'm Wmm m 7 ^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES V VERSES I N Memory of a LADY. Written at Sandgate Castle, M DCC Lxvni. [ Price Six Pence. J V Iv D ii< k5 I N Memory of a LADY. Written at Sandgate Castle, M DCC^^XVIir. jL^ Nt'C t ant urn Ingenio, quantum fcrvire Dolori. P R O P E R T. L O N D O N, Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt in the Strand. M D c C L X V I I I . 3539 ( I ) VERSES I N MEMORY of a LADY. LET others boaft the falfe and faithlefs Pride^ No nuptial Charm to know, or known, to hide. With vain Difguife from Nature's Dilates part, For the poor Triumph of a vacant Heart ; My Verfe the God of tender Vows infpires, Dwells on my Soul, and wakens all her Fires, /-i-t^/**;^. 789S02 ( i ) Dear, filent Partner of thofe happier Hours, That pafs'd in Hackthorn's Vales, in Blagdon's Bowers! If yet thy gentle Spirit wanders here, Borne by its Virtues to no nobler Sphere ; If yet that Pity which, of Life poflefl:, Fill'd thy fair Eye, and lighten'd thro' thy BreaH: ; If yet that tender Thought, that generous Care, The gloomy Power of endlefs Night may fpare ; Oh! while my Soul for Thee, for Thee complains. Catch her warm Sighs^ and kifs her bleeding Strains. -^ Wild, wretched Wifli ! Can Piay'r, with feeble Breath, ^ Pierce the pale Ear, the ftatued Ear of Death ? Let Patience pray, let Hope afprre to Pray'r ! And leave me the ftrong Language of Defpair I . • (7 - /7 ' riencc. ( 3 ) Hence, ye vain Painters of ingenious Woe, Ye Lytteltons, ye fliining Petrarchs, go! I hate the Languor of your lenient Strain, Your ilow'ry Grief, your Impotence of Pain. Oh ! had ye known, what I have khov/n, to prove The fearching Flame, the Agonies of Love ! Oh ! had ye known how Souls to Souls impart Their Fire, or mix'd the Life -drops of the Heart ! Kot like the Streams that down the Mountain's Side, Tunefully mourn, and fparkle as they glide * Not like the Breeze, that fighs at Evening-hour On the foft Bofom of feme foldinQ- Flower : Your ftronger Grief, in Rronger Accents borne. Had footh'd the Breaft with burning Anguifli torn.-/- ( 4 ) The Voice of Seas, the Winds that rouze the Deep, Far-founding Floods that leaf flie'^tountain's Steep; Each wild and melancholy BlafI: that raves Round thefe dim Towers, and fmites the beating Waves — This foothes my Soul -~ 'tis Nature's mournful Breath, 'Tis Nature flruggling in the Arms of Death ! — y- See, the laft Aid of her expiring State, See Love, ev'n Love, has lent his Darts to Fate * ! Oh ! when beneath his golden Shafts I bled, And vainly bound his Trophies on my Head ; When, crown'd with Flowers, he led the rofy Day, Liv'd to my Eye, and drew my Soul away — Could Fear, could Fancy at that tender Hour, See the dim Grave demand the nuptial Flower ? * The Lady died in Child-bed. —/—. 9^/L v>nA,;~^ a^Ay^t^r opctf^i'^'yfin.S, a^cr There, ( 5 ) There, there his Wreaths tleje^ced Hymen Rrew'd ; And mourn'd tbek Bloom unfaded as Ije view'd. There each fair Hope, each Tendernefs of Life, Each namelefs Charm of foft obli^ino; Strife, Dehght, Love, Fancy, Pleafure, Genius fled, And the beft Pallions of my Soul He dead 5 All, All is there in cold Oblivion laid, But pale Remembrance bending o'er a Shade. -//-■ O come, ye fofter Sorrows, to my Breaft ! Ye lenient Sighs, that flumber into Reft ! Come, foothing Dreams, your friendly Pinions wave, We'll bear the frefh Rofe to yon honour'd Grave ; For once this Pain, this frantic Pain forego. And feel at lafl the Luxury of Woe ! ^^''^' . //a^ 5 /^-r ^^^- //^^ ( 6 ) Ye holy Suff'rers, that in Silence wait The laft fad Refuge of reHeving Fate ! That reft at Eve beneath the Cyprefs' Gloom, And fleep familiar on your future Tomb ; With You rU wafte the flow-departing Day, And wear, with You, th' uncolour'd Hours away. Oh lead me to your Cells, your lonely Ailes, Where Refignation folds her Arms, and fmiles j Where holy Faith unwearied Vigils keeps. And guards the Urn where fair Constantia * fleeps There, let me there in fweet Obhvion lie, And Calmly feci the tator'd Pailions die. * See Spectator, No 164. F IN I S. p Lately Publiped, Price is. RECEPTS of CONJUGAL HAPPINESS, Addreffed toaLADY on her Marriage. By J O H N L A N G H O R N E, D. D. Printed for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt in the Strand. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES q III iiiiiii . nliliMiiiii: iliij null 58 01025 044 ° 000 001063 f