers must fall ap- proximately on this line to obtain the proper front wheel action under spring deflections, particularly when such spring deflection is at all excessive. To give as nearly as possible true steering under extreme conditions, it is well to make the front spring as flat as possible, to prevent any great extent of forward or backward movement of the axle. On the Mack model "A.C." trucks (Fig. 173) the steer- ing gear and drag link are ahead of the front axle. This member is slightly out of parallel with the frame, when the mechanism is in midpo- FIQ sition, but swings into posi- tion more nearly parallel when the road wheels are turned. The front axle, in its move- ments, due to road inequalities, swings through an approximate arc about a point P. The ball on the steering knuckle-arm is as close to this point as conditions permit. The drag link, extending backward, swings about a center Z. Thus, both the axle itself and the ball on the steering knuckle-arm swing through approxi- Mack Model "AC" Gear Arrangement. Steering FIG. 174. Manly Front Spring Mounting. mately concentric arcs and no backward or forward motion is imparted to the steering gear arm due to spring deflection. 200 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION On the Manly trucks a similar arrangement is used ; however, this is just the reverse to that of the Mack trucks, in that, the front end of the spring is shackled and the rear end rigidly at- tached to the frame. By this method the end of the drag link, which is pivoted on the steering gear arm, is brought very nearly in line with the pivoted end of the spring so that the axle and the forward end of the drag link connected with the axle is allowed to travel in practically the same curved path. The Steering Gear. Horse-drawn vehicles are ordinarily steered by means of a fifth-wheel attached to the forward unit of the vehicle gear, which pivots on what is known as the king bolt. However, the divided axle is universally employed on commer- cial cars. This was described in the preceding chapter on " Front Axles," and the arrangement of pivoting the wheels is known in the country as the Ackerman Steering Gear. Technically, this has been revised and at present it is based upon the principle that if the vehicle is to turn a corner without lateral slip of any of the wheels, the steering linkage must be so arranged that the axles of all wheels produced always intersect a common vertical line, this vertical line forming a momentary axis of rotation. This accounts for the use of inclined knuckle arms instead of parallel arms. When they extend toward the rear they must incline toward each other and away from each other when they extend forward of the axle. The inclination is such that the center lines of the arms produced meet at the point near the center of the rear axle. Wheel and Mast. Commercial cars are steered by means of hand wheels located at the upper end of the steering column. The spider of the steering wheels is secured to a shaft which gen- erally passes down through an outer tube, usually called the mast. This shaft enters a housing at the lower end, which car- ries the steering mechanism that may either consist of a rack and pinion bevel pinion and bevel sector, worm and sector, worm and wheel, or screw and nut. The steering column is generally styled according to the type of steering mechanism employed. One member of the mechan- ism has a shaft extending through the housing and carries the steering lever which is connected by means of a drag link to the steering arm on the front axle. Generally the steering motion is geared down so that one and one-half turns of the hand wheel will give the steering ball arm a motion of about 60 degrees, while STEERING GEARS 201 the lever proportions are such as to give the wheels the maximum angle in either direction. For commercial cars, especially those designed for heavy service, it is considered best to have the steering gear back- MAST STEERING SHAFT FLOOR BRACKET HOUSING PINION PINION RACK- FIG. 175. Eack and Pinion Type of Steering Gear. locking or irreversible, that is, so designed that any shocks re- ceived by the road wheels will not be transmitted to the operator's arms. The lighter vehicles permit the use of a slightly reversible mechanism, in which part of the shock is transmitted to the op- erator's arms, thus reducing the shocks transmitted to the steer- ing mechanism. Drag Links and Tie Rods. Drag links are usually of the same proportions as the tie rod of the axle and the general practice is to provide cushion springs to absorb some of the shock which is transmitted to the steering mechanism. There are various con- structions of either the steering mechanism or drag link in use at 202 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION of completeness, it will be necessary to present some illustra- tions, if clearness is to be a property of the text. Rack and Pinion Type. The rack and pinion type of steering gear (Fig. 175) is perhaps the simplest type. It consists of a hollow steering shaft which carries the hand wheel at its upper end and a spur pinion within a housing at its lower end. This pinion meshes with a spur rack the end of which extends through FIG. 176. Reo Bevel-Type Gear. the housing and carries a ball to which the drag link is attached. The column has an outer tube or mast which carries a bearing for the steering shaft. This type of steering mechanism is only used for cross steer- ing and is completely reversible, so that the road shocks are trans- mitted to the operator's arms. It is practically limited to use on cars of 1,000-lb. capacity and under, and where the steering pivots can be so arranged that only part of the motion of the road wheel can be transmitted to the steering mechanism. It also possesses a STEERING GEARS 203 disadvantage in that all the load is carried on one tooth, as the space in the chassis frame is not large enough to permit the pro- portions needed to have two or more teeth in mesh. Bevel-pinion Type (Fig. 176) illustrates the bevel-pinion and sector type of steering used on the Reo 2-ton chassis. In this construction the steering shaft is made of solid section, which permits securely keying the hand wheel and bevel pinion to it. This, of course, is made possible by placing the spark and throttle control outside of the steering column and locating the levers below the hand wheel. The bevel pinion meshes with a bevel gear sector which is attached to a horizontal shaft carrying the steering ball lever. The steering motion is limited by leaving a portion of the sector without teeth, while the thrust of the sector is taken on a steel roller, a spring being used to maintain the roller in contact with the sector. A large bracket forms the frame attachment and also TRUNNION BLQCK HU1 STEER/ NG LEVER FIG. 177. Steering 1 Gear of the Fierce-Arrow 5-Ton Truck. carries the bearings for the horizontal shaft, the thrust roller and supports the lower end of the mast. The spark and throttle controls, instead of having the usual sector near the hand wheel, are controlled by means of friction members and springs, located below the foot board bracket, while the accelerator pedal is also mounted on this bracket. Bevel gear steering mechanisms have less need for housings than other types, although in some cases they are enclosed. This type of gear is also completely reversible. Worm and Sector Type (Fig. 180) depicts the worm and sector type of steering used on the Vulcan 5-ton chassis. It has ball- thrust bearings and a hollow shaft, however, but one control, that of the throttle is built in the column, the spark being con- 204 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SPARK CONTROL HAND WHEEL 'HRQTTLE CONTROL. trolled by mechanism mounted on the dash. The lower end of the steering shaft having an integral worm. This worm meshes with a worm-gear sector mounted on a horizontal shaft and sup- ported by bushings located in the horizontal divided case. The customary position for the steering ball lever in the worm type of steering gears, is on the horizontal shaft; however, this position generally limits the motion of the front wheels on the side on which the steering gear is located, as the road wheel will come in contact with the drag link before it can touch any other part. With fore and aft steering the usual method of overcom- ing this is by placing the steering arm of the axle below the axle center and mounting the steering gear in such a manner as to per- mit the drag link to clear inside the front spring. However, this places the steering link- age in a position where it is practically the low- est point of the vehicle and very apt to become damaged by striking ob- stacles in the road. In heavy vehicles consider- able clearance is usually allowed between the front spring and the frame, and in the Vulcan 5-ton truck this clearance is taken advantage of to protect the steering link- age, by passing the steer- ing arm of the axle through this space so that the drag link comes in- side the frame. However, owing to the limited amount of space between the engine and the frame, the steering ball lever can- not be mounted on the horizontal shaft outside of the housing. In order to overcome this, the worm sector of the steering gear has a boss which extends through case and carries the lever. In this way the lever is placed in approximately the center of the column and has ample space for its full movement. BALL THRUST SEARING 'ADJUSTING NUT STEERING LEV EH FIG. 178. Peerless Steering- Gear, and Wheel Type. Worm STEERING GEARS 205 Worm and Wheel Type. The Peerless steering gear (Fig. 178) differs somewhat from those shown above, being of the worm and wheel type with friction controls mounted above the hand wheel. This hand wheel is attached to the steering shaft by means of a taper and key, while the former is made large enough to form both the shaft and the mast. With inside controls and a mast, there is considerable dif- ficulty in providing a shaft of proper proportions, so that in eliminating the mast, the shaft can be made ample in size. Al- though it is somewhat more difficult to provide a bracket on the foot boards, owing to the shaft turning with the hand wheel. In this construction a complete worm wheel is used instead of a sector, and as only about 90 degrees of the worm wheel comes in contact with the worm teeth, while the wheels are moved their entire turning range, and as the shaft is squared, the steering arm can be removed and the wear taken up by turn- ing the wheel through an angle of 90 degrees, and another quarter sec- tion brought into action. The thrust is taken on ball bearings in either direction. The controls consist of a stationary tube on top of which is mounted a cylindrical box, with a horizontal slot in one side through which the control levers STEERING WHEEL. LEVER LEATHER BOOT LL SOCKET PRING BALL ON STEERING ARM OF AXLE FIG. 179. Natco Steering Column. extend. Each control lever has an extension, which carries a friction segment, being pressed against the inner wall of the C3^1indrical housing by a spring. The lower end of this stationary tube is rigidly attached to the housing so that it cannot rotate. 206 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION A shaft and tube pass through the former to which the upper and lower levers are attached. The Natco steering gear (Fig. 179) is also of the worm and wheel type with suitable ball bearings to take the thrust of the worm, while a thrust button takes care of the wheel thrust. The housing is made in one piece with openings for introducing the worm and wheel. In this construction the steering shaft is also used as the mast; however, the wheel is attached to the shaft by bolts and flanges. But one control is provided, with the lever located above the hand wheel; however, instead of passing the control shaft through the case, the movement of the control lever is transmitted externally by means of a double thread screw or cam. The steering shaft has slots on opposite sides directly above FIG. 180. Vulcan Steering Gear. Worm and Sector Type. the housing. These are enclosed by a collar which fits over the steering shaft and carries two dowel pointed screws, which set in threads of the cam. A fork rests on this collar and any move- ment of the control lever will tend to raise or lower this collar, carrying with it the fork which is connected to the carburetor. Screw and Nut Type (Fig. 177) illustrates a screw and nut type of steering used on the Pierce 5-ton chassis. The solid steering shaft has the hand wheel keyed to its upper end and a multiple square threaded screw at its lower end. This screw actuates a nut with trunnions on its outside which carry die cast trunnion blocks that slide within the jaws of a forked lever, keyed to the steering ball lever shaft. The housing is divided horizontally and carries suitable ball thrust bearings, which are STEERING GEARS 207 adjustable from the lower end of the housing. The spark and throttle controls are of the ratchet and sector type mounted out- side of the column on the steering column mast. Another screw and nut type of steering gear which is used on a number of trucks is the Ross, shown in Fig. 181. The hollow FIG. 181. Ross Screw and Nut Type Steering Gear for Fore and Aft Steering. steering shaft carries a steel screw at its lower end mounted be- tween two ball bearings to take up its end thrust. This screw is held to the shaft by means of a brazed joint and when the hand wheel is turned a steel block or sleeve is given later movement. This steel block or sleeve has a square external section and thereby is prevented from turning by the housing. On each side of the 208 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION lower end of this sleeve, cylindrical recesses are turned, and cylin- ders, which are free to rotate, are placed in these recesses. The cylinders have slots milled in them which receive the projecting arms of the steering ball lever shaft. The control levers are mounted above the wheel and their shafts pass through the steer- ing shaft. The motion of these levers is reduced at the lower end by means of bevel gears. Cross Steering. All of the gears depicted above are best adapted to fore and aft steer- ing, although they may in some cases be arranged for cross steering. Fig. 182 illustrates the Boss screw type of gear, es- FIG. 182. Eoss Screw and Nut Type Steer- pecially designed for ing Gear for Cross Steering. cross .steering on heavy vehicles. The lower end of the steering shaft is integral with a steel screw, which, when turned by the hand wheel, gives a bronze sleeve longitudinal motion. This bronze sleeve is threaded internally to receive the steel screw and has spirals milled upon its external surface. The housing has spirals cut on its internal surface which engage with the spirals on the sleeve. The bronze sleeve in addition to internal threads contains a number of straight key-ways. The steering ball lever which projects half way up into the sleeve has integral keys, so that when the sleeve is given rotative and lon- gitudinal motion, it rotates the ball lever. The gear is provided with ball-thrust bearings and an adjustment to take up wear, and can be made semi-irreversible or irreversible, depending upon the ratio of the threads. STEEKING GEARS 209 Drag Links. In Fig. 179 is shown a type of drag link used on vehicles up to about two tons capacity. It has ball sockets which fit over the ball on the steering arm of the axle. One of the ball sockets is brazed or welded to the drag-link tube and has an opening to receive another socket, which is retained by a nut or cap. The steering gear end has a housing attached to the tube which carries ball sockets and springs. These springs are intro- duced in the drag link to reduce the shock. The ball end may be introduced through holes in the housing and sockets or through slots which extend to the end of the housing. FIG. 183. Vulcan Drag Link. The Vulcan drag link (Fig. 183) offers an example of the type used on heavy vehicles. This consists of a link of solid section threaded on both ends into housings which are divided on the ball center. The ball sockets on both ends are provided with cushion springs, while the caps of the housings are retained by long studs. This tends to facilitate assembling especially when the springs are heavy. Some makers enclose these joints in leather boots, as shown in Fig. 179, to hold grease and prevent dirt and grit from cutting the ball surface. As mentioned previously, universal joints are necessary at both ends of the drag link, because the steering arm moves in a vertical plane, and the knuckle arm in a horizontal plane, but in- stead of the ball and socket joints, forked joints are sometimes used. This type of joint was illustrated in the preceding chap- ter. They are somewhat simpler in construction and present larger bearing surfaces. However, they are more difficult to en- close and cannot take up wear automatically. 15 CHAPTER XV MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES THE chassis frame practically forms the foundation of a com- mercial car, since all the power-transmitting and other units are attached to it. It is often referred to as the backbone of a com- mercial car. Its construction depends to some extent upon the general scheme of the chassis layout, the construction of power- transmitting units and their mounting, as well as the method of final drive, wheel base, etc. When the commercial car was first introduced, comparatively little attention was paid to the frame, as other things such as the power plant, axles, etc., were deemed of greater importance, hence the frame received slight consideration. However, after experiencing considerable difficulty, due to accidents and other failures which were traced directly to poor frame construction, commercial car builders discovered that frames could be designed with greater strength and with less weight if the problem was given proper consideration. Unit Power Plants and Flexible Mounting. The constant trend of obtaining perfect alignment for the engine, clutch and transmission has resulted in the adoption of the unit power plant on some models, while in others, particularly, of the heavier type, flexible mounting of the units has been resorted to. In fact, re- gardless of unit construction, all individual units are generally flexibly mounted to some degree, in order to relieve them of the heavy stresses due to frame weaving when the road wheels mount an obstacle on the road surface. However, since this subject of power plant mountings is of considerable importance, this will be discussed in detail in the succeeding chapter, the author con- fining this chapter to the construction of the frame. In discussing this subject, it may be necessary in some cases to refer to the gen- eral chassis construction in order to clearly depict each type. The most prominent types of truck frames may be divided into three classes, according to their popularity : ( 1 ) The pressed steel frame, (2) the structural channel frame, (3) the structural I-beam frame. These may again be divided into various classes, 210 MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 211 depending upon the general construction and material as well as the distribution of the main units. The Pressed-steel Frame. The pressed-steel frame is quite popular on all types of vehicles and is now universally used on vehicles up to and including those of 5-ton capacity. Structural channel and I-beam frames are still used by a number of makers ; however, the pressed steel frame is rapidly gaining favor and from present indications will eventually replace the other types. In discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, the pressed steel frame may be mentioned as being lightest in weight for equal strength of the structural or rolled channel and I-beam section, while its cost is somewhat higher, due to the use of heat treated material to obtain maximum strength. The cost varies with the section, material and the nature and extent of bending. The straight side rail is of course the cheapest construction; however, when conditions permit, this is usually tapered at the front and the rear and the forward end is sometimes formed to receive the spring hanger. When the seat is placed above the engine this taper is usually very short, permitting the paying load to be carried well to the front. Bumpers are sometimes pro- vided to protect the chassis, these may either be formed integral with the frame or attached to it by castings. When the side members are inswept to permit a short turning radius, it is necessary to make the flanges of the side rail of con- siderable width at this point, tapering gradually toward the rear, to provide the proper strength at the point of offset. Cross Members. Cross members are usually made of the same material as the side rails and when pressed have integral gussets, this, of course, is not possible with the rolled sections so that the separate gusset plates must be used, thus placing the strain on the rivets, instead 'of on the cross member. These frames of either type are used in both flexible and rigid constructions. While both kinds of material are subject to heat treatment, it is generally conceded that pressed steel is a higher- grade metal than rolled stock. Owing to its temper it will stand a certain amount of bending which would give rolled stock a permanent set or crack it. It is alleged that pressed steel is more sensible to vibration, in that it will crystallize sooner than rolled steel under similar conditions. Instead of being built up rigid, as are rolled-steel frames, the pressed-steel frame may be built up 212 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION flexible, so that instead of taking the vibration dead, as well as sudden shocks, it gives to them and transmits them to other* parts, so that the individual vibrations in any part are reduced by dis- tribution. The pressed steed flexible frame may also be made lighter for its strength because of its flexibility. The Rigid Frame. The rigid frame, too, has advantages, whether it is of pressed steel or rolled stock. It permits the body to be secured rigidly to it and as it does not give to the inequali- ties of the road, there is no racking of the body. An advantage of rolled stock is its cheapness, except of course in the lighter models of the assembled type for which frames can be purchased at low figures. Another advantage of rolled stock is the ease with which the wheelbase can be altered. The maker using this type of frame may with little additional expense give customers a shorter or longer frame than standard. It is possible to alter the pressed-steel frame in length by cut- ting off from the maximum length, although this disturbs the nice proportioning of the frame for stresses, one of the important advantages of this type. Effect on Springs. The effect of frame construction upon the design and duty of the springs must also be considered. This feature is not generally understood, but has an important bearing ^m YT-- ' vrvr-i-.- ' ' ** ^^ \ * \^ct/ssrr \ i vs 4^ -yr k-yA^i- *< *^ L. tfifr v \ s^ ^fcffe- d J( f ~^REAR SPRING BRACKETS. ^~~ T r^^lMT SPRING BRACKETS--** FIG. 184. Vim Del ivery Car Frame. upon the life of the vehicle. A rigid frame relies upon the springs to allow for all axle displacement. If the front and rear wheels on opposite sides be raised several inches simultaneously, the frame is subjected to a torsional stress. If the frame is rigid, springs of considerable camber must be employed in order to absorb the shock without being bent past the limit of safety and MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 213 sufficiently flexible to absorb all of the shock without any tendency to lift the other wheels from the ground. For this reason a dif- ferent type of spring is used on a rigid chassis from that used on flexible ones. The flexible frame when diag- onally opposite wheels are raised does not impose all of the duty on the springs, but warps and ab- sorbs a part of the stress. For this reason springs on flexible chassis are usually flat or nearly so, with a reduced amount of play. Flexible construction also permits the frame to be carried equally as low as with the underslung spring, and yet the spring is perched above the axle, where it is more nearly in line with the center of gravity, thus reducing sidesway. Details of construction such as spring hangers, etc., Vary consid- erably, as can be noted from the descriptions of the various types, which follow : Specific Illustrations. The Vim 4-ton frame (Fig. 184) il- lustrates a construction of pressed steel, with straight side rails and cast spring hangers which are riveted to the former. Owing to its shortness on account of the small size of the vehicle this frame is unusually strong. The Reo f-ton frame (Fig. 185) also employs straight-side rails; however, these are tapered and bent at the front end to re- ceive the spring hanger. This il- lustration shows in detail all parts 214 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION which are riveted to the frame and also a rigid sub -frame con- struction, which is set at an angle to provide as near as possible a straight-line drive to the rear axle. All cross members are provided with integral gussets, while pressed-steel parts such as step hanger, body brackets, etc., are used to keep the weight within reasonable limits for this size of vehicle. One-ton frames are built along similar lines. TRfGAL Gusserrs DOUBLf CROSS MEMBER TO BRACE FRAME STfiAIGHr SIDE BAIL FIG. 186. Fremont Mais Pressed Steel Frame. Fig. 186 depicts the Fremont Mais 1^- to 2-ton frame, with straight-side members, bent at the front end to receive the spring brackets. In this construction, the scheme is to eliminate unnec- essary cross members, so that the frame forms a flexible construc- tion; however, it presents an excellent method of providing strength at the point where the drive, which is taken by the springs, is transmitted to the frame. This is accomplished by placing two cross members together to form an I-beam structure. Fig. 187 shows the flexible frame construction, which is char- acteristic of all Pierce worm-drive trucks. The side members are pressed steel and taper at both ends, the front being bent to form the spring hanger, while the bumper is also attached at this point. But two cross members are used, as such parts as the spring brackets and torsion rod support are used for this pur- pose, while the rear member is of tubular section. A brace of cross shape serves to form a flexible support at the point of drive. In this construction the drive is taken through radius rods at- tached to a bracket which also forms the spring bracket and car- ries the tubular member from which the torque arm is supported. The Locomobile trucks are also also worm-driven and are equipped with radius rods and torque arm to take the torque and driving thrust; however, the frame (Fig. 188) is made of rigid MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 215 216 MOTOK TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION construction. It is made of pressed steel with side members tapered at both ends and cast spring brackets riveted to the side rails. The forward cross member forms a bumper, while the re- maining members support the transmission and service brake FIG. 189. DeKalb Pressed Steel Frame Inswept at Eear. and form braces at the points of spring anchorage to the side rails. The extreme rigidity of this construction can be noted by the numbers of cross members and the method of reinforcing the rail with an etxra channel insert. Fig. 189 depicts the De Kalb 4-ton frame, which is also of pressed steel with tapered side members. This frame is of con- ventional design with the exception of the side rails, which are inswept along side the rear springs much the same as the con- ventional side member is narrowed from the dash forward to re- duce the turning radius. Through this feature lower body car- [3h ?-ri r-ra ~T REAM .^CAST STEEL CROSS MEMBERS ~~ 1 Lr 1 f 1 t tf ( V f/fOHT SPRING BRACKETS' JACKSHAFT FIG. 190. U. S. Structural Channel Frame. riage is obtained than would be possible otherwise. It also pro- vides ample clearance for the radius rods, chains and springs. The flange width is increased at the point of offset to provide proper strength. MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 217 The United States 3-ton frame (Fig. 190) is an illustration of the structural or rolled channel frame, combined with steel castings and a construction in which each unit is mounted as flexibly^ as possible. The forward three cross members are steel castings, the fourth of I-beam section rolled steel and the rear of channel shape rolled steel. The front-spring hangers are formed integral with the front cross member, which is in two halves, bolted together at the center. FIG. 191. Knox Tractor Frame. The Knox tractor frame (Fig. 191) is made from rolled steel of channel shape; however, it is comparatively short, as the rear axle is attached to the frame by means of cantilever rear springs. Thus the frame merely extends far enough to carry the support on which the spring pivots. The illustration shows the combined jackshaft and brake support bracket and other parts which are riveted to the frame. Large gusset plates are used at the front and rear end, while the front cross member extends to each side and is curved to form the bumper. The 3-ton Yelie frame (shown in Fig. 192) is built up from rolled steel of I-beam section, with subframe members of chan- 218 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 11 &d I nel section. It is of the rigid type well braced, and provided with heavy gusse't plates. The front cross member is bolted in position for easy access to the power plant. Diagonal braces of channel section are placed between the third and fourth cross mem- bers for stiffening the frame. It is claimed that I-beam section pro- vides a much heavier and stronger frame, due to greater width of the flanges. To eliminate the braking of frames, there seems to be a gen- eral movement against drilling any rivet or bolt holes in the bot- tom flanges of the side rails. In- stead of drilling the flanges in attaching the body and frame brackets, the vertical section of the frame is drilled. There is less weakening of the frame by this process. There is also a decided tendency toward the use of straight-side rails. A novel fea- ture which accomplishes this is used on the Nash trucks and illus- trated in Fig. 193. Instead of tapering the frame at the front end as is usual by carrying the top flange straight, the taper is accom- plished by keeping the bottom flange straight and tapering the top gradually down to the spring horn. Bolting instead of riveting frame members and castings is also receiving serious consideration at present. Structural steel of channel or I-beam section is bought from the steel mills in stock lengths. It is MOTOR TRUCK FRAMES 219 usually manufactured from Bessemer steel, afterward subjected to open hearth process in which it is saturated with carbon, to certain specifications for certain uses. FIG. 193. Nash Frame showing Taper of Upper Flange. Pressed steel is purchased in sheet form, cut to the proper shape in the flat and then pressed into channel form under great pressure. It is made of steel rolled into sheets ; it is made some- what closer grained, and there is no breaking of the flake in the rolling operation. The pressed steel frame permits of greater simplicity in assembling, since parts can be easily bolted or riveted to it. CHAPTER XVI POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS AN interesting problem in connection with commercial car designing which merits careful consideration is that of mounting and arranging the power plant so as to protect it from stresses caused by frame weaving, due to road irregularities. Vibration is another factor of considerable magnitude that must be consid- ered, while provision must also be made for torque reaction. Power-plant mounting is being freely discussed and there seems to be a general tendency toward some form of flexible sup- port, so that sufficient freedom is given the engine, while others resort to a spring mounting, which combined with a flexible sup- port, protects the power plant from vibration and frame weaving. Opinions differ greatly as to the correct mounting, some maintaining that the usual method of bolting down the two rear engine arms rigidly to the side rails of the frame does not give the engine sufficient freedom, even if a flexible support is pro- vided at the forward end. Others take the opposite view, claim- ing that the front flexible support is sufficient. There are also some engineers who claim good results can be obtained by a rigid central support at the front end, as this practically gives a three- point support, and permits frame weaving to be taken up by the cross member which supports the forward end of the engine. The material give of the cross member should absorb severe stresses and also hold the engine more rigidly against torque reaction. If the engine is mounted with a pivoted support at the for- ward end, the torque reaction caused by an explosion in the front cylinder, must be transmitted through the crankcase to the rear engine arms before it reaches the frame. However, if the for- ward support is of the rigid type, the stress goes to the frame direct. In addition to the flexible front support, some makers also provide swivel supports for the rear arms, so that all the torque reaction must go to the rear arms, but no frame distortion can by any possibility put a stress upon the crankcase. Larger and more massive engine arms are also being used, thus increasing the efficiency of the present mountings. 220 POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 221 Coil springs of considerable strength are also used under the front or rear supports, and these absorb some of the stress created by frame weaving, while they can also be arranged to absorb some vibration. An important point with a rigid mounting is the method of securing the rear arms to the side rails of the frame. In this case, the engine must be held securely, and the frame must not be ap- preciably weakened, while the arrangement must be such that the supporting arms can be quickly freed when it is desired to re- move the engine from the chassis. In the unit power plant the transmission is supported from the flywheel housing, but in the amidship position, it is usually mounted on a three-point support, so that it has a certain degree FIG. 194. A Prominent Type of Flexible Support, which may be Adapted to Either the Engine or a Unit Power Plant. of flexibility to resist frame weaving. In some cases where a flexible subframe is used for the motor, this is also arranged to support the transmission. For midship mounting, cross mem- bers of the frame are usually used, so that the forward support forms the flexible member, while the rear carries the two rigid supports. One of the most prominent types of flexible supports is shown in Fig. 194, which may be adapted to either the engine or a unit power plant. This particular illustration represents the Globe 1-ton truck, equipped with a Continental engine. In this con- struction two cast arms integral with the flywheel housing, form the two rigid points of support. These are set on hangers, riveted 222 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTKUCTION to the side rails of the frame, while bolts pass vertically through both, to hold the power plant in position. The third point of support is at the front end of the engine, and consists of a bracket fitting over a finished surface, on the hub extension of the gear cover plate. A cross member passes under this, and has the bracket fastened to it by two bolts. FIG. 195. A Three-Point Main Frame Mounting Employed on the Riker Trucks. This engine is also used on the Denby trucks, and is mounted in a similar manner, but in order to provide more flexible rear supports, one bolt on each side is fitted snugly and provided with a coil spring, the others being a loose fit. Another type of three-point mainframe mounting is shown in Fig. 195, being employed on the Eiker commercial cars. In this construction, a heavy drop forged member is attached to the crankcase at the rear by studs, which pass clear through the case. These studs are so close together that considerable freedom is ob- tained by this supporting member, through the elastic extension of the studs, and the elasticity of the forged member. The for- ward end is also supported by a forged member ; however, this is pivotally arranged in a bracket bolted to the crankcase. Metal filling blocks are fitted into the side rails of the frame, and three bolts in each end of these supports secure the engine to the frame. The top flange of the supports overhangs the filling blocks, and so relieves the bolts from the weight of the engine. The Pierce 5-ton truck engine is also mounted in a similar man- ner, while the Packard truck engines have a pivot mounting at POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 223 the front end, and the rear end is supported by a large member which is bolted to the flywheel housing. An interesting and simple method of support is used on the Union trucks (Fig. 196), which is covered by patent. The for- ward support is of swivel type, consisting of a bracket fitting over a hub extension of the timing gear cover. This bracket has FIG. 196. Simple Method of Support used on the Union Trucks. two lugs which rest on the upper flange of the cross member, so that the weight is taken off the bolts that hold the bracket in position. The rear support is a large cast member bolted to the flywheel housing, which has a trunnion formed on each side, and these fit into brackets, that in turn are bolted to hangers riveted to the frame side rails. This gives the engine somewhat greater free- dom, and permits taking the torque reaction on the rear member. The Signal truck has an unusual engine mounting (Fig. 197), which is also covered by patent. In this construction, swivel sup- ports are also used on the rear arms, for with such a layout the torque reaction must all go to the rear arms, but no frame distor- tion can by any possibility put a stress upon the crank case. A bracket developed into spherical shape is bolted to the arms ex- tending from the flywheel housing and supported by brackets bolted to the frame members. The forward support is of the pivoted type, similar to the Riker, having a drop-forged member that is supported by coil springs and brackets attached to the 224 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION frame members. A long stud supports the springs above and below the frame brackets, so that the springs relieve the en- gine of severe shocks and vi- bration. The Diamond T-trucks also have a swivel rear support of the ball-and-socket type, and the front support is of the piv- oted type, supported from a channel section cross member, which is also used to support the radiator. One of the chief difficulties encountered in combining the engine and transmission in a single unit is due to the fact that the flywheel is located be- tween them and to enclose it requires a great deal of metal, adding both to the weight and the cost. In commercial car practice the four-cylinder en- gine seems to have become the standard and with these there is a tendency to use a flywheel of inadequate capacity, when it is to be enclosed, which detracts somewhat from the steady run- ning qualities of the vehicle. To overcome this, two expe- dients may be resorted to. One is to place the flywheel at the front end of the engine, but there are a number of objections to this practice. The purpose of this flywheel is to equalize the torque of the engine before it is transmitted to the transmission and its logical place therefore seems to be between these two units. The forward location also POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 225 places it in a position where it can easily be injured, while the strains on the tires are increased and the clearance between the engine and front axle is materially reduced. On the Dorris commercial cars all the features of an open fly- wheel are retained as illustrated in Fig. 198, by joining the en- gine and gear box by a large yoke which permits the use of a large flywheel and also affects a considerable saving in weight. 2 a" FLY WHEEL YOKE FIG. 198. The Dorris Unit Power Plant. The method of mounting the engine in the United States motor trucks is illustrated in Fig. 199. The engine is mounted on a subframe, the front cross member of which extends into the side members of the frame. This cross member has ends that form a yoke into which are placed heavy coil springs, retained by a long bolt, passing through a bracket riveted to the frame, thus utilizing the springs to absorb severe shocks and vibration. A 5-in. spherical bearing riveted to the rear of the subframe forms the rear support. This rests on a large cast cross member, which is dropped considerably at the center. The support is on the upper side of this cross member, thus providing a very flex- ible mounting. The larger sizes of Kissell Car trucks also have the power plant mounted on springs at both ends, with provision for flex- 16 226 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION ible mounting incorporated in the rear supports as depicted in Fig. 200. The engine is mounted upon a pressed steed subframe having cross members at both ends, which are dropped consid- FIG. 199. Sub-Frame Arrangement used on the United States Trucks. erably at their center. The front cross member has two pressed steel brackets which rest on heavy coiled springs placed inside -FRONT SUPPORT FIG. 200. Kissel-Kar Six-Ton Sub-Frame Mounting. of the front cross member of the main frame. Another spring is placed below the flange of this cross member, a bolt being used to hold both springs in position. In this way the movement of the POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 227 MAIN FRAME HINGE MA/M FRAME forward end of the subframe is controlled in both directions. The rear support is formed by brackets riveted to the subframe members, which have a T "I J "I J J_ ^ * I"~ 1 m ball-shaped end that rest on ball sockets placed within a bracket riveted to the main frame members. These ball sockets are pro- vided with springs, to re- lieve the power plant of shocks due to vibration while the ball permits a certain degree of flexibility when the frame twists. In reality this is a four-point suspension which retains all the features of a three- point suspension. The same principles of unit power-plant mounting may be applied to vehicles in which the engine or both engine and trans- mission are carried on a subframe. Fig. 201 illustrates this feature applied to Mogul trucks. The frame has a front cross member which carries a bracket to form the bearing for the third point of support. The subframe is also provided with a cross member and a bearing bracket, so that a hollow pin can be inserted. This is retained by a large nut, having a hub, which together with the pin WVOT H/NGE FIG. 201. Mogul Power-Plant Mounting. MAIN FRAME SUPPORT FIG. 202. Three-Point Suspension of the DeKalb Sub-Frame. forms the bearings for the starting crank. The rear ends of the sub- frame being supported from a frame cross member. A similar construction (Fig. 202) is used on the Dr. Kalb commercial cars. However in this case the hinge is placed at the front end of the subframe members, while the rear end has a large drum which forms a single hinge. Fig. 203 illustrates a sectional view of this rear support and also illustrates the method of supporting the front end of the transmission from this point. The transmission is bolted to the jack shaft and has a long torque 228 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION INGE tube extended to this third point of support, which is of spherical form. The principle of three-point suspension in the Blair trucks (Fig. 204) is even carried on to the rear axle. In this construc- tion the subframe is hinged to the main frame in front by steel castings and heavy hardened and ground steel pins. At the rear it is hinged at right angles to the worm-drive-axle housing. It O is claimed that this system renders the subframe that carries the power plant flex- ible to any position, main- taining perfect alignment in the transmission of power. It pro- vides a straight-line drive under all conditions, and almost en- tirely eliminates universal joints in the drive. 3PHEft/CAL BEARING FIG. 203. DeKalb Sub-Frame and Transmission Support. FIG. 204. Sub-Frame Arrangement used on the Blair Trucks. Flexible mountings are also applied to transmissions when these are located amidship. An excellent example of this is the United States mounting (Fig. 199), in which spherical or ball- and-socket joints are used at three points, one at the forward end, and one at each side in the rear over the jack-shaft housing. POWER PLANT MOUNTINGS 229 On the Packard trucks the transmission (Fig. 205) is sup- ported by two pressed-steel cross members. The forward end is bolted to a cross member, which has a machined surface that fits over the housing, which supports the forward or main shaft of the transmission. The rear end is free and pivotally mounted in the brake anchor, which is attached to the cross member. FIG. 205. Method of Supporting- the Transmission on a Packard Truck. On the Federal truck a modified three-point support is used. The transmission case has four lugs, two at each end, and these support the transmission case, being attached to two cross mem- bers. The two lugs at the front are close together, and prac- tically produce the same effect as a single point. Three-point support is also used on several other trucks, the forward support being of the pivot type while the rear is either directly mounted from a cross member or by brackets attached to the transmission. The advisability of providing a long life for the power plant will be endorsed by all users of commercial cars, and since this feature can be accomplished with little added expense, it would seem to be a step toward reducing maintenance cost. There are very few makers at present who do not provide a certain degree of flexibility in the mounting of their power plants. These few contended that there is little to be gained through this feature; how r ever, it is not to be denied that for commercial cars, this feature presents several advantages. CHAPTEK XVII SPKINGS AND SPEING SUSPENSIONS COMMERCIAL car bodies are mounted upon the chassis frame, the latter being supported on the axles through the intermediary of steel springs. These springs are built up of a number of plates varying in length and are used exclusively to support the body, although coil springs are used as auxiliaries. The upper leaf of this spring usually has an eye at each end for connection to spring brackets on the frame, or shackles. In some few cases the ends are left flat and fit in brackets so that the frame rests directly on them. The balance of the spring con- sists of a number of shorter leaves, the lengths of which de- crease uniformly, except in cases when they are required to carry very heavy loads, in which the first two or three leaves are of the same length. The various leaves are held together by a center bolt or a band. The method of frame connection depends upon the type of spring and various other factors, while the axle connection is usually made by box clips and a spring seat on the axle. This seat is sometimes called a perch, and may be formed integral, or attached to the axle. Spring Types. The simplest type of spring is the semi- or half-elliptic type, while all other types are made up wholly or in part of the former. They may be termed combinations of the semi-elliptic type. The three-quarter-elliptic type consists of a semi-elliptic lower member and a quarter-elliptic top member. These two members are joined by shackles and bolts at one end. This type of spring is used on pneumatic tired vehicles only at present. The full-elliptic spring consists of two semi-elliptic members joined at both ends by bolts or shackles and bolts. The three-quarter platform spring consists of two semi-elliptic side members and one semi-elliptic cross member, the side mem- bers being joined to the cross members by shackles and bolts. This type is ordinarily termed the platform spring, since the true full platform spring consisting of two side and two cross semi- 230 SPKINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 231 elliptic members is not adaptable to the ordinary chassis con- struction. Auxiliary springs consist of a half-elliptic with plain ends. The cantilever spring carries the weight at its small end and may either be quarter-elliptic; in which the big end is secured to the frame or a semi-elliptic; in which case it has a pivot support on the frame at or near its center, and is connected to the rear axle at its rear end. There are also various other combinations; however, they are not employed at present, and consequently are not within the scope of this work. Semi-elliptic a Favorite. Regardless of capacity, the semi- elliptic suspension is a decided favorite. It is simple, and if the length, width and other dimensions are proportioned correctly, nothing better than the semi -elliptic spring for front and rear suspension could be desired. The remaining spring suspensions employed at present may be classified as follows: Semi-elliptic front, full-elliptic rear; semi -elliptic front and three-quarter-elliptic rear; full-elliptic front and rear; semi-elliptic front and three-quarter platform rear; full-elliptic front and platform rear. Another point worthy of note is the substitution of the true sweep spring and the elimination of the double sweep spring. Having a simple curve, the true sweep spring is easy to fit, and spring makers recommend them on this account. The double sweep spring is simple to mount and has a legitimate place on every truck as an auxiliary or overload spring. Comparison of these two types may be made by referring to Figs. 206 and 207, the former being a true sweep and the latter a double sweep spring. Until recently, very few springs were equipped with bumpers ; however, in most cases these are in the form of coil springs, and on some vehicles they are made of a heavy square section. The general construction of the various types can readily be understood by referring to accompanying illustrations; however, the method of frame suspension and axle mounting warrants dis- cussion. De Kalb Springs. Fig. 206 illustrates the De Kalb rear spring, which is of the semi -elliptic true sweep type. These are placed outside of the frame to permit carrying the frame low, and the main leaf has an eye at each end which is connected to 232 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION the frame by means of shackles and bolts through brackets riveted to the frame. All bearing surfaces are provided with removable bushings and grease cups. The leaves are held together by means FIG. 206. DeKalb Spring Mounted Outside of Frame and Over Axle. of a steel outer band which is shrunk over them. The spring is attached to the axle by means of a spring seat which is mounted on the axle spindle and prevented from turning by a set screw. Box clips of square sections, placed at an angle are used to hold the spring to its seat. Two nuts are used to hold the spring rigid, while the upper ends of the clips are held in position by a pres- FIG. 207. Mogul Six-Ton Rear Spring with Tlain Ends Showing Method of Mounting on Axle. sure block on the top of the spring which fits snugly over the center band. The front spring is of similar construction; however, the front end of this is attached directly to the front bracket, while the rear end is shackled to its bracket. The necessity of directly SPRINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 233 connecting the forward end of a front spring to frame is due to the fact that this is the is only connection between the frame and the axle, the spring being utilized to hold the front axle in posi- tion. This is also true of the forward end of a rear spring when the torque and driving thrust is taken through the spring. This feature was explained in a previous chapter on the final drive. SPRING BAND CUP SPRING SPRING SEAT AXLE FIG. 208. Mogul Springs. In Fig. 207 is shown the Mogul 6-ton rear spring, which is of the semi-elliptic double sweep type with plain ends. These ends fit between the webs of the frame bracket, which has a hardened steel plate resting on the spring. In this case the spring seat is also mounted on the axle spindle ; however, Mogul 6-Ton Front Spring Mounting. SPRING CLIPP AXLE HOUSING AXLE DRIVE SHAFT. SPRING SEAT SPRING BAND FIG. 209. Chase Underslung Spring Shackled at one End. in place of the usual box clip, four heavy bolts with a T-shaped head are used. The bolts fit into grooves formed into the walls of the spring seat and the heads of the bolts fit into rectangular holes cast into the seat. Two flat bars are used as a pressure block 234 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION and are retained by washers and nuts. The front spring is con- nected to the frame at the forward end by an eye and a shackle bolt, while the rear end is plain and rests against a hardened plate on the bracket. The method of axle mounting is similar to the rear; however, clips are used in place of bolts, while the spring seat is a steel casting, which fits over the axle as shown in Fig. 208. The clips pass through holes in the seat proper which coincide with grooves cut into the upper flange of the axle. Tapered washers and nuts hold these together. Chase Springs. On the Chase worm-driven models, the rear springs (Fig. 209) pass under instead of over the axle, and also take both the torque and the driving thrust. For this reason it is necessary to rigidly connect the front end of the spring to the FIG. 210. I.H.C. Full-Elliptic Front Spring. frame, while the rear end is shackled to compensate for elonga- tion under load. Conditions are reversed in the axle mounting, as the pressure block is placed under the spring and the spring seat over it. These are held together by clips of U-shape which pass over the axle. Fig. 210 depicts the full-elliptic front spring used on the I.H.C. 1,000-lb. vehicles. They are clipped to both the frame and the axle. This type of spring consists of two semi-elliptic mem- bers, one mounted above the other, and are connected at their ends by bolts. This type is also employed on the rear end of these vehicles; however, instead of rigidly connecting the upper SPRINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 235 PRESSURE SPFf/NG CLIP FRAME member to the frame ; this is pivoted on a shaft as shown in Fig. 211. A bracket is attached to the frame, through which the shaft passes. The upper spring seat pivots on this shaft and has the spring clipped to it as shown. The object of piv- oting the upper end of the rear spring is to compen- sate for the spring play since the only connection between the axle and frame with this type of spring is through the radius rods. Mack Springs. Fig. 212 illustrates the three-quar- ter platform rear springs used on the heavy duty Mack trucks. The rear ends of the two side mem- bers are connected by double shackles consisting of two substan- tial U-shaped members which are hooked together, the same as on numerous horse-drawn vehicles. SPRING EAT FIG. 211. Method of Mounting I.H.C. Full-Elliptic Rear Spring. FRAME SIDE MEMBER FRAME CROSS MEMBER FIG. 212. Three-Quarter Platform Spring used on Mack Heavy-Duty Trucks. Fig. 213 illustrates the overload or auxiliary spring which is usually a semi-elliptic member of the double sweep type. It is attached to a frame cross member at the center and the ends are free so that they may make connection with a separate spring when a predetermined load has been applied. On the International Harvester Company's trucks, auxiliary springs are provided which take action at a time when the main springs are about to be overtaxed and prevent the load from 236 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION coming in dead contact with the axle. These auxiliary springs are of the quarter-elliptic type and are attached to the brackets which take the driving strain at the front end of the spring. The FRAME CROSS MEMBER PfVNG CUP PFUNG FIG. 213. Overload Spring with Separate Seat. rear ends of these auxiliary springs are free to bear on the pres- sure blocks of the rear springs. This construction is illustrated in Fig. 214. Knox Tractor. The Knox Tractor employs an unusual method of suspension, Fig. 215, which combines a cantilever and semi-elliptic spring at the rear end of the frame. Heavy semi- elliptic springs are attached to the rear axle with long clips and carry the fifth wheel of the trailer. There is no connection be- tween these and the tractor frame, so that they carry the weight FIG. 214. I. H. C. Quarter Elliptic Overload Spring. of trailer and load only. The tractor frame is mounted on a can- tilever spring, having a pivot near its center and a shackle at the front end. The rear end bears on a seat clipped to the rear axle. This construction permits a flexible mounting for the tractor, and also the carrying of very heavy loads on the trailer. There is a great variety of methods of attaching the springs to the frame and rear axle. Several methods have been illus- trated above, while the following gives an excellent idea of the attention that is being devoted to this vital point. SPKINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 237 FIG. 215. Knox Tractor Cantilever Rear Spring. Selden Construction. The Selden construction (Fig. 216) has a heavy pressure block which is grooved to take the U-shaped clips and carries a heavy coiled spring which contacts with a bracket riveted to the frame and acts as a check for ex- cessive deflections. Two of these coiled springs are used one on each side. The Vulcan 5-ton front springs (Fig. 217) are mounted on a seat forged integral with the front axle, and are retained by long studs which have a shoulder near their center and by a drop-forged pressure block. The Velie 3-ton vehicles have a rear axle of round section and cast spring seats which are held in position by a heavy bolt pass- ing through the axle. The spring leaves are held together by a center bolt which passes through the pressure block. Long FIG. 216. Selden Spring- Mounting 1 . 238 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SPRING. FIG. 217. Method of Mounting Vulcan Five-Ton Springs. a heavy pressure block,while the seat for the bumper is also retained by the clips. This construction is shown in Fig. 221, while Fig. 222 illustrates the spring shack- les and the method of con- necting these to the frame. This shackle is suspended on a very large shaft extending the full width of the frame and supported by brackets riveted to the frame. box clips are used to attach the spring to its seat, as shown in Fig. 218. Peerless Springs. On the Peerless trucks the front springs are mounted on a seat forged integral with the axle, and are retained by box clips. Fig. 219 illustrates this, and it will be noted that a coil spring is attached to the pressure block which acts as a bumper. Under excessive deflec- tions these springs strike the bot- tom flange of the frame and ar- rest the rebound motion of the vehicle springs. The Nash Quad also employs a spring bumper which is made of flat metal and is termed a vo- lute spring. This is attached to a bracket fastened to the pressure block, as shown in Fig. 220. The Gar ford worm- driven models have the springs mounted outside the frame and the bumper springs, which are of square section are mounted directly under the frame side. The vehicle springs are retained by U-shaped clips and FIG. 218. Velie Three-Ton Rear Spring Mounting. SPRINGS AND SPRING SUSPENSIONS 239 BUMPER On the Selden trucks this shaft is replaced by a steel tube which ties the brackets together but the shackle is mounted on a separate stud. In the Hotchkiss drive, when the springs form the only connection be- tween the frame and re'ar axle and the drive is entirely dependent upon the main leaf of the spring, there is danger of spring breakage which will disable the vehicle. In order to overcome this disadvantage the Fulton and Garford companies provide a three -point shackle at the front end of the spring, as shown in Fig. 223. This illustrates how the main leaf is supplemented by the elon- gated eye in the second leaf in caring for the driving stresses, which also illustrates the method of caus- ing the third and fourth leaves to help to assist the two main leaves in bearing the load. FIG. 219. Peerless Front Spring Bumper and In- tegral Spring Seat. BUMPER Rebound Clips, In most cases the vehicle springs are equipped with rebound clips, the purpose of these may be explained as fol- lows : When the road wheel strikes an obstacle in the road, the spring near it is compressed, whereby energy is stored up. Immediately after the compression has ceased the spring extends again, and if the blow was a heavy one the re- bound will carry the body far be- yond its original position. This rebound has a tendency to curve the main leaf of the spring in the reverse direction, and in order to prevent any serious difficulty it is necessary to transmit this shock to several of the leaves. This is accomplished by the rebound clips which are riveted to the shortest leaf which they surround and connected over the" main leaf with a bolt. FIG. 220. Nash Quad Spring Mounting and Spring Bum- per. 240 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION PRESSURE BLOCK FIG. 221. Method of Mounting Springs on the Garford Trucks. FIG. 222. Garford Eear Spring Shackled Construction. SPEINGS AND SPEING SUSPENSIONS 241 FIG. 223. Fulton Three Point Front Shackle. Spring Alignment. Although the clips at the center of the spring tend to hold the leaves in alignment, they alone are not sufficient, and in order to prevent lateral motion of the leaves some other provision must be made. One of the most com- mon methods is to raise a cen- tral longitudinal rib on the main leaves for a certain dis- tance as shown in Fig. 209. The rib of one leaf enters the corresponding gutter on the next. Another plan is to pro- vide the leaves with lips at right angles as shown in Fig. 210. An objectionable feature of the center bolt is that it mate- rially weakens the spring and quite often spring breakage can be traced to the weakness through the center bolt hole. For this reason the center band, which is shrunk over the leaves, is favored by a number of commercial car builders. It is inadvisable to arrest abruptly the motion of a spring that is suddenly deflected, and for this reason bumpers or check springs, as they are sometimes termed, are used. Under exccessive deflection these bumpers strike the lower flange of the frame or brackets riveted to it for this purpose. The bumpers are so pro- portioned that they yield under the load, producing a cushion effect the same as rubber bumpers on pleasure vehicles. Overload Springs. Overload springs may either be of the leaf or coil type, and so arranged as to act only when the load on the main springs reaches a certain amount. Below this load they do not contact with their seat or wear plate. The wear plate may be a separate platform, as illustrated in Fig. 213, or it may be formed integral with the pressure block. When coil springs are used, they are made of square section, attached either to a frame cross member or the axle. Two such springs are used, one on each side. Spring Clips. The general desire to prevent breakage at the center is seen in the liberal proportion of the pressure blocks and spring clips. They represent the efforts of the various makers 17 242 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION to provide a rigid connection between the spring and the seat. There is a growing tendency to employ the U-shaped spring clip which tends to exert an equal hold on each side of the spring, consequently the tension is equally distributed when the nuts are drawn up tight. They are made up of steel that will not easily become brittle under vibration. Lubrication. In most cases the spring eyes are bushed with phosphor-bronze or steel and shackle bolts are hardened and ground. The object of the bushing, of course, is to provide some means to renew the wearing surface. The bolts are working con- Rear Spring and Shackle Assembly. Front Spring and Shackle Assembly. FIG. 224. Wick Oiling System on the La France 2-Ton Truck Spring Shackles. tinuously and will wear out quickly if they are allowed to remain dry. This lubrication is effected by grease cups which communi- cate with a hole in the bolt that permits the lubricant to reach the wearing surface. In order to simplify maintenance some makers provide a wick oiling system for the spring shackles as illustrated in Fig. 224. This particular illustration depicts the La France construction, while the Fageol and Military class B vehicles are also provided with similar wick oiling systems. On the rear spring shackles oil reservoirs are cast integral with the shackles and wicks are in- serted through drilled holes which feed the oil to the various bearings by capillary attraction. On the front springs the frame bracket carries the reservoir and a wick feeds oil to the upper pin which is hollow, thus permitting the oil to flow by gravity to the lower shackle pin or bolt. SPKINGS AND SPEING SUSPENSIONS 243 Although friction between the spring leaves is desirable to an extent, yet it is necessary to keep the leaves lubricated when they bear against one another. This provision is usually made by the spring maker, and in most cases it is necessary to pry the leaves apart and introduce the lubricant with a knife. CHAPTER XVIII THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM THE function of the fuel supply system of a commercial car is to furnish the carburetor with an unfailing supply of gasoline until the supply carried is entirely exhausted. This must be done independently of the grades encountered by the vehicle. The gasoline is generally fed by gravity from the tank to the car- buretor, although one maker uses pressure feed, while several others use the vacuum system, which has been so successful on pleasure vehicles. In the gravity system the "head" of fuel is depended upon to feed it to the carburetor. Tank location therefore is an im- portant phase of this system, and requires the tank to be elevated above the carburetor. With this system the tank may either be placed on the dashboard or under the driver's seat. In a pres- sure feed system the tank may be located at any level with ref- erence to the carburetor, since the fuel is always under a prede- termined pressure sufficient to maintain a constant level in the carburetor float chamber. This pressure may either be obtained from the exhaust or by a special air pump. In the vacuum system the suction of the engine is used to draw gasoline from the supply tank to an auxiliary tank, from which the gasoline flows by gravity to the carburetor. Gasoline Tanks. Gasoline tanks are generally made from tinned sheet steel, known as terne plate, and may either be pressed or formed to shape with ends and joints soldered or riveted and soldered. In order to provide the maximum mileage for a vehicle, they must be made to hold from twenty to thirty gallons and must be reinforced, so that the ends are protected from being forced out as the fuel rushes from one end to the other. These reinforcements or baffle plates also serve to prevent rattling due to vibration and sagging at the center of the tank. They are provided with holes or openings so that the gasoline can find a level in all compartments. The filler cap and outlet are usually provided with strainers which are made from metal gauze, while shut-off cocks are pro- vided in the outlet to shut off the supply. Some makers also 244 THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM 245 provide a reserve supply in the tank. This is usually accom- plished by a three-way cock fitted with a stand pipe which projects several inches above the bottom of the tank. Ordinarily the gasoline passes through this stand pipe, but when the lock FIG. 225. Nash Quad Gasolene Tank and Gravity Feed System. is turned to the reverse position, the fuel is permitted to pass through another opening flush with the bottom of the tank. These features are shown in the following illustrations. Nash Quad. Fig. 225 illustrates the Nash Quad gasoline tank and the feed pipe and carburetor. This also serves to illustrate the conventional gravity feed system. The filler cap is located /HANDLE. HAfJDLE^ FILLER CAP^ \5TRAIN E.R -BAFFLE PLA TE STRAINER 3 ^,,+ert* ;t SEATSUPPOPT 1 00 |o rfv, FRAME 1 1 {^^> -* fr\ U f O Oj FIG. 226. Riker Gasolene Tank and Mounting. near the center of the tank and is provided with a large handle so that it can easily be removed. A large strainer fits inside of the filler flange, which is riveted and soldered to the tank. The body of the tank is of rectangular shape and formed from a sheet' 246 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION of steel. The head is set in lapped and soldered as shown in the small sectional view. Two outlets with shut-off cocks are pro- vided, so that gasoline may flow from either or both ends. Each of these cocks are provided with two openings level with the bottom of the tank for the reserve supply, while the regular supply is taken through the stand pipes. Fig. 226 shows the Eiker tank and mounting. This tank is of the bolster type, or modified rectangular shape and provided with two baffle plates for reinforcements. The heads are dished outward and the edges of the body are flanged over them and soldered. Both filler and outlet are provided with strainers, and two handles are soldered to the top of the tank so that it can easily be removed for repairs. The upper views show the method of mounting the tank in a steel compartment which supports the driver's seat. This compartment is made of sheet steel and a framework of small angles riveted together. Angles on the front and rear near the bottom support brackets which carry the tank. A strip .of felt is placed between the brackets and the tank to form a cushion and steel straps hold the tank in position. SEAT SUPPORT FILLER CAP FOOT BOARD SUPPORT -FRAME CROSS MEMBER FIG. 227. Peerless Gasolene Tank Support. Peerless and Fierce-Arrow. Fig. 227 depicts the Peerless mounting. However, this differs from the above in that the tank, which is of cylindrical form, is supported and retained by steel straps. It is carried in a steel compartment supporting the driver's seat. The Pierce tank is of rectangular shape and supported from the frame by means of sheet steel brackets and wood blocks as THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM 247 shown in Fig. 228. This mounting is so constructed that the framework which supports the seat surrounds the tank. A re- WOOD BLOCK ^T _Q_ STEEL STRAP PRIMING PUMP FIG. 228. Fierce-Arrow Gasolene Tank and Mounting. serve compartment is provided and arranged, accessible through a handle outside of the seat compartment. Gasoline feed to the carburetor is by gravity and a connection is also made for prim- ing the engine in cold weather. A hand-operated priming pump STEEL PLATE- FIG. 229. Kelley-Springfield Gasolene Tank Mounting. is attached to the seat compartment and supplies a small quan- tity of gasoline to the motor through the intake manifold. On the Kelly trucks the seat compartment is also made of 248 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION wood and the rectangular-shaped gasoline tank fits snugly in this. It is supported by wood beams at each end and at the cen- ter. The tank is placed well above the carburetor to provide the proper^ head as shown in Fig. 229. It is retained by wood strips and protected from excessive heat by a steel plate at the bottom, which provides an air space under the tanks. I Stewart and ; Autocar. The Stewart tank (Fig. 230) is mounted in a wood seat frame. However, steel straps are at- tached to the tank and form brackets which rest on wood sills. 1 1 TANK <- STEEL STRAPS-^ = FIG. 230. Stewart Gasolene Tank and Mounting. The Autocar tank (Fig. 231) is formed from a sheet but the ends do not lap, as, a pressed cover is used. The heads are also pressed and set into the body. This construction permits riveting and soldering the head and all parts, while the cover which re- ceives very little strain is soldered. This tank is mounted on steel brackets riveted to the frame and is retained by two rods which are supported by two brackets riveted and soldered to the tank. Several makers use tanks which are drawn from one sheet of metal and have but one soldered joint. This type of tank is illus- trated in Fig. 232, which illustrates the mounting of the United States trucks. These tanks are tinned inside and out and the bead, is soldered as shown. THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM 249 The United States mounting consists of a separate frame or cradle, very rigid, having two brackets which rest on the vehicle frame, connected by a steel channel and a tie rod. Raybestos is riveted to the brackets to give a cushion effect, and the tank is retained by two steel straps. Gasoline feed is by gravity through FILLER- -r RETAINING ffOD [^ AND BRACKETS I 1 1 C RIVET " Q IT OUTLET FIG. 231. Autocar Tank with Riveted and Soldered Ends. a strainer attached to the tank and supported from the tank mounting. Gasoline tanks when soldered and placed under the seat, have given some trouble due to leaks, as in some cases it is quite dif- ficult to hold the tank in such a way as to prevent vibration from FIG. 232. U. S. Pressed Steel Tank and Mounting. cracking the solder at the joints. The gasoline supply pipe also has its disadvantages since when the motor is placed under a hood, this pipe becomes quite long and it is difficult to keep it free from leaks. In order to overcome these objections these tanks on the Denby and Union trucks are mounted on the dash, the Union mounting 250 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION is illustrated in Fig. 233. This position provides the shortest gaso- line line, reducing the dan- ger of leaks due to vibration, while it also provides an ample head of fuel for grav- ity feed. This tank is sup- ported by brackets and straps and is provided with a strainer and shut-off valve. In the pressure feed sys- tem either the pressure of the exhaust gases or air pressure from a mechanical driven pump is used to force the gasoline to the car- buretor float chamber. This system requires consider- able piping, a pressure gage, a pressure regulator or TIG. 233. Union Tank Mounting. Stewart Vacuum Feed. The Stewart vacuum feed is used on the Knox tractor, Kissel Kar trucks and others and is shown in Fig. 234. The mechan- ism is contained in a cy- lindrical tank which may either be mounted on the engine or on the dash- board. The tank is di- vided into two chambers, the upper one being the filling chamber and lower the emptying chamber. The former contains a float valve and the con- nections to the intake manifold and the main fuel tank. The low T er chamber has a connection leading to the carburetor. pump and a hand pump. CONMCTtON TO GA&QLN TANK CONNECTION TO CARBURETOR FIG. 234. Stewart Vacuum Tank. This lower chamber is always under atmospheric pressures as the flow of gasoline from it is by gravity THE FUEL SUPPLY SYSTEM 251 SAFETY VALVE ADJUSTING SCftfW SAFETY VALVt SIEVE PIPE TO GASOLINE TANK only. Atmospheric pressure is maintained by an air vent which communicates with the chamber. The suction of the piston on the intake stroke creates a vacuum in the upper chamber, which closes a valve between the two chambers and in turn draws gaso- line from the main tank. The gasoline, as it is being sucked into the upper chamber operates a float valve. When this float valve has risen to a certain mark, it automatically shuts off the suction valve and opens an air valve. This open air valve creates an atmospheric condition in the upper chamber and gasoline imme- diately commences to flow to the emptying chamber. When the float is at the bottom of its chamber, the suction valve is open and the air valve is closed. The lower chamber has a flap valve which prevents the gaso- line in the lower chamber from being sucked into the upper chamber, as the float falls and opens the suction valve. On the Knox Tractor the gasoline tank is mounted on the running board and the engine suction through the system described above draws gasoline from the main tank and sup- plies the carburetor. Saurer Gasoline Feed System. The Saurer truck uses a pres- sure feed, the gasoline tank being located under the driver's seat and above the level of the carburetor when the tank is full. On the special Saurer carburetor, however, it was found that a con- stant pressure was essential to its proper functioning and the gasoline tank was moved from the rear of the truck to the driver's seat. Fig. 235 is a cross-section of the exhaust pressure device. The exhaust gas enters and passes through a screen to remove carbon and fire, any small particles falling to the bottom of the long tube which can be removed for cleaning. The gas then passes to the other chamber through the valve which it lifts. The valve is returned to its seat by a spring to retain the pres- sure in this chamber and prevent its escape back into the exhaust AND SED/HENT COLLECT HEft FIG. 235. Saurer Pressure Device. 252 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION manifold in the interval between exhausts. The upper valve is a sort of safety valve to prevent the pressure from becoming too great. This valve is regulated by the knurled screw on top of the device. The pressure is maintained at about two pounds. Advantages and Disadvantages. Each system has its advan- tages and its disadvantages. Gravity is an absolutely depend- able and constant force which acts independently of an artificially created condition, and can be implicitly relied upon to cause the flow of fuel to the carburetor so long as the pipe is unobstructed and the upper surface of the fuel supply is at a higher level than the gasoline level in the carburetor float chamber. It is the most simple system on account of the simplicity of piping and fittings and there is practically nothing to keep in order. The chief disadvantage is that the pressure under which the fuel is supplied to the carburetor is variable. Not only does it diminish progressively as the fuel level in the tank falls, on ac- count of the reduction of the gravity head acting, but it also diminishes whenever that portion of the vehicle which carries the tank stands at a lower level than that which supports the car- buretor. With a forced system, as long as the artificial pressure is maintained, there is almost a certainty that gasoline will con- stantly be fed to the carburetor entirely independent of every other conditions. The system possesses disadvantages in that there are numerous pipes and joints which must be kept tight in order that the tank may hold its pressure and the multiplicity of pipes and fittings adds to the possibility of leaks due to vibration. The vacuum system is by far more simple than the forced system and eliminates the pressure pump, gages, regulator, a num- ber of fittings and an air-tight tank. Leaks in pipes are ma- terially reduced as the pressure is very low. Like the forced system it will supply gasoline to the carburetor regardless of grade, vehicle position or head of gasoline in the main tank. This vacuum tank must not be installed in the exhaust side of the engine, as gasoline may leak or overflow from the tank and cause explosions or fires. Proper operation of the system depends entirely upon the float valve and if it develops a leak it cannot shut of! the suction valve as it becomes too heavy to rise. Par- ticles of dirt may also cause trouble by holding the flap valve open, which will render the system inoperative. The piping is also subject to the danger of vibration. CHAPTER XIX CONTEOLS THE controls of a commercial car consist of the following: the spark, throttle, clutch, change gear lever, brakes and the steer- ing gear. The most important controls are the spark and throttle. The former may either be hand operated from the steering wheel, it may be so arranged as to cause ignition to occur at a predeter- mined point or it may be automatically controlled by the engine speed. The throttle may either be controlled by the driver or automatically. There are two means of manual control, by hand or foot. Automatic control was described in the chapter on governors. The conventional type of control for cars with sliding gear transmissions, comprises two pedals located on opposite sides of the steering posts, the one at the left being the clutch pedal and the one at the right the brake pedal. The foot throttle or ac- celerator, if one is provided, is placed either between or to the right of these pedals for operation with the right foot. The mounting of these pedals depends upon the general construction of the vehicle. When a unit power plant is used they are gen- erally mounted on the clutch housing; if the transmission is mounted amidships the common plan is to provide a tubular shaft extending partly or entirely across the frame, which is car- ried in brackets secured to the frame. Formerly the steering column was nearly always placed on the right side of the car, and the hand levers for operating the sliding gears and the emer- gency brake were located just outside of the driver's seat on the right. However, during the past years, quite a few makers have resorted to the left-side drive in which the steering column is located on the left side and the levers either on the left side or in the center. On several makes of vehicles the clutch and service brake are operated by a single pedal. The first motion of the pedal re- leases the clutch and a continued motion applies to service brake. The emergency brake may also be operated by a pedal ; however, it must be provided with a ratchet lock. The brakes and clutch 253 254 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION may also be connected through suitable linkage so that when either brake is applied the clutch will also be disengaged. The idea which led to this construction undoubtedly was that if the driver wants to stop quickly he should simultaneously disengage the clutch and apply the brake, so that the driving effort ceases and no braking effort need be expended in dissipating the energy stored in the flywheel. In order to prevent shifting of the gears while the clutch is engaged, some designers have provided an interlock between the gear sliding and clutch mechanism. This is generally so ar- ranged that the gears cannot be shifted unless the clutch is out, and the clutch cannot engage unless the gears are in full mesh. The advantages and disadvantages of the two control posi- tions may be divided into general and mechanical. The advan- tages of one are, moreover, usually the disadvantages and advan- tages of the other, so the question may be discussed for one only. The two essential features of the left side control are: first, greater ease in getting out of the vehicle on the right side, and second, the bringing of drivers meeting vehicles next to each other, lessening the dangers of collision. The first is of importance only as regards convenience of both operator and helper. The second point is well worthy of con- sideration, as when two vehicles meet on narrow streets or roads, the distance between the two must be judged with great nicety in order to prevent scraping mud guards or bodies and locking wheels. The disadvantages are the difficutly of judging the dis- tance from the curb, the distance of an overtaken vehicle and in some cases the difficulty in mounting the control levers. The first claim seems to be a difference of opinion, as there are some who claim one is no more difficult than the other. However, if the distance is not judged properly the tires will suffer, not mentioning the strain imposed on the wheels, axles and steering knuckles in striking curbs. In overtaking vehicles the driver is on the left side, and farthest from the overtaken vehicle, and this would seem to be offset by the advantage of bringing the operators of meeting vehicles next to each other, but a close study seems to point in favor of the right side control, for in the case of meeting vehicles two operators are watching and able to judge distance, while in overtaking vehicles there is only one who can judge the distance. The mechanical points relate to details of design and apply to each type; however, the center control offers an advantage in CONTROLS 255 that the gear lever can be mounted directly on the transmission, thus doing away with superfluous connections. Spark and Throttle Controls. Various types of these controls were illustraed in Chapter XIV, describing the steering gear. The general practice is to incorporate these in the steering gear, while the foot throttle or accelerator consists of a small pedal mounted on the dash or foot board and connected with the hand throttle in such manner that it can be operated without changing the posi- tion of the throttle lever on the wheel. This is accom- plished by a slip joint, as shown in Fig. 236. The accelerator is hinged to the steering column and con- FIG. 236. Pierce Throttle Control, nected to the carburetor throttle lever by a rod which carries a slip joint. This joint has an extension to which the hand throttle is connected. The ac- celerator is normally held in the off position by a coiled spring. Another type of accelerator was illustrated in Fig. 176, Chap- ter XIV, showing the Reo steering gear. The advantage of the foot throttle is that it permits the operator to control the speed of the engine with his right foot, thus leaving his right hand free to change gears, and the left to steer the vehicle. The advantage of quick gear-shifting is not to be denied, as anything which tends to reduce engine racing, gear clashing, etc., is quite desirable. However, motor trucks operate on solid tires and the floor boards are constantly vibra- ting, and all of the minor shocks which the vehicle springs do not absorb are transmitted to the cab. This vibration makes it quite difficult for the operator to keep his foot steady, as the slightest movement of his foot acts directly upon the throttle. Sudden acceleration is another disadvantage which is to be avoided. The hand throttle of course eliminates this, and it is possible to hold it stationary on the quadrant. Disadvantages of the hand throttle, besides the inconvenience in changing gears, includes the danger of shifting gears without throttling down the engine. Brake, Clutch and Gear-shift Controls. There are two gen- eral types of pedals, the straight and the bent type, both of which 256 MOTOK TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION are illustrated. These pedals have to pass through the floor boards and their shape is dependent upon the room available. They may either be drop forgings or steel castings, and vary from 10 to 16 inches in length, depending upon the required leverage. Brake and change-gear levers are generally drop forged of I-beam section, and in most cases pivot from a common pivot axis. The change-gear lever of selective type change gears moves in an H segment or gate and does not require a latch to hold it in position. However, a lock is sometimes provided to obviate the possibility of accidentally engaging the reverse gear. A latch lever must always be used with a progressive gear control, and the emergency brake lever must also be provided with a latch. There are two general types of selective gear controls Avhich are termed the sliding shaft and swinging lever types. While all controls may be classified under these two heads, there are numer- ous variations in detail. Sliding Shaft Control Set. The Pierce five-ton control set (Fig. 237) is of this type and mounted on the right side rail of CHANGE GAR f/tAHf / GAFi SL/O/HG SHAFT BAUL LOCH FIG. 237. Pierce Selective Type Control. the frame, as the controls are arranged for right side drive. This selective gear control comprises a sliding shaft to one end of which the control lever is rigidly secured, and which at its inner CONTROLS 257 end carries a downwardly extending arm which is arranged to engage with a semi-circular slot in one or the other of the sliding shafts of the transmission which carry shifting forks. The slid- ing shafts are provided with ball locks, which help to find the correct mesh, and also prevent shifting of both shafts together. The H plate or quadrant, which guides the lever in shifting to the various speeds, is placed slightly forward of the emergency brake lever and has a lock controlled by thumb latch on the lever FIG. 238. Brown-Lipe Center Control Unit for Unit Power Plant Transmissions. handle for locking out the reverse gears. The gear shifting mechanism also has a lock which prevents shifting gears until the clutch has been disengaged. This consists of a semi-circular cam or segment keyed to the sliding shaft of the control set and a plunger connected with the clutch pedal, which, while the clutch is engaged rests in holes in the cam surface. To shift gears the clutch must first be disengaged which also disengages the plunger. 18 258 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The emergency lever is of the spoon latch type which releases a lock fitting into the ratchet teeth of the brake quadrant. Another type of sliding shaft control is shown in Fig. 238. This is furnished by the Brown Lipe Co. with their transmissions for left side control, and is used on a number of commercial cars. This differs from the one above in that the control lever is hinged to the sliding shaft, and pivots in a rectangular shaped quadrant. Instead of the lever sliding with the shaft, it pivots to either side in the quadrant and moves the shaft in the opposite direction to which the lever is moved. The emergency brake lever has a spoon latch which operates on the conventional ratchet quadrant, and is pivoted from the same center as the gear lever, but its shaft extends to opposite side of the housing, which encloses the entire control. This type of control is intended for unit power plants where the transmission usually is located under the foot boards. The Swinging-lever Type. A swinging-lever type of control used on several cars is shown in Fig. 239, and is designed for right-side control and frame mounting. The change gear lever SHORT LEVER PROWDED W/TH LUGS QUADRANT AM BRACKET /VOl 6HORT LEVERS FIG. 239. Swinging Lever Type of Control. is pivoted to a hub which is free to turn on the control shafts. On each side of this lever are short levers which are fastened to con- centric control shafts, each of which extend to the inside of the frame and carry operating arms. These arms are connected to the sliding shafts of the transmission by rods and clevises. The upwardly extending levers are provided with lugs, between which the control lever engages when it is pressed in the direction of CONTKOLS 259 the particular short lever. Some provision must be made for holding the change-gear lever in a natural position, and this is accomplished by the two flat springs fastened to the short levers. When the control lever is moved in one of the slots of the quad- rant it is connected with one of the short levers and turns the shaft to which that lever is secured. FIG. 240. Warner Swinging Lever Arranged for Center Control with Right Hand Drive. Fig. 240 illustrates another type of swinging lever control which was introduced by the Warner Gear Co. for unit power plant mounting. It differs from the above in the method of en- gaging the control lever with the short levers that turn the con- centric shafts. These have small arms hinged to them, which are held in contact with the control lever by spiral springs. The pivoted arms have a lug which engages in a slot in the quadrant and locks each shaft in position. This type of control eliminates the danger of turning both shafts at the same time. It also in- corporates a reverse lock controlled by a thumb latch on the con- trol lever. Center control may also be employed with the transmission located amidships or on the jackshaft. An excellent example of this is shown in the United States control, Fig. 241, in which the support for the gasoline tank is used to support the control. 260 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FIG. 241. United States Center Control Mounting. Center Control and Pedal Mounting. On the Flint delivery cars the center control and pedal mounting is incorporated in a single unit supported from the sub frame as shown in Fig. 242. The control set is of the swinging lever type; however, instead of using a quadrant and concentric shafts, the short arms are con- nected with two parallel shafts which are provided with plunger locks. The short levers instead of pivoting from the center of the control lever, slide with the shaft. This construction permits placing the sliding shafts in the transmission directly above the gears, making a direct connection and eliminates the trouble usually experienced with bent connections. PARALLEL SHAFTS CHANCE GEAR LEVER FIG. 242. Center Control and Pedal Mounting of Flint Delivery Cars. CONTEOLS 261 A large bracket extends from one subframe member to the other and has bearings at its rear end to support the control and brake lever, while bearings are provided at the front end of the pedals and their shafts. The service brake connection is made from a small lever cast integral with the brake pedal, while the clutch is connected to the pedal through a yoke and levers, keyed to the shaft. The brake pedal is interconnected with the clutch pedal so that in applying the brake the clutch will also be dis- engaged. Fig. 80 depicts a unit power plant transmission with the center control and pedal mountings for left-side drive. The SAvinging control lever instead of being pivoted at its lower end, has the pivot, which is of spherical shape, a short distance from its end and rests on a bracket incorporated with the transmission cover. The end of the lever engages with the shifter forks in the transmission which have lugs that straddle the lever. This makes a very simple control and eliminates a number of parts. The emergency brake lever is mounted at the side of the trans- mission and is also pivoted a short distance from the end. The lower end has a connection for the brake rod and a slot through which the quadrant is inserted. The pedals are mounted on an extension of the clutch disengaging shaft. Both of these are free on the shaft, but the clutch pedal is connected to a sector which permits pedal adjustment to take up the wear of the clutch. Progressive Type Control. In the progressive type of trans- mission it is necessary to progress from one speed to another and for this reason it is necessary to provide a control which has a lock for each speed and the neutral position. The Mogul heavy duty trucks are equipped with a progressive type transmission which is built in a unit with the jackshaft, while the operator's seat is placed over the engine. This makes it difficult to arrange a neat control; however, in the Mogul trucks the control levers and pedals are supported from a single bracket. Both gear and brake levers pivot from the same center and are mounted upon concentric shafts. Since a lock is required for both levers, these are equipped with spoon type latches. The pedals also pivot from a center common to both, but this is somewhat below the center of the levers as shown in Fig. 243. The position of the control levers also makes it difficult to obtain a direct connection to the sliding shaft in the transmis- sion. In this case it is quite simple as an extra long lever is 262 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION pivoted from the seat support which connects with the control lever near its pivot end, while the other end is connected to the sliding shaft. CLUTCH OPERATING iAFT CLUTCH PEDAL BRAKE EQUALIZERS- TROD AND LEVER FIG. 243. Mogul Brake, Clutch and Progressive Type Gear Control. Brake Linkage. Unless the breaking force applied to the rear wheels is equalized, that is, that brakes on opposite sides produce equal retarding forces, the car has a tendency to skid and brake adjustment is also quite difficult. This necessitates an equalizing device in the brake operating linkage, which will apply an equal retarding effect to the two brakes of each set. This equalizer is dependent upon the general scheme of the linkage and in most cases is of the whiffletree or modified whiffletree type. The brake linkage is dependent upon the general layout of the chassis. With the seat mounted over the engine, it is necessary to ar- range this so it will provide maximum accessibility for the en- gine, and Fig. 243 illustrates how this is accomplished with wire cables on the Mogul trucks. Short rods are connected with the brake pedal and lever and carry turnbuckles which are attached to wire cables. These cables pass over pulleys mounted on the seat frame and the clutch disengaging shaft. They connect with a cross shaft, which in turn is connected with equalizers of the whiffletree type. From these equalizers, rods and clevises form the connections to the brake. The clutch connection is made with a rod direct from the pedal to the clutch disengaging shaft which is supported from the subframe. CONTROLS 263 On the Natco trucks (Fig. 244) the engine is mounted under a hood and the linkage consists of rods throughout. CLUTCH ANO SEffV/CS PEOAL. CLUTCH ft 00 FIG. 244. Natco Brake Eod and Pedal Arrangement. The pedals are supported by a bracket attached to the frame, while a cross shaft is arranged to incorporate an equalizer for each set of brakes. The clutch pedal also operates the service brake, while the brake pedal has a ratchet which locks auto- FIG. 245. Peculiar Brake-Rod Equalizer of the U. S. Truck. matically and is released by tipping the pedal pad. The brake equalizer is of a modified whiffletree type and is mounted vertical instead of horizontal. An equalizer which is a modification of the bevel gear differ- ential, is used on the United States trucks and shown in Fig. 264 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 245, in which the ordinary brake levers which usually form con- nections for the modified form of whiffletree equalizer are re- placed by bevel gear sectors. The lever to which the brake rod is connected has a spindle upon which a bevel pinion is mounted which meshes with the bevel sectors on opposite sides. This pinion is free to rotate upon its spindle and as the brakes are ap- plied it equalizes the pull on the brake rods on opposite sides of the frame in the same way as the differential equalizes the power applied to the rear wheels. FIG. 246. Wick Oiling System on the La France 2-Ton Truck Brake Shafts. Most brake shafts and their bearings are lubricated grease cups ; however, on the La France trucks the brake shaft assembly (Fig. 246) is lubricated by oil. Both shafts are hollow and the inner one forms the oil reservoir, which will carry sufficient oil to lubrciate the brake levers for a long time. Wicks are led from the central oil reservoir to the various bearings. The oil is put into the reservoir conveniently from the outside of the chassis at the end of the transverse shaft. CHAPTER XX THE MUFFLER ALTHOUGH it is not essential that motor trucks operate as quietly as pleasure cars, it is quite essential that they operate without disagreeable noise. For this reason the exhaust must be muffled, which is accomplished by passing the spent gases through a muffler before they are discharged into the atmosphere. This muffler is sometimes referred to as a silencer. The object of the muffler is to permit the gases to expand and to cool, thereby re- ducing the pressure, which is the cause of the noise when they are discharged into the atmosphere directly. It is quite simple to obstruct the passages of the gases from the engine to atmosphere, however, in order to discharge them without disagreeable noise, they must be permitted to escape very freely, so that they will not create any back pressure on the pistons during the exhaust stroke. Muffler not Close to Engine. In most cases the muffler is mounted as far away from the engine as the general chassis de- sign permits. It is usually mounted under the frame of the vehicle. This arrangement permits the engine to exhaust into an exhaust pipe of considerable length, the capacity of which is sometimes as much as four times the piston displacement of one cylinder. This long pipe gives the gases a chance to cool before they reach the muffler, while the latter should be arranged in such a manner that heat may rapidly be abstracted from the gases. Mufflers generally consist of a series of expansion chambers which communicate by means of fine and sometimes tortuous pas- sages, and after passing through these chambers the gases are finally permitted to escape. Mufflers should possess certain fea- tures, a construction which permits cleaning, strength to with- stand pressures of gasoline air vapor explosions at atmospheric pressure and ability to resist vibration. Cleaning is necessary, as lubricating oil and solid carbon particles held in suspension by the gases will clog the fine passages and increase the back pres- sure. Some mufflers are so constructed that they can be dis- mantled for cleaning. Explosions in the muffler are frequent, and it is essential to have enough strength to resist this pressure with- 265 266 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION out bursting. The walls of the muffler may be so designed as to prevent ringing which is really a harmonious vibration of suc- ceeding exhausts. This is sometimes accomplished by lining the outer shell with sheet asbestos, but this may not seem very de- sirable, as it possesses certain heat insulating qualities. The final outlet is generally through a pipe of considerably less cross section than the exhaust pipe. This is sometimes flat- tened so that the gases escape in a continuous sheet. In some cases this is accomplished by a series of small holes in the final outlet or the outer shell. Cut-outs. In order to relieve the so-called back pressure of the muffler, cut-outs are sometimes provided, which are placed forward of the muffler or in the exhaust pipe, and permit ex- hausting the gases directly into the atmosphere, instead of hav- ing them pass through the muffler. The general claim for this cut-out is that it adds to the efficiency and power of the engine. However, it has been proven that with a well designed muffler a cut-out is of little value, except that the operator may occasion- ally listen to the action of the engine. Pierce Muffler. The Pierce muffler (Fig. 247) consists of two adjacent cylindrical chambers, which communicate through a number of holes in the inner chamber. The outer chamber is divided into three expansion chambers, while the inner member BRACKI r CENTRAL TUBE eVHNSK,* CHAMBER / t*- EXPANSION CHAMBER /v expAN3 , w -- *- ^f?,- , I - \j _ ji ! _ & _JLJL FIG. 247. The Pierce Muffler. is also divided into three parts, the partitions of each member being pressed steel discs. The gases first enter the inner chamber and pass through perforations into the outer chamber and from this chamber they return to the second portion of the inner cham- ber and thence into the second expansion chamber, thence through the central member into the third expansion chamber and back into the central member from which they are dis- charged. This muffler is mounted parallel to the side members of the frame and has cast end plates which have integral brackets for frame mounting. The tubular members and end plates are THE MUFFLEE 267 held together by long tie rods which extend the full length of the muffler. Packard Muffler. The Packard muffler (Fig. 248) also con- sists of an inner and outer chamber with cast end plates, retained FIG. 248. The Packard Muffler. by tie rods. However, the necessary volume is obtained by in- creasing the diameter instead of making the muffler of consid- erable length. The inner chamber has a series of small holes, through which the gases pass after expanding in the inner cham- ber. After expanding in the outer chamber they escape at the rear end. This outer chamber is insulated with sheet asbestos retained by plates and small screws to deaden the vibration. The support- ing brackets are made of pressed steel and fit into the side members of the TCft EXPANSION CHAMBfft frame. FIG. 249. The Gray-Hawley Muffler. Gray-Hawley Muffler. The Gray-Hawley muffler (Fig. 249) is used on a number of commercial cars and consists of two cast heads which support three cylindrical sheet metal tubes. The gases enter the inner one of the three members from the exhaust pipe. They expand in this chamber and then pass through fine per- forations at the opposite HS/O/V CHAMBERS FIG. 250. The U. S. Muffler with Cutout. end in the Partition wall into the intermediate chamber, and thence through similar perforations at the rear end of the innermost portion wall into the outer chamber from which they escape at the further end. The path of the gases is shown by the arrow-heads in this illustration. United States Muffler. The United States trucks are equipped with the muffler shown in Fig. 250 which is similar to the one 268 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION previously mentioned. The gases take the same path and are ex- panded in a similar manner. However, they are discharged through perforations at the center of the outer chamber, as this muffler is mounted crosswise at the rear end of the subframe. Into the head, which connects with the exhaust pipe, a cut-out is placed. This cut-out consists of a poppet valve, held to its seat by a spring and bell crank pivoting in a bracket operated through suitable linkage from the operator's seat. When this cut-out is opened by raising the valve from its seat, the greater part of the gases take the path of the least resistance, which is through the valve opening instead of passing through the various expansion chambers. Riker Muffler. The Riker muffler (Fig. 251) is somewhat similar to those depicted above, except that the inner chamber is perforated at both ends and the outlet is of a different shape. Both end plates or heads are provided with flat surfaces to which the supporting brackets are bolted. The front head has an opening against which a flat valve is held through the pressure ex- erted by a coiled spring at- tached to the end of a bell crank and the head. The bell crank supports the valve, which is raised from its seat when the cut-out pedal is depressed. Both exhaust and outlet pipes are attached to the muffler heads by flanges and bolts. Powell Muffler. The Powell muffler is also used by some makers of commercial vehicles. This consists of a number of pressed steel cups, the open ends of which are flanged out so as to fit over the closed end of the adjacent section or cup. Each of the cups A are perforated FIG. 251. Eiker Muffler and Cutout. FIG. 252. The Powell Muffler. and through these perfor- ations the adjacent cham- bers communicate. Cups B and G are used at the rear end and are so arranged as to form a somewhat tortuous passage for the gases. This is accomplished by a series of small THE MUFFLER 269 perforations in cup B while cup C has a large central hole. Three tie rods hold the various sections together, which permits using any number of cups to meet the requirements of each individual engine to which the muffler may be fitted. Fig. 252 shows this muffler as ap- plied to the Mogul trucks, and Fig. 253 illustrates its application to the Knox tractor, in which it is mounted crosswise at the front end of the frame. FIG. 253. The Knox Tractor Muffler. Denby Muffler. A pressed steel muffler has recently been in- troduced by Gueder, Paeschke & Frey Co., which is used on the Denby trucks. This is illustrated in Fig. 254, and consists of a number of pressed steel cups placed in a steel shell and elec- trically welded. This makes a very light construction and the claim is made that it weighs but five pounds. The gases enter at -MUFFLER SHELL CONICAL CUPS FIG. 254. The G. P. & F. Muffler. the forward end and pass through conical-shaped cups which are so spaced that an expansion chamber is formed between them. The remaining cups are of similar shape, but reversed in position and also provide limited expansion chambers between them. The first of these is perforated, while the second has but one large central hole, and the third has but half the number of perforations of the first one. The outlet, instead of having one large central opening, is also perforated, so that the gases escape in continuous streams. Fig. 255 depicts another popular type of muffler known as the " Dunco," which operates on a principle of automatic adjustment which is that of the well-known steam ejector. A portion of the exhaust gases pass directly through a central tube to a high speed jet, at the outlet of that tube, and induce a partial vacuum be- hind them, thus drawing the remaining gases through baffle plates or cones in the muffler. It is claimed that this muffler is 270 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION self-adjusting to variations in speed, and the frequency of in- jector impulses varies directly as the speed of the engine, so that the pull of the ejector is always proportional to the volume of FIG. 255. Bunco Ejector Type Muffler. gas to be drawn through and discharged. The heads are mal- leable castings and tie rods hold the entire construction together, so that it is very simple to take the muffler apart for cleaning. Maxim Silencer. The Maxim silencer (Fig. 256) incorporates a somewhat different principle in which but one tubular member is used. The interior con- struction is of a peculiar built spiral chamber, which, it is claimed, can not clog or collect carbon. The gases enter at one end and pass from inlet to outlet without obstructions of any kind. This contin- uous channel has the pecul- iarity of circular or helical form, and, owing to the centrifugal force of the fast moving gases, these gases whirl to the outer periphery, traveling an approximate distance of three and one- half times the length of the muffler. Slow moving gases will re- main at the center and grad- ually move forward to the outlet. The heads are mal- leable, while the shell is made of sheet steel, seamed and electrically welded to FIG. 257. The Old Berg Muffler. prevent bursting. Oldberg Muffler. The Oldberg muffler (Fig. 257) has a series of expansion chambers. The gases enter the center member and, due to the arrangement of the perforations, immediately start FIG. 256. The Maxim Silencer. THE MUFFLER 271 to pass out and around to the opposite side. Each alternate tube is placed eccentrically with respect to the axis of the muffler. The perforations in each tubular member are arranged in two rows throughout their length. The total area of these perfora- tions is greatly in excess of the area of the exhaust pipe con- necting with the muffler. The sound waves are interrupted by passing half of the gases around each side of the tubular mem- bers, the two streams coming together on the opposite side of the preceding chamber. FRAME SIDE MEMBER HEAD WITH '/NTFfEOAL BRACKET EXPANSION CHAMBER / CENTRAL TUBE OUTLET eXHAUST PIPE PACK/NG 'LAMP NUT FIG. 258. The I. H. C. Muffler for Two-Cylinder Opposed Motor. The mufflers described above apply to four and six cylinder engines, while Fig. 258 illustrates the I.H.C. construction for their two-cylinder engines. It consists of an inner and outer shell with cast heads retained by a single tie rod. The gases enter the outer chamber near its center through exhaust pipes from each cylinder. They expand in this outer chamber and pass through perforations in the walls of the inner member, whence they escape at both ends, as the muffler is mounted crosswise at the rear end of the frame. The outlets and mounting brackets are cast integral with the muffler heads. The end view illustrates the method of retaining the exhaust pipes with packing joints. The exhaust system begins with the exhaust manifold of the engine and includes the exhaust pipe, cut-out and muffler. Prac- tice differs with the various makers however. What has been outlined in this and previous chapters on the engine serves to give a general idea of the subject. CHAPTER XXI MOTOR TRUCK WHEELS ROAD shocks must first be taken by the road wheels, through tire contact, and thence distributed, spreading out in all direc- tions from the hubs of the wheels. There are essentially three types of wheels used on motor trucks at present: wood wheels of the artillery type which are used on a great number of machines, pressed steel and cast steel wheels. Artillery Wood Wheels. The artillery type of wheel consists of a set of spokes turned from very tough wood, generally sec- ond growth hickory, which are clamped at their inner end be- tween flanges on a metal hub and at their outer end tenoned into a wooden felloe, which is surrounded by a steel band or ring. The spokes may be either of elliptic, square or rectangular sec- tion, and great care is taken to get the fiber to run exactly in the direction of the spoke length. It is common practice to split the spoke billets instead of sawing them. The wood used in the spokes and felloes is made from well- seasoned timber, so that strength and toughness in the highest degree can be obtained. Second growth stock and stock from the lower portion of small trees yields the best parts. In truck work when solid tires are used the spokes are of square or rectangular section, since these are stronger in propor- tion to weight than the elliptic spoke. The greatest amount of trouble with the artillery wheel has been experienced with those used on very heavy trucks. The spokes are very thick and a comparatively slight shrinkage of the spoke causes them to loosen in their hub and the severe jar- ring, due to the use of solid tires, then has a very destructive action. In order to deviate this difficulty and strengthen the spokes assembly at the center the Schwartz Wheel Co. make the miter of the spokes interlocking, while other makers provide keys between the miters or adjacent spokes. Steel Wheels. Cast-steel wheels are now gradually coming into use, while pressed steel wheels are also used on some of the 272 MOTOR TRUCK WHEELS 273 vehicles having less than two tons capacity. The steel wheel is very popular in foreign countries, and American manufacturers are gradually using them. In some cases they have not succeeded, while in others they have given excellent service, which is also true of the wood wheel. The advantages possessed by the steel wheel for heavy duty are strength, true shape, rigidity, concentricity of the hub and accurate design for the support of the load. In point of strength and elastic limit, the steel wheel well made, is superior to the FIG. 259. Natco Front Wheel. wood wheel, and will sustain more in impact and side thrust. Another advantage is that they may be accurately machined and once round, they will stay so regardless of humidity, heat, etc., that affect most wood wheels. In design these wheels may have the brake drum, hub and flange cast integral so that there are no bolts and rivets to loosen or break. Considering weight, for vehicles of three-ton capacity and over, the steel wheel is lighter than a wood wheel of equal strength, while for two-ton vehicles both types are about equal in weight. The pressed steel type of wheel for trucks up to two-tons capacity is somewhat lighter in weight than a wooden wheel of corresponding capacity. This tjpe of wheel can be produced for practically the same price as wood wheels, when the complete wheel is considered. The steel wheels vary in construction, and opinions differ as to which construction gives the best service. 19 274 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION An idea of the construction of wood and steel wheels can be obtained from the illustrations presented herewith and the de- scriptions which follow : Fig. 259 illustrates the Natco one-ton front wheel with de- mountable tire. The wheel has twelve square spokes which are turned into the felloe and retained in the hub by twelve bolts placed between adjacent spokes. The general form of the hubs is largely determined by the dimensions of the bearings and their necessary distance apart. One hub flange is generally made in- tegral with the hub casting, while the other is free to be slipped over a machined cylindrical surface so as to be accurately guided. FIG. 260. Mogul Wheel Spoke, Felloe and Felloe Band Assembly. Fig. 260 depicts the construction of the Mogul six-ton rear wheel which is equipped with 40 X 7 in. S.A.E. tires. There are eight spokes of rectangular section and eight spokes of square section. These are all of the same thickness, but the rectangular ones are used for attaching the brake drum, and practically the same strength as the square spokes, as considerable stock is re- moved by the bolt holes. The hub bolts pass through the miter joints of adjacent spokes as shown. The felloe is made to S.A.E. dimensions, and the S.A.E: felloe band is shrunk over it. Cast steel wheels may be either of the spoke or disc type, and both seem to be giving good results. The disc type either have a single or a double disc, depending upon the capacity, while the spoke type may have either tubular or cross-section spokes. MOTOR TRUCK WHEELS 275 The single-disc type is at present being used on the Nash Quad Trucks, and this application is clearly shown in Fig. 261. The essential features of this type of wheel are a cast hollow box sec- FIG. 261. Nash Quad Cast-Steel Wheel. FIG. 262. Besco Cast Rear Wheel for Dual Tires. tion rim supported by a curved spring-like section to struts con- necting with the hub. The disc includes a solid cast brake drum and container for the driving mechanism. The working parts 276 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION of the drive are thoroughly protected from injury by the wheel disc and brake drum. It will be noted that the hub is cast in- tegral and that there are no bolts and nuts to loosen except those which retain the internal gear. FIG. 263. Spoke Type Cast-Steel Front Wheel. The double-disc type for heavier vehicles is shown in Fig. 262. The hub and brake drum are cast integral, while the re- siliency is obtained through a wide curvature of both discs. The rim is also of box-like section, however, the discs extend to the hub instead of forming a strut at the bottom. Fig. 263 depicts a spoke type of front wheel with integral hub and rim; There are eight spokes of cross section thoroughly ribbed and fitted to obtain the greatest possible strength with minimum weight. Fig. 264 shows this type of rear wheel; however, the spokes are of Y-shape, which affords a greater number of supports to the wheel rim without increasing weight, and enables the driving stresses and road shocks to be more equally distributed over the whole wheel. Fig. 265 illustrates the hollow-spoke type of wheel. These spokes are of tubular section and are connected to the rim by large fillets. The hub is cast integral, w r hile the brake drum may be cast integral or bolted to this type of wheel. Efforts to decrease the weight of steel wheels for vehicles under two-tons capacity, has led to the building of wheels having the disc and lighter sections of the wheel made of pressed steel, rigidly connected to cast steel hubs. MOTOR TEUCK WHEELS 277 This construction is shown in Fig. 266. The construction is similar to the cast wheel mentioned above with a box type hollow rim, except that the discs are flanged a little deeper at the rim to FIG. 264. Spoke Type Cast-Steel Eear Wheel. FIG. 265. Hollow-Spoke Type Rear Wheel. form a wider box section. The cast flange of the hub is carried out further to carry the brake drum and the driving mechanism. Wheel construction seems to be one of the principal problems on which manufacturers do not agree. The wheels on large capa- city vehicles to-day are called upon to carry a very heavy burden 278 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION at higher speed than ever, and they must also stand the strain due to transmission of power. In order to meet these conditions, the proportions of spokes and felloes have been materially increased, and following the precedent of Europe, cast steel wheels are being considered. FIG. 266. Pressed Steel Eear Wheel for Internal Gear Drive. Some advantages of the cast wheel have been outlined above, while of course it possesses certain disadvantages. However, the steel wheel can not be altered for different types and sizes of tires as easily as a wood wheel and a spoke in a wooden wheel, if broken can be replaced; but in this event the entire steel wheel would have to be replaced. Castings are always liable to flaws and blow holes and it is difficult to secure homogeneous metal free from hard spots. Unequal sections cause local variations in strength and internal stresses due to shrinkage in moulding. Where numerous cores are used in moulding, it is difficult to anchor these so that a uniform thickness of metal can be ob- tained. Strains due to shrinkage can be eliminated to some ex- tent by heat treating. The principal argument against this wheel is that under severe service it crystallizes; however, the design of this type of wheel is of such nature that this so-called difficulty has never existed. A steel wheel is made in one piece and can be arranged to have an integral brake drum, hub and flange, and there is no op- portunity for any working of the various joints. The very nature of this type of wheel adapts it wonderfully to the trans- MOTOR TRUCK WHEELS 279 mission of power, as the strength lies in the very points where the driving strains are centered. The absolute concentricity of the hub, sprocket and flange assist greatly in the economical and efficient transmission of power, for with no high and low spots, there is no alternate tightening and loosening of the chain. In shaft-driven vehicles this condition is even more important. Steel wheels also possess considerable advantage in carrying dual tires. In the case of off- set felloes, the outer tire is entirely unsupported by the spokes; however, in this case the steel wheel is particularly valuable, as the felloe can be so designed that the strains on the outer part can be successively transmitted to the spokes or discs without any danger to the wheel itself. Another feature is the decreased weight at the rim which permits more rapid acceleration. The advantage of obtaining wheels all assembled and com- plete for mounting is considerable. No division of responsibility exists as to the mounting of wheels on hubs, brake downs, etc. Cast steel or pressed steel wheels can be and are made to-day at figures competitive with wood wheels. If the demand in- creases and they are ordered in large quantities, the cost will de- crease. In considering cost it should be remembered that the steel wheel has the hub integral, and the rear wheel may also have the brake drum integral and the cost of these together with all bolts, nuts, felloe band and the labor of fitting them must be added to the wood wheel to get a comparison in price. From present indications it appears as though the steel wheel will shortly replace the wood wheel on at least the heavy vehicles. The demand is continually increasing, and quite a number of commercial car builders are experimenting with steel wheels. CHAPTER XXII MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS IN the previous chapters considerable has been mentioned about tires and their functions. However, in this chapter the con- struction of a motor truck tire and its mounting on the felloe band of the wheel will be described. To be absolutely efficient, a commercial car must be able to carry its load whenever and wherever needed. The vehicle itself may be as nearly as possible absolutely efficient, when measured by this standard, but as a whole it can be no more efficient than its weakest part. Each part must be so designed and so co-ordinated with other parts as to perform in the most efficient manner. In this respect the tires are no exception. The functions which the tires perform, reduced to their sim- plest terms, may be listed as follows: (1) To give traction to the wheels and prevent slipping, (2) to protect the mechanism of the vehicle from jars and vibrations, (3) to cushion the load. Tire Development. Before the advent of the motor truck, solid rubber tires were used almost exclusively on the wheels of carriages to provide easier riding. On these vehicles the wheels were merely rolling members and performed no tractive effort, as the horses did the pulling. Such tires were held in place by means of wires embedded circumferentially in rubber, the whole unit being mounted on a steel channel shrunk on the felloe of the wheel. These tires were easily applied, but possessed certain dis- advantages such as slipping in the channel, cutting at the base and release of the rubber adjacent to the wires. This type of tire did not prove very satisfactory for heavy vehicles, for the reasons mentioned above. In order to overcome these shortcomings, a new tire was introduced, which was called the side-wire' type. In general shape and appearance it was the same as the earlier type. However, it was retained in the chan- nel by means of short cross wires embedded in the base of the tire, which projected on either side. These cross wires were held in place as securely as possible by two other wires running circum- ferentially around the base just inside the edges of the channel. 280 MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 281 With the introduction of the commercial car, an entirely new and different function was required of the tires, that of trans- mitting the driving power from the rim of the wheel to the road surface, i.e., the tires became part of a tractive rather than a rolling member. Their carrying capacity was also increased because the gasoline engine could move heavier loads than the horse, while the weight of the truck itself was considerably more than the wagon, and the speed was also increased considerably. The carriage type of tire was found entirely too light to perform the work required of it. This condition brought about the inven- tion of the solid motor truck tire, a tire vulcanized in circular endless form to fit the dimensions of the wheel. This type of tire has been brought out in different designs and types such as flange, internal wire, side wire, hard rubber and metal-base types, also the demountable. Carriage tires were made in oval shape, in cross sections from three-fourths inch and of compound rubber which is formed through a tubing machine die, vulcanized in long moulds with many cavities, in the shape in which it had been designed. The construction of solid truck tires that have been put on the market is very similar in a general way. The rubber is forced through a die or tubing machine, or built up from sheets of calendered stock in endless form to fit the exact dimensions of a wheel on a particular style of base or retaining body of the tire as designed by the different manufacturers, according to their ideas, which have taken various forms, such as circumferential and side retaining wires which are engaged over embedded cross wires, bases of hard rubber in various forms also semi-hard rubber which can be moulded into the tire and more recently the metal-base type. This tire is built on the rim at the factory and cannot be sep- arated from it. The surface of the metal rim is cut with grooves, under cut notches or in other ways, so that the hard rubber gets a firm anchorage into the rim. In manufacture this rubber base is applied in some factories in layers, just as you wrap a bandage on your finger. The base is relatively thin, perhaps not one- eighth the radial thickness of the tire. On the top of this is built the regular rubber part of the tire, of softer rubber to afford the desired resilience. This part is also in some factories built up similar to wrapping a bandage until the desired thickness is ob- tained, which, when done, the tire is trimmed to shape and vul- canized. 282 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Two Metal-base Types. This metal-base tire is made in two types, the pressed-on and demountable. In the larger cities, the former is quite popular, whereas, in the smaller outlying cities and towns the demountable type has the following. The reason for this is: To remove a pressed-on tire from a truck wheel or put one on a truck wheel requires a powerful press, which means a considerable outlay to the dealer in proportion to the amount of work he may get. The demountable tire can be removed from the wheel and a new one fitted, without the truck owner having to take it to a garage. Unfortunately it is more expensive than the pressed-on tire, due to the forged and rolled steel parts used with it. Rubber. Crude rubber is a vegetable product gathered from certain species of tropical trees, shrubs, vines and roots. It was first used for pencil erasers and in waterproof cloth and finally in solution in cements. Vulcanizing or curing rubber was dis- covered in 1844; thereafter the development of the industry was rapid, though it was but an infant in size, compared with now, up to the development of the automobile industry. There are many kinds and grades of rubber, and these may be divided into two classes, wild and cultivated. Wild Rubber. This is collected from trees that have grown wild and where there has been no cultivation process. Such trees and shrubs are found mostly in Northern South America, Central America and Central Africa. Fine Para comes from the Amazon region of South America. For over a century this rubber has been gathered in practically the same way. The native goes into the forest, selects a tree, cuts V-shaped grooves in herring-bone fashion around the tree, with one main groove down the center like the main vein in a leaf. The latex of the tree (not the sap) flows from the smaller veins and down the center vein into a little cup placed to receive it. When full these cups are gathered and brought into the rubber camp, and there the latex is coagulated by means of smoke. This is done by the use of a paddle, which is alternately dipped into a bowl of latex and then revolved in the smoke which seems to have a preservative effect on the rubber as well as drying it out and causing it to harden on the paddle, each successive layer of latex causing the size of the rubber ball or biscuit to increase. When a biscuit of sufficient size has been coagulated it is re- moved from the paddle and is ready for shipment. There are MOTOE TRUCK TIKES AND RIMS 283 other grades of rubber which are coagulated by adding some alkaline solution and allowing it to dry out. Central America produces a grade of rubber which is cured by being mixed with juices which are obtained by grinding up a certain plant which grows in that district. In Central Africa some of the rubber is gathered from trees, but most of it comes from vines and roots, and the methods of coagulation are varied. Practically all of them are dried out in the sun. Cultivated Rubber. Cultivated rubbers are obtained from East India, Ceylon, Malayan Peninsula and southern Mexico. The claim is made that the best of these is the Ceylon rubber, which has been grown from sprouts taken from the wild Para trees of South America. These cultivated trees have been very carefully reared and scientific methods used in tapping them, so as not to in any way hurt the bearing qualities of the tree. This product is very uniform, as very scientific methods are used, coagulating, drying and otherwise treating the rubber before it leaves the plantation, so that there is a minimum deterioration due to oxidation and other actions during the time the rubber is en route from the plantation to the manufacturer. Of late, far east rubber is being given the preference, because it is cleaner and contains less foreign matter than the wild para. Manufacturing Process. This rubber as it comes into the market, contains a lot of impurities, and before it can be used it has to be washed. This washing is done between rolls which are grooved to tear the rubber apart, water being fed on the rolls to wash off all foreign matter. In this process the rubber loses considerable of its weight. When the rubber is washed and dried it is mixed with chem- icals and into a compound. These chemicals and particles of rubber are placed in metal boxes a couple of feet square. The formula for these compounds are, of course, kept secret by the rubber factories, because they represent the outcome of very long and tedious experiments which are looked upon as one of the chief assets of any rubber mill. These masses of compounds are chewed and rechewed, ground and reground, extenuated and re- extenuated, between the giant steel rolls of the calendering ma- chines that are needed just to thoroughly mix the ingredients. Each compound requires its separate mixing, its special treatment. 284 MOTOE TEUCK DESIGN AND CONSTEUCTION The rims to which the hard rubber is vulcanized are in most cases copper plated, as rubber compounds do not take kindly to steel. The hard rubber base is applied to the metal rim and then the tire is completed as previously mentioned. The compound rubber is in graduated consistencies from the hard rubber base, which forms the inside circumference next to steel base, to the resilient rubber forming the wearing part of the tire. When the tire is completed it is pressed into moulds which are securely bolted and placed in large cylindrical vulcanizers which vulcanize or cure the rubber. When this process has been completed and the tires have cooled, slight edges remain which are buffed off. Rims. Tire rims or metal bases and felloe bands are usually made from flat stock and rolled to shape, and the ends are welded together. Special machinery is used for this purpose and each band or base must check within certain limits. Demount- able rim parts are made in a similar manner and must also be held within certain limits. The Solid-truck Tire. A number of illustrations are shown herewith, which give the contour and general construction of the solid tire. The Firestone wired-on tire is made and recommended for use on light vehicles only. This tire is not manufactured into the rirn as is the hard rubber base type, but is afterwards attached to the rim. Into CROSS WIRE placed stout cross wires at -FLANGE frequent intervals. When -BOL T this tire is placed on a chan- FELLOE BAND nel rim it is held in place by FELLOE two circumferential wires, FIG. 267. Eepublic Side-Flange Type Tire, one at each side of the tire, these wires resting upon the ends of cross wires, by virtue of which the tire is retained on the rim. Swinehart manufactures what is called a soft-base tire, with cross wires for holding it in the channel rim. Several other makers also manufacture tires which are retained by cross or cir- cumferential wires. The hard rubber base tire as previously mentioned is built onto the rim at the tire factory. This type of tire is being made by Goodrich, Firestone, Goodyear, United States, Eepublic, MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 285 JIRERIM Kelly- Springfield, Gibney, Swinehart, Hood, Polack, etc., in the single and dual, pressed-on and by some in the demountable types, some of which are il- lustrated. These various makes dif- fer in the contour of the tire, the method of producing a firm grip for the hard rubber on the steel and the method FIG 26g Republic p resse d-on Type of building up the tire, while Tire, the demountables differ in rim construction. In some cases the metal base is cut in dove- tail fashion and with grooves, such as the Hood, Polack and Goodrich. In the Gibney and Kelly, the hard rubber is car- ried up to the side of the metal base, while in others it is set straight across the width of the channel base. In some cases the FIG. 269. Goodrich DeLuxe Pressed-on and Demountable Types. layer of hard rubber is given an irregular wave line surface such as the Goodrich in order to increase the area of contact between the two grades of rubber. EUROPEAN TYPE AMERICAN TYPE FIG. 270. Polack Pressed-on Type Tire. The metal base or rim of a demountable tire has the inner cir- cumference tapered from both sides, its smallest diameter being slightly larger than the outside diameter of the felloe band. Rings which have a tapered surface and are usually termed 286 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION wedge rings, since their cross section is of wedge shape, are in- serted between the felloe band and the tire base. These are re- tained by circular flanges and bolts which pass through these and the felloe of the wheel. CENTER WEDGE PI NG^ FIG. 271. Kelly-Springfield Demountable Type Single and Dual. Most tire manufacturers use this construction; however, the Goodrich demountable differs somewhat in that the wedge section is incorporated in the tire base against which the side flanges press. The rubber portion of a solid tire is usually about 2J ins. high and varies in width according to its design. This, of course, governs the elasticity and cushioning effect. On the large single tires, this height does not give a proper proportioning and to overcome this some makers produce what is commonly called the CENTER VYEOGE RiHG FIG. 272. Goodyear Demountable Type " SV " Single and Dual. European type of tire, in which the rubber is from \ to 1 in. higher. The Goodrich Co. calls this their De Luxe type and while it is designed after the European type, it has quite a dif- ferent contour. Greater resilience is claimed for these types as well as longer life and greater load carrying capacity. A greater carrying capacity is possible, because the contact with the road MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 287 surface is much larger, consequently the weight is distributed over more base area. The greater height of rubber and increased resiliency also give an entirely different traction hold on the road. CHANNEL RIM RUBBER CROSS WIRE CIRCUMFERENTIAL WIRE FELLOE BAND RUBBER HARDRUBB5P TIRE RIM WEDGE RING FLANGE BOLT FELLOE BAND FELLOE EUROPEAN SED-O WIRED-ON TYPE DEMOUNTABLE FIG. 273. Firestone's Variety of Solid Tires. Some tire makers recommend this type of tire as an oversize for the American type, since it is made to fit the S.A.E. standard felloe bands. The Goodrich Co. has recently introduced a new policy with regard to single and dual tires for heavier truck work. This FIG. 274. Goodyear Pressed-on Type " SU " Single and Dual. company is recommending a 7-in. single in preference to 4-in. duals and 6-in. singles in preference to 3J-in. duals. The argu- ments are that these singles give better results than the corre- sponding duals, in that often on the road one of the duals has to 288 MOTOR TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION take the entire weight of the load on that wheel and that, as it is not designed to take the entire load, it is naturally overloaded and perhaps permanently injured by this frequent caring for the RUBBER HARO RUBBER EUROPEAN SECTION AMERICAN SECTION FIG. 275. Hood European and American Section Pressed Type Tires. entire load weight on one wheel. With singles this is not the case. Firestone has recently introduced what is known as a giant single solid tire made in 8- or 12-in. width. The extra amount FIG. 276. Kelley-Springfield Pressed-on Type Single and Dual. of rubber is claimed to make it oversize equipment for 6-in. duals and equal equipment for 7-in. duals. The tread has three evenly spaced circumferential grooves in it. The Hood Co. recommends its European type of tire for dual equipment, as they claim this type with its greater resiliency will FIG. 277. Gibney Wireless Type " MIB " Pressed-on. alloV the inside tire to compress more and allow the outside tire to take its share of the load. The pressed-on tire will no doubt gain in popularity as it is less expensive than the demountable type, since wedge rings, MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 289 flanges and bolts are eliminated, while the firm fit to the wheel also insures the greatest possible mileage. Practically all makers are continuing their demount ables, but the number produced is on the wane. This type will no doubt be continued for some time since powerful hydraulic presses the cost $500 to $700 are re- quired to apply the pressed-on type. This, of course, is a consid- erable outlay for a dealer in proportion to the work he may get at present. However, the demand for trucks is continually in- creasing and, in order to assist the dealer in obtaining his share of the business, some tire companies are selling these presses at the rate of $100 down and $100 per year until paid for, on condi- tion that it is used only in connection with tires made by that company. The claim made for the European type of tire is that owing to its higher section and greater resiliency it greatly reduces the cost of upkeep of the mechanism of the truck, and makes it far more comfortable for the driver. The Care of Motor-truck Tires. The care of the mo tor- truck tire, while an important item in the maintenance of a commercial vehicle, is not generally understood by operators of these vehicles. All manufacturers of solid rubber tires issue instruction books or cards on this subject, but these, like most all other instruction books, find their way into the tool-box and remain there until trouble arises. Tire makers, however, are endeavoring to edu- cate operators on this subject, and since very little mention has been made regarding this, the writer will endeavor to cover it in such manner as to enable the layman to become familiar with the attention tires require, to give maximum mileage. There have been many refinements in the construction of motor-truck tires, and the majority are very dependable; but tires, like the engine, transmission, axles and all other parts of the vehicle, must have a reasonable amount of attention if one expects to obtain the best results. Tire equipment is given care- ful consideration by the engineer and the tire maker in deter- mining the necessary sizes and types. However, no provision can be made for the usage of the vehicle or the care of the tires. Provision is made for taking up wear and alignment in the mechanical parts of the chassis which affect the life of the tires. However, these are not automatic adjustments, and require fre- quent inspections. Tires, like all other parts, have a physical limit, and results can only be obtained if their usage is within the 20 290 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION limits of their physical strength, which is based upon the com- pression of the vulcanized rubber. For maximum tire mileage, three factors the tire, the road and the driver must be considered. The tire must be consid- ered because the type of tire used for quick delivery cannot be used for heavy duty. The road naturally effects the mileage of truck tires, because the bumps and ruts of bad roads throw local- ized shocks on them. The driver, next to the tire itself, is the most important factor. It depends upon him whether the truck be abused. In the following an outline of the common injuries to motor- truck tires is given, most of which are sustained in running, and may be traced directly to one of the three factors mentioned above. These common injuries may be summed up as follows: Overloading, speeding, rough roads, wheel alignment and irregu- larities, anti-skid devices, neglected cuts, skidding and applica- tion of brakes, application of power, running in car tracks, heat, oil and grease and abuse of trailers. The most premature tire failures are due to overloading, not only by constant overloading, but by the momentary overload- ing as well. Rubber, like any other material, has its limits of resistance, this resistance being its ability to return to its original shape after being compressed. This may be compared with an ordinary rubber band, which will snap if stretched beyond its limit of elongation, as the rubber in a motor-truck tire will snap at once, even though momentarily loaded beyond its limits of compression. This compression is noticeable by the bulging out of the rubber, both left and right and even front and rear. If the load is within the capacity of the tire the rubber will with- stand the strain and as the load is released, return to its original shape, the same as a rubber band when stretched and released. However, if the load is beyond the capacity of the tire the rubber will break down as inevitable as when stretched beyond its limit of elongation. If the tire is overloaded momentarily the rupture may not be apparent, as the broken portions may be hidden by others not noticeably affected, yet the strength of the tire is im- paired and failure of the whole structure is merely a matter of a short time, as the damage is bound to spread. The distribution of the load also has an important bearing upon the life of a tire, as trucks are frequently loaded so that the heavy articles are carried near the tail-board, while the forepart of the body carries little. In this case the rear tires usually MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 291 carry an overload, although the total load may be within the capacity of the vehicle. Loads which overhang the rear of the body, such as lumber, pipes, etc., also produce the same effect. It does not matter whether the overload is a constant one or a momentary one as far as the cause of the damage is concerned, and is only material to the extent of the damage. A momentary overload may have ruptured the tire structure only in a single FIG. 278. Overloaded, Overspeeded and Bad Road Tire Effects. spot, whereas a constant overload will damage the whole tire, thus hastening it to complete failure; but in both cases the tire is doomed to premature ruin. Small dual tires are often exposed to momentary overloads, as the camber of the road may be such as to throw the total weight alternately on one of the outer or inner tires, the mates being momentarily relieved of their load. Speeding. A tire which is overspeeded is prematurely de- stroyed in a manner very similar to that of an overloaded tire. Overspeeding makes every road rough, because it magnifies every 292 MOTOR TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION irregularity and this increases the effect of all shocks. Hitting a curb, bump or any other obstacle with considerable impetus, even though the truck be empty, is in effect identical with a momenary overload, causing a rupture in the rubber structure in that particular spot and gradual ruin of the tire, for as the wheel revolves at excessive speed the rapidity of compression and expansion of the rubber generates internal friction heat. This is increased considerably by the friction of the road, thus heating the rubber to a higher degree than it can resist. This combined with the increased effect of all shocks is very de- structive. Rough Roads. Rough roads have an effect on solid rubber tires similar to that of overloading and overspeeding, as the face of the tire rests successively on irregularities which have the effect of overloading that particular portion of the tire. These irregularities, such as ruts, large stones, crushed stone, loose brick and similar road materials, cause shocks which tax the tires beyond ^ __ _, the limit of their power to FIG. 279. Front Wheels out of Line due to Striking Curb or Obstacle on the absorb them and these m - Eoad. mentary overloads create a disintegrating effect upon the tread of the tire. Some roads have an extreme heat which also causes disintegration while others produce a similar effect, owing to their composition. Careful driving over rough roads at moderate speed, avoiding ruts, stones and loose surface material as much as possible, will greatly increase tire mileage. Wheel Alignment and Irregularities. Any fault in align- ment allowing the wheels to run out of parallel no matter to what small extent prevents their true rolling motion. When two op- posite wheels are not parallel there is a diagonal grind upon these at the point where they come in contact with the road sur- face. This grinding action quickly wears off the rubber, the wear being very smooth just as though the rubber had been ground off on an emery wheel. Misalignment of wheels generally is evidenced through ex- cessive wear on one side or by flats, as these when once started rapidly develop. There are a number of things which affect the alignment of front wheels. The cross rod, axle, or steering MOTOK TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 293 knuckle may be bent due to violent contact with the curb, another vehicle or obstacle, the cross-rod or knuckle may be improp- erly adjusted, loose or _____ worn hubs, bearings in the wheels and bushings in the steering linkage may be worn, or the ad- justments may have been Fm 280 Front Wheels Qui of Line due disturbed through vibra- to Wear or Improper Adjustment. tion. All wheels should be frequently tested for alignment and always after a collision or untoward event that is likely to effect the wheel adjustments. A piece of tubing fitted with a sliding rod and a thumb screw, or a stair tread extension rule, form a useful gage for front wheel testing. In testing front wheels it is most important that the dead vertical center is measured, both front and rear. This is necessary because of the tendency of the front wheels to spread under the driving force and it is the prac- tice of commercial vehicle builders to set the front wheels at a toe in from one-fourth to five-eighths in. less in front of the axle than in back of it. This allows one-eighth in. to five-six- teenth in. toe in for each front wheel. This is practically taken out by the action of the vehicle on the road, for under momentum the wheels will be approximately parallel. Each wheel can also be checked up separately by raising it with a jack and placing a stationary point almost against the wood felloe. Revolving the wheel will determine if the distance between the stationary point and the felloe is the same at all points around the wheel. If the wood felloe rubs at some point around and not at other places it may be due to a slight varia- tion in the felloe, but more usually it is the result of a wheel not running true. Irregularities of the driving wheels of a motor vehicle do not exist to the extent that is the case with the front wheels, though it occasionally occurs that when the rear axle is displaced to one side or the other it causes the wheels to take up a diagonal FIG. 281. Eear Axle out of Alignment due to Poor Chain Adjustment. 294 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION position with a consequent grinding action upon the tires. It is essential should it be discovered that these are out of parallel that the trouble be rectified immediately. For testing rear wheels, both comparatively and their relation to the front wheels, the ordinary line and rod method cannot be improved upon. The measurement between the wood felloes of the rear wheels should be the same both in front and rear wheels of the axle. Whenever an undue amount of play is discovered in the wheels steps should be immediately taken to remedy the defect, other- wise irreparable damage to the tires is inevitable. Anti-skid Devices. Anti-skid devices, especially those which are stationary upon the wheel, contribute a great deal toward causing solid rubber tires to give unsatisfactory service. The loose chain is by far the least injurious as it will work its way around the tire and equally distributes the Avear and strain. However, with a stationary chain this is constantly confined at the point of bearing. These anti-skid devices are mostly applied to the driving or rear wheels of a vehicle and these are quite apt to spin in slip- pery places, causing sharp blows at the points of contact. With a sationary device the shock received by the tires in striking the ground is concentrated in a few points around its circumference, causing heavy strains at these points. In order to avoid this, de- vices having numerous cross-pieces should be used for as the dis- tance between these is decreased the force of the blow decreases as the wheel gains momentum. Every type of anti-skid device is more or less injurious to the tire and they should only be used temporarily to pass over soft slippery places. Neglected Cuts. Cuts are of common occurrence and are gen- erally caused by road conditions. These cuts, no matter how small, afford an entering place for sand and fine gravel, causing the cut to increase in length and depth. Sand, gravel and other gritty substances are enemies of rubber and once they effect an entry into the tires it is pretty hard to combat them. Cuts near and at the edges are most injurious, and if attended to in time are easily remedied. These should be trimmed off smoothly with a sharp knife as soon as they occur, and if they are not trimmed the revolving wheel causes the loosened edges to catch on every obstruction, so .that the tear constantly increases. When one MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 295 unit of a dual tire is permitted to weaken in this manner it causes an overload on its mate. Skidding and Application of Brakes. Skidding is generally caused by sudden application of the brakes, turning corners too rapidly and turning corners so small that the crown of the road may cause the rear wheels to skid. The effect of skidding or lock- ing the wheels is quite serious, as this causes flats on the tread of the tires, in addition to placing the tires under side strains, which tears them loose from the base. This same condition will also exist if the brakes do not grip evenly, causing one wheel to roll while the other drags. Turning corners too rapidly increases strain and wear on the tires with a similar effect. Some tire makers recommend truing up tires if flats develop, by turning down the tread, otherwise these will develop rapidly and cause a great loss of mileage. The sudden application of power by quick engagement of the friction clutch produces the same effect as locking the wheels. The power applied at the hub starts the rim first and the re- sistance of the road prevents the tire from starting at the same instant. This brief delay slightly stretches, displaces or strains the rubber, just as the life is taken out of a rubber band by con- tinual stretch. This danger is greatly augmented as wear takes place in the driving members, such as the hubs, universal joints, driving chains, etc. Running in Car Tracks. Injuries resulting from running in car tracks are serious and readily apparent. Under this condi- tion, the outside edge of the tire rests .upon the raised edge of the car track, so that the distribution of the load is on but a small portion of the tire. That is, the weight of the vehicle is being supported by that small portion of the tire which is riding on the raised part of the track. Throwing the load upon half of the tire causes it to wear rapidly, while the rest of it is in ap- parently good condition. With dual tires this effect is still more pronounced because that part of the unit riding on the car track must sustain the load intended for both tires. Heat causes disintegration of the rubber. In winter the large garages are generally heated by steam, the headers of which are fastened close to the ceiling of the floor below. This heats the floor above to quite an extent, and if a heavy truck is parked for two or three days directly over a big hot spot in the floor a con- 296 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION dition is developed that results in a flat being formed in the tire shortly afterwards. This is due to the action of the heat soften- ing the rubber, while the weight of the truck is resting upon it, causing a flow that never fully returns. Gasoline, oil, grease and other fatty substances are solvents of rubber. If garage floors are not kept clean and the tires stand in a pool of oil, a similar action to that of the effect of heat will take place. Grease and oil can easily be removed by a rag satu- rated with gasoline. Gasoline, although a solvent, evaporates quickly and if applied in small quantities will not cause any in- FIG. 282. Tires Showing Undue Wear. jury if used as a cleansing agent. Another difficulty occurs in the abuse of trailers, which is caused by turning too sharp a corner while loaded. The effects of this are similar to those caused by skidding, as it tends to wrench the inside wheel, twist- ing the tire, which is firmly held to the road by the weight of the load. The results are a loose tire in a very short time. The above gives the general abuse of commercial vehicle tires, and while there are numerous others of minor importance, it has MOTOR TRUCK TIRES AND RIMS 297 been proven by maintenance engineers that many tire miles can be saved by avoiding the above sources of trouble. In order to obtain maximum tire mileage, commercial vehicle owners should instruct operators to avoid all overloads, momentary ones as well as constant ones, speeding, curbs, ruts, car tracks and reckless backing up against curbs, and also to properly distribute the load and to select the best roads and smoothest pavements. Truck operators can save a considerable amount by using judgment in the operation of a commercial vehicle. CHAPTER XXIII ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND STARTING ON COMMERCIAL TRUCKS The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electrically Equipped Trucks. Is electric lighting and starting equipment justifiable on commercial cars? Many engineers consider it an unneces- sary complication; others hold that with it economy as well as convenience is gained. A resume of the advantages and disad- vantages may prove interesting especially since the Government specifications for the military trucks included this equipment. Many mechanical problems must be considered in selecting electrical equipment for commercial cars. While these units have worked out satisfactorily for passenger vehicles that are equipped with pneumatic tires, it is a question whether they will endure the greatly aggravated vibration of motor trucks having solid tires, stiffer springs and are compelled to travel cobble-stones and rough roads. Such consideration as frequent troubles from inability to withstand the hard usage, are very important and may more than offset the advantages gained through the use of such equipment. It is true that some of these equipments have worked out very satisfactorily on commercial cars ; however, they are generally designed to meet these more exacting conditions. They are sturdier and stronger built devices, while the battery must also be of such capacity as to permit frequent starting and must have some special mounting to resist vibration. The arguments for and against electrical equipment, covered in the following, are the result of a general study of this subject and are not based on the opinions of makers of these units. Four units generally comprise the complete electric system, the ignition system, the generator, the starting motor and the battery. Ignition systems were previously described and will not be considered in this article. The generating system con- sists of a generator or dynamo, its drive and mounting and also an output regulator and reverse current cutout. The starting system consists of an electric motor, its drive and mounting and a suitable switch for starting purposes. The link between the two systems is the storage battery which serves in effect as a reservoir for accumulating electricity. 298 ELECTKIC LIGHTING AND 8TAETING 299 The generators of different systems now in use vary in con- struction or type, some having a permanent and others an excited or wound field. Fundamentally, there are three types of gen- erators in use shunt wound, compound wound and differentially wound generators. The field itself may either carry simple or compound windings. The armature revolving between the poles of the field generates electric current, the output of which is governed by the output regulator. The method of generating elec- tric current was described previously in the chapters of mag- netos. The reverse current output prevents the flow of current through the generator from the battery. The starting motor which takes the place of the ordinary hand crank is operated by current from the battery. This unit is sim- ilar but opposite to the generator in that instead of motion pro- ducing current, current flowing through the fields energizing them and causing the armature to rotate produces motion. Speaking loosely, electricity that has been pumped into the bat- tery by the generator, runs out through the motor. If the motor is properly interconnected with the engine it can be made to turn the latter over until it starts. A definite amount of work must be done to produce electricity, and that work is done by the generator. The electrical energy that the generator produces is stored in the battery for use when the generator itself cannot supply the current as when the en- gine is to be started. Advantages of Electric Lights and Starter. The advantages on a commercial vehicle of electric lights and starter are as fol- lows in their order of importance : 1. Greater economy due to saving gasoline and time when many stops are made by not keeping the engine running. 2. Increased life of the engine, as shutting it off at each stop, eliminates considerable needless wear. 3. Saving of time over hand starting increasing the actual working hours of the car and operator. 4. Better lighting and easier driving for night work and fewer accidents from the rear light going out. 5. Better finished appearance of cars for certain classes of work. To these may be added the possibility of getting more for certain types of cars for special service, Avhere the advertising value is considered. 300 MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Disadvantages of Electric Lights and Starter. The principal disadvantages in equipping commercial vehicles with these units are: 1. Additional first cost and added complications which the driver does not comprehend. 2. Increased maintenance cost and interest on additional in- vestment. 3. Decrease in engine accessibility in making repairs, thus in- creasing the cost of these repairs. 4. Unreliability of certain parts, such as the storage battery and the possibility of these units being maintained far below their original efficiency. 5. The effect of vibration on units not originally designed for commercial car service. 6. Inability to keep the battery sufficiently charged owing to frequent starting and stopping. 7. Battery and other electrical troubles aggravated by the average commercial car driver not being familiar with the con- struction and care of the electrical system. On trucks that have many stops to make such as house to house delivery, starters are no doubt desirable, considering the high cost of gasoline, as the operator will invariably allow his engine to run rather than crank it when making a stop of a few minutes. Stopping the engine will cut down the fuel bills. But whether the starter will save time over cranking seems to be disputed. Various arguments are advanced covering the point of economy. Any type of delivery car and even some of the large motor trucks make more stops during the day than the average touring car, and from the point of economy the commercial car would seem to have the greater need for a starter. Moreover, the starter is also a convenience and saves energy. Some imagine that the starter will start the engine when the driver cannot start it. This is not true unless the engine is too big to be spun by hand. The average truck engine can be spun easily by the aver- age driver and if the gasoline mixture is getting to the cylinders and the spark is all right, it can be started as many times by man as by a self-starter. A self-starter can do no more than man, but it does conserve his energy. Some claim that the time saved with a starter even when stops are numerous is relatively small compared with the time the operator usually wastes in other directions. Cold weather ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND STARTING 301 must also be considered, which may average four months per year, when it is really advantageous to let the engine idle and prevent the radiator from freezing and to keep the mixture warm for a good start. Stopping will increase the life of the engine, but in the ab- sence of a starter with a bonus system to encourage economy, the driver would not let the engine run idle for long. Where, especially on the heavy vehicles, the drivers' union compels the owner to provide a helper on each car, there is still less excuse to keep the engine running. Without question, electric lights are preferable to oil lamps, but it is for the owner to decide, especially whether they are worth their slightly greater cost if there is little operating at night. Accidents that may be traced to the lighting system will be reduced, if the lighting system is maintained at its original efficiency, which is doubtful on a commercial car. Where appearance is a large factor, the additional first cost and maintenance are usually disregarded. Under certain con- ditions, especially on light deliveries, electric equipment adds considerable to the sales value. Conditions here approximate those of a touring car and there is no question of that feature in this case. Disadvantages Discussed. The first cost of a commercial vehicle is what engineers have been striving to keep down and simplicity aids low first cost. Electrical equipment will add a certain amount of weight and expense that must be paid by the purchaser and as a motor truck is purely a business proposition, its prime object being to carry goods at the lowest cost, the starter must save time and money. From the mechanical viewpoint it means some complications that the average truck driver does not comprehend. He is not an electrician and the best electrical equipment requires some electrical knowledge at times. The question resolves itself into Avhether starters can save enough in fuel and time to offset the increased maintenance cost and pay an interest on the additional investment. It should also be remembered that this added equipment will render the engine more inaccessible for repairs, thus adding to their cost. There are certain objections from a mechanical standpoint. The battery seems to be the weakest unit of the entire system, for this is subject to jolting and jarring, which shortens its life perceptibly even with the best of care. Spring mounting devices 302 MOTOE TKUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION may overcome this difficulty, but a vast amount of education is necessary before the average truck driver will know how to take care of a storage battery. Even after this lesson has been taught, there still exists that human element which is responsible for the rapid destruction of commercial vehicles through improper care, handling and neglect. Frequent starting and stopping is another factor which also must be given consideration, as the battery must be of ample capacity to provide for the number of starts made during a day's work. The generator must be of sufficient size to keep the bat- tery properly charged and it must be also of the simplest type. The difficulty resulting from the driver's lack of knowledge will probably diminish as use of the system becomes more uni- versal. Opinions of engineers differ as to the final solution of the problem. At present the question of electrical equipment seems to be up to the public, as the personal view of the purchaser ap- pears to be the greatest factor. All makers supplying electric units as regular equipment will omit these if requested to do so. Makers, who do not regularly equip their vehicles with these units, will supply them, if the OAvner will pay the difference. The battery seems to be the troublesome unit and the weakest point of the entire system. So far as the lighting is concerned the problem may be solved by sending current directly from the generator to the lamps, similar to the Ford car, but without its irregular lighting characteristics. The starter problem is more aggravated, but may be solved in some as yet unfound, but equally simple, way. MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 303 44444 I + + + + 4. 4- 4++444+I + + 4 -i- +44 444 + 44+444-4-4- 304 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 305 I be g 1 02 a 21 306 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MOTOE TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 307 308 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 309 310 MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MOTOR TRUCK DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 311 A INDEX Advantages and disadvantages of two and four cycle motors Advantages of locating motor under hood Advantages of various motor lubricating systems Air cooling Cushion radiator mounting Automatic spark control Axle, Bevel-gear type Chain-driven Double reduction type Front bearings Built-up type Cast type Construction of Drop-forged type Frame attachment of. General types of Double reduction type of. . Internal gear type Rear types of Shaft-driven types Worm-gear type of Semi-floating type of Three quarter floating type of Full floating type of Bevel-gear axle Brake, adjustments Band type Concentric type Control, lubrication of Equalizers Hydraulic type Internal and external . Jackshaf t type Linkage Location of Method of application Page Page Brake, on shaft-drive models . . 176 Rear wheel 175 ^Q Sauer Motor 181 Shoe type 176 2 Timken duplex 180 Types of 172 38 39 C 46 Carburetion 50 65 Carburetor, Construction of . . 51 140 Dash adjustment 53 135 Float, function of 51 143 Mounting 58 191 Throttle 52 190 Troubles 57 184 Types 52 184 Cellular type radiator core ... 41 186 Centrifugal type water pump. . 47 184 Center bearing for propeller 183 shafts 122 143 Control and pedal mounting 260 145 Chain drive 132 154 Driven axle 135 142 Drive, advantages of 140 151 Driven front wheel drive.. 163 154 Jack shaft 133 Characteristics of two-cycle en- 154 gines 6 154 Chassis, definition of 1 Types, advantages and dis- advantages of 3 140 Circuit Breaker, the 63 182 Clutch, band type 102 177 Comparisons of 102 179 Gone types 96 264 Dry P late type 10 263 Location of 95 174 Multiple disc type 98 178 Necessity of 95 173 Coil ignition 68 262 Non-vibrating 72 172 Transformer, type of 68 172 Compression release 26 313 314 INDEX Page Condenser 64 Connecting- rod, construction of 15 Function of 16 Control, brake, clutch and gear 255 Conventional type 253 Locations and their advan- tages 254 Mounting- of 260 Progression type of 261 Sliding shaft type 256 Spark and throttle .... 255 Swinging lever typfe 258 Conversion of reciprocating mo- tion into rotary motion .... 16 Crank case, the 21 Construction of 21 Function of 21 Crank shaft, construction of . . 15 Cylinder, construction of .... 14 Combination type 19 Grouping of 20 Cylinder, L-head type 18 T-head type 18 Types of 17 Valve-in-head type 18 Material of 14 Cross steering 208 Differential, function of 125 Operation of 127 Bevel gear type 126 Spur gear type 127 Lock 128 Worm gear type 129 Semi-locking type 129 Semi-locking type, opera- tion of 130 Difficulty of transmitting power 114 Distributor, ignition 65 Disadvantages of locating mo- tor under hood 3 Double reduction axle . . . . 143 Drag link, location of 198 Lay out of 198 Proportions of 201 Types of 209 Dual ignition systems 67 Page E Electrically equipped trucks, advantages and disadvan- tages of 298 Electric lights and starter, ad- vantages of .... 299 disadvantages of . . 300 discussion of ad- vantages 301 Electric-driven four-wheel drives 171 Electromotive force, propor- tions of 79 Enclosed chain drive 140 Engine construction 14 Fan 48 Location of 48 Final drive, definition of 132 Flywheel, function of 17 Float chamber of carburetor. . 51 Four-cycle engine operation . . 8 Four-cylinder engine, advan- tages and disadvantages of. . 10 Four-wheel drive 166 Combined chain and shaft 171 Electric type of drive 171 Frame, function of 210 Frame, Trend of design 218 Pressed steel, advantages of 211 Cross members 211 Rigid type 212 Rigid type effect of 212 Flexible 213 Frame, pressed steel, construc- tion of 214 Structural channel type . . 217 Structural I-beam type ... 218 Tractor type 217 Friction, definition of 30 Front and four-wheel drives, advantages of 162 Front wheel, throw off 192 Function of cam shaft 20 Of crank shaft, piston and connecting rod 16 INDEX 315 Page Function of motor lubricating system 29 Gasoline tank, mounting of . . 246 Construction of 244 Bolster type 246 Pressed steel type .... 248 Feed, pressure system 251 Systems, advantages and disadvantages of 252 Gear type water pump 47 Gear-driven front wheel drive. 166 Governor, Definition of 85 Defects 86 Operation 86 Centrifugal type 88 Hydraulic type 89 Automatic type 89 Advantages and disadvan- tages of 94 Gravity, feed fuel system 245 Heating fuel mixture 57 High Tension Jump spark igni- tion 60 Hollow propeller shaft 122 Honeycomb radiator core 41 Hotchkiss drive 156 Spring mounting for . . 239 Hydraulic type governor 86 Ignition, systems of 76 Coil 68 Low tension make and break 59 Timer 75 Independent ignition system, summary of 67 Inductor magneto 77 Operation of 79 High tension type .... 81 Shaft 78 Induction of electrical impulses 62 Internal gear axle 145 Page J Jack shaft, chain drive 132 Jump spark, low tension 59 High tension 60 Kick switch 69 Knuckle lever, angles of 194 Location of . . 195 Lack of accessability 4 Lay out of chassis 1 Live axle drives 168 Locating motor under seat op- posite hood 5 Motor under seat 4 Low tension jump spark igni- tion 59 Magneto, construction of 70 Make and break igni- tion 59 Magneto wiring 70 Lubricants 31 Requirements of 30 Lubrication splash system 31 Circulating splash system 33 Gravity feed 34 Force feed 35 M Magneto, classification of .... 60 And battery systems low tension 69 High tension 61 Low tension 69 Magnetic lines of force 61 Mechanical oilers 32 Methods of transmitting power 132 Mixing chamber 51 Motor cooling system 39 Lubrication 29 Methods of 31 Speed, method of control- ling 85 Muffler cutout 266 Construction of 265 316 INDEX Page Muffler cutout, function of .... 265 Location of 265 Types of 266 Multiple cylinder engines .... 12 Multiple feed oiler 32 Oil pump gear type 32 Plunger type 32 Operation of fan 48 Two-cycle gasoline motor . . 6 Four-cycle gasoline motor. 8 Pin type of universal joint .... 118 Piston construction of 15 Poppett valves 17 Power losses in engine 4 Power plant arrangement 2 Mountings', description. 320 Rigid type 221 Three point type. . 221 Three point main frame type .... 222 Floating type 225 Sub-frame type 226 Principle of self induction . . 73 Propeller shaft 122 Brake 176 Mountings of 122 Tubular 122 Solid 122 Divided 123 Slip joint 120 Pumps, oil 32 Water 46 Push rod adjustment 21 Function of . 21 Radiator, construction of .... 41 Built-up type 42 Mountings 44 Rebound clips 239 Rubber, crude 282 Wild 282 Cultivated 283 Manufacturing process of. 283 Rims . . 284 Page S Safety spark gap 66 Seat, location of 1 Solderless Radiator 43 Spark, fixed 65 Variable 63 Spring, auxiliary 235 Alignment 241 'Clips 241 Full elliptic type 234 Lubrication, of 242 Mountings of 236 Overload 241 Rebound clips 239 Spring Shackles 239 Semi-Elliptic type 231 True sweep type 231 Double sweep type. . . . 233 Types of 230 Three quarter platform type 235 Stewart vacuum feed 250 Steering gear bevel pinion type 203 Irreversible type 196 Principle of 200 Ratios of 197 Rack and pinion type 202 Reversibility of 196 Screw and nut type 206 Wheel and Mast 200 Worm and sector 203 Worm and wheel 205 Steering mechanism, descrip- tion of 192 Switch, function of 66 Operation of 69 Tie rod 201 Location of 197 Timer, ignition 75 Tire, care of 289 Contour and construction of 285 Demountable type 286 Tire development 280 Effect of speeding 291 Rough roads 292 INDEX 317 Page Tire, effect of wheel alignment 292 Anti-skid devices .... 294 Neglected cuts 294 Skidding and applica- tion of brakes 295 Running in car tracks 295 Oils, grease, etc 296 Tire, hard rubber base type.. 284 Metal base type 282 Solid truck type 284 Pressed on type 288 Torque, definition of 103 And propulsion, method of providing for 155 Transmission, types of 104 Friction type 104 Planitary type 104 Sliding gear type 106 Progressive sliding type... 107 Selective sliding type 108 Positive clutch type Ill Automatic engagement type 113 Mounting flexible type ... 228 Transforming low tension into high tension current 63 Types of chasses 3 Of cylinders and their parts 13 Of front wheel drives 162 Of springs 230 Of two-cycle engines 6 Two-cycle engine, advantages and disadvanta- ges of 10 Characteristics of. 6 Two-cylinder opposed motor. . 28 U Unit power plant 22 Flexible mounting of 210 Universal joint, block and trun- nion type 116 Page Universal joint, cross type .... 115 Fabric type 121 Internal gear type. ... 115 Pin type 118 Split ring type 115 Necessity of 114 Valve, construction of 17 Function of 17 Location of 17 Mechanism for L head motor 23 Valve in head motor 24 Overhead valve motor 24 Operation of 20 Spring, function of 20 Vane type water pump 10 Vaporization of fuel 50 Variable spark control 83 Vehicle springs 230 Vertical tube type of radiator core 74 Vibrator, action of 74 W Water cooling 40 Pump, types of 46 Wheel, advantages of steel 273 Advantages and disadvan- tages of 278 Cast steel type 272 Construction of cast steel. 274 Dual type of 274 Double disc type of steel. . 276 Spindle inclination, of 195 Single disc, type of steel. . 275 Spoke type of cast wheel. 276 Wood artillery type 272 Worm-drive axle 151 318 INDEX ATPENDIX. LIST OF PLATES. Page Page Fagoel heavy duty chassis. . . . 311 Schackt worm-drive chassis. . 310 Federal 3^-ton chassis 312 Stewart 3J-ton chassis 305 Kissell general delivery trucks. 309 United stages worm-drive Military class B chassis 303 chassis 304 Muskegon, 2-ton chassis 308 White heavy duty chassis 307 Packard 5-ton worm-drive chassis 306 MOTOR VEHICLES AND THEIR ENGINES A practical handbook on their care, repair, upkeep and management By EDWARD S. FRASER American Bosch Magneto Corporation; Formerly, Captain C. A.. U- S. A., Instructor Motor Transportation Course, Coast Artillery School and RALPH B. JONES Willys Overland Company; Formerly, Captain C. A., U. S. A., Instructor Motor Transporta- tion Course, Coast Artillery School A complete book on the auto- mobile written in the simplest language and with technicalities reduced to a minimum. The fundamentals of gas motor operation, as well as the care and operation of the principal acces- sories of motor vehicles are dis- cussed in detail and at greater length than usual. The last four chapters are the result of the authors' observations and experience with the great number of trucks, tractors, auto- mobiles and motorcycles operat- ing under their supervision, and a study of them will be of great help in obtaining the maximum economy, efficiency and life of the apparatus. CONTENTS THE; GAS ENGINE PRINCIPLES OF TWO AND FOUR-CYCLE ENGINES TIMING ENGINE BALANCE AND FIRING ORDER COOLING SYSTEMS FUEL FEED SYSTEMS FUELS ELEMENTS OF CARBURETION CARBURETORS PUDDLE TYPE CARBURETORS MAGNETISM ELEMENTARY ELECTRICITY BATTERIES INDUCTION BATTERY IGNITION SYSTEMS MAGNETOS: ARMATURE TYPE MAGNETOS: ROTOR TYPE DUAL AND DUPLEX IGNITION SYSTEMS STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS POWER TRANSMISSION CLUTCHES TRANSMISSIONS DRIVES DIFFERENTIALS RUNNING GEAR TIRES AND RIMS HOW TO DRIVE ENGINE TROUBLES EXPERIENCED ON THE ROAD LUBRICATION CARE AND ADJUSTMENT CARE AND ADJUSTMENT TABLES 350 pages, 6x9 inches, Flexible Fabrikoid, postpaid $2.00 278 pictures, many in colors D. VAN NOSTRAND CO., Publishers 25 PARK PLACE NEW YORK THE LITERATURE OF THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING On our shelves is the most complete stock of tech- nical, industrial, engineering and scientific books in the United States. 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