II B u | si i! W o with Ultramarine Bine Always note E CLEANING >> 2 ! S i> I LS, Machinery, PLATED WARE, CAUTIOUS in S O n j a V. O &i S ^s j _] rt ,j 4>T j 5 o 0. c w S '1 " PQ q o 43 ^S o ^ c i "3 w 43 _^ Pi a "^ c fc 8, rt 1 O "? ^ 'O a! rii D )-. ^ 43 'o *H u o o c 42 JO 1 1 i5 c 4J ^ S u O SL g 1 T3 1 1 2 u 1 1 J3 a 1 fe c ^H S 3 O W) c 06 J 1 5 o J3 w CM W ^ b P4 ) He strath! beside it clapped his own- SAFOLIO. POLISH MILK CANS & PANS AND ALL KINDS OF TIN WARE "Try not my fence," the old mm said, "With 'Mustang Liniment'tis spread, Another vacant spot thar ami" -,,, He answered with a dash of paint "SAPOLIO." CLEAN STEEL KNIVES & FORKS AND ALL METALLIC TOOLS AND UTENSILS w/TH S A p OL JO. "0, stay," the maiden said, .. Pray $ive us! What with 'Bixby's Best," And 'Simmons' Pills, ' we're like to die." He only answered, "Will you try SAPOLIO?" GLEAN BATH TUBS, WASH BASINS AND SINKS "Beware them peaks! That wall so bright Is but a snow bank, gleaming white, Your paint wont stick r Came the reply, "I've done it! 'How ,fs that for hi$h?'" " SAPOLIO." SCOUR POTS, KETTLES, PANS &ALL BRASS & COPPER UTENSILS WITH SAPOLIO. One Sabbath morn, as heavenward White Mountain tourists slowly spurred, On ev'ry rock, to their dismay, They read that legend strange, alway - " SAPOLIO " CLEAN GLASS WARE, WINDOWS, PORCELAIN & CHINA WARES There on the summit, old and fat, Shameless, but vigorous, he sat, While on their luggage as they passed, He checked that word! from first to last, u SAPOLIO." CLEAN MARBLE TABLES, FLOORS, STATUARY AND HARD FINISHED WALLS W/TH SAPOLJO. -rH 02 .-e r2 ^ c S | 3 &D DO fl +3 fl ; 3 1 1 s ^ ^^ S .9" 2 I 4 1*8 ^S aa rQ J > I ^^ O .^ 2 I s ||-i4 5 l 1 &l ._, -H f-l ^ ft O 43 M 53 O i-i - d 11 SjJI i. hi 2 * *> ^ fl !! I - PH o Street, Market to Chestnut, Philadelphia, JOHN WANAMAKER, PROPRIETOR. DEPARTMENTS OF THE GRAND DEPOT. A Black and Colored Silks. B Mourning Goods. C Dress Goods. D Gents' Furnishing Goods. E Woolens, Ladies* Cloakings, &c. F Notions, Jewelry, Fans, &c. G Linens and Housefurnishing Goods. H Laces, Collarettes, Ladies' Cuffs, &c. J Upholstery, Lace Curtains, &o. K Shawls, Wrappers, &c. L Ladies' Dresses, Cloaks, &c. M Hats and Caps, Men's and Boys* Wear. N Hosiery and Underwear. O Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. P Ready-Made Clothing, Men and Boys. Q Clothing made to order. R Flannels, Muslins, and Dress Linings. Furs, Robes, &c. T Stationery, Books and Fancy Goods. U Millinery Goods. Bonnets and Round Hats, Ready-Made and to Order. V Infants' and Misses' Dresses, Cloaks. W Baby Coaches, Toys, Fi eld Games, &c. X Door Mats, Rugs and Mattings. Y China, Glassware, &c. Z Zephyrs, Art Embroidery, &c. FF House Furnishing Goods. HH White Goods and Embroideries. NN Gloves, Umbrellas and Parasols. OO Trunks, Yalises and Tourists' Goods TT Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, &c. YY Silverware, Clocks, &c.