^UBRARY/ - VER% e> eg -n O TUPELO. REV. JOHN H. AUGHEY, A.M., AUTHOR OF "THE IRON FURNACE," "THE GRAMMATICAL GUIDE.' "SPIRITUAL GEMS OF THE AGES," ETC., AND CHAPLAIN UNITED STATES ARMY. LINCOLN, NEB.: STATE JOURNAL COMPANY, PRINTERS. Entered according to act of Congress in the office of the Librarian of Congress, A.D. 1858, BY REV. JOHN H. AUGHEY, A.M. TO MRS. MARY J. AUGHEY, CHAKITOX, LUCAS Co., IOWA, DR. J. W. AXD MRS. KATE A. FERGUSON, COXGRESS, WAYXE Co., OHIO, AXD IX MEMORY OF DR. JOHN K. AUGHEY, WHO DIED AT SEATON, MERCER Co., ILLIXOIS, MAY 19ra, 1886, MISS GERTRUDE E. AUGHEY, CHARITOX, LUCAS Co., IOWA. MY BELOVED WIFE AND CHILDREN, This volume is affectionately inscribed, by THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. ' / g CHAPTER I. CO >. SECESSION. QC Secession Speech by Col. Drane Rejoicing Secessionists at the Election of Lincoln Address by Capt. Eove Opposing Secession His Line of Thought and Excellent Argu- ments A Secessionist Speaks Deals in Vituperation, Sophistry, and Cursing Sermon Words of Warning ^ x Arguments Against Secession Its Results Predicted ? Charity Enjoined ...................................... pp 21 to 45 CHAPTER II. Vigilance Committee and Court Martial The Unique Sum- C> inons Skull and Crossbones Coffin, Grave, Gallows, and <> Victim The Trial and its Result The Midnight Attack ^ by the Vigilantes Their Incontinent Flight Mr. John Mecklin's Visit His Advice Removal to Attalla County, LJ near Kosciusko Dr. Smith's Attempt at Assassination uj The South Arming for the War Dr. Hughes' Visit Mur- der of Rev. James Pelan Return to Tishomingo County Events by the Way Battle in Good Springs Glen 5; Murder of Payson and Murchison by the Vigilantes Miss Silverthorn's Letter Summons to Attend Court Martial Escape to Rienzi Return to Paden's Mills The Battle near Booneville The Arrest by Hill's Cavalry Examin- ation by Col. Bradfute Gen. Pfeiffer and Gen. Jordan Enter the Dungeon at Tupelo Cruel Treatment of Pris- oners Murder of Poole and Harbaugh Songs of Incar- cerated Slaves ........................................... pp. 46 to 116 452589 CONTEXTS. CHAPTER III. Visited by Col. Mark Lowery and Others Miss Daisy Carson's Visit Witherspoon's Escape Pursued by Cavalry with Blood-hounds Witherspoon and Denver Overtaken Con- demned to Death Death of their Captors Mrs. Wither- spoon's Letter Old Pilgarlicand his son Oscar His Trial before Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard Gen. Braxton Bragg X)rders Prof. Yarbrough's Execution He is Shot Re- stored to Consciousness by his Friends His final Escape Death of the rebel Capt. Pender Celebration of the Fourth of July in Prison Escape of Aughey and Malone Separate in the Encampment Set out Alone Concealed in the Chaparral The Booming Cannon and Passing Soldiers Soldiers' Conversation about the Escaped Pris- oners Overheard Crosses an Affluent of the Tombigbee River David Hough's Cabin The Re-arrest Running the Gauntlet amid Rebel Camps Again at Gen. Jordan's. Head-quarters Examined and Shackled Returned to Tupelo Examined by the Rebel Generals To be Shot in an Hour Letter to My Wife The Reprieve Remanded to Prison Reception by the Prisoners Floor Spiked Down Guards Increased pp. 116 to 160 CHAPTER IV. Benjamin Clarke's Story Pursuit by Cavalry with Blood- hounds Capture of the Bear Death of Snediker and Rucker at the Bagnio in Fulton Death of Downs Clarke's Wife and Children Arrive at Paden's Mills The Search of the House, Mills, and Negro Quarters The Minorcans Louis Las Cassas Lornette Col. Feuilvert His Interview with his Nephew Louis The Rescue Cavalry Battle at Paden's Mills Interview with Col. Walter, the Jude Advocate Charges Preferred Bailie and Childress Shot Second Visit of Col. H. W. Walter Cruel Treatment by Col. Clare French Officer's Visit Personal Appearance of Gen. Bragg Champe and Brax- ton Murder of Chenault, Vedder, Bynum, and other Unionists Hymns Foreordination Debate on, by Maple ar.c" Melvin Herman Bledsoe, The East Tennessee Union- ist The Greenville Convention The Loyal Address Bledsoe's Arrest Escape From Death by Fire His Travels, Re-arrest, and Incarceration in Tupelo Escape of CONTENTS. 7 Bovord "Willis Pursuit by Cavalry With Hounds Nar- row Escape Troyer Anderson's Remarkable Dream Letter to My Wife Obituary The Prisoners' Petition to Abraham Lincoln and William H. Seward Murder of Street and Maynard Address