Through South Africa with the British Association BY J. STARK BROWNE, F.R.A.S. Through South Africa with The British Association for the Advancement of Science Through South Africa with The British Association By TAMES STARK BROWNE, F.R.A.S, *^ > "~ in With Twenty-four Illustrations JAMES SPEIRS i Bloomsbury Street, London 1906 TO MY DEAR FATHER WHO FOLLOWED WITH SO MUCH INTEREST THE TRIP DESCRIBED IN THESE PAGES Preface DURING the course of the trip described in these pages I kept a fragmentary diary of the chief events as they occurred. I also wrote letters home, descriptive of those details of the journey which I thought would interest my family. On my return it was suggested that I should combine the diary and the letters into a more complete story of what had been a most interesting and unique trip. This I have attempted to do in the following pages. At intervals I have added certain reflections that were impressed upon me during the journey, when the incidents that brought them up were fresh in my mind. For any opinions so expressed I am alone responsible. My object, however, has not been to write a book of impressions of South Africa : that is a task I leave to more competent members of our party. Nor have I attempted to write a full and exhaustive account of all the incidents of the British Association's tour. It can be readily under- stood that when so many and varied opportunities were afforded us to make visits to places of interest, it was impossible to avail myself of them all : time would only permit of my selecting those which most appealed to me. For instance, in Cape Town I elected to go with the excursion to Somerset West to see over the De Beers Explosive Works, on the same day that a great number of our party chose to accept the invitation of the Automobile Club for a ride of forty miles round Hout's Bay to see the magnificent scenery of the Cape of Good Hope. Or again, vii viii PREFACE while I was making the trek across the veldt from Bloem- fontein to Kimberley, described in this book, the great majority of our members journeyed thither by rail. I was, therefore, necessarily obliged to forego the pleasure of many experiences which others enjoyed, and of these I have attempted no description, as any information I could give would only be second-hand. I can but claim for my book that it is an account of my own personal experiences during the tour. I am indebted to Sir William Crookes for kindly revising the chapter " Concerning Diamonds," and to my friend S , from whose fine collection of photographs some of the illustrations have been prepared. I have also found the many admirable guide-books which were furnished to us by the local authorities invaluable for reference, and have availed myself of much information from their pages. J. S. B. Contents CHAPTER PAGB I. THE OUTWARD VOYAGE TENERIFFE . . I II. LAS PALMAS INCIDENTS OF THE VOYAGE. . . 8 III. ARRIVAL AT CAPE TOWN PROFESSOR DARWIN'S ADDRESS 1 6 IV. EXCURSIONS TO GROOTE SCHUUR KLOOF NEK THE OBSERVATORY DYNAMITE WORKS ... 26 V. ARRIVAL AT DURBAN CIVIC RECEPTION GARDEN- PARTY 37 VI. MOUNT EDGCOMBE SUGAR WORKS ZULU WAR DANCES 46 VII. ZULU WEDDING AT HENLEY 59 VIII. COLENSO, LADYSMITH AND THE BATTLEFIELDS . . 67 IX. ARRIVAL AT JOHANNESBURG THE MINES THE CHINESE QUESTION 80 X. GARDEN-PARTY AT LORD SELBORNE'S DOWN A DEEP- LEVEL MINE CONCLUSION OF PROFESSOR DARWIN'S ADDRESS QI XI. PRETORIA VEREENIGING BLOEMFONTEIN . . IOI XII. ON TREK BLOEMFONTEIN TO ABRAHAM'S KRAAL . 114 XIII. ON TREK VISIT TO CRONJE's LAAGER . . .124 XIV. KIMBERLEY CONCERNING DIAMONDS . . .136 XV. VISITS TO DIAMOND MINES DYNAMITE EXPLOSIONS UNDERGROUND WORKINGS 145 XVI. BULAWAYO 154 XVII. THE MATOPO HILLS 163 ix x CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE XVIII. THE VICTORIA FALLS 1 74 XIX. LIVINGSTONE ISLAND PALM KLOOF . . . .185 XX. RETURN TO BULAWAYO SALISBURY MISSIONARY WORK IN SOUTH AFRICA EDUCATION OF THE NATIVES ........ 196 XXI. UMTALI VISIT TO ANCIENT RUINS A MIDNIGHT DANCE OF NATIVES 208 XXII. BEIRA A PORTUGUESE BANQUET MOZAMBIQUE . 2l6 XXIII. MOMBASA A TRIP UP THE UGANDA RAILWAY . .224 XXIV. GULF OF ADEN RED SEA SUEZ . . . .233 XXV. CAIRO THE PYRAMIDS TRIP TO THE BARRAGE AU NIL 243 XXVI. A DRAMATIC INCIDENT CAIRO MUSEUM SUEZ CANAL 254 XXVII. MEDITERRANEAN STROMBOLI MARSEILLES HOME . 265 List of Illustrations THE VICTORIA FALLS Frontispiece CAMP'S BAY To face page 29 RICKSHA BOYS 37 A BEVY OF DUSKY BEAUTIES .... S3 ZULU WEDDING THE BRIDE .... 59 LADUMA AND HIS INDUNAS .... 6 1 ZULU GIRLS CARRYING KAFFIR BEER ... 65 THE BRIDE'S PROCESSION 66 KAFFIR HUTS AT HLANGWANE HILL ... 71 THE GRAVE OF THE LATE PRESIDENT KRUGER . IOI MEAL-TIME ON THE VELDT .... 127 CECIL RHODES' STATUE, BULAWAYO ... 158 A HALT AT THE MATOPO HILLS. ... 163 ZAMBESI RIVER, ABOVE FALLS .... 175 THE RAILWAY BRIDGE, VICTORIA FALLS . 179 IN THE RAIN FOREST l8l AT LIVINGSTONE DRIFT 185 NAME TREE ON LIVINGSTONE ISLAND . 189 LOOKING ALONG THE GORGE .... 195 A RHODESIAN FOREST 2IO ARRIVAL AT THE GOVERNOR'S HOUSE, BEIRA . 2l8 A BAOBAB TREE 232 IN THE COURT OF THE MEHEMET ALI MOSQUE . 243 BY THE BANKS OF THE NILE .... 255 XI Itinerary Southampton Teneriffe Las Paimas Ca.peto