SB Efl 2M5 Q B 362 H5 1913 MAIN GIFT OF THE CAUSE OF PLANETARY ROTATION ALSO A THEORY AS TO THE TAIL OF THE COMET By I. T. HINTON SAN FRANCISCO THE BLAIR-MURDOCK COMPANY P4 Vi Cj -i A ^ o v^ C; rH H ^ N C'3 r Cf f; "- rX C C ^ ^2 i-t r ) ^ 4- P, r-i C ^H JH - -'C. &J O O H *^ n^/ O ^> 03 SH c O * ^ c OP^ ^ 4- M CD h r'> } CO ^*4 H M Of rH 5^ ;<. ^f H i i rH fH O *^H *' M V, o O ca^ 1 -f_> C f^ H tD PLANETARY ROTATION The following is an attempt to assign the cause of the moon always presenting the same face to the earth. Take two small, equal masses, as indicated in the figure, at equal distances from the line of attraction. B attracts or is attracted by a force equal tc__ , and B f by an equal force. The components y and y are equal and opposite, their alge- braic sum being equal to zero. The combined attraction of the two small masses in the direction OA is equal to a a 2 + 3' 2 ( a 2 + ?)* " " (a 2 -f y*)H As either a or v increases, the attraction will diminish. To find the attractive force of a circular disc, a resort must be had to calculus. Let BB f be the projection of the disc, and suppose y to be increased by a small quantity dy. Then the differential of the attractive force of the disc will be j-rr dy. The integral of this is 2 " >2 . ^ , and tak- 1 282811 ing this between the limits zero and v, we obtain the attraction of the circular disc, which is This may be written though nearly so. However, the smal- ler the intervals of time and space are taken, the more nearly Will the ratios approach equality, until, when the calculus limit is reached and the orbit becomes a curve, instead of a polygon, the lines OA, OC, OB will coincide within an infinitely small angle, and the lines A 3 A 2 , C 3 C 2 , B 3 B 2 will attain the ratio .750:^2(1.157) 1.407. In other words, the original points A, C, B will assume the position OA 2 C 2 B 2 , all on the same straight line. This clearly indicates a rotation going part />a^w with the revolution. Hence, when gravity acts as a central acceleration, the secondary will always present the same face to the primary. Q. E. D. The earth does not rotate according to this law, but here other forces have been or are now in action. The following is a highly improbable, but may be possible explanation: If the earth had as regards the sun no rotation at all, or a rotation (due to the moon's influence) once in about twenty-eight days, the face towards the sun would soon become very hot, and the water on that side would evaporate rapidly and condense as ice on the surface of the earth's off hemisphere. After a while the condition would be somewhat as in the figure, the shaded portion representing ice. Such a body would (I think) rotate with a continuous ac- celeration, the ratio of acceleration diminishing as the ice melted faster through the more frequent turning of the earth's face to the sun, until the acceleration became nil. The body would then continue to rotate at the speed attained when the acceleration became zero. WEIGHING THE EARTH. If a known weight were in a well at the point A in the figure on page I, its attraction towards the center would be equal to the attraction of the mass BEB' less that of the mass BDB' ' , which can be found by integration, and the attraction or weight of the earth could be found if we knew the weight of the spherical segment BDB' . This would be exceedingly difficult to obtain with any degree of accuracy on the land, but at sea we can go down five miles, and the weight of a spherical segment of water whose height is five miles can be calculated to a nicety. THE TAIL OF THE COMET. In endeavoring to explain this phenomenon by the laws of mechanics, the writer chanced upon the preceding demon- stration, without making any progress on the main problem. However, he ventures the following explanation of the comet's tail from physical laws: The nucleus of the comet, it appears to be admitted, is a mass of very hot vapor or vapors, and if this is true it must be surrounded by a vast mass of less hot and less condensed vapors, this large mass, or a portion thereof vastly larger than the nucleus, being somtimes faintly visible by starlight. The comet is therefore an illuminated nucleus surrounded by an immense envelope of vapor, hot, but not as hot as the nucleus. If a cannon-ball were lying on the surface of the earth, it would weigh more at 12 midnight than at noon, since in the one case the sun's attraction would be added to gravity and in the other it would be subtracted from it. The moon at conjunction would have a greater effect, perhaps enough to be noticed on a fine spring balance. So, the comet would be flattened on the side away from the sun, and elongated on the near side, thus assuming an egg-like form. However, when the distance is great, the form is probably nearly a sphere. Now, the nucleus of a comet is dense enough to cast a shadow, and against the dark background of that shadow the heated particles immediately surrounding that shadow be- come visible, while all the rest of the vast volume of the comet except the nucleus fail to give out sufficient light to be visible. Their light is obscured just as that of the moon is obscured in the daytime, while the particles around the shadow of the nucleus are more bright from the same reason that the corona of the sun appears brighter during an eclipse. The length of the tail depends on the heat of the comet, the distance from the sun and the angle of view from the earth. The curvature is due to the difference in time taken by the light coming from the nucleus and from the tail. It is most noticeable when the comet is near the sun, since then the velocity of the nucleus is immense, and that of the end of its shadow is very much more so. 8 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. i ^ i ar /ILI\ ICL^ IN) iYtrrisi 1887 ~ / * RECEIVED DEC ^ '67 -P M LOAN PEPT LD 2lA-60m-2.'67 (H241slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY