30 4 7 ?88c ■ V^ 1^ ^^.- :^-y\ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Irish RaiWays and their Nationalisation A Criticism of the Report of the Vice-Regal Commission EDWIN A. PRATT SIXPENCE NET IRISH RAILWAYS AND THEIR NATIONALISATION IRISH RAILWAYS AND THEIR NATIONALISATION A Criticism of the Report of the Vice-Regal Commission BY EDWIN A. PRATT Author of "Railways and Nationalisation," "German v. British Railways," "Canals and Traders," etc. LONDON: P. S. KING & SON ORCHARD HOUSE WESTMINSTER 1910 / 1 i"^ PREFATORY NOTE. In the course of some remarks he made in reply to a deputation from the General Council of the Irish County Councils which waited upon him, on October 2ist, igio, with a view to urging the necessit)^ for carrying out the recommendations of the majority of the Vice-Regal Commission on Irish Railways, the Chief Secretary for Ireland spoke of the Com- missioners' Report as *' one of the most interesting documents he had ever perused. He was sure," he proceeded, " when the people of England had time to read it they would find it a very interesting and even a remarkable paper." It may, however, be doubted if the people of England, even with Mr, Birrell's recommendation before them, will so far overcome the popular pre- judice against Blue Books as to devote to the Report in question that close study which would alone enable them to grasp the meaning, purpose and possible results of the somewhat complicated and certainly ill-digested scheme therein put forward by the majority of the Commissioners. All the same, it is most desirable that the main issues raised by the Report should be clearly under- stood, not alone by the English, but also by the Irish people. Among these issues are — (i) The taking, in Ireland, of the first step in the United Kingdom in the way of railway nationalisation ; (2) the important political considerations that might 40G065 vi PREFATORY NOTE. be involved in the transfer of the Irish railways to an Irish elected authority ; (3) the unsatisfactory nature — should the principle of nationalisation itself be approved — of the Majority Report scheme, with its absence of definite figures and estimates ; (4) the improbability of Irish traders and travellers deriving any appreciable advantage from that scheme, even if it should be found at all practicable; (5) the obvious unfairness of expecting the State to acquire the Irish railways and to guarantee interest on capital without retaining control over their operation ; (6) the doubtful character of the proposal — which Mr. Birrell frankly described as "a stumbling-block" — that the general taxpayer of the United Kingdom should provide not less than ;r25o,ooo a year in order that the Irish trader might obtain lower railway rates ; and (7) the prospect for the Irish ratepayer himself of having to make up, by means of a general rate in Ireland, the whole of the ultimate deficiency that might arise in the operation of the railways after the Irish elected authority to be put in charge of them had reduced their earning power by making whatever concessions in rates and charges it thought either fit or expedient. In the circum.stances, and assuming that the Man in the Street may still be reluctant to go through the original Blue Book, I have thought a useful purpose might be served if I offered for his acceptance, in the, perhaps, more inviting form of a small pamphlet, a digest of the main issues involved in a problem which I have myself followed up with the greater interest by reason of the fact that I was among those privi- leged to give evidence before the Commissioners during the course of their four years' inquiry. Edwin A. Pratt. November, 1910. CONTENTS. — ♦ — Page Prefatory Note v The Vice-Regal Commission lo Terms of Reference ......... id Complaints Invited ......... ii The Companies Exonerated ....... 12 Continental Conditions 13 The Colonial Example ........ 14 State Acquisition .......... 15 The Majority Report ......... 16 Number of Companies i5 Amalgamation .......... 16 The Majority Scheme 17 Terms of Purchase 18 Financial Proposals ig The Government Grant ig The Irish Ratepayer 20 State Purchase : Irish Control ...... 21 A Lesson from South Africa ....... 22 Disadvantages of Popular Management 23 Railway Rate Reductions 23 Economies ........... 24 Directors' Fees 25 Increased Expenditure ........ 26 Amount of Possible Savings 26 Outlook for the Traders ........ 27 Actual Effect on Railway Rates 28 Climbing Down .......... 2g The " Helpful Fillip " Stage 29 A Vanishing Quantity 30 Majority Report Impracticable ...... 30 Irish Opinion and the Majority Report 31 The Minority Report 34 Minority View on Grievances 34 The Irish Railway Service 35 Minority Disapproval of State Purchase • • • • 35 Private Ownership Preferable 35 Australasian Railway System 36 Minority and Amalgamation 37 Self-Help for Irish Farmers 38 Economic Production 38 viii CONTENTS. Page Railway Rates for Agricultural Produce .... 38 Views of the "Irish Homestead" 39 The Butter Industry 39 Winter Dairying 40 Railway Rates for Butter 40 Conclusions 40 APPENDIX: State Railways in New South Wales .... 43 Irish Railways and their NationaHsation. Not only has there long been in Ireland an active group of advocates of some form of State ownership of the railways in that country, but supporters of the nationalisation principle in general have regarded Ireland as the section of the United Kingdom in which a start could best be made with an application of the principle they favour. They would try their " 'prentice han'" on Erin, and then see what they could do with England and Scotland. Lord Brassey, for instance, speaking at the autumn meeting of the Association of Chambers of Commerce at Liverpool, on September 19th, 1907, said, concerning the State ownership of railways : — The capital value of the railways might be taken roughly at twice the amount of the National Debt. To deal equitably with interests so vast would be an operation which would heavily tax our financial resources. Perhaps we might begin with State ownerstiip in Ireland. The financial operation would be on a limited scale. In addition to the financial consideration here suggested, favouring a commencement with Ireland, it must be admitted that in some respects the economic conditions of Ireland are exceptional ; that the principle of State and local aid towards the provision of railways, especially in necessitous districts, has already been applied there to an extent unknown in England and Scotland ; that there may well appear to be an unduly large number of railway companies in so small a country ; and that to begin with them would be a less costly business than to deal with the whole of the railways in the United Kingdom. An intimation that the proposals in question were about to assume a more definite shape and form than that of merely academic discussion was conveyed in an article published in lo IRISH RAILWAYS the " Financial and Commercial Supplement " of The Times of May 2ist, igo6, under the heading, "Irish Railways: Prospects of Government Purchase." In the course of this article it was said : — For a considerable time past an agitation has been kept up in Ireland in favour of the nationalisation of the railways. . . . Those who have been working for the State control of the Irish railways are in a hopeful frame of mind at present, owing to the action which the Irish Govern- ment has recently taken. Mr. Bryce was not long in office* before a scheme for the nationalisation of the Irish railways was formulated. Not only is he sympathetic towards it, but the matter is receiving his serious attention, and it is not improbable that one of the first important Irish measures undertaken will be the purchase by the State of the rail- ways. Nothing can be definitely asserted, but it is considered fairly certain in well-informed quarters that the Irish Government intend to deal with the matter, and that before long. The Vice-Regal Commission. The course actually taken differed somewhat from this forecast. No measure for the State purchase of the Irish railways was actually brought forward, but a Vice- Regal Commission on Irish Railways was appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, under date July 19th, 1906. It would appear, therefore, that either the correspondent of The Times had been mis-miormed by his " well-informed quarters," or the fact of the Commission being appointed within two months of the appearance of his article must have been not uncon- nected with the " serious attention " which he said the proposals in regard to railway nationalisation were then receiving at the hands of the Irish Government. Terms of Reference. Certain it is that the terms of reference of this Com- mission assumed, from the very outset, that the Irish railways were in fault ; and, in view of the earlier statements by the writer in The Times, as to the leaning of the Government towards a nationalisation scheme, the impression may well have been given that the Commission was really expected, if it had not been actually designed, to collect evidence which would convict the companies of various shortcomings, and thus render the nationalisation idea easier of attainment. The terms of reference, after directing the Commissioners To inquire into the present working of the railways in Ireland, including light railways, and to report how far they afford, separately or * As Chief Secretary for Ireland. AND THEIR NATIONALISATION. ii in conjunction with otlier means of transit, adequate facilities for the cheap and rapid transport of goods and passengers within the Island and to Great Britain ; proceeded : — zc/mi causes have retarded the expansion of traffic upon the Irish lines and their full utilisation for the development of the agricultural and industrial resources of the country ; and, generally, by wliat means the economic, efficient, and harmonious working of the Irish railways can be best secured. To the first part of these terms of reference no exception could be taken ; but the remainder evidently regarded it as an absolutely uncontrovertible fact : (i) that expansion of traffic has been retarded on the Irish lines; (2) that the railways have not been fully utilised for the development of the agricultural and industrial resources of the country; and (3) that the working of the railways has been alike un- economical, in-e^c\eni, and «07i-harmonious. It was thus not a matter of ascertaining by public inquiry whether or not the railways really had been guilty of these faults and short- comings. The Commission was, apparently, to take it for granted that they had. Complaints Invited. This putting of the railway companies " into the dock," as Mr. Balfour Browne expressed it, in his closing speech (January 29th, igog) on behalf of the associated Irish railway companies, was followed by the issuing of a circular in regard to which Mr. Balfour Browne further alleged that the Commissioners Began to rake the country for complaints against the railway com- panies, and not against anything else. . . . Perhaps it was necessitated by the reference, but I am bound to say, if you look at it, it invites people from all over the country to come forward and make grievances against the railway companies. ... It assumes the whole thing. . . Every one of these topics is suggested to these gentlemen. I would have come and given evidence myself with this brief in my hand. . . . It sends out from this Commission a fiery cross all over Ireland, and I say no wonder you got complaints. In effect, no fewer than 248 witnesses were examined, the Commissioners held g5 public and 56 private meetings, and a period of four years elapsed between their appointment and the publication of their final report. 12 IRISH RAILWAYS The Companies Exonerated. It cannot be suggested that there was inadequate oppor- tunity for the bringing forward of any possible grievances; but, although these were in no way lacking in number, a huge proportion were of the most trivial kind, not able to stand the test of investigation ; and, in the result, although the Commissioners were divided on what became the main issues, the companies were fully exonerated from the accusations that had been made against them.* Commenting on this particular outcome of the proceedings, the Irish Times of July 26th, igio, said: — The Commission began its inquiries by taking evidence against the present management of the larger companies. It was suggested in many quarters that this management was almost deliberately short- sighted, extravagant, and unpatriotic. We maintained at the time that this was an absurd and prejudiced view. . . . The Minority Report states that little fault is to be found with the individual management of the larger railways. The Majority Report, while condemning the present system root and branch, admits that the methods which it con- demns could hardly have been avoided by the companies in view of their commercial obligations to their shareholders. The chairman of the Midland Great Western Railway Company of Ireland, the Hon. Richard A. Nugent, speaking at the half-yearly meeting of that company on August 4th, igio, said : — Upon one aspect of the case the railway companies of Ireland have ground for satisfaction. They have emerged from the long ordeal of * The following examples, taken from the published evidence, are typical of the grievances which were brought before the Commission : — (i) A complaint that jd. was charged for the transport of 28 lbs. of tobacco carried from Belfast to Monaghan, this being, the witness said, at the rate of 46s. M. per ton, instead of the nominal rate of i8s. 6d. per ton. (He had, of course, been charged the "small parcels " scale, and not the tonnage rate for larger quantities.) (2) A complaint by a witness that he had had a beast killed in transit. Asked when it occurred, he replied, " About twenty-five years ago." (3) A complaint that the railwaj' companies do not provide cases in which dead pigs can be hung up in the vans, and so removed direct to the markets. (4) A complaint that the rate for Irish bacon from Enniskillen to Liverpool was higher than that for American bacon from Liverpool to Enniskillen ; though the witness admitted that if the Irish bacon were packed in boxes, like the American bacon, instead of in bales, it would go at the same rate. Asked why he did not adopt the system which allowed of the better loading of the waggons, and thus secure the lower rate, he replied, " The trade won't allow us." For the reference in the Minority Report to the acquittal of the companies, see page 34. AND THEIR NATIONALISATION. 13 this inquiry with credit, and the complaints and ill-founded charges so long made against them of mismanagement and exactions and of retarding the expansion of traffic have been dispelled. Whether or not, therefore, it had really been hoped to base arguments in favour of nationalisation on the alleged faults and failings of the railway companies, any possibility of realising such aim was clearly nullified by the investigation itself. Continental Conditions. Another respect in which the case against the railway companies broke down was as regards a comparison between Irish and Continental goods rates and conditions of transit. Such comparisons have long constituted a stock argument of the railway nationalisation party. For the purposes of the Irish inquiry the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, with the approval of the Commission, sent a member of their staff, Mr. Philip MacNulty, to France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Austria and Hungary in order to collect data as to railway transport conditions in those countries. Mr. MacNulty brought back a large collection of official tariffs, etc., and the Statement he prepared, giving a digest of facts he had gathered concern- ing the railway systems of the countries in question, is a mine of information, of considerable value to students of railway questions in general. Such students cannot fail to be grateful to the Commissioners for having published these results of Mr. MacNulty's great activity in Volume IV. of their report. But the direct bearing of all this information on the question of Irish transport was open to very considerable doubt ; and in the evidence which I myself gave before the Vice-Regal Commission, in respect to Continental conditions, I sought to show (i) that there is no similarity between the geographical, economic, and general transport conditions of Ireland and of Continental countries ; (2) that Continental railway rates may be exclusive of services which are included in the Irish rates; (3) that, for these reasons, there is no basis for any fair comparison between Ireland and the other countries in question ; and (4) that, in effect, Irish transport can only be judged rightly from an Irish standpoint.* These views were so far adopted by the Commissioners * The same arguments equally apply, of course, to comparisons between English and Continental railway rates and conditions. 14 IRISH RAILWAYS that the majority say, under the head of " Information as to Irish and Continental Goods Kates and Conditions of Transit" :— The considerations to be taken into account, and the differences in conditions, are so great, so numerous, and so varied and involved, that it would be very dilTicult to apply a common measure that could be expressed in figures. We do not think any useful purpose would be served by attempting to make a particular and detailed comparison between Continental and Irish rates. The Colonial Example. It was, again, obviously hoped by the railway nationalisa- tion section of the Commission that the policy to which they had been more or less committed before the inquiry opened would be supported by the example of Australasia, where the railways are mainly owned and operated by the Governments concerned. A number of witnesses having personal experience of the administration and working of these railways were examined. They spoke of the part the lines had played in the development of the colonies; they expressed their preference for State ownership over company ownership, and, without necessarily having any personal experience of Irish conditions, or taking into account the fact that State purchase of a practically complete network of railways in Ireland to-day would be a very different matter from State construction of railways in colonies unprovided, or inadequately provided, therewith, they gave it as their opinion that the adoption in Ireland of the Australasian system of State railways would be of advantage to that country. The majority of the Commissioners appear to have been especially impressed by some evidence given as to the action of the Victorian Government in constructing a line of railway to an irrigation settlement of 3,000 people 200 miles from the nearest terminus of the State railways, and they remark thereon : — Of course it is generally recognised that projects of this experimental nature, with little certainty of success, and, in any event, taking years to fructify, are not practicable under the system of private commercial companies. Here, however, the majority overlook the fact that, alike in the United States and in Canada, private commercial companies built in their pioneering days thousands of miles of railways through virgin forests and across mountain ranges AND THEIR NATIONALISATION. 15 where there were then no settlements at all, or likely to be until the railways afforded transport facilities, the probability of such projects " taking years to fructify " in no way checking developments of private enterprise which will compare favourably with anything that Australia and New Zealand can show in favour of State action. Comparison between the Colonies and Ireland must, however, needs be futile because of the absolute dissimilarity in their circumstances and conditions ; and, after all the time spent in taking the evidence of these Colonial authorities, the majority find themselves compelled to admit — In comparing the Australian with the Irish railways due consideration must be given to the varying conditions of the two countries, which are in many respects so different that it would be misleading to apply, without such consideration, any conclusions derived from the experience of the one to the circumstances of the other. This is equivalent to saying, in effect, that the example of Australia, from which so much had been hoped, is found not to apply to Ireland at all. State Acquisition. While the case against the Irish railway companies, and in support of the nationalisation scheme, thus completely broke down as regards the three grounds of (i) grievances ; (2) comparisons with Continental rates and conditions ; and (3) the Colonial example, the majority of the Commissioners have nevertheless reported in favour of State acquisition, the minority in their separate Report expressing themselves directly opposed thereto. The general position was thus summed up in a leading article published in The Times of July 26th, igio : — There are seven Commissioners, and they are divided as equally as it is possible to divide an odd number. Four of them — Sir Charles Scotter (formerly general manager and now chairman of the London and South-Western Railway), Lord Pirrie, Lieutenant-Colonel William Hutcheson Poe (an Irish landlord), and Mr. Thomas Sexton (well known in Irish pohtics) — conclude in favour of the purchase of all the Irish railways by the State. Three of them— Sir Herbert Jekyll (Assistant-Secretary of the Board of Trade), Mr. William Mitchell Acworth (a well-known authority upon railway affairs), and Mr. John A. F. Aspinall (general manager of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Rail- way) — report in favour of amalgamation into a single commercial system of all the principal Irish railways by the voluntary action of the companies, assisted by permissive legislation and by limited financial aid. i6 IRISH RAILWAYS The Majority Report. Failing those other reasons which, as I have shown, had proved of no avail, the majority base their actual recom- mendation of State purchase mainly on the ground that they " consider it obvious that Irish development will not be fully served by the railways until they cease to be commercial undertakings," This remark, as j\Ir, F, W. Pim observed at the half-yearly meeting of the Dublin and South-Eastern Railway meeting on August nth, 1910, "appears to give the keynote of the whole Majority Report." Later on the report further says on the same question : — It cannot be doubted that, so long as the Irish railways continue to exist as commercial undertai