Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM. DYCE COLLECTION. A CATALOGUE OF THE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS BEQUEATHED BY THE REVEREND ALEXANDER DYCE. PRINTED BOOKS, L TO Z, LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, POINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTT. FOB HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. MDCCCLXXV. 4 LACTANTIUS (Lucius CJICILIUS FIRMIANUS). Opera qua) extant. Cum selectis variorum commentariis. Opera et studio Servatii Gallrei. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1660. 5592 MS. notes. Opera omnia emendata et illustrata a C. A. Heumanno. Adiectae sunt annotationes criticae M. Thomasii et C. Cellarii. 8vo. Getting. 173G. 5593 De mortibus pereecutorum, cum notis S. Baluzii . . . Editio secunda . . . Recensuit, . . . Paulus Bauldri. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1693. 5594 Epitome divinarum institutionum ad Pentadium fratrem. Earn . . . recensuit . . . Joan. Davisius. 8vo. Can- tab. 1718. 5595 MS. notes by Jer. Markland, with his autograph. Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. Divinarum institutionum liber quintus ; sive, de justitia. Accurante D. Dalrymple, de Hailes. 12mo. Edinb. 1777. 5596 Carmen de Phoenice ad codices quosdam MSS. antea non- dum collates veteresque editiones recensuit . . . Adolphus Martini. 8vo. Lunaeburgi. 1825. 5597 Of the manner in which the persecutors died. A treatise by L. C. F. L. [Translated by Sir D. Dalrymple (Lord Hailes)]. 12mo. Edinb. 1782. (Two copies.) 5598 LACY (JOHN). The Dumb Lady: or, The Farriar made Physician. 4to. Lond. 1672. (Two copies.) 5599 The Old Troop : or, Monsieur Raggou. 4to. Lond. 1672. 5600 S r Hercules Buffoon : or The Poetical Squire. A comedy. 4to. Lond. 1684. 5601 Sauny the Scot ; or, The Taming of the Shrew : a comedy. 4to. Lond. 1708. 5602 LADRO CACCO. II Ladro Cacco Favola Pastorale del Desioso Academico Insipido Senese. 12mo. Venet. 1597. 5603 LADY ALIMONY. * Lady Alimony; or, The Alimony Lady. An excellent pleasant new comedy duly authorized, daily acted, and fre- quently followed. 4to. Lond. 1659. 5604 LADY BESSY. The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy ; and how she married King Henry the Seventh, of the House of Lancaster. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 69. 1847. 5605 LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Contes et nouvelles en vers. Nouvelle edition enrichie de tailles-douces. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Amst. 1699. 5606 * Fables Choisies. 8vo. Amst. 1693. 5607 Fables mises en vers. 2 vols. Svo. Dijon. 1793. 5608 Fables, avec des notes de tous les Commentateurs. Edition publie'e par Aime' -Martin. 12mo. Par. 184-5. 5609 LAING (DAVID). Ben Jonson in Edinburgh in the year M.DC.XVIII. (From Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Vol. III. Pt. II) 4to. . 5610 Specimen of a proposed catalogue of a portion of the library at Britwell House, Buckinghamshire ; collected by the late William Henry Miller, Esq. of Craigentinny. 4to. Edinb. 1852. 5611. 30 copies printed for private circulation. The introduction signed "D. L."7. Historical description of the Altar-Piece, painted in the reign of King James the Third of Scotland, belonging to Her Majesty, in the Palace of Holyrood (pp. 8-22 of Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.) 4to. 5612 LA MARCHE (C. F. S. DE). Anecdotes Russes ou Lettres d'un Officier Allemand a un Gentilhomme Livonien, ecrites de Petersbourg en. 1762 terns du regne et du de'tronement de Pierre III. Empereur de Russie > recueillies et publides par C. F. S. de la M. Svo. Lond. 1764. 5613 Autograph of the poet Gray. LAMB (LADY CAROLINE.) * Glenarvon. 3 vols. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1836. 5614 LAMB (CHARLES). Works. 2 vols. [First collected ed.] 12mo. Lond. 1818. 5615 The Letters of Charles Lamb, with a Sketch of his Life. By T. N. Talfourd. 2 vols. (Portraits of Lamb.) Svo. Lond. 1837. 5616 * New edition. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1849. 5617 * Prose Works. 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1838-36. 5618 * Poetical Works. Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1838. 5619 Specimens of English Dramatic Poets, who lived about the time of Shakspeare : with notes. Svo. Lond. 1808. 5620 New edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1835. 5621 VOL. III. B LAMB (continued). * The Adventures of Ulysses. 12mo. Lond 1808. 5G22 Tales from Shakespear. Designed for the use of young persons. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1822. 5623 With plates, said to be by W. Mulready, R.A. An additional one in- 1, by Howard. " Of these tales, King Lear, Macbeth, Timon of Athens, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Othello, were written by Charles Lamb; the other Tales by his sister Mary Lainb." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Album Verses, with a few others. 8vo. Lond. 1830. 5624 * Final Memorials of Charles Lamb ; consisting chiefly of his Letters not before published, with sketches of some of his companions. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1848. 5625 Presentation copy from the publisher. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 5626 LAMB (CHARLES AND MARY). Mrs. Leicester's School : or the History of several Young Ladies related by themselves. [Anon.] Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1814. 5627 Another edition. Sq. 12mo. Lond. 1848. 5628 Transcription from " Lamb's Letters " by Mr. Dyce on fly-leaf. LAMB (SiR JAMES BLAND BURGES). See BURGES. LAMBINUS (DIONYSIUS). In Q. Horatium Flaccum . . . commentarii. Editio nova. 2 vols. 8vo. Confluentibus. 1829. 5620 LAMENT. Bellissimo Lamento fatto da vna pouera Vedoua la quale sta raccontando le buone conditioni del suo morto marito. . . . 8vo. Trevigi. 1633. 5630 LA MONNOYE (BERNARD DE). Poesies, avec son eloge, publie'es par M. de S * * * [al- lengre.] 8vo. La Haye. 1716. 5631 LA MOTTE FOUQUfi (FRIEDRICH HEINRICH CARL, Baron de). Romantic Fiction : Selected Tales from the German of De la Motte Fouque' and others [Tieck and Chamisso]. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 5632 Ondine, Conte, traduit de I'Allemand de L. F., par M m& la B 116 [Isabelle] de Montolieu. Seconde Edition. 8vo. Par. 1819. 5633 Nouvelle Edition. 8vo. Par. 1834. 5634 Vol. 17 of the CEuvres de M mc la Baronne de Montolieu, Undine. 12mo. Lond. 1830. 5635 Undine, a Romance. A New Translation, with eleven illus- trations designed by Tenniel, and engraved by Bastin. 18mo. Lond. 1845. 5636 Undine ; a Miniature Romance. Translated from the German by the Rev. Thomas Tracy. 12mo. Lond. 1848. 5637 Thiodolf the Icelander. From the German. 2 vols. in one. 16mo. Lond. 1845. 5638 LAMPE (FRIDERICUS ADOLFUS). De cymbalis veterum libri tres . . . cum figuris aeneis. 12mo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1703. 5639 LAMPRIDIUS (BENEDICTUS). B. L., neciion lo. Bap. Amalthei carmina. 8vo. Venet. 1550. 5640 MS. notes by Singer. LANCELOT DU LAK. The Scottish Metrical Romance of Lancelot Du Lak. Now first printed . . . With Miscellaneous Poems . (Edited by Joseph Stevenson.) 4to. Printed for the Maitland Club. 1839. 5641 LANCI (CORNELIO). Rvchetta Comedia. 12rno. Firenze. 1584. 5642 Pimpinella Comedia. 8vo. Vrbino. 1588. 5643 La Niccolosa Commedia. 12mo. Firenze. 1591. 5644 LANDON (LETITIA ELIZABETH,) afterwards Mrs. Maclean. The Fate of Adelaide, a Swiss Romantic Tale ; and other Poems. 12mo. Lond. 1821. 5645 The Improvisatrice ; and other Poems. By L. E. L. Sixth edition. 16mo. Lond. 1825. 5646 The Troubadour; Catalogue of Pictures, and Historical Sketches. By L. E. L. Third edition. 16mo. Lond. 1825. 5647 The Golden Violet, with its tales of Romance and Chivalry : and other poems. By L. E. L. 12mo. Lond. 1827. 5648 The Venetian Bracelet, the Lost Pleiad, a History of the Lyre, and other Poems by L. E. L. 12mo. Lond. 1829. 5649 The Vow of the Peacock, and other poems. By L. E. L. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1835. 5650 LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1795. 5651 Poems from the Arabic and Persian ; with notes by the author of Gebir. Warwick and Lond. 4to. 1800. 5652 * Gebir ; a poem : in seven books. Second edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1803. 5653 B 2 8 LANDOR (continued). Gebirus, Poemn, 12mo. Oxou. 1803. 5654 Idyllia Heroica decem librum Phaleuciorum unum parthn jam prime partiin iterum atq tertio edit Savagius Landor. Aceedit Quaestiuncula cur Poetac Latini recentiores minus legantur. 8vo. Pisis. 1820. 5655 " The Rev d . W. Sleath with the authors comp u ." Gebir, Count Julian, and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1831. 565G MS. note (inserted) by Mr. Dyce, containing some particulars in Lander's life told by him to Mr. Dyce. Andrea of Hungary, and Giovanna of Naples. 8vo. Lond. 1839. 5657 Poemata et inscriptiones novis auxit Savagius Landor. 12mo. Lond. Moxon. 1847. (Two copies.) 5658 No. 1. "Moxon the Publisher told me he had sold only one copy of this book. To whom ? to the Bishop of St. David's." MS. note by Rev. J. Mitford, in 1848. The Hellenics. Enlarged and completed. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 5659 Antony and Octavius. Scenes for the Study. 8vo. Lond. 1856. 5660 Letter to R. W. Emerson. ] 2mo. Bath. n. d. 5661 LANEHAM (ROBERT). Laneham's Letters describing the magnificent pageants pre- sented before Queen Elizabeth, at Kenilworth Castle in 1575. (Portrait of Q. Elizabeth.) 8vo. Lond. 1821. 5662 LANGBAINE (GERARD). An Account of the English Dramatick Poets. Or, some observations and remarks on the lives and writings, of all those that have published either comedies, tragedies, tragi- comedies, pastorals, masques, interludes, farces, or opera's in the English Tongue. 8vo. Oxf. 1691. (Two copies.) 5663 The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets. Also an exact Account of all the Plays that were ever yet printed in the English Tongue . . . First begun by Mr. Langbain, improv'd and continued down to this time by a careful hand. [Charles Gildon.] 8vo. Lond. n. d. 5664 LANGHORNE (JOHN). Poetical Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1766. 5665 Another edition. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of the Author, by his son the Rev. J. T. Langhorne. 2 vols. (Por- trait.) 8vo. Lond. 1804. 5666 Solyman and Almena. An Oriental Tale. Cooke's edition. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 5667 The Correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia, from their first acquaintance to the departure of Theodosius . . New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1799. 5668 Another edition. With the life of the Author. Jones's edition. l-2mo. Lond. 1807. 5669 LANGLAND (WILLIAM). (See Nos. 7446-9.) LANGTOFT (PETER). Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, (as illustrated and improv'd by Robert of Brunne) from the Death of Cadwalader to the end of K. Edward the First's Reign. Transcrib'd, and now first publish'd, from a MS. in the Inner-Temple Library by Thomas Hearne. 2 vols. B. L. 8vo. Oxf. 1725. 5670 LANGUETUS (HUBERTUS). Epistolse ad Philippum Sydneium, Equitem Anglum. Ac- curante D. Dalrymple de Hailes. 8vo. Edinb. 1776. 5671 LANSDOWNE (GEORGE GRANVILLE, Lord). Genuine Works in verse and prose. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1736. (Two copies.) 5672 Vol. I. includes Peleus and Thetis, a masque, set to musick. The British Enchanters : or, No Ma,gick like Love. A dramatick poem. Vol. II. Heroick Love : or the Cruel Separation (T.). Vol. III. Once a Lover; and Always a Lover (C.). The Jew of Venice (C.). Poems upon several occasions. Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1726. 5673 Poetical Works. With the life of the Author. 12mo. Edinb. 1779. 5674 LANYER (^EMILIA). Salve Devs Rex Ivdseorvin. Containing, 1. The Passion of Christ. 2. Eues Apologie in defence of Women. 3. The Teares of the Daughters of lerusalem. 4. The Salutation and Sorrow of the Virgine Marie. With diuers other things not vnfit to be read. Written by Mistris ^Emilia Lanyer, Wife to Captaiue Alfonso Lanyer Seruant to the Kings Majestic. 4to. Lond. 1611. 5675 " The copy formerly Prince Henry's, is now in the possession of the Rev. Alex. Dyce ; it wanted nine leaves of dedicatory matter, which have been supplied from an imperfect copy. The Prince's copy evidently never had the leaf with the verses to the Lady Arabella, it having been probably omitted for political reasons." Lowndes, Bibl. Man p. 1310 (Bohn's ed.). LAOU-SENG-URH. L.-S.-U., or, " An Heir in his Old Age." A Chinese drama. [Translated by Davis.] 12mo. Lond. 1817. 5676 10 LARCHER (PIERRE HENRI). M&noire sur V^nus. 12mo. Par. 1775. 5677 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD (FRANCOIS VI, Due DE). Les Pens^es, maximes, et reflexions morales de M. Le Due * * *. Onzieme Edition. Augmented de remarques critiques. . . . Par 1'Abbe de la Roche. 12mo. Par.. 1741. 5678 Maximes et reflexions morales. 12mo. Lond. 1774. 5679 Another edition. (Portrait.) F. P. 8vo. Lond. 1799. 5680 LA SCALA (JOSEPH JUSTE DE). Epistres Francoises des personnages illustres & doctes, a Mon. I. I. de la S. Mises en lumiere par I. de Reves. 8vo. Harderwyck. 1624. 5681 LASCARIS RHYNDACENUS ( JANUS). Begin, I. L. Rhyiidaceni epigrammata. Gr. Lat. End. In chalcographeo lodoci Badii Ascesii in Parrhisiorum Academia. . . . 8vo. 1527. 5682 Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. LASSARI (BENEDETTO). Gli Amori Distvrbati. 12mo. Bologna. 1671. 5683 LATIN STORIES. A Selection of Latin Stories, from manuscripts of the Thir- teenth and Fourteenth Centuries : a contribution to the History of Fiction during the Middle Ages. Edited by T. Wright. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 28. 1842. 5684 LATINIUS (LATINUS). Epistolse . . . sacra profanaque eruditione ornatse. 2 vols. (in one). 4to. Romse. 1659-1667. 5685 LAUDER (GEORGE). Tears on the death of Evander occasioned by the lamentable losse of the truelie noble and generous. Sir. lohn Svynton Knight, Collonel of an Regiment of 2000 Nedderlanders, going to Venize, who was cast away by storme on the coast of England upon Goodwin sands the 13 of Octob. 1630. (Reprint : (Bannatyne Club Book) by W. B. D. D. T[urnbull]. 1848.) 8vo. Hagh Anno Dili. 1630. 5686 Presentation copy from Mr. Turnbull to Mr. Dyce. (See also FRONDES CADUCAE.) LAUDER (WILLIAM). [The Gentleman's Magazine, vol. 17, for 1747, has a place in the Dyce Collection, as containing the papers relating to Milton, by William Lauder. Inserted in the volume there are MS. indexes to the papers.] 8vo. Lond. 1747. 5687 11 * An Essay on Milton's use and imitation of the Moderns, in his Paradise Lost. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1750. (Two copies.) 5688 Pandsemonium ; or, a new Infernal Expedition. Inscrib'd to a being who calls himself William Lauder. By Philalethes. 4to. Lond. 1750. 5689 A Letter to the Rev. Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his vindi- cation of Milton. To which are subjoin'd several curious original letters from the authors of the Universal History, Mr. Ainsworth, Mr. Maclaurin, etc. (Portrait of "Arturus Jonstonus.") 4to. Lond. 1751. (Two copies.) 5690 Delectus auctorum sacrorum Miltono facem preelucentium Adcurante Gul. Laudero. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1752-53. (Two copies.) 5691 The two volumes are composed of various reprints. Each piece has its own title and pagination. No. 1. MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford, and cuttings respecting Lauder. King Charles I. vindicated from the charge of plagiarism, brought against him by Milton, and Milton himself convicted of Forgery, and a gross imposition on the public. . . [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1754. 5692 Furius : or, a Modest Attempt towards a History of the Life and Surprising Exploits of the famous W[illiam] L[auder] Critic and Thief-catcher, who has so eminently dis- tinguish'd himself by his laudible detection of the heretofore admired John Milton . . . [By Henderson.] Svo. Lond. n. d. [1754.] 5693 LAUREDANUS (BEKNARDINUS). In M. Tullii Ciceronis Orationes de lege agraria contra P. Servilium Rullurn Tribunum PL commentarius. 4to. Venet. Aldus. 1558. 5694 Marginal notes in MS. LAUREL. The Laurel. Fugitive Poetry of the XI Xth century. 12mo. Lond. 1830. 5695 LAURO (CHRISTOFORO). Frvtti d'Amore Favola Pastorale. 12mo. Venet. 1608. 5696 LAUZUN (ARMAND Louis GONTAUT, Due DE). Mdmoires. Seconde edition. 2 vols. (in one). 18mo. Par. 1822. 5697 LAVATER (JOHN CASPAR). Aphorisms on Man. Translated from the original manu- script. Second edition. Vol. 1. 16mo. Lond. 1789. 5698 " This translation is by Fuseli. The second volume never appeared." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. 12 LAVATER (LUDOVICUS). De Spectris, lenmribus et magnis atque iusolitis fragoribus, vjiriis quo pra's:ind. 1726. (Four copies.) 5776 No. 1. MS. notes. Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1730. (Three copies.) 5777 No. 1. "Tho. Birch, Julii 2o, 1753. LEWIS (MATTHEW GREGORY). The Monk : A Romance. [Anon.] 3 vols. in one. 12mo. Lond. 1796. 5778 Second edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1796. 5779 * New edition, with plates. 3 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Par. 1807. 5780 Village Virtues : a dramatic satire. In two parts. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1796. 5781 The Castle Spectre: a drama. In five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 5782 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 5783 Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 5784 Tenth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1803. 5785 The Love of Gain : a poem. Imitated from the thirteenth satire of Juvenal. 4to. Lond. 1799. 5786 " From the author." Autograph note from the author (inserted). The East Indian : a comedy. In five acts. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 5787 * Tales of Wonder; written and collected by M. G. L. 2 vols. (in 1). Large 8vo. Lond. 1801. 5788 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1801. [5789 Adelmorn, the Outlaw; a romantic drama, in three acts. As originally written by M. G. L. 8vo. Lond. 1801. 5790 Alfonso, King of Castile : a tragedy, in five acts. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1802. 5791 20 LEWIS (continued). Rugantino : or, The Bravo of Venice. A grand romantic melo-drama. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 5792 The Author's own copy, with his autograph. " Illustrated with drawings of the hero of the piece (Henry Johnston) as ' Rugantino,' as ' The Beggar," as Flodoardo,' and as ' The Prince of Milan.' " MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1806. 5793 Adelgitha ; or, The Fruits of a Single Error. A tragedy in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1806. (Two copies.) 5794 44 With the Author's respects to Her Royal Highness " [the Duchess of York, to whom the play is dedicated]. Feudal Tyrants ; or, the Counts of Carlsheim and Sargans. A Romance. Taken from the German. Second edition. 4vols. ]2mo. Lond. 1807. 5795 Tales of Terror ; with an introductory dialogue. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1808. 5796 * Romantic Tales. 4 vols. (in 2). 12mo. Lond. 1808. 5797 Vol. I. has no title-page. Venom, or, The Novice of St. Mark's : a drama, in three Acts. Svo. Lond. 1809. 5798 % Monody on the death of Sir John Moore. 4to. Lond. 1809. 5799 One O'Clock ! Or, the Knight and the Wood Daemon. A grand musical romance, in three acts. Svo. Lond. (1811.) 5800 Timour the Tartar. A grand romantic melo-drama in two acts. Svo. Lond. (1811.) 5801 Rich and Poor. A comic opera, in three acts. Svo. Lond. 1812. (Two copies.) .5802 Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1814. 5803 Poems. 16mo. Lond. 1812. 5804 Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a residence in the Island of Jamaica. Svo. Lond. 1834. 5805 * Life and Correspondence . . . With many pieces in prose and verse never before published. 2 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1839. 5806 21 LEXIPHANES. Lexiphanes, a dialogue. Imitated from Lucian, and suited to the present times. With a dedication to Lord Lyttletou . . . Being an attempt to restore the English tongue to its ancient purity, and to correct as well as expose, the affected style . . . particularly of our English Lexiphanes, the Rambler. [By Archibald Campbell.] 8vo. Lond. 1767. 5807 Dr. Parr's copy with his autograph. Fourth edition. Dublin. 1774. 5808 LEYDEN (JOHN). Scenes of Infancy: descriptive of Teviotdale. 12mo. Edinb. 1803. 5809 "The opposite autograph ["Lydia White"] is that of Miss Lydia White, a lady of great talents, who corresponded with Sir Walter Scott, Madame de Stael, &c., and was well known in London as entertaining at her house literary and distinguished persons. See in my Recollections of the Table- Talk of S. Rogers, a very brillant mot by Miss White. MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Scotish Descriptive Poems ; with some illustrations of Scotish Literary Antiquities. 12mo. Edinb. 1803. 5810 Poetical Remains . . . with Memoirs of his life, by James Morton. 8vo. Lond. 1819. 5811 LEYSERUS (POLYCARPUS). Historia poetarum et poematum Medii Aevi decem, post annum a nato Christo CCCC, seculorum. 8vo. Halae Magd. 1721. (Two copies.) 5812 Amoenitaturn literariarum reliquiae. Svo. Lips. 1729. 5813 LIBANIUS, SOPHISTA. ilept Svo-^oXov . . . Declamatio lepidissima, de moroso qui cum uxorem loquacem duxisset, seipsum accusat. Interprets Fed. Morello. Lat. Gr. Svo. Lutet., F. Morell. 1597. 5814 Monodia, sive Lamentatio super Nicomedia terrse motu subversa. Fed. Morellus Grseca recensuit et Latine vertit . . . Svo. Par. 1616. 5815 . , . Pro Rhetoribus et Professoribus Oratio, ad Antiochenos. Grseca nunc primum prodeunt . . . Fed. Morellus recensuit, luce et Latinitate donavit, notisque illustravit. Svo. Lutet. 1616. 5816 E7n Latine convertit et notis illustravit J. C. Wolfius. Folio. Amstel. 1738. 5817 * Orationes et declamationes ad fid. cod. mspt. recensuit . . . lo. lac. Reiske. Gr. 4 vols. Svo. Altenb. 1791-97. 5818 VOL. III. C 1-1 LIBELLUS GEBENSIS. Poeinata Selecta Latina mediae et infimae cetatis. 12mo. Gebenis. iM'i 1 . 5819 37 copies printed only. English editor Sir S. E. Brydgcs. LIBERAL. The Liberal. 2 Nos. (No. I. The Vision of Judgment. By Quevedo Redivivus, etc. No. II. Heaven and Earth, a Mystery, etc.) [By Lord Byron.] n. p. n. d. 8vo. 5820 LIDDELL (HENRY GEORGE), and SCOTT (ROBERT). * A Greek-English Lexicon based on the German work of Francis Passow. Third edition. 4to. Oxf. : University Press. 1849. 5821 Fifth edition. 4to. Oxf. 1864. 5822 LIEBER (FRANCIS). * Reminiscences of an intercourse with George Berthold [sic] Niebuhr, the Historian of Rome. (Portrait of Niebuhr.) 8vo. Lond. 1835. 5823 LIGNE (CHARLES JOSEPH, Prince de). Lettres et pense'es du Mare'chal Prince de L., publie'es par Mde. la Baronne de Stael Holstein. Contenant des anecdotes ine'dites sur Joseph II., Catherine II., Frederic-le-Grand, Rous- seau, Voltaire, etc., etc. Et des remarques interessantes sur lesTurcs. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1808-9. 5824 LILLO (GEORGE). Works ; with some account of his life. (By T. D.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1775. 5825 Vol. I. Silvia (B.O.). George Barnwell (T.). The Life of Scanderbeg. The Christian Hero (T.). Vol. II. The Fatal Curiosity (T.). Marina (T.). Elme- rick (T.). Britannia and Batavia (Masque). Arden of Feversham (T.). LILLY, also LILIE, LYLLIE, LYLIE (JOHN). Campaspe, Played beefore the Queenes Maiestie on new- yeares day at night, by her Maiesties Children and the Chil- dren of Paules. [Anon.] [First edition.] 4to. Lond., for Thomas Cadman. 1584. 5826 * Another edition. Played beefore the Queenes maiestie on twelfe day at night, by her Maiesties Children, and the Children of Paules. 4to. Lond., by Thomas Orwin, for Wil- liam Broome. 1591. 5827 23 Sapho and Phao, Played beefore the Queenes maiestie on Shroue-tewsday, by her Maiesties Children, and the Boyes of Paules. [Anon.] 4to. Lond., Thomas Orwin, for William Broome. 1591. 5828 * Midas. Plaied before the Qveenes Maiestie vpon Tvvelfe Day at night, By the Children of Paules. [Anon.] [First edition.] 4to. Lond., Thomas Scarlet for I. B. 1592. 5829 * The Woman in the Moone. As it was presented before her Highnesse. [First edition.] 4to. Lond., William lones. 1597. 5830 Mother Bombie. As it was sundrie times plaied by the Children of Powles. [Anon.] 4to. Lond., Thomas Creede for Cuthbert Burby. 1598. 5831 * The Maydes Metamorphosis. As it hath beue sundrie times Acted by the Children of Powles. [Anon.] [First edition.] 4to. Lond. 1600. (Two copies.) 5832 No. 2. E. 4. a fac-simile. * Loves Metamorphosis. A YVittie and Courtly Pastoral! First playd by the Children of Paules, and now by the Children of the Chappel! [First edition.] 4to. Lond. 1601. 5833 * Sixe Covrt Comedies. Often Presented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth, by the Children of her Maiesties Chappell, and the Children of Paules. Witten [sic] by the onely Rare Poet of that Time, The Witie, Comicall, Facetiously-Quicke and vnparalelld : lolm Lilly, Master of Arts. 12mo. Lond. 1632. 5834 The Comedies are : 1. Endimion ; 2. Campaspe ; 3. Sapho and Phao; 4. Gallathea; 5., My das; 6. Mother Bombie. All have separate titles except the first. Euphues the Anatomie of Wit. Very pleasant for all gentlemen* to read, and most necessary to remember. Wherein are contained the delights that wit followeth in his youth, by the pleasantnesse of love and the happinesse he reapeth in age, by the perfectnesse of wisdome. Corrected and aug- mented. ' B. L. 4to. Lond. 1636. 5835 Euphues and his England. Containing his voyage and adventures : mixed with sundry pretty discourses of honest love, the description of the country, the court, and the manners of the He. Delightfull to be read, and nothing hurtfull to be regarded : wherein there is small offence by lightn.es giueh to the wise, and less occasion of loosenesse proffered to the wanton. B. L. 4to. Lond. 1636. 5836 The signatures are continuous from the first piece in the same vol. : viz., Euphues the Anatomie of Wit. (No. 5835.) C 2 24 LINLEY (GEORGE). Francesco Doria : or, the Bandit of the Abruzzi. Anew anil original opera, in two acts, the libretto by Val Morris. The poetry, overture, and the whole of the music by G. L. Lond. (1849.) 5837 LION (ALBERTUS;. Maecenatiana sive de C. Cilnii Maecenatis vita et inoribus scrip.sib atque operum fragmeuta quae supersunt* collegit A. L. 8vo. Gottingae. 1824. (Two copies.) 5838 LIONARDI (ALESSANDRO). Rime di M. A. L. gentil' hvomo Padovano. 8vo. Venet. 1547. 5839 LIPPI (LORENZO). See ZIPOLI. LIPSIUS (JUSTUS). Opera Omnia, postremura ab ipso aucta et recensita. (Portrait.) 4 vols. 8vo. Vesaliae. 1675. 5840 Justi Lipsii, Jani Rutgersii, I. Isaci Pontani, notie in Martialem. Ad Petrum Scriverium. Sm. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1C19. 5841 [Half title.] Animadversiones in Tragoedias Quae L. A. Senecae tribuuntur. [And] animadversiones sive Notae, Fr. Raphelengii [et alioriim]. n. p. (1620.) 5842 LISLE (WILLIAM). The Faire ^Ethiopian. [Poem in X. books.] 4to. Lond. 1631. 5843 LISTER (MARTIN). A Journey to Paris in the year 1698. 8vo. Lond. 1699. 5844 LIVINGSTON (WILLIAM). A Letter to ... John, Lord Bishop of Landaff ; occa- sioned by some Passages in his Lordship's Sermon on the 20th of February, 1767 ; in which the American Colonies are loaded with great and undeserved Reproach. 8vo. New- York printed. Lond. : reprinted, 1768. 5845 LIVIUS (TiTUs). Historiarum libri ex recensione I. F. Gronovii* (With : I. F. G. ad T. L. libros superstites notse. Accessit Ism. Bul- lialdi epistola de solis defectu . . .) 4 vols. 12mo. Lugd. Bat., ex off. Elzevir. 1645-4. 5846 Jer. Markland's copy with his autograph and MS. notes. Historiarum quod extat, cum perpetuis Car. Sigonii et J. Fr. Gronovii notis. Jac. Gronovius probavit . . . Editio nova. 3 vols. 8vo. Basil. 1740. 5847 25 Historiarum . . . libri qui supersunt, cum omnium epitomis, ac deperditorum fragmentis. Ad optimas editiones castigati, accurante Tho. Ruddimanno. 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1751. 5848 MS. note. Historiarum ... ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii. Accedunt notes integrse ex editionibus J. B. L. Crevierii. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1814. 5849 Historiarvm lib. XCI. fragmentvm AVE/CCJOTOJ/ descriptvm et recognitvm a Vito M. Giovenazzio, Pavllo Jacobo Brvns ex schedis vetvstissimis bibliotliecae Vaticanae ... . Accedit Caietani Migliore de nonnullis Ciceronis, ut videntur, Frag- mentis ex eodem Vaticano Codice excerptis epistola. 8vo. Neapoli. 1773. 5850 LLOYD (CHAKLES). Edmund Oliver. 2 vols. 8vo. Bristol. 1798. 5851 "Mr. Thomson from Charles Lloyd, May 3rd 1798." " A very scarce book." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Nugse Canorse. Poems. Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1819. 5852 Desultory Thoughts in London, Titus and Gisippus, with other poems. 12mo. Lond. 1821. 5853 LLOYD (DAVID, Dean of St. Asaph). The Legend of Captain Jones. Relating his adventure to sea : his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear . . . (Two parts.) [Anon.] (Frontispiece.) Svo. Lond. 1 659-6. 5854 A burlesque of a Welsh poem. LLOYD (ROBERT). Poetical Works. To which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the Author. By W. Kenrick. 2 vols. (in one). (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1 774. (Two copies.) 5855 The Actor, A poetical epistle to Bonnell Thornton. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1760. 5856 Arcadia ; or, the Shepherd's Wedding. A dramatic pastoral. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1761. 5857 Poems. 4to. Lond. 1762. 5858 The Capricious Lovers ; a comic opera. Svo. Lond. 1764. LLOYD (WILLIAM, Bishop of WORCESTER). A Chronological Account of the Life of Pythagoras, and of other Famous Men his Contemporaries. With an Epistle to the Rd. Dr. Bentley, about Porphyry's and. Jamblichus's lives of Pythagoras. Svo. Lond. 1699. 5860 20 LLOYD (WILLIAM WATKISS). Christianity in the Cartoons referred to Artistic Treatment and Historic Fact. (Portrait of Raffaelle.) 8vo. Lond. 1 S(j3. 5861 LLUELLYN (MARTIN). Men-Miracles. With other poemes. By M. LL. 12mo. Lond. 165G. 5862 LLYWARg HEN. The Heroic Elegies and other pieces of L. H., Prince of the Cumbrian Britons : with a literal translation, by William Owen. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 5863 LOBECK (Gnu. AUGUSTUS). Aglaophamus sive de theologiae mysticae Graecorum causis libri tres scripsit C. A L. Idemque Poetarum Orphicorum, dispersas reliquias collegit. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Regimontii Pruss. 1829. 5864 LOBO (JEROME). A Voyage to Abyssinia. By Father J. L., a Portuguese Jesuit . . . With a continuation of the History of Abys- sinia down to the beginning of the eighteenth century . By Mr. Le Grand. From the French. 8vo. Lond. 1735. 5865 " For this translation, the first prose -work of Dr. Johnson, he received five guineas." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bohn's ed.), p. 1378. Another edition. Translated from the French by Samuel Johnson. To which are added, various tracts by the same author, not published by Sir John Hawkins or Mr. Stockdale. 8vo. Lond. 1789. 5866 LOCKE (JOHN). Some thoughts concerning education. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1705. 5867 Fourteenth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1772. 5868 * Some familiar letters between Mr. Locke, and several of his friends. 8vo. Lond. 1708. 5869 The Reasonableness of Christianity, as deliver'd in the Scriptures. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1736. 5870 A Second vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity, as deliver'd in the Scriptures. Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1736. 5871 An Essay concerning human understanding. In four books. Thirteenth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1748. 5872 27 A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, Corinthians (I. and II.), Komans, and Ephesians. To which is prefix'd an Essay for the understanding of St. Paul's Epistles, by consulting St. Paul himself. Fifth edition. 4to. Lond. 1751. 5873 An Essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government. New edition. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author. 12mo. Lond. 1814 5874 LOCKHART (JOHN GIBSON). Some passages in the life of Mr. Adam Blair, Minister of the Gospel at Cross- Meikle. [Anon.] Second edition. 12mo. Edinb. 1824. 5875 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott. 7 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. 1837-8. 5876 Refutation of the mistatements and calumnies contained in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. By the Trustees and Son of the late Mr. James Ballantyne. 8vo. Lond. 1838. '5877 Reply to Mr. Lockhart's Pamphlet, entitled " The Bailan- tyne- Humbug handled." By the Authors of a Refutation . . . (with Appendix). 8vo. Lond. 1839. 5878 Ancient Spanish Ballads ; historical and romantic. Trans- lated, with notes, by J. G. L. New edition. With numerous illustrations. F. P. 4to. Lond. 1842. 5879 LODGE (THOMAS). * Scillaes Metamorphosis : Enterlaced with the vnfortunate loue of Glaucus. VVhereunto is annexed the delectable discourse of the discontented Satyre : with sundrie other . . . Poems and Sonnets. . . . B. L. 4to. Lond., Richard Jhones. 1589. 5880 Glaucus and Silla. [Reprint of Scillaes Metamorphosis : enterlaced with the unfortunate loue of Glaucus. Lond. 1589.] With other lyrical and pastoral poems. (Edited by S. W. S[inger].) 8vo. Chiswick. 1819. 5881 The Wovnds of Ciuill War. Liuely set forth in the true Tragedies of Marius and Scilla. As it hath beene publiquely plaide in London, by the Right Honourable the Lord high Admirall his Seruants. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond., lohn Danter. 1594. 5882 A Looking Glasse for London and England. Made by Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and Robert Greene. In Artibus Magister. 4to. Lond. 1617. 5883 " This copy belonged to Steevens and Kemble : it was inlaid by the former : the collations on the margin are by the latter."- MS. note by Mr. Dyce. .28 LODGE (contimuxT). Kuphues Golden Legacie. Found after his death in his Cell at Silexedra. Bequeathed to Philavtvs Sonnes, nursed vp with their Father in England. Fetcht from the Canaries, by T. L. Gent. B. L. 4to. Lond. 1623. 5884 A Defence of poetry, music, and stage-plays, by T. L. To which are added, by the same author, An Alarum against Usurers ; and the Delectable History of Forbonius and Prisceria, With introduction and notes. [Edited by David Laing.] 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1853. 5885 (See also FRONDES CADUCAE.) LODOVICI (FRANCESCO DE). L' Antheo Gigante. End. f Fine dello Antheo gigate di Fracesco de Lodouici cittadino Vinitiano p lui coposto 1' anno del nostro signore. M.D.XXIII. & stampato in Vineggia per Francesco Bindoni, & Mapheo Pasini, compagni, Nel' anno. 1524. Adi . 9 . del mese di Luglio. Ad istaza della Magnifica Madonna Lucre tia. M. B. 4 to. (Vinegia. 1524.) 5886 * A Romance of the greatest rarity." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Triomphi di Carlo di Messer Francesco D' I Lodovici Vinitiano. 4to. End. Vinegia. 1 535. (Two copies.) 587 LOFFT (CAPEL). The Praises of Poetry. A poem. 8vo. Lond. 1775. 5888 Eudosia : or, a poem on the Universe. (Portrait.) (Two copies.) 8vo. Lond. 1781. 5889 OGAN (JOHN). Poems. By the Rev. Mr. L., one of the ministers of Leith. 8vo. Lond. 1781. 5890 Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1789. 5891 * Poems ; and Runnamede, a tragedy. New edition, with a life of the author. (Portrait.) 12mo. Edinb. 1805. 5892 LOMAZZI (GIOVANNI PAOLO). Rime diuise in sette libri . . . de i Grotteschi . Con la vita del auttore descritta da lui stessp in rime sciolte. 4to. Milano. 1587. 5893 LOMBARDI (BERNARDINO). L' Alchimista Comedia. 8vo. Ferrara. 1583. 5894 (Another edition.) Nuouamente ristampata. 12mo. Vinet. 1586. 5895 LOMEIERUS (JOANNES). Epimenides sive de Veterum Gentilium lustrationibus syn- tagma. Nunc secundis curis auctius editum, etc. 4to. Zut- phanise. 1700. 5896 29 LONDON CHAUNTICLERES. * The London Chaunticleres. A witty comoedy, full of various and delightfull mirth. 4to. Lond. 1659. 5897 Sir Francis Freeling's copy. LONGFELLOW (HENRY WADSWORTH). * Poems. New and complete edition. 8vo. Lond. 1856. 5898 The Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 5899 LONGINUS (DIONYSIUS). D. L. quse supersunt Greece et Latine. Recensuit . . . Joan. Toupius. Accedunt emendationes Dav. Ruhnkenii. Editio altera. 8vo. Oxon. 1778. (Two copies.) 5900 No. 1. Large paper. De subliinitate Graece et Latine. Denuo recensuit . . . Ben. Weiske. F.R Svo. Lips. 1809. 5901 LONGUERUE (Louis DU FOUR DE). Longueruana, ou Recueil de Pense'es de Discours et de Conversations, de feu M. L. Du F. de L. 2 parts. (2 vols.) Svo. Berlin. 1754. (Two copies.) 5902 No. 1. On fly-leaf of Vol. L, " H. L. Thrale " [? Mrs. Thrale, aft. Mrs. Piozzi.] No. 2. In one vol. LONGUS, SOPHISTA. A. iroipsvtKuv. . . . Longi pastoralium, de Daphnide et Chloe, libri quatuor. Petrus Moll . . . recensuit, in Lati- num sermonem vertit . . . 4to. Franekerae. 1660. 5903 MS. notes by L. C. Valckenaer. Another edition. Curavit ac notas R. Columbanii G. lungermani P. Molli et suas cum L. Gambarae expositis addidit Beni. Gottlib Laur. Boden. Gr. Lat. Svo. Lips. 1777. 5904 Another edition. Ex recensione . . . J. B. C. d'Ansse de Villoison. Gr. Lat. Svo. Par. 1778. 5905 * Another edition. Cum proloquio de libris eroticis anti- quorum. L. P. 4to. Parmae, ex regio typographeio. 1786. 5906 Another edition. Graece et Latine cum proloquio P. M. Paciaudii de libris eroticis antiquorum Graeca recensuit . . . G. H. Schafer. 12mo. Lips. 1803. (Two copies.) 5907 Another edition. E codd. duobus Italicis primum Graece Integra edidit P. L. Courier. Exemplar Romanum . . . curavit G. R. L. de Sinner. Svo. Par. 1829. 5908 30 LOOKE ABOUT YOU. * A Pleasant Commodie, called Looke about you. . . . 4to. Loud. 1600. 5909 LOQMAN. Fables de Loqman, surnomme' Le Sage ; traduites de 1'Arabe, et prece'de'es d'une notice sur ce celebre Fabuliste ; par J.-J. Marcel Seconde Edition. 12mo. Paris. An. XI. = 1803. 5910 LOREDANO (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO). La Malandrina Comedia. Nouamente posta in luce. 8vo. Venet. 1587. 5911 LORI (ANDREA). Egloghe, a imitation di Vergilio. 12mo. Vinegia, Gab. Giolito. 1554. 5912 LORRIS (GUILLAUME DE). Le Roman de la Rose, par G. de L. et Jean de Meun dit ClopineL Accompagne' de plusieurs autres ouvrages . . . et d'un glossaire. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterd. 1735. 5913 An additional volume has the title : " Supplement au Glossaire du Eoman de la Rose," and the imprint, Dijon, 1737. LOTICHIUS SECUNDUS (PETRUS). Opera omnia. Quibus accessit vita eiusdem, descripta per loan. Hagium. 8vo. Lips. 1586. 5914 MS. index. Poemata omnia . . . Accedunt ejusdem P. L. S. narratio historica de caede Melchioris Zobelli, Episcopi Herbipolensis. Epistolarum libri duo . . . Recensuit ... P. Bur- mannus Secundus. 2 vols. 4to. Amstel. 1754. 5915 LOTTINI (GIOVANNI AQNOLO). Sacra Rappresentazione di San Lorenzo. 8vo. Firenze. 1592. 5916 Sacra rappresentazione di Santa Agnesa. 8vo. Firenze. 1592. 5917 Sacra rappresentazione di sette beati Fondatori della Reli- gione de' Servi. 8vo. Firenze. 1592. 5918 La Niobe Tragedia, Nouamente data in luce. 8vo. Vi- cenza. 1595. 5919 II Dannoso Piacere rappresentazion morale. 8vo. Firenze. 1602. 5920 Giudetta sacra rappresentazione. 8vo. Firenze. 1602. 5921 31 S. Bastiano sacra rappresentazione. 8vo. Firenze. 1608. 5922 S. Francesco sacra rappresentazione. 8vo. Fiorenza. 1612. 5923 LOUNGE. A Monstrous Good Lounge. Addressed to the First Man who purchases the book. 4to. Lond. 1777. 5924 LOUNGER. The Lounger. A periodical paper, published at Edinburgh in the years 1785 aiid 1786. By the Authors of the Mirror. Fourth edition. ' 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1788. 5925 LOVELACE (RICHAKD). * Lucasta : epodes, odes, sonnets, songs, etc. To which is added Aramantha, a pastorall. (Engraved title ; and plate of a Lady [Lucy Sacheverell ?] sitting under a tree, facing p. 1 45). 8vo. Lond. 1649. (Two copies.) 5926 No. 2. With the plate of the lady under the tree facing the engraved title. Lucasta. Posthume poems. 8vo. Lond. 1659. (Together with) Elegies sacred to the memory of the Author : by several of his friends. Collected and published by D. P. L. [Dudley Posthumus Lovelace.] (Frontispiece.) 8vo. Lond. 1660. (Two copies.) 5927 No. 2. Portrait by Hollar. Lucasta. [Reprints of Lucasta : epodes, odes, sonnets, songs, etc. To which is added, Amarantha, a pastorall. Lond. 1649. And, Lucasta. Posthume Poems. Lond. 1650. The Poems of R. L. In two parts. The first, comprising those published by himself; the second, his posthumous poems. (Edited by S. W. S[inger]). (Portrait.) 2 vols. ] 2mo. Chis- wick. 1818. 5928 Besides the general title, there are the titles of the original editions ; also, a separate title to each part of this " New edition." LOVELING (BENJAMIN). Latin and English Poems. By a Gentleman of Trinity CoUege, Oxford. 4to. Lond. 1738. 5929 * Another edition. 12mo. Lond. 1741. 5930 LOVELL (ROBERT), and SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Poems . . . 8vo. Bath. 1795. 5931 LOVIBOND (EDWARD). Poems on several occasions. 12mo. Lond. 1785. 5932 Poetical Works. Collated with the best editions: by Thomas Park. (Sharpe's edition of the Poets.) 12mo. Lond. 1807. (Two copies.) 5933 32 LOWER (SiR WILLIAM). The Phaenix in Her Flames. A tragedy. The scene, Arabia. 4to. Lond. 1639 (Two copies.) 5934 Polyeuctes, or The Martyr. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1655. 5935 Horatius : a Roman Tragedie. 4to. Lond. 1656. 5936 The Enchanted Lovers, a pastoral. 12mo. Lond. 1659. 5937 The second title has the imprint Hage : Adrian Vlnck, 1658. The Noble Ingratitude. A pastoral-tragi-comedy. (Portrait.) 12mo. Hage. 1659. 5938 The Amourous Fantasme, a tragi-comedy. 12mo. Hage. 1660. 5939 LOWNDES (WILLIAM THOMAS). [Half-title.] Shakespeare and his commentators, from Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual. 1831. 8vo. (Lond. 1831.) 5940 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce. Fifty-two copies printed. LOWTH (ROBERT, Bishop of London). A Larger Confutation of Bishop Hare's System of Hebrew Metre. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1766. 5941 De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum . . . Notas et epimetra adjecit loan. Dav. Michaelis. Ed. Secuuda. 2 pts. (2 vols.) 8vo. Goettingae. 1770. 5942 De sacra poesi Hebrseorum . . . Subjicitur metricse Harianae brevis confutatio ; et oratio Crewiana. Editio tertia. . . . 8vo. Oxon. 1775. 5943 The Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester. Third edition. Oxf., Clarendon Press. 8vo. 1777. 5944 " T. Warton ex dono reyerendi admodum Auctoris." Isaiah. A new Translation ; with a Preliminary Dissertation and Notes. Fourth Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1794. 5945 Memoirs of the life and writings of Robert Lowth, Bishop of London. [Anon.] (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1787. 5946 (See also WARBURTONIANA.) LOWTH (WILLIAM). Directions for the profitable reading of the Holy Scriptures . . . Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1726. 5947 A Commentary upon the Larger and Lesser Prophets : being a continuation of Bishop Patrick. Third edition. Folio. Lond. 1730. 5948 33 LUCANUS (MARCUS ANNAEUS). Marci Annei Lucaui poetae : ac oratoris clarissimi pharsalia: eiim familiar! atq,, perlucida annotatione petri de ponte cseci brugensis qua singularum lecfcionum sentetise : vel minimis historiographiae ac poetices tyruculis facile enotescunt. Vemin- dantur in vico diui Jacobi ., . . 8vo. End. Parrhisiis. . . . per Guielmu le rouge. 1512. 5949 De Bello Civili, cum Hug : Grotii, Farnabii notis integris & variorum selectiss. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. 8vo. Amst. 1653. 5950 Another edition. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. et Roterod. 1669. (Two copies.) 5951 No. 1. MS. notes, by Jer. Markland and his autograph. Kev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. * Pharsalia . . . cum scholiaste . . . Curante Fr. Oudendorpio. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1728. 5952 Pharsalia cum notis Hugonis Grotii, et Richardi Bentleii. Strawberry-Hill. 4to. 1760. 5953 Another edition. Svo. Glasg. 1816. 5954 Translations. Lvcans Pharsalia : Containing the Ciuill Warres betweene Caesar and Pompey . . . Translated into English verse by Sir Arthur Gorges. . . . [The first English translation of the entire poem.] Folio. Lond. 1614. 5955 Lucans Pharsalia . . . The whole ten books, Englished by Thomas May. Fourth edition. 24mo. Lond. 1650. (Followed by) a Continuation of Lucan's Historicall Poem till the Death of lulius Caesar. The 4th edition enlarged by the Author T. M. 1650. 5956 Lucan's Pharsalia. Translated into English verse by Nicholas Rowe. Third edit. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. MCCCLIII (sic). (1753.) 5957 La Pharsale de Lucain, ou les Guerres civiles de Cesar et de Pompe'e. En vers fran^ois, par Mr. de Breboeuf. 12mo. Leide. 1658. 5958 LUCAS (CAROLUS GUILELMUS). Cratinus et Eupolis. Dissertatio . . . Svo. Bonn, ad Rhen. 1826. 5959 LUCAS (PAUL). Voyage du Sieur P. L. : fait par ordre du roy dans la Grece, 1'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine et 1'Afrique. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Par. 1712. 5960 MS. notes by the poet Gray. LUCHETTI (EUSEBIO). La Fvga Amorosa Coinedia . . . Nouamente data in luce. 12mo. Venet. 1604. 5961 LUCIANUS, SAMOSA.TENSIS. A. 2. awavra. Luciani Samosatensis Opera. Cum nova ver- sione Tib. Hemsterhusii, efc lo. Matt. Gesneri, Graecis scholiis Priorem partem curavit Tib. Hemsterhusius. Ceteras, inde partes ordinavit lo. Fred. Reitzius. Gr. Lat. 3 vols. 4to. Amstel. 1743. 5962 Colloquia selecta, et Timon. Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Menandri sententiae morales. Graece et Latine. Colloquia Luciani & Timonem notis illustravit Tib. Hemsterhuis. 12mo. Amst. 1732. 5963 LUCILIUS (G). Satyrarum qure supersunt reliquire. Franciscus Jani F. Dousa collegit et notas addidit. 4to. Lugd. Bat. ] 597. 5964 " Liber rariss." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Editio secunda. 4to. Amstel. 1661. (Two copies.) 5965 No. 1. Dean Gaisford's copy. LUCRETIUS CARUS (Trrus). (De reruui natura.) 8vo. Venet., Aldus. 1515. 5966 De rerurn natura libri sex, ad postremam Oberti Gifanii emendationem restituti. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1595. 5967 MS. notes. De rerum natura . . . quibus interpretationem et notas addidit Thomas Creech. 8vo. Oxon. 1695. 5968 De rerum natura . . . 12mo. Birminghamiae, Bas- kerville. 1773. 5969 De rerum natura . . . cum animadversionibus Ric. Bentleii, aliorum subinde miscuit Gilb. Waketield. 3 vola 4to. Lond. 179 6 --7. 5970 Another copy. Large paper. Folio. 5971 " Collated perfect, Hen. Drury, Harrow. This present was given my father by Henry Drommond, Esq., when he married him. He bought it at Payne's for 70/." With two portraits of G. Wakefield, MS. notice of him, and a letter from him while in Dorchester Gaol to George Dyer. * De rerum natura ... ad exemplar Gilberti Wake- field, cum ejusdem notis, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. Glasg. 1813. 5972 De rerum natura . . . 16mo. Oxon. 1846. 5973 De rerum natura . . . Carolus Lachmannus recensuit . . . 8vo. Berolini. 1850. 5974 35 Translations. An Essay on the First Book of T. Lucretius Carus De Rerum Natura. Interpreted and made English verse by J. Evelyn. (Frontispiece.) 8vo. Lond. 1656. 5975 MS. note. Of the Nature of Things, in six books. Translated into English verse ; by Tho. Creech. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1715-14. 5976 Of the Nature of Things. Adorned with copper-plates, engraved by Guernier, and others. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1743. 5977 The Nature of Things . . . Translated . . . accom- panied with the original text, and illustrated with notes. By John Mason Good. 2 vols. (in one). 4to. Lond. 1805. 5978 The First Book . ' . . of the Nature of Things. Trans- lated into English verse, by W. Hamilton Drummond. Svo. Edinb. 1808. 5979 Di Tito Lucrezio Caro della Natura delle Cose libri sei. Tradotti da Alessandro Marchetti. Prima Edizione. L. P. Svo. Lond. 1717. 5980 Another edition. Dati nuovamente in luce da Francesco Gerbault. 2 vols. Svo. Amst. 1754. 5981 LUMINALIA. Luminalia, or the Festivall of Light. Personated in a Masque at Court . . . On Shrovetuesday Night, 1637. 4to. Lond. 1637. 5982 LUTTRELL (HENRY). * Letters to Julia, in Rhyme. Third edition. To which are added Lines written at Ampthill-Park. Svo. Lond. 1822. 5983 LUXBOROUGH (HENRIETTA ST. JOHN, afterwards Lady). Letters written by Lady Luxborough to William Shenstone. Svo. Lond. 1775. (Two copies.) 5984 LUZAC (JOANNES). Lectiones Atticae. De Atyapia, Socratis dissertatio. Libri edendi curam post mortem Auctoris suscepit . . . J. O. Sluiter. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1809. 5985 36 LYCOPHRON, CHALCIDENSIS. AXefavfya. Gr. IGiuo. Excudebat Johannes Legatus, in- clyta? Acad. Cantab, typographus. 1595. 598G Preceded and followed by a MS. in Latin headed " Praelectiones ad Lyco- phronem." 16 leaves. There is also at the beginning of the vol. a single leaf in MS. of Latin verses, headed " Cassandra." Alexandra. Poema obscurum loannes Meursius recensuit . . . Accessit los. Scaligeri versio . . . 8vo. Lugd. Pat. 1597. (Two copies.) 5987 No. 1. Presentation copy from Meursius to P. Scriverius with MS. notes. AXiv8/>a , . . (With second title : Alexandra . . . Cum Grace Isaacii seu potius Joannis Tzetzse cominentario. Versiones .... adjecit Joannes Potterus. Editio secunda.) Folio. Oxon. 1702. (Two copies.) 5988 No. 1. Gilbert Wakefield's book-plate and MS. notes. Alexandra, sive Cassandra, cum versione et commentario Guil. Canteri. Paraphrasin . . . adjecit, ac praefatus est H. G. Reichardus. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lips. 1788. 5989 Cassandra translated from the original Greek of L., and illustrated with notes by Viscount Royston. Large 4 to. Carnb. 1806. 5990 " Not printed for sale." Lowndes. LYDGATE (JOHN). * The Life and Death of Hector. . . . Written by lohn Lidgate Monke of Berry. Folio. Lond. 1614. 5991 A Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, (No. 4). 1840. 5992 (See also COLUMNA.) LYDYAT (THOMAS). Defensio Tractatus de variis annorum formis praesertim antiquissima & optim contra Jos. Scaligeri obtrectationem. . . . 12mo. Lond. 1607. 5993 Emendatio temporum compendio facta ab initio mundi ad anno MDCVIII. . . . 12mo. Hagse-Comitis. 1654. 5994 LYLE (THOMAS). Ancient Ballads and Songs, chiefly from tradition, manu- scripts, and scarce works ; with biographical and illustrative notices, including original poetry. 12mo. Lond. 1827. 5995 LYNDSAY (SiR DAVID). * The poetical works of Sir D. L. of the Mount, Lion King at Arms, under James V. A new edition . . . with a life of the author. ... By George Chalmers. 3 vols. F. P. 8vo. Lond. 1806. 5996 37 LYRA. Lyra Apostolica. Fifth edition. 12mo. Derby. 1841. 5997 Tenth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1853. 5998 LYRE. The Lyre of Love. 2 vols. (Portrait of Lady Anna Maria Stanhope.) 12mo. Lond 1806. 5999 LYRIC POETRY. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, composed in England in the Reign of Edward the First. Edited from MS. Harl. 2253, in the British Museum. By T. Wright. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 19. 1842. 6000 LYSIAS, ATHENIENSIS. Opera omnia Greece et Latine, cum versione nova . . . edidit Athanasius Auger. Gr. Lat. 2 vols. Svo. Par. 1783. 6001 Orationes duae, una pro Eratosthenis caede, altera funebris : iam primum integrse editse et Latinse facts9. Autore Fr. Fabricio Marcodurano. Svo. Colon. 1554. 6002 LYTTELTON (GEORGE, Lord). Works ; formerly printed separately : and now first col- lected together, with some other pieces never before printed. Published by George Edward Ayscough. Third edition. 3 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1776. 6003 Poetical Works. With the Life of the Author. (Bell's edition.) 12mo. Edinb. 1781. 6004 Poetical Works with additions : To which prefixed, an account of his life. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1801. (Two copies.) 6005 Poetical Works. Collated with the best editions: by Thomas Park. (Sharpens ed.) Svo. Lond. 1811. 6006 [Poems, Pope's Library, Vol. I.] The Progress of Love. In Four Eclogues. I. Uncertainty. ... II. Hope. . . . III. Jealousy. . . . IV. Possession. . . . [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1732. 6007 Letters from a Persian in England, to his Friend at Ispahan. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1735. 6008 Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1735. 6009 * Seventh edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1787-85. (Vol. 2, second edit. 1785.) 6010 VOL. III. D 38 LYTTELTON (continued) . Observations on the conversation and apostleship of St. Paul. In a letter to Gilbert West. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1747. 6011 New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1770. 6012 To the Memory of a Lady lately deceased. A Monody. [Anon.] Folio. Lond. 1747. C013 * Dialogues of the Dead. Second edition. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1760. 6014 " The three Dialogues ' by another Hand' are by Mrs. Montagu." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The History of the life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived, in five books : to which is prefixed a History of the revolutions of England from the death of Edward the Confessor to the birth of Henry the Second. New edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1777-73. 6015 Autograph of the " Princess Elizabeth," (daughter of George in.), Land- gravine of Hesse Homburg, on the title-page of each volume. LYTTELTON (THOMAS, Lord). Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton. 2 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Lond. 1780-82. 6016 " These letters are generally considered spurious, but they were undoubtedly written by Lord Lyttelton, though probably tampered with by W. Combe, who published them from his Lordship's Manuscripts." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bohn's ed.), p. 1427. LYTTON (EDWARD GEORGE EARLE LYTTON BULWER-LYTTON, Lord). * Pelham ; or, Adventures of a Gentleman. [A vol. of the "Works."] 8vo. Lond. 1854. 6017 * The Last Days of Pompeii. [A vol. of the " Works."] 8vo. Lond. 1854. 6018 *Zanoni. [A vol. of the " Works."] 8vo. Lond. 1854. 6019 A Strange Story. By the author of " Kienzi," etc. New edition revised. 8vo. Lond. 1863. 6020 M. M ***(). La Vie de Voltaire, par M * * *. (Portrait.) 8vo. Geneve. 1786. 6021 Another edition. 12mo. Lond. 1786. 6022 M. (J.). i.e. MAYNE (JASPER). The Amorovs Warre. A Tragi-Comcedy. By J. M. St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. 8vo. Oxf. 1659. 6023 39 The City Match. A Comoedy presented to the King and Qveene at White-Hall. Acted since at Black-Friers by His Maiesties Servants. By J. M. St: of Ch: Ch: in Oxon. 8vo. Oxf. 1659. 6024. M. (J.) and P. (W.). A "Whip for the Spaniards, and a Scourge for the French. In two satyrs. Written by J. M. and W. P. Gents. Folio. Lond. 1701. 6025 M. (M. S. G.). Bragatto Comedia molto piacevole et ridicolosa. Nouamente ristampata. 12mo. Vinegia. 1596. 6026 M. (T.). i.e. MOFFAT or MUFFET (THOMAS). The Silkeworrnes, and their Flies : Liuely described in verse, by T. M. a Countrie Farmar, and an apprentice in Physicke. For the great benefit and enriching of England. 4to. Lond., by V. S. for Nicholas Ling. 1599. 6027 M. (T.). Disputation between the Body and the Soul. 1 6mo. Edinb. 1838. 6028 "Rev d . Alex r . Dyce." M. (W.). The Man in the Moone ; or, the English Fortune Teller. . . . Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo. Lond., Percy So- ciety, No. 84. 1849. 6029 MACARONIC POETRY. Epistola Macaronica ad fratrem, de iis quse gesta sunt in nupero dissentientium conventu, Londini habito, prid. id. Febr. MDCCXC. ... A Macaronic Epistle, etc. With an English version, for the use of the Ladies and Country Gentlemen. 4to. Lond. 1790. 6030 Specimens of Macaronic Poetry. [Edited by W. Sandys.] 8vo. Lond. 1831. 6031 MACAULAY (KENNETH). A Voyage to, and history of St. Kilda. 12mo. Dublin. 1765. 6032 "A scarce book. See a MS. note inserted opposite p. 182." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. MACAULAY (THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, Lord). Lays of Ancient Rome : with Ivry, and the Armada. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1855. 6033 * The History of England from the accession of James the Second. 8 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1858-62. 6034 Vol. 8, edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan, with a memoir of Macaulay by the yery Rev. the Dean of St. Paul's [Henry Hart Milman] . D 2 40 M'DERMOT (MARTIN). A Letter to the Rev. W. L. Bowles, in reply to his letter to Thomas Campbell, and to his two letters to Lord Byron ; con- taining a vindication of their defence of the poetical character of Pope . . . 8vo. Lond. 1822. 6035 M'DONALD (ANDREW). Miscellaneous "Works ; including the tragedy of Vimonda, and those productions which have appeared under the signa- ture of Matthew Bramble, with various other compositions, by the same Author. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 6036 MACEDONIO (MARCELLO). Scielta delle Poesie di M. M. (Con Capitoli della Bellezza.) 12mo. Venet. 1615. 6037 MACHIAVELLI (NiccoL6). Tutte le Opere di Niccolo Machiavelli, Cittadino e Segretario Fiorentino. 2 vols. 4to. Lond. 1747. 6038 Another edition. Con una Prefazione di Giuseppe Baretti. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 4to. Lond. 1772. 6039 * Lasino Doro, con tvtte laltre sve operette [viz. Mandragola, Clitia, &c.] 8vo. Roma. 1588. 6040 Due Commedie (la Mandragola, Clizia) e Una Novella del Segretario Fiorentino. 8vo. Trajetto. 1733. (Two copies.) 6041 MACHIN (LEWIS). The Dvmbe Knight. An Historicall Comedy Acted sundry times by the Children of his Maiesties Revells. 4to. Lond. 1633. 6042 MACKENZIE (HENRY). The Prince of Tunis. A tragedy. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1773. 6043 * The Man of Feeling. [Anon.] New edition. 12mo. Lond. 1775. 6044 New edition. 12mo. Lond. 1799. 6045 Julia de Roubignd, a tale. In a series of letters. Published by the author of the Man of Feeling. Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1778. 6046 The Man of the World. In Two Parts. [Anon.] Fifth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1795. 6047 Another edition. 2 vols. (in one). 12mo. Lond. 1803. 6048 41 * Poetry and dramatic pieces, hitherto unpublished. 8vo. Edinb. 1808. 6049 Presentation copy to Richard Heber from the author. Only six copies printed separate from the Works. (Vol. VIII. of the Works.) Includes The Prince of Tunis (T.). The Spanish Father (T.). False Shame, or the White Hypocrite (C.). MACKINTOSH (Sis JAMES). VindicisD Gallicse. Defence of the French Revolution and its English admirers against the accusations of Edmund Burke ; including some strictures on the late production of Mons. De Calonne. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 6050 First edition, with the author's autograph. A Discourse on the Study of the Law of Nature and Nations ; introductory to a course of Lectures on that Science. . . 8vo. Lond. 1799. 6051 MACKINTOSH (ROBERT JAMES). * Memoirs of The Life of Sir James Mackintosh. Edited by his Son, R. J. M. Second edition. 2 vols. (Portraits.) 8vo. Lond. 1836. 6052 MACKLIN (CHARLES). Love A La Mode. A Farce. (Edited by Arthur Murphy.) 4to. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 6053 No. 1. Large paper. The Man of the World. A comedy. (Edited by Arthur Murphy.) (Portrait.) 4to. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 6054 No. 1. Large paper. MACLAINE (ARCHIBALD). A series of letters, addressed to Soame Jenyns, on occasion of his View of the internal evidence of Christianity. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1778. 6055 MACLAURIN (JOHN). A Dissertation to prove that Troy was not taken by the Greeks. [Pp. 43-62 of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh? 1784.] 4to. 6056 MAC NALLY (LEONARD). The Apotheosis of Punch ; a satirical masque : with a monody on the death of the late Master Punch. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1779. 6057 " This is an attempt to ridicule Mr. Sheridan's Monody on Mr. Garrick's death. ... Its author, we believe, was Leonard M'Nally." Baker, Biog. Dram. III., 33. Retaliation, a Farce, in two Acts. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 782. 6058 Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1782. 6059 42 MAC NALLY (continued.). Tristram Shandy, a Sentimental, Shandean Bagatelle, in two acts. 8vo. Lond. 1783. 6060 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1783. 6061 Robin Hood ; or, Sherwood Forest : A Comic Opera. 8vo. Lond. 1784. 6062 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1789. 6063 Fashionable Levities, a comedy. In five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1785. (Two copies.) 6064 Richard Cceur de Lion. A Comic Opera. Taken from a French comedy of the same name, written by Monsieur Sedaine. 8vo. Lond. 1786. 6065 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1786. 6066 Critic upon Critic, a dramatic medley. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1788. 6067 MACNEILL (HECTOR). Poetical Works. New edition. (Portrait.) 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1806. 6068 Third edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1812. 6069 M'NICOL (DONALD). Remarks on Dr. Samuel Johnson's Journey to the Hebrides ; in which are contained, observations on the antiquities, lan- guage, genius, and manners of the Highlanders of Scotland. 8vo. Lond. 1779. (Two copies.) 6070 MACPHERSON (JAMES). Poetical Works. With the life of the Author. 12mo. Edinb. 1811. 6071 Prize book, " Puero Ingenuo Alexandro Dyce," signed by J. Pillans, Rector of the High School of Edinburgh, 1811. (See also OSSIAN.) M'CREADY (WILLIAM). The Irishman in London ; or, the Happy African. A Farce. 8vo. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) : 6072 Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1806. 6073 MACROBIUS (AuRELius THEODOSIUS). * Opera. Accedunt notse .integrse Isacii Pontani, Joh. Meursii, Jacobi Gronovii. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1670. 6074 Opera ad optimas editiones collata. 2 vols. 8vo. Biponti. 1788. 6075 43 MADDEN (Sm FREDERIC). Observations on an autograph of Shakspere, and the ortho- graphy of his name . . . 8vo. Lond. 1838. 6076 MADDEN (SAMUEL). Boulter's Monument. A panegyrical poem, sacred to the memory of that great and excellent prelate and patriot, Hugh Boulter, late Archbishop of Ardmagh. 8vo. Dublin. 1745. (Two copies.) 6077 " It has been said that Dr. Johnson was paid ten guineas by Dr. Madden for correcting this poem. Steevens." Cutting. MADRISIO (NiccoLo). Poesie Toscane. Con un Saggio ancor di Latine. 12mo. Padova. 1713. 6078 MAFFEI (SciPiONE, Marchese). Teatro cioe La Tragedia la Comedia e il Drama non piii stampato Aggiunta la spiegazione d' alcune Antichita perti- nenti al Teatro. 8vo. Verona. 1730. 6079 Contains La Merope Tragedia, La Cerimonie Comedia, La Fida Ninfa Drama per Musica. La Merope tragedia con annotazioni ^delF autore, e con la sua risposta alia lettera del Sig. di Voltaire. Aggiungesi per altra mano la version Francese del Sig. Freret, e la Inglese del Sig. Ayre, con una confutazione della critica ultimamente stampata. 4to. Verona. 1745. 6080 MAGAGNATI (GIROLAMO). Capitoli Bvrleschi, di G. M. Aggiontoui il Giardiniero di Cesare Orsino. 12mo. Norimbergh. 1642. (Two copies.) 6081 MAGINN (WILLIAM). Homeric Ballads ; with translations and notes. 16mo. Lond. 1850. 6082 MAGNO (CELio), and GIUSTINIANO (ORSATTO). Rime. 4to. Venet. 1600. 6083 The " Rime " of Giustiniano -with a separate pagination. MAHNE (GuiLiELMus LEONARDUS). Diatribe de Aristoxeno philosopho peripatetico. 8vo. Amstel. 1793. (Two copies.) 6084 No. 1 . Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. Epicrisis censurarum Bibliothecae Criticae, Vol III. Part iii. Auctore G. L. M. (With : Censurae Vernaculae Bibl. Criticae, Vol. III. Part iii. Dutch.) 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1808. 6085 Epistolae sodalium Socraticorum philomathiae cum praefa- tione et appendicibus G. L. M. 8vo. Zierizeae. 1813. 6086 Vita Danielis Wyttenbachii . . . Editio altera. 8vo. Gaudavi et Lugd. Bat. 1823. (Two copies.) 6087 44 MAIA (GlANFRANCESCO). Rime di Gianfrancesco Maia Materdona distinte in Tre Parti. 12mo. Vinezia. End. 1629. C088 MAIMBOURG (Louis). The History of the League. Written in French by Monsieur Maiinbourg. Translated into English according to His Ma- jesty's command. By Mr. Dryden. 12mo. Lond. 1684. 6089 MAINTENON (FRANCOISE D'AusiGNE, Marquise de). Maintenoniana, ou choix d'anecdotes . . tire's des lettres de Mad. de Maintenon ; av.ec des notes . . . par M. B * * * de B * * . (With: Maintenoniana ou Choix des Lettres de M. De M.) 2 vols. (in 1). 8vo. Amsterdam. 1773. 6090 MAITTAIRE (MICHAEL). Graecae linguae dialecti recognitae opera M. M. Post J. F. Reitzium qui praefationem et excerpta ex Apollonii Dyscoli Grammatica addiderat totura opus recensuit . . . F. Guil. Sturzius. 8vo. Lips, et Lond. 1807. 6091 MALHERBE (FRANCOIS DE). Les Oeuvres. Avec les observations de M r Mdnage, et lee remarques de M r Chevreau sur les Poesies. 3 vols. Svo. Par. 1722. 6092 MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. Les Poesies avec les observations de M. Menage. Svo. Par. 1666. (Two copies.) 6093 No. 1. Person's copy, with his MS. notes. No. 2. Autograph of Edmund Waller, the poet two verses and signature. Poesies, avec la vie de 1'auteur, et de courtes notes. Par A G. M[eunier] de Q[uerlonj. (Portrait.) Svo. Par. 1776. 6094 Poe'sies. Edition stereotype. 12rno. Paris, an VIII. (1800.) 6095 MALKIN (BENJAMIN HEATH). Classical Disquisitions and Curiosities, Critical and His- torical. Svo. Lond. 1825. 6096 MALLET or MALLOCH (DAVID). Works. New edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1759. 6097 Vol. I. includes : Britannia ; a masque. Vol. II. Eury- dice. (T.). Mustapha (T.). Vol. III. Alfred : a masque . [in conjunction with Thomson]. 45 Poetical Works. With the life of the Author. (Cooke's edition.) 12mo. Lond. 1796. 6098 A Poem, in imitation of Donaides. By David Malloch. 4to. (2 leaves.) n. p. n. d. [1725 ?] 6099 " To Samuel Johnson LL.D. from Dav : Dalrymple. Dr. Johnson gave it to me afterwards James Boswell." Amyntor and Theodora : or, the Hermit. A poem. In three cantos. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1747. (Two copies.) 6100 Edwin and Emma. [Anon.] Birmingham, Baskerville. 4to. 1760. 6101 Poems on several occasions. 8vo. Lond. 1762. 6102 " The poems in this vol. are not included in Mallet's Works, 3 vols. duod. MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Ballads and Songs. New edition, with notes and illustra- tions, and a memoir of the author, by Frederick Dinsdale. 8vo. Lond. 1857. 6103 MALLET (PAUL HENRY). Northern Antiquities : or, a description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other Northern Nations ; including those of our own Saxon ancestors. With a translation of the Edda, or system of Runic Mythology, and other pieces, from the ancient Icelandic tongue . . With additional notes by the English translator (Thomas Percy), and Goranson's Latin version of the Edda. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770. 6104 MALONE (EDMOND). * Supplement to the edition of Shakspeare's plays published in 1778 by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. Containing additional observations by several of the former commentators : to which are subjoined the Genuine Poems of the same author, and seven plays that have been ascribed to him ; with notes by the editor and others. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1780. 6105 A Second Appendix to Mr. Malone's Supplement to the last edition of the Plays of Shakspeare : containing additional observations by the Editor of the Supplement. Svo. Lond. 1788. 6106 " From the author, to S. Henley." " A very rare tract, which sells at a high price." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. A Letter to the Rev. R. Farmer, relative to the edition of Shakspeare, published in 1790, and some late criticisms on that work. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1792. 6107 46 MALONE (continued). * An Inquiry into the authenticity of certain miscellaneous papers and legal instruments, published Dec. 24, MDCCXCV. and attributed to Shakspeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of Southampton : illustrated by ... A new fac- simile of the hand-writing of Shakspeare, never before exhibited ; and other authentick documents . . . 8vo. Lond. 1796. 6108 An Account of the incidents, from which the title and part of the story of Shakspeare's Tempest were derived ; and its true date ascertained. 8vo. Lond. 1808. 6109 Presentation copy from the author to Edw d . Harwood, Esq. " Not published ; only eighty copies having been printed." . . . MALTBY (EDWARD, Bishop of Durham). Illustrations of the Truth of the Christian Religion. Second edition. 8vo. Camb. 1803. 6110 A new and complete Greek Gradus, or, Poetical Lexicon of the Greek language . . . 8vo. Lond. 1830. 6111 MAMIANO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA, Conte). Lvcrezia Tragedia. L. P. 4to. Venezia. 1625. 6112 MANCINELLI ASCOLANO (GIOVANNI). Tirsi, Clori Comedia. 12mo. Venet. 1621. 6113 MANDEVILLE (BERNARD). The Fable of the Bees : or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits. With an essay on charity and charity-schools. And a search into the nature of society. [Anon.] Fifth edition. 2 parts, in 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1728-9. 6114 MANETHO. Mav3rvo . . . Manethonis Apotelesmaticorum Libri sex. Nunc primum . . . editi cura Jac. Gronovii. Gr. Lat. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1698. (Four copies.) 6115 No. 1. Autograph of " Henry Fynes Clinton," author of " Fasti Hellenici." No. 2. Autograph and MS. notes of " Gilbert Wakefield. 1790." No. 3. Autograph and MS. notes of Burmann. MANGEY (THOMAS). The Eternal Existence of Our Lord Jesus Christ : set forth in a Sermon, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1719. 6116 HANGIONIUS (VALENTINUS). Astri inextincti theoricae Sive jus agendi antiquorum ordi- num pro recipiendis monasteriis, quse non nemo male appellat sua, confutatum a V. M. Colon. Agrip. 1639. 4to. 6117 47 MANILIUS (MAECUS). Astronomicom libri qvinqve. Jos. Scaliger recensuit . . . Eiusdem Jos. Scaligeri commentarius in eosdem libros . . . 8vo. Lvtet. apud M. Patissonium . . . in off. R. Stephani. 1579. (Two copies.) 6118 Astronomicom . . . Jos. Scaliger recensuit . . . . Lectiones variae . . . cum notis F. Ivnii. 8vo. Heidelb. 1590. 6119 Astronomicon a Jos. Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gembla- censi infinitis mendis repurgatum. Eivsdem Jos. Scaligeri notae . . . 4to. Ex off. Plant. 1599. 6120 Autograph of Scaliger. Another copy. 4to. Ex. off. Plant. 1600. (sic.) 6121 Autograph of Scaliger. [Engraved title.] Astronomicon cum Jos. Scaligeri auc- tioribus curis edente J. H. Boeclero. [Second title.] Astro- nomicon a los. Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi . . . Eiusdem I. S. notae . . . Nunc primum ex cod. Scaligeri, quern sua manu ad tertiam editionem praeparauerat restitutae. Accesserunt quaedam Thomse Renesii et Ismaelis Bullialdi animadversiones. 4to. Argent. 1655. (Three copies.) 6122 No. 3. (without engraved title). Jer. Markland's copy with his autograph and MS. notes. Astronomicon interpretatione et notis ac figuris illustravit Michael Fayus . . . Accesserunt P. D. Huetii animadver- siones ad Manilium, et Scaligeri Notas. 4to. Par. 1679. 6123 Kev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. Astronomicon ex recensione et cum notis Rich. Bentleii. (Portrait of Bentley). 4to. Lond. 1739. (Two copies.) 6124 Astronomicon ex recensione Rich. Bentleji cum . . . notis et Julii Pontederse epistola de Manilii Astronomia et anno cselesti cura et studio Elise Stoeber. 8vo. Argent. 1767. 6125 * Astronomicon . . . cum commentariis et castigatio- nibus Jos. Scaligeri, [aliorumque]. Opera et studio Edmundi Burton. 8vo. Lond. 1783. 6126 Astronomicon . . Ex recensione Rich. Bentlei. Gratii Falisci et Nemesiani Cynegetica ex editione Petri Burmani cum notis selectioribus. 8vo. Venet. 1788. 6127 Translations. The Sphere of M. M. made an English poem with annotations and an astronomical appendix, by Edward Sherburne. Folio. Lond. 1675. 6128 First English translation. The Duke of Sussex's copy. 48 MANILIUS (continued). The five books of M. M., containing a system of tbe ancient astronomy and astrology : together with the philosophy of the Stoicks. Done into English verse. With Notes (by T[homas] C[reech]). Svo. Lond. 1697. (Two copies.) 6129 No. 2. (Portrait of Creech inserted.) " With the cancelled leaf, at p. 47. " II. Book." Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. MANLEY (MRS. DE LA RIVIERE). The Lost Lover ; or, the Jealous Husband : a comedy. 4to. Lond. 1696. 6130 The Royal Mischief. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1696. 6131 Almyna : or, the Arabian Vow. A tragedy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1707. 6132 Court Intrigues, in a collection of original letters, from the Island of the New Atalantis, etc. By the author of those Memoirs. Svo. Lond. 1711. 6133 Lucius, the first Christian King of Britain. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1717. 6134 Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1720. 6135 Secret Memoirs and Manners of Several Persons of Quality of Both Sexes. From the New Atalantis, an Island in the Mediterranean. Written originally in Italian. [Anon.] Sixth edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1720. (Two copies.) 6136 No. 2. MS. key at the end of each of the first 3 vols., and printed key at the end of vol. 4. Mrs. Manley's History of her own life and times. (The History of Rivella.) Published from her original manuscript. Fourth edition. With a preface concerning the present pub- lication. Svo. Lond., E. Curll. 1725. 6137 With " a key to the Adventures of Rivella "; and (in MS.) " A few selections from the Life and Times of Mrs. Manley." A Stage-Coach Journey to Exeter. Describing the humours on the road, with the characters and adventures of the company. To which is added, the Force of Love : or, the Nun's Com- plaint. By Colonel Pack. Svo. Lond. 1725. 6138 The Court Legacy. A new ballad opera. As it is acted at the Eutopean Palace. By the Author of the New Atalantis. Svo. Lond. 1733. 6139 The dedication, to Madame Pultney, is signed Atalia. MANLIUS (ASTERIUS). In A. Persii Flacci Satyram primam Commentarius, &; notse in secundam. 4to. Parmse. 1621. 6140 49 MANN (ROBERT JAMES). Tennyson's " Maud " vindicated : an explanatory essay. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6141 MANNI (DoMENico MARIA). Istoria del Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio. 4to. Fi- renze. 1742. 6142 MANNINGHAM (JOHN). Diary of John Manningham, of the Middle Temple, and of Bradbourne, Kent, Barrister- at-Law, 1602-1603. Edited from the Original Manuscript by John Bruce, and presented to the Camden Society by William Tite. 4to. Westminster. 1868. 6143 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyes from the editor. MANSO (GIOVANNI BATTISTA), Marchese di Villa. Vita di Torqvato Tasso. 12mo. Venet. 1621. (Two copies.) 6144 No. 2. MS. note by Mr. Singer. Poesie Nomiche ; Diuise in Rime Amorose, Sacre, e Morali. 12mo. Venet. 1635. 6145 MS. note. MANTUANUS (BAPTISTA). Opera. 3 vols. Folio. Parrhisiis. 1513. 6146 Poemata Praestantiora. I. Bucolica sive Adolescentia. II. Parthenice Mariana, sive de vita et laudibus B. Marise Virginis. (Ed. by F. M. Soldini.) (Portrait.) 4to. Florent. 1783. 6147 MANUCHE (COSMO). The Just General. A Tragi-Comedy, written by Major C. M. 4to. Lond. 1652. (Two copies.) 6148 * The Bastard: a tragedy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1652. 6149 The Loyal Lovers : a tragi-comedy. 4to. Lond. 1652. 6150 MANUTIUS (ALDUS). A Treatise of the several measures used by Horace, in his odes and epodes : made English from A. M. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1718. 6151 MANUTIUS (PAULLUS). Epistolarum libri xii uno nuper addito. Eiusdem quae. Praefationes appellantur. 8vo. Venet. Hieron. Polus. 1582. 6152 The "Praefationes " Tfith a half-title and a separate pagination. MS. note. MANWARING (EDWARD). An historical and critical account of the most eminent classic authors in poetry and history. In Three Parts. 8vo. Lond. 1737. 6153 50 MANZONI (ALESSANDRO). I Promessi Sposi Storia Milanese del secolo XVII. 8vo. Firenze. 1829. 6154 MAPES (WALTER). The Latin Poems commonly attributed to Walter Mapes, collected and edited by Thomas Wright. 4to. Lond., Printed for the Camden Society. 1841. 6155 MAPH^IUS. The Canto added by M. to Virgil's twelve books of ^Eneas, from the original Bombastic, done into English Hudibrastic ; with notes and Latin text. [By John Ellis.] 12mo. Lond. 1758. (Two copies.) 61 5 G MARBODEUS, or MARBODUS, Episcopus Rhedonensis. Marbodei Galli poetae vetustissimi Daetylotheca, scholiis Georgii Pictorii . . . illustrata. Item de lapide Molari, et de Cote carmen panegyricum, eodem autore Geo. Pictorio. 8vo. Basile*. End. 1555. 6157 Liberlapidumseudegemmis . . . illustratus a lohanne Beckmanno. . . . 8vo. Gottingse. 1799. 6158 MARCELLUS (NONIUS). De Proprietate Sermonis, et Fulgentius Placiades de Prisco Sermone . . . Notae . . . 12mo. Par. 1583. 6159 N. M., et Fulgentius Placiades de proprietate sermonum . . . Adiectae sunt in eosdem Notae Dionysii Gothofredi. 8vo. Paris. 1586. (Two copies.) 6160 No. 2. Interleaved copy belonging to C. T. C. Reuvens, with MS. notes. N. M. Nova editio. Additus est libellus Fulgentii de Prisco Sermone, & notae . . . 12mo. Sedani. 1614. 6161 " Davidis Hoogstratani." N. M. Peripatetici Tuburticensis de Compendiosa Doctrina per Litteras ad Filium et Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii expositio sermonum antiquorum . . . ediderunt . . . Fr. Dor. Gerlach & Car. Lud. Roth. 8vo. Basil. 1842. 6162 MARCELLUS, SIDETES. EY. TUV Ma/jtceXXou 2i8ifroi>. . . . Marcelli Sidetae medici, de remediis ex Piscibus : Fragmentum Poematis de re Medica . . . Interprete Fed.- Morello. Gr. Lat. [First ed.] 8vo. Lutet. 1591. (Two copies.) 6163 MARCIANUS, HERACLEOTA. m/snjyi/s-K. Poema de Sitv Orbis. Fed. Morellvs . . . recensuit, & Latine* eodem genere versuum expressit. Cum notis. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lutetise. 1606. 6164 51 *s . Seu Orbis Descriptio cum interpretatione latina ad verbum, & notis Erasmi Pauli F. Vindingii. Gr. Lat. SnlrSvo. Hafime. 1662. 6165 MARESIUS (RoLANDUs). Epistolarum philologicarum libri duo. Cum aliquot ami- corum ad eum epistolis. 8vo. Par. 1655. 6166 Rev. J. Mitford's copy with his MS. notes. " Tittenhanger Library" [Sir Thomas Pope's.] MARGUERITE (QUEEN OF NAVARRE.) L'Heptameron ou Histoire des Amants Fortunes, nouvelles de la reine Marguerite de Navarre. Ancien texte publie par Claude Gruget dans I'e'dition originale de 1559, Tevu . . . par le bibliophile Jacob. 8vo. Paris. 1841. 6167 MARGUNIUS (MAXIMUS, Episcopus Cytherensis). Poemata aliquot sacra : Greece nunc primum publicata studio & opera Davidis Hoeschelii. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1592. 6168 MARIE DE FRANCE. * Podsies de Marie de France, poete Anglo-Normand du XIII 6 siecle . . . publie'es d'apres les manuscrits de France et d'Angleterre, avec une notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Marie . . . par B. De Roquefort. 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1820. 6169 MARINO or MARINI (GIAMBATTISTA). La Sampogna, diuisa in Idillij Fauolosi, et Pastoral!. 12mo. Par. 1620. 6170 Another edition. Aggiontoui in questa vltima impressione, la seconda Parte. 12mo. Yenet. 1643. (Two copies.) 6171 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1664. 6172 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1667. 6173 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1674. 6174 I/ Adone, Poema, Con gli Argomenti del Conte Fortvniano Sanvitale, et 1' Allegoric di Don Lorenzo Scoto. (Together with Lettre ov Discovrs de M. Chapelain . . . portant son opinion sur le Poeme d'Adonis du Cheualier Marino.) (Portrait.) Folio. Par. 1623. 6175 " This copy has a portrait, which is not in the Museum copy." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Another edition. 4to. Venet. End. 1626. 6176 Another edition. 4 vols. 24mo. Amst. 1678. 6177 Another edition. [Together with] La Strage degl' Inno- cent! ed una scelta di poesie liriche nuova edizione . con un discorso Preliminare di Giuseppe Zirardini. (Portrait.) 8vo. Par. 1849.- 6178 52 MARINO or MARINI (continued'). La Sferza Invettiva a quattro ministri della iniquita. Con vna lettera faceta del medesimo. Aggivntovi vn discorso in, difesa dell' Adone. 12mo. Venet. 1625. 6179 La Mvrtoleide Fischiate. Con la Marineide risate del Mvrtola. 12mo. Francof. 1626. 6180 * Another edition. (With, Le Strigliate a Tomaso Stigliano, del Signer Robvsto Pogomraega. And, Capitoli Bvrleschi di Girolamo Magagnati. Aggiontoui il Giardiniero di Cesaie Orsino. And, La Merdeide Stanze in lode delli stronzi della Real Villa di Madrid, del Sig. D. Nicolo Bobadillo). 12mo. Spira. 1629. (Two copies.) 6181 No. 1. From the White Knights' Library. Another edition. Con la Marineide . . Aggiontoui le Strigliate ...el' Innamoramento di Pvpolo e la Pvpola. (With, Capitoli Bvrleschi . Aggiontoui il Giardiniero . . . and, La Merdeide . . . ). 12 mo. Norimbergh. 1642. (Two copies.) 6182 La Galeria distinta in Pittvre & Sculture. Terza impressione ricorretta. 12mo. Venet. 1630. 6183 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1674. (Two copies.) 6184 La Strage De gl' Innocenti Poema. 8vo. Napoli. n. d. 6185 Engraved title. Portrait of Antonio Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva, to whom the dedication (dated 15 December 1632) is addressed. Portrait of the Author facing the first page of the text. MS. note. Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1674. 6186 At the end (with continuous pagination) is " Della Gervsalemme Distrvtta. Canto Settimo. Del Cavalier Marino," and other poems. La Lira, Rime. ... 3 parts (in one vol.). 12mo. Venet. 1638. 6187 Another edition. Aggiuntoui la vita dell' autore da Gio. Francesco Loredano. 3 parts (in one voL). 12mo. Venet. 1675-74. 6188 II Padre Naso del Cavalier Marino, con le sue due Prigioni e di Napoli, e. di Torino. Con vn Sonetto . . . & tre canzoni. 12mo. Par. 1646. 6189 Another edition. 12mo. Par. 1646. 6190 Without " Sonetto," &c. Epitalami. In questa vltima Impressione con somma dili- genzia ricorretti. 12mo. Venet. 1646. 6191 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1674. 6192 Le Dicerie Sacre. 12mo. Venet. 1664. 6193 Novelle piacevoli. 12ino. Lond. 1798. 6194 53 MARINUS. M. ifyoxXo?. Marini vita Procli. Graece et Latine . . . recensuit . . . I. F. Boissonade. 8vo. Lips. 1814. 6195 MARIVAUX (PIERRE CARLET DE CHAMBLAIN DE). La Vie de Marianne, ou les avantures de Madame la Comtesse De * * * Nouvelle Edition. 4 vols. 16mo. Paris. 1755. 6196 Le Paysan Parvenu, ou les memoires de M. * * *. 3 vols. (in 1). 12mo. La Haye. 1762. 6197 MARKHAM (GERVASE). The true Tragedy of Herod and Antipater : With the Death of faire Marriam. According to losephvs, . . . Written fGervase Markham,"] by 1 and ^Gentlemen. 4to. Lond. J622. 6198 [_ William Sampson. J MARKLAND (ABRAHAM). Pteryplegia : or, the Art of Shooting-Flying. A poem. 8vo. Lond. 1727. 6199 Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1767. 62 MARKLAND (JEREMIAH). Epistola critica ad Franciscum Hare in qua Horatii loca aliquot et aliorum veterum emendantur. 8vo. Cantab. 1723. (Two copies.) 6201 Remarks on the Epistles of Cicero to Brutus, and of Brutus to Cicero. . . . With a Dissertation upon four orations ascribed to M. T. Cicero. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1745. 6202 MARLBOROUGH (SARAH JENNINGS, Duchess of). * An Account of the conduct of the Dowager Duchess of M., from her first coming to court, to the year 1710. In a letter from herself to My Lord . (Drawn up by Nathaniel Hooke.) 8vo. Lond. 1742. 6203 The opinions of S. Duchess Dowager of M. Published from original MSS. [Edited by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes.] 8vo. n. p. 1788. 6204 MARLIANI (HERCOLE). Le Tre Costanti Comedia rappresentata in Mantoua nell' Avgvste Nozze della Maesta dell' Imperatrice Leonora Gonzaga d'Avstria. 8vo. Mantova. 1622. 6205 VOL. in. E 54 MARLOWE, MARLOW, MARLOE, MARLO (CHRISTOPHER). Works. With notes and some account of his life and writings by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 6206 Vol. I. Account of Marlowe and his writings. Addenda and Corrigenda, First part of Tamburlaine. Second part of Tamburlaine. The Jew of Malta. Vol. II. Faustus. Faustus (with a later text). Ballad of Faustus. Edward the Second. Massacre at Paris. Dido. Vol. III. Hero and Leander. Ovid's Elegies. Epigrams. First Book of Lucan. (And other Poems.) New edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6207 The Massacre at Paris: With the Death of the Duke of Guise. As it was plaide by the right honourable the Lord high Admirall his Seruants. [Original ed.] 8vo. Lond., E. A, for Edward White, n. d. 6208 [The troublesome Raigne and lamentable death of Edward the Second King of England ; with the tragicall fall of proude Mortimer. As it was sondry times publiquely acted in the honorable Cittie of London, by the right honorable the Earle of Pembroke his Seruants. Written by Chri : Mar : Gent. 4to. Imprinted at London for William Jones. 1593.] 6209 Title and A 2 in MS. Mr. Dyce and Lowndes mention no edition earlier than 1598. Another edition. The troublesome raigne and lamentable death of Edward the second, King of England : with the tragicall fall of proud Mortimer. And also the life and death of Peirs Gaueston, the great Earle of Cornewall, and mighty fauorite of King Edward the second, as it was publiquely acted by the right honorable the Earle of Pembrooke his ser- uants. 4to. Lond. 1612. 6210 Another edition. . . . As it was publikely Acted by the late Queenes Maiesties Seruants at the Red Bull in S. Johns streete. 4to. Lond. 1622. 6211 Tamburlaine the Greate. Who, from the state of a Shepheard in Scythia, by his rare and wonderfull Conquests, became a most puissant and mighty Monarque. [Anon.] B. L. 4to. Lond. 1605. 6212 Tamburlaine the Greate. With his impassionate furie, for the death of his Lady and Loue faire Zenocrate : his forme of exhortation and discipline to his three Sonnes, and the manner of his owne death. The second part. [Anon.] B. L. 4to. Lond. 1606. 6213 55 Hero and Leander : Begunne by Christopher Marloe, and finished by George Chapman. 4to. Lond. 1609. 6214 Autograph of " Isaac Reed, 1797," to whom this copy belonged. Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1629. 6215 Another edition. 4 to. Lond. 1637. 6216 Hero and Leander. [Reprint of Hero and Leander : begunne by C. M. and finished by G. C. Lond. 1606.] A Poem. New edition . . . with a critical preface. 8vo. Chiswick. 1821. 6217 The Famous Tragedy of The Rich lew of Malta. As it was Playd before the King and Qveene, in His Majesties Theatre at White-Hall, 'by her Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1633. (Two copies.) 6218 Lusts Dominion. Or, The Lascivious Queen. A Tragedy. 12mo. Lond. 1661. 6219 x Two title-pages, the second has the date 1657. According to Mr. Dyce., this play is not by Marlowe. The Tragicall History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus. Printed with New Additions as it is now Acted. With several New Scenes, together with the Actors Names. Written by Ch. Mar. 4to. (Lond.), W. Gilbertson. 1663. 6220 MARLOWE (CHRISTOPHER), and NASH (THOMAS). Dido, Queen of Carthage. A tragedy. (No. VII. of the Old English Drama.) 8vo. Lond. 1825. (See No. 7563.) MARMION or MABMYON (SHAKERLEY). Hollands Leagver. An Excellent Comedy as it hath bin lately and often Acted with great applause, by the. high and mighty Prince Charles his Servants ; at the private house in Salisbury Court. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1632. 6221 * A Fine Companion. Acted before the King and Queene at White-Hall and sundrie times with great applause . . . at the private House in Salisbvry Court, By the Prince his Servants. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1633. 6222 A Morall Poem, intituled The Legend of Cupid and Psyche. Or Cvpid and his Mistris. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1637. 6223 Cupid and Psyche. [Reprint of Cupid and Psyche ; or, an epic poem of Cupid and his Mistress. . . . Lond. 1637.] (Edited by S. W. Singer.) 8vo. Chiswick. 1820. 6224 The Antiquary. A Comedy. Acted by Her Maiesties Ser- vants at the Cock-Pit. 4to. Lond. 1641. 6225 E 2 5G MARMITTA (GIACOMO). Rime. 4to. Parma. 1564. C22G MARMONTEL (JEAN FRANCOIS). Contes Moraux. Suivis d'une Apologie du Theatre, 3 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1766-65. 6227 Another edition. 5 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. Par. An. IX. (1801.) 6228 Rev. J . Mitford's copy and MS. notes. Another edition. 3 vols. 12m2.")1 The Dutch Courtezan. As it was played in the Blacke- Friars, by the Children of her Maiesties Reuels. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1605. 6252 The Wonder of Women, Or The Tragedie of Sophonisba, as it hath beene sundry times Acted at the Blacke Friers. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1606. G253 Parasitaster, or the Fawne, As it hath bene divers times presented at the blacke Friars by the Children of the Queenes Maiesties Reuels. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1606. 6254 Parasitaster . . . now corrected of many faults, which by reason of the Authors absence, were let slip in the first edition. 4to. Lond. 1606. 6255 What Yov Will. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond.. 1607. 6256 The Insatiate Countesse. A Tragedie : Acted at White- Fryers. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1613. 6257 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1631. 6258 MARTELLI (LoDOVico). Opere corrette et ristampate. Aggivntovi il Qvarto di Vergilio, tradotto dal medesimo. 8vo. Firenze. 1548. 6259 MARTELLI (VINCENZIO). Lettere. E Rime. Seconda edizione. 4to. Firenze. 1606. 6260 MARTIAL DE PARIS, called D'AUVERGNE. Les Poesies. 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1724. 6261 MARTIALIS (M. VALERIUS). Epigrainmata in Caesaris Amphitheatrum, et venationes . . . adnotationibus. . . . Auctore Theodoro Marcilio. 8vo. Lutet. 1584. 6262 Florilegium epigrammatum Martialis. Jos. Scaliger vertit Graece ad I. Casaubonium. 8vo. Lutet., R. Stepb. 1607. (Eight copies.) 6263 Nos. 1 and 2. Presentation copies from E. Stephens. No. 3. Presentation copy from Jos. Scaliger. No. 4. Autograph of Is. Casaubon. M. V. M. nova editio. Ex museo Petri Scriverii. Sm. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1619. 6264 Epigrammatom libri. 8vo. Sedani. 1624. 6265 59 Matthaei Raderi ... ad M. Y. M. Epigrammaton libros omnes, plenis Commentariis . . . Cvrse Tertise. Fol. Moguntise. 1627. 6266 Epigrarninata cum notis Farnabii . . . accurante Cor- nelio Schrevelio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1670. (Two copies.) 6267 No. 1. MS. notes. Epigrammata, 12mo. Lond. 1716. 6268 Autograph and MS. notes of Jer. Markland. Epigrammaton Libri. Edidit F. G. Schneidewin. 2 vols. 8vo. Grimae. 1842. 6269 Translations. Selected Epigrams of Martial. Englished by Thomas May. Square 16mo. Lond. 1629. 6270 Ex otio Negotium. Or, Martiall his Epigrams translated. With sundry poems and fancies, by R. Fletcher. 8vo. Lond. 1656. 6271 Epigrams of Martial, Englished. With some other pieces, ancient and modern. [By Charles Cotton?] 8vo. Lond. 1695. (Two copies.) 6272 " Very rare." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Epigrammata selecta, [Second title.] Select Epigrams of Martial. Translated and imitated by William Hay, with an Appendix of some by Cowley, and other Hands. Lat. Eng. 12mo. Lond. 1755. 6273 Another edition. (Without the Latin text.) 8vo. Lond. 1755. 6274 The Epigrams of M. V. M., in twelve books : with a com- ment : by James Elphinston. 4to. Lond. 1782. 6275 " The copies of this book are generally very mnch stained : the present one is the cleanest I have ever seen." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Imitations of some of the Epigrams of Martial [by N. B. Halhed.] 4 parts (in 1 vol.). Lat. Eng. 4to. Lond. 1793-4. 6276 MARTIN (DAVID). Deux dissertations critiques la premiere sur le verset 7. du ch. 5. de la I. Epist. de S. Jean ; II y en a trois au ciel, etc. Dans laquelle on prouve Pauthenticite' de ce texte. La seconde sur le passage de Joseph touchant Je'sus- Christ, ou 1'on fait voir que ce passage n'est point supposd 8vo. Utrecht. 1717. 6277 CO MARTIN (M.). A late voyage to St. Kilda, the remotest of all the Hebrides, or Western Isles of Scotland. With a history of the Island . . . As also a relation of a late impostor there, pretended to be sent by St. John Baptist. 8vo. Lond. 1698. 6278 A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland . . . (With map.) Svo. Lond. 1703. 6279 MARTINENGA (CLAUDIA). Rime dell' Arnigio. 4to. Brescia, 1566. 6280 MARTINUS (BERNARDUS). Variarum lectionum libri quatuor . . . Opus nunc recens in lucem editum. Svo. Par. 1605. 6281 " I bought this rare book at Hermann's sale, 1854." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. MS. notes. Editio altera . . . cura Diderici vander Kemp. Svo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1755. 6282 MARTYN (JOHN). Dissertations and critical remarks upon the ^Eneids of Virgil ... To the whole is prefixed, some account of the author and his writings. Svo. Lond. 1770. (Two copies.) 6283 MARULLUS (MICHAEL, TARCHANIOTA). Epigrammata et hymni. Svo. Par. 1529. 6284 M. T. M., Hieron. Angerianus, et loan. Secundus, poetae elegantissimi : nunc primum in Germania excusi. 12mo. Spirse Nemetum. 1595. (Two copies.) 6285 No. 2. In two vols. MARVELL (ANDREW). * Works. (To which is prefixed an account of the life aiid writings of the Author. By Mr. [Thomas] Cooke.) 2 vols. (in one.) (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1726 6286 At the end of the second vol. " Carmina Miscellanea," with separate pagi- nation. Another edition. 2 vols. (in one). 16mo. Lond. 1772. 6287 MARY STUART, QUEEN OF SCOTS. The Legend of Mary Queen of Scots, and other ancient poems ; now first published from MSS. of the sixteenth cen- tury. With an introduction, notes, and an appendix (by J[ohn] F[ry].) Svo. Lond. 1810. 6288 61 MARZI (GIOVANNI BATTISTA). La Fancivlla Comedia, Nuouamente posta in luce da Bene- detto Giorgeschi. 8vo. Bologna, n. d. 6289 La Furba Comedia. Di nuouo ricorretta, 12mo. Venet. 1610. 6290 MASENIUS (JACOBUS). Sarcotis. Carmen. Editio altera cura . . . J. Dinouart. 16mo. Colon. Agripp. 1757. 6291 Sarcotis, et Caroli V. Imp. panegyris, carmina ; turn de heroica poesi tractatus, auctore M. Adjecta est Lamentationuin Jerernise paraphrasis, auctore D. Gronan. 12mo. Lond. [Par.] 1771. 6292 La Sarcothe'e. Poeme traduit du Latin par FAbbd [J.] Di- nouart. 12mo. Londres [i.e. Cologne]. 1757. 6293 MASON (JOHN, M.A.). The Tvrke. A Worthie Tragedie. As it hath bene diners times acted by the Children of his Maiestieg Reuels. 4to. Lond. 1610. (Two copies.) 6294 Another edition. An Excellent Tragedy of Mulleasses the Tvrke, and Borgias Governour of Florence. Full of Inter- changeable variety ; beyond expectation. . . .- 4to. Lond. 1632. 6295 MASON (JOHN, of Dorking). Self- Knowledge. . . . Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1753. 6296 Twelfth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1791. 6297 Fourteenth edition. To which are now first prefixed me- moirs of the author. 12mo. Lond. 1802. 6298 Another edition. 16mo. Edinb. 1810. 6299 MASON (JOHN MONCK). Comments on the plays of Beaumont and Fletcher, with an appendix, containing some further observations on Shakespeare, extended to the late editions of Malone and Steevens. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 6300 * Comments on the several editions of Shakespeare's plays, extended to those of Malone and Steevens. 8vo. Dublin. 1807. 6301 62 MASON (WILLIAM). * Works, 4 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1811. G302 Vol. 2 includes Elfrida (T.) and Caractacus (T.). MSS. inserted. Musaeus : A Monody to the Memory of Mr. Pope, in imita- tion of Milton's Lycidas. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1747. 6303 Third edition. 4to. Lond. 1748. 6304 Isis, an Elegy. Written in the year 1748. 4to. Lond. 1749. 6305 Elfrida, a dramatic poem. Written on the model of the antient Greek Tragedy. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1752. 6306 * Remarks on Mr. Mason's Elfrida, in Letters to a Friend. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1752. 6307 Many corrections and MS. additions (by the Author?). "The work of Thomas Nevile, author of Imitations of Horace, &c." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Odes. 4to. Camb. 1756. 6308 Second edition. 4to. Camb. 1756. 6309 Poems. [First complete edition.] L. P. Svo. Lond. 1764. 6310 The copy presented by the author to the Earl of Holdernesse, to whom the volume is dedicated. Another edition. 2 vols. (in one). 12mo. Glasgow, Foulis. 1777. 6311 A New Edition. 3 vols. Svo. York. 1796-97. 6312 On Title of Vol. 3 " Now first published." KapaKTXKOf mi Mwv*?. Sive Cl. Masoni Caractacus Grseco carmine redditus cum versione Latina. A. Georgio Henrico Glasse. Svo. Oxon. 1781. 6313 (See also No. 4679.) MASSEY (GERALD). Shakspeare's Sonnets never before interpreted : his private friends identified : together with a recovered likeness of him- self. Svo. Lond. 1866. 6314 MASSEY (WILLIAM). Remarks upon Milton's Paradise Lost. 12mo. Lond. 1761. 6315 MASSIEU (GUILLAUME). Histoire de la Poe'sie Fran9oise ; avec une defense de la poeaie. 12mo. Paris. 1739. 6316 MASSILLON (JEAN BAPTISTS, Bishop of CLERMONT). Sermons. Petit careme. Svo. Paris. 1776. 6317 G3 MASSINGER (PHILIP). * Plays. With notes critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford. 4 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1805. 6318 Vol. I. Introduction, Essay, &c. The Virgin-Martyr. The Unnatural Combat. The Duke of Milan. Vol. II. The Bondman. The Renegade. The Parliament of Love. The Roman Actor. The Great Duke of Florence. Vol. III. The Maid of Honour. The Picture. The Emperor of the East. The Fatal Dowry. A New Way to pay Old Debts. Vol. IV. The City Madam. The Guardian. A Very Woman. The Bashful Lover. The Old Law. (and Poems). * Second edition. 4 vols. Lond. 8vo. 1813. 6319 The Plays. From the text of W. Gifford. With the addi- tion of the tragedy " Believe as you List." Edited by Lieut. Col. F. Cunningham. 8vo. Lond. 1868. 6320 The Virgin Martir, a Tragedie. As it hath bin divers times publickely Acted with great Applause, By the seruants of his Maiesties Reuels. Written by Phillip Messenger and Thomas Deker. [First ed.] 4to. Lond., Printed by B. A. for Thomas lones. 1622. (Two copies.) 6321 No. 1 . " This first ed. of The Virgin Martyr is perhaps the rarest of the old 4tos. of Massinger." MS. note by Mr. JDyce. No. 2. Rev. J. Mitford's copy And MS. notes. Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1631. 6322 The Dvke of Millaine. A Tragedie. As it hath beene often acted by his Maiesties, seruants at the blacke Friers. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1623. (Three copies.) 6323 No. 1. Opposite the title-page there are some MS. verses (mounted) addressed " To my Honorable ffreinde S r ffrancis ffoliambe. ..." signed " Philip Massinger " ; and the play has some MS. corrections believed to be by the author. Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1638. 6324 Another edition. 8vo. 6325 A modern edition, with alterations. Wants title page. The Bond-Man : an antient storie. As it hath been often Acted with good allowance, at the Cock-pit in Drury-lane : by the most Excellent Princesse, the Lady Elizabeth her Seruants. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1624. 6326 The Roman Actor. A Tragsedie. . . . [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1629. 6327 64 MASSINGEK (continued). The Renegade, a Tragaecomedie. As it hath beene often acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seraants, at the private Play- house in Drurye-Lane. [First ed.] 4to. Lend. 1630. G328 The Pictvre. A Tragecomedie. As it was often presented with good allowance, at the Globe, and Blacke-Friers Play- Houses, by the Kings Maiesties seruants. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1630. 6329 The Maid of Honour. As it hath beene often presented with good allowance at the Phoenix in Drvrie-Lane, by the Queenes Majesties Servants. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1632. (Two copies.) 6330 The Fatall Dowry : a Tragedy. As it hath beene often Acted at the Priuate House in Blackefryers, by his Maiesties Seruants. Written by P. M. and N. F. [Nath. Field.] [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1632. 6331 The Emperovr of the East. A Trag?e-Coino2die. The Scsene Constantinople .... [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1632. 6332 A New Way to Pay Old Debts a Comoedie. As it hath beene often acted at the Pho3nix in Drury-Lane, by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1633. 6333 Massinger's New Way to Pay Old Debts, a comedy, adapted to the stage by J. P. Kemble. 8vo. Lond. 1810. 6334 The Great Dvke of Florence. A comicall historie. . . [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1636. (Two copies.) 6335 The Vnnatvrall Combat. A Tragedie. The Scsene Marsellis. As it was presented by the Kings Majesties Servants at the Globe. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1639. 6336 Three New PI ayes ; viz. {Bashful Lover, Guardian, Very Woman. . . . Written by Philip Mas- senger, Gent. Never printed before. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1655. 6337 The Excellent Comedy, called The Old Law : or a new way to please you. By Phil. Massinger, Tho. Middleton, William Rowley. Acted before the King and Queene at Salisbury House. . . . Together with an exact and perfect Catalogue of all the Playes, with the Authors Names, and what are Comedies, Tragedies, Histories, Pastoralls, Masks, Interludes, more exactly Printed then ever before. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1656. (Two copies.) 6338 No. 2. Wanting the " Catalogue." 65 The City-Madam, A Coniedie. As it was acted at the private House in Black Friers with great applause. 4to. Loiid., printed for Andrew Pennycuicke, one of the Actors. 1659. 6339 Believe as you list : a tragedy. Now first printed. Edited by T. Crofton Croker. 8vo. Lond., printed for the Percy Society, No. 80. 1849. (Two copies.) 6340 No. 1. Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. MASSOLO (PIETRO). Primo, et secondo volvme delle rime morali di M. P. M., hora Don Lorenzo Monaco Cassinese. Sonetti ottocento. Svo. Fiorenza. 1564. 6341 MS. notes, MASSUCCI (NiccoLo). La Costanza Tragedia. Co' 1 Velettaio Commedia. Nvo- vamente data in Ivce. 8vo. Fioreoza. 1585. (Two copies.) 6342 MASTERS (MARTIN KEDGWIN). The Progress of Love, a poem. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1811. MASTERS (MARY). Poems on several occasions. Svo. Lond. 1733. 6344 MATANASIUS (DR.), pseud. See SAINT HYACINTHS. MATHIAS (THOMAS JAMES). Rowley and Chatterton in the Shades : or, Nugee antiquse et novae. A new Elysian interlude, in prose and verse. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1782. 6345 Runic Odes from the Norse tongue. New edition. Svo. Lond. 1790. 6346 ' From the Author." With two autograph letters by Mathias. The Political Dramatist of the House of Commons, in 1795. A Satire. Second edition . . . [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1796. 6347 Remarks on the Declaration of the Whig Club, on the 23rd of January, 1796, in a Postscript to the Second edition of a Satire, entitled, The Political Dramatist of the House of Commons, in 1795. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1796. 6348 A pair of Epistles in verse, the first, to the Rev. Dr. Randolph, the second, to the Earl of Jersey, occasioned by the publication of the correspondence between the Earl and Countess of Jersey, and the Rev. Dr. Randolph . . . [Anon.] Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1796. 6349 An Appendix to the Two Epistles in Verse . . . [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1796. 6350 06 MATHIAS (continued). A Letter to the Marquis of Buckingham, chiefly on the subject of the numerous emigrant French priests and others of the Church of Rome, resident and maintained in England at the public expence . . . Second edition (first printed in Oct. 1796). By a Layman. 8vo. Lond. 1797. 6351 An Address to William Pitt, on some parts of his adminis- tration . . . [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. (1797.) 6352 The Imperial Epistle from Kien Long, Emperor of China, to George the Third, King of Great Britain . . . [Anon.] Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. (Two copies.) 6353 No. 1. "Dawson Turner, 1810. Given him by T. J. M. Esq. from the library of Itev. N. Nicholls." This pamphlet stands first in a collection of tracts in two volumes which contain the following MS. note signed " D. T." [Dawson Turner.] " These two volumes came to me from the library of my friend, Rev. Norton Nicholls of Blundeston, the friend of Gray whose autograph and book-plate are on the opposite side. To him they had been given by Mr. Mathias, who was undoubtedly the author, and whose portrait, from a drawing on stone by Mr. T. Brightwiu, is consequently inserted." The Pursuits of Literature. A satirical poem in four dialogues. With notes. [Anon.] Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 6354 Rev. J. Mitford's copy. MS. notes by Mitford, &c. Eleventh edition, with the citations translated. Svo. Lond. 1801. 6355 Fourteenth edition with the citations translated. Svo. Lond. 1808. 6356 Inserted is an entry in the catalogue of Dawson Turner's MS. Library, sold June 1859, describing Mathias's "Literary Correspondence." A Translation of the passages from Greek, Latin, Italian, and French writers, quoted in the prefaces and notes to the Pursuits of Literature . . . Third edition. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1798. 6357 Impartial Strictures on the poem called " The Pursuits of Literature :" and particularly a vindication of the romance of "The Monk." [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1798. 6358 Remarks on the Pursuits of Literature, in a letter to the Author. [By John Main waring.] Svo. Camb. 1798. 6359 MS. notes. A Letter to the Author of a pamphlet, entitled " Remarks on the Pursuits of Literature, in a letter to the Author, dated Cambridge, May 1, 1798." Containing observations on " The Remarks." By a Country Gentleman. Svo. Lond. 1798. (Two copies.) ' 6360 67 Odes, English and Latin. Reprinted 1798. Not published. 12mo. (Lond. 1798?) 6361 " From the Author." The Shade of Alexander Pope on the banks of the Thames. A Satirical Poem. With notes . . . By the Author of the Pursuits of Literature. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1799. (Two copies.) 6362 A Letter to the Executor of the deceased Author of the Pursuits of Literature, wherein mention is also made of the poem called the Shade of A. Pope on the Banks of the Thames : By a friend to the Author of the Impartial Strictures. 8vo. Lond. 1799. 6363 Pandolfo Attonito ! Or, Lord Galloway's Poetical Lamen- tation on the removal of the arm-chairs from the pit at the Opera-house . . . [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1800. 6364 Chalmeriana ; or, A Collection of Papers literary and political, entitled, Letters, verses, etc. occasioned by reading a late heavy supplemental apology for the believers in the Shake- speare Papers by George Chalmers. Arranged and published by Mr. Owen, junior, assisted by Mr. Jasper Hargrave. Re- printed from the Morning Chronicle . . . Collection the first. [Pseudonymous.] Svo. Lond. 1800. (Two copies.) 6365 " By George Hardinge." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bohn's ed.), p. 404. Prose on various occasions, literary and political. Collected from the newspapers. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1801. 6366 Componimenti Lirici de' piu illustri Poeti d' Italia scelti da T. J. M. 3 vols. 16mo. Lond. 1802. 6367 *Nuova edizione. 4 vols. Svo. Napoli. 1819. (Two copies.) 6368 No. 1. L. P. With the editor's autograph, being a presentation copy to John Kenyon. At the end of vol. 4 are eight pages (65-72), in 12mo. of verses, six of which are " Sonetti," by Gianbattista Zappi. Aggiunta ai Componimenti Lirici de' piu illustri Poeti d' Italia. 3 vols. (Portrait of Menzini.) 16mo. Lond. 1808. 6369 Canzoni e prose Toscane. 12mo. Lond. 1808. 6370 " Ball' Autore." Observations on the Writings and on the Character of Mr. Gray originally subjoined to the second volume of the complete edition in 1814 of all his works in two volumes in quarto. 16mo. Lond. 1815. 6371 (See also WATSONIANA.) MATTHEWS (HENRY). * The Diary of an Invalid, being the Journal of a Tour in pursuit of health in Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, and France in the years 1817, 1818, and 1819. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1820. G372 MATTHIAE (AUGUSTUS). Animadversiones in Hymuos Homericos cum prolegomenis de cuj usque consilio, partibus, aetate. 8vo. Lips. 1800. (Two copies.) 6373 A Copious Greek Grammar. Translated from the German by Edward Valentine Blomfield. 2 vols. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised ... by John Kenrick. 8vo. Lond. 1832. 6374 Index of quotations from Greek authors contained in the fifth edition of Blomfield's translation of Matthias's Grammar. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 184)1. 6375 A Manual of the history of Greek and Koman Literature. Translated from the third and last edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1841. 6376 MATURIN (CHARLES ROBERT). Bertram ; or, the Castle of St. Aldobrand ; a tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 6377 * Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 6378 Manuel ; a tragedy, in five acts . . . By the Author of Bertram. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1817. 6379 Fredolfo; a tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1819. 6380 Melmoth the Wanderer : a tale. By the author of " Bertram." Second edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1821. 6381 The Universe : a poem. 8vo. Lond. 1821. 6382 MAUNDEVILE (SiR JOHN). * The Voiage and Travaile of Sir J. M., K*. Which treateth of the Way to Hierusalein ; and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Hands and Countryes. Now first publish'd entire from an original MS. in the Cotton Library. 8vo. Lond. 1725. 6383 MAUNDRELL (HENRY). A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem ; at Easter, A.D. 1697. Seventh edition ; to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. 8vo. Oxf., the Theatre. 1749. 6384 Fourth edition. 12mo. Perth. 1800. 6385 [69 MAURICE (THOMAS). Panthea ; or, The Captive Bride : A Tragedy : Founded on a Story in Xeiiophon. To which is added, an Elegy, to the memory of Hugh Duke of Northumberland. 8vo. Lond. 1789. 6386 An Elegiac Poem, sacred to the memory and virtues of Sir William Jones. Containing an historical retrospect on the progress of science, and foreign conquest in Asia. 4to. Lond. 1795. 6387 MAWER (JOHN). A poem inscrib'd to the Queen, on her birthday. Written in the year 1728. . . . [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. 1736. 6388 MAXIMIANUS ETRUSCUS. Cornelii Maximiani Etrusci Galli Elegire sex ex recensione et cum notis Wernsdorfii. Iterum excudi fecit J. A. Giles. 8vo. Lond. 1838. (Two copies.) 6389 MAXIMUS, TYRIUS: Dissertationes XLI. Griece. Cum interpretatione . Dan. Heinsii. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1607. 6390 Presentation copy to Petrus Scriverius with the autograph of D. Heinsius. Dissertationes philosophicse, cum interpretatione et notis Dan. Heinsii hac secunda editione emendatioribus. Accessit Alcinoi in Platonem introductio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1614. 6391 Once Toup's copy with his autograph and MS. notes ; afterwards Harwood's, who has a MS. note on the fly-leaf respecting the value of Toup's notes. Dissertationes ex recensione lo. Davisii. Editio altera. Cui accesserunt Jer. Marklandi annotationes recudi curavit . . . lo. lac. Reiske. 2 pts. (in one vol.). Svo. Lipsise. 1774-75. 6392 MAXIMUS (VALERIUS). V. M. cum selectis variorum observat : et nova recensione A. Thysii. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1670. 6393 MS. notes. V. M. libri novem factorum dictorumque memorabilium ; cum notis integris H. L. Glareani [et aliorum] nee non selectis aliorum observationibus, etc. Recensuit . . . Abr. Torre- nius. 4to. Leidse. 1726. 6394 MAY (THOMAS). The Tragedy of Antigone, the Theban Princesse. Written byT. M. [Orig. ed.] Svo. Lond. 1631. (Two copies.) 6395 The Heire. A Comedie. As it was Acted by. the Company of the Revels. 1620. Written by T. M. 4to. Lond. 1633. 6396 The Reigne of King Henry the Second, written in seaven bookes. (Portrait.) [Orig. ed.] Svo. Lond. 1633. 6397 The victorious reigne of King Edward the Third. Written in seven bookes. (Portrait.) [Orig. ed.] Svo. Lond. 1635. 6398 VOL. III. F 70 MAY (c.on t i nucd). The Tragedie of Cleopatra Queen of ^Egypt. By T. M. Acted 1626. [Orig. ed.] 12mo. Lond. 1639. 6399 The Tragedy of Julia Agrippina ; Empresse of Rome. By T. M. Esq. [Orig. ed.] 12mo. Lond. 1G39. 6400 The Old Couple. A Comedy. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1658. 0401 Historic Parliament! Anglipe Breviarium tribus partibus explicitum. Authore T. M. i.e. T. May. [Orig, ed.] 12mo. Londini. (1C50.) 6402 MAYDISTON (RJCHAKD). Alliterative Poem on the deposition of King Richard II. Ricardi Maydiston de Concordia inter Ric. II. et civitatem London. Edited by Thomas Wright. 4to. Lond., printed for the Camden Society. 1838. 6403 MAYNE (JOHN). The Siller Gun, a poem in five cantos. 8vo. Lond. 1836. 6404 MAZZA (LOTTO DEL). II Ricatto Farsa. 8vo. Firenze. 1588. 6405 MS. notes. MEAD (RICHARD). A mechanical account of poisons, in several essays. Third edition. 8vo, Lond. 1745. 6406 Medica Sacra : sive, de morbis insignioribus, qui in Bibliis memorantur, commentarius. (Portrait inserted.) 8vo. Lond. 1749. 6407 MEADLEY (GEORGE WILSON). Memoirs of William Paley. Second edition. To which is added an Appendix. (Portrait.) 8vo. Edinb. 1810. 6408 * MEDICI (LORENZO DE'). Poesie. In questa edizione nei luoghi mancanti e scorretti compiute, e alia vera lezione ridotte 8vo. Bergamo. 1763. 6409 MEDWIN (THOMAS). * Conversations of Lord Byron : noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1824. 6410 Bound up with this volume, is the number of the Westminster Review, for Jan^. 1825, containing a review of Dallas's " Recollections of Lord Byron " and of the present work ; and " Notes on Captain Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron." The Angler in Wales, or Days and Nights of Sportsmen. 2vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. 6411 * The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 6412 71 MEELIUS (JANUS GUILIELMUS). Insignium viroruni epistolse selectpe, ex bibliotheca J. G. M. Svo. Amstel. 1701. 6413 MEEN (HENRY). Remarks on the Cassandra of Lycophron, a monody. Svo. Lond. 1800. (Two copies.) 6414 No. 1. Presentation copy to Granville Sharpe from the author, with his auto- graph ; also, two autograph letters to Dodsley the Bookseller. Succisivas operse ; or, Selections from Ancient Writers, sacred aud profane, with translations and notes. Svo. Lond. 1S15. 6415 MEETING OF GALLANTS. The Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie ; or, The Walkes in Powles. From an unique black-letter copy in the Bodleian Library. Edited by J. 0. Halliwell. Svo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 15. 1841. 6416 MEIBOMIUS (MARCUS). Antique musicae auctores septem. Grsece et Latine. M. M. restituit ac notis explicavit. 2 vols. (in one). 4to. Amst. 1652. 6417 MEIERUS (MAURITIUS HERMANN us EDUARDUS). Historiae iuris Attici de bonis damnatorum et fiscalium debitorum libri duo. Svo. Berol. 1819.* 6418 MEINEKE (AUGUSTUS). Curae criticae in comicorum fragrnenta ab Athenaeo Servata. Svo. Berol. 1814. (Two copies.) 6419 Quaestionum Menandrearum Specimen Primum. Svo. Berol. 1818. 6420 Quaestionum scenicarurn specimen primum ( tertium) . . . 4to. Berol. 1826-7(1830). 6421 * Analecta Alexandrina sive Commentationes de Euphorione Chalcidensi Rhiano Cretensi Alexandro Aetolo Parthenio Nicaeno. Svo. Berol. 1843. 6422 Philologicarum exercitationum in Athenaei Deipnosophistas specimen primum ( secundum). 4to. Berol. 1843-46. 6423 MS. letter from Meineke. (See also COMICT.) MEKERCHUS (ADOLPHUS). De veteri et recta pronuntiatione linguas Graecre commen- tarius. Svo. Brugis Flancl. 1565. 6424 F 2 72 MELA (POMPONIUS). De situ orbis libri tres. And. Schottus recensuit . . . Additae Hermolai Barbari Veneti, et F. Nonij Pintiani casti- gationes. 4to. Antv. ex off. Chr. Plautini. 1582. 6425 Autograph and MS. notes of the editor, being his own copy. Separate MS. notes. Another edition. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari [et aliorumj. Accedunt P. J. Nunnesii epistola de patria Pomp. Melte . . . et Jac. Perizonii adnotata ad libri I. capita septemdecim. Curante Abr. Gronovio. Edit, tertia. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1782. 6426 Geographica et historica Herodoti, quje Latine Mela ex- scripsit, irapaXXyjX^ coneinnata, ab And. Schotto. 4 to. Antv. 1582. 6427 MELANCTHON (PHILIPPUS). Epistola P. Melanthonis, in qua responditur Flacio Illyrico. 8vo. Vitebergae. 1549. 6428 Melanthonis Epigrainmatum libri tres collecti ab H. Gra- thusio. 8vo. Vitebergae. 1560. 6429 MELEAGER. M. to. a-ufypevx. Meleagri reliquiae lectionis varietatem . . . adiecit I. C. F. Manso. 8vo. lenae. 1789. 6430 MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. M. Gadareni Epigrammata tamquani specimen novae recen- sionis Anthologiae Graecae cum observationibus -eriticis edidit Frid. Graefe. 8vo. Lips. 1811. 6431 MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. MELMOTH (COURTNEY), pseud., i.e. PRATT (SAMUEL JACKSON). Observations on the Night Thoughts of Dr. Young ; with occasional remarks on the beauties of poetical composition. 8vo. Lond. 1776. 6432 " The pencil notes are by Waldrou." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. MELMOTH (WILLIAM). The great importance of a religious life considered. 30th edition. 12mo. Lond. 1798. 6433 " From the Library of the Landgravine of Hesse-IIomburg, the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of King George the Third." ATS. note by Mr. Dyce. Autograph inscription by the Princess. MEMNON. Memnonis Historiarum Heracleae Ponti excerpta servata a Photio Graece cum versione Latina Laur. Rhodomanni Acce- dunt Scriptorum Heracleotarum Nymphidis Promathidae et Dom. Callistrati fragmenta veterum Historicorum loca de rebus Heracleae Ponti et Chionis Heracleotae quae feruntur epistolae cum versione Latina lo. Caselii omnia collegit . . . lo. Conrad. Orellius. . . . accedit lo. Caspari Orellii epistola critica in epistolas Socraticas et Pythagoricas. 8vo. Lips. 1816. 6434 73 MENAGE (GILLES). Poemata. Quarta editio. 12mo. Amst. 1663. 6435 Sexta editio. Svo. Paris. 1 673. 6436 Octava editio. 12mo. Amst. 1687. 6437 In Diogenem Laertium A. M. observationes et emendationes . . . Quibus subjungitur Historia muliertim philosopharum eodem Menagio Scriptore. Accedunt Joach. Kiihnii in Diog. Laert. Observationes . . . 4to. Amst. 1692. 6438 Menagiana ou les Bon Mots et Remarques de Monsieur Menage, recueillies par ses Amis. Troisieme Edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Paris. J715. 6439 MENANDER, COMICUS. MevavSpou KOU $*Aj8i-t\oyonGuiTMoov. F. M. pridem collegit, recentauit, composuit, digessit. 8vo. Lutet, F. Morell. 1609. 6776 MORGAN (MNAMARA). Philoclea. A Tragedy. 12mo. Dublin. 1755. 6777 M ORGAN (SYDNEY OWENSON, afterwards LADY). * The Wild Irish Girl, a National Tale. Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1808. 6778 "Woman; or, Ida of Athens. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1809. 6779 Presentation copy from Mr. Owenson to Sir Charles Thomas Morgan. This copy was from Lady Morgan's library, and has Sir Chas. Morgan's book- plate. France. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. 6780 Italy. 3 vols. 12mo. Par. 1821. 6781 Letter to the reviewers of " Italy ;" including an answer to a pamphlet entitled " Observations upon the calumnies and misrepresentations in Lady Morgan's Italy." 12mo. Par. 1821. 6782 The Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. New edition. (Por- trait of S. Rosa.) 8vo. Lond. 1855. 6783 MORGANN (MAURICE). * An Essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 6784 MORLEY (HENRY). * The King and the Commons. Cavalier and Puritan Song. Selected and arranged by H. M. 12mo. Lond. 1868. 6785 MORRIS (CHARLES). Lyra Urbanica ; or, the social effusions of the celebrated Captain C. M. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1840. 6786 MORRIS (EDWARD). False Colours, a comedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 6787 VOL. III. H 102 MORRIS (Joiix). The Last Illness of His Eminence Cardinal Wiseman. Se- cond edition. 8vo. Lond. 1 805. 6788 MORRITT (JOHN BACON SAWREY). A Vindication of Homer and of the ancient poets and his- torians, who have recorded the siege and fall of Troy. In answer to two late publications of Mr. Bryant. With a map and plates. 4to. York. 1798. (Two copies.) 6789 A Review of J. B. S. M.'s Vindication of Homer. Published in the British Critick Jan. 1st and March 1st, 1799. [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. n. d. 6790 Additional remarks on the togography of Troy, etc. as given by Homer, Strabo, and the ancient geographers ; in answer to Mr. Bryant's last publications. 4to. Lond. 1800. (Two copies.) 6791 MORTIMER (CHARLES EDWARD). An historical memoir of the political life of John Milton. 4to. Lond. 1805. 6792 MORTON (THOMAS). Zorinski : a Play, in Three Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1795. (Three copies.) 6793 New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 6794 The Way to Get Married ; a Comedy, in five Acts. 8vo. . Lond. 1796. 6795 ' A Cure for the Heart Ache ; a Comedy, in Five Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1797. (Four copies.) 6796 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1797. 6797 Secrets Worth Knowing ; a comedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1798. (Three copies.) 6798 Speed the Plough : A Comedy, in Five Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 6799 Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1800. (Two copies.) 6800 Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 6801 Eleventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1801. 6802 New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 6803 The School of Reform ; or, How to Rule a Husband. A comedy, in five Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 6804 Education : a Comedy, in five Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1813. (Three copies.) 6805 103 Town and Country. A Comedy, in five Acts. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1815. 6806 The Slave ; a musical drama, in three Acts. . 8vo. Lond. 1816. 6807 MORUS (SAMUEL FRIDERICUS NATHANIEL). De Vita loannis lacobi Reiskii. (Portrait of Reiske.) 8vo. Lips. 1777. 6808 MOSCHUS. Moschi, Bionis, Theocriti . . . idyllia aliquot, ab Henr. Stephano Latina facta. 4to. Venetiis, Aldus. 1555. 6809 Idyllia tria, Graece. Notis illustravit E. Cogan. 8vo. [Lond.] 1795. ' 6810 The Idylliunis of M. and B., translated from the Greek. With Annotations. To which is prefixed an account of their lives ; with some remarks on their works ; and some observa- tions upon pastoral. By Mr. (Thomas) Cooke. 8vo. Lond. 1724. (Two copies.) 6811 MOSHEIM (JOHN LAWRENCE). An Ecclesiastical History, antient and modern, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century. Translated from the original . . . with notes By Archibald Maclaine. 2 vols. 4 to. Lond. 1765 6812 MOTHERWELL (WILLIAM). Minstrelsy : Ancient and Modern, with an historical intro- duction and notes. 4to. Glasgow. 1827. 6813 MOTTETJX (PETER ANTHONY). The Temple of Love : a pastoral opera. English'd from the Italian. All sung to the same musick. By Signior J. Saggione. 4to. Lond. 1706. 6814 Thorayris, Queen of Scythia. An opera. 4to. Lond. 1707. 6815 Love's Triumph, An opera. 4to. Lond. 1708. 6816 MOULTRU (Rev. ). False and True, a play in three acts. [Anon.] Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 6817 " By the Kev. Mr. Moultru." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. MOUNTAGUE, or MONTAGUE (WALTER). The Shepherd's Paradise. A Comedy. Privately Acted before the Late King Charls by the Queen's Majesty, and Ladies of Honour. 8vo. Lond. 1629.' " 6818 Second title page (1659) inserted. Book-plate and MS. note of J. Bindley. H 2 104 MOUNT-EDGCUMBE (Earl of). * Musical Reminiscences, containing an account of the Italian Opera in England, from 1773. Fourth edition, con- tinued to the present time, and including the Festival in Westminster Abbey. IGmo. ' Lond. 1834. 6819 MOUNTFORT (WILLIAM). Six Plays. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1720. G820 Vol. I. Containing, I. The Injur'd Lovers, or, The Am- bitious Father. II. The Successful Strangers. III. Greenwich Park. To which is prefix'd some Memoirs of the Life of Mr. Mountfort. Vol. II. Containing, I. King Edward the Third, With the Fall of Mortimer Earl of March. II. The Life and Death of Dr. Faustus. III. Henry the Second, King of England ; with the Death of "Rosamond. The Successfull Straingers. A trage-comedv. 4to. Lond. 1690. 6821 MOXON (EDWARD). Sonnets. F. P. 12mo. Lond. (Printed.) 1843. 6822 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Author. MOZART (JOHN CHRYSOSTOM WOLFGANG THEOPHILUS). First Mass, (in C), With Latin and English Words, the latter added and adapted by R. G. Loraine. In vocal score, With an accompaniment ... by V. Novello. . . . E. Holmes' Critical Essay. . . . 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6823 Requiem Mass, in vocal score, with a separate accompani- ment . . . by V. Novello ... an adaptation to Eng- lish words has been added by R. G. Loraine. E. Holmes' Critical Essay. . . . 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6824 and others. The Three favourite Masses, composed by Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven, in vocal score, with an accompaniment . . . by Vincent Novello. Mozart's Twelfth Mass ... an adaptation to English words by R. G. Loraine. . . . E. Holmes' Critical Essay. . . . 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6825 The three favourite Masses . . . Haydn's third (or Im- perial) Mass . . . adaptation to English words by R. G. Loraine. . . . E. Holmes' Critical Essay. . . . 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6826 The three favourite Masses . . . Beethoven's Mass in C . . . an adaptation to English words by R. G. Loraine. . . . E. Holmes's Critical Essay. . . . 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6827 105 MUCEDORUS. * A Most pleasant Comedie of Mucedorus the Kings sonne of Yalentia, and Amadine the Kinges daughter of Arragon, with the merrie conceites of Mouse. Newly set foorth as it hath bin sundry times playde in the honorable Cittie of London. Very delectable, and full of mirth. 4 to. Lond. 1606. 6828 * Another edition. . . . Amplified with new Additions as it was acted before the Kings Maiesty at Whitehall, on Shrouesunday night. By his Highnesse Seruants, vsually playing at the Globe, Very delectable, and full of conceited mirth. 4to. Lond. 1626. 6829 MUDFORD (WILLIAM). A Critical Examination of the Writings of Richard Cum- berland. Also Memoirs of his Life. And an appendix, con- taining twenty-six of his original Letters. New edition. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1812. 6830 MULLER (KARL OTFKIED). * History of the literature of ancient Greece, to the period of Isocrates. Translated from the German manuscript of K. O. M., by George Cornwall Lewis, and John William Donaldson. New edition. Published under the superinten- dence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6831 A vol. of the " Library of Useful Knowledge." * A History of the Literature of ancient Greece. Continued after the author's death by John William Donaldson. 3 vols. (Portrait of Muller.) 8vo. Lond. 1858. 6832 * Dissertations on the Eumenides of ^Eschylus ; with the Greek text and critical remarks. From the German of C. O. M. 8vo. Camb. 1835. 6833 * The History and Antiquities of the Doric race. Translated from the German by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall Lewis. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. 6834 MUNCHAUSEN (BARON). The surprising travels and ad ventures of B. M. . . . Also an account of a voyage into the Moon and Dog Star. . . . New and complete edition. [Ascribed to Rudolph Erich Raspe.] 8vo. Lond. n. d. 6835 The surprising travels and adventures of Baron M. (Dove's English Classics.) 12mo. Lond. 1826. ' 6836 10G MUNDAY (ANTHONY). The Downfall of Robert, Earle of Huntington, Afterward called Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde : with his loue to chaste Matilda, the Lord Fitzwaters daughter, afterwardes his faire Maide Marian. Acted by the Right Honourable, the Earle of Notinghara, Lord high Adtnirall of England, his seruants. [Anon.] B. L. 4to. Lond. 1601. G837 * Another edition. With illustrations and notes by J. Payne Collier. (No. I. of Collier's supplement to Dodsley's Old Plays.) 8vo. Lond. 1828. (See No. 7561.) John a Kent and John a Cumber; a comedy. Printed from the original manuscript, the property of E. M. L. Mostyn. With other tracts by the same author. The introductory notes by J. Payne Collier. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1851. 6838 and CHETTLE (HENRY). The Death of Robert, Earle of Hvntington. Otherwise called Robin Hood of merrie Sherwodde : With the lamentable Tragedie of chaste Matilda, his faire maid Marian, poysoned at Dunmowe by King lohn. Acted. . . . [Anon.] B. L. 4to. Lond. 1601. 6839 Another edition. With illustrations and notes by J. P. Collier. (No. II. of Collier's Supplement to Dodsley.) 8vo. Lond. 1828. (See No. 7561.) MUNDY (FRANCIS NOEL CLARKE). Poems. [Anon.] 4to. Oxf. 1768. 6840 "By the elegant author of Needwood Forest.'" MS. note. * Need wood Forest. [Anon.] 4to. Lichfield. 1776. 6841 Need wood Forest. Written in the year 1776. Never pub- lished. [Anon.] F. P. 4to. Derby : re-printed. 1811. 6842 The Fall of Need wood. (Signed F. N. C. M.) 4to. Derby. 1808. (Two copies.) 6843 No. i. F. P. MUNTER (D.). A Narrative of the conversion and death of Count Struensee, formerly Prime Minister of Denmark. Translated from the German, by the Rev. Mr. Windeborn. With an introduction and notes, by Thomas Rennell. 8vo. Lond. 1824. 6844 MURATORI (LoDovico ANTONIO). Delia Perfetta Poesia Italiana spiegata, e dimostrata con varie Osservazioni. . . . Con le Annotazioni Critiche deir Abate Anton Maria Salvini. 2 vols. 4to. Venezia. 1724. 6845 " This copy belonged to John Bowie : see his autograph." MS. note lij Mr. Dyce. 107 MURETUS (MARCUS ANTONIUS). Opera omnia, ex MSS. aucta & emendata, cum brevi anno- tatione D. Ruhnkenii. 4 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1789. 6846 Another edition. Edidit C. H. Frotscher. 3 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1834. 6847 [Half-title.] M. Ant. Mureti, Renati Pincaei, et Fed. Morelli nomismatographia. 8vo. n. p. n. d. 6848 Ivvenilia. 12mo. Par. 1579. 6849 Another edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1757. 6850 Variarum Lectionum libri XV. 8vo. Antv. 1580. 6851 MS. notes by Person. MURILLO, BARTOLOME ESTEBAN. The Life of B. E. M., compiled from the writings of various authors. Translated by Edward Davies. 8vo. Lond. 1819. 6852 MURPHY (ARTHUR). Works. 7 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1786. 6853 Vol. I. The Orphan of China (T.). Zenobia (T.). The Grecian Daughter (T.). Alzuma (T.). Vol. II. The Apprentice (C.). The Upholsterer (C.). The Old Maid (C.). The Citizen (C.). No One's Enemy but his Own (C.). Three Weeks after Marriage (C.). * Vol. III. The Way to Keep Him (C.). All in the Wrong (C.). The Desert Island, a dramatic poem. Vol. IV. Know your own Mind (C.). The School for Guardians (C.). The Choice (C.). News from Parnassus, a prelude. Vol. V. Gray's-Inn Journal, No. 1-52. Vol. VI. Gray's-Inn Journal, No. 53-104. * Vol. VII. (Includes) The Rival Sisters, a tragedy. The Way to Keep Him, a Comedy in three Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1760. 6854 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1787. 6855 The Old Maid. A comedy in two acts. 8vo. Lond. 1761. 6856 The Grecian Daughter: a tragedy. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1772. 6857 Seventeen Hundred and Ninety-One : A Poem, in imitation of the thirteenth Satire of Juvenal. 4to. Lond. 1791. 6858 108 MURPHY (continued). The Rival Sisters. A tragedy. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1793. 6859 * An Essay on the life and genius of Samuel Johnson. Svo. Lond. 1793. G8GO * The Life of David Garrick. 2 vols. (Portraits, one in- serted) Svo. Lond. 1801. G861 Know Your Own Mind. A Comedy ; in five Acts. With prefatory remarks by W. Oxberry. 12mo. Lond. -1821. G8G2 MURPHY (DENNIS JASPER). Fatal Revenge ; or, The Family of Montorio, A Romance. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1807- 6863 MURTOLA (GASPARO). Rime. Cioe Gli Occhi d'Argo. Le Lacrime. I Pallori. I Nei. I Baci. Le Veneri. Gl' Amori. 12mo. Venet. 1603. 6864 Delia Creatione del Mondo Poema Sacro, Giorni sette, Canti sedici. 12mo. Venet. 1608. 6865 Another edition Canti ventidue di novo ac- cresciuti. 12mo. Macerata. 1618. 6866 MUS^E. Musae Britannicae, e poernatis varii argument!, vel hacte- nus ineditis, vel sparsim editis et rarissimis, constantes. L. P. Svo. Lond. 1711. 6867 Musarurn Anglicanarum analecta : sive poemata quaedam melioris notae, seu hactenus inedita, seu sparsim edita. Editio quarta. Vols. I.-II. 12mo. Lond. 1721. Vol. III. 12mo. Oxon. e typ. Clarend. 1717. 6868 Musae Juveniles. [By J. Burton.] 8vo. Lond. 1732. 6869 Uova-uv Av&r) sive selecta poetriarum Grsecarum carmina et fragmenta edidit, earum vitas . . . adiecit A. Schneider. Svo. Giesae. 1802. 6870 Musas Rhetorines seu Carminum libros quinque a selectis olim Rhetorices Alumnis elaborates . . . recognovit J. A Amar. 12mo. Par. 1809. 6871 Musa? Etonenses, seu Carminum Etonae conditorum delectus. Editio altera, aucta. Opere et cura Gulielmi Herbert. 2 vols. Svo. Etonae. 1817. 6872 MUSAEUM MINERVAE. The Constitutions of the Alnsaeum Minervse. 4 to. Lond. 1636. 6873 109 MUS^EUS, GRAMMATICUS. Ta KO%' Hpu KCU AsavS/jof. De Herone et Leandro carmen. Cum scholiis Graecis. . . . Ex recensione Math. Rover. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1737. 6874 Another edition. Cum conjecturis ineditis Petr. Francii, ex recensione Johan. Schraderi. . . . 8vo. Leovardiae. 1742. (Two copies.) 6875 No. 1. MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. Another edition. Editionem novam Auctiorem curavit G. H. Schaefer. 8vo. Lips. 1825. 6876 MUSEUM. * The Museum : Or, the Literary and Historical Register. 3vols. 8vo. Lond. 1746-7. 6877 * The Literary Museum ; or, a selection of scarce old tracts . . (Edited by Francis Godolphin Waldron.) 8vo. Lond. 1792. 6878 Museum Criticum ; or. Cambridge Classical Researches. 2vols. 8vo. Camb. 1814-26. 6879 MUSGRAVE (SAMUEL). Exercitationum in Euripidem libri duo. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1762. 6880 Two Dissertations. I. On the Grecian Mythology. II. An Examination of Sir Isaac Newton's objections to the chro- nology of the Olympiads. 8vo. Lond. 1782. 6881 MUSURUS (MAKCUS). Carmen admirandum in Platonem ; una cum versione Latina, et Zenobii Acciaioli metaphrasi poetica, nunc separatim edi- tum a Philippo Munckero. 4to. Amst. 1676. 6882 Presentation copy from the Editor, with autograph inscription. Rev. J. Mit- ford's copy and MS. notes. M. Musuri carmen in Platonem. Is. Casauboni in loseph. Scaligerum ode. Accedunt poemata et exercitationes utriusque linguae. Auctore S. Butler. Subjiciuntur Hymnus Cleanthis Stoici. dementis Alexandrini hymni duo. Hen. Stephani adhortatio ad lectionem Novi Foederis. Conscripsit, etc. Samuel Butler. 8vo. Cantabr. 1797. 6883 MUTIO JUSTINOPOLITANO (GIROLAMO). Egloghe divise in cinque libri. Svo. Vinegia. 1550. 6884 MYSTERIES. * Ancient Mysteries from the Digby Manuscripts. Pre- served in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 4to. Edinb., Printed for the Abbotsford Club. 1835. 6885 110 MYSTERIES (continued). Early Mysteries, and other Latin Poems of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries : edited from the original manuscripts. ... By Thomas Wright. 8vo. Lond. 1838. 6886 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce with the editor's autograph. MYTHOGRAPHI. Mythographi Latini. C. Jul. Hyginus. Fab. Planciades Fulgentius. Lactantius Placidus. Albricus Philosophus. Thomas Munckerus omnes ex libris MSS. instruxit. 2 vols. (Portrait of Munckerus.) 8vo. Amst. 1681. 6887 N. N. Canti Cinque della Gverra delle Mosche, et delle Formiche ridotta in ottaua rima da N. Con gli aiuti hauuti dalF vna, & 1' altra parte di Zenzale, Tauani, Moschini, Lucciole, Cimici, Pulci, Pidocchi, Piatole, & altri innumerabili animali simili 12mo. Viterbo. 1615. 6888 NABBES (THOMAS). Microcosmus. A morall maske presented with general 1 liking, at the private house in Salisbury Court, and heere set down according to the intention of the Authour T. N. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1637. (Two copies.) 6889 Hannibal and Scipio. An historicall tragedy. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1637. (Two copies.) 6890 The Springs Glorie. Vindicating Love by temperance against the tenent, Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus. Moralized in a maske. With other poems, epigrams, elegies, and epithala- miums of the Authors. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1638. 6891 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1639. 6892 Covent-Garden, a pleasant comedy. 4to. Lond. 1639. 6893 Totenham-Court, a pleasant comedy. 4to. Lond. 1639. 6894 The Bride, a comedie. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1640. 6895 The Vnfortunate Mother. A tragedie. Never acted ; but set downe according to the intention of the Author. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1640. (Two copies.) 6896 NABOTH. Naboth's Vineyard : or, the Innocent Traytor ; copied from the original of Holy Scripture, in heroick verse. 4to. Lond 1679. 6897 Ill NANNIUS (PETRUS). ZvfApiKTuv, sive, Miscellaneorum decas una. 8vo. Lugd. 1548. 6898 MS. notes. R. Heber's copy. NAOGEORGUS (THOMAS). Agriculturae sacrae libri quinque. 8vo. Basil. 1550. 6899 " Very rare." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. NARENSKY. Songs, duets, choruses, etc. in the new serio-comic opera called Narensky ; or, the Road to Yaroslaf. 8vo. Lond. 1814. 6900 NARES (EDWARD). Thinks-I-to-Myself ; a Serio-Ludicro, Tragico-Comico Tale, written by Thinks-I-to-Myself, Who ? [Anon.] To which is added a preface concerning the Author. . . . 12mo. Lond. n. d. 6901 Sixth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1812. 6902 NARES (ROBERT). * Remarks on the nature of Pantomime, or imitative dance, ancient and modern : with a particular account of a favourite ballet, and of a very curious allegory. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1789. 6903 MS. note by the Author. A Glossary ; or, collection of words, phrases, names, and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc. which have been thought to require illustration, in the works of English Authors, par- ticularly Shakespeare, and his contemporaries. 4to. Lond. 1822. ' 6904 Autograph letter from the Author to Mr. Dyce, inserted. NASH (THOMAS). * Pierce Pennilesse his Supplication to the Diuell. B. L. 4to. Lond., N. Ling. 1595. 6905 Pierce Penniless's supplication to the Devil. From the first edition of 1592, compared with later impressions. With an introduction and notes, by J. P. Collier. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1842. 6906 * Haue with you to Saffron-walden. Or, Gabriell Harueys Hunt is vp. Containing a full answere to the eldest sonne of the Halter-maker. Or, Nashe his confutation of the sinfull Doctor. The Mott or Posie, in stead of Omne tulit punctum : Pacis fiducia nunquam. As much to say, as I sayd I would speake with him. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond., John Danter. 1596. 6907 112 NASH (continued). A Pleasant Comedie, called Summers last will aud Testament. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1600. 6908 NATIONAL GALLERY. Protest and Counter-Statement against the Report from the Select Committee on the National Gallery . . . (Signed by F. Y. Hurlstone, W. Coningham, and others.) (Second edition.) 8vo. Lond. 1855. 6909 NAUDfi (GABRIEL), and PATIN (Gui). Nauda?ana et Patiniana. Ou singularitez remarquables, prises des conversations de Mess. N. et P. Seconde Edition. (Portraits of Patin & Naudd) ]2mo. Amst. 1703. 6910 NAYARRE (MARGUERITE, Queen of). See MARGUERITE. NECROMANCER. A Dramatick entertainment, call'd the Necromancer : or, Harlequin, Doctor Faustus. Third edition. To which is pre- fix'd, a short account of Doctor Faustus ; and how he came to be reputed a Magician. 8vo. Lond. 1724. 6911 NECTARIUS, Archbishop of Constantinople. Ev Uafovtrti Tt\ /3jSA(B. ... In hoc libro insunt haec. Beati Nectarij . . . oratio una. B. lo. Chrysostomi orationes sex. Hte nunc primum typis excusae sunt diligentia loach. Perionij. 8vo. Gr. Par. 1554. 6912 NEEDHAM, or NEDHAM (MARCHMONT). The Levellers levell'd. Or, the Independents conspiracie to root out Monarchie. An interlude. Written by Mercurius Pragmaticus. Printed in the yeere 1647. 4to. 6913 NEGRO (MARIN). La Pace Comedia non meno piacevole die ridicolosa. Non mai piv stampata. 8vo. Yenet. 1561. 6914 NELSON (ROBERT). A Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England : with collects and prayers for each solemnity. Twenty-second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1762. 6915 Twenty-third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1766. 6916 NEMESIANUS (M. AURELIUS OLYMPIUS). M. A. O. Nemesiani Carthaginiensis, T. Calphvrnii Sicvli Bucolica . . . nouisq; Commentary s. . . , Rob. Titii. 4to. Florent. 1590. 6917 " A very rare book." MS. note by Mr. Dyce, 113 NEMESIUS. N. irep* IJOT*OJ hoc est Sibyllina Oracula . . . notis illustrata a loh. Opsopo?o cum interpretatione Latina Seb. Castalionis. 8vo. Paris. 1599. 7072 Another edition. 8vo. Paris. 1607. 7073 Another edition . . . opera et studio Servatii Gallsei : Accedunt etiam Oracula Magica Zoroastris, Jovis, Apollinis, etc. Astrampsychi Oneiro-Criticum, &c. . . . 4to. Amst. 1689. 7074 ORAM (SAMUEL MARSH). Poems ; by the late S. M. O. : An introduction, by Percival Stockdale. 4to. (Lond.) Philanthrophic Press. 1794. (Two copies.) 7075 ORANGE. To the Prince of Orange, upon the opening of the Campagne, 1684. 4to. Lond. 1684. 7076 ORATIO. Anonymi Gr. Oratio funebris in Imp. Fl. Cl. Constantinum lun. Constantini M. Fil. apud Aquileiam interemptum. Grseca nunc primdm ex Bib. Palatina prodeunt. Fed. Morellus . Latine vertit notisque illustravit. Lat. Gr. 8vo. Lutet. n. d. (1616.) (Two copies.) 7077 ORATORES. Oratorum Grsecorum quorum Princeps est Demosthenes, quse supersunt . . . commentariis integris Hier. Wolfii, lo. Taylori, lerem. Marklandi, aliorXim, et suis indicibus denique instructa edidit lo. lac. Reiske. 12 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1770-75. 7078 Oratores Attici ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. 5 vols. 8vo. Berol. 1823-4. . 7079 ORBO (DOMENEQO). La Canzone della Gobba. 8vo. Trevigi. 1628. 7080 ORFORD, Earl of. (See WALPOLE.) ORIGENES. * ft. Kara KeXo-ou. . . . Originis contra Celsum libri octo. Ejusdem Philocalia. Gul. Spencerus utriusque operis versio- nem recognovit . . . Gr. Lat. 4to. Cantab. 1658. 7081 Another edition. Accedunt item notse Dav. Hoeschelii in octo libros Origenis, una cum notis Jo. Tarini in Philocaliam. 4to. Cantab. 1677. 7082 127 A Letter of resolution concerning Origen and the chief of his opinions. Written to C. L. ; and by him published. 4to. Lond. 1661. 7083 ORION. See ETYMOLOGICON. ORLEANS (CHARLES,. Duke of). Podsies de Charles d'Orle*ans, pere de Louis XII. et oncle de Frangois I er ., Rois de France. 12mo. Paris. 1809. 7084 * Poems written in English, by Charles Duke of Orleans, during his captivity in England after the battle of Agincourt. (Now first printed from the MS. in the British Museum, by George Watson Taylor, for the Roxburghe Club.) 4to. Lond. 1827. 7085 OROSIUS (PAULTJS). Adversus Paganos Historiarum libri septem, ut et Apolo- geticus contra Pelagium de Arbitrii Libertate . . . Recen- suit . . . Sigeb. Havercampus. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1738. 7086 ORPHEUS. O. AiravTa.. Orphei Argonautica hymni Libellus de lapidibus et Fragmenta cum notis H. Stephani et A. C. Eschenbachii. Textum recensuit ... lo. M. Gesnerus curante G. C. Hambergero. 8vo. Lips. 1764. 7087 Gilbert Wakefield's copy with his Autograph and MS. notes: afterwards Rev. J. Mitford's with MS. note. ivta, . . . Argonautica Hymni et de lapidibus curante A. C. Eschenbachio cum notis. Accedunt H. Stephani in omnia et Jos. Scaligeri in Hymnos noise. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1689. (Three copies.) 7088 No. 1. MS. notes. ilepi A0&. De Lapidibus, poema Orpheo a quibusdam ad- scriptum, Gr. et Lat., ex editione I. M. Gesneri. Recensuit Thomas Tyrwhitt. Simul prodit auctarium disserta- tionis de Babrio. 8vo. Lond. 1781. (Three copies.) 7089 No. 1. MS. notes by Person. Orphica. Cum notis H. Stephani A. C. Eschenbachii I. M. Gesneri Th. Tyrwhitti recensuit Godofredus Hermannus. 2 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae. 1805. (Two copies.) 7090 No. 1. " Vellum paper only 12 copies printed." OP*EQC TMNOL The book of the Orphic Hymns, together with the principal fragments of other hymns also attributed to Orpheus. The whole extracted from Hermann's edition of the Orphica (by Julian Hibbert). Printed in uncial letters as a typographical experiment, and published for the sum of three shillings and sixpence in the year 1827. 8vo. (Kentish Town, Lond.) (See also 7592.) 7091 The Mystical Hymns. Translated from the Greek . . . by Thomas Taylor. Second edition. 8vo. Chiswick. 1824. (Two copies.) . 7092 128 ORRERY (CHARLES BOYLE, afterwards Earl of). Dr. Bcntley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the Fables of ^Esop, examin'd. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1698. 7093 Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1745. 7094 ORRERY (JOHN BOYLE, Earl of). The First Ode of the First Book of Horace imitated, and inscribed to the Earl of Chesterfield. (With the Latin text.) Folio. Lond. 1741. 7095 Pyrrha : an imitation of the Fifth Ode of the First Book of Horace. (With the Latin text). Fol. Lond. 1741. 7096 Remarks on the life and writings of Jonathan Swift . . . Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1752. 7097 Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1752. 7098 ORRERY (ROGER BOYLE, Earl of). Dramatic Works. To which is added, a Comedy, intitled As You Find It. By the Hon. Charles Boyle, afterwards Earl of Orrery. (Portrait.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1739. 7099 Vol. I. The Black Prince. Tryphon. Henry the Fifth. Mustapha. Vol. II. Herod the Great. Altemira. Guzman, a Comedy. Horace Walpole's book plate. Parthenissa, that most fam'd romance. The six volumes [i.e. parts] compleat. Folio. Lond. 1676. 7100 Two new Tragedies. The Black Prince, and Tryphon . . . Folio. Lond. 1672. 7101 The second tragedy does not appear. * The Tragedy of Mustapha, The son of Solyman The Magnificent. Folio. Lond. 1690. 7102 ORTON (Jos). Memoirs of the life, character, and writings of the late Philip Doddridge of Northampton. Second edition. (Portrait.) 8vo. Salop. 1766. 7103 ORCTS APOLLO NILIACUS, or ORAPOLLO. Horapollinis hieroglyphica Greece et Latine, cum notis J. Merceri et D. Hoeschelii, et selectis N. Caussini. Curante J. C. de Pauw. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1727. 7104 OSBORN (FRANCIS). Politicall reflections upon the government of the Turks . . . By the Author of the late Advice to a Son. 1 2mo. Lond. 1656. 7105 129 Advice to a Son. Or directions for your better conduct, through the various and most important encounters of this life . . . Sixt edition. 12mo. Oxf. 1658. 7106 Second part. 12mo. Lond. 1658. 7107 Historical memoires on the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James. [Second title.] Traditional memoires on the reign of Queen Elizabeth. [Third title.] Traditionall memoyres on the raigne of King lames. [Anon.] (Portraits of Elizabeth and James.) 12mo. Lond. 1658. " 7108 A Miscellany of sundry essay es . ' . . together with politicall deductions from the history of the Earl of Essex, executed under Queen Elizabeth. 12mo. Lond. 1659. 7109 OSORIUS (HlERONYMUS). De Gloria libri V. 4to. Florentine, 1552. 7110 OSSIAN. The Poems of Ossian, &c. Containing the poetical works of James Macpherson, in prose and rhyme : with notes and illus- trations by Malcolm Laing. (Portrait of Macpherson.) 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1805. 7111 Report of the Committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, appointed to inquire into the nature and authority of the Poems of Ossian. Drawn up ... by Henry Mackenzie. 8vo. Edinb. 1805. 7112 OTTER (JEAN). Voyage en Turquie et en Perse. Avec une relation des expeditions de Tahmas Kouli-Khan. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1748. 7113 " This book belonged to the poet Gray, and has his MS. notes. See the begin- ning and end of Vol. I." . . . MS. note by Mr. Dyce. OTTLEY (HENRY). Fechter's version of Othello, critically analysed, with pre- fatory observations on the stage, the audience, and the critics. 8vo. Lond. 1861. 7114 OTWAY (THOMAS). The Works of Mr. Thomas Otway. Containing these following Tragedies and Comedies. I. Alcibiades. II. Friend- ship in Fashion. III. The Orphan, or the Unhappy Marriage. IV. The Souldiers Fortune. V. The Second Part of the Souldiers Fortune. VI. Titus and Berenice, with the Cheats of Scapin. VII. Venice Preserv'd. VIII. Don Carlos, Pr. of Spain. IX. The History and Fall of Caius Marius. 4to. Lond. 1692. 7115 130 OTWAY (continued). Works. Consisting of his plays, poeins, and letters. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. 1757. 71 1G Vol. I. (An Account of the Life arid Writings of T. O.). Alcibiades (T.). Don Carlos (T,). Titus and Berenice- (T.), with the Cheats of Scapin (F.). Vol. II. Friendship in Fashion (C.). The Soldier's Fortune (G). The Atheist, or the Second Part of the Soldier's Fortune. Vol. III. The Orphan (T.). The History and Fall of Caius Marius (T.). Venice Preserved (T.). Poems and Letters. * Works . . . With a sketch of his life, enlarged from that written by Dr. Johnson. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1812. 7117 The Plays are the same as in No. 7116. Windsor Castle ... A poem. 4to. Lond. 1685. (Two copies.) 7118 OULTON (WALLEY CHAMBERLAIN). My Landlady's Gown, a farce in two acts. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 7119 OVERBURY (Sm THOMAS). Sir T. O. his Wife. With additions of new characters, and many other wittie conceits neuer before printed. Twelfth impression. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1627. 7120 * The Wife, a poem. Express 'd in a compleat Wife. With an elegy on the untimely death of the Author, poyson'd in' the Tower, etc. 17th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1709. 7121 OVIDIUS NASO (PUBLIUS). Opera, Editio nova. Nic. Heiiisius recensuit. 3 vols. 12mo. Amst., Elzevir. 1661. 7122 Opera omnia, cum integris Nicolai Heinsii notis : quibus non pauca . . . nccesserunt, studio B. Cnippingii. 3 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1670. 7123 [Half title.] P. O. N. Opera ouinia, IV. voluininibus comprehensa. [Main title.] P. 0. N. . . . Cum integris Jac. Micylli, Here. Ciofani, Dan. etNic. Heinsiorum, et excerptis aliorum notis, quibus suas adiecit Petrus Burmannus. 4 vols. (Portrait of Ovid inserted.) 4to. Amst. 1727. 7124 Each vol. has its own title-page indicating its contents, with the names of the commentators, etc. * Opera ad optimas editiones collata praemittitur vita ab Aldo Pio Manutio. Editio secimda, 3 vols. 8vo. Argent. 1807. 7125 [131 Erotica efc amatoria opuscula . . . 8vo. Francof. 1610. 7126 Metamorphoseon libri XV. . . . illustravit Daniel Chrispinus Helvetius. 14th edition. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 7127 * Decerpta ex Metamorphoseon libris ; notis Anglicis illus- trata. A Gulielmo Willymotto. Editio nova. 8vo. Edinb. 1783. 7128 Fastorum libri VI. Recensuit . . G. E. Gierig. (Vol. 2 Index rerum, etc.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1812-14. 7129 Translations. * All Ovids Elegies : 3. Bookes. By C. M. [Christopher Marlow]. Epigrams by J. D. [John Davies.] 12mo. At Mid- dlebourgh. n, d. 7130 Cut down. T. Park's copy with his MS. notes (some inserted). Another edition. 12mo. At Middlebovrgh. n. d. 7131 * Certaine v of Ovids Elegies. By C Marlow. 4to. At Midleborugh. n. d. (Together with) Epigrammes and Elegies. By I. D. and C. M. 4to. At Middleborugh. n. d. 7132 Reprint. " Only 50 printed and only 25 of these for sale. No. 24." The xv. Bookes of P. Ouidius Naso, entituled, Metamorphosis. Translated out of Latine into English meeter, by Arthur Golding. B. L. 4to. Lond. 1603. 7133 "Frs. Wrangham 1816." Metamorphosis Englished, by Geo. Sandys. Sixth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1669. 7134 Metamorphoses, in fifteen books. Translated by Mr. Dryden, Mr. Addison . . . and other eminent hands. Published by Sir Samuel Garth. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1751. 7135 Le Metamorfosi ridotte da Giovanni Andrea dell' Anguil- lara in ottava rima. 3 vols. (Portrait of Anguillara.) 8vo. Milano. 1805. 7136 Epistles, translated by Several Hands. Fourth edition. [Second title.] The three Epistles of A*ulus Sabinus : in answer to as many of Ovid. Made English by Mr. Salusbury. 8vo. Lond. 1688. 7137 The " three Epistles " occur first in the vol. with a separate title and pagination, and should have been bound up at the end of the vol. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1701. 7138 Another edition. Adorn'd with cutts. 12mo. Lond. 1716. 7139 132 OVIDIUS NASO (continued). Epistles : with his Amours. Translated into English verse, by the most eminent Hands. 8vo. Lond. 1748. 7140 Tristia. Containing five books of mournful elegies. . . . Newly translated into English by T. P. 8vo. Lond. 1713. 7141 " A scarce book." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Art of Love. . . . Together with his Remedy of Love. Translated by Dry den, Congreve, and others. To which are added, the Court of Love : a tale from Chaucer : and .the History of Love. 8vo. Lond. 1764. 7142 Certamen inter Ajacem et UJyssem, de armis Achillis. Ex O. Metamorphoseon lib. XIII. Translated into the Buchan dialect. 8vo. Edinb. 1801. 7143 OWAIN MILES. Owain Miles, and other inedited fragments of ancient English Poetry (viz. II. Fragment of the metrical romance of King Richard. III. Satirical Poem on the State of England. IV. Moral Poem on the changes of life. V. Disputation be- twixt the body and soul. VI. The Harrowing of Hell.) 8vo. Edinb. 1837. 7144 32 copies printed only, for private distribution. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce. OWEN (JOANNES). Epigrammatum I. 0. Cambro-Britani Oxoniensis . . . libri decem. Editio sexta. 12mo. Lond. 1633. 7145 Editio postrema. 24mo. Lugd. Bat. 1682. 7146 OWEN (ROBERT). Hypermnestra, or, Love in Tears. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1703. 7147 OWL'S ALMANACK. * The Owles Almanacke. Prognosticating many strange acci- dents which shall happen to this Kingdome of Great Britaine this yeare 1618. Calculated as well for the meridian mirth of London as any other part of Great Britaine. Found in an Ivy- bush written in old characters, and now published in English by the painefull labours of Mr. locundary Merrie-braines. 4to. Lond. 1618. 7148 MS. notes. OXFORD. A Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion : being a complete supplement to all the Accounts of Oxford hitherto published. . . . Second edition. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 7149 According to Lowndes, by Thomas Warton. Epithalamia Oxoniensia (in Gul. Car. Henrici Arausionensis Annseque Britannicse, nuptias). Folio. Oxon. 1734. 7150 (See also Nos. 10334-5.) 133 OXFORD SAUSAGE. The Oxford Sausage : or, select poetical pieces, written by the most celebrated wits of the University of Oxford. New edition. (Portrait of Mrs. Spreadbury.) 12mo. Oxf. 1772. 7151 "The preface and several of the poeins are [Thomas] Warton's." Allibone, III., 2592. * New Edition. 8vo. Oxf. 1821. 7152 P. P. (T.). A Witty Combat : or, the Female Victor. A trage-comedy. Written by T. P. [? Thomas Porter.] 4to. Lond. 1663. 7153 PACATUS (LATINUS, DREPANIUS). Panegyricus cum notis integris Cl. Puteani . . . alio- rumque selectis. Quibus adcedunt Tho. Wopkensii, animad- versiones criticae nunc primum editae. Curante Joan. Arnt- zenio. 4to. Amst. 1753. 7154 PACCARONI (NICOLA). Romilda Tragedia. 4to. Venet. 1626. 7155 PACIUS (JUSTUS). Revisio judicii. Sive Responsoria, ad epistolam Simplicii Verini de libro posthumo Hugonis Grotii. 8vo. Dica^archise. 1647. 7156 PACK (RICHARDSON). Miscellaneous Works in verse and prose. By Major R. P. In two parts. With some account of the author. 1 2mo. Dublin. 1726. 7157 The Whole Works of Major R. P., in prose and verse. Now collected into one volume : with some account of his life and writings, drawn up by himself in 1720. 8vo. Lond. 1729. 7158 The pieces in the collection have each a separate title-page, date, and pagina- tion. Appended to the last piece in the volume appears " Some Eemarkable passages of the life of Mr. Wycherley, by Mr. Dennis." PAGAN MYSTERIES. A Dissertation on the Ancient Pagan Mysteries. Wherein the opinions of Bishop Warburton and Dr. Leland on this subject are particularly considered. 8vo. Lond. 1766. 7159 VOL. III. K 134 PAGEANTS. Lord Mayor's Pageants : being collections towards a history of these annual celebrations, with specimens of the descriptive pamphlets published by the City Poets. By F. W. Fairholt. 2 pts. (Pt. I. History of Lord Mayors' Pageants, by F. W. F. Pt. II. Reprints of Lord Mayors' Pageants. Edited by F. W. F.) 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, Nos. 38 & 43. 1843-44. 71 GO PAINE (THOMAS). The Case of the Officers of Excise ; with remarks on the qualifications of Officers ; and on the numerous evils arising to the revenue, from the insufficiency of the present salary. [Anon.] 8vo. [No imprint.] (Lond. 1767?) 7161 Common Sense ; addressed to the Inhabitants of America, New edition. [Anon.] 8vo. Philad. printed ; Lond. re- printed. 1776. 7162 Rights of Man : being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack 011 the French Revolution. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7163 Part second. Combining principle and practice. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 7164 Fifth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7165 Part second. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 7166 Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7167 - Part. II. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 7168 Observations on Paine's Rights of Man, in a series of letters by Publicola. [John Adams.] 8vo. Edinb. n. d. ' 7169 A Letter addressed to the Abb^ Raynal, on the affairs of North America, In which the mistakes in the Abbe"s account of the Revolution of America are corrected and cleared up. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7170 A Letter to the Earl of Shelburne, now Marquis of Lans- downe, on his speech, July 10, 1782, respecting the acknow- ledgement of American Independence. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7171 Letter addressed to the Addressers, on the late proclamation. 8vo, Lond. 1792. (Two copies.) 7172 Sixth edition of Paine's letters : containing a letter to Mr. Secretary Dundas, in answer to his speech on the late pro- clamation : together with two letters addressed to Lord Onslow. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 7173 Theological Works. 8vo. Lond. 1827. 7174 [Half-title] Old Truths and Established Facts, being an answer to a Very new Pamphlet indeed ! [Anon.] 8vo. [No imprint.] 7175 135 PAL^EPHATUS. De Iiicredibilibus historiis Graece e recensione S. F. Dresigii cum eiusdem notulis quibus suas animadversiones . . . adiecit J. F. Fischerus editio nova . . . 8vo. Groningae. 1768. 7176 PALAIRET (ELIAS). Thesaurus Ellipsium Latinarum . . . recensuit E. H. Barker. Svo. Lond. 1829. 7177 PALEY (WILLIAM). The Principles of moral and political philosophy. Ninth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1793. 7178 A View of the Evidences of Christianity. In three parts. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1794. 7179 Twenty-fourth edition. Svo. Edinb. 1816. 7180 MS. note. Horas Paulina : or, the truth of the Scripture history of St. Paul, etc. Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1803. 7181 Natural Theology ; or, Evidences of the existence and attributes of the Deity. Collected from the appearances of Nature. Nineteenth edition. 12mo. Glasgow. 1818. 7182 PALGRAVE (FRANCIS TURNER). The Golden Treasury of the best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English language selected and arranged with notes by F. T. P. Svo. Camb. and Lond. 1863. 7183 PALINGENITJS STELLATUS (MARCELLUs),i.e.MANZOLLlUS (PETRUS ANGELUS). M. P. Stellati : Zodiacus vitae : hoc est, De hominis vita, studio, ac moribus optime instituendis, Libri XII. 12mo. Lugd. 1576. 7184 Another edition. Editio nova. Svo. Hamburgi. 1721. 7185 Another edition. Svo. Rotterod. 1722. (Two copies.) 7186 No. 1. MS. note. Another edition. Svo. Arosise. 1785. 7187 Another edition. Edidit Car. Herrm. Weise. Editio stereo- typa. 16mo. Lips. 1832. 7188 The Zodiake of Life written by the Godly and zealous Poet Marcellus Pallingenius stellatus, wherein are conteyned twelue Bookes disclosing the haynous Crymes & wicked vices of our corrupt nature : And plainlye declaring the pleasaunt and perfit pathway vnto eternall lyfe, besides a numbr.e of digressions both pleasaunt & profitable, newly translated into Englishe verse by Barnab33 Googe. 16mo. Lond., Henry Denham, for Rafe Newberye Anno. 1565. Aprilis 18. 7189 Autograph of " T. Park." MS. notes and transcriptions. K 2 13C PALMER (SAMUEL). The Life of the Rev. Isaac Watts, by Samuel Johnson, with notes. . . . To which are subjoined, a distinguishing feature of the doctor's character, omitted by his biographers ; an authentic account of his last sentiments on the Trinity ; and a copy of a manuscript of his never before published. 8vo. Lond. 1785. 7190 The Life of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. by the late Dr. Samuel Johnson, with notes. Containing animadversions and additions relating to Dr. Watts's character, writings, and sentiments, particularly on the Trinity. By Samuel Palmer. Second edition . . . 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7191 PALMERIN. * [Half-title] Palmerin of England, in four volumes. Corrected by Robert Southey, from the Original Portugueze. [Full title] Palmerin of England by Francisco da Moraes. 4 vols. 12ino. Lond. 1807. (Two copies.) 7192 According to Brunet Fr. da Moraes wastonly the translator ; Luis Hurtado being the original Author. PALMERITJS (JACOBUS). Exercitationes in optimos fere auctores Grsecos. 4 to. Lugd. Bat. 1668. 7193 Another edition. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1694. 7194 PANCHIANIO (CATTUFFIO), pseud. i.e. VALERESSO (ZACCARIA). [Half-title.] Rutzvanscad il Giovine Arcisopratragichissima Tragedia. 8vo. n. p. n. d. . 7195 Tortion of a work, pp. 209-291 ; a parody on the " Ulisse il Giovane " of D. Lazzarini. {See No. 5704.) PANDIMO (ANTONIO). L' Amorosa Fede tragicomedia pastorale. 12mo. Venet. 1620. 7196 PANNONIUS (JANUS). Poemata. Quae uspiam reperiri potuerunt omnia . . . 2 vols. Thick paper. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1784. 7197 PANTALEON, MARTYR. EyKuf/Mv . . . Elogivm Sanctissimi Martyris Pantaleonis Greeds lambicis olim ab Autore incerto scriptum . . . A. Ftjd. Morello . . . Senariis Romanis expressum. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lvtetise. 1605. (Two copies.) 7198 PANTALON DE' BISOGNOSI. Matazini e Sonetti alia Venetiana, Nouamente posti in luce. 8vo. Venet, etc. 1640. 7199 137 PANVINIUS (ONUPHBIUS). De Ludis Circensibus, libri II. De Triumphis, liber unus. Cui accessit Tertulliani liber de Spectaculis. 8vo. Par. 1601. 7200 PARABOSCO (GIROLAMO). II Marinaio. Comedia Nova. 8vo. Venet. 1550. 7201 Pellegrino. Comedia Nova. 8vo. Venet. 1552. 7202 La Fanfcesca Comedia Nova. 8vo. Vinegia. 1557. 7203 Another edition. Di nuouo con ogni diligenza ristampata. 12mo. Vinegia. 1597. 7204 I Diporti. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1795. 7205 PARADISE. The Paradise of Dainty Deuices, reprinted from a tran- script of the first edition, 1576, in the hand- writing of George Steevens. With an Appendix : containing additional pieces from the editions of 1580 & 1600. And introductory re- marks, biographical and critical. By Sir E. Brydges. (With reprint of the original title-page.) 4to. Lond. 1810. 7206 PAREIUS (PHILIPPUS). Lexicon Plautinum. In quo . . . antiquse linguse Romans elegantire, quotquot exstant in Latinorum comi- corum Principe M. Accio Plauto, eruuntur, et explicantur. Editio secunda. 8vo. Hanovise. 1634. 7207 PARINI (GIUSEPPE). Opere. Poesie. 8vo. Milano. 1821. 7208 H. F. Gary's copy with his autograph. Mattiuo Meriggio Vespro e Notte, poemetti. 8vo. Lond. 1804. 7209 Another edition. 8vo. Firenze. 1818. 7210 PARK (THOMAS). Sonnets and other small poems. 8vo. Lond. 1797. 7211 Nugse Modernse. Morning Thoughts, and Midnight Musings: consisting of casual reflections, egotisms, etc. in prose and. verse. 8vo. Lond. 1818. (Two copies.) 7212 PARKER (MARTIN). The Nightingale Warbling forth her owne Disaster : or, The Rape of Philomela. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1632. [Re- print.] 7213 The King and a Poor Northern Man : or, Too Good to be True. From the edition of 1640. Attributed to M. P. [Edited by J. P. Collier.] 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 5. 1841. 7214 138 PARKHURST (Jonx). Ludicra sive epigrammata luuenilia. 4to. Lond. 1573. 7215 MS. notes. PARLIAMENT. An Inquiry into the fitness of attending Parliament: in a letter from a Member to his Friend, who has absented. 8vo. Lond. 1739. 721 G PARMENIDES. n. TOV EXtarov >.\J/ava. Fragmente des Parmenides. Gesam- melt iibersetzt und erlautert von G. G. Fulleborn. Gr. Germ. 8vo. Zullichau. 1795. 7217 PARNELL (THOMAS). Poetical Works. Containing those published by Mr. Pope, together with his whole posthumous pieces. With the life of the author. Bell's edition. (Portrait.) 2 vols. (in 1). 12 mo. Lond. 1786. 7218 Poetical Works. With the Life of the author. Cooke's edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. (1796.) 7219 Poetical Works. (Life, by John Mitford. Alcline edition.) (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1833. 7220 " From the Editor to his Friend Alex: Dyce." Posthumous Works ; containing poems moral and divine : and on various other subjects. 8vo. Dublin. 1758. 7221 Poems on several occasions. . . . Published by Mr. Pope. 8vo. Lond. 1722. 7222 Another edition. Svo. Lond. 1737. 7223 Another edition. To which is added, the Life of Zoilus :. and his remarks on Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice. 12rno. Lond. 1760. 7224 New edition with additions. To which is prefixed, the life of Dr. Parhell, written by Dr. Goldsmith. Svo. Lond. 1773. 7225 PARNY (EvARisxE DESIRE DESFOKGES, VICOMTE DE). La Guerre des Dieux anciens et modernes. Poeme en dix Chants. 12mo. Paris. An VII. (1799). 722C PARR (SAMUEL). * Works, with memoirs of his life and writings, and a Selection from his correspondence. By John Johnstone. (Vol. 1, Memoirs ; vol. 2, Sermons ; vols. 3, 4, Criticae ; vols. 5, 6, Sermons ; vols. 7, 8, Correspondence.) 8 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1828. 7227 139 A Sequel to the printed paper lately circulated in "Warwick- shire by the Rev. Charles Curtis ... a Birmingham Rector, etc. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 7228 Remarks on the Statement of Dr. Charles Combe. By an occasional writer in the British Critic. [" Dr. Parr." MS.] 8vo. Lond. 1795. 7229 A Spital Sermon, preached at Christ Church, April 16, 1800 ; to which are added notes. 4to. Lond. 1801. 7230 Bibliotheca Parriana, A catalogue of the library of the late S. P. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1827. 7231 PARRHASE (THEODORE), pseud, i.e., LE CLERC (JEAN). Parrhasiana ou pensees diverses sur des matie'res de critique, d'histoire, de morale et de politique. Avec la defense de divers ouvrages de Mr. L. C. Seconde Edition. 2 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Amst. 1701. 7232 PARRHASIUS (JANUS). Liber de rebus per epistolam qusesitis . . . Adiuncta est Francisci Campani qusestio Virgiliana. 8vo. n. p., H. Steph. 1567. 7233 PARSONS (WILLIAM). A poetical tour, in the years 1784, 1785, and 1786. By a Member of the Arcadian Society at Rome. 8vo. Lond., Printed at the Logographic Press. 1787. , 7234 " Written by Parsons." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Travelling Recreations. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 7235 PARTENOPEX. Partenopex de Blois, a romance, in four cantos. Freely translated from the French of M. Le Grand ; with notes : by William Stewart Rose. 4to. Lond. 1807. 7236 PASCAL (BLAISE). Les Provinciales ou les lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte, a un Provincial de ses amis, et aux RR. PP. Jesuites. [Anon.] Septieme Edition. 12mo. Cologne. 1669. 7237 Pensdes sur la religion, et sur quelques autres sujets. Edition nouvelle. Augmente'e. De beaucoup de Pense'es, de la Vie de 1'Autheur [par Madame Perier, sa Soeur] et de quelques Disser- tations. (Portrait.) 12mo. Amst. 1701. 7238 Nouvelle Edition, Augmente'e de plusieurs pensees, de sa vie, & de quelques discours. 8vo. Paris. 1748. 7239 PASCHALIUS (CAROLUS). Coronae. Opus quod nunc primum in lucem editur distinc- tum x. libris ; quibus res omnis coronaria . . . continetur. 4to. Paris. 1610. 7240 140 PASCHASIUS (STEPHANUS). Epigrammatu libri vi. 8vo. (Paris.) 1582. 7241 PASOR (GEORGIUS). [Half title.] Libellus de Graecis Novi Testamenti Accen- tibus, editus a G. P. 12mo. n. p. n. d. 7242 Manuale Novi Testamenti, auctum vocibus quae occurrunt in versionibus antiquis Grrecis Veteris Testamenti . . . auctore Christ. Schotano. 12mo. Amst. 1654. 7243 PASQUIL. * Pasquils Palinodia, and his progresse to the Taverne, where . after the survey of the Sellar, you are presented with a pleasant pinte of poeticall Sherry. 4to. Lond. 1634. 7244 " This copy sold for 7. 7. . . from Biblioth. Anglo-Poet." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. PASQUIN (ANTHONY), pseud., i.e. WILLIAMS (JOHN). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. n. cl. 7245 Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 7246 The Children of Thespis. A Poem. Part first. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1786. 7247 Part second. By Anthony Pasquin. Third edition. 4to. Lond. 1788. 7248 Part third. By A. P. 4to. Lond. 1788. 7249 The Pin-Basket to the Children of Thespis. With notes . . . By John Williams, whose public appellation is Anthony Pasquin. 12mo. Lond. 1797. 7250 PASSOW (FRANCISCUS). Diem natalem regis Friderici Gvilelmi III. Oratione et renuntiatione victorurn in certarainibus litterariis solenni celebrandum mandate Universitatis Litterarum Vratislaviensis indicit F. P. Praemissae sunt Henrici Stephani ad lo. Crato- nem a Craftheim epistolae . . . Vratislaviae. 4to. 1830. 7251 F. Passovii opuscula academica, Disposuit Nicolaus Bachius. 8vo. Lips. 1835. 7252 PASTORALS. Four Pastorals : Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night. Addressed to a Lady. 4to. Lond. 1751. 7253 PATERCULUS (C. VELLEIUS). Historiae Romance quae supersunt. 8vo. Lond. 1744. 7254 * C. V. P. quse supersunt ex historiae Romanae volmninibus duobus, cum animadversionibus doctorum, curante Dav. Ruhn- kenio. Two vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1779. (Two copies.) 7255 No. 2. The signature of the editor appears in this copy (which is in one vol.) attached to a prize award. 141 PATHELIN. La Farce de Maistre Pierre Pathelin, avec son Testament a quatre personnages. Nouvelle Edition. 8vo. Paris. 1762. 7256 PATHOMACHIA. Pathomachia : or, The Battell of Affections. Shadowed by a faigned Siedge of the Citie Pathopolis. Written some yeeres since, and now first published by a Friend of the deceassed Avthor. 4to. Lond. 1630. 7257 " Some have attributed to [Henry] More Pathomachia" Hazlitt, Hand- book to Early English Literature, p. 401. PATIENT GKISEL. The History of Patient Grisel. Two early tracts in Black- letter. With an introduction and notes [by J. P. Collier]. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 18. 1842. 7258 PATRICK (SYMON, Bishop of Ely). The Parable of the Pilgrim : written to a friend. 4to. Lond. 1665. 7259 " Ex dono Authoris." The Hearts Ease. Or, a Remedy against ail Troubles. . . to which is added, Two papers printed in the time of the late Plague. 1665. Eighth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1707. 7260 The Books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon, paraphrased. Folio. Lond. 1727. 7261 A Commentary upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament. 2 vols. Third edition. (Portrait.) Folio, Lond. 1727. 7262 PATRIOT. The Patriot, a tragedy. From a manuscript of the late Dr. Samuel Johnson, corrected by himself. 8vo. Lond. 1785. 7263 " This play, though in the title-page attributed to Johnson, was written by Joseph Simpson." Lowndes, Bibl. Man., p. 1218. (Bohn's ed.) PATTERSON (ROBERT). Letters on the natural history of the insects mentioned in Shakspeare's plays. With incidental notices of the Ento- mology of Ireland. 16mo. Lond. 1838. 7264 PATTISON (WILLIAM). * Poetical Works. 2 vols. (in one). (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1728. . . 7265 PAUL (FRIDERICUS). Dissertatio de sillis Graecorum Adiecta Bunt sillorum fragmenta notis illustrata. 8vo. Berol. 1821. 7266 142 PAULINUS (PONTIUS). P. P. Poemata. Prosper! Tironis epigrammaton lib. I. De Providcntia Dei lib. I. De Ingratis lib. I. et S. Hilarii in Genesim ad Leonem Papam carmen. 12mo. Antv. 1560. 7267 Autograph and MS. notes of Wolf, the editor of Demosthenes. PAULUCCIO (SlGISMONDO). Continvatione di Orlando Fvrioso, con la Morte di Ruggiero : Auttoreil . . Sigismondo Pauluccio Philogenio, Caualliero, & Conte Palatine. (Portrait.) 4to. End. Vinegia. 1543. 7268 PAULUS PARADISUS, VENETUS. De modo legendi hsebraice, dialogus. pp. 44. 8vo. Paris, ap. Hieron. Gormontium. 3534. 7269 ' ' This tract on the Hebrew language is uncommonly scarce." MS. note. PAUSANIAS. n. -TIM Exx8o? ir//jyvjv scriptoribus, et additamentum ad Philochori fragmenta. 8vo. Lips. 1812. (Two copies.) 7391 PHANTASMION. Phantasmion. [By Sara Coleridge.] 8vo. Lond. 1837. *7391 PHAVORINUS (VAKINUS). TO Meya A&KW . . . Varini Phavorini . . . Dictionarium, sive Thesaurus universee linguae . . nova hac editione per Ant. Bortoli castiga- . Gr. (Portrait.) Folio. Venice. 1712. 7392 PHERECRATES. Pherecratis et Eupolidis fragmenta. Collegit . Mart. Runkelius. 8vo. Lips. 1829. (Two copies.) 7393 PHERECYDES. Fragmenta . . . collegit . . . commentationem de Pherecyde utroque et philosopho et historico praemisit deni- que Fragmenta Acusilai adiecit F. Guil. Sturz. Editio altera. 8vo. Lips. ]824. 7394 PHILE (MANUEL). Phile de Animalium proprietate. Ex prima editione Arsenii et libro Oxoniensi restitutus a J. C. Pauw, cum ejusdem anim- adversionibus et versione Latina G. Bersmanni. Gr. Lat. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1730. (Two copies.) 7395 Carmina Graeca . . . Latine interpretata . . . Acce- dit ignoti poetae antiquioris carmen in S. Theodorum nunc primum editum : praemittitur dissertatio de Philae vita, aetate et scriptis, cura G. Wernsdorfn. 8vo. Lips. 1768. 7396 154 PHILEMON. 4x>tfwvo< AtfjKov TewoXoyiKov. Ex Bibliotheca Parisiensi. Gr. Svo. Lond. 1812. 7397 Pliilemonis Grammatici quae supersunt vulgatis et emenda- tiora et auctiora edidit Fr. Osann. Accedunt anecdota non- nullaGraeca. Gr. Svo. Berol. 1821. 7398 PHILETAS, Cous. Fragmenta . . . notis illustravit C. P. Kayser. Prae- fixa est epistola C. G. Heynii ad lo. G. Schlosserum. Svo. Gottingae. 1793. 7399 Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. P. Coi Hermesiariactis Colophonii atque Phanoclis reliquiae. Disposuit . . . Nic. Bachius. Accedunt Dan. Lennepii et Dav. Ruhnkenii observationes integrae. Svo. Halis Sax. 1829. (Two copies.) 7400 PHILIPPO (PUBLIC). [Half title.] Coinedia di Pvblio Philippo Mantovano detta Formicone. 12mo. n. p. n. d. 7401 PHILIPS (AMBROSE). Poetical Works. With the life of the author. (Bell's edi- tion. Portrait.) 12mo. Edinb. 1781. (Three copies.) 7402 Six Pastorals. 12mo. Lond. 1710. 7403 Three Tragedies, viz. The Distrest Mother ; The Briton ; Humfrey Duke of Gloucester. 12mo. Lond. 1725. (Two copies.) 7404 Pastorals, epistles, odes, and other original poems, with Translations. 12mo. Lond. 1765. 7405 PHILIPS (JOHN). Works. Viz. I. The Splendid Shilling. II. Blenheim.. III. Cyder. IV. Ode, ad Henricum St. John. To which are added, Pastorals : by Ambrose Philips. Svo. Lond., E. Curll. 1714. 7406 " This scarce book is one of Curl's strangely made up publications." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Whole Works of Mr. J. P., viz. I. The Splendid Shil- ling : an imitation of Milton. II. Blenheim : a Poem . . . III. Cyder : a poem. IV. Ode ad Henricum St. John. V. The same translated by Mr. Newcomb. To which is prefixed his life, by Mr. Sewell. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1720. (Three copies.) 7407 Cyder. A poem. In two books. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1708. 7408 Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1727. 740y 155 * Another edition. With notes provincial, historical, and classical, by Charles Dnnster. (Portrait inserted.) 8vo. Lond. 1791. 7410 II Sidro Poema tradotto dall' Inglese dal Conte Lorenzo Magalotti Edizione Seconda In cui si trovano aggiunti bellis- simi Componimenti di diversi illustri Poeti, e una Raccolta di leggiadre Canzonette da cantarsi nelle quattro varie Stagioni dell' Anno. 8vo. Firenze. 1752. 7411 Poems on Several Occasions. (With his life by George Sewell.) Fourth edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1728. (Two copies.) 7412 Poems attempted in the style of Milton. With a new account of his [J. P/s] life and writings. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1762. 7413 Poems : viz. An Ode to Lord Bolingbroke. The Splendid Shilling. Bleinheim, A Poem. Cyder, in two books. 12mo. Edinb. 1778. 7414 PHILIPS (J. THOMAS). Dissertationes varii argumenti. Editio secunda. Accedit Disputatio de Eucharistia. 8vo. Londini. 1715. 7415 MS. note by Dr. Bliss. PHILIPS (KATHERINE FOWLER, afterwards MRS.) Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. K. P., the matchless Orinda. To which is added Corneille's Pompey, and Horace, tragedies. With several other translations out of French. (Portrait.) Folio. Lond. 1667. 741 G " The MS. additions at the end of the vol. are not found printed in any copy of the work." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 7417 . Letters from Orinda [Mrs. Katherine Philips] to Poliarchus. [Sir Charles Cotterel.] (Portrait of ' Orinda.') 8vo. Lond. 1705. 7418 PHILLIMORE (ROBERT). Memoirs and Correspondence of George, Lord Lyttleton, from 1734 to 1773. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. 7419 PHILLIPS (EDWARD). * Theatrum Poetarum, or a compleat collection of the poets, especially tho most eminent of all ages. . . . Together with a prefatory discourse of the poets and poetry in general!. 12rno. Lond. 1675. 7420 Autograph and MS. notes of Malone, who writes " First and only edition." Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum : containing brief cha- racters of the English poets, down to 1675. By E. P., the nephew of Milton. Third edition. Reprinted at the expence, and with the notes, of Sir Egerton Brydges. (2 vols. in 1.) L. P. 8vo. Geneva. 1824. 7421 15G PHILLIPS (JOHN). A Satyr against Hypocrites. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1655. PHILO, JUDJEUS. . . . Philonis Judsei, omnia qure extant opera. Partim ab A. Turnebo, partim a,- D. Hqeschelio edita. . . . Gr. Lat. Folio. Lutet. Paris. 1040. 7423 Another edition. Ex. S. Gelenii, et aliorum interpreta- tione, partim ab A. Turnebo ...... Gr. Lat. Folio. Francof. 1G91. 7424 Begin. *45 The Phredrus . . . from the Greek (by Thomas Taylor) . 4to. Lond. 1792. 7546 The Cratj'lus, Phsedo, Parmenides and Timseus of Plato. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. With notes ou the Cratylus, and an explanatory introduction to each dia- logue. 8vo. Lond. 1793. 7547 Chalcidii V. C. Tirnaeus de Platonis translatus. Item ejusdem in eundem commentarius. loan. Meursius recensuit. . . . 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1617. 7548 PLAUTUS (M. Accius). Comoediae. Accedit commentarius ... ex recensione J. F. Gronovii. Editio novissima. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Amst. 1684. 7549 Comoediae. Recensuit . . . Joannes Petrus Millerus. 3 vols. (in one). 8vo. Berol. 1755-54. 75. 50 Fragmenta inedita item ad P. Terentium coinmentationes et picturae ineditae inventore A. Maio. 8vo. Mediolani. 1815. 7551 Rudens ut est habita apud Westmonasterienses, Anno 1798. 8vo. Lond. (1798?) 7552 Trinummus. Recensuit . . . G. Hermannus. 8vo. Lips. 3800. 7553 Bacchides. Kecensuit G. Hermannus, 8vo. Lips. 1845. 7554 Comedies, translated into familiar blank verse, by Bonnell Thornton (and Richard Warner). Second edit. 5 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1769-74. 7555 167 PLAY BILLS. Druiy Lane ; Covent Garden ; Hay-market ; Liverpool, Exeter, and Windsor. 1726 to 1837. (388 in number.) 7556 1. Covent Garden. 20 March (1755 ?). Alzira. 2. Drury Lane. 4 Nov. (1755 ?). Tamerlane. 3. Covent Garden. 5 April (n. y.). Venice Preserved. 4. Hay-Market. 27 June (1764 ?). The Lyar. The Mayor of Garratt. 5. Hay-Market. 25 July (1764 ?). The Minor. 6. Covent Garden. 23 Nov. (n. y.). Venice Preserv'd. 7. Drury Lane. 22 April, 1778. School for Scandal. 8. Drury Lane. 24 Oct. (n. y.). The Earl of Essex. 9. Drury Lane. 30 Sept. (n. y.). The Mourning Bride. 10. Royal Olympic. Madame Vestris. 14 March, 1837. The Two Figaros. (See also No. 13,731.) 7557 PLAYS. A Select Collection of Old Plays : Viz*. I. St. Patrick for Ireland. (By James Shirley). (T. C.) II. Fair-Em, the Miller's Daughter, &c. (C.) III. The Love Sick King, &c. (By Anthony Brewer). (T.) IV. Blurt Master Constable. (By Thos. Middleton). (C.) V. Actaeori and Diana. (By Robert Cox). (I.) VI. Salmacida Spolia. (By Sir William Davenant and Inigo Jones). (M.) With an account of the Authors by the Editor William Rufus Chetwood. 8vo. Dublin. 1750. (Two copies) 7558 * Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded his Measure for Measure. Comedy of Errors. Taming the Shrew. King John. K. Henry IV. and K. Henry V. King Lear. (Edited by J. Nichols.) 2 vols. (in 1). 8vo. Lond. 1779. 7559 Vol. I. Promos and Cassandra. (By George Whetstones.) Mensechmi (Taken out of ... Plautus Written in English, by W. W.) The Taming of a Shrew. Vol. II. The Troublesome Reign of K. John. (Pts. I. and II.) (By W. Sh.) The Famous Victories of Henry V. The True Chronicle History of King Leir, and his Three Daughters. Gonorill, Ragan, and Cordelia. * A Select Collection of Old Plays. (By Robert Dodsley.) New edition : with additional notes and corrections, by the late Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the Editor (John Payne Collier). 12 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825-27. 7560 Vol. I. Prefaces. Historia Histrionica. God's Promises. The Four P's. Ferrex and Porrex. Damon and Pithias'. New Custome. M 2 168 PLAYS (cent imicd). Vol. II. Gammer Gurton's Needle. Alexander and ( umpaspe. Tancred and Giamuiulu. Cornelia. Edward II. Vol. III. George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield. The first part of Jeronymo. The Spanish Tragedy. The Honest Whore, Part I. The Honest Whore, Part II. Vol. IV. The Malcontent. All Fools. Eastward Hoe. The Revenger's Tragedy. The Dumb Knight. Vol. V. The Miseries of Inforced Marriage. Lingua : or, The Combat of the Tongue and the Five Senses. The Merry Devil of Edmonton. A Mad World, my Masters. Ram- Alley : or, Merry Tricks. Vol. VI. The Roaring Girl. The Widow's Tears. The White Devil: or, Vittoria Corombona, The Hog hath lost his Pearl. The Four Prentices of London. Vol. VII. Green's Tu Quoque : or, the City Gallant. Albumazar. A Woman kill'd with kindness. A Match at Midnight. Fuinius Troes. The True Trojans. Vol. VIII. The Wounds of Civil War. The Heir. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. The Jew of Malta, The Wits. Vol. IX. Will Summer's Last Will and Testament. Microcosmus. The Muse's Looking-Glass. The City Match. The Queen of Arragon. Vol. X. The Antiquary. The Goblins. The Ordinary. The Jovial Crew ; or, The Merry Beggars. The Old Couple. Vol. XI. The Chronicle of Edward the First. The Mayor of Quinborough. Grim, the Collier of Croydon. The City Night Cap. The Parson's Wedding. Vol. XII. The Adventures of Five Hours. Elvira. The Widow. Chichevache and Bycorne. The World and the Chylde. Apius and Virginia. Additional Notes. Index. Five Old Plays, forming a supplement (Vol. XIII.) to the Collections of Dodsley and others. Edited by J. P. Collier. 8vo. Lond.' 1833. 75G1 Contains : I. Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntington. By Anthony Munday. II. Death of Robert Earl of Huntington. By A. Munday and Henry Chettle. III. Misfortunes of Arthur. By Thomas Hughes. IV. A Woman is a Weathercock. By N. Field. V. Amends for Ladies. By N. Field. 169 Old Plays ; being a continuation of Dodsley's Collection. With notes, critical and explanatory. [Edited by Charles Wentworth Dilke.] 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 7562 Vol. I. Doctor Faustus, by C. Marlowe. Lust's Dominion, by C. Marlowe. Mother Bombie, by J. Lyly. Midas, by J. Lyly. Vol. II. Endymion, by J. Lyly. Antonio and Mellida, by John Marston. What you Will, by John Marston. Parasitaster, by John Marston. Vol. III. The Wonder of a Kingdom, by T. Dekker. Old Fortunatus, by T. Dekker. Bussy D'Ambois, by G. Chapman. Monsieur D'Olive, by G. Chapman. Vol. IV. May Day, by G. Chapman. The Spanish Gipsy, by T. Middleton and W. Rowley. The Changeling, by T. Middleton and W. Rowley. More Dissemblers besides Women, by T. Middleton. Vol. V. Women Beware Women. By T. Middleton. A Trick to Catch the Old One. T. Middleton. A New Wonder, a Woman never Vext. By W. Rowley. Appius and Virginia. By J. Webster. Vol. VI. The Thracian Wonder. By J. Webster and Rowley. The English Traveller. By Tho. Hey wood. The Royal King and Loyal Subject. By T. Heywood. A Challenge for Beauty. By T. Heywood. The Old English Drama. A selection of Plays from the Old English Dramatists. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1825. 7563 Vol. I. contains : The Second Maiden's Tragedy. A Pleasant Conceited Corned} 7 -. The Ball. The Rape of Lucrece. Vol. II. Love's Mistress ; or, The Queen's Masque. Albertus Wallenstein. Dido, Queen of Carthage. The Lady's Privilege. Four Old Plays. Three Interludes : Thersytes Jack Jugler and Hey wood's Pardoner and Frere : and Jocasta a tragedy by Gascoigne and Kinwelmarsh with an introduction and notes. [Edited by Francis James Child. 8vo. Camb. [U. S.] 1848. 7564 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Editor. Five Old Plays, illustrating the early progress of the English Drama. Edited . . . by J. Payne Collier. Printed for the Roxburghe Club. 4to. London. 1851. 7565 (1. The Conflict of Conscience, 1581. 2. The Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune, 1589. 3. The Three Ladies of London, 1584. 4. The Three Lords arid Three Ladies of London, 1590. 5. A Knack to Know a Knave, 1594.) Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Editor. 170 PLINIUS (CAius SECUNDUS). Naturalis historia. Cum commentariis et adnotationibus . , . 3 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. (et) Roterodami. 1GG9-G8. 75 GG Another edition. Cum interpretatione . . . Harduini . . . recensuit . . . J. G. F. Franzius. 10 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1778-91. 7567 Historiae Naturalis liber nonus de aquatilium natura. Kecensuit . . . L. T. Gronovius. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1778. 7568 PLINIUS (CAius C^ECILIUS SECUNDUS). Epistolarmn libri X. Notis integris Is. Casauboni, Jan. Gr uteri [et aliorum], selectissimisque J. M. Catangei, Ritters- husii et aliorum . . . illustrati ... a Joh. Veenlmsio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. et Roterod. 1669. 7569 Epistoke et Panegyricus . . . Accedit vita Plinii. [Edidit Tho. Hearne]. 8vo. Oxon. 1703. 7570 Another edition. Ex receiisione I. M. Gesneri quibus lo. M. Heusingeri lo. Christ. Theoph. Ernestii suasque notas addidit G. H. Schaefer. 8vo. Lips. 1805. (Two copies.) 7571 Panegyricus liber Trajano dictus, cum annotationibus D. Baudii. lis accedunt commentarius J. Lipsii, integrae notae Joan. Lavinsei, J. Gruteri, C. Rittershusii, ac select variorum. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1675. 7572 Another edition. Cum notis integris Franc. Jureti . et selectis aliorum, curante J. Arntzenio, qui et suas adnota- tiones adjecit. Accedit Joan. Masson vita Plinii, editio tertia. 4to. Amst. 1738. 7573 C. Plinii Secundi junioris vita . . . studio J. Masson, has a separate title-page, and is the 2nd edit, with the date 1734. Tramlations. The Letters of Pliny the Consul : with occasional remarks. By William Melmoth. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1777. 7574 Another edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1810. 7575 \Y. N. Lettsom's copy. PLOCHIRUS. Poematium dramaticum, Musarum et Fortune querimoniam continens. E Graecis Plochiri Michaelis. Latine eodem geiiere versuum expressum a Fed. Morello. . . . Accesserunt Epigram. . . . 8vo. Lutet., Fed. Morell. 1593. 7576 B. Heber"s copy. Another edition. 8vo. Lutet. 1598. (Two copies.) 7577 171 PLOTINUS. Operum philosophicorum ornnium libri LIV. in sex Enneades distributi. Cum Latina Marsilii Ficini interpre- , tatione et commentatione. Gr. Lat. Folio. Basil. 1580. 7578 Liber de pulcritudine . . . emendavit annotationem perpetuam, inter] ecfcis Dan. Wyttenbachii notis . . . adiecit F. Creuzer. Acceduiit Anecdota Graeca : Procli disputatio de imitate et pulcritudine Nicephori Nathanaelis Antitheticus adversus Plotinum de Anima itemque Lectiones Platonicae. 8vo. Heidelb. 1814. 7579 PLOTS. Songs ... in Plots ! or, the North Tower, a Melo Dramatic opera. . . . 8vo. Lond. (1810 ?) 7580 " By Sir J. B. Burgess." MS. on title. According to Baker (Biog. Dram. IV., 166). " Plots ! " is by S. J. Arnold. PLOWDEN (MRS. FRANCES). Virginia, an opera in three acts. 8vo. Lond. 1800. (Two copies.) 7581 PLUMPTRE (JAMES). The Coventry Act : a comedy, in three acts. [Anon.] 8vo. Norwich. 1793. 7582 PLUTARCHUS. nxovrdpxov. . . . Plutarchi quae extant opera. H. Stephani annotationibus . . . Aemylii Probi De vita excellentium imperatorum liber. Gr. 8vo. n. p. H. Ste- phanus. 1572. 7583 [Half title.] T5v nxovrdp^ov. . . . Variorum Plutarchi scriptorum tomus secundus. ( tertius.) [pp. 781 1381,1389-2101.] 8vo. n. p. n. d. [Half title]. Tuv TOV HXwTapxw fiiuv TTapaXtafXwv. . . . Plll- tarchi vitarum Parallelarum tomus secundus ( tertius.) [pp. 583-1213 and 1219-1923.] 8vo. T. Tyrwhitt's copy. Vitae parallels, cum singulis aliquot. Greece et Latine. Recensuit Augustinus Bryanus. 5 vols. 4to. Lond. 1729- 1724. 7584 A^oo-frey^ Ka , KtKspuv. Demosthenis et Ciceronis vitae parallels, nunc primum separatim editae. Grseca recensuit, Latine reddidit, notis illustravit, Phil. Barton. 8vo. Oxon. 1744. 7585 Ta H^ ( /ca. Moralia, id est opera, excerptis vitis, reliqua. Gra3ca emendavit et Latinam Xylandri interpreta- tionem castigatam, subjunxit. . . . Dan. Wyttenbach. 8 vols. (in 16). 8vo. Oxon. 1795-1830. 7586 Autograph of Wyttenbach inserted in vol. I. 172 PLUTARCHUS (continued). rov viov oirw; ax t Exx>jyKwv v^cXotyro Xoywv. Cum interpretatione H. Grotii . . . notas adjecit Jo. Potter. 8vo. E/C oovy Mr. Dyce. Bucolica Alexandri Popii, (Quatuor Anni temporum in- scripta titulis) Latine reddita : Interprete S. Barrett. 4to. Lond. 1746. 7783 A collection of letters, never before printed: written by A. P. ; and other ingenious gentlemen, to the late Aaron Hill. 12mo. Lond. 1751. (Two copies.) 7784 Letters to a Lady. Never before published. Svo. Lond. 1769. (Two copies.) 7785 POPEANA. [Two volumes, backed " Poems, Pope's Library/' containing several pieces bound together, viz. 10 pieces in vol. 1. and 9 pieces in vol. 2. which have been catalogued separately. A MS. note (by T. Warton,) on the fly-leaf of vol. 1, says :"N.B. These two volumes of Miscellaneous Poems belonged to Mr. Pope."] 2 vols. Svo. Lond., etc. Various dates. 189 The Rake of Taste. A Poem, dedicated to Alexander Pope, Esq. Folio. Dublin Printed : Lond. reprinted, n. d. (Two copies.) 7786 Frontispiece The Beau Monde in St. James's Park. The Female Rake : or, Modern Fine Lady. An epistle from Libertina to Sylvia. In which is contain'd the A-la-mode system. Dublin, printed. Lond., reprinted, n. d. Fol. 7787 A Letter to the Lord Viscount B ke [Bolingbroke.J Occasion'd by his Treatment of a Deceased Friend. [Pope.] 4to. n. p. n. d. [Lond. ?] 7788 Verses address'd to the Imitator of the First Satire of the Second Book of Horace. By a Lady. Folio. Lond. n. d. 7789 One Epistle to Mr. A. Pope, Occasioned by Two Epistles Lately Published. 4to. Lond. n. d. 7790 Sawney and Colley, A Poetical Dialogue : Occasioned by a late Letter from the Laureate of St. James's, to the Homer of Twickenham. Something in the Manner of Dr. Swift. Folio. Lond. n. d. 7791 Homerides : or, A Letter to Mr. Pope, occasion'd by his intended Translation of Homer. By Sir Iliad Doggrel. [Thos. Burnet and G. Ducket.] Second Edition. 12mo. Lond. 1715. 7792 A True Character of Mr. Pope and his Writings. In a letter to a Friend. [By C. Gildon.] 8vo. Lond. 1710. 7793 Court Poems in Two Parts Compleat. To which are added, I. Verses upon Prudery. II. An Epitaph upon John Hewett and Mary Drew, who were killed by Lightening, at Stanton- Harcourt, in Oxfordshire. By Mr. Pope. 12mo. Lond. 1719. 7794 Part of the British Journal, Saturday, November 25, 1727 : No. 270. [A letter to the " Author of the British Journal," on the " Miscellanies."] One leaf in 4to. (Lond. 1727.) 7795 A Compleat Key to the Dunciad. With a Character of Mr. Pope's Profane Writings. By Sir Richard Blackmore Kt. M.D. Second Edition. 8vo. Lond." 1728. 7796 Sawney. An Heroic Poem. Occasion'd by the Dunciad. Together with a Critique on that Poem address'd to Mr. T d, Mr. M r, Mr. Eu n, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1728. 7797 The Progress of Dulness. By an Eminent Hand. Which will serve for an Explanation of the Dunciad. [Signed H. Stanhope.] (With Observations on Windsor Forest, The Temple of Fame, and the Rape of the Lock, &c.). 8vo. Lond. 1728. (Two copies.) 7798 190 POPEANA (continued?). The Female Dunciad. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1728. 7799 Characters of the Times ; Or, an Impartial Account of the Writings, Characters, Education, &c. of Several Noblemen and Gentlemen, libell'd in a Preface to a late Miscellany Publish'd by Ppe and S ft. 8vo. Lond. 1728. 7800 " This very rare tract wants two leaves (pp. 35-8)." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Twickenham Hotch-Potch, for the Use of the Kev. Dr. Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq. ; and Company. Being a Sequel to the Beggars Opera., &c Written by Caleb D'Anvers [i.e. N. Amhurst]. 8vo. Lond. 1728. 7801 A Compleat Collection of all the Verses, Essays, Letters and Advertisements, which have been occasioned by the Publication of Three Volumes of Miscellanies, by Pope and Company. To which is added an Exact List of the Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen and others, who have been abused in those Volumes. With a large Dedication to the Author of the Dunciad . . . 8vo. Lond. 1728. (Two copies.) 7802 Engraved frontispiece Pope on crutches, surmounting a pedestal formed of books. The Popiad. 16mo. Lond. 1728. 7803 The Metamorphosis : a poem. Shewing the change of Scriblerus into Snarlerus : or, the Canine Appetite : demon- strated in the persons of P p e and Sw t. Folio. Lond. 1728. 7804 The Curliad. A Hypercritic upon the Dunciad Variorum. With a farther key to the New Characters. 8vo. Lond. 1729. 7805 Durgen. Or, A Plain Satyr upon a Pompous Satyrist, Amicably Inscrib'd, by the Author, to those Worthy and Ingenious Gentlemen misrepresented in a late invective Poem, call'd, The Dunciad. [By E. Ward.] 8vo. Lond. 1729. 7806 Female Faction : or, the Gay Subscribers. A Poem. Folio Lond. 1729. 7807 Pope Alexander's Supremacy and Infallibility examined ; And the Errors of Scriblerus and his man William Detected. With the Effigies of His Holiness and his Prime Minister, curiously engrav'd on Copper. 4to. Lond. 1729. (Three copies.) 7808 Frontispiece. Caricature of Martinus Scriblerus (Pope) as a monkey with an ass. No. 2. Without the frontispiece. No. 3. Stitched in half of the original blue wrapper. 191 Two Epistles to Mr. Pope, Concerning the Authors of the Age. [By Edward Young.] 8vo. Lond. 1730. (Two copies.) 7809 An Epistle to Mr. Pope, on Reading his Translations of the Iliad and Odyssy of Homer. . . . 4to. Lond. 1731. 7810 A Miscellany on Taste. By Mr. Pope, &c. . . . Frontis- piece [by Hogarth]. 8vo. Lond. 1732. 7811 A Collection of Pieces in Verse and Prose, which have been publish'd on occasion of the Dunciad. Dedicated to . the Earl of Middlesex, by Mr. Savage. 8vo. Lond. 1732. 7812 Two Epistles to Mr. Pope, concerning the Authors of the Age. [By the Author of the Universal Passion, i.e. Ed. Young.] 8vo. Lond. 1730. An Essay on Satire, particularly on the Dunciad. By Walter Harte. To which is added, a Discourse on Satires, arraigning persons by name. By Monsieur Boileau. 8vo. Lond. 1730. Harlequin-Horace : or, the Art of Modern Poetry. 8vo. Lond. 1731. An Epistle to Mr. Pope, from a young gentleman at Rome. 8vo. Lond. 1730. Certain Epigrams in laud and praise of the Gentlemen of the Dunciad. 8vo. n. p. n. d. An Author to be let ... By . . . Iscariot Hackney. 8vo. n. p. n. d. Essays . . . relating to the late War of the Dunces. 8vo. n. p. n. d. Stowe, The Gardens of the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Cobham. Address'd to Mr. Pope. 8vo. Lond. 1732. 7813 The State Dunces: in scrib'd to Mr. Pope. [First ed.] [By Paul Whitehead.] Folio. Lond. 1733. 7814 [Second edition.] Folio. Lond. 1733. *7814 The State Dunces. Inscribed to Mr. Pope. Part II. being the last. Folio. Lond. 1733. (Two copies.) 7815 The Man of Taste. Occasioned by an Epistle of Mr. Pope's on that subject. By the Author of the Art of Politicks. [James Bramston.] Folio. Lond. 1733. (Two copies.) 7816 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1733. 7817 192 POPEANA (continued). The Woman of Taste. Occasioned by a late poem, entitled, The Man of Taste. By a Friend of the Author's. In two epistles, from Clelia in town to Sapho in the country. Fol. Lond. 1733. 7818 The Wrongheads : A Poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Pope. By a Person of Quality. Folio. Lond. 1733. 7819 An Epistle to the Little Satyrist of Twickenham. Folio. Lond. 1733. (Two copies.) 7820 Ingratitude : To Mr. Pope. Oecasion'd by a Manuscript handed about, under the Title of, Mr. Taste's Tour from the Land of Politeness, to that of Dulness and Scandal, &c. &e. (Caricature frontispiece.) 4to. Lond. 1733. (Two copies.) 7821 No. 1. With the printed portion of the original blue wrapper. The Mirrour : or, Letters Satyrical, Panegyrical, Serious and Humorous, on the Present Times ... To which is added a legal conviction of Mr. Alexander Pope of Dulness and Scandal, in the high Court of Parnassus. [By Giles Jacob.] 8vo. Lond. 1733. 7822 On Poetry : a rapsody. Folio. Printed at Dublin ; reprinted at Lond. 1733. 7823 Of Verbal Criticism : An Epistle to Mr. Pope. Occasioned by Theobald's Shakespear, and Bentley's Milton. [By David Mallet.] Folio. Lond. 1733. 7824 Achilles Dissected : Being a Compleat Key of the Political Characters in that New Ballad Opera, Written by the late Mr. Gay. ... By Mr. Burnet. To which is added, The first Satire of the Second Book of Horace, Imitated in a Dialogue between Mr. Pope and the Ordinary of Newgate. 8vo. Lond. 1733. 7825 An Epistle to the Egregious Mr. Pope, in which the Beauties of his Mind and Body are amply displayed. By Mr. Gerard. (Frontispiece.) 4to. Lond. 1734. (Two copies.) 7826 No. 2. Without the frontispiece. A Tryal of Skill between a Court Lord and a Twickenham 'Squire. Inscrib'd to Mr. Pope. Folio. Lond. 1734. 7827 A Narrative of the Method by which the Private Letters of Mr. Pope have been procur'd and published by Edmund Curll, Bookseller . . . 12mo. Lond. 173S. 7828 A Sermon against Adultery : being sober advice from Horace, to the Young Gentlemen about Town. As deliver'd in his second sermon. Imitated in the manner of Mr. Pope. To- gether with the Original Text, as restored by the Revd. R. Bentley, Doctor of Divinity. And some remarks on the version. Folio. Lond. n. d. (1734 or 5 ?) (Two copies.) 7829 No. 2. Wants title-page. According to Mr. Dyce, it has never been doubted that this is a genuine production of Pope's. 193 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 7830 Another edition. Likewise Two Letters and Epigrams, not inserted in the late Editions of Mr. Pope's Works. 12mo. Lond. 1755. 7831 A Letter to Mr. Pope, occasioned by Sober Advice from Horace, &c. 4to. Lond. 1735. (Four copies.) 7832 The Poet finish'd in Prose. Being a Dialogue concerning Mr. Pope and his Writings. 8vo. Loud. 1735. 7833 Divine Wisdom and Providence ; an Essay. Occasion'd by the Essay on Man. [By Mr. Bridges?] Folio. Lond. 1736. (Two copies.) 7834 An Essay on Human Life. By the Author of the Essay on Man. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1736. (Two copies.) 7835 An Epistle to Alexander Pope, Esq. ; from South Carolina. Folio. Lond. 1737. 7836 The Contrast to the Man of Honour. Folio. Lond. 1737. 7837 An Epistle to Mr. P [Pope] in Anti-Heroicks. Written in MDCCXXXVI. 8vo. Lond. 1738. 7838 In the upper corner of the half title, is written : " A. Pope. Ex dono Autoris nobilissimi." A MS. note at the foot of the same (by Warton) says " By Lord Paget," and " The above is Mr. Pope's Handwriting." A Supplement to One thousand Seven hundred Thirty- eight. Not written by Mr. Pope. 4to. Lond. 1738. 7839 A Satirical Epistle to Mr. Pope. Folio. Lond. 1740. 7840 Are these Things So ? The Previous Question from an En- glishman in his Grotto, to a Great Man at Court. To which is added, Yes, they are : Being an Answer to Are these Things So ? ... 8vo. Lond. 1740. 7841 Are these Things So ? ... By Alexander Pope, Esq. 12mo. Lond., printed, and Dublin, reprinted. 1740. 7842 The Great Man's Answer to Are these Things So ? In a Dialogue between His Honour and the Englishman in his Grotto. By the Author of Are these Things So ? 12mo. Lond. 1740. 7843 The Scribleriad. Being an Epistle to the Dunces. On Renewing their Attack upon Mr. Pope, under their Leader the Laureat. By Scriblerus. 8vo. Lond. 1742. 7844 The Summer Miscellany : Or, A Present for the Country. Containing . . . Epigrams on Pope and Gibber. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1742. 7845 194 POPE AN A (co nt inued) . Mr. .P-pe's Picture in Miniature, but As Like as it can stare ; A Poem : with Notes. 4to. Lond. 1743. 7846 Verses on the Grotto at Twickenham. By Mr. Pope. At- tempted in Latin and Greek. (The Greek signed " W. H. ex Aula S. Mariae, Oxon.") To which is added Horti Popiani : Ode Sapphica. Also The Cave of Pope. A Prophecy. By R Dodsley. 4to. Lond. 1743. 7847 The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq. With a True Copy of his Last Will and Testament. 12mo. Lond. 1744. 7848 The Last Will and Testament of Alexander Pope, of Twick- enham, Esq. ; to which is added, An Inscription wrote by himself. 12mo. Lond. 1744. 7849 Discord ; or One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty- four. By a Great Poet, lately deceased. Printed from the original MSS. Permissu Superiorum. Folio. Lond. n. d. 7850 Remarks on 'Squire Ayre's Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. Pope. In a letter to Mr. Edmund Curl, Bookseller. With Authentic Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the said E C 1. (By J. H.) 8vo. Lond. 1745. 7851 A Plan of Mr. Pope's Garden, as it was left at his Death : With a Plan and Perspective View of the Grotto. All taken by J. Serle, his Gardener. With an Account of all the Gems To which is added, A Character of all his Writings. 4to. Lond. 1745. 7852 A Familiar Epistle to the Most Impudent Man Living. 8vo. Lond. 1749. 7853 An Apologj' for the late Mr. Pope ; On Occasion of the Editor's Preface to the Three Letters, lately published, On the Spirit of Patriotism ; On the Idea of a Patriot King ; and on the State of Parties at the Accession of King George the First. In a Letter to the Authors of the Magazin de Londres. Translated from the French. 8vo. Lond. 1749. (Two copies.) 7854 A New Book of the Dunciad : Occasion'd by Mr. Warbur- tou's New Edition of The Dunciad complete. By a Gentleman of one of the Inns of Court. With Several of Mr. Warburton's own Notes. . . . 4to. Lond. 1750. 7855 The Horatian Canons of Friendship. Being the third Satire of the first book of Horace imitated. With Two Dedications ; The First to ... Rev. Mr. William Warburton, occa- sioned by his Dunciad, . . . the second to my good friend the Trunk-Maker. ... By Ebenezer Pentweazle. 4to. Lond. 1750. 7856 195 A Free and Familiar Letter to that great Refiner of Pope and Shakespear, the Rev. Mr. William Warburton. . . . With Remarks upon the Epistle of Friend A. E. . . . By a Country Curate [Zachary Grey]. 8vo. Lond. 1750. 7857 Verses occasioned by Mr. Warburton's late edition of Mr. Pope's Works. 8vo. Lond. 1751. 7858 Remarks on Mr. Pope's Epistle of Taste, To ... Richard Earl of Burlington. By Galfridus Scriblerus. Second Edition with Additions. 4to. Lond. 1751. 7859 The Age of Dullness. A Satire. By a Natural Son of the late Mr. Pope. With a Preface. 4to. Lond. 1757. 7860 Notes on editions of the Dunciad. From "Notes and Queries," Nos. 268-270. 12mo. [Lond. 18 .] 7861 POPE (WALTER). The Life of Seth [Ward], Bishop of Salisbury . . . With a Brief Account of Bishop Wilkins . . . 8vo. Lond. 1697. 7862 An Appendix to the Life of Seth [Ward], Bishop of Salisbury ; written by Walter Pope. In a letter to the author. [Anon. By Wood.] 8vo. Lond. 1697. 7863 Moral, and political fables, ancient and modern. Done into measurd prose intermixd with ryme. 8vo. Lond. 1698. 7864 " J. Eitson." The Wish. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1710. (Two copies.) 7865 No. 2. Preceded by printed and MS. versions of " Dr. Pope's Wish," and a letter from T. Park to Joseph Haselwood, on the subject. At the end of the vol. is inserted a portion of " The London Daily 'Advertiser, No. 773," for August 31, 1753. POPHAM (EDWARD). Extracts from the Pentateuch compared with similar pas- sages from Greek and Latin authors, with notes. 8vo. Oxf. 1801. 7866 POPMA PHRYSIUS (TITUS). De operis servorum liber. Editio novissima. 12mo. Amst. 1672. 7867 POPPLE (WILLIAM). The Lady's Revenge : or, the Rover Reclaimed. A Corned}-. 8vo. Lond. 1734. 7868 The Double Deceit : or, a Cure for Jealousy. A Comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1736. *7868 POPPO (ERNESTUS FRIDERICUS). Poppo's Prolegomena on the peculiarities of Thucydidean phraseology translated . . . by George Burges ; who has subjoined an Appendix ... on the merits of the MSS. . . . 8vo. Camb. (1837.) (Two copies.) 7869 No. 1. MS. additions and corrections at end, &c. 196 PORDEN (ELEANOR ANNE), afterwards Miis. FRANKLIN. The Veils ; or the Triumph of Constancy. A poem, in six books. 8vo. Lond. 1815. 7870 Coeur de Lion ; or the Third Crusade. A Poem in sixteen books. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1822. (Two copies.) 7871 PORPHYRIUS. In Aristotelis praedicamenta per interrogationem et respon- sionein brevis explanatio, nunc primum in Latinam linguam con versa, atque in lucem edita. I. B. Feliciano authore. 8vo. Paris. 1548. 7872 Ticpi TUV v'jfjafuv avrpw. De Antro nympharum. Graece cum Latina L. Holstenii versione. Graeca restituit, versionem C. Gesneri, et animadversiones suas adjecit R. M. van Goens. Pnemissa est dissertatio Homerica ad Porphyrium. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1765. 7873 Tlept avowx tpfyvxfn. De abstinentia ab esu animalium libri quatuor. Cum notis Petr. Victorii et loan. Valentini, et inter- pretatione Latina I. B. Feliciani. Editionem curavit et suas itemque I. I. Reiskii notas adiecit I. de Rhoer accedunt IV. epistolae de Apostasia Porphyrii. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1767. 7874 PORSON (RICHARD). A New Catechism for the use of the Swinish Multitude. Necessary to be had in all Sties. By the late Professor Person. From the Examiner. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 7875 The vol. in which this pamphlet is found contains also a memoir of Person [by Dr. Maltby, Bishop of Durham, from the Athenaeum, 1803-9] ; " Orgies of Bacchus ;" the Sale Catalogue of Part of his Library and his portrait. " The Orgies of Bacchus and the New Catechism were undoubtedly " written by Person. H. C. Robinson told me that Person presented to " him a copy of the Catechism, a printed copy." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Devil's Walk ; a poem. By Professor Person. Edited with a biographical memoir and notes, by H. W. Montagu. Illustrated by R. Cruikshank. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 7876 " Really the joint production of Coleridge and Southey." Allibone's Critical Diet, of English Literature, II. 1642. Another edition. 12mo. Lond. and Edinb. n. d. 7877 * Letters to Archdeacon Travis, in answer to his Defence of the Three Heavenly Witnesses, 1 John v. 7. 8vo. Lond. 1790. (Two copies.) 7878 The Spirit of the Public Journals for 1797 . . . Vol.1. Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1802. 7879 Pp. 261-284 comprise the " Orgies of Bacchus," of which a MS. note by Mr. Dyce says : " Undoubtedly written by Person." 197 Adversaria. Noke efc emendationes in Poetas Grsecos quas ex schedis manuscriptis Porsoni apud Collegium SS. Trinitatis Cantabrigiae repositis deprompserunt . . . J. H. Monk, C. J. Blomfield. (Portrait of Porson.) 8vo. Cantab. 1812. (Two copies.) 7880 No. i. L.P. Editio nova. Svo. Lips. 1814 7881 Porsoniana. ^fpawi Tft)J/ llo/xrwvo? MeyaXuv Airv&>v or, Scraps from Person's Rich Feast. Svo. Lond. 1814. 7882 " Porsoniana (the edition with additions), &c., by Stephen Weston." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms. Collected and arranged by the Rev. Thomas Kidd. Svo. Lond. 1815. 7883 Notse in Aristophanem, quibus Plutum comcediam partim ox ejusdem recensione partim e manuscriptis emendatam et variis lectionibus instructam prsemisit, et collationum appen- dicem adjecit P. P. Dobree. Svo. Cantab. 1820. 7884 Memoir of the late Richard Pc*son . . . (With a portrait.) Svo. n. p. 1820. 7885 " From London Magazine." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. A Vindication of the literary Character of the late Professor Porson, from the Animadversions of Thomas Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, in various publications on 1 John v. 7. By Crito Cantabrigiensis. Svo. Camb. 1827. 7886 The Correspondence of R. P. . . . Edited for the Cam- bridge Antiquarian Society by Henry Richards Luard. Svo. Camb. J867. (No. VIII. of the octavo publications of the Camb. Antiq. Soc.) 7887 " From the Editor." PORTA (GIOVANNI BATTISTA DE LA). La Fantesca comedia. 12mo. Venet. 1596. Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1610. PORTAL (ABRAHAM). Olindo and Sophronia. A Tragedy. The Story taken from Tasso. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1758. 7890 The Indiscreet Lover : A Comedy. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1768. 7891 PORTER (HENRY). * The Pleasant Historie of the two angrie Women of Abington. With the humorous mirthe of Dick Coomes and Nicholas Prouerbes, two Seruingmen. As it was lately playde by the right Honorable the Earle of Nottingham, Lord high Admirall, his seruants. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1599. 7892 Reprint. Edited by the Rev. A. Dyce. Svo. Lond. Percy Society, No. 12. 1841. 7893 VOL. III. 198 PORTER (JANE). The Scottish Chiefs, a Romance. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1810. 781)4 PORTER (THOMAS). The Villain, a tragedy. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1663. 7895 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1670. 7896 The Carnival : a comedy. 4to. Lond. 1664. (Three copies.) 7897 PORTEUS (BEILBY, Bishop of London). Death : a poetical essay. [Seatonian Prize Poem.] 4to. Camb. 1759. (Two copies.) 7898 A Review of the life and character of Thomas Seeker, Archbishop of Canterbury. Fifth edition. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1797. , 7899 A Summary of the principal evidences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Revelation. 16th edition. 12mo. Lond. 1826. 7900 PORTO (LuiGl DA). Rime, e Prosa colla vita. 4to. Vicenza. 1731. 7901 The " Kime e Prosa " is a reprint of the edition of 1539. PORTUGAL. Journal of a few months' residence in Portugal, and glimpses of the South of Spain. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1847. 7902 PORTUS (^EMYLIUS or A.euiov .... hoc est Dictionariutn lonicum Grseco- latinum, quod indicem in omnes Herodoti libros continet (et Doricum Graecolatinum). 2 vols. (in one). Svo. Francof. 1603. (Three copies.) 7903 Aefwcov .... Dictionarium lonicum Grseco-Latinum, quod indicem in omnes Herodoti libros continet . . . Editio nova. Svo. Oxon. 1818. 7904 Pindaricum Lexicum . . Novum opus. Svo. Hanov. 1606. 7905 PORTUS (FRANCISCOS). Commentarii in Pindari Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthmia. 4to. n. p. Apud loannem Syluium. 1583. (Two copies.) 7906 No. 1. MS. note. 199 In omnes Sophoclis tragoedias vpoXeyofAsva, ut vulgo vocantur His addita wapa^ ad orationem Demosthenis we/)* fdpttvpio-pfiw . . . 4to. Morgiis. 1584.. (Two copies.) 7907 No. 1. On title " Bibliothecae Colbertinae," and autograph of "Edward Harwood." MS. note. Commentarii, in varia Xenophontis opuscula. Sm. folio. n. p. Joannes le Preux. 1586. 7908 MS. notes. POSIDONIUS, RHODIUS. Reliquiae doctrinae. Collegit atque illustravit Janus Bake. Accedit D. Wyttenbachii annotatio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1810. (Two copies.) 7909 POTTER (JOHN, Archbishop of Canterbury.) Arehaeologia Graeca, or the Antiquities of Greece. A new edition : with a life of the author by Robert Anderson, and an Appendix containing a concise History of the Grecian States, and a short account of the lives and writings of the most celebrated Greek authors : by George Dunbar. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1832. 7910 POTTER (ROBERT). * An Inquiry into some passages in Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets : particularly his observations on lyric poetry, and the odes of Gray. (Portrait of Gray.) 4to. Lond. 1783. 7911 * The Art of Criticism ; as exemplified in Dr. Johnson's Lives of the most eminent English Poets. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1789. 7912 PRAED (WINTHROP MACKWORTH). Poems. With a memoir by the Rev. Derwent Coleridge. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1864. 7913 PRATT (SAMUEL JACKSON). Sympathy. A poem. Tenth edition. 12mo. Lond. u. d. 7914 The Lower World. A poem, in four books, with notes. 12mo. Lond. 1810. (See .also 6432.) 7915 PRECIOUS RELICS. Precious Relics ; or the Tragedy of Yortigern Rehearsed. A dramatic piece. In two acts. Written in imitation of the Critic. 8vo. Lond. 1796. 7916 PREPARATIVE TO STUDY. A Preparative to Study : Or, The Yertve of Sack. [Orig. ed.] 4to. Lond. 1641. 7917 "Imputed to Tho. Heywood upon conjecture." Lovrades, Bibl. Man. (Bonn's ed.), p. 1064. O 2 200 PRESENTATION. The Presentation in the Temple, a Pageant, as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry. Now first printed . . . with a prefatory notice. 4to. Edinb., Printed for the Abbotsford Club. 1836. 7918 PRESTON (THOMAS). A lamentable Tragedie, mixed full of plesant mirth, con- taining the life of Cambises king of Percia, from the beginning of his kingdome, vnto his death, his owne good deed of execu- tion, after that many wicked deedes and tyrannous murders, committed by and through him, and last of all, his odious death by Gods Justice appointed. Done in such order as followeth. [Orig. ed.] B. L. 4to. End. Imprinted at London by Edward Allde. n. d. 7919 PRESTON (WILLIAM). Poetical Works. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Dubl. 1793. 7920 H. T. Buckle's copy. Vol. 2 includes Offa and Ethelbert (T.). Messene Freed (T.). Rosmunda (T.). Posthumous poems. (Portrait.) 8vo. Dubl. 1809. 7921 H. T. Buckle's copy. PRETI (GlROLAMO). Le Poesie. 12mo. Venet. 1651. 7922 PREVOST (F.) and BLAGDON (F.) Flowers of Literature ; for 1803 : or characteristic sketches of human nature and modern manners. To which are added a General view of Literature during that period ; portraits and biographical notices. . . . By F. Prevost, and F. Blag- don. (Portraits of Darwin, &c.). 12mo. Lond. 1804. 7923 PRIAPEIA. Priapeia, sive diversorum poetarum in Priapum lusus ; com- mentariis G. Schoppii. . . . Jos. Scaligeri in Priapeia commentarii, ac Fr. Linden-Bruch in eadem notre. 8vo. Patav. 1664. (Four copies.) 7924 No. 1. MS. notes. " Petrus Burmannus Fr. Fil et Nep." No. 2. MS. notes. Priapeia sive diversorum poetarum in Priapum lusus aliaque incertorum auctorum poemata emendata et explicata, Acces- serunt epistolae de sive propudiosa Cleopatrae libidine los. Scaligeri versiones Graecae duorum Priapeiorum et index. 8vo. (Lips.) 1781. 7925 201 PRICE (RICHARD). Four Dissertations. I. On Providence. II. On Prayer. III. On the reasons for expecting that virtuous men shall meet after death in a state of happiness. IV. On the importance of Christianity, the nature of historical evidence, and miracles. Fourth edition. Svo. Lond. 1777. 7926 An Essay on the population of England, from the revolution to the present time. Svo. Lond. 1780. 7927 Sermons on the Christian doctrine as received by the different denominations of Christians. . . . Second edition. With an appendix, occasioned by Dr. Priestley's letters to the Author. Svo. Lond. 1787. 7928 PRIDE. Pride shall have a Fall ; a comedy : in five acts, with songs. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1824. 7929 PRIESTLEY (JOSEPH). A Letter to Jacob Bryant, in defence of philosophical neces- sity. Svo. Lond. 1780. 7930 Original letters by the Rev. John Wesley, and his friends, illustrative of his early history, with other curious papers, com- municated by the Rev. S. Badcock. (Including : An Account of some strange noises, etc. in the Rev. Mr. Wesley's house, at Epworth, 1716-7, collected by Mr. S. Wesley.) To which is prefixed an address to the Methodists. Svo. Birmingham. 1791. 7931 Letters to Edmund Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France, etc. Svo. Birmingham. 1791. 7932 Notes on all the books of Scripture, for the use of the pulpit and private families. [Vol. I.] (Portrait.) Svo. North- umberland : printed for the author. 1803. 7933 PRIMATT (WILLIAM). Accentus Redivivi : or, a defence of an accented pronuncia- tion of Greek prose . . . together with an answer to the objections of Mekerchus, Isaac Vossius, Henninius, and other modern opposers of Greek accents. Svo. Camb. 1764. (Two copies.) , . 7934 PRINGLE (THOMAS). Poetical Works. With a sketch of his life, by Leitch Rit- chie. (With portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1838. 7935 202 . PRIOR (SiR JAMES). Llangothlen : a sketch. 8vo. n. p. n. d. 7936 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the author. Memoir of the Life and Character of Edmund Burke ; -\vith specimens of his Poetry and Letters, and an estimate of his genius and talents, compared with those of his great contem- poraries. Second edition. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1826. 7937 Book-plate of the Earl of Munster. * The Life of Oliver Goldsmith, from a variety of original sources. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1837. (Three copies.) 7938 Life of Edmond Malone, editor of Shakspeare. With selec- tions from his manuscript anecdotes. With a portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1860. 7939 PRIOR (MATTHEW). Poetical Works : now first collected, with explanatory notes and memoirs of the author. 2 vols. Portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1779. 7940 Poetical Works. 2 vols. (Life, by John Mitford. Aldine edition.) (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1835. 7941 Poems on several occasions. L. P. 8vo. Lond. 1709. 7942 Another edition. 2 vols. (in one). (Portrait.) 12m o. Lond. 1721. 7943 Fifth edition. Vols. I. II. (Portrait.) 12 mo. Lond. 1733. Second edition. Vol. III. 12mo. Lond. 1727. 7944 Sixth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1741. Fourth edition. Vol. II. To which is prefixed, the Life of Mr. P., by Samuel Humphreys. 12mo. Lond. 1742. 7945 The Turtle and the Sparrow. A poem. Folio. Lond. 1723. 7946 Miscellaneous Works, consisting of poems on several occa- sions, viz. epistles, tales, satires, epigrams, etc. With some select Latin performances. Now first published from his original manuscripts. Revised by himself, and copied fair for the press by Adrian Drift, his executor. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1740. 7947 (Vol. II.) The History of His Own Time. Compiled from the original manuscripts. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1740. 7948 203 PRISCIANTJS. Latinse linguae cum Graeca collatio ex Prisciano, & proba- tiss. quibusque authoribus . . . 8vo. Lutet., C. Stephanus. 3554. 7949 Opera minora, edidifc Fridericus Lindemannus. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1818. 7950 PROBUS (M. VALERIUS). In Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica commentarius. Edidit Henricus Keil. 8vo. Halis. 1848. (Two copies.) 7951 PROCLUS. Er lov TOV nxaTwvo; T*/xaov . . . In Platonis Timaeon com- raentariorum Procli libri quinq, . . . et in ejusdem Poli- ticen difficiliorum quaestionum omnium eiiarratio. Gr. Folio. End. (Basil., Jo. Valderus. 1534.) 7952 On the title-page of this volume is written : " Ex libris Thomse Taylor, con- taining upwards of 1200 emendations made by him of the text of the Commentaries of Proclus . on the Timseus, and 238 emendations of Proclus on the Republic of Plato." Mr. Dyce adds : " The present copy is the one which Taylor had rendered, as he thought, most complete." Procli successoris Platonici in Platonis theologian! libri sex. Per ^Emilium Portum . . . Accessit Marini Neapolitan! libellus de vita Procli. Gr. Lat. Folio. Hamb. 1618. (Two copies.) 7953 No. 1. Autograph and MS. notes of Thomas Taylor. PROCOPIUS. In libros Regum, et Paralipomenon, scholia. loan. Meur- sius nunc primus Greece edidit, et Latinam interpretationem adiecit. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1620. 7954 MS. notes by Gilb. Wakefield. PROCTER. See CORNWALL (BARRY). PROLOGUE. Prologue and Epilogue, spoken at the opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane, 1747. 4to. Lond. 1747. 7955 PROLOGUES. A Collection and selection of English prologues and epi- logues. Commencing with Shakespeare, and concluding with Garrick. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1779. 7956 Portraits of actors and actresses in character. (See also No. 9820.) 204 PROPERTIUS (SEXTUS AURELIUS). Elegiarum Libri Quatuor . . . curis Jani Broukhusii. . . . 4to. Amst. 1727. 7957 S. A. P. varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illus- tratus a F. G. Barthio. 8vo. Lips. 1777. 7958 Elegiarum libri IV. Cum commentario perpetuo P. Bur- manni sccundi . . . Opus Burmanni morte interruptum L. Santenius absolvit. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1780. 7959 Carmina. Emendavit C. Lachmannus. 8vo. Lips. 1816. 7960 Carmina quae exstant ex recensione C. T. I^uinoel. 2 vols. 8vo. Aug. Taur. 1822-23. 7961 Two vols. of the " Collectio Latiiiorum scriptorum cum notis." Carmina . . . adnotationem adjecit F. Jacob. 8vo. Lips. 1827. 7962 PROSPER, AQUITANUS or AQUITANICUS, EPISCOPUS RHEGIENSIS. Opera, accurata vetustorum exemplarium collatione a mendis . . . repurgata. 8vo. Duaci. 1577. 7963 Carmen de ingratis et epigrammata selecta. -8vo. Romae. 1759. 7964 PRO SERBIA. Tixpot[Mxi sw-Tpoi. Proverbiales Grsecorum versus. los. Sca- liger pridem collegit, composuit, digessit. 4to. Lutet. 1593. 7965 Another edition. Fed. Morellus Latine expressit eod. genere canninis. 8vo. Lutet. 1594. (Five copies.) 7966 No. 5. The Hexameters only. Proverbiales Graeeorum versus Latinis eiusdem generis versibus expressi, partim ab Erasmo olim, partim nunc a Fed. Morello. 4to. Lutet., F. Morell. 1594. 7967 PROVERBII. Consegli in Proverbii redicolosi et piacevoli. 8vo. Trevigi. 1644. 7968 PRUDENTIUS CLEMENS (AUEELIUS). Sacra, quae extant, Poemata omnia. . . . Quibms acces- serunt : In totum quidem opus, loan. Sicliardi succinta scholia : in aliquot vero hymnos D. Erasmi et Jac. Spiegelii commen- taria. 8vo. Basil. End. 1562. 7969 " Collated with a MS.: qy. by Bentley ? " MS. note by Mr. Dyce. 205 Opera : ex postrema doct. virorum recensione, 1 2mc. Amst. 1631. 7970 Quse exstant. Nic. Heinsius. . . . recensuit. . . . 8vo. Amst. 1667. 7971 Quae exstant, recensuit. . . . Christoph. Cellarius. Edit, secunda. 8vo. Hal. Magd. 1739. 7972 Opera omnia nunc primum cum codd. Vaticanis collata praefatione, variantibus lectionibus, notis . . . aucta et illustrata. 2 vols. 4to. Parma. 1788. 7973 PRUSSIA (FREDERICK THE GREAT, King of). Relation de la campagne de 1756. Tant en Boheme, qu'en Silesie, et qu'en Saxe. Account of the campaign of 1756. In Bohemia, Silesia, and Saxony. By the K** of P***. (Together with Considerations sur la Conduite de laRepublique de Pologne). 8vo. Lond. 1757. 7974 A succinct account of the person, the way of living, and of the court of the King of Prussia. Translated from a curious manuscript in French, found in the cabinet of ... Mar- shal Keith. 8vo. Lond. 1759. 7975 PRYNNE (WILLIAM). Mount-Orgueil : or divine and profitable meditations, raised from the contemplation of these three leaves of Natures Volume, 1. Rockes, 2. Seas, 3. Gardens, digested into three distinct poems. To which is prefixed, a poeticall description of Mount- Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersey. By W. P.. late exile, and close prisoner in the sayd castle. A Poem of the Soules Com- plaint against the Body ; and Comfortable Cordialls against the Discomforts of Imprisonment, etc. are hereto annexed. (Portrait.) 4to. Lond. 1641. 7976 " The only copy in the Brit. Museum is that in the Grenville Collection ; and it wants the portrait and the verses, ' Loe here's the Authors Shadow,' &c." MS. note by Mr, Dyce. PSALMANAAZAAR or PSALMANAZAR (GEORGE), pseud. An historical and geographical description of Formosa, an island subject to the Emperor of Japan . . . Second edition. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1705. 7977 * Memoirs of ***. Commonly known by the name of G. P. ; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, in order to be published after his death . . . Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1765. 7978 206 PSALMS. Decupla : sive Psalmi civ. Decein paraphrases poeticte. Auctoribus totidem Scbtis : viz. Georgio Buchanano. etc. 8vo. Edinb. 1739. 7979 The Whole Book of Psalms, ... by Thomas Stern- hold, John Hopkins . .- . 8vo. Lond. 1764. 7980 A New Version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in Churches. By N. Brady, and N. Tate. 8vo. Lond. 1793. 7981 Notices regarding the metrical versions of the Psalms re- ceived by the Church of Scotland. (From the Appendix to Principal Baillie's Letters and Journals, IVol. III.) By D[avid] L[aing]. 8vo. Edinb. 1842. 7982 (See also JONSTONUS and POETAE.) PSELLUS (MICHAEL). 2uvTy/*a . . . Opus dilucidum in quattuor mathematicas disciplinas, arithmeticam, musicara, geometriam, et Astro- nomiam. Gr. L. P. 8vo. Par. lac. Bogardus. 1545. 7983 Synopsis legum versibus iambis et politicis cum Latina interpretatione et notis F. Bosqueti selectisque observationibua C. Siebenii . . . emendatius edidit L. H. Teucherus. 8vo. Lips. 1789. (Two copies.) 7984 Another edition. 8vo. Lips. 1796. 7985 PUEDE-SEB, (DON DIEGO), pseud, i.e. MABBE (JAMES). The Spanish Bawd, represented in Celestina : or, The Tragicke-Cornedy of Calisto and Melibea . . . Sm. folio. Lond 1631. 7986 " This play is the longest that was ever published, consisting of twenty-one acts. ' It was written originally in Spanish, by El Bachiler Fernanda de Roxas de la Puebla de Montalvan." Baker, Biog. Dram. IV. 290. PULCI (LucA). Epistole di Luca de Pulci cittadino Florentine all Magnifico Lorenzo de Medici. 8vo. End. Firenze, Bernardo di Phi- lippo di Giunta. 1518. 7987 Ciriffo Calvaneo di Lvca Pvlci. Con la Giostra del Magni- fico Lorenzo De Medici. Insieme con le Epistole Composte dal Medesimo- Pulci. Nvovamente Bistampate. 8vo. Fior. Giunti. 1572. 7988 MS. note. Ciriffo Calvaneo . . . restituito alia sua antica lezione con osservazioni bibliografico-letterarie di S. L. G. E. Audin. 8vo. Firenze. 1834. 7989 207 PULCI (Luiai). II Fioretto di Morgante e Margutte piccolino, infino alia morte di Margutte. Composto per lo eccellentissimo poet a L. P. Fiorentino. Nuouamente corretto, & aggiontoui quin- dece stantie in fine, lequale mancliauano nelli altri per auanti stampati. 8vo. End. Vineg. 1549. 7990 II Morgante Maggiore. (Portrait.) 4to. Firenze. 1732. 7991 Another edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. (Parigi). 1768. 7992 Another edition. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Milano. 1806. 7993 * Another edition. 4 vols. Sm. 8vo. Venez. 1812. 7994 PUTEANUS (ERYCIUS), i.e. DU PITY (HENRI). In Is. Casauboni ad Front. Ducaeum Epistolam stricturae. 4to. Lovan. 1612. (Two copies.) 7995 No. 1. " Erycius Puteanus." Comus, sive phagesiposia Cimmeria. Somnium. 12mo. Oxon. 1634. 7996 Histories Insubricse libri VI. qui irruptiones barbarorum in Italiara continent. 12 mo. Oxon. 1634. 7997 PUTTENHAM (GEORGE). * The Arte of English Poesie. Contriued into three Bookes : the first of Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Ornament. [Anon.] (Portrait of Queen Elizabeth.) 4to. Lond., R. Field. 1589. 7998 Bindley's copy. MS. note. PYE (HENRY JAMES). Poems en various subjects. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1787. 7999 Amusement. A poetical essay. 4to. Lond. 1790. 8000 A Commentary illustrating the Poetic of Aristotle, by ex- amples taken chiefly from the modern poets. To which is prefixed, a new and corrected edition of the translation of the Poetic. 4to. Lond. 1792. 8001 Adelaide: a tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8002 Verses on several subjects, written in the vicinity of Stoke Park, in the summer and autumn of 1801. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1802. 8003 Comments on the Commentators on Shakespear. With preliminary observations on his genius and writings . . . 8vo. Lond. 1807. 8004 Alfred: an epic poem. 12mo. Lond. 1808. 8005 Another edition. 12mo. Lond. 1815. 8006 208 PYE (SAMUEL). The Moral system of Moses. 4to. Lond. 1770. 8007 PYLADES. Pylades and Corinna : or, memoirs of the lives, amours, and writings of Richard Gwinnett, and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, Junr., of Great Russel St., Bloomsbury . . . Published from their original manuscripts. Attested by Sir Edward Northey. To which is prefixed, the life of Corinna. Written by Her self. (Portrait of E. T.) 8vo. Lond. 1731. 8008 The honourable lovers : or the second and last volume of Pylades and Corinna. Being the remainder of love letters, and other pieces, (in verse and prose,) which passed between R. G. and Mrs. E. T. . . . (Portrait of R. G.) 8vo. Lond. 1732. 8009 PYLE (THOMAS). A Paraphrase with notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and upon all the Epistles of the New Testament. . . . Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1750. 8010 PYTHAGORAS. Aurea Pythagoreorum carmina. Latine conversa, multisque in locis emendata, illustrataque adnotationibus ; quibus etiam Hieroclis interpretation! no parum lucis adfertur. Auctore Theodoro Marcilio. Gr. Lat. 12mo. Lutet. 1525. 8011 P. Carmen aureum, Graece et Latine. ... II. Gasp. Barlaei orationes II patheticae. . . . III. Miscella quaedam, carmina, inscriptiones, epistolas, testimonia, etc. complexa. . Opera et studio J. C. Knauthii. 8vo. Argent. 1720. 8012 Q. QTJARLES (FRANCIS). Hadassa : Or The History of Qveene Ester : with Medita- tions thereupon, Diuine and Morall. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1621. 8013 lob Militant : With Meditations, Divine and Morall. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1624. 8014 Sions Elegies. Wept By leremie the Prophet, And Peri- phras'd By Fra. Qvarles. 4to. Lond. 1625. (Two copies.) 8015 A Feast for Wormes. Set forth in a Poeme of the History oflonah. 4to. Lond. 1626. With (separate title-page, but continuous signatures) Pentelogia : or, The Qvintessence of Meditation. [Anon.] (Two copies.) 8016 No. 2. "To the Reader" (one leaf) inserted before the title-page. 209 [Engraved Frontispiece title.] Argalvs and Parthenia Newly perused, perfected, and Written. 4to. Lond., lohn Marriott, n. d. (1628?) 8017 The last Edition Corrected, Amended, and Illustrated with . 30 Figures relating to the Story. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1677. 8018 Divine Fancies : Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. 4to. Lond. 1638. 8019 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1641. 8020' Another edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1660. *8020 [Engraved title.] Divine Poemes Reuised, and Corrected with Additions by the Author Fra : Quarles. [Lond.] 1632. [Printed title.] Divine Poems: Containing The History of Jonah. Ester. Job. Samson. Sions Sonets. Elegies. Written and newly augmented, by Fra: Quarles. 12mo. Lond. 1638. (Two copies.) 8021 These copies contain the following pieces, each with its own title-page and the date 1638 (except "an Alphabet . . ." which has n. d.),but the pagi- nation is continuous, viz. : A Feast for Wormes Pentelogia Hadassa Job Militant The Historic of Samson Sions Sonets Sions Elegies An Alphabet of Elegies Vpon The . . . death of ... Doctor Ailmer An Elegie vpon . . . Doctor Wilson, of the Holies and Mildreiados. To the Blessed Memory of ... Mildred La. Luckyn. Emblemes. (With Hieroglyphikes of the life of Man.) 12mo. Lond. 1639. 8022 Engraved frontispiece titles, and plates in text. Another edition, with engraved frontispiece titles, and plates in text. 12mo. Lond. 1676. 8023 The frontispiece title to " Hieroglyphikes " without imprimatur. Solomons Recantation, Entituled Ecclesiastes, Paraphrased. With a Soliloquie or Meditation upon every Chapter . By Francis Quarles. Opus Posthumum. Never before Im- printed. With a short relation of his Life and Death. (By Ursula Quarles.) [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1645. 8024 The Shepheards Oracles : Delivered in certain Eglogues. Engraved frontispiece. 4to. Lond. 1646. 8025 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1646. 8026 The Virgin Widow. A Comedie. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1649. 8027 Second Edition. 4to. 1656. 8028 QTJARLL, PHILIP. ' The Hermit : or, the unparalled sufferings and surprising adventures of Mr. P. Q., an Englishman. Who was lately dis- covered by Mr. Dorrington a Bristol Merchant, upon an unin- habited Island in the South Sea . . . 8vo. Westminster. 1727. . 8029 210 QUATREM^RE DE QUINCY (ANTOINE CHRYSOSTOME). Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Raphael ornde d'un portrait. 3 e ddit. L. P. 8vo. Paris. 1835. 8030 QUEEN. The Queen, or the Excellency of her Sex. An excellent old Pbiy. Found out by a Person of Honour, and given to the publisher Alexander Goughe. 4to. Lond., T. N. for Thomas Heath. 1653. 8031 QUERENGHI (ANTONIO). Poesie volgari. Seconda impressione. 12mo. Roma. 1621. 8032 QUEYEDO VILLEGAS (FRANCISCO DE). The Visions . . . Made English by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Eleventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1715. 8033 QUILLETUS (CLAUDIUS). C. Q. Callipsedia, etc. Et Scae volse Sammarthani Psedotrophia. [Second title.] Scaevolse Sammarthani Psedotrophife . . . Lond. 1708. L. P. 8vo. Lond. 1709. (Two copies.) 8034 QUILLINAN (EDWARD). Dunluce Castle, a poem. In four parts. (Edited by Sir E. Brydges.) L. P. 4to. Lee Priory Press. 1814. 8035 Stanzas, by the Author of " Dunluce Castle." L. P. 4to. Lee Priory Press. 1814. 8036 Consolation : a poem addressed to Lady Brydges. L. P. 8vo. Lee Priory Press. 1815. 8037 The Sacrifice of Isabel : a poem. 8vo. Lee Priory Press. 1816. 8038 Elegiac Verses, addressed to a Lady. (With Verses, addressed to Lady Brydges, in memory of her son Edward William George Brydges.) 4to. Lee Priory Press. 1817. 8039 Woodcuts and Verses. (Edited by E. Q.). L. P. 4to. Lee Priory Press. 1820. 8040 Carmina Brugesiana. Domestic poems. L. P. 8vo. Geneva, 1822. 8041 * Poems. With a memoir by William Johnston. 12mo. Lond. 1853. 8042 QUIN (JAMES). * The Life of Mr. J. Q., comedian. With the history of the Stage from his commencing actor to his retreat to Bath. Illus- trated with many curious and interesting anecdotes . . . (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1766. 8043 211 QUINAULT (PHILIPPE). Le Theatre de M. Q., contenant ses tragedies, comedies, et operas. (With : La vie de P. Q.) Nouvelle Edition. 5 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1739. 8044 CEuvres Choisies de Quinault. Edition ste're'otype. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1811. 8045 Agrippa King of Alba : or, The False Tiberinus. From the French of Mons. Q. (By J. D. [John Dancer].) 4to. Lond. 1675. (Two copies.) 8046 QUINTILIANUS (M. FABIUS). Institutionum Oratoriarum libri duodecim. Accesserunt Declamation es, qu?e tam ex P. Pithoei, quam aliorum bibliothecis et editionibus colligi potuerunt. Cum Turnebi . . . et aliorum notis. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. et Roterod. 1665. 8047 Horace Walpole's copy, with his book-plate. QUINTUS SMYRNAEUS, commonly called QUINTTJS CALABER. !*.*; Sen Paraleipomena, id est, derelicta ab Homero, XIV. libris comprehensa . . . Latine ... a Laur. Rhodomano. Nunc accessit Epitome Gemina, turn Homeii & Cointi, tuni universae Historiae Troianae. Itemque Dionis Chrysostomi Oratio De Ilio non capto. Gr. Lat. 2 vols. 8vo. Hanov. 1604. 8048 Troia expugnata : seu Supplementum Homeri . . . interprete L. Rhodomanno, cum Claud. Dausqueii adnotamentis. Accedit Epitome gemina . . . Gr. Lat. 8vo. Francof. 1614. 8049 D'Orville's copy, with a transcription of the MS. notes of Jos. Scaliger and L. Khodomannus. * Prsetermissorum ab Homero libri XIV. Greece, cum versione Latina . L. Rhodomanni ; et adnotamentis selectis C. Dausqueji ; Curante J. C. de Pauw. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1734. (Three copies.) 8050 No. 1 . " Bought at the Sale of Dr. Askew's MSS. The notes are uncom- monly excellent and appear to be Dr. Taylor's. E. Harwood." * Posthomericorum libri XIV. Nunc priinum recensuit . . . T. C. Tychsen. Accesserunt observationes C. G. Heynii. 8vo. Argentorati. 1807. 8051 Posthomericorum libri XIV. Recensuit . . . Arminius Koechly. 8vo. Lips. 1850. 8052 Q. Smyrnaei Tryphiodori loannis Tzetzae et Coluthi carmina de rebus Troianis ad optimorum librorum fidem exhibita. Gr. Edit, stereotypa. 12mo. Lips. 1829. 8053 212 QUINTUS SMYRNAEUS (continued). Select translations from the Greek of Quintus Smyrnreus. By Alexander Dyce. 12mo. Oxf. 1821. (Three copies.) 8054 Guerre de Troie, depuis la mort d'Hector jusqu'a la ruine de cette ville, poeme en quatorze chants, par Quintus de Sinyrne, faisant suite a 1'Iliade, et traduit pour la premiere fois du Grec en Fran^ais par R. Touiiet. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris An IX.- 1800. 8055 E. R. (C.) i.e. REEVE (FLARA). The Progress of Romance, through times, countries, and manners ; . . in a course of evening conversations. 2 vols. (in one). Colchester [printed]. 8vo. Lond. 1785. 8056 R. (H.). The Trumpet of Fame. Written by H. R. [Henry Roberts], and first printed in 159 5. Second edition. (Edited by T. Park.) Kent, Lee Priory. 8vo. 1818. 8057 R. (T.). An Essay upon the Third Punique War. Lib. I. and II. To which are added Theodosius's advice to his son. And the Phenix; out of Claudian. 8vo. Savoy [Lond.]. 1671. 8058 RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). * (Euvres de Maitre F. R., publiees sous le titre de Faits et Dits du Gdant Gargantua et de son Fils Pantagruel, etc. Nouvelle edition. 6 vols. 8vo. n. p. 1732. 8059 * The Works of F. R. The First ( Fifth Book). For- merly translated by Sir Thomas Urquart, and explained by Mr. Motteux. Since revised, and compared with M. Le Du Chat's edition, by Mr. Ozell. New edition. 5 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1750. 8060 RACINE (JEAN). Oeuvres de J. R., avec des commentaires, par J. L. Geoffrey. 7 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Paris. 1808. 8061 Athaliah. A Tragedy. Translated from the French of Monsieur R. By Mr. (William) Duncombe. Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1746. 8062 RACINE (Louis). * Mdmoires sur la vie de Jean Racine. (With lettres, kc., of J. R.) [Anon.] 2 vols. 12mo. A Lausanne et a Geneve. 1747. 8063 213 RADCLIFFE (ALEXANDER). The Ramble : an anti-heroick poem. Together with some terrestrial hymns and carnal ejaculations. 8vo. Lond. 1682. 8064 RADCLIFFE (ANNE WARD, afterwards MRS.) * The Romance of the Forest : interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By the Authoress of " A Sicilian Romance." 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1791. 8065 A Journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the Western Frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine : to which are added observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. Second edition. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Lond. 1795. 8066 * The Mysteries of Udolpho, a romance ; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. Third edition. 4 vols. 12mo. 1795. 8067 * The Italian, or the Confessional of the Black Penitents. A romance. Second edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1797. 8068 The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne. A Highland story. Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1811. 8069 * A Sicilian Romance. New edition. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Lond. 1821. 8070 * Gaston de Blondeville, or The Court of Henry III. keeping festival in Ardenne, a romance. St. Alban's Abbey, a metrical tale ; with some poetical pieces. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author, with extracts from her journals. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. 8071 " The memoir was written by Talfourd." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. RAFAELLO, TOSCANO. La Morte del duca, cdel Cardinal di Guisa, et come poi fv vcciso Henrico di Valoia, Re di Francia. II tutto raccolto in ottava rima . . . . da R. T. 8vo. Trino. 1590'. 8072 RALEIGH (SiR WALTER). Poems : now first collected. With a biographical and critical introduction : by Sir Egerton Brydges. L. P. 4to. Lee Priory Press. 1813. 8073 * Second edition. 8vo. Lond., Private Press of Longman, etc. 1814. . 8074 VOL. III. P 214. RAMSAY (ALLAN). The Ever Green being a collection of Scots Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before 1600. Published by Allan Ramsay. 2vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1761. 8075 The Tea-Table Miscellany : or, a Collection of Choice Songs Scots and English. Twelfth edition. 4 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Lond. 1763. 8076 Poems. A new edition, with a glossary. To which are prefixed, a life of the author, from authentic documents : and remarks on his poems. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8077 The Gentle Shepherd, a pastoral comedy. 8vo. Edinb. 1807. 8078 RAMSAY (ANDREW MICHAEL), usually styled the Ck Les Voyages de Cyrus, avec un discours sur la Mythologie. 2 vols. (in 1). 8vo. Amst. 172,8. 8079 Nouvelle Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1753. 8080 RAMUS (PETRUS). Ciceronianus. 8vo. Paris. 1557.. 8081 Dialectics libri duo : quibus loco commentarii perpetui post certa capita subjicitur, Guilielmi Amesii demonstratio logicse ver?e, simul cum synopsi ejusdem. . . . 12mo. Cantab. 1072. 8082 RANDOLPH (THOMAS). Aristippus, or The Touiall Philosopher : demonstrativelie proouing, that Quartes, Pintes, and Pottles, are sometimes necessary authours in a scholers library. Presented in a pri- uate Shew. To which is added, The Conceited Pedlar. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1630. 8083 The Jealous Lovers. A Comedie presented to their gracious Majesties at Cambridge, by the Students of Trinity-Colledge. 4to. Cambridge. 1632. 8084 [Engraved title.] Cornelianvm Dolivm, etc. [Printed title.] Cornelian vm Dolium. Comcedia lepidissima, optimorum judi- ciis approbata . . . Auctore, T. R. [Thomas Randolph ?] 12mo. Lond. 1638. 8085 Poems with the Muses Looking- Glasse : and Amyntas. 4to. Oxf. 1638. 8086 Second edition enlarged. 12mo. Oxf. 1640. 8087 [With] Jealous Lovers. Arystippus. Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond., F. Bowman. 1652. 8088 Engraved title Poems. The 4th Edition much enlarged. Oxf. 1652. * Fifth edition. Sm. 8vo. Oxf. 1 668. 8080 RANNIE (JOHN). Musical Dramas, with select poems, and ballads. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 8090 Includes. The Cottage of the Cliffs. The Exiles. The Deserted Tower. The Convent. The Lowland Lassie. (Musical dramas), and Job, a sacred drama. RAPIN (RENE). Hortorum lib. IV. cum disputatione de cultura Hortensi. loan. Meursii Fil. Arboretum sacrum. Angeli Politiani Rus- ticus. Adhcec Lipsii leges Hortenses, et Lazari Bonamici car- men de vita rustica. 8vo. Ultraject. 1672. 8091 " A scarce book." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Hortorum libri IV., et Cultura hortensis. Hortorum histo- riam addidit Gabriel Brotier. 12mo. Paris. 1780. " 8092 Rapin of Gardens. A Latin Poem. In four books. Eng- lish'd by Mr. (James) Gardiner. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 8093 Second edition, revised and finish'd. (Portrait of Gardiner.) 8vo. Lond. n. d. (Two copies.) 8094 No. 1 . Presentation copy. Third edition. 8m Lond. 1728. 8095 Christus Patiens : or, the Sufferings of Christ, an heroic poem. In two books. Made English from the Latin original of R. (By C. Buckingham.) Svo. Lond. 1720. 8096 Eclogre, cum dissertatione de carmine pastorali. Nova editio. 3 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1723. 8097 RATES. The Rates of the Custome house reduced into a much better order for the redier finding of anything therin contained : then at any time heertofore hath been, and now again cor- rected, enlarged, and amended. H Wherunto is also added the true difference and contents of waights and measures, with other things neuer before imprinted. B. L. Svo. Lond., John Allde. 1582. 8098 MS. notes. The Rates of merchandizes, as they are set downe in the Booke of Rates, for the Custome and Subsidie of Poundage, and for the Custome and Subsidie of Clothes . . . Together with the rates of such impositions as are laide upon any commodities, either brought into the realme, or carried out of the same. . . . [2nd & 8th Jas. I.] Svo. n. p. n. d. 8099 MS. notes. Another edition. Svo. Lond. 1635. 8100 MS. notes, and, at the end, a MS. of 17 leaves, with the heading " Rates for Package Scavage inwarde and Balliage, or Scavage outwardes." p 2 216 RAVAILLAC, FRANCIS. The Trial of F. R, for the murder of Henry IV., King of France, on the 17th of May 1610. To which is added, an oration of Pope Sextus V. upon the death of King Henry III. in Rome, in the full assembly of the cardinals. 8vo. Lond. 1757. 8101 RAVENSCROFT (EDWARD). Mamamouchi, or the Citizen turn'd Gentleman : A Comedy. 4to. Lond. 1675. 8102 RAWLET (JOHN). Poetick Miscellanies. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1721. 8103 RAWLINS (F. J.). Notes on Virginia Water with a Map. 8vo. Windsor. 1866. 8104 RAWLINS (THOMAS). The Rebellion : A Tragedy : As it was acted nine dayes together . . . by his Majesties Company of Re veils. 4to. Lond. 1640. 8105 RAY (JOHN). The Wisdom of God manifested in the Works of Creation in two Parts. Fifth edition. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1709. 8106 * A compleat collection of English proverbs ; also the most celebrated proverbs of the Scotch, Italian, French, Spanish, and other languages . . . Fourth edition. Svo. Lond. 1768. 8107 RAYMOND (GEORGE). Drafts for Acceptance. 12mo. Lond. 1856. 8108 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Author. *The Life and Enterprises of Robert William Elliston, Comedian. (Portrait of Elliston.) 12mo. Lond. 1857. 8109 RAYMOND (JAMES GRANT). The Life of Thomas Dermody : interspersed with pieces of original poetry . . . and containing a series of Corre- spondence with several eminent characters. 2 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1S06. 8110 RAZZI (GlROLAMO). La Balia Comedia. Nuouamente ristampata. Svo. Fiorenza. 1564. 8111 La Gostanza. Comedia. Nuouamente data in luce. Svo. Firenze. 1565. 8112 La Gismonda Tragedia. Svo. Fiorenza. 1569. (Two copies.) 8113 217 i REALI. Li Reali di Francia, ne' quali si contiene la generatione de gli Imperatori, Re, Duchi, Prencipi, Baroni, e Paladini di Francia, Con 1' imprese grandi, e battaglie da loro fatte. Cominciando da Costantino Imperatore, sino ad Orlando Conte d' Anglante. . '. . Nuoua impressione. 8vo. Venetia, et in Bassano. n. d. 8114 RE DE GRANATA. Begin. K)| glorioso Dio alto factore] . . . . to e seza fine . . . . iimo spledor End. \ LAISTORIA . DE . | RE DE | GRANATA | Sm. folio, n. p. n.d. 8115 Six leaves. Text in double columns no punctuation. First three lines mutilated. MS. notes. REBELLION. The Rebellion ; or, All in the Wrong. A serio-comic hurly- buriy, in scenes, as it was performed for two months at the New Theatre Royal, Covent Garden . . . Second edition. ( Portrait of Mr. Kemble.) 8vo. Lond. 1809. 8116 RECHENBERGIUS (ADAMUS). Histories rei nummarise veteris scriptores aliquot insigniores . . . cum Bibliotheca numrnaria, et praefatione A. R. (Portrait of Hostus.) 4to. Amst. 1692. [On verso of title.] Tractatuum Series. I. Matthaei Hosti Historica antiquitas Rei Nummariae ... II. I. Seldom Liber de Nummis. III. P. Labbe Bibliotheca Nummaria. IV. G. Budaei De Asse & Partibus eius. 8117 REDI (FRANCESCO). Sonetti. 12mo. Firenze. 1703. 8118 Bacco in Toscana ditirambo con note brevi scelte dell' autore. (Edited by T. J. Mathias.) 32mo. Lond. 1804. (Two copies.) Sllfi No. 1. " Dawson Turner from the Editor." Portrait of T. J. Mathias (private plate) inserted. Poesie Toscane. (Portrait.) Svo. Firenze. 1822. 8120 REED (JOSEPH). Tom Jones^a comic opera. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1769. 8121 218 i REEVE (CLARA). The Exiles ; or, Memoirs of the Count de Cronstadt. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1788. 8122 * The Old English Baron : a Gothic story. Fourth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1789. 8123 The School for Widows. A novel. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1791. 8124 * Edwin, King of Northumberland. A story of the seventh century. 12mo. Lond. 1802. (See also 8056.) 8125 REFORMATION. The Reformation. A comedy. 4to. Lond. 1673. 8126 " This piece is ascribed to one Mr. Arrowsmith, M.A. of Cambridge." Baker, Biog. Dram. iv. 196. REGNARD ( JEAN-FRANCOIS). Oeuvres. 4 vols. (Portrait.) 18mo. Paris. 1810. 8127 Oeuvres . . . avec des avertissements et des remarques sur chaque piece, par M. Gamier. Nouvelle Edition. 6 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Paris. 1820. 8128 REGNIER (MATHURIN). CEuvres. 2 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Lond. 1750. 8129 REINESIUS (THOMAS). Linguae Punicse . . . opera Tobise Seifarti. 4to. Altenb. 1637. 8130 Variarum lectionum libri tres. 4to. Altenb. 1640. 8131 Defensio variarum lectionum T. R. contra iniquam censuram poetre L. 4to. Rostoch. 1653. 8132 Epistolae. (Portrait.) 4 to: Lips. 1660. 8133 Autograph of " D. Wyttenbach. 1774." Epistola? ad Christ. Daumium . . . Accedunt alia ejus- dem, et ipsius Daumii epistolae ad R. . . . e museo J. A. Bosii. 4to. Jense. 1670. 8134 Observationes in Suidam. ... edidit C. G. Muller. 8vo. Lips. 1819. (Two copies.) 8135 REISIGIUS (CAROLUS). Conjeetaneorum in Aristophanem libri duo. Liber primus. 8vo. Lips. 1816. (Two copies.) 8136 Commentarii in Sophoclis Oedipum Colone um criticis com- mentationibus addita Enarratione integri. 8vc>. Jenae. 1823. 8137 219 REISKE (JOANNES JACOBUS). Ad Euripidam et Aristophanem animadversiones. 8vo. Lips. 1754. (Three copies.) 8138 Animadversionum ad Graecos Auctores voluraen primum ( quintuin.) 5 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1757-66. 8139 REITZIUS (CAROLUS CONRADUS). Index verborum ac phrasium Luciani, sive Lexicon Lucia- neum, ad editiones omnes, maxime novissimam Wetstenianam, concinnatum. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1746. 8140 Bound up as forming vol. 5 of the Amsterdam edition of the works of Lucian. 4to. 1743. (No. 5962.) RELANDUS (HADRIANUS). H. R. Galatea, cum alioruin poetarum locis comparata, a Petro Bosscha. 8vo. Amst. 1809. 8141 RELIGIO. Religio Clerici : Two Epistles by a Churchman ; with notes. New edition. To which is now added, by the same author, A Parson's Choice of Town or Country : An Epistle to a Young Divine. Svo. Lond. 1821. 8142 REMARKS. Remarks on the importance of the study of political pam- phlets . . . Svo. Lond. 1765. 8143 Short Remarks on the State of Parties at the clo^e of the year 1809. Svo. Lond. 1809. 8144 REMIGIO, FIORENTINO. Rime. Nvovamente stampate. 8vo. End. Vinegia. 1547. (Two copies.) 8145 RENALDINI (PANFILO DI). Innamoramento di Rvggeretto figlivolo di Ruggero Re di Bulgaria, con ogni riuscimento di tutte le magnanime sue iinprese, e con i generosi fatti di Orlando, di Rinaldo, e d' altri Paladini. 4to. Vinegia. 1555. 8146 RENNELL (JAMES). Observations on the topography of the Plain of Troy ; and on the principal objects within, and around it described, or alluded to, in the Iliad . . . With a map . . . (Portrait.) Large 4to. Lond. 1814. 8147 REO INNOCENTE. II Reo Innocente. Opera Tragica dell' Accademico Oscuro, [i.e. Pietro Piperno] Data in Ivce da Bart. Lupardi. 12mo. Bologna. 1696. 8148 220 REPOSITORY. The Repository : a Select Collection of Fugitive Pieces of Wit and Humour, in prose and verse. By the most Eminent Writers. Third edition. [Edited by Isaac Reed.] 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1790. 8149 RETURN FROM PARNASSUS. * The Retvrne from Pernassus : Or the Scourge of Simony. Publiquely acted by the Students in Saint lohns Colledge in Cambridge. 4to. Lond. 1C06. (Two copies.) 8150 No. 1. MS. notes. RETZ (JEAN FRANCOIS PAUL DE GONDY, Cardinal de). Mdmoires. Contenant ce* qui s'est passe* de remarquable eu France pendant les premieres anne'es du rdgne de Louis XIV. Nouvelle Edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Geneve. 1751. 8151 REUVENS (CASPARUS JACOBUS CHRISTIANUS). Collectanea Litteraria, sive conjecturae in Attium, Diomedem [et alios] . . . maximam partem ad Romanorum Rem Scenicam pertinentes : quibus accedit disputatio de linguae Graecae pronunciatione. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1815. 8352 REVELEY (HENRY). Notices illustrative of the drawings and sketches of some of the most distinguished masters in all the principal schools of design. L. P. 4to. Loud. 1820. 8153 Graphida?, or characteristics of Painters. [By H. R. Henry Reveley ?] F. P. 8vo. Privately printed. Lond. 1838. 8154 REVOLTER. The Revolter. A Trage-Comedy acted between the Hind and the Panther, and Religio Laici, &c. 4to. Lond. 1687. 8155 REVOLUTION. The Late Revolution : or, the Happy Change. A Tragi- Comedy, as it was acted throughout the English Dominions in the Year 1688. Written by a Person of Quality. 4to. Lond. 1690. 8156 REYNARD THE FOX. The History of Reynard the Fox, from the edition printed by Caxton in J481. With notes, and an introductory sketch of the literary 'history of the romance, by W. J. Thorns. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 45. 1844; 8157 REYNOLDS (FREDERICK). Songs, Duets, Chorusses, etc., in the historical romance of the Crusade. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1790. 8158 22J Notoriety : a comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 8159 The Dramatist : or, Stop Him Who Can. A Comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 8160 How to Grow Rich : a comedy. Svo. Lond. 1793. (Two copies.) 8161 Fourth edition. Svo. Lond. 1793. 8162 The Rage: a comedy. Svo. Lond. 1795. (Two copies.) 8163 New edition. Svo. Lond. 1797. 8164 Speculation ; a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1795. (Three copies.) 8165 Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1796. 8166 Fortune's Fool ; a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1796. (Two copies.) 8167 Cheap Living : a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1797. (Three copies.) 8168 Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1797. (Two copies.) 8169 The Will : a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond: 1797. (Two copies.) 8170 Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1797. (Two copies.) 8171 Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1797. (Two copies.) 8172 Laugh When You Can: a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1799. (Two copies.) 8173 Management: A Comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1799. 8174 Fourth edition. Svo. Lond. 1799. 8175 Fifth edition. Svo. Lond. 1800. 8176 Life. A comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1801. (Two copies.) 8177 Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1801. 8178 Fifth edition. Svo. Lond. 1801. 8179 Sixth edition. Svo. Lond. 1801 8180 Werter; a tragedy, in three acts. New edition. Svo. Lond. 1802. 8181 The volume, containing this and other plays has the book-plate of Charles Mathews [the elder] . 222 REYNOLDS (continuecF). Folly as it Flies : a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lend. 1802. (Four copies.) 8182 Delays and Blunders : a comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1803. (Two copies.) 8183 The Caravan ; or the Driver and his Dog. A Grand serio comic Romance, in two acts. By F. R. The Music by William Reeve. Svo. Lond. 1803. (Two copies.) 8184 The Blind Bargain: or, Hear it Out; a Comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1805. (Two copies.) 8185 The Delinquent : or, Seeing Company : A Comedy, in five acts. Svo. Lond. 1805. 8186 Begone Dull Care : (Or, How will it End ?) A Comedy in five Acts. Svo. Lond. 1808. 8187 Songs, &c. in the melo-dramatic Opera, called the Exile. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1809. 8188 The Free Knights ; or, the Edict of Charlemagne : A Drama, in three acts, interspersed with music. Svo. Lond. 1810. 8189 The Renegade : a grand historical drama, in three acts. . . . Founded on Dryden's Don Sebastian, King of Por- tugal. (Portrait of Reynolds.) Svo. Lond. 1812. (Two copies.) 8190 The Virgin of the Sun ; an operatic Drama. Svo. Lond. 1812. 8191 Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1S12. 8192 REYNOLDS (G. N.). Ban try Bay, or the Loyal Peasants : A Comic Opera, in two acts. Svo. Lond. 1797. 8193 REYNOLDS (Sir JOSHUA). * Works ; containing his Discourses, Idlers, a Journey to Flanders and Holland, and his Commentary on Du Fresnoy's Ait of Painting ; printed from his revised copies, (with his last corrections and additions). To which is prefixed an account of the Life and Writings of the Author, by Edmond Malone. Third edition. (Portrait) 3 vols. Svo. Lond. 1801. 8194 Sir Joshua Reynolds' Notes and Observations on Pictures, chiefly of the Venetian School, being extracts from his Italian Sketch Books : Also, the Rev. W. Mason's Observations on Sir Joshua's method of coloring. And some unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson, Malone, and others. With an Appen- dix containing a Transcript of Sir Joshua's Account Book, showing what pictures he painted and the prices paid for them. Edited by William Cotton. Svo. Lond. 1859. 8195 223 Johnson and Garrick. [Not published.] [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1816. 8196 A Poetical Epistle to Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt. and Presi- dent of the Royal Academy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1777. 8197 RESTORES. Rhetores Selecti. Demetrius Phalereus, Tiberius rhetor, Anonymus sophista, Severus Alexandrinus. Greece et Latine. (Cura Tho. Gale.) 8vo. Oxon. e theat. Sheldon. 1676. (Two copies.) 8198 No. 1. MS. notes by Dr. J. Taylor, editor of Demosthenes. No. 2. Book- plate and autograph of " Philip Bliss." R. selecti . . . edidit et Latine vertit omnes notis illus- travit Tho. Galeus. Iterum edidit . . . I. F. Fischerus. 8vo. Lips. 1773. 8199 RHODES (WILLIAM BARNES). Bombastes Furioso : a burlesque tragic opera. With designs by George Cruikshank. 12mo. Lond. 1830. 8200 RICCHI DA LUCCA (AGOSTINO). Comedia, intittolata i Tre Tiranni. 4to. End. Vinegia, B. de Vitali. 1533. (Two copies.) 8201 RICH or RICHE (BARNABY). The Honestie of this Age : proving by good circumstance that the world was never honest till now. With an introduc- tion and notes by Peter Cunningham. Svo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 44. 1844. 8202 Eight Novels employed by English dramatic poets of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Originally published by B. R. in the year 1581, and reprinted from a copy of that date in the Bodleian library. Svo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1846. 8203 RICH (CLAUDIUS JAMES). Memoir on the ruins of Babylon. With three plates. Third edition. L. P. Svo. Lond. 1818. 8204 MS. note. Second memoir on Babylon . . . Suggested by the " Remarks " of Major Rennel published in the Archseologia. Svo. Lond. 1818. 8205 224 RICHARD THE THIRD. The True Tragedy of Richard the Third; to which is appended the Latin play of Richardus Tertius, by Dr. Thomas Legge. Both anterior to Shakespeare's drama. \Vith an introduction and notes by Barron Field. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1844. 820G The Ghost of Richard the Third. A poem, printed in 1614, and founded upon Shakespeare's historical play. Reprinted from the only known copy in the Bodleian library. With an introduction and notes by J. P. Collier. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1844. 8207 RICHARDS (GEORGE). Poems. 2 vols. Svo. Oxf. 1804. (Two copies.) 8208 RICHARDS (NAIHANAEL). The Tragedy of Messallina the Roman Emperesse. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1640. 8209 Poems Sacred and Satyricall . . . (Portrait.) Sm. Svo. Lond. 1641. 8210 RICHARDSON (JONATHAN). * Works. Containing, I. The Theory of Painting. II. Essay on the Art of Criticism, (so far as it relates to painting). III. The Science of a Connoisseur. New edition. With portraits by Worlidge, &c. . . . The whole intended as a supplement to the Anecdotes of Painters and Engravers. 4to. Lond. 1792. 8211 A Catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of Italian and other drawings, prints, models, and casts, of J. R painter, which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Cock ... in the Grand Piazza, Covent-Garden, 22 Jan. 1746-7, and the seven- teen following nights, (Sundays excepted). Svo. Lond. (1747.) 8212 Interleaved copy, with some prices and names of purchasers. RICHARDSON (JONATHAN, Father and Son). * An Account of some of the statues, bas-reliefs, drawings and pictures in Italy, &c., with remarks. Svo. Lond. 1722. 8213 Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost. By J. R., Father and Son. With the life of the Author, and a discourse on the poem. By J. R., sen. (Portrait of Milton.) Svo. Lond. 1734. 8214 225 RICHARDSON (JONATHAN, junior). Richardsoniana : or occasional reflections on the moral nature of man. . . . With several anecdotes interspersed. Vol. I. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1776. 8215 All that was published. RICHARDSON (JOSEPH). The Fugitive : a comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1792. (Two copies.) 8216 Literary Relics . . * . Consisting of the Comedy of the Fugitive, and a few short poems ; with a Sketch of the Life of the Author by an intimate Friend ; in which those numbers of the Rolliads and Probationary Odes written by Mr. Richardson are particularized. The whole collected and prepared for the press by Mrs. Richardson, his widow. (Portrait.) L. P. 4to. Lond. 1807. 8217 RICHARDSON (R.). Zoilomastix : or, a Vindication of Milton, from . all the invidious charges of Mr. William Lauder. With several new Remarks on Paradise Lost. 8vo. Lond. 1747. 8218 RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). * The History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters published from the originals. By the Editor of Pamela and Clarissa. Third edition. 7 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1754 8219 Pamela ; or Virtue Rewarded. In a series of familiar letters . . . [Anon.] Eighth edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1762. 8220 * Clarissa. Or, the History of a Young Lady. . . . Sixth edition. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1768. 8221 * The Correspondence of S. R., author of Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison. Selected from the original manu- scripts, bequeathed by him to his family, to which are pre- fixed, a biographical account of that author, and observations on his writings. By Anna Lsetitia Barbauld. (Portraits.) 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1804. 8222 RICKMAN (THOMAS CLIO). The Life of Thomas Paine. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1819. 8223 RTDER (WILLIAM). The Twins. A tragi-comedy. 4to. Lond. 1655. 8224 RIDLEY (GLOSTER). Melampus, a poem in four books, with notes. (Portrait.) Large 4to. Lond. 1781. 8225 226 RIMBAULT (EDWARD F.). Who was " Jack Wilson," the Singer of Shakespeare's stage ? An attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Musick, in the University of Oxford, A.D. 1664. 8vo. .ond. 1846. 8226 RIME. Rime di diversi antichi autori Toscani in dieci libri raccolte. Di Dante Alaghieri, Lib. II1I. Di M. Cino da Pistoia, Libro I. Di Guido Caualcana, Libro I. Di Dante da Maiano, Libro I. Di Fra Guittone d'Arezzo, Lib. I. Di diuerse Canzone e Sonetti senza nome d* autore, Libro I. 8vo. End. Vineg. 1532. 8227 I fiori delle rime de' poeti illustri, raccolti, et ordinati da Girolamo Ruscelli. Terza impressione. 8vo. Lucca, 1729. 8228 Rime di Pentimento Spirituale tratte da'' Canzonieri de' piu' celebri autori antichi e moderni. Terza edizione .... 8vo. 'Milano. 1821. 8229 RINALDO. Rinaldo Appassionato, nel qual si contiene battaglie d' armi, e d' amore. Nuovamente ristanipato. E con figure adornato. Svo. Venet. et Bassano. n. d. 8230 Rinaldo Innamorato, nel qual si contiene il suo nascimento, e tutte le battaglie che lui fece. Et come vecise il Re Mambrino, come hebbe Baiardo da Malagigi ; e come fu morto ne la citta di Cologna. Nuouamente ristampato & di figure ornato. Svo. Venet. 1640. 8231 MS. note. RINUCCINI (OTTAVIO). La Dafne rappresentata . . . clal lac. Corsi. 4to. Fir. 1600. 8232 RIOTS. An Account of the Riots, Tumults, and other Treasonable Practices ; since His Majesty's Accession, to the Throne. . . Svo. Lond. 1715. 8233 RITCHIE (THOMAS EDWARD). An Account of the life and writings of David Hume. Svo. Lond. 1807. 8234 RITSON (JOSEPH). Observations on the three first volumes of the History of English poetry. In a familiar letter to the author. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1782. (Two copies.) 8235 227 Remarks, criticical and illustrative, on the text and notes of the last edition of Shakspeare. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1783. 8236 The Quip Modest ; a few words by way of supplement to Remarks, critical and illustrative, on the text and notes of the last edition of Shakspeare ; occasioned by a republica- tion of that edition, revised and augmented by the Editor of Dodsley's old Plays. (By J. R.) 8vo. Lond. 1788. 8237 Cursory criticisms on the edition of Shakspeare published by Edniond Malone. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1792. 8238 Bibliographia Poetica : A catalogue of Engleish Poets, of the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, 'and sixteenth, centurys, with a short account of their works. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1802. 8239 * The Letters of J. R., edited chiefly from originals in the possession of his nephew. To which is prefixed a memoir of the author by Sir Harris Nicolas. , 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1833. 8240 (See also ENGLISH ROMANCES, ENGLISH SONGS, GARLAND, ROBIN HOOD, &c.) RITTERSHUSIUS Vita et Mors Helise Putschii Antwerpiani. 4to. Hamb. 1608. 8241 RIVAL BROTHERS. The Rival Brothers ; a tragedy. (Running title : A Fatal Secret : or, the Rival Brothers.) 4to. Lond. 1704. 8242 RIVAL WIVES. The Rival Wives : or, the Greeting of Clarissa to Skirra in the Elysian Shades. Fol. Lond. 1738. 8243 ROB STENE. Rob Stene's Dream, a Poem. Printed from a manuscript in the Leightonian Library, Dunblane. 4to. Glasgow: Printed for the Maitland Club. 1836. 8244 ROBERD OF CYSYLLE. Kyng Roberd of Cysylle. 1 2mo. Imprinted at London. M.DCCC.XXXIX. 8245 " Only 30 copies printed, and not for sale. Printed by Charles Whittingham 1839." 228 ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. * Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle. Transcrib'd and now first publish'd, from a MS. in the Harleyan Library by Thomas Hearne, M.A. To which is added ... a Con- tinuation (by the Author himself) of this Chronicle from a MS. in the Cottonian Library. 2 vols (in 1). B. L. 8vo. Oxf. 1724. 8246 The Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Beket, Archbishop of Canterbury, from the series of Lives and Legends now proved to have been composed by Robert of Gloucester. Edited by \V. H. Black. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 59. 1845. 8247 ROBERT THE DEVIL. Roberto the Deuyll. A Metrical Romance, from an Ancient Illuminated Manuscript. [Edited by I. Herbert.] 8vo. Lond. 1798. 8248 Another copy. L. P. 4to. Lond. 1798. 8249 ROBERTO, Re di Gerusalemme. II Trattato delle Virtu Morali di Roberto Re di Gerusa- lemme, II Tesoretto di Ser Brunetto Latini, Quattro Canzoni di Bindo Bonichi . . . con alcune Rime di Francesco Petrarca estratte da un suo Originale. 8vo. Torino. 1750. 8250 ROBERTS (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More. Third edition. ... 4 vols. (in 2). (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1835. 8251 ROBERTS (WILLIAM HAYWARD). Judah Restored: a poem. In six books. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1774. (Two copies.) 8252 No. 1. Rev. J. Mitford's copy with MS. notes. Poems. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1776. 8253 ROBERTSON (ALEXANDER). Poems, on various subjects and occasions. Mostly taken from his own original manuscripts. 8vo. Edinb. n. d. 8254 ROBERTSON (JOSEPH). The Parian Chronicle, or the Chronicle of the Arundelian Marbles ; With a Dissertation concerning its Authority. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1788. 8255 ROBERTSON (WILLIAM). The History of America. 2 vols. [First ed.] 4 to. Lond. 1777. 8256 Autograph and MS. notes of Horace Walpole. 229 Thirteenth edition. 4 vols. Svo. Lond. 1817. 8257 The History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. New edition. 4 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1777. 8258 The History of Scotland during the reigns of Queen Mary and of King James "VI. till his accession to the crown of England. Eleventh edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1787. 8259 ROBIN GOODFELLOW. The Merry Puck, or Robin Good-Fellow . . . Re- printed from a B. L. copy, published soon after 1600 (by J. P. Collier). Svo. (Lond.) n. d. 8260 The Mad Pranks and Merry Jests of Robin Goodfellow : re- printed from the edition of 1628. With an introduction by J. P. Collier. Svo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 9. 1841. *8260 ROBIN HOOD. Robin Hood's Garland, being a compleat history of all the notable and merry exploits performed by him and his men on divers occasions. . . . Svo. Lond. n. d. 8261 Robin Hood : a collection of all the ancient poems, songs, and ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English outlaw : To which are prefixed historical anecdotes of his life [by Joseph Ritson]. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1795. 8262 Second edition. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1832. 8263 A lytell geste of Robin Hode with other ancient and modern ballads and songs relating to this celebrated yeoman to which is prefixed his history and character, grounded upon other documents than those made use of by his former biographer, " Mister Ritson/' Edited by John Mathew Gutch, and adorned with cuts by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1847. 8264- ROBINSON (MARIA ELIZABETH). * The Wild Wreath. Svo. Lond. 1804. 8265 ROBINSON (MARY DARBY, afterwards MRS.) " Perdita," Angelina: a novel. Second edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1796. 8266 Hubert de Sevrac, a Romance, of the Eighteenth Century. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1796. 8267 Walsingham ; or, The Pupil of Nature. A Domestic Story. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1797. 8268 Lyrical Tales. Svo. Lond. 1SOO. 8269 Memoirs of the late Mrs. Robinson, written by herself. With some posthumous pieces. 4 vols. (in 2). (Portrait in- serted.) 12mo. Lond. 1801. 8270 VOL. III. Q ROBINSON (continued). Poetical Works. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1806. 8271 Vol. I. includes the Sicilian Lover, a dramatic poem. Vancenza ; or, the Dangers of Credulity. Sixth edition. 2 vols. (in 1). ]2mo. Lond., Minerva Press. 1809. 8272 ROBINSON ( ). The Intriguing Milliners and Attornies Clerks. A mock- tragedy. In two acts. By a Gentleman. 12mo. Lond. 17m 8273 ROBORTELLUS (FRANCISCUS). De historica facultate, disputatio ; Laconici, seu sudationis explicatio ; de nominibus Romanorum ; de rlietorica facultate ; explicatio in Catulli Epithalamium ; his accesserunt Anriota- tionum in varia tarn Grsecorum, quam Latinorum loca, libri II. Ode Grseca . . . explanationes in primum Aeneid. Vergilii. librum . . . collectae a J. B. Busdrago. 8vo. Florent. 1548. 8274 Scholia in Aeschyli tragoedias omnes . . . Gr. &vo. Venet. 1552. (Two copies.) 8275 ROBSON (CHARLES). A Greek Lexicon to the New Testament, on the basis of Dr. Robinson's. 12mo. Lond. 1839. 8276 ROCCA (ANGELUS). P. M. dementis VIII. Anno 1598. Ferrariam petentis et mgredientis apparatus et pompa. Expressa cum fide ex libro Roinse edito anno 1599. apud Guil. Facciottum, sub titulo; De sacrosancto Christi corpore Romanis Pontificibus iter conficientibus prseferendo, Commentarius, etc. 8vo. n. p. Exc. Petrus Antonius. 1602. 8277 ROCHE (REGINA MARIA). The Children of the Abbey. A Tale. Fourth edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1800. 8278 ROCHESTER (JOHN WILMOT, Earl of). A Genuine Letter from the Earl of Rochester to Nell Gwyn. Copied from an original Manuscript in the French King's Library. 4to. n. p. n. d. 8279 Valentinian. A tragedy. As 'tis alter'd by the late Earl of Rochester. . . . With a preface concerning the author and his writings. Altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. 4to. Lond. 1685. 8280 231 Poems on several occasions : by the E. of R . 8vo. Prin- ted at Antwerpen. n. d. 8281 MS. note by Ritson inserted. Poems, (&c.) on several occasions : with Valentinian ; a tragedy. 8vo. Lond. 1696. 8282 Another edition. 12mo. Lond. 1712. 8283 , and others. The Miscellaneous Works of the Earls of Rochester and Roscommon. With the memoirs of the life and character of the Earl of Rochester, in a letter to the Dutchess of Mazarine. By Mons. St. Evremont. To which is added, a curious collec- tion of original poems and translations, by The Earl of Dorset [and others]. (Portrait of Rochester.) 8vo. Lond. 1707. 8284 Third edition. To which is added, a collection of Miscellany Poems. By the most eminent hands. 8vo. Lond. 1709. 8285 The Works of the Earls of Rochester, Roscomon, and Dorset : the Dukes of Devonshire, Buckinghamshire, etc. With memoirs of their lives. (Portraits of Rochester and Dorset.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1739. 8286 ROGER ( ), and WEAVER (JOHN). Perseus and Andromeda. With the Rape of Colombine : or, The Flying Lovers. In five interludes ; three serious, and two comic. The serious composed by Mons. Roger, and the comic by John Weaver, Dancing- Masters. [Pantomime.] 8vo. Lond. 1728. !. . 8287 ROGERS (SAMUEL). Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1812. 8288 Presentation copy to Lord Byron from the Author with an inscription. Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 8289 * Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1834. (Illustrated by Turner and Stothard.) (Two copies.) 8290 * Poems. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. 8291 Presentation copy (with inscription) to Mr. Dyce. * Poems. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1846. 8292 Poetical Works. 12mo. Lond. 1848. 8293 Presentation copy from the author to Mr. Uyce. An Ode to Superstition, with some other poems. [Anon.] [Original ed. of Samuel Rogers's first publication.] 4to. Lond. 1786. 8294 Q 2 232 ROGERS (continued). The Pleasures of Memory, a poem, in two parts. By the author of " An Ode to Superstition, with some other Poems." [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1792. 829.5 Third edition. 4 to. Lond. 1792. 829G * Fourth edition. 4 to. Lond. 1792. 8297 Eighth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1796. 8298 New edition. 12mo. Lond. 1799. 8299 An Epistle to a Friend, with other poems. By the author. of " The Pleasures of Memory." [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1798. (Two copies.) 8300 No. 1. " From the author." No. 2. " Wm. Wordsworth. From the author." The Voyage of Columbus. A poem. [Anon.] L. P. 4to. Lond. 1810. 8301 Another edition. 4to. n. p. n. d. (1812?) 8302 Jacqueline. A poem. [Anon.] [Original ed.] 12mo. Lond., T. CadelL 1814. (Two copies). 8303 " Privately printed." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Jacqueline, a tale. New edition. 12mo. Lond., Murray. 1814. 8304 Human Life. A poem. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1819. 8305 Another edition. 12mo. Lond. .1819. (Two copies.) 830G Italy, a poem. 2 pts. (in one vol.). 12mo. Lond. 1823-8. 8307 * Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1830. (Illustrated by Turner and Stothard.) (Two copies.) 8308 *Another edition. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1848. 8309 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce, with the author's autograph. *Recollections by Samuel Rogers. (Edited by William Sharpe.) 16mo. Lond. 1859. 8310 ROGERS (REV. SAMUEL). Poems on various occasions, Consisting, of original pieces, and translations from some of the most admired Latin classics : with the original text and notes. ... 2 vols. 8vo. (Portrait.) Bath. 1782. 8311 233 EOLLIAD. * The Rolliad, in two parts ; Probationary Odes for the Laureatship ; and Political eclogues and Miscellanies : with criticisms and illustrations. Revised, corrected, and enlarged by the original authors. Twenty-second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1812. 8312 " The Writers of the Rolliad were R. Tickell, Joseph Richardson, Lord John Townsend, Gen. Fitzpatrick, Mr. Hare, G. Ellis, W. H. Reid, Mr. Adair. Rev. Bate Dudley, Mr. Brummell, Mr. Boscawen, Mr. Pearce, the Bishop of Ossory, a preliminary Discourse to the Probationary Odes by Sir John Hawkins, and the preface by Dr. French Laurence." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bohn's ed.) p. 2121. ROMAN INSCRIPTIONS. Romanarum inscription um fasciculus cum explication e notarum . . . 8vo. Patav. 1774. 8313 ROMANCERO. Le Romancero du Pays Basque. 8vo. Par. 1859. 8314 ROMANCES. * Metrical Romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries ; published from ancient manuscripts. With an introduction, notes and a glossary. By Henry Weber. 3 vols. 8vo, Edinb. 1810. 8315 (See also Nos. 3462-4.) RONDINELLO or RONDINELLI (DiONisio). I Casti Sposi. 8vo. Vicenza. 1604. 8316 II Pastor Vedovo Fauola Boscareccia. 12mo. Vicenza. 1619. 8317 RONSARD (PIERRE DE). Les Oeuvres. Reueues et augmentees, etc. 2 vols. Folio. Par. 1623. 8318 CEuvres choisies avec des notes explicatives du texte et une notice biographique par Paul L. Jacob. 12mo. Par. 1841. 8319 ROOY (ANTONIUS DE). Conjecturae criticae in diversorum poetarum spectacula. M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammatum libros XIV. et P. Cornelii Severi Aetnam. . , . 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 1764. 8320 ROPER (WILLIAM). The Life of Sir Thomas More, by his son-in-law William Roper, with notes, and an appendix of letters. New edition, revised and corrected, by S. W. Singer. (Portrait of More.) 16mo. Chiswick. 1822. 8321 234 ROSA (SALVATOR). Satire. 12mo. Amsterdam presso Severe Prothomastix. n. d. 8322 Another edition. Con le note d' A. M. Salvini ed altri. (Portrait.) 12mo. Londra (e Livorno). 1787. 8323 Pencil-marks and notes by Lady Morgan, from whose Library this copy came. Another edition. Ristampate a spese di G. Balcetti. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 8324 ROSCIAD. The Rosciad. A poem. 4to. Lond. 1750. 8325 ROSCOE (WILLIAM). The Life of Lorenzo de' Medici called the Magnificent. 4th edition. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 832G Illustrations, historical and critical, of the Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent ; with an Appendix of original and other documents. (Portrait.) Svo, Lond. 1822. 8327 A Letter to the Rev. W. L. Bowles . . . former editor of Pope's Works in ten volumes ; in reply to his " Final Appeal to the Literary Public, relative to Pope." 8vo. Lond. 1825. 8328 ROSCOMMON (WENTWORTH DILLON, Earl of). Poems. To which is added, An Essay on Poetry, by the Earl of Mulgrave, now Duke of Buckingham. Together with poems by Richard Duke, Svo. Lond. 1717. 8329 Works. 12mo. Glasgow, Foulis. 1753. 8330 Poetical Works. With the life of the Author. (Bell's edition.) 12mo. Edinb. 1780. 8331 An Essay on translated verse. 4to. Lond. 1684. 8332 ROSE (GEORGE). Observations on the historical work of the late Right Hon. Charles James Fox. With a narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprise of the Earl of Argyle, in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. 4to. Lond. 1809. 8333 ROSE (Rev. JOHN). A Quarter of an Hour before Dinner ; or, Quality Binding. A dramatic entertainment of one Act. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1788. 8334 235 ROSE (WILLIAM STEWART). The Crusade of St. Lewis, and King Edward the Martyr. L. P. 4to. Lond. 1810. 8335 Thoughts and Recollections by One of the Last Century. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1825. ' 8336 " This little work was written by W. S. Rose, the translator of Ariosto," &c. 'MS. note by Mr. Dyce. ROSI (DOMENEGO). Canzonetta Nvova della Gverra de i Castellani, e Nicolotti. 8vo. Venet. n. d. 8337 ROSINI (GIOVANNI). Descrizione delle pitture del Campo Santo di Pisa coll' indi- cazione dei monumenti ivi raccolti. Quinta edizione. (Out- line engravings.) 8vo. Pisa. 1845. 8338 ROSS (ALEXANDER). [Helen ore, or] The Fortunate Shepherdess, a pastoral tale ; in three cantos, in the Scotish dialect. To which is added a few Songs. 8vo. Aberdeen. 1768. 8339 Third edition. 12mo. Aberdeen. 1789. 8340 Another edition. To which is added the life of the author. By Alexander Thomson. 8vo. Dundee. 1812. 8341 New edition, containing a sketch of Glenesk, a life of the Author, and an account of his inedited works. By John Longmuir. L. P. 4to. Edinb. 1866. 8342 ROSS (MRS.). The Balance of Comfort ; or the Old Maid and Married Woman. A Novel. Second edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1817. 8343 ROSSI (BARTOLOMEO). Fiamella Pastorale. 4to. Parigi. 1584. (Two copies.) 8344 ROSSI DA TERNI (PAOLO). II Cieco Comedia Pastorale. 12mo. Venet. 1597. 8345 ROSSINI (GioACCHiNO ANTONIO). Tribulation ; a sacred cantata. The Music composed by G. R. Adapted to paraphrases of Scripture ... by William Ball. Together with the Latin words of the ancient hymn, " Stabat Mater Dolorosa," to which the music was originally composed. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 834G Stabat Mater; composed by G. R. [The original Latin, with an English translation by W. J. Blew, and Introductory Notice by W. H. H.] 4to. Lond. n. d. 8347 236 ROSSO (PAULO DEL). La Fisica. 8vo. Parigi. 1578. 834-8 ROSTOCK, ACADEMY OF. Index Lectionum in Academia Rostochiensi semestri hiberno 44 A. 18jr a die 20 m. Octobris publice privatimque habendarum. Restituitur in praefatione Athenaei Locus de-Paropside. [By F. V. Fritzsche ?] 4 to. (Rostochii. 1844?) S341) ROSWALL AND LILLIAN. [Half-title] Roswall and Lillian. [Second title] A Pleasant Histor}- of Roswall and Lillian. Declaring the occasion of Roswall his removing from his native kingdom, to the king- dom of Bealm. . . . Edinb. 1663. [Reprint.] [Ed. by D. Laing.] 4to. Edinb. 1822. 8350 Intended to have formed a part of the volume of " Ancient Popular Poetry." ROTA (BERNARDINO). Sonetti, et Canzoni . . . Con Y Egloghe Pescatorie, di nuouo ristampate. Aggivntovi molte altre Rime del medesimo Avtore. Ital. and Lat. 8vo. Vineg. 1567. 8351 ROTTA. La Rotta di Roncisvalle dove niorl Orlando con tutti i Paladini divisa in due canti di nuovo stampata. 12mo. Lucca. 11. d. 8352 Another edition. Nuouamente ristampata, e di figure ador- nata. Svo. Padova, et Bassano. n. d. 8353 ROUGH (WILLIAM). Lorenzino di Medici, and other poems. 12mo. Lond. 1797. 8354 ROULAND AND VERNAGU. The Romances of Rouland and Vernagu, and Otuel. From the Auchinleck Manuscript. (Etched frontispieces by C. Kirk- patrick Sharpe. Edited by James Maidment. Abbotsford Club.) 4to. Edinb. 1836. 8355 ROUSSEAU (JEAN JACQUES). [Half-title] Julie, ou La Nouvelle Heloise. [Full-title] Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes. [Second title to Vol. I.] Preface de la Nouvelle Heloise : ou Entretien sur les Romans. Entre 1'Editeur et un Homme de Lettres. 6 vols. (in 3). 12mo. Ainst. 1761. 8356 Emile, ou de FEducation. 2 vols. Selon la copie de Paris. Avec permission tacite pour le libraire. 8vo.^ 1762. 8357 Autograph of "T: Gray." 237 Du Contract Social ; ou, principes du droit politique. 12mo. Amst. 1762. 8358 Odes, cantates, e'pitres et poesies diverses. Edition stereotype. 2vols. 12mo. Par. An. VII. (1799.) 8359 Les Confessions. Edition stereotype. 4 vols. (in 2). 18mo. Par. 1808. 8360 Nouvelle edition pre'ce'de'e d'une notice par George Sand. 12mo. Par. 1847. 8361 KOWDEN (FRANCES ARABELLA)., A Poetical Introduction to the Study of Botany. L. P. 8vo. Lond. 1801. 8362 Plates ; and water-colour sketches in the margins. A pencil note, on a fly- leaf, says: " The Drawings on Margin by Mrs. Dallaway, Leatherhead. The plates inserted. Miss Rowden took pupils at No. 22 Hans Place. She died Countess of " St. Quentin." Amongst her pupils were Miss Mitford, Lady Caroline Lamb, and L. E. L. afterwards Mrs. Maclean." HOWE (ELIZABETH SINGER, afterwards MRS.) Works. 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb. ] 770. 8363 The Miscellaneous Works in prose and verse of Mrs. E. K. : published by her order, by Theophilus Howe. To which are added, Poems on several occasions, by Thomas Howe. And to the whole is prefixed, an account of the lives and writings of the authors. Fifth edition. ... 2 vols. (Portrait of Mrs. Howe.) 12mo. Lond. 1772. 8364 Works. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1796. 8365 Friendship in death ; in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added, Letters moral and entertaining, in prose and verse : in Three Parts. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1768. 8366 HOWE (HENRY). The Montem ; a musical entertainment, in two acts. 8vo. Lond. 1808. 8367 ROWE (JOHN). Tragi-ComcBdia. Being a Brief Relation of the Strange, and Wonderfull hand of God discovered at Witny, in the Comedy Acted there February the third, where there were some slaine, many hurt, with severall other Remarkable Passages. Toge- ther with what was preached in three Sermons on that occa- sion. . . . By John Rowe of C. C. C. in Oxford, Lecturer in the Towne of Witny. 4to. Oxf. 1653. 8368 The " Brief Relation," is a narrative of the accident which occurred during the performance of the comedy, " Mucedorus " (No. 6828), at Witney. 238 RUWE (NICHOLAS). Miscellaneous Works. [With Life.] Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1733. 8369 Works. Consisting of his plays and Poems. (Edited by Anne Deanes Devenish). Two volumes. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1756. 8370 Vol. I. (Life). Ambitious Step-Mother. (T.) Tamer- lane. (T.) Fair Penitent. (T.) Ulysses. (T.) Vol. II. Includes : Royal Convert. (T.) Jane Shore. (T.) (Lady) Jane Gray. (T.) Poetical Works. With the Life of the author. (Bell's edition, with portrait.) 12mo. Edinb. 1781. 8371 Poems on several occasions. 4to. Lond. 1714. 8372 Plays. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1736. 8373 Contents the same as No. 8370 with the addition of the Biter (C.). Remarks on Mr. Rowe's Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray, and all his other plays. . . . Second edition. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1715. 8374 The New Rehearsal, or, Bays the Younger. Being remarks upon all Mr. Rowe's plays. . . . Also, a defense of Criticism in general, by the late Earl of Shaftesbury. Second edition. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1715. 8375 ROWLANDS (SAMUEL). * The Letting of Humours Blood in the Head Vaine, etc. [With the original title : The Letting of Hvmors . . . with a new Morissco, daunced by seuen Satyres, vpon the bottome of Diogenes Tubbe. [Anon.] Lond. 1611.] (Preface and notes by Sir W. Scott.) 4to. Edinb. Reprinted. 1815. 8376 Tis Merry when Gossips meet. [Anon.] Lond. 1609. (8vo. End. Reprinted [on vellum] by C. Whittingham, at the Chiswick Press, 1818.) 8377 Both Lowndes and Hazlitt give this to Rowlands. * Knave of Harts. [Anon.] Lond. 1613. Sq. 12mo. Re- printed at the Beldornie Press, for Edwd. V. Utterson. 1840. 8378 " The present re-print is limited to fifteen copies, none of which are intended for sale." No. 8. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from E. V. Utterson. Good Newes and Bad Newes. By S. R. Lond. 1622. Sq. 12mo. Reprinted at the Beldornie Press, for Edwd. V. Utterson. 1841. 8379 Sixteen copies printed. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from E. V. Utterson. 239 More Knaues yet ? The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds, (By S. R.) Lond. : printed for lolm Tap. (n. d.) Sq. 1 2mo. Reprinted at the Beldomie Press, for Edwd. V. Utterson. 1841. 8380 Sixteen copies only printed. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from Mr. Utterson. The Four Knaves : a series of Satirical tracts, by S. R. Edited by E. F. Rimbault. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 34. 1843. * 8381 ROWLEY (SAMUEL). * When Yov See Me, You know me. Or the famous Chronicle History of King Henrie the Eight, with the birth and vertuous life of Edward Prince of Wales. As it was playd by the high and mightie Prince of Wales his seruants. By Samvell Rovvly, seruant to the Prince. 4to. Lond. 8382 Imprint partly cut off. ' The Noble Sovldier. Or, A Contract Broken, Justly Reveng'd. A Tragedy. Written by S. R. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1634. 8383 ROWLEY (WILLIAM). A Search for Money : or the Lamentable Complaint for the loss of the Wandering Knight, Monsieur L' Argent. From the original edition of 1609. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 2. 1840. 8384 A New Wonder, A Woman Never Vext. A Pleasant Conceited Comedy : sundry times Acted : never before printed. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1632. 8385 A Tragedie -called All's Lost by Lvsfc. Divers times acted by the Lady Elizabeths servants and now lately by her Maiesties servants, with great applause, at the Phoenix in Drury Lane. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1633. 8386 Another copy, with an additional leaf, K, the epilogue, verso blank. 8387 The Epilogue is very rarely found." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. A Match at Mid-Night. A Pleasant Comcedie. As it hath beene Acted by the Children of the Re veils. Written by VV. R. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1633. 8388 * A Merrie and Pleasant Comedy : Never before printed, called A Shoo-maker a Gentleman. As it hath beene sundry Times Acted at the Red Bull and other Theaters, with a generall and good Applause. Written by W. R. Gentleman. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1638. 8389 240 ROWLEY" (WILLIAM), and others. The Witch of Edmonton : a known true story. Composed into a Tragi-comedy by divers well-esteemed poets ; W. R., Thomas Dekker, John Ford, &c. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1658. 8390 ROWLEY POEMS. Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and others, in the Fifteenth Century. Third edition ; to which is added an Appendix, containing some observations upon the language of these poems, tending to prove, that they were written, not by any ancient author, but entirely by Thomas Chatterton. [Anon. By Thomas Tyrwhitt?] 8vo. Lond. 1778. (Two copies.) 8391 Observations on the poems attributed to Rowley, tending to prove that they were really written by him and other ancient authors [by Rayner Hickford] : to which are added, Remarks on the Appendix of the Editor of Rowley's Poems [by the Rev. John Fell]. ' 8vo. Lond. n. d. 8392 An Archaeological Epistle to ... Jeremiah Milles, Dean of Exeter . . . and editor . . ."of the Poems of Thomas Rowley, Priest. To which is annexed a glossary. . . . 4to. Lond. 1782. 8393 Cursory Observations on the poems attributed to Thomas Rowley, a priest of the fifteenth century ; with some remarks on the commentaries on those poems, by Jer. Milles, Dean of Exeter, and Jac. Bryant. . . . [Anon. By E. Malone.] Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1782. 8394 Strictures upon a pamphlet intitled, Cursory Observations on the Poems attributed to Rowley. . . . With a post- script on Warton's enquiry into the same subject. [By E. B. Greene.] 8vo. Lond. 1782. 8395 (See also TYRWHITT.) ROY (WILLIAM). Begin. Rede me and be nott wrothe For I saye no thynge but trothe. I will ascende makynge my state so hye, That my pompous honoure shall never dye. O Caytyfe when thou thynkest least of all, With confusion thou shalt have a fall. [Anon.] n. p. n. d. B. L. and L. P. 8vo. Reprinted by Charles Whittingham, Chiswick. 1845. 8396 A poetical satire on Cardinal Wolsey, &c. 241 ROZELLI (SIGNOR). Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli at the Hague. Giving a particular Account of his Birth, Edu- cation, etc. Done into English, from the second edition of the French . . . with copper-cuts. Svo. Lond. 1709. 8397 " Translated by Defoe." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bonn's ed.) p. 2148. A Continuation of the Life and Adventures of Signor Rozelli. . . . Written by himself just before his Decease. With curious copper-cutts. Svo. Lond. 1724. 8398 RUBENIUS (ALBERTUS). De re vestiaria veterum, praecipue de lato clavo . . . L. P. 4to. Antv. 1665. 8399 RUBENIUS (PHILIPPUS). Electorum libri II, In quibus antiqui ritus, ernendationes, censurse. Eiusdem ad Ivstvm Lipsivm poematia. 4to. Antv. 1608. 8400 RUCELLAI (GIOVANNI). Tragedia intitoiata Rosmvnda. Svo. End. Venet. 1530. 8401 Another edition. Nuouamente ristampata. Svo. Fior. 1568. (Two copies.) 8402 Another edition. Ora la prima volta con grande esattezza ristampata. 4to. Padova. 172S. 8403 RUDDIMAN (THOMAS). Grammaticse Latinse Institutions. Editio quinta. Svo. Edinb. 1746. 8404 Editio nona. Svo. Edinb. 1771. 8405 RUDYARD. See PEMBROKE (EARL OF). RUFFHEAD (OWEN). * The Life of Alexander Pope, Esq. Compiled from Original Manuscripts ; with a Critical Essay on his Writings and Genius. Svo. Lond. 1769. 8406 RUGGLE (GEORGE). Ignoramus. Comoedia ooram Regia Maiestate lacobi Regis Anglise, etc. Secunda editio. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1630. 8407 Ignoramus, comoedia ; scriptore G. R. nunc denuo in lucem eclita cum notis . . . quibus insuper pra3ponitur vita auctoris . . . accurante Job.. Sidn. Hawkins. Svo. Lond. 1787. 840S 2*1 KUHNKENIUS (DAVID). OpuscuJa Rulmkeniana ... in lucem . . . iterum vindicata. Accedunt epistolse novem ad J. P. D'Orvillium. . . . Praefationem . . . addidit Thomas Kidd. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 8409 Opuscula. Editio altera. 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1823. 8410 Epistola Critica I. in Homeridarum hymnos et Hesiodum. [Et] Epistola Critica II. in Calliraachum et Apollonium Rho- dium. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1749-51. 8411 Autograph of " S. Parr." Elogium Tiberii Hemsterhusii. Editio secunda castigatior, cui duae Richardi Bentleji Epistolae ad Hemsterhusium acce- dunt. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1789. (Two copies.) 8412 2xoXa ei$ uxxruvx. Scholia in Platonem. Ex codd. MSS. . . . primum collegit D. R. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1800. (Two copies.) 8413 No. 1. MS. notes by Up. Blomfield. Vitae duumvirorum . . . Tiberii Hemsterhusii et Davidis Rnhnkenii, altera ab eodem Ruhnkenio, altera a Daniele Wyttenbachio scripta, etc. 8vo. Lips. 1801. 8414 * Another edition. Accessit elogium loannis Meermanni auctore Constantino Cras. Curavit Fr. Lindemann. 8vo. Lips. 1822. 8415 D. R., L. C. Valckenaerii et aliorum ad I. A. Ernesti Epistolae Ex autographis edidit I. A. H. Tittmann. 8vo. Lips. 1812. (Two copies.) 8416 In Terentii comoedias dictata Brunsiano exemplo emendatius multisque partibus integrius ex apographo Hamburgensi edita. Cura Lud. Schopeni. 8vo. Bonn. 1825. (Two copies.) 8417 Scholia in Suetonii Vitas Caesarum. Edidit Jac. Geel. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1828. 8418 Epistolae ad Dan. Wyttenbachium, nunc primum ex auto- graphis editae a Guil. L. Mahne . ... Quibus acceduiit Selectae D. Wyttenbachiii epistolae . . . curavit F. C. Kraft. 8vo. Altonae. 1834. 8419 RUMP. Rump : or an exact collection of the choycest poems and songs relating to the late times. By the most eminent wits, from Anno 1639 to Anno 1661. 2 pts. (in 1 vol.). 8vo. Lond. 1662. 8420 " R. Nares." 243 BUNDLE (THOMAS, Bishop of Derry). Letters to Mrs. Barbara Sandys, of Miserden, Gloucester- shire. With introductory memoirs, by James Dallaway. 2 vols. (in 1). 8vo. Glocester. 1789. ' 8421 RUPERTI (GE. ALEX.). Commentarius perpetuus in Titi Livii Patavini historiaruoi libros qui supersunt omnes eorumque epitomas Tomus I. 8vo. Lond. "1825. 8422 Oommentarius in Taciti Annales. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 8423 RUSSELL (LOKD JOHN, afterwards EARL). Essays, and sketches of life and character. By a Gentleman who has left his lodgings. [Anon.] 16mo. Lond. 1820. 8424 " The work of Lord John Russell." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Nun of Arrouca, a tale. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1822. 8425 " This tale was written by Lord John Russell who suppressed it after publi- cation." MS. hote by Mr. Dyce. RUSSELL (LADY RACHEL). Letters of Lady R. R. ; from the manuscript in the library at Woburn Abbey. To which is prefixed, an introduction, vindicating the character of Lord Russell against Sir John Dalrymple, etc. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1774. 8426 Letters . . . and the Trial of Lord William Russell for High Treason. . . . Seventh edition. (Portraits of Lady Rachel and Lord William Russell.) 8vo. Lond. 1809. 8427 RUSSELL (THOMAS). *Sonnets and miscellaneous poems. 4to. Oxf. 1789. (Three copies.) 8428 No. 1. MS. notes and insertions. (By T. Park ?) No. 2. "This collection was edited by Howley, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. RUSTICS REI SCRIPTORES. Enarratiories vocum priscarum in libris de re Rustica, per Georgium Alexandrinum. Phil. Beroaldi in libros XIII. Columellse annotationes. Aldus de dierum generibus, simulque de umbris, et horis, quse apud Palladium. 8vo. Paris, R. Stephanus. 1543. 8429 Scriptores rei rusticae veteres Latini Cato, Varro, Columella Palladius quibus nunc accedit Vegetius de mulo-medicina et Gargilii Martialis fragmentum . . . adjectae notae . . . et Lexicon rei rusticae curante lo. M. Gesnero. 2 vols. 4to. Lips. 1735. 8430 " Gilbert Wakefield, B.A. 1791, the gift of the Students of the New College in Hackney." Editio secunda. 2 vols. 4to. Lips. 1773-74. 8431 244 RUTGERSIUS (JANUS). Lectionum libri sex. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1618. 8432 RUTH. Ruth. A sacred oratorio. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1763. 8433 RUTILIUS (CLAUDIUS). Itinerarium. Ab Jos. Castalione einendatura. . . . 8vo. Romax 1582. 8434 Itinerarium. Sive de reditu suo lib. II. in Germania nunquaui editi. Gasp. Barthius recensuit . . . 8vo. Francof. 1623. 8435 Itinerarium, integris Simleri . . .. aliorumque anim- adversionibus illustratum . . . 8vo. Amst. 1687. 8436 RUTILIUS LUPUS (P.). De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis libri duo. Recensuit . . . D. Ruhnkenius. Accedunt Aquilae Romani et Julii Rufiniani de eodem argumento libri. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1768. (Two copies.) 8437 No. 1 . " The MS. notes are by that excellent scholar Bast." Note by Mr. JJyce. Another edition. Edidit . . . C. H. Frotscher. 8vo. Lips. 1831. 8438 RUTTER (JOSEPH). The Shepheards Holy-Day. A pastorall tragi-comsedie. . . . With an elegie on the death of the . . . Lady Venetia Digby. Written by J. R. 8vo. Lond. 1635. 8439 Sir M. M. Sykes's copy. RUZANTE or RUZZANTE (AGNOLO BEOLCO, called IL). * Tvtte le Opere del famosissimo Rvzante, di nuouo con diligenza riuedute, & corrette (viz : La Piouana, Anconitana, Rhodiana, Vaccaria, Fiorina, Moschetta, Due dialoghi. Dialogo. Tre Orationi). Et aggiuntoui un Sonetto, & una Canzone dell' istesso Auttore. 8vo. Yicenza. 1598. 8440 RYCQUIUS (JUSTUS). De Capitolio Romano commentarius. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1669. 8441 RYMER (THOMAS). * The Tragedies of the last age, consider'd and examin'd by the practice of the ancients, and by the common-sense of all a^es. Part I. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1692. 8442 O A short view of tragedy ; it's original, excellency, and corruption. With some reflections on Shakespear, and other practitioners for the stage. 8vo. Lond. 1693. 8443 245 s. S. (E.), i.e. SHARPHAM (EDWARD) ? Cvpids Whirligig. As it hath bene sundrie times Acted, by the Children of the Kings Maiesties Reuels. 4to. Lond. 1611. 8444 Another edition. 4to. Lond. 1616. 8445 S. (I.) II Postvmio Comedia del Signer I. S. Posta in luce per Flaminio Scala, detto Flauio, Comico Acceso. 8vo. Lione. 1601. 8446 S. (J.), i.e. SADLER (J.). Masquarade du Ciel : presented to the Great Queene of the Little World. A Celestial Map, representing the true site and motions of the heavenly bodies, through the yeeres 1639, 1640, etc. Shadowing the late commotions, between Saturn and Mercury, about the Northern Thule. With the Happy Peace and Union, through the whole Little World, made by the goodnesse of Phebus and his royall Phebe. 4to. Lond. 1640. 8447 MS. notes. S. (R.). The Counter-Scuffle. Whereunto is added the Counter-Rat. 4to. Lond. 1658. 8448 S. (S.). *The Honest Lawyer. Acted by the Queenes Maiesties Servants. 4to. Lond. 1616. 8449 S. (T.). Youths Tragedy, a poem : Drawn up by way of dialogue between Youth. ") \ Time. The Devil. } \ Death. Wisdom. J L The Soul. The Nuncius. For the caution, and direction, of the Younger Sort. Third edition. 4to. Lond. 1672. 8450 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1707. 8451 SACCENTI (GIOVANNI SANTI). Le Rime . . . con le Note di U. P. D. C. Prima edi- zione Fiorentina. Corretta, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. Fir. 1808. 8452 VOL. III. R 246 SACCHETTI (FRANCO). * Delle Novelle tli F. S. Cittadino Florentine. 2 parts (in one vol.). 8vo. Fir. 1724. 8453 Novelle Cento Scelte ad uso de' modesti giovani studios! della lingua Toscana. 12uio. Ven. 1754. S454 La Battaglia delle Vecchie con le Giovani Canti Due di F. S. pubblicati per la prima volta ed illustrati da Basilio Amati. 8vo. Bologna. 1819. 8455 SACHEVERELL TRACTS. An impartial Account of what pass'd most Remarkable in the last Session of Parliament, relating to the case of Dr. Henry Sacheverell. (Portrait of Sacheverell.) 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8456 The Tryal of Dr. H. S., before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8457 The Bishop of Salisbury's and the Bishop of Oxford's Speeches in the House of Lords, on the First Article of the Impeach- ment of Dr. H. S. ; also the Bishop of Lincoln's and Bishop of Norwich's Speeches at the Opening of the Second Article of the said Impeachment. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8458 The Bishop of Oxford his Speech in the House of Lords, on the First Article of the Impeachment of Dr. H. S. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8459 The Bishop of Lincoln's and Bishop of Norwich's Speeches in the House of Lords, March the 18th, at the Opening of the Second Article of the Impeachment against Dr. S. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8460 The Bishop of Norwich's Speech in the House of Lords, at the Opening of the Second Article of the Impeachment against Dr. S. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8461 The Reasons of those Lords that Enter'd their Protest in Dr. S.'s case. 8vo. Lond. 1710. 8462 SACKVILLE (THOMAS, LORD BUCKHURST AND EARL OF DOR- SET). The Poetical Works. Containing Gorboduc, and Induction and Legend of Henry, Duke of Buckingham. 8vo. Lond. 1820. 8463 The Works. Edited by the Hon. a,nd Rev. Reginald W. Sackville-West. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1859. A volume of the " Library of Old Authors." 8464 , and NORTON (THOMAS). The Tragidie of Ferrex and Porrex, set forth without addition or alteration but altogether as the same was shewed 247 on stage before the Queenes Maiestie, about nine yeares past, vz. the xviij. day of lanuarie. 1561. by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple. Seen and allowed, etc. [Anon.] B. L. Sin. 8vo. Imprinted at London by lohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. n. d. 8465 Second and authorised edition of the first English tragedy. [Another edition.] The Tragedy of Gorboduc. 8vo. Lond. 1736. 8466 Lady Elisabeth Germain's copy, -with her book-plate. MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. SACRIFICIO, IL. II Sacrificio Comedia de gli Ingannati. Di nuouo corretta, & ristampata. 12mo. Veneg. 1595. 8467 SADE (JACQUES FRANCOIS PAUL ALPHONSE DE.) Memoires pour la vie de Fra^ois Pe'trarque, tire's de ses oeuvres et des auteurs contemporains, avec des notes ou dissertations, & les Pieces justificatives. [Anon.] 3 vols. Am st. 1764-7. 4to. 8468 SADLER'S WELLS. Songs, duets, &c. ... of the various pieces performing at the Aquatic Theatre, Sadler's Wells. [Second title.] Songs, etc. in the musical piece called Law's Two Tails ; or En-tail and Red-tail . . . Written by C. Dibdin. 8vo. Lond. 1815. 8469 SADOLETUS (JACOBUS). De laudibus philosophise. 8vo. End. Venet. 1539. 8470 SADY (MUSLE-HUDDEEN SflAIK). The Gulistan } or Rose Garden. Translated from the original, by Francis Gladwin. 8vo. Calcutta printed, Lond. reprinted. 1808. 8471 ST. BRANDAN. St. Brandan : a Medieval Legend of the Sea, in English verse and prose. Edited by T. Wright. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 48. 1844. 8472 SAINT-ETREMONT (CHARLES MARGOTELLE DE ST. DENIS, SR. DE). Saint-Evremoniana. Ou Recueil de diverses pieces curieuses. 8vo. Amst. 1701. 8473 E 2 243 SAINT-FOIX (GERMAIN FRANCOIS POULLAIX DE). CEuvres de Theatre de Monsieur de Saintfoix. Nouvelle Edition . . . augmentde de plusieurs Comedies. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris. 1771. 8474 . and FAGAN (C. B.). Three Comedies : The Uneasy Man, the Financier, and the Sylph. Freely translated from Messrs, de St. Foix and Fagan. 8vo. Lond. 1771. (Two copies.) 8475 SAINT-GELAIS (MELLIX DE). Oevvres Poetiques. 8vo. Lyon. 1574. 8476 SAINT GELAIS (OCTAVIEN DE). * Sensuyt La Chasse T; le depart Damours, Nouuelleraet im- primee a paris. Ou il y a de toutes les tailles de Rimes que Ion pourroit trouuer. Coposee par reuered pere en dieu messire Octouie de salct gelaiz euesq dagoulesme Et par noble home Blaise dauriol Bachelier en chascun droit, demourat a Thoulouse. xxxiij. ^ On les vend a Paris/en la rue neufue nostre dame. A lenseigne de Lescu de France. End. Cy fine La chasse : et deppart damours. Ou sont au long continues toutes les sortes de Rithmes que lo peult trouuer Auec tresgrant nombre de Rondeaulx 1 balades que lamat parfait enuoye a sa dame par amours. Jmprime nouuelle- ment a paris Par la veufue feu Jehan trepperel. demourant en la rue neufue nostre dae. A lenseigne de lescu de France. Gothic letter. 4to. (Paris.) (1533?). 8477 Title in red and black, verso, a woodcut ; next leaf (two pages), recto, Le Prologue de lacteur, in double columns, beneath a woodcut, verso, the continuation and beneath a woodcut. Then follows the text. ST. GEORGE. An Anglo-Saxon Passion of St. George : from a MS. in the Cambridge University Library. Edited, with a translation, by the Rev. C. Hardwick. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 88. 1850. 8478 SAINT HYACINTHE (HYACINTHE CORDONNIER, more gene- rally known as THEMISEUL DE.) Matanasiana, on me'moires litte'raires, historiques, et critiques, du Docteur Matanasius. [By Saint-Hyacinthe.] 2 vols. (in 1). 8vo. La Haye. 1740. 8479 Prefixed to vol. 2 is a portrait of. Antonius LFrceus Codrus. Recherches philosophiques, sur la necessite de s'assurer par soi-meme de la ve'rite' ; sur la certitude de nos connoissances ; et sur la nature des etres. Par un Menibre de la Socie'te' Roy ale deLondres. 8vo. Lond. 1743. 8480 The dedication to Frederick III. of Prussia is signed Saint Hyacinthe. This copy belonged to Gray the poet, and has his autograph " Tho : Gray." 249 ST. JOHN (Hon. JOHN). The Island of St. Marguerite, an opera, in two acts. [Anon.] Svo. Loud. 1789. (Two copies.) 8481 Mary, Queen of Scots, a Tragedy. Svo. Lond. 1789. 8482 Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1789. 8483 SAINT-PIERRE (JACQUES BERNARDIN HENRI DE). Paul et Virginia' 12mo. Par. 1789. 8484 Another edition. Svo. Lond. 1799. 8485 Another edition. 12mo. Lond. 1800. 8486 Paul and Virginia, translated from the French ... by Helen Maria Williams. Third edition. (Woodcuts by Bewick.) 12mo. Lond. 1797. 8487 La Chaumiere Indienne. 12mo. Par. 1791. 8488 SAINT REAL (CESAR VICHARD DE). Histoire de la conjuration des Espagnols contre la Rdpub- lique de Venise. F. P. Svo. Lond. 1800. 8489 SAISONS. Les Saisons, poetne. (L' Abenaki, Sara Th . . . Zimeo, Contes.) 2 pts. (in one vol.). 5 e ddit. Svo. Amst. 1773. 8490 SALE. The Sale of Authors, a dialogue, in imitation of Lucian's sale of Philosophers. 12mo. Lond. 1767. 8491 SALFI (F.). Saggio storico critico della commedia Italiana. 12mo. Par. 1829. 8492 SALLUSTITJS. Sallust on the Gods and the World ; and the Pythagoric Sentences of Demophilus, translated from the Greek ; and five Hymns of Proclus, in the original Greek, with a poetical version. To which are added, Five Hymns by the Translator [Thomas Taylor]. Svo. Lond. 1793. S493 SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (CAius). Opera omnia quse exstant, cum commentariis Joh. Rivii . . . et aliorum . . . Accedunt J. M. Palmerii spicilegia in eundem auctorem . . . Editio novissima. Svo. Amst. 1690. 8494 C. C. S. quoe exstant item epistolae de Republica ordinanda declamatio in Ciceronem et pseudociceronis in Sallustium nee non Ivl. Exsuperantius de bellis civilibus ac Porcius Latro in Catilinam recensuit . . G. Cortius. Accedunt fragmenta veterum historicorum Constantius Felicius Durantinus de coniu- ratione Catilinae. 4to. Lips. 1724. 8495 250 SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS (continued). Belli Catilinarii et Jugiirthini historic. 12mo. Edinb., Gul. Ged. 1744. " Primus liber stercotypus in Britannia imprcssus. Vide Alex. Tilloch, Philosophical Magazine, vol. x. p. 267 277." MS. note by Person. liev. J. Mitford's copy, with his MS. notes. Another edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1788. 8497 Translation. The two most worthy and notable Histories which remaine vnmained to posterity : (viz :) The Conspiracie of Cateline, vndertaken against the gouernment of the senate of Rome, and the Warre which lugurth for many yeares maintained against the same State. [By Thos. Hey wood.] Folio. Lond. 1608. 8498 SALMASIUS (CLAUDIUS). Duarum inscriptionum veterum Herodis Attici rhetoris et Regillae conjugis honori positarum explicatio. Ad Dosiadse aras: Simmiae ovum . . . notae. 4to. Lut. Par. 1619. (Two copies.) 8499 No. 1. " This copy belonged to Bentley, &c." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Amici ad Ami cum de suburbicariis regionib. et ecclesiis suburbicariis epistola, [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. ] 619. 8500 De Vsvris. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1638. 8501 De modo usuramm. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1639. * 8502 Responsio ad calumniatoriam epistolam loh. Cloppenburgii. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1640. 8503 Dissertatio de foenore trapezitico. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1640. 8504 Interpretatio Hippocratei aphorismi LXIX. sectione IV. de Calculo . . . AdditaB sunt epistolse dua? loh. Beverovicii quibus respondetur. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1640. 8505 "D. Wyttenbach." Diatiiba de niutuo, non esse alienationem. Adversus Coprianum quemdam luris Doctorem. Auctore Alexio a Massalia, Domino de Sancto Lupo [i.e. Cl. Salmasio], Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1640. 8506 Walonis Messalini [i.e. C. S.I De Episcopis et Presbyteris contra Petavium Loiolitam dissertatio prima. (Cap. i.-vi.) Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1641. 8507 De Hellenistica commentarius . . . plenissime per- tractans originem et dialectos Grsecae linguae. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1643. (Four copies.) 8508 251 Funus linguae Hellemsticse, sive confutatio exercitationis (Mart. Schoockii) de Helleiiistis et lingua Hellenistica. [Anon.] 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1643. (Two copies.) 8509 Ad ^Egidium Menagium epistola. Super Herode Infanticida Heinsii tragoedia, et censura Balsacii. 8vo. Par. 1 644. (Two copies.) 8510 Epistola ad Andream Colvium : super Cap. xi. Primse ad Corinth. Epist. De Csesarie virorum et mulierum coma. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1644. 8511 Miscellae defensiones pro C. S., de variis observationibus et emendationibus ad jus Atticum et Eomanum pertinentibus. [Anon.] Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1645. 8512 o,' de coma dialogus primus. Csesarius et Curtius interlocutores. [Anon.] Svo. L[ugd.]. B[at.]. 1645. 8513 Librorum de Prim.atu Papae pars prima. Cum apparatu. Accessor e de eodem Primatu Nili & Barlaarni Tractatus. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1645. 8514 Disquisitio de mutuo. Qua probatur non esse alienationem. Auctore S. D. B. [i.e. Salmasio, Cl.] Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1645. 8515 Simplicii Verini [i.e. Cl. Salmasii] ad Justum Pacium epistola. Sive judicium de libro postumo H. Grotii. (Two copies.) Svo. Hagiopoli. 1646. 8516 De Transsubstantiatione liber Simplicio Verino [i.e. Cl. Salmasio], Auctore. Ad Justum Pacium contra H. Grotium. Svo. Hagiopoli. 1646. 8517 De annis climatericis et antiqua astrologia diatribse. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1648. 8518 Defensio Regia, pro Carolo I. Ad Regem Carolum II. [Anon.] 12mo. n. p. Sumptibus Regiis. 1649. 8519 Another edition. 4to. Par. 1650. 8520 Carolus I. Britanniarum Rex. A securi et calamo Miltonii vindicatus. [Anon.] 12mo. Dubl. 1652. (Two copies.) 8521 De subscribendis et signandis testamentis, item de anti quo- rum et hodiernorum sigillorum differentia, tractatus contra" Desid. Heraldum. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1653. 8522 Epistolarum liber primus. Accedunt, de laudibus et vita ejusdem, prolegomena. Accurante Ant. Clementio. (Together with) Ad ^Egidium Menagium epistola super Herode infanticida . . . 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1656. 8523 De re militari Romanorum. Opus posthumum. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1657. 8524 252 SALMASIUS (continued}. Ad Joannem Miltonum Responsio, Opus posthumum. 4to. Divione. 1660. 8525 " The best copy I ever saw. The book is printed on such wretched paper that the leaves are generally a deep brown." MS. note by Mr, Dyce. Another edition. Svo. Lond. 1660. 8526 De Manna et Saccharo commentarius. Svo. Par. 1664. 8527 *Pliniana3 exercitationes in Caji Julii Solini polyhistora. Item Caji lulii Solini polyhistor ex veteribus libris emendatus. Accesserunt De Homonymis Hyles latricae Exercitationes anteliac ineditae, nee non De Manna & Saccharo. 2 vols. Folio. Traj. ad Rhen. 1689. (Two copies.) 8528 Animadversiones in qusedam capitis primi et secundi speci- minis Salmasiani. [Anon.] Svo. Hagae-Com. 1657. 8529 SALTER (JAMES). The Triumphs of the Holy Jesus : or, A Divine Poem of the birth, life, death, and resurrection, of Our Saviour. 4to. Lond. 1692. 8530 SAMPSON (WILLIAM). The Vow Breaker. Or, The Faire Maide of Clifton. In Notinghamshire as it hath beene diuers times Acted by severall Companies with great applause. 4 to. Lond. 1636. 8531 SANCHO (IGNATIUS). Letters of the late I. S., an African. To which are prefixed, Memoirs of his life (by Joseph Jekyll). Third edition. (Portrait.) Svo. 1784. 8532 Fifth edition. Svo. Lond. 1803. 8533 SANCTIUS (FRANCISCUS). Minerva, sive de causis Latinas linguse commentarius, cui accedunt animadversiones et notee Gasperis Scioppii. (Together with) Grammatica Latina. Svo. Amst. T664. 8534 Minerva ... & longe uberiores [notae] Jac. Perizonii. Svo. Franeq. 1687. 8535 Minerva . . . Recensuit . . . C. L. Bauer us. Editio novissima. 2 vols. Svo. Lips. 1793-J801. 8536 SANDFORD (DANIEL, Bishop of Edinburgh). Remains including extracts from his diary and corre- spondence, and a selection from his unpublished sermons. With a memoir, by the Rev. John Sandford. 2 vols. Svo. Edinb. 1830. 8537 253 SANDFORD (SIR DANIEL KBYTE). Testimonials in favour of D. K. S. . . . Candidate for the vacant Greek professorship in the University of Glasgow. 8vo. n. p. 1820. 8538 Inaugural lecture delivered in the . . . University of Glasgow, Nov. 6. 1821. 8vo. Glasg. 1822. 8539 A Letter to the Rev. Peter Elmsley, in answer to the appeal made to Professor S., as umpire between the University of Oxford and the Edinburgh Review. 8vo. Oxf. 1822. 8540 With autograph letter from D. K. S. to Elmsley. SANDYS (GEORGE) A Relation of a journey begun An : Dom : 1610. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of ^Egypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and Hands adioyning. Second edition. Folio. Lond. 1621. 8541 * A Paraphrase vpon the Divine Poems. (Job. The Psalmes of David. Set to new Tunes . . by Henry La wes. Ecclesiastes. Lamentations of leremiah, and Songs collected ovt of the Old and New Testaments). Folio. Lond. 1638. End. Lond., printed by lohn Legatt, 1637. 8542 A Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David. Set to New Times . . . By Henry Lawes . . . Revised and corrected . . . by John Playford (with musical notes in text). 8vo. Lond. 1676. (See also No. 4325.) 8543 SANDYS (WILLIAM). * Christmas Carols, ancient and modern; including the most popular in the West of England, and the airs to which they are sung. Also specimens of French Provincial Carols. With an introduction and notes. By W. S. 8vo. Lond. 1833. 8544 SANGUTELLI (ANTONIUS). De Gigantibus nova disquisitio historica et critica. Edidit ac praefatus est Godofr. Schutze. 8vo. Alton. 1756. 8545 SANLORINI DA PRUNALBETA (ALESSANDBO). La Polvere Schernita, Overo Inuettiua contrial Tabacco, Con T aggiunta delle Postille di Lattanzio Rigogoli clalla Nibbiaia. 12mc. Fir. 1654. 8546 S ANNAZARIUS (AcTius SYNCERUS), SANNAZARO (JACOPO). Opera Latina omnia, & Integra. Accedunt notse ad eclogas, elegias, & epigrammata. 12mo. Amst. 1689. (Two copies.) 8547 254 SA.NNAZARIUS (continued). Opera, Latine scripta. Ex secundis curis Jani Broukhusii. Accedunt Gab. Altilii, Dan. Cereti, et Fratram Amaltkeorum cannina ; vitae Sannazarianae, et notae P. Vlamingii. (Por- trait.) 8vo. Arast. 1728. 8548 Duke of Sussex's copy. Le opere volgari ; doe" 1' Arcadia . . colle annotazioni del Porcacchi [e d' altri] ; le Rime . . . e le Lettere, novella- mente aggiunte. II tutto . . . da G. A. Volpi, e da Gaetano di lui fratello, rividuto. 4to. Padova. 1723. 8549 Arcadia . . . Nouamente starnpata & diligentemente Correcta. B. L. 8vo. End. Venet. 1522. 8550 Ai'cadia . . . corretta ed ornata di annotazioni da G. Serafini. Cui si e aggiunta la vita dell' Autore . . . 8vo. Lond. 1768. 8551 L' Arcadia (e rime). (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1781. 8552 Le Rime con la gionta, dal suo proprio originale cauata nuouamente . . . 8vo. n. p. (per Nicolo d'Aristotele detto Zoppino.) 1531. 8553 SANTEUL (JEAN BAPTISTE DE) Santoliana : ouvrage qui contient la vie de Santeul, ses bons mots, son deme'le' avec les Jesuites, Ses lettres, ses inscriptions, et 1'analyse de ses ouvrages, etc. Par M. Dinouart. 12mo. Par. 1764. 8554 SANTINELLI (FRANCESCO MARIA, Conte). Canzoni. 4to. Pesaro. 1655. 8555 SANXAY (JANUS). Lexicon Aristophanicum Gneco-Anglicum. 8vo. Lond. 1754. 8556 SAPPHO. Sapphus, Poetriae Lesbiae, fragmenta et elogia . . cum notis. Cura J. C. Wolfii, qui vitam S. adjecit. Gr. Lat. 4to. Lond. 1733. 8557 Carmina et fragmenta recensuit . . . H. F. M. Volger. 8vo. Lips. J810. 8558 S. Fragmenta specimen operae in omnibus artis Graecorum lyricae reliquiis excepto Pindaro collocandae proposuit C. F. Neue. 4to. Berol. 1827. 8559 SARBIEVIUS (MATHIAS CASIMIRUS). Lyricorum libri IV. Epodon lib. unus alterq. epigrammatum. 4to. Antv. 1632. 8560 Another edition. 24mo. Cantab. 1684. 8561 Carmina. 8vo. Argent. An XI. (1803.) 8562 255 SARDUS (ALEXANDER). De rerum inventoribus libri duo : de iis maxime, quorum nullam Polydorus Vergilius mentionem fecit. 1 2mo. Neomagi. 1671. 8563 SARENZA (MARINO). Opera Nova Sententiosa nella qualle s' intende il lamento . . . Svo. Trevigi. 1637. 8564 SARGENT (JOHN). The Mine : a dramatic poem. To which are added two historic odes. Third edition. Svo. Lond. 1796. (Two copies.) 8565 SARZENA (MARIN). Nova Canzonetta nella qual s' intende il lamento fatto da Giulia, nell' aspettar il suo caro Tonolo . . . Svo. Venet., etc. 1628. 8566 SATAN. Satan in Search of a Wife ; with the whole process of his Courtship and Marriage, and who danced at the Wedding. By An Eye Witness. 12mo. Lond. 1831. 8567 SATIRES. Remarkable Satires. The Causidicade, the Triumvirade, the Porcupinade, the Processionade, the 'Piscopade, the Scan- dalizade, and the Pasquinade, with Notes variorum. (Mostly by Porcupinus Pelagius.) Svo. Lond. 1760. 8568 The Causidicade is not in this volume. The School for Satire : or, a collection of modern satirical poems written during the present reign. Svo. Lond. 1801. 8569 SATYRE. Satyre Menippde, de la vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne, et de la teriue des etats de Paris, [by, according to Brunet, P. le Roy, Gillot, Passerat, Rapiu, Florent-Chretien, and P. Pithou] a laquelle est ajoute' un discours sur 1'interpretation du mot de Higuiero del Infierno, et qui en est 1'Auteur, etc. Derniere Edition. 3 vols. Svo. Ratisb. 1726. 8570 SAUNDERS (CHARLES). Tamerlane the Great. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1681. 8571 SAVAGE (JAMES). An Account of the last illness of Richard Porson. Svo. Lond. 1808. 8572 Another copy. L.P. 8573 With MS. notes, portrait of Porson, &c. Only seventy-five copies printed. Not- for sale. 25G SAVAGE (RICHARD). * Works of R. S., Son of the Earl Rivers. With an account of the life and writings of the Author, by Samuel Johnson, New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1777. 8574 Vol. I. contains : Love in a Veil (C.) ; Sir Thomas Over- bury (T.). Miscellaneous poems and translations. By several hands. Publish'd by R. S. 8vo. Lond. 1726. (Three copies.) 8575 No. 1 . L. P. " This copy was presented to Mrs. Oldfield by Savage." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Life of R. S. Who was condemn'd with James Gregory . for the murder of James Sinclair, at Robinson's Coffee-house at Charing- Cross . . . Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1727. 8576 The Wanderer : a poem. In five canto's. [Original ed.] 8vo. Lond. 1729. 8577 * Various Poems. The Wanderer, a moral poem. The Triumph of Mirth and Health. And the Bastard. To which is prefixed a preface, giving some account of them. 8vo. Lond. 1761. 8578 " A rare volume." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Sir Thomas Overbury : a tragedy. Altered from the late R. S. 8vo. Lond. 1777. 8579 SAY (SAMUEL). Poems, on several occasions : and Two Critical Essays, viz. The first, on the harmony, variety, and power of numbers, whether in prose or verse. The second, on the numbers of Paradise Lost. 4to. Lond. 1745. 8580 MS. note. SAYERS (FRANK). Poetical Works. To which have been prefixed the connected disquisitions on the rise and progress of English Poetry, and on English metres, and also some biographic particulars of the Author, supplied by W. Taylor, of Norwich. (Portrait.) 8vo. Norwich. 1828. ' 8581 SCALIGER ( JOSEPH us JUSTUS). * Yvonis Villiomari Aremorici [i.e. J. J. Scaliger] in locos controversos Roberti Titii animaduersorum liber. 8vo. Lutet. 1586. (Three copies.) 8582 No. 1. Dr. Parr's copy, with MS. notes by Parr and Kidd. No. 2. Arms and Monogram of lac. August. Thuanus on the cover. Another edition. 8vo. n. p. In bibliopolio H. Commelini. 1597. (Three copies.) 8583 257 Epistola de vetustate et splendore gentis Scaligerse, et Jul. Cses. Scaligeri vita. Jul. Caes. Scaligeri Oratio in luctu filioli Audecti. Item Testimonia de Gente Scaligera & lul. Caes. Scaligero. (Portrait of J. C. Scaliger.) 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1594. (Two copies.) 8584 Cyclometrica elementa duo. (Portrait.) Folio. Lugd. Bat. 1594. 8585 Presentation copy from Scaliger to Vulcanius. Appendix, ad Cyclometrica Sua : In qua asseritur Quadratic circuli, &c. Folio. Lugd. Bat. 1594. 8586 Mesolabium. Folio. Lugd. Bat. 1594. 8587 o Ausoniarum lectionum libri duo. . . . 16mo. n. p. Jac. Stoer. 1595. 8588 2rpupaTv<;. . . . Stromateus proverbiorum Grascorum ver- sibus conceptorum. . . . Adjunctum est Astrampsyclii oniro-criticon. Gr. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1600. 8589 Opuscula diversa Grseca & Latina . . . cum notis in aliquot veteres Scriptores. 8vo. Par. 1605. (Four copies.) 8590 No. 1. MS. notes. In Laurentii Ramiresii ad M. Valerium Martialem hypo- mnemata. Commonitoria, quse et plurimis poetre locis obscuris lucem dant, et Ramiresii errorum everricula sunt. . . Claudius Musambertius [i.e. J. J. S.] . . . 8vo. [Paris.] 1607. (Two copies.) ' 8591 No. 1. MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. Satirae dura, Hercules tuam fidem sive Munsterus Hypo- bolimaeus : quarto jam editus, et Virgula Divina Accessit his accurata Burdonum Fabulse Confutatio. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1609. 8592 [" Satyrae D. Heinsio tribuuntur."] Bodleian Cat. Satirse . . . Accessit his accurata Burdonum Fabulse confutatio. (Auctore I. R. Batavo.) 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1617. (Three copies.) 8593 No. 1. MS. notes. Opuscula varia antehac non edita. 4to. Par. 1610. (Three copies.) 8594 Another edition. 8vo. Francof. 1612. (Three copies.) 8595 No. 1. Dr. Parr's autograph. MS. notes. No. 3. On title "Ben Jonsonij." Imperfect. Another edition. Nunc vero multis partibus aucta, 8vo. Francof. 1664. 8596 " Jani Broukhusii." 258 SCAL EG ER (continued) . De JEquinoctiomm anticipatione diatriba. Nunc primum edita. 4to. Lut. Par. 1613. 8597 Proverbiorum Arabicorum centuriae dme, ab anonymo quo- dam Arabe collectae & explicatae: cura interpretatione Latina. . . . I. S. et T. Erpenii. 4to. Leid. 1614. 8598 Poemata omnia, ex museio Petri Scriverii. 12mo. n. p. ex off. Plantin. 1615. (Two copies.) 8599 No. 1. Presentation copy from Scriverius. Poemata Graeca, versa ex Lat. Ital. & Gall. Petrus Scriverius publicabat. 12mo. Lugd. Bat, 1615. 8600 Poemata Latina versa e Greece. 12mo. Lugd. Bat. 1615. 8601 De re nummaria dissertatio, liber posthumus : ex bibliotheca Academiaa. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. Ex off. Plantin. 1616. (Three copies.) 8602 No. 1. MS. notes. Loci cujusdam Galeni difficillimi explicatio doctissima, nunc primum in lucem edita, ex Museo loachimi Morsii. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1619. 8603 De arte critica diatriba, nunc primum in lucem edita, ex Museo loachimi Morsii. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1619. 8604 * Epistolse omnes quse reperiri potuerunt, nunc primum collects ac editse. Cseteris prcefixa est ea quae est De Gente Scaligera ; in qua de autoris vita ; & sub finem D. Heinsii de morte eius altera. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1627. (Four copies.) 8605 No. 1. Dr. Parr's copy \vith his autograph. On a fly leaf, after the words " Lib. rariss," he adds " Dr. Farmer made this insertion he was right. S. P." No. 2. On title-page " Sum Ben : Jonsonij." Opus de emendatione temporum. . . . Folio. Geriev. 1629. 8606 Scaligeriana sive excerpta ex ore J. S. Per FF. PP. (Fratres Puteanos.) Editio secunda. 8vo. Hag.-Com. 1668. 8607 Scaligerana ou bons mots . . de J. S. Avec des notes de Mr. Le Fevre, et de Mr. de Colomies . . . Nonvelle edition. 12rno. Cologne. 1695. 8608 SCALIGER (JULIUS CAESAR). Novorum epigrammatum, liber unicus. Hymni duo, Joanni Baptistse clamant! in deserto, Rocho et Sebastiano. Diua Ludouica Sabaudia. 8vo. Per. 1533. 8609 In luctu filij oratio . . . 8vo. Lugd. 1538. 8610 Liber, de Comicis dimensionibus. 8vo. Colon. loan. Gymnicus. 1544. (Two copies.) 8611 No. 1. MS. note. 259 Exotericarum exercitationum liber quintus decimus, de subtilitate, ad Hieronymum Cardanvm. 4to. Lutet. 1557. 8612 Another edition. 8vo. Francof. 1576. 8613 " Liber Jo. Morton." " Autograph of John Morton afterwards Bishop of Durham." MS. notes. Another edition. 8vo. Francof. 1612. 8614 Another edition. 8vo. Hanov. 1634. 8615 Poetices libri septem. (Together with : In librum de insomniis Hippocratis commentarius.) Folio, n. p. Apud Joan. Crispinum. 1561. (Second imprint), n. p. Apud. Ant. Vincentium. 1561. 8616 Another copy, with one title-page only, and without the commentary on Hippocrates. 8617 Editio secunda. 4to. [Heidelb.] P. Santandreanus. 1581. 8618 Editio tertia. 8vo. [Heidelb.] 1586. 8619 Editio (quarta). 8vo. [Heidelb.] 1594. 8620 Editio quinta. 8vo. In Bibl. Commel. [Heidelb.] 1617. (Two copies.) 8621 Commentarii et animadversiones in sex libros de causis plantarum Theophrasti. Folio, n. p. 1566. 8622 Inlaid portrait, verses, &c. In libros de plantis Aristoteli inscriptos commentarii. Folio. (Genev.) 1566. 8623 Another edition. 8vo. Marpurgi. 1598. 8624 Animadversiones in historias Theophrasti. 8vo. Lugd. 1584. 8625 MS. note. Poemata in duas partes divisa. Sophoclis Ajax Lorarius stylo tragico a Josepho Scaligero translatus. Ejusdem Epi- grammata. 2 parts (in one vol.). 8vo. [Heidelb.] P. Santandreanus. 1591. 8626 Poemata omnia. . . . Sophoclis Aiax Lorarius . . . 2 pts. (in one vol.). 8vo. In Bibl. Commelin. 1 600. 8627 Presentation copy with autograph of " Jos. Scaliger Jul. Cses. f." Epistolre et orationes . . . 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1600. (Three copies.) 8628 Epistolse & orationes . . . Seorsum accessere lohan. Th. Freigii orationes VIII. 8vo. Hanov. 1612. (Two copies.) 8629 2GO SCALIQER (continued). Oratio, pro M. Tullio Cicerone contra Ciceronianum Erasnii. Hymni Sacri, et Poemata Sacra. 8vo. Colon. 1600. 8030 Adversus Desid. Eraamum Orationes duse, eloquentite Romance vindices : Una cum epistolis, & opusculis aliquot nondum vulgatis. Quibus de novo etiam accedunt Problemata Gelliana, ut reperiri potueruut. 4to. Tolos. Tectosagum. 1621-20. (Two copies.) 8631 De cansis linguae Latinoa libri tredecim. 8vo. In Bibl. Commelin. 1623. (Two copies.) 8632 Electa Scaligerea : hoc est, J. C. S. sententise, ... ex universis illius operibus selecta. . . . Opera quondam Itabyrionis. 8vo. Hanov. 1634. (Two copies.) 8633 In librum de msomniis Hippocratis commentarius auctus . . . 12mo. Amst. 1659. 8634 Peniculus Foriarum elenchi Scaligeriani pro societate Jesu, Maldonato, Delrio. Auctore Liberio Sanga Verino Cantabro ad claruin Bonarscium Belgam. 12mo. Metelloburgi Mattia- coruin. 1609. (Two copies.) 8635 SCANDALUM. Scandaluni Magnatum : or, Potapski's Case. A Satyr against Polish Oppression. 4to. Lond. 1682. 8636 SCAPULA (JOANNES). Lexicon Grseco-Latinum. . . . Editio nova. Folio. Amst. 1652. 8637 Lexicon Graeco-Latinum e probatis auctoribus locupletatum . . . Item Lexicon Etymologicum . . . et Jo. Meursii Glossarium contractual. Indici Grreco inseruntur aliquot verborum millia e Scotto, Bastio, aliisque. Accedunt Prisciani lib. xvin. pars posterior, et Ammonius lie/)* opoiuv KO.I Sixfopuv fal-euv. . . . Cum opusculis Grammaticis ex edit. Valcke- naerii. Folio. Oxon. 1820. 8638 SCARRON (PAUL). * Roman Comique. 3 vols. 12mo. Par. 1757. 8639 Nouvelle Edition. 3 pts. (et suite, in 1 vol.). (Portrait.) 12mo. Amst. 1762. 8640 SCENE'S CHANGED. The Scene's Chang'd. A poem. Folio. Lond. 1700. 8641 SCHARF (GEORGE). On the principal portraits of Shakspeare. (From " Notes and Queries.") 12mo. Lond. 1864. 8642 261 SCHEFFERUS (JOANNES). De re vehicular! veterum libri duo. Accedit Pyrrhi Ligorii de vehiculis fragmentum . . . Cum ejusdem I. Schefferi adnotationibus. 4to. Francof. 1671. 8643 SCHELLER (IMMANUEL JOANNES GERHARDUS). Precepta styli bene Latini in prirnis Ciceroniani seu elo- quentiae Romanae . . . Pars prior. Editio tertia. 8vo. Lips. 1797. 8644 . Pars posterior. Editio tertia. 8vo. Lips. 1797. 8645 A Copious Latin Grammar, translated from the German, with alterations, notes and additions, by George Walker. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 8646 SCHILLER (JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON). Works. Historical. History of the Thirty Years' War. Complete. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands to the Confederacy of the Gueux. Translated by A. J. W. Morrison. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1847. 8647 Works. Historical and dramatic. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands, continued Trials of Counts Egmont and Horn. Wallenstein [by Churchill, Coleridge, and Bohn], and Wilhelm Tell [by Theodore Martin], historical dramas. Trans- lated from the German. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 8648 Works. Early dramas and romances. The Robbers, Fiesco, Love and Intrigue, Demetrius, the Ghost-Seer, and the Sport of Destiny. Translated from the German, chiefly by Henry G. Bohn. [Demetrius by Theo. Martin]. 8vo. Lond. 1849. 8649 Presentation copy from Mr. Bohn to Mr. Dyce. Works. Historical dramas, etc. Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. The Maid of Orleans. The Bride of Messina, Translated from the German [by R. D. Boylan, Joseph Mellish, Anna Swanwick, A. Lodge, and H. G. Bohn]. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 8650 The Robbers. A tragedy. Translated [by A. F. Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee]. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1795. 8651 Fourth edition. (Portrait inserted.) 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8652 The Robbers. . . . Translated and altered. As it was performed at Brandenburgh-House Theatre, 1798. With a preface, prologue, and epilogue written by The Margravine ofAnspach. 8vo. Lond. 1799. 8653 Fiesco : or the Genoese Conspiracy. A Tragedy. Trans- lated by G. H. N[oehden] and J. S[toddart]. 8vo. Lond. 1796. 8654 VOL. III. S 262 SCHILLER (continued). Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 8655 The Minister : a tragedy. Translated by M. G. Lewis. (Portrait of M. G. Lewis inserted.) 8vo. Lond. 1 797. 865G Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 8657 Presentation copy to " H. Cadogan." With the autograph of " M. G. Lewis." Don Carlos : a tragedy. Translated. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1798. 8658 The Armenian ; or, the Ghost Seer. A History founded on fact. Translated from the German, by the Rev. W. Render. 4 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8659 [First title.] Wallenstein. A drama in two parts. [Second title.] The Piccolomini, or the First Part of ^Wallenstein, a Drama in Five acts. Translated by S. T. Coleridge. (Por- trait of Wallenstein.) 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8660 The Death of Wallenstein. A Tragedy in Five Acts. Trans- lated by S. T. Coleridge. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 8661 SCHLEGEL (AUGUST WILHELM VON). De Geographia Homerica commentatio . . . 8vo. Hanov. 1788. 8662 A Course of lectures on dramatic art and literature ; trans- lated by John Black. 2 vols. 8vo. Jrfpnd. 1815. 8663 SCHLEGEL (JOHANNES HENRICUS). Observationes criticae et historicae in Cornelium Nepotem cum chronologia rerum Graecarum et Persicarum Carthaginen- sium et Romanarum . . . 4to. Havniae. 1778. 8664 SCHLEIERMACHER (FREDERICK). A Critical Essay on the Gospel of St. Luke. With an intro- duction by the translator [Bp. Thirlwall], containing an account of the controversy respecting the origin of the three first Gospels since Bishop Marsh's dissertation. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 8665 SCHMIDT (GUILELMUS MAURICIUS). Diatribe in dithyrambum poetarumque dithyrainbicorum reliquias. 8vo. Berol. 1845. 8666 SCHNEIDER (JOANNES GOTTLOB). Periculum criticum in Anthologiam Constantini Cephalae . . . Accedunt emendationes in Aristoteleni et Antigonum Carystium. 8vo. Lips. 1772. 8667 SCHNEIDERUS (GUILELMUS). De Originibus Tragrediae Graecae. Praefatus est Fran. Passow. 8vo. Vratislaviae. 1817. 8668 263 SCHNEIDEWIN (F. G.). Conjectanea Critica. Insunt Orionis Thebani Anthologno- mici tituli VIII. mine primum . . . editi. 8vo. Got- tingae. 1839. (Two copies.) 8669 SCHNEIDEWIN (F. W.) Beitrage zur Kritik der Poetae Lyrici Graeci edidit Theod. Bergk. Von F. W. S. Nebst einem Vorworte. 8vo. Gb'ttin- gen. 1844. 8670 SCHOEN (FRiD. GOTHOLD). De personarum in Euripidis Bacchabus habitu scenico com- mentatio. 8vo. Lips. 1831. 8671 SCHOMANN (GEOEGIUS FRIDERICUS). De Comitiis Atheniensium. 8vo. Gryph. 1819. 8672 SCHOMBERG (RALPH). The Life of Maecenas : with . . . notes. Second edition. 16mo. Lond. 1766. 8673 SCHOOCKUS (MARTINUS). Seria & Solida responsio adversus Geminam uvrt^yr]ayB< . . . 4to. Par. Turnebus. 1552. 9294 TpaywSjai. Tragoedise septem. Vna cum omnibus Grsecis scholiis, & cum Latinis loach. Camerarij. Annotationes Henrici Stephani in Sophoclem & Euripidem . . . Gr. Lat. 4to. n. p. (H. Stephanus.) 1568. (Two copies.) 9295 No. 1. "Richardus Bentley" on title. MS. notes. Another copy (in two volumes). 9296 The bulk of the second vol. is made up with blank paper for MS. notes, of which there are many. In vol. I. " J. Jortin." Tpayuhai z. Tragoedise VII. Opera Gvl. Canteri. 16mo. Lvgd. Bat. ex off. Plantin. 1593. (Two copies.) 9297 No. 1. MS. notes and autograph of Isaac Gruter. Tragoedise septem scholiis veteribus illustrate : cum versione et notis Thomse Johnsoni ... 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1758. 9298 MS. Marginal notes by Jeremiah Markland. * Quse exstant omnia cum veterum grammaticorum scholiis. Superstites tragoedias VII. . . . Recensuit . . . R. F. P. Brunck. 2 vols. 4to. Argent. 1786. 9299 Tpay&.'&jat. Tragosdise septem. Cum animadversionibus Sam. Musgravii. Accedunt . . . Sophoclis fragmenta ex editione Brunckiana. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1800. 9300 Tragoediae Septem ac deperditarum Fragmenta emen davit . . . notasque turn aliorum turn suas adjecit C. G. A. Erfurdt . . . Accedit Lexicon Sophocleum . . . Gr. 7 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1805-25. 9301 Tragoediae . . . recensuit et brevibus notis instruxit C. G. A. Erfurdt (Vol. 1. Antigone. Ed. 3 a ; vol. 2. Oedipus Rex. Ed. 3* ; vol 3. Aiax. Ed. 2 a ; vol. 4. Electra. Ed. 2* ; vol. 5. Trachiniae ; vol. 6. Philoctetes. Ed. 2 a ; vol. 7. Oedipus Coloneus. Ed. 2 a .) (Cum notis G. Hermanni). Gr. 7 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1822-41. 9302 315 Tragoediae. Recognovit . . . Fridericus Nevius. 8vo. Lips. 1831. 9303 Tragcediee superstites et deperditarum fragmenta ex recen- sione G. Dindorfii. 8vo. Oxon. e typ. Academico. 1832. 9304 * The Tragedies, with notes critical and explanatory. By T. Mitchell. Gr. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1844. 9305 " This copy contains the cancelled leaves at the close of the (Ed. Tyr." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Tragcedise superstites recensuit . . . Gul. Linwood. Svo. Lond. 1846. 9306 Tragoediae. Recensuit . . . Eduardus Wunderus. Gr. Editio tertia. 2 vols. Svo. Goth, et Erford. 1848-41. 9307 Vol. 2, editio secunda (except Trachiniae). Sive Tragcediarum Grsecarum delectus. v. 8vo. Oxon. 1758. 9308 Primae Sophoclis tragoediae dvae Aiax et Electra. Prae- fatio Claudii Thereei. Gr. Svo. Argent. 1562. 9309 Tragoedise, nova versione donate, Scholiisque veteribus . . . ilLustratae . . . Opera Thomse Johnson. Gr. Lat. 3 vols. Svo. Oxon. &c. 1705-46. 9310 MS. notes by J. Foster, author of the " Essay on Accent and Quantity," &c. The vols. are not numbered : each has its own title-page. Ajax. Commentario perpetuo illustravit C. A. Lobeck. Editio secunda, Svo. Lips. 1835. 9311 The Antigone, chiefly according to the text of Hermann ; with . . . notes, &c. By the Rev. John Brasse. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1839. 9312 Oedipus in Colono cum scholiis vetustis et suis commentariis turn emendatior edita turn explanatior ab Car. Reisigio. [Second title.] Caroli Reisigii Commentationes criticae de Sophoclis Oedipo Coloneo. Svo. Jenae. 1820-22. 9313 Oedipus Coloneus e recensione Petri Elmsley. Accedit Brunckii eb aliorum annotatio selecta, cui et suain addidit editor. Gr. Svo. Oxon. 1823. . 9314 * The CEdipus Coloneus, chiefly according to the Text of Brunck ; with notes, &c. By the Rev. John Brasse. Second edition. Svo. Lond. n. d. 9315 Oedipus Tyrannus ex recensione Petri Elmsley. Gr. Svo. Oxon. 1811. (Two copies.) 9316 No. 1. MS. notes by Elrasley. 31G SOPHOCLES (continued). Editio auctior. 8vo. Oxon. 1825. 9317 CEdipus Rex, chiefly according to the text of Brunck ; with . . . notes, etc., by the Rev. John Brasse. 8vo. Lond. 1829. 9318 Dr. Tate's copy. MS. notes. Philoctetes. 4to. Lutet. 1586. 9319 Philoctetes in Lemno. Stylo ad veteres tragicos Latinos accedente quam proxime fieri potuit a Q. Septimio Floreute Christiano. Accesserunt eiusdem Glossemata . . . 4 to. Lutet. 1586. 9320 Rev. J. Mitford's copy, with US. note. The Philoctetes ; with English notes, original and selected. . . . By G. Surges. 8vo. Lond. 1833. 9321 * The Trachiniae, chiefly according to the text of Brunck ; with . . . notes, &c. By the Rev. John Brasse. 8vo. Lond. 1830. 9322 Scholia Grseca in Sophoclem. Ex editione Brunckiana. 8vo. Oxon. 1801. 9323 Translations. The Tragedies, translated from the Greek, with notes . . . To which is prefix'd, a preface ; containing I. A Defence of Tragick Poetry ... II. An historical account of its rise and progress. III. A Comparison of the ancient tragedians with each other. By George Adams. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1729. 9324 This is the earliest translation noticed in Lowndes. Book-plate of Samuel Rogers. The Tragedies, translated from the Greek ; (with a disserta- tation on antient tragedy.) By the Rev. Thomas Fi-ancklin. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1766. 9325 The Tragedies translated (by R. Potter). 4to. Lond. 1788. 9326 The Tragedies, translated into English verse. By the Rev. Thomas Dale. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Lond. 1824. 9327 The Tragedies : in English prose. The Oxford translation, New edition, revised [by T. A. Buckley] according to the text ofDindorf. 8vo. Lond. 1849. 9328 The Aias, translated from an improved text into English verse, by George Burges. 8vo. Lond. 1849. 9329 Aiace Fiagellifero. Di nucuo tradotta di Latino in volgare Dal Girolamo Giustiniano. 8vo. Venet. 1603, 9330 317 Electra of Sophocles : presented to Her Highnesse the Lady Elizabeth ; with an Epilogue, shewing the parallell in two poems, The Return, and The Restauration. By C[hristopher] W[ase]. 8vo. At the Hague, for Sam. Brown. 1G49. 9331 The Epilogue has a separate title and pagination. Electra : a tragedy. Translated, with notes. By Mr. Theo- bald. 8vo. Lond. 1714. 9332 Elettra, fatta volgare dall' illustre Signor Erasmo delli Signori di Valvasone. 8vo. Venet. 1588. 9333 Edipo Tiranno. Ridotta dalla Greca nella Toscana lingua da Pietro Angelij Bargeo. 8vo. Fir. 1589. 9334 SORBIERE (SAMUEL). Sorberiana. Ou bons mots . . . de M. S. 12mo. Amst. 1694. 9335 SOTHEBY (WILLIAM). A Tour through parts of Wales, sonnets, odes, and other poems. With engravings from drawings taken on the spot, by J. Smith. 4to. Lond. 1794. 9336 The Battle of the Nile, a poem. 4to. Lond. 1799. 9337 " From the Author to Miss Stables, A.D. 1814." The Siege of Cusco : a tragedy. In five acts. Svo, Lond. 1800. 9338 Julian and Agnes ; or, the Monks of the Great St. Bernard : a tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1801. (Two copies.) 9339 Oberon : or Huon de Bourdeaux : a mask. And Orestes : a tragedy. 12mo. Lond. Bristol, printed. 1802. 9340 Saul ; a poem, in two parts. 4to. Lond. 1807. 9341 Another edition. 12mo. Boston [U. S.]. 1808. 9342 Constance de Castile. A poem, In ten cantos. 4to. Lond. 1810. 9343 With the Author's autograph. Another edition. 12mo. Boston [U. S.]. 1812. 9344 Tragedies. The Death of Darnley. Ivan. Zamorin and Zaina. The Confession. Orestes. 8vo. Lond. 1814. 9345 Presentation copy from the Author to Mrs. Wilmot, with an inscription. A Song of Triumph. 4to. Lond. 1814. 9346 At the end of the vol. which contains " A Song of Triumph," and " The Battle of the Nile," are MS. " Extracts from ' The Elements,' an unfinished poem." Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1825. 9347 "To Sir T. Lawrence from the Author." Privately printed. 318 SOUTEBIUS (DANIEL). Palaraedes ; sive de tabula lusoria, alea, et variis ludis. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1622. 9348 SOUTH BRITON. The South Briton : A Comedy of five Acts : ... By a Lady. 8vo. Lond. 1774. 9349 SOUTHERNS (THOMAS). Plays, now first collected. With an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1774. 9350 SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Joan of Arc, an epic poem. [First ed.] Large 4to. Bristol. 1796. 9351 Fourth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1812. 9352 Specimens of the Later English Poets, with preliminary notices; by R. S. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 9353 * The Curse of Kehama. Second edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1811. 9354 Omniana, or Horse Otiosiores. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1812. 9355 MS. note as to Coleridge's coutributions. Odes to the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia. 4to. Lond. 1814. 9356 Carmen Triumphale, for the commencement of the year, 1814. L. P. 4to. Lond. 1814. 9357 Carmen Triumphale, for the commencement of the year 1814. Carmina Aulica. Written in 1814, on the arrival of the Allied Sovereigns in England. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1821. 9358 The Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo. 12mo. Lond. 1816. 9359 The Lay of the Laureate. Carmen Nuptiale. 12mo. Lond. 1816. 9360 Wat Tyler. A dramatic poem. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1817 (Two copies.) 9361 A Vision of Judgement. Large 4to. Lond. 1821. 9362 Thalaba the Destroyer. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1821. 9363 Minor Poems. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1823. 9364 Madoc. Fifth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1825. 9365 319 * A Tale of Paraguay. 12mo. Lond. 1825. 9366 Roderick, the Last of the Goths. Sixth edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1826. 9367 All for Love ; and The Pilgrim to Compostella. 8vo. Lond. 1829. 9368 Oliver Newman : A New-England tale (unfinished) : with other poetical remains. 8vo. Lond. 1845. 9369 Robin Hood : a fragment. By the late R. S., and Caroline Southey. With other fragments and poems by R. S. & C. S. 8vo. Edinb. and Lond. 1847. 9370 The Life of Nelson. 13th edition. With the Author's last corrections. 16mo. Lond. 1853. 9371 SOUTHWELL (ROBERT). The Poetical Works of the Rev. R. S., now first completely edited by William B. Turnbull. 8vo. Lond. 1856. 9372 A volume of the " Library of Old Authors." Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Editor. Mceonise. Or, certaine excellent poems and spirituall hynmes : omitted in the last impression of Peters Complaint; being needefull thereunto to be annexed, as being both diuine and wittie. All composed by R. S. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond., Valentine Sims, for John Busbie. 1595. 9373 The Triumphs ouer Death : or a consolatorie epistle, for afflicted minds, in the affects of dying friends. First written for the consolation of one : but nowe published for the generall good of all, by R. S. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond., Valentine Simmes for lohn Busbie. 1596. - 9374 Saint Peters Complaint. With other Poems. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. I. R. for G. C. 1599. 9375 St. Peter's Complaint, and other poems. Reprinted from the edition of 1595, with important additions from an original MS. And a sketch of the Author's life, by W. Jos. Walter. L. P. 12mo. Lond. 1817. 0376 SPAGNA, LA. Libro chiamato la Spagna nel quale si tratta li gran fatti, e le mirabili battaglie, che fece il magnanimo Re Carlo Magno nelle parti della Spagna. 8vo. Venez. 1783. 9377 SPALDING (WILLIAM). A Letter on Shakspeare's authorship of the Two Noble Kinsmen ; a drama commonly ascribed to John Fletcher. (By W. S.) 8vo. Edinb. 1833. 9378 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce. 320 SPECTATOR. * The Spectator. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond., Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper, n. d. 9379 SPEED (SAMUEL). Prison-Pietie : or, Meditations Divine and Moral. Digested into poetical heads, on mixt and various subjects. Whereunto is added a panegyrick to ... Henry, Bishop of London. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1677. 9380 SPENCE (JOSEPH). An Essay on Pope's Odyssey ... In Two Parts. [Anon.] 8vo. Oxf. and Lond. 1727. (Two copies.) 9381 No. 1. Trapp's copy with his MS. Notes, and autograph. No. 2. "Joseph Warton's copy with some MS. notes by him." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1747. 9382 A full and authentick account of Stephen Duck, the Wilt- shire poet. Of his education ; his methods of improving him- self ; how he first engag'd in poetry ; and his great care in writing . . . In a letter to a Member of Parliament. By J . S . [i.e., Joseph Spence]. 8vo. Lond. 1731. 9383 A Parallel ; in the manner of Plutarch : between a most celebrated Man of Florence ; and One, scarce ever heard of, in England, [i.e. Magliabecchi and Robert Hill.] 8vo. Printed at Strawberry-Hill . . . for the benefit of Mr. Hill. 1758. 9384 * Anecdotes, observations, and characters, of Books and Men. Collected from the conversation of Mr. Pope, and other eminent persons of his time. Now first published from the original papers with notes, and a life of the author. By Samuel Weller Singer. (Portrait of Spence.) 8vo. Lond. 1820. 9385 SPENCER (JOHN). Hermas, or the Acarian Shepherds : a Poem. In sixteen books. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1772. 9386 " A rare book." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. SPENCER (WILLIAM ROBERT). Urania; or, The Illumine: a comedy, in two acts. 8vo. Lond. 1802. 9387 Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1811. 9388 Poems; new edition, with corrections and additions; to which is prefixed a biographical memoir by the editor. 8vo. Lond. 1835. 9389 SPENSER (EDMUND). * The Works of E. S. With the principal illustrations of various commentators. To which are added, notes, some account 321 of the life of Spenser, and a glossarial and other indexes. By the Rev. Henry John Todd. 8 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1805. 9390 Poetical Works. (Life by John Mitford, Aldine edition.) 5 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1839. 9391 Complaints. Containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie. Whereof the next Page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. William Ponsonbie. 1591. 9392 Title within wood-cut borders, verso A note of the sundrie Poemes contained in this Volume. 1. The Ruines of Time. 2. The Teares of the Muses. 3. Virgils Gnat- 4. Prosopopoia, or Mother Hubberd's Tale. 5. The Ruines of Rome : by Bellay. 6. Muiopotmos, or The Tale of the Butter- flie. 7. Visions of the Worlds vanitie. 8. Bellayes visions. 9. Petrarches visions. The Teares of the Muses, Prosopopoia, and Muiopotmos have each a separate title, the date of the last being 1590. Colin Clovts Come home againe. By Ed. Spencer. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. William Ponsonbie. 1595. 9393 Fovvre Hymnes, Made by Edm. Spenser. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond., William Ponsonby. 1596. 9394 The Four Hymns are: "In Honovr of Love," "In Houovr of Beavtie," " Hymne of Heavenly Love," " Hymne of Heavenly Beavtie." These are followed by " Daphna'ida. An Elegie vpon the Death . . . ofDovglas Howard, daughter and heire of Henry Lord Howard, Viscount Byndon, and wife of Arthur Gorges Esquier . . . By Ed. Sp." which has a separate title-page with the imprint Lond., Printed for William Ponsonby 1596; but the pagination is continuous throughout the volume. SPERONI (SPERONE). Canace Tragedia, 8vo. End. Fior. 1546. 9395 Another edition. 8vo. Venet. 1566. 9396 Another edition. Alia qvale sono aggivnte alctine altre sue composition!, & vna Apologia, et alcune lettioui in difesa della Tragedia. 4to. Venet. 1597. 9397 Giudicio sopra la tragedia di Canace, et Macareo. . . . [Anon.] 8vo. Venet. 1566. 9398 According to Haym (Bibl. Ital. (1741) p. 172) the author is believed to be Bartolomeo Cavalcanti. SPEZZANI (ANTONIO). Rappresentatione di Santa Catherina. 12mo. Verona. 1589. 9399 SPIRIT OF THE PUBLIC JOURNALS. The Spirit of the Public Journals for 1797 ( 1814). Being an impartial selection of the most exquisite essays and jeux d'esprits, principally prose, that appear in the newspapers and other publications. With explanatory notes and anecdotes of many of the persons alluded to. 18 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1802-15. 9400 The set is composed of different editions, but chiefly of the first. 322 SPIRITUAL SONGS. A specimen of a book, intituled, Ane compendious booke, of godly and spiritual sangs, collectit out of sundrie partes of the Scripture, with sundrie of other Ballates changed out of Pro- pi mine Sanges, for avoyding of sinne and harlotrie. With aug- mentation of sundrie gude and godly ballates, not contained in the first edition. Edinb., Andro Hart. 8vo. [Reprint published by Sir D. Dalrymple, Lord Hailes.] Edinb. 1765. (Two copies.) 9401 " This collection seems to have been known under the title of ' The Dundee Psalms,' and is usually attributed to John and James [? Robert] Wedder- burn, of Dundee, who flourished about the middle* of the 16th century." (Bohn's) Lowndes. A Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs, com- monly known as " The Gude and Godlie Ballates." (Edited by David Laing.) 8vo. Edinb. Reprinted from the edition of 1578. 1868. 9402 SPITZNER (FRANCISCUS). De Versu Graecorum heroico maxime Homerico scripsit F. S. . . . Accedunt eiusdem mantissa observationum criticarum . . . in Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomericorum libros XIV. et Dissertatio de media syllaba pentametri Graecorum elegiaci auctore F. T. Friedemanno. 8vo. Lips. 1816. 9403 SPOHN (FRIDERICUS AUGUSTUS GUILELMUS). Comrnentatio de extrema Odysseae parte inde a rhapsodiae * versu ccxcvii. aevo recentiore orta quam Homerico. 8vo. Lips. 1816. 9404 SPOHR (Louis). ' The Last Judgment, an oratorio, composed by L. S. Trans- lated from the German by Edward Taylor. The accompaniment for the pianoforte arranged by Ferdinand Spohr. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 9405 SPORTS OF THE MUSES. * The Sports of the Muses. Or a Minute's Mirth for any hour of the day. Containing a select collection of only the best and most approved English and Scotch songs, ballads, and tales ; and of the most ingenious and diverting epigrams, epitaphs, riddles, bons mots, and other short pieces of wit and humour, by our most celebrated poets, viz. Spenser, Shakespear, Johnson, [and others]. 2 vols. 12mo. 1752. 9406 MS. notes by Horace Walpole. 323 SPRAT (THOMAS, Bishop of Rochester). The Plague of Athens, which hapned in the second year of the Peloponnesian Warre. First described in Greek by Thucy- dides ; then in Latin by Lucretius. Now attempted in English. 4to. Lond. 1665. 9407 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1676. 9408 Another edition. 8vo. Lond. 1688. 9409 SQUIRE (SAMUEL, Bishop of St. David's). Two Essays. The former, a defense of the ancient Greek Chronology . . . the latter, an enquiry into the origin of the Greek language. 8vo. Camb. 1741. 9410 STAEL - HOLSTEIN (ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE NECKER, Baronne de). Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractere de Jean Jacques Rousseau. Derniere Edition, Augmente'e d'une lettre de madame la comtesse Alexandre de Vassy, et d'une rdponse de madame la baronne de Stael. [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. 1789. 9411 * Corinne ou 1'Italie. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1807. 9412 De I'Allemagne. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810. Re'-imprime par John Murray. Lond. 1813. 9413 Presentation copy : with inscription " a S. A. K. Madame la duchesse d'Yorck, avec les respects de Mad. de Stael." STAMPA (GASPARA) and others. Rime di Madonna Gaspara Stampa ; con alcune altre di Collaltino, e di Vinciguerra conti di Collalto : e di Baldassare Stampa . . . (Portraits of Stampa &; Collaltino.) 8vo. Venez. 1738. 9414 STANDISH (FRANK HALL). The Life of Voltaire, with interesting particulars respecting his death, and anecdotes and characters of his contemporaries. 8vo. Lond. 1821. 9415 STANLEY (THOMAS). The History of philosophy : containing the lives, opinions, actions and discourses of the philosophers of every sect. Fourth edition. 4to. Lond. 1743. 9416 Poems. Reprinted from the Edition of 1651. 8vo. Lond., Private Press of Longman, etc. 1814. 9417 STAPYLTON (Sm ROBERT). The Slighted Maid : a comedy, .... 4to. Lond. 1663. 9418 The Step-Mother, a tragi-comedy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1664. 9419 Rev. J. Mitford's cqpy and MS. note. Tragedie of Hero and Leander. 4to. Lond. 1669. 9420 Rev. J, Mitford's copy and MS. note. 324- STARCKIUS (JOANNES AUGUSTUS). Do Aeschylo et eius imprimis tragoedia quae Prometheus Vinctus inscripta est libellus. 4to. Getting. 1763. 9421 STARKIUS (SEBASTIANUS GOTTOFREDUS). Specimen sapientiae Indorum veterum. Id est, Liber Ethico-Politicus pervetustus, dictus Arabice, AiLo ^ *V^ Graece 2T*py-nj{ x* ix^a-n^, nunc primum Graece ex MSS. Cod. Holsteiniano prodit, cum versione nova Latina, opera S. G. S. [Tr. from Bidpay, or Pilpay.] 8vo. Berol. 1697. 9422 Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. STATIONERS' COMPANY. Extracts from the registers of the Stationers' Company of works entered for publication between the years 1557 and 1570 (and 1570 and 1587). With notes and illustrations by J. P. Collier. 2vols. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1848-49. 9423 STATIUS (PUBLIUS PAPINIUS). Sylvarvm Libri Qvinqve Thebaidos Libri Dvodecim Achillei- dos Dvo. 8vo. Venet. In Aedibvs Aldi. 1502. (Preceded by Orthographia et Flexvs dictionvm Graecarvm omnivm apvd Stativm cvm accentib. et generib. ex variis vtrivsqve lingvae Avtorib. n. p. Aldus, n. d.) 9424 The various readings of the Eton Coll. MS. are noted on-the margins of the " Sylvae " and " Achilleis." Sylvarum libri quinque ; Thebaidos libri duodecim ; Achilleidos libri duo. 8vo. Basil. 1531. 9425 With a MS. collation (of the Thebais and Achilles) of the first edition. Sylvarum lib. V. Thebaidos lib. XII. Achilleidos lib. II. Notis . . . illustrati a Johanne Veenhusen. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1671. (Five copies.) 9426 No. 1. Autograph and MS. notes of G. Wakefield and Rev. J. Mitford. Opera ex recensione . . . I. F. Gronovii. 12mo. Amst. 1653. 9427 Another edition. 12mo. Venet. 1676. 9428 MS. notes by Gilbert Wakefield. P. P. S. quae extant. Caspar Barthius recensuit . . . 4 vols. (Portrait of Barthius). 4to. Cygneae. 1664. (Two copies.) 9429 No. 2. In three vol?. without the Indices. Opera ad optimas editiones collata . . . Editio accurata. 8vo. Biponti. 1785. (Two copies.) 9430 Sylvarum libri V. Cum notis . . . quas . . . collegit Thomas Stephens. (With) Achilleidos libri II. notis illustrati. 8vo. Cantab. 1651. 9431 325 Silvarum . . . Keceusuit . . . Jer. Marklandus. 4to. Lond. 1728. (Three copies.) 9432 No. 1. Markland's copy with his autograph and MS. notes. Another edition. 4 to. Dresd. (et Lond.) 1827. 9433 Praefatio in Sylvas Statii, per Leodegarium a Quercu. 4to. n. p. n. d. (1560.) 9434 Thebaidos libri duodecim. Cum notis Franc. Guieti Audini. .To. Peyraredi, et aliorum. Opera ac studio Mich, de Marolles. (Second title : La Thebaide de Stace, avec les remarques en Latin et en Fran 9ois.) Two parts. (Two vols.) 8vo. Lut. Par. 1658. 9435 Achilleidos, libri dvo. 8vo. Viteb. 1542. 9436 Translations. An Essay upon S : or, the five first books of P. P. S. his Thebais. Done into English verse by T. S. [i.e., Thomas Stephens]. 8vo. Lond. 1648. 9437 The first English translation noticed in Lowndes. Rev. J. Mitford's copy. MS. notes. The Thebaid, translated into English verse (By Will. Lil- lington Lewis). 2 vols. Svo. Oxf. 1767. 9438 La Thebaide ridotta dal Sig. Erasmo di Valvasone in ottava rima. 4to. Venet. Francesco de' Franceschi. n. d. 9439 STEBBING (HENRY). The History of Abraham, in the plain and obvious Meaning of it, justified, against the Objections of the Author of The Divine Legation, &c. . . . Svo. Lond. 1746. 9440 STEELE (Sm KICHARD). The Dramatic Works of Sir R. S., Knt. Containing, The Funeral. The Tender Husband. The Lying Lover. The Conscious Lovers. To which is prefixed, an account of his life and writings. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1761. 9441 The Christian Hero : an argument proving that no princi- ples but those of religion are sufficient to make a great man. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1701. 9442 On the fly leaf there are six MS. verses inscribed " To My Lov'd Tutour Dr. Ellis " and signed " Rich d : Steele." The Englishman : being the sequel of the Guardian. 12mo. Lond. 1714. 9443 The Lover. To which is added, The Reader ; by the same Author. 12mo. Lond. 1715. 9444 VOL. III. Y STK ELE (con t inued). Poetical Miscellanies, consisting of original poems and trans- lations. By the best hands. Publish 'd by Mr. Steele. 8vo. Lond. MDDCXIV. (1714?) 9445 Second edition. (Portrait inserted.) 12mo. Lond. 1727. 9446 The Drummer ; or, the Haunted House. A comedy. Second edition. With a preface by Sir Richard Steele, in an Epistle dedicatory to Mr. Congreve, occasioned by Mr. Tickell's pre- face to ... Mr. Addison's Works. 4to. Lond. 1722. 9447 The Conscious Lovers. A comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1723. 9448 The Guardian. (No. 1., March 12, 1713.- No. 175, Oct. 1, 1713. By Sir Richard Steele.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1767. (Two copies.) 9449 The Epistolary Correspondence of Sir R. S. ; including his familiar letters to his wife and daughters ; to which are pre- fixed, fragments of three plays ; two of them undoubtedly Steele's, the third supposed to be Addison's. Faithfully printed from the originals ; and illustrated with literary and historical anecdotes, by John Nichols. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1809. 9450 (See also TATLER.) STEPHANUS, BYZANTINUS. * Hepi iroXetav. .De urbibus quern primus Thomas de Pinedo Latii jure donabat . . . additse Collationes Jac. Gronovii. . . . Fol. Amst. 1678. 9451 STEPHANUS (CAROLUS). ESTIENNE (CHARLES). Seminarium, et plantarium fructiferarum pnesertim arborum quse post hortos conseri solent denuo auctum . . . alter libellus de conserendis arboribus . . . 8vo. Par., Rob. Steph. 1540. 9452 De nutrimentis. 8vo. Par., R. Steph. 1550. 9453 Praedium Rusticum . . . 8vo. Lutet. 1554. 9454 STEPHANUS (HENRICUS). ESTIENNE (HENRI). Traicte de la conformite' du language Fran9ois avec le Grec. . . . 8vo. n. p. n. d. 9455 Ciceronianum Lexicon Grsecolatinum. Id est, Lexicon ex variis Grsecorum scriptorum locis a Cicerone interpretatis collectum . . . 8vo. Ex off. H. Stephani Parisiensis typog. 1557. (Two copies.) 9456 327 In M. T. Ctceronis quaplurimos locos castigationes . 8vo. Ex off. H. Stephani. 1557. (Three copies.) 9457 No. 1 . " Bought at Person's Sale." Dr. Charles Burney's copy. De Abusu Linguae Grsecae^ in quibusdam vocibus quas Latina usurpat. 8vo. n. p. H. Steph. 1563. 9458 Another edition. 8vo. u. p. excud. Hen. Steph. 1573. 9459 Dr. Parr's copy and MS. notes. Another edition. lo. Henr. Kromayeri . . . adnota- tionibus .... instructam denuo publicavit F. Guil. Roloffius. 8vo. Berol. 1736. 9460 Dictionarium medicum, vel, expositiones vocurn medicinaliu, ad verbum excerptae ex Hippocrate, Aretaeo, Galeno, etc. Cum Latina interpretatione. Lexica duo in Hippocratem huic Dictionario prsefixa sunt, unum Erotiani, alteru Galeni, etc. 8vo. n. p. H. Stephanus. 1564. 9461 " Editio Princeps. See Blumenbach. A very fine copy of a very rare book exhibiting the full size and beauty of the impression in the original binding." MS. note. L'Introduction av Traite de la Conformite des merueilles anciennes auec les modernes. Ov, Traite preparatif a 1'Apo- logie pour Herodote. L'argument est pris de 1'Apologie pour Herodote, composee en Latin par Henri Estiene, et est ici con- tinue 7 par luyrnesme. 8vo. n. p. 1560, an mois de Nouembre. (Two copies.) 9462 No. 1. MS. notes. Apologie pour Herodote. Ou Traits' de la conformite* des Merveilles anciennes avec les modernes. Nouvelle Edition. . . . augmente'e . . . et de remarques : par Mr. Le Duchat. 2 tomes (in 3 vols.). 8vo. La Haye. 1735. 9463 Avertissement de H. E., pour son liure intitule 7 L'Introduc- tion au trait^ de la conformity des merueilles anciennes auec les modernes, Ou Traite preparatif 1'Apologie pour Hero- dote, n. p n. d. Reprint. 12mo. Lond. 1860. 9464 50 copies printed, not for sale. " Reprinted by Mr. R. S. Turner, who sent me this copy." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Apophthegmata Graeca regum et ducum, philosophorum item, aliorumque quorundam : ex Plutarcho et Diogene Laer- tio. Cum Latina interpr. 8vo. n. p., Henr. Steph. 1568. 9465 Annotationes in Sophoclem et Euripidem . . . Eiusdem Tractatus de orthographia quorundam vocabulorum Sophocli cum cseteris tragicis communium. . . . Dissertatio de Sophoclea imitatione Homeri. 8vo. n. p. 1568. (Four 1 copies.) 9466 No. 1 . Bound by De Rome. No. 2. Bound by Roger Payne. Y 2 328 STEPHANUS (continued). r<'iiiii-ortim Graecorum sentential, id est yvu^.m, Latinis versibus ab H. S. redditne, et annotationibus illustratee. 12mo. n. p., H. Steph. 156!). (Three copies.) 9467 Epistola, qua ad multas multorum amicorum respondet, de .sure typographic statu, nominatimque de suo Thesauro Lin- guae Graecae . . . Index librorum qui ex officina eiusdem H. S. hactenus prodierunt. 8vo. n. p. 1569. 9468 Artis typographic^ querimonia, de illiteratis quibusdam typographis, propter quos in conteuiptum venit, Autore H. S. Epitaphia Gneca & Latina . . . ab eodem scripta. 4to. n. p. 1569. 9469 QU.WJ KOU Ho-joSov Ayw. Homeri et Hesiodi certamen. Nunc primum luce donatura. Matronis et aliorum parodise, ex Homeri versibus parva immutatione lepide detortis consutae. Homerieorum Herourn epitaphia. Cum duplici interpreta- tione Latina. [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. H. Steph. 1573. (Three copies.) 9470 Yirtutum encomia : sive gnomae de virtutibus : ex poetis et pliilosophis utriusque linguae. Graecis versibus adiecta iuterpretatione H. S. 12mo. n. p. Henr. Steph. 1573. (Two copies.) 9471 Francofordiense Emporium, sive Francofordienses Nundinae. 8vo. n. p., excud. Henr. Steph. 1574. 9472 Parodies morales in poetarum vet. sententias celebriores, totide versibus Gr. ab eo redditas. . . . Centonum vete- rum et parodiarum utriusque linguae exempla. 8vo. n. p., 1575, excud. Henr. Steph. (Three copies.) 9473 De Latinitate falso suspecta, expostulatio. De Plauti Lutini- tate dissertatio, et ad lectionem illius progymnasma. 8vo. n. p. 1570. (Two copies.) 9474 No. 1 . Autograph and MS. notes of Dr. J. Taylor, editor of Demosthenes. Pseudocicero, Dialogus. 8vo. n. p., Henr. Steph. 1577. (Two copies.) 9475 Epistolia, Dialogi breves, Oratiunculse, Poematia, ex variis vtriusque linguse scriptoribus. Inter poematia autem est Sityra elegantissima, quse inscribitur Lis, non priiis edita. 8vo. n. p., H. Steph. 1577. 9476 Nizoliodidascalus, sive, Monitor Ciceronianorum Nizolian- omm, dialogus. 8vo. n. p., excud. Henr. Steph. 1578. (Three copies.) 9477 Schediasmatum variorum, id est, observationum, emeda- tionu, expositionum, disquisitionum, libri tres : qui sunt pensa succisivarum horarum lanuarii, Februarii, Martii. 8vo. n. p., excud. Henr. Steph. 1578. 9478 329 Proiect dv livre intitule" De la precellence du langage Fran- C.ois. 8vo. Paris. 1579. 9479 * Devx Dialogves du nouueau] langage Franjois, Italianize, & autrement desguize, principalement entre les courtisans de ce temps : De plusieurs nouueautez, q ont accompagne' ceste nouueaute de langage : De quelques courtisanismes modernes, & De quelques singularitez courtisanesques. [Anon.] 8vo. n. p. n. d. (1579 ?) 9480 Paralipomena grammaticarum Gr. linguae inst. Item, anim- adversiones in quasdam graimnaticoruin Gr. traditiones. 8vo. n. p. 1581. 9481 Hypomneses de Gall, lingua . . . Autore H. S. qui et Gallicam patris sui Grammaticen adiunxit. Cl. Mitalerii epist. de vocabulis quse ludsei in Galliam introduxerunt. 8vo. n. p. 1582. (Two copies.) 9482 "The title-page to the Grammatica Gallica (if it ever had one) appears to have been purposely destroyed, as that work is only an appendix to the first. MS. note by Mr. Dyce to No. 1. Ad Senecas lectionem proodopotia . . ._ Epistolse, partim diorthotikse quorudam Senecse locorum . . . par- tim etiam in quosdam exetastikte. 8vo. n. p. 1586. 9483 Dialogus, de bene instituendis Gracse linguae studiis . . . Alins dialogus de parum fidis Grsecte linguse magistris . . . 4to. n. p. 1587. (Three copies.) 9484 De criticis vet. Gr. et Latinis, eorumque variis apud poetas potissimun reprehensionibus, dissertatio. 4to. Par. 1587. (Two copies.) 9485 Principum monitrix musa. Sive, de principatu bene insti- tuendo et administrando poema. Poematium, cuius versus intercalaris, cavete vobis principes. Libellus, in gratiam prin- cipum scriptus, de Aristotelicae Ethices differentia ab historica et poetica . . . Svo. Basil. 1590. (Two copies.) 9486 No. 1. Bruuck's copy. De Lipsii Latinitate . . . palsestra I. Svo. Francf. M.c.xcv (sic), i.e. 1595. 9487 Discours merveilleux de la Vie Actions & Deportemens de Catherine de Medicis Royne Mere. . . . [Anon.] 12mo. Selon la Copie Imprimee a Paris. 1649. 9488 Another edition. 12mo. Suivant la Copie Inprime'e a la Haie. 1663. 9489 MS. notes. Pseudo Cicero ejusdem Dissertatio de Plauti Latinitate Epibtola de statu suae typograpluae et artis typog. querim- (onia). Praemittitur H. S. vita auctore Theod. lanssonio ab Almeloveen. Collegit . . . F. Guil. Roloffius. Svo. Halae. 1737. 9490 330 STEPHANUS (ROBERTUS). Ad censuros theologorum Parisiensium, quibus Bibli;i a Roberto Stephano typographo Regio cxcusa calumniose nota- runt, ejusdem R. S. responsio. 8vo. n. p. 15,52. 9491 MS. note by Rev. J. Mitford, to whom this copy belonged. STEPHENS (ALEXANDER). * Memoirs of John Home Tooke, interspersed with original documents. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1813. . 9492 STEPHENS (JOHN). * Cinthia's Revenge : or Mfenanders Extasie. Written by lohn Stephens, Gent. 4to. Lond. 1613. 9493 Another copy. 9494 Imprint and collation the same as the preceding, but the author's name is not on the title-page. STERLING (J.). The Rival Generals : a tragedy. 8vo. Lond. 1722. 9495 The Parricide. A Tragedy. 8vo. Lond. 1736. 9496 STERNBERG (THOMAS). The Dialect and Folk-Lore of Northamptonshire. 16mo. Lond. and Northampton. 1851. 9497 STERNE (LAURENCE). The Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. 9 vols. (Frontispieces by Hogarth.) 12mo. Lond. 1760-7. 9498 Vols. 1 & 2, 2nd edition, 1760. Vols. 3 & 4, 1761. Vols. 5 & 6, 2nd ed., 1767. Vols. 7 & 8, 1765. Vol. 9. 1767. Autograph of" L Sterne" in vols. 5, 7, & 9. * Tenth edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1775. 9499 Vols. 3-6 are called, a new edition. A sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. Second edition. 2 vols (in 1). 12mo. Lond. 1768. 9500 (Followed by). A sentimental Dialogue Between Two Souls, in the Palpable Bodies of an English Lady of Quality and an Irish Gentleman. 1768. New edition. 12mo. Lond. 1780. 9501 * Letters to his most intimate friends. With a fragment in the manner of Rabelais. To which are prefix'd, Memoirs of his life and family. Written by himself. And published by his daughter, Mrs. Medalle. (Portrait of Mrs. Medalle.) 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1775. 9502 331 Sterne's Letters to his friends on various occasions. To which is added, His History of a Watch Coat, with explana- tory notes. New edition. 12mo. Lond. 1775. 9503 Letters from Yorick to Eliza. [Mrs. Draper.] New edition 12mo. Lond. 1775. 9504 The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. New edition. 6 vols. (Por- trait.) IGmo. Lond. 1784. 9505 Seven letters written by Sterne and his friends, hitherto unpublished. Edited by W. Durrant Cooper. 8vo. Lond., printed for private circulation. 1844. 9506 Presentation copy. STESICHORUS. Fragmenta in unum collecta . . . et interpretation e il- lustrata. Auctore I. A. Suchfort. Cum epistola Heynii ad auctorem. 4to. Gottingae. 1771. 9507 Fragmenta. Collegit dissertationem de vita etpoesi auctoris praemisit 0. F. Kleine. 8vo. Berol. 1828. (Two copies.) 9508 No. 1 . Rev. J. Mitford's copy with his MS. notes. STEVENS (GEORGE ALEXANDER). Distress upon Distress : or, Tragedy in True Taste. A . cv-J . burlesque. In two acts. By G. A. S. . . . With annota- tions . . . By Sir Henry Humin. And notes . . . by Paulus Purgantius Pedasculus , R };. < - 8vo. Lond. 1752." 9509 Songs, comic and satyrical. 12mo. Oxf. 1772. 9510 The Court of Alexander. An opera, in two acts. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Lond. n. d. 9511 STEVENS (WILLIAM BAGSHAW). Poems. 4to. Lond. 1782. 9512 STEVENSON (WILLIAM). Original poems on several subjects. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1765. 9513 STEWART (DUGALD). Account of the Life and Writings of William Robertson, D.D., etc. (Read before the Royal Society of Edinburgh.) Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1802. 9514 STEWART (JOHN). The Pleasures of Love. A poem. 12mo. Lond. 1806. 9515 332 STIGLIANI (TOMASO). Rime. Distinte in otto libri cioe Amori ciuili . . . 12mo. Venet. 1605. 95 1C II Canzoniero. Dato in luce da Francesco Baldncci. Dis- tinto in otto libri, cioe. Amori. (Civili. Pastorali. Marinareschi. Giocosi. Soggetti. (Eroici. Morali. Funebri, e Famigliari. Purgato dall' autore istesso. 12mo. Roma e Venet. 1625. 9517 II raondo Nvovo, diuiso in trentaquattro canti. 12mo. Roma, 1628. 9518 STILL (JOHN, Bishop of Bath and Wells). A Ryght Pithy, Pleasaunt and merie Comedie : Intytuled Gammer gurtons Nedle : Played on Stage, not longe ago in Christes Colledge in Cambridge. Made by Mr. S. [Still] Mr. of Art. [Original ed.] B.L. 4to. Imprynted at London in Fleetestreat . . by Thomas Colweil. n. d. Colophon : Imprinted at London. . . . 1575. 9519 Roxburghe copy, and Heber's. STILLINGFLEET (EDWARD, Bishop of Worcester). The Life and Character of E. S. together with some account of the works he has publish'd [by Timothy Goodwin.] (Por- trait) 8vo. Lond. 1710. 9520 STIRLING (Sin WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Earl of). Avrora. Containing the first fancies of the Authors youth, William Alexander of Menstrie. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1604. 9521 Autograph of " T. Park." A Paraenesis to the Prince. By William Alexander of Menstrie. [Original ed.] 4 to. Lond. 1 604. 9522 Autograph of " T. Park." * The Monarchicke Tragedies ; Croesus, Darius, The Alex- andrsean, lulius Csesar. Newly enlarged. By William Alexander. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1607. 9523 Each piece has its own title-page except the first. " Darius " has the date 1604. Autograph of T. Park, 1795. MS. notes by Mr. Dyce, &c. Recreations with the Mvses By William Earle of Sterline. [Original ed.] Folio. Lond. 1637. 9524 "Foure Monarchicke Tragedies," pp. 1-253. "Dooms -Day,, or, the Great Day of the Lords Ivdgement," has a distinct title and pagination, pp. 1-326, which include " A Paraenesis to Prince Henry " and " Jonathan : An heroicke Poeme intended. The first Booke." The latter has a dis- tinct title. Doom's Day: or, the Last Judgment. A Poem. 8vo. Lond. 1720. 9525 333 STOBAEUS (JOANNES). Eclogarum libri duo : quorum prior physicas, posterior ethicas complectitur ; nunc primum Graece editi ; Inter- prete Gul. Cantero. Una & G. Gemisti Plethonis de rebus Peloponnes. Orationes duae, eodem G. C. interprete. Accessit & alter eiusdem Plethonis libellus Graecus de virtutibus. Folio. Antverpise. 1575. 9526 Gilbert Wakefield's autograph and MS. notes. Dicta poetarum quse apud I. S. exstant. Emendata et Latino carmine reddita ab Hug. Grotio. Accesserunt Plutarchi et Basilii Magni de usu Grsecorum poetarum libelli. 4to. Par. 1623. 9527 MS. notes by Person. Another edition. 4to. Par. 1626. 9528 Florilegium . . . emendavit et supplevit Tho. Gaisford. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1822. 9529 STOCKDALE (PERCIVAL). Poetical Works. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1810. 9530 STOKER (THOMAS). The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal!, divided into three parts, his Aspiring, Triumph, and Death. Svo. Oxf. 1826. 9531 STOTHARD (THOMAS). The Alphabet engraved on wood from designs by T. S. 24mo. Lond., Pickering. 1830. 9532 " Rev. A. Dyce from W. P." STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER, afterwards MRS.). Uncle Tom's Cabin ; a Tale of Life among the Lowly. With a preface by the Earl of Carlisle. 16mo. Lond. 1853. (Two copies.) 9533 STRABO. Begin. ?.T?a,@uvos. . . . [Strabonis omnia quae extant.] [First ed.] Folio. End. Venetiis in aedibus Aldi. 1516. 9534 Autograph of K. Bentley, and MS. notes. TeuypaytKuv. . . . Rerum Geographicarum libri XVII. Accedunt huic editioni, ad Casaubonianam III. expresses, notae G. Xylandri . . . aliorumque. Subjiciuntur Chres- tomathiae Gr. & Lat. 2 vols. Folio. Amstel. 1707. 9535 Rerum geographicarum libri XVII. Graeca ad optimos codices manuscriptos recensuit, varietate lectionis, adnota- tionibusque illustravit, Xylandri versionem emendavit Joan. Phil. Siebenkees. Inde a septimo libro continuavit Car. Henr. Tzsclmcke. [Together with : Is. Casauboni comrnentarius in Strabonem . . . Tomus primus.] 7 vols. Svo. Lips. 1796-1818. 9536 334 STRADA (FAMIANUS). Prolusiones Academics. 8vo. Lugd. 1617. 9537 " A very rare edition." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Another edition. L. P. 8vo. Oxon. 1745. 9538 " This work of the learned Jesuit has lately attracted attention, as containing a remarkable anticipation of the electric telegraph." Cat. cutting. De Bello Belgico decas prima, ab excessu Caroli V. Imp. usque ad initia prefecture Alexandri Farnesii Parmae Pla- centiaeque Ducis III. Editio postrema. (Portraits of Charles V., etc.) 12 mo. Roma?. 1648. 9539 Another edition. 2 vols. (Portraits.) 8vo. Antv. 1649. 9540 MS. notes. STRAMBOLI (FRANCESCO). II Fin to Paggio overo Am are e non Sapere a chi Operetta. 12mo. Bolog. 1686. 9541 STRAP AROLA (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO). Le XIII. Piacevoli Notti. Diuise in due libri. Nouamente ristampate. 2 vols. 12mo. Venet. 1580. 9542 STRAUSS (DAVID FRIEDRICH). * The life of Jesus, critically examined. Translated from the fourth German edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1846. 9543 A new Life of Jesus. Authorized translation. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. 9544 STRAZZOSA. La Strazzosa Canzone vaga, e dilettevole. . . . 8vo. Venet., etc. 1633. 9545 STRODE (WILLIAM). The Floating Island : a tragi-comedy, acted before his Majesty at Oxford, Aug. 29, 1636. By the Students of Christ Church. The Aires and Songs set by Mr. Henry Lawes. . . 4to. Lond. 1655. 9546 STRONG (ADAM) pseud. * The Electrical Eel : or, Gymnotus Electricus. Inscribed to the Honourable Members of the R ..." 1 S .... y, by A. S., Naturalist. 4to. Lond. 1777. .9547 STRONG (CHARLES). * Specimens of Sonnets from the most celebrated Italian Poets; with translations. 8vo. Lond. 1827. 9548 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce. Sonnets. 8vo. Lond. 1835. 9549 335 STROZIUS (Trrus VESPASIANUS, and HERCULES). Strozii Poetae Pater et Filivs. Svo. Paris. Ex off. S. Colinsei. 1530. (Two copies.) 9550 STROZZI (GlO'VAMBATlSTA). Madrigali. 4to. Firenze. 1593. 9551 STROZZI (GiULio). La Venetia Edificata Poema Eroico con gli argomenti del Sig : Francesco Cortesi. Folio. Venet. End. 1624. 9552 MS. note by Sir Egerton Brydges. " From the Colonna." STROZZI (PIEEO). Lamento clie fa P. S. sopra della rotta che ebbe in lo chiane d'Arezzo dal S. Marchese di Marignano generale di sua eccellentia. . . . Edizione seconda. [Edited by Sir S. E. Brydges.] Svo. Genevra. 1821. 9553 STRUTT (JOSEPH). * Queenhoo-Hall, a romance : and Ancient Times, a drama. 4 vols. (in 2). 12mo. Edinb. 1808. 9554 " Edited, and Queeuhoo Hall completed, by Sir Walter Scott. See his general preface to the Waverley novels." Allibone. STRYPE (JOHN). The Life of the learned Sir .John Cheke, Kt. First in- structer, afterwards Secretary of State to King Edward VI. . To which is added, a treatise of superstition, writ by the said learned knight, and now first published. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1705. 9555 STUART (CHARLES). The Cobler of Castlebury. A musical entertainment, in two acts. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. n. d. [1779.] 9556 The Distress'd Baronet : a farce. In two acts. Svo. Lond. 1787. 9557 The Stone Eater, an interlude. Svo. Lond. 1788. 9558 The Irishman in Spain. A farce. In one act. Taken from the Spanish. By C. S. Svo. Lond. 1791. (Two copies.) 9559 STUDENT. The Student, or, the Oxford, and Cambridge Monthly Mis- cellany. 2 vols. Svo. Oxf. 1750-51. 9560 With MS. notes (one by Archdeacon Nares) indicating the names of several of the contributors, &c. " By Tho. Warton, Smart, Bonnel Thornton, Geo. Colman, and Dr. Sam. Johnson." Lowndes. At the end of Vol. II. is " The Inspector: containing a concise and impartial Collection of News, &c." Nos. I.-III. 336 STUKELEY. * The Famous Historye of the life and death of Captaiue Thomas Stukeley. With his marriage to Alderman Curteis Daughter, and valiant ending of his life at the Battaile of Alcazar. . . . B. L. 4to. (Lond.) 1605. 9561 STURM (CHRISTOPHER CHRISTIAN). Reflections for every day in the year on the Works of God. By C. C. S. A new and Liberal Translation, by the author of " The Adviser." 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1813. 9562 SUCKLING (SiR JOHN). * Fragmenta Avrea. A Collection of all the incomparable peeces written by Sir J. S. . . . Printed by his owne copies. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1648. 9583 Works. Containing his poems, letters, and plays. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1709. 9564 Includes The Sad One, a Tragedy. Another edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1719. 9565 * Selections from the Works of Sir J. S. To which is pre- fixed, a life of the author, with critical remarks on his writings and genius. By the Rev. Alfred Suckling. (Portrait inserted.) Svo. Lond. (Norwich printed). 1836. 9566 The Discontented Colonell. 4to. Lond., E. G. for Francis Eagles-field, n. d. [1642?] 9567 Interleaved copy. Aglaura. Presented at the Private House in Black- Fryers. . . . (Together with : Aglaura. Represented at the Court . . .) Svo. Lond. 1646. 9568 The Goblins. A comedy. Svo. . . . Lond. 1646. 9569 Brennoralt. A tragedy. Svo. . . . Lond. 1648. 9570 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (CAius). De XII. Csesaribus libri VIII. De illustribus grammaticis et de claris rhetoribus. Is. Casaubonus recensuit. . . . Editio altera. [With] Liber IIX. sive tres Imperatores Caesares Vespasiani, interpretati, et emendati a Theod. Marcilio. Folio. n. p. 1611. 9571 MS. notes. Opera, et in ilia commentarius Samuelis Pitisci. 2 vols. Traj. ad Rhen. Svo. 1690. 9572 C. S. T. ex recensione. . . . lo. Aug. Ernesti. Ed. secunda. Svo. Lips. 1775. 9573 XII. Caesares. Ex vetusio exemplari emendatiores multis locis. Svo. Paris, ex. off. R. Stephani. 1543. 9574 Autograph and MS. collations of P. Bunnann. 337 SUFFOLK. (HENRIETTA HOBART, afterwards Countess of). * Letters to and from H. Countess of S., and her second husband, the Hon. George Berkley; from 1712 to 1767. With . . . notes (by John Wilson Croker). " 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1824. 9575 Presentation copy" E, H. Locker from J. W. Croker the Editor." SUIDAS. Suidse Lexicon, Greece & Latine. Textum Grsecum . . . purgavit, notisque perpetuis illustravit : Versionem Latinam ^Emilii Porti . . . correxit ; Indicesque . . . adjecit L. Kusterus. 3 vols. Folio. Cantab. 1705. 9576 Lexicon post Kusterum ad codices manuscriptos recensuit Thomas Gaisford. 3 vols. L. P. folio. Oxon., e typographeo academico, 1834. 9577 SULIVAN (SiR RICHARD JOSEPH). Observations made during a tour through parts of England, Scotland, and Wales. In a series of letters. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1780. 9578 Horace Walpole's copy with his MS. notes. SULIVAN (ROBERT). The Silent River ; a dramatic poem. Faithful and Forsaken : a dramatic poem. 8vo. Lond. 1824. 9579 SULLY (MAXIMILIEN DE BETHUNE, Due DE). * Memoires de Maxiinilien De Bethune, Due De Sully, Principal Ministre de Henry le grand. Mis en ordre : avec des remarques. Par M. L. D. L. D. L. [l/Abbd de 1'Bcluse Des Loges.] Nouvelle edition. 8 vols. (Portrait of Sully.) 12mo. Lond. 1747. 9580 SUMMER ISLANDS. [BERMUDAS]. Copy of a petition from the Governor and Company of the Sommer Islands, with annexed papers, presented to the Councel of State July the 19th 1651. Other copies of several letters from Captain Josias Forster, Governor of the said Islands. . . . With a petition from the inhabitants. . Also an occasional letter to Sir John Danvers, Go- vernor of the said Company. (By Geo. Wither.) . . . And a large description of Virginia. . . . 4to. Lond. 1651. 9581 SURR (THOMAS S.). A Winter in London ; or, Sketches of Fashion : a novel. Third edition. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1806. 9582 338 SURREY (HtfNRY HOWARD, Earl of). Poems. . . . With the poems of Sir Thomas Wiat, and others his famous contemporaries. To which are added some memoirs of his life and writings [by Dr. Sewell.] 8vo. Lond. 1717. 9583 The Works of H. H. Earl of S., and of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder. Edited by Geo. Fred. Nott. 2 vols. (Portrait of the Earl of Surrey.) L. P. 4to. Lond. 1815-16. 9584 Poems. (Aldine edition). Portrait. 8vo. Lond. 1831. 9585 SURVILLE (MARGUERITE ELEONORE CLOTILDE DE VALLOX- CHALYS, afterwards MADAME DE). Podsies de M. E. C. . . . poete fransois du XV e siecle : ptiblie'es par Ch. Vanderbourg. 8vo. Paris, An XI. 1803. 9586 Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris. 1825. 9587 SUVERN (j. w.). Essay on " The Birds " of Aristophanes. Translated by W. R. Hamilton. 8vo. Lond. 1835. 9588 Two Essays on "The Clouds" and on "The rfy*f " of Aristophanes. Translated by W. R. Hamilton. 8vo. Lond. 1836. 9589 SWETNAM. Swetnam, the Woman-hater, Arraigned by Women. A new Comedie, Acted at the Red Bull, by the late Queenes Servants. 4to. Lond. 1620. 9590 SWETNAM (JOSEPH). The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Vnconstant W T omen : Or, The vanity of them, chuse you whether. With a Commendation of the Wise, Vertuous, and Honest Woman. Pleasant for married-Men, profitable for Young-Men, and hurtfull to none. 4to. Lond. 1637. 9591 SWIFT (JONATHAN). * Works, containing additional letters, tracts, and poems, not hitherto published ; with notes, and a life of the author, by Sir Walter Scott. Second edition. 19 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 1824. 9592 Poetical works. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 9593 Poetical Works. With the life of the author. (Bell's edition, with portrait.) 4 vols. 12mo. Edinb. 1778. 9594 Poetical Works. (Life by John Mitford. Aldine edition.) 3 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1833-4. 9595 339 A Tale of a Tub. Written for the universal improvement of mankind. To which is added, an account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books in St. James's Library. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1704. 9596 * Seventh edition. 12mo. Lond. 1727. 9597 MS. notes, &c. A Discourse concerning the mechanical operation of the Spirit. In a letter to a friend. A Fragment. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1704. 9598 The pagination is continued from the last page of the " Battel of the Books," in the same vol. (No. 9596). Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts. By Lemuel Gulliver. Second edition. 3 vols. (Portrait and plates.) 8vo. Lond. 1727. 9599 " In the same year [1727] was printed a third volume, which is not by Swift." Lowndes, Bibl. Man. (Bohn's ed.) p. 2560. Another (Cooke's) edition. With engravings. 12mo. Lond. n. d. 9600 An Epistle to a Lady, who desired the Author to make verses on her, in the Heroick Stile. Also a Poem, occasion'd by reading Dr. Young's Satires, called, The Universal Passion. [Anon.] Folio. Dublin, printed : reprinted Lond. 1734. 9601 Bounce to Fop. An Heroick Epistle from a Dog at Twick- enham to a Dog at Court. By Dr. S T. Folio. Dubl., printed, Lond., reprinted. 1736. 9602 An imitation of the Sixth Satire of the Second Book of Horace. The first Part done in the year 1714, by Dr. Swift. The latter Part now first added and never before printed. Folio. Lond. 1738. 9603 Verses on the death of Dr. Swift. Written b}' himself: Nov. 1731. Second edition. Folio. Lond. 1739. 9604 SWIFTIANA. Dean Jonathan's Parody on the 4th Chap, of Genesis. Folio. Lond. 1729. 9605 Memoirs of the life and writings of J. S. Dean of St. Patrick's. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1752. 9606 Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks on the life and writings of Jonathan Swift. Containing several singular anecdotes relating to the charaectr and conduct of that great genius, and the most deservedly celebrated Stella . . [Anon.] (Preface signed J. R) 8vo. Lond. 1754. 9607 340 , SWIFTIANA (continued). An Essay upon the life, writings, and character, of Dr. Jonathan Swift. Interspersed with some occasional animad- versions upon the Remarks of a late critical author, and upon the Observations of an anonymous writer on those Remarks. To which is added, that sketch of Dr. Swift's life, written by the Doctor himself, which was lately presented by the author of this essay to the University of Dublin. [By Deane Swift.] 8vo. Lond. 175. 9G08 Ritson's copy, with his autograph. * Swiftiana. 2 vols. (in one). (Portrait.) [Edited by C.H.Wilson.] 12mo. Lond. 1804. 9600 SWIFT (JONATHAN) and POPE (ALEXANDER). Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1727. 9610 The preface is signed by Swift and Pope. Gay and Arbuthnot were also contributors. Another edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1732-33. 9611 Gulliveriana : Or, a Fourth Volume of Miscellanies. Being a Sequel of the Three Volumes, published by Pope and Swift. To which is added Alexanderiana ; or, A Comparison between the Ecclesiastical and Poetical Pope. And many Things, in Verse and Prose, relating to the latter. With an ample Pre- face ; and a Critique on the Third Volume of Miscellanies lately publish'd by those two facetious Writers. (Caricature frontispiece.) 8vo. Lond. 1728. 9612 ' The authour Dean Jonathan Smedley." MS. SWINBURNE (ALGERNON CHARLES). Atalanta in Calydon. A Tragedy. Third edition. 16mo. Lond. 1868. 9613 Poems and Ballads. Third edition. 16mo. Lond. 1868. 9614 SWINHOE (GILBERT). The Tragedy of The Unhappy Fair Irene. 4to. Lond. 1658. 9615 SWINY, or SWINNY, or MAC SWINY (OWEN.) Camilla. An opera. 4to. Lond. 1706. 9616 Pyrrhus and Demetrius. An opera. 4to. Lond. 1709. 9617 The Quacks : or, Love's the Physician. [A Comedv.] 4to. Lond. [1705.] ' t 9618 Portion of the imprint, &c. has been cut away. 341 SWORD OF PEACE. The Sword of Peace : or, A Voyage of Love. A Comedy, in five acts. New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 9619 SYDENHAM (FLOYER). (See PLATO). SYDNEY FAMILY. (An account of the Sydney Family. Copied from an early edition of Collins's Peerage, published in 1735). 8vo. Lee Priory Press. 1816. 9620 " Appendix to the Lee Priory ed. [No. 1434 J of Lord Brook's Life of Sydney." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. SYKES (ARTHUR ASHLEY). An Examination of Mr. Warburton's account of the conduct of the antient legislators, of the double doctrine of the old philosophers, of the theocracy of the Jews, and of Sir Isaac Newton's chronology. 8vo. Lond. 1744. 9621 A Defence of the Examination of Mr. Warburton's Account of the Theocracy of the Jews being an Answer to his Remarks, so far as they concern Dr. Sykes. Svo. Loud. 1746. 9622 SYLPH. The Sylph ; A Novel. Third edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1783. 9623 SYLVA. Sylva ; or, the Wood : being a collection of anecdotes . and other little things [by Dr. R. Heathcotej. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1788. 9624 SYMMACHUS (Quizes AURELIUS). Epistolarum ad diversos libri X. lac. Lectius secunda cura recensuit, notis, auxit. Additse item notae Fr. Jureti. Edit, tertia. 12mo. S. Gervasii. 1601. 9625 Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. " Fr. Jureti ad Symmachum notsc," has a separate title and pagination. Epistolarum lib. X. cum auctuario duo libelli S. Ambrosii episc. ad Valentinianum Imper. Eiusdemque epistola ad Eugenium. Cum miscellaneorum lib. X. et notis nunc primum editis a Fr. Jur[etoj. 4to. Paris. 1604. 9626 SYMMONS (CHARLES). The Life of John Milton. Second Edition. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1810. 9627 SYNCELLUS (GEORGIUS). G. Syncellus et Nicephorus Cp. ex recensione Guil. Dindorfii. 2 vols. Svo. Bonnae. 1829. 9628 Two vols. of the " Corpus scriptorum historiae Byzantinae." VOL. III. Z 342 SYNCELLUS or SYNGELUS (MICHAEL). De Laudibus diui Dionysii liber. Gr. 4to. Par., R. Steph. 1547. 9629 SYNESIUS, EPISCOPUS GYRENES. Opera quae extant omnia . . . Interprete Dionysio Petavio. Gr. Lat. Folio. Lutet. 1612. 9630 De regno ad Arcadium imperatorein. Dion, sive de suss vitae ratione. Calvitii laudatio. De providentia, seu aegyptius. Concio quaedam panegyrica. De insomniis, cum Nicephori Gregorae explications. Epistolre. Gr. Folio. Par. 1553. 9631 De dono, ad Paeonium. Concio Secunda. Constitutio. Con- stitutio altera. Hymni carmine. Nunc primum Graece simul et Latine edita : interprete Gul. Cantero. 8vo. Basil. Oporinus (1567.) 9632 o rov Iwavvoi) Aafjuxo-K-qvav vpvoi; u<; T-qv Qeoyovtav. Gl\ Lat. 8vO. Paris. 1570. (Two copies.) 9633 Another edition. 8vo. Lutet, 1586. 9634 litpi fvvvviuv. Liber de Insomnijs . . . emendatus. Gr. 8vo. Lutet. 1586. 9635 Liber de Insomniis, interprete A. Pichonio . . . Cum eiusdem notis, et Nicephori Gregoras commentariis latinitate uunc primum ab eodem donatis. 8vo. Lutet. 1586. 9636 . . . Katastasis, seu constitutio : in qua Pentapolis calamitas describitur. Eiusdem de eodem ad Troi- lum epistola. Cum Lat. interpretatione. 8vo. Lutet. 1595. (Two copies.) 9637 Homiliae et constitutiones seu elogia : partim mendis pur- gata, partim nunc primum luce et Latinitate donata a Fed. Morello. Gr. Lat. 8vo. Lutet. 1600. (Two copies.) 9638 ep tufw Xsyo,-. Super Dono Astrolabii, ad Paeo- nium. Graece . . . Latina facta notisque a Fed. Morello. 8vo. Paris. 1601. 9639 seu, fratrum amantes. Vel, de benignitate oratio. Nunc primum Graece prodit e Bibliotheca Reg. Ex interpreta- tione Fed. MoreUi. Lat. Gr. 8vo. Paris. 1604. 9640 Select poems, of S. and Gregory Nazianzen : translated from the Greek. By Hugh Stuart Boyd. To which are added some original poems by the Translator. Svo. Lond. 1814. 9641 343 S^NGE (EDWARD, Archbishop of Tuam). A Gentleman's Religion : with the grounds and reasons of it, 12mo. Oxf, at the Clarendon Press. 1800. 9642 SYSTEME. Systeme de la Nature. Ou des loix du monde physique & du monde moral. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1770. 9643 On the title page " par M. Mirabaud," but generally ascribed to Baron d' Holbach. Another edition. (In one vol.) 8vo. Lond. 1781. 9644 T. TABOR (JOHANNES OTTO). Elenchus e^eo-ew? de mutuo, ex jurisprudentise methodica? partitionibus elementariis. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1644. 9645 TACITUS (C. CORNELIUS). Opera quse exstant . . . Ex recensione . . . Jac. Gronovii. 2 vols. 4to. Traj. Bat. 1721. 9646 Another edition. Notas integras Just. Lipsii I. F. Gro- novii Nic. Heinsii et suas addidit J. A. Ernesti. 2 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1772. 9647 Another edition. Ex recensione I. A. Ernesti Curavit ler. lac. Oberiinus. 2 vols. Svo. Lips. 1801. 9648 Translations. Tacitus. Translated by Arthur Murphy. 5 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1830-31. 9649 * A Treatise on the situation, manners, and inhabitants of Germany, and the Life of Agricola : translated into English, by John Aikin, with copious notes. Fourth edition. 12mo. Oxf. 1823. 9650 TAILOR (ROBERT). * The Hogge Hath Lost His Pearle. A Comedy. Divers times Publikely acted, by certaine London Prentices. 4to. Lond. 1614. ' 9651 TALBOT (CATHARINE). The Works of Miss C. T. Eighth edition. First published by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter . . . re-published with some few additional papers . . . and some account of her life, by the Rev. Montagu Pennington. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1812. 9652 z 2 344 TALES. The Tale of the Basyn and the Frere and the Boy. Two early tales of Magic printed from manuscripts preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. [Edited by Thomas Wright.] B. L. Sm. 4to. Lond. 1836. 9653 The Tales of the Genii : Or, the Delightful Lessons of Horam, the Son of Asmar. Faithfully translated from the Persian Manuscript ; and compared with the French and Spanish editions. By Sir Charles Morell. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1764. 9654 " Written by the Rev. James Ridley." Lowndes. Tales of Superstition and chivalry. [Metrical.] 12mo. Lond. 1802. (Two copies.) 9655 Early Metrical Tales ; including the History of Sir Egeir, Sir Gryrne, and Sir Gray-Steill. (Edited by D. Laing.) (Fron- tispiece by C. Kirkpatrick Sharpe.) 12 mo. Edinb. 1826. 9656 Ancient Metrical Tales : printed chiefly from original sources. Edited by Charles Henry Hartshorne. 8vo. Lond. 1829. 9657 At the end of the volume there is a reprint (1829) of the " Demaundes Joyous emprynted at London in Fletestrete at the sygne of the swane by me Wynkyn de worde in the yere of our Lorde a M ccccc and xi." TALFOURD (Sm THOMAS NOON). Tragedies ; to which are added a few sonnets and verses. 16mo. Lond. 1844. 9658 The Castilian. An historical tragedy In five acts. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1853. 9659- Not published. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from " T. N. Talfourd." (See also LAMB). TANSILLO (Luioi). [Half title.] II Vendemiatore. . . . Di nuouo riformato, & di piu d' altrettante stanze accresciuto, &; reuisto. 12mo. n. p. n. d. 9660 II Vendemmiatore, poemetto in ottava rima di L. T. ; e la Priapea, sonetti . . . di Niccolo Franco. 12mo. n. p. n. d. 9661 Another edition. Svo. A Pe-King, regnante Kien-long, nel XVIII. secolo. 9662 Sonetti per la presa d' Africa. El disegno d' vna collana d 1 oro, che Napoli dona al S. Don Garzia di Toledo. Svo. (Nap. 1551.) 9663 345 Le Lagrime di S. Pietro del Sig. L. T. ; con le lagrirne della Maddalena del Sig. Erasmo da Valuassone, di nuouo ristam- pate, & agiuntoui V Eccellenze della Gloriosa Vergine Maria del S. Horatio Guarguante da Soncino. 8vo. Venet. (1589.) 9664 Le Lacrime di San Pietro Poema Sacro con gli argomenti, ed allegorie di Lucrezia Marinella ed un discorso di Tommaso Costo. 4to. Venez. 1738. 9665 II Cavallarizzo Comedia ingegnosa. 12mo. Vicenza. 1608. 9666 II Sofista comedia bellissima. 12mo. Vicenza. 1610. 9667 II Finto Comedia leggiadra. 12mo. Vicenza. 1610. 9668 Poesie. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1782. 9669 The Nurse, a poem. Translated from the Italian of L. T By William Roscoe. Third edition. L. P. 8vo. Liverpool. 1804. 9670 TARLTON (RICHARD). Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory : with notes and some account of the life of Tarlton, by J. O. Halliwell 8vo. Lond., Shak. Soc. 1844. 9671 TASSO (BERNARDO). Ode. 12mo. Vineg. 1560. 9672 Salmi. 12mo. Vineg. 1560. 9673 Rime. Divise in cinqve libri nuouamente stampate. 12mo. Vineg. 1560. 9674 Another edition. Edizione la piu copiosa finora uscita. Colla vita novamente descritta dal Sig. Abate Pierantonio Serassi. 2 vols. 12mo. Bergamo. 1749. 9675 L' Amadigi. A 1' invittissimo, e catolico Re Filippo. 4 to. Vineg., Gabriel Giolito. 1560. 9676 Rev. J. Mitford's copy with his MS. notes : his autograph on fly leaf and that of " J. Sterling." * Another edition. Nuouamente ristarnpato. . . . 4to. Venet. 1581. (Two copies.) 9677 No. 2, ruled with red lines. From Col. Stanley's collection. Another edition. Colla vita dell' autore e varie illustrazioni dell' opera. 4 vols. 12mo. Bergamo. 1755 9678 II Floridante . . . Con gli Argumenti a ciascun Canto del S. Antonio Costantini. Nuouamente stampato. 4to. Bolog. 1587. 9679 346 TASSO (TORQUATO). II Re Torrismondo Tragedia. Accoramodata di nuouo in molti luochi secondo la intentione dell' Autore con vna gionta del medesimo. 4to. Ferrara, 1587. 9680 Another edition. 12mo. Ferrara. 1587. End. 1588. 9681 Another edition. 8vo. Verona. 1587. 9682 I Dve primi giorni del Hondo Oreato, Poesia Sacra. 4to. Venet. 1600. 9683 Le Sette Giornate del Mondo Creato. (Vignette portrait.) 8vo. Viterbo. 1607. 9684 Another edition. 24mo. Venet. 1608. 9685 II Montoliveto Nuouaniente posto in luce. Con aggiunta d' vn DiaJogo, che tratta 1' Historia dell' istesso Poema (dal Michel Agnolo da Fevrara). 4to. Ferrara. End. 1605. 9686 Lord Glenbervie's copy, with his autograph and MS. note. II Rinaldo. Di nvovo rivedvto. 24mo. Venet. 1621. 9687 * Another edition. Alia sua vera lezione ridotto da Leonardo Nardini. 12mo. Lond. 1801. (Two copies.) 9688 Intrichi d' Amore Comedia. 12mo. Viterbo. 1629. 9689 Aminta Favola Boscareccia con le Annotazioni d' Egidio Menagio. 8vo. Venez. 1736. 9690 Aininta. . . . 12mo. Par. 1745. 9691 L' Aininta . . . . I/ Alceo Favola Pescatoria di An- tonio Ongaro tratte da' migliori esemplari, e diligentemente corrette da Enrico Mario Tourner. 12mo. Edinb. 1796. 9692 Aminta . . . alia sua vera lezione ridotta, 8vo. Lond. 1800. 9693 Aminta ... si aggiungono le Poesie Scelte e i discorsi sull' arte poetica. 12mo. Fir. 1824. 9694 Veglie. Quinta Edizione. (Vignette portrait.) 12mo. Fir. 1819. 9695 Settima edizione. 12mo. Fir. 1825. 9696 * La Gerusalemme e L' Arninta con Note di diversi per diligeflza'e studio di Antonio Buttura. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Par. 1823. 9697 Translations. * Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recoverie of Jerusalem. Done into English Heroicall verse by Edward Fairefax, Gent. [First ed.] Folio. Lond. 1600. 9698 Slip with variation of stanza I. 347 Jerusalem Delivered ; an Heroic Poem : Translated from the Italian by John Hoole. Fifth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1783. 9699 Amintas. A Pastoral. Made English out of Italian from the Aminta of Tasso, by Mr. Oldmixon. 4to. Lond. 1698. 9700 Arnyntas, a Tale of the Woods : from the Italian of T. T. By Leigh Hunt. 12mo. Lond. 1820. 9701 Rinaldo a Poem : in XII. books ; translated from the Italian, by John Hoole. (Portraits.) 8vo. Lond. 1792. 9702 TASSONI (ALESSANDRO). La Secchia poema eroicomico d' Androvinci Melisone [i.e. Alessandro Tassoni]. Con gli argomenti del Can. Alber. Baris. [oni]. Aggiuntoui in vltimo il primo canto de 1' Oceano del medesimo autore. 12mo. Pariggi. 1622. 9703 La Secchia Rapita poema eroicomico di A. T. 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1766. 9704 TATE (JAMES). Organisation of the Greek Cases, etc. [From the British Critic, No. III., April, 1826.] 8vo. 9705 A presentation copy to the Duke of Sussex from the author. An introduction to the principal Greek tragic and comic metres, with an appendix on syllabic quantity in Homer and Aristophanes, etc. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1834. 9706 Greek Etymology. Letters on the Analogia Lingua? Graecee, etc., which first appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1832. Now reprinted, with a Preface. 8vo. Lond. 1843. 9707 TATE (NAHUM). Brutus of Alba : or, the Enchanted Lovers. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1678. 9708 Poems. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1684. 9709 Miscellanea Sacra : or, poems on divine and moral subjects. Collected by N. Tate. Vol. I. 8vo. Lond. 1696. 9710 Elegies on I. Her late Majesty of blessed Memory. II. Late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. III. Illustrious Duke of Ormond and Earl of Ossory. IV. Countess of Dorset. V. Consolatory poem, etc. Together with a poem on the promotion of several eminent persons, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1699. 9711 Panacea : a poem upon tea : in two canto's. 8vo. Lond. 1700. 9712 348 TATHAM (JOHN). The Fancies Theater. 8vo. Lond. 1640. 9713 The vol. closes with " Love crownes the end. A Pastorall presented 1>y the Schollees of Bingham in the count}- of Notiugham, in the yeare 1632." The Distracted State, a tragedy. Written in the yeer, 1641. By J[olm] T[atham] Gent. 4to. Lond. 1651. 9714 The Scots Figgaries : or, A Knot of Knaves. A comedy. 4to. Lond. 1652. 9715 Londons Tryumph, presented by Industry and Honour : with other delightfull serenes, appertaining to them : celebrated in honour of Sr. John Ireton, Lord Mayor of the said city on the 29th day of October 1658. And done at the cost and, charges, of the Worshipfull Company of Cloth-Workers. 4 to. Lond. 1658. 9716 The Rump : or The Mirrour of the late Times, a new comedy. 4to. Lond. 1660. 9717 TATIANUS, SYRUS. * Upos E/A*)y. [Second title.] Oratio ad Graecos. Hermiss Irrisio Gentilium Philosophorum. . . . recensuit. Wilh. Worth. 8vo. Oxon., Theat. Sheldon. 1700. (Two copies.) 9718 MS. notes. TATLER. The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq. ; [Sir Richard Steele]. Revised and corrected by the author. 5 vols. 12 mo. Loud. 1712-11. 9719 Vol. 5, is an additional .volume, by W. H n [Harrison], Esq.; Dr. S t [Swift] ; A. H y [Henley], Esq., deceased; and several other Hands, and contains 52 Nos. from Jan. 13, 1710 to May 19, 1711. Another edition. 4 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1720. 9720 * New edition with notes. 6 vols. (Portraits.) 8vo. Lond. 1786. 9721 TAYLOR (SiR HENRY). Philip van Artevelde ; a dramatic romance. In two parts. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. 9722 Third edition. 16mo. Lond. 1844. 9723 Edwin the Fair. An historical drama. 16mo. Lond. 1842. 9724 Edwin the Fair. . . . And Isaac Comnenus ; a play. Second edition. 16mo. Lond. 1845. 9725 The Virgin Widow. A play. 8vo. Lond. 1850. 9726 349 TAYLOR (SiR HERBERT). Remarks on an article in the Edinburgh Review, No. 135. On the Times of George the Third and George the Fourth. 8vo. Lond. 1838. 9727 TAYLOR (JANE). Display. A tale. Tenth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1823. 9728 Autographs of the Princesses Mary and Elizabeth, daughters of Geo. III. TAYLOR (JEREMY, Bishop of Down and Connor). Vnum Necessarium. Or, the doctrine and practice of Repentance . . . [First ed.] 8vo. Lond. 1655. 9729 Opvscvla. The Measures of Friendship. With additional tracts. To which is now added, His Moral Demonstration, proving that the Religion of Jesus Christ is from God. Fourth edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1684. 9730 The Worthy Communicant : or, a discourse of the nature, effects, and blessings consequent to the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper ... To which is added a Sermon, never printed with the folio volume of Sermons. Sixth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1701. 9731 Contemplations of the state of Man in this Life, and in that which is to come. Seventh edition. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1707. 9732 The Golden Grove. A Choice Manual : Containing what is to be Believed, Practised, and Desired or Prayed for ; the Prayers being fitted to the several Days of the Week. Also Festival Hymns ; According to the manner of the ancient Church. 22nd edition. 12mo. Lond. 1707. 9733 A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1709. 9734 The Rule and Exercises of Holy Living . . . Together with Prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian. 22nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1715. 9735 The Rule and Exercises of Holy Dying . . . Together with Prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons . . . 22nd edition. 8vo. Lond. 1715. 9736 This edition, containing these two pieces, has a general title (engraved) " The Rule and Exercise of Holy Living and of Holy Dying." * A moral demonstration of the truth of the Christian Religion ; with an introduction on the nature and force of probable arguments. First printed in the year 1660 [by Jeremy Taylor] and now accurately reprinted by the editor [Bishop Kurd]. 8vo. Lond. 1775. 9737 Discourses on various subjects. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 9738 350 TAYLOR (JOANNES). (TAYLOR, JOHN, LL.D.) Commentarius ad L. Decemviralem de inope debitore in partis dissecando . . . Accedunt a viris eruditissimis confectae Notae ad Marmor Bosporanum. Dissertatio de voce Yonane. Explicatio inscriptionis in Antique Marmore Oxon. De Historicis Anglicanis commentatio. 4to. Cantab. 1742. 9739 Marmor Sandvicense cum commentario et notis. 4to. Cantab. 1743. 9740 TAYLOR (JOHN, the Water Poet). All the Workes of lohn Taylor the Water-Poet. Beeing Sixty and Three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Avthor : With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted. Folio. Lond. 1630. 9741 Engraved title-page with a pen and ink fac-simile of the same. Pagination irregular. " I collated the present copy, leaf by leaf, with two other copies, and found the arrangement of the pieces, pagination, etc. exactly the same in all three." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * The Old, old, very old man : or, the age and long life of Thomas Par, the son of John Parr of Winnington in the parish of Alderbury . . . who was borne in the raigne of King Edward the Fourth, in the yeare 1483. Hee lived 152 yeares, nine months and odd dayes . . . (Frontispiece.) [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1635. 9742 * Drinke and welcome : or the famous historic of the most part of drinks, in use now in the kingdomes of Great Brittaine and Ireland ; with an especiall declaration of the potency, vertue, and operation of our English ale, With a description of all sorts of waters, from the ocean sea, to the teares of a woman . . . [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1637. 9743 * A swarme of sectaries, and schismatiques : wherein is discovered the strange preaching (or prating) of such as are by their trades coblers, tinkers, pedlers, weavers, sow-gelders, and Chymney-sweepers . . . Printed luckily, and may be read unhappily, betwixt hawke and buzzard. (Woodcut of Sam. How the Cobler). [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond). 1641. 9744 * A Reply as true as steele, to a rusty, ray ling, ridiculous, lying, libell ; which was lately written by an impudent un- soder'd Ironmonger [Henry Walker] and called by the name of An Answer to a foolish pamphlet entituled, A Swarme of Sectaries and Schismatiques. (Woodcut on title.) [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond.) 1641. 9745 * A Pedlar and a Romish Priest in a very hot discourse full of mirth, truth, wit, folly, and plain-dealing. [First ed.] 4to. (Lond.) 1641. 9746 351 An Apology for private preaching. In which those formes are warranted, or rather justified, which the malignant sect contemne, and daily by prophane pamphlets make ridiculous . . . Whereunto is annexed . . . the spirituall pos- tures, alludiug to that of musket and pike. By T. I. [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond.) 1642. 9747 Mad Fashions, od fashions, all out of fashions, or, the emblems of these distracted times. (Woodcut.) [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1642. 9748 An humble desired union betweene prerogative and priviledge. Shewing, that if one draw too hard one way, and the other another, the whole common-wealth must be in danger to be pull'd in sunder. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1642. 9749 John Taylors Manifestation, and iust vindication against losua Church his exclamation, with a true relation of Church his Generation, with his foule combination, with a pretence of reformation, of his wrong'd occupation, hath brought all out of fashion. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1642. 9750 * A seasonable lecture or a most learned oration: dis- burthened from Henry Walker, a most judicious quondam Iron-monger, a late pamphleteere and now (too late or too soone) a double diligent preacher. As it might be delivered in Hatcham Barne the thirtieth day of March last, stylo novo. Taken in short writing by Thorny Ailo . . . [Anon.] (Woodcut.) [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1642. 9751 To the Right Honorable Assembly . . . the Honorable House of Commons in Parliament : the humble petition of the antient overseers, rulers, and assistants of the Company of Watermen. Wherein is shewed, how intollerably they have been abused and slandered, with false accusations, by divers refractory and abusive watermen, who have mislead many others to their faction . . . [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1642. 9752 Mercurius Aquaticus, or, the Water-Poets answer to all that hath or shall be writ by Mercurius Britanicus. [Anon.] [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond.) Printed in the Waine of the Moone . . . 1643. 9753 * Aqua-Musse : or, Cacafogo Cacadsemon. Captain George Wither wrung in the withers. Being a short lashing satyre, wherein the juggling rebell is compendiously finely firked and jerked, for his late railing pamphlet against the king and state, called Campo-Musae. [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond.) Printed in the fourth yeare of the Grand Rebellion. (1643.) 9754 The causes of the diseases and distempers of this kingdom ; found by feeling of her pulse . . . The remedies are left to the skill and discretion of more able and learned physitians. [Original ed.] 4to. n. p. 1645. 9755 352 TAYLOR (continued). Tailors Travels, from London, to the Isle of Wight : with his returne, and occasion of his journey . . . [Original ed.] 4to. (Lond.) 1648. 9756 The Impartialist Satyre that ever was seen, That Speaks truth without fear, or flattry, or spleen : Read As you list, commend it, or come mend it, The Man that pen'd it, did with Finis end it. [Anon.] [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1652. 9757 " That this was written by Taylor, I have no doubt." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. A short relation of a long journey, made round or ovall by encompassing the Principalitie of Wales Whereunto is annexed an epitome of the famous History of Wales. Per- formed by the riding, going, crawling, running, and writing of J. T. . . . [Original ed.] 8vo. (Lond. 1652 ?) 9758 The certain travailes of an uncertain journey, begun on Tuesday the 9. of August, and ended on Saturday the 3. of September following, 1653 . . . By J. T., at the signe of the Poets Head, in Phceniz (sic) Alley, near the Globe Tavern, in the middle of Long- Acre, nigh the Co vent Garden. [Original ed.] 8vo. [Lond. 1653?] 9759 " The extreme rarity of this piece induced me to have the title-page reprinted from the copy in the Brit. Museum." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Hunting of the Pox : a pleasant discourse betweene the Authour, and Pild-Garlicke . . . By J. T. Westminster [?John Taylor]. [Original ed.] 4to. Lond. 1619. (Two copies.) 9760 No. 2. Last leaf wanting. * The Ex-Ale-tation of Ale. Written by a learned pen. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1671. 9761 " This piece has been attributed to Taylor the water poet ; but it bears no resemblance to any of his undoubted pieces." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. TAYLOR (REV. JOHN, LL.D.). Sermons on different subjects, left for publication by J. T. Published b} r the Rev. Samuel Hayes. 8vo. Lond. 1788. 9762 Attributed to Dr. Johnson. Fourth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 9763 TAYLOR (JOHN, author of " Monsieur Tonson "). Poems on several occasions . . . 12mo. Edinb. 1811. 9764 " Hugh Irvine, Esq., with sincere' respects from the author." Records of my life. [Portrait.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1832. 9765 353 TAYLOR (THOMAS, the Platonist). A Dissertation on the Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries. [Anon.] 8vo. Amst. (Lond. 1791.) 9766 Miscellanies, in prose and verse : containing the Triumph of the Wise Man over Fortune, according to the doctrine of the Stoics and Platonists ; the Creed of the Platonic Philosopher ; a Panegyric on Sydenham, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 9767 Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1820. 9768 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce, -with the author's autograph. Collectanea ; or, collections, consisting of miscellanies inserted in the European and Monthly Magazines. With an appendix containing some Hymns . . . 8vo. Lond. 1806. 9769 The Arguments of the Emperor Julian against the Christians, translated from the Greek fragments preserved by Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria. To which are added, Extracts from the other works of Julian relative to the Christians. 8vo. Lond. 1809. 9770 With the autograph : " Only twenty-five copies of this work were printed. Thomas Taylor." Arguments of Celsus, Porphyry, and the Emperor Julian, against the Christians ; also extracts from Diodorus Siculus, Josephus, and Tacitus, relating to the Jews. Together with an appendix ; containing the oration of Libanius in defence of the temples of the Heathens, translated by Dr. Lardner ; and extracts from Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church. [Anon.] Lond. 12mo. 1830. 9771 TEATRO FIORENTINO. Teatro Comico Fiorentino contenente xx. delle piu rare commedie citate da' Sig. Accademici della Crusca. 8vo. 6 vols. (Firenze, 1750.) 9772 TEATRO ITALIANO. Teatro Italiano o sia Scelta di Tragedie per uso della Scena. Tomo Primo in cui si contengono La Sofonisba del Trissino, 1'Oreste del Rucellai, FEdipo di Sofocle tradotto dal Giusti- niano, la Merope del Torelli. Premessa un' Istoria del Teatro, e difesa di esso. (Tom. II. H Torrismondo del Tasso, TAstia- natte del Gratarolo, la Semiramide del Manfredi, le Gemelle Capovane del Ceba. Tom. III. II Solimano del Bonarelli, TAlcippo del Ceba, TAristodemo del Dottori, la Cleopatra del Cardinal Delfino.) 3 vols. 8vo. Venez. 1746. (Two copies.) 9773 No. 1. L.P. No. 2. In 2 vols. Teatro Italiano ossia Commedie e Tragedie degli Autori piil celebri. Raccolte da Leonardo Nardini. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1800. 9774 354 TEIGNMOUTH (JOHN SHORE, Lord). * Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. New edition. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1807. 9775 TELUCCINI (MARIO). Artemidoro. Doue si contengono le grandezze de gli Anti- podi. 4to. Venet. 1566. 9776 Erasto di M. T. sopranominato il Bernia. 4to. Pesaro. 1566. 9777 " Very rare." HfS. note by Mr. Dyce. Le Pazzie Amorose di Rodomonte Secondo. 4to. Parma. 1568. 9778 TEMPLE (ANNA CHAMBER (sic), COUNTESS.) Poems. 4to. Strawberry Hill. 1764. 9779 TEMPLE (NEVILLE), and TREVOR (EDWARD), pseud, i.e. FANE (JULIAN HENRY CHARLES), and BULWER LYTTON (EDWARD ROBERT). Tannhauser ; or, The Battle of the Bards. A poem. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. 9780 TEMPLE (Sm WILLIAM). The Works of Sir W. T., Bart. 4 vols. (Portrait.) Svo. Lond. 1770. 9781 TENNANT (WILLIAM). Anster Fair, a poem in six cantos. With other poems. [Anon.] Second edition. 8vo. Edinb. 1814. 9782 The Thane of Fife ; a 'poem ; in six cantos. Svo. Edinb. 1822. 9783 Cardinal Beaton ; a drama, in five acts. Svo. Edinb. 1823. 9784 TENNYSON (ALFRED). Poems, chiefly lyrical. Svo. Lond. 1830. 9785 With Southey's autograph. Poems. 8vo. Lond. 1833. 9786 Poems. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1842. 9787 Poems. (With illustrations.) F. P. Roy. Svo. Lond, 1857. 9788 The Princess ; a medley. Svo. Lond. 1847. 9789 * In Memoriam. [Anon.] Svo. Lond. 1850. 9790 Ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington. Svo. Lond. 1852. (Two copies.) 9791 355 New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1853. 9792 Maud, and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1855. 9793 * Idylls of the King. 8vo. Lond. 1859. 9794 With the title-page and dedication for a new edition. 8vo. Lond. 1862. A Welcome [To Alexandra, Princess of Wales]. 2 leaves. 12mo. Lond. 1863. 9795 Enoch Arden, etc. 16mo. Lond. 1864. 9796 TENNYSON (CHARLES). Sonnets and Fugitive Pieces. 8vo. Camb. 1830. 9797 TERENTIANUS MAURUS. De litteris syllabis pedibus et metris e recensione et cum notis Laur. Santenii. Opus Santenii morte interruptum ab- solvit D. J. van Lennep. 4to. Traj. ad Rhen. 1825. 9798 TERENTIUS AFER (PUBLIUS). Comoediae. ... a Gabriele Faerno emendatae. 8vo. Florent. apud luntas. 1565. 9799 * Comoedise . . . recensitje. ... 1 vol. (in 2). 4to. Cantab., typis academicis. Lond.. 1701. 9800 Interleaved, with numerous MS. notes, attributed to Bentley. There is however, prefixed to the first vol. an autograph letter from Thomas Kidd of Norwich School, dated 23 Nov. 1830, in which he states his reasons for suspecting that " the MSS. notes in your interleaved copy could not have been dictated by the great Bentley: the penmanship is decidedly not Bentley's." Comoediae sex. . . . illustravit Nicolaus Camus. 8vo. Lond. 1709. 9801 Interleaved, with MS. notes. [Half-title] P. T. A. Comoediae, Phaedri fabulae Aesopiae, Pub. Syri et aliorum veterum sententiae. [Main-title] Comoe- diae. Recensuit, notasque suas et Gabrielis Faerni addidit Richardus Bentleius. Editio altera. (Portraits of Prince . Fred. Lewis & Prince Win. Aug.) 4to. Amst. 1727. 9802 Comoediae sex ex recensione Frid. Lindenbrogii . . . atque Mlii Donatii, Eugraphii et Calpurnii commentariis in- tegris. His accesserunt Bentleii et Faerni lectiones . item Westerhovii in scholiastas lectiones quibus et suas ad- spersit Jo. Car. Zeunius. Insuper addita sunt Cel. Ruhnkenii dictata in Terentium. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1820. 9803 Translations. Terence's comedies, translated into English prose. . . . Lat. Eng. By S[amuel] Patrick. Third edit. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1767. 9804 356 TERENTI us (continued). The Comedies of Terence, translated into familiar blank verse. By George Colman. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1768. 9805 Les Comedies de Terence ; avec la traduction et les re- marques de Madame Dacier. Nouvelle Edition . . . en- richie des different^ lemons de M. Bentlei, de Donat, de Faem, et d'autres. 3 vols. 12mo. Hambourg. 1732. 980G Comedia detta gli Adelphi di P. T. Nuovamente di Latino in Thoscano tradotto da Alberto Lollio. 12mo. Vineg., Gab. Giolito. 1554. 9807 TERR^E-FILIUS. Terrae- Films : or, the secret history of the University of Oxford ; to which are added, Remarks upon a late book, entitled, University Education, by R. Newton, Principal of Hart-Hall. [By Nicholas Amhurst.] (Frontispiece by Hogarth.) 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1726. 9808 TERRASSON (JEAN). The Life of Sethos. Taken from private memoirs of the ancient Egyptians. Translated from a Greek manuscript into French. And now 'faithfully done into English from the Paris edition by Mr. Lediard. [Anon.] 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1732. 9809 TERRY (DANIEL). Guy Mannering ; or, the Gipsey's Prophecy : a musical play, in three acts. 8vo. Lond. 1816. 9810 TERTULLIANUS (Q. SEPTIMITJS FLORENS). Opera . . . emendata diligentia Nic. Rigaltii cum ejus- dem annotationibus, etc. Accedunt Novatiani Tractatus De Trinitate, & Cibis ludaicis. Folio. Lut. Par. 1675. 9811 Autograph of Jer. Markland. MS. notes. Liber de Pallio. Claudius Salmasius recensuit . . . 8vo. Lut. Par. 1622. 9812 Another edition. (Portrait of Salmasius.) 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1656. 9813 TESTI (FuLVio, Conte). [Engraved title.] Opere. (Four parts in one vol.). 12mo. Per Nicolo Pezzana. n. p. n. d. 9814 [Engraved title to Part I.] Opere. [Printed title to Part II.] Delle Poesie Liriche. 2 vols. 24mo. Venet. 1656. 1652. 9815 MS. notes by BCT. J. Mitford. Poesie Liriche. Nuoua impressione. 12mo. Venet. 1693. 9816 357 Opere Scelte. Nuova edizione con molte cose inedite e colla Vita dell' Autore novellamente rifatta sopra quella del Cav. Girolamo Tiraboschi. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Modena. 1817. 9817 THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE).- Vanity Fair. A Novel without a Hero. Svo. Lond. 1856. 9818 * The English Humourists of the Eighteenth century. Svo. Lond. 1858. 9819 THEATRICAL BOUQUET. The Theatrical Bouquet : containing an alphabetical arrange- ment of the Prologues and Epilogues, which have been pub- lished by distinguished wits, from the time that Colley Cibber first came on the stage, to the present year. 12mo. Lond. 1780. 9820 (See also No. 7956.). THEBAIS. Thebaidis Cyclicae reliquiae. Disposuit et commentatus est E. L. de Leutsch. Svo. Gotting. 1830. (Two copies.) 9821 THELWALL (JOHN). Poems chiefly written in retirement. The Fairy of the Lake, a dramatic romance; Effusions of relative and social feeling : and specimens of the Hope of Albion ; or, Edwin of Northumbria : an epic poem. With a prefatory memoir of the life of the Author ; and notes ... of Runic Mytho- logy. Svo. Hereford, printed (Lond. sold). 1801. (Two copies.) 9822 THEMISTIUS. Aoyou Orationes XXXIII. E quibus tredecim uunc primum in lucem editse. Dion. Petavius Latine plerasque reddidit ac fere vicenas notis illustravit. Accesserunt ad easdem XX. orationes noise alternse, ad reliquas tredecim perpetuse obser- vationes Joan. Harduini. Folio. Par., in typog. regia. 1684. 9823 THEOBALD (LEWIS). The Cave of Poverty, a poem. Written in imitation of Shakespeare. Svo. Lond. n. d. 9824 The Perfidious Brother, a tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1715. 9825 The Persian Princess : or, the Royal Villain. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1717. 9826 VOL. III. A A 358 T 1 1 KOBALD (continued}. Decius and Paulina, a masque, to which are added, the other musical entertainments ... in the dramatic opera of Circe. 4to. Lond. 1719. 9827 MS. note as to Theobald. A Dramatick Entertainment, call'd Harlequin a Sorcerer: with the Loves of Pluto and Proserpine. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1725. 9828 Vocal parts of an entertainment, called Apollo and Daphne : or, the Burgo-Master Trick'd. Fourth edition. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1726. 9829 Shakespeare restored : or, a specimen of the many errors, as well committed, as unamended, by Mr. Pope in his late edition of this poet . . . 4to. Lond. 1726. 9830 THEOCRITUS. 0. Moo-xof . . . Theocriti, Moschi, Bionis, Simmii quae extant . . . Opera D. Heinsii. Accedunt I. Scaligeri [et aliorum] notse . . . Gr. Lat. *"4to. [Heidelb.] Ex. Bib. Commeliniano. 1604. 9831 Selecta ac praecipua qusedam Eidyllia. Grseca et Latina. . . . Studio et opera C. S[ylvani] P. M. 12mo. Lond. 1678. 9832 Rev. J. Mitford's copy, with his MS. notes. Quae supersunt . . . edidit Thomas Warton. 2 vols. 4to. Oxon. 1770. 9833 Decem eidyllia, latinis pleraque numeris a C. A. Wetstenio reddita, . . . Adoniazvsas adnotationibus instruxit L. C. Valckenaer. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1773. 9834 Theocriti. Bionis, et Moschi carmina bucolica. Graece et Latine. Latino carmine pleraque reddita ab E. Hesso, nonnulla a G. E. Higtio, Graeca emendavit I. C. Valckenaer. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1779. 9835 * Reliquiae. Graece et Latine. Textum recognovit et cum animadversionibus T. C. Harlesii . . . aliorum suisque edidit T. Kiessling. . . . 8vo. Lips. 1819. 9836 Codicum manuscriptorum ope recensuit et emendavit Christ. Wordsworth. 8vo. Cantab. 1844. 9837 Theocriti Bionis et Moschi carmina edidit Aug. Meineke. 12mo. Gr. Lips. n. d. 9838 Translations. The Idylliums of Theocritus. Translated from the Greek, with notes critical and explanatory by Francis Fawkes. 8vo. Lond. 1767. 9839 359 Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, and Tyrtseus, translated from the Greek. By the Rev. R. Polwhele. To which are added, dissertations and notes. New edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1811. 9840 The Greek pastoral poets, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus. Done into English by M. J. Chapman. 8vo. Lond. 1836. 9841 THEODORETUS, EPISCOPUS CYRENSIS. EAAvjviKwv Ka&i)i*MTuv Srepaweim/oj. Grsecarum affectionum curatio. Recensuit Thomas Gaisford. (With : In Theodoreti Epotvevrncqv. . . . annotationes Fr. Sylburgii. 71 pp.) 8vo. Oxon. e typog. Acad. 1839. 9842 THEODORUS, METOCHITA. Historiee Romance, a lulio Csesare ad Constantinum Magnum, Liber Singularis. loan. Meursius primus vulgavit, et in linguam Latinam transtulit, notasque addidit. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1618. 9843 " Bibliotheca Colbertina." THEODORUS PRODROMUS (CYRUS). Kvpov @o$upov TOV Hpo?>po[Mv. . . . Cyri Theodori Prodromi Epigrammata . . . quibus omnia utriusq, testamenti capita felicissime comprehenduntur : cum alijs nonnullis. Gr. 8vo. Basil. 1536. (Three copies.) 9844 Rhodanthes et Dosiclis Amorvm Libri ix. Greece et Latine. Interprete Gilb. Gavlmino. 8vo. Paris. 1625. (Two copies.) 9845 THEODOSIUS ALEXANDRINUS. Utpi T?a.[*.py.TiK't}<;. Grammatica E Codicibus Manuscriptis edidit . . . Car. Guil. Goettling. Gr. 8vo. Lips. 1822. 9846 THEOGNIS, MEGARENSIS. Sententiae cum versione Latina . . . addita earumdem explicatione a Philippe Melanthone, in schola Vuitebergensi. Gr. Lat. (Explicatio . . . collecta a loh. Maiore.) 8vo. Witeberg. 1561-60. 9847 The " Explicatio " has a separate title, date, and pagination. Tvupai. Sententiae morales nova Latina versione, notis et emendation ibus . . . Opera Antonii Blackwall. L. P. Svo. Lond. 1706. (Two copies.) 9848 No. 1. Presentation copy from the Editor to Joshua Barnes, by whose widow it was given to one of his friends. It afterwards belonged to E. Harwood and then to Mitford. It contains MS. notes by Barnes, Harwood, and Mitford. No. 2. MS. notes by Rev. J. Mitford. Elegi . . . recensiti et aucti cum notis Frid. Sylburgii et R. F. P. Brunckii. Edidit Im. Bekkerus. Gr. Svo. Lips. 1815. 9849 AA 2 SCO THEOONIS (continued). Another edition. Secundis curis recensuit Im. Bekkerus. 8vo. Berol. 1827. 9850 Reliquiae . . . commentationem criticam et notas adiecit F. T. Welcker. 8vo. Francof. ad M. 1826. 9851 T. Restitutus. The personal history of the poet Theognis deduced from an analysis of his existing fragments. A hun- dred of these fragments translated or paraphrased in English metre are arranged in their proper biographical order with an accompanying commentary. With a preface in which the suggestion of Mr. Clinton, as to the true date of the poet's birth (viz. in Olymp. 59) is confirmed by internal evidence. [By John Hookham Frere.] 4to. Malta. 1842. (Two copies.) 9852 THEON, SMYRN^US. lav Kafa. stpt^^riK^v. . . . Expositio eorum, quae in arith- meticis ad Platonis lectionem utiUa sunt. Bullialdi interpre- tationem Latinam, lectionis diversitatem suamque annota- tionem addidit J. J. de Gelder. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1827. 9853 THEON, SOPHISTA. Ufoyvp.va.a-pa.Ta,. Progymnasmata. . . . Accedit interpre- tatio Latina. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1626. 9854 MS. notes by Person. THEOPHILUS, EPISCOPUS ANTIOCHENUS. Libri III. ad Autolycum Graece . . . versions Latina notisque instruct! a I. C. Wolfio. 8vo. Hamb. 1724. 9855 MS. notes. THEOPHRASTUS. fa o-tefyfjuya. Quae supersunt opera et excerpta librorum. . . . emendavit Historian! et libros VI. de causis plantarum coniuncta opera D. H. F. Linkii excerpta solus explicare cona- tus est J. G. Schneider. 5 vols. Lips. 1818, 1821. 9856 Vol. 1 . contains the Greek text. H^KO KapcucTypfs. Notationes morum. Is. Casaubonus re- censuit, in Latinum sermonem vertit. . . . Editio ultima. 8vo. Lugd. 1638. (Two copies.) 9857 y.a.za.Krr,^ vj^tKot. Characteres ethici. Greece et Latine. Cum notis Is. Casauboni et aliorum. Accedunt Jac. Duporti prse- lectiones. Grseca . . . recensuit, et notas adjecit, Pet. Needham. 8vo. Cantab. 1712. (Three copies.) 9858 No. 1. MS. notes by Person. Characteres . . . recensuit . . . Frid. Astius. 8vo. Lips. 1816. 9859 361 Translations. The [Moral Characters. Translated from the Greek, by Eustace Budgell. 12mo. Lond. 1714. 9860 Les caracteres d'apres un manuscrit du Vatican . . . Traduction nouvelle, avec le texte grec, des notes critiques, et un discours pre'liminair'e sur la vie et les e'crits de The'ophraste. Par Coray. 8vo. Par., Fan VII. (1799). 9861 THEOPHYLACTUS, SIMOCATTA. Anavra.. . . . Quse reperiri potuerunt omnia 8vo. n. p. [Heidelb.] Ex. off. Comeliniana. 1599. 9862 Opuscula quse haberi potuerunt, omnia : Jac. Kime- doncius e Grseco vertit . . . 8vo. n. p. [Heidelb.] Apud. Hier. Commelin. 1598. 9863 THEOPOMPCJS, CHIUS. Fragmenta . . . explicavit . . . de vita et scriptis commentationem praemisit R. H. Eyssonius Wichers. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1829. 9864 THERSITES. See No. 5175. THESPIAD. Thespiad, The. 8vo. Lond. 1809. 9865 THIBAUT, King of Navarre. * Les poesies du roy de Navarre, avec des notes et un glossaire Fra^ois ... 2 vols. 8vo. Par. 1742. 9866 Ritson's copy, with his MS. notes. THICKNESSE (PHILIP). A Sketch of the life and paintings of Thomas Gainsborough. 8vo. Lond. 1788. 9867 THIMM (FRANZ). Shakspeariana from 1564 to 1864. An Account of the Shakspearian Literature of England, Germany and France during three centuries, with bibliographical introductions. 8vo. Lond. 1865. 9868 THIRLWALL (CONNOP, Bishop of St. David's). Primitise ; or, essays and poems, on various subjects, reli- gious, moral and entertaining. By C. T. Eleven years of age. Second edition. The preface by his father, the Rev. Thomas Thirlwall. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1809. 9869 362 THOMAS OF ERCELDOUNE. Sir Tristrem ; a metrical romance of the thirteenth century ; by Thomas of Erceldoune, called The Rhymer. Edited from the Auchinleck MS. by Walter Scott. Third edition. Svo. Edinb. 1811. 9870 Bound up at the end of the vol. " Remarks on Sir W. Scott's Sir Tristmn " from the Gentleman's Magazine. THOMAS, MAGISTER KT" atyaftviTov OvopaTuv ATTJK&IV fK\oyai, ex dispOSltione NlC. Blancardi, cum vetustis Lamb. Bos, et novis D. Heinsii [alior- umque] animadversionibus. Collegit partim, digessitque, J. S. Bernard. Gr. Svo. Lugd. Bat. 1757. 0871 THOMAS (ELIZABETH). Poems on several occasions. By a Lady [Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas]. Svo. Lond. 1726. 9872 Autograph and MS. note of Isaac Keed. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1727. 0873 (See also PYLADES.) THOMAS (THOMAS). Observations on the Iliad : introductory to a view of the origin, progress, and diversity of Heathen Worship ante- cedently to the Christian revelation. Svo. n. p. n. d. 9874 A view of the origin, progress and diversity of Heathen worship antecedently to the Christian revelation. Svo. Lond. 1808. 9875 An Appendix to a View of the origin, progress, and diver- . sity of Heathen worship, containing additional observations on Homer's attachment to Eastern idolatry. Svo. Lond. 1809. 9876 A History of the reign of Solomon King of Judsea, In continuation of " A View of the origin, progress, and diversity of Heathen Worship," and "Of Homer's attachment to its rites." Svo. Lond. 1813. 9877 HOMPSON (EDWARD). The Demi-Rep. By the Author of the Meretriciad. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1756. 9878 The Meretriciad. The sixth edition. . . . (Anon.) 4to. Lond. 1765. 9879 The Courtesan, by the Author of the Meretriciad. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1765. 9880 363 THOMPSON (JOE). The Life and Adventures of Joe Thompson. A Narrative founded on Fact. Written by himself. Third edition. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1763. . 9881 The portrait prefixed to vol. 1, although inscribed Joe Thompson, is evidently intended for James Thomson, the poet. The portrait prefixed to vol. 2 is inscribed, Miss Lovisa Rich. THOMPSON (WiLLTAM, Dean of Raphoe). Poetical Works. Collated with the best editions : by Thomas Park. 12mo. Lond. 1807. 9882 Poems on several occasions, to which is added Gondibert and Birtha, a tragedy. 8vo. Oxf. 1757. (Two copies.) 9883 Garden Inscriptions. 8vo. Oxf. 1660 (i.e. 1760). 9884 Another edition, pp. 97-120, a fragment from vol. VIII. of some collection of poems. 8vo. 9885 THOMS (WILLIAM JOHN). . Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English his- tory and literature, derived from MS. sources. 4to. Lond., for the Camden Soc. 1839. 9886 Three Notelets on Shakespeare. I. Shakespeare in Germany. II. The Folk-Lore of Shakespeare. III. Was Shakespeare ever a soldier? 8vo. Lond. 1865. 9887 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce. THOMSON (JAMES). Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1738. 9888 * Works. With his last corrections and improvements. [Edited by Patrick Murdoch]. 4 vols. (Portraits.) 12mo. Lond. 1766. 9889 Vol. III. contains : Sophonisba (T.). Agamemnon (T.). Alfred (M.). Vol. IV. Edward and Eleonora (T.). Tancred and Sigis- mund (T.). Coriolanus (T.). Works. To which is prefixed the life of the author, by Patrick Murdoch. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1788. 9890 Poetical Works. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements. With the life of the author. Cooke's edition. 12mo. Lond. 1794. 9891 Poetical Works. (Aldine edition, Memoir prefixed by Sir Harris Nicolas, and portrait.) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. 9892 Winter. A poem. [First ed.] Folio. ' Lond. 1726. 9893 364 THOMSON (continued}. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1726. (Two copies.) 9894 Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1726. 9895 Summer. A poem. [First ed.] 8vo. Lond. 1727. 9896 Spring. A poem. [First ed.] 8vo. Lond. 1728. 9897 The Seasons. (With : A poem sacred to the memory of Isaac Newton.) Large 4to. Lond. 1730. 9898 " Autumn " first appeared in this the first collective edition. [Collective title.] The Seasons, a Hymn, a Poem to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton, and Britannia, a poem. (Viz. : Spring. 2nd edit. 1729. Summer. 3rd edit. 1730. Autumn. 2nd edit. 1730. Winter, a Hymn on the Seasons, a Poem to the memory of Sir I. Newton.- 1730. Britannia. 3rd edit. 1730.) 8vo. Lond. 1730. 9899 The Four Seasons, and other poems. 8vo. Lond. 1735. 9900 Summer. 3rd edit. 1730. Autumn. 2nd edit. 1730. Winter . . . 1734. Spring has no separate title. The Seasons. 8vo. . Lond. 1744. 9901 The Seasons. 12mo. Edinb. 1774. 9902 The Seasons, and Castle of Indolence. With engravings. To which are added, various readings from the early editions [edited by J. Sibbald.] 12mo. Edinb. 1789. 9903 " This volume was edited by Sibbald (afterwards Editor of the Chronicle of Scottish Poetry). It very seldom turns up." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Seasons and Castle of Indolence. (Aldine edition, with Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1830. 9904 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the Publisher, Mr. Pickering. The Seasons. With illustrations. And with the life of the author by Patrick Murdoch. Edited by Bolton Comey. F. P. 4to. Lond. 1842. 9905 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the editor, with inscription. The Tragedy of Sophonisba. 8vo. Lond. 1730. (Two copies.) 9906 A Defence of the New Sophonisba, a tragedy. In answer to a criticism on that play. By a Friend of the Author's. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1730. " " 9907 Antient and Modern Italy compared : being the first part ( fifth) of Liberty, a poem. 4to. Lond. 1735-36. 9908 A Poem, to the memory of Lord Talbot, late Chancellor of Great Britain. 4to. Lond. 1737. 9909 365 Tancred and Sigismunda. A tragedy. 8vo. Lond. 1745. 9910 The Castle of Indolence : An Allegorical Poem. Written in Imitation of Spenser. [First ed.] 4to. Lond. 1748. (Three copies.) . 9911 Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1748. 9912 Coriolanus. A Tragedy. 12mo. Dubl. 1749. 9913 A Poem to the Memory of William Congreve. With a preface and notes, bv Peter Cunningham. 8vo. Lond., Percy Society, No. 35. 1843. 9914 THOMSON (THOMAS). The Life of Mother Shipton. A new comedy. As it was Acted Nineteen dayes together with great applause. Written by T. T. 4to. Lond. n. d. 9915 " A very rare play." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The English Rogue a new comedy . . . Written by T. T. 4to. Lond. 1668. 9916 THOMSONUS (GEORGIUS). * Vindex Veritatis. Adversus Justum Lipsium Libri duo. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1606. 9917 THORNTON (BONNELL). The Battle of the Wigs. An additional canto to Dr. Garth's poem of the Dispensary. Occasioned by the disputes between the Fellows and Licentiates of the College of Physicians, in London. 4to. Lond. 1768. 9918 THORNTON ROMANCES. The- Thornton Romances. The Early English Metrical Romances of Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant. . . . . Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 4to. Lond., printed for the Camden Society. 1844. 9919 THOUGHTS. Thoughts on an illustrious exile ; occasioned by the recent persecution of the Protestants, in the South of France. 8vo. Ramsgate. 1816. 9920 THUANUS (JACOBUS AUGUSTUS). Metaphrasis poetica librorura aliquot sacrorum. (Contain- ing : lobus. . . Ecclesiastes. . . . Threni leremiss. Vaticinia loelis, Amosi, Abdiae, lonae, Habacuci). 8vo. Ceesar. Tur. 1588. 9921 366 THUCYDIDES. . . . de Bello Pelopoune- siaco libri octo, cum adnotationibus H. Stephani et Jo. Hud- soni. ' Recensuit . . . Jos. Wasse. Editionem curavit C. A. Dukerus. Gr. Lat. Folio. Amst. 1731. 9922 . . . de Bello Pelopoune- siaco libri VIII. Ad editionem C. A. Duckeri . . . recusi Accesserunt variae lectiones duorum codicum Animadversiones I. C. Gottleberi . . . coeptum opus perfecit suas notas adiecit Indicem Duckeri et glossarium Gottleberi auxit C. L. Baverus. (Editionem absolvit C. D. Beckius.) 2 vols. 4to. Lips. 1790-1804. 9923 De bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. Accedunt scholia Graeca et Dukeri Wassiique aniio- tationes. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1821. 9924 Translations. Begin. Lavrentii Vallensis ad Sanctissimvm Nicolavm Qvintvm Pontificem Maxim vm in Thvcydidis Historici transla- tionem. End. [of translation] Thvcydidis Atheniensis Historici gravissiini liber octavvs et vltimvs : Finit. Lavs Deo. Folio. n. p. n. d. (about 1496). 9925 After " Laus Deo " three leaves, the recto of the third blank. Eight Bookes of the Peloponnesian Warre written by Thvcy- dides the sonne of Olorvs. Interpreted with Faith and Diligence immediately out of the Greeke by Thomas Hobbes. Folio. Lond. 1634. 9926 The History of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides. To which are annexed, three prelimi- nary discourses. 1. On the life of Thucydides. II. On his qualifications as an historian. III. A Survey of the history. By William Smith. Fourth edition, to which is now first prefixed the Life and Character of the translator. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1805. 9927 THURLOW (EDWARD HOVEL, Lord). Poems on several occasions. Second edition : considerably enlarged. Svo. Lond. 1813. 9928 Second edition : Several poems being added. 12mo. Lond. ]822. 9929 An Appendix to Poems on several occasions ; being a con- tinuation of The Sylva. Svo, Lond. 1813. 9930 367 * Moonlight : The Doge's Daughter : Ariadne : Carmen Britannicum, or the Song of Britain : Angelica, or the Rape of Proteus. 8vo. Lond. 1814. 9931 This volume also contains Lord Chancellor Thurlow's Translations from the Greek and Latin. See p. 21. THURMOND (JOHN). The Miser: or Wagner and Abericock. A grotesque enter- tainment. [Pantomime.] Compos'd by J. T., Dancing-master. 8vo. Lond. 1727. 9932 THURSTON (JOSEPH). Poems on several occasions: in which are included, the Toilette, and the Fall. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1737. 9933 THYNN (FKANCIS). The Debate between Pride and Lowliness : by F. T. Re- printed from the edition by John Charlewood. With an intro- duction and notes by J. P. Collier. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. ]841. 9934 TIBERIUS, RHETOR. T. R. de figuris, altera parte auctior ; una cum Rufi Arte Rhetorica. Edidit Jo. Fr. Boissonnade. Gr. 8vo. Lond. 1815. 9935 TIBULLUS (ALBIUS). Quae extant . . . accedunt notse . . . 4to. Amst. 1708. 9936 Carmina libri tres cum libro quarto Sulpiciae et aliorum. Novis curis castigavit Chr. G. Heyne. Editio tertia. 8vo. Lips. 1798. 9937 At the end (with Half-title and fresh pagination) Observationes in Tibullum. Carmina . . . Ex recensione Heyniana. . . . Edi- dit Car. Fr. Wunderlich. 8vo. Gotting. 1808. 9938 Libri quattuor ex recensione Car. Lachmanm. 8vo. Berol. 1829. 9939 Elegia de Bello et Pace. A Fed. Morello Grsec. Carm. reddita. Item, Poetarum veterum Grsecorum Pacis encomia, ab eod. F. M. Lat. versib. expressa. 8vo. Lutet. 1598. 9940 Translations. The Works of T. translated. By Mr. Dart. 8vo. Lond. 1720. 9941 A poetical translation of the Elegies of T. ; and of the poems of Sulpicia. With the original text, and notes. By James Grainger. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1759. 9942 368 TICKELL (THOMAS). Poetical Works. With the life of the author. (Cooke's edition.) ]2mo. Lond. (1796.) 9943 * Poetical Works. Collated by Thomas Park. (Sharpe's edition.) 12mo. Lond. 1807. (Three copies.) 9944 TIECK (LUDWIQ). The Life of Poets. A novel. By Lewis Tieck. Translated from the German. 8vo. Leips. 1830. (Two copies.) 9945 The Midsummer Night. Or Shakespeare and the Fairies. From the German of L. Tieck. By Mary C. Rumsey. 8vo. Lond., C. Whittingham. 1854. 9946 Printed for private circulation. Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from S. W. Singer. TIFFIN (WALTER F.). * Gossip about Portraits. Principally Engraved Portraits. 8vo. Lond. 1866. 9947 Presentation copy from the author to Mr. Dyce. TIGHE (MARY BLACHFORD, afterwards MRS. HENRY). Psyche, with other poems. Fourth edition. (Portrait.) 8vo. Lond. 1812. 9948 TILLBROOK (S.). Historical and critical remarks upon the modern hexame- trists, and upon Mr. Southey's Vision of Judgment. 8vo. Camb. 1822. 9949 TIM^EUS, LOCRUS. De Anima Mundi et Natura . . . L. C. Valckenarii conjecturas ineditas, suamque annotation em addidit J. J. de Gelder. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1836. 9950 TIM^EUS, SOPHTSTA. AsftKOV ittpi rtav irapa. HXaruvi Aefrwv. Lexicon VOCUm Platoni- carum. Edidit David Ruhnkenius. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1754. 9951 Editio secunda, 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1789. 9952 TIMOLEON. Timoleon : or, The Revolution. A Tragi-Comedy. 4to. Lond. 1697. 9953 TIMON. * Timon, a play. Now first printed. Edited by the Rev. A. Dyce. 8vo. Lond., Shaks. Soc. 1842. (Two copies.) 9954 369 TIRABOSCHI (GmoLAMo). Storia della Poesia Italiana tratta dalla sua grand' Opera intitolata Storia Generale della Letteratura Italiana ripub- blicata da T. J. Mathias. 3 vols. (in 4). (Portrait of Tira- boschi.) 8vo. Lond. 1803. 9955 TIRAN LE BLANC. Histoire du Vaillant Chevalier Tiran le Blanc, traduite de 1'Espagnol. 3 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1775. 9956 TITIUS (ROBERTUS). Locorum controversorum libri decem. 4to. Florent. 1583. (Two copies.) 9957 No. 1. MS. notes and autograph of Dr. Parr. Pro suis Locis Controversis assertio adversus Yuonern qjiemdam Villiomarum Italic! nominis calumniator em. 4to. Florent. 1589. (Two copies.) 9958 TOBIN (JOHN). The Honey-Moon : a comedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 9959 New edition. 8vo. Lond. 1805. 9960 The Curfew : a play, in five acts. Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1807. 9961 The School for Authors : a comedy, in three acts. 8vo. Lond. 1808. 9962 The Faro Table ; or, The Guardians. A Comedy. 8vo. Lond. 1816. (Three copies.) 9963 TODD (HENRY JOHN). Illustrations of the lives and writings of Gower and Chaucer. Collected from authentick documents. 8vo. Lond. 1810. 9964 Some Account of the Life and Writings of John Milton, derived principally from Documents in his Majesty's State- Paper Office, now first published. 8vo. Lond. 1826. 9965 TOLAND (JoeN). The Life of John Milton, containing, besides the History of his Works, several extraordinary characters of men and books, sects, parties, and opinions. (Signed I. T.) 8vo. Lond. 1699. 9966 Portrait of Milton inserted, and MS. notes. Amyntor : or, a Defence of Milton's Life . . . (By J. T.) 8vo. Lond. 1699. (Two copies.) 9967 370 TOLAND (con t inuecF). Remarks on the Life of Mr. Milton, as publish'd by J[ohn] Tfoland]. With a chai*acter of the Author and his Party . . . 8vo. Lond. 1699. (Two copies.) 9968 Some Reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or the Defence of Milton's Life, which relates to the writings of the Primitive Fathers and the Canon of the New Testament . . . [By Dr. Samuel Clarke ?] 8vo. Lond. 1699. 9969 An Historical Account, and Defence, of the Canon of the New Testament. In Answer to Amyntor. (Signed, Stephen Nye.) 8vo. Lond. 1700. 9970 TOLDERVY (WILLIAM). Select Epitaphs. 2 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1755. 9971 TOLLET (ELIZABETH). Poems on several occasions. With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. an Epistle. 12mo. Lond. 1755. (Two copies.) 9972 TOLLIUS (CORNELIUS). Ad Pierii Valeriani de literatorum infelicitate librum Appendix. 12mo. Ainst. 1647. 9973 TOM TYLER. * Tom Tyler And His Wife. An Excellent old Play, as it was Printed and Acted about a hundred Years ago. Together, with an exact Catalogue of all the playes that were ever yet printed. The second impression. B. L. 4to. Lond. 1661. 9974 TOMASO S. Trattato sopra 1' Arte Comica, Cavato dall' Opere di S. Tomaso, e da altri Santi. D'vn M. R. P. Teologo De gli Andreini. Lat. and Ital. 4to. Fior. 1604. 9975 TOMKIS ( ). Albvmazar. A comedy presented before the Kings Maiestie at Cambridge, the ninth of March, 1614. By the Gentlemen of Trinitie Colledge. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1615. 9976 Another edition. Newly revised and corrected by a speciall Hand. 4to. Lond. 1634. 9977 TOMLINE (GEORGE, Bishop of Winchester). Elements of Christian Theology ... 2 vols. Eighth edition of vol. I. Sixth edition of vol. II. 8vo. Lond. 1809. 9978 371 A Refutation of Calvinism ; in which, the doctrines of Original Sin, Grace, Regeneration, Justification, and Universal Redemption, are explained, and the peculiar tenets maintained by Calvin upon those points are proved to be contrary to Scripture, to the writings of the antient fathers of the Christian Church, and to the public formularies of the Church of England. Fourth edition. 8vo. Lond. 1811. 9979 Seventh edition. 8vo. Lond. 1817. 9980 TOMLINS (FREDERICK GUEST). Garcia : or, The Noble Error. A tragedy, in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1849. 9981 Presentation copy to Mr. Dyce from the author. TONIANI (PIETRO ANTONIO). Theosena. Tragedia. Dallo stesso Auttore ampliata, &; eorretta. 12mo. Vicenza. 1619. 9982 TORELLI (PoMPONio, Conte di Montechiarugolo). La Merope, et il Tancredi Tragedie. Di nuouo ampliate, & ricorrette. Insieme con gli Scherzi dell' istesso Auttore. 8vo. Parma. 1598. 9983 With inscription, " Desportes Don de 1 autheur." La Merope tragedia. Terza editione. 4to. Parma. 1605. 9984 II Tancredi tragedia. Terza edizione. 4to. Parma. 1605. 9985 La Galatea. 4to. Parma. 1603. 9986 il Polidoro, tragedia. 4to. Parma. 1605. 9987 La Vittoria tragedia. 4to. Parma. 1605. 9988 TORNORUPACUS (JOANNES). In Avli Persii Flacci satyras nota3. 4to. Lutet. 1601. 9989 TORPEDO. The Torpedo, a Poem . . . Addressed to Mr. John Hunter, Surgeon. 4to. Lond. 1777. 9990 TORRE (CARLO). I Nvmi Gverrieri Poema Heroicomico. 8vo. Venet. 1640. 9991 TORRENT OF PORTUGAL. Torrent of Portugal An English Metrical Romance. Now first published. . . . Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. Lond. 1842. 9992 TORY. The Tory-Poets : a satyr. 4to. Lond. 1682. 9993 372 TOSCHI (FRANCESCO DE). II Triontante Levita Poemetto Sacro di S Lorenzo. 4to. End. Bologna. 1632. 9994 TOUP (JOANNES). Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium, et alios lexicographos Gnecos. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxonii. 1790. (Two copies.) 9995 No. 1. Autograph and MS. notes of G. Wakefield. TOURNAMENT. The Turnament of Totenham and the Feest. Two early Ballads printed from a Manuscript preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. Edited by Thomas Wright. B.L. 4to. Lond. 1836. 9996 TOURNEUR (CYRIL). The Revengers Tragaedie. As it hath beene sundry times Acted, by the Kings Maiesties Seruants. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1608. 9997 The Atheist's Tragedie : or The honest Man's Reuenge. As in diuers places it hath often beene Acted. 4to. Lond. 1612. 9998 Reprint [of edition of 1611]. Svo. Lond. 1792. 9999 TOWN. A view of the Town : in an epistle to a friend in the Country. A Satire. Svo. Lond. 1735. 10,000 TOWNELEY MYSTERIES. The Publications of the Surtees Society. The Towneley Mysteries. [Edited by Dr. Raine and James Gordon.] Svo. Lond. (1836.) 10,001 (See also No. 6242.) TOWNSHEND or TOWNESEND (AURELIAN;. Albions Triumph. Personated in a Maske at Court. By the Kings Maiestie and his Lords. The Sunday after Twelfe Night. 1631. 4to. Lond. 1631. 10,002 Tempe Restord. A Masque presented by the Queene, and foureteene Ladies, to the Kings Maiestie at Whitehall on Shrove-Tuesday, 1631. 4to. Lond. 1631. 10,003 TOXITES (MICAELUS). Scholia M. T. Rheti poetae ... in Theocriti Idyllion primum. Ex scholis Jo. Sturmii. Svo. Tiguri. n.d. 10,004 " T. Warton ex dono, &c." TRABISONDA. Trabisonda nel quale se tratta nobilissime battaglie, con la vita, e morte di Rinaldo, hystoriata, nouamente corretta . . . Svo. End. Venet. 1576. 10,005 373 TRAGEDIES, ITALIAN. Scelta di rare, e celehri Tragedie, cioe" II Cresfonte del Liviera. L' Orbecche del Giraldi. L' Antigona dell' Alamanni. L 1 Evandro del Bracciolini. Colle introduzioni a cadauna. Dalla Societa Albriziana. L' Anno VIII. (8vo. Ven. 1731.) 10,006 TKAGICI. Tragicorum Graecorum fragnienta recensuit Augustus Nauck. 8vo. Lips. 1856. 10,007 TRAGI-COMICAL HISTORY. A Tragi-Comicall History of Our Times, under the borrowed names of Lisander, and Calista, Folio. Lond. 1627. 10,008 " On the first novel in this volume Fletcher founded The Lovers' Progress" MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Epistle Dedicatory is signed " W.D.," but the work appears to be a translation. TRAPP (JOSEPH). Abra-Mule : Or, Love and Empire. A Tragedy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1704. 10,009 * Prrelectiones Poeticse : in Scliola Naturalis Philosophise Oxon. habitse. 8vo. Lond. 1722. (Two copies.) 10,010 TRAVELLER. The Traveller ; or, the Marriage in Sicily. In Three Acts. 8vo. Lond. 1809. 10,011 TRAVERS (HENRY). Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. 8vo. Lond. 1731. 10,012 TRAVIS (GEORGE). Letters to Edward Gibbon, author of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1794. 10,013 TREFUSIS (ELIZABETH). Poems and tales. 2 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1808. 10,014 TRELAWNEY (E. J.). * Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. 8vo. Lond. 1858. 10,015 TRENCK (FREDERIC, Baron). The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck ; containing his adven- tures . . . Also anecdotes, historical, political, and personal. Translated from the German by Thomas Holcroft. Third edition. 3 vols. (in 1). 12mo. Lond. 1800. 10,016 - VOL. III. B B 374 TRIAL Trial. The King, on the prosecution of Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, Esq., M.P., against Francis Wright, Daniel Wright, and Mary Anne Clarke, for a conspiracy, etc. 8vo. Lond. 1809. 10,017 Trial of Duncan Terig alias Clerk, and Alexander Bane Alacdonald, for the murder of Arthur Davis, sergeant in General Guise's Regiment of foot, June, A.D. M.DCC.LIV. 4to. Edin. 1831. (Bannatyne Club publication.) 10,018 Edited by Sir Walter Scott. " Extra copy reverd. Mr. A. Dyce, A. M. from the Editor." pp. 8, 4, in duplicate. TRIAL OF CHIVALRY. * The History of the tryall of Cheualry, with the life and death of Caualiero Dicke Bowyer. As it hath bin lately acted by the Earle of Darby his seruants. 4to. Lond. 1605. 10,019 TRIBUS IMPOSTORIBUS, DE. Traite* des trois Imposteurs. (French translation of De Tribus Impostoribus.) 12mo. Amst. 1776. 10,020 Printed cuttings. TRILLER (DANIEL WILHELM). Observationvm Criticarvm in varios Graecos et Latinos auctores libri qvatvor. 8vo. Francof. ad Moen. 1742. 10,021 TRISSINO (GIOVANNI GIORGIO). Tutte le Opere . . . non piu raccolte. 2 vols. (Por- trait.) 4to. Verona. 1729. 10,022 La Saiphomisba. End. Vicsnza per Teolojinsto laniculo). 4to. 1529. 10,023 The Greek e and are used throughout the book. Another edition. 12mo. Vineg. 1562. 10,024 L' Italia Liberata dai Goti. Poema Eroico. 3 vols. (Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1779. 10,025 TRITONIO (ANTONIO). Discorso sopra il Constante di Francesco Bolognetti. 4to. Bolog. 1570. 10,026 TROIANO. Troiano. II qval tratta la destrvtiou de Troia, fatta per li Greci, et come per tal destruttion fu edificata Roma, Padoa e Verona. & molte altre Cittade in Italia per Enea : & come ando, e torno da 1' inferno con molte altre, diuerse historic, come molti auttori descriueno ; nuouamente corretto. 8vo. End. Vineg. 1564. 10,027 Another edition. 8vo. Venet. 1582. 10,028 375 TROTTER (JOHN BERNARD). * Memoirs of the latter years of Charles James Fox. Third edition. 8vo. Lond. 1811. 10,029 TROY. The Destruction of Troy, in three books. Thirteenth edition. 4to. 1708. 10,030 The New History of the Trojan Wars and Troy's destruction. In four books . . . 12mo. Lond. 1735. " 10,031 Wants 2 leaves, viz. pp. 65-68. " F. W. Fairholt 1857," with his MS. note. TRYAMOURE, SYR. The Romance of Syr Tryamoure, from a manuscript pre- served in the University Library, Cambridge. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. Lond, Percy Society, No. 63. 1846. 10,032 TRYPHIODORUS. ixat; AXurti;. Hii Excidium, cum metrica Nicodemi Frischlini versione, et selectis virorum doctorum notis . . . suas annotationes adjecit, Jacobus Merrick. Svo. Oxon. theat. Sheld. n. d. (1741.) (Two copies.) 10,033 No. 1. MS. notes by Toup. Another edition . . . notis illustrata, A Thoma North- more. 8vo. Lond. 1791. 10,034 MS. note. Editio altera. Svo. Lond, 1804. 10,035 Another edition. Cum Jac. Merrickii et G. H. Schaeferi annotationibus integris, aliorum selectis, etc. edidit F. A. Wernicke. Svo. Lips. 1819. 10,036 The Destruction of Troy being the sequel of the Iliad. Translated from the Greek of T. With notes. By J. Merrick. Svo. Oxf. Printed at the Theatre, n. d. (1739.) (Three copies.) 10,037 No. 1. Rev. J. Mitfcrd's copy with his MS. notes. No. 2. From Person's collection, and afterwards from Heber's. Autograph of " Jo. Toup," and his MS. notes. TUKE (RICHARD). The Divine Comedian or the Right Use of Plays, improved, in a Sacred Tragy-Comedy. [With a subordinate title The Souls Warfare.] 4to. Lond. 1672. 10,038 TUKE (SiR SAMUEL). The Adventures of Five Hours. A Tragi-Comedy. [Anon.] Small folio. Lond. 1663. 10,039 " This was King Charles the Second's copy." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1664. 10,040 B B 2 376 TULLIA DI ARAGONA. Rime dellu S. Tvllia di Aragona ; et di diversi a lei. Nvova- mente corrette et ristampate. 12mo. Vineg. 1560, 10,041 II Meschino, altramente detto il Gverrino, fatto in ottava riina dalla Signora Tvllia D' Aragona. . . . 4to. Venetia. 1560. 10,042 TUNSTALL (JAMES). Epistola ad Conyers Middleton, Vitee M. T. Ciceronis scrip- torem. Accedit Joannis Chapman Dissertatio Chronologica de -flState Ciceronis Librorum de Legibus. 8vo. Cantab. 1741. 10,043 Observations on the present collection of epistles between Cicero and M. Brutus, representing several evident marks of Forgery in those epistles; and the true state of many im- portant particulars in the life and writings of Cicero. In answer to Dr. Conyers Middleton. To which is added, a letter from Dr. Chapman on the antient numeral characters of the Roman Legions. 8vo. Lond. 1744. (Three copies.) 10,044 No. 1. On fly-leaf " Ex dono Reverendi Jo. Potter S. T. P. Archidiaconi Oxoniensis." TURBERVILE (GEORGE). Tragical Tales, and other poems. Reprinted from the edition of M.D.LXXXVII. 4to. Edinb., printed for private circula- tion. 1837. 10,045 50 copies only printed. TURCHI (CARLO). Calestri Tragedia nvova. Nuouamente reuista, &, corretta. Svo. Trevigi. 1603. 10,046 TURKISH SPY. Letters writ by a Turkish Spy, who lived five and forty years undiscovered at Paris. . . . Written originally in Arabick, translated into Italian, from thence into English . . . 26th edit. 8 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1770. 10,047 " The Author of this work, which was in fact originally written in Italian, was John Paul Marana, a Genoese." Lowndes. TURKISH TALE. A Turkish Tale. In five cantos. 12mo. Lond. 1770. 10,048 TURNEBUS (ADRIANUS). Opera : nvnc primvm ex Bibliotheca Stephani Turnebi in vnum collecta ... 3 vols. (in one). Folio. Argent. 1600. 10,049 377 Commefcarius in libru primum carminura Horatii. Com- mentarius in locos obscuriores Horatii . . . M. Antonii Mureti et Aldi Manutii in eundem Horatium annot. 8vo. Paris. 1577. 10,050 " The notes of Aldus Manutius are in this Vol." MS. note by Bp. Butler. Adversariorum Tomi III. ... 3 vols. (in one). Folio. Argent. 1604. 10,051 Annotationes et Emendationes in Varronis libros De lingua Latina. 8vo. n. p. n. d. 10,052 Wants title; and one leaf in MS. MS. notes. TURNUS. Turnus and Drances : being an attempt to shew, who the two real persons were, that Virgil intended to represent under those two characters. 8vo. Oxf. 1750. 10,053 TURPINUS (JOANNES, Archiepiscopus Remensis). De Vita Caroli Magni et Rolancii Historia Joanni Turpino vulgo tributa . . . emendata ... a Sebastiano Ciampi. 8vo. Florent. 1822. 10,054 Note by Mr. Dyce as to an inserted cancel. History of Charles the Great and Orlando, ascribed to Arch- bishop Turpin ; translated from the Latin in Spanheim's Lives of Ecclesiastical Writers : together with the most celebrated ancient Spanish Ballads relating to the Twelve Peers of France, mentioned in Don Quixote ; with English metrical versions, by Thomas Rodd. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1812. 10,055 TUSSER (THOMAS). Five Hundred points of good Husbandry. As well for the Champion or open Countrey, as also for the Woodland or severall, mixed in every Moneth with Huswifery, over and besides the Booke of Huswifery. Corrected . . . B. L. 4to. Lond, 1638. 10,056 Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry . . . Together with A Book of Huswifery ... A new edition, with notes ... by William Mavor. 8vo. Lond. 1812. 10,057 TUTCHIN (JOHN). Poems on several occasions. With a pastoral. To which is added, a discourse of life. 8vo. Lond. 1685. 10,058 S78 TWEDDELL (JOHN). Remains of J. T., being a selection of his Correspondence a republication of his Prolusiones Juveniles an Appendix con- taining some account of the author's collections JV1SS. draw- ings, etc., and of their extraordinary disappearance preceded by a biographical memoir of the deceased by the Rev. Robert Tweddell. (Portrait.) Second edition. 4 to. Lond. 1816. 10,059 TWELLS (LEONARD), and others. The Lives of Edward Pocock, the celebrated Orientalist by Dr. Twells; of Zachary Pearce, Bishop of Rochester and Thomas Newton, Bishop of Bristol, by themselves ; and of the Rev. Philip Skelton, by Mr. Burdy. 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Lond. 1816. 10,060 TWISS (HORACE). Posthumous Parodies and other pieces, composed by several of our most celebrated poets, but not published in any former edition of their works. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1814. (Two copies). 10,061 " Written by Horace Twiss." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. The Carib Chief: a tragedy in five acts. 8vo. Lond. 1819. 10,062 TWISS (RICHARD). An Heroic Epistle from Donna Teresa Pinna y Ruiz, of Murcia, to Richard Twiss, with notes by Himself. 4to. Lond. 1777. 10,063 An Heroic Answer, from Richard Twiss at Rotterdam, to Donna Teresa Pinna y Ruiz, of Murcia. 4to. Lond. 1777. 10,064 TYERS (THOMAS). An historical rhapsody on Mr. Pope. Second edition. 8vo. Lond. 1782. (Two copies.) 10,065 No. 1. " The gift of James Bindley to John Brand." No. 2. MS. notes. TYRT^EUS. To. ffufyptya,. . . . Quse supersunt omnia . . . edidit C. A. Klotzius. 8vo. Altenb. 1767. (Two copies.) 10,066 Translations. Elegies of Tyrtseus, translated into English verse ; with notes, -and the original text. [By W. Cleaver.] 8vo. Lond. 1761. 10,067 379 Martial Fragments of Tyrtreus, translated into English verse. With a martial elegy on the demise of ... Prince Albert ; etc. By James W. Bailey. 8vo. Lond. 1862. 10,068 TYRWHITT (THOMAS). [Opuscula. A collection of the various writings from dif- ferent publications made by T. T. himself, with his autograph notes and additions.] 8vo. (Lond. and Oxf, various dates.) Contains (inter alia) Emendationes in Euripidem. Notae in Toupii emendationes in Suidam. 10,069 A printed catalogue slip calls this : " Tyrwhitt's own copy, a collection of the various writings from different publications made by the author him- self, and enriched with his autograph notes and additions." Mr. Dyce, however, in a MS. note beneath writes : " The author of the above note is mistaken . . . this is not ' Tyrwhitt's own copy ' ; the collection was made by Kidd ; and all the MS. portion of it is in his handwriting." Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. An Epistle to Florio, [Mr. Ellis of Christ Church] at Oxford. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1749. (Two copies.') 10,070 No. 1. Autograph letter from Tyrwhitt prefixed. Translations in Verse. Mr. Pope's Messiah, Mr. Philips's Splendid Shilling in Latin ; The Eighth Isthmian of Pindar in English. [Anon.] 4to. Oxf. 1752. (Two copies.) 10,071 Observations and conjectures upon some passages of Shake- speare. [Anon.] 8vo. Oxf. 1766. 10,072 Observations on the Inscriptions upon three ancient Marbles, said to have been brought from Smyrna, and now in the British Museum. In a letter from T. T. . . . Read at the Society of Antiquaries, July 9, 1772. [From the " Arch- jeologia."] 4to. (Lond. 1772?) (Three copies.) 10,073 A Vindication of the Appendix to the poems, called Row- ley's, in reply to the Answers of the Dean of Exeter, Jacob Bryant. . . . 8vo. Lond. 1782. (Three copies.) 10,074 Conjecturae in Strabonem quas . . . praefatus est T. C. Harles. 8vo. Erlang. 1788. 10,075 Begin. Conjecturse in Strabonem. Edit. Amstel. MDCCVII. (By T. T.) 8vo. n. p. n. d. 10,076 Without title. The Vol. " Tyrwhitti Opuscula " containing this and other tracts has MS. notes by Mitford relating to Tyrwhitt. Conjecturae in Aeschylum, Euripidem et Aristophanem. Accedunt epistolae diversorum ad Tyrwhittum. 8vo. Oxon. 1822. (Two copies.) 10,077 No. i. L. P. 380 TYTLER (ALEXANDER FRASER, Lord Woodhouselee). Essay on the principles of translation. Third edition. Svo. Edinb. 1812. 10,078 Presentation copy, " To his valued friend and kinsman Sir James Mackintosh from the Author." With a MS. note by Sir James Mackintosh. TYTLER (PATRICK FRASER). Life of the Admirable Crichton. With an Appendix of original papers. Second edition. (Portrait.) 12mo. Edinb. 1823. 10,079 TZETZES (ISAACUS and JOANNES). 2/cs>. { \vKoppova. Lectionibus editionis Sebastianae variis in Lycophronis Alexandram praemissis et recensitis . . [Edidit] C. G. Muller. 3 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1811. 10,080 TZETZES (JOANNES). AXXij-yo^a*. Allegoriae Mytholog. physicse, morales. Groecum poem a nunc primum prodit . . . Fed. Morellus Lat. iambicis senariis'expressit notisque illustravit. 8vo. Lutet. 1616. (Two copies.) 10,081 Iliacuni Carmen Epici Poetas Graeci, cuius nomen ignoratur, ingenium proditur hoc eleganti fragmento. Nunc primum prodit cum scholijs ex vet. MSS. ... Is. Casauboni. Fed Morellus Latinis Heroicis expressit et notis illustravit. 8vo. Par. n. d. 10,082 To, Tipo O/Aypou to, o/Aijpsv KCCI TOC, ME& Opypoy . . . Carmina IHaca nunc primum e codice August edidit G. B. Schirach. 8vo. Hal. 1770. . 10,083 Antehomerica . . . e codicibus edidit et commentario instmxit F. lacobs. Svo. Lips. 1793. 10,084 Antehomerica Homerica et Posthomerica ex recensione Im. Bekkeri. Accedunt excerpta ex Chrestomathia Procli. Svo. Berol. 1816. (Two copies.) 10,085 Bj/3Xiov I C-TO/J <*;$. . . . Historiarum variarum Chiliades. Graece. Textum . . . recognovit . . . Theoph. KiessHngius. Svo. Lips. 1826. 10,086 u. UBERTI (GlOVANBATTISTA). [Half title.] II Triompho. Et vna egloga pastorale. [Anon.] Svo. Vineg. 1558. 10,087 UDALL (NICHOLAS). * [Half title]. Ralph Royster Doyster, A Comedy. [Anon.] Svo. Lond., Reprinted in the year 1818. 10,088 Considered to be the first regular English comedy. 381 * Ralph Royster Doyster, A Comedy, entered on the books of the Stationers' Company, 1566. [Anon.] 8vo. [Reprint.] Lond. 1821. 10,089 Ralph Roister Bolster, a comedy, by N. U. And the Tra- gedie of Gorboduc, by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville. With introductory Memoirs. Edited by William Durrant Cooper. Svo. Lond., Shaks. Soc., 1847. 10,090 UDINE (HEKCOLE). Avvenimenti amorosi di Psiche : poema eroico pieno di dilettose vaghezze. Con 1' allegoria del . . . Abbate (Angelo) Grille. . . . Svo. Venet. 1617. (Two copies.) 10,091 ULM. Ulm and Trafalgar. Second edition. 4to. Lond. 1806. (Two copies.) 10,092 TJLMUS (FRANCISCUS). De Liene libellus. Svo. Lutet. 1578. 10,093 UNFORTUNATE USURPER. The Unfortunate Usurper. A tragedy. 4to. Lond. 1663. 10,094 UNGRATEFUL FAVOURITE. The Ungrateful Favourite. A Tragedy. Written by a Person of Honour. 4to. Lond. 1664. (Two copies.) 10,095 UNION. The Union : or, Select Scots and English Poems. [Edited by T. Warton.] Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1759. 10,096 * Third edition. 12mo. Lond. 1766. 10,097 UPTON (JOHN). Critical observations on Shakespeare. Second edition. Svo. Lond. 1748. 10,098 A Letter concerning a new edition of Spenser's Faerie Queene. To Gilbert West. 4to. Lond. 1751. 10,099 URFfi (HoNORE D', Marquis de Verrome'). L'Astre'e. Oh par plusieurs histoires, et souz personnes de Bergers, & d'autres, sont deduits les diuers effets de 1'honneste amitie. 4 pts. (With : La Conclusion et derniere partie d'Astre'e . . . compose'e sur les vrais memoires de feu H. d'Vrfe' par le S r Baro.) Derniere Edition. 5 vols. (Por- traits.) Svo. Imprime'e a Rouen, & se vend a Paris. 1647. 10,100 382 URSATT7S (SERTORIUS). Explanatio notarum et litterarum, qu?e frequentius in antiquis lapidibus, marmoribus & auctoribus occurrunt . . . 12mo. Par. (Lond.) 1723. 10,101 MS. note as to the author. URSINUS (FULVIUS). Virgilius collatione scriptorum Graecorum illustratus opera et industria F. V. Edition! ad exemplar Plantini renovatae accesserunt L. C. Valckenari. I. Epistola ad Matthiam Ro- verum. II. Iliadis Homeri liber xxu. cum sclioliis Porphyrii & aliorum nunc primum editis. III. Dissertatio de praestan- tissimo codice Leidensi, & de scholiis in Homerum ineditis. 8vo. Leovard. 1747. 10,102 USSHER or USHER (JAMES). Clio : or, a discourse on taste. Addressed to a young lady. By I. U. Second edition. 16mo. Lond. 1769. * 10,103 Third edition. 16mo. Lond. 1772. (Two copies.) 10,104 New edition, with notes, anecdotes, and quotations, by J. Mathew. 8vo. Lond. 1803. 10,105 An Introduction to the theory of the human mind. Second edition. 16mo. Lond. 1773. 10,106 UTTERSON (EDWARD VERNON). Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry : re-published prin- cipally from early printed copies, in the Black Letter. (The preface is signed E[dward] V[ernon] U[tterson].) 2 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1817. (Vol. I. Syr Try amour. Syr Isenbras. Syr Degore. Syr Gowghter. Vol. II. The Hye Way to the Spyttell Hous. The Schole House of Women. The Defence of Women. The Proude Wj'ues Pater Noster. The Wife lapped in Morels skin. Glossary.) 10,107 UVA (BENEDETTO DELL*). Le Vergini Prvdenti. . . . 4to. Firenze. 1587. 10,108 UZZIAH. Uzziah and Jotham. A poem. Folio. Lond. 1690. 10,109 Y. VALCKENAER (Luoovicus CASPARUS). Speciminum Academicorum primum. Dissertatio, de Byrsa, Phoenicio arcis Carthaginiensium nomine. 4to. Franeq. 1737. 10,110 Speciminum Academicorum alterum. Schediasma histori- corum, de Herodotea urbe Cadyti, quod, cum glossis sacris ex Hesychio decerptis, etc. 4to. Franeq. 1737 10,111 383 Animadversionum ad Ammonium Grammaticum Libri Trea . . . Accedit Specimen Scholiorum ad Homerum Inedito- rum . . . 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1739. 10,112 Dupe orationes. I. De publicis Atheniensium moribus, etc. II. De Philippi Macedonia indole, virtutibus, etc. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1766. 10,113 Diatribe de Aristobulo Judaeo ; philosopho peripatetico Alexandrine. Edidit, praefatus est, et lectionem publicam Petri Wesselingii adjunxit Joannes Luzac. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1806. (Two copies.) 10,114 Opuscula . . . nunc primum conjunctim edita. 2 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1808-9. (Two copies.) 10,115 No. 1. Kev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. Selecta e scholis L. C. V. in libros quosdam Novi Testament!. Editore discipulo Ev. Wassenbergb, qui dissertationem prae- misit de glossis Novi Testament! ... 2 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1815-17. 10,116 Diatribe in Euripidis perditorum dramatum reliquias. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1822. 10,117 VALCKENAER (LuDOVicus CASPABUS) and LENNEP (JOANNES DANIEL A). L. C. V. Observationes Academicae . . . et J. D. a L. Praelectiones Academicae, de Analogia Linguae Graecae . recensuit, suasque animadversiones adiecit, Everardus Scheidius. 8vo. Traj. ad Rhen. 3790. 10,118 VALDECIO (DiUNiLGo). Lo Scoglio dell' Umanita ossia Avvertimento salutare alia Gioventu per cautelarsi contro le male qualita delle donne cattive. Operetta-lepido-critico-poetico-morale. Edizione VII. Veneta fatta sopra 1' ultima *gia corretta, e aumentata dall' autore con P Elogio delle Donne Illustri. 2 vols. (in one). 12mo. Venez. 1807. 10,119 VALENTINE AND ORSON. Histoire de Valentin et Orson, tres-hardis, tres-nobles et tres-vaillans chevaliers, fils de 1'empereur de Grece, et neveux du tres-vaillant et tres-chre'tien Pepin, roi de France. Sm. folio. Lille, n. d. 10,120 Southey's copy with his autograph. The renowned history of Valentine and Orson, the two sons of the Emperor of Greece. Newly corrected and amended. Adorn'd with cuts. 12mo. Lond. 1763. 10,121 The famous history of Valentine and Orson. 12mo. Lond., for the proprietors of the English Classics. 1826. (Two copies.) 10,122 384 VALERIANUS (JOANNES PIERIUS). De litteratorum infelicitate, libri duo. 8vo. Venet. 1 G20. 10,123 " First edition, rare." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. Another edition. 12mo. Amstel. 1647. 10,124 VALERIUS FLACCUS (CAius). Argonauticon lib. VIII. a Lud. Carrione . . . emendati Cum notis. Svo. Colon. Allobrog. 1617. 10,125 Another edition. Ex recensione N. Heinsii et P. Burmanni. Svo. Patav. 1720. 10,126 Another edition. Cum notis P. Burmanni I. integris et selectis Lud. Carrionis . . . et aliorum recensuit suasque adnotationes adiecit T. C. Harles. Svo. Altenb. 1781. 10,127 VALESIO (GIOVANNI LUIGI). La Cicala. Svo. Roma. 1622. 10,128 VALESJUS (HENRICUS). Emendationum libri quinque. Et de Critica libri duo . . . Prsefixa est H. Valesii vita, etc. edente P. Burmanno. 4to. Amst. 1740. 10,129 VALLA (GEORGIUS). Perbreues prseceptiones, de scribeda Historia, Dialogo, Epistola, deq, Imitatione, ac Exercitatione. Svo. Colon. 1533. 10,130 VALLA, or VALLENSIS (LAURENTIUS). Opera. . . . Folio. End. Basil., apud H. Petrum. 1543. 10,131 Rev. J. Mitford's copy, with his MS. notes. De Volvptatae ac vero bono libri III. 4to. End. Basil., apud And. Cartandrvm. 1519. 10,132 De lingua latina benemeriti antidoti in Pogium libri qua- tuor. Libellus ite alius, in eudem Pogiu Florentinu. 4to. Parrhis. 1520. 10,133 Lucubrationes aliquot ad linguae Latinse restaurationem spectantes. 4to. Lugd. 1532. 10,134 Elegantiarum libri sex. De reciprocatione sui, et suus libellus plurimum utilis, etc. Sm. folio. End. Venet., hered. Aldi. 1536. 10,135 De Linguse Latinse elegantia libri sex. Cum libello de reciprocatione sui & suus. Svo. Cantab. 1688. (Two copies.) 10,136 385 VALOIS (ADRIAN DE). Valesiana ou les pensees . et les poesies Latines de M. de V. Recueillies par M. [Charles] de Valois son fils. (Portrait.; 8vo. Par. 1694. (Two copies.) 10,137 Another edition. 8vo. Par. 1695. 10,138 VALPURGIS. Valpnrgis ; or, The Devil's Festival. In two Cantos. The Ball and Drawing Room. 12mo. Lond. 1831. 10,139 VALPY (EDWARD). Elegantiae Latinae ; or, Rules and Exercises illustrative of elegant Latin style. Tenth edition. 12mo. Lond. 1831. 10,140 VALPY (RICHARD). The Elements of Greek Grammar ; with notes. Sixth edition. [Anon.] 8vo. Lond. 1818. 10,141 VALVASONE (ERASMO DI). I Qvattro Primi Canti del Lancilotto. 4to. n. p. n. d. (Venet. 1580.) 10,142 Angeleida. 4to. Venet. 1590. 10,143 La Caccia. Ricorretta. . . . Con le annotation! di Olimpio Marcucci. 8vo. Venet. (1602.) 10,144 VAMPYRE. The Vampyre ; a tale. [By Dr. Polidori ?] 8vo. Lond. 1819. (Two copies.) 10,145 At the end (with continuous pagination) is " Extract of a letter, containing an account of Lord Byron's residence in the island of Mitylene." VANBRUGH (SiR JOHN). Plays. 2 vols. (Life and Portrait.) 12mo. Lond. 1759. 10,146 Vol. I. The Relapse ; or, Virtue in danger (C.). The Provok'd Wife, with a new scene (C.). ^Esop, in two Parts (C.). The False Friend (C.). Vol. II. The Confederacy (C.). The Mistake (C.). The Country House (F.). A Journey to London (C.). The Provok'd Husband (by Sir J. V. and Colley Cibber). A short vindication of the Relapse and the Provok'd Wife, from immorality and prophaneness. By the author. 8vo. Lond. 1698. 10,147 The False Friend. A Comedy. [Anon.] 4to. Lond. 1702. 10,148 38G VANE (SiR HENRY). The Life and death of Sir H. V. Or, a short narrative of the main passages of his earthly pilgrimage ... To which is added, his last exhortation to his children, the day before his death. [By George Sikes.] 4to. Lond. 1662. 10,149 VANIERIUS, or VANERIUS (JACOBUS). Opuscula. Editio nova. 12mo. Par. 1730. (Two copies.) 10,150 Pnedium Rusticum. Nova editio. Cum figuris. 8vo. Amstel. 1731. 10,151 Nova editio. 12mo. Par. 1746. (Two copies.) 10,152 VANTO. II Vanto delli Paladini. Et del Padiglione di Carlo Magno Figliuolo del Re Pipino. Con vna Barceletta bellissima, 4to. Venetia & in Padova. End. 94. [1594]. 10,153 VARCHI (BENEDETTO). * De Sonetti, prima parte ( seconda). 8vo. Fiorenza. 1555-1554. 10,154 "The Parte Seconda of this work is extremely rare." MS. note by Mr. Dyce. * Storia Fiorentina. Nella quale principalmente si con- tengono 1' ultime Revoluzioni della Repubblica Fiorentina, e lo Stabilimento del Principato nella Casa de' Medici. (Por- trait.) Folio. Colonia. 1721. 10,155 Rogers the poet's copy, with manuscript notes by him. This copy contains the cancelled leaf. VARIETY. Variety. A Tale, for Married People. [Verses.] Fifth edition. 4to. Lond. 1777. 10,156 VARRO (MARCUS TERENTIUS). Opera quse supersunt. In Lib. de Ling. Lat. Coniectanea losephi Scaligeri ... In libros de Re Rvst. Notse eius- dem los. Seal. . . . Adr. Tvrn. Comment, in lib. De Lingua Latina : cum emendationibus Ant. Avgvstini. Item P. Vic- torii Castigationes in lib. De re rustica. 8vo. Anno 1573. Excudebat Henr. Stephanus. (Two copies.) 10,157 No. 2. MS. note in French. Editio ultima recognita & aucta. 8vo. Par. 1585. 10,158 Autograph of " C. T. C. Eeuvens." MS. notes. Opera . . . Cum notis los. Scaligeri, Adr. Turnebi, P. Victorii, & Ant. Augustini. His accedunt Tabulae Navfragii, seu Fragmenta ejusdem . . . 8vo. Durdrecht. 1619. 10,159 387 De Lingua Latina Libri qui supersunt cum Fragmentis ejusdem accedunt Notee A. Augustini, A. Turnebi, Jos. Scali- geri, et Ausonii Popnue. Editio accurata. 2 vols. 8vo. Bipont. 1788. 10,160 Another edition. Kecensuit Leonhardus Spengel. 8vo. Berol. 1826. 10,161 VASARI (GIORGIO). Delle Vite de' piu eccellenti pittori, scvltori et architetti . . 3 vols. 4to. Bologna. 1647. 10,162 VASCONIANA. Vasconiana, ou recueil des bons mots . . . des Gascons. 8vo. Lyon. 1708. 10,163 VAUGHAN (HENRY). Olor Iscanus. A collection of some select poems, and trans- lations, formerty written by H. V. Silurist. Published by a friend. 8vo. Lond. 1651. 10,164 The volume includes the following pieces, with separate title-pages : Of the benefit wee may get by our enemies. A Discourse written originally in the Greek by Plutarchus. Lond. 1651. The Diseases of the mind and the body. A discourse written originally in the Greek by Plutarchus. Lond. 1651. The Praise and happinesse of the Countrie-Life, written originally in Spanish by Antonio de Guevara, Bishop of Carthagena. Lond. 1651. MS. notes. Silex Scintillans Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. 8vo. Lond. 1847 10,165 VAVASSOR (FRANCISCUS). De Ludicra dictione liber. Antibarbarus seu de vi & usu quorundam verborum Latinorum observationes. Accedunt Joan. Lud. Balzacii Epistolae selectae, etc. Recensuit . . . Joan. Erhard. Kappius. F. P. 8vo. Lips. 1722. 10,166 Rev. J. Mitford's copy and MS. notes. VEGETIUS (FLAVIUS RENATUS). F. V. Renati Comitis, aliorumque aliquot veterum de Re Militari libri. Accedunt Frontini Strategematibus eiusdem auctoris alia opuscula. Omnia emendatius, qusedam nunc pri- mum edita a Petro Scriverio. Cum commentariis aut notis God. Stewechii et Fr. Modii. 4to. Ex off. Plantin. Raphel- engii. 1607. 10,167 Presentation copy with inscription in the autograph of Scriverius. VELVET CUSHION. A new covering to the Velvet Cushion. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1815. (See No. 2719.) 10,168 VENATIC^E REI SCRIPTORES. Poetae Latini rei Venaticae Scriptores et bucolici antiqui . cum notis Casp. Barthii, Jani Vlitii, Th. Johnson, Ed. Brucei. Accedunt M. Langii dispunctio notarum J. Vlitii, etc. 4to. Lugd. Bat. & Hagae Comitum. 1728. 10,169 388 VENIERO (DOMENICO). Rime. Raccolte ora la prima volta eel illustrate dalF Ab. Pierantonio Serassi . . . s' aggiungono alcune poesie di Maffeo, e Luigi Venieri nipoti dell' autore. 8vo. Bergamo. 1751. 10,170 VENIERO (MAFFEO). Hiclalba Tragedia. 4to. Venetia. 1596. 10,171 Garrick's copy. VENUS. Venus attiring the Graces. Addressed to . 4to. Lond. 1777. 10,172 VERGILIUS (POLYDOKUS). De rerum inventoribus libri octo. 8vo. Lugd. 1546. 10,173 Another edition. 12mo. Noviomag. Bat. 1671. 10,174 VERINI (GlOVANBATTISTA). Ardor d' amore composto per G. V. Fiorentino, in laude dell a sua diua. Con la Gionta, fatta de morti & detti artificiosi . . . 8vo. End. Turino. 1549. . 10,175 VERRI (ALESSANDRO, Conte). Le Notti Romane. 2 parts (in one vol.). Seconda Edizione. (A Vol. of Biblioteca Scelta di Opere Italiane.) 8vo. Milano. 1821. 10,176 VERRIUS FLACCUS (MARCUS). M. V. F. quae extant. Et Sex. Pompei Festi de verborum significatione libri XX. los. Scaligeri in eosdem libros Casti- gationes ... 2 vols. (in one). 8vo. Lvtet. in off. Rob. Steph. 1576. (Two copies.) 10,177 No. 1. Presentation copy from Jos. Scaliger to Brulart. Another edition ... In eos libros Ant. Augustini annotationes . . . los. Scaligeri Castigationes . . . Ful. Vrsini notse . . .' 8vo. Paris. 1584. 10,178 MS. notes. [? by Eeuvens.] VERTOT (RENE D'AUBERT DE VERTOT D'AUBCEUF, better known as the ABBE DE). Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appellez depuis Chevaliers de Rhodes, et aujourd'hui Chevaliers de Malthe. Nouvelle Edition. (Portrait of De Vertot.) 5 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1732. 10,179 VERUCCI (VERGILIO). La Portia Comedia. 12mo. Venet. 1621. 10,180 II Dispettoso Marito. Comedia nova. 12mo. Venet. 1626. 10,181 389 VETERINARIA MEDICINA. Tuv lititiaTftiKuv . . . Veterinarise niedicinse libri duo, a loan. Ruellio olim quidem latinitate donati, nunc vero ijdem sua, hoc estGraeca, lingua primum inlucem sediti. 4to. Basil, apud loan Valderum. 1537. 10,182 VIBIUS SEQUESTER. De fluminibus fontibus lacubus nemoribus paludibus montibus gentibus quorum apud poetas mentio fit. Lectionis varietatem . . . adjecit . . . J. J. Oberlinus. 8vo. Argent. 1778. 10,183 VICTOR (BENJAMIN). Original letters, dramatic pieces, and poems. 3 vols. 8vo. Lond. 1776. 10,184 Vol. II. contains : Altamira (T.). The Fatal Error (T.). The Fortunate Peasant : or, Nature will prevail. Taken from the Paysan parvenu of M. De Marivaux (0.). The Sacrifice : or, Cupid's vagaries. A Musical mask. An Epistle to Sir Richard Steele, on his play, call'd, the Conscious Lovers. 8vo. Lond. 1722. 10,185 MS. note by J. P. Kemble. The Widow of the Wood. [Anon.] 12mo. Lond. 1755. 10,186 With various cuttings from catalogues. There are several names of persons in MS. supplying blanks in the letter-press. VICTOR (SEXTUS AURELIUS). De vita et moribus Imperatorum Romanorum : excerpta ex libris S. A. V. a Ciesare Augusto usque ad Theodosium Imp. Editio vulgata. Andr. Schottus . . . emendabat ; scholiis et veris iconibus illustrabat . . . et Elise Vineti noise. 8vo. Lugduni Batavorum. 1669. 10,187 Historise Romanse Breviarium cum Schotti [et aliorum] notis. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. et Amst. 1670. 10,188 Another edition. Cum notis Domin. Machanei [et aliorum], nee non excerptis Frid. Sylburgii et Annse Fabri Filise. Cu- rante Joa'n. Arntzenio. 4to. Amst. et Traj. Batav. 1733. 10,189 VICTORIUS (PETRUS). Explicationes suarum in Catonem, Varronem, Columellam castigationum. 8vo. Paris, R. Steph. 1543. 10,190 Variarum Lectionum libri xxxviii. Folio. Florent., Apud Junctas. 1582. 10,191 MS. notes by Janus Broukhusius. Epistolarum libri X. Orationes XIII. Et liber de la.udibus Joannae Austriacae. (Portrait.) Folio. Florent., Apud Junctas. 1586. 10,192 VOL. III. C C 390 VIDA (MARCUS HIERONYMUS, Bishop of Alba). Poemata quae extant omnia. Quibus nunc priraum ad- jiciuntur ejusdem Dialog! de Rei-publicae dignitate. 2 vols. (Portrait) 8vo. Lond. 1732-31. 10,193 Poeraatum, quae baud plane disjunxit a fabula, pars prima, continens De Arte Poetica libros tres, Bucolica, et Epistolam ad Joannera Matthaeum Gibertum. Edidit Thomas Tristram. (Portrait.) 8vo. Oxon. 1722. 10,194 . Pars altera, continens Bomby cum libros duos,Scacchiam Ludum, et Carmina diversi generis. Edidit Thomas Tristram. 8vo. Oxon. 1723. 10,195 Poeticorum libri Tres. Accedunt, Bombycum libri Duo et Scacchia Ludus. 8vo. Oxon. 1701. 10,196 Christiados libri sex. Edidit Edvardus Owen. 8vo. Oxon. 1725. 10,197 Hymni de rebus divinis. 8vo. Oxon. 1733. 10,198 Vida's Art of Poetry, translated into English verse, By Mr. (Christopher) Pitt. Second edition. 12mo. Lond. 1742. 10,199 VIGERUS (FRANCISCUS). De prsecipuis Grsecse dictionis idiotismis liber. Cum anim- adversionibus H. Hoogeveeni, J. C. Zeunii, et G. Hermanni. Cujus accedit de pronomine avr^ dissertatio. 8vo. Oxon. e typ. Clarendon. 1813. 10,200 VTLIUS (JSLius FRANCISCUS VANDER). De naturalium rerum scientia oratio. (Together with, Appendix ad munimentum Orationis suae.) 8vo. Lugd, Bat. 1592. 10,201 VILLAGE MAID. The Village Maid ; an opera, in three acts. By a Young Lady. 8vo. Lond. 1792. 10,202 VILLANELLE. Villanelle Nove fatte in Dialogo tra il Garofolo, e la Rosa. Con vna Canzonetta fatta sopra doi Mori. 8vo. Venet., etc. n. d. 10,203 VILLOISON (JOHANNES BAPTISTA CASPAR D'ANSSE DE). * Anecdota Grseca. Gr. 2 vols. (in one). 4to. Venet. 1781. 10,204 VILLON (FRANCOIS). Les CEuvres de F. V. [And, with a separate pagination.] Les Repues Franches. Le Franc Archier de Baignollet. Le Dialogue de Messieurs De Mallepaye, et De Baillevant. [and] Lettre a Monsieur De ***, en lui envoyant la nouvelle Edition des Oeuvres de Frangois Villon. 8vo. Paris. 1723. 10,205 391 VINCENT (WILLIAM). The Origination of the Greek Verb. An Hypothesis. 8vo. Lond. 1794. 10,206 The Greek verb analysed. An Hypothesis. 8vo. (Lond.) 1795. 10,207 A Review of Mr. T. B. S. Morritt's Vindication of Homer. Published in the British Critick, January 1st, and March 1st, 1799. [Anon.] 12mo. (Lona8ijy. A. Miscellaneae doctrinae liber primus ( tertius). 8vo. Amst. 1809-17. 10,796 Opuscula ... 2 vols. 8vo. Lugd. Bat. 1821. 10,797 Lectiones quinque, nunc primum editae ... a Guil. Leon. Mahne. 8vo. Gand. et Lugd. Bat. 1824. 10,798 Julius Charles Hare's copy. Epistolarum selectarum fasciculus primus ( tertius). Editus a Guil. Leon. Mahne. 8vo. Gand. 1829-30. 10,799 X. XENOPHON. To, a-ufyptva. pfiXia. Quae extant opera. Annotationes Henr. Stephani. Editio secunda. Gr. Folio, n. p. 1581. 10,800 Autograph and MS. notes of Theodore Beza. Xenophontis Scripta in usum lectorum Graecis litteris tinc- torum commentariis . . . illustrata a Beniamin Weiske. 6 vols. 8vo. Lips. 1798-1804. 10,801 Kvpov avapa.