COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. Stanbopc flbreas F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE ANALYSIS, that valuable tool of Science, can obviously be used only when the basal elements or units are recognized and under- stood. In geologic science it was early realized that a far greater insight into the character and significance of rocks than that afforded by their bulk composition is gained by knowledge of the kinds and proportions of their constituent minerals, which stand in relation to geology much as do the elements to chemistry. In consequence, mineralogy changed from an engaging phase of the collecting mania to a fundamental requisite in our study of the rocks, and microscopic petrography evolved as its specialized application to these natural associations of the minerals, whereby understanding of the nature and origin of materials forming our planet has been greatly extended. One class of geologic bodies, the ores, relatively neglected in earlier stages of geologic advance, have of late years received in- creasing attention, partly because of their inherent interest, partly because they so sensitively record as to illuminate many complex geologic processes, but above all because of their enor- mous economic importance. Microscopic study of ores, however, was on a basis now known to be one-sided and inadequate, until application of the reflecting microscope, virtually beginning with Campbell's paper in 1906, permitted as minute and satisfactory observation of the opaque, metalliferous minerals, as had long been possible for the transparent varieties. This new method, quickly adopted by numerous American investigators, has already demon- strated its immeasurable value and is rapidly disclosing new and unsuspected truths regarding the opaque minerals. Indeed, it opens an entire new field of geologic science that promises to do for the ores what petrography has done for the rocks; for this the name " Mineralography " is herein proposed. One serious handicap, lack of adequate means for identifying the mineral varieties, has hindered the fullest development and delayed wider adoption of this new method. Several lists of iii 340247 iv PREFACE properties of certain minerals and one or two essays at more systematic identification have appeared. However, the necessity for completeness, emphasized by Dana, for mineral determina- tion in general, is even greater for the opaque varieties, owing to the closely similar properties of many. In other words, no determinative scheme for the opaque minerals can be satisfactory or reliable unless it includes them all. It cannot be concluded, for example, that a given mineral grain is tetrahedrite, because in certain tests it behaves like that species it is necessary to prove that the grain in question actually ia tetrahedrite and not something else, such as bournonite or polybasite, which closely resemble it in many ways; even the probabilities of the case cannot be relied upon, for it is now evident that many supposedly rare minerals are actually rather common in sulphide ores, are often of important geologic significance, and can in no case be safely ignored. The scheme of determination of opaque minerals here presented embraces nearly every species of recognized identity that could be secured from the principal mineral collections of the United States, and thus includes many names probably familiar only to the pro- fessional mineralogist. One, who, like the geologist of a mine, may wish simply to examine the intimate relations of the minerals in a familiar ore, might therefore conclude that this treatise is too purely scientific and detailed for the needs of a busy, prac- tical man. But he may be assured that even the simplest sulphide ore is more than likely to hold unsuspected constituents whose identity and significance, when determined, may prove of direct value. Nor is specialized training or technique a pre-requisite to intelli- gent use of this plan of identification. Intricacies of crystallog- raphy and optics, essential to thin-section petrography, and generally mastered only under expert instruction, are not here involved; absence of the diagnostic optical properties of trans- parent minerals is balanced by ease of applying physical and chemical tests to the polished surface; even the microchemical reactions need not be understood to be used correctly. Prac- tically the only requirement is to follow the simple directions indicated and the plan of indexing employed will lead almost automatically to the proper result. The entire scheme may be mastered by any one possessing common sense and a good eye. PREFACE V In the matter of equipment, likewise, the demands are modest. Though elaborate instruments are advisable under certain cir- cumstances, satisfactory results may be secured with the simplest outfit. Almost any microscope, for whatever purpose designed, may be adapted for this study at slight expense by attaching a prism reflector that permits Daylight illumination. Or a satis- factory microscope may be had complete for less than $30.00. Mounting clay, glass tubing, and a few reagents complete the necessary equipment for examination, while the specimens may be prepared without delay by means of a file, emery cloth, chamois skin and rouge, if better means are not at hand. For the opaque minerals this determinative method should in time largely sup- plant blowpipe analysis, since it can in most cases yield better and quicker results with equal or greater simplicity, and perhaps as cheaply, if widely adopted. Notwithstanding its fitness for elementary and for practical determinative uses, this text is intended equally for serious re- search. Mineralographic methods show that to a far greater degree than is true of the transparent species, the sulphide min- erals tend to be microscopically mingled and intergrown in most intimate fashion, also that they may undergo serious alteration of which no outward sign may exist. In consequence, the compo- sition ascribed to many species is discredited, the right to stand as independent species is disproved for others, and new species as yet unnamed have appeared, even in specimens from the best-known collections of the country identified unquestionably with the greatest accuracy possible hitherto. In short, the min- eralogy of the sulphides needs complete revision. Henceforth, he who describes or analyzes an opaque mineral, without first establishing its purity by closest mineralographic scrutiny, dis- counts his own reliability and that of his results. In more practical directions, the wide applicability of this method of mineral investigation may be indicated by a list of typical problems it has solved in materials submitted to the Harvard laboratories: (a) Method of occurrence and state of combination of gold, silver and other metals in ores as affecting choice of treatment to be adopted. (6) Condition of metals lost in mill tailings (up to 100-mesh powders) and in slags, that suitable improvements in recovery may be applied. Vi PREFACE (c) Extent and effect of roasting and of subsequent leaching of sulphide-bearing tailings from concentration. (d) Character of furnace mattes, whether homogeneous or complex. (e) Various practical geological problems difficult or impossible of solution otherwise, such as determining whether metal values in churn-drill pulps are primary or are due wholly or in part to secondary enrichment; also distinction between primary and secondary chalcocite. The investigation embodied in this book originated as one of the essential preliminaries to a study of mineral occurrence and alteration being carried on by the Secondary Enrichment Inves- tigation. It has been steadily pursued by Dr. Murdoch since 1911 and has had the benefit of trial in actual practice by members of the Secondary Enrichment staff and in the Harvard labora- tories during the last two years, also in the Geological Depart- ment of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during the past year. L. C. GRATON. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. August, 1915. CONTENTS PAGE FRONTISPIECE '. PREFACE iii-vi INTRODUCTION 1 HISTORY 1 IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT 3 PREVIOUS WORK 4 SCOPE OF PRESENT WORK 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY 16 TECHNIQUE OF MINERALOGRAPHY 19 POLISHING 19 MOUNTING 23 EXAMINATION 24 MAGNIFICATION 25 PHOTOGRAPHING 25 COLOR COMPARISON 26 HARDNESS DETERMINATION 29 MlCROCHEMICAL TESTS 30 METHOD OF APPLICATION 30 REACTIONS 31 REAGENTS 32 MINERAL COMPOSITION AND IDENTITY 33 OBSERVED MIXTURES 36 PROBABLE MIXTURES AND DOUBTFUL MINERALS 38 PLAN OF CLASSIFICATION 40 COLOR 40 COLORED 40 WHITE 40 GRAY 41 TRANSPARENT AND GANGUE MINERALS 41 EFFECT OF SURFACE ON COLOR 42 HARDNESS 42 MlCROCHEMICAL TESTS 42 EXPLANATION OF TABLES 42 DIRECTIONS FOR USE 42 EXAMPLES 43 ' CROSS-REFERENCES 44 ABBREVIATIONS 45 OUTLINE OF THE CLASSIFICATION 47 TABLES FOR MINERAL IDENTIFICATION 57-152 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES 153 CONDENSED DETERMINATIVE TABLE 154 ODOR AND STREAK OF MINERALS 156 MINERALS TABULATED BY ELEMENTS 157 INDEX OF MINERALS 163 vii MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS * INTRODUCTION HISTORY THE microscope was first applied to the study of thin sections of transparent minerals in 1828 by Nicol, 41 but the first prac- tical use of it in studying thin sections was made in 1851 by Sorby. 40 This method of investigation has now been brought to a high point of efficiency and perfection. By means of the petrographic microscope, transparent minerals can be identified, and their most minute relationships observed, so that this instru- ment has gone far towards solving many of the important prob- lems connected with ore and rock genesis, mineral constitution and alteration. The ordinary petrographic microscope is thus entirely satisfactory for the study of minerals which appear transparent in thin section, but, for the following reasons, loses much of its value when applied without modification to the study of ores, in which most of the important minerals are opaque. In grinding a thin section, one of the fundamental requisites is to secure a plate of uniform thickness, as nearly plane as possible on both sides, with no difference in relief developed between hard and soft minerals. In this way comparison, which would not be possible otherwise, may be made of the different optical properties of minerals. But even with modern methods of prep- aration, if the surface is ground so that the harder minerals are perfectly smooth and shiny, the softer ones will be polished out, and the section will go to pieces; consequently the best that can be done in producing the plate of uniform thickness is to leave its surface microscopically rough. When observed by means of reflected light, the opaque minerals in such a section appear so rough that only the larger relations are usually apparent and they reflect in the desired direction so little light, that it is frequently Note. The determinative tables of this book, in practically their present form, con- stitute the principal portion of a thesis presented as part of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Harvard University. 2 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION difficult or impossible to differentiate between closely similar minerals, without some further means of testing. Moreover, with vertical illumination, the coverglass on a thin section reflects much of the light before it reaches the section, so a dim image is produced, and the difficulty of accurate observation is increased. Until recently, however, most microscopic investigation of the sulphide minerals has been accomplished in this way. In 1814, Berzelius 6 polished a section of pyrrhotite, in the hope of ascertaining why the composition was variable, and found another sulphide intergrown with it, showing a different color. He does not mention using a microscope in this examination. In 1863, Sorby 40 published an account of the microscopic examination of polished surfaces of iron. His methods of examination were practically those use.d today by metallographers, though of course the apparatus and methods of polishing have since been improved. This marked the beginning of the science of metallography, but the method was not applied to the examination of opaque minerals until 1885, when Baumhauer 4 polished some bornite and noted microscopically admixed chalcocite, chalcopyrite and galena, and gave some micro-drawings of the sections. Then, in 1887, A. A. Julien, 21 in studying pyrite, examined the smooth and etched natural surfaces of crystals with the Sorby reflecting microscope. He did not artificially polish any of his specimens. In 1904, E. Hussak 19 studied microscopically some polished surfaces of titanif- erous magnetite from Brazil, and also etched and photographed them. About 1900, William Campbell, a metallurgist, polished and examined under the metallographic microscope, some specimens of natural pyrrhotite in order to ascertain, if possible, the cause of their magnetic quality; he was at once so much impressed with the possibilities of this method for the study of opaque ores, that he determined to pursue the subject further. In 1906 he published a paper 12 describing rather fully the application of metallographic methods to opaque minerals, giving details of manipulation and examination of specimens. This paper, in which for the first time was emphasized the extreme value to the geologist and mineralogist of the method so successfully employed for metals and alloys, may be said to mark the be- ginning of the serious application of the reflecting microscope to opaque ores. Though Campbell's paper attracted a considerable t < , , OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 3 amount of attention at the time of its publication, for several years following little was published involving the use of this method. More recently there has been rapidly increasing evi- dence of the use of this means of examination by students of mining geology, though its practice is still mainly confined to this country. IMPORTANCE OF THE SUBJECT The examination of opaque minerals and ores by the reflecting microscope is now established as a definite branch of geologic investigation, and merits a designation of its own. For this, the term " mineralography " is suggested; it is analogous to " pe- trography," which now commonly implies the microscopic study of rocks, and to " metallography," the microscopic study of metals and alloys, while its etymology signifies its relation to the broad science, mineralogy, as petrography is related to the more inclusive subject, petrology. The possible objection that the subject is really narrower than its name implies, since it deals with only one division of minerals, is also applicable to crystal- lography, which does not claim to usurp the entire field of crystal study, and to metallography, which deals only with certain features of metals; and indeed, it is because petrography has in practice been limited to less than its name implies, that there is room and need for this new subject, mineralography. Petrog- raphy and mineralography are complementary, and together will cover both the rocks and the ores. By the methods of mineralography the appearance and struc- tures of opaque minerals can be observed as accurately and easily as those of transparent species in the ordinary thin section. Mining geologists are beginning to realize that the careful micro- scopic study they have been giving to the transparent gangue minerals in ores yields only a part of the information required, and that it is necessary to gain equally detailed and accurate knowledge concerning the microscopic relations of the opaque minerals, which are, in fact, the most important constituents of most ores. It is in this direction that the subject will find its widest economic application. Mineralography should also be of the greatest assistance to the mineralogist, in determining the purity of opaque minerals. Examination of several thousand ore and mineral specimens shows 4 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION that even well-crystallized material is commonly very impure and quite unsuited for accurate determination of mineral compo- sition. To secure a few grams of even the common sulphide minerals unmixed with other species usually requires long search; rarely does a polished surface a centimeter square show the presence of only one constituent. It also has been shown that the variable composition or doubtful character of a number of minerals is due to mechanical mixture of two or more constituents, and undoubtedly others will be similarly explained. Accordingly, there is imperative need for mineralographic examination to accompany chemical investigation of the opaque minerals, because without it, the significance of the analysis must be in doubt. Besides, it will save the time and expense of analysis of material that is in reality impure. This branch of geologic science is undoubtedly one of great promise, capable and worthy of development to a high point of efficiency, and comparable in value to the study of transparent minerals by the petrographic microscope. Before any conclusions can be drawn from the study of a pol- ished section it is absolutely essential to be able to identify the minerals it contains. As yet, however, no comprehensive sys- tematic scheme of opaque mineral identification has been published, and accordingly each investigator has had to work out his own problems in identification, with little help from others. It is clear from the fact that various minerals are mentioned in papers dealing with mineralographic descriptions, that the writers have devised some means of identification, but in most cases these are not given, and undoubtedly some determinations have been erroneous. PREVIOUS WORK The following paragraphs briefly summarize all the published data on opaque mineral identification found in careful search through the literature. 1814. Berzelius 6 sliced and polished pyrrhotite, and observed that it was veined through by a different colored mineral, so that he could distinguish the two by their colors. He did not use a microscope. 1885. Baumhauer 4 noted the importance and desirability of microscopic examination of polished surfaces of opaque minerals in reflected light, since meteorites had been successfully studied OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 5 in that way. He examined polished sections of massive bornite from Chloride, N. M., and saw many included areas of bluish gray chalcocite. He developed different crystal grains in the bornite by etching a short time with HNOa, and also observed that the chalcocite, etched a short time with concentrated HN0 3 , developed " a kind of striation" having different directions in different grains. Some areas etched more deeply than others. He noted that chalcocite was as hard as bornite, and showed no cleavage. He also noted a little chalcopyrite, but did not describe its characteristics, and certain areas of a mineral whiter than chalcocite, full of triangular pits, which he suggested might be galena, but about which he would not commit himself. It is clear from his description and drawing that it was really galena, as the characteristics he describes are conclusive and his drawing confirms these. 1887. l Julien 21 described the appearance of crystal faces of pyrite. 1897-8. Beijerinck 5 wrote a very important paper on the electric conductivity of minerals, especially the opaque varieties. He sometimes used polished surfaces to give the " pattern " of impurities on a gelatine plate, formed by local electric currents set up by the differences of potential of the different minerals. He said that he discovered impurities in his material this way. He did not, however, study these polished sections with the microscope. 1904. Hussak 19 polished titaniferous magnetite, etched it with strong HC1, and thereby developed a distinction between ilmenite, which did not blacken, and magnetite, which did. 1906. Campbell 12 suggested the possibilities of identification by different reagents, and by different colors and appearances of minerals. - Campbell and Knight 13 described the appearance of niccolite, smaltite, argentite, silver, and two unknown minerals, from Cobalt, Ontario, but gave no record of tests. 1907. Campbell and Knight 14 summarized briefly a few -char- acteristics of the Sudbury ore minerals as follows: Chalcopyrite. Clear yellow color. Takes a good polish. H. - 4. Its color is its chief distinguishing characteristic. 6 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION Magnetite. Steel gray color. Polishes very well* but more slowly than chalcopyrite. H. = 5.5 6.5. It etches differentially along cleavage planes, often yielding a " grid- iron " structure. Pentlandite. Light bronze color. Polishes better than pyrrhotite; is not so brittle. H. = 4. Sometimes shows a distinct cleavage. Easily distinguished from pyrrhotite by etching. Pyrite. Pale brass color. Polishes with difficulty. Retains scratches long after other constituents. H. = 6 - 6.5; therefore it polishes in relief. Pyrrhotite. Light bronze color, similar to pentlandite. More brittle than pentlandite and shows a more pitted surface. H. = 4. By immersing in hot HC1 (1 acid to 1 water) pyrrhotite is attacked, pentlandite is not. 1908 Simpson 37 summarized the characters of a few minerals as follows: Bornite. Copper red to pinchbeck brown in color. H. = 3. Easily attacked by nitric acid. This acid gives the bornite a tarnished appearance. When with pyrite, an extremely smooth surface of this mineral is difficult to obtain, on account of the great difference in hardness be- tween the two.- Chalcocite. Blackish lead gray in color. H. = 2. When etched with nitric acid, a distinct blue color is ob- tained. This is the best means of identification. Chalcopyrite. Color, brass yellow. H. = 3.5 4. The color is the best characteristic. Soluble in nitric acid. Enargite. Color steel gray to grayish black. H. = 3. Soluble in Aqua Regia only. Its insolubility in nitric acid is the best means of distinguishing it from chalco- cite. Pyrite. Its pale brass yellow color is one of the best means of identification. On account of its hardness, it retains scratches long after the other constituents. H. = 6 - 6.5. Etched by nitric acid. * Probably because in the Sudbury ores, magnetite is present in small grains in a softer matrix. QLO OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 7 These colors were apparently taken by Simpson from the descriptions in a text-book on mineralogy, and do not in all cases represent the colors on the polished surface. - Warren 44 described briefly the appearance of magnetite and ilmenite (in titaniferous magne.tite) etched by strong HC1, and unetched, saying that the ilmehite appeared as bright gray, narrow strips, and the magnetite as duff black. - Koenigsberger 22 devised a method for observing the optical character of opaque minerals in reflected light. He used a re- flecting prism for a vertical illuminator, and employed a Savart plate of calcite, a movable plate of plane glass and one nicol. The magnification recommended was about 100 diameters. The apparatus was adjusted with an isotropic metallic mirror so that the Savart bands were not visible when the glass plate was hori- zontal, but appeared when this was rotated vertically through a large angle. Isotropic minerals behave like the glass, but anisotropic minerals show the Savart bands, with four positions of extinction and four of greatest brightness, as the stage is rotated. His claims are as follows: He could distinguish the relation be- tween optic and crystal symmetry by means of a contrast plate attached in front of the prism illuminator. By the determina- tion of extinction angles on oriented sections, he could discriminate between monoclinic and orthorhombic minerals. If a mineral is weakly anisotropic, it may be confused with isotropic minerals. Some minerals are isotropic for one color of light, and not for another. He could tell whether or not symmetry is reached by hidden twinning. When crystal faces are not available, isotropism or anisotropism can be determined more easily this way than by study of any physical properties. He found that a basal plate of molybdenite was isotropic. Hematite, pyrite, chromite, frank- linite, argentite and tetrahedrite are also isotropic on basal sec- tions. Pyrrhotite, parallel to the base, is made up of feebly anisotropic parts. Glaucodot is feebly anisotropic perpendicular to the vertical axis; chalcopyrite is strongly anisotropic. Chalco- cite is isotropic on the base. Manganite, columbite, hematite and ilmenite are quite strongly anisotropic. For a fuller description of Koenigsberger 's apparatus and methods the reader is referred to his paper, 22 or the translated abstract in Winchell's Optical Mineralogy. 46 He laid great stress on the necessity of very careful and perfect polish, and recom- 8 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION mended chrome oxide for the final polish. Little success appears to have attended the trial of this method in this country and the validity of some of his premises is not universally accepted. 191 i. Laney 24 etched chalcocite with nitric acid, and devel- oped cleavages in it, which he suggested were prismatic and basal. Lee 26 investigated a number of minerals on the polished surface, and gave an elaborate table of tarnish colors and coatings formed by various reagents. His plan involved etching the whole speci- men, and moreover it appears that he was unable to secure a good polish on his minerals, so that the difficulty of identification, especially of small areas, seems too great for practical use of his methods. Below is given a list of the minerals studied by Leo. Pyrrhotite Pyrite Barnhardtite [mixture] Pentlandite Marcasite Linnaeite Millerite Bornite Cubanite [mixture] Horbachite Chalcopyrite Polydymite - Lincoln 27 gave a valuable table for the identification of gold minerals and some associated minerals. This table is reproduced on the following page. 1912. Bastin 2 mentioned galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite, polybasite, proustite and stephanite, but does not give determinative criteria for all. He noted the triangular pits in galena, and gave the following characteristics of polybasite. " The freshly polished surface (of polybasite) has much the ap- pearance of chalcocite . . . but unlike chalcocite it does not tarnish or etch readily when treated with HN0 3 . When treated with concentrated HN0 3 , a tarnish begins to appear on this mineral at about the same time that it appears on the chalcopyrite of the ore. When the chalcopyrite shows a faint peacock tarnish the polybasite exhibits a yellowish brown color, in places showing slight iridescence. In specimens where the polybasite is present in too small amounts to be isolated, it may be identified in the polished section by this characteristic behavior with HN0 3 ." - Singewald 38 said that on the polished surface etched with hot HC1, ilmenite appears bright and unaltered, and magnetite is some- what dull black. -Brunton 10 described the same minerals as Singewald. He could see no difference on the unetched surface between ilmenite and magnetite. He also polished rutile, and said it has a reddish tinge. OLO OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS I 3 fl "" c3 ^^ ^2 C5 C^ ^5 O O O ' O O as r. f ' / 43 43 43 CO 02 OS o o oo o < oo O O ^^^^^^ w 0| f-> *-* fcH - 1 " 3 ^ ** coo 3 <* oW^3 fl rt 00 00 o o o o g-- o 1 II PQ 1 te 42 42 42 *?. o o .2 .2 |l lUfll S S W n PQ PQ pQ 0) 0) OJ - 333 1-1 _ _ .cc .2 02 00 02 ^ GO ^5 GO ^ O3 O flNl3 flSfiCGCc W I 5 I" 1 ^O^g^O^O^O^ bfl bC 2 1 1 | -s 43- ^ 2-5 43 43 43 43 43 S I if 1 si 8 8 s s a a a CO PnCC CO >CO CO CO CO CO CO ^O >> g 1 ll 1 ll * ^o % & oo J>i 03 QJ QJ Oj o .t2 .t2 .-S .t2 s 1 12 2 2S 1 1 ^ i 1 & . .2 . ^^ * t> I S 3 '^ ^^ I t* 1 11 -5 cTS ^ ^^ o3 43 >> , >i cj J5 OfC S 1^0 C3 -2 I 1 1 5 a 1 > bC N M ^ "^ rt "^ m "3 Other commor minerals . . . 10 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 1913. Graton and Murdoch 17 gave a brief account of the sig- nificance of the commoner sulphides in ores of copper, with no attempt to give other determinative characteristics than are implied by manner of occurrence. 1914. Thompson 41 described the appearance of the following minerals. Chalcopyrite, smooth, bright brass color. Pyrrhotite, generally pitted, distinctive light bronze. Galena, dazzling white. Sphalerite, smooth, blue. Chalcocite, etched by nitric acid. Tetrahedrite ] ... \ no criteria given. Bornite j -Bruce 9 has assembled a number of tests made by pre- vious investigators, and has added a considerable number made by himself. In addition he gave brief notes on manipulation and chemical tests, and listed a few reactions for elements, as follows : Iron. Fresh K 4 Fe(CN) 6 + acid gives deep blue. Nickel. First a mixture of HNO 3 and tartaric acid is applied, and allowed to evaporate, then touched with a drop of dimethyl- glyoxime, freshly made ammoniacal, which gives a brilliant red. Copper. A mixture of HNO 3 and K 4 Fe(CN) 6 gives a deep red. With iron present, also, this is followed by green. Manganese. Most manganese minerals are soluble in HC1, giving a deep brown solution, which is rendered colorless by addition of H 2 2 . Silver. First HNO 3 , which is allowed to evaporate, then is touched with HC1, giving a white precipitate. Lead and mercury minerals give the same. Bismuth. First HN0 3 , evaporated, then HC1 added. Then water is added, producing a white precipitate. Bruce's table of tests is given below. I. MINERAL BY INCLINED ILLUMINATION is YELLOW. A. Etched by HC1. Pyrrhotite. Bronze yellow. Surface rough. Reacts for Fe. B. Etched by HN0 3 , not by HC1. (a) Without noticeable tarnish or deposit. Pyrite. Pale yellow. Slightly rough. Reacts for Fe. OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 11 Marcasite. Pale yellow. Slightly rough. Reacts for Fe. Precipitates Ag (?). Millerite. Slightly rough*. Reacts for Ni. (6) With tarnish. Chalcopyrite. Deep yellow. Rough. Reacts for Fe and Cu. Iridescent tarnish. C. Not attacked by single acids. Gold. Deep yellow. Smooth. Amalgamates with Hg. II. MINERAL is WHITE A. Etched by HC1. B. Etched by HN0 3 . (a) With no tarnish or deposit. Smaltite. Rough with bright facets. Gives Ni test. Arsenopyrite. Rough with bright facets. Becomes gray with reddish spots. Reacts for Fe, not for Ni. Leucopyrite.* White. Very rough. Reacts for Fe. Silver. Smooth. Reacts for Ag. Bismuth. Smooth. Reacts for Bi. (6) With deposit. Arsenic. Chalky white deposit. Antimony. Chalky white deposit. C. Unattacked by single cold acids. Cobaltite. Slightly rough. Etched by HNO 3 . Niccolite. Slightly rough with reddish tinge. Treated with Aqua Regia reacts for Ni. III. MINERAL is BLACK OR GRAYISH BLACK A. Etched by HC1. Magnetite. Shows intersecting parting planes. Etches easily. Fe reaction. Franklinite. Fairly smooth. Etches less readily than mag- netite. Ilmenite. Fairly smooth. Etches very slowly. Hematite. Steel gray. Smooth. Red streak. Manganite. Dull black. Brown solution. Psilomelane. Brown and black areas. Brown solution. Braunite. Black. Etches to bluish black. Brown solution. * Same as lollingite. 12 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION Alabandite. Smooth, grayish black. Very easily attacked. (40 sec.) Pyrolusite. Black fibrous surface. Soft. Brown solution. B. Etched by HNO 3 , not by HC1. (a) Without tarnish. Enargite. Dull grayish black. Etches to fibrous structure. Cu test. Argentite. Smooth dull black. Ag test. Sectile. Stephanite. Smooth dull black. Ag test. (6) With a tarnish. Chalcocite. Smooth black. Etched to a bluish tarnish, later becoming peacock colors. Bornite. Pitted. Purple color. Etches to a peacock tarnish. Reacts for both Fe and Cu. (c) With a deposit. Galena. Smooth black. Etches easily, with a yellow de- posit. Bournonite. Smooth dull black. Etches easily, with yel- lowish opalescent deposit. Cu test. Stibnite. Smooth dull black. Etches fairly slowly to a fibrous structure with a chalky deposit. Tetrahedrite. Smooth. Bluish black. Etches with an opal- escent deposit. Reacts for copper. C. Unattacked by single acids. Molybdenite. Chromite. Cassiterite. Black deposit by electric etching. Columbite. This paper, dealing with 37 species, is the most extensive so far published on opaque mineral identification, and is intended as a summary of results up to date. In etching, Bruce used con- centrated acids for periods of several minutes, so that the reactions are in many cases quite different from those produced by the more dilute reagents and shorter time of etching advocated in the present book. It is not clear, however, why oblique illumi- nation alone has been employed for Bruce's determinations. This has been found of considerable service in examining trans- parent sulphides, like sphalerite or ruby silver, but this result may easily be obtained by cutting off the vertical illumination temporarily. Experience has indicated that vertical illumination OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 13 is more effective in the case of opaque minerals, since the per- fectly smooth surface of any opaque substance, regardless of its real color, will appear black, or nearly so, with oblique light, except with very low powers; and a rough surface, which alone will show the true color of tha mineral by inclined illumination, is extremely undesirable from* many standpoints. - Rogers 44 stated that magnetite has a rough surface ; hematite is rather smooth, faintly scratched; bornite and chalcopyrite are easily recognized by their colors. He also said that with plane polarized light, covellite shows pleochroism, deep blue (parallel to the plane of vibration of the nicol) to light blue (perpendicular to this). -Kraus and Goldsberry 23 examined polished bornite crystals to ascertain their purity, and analyzed material from the same crystals, but gave no determinative criteria for identifying this mineral. 1915. Chamot 15 published a valuable book on microchemistry, giving microchemical tests for the elements, manipulation, etc., and methods of polishing, intended especially for metals and alloys, but applicable to a great extent to opaque minerals as well. Thompson 43 mentioned the following minerals but gave no criteria for their identification: Pyrite, chalcocite, bornite, chal- copyrite, covellite, enargite, sphalerite, tetrahedrite and a white alteration product of enargite. Following earlier work by others, he etched covellite and enargite with KCN and stated that it developed a structure in them. From this summary it is evident that a considerable number of the commoner and some of the rarer opaque minerals have been studied and described, and in addition undoubtedly much valuable work of this nature has been done, but not yet pub- lished. Nevertheless, no systematic attempt appears to have been made to cover the whole field of the opaque minerals, and little attention has been paid to standardization of methods, many of which appear to have been developed without regard to previous work. In consequence, much effort has been wasted in duplica- tion, and variable results have often been obtained, while most of the opaque minerals have been left without means of determination by the microscopic method. 14 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION SCOPE OF PRESENT WORK In 1911, a mineralographic investigation of some of the sulphide ores of copper was undertaken by L. C. Graton and the author. 17 It was at once seen to be very essential to know what the differ- ent ore minerals looked like, and how they behaved chemically, under the microscope. Accordingly, many previously deter- mined specimens of the commoner opaque minerals were assembled and studied, and thus it was possible to reduce materially the uncertainties in determination, and often in interpretation of structure. The author has continued the determinative part of this work in the laboratory of Mining Geology of Harvard University, and the present book is the result of investigations carried on over a period of nearly four years. It does not discuss the paragenesis or significance of the minerals and structures involved. The great importance of these problems is evident, but this book has been strictly confined to mineral identification. It is devoted solely to determination of the physical and chemical properties of the opaque minerals, as observed under the micro- scope, with a classification of these data in such form as to permit their ready application to problems of identification, somewhat after the manner of Brush and Penfield's or Johannsen's deter- minative tables. The primary object has been the production of a practical and simple scheme of mineral identification, and accord- ingly only those lines of investigation have been pursued which contributed directly toward this end. Further work will probably modify some of the results attained, especially when extended to additional associations of minerals and to sub-species and varia- tions not yet studied. The methods of investigation will also doubtless be improved, b.ut the present results have been found to afford a practical means of mineral determination and may serve as a ground work for future research in a field that promises to be of great importance. In a work dealing with so new a field, however, errors and omissions are likely to be found, and notice of any such will be much appreciated. The collection studied includes 186 definite minerals, a few of which are as yet unidentified, or perhaps new; a few mixtures, with known and with unknown constituents, which have been previously regarded as true minerals, and as such have been given mineral names ; and some definite varieties of known species, such as the argentiferous tetrahedrite, freibergite. The minerals have OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 15 been assembled from the collections of various mineralogical mu- seums, with some from private collections and mineral dealers. The list comprises a few metallic elements and oxides, and prac- tically all the minerals of the sulphide and sulpho-salt groups, in- cluding selenides, tellurides and arsenides. A few, like cuprite or the ruby silvers, are transparent, but are included because of their character and associatiens. Tfiere are a number of named species not represented, but only a few of these are true minerals, most of them being admittedly mixtures, or very dubious. In the case of each mineral, specimens from two or more local- ities have been secured and studied, whenever possible, as a check on the uniformity of the findings, and specimens previously determined by chemical or crystallographic methods have been given preference in every instance. Nevertheless, many species are represented by but a single specimen, and in order that the reader may judge of the reliability of the determination, the number of localities from which specimens have been secured and studied has been put in parentheses after each mineral name in the Index of Minerals, (n) indicates more than five localities. When only one specimen was available, or when the mineral is dubious, a letter or symbol is added to indicate the value of the description. Thus: G = Reliable. F = Probably reliable. ? = Doubtful. For example, there is only one specimen of glaucodot in the collection, but it is a large crystal, definitely identified. This, of course, increases the value of the observa- tions on this mineral, but does not assure that its properties would be constant in different localities. It has been found, however, that specimens of the same mineral from different localities usually correspond very closely. For the commoner minerals, especially, this fact has been established by observations on hun- dreds of specimens of ore from various parts of the world. The author wishes especially to express his indebtedness to Professor L. C. Graton, of Harvard University, for much valuable advice and helpful criticism throughout this work, and for sup- plying much material of great value to the study. Professor J. E. Wolff and Professor Charles Palache, of Harvard University, have very kindly furnished much material from the Museum Collections, and have given information that has been of great assistance. Professor Waldemar Lindgren, of the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, has been kind enough to give this 16 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION work, in manuscript form, a practical trial and to offer valuable suggestions. To the generosity of Mr. W. A. Roebling of Trenton, N. J., is due the opportunity to study many very rare and valuable specimens of his collection, thereby adding greatly to the complete- ness of the work. Much valuable material has been obtained through the courtesy and generosity of Drs. G. P. Merrill and J. E. Pogue of the National Museum at Washington; Professor W. E. Ford of Yale University; and Dr. L. P. Gratacap of the American Museum of Natural History, N. Y., to whom grateful acknowledgment is made. The spirit which has led numerous practicing geologists and engineers to transmit interesting and unusual materials from many parts of the world is also much appreciated. BIBLIOGRAPHY The following list includes the titles of all papers known to the author, in which use has been made of mineralography whether dealing directly with mineral identification or not, or which have been referred to in preparing this work; it may be regarded as fairly complete. The papers are referred to by number in the text. 1. ALLEN, E. T. Private communication. 2. BASTIN, E. S. Metasomatism in downward sulphide enrichment. Econ. Geology, Vol. VIII, 1912, p. 51. 3. - - Geology of the pitchblende ores of Colorado. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 90-A, 1914. 4. BAUMHAUER, H. Ueber die mikroskopische Beschaffenheit eines Bunt- kupfererzes von Chloride (New Mexico). Zeitschr. fiirKryst., etc., Vol. 10, 1885, p. 447. 5. BEIJERINCK, F. Ueber das Leitungsvermogen der Mineralien fiir Elektri- citat Jahrb. fiir Min., etc., Beilage Band 11, 1897-8, pp. 403-474. 6. BERZELIUS, J. J. [note] Gilb. Ann., Vol. XLVIII, 1814, p. 209. 7. BEYSCHLAG, VOGT and KRUSCH. Ore deposits, Vol. I. Translated by S. J. Truscott, London, 1914 (original, 1909). 8. BOYLE, A. C., JR. Geology and ore deposits of the Bully Hill mining dis- trict, California. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., Vol. XLVIII, 1914, pp. 67-114. 9. BRUCE, E. L. Microscopic tests on opaque minerals. School of Mines Quarterly, Vol. 35, 1914, p. 187. 10. BRUNTON, S. Some notes on titaniferous magnetite. Econ. Geology, Vol. VII, 1912, p. 670. 11. BUTLER, B. S. Geology and ore deposits of the San Francisco region, Utah. U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 80, 1913. OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 17 12. CAMPBELL, W. The microscopic examination of opaque minerals. Econ. Geology, Vol. I, 1906, p. 751. 13. and KNIGHT, C. W. A microscopic examination of the cobalt nickel arsenides and silver deposits of Temiskaming. Econ. Geology, Vol. I, 1906, p. 767. 14. The microstructure ol nickeliferous pyrrhotite. Econ. Geology, Vol. II, 1907, p. 350. 15. CHAMOT, E. M. Elementary chefcnical microscopy. New York, 1915. 16. FINLAYSON, A. M. The pyritic deposits of Huelva, Spain. Econ. Geol- ogy, Vol. V, 1910, pp. 357 and 403. 17. GRATON, L. C. and MURDOCH, J. The sulphide ores of copper; some re- sults of microscopic study. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., May, 1913, p. 741. 18. HARRINGTON, B. J. On the formula of bornite. Am. Jour. Sci., 4th series, Vol. 16, 1903, p. 151. 19. HUSSAK, E. Ueber die Mikrostruktur einiger Brasilianischer Titanmag- neteisensteine. Neues Jahrb. fur Min., etc., Vol. I, 1904, p. 94. 20. JOHANNSEN, A. Manual of petrographic methods. New York, 1914, p. 572. 21. JULIEN, A. A. On the variation of decomposition of the iron pyrites, its cause and relation to density. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. IV, 1885, p. 141. 22. KOENIGSBERGER, J. Ueber einen Apparat zur Erkennung und Messung optischer Anisotropie undurchsichtiger Substanzen und dessen Verwen- dung. Centralblatt fur Min., etc., 1908, pp. 565, 597. 23. KRAUS, E. H. and GOLDSBERRY, J. P. The chemical composition of born- ite and its relation to other sulpho-salts. Am. Jour. Sci., 4th series, Vol. 37, 1914, p. 539. 24. LANEY, F. B. The relation of bornite and chalcocite in the copper ores of the Virgilina district of North Carolina and Virginia. Econ. Geology, Vol. VI, 1911, p. 399. 25. LEE, M. L. A geologic study of the Elisa mine, Sonora, Mexico. Econ. Geology, Vol. VII, 1912, p. 324. 26. LEO, M. Die Anlauffarben. Dresden, 1911. 27. LINCOLN, F. C. Certain natural associations of gold. Econ. Geology, Vol. VI, 1911, p. 247. 28. LINDGREN, W. Mineral deposits. New York, 1913. 29. and WHITEHEAD, W. L. A deposit of jamesonite near Zimapan, Mexico. Econ. Geology, Vol. IX, 1914, p. 435. 30. RANSOME, F. L. Copper deposits near Superior, Arizona. U. S. Geol. Survey., Bull. 540, Part I, 1914, p. 139. 31. RAY, J. C. The reflecting microscope in mining geology and metallurgy. Min. & Sci. Press, June, 1914, p. 922. 32. - - Paragenesis of the ore minerals in the Butte district, Montana. Econ. Geology, Vol. IX, 1914, p. 463. 33. RIDGWAY, R. Color standards and nomenclature. Olney, 111., 1912. 34. ROGERS, A. F. Upward secondary sulphide enrichment and chalcocite formation at Butte, Montana. Econ. Geology, Vol. VIII, 1913, p. 781. 18 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 35. Secondary sulphide enrichment of copper ores with special reference to microscopic study. Min. & Sci. Press, October, 1914, p. 681. 36.. - The chemical composition of bornite. Science, new series, Vol. XLII, 1915, p. 386. 37. SIMPSON, J. F. The relation of copper to pyrite in the lean copper ores of Butte, Montana. Econ. Geology, Vol. Ill, 1908, p. 628. 38. SINGEWALD, J. T. Microstructure of titaniferous magnetite. Econ. Geol- ogy, Vol. VIII, 1913, p. 207. 39. - The titaniferous magnetites of the United States, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Bull. 64, 1913. 40. SORBY, H. C. On the microscopic structure of the calcareous grits of the Yorkshire coast. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. VII, 1851, pp. 1-6. 41. - Preparation of transparent sections of rocks and minerals. Northern Microscopist, Vol. II, 1828, pp. 101-106, 133-140. 42. THOMPSON, A. P. The relation of pyrrhotite to chalcopyrite and other sulphides. Econ. Geology, Vol. IX, 1914, p. 153. 43. - The occurrence of covellite at Butte, Montana. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Bull. 100, April, 1915, p. 645. 44. TURNER, H. W. and ROGERS, A. F. A geologic and microscopic study of a magmatic copper sulphide deposit in Plumas County, California, and its modification by ascending secondary enrichment. Econ. Geology, Vol. IX, 1914, p. 359. 45. WARREN, C. H. Petrography and mineralogy of Iron Mine Hill, Cumber- land, R. I. Am. Jour. Sci., 4th series, Vol. 25, 1908, p. 15. 46. WINCHELL, N. H. and WINCHELL, A. N. Elements of optical mineralogy. 2d Appendix. New York, 1909. 47. BERG, G. Mikroskopische Untersuchung der Erzlagerstatten. Berlin, 1915. (This came to hand too late for more than a brief note. Berg has classified a number of the commoner ore minerals by their appearance in reflected light (in thin sections) and by their different microchemical behavior. He apparently has not used polished sections.) TECHNIQUE OF MINERALOGRAPHY P ( OLISfflNG The mineral to be examined %hould be polished so that it has rather large areas shiny, or very smooth, and free from pits, and should have few or no scratches. This relatively perfect polish is necessary in this work, as a much pitted or scratched surface often obscures the true color of a mineral, and may even modify somewhat the microchemical reactions. For example, some of the hard minerals, like hematite or magnetite, appear gray instead of white, if the surface has not at least fair-sized areas free from pits. Minerals, like pyrite, which scratch instead of pitting, should not be polished too shiny after they have reached a con- dition permitting identification, as this would develop too much relief as compared with adjacent softer minerals a thing which is not desirable. Campbell 12 and Ray 31 give accounts of polishing methods for which the reader is referred to their respective papers. Other workers have variations of their own, and individual preferences will differ. The following method has been found most satisfactory in the opinion of the author. FIG. 1. Polishing Apparatus. The grinding apparatus used is Sauveur's machine for polishing steel. (See Fig. 1.) It consists of a horizontal spindle with two vertical iron discs 8 inches diameter and f inch thick, run at about 19 20 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 1200 revolutions per minute. This gives four polishing surfaces. The first is a J-inch carborundum wheel laid against one side of the first iron disc. The carborundum wheel that gives best results is a mixture of 40-, 60- and 80-mesh carborundum, soft- bonded, so it will not readily clog or grow dull.* On the other side of the first disc is stretched a heavy canvas cover, armed with 220-mesh carborundum powder, mixed with water to a thin pasty consistency, and applied to the revolving wheel with a flat brush about 1| inches wide. The other disc is covered on both sides with broadcloth, to which is similarly applied a very thin paste of tripoli powder, on one side, and of rouge on the other. The rouge and tripoli used in polishing steel are quite satisfactory for minerals, and if carborundum powder is not available, flour emery instead may be used on the canvas wheel. Specimens varying in size from over two inches in diameter down to the smallest piece that can be held in the fingers may be handled on these wheels. Preferably, the rough chips are about half an inch to an inch square and half an inch thick, and with one fairly even side or face to begin with, as by polishing on this face, time is saved in the grinding. The surface may be most rapidly flattened by pressing it diagonally against the corner of the carbo- rundum wheel, before applying it to the smooth side of the wheel. The carborundum wheel is generally used dry, but may be fed with water if the specimen to be ground is brittle, or likely to be injured by heating. In either case, it is often advisable to cool the specimen from time to time by a moment's immersion in water. On delicate specimens, a diamond saw may be used instead of this wheel, but for general work, the carborundum wheel is more satisfactory and much cheaper. The purpose of the carborundum wheel is to cut a flat surface preparatory to the real polishing. It is also used to bevel off the edge of the ground face all the way around, which must be done to avoid the danger of tearing the cloth of the other wheels by sharp or irregular pro- jections. When this has been done, the specimen and the hands are carefully rinsed, to remove any particles of carborundum or loose fragments of the specimen, and this procedure is repeated after the operation on each wheel has been completed and before passing to the next wheel. * The Carborundum Company's specifications are as follows: Grit 403; Grade M; Bond B3. HITE/ COLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 21 Then the specimen is applied to the canvas . wheel, which is kept wet and well supplied with carborundum powder. Here the pits produced by the coarse wheel are ground out, and the harder minerals, like magnetite or pyrite, are given practically whatever polish they are to receive. I^it'tle or no relief is developed here, and the wheel is very valuable Jor producing a plane surface free from pits. Most specimens should be kept here longest, so as to save time and trouble later on. Very soft or brittle specimens, like massive chalcocite, should be started on this wheel, to avoid " burning " or cracking by heat on the carborundum wheel. Con- siderable pressure may be applied here, but it is desirable that this be lessened at the end of grinding, to make the scratches less deep. When the surface is plane and unpitted, and the specimen and hands have been rinsed, polishing on the third, or tripoli, wheel is begun. The specimen should not be pressed heavily, but only moderately, against this wheel. Here the softer min- erals, such as chalcopyrite, are polished, though usually with fine scratches still visible. This wheel also develops relief, by attacking the softer without much affecting the harder constitu- ents. Too great relief is not desirable, as the hard constituents would then stand high and prevent the formation of a flat surface on the softer ones, which, though shiny, would then appear grooved and uneven, and their relationships would be obscured. More- over, these hard minerals, if projecting prominently, tear the surface of the cloth, and wear it out very rapidly. All these difficulties are avoided by removing most of the pits on the canvas wheel, and not polishing too long or too hard on the tripoli wheel. When the softer minerals appear smooth, the specimen is again rinsed, and transferred to the last, or rouge, wheel. This usually does little more than give a burnish to the specimen, but in the case of chalcocite, or a similarly soft mineral, considerable polish- ing is done here, and the scratches from the tripoli wheel are removed. This final burnish is very important, but it is not usually necessary to polish on this wheel more than five or ten seconds. The specimen is then dried by wiping thoroughly with a soft cloth, or by rinsing in alcohol and drying in an air blast, as any moisture will injure the surface of the rouge block, to which the specimen is next transferred for the last step in its preparation. The rouge block consists of a piece of chamois skin stretched over a flat block of wood and fed with a little dry rouge. On this 22 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION the specimen is rubbed briskly, but without excessive pressure, for a few seconds, to give it a final burnish, and to remove any films or specks of dirt that may have adhered to the surface. The rouge block must be kept free from all grit and dirt, as this would scratch and mar the surface of the specimen. It should be kept covered, except when in actual use, and all mineral or dirt frag- ments removed by brushing. After a moderate amount of practice, in which experience is gained as to the appropriate pressure to apply, and the minimum of time required to produce the desired effect, an average specimen may be polished in six or seven minutes. Specimens too small to be held in the fingers may be polished by first mounting them in partly melted sealing wax, and a flat surface produced before the wax hardens by pressing the wax containing the chip, face down on a wet glass plate, or by laying the piece face down on a wet glass and running melted wax over it. Then the wax and specimen together may easily be polished. Of course it is not to be put on the dry carborundum wheel, as the heat of friction would melt the wax, but is to be started on the canvas. For polishing powders, or small grains of minerals, the following procedure is convenient. A flat surface of sealing wax is softened, and the powder sprinkled thickly over this. It may be pressed in by the finger while the wax is still soft, or melted in by additional heat. Then the softened surface is pressed on a wet glass plate, so as to produce a flat surface, which is polished in the ordinary way, except that in the case of fine powders, the tripoli wheel is the coarsest one used. By this means, al- most impalpable powders may be polished and studied, and it is especially valuable for the examination of churn drill pulps, mill tailings or concentrates, powders and minute fragments of synthetic minerals, or tiny crystals of rare minerals. In the case of crystals, polishing may be done in carefully oriented direc- tions, and a number of oriented surfaces may be polished on a single piece. Crystal-lined vugs, or crusts of crystals, may be filled with melted wax and polished down carefully without destroying either the crystals or their arrangement or injuring the polishing wheels. Fusible alloys, or dental enamel, may be used instead of wax, especially for mineral grains that are hard and apt to tear out when polished. H OLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 23 The method of polishing outlined above, or a similar one, is very desirable as a time- and labor-saving arrangement, but is not absolutely essential. As a matter of fact, even at a remote mine or prospect, satisfactory polished sections may be secured without an excessive expenditure of ti^tie, with nothing more elaborate than a file or two, a number of sheets of emery paper of varying degrees of fineness, a strip of chamois skin and a little rouge. If a grindstone is available, of course much time can be saved in preparing a flat surface on the ore chips. Glass plate Specimen / Mounting wax SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW FIG. 2. Method of Mounting. MOUNTING Specimens may be mounted for examination on the stage of the microscope in any one of a number of ways by which the polished surface is held perpendicular to the axis of the microscope. It has been found convenient to mount the specimen, by means of a lump of modeling wax, on a metal plate 3 inches long, 1 inch wide and J inch thick. The polished surface is made parallel to the bottom of the mount by pressing it down with a piece of plate glass until this rests on the top of a metal ring of uniform height, conveniently about f inch, which is placed temporarily on the steel plate and around the specimen. (See Fig. 2.) This is a modification of Campbell's cup method. The mounted specimen may then be placed on the microscope stage without need of further adjustment. To permit chemical and physical tests on the polished surface directly under the microscope, a type of in- strument that holds the specimen with the polished surface upward should be used, but for other purposes, instruments employing in- verted mounting are as satisfactory. 24 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION EXAMINATION For the microscopic examination of polished surfaces of opaque minerals, an ordinary metallographic microscope is used. This carries a special reflector, called a " vertical illuminator/' screwed into the microscope tube like an objective, by means of which light is directed vertically downward on the polished surface, and reflected back from this up through the instrument to the eye. Any ordinary microscope, t>h&t permits sufficient elevation of the tube to admit the vertical illuminator and the mounted specimen, may be used for this work. If the petrographic micro- FIG. 3. Prism Illuminator. FIG. 4. Plane Glass Illuminator. FIG. 5. Short-mounted Objective. scope is used, the analyzer ordinarily should be thrown out. For use with daylight, the vertical illuminator is a totally reflecting prism (Fig. 3) ; with artificial light, more even illumination is secured by the use of a reflector consisting of a plane glass disc (Fig. 4). If daylight is used, care must be taken also to avoid reflec- tions from buildings, trees, or clouds, as these affect the colors of minerals. For the most accurate results, an open, cloudless sky is necessary; moreover it must not be too late in the afternoon, as the quality of light changes rapidly then, and becomes somewhat polarized. In using objectives of higher power than about 16 mm. by daylight, the short-mounted form (Fig. 5) should be used, as with the ordinary mounting only a narrow strip across the field is properly illuminated by the prism. The most satisfactory artificial light has been found to be that of an electric arc, reduced in intensity by passing through a ground glass screen. This gives practically the same color values as daylight. The colors of minerals have been standardized by this light or daylight. Methods of comparing colors under the microscope will be found on page 26. All bright oblique light should be shut off from the specimen by a screen which allows light from the side to fall only on the aperture of the vertical illuminator. This WHITE/ OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 25 will eliminate the confusion arising from the mingled effects of vertical and oblique light. For observing transparent minerals, the screen is removed, and the aperture of the vertical illuminator closed, so that oblique light alone falls on the surface, and by this means their color by transmitted light may be observed, even in very small grains. MAGNIFICATION The most convenient magnification for ordinary purposes is about 50 diameters, but frequently 200 may be employed to ad- vantage. For very detailed examination, by artificial light, this may be increased to 800 or more (with an oil immersion objective). In daylight, 400 diameters is about the upper working limit, as above this the image is usually too faint and blurred to be observed accurately. In some cases a low power objective, or even a hand lens, may be used advantageously to observe the larger relationships of minerals. PHOTOGRAPHING Microphotographs of polished specimens can be made with little difficulty. They are very useful for purposes of record and comparison, and in written reports give a clearer idea of the material than could possibly be conveyed by a lengthy description. Microphotography may be accomplished by attaching a camera box to the end of the microscope, which itself serves as the camera lens. Artificial light is usually employed and the ground glass screen omitted, to permit of shorter exposures. In general, the equipment and procedure are the same as in metallography. The colors of the common minerals occurring in ores, however, such as chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, etc., require the use of color screens to develop contrast between two or more minerals which in white light may have almost the same photographic intensity. For instance, with an ordinary contrast plate and no color screen, in the combinations bornite and chalcocite, covellite and chalcocite, and chalcopyrite and galena, the compo- nent minerals have practically the same color values, and often the contact between them is hardly visible. But with a mono- chromatic screen which will make one of each pair appear dark, beautiful results may be obtained. For color screens, Wratten and Wainwright light filters have been used with great success in this sort of microphotography, and 26 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION the following grades have been employed: K2 = yellow; A = red; B = green; C = blue. The red of course can be used success- fully only with panchromatic plates. The others can be used with Cramer Contrast or Seed L ortho, non-halation plates. The following data will serve as a guide in photographing these or similar combinations of minerals. WHITE LIGHT. Cramer Contrast plate sphalerite and galena ; etched chalcocite; pyrite, galena, or chalcopyrite, in gangue. YELLOW SCREEN. Cramer Contrast plate bornite and chal- cocite; bornite and chalcopyrite; covellite and chalcocite; covellite and chalcopyrite; pyrite and chalcopyrite; " mottled chalcocite." GREEN SCREEN. Cramer Contrast or Seed L Ortho (n.h.) plate - same as with yellow screen, but Cramer Contrast requires very long exposure, and Seed plate does not give so bright a negative. The yellow screen is better in most cases. BLUE SCREEN. Cramer Contrast or Seed L Ortho plate - chalcopyrite and chalcocite; tennantite and enargite. RED SCREEN. Panchromatic plate covellite and bornite. The preceding paragraphs apply best to pairs of minerals, but when three or more are to be photographed the best combination to use is Seed's L Ortho, or a panchromatic plate * with the K2, or yellow screen. This will give nearly the true color values to a complex combination of minerals, such as sphalerite, galena, chal- copyrite, tennantite or tetrahedrite, bornite, and gangue, a not unusual assemblage in certain types of sulphide ore. The table of exposures given on the following page is not com- plete, but covers the parts likely to be of use in ore photography, both as regards magnifications and combinations of minerals. COLOR COMPARISON The accurate determination of the colors of minerals is one of the most important steps in their identification, and for this reason demands careful attention. It is also one of the most difficult things to accomplish, and for the most precise distinctions requires a certain amount of practice. The importance of color is due to the fact that in reflected light more than three-quarters of the sulphide minerals are white, or nearly white, and in con- * Very recently the Eastman Kodak Co. has put on the market the Wratten M Plate, especially designed for microscopic photography. It is highly efficient, and their accom- panying booklet, " Photomicrography," is also highly to be recommended to workers in this line. HI OLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS EXPOSURES 27 Screen None Green "B" Yellow "K2" Blue " C " Red "A" Plate C.C. SLO C.C. w+w SLO C.C. W+W SLO C.C. W+W' W+W Magnification: 45 55 65 85 130 170 250 300 375 750 840 1670 1 2 "l'* '."Si' 60' 1*15 > 2 2^ 3 4 5 7 10 ' 15 "Y .... 'ii' "2 2 '2 "4" 3 6 2* 5- 5+ 10 3* 12+ 20 | 10 12 15 Key: SLO = Seed L Ortho, non-halation plate. C. C. = Cramer Contrast plate. W + W = Wratten and Wainwright Panchromatic plate. * = minutes. Ordinary figures indicate seconds. Note. These exposures are figured for the B. & L. Model D Balopticon, but the same proportions will hold for light of different intensity. sequence comparatively delicate distinctions must be made to separate this large class into smaller groups which may be more readily sub-divided by microchemical tests. Fortunately many of these minerals possess various tints, such as creamy, or bluish, or grayish white, and may conveniently be separated into groups, by comparison with a standard. The primary standard is pure galena, and the position in the color scale of every white mineral is estab- lished by its appearance when compared with galena. There are also subordinate standards for the different qualities of white, such as silver (pure, not coin silver) for the creamy white minerals, tetrahedrite for the grayish white, and cuprite for the bluish white. For distinctly gray minerals, dark colored sphalerite may be used, if necessary. The comparison may be made in several ways. The essential principle is to get the two objects to be compared as close together as possible in the field of vision. The following method has been used in this work and found to be very satisfactory. Each of the color standards is so ground that one side of the polished surface is bounded by a straight line;- the specimen to be compared is similarly prepared and is mounted, together with the standard, so that the straight edges of the two are in contact and the two 28 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION polished surfaces are in the same plane, and can be directly com- pared under the microscope. (See Fig. 6.) Exceedingly delicate comparisons of color may be made in this way, and usually it is easy to prepare the specimen, though in the case of small grains in- cluded in other minerals the specimen has to be cut down care- standard Metal plate New mineral Standard mineral / Mounting Metal plate SIDE VIEW Mounting: TOP VIEW FIG. 6. Method of Comparing Colors. fully until an area of the mineral in question is at the straight edge. Another method employs a comparison eyepiece, which projects the images from two separate objects into one eyepiece, so that one- half the field is occupied by the image of one object and the other half by that of the other. This has the advantage that a small area in the middle of a specimen may be easily and quickly com- pared with the standard. The beginner in this work may at the very outset experience some difficulty in this matter of color determination, but it has been found that the ability to distinguish minute differences in color grows very rapidly with experience, and it is astonishing how much more can be seen after a week's work than at the start. As stated above, these determinations are comparative, with an arbitrary standard, because the eye is not accurate enough to carry such slight differences. Moreover, except in the case of the distinctly colored minerals, the differences are so slight that even spectroscopic measurements of the reflected wave length would probably be ineffective. The books on colors and color standards deal with far brighter colors than most of the tinted white minerals show. Ridgway's book on " Color Standards and Nomenclature/' 34 giving 1100 named colors, is the best and latest of its sort. He gives colored plates reproducing the shades and tints of the spectrum colors, with a white blank for comparison with the lightest tint of each color. Unfortunately, except for the distinctly colored and gray minerals, which are relatively few in number, all the sulphide minerals have colors falling some- where between pure white and his lightest tint, usually much / COLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 29 nearer the white end, so his standards are of little use in this connection. HARDNESS DETERMINATION Hardness is often indicated by the character of the polish which a mineral will take. Very tiafd minerals may be either shiny and very much pitted, like magnetite, or dull and scratched, like pyrite. Medium minerals are smooth, or somewhat pitted, ac- cording to their brittleness. These can usually be smoothed off rather easily. Enargite is often considerably pitted, especially with insufficient polishing. Soft minerals practically always have a smooth, unpitted surface, but they are usually very easily scratched. An exception is galena, which usually shows triangular pits, not removed by later polishing, where fragments have been torn out along the cubic cleavage by the coarse grinding. Or- dinarily even minerals with perfect cleavage give no indication of this on the polished surface. c edle^- Handle j Needle FIG. 7. Needle Mounted for Testing Hardness. For determining the hardness of opaque minerals on the pol- ished surface, it is convenient to use a fine needle (No. 10 Sharp), mounted at an angle of about 30 to a J-ounce handle, 5 inches long. (See Fig. 7.) The idea is to have weight enough in the handle, when held near the middle, to cause the needle point to scratch soft minerals without additional pressure of the hand. This may be handled directly under the microscope, so that very small areas may be tested easily. Careful investigation with specially designed apparatus per- mitting accurate determination of the hardness of minerals on the polished section indicates that many minerals possess distinctly dif- ferent hardness in different crystal directions, so that two random sections of the same mineral in a polished section might give discord- ant results on accurate measurement, and lead to the erroneous supposition that two different minerals were present. On this ac- count, it has not been considered advisable in this work to carry this determination of hardness too far, lest confusion arise from the over- lapping of hardness ranges of various minerals. Accordingly, only three degrees of hardness are recognized: high, medium and low. 30 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION With oblique light, harder minerals in contact with softer ones show a bright rim on the side of the harder mineral towards the direction of illumination (reversed, of course, in the field of view of the microscope). With the prism illuminator this effect is most delicately observed when the area under observation is close to the edge of the field of view nearest the observer. This is the best method of determining the relative hardness of minerals. MICROCHEMICAL TESTS Microchemical tests are the most important of the means of classification, and in most cases are absolutely necessary, owing to the fact that very many minerals have practically the same phys- ical characteristics. (PI FIG. 8. Pipette. Method of Application. The desired chemical reagent is best applied by means of a capillary pipette, so that a very small drop may be placed on the polished surface. This drop should be be- tween 0.25 mm. and 2 or 3 mm., though in some cases it is allow- able to use a larger drop, if the area of the mineral to be tested is considerable. The pipette may be made of small soft glass tubing drawn out to a fine point, so that the opening is about 0.25 mm. in diameter. It is convenient to have the tip of the pipette bev- elled, to facilitate the flow of reagent when the instrument is touched in an inclined position to the specimen. (See Fig. 8.) The surface to be tested must be made absolutely clean by first rubbing on the rouge block, as any dirt or grease may not only render diffi- cult the deposition of a drop of the reagent on the surface, but also may retard or prevent reaction which would otherwise take place, and so nullify the test. A separate pipette should be provided for each reagent and labelled appropriately. After using, the pipette should invariably be freed of excess reagent, either by washing or otherwise; failure to observe this precaution may lead to annoyance and even to erroneous results. The application of the reagent may generally be best performed directly in the field of view of the microscope, so that any point may be selected and treated, thus permitting the testing of very small grains of a mineral surrounded by other opaque minerals or by gangue. (See Fig. 9.) This is important, as hybrid reactions are often obtained by etching mixtures of minerals, leading to HI OLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 31 confusion in identification. This method of application of the reagent has the advantage that the very beginning of a reaction may be observed, and. the result followed through to the end. This is very essential for some reactions, which start almost in- stantly, and would be too far advanced to observe if the specimen had* to be taken from under the microscope, fne reagent applied, and the specimen replaced for in- spection of the effect. Moreover, instead of spoiling the whole specimen, only so much of the surface is etched as is desired, so that comparison, may be made immediately of etched and unetched areas of a mineral. Reactions. After the reagent is applied, a reaction is watched for. If there is no indication that any change is beginning, either in the mineral or reagent (except pos- sibly that the latter evaporates rapidly), in about twenty seconds, the reaction is pro- nounced negative. If there is a reaction, its rate, and the changes both in reagent (coloration, evolution of gas, etc.) and mineral, must be carefully noted. Then FlG - 9. Method of Using Pi- ..! . . .1 . .1 pette (hardness may be tested without unmounting the specimen, the re- f n the v same way / usmg t ,he agent is gently rinsed off with water or al- mounted needle. See Fig. 7). cohol, and before rubbing, which would destroy any coating that had been formed, the specimen is examined again to observe the nature of the change, whether tarnish, or coating (black by vertical, and white or colored by oblique, light), or solution of the surface, shown by a roughening, with or without blackening. Sometimes etch-figures are developed. Some minerals are tarnished by acid fumes, while the acid itself leaves them apparently unchanged; this results in a halo of alteration surrounding the drop of reagent, but no evident attack on the area actually covered by the drop. Then the specimen is dried off, rubbed on the rouge block and again examined, to determine whether the tarnish or coloration of the mineral is persistent, or whether it rubs off, leaving a clean surface with practically the original color of the mineral. The different types and speeds of reaction are often very im- portant in distinguishing minerals, several of which might be at- 32 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION tacked by the same reagent, but in different ways. It is therefore necessary to note carefully each feature of the reaction. Some reactions are affected by the presence of other minerals. In testing very small areas, the drop of reagent necessarily overlaps onto the surrounding minerals, some of which may be affected. Calcite is particularly apt to obscure reactions with acid by neu- tralizing the reagent so quickly that it does not have time to make appreciable attack on the mineral for which it was intended. This possibility of interference of other minerals is the one perhaps most likely to cause erroneous results, but with the exercise of care in suspicious cases, difficulties may usually be avoided. In case of doubt, it is best, wherever possible, to find a grain of the mineral in question large enough entirely to hold a small drop of the reagent. Reagents. The following reagents have been used, to greater or less extent : the first eight have been found most useful. With further work, undoubtedly other reagents will be found to prove valuable in special cases. The symbols or abbreviations in the list below are the same as those used in the determinative tables of this book. LIST OF REAGENTS 1. HN0 3 Concentrated nitric acid diluted with equal volume of water. 2. HN0 3 cone. Concentrated nitric acid. 70% (sp. gr. 1.42). 3. KCN 20% solution. 4. HC1 Concentrated hydrochloric acid diluted with equal volume of water. 5. HC1 cone. Concentrated hydrochloric acid. 37% (sp. gr. 1.19). 6. Aq. Reg. Freshly made Aqua Regia (3 HC1 + HN0 3 ). 7. FeCl 3 20% solution. 8. KOH Concentrated solution. 9. NaOH Concentrated solution. 10. NH 4 OH 28% solution. 11. (NH^S*. 12. Iodine Solution in alcohol. 13. KsFe(CN) 6 20% solution. 14. K4Fe(CN) 6 20% solution. 15. H 2 S04 dilute or concentrated. 16. AgN0 3 3% 10% solution. 17. KClOs Saturated solution, followed by cone. H 2 S04. The reagents are used cold, unless otherwise stated. Hot reagents are desirable in certain cases, though they usually have to be applied to the whole surface, thus making it necessary to re-polish the specimen for further examination. - WHITE/ COLOR MINERAL COMPOSITION AND IDENTITY THE microscopic examinatioiUiOf polished surfaces is competent to detect mechanical mixtures of minerals, even when exceedingly minute. Moreover, it may be relied on to perceive even very slight color differences, due not to mechanical mixture, but to variation in chemical composition. Finally, specimens, which have been shown by crystallographic or other means to belong to the same species and which appear physically similar under the microscope, may show differences in microchemical behavior which must signify that the mineral in question is actually variable in chemical composition. It must be borne in mind, however, that color differences may also be caused by difference in perfec- tion of polish; the variations due to actual differences in composi- tion, however, are ordinarily exceedingly slight, while those due to imperfection of surface may be avoided by taking sufficient care in polishing, but with growing experience due allowance can be made for the effect produced on the true color by minute pits and scratches. For purposes of discussion of composition and identity, miner- als may conveniently be divided into a number of groups according to the prevailing view. 1. Minerals of thoroughly established identity and constant composition, such as pyrite or chalcopyrite. 2. Minerals of definitely established identity and variable com- position, such as tetrahedrite or polybasite. 3. Minerals of fairly well established identity, supposed to be constant in composition, such as mohawkite. 4. Minerals described as definite species though believed by some to be mixtures, like cubanite. With regard to these groups, mineralographic examination leads to the following conclusions. 1. The validity of this group is clearly established. 2. Some members of this group have been shown to owe their variable composition to the presence of other elements in chemical combination with the normal constituents of the mineral. This 33 34 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION variation in some cases does not appear to affect the physical or microchemical properties. Here, for example, belongs pyrrhotite, which has a variable amount of sulphur in excess of FeS, but which does not show any perceptible variation in properties and appearance under the microscope. Thus it appears that in the case of solid solutions, such as pyrrhotite has been shown to be, the variation may not appear in any way other than by a chemical analysis. In other cases there are small but perceptible differences, as in the case of polybasite, which shows by analysis a rather wide variation in composition, as regards the ratio of bases present. The analyses of the tetrahedrite-tennantite series (Cu 8 Sb 2 S 7 - Cu 8 As2S 7 ) are so variable that Hintze and Dana give different formula, and even then have to assume that various metals replace the copper to a greater or less extent. As a matter of fact, microscopic examination of many specimens shows that these minerals, even in good crystals, have a strong tendency to be intergrown with other sulphides, thus giving, in most of these instances, a simple explanation of the variation in composition shown by the analyses, and also accounting for many of the extra metals present. Pure material of this series shows but slight variation in color, the pure arsenic and pure antimony compounds being slightly though distinctly different, while the intermediate members of the series frequently cannot, without very close scrutiny, be distinguished from either end member. The copper may be in part replaced by silver, without change in color, though the microchemical properties are affected. It is quite probable that other metals may occur similarly, without changing the phys- ical properties of the mineral. Steinmannite, which is galena with chemically combined arsenic and antimony, exactly resembles galena in physical properties, but is somewhat different in microchemical behavior. Many analyses of galena show the presence of other elements, such as arsenic, antimony, silver and sometimes bismuth, which the microscope has shown to be chemically combined with it, and which change only the microchemical properties. Some so- called argentiferous galenas are found on microscopic examination to contain small amounts of distinct silver minerals, which account for the silver content in these cases. The various cobalt and nickel arsenides (such as smaltite, skut- OLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 35 terudite, chloanthite, etc.) occur in mixtures with all proportions of these various minerals, along with minerals not belonging to the series. The crystals appear to be zoned, and this structure is generally revealed by etching, if not visible before. It is also sug- gested by differences in solubilities that have been noted in pre- vious chemical work on these hiinerals. Inclusions of minerals not of the series have a strong tendency to take the form of suspended droplets or blebs in the host, like an emulsion. It is accordingly not surprising that analyses, even of crystals, have given variable results, and consequently some of the formulae assigned to these minerals are probably wrong. Other members of the second group owe their supposed variation to mechanical admixture, such as bornite. Analyses of bornite have varied between wide limits, and though it has long been recognized that this variation is usually due to mechanically admixed chal- cocite, it has been a great question whether bornite really is of constant composition or not. In 1905, Harrington 18 analyzed pure material from several localities, both massive and in crystals, and established the definite formula CusFeS^ which has since been generally accepted. Mineralographic study has shown that very rarely indeed is absolutely pure bornite found in amounts large enough to analyze, and that the usual impurity is chalcocite, either intergrown with it, or formed in it as the result of altera- tion, though chalcopyrite is not uncommon, and other sulphides also occur. A large area of especially pure massive bornite, subjected to a careful geometric analysis on the polished surface, revealed only about 0.3 per cent of impurity, quite uniformly dis- tributed through the material and consisting of chalcocite, chal- copyrite, tetrahedrite and galena. Selected portions of this material were sent for analysis to Dr. E. T. Allen of the Geo- physical Laboratory in Washington. Dr. Allen's results 1 agreed with Harrington's and also with determinations which he made on some of Harrington's material and on other specimens of pure bornite, thus positively confirming Harrington's formula for the mineral. Furthermore, mineralographic examination of polished surfaces of bornite from at least 30 different localities has revealed only an exceedingly slight variation in color, and practically none in microchemical behavior. In the face of all this concordant testimony and of the fact, noted by Harrington and confirmed by mineralographic examina- 36 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION tion of bornite crystals from Butte, Montana, and Cornwall, England, that many crystals of this mineral are pure externally but contain much intermixed chalcocite or chalcopyrite in the interior, the conclusion by Kraus and Goldsberry 23 that bornite is of variable composition must be regarded with doubt, especially as it appears that, although they sought to establish the purity of their material by microscopic examination with reflected light, they unfortunately failed to examine the material actually analyzed. Rogers 36 has come to the conclusion that the variability of bornite is due to the solid solution of chalcocite in bornite, and considers that Kraus and Goldsberry have proved that bornite really is variable in composition. This occurrence of an impure basal or central portion in crys- tallized material is found to be surprisingly common in most sulphides, and is a possible source of error which should be guarded against by selecting for analytical purposes only material that has been very carefully and thoroughly examined microscopically in several crystallographic directions. 3. Minerals of this group have been shown in many cases to be mechanical mixtures : mohawkite or schapbachite, for instance. 4. Some minerals of this group have been definitely shown to be mechanical mixtures, like cubanite, thus confirming the prevalent opinion about them. Sphalerite very frequently occurs filled with an " emulsion " of minute blebs or crystals of chalcopyrite, often arranged along crystallographic directions in the sphalerite. These would not appear in the hand specimen, and probably would not be visible even in thin section, especially if, as is apt to be the case, the sphalerite were rich in iron, and, hence, very dark. This same " emulsion " structure occurs in much greater perfection with bornite in chalcocite. Here there are often beautiful patterns of bornite droplets in the chalcocite, along both straight and curved lines. The droplets are often elongated in one direction, adding to the variety of the pattern, and approaching the typical " eutectic " structure. OBSERVED MIXTURES The following supposed mineral species, some of which have been regarded with doubt by mineralogists, have been shown with more or less certainty by mineralographic study to be mixtures OLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 37 of two or more minerals. Some of these constituents are known while some, mainly because of their minute size, are as yet uniden- tified and it is very probable that several of them are actually new species. Unknown constituents have been treated at the appropriate places in the determinative tables. Algodonite. A mixture, or yatergrowth of two unknown con- stituents, one creamy, the other grayish. The gray is rather less in amount, on the average. Determined in two specimens. Alloclasite. Probably glaucodot, or a similar mineral, with blebs of bismuth (?) and a bluish gray, soft mineral, scattered through it. There is also native gold, but this was recognized in the analyses. Only one piece was polished, but the material is typical, and undoubtedly the finding is reliable. The specimen appears like an emulsion of the softer minerals in the glaucodot. Animikite. Only one small specimen studied, but appears to be a mixture of several minerals. Possibly the study of more material would establish its identity more fully. Barnhardtite. A mixture resulting from the alteration of chal- copyrite to covellite and chalcocite. This has previously been recognized as a probable mixture, and the present determination, made on a piece of the type material, confirms this conclusively. Brogniardite. Appears in some specimens labelled brogniardite to be a mixture of ruby silver, galena (?) and possibly miargyrite; other specimens show a distinct mineral close to argentiferous jamesonite. Very dubious. Carrolite. Probably linnaBite with intergrown bornite and chalcopyrite. Differs only slightly from linnseite from Siegen, agrees with linnseite from Mine La Motte, Missouri, and is intimately intergrown with enough of the copper minerals to fur- nish the copper required by the formula ascribed to carrolite. This determination is not final, but is highly probable. Chalcopyrrhotite. Probably a mixture of chalcopyrite with pyrrhotite, and some chalmersite. This is not certain, but is highly probable. Cubanite. A mixture of pyrite or pyrrhotite with chalcopyrite. Four specimens, from different localities, were examined and none was homogeneous, so the conclusion that cubanite is not a definite mineral but a mixture is probably reliable. Domeykite. Three specimens have the same characteristics as algodonite. Another has mixture of cream and purple. 38 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION Harrisite. A pseudomorph of chalcocite after galena. Homichlin. Chalcopyrite altering to limonite, with a little chalcocite. This was determined on a large piece from the type locality, and is surely reliable. Keweenawite. A mixture of smaltite, niccolite, and domeykite, with usually a little stromeyerite (?) . Determined from two pieces, one identified by Kcenig himself as keweenawite, and is conclusive. Klaprotholite. Alteration product of an unknown creamy mineral (?) with bismuth (?) and covellite. This was determined on only one specimen and may not be reliable, though as the material came from the type locality, the validity of klaprotholite seems doubtful. Kobellite. Intergrowth of galena with a mineral like bismuth- inite or stibnite. Also determined on only one piece, which may not have been representative. Mohawkite. Mixture of two unknown constituents, one creamy and one grayish, like those in algodonite, but with more of the gray, and the two (algodonite and mohawkite) may not be exactly the same, though they appear very similar. Plenargyrite. Mixture of two unknown components, one soft and bluish, the other harder and creamier. Schapbachite. Practically the same as plenargyrite, but with slightly different properties. Smaltite. The group of cobalt and nickel arsenides shows prob- able zoning of different members in any one crystal, so that analyses cannot be relied on to show the composition of individual species. Tapalpaite. A mixture of creamy and grayish unknown com- ponents (?) Perhaps the creamy part is the true mineral. One good specimen studied. Temiskamite. A mixture of maucherite and niccolite, with a little cobaltite. Determined from the type specimen, and surely reliable. PROBABLE MIXTURES AND DOUBTFUL MINERALS The following names have been ascribed to certain supposed mineral species which are regarded in the standard text-books as doubtful. None of these has been examined by the author, but the similarity of the evidence in many cases to that for sup- posed minerals which actually have been examined, tends to indicate that examination would confirm the suspicion, and ac- WHITE/ COLOR OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 39 cordingly they are tentatively placed under this heading, pending investigation. The probable nature of each is indicated after the name. > indicates "altering to " or " altered to." For mean- ing of abbreviations see p. 46. Acanthite = Distorted argentite" Alisonite = gn > cv or cc Antimon-luzonite = famatinite? Arite = NiSb and NiAs (mixture) Arsenotellurite - Te, As, C? ? Barracannite impure material Beyrichite = impure polydymite Blueite = py Bolivianite - Ag, Sb, S? Bolivite impure material Bravoite impure material Cantohite = bn cv Castillite = bn and Ag? Clarite = en Clayite - Pb, Cu, Sb, As, S (altn. prod.?) Coolgardite impure material Corynite - Ni, (Sb As), S Crucite = arsenopyrite > hem- atite Cuproplumbite = gn > cc and cv Daleminzite = Ag 2 S (orth.) Danaite = Cobaltif . arsenopyrite Dimorphite As 4 S 3 ? Ducktownite impure material Durfeldtite - (Ag, Pb, Sb, S)? Fieldite = impure td. Folgerite = pentlandite Grunauite= impure polydymite? Guadalacazarite = Hgs and ZnS? Gunnarite = pentlandite Heazlewoodite = pentlandite Histrixite Cu5Fe 5 Bii4Sb 4 S37 (mix- ture)? Horbachite -4 Fe 2 S 3 Ni 2 S 3 (mix- ture) . Huascolite = gn and si? Jaipurite CoS? Joseite = tetradymite? Kaneite = Mn, As ? ? Kilbrickenite = geocronite Kroeberite (not analyzed) Lautite = en and As Ledouxite impure material Leviglianite Ag2S orth. and Fe? Marrite (not analyzed) Metastibnite St^Ss (amor- phous)? Miillerine = impure krennerite Nepaulite = td Orileyite = impure domeykite? Osbornite - Ca, Ti?, S, O (me- teoric) Pacite = impure arsenopyrite? Plumbomanganite (MnPb), S? Plumbostannite-Pb, Sn, Sb, S? Quirogite = impure galena Silaonite impure material Silverphyllinglanz = nagyagite?. Sommarugaite = Aurif. gers- dorffite Tombazite = py Valeriite - Cu, Fe, Al, Mn 2 , H 2 , O, S?? Warrenite = jamesonite and zinkenite Wehrlite - Bi, Te, S, Ag? Whartonite = pyrite Wolfachite near corynite Youngite - Pb, Zn, Fe, S, Mn? Zorgite = clausthalite + uman- gite? PLAN OF CLASSIFICATION THE plan of classification in the tables that follow is based first of all on the color of polished minerals as seen under the microscope. The next test is relief or hardness. Subordinate to relief in part of the tables, color is again employed as a basis for subdivision. Microchemical tests come last. COLOR The opaque minerals are here divided into three main groups primarily by determination of color that is, the color of the min- eral as observed alone under the microscope, not compared with anything else. If the mineral has a decided color, it is called colored. If very pale colored, or white, it is classified as white. If distinctly gray, it is put under that heading. Colored. If a mineral has a distinct color, its identification is very simple, as there are comparatively few colored opaque minerals. Chalcopyrite, for instance, is yellow, covellite is blue, etc. White. If the mineral is white, or approximately so, the identi- fication on the polished surface is more complicated, because a large majority of the sulphides fall in this class. It is, therefore, necessary to establish three subdivisions on the basis of hardness or relief. The subdivision with high relief needs no further color determination, except incidentally, but the other two, medium and low relief, are so extensive as to require still further subdivi- sions by color. This is made by color comparison with a standard, as described on page 26. It is exceedingly important that this step be made with care, because of the close similarity in appear- ance of many minerals. In fact, this is one of the most important and effective points in the classification, and without it the task of identifying a mineral in either of these groups would be tedious and difficult. With practice, the differences between the color subdivisions are easily recognized, the eye rapidly acquiring facility in detecting variations. To aid identification, in the case of minerals whose tints fall between two of the established groups, the mineral description in full is put in the group it appears to approach most closely and a reference to this is given in the ap- propriate place in the other group. Unfortunately, there are 40 WHITE/ COLOR ^^^^^IM^MMi^^^^^ ^v^ -^ OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 41 a number of such minerals, but it is believed that with the full cross-referencing no trouble will arise from this source. The secondary subdivisions by color, established by this com- parison, are as follows: Galena White. This term has been used to denote the color of galena itself, and in this group are placed, in one subdivision, all minerals that appear pure whitfe against galena, and in the other, all those the same color as galena, or only very slightly different. Creamy White. This is approximately the color of pure silver compared with galena, and in this group are placed all minerals appearing creamy white against galena. A division has been made of this group, using silver as a standard, into minerals paler than silver, or the same color, and minerals darker than silver. Bluish White. Minerals appearing bluish white against galena. Many of these are transparent. Pinkish White. Minerals appearing pinkish white against galena. Grayish White. Minerals appearing grayish white or grayish- greenish white against galena. Other color values within the limits of white exist, but they are too indefinite for separate grouping and are noted by a qualifying adjective in the description of the mineral's color. Gray. If a mineral is distinctly gray, it may be compared with dark sphalerite, though this is not usually necessary, and may be used as a supplementary test. Some hard white minerals polish with difficulty, and often appear gray, because finely pitted. Transparent and gangue minerals. Some sulphides are trans- parent. This property may be detected by observing with oblique light, which may be obtained by temporarily stopping the aper- ture of the vertical illuminator. Transparent red minerals, like cuprite or ruby silver, reflect the complement of their transmitted color and appear bluish. All the transparent sulphides have a very high index of refraction, and probably for this reason appear bright on the polished surface by vertically reflected light. Sphal- erite is the darkest of these and appears grayer than any other sulphide. Most gangue minerals are transparent, and practically all appear decidedly darker than sphalerite, which thus occupies an intermediate position. The transparent gangue minerals, usually with a fairly low index of refraction, appear dark gray because the light in large part penetrates the grain and is dispersed and lost on the irregular lower surface, while only a small portion is reflected back from the polished face. 42 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION Effect of surface on color. Poorly polished surfaces appear darker than smooth ones, and pits on the polished surface appear black, because most of the light is scattered from the uneven bottom and sides. Minerals with high relief, surrounded by much softer ones, appear to be surrounded by a black rim, due to the sloping contact between the higher and lower mineral, which deflects the light obliquely.. HARDNESS The second main division is based on hardness, as determined either by the actual relief of a mineral on the polished surface against a known constituent, by the character of the polish ob- tained, or by scratching directly under the microscope, with a fine needle point. By this means, three main groups are estab- lished, which are very satisfactory for rapid determination. Cross- referencing avoids error in cases of doubt as to the group in which a mineral actually falls. 1. Hardness High. Minerals which are distinctly hard, .stand up above most minerals, except quartz, and are scratched with difficulty, if at all, by the needle. Minerals from 4.5 to 5.5 in the scale of hardness can be grooved by a moderate pressure of the needle point, but do not show a typical scratch. Examples: pyrite, magnetite. 2. Hardness Medium. Minerals which are not scratched by the weight of the handle alone, with no extra pressure applied, but are readily scratched by moderate pressure on the needle. Ex- amples: chalcopyrite, enargite, tetrahedrite. 3. Hardness Low. Minerals easily scratched by the weight of the handle alone. Examples: chalcocite, galena, bornite. MICROCHEMICAL TESTS The final determinative tests are microchemical, as in most cases a mineral cannot be identified by its physical properties alone. These separate the larger divisions into small groups in which any one mineral may be readily identified. The method of using these tests has already been described (p. 30). EXPLANATION OF TABLES Directions for Use. The main divisions of the classification, colored, white, and gray, are indicated by the tabs of a thumb index at the top of the book. These are the only tabs on the upper margin OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 43 of the page, all others being on the outer margins. The first step in usirjg the tables is to open them to the beginning of one of the main divisions, by holding down with the thumb the appropriate tab. This exposes the first subdivision, marked by a series of tabs on the outer margin of the right hand page. One of these tabs is then similarly held down, and the tables opened to the page carrying that tab, revealing the tabs^of the second subdivision on the outer margin of the left hand page. This procedure is continued, the tabs alternating from right to left, until no more new sets appear, showing that the last subdivision has been reached. This is usually indicated by negative reactions on the left page and positive reactions on the right page; as, for instance, KCN neg. on the left and KCN on the right. (See pages 116-117.) When this stage is reached, the full descriptions of the desired group of minerals will be found. A mineral name, followed by a reference to another page, indicates that the mineral does not properly belong in this group, but its full description may be looked up on the page indicated to make entirely sure in doubtful cases that it is not the mineral undergoing test. In running down a mineral, the tables must always be opened to the page which carries the tab for the test just made, and the next test to be applied is indicated by the tabs on the opposite margin as the book is held open. Examples. One or two examples will show clearly how the tables are intended to be used. 1. Suppose a mineral has been polished and inspected under the microscope. It appears yellow; therefore, hold down the colored tab and open to that page (p. 57). It is yellow, so hunt on the right hand margin for yellow. Place the thumb on this tab, and open to that page (p. 63). There are no tabs on the left, so the mineral in question must be found on the pages now open. The right hand page is headed pale, the left hand, bright. The mineral appears bright yellow, so it is sought on the left page, where are found chalcopyrite, gold, and yellowish and orange " bornite." Looking up the reference to yellowish and orange " bornite," one finds that these are not really bright yellow but always orange or brownish, so they may be eliminated. Under Diff. in the two minerals remaining, it is seen that they are distinguished from each other by color, behavior with KCN and character of surface. The chemical test is surest so KCN 44 , MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION is tried; it roughens and dissolves the surface of the yellow min- eral, thus proving it to be gold. 2. Taking a white mineral this time, place the thumb on the white tab, open the book to that page (p. 81), and look on the right hand margin. Hardness appears to be the next test. The min- eral appears smooth, and is easily scratched with a needle, showing it to have low hardness. Place the thumb on the tab hardness low, and open to that page (p. 143). Looking on the left hand margin, it is seen that the outer tabs refer to color, compared with galena, so the mineral is compared with galena and found to look faintly bluish. Place the left thumb on the tab marked bluish white, and open to the page carrying that tab (p. 114). Look on the right again. The next test is with HNO 3 , so make that test, finding that the mineral is attacked by HNO 3 , noting that it is plated almost instantly with a film that looks like metallic copper and that part of this film dissolves off quickly, and the mineral turns dark; in other words, HNO 3 gives a positive reac- tion, so hold down the HNO 3 tab and open to that page (p. 117). There are no more tabs on the left, so the final pages have been reached. The left says KCN neg., the right says KCN, so test with KCN, finding that the mineral is rapidly etched and somewhat darkened. This puts it on the right hand side with a choice of cuprite, stromeyerite and chalcocite. The descriptions of these minerals indicate that chalcocite turns darker blue and effervesces with HN0 3 , which rules it out; stromeyerite does not act with HNO 3 as the mineral in question has behaved, whereas cuprite fits the case exactly. A final assurance may be made by prov- ing that the mineral is transparent red by oblique light, since chal- cocite and stromeyerite are both opaque. These directions have been made very explicit so that there shall be no chance for mechanical error in using the tables. To make sure no mistake or omission has occurred in running down a mineral, the sequence of tests identifying a given group is placed in the upper corner of the left hand page, so they all may be seen together, and checked up. By this means, the fewest possible tests need be applied, resulting often in a considerable saving of time. When the full description of the mineral is reached, other tests may, of course, be applied to check up the accuracy of the determination. Cross-References. As previously explained, numerous cross- references have been made in the case of minerals on the border OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 46 line between two or more colors or tints, or two classifications of relief, or with doubtful chemical behavior. That is, if a min- eral might conceivably, be called either pale yellow, or cream colored, or white, like pyrite, for example, its full description is placed under the heading cream and references to this are given in the proper place under each of 'the other two headings, so it can be found if the observer -assigns "it to any one of these colors. Sim- ilarly, a mineral like bournonite, which is intermediate in hard- ness between minerals of medium and of low relief, probably nearer medium, is fully described under hardness medium, and a reference given to this in the appropriate place under hardness low. The cross-referencing has been especially complete among the white and faintly tinted minerals, as here the color differences are very slight at best, and some intermediate tints are indefinite even to the practiced eye. Abbreviations. The abbreviations on the tabs are as follows: HN0 3 is taken as an example; abbreviations for other reagents may be found on page 32. Abbreviation Meaning HN0 3 . - Attacked by HN0 3 (visibly changed or af- fected). HNO 3 neg. - Not attacked visibly by HNO 3 . Fumes HN0 3 . Tarnished by the fumes of HN0 3 but not visibly attacked by the liquid, so that a ring of tarnish is formed around a clear spot, which was covered by the reagent. Eff. HN0 3 . Attacked by HNO 3 , with effervescence. No Eff.HNO 3 . Attacked by HNO 3 , but without effervescence. In the descriptions of the minerals, the following abbreviations are used: Col. Color, including transparency. Occ. Habit of occurrence, if distinctive (such as platy, or in crystals or crystalline grains). Hard. Hardness. Surf. Character of polished surface. H. Hardness as given in Dana's System of Mineralogy; supplemented by comparison, where possible, with relative hard- ness to accompanying minerals. 46 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION Chem. Microchemical tests. Diff. Distinctive characters, physical or chemical, which serve to distinguish a mineral from others of the group. . - Negative test. The following abbreviations have been found convenient for designating some of the commoner sulphides: PY = pyrite cp = chalcopyrite bn = bornite cc = chalcocite cv = covellite td = tetrahedrite en = enargite si = sphalerite gn = galena po = pyrrhotite mg = magnetite G= gangue, including all the transparent, non-metallic minerals. WHITE/ COLOR/ OUTLINE OF THE CLASSIFICATION (Parentheses around a mineral indicate a cross reference, and that the full description is to be found elsewhere in the tables.) & 1. COLORED 1. BLUE 1. BRIGHT 1. Covellite 2. (Chalcocite) 2. PALE g ee: WHITE HARDNESS Low BLUISH WHITE. 2. PURPLE 1. BRIGHT 1. Umangite 2. Rickardite 3. (Purplish brown " bornite ") 2. PALE 1. (Purple "galena") 2. (Color adoite) 3. YELLOW 1. BRIGHT 1. Chalcopyrite 2. Gold 3. (Orange "bornites") 2. PALE 1. HNO 3 NEG. 1. Millerite 2. (Pyrrhotite) 3. (Sulvanite) 4. (Chalmersite) 5., (Gold, var. electrum) 2. HN0 3 1 . (Marcasite) 2. (Pyrite) . 3. (Bismuth) 4. BROWN 1. HNO 3 NEG. 1. Orange * bornites" 2. (Pyrrhotite) 3. (Kalgoorlite) 2. HN0 3 1. Purplish brown "bornite" 2. Sternbergite Frieseite 3. Bornite 4. Unknown brown, Bisbee 5. (" Bronze enargite ") 47 48 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 5. PINK 1. HNO 3 NEG. 1. (Luzonite) 2. (Unknown pink with mohawkite) 2. HNO 3 1. KCNNEG. 1. Niccolite 2. Breithauptite 3. (Maucherite) 4. (Bismuth) 2. KCN 1. Copper 2. (Bornite) 3. (Algodonite) 4. (Whitneyite) 5. (Cobaltite) 6. (Famatinite) 6. CREAM 1. HARDNESS HIGH 1. HN0 3 N EG . 1. Pyrrhotite. 2. Unknown pink with mohawkite 2. HN0 3 1. SURFACE DULL 1. Pyrite 2. Marcasite 2. SURFACE SHINY 1. Linnseite 2. Maucherite 3. Hauchecornite 4. (Pentlandite) 5. (Niccolite) 2. HARDNESS MEDIUM 1. HNOsNEG. 1. Sulvanite 2. Chalmersite 3. (Millerite) 4. (Unknown, Butte, N 13) 5. (Pyrrhotite) 6. (Delafossite) 2. HN0 3 1. " Bronze enargite " 2. Algodonite (Cream) 3. Mohawkite (Cream) 4. Whitneyite 5. (Pentlandite) 6. (Aikinite) 7. (Niccolite) 8. (Linnaeite) 9. (Copper) 10. (Hauchecornite) WHITE/ COLOR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 49 3. HARDNESS Low See: WHITE HARDNESS Low CREAMY WHITE. 2. WHITE 1. HARDNESS HIGH 1. HNO NEG. 1. HCL CONC. NEG. t " 1. Rutile 2. Ilmenite 3. Hematite 4. (Pyrrhotite) 5. (Franklinite) 2. HCL CONC. 1. [ Magnetite 2. Sperrylite 3. (Unknown pink with mohawkite) 2. NOEFF. HNO 3 1. HCL UNCHANGED 1' 1. No EFF. AQ. REG. 1. AQ. REG. NEG. 1. Cobaltite 2. (Linnseite) 2. AQ. REG. 1. Glaucodot 2. (Pentlandite) 2. EFF. AQ. REG. 1. FECL S NEG. 1. Lollingite 2. Ullmannite 3. (Arsenopyrite) 2. FECLa 1. Chloanthite 2. Rammelsbergite 2. HCL TURNS YELLOWISH GREEN 1. Gersdorffite 3. EFF. HNO 3 1. AQ. REG. NEG. 1. (Pyrite) 2. (Marcasite) 3. (Argyropyrite) 2. AQ. REG. 1. FECL 3 NEG. 1. Arsenopyrite 2. Kallilite 3. Willyamite 4. Poly dy mite 2. FECL 3 1. Safflorite 2. Smaltite 3. Skutterudite 4. (Maucherite) 50 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 2. HARDNESS MEDIUM 1. GALENA WHITE 1. KOHNEG. 1. Chalcostibite 2. (Bournonite) 3. (Polybasite) 4. (Geocronite) 5. (Kallilite) 2. KOH 1. Berthierite 2. Guejarite 2. CREAMY WHITE 1. No EFF. HNO 3 1. Pentlandite 2. (Sulvanite) 3. (Chalmersite) 4. (" Bronze Enargite ") 5. (Berthierite) 6. (Linnaeite) 7. (Hauchecornite) 2. EFF. HN0 3 1. Argyropyrite 2. Aikinite 3. (Domeykite) 4. (Algodonite, Cream) 5. (Mohawkite, Cream) 6. (Whitneyite) , 7. (Kallilite) 3. PINKISH WHITE 1. HN0 3 NEG. 1. Luzonite 2. (Enargite) 2. HNO 3 1. Famatinite 2. (Argyropyrite) 3. (Geocronite) 4. (Breithauptite) 4. GRAYISH WHITE 1. HNO 3 NEC. 1. KCN NEC. 1. Bournonite 2. Tenorite 3. Delafossite 4. (Tetrahedrite) 5. (Regnolite) 2. KCN 1. (Polybasite) 2. (Enargite) 3. (Argyrodite) WHITE/ COLORIp/ OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 51 2. FUMES HNO 3 1. KCN NEG. 1. Tetrahedrite 2. Tennantite 3. Hauerite 4. (Bournonite) 2. KCN !.* Enargite 3. HN0 3 1. KCN NEG. 1. Algodonite (Gray) 2. Polytelite 3. Alabandite 4 (Geocronite) 5. (Freibergite) 6. (Baumhauerite) 7. (Mohawkite gray) 8. (Crookesite) 9. (Plagionite) 10. (Stylotypite) 11. (Bournonite) 2. KCN 1. Mohawkite (gray) 2. Stylotypite 3. (Plagionite) 3. HARDNESS Low 1. GALENA WHITE 1. PURE WHITE 1. HCLNEG. 1 . G alenobismutite 2. Bismuthinite 3'. Eucairite 4. Tellurium 5. Unknown (white), Bisbee 6. Lehrbachite 7. Berzelianite 8. Antimonial Bismuthinite 9. (Matildite) 2. HCL 1. Altaite 2. Clausthalite 3. Naumannite 2. SAME AS GALENA OR DARKER 1. HNO 3 NEG. 1. KOHNEG. 1. No EFF. AQ. REG. 1 . Jalpaite 2. Matildite 3. Unknown (Tonopah) 52 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 2. EFF. AQ. REG. 1. Schirmerite 2. Rathite 3. Lengenbachite 4. Cinnabar 5. (Matildite) 6. (Polybasite) 7. (Bournonite) 2. KOH 1. Livingstonite 2. Stephanite 3. Sartor ite 4. Dufrenoysite 5. (Berthierite) 6. (Miargyrite) 2. HN0 8 1. KCNNEG. 1. HCLNEG. 1. FECLS NEC. 1. No EFF. HNO 3 1. Nagyagite 2. Freieslebenite 3. Guitermannite 4. Beegerite 5. Jordanite? 6. Andorite 7. Epiboulangerite 8. Unknown (near Andorite) 9. (Bismuthinite) 10. (Lengenbachite) 11. (Baumhauerite) 12. (Jamesonite) 2. EFF. HNO 3 1. Boulangerite 2. Dognacskaite 3. Horsfordite 4. Plagionite 5. (Chiviatite) 2. FECLS 1. Arsenic 2. "Alloklas" 3. Rezbanyite 4. Plenargyrite (hard) 5. Schapbachite (hard) 6. Petzite 2. HCL 1. FECLS NEG. 1. Geocronite 2. Meneghinite 3. Semseyite 4. (Zinkenite) 5. (Plagionite) 6. (Jamesonite) COLORI7 OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 53 2. 1. Lillianite 2. Galena 3. Steinmannite 4. Tetradymite? 2. KCN .- 1. itermesite 2. Sti&iite 3. Hessite 4. (Guejarite) 5. (Brogniardite) CREAMY WHITE 1. SAME AS SILVER, OR WHITER 1. FECLS NEG. 1. KOHNEG. 1. Matildite? 2. Guanajuatite 3. Chiviatite 4. (Bismuthinite) 5. (Galenobismutite) 2. KOH 1. Wittichenite 1. No EFF. AQ. REG. 1. Hessite? 2. Silver 3. (Altaite) 2. EFF. AQ. REG. 1. Huntilite 2. DARKER THAN SILVER 1. HNO 3 NEG. . 1. Unknown (creamy, Butte) 2. (Sulvanite) 3. (Chalmersite) 4. (Berthierite) 5. (Gold, var. electrum) 2. HNO 3 1. FECLs NEG. 1. Cosalite 2. Emplectite 3. Metacinnabarite 4. Sylvanite 5. (Frankeite) 6. (Wittichenite) 7. (Aikinite) 8. (Chiviatite) 9. (Freieslebenite) 54 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 2. 1. HCLNEG. 1. Melonite 2. Calaverite (Krennerite) 3. Kalgoorlite 4. (Sylvanite) 5. (Arsenic) 6. (Hessite) 7. (Copper) 8. (Tapalpaite) 9. (Petzite) 2. HCL 1. Domeykite 2. Bismuth 3. Dyscrasite 4. Tapalpaite 5. Chilenite 6. (Teallite) BLUISH WHITE. 1. HNO 3 NEG. 1. KOH NEC. 1. Tiemannite 2. Onofrite 3. Polyargyrite 4. Stiitzite 5. Unknown (Tonopah) 6. (Covellite) 7. (Kalgoorlite) 8. (Rathite) 9. (Cinnabar) 2. KOH 1. Proustite 2. Pyrargyrite 3. Unknown, bluish, with Sternbergite 4. Vrbaite 5. Miargyrite 6. (Stephanite) 2. HN0 3 1. KCNNEG. 1. Purple "galena" 2. Plenargyrite (" soft ") 3. Schapbachite ("soft") 4. (Coloradoite) 2. KCN 1. Cuprite 2. Stromeyerite 3. (Chalcocite) 4. (Polyargyrite) 5. (Brogniardite) WHITE/ COLORE 7 OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 55 4. GRAYISH WHITE i i ^ 1. HNOaNEG. 1. KCNNEG. ' ;, : 1. Molybdenite 2. Regnolite 3. Seligmaunite 4. " Argentiferous Jamesonite " 5. (Cinnabar) f5. (Kalgoorlite) 7. (Bournonite) 8. (Tiemannite) 9. (Rathite) 10. (Lengenbachite) 2. KCN 1. Orpiment 2. Argyrodite 3. Polybasite 4. Pearceite 5. (Jalpaite) 6. (Miargyrite) 7. (Stephanite) 8. (Livingstonite) 2. HN0 3 1. FECL 3 NEG. 1. HCL NEG. 1. Stannite 2. Baumhauerite 3. Realgar 4. Crookesite 5. (Freieslebenite) 6. (Guanajuatite) 7. (Andorite) 8. (Unknown near Andorite) 2. FUMES HCL 1. Cylindrite 2. Frankeite 3. Brogniardite 4. Jamesonite 5. Zinkenite 3. HCL ' 1. (Alabandite) 2. (Cosalite) 2. 1. KCN NEG. 1. Teallite 2. Aguilarite 3. Petzite? 4. Coloradoite 56 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION 2. KCN 1. Chalcocite 2. "Tapalpaite" (gray) -3. (Unknown, Qrayish, Butte, N 13) 4. Argentite 5. (Stromeyerite) 6. (Pearceite) 3. GRAY 1. HARDNESS HIGH 1. HCL CONC. NEG. 1. AQ. REG. NEG. 1. Cassiterite 2. Limonite 3. Chromite 4. (Rutile) 5. (Franklinite) 6. (Hematite) 7. (Ilmenite) 2. AQ. REG. 1. Uraninite 2. HCL CONC. 1. Franklinite 2. Psilomelane 3. (Magnetite) 2. HARDNESS MEDIUM 1. HCL NEG. 1. Sphalerite 2. Wurtzite 3. Voltzite 4. Erythrozincite 5. (Uraninite) 6. (Argyrodite) 2. HCL 1. Cuprodescloizite 2. (Cuprite) 3. (Alabandite) 4. (Tenorite) 5. (Delafossite) 3. HARDNESS Low 1. Lorandite 2. (Stannite) 3. ("Petzite?") 4. (Argyrodite) 5. (Erythrozincite) 6. (" Tapalpaite " gray) COLORED TABLES FOR MINERAL IDENTIFICATION 57 COLORED BLUB Bright COVELLITE CuS COL. Blue. Varies from deep bright blue, sometimes purple, to very pale blue, almost white, like chalcocite. Occ. Usually in minute plates appearing as needles in section, some- times even feathery aggregates. Rarely in large plates, up to two inches across. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth.' H. 1.5-2 j > rnite CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. HNOs cone. . 3. KCN. Instantly deep violet, rapidly darker; rubs off, leaving a yellowish coating and rough surface. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. . 6. Aq. Reg. In- stantly effervesces a short time, then stops; turns pinkish where bubbles started; rubs clean easily. 7. FeCls . 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. (NH 4 )2S X . 11. AgNO 3 3 per cent . Quickly plated with silver, persistent. 12. K 4 Fe(CN) 8 . 13. Iodine . 14. KaFe(CN).. Slowly greenish, persistent. 15. NH 4 OH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. NOTE. Covellite, observed in plane polarized light, is pleochroic, dark blue (parallel to the plane of vibration of the nicol) , to light blue (perpendicular to this). Sections which appear dark blue in ordinary light do not change color in polarized light. CHALCOCITE See page 107. 58 WHIT Pale See WHITE. HARDNESS Low. BLUISH WHITE, pp. 114-117. Many pale blue minerals are transparent red with oblique illumination, 9 i I o a 59 < tu ^ u COLORED PURPLE Bright UMANGITE CtuSej COL. Bright reddish purple, very close to Rickardite. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Turns bluish, persistent. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Turns bluish, persistent. 4. Aq. Reg. Turns a little bluish; rubs to original color. 5. FeCls. Turns bluish, persistent. 6. KOH. Slowly coated with brown; rubs easily to bluish. 7. (NH 4 )2S X . Turns bluish; rubs to light blue. DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. RICKARDITE Cu 4 Tes COL. Bright reddish purple, almost red, slightly brighter than umang- ite. Microscopically mottled, with bluish and yellowish patches mixed. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and blackens. 2. KCN. Faintly bluish. DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. PURPLISH BROWN " BORNITE " See page 65. 60 WHITE/ Pale PURPLE " GALENA See page 116. COLORADOITE See page 106. COLORED YELLOW Bright CHALCOPYRITE CuFeSa COL. Bright brass yellow. Sometimes appears pale, by association with colored minerals. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5-4 = bn. CHEM. 1. HNps . 2. HNO 3 . Hot. Tarnishes the mineral bright colors, then dissolves it. 3. HNO 3 cone. Turns deep yellow; rubs off. 4. KCN (but occasionally develops structure). 5. HC1 . 6. HC1 cone. . 7. HC1. Hot, same as hot HNO 3 . 8. Aq. Reg. Tarnished iridescent. 9. FeCls . 10. KOH . 11. NaOH . 12. (NH 4 ) 2 Sx . 13. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 14. KsFe(CN) 6 . 15. Iodine . DIFF. Col. Surf. Chem. 4. GOLD Au COL. Golden yellow, richer than chalcopyrite, and usually deeper. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth, metallic. H. 2.5-3. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. HNO 3 cone. . 3. KCN. Quickly darkens and produces rough surface; sometimes develops structure. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. . 6. Aq. Reg. . 7. FeCl 3 . A little pale and tarnished (?) ; rubs off very easily. 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. (NHOaSx . 11. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 12. KsFe(CN) . 13. Iodine . DIFF. Col. Surf. Chem. 3. NOTE. Gold is variable in color, according as it is alloyed with silver. Electrum is very pale yellow. A very good test for small pieces of gold is to amalgamate by rubbing on a mercury covered chamois skin. The gold will turn bright white. (F. C. Lincoln devised this test.) YELLOWISH AND ORANGE " BORNITES " See page 64. 62 WHITER Pale HNOtNeQ m MILLERITE NiS COL. Very pale yellow. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-3.5 bn. = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Rather quickly tarnished slightly darker brown; rubs off easily. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. (or slowly tarnished, with slight effervescence. Reaction may be modi- fied by the presence of bornite). 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 2. BRONZE ENARGITE See page 74. 65 COLORED PINK HNOi KCN Neg. NICCOLITE NiAs COL. Creamy pink. With galena, distinctly pinkish cream; with maucherite, pale, decidedly yellowish brown; with copper, pale yellowish brown; with whitneyite, deep pinkish cream. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 5-5.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces, darkens and etches. Coated with white flocculent precipitate. Rubs off clean to show etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly brown, with moderate effervescence. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. NaOH . 9. (NHOS X . 10. NH 4 OH . 11. K3Fe(CN) 6 . 12. K4Fe (CN) . 13. Iodine . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 6. NOTE. Niccolite with Sb shows intergrown breithauptite, or some other mineral, and does not appear to grade chemically into breit- hauptite. BREITHAUPTITE NiSb COL. Pink. With copper, very pale pink, no yellow tinge; with niccolite, pink, with no yellow tinge. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 5.5 niccolite. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Quickly blackens and tarnishes; black persistent. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone- . 5. Aq. Reg. In- stantly effervesces, slowly turns brown and etches; rubs to per- sistent brilliant iridescent. 6. FeCla. Rapidly darkens; rubs clean, showing pitted surface. 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . 9. NH 4 OH . 10. Iodine . 11. KsFeCCN). . 12. K4Fc(CN) 6 . DIFF. Col. Chem. 6. MAUCHERITE See page 79. BISMUTH See page 125. I 66 WHITE/ KCN COPPER Cu COL. Pink." With bornite, bright pink; with breithauptite, de- cidedly yellowish pink. HARD. Medium. SURF. Metallic, smooth. H. 2.5-3 > cc. CHEM. 1 . HNOs. Dissolves rapidly, but merely roughens, and does not change color. 2. HNOs cone. Instantly dissolves, tarnishes bright iridescent, shows crystal (?) structure. Fumes tarnish iridescent, persistent. 3. KCN. Slowly tarnishes brown; rubs off to show very fine-grained solution surface. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. Tarnishes slightly. 6. Aq. Reg. Blackens rapidly ; rubs black and smooth. 7. Feds. Instantly blackens and makes a solution pit. On washing off, the dilute solution tarnishes copper brilliant red, which rubs off. 8. KOH. Slowly tarnished bright brown, then red, then bright blue, persistent. 9. (NH^Sx. Instantly blackens, persistent. Fumes tarnish brilliant. 10. NaOH. Turns light reddish brown, persistent. 11. Iodine. Makes white coating, which rubs off very easily, showing roughened surface below. DIFF. Col. Surf. BORNITE See page 65. ALGODONITE See page 74. WHITNEYITE See page 75. COBALTITE See page 86. FAMATINITE See page 99. UJ u u COLORED PINK HN0 3 NBQ. I I LUZONITE See page 98. UNKNOWN PINKISH MINERAL (in Mohawkite) See page 76. WHITER I ot u COLORED CREAM HARDNESS Low See WHITE. HARDNESS Low. CREAMY WHITE, pp. 118-127. 70 WHITER * cu u u COLORED CREAM HARDNESS MEDIUM HNO 3 NEG. SULVANITE CuaVS* COL. Cream. With galena, very pale lemon yellow, almost cream; with silver, pale yellowish cream. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs . Fumes tarnish ; rubs clean easily. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Tarnishes bright brown, rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . DlFF. Col. CHALMERSITE CuFe 2 S 8 COL. Cream. With galena, decidedly cream colored; with chal- copyrite, pale cream; with calaverite, decidedly yellower. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5 > cp. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Fumes tarnish slightly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces slightly; instantly bright iri- descent, rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . 5? DIFF. Col. M !5J MILLERITE See page 63. C/} UNKNOWN CREAMY MINERAL (Butte, N 13) See page 126. Q PYRRHOTITE See page 76. or 3 DELAFOSSITE See page 92. S a 5 72 WHITE 2 O 2 E 73 I COLORED CREAM HARDNESS MEDIUM HNO BRONZE ENARGITE (CuSn), (SbAs), S ? COL. Cream. With pyrrhotite, same; with galena, pale brownish cream; with silver, pale brownish cream. HARD. Medium. SURF. Shiny. H. = en. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly bright brown. 2. HNOs cone. Rather quickly brown, gradually turning brighter and iridescent. Rubs easily to very faint brown, often showing a little structure (?). 3. KCN. Solution slowly turns purplish red, increasing in intensity. Mineral is slightly etched, but does not develop structure. 4. HC1 - . 5. HC1 cone. - . 6. Aq. Reg. Quickly bright brown iridescent; rubs clean easily. 7. FeCls - . 8. KOH - . 9. NaOH - . 10. NH 4 OH - . 11. Iodine - . 12. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 - . 13. KsFe (CN) 6 - . DIFF. Chem. 3. NOTE. Contains Cu, Sn, Sb, As, S. Probably analogous to enargite in composition, but with different crystal form. ALGODONITE (CREAM) Cu,As (?) COL. Cream. With galena, pale pinkish cream; with whitneyite, pale cream; with mohawkite (cream), same. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 4. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens with effervescence, leaving a rough surface. 2. KCN. Slowly brown, with slight effervescence. Rubs to pale gray and shows structure. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces slightly and darkens and etches. 5. FeCls. Instantly blackens. 6. KOH. Rapidly iridescent. 7. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Instantly bright iridescent. 8. Iodine. Turns gray. 9. NH 4 OH. Slowly pale, even, brown. 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . Tarnished gray, rubs off. 11. K3Fe(CN) 6 . Faint brown, rubs off. DIFF. Chem. 3, 6. MOHAWKITE (CREAM) CusAs (with Ni and Co) COL. Cream. With galena, pale pinkish cream; with algodonite (cream), same. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 4. CHEM. 1. HNOs. At once black, with violent effervescence. 2. KCN. Dissolved and turned brown; rubs off pale. 3. HC1 (when with an unknown, harder mineral, blackens). 4. HC1 cone. Same as 3. 5. Aq. Reg. Same as 3. 6. FeCls. Instantly blackens, develops structure (?) 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Instantly yellow. 9. KsFe(CN)e. Slowly brilliant persistent tarnish; dissolves visibly. 10. K4Fe(CN)e. Slowly faint tarnish, forming persistent ring. 11. Iodine. Turns bluish gray. DIFF. Col. Chem. 3, 7. NOTE. May be about the same as algodonite cream. WHITNEYITE CuAs COL. Cream. With galena, rather deep pinkish cream ; with maucher- ite, pale brownish cream; with niccolite, cream; with copper, very pale yellowish brown. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth, but apt to be finely pitted. H. 3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces violently, and rapidly turns bright brown. Dissolved. 2. KCN. Quickly dark brown; rubs to gray, showing structure. 3. HC1. Tarnishes instantly; rubs clean. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly blackens and dissolves; develops structure. 5. FeCls. Instantly blackens; rubs to dark gray. 6. KOH. Tarnishes quickly bright yellow, then brown. 7. NH 4 OH. Slowly deep yellowish brown, rubs to very faint purplish tinge. 8. (NH 4 )2S X . Instantly iridescent ; rubs to dark gray. 9. KsFe(CN)g. Instantly brown; rubs clean very easily. 10. K 4 Fe(CN). Faint brown, rubs clean. 11. Iodine, dark gray iridescent. DIFF. Col. Chem. 3, 6. WHITE PENTLANDITE See page 100. AIKINITE See page 10 l v NICCOLITE See page 66. LINN-EITE See page 79. COPPER See page 67. HAUCHECORNITE See page 79. 6 z K 75 < m & o COLORED CREAM HARDNESS HIGH HNO 3 NEQ. PYRRHOTITE FeS(S) x COL. Cream. With galena, very pale brown; with silver, very pale brownish cream; with arsenopyrite, very pale creamy brown. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 3.5-4.5 ; cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . Slowly very faint brown. Fumes tarnish slightly. 2. HNO 3 cone. - ? 3. KCN - . 4. HC1 - . Fumes quickly tarnish. 5. HC1 cone. - . 6. Aq. Reg. Effervesces slowly, turns quickly brilliant iridescent in centre of drop, and brown near edges. Fumes instantly tarnish brown. Rubs off easily to pale brown. 7. FeCls - . 8. KOH. Slowly tarnishes brilliant irides- cent colors, persistent. 9. NaOH, same as KOH. 10. (NH^zSx - . 11. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 - . 12. K3Fe(CN) 8 - . 13. Iodine -- . 14. Hot HC1 tarnishes quickly bright colors, different on different grains, then blackens and dissolves. DIFF. Col. Chem. 6 and 14. NOTE. Practically constant in color, though variable in sulphur content. UNKNOWN MINERAL (pinkish, in Mohawkite) ? COL. Pale pinkish cream. With galena, very pale brown or cream, with a tinge of pink; with maucherite, about same color. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. > mohawkite. CHEM. 1. HNOs . Fumes tarnish slightly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. . 6. FeCla . 7. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 6. NOTE. Some of the apparent inertness of this mineral may be due to the fact that it occurs surrounded by the readily attacked mohawkite, which may obscure or retard any reaction. Its presence certainly affects some of the reactions of the mohawk- ite. The mineral may carry much Ni or Co, but this cannot be proved. s C/) I 1 WHITE o z E z B 77 < UJ ^ s J^< COLORED Hj CREAM HARDNESS HIGH f/i HNO 3 Surface Dull s I i PYRITE FeSj COL. Cream. With galena, pale creamy yellow; with arsenopyrite, pale yellow. Occ. Rounded or irregular grains, or in crystals, practically always the oldest sulphide present. HARD. High. SURF. Scratched and dull. H. 6-6.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Slowly faint brown, with very slow effervescence. Persistent. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN - . 4. HC1 - . 5. HC1 cone. - . 6. Aq. Reg. - . 7. FeCls - . 8. KOH - . 9. NaOH - 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 -- . 11. K 3 Fe(CN) 8 - . 12. Io- dine - . 13. (NH^Sx. Slightly tarnished ordinarily, but with enargite, rather brightly tarnished. DIFF. Hard. Occ. Col. Chem. 1. MARCASITE FeSa COL. Cream. With galena, pale creamy yellow; with silver, creamy white; with arsenopyrite, decidedly yellowish; with pyrite, slightly paler (usually) ; with millerite, paler and browner. Occ. Frequently in radial growths, or intergrown with pyrite. HARD. High. SURF. Scratched and dull. H. 6-6.5 = pyrite. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly effervesces, and turns brown to black, slowly; persistent. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN - . 4. HC1 - . 5. HC1 cone. -- . 6. Aq. Reg. Very slowly faint brown, persistent. 7. FeCl 3 - . 8. KOH - . DIFF. Col, Chem. 1. 78 WHITE Surface Shiny LINN^EITE COsS, COL. White. With galena, pale pinkish creamy white; with silver, very pale brownish cream; with arsenopyrite, very pale pinkish cream. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but usually pitted. H. 5.5 ; cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very faintly brownish; fumes slowly tarnish brown. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. Slowly very faint brown. 5. Aq. Reg. - Fumes tarnish slightly. 6. FeCls - . 7. KOH - . 8. NH 4 OH -- . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. MAUCHERITE Ni 3 As 2 COL. Cream. With galena, faintly pinkish cream; with silver, same as with galena; with niccolite, very pale gray; with whitneyite, pale grayish cream; with arsenopyrite, pale pink. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces vigorously, and blackens almost im- mediately, rubbing clean to show roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly brown, with moderate effervescence. 6. FeCls. Slowly faint brown, rather per- sistent. 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . 9. NH 4 OH . 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 11. K 3 Fe(CN) 6 . Pale brown iridescent tarnish, rubs off clean. DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 6. HAUCHECORNITE (NiCo) 7 (Bi,S,Sb) 8 COL. Cream. With galena, rich cream color; with pyrrhotite slightly less yellow, more of a pink tinge; polishes smoother, but is very close; with millerite, purplish gray. HARD. High-medium. SURF. Smooth. H. = 5 ? > millerite. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly brown. Fumes tarnish slightly. Rubs clean easily, leaving a slightly etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Fumes tarnish slightly. 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly turns bright brown, fumes tarnish slightly. Rubs clean very easily. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem, 4. PENTLANDITE See page 100. Q z NICCOLITE See page 66. J3 79 WHITE HARDNESS HIGH EFF. HNOi AQ. REG. NEG. ARGYROPYRITE See page 101. MARCASITE See page 78 PYRITE See page 78. ! 80 WHITE E O v) s i i 5 o ! UJ Q 81 WHITB HARDNESS HIGH EFF. HNOi AQ. REG. FeCla Neg. ARSENOPYRITE FeAsS COL. White. With galena, pale cream; with silver, almost white, slightly creamy; with chloanthite, pale yellowish white. HARD. High. SURF. Scratched and dull usually. H. 5.5-6 < py? CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly darkens (with effervescence) through iri- descent colors to deep brown, with rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly dark brown, with slight effervescence. 6. FeCla . 7. KOH . 8. NH 4 OH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 6. NOTE. Sometimes reaction 1 goes quite slowly. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. KALLILITE NiBiS(Sb, As) COL. White. With galena, very pale creamy white. HARD. High (medium). SURF. Smooth. H. > cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly tarnishes iridescent. Effervesces slowly, darkens. Coated with white, some parts more than others. Rubs off to show gray, etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces, turns slowly brown, darker where bubbles formed, and fumes tarnish brown instantly. Rubs clean, showing etched surface. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Surf. Chem. 1, 4. NOTE. Very like willyamite, but softer? WILLYAMITE (CoNi)SbS COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly bright iridescent, then slowly dark brown. Slight effervescence. Coated with white. Rubs to gray etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effer- vesces, then slowly turns light brown, darker where bubbles formed. Rubs clean easily, leaving practically no trace of etching. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Surf. Chem. 1, 4. NOTE. Very like kallilite, but harder? POLYDYMITE Ni 4 S. COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with arsenopyrite practically pure white; with rammelsbergite, very pale pink. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 4.5 > cp. -^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly bright iridescent with slow effervescence. JO Develops crystal structure. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 acid turns i^ bright yellowish green. 4. HC1 cone. Same as HC1. 5. Aq. Reg. V* Very slowly brown with slow effervescence. Acid turns greenish *" yellow. Fumes tarnish slightly. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8, f . NH 4 OH . U, DIFF. Chem. 1. 82 SAFFLORITE CoAs 2 COL. White. With galena and silver, pure white; with arsenopyrite, pure white; with smaltite, pure white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 4.5-5 < py. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces and blackens quickly. Rubs clean to show roughened surface. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Slow effervescence, increasing in amount. Mineral slowly turns faint brown, acid turns yellowish green. Rubs off to very faint brownish stain. 6. Feds. Very slowly tarnishes bright, and rubs off to show differential etching along crystal direc- tions. 7. KOH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 6. NOTE. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. SMALTITE CoAs 2 COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with arsenopyrite, white; with safflorite, creamy white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 5.5-6 = Py. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens with effervescence. Rubs to persistent gray. 2. KCN-. 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Effervescence begins very slowly and increases in rapidity. Then mineral begins to turn brown rather quickly and develops structure. Rubs off to show roughened gray surface, with structure well brought out. 6. FeCls. Rapidly blackens, and shows etched surface. 7. KOH - . 8. NH 4 OH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 6. NOTE. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. SKUTTERUDITE ? CoAs 3 COL. White. With smaltite, practically the same (creamier?). HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. = 6 CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly blackens with effervescence, showing a white coating. Zonal structure developed by differential etching. Rubs to very rough surface. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces quickly at first, then slowly and again increases. Slowly turns brown. Etched differentially. Rubs clean. 5. FeCls. Quickly brown, differentially, one part practically untouched. 6. KOH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. NOTE. May be smaltite, or smaltite may be skutterudite. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. , MAUCHERITE See page 79. r 2 03 tr 83 WHITE HARDNESS HIGH No EFF. HNOs HC1 UNCHANGED Err. AQ. REG. I FeCls Neg. LOLLINGITE FeAsi COL. White. With galena, very faint creamy white; with silver, practically pure white with a suggestion of pink; with arsenopyrite, same as with silver. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 5-5.5 = py. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very faintly brown, especially by fumes. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly effervesces and very slowly turns faint brown, easily rubbed clean. 6. FeCls - . 7. KOH - . 8. NaOH - . 9. (NH 4 )2S*. Slowly brown, dries iridescent brown; rubs clean easily. 10. NH4OH - . DIFF. Chem. I, 6. NOTE. Gives off arsenic smell when ground on coarse wheel. ULLMANITE NiSbS COL. White. With galena, white with very faint creamy tint; with arsenopyrite, practically pure white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 5.^6. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Tarnishes quickly brown, then bright, repeating with higher order colors; rubs to persistent iridescent gray. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Effervesces strongly and blackens rapidly, effervescence stopping when black film forms. Rubs to persistent dull gray. 6. FeCls - . 7. KOH - . 8. NH 4 OH - . DIFF. Chem, 1, 6. ARSENOPYRITE See page 82. i 84 E O X M 1 4 c* c < CHLOANTHITE NiAs, jj C COL. White. With arsenopyrite, pure white; with galena, faintly creamy white; with silver, pure white; with rammelsbergite, same color. >-> HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but pitted. H. 5.5-6. ^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Rather quickly brown, with tarnish around edges of _H drop; rubs to brownish gray, roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. O HC1 cone. . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces and slowly darkens. Rubs ^ faint. 5. FeCls. Mineral practically unchanged, but solution turns K dark yellowish brown. 6. KOH . s_ DIFF. Chem. 4, 5. NOTE. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. RAMMELSBERGITE NiAs, S COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, practi- < cally pure white; with chlpanthite, same; with arsenopyrite, white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny but often pitted. H. 5.5-6. !^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Rather quickly brown, with tarnish around the UJ edges. Shows a roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Jg 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Effervesces slowly and solution turns greenish yellow; shows roughened surface. 6. FeCla. Very slowly fa faint brown, persistent. 7. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 5, 6. NOTE, Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. ^ O | i * ": i CA 3 CA W Q Q 8 Sj 85 E WHITE HARDNESS HIGH No EFF. HNOj HC1 UNCHANGED No EFF. AQ. REG. Aq. Reg. Neg. I COBALTITE CoAsS COL. White. With galena, pale creamy brown; with silver, same as with galena; with arsenopyrite, pale pinkish brown. HARD. High. SURF. Scratched and dull. H. 5.5-6 = py. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very faintly browned, shows only after rubbing. 2. HC1 . 3. HC1 cone. . 4. KCN. Slowly very pale brown, rubs clean. 5.Aq.Reg. . 6.FeCl 3 . 7.KOH . 8.HN4OH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 5. LINN JEITE See page 79. I I I I I 86 O 53 Aq. Reg. GLAUCODOT (CoFe)AsS COL. White. With galena, pale (brownish) creamy white; with silver, very pale brownish white; with arsenopyrite, very pale pink- ish white. (Observed on a crystal face, not an artificially polished surface.) HARD. High. SURF. Scratched and dull. H. 5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Readily turns dark gray, producing rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Very slowly tarnished dark brownish gray, persistent. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. Ammonium molybdate, 10 per cent . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 5. NOTE. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on coarse wheel. PENTLANDITE See page 100. i I U E u: Q a LU S ca I a 87 s ca ca UJ Z Q U < E V WHITE HARDNESS HIGH No EFF. HNO 3 HC1 TURNS YELLOWISH GREEN GERSDORFFITE NiAsS COL. White. With galena, faintly brownish creamy white; with arsenopyrite, practically pure white. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, but rough. H. 5.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Immediately tarnishes bright, then in a few seconds blackens; rubs to gray roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 acid turns bright yellowish green. 4. HC1 cone. Same as HC1. 5. Aq. Reg. Very slowly tarnishes brown, sometimes with efferves- cence; persistent. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. NH^OH . 9. Picric acid 10 per cent . DIFF. Chem. 1, 5. I I I I I I Cfl I 5 OJ UJ a ^ E i! S H s LU z a c* WHITE HARDNESS HIGH HNO 3 NEG. HC1 Cone. Neg. I" ! RUTILE TiOa COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with tetrahedrite, very slightly grayer. Sometimes shows transparent red with oblique light, and is then bluer by vertical illumination. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 6-6.5. CHEM. Not attacked by any reagents. DIFF. Chem. Col. NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. ILMENITE FeTiOi COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with sphalerite, dis- tinctly whiter; with magnetite, pale purplish; with hematite, distinct pale purplish gray; with tetrahedrite, slightly grayer. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 4.5-5 > magnetite. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 cone. - . 4. HC1 cone. hot - . 5. Aq. Reg. - . DIFF. Col. Chem. NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. Sometimes shows slight variation in color. Frequently intergrown with magnetite. HEMATITE Fe 2 O 3 COL. White. With galena, pale creamy grayish white; with magne- tite, white; with tetrahedrite, lighter, bluish? white. Occ. Often as plates (specularite) , and then easily recognized by form and hardness alone. Sometimes massive, intergrown with magnetite. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 5.5-6.5 = mg. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. - . 6. FeCl 3 - . 7. KOH - . 8. HC1 cone, hot - . 9. HNO 3 hot - . DIFF. Col. Occ. Chem. Hard. NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. PYRRHOTITE See page 76. FRANKLINITE See page 144. I I 90 HC1 Cone. MAGNETITE Fe 3 O4 COL. White. With galena, very dull (purplish) grayish white; with sphalerite, distinctly lighter, with suggestion of creamy; with hema- tite, faint creamy brown; with ilmenite, lighter and creamy; with tetrahedrite, very pale grayish brown. Sometimes has a purnlish tarnish, persistent. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, pitted. H. 5.5-6.5 < ilmenite and hematite. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 cone. . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 cone, slowly turna brown, some grains faster than others. Acid turns yellow. 4 Aq. Re f- Sam e as HclcoQ c. 5. HC1 cone. hot. Readily blackened and dissolved. DIFF. Col. Chem. 5. NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. SPERRYLITE PtAs 2 Jg C L. White (not compared with any mineral, but appears white). 1 he specimens examined were not polished, but were minute crys- M tals, mounted in sealing wax, and the reactions observed on the O crystal faces. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 .^t^Hd cone* 5? Very slowly faint yellow, washes off, leaving surface unchanged. Yellow probably due to coloration of acid. Test doubtful. 5. Aq. t/\ Keg. bame as HC1 cone, but slower. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8 JJ? KClOs and H 2 SO 4 cone. Quickly bright orange yellow, then darker' % i to bright yellowish brown. Washes off to very pale brown, which fes rubs off easily. 9.H 2 SO 4 conc. Slowly light brownish yellow, deep- Z enmg gradually, easily washes off clean. Like KC1O 3 and H 2 SO< O cone, but less vigorous. *-* DITF. Chem. 8, 9. UZ UNKNOWN PINKISH MINERAL (in Mohawkite) See page 76. 91 WHITE HARDNESS MEDIUM GRAYISH WHITE HNOs NEQ. KCN Neg. BOURNONITE (PbCu 2 ) 3 Sb 2 S6 COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white, very nearly same; with silver, dull grayish (bluish) white; with tetrahedrite, grayish white, no brown. HARD. Medium or low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3 < td. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Quickly blackens with effervescence, produces a coating of free sulphur. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. NH 4 OH . DIFF. Chem. 2, 5. NOTE. Some bournonite is turned brown by HNOa, acid and fumes, or by acid alone. Brighter along cracks in the mineral, or around pyrite grains. TENORITE CuO COL. White. With galena, pale greenish gray, and darker greenish gray (hard and soft portions); with tetrahedrite, hard part nearly the same, and soft decidedly darker. The soft part is probably the earthy form, melaconite. Occ. Often crusted, like some limonite, with layers of varying hard- ness; or in minute plates or crystals. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-4. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Quickly darkens; drop spreads out rapidly, forming and carrying with it a ring of pale green- ish blue coating. Then acid rapidly evaporates, leaving a mass of minute acicular, nearly colorless crystals on the surface. Fumes tarnish brilliant iridescent. Fumes and coating wash off readily. 4. Aq. Reg. Same as HC1. 5. FeCls. Very slowly faint brown, rubs clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 3. DELAFOSSITE Cu, Fe, O COL. Pale creamy gray. With galena, creamy gray; with sphalerite, grayish cream; with tetrahedrite, slightly yellower and duller. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5 > copper. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Darkens slightly and rather rapidly dissolves, developing structure. Shows etched sur- face clearly after rubbing. 4. Aq. Reg. Etches rather slowly and slightly. Acid quickly turns yellowish green. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 3. TETRAHEDRITE See page 94. R REGNOLITE See page 104. 1 KCN z 8 POLYBASITE See page 105. ENARGITE See page 95. ARGYRODITE See page 105. 5 6 gj 2 S C W 8 S3 S z 3 O I* or 6 z E WHITE HARDNESS MEDIUM GRAYISH WHITE FUMES HNO 3 KCN Neg. TETRAHEDRITE Cu8Sb 2 S 7 COL. Grayish white. With galena, dull pale gray with a suggestion of brown. Slightly variable, grading towards tennantite in color. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-4.5 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOa . Fumes tarnish slowly light brown, rubs off easily (sometimes not affected even by fumes). 2. KCN (see note). 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly effervesces, acid turns greenish yellow; after a few minutes shows a coating of sulphur, which can be rubbed off, leaving a pitted surface. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Slowly tarnished bright brown, rubs off. 9. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 10. K3Fe(CN) 6 . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 5 (grades towards tennantite in properties). NOTE. Freibergite, the silver bearing tetrahedrite, is very close to this, but is tarnished bright iridescent with HNOs. Mercurial tetrahedrite is slightly bluer, and is slowly tarnished bright iridescent with HNOs. KCN left on for about a minute and a half turns ordinary tetrahedrite very faint brown, and etches it slightly. Gives a reddish streak on the canvas wheel. TENNANTITE Cu 8 As 2 S 7 COL. Grayish white. With galena, dull grayish, with a suggestion of green; with tetrahedrite, slightly bluer gray, grading towards the same color. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-4.5 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs . Fumes tarnish bright brown, rubs off. 2. KCN (see note). 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly effervesces, tarnishes bright iridescent in a few moments. Rubs off to show a pitted surface. 6. FeCla . 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Rather quickly bright brown. 9. K 3 Fe(CN) 6 . Slowly tarnished brown, rubs off. 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 11. Iodine . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 5 (grades towards tetrahedrite in properties). NOTE. With KCN for 1^ minutes acts same as tetrahedrite. Gives a reddish streak on the canvas wheel. HAUERITE MnS 2 COL. Grayish white. With galena, pale gray or grayish white; with tetrahedrite, slightly white, or more neutral, with no yellowish tinge. Practically opaque. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. = 4. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Fumes tarnish a little, very slowly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Slowly very faint brown. Fumes tarnish faintly. Rubs clean easily, leaving a smooth surface. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 4. NOTE. Gives an orange streak on the canvas wheel. BOURNONITE See page 92. l KCN ENARGITE COL. White. With galena, very dull grayish white, with a suggestion of pinkish brown; with silver, very dull grayish white; with argen- tite, dull pinkish gray; with tetrahedrite, decidedly pinkish gray. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs . Fumes slowly tarnish faint brown. 2. KCN. Quickly blackens and etches. Rubs clean, showing etched surface with structure or cleavage developed. 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Quickly brown, appears to roughen ; rubs clean easily. Fumes tarnish slightly. 6. FeCl 3 . 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 )2S X - Slowly bright brown, iridescent; rubs clean easily. 9. KiFe(CN). . 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 11. Iodine . DIFF. Chem. 2, 5. NOTE. Ordinary enargite, faintly pinkish, is here called white enargite. This shows perfect cleavage, and may be wholly pure Cu;iAsS4, or, as in some cases, may carry considerable antimony without appreciably altering its physical or microchemical properties. (Some antimonial enargite from Peru, however, is JJ browned and etched by HNOa, while ordinary enargite is not.) Massive white enargite, without cleavage, but in crystal ~ ^ grains, as shown by etching, has been observed from Goldfield. Q UJ This carries equal portions of antimony and arsenic. ^ 5 Pink enargite, which shows decidedly pink against ordinary X-i enargite, has not been observed in crystals, except granular T t\ aggregates, without good crystal form, and never shows cleav- age. It carries apparently all proportions between practically all arsenic and no antimony, to nearly all antimony and no arsenic. The former corresponds to luzonite, and the latter to famatinite. An intermediate member occurs in Goldfield, with about equal amounts of antimony and arsenic. This has slightly different microchemical properties from other pink enargites. A whiter form of famatinite, with cleavage, that is, the anti- mony end-member of the normal enargite series, has not yet been observed. Enargite is frequently intergrown curiously with tennantite, giving the former a mottled appearance. This is very common at Butte, and has been called "mottled enargite" by L. C. Graton and the writer. The enargite in this intergrowth is free from antimony, and also varies perceptibly in degree of pinkness. o Z c/) 8 m Q 95 fi i WHITE HARDNESS MEDIUM GRAYISH WHITE HN0 3 KCN Neg. ALGODONITE (GRAY) CuAs? COL. Grayish white (part of a mixture). With galena, very pale gray. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 4? CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens, with effervescence, leaving a rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCl 3 . 6. KOH. Turns yellowish brown. 7. (NHOzSx. In- stantly bright iridescent. 8. Iodine . 9. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . Blackened, rubs clean. 10. KsFe(CN) G . Faint brown, rubs clean. DIFF. Chem. I, 4. POLYTELITE 4(PbAgFeZn)S-Sb 2 S 3 ? COL. White. With galena, dull grayish white; with tetrahedrite, slightly grayer? HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H.? = Td? CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly bright brown and iridescent, persistent. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly bright brown, effer- vesces and blackens, persistent. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 2. NOTE. Distinguished from freibergite only by the absence of copper. This is a very doubtful species. ALABANDITE MnS COL. Grayish white. With galena very pale dull gray; with silver, pale bluish gray; with argentite, slightly darker. Transparent green by oblique light. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5-4 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and darkens; rubs to light gray with little solution pits. If patch is large enough, odor of HsS is evident. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN . 4. HC1. Same as HNO 3 . 5. HC1 cone. Same. 6. Aq. Reg. Dissolves readily with evolution of H 2 S. Leaves a rather smooth solution pit. 7. FeCls . 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. Iodine. Brilliant tarnish; rubs off rather easily to faint. 11. (NH^Sx. Very slowly iridescent; rubs clean easily. 12. NH 4 OH . 13. K 3 Fe(CN) 6 . Slowly faint brown; rubs off easily. 14. K4Fe(CN)e. Same. DIFF. Col Chem. 1, 6. GEOCRONITE See page 132. FREIBERGITE See page 94 (note under tetrahedrite). BAUMHAUERITE See page 108. MOHAWKITE (GRAY) See page 97. CROOKESITE See page 109. PLAGIONITE See page 135. STYLOTYPITE See page 97. BOURNONITE See page 92. [2 ^ 96 KCN UNKNOWN MINERAL (QuATisH WHITE, Butte, N. 13) COL. White. With galena, faint brownish grayish white; with silver, decidedly grayish white; with tetrahedrite, about same, but less yellowish, or brown (?). HARD. Medium to low. SURF. Smooth. H. > bn < unknown creamy, Butte, N 13. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and turns gray, persistent. Develops cracks, rubs off rough. 2. KCN. Instantly brilliant iri- descent. Rubs easily to pale, persistent tarnish. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly darkens and roughens. Rubs fairly easily to original color. 5. FeCl 3 . Rather quickly darkens, finally grayish brown; develops cracks; rubs off easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 2. NOTE. Probably carries Bi. MOHAWKITE (GRAY) Cu 3 As (with Ni and Co)? COL. Grayish white. With galena, very pale (yellowish ?) gray; with silver, same 'as with galena. Has needles of purplish color in it, *D like those in domeykite. ** HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 4. Q CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Effervesces violently, turns purple, then black. 2. KCN ? (with unknown pinkish mineral, is slowly etched). 3. M HC1 (with unknown pinkish mineral is etched). 4. Aq. Reg. ^ (with unknown pinkish mineral, is etched). 5. FeCls . 6. KOH. Tarnishes bluish, rubs off, leaving purplish tinge. 7. NaOH. Tar- W) nishes brown, then brilliant, persistent. 8. NH 4 OH. Blackens, then (/) turns iridescent. 9. (NH^Sx. Instantly iridescent. 10. [Tj K3Fe(CN) 6 . Slowly brilliant colors, very persistent. Forms solu- 5 tion pit. -* DIFF. Occurrence as part of intergrowth. Chem. 6. Q * STYLOTYPITE (Cu 2 Ag 2 Fe) 3 Sb 2 Se? COL. White. With galena, grayish white; with tetrahedrite, prac- tically the same. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Very slowly brownish yellow and red. Some grains hardly touched. Fumes tarnish slightly. Rubs clean easily. 2. KCN. Turns faint gray? Rubs clean easily, leaving a slightly roughened surface. (Test is not well established.) 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Slowly pale brown. After a while effervesces slightly. Fumes tarnish a little. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH. Very slowly faint brown. Rubs easily to very faint brown, slightly roughened surface. DIFF. Chem. 1. PLAGIONITE See page 135. z E 97 WHITE HARDNESS MEDIUM PINKISH WHITE HNO 3 Neg. LUZONITE COL. Pink. With galena and silver, pale pink; with enargite, dis- tinctly pale pink. Color variable faint to decided pink. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5 = en. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Fumes tarnish slightly. 2. KCN. Slowly darkens and dissolves, like enargite, the darker pink more quickly than the paler. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly bright iridescent, rubs off easily. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 2. See note under enargite, page 95. ENARGITE See page 95. is 1 s RA HNOt FAMATINITE COL. White. With galena, decidedly pinkish white; with enargite, distinctly pinkish white; with luzonite, about the same. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly etched, turning brown, some parts more rapidly than others; at last iridescent. Fumes tarnish faintly. Rather persistent, shows etched surface. 2. KCN. Rather quickly brown, then iridescent, slowly, and is etched. Rubs to grayish brown, etched surface. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Rather quickly brown, slight effervescence. Fumes tarnish. Rubs clean quite easily. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 2. NOTE. See note under enargite, page 95. A pink mineral from Goldfield, carrying equal parts of As and Sb, with the com- position of an enargite, shows the following behavior: 1. HNOa . Fumes tarnish faintly. 2. KCN. Very quickly dark brown, then black. Etches deeply. 3 OJ ARGYROPYRITE See page 101. Jg Cft GEOCRONITE See page 132. Cfl z BREITHAUPTITE See page 66. Q Qtf V) CO UJ Q tt 99 WHITE HAKDNESS MEDIUM CHEAMY WHITE No Eff. HNO 8 PENTLANDITE (FeNi)S COL. Creamy white. With galena, very pale (creamy) yellow, not brown; with silver, about the same as with galena. HARD. Medium. SURF. Shiny. H. 3.5-4 < po > cp. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Slowly light yellowish brown tarnish ; rubs off . 2. HNOs cone. Slowly tarnishes bright yellow; rubs clean easily. 3. KCN . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Quickly bright brown, fumes slightly brown ; rubs clean easily. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . S.NaOH . 9. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . 10. H 2 SO4 cone. . ll.K3Fe(CN) 6 . 12. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 13. Iodine . DIFF. Chem. 1, 2. SULVANITE See page 72. CHALMERSITE See page 72. BRONZE ENARGITE See page 74. BERTHIERITE See page 103. LINNJEITE See page 79. HAUCHECORNITE See page 79. 100 RA Eff. HNOs i ARGYROPYRITE Ag, Fe, S and As ? COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, same as silver. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth or slightly rough. H. 3.5-4 > arsenic. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly blackens, with effervescence; rubs off to black and rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. AQ. Ree. 5. FeCb . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1. NOTE. Intermediate between argentopyrite and sterabergite, in composition. AIKINITE PbCuBiSa COL. White. With galena, pale creamy; with silver, very pale grayish white. HARD. Medium or low. SURF. Smooth. H 2-2.5. > bn. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Effervesces and blackens, shows whitish coating (yellow and white mixed) on surface by oblique light. Fumes tarnish instantly iridescent then blacken. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. Instantly dark brown, persistent. 5. Aq. Reg. Turns brown IT* with slow effervescence, blackens. Rubs gray and rough. Shows UJ slight white coating. Fumes tarnish instantly bright brown. 6. DIFF. Col Chem. 2. y* CD ED DOMEYKITE See page 125. ^ ALGODONITE (CREAM) See page 74. C MOHAWKITE (CREAM) See page 74. WHITNEYITE See page 75. KALLILITE See page 82. 3 CD CD UJ Q a I WHITE HARDNESS MEDIUM GALENA WHITE S KOH Neg. 1 1 CHALCOSTIBITE CttSbSa COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-4. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Fumes instantly tarnish narrow rim bright. Acid slowly very faint brown- ish gray. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 6. BOURNONITE See page 92. POLYBASITE See page 105. GEOCRONITE See page 132. KALLILITE See page 82. H! S 1 I I 102 KOH BERTHIERITE FeSb 2 S COL. White. With galena, practically the same; with silver, like galena. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-3. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . KCN - . 3. HC1 cone. - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces and turns slowly bright yellowish brown; fumes tarnish, rubs clean easily. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH. Slowly bright brown. 7. NaOH Same as KOH, but more quickly. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. GUEJARITE COL. White. With galena, nearly the same (faintly creamy). Shows two colors, grayer and whiter (probably due to orientation). HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. ^, CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly bright iridescent, then blackens. Rubs 2 easily to gray, roughened surface. 2. KCN. Slowly faint brown. Rubs clean easily. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Slowly bright irides- S< cent. Slowly efferyesces. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH. Instantly iridescent, then blackened rapidly. Coated with yellow. Rubs off clean to show deeply dissolved and roughened surface. 5? DIFF. Chem. 6. NOTE. Observations were made on minute crystals mounted in CO sealing wax, so that reactions may be somewhat affected. (/) 01 O s EH z; Q e 103 WHITE HARDNESS Low GRAYISH WHITE HNO 3 NEG. KCN Neg. MOLYBDENITE MoS 2 COL. White. With galena, mixture of dull grayish white (with purple tinge), and white; with silver, mixture of dull purplish gray and white. Different colors due to different orientation? HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1-1.5 > cc.? CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . 7. NH 4 OH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 2, 4. REGNOLITE Cu 7 As 2 Si 2 COL. Grayish white. With galena, greenish grayish white; with tetrahedrite, pale greenish. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. < SI. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Rather slowly bright brown. Fumes tarnish faintly. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 4. SELIGMANNITE CuPbAsS 3 COL. White. With galena, grayish white; with tetrahedrite, very slightly lighter. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = 3. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Very quickly blackens with effervescence. Thinly coated with white. Rubs to rough gray surface. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH. Rather slowly darkens to pale bluish iridescent. Rubs clean easily. DIFF. Chem. 6. NOTE. Practically the same as rathite in chemical properties. ARGENTIFEROUS JAMESONITE (near Brogniardite) COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. < cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs . Fumes slowly faint brown. 2. KCN ? (or possibly very faint gray). 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces slightly, and turns brown and iridescent. Fumes tarnish instantly. Rubs to faint gray, roughened surface. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 4. NOTE. This mineral is distinctly browner than ordinary jame- sonite, and does not agree in properties with any other mineral in this collection. CINNABAR See page 141. KALGOORLITE See page 124. BOURNONITE See page 92. TIEMANNITE See page 114. CQ RATHITE See page 141. ^ LENGENBACHITE See page 141. t UNKNOWN (Tonopah) See page 114. 1 U< 104 KCN ORPIMENT As 2 S 3 COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with proustite, pale J? (purplish) grayish white; with tetrahedrite, dull bluish gray; with O cuprite, same as with proustite? Transparent yellow by oblique ^ light. XH HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1.5-2. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. HNO 3 cone. - . 3. KCN. Quickly dark, persistent. 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Fumes darken? 6. FeCl 3 - . 7. KOH. Instantly blackens and dissolves. 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Dissolves and forms rough surface. 9. K3Fe(CN) 6 - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 3, 4. ARGYRODITE AgeGeSs COL. White. With galena, dull grayish white; with tetrahedrite, very pale bluish gray, no brown. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2 5 CHEM. l.'-.HNOs - . 2. KCN. Rather quickly brown, developing structure by differential attack. Rubs easily to a faintly etched surface. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent; rubs bright iridescent, persistent. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 2, 4, 5. POLYBASITE Ag 9 SbS 6 COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish (greenish) white; with silver, bluish grayish white; with argentite, practically white; with tetrahedrite, grayish white, no brown. Color is slightly variable. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-3 = gn CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN. Rather quickly dark brown, then black ; persistent, shows much roughened surface, sometimes with structure developed. 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. Fumes sometimes blacken, but this varies with different specimens, and some polybasite is not affected even by fumes. 5. Aq. Reg. Iridescent, with very slow effervescence, and not much tarnishing by fumes. Rubs clean, leaving a somewhat roughened surface, usually. 6. FeCl 3 - . 7. KOH - . 8. (NH4)2S X . Very slowly blackens, partially? This test is doubtful. DIFF. Chem. 2, 5, 6. PEARCEITE Ag 9 AsS, COL. Grayish (greenish) white. With galena, very pale grayish Z green. M HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3 = gn. ** CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . Fumes tarnish; tarnish washes off. 2. KCN. Very uickly blackens and dissolves. Rubs to pale gray, rough surface. H 9l l " ' 4 - HC1 conc - - 5 - M- Reg. Instantly effervesces, turns iridescent, and darkens quickly. Rubs clean very easily. 6. p^ FeCls. Quickly bright iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 7. KOH - . ^ DIFF. Chem. 6. Q JALPAITE See page 140. ^ MIARGYRITE See page 115. C/) STEPHANITE See page 142. J LIVINGSTONITE See page 142. 105 WHITB HARDNESS Low GRAYISH WHITE HNOs FeCls KCN Weg. TEALLITE PbSnSa COL. White. With galena, creamy (?) grayish white; with tetra- hedrite, slightly lighter. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1-2. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Bright brown, then brilliant iridescent, some grains quickly, some more slowly. Rubs clean easily. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1. Slowly yellowish brown, fumes tarnish. Rubs clean easily. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, with effervescence; darkens, fumes tarnish. Rubs to gray, persistent. 5. FeCls. Slowly faint brown. 6. KOH. Slowly faint brown. DIFF. Chem. 1, 3. AGUILARITE AgzS-AgzSe COL. White. With galena, pale gray, with greenish tinge (?) ; with silver, dull pale grayish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5 < cp. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Slowly tarnished brownish, rubs off very easily. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. - ? 6. FeCls. Slowly bright iridescent, rubs clean easily. 7. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 1, 3, 5. (PETZITE ? unknown) ? COL. White. With galena, purplish grayish white; with silver, de- cidedly purplish grayish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3 < gold. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens, rubs to gray. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly bright iridescent, rubs clean. 5. FeCh. Instantly iridescent; fairly persistent, dries bright. 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 1, 3, 4. NOTE. Not true petzite, and usually with native gold. For petzite, see page 137. COLORADOITE HgTe COL. Grayish white. With galena, dull pale gray; with silver and tetrahedrite, same; same color as petzite (?). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly bright brown, then brilliant iridescent; rubs clean. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Slowly bright iridescent, with effervescence; rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla. Slowly faint brownish. Tarnished at edges of drop, rubs clean easily. 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 1,3,4, 5. I fc g I 106 KCN CHALCOCITE Cu 2 S COL. Grayish or bluish white. Sometimes "mottled," with bright colors, blue or green. With galena, pale bluish or grayish white; with silver, pale bluish white; with cuprite, slightly whiter. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3 < bn. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces vigorously and etches, turning more or less blue. Develops cleavage or irregular cracking. 2. HNOa cone. Effervesces, turns blue, and dissolves, very rapidly, but does not develop cleavage. 3. KCN. Very rapidly blackens, rubs off to show cleavage or cracking, very fine graixied. Dilute KCN. Produces coarser etching. 4. HCJi. Change's color slightly and dissolves a little. 5. HC1 cone. Same as HC1. 6. Aq. Reg. Dissolves readily, effervesces and develops cleavage, but changes color only slightly. 7. FeCls. Dissolves and turns slightly paler (?). Does not develop structure. 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. NHiOH . 11. K3Fe(CN) 6 . 12. K 4 Fe(CN) 8 . Slowly faint brown. DIFP. Col. Chem. 1. NOTE. Color variation of chalcocite is due partly to admixture of covellite in sub-microscopic fragments or solid solution. The reds and greens sometimes observed may not be due to this. "Mottled" chalcocite of this sort shows true chalcocite cleav- age on etching. e CLEAVAGE. The writer has found by etching oriented sec- tions of chalcocite crystals that this mineral possesses good cleavages parallel to the base and side pinacoid, and a poor one parallel to the front pinacoid. Therefore, no section will show more than two good cleavage directions, and will much more often show one good cleavage and one poor one. This affords a sure distinction between chalcocite which has its own crystal form, and chalcocite derived from bornite, which retains the structure of the bornite. In this case any section will show at least three directions of cleavage, of equal perfection though not necessarily equally abundant in development. These are octa- hedral directions. It has not been observed in unaltered bornite, but only when bornite is altering to chalcocite apparently under special conditions. Anomalous cleavages have been noted in chalcocite crystals from certain localities, and these are not yet fully explained. When in too small grains to show much cleavage, there is often a tendency for a single cleavage direction to be revealed, though the smaller areas do not show even this. The hardness of chalcocite is slightly variable in different crystallographic directions. UNKNOWN " TAPALPAITE " (GRAY) ? COL. Grayish white. With galena, grayish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly iridescent, with effervescence, coated with white. Rubs clean. 2. KCN. Slowly darkens. Rubs clean. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and turns iridescent. Fumes tarnish iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla. Instantly iridescent, brilliant. Coated thinly with white? Rubs clean. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1. ^S? ARGENTITE Ag 2 S ~ COL. Grayish white. With galena, dull pale grayish white; with silver, same; with tetrahedrite, duller gray, no brown tinge; with 3C enargite, very pale greenish, no pink tinge; with polybasite, very pale (greenish) gray; with stephanite, very pale greenish yellow; with dyscrasite, very dull gray. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth, but easily scratched. H. 2-2.5 <=gn. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly light brown; fumes tarnish faintly; rubs off easily, and shows structure by differential etching. 2. HNOs cone. . 3. KCN. Slowly or quickly dark brown, rubs off readily. ^ Sometimes only faint brown, slowly. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. -J Instantly tarnished iridescent by the fumes, and blackened by acid, forming a thick, persistent tarnish film. 6. Aq. Reg. In- CrJ stantly iridescent. Fumes tarnish brighter than acid, persistent. t/) 7. FeCls Slowly turns brown, dries iridescent; rubs off. 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. (NH<) a S x . ^ DIFF. Chem. 3, 6, 7. ~* NOTE. With much galena; Aq. Reg. doea not tarnish argentite Q so quickly or so much. Q^ STROMEYERITE See page 117. < PEARCEITE Bee page 105. 107 WHITE HARDNESS Low GRAYISH WHITE HNOs FeCl 3 NEG. HC1 Neg. Q STANNITE SnCu 2 FeS 4 (Hintze) ^ [(Sn, Cu, Fe, Zn)S] COL. Pale olive gray. With galena, pale yellowish brown, or greenish ** gray; with silver, pale dull brownish gray, or yellowish gray; with W tetrahedrite, dull brownish gray. Color is apparently variable, from ^) different localities. ** HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 4 = cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly brown, then brilliant iridescent; rubs off. 2. HNOs cone. Darkens quickly, then turns green, and effervesces, washes off black showing solution surface. Rubs clean, showing differential solution. 3. KCN . HC1 . Fumes tarnish brown- ish. 4. HC1 cone. Same as HC1. 5. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and turns iridescent; develops grains; rubs clean easily. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH . 8. NaOH . 9. (NHO^S* . 10. NH 4 OH . 11. K3Fe(CN) 6 . Slowly faint brown, dries darker, rubs off easily. DIFF. Chem. 1, 7. BAUMHAUERITE Pb 4 As 6 Si3 COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with tetrahedrite light grayish white, no brown. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly turns some portions light brown, others much less easily; rubs off easily. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, blackens with effervescence; rubs to persistent black. 5. FeCl 3 . 6. KOH. Quickly iridescent, with rapidly changing colors; rubs clean easily. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. REALGAR AsS COL. White. With galena, dull grayish white; with proustite, faintly purplish grayish white. Transparent orange by oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1.5-2. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces but does not change color. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN . 4. HC1 . 5. Aq. Reg. Effervesces, turns brown and darkens, rubs to rough gray. 6. FeCls . 7. KOH. Instantly brown, then blackens and dissolves very rapidly. 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . 9. K 3 Fe(CN) 6 . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 7. NOTE. Realgar with lorandite from Macedonia is transparent red by oblique light. Also is blackened, without effervescence, by HNOs; and is slowly blackened by KOH. CROOKESITE (CuTlAg) 2 Se COL. Grayish white. With galena, grayish (brownish) white; with tetrahedrite, practically the same. HARD. Low (medium) . SURF. Smooth. H. = 2.5-3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly faint brown. Fumes instantly light brown. Rubs clean easily. 2. KCN ? (test not positive). 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCla . 6. KOH ? (possibly very faint brown, doubtful). DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. 108 1 RA I m FREIESLEBENITE See page 134. GUANAJUATITE See page 120. ANDORITE See page 134. UNKNOWN (near Andorite) See page 134. z E 109 I LU Q WHITE HARDNESS Low GRAYISH WHITE HNO FeCla NBG. Fumes HC1 . CYLINDRITE 3 PbSnS 2 + SnFeSb 2 S 8 COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with tetrahedrite, ^, almost the same, but no brown. ^ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3. w CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly brown, then iridescent; rubs clean. Fumes Q tarnish slightly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Fumes tarnish pale QJ brown. 4. Aq. Reg. Immediately brown, then iridescent; rubs {> clean easily. Fumes tarnish. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Slowly brown, then iridescent; rubs clean easily. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. FRANKEITE 3 PbSnS 2 + Pb 2 FeSb 2 S 8 COL. White. With galena, creamy grayish white; with silver, pale grayish white; with tetrahedrite, very close, but a little lighter. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1-2. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Rather quickly brown, then brilliant iridescent; rubs clean easily. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Fumes tarnish slightly. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, effervesces a moment; rubs clean easily. Fumes tarnish bright. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Slowly pale brown, rubs clean. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. BROGNIARDITE PbAg 2 Sb 2 S 6 ? COL. White. With galena, pale (bluish) white; with tetrahedrite, distinctly bluish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = gn? CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Slowly pale brown (differentially) ; rubs clean easily. 2. KCN. Slowly faint brown (uniform) ; rubs clean easily. 3. HC1. Very faint brown, slowly. Fumes tarnish light brown. Rubs clean easily. 4. Aq. Reg. Immediately effervesces and turns iridescent, darkening and developing a white coating. Fumes tarnish brilliant iridescent. Rubs to gray rough surface. Fumes rub clean. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Instantly bright iridescent; rubs clean easily, showing etched surface. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. NOTE. Close to jamesonite. JAMESONITE Pb 2 Sb 2 S 6 COL. White. Mixture of grayish and pale creamy whites, the gray decidedly harder. Act about the same chemically and appear to be differently oriented individuals. With galena, decidedly grayish creamy white, and almost same; with silver, same as with galena; with tetrahedrite, slightly grayer, and pure white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly brown, then black. White coating shown by oblique light. Rubs easily to brilliant iridescent, persistent. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . Fumes tarnish slowly bright; rubs easily to faint brown, persistent. 4. Aq. Reg. Rather quickly brown, with effervescence, then blackens. Gray quicker than white. Yellowish coating formed ; rubs to gray rough surface. Fumes tarnish brilliant iridescent. 5. FeCk - . 6. KOH. Slowly blue and purple tarnish, white less touched, and some gray grains more than others. DIFF. Chem. 1, 4, 6. 1 RA ZINKENITE PbSbzS, COL. White. With galena, pale grayish white; with tetrahedrite, lighter grayish white, no brown ; with j amesonite, about same, may be a little bluer. Color slightly variable, due to different orienta- tion of individuals. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3 +. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly blackens with effervescence, rubs to irides- cent gray, rough. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Fumes slowly tarnish brown. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly brown, then black; rubs to gray rough surface. Fumes tarnish instantly. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Some grains instantly iridescent; some untouched. Rubs easily to pale colors. DIFF. Chem. 1, 4, 6. z K I V) CO LU Z Q 111 WHITE HARDNESS Low GRAYISH WHITE HN0 8 FeGl Ncu HC1 I I ALABANDITE See page 96. COSALITE See page 122. ss I I 112 RA ... d z E 1 UJ Q 113 1 WHITE HARDNESS Low BLUISH WHITE HNOjNuo. KOH Neg. TIEMANNITE HgSe COL. White. With galena, distinctly pale blue; with silver, pale blue, darker than with galena. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. HNO 3 cone. - . 3. KCN - . 4. HC1 - . 5. HC1 cone. - . 6. Aq. Reg. Rapidly blue, red, iridescent, then coated with orange yellow, rubbing to uniform gray. 7. FeCls - . 8. KOH - . 9. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Very slowly brown, rubs clean. 10. NH4OH . ll.K4Fe(CN)e - . 12. K3Fe(CN) 6 - . 13. Iodine. Bright iridescent; rubs to persistent gravish green. DIPF. Chem. 1, 6, 7. ONOFRITE Hg(SSc) COL. White. With galena, pale bluish white; with cuprite, bluish white, makes latter look creamy; with tiemannite, same. Shows intergrowth of whiter and browner portions, showing crystal out- lines. May be due to different orientation. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . 2. KCN. Faintly blue and roughens. Rubs clean, showing shallow solution pit. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly iridescent, growing brilliant; effervesces; finally coated with yellow. Rubs clean, showing deeply etched surface. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 2, 4, 5. POLYARGYRITE COL. Bluish white. With galena, pale blue; with cuprite, bluish greenish gray, grayer than cuprite. HARD. Very low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5 <3C cp. CHEM. 1. HNOa - . Fumes^tarnish. When with chalcopyrite, tar- nishes slightly brown and iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 2. KCN. Instantly turns brown. Dries brilliant iridescent when rinsed off. Rubs clean rather easily. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly bril- liant iridescent, with effervescence. Fumes tarnish brilliant iri- descent. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCla. Rather quickly darkens and r ^ appears to roughen. Rinses off to brilliant iridescent. Rubs clean Cq easily. 6. KOH - . S-, DIFF. Chem. 2, 5. 1C; STUTZITE Ag4Te ? ^ COL. White. With galena, very pale bluish white. * HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = tellurium. ^ CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effer- 5j vesces and slowly turns bright iridescent then dark. Rubs easily to ff) gray iridescent surface, roughened, and spotted with minute clean < areas. 5. FeCla - . 6. KOH - . j^ DIFF. Chem. 4. 3 UNKNOWN (silver mineral, Tonopah, Nev.) ? ^ COL. Bluish white. With galena (grayish), bluish white; with silver, bluish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Ragged. H < silver. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . Fumes tarnish slightly. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . Fumes tarnish slightly. 5. Aq. Reg. Instantly bril- liant iridescent. Fumes same, rubs clean easily. 6. FeCla. Slowly darkens and turns iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 7. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 2, 6. fY> NOTE. Same as polyargyrite except that it does not effervesce *U with Aq. Reg., and is not attacked by KCN. COVELLITE See page 58. KALGOORLITE See page 124. RATHITE See page 141. CINNABAR See page 141. 114 RA KOH PROUSTITE AgsAsSi COL. Bluish white. With galena, bluish white; with cuprite, about the same. Transparent brilliant red with oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5 = gn. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. HNOs cone. . 3. KCN. Slowly light brown, developing scratches. When rinsed off, without rubbing, shows little or no orange yellow jjoating, rubs clean easily. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 conc.-r . 6. Aqf Reg. Brown, then iridescent, then effervesces slowly, and blackens. Rubs easily to persistent light brown. Fumes tarnish. 7. FeCls. Slowly faint tarnish? 8. KOH. Instantly brown, quickly darkening. Rubs to pale yellowish roughened surface. 9. NaOH. Same as KOH. 10. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Slowly faint brown, rubs off clean. 11. NH*OH . 12. K*Fe(CN) . 13. KsFe (CN) 6 . DIFF. Col. Chem. 3. Jr NOTE. The presence of some Sb probably accounts for any coat- ing with KCN. Q PYRARGYRITE AgsSbSs COL. Bluish white. With galena, pale bluish white; with proustite, slightly lighter? Transparent brilliant red by oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5 = gn. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. HNOs cone. . 3. KCN. Slowly light brown, developing scratches. When rinsed off, shows orange yellow coating, rubs off, leaving solution pit. 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. . 6. Aq. Reg. Brown, then iridescent, then effervesces slowly and blackens. Rubs easily to light brown, persistent. Fumes tarnish. 7. FeCls. Dissolves (?) slightly, but does not change color. 8. KOH. Instantly iridescent, and immediately blackens and dissolves. Rubs off to show solution pit colored pale brownish yellow. 9. NaOH. Same as KOH. 10. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Slowly faint brown, rubs off clean. 11. NH 4 OH . 12. K4Fe(CN) 8 . 13. KsFe(CN) 6 . DIFF. Col. Chem. 3. UNKNOWN (Bluish white, with sternbergite, from Joachimsthal) ^ COL. Bluish white. With galena, pale bluish white; with silver, de- cidedly bluish white. HARD. Very low. SURF. Smooth. H. = cc.? CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN. Darkens to gray, develops structure. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg Black and iridescent, persistent. 5. KOH. Rapidly iridescent, then black. Rubs clean showing solution sur- face. 6. FeCls . DIFF. Col. Chem. 2, 4. NOTE. Possibly near miargyrite. VRBAITE TlAs 2 SbS 6 COL. Bluish white. About like cuprite. Transparent red by oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly effervesces and blackens. Rubs to gray, rough surface. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH. Instantly iridescent. Rubs to persistent gray, roughened surface. DIFF. Chem. 2. MIARGYRITE AgSbS 2 Q j COL. White. Faintly mottled, in various shades, like chalcocite. *p With galena, bluish white; with silver, bluish white. Deep red " * > transparent with bright oblique light. ^ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-2.5. C CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN. Slowly pale brown, rubs faint, per- ( sistent. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly brown, with effervescence, then iridescence. Yellowish white coating formed. Rubs to gray, y* roughened surface. Fumes tarnish slowly, bright iridescent. 5. ' CT FeCls . 6. KOH. Instantly iridescent, with rapid change of J colors to higher orders, the last stage brownish gray and dark brown. ) ** Rubs to gray, rough surface, showing differential solution; white Z usually more resistent. DIFF. Col. Chem. 2,4. ) STEPHANITE See page 142. 9 115 - d WHITE HARDNESS Low BLUISH WHITE HNOs KCN Neg UNKNOWN " Purple Galena." COL. Pale purplish gray. With galena or silver, pale purplish gray; with coloradoite, somewhat bluer. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth but with triangular H. ? cleavage pits like galena. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Bright iridescent. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Slowly brown, faint. Fumes tarnish bright iridescent. 4. Aq. Reg. In- stantly tarnishes bright which quickly darkens to deep blue; rubs clean easily. 5. FeCl 2 . Slowly iridescent, rubs off clean. 6. KOH DIFF.' Col. Surf. NOTE. Reactions may be modified by the presence of calcite, or native silver and niccolite, in the specimens tested. PLENARGYRITE (soft) ? COL. Bluish white. With galena, pale bluish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H < plenargyrite. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Instantly iridescent, persistent. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Darkened and etched; fumes tarnish. Rubs clean easily. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces; turns iridescent, then black. Rubs black and rough. 5. FeCls. Slowly dark brown, iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 3, 6. NOTE. Occurs with plenargyrite exactly the same as "schap- bachite" (soft), with schapbachite. SCHAPBACHITE " (soft) ? U4 COL. Bluish white. With galena, bluish white? f^ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. < schapbachite. JN CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Instantly blackens, persistent. 2. KCN . 3. I^j HC1. Instantly darkened and etched. Rubs clean. 4. Aq. Reg. In- N. stantly blackens, persistent. 5. FeCls. Rather slowly brown, then ^ bright and iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH. Slowly brown. Rubs clean easily. |g DIFF. Chem. 3, 6. I hj QQ COLORADOITE. See page 106. | I RAY. KCN CUPRITE Cu 2 O COL. White. With galena, decidedly bluish white; with proustite the same color. Transparent deep red by oblique light. HARD. Medium. SURF. Shiny but usually pitted. H. 3.5-4> cc. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly plated with metallic copper, which blackens and appears to dissolve immediately, with effervescence. On wash- ing off and drying without rubbing, a film of copper is seen on the surface, pink by oblique light. Rubs off easily, leaving a brilliant iridescent surface on some grains, and some blackened. Fumes tarnish iridescent. 2. HNOs cone. Effervesces, blackens and dis- solves. 3. KCN. Quickly etches and develops a "cleavage" or crystal structure (?) . 4. HC1. Instantly blackens and is coated with white (seen by oblique light); rubs off. Fumes tarnish brilliant iridescent. 5. HC1 cone. Same as HC1. 6. Aq. Reg. Same as HC1. 7. FeCl 3 . Rather quickly persistent dark iridescent. 8. KOH . 9. NaOH . 10. (NH 4 )2S X . Quickly blackens and turns iridescent; shows rough solution surface on rubbing. DIFF. Col. Chem. 1 and 4. NOTE. Practically always carries intermixed native copper. STROMEYERITE (AgCu) 2 S COL. White. With galena, bluish grayish white; with chalcocite, purplish. HARD. Low (very low). SURF. Smooth or "ragged." H. 2.5-3 < cc. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Darkened slightly, and etched, developing a cleav- age on some grains. Fumes tarnish brown, some grains more than others. Tarnish washes off. 2. KCN. Quickly brown, dries darker, and rubs off easily, leaving a clean, faintly creamy white, surface. 3. HC1 . Fumes slowly form a narrow tarnish ring around the drop. Rubs off. 4. HC1 cone. Instantly dark and rough. Fumes tarnish bright iridescent. Rubs off hard, leaving a roughened surface. 5. Aq. Reg. Quickly speckled with black, rubs off to show slight rough- ening (?). 6. FeCls. Instantly bright iridescent, showing structure. Rubs easily to pale blues, and white, with a shallow solution pit. 7. KOH . DIFF. Hard. Col. Chem. 1. CHALCOCITE See page 107. 09 J POLYARGYRITE See page 114. 22 E I BROGNIARDITE See page 110. 3 117 D WHITE HARDNESS Low CREAMY WHITE SAME AS SILVER, OB WHITER FeCls s I I No Eflf. Aq. Reg. (HESSITE ?) ? COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, same. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-3 < gn. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens with effervescence; rubs to gray, and with continued rubbing to white again, with roughened surface. 2. KCN - ? 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. - . 5. FeCls. Slowly bright iridescent, persistent. 6. KOH - . 7. NaOH - . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 S X . Quickly light iridescent; rubs off easily. 9. Iodine. Fumes, in- stantly brilliant colors, rub off easily. Liquid, gray iridescent or yellow, persistent. DIFF. Surf. Chem. 1, 4. NOTE. Differs in properties from crystallized hessite from Felso- banya, Hungary. (See page 138.) SILVER Ag COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white. HARD. Low. SURF. Metallic, smooth. H. 2.5-3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Blackens quickly, due to the formation of a very rough solution surface, often showing crystalline etch figures. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . Fumes tarnish white, washes off. 4. HC1 cone. same. 5. Aq. Reg. Tarnishes quickly yellow, red, blue, bril- liant colors, persistent. 6. FeCls. Quickly bright iridescent, per- sistent. 7. KOH - . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 Sx - . Fumes tarnish brownish. 9. NH 4 OH - . 10. Iodine. White coating, rubs off bright iridescent. DIFF. Col. Surf. Chem. 1, 5. ALTAITE See page 128. i 1 ^ 118 i GRAY. t Eff. Aq. 'Reg. HUNTILITE AgaAs ? COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, practi- cally same color; with algodonite (cream), nearly pure white. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly blackens, with vigorous effervescence; forms very rough surface. 2. KCN. Slowly brown, then black. Parts very resistant; rubs clean to show solution pits. 3. HC1 . Fumes tarnish deep colored, persistent. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iri- descent; effervesces, turns bright brown; rubs to bright iridescent, persistent. 5. FeCls. Instantly iridescent, persistent. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 2. NOTE. Only specimen available is much altered, to pale yellowish gray mineral in dendritic veinlets. 1 (0 <0 u S CO I 3 1 ! 119 WHITE HARDNESS Low CREAMY WHITE SAME AS SILVER, OR W: FeCl* NEQ. KOH Neg. (MATILDITE ?) ? COL. White. With galena, faint creamy white, like silver; with silver, practically pure white. j** HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly bright yellowish brown; rubs to roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 5 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. Tarnishes and blackens quickly; rubs to rough, dark surface. UJ 6. FeCU . 7. KOH . ^ DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. Ejj NOTE. Differs from true matildite, see page 140. GUANAJUATITE Bi 2 Se ^ COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, practi- ta cally white. Shows intergrowth of white and pale creamy gray ^ (orientation different ?). ^* HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3.5. Q> CHEM. 1. HNOa. Rapidly brilliant iridescent; rubs clean easily leaving ZJj rough surface, white portions little touched. 2. KCN . 3. y* HC1 . 4. HC1 cone. . 5. Aq. Reg. White untouched; grayer O part instantly iridescent, with vigorous effervescence, then orange yellow (?) coating formed, persistent, with rough surface. 6. FeCl 3 . 7. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. CHIVIATITE Pb 2 Bi 6 Su rr> COL. Creamy white. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, faintly grayish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. s*J CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly tarnishes iridescent with slow effervescence. I^i At last dark grayish. Thinly coated with white. Rubs clean easily, showing slightly roughened surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly brown, with vigorous effervescence. Coated with ^ white. Rubs clean easily, showing a pitted surface. 5. FeCls . El 6. KOH . C/5 DIFF. Chem. 1. a BISMUTHINITE See page 130. GALENOBISMUTITE See page 130. I I ^ * i 120 GRAY. KOH WITTICHENITE COL. White. With galena, creamy white; with silver, practically same. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Turns faintly yellowish, persistent, when washed off. Fumes tarnish slowly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 cone. . 4. Aq. Reg. Rather quickly bright brown with slow effervescence. Fumes in- stantly tarnish brown. Rubs clean rather easily. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Slowly faint brown, rubs clean. DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. 121 WHITE HABDNESS Low CREAMY WHITE DARKER THAN SILVER HNO, FeCls NEQ. COSALITE Pb 2 Bi 2 Ss COL. White. With galena, creamy white; with silver, creamy white. Mixture of creamy white and pale gray needles, due possibly to difference in orientation of individuals. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Creamy part instantly blackened, with effervescence; gray hardly touched. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Slowly faint yellowish, rubs clean easily. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and tarnishes iridescent, then blackens; fumes tarnish bright brown; rubs to gray rough surface. 5. FeCl3 . 6. KOH. Rather quickly bright brown, Q> .then iridescent. DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. Jj^ JC EMPLECTITE CuBiS 2 ^ COL. White. With galena, decidedly creamy (brownish); with . silver, pale brownish cream. >* HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2. ]2J CHEM. 1. HNOs. Rather slowly light brown, with slight effervescence. Fumes tarnish slightly. Rubs clean. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Rapidly blackens, with effervescence. Rubs to gray, with U^ rough solution surface. Fumes tarnish yellowish brown. 5. ^ FeCls . 6. KOH. Same as HNO 3 , but more slowly. 7. (NH^Sx >^ DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. METACINNABARITE HgS COL. White. With galena, pale creamy and faint purple; with silver, same as with galena. Intergrowth of pale blue (cinnabar ?) and pinkish purple with creamy white. U} HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3. t^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly faintly yellowish. 2. KCN . 3. N*, HC1 cone. Same as HNO 3 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly blackens, with effervescence, leaving very rough surface. 5. FeCl 3 . 6. KOH. Same as HNO 3 . l DIFF. Chem. 1. C/3 SYLVANITE AuAgTez I^J COL. White. With galena, decided pale creamy white; with silver, O pale cream. i^ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1.5-2. QQ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly bright brown, iridescent around edges, per- sistent; develops cleavage. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. -^? Slowly effervesces, tarnishing, and dissolving where bubbles start. Q Rubs clean to show pits. Fumes tarnish. With alabandite, in- ^ stantly effervesces and etches, brown, persistent. 5. FeCls . Or Jjj occasionally very slowly faint brown (doubtful). 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. 8 S5 122 GRAY. 5 | FRANKEITE See page 110. WITTICHENITE See page 121. AIKINITE See page 101. CHIVIATITE See page 120. FREIESLEBENITE See page 134. 123 6 a f) WHITE HARDNESS Low CREAMY WHITE DARKER THAN SILVER HNOa FeCla HC1 Neg. MELONITE COL. Cream. With galena, decidedly creamy; with silver, de- cidedly creamy. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1-2 > gold. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and blackens; rubs to irides- cent and gray; showing some parts not discolored. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCls. Slowly darkens to light brown, rubs to roughened surface. 6. KOH . 7. NaOH . 8. (NH<) 2 S X . DIFF. Chem. 1, 4 CALAVERITE AgAuTej COL. Creamy white. With galena, decidedly deep cream color; with silver, very pale cream; with melonite, very close, nearly the same. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly bright brown with slow effervescence; rubs to light brown with iridescent edges. Develops delicate cleavage in crystals. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces and slowly tarnishes green. 5. FeCls. Slowly brown, then bright irides- cent; rubs clean to show solution pit. 6. KOH. Slowly tarnished brownish; rubs off to pale yellow. 7. NaOH ? " DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. NOTE. Krennerite is the same as calaverite. KALGOORLITE HgAu 2 Ag 6 Te ? COL. White. With galena, pale creamy brown ; with silver, dull pale creamy gray; with calaverite, decidedly paler creamy (gray). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Very slowly faint brown. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and turns iridescent, at last bril- liant, with a persistent white coating. Covered with minute round *^ pits formed by etching. 5. FeCls. Rapidly brilliant iridescent, per- ^ sistent. 6. KOH . C/} DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 5. *4 SYLVANITE ? See page 122. Q ARSENIC See page 136. ft5 HESSITE See page 138. COPPER See page 67. !5 TAPALPAITE See page 125. PETZITE See page 137. 124 i GRAY. HCl DOMEYKTTE (Mixture) ' CtiaAs (Sb)? x COL. White. With galena, pale yellowigh creamy gray and very pale purple; with silver, same as with galena. HARD. Low or medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3-3.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Effervesces and blackens immediately, dissolves. 2. HNOs cone. Same. 3. KCN. - . Purple portion turned pinkish. 4. HCl. Develops struc- ture in white part; purple - . 5. HCl Cone. Same. 6. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and etches, developing a structure. Fumes tarnish iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 7. Feds- Instantly dark iridescent; rubs to clean rough surface. 8. KOH. Tarnishes rapidly to brilliant iridescent; rubs clean easily; purple tarnishes first. 9. (NH4) 2 S X . Quickly darkens, dissolves white quicker than purple. 10. NH4OH. Purple, bright yellowish brown, white hardly touched. 11. KiFe(CN) 8 . Purple turns black, white turns brown, persistent. 12. K3Fe(CN) 6 . Same as 11. DIFF. Chem. 1, 2. NOTE. Only one specimen showed this mixture. Three others show the same components as algodonite. BISMUTH Bi COL. Creamy white, tarnishing very rapidly pale yellow, persistent. With galena, pinkish creamy white; with silver, pale pinkish creamy white, not so yellow as with galena. HARD. Low. SURF. Metallic, smooth. H. 2-2.5 < silver. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Instantly blackens with vigorous effervescence; rubs to light gray coating. 2. KCN - . 3. HCl. Slowly darkens, persistent, and dissolves. 4. Aq. Reg. Rapidly blackens with effervescence; dissolved deeply. 5. FeClj. Instantly attacked, differentially, some grains hardly touched, others dark- ened. 6. KOH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1, 2. NOTE. The friction of rubbing lightly on a rouge block tarnishes bismuth yellow. This yellow is very distinctive for bismuth. If dried without rubbing, the true color is preserved. DYSCRASITE AgsSb, Ag 9 Sb, etc. COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white; with silver, pale creamy white; with argentite, white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5-4 DIFF. Chem. 1, 4, 5. JC NOTE. Gives off selenium odor when ground on the coarse wheel. > TELLURIUM Te (/) COL. White. With galena, almost pure white; with silver, practi- i*4 cally pure white; with altaite, very pale creamy white. HARD. Low. SURF. Semi-metallic, smooth. H. 2-2.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and blackens; rubs to dark J2 gray, rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1; . 4. Aq. Reg. Effer- ^ vesces and turns brown, then black, forming white coating. Rubs to rough and gray. 5. FeCls. Slowly iridescent, brilliant. Persis- tent; shows solution surface. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 6. UNKNOWN (white, from Bisbee, Ariz.) ? COL. White. With galena, pure white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = gn. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN. Very slowly brown, then iridescent; rubs clean easily. 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, JS then black;| rubs to roughened black surface. 5. FeCls. Quickly iri- 5S descent and blackens; rubs clean, showing roughened surface. 6. j^ KOH. Rather quickly iridescent then black, persistent. DIFF. Chem. 6. 5 5 130 1 GRAY LEHRBACHITE PbSe -f HgSe COL. Pure white. With gajena, pure white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCls . (Possibly FeCls browns slightly, but observations were made in presence of soluble gangue, so reactions may be modified.) 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1. BERZELIANITE Cu 2 Se COL. Pure white. With galena, pure white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Untouched an instant, then quickly bright irides- cent, with a little reddish coating. Rubs to greenish gray tarnish. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly brown, then bright iridescent. Rubs to pale gray. 5. FeCla. Rather soon light brown (seen on rinsing off reagent). Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 4, 5. ANTIMONIAL BISMUTHINITE Bi 2 (S,Sb) 3 COL. White. With galena, pure white, or with a faint creamy tinge. Occ. Plates, usually thin, or blades, appearing as needles in the section. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. ^, MENEGHINITE ]2J COL. White. With galena, faintly grayish (or creamy white) very close. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = gn. 1^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Untouched a moment, then very rapidly blackens. (V Appears gray by oblique light. Rubs to gray surface, showing smooth white crystallites, like geocronite. 2. KCN. - 3. HC1. >* Slowly gray, some grains more than others. Fumes tarnish a bright ring. Rubs off, leaving a shallow, grayish pit. 4. Aq. Reg. Turns rather slowly iridescent. Fumes tarnish. Rubs to persistent iri- descent. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH. Very slowly colored blue or reddish. DIFF. Chem. 1,5,7. SEMSEYITE Pb 7 Sb 6 Si COL. White. With galena, very slightly grayish (creamy) white, ^j almost same. Two faintly different colors observed, apparently due to orientation. ^ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs. After a moment bright iridescent, quickly blacken- j^ ing; coated thinly with white. Rubs off to show persistent gray, j< slightly roughened surface. 2. KCN - . 3. HC1. Slowly very faint brown. Fumes tarnish narrow ring, brightly. Rubs clean easily. ^j 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, then blackens, with effervescence. J Fumes tarnish brilliant. Rubs to faint gray, roughened surface. 5. FeCla - . 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 1. < I ZINKENITE See page 111. PLAGIONITE See page 135. JAMESOKITE See page 111. GRAY FeCL LILLIANITE , Pb 3 Bi 2 S COL. White. With galena, same. Shows cubic cleavage by incip- ient alteration. HARD. Low. "SuRF. Smooth. H. = gn? CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Instantly iridescent. Ru bs clean and smooth easily. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Slowly light brown (differential action on different grains). Fumes tarnish bright. Rubs off rather easily, smooth and clean. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly dark brown, then nearly black, coated with white. Fumes tarnish a narrow rim, bright. Rubs clean and smooth easily. 5. FeCls. Slowly bright iridescent. Rubs smooth and clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Surf. Chem. 1. GALENA PbS COL. White. With silver, bluish white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth, but usually H. 2.5-2.75. 3C shows triangularlpits. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Blackens quickly with a dark, persistent coating. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Slowly faint brown. 4. HC1 cone. Quickly brown, fumes tarnish. 5. Aq. Reg. Instantly blackens. 6. FeCls. Bright, iridescent, persistent. 7. KOH . 8. (NH 4 ) 2 Sx . 9. NH 4 OH DIFF.' Surf. Chem. 1. NOTE. A specimen of galena from Central City, Col., intergrown with tellurides and native tellurium, with HNOs is unchanged for an instant, then turned dark brown; rubs clean to show smooth solution pit, cream colored. Galena with intergrown pure white or creamy minerals, such as selenides or tellurides is apt to appear very purple, and care must be taken not to confuse it with purple "galena," which is really purplish, as is shown by comparing it with ordinary galena. STEINMANNITE PbS (As, Sb) (var. galena) COL. White. With galena, same. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth, with triangular cleavage pits. H = gn? CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly iridescent, then blackens with efferves- cence; coated with white. Rubs to gray rough surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1. Rather quickly blackens, and is coated with white. Rubs off to show rough gray surface, with spots which rub clean and smooth. 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, then black. Coated thinly with white; rubs clean easily and shows slightly roughened surface. 5. FeCls. Slowly bright iridescent. Rubs clean and smooth easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Surf. Chem. 1. TETRAD YMITE ? Bi 2 (TeS) 3 COL. White. With galena, very slightly yellowish or grayish, prac- . tically the same; with silver, pale, decidedly purplish grayish white; with bismuthinite, decidedly purplish gray. H t% HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1.5-2. {J * CHEM. 1. HNOs. Rather rapidly deep brown, then black fumes tarnish M ^ brownish. Rubs to rough, light gray surface. 2. KCN . 3. J2 HC1. Slowly bright brown; rubs to uneven pale brown. 4. HC1 ^ cone. Quickly brown, then iridescent. 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly brown, ^ somewhat persistent. 6. FeCls. Slowly faint brown, persistent. Rubs clean, shows solution surface. 7. KOH . 8. (NH4) 2 Sx. Darkens to deep grayish brown, rubs clean. uneven solution surface. 5. FeCls. Quickly darkens, brownish, WJ persistent. 6. KOH . ^ DIFF. Chem. 5. J^j NOTE. Gives off arsenic odor when ground on the coarse wheel. UNKNOWN ("ALLOKLAS") ? ^, COL. White. With galena, pale creamy white, rather close. _ HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. < cp. ^ CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces and blackens; coated with ^ white. Rubs to black etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . Q> 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and tarnishes brown. Fumes Zj tarnish bright brown. Rubs off to show grayish etched surface. 5. p5 FeCls. Slowly very faint brown. 6. KOH . O DIFF. Chem. 1, 5. NOTE. This is a specimen labelled alloklas, but not agreeing with the descriptions of alloclasite. REZBANYITE Pb 4 BiioSi9 COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white (two faintly dif- r> ferent shades, probably due to different orientation). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = 2.5-3. ^J CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly iridescent; fumes tarnish bright. Etched s5J differentially, some grains more rapidly than others. Rubs to pale ^ gray, etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. In- ^ stantly effervesces and tarnishes iridescent. Fumes tarnish bright. Rubs to pale gray etched surface. 5. FeCls. Slowly faint brown. ^ 6. KOH . ^ DIFF. Chem. 1, 5. PLENARGYRITE (hard) AgBiS? (mixture) ML COL. Shows intergrowth of creamy (hard) and bluish (soft) whites. "^ With galena, very pale creamy (?) white; with silver, grayish white. w c *- HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = 2.5? O sj CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 2. KCN . J^ '"S 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly bright iridescent, then darker. S Fumes brilliant iridescent. Rubs black and rough, showing deep *N 1 solution. 5. FeCla. Very slowly brown. Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. NOTE. Very like schapbachite in general appearance. I I 136 GRAY SCHAPBACHITE (hard) PbAgsBisSs (mixture) COL. White. Mixture of creamy (?) (harder) and bluish (softer) whites. With galena, pale creamy white. With silver, grayish white. bo HABD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. < cp. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly brown; rubs clean. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . JZj 4. Aq. Reg. Slowly pale brown, finally dark (like HNO 3 ). Rubs clean. 5. FeCl 3 . Very slowly pale brown. Rubs clean. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1,4. NOTE. Very like plenargyrite in general appearance. PETZITE (AgAu) 2 Te COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish brownish white (nearly the same as hessite ?). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5-3 < galena. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Instantly effervesces, then dark brown. Rubs clean, showing roughly etched surface. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly brilliant iridescent, with effervescence. Fumes tarnish brilliant. Rubs clean easily. 5. FeCls. Quickly iridescent, deepening rapidly. Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 5. i i 1 r* Z <*s g s I 137 q, m B >J5 WHITE JS HARDNESS Low ^ GALENA WHITE ** SAME AS GALENA OB DARKER HN0 3 S GQ 1 I KERMESITE Sb 2 S 2 O COL. White. With galena, slightly darker, almost same; with silver, pale bluish white, very nearly same. Red transparent by oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 1-1.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Quickly light brown, persistent. 2. KCN. Slowly darkens, slightly, and rubs to lighter brown. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces vigorously, and darkens slightly. 5. FeCla - . 6. KOH. Instantly iridescent, then coated with bright yellow, which rubs off easily. DIFF. Col. Chem. 4, 6. STIBNITE Sb 2 S 3 COL. White. With galena, very faintly creamy, with silver, faint grayish white. Differently oriented sections vary slightly in color. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Quickly darkens, at last dark brown. 2. KCN. Dis- solves and roughens surface, but does not change color. 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Blackens rapidly with effervescence. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH. Quickly coated with bright orange yellow, soon turning reddish brown. Washes off easily, leaving rough surface. 7. NaOH - . 8. NH 4 OH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 4, 6. HESSITE Ag 2 Te COL. White. With galena, very slightly creamy, almost the same; with silver, distinctly bluish gray. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = 2-3 < gold. CHEM. 1. HNOa. Instantly iridescent, then darkens to dark brown. Rubs clean, leaving a roughened surface. 2. KCN. Slowly blackens and dissolves, giving a very rough surface. 3. HC1 - ? 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly brilliant iridescent with effervescence. Fumes tarnish brilliant. Rubs clean easily. 6. FeCla. Instantly iridescent. Rubs clean easily. 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 5 (1), 6. I GUEJARITE See page 103. 03 BROGNIARDITE See page 110. 2 i GRAY 3 1 g 139 ^ e (0 8 5 WHITE C; HARDNESS Low ^ GALENA WHITE ^ SAME AS GALENA OK DARKER HNO 3 NEQ. ^ KOH NEQ. No Eff. Aq. Reg. I JALPAITE 3 AgjS-CusS ? COL. White. With galena, very pale creamy gray, almost same; with silver, dull grayish white; with argentite, pale brownish cream ; with tetrahedrite, very close, almost same (?). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-2.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. HNO 3 cone, - . 3. KCN. Very slowly browned, develops scratches; rubs off rather easily. 4. HC1. Slowly effervesces a little, solution turns green, surface is roughened. 5. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, deepens rapidly, persistent. 6. FeCl 8 . 7. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 3, 5. MALTILDITE AgBiS 2 COL. White. With galena, very slightly creamy or grayish white, almost same; with silver, distinctly grayish white; with matildite (?) from Japan, grayer, less creamy. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2.5? CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. HC1 cone. - . 5. Aq. Reg. Fumes instantly tarnish brilliant iridescent, acid same, less quickly, and darker finally. Effervesces slightly (?). Rubs easily to a clean, very slightly roughened surface. 6. FeCli - . 7. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 2, 5. ^ UNKNOWN (Tonopah) See page 114. I I 140 GRAY Eflf. Aq. Reg. SCHIRMERITE ( COL. White. With galena, practically the same (faintly creamier). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. In- stantly iridescent, then blackens, with effervescence; coated with white. Rubs to roughened iridescent surface. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH - . DIFF. Col. Chem. 4, 6. RATHITE Pb(As,Sb),S ? COL. White. With galena, very pale bluish (grayish) white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Effer- vesces quickly and turns brown, then black; thinly coated with white. Rubs to rough gray surface. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH. Rather quickly pale brown, then pale purple and blue iridescent. Rubs to very pale purplish color. DIFF. Chem. 6. NOTE. Same chemical properties as seligmannite, but looks bluish instead of creamy. LENGENBACHITE Pb 6 (AgCu) 2 As4S COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white; with tetra- hedrite, distinctly whiter. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNOs - ? (Edge of specimen slowly tarnished iridescent, but perhaps due to sealing wax mount.) 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, effervesces, finally blackens. Rubs to faintly gray, roughened surface. 5. FeCls - . 6. KOH - . DIFF. Chem. 4, 6. CINNABAR HgS COL. White. With galena, pale bluish gray; with tetrahedrite, dull grayish white. Transparent brilliant red with oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-2.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 cone, . 4. Aq. Reg. Effervesces and darkens, iridescent. Rubs clean. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH . 7. (NH4) 2 Sx . DIFF. Col. T3 O * U J MATILDITE See page 140. OJ POLYBASITE See page 105. J* g BOURNONITE See page 92. ^ J* 141 C e (0 6 Hj WHITE HARDNESS Low ^ GALENA WHITE SAME AS GALENA OR DARKER ^ HNOs NEG. < KOH a UJ bo LIVINGSTONITE HgSb 4 S7 ,* COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white, practically the ^ same; with silver, very pale (bluish) grayish white. Transparent w deep red by oblique light. Q HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2. J^, CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. HNOs cone, - . 3. KCN. Very slowly faint Jrj gray. 4. HC1 - . 5. HC1 cone. - . 6. Aq. Reg. Slowly brown H with effervescence. 7. FeClj - . 8. KOH. Instantly bright yellow- ish brown. DIFF. Col. Chem. 5, G, 8. STEPHANITE Ag 6 SbS 4 COL. White. With galena, very pale grayish white; with silver, de- cidedly bluish gray; with argentine, almost pure white; with tetra- hedrite, bluish gray; with proustite, nearly pure white. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. 2-2.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs - . 2. KCN. Immediately darkens; rubs clean easily, leaving brown edged cracks. 3. HC1 - . Fumes very slowly brown, then iridescent. Rubs off. 4. HC1 cone, - . Fumes tarnish iridescent, persistent, forming a brilliant ring on the surface. 5. Aq. Reg. Instantly iridescent, blackens with slight effervescence; rubs to dark gray, persistent, and shows a shallow solution pit. Fumes tarnish brighter than acid. 6. FeCl 3 . Slowly develops little black flecks, white by oblique light. Rubs clean easily. 7. KOH. Rapidly darkens to dark brown; rubs clean easily, showing solution surface. 8. NaOH. Same as KOH, but not as rapid. 9. NH 4 OH - . 10. (NH 4 ) 2 S V . Slowly brown, rubs clean easily. DIFF. Chem. 4, 7. SARTORITE PbAs 2 S 4 COL. White. With galena, very close. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. = 3? CHEM. 1. HNOs - . 2. KCN - . 3. HC1 - . 4. Aq. Reg. - , or very slowly faint brownish (doubtful, because of mounting wax) . 5. FeCla - . 6. KOH. Quickly faint gray (?), slowly etches, de- veloping structure. Rinses off white showing etching lines (cleavage or structure). DIFF. Chem. 4, 6. DUFRENOYSITE Pb 2 As 2 S 6 COL. White. With galena, very close (slightly creamy ?). HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. H. - 3? CHEM. 1. HNO 3 - . 2. KCN - . Or very pale tarnish, slowly? 4. Aq. Reg. Quickly brown, then iridescent, effervesces slowly. Finally very dark, with white coating. Rubs to blackened rough surface. * 5. FeCl 3 - . 6. KOH. Rather quickly pale iridescent, developing C different grains; then gray. Rubs clean easily, showing very > strongly differential etching. J DIFF. Chem. 4, 6. NOTE. Called binnite by Heusser. BERTHIERITE See page 103. MIARGYRITE See page 115. 142 i GRAY I J NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. LIMONITE 2 Fe 2 O 3 -3 H 2 O ? COL. Gray. With galena, pale slate gray to dull gray; with sphaler- ite, slightly bluish gray. Often transparent reddish brown or yellow by oblique light. Color appears brighter on a smooth surface than on a rough one. HARD. High. SURF. Smooth, or pitted. H. 5-5.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 cone, . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCk . 6. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. CHROMITE FeCr,O COL. Gray. With galena, very dull gray; with sphalerite, darker, dull gray. HARD. High. SURF. Shiny, much pitted. H. 5.5. CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 cone. . 4. Aq. Reg. DIFF.' Col Surf. NOTE. Very hard to polish free from pits. RUTILE See page 90. FRANKLINITE See page 144. U HEMATITE See page 90. ^ ILMENITE See page 90. G 146 E O E Aq. Reg. URANINITE (A uranate of uranyl with other bases) Q COL. Gray. With sphalerite, slightly darker and faintly brown- ON ish (?). ^ HARD. High. SURF. Smooth. H. 5.5 > si. w CHEM. 1. HNOs . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. HC1 cone, . * 5. Aq. Reg. Slowly blackens, rubs off to darker gray, roughened surface. 6. FeCls. Slowly darkens, roughens slightly, persistent. 7. KOH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 5, 6 s UJ UJ Q Q^ E s I o < GRAY HARDNESS MEDIUM HC1 Neg. SPHALERITE ZnS COL. Gray. With galena, bright steely gray. Sometimes bluish, or slate gray, or reddish when in very small areas. Transparent yellow to brown by oblique light. Color only slightly different for black and for pure varieties. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5-4 =or > cp. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Faintly browned, slowly, often showing crystal structure. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN . 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. . 6. Aq. Reg. Instantly effervesces and blackens. Rubs off to show rough etched surface. Fumes tarnish brown. 7. FeCls . 8. KOH . 9. (NH^Sx . 10. K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 11. K3Fe(CN)6 . 12. Iodine . 13. NH 4 OH . DIFF. Col. Chem. 1. WURTZITE ZnS COL. Gray. Transparent yellow or brown by oblique light. Same color as sphalerite. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 3.5-4. CHEM. 1. HNOs. Slowly faint brown. 2. HNO 3 cone. Same. 3. KCN . 4. HC1 . 5. HC1 cone. . 6. Aq. Reg. . 7. FeCl 3 . 8. KOH r. DIFF. Chem. 1. VOLTZITE Zn5S 4 O COL. Gray. With sphalerite, slightly lighter gray. Transparent reddish yellow or brown by oblique light. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. H. 4-4.5. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . Fumes tarnish faintly. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . Fumes tarnish brown. 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1. ER YTHROZINCITE (MnZn) S COL. Gray. About like limonite. Occ. Coatings and yeinlets on and in pyrite. HARD. Low to medium. SURF. Smooth. H. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 ? 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCls . 6. KOH . DIFF. Chem. 1, 4. URANINITE See page 147. ARGYRODITE See page 105. 148 HC1 CUPRODESCLOIZITE \ ' MV/* 2vy-*AZW GOL. Gray. With galena, dull gray. Sometimes transparent green- ish or brownish with oblique light. HARD. Medium. SURF. Smooth. -V H35 CHEM. 1 HNO 3 . Quickly blackens and dissolves; shows yellow coat ing with oblique light. 2. KCN . 3. HC1 same as HNO 3 4. Aq. Reg. Dissolved, coated quickly with yellowish green, which shows white after acid is washed off. Fumes tarnish iridescent in- stantly, then tarnish turns black. 5. FeCla . 6. KOH -. DIFF. Chem. 1. CUPRITE See page 117. ALABANDITE See page 96. Q TENORITE See page 92. S DELAFOSSITE See page 92. CO Q s U a GRAY HARDNESS Low LORANDITE TlAsS 2 GOL. Gray. With galena, distinctly gray; with sphalerite, slightly darker. Transparent orange red by oblique light. HARD. Low. SURF. Smooth. CHEM. 1. HNO 3 . 2. KCN . 3. HC1 . 4. Aq. Reg. . 5. FeCla . 6. KOH. Instantly coated with orange. Rubs off to show very rough solution surface. DIFF. Chem. 6. STANNITE See page 108. "PETZITE" See page 106. ARGYRODITE See page 105. ERYTHROZINCITE See page 148. TAPALPAITE " (GRAY) See page 107. 160 I Q 151 MISCELLANEOUS TABLES INDEX CONDENSED DETERMINATIVE TABLE The more important minerals are printed in conspicuous type, so that they can be readily picked out. The parentheses around a mineral name indicate that the reaction changes in character as it progresses, and that the first stage places the mineral in a certain group, while the final effect puts it elsewhere. For example, mar- casite first turns brown, and then finally blackens, with HNO 3 , and so is referred to in parentheses under HNO 3 Eff. Browns, and without parentheses under HNO 3 Eff. Blackens FeCl 3 neg. HNO 3 Neg. KCN neg. KCN Aq. Reg. neg. KOH neg. Cassiterite Lorandite Argentite Chromite Magnetite Argyrodite Erythrozincite Millerite Covellite Franklinite Molybdenite Gold Hematite Rutile Jalpaite Ilmenite Sartorite Onofrite Lehrbachite Polybasite Limonite Aq. Reg. KOH No Eff. Eff. Berthierite Bournonite Livingstonite Chalcostibite Dufrenoysite Miargyrite Chalcopyrite Kalgoorlite Orpiment Delafossite Lengenbachite Proustite Matildite (?) Psilomelane (Onofrite) Rathite Pyrargyrite Stephanite Regnolite Schirmerite Sperrylite Seligmannite Tenorite Stiitzite Tiemannite Vrbaite Uraninite Fumes HNO ; Chalmersite Enargite Hauerite Luzonite Pearceite Polyargyrite Sulvanite Tennantite Tetrahedrite Voltzite HNO. No Eff. Blackens FeCls neg. Bismuthinite Cuprodescloizite Epiboulangerite Freieslebenite Galenobismutite Geocronite Gersdorffite Glaucodot Guejarite Jamesonite Jordanite Meneghinite Realgar Semseyite Eff. Blackens FeCl 3 neg. Aikinite Alabandite Algodonite (gray) Arsenopyrite Boulangerite Cinnabar Cosalite Marcasite Dognacskaite Horsfordite Mohawkite (cream) Niccolite Zinkenite 154 OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 155 No Eff. (continued') Eff. (continued) FeCls Breithauptite Clausthalite Euoairite Galena SUver Tetradymite fr T ; -P FeCl 3 Algodonite (cream) Arsenic Bismuth Chilenite Cuprite Hessite (?) Huntilite Maucherite Melonite Mohawkite (gray) Naumannite Petzite (?) Rickardite Safflorite Skutterudite Smaltite Steinmannite Tapalpaite Tellurium Browns Slowly Aguilarite Baurnhauerite Brogniardite Cobaltite Coloradoite Crookesite Cylindrite Famatinite Hauchecornite Kermesite Linnaeite Lollingite Matildite (?) Metacinnabarite Pentlandite Polydymite (Polytelite) Pyrrhotite Sphalerite Stylotypite Wittichenite Wurtzite Browns Altaite (Arsenic) Bornite Calaverite Petzite Pyrite Whitneyite Willyamite (Marcasite) > Quickly Chloanthite Emplectite Frankeite (Galenobismutite) Hessite (Jamesonite) Rammelsbergite (Stannite) Stibnite Sylvanite (Teallite) (Tetradymite) (Ullmannite) " Bronze Enargite " Turns iridescent FeCls neg. Andorite Beegerite (Cylindrite) (Frankeite) Freibergite (Gersdorffite) Guanajuatite (Guejarite) Guitermanite Lengenbachite Nagyagite Polytelite Semseyite Stannite Stern bergite Ullmannite Turns iridescent (Arsenopyrite) Chiviatite (Dognacskaite) Kallilite (Steinmannite) (Willyamite) FeCls Berzelianite (Breithauptite) (Coloradoite) Dyscrasite (Hessite) Lillianite Rezbanyite Teallite Turns blue Umangite Turns blue Chalcocite Color unchanged Copper Stromeyerite Color unchanged Realgar ODOR AND STREAK OF MINERALS A number of minerals carrying arsenic give off a characteristic odor when ground dry on the coarse carborundum wheel. Many arsenic minerals do not give this, however, so absence of odor does not necessarily mean absence of arsenic. Selenium occasionally gives an odor under the same conditions. Some minerals leave a characteristic streak when polished on the canvas wheel. These several groups of minerals are listed below. ARSENIC ODOR Arsenic Lollingite Arsenopyrite Safflorite Chloanthite Smaltite Glaucodot Skutterudite (Enargite under some conditions, but not usually) SELENIUM ODOR Eucairite (Probably some other selenides also, but none were obtained large enough to test fairly in this respect.) STREAK Tetrahedrite reddish Tennantite reddish Hauerite orange Sphalerite brown to whitish Limonite brown to reddish 156 MINERALS TABULATED BY ELEMENTS (Brackets indicate that the enclosed mineral has not been studied in this investigation) ARSENIC Algodonite CueAs (mixture) Argyropyrite Ag, Fe, S, As Arsenic As Acsenopyrite FeAsS [Badenite (CoFeNi) 2 (AsBi) 8 ] Baumhauerite Pb4AseSi 3 "Bronze Enargite" (CuSn), (AsSb), 83 ? Chloanthite NiAsz Cobaltite CoAsS Domeykite CusAs (+Sb) (mixture) Dufrenoysite Pb 2 As 2 S6 Enargite Cu 3 AsS4 [Epigenite R 7 As 2 Si 2 (R = 8 Cu + 3 Fe)] Gersdorffite NiAsS Glaucodot (CoFe)AsS Guitermanite PbsAsaSe Huntilite AgsAs ? [Hutchinsonite Tl, Ag, Cu, Pb, As, S ?] Jordanite Pb4As 2 Sr Kallilite NiBiS + As, Sb ? Lengenbachite Pbs(AgCu) ^34818 [Liveingite PbsAssSi?] Lollingite FeAs 2 Lorandite TlAsS 2 Luzonite CusAsS4 Maucherite NisAss Mohawkite CusAs (mixture) Niccolite NiAs Orpiment As 2 Sa Pearceite Ag 9 AsS Proustite Ag 3 AsS 3 Rammelsbergite NiAss Rathite Pb, As, Sb, S ? Realgar AsS Regnolite Cu 7 As 2 Si 2 Safflorite CoAs 2 Sartorite PbAs2S4 Seligmannite CuPbAsSs Skutterudite CoAss Smaltite CoAs 2 [Smithite AgAsS 2 ] Sperrylite PtAs 2 Steinmannite Pb(As, Sb, S) Tennantite CugAs 2 S 7 [Trechmannite AgAsS 2 ] Vrbaite TlAs 2 SbS 5 Whitneyite CuoAs [Xanthoconite ANTIMONY Andorite Berthierite FeSb 2 S 4 Boulangerite PbsSb^o Bournonite (PbCu 2 ) 3 Sb 2 S 6 Breithauptite NiSb Brogniardite PbAg 2 Sb 2 S 5 ? " Bronze Enargite " (CuSn), (AsSb), S ? Chalcostibite CuSbS 2 Cylindrite 3 PbSnS 2 + SnFeSb 2 S 8 [Diaphorite (PbAg 2 ) 5 Sb4Sn] Domeykite CuaAs + (Sb) (mixture) Dyscrasite AgeSb [Eichbergite (CuFeJBiaSbsSs] Epiboulangerite PbsSb 2 S8 Famatinite Cu 3 SbS 4 Frankeite 3 PbSnS 2 + PbsFeSbtSg Freibergite (CuAg) 8 Sb 2 S7 Freieslebenite (PbAg 2 ) 5 Sb4Su Geocronite Pb 5 Sb 2 S 8 Guejarite Cu 2 Sb 4 S7 Hauchecornite (NiCo) 7 (BiSbS) 8 [Histrixite Cu 5 Fe5Bi 14 Sb4S 3 7 (mixture) ?] Horsfordite CueSb ? Jamesonite Pb 2 Sb 2 S6 Kallilite NiBiS + As, Sb ? Kermesite Sb 2 S 2 O Kobellite Pb 2 (BiSb) 2 S 5 (mixture ?) Livingstonite HgSb4S? Meneghinite Pb4Sb2S 7 Miargyrite AgSbS 2 Nagyagite Au 2 Pb l0 Sb 2 Te6Si 8 Plagionite PbsSbsSn Polyargyrite Ag 2 4Sb 2 Sis Polybasite Ag 9 SbS 6 Polytelite (PbAgFeZn) 4 Sb 2 S7 ? Pyrargyrite AgsSbSs [Pyrostilpnite Ag 3 SbS 3 ] Rathite Pb, As, Sb, S ? [Richmondite ReSb 2 S9 (R = Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)] [Sampsonite" (Ag 4 Mn)Sb 2 S] Semseyite PbrSbeSw Stephanite Ag B SbS 4 (Steinmannite) Pb(As, Sb, S) Stibnite Sb 2 S 3 Stylotypite (Cu 2 Ag 2 Fe) s Sbi& Tetrahedrite CusSbsS? Ullmannite NiSbS Vrbaite TlAs 2 SbS B Willyamite (CoNi)SbS Zinkenite PbSb 2 S 4 157 158 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION BISMUTH Aikinite PbCuBiSj [Badenite (CoFeNi),(AsBi),] Beegerite PbeBi 2 S Bismuth Bi Bismuthinite BijSs Chilenite AgBi ? Chiviatite Pb 2 BiSn Cosalite PbzBizSs [Cuprobismutite CueBigSu] Dognacskaite Bi, Cu, S ? [Eichbergite (CuFe)Bi3Sb 8 S 6 ] Emplectite CuBiS* Galenobismutite PbBi 2 S4 [Grunlingite Bi 4 TeS s ] Guanajuatite Bi 2 Se 3 Hauchecornite (NiCo) 7 (Bi, S, Sb) 8 [Histrixite KaUiUte Ni, Bi, S ? (+Sb, As) Klaprotholite GueBi4S Kobellite Pb2(BiSb) 2 S 8 (mixture?) Lillianite PbsBi^ Matildite AgBiSs [Platynite PbBi 2 Sa] Plenargjrrite AgBiS 2 ? Rezbanyite Pb4BiioS 19 Schapbachite PbAg 2 Bi 2 S 6 ? (mixture) Schirmerite (Ag 2 Pb)3Bi 4 S 9 Tapalpaite 3 Ag z (S, Te)-Bi 2 CSTe) Tetradymite Bi 2 (TeS) 3 [Von Diestite Ag, Bi, Te ?] [Weibullite Pb 2 Bi 4 S 5 Se3] Wittichemte CuaBiSs [Greenockite CdSJ [Oldhamite CaS] CADMIUM CALCIUM Chromite FeCr 2 O4 CHROMIUM [Daubreelite FeCrtSi] [Badenite (CoFeNi) 2 (AsBi) 3 ] Cobaltite CoAsS Glaucodot (CoFe)AsS Hauchecornite (NiCo) 7 (Bi, S, Sb) a Linnaeite COBALT Safflorite CoAst Skutterudite CoAsa Smaltite CoAs, [Sychnodymite (CoCu)4S] ? WiUyamite (CoNi)SbS OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 159 COPPER Aikinite PbCuBiSj Algodonite Cu&As (mixture) Berzelianite Cu 2 Se Bornite Cu 6 FeS 4 Bournonite (PbCuOsSb^e 1 ' Bronze Enargite ' ' (CuSn) , (SbAs) , S ? Chalcocite Cu 2 S Chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 Chalcostibite CuSbSj Chalmersite CuFe 2 S 3 Copper Cu Covellite CuS Crookesite (CuTlAg^e Cuprite Cu 2 O [Cuprobismutite CueBiaSu] Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu) 4 V 2 O-H 2 O Delafossite Cu, Fe, O Dognacskaite Bi, Cu, S ? Domeykite CuaAs ( +Sb) (mixture) [Eichbergite (CuFe)Bi3Sb 2 S 6 ] Emplectite CuBiS 2 Enargite CusAsS 4 [Epigenite R 7 As 2 Si 2 (R = 8 Cu + 3 Fe) ] Eucairite Cu 2 Se-Ag 2 Se Famatinite CusSbS4 Freibergite (CuAg) 8 Sb 2 S7 Guejarite [Histrixite CmFesBii^b^? (mixture)] Horsfordite Cu 6 Sb [Hatchinsonite Tl, Ag, Cu, Pb, As, S ?] Jalpaite CuuS-3 Ag 2 S Klaprotholite CueBi^* Lengenbachite Pb 6 (AgCu) 2 As4Su Luzonite Cu 3 AsS 4 Mohawkite CusAs (mixture) Regnolite Cu7As 2 Si 2 [Richmondite RoSb 2 S9 (R = Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)J Rickardite Cu 4 Te 3 Seligmannite CuPbAsSs Stannite Sn, Cu, Fe, Zn, S ? Stromeyerite (AgCu) 2 S Stylotypite (Cu 2 Ag 2 Fe) 3 Sb 8 S Sulvanite Cu 3 VS 4 [Sychnodymite (CoCu)4S 6 ?] Tennantite Tenorite CuO Tetrahedrite Umangite Cu 3 Se 2 Whitneyite CuaAs Wittichenite Cu 3 BiS Argyrodite Ag 8 GeS 6 Calaverite AgAuTej Gold Au Kalgoorlite HgAu 2 Ag 8 Tee Nagyagite Au 2 Pb 10 Sb 2 Te 6 Si 5 [Argentopyrite Ag, Fe, S ?] Argyropyrite Ag, Fe, S, As ? Arsenopyrite FeAsS [Badenite (CoFeNi) 2 (AsBi) 3 ] Berthierite FeSb 2 S 4 Bornite Cu 8 FeS 4 Chalcopyrite CuFeS 2 Chalmersite CuFe 2 S 3 Chromite FeCr 2 O 4 Cylindrite 3 PbSnS 2 + SnFeSbuSs [Daubreelite FeCr 2 S 4 ] Delafossite Cu, Fe, O [Eichbergite (CuFe)Bi3Sb 3 S 8 ] [Epigenite R 7 As 2 Si 2 (R = 8 Cu + 3 Fe)l Frankeite 3 PbSnS 2 + Pb 2 FeSbjS 8 Franklinite FeaZnMnsCh Frieseite AgFe 2 Ss Glaucodot (CoFe)AsS GERMANIUM [Canfieldite Ag8(SnGe)S 8 J GOLD Petzite (AgAu) 2 Te [Speculite AgAuTe] Sylvanite AgAuTej IRON Hematite Fe 2 O 3 [Histrixite CusFesBiuSb^s? (mixture) J Ilmenite FeTiO 3 Limonite 2 Fe 2 O 3 -3 H 2 O Lollingite FeAs 2 Magnetite Fe 3 O 4 Marcasite FeSis Pentlandite (FeNi)S Polytelite (PbAgFeZn) 4 Sb J S7 ? Pyrite FeS Pyrrhotite FeS(S) z [Richmondite R 6 Sb 2 S9 (R= Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)] Stannite (Sn, Cu, Fe, Zn), S Sternbergite Ag 2 Fe5S Stylotypite (Cu 2 Ag 2 Fe) 3 Sb 2 S [Troilite FeS] 160 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION LEAD PbAg 2 Sb 2 S 5 ? Aikinite PbCuBiSa Altaite PbTe Andorite Baumhauerite Beegerite PbBi 2 S 9 Boulangerite Bournonite Brogniardite Chiviatite Clausthalite PbSe Cosalite Pb 2 Bi 2 S 6 Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu) 4 V 2 O 8 -H 2 O Cylindrite 3 PbSnS 2 + SnFeSbaSs [Diaphorite (PbAg 2 ) 6 Sb 4 Su] Dufrenoysite Pb 2 As 2 S6 Epiboulangerite Pb 3 Sb 2 S 8 Frankeite 3 PbSnS 2 + PbzFeSbaSs Freieslebenite (PbAg 2 ) 6 Sb 4 Su Galena PbS Galenobismutite PbBi 2 S 4 Geocronite PbsSbizSg Guitermannite PbsAs 2 Se [Hutchinsonite Tl, Ag, Cu, Pb, As, S ?] Jamesonite P^SbaSs Jordanite Pb 4 As 2 S? Kobellite Pb 2 (BiSb) 2 S 6 (mixture?) Lehrbachite PbSe + HgSe Lengenbachite Pb 6 (AgCu) 2 As4S 1 3 Lillianite Pb 3 Bi 2 S 6 [Liveingite PbsAssSn] Meneghinite Nagyagite Naumannite (Ag 2 Pb)Se Plagionite PbsSbsSn [Platynite PbBizSs] Polytelite (PbAgFeZn) 4 Sb 2 S7 ? Rathite Pb, As, Sb, S ? Rezbanyite Pb 4 Bi 10 Si9 [Richmondite ReSbizSg (R= Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)] Sartorite PbAs 2 S 4 Schapbachite PbAg 2 Bi 2 S 5 (mixture) Schirmerite (Ag 2 Pb) 3 Bi 4 S9 Seligmannite CuPbAsS 3 Semseyite Pb 2 Sb 6 S 16 Steinmannite Pb(As, Sb, S) Teallite PbSnS 2 Uraninite U, O, Pb, La, Th, Di, Y, etc. ? [Weibullite Pb 2 Bi 4 S 6 Se 3 ] Zinkenite PbSb 2 S 4 MANGANESE Alabandite MnS Erythrozincite (MnZn)S ? Franklinite Fe 3 ZnMn 3 O 4 Hauerite MnS 2 Psilomelane H 4 MnOs [Sampsonite ( Ag 4 Mn) Sb 2 S 6 ] Cinnabar HgS Coloradoite HgTe Kalgoorlite HgAu 2 AgeTee Lehrbachite PbSe + HgSe MERCURY Livingstonite HgSb 4 S? Metacinnabarite HgS Onofrite Hg(SSe) Tiemannite HgSe MOLYBDENUM Molybdenite MoS 2 NICKEL [Badenite (CoNiFe) 2 (AsBi)j] Breithauptite NiSb Chloanthite NiAs 2 Gersdorffite NiAsS Hauchecornite (NiCo) 7 (Bi, S, Sb) 8 Kallilite NiBiS(AsSb) Maucherite NisAsj Melonite NizTei Millerite NiS Niccolite NiAs Pentlandite (FeNi)S Polydymite Ni^j Rammelsbergite NiAsz Ullmannite NiSbS Willyamite (CoNi)SbS OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 161 OXYGEN Cassiterite SnO 2 Chromite FeCr 2 O4 Cuprite Cu 2 O Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu)4VjO-HO Delafossite Cu, Fe, O * Franklinite FesZnMnaCh Hematite Fe 2 O 3 Ilmenite FeTiOs Kennesite SbzSjO Limonite 2 Fe 2 O 3 -3 HjO Magnetite FesO4 Psilomelane H4MnOe Rutile TiO Tenorite CuO Uraninite U, O, Pb, La, Th, Di, Y, etc. ? Voltzite Sperrylite PtAsz [Laurite RuAs 2 ] PLATINUM RUTHENIUM SELENIUM Aguilarite Ag 2 S-Ag 2 Se Berzelianite Cu 2 Se Clausthalite PbSe Crookesite (CuTlAg) 2 Se Eucairite (CuAg) 2 Se Guanajuatite Bi 2 Se 3 Lehrbachite PbSe + HgSe Naumannite (Ag 2 Pb)Se Onofrite HgSSe Tiemannite HgSe Umangite Cu 3 Se 2 [Weibullite SILVER Aguilarite Ag 2 S-Ag 2 Se Andorite Pb 2 Ag 2 SbeS9 Argentite Ag 2 S [Argentopyrite Ag, Fe, S ?] Argyrodite AgeGeSs Argyropyrite Ag, Fe, S, As ? Brogniardite PbAg 2 Sb 2 S 6 ? Calaverite AgAuTe 2 [Canfieldite Ag 8 (SnGe)S 8 ] Chilenite AgeBi Crookesite [Diaphorite Dyscrasite AgeSb Eucairite (CuAg) 2 Se Freieslebenite (PbAg 2 ) 5Sb4Su Freibergite (CuAg^bsSi Frieseite, AgFe 2 S 3 Hessite Ag 2 Te Huntilite AgsAs ? [Hutchinsonite Tl, Ag, Cu, Pb, As, S ?1 Jalpaite 3 Ag2S-Cu 2 S Kalgoorlite HgAu 2 Ag 6 Te 6 Lengenbachite Matildite AgBiS 2 Miargyrite AgSbS 2 Naumannite (Ag 2 Pb)Se Pearceite AgAsS Petzite (AgAu) 2 Te Plenargyrite AgBiS 2 ? (mixture) Polyargyrite Ag 24 Sb 2 Si S Polybasite Ag 9 SbS 6 Polytelite (PbAgFeZn) 4 Sb 2 S7 ? Proustite AgsAsSs Pyrargyrite AgsSbSs [Pyrostilpnite Ag 3 SbS 3 ] [Richmondite R 6 Sb 2 S 9 (R = Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)] [Sampsonite (Ag 4 Mn)Sb 2 S 6 ] Schapbachite PbAg 2 Bi 2 S 5 (mixture) Schirmerite (Ag 2 Pb) 3 Bi4S Silver Ag [Smithite AgAsS 2 ] [Speculite AgAuTe] Stephanite Ag 5 SbS 4 Sternbergite Ag 2 FesS3 Stromeyerite (AgCu)^ Stutzite Ag 4 Te ? Stylotypite (Cu 2 Ag 2 Fe) 3 SbS, Sylvanite AuAgTe 2 Tapalpaite 3 Ag 2 (STe)-Bi 2 (STe) 8 [ Trechmannite AgAsS 2 ] [Von Diestite Ag, Bi, Te ?] [Xanthoconite AgsAsS4] 162 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION TELLURIUM Altaite PbTe Rickardite Cu 4 Tes Calaverite AgAuTej [Speculite AgAuTe] Coloradoite HgTe Stiitzite Ag 4 Te ? [Grttnlingite Bi4TeS 8 ?J Sylvanite AuAgTe 2 Hessite Ag 2 Te Tapalpaite 3 Ag 2 (STe)-Bi 2 (STe)8 Kalgoorlite HgAu2AgTe Tellurium Te Melonite Ni 2 Te 3 Tetradymite Bi 2 (TeS)s Nagyagite Au 2 PbioSb 2 TeSi5 [Von Diestite Ag, Bi, Te ?J Petzite (AgAu) 2 Te THALLIUM Crookesite (CuTlAg) 2 Se Lorandite TlAsS [Hutchinsonite Tl, Ag, Cu, Pb, As, S ?] Vrbaite TlAs 2 SbS 6 THORIUM (with Lanthanum, Yttrium, Nitrogen, etc.) Uraninite U, O,'Y, N, Di, Th, La, etc. TIN " Bronze Enargite" (CuSn), (SbAs), S ? Stannite Sn, Cu, Fe, Zn, 8 Cassiterite SnO 2 Teallite, PbSnS 2 Cylindrite 3 PbSnS 2 + SnFeSb 2 Ss [Canfieldite Ag8(SnGe)S 6 ] Frankeite 3 PbSnSj + Pb 2 FeSb 2 S8 I TITANIUM Ilmenite FeTiOi Rutile TiOj URANIUM Uraninite U. O, Pb, Y, N, Di, La, Th, etc. VANADIUM Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu) 4 V 2 O-H 2 O Sulvanite [Patronite VS 4 ? ] ZINC Cuprodescloizite (PbZnCu) 4 V 2 O 9 -H 2 O Sphalerite ZnS Erythrozincite (ZnMn)S ? Stannite Sn, Cu, Fe, Zn, S Franklmite FesZnMr^ Voltzite Zn8S 4 O Polytelite (PbAgFeZ^^bzST Wurtzite ZnS (Richmondite RaSb 2 S 9 (R = Pb, Cu, Ag, Fe, Zn)] INDEX OF MINERALS The number in parentheses after each name indicates the number of localities from which material has been studied, (n) indicates more than 5 localities. The letter or symbol, in the case of single specimens, indicates the probable value of the specimen as a repre- sentative of its species. G = reliable. F = fairly reliable. ? = doubtful. MINERAL Aguilarite (1) G (1) G Alabandite (3) Algodonite (mixture) (1) . Cream constituent Gray constituent Alloclasite (mixture ?) (1) Altaite (3) Andorite (1) G Animikite (mixture ?) (1). Argentite (4) Argyrodite (2) Argyropyrite (1) ? Arsenic (2) Arsenopyrite (n) PAGE 10A 101 96 37 74 96 37 128 134 37 107 105 101 136 82 Barnhardtite (mixture) (1) Baumhauerite (1) G Beegerite (1) G Berthierite (3) Beraelianite (1) G Bismuth (n) Bismuthinite (3} Antimonial (1) G Bornite (n) Boulangerite (2) Bournonite (4) Breithauptite Brogniardite (1) ? 37, Calaverite (1) G Carrollite (mixture ?) (1) Gassiterite (3) Chalcocite (n) Chalcopyrrhotite (mixture) (1) Chalcostibite (1) G Chalcopyrite (n) Chalmersite (3) Ctolenite (1) G Chiviatite (1) G Chloaathite (2) 37 108 134 103 131 125 130 131 65 135 92 66 110 124 37 146 107 37 102 62 72 125 120 85 MINERAL PAGE Chromite (2) 146 Cinnabar (2) 141 Clausthalite (1) G 128 Cobaltite (2) 86 Coloradoite (1) G 106 Copper (n) 67 Cosalite (1) F 122 Covellite (n) 58 Crookesite (1) F 108 Cubanite (mixture) (4) 37 Cuprite (n) 117 Cuprodescloizite (1) G 149 Cylindrite (1) G 110 Delafossite (1) G 92 Dognacskaite (1) G 135 Domeykite (2) 37, 125 Dufrenoysite (1) G 142 Dyscrasite (2) 125 Emplectite (3) 122 Enargite (n) 95 Epiboulangerite (1) G 134 Erythrozincite (1) G 148 Eucairite (1) G 130 Famatinite (3) ? 99 Frankeite (1) G 110 Franklinite (1) G 144 Freibergite (2) 94 Freieslebenite (1) G 134 Galena (n) 133 Galenobismutite (1) ? 130 Geocronite (1) F 132 Gersdorffite (2) 88 Glaucodot (1) G 87 Gold (n) 62 Guanajuatite (1) G 120 Guejarite (1) G 103 Guitermanite (1) G 134 163 164 MICROSCOPICAL DETERMINATION MINERAL PAGE Harrisite (pseudomorph) (1) G 38 Hauchecornite (2) 79 Hauerite (2) 94 Hematite (n) 90 Hessite (2) 138 Homichlin (mixture) (1) G 38 Horsfordite (1) G 135 Huntilite (1) F 119 Ilmenite (5) 90 Jalpaite (1) F 140 Jamesonite (2) 110 Jordanite ? (1) ? 134 Kalgoorlite (1) G 124 Kallilite (1) F 82 Kermesite (1) G 138 Keweenawite (mixture) (2) 38 Klaprotholite (mixture ?)(!)? 38 Kobellite 38 Krennerite (1) G 124 Lehrbachite (1) F 131 Lengenbachite (1) G 141 Lillianite (1) G 133 Limonite (n) 146 Linnaeite (2) 79 Livingstonite (1) G 142 Lollingite (2) 84 Lorandite (1) G 150 Luzonite (3 ?) 98 Magnetite (n) 91 Marcasite (n) 78 Matildite (1) G 140 Maucherite (2) 79 Melonite (1) G 124 Meneghinite (1) G 132 Metacinnabarite (1) G 122 Miargyrite (1) G 115 Millerite (3) 63 Mohawkite (mixture) (1) G 38 Cream constituent 74 Gray constituent 97 Molybdenite (4) 104 Nagyagite (2) 134 Naumannite (1) G 128 Niccolite (n) 66 Onofrite (1) F 114 Orpiment (2) 105 Pearceite (1) F 105 Pentlandite (1) G 100 Petzite (2) 137 Plagionite (1) G 135 Plenargyrite (mixture) (1) F 38 Hard constituent 136 Soft constituent 116 Polyargyrite (1) G 114 MINERAL PAGE Polybasite (3) 105 Polydymite (2) 82 Polytelite (1) ? 96 Proustite (n) 115 Psilomelane (2) 144 Pyrargyrite (6 ?) 115 Pyrite (n) 78 Pyrrhotite (n) 76 Rammelsbergite (1) G 85 Rathite (1) G 141 Realgar (3) 108 Regnolite (1) G 104 Rezbanyite (1) G 136 Rickardite (1) G 60 Rutile (2) 90 Safflorite (1) G 83 Sartorite (1) F 142 Schapbachite (mixture) (1) F 38 Hard constituent 137 Soft constituent 116 Schirmerite (1) F 141 Seligmannite (1) G 104 Semseyite (1) G 132 Silver (n) 118 Skutterudite (1) ? 83 Smaltite (3) 38, 83 Sperrylite (1) G 91 Sphalerite (n) 148 Stannite (3) 108 Steinmannite (var. Galena) (1) G 133 Stephanite (2) . 142 Sternbergite (1) G 65 Stibnite (3) 138 Stromeyerite (3) 117 Stutzite (1) G 114 Stylotypite (1) F 97 Sulvanite (1) G 72 Sylvanite (2) 122 Tapalpaite (mixture ?) (1) G 38, '125 Teallite (1) G 106 Tellurium (3) 130 Temiskamite (mixture) (1) G 38 Tennantite (n) 94 Tenorite (2) 92 Tetradymite (2) ? 133 Tetrahedrite (n) 94 Tiemannite (1) G 114 Ullmannite (1) G 84 Umangite (3) 60 Unknown minerals: Algodonite cream 74 gray 96 " Alloklas" from Orawitaa 136 Argentiferous "Jamesonite" 104 OF THE OPAQUE MINERALS 165 MINERAL PAGE 4 'Brogniardite" (near andorite) .... 134 Bluish white, Joachimsthal 115 Bluish white, Tonopah r/ . 114 " Bronze Enargite " ; . . . . 74 Coffee brown ^ . 65 Creamy bismuth minertd 126 Grayish bismuth mineral 97 "Hessite" 118 " Matildite" Japan 120 Mohawkite cream 74 gray 97 Orange " bornite" 64 "Petzite" 106 Pink mineral in mohawkite 76 Purple "bornite" 65 Purple "galena" 116 MINERAL PAGE Plenargyrite, hard constituent 136 Soft constituent 116 Schapbachite, hard constituent 137 Schapbachite, soft constituent 116 " Tapalpaite" Gray 107 Pure white mineral, Bisbee 130 Uraninite (1) G 147 Voltzite (1) G 148 Vrbaite (1) G 115 Whitneyite (1) G 74 Willyamite (1) G 82 Wittichenite (1) F 121 Wurtzite (1) G 148 Zinkenite (2) Ill f ; A 34024? 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