ii«. MM UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA |l ! AT LOS ANGELES REVISED CHARTER AND ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF TACOMA ^VASHINGTON Compiled and Revised by Autnority of the City Council by L. W. Roys TACOMA. WASH. Allen df Lamborn Printing Co., Printers 1905 PREFACE. Ill this iTvision of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of 'r;u'(tiii;i, ^vill be found a record of every ordinance passed ])}■ Old Tacoiiia, Now Tacoiiia and Tacoma up to and including ( )i'(liiiaiR'e No. 2478. When the letters 0. T. or N. T. occur they mean either Old Tacoma or New Tacoma. I liave undertaken, first, to make the revision an absolutely true and correct record of the Ordinances of the City up to and ineludin": Ordinance No. 2478; second, to so arrange and index thcni as to render it a very easy matter to find any desired Ordi- nance or part of Ordinance. In the matter of arrangement I have departed somewhat from the ordinary method and believe it will be found more than oi'diuarily convenient for reference. U W, ROYS, CONTENTS. Certificate of Revisor 4 Ordinance Approving the Revision 5 Statistics as to City Elections and Officials 6 Corporate History 27 Enabling Act (followed by an Index thereto) 34 Charter (followed by an Index thereto) 48 Special Ordinances by Title (followed by an Index thereto) 14!) General Ordinances in Full (followed by an Index thereto) 52v) Franchises in Full (followed by an Index thereto) 937 APPENDIX. Repealed Ordinances by Title in Brief 1171 CERTIFICATE. I. 1>. W. iJoys, lieivhy certify that the following compilation and revision of tiie Charter and Ordinances of the City of Ta- Cdiiia iiieludcs every oi'diiianee passed by Old Tacoma, New Ta- (-(niiii ;iii(l th(^ Cons()Iict<»l)er 7. 1S80, Joseph Lewis was elected Marshal, vice J. S. Howell, i-emoved by uiuuiimous vote of the Trustees for failure to perform tlie duties of his office. November 17, 1880, Byron A. Younu' was elected Marshal, vice Joseph Lewis, resigned. February 2, 1881. Henry Winsor was elected Marshal, vice Byron A. Yoinig, resigned. February 16, 1881. John T. W^ills Avas elected Marshal, vice Henry Win.sor, who failed to qualify. STATISTICS AS TO ELECTIONS. 9 At the annual election held May 2, 1881, there were one hun- dred and eighty-two (182) votes cast, and David Lister Sr., INIy- ron J. Cogswell, S. F. Sahm, George F. Orchard and Theodore Hosmer were elected Trustees. May 9, 1881, the Board organized, and elected David Lister Sr., President and Samuel Wilkeson Jr., Clerk. May 25, 1881, A. Van ^Meter was elected Marshal, vice J. T. Wills, resigned. June 1, 1881, H. C. Davis was elected Treasurer. June 25, 1881, A. H. Lowe was elected Marshal, vice A. Van dieter, resigned. November 2, 1881, Dr. F. B. H. AVing was appointed Health Officer. Under a special act of the Legislature, passed November 5, 1881, entitled "An Act to confer a City Government upon New Tacoma,'' the Board of Trustees was merged into the "Common Council," and the President of the Board became the Acting Mayor. November 16, 1881, the Common Council elected Joseph H. Houghton Common Councilman from the ward south of South Ninth street, in compliance with Section 76 of the City Charter. December 10, 1881, J. H. Wilt was elected City Assessor. January 4, 1882, J. H. Wilt was elected Clerk, vice Samuel Wilkeson Jr., resigned. At the annual election held ^lay 3, 1882, there were 332 votes cast, at which time the following officers were elected : Mayor, Theodore Hosmer; Marshal, E. 0. Fulmer; Councilmen — 1st ward, 3 years, George W. Alexander; 1st ward 2 years, A. S. Abernethy Jr. ; 1st Avard, 1 year, Jacob Halstead ; 2nd ward, 3 years, John E. Burns; 2nd ward, 2 years, Charles Srague; 2nd ward, 1 year, G. AV. Bonbright. " ]\Iay 17, 1882, the Council organized, and elected the follow- ing officers : City Clerk, Assessor and Collector, J. H. Wilt ; City Attorney, Alexander Campbell : City Treasurer, H. C. Davis ; Committing ^Nlagistrate, C. D. Young:: City Surveyor, D. D. Clark ; Street Connnissioner, E. G. Bacon ; Harbor Commissioner, J. S. Walker ; Health Officer, Dr. H. C. Bostwick. May 29, 1882, L. G. Shelton was elected City Assessor, vice J. H. Wilt, resigned; and E. 0. Fulmer was elected Collector, vice J. H. Wilt, resigned. September 6, 1882, George F. Orchard was elected Council- man from the 1st ward, vice Jacob Halstead, deceased; and A. S. 10 STATISTICS AS TO ELECTIONS. Abi'i-nethy Ji-.. was ckH'ti'd :\ra.vor, vice Theodore Hosmer, re- sii;iUHl. Septoiiibei- 20, 1882. Isaac AV. Anderson was elected eouneil- iiiaii fniiii the 1st ward, vice A. S. Abernethy Jr., elected Mayor. Isaac Pincus was elected Councilman from the 2nd ward, vice Ci. W. Bonbrig'ht, resigned. (October 18, 1882, Dr. E. J. Ashmore was elected Health Offi- cer, vice II. C. Bostwick, resigned. Jannary 10, 1883, Alexander Campbell was elected Commit- ting Magistrate, vice C. D. Young. Jannary 23, 1883, Elwood Evans was elected City Attorney, vice Alexander Campbell. At the annual election held ]\Iay 7, 1883, the following offi- cers were elected : Councilman from the 1st ward, to serve 3 years, Robert "Win- gate: Councilman from the 2nd ward, to serve three years, By- ron Barlow; Marshal to serve 1 year, E. 0. Fulmer. June 7. 1883, the Council organized with the following of- cers : ]\Iayor, A. S. Abernethy Jr. ; Councilmen : 1st Ward, G. AV. Alexander, Isaac Anderson and Robert Wingate; 2nd ward, J. E. Burns, Charles AV. Sprague and Byron Barlow ; Committing Alagistrate, Alexander Campbell; City Clerk, J. H. Wilt; City Attoi-ney, Elwood Evans; City Treasurer, H. C. Davis; Health Officer, Dr. E. J. Ashmore; City Surveyor, C. 0. Bean; Street Connnissioner, E. G. Bacon; Harbor Master, R. M. Mountfort; Assessor, L. G. Shelton; Marshal and Collector, E. 0. Fulmer. July 13, 1883, E. N. Ouimette was elected Councilman from the 2nd ward, vice C. AV. Sprague, resigned. September 27, 1883, AA^illiam Robertson was elected Coun- cilman from the Ist w^ard, vice G. W. Alexander, resigned; and F. ( ). Alcpkcr was elected City Clerk, vice J. H. AVilt, resigned. STATISTICS AS TO ELECTIONS. 11 CITY OF TACOMA. November 29, 1883, the Council Journal of Old Tacoma shows the appointment of "election officers to serve at a special election to be held in the 1st ward of the Consolidated Cities." November 30, 1883, the Council Journal of New Tacoma has the followino' record: "The City Clerk was instructed to give due notice of the election to be held December 10, 1883, according to law." There is no further record as to this first election of the Consolidated Cities, but it was probably held on the above date, and the following officers Avere elected : ]\Iayor, John AV. Sprague: Councilmen: 1st ward, George E. Atkinson, Howard Caih- and John N. Fuller; 2nd Avard, C. A. Richardson, George 0. Kelly and George B. Kandle : 3rd ward, John E. Burns, F. AV. Bashford and R. J. AVeisbach. The Council met January 7, 1884. and elected the following officers: City Clerk. Sanuiel C. Howes; City Attorney, Louis D. Campbell; Committing Magistrates: 1st Avard, Samuel C. Howes ; 2nd and 3rd wards, Alexander Campbell ; Health Officer, Dr. James Vercoe; City Surveyor, C. 0. Bean; Street Commis- sioner, E. C. Baccn ; Harbor blaster, Jeremiah J. Parker ; As- sessor, A. H. Lowe; Collector. Frank 0. Meeker. January 9, 1884, John AEurry Avas elected City Treasurer. January 16, 1884, A. H. Lowe was elected Collector, vice F. 0. Meeker, resigned. February 13, 1884. Job Carr Avas elected City Assessor and Collector, vice A. H. LoAve, resigned ; and AV. H. Harris Avas elec- ted Committing Alagistrate of the 1st Avard. March 22, 1884, Dr. John F. Beardsley Avas elected Health Officer, A'ice Dr. James A^ercoe, resigned; and E. 0. Fulmer Avas elected Collector. At the annual election, held Alay 5, 1884, there Avere 974 votes cast, and the folloAving officers Avere elected : Alayor, R. J. AVeisbach; Marshal, E. O. Fulmer. Councilmen: 1st Avard, HoAvard Carr, 3 years; J. N. Fuller, 2 years, and F. AY. Sulli- van, 1 year. 2nd Avard, J. H. Houghton, 3 years; AV. P. Bon- ney, 2 years, and Samuel AVilkeson Jr., 1 year. 3rd ward, F. AV. Bashford, 3 years; F. T. Olds, 2 years, and J. V. Chamberlain, 1 year. May 21, 1884, the folloAving officers Avere elected: City Clerk, AVilliam J. Meade. Committing Alagistrates : 1st Avard, AV. H. Harris; 2nd and 3rd Avards, Alexander Campbell. 1:2 STATISTICS AS TO KLKCTIOXS. Miiy 22. 1884, the folldwiiiii' officers were elected: City At- luni.'v. Loiiis D. Caiiiphell ; Health Officer, Dr. John F. Beards- ley; City Surv('y4 STATISTICS AS TO ELECTIONS. April '21, 1S!»S. the Mayor notified the Council of the fol- lowing' jippointnicnts: City Attorney, AV, H. Pritchard; As- sistant City Attorney. AValter M. Harvey; Commissioner of Public AVorks. W. E. Hacker; Chief of Police, J. H. Read; Chief of Fire Department, Jesse C. Poyns; Commissioner of Health, F. J. Sehujr: Harbor ^Faster, J. F. Visell ; Buildino- and License Inspector, Ed. K. Hare; Librarian, AV. H. Jennings; Clerk of Alunicipal Coiii-t. J. Al. Ai-ntson. December 8, 1898, the Council elected James B. Hoit Coun- cilman from the 8th ward, vice G. F. AVhitty, resigned. At the annual election, held April 4, 1899, there Avere 4311 registered votes, of which 2966 votes were cast, and the fol- lowing Couneilmeii elected: 1st ward, Ralph B. Smith; 2nd ward. Percy D. Norton; 3rd Avard, George W. Quiett; 4th ward, ]). F. Day: oth ward. T. C. Rununell ; 6th ward, W. G. Free- man: 7th ward. Kdwai'ci A. Roiee; 8th ward, James B. Hoit. Api'il 18. 1899, the Council organized and elected P. D. Norton President and L. W. Roys City Clerk. November 2, 1899, the Council elected Jesse S. Jones Coun- cilman from the 6th ward, vice AV. G. Freeman, deceased. At the annual election, held April 3, 1900, there were 6428 registered votes, of which 5690 were cast, and the following of- ficers elected : AFayor. Fjouis D. Campbell ; Treasurer, Frank B. Cole; ControUer, Alfred Lister. Councilmen: 1st ward, J. C. Hewitt; 2nd ward, John Holgate; 3rd ward, Edward Miller; 4th ward. Otto C. Duevel ; 5th Avard, John Hartman ; 6th ward, Jesse S. Jones for the term of tAvo years; 6th Avard, G. AV. Rob- erts for the term of one year; 7th wartl. Peter J. Johnson; 8th Avard. Tboiiiris AY. Hammond. April 17. 1900, George H. Boardman Avas elected by the Council as Coniieilman from the 2nd Avard, vice Percy D. Nor- ton, decea.sed. April 17. 1900. the Council organized and elected Ralph B. Smith President and L. AV. R«ys City Clerk. April 17, 1900, the Alayor notified the Council of the fol- loAving appointments: City Attorney, AYilliam P. Reynolds; Assistant City Attorney, Emmett N. Parker; Commissioner of Public AVorks, Richard W. Clark; Chief of Police, AVilliam Fackler; Chief of Fire Department, Jesse C. Poyns ; Clerk of AFunicipal Court, John AF. Arntson; Commissioner of Health, Frederick J. Selnig : City Engineer, Norton Ij. Taylor; Harbor Master, John B. Clift ; Building and License Inspector, Ed. R. Hare: Plumbing Inspector, EdAvard H. Butterfield. STATISTICS AS TO ELECTIONS. 25 ]May 4, 1900, B. S. MaeLafferty succeeded W. H, Jennings as City Librarian, on appointment by the Mayor. At the annual election, held April 2, 1901, there were 4360 registered votes, of which 2415 votes were cast, and the follow- ing Councilmen were elected : 1st ward, Ralph B. Smith ; 2nd ward, Edward I. Salmson ; 3rd ward, John M. Bell ; 4th ward, W. R. Giblett ; 5th ward. George C. Britton for the term of two years; 5th Avard, James ]\I. Harris for the term of one year; 6th ward, Alfred L. Hawley; 7th ward, Edward A. Roice; 8th ward, Ira B. Richards. April 16, 1901, the Council organized and elected Ralph B. Smith President and L. W. Roys City Clerk. January 9, 1902, Harvey L. Johnson was appointed Second Assistant City Attorney. At the annual election, held Aj)ril 1, 1902, there were 6979 registered votes, of which 6098 votes were cast, and the follow- ing officers elected : ^Mayor Louis D. Campbell ; Controller, Alfred Lister; Treasurer, Charles D. Atkins. Councilmen: 1st Avard, John Donahue; 2nd ward, Henry Mahncke; 3rd ward, Ben Olson ; 4th ward, Otto C. Duevel ; 5th ward, August Von Boecklin; 6th ward, Jesse S. Jones; 7th ward, W. Scott Snyder; 8th Avard, T. W. Hammond. Also amendments to the City Char- ter numbered 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 were adopted. April 15, 1902, the City Council organized and elected Jesse S. Jones President and F. B. Woodruff City Clerk. The ]\rayor announced the following appointments : City Attorney, William P. Reynolds; Assistant City Attorney, Em- mett X. Parker; Commissioner of Public Works, Richard W. Clark; City Engineer, Norton L. Taylor; Chief of Police, Wm. Fackler; Chief of Fire Department, Jesse C. Poyns; Commis- sioner of Health, Dr. F. J. Schug; Plumbing Inspectir, George V. Hill; Harbor Master, John B^ Clift; Librarian, B. S. Mae- Lafferty; Clerk of Police Court, J. M. Arntson. At the annual election, held April 7, 1903, there were 4962 registered votes, of which 3313 votes were cast, and the follow- ing officers were elected : Councilmen : 1st ward, Thomas H. Bellingham; 2nd ward, Edward I. Salmson; 3rd ward, James J. Conrad ; 4th ward, William R. Giblett ; 5th ward, George C. Britton; 6th ward, Alfred L. Hawley; 7th ward, Edward A. Roice; 8th ward, J. Warren Martenis. April 21, 1903, the City Council organized and elected Jesse S. Jones President and F. B. Woodruff City Clerk. '26 STATISTICS AS TO KLHCTIOXS. July "). l!)0;i. -Joiuitluin Siiiitli wtis appointed City Librar- ian, vice B. S. MaeLattVrty, (U'ccased. OetoluM- 12. VMVA. Eniiiu'tt X. Parker was apixiiiilcd City At- torney, vice William 1*. Keynokls. resigned. December J), 1908. Olof H. Christoffersen was elected Coun- cilman from the 5th wai-d. vice Georore C. Britton, resio-ned. January 20. 1904, L. A. Nicholson was appointed City En- trineer, vice X. L. Taylor, removed. At the annual election, held April -t. 1904. there were 9335 rejristered votes, of which 7974 votes were cast, and the follow- ing' officers were elected : Mayor, George P. Wright ; Control- ler. L. (I. Jackson: Treasui'ei-. Chai'les D. Atkins. Councilmcn : 1st ward. William A. AVhitmaii: 2nd ward, Frank M. Lamboi-n : 3rd ward, Jesse H. Read: 4th ward. Otto C. Duevel ; 5th ward, (^h f II. Christoft'ersen for term of one year: 5th ward, F. S. Wright for term of two years: 6th ward, Schuyler Usher: 71 h ward, A. M. Richards: 8th ward, A. C. Hoenig. April 19, 1904, the City Council organized and elected E. A. Roice, President and L. \V. Roys City Clerk. The Mayer announced the following appointments: City Attorney, 0. G. Ellis: Assistant City Attorney, J. J. Anderson; Commissioner of Public Works, William Welsh: Chief of Police, Thomas Ma- Joney : Chief of Fire Department, J. L. Dietsch; Conunissioner cf Health, Dr. L. Tj. Love: Librarian, J. T. Eshelnian : Harbor ^Master. Robert ^I. ]\Iouiitffirt : Park Connnissioners. Stuart Rice. John R. Arkley. C. :\r. East.'rday. J. E. Aubrey and Peter Daly. .Iul>- 4. 1!M)4. (leorge McAlcvy was appointed Chief of Fire Department, vice •!. L. Dietsch. resigned. Seplember 1. 1904. 1\. E. Evans was ajipoiiitcd Second As- sistant ('ity .\ttorney. At the annual election, held A])i-il 4. 1905, thei'c were ()482 i-egistered votes, of which 4075 votes were cast, and the follow- ing Councilmcn wei-e elected: 1st ward, T. H. Bellinghani: 2nd ward. Edward I. Salmson : 3rd ward, James J. Conrad: 4th ward. William R. (iiblett: 5th ward, O. H. Christoffersen: Hth wai'd. Alfn^l L. Mawley: 7th ward. Joseph B. Hawthorne: 8th ward. L. L. Doud. April 18. 1905, the Council organized and elected T. H. Belliniihani President, and L. W. Hovs Citv Clerk. CORPORATE HISTORY OF THE City of T acorn a. OLD TACOMA. The City of Taeoiiia (Old Tacoma) effected its first organi- zation under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of towns," approved Xcvember 29, 1871. A petition was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Pierce County, May 21, 1874, and on the same day an election of five Trustees was ordered for June 8, 187-4. The five Trustees elected at this time were Job Carr, A. Walters. J. \V. Chambers, A. C. Campbell and S. C. Howes, all of whom, excepting S. C. Howes, took the oath of office June 9, 1874. S. C. Howes refused to qualify on account of his not being a citizen of the Cnited States, and on the 15th day of June, J. R. Ralston was elected to fill the vacancy. On the 9th day of June, the Board organized by the election of Job Carr as Presi- dent, and W. H. McCain Clerk. The corporate limits of the town thus organized were as follows : Commencing at the s w corner cf sec 31, tp 21 n, r 8 e: run- ning thence east along the section line 100 chains; from thence north 80 chains to the section line between sections 29 and 32, thence east along said line to Conmiencement Bay. thence north- west along said Bay to the point where the north and south line between sections 25 and 30 intersects the Bay; thence south be- tween sections 25 and 30, 36 and 31 to the place of beginning. On November 12, 1875. the legislature passed a special act incorporating the City of Tacoma (Old Tacoma) under the name of "The inhabitants of the City of Tacoma." The act went into effect at once, and the corporate limits of the city were as follows : Commencing at the n w corner of section 31, tp 21 n, r 3 e ; thence south on the west line of said section to the s w corner of the same ; thence east on the south line of sections 31 and 32, tp 21 n, r 3 e, 400 rods; thence north 320 rods to the section line dividing sections 29 and 32 east and west ; thence east along said line to half or mean tide on Conunencement Bay ; thence along 28 CORPORATK HISTORY. tlK* iiieaiulorinus of sjiid Bay to tlic n w eoriier of lot No. 1, sec. 30, tp 21 n, r 3 o; thence due south to the phice of beginning. The city o-overninent was vested in a board of five trustees who elected a President and Secretai-y. Under the provisions of this act, the officers of the former town organization held over nnti] the election provided by the act, on the first IMonday in ]\Iay, 187(), was held. Tender this charter the city continued its corporate existence until it was consolidated with New Tacoma en the first ^Fonday in January, 1884. NE\V TACOMA. The City of New Taconia was organiy.ed under the provis- ions of the Act of November 29, 1871. (^n the 2nd day of Feb- ruary, 1880, a petition was presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Pierce County, and an order made on the same day, incorporating the city under the name of ' ' The Inhabitants of the Town of New Taeoma." An election of five trustees was ordered for Febnuiry 14, 1880, and duly held, and Theodore Hosmer, Henry C. Bostwick, Sanuiel AVilkeson Jr., David Lister Sr., and Stephen ]M. Nolan, were elected as such trustees. On the 18th day of February, 1880, the trustees qualified before Clifton D. Young, a notary public, and organized by electing Theodore Hosmer President, and p]hvood Evans Clerk. The corporate lim- its of the town were as follows: Commencing at the intersection of Division avenue with Ta- coma avenue; thence along said Tacoma avenue to South 21st street ; thence east through South 21st street to its intersection with A street ; thence northerly along the east side of A street as originally laid out to South 15th street; thence northerly by A street to its intersection witli Cliff avenue; thence along Cliff ave- nue to its intersection AviUi Pacific avenue at a point marked "A" as designated upon the plat accompanying said petition; thence from said point "A" along Pacific avenue to a point as designated upon said plat as "F"; thence westerly to intersect Clifi:' avenue; thence along Clift* avenue to its intersection with Division avenue; thence westerly along said Division avenue to Tacoma avenue, the place of beginning. On November 5, 1881, the legislature passed a special act entitled, '"An Act to confer a City Government upon New Ta- coma." The corporate limits of New Tacoma were as follows: Commencing at the n av corner of sec 5, tp 20 n, r 3 e; thence along the west line of sections 5 and 8 in said township, 480 rods COEPOBATE HISTORY. 29 -}: of said section 8 ; thence east 480 rods to the center of section 9, tp 20 n, r 3 e; thence north to half or mean tide on Commencement Bay : thence in a northwest- erly direction along- the meauderings of said Bay to the section line dividing sections 29 and 32 in tp 21 n, r 3 e; thence west to the n e corner of the n w ^ of the n w | of section 32, tp 21 n, r 3 e ; thence sonth 320 rods to the Fifth Standard Parallel and thence Avest to the place of beginning. The government was vested in a INIayor and Common Council and at the first election held May 3, 1882, Theodore Hosmer was elected ]\Iayor, George W. Alexander, A. S. Abernethy Jr., and Jacob Halstead, Couneilmen from the first ward, and John E. Burns, Charles Sprague and G. W. Bonbright, Couneilmen from the second ward. This act expressly continues in force all ordi- nances passed by the Connnon Council of the Town of New Ta- coma, previously organized, in force when this act took effect and not inconsistent therewith, nor with the laws of the Territory. TACOMA. On November 8, 1883, the legislature passed an act entitled, "'An Act to Consolidate the Cities of Tacoma and New Tacoma under the name of Tacoma." This act provided that on and af- ter the first ^Monday of January, 1884, the City of Tacoma incor- porated November 12, 1875, and New Tacoma, incorporated No- vember 5, 1881, shall be consolidated under one city grovernment to be known as Tacoma." The corporate limits of the consoli- dated cities were as follows : Commencing upon the shore line of Commencement Bay where it is intersected by the section line dividing sections 23 and 24, in tp 21 n, r 2 e; and running thence south along section lines to southwest corner of section 25 in said township ; thence east to township line between ranges 2 and 3 east ; thence south along said township line to the s w corner of section 6, tp 20 n, r 3 e : thence east along section line on south boundary of sec- tion 6 to the southeast corner of said section 6 ; thence south along the section line between sections 7 and 8, to the s w corner of section 8; thence east along section line on south boundary of sections 8, 9 and 10 to west boundary of the Puyallup Indian Reservation; thence northerly along the west boundary of said Reservation to the north boundary of Pierce County ; thence fol- lowing said boundary northwesterly to a point opposite and north of the point of beginning on the shore line of Commence- HO COHJ'OHATK HISTORY. iiit'iit Hay; llu'iici- south to the jjoiut of beoinninii', int'ludiiif; sec- tions 24 aiul 25 in tp 21 n, r 2 e, sections 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34, in tp 21 n. r 3 e. and sections 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and fractional sections 3 and 10. in tp 20 n, r 3 east (Charter of 1886.) 'I'he act expressly continued in "force all ordinances passed by either of said city corpoi-ations. and all ordinances in force therein January 1, 1884, not inconsistent with said acts, nor the laws of the Territory. Oji February 4, 1886, the legislature passed another act en- titled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Taconia and define the powers thereof." (See Charter of 1886.) March 24, 1890, the legislature passed an act entitled "An Act to provide for the government of cities having a population of twenty thousand or more inhabitants, and declaring an emer- gency to exist." Under the provisions of this act, Ordinance No. 316 was passed May 17. 1890. calling for an election of fifteen freeholders to frame a City Charter. The election was held June 10, 1890, and Thomas Carroll. Louis D. Campbell, Wm. J. Meade, F. T. Olds, C. A. Hasbrouck. (Jeorge 0. Kelly, Theodore Hug- gins, J. C. Weatherred, John M. Steele, M. :\[. Taylor, J. H. Houghton, W. H. Snell, J. D. Caughran, H. O. Geiger and W. C. Sharpstein were elected. The board organized by electing J. H. Houghton President and A. R. Heilig Secretary. On the 22nd of August, 1890, the committee reported a Charter. On October 18, 1890, an election was held at which the Charter was adopted by, a vote of 2723 for and 726 against its adoption, and the offi- cers thereunder elected. On February 28, 1891, Ordinance No. 398 was passed, pro- viding for calling a special election, for the purpose of voting upon the question of extending the city limits, undeu the pro- visions of the Act of March 27, 1890', (Law^s 1890, page 136.) The election was held April 17, 1891, and as a result, the land described in the ordinance was annexed to the city. (See Arti- cle I, Section 2 of the Revised Charter.) The vote was as fol- lows : \Vithi)i city limits: for annexation, 592; against, 86; major- ity, 506. Outside city limits: for annexation, 162; against, 98; major- ity, 64. On February 5. 1896, the City Council of the City of Taco- ma adopted proposed amendments to the City Charter (includ- ing Amendment No. 19 providing for the appointment of a Civil Service Commission for said city), and caused the same to be published as required by the Charter, March 7, 1896, each and all COEPOEATE HISTOEY. 31 the proposed amendiiieiits were again voted upon by the City Council, and adopted by a two-thirds vote. On April 7, 1896, at a general election held in said city, each and all of the proposed amendments were submitted to the qualified electors of said city, as required by the Charter, and were carried by varying ma- jorities, and became a part of the Charter of said city. Said amendments are fully set forth in Ordinance No. 1061 of the City of Tacoma. At a general election held on the 5th day of April,. 1898, amendments to the Charter, numbered 22 and 23, submitted by Ordinance No. 1272, were adopted. At a general election held April 1, 1902, amendments to the Charter, numbered 2-1 to 31 inclusive, submitted by Ordinance No. 1646, were adopted by varying majorities. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. In obedience to the requirements of the Amended Charter, on the 21st day of April, 1896, A. V. Fawcett, Mayor, appoint- ed F. T. Olds, S. F. Sahm and Govnor Teats, Civil Service Com- missioners, and on the 28th day of April, the Board organized by electing F. T. Olds President and C. P. Culver Secretary and Chief Examiner. On the first day of ^lay, ]Mr. Culver tendered his resigna- tion as Secretary, and on the 18th daj^ of ]May, Isaac J. Tomlin- son was elected to fill the vacancy. On the 27th of jNIay, the ^layor accepted the resignation of F. T. Olds as a member of the Board, and appointed Richard Bond to fill the vacancy. On the 29th day of May, S. F. Sahm was elected President, in place of Olds resigned. On the 18th day of August, 1896, a decision Avas handed down by W. H. Pritchard, Superior Court Judge, in the case of ]\Iullen vs. Doherty, to the effect that the Charter Amend- ments submitted on the 5th day of April, had not been legally adopted. Notwithstanding this decision, which in effect did away with the Commission, it continued its work until October 12, when it took a rest until December 22, at which time it again met and made a demand upon Ed. S. Orr, Mayor, for the deliv- ery of its books and papers, which demand was, on the 26th day of December, denied, pending a decision by the Supreme Court on the appeal which had been taken in che Mullen-Doherty case. 32 CORPORATE HISTORY. The case was argued on the 12th day of October, and a de- cision rendered on the 1st day of February, 1897, reversing the decision of Judge Pritchard and declaring the Charter Amend- ments legally adopted. On the 4th day of February, the Com- mission resumed its proceedings. The decision was filed with the County Clerk on the 13th day of March, 1897. On the 13th day of February, formal charges were present- ed to the City Council by W. C. Sharpstein, Secretary of the Civil Service League, against the three members of the Civil Ser- vice Commission, charging incompetency, neglect of duty, and malfeasance in office ; and the first day of March, 1897, set for hearing the same. On the 10th day of March, after a full and fair hearing, the charges against Govnor Teats, as to incompe- tency and neglect of duty, were sustained by a vote of 13 yeas and 3 nays, and against S. F. Sahm and Richard Bond by 12 yeas and 4 nays; and the vote on the question of removal from office stood 10 yeas and 6 nays. On the 13th of March, Ed. S. Orr, Maj^or, appointed George H. Walker, George Brewitt and W. C. Sharpstein as members of the Civil Service Conmiission, under an opinion by J. A. Shackle- ford, City Attorney, to the effect that the old members of the Board had been removed from office by the action of the City Council on the 10th instant, and that a two-thirds vote was not required for such removal. On the 23rd of March, and before the new Board organized the Superior Court rendered an opinion to the effect that a two- thirds vote of the City Council was required to remove any of- ficial from office, and restored to office the old members of the Board. April 26, Frank H. Graham Avas appointed to succeed Richard Bond, whose term had expired, and the Board organ- ized with S. F. Sahm President. On July 15, 1897, the Mayor, (A. V. Fawcett), submitted to the City Council certain affidavits charging misconduct on the part of Govnor Teats, Commissioner, and I. J. Tomlinson, Secretary; which were referred to the Committee on Law and Conduct of City Officials, Avhich committee, on July 22, reported probable cause for believing the charges true, and recommended that the proper officers report formal charges. July 29, formal charges were presented to the Council by the Mayor against Govnor Teats, charging him Avith "gross incompetency, neglect of duty and prostitution of a public trust for his private gain," and the 16th day of August was fixed as the time for hearing the same. After a full and fair hearing, and on September 1, the charges were sustained, and Govnor Teats removed from of- CORPOEATE HISTORY. 33 fioe as Civil Service Comissioner by the unanimous vote of the City Council. The last meeting of the Board as then organized, was held on the 20th day of July, 1897, and on August 12, the Mayor arbi- trarily removed Commissioners Salun and Teats, and Secretary Tomlinson, from office and took possession of the office, books and papers ; shortly after which time he appointed Otis Sprague and M. P. Bulger to fill the vacancies on the Board occasioned by the removal of Sahm and Teats. On the 3rd of September the new Board organized and elec- ted Otis Sprague President. Its first business was to suspend I. J. Tomlinson, Secretaiy, pending an investigation of charges preferred against him. On the following day, Tomlinson was permitted to resign his position as Secretary, and ]\I. P. Bulger was appointed to fill the vacancy. From this time on to the end, the Board, apparently in good faith, endeavored to carry out the purposes for which it had been appointed ; but the people of the City of Taeoma had had enough of so-called Civil Service Eeform, and preferred the old method of filling office. They believed that under its best application, more incompetents would be appointed to place than under the old method of partisan appointment; and that with a corrupt Board, it became the most dangerous political organization which could be devised: Februarv 26, 1898, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 1272, submitting to the qualified electors, at the next general elec- tion, an amendment to the City Charter, repealing Amendment No. 19, relating to Civil Service. On the 5th day of April, fol- lowing, the election was held, and notwithstanding a vigorous campaign by the Civil Service League, the amendment was adopt- ed by the decisive vote of 2634 for, and 1132 against it; and the City was freed from what had proven itself to be the most corrupt and corrupting influence in the politics of the City of Taeoma. ENABLING ACT. Charter. Oath. AX ACT to provide for the government of cities having a population of twenty thousand or more inhabitants, and declaring an emergency to exist. Be it enacted hy the Legislature of the State of Washington: Section 1. Any City now having, or which may hereafter have a popuhition of twenty thousand or more inhabitants, may frame a Charter for its own government. Census. Sec. 2. The legislative authoritj^ of any such City now in- corporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated under the laws of this State, may by ordinance provide for the appoint- ment, hy the IMayor thereof, of such number of persons as shall be designated in such ordinance, to make an enumeration of all persons residing in the corporate limits of such City. The per- sons so appointed shall, before entering upon their duties, take an oath for the faithful performance thereof, and shall within five days after their appointment proceed, within their respective districts, to make an enumeration of all persons residing therein, with their names and places of residence, and immediately upon Return. ^^^ Completion of such enumeration, shall make return thereof upon oath to the legislative authority of said City, who shall at their next meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable, can- vass and certify the same, and if it shall appear that the whole number of persons residing Avithin the corporate limits of such City is twenty thousand or more, the Mayor and Clerk shall certify, under the corporate seal of said City, the number so as- certained, to the Secretary of the State, who shall file the same in his office, and when so filed, such certificate shall be conclu- sive evidence of the population of said City. Fifteen free- ^EC. 3. If it shall appear by such certificate that the popu- hoiders. lation of such City is twenty thousand or more, the legislative authority thereof shall, within tAventy days after the filing of such certificate, provide by ordinance for an election to be held therein for the purpose of electing fifteen freeholders, who shall have been residents of said City for the period of at least two years preceding their election, and qualified electors, for the pur- pose of framing a Charter for such Citj^ It shall be the duty of the persons so elected to convene within ten days after their Meeting of electiou and frame a Charter for such City and within thirty days thereafter they, or a majority of their number, shall sub- freeholders. EXABLIi\G ACT. 35 111 it such Charter to the legislative authority of such City, who shall within five days thereafter, cause the same to be published in two daily newspapers published in said City for thirty days, and upon the afifidavit of the publisher of each of said papers being- filed with the Clerk of said City, that the said proposed Charter has been published in full in said papers as above pro- vided, which afifidavit shall be made immediately after the last publication of such proposed Charter, the legislative authority of such City shall within five days thereafter provide for the submission thereof to the qualified voters of said Citv, and shall, submission n ^ ■ 1 1 ..',,. of proposed tor that purpose, give at least ten days notice m each election charter, district of said City by publishing such notice in two daily newspapers published in said City, and by causing the same to be posted at each polling place in the several election districts thereof, of an election, which notice shall specify the object for which said election is called. Said election shall be governed by the laws regulating and controlling elections in said City. The form of ballot at such election shall be : "For the proposed Charter," "Against the proposed Charter." In submitting such proposed Charter, or amendments thereto, any alternate article or proposition may be presented for the choice of the voters of such City, and may be voted on separately without prejudice to others. In submitting such amendment, article or proposition, the form of ballot shall be: "For article No of the Char- ter," "Against article No of the Charter." Sec. 4. The officers conducting such elections shall make Returns of „.-.,. T-ji -111 election. returns thereof within the time and in the manner provided by the election laws of such City, and the vote thereof shall be canvassed and the result declared as provided by such laws ; and if upon such canvass it shall be found that a majority of the canvass, votes so cast at such election were cast in favor of the ratification of such Charter, the same shall become the organic law of said City, and shall supersede any existing Charter, and all amend- ments thereto and all special laws inconsistent therewith, when authenticated, recorded and attested as hereinafter provided. The Mayor of said City shall thereupon attach to said Charter a certificate in substance as follows : I, Mayor of the City of do hereby certify certificate of that in accordance wath the terms and provisions of section ten '^^y*''"- of article eleven of the Constitution, and of chapter of the laws of said State, the of the City of , duly caused a election to be held on the day of 18 .... , for the purpose of electing fifteen freeholders to prepare a Char- ter for the City of ; that due notice of such election was ;u> EXABIJXr. ACT. iriven in tlie iiuimuT pnnidi'd l)y lersons were declared duly elected to jirepare and propose a Charter for said City, to-wit: That thereafter, to-wit : On the day of , 18 , said Hoard of Freeholders duly rctui-ned a proposed Charter for the City of sijjned by the followinp: members thereof, to- wit: That thereafter such proposed Charter was duly publisheti in two daily newspapers in said City, and of general circulation therein, towit: For a period of clays, said publication in each of said ])apers, commencins: on the day of ....:., 18 That thereafter, on the day of |, 18 . . . . , at a election duly called by the legislative authority of said City, the proposed Charter was submitted to the qualified electors thereof, and the returns of such election were duly canvassed by the legislative authority thereof, at a meeting held on the day of , 18 .... , and the re- sult of said election w'as found to be as follows: For said pro- posed Charter votes-, against said proposed Charter .... . . votes. ^lajority for said proposed Charter votes. Whereupon, the said Charter was declared duly ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting at said election. And I further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of the proposed Charter so voted upon, and ratified as afore- said. In testimony w^hereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of said Citv at mv office this day of , 18 Attest Mayor of the City of Clerk of the City of . . . . (Corporate seal. Record. Such Charter shall immediately thereafter be recorded by the Clerk of said City in a book to be provided and kept for that ])uri)ose, and known as the Charter book of the City of Attestation. , and whcn so recorded shall be attested by the Clerk and Mayor of said City under the corporate seal thereof, and thereafter any and all amendments to said Charter shall be in like manner recorded and attested and, when so recorded and at- tested, all Courts in this State shall take judicial notice of said Charter and all amendments thereto. Powers. Sec. 5. Any such City shall have power: Elections. First. To provide for general and special elections for questions to be voted upon, and for the election of officers; I ENABLING ACT. 37 Second. To provide for levying * * ( See Laws 1895, Levying Chapter 160, See. 9) taxes on real and personal property, for its corporate uses and purposes, and to provide for the payment Debts, of the debts and expenses of the corporation ; Third. To control the finances and property of the corpo- Finances and ration, and to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, such lands and ^^°^^^ ^' other property as may be necessary for any of the corporate uses provided for by its Charter, and to dispose of any such property as the interests of the corporation may from time to time re- quire ; Fourth. To borrow money for corporate purposes on the Borrow credit of the corporation, and to issue negotiable bonds therefor, ™°°^y- on such conditions and in such manner as shall be prescribed in Bonds, its Charter ; but no City shall in any manner or for any pur- pose, become indebted to an amount in the aggregate to exceed Limit of in- . debtedness ten per centum of the value of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last assessment for City purposes previous to the incurring of such indebtedness ; Fifth. To issue bonds in place of, or to supply means to jggue bonds, meet maturing bonds or other indebtedness, or for the consolida- tion or funding of the same. Sixth. To purchase or appropriate private property with- Appropria- in or without its corporate limits, for its corporate uses, uponvate property, making just compensation to the owners thereof, and to institute and maintain such proceedings as may be authorized by the gen- eral laws of the State, for the appropriation of private proper- ty for public use; Seventh. To lav out, establish, open, alter, widen, extend, streets, ,,',,., , , . . paries, etc. grade, pave, plank, establish grades, or otherwise improve streets, alleys, avenues, sidewalks, wharves, parks and other public grounds, and to regulate and control the use thereof, and to va- cate the same, and to authorize or prohibit the use of electricity Electricity, at, in or upon any of said streets, or for other purposes, and to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the same may be so used and to regulate the use thereof; Eighth. To change the grade of any street, highway or change of alley, within its corporate limits, and to provide for the pay- ment of damages to any abutting owner or owners who shall have built or made other improvement upon such street, high- way or alley at any point opposite to the point where such change shall be made with reference to the grade of such street, highway or alley as the same existed prior to such change. Ninth. To authorize or prohibit the locating and construct- J^^iiro^^s. :^KJG37 :y. and for jjayiiv^^ for the same or any ])ortion tbercof ; Eleventh. To ac(piire by jiui'diase or otherwise lands for public parks within or without the limits of such City, and to improve the same; Twelfth. To construct and keep in repair bridges, via- ducts and tunnels, and to regrulate the use thereof; Thirteenth. To determine what work shall be done or im- provements made at the expense, in whole or in part, of the own- ers of the adjoining:, contigruous or proximate property, or others specially benetited thereby, and to provide for the manner of iiiakin.i; and collecting: assessments therefor; Fourteenth. To provide for erecting:, purchasing- or other- wise actpiiring- water works within or without the corporate lim- its of said City, to supply said City and its inhabitants with water, or to authorize the construction of same by others when deemed for the best interests of such City, and its inhabitants, and to regrulate and control the use and price of the water so supplied : Fifteentii. To provide for lig;hting: the streets and all pub- lic places, and for furnishingr the inhabitants thereof with gas or other ligdits. and to erect or otherwise acquire, and to main- lain the same, or to authorize the erectitm and maintenance of such works as may be necessary and convenient therefor, and to refrulate and control the use thereof; Sixteenth. To establish and regnilate markets, and to pro- vide for th(^ weig'hing', measuring:, and inspection of all articles of fowl and drink offered for sale thereat, or at any other place within its limits, by proper penalties, and to enforce the keeping: of proper leg:al weiirhts and measures by all vendors in such City, and to provide for the inspection thereof; Seventeenth. To erect and establish hospitals and pest- houses and to control and reg:ulate the same; ENABLING ACT. 39 Eighteenth. To erect and establish work-houses and jails, Jaiis. and to control and regulate the same, and to provide for the working' of prisoners confined therein ; Nineteenth. To provide for establishing and maintaining Reform reform schools for juvenile offenders; Twentieth. To provide for the establishment and main- Libraries, tenance of public libraries, and to appropriate annually, such per centum of all moneys collected for fines, penalties and li- censes as shall be prescribed by its Charter, for the support of a City Library, which shall, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by ordinance, be open for use by the public ; Twenty-first. To regulate the burial of the dead and to Burial of establish and regulate cemeteries within or without the corporate limits, and to acquire land therefor by purchase or otherwise; to cause cemeteries to be removed beyond the limits of the corpo- cemeteries. ration and to prohibit their establishment within two miles of the boundaries thereof; Twenty-second. To direct the location and construction of Nuisances. all buildings in which any trade or occupation offensive to the senses or deleterious to public health or safety shall be carried on and to regulate the management thereof ; and to prohibit the erection or maintenance of such buildings or structures, or the carrying on of such trades or occupation within the limits of corporate such corporation, or within the distance of two miles beyond the boundaries thereof ; Twenty-third. To provide for the prevention and extin-Fire. gjuishment of fires, and to regulate or prohibit the transporta- tion, keeping or storage of all combustible or explosive mater- Explosives. ials within its corporate limits, and to regulate and restrain the Fireworks. use of fireworks: Twenty-fourth. To establish fire limits and to make all Fire limits. such regulations for the erection and maintenance of buildings or other structures within its corporate limits as the safety of persons or property may require, and to cause all such buildings and places, as may from any cause be in a dangerous state, to be put in safe condition ; Twenty-fifth. To regulate the manner in which stone, brick Construction •' . . . „ 1 n 1 of buildings. and other buildnigs, party walls and partition fences shall be eonstructed and maintained ; Twenty-sixth. To deepen, widen, dock, cover, wall, alter waterways. or change the channels of waterways and courses, and to pro- vide for the construction and maintenance of all such works as may be required for the accommodation of commerce, including 40 ENABLING ACT. AnchoraKC. WharfaRC. Harbor fees. Lii-ense tugs. etc. Exit from jiiiblir build- ing?. Nui.^ances. Water courses. Ponds. Cleaning vaults, etc. Quarantine. Nuisance. I.i'iurir. oanals, slips, public landing: places, wharv(?s, docks and levees^ and to control and n^^Milate the nse thereof; Twenty-seventh. To control, regulate or prohibit the an- chorage, moorage and landing of all watercrafts and their car- gtx's, within the jurisdiction of the corporation; Twenty-eighth. To fix the rates of wharfage and dockage^ and to provide for the collection thereof and to provide for the inijiosition and collection of such harbor fees as may be consis- tent with the laws of the United States; Twenty-ninth. To license, regulate, control or restrain wharf-l)oats, tugs and other boats used about the harbor or with- in such jurisdiction ; Thirtieth. To require the owners of public halls or other ])uildings to provide suitable means of exit; to provide for the prevention and abatement of nuisances, for the cleaning and purification of water courses and canals, for the drainage and filling up of ponds on private property Avithin its limits, when the same shall be offensive to the senses or dangerous to health ; to regulate and control and to prevent and punish the defilement or pollution of all streams running through or into its corporate limits, and for the distance of five miles beyond its corporate limits, and on any stream or lake from which the water supply of said City is taken, for a distance of five miles beyond its source of supply; to provide for the cleaning of areas, vaults and other places within its corporate limits which may be so kept as to become offensive to the senses or dangerous to the health, and to make all such quarantine or other regulations as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health, and to remove all i)ersons afflicted with any infectious or contagious disease to some suitable place to be provided for that purpose; Thirty-first. To declare what shall be a nuisance and to abate the same, and to impose fines upon parties who may create continue or suffer nui.sances to exist; Thirty-second. To regulate the selling or giving away of into.xicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors: Pro- rid* (L That no license shall be granted to any person or persons who shall not first comply with the general laws of the State in force at the time the same is granted ; Thirty-third. To grant licenses for any lawful purpose, and to fix by ordinance the amount to be paid therefor, and to provide for revoking the same: Provided, That no license shall be granted to continue for longer than one year from the date thereof ; ENABLING ACT. 41 Thirty-fourth. To regulate the carrying on within its cor- occupations porate limits of occupations which are of such a nature as to health and aft'ect the public health or the good order of said City, or to ^°° disturb the public peace, and which are not prohibited by law, and to provide for the punishment of all persons violating such regulations, and of all persons who knowingly permit the same to be violated in any building or upon any premises owned or controlled by them ; Thirty-fifth. To restrain and provide for the punishment Disorderly * . • • Dcrsons of vagrants, mendicants, prostitutes, and other disorderly per- sons ; Thirty-sixth. To provide for the punishment of all disor- Disorderly ' ^ '- conduct. derly conduct and of all practices dangerous to public health or safety, and to make all regulations necessary for the preser- vation of public morality, health, peace and good order within Public morai- its limits, and to provide for the arrest, trial and punishment of all persons charged with violating any of the ordinances of ^rdinlnces °* said City ; but such punishment shall in no case exceed the pun- ishment provided by the laws of the State for misdemeanors; Thirty-seventh. To project or extend its streets over and ^reet's^ over across any tide-lands within its corporate limits, and along or tide lands, across the harbor areas of such City, in such manner as will best promote the interests of commerce; Thirty-eighth. To provide in their respective Charters for Amendments. a method to propose and adopt amendments thereto. Note— For notes of decisions relating to the various subdi- visions of Section 5, see Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Stat- utes of Washington, Vol. 1, Title 7, Chapter 4, Section 739. Sec. 6. The legislative powers of any City organized un- pole^^*^'^^ der the provisions of this act shall be vested in a Mayor and a City Council, to consist of such number of members and to have such powers as may be provided for in its Charter, who, together with such other elective officers as may be provided for in such Charter shall be elected at the times in such manner and for such terms, and shall perform such duties and receive such com- pensation as may be prescribed in such Charter : Provided, That First election, the first election of officers to serve under the provisions of said Charter shall be held at the time of the submission of such pro- posed Charter to the legal voters of such City. Said election shall be held and the returns made and canvassed according to ^u^^n^^^® ^^' the general provisions of the election laws of said City; but any division of the City into wards, and any division of wards into precincts, made in said proposed Charter shall be in force ENABLING ACT. Not i( f officers elected. OfBcers to qualify. Powers. Construction of statutes. EmerRency clause. ;it s.iid fleet idii. Tiiiinediately after the vote of such election .shall have heen canvassed, and the result thereof declared, if it shall appear tliat a majority of the votes cast at such election were east in favor of the ratification of such proposed Charter, the Mayor and City Clerk of said City shall thereupon issue no- tice to each officer elected at such election, notifying him of his election, and -within t(Mi days after the issuance of such notice the officers so elected shall rovided for, an emergency is declared to exist : This act shall, therefore, take efit'ect from and after its approval by file Governor. Approved March 24, 1890. See Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Wash- ington. Vol. 1, Title 7, Chapter 4, Sections 735 to 742. INDEX TO ENABLING ACT. A Page. Abatement of nuisances 40 Amendments to Charter, Provide for 41 Anchorage, Regulate, control and prohibit 40 Appointment of persons to take Census .34 Appropriate money for public library 39 Private property 37 Water works 38 Areas, Cleaning of 40 Assessments for local improvements 38 Authentication of Charter 35-36 B Ballot, Form of, at election for proposed amendments 35 Form of, at election for proposed Charter 35 Bonds, j\Iay issue, to pay for borrowed money 37 To fund indebtedness or meet maturing bonds 37 Borrow money 37 Bridges, Construct, repair and regulate use of 38 Buildings, Construction of stone, brick and other 39 Erection and maintenance of 39 Exits from, Eequire suitable 40 Offensive or dangerous to health, Regulate 39 Burial of dead 39 c Canals, Construct and maintain 40 ( argoes. Regulate landing of 40 Cemeteries, Establish, regulate and remove 39 Census, Appointment of persons to take 34 Canvas of 34 Certificate of result of 34 Manner of taking 34 Oath of persons appointed to take 34 Provide for taking 34 Population of cities determined by 34 Return of persons appointed to take 34 Change of grade of streets 37 Charter, Attestation of. How made 36 Authentication of 35-36 Canvass returns of election for proposed 35-42 Certificate of Mayor to 35 Election for proposed. How held 35 of fifteen freeholders to frame 34 Form of ballot at election for proposed 35 Form of ballot at election for proposed amendments to 35 Goes into effect when 36-42 Judicial effect of record and attestation 36 Notice of election for proposed 35 44 IXOKX TO KXABLTNG ACT. Page. Charter, Provide for ainondinciits to 41 Publication of proposed ■^•' Record of, and amendments '>•> Submission of proposed, to City Council i!") to electors •'>•"> When City can frame -^^ City, Powers of 36-41-4:: Combustible material, regulate transportation and storage of 39 Commerce, Construct wharves, docks, etc., for 40 Compensation of elective officers, Wlio shall fix 41 Contagious disease, Removal of persons afflicted with 40 Construction of statutes as to Enabling Act 4.: D Damages for change of grade 37 Dead, Regulate burial of 39 Disease, Removal of persons afflicted with infectious or contagious.... 40 Debts, Provide for paying 37 Disorderly conduct, R-egulate punishment for 41 Persons, Regulate punishment of 41 Dockage, Fix rates for, and provide for collection of 40 Docks, Construct and maintain 40 E Election, Canvass returns of, for Charter and aniondinonts 35-42 First, under proposed Charter 41 Form of ballot at, for Charter, etc 35 Notice of 35 Of fifteen freeholders to frame Charter 34 Of officers 36-41 Special and general, Provide for 36 Submission of proposed Charter, etc., at 35 Elective officers 41 Electricity, Regulate use of, on streets 37 Emergency clause 42 Enumerators of census. Appointment, oatli, etc., of 34 Canvass return of 34 File return of 34 Explosives, Regulate transportation, storage, etc 39 Exit from public buildings 40 F Finances, and ])roi)erty. Control of 3X Fire limits. Establish 39 Works, Regulate use of 39 Fires, Prevention and extinguishment of 3& Food, Inspection, measuring and weighing 38 Freeholders, Election of fifteen to frame Charter 34 Duty of, when chosen 34 Funding indebtedness, Issue bonds for 37 INDEX TO ENABLING ACT. 45 G Page. Gas works, etc., Erect, puehase or acquire 38 Grade, Change of, How made 37 Establishment of 37 H Harbor areas. Extend streets along or across 41 Fees, Impose and regulate 40 Health, Preserve public 39-40-41 Hospitals, Erect, establish and maintain 38 I Improve streets, avenues, etc 37 Improvements, Expense of, adjoining property 38 Local 38 Indebtedness, Issue bonds for funding 37 Limit of 37 Infectious disease, Eemoval of persons afflicted with 40 Inspection of food, etc 38 J Jails, Erection and regulation of 39 L Landing of cargoes within City limits 40 Lands, City may purchase and sell 37 Lay out, improve, etc., streets, alleys, etc 37 Legislative power, in whom vested 41 Levying taxes 37 Libraries, Appropriate money for support of public 39 Establish and maintain public 39 Make regulations for use of public 39 Licenses, Granting 40 Limit of 40 Light, Furnish inhabitants with 38 Purchase, erect, etc., works for making 38 Lighting streets and public places. Provide for 38 Limit of indebtedness 37 License 40 Liquors, License and regulate sale of 40 No license to continue longer than one year 40 Revocation of license to sell 40 Local improvements, To make 38 Special assessment for 38 M Markets, Establish and regulate 38 Measures, Enforce keeping legal 38 Mendicants, Restrain and punish 41 Morality, Regulate and preserve public 41 4(5 l\l»i:X TO KXABTvINc; ACT. N Page. Nuisances, Piovido tor abatement of 40 Punislinient for maiiitainino; 40 To (leclare wliat are 40 I 1 Oci'iipations' aflfectinf; lioaltli and good order, Restrain 41 Occupations, Regulate construction of buildings for offensive 39 Offensive business. Regulate carrying on 39 OflScers, Election of, under first Charter 41 Ordinances, Punisli violation of 41 Parks, ( 'ity may purchase land for 3S Kstablish and lay out 37 ]ni])rovenient of land for 38 Regulate use of 37 Partition fences, Construction and maintenance of 39 Party walls, const ructicui and maintenance of 39 Pest houses, Establishment and maintain 38 Ponds on private property, Drain and fill up 4(t Population of cities determined by census 34 Precincts, Division of Avards into 41 Prisoners, Working of 39 Property of City, Control of 37 Prostitutes, Restrain and punish 41 Purchase land for cemeteries 39 Property for corporate purposes 37 Q Qualifying of officers elected under first Charter 41| Quarantine, Make necessary regulations for 4C R Railroads, ( Onstruction and ojK'ration of Sgl Protection of persons and property from injury by 38 Regulate operation of street 38 Reform .schools. Establish and maintain 39 Regulate use of streets, alleys, etc 37 Regulations for preserA'ation of public health, Make 40 Sale of property for corporate purposes 37 Streams, Prevent the defilement of 4( Streets, Change grade of 37 Damages for change of grade of 37 Establish, lay out and grade 37 Extension of, over tide lands 4 Regulate use of 37 Use of electricity on 3' Vacate 37 INDEX TO ENABLING ACT. 47 T Page. Taxes, Levy of, for general purposes .37 Tide lands, Extension of streets across 41 Trades, Eegulate construction of building for offensive 39 Tugs, License of 40 Tunnels, City may build 38 u L^se of electricity on streets 37 V ; Vacate streets, alleys, etc 37 ' Yagrants, Eestrain and punish 41 Vaults, Provide for cleaning 40 ■ Viaducts, City may build , 3S Violation of ordinances. Punish 41 Wards, Division of City into 41 "Water, Supply inhabitants with 38 AVater-courses, Provide for cleaning 40 AVater crafts, Anchorage, moorage and landing of 40 AVater rates, Eegulate : 38 AVater-ways, Control of 39 AVater-works, Erect, purchase or appropriate 3S AA'oighing and inspection of food 38 Weights and measures, Enforce keeping legal 38 AVharf boats. City may license 40 AVharf age and dockage, Fix rates for, and collect 40 AA'harves, Construct and maintain 40 Improvement of .' 37 AVork-houses, Erect and maintain 39 Working of prisoners 39 I I i I Affidavit of Board Freeholders. I, W. J. Meade, Thomas Carroll, L. D. Campbell, J. D. Caughran, H. 0. Geiger, C. A. Hasbronck, J. H. Houghton,. Theodore Huggins, George 0. Kelly, F. T. Olds, J. M. Steele, W. H. Snell, W. C. Sharpstein, M. M. Taylor and J. C. Weath- erred, do 'solemnly swear that 1 am a freeholder of the City of Tacoma, that I have resided in said City for more than two years prior to the 10th day of Jnne, 1890, and that I am a qual- ified elector, and that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and of the State of Washington, and perform the duties devolving upon me to the best of my ability, and will proceed to frame a Charter for the City of Tacoma, and report the same as provided by law. Thomas Carroll, W. C. Sharpstein, J. M. Steele, M. M. Taylor, W. H. Snell, C. A. Hasbrouck, Louis D. Campbell, F. T. Olds, Geo. 0. Kelly, Theodore Huggins, H. 0. Geiger, J. H. Houghton, J. C. Weatherred, J. D. Caughran, Wm. J. Meade. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of June, 1890. Frank Allyn, Judge. REVISED CITY CHARTER OF THE City of Tacoma. The original Charter was framed and submitted by the Board of Fifteen Freeholders elected June 10, 1890, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 10, Article 11, of the Constitution of the State of Wash- ington, the Acts of the Legislature, and Ordinance No. 316 of the City of Tacoma. ARTICLE I. INCORPORATION, BOUNDARIES AND WARD DIVISIONS. Section 1. We, the people of Tacoma, a City of the State of Washington, having a population of more than 20,000 inhab- itants and being permitted by the constitution and laws of said Declaration State of AVashington to frame a Charter, do hereby publish and °* charter, declare this to be our City Charter; and the inhabitants of Pierce County, State of Washington, and their successors with- in the boundaries hereinafter described, are hereby constituted and declared to be a municipal corporation of the name of "City Name, of Tacoma," and by such name shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of justice Powers, and in all actions, suits or proceedings whatsoever: and shall have and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure : seai. may purchase, receive, take, hold, lease, use and enjoy property of every nature and description and control and dispose of the same; and said municipal corporation is hereby declared to be a separate highway or road district exempt from the supervi- separate sion and control oi the Board of County Commissioners of ^'"'^ district. Pierce County. Sec. 2. The corporate limits and boundaries of Tacoma corporate shall be as follows : Commencing on the shore line of Com- '''"**^- mencement Bay, Avhere it is intersected by the section line divid- ing sections twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24), in town- ship twenty-one (21) north range two (2) east W. M., and running thence south along said section line to the southwest corner of section tAventy-five (25) in said township: thence east to the township line between ranges two (2) and three (3) east; thence south along said township line to the southwest corner of section six (6) in township twenty (20) north range three (3) east W. M. ; thence east along the section line on the south 50 REVISED CITY CHARTER. boundary of section six (6) to the southeast corner of said sec- tion six (6) ; thence south along the section line between sec- tions seven (7) and eight (8) to the southwest corner of sec- tion eight (8) ; thence east along the section line on the south boundary of sections eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10) to the west boundary of the Puyallup Indian Reservation ; thence northerly along the west boundary of said Reservation to the north boundary of Pierce County; thence following said boun- dary northwesterly to a. point opposite and north of the point of beginning on the shore line of Commencement Bay; thence south to the point of beginning; including sections twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25), in township twenty-one (21), north - range two (2) east W. M. ; sections twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34), in township twenty-one (21), north range h three (3) east W. M., and section [s] four (4), five (5), six (6), eight (8), nine (9), and fractional sections three (3) and ten (10), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east W. M. The following territory was added to the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, pursuant to a special election held April 17, 1891, as provided for by Ordinance No. 398. (See Titles of Special Ordinances.) Additional Beginning w^here the south boundary of section ten (10), township twenty (20) north range three (3) east of the AVillam- I ette Meridian intersects the westerly boundary of the Puyallup Indian Reservation, and running thence southerly along the boundary of the Puyallup Indian Resei'vation to where the same intersects the eastern boundary of section twenty-two (22) , in the aforesaid township ; thence south along the eastern boun- I dary of section twenty-two (22), in the aforesaid township, to I the southeast corner of said section twenty-two (22), thence- I west along the south boundary of sections twenty -two (22), twenty-one (21), twenty (20) and nineteen (19), all in said township ; and also along the south boundary line of section twenty-four (24) in township twenty (20) north range two (2) east to the southwest corner of said section twenty-four (24) ; thence north along the western boundary of sections twenty-four (24), thirteen (13) and twelve (12), in said town- ship twenty (20) north range two (2) east, to the northeast cor- ner of section eleven (11), in said township twenty (20) [north] range two (2) east; thence west along the north boundary of sec- tions eleven (11), ten (10) and nine(9), in township last above named, to the shore of Puget Sound ; thence northerly along REVISED CITY CHARTER. 51 the shore of Puget Sound to Point Defiance in section ten (10), township twenty-one (21), north range two (2) east; thence in an easterly and southeasterly direction alono^ said shore line, to the north boundary of section twenty-three (23), township twenty-one (21) north range two (2) east; thence westerly along the north boundary of section twenty-three (23) to the north- west corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty- three (23) ; thence south along the center line of said section twenty-three (23) to the southwest corner of the northeast quar- ter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence east to the south- east corner of the northeast (quarter of said section twenty-three (23) : thence south along the western boundary of sections twen- ty-four (24) and twenty -five (25), in the last above named township, to the southwest corner of said last named section twen- ty-five (25), thence east to the southeast corner of said last named section twenty-five (25) ; thence south along the western boundary of section thirty-one (31), in township twenty-one (21) north range three (3) east, and the western boundary of section six (6), township twenty (20) north range three (3) east to the southwest corner of section six (6) ; thence east to the southeast corner of section six (6) last above named; thence south along the western boundary of section eight (8), in town- ship twenty (20) north range three (3) east to the south w-est corner of section eight (8) ; thence east along the south boun- dary of sections eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10) in township twenty (20) north range three (3) east to the place of beginning. Sec. 3. The said City is hereby divided into four wards, wards. designated and bounded as folloAvs : First Ward — Commencing upon the shore line of Com- First ward, mencement Baj- where it is intersected by the section line di- viding sections twenty-three (23) and twenty- four (24), in township twenty-one (21) north, range tw'o (2) east W. M., running thence south along said section line to the southwest corner of section twenty-five (25) in said township ; thence east to the township line between ranges two (2) and three (3) east; thence south along said township line to the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township twenty-one (21) north, range three (3) east; thence east along the south line of said section thirty-one (31) in said township to its intersection wnth the center line of Xorth Eighth street ; thence along the center line of said North Eighth street produced to the north boun- dary of Pierce County ; thence northwesterly along the north line of Pierce Coimty to a point due north of the place of be- ginning; thence south to the place of beginning. 52 REVISED CITY CHAETEE. Second ward. Sccond Ward— AW that portion of the corporate limits lying between said First Ward and a line commencing at a point on the east boundary line of the City in line with the center line of South Eleventh street produced easterly to Eleventh street in Commencement Bay Addition : thence along said center line to a point on the shore line of Commencement Bay at its intersection with the center line of South Eleventh street ; thence along said center line of South Eleventh street to the intersection of said center line with the section line between sections five (5) and six (6) township twenty (20) north range three (3) east; thence south on said section line to the quarter section corner between said sections five (5) and six (6) ; thence west on the quarter section line of said section six (6) township twenty (20) north range three (3) 'east, to the west boundary of said City, and between the east and west boundaries of said City. Third ward Third Ward— All of the corporate limits between the south boundary of said Second Ward and a line commencing at a point where the quarter section line of section six (6) town- ship twenty (20) north range three (3) east intersects the west boundars^ of said City and running thence south along the west boundary of said section six (6) to the southwest corner of said section six (6) ; thence east on the south boundary line of said section six (6) to the southeast corner of said section six (6) ; thence south on the section line between sections seven (7) and eight (8) township twenty (20) north range three (3) east to the intersection of said section line with the center line of South Twenty-first street in Hayden's Addition; thence east on said center line of South Twenty-first street to Madison street in said Hayden's Addition; thence north on the center line of said Madison street to its intersection with the center line of South Twenty-first street running east to said Madison street; thence east along the center line of said South Twenty- first street to the east boundary line of said City; thence along the east boundary of said City to the south boundary of the Second Ward. Fourth ward. Fourtk Ward— All that part of the City lying south of and between the Third AVard and the corporate limits of the City. Changes of The forcgoiug boundaries of the City of Taeoma were wards. changed by Ordinance No. 548, approved December 14, 1891 (See Titles of Special Ordinances,) under the power granted by Article I, Section 4 of the Charter, and eight wards were created, as follows: EEVISED CITY CHAETER. 53 First Ward — Commencino; at the southwest corner of sec- First ward, tion thirty-one (31), township twenty-one (21) north, range three (3) east; thence nin east alont? the south boundary of said section thirtj^-one (31) to the southeast corner of said section thirty-one (31) ; thence south along the west boundary of sec- tion five (5), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east to the center line of North Sixth street ; thence northeasterly along the center line of North. Sixth street to the City limits; thence northerly and westerly along said City limits to the pro- duced western boundary of sections thirty (30) and thirty-one (31), township twenty-one (21) north, range three (3) east; thence southerly along said produced boundary and the western boundaries of said sections thirty (30) and thirty-one (31), township twenty-one (21) north, range three (3) east, to the place of beginning. Second Ward — Commencing at the intersection of the cen- secoud ward, ter line of South Ninth street with the west boundary of sec- tion five (5), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence easterly along the center line of South Ninth street to the center line of Fourteenth street in Commencement Bay Addition to Taeoma ; thence easterly along said center line of Fourteenth street. Commencement Bay Addition, to the City limits; thence northerly and westerly along said City limits to the produced center line of North Sixth street ; thence southwesterly along said produced [center] line of North Sixth street and the center line of North Sixth street, to the west boundary of section five (5), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence south along the west boundary of said section five (5) to the place of beginning. Third, Ward — Commencing at the intersection of the cen- Third ward, ter line of South Ninth street with the west boundary of sec- tion five (5), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence south along the west boundary of said section five (5) to the southwest corner of the same; thence east along the south boundary of said section five (5) to the center line of South Nineteenth street ; thence easterly along said center line of South Nineteenth street to the eastern boundary of the City ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the City to the center line of Fourteenth street, in Commencement Bay Addition ; thence westerly along the center line of said Fourteenth street to the produced center line of South Ninth street ; thence west- erly along said produced center line of South Ninth street and the center line of South Ninth street to the place of beginning. 54 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Fourth ward. FoxuHh Wa/'f/— Commeiicino' at the intersection of Tacoma avenue and South Nineteenth street, thence southerly along the center line of Tacoma avenue to the center line of Hood street : thence southwesterly along the center line of Hood street to the west boundary of section nine (9) township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence south along the west boundaries of sections nine (9), sixteen (16) and twenty-one (21) to the south boundary of the City; thence east along the south boundary to the east boundary of the City; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of the City to the produced center line of South Nineteenth street; thence Avesterly along the produced center line and the center line of South Nineteenth street to the center line of Tacoma avenue. Fifth ward. Fifth WflrcZ— Commencing at the northwest corner of sec- tion eight (8), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, thence south along the west boundaries of sections eight (8) and seventeen (17) to the center line of Oakes avenue; thence west along the center line of Oakes avenue to the center line of Cas- cade street; thence south along the center line of Cascade street to the south boundary of section eighteen (18) ; thence east to the northwest corner of section twenty (20) township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence south along the west boundary of section twenty (20) to the southwest corner of section twenty (20) ; thence east along the south boundary of section twenty (20) to the southeast corner of section twenty (20) ; thence north along the east boundaries of sections twenty (20), seventeen (17) and eight (8) to the center line of Hood street ; thence northeasterly along the center line of Hood stnn^t to the center line of Tacoma avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Tacoma avenue to the center line of South Nineteenth street ; thence westerly along the center line of South Nineteenth street to the north boundary of section eight (8). township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence west along the said boundary of section eight (8), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the beginning. Sixth WrtrcZ— Commencing on the \ section corner on the west boundary of section twelve (12), township twenty (20) north, range two (2) east ; thence south along the west boundaries of sections twelve (12), thirteen (13) and twenty-four (24) to the southern boundary of the City ; thence east along t,he southern boundary of the City to the southeast corner of section nineteen (19) ; thence north to the northeast corner of section nineteeen (19); thence west to the center line of Cascade street; thenco north along the center line of Cascade street to the center line of Sixth ward. REVISED CITY CHARTER. 55 Cakes avenue; thence east to the east boundary of section eigh- teen (18); thence north along the east boundaries of sections eighteen (18) and seven (7) to the center line of South Twenty- fifth street ; thence west along the center line of South Twenty- fifth street and its production to the west boundary of section seven (7) ; thence south along the boundary of section seven (7) to the center line of South Twenty-third street, in Oakland addi- tion ; thence west along the center line of said South Twenty- third street and its production to the east boundary line of Motor Line Addition ; thence north to the boundary of Motor Line Addition ; thence west to place of beginning. Seventh Ward — Commencing at the northeast corner of sec- seventh tion six (6) township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east; thence run west along the north boundaries of sections six (6), one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4) to the west boundary of the City ; thence southerly along the western boundary of the City to the south boundaiy line of section four (-4) township twenty (20), range two (2) east; thence east along the south boundaries of sections four (4), three (3) and two (2) to the southeast corner of section two (2) ; thence south along the west boundary line of section twelve (12) to the northwest corner of the Motor Line Addition ; thence east along north boundary of Motor Line Addition to the northeast comer of said addition ; thence south to the produced center line of South Twenty-third street of Oakland Addition ; thence east along center line of said South Twenty-third [street] to the west boundary of section seven (7) ; thence north to the produced center line of South Twenty-fifth street of Grigg's and Hewitt's Addition; thence east along the center line of said South Twenty-fifth street to the east boundary of section seven (7), thence north along the east bound- aries of sections seven (7) and six (6) to the place of beginning. Eighth Wart?— Comprises all that territory bounded on the Eighth ward, south by the south boundaries of sections thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34), thirty-five (35) and thirty-six (36), township twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east; on the west by the western boundary of the City ; on the north by the northern boundary of the City ; and on the east by the east boundaries of sections twenty-five (25) and thirty-six (36), township twenty- one (21) north, range two (2) east. Sec. 4. The City Council shall have power in the year 1891 Re-district- and thereafter, to re-district the City into wards, provided that wards, the same shall not be re-districted oftener than once in five years, and provided further that there shall not be more than twelve wards until the population of the City reaches 200,000. No ordi- 56 KEVISED CITY CHAETER. New terri- tory. nance re-districting the City into wards shall take effect within sixty days preceding any municipal election. Sec. 5. Whenever any new territory is added to the City, the same shall be attached to and be a part of the ward adjoining thereto, and if such territory shall adjoin more than one ward it shall be added to and be a part of the ward adjoining thereto which shall have cast the smallest vote at the municipal election last preceding such annexation. ARTICLE II. Officers of the City. Elected by the people. City Clerk appointive. Offices aboL ished. Couneilmen. Terms of office. Terms com^ mence. Eligibility office. ELECTION, APPOINTMENT AND QUALIFICATION OF CITY OFFICERS. Sec. 6. (As amended by Section 1, of Amendment No. 23. See Ordinance No. 1272, approved February 28, 1898.) The officers of said City shall be the Mayor, Treasurer, Con- troller, City Attorney, Chief of Fire Department, Chief of Police, Harbor Master, a Board of Park Commissioners consisting of five persons, City Clerk, and such other officers, which have been, or may hereafter be provided for by ordinance. The Mayor, Treas- urer and Controller shall be elected by the people. The City Clerk shall be elected by the Council. The City Attorney and all other officers shall be appointed by the Mayor without confirma- tion by the Council. The office of City Physician, Health Officer, Port Warden, Superintendent of Streets, Superintendent of Sew- ers and Plumbing and Drainage Inspector are hereby abolished. Two Couneilmen shall be elected in each ward by the qviali- fied electors therein. (See Article III, Legislative Department, Sec. 36.) Sec. 7. (As amended by Sec. 2, of Amendment No. 23. Or- dinance No. 1272.) The term of office of all elective officers shall be two years and until their successors are duly elected and qualified. All other officere shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointing power. (As amended by Sec. 2, of Amendment No. 1. See Ordi- nance No. 1061, passed and approved March 7, 1896.) fl| All full terms of office shall commence on the second Tues- day after the City election, and all officers, elected or appointed, shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed and qualified, to Sec. 8. No person is eligible to any office in the City while holding any other office under the City government, or who at the time of his election or appointment is not an elector according I EEVISED CITY CHAETEE. 57 to the laws of the State of AVashington, and a qualified voter under this Charter and a eitizen of the United States. Nor shall any person be eligible for election to the City Council except he be a resident of the ward at the time he is chosen. Sec. 9. The registration of voters for general or special Registration elections shall be as provided by the general laws of the State of °^ voters. Washington. Sec. 10. At least three days before an election for munici- publication pal officers, the City Clerk shall cause to be published in one or uoifs°™'°^' more daily newspapers publi.shed in this City, the names of nom- inations to office certified to him. Sec. 11. The annual municipal election shall be held on the Time of eiec- first Tuesday of April of each year ; provided, however, that the *'°"- first election of officers to serve under the provisions of this Char- ter shall be held at the time that this Charter shall be submitted to the legal voters of the City of Tacoma for ratification, and said first election shall in all respects conform to the provisions of section six of an Act entitled "An Act for the government of cities having a population of 20,000 or more inhabitants, and de- claring an emergency to exist," approved ]\Iarch 24, 1890. The officers elected at said first election shall hold their offices until Terms of offl- the annual municipal election of 1892, and until their successors f^'^^sD^a*^^'* are elected and qualified, and the term of all appointive officers except as otherwise provided, shall expire on the second Tuesday after the annual municipal election in 1892. (As amended by Sec. 3, of Amendment No. 1. See Ordinance No. 1061.) The officers elected on the fii*st Tuesday in April, 1896, shall officers eiect- talje their office under the Charter as modified and amended by ^ '° these amendments, or if they fail to carry, then under the old Charter ; but in no case shall an officer elected at said election to offices aboi- fill an office created by the old Charter and which has by said ''^^®^' amendment been abolished, be entitled to take such office. The terms of all City officers, except Councilmen, in office on the first Tuesday in April, 1896, shall end and determine on the third Tuesday of April, 1896, and except as otherwise provided, all offices expire. City offices theretofore filled shall be and become vacant. Sec. 12. The City Clerk, by order of the City Council, shall Notice of give ten clays notice by publication in one or more daily new's- papers published in the City of any municipal election, the offi- cers to be elected, questions or measures to be voted upon, the place designated in the various precincts for holding the election, and the inspector and judges appointed to hold the same. 58 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Qualification of voters. Officers of election. Board of judges. Clerks. Oath of offi- cers. Oath of in- spector. Oath of judge. Sec. 13. No person shall be entitled to vote at any munici- pal election who is not a qualified elector according to the laws of the State of Washington, and who shall not have entered his name on the City register for the ward and precinct in which he resides, as provided by law. Sec, 14. It shall be the duty of the City Council at its regu- lar session, and at least ten days previous to the day of holding any municipal election, to appoint for each precinct from the qualified electors of said precinct, one inspector and two judges, who shall constitute a Board of Judges of Election, but not more than a majority of such Board shall be appointed from any one political party for each precinct. In case those appointed in ac- cordance with this section shall not be present at the place desig- nated by the City Council, at the hour to open the polls, the electors present may appoint a Board of Judges for such pre- cinct. Sec. 15. The Inspector and Judges of Election for each precinct shall before the time for opening the polls appoint two suitable persons to act as Clerks, who shall be qualified voters. Each Clerk shall write down each office to be filled and the name of each person voted for for such office, and shall keep the num- ber of votes by tallies, as they are read aloud by the Inspector or Judg:e. Sec. 16. The Inspector, Judges and Clerks aforesaid shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices severally, take and subscribe the oath or affirmation hereinafter directed. Sec. 17. The following shall be the form of the oath or affirmation to be taken by each Inspector: "I, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that I will duly attend to the ensuing election, during the continuance thereof, as an Inspector, and that I will not re- ceive any ticket or vote from any person other than such as I , shall firmly believe to be, according to the provisions of the laws of this State, entitled to vote at such election, without requiring | such evidence of the right to vote as is directed by law ; nor will ' I vexatiously delay or refuse to receive any vote from any person whom I shall believe to be entitled to vote as aforesaid; but that I will in all things truly, impartially and faithfully perform my duty therein to the best of my judgment and ability : and that I am not directly nor indirectly interested in any bet or wager on the result of this election. * ■ Sec. 18. The following shall be the oath or affirmation of each Judge: "I, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that I will, as Judge, duly attend the ensuing election during the eontinua'nce thereof, and faithfully assist the Inspector in carrying on the REVISED CITY CHARTER. 59 same ; that I Avill not give my consent that any vote or ticket shall be received from any person other than such as I firmly believe to be according: to the law of the State entitled to vote at such elec- tion ; and that I will make a true and perfect return of the said election and will in all things truly, impartially and faithfully perform my duty respecting: the same to the best of my judgment and ability ; and that I am not directly, nor indirectly interested in any bet or wag'er on the result of this election." Sec. 19. The following shall be the form of oath or affirma- oath ot tion to be taken by Clerks: "I, A. B., do swear (or affirm) that I will impartially and truly write down the name of each elector who shall vote at the ensuing election, and also the name of the Avard and precinct wherein such elector resides, and carefully and truly write down the number of votes that shall be given for each candidate at the election as often as his name shall be read to me by the Inspector thereof, and in all things truly and faithfully perform my duty respecting the same to the best of my judgment and ability ; and that I am not directly nor indirectly interested in any bet or wager on the result of this election." Sec. 20. At all elections held under the provisions of this Hours of Charter, the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock a. m. and closed^ at seven o'clock p. m. Sec. 21. The Inspector shall be Chairman of the Board, and Powers of in- after its organization shall have power to administer all neces- ^^^^ °^' sary oaths which may be required in the progress of the election. He shall also have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the Board of Judges, or by absence or refusal to serve of either of the Clerks, after the polls shall have been opened. Sec. 22. The Inspector shall deliver the returns of all mu- Returns by nicipal elections to the City Clerk. mspec or. Sec. 23. On the Tuesday following any municipal election, canvass of the City Council shall convene and publicly canvass the return of said election, and in the case of the election of officers, shall issue certificates of election to each person elected. When two or certificates more persons have received an equal and highest number of votes ° ^ ectiou. for any office, neither shall be deemed to have been elected, and Tie vote, the City Council shall, at its first regular meeting thereafter, provide for an election to be held within thirty days thereafter ^jP^,^'^^ ^^^^' to fill such office. If the City Council, from any cause, fail to meet on the day named, the Mayor shall call a special meeting of said Council within five days thereafter, and in addition to the special meet- notice provided for calling special meetings, shall publish the v°|s '^^ etu^rn'^. same on two successive days in the official newspaper. If the ]\Iavor fail to call said meetino- within five davs, anv four Coun- 60 REVISED CITY CHARTER. eilmen may call it. At such special meeting- all elections, ap- pointments or other business may be transacted that could have been on the day first herein named. Canvass of Sec. 24. At the time appointed for the canvass of the re urns. rctums, the City Clerk shall deliver the same to the Council, and shall make the following- oath or afifirmation, which may be ad- oath of ministered to him bv the presiding officer: "I do Clerk . r- o 1 1 hereby solenmly swear (or affirm) that the returns purporting to be the election returns of the several wards (or the .... ward) of this City, have been in nowise altered, and that they are the same as w^hen I received them. So help me God." Delivery of Sec. 25. The envelope containing the ballots when sealed up shall be endorsed, "Ballots of precinct, ward, Taeoma, of election held this day of 18. .," and shall be delivered by the Inspector to the City Clerk, who shall keep said sealed envelope unopened until the time appointed for the canvass of the returns, and until directed by the City Council Opening en- to opcu the Same in the presence of the Council. Said envelope ballots'. shall not be opened as aforesaid, except for the purpose of count- ing the votes cast for a member or members of the Council. If opened for such purpose, the same shall be opened in such man- ner as to preserve the indorsement, and the Council shall at once proceed to count the votes for such Councilman or Councilmen. and continue the counting thereof without adjournment until all the votes for said Councilman or Councilmen shall be counted: and as soon as such count is completed the ballots, together with the envelope opened, shall be placed by the Clerk, in the pres- ence of the Council, in another envelope, which shall then be Endorsement sealed and endorsed by the Clerk, ' ' Ballots of ...... precinct, ward, Taeoma, of election held 18..; original envelope opened by the City Clerk, in the presence of the City Council (giving: date)." The like proceedings with respect to the same ballots may be had from time to time, all envelopes opened being placed with the ballots in a new envelope, Avhich shall be sealed and endorsed by the Clerk, with a copy of the en- dorsement of the original envelope and the date of the opening of the last envelope opened ; and said ballots shall have the same effect as evidence in any contest concerning an election to an office other than a member of the Council, as if the original en- Destriiction vclopc had ucvcr bccu opened by the Council. Said ballots may be destroyed by the Clerk whenever ordered by the Council, at any time after the expiration of six months after the election. Certificate Sec. 26. A certificate of election is prima facie evidence of €vid6nc6. the facts therein stated, but the Council is the final judge of the EEVISED CITY CHARTER. 61 election and qualifications of its own members. A contested elec- tion for any other office must be determined according to the laws of the State regulating proceedings in contested elections for County offices. Sec. 27. A special election may be ordered by the Council special eiec- at any time, and held in the several polling precincts of the City, by giving ten days notice thereof in one or more daily newspa- pers published in the City, and such election shall be conducted and the returns thereof canvassed in like manner as general mu- nicipal elections in the City. Sec. 28. All matters pertaining to elections and not pro- Provide for '■ ^ . . ^ certain mat- vided for bv general laws and not herein provided for shall be as ters by . -, - * -. ordinance. provided by ordniance. Sec. 29. Before any officer of the City enters upon the dis- oatu of office charge of his duties, he shall take and subscribe the following officers.*^' ^ oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitu- tion of the State of AVashington. and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of accord- ing to law, and to the best of n^y ability. So help me God. ' ' Sec. 30. Eveiy officer of this City, before entering upon constitutional the duties of his office, shall take and file with the Controller the °^* constitutional oath of office, except the oath of the Controller, ^''^^'"^ ^'^*^- which shall be filed with the City Clerk. Sec. 31. AVithin ten days after his election or appointment official bonds. shall have been legally declared, and before entering upon the duties of his office, every officer of the City who is by this Charter, or by any ordinance of the City or resolution of the City Coun- cil, required to give bond for the discharge of his duties, shall deliver such bond to the City Clerk, in the penal sum and with such surety or sureties as shall be so required, conditioned that such officer will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of his office. Bonds of Surety, Guaranty, Indemnity or Insurance Com- what bonds panics, which are organized and empowered by law to give such ™cepted. bonds, shall be deemed equivalent to ordinary official bonds exe- cuted by such officers and signed by other sureties. No such bonds shall be held to be void because of any defect Bonds not in its form, recital, conditions or substance, nor shall any prin- yoid.^^'' cipal or surety be discharged from liability thereon because of any such defect : but every bond intended as an official bond un- der this section shall hold and bind the parties to it to the full extent contemplated by the law or by the Charter, Ordinance or Resolution requiring the same. REVISED CITY CHARTER. Officers iDound with- out bond. How approv- ed and filed. When office becomes vacant. Absence of Mayor. Vacancy in office of Mayor. Vacancy in elective office Impeach- ment of officers. Any officer who shall accept any office to which he may b^ appointed or elected shall be held bound in the penal sum of any bond required by Charter, Ordinance or Resolution to be given by him for the faithful and impartial performance of the duties of his office, whether in fact such bond be given or not. Every official bond of the City of Tacoma must be approved by the City Council ; and when so approved shall be filed with the Controller, except the bond required of such Controller, which shall be filed with the City Clerk. (As amended by Amendment No. 24. ) Sec. 32. An office becomes vacant upon the death or resig- nation of the incumbent, or upon the failure of any person elect- ed or appointed to qualify and enter upon the discharge of his duties within ten days after such election or appointment. Or if any officer absent himself from the Citj^ continuously for thirty days, without the consent of the City Council, or openly neglect or refuse to discharge his duties, his office may be by the City Council declared vacant. If the bond or security of any officer shall be or become insufficient, additional security may be required, and if not given, the City Council may, after ten days, by a vote of two-thirds of all the members declare the office vacant. An office becomes vacant upon the removal of the officer by a two-thirds vote of the members elect of the Council. The office of Councilman also becomes vacant upon his removal from the ward from Avhich he was elected. Sec. 33. When, and so long as the Mayor is temporarily unable to perform his official duties, the President of the City Council shall act as Mayor pro tempore. When a vacancy occurs in the office of Mayor, it shall be filled until the next annual elec- tion by the City Council, assembled for that purpose. Any per- son possessing the qualifications of an elector may be chosen Mayor at such election. When a vacancy occurs in any other elective office, the City Council may fill the same until the next regular election, at which time a person shall be elected to serve for the remainder of such unexpired term. In case the office of any appointive officer becomes vacant during his term, the Mayor shall, * * * within ten days thereafter, appoint a person to fill such vacancy during said unexpired term, (As amended by Amendment No. 23.) Sec. 34. Upon the vote of two-thirds of the members of the City Council, any officer of the City may be impeached and re- moved from office for incompetency, neglect of duty, or miscon- duct in office. In case of such impeachment, written charges shall be preferred against the accused, and at least ten days be- REVISED CITY CHARTER. 63 fore the time set for the hearing thereof, a copy of such charges, together with a notice of the time and place of such hearing, shall be served upon him. The accused shall be atforded a fair chance and opportunity to make his defense against such charges, and all proceedings in the matter of such impeachment shall be en- tered at large upon the Journal of the Council. No person thus removed from office shall be eligible to reappointment or election during two years next succeeding such removal. (As amended by Amendment No. 25.) ARTICLE III. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 35. All legislative power of the Citv of Tacoma shall Legislative . *^ pow6r be vested in the ]\Iayor and the City Councd. Sec. 36. One of the Councilmen elected in each ward, at the councii- annual election in 1892, shall hold office one year only, and theo^"' *"^™^ ballots shall designate the name of the one who is to be voted for to serve for the short term ; at each annual election thereafter, one Councilman shall be elected in each ward who shall hold office two years. Sec. 37. No officer of the City shall directly or indirectly officers not interested in any contract with the City, or with any department, conTmct^s. board, officer or employe thereof, nor become security for the performance of any contracts made with or for the City, or upon any bonds given to the City. Sec. 38. The City Council shall elect one of its number president of President thereof, who shall perform the duties usual to a pre- ^°"°^''- siding officer, and shall have the same right to vote and partici- pate in the arguments and deliberations as other members of the City Council. A majority of all members of the City Council Quorum of. shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from day to day, or until the next regular meeting, and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner as said Council may by ordinance or resolution provide. The President may be Rem9vai of removed at any time by a two-thirds vote of all the members of ^^^^ the Council. In the absence of the President any member of the City Council may be called upon to act as President pro tern. ♦ Sec. 39. The City Council shall establish rules for its gov- Rules, ernment, keep a journal of its proceedings and permit the publi- cation of the same. The yeas and nays shall be called upon any nays. question upon the demand of any member, and the vote so taken shall be entered in full upon the Journal. 64 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Punishment of council- men. Committees. Compel at- tendance of witnesses. Duties of Fi nance com- mittee. Creation of offices. Term of councilmen begins. Special meetings of council. Ordinances. Sec. 40. The City Council shall have the power to punis! its members for contempt, for non-attendance and for disorderly conduct, or conduct unbecoming- a member of the City Council, and to expel any member by a two-thirds vote of the whole Coun- cil. The President of the City Council shall appoint such com- mittees from the Council as may be provided by the City Coun- cil, one of which shall be denominated the Finance Committee, and each committee so appointed shall have power to perform the duties and functions allotted to it. Sec. 41. The City Council shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses before it, or before any of its committees, on process issued by the President or Chairman of any commit- tee; any police officer may serve such process. Sec. 42. The Finance Committee shall have power, and it shall be its duty to investigate the transactions and accounts of all officers of the City, and shall at least, once a year, investigate the books of the City Treasurer, and report the condition of the same to the City Council. Such committee shall have free access to all books, papers and accounts, of any or all officers of the City at any time, and it shall be the duty of said committee to examine all books, official or otherwise, in the office of the Controller, and to report to the City Council any insufficiency of security on any bonds by reason of removal, death or insolvency of such surety, or any other fact relating to the finances of the City. Sec. 43. The City Council shall have power and authority to create any office, board or commission that may be deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this Charter or ordi- nances of the City. ' Sec. 44. At ten o'clock a. m. of the second Tuesday follow- ing the municipal election, the City Council shall meet, at which time the newly elected Councilmen shall assume the duties of their office. The City Council shall meet at such other times as it may by ordinance or resolution determine ; provided it shall meet at least semi-monthly. Special meetings of the City Coimcil shall be called by the City Clerk, upon the written request of four members thereof; said requests to state the subjects to be considered at the meeting and no other subjects to be considered at said meeting. All meetings of the City Council shall be public. {As amended by Amendment No. 26.) Sec. 45. All legislative acts of the City Council shall be by ordinance, the subject of which shall be clearly set out in its title ; and no ordinance shall contain more than one subject. The EEVISED CITY CHARTER. (53 enacting: clause shall be: "Be it ordained by the City of.Ta- eoma,'' and no ordinance shall become a law unless a majority of all members of the City Council shall have voted therefor. Every ordinance after the passage thereof shall be signed by the Presi- dent of the Council and attested by the Clerk, and shall forth- Avith be transmitted to the Mayor for his approval. If he ap- veto, proves he shall sign it ; if not, he shall return it with his objec- tions in writing- to the City Council, by depositing: the same with the City Clerk, who shall present the same to the City Council at its next regular meeting- thereafter. The Council shall cause said objections to be entered upon the Journal of its proceedings, and shall then consider said objections; if after such consideration two-thirds of the members of the City Council shall agree to pass the ordinance, notwithstanding such objections, it shall become a law. If any ordinance presented to the Mayor contains several sections or items, he may object to one or more sections or items, while approving other portions of the ordinance. In such case the sections or items so objected to shall not take eifect unless passed over the Mayor's objections, as hereinbefore provided for the passage of ordinances notwithstanding the Mayor's objec- tions. If any ordinance shall not be returned by the Mayor to become within five days, exclusive of Sundays or legal holidays, after it a^pY,rovai'^°"* shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law in like manner as if he had approved the same. Sec. 46. No ordinance or section thereof shall be revised or Amendment amended except by an ordinance, Avhich new ordinance shall con- ° "'■^'"^"'^^• tain the entire ordinance or section so amended, and the ordi- nance or section .so amended be repealed; nor shall the City Coun- cil by resolution or motion exempt any person or corporation from the provisions or requirements of any ordinance, nor sus- pend any ordinance or portion thereof except by another ordi- nance repealing the same. Sec. 47. Ever\^ ordinance, after its passage, shall be re- Record of corded in a book kept for that purpose, which record shall be °^ '"^"^^• authenticated by the signature of the President of the City Coun- cil and attested by the City Clerk, and in case said ordinance is approved by the Mayor he shall also sign said record. Every Publication. ordinance shall within ten days after its passage and approval by the Mayor or its passage over the JMayor's veto, be published once in the official newspaper of the City. Every ordinance shall in effect, take effect and be in force after such publication and shall not take effect unless published as herein provided. ( As amended by Amendment No. 27. ) 66 EEVTSED CITY CHAETEK. Public • Sec. 48. The City Council shall annually let the public printing. printing to the lowest and best bidder, who shall give a bond to the City in such sum as may be fixed by the Council, to well and faithfully perform the contract, should he receive the contract for doing the City printing ; and it shall be the duty of the City~ Council, after having let the contract for the City printing to designate the newspaper published by the party receiving said Official contract as the official newspaper of said City. All ordinances, newspaper. resolutions, uoticcs, tax and assessment sales, and other proceed- gins, statements, doings, or matters of the City required to be- printed shall be published therein. Ordinances as Sec. 49. No Ordinance obligating the city for the payment \^on^s^^ v°a^ca- ' of more than one thousand dollars, or vacating any street, high- chiles • ^"^how ^^'^^ ^^ alley, or granting any franchise or privilege, shall he- passed! passed before the second regular meeting of the City Council after its introduction, nor until read in full at two regular meet- ings of the Council, and no ordinance granting a franchise shall' be passed within thirty days from its introduction. ADpropria- Sec. 50. All appropriations of money shall be by ordinance,. bv"ordhiance ^^^^ ^^° money shall be drawn from the Treasury except in pursu- ance of an appropriation ; provided always, that where a fund Specific fund, has been created to be expended for a specific purpose, the same- may be paid as therein provided by order of the Council or proper- board or officer having charge of such specific fund. structures in Sec. 51. The City Council shall not allow nor permit the- erection of any house, building, booth or stand, or like structure, in any street, avenue or alley, within the limits of the City ; pro- vided this section shall not apply to drinking fountains. Powers. Sec. 52. The City Government of Tacoma shall have power,, by ordinance and not otherwise — Elections. First — To provide for general and special elections for ques- tions to be voted upon, and for the election of officers ; t^ax7s!°^ Second- To provide for levying * * * (See Laws 1895,. Chapter 160, Sec. 9, repealing "and collecting") taxes on real and personal property, for corporate uses and purposes, and to provide for the payment of the debts and expen.ses of the corpora- tion ; provided, that all taxes, whether general or special, exclu- sive of assessments for street improvements and construction of sewers, shall not exceed one and five-tentJis per centum in any one year on the assessed valuation of the property of said City; ("One and five-tenths" inserted in place of "two" by Amendment No. 21. See Ordinance No. 1061. ) EEVISED CITY CHAKTER. 67 Third — To control the finances and property of the corpora- Finances tiou. and to acquire, by purchase or otherwise, such lands and^°^ property, other property as may be necessary for corporate uses, and to dispose of any such property as the interests of the corporation may from time to time require; Fourth — To borroAv money for corporate purposes on the Borrow credit of the corporation, and to issue negotiable bonds therefor, Bonds.' (in such conditions and in such manner as prescribed in this Char- ter ; Fifth— To issue bonds in place of, or to supply means to issue bonds, meet, maturing bonds or other indebtedness, or for the consolida- tion or funding of the same. Sixth — To purchase or appropriate private property within Appropriate or without the corporate limits for corporate uses, upon making property. just compensation to the OAvners thereof, and to institute and maintain such proceedings as may be authorized by the general laws of the State for the appropriation of private property for public use. Seventh— To lay out, establish, open, alter, widen, extend, streets, grade, pave, plank, establish grades, or otherwise improve streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, wharves, parks and other public grounds, and to regulate and control the use thereof, and to va- cate the same, and to authorize or prohibit the use of electricity Electricity. at, in or upon any of the said streets, or for other purposes and to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the same may be so used, and to regulate the use thereof. Eighth— To change the grade of any street, highway or alley, change of within its corporate limits, and to provide for the payment of ^''''^®^- damages to any abutting owner or owners who shall have built or made other improvements upon such street, highway or alley at any point opposite to the point where such change shall be made with reference to the grade of such street, highway or alley as the same existed prior to such change ; Ninth — To authorize or prohibit the locating and construct- Railroads, ing of any railroad or street railroad in any street, alley or public place in the City, and to prescribe the terms and conditions upon Avhich any such railroad or street railroad shall be located or con- structed ; provided that no franchise shall be granted to any street railway company or other railway company except the same con- tain a condition that such company or corporation shall pave and improve the street over which said street raihvay company or other railway company lays or has laid its track or tracks, be- tween the two outer rails of said track or tracks, in the same man- ner (and at their own expense), as the street shall be improved 68 REVISED CITY CHARTER. No fran- chise to be granted without revenue to City. City to pur- chase. Regulate operation. Local im- provements. Parks. Bridges, viaducts, tunnels. Improve- ments at ex- pense of those benefitted. Assessments therefor. Acquiring water and light plants. Works for lighting pur- poses. Markets. by the City, and witliiii thirty days from its improvement by the City; and provided further, that no franchises shall be §jranted to any person, company or corporation unless the same contain a provision providing- for a revenue to the City from the person, company or corporation holding said franchise, and also provid- ing that the City shall at any time have the right to appropriate by purchase, at reasonable price, the property of said person, company or corporation : to provide for the alteration, change of grade or removal thereof; to regulate the moving and operation of railroad and street railroad trains, cars and locomotives within the corporate limits, and to provide for the protection of persons and property against injury in the use of such railroads or street railroads, and to fix the rate of fare; Tenth — To provide for making local improvements and to levy and collect special assessments on property benefited there- by, and for paying the same or any portion thereof ; Eleventh — To acquire by purchase or otherwise lands for public parks within or without the limits of the City, and to im- prove the same ; Twelfth — To construct and keep in repair bridges, viaducts, and tunnels, and to regulate the use thereof ; Thirteenth— To determine what worlt shall be done or im- provements made at the expense, in whole or in part, of the own- ers of the adjoining, contiguous or proximate property, or others specially benefited thereby ; and to provide the manner of making and collecting assessments therefor shall be as prescribed in this Charter ; Fourteenth— To provide for erecting, purchasing, appropri- ating or otherwise acquiring water M^orks, gas works or electric light plants within or without the corporate limits of said City, to supply said City and its inhabitants with water and light, or to authorize the construction of same by others, and to regulate and control the use and price of the water or light so supplied; Fifteenth— To provide for lighting the streets and all public places, and for furnishing the inhabitants of the city with gas or other lights, and to erect or otherwise acquire, and to maintain the same, or to authorize the erection and maintenance of such works as may be necessary and convenient therefor, and to regu- late and control the use thereof ; Sixteenth— To establish and regulate markets, and to pro- vide for the weighing, measuring, and inspection of all articles of food and drink offered for sale thereat, or at any other place within its limits, by proper penalties, and to enforce the keeping REVISED CITY CHARTER. 69 of proper legal weights and measures by all vendors in the City, weights and and to provide for the inspection thereof ; measures. Seventeenth— To erect and establish hospitals and pest- Hospitals, houses and to control and regulate the same ; Eighteenth— To erect and establish work-houses and jails, jaiis. and to control and regulate the same, and to provide for the work- ing of prisoners confined therein ; Nineteenth — To provide for establishing and maintaining re- Reform form schools for juvenile offenders; schools. Twentieth — To provide for the establishment and mainten- Pubiic ance of public libraries, and to appropriate annually not exceed- iit)raries. ing ten per centum of all moneys collected for fines, penalties and licenses, for the support of a City library, which shall, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by ordinance, be open for use by the public. » Twenty-first— To regulate the burial of the dead and to es- Buriai ot tablish and regulate cemeteries within or without the corporate *^^'**'' limits and to acquire land therefor by purchase or otherwise; to cause cemeteries to be removed beyond the limits of the corpora- cemeteries, tion, and to prohibit their establishment within two miles of the boundaries thereof ; Twenty-second — To direct the location and construction of Nuisances, all buildings in which any trade or occupation offensive to the senses or deleterious to public health or safety shall be carried on, and to regulate the management thereof, and to prohibit the erection or maintenance of such buildings or structures, or the carrying on of such trades or occupations within the limits of the City or within the distance of two miles beyond the bound- aries thereof ; Twenty-third — To provide for the prevention and exting- pires. uishment of fires, and to regulate or prohibit the transportation, •11 1 • • 1 • 1 ■ Explosives. keeping or storage or all combustible or explosive materials withm its corporate limits, and to regulate and restrain the use of fire- Fireworks. works ; Twenty- fourth — To establish fire limits and to make all such pire limits. regulations for the erection and maintenance of buildings or other structures Avithin its corporate limits, as the safety of persons or property may require, and to cause all such buildings and places as may from any cause be in a dangerous state, to be put in safe condition ; Tw'enty-fifth — To regulate the manner in w^hich stone, brick construction and other buildings, party walls and partition fences shall be° "' ^^^^' constructed and maintained ; 70 REVISED CITY CHARTER. 4 Waterways. Anchorage. Wharfage, rates of. License tugs, etc. Exits from public buildings. Nuisances. Water courses. Ponds. Streams. Cleaning vaults, etc. Quarantine. Nuisance. Liquor license. Licenses. Twenty-sixth— To deepen, widen, dock, cover, wall, alter or change the channels of waterways and courses, and to provide for the construction and maintenance of all such works as may be required for the accommodation of commerce, including- canals, ferries, slips, public landing places, wharves, docks and levees, and to control and regulate the use thereof; Twenty-seventh— To control, regulate or prohibit the anchor- age, moorage and landing of all water crafts and their cargoes, within the jurisdiction of the corporation ; Twenty-eighth — To fix the rates of wharfage and dockage, and to provide for the collection thereof, and to provide for the imposition and collection of such harbor fees as may be consist- ent with the laws of the United States : Twenty-ninth— To license, regulate, control or restrain wharfboats, tugs and other boats used about the harbor or within its jurisdiction; Thirtieth — To require the owners of public halls or other buildings to provide suitable means of exit ; to provide for the prevention and abatement of nuisances, for the cleaning and pur- ification of water courses and canals, for the drainage and filling up of ponds on private property within its limits, when the same shall be offensive to the senses or dangerous to health ; to regulate and control and to prevent and punish the defilement or pollution of all streams running through or into its corporate limits, and for a distance of five miles beyond its corporate limit, and on any stream or lake from which the water supply of said City is taken, for a distance of five miles beyond its source of supply ; to provide for the cleaning of areas, vaults and other places within its cor- porate limits which may be so kept as to become offensive to the senses or dangerous to the health, and to make all such quarantine or other regulations as may be necessary for the preservation of the public health, and to remove all persons afflicted with any infectuous or contagious disease to some suitable place to be pro- vided for that purpose; Thirty-first — To declare what shall be a nuisance and to abate the same, and to impose fines upon parties who may create, continue or suffer nuisances to exist; Thirty-second — To license, regulate and restrain the selling or giving away of malt, vinous, fermented, intoxicating or mixed liquors, and to revoke a license or refuse to issue a license to any person to deal in the same, and to describe limits within which no license for the sale of such liquors shall be granted ; Thirty-third — To grant licenses for any lawful purpose, and to fix the amount to be paid therefor, and to provide for revoking BEVISED CITY CHARTER. 71 the same. Provided. That no license shall be granted to continue for longer than one year from the date thereof ; Thirty-fourth— To regulate the carrying on within its cor- occupations porate limits of occupations which are of such a nature as to health"^ affect the public health or the good order of said City, or to dis- ordg/"*"^ turb the public peace, and which are not prohibited by laAv, and to provide for the punishment of all persons violating such regu- lations, and of all persons who knowingly permit the same to be violated in any building or upon any premises owned or con- trolled by them ; Thirty-fifth— To restrain and provide for the punishment of disorderly "vagrants, mendicants, prostitutes, and other disorderly persons ; persons. Thirty-sixth — To provide for the punishment of persons disorderly guilty of disorderly conduct and of practices dangerous to the ''°"'^"*^'- public health or safety, and to make all regulations necessary for the preservation of public morality, health, peace and good order pubiie Avithin its limits, and to provide for the arrest, trial and punish- ™°''^'"^y^- ment of all persons charged with violating any of the ordinances of said City; but such punishment shall in no case exceed the violation of punishment provided by the laws of the State for misdemeanors ; Thirty-secenth— To project or extend its streets over and Extend across any tide-lands wathin its corporate limits, and along or tfdr\^and?.'^ across the harbor areas of such City, in such manner as will best promote the interests of commerce ; Thirty-eighth— To suppress and prohibit the smoking of opium, opium ; . Thirty-ninth — To regulate and prevent domestic and other Animals run- animals from running at large; to license, tax, regulate and re- strain the keeping of dogs within the City limits, and to author- Keeping of ize the distraining, impounding and sale of the same for the pen- *^°^^" alty incurred and the costs of the proceedings, or to authorize their destruction ; Fortieth— To grant franchises, but which in no event shall Franchises , T . p p ^ -, and terms of be exclusive, tor a term ot not more than twenty-iive years, and same. under such proper restrictions and reservations as the interests of the city may require ; Fortv-first— To create such offices not herein provided for create offices as the needs of the City require; to establish and regulate the salaries. salary of all its officers, except when otherwise provided for ; and such other powers and privileges not herein specifically enumer- General ated as are incident to municipal corporations of like character ^°^ and degree not inconsistent with the constitution and the general laws ; 72 REVISED CITY CHAETER. Hacks, etc. Forty-secoiicl— To establish stands for hacks and other vehi- cles for hire, and reg-nlate the charges of hacks and other vehicles carrying- passengei-s for hire, and require a schedule of such charges to be posted in every such hack or other passenger ve- hicle ; Naming Forty-tliird— To provide for naming streets and numbering streets,. houses ; for regulating and preventing the exhibition of banners, , Numbering Hags and placards across streets or sidewalks, and for regulating! houses. '■ . . .. .. '^ ° I or suppressuig public criers, advertising, ringing or bells and Public criers. 0^^^^. nois^.^ . Parades. Forty-fourth — To regulate all parades and processions, and to determine what parades or processions upon the streets shall be unlawful,, and to declare the same a nuisance; AVater and Forty-fifth— To fix the price of water and light furnished to ig ra es. ii^ha^itauts of the City by any person or corporation other than Regulate use the City, and to regulate the supply and use thereof, whether by same. persous or corporations now holding franchises or hereafter ob- taining franchises; Census. Forty-sixtli — To order an enumeration of the inhabitants of the City, and provide the manner of taking said enumeration. ARTICLE IV. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OP THE MAYOR. Chief . Sec. 53. The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of executive. • . .... the City, but shall not be entitled to vote nor to participate in the deliberations of the City Council. (As amended by Sec. 5 of Amendment No. 1. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Mayor fill The Mayor may, with the consent of the City Council, per- offices. form the duties of any appointive officer within the City of Ta- coma, but he shall not receive any salary or fees therefor, except his regular salary as Mayor. Duties. Sec. 54. He shall vigilantly observe the official conduct of all public officers, and take note of the fidelity and exactness, or the want thereof, with Avhich they execute their duties and obli- gations, especially in the collection, custody, administration and disbursement of the public funds and property; and the books, records and official papers of all departments, boards, officers and persons in the employ or service of the City shall at all times be open to his inspection and examination. He shall take special care to see that the books and records of said departments, boards, officers and persons are kept in legal and proper form ; and any REVISED CITY CHARTER. 73 official defalcation or wilful neglect of duty or official misconduct which he may discover, or M'hich shall be reported to him, shall be laid by him before the City Council, and the Grand Jury or Pros« ecuting Attorney of Pierce County, in order that the public in- terests shall be protected, and the pei-son in default be proceeded against according to law. He shall from time to time give the City Council information in writing relative to the state of thd City, and shall recommend such measures as he may deem bene- ficial to its interests. He shall see that the ordinances of the City are observed and enforced. He shall have a general supervision over all the departments and public institutions of the City, and see that they are honestly, economically and lawfully conducted ; he shall take all proper measures for the preservation of public Preservation order and the suppression of all riots and tumults, for which pur- pose he is authorized and empowered to use and command the police force. Sec. 55. He shall see that all contracts and agreements with contracts, the City are faithfully kept and fully performed; and to that end shall cause legal proceedings to be commenced and prosecuted Legal pro- „,,.,. • , 11 .• f' •!• ceedings. m the name of the City against all persons or coi-porations tailing to fulfill their agreements or contracts, either in whole or in part. He shall sign all complaints, answers and replies in any suit in which the City is made a party. Sec. 56. The Mayor shall appoint all officers whose election Appoint or appointment is not otherwise specially provided for. (As amended by Amendment No. 23.) Sec. 57. The Mayor may call extra sessions of the City May caii Council, and shall communicate to them in writing when assem- Ifont ot^' bled, the objects for which they have been convened ; and their Council, actions at such sessions shall be confined to such objects. Sec. 58. (Repealed by Amendment No. 9. See Ordinance No. 1061 and Sec. 216 of the Charter.) Sec. 59. The Mayor shall approve all official and other Approval of bonds, except as otherM'ise provided in this Charter. ARTICLE V. LEGAL DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Sec. 60. The City Attorney shall bring and prosecute all Duties, actions at law and equity, and all special proceedings which may be directed by the Mayor or City Council, and shall defend all actions or proceedings to which the City, or any Officer, Board or Department thereof, is a party, and all other actions and pro- ceedings in which the rights and interests of the City are in- REVISED CITY CHARTER. Keep records register of cases, etc. Assistants. volved. He shall give legal advice in writing to the City Counci and to all Boards and Departments when requested by them in writing, and to any officer when directed by the Mayor or City Council. He shall perform such other duties pertaining to his office as the City Council may by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 61. He shall keep bound books of record and registry, and all briefs used in causes wherein he appears, and shall keep a register of all actions, suits and proceedings in his charge in which the City is interested, and all official written communica- tions by him to the City Council or any Officer, Board, or De- partment, and all opinions given by him ; said records shall be property of the City, and shall be delivered by him to his suc- cessor in office. Sec. 62. The City Council may provide for the appoint- ment of assistants to said City Attorney, and shall by ordinance fix the duties and compensation of said assistants. I ARTICLE VI. CHIEF OF POLICE. Head of police force. Appoint patrolmen. Power to suspend. Deputies. Process. Arrests. Sec. 63. The Chief of Police shall be the head of the police force of this City, and all policemen shall be under his immedi- ate direction and command. He shall appoint and commission such number of policemen as may be provided for by the City Council, and all such appointments shall be subject to the ap- proval of the City Council, and his appointments shall not go into effect until such approval is obtained. He may at. any time suspend a policeman from office until the next regular meeting of the City Council, and may, with the consent of the City Council, remove any policeman from office ; provided the City Council may at its own motion remove or suspend any policeman from office. All policemen shall, while in office, be considered the deputies of the Chief of Police, and shall have the same power as the Chief in regard to the execution and service of process and arresting offenders wnth or without warrant within the City limits. The Chief of Police must execute all process issued by any Police Judge or committing magistrate of the City ; he must attend regu- larly upon the Police Courts of the City and the meetings of the City Council ; he shall make arrests for breach of the peace, for commission of crime or misdemeanor with or without warrant, as a peace officer may do under the laws of the state of Washington : he shall exercise vigilant control over the peace and quiet of the REVISED CITY CHARTER. 75 City ; he shall be keeper of the City Jail and House of Correction Keeper of unless otherwise provided by ordinance. (Modified by Amend- ^"^^ ■'^''' iiientNo. 23.) Sec. 64. He shall appoint and connuission, with the ap- Appoint proval of the City Council, such captains, sergeants and other*' sub-officers as the proper orj^ranization of the police force may require. (Modified by Amendment No. 23.) Sec. 65. The Chief of Police shall keep a correct record of Record of all arrests made by him or any policeman, showing* the time^'^'^®^ ''■ when and cause of complaint upon which such arrest was made; and shall submit at the first regrular meeting of the Council in each month, in writing, a full report: he shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as shall be provided by ordinance. AKTICLE VII. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 66. The Chief of the Fire Department shall, with the Appoint- consent of the Council, appoint and employ all members of the™''"'^^- Fire Department, and may suspend any member or employe for misconduct or inattention to duties, which suspension shall remain suspension in force until the next meeting of the City Council, and with the of members, approval of the City Council may expel any such member or em- ploye. (Modified by Amendment Xo. 23.) Sec. 67. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have power Appoint to appoint such officers as the proper organization of the Depart- officers, ment may require, all of which appointments shall be subject to the approval of the City Council. (Modified by Amendment No. 23.) Sec. 68. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have im- Powers, mediate control and management of all fire engines and fire ap- paratus belonging to the City, and all members and employes of the Fire Department shall be under his immediate control and command. He shall report to the City Council at the first meet- Reports, ing in each month a statement in writing of the number of men employed, their compensation, condition of his department, and such other things as may be necessary to apprise them of the condition of the Fire and Water Department. He shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as shall be provided by ordinance. 76 EEVISED CITY CHARTEE. ARTICLE VIII. POLICE COURT. This Article, which comprises from Sec. 69 to Sec. 80, inclu- sive, of the Charter of 1890, was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court February 20th, 1891, in the case entitled "In the matter of the application of Joseph Cloherty, alias Charles Malone, for a Writ of Habeas Corpus." See Washington Re- ports, Vol. 2 (Kreider), page 137. ARTICLE IX. Orders, how drawn. Revenue, how con- trolled. How paid out. Payment of current ex- penses. Assignment of tax levy. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Sec. 81. (As originally provided in the Charter of 1890.) All revenue accruing to or belonging to the City of Tacoma shall be under the control of the City Council, and shall be paid out when authorized by orders drawn on the City Treasurer, ^^ signed by the President of the Council, attested by the Clerk and countersigned by the Controller. All orders shall specify the purpose for which they are drawn. For judicial construction of this section, see the case of Fred. Eidemiller against the City of Tacoma. Washington Reports, Vol. 14, page 376. ^ This Section \yas amended by Amendment No. 8. See Ordi- || nance No. 1061, as follows : All revenue accruing to or belonging to the City of Tacoma shall be under the control of the City Council and shall be paid out when authorized by the Charter, or by ordinance, by orders drawn by the City Controller on the City Treasurer and signed by the Mayor. No warrant or order for the payment of money j shall be drawn against any of the funds of the City of Tacoma until there shall be money sufficient to the credit of such fund to pay the same, together with orders against the said fund then out- standing ; provided, that the City may, for the purpose of paying current running expenses of any fiscal year, provide, by ordi- nance, that orders may be drawn in payment thereof as the same accrues, to an amount not exceeding eighty per cent, of the tax levy for that year; and any person accepting an order upon any such fund shall be deemed to have waived all claim against the City of Tacoma for the payment thereof, and to have accepted the same as an assignment of that amount of the tax levy of that year, , and said order shall be paid from the tax levy of that year as the same is collected, with seven per cent interest per annum and in the order in which the said order or warrant is drawn. REVISED CITY CHARTER. 77 Sec. 82. The Mayor, Controller and Treasurer of the City, smkiae fund and the President of the City Council shall constitute and be commission, denominated a Sinking- Fund Commission. Sec. 83. Any three of the otificers named, of whom the Con- Quorum, troller shall be one, shall be and are hereby authorized and re- quired to discharge the duties and trust hereby vested in them, but shall not receive any additional compensation or salary for such services. Sec. 84. The said Commission shall negotiate the sale of all Duties. bonds of the City, in accordance with the provisions of the ordi- nance under which such bonds may issue, and shall, from time to time, invest the moneys which shall constitute the sinking fund sinking fund. for the redemption of the City debt, or any surplus of interest to the credit of the interest fund, in the purchase of bonds issued by interest the City, at the market price not exceeding- the par value thereof. If at any time such investments can not be made, then the said Commission may invest such funds in interest-bearing securities of the Tacoma School District, now known as District No. 10, the County of Pierce, the State of Washington, or the Ignited States. Provided.. The said Commission may purchase bonds of the May pur- City at a premium Avhenever the interest accruing- on said bonds, bonds. ^^^^ from time of purchase to maturity, will be greater than the pre- mium on said bonds and interest on the amount to be used to make the proposed purchase. Said interest to be computed at the average rate of interest How to earned by money in the Sinking Fund for the previous year, ex- t^r™st" nite." cepting the money that may be invested in bonds of the City and for the time that will elapse between the date of proposed pur- chase and maturity of the bonds. No money belonging to the Sinking Fund or Interest Fund Loan of shall be loaned to any person or corporation. (As amended by Amendment No. 28.) Sec. 85. AVhenever any of the moneys constituting the Sink- investment. ing Fund for the redemption of the City debt shall be required for investment as above mentioned, or for the redemption of any City bonds at their maturity, the said Commissioners shall report Report to the amount of money so required to the City Controller, who shall Controller, certify the same to the City Council, and thereupon the City Council shall authorize an order to be drawn on the City Treas- How paid. urer, payable to the Sinking Fund Commission for such puri^ose. Sec. 86. It shall be the duty of the Controller to keep a cor- controller to rect journal of the proceedings of the said Commissioners, to be orcommis-^ verified by any three of them, himself being one, and once in each ^'oners. EEVISED CITY CHAETER. Vacancy in commission. Bonds pur- chased, how kept. Protect credit of City. Borrowing. Limit of in-i debtedness. Bonds for City indebt- edness. Sale of bonds. year, or oftener if required, to render to the City Council a full' and detailed report of the proceedings of the said Commissioners. All acts of said Commissioners shall be based on resolutions duly entered in said journal. Sec. 87. In the case of a vacancy in office, or inability of any of said Commissioners to attend to the duties hereby imposed, it shall be the duty of the City Council to designate by resolution one or more of their number to supply the place of said Commis- sioner or Commissioners for the time being. Sec. 88. All bonds and securities purchased by said Com- missioners shall be held for safe keeping by the City Treasurer. "Whenever City bonds are paid, a record thereof shall be made in the journal of the Commission, and the bonds shall be cancelled and burned in the office of the Controller, under the direction and supervision of said Commissioners. Sec. 89. It shall be the duty of the said Commissioners to protect the credit of the City and direct and superintend the pay- ment of interest and the bonded indebtedness of the City when- ever said interest and bonds may be payable. Sec. 90. The City may borrow money to be used for strictly municipal purposes, and may incur indebtedness in other ways for said purposes, but it shall not for any purpose become in- debted in any manner to an amount exceeding one and one-half per centum of the taxable property in the City, without the assent of three-fifths of the voters in the City voting at an elec- tion to be held for that purpose, nor in cases requiring such assent shall the total indebtedness of the City at any time exceed five per centum on the value of the taxable property in the City, to be ascertained by the last assessment made for City purposes; provided, that the City, with such assent, may become iudebted in a larger amount, not exceeding five per centum additional, for the purpose of supplying the City and its inhabitants with water, artificial light and sewers, when the works for supplying such water, light and sewers are owned and controlled by the City. Sec. 91. To secure any existing indebtedness of the City, or any indebtedness about to be incurred, the City may, by ordi- nance, authorize the issuance of the bonds of the City therefor, and pledge the faith and property of the City for the payment of such bonds, and direct the time and manner of the issuance of the same and the time and manner of the payment of both prin- cipal and interest thereof, and may from time to time authorize the refunding of any indebtedness of the City. No bonds shall be sold until thev have been advertised for sale at least thirty days I REVISED CITY CHARTER. 79 preceding' the day of sale, nor shall any bonds of the City be sold for less than par and accrued interest, or for a longer time than twenty years. Sec. 92. Depositories for City Funds. (Repealed by Sec. 2 of Amendment No. 18. See Ordinance No. 1061. TREASURER. Sec. 93. The City Treasurer, before entering: upon his du- Bond, ties, shall execute to the City a bond, with at least two sureties residing- in the City, in an amount to be fixed by the City Coun- cil, which bond shall be approved by the City Council by resolu- tion. (Modified by Amendment No. 2.) Sec. 9-1. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys due and be- Duties. longing to the City and keep an accurate and detailed account of the same in such manner as at all times to show the exact financial condition of the City. Not later than the 15th day of each month he shall report to the City Council a complete and itemized statement of all moneys received and paid out by him diu-ing the preceding month. Such statement shall shoAv what funds were credited with moneys so received and from what funds moneys were so paid, and the amounts thus credited and paid ; and, further, show the exact amount of money in each fund of the City on the last day of the preceding month. He shall also in such report show the amount of funds under his control at the time of making such report, and where the same are placed or deposited. (As amended by Amendment No. 29.) Sec. 95. He shall not loan any of the funds of the City to Not loan any person, or otherwise dispose of the same, except in accord- ance with laAv. * * * He shall keep such funds in his possession and be responsible No deposits, therefor. It shall be unlawful to place the same or any portion thereof in any bank, or with any person or corporation as a gen- eral deposit. (As amended by Sec. 1, Amendment No. 18. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 96. Immediately after the amiiuil tax levy the City Annual tax Treasurer shall open and keep separate and distinct accounts jfow credited. with each special fund made necessary by law, and whenever any taxes shall be collected and paid into the treasury he shall credit each fund with its proportionate amount of such tax, and the same shall remain so credited and shall be paid out only in pay- ments of orders drawn against said fund. All funds raised hy a 80 KEVISED CITY CHAKTEK. I No of funds Other duties. Terms of office. Deputies. Bonds of deputies. vote of the people or by special taxation, or any other manner for diversion f' speciol puTpose, shall he used for that purpose, and Twne other. No fund shall be diverted from the purpose for which it urns ori^ginally assessed or collected or voted hy the people without the , proposition therefcn' is suhmitted to a vote of the people and au- thorized hy at least a majority vote at either a special or general election. The Treasurer shall keep such accounts and make such other reports and perform such other duties incident to his office as may he prescribed by ordinance. (As amended by Amendment No. 7. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 97. The City Treasurer shall not be eligible to more than two spccessive terms. Amended by Sec. 4 of Amendment No. 1. See Ordinance No. 1061, as follows: He shall have such deputies and clerical assistance as may be provided by ordinance; providecl, that the deputies and assist- ants shall, when provided for by ordinance, be appointed by the head of the department. He may take from them bonds Avith sureties; he shall have power to remove his deputies at pleasure. Said deputies shall receive such compensation as said Council may by ordinance pre- scribe. Bond. $25,000. Deputies. CITY CONTROLLER. Sec. 98. The City Controller, M-ithin ten days from the time of notice of his election, and before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath of office and give to the City of Tacoma a bond in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with not less than two responsible sureties to be approved by the City Council, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. * * * He shall have such deputies and clerical assistance as may be provided by ordinance ; provided, that the deputies and assist- ants shall, when provided for by ordinance, be appointed by the hc.i.d of tiie department. (As amended by Sec. 4 of Amendment No. 1. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 99. He shall exercise a general supervision over the fiscal affairs of the City, the collection and return into the Treas- ury, and the disbursement of all revenue and moneys of the City : of all property, assets and claims, and the sale or other disposition thereof; and by and with the advice and consent of the Mayor REVISED CITY CHARTER. 81 shall see that all necessary official and legal proceedings are had for the protection of the City's interests in all such property, assets and claims; that proper rules and regulations are pre- scribed and observed in relation to all accounts, settlements and reports connected with the fiscal affairs of the City; that no lia- bility is incurred or expenditure made from the Treasury without due authority of law, and that appropriations are not overdrawn. Sec. 100. He shall have access to the books and other rec- Access to ords of all olificers and departments of the City government when- °° ^" t'ver he so desires, and may make transcripts thereof ; see that the accounts of the City are kept in a plain, methodical manner. Sec. 101. He shall audit and adjust all claims and demands Audit against the City before they are allowed by the City Council, droAO all warrants or orders on the City Treasurer, before they are de- wlr^nts. livered by the City Clerk. (As amended by Amendment No, 8.) Sec. 102. He shall in auditing and adjusting claims and ac- designate counts against the City, designate and specify upon each claim so audited and adjusted the particular fund out of which the- same shall be paid, and no claim or account shall be audited or Auditing adjusted or contract countersigned by him if the amount thereof, together Avith the existing indebtedness, exceeds the authorized indebtedness of the City. Sec. 103. He shall keep a record of all his acts and doings, Keep records, keep regular books of accounts, which shall at all times show the count, etc. precise financial condition of the City; the amount of bonds, orders, warrants, or other evidences of indebtedness issued by the ^^^^^ ^ar- City Council, stating to whom and for what purpose issued, the'"^"^^' ^^'^■ amount of all bonds, orders, warrants, etc., which have been redeemed, and the amount of each outstanding ; keep accounts with all the receiving and disbursing officers of the City, showing the amount which they have received from all sources and the amount which they have disbursed under the direction of the City Council. (Amended by Amendment No. 6. See Ordinance No. 1061, as follows) : He shall keep a list of each and every warrant drawn by him ; List of the list shall show the number of the warrant, the fund against ^''"^'^^° ''■ which it is drawn, the person in whose favor it is drawn and the date thereof; neither the City of Tacoma nor anv of its officers A/signment ' '' " . of warrants. shall recognize any assignment of any warrant drawn against any of its funds without the assignment has been noted and regis- tered in the office of the City Controller, and it shall be the duty of the City Controller to add to the list required to be kept by him EEVISED CITY CHARTEE. Countersign contracts. Annual port. Monthly report. a statement showing' the assignment, if any, of each warrant drawn. Sec. 104. He shall countersign all contracts made in behalf of the City and certificates of Avork by any committee of the Coun- cil, Commissioner of Public AVorks, or other City officer or person authorized by the City Council to make such certificates,, keep a book in which he shall enter all contracts, with an index thereto,. Avhich shall be open to public inspection. Sec. 105. He shall annually submit to the City Council, at its first stated meeting in March, an itemized report of the finan- cial condition and requirements of the City, and make such report of the finances of the City from time to time as the Mayor or City Council may require. Amended by Amendment No. 17. See ordinance No. 1061, as- follows : The City Controller shall, on or before the 15th of each and every month, send to the City Council a complete statement of all the receipts and expenditures of the City in all departments for- the preceding month, and said statement shall show all and every purchase made by the City or bill or account that accrued against the City for that month, and every officer, employe or agent of the City who is or may be empoAvered by the Charter or by ordinance or resolution of the Council to make or incur any account, debt or- claim against the City, shall file a full report or copy of said ac- against City. ^Qunt, debt or claim with the Controller on or before the 10th day of the month next succeeding that in which said account, debt or claim was made or incurred. Sec. 106. He shall report annually on or before the first day ; of April, to the City Council, an estimate of the expenses of the-i City, and likewise the revenue necessary to be raised for the cur- rent year. Sec. 107. He shall be entitled to be heard before the Citj Council on any question pertaining to his department, but he shall have no vote. He shall perform such duties as may be provided.-! by this Charter or any ordinance enacted thereunder. File claims Estimates expenses. Revenue. General duties. ARTICLE X. assessment and collection of taxes. This article, which comprises from Sec. 108 to Sec. 121, inclu- sive, has been superseded by an act of the Legislature entitled, "An Act providing for the assessment and collection of taxes of cities of the first class, and specifying the duties of certain Coun- REVISED CITY CHAETER. 83 -ty officers in regard thereto, and declaring an emergency," ap- proved March 9, 1893. Session laws of 1893, Chapter 71, page 167. Said Act is as follows : Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington : Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Connty Assessor in Duty of each County in which there is a City of the tirst class, as soon aSsg^g"*^/ as^\o the County and State Boards of Equalization have finally fixed ^ity proper- the valuation of the property in such County, for State and County taxation in each year, to certify to the City Comptroller of each City of the first class in such County a summary of the valuation of real estate and personal property in such City, or subject to taxation herein, as shown by the assessment roll of such County, as finally fixed by the said Boards, and also a list of all residents of such City liable to pay a poll tax. It shall be the duty of the County Assessor in making up his assessment roll for the County to place the property within the limits of any such City subject to taxation therein in as compact a form as practica- ble on said roll, so that the City taxes may be extended in the same manner as State and Countv taxes are extended, and that Extension of • Citv tBX6S. portion of said assessment roll embracing persons and property subject to taxation in such City shall constitute also the assess- ment roll of such City of the first class for the levy and collection of the taxes thereof. When by reason of a change in the bound- aries of any such City, or otherwise, the rate of taxation is re- segregation quired to differ in different districts thereof, the real and personal ^^ districts, property in each district shall be pfoperly segregated for that purpose, and such segregation shall duly appear in the summary certified as aforesaid. Sec. 2. The City Council of each City of the first class shall, councu to within thirty days after receiving the certificate of the County taxes. Assessor, as provided in the preceding section, by ordinance in each year fix the rate of taxes to be levied, and levy the taxes upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in such City, or sub- ject to taxation therein, as shown by said roll, needed to raise suf- ficient revenue to carry on the different departments of the mu- nicipal government thereof for one year, which year shall be the Fiscal year. fiscal year (to be designated in the ordinance), fixed by the Char- ter of such City, and shall be either the current or ensuing fiscal year as required by such Charter, or, in the absence of a Charter requirement, as such ordinance shall provide. Any other general taxes authorized by the Charter of such City to be levied with the annual tax levy may be included in such levy. 84 EEVISED CITY CHAETER. City Clerk Sec. 3. The City Council shall cause the City Clerk to cer- ordfnance. ^^fy ^ copy of the Ordinance making such levy to the County Au- ditor, or other officer authorized to extend State and County taxes, who shall extend the same upon the general assessment roll of such County in the same manner and at the same time that he extends the levy for State and County purposes, and shall in turn certify the same to the County Treasurer, who shall proceed to collect such taxes in the same manner, and at the same time, and with the same power to enforce payment as in the case of State and County taxes. All City taxes may be extended in one column Extension ot without distinguishing the various funds or purposes for which the same are levied, and a copy of the ordinance making the levy for such City shall be recorded in full in each book making up the assessment I'oll. Duties of Sec. 4. (As amended by Session Laws of 1895, Chapter 160, Treasurer. page 407.) The County Treasurer of each County, in which there is or shall be a City of the first class, is hereby constituted ex officio collector of City taxes of such City, and, before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall execute in favor of such City Bond. and file with the Clerk thereof a good and sufficient bond, the penal sum to be fixed by the City Council, such bond to be ap- proved by the Mayor of such City, or other authority thereof, by whom the bond of the City Treasurer is required to be approved. All special assessments and special taxation for local improve- city Treas- meuts, asscsscd on property benefited, shall be collected by the City Treasurer except as otherwise provided by this act. County gEQ_ 5_ (As amended by Session Laws of 1895, Chapter 160, Treasurer to ^ •' i i i re- make weskiy page 408.) All such City taxes collected shall belong to such City, paymen s. ^^^ ^^^ Couuty Treasurer shall turn over all such taxes so col- lected to the City Treasurer on Monday in each week, and take a receipt therefor in duplicate, and at the same time he shall certify to the City Comptroller the amounts of taxes so collected; and turn over and deliver with such certificate one copy of the receipt of the City Treasurer therefor. The County Treasurer shall also Report to render to the City Comptroller, on each Monday, between the first Comptroller. ^^^ ^^ January and the first day of May, a statement of all taxes collected for such City during the preceding week. Collection ot Sec. 6. All taxes of any such City, assessed under the pro- uxel^^'^'^'^ visions of this act, becoming delinquent, shall be collected and en- forced by the same officers and in the same manner as delinquent County and State taxes now are or may hereafter be collected and enforced. Any real property sold to the County for State, County and City taxes shall be held by the County for the common benefit of the County and City in proportion to the equitable interest of II ! i REVISED CITY CHARTER. 85 each in the taxes, costs and expenses for which the same were sold. All provisions of law relatinii' to disconnt on State and County Discount on taxes and penalties, interests and costs thereon and the times when ^''■^ taxes. the same become due, payable or delinquent, shall apply to City taxes levied under authority of this act. Sec. 7. All delinquent taxes now or hereafter owing to any Delinquent City not levied as provided in this act shall be collected and en-*^^®^' forced in the manner provided by the Charters of the respective how coi- Cities by w'hich the same were levied. lected. Sec. 8. The assessment roll of the County made as herein Assessment provided shall be deemed and held to be also the assessment roll ™ to° be^°"° of any City of the first class therein, and in cases where the Char- ron^^orcity. ter of any such City re(|uires delinquent assessments for local im- provements, or any special taxes or assessments whatever to be entered on the annual tax roU of such City, the City Treasurer shall, from time to time, certify the same, tog-ether with the accu- nuilated penalties and interest thereon, to the County Treasurer, who shall enter the saine on the general County assessment roll against the property so taxed or assessed, in a separate column headed "Delincpient local asse.ssments. City of ," in the Delinquent manner directed by such Charter, and the same shall be a part of assessments. the tax due on such property and Avith interest shall be collected as other taxes, separate account being keiH thereof, and if not paid within the time fixed for the payment of other taxes, shall be col- lected as other taxes are collected, together with the additional ^"iW^'^ug^t °* charges, penalties and interests authorized to be charged and col- locai as- lected on other delinquent taxes; and all other proceedings shall be taken thereon, as if the same Avere originally a part of the gen- eral tax assessed against such property. Sec. 9. This Act shall supersede all conflicting provisions supersedes of law or Charters of Cities of the first class relating to the assess- provisions. ment, equalization and collection of general taxes for municipal purposes : Provided, That in Counties having Cities of the first class the City Council thereof shall select a committee of three members of such Council to act with the Board of County Com- missioners as a Board of Equalization, and shall have the powers Board of * . .. . „ , Equalization. and perform the duties concerning the equalization ot assessments in their respective Cities that are given to the County Boards of Equalization by the general revenue laws of the State. The City Council may provide for the compensation of the members of the compensation committee for the time they were actually engaged as members of co™.' the Board of Equalization. (As amended by Session Laws of 1895, Chapter 60, page 408.) Clerk hire. 86 EEVISED CITY CHAETER. Sec. 10. Each City shall pay the County one thousand dol- lars per annum for clerk hire. (As amended by Session Laws 1895, Chapter 160, page 409.) Il ARTICLE XL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. The Board of Public Works was abolished, and a Commis- sioner of Public Works provided for by Amendment No. 3. See Ordinance No. 1061. Board abolished. Commis- sioner ap- pointive. Oath. Bond. Oath and bond. Officers and clerks. Meetings. Publish notices. Duty. Employes. Salaries. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. Sec. 122. The terms of office of the present members of the Board of Public Works shall cease and determine on the third Tuesday of April, 1896, and said offices shall then be and become vacant ; the Mayor shall appoint one person, who shall be known and designated as the Commissioner of Public Works, and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the appointive power ; the Com- missioner shall have all the powers and perform all the duties heretofore devolving- upon and performed by the Board of Public "Works; he shall take the oath of office and give a bond to be ap- proved by the City Council in the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. Sec. 123. Oath of office and bond of each member of the Board of Public M^orks. (Repealed by Amendment No. 3. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 124. Officers and clerk of the Board of Public Works. (Repealed by Amendment No. 3. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 125. Meetings of the Board of Public Works. (Re- pealed by Amendment No. 3. See Ordinance No. 1061. ) Sec. 126. tAs amended by Amendment No. 3. See Ordi- nance No 1061.) The Clerk of the Commissioner shall cause the publication of all notices herein authorized to be published, and shall perform such other duties as the Commissioner shall pre- scribe. Sec. 127. He shall * * * take possession of and keep all maps, surveys, field notes, plans, specifications, contracts, all documents, books and papers, all machinery, tools and appliances, and all property belonging to the City not otherwise provided for in this Charter. He shall compile such data and furnish such information as may be required by the Mayor or City Council. Sec. 128. He * * * may appoint such employees as are herein provided for or may be authorized by the City Council. The salaries of all officers, clerks or employees of the Commis-' I BEVISED CITY CHARTER. 87 sioner, except so far as the same are desionated by this Charter, shall be fixed by ordinance. Sec. 129. Subject to the direction and control of the City superintend Council and the law and ordinances of the City, the Commissioner and'^pu^""^"^ shall have charge of and superintend all public works of the City, p^e|® ^"P" and shall make such purchases of materials and supplies as may Ije authorized by ordinance or the City Council; but he shall make no purchase of material or supplies of an amount or value in ex- cess of five hundred dollars, except upon a written contract alid after advertising- for l)ids for furnishing such materials or sup- plies in the manner provided in Sections 160, 161 and 162 of this Charter. Whenever the Cit}' Council shall so require by ordinance or special resolution, before any contract shall be entered into upon any '^"*^'®'*' award under this Charter, the same shall be submitted to the City Council for its approval and shall not take effect until so ap- proved. (As amended by Amendment Xo. 30.) Sec. 130. He * * * shall have special charge and con- streets, trol, subject to such ordinances as the City Council may adopt, of °'^^^^^^- ^t°- the harbor and water front, and of all streets, sidewalks, high- "ways, roads, bridges, wharves, ferries and public places belonging to the City or dedicated to public use, and of the improvement tind the repair thereof, except as otherwise provided in this Char- ter ; of all sewers, drains, cesspools, and the w'ork pertaining there- sewers, etc. to, or to the drainage of the City: of the cleaning and sprinkling of streets and of repairs upon streets; of the construction and re- pair of public buildings and the making of public improvements pubUc for the City under his authority, and of the repair of such i^^. buildings, provements; of all lamps and lights for the lighting of the streets, parks, public places and public buildings of the City, and of the erection of all posts for such lamps and lights ; and of all public Lights, works and improvements that may hereafter be made by the City. ^^^^^^^' ®'^^- He * * * shall have exclusive authority to prescribe rules and grant permits in conformity with the ordinances of the City for the moving of buildings through the streets, the building or Moving placing of cellars or vaults under the streets or sidewalks, and the "' '"^^' construction of steps or other approaches to buildings; the put- ting up of signs and awnings, the location of steam boilers, the signs, etc. laying down and construction of railroad tracks in the streets ; the erection of telegraph and telephone poles and wires, and poles and poies and wires for electric lighting and other purposes ; the construction of ^^''®^- drains and sewers ; the laying down and taking up of gas, steam oas and and water pipes; pneumatic or other tubes and pipes and sewers "'^•^®'" p'^®^' EEVISED CITY CHAETEE. 1 Protection of streets. Anchorage. Repair of streets, etc. Expense of repairs. Sinks, privy- vaults, etc. City Engi- neer. Duties. Validity of acts. Deputies Compensa- tion. and drains, and determining the location thereof, and prescribe such rules as shall prevent unnecessary damage to the streets by reason of the laying of said pipes, tubes and sewers, and which shall prevent interference with such systems ; the use of the streets or any portion thereof in front of a building during its construc- tion or repair, or for any other purpose than such as ordinarily and properly belongs to the public from the dedication thereof to public use. He shall have full power to regulate and control, sub- ject to the ordinances of the City and the powers delegated by this Charter and the City Council to the various Boards having peculiar and special charge of any public places ; the anchorage of vessels in the harbor of the City ; the manner of using the streets, sideM^alks, wharves, harbors, parks and public places, and to pre- vent and remove obstructions therefrom, and to cause the prompt repair of streets, sidewalks and public places when the same may be taken up and altered. He * * * is kuthorized to collect, by suit or otherwise, in the name of the City, the expense of such repairs from the person or persons by whom such sidewalk or street was injured or torn up. He * * * shall regulate, sub- ject to the requirements of the Board of Health and the Ordi- nances of the City Council, the construction of sinks, gutters, wells, cesspools and privy vaults, and compel the cleaning and emptying of the same, and regulate the time and manner in which such work shall be done. Sec. 131. He * * * shall appoint a Civil Engineer, who shall have practical experience, and who shall be designated City Engineer, and shall hold his office at the pleasure of said Commissioner. He shall do all civil engineering and surveying required in the prosecution of public Avorks and improvements done under the direction of the Commissioner, and shall certify to the progress and the completion of the same, and do such other work as he may be directed to do. * * * He shall possess the same power in the City in making surveys, plats and certificates, as is or may be from time to time given by law to the County Sur- veyor, and his official acts, and all plats, surveys and certificates made by him shall have the same' validity and be of the same force and effect as are or may be given by law to those of the County Surveyor. With the consent and approval of the Commissioner the City Engineer may appoint such deputies, not exceeding the number that may be fixed by the City Council, as the duties of his office may require. The deputies so appointed shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the City Council upon recom- mendation of said Commissioner, and they or any of them may be removed at pleasure of the City Engineer or of said Commis- sioner. REVISED CITY CHARTER. 89 Sec. 132. The City Council shall by ordinaneo, upon the charges for recommendation of said Commissioner, establish such charges as g°^'.'^®|'"® may be proper for the services to be performed by the City En- gineer other than for the City not inconsistent with the laws of the State, and may, upon like recommendation, change and adjust the same. Said Engineer may require such charges to be paid in advance to the Clerk of the Commissioner for any official act orTo be paid service demanded of him, and the money received for such ser- '° advance, vices shall be turned over to the Treasury and placed to the credit Money, how of the General Fund. Duplicate receipts shall be given, one of "^""^ ' ^ • which shall be filed with the City Controller. Sec. 133. Superintendent of Streets. (Repealed by Amend- ment No. 23. See Ordinance No. 1272.) Sec. 134. All officers, employes and agents appointed by the Term of Commissioner shall hold office during his pleasure. * * * emp?oyis. ARTICLE XII. street improvements. Sec. 135. All applications for establishing or changing the Applications grade of any street or streets, the improvement of public grounds lY erade^or or buildings, the laying out, establishing, opening, vacating, clos- streets, etc. ing. straightening, widening or improvement of any street, road or highway, or the laying out or opening of any new street through public or private property, and for all public improve- private ments which involve the necessity of taking private property f or P'"°P^'"*^y- public use, or where any part of the cost or expense thereof is to be assessed upon private pruperry, shall be made to said Commis- sioner, and such work or improvement shall not be ordered or authorized until after he shall have reported to the City Council Report on upon said application. But before any work or improvements as^P^g^^' above contemplated shall be commenced, the City Council, when recommended by the Conmiissioner of Public Works, shall pass a resolution ordering that said work be done; provided that all ap- Qj,^gj.jjj plications for the purpose of changing the grade, or of making worii done. any improvements upon any street, avenue or alley within the City, shall be signed by the owners of more than one-half of the property abutting on said street, avenue or alley ; provided, how- ^^ ever, that the City Council mav without petition or recommenda- ment without ., *ni' I? ij. petition. tion have power to order the unprovement of any street, avenue or alley, or any part thereof, by a two-thirds vote of all the mem- bers of the City Council. (As amended by Amendment No. 20. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 136. Upon adoption or passage of any resolution by the 90 EEVISED CITY CHARTER. Survey, diagram and estimate. Publicatiou of resolution. Remon- strance. Consent to Improve- ment, when Property charged. Cost not to exceed 50 per cent assessed value. Mode of assessing. City Council for the improvement of any street, avenue or alley, the Commissioner of Public Works shall cause a survey, diag-ram and estimate of the entire cost thereof to be made by the City En- gineer; said diagram and estimate shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works for the inspection of all persons interested therein. The clerk of said Commissioner shall forthwith cause a notice of such filing to be published daily for five days in the official newspaper; such notice shall contain a copy of the said resolu- tion passed by the City Council, and must specify the street, high- way, avenue or alley, or part thereof, prepensed to be improved, and the kind of improvement proposed to be made, together with the estimated cost and expense thereof, and also a general descrip- tion, sufficient for identification of the property to be charged with the expense of making such improvement, and that if suf- fieent remonstrance be not made before the expiration of fifteen days after the date of the last publication, said improvement shall be made at the expense of the owners of the lots and parcels of land described in said notice, as hereinafter provided ; but if within fifteen days after the final publication of said notice the persons owning one-half or more of the lots or parcels of laud to be taxed for said improvement shall file with the clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works a remonstrance against said im- provement, grade or alteration, the same shall not be made at the expense of the OM^ners of the lots so described, unless the City Council, by a two-thirds vote of all the membere thereof, order said improvement made notwithstanding said remonstrance. (As amended by Amendment No. 31.) Sbc. 137. If no remonstrance be made and filed as provided in the last preceding section, then the owners of the lots and par- cels of land described in said notice shall be deemed to have con- sented to such improvements ; or if such remonstrance has been made and filed, and the City Council has ordered such work to be done or improvement to be made, the expense thereof shall be charged to the property described in said notice in the manner as hereinafter provided, and the Commissio'iier of Public Works shall at liis earliest convenience, and within six months thereafter, establish the proposed grade or make the proposed improvement ; provided, that no improvement shall be made when the estimated cost thereof shall exceed- fifty per cent, of the assessed value of the property to be assessed. Sec. 138. Such cost and expense of making said improve- ment shall be assessed upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land described in said notice, in the follow- i REVISED CITY CHARTER. 91 vag manner: In making- said assessment the costs and expenses shall be apportioned in accordance with the number of lineal feet Lineal of said real estate or lots of land fronting on said improvements "1^^"'"^' as aforesaid. The amount apportioned to be paid on each lineal foot fronting on said improvement shall be paid by the adjoining, contiguous or proximate property, as follows : Lots abutting end- Avise upon any street to be approved [improved] shall be assessed the full amount as determined by its foot frontage; any lot or parcel of land lying directly and lengthwise along the line of im- sessment. provement at any street corner or intersection shall be assessed me-half of the amount as determined by its frontage, and the irmaining one-half assessed upon the lots to the center of the , ,^ Oiig~i13.Il nlock; if the land be unplatted and belong to the same person or assessment. persons, then the first twentv-five feet Iving directlv and length- ■ 1 I'l 1 \ 1 IP -1 I^nplatted Wise along the line ot improvement shall l)e assessed one-halt the lands, amount as determined by its frontage, and the remaining one-half to the depth of one hundred and fifty feet from the propose^'''*"'- highway or alley proposed to be improved, and the lots or par- eels of land to iDe assessed for such improvement; such diagram shall be marked with the numbers corresponding with the assess- ment number of each subdivision of land. Sec. 140. Upon receiving said assessment roll, the City Notice of Clerk shall forthwith give notice by publication tor at least ment roii. 92 REVISED CITY CHARTER. I Time to hear appeals. Time within which to appeal. Appeal iu writing. Hearing of appeals. Correct errors. Validity of assessment. Time of payment of assessment. Interest. Bids. Lien of as- sessment. City Treasurer collector. Demand un- necessary. five days in the official newspaper, that the assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of the filing of the same, and that the same is open for public inspection, and said notice shall state a time within which the City Council will meet to hear appeals of parties aggrieved by such assessment. Sec. 141. The owner of land in said assessment district, whether named or not in the assessment roll, may, within ten days after the first publication of the notice provided for in the last preceding section, appeal to the City Council from said assessment or assessment roll ; said appeal shall be in writing, briefly stating the objections to the said assessment or assessment roll and be filed with the City Clerk. Sec. 142. At the time appointed for hearing appeals from said assessment, the City Council shall hear and decide upon all objections which shall have been filed by any party interested to the regularity of the proceeding in making said improve- ments or in levying said assessment, or to the correctness of the amount of said assessment, or of the amount levied upon any particular lot or parcel of land ; and if the proceedings are found by them to have been regular, they shall correct any errors which may be found in the assessment, and shall pass an order approv- ing and confirming said proceedings and said assessment as S(^ corrected by them, and their decision and order shall be a final determination of the regularity, validity and correctness of said assessment, and of the amount thereof levied upon each lot or parcel of land, and shall bar all persons appearing and objecting or failing to appear from any further recourse in law. Sec. 143. The Council nuist provide in said order ap- proving and confirming such assessments wathin what time the same may be paid to the City Treasurer; and all such assess- ments not paid to the Treasurer within such time shall thereaf- ter draw interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid. Sec. 144. Before entering into any contract for any im- provement, the Commissioner of Public Works shall invite sealed bids for such improvement as provided by this charter, and such contract shall be made in writing. Sec. 145. All such assessments shall be liens upon the pro- perty assessed, and all such liens shall relate back to and take efifect as of the time of the first publication of the notice of the proposed improvement provided for in section 136 hereof. Sec. 146. The City Treasurer shall be collector of all such assessments for improvements, both before and after delinquency. Sec. 147. No demand shall be necessary for any such as- sessment, but it shall be the duty of every person whose proper- REVISED CITY CHARTER. 93 ty is assessed for improvements as herein provided, to pay all such assessments levied upon such property before the same be- come delinquent. Sec. 148. The City Clerk shall, Avithin five days after the warrant ror confirmation of any assessment for improvements made by the '^° Council, certify and .annex to the assessment roll a copy of the order of confirmation, and issue and annex to said roll a war- rant directinfr the City Treasurer to receive and collect the as- sessments named therein, and deliver the same to the City Treas- urer, and shall also certify the amount of such roll to the City Controller. The Treasurer shall forthwith give notice by three Notice of roii weekly insertions in the official newspaper of the City, that such urer. '^'"^^"~ assessment roll is in his hands, that the assessments are payable, and the date at which interest accrues if they remain unpaid. Sec. 149. AVithin five days from the expiration of the Ketum of time limited for the payment of any such assessments, the Treas- ''°"- urer must return the improvement assessment roll to the City Controller, distinguishing thereon the assessments paid and those unpaid. The City Controller shall, upon receipt of said roll, credit the Treasurer with the amount of assessments collected thereon and deliver said roll to the City Clerk, who shall there- upon issue and annex thereto a warrant directing the City Treas- Warrant to urer to sell all the lots and parcels of land described in said roll, ''*''•• and upon which assessments are levied, whether in the name of a designated owner or in the name of an unknown owner, to sat- isfy all delinquent and unpaid assessments upon said roll, with interest, penalty and costs. On the day of the connnencement of the sale of said real property in pursuance of such warrant, saie. a penalty of ten per cent, on the principal amount of every un- paid assessment on said improvement assessment roll shall ac- crue to such assessment in addition to the interest thereon, and must then and thereafter be collected therewith. Sec. 150 Such warrant shall, for the purpose of making warrant as sale of said real property on which assessments are delinquent ^^^^^ '°°' and unpaid, be deemed and taken as an execution against said real property for the amount of said assessments with interest, penalty and costs, and the Treasurer or his deputy shall, within sixty days from the receipt thereof by him, commence the sale of said real property, and continue such sale from day to day thereafter, until all the lots and parcels of land described in said assessment roll on which any such assessment is delinquent and unpaid, are sold. Such sales shall take place at the front door of the building in which the City Council holds its sessions. The Place of Treasurer shall give notice of such sales by publishing a notice 94 EEVISED CITY CHAKTER. Notice of sale. Contents of notice. Time of Sales. Sales to City. Highest bidder. Disposition of surplus. Resale. Custodian certificates. Sale of certificates. thereof once a week, for three consecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the City. Such notice shall contain a list of all lots and parcels of land upon which such assessments are de- linquent, with the amount of the assessment, interest, penalty and costs to date of sale, including costs of advertising due upon each of such lots or parcels of land, together with the names of the owners thereof, or the words "unknown owner" as the same may appear on said improvement assessment roll, and shall spe- cify the time and place of sale, and that the several lots or par- cels of land therein described, will be sold to satisfy the assess- ment, interest, penalty and costs due upon each. Sec. 151. All of such sales shall be made between the hours of ten o'clock a. m. and three o'clock p. m. Each lot or parcel of land sliall be sold separately and in the order in which the same appears on the improvement assessment roll, commencing at the head thereof. If there be no bidder for any lot or parcel of land of a sum sufficient to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, with interest, penalty and costs, the Treasurer shall strike the same off to the City for the whole amount which he is required to collect by such sale. Sec. 152. All lots and parcels of land sold for delinquent improvement assessments, shall be sold to the highest bidder; and whenever any such lot is sold for more than the sum suffi- cient to satisfy the delinquent assessment, with interest, penalty and costs, the surplus shall be kept by the Treasurer in a sepa- rate fund, and thereafter the owner or his legal representatives shall, on application to the City Council, be entitled to a war- rant therefor. Sec. 153. If any bidder to whom any lot or parcel of land is stricken off does not pay the assessment, interest, penalty and costs before ten o'clock a. m. of the day following the day of such sale, such lot or parcel of land must then be resold, or, if the assessment sale is closed, be deemed to have been sold to the City, and a certificate of purchase shall be issued to the City therefor, f Sec. 154. The City Controller shall be the custodian of all certificates of purchase for lots or parcels of land sold to the City ; and shall at any time within three years from the date of any such certificate, and before the redemption of the lot or parcel of land therein described, sell and transfer any such cer- tificate to any person who will pay him the amount for which the lot or parcel of land therein described was stricken off to the City, with the interest subsequently accrued thereon, and the Treasurer may, if so authorized bj^ the Council, sell and trans- 1^ I REVISED CITY CHARTER. 95 fer any such certificate in like manner after the expiration of said three years from the date of the certificate. Sec. 155. Within ten days after the completion of the Return of sale of all the lots and parcels of land described in such improve- Treasurer, ment assessment roll, and authorized to be sold as aforesaid, the Treasurer must make return to the City Controller of said assess- ment roll, with a statement of his doings thereon, showing all lots and parcels of land sold by him, to whom sold, and the sum paid therefor. Sec. 156. The purchaser at improvement assessment sales purchaser's acquires a lien on the lot or parcel of land sold for the amount ^"^"" paid by him at such sale, as well as for all delinquent taxes and improvement assessments and all costs and charges there- on, whether levied previously or subsequently to such sale sub- sequently paid by him on the lot or parcel of land, and shall be entitled to interest thereon at the rate of twenty per cent, per interest. annum from the date of such payment. Sec. 157. Every lot and parcel of land sold for an im- Redemption provement assessment shall be subject to redemption by the for- mer owner, or his grantee, mortgagee, or heir, within three years from the date of the certificate of purchase, on payment to the City Treasurer for the purchaser of the amount the same was sold for, with twenty per cent, interest per annum, together with all taxes and improvement assessments, and costs and charges thereon, as per statement made by the City Controller, paid by the purchaser on such lot or parcel of land since such sale, with like interest thereon. And on such redemption being made, the Treasurer shall give to the redemptioner a certificate of re- certificate demption therefor, and pay over the amount received from such ridemption. redemptioner to the purchaser or his assigixs, on an order from the City Controller. Should no redemption be made within the period of three years, the Treasurer shall on demand by the pur- chaser or his assigns, and the surrender of the certificate, exe- cute to him a deed for the lot or parcel of land therein described ; Deed, provided, that no such deed shall be executed until the holder of said certificate shall have notified the owner of said lots or Notice to parcels of land that he holds said certificate and that he will de- °'"^^^- mand a deed therefor; and if, notwithstanding said notice, no redemption be made Avithin ninety days from the service of said notice, said holder shall be entitled to said deed. Said notice may be given by personal service upon said persons, or bv publica- service of " • • *^ riotics tion in a weekly newspaper published in said City for the full three weeks. Such notice and return thereto with the affidavit of the person claiming said deed, stating that said service was made, 96 REVISED CITY CHAKTKH. Deed, how Executed. Deed as evidence. Separate fund. Payment of assessment. •Paid. "Re- deemed." Day's work or contract. Cost of im- provement. Contracts exceeding $500. shall be tiled with the City Treasurer. Such deed shall be exe- cuted only for the lot or parcel of lantl named in the eertiticate, and after payment of all subsequent taxes and improvement as- sessments thereon. The deed shall be executed in the name of the City of Tacoma, shall recite in substance the matters con- tained in the certificate, the notice to owner and that no redemp- tion of the proiH'rty has been made within the time allowed by law. Such deed shall be signed and aeknowled^red by the City Treasurer as such. The deed shall be prima facie evidence that the property was assessed as required by law, that the improve- ment assessment was not paid, that the property was sold as re- quired by law, that it was not redeemed, that notice had been given and that the person executing the deed was the proper of- ficer; and the deed shall be conclusive evidence of the regularity of all other proceedings from the assessment inclusive up to the execution of the deed. Sec. 158. All moneys received or collected by the Treas- urer upon assessments for improvements of streets, highways or alleys, shall be kept as a separate fund, and in nowise used for any other purpose whatever, except for the redemption of war- rants drawn against such fund. Sec. 159. Whenever before sale of any lot or parcel of land the amount of any assessment for improvements thereon, with all interest and costs accrued thereon, shall be paid to the Treasurer, he shall thereupon mark the same paid, with the date of payment thereof on the assessnjent roll ; and whenever after sale of any lot or parcel of land for any assessment the same shall be "redeemed," he shall thereupon enter the same redeemed with the date of such redemption on such record. Such entries shall be made on the margin of the record opposite the descrip- tion of such lot or pai'cel of land. Sec. 160. All public work authorized by the City Council to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works shall be done by day's work or by contract, at the dis- cretion of the City Council, provided, that if within the time for filing a remonstrance a majority of the resident ow-ners wnth- in the assessment district file a petition designating the manner of making the improvement, w'hether by day's work or contract, then the improvement must be done as requested in said peti- tion ; and provided, further, that in no case shall the cost of any improvement authorized by the City Council to be done exceed the estimated cost of the City Engineer. And all contracts for materials and supplies to an amount exceeding five hundred dol- lars, required by the City Council or any of the departments of REVISED CITY CHARTER. 97 the City not otherwise provided for in this Charter, shall be done under written contract. But before awarding any contract au- thorized by this article, the Commissioner of Public Works shall cause notice, inviting sealed proposals therefor to be posted con- Notice for spicuously in his office and published for not less than five days. ^'*^'' Sec. 161. Said advertisement and notice shall invite sealed sealed proposals to be delivered at a certain day and hour at the office '"■°''°''"^- of the Cmnmissioner of PuUic Works, for furnishing the supplies and materials, and for work to be done, the materials for the proposed work, or for doing said work, or both, as may be deemed best by him, and shall contain a general description of the work to be done, the material or supplies to be furnished, the time within which the work is to be commenced and when to be com- pleted, and the amount of bond to be given for the faithful per- formance of the contract and shall refer to plans and specifica- tions on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works for full details and description of said work and materials. Sec. 162. All proposals shall be made upon printed forms porm of prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works and furnished '"'°''°'''^'' gratuitously upon application, with a form for the affidavit Affidavit, hereinafter provided for printed thereupon. Each bid shall have thereon the affidavit of the bidder that his bid is genuine and not sham or collusive, or made in the interests or on behalf of any person not therein named, and that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation sham bid. to refrain from bidding, and that the bidder has not in any manner sought, by collusion, to secure to himself an advantage over other bidders. Any bid made without such affidavit, or in violation thereof, shall be absolutely void, and also any contract Bid void, let thereunder. If at any time discovery shall be made that a contract has been let to a bidder who has violated or evaded this oath, the contract shall be cancelled and no recovery shall be had cancel con- thereon, and the Commissioner of Public Works shall at once proceed as before, to award a new contract. All proposals offered shall be accompanied by a check certified by a responsible bank, che.k. payable to the order of the Clerk of the Commissioner of Puhlic Works, for an amount not less than five per cent, of the aggre- gate of the proposal, and no proposal shall be considered un- less accompanied by such check. No person, corporation or firm, shall be allowed to make, file or be interested in, more than one bid for the same work. If, on the opening of said bids, moreoniy on? than one bid appear in which the same person, corporation or ^^'^' firm is interested, all such bids shall be rejected. 98 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Opening bids. Bids num- bered. Award' of ocntract. Notice of award. Reject bids. Return checks. Check feited. Collusive bids. City Attor- ney to draw contracts. Sec. 163. On tlie day and at the lioiir specified in said notice inviting sealed proposals * * * all bids shall be de- livered to the Cammissionrr by the bidder or his agent * * » within the two hours named in the advertisement. No bid not so delivered to the Cowmls.s^ioncr of Public Works shall be con- sidered. Each bid as it .shall be received shall be numbered and' marked ' ' filed ' ' by him, and authenticated by his signature. At the expiration of the two hours stated in the advertisement, with- in which the bids will be received, the Commissioyier of Public Works shall in open session open, examine, and i)ublicly declare- the same, and an abstract of each bid shall be recorded * * * by the Clerk. The Catnmissio^ier of Public Works shall compare the bids with the record made by the Clerk, and shall thereupon at said timCy or at such other time, not exceeding ten days there- after, * * * award the contract to the lowest bidder, except as otherwise herein provided. Notice of such award shall forth- with be posted for five days by the Clerk of the Commissio'nei' of Public Works in some conspicuous place in his office. * * * He may reject any and all bids, and must reject the bid of any party who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contracts with the City, and all bids other than the lowest regu- lar bid, and on accepting said lowest bid shall thereupon return to the proper parties the checks corresponding to the bids so rejected. If all the bids are rejected * * * he shall return all checks to the proper parties and again invite sealed propo- sals, as in the first instance. The check accompanying the ac- cepted bid shall be held by the Clerk of the Commissimier of Public Works until the contract for doing said work, as herein- after provided, has been entered into, whereupon said certified check shall be returned to said bidder. If said bidder fails or refuses to enter into the contract for said work, as hereinafter ])rovided, then the certified check accompanying his bid, and the- amount therein mentioned, shall be forfeited to the City, and shall be collected and paid into the general fund. Neither the Commissioner of Public Works nor the City City Council has^ the power to relieve from or remit such forfeiture. Sec. 164. If at any time it shall be found that the person to whom a contract has been awarded has, in presenting bid or bids, colluded with any party or parties for the purpose of pre- venting any other bid being made, then the contract so awarded shall be null and void, and no recovery shall be had thereon, and the Commissio^ur of Public Works shall advertise for pro- posals for a new contract. Sec. 165. All contracts shall be drawn under the super- EEVISED CITY CHAETEB. 99 vision of the City Attorney, and shall have attached thereto de- tailed specifications of the work to be done, which shall be re- ferred to and made part of the contract; the manner in which it shall be executed, and the quality of the supplies and the ma- terial to be used. Every contract entered into by the Commis- sioner of Public Works shall be signed by him * * * and signing by the other contracting party. All contracts shall be signed in contract, triplicate, one of Avhich with the specifications and drawings, if any, of the Avork to be done and the materials to be furnished, shall be filed with the Commissioner of Public Works when the Filing con- work is done upon his requisition, * * * gj^j i^ other cases ''■*"^'^^- with the City Clerk; one thereof with said specifications and drawings shall be kept in the office of the Cmnmissioner of Pub- lic Works, and the other, with specifications and drawings, shall be delivered to the contractor. At the same time, with the exe- cution of said contract, said contractor shall execute a bond to Bond of the State of Washington and deliver the same to the Clerk of the ^""tractor. Commissioner of Public Works; said bond to be joint and sever- al in the sum named in the notice for proposals, with two or more sufficient sureties to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works; or shall deposit with the Clerk a certified check certified upon some solvent bank for said amount for the faithful per- ^ formance of said contract, running to the City of Tacoma. Such sureties shall justify as bail upon arrest, and said bonds shall be sureties to conditioned that such person shall pay all laborers, mechanics '"®^'^^' and material men, and persons Avho shall supply such contrac- tor with provisions or goods of any kind, all just debts due to such persons or to any person to whom any part of such work is given, incurred in carrying on such work; which bond shall be filed by said Commissioner of Public Works in the office of the Bond filed. County Auditor, in the County where such work is to be per- formed or improvement made, and shall also file with the City Clerk a bond in a sum equal to the contract price, conditioned indemnity for the faithful performance of the contract and holding said*'*'"'^- City harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to any per- son or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence in making said improvement. The justification by the sureties as aforesaid shall be made upon a form to be printed upon the bond.. But when the amount specified in the bond exceeds three thous- and dollars, and there are more than two sureties thereon, they may state in their affidavit that they are severally worth amounts .lustifymg less than that expressed in the bond if the whole amount be ^^^"'''^^ equal to two sufficient sureties. The contract for work shall specify the time within which the work shall be commenced and rime. Avhen to be completed, as was specified in the notice inviting pro- 100 REVISED CITY THARTER. Contract void. Reletting unfinished contracts. Approval ot Commis- sioner. Duties of Cf.mmis- sioner. Removal from office. posals therefor. In case of failure on the part of the contractor to complete his contract within the time fixed, his contract shall be void, and the City Council shall not pay or allow him any compensation for work done by him under said contract. Sec. 166. If the contractor does not complete his contract within the time limited therein, said Commissioner of Public Works may relet the unfinished portion of said work, after pur- suing the formalities hereinbefore prescribed for the letting- of the whole. Sec. 167. The work in this article provided for must be done under the direction aiul to the satisfaction of said Commis- sioner of Public Works, and all materials and supplies furnished must be in accordance with the specifications and be to his sat- isfaction. When any contract shall have been completed and accepted by Jiim, he shall so declare, and thereupon lie shall de- liver to the contractor a certificate to that effect. Sec. 168. The Commissioner of Public Works shall devote ]iis entire time to the performance of his official duties; and shall not, nor shall * * * j^^y person employed in .said depart- ment, be interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work, labor, supplies or material entered into by said Commis- sioner of Public Works; nor shall he or his employees be allowed to receive any gratuity or advantage from any contractor, la- borer or person furnishing labor or material for the same. Any contract made in violation of any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be void, and the receipt of any gratuity shall be cause for the immediate removal from office or from employment of the person receiving it. ARTICLE XIII. General system. SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE. Sec. 169. The Commissioner of Public Works shall devise a general system of sewerage and drainage, to be approved by the City Council, which shall embrace all matters relative to the thorough, systematic and effectual drainage of not only surface .water and filth, but also of the ground on which said City is situated, to a sufficient depth to secure dryness in cellars and en- tire freedom from stagnant waters, and in such manner as best to promote the cleanliness and healthfulness of said City, and shall report to the City Council in reference thereto, and shall, from time to time, make to the City Council such recommenda- tions upon the subject of sewerage and drainage as lie may deem proper. REVISED CITY CHARTER. 101 Sec. 170. Said Commissianer of Piihlic WorTcs shall pre- control con- seribe the location, form and material to be used in the construe- -^ruction, tion and repair of all public sewers, man-holes, sinks, cesspools or other appurtenances belonging to the sewer system and of ev- ery private sewer emptying- into a public sewer and determine the manner and place of connection. Sec. 171. Before any public sewer shall be contracted forpians of or built, the City Engineer shall cause to be prepared the nee- ^''^^■■• essary plans for the work and a profile showing the grades of the street and sewer, and the depth of each sewer below the sur- face of the street, and a diagram showing the property benefited Diagram. by such sewer, and the total frontage thereof ; and when such sewer is completed he shall cause a map to be prepared, showing Map. the size and location of man-holes, basins and branches of house connections, and other appurtenances. Sec. 172. Superintendent of Sewers. (Repealed by Am- endment No. 23. See Ordinance No. 1272.) Sec. 173. The City Council may, upon the recommendation city coun- of said Commissioner of Puhlic Works, by ordinance passed by "^'^u/t^o^ /^"^ the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the Council, order the construction of any sewer or drain, or authorize the 'purchase of any personal property or the acquisition by purchase or con- Acquisition demnation of any real estate which may be necessary for the con- proplrty.*^^ struetion of any sewer or the making of any improvement pro- vided for in this chapter. Sec. 174. Said Commissioner of Puhlic Works may, with Agreement n , ^. ■ ^ -1 -,1 ,1 1. as to dam- the like approval of the City Council, agree with the owners of ages. any real estate upon which it is deemed desirable to construct any sewer or other improvement relative to sewerage or drain- age upon the amount of damage to be paid to such owner for the purpose of such improvement, and for the perpetual use of said real estate for such purpose. Sec. 175. Said Commissioner of Puhlic Works may, when i.ands on authorized by ordinance, construct such sewers, reservoirs and ^^- pumping works on lands and made lands fronting the bay, as may be necessary to carry out the general system of sewerage for said City. Sec. 176. When upon the recommendation of said Co»i- condemna- missioner of Puhlic Works, the City Council shall determine up- V°te prop"' on any improvement for the purpose of sewerage or drainage *^'^y- which necessitates the acquisition or condemnation of private property and said Commissioner is unable to agree with the own- er thereof upon the amount of compensation or damages to be 102 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Expense ap- portioned. Collecting assessments. Sewerage (li-^triets. paid therefor, or wheu .sueli owner is in any way incapable of making any agreement witli reference thereto, and in all eases in which said Cotnmissioner shall deem it most expedient, the City Council shall have the right to cause condemnation of such property in the manner for the opening of any new street. Sec. 177. The cost of constructing any sewer shall be as- sessed by the Commissioner of Public Woi-ks upon the real es- tate benefited thereby pro rata, according to the frontage of said real estate upon the line of said sewer; and the manner of collec- tion of the same shall be as provided for the collection of street improvements; provided, that the construction of all trunk or main sewers and repair of all sewers shall be made at the ex- pense of the City. Sec. 178. The Commissioner of PuNic WorJxS shall have authority whenever he shall deem necessary, to create sewerage districts, in order to distribute equitably the assessment and cost of sewers upon property peculiarly benefited thereby. ARTICLE XIV. Members. Powers. Inspector. Powers of (•nspector. Sale unfit articles pro- hibited. Report to Commis- sioner Pub- lic Works. BOARD OF HEALTH. Sec. 179. The Mayor, * * * Chief of Police and Pres- ident of the City Council shall constitute a Board of Health, of which the Mayor shall be ex-officio Chairman. Said Board of Health shall have general supervision over the sanitary condition of the City, and shall have power to compel owners of property to keep the same free from anything filthy, obnoxious or danger- ous to health: they shall have power to appoint an Inspector whose duty it shall be to inspect, when called upon by any per- son, or when in his or the opinion of said Board or any of its members, it seems necessary^ all provisions, meat, fish, fruit, veg- etables, bread, flour, pork, whisky, beer, Avine, milk and water, and all liquors and any and all things offered for sale in the City to be used as food or drink. Sec. 180. Said Inspector shall have the right to enter for the purpose of making such examination and inspection, any place or building where any provisions, fruits, vegetables, whis- ky, beer, wine, milk or other liquors are kept for sale, and no person shall be permitted to sell or dispose of anything pronounc- ed by said Inspector as unfit to be used for food or drink, and all such articles or things shall be seized and destroyed by said Inspector. Sec. 181. Said Board shall report to the Commissimier of Puhlic Works any matter coming to its knowledge and needing his attention, * * * and shall have full power and author- REVISED CITY CHARTER. 103 ity to order quarantine and to take all other necessary steps to quarantine. prevent contagion or spread of contagions diseases, and snch oth- er powers and dnties as shall be provided by ordinance. Sec. 182. City Physician. (Repealed bv Amendment No. city Physi- 23. See Ordinance No. 1272.) ^'«"- Sec. 183. Health Officer. (Repealed by Amendment No. Health 23. See Ordinance No. 1272.) '^'"•^«'■■ Sec. 184. The City Council shall pass all such ordinances and provide therein such penalties as will carry out the intent and enforce the provisions of this article. ARTICLE XV. street grades and changes. Sec. 185. The City Council shall by ordinance establish street the grades of all streets, avenues and alleys in the City, and when s^^'^^^- the grade of any street, avenue or alley shall have been estab- lished, and any person or persons shall have built or made im- provements on lots or lands fronting and abutting upon such street, avenue or alley, and the City shall afterward change the established grade in such manner as to injure or diminish the val- Damage by iue of the property which shall have been improved, the City shall gradf.^ °^ pay to the owner or owners of the property so injured the amount of such damage; and when the parties interested are unable to agree with the City Council as to the amount so to be paid, the •same shall be appraised by three disinterested persons to be ap- Appraisers. pointed b.y the City Council within thirty days after the claim- ant shall have tiled with the City Council his claim for damages. Said appraisers shall be sworn to faithfully execute their duties according to the best of their ability. They shall view the prem- ises, receive any evidence, and may adjourn from day to day, but shall make their report within thirty days from their ap- Report, pointment unless further time is given by the City Council. They shall assess the damage sustained by reason of the change ; they Assess shall sign their report and deliver the same to the Clerk of the*^^"^^^^- Superior Court of Pierce County, and if no objections are made thereto in the manner provided herein, within twenty days there- after the assessment shall be final and the City shall pay the amount so assessed and judgment may be entered accordingly. Either party may file objections to said report within twenty objections days as above, and in such case the question of damages shall be '" '"^p"'"^- tried as in other civil actions. 104 REVISED CITY CHARTER. ARTICLH XVI. Number. Term of office. Compensa- tion. Powers. Parks. Reports. Contraction of debt. Rules and Regulations. Receive donations. Park fund. Expendi- tures for im- provements. General powers. PARK COMMISSIONERS. Sec. 186. There shall be established a Board of l*ark Com- missioners, to consist of five members. The first members of the Board shall be appointed to serve, one for one year, two for two years, and two for thi-ee years. The members of said Board shall receive no compensation for their sei'\'ices. Sec. 187. The said Board shall have power and it shall be their duty, subject to such rules and reD:ulations as the City Council may by ordinance prescribe : First. To take chargre of and exercise control over all parks belonging to the City. Second. To make report to the City Council from time to time regarding the condition of the parks, and to reconnnend ap- propriations .by the Council for the improvement of the parks, and when such appropriations have been made, to expend the same in such improvements; but no member of said Commission shall have power to create any debt, obligation, claim or liability, except with the express authority of said Commission, conferred at a meeting thereof, duly convened and held. Third. To make such rules and regulations in regard to the use of the parks as shall best serve the interests of the public. Fourth. To receive in the name of the City all moneys or other property donated for the improvement of the parks, by individuals or corporations, and to expend and use the same in such manner as shall best carry out the intent of the donors. All moneys received shall be forthwith paid into the Cit}^ Treas- ury, and shall be placed by the City Treasurer in a fund to be known as the Park Fund. The Commissioners shall take dupli- cate receipts therefor, one of which shall be filed with the City Controller; and all expenditures relating to the several parks under the control of said Commissioners, shall be provided for in the same manned as the expenditures of other departments, and shall be paid from the City Treasury when required, under the same rules and regulations governing the expenditures of other departments. Fifth. To do all things necessary and proper, to secure for the public the free use and enjoyment of said parks. ARTICLE XVII. Harbor Master. HARBOR MASTER. Sec. 188. The Harbor ^Master shall have a general super- vision over the harbor and wharves within the City limits, un- REVISED CITY CHARTER. 105 der the direction of the Commissioner of Public ^Yorks. He shall recommend to the Commissioner of Puhlic Works such improve- ^^erT' ments and things necessary to be done, and recommend to the City Council, or to any proper Commission or Board, any police or health regulation that, in his judgment, may be re- quired within the harbor limits of the City. He shall see that Duties, proper lights are established on the wharves and in the harbor, look after buoys and anchorage for vessels, and shall have such other powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 189. Port Warden. (Repealed by Amendment No. p?'"'^ . 23. See Ordinance No. 1272.) ARTICLE XVIII. APPROPRIATION OP PRIVATE PROPERTY. Sec. 190. Whenever, in the judgment of the City Council, fj^J^^'f^Vi- it shall become necessary or expedient to appropriate any pri- ^ate prop- vate property for the purpose of opening, widening or extending any street, avenue or alley, or for any other use by the City wherein the right of eminent domain can be exercised, or assess benefits to any land, tenements, hereditaments or premises with- in or without the corporate limits, the Council shall by resolu- tion declare its intention to condemn the same, and the purpose Resolution o: of such condemnation, setting forth in such resolution a perti- "^'^^'^'^""^• nent general description of the property designed to be con- demned, together with the benefits. Sec. 191. Within thirty days from the adoption of said Proceedings resolution a copy thereof shall be filed with the Clerk of the Su- court, perior Court of Pierce County, together with a petition, praying the Judge of said Court to appoint three disinterested freehold- viewers, ers, no kin to any owner or person interested in any property to be appropriated or that will be especially benefited by such ap- propriation, and possessing the qualifications of jurors of the Superior Court, to view the property proposed to be condemned, as well as that especially benefited, and make an assessment of Assess dam- damages and benefits. benefits. Sec. 192. Before such appointment is made a notice stat- ^'o^'ce ot ap * ' 1 11 plication. ing that such application is made shall be served upon all per- sons owning any lands to be appropriated or that will be es- pecially benefited ; said notice shall state a day when such appli- cation will be presented to said Board [Court] and Judge; said service notice shall be served personally on resident owners, if such owners can be found in Pierce County, and by publication in the 106 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Notice to viewers. Meeting. Assessment of benefits. Report. official newspaper of the City for three consecutive weeks in case of non-resident owner or owners who cannot be found in said Pierce Countv. Sec. 193. The City Clerk sliall immediately, and at least five days before the time assijined for such meeting, cause such viewers to be notified of their appointment and of the time and place of such meeting, and such viewers shall meet at the time and place designated, and take an oath before some person qual- ified to administer an oath, to the effect that they are twenty- one years of age, citizens and householders of Pierce County, State of Washington; that they are not related to any of the persons whose property is sought to be appropriated, and that if upon viewing the property not to be appropriated, but to which especial and peculiar benefits will accrue by reason of such ap- propriation ; said viewers shall be found to be related to the own- er thereof, either by affinity or consanguinity, the same shall not affect his appraisement; and that they are qualified jurors; that they will faithfully discharge the duty assigned them, and shall then, or on any other day to which they may adjourn, not ex- ceeding ten days in each adjournment thereafter, proceed to view the property proposed to bs condemned, and having viewed the same, shall proceed to make a just anad equitable estimate and assessment of the amount of the loss and damage, if any. And said viewers shall also make a just and equitable estimate and^ assessment of the benefits and advantages w'hich will be special and peculiar to the owners of the land, tenements and heredita- ments appropriated, as well as land not proposed to be condemned but which it is claimed in said application will be benefited by such condemnation and appropriation, and within ten days after completing said appraisement, the said viewers shall make two written reports of their doings and appraisement in the case of the property sought to be condemned, one of which they shall File reports, file with the Said Clerk of the Superior Court, and the other with the Clerk of said City, and shall make and file with the said City Clerk a report of the assessment of benefits and advan- tages which they find to be special and peculiar to the owner of lands, tenements and hereditaments not proposed to be con- demned, but which will be benefited by such appropriation, all of which report shall be verified by said viewers before some person qualified to administer an oath, and shall be signed by a majority of their number. Sec. 194. Said City shall have the right at any time wdth- in twenty days from filing the report with the Clerk of the Su- perior Court of the assessment of damages and benefits, to re- Veriflcation. Reconsid- eration of resolution. ion of notice of REVISED CITY CHAETER. 107 consider its resolution to condemn and appropriate any of said lands, tenements and hereditaments, in Avhich case the City Clerk shall notify by publication once a week for three consecutive PubUcat weeks in the official newspaper published in said City, the reso- abandon lution of abandonment: provided, however, that in such case™^"*^- the City shall pay all costs accrued up to the time of said recon- sideration, and all matters then pending- with reference thereto shall cease; but no owner of property condemned shall be enti- tled to any damages or compensation by reason of any act done by said City in condemning such property, except actual dam- Actual dam- ages sustained by the destruction of fences, buildings, or other ^^^^' injury to its property. Sec. 195. The City Clerk shall, within two days after the collection of expiration of the twenty days, and if said Council has not re- ^^^^^^"i^its. considered their said resolution to condemn said lands, file with the City Treasurer, said report, and said City Treasurer shall proceed to collect said assessment as provided for in this charter, for the collection of taxes and enforcement of liens for improve- ments. Sec. 196. Upon the filing of said report the Clerk of said Proceed- Superior Court shall thereupon put the case upon the trial dock- cc-Jrt."^ et of the next term of said Court, the City to be plaintiff and all other parties defendants, and thereupon, if no objections are made within twenty days by either party the same shall stand confirmed and judgment be entered accordingly. But either or Judgment, both parties may elect to have said cause tried and the parties then Trial. shall be at liberty to file the ordinary pleadings in a civil action, or such special pleadings as the Court may order, and the issues thus fonned shall be tried as in other civil cases. The costs to Costs, be taxed against the City only when the verdict is for a larger amount than was awarded by the viewers, or the cause has been tried at the instance of said City for the purpose of reducing the amount of damages, and the damages are not so reduced, other- Avise the costs shall be taxed against the owner of the land. The fact than one called as juror on any such trial is a taxpayer in the City of Tacoma, shall not disqualify him from sitting as such juror. Sec. 197. Upon payment to the Clerk of said Superior Right of Court for the use of such owner or owners of the amount as- sessed by said viewers, said City shall be entitled to and have the right, notwithstanding the objections or appeal of said owner or owners, to immediately enter upon and take possession of said lands, tenements and hereditaments, and appropriate them to the uses for which thev have been condemned, subject, however, 108 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Entry pend- ing tria!. Survey; plats. Compensa- tion of view- ers. Appeal to Supreme Court. Waiver of trial. Agreed ages. Condemna- tion, when complete. Right of entry. to the payment ol' such further (huna^es as the Superior Court of said county may order paid as provided in the section next precedinjr. But nothinu- herein shall be construed to prevent said City from appropriating- said lands, tenements and heredita- ments for its use pendinji- action in the Superior Court with re- gard to said damages. And for the purpose of preliminary sur- vey and laying out such work, said City shall have the right to enter npon any lands at any time. Sec. 198. Said viewers may cause any surveys or maps or plats to be made which they may find necessary for the per- formance of their duties and shall annex any such maps or plats to their report and file the same therewith. They shall each be entitled to receive from the City three dollars per day for each day actually employed in the duties of their said appointment. Sec. 199.' Either party may appeal to the Supreme Court of the State as in other cases, provided, that if the owner or own- ers of the land accept the sum awarded by the viewers he or they shall thereby waive trial in the Superior Court and appeal to the Supreme Court, and final judgment and decree by default may be rendered in the Superior Court as in other cases; pro- vided, however, it shall be lawful for said City Council by such person or persons as they shall direct at any time before the final rendering of judgment, to agree with any of the parties interest- ed as to the amount they shall receive for damages or pay for benefits. Sec. 200. At the time of the filing of said report with the Clerk of said Superior Court, or thereafter, upon paying to the persons respectively entitled thereto the amounts first assessed and reported by the viewers as the amounts to be paid to the OAvners or les.sees, or persons entitled to, or interested in, the pro- perty designed to be appropriated, or npon depositing said sum with said Clerk of said Court for the use of such persons re- spectively, or upon paying to such persons, or depositing with the Clerk as aforesaid, the amounts assessed and reported by viewers on a revisal and correction of the report, or assessed by a jury as hereinbefore provided, as the amounts to be paid to such persons respectively, all the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises, proposed to be condemned as aforesaid, shall be deemed so condemned, and the City shall become seized thereof; and the City may thereupon, by such person as the City Council shall order, either immediately, or at any time thereafter, take possession of the same, or any part or parts thereof, without any suit or proceeding at law for that purpose, and remove all buildings or other impediments as the City Council shall direct. EE VISED CITY CHARTER. 109 But the City shall, nevertheless, in case such persons or any of them entitled as aforesaid do not accept the aforesaid amounts assessed to them respectively, be subject to the liability to pay such persons respectively the amounts which may be finally as- sessed and confirmed to them for the taking of said lands or premises as in this charter provided. Sec. 201. If, after any such deposit be made with the Decreased Clerk of said Court, the amount of loss or damage, assessed as*^^™^^^*' the sum to be paid to any party interested in said condemned property, shall be decreased by viewers on a revisal or correc- tion of the report, or by the verdict of a jury, the difference be- tween the amount of such loss and damage as so decreased, and the amount so deposited with the Clerk for such party, shall not thereafter be paid b}' the Clerk to such party, but shall be paid to the City. Any party accepting the sum assessed to him for damages by the viewers, shall be deemed thereby to conclu- sively waive a hearing or trial of the question of the amount of waiver of loss or damage sustained by him in the Superior Court with or*^"^"*'' without jury or before the Judge thereof; and any party, ac- cepting such sum or the sum which may be assessed to him for damages by a jury in the Superior Court, shall be deemed there- by conclusively to waive an appeal of the question of the amount waiver of of such loss or damage to the Supreme Court. appea . Sec. 202. The Council may provide by ordinance any reg- condemn- ulations as to the manner of condemning and appropriating by ordinance, private property for the use of the City not in conflict with this article, and may provide by ordinance anything convenient and necessary for the effectual carrying out of the spirit and intent of this article. Sec. 203. The City shall have the right to condemn and rondemna- appropriate any water works, gas works, electric plant, street works" e^c^. ^^ railway, for the purpose of managing, operating and controlling the same by the City, and all such appropriations shall be made as provided in this article, except that before passing the reso- lution provided for, the City Council shall first submit to the qualified electors of the City the proposition so [to] appropri- ate or condemn said property, and if a majority of votes cast be Election to in favor of appropriation and not otherwise, such resolution shall be passed and such proceedings taken; said vote to be ta- ken at a general or special election. 110 KEVISED CITY CHARTER. ARTICLE XIX. Contents petition. Filing. Notice of hearing. of Expense notice. Vacation for public pur- poses, etc. VACATION OP STREETS. Sec. 204. Xo street, highway, avenue or alley shall be va- cated, except on petition to the City Council, signed by resi- dents in the City who own a majority of the real estate within the block or blocks in or through whicli such street, highway or alley is proposed to be vacated. Said petition shall set forth the particular circumstances and the reasons of granting the same and. contain a certain description of the vacation applied for. The petition shall be filed with the City Clerk at least twenty days previous to the meeting of the Council at which said petition shall be heard and determined, and notice of the filing and time fixed for hearing by the Council of said petition embodying briefly an intelligible statement of the matters therein contained, shall be given for the same space of time by written or printed notices posted in three of the most public places of the City, and three weekly insertions in the official newspaper. Such notice shall be posted or published as aforesaid at the expense of the petitioners. Sec. 205. As amended by Amendment Xo. 12. See Ordi- nance No. 1061 as follows : Xo street, highway, avenue or alley or public grounds shall be vacated except for public purposes, or for the purpose of re- platting or to aid in opening, widening or extending some street, highway, avenue or alley; provided, that City Council may in their discretion and by the unanimous vote of the Council and on the approval of the Mayor, vacate any street or alley for manu- facturing, railroad and similar purposes. ARTICLE XX. HARBOR AND TIDE LANDS. X- Sec. 206. All streets, avenues or highways of the City, tend to bar- touching the watcrs of Commencement Bay or Puget Sound, are declared to extend to the harbor line, as the same may be estab- lished by the State, and it shall be the duty of the City Council to be to provide for defining the line of said streets and cause all such °" streets to be platted on the maps of the City, and a plat showing ^here Said strccts and highways to be filed with the Secretary of State, and one copy with the Commissioner of Public Lands of the State, and one copy to be delivered to the Chairman of the Board of Harbor Line Commissioners, and none of the said streets be- low mean tide shall be sold, leased or used for any purpose ex- cept for wharves or landing slips of water craft. streets tend tc bor line. Streets platted maps. Plats, filed. EEVISED CITY CHAETER. Ill Sec. 207. The City Council shall not lease any wharves Lease of or water front property, nor sell any real estate belonging to'^^*''^^^- the City, until it shall have first published in the oiifieial news- saie of real paper notice of its intention so to do, which notice shall be pub- ^u^*® ^^ lished daily at least ten days before action is taken thereon ; and no such sale shall be valid or determined until three months af- ter all papers have been signed, and any resident owner of real estate in the City, shall have the right to commence in the Su- perior Court of Pierce County, State of Washington, within said three months, proceedings to enjoin said sale or lease, and may Enjoining show that said sale or lease is fraudulently made, or contrary to teate.°^ the best interests of the City; but in case said sale or lease shall be held to be valid and proper, said person shall pay all costs of cost» proceedings; provided, that the City Council shall never sell or dispose of any wharves or water front property belonging to wh&rf said City, and shall not lease the same for a period longer than p^p®''*^- five years at any one time. ARTICLE XXI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Sec. 208. From and after the time this Charter is adopted, Repeal of all former Charters are and shall be abandoned and of no force, ^'/"ff^, ' Charters. and shall stand repealed; provided, that all acts lawfully done by the City of Tacoma, incorporated by the act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the City of Tacoma, ' ' approved November 12, saving 1875, or by the City of New Tacoma, incorporated by the act'^^"^^' entitled, "An Act to confer a City Government upon New Ta- coma," approved November 5, 1881, or by the City of Tacoma, incorporated by an act entitled, "An Act to consolidate the Ci« ties of Tacoma and New Tacoma, under the name 'Tacoma','' ap- proved November 28, 1883, or by the City of Tacoma, incorpora- ted under the act entitled, "An Act to incorporate the City of Tacoma and define the powers thereof," approved February 4, 1886, or by the officers of any of said City corporations, pur- suant to their said respective charters, or any ordinance of said cities respectively, and any and all ordinances passed by any of Ratifying said city corporations and in force, or which have not been re- or'^i°an^es. pealed when this Charter shall go into effect, and that are not inconsistent with this Charter, or the laws of the State of Wash- ington, shall be and remain in full force Avith [and] effect, as though the same were passed or done by the City of Tacoma un- der this Charter, and shall so remain until repealed or rescinded. Sec. 209. All warrants or certificates of indebtedness, all of'"a"ts^°un- appropriations of money to specific funds or purposes, all taxes chaner™^*^ Hi REVISED CITY CHARTER. Property. Officers. Street im- provements, etc. Taxes and assessment: Forfeiture franchises. Claims for Injuries. Time to present. remaining- unpaid, all claims or demands in favor of or due said City, or any of said city corporations, all franchises, all con- tracts and liabilities lawfully made, granted or incurred by said corporations, all rifjhts of every nature or kind vested or con- tinofent or recognized by any of said charters or the ordinances, resolutions or acts of any such cities, and not inconsistent with this charter or the laws of the State of Washington, shall not be lost, impaired or discharged, but shall continue and be and remain in full force and effect. Sec. 210. All property of every name, nature and kind, all rights, privileges and franchises belonging to the City of Ta- coma by or under any former act or charter, are vested and es- tablished in and remain the property of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 211.' All officers of the City now in office shall be and remain in office after the adoption of this charter only until their successors shall have been elected or appointed, and shall have qualified as provided by this charter, and all offices, created or named by any former charters, and not provided for in this charter, shall become vacated and no longer exist. Sec. 212. All streets or other improvements, all vacations of streets, alleys or avenues; all assessments for improvements, all suits and actions in any Court, all fines and forfeitures, and all other matters relating to the City of Tacoma, or Tacoma, that may have been begun and not completed, ended or closed, shall be completed according to the charter, ordinances and laws existing prior to the adoption of this charter. Sec. 213. All taxes and assessments, levied and remaining unpaid when this charter shall go into effect, shall be collected as provided by the charter of Tacoma existing and in effect at the time said taxes were levied, of Sec. 214. All franchises or privileges heretofore granted by this City, which are not in actual use or enjoyment, or which the grantees thereof have not in good faith commenced to ex- ercise at the time of the adoption of this charter, are hereby declared forfeited and |of ] no validity, and it shall be the duty of the City Council to carry out the provisions of this section by the enactment of ordinances repealing said franchises. Sec. 215. All claims for injuries to the person, alleged to have been caused or sustained by reason of defects, want of re- pair or obstruction of any of the highways, streets, alleys, side- walks or crosswalks of the City, shall be presented in writing to the City Council within thirty days after such injuries shall be alleged to have been received. Such writing shall state the time, place, cause, nature and extent of the alleged injuries so far as EEVISED CITY CHARTEE. 113 practicable, and shall be verified by affidavit of the claimant to the effect that the same is true. The omission to present any such claim in the manner or within the time in this section pro- „ . vided, shall be a bar to an action against said City therefor. tJon- Sec. 216. All elective officers provided by the charter shall salaries of receive in full compensation for all services of whatsoever kind offlce7s^ rendered by them, the salaries follo\vino-, which shall be pay- able in orders on the Salary Fund at the end of each calendar month : Mayor, $1,700 per annum. City Treasurer, $1,700 per annum. City Controller, $1,700 per annum. Each Councilman, $300 per annum. The City Council shall fix by ordinance the salary of all other offl- other officers and emploj^ees provided by this charter or that pioyes.^** ^™ may be created by ordinance ; provided, that said salary shall never exceed the amounts following: City Attorney, $2,400 per annum. Chief of Police, $1,200 per annum. Chief of Fire Department, $1,200 per annum. salary limit. Commissioner of Public Works, $1,700 per annum. City Engineer, $1,700 per annum. Any other officer or agent, $1,200 per annum. (As amended by Auiendment No. 9. See Ordinance Xo. 1061.) Sec. 217. The City may regulate and provide the manner piats of in which additions to the City shall be subdivided, laid out and ^'^*^'^'°'^'^' platted, and may cause an official map of the City to be made official map. and kept for public inspection, which map, certified by the City Engineer, shall be prima facie evidence that the lines as they appear are correct; and all surveys made by the City Engineer at the instance and expense of the City or private official sur- parties shall be official surveys, and a minute thereof shall be kept by the City Engineer as a part of his official records, andomoiai re- shall be prima facie evidence of their own correctness; and the^°'''^®- City shall have power to prevent the sale of any real property not subdivided as aforesaid, and a plat whereof is not made and filed as herein provided, and to compel the establishment and maintenance of monuments, and to pass any and all ordinances Monuments, necessary or expedient for carrying any of the provisions of this section into effect, and to fine or imprison, or both, for a violation thereof, and when the boundary or existence of any public street. 114 REVISED CITY CHARTER. Disputed land. Water rates. Fiscal year. Presump- tion of regularity. Planting and preserva- tion of trees. Compensa- tion. Ferriage. Amend- ments. Publication of amend- ments. Two-thirds vote to sub- mit amend- moEts. alley, square or easement is in doubt, and tlie land claimed by a private party, the City may iile a bill in e(iuity to determine the right thereto. Sec. 218. When water is supplied by an_y person or eoi'por- ation to said City or to any department, it shall not be paid for at more than the rate established by the City Council. Sec. 219. The fiscal year of the City of Tacoma shall hegm on the first day of Jioiuarij and end on the tliirtij-fiist day of Dc- cemher of each year; provided, that the commencement of the first fiscal year after the adoption of this amendment shall be January 1st, 1897. (As amended by Amendment No. 4. See Ordinance No. 1061.) Sec. 220. In any action, suit or proceedings in any Court concerning a charge or lien upon property or levy of taxes or assessments, authorized by this Charter or the collection of any such taxes or assessments or proceedings thereon, such charge, levy, consequent proceedings, and all proceedings connected therewith, shall be presumed to be regular and duly done, or taken until the contrary is shown. Sec. 221. The City Council, under such regulations as they may adopt, must encourage the planting and preservation of shade and ornamental trees on such streets and highways as they may designate, and on and about the City parks, public grounds and buildings of the City ; and may pay to persons planting and cultivating the same, for every living tree thus planted, at the age of four years, such sum or compensation as may be deemed just and proper. Sec. 222. All rights of ferriage on the waters of Commence- ment Bay or of Puget Sound within the limits of this City shall be reserved for the benefit of the City, and the City Council shall not grant nor convey, except by lease, any franchise or special privilege for the purpose of operating ferries on the waters above named. Sec. 223. Whenever the City Council shall deem any amendment to this Charter necessary or expedient it shall pass a resolution declaring its intention to offer to the qualified voters of the City such amendment, and shall cause such proposed amendment or amendments to be published in full in the oificial newspaper for thirty days, and shall thereafter and within thirty days from the last date of said publication again vote upon said amendment or amendments, and if at said last named time two- thirds of the members of the City Council shall vote in favor of said amendment or amendments, they shall cause the same to be EEVISED CITY CHARTER. 115 submitted to the qualified electors of the City at the next general City election for approval or rejection. Sec. 224. The tickets to be voted at said election shall con- Ballots. tain the words "For Amendment," "Against Amendment." Provided, if more than one amendment is to be voted upon the same shall be numbered, and said tickets shall have printed thereon, "For Amendment No. 1,"" Against Amendment No. 1," "For Amendment No. 2," "Against Amendment No. 2," and so continue for all amendments offered to be voted upon. Sec. 225. If at said election a majority of the votes cast be Majority of for said amendment the same shall within ten clays thereafter ^°*^^ ^^''^' become a part of the City Charter, or if for any one of said amendments the same shall be a part of the City Charter. I FINAL CERTIFICATE. State of Washington, \ County of Pierce, v ss. City of Tacoma. ) Be it known, that the qualified electors of the City of Ta- coma, in said County and State, (said City then and there con- taining a population of more than twenty thousand inhabitants), on the Tenth day of June, A. D. 1890, at an election dulj' held in said City under the provisions of an ordinance duly enacted as authorized by laAV by the legislative authority of said City, and under and in accordance with Section 10, Article 11, of the Constitution of this State, and an Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, approved March 24th, A. D. 1890, en- titled "An Act to provide for the government of Cities having a population of twenty thousand or more inhabitants, and de- claring an emergency to exist," did elect the undersigned, being fifteen freeholders, who severally have been residents of said City for the period of at least two years preceding the said Tenth day of June, A. D. 1890, and also qualified electors therein, as a Board of Fifteen Freeholders, to prepare and frame a Char- ter for said City of Tacoma; and we, the undersigned, being the said fifteen freeholders, do hereby certify that we convened for said purpose as such freeholders, within ten days after the said election, and proceeded to and did frame such Charter, and, having prepared, framed and agreed upon the same, we do now propose and submit to the legislative authority of said City, the foregoing as a Charter for said City of Tacoma. 116 KEVISED CITY CHARTER. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 22d day of August, in the year our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety. Thomas Carroll. John M. Steele. Louis D. Campbell. ]M. M. Taylor. Wm. J. Meade. J. H. Houghton, President. F. T. Olds. AY. ,H. Snell. C. A. Hasbrouck. J. D. Caugiiran. George 0. Kelly. H. 0. Geiger. Theodore Huggins. W. C. Sharpstein. J, C. AVeatherred. a. R. Heilig, Secretary MAYOR'S CERTIFICATE. I, Stuart Rice, IMayor of the City of Tacoma, do hereby certify, that in accordance with the terms and provisions of Sec- tion ten of Article 11, of the Constitution, and of Chapter. . . . of the laws of the State of AVashington, the Council of the City of Tacoma duly caused a special election to be held on the 10th day of June, A. D. 1890, for the purpose of electing fifteen free- holders to prepare a Charter for the City of Tacoma; that due notice of such election was given in the manner provided l)y law, that on the 10th day of June, 1890, said election was held, and the votes cast thereat were duly canvassed by the legislative authority of said City, and the following named persons were declared duly elected to prepare and propo-se a Charter for said City, to-wit: AV. J. Aleade, J. M. Steele, M. M. Taylor, J. H. Houghton, George 0. Kelly, J. D. Caughran, J. C. AVeatherred, H. 0. Geiger, Thomas Carroll, AV. H. Snell, AV. C. Sharp- stein, L. D. Campbell, C. A. Hasbrouck, Theodore Huggins, F. T. Olds; that thereafter, to-wit: On the 23rd day of August, 1890, said Board of Freeholders duly returned a pro- posed Charter for the City of Tacoma, signed by the following members thereof, to-wit: Thomas Carroll, Louis D. Campbell, AVm. J. Meade, F. T. Olds, C. A. Hasbrouck, George O. Kelly, Theodore Huggins, J. C. AVeatherred, John M. Steele, AI. M. Tay- lor, J. H. Houghton, President, AV. H. Snell, J. D. Caughran, H. 0. Geiger, AA^. C. Sharpstein ; that thereafter such proposed Char- ter was duly published in two daily newspapers in said City, and of general circulation therein, to-Avit: for a period of thirty days; said publication in each of said papers commencing on the 29th day of August, 1890; that thereafter on the 18th day of October, 1890, at a special election duly called by the legislative EEVISED CITY CHAETER. 117 authority of said City, tlie proposed Charter was submitted to the qualified electors thereof, and the returns of such election were duly canvassed by the legislative authority thereof, at a meeting held on the 25th day of October, 1890, and the result of said election was found to be as follows : For said proposed Char- ter 2723 votes; against said proposed Charter 726 votes; majority for said proposed Charter 1997 votes; whereupon said Charter was declared duly ratified by a majority of the qualified electors voting at said election. And I further certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and complete copy of the proposed Charter so voted upon and ratified as aforesaid. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of said City, at my office this third day of Novem- ber, 1890. STUART RICE, Mayor of the City of Tacoma. Attest : Charles E. Hill, Clerk of the City of Tacoma. [L. S.] Recorded in Charter Book, page 1, etc. Miscellaneous Amendments to the Revised Charter. See Ordinances No. 1061 for Amendments Nos. 1 to 21 in- clusive, and 1272 for Amendments Nos. 22 and 23, and 1658 for Amendments Nos, 24 to 31. AMENDMENT NO. I. OFFICERS, TERMS, ELECTION, DEPUTIES. Section 1. See Section 1, Amendment No. 23. Section 2. See Section 8 of the Revised Charter. Section 3. See Section 11 of the Eevised Charter. Section 4. See Sections 97 and 98 of the Revised Charter- Section 5. See Section 53 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT. NO. II. OFFICIAL BONDS. See Section 31 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. III. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W^ORKS. See Section 122 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. IV. REVENUE. See. Section 219 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. V. REVENUE. No funds in- No funds or moneys of the City of Tacoma shall ever be in- warrant*° vcstcd in City ordcrs or warrants. AMENDMENTS TO KEVISED CHAETER. 119 AMENDMENT NO. YI. REVENUE. See Sections 94 and 103 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. VII. REVENUE. See Section 96 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. VIII. REVENUE. See Section 81 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. IX'. SALARIES. See Sections 58 and 216 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. X. LIBRARY TAX. The City of Tacoma shall provide in the ordinance levying Library the tax for any year, for the levy and collection of an addition- tax. al tax of one-sixth of one mill for the maintenance of the Public Library. AMENDMENT NO. XL PARK TAX. The City of Tacoma shall provide in the ordinance levying par^ tax. the tax for any year for the levy and collection of an additional tax of one-sixth of one mill for the maintenance of Parks. AMENDMENT NO. XII. VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS. See Section 205 of Revised Charter. AMENDMENT. NO. XIII. FRANCHISES. The City of Tacoma shall have power, by ordinance, to grant prannhises franchises for the transmission of power, heat, gas, electricity Heat "and"' and all other forms of force, heat or light ; to fix the rates to be ^'°^^- 120 AMENDMENTS TO REVISED CHAHTER. Rates. charged by all persons within the City furnishing power, heat, gas, electricity, telephone sei-vice and all other similar services; Control of ^o prohibit the stringing of wires for electrical purposes over wires. .^jj(^ above or under the streets or alleys of the City of Taconia ; to require all electric wires and apparatus to be placed under- ground in a safe and proper manner, and to recjuire any and Poles. all poles erected for electrical or other purposes within the City of Tacoma to be removed ; to lay down, own, manage and charge „ . . trackage for the use of street car tracks over any bridge or Car tracks , • t t/ t^ over bridges, bridges or any other public place in the City of Tacoma; provided Franchises that no franchise shall ever be granted to any person or eorpora- prohibited. ^[q^ ^q locatc, construct Or operate a railroad or street railroad over any bridge or the approaches thereto now constructed or that may be hereafter constructed across the waters of Com- mencement Bdy or any arm thereof at South 9th street, south 11th street. South 13th street and South 15th street in the City Limitations of Tacoiua, or between any of said streets, provided, further, that chis^^"^' when any person or corporation holding a franchise for the lo- cating, constructing or operating of a railroad over a portion of any street, and said franchise has not expired, shall subsequently apply for a franchise to locate, construct or operate a railroad on any other portion of the same street or upon any other street in connection therewith, said second franchise shall only be granted for the unexpired term of the first franchise; and pro- vided, further, that no franchise herebefore or hereafter granted Assignment by the City of Tacoma shall be assigned by the person receiving chise. ' the same without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance, and provided, further, that the City of Tacoma shall No exclusive Hot in any case grant any exclusive franchise or monopoly to Franchise. .^j-^y ppj-sou or Corporation. AMENDMENT NO. XIV. FRANCHISES. Water and The legislative power of the City is forever prohibited from chf^eV ^whea granting to any person or corporation whatever, a franchise, prohibited. privilege or right to sell or supply water or electric lights within the City of Tacoma, to the City or any of its inhabitants as long as the City owns a plant or plants for that purpose, and is en- gaged in the public duty of supplying water or light ; except that Hxceptioii. the City Council may grant a franchise to supply water or elec- tric light to any section or part of the City of Tacoma not sup- plied or furnished by the city water or light plant, to cease and determine at such time as the City of Tacoma shall furnish and provide water and light in said section or part of the City. AMENDMENTS TO REVISED CHAETER. 121 AMENDMENT. NO. XV. FRANCHISES. No franchise shall ever be granted to any person or cor- poration except upon proper compensation to the City by way of a payment into the City treasury of a percentage of its gross receipts; the percentage to be paid to the City shall in no case be less than one per cent, per annum of the gross receipts, and the legislative power of the City shall make provision by ordinance for ascertaining accurately what the actual gross receipts of any such person or corporation may be per annum; provided, that this shall not apply to railroads except street railroads. AMENDMENT. NO. XVI. CHINESE. That the City of Taeoma shall never employ Chinese or Chinese Coolie labor in any capacity whatsoever. prohibited. amend:\ient no. xvii. CONTROLLER — MONTHLY STATEMENT. See Section 104 of the Revised Charter. amendment no. XVIII. TREASURER. Section 1. See Section 95 of the Revised Charter. Section 2. See Sections 92 and 95 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XIX. CIVIL SERVICE. Repealed by Amendment No. 22. AMENDMENT NO. XX. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. See Section 135 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXI. LEVY OF TAXES. See Section 52 (2) of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXII. Repeals Amendment No. 19. 122 AMENDMENTS TO REVISED CHARTER. AMENDMENT NO. XXIII. Section 1. See Sections 6, 133, 172, 182, 183 and 189 of the Revised Charter. Section 2. See Section 7 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXIV. See Section 31 of the Revi.sod Charter. AMENDINIENT NO XXV. See Section 34 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXVI. See Section 44 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXVII. See Section 47 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXVIII. See Section 84 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXIX. See Section 94 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXX. See Section 129 of the Revised Charter. AMENDMENT NO. XXXI. See Section 13G of the Revised Charter. INDEX TO CHARTER. A Page. Abatement of nuisances 69-70 Actions begun under old charter 112 Additions to City, how platted and laid out 113 Advertsing on streets 72 Amendments to Charter, how made 114 Anchorage, control, regulate and prohibit 70 Commissioner of Public Works in charge of 88 Harbor master to look after 105 Animals, Regulate and prevent running at large of 71 Annexation of new territory ,56 Appeals from improvement assessment roll. How made 92 Appointments without confirmation 56 Appraisers of damages by change of grades, etc 103 Appropriation of private property 67-105 Appeals in cases for 108 Assessment for, Viewers to make 105 Assessment for, How collected 107-109 City to pay for costs accrued up to the time of reconsideration. . 107 Compromise of proceedings for 107 Condemnation for, When complete 108 Costs of proceedings for. When City liable for 107 Court proceedings for 105-107 Damages by, How assessed 105-107-108-109 Election for, Wlien required 109 Intention to appropriate to be declared by resolution 105 May provide for by ordinance 109 Notice to owners, how served and published 105 Resolution for may be reconsidered. When 106 Resolution to appropriate, Publication of reconsideration of... 107 Right of entry by City 107-108 Trial, Waiver of . . . ". 108-109 Viewers, Appointment of 105 Viewers, Compensation of 108 Viewers, Duties of 105-106 Viewers, May cause surveys, maps, etc., to be made 108 Viewers, Notice of meeting of by City Clerk 106 Viewers, Oath of 1 06 Viewers, Reports of, how made and filed 106 Waiver of appeal in cases for 109 Appropriation of street railways by city 68-109 Appropriation of water and gas works, electric light plants, etc., by city 68-109 Approjiriations of more than .$1,000, How made 66 For public library 69 Of money shall be by ordinance 66 Areas, Cleaning of ■ "lO 124 INDEX TO CHARTER. Page, Arrests, Record of 75 Assessment and collection of taxes 82 to 86 Assessment roll of Covinty to be assessment roll of City 85 Assessment roll for local improvements, Appeals from, how made 92 Appeals from, City Clerk to publisli time of hearing of 92 Ajtpeals from, When and where file Sinking Fund Commission, Keep journal of 77 Sinking Fund Commission, Member of 77 AVarrants, Keep list of 81 Warrants, Shall draw 81 Warrants and bonds. Shall keep record of 81 City Council, Amendments to Charter, How to provide for 114 Appropriate money by ordinance 66 Appropriate private property. Resolution of intention to 105 Appropriate private property, By ordinance 109 Appropriate water and gas works, Electric plant. Shall sub- mit proposition to electors 109 Appropriation of private property 105 to 109 Assessment roll, Ajjpeals from, To be heard by 92 Assessment roll. Approve and confirm 92 Assessment roll, Correct errors in 92 Board of Equalization, To select three mendjers of 85 Compensation of members of 85 ' Bond of Countj^ Treasurer, Shall fix amount of 84 Bonds of officers. Shall approve 62 Certificates of election. Shall issue 59 Certificates of sale for delinquent assessments, Authorize sale of. 94 Chief of Police to attend meetings of 74 City Attorney, Prescribe duties of 74 City Attorney, Provide assistants for 74 City Clerk, Elected by 56 Committees of, How appointed 64 Consent of, Necessary for Mayor to fill appointive office 72 Contract, No compensation to be allowed under wlien void 100 Controller may be heard bv 82 INDEX TO CHARTEE. l'J9 City Council — Cont'd. Page. Current expenses, Provide for the payment of 76 Drinking fountains on streets, May permit 66 Election, inspector, and judges of, Appointed by 58 Election, Notice of, Published by order of 57 Election, provide for special 59 Election returns canvassed by 59-60 Electric plants. Proceedings for appropriation of 109 Eligibility to 57 Ferries, Shall not grant franchises for except by lease 114 Finance Committee of. Duties of 64 Gas Works, Proceedings for appropriation of; 109 Grades, May appoint appraisers for damages by change of 103 Grades, May establish or change 103 Health regulation. Shall pass ordinances for 103 Improvements, May purchase or condemn private property for 101-102 Journal of 63 Legislative acts of, to be by ordinance 64 Mayor shall not participate in deliberations of 72 Meetings of, After election 64 Eegular 64 Special, May be called by Mayor 59-73 Special, May be called by four Councilmen 59-64 To be public : 64 Members of, Final judge of election of 60 May compel attendance of 63 May punish for contempt, non-attendance or disorderly conduct 64 Office, May create 64 Officers, How impeached and removed 62 Offices, When vacant 62 Official newspaper. Shall designate 66 Organization of 63 Parks, Make rules and regulations for 104 President of. Election and duties of 63 Member of Board of Health 102 Member of Sinking Fund Commission 77 Eemoval of 63 President pro tem of, Any member may be called to act as 63 Public printing. Shall let annually 66 Quorum of 63 Eules of 1 63 Sewerage and drainage. Approve general system of 100 Sewers, May order construction of 101 May purchase or condemn private property for 101 Street improvements. May order 89 May order without petition 89 Street railroads. Proceedings for appropriation of 100 Streets, buildings, etc.. Not to be allowed in 66 On tide lands, Cause maps to be made of 110 On tide lands. Plats of, where filed 110 On tide lands, define limits of 110 Taxes, Fix rate of 83 Trees, Encourage planting and preservation of 114 130 INDEX TO CHARTER. City Council — Cont VI. Page. Vacancies in office, Mav fill 62-78 Void contracts, No comjiensation allowed for work done under.. 100 Wards, May re-district the City into 55 Waterfront property. Lease and sale of Ill Water furnished by the City, Fix rates for 114 Water works. Proceedings for appropriation of 109 Wharves, How leased by, and term of Ill Shall not sell...." Ill Witnesses, May compel attendance of 64 Yeas and nays, When called 63 City Engineer, Additions to the City, Duties relating to ll.S Appointment of 88 Charges for services for others than the City S8 Charges for services of, to whom paid and disposal of 89 Deputies of 88 Duties of 88 Map of Ci-ty, Shall make 113 Powers of 88 Sewers, Shall make maps and plans for 101 Street improvements, Make surveys, diagram and estimate of. . 90 Term of office ■ 88 Validity of acts of 88 City Government, Advertisements in streets. May regulate 72 Alleys, Establish and regulate use of 67 Anchorage, May control, regulate or prohibit 70 Animals, May prevent running at large 71 Appropriate electric light plants 68 Appropriate gas works 68 Appropriate private property 67 Appropriate street railroads 68 Appropriate w'ater works 68 Areas, May provide for cleaning 70 Avenues, Establish and regulate use of 67 Banners on streets. May regulate or prohibit 72 Bells, May regulate ringing of or prohibit 72 Bonds, May issue to meet maturing bonds and other indebtedness. 67 Bridges, May construct and regulate 68 Buildings, Regulate construction and maintenance of 69 Burial of the dead. May regulate 69 Canals, Construct and maintain 70 Provide for cleaning 70 Cargoes, Regulate landing of 70 Cemeteries, Establish and regulate 69 Census, Order and provide manner of taking 72 Debts, Provide for payment of 66 Disorderly conduct, Provide for puni.shment for 71 Disorderly persons. Provide for punishment of 71 Docks, Construct and maintain 70 Dogs, Regulate keeping of 71 Elections, Provide for general and special 66 Electricity, Authorize or prohibit use of on streets 67 Electric light plants. Erect, purchase or appropriate 68-109 Explosives. Regulate transportation or storage of 69 Ferries, Construct and regulate 70 INDEX TO CHARTEK. 131 City Governmeut — Cont 'd. Page. Finances and property, Control of 67 Fire limits, May establish 69 Fires, Regulate prevention and extinguishment of 69 Fire works, Eegulate and restrain use of 69 Franchises, Limit of term of 71 May grant 71 Must provide for revenue to city 68 Not exclusive 71 Food, Provide for inspection and weighing of 68 Gas works, Erect, purchase or appropriate 68-109 General powers of 71 Good order. Regulate occupations affecting 71 Grades, Establish or change 67 \ Hacks, etc.. Establish stands and charges for 72 Health, Abate nuisances affecting 71 Regulate or prevent occupations affecting 70 Remove persons afflicted with infectious or contagious disease 70 Hospitals. Establish and control 69 Houses, Provide for numbering of 72 Improvements, Levy and collect special assessments for local... 68 Improvements at expense of those benefitted 68 Improvements, Provide for making local 68 Inspection of food and drink, Provide for 68 Jails and workhouses, Establish and regulate 69 Lands and other property. May acquire and dispose of 67 Levees, Construct and regulate 70 Levy of taxes, Provide for 66 Limit of 66 Licenses, Limit of term of 70 May grant for any lawful purpose 70 Light, May fix rates and regulate use of 68-72 Light streets and other public places 68 Liquors, License and regulate 70 Prescribe limits within which to sell 70 Local improvements. Levy and collect special assessments for... 68 Provide for making 68 Markets, Establish and regulate 68 Mendicants, Restrain and punish 71 Money, Borrow and issue bonds for 67 Nuisances, Abatement and prevention of 70 In buildings, Regulate or prohibit 69 Occupations affecting health or good order. Regulate or prevent. 71 Offices, May create 71 Opium, May prohibit smoking of 71 Ordinance, Powers of City Government to be e.xercised by 66 Ordinances, Limit of punishment for violation of 71 May punish for violation of 71 Parades, May regulate or prohibit 72 Parks, May acquire by purchase or otherwise lands for 68 May establish, improve and regulate use of 67 Paving between rails of railroads to be required 67 Pest houses. Erect and control 69 Placards on streets. May regulate or prohibit 72 132 INDEX TO CHARTEK. City Government— Cont 'd. Page. Ponds, May require drainage of 70 Powers of, General 71 Prisoners, Provide for working of 69 Prostitutes, Restrain and punish 71 Public buildings. May require suitable means of exit 70 Public grounds. May establish, improve and regulate use of 67 Public' criers. May regulate or prohibit 72 Public libraries. Establish and maintain 69 Quarantine, May provide for when necessary 70 Railroads, Authorize or prohibit construction of 67 May regulate operation of trains on 68 Required to pave between rails 67 Street, May fix rates of fare on 68 Street, May appropriate by purchase 68 Reform schools. May establish and maintain 69 Salaries, May fix and regulate 71 Sidewalks, Establish and regulate use of 67 Slips, May construct and control 70 Streams, May prevent pollution of 70 Streets, avenues, alleys, etc.. Establish, maintain and iniju-ove. . . 67 May extend over tide lands 71 May name ' 72 May regulate use of 67 May vacate 67 Tax levy, Limit of 66 Provide for 66 Tide lands. May extend streets over and across 71 Tugs, etc.. May license and regulate use of 70 Tunnels, May control and regulate 6S Vagrants, May restrain and punish 71 Vaults, May provide for cleaning of 70 Viaducts, May control and regulate 68 Violation of ordinances, Limit of punishment for 71 Provide for punishment for 71 Water, May fix rates and regulate use of 68-72 Water courses. May require cleansing and purification of 70 Waterways, May improve, change and regulate use of 70 Water works. May construct, purchase or appropriate 68-109 Weights and measures. May enforce proper 69 Wharfage, May fix and collect rates for 70 Wharf boats, etc., Regulate use of 70 Wharves, May construct and regulate use of 67-70 City jail, Erection and control of 69 Chief of Police keeper of 75 City Physician, Abolished 56 City Treasurer, Assessment roll, collector of 93 Assessment roll, Deliver to Controller when delinquent 93 Assessment roll, Enter all redemptions on 96 Assessment roll, Give notice of by publication 93 Assessments, Collect special 84 Assessments, Collector of delinquent 85 Assessments for appropriation of private property. Collector of.. 107 Assessments for improvements. Sell lands for when delinquent ... 93 Assessments for street improvements, Collector of 92 INDEX TO CHAETER. 133 City Treasurer — Cont'd. Page. Assessments, Keep surplus from sale of lands for owner 94 Assessments, Publish notice of sale of land for when delinquent. . 93 Assessments, Sell certificates of purchase of lands sold for de- linquent 94 Banks, Shall not deposit in 79 Bond of 79 Bonds of Deputies 80 Bonds in sinking fund. Shall keep 78 Books of to be investigated by Finance Committee 64 Certificates of purchase of lands sold for delinquent assess- ments, May sell after three years from date when au- thorized by City Council , 94 Deeds for lands sold for delinquent assessments, Shall execute... 95 Deputies of, how provided 80 Duties of 79 Elected by the people 56 Fund, Keep separate account of each 79 Funds, No diversion of 80 Shall not loan, nor deposit in banks 79 Moneys, Keep itemized statements of receipts and payments of . . 79 Park fund. Duties relating to 104 Eeports to City Council, How and when made 79 Salary of 113 Sinking Fund Commission, Member of 77 Tax levy, how credited 79 Terms of 80 Claims, Controller to audit 81 Filed with Controller 82 For injuries. How made and time to present 112 Clerk hire to be paid County for collection of City taxes 86 Clerks of election. Appointment, duties and oath of 58-59 Commissioner of Public Works, Anchorage, charge of 88 Appointed by Mayor 86 Approval of work. Material and supplies 100 Assessment roll, Shall make 91 Awnings and signs, Grant permits for 87 Bids for material and supplies, Notice for and requisites of 97 Bids, May reject any and all 98 Opening of 98 Bids, When must reject 98 Board of Health to report matters needing his attention 102 Bond of ^ 86 Bridges, Charge and control of 87 Buildings, Grant permits for removal of 87 Cellars or vaults under sidewalks. Grant permits for 87 City Attorney to draw contracts for 99 City Engineer, Shall appoint 88 Clerk of shall publish notices 86 Contracts, Award of 98 How drawn and executed 98-99 Notice of award of 98 Or work. Not to be interested in 100 Public work done by day's work or contract 96 134 INDEX TO CTIAKTKR. Commissioner of Publie Works — Cont M. Page. Contracts, Purchase of malcrial or suiijilii's cxcec' August 20, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 178. An ordinance to repeal an ordinance entitled "An Ordin- ance granting the right to erect poles and stretch wires thereon for electric light purposes." Approved October 13, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 181. An ordinance appropriating the sum of four thousand four hundred and ninety-nine dollars to pay awards of viewers in the matter of extension of McCarver Street and "G" Street. Ap- proved October 18, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 186. An ordinance entitled "An Ordinance appropriating one thousand five hundred and seventy-three dollars and ninety-eight cents to pay for improvement of "G" Street along the east side of City Park." Approved January 20, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 192. An ordinance appropriating money from the General Fund to pay outstanding warrants on the License Fund. Approved March 23, 1888. I ORDINANCE NO. 199. r An ordinance levying the annual tax for general municipal purposes, and the annual road property tax of the City of Ta- coma, for the year 1888. Approved May 5, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 200. An ordinance levying the road poll tax for the j-ear 1888. Approved May 5, 1888. 164 SPECTAI> ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 202. An ordinanee to amend certain sections of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance j^rantin^ to Nelson Bennett and his asso- ciates, their successors and assijins the ri^ht to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Approved May 10, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 205. An ordinance vacating- that portion of the alley running be- tween Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street which is situated between Blocks 3410 and 3411 in the City of Tacoma. Approved June 18, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 208. An ordinance vacating- certain parts of East "G" Street, East "H" Street, East "I" Street, East "J" Street, South Twenty-eighth Street, South Twenty-ninth Street, South Thir- tieth Street, and South Thirty-first Street and part of the alleys lying between South Twenty-seventh and South Twenty-eighth Streets, South Twenty-eighth and South Twenty-ninth Streets, South Twenty-ninth and South Thirtieth Streets, South Thirtieth and South Thirty-first Streets, South Thirty-first and South Thirty-second Streets, all in the City of Tacoma, Washington Territory. Approved July 18, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 209. An ordinance vacating so much of East "B" Street in the Cit}^ of Tacoma as lies between the north line of South Thirtieth Street and the south line of Puyallup Avenue in the City of Ta- coma, AVashington Territory. Approved July 18, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 212. An t)rdinance vacating the alley between Blocks 3108 and 3109 from North First Street to Cliff Avenue in the City of Ta- coma, AYashiiigton Teri'itory. Approved August 21, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 213. An ordinanace vacating a portion of South Ninth Street and a portion of St. Helens Street in the City of Tacoma, Washing- ton Territory. Approved August 21, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 214. An ordinance authorizing the resurvey and replatting of C. P. Ferry's Addition to New Tacoma. Approved August 21, 1888. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 165 ORDINANCE NO. 225. An ordinance fippropriating one thousand dollars to build a scow for removing garbage from the City. Approved Decem- ber 1, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 232. Vacating Bryant Street and Hawthorne Avenue where the same pass through Forbes' Addition to the City of Tacoma, W. T., and the alleys between Blocks 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 5 and 8 and 6 and 7, in said Forbes'. Addition together with a strip thirty feet in width on the east and M^est sides of said Forbes' Ad- dition ; being all the streets, avenues, alleys and other dedications that were dedicated to the public at the time the said Forbes' Addition was recorded in the office of the Auditor in and for Pierce County, AVashington Territory. Approved April 9, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 233. Vacating that portion of the alley between " E " Street and Tacoma Avenue lying between the south part of Block 410 and Tacoma Avenue. Approved April 16, 1889. • ORDINANCE NO. 236. An ordinance to vacate the alley between Blocks 320 and 321 of the City of Tacoma. Approved May 9, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 238. An ordinance to amend certain sections of Ordinance No, 152, entitled "An Ordinance granting to Nelson Bennett and his associates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct a street railway upcn certain streets and avenues of the City of Tacoma." Approved May 2, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 239. Vacating all that part of South Twenty-second Street which lies between Pacific Avenue and Adams Street ; all that part of Adams Street which lies between South Twenty-first and South Twenty-third Street ; all that part of the alley lying between Blocks 2104 and 2105, 2204 and 2205, all as known and designat- ed upon a certain map entitled "^Ia]i of New Tacoma, Washing- ton Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of the said Pierce County on the third day of Feb- ruary, 1875. Approved May 8, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 241. Vacating that parcel of land and that portion of Cliff Ave- nue described as beginning at a point formed by the northerly 166 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. line of South St'veuth Street and the westerly line of Pacific Av- enue and running thence northerly along t^he westerly line of Pacific Avnue one hundred and ninety feet, thence westerly on a line parallel with the line of South Seventh Street to the eas- terly line of Cliiit' Avenue, thence southerly on a line parallel with the line of Railroad Street to a point formed by the intersection of a prolongation of the northerly line of South Seventh Street, thence eastwardly on a line formed by a prolongation of the northerly line of South Seventh Street to the place of beginning. All as known and designated on a certain map entitled "INIap of New Tacoma, Washington Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of the said Pierce County on the third day of February, 1875. Passed May 4, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 242. An ordinance vacating that portion of Clitf Avenue lying between the northern line of Thirteenth Street when extended easterly at right angles with "A" Street, to the right of w^ay of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, and the northern line of Fourteenth Street. Approved May 11, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 243. An ordinance vacating from North Sixth to "C" Street the alley between "C" Street and Clift" Avenue and attaching the same to the lots in Block 3504 and 3505 as known and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of the said Pierce County, on the third day of February, 1875. Approved May 15, 1889.' ORDINANCE NO. 244. An ordinance levying the annual tax for general municipal purposes and the annual road property tax of the City of Ta- coma, for the year 1889. Approved June 3, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 245. An ordinance levying the road poll tax for the year 1889. Approved June 3, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 247. An ordinance levying a special tax for the purpose of build- ing a City building. Approved June 3, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 248. An ordinance vacating the alley between Blocks 18 and 19 of Smith & Fife's Addition to the Citv of Tacoma; also the al- SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 167 ley between Bldek 17 of Smith & Fife's Addition and Block 2118 of Barlow's Addition to the City of Tacoma. Approved June 10, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 249. An ordinance appropriating- the sum of five thousand five hundred and twenty-five dollars for the purpose of paying esti- mates made by viewers appointed in the matter of opening and widening Tacoma Avenue. Approved June 13, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 250. An ordinance appropriating the sum of four thousand four hundred and fifty-five dollars for the purpose of paying esti- mates made by viewers appointed in the matter of opening and widening Jefferson Street. Approved June 13, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 252. An ordinance levying a special tax for the purpose of pro- viding fire engines and apparatus and water supply, and to re- peal ordinance entitled "An Ordinance levying a special tax for the purpose of providing fire apparatus and water supply," passed June 1, 1889, in relation thereto. Approved June 26, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 257. An ordinance appropriating two hundred and twenty dol- lars to pay for the property condemned in opening Fifth Street in the First AVard of the City of Tacoma. Approved July 11, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 259. An ordinance aptpropriating the sum of eleven thousand five hundred dollars from the General Fund of the City of Ta- coma for the purpose of opening and extending South Twenty- first Street from Tacoma Avenue to "I" Street in the City of Tacoma. Approved July 23, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 261. An ordinance appropriating from the General Fund the sum of six thousand seven hundred and eighty-five dollars and fifty cents for the payment of the Gamewell fire alarm system. Approved July 30, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 264. An ordinance authorizing and empowering the Purchasing Committee to purchase Lot 17, Block 1709, City of Tacoma, for the use of said City in the erection of public buildings thereon. Approved August 9, 1889. 168 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 260. An ordinance authorizing the Purchasing Committee to pur- chase two Silsby steam fire engines. Approved August 20, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 267. An ordinance authorizing the Purchasing Committee to pur- chase Lot 7 in Block 4214 in the City of Tacoma, for the use of said City in the erection of City buildings thereon, and to ap- propriate twelve hundred dollars therefor. Approved August 20, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 269. An ordinance authorizing the Purchasing Committee to pur- chase a Hayes hook and ladder truck, and to appropriate from the General Fund the sum of thirty-two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay on the same. Approved August 21, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 270. An ordinance appropriating from the General Fund of the City of Tacoma the sum of fifteen hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase of two teams of horses. Approved August 28, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 271. Vacating all that part of the highway or alley lying between Blocks Nos.^7534 and 7633, between East "J" and East "K" Streets and South Twenty-fifth and South Twenty-sixth Streets, as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of the Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma, Washing- ton Territory," which map w'as filed for record in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, Washington Territory, on the 7th day of July, 1884. Approved September 13, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 272. An ordinance to provide for the transfer to the General Fund and Road Fund in the treasury of the City of Tacoma, Washington Territory, the money collected by virtue of Ordin- ance No. 247, "An ordinance levying a special tax for the pur- pose of building a city building," passed the City Council June 1, 1889, and by virtue of Ordinance No. 252, an ordinance levy- ing a special tax for the purpose of providing fire engines and apparatus and water supply for the City of Tacoma, passed June 22, 1889, and providing that warrants for payment of claims for fire apparatus and water supply be drawn on the General Fund. Approved September 18, 1889. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 1(59 ORDINANCE NO. 274. An ordinance apprcpriating the sum of ten thousand two hundred and sixty dollars for the purpose of paying for one fire engine, fifty fire plugs and four thousand feet of fire hose pur- chased by the City of Tacoma, Washington Territory. Approved September 21, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 276. An ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Tacoma Street Railway Company, as assignee of Nelson Bennett, his associates and assigns, the rights, powers, privileges and fran- chises granted to said Bennett and his associates, their succes- sors and assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma, entitled "An Ordinance granting to Nelson Bennett and his as- sociates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Approved September 21, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 277. An ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Ta- coma Railway & Motor Company, as assignee of the Ta- coma Street Railway Company (the assignee of Nelson Bennett), the rights, powers, privileges and franchises granted to the said Nelson Bennett, his associates, their successors and assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma numbered 152, and en- titled "An Ordinance granting to Nelson Bennett and his asso- ciates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Approved September 21, 1889. (See Ordi- nance No. 1041.) ORDINANCE NO. 278. An ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Ta- coma Railway & IMotor Company, as assignee of Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt Jr., and James M. Ashton, their associates, successors and assigns, the rights, powers, privileges and franchises granted to said parties and their associates, successors and assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma, numbered 237, and entitled "An Ordinance granting to Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Hen- ry Hewitt Jr., and James M. Ashton, and their associates, succes- sors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street rail- way upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce Countv, Washington Territory." Approved September 21, 1889. 170 SPECIAL okl)1>;ances by title. ORDINANCE NO. 279. An ordinance authorizing the Purchasing Committee and Street Committee to purchase three teams of horses for the Fire Department, and appropriating the sum of eighteen hundred dol- lars or so much thereof as is necessary to pay for said horses. Approved October 23, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 281. An ordinance authorizing the Purchasing Connnittee to pur- chase Lots 5 and 6 in Block 207 in the City of Tacoina at not to exceed five thousand dollars, and appropriating said sum to pay for the same. Approved September 26, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 282. An ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Ta- coma Railway & Motor Company, as assignee of Horatio C. Clem- ent, the rights, powers, privileges and franchises granted to said Horatio C. Clement and his associates, their successors or as- signs, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma, entitled "An Ordinance granting to Horatio C. Clement and his associates, their successors ■ and assigns, the right to construct a street rail- way upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, AVashington Territory." Approved September 26, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 283. An ordinance appropriating the sum of eighty-six hundred and forty dollars for the purchase of one Ahrens fire engine and one steam road roller. Approved September 26, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 284. An ordinance vacating the plat of Tisdale's Second Addi- tion to New Tacoma. Approved October 8, 1889, ORDINANCE NO. 285. An ordinance to transfer the sum of ten thousand, six hun- dred and thirty-six dollars and eleven cents from the General Fund to the Sewer Fund. Api)roved November 2, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 288. (No ordinance.) ORDINANCE NO. 289. An ordinance appropriating nineteen thousand, seven hun- dred and fifty dollars for the purpose of paying estimates made by viewers appointed in the matter of the opening and extend- SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 171 of Starr Street and Fifth Street, and for the purchase of Des Viogne's Addition for the extension of Starr Street and Taco- nia Avenue. Approved November 13, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 300. An ordinance vacating that portion of Cliff Avenue lying between the southerly line of South Twelfth Street and the north- erly line of South Thirteenth Street. Approved January 11, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 301. An ordinance to vacate a certain portion of Second Street in Byrd's Addition to Tacoma and to annex the same to the lots on which said vacated street borders on Block No. 2, Byrd's Addi- tion. Approved January 25, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 310. An ordinance for taking the census of the City of Tacoma and appointing enmnerators therefor and prescribing their du- ties. Approved March 31, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 312. An ordinance providing for the purchase of a tract of land to be used for the purpose of building an engine house. Ap- proved April 3, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 313. An ordinance amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 237, as the same is contained in an ordinance numbered 278 and entitled "An Ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Ta- coma Railway & ^Motor Company, as assignee of Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt Jr., and James M. Ashton, and their associates, successors and assigns, the rights, powers, privileges and franchises granted to said Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt Jr., and James M. Ashton and their associates, suecessoi-s and assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma ninnbered 237 and en- titled "An Ordinance granting to Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt Jr., and James M. Ashton, and their associates, successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway or railways upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington Ter- ritory," Approved April 8, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 316. An ordinance providing for an election of fifteen freehold- ers to frame a City Charter under the provisions of an act of the 172 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Legislature for the State of AVasliinsiton, einpowerinji' cities hav- ing a population of 20,000 inhabitants or more to frame their own Charter, and providing for their qualifications, organization and the expense thereof. Approved May 17, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 317. An ordinance appropriating five thousand dollars for the construction of a bridge across Gulch on Tacoma Avenue. Ap- proved May 21, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 325. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 315 entitled "An Or- dinance granting to the Tacoma IVIill Company the right and privilege to construct and maintain Avater pipe lines through, under, over, across and along certain streets in the City of Ta- coma. ApproTved June 9, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 326. An ordinance appropriating $5,000 for the purpose of pur- chasing from ]\Iichael Murphy a certain tract of land for the opening of and extending of Tacoma Avenue. Approved June 10, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 327. An ordinance reducing the width of the alley between blocks Nos. 406 and 407 to thirty feet by vacating five feet on each side of said alley and attaching that part of said alley so vacated to the lots in the said blocks Nos. 406 and 407 abutting upon that part of the alley vacated, all as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Ter- ritory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Au- ditor of Pierce County on the third day of February, 1875. Passed June 7, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 328. An ordinance appropriating $16,434.50 for the purpose of paying estimates ma^le by viewers appointed in the manner of opening and extending Tacoma Avenue, North Eighth Street and "E" Street. Approved June 16, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 329. An ordinance levying the road poll tax for the year 1890. Approved June 23, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 330. An ordinance leAying a special tax for the maintenance of the fire department, and lighting the streets, in the City of Ta- coma, for the year 1890. Approved June 23, 1890'. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 173 ORDINANCE NO. 331. An ordinance levying the annual tax for general municipal purposes and the annual road property tax of the City of Ta- coma for the year 1890. Approved June 23, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 332. Vacating that parcel of land and that portion of Cliff Ave- nue described as beginning at a point on the westerly line of Pa- cific Avenue seven hundred twenty-five feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Ter- ritory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Au- ditor of Pierce County on the third day of February, 1875, meas- ur<^d along the westerly line of said Pacifij Avenue, thence run westerly on a line parallel with the center line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the easterly line of Railroad Street produced; thence northerly along the easterly line of Railroad Street produced one hundred and eighty-four and thirty-three hundredths feet; thence easterly on a. line parallel to the center line of South Ninth Street fifty-three and ninety-sevto hun- dredths feet to the westerly line of Pacific Avenue ; thence south- erly along the westerly line of Pacific Avenue one hundred and ninety feet to the place of beginning, all as known and designated upon said map. Approved June 25, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 334. Vacating all that part of Cliff" Avenue lying between the northwesterly line of North First Street and the easterly line of "E" Street in front of blocks Nos. 3108 and 3109, entitled "IMap of New Tacoma, AVashington Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, State of Washington, on the third day of February, 1875. Approved July 1, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 338. Vacating all that part of Delin Street lying between the west line of "C" Street and the east line of Tacoma Avenue in the City of Tacoma. Approved July 14, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 340. An ordinance reducing the width of South Street in Kel- logg 's Addition, City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, Washing- ton, and that the land so vacated be attached to the lots and parcels of land bordering on said street so vacated and that title thereto vest in the owners thereof. Approved July 14, 1890. 174 SPEfTAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 343. An ordinance aiijn-opriating- $1,000 for defraying' expenses incidental to the maintenance of the permanent improvements of the vai-ions parks of this City. Approved Jnly 28, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 346. An ordinance appropriating' .$19,200 for the purpose of pur- chasing from William B. Blackwell and Isaac W. Anderson a certain parcel of land whereon to build a City Hall. Approved August 4, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 352. An ordinance appropriating: the sum of $2,400 for the pur- chase of one Lindgren Chemical engine. Approved September 6, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 355. An ordinance appropriating three hundred and ninety dol- lars, for the purpose of paying the award of the viewers to Abraham Sadler in the condemnation proceedings in the ex- tension of "E" Street through Byrd's Addition. Approved September 8, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 356. An ordinance appropriating twenty-one hundred dollars for payment for one Hollow-ay chemical engixie. Approved Septem- ber 15, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 358. An ordinance appropriating four thousand dollars for the purchase of four thousand feet of "Crown Brand" fire hose. Approved September 15, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 360. An ordinance ratifying, confirming and granting to the Tacoma & Puyallup Railroad Company, as assignee of the Ta- coma & Fern Hill Street Railroad Company, assignee of Ran- dolph F. Radebaugh, the rights, powers, privileges and fran- chises granted to said Randolph F. Radebaugh and his associ- ates, their successors and assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma, entitled "An ordinance granting to Randolph F. Radebaugh and his associates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Approved Sep- tember 17, 1890. (Ordinance No. 188.) SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 175 ORDINANCE NO. 361. An ordinance ratifying', confirming and granting to the Tacoma & Puyallnp Railroad Company, as assignee of Randolph P. Radebangh, the rights, powers and privileges and franchises granted to said Randolph F. Radebaugh, and his associates, their .successors or assigns, by a certain ordinance of the City of Tacoma, entitled "An ordinance granting to Randolph F. Radebaugh, his associates, successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets, ave- nues and alleys in the City of Tacoma." Approved September 17, 1890. (Ordinance No. 240.) ORDINANCE NO. 364. An ordinance appropriating fifteen hundred and two dol- lars and seventy-five cents, in pa\mient to Howard Carr, for a certain piece of land appropriated by the City of Tacoma, in the extension of North Eighth Street. Approved October 7, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 368. An ordinance to repeal Sections 6 and 7 and to amend Sec- tions 5 and 8 of Ordinance No. 350, entitled "An ordinance granting to R. B. IMullen and his assigns the right, privilege and authority of erecting and maintaining water works in that part of the City of Tacoma, in the County of Pierce and State of "Washington, w^hich is known and described as Sections twenty- four (24) and twenty-five (25), township twenty-one (21) north of range two (2) east of the Willamette Meridian, and to supply that part of said city and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water, and prescribing the terms, conditions and limita- tions under which such right, privilege and authority may be exercised." Approved October 11. 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 369. An ordinance vacating all that certain portion of street, avenue, piece or parcel of land, situate in the City of Tacoma, Count,y of Pierce and State of Washington, described as begin- ning at a point on the westerly line of Pacific Avenue seven hun- dred and twenty-five feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor in the Coun- ty of Pierce, State of Washington, on the third day of Febru- ary, 1875, measured along the westerly line of Pacific Avenue; thence run westerly on a line parallel with the center line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the easterly line of Rail- 176 SPECIAL OEDTXAXCES BY TITLE. road Street prodiieed, as known and designated upon said map ; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Railroad Street produced one hundred and eighty-four and thirty-three hun- dredths feet ; thence easterly on a line parallel to the center line of said South Ninth Street fifty-three and ninety-seven hun- dredths feet to the westerly line of Pacific Avenue, as known and designated upon said map ; thence southerly along the west- erly line of Pacific Avenue, as known and designated upon said map, one hundred and ninety feet to the place of beginning, all as known and designated upon said map. Approved October 11, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 370. An ordinance reducing the Avidth of Cliff Avenue, between South Tenth and South Twefth Streets, by vacating twenty feet on each side 'of said avenue -and attaching that part of said ave- nue so vacated to the lots or parcels of land abutting upon that part of said avenue so vacated, all as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Ter- ritory," W'hich map was filed for record in the ofifice of the Au- ditor of Pierce County on the first day of February, 1875. Ap- proved October 11, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 371. An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 21, entitled "An ordinance granting to the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Com- pany the right to erect poles, and thereon to fasten wires in the streets of the City of Tacoma." Approved October 11, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 372. An ordinance vacating the plat of "Chandler's Addition to Tacoma," filed for record in the ofSce of the Auditor of Pierce County, Washington, on the 29th day of May, A. D., 1888, and recorded in Volume tAvo (2) on page twelve (12), and vacating all the streets, alleys and highAvays therein referred to, as Avell as said entire plat. Approved October 21, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 373. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for de- fraying expenses incidental to the maintenance of the perma- nent improvements of the various parks of the City. Approved October 21, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 374. An ordinance appropriating nine thousand, four hundred thirty-nine dollars and forty cents for the purchase of one "Silsby" and one "Clapp & Jones" engine. Approved Octo- ber 28, 1890. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 177 ORDINANCE NO. 375. An ordiDance appropriating- thirty-two hundred dollars to be paid to John A. MeOoldrick and Peter O'Reilly, on account of damage to property occasioned by the extension of Yakima Avenue and "I" Street. Approved November 1, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 376. An ordinance appropriating nine thousand and ninety four dollars and sixty cents, the amount due for the publication of the new City Charter. Approved November 1, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 377. An ordinance vacating that portion of Jefferson Street in the City of Tacoma, between South Fourteenth and South Fif- teenth Streets, and lying between blocks 1402 and 1402 1-2 and 1403 ; reserving that portion of said Jefferson Street lying in a direct line with, and for the whole width of, the alley between blocks 1402 1-2 and 1403, to its junction with Fifteenth Street. Approved November 4, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 382. (No ordinance.) ORDINANCE NO. 383. An ordinance appropriating three thousand dollars for de- fraying expenses incidental to the maintenance of the perma- nent improvements of the various parks of the City. Approved December 15, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 386. An ordinance to provide for calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of the City of Ta- coma the question whether said City shall borrow money for the purpose of funding its existing indebtedness and for building a City Hall and issue its negotiable bonds therefor. Approved January 10, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 389. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars from the General Fund, for the purpose of improvement of the various parks of the City of Tacoma. Approved Januarj- 26, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 392. An ordinance appropriating twenty-five hundred dollars for defraying the expenses incidental to the maintenance of the permanent improvements of the various parks of the City. Ap- proved February 25, 1891. 178 SPECIAL (^HDTNAXrES BY TTTLE. ORDINANCE NO. 394. An ordinance vacatin*>' the part of the plat of "Lyon's Ad- dition to Taconia, AVashiniiton Territory," described in the dedi- cation of the plat of said addition as the SE| of the NE:}: of the SW^ of the NE^ of Section 6, Township 20 north of range 3 east, Willamette Meridian. Approved February 17, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 395. An ordinance to provide for borrowing three hundred and fifty thousand dollars Avith which to fund outstanding City in- debtedness, and authorizing the issuance of the negotiable cou- pon bonds of the City therefor. Approved March 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 396. An ordinance to provide for borrowing two hundred thous- and dollars with which to build a City Hall, in and for the City of Taconia, Washington, and authorizing the issuance of ne- gotiable coupon bonds therefor. Approved March 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 398. An ordinance to provide for calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the City of Tacoma, and also for the purpose of submitting to the electors of the fol- lowing described territory, to-wit : Beginning where the south boundary of section ten (10) township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east of the Willamette Meridian, intersects the west- erly boundary of the Puyallup Indian Reservation, and running thence southerly along the boundary line of the Puyallup Indian Reservation to where the same intersects the eastern boundary of section twenty-two (22) in the aforesaid township; thence south along the eastern boundary of section twenty-two (22) in the aforesaid township, to the southeast corner of said section twenty-two (22) ; thence west along the south boundary of sec- tions twenty-two (22), twenty-one (21), twenty (20) and nine- teen (19), all in said township, and also along the south boun- dary line of section twenty-four (24) in townshi]) twenty (20) north, range two (2) east, to the southwest corner of said section twenty-four (24) ; thence north along the western boundary of sections twenty-four (24). thirteen (13) and twelve (12) in said township twenty (20) north, range two (2) east, to the north- east corner of section eleven (11) in said township twenty (20) north, range two (2) east; thence west along the north boun- dary of sections eleven (11), ten (10) and nine (9), in the said township last above named, to the shore of Puget Sound ; thence northerly along the .shore of. Puget Sound to Point Defiance in SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 179 section ten (10), township twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east; thence in an easterly and southeasterly direction along said shore line to the north boundary of section twenty-three (23), township twenty-one (21) north, • range two (2) east; thence westerly along the north boundary of section twenty- three (23) to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence south along the center line of said section twenty-three (23) to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence east to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence south along the western boundary of sections twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25), in the last above named township, to the southwest corner of said last named section twenty-five (25) ; thence east to the southeast corner of said last named section twenty -five (25) ; thence south along the western boundary of section thirty-one (31), in town- ship twenty-gne (21) north, range three (3) east, and the west- ern boundary of section six (6), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the southwest corner of section six (6) ; thence east to the southeast corner of section six (6) last above named; thence south along the western boundary of section eight (8), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the southwest corner of section eight (8) ; thence east along the south boundaries of sections eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the place of beginning, the question whether or not the above des- cribed territory shall be annexed to, and become a part of, the City of Tacoma. Approved INIarch 7, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 400. An ordinance appropriating fifty-five hundred dollars for the payment of the police telegraph system in the City of Ta- coma. Approved March 10, 1891. * ORDINANCE NO. 401. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Ta- coma to make, execute and deliver a deed conveying to INIadeline Nickels certain real estate belonging to said city. Approved March 12, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 402. An ordinance appropriating one thousand and seventy- nine dollars and fifty cents for the purpose of purchasing from Julia A. MeCarver a tract of land in Carr Street between Sixth and Yakima Avenues. Approved March 11, 1891. 180 SPECIAL ORDIXAXCKS BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 408. An ordinauee appropriating- fifteen hundred dollars for the purchase of block fourteen (14) at the intersection of "G" Street and Division Avenue for park purposes. Approved April 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 409. An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 341, entitled "An ordinance to provide for borrowing two hundred thousand dol- lar with which to build a City Hall in and for the City of Ta- coma, AVashington, and authorizing the issuance of the bonds of the city therefor." Passed July 19, 1890, and approved July 21, 1890. Approved April 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 410. An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 337, entitled "An ordinance to provide for borrowing two hundred and forty thousand dollars with which to fund the outstanding indebted- ness of the City, and authorizing the issuing of bonds of the City therefor." Passed by the City Council June 28, 1890; and approved July 1, 1890. Approved April 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 411. An ordinance to provide for the transfer of certain indebt- edness from the road and sewer funds to the general fund. Ap- proved April 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 413. An ordinance revoking the license of H. Dedenhoff. Ap- proved April 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 417. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Twenty-third Street and Adams Street from the center of "J" Street to the center of Walnut Street. Approved April 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 418. An 'ordinance to provide for revising and compiling the ordinances of the City of Tacoma, and preparing them to be re- printed in convenient form for use, and fixing the limit of the cost thereof. Approved April 20, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 419. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of First Street, First Ward, from Steele to Jefferson Streets, as per dia- uram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 181 ORDINANCE NO 420. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North Eleventh Street, from "G" Street to Grant or Fifth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 421. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North First Street from Tacoma Avenue to Division Avenue as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 422. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of ''E" Street, from Jefferson Avenue to R-ailroad Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 423. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Nine- teenth Street, from Pacific Avenue to city limits, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 424. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in East Twenty-Sixth Street from the corner of East "C" Street to Lot 3, Block 7622, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 425. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in ''P" Street from South Eighth Street to Division Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 426. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Fourth Street from " E " Street to Cliff Avenue as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 427. ■ An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "J" and "K" Streets from North Ninth Street to North Eleventh Street as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. lS-2 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. •428. An ordinance to provide for the- construction of a sewer in the alley between ''N" and "0" Streets from South Eighth Street to Division Avenue as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 429. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "M" and "N" Streets from South Eighth Street to South Ninth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 27. 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 433. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Yakima Avenue from, South Twenty-second Street to South Twenty- fifth Street as per diagram and specifications of the City En- gineer. Approved May 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 434. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in alley between East "D" and East "E" Streets from Puyallu]> Avenue to South TAventy-third Street and on South Twenty-third Street to the channel near East " C " Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 435. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "E" Street from South Twenty-third Street to Jefferson Street as per diagranl and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 4, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 436. An ordinance levying the annual taxes for general muni- cipal purposes of the City of Tacoma for the year 1891. Ap- proved May 8, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 437. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in North "C" Street from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 11, 1891.. ORDINANCE NO. 439. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in "K" Street from North Eighth to North Ninth as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved INlay 11, 1891. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 183 . ORDINANCE NO. 440. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in alley between East "B" and East "D" Street from Puyallup Avenue to Twenty-fifth Street, as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Approved May 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 441. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in alley between "I" Street and Yakima Avenue, from North Ninth Street to North Tenth Street, as per diagram and specifi- cations of the City Engineer. Approved ]\Iay 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 442. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in "C" Street from Twentv^-third Street to 175 feet south of south line of Twenty-fifth Street as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 443. An ordinance appropriating: twenty-two hundred dollars to Thos. Christianson in payment for injuries received in sewer on Pacific Avenue, Tacoma. Washington. Approved May 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 445. An ordinance providing for improvement of South Fifth Street from "I" Street to Division Avenue. Approved May 18, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 446. An ordinance providing for improvement of Division Ave-' nue from "I" Street to east line of Chicago Avenue. Approved May 18. 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 447. An ordinance providing for improvement of South Third Street from "I" Street to Division Avenue. Approved May 18, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 449. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a box drain along the line of the Avater course, between Carr Street and ]\Ic- Carver Street, from First Street to Fourth Street, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 25, 1891. 184 SPECIAL OHDIXANCKS BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 450. . All oi'di nance providino- for vacation of all that part of Twenty-foiu-th Street lyinp: between "I" and "J" Streets in Lewis' Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington. Ap- proved May 26, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 451. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "K" and "L" Streets from South Fifteenth Street to South Seventeenth Street as per diagram and specifi- cations of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891, ORDINANCE NO. 452. An ordinance providing for the repeal of Ordinance No. 438, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the' alley between "K" and "L" Streets from South Fifteenth Street to South Twenty-first Street." Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 453. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of alley be- tween "C" and "D" Streets from South Ninth to South Thir- teenth Streets as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 454. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between "C" and "D" Streets from North Fifth Street to North Seventh Street as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 455. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Seventh Street from Pacific Avenue to Railroad Street as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 456. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of East Street from Twelfth Avenue to Tenth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 457. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Eighth Street from Pacific Avenue to "A" Street, or Cliff Ave- nue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 185 ORDINANCE NO. 458. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Seventh Street from Pacific Avenue to Cliff Avenue as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 459. An ordinance to provide for the construction of sidewalk in front of block 1504 on Railroad Street from Fifteenth Street to Jefferson Street as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 460. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Seventh Street from Tacoma Avenue to Yakima Avenue as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 461. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Cove Street from east line of Orchard's Second Addition to Pine Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 462. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in alley between Twenty-sixth and TVenty-seventh Streets, from East "C" Street to east side of lot 10, block 7721, as per dia- gram and specifications of Citv Engineer. Approved June 2, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 463. An ordinance opening and extending South Tenth Street over the tide lands. Approved June 5, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 465. An ordinance to provide for improvement of South Eighth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "G" Street. Approved June 8, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 466. An ordinance to provide for improvement of North Eighth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "G" Street. Approved June 22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 467. An ordinance to provide for improvement of Locke Street from Ross Avenue to Sixth Avenue. Approved June 22, 1891. 186 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 468. An ordinance to provide for improvement of South Twelfth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "L" Street. Approved June 22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 469. An ordinance to provide for improvement of "A" Street from South Seventh Street to South Eighth Street. Approved June 22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 470. An ordinance to provide for improvement of North Ninth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "I" Street. Approved June 22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 471. An ordinance to provide for improvement of Evelyn Street from Trafton Street to State Street. Approved June'22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 472. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Beach Street from north line of Clement's Addition to south line of Clement's Addition as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 473. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Bush Street from Wayne Street to north line of section 6 as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 474. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Sixth Street from Alder Street to Union Avenue as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 475. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Prospect Street from north line of section 6 to Ross Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 476. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of East ''D" Street from Twenty-first Street to Thirty-Seventh Street. Ap- proved June 29, 1891. i SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 187 ORDINANCE NO. 477. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Ninth Street from Pacific Avenue to Tacoma Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the Citv Enaineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 478. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Eleventh Street from Pacific Avenue to Tacoma Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 481. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Summit Street from Pine Street to Boylston Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 482. An ordinance to provide for the construction of sewer in alley between "L" and "M'" Streets, from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 483. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in "M" Street from South Tenth Street to South Twelfth Street, as per diagram and >specifications of Cit.v Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 485. An ordinance providing for the repeal of Ordinance No. 448. passed May 16, 1891. entitled: "An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Fourth Street from "I'" Street to Division Avenue." Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 487. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley betv/een "K'' and "L"' Streets from Division Avenue to North Fifth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 488. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "G" Street and Tacoma Avenue from Twen- ty-first Street to north line of Byrd's Addition as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. 188 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TJTLE. ORDINANCE NO. 489. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between Blocks 3516 and 3517, from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City En- gineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 490. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in Sonth Twenty-ninth Street from East "C" Street to East "E" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 13, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 492. An ordinance authorizing the sale, exchange and convey- ance to theTacoma Chamber of Commerce of all the right, title and interest of the City of Tacoma in and to all those certain lots or parcels of land situate in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, and State of Washington, particularly described as: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of "C" Street wath the northerly line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated on a certain map, entitled "]\Iap of New Ta- coma, Washington Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the auditor of said Pierce County on the third day of February, eighteen hundred seventy-five, and running thence northerly on the said easterly line of "C" Street, eighty- two feet; thence easterly on a line parallel to the northerly line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the intersection of a prolongation of the westerly line of Railroad Street produced ; thence southerly on said westerly line of Railroad Street pro- duced eighty-tAVO feet to the northerly line of South Ninth Street produced ; thence westerly on said northerly line of South Ninth Street produced one hundred feet to the easterly line of said "C" Street, the place of beginning, all as known and des- ignated on said map, and to authorize the said city to receive from the said company in full payment for the sale, exchange and conveyance of said parcels of land a conveyance from the said company of all of its right, title and interest in and to those certain parcels of land situate in said city, described as begin- ning at a point on the westerly line of Pacific Avenue seven hundred twenty-five feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated upon said map, entitled, "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Territory," measured along the westerly line of said Pacific Avenue; thence running west- erly on a line parallel with the center line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the easterly line of Railroad Street pro- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 189 ■diiced; thence northerly along the easterly line of Railroad Street produced one hundred eighty-four and thirty-three one- liundredths feet ; thence easterly on a line parallel with the cen- ter line of said South Ninth Street fifty-three and ninety-seven one-hundredths feet to the westerly line of Pacific Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Pacific Avenue one liundred ninety feet to the place of beginning, all as knoAvn and designated upon said map, and authorizing the mayor to exe- ^<3ute and deliver a deed of conveyance of the same and directing the City Clerk to attest and the City Controller to countersign said deed. Passed July 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 493. An ordinance authorising the purchase from the Tacoma ; Chamber of Commerce, a corporation organized and existing Tinder the laws of the Territory, now State of Washington, of all of the right, title and interest of the said the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce in and to all those certain lots or parcels of land situate in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, and State of Washington, particularly described as beginning at a point on the westerly line of Pacific Avenue seven hundred twenty-five feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated upon a certain map, entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washing-ton Territory," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of the said Pierce County on the third day of February, eighteen hundred seventy-five, meas- ured along the westerly line of said Pacific Avenue ; thence run- Tiing westerly on a line parallel with the center line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the easterly line of Railroad Street produced ; thence northerly along the easterly line of Rail- road Street produced one hundred eighty-four and thirty-three one hundredths feet; thence easterly on a line parallel with the center line of South Ninth Street fifty-three and ninety-seven one hundredths feet to the westerly line of Pacific Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Pacific Avenue one liundred ninety feet to the place of beginning, as known and designated upon said map, and in consideration and full payment for the said described land to make, execute and deliver a deed of conveyance in the name of the City of Tacoma to the Chamber of Commerce of all the right, title and interest of the City in and to those certain parcels of land situate in said City, de- scribed as beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of ''C" Street with the northerly line of South Ninth Street, as known and designated upon said map. and running thence northerly on the said easterly line of "C" Street eighty-two 190 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. feet; thence easterly on ti lino parallel with the northerly line of South Ninth Street one hundred feet to the intersection of a prolongation of the westerly line of Railroad Street produced; thence southerly on the said westerly line of Railroad Street pro- duced eifihty-two feet to the northerly line of South Ninth Street produced; thence westerly on the said northerly line of South Ninth Street produced one hundred feet to the easterly line of said "C" Street, the place of beginnin«i', all as known and designated upon said map, and authorizing the IMayor to execute and deliver a deed of conveyance to the Tacoma Cham- ber of Commerce of the said last above described parcels of land, and directing- the City Clerk to attest and the City Controller to countersign said deed. Passed July 11, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 494. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North Tenth Street from "J" Street to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 20, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 495. An ordinance to provide for the impi'ovement of North Fifth Street from "J" Street to Division Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 20, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 497. An ordinance aprcpriating $4,421.15 for the purpose of taking up outstanding warrants of the North Fifth Street As- sessment Fund, from Eleventh Street to Carr Street. Approved July 22, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 498. An ordinance vacating that part of the alley between North Tacoma Avenue and North "G" Street, in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce and State of AVashington, Avhich lies betAveen blocks number 3712 and 3713 in said City of Tacoma, and ex- tends from North Seventh to North Eighth Streets, and assign- ing the real estate embraced therein tn the Tacoma Land Com- pany. Approved July 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 500. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 480, entitled "An ordinance to provide for calling a special election for the pur- pose of submitting to the legal voters of the City of Tacoma the question whether said City shall l)nrrow money for the construe- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 191 tion, purchase or acquiring by other means light and water works and supplying the inhabitants of the City of Tacoma with light and water." Approved July 27, 1891. OKDINANCE NO. 502. An ordinance to provide for the purchase of lots one (1), two (2), three (3). four (4), five (5), in block No. 2306 and lots one (1). two (2). three (3), four (4), five (5) and six (6) in block 2406 for the purpose of a public market and public scales. Passed July 18, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 505. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of certain streets in the City of Tacoma as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved August 3, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 508. An ordinance appropriating .$170,000 for the purpose of meeting the expenses of Ihe different departments of the City. Approved August 15, 1S91. ORDINANCE NO. 510. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "I" and "J" Streets, from North Ninth Street to North Eleventh Street, as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Appi-oved August 17, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 511. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on North "I" Street from Eleventh Street to Twelfth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved August 17, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 513. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley rear of block 3723 from North Seventh Street to North Eighth Street, as per specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved August 17, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 516. An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 486, providing for the improvement of North Sixth Street from "J" Street to Division Avenue. Approved August 31, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 518. An ordinance vacating all of Harrison Street, Westbrook Street, Birmingham Street and Chickamauga Street, as known 192 SPECIAL ORDTXANCES BY TITLE. and desifrnated on a certain map, entitled "The Phoenix Addi- tion to Taconia, AV. " which map was filed for record in the of- fice of the Auditor of Pierce County, State of Washington, on the tenth day of September, eiiihteen hundred ninety; and all of Harrison Street, AVestbrook Street, Birmingham Street and Snyder Street, as known and designated on a certain map, en- titled " AVestbrook 's Addition to Tacoma, AV. T.," which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of the said Pierce County on the fiifteenth day of November, eighteen hundred eighty nine, lying south of Philadelphia Street, as shown on said last mentioned map. Approved September 8, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 519. An ordinance to appropriate the sum of two thousand dol- lars, to be used in defraying expenses of water commission in ob- taining surveys, books, papers and expenses in proceeding with its business. Approved September 8, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 521. An ordinance appropriating $1,350.00 from the General Fund for the purpose of settling certain cases against the City. Approved September 14, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 522. An ordinance appropriating $16,500 for the purpose of paying the semi-annual interest on the bonds of the City of Ta- coma. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 523. An ordinance appropriating $6,633.30 in payment to the Tacoma Land Company upon certain contracts for lands bought by the City of Tacoma for the use of the Fire Department. Ap- proved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 524. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "M" Street and "N" Street from Division Avenue to North Fifth. Street, as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 525. An ordinance to provide for the constniction of a sewer in Twenty-eighth Street from East "C" Street to East "E" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 193 ORDINANCE NO. 526. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Puyallup Avenue and South Twenty-fifth Street from East "D" Street to East "E" Street, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved Sep- tember 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 527. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "0" Street and "P" Street from South Sev- enth Street to Division Avenue, as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 528. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "G" Street and Yakima Avenue from North Fourth Street to North Tenth Street, as per diagram and speci- fications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 529. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Twenty-fifth Stre^et from Pacific Avenue to "C" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 25, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 530. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between Puyallup Avenue and Twenty-fifth Street from East "C" Street to East "D" Street, as per diagram and specifica- tions of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 531. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of East "D" Street from Twenty-first Street to Wright Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved Sep- tember 29, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 532. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North Fourth Street from Yakima Avenue North to " E " Street North, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 533. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of State Street from South Tenth Street to South Twelfth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. 194 SPECIAL OHDJ NANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 534. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Qiiincy Street from South Tenth Street to South Twelfth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 535. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "K" Street, north, Buckley's Addition, from North Thirteenth Street to Prospect Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 536. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Union Avenue from "B" Street to "F" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 537. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of " E " Street, north, from North Fourth Street to Noi^th Fifth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 538. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Stevens Street from Logan Street to Butler Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved September 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 539. An ordinance fixing the salary of the Superintendent of Building the City Hall. Approved October 6, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 544. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Union Avenue from First Street to south line of Reeves' Addition, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 7, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 545. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Eighth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "G" Street, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 7, 1891. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 195 ORDINANCE NO. 546. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of State Street from Evelyn Street to Sixth Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 7, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 547. An ordinance authorizing the Mayor of the City of Tacoma to make, execute and deliver deeds conveying to William Urqu- hart and John T. Newland certain real estate belonging to said City. Approved November 27, 1891.. ORDINANCE NO. 548. An ordinance dividing the City of Tacoma into wards, and describing the boundaries thereof. Approved December 14, 1891. (For ordinance see Section 3 of City Charter.) ORDINANCE NO. 549. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 496, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the transfer of $2,000 a month from the General Fund to the Park Fund for park improvements." Ap- proved December 14, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 550. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Holland Avenue from South Twelfth Street to the intersection of Division Avenue and Holland Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 552. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Twenty-fifth Street from East "D" Street to East "K" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved December 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 554. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of East "L" Street from Puyallup Avenue to Wright Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 555. An ordinance for the improvement of South Twenty-fifth Street from West "C" Street to East "D" Street, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 21, 1891. 196 SPECIAL ORpiNAXrES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 556. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between "C" Street and "D" Street from South Fourth Street to Soutli Sixth Street, as per dia«2:ram and speeifieations of the City Enyinoer. Approved December 21, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 557. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "Q" | Street from Steele Street to the north line of section 6, as per I diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved i December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 558. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North Seventh Street from North "0" Street to the north line of sec- tion 6, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 559. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Water Street, First ward, from the south line of DrcAv's plat to the north line of Law's Addition, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 560. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "L" Street and North Fourteenth Street from the west line of Steele ' Street to the west line of Baker's First Addition, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 26, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 561. . | An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Porter Street, Home Addition, from the east line of "A" Street to the west line of Division Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 562. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Logan Street, Home Addition, from the east line of "A" Street to the west line of the Boulevard, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 563. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "A" Street, First Avard, from the noi-th line of Second Street to the SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 197 north line of Bessie Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 564. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "B" Street, from the south line of Third Street to the north line of Bessie Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City En- gineer. Approved December 28, 1891, ORDINANCE NO. 565. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Bee Street from Johnston Street to the south line of Lloyd's Addi- tion, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 566. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Nineteenth Street from Pacific Avenue to "L" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 567. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between North "M" Street and North ''N" Street, from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 568. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "Q" Street from Division Avenue to Chicago Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 569. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of ^'D" Street, First ward, from the west line of Union Avenue to Puget Sound Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 570. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "A" Street, Home Addition, and Home Place Addition, from the south line of Butler Street to the south line of Hudson Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved December 28, 1891. 198 SPK( TAT. 0]?T>IX ANTES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 571. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North Sixth Street from "N" Street to Division Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved De- cember 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 572. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Pine Street from the north line of Kellogg 's Addition to Ross Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved December 28, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 573. An ordinance to vacate the dedication to the public of the streets, passages and alleys as laid down on the plat of Oak- M^ood Cemetery, Pierce County, Washington Territory, as dedi- cated by A. J. Littlejohn and C. M. Littlejohn on June 11, 1884, in so much as the same affects the following described real estate: "Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 2, section 19, township 20, north, range 3 east; I'un thence east 383.5 feet; thence south 27 degrees 30 minutes; east 611.64 feet; thence west parallel with the north boundary 667.84 feet to east , boundary of said lot 2 ; thence north along said v.'est boundary 542.5 feet to place of beginning," and assigning said real estate so va- cated to the owners of abutting property. Approved December 31, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 575. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on "I" Street from South Fifth Street to Division Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 4, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 576. An ordinance vacating a portion of East Street in Kel- logg 's Addition. Passed December 26, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 577. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on North "M" Street from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 4, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 578. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in North "L" Street from North Seventh Street to North Eighth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 4, 1892, SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 199 ORDINANCE NO. 579. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street, from South Sixth Street to South Seventh Street, as per diagram and speci- fications of the City Engineer. Approved January 4, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 580. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "0" Street and "P" Street from Seventh Street to the south line of Ainsworth Addition, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 4, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 583. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Carr Street, First ward, from First Street to Second Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 584. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of First Street, First ward, from the east line of the southeast quarter of section 23, to the west line of Verde Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 586. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of North "I" Street, Buckley's Addition, from White Street to Pine Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 587. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of IMontana Street from the east line of Pacific Addition to the west line of Pacific Addition, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 588. An ordinance to provide for the transfer of $2,000.00 from the General Fund to the Park Fund, for park improvements. Approved January 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 589. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Arthur Street, First ward, from Second Street to the south line of "D" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer, Approved January 19, 1892. 200 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLK. ORDINANCE NO. 590. An ordinnneo to provide for the improvement of Porter Street from the east line of "A" Street to the west line of Di- vision Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City En- gineer. Approved January 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 591. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of First Street, First ward, from the east line of section 26, to the west line of Verde Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 592. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of "E" Street, First "^vard, from the south line of Drew's plat to the north line of section 25, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved Januai*y 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 593. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Wilcoxen Street from "E" Street to Cheyenne Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved Janiiarj^ 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 594. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Walnut Street from South Twelfth Street to Sixth Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved Jan- uary 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 595. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Verde Street, First ward, from the north line of Woodruff's Second Addition to the north line of Hudson Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 596. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Union Avenue from First Street to the south line of Reeves' Addition, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved January 19, 1892, ORDINANCE NO. 597. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of State Street from Evelyn Street to Sixth Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved January 19, 1892. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 201 ORDINANCE NO. 600. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Johnstone Street from Bush Street to the east line of Kennedy's and Tis- dale's Additions, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer, Approved February 1, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 601. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Streets from East "C" Street to East "D" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 8, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 605. An ordinance providing for the payment of $4,000 for land taken by the City of Tacoma in the extension of Tacoma Ave- nue through the property of Virginia Prosch and Charles Proscli, her husband, Elizabeth M. Harris and Wm. H. Harris, her husband, and Naomi McCarver. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 606. An ordinance providing for the payment of $1,500 for land taken by the City of Tacoma in the extension of Tacoma Ave- nue through the property of William Spinning and Abasa T. Spinning. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 607. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in "J" Street, Buckley's Addition, from Prospect Street to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 608. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "M" Street and ''N" Street from North Ninth Street to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 609. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in North Thirteenth Street from Yakima Avenue to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved February 15, 1892. 202 SPECIAL ORDT NANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 610. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in Prospect Street, Buckley's Addition, from "J" Street to "M" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. (Jll. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in Yakima Avenue from North Twelfth Street to North Thirteenth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 612. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in North Twelfth Street, from Yakima Avenue to "G" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 613. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in "M" Street, Buckley's Addition, from Prospect Street to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 614. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Rainier Avenue from First Street to Eighth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the Citv Engineer. Approved February 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 615. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Quincy Street from Ross Avenue to Evelyn Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved March 1, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 616. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the alley between Second Street and Third Street from McCarver Street to Carr Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved March 1, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 617. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Walnut Street, from Sixth Avenue to the north line of Coulter's Addi- tion, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved IMarch 1, 1892. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 203 ORDINANCE NO. 618. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Cariboo Street from South Twelfth Street to Sixth Avenue, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Eniiineer. Approved March 1, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 619. An ordinance vacating that portion of Jefferson Street, in the City of Tacoma, between South Fourteenth Street and South Fifteenth Street, and lying between blocks No. 1402 and 1402i-, in the City of Tacoma. Approved March 7, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 620. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Butler and Bessie Streets, from the west line of Division Street to the west line of Prospect Park Addition, as per diagram and speci- fications of the City Engineer. Approved March 10, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 621. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of the road- way along the waterfront from the coal bunkers to the Tacoma Mill Company's property. Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 622. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Twenty-sixth Street from "A" Street to the Puyallup Reserva- tion line, as per diagram and specifications of the City En- gineer. Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 623. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on Cheyenne Street from Hudson Street to "Wilcoxen Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 624. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on the alley between "K" Street and "L" Street from Seven- teenth Street to Twentieth Street, as per diagram and speci- ficatioHs of the City Engineer. Approved ]\Iarch 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 625. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street from block 3824 to block 3825, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved JMarch 14. 1892. 204 SPECIAI. OKDIXAXCES BY TITT.R. ORDINANCE NO. 626. An ordinance to provide for the const nietion of a sewer on "A'' Street from First Street to Fourth Street, as per diajiram and specifications of tlie City Engineer. Approved March 14,. 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 627. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on the alley between Cheyenne Street and "A" from Wilcoxen Street to First Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 629. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 365, entitled "An ordinance granting to the Peninsular Electric Railway Com- pany, its successors or assigns, the right to construct and oper- ate street railways upon certain streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Tacoma, and for other purposes.'' Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 630. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No, 206, entitled "An ordinance granting to G. W. Thompson and his associates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 631. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 291, entitled "An ordinance granting to AV. E. Anderson, his associates, succes- sors, lessees and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Approved Alarch 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 632. An ordinance appropriating sixteen thousand five hun- dred dollars for the purpose of paying the semi-annual inter- est on the bonds of the Citv of Tacoma. Approved March 14, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 634. An ordinance ])roviding for the calling of a general elec- tion to be held on the fifth day of April, 1892, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, a City Treasurer, a City Controller, a City Physician and two City Councilmen from each ward. Approved March 22, 1892. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 205 ORDINANCE NO. 636. An ordinance appropriating seventeen hundred dollars for the purchase of a tract of land from Richard G. Meath, for the opening and improvement of Benefit Street. Approved March •28, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 637. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on North ''L" Street, from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved March 28, 1892. . ORDINANCE NO. 638. An ordinance appropriating one thousand dollars for the payment to AVilliam Hess for injuries received on South Fifth Street from "J" Street to Division Avenue. Approved April 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 639. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 585, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Eighth Street from Tacoma Avenue to "G" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer." Approved April 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 640. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Eighth Street, from Tacoma Avenue to "G" Street, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved April 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 647. An ordinance levying an annual tax for a sinking fund for the redemption of outstanding bonds. Approved May 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 648. An ordinance It vying the annual taxes for general muni- cipal purposes of the City of Tacoma for the year 1892. Ap- proved May 18. 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 650. An ordinance to pi*ovide for the improvement of Boulevard from Porter Street to east line Hope Park Addition, as per dia- gram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 18, 1892. 206 SPKCTAL OKDINANCES BY TITT.E. ORDINANCE NO. 651. An ordinaiK'i' to jiroviilo for the improvement of Boulevard so far as platted alon«: southeast quarter northwest quarter sec- tion 25, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 18^ 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 652. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Boulevard from south line of "D" Street to south line of Goodwin's Ad- dition, as per diatiram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 653. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Boulevard from south line of (ioodwin's Addition to north line of section 36, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved :\ray 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 654. An ordniance to provide for the improvement of North Ninth Street, from "I" Street to north line of section 6, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 655. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on North "K" Street from North Ninth Street to North Eleventh Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved "Slny 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 656. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer on South Seventh Street from "Q" Street to Chicago Avenue, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved May 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 657. Appointing a committee to receive and entertain in the name and for the benefit of the city, the National Editorial Association, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved May 28, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 658. An o.rdinance vacating all of Butler Street, Quine Street, AVingard Street, Stevens Street and Division Street, as known and designated on a certain map, entitled Wingard's Addi- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 207 tion to Tacoma, which map was filed for record in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, State of Washington, on the 21st dey of December, 1891. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 659. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Puget Sound Avenue from the south line of "D" Street to the center line of the alley in block 78, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 660. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Prospect or Benefit Street from South Twelfth Street to South Six- teenth Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 661. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Thirty- eighth Street from South Park Avenue to "N" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 662. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of East "L" Street from the south line of Thirty-fifth Street to the center line of Thirty-third Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 663. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of South Thirty-fifth Street from East "I" Street to East "L" Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Ap- proved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 664. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Myrtle Street from Pine Street to Bush Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 665. An ordinance to provide for the improvement of Cypress Street, from east line of Coulter's Addition to Bush Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 2, 1892. 208 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 668. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a^ box sewer in the alley between Third and Fourth Streets, from Carr Street to Steele Street, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved June 29, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 669. An ordinance transferring the credits and indebtedness of the road and sewer funds to the general fund. Approved June 29, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 670. An ordinance appointing a committee whose duties it shall be to take charge of the celebration to be held on the Fourth of July, 1892, and appropriating twenty-five hundred dollars for the expenses of same. Approved July 5, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 671. An ordinance providing for repairing the Avharf at the foot of McCarver Street, and making an appropriation there- for. Approved July 11, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 672. An ordinance to provide for the construction of a sewer in Jefferson Street from South Twenty-fifth Street to south line of lot 6, block 2509, as per diagram and specifications of the City Engineer. Approved July 11. 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 673. An ordinance to appropriate the sum of nine hundred and eighty-one dollars to redeem lots 1 to 5 inclusive, in block No. 7, Puget Park Addition. Approved July 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 674. An ordinance authorizing the redemption of a certain as- sessment certificate, and making an appropriation for the pay- ment of same. Approved July 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 675. An ordinance appropriating twenty-three hundred and fif- ty dollars in payment of one Holloway chemical fire engine. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 676. An ordinance appropriating twenty-five hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents for payment of hydrants. Approved July 25, 1892. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 209 ORDINANCE NO. 678. An ordinance authorizing the purchase of anchor, chain and buoy, and providing- for payment of same. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 680. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Wash- ington Avenue from South Thirty-fifth to South Forty-fifth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 681. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "C" Street from First to Bessie Street, creating a fund and pro- viding for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 682. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Quincy Street, from Evelyn Street to South Side, Lyon's Addition, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment up- on the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 683. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "L" Street from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Forty- fifth Street creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 684. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "D" Street from First Street to Bessie Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. 210 SFKCIAL OK'DINANCKS RY TITI.K. ORDINANCE NO. 685. An ordinance for the improvement of East "H" Street, from Wright Avenue to north line section 16, township 20 north, rantje 3 east, creating' a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. , ORDINANCE NO. 686. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Thirty- fourth Street from Pacific Avenue to Delin or "G" Street, cre- ating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the -City Charter now in force. Ap- proved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 687. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Balti- more Street, from Dundas to Bessie Street, creating a fund and providing for pajanent by as.se&sment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 688. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "N" Street from Steele Street to Pine Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provi- sions of the Citv Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 689. An ordinance providing for the improvement of alley be- tween Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street, South First to South Second Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 690. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Boylston Street from West Twelfth to West Sixteenth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 211 ORDINANCE NO. 691. An ordinance providing- for the improvement of Cariboo Street from Sixth Avenue to north line of Coulter's Addition, creating a fund and providing for improvement by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 692. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Fourth Street from Division Avenue to "I" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 693. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Oak Street from Ross Avenue to "I" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 694. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Tacoma Avenue from center of North Fourth Street to center of North Fifth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 695. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Railroad Avenue from First Street to south line of Union Addition, creat- ing a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 696. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Oakes Avenue from Park Avenue to Alaska Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 9, 1892. 212 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 698. An ordiuaneo appropriating: four thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven doUai-s and sixty-two eents out of the Gen- eral Fund to refund certain street assessments and authorizing the drawing- of warrants therefor. Passed August 6, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 699. An ordinance appropriating the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase of two sinker anchors. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 700. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Quinne Street from Stevens Street to E Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the Citv Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 701. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Thirty- second Street from Pacific Avenue to "F" Street West, creat- ing a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 702. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "Gr" Street, South Ninth Street to South Tenth Street, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or prox- imate lots or parcels of land under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 703. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Twenty-fourth Street from Pacific Avenue to West "C" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par<;els of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Ap- proved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 704. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Fourth Street from Yakima Avenue to Division Avenue, creat- ing a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 213 adjoining, contigiions or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. OEDINANCE NO. 705. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Sixth Ave- nue through Coulter's Addition, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 706. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "N" Street from Division Avenue to North Sixth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 707. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in North "K" Street from Eleventh Street to Steele Street, and on Steele Street from "K" Street to North Thirteenth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Ap- proved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 708. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "Q" and "P" Streets from South Seventh to 150 feet south of South Eighth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provi- sions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 15, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 710. An ordinance making an appropriation for one-half of the expenses of the County Hospital, and authorizing the drawing of warrants on the General Fund therefor. Approved August 29, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 711. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "A" Street from Puyallup Avenue to Twenty-sixth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the ad- '-'14 Sl'i;( lAL OKDIXAXCKS BY TITLE. joining, eontig:nons or proximate lots or jiaroels of land, under the provisions of the City Chartei- now in force. Approved August 29, 1892. ORDINANCP] NO. 712. An ordinance providing for the improvement of West "D" Street from South Twenty-eighth Street to South Thirty-fifth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 29, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 713. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "0" and "P" Streets. Division Avenue to north line of block 3731, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or prox- imate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 29. 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 714. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between "0" and "P" Streets from North Eighth Street to Steele Street, and in Steele Street from "0" to "M" Streets, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- eels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 29, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 715. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "K" Street from Thirty-fifth Street to north line of Ouimette's Addition, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or ]>roximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 6, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 716. An ordinance granting Theo. D. Powell the right to im- prove North Fifth Street between ''C" Street and Cliff Ave- nue, at his own expense, by parking the same as herein pro- vided. Approved September 6, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 720. An ordinance providing for the construction of a trunk sewer in South Eighth Street from the center of "Q" Street SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 215 to alley between "Q" and "P" Streets, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force and making an appropriation for payment of same. Approved September 13, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 721. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in South Eighth Street from the center of "Q" Street to Chicago Avenue, creating a fund and providing for pa.>^nent by assessment' upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 13, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 722. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Division Street from the south line of Porter Street to the south line of Quinne Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 13, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 723. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the alley between blocks 2302 and 2303, Twenty-third Street to Puyallup Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 13, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 724. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in South Thirty-first Street from East "C" Street to East "E" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 13, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 725. An ordinance providing for the construction of a trunk sewer in East "C" Street from the alley between South Twen- ty-ninth and Thirtieth Streets to Thirty-first Street, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force and making an ap- propriation for payment of same. Approved September 13, 1892. 216 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TI TLK. ORDINANCE NO. 727. An ordinance providing: for the improvement of Adelaide Street from tlie -west side of Pine Street to the west side of Pop- lar Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by as- sessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. xVpproved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 728. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Alder Street from Pine Street to Poplar Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved Septem- ber 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 729. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Eighth Street from the east line of Wintermute's Addition to Union Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 730. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Forty- third Street from Kitsap Avenue to the east line of section 17, township 20, north, range 3 east, creating a fund and provid- ing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 731. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Asotin Street from the south side of Oakes Avenue to the north side of Hosmer Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 732. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Genrgie and Bessie Streets from "E" Street to the west line of Pacitic Addition, creating a fund and providing for payment by as- sessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 20, 1892. SPECIAL OKDIXANCES BY TITLE. 217 ORDINANCE NO. 733. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "N" Street from the north to the south line of section 17, township 20 north, range 3 east, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 734. An ordinance appropriating the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of defraying the costs and expenses incidental to in- vestigation of the Mashell water supply and authorizing war- rants therefor to be drawn on the General Fund. Approved Setember 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 735. An ordinance appropriating the sum of four hundred and fifty ($450) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of repairing garbage Avharf and scow, and au- thorizing warrants drawn on the General Fund therefor. Ap- proved September 20, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 737. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Elm Street from Adams Street to South Twenty-fifth Street, creat- ing a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 26, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 738. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Twenty-sixth Street between "A" Street and East "D" Street, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force, and making an appropriation for the payment of same. Ap- proved September 26, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 739. An ordinance appropriating from the General Fund the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of boxing shade trees in the City of Tacoma Approved September 26, 1892. 218 SPECIAL OKDIXAXCKS H\ TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 740. An ordinauce appropriatinayment of the costs and expenses incurred by the Health Department in en- forcing quarantine against smallpox, and authorizing warrants to be drawn on the General Fund. Approved Oct. 4. 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 746. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two hundred and sixty-one dollars and twenty-two cents ($261.22), from the Gen- eral Fund in payment of the claim of C. H. Sinsabaugh. Ap- proved October 5, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 747. An ordinance providing for the planking of South Twenty- sixth Street, from a line 180 feet west of East "C" Street to SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 219 East "D" Street, creating- a fund and providing; for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguoiis or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved October 18, 1892. OKDINANCE NO. 748. An ordinance providing for the planking of South Twenty- sixth Street from Pacific Avenue to a line 165 feet east of "A" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved October 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 749. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two thousand four hundred and seventy-five dollars ($2,475.00), or so much thereof as may be needed, from the General Fund for the repair of hy- drants, and authorizing warrants drawn thereon. Approved October 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 750. An ordinance appropriating from the General Fund the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), or so much thereof as may be needed, for the purpose of erecting a market shed and scales. Approved October 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 751. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of warrants upon the City Hall Fund in a sum not to exceed fifty thousand dol- lars ($50,000.00), for the purpose of paying the costs and ex- pense necessary to complete the Citv Hall. Approved October 18, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 752. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in Boulevard and Division Streets, Logan to Quinue Streets, creat- ing a fund and providing for pajanent bj^ assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved October 26, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 755. An ordinance revoking the retail liquor license of Henry Halstead. Approved October 26, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 756. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Fifth Street between Alder Street and Pucet Sound Avenue, creating 2-20 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. a I'uikI aiul prwvidin^ for paynient by assessment upon adjoin- ingr, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Chartei- now in force. Approved No- vember 1, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 758. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East "H" Street from Twenty -fifth Street to the alley between IVenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh Streets, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provi- sions of the City Charter now in force. Approved November 7, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 759. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Sixtli Ave- nue, through Coulter's Addition, creating a fund and provid- ing for pajTnent by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved November 7, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 760. An ordinance appropriating the simi of two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine dollars and fifty cents ($2,699.50), from the General Fund in payment of the claim of Rudolph Hering. Approved November 16, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 761. An ordinance appropriating the sum of one thousand fivw hundred and eighty dollai-s ($1,580.00) from the General Fund for the purchase of 2,000 feet of fire hose, and authorizing a warrant drawn thereon. Approved November 16, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 762. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North "E" Street from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment up- on the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pi-ovisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved November 21, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 765. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Broadway from the north line of Mechanic's Addition (South Street) to the south line of Philadelphia Street, Hunt's Prairie Addi- tion, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 221 upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved November 28, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 767. An ordinance projecting and extending East "D," East ^'E," East "F," East "G," East ''H," East "I," East "J," East "K," East "L," and East "M" Streets, and South Fourth, South Fifth, South Seventh, South Eighth, South Ninth, South Tenth, South Eleventh, South Twelfth, South Thir- teenth, South Fourteenth, South Fifteenth, South Seventeenth and South Nineteenth Streets over the tide flats. Approved November 28, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 769. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Fortj^-third Street from the east line of Stevens Street to the east line of Mason Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or prox- imate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved December 5, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 770. An ordinance providing for the construction of a trunk sewer in Mason Avenue from North Forty-third Street to the bay, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force and making an appropriation for payment of the same. Approved December 12, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 771. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in South Twenty-sixth Street from 50 feet east of East "D" Street to 15 feet west of East "E" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provi- sions of the City Charter now in force. Approved December 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 772. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between South Thirty-first and South Thirty-second Streets, from Pacific Avenue to AVest "D" Street, creating a fund and providing for pajanent by assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved De- cember 19, 1892. •2-22 SPFA\.\\. Oh'DlXANCKS BY. TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 77:^ An onliiumce apprtipriatinfr fi'om the (ieneral Fund the sum of two thousand five hundred and fifty-two dolhirs and eleven cents ($2,552.11), or so nuich thereof as may be needed, being the amount whieh the cost of the impi-oveincnt of AVashinsrton Avenue from South Thirty-fifth Strei^ to South Forty-fifth Street, exceeds the engineer's estimate, and authorizing war- rants therefor drawn upon the General Fund. Approved De- cember 19, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 775. An ordinance providing for the improvement of ]\[argie Street in Ridgedale Addition, from Wayne Street to Bay Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land^ under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Ap- proved December 30, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 776. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in South Thirty-first Street from East "C" Street to the east line of lot 6, block 8122, creating a fund and ])roviding for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved December 30, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 778. An ordinance appropriating from the General l^'und the sum of two thousand two hundred dollai-s ($2,200.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of construct- ing a wharf at the foot of Starr Street, and authorizing the drawing of w^arrants on the Genei-al Fund thei-efor. Approved December 30, 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 780. An ordinance appropriating the sum of ten thousand dol- lars ($10,000.00) for one-half the improvement of the new lo- cation of Pacific Avenue north from South Seventh Street, and authorizing the drawing of a wan-ant therefor upon the Gen- eral Fluid to the Noi'thern Pacific Railroad Company. Ap- proved January 11, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 784. An ordinance providing for the construction of storm wa- ter drainage sewers in AVright Park fi-om Sixth Avenue and Yakima Avenue to Division Avenue, and appropriating three- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 223 thousand two hundred dollars ($3,200.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund for the purpose of constructing same, and authorizing the draAving of warrants therefor. Approved January 25, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 786. An ordinance appropriating the sum of six thousand dol- lars ($6,000.00), or so nuich thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund, for the purpose of paying for water pipes, hydrants and labor in laying and setting same for the Edison water system, and authorizing the drawing of warrants there- for. Approved January 25, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 788. An ordinance disclaiming all right, title and interest of the City of Tacoma to and in certain property. Approved February 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 789. An ordinance authorizing the issuance of warrants upon the City Hall Fund in a sum not to exceed twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00), cr so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose of paying the costs and expenses necessary to complete the City Hall. Approved February 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 790. An ordinance to provide for the purchase of the water works and electric light plant, and all such water supplies, ri- parian rights, rights of way, lands, lots, personal property and franchises as are now owned or operated by the Tacoma Light and AVater Company as part of such water and electric light plants, excepting their distributing system in the town of Puy- allup ; and for extending said water works and making addi- tions thereto by the adoption of a gravity system of water works; to declare the estimated cost of said additions and ex- tension; to provide for borrowing money to be used in payment therefor by issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of said City for the sum of two million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,150,000.00) ; and to provide for calling a special election for submitting such questions to the qualified voters of said City for their ratification or rejection. Approved March 6, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 791. An ordinance designating the places of voting in the vari- ous election precincts in the City of Tacoma, and appointing certain persons judges and inspectors in each of said precincts 224 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLR. for a special election to be held ou the 11th day of April, 1893, as provided for in Ordinance No. 790. Approved ]\Iarch 6, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 793. An ordinance anthorizinp: the eonstnietion of a trunk sew- er from Commencement Bay at the foot of Carr Street to the alley between South Eleventli and South Twelfth Streets. Passed March 4, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 794. An ordinance authorizing the construction of a trunk sew- er in East ''I" Street from the center of the alley between South Twenty-fifth and South Twenty-Sixth Streets to South Twenty-first Street. Passed March 4, 'l893. ORDINANCE NO. 795. An ordinance vacating certain parts of East "E" Street, East "F" Street, East "G" Street, East "H" Street, East "I" Street, East "J" Street, East "K" Street, and part of South Twenty-second Street, South Twenty-Third Street, and part of the alley betAveen South Twenty-second Street and South Twenty-third Street, and part of the alley between South Twen- ty-third Street and Puyallup Avenue. Approved ]\Iarch 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 796. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Sprague Street (formerly Chicago Avenue or Hall Street) from the south line of Chicago Avenue Addition to the south line of Di- vision Avenue Addition, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved i\Iarch 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 798. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between South TAventy-seventh and South Twenty- eighth Streets, East "C" to East "E" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved March 20, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 799. An ordinance providing for the calling of a general elec- tion to be held on the 4th of April. 1893, for the purpose of SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 225 electing one City Councilman from each ward. Approved March 20, 1893." ORDINANCE NO. 801. An ordinance providing for calling a special election for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters of the City of Ta- coma the question whether said city shall borrow money for the purpose of building a public bridge in extending South Elev- enth Street over the Puyallup River to the tide flats. Approved March 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 802. An ordinance to provide for calling a special election and submiting to the voters of the City of Tacoma that certain ad- ditions and extensions be made by the City of Tacoma to the present system of trunk sewers; and that for the purpose of providing for the payment of constructing such additions and extensions, that said City borrow money and contract indebt- edness therefor by the issuance and sale of negotiable bonds of said City in the sum of five hundred and six thousand dollars ($506,000.00), and specifying and adopting the additions and extensions proposed to be made, and specifying and adopting the plans and details of such additions and extensions, and de- claring the estimated cost thereof as near as may be. Approved March 30, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 803. An ordinance designating the places of voting in the vari- ous election precincts in the City of Tacoma, and appointing certain persons judges and inspectors in each of said precincts for a special election to be held on the 9th day of IMay, A. D. 1893, as provided in Ordinance No. 802. Approved March 30, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 805. An ordinance making an appropriation from the General Fund for the purpose of paying the election officers of the gen- eral election to be held on April 4, 1893, and the special elections to be held on April 11 and May 9, 1893. Approved IMareh 30, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 806. An ordinance revoking and declaring void the retail liquor license and the certificate thereof of W. L. Tileston, to sell in- toxicating liquors at No. 736 Pacific Avenue. Approved March 30, 1893. 226 SPECIAL OKDlXAXrER BY TITER. ORDINANCE NO. 807. An ordinance providinproved April 11, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 813. An ordinance relating to the condemnation of certain prop- erty for public purposes, providing for the condemnation of certain land extending South Eleventh Street westerly to the west line of section 5, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M., and providing that the cost of same shall be wholly paid by a special assessment upon property benefitted thereby, and pro- viding that the said cost shall be advanced from the General Fund of the City; and providing for the assessment and col- lection of said cost upon the property benefitt<»d to reimburse said General Fund. Approved April 13, 1893. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 227 ORDINANCE NO. 814. An ordiiiauee providing for the condemnation of certain lands for the purpose of widening a part of Carr Street, be- tweeen Tacoma Avenue and Yakima Avenue, providing that the cost of same shall be wholly paid by special assessment upon property benefitted thereby, and providing a manner for the assessment and collection of said cost upon the property bene- fitted. Approved April 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 816. An ordinance appropriating sixteen thousand five hundred dollars ($16,500.00) for the purpose of paying the semi-annual interest on bonds of the City of Tacoma, and authorizing the issue of a warrant on the General Fund therefor. Approved April 17, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 818. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "C" Street from North Fourth Street to North Sixth Street, creat- ing a fund and providing for pajonent by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, un- der the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 2, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 819. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "J" Street from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Forty- eighth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 8, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 820. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Yakima Avenue from the center line of Columbia Avenue to the center line of South Forty-eighth Street, creating a fund and provid- ing for payment by assessment upon adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved INIay 8, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 823. An ordinance to provide for borrowing one hundred and fifteen thousand dollars ($115,000.00) for the purpose of build- ing a public bridge extending South Eleventh Street over the Puyallup Riv^r to the tide flats, and for borrowing the sum of five thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars ($5,750.00) in 2l'S SPECIAL ORPIXAXCKS BY TITLE. addition thereto for one year's interest on same, and authoriz- ing the issuance of negotiable coupon bonds of the city therefor. Approved May 11, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 824. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Forty- sixth Street from "N" Street to Asotin Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved jNIay 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 825. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in North Forty-third Street from the alley between Verde and Stevens Streets to Verde Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 826. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in Prospect Street from North Tenth Street to North Fourteenth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 827. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Verde and Stevens Streets, North Thirty- ninth to North Forty-third Streets, creating a fund and pro- viding for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contig- uous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved INIay 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 828. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 397, entitled "An ordinance creating the office of Assistant City Attorney, defin- ing the duties thereof and fixing his compensation." Approved May 16, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 831. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Thirty-sixth Street from the west line of Cheyenne Street to the west line of section 25, creating a fund and providing for SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 229 payment by assessment npou the adjoining, contiguous or prox- imate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 832. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Seventh Street from the center of Warner Street to the west line of Pine Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved ]May 22, 1893. ORDINANCE N0..833. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Thirty-fourth Street from Mason Street to the west line of Goodwin's Addition, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved May 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 834. An ordinance le\ying the annual taxes for general mu- nicipal purposes of the City of Tacoma for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Approved May 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 835. An ordinance appropriating four hundred dollars ($400), or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of constructing a trunk sewer in North Forty-third Street from Verde Street to Cheyenne Street. Approved May 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 839. An ordinance approving the assessment roll for the im- provement of Sprague Street from the south line of Division Avenue Addition to the South line of Chicago Avenue Addition, and ratifying and approving the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contig- uous or proximate property, pursuant to Ordinance No. 796. Approved June 2, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 842. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Twenty-fifth Street from Puget Sound Avenue to the east line of Wintermute's Part of the City of Tacoma, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- 230 spp:cial ordinances by title. visions of the Citv C"liai-ter now in force. Approved June 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 843. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Twenty-seventh Street from Alder Street to east line of Win- termute's Part of the City of Tacoma, creating a fund and pro- viding for payment hy assessment ni)()n tlie adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or i)arcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved June 13. 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 844. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Forty-fifth Street from "N" Street to AVilkeson Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved June 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 847. An ordinance relating to the issuance of certain water and light bonds of the City of Tacoma, approving and ratifying the proceedings had relating thereto in pursuance of Ordinance No. 790, prescribing a form for such bonds and the coupons thereof, and authorizing the issuance and delivery of said Ixmds. Approved June 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 849. An ordinance vacating a certain part of Pacific Avenue, at the northern limit thereof. Approved June 14, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 852. An ordinance providing for the condenniation of certain lands for the purpose of widening a part of Sixth Avenue, and providing that the cost of same shall be wholly paid by special assessment upon property benefitted thereby, and pro- viding a manner for the assessment and collection of said cost upon the property benefitted. Approved June 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 853. An ordinance appropriating and transferring to the Park Fund the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00). Ap- proved June 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 854. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Thirty-fourth Street from Pacific Avenue to the Puyallup In- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 231 dian Keservation line, creatino; a fund and providino- for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved June 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 855. An ordinance appropriating the sum of sixty-five hundred dollars ($6,500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund and transferring the same to the Street Improvement Fund of South Thirty-fourth Street, created by virtue of Ordinance No. 854, for the purpose of paying for one-half the expense of bridging the gulches on said street. Ap- proved June 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 857. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Fifth Street, from the alley between blocks 3408, 3409 and 3508, 3509 to North "C" Street, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proxi- mate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 5, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 858. An ordinance repealing an ordinance entitled "An ordi- nance providing for the improvement of Pacific Avenue from its intersection with the center line of South Seventeenth Street, prolonged easterly to a point 320 feet south of the cen- ter line of South Twenty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment up- on the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force, and providing for the payment therefor by bonding the said im- provement district, payment to be made under the provisions of the state law providing that one-tenth shall be payable each year for ten successive years. Approved July 5, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 859. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Alder Street from the north to the south line of Wintermute's Part to the City of Tacoma, creating a fund and providing for pay- ment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 10, 1893. 232 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDIXAXCE NO. 862. An ordinance appropriating; the sum of two thon.sand dol- lars ($2,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund, for the purpose of redeeming certain taxes and assessments against the property of the Fannie Paddock Hospital. Approved July 10, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 863. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in North ''L" Street, from North Sixth Street to North Seventh Street, and creating a fund and providing for payment, by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 12, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 864. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in North Forty-third Street from the alley between Verde and Stevens Streets to Verde Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 12, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 865. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Yakima Avenue and "I" Street, from North Tenth Street to North Eleventh Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provis- ions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 12, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 866. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Bristol Street, from the center of North Forty-fifth Street to the center of North Fiftieth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or prox- imate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 17, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 867. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Verde and Stevens Streets from North Thirty- ninth Street to North Forty-thiixl Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the pro- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 233 visions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 868. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in Prospect Street from North Tenth Street to North Fourteenth Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved July 25, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 876. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Pacific Avenue from its intersection with the center line of South Sev- enteenth Street, prolonged easterly and to a line parallel thereto 320 feet south of the center line of South Twenty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 7, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 877. An ordinance appropriating from the CTeueral Fund the sum of thirty-two hundred and fifty dollars ($3,250.00), for the purpose of disposing of the garbage of the city, and authorizing the drawing of warrants therefor. Approved August 7, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 878. An ordinance appropriating from the General Fund the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of building an engine house in the Tacoma Land Company's Sixth Addition, and au- thorizing the drawing of warrants therefor. Passed August 5, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 882. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 876, approved August 7th, A. D. 1893, and relating to the improvement of Pacific Avenue. Approved August 26, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 883. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in the alley between Ainsworth Avenue and "Q" Street north from Sprague Avenue to trunk sewer in Division Avenue, creating a fund and providing for payment by assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or parcels of land, 234 SPECIAL ORDIXAXCKS BY TITLE. under the provisions of the City ("liai'ter now in force. Ap- proved August 29, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 884. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer in North "J" Street from North Fifth Street to North Seventh Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- eels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved August 29, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 885. An ordinance declaring the sidewalk in front of lots 4. 13. 14, 21 and 22, fronting Pacific Avenue, in ])l<)ck 1304. a nuis- ance, providing for abating the same and fixing a i)enalty. Ap- proved August 29, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 888. An ordinance authorizing the construction of a trunk sew- er from Commencement Bay, at foot of Carr Street, to the alley between South Eleventh and South Twelfth Street, creating a fund called West End Sewer Fund, and providing for the payment of all labor and materials furnished to and used on such sewer, by the issue of w'arrants on the General Fund, and repealing Ordinance No. 869. Approved August 29, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 889. An ordinance authorizing the payment of the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00) to John Olson, the sum of six hundred dollars ($600.00) to Geo. H. Ames, and the sum of four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00) to Thos. Quann for land taken and appropriated by the City in the extension of Carr Street, between Tacoma and Yakima Avenues, and au- thorizing the issue of warrants on the General Fund in payment therefor. Approved September 7. 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 890. An ordinance ordering the construction of certain storm sewers across Pacific Avenue and authorizing the issuing of warrants on the General Fund in payment of same, not to ex- ceed in the aggregate the sum of four thousand ($4,000.00) dol- lars, and repealing Ordinance No. 851. Approved September 7, 1893. SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 235 ORDINANCE NO. 892. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re-assessment of the actual cost and value of improving South Twenty-fifth Street from Pacific Avenue to East "G" Street, upon the property benefitted thereby. Approved September 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 896. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 810, entitled "An ordinance providing for the improvement of Center Street from the center of South "J" Street to the center of South "I" Street, creating a fund and providing for payment by assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots or par- cels of land, under the provisions of the City Charter now in force. Approved September 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 898. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 891, approved Sep- tember 9, 1893, ordering a new assessment of the improvement of Union Avenue. Approved September 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 899. An ordinance authorizing the construction of a bridge on South Eleventh Street across the ship channel from the bluff to the tide flats. Approved September 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 902. An ordinance providing for the rebuilding and repair- ing of the Electric Light station of the City of Tacoma and authorizing the drawing of warrants upon the Water and Light Fund for the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars . ($4,500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, in pay- ment of the same. Approved September 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 903. An ordinance appropriating from the amount received for licenses not transferred to the General Fund to the Park Fund the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500.00). Approved Sep- • tember 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 905. An ordinance authorizing the construction of a trunk sewer on East "I" Street, from the alley between South Twen- ty-fifth and South Twenty-sixth Streets to the tide flats at South Twentv-first Street, creating the East "I" Street Sewer 236 SPECIAL OKDTXANCKS BY TITLE. Fund and providinji: for the payment of all labor and materi- als furuislied to and upon the said sewer, by the issue of war- rants upon the General Fund. Approved September 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 906. An ordinance vacatinsj the alley between block No. 2809 and block No. 2708, in the City of Tacoma, as shown upon plat of "The Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washinffton Territory," filed in the auditor's oflt'ice of said county on July 7, 1884. Approved September 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 908. An ordinance authorizing the drawing- of a warrant on the General Fund, for the sum of sixteen thou.sand five hundred dol- lars ($16,500.00), for the purpose of paying the semi-annual interest on 550 bonds of the City of Tacoma. Approved Oc- tober 2, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 909. An ordinance ordering the construction of a bridge across Union Avenue, from North Thirty-first to North Thirty-third Street, and authorizing the issuing of Avarrants on the Gen- eral Fund in payment of the same, not to exceed in the ag- gregate the sum of five thousand five hundred ($5,500.00) dol- lars. Approved October 2, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 910. An ordinance ordering the construction of a roadway through the Tacoma ]Mill Company's property and authorizing the issuing of warrants on the General Fund in payment of the same, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of sixteen hundred ($1,600) dollars. Approved October 2d, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 911. An ordinance authorizing the drawing of warrants on the General Fund for the sum of five hundred and fifty ($550) dol- lars, or so nmch thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of building an addition to the City ]Market. Approved October 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 912. An ordinance declaring the sidewalk in front of lots 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, fronting on Pacific Avenue, in block 1203, a nuisance, providing for abating the same and fixing a penalty. Approved Octcber 13, 1893. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 237 ORDINANCE NO. 915. An ordinance vacating a portion of LaM'rence Street. Ap- proved October 26, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 916. An ordinance to repeal ordinance No. 142, entitled "An Or- dinance defining the duties and fixing the compensation of the Fire Warden." Approved November 2, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 918. An ordinance authorizing the drawing of Avarrants on the General Fund for the interest hereafter to become due on street improvement warrants, for the improvement of Pacific Avenue, from its intersection with the center line of South Seventeenth Street prolonged easterly and to a line parallel thereto 320 feet south of the center line of South Twenty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma. Approved November 17, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 919. An ordinance authorizing, confirming and ratifying the is- -sue of certain General Fund warrants of the City of Tacoma, issued since April 19, 1892, and to be issued in the month of November, 1893. Approved November 22, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 920. An ordinance levying the annual taxes for general munici- pal purposes of the City of Tacoma, for the fiscal year A. D. eighteen hundred and ninetj^-four. Approved November 29, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 921. An ordinance authorizing the drawing of a warrant upon the General Fund in favor of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, for the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. Ap- proved November 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 922. An ordinance transferring the sum of nineteen thousand and fifty dollars from the Water and Light Extension Fund to the Water and Light Fund. Approved November 28, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 923. An ordinance transferring the sum of nineteen thousand and fifty dollars from the Water and Light Fund to the Water and Light Extension Fund. Approved November 28, 1893. 238 SPECIAL ORDTXANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 927. An ordinance antliorizinp; the drawin- for the manner in which the 5.35 mills levied to pay interest by Ordinance No. 1029, levying the annual taxes for the fiscal year 1895-6, shall be used, and ap- propriatinji- the same to the payment of interest, due on April 15, 1896, and on June* 1, 1896, and other interest. Approved February 17, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1055. An ordinance ordering and making' the re-assessment of the cost and value of the improvement of Oak Street from Ross Avenue (now North Eighth Street) to North "I" Street (now North Twenty-first Street), in the City of Tacoma, upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land benefitted by such improvement. Approved February 17, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1059. An ordinance ordering and making the re-assessment of the cost and value of the improvement of South Forty-third Street (now South Forty-fifth Street), from Kitsap Avenue (now South "N" Street), to the east line of section 17, in Ta- coma. Land Co. 's Sixth Addition, in the City of Tacoma, upon the lots, blocfe and parcels of land benefitted by said improve- ment. Approved March 5, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1060. An ordinance ordering and making the re-assessment of the cost and value of the improvement of South Forty-fifth Street from "N" Street to Wilkeson Street, Oakes Addition, in the City of Tacoma, upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land benefitted by such improvement. Approved March 5, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1061. An ordinance submitting proposed amendments to the City Charter of the City of Tacoma to the qualified electors of such City for their adoption or rejection. Approved March 7, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1062. An ordinance ordering and making the re-assessment of the cost and value of the improvement of North Thirty-sixth Street from west line of Cheyenne Street to wesf line of section 25 in Hope Park Addition and Glenn's First Addition, in the City of Tacoma, upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land bene- fitted by such improvement. Approved March 10, 1896. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 249 ORDINANCE NO. 1065. An ordinance providing for holding a general municipal election on the 7th day of April, 1896, for the purpose of elect- ing City officers, and for the purpose of voting upon Charter amendments. Approved March 23, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1066. An ordinance transferring the sum of $2,500 from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund. Approved April 8, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1067. An ordinance transferring two thousand ($2,000.00) dol- lars from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund to aid in carrying out the provisions of Ordinance No. 1033. Approved April 20, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1070. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 726, entitled, "An ordinance creating an office of License Inspector, defining the duties thereof and fixing his compensation," passed September 10, 1892, and approved September 13, 1892. Approved April 20, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1071. And ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1050, entitled, "An ordinance providing for the compromise and settlement of City taxes for the year 1893 and prior years, authorizing the ac- ceptance of the principal, costs of advertising and 10 per cent, interest," approved February 18, 1896. Approved INIay 11, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1072. An ordinance fixing the amount of the bond to be given by the County Treasurer to the City of Tacoma. Approved May 11, 1896."^ ORDINANCE NO. 1079. An ordinance tran.sferring the sum of $500.00 from the Water and Light Fund to the Water and Light Extension Fund. Approved June 9, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1080. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 29, providing for the payment of interest on Municipal warrants. Approved June 9, 1896. 250 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 10S2. An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 1053. entitled. "An ordinance to transfer the moneys coming into the treasury from licenses and fines to the Interest Fund, and appropriating the same to the payment of interest." approved February IS, 1S96. Approved June 9. 1S96. ORDINANCE NO. 10S6. An ordinance to retain James Wickersham to prosecute certain suits for the City of Tacoma, and fixing his compensa- tion. Approved June 9. 1S96. ORDINANCE NO. 10S7. An ordinance directing the Controller and Mayor to draw and sign warrants on and against all moneys in the Salary Fund, and directing the Treasurer to pay the same. Approved June 9. 1S96. ORDINANCE NO. 1089. An ordinance ordering the construction of a bridge for the exclusive use of wheelmen, pedestrians, bicycles, tricycles and other like contrivances and vehicles of light construction and bridging a gulch, said bridge to be located at and beginning at a point in the center of South Thirty -first Street and 176 feet westerly from the intersection of the center lines of South Thir- ty-first and Delin Streets, thence on a deflection of 20 degrees to the right, northwesterly a distance of 330 feet to end of bridge, appropriating funds for payment of the same, and au- thorizing the issuance of warrants against said funds not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of #700. and repealing Ordi- nance No. 107S. Approved June 15. 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1093. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are ben^tted by the improvement of Asotin Street from Oakes Avenue (now South Fortieth Street") to Hosmer Avenue (now South Fifty-sixth Street*, to the extent of their propor- tionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An Act relating to and authorizing the collection of assess- ments for local improvements by a new assessment, or re-assess- ment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and declaring an anergency," approved 3klarch 9th, 1893. Approved June 24, 1S96. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 251 ORDINANCE NO. 1094. An oi'diuaiiee ordering and making- a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement of "N" Street (now North Twelfth Street) from Steele Street to Pine Street, to the extent of their proportionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled. "An Act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assess- ment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency." ap- proved March 9th. 1893. Approved June 24, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1095. An ordinance authorizing, empo^vering and directing the City Treasurer to accept from the Columbia National Bank cer- tain warrants of the City of Tacoma aggregating the sum of $12,986.24, and credit the account against the said bank with the said amount. Approved June 24, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1096. An ordinance transferring the sum of $500.00 from the AVater and Light Fund to the AVater and Light Extension Fund. Approved June 29, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1097. An ordinance transferring all surplus money now in the Water and Light Fund, together with all sui'plus money here- after derived from the operation of the Light and AVater plants, over and above the necessary expenses for operating the Light and AVater plants and the Light and AVater Department, in- cluding salaries, supplies and repairs, into the Salary Fund. Approved June 29, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1098. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 945, entitled, "An ordinance to limit, restrain and prohibit variety theaters, with- in certain limits," passed June 16, 1894. A]')provod June 29. 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1099. An ordinance extending the time within which J. AI. Bell, his successors, heirs or assigns, shall have constructed, com- pleted and in actual operation one group or circuit of the Aux- iliaiy Electric Fire Alarm System. A])proved July 7. 1896. 252 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANC?: NO. 1100. All ordinance conseutiiifr to the transfer and assignment of the franchise granted to John INI. Bell, his successors, heirs and assigns, of the right and privilege to construct, maintain and operate an auxiliary electric fire alarm system in connection with the City of Tacoma, AVashington, which transfer is made to the Tacoma Auxiliary Fire Alarm Company. Approved July 7, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1101. An ordinance authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to credit the owner of owners of lots with the full amount of the re-assessment on said lots where the original assessment was paid in full by the owner of said lots before said re-assessment Avas made. Approved July 7, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1102. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement by planking of East "D" Street from South Twenty-first Street to AVright Avenue, to the extent of their proportionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of AVashington, entitled, "An Act relating to and au- thorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and declaring an emer- gency," approved ]\rarch 9, 1893. Approved July 7, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 11U3. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement of Park avenue (now South Thirtieth Street) from Bailey (now Wilkeson Street) to AValiiut (now Sprague Avenue), to the extent of their propor- tionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An Act relating to and authorizing the collection of assess- ments for local improvements by a new assessment or re-assess- ment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency," approved ^larch 9. 1893. Approved July 7. 1896. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 253 ORDINANCE NO. 1104. An ordinance ordering' and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement of Water Street from the south side of Drew's plat to the north line of Law's Addi- tion to Tacoma, to the extent of their proportionate part of the •cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legis- lature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An Act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local im- provements by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and de- claring' an emergency," approved March 9, 1893. Approved July 7, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1105. An ordinance providing for the compromise and settlement of City taxes for the year 1893 and prior years, and authoriz- ing acceptance of the principal, cost of advertising and 10 per cent, interest. Approved July 14, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1106. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1054, entitled, "An •ordinance ordering and making the re-assessment of the cost and value of the improvement of Tacoma Avenue from the center of North Fourth Street to the center of North Fifth Street, in the City of Tacoma, upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land bene- fitted by such improvement." Approved July 14, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1107. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are ad.joining, contiguous and proximate to, and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement of "A" Street from South Twenty-sixth Street to Puyallup Avenue, to the extent ■of their proportionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of W^ashington, entitled, "An Act relating to and authorizing the -collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assess- ment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the ■same in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency," approved March 9th, 1893. Approved July 14, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1108. An ordinance appropriating forty dollars out of the money received from licenses to the Dog License Expense Fund. Ap- proved July 20, 1896. 254 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1109. An oi'dinance approvinp; and confirming' the re-assessment roll for the cost of the improvement of South ''J" Street from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Forty-eighth Street, and ap- proving: and confirmin: for the compromise and settlement of City taxes for the year 1893 and prior years, and anthorizins the acceptance of the pi-incipal, cost of advertising, and ten per cent, interest. Approved March 7, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1275. An ordinance approving and contirminj; the assessment roll for the cost of the improvement by layin^- sidewalks on north side of South Twelfth Street from Court A to A Street, and approvintj and confirming- the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contigu- ous and approximate lots, blocks and parcels of land pursuant to resolution adopted January 18, 1898. Approved ]\[arch 19, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1276. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the cost of the improvement by laying sidewalk on the north side of South Thirteenth Street from Court A to A Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, pursuant to resolution adopted January 18, 1898. Approved March 19. 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1277. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll for the cost of the improvement by grading of South "M"^ Street from center of South Fourteenth Street to center of South Fifteenth Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon thi* adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, pursuant to resolution adopted November 11th, 1897. Ap- proved March 19, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1278. An ordinance providing for holding a general municipal election, on the 5th day of April, 1898, for the purpose of elect- ing City Officers and for the purpose of voting upon Charter amendments. Approved March 19, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1279. An ordinance creating a fund to be known as the "South Twelfth Street from Court A to A Street sidewalk improvement SPECIAL OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 271 fund," and designatinpr the moneys to be placed therein and the purpose for which said fund shall be used. Approved March 26, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1280. An ordinance creating a fund to be known as the "South Thirteenth Street from Court A to A Street sidewalk improve- ment fund," and designating' the moneys to be placed therein and the purpose for which said fund shall be used. Approved March 26, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1281. An ordinance creating a fund to be known as the "South ]\r Street, from the center of South Fourteenth Street to the center of South Fifteenth Street improvement fund," and de- signating the moneys to be placed therein and the purpose for which said fund shall be used. Approved March 26, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1284. An ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 1237, entitled, "An ordinance creating the office of First Assistant City Attorney, prescribing his duties and fixing his compensation," passed October 7, 1897. Approved Aprilie, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1285. An ordinance ordering and providing for the improvement by parking the south side of Division Avenue, from the inter- section of "I" Street, westerly to the intersection of Sixth Ave- nue ; and providing a fund for the payment thereof. Approved April 19, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1288. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, and approving and confirming all proceedings for the assess- ment of the cost of the improvement by paving of South 10th Street from Pacific Avenue to center of A Street, and approv- ing and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the im- provement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 1265. Approved May 13, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1289. An ordinance providing for the employment of an attorney to assist the City Attorney in defending the City in suits upon warrants, and fixing the compensation therefor. Approved May 20, 1898. 27-2 SPECIAL ORDl NANCES BY TITLK. ORDINANCE NO. 1290. An ordinance providing' for revising', compiling: and pre- paring the ordinances and Amended Charter of the City of Ta- coma, to be re-printed in convenient form for use, fixing tlic compensation therefor, and designating the manner 'in which the same shall be let for printing. A])pr()ved May 27, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1291. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment, or re-assessment, upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and i)roxinuite to and Avhich have been and are benefitted by the improvement of First Street (as the same appears on the original plat of Taeoma City), now North 'J'hirty-first Street, from the center of McCarver Street to the center of Steele Street, to the extent of their proportion- ate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, ' ' An act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same, in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency," approved March 9, 1893. Approved May 27, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1292. An ordinance authorizing and directing the City Treasurer and City Controller to transfer ten thousand seven hundred dollars from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund. and to apply the same to the payment of interest June 1st, 1898. Approved May 27, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1293. An ordinance approving and confirming the re-assessment roll, and approving and confirming all proceedings for the re- assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of Pacific- Avenue, fi'om the center of South Seventeenth Street prolonged easterly to a line parallel thereto three hundred and twenty (320) feet south of the center of South Twenty-fourth Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost not exceeding the actual value of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1263. Approved June 3, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1294. An ordinance ordering and providing for the improvement by parking of the north side of South Seventh Street, from Ta- SPECIAL' ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 273 coma Avenue westerly to the east side of Yakima Avenue, thence along- the east side of Yakima Avenue to South Eighth Street, thence along- the south side of South Eighth Street to Sprague Street, thence along the north side of Eighth Street to Pine Street, thence along the east side of Pine Street to Sixth Avenue, in the City of Taccma, and providing a fund for the payment thereof. Approved June 10, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1300. An ordinance ordering the reconstruction of the Clover Creek flume, approving the contract entered into for its recon- struction, and providing for the payment of the same. Ap- proved July 15, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1304. An ordinance ordering' and making a new assessment or re-assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to and which have been and are benefitted by the improvement of South Thirty-fourth Street, from Pacific Avenue to the Puyallup Indian Reservation line, in the City of Tacoma. to the extent of their proportionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with the act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An act relating' to and authorizing- the collection of assessments for local improvements, by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and de- claring an emergency," approved March 9, 1893. Approved July 29, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1309. An ordinance amending- Sections 1 and 2, of Ordinance No. 275, entitled, "An ordinance for the prevention of cruelty to animals." Approved August 5, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1312. An ordinance levying a special tax upon certain lots and tracts of land in the City of Tacoma, to pay the third install- ment of principal and interest on the unpaid installments for the third year of local improvement bonds, District No. 1. Ap- proved August 5, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1321. An ordinance amending Sections 2, 4, 6 and 7, of Ordinance No. 77, entitled, "Creating a police force and prescribing the duties thereof." Approved August 19, 1898. 27-4 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLK. ORDINANCE NO. 1322. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 52, N. T., entitled, "To prevent the introduction of any contagious disease by ves- sels coming from infected ports," and repealing Ordinance No. 962. Approved August 19, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1328. An ordinance ordering and directing the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight (8) inch pipe, beginning at the inter- section of the centei- lines produced of Cedar Street and the alley between North Eighth and North Ninth Streets, thence • along the said center line of alley east a distance of three hun- dred fifty-six (356) feet to a point twenty-six (26) feet from the west boundary line of Junett Street, which point lies in the intersection of the said alley and Junett Street; and providing for the collection of the cost and expense thereof from the prop- erty peculiarly benefitted thereby. Approved September 2, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1330. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, and approving and confirming all proceedings for the assess- ment of the cost of the improvement, by planking of the alley between Pacific Avenue and "A" Street, from South Eleventh Street to South Twelfth Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council July 14, 1898. Approved September 9, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1332. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 347, entitled, "An ordinance granting right of way upon the streets, avenues and highways of the City of Tacoma, to the Fire Department of said City of Tacoma, when answering an alarm of fire, and fix- ing the penalty for obstructing said streets, avenues and high- ways." Approved September 9, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1334. An ordinance ordering the construction of a dwelling in Point Defiance Park, approving the contract entered into for its construction, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved September 16, 1898. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 275 ORDINANCE NO. 1337. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the payment of the interest upon the bonded indebtedness, and for general mu- nicipal purposes of the City of Tacoma for the fiscal year 1899, and appropriating- the same to certain funds. Approved Octo- ber 7, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1339. An ordinance authorizing and directing the purchase of certain copper wire, and approving the contract entered into for supplying it, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved October 7, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1341. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by planking of Puyallup Avenue, from the center of East "C" Street to the center of East "G" Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, continguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of the resolution adopted by the City Council, on the 4th day of August, 1898, and creating a special tax fund, desig- nating the moneys to be placed therein, and the purpose for which said fund shall be used. Approved October 14, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1342. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain supplies, approving the contract entered into, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved October 21, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1344. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, beginning at the intersection of the center lines produced of Cedar Street and the alley between North Eighth and North Ninth Streets, thence along the said center line of alley east a distance of three hundred and fifty-six (356) feet to a point twenty-six (26) feet from the west boundary line of Junett Street, which point lies in the intersection of the said alley and Junett Street, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewer upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of l^Tti SPf:riAL ORDTNAXCKS BY TITT.E. land froiitinji' on said iniprovonient, in pursuance of Ordinanet> No. 1828, passed on the 1st day of September, 1898. Approved October 28, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1354. An ordinance providinjr for the ae(juisition of the riparian rights of liobert P. Rigney, Adek\ Rigney, his wife, and Mary Rigney in Clover Creek, and in consideration thereof paying to said parties the simi of five hundred dollars ($500), relinquishing to said parties the riparian rights of the City of Taconia in and to Bushalier or Spanaway Creek, and removing a dam in said Bushalier or Spanaway Creek. Approved December 23, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1358. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Connnissioner of Public Works to purchase three thousand copies of the Ta- conia City library catalogue, approving the contract entered in- to, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved Jan- uary 27, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1360. An ordinance approving and confirming the re-assessment roll, and approving and confirming all proceedings for the re-assessment of the cost of the improvement, by grading and bridging to the established grade, and building side- walks and gutters on both sides thereof, and parking South Thirty-fourth Street, from Pacific Avenue to the Puyallup Indian Reservation line, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost, not exceeding the actual value of the improvement of said street, upon the adjoining, contig- uous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pur- suance of Ordinance No. 1304. Approved February 4, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1361. An ordinance directing the Treasurer and Controller of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of three thousand dol- lars ($3,000) from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund of said City, and to apply the same in payment of interest on the Water and Light Bonds. Approved February 4, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1365. An ordinance providing for the calling of the annual mu- nicipal election, to be held on the 4th day of April, 1899, for the purpose of electing one City Councilman from each ward. Ap- proved March 17, 1899. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 277 ORDINANCE NO. 1368. An ordinance lewing a special tax upon certain lots and tracts of land in the City of Tacoma to pay the first annual in- stallment of principal, and interest on the unpaid installments for the first year, of local improvement bonds, District Xo. 2. Approved April 7, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1370. An ordinance authorizing a contract to be entered into for overhauling, repairing, and revising the lighting system and electric lines of the City of Tacoma. Approved April 14, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1374. An ordinance ordering and directing the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, to be constructed on the center line of the alley between ''I" Street and "J" Street from the end of the present sewer in said alley at its intersection with Scnth Sixteenth Street to a point in South Seventeenth Street, twenty-six feet from the northerly boundary thereof; and pro- viding for the collection of the cost and expense thereof from the property peculiarly benefitted therebv. Approved May 12, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1375. An ordinance directing the Treasurer and Controller of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500) from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund of said City, or so much thereof as shall be required to pay the interest on the Water and Light Bonds due June 1st, 1899.' Approved i\Iay 19, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1380. An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1056, entitled, "An ordinance prescribing the manner of maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks in the City of Tacoma, and the mode of payment therefor in accordance with the provi- sions of the law of the State of Washington, entitled, 'An act relating to the maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks in cities of the first class, second or third class, and providing for the payment therefor by owners of abutting property, and de- claring an emergency,' approved March 21, 1895." Approved June 9, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1389. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "C" Street, from the center of South Seventh Street to the center of 278 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. South Xiiitli Stivet. in the City of Taconia, creating a special fund, and ])rovidin.y for the issuance of bonds and for the pay- ment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contigu- ous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1390. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "C" Street from the center line of South Ninth Street to the west- erly boundary of Jett'erson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and jnircels of land. Approved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1391. An ordinance providing for the improvement of St. Helens Avenue, from the center line of South Ninth Stt-eet to the west- erly boundary of "C" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1392. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Ninth Street from the east line of Pacific Avenue to the center line of "A" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and pToviding for the issuance of bonds and for the pay- ment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous or proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1393. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eleventh Street from the east line of Pacific Avenue to the cen- ter of "A" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the pay- ment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1394. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "A" Street from the center line of South Ninth Street to the center line of South TAvelfth Street (omitting a certain portion thereof lying SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 279 in the intersection of Scuth Ninth Street to be paved under a resolution of the City Council passed June 22d, 1899, and a cer- tain portion thereof lying in the intersection of South Tenth Street now paved with brick, and also a certain portion thereof lying' in the intersection of South Eleventh Street to be paved under a resolution of the City Council passed June 22d, 1899), in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1395. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Jefferson Avenue from the west boundary of Pacific Avenue to the east boundary of "E" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved July 25, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1396. An ordinance transferring all moneys from the Ambulance Fund to the General Expense Fund. Approved August 4, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1397. An ordinance amending Sections 1 and 6 of Ordinance No. 787, entitled, "An ordinance establishing the grades of certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Approved August 4, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1398. An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 304, entitled, "An ordinance granting to Point Defiance Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway or railways upon certain streets, avenues, alleys and highways in the City of Tacoma." Approved August 11, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1399. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract made and entered into between the Pacific Bridge Company, a cor- poration of the State of California, and W. E. Hacker, acting on behalf of the City of Tacoma as its Commissioner of Public Works, dated the 18th day of July, 1899, for the construction of a wooden stave pipe from the end of the thirty-inch stave 280 SPECIAL ()K'I)1XAX- and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, eontignous and proximate to and which have been and are specially benefited ])y the improvement of North Thirty- first Street (formerly First Street) from Steele Street to Proc- tor Avenue (formerly Jeft'erson Avenne), in the City of Tacoma, to the extent of their proportionate part of the cost and valne thereof, in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An Act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making the same in cities and towns, and declaring an emergency," ap- proved :\rarch 9th, 1893. Approved October 27, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1426. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe on the center line of the alley between "I" Street and "J" Street, from the end of the present sewer in said alley at its in- tersection with South Sixteenth Street to a point in South Sev- enteenth Street thirty-two feet from the north boundaiy line thereof, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewer upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 13th day of July, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1403, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved November 10, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1427. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe along the lines hereinafter described. 1st. Beginning at the present manhole of sewer in the intersection of Junett Street and the alley between North Eighth Street and North Ninth Street; thence east in the said alley to Pine Street; thence south in Pine Street to North Eighth Street; thence east in North Eighth Street to the center of Steele Street. Also the following sewers connecting with the above described sewer: In the alley between Pine and Anderson Streets from North Eighth Street SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 287 to a point opposite the south line of lot nineteen (19), in blocks one (1) and two (2), Tisdale's Addition. In the alley between Anderson and Oakes Streets from North Eighth Street to a point opposite the south line of lot nineteen (19), in blocks three (3) and four (4), Tisdale's Addition. In the alley between Oakes and Fife Streets from North Eighth Street to South Eighth Street. In the alley between Fife and Prospect Streets from North Eighth Street to Sixth Avenue. In Steele Street from North Eighth Street to Sixth Avenue. In the alley between Oakes and Fife Streets from North Eighth Street to the north line of Tisdale's Second Addition. In the alley between Fife and Prospect Streets from North Eighth Street to the north boundary of Hawkins' Addition. In the alley between Prospect and Steele Streets from North Eighth Street to the north boundary of Hawkins' Addition. 2nd. Beginning in the alley between Sixth Avenue and North Seventh Street at a point op- posite the east line of lot six (6), in block twenty (20), in Coul- ter's Addition; thence east in the last mentioned alley to Pine Street; thence south in Pine Street to Sixth Avenue; thence east in Sixth Avenue to the intersection therewith of the alley between Oakes and Fife Streets. Also the following sewers con- necting with the above described sewer : In the alley between Pine and Anderson Streets from Sixth Avenue to a point op- posite the south boundary of lot ten (10), in blocks six (6) and seven (7), Tisdale's Addition. In the alley between Anderson and Oakes Streets from Sixth Avenue to a point opposite the south boundary of lot ten (10), in blocks eight (8) and nine (9), Tisdale's Addition; all in the City of Tacoma; and approv- ing and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the con- struction of said sewers upon the adjoining, contiguous and prox- imate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a reso- lution adopted by the City Council on the 13th day of July, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1404, and providing for the disposi- tion of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved November 10, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1428. An ordinance vacating certain portions of St. Paul Ave- nue, in the City of Tacoma, for manufacturing purposes, and accepting a deed of a right-of-way from the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Company for replatting. Approved November 10, 1899. 288 , SPECIAL OKDIXAXCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1429. An ordiiiniict' directinji,- the Treasurer and Controller of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of twelve thousand five hun- dred dollars ($12,500) from the Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund of said City, or so much thereof as shall be re- quired to pay the interest on the Water and Light Bonds due December 1st, 1899. Approved November 24, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1430. An ordinance repealing Ordinances No. 1150 and No. 1327 relating to the recognition of the validity of the General Fund and City Hall Fund warrants issued between the 16th day of August,' 1892, and the 19th day of April, 1894. Approved De- cember 8, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1432. An ordinance authorizing a contract to be entered into for overhauling, repairing and revising the lighting system and electric lines of the City of Tacoma. Approved December 8, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1434. An ordinance approving and confirming the re-assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the re-assess- ment of the cost of the improvement by grading to its full width and by building sidewalks on both sides of North Thirty-first Street (formerly First Street) from Steele Street to Proctor Avenue (formerly Jefi:'erson Avenue), in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the le\y and charge of the cost, not exceeding the actual value of the improvement of said street, upon the ad.joining, contiguous and proxinuite lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1424. Ap- proved December 8, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1435. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract made and entered into between the City of Tacoma, by and through W. E. Hacker, its Commissioner of Public AVorks, and A. W. Tweeden and A. U. INIills, co-partners doing business as Tweeden & Mills, dated the 13th day of November, 1899, for the repair of the Puyallup Avenue bridge, betAveen "A" Street and East "C" Street, in the City of Tacoma, appropriating the necessary money from the General Expense Fund to pay for the same, and providing for drawing warrants therefor. Approved De- cember 15, 1899. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 289 ORDINANCE NO. 1437. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement, by grading, building sidewalks and parking, of Fife Street, from the south boundary of Sixth Ave- nue to the south boundary of Orchard's Sixth Addition, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Coun- cil on the 31st day of August, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1416, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improve- ment. Approved December 22, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1438. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving anod confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe on the center line of the alley between "G" Street and Yakima Avenue, from South Fourteenth Street to a point fifteen feet south of the south line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewer upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots, bl6cks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 20th day of July, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1406, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected from said as- sessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Ap- proved December 22, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1439. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe on the center line of the alley between "L" Street and •"M" Street, from a point fifteen feet west of the west line of North Tenth Street to North Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewer upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on 290 SPEtlAL OHDIXAXC'ES BY TITLE. the 20th day of July, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1407, and pro- viding for the disj)()sition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved December 22, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1440. An ordinance to provide for the issuance of funding bonds with which to take up and cancel the indebtedness of the City of Tacoma evidenced by outstanding (Jeneral Fund and City Hall Fund warrants issued between the 14th day of August, 1892, and the 1st day of January, 1894, and repealing Ordi- nance No. 1433, relating to the same subject. Approved Jan- uary 4, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1441. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, to be constructed and laid on the cen- ter line of the alley between North Seventh Street and North Eighth Street, from the present manhole in the said alley at its intersection with Cedar Street to a point ten feet west of the west boundary of Pine Street, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the ad.join- ing, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved January 19, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1444. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of Puyallup Avenue, from the east boundary of Pacific Avenue to the center line of "A" Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and eon- firming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 3rd day of August, 1899, and Ordi- nance No. 1409, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the war- rants drawn and bojuls issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved February 2, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1445. An ordinance providing for the vacation of the alley lying between l)lccks numbered seven (7) and eight (8), and also be- SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 291 tween blocks numbered fifteen (15) and sixteen (16), as shown upon the plat of that addition to the City of Taeoma called "Hope Park," as the same appears of record on page 98 of volume 6 of the Record of Plats in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, Washington. Approved February 9, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1446. An ordinance ratifying, approving and confirming the con- tract made and entered into between the General Electric Com- pany, a corporation, and the City of Taeoma by and through W. E. Hacker, its Commissioner of Public M^orks, dated the 25th day of January, 19G0, for the purchase of an electric dynamo machine; appropriating the necessary money from the AVater and Light Fund to pay for the same, and providing for drawing warrants therefor. Approved February 9, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1447. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe, to be constructed and laid on the following described lines : Beginning at a point on the center line of Sixth Avenue, in the intersection of the same with Steele Street; thence running south in Steele Street to South Twelfth Street ; thence west on South Twelfth Street to Prospect Street ; thence south on Prospect Street to center of South Fifteenth Street. Also the following lines of sewers connecting with that above described: On Sixth Avenue, to a distance of one hun- dred feet east of east boundary of Steele Street, and to a dis- tance of two hundred and seventy feet west of west boundary of Steele Street; in the alley between South Thirteenth Street and South Fourteenth Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boundary of Fife Street to a point one hundred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street; in the alley between South Fourteenth Street and Bay Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boundary of Fife Street to a point one hundred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street : in the alley between Bay Street and South Fifteenth Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boun- dary of Fife Street to a point one hundred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street; all in the City of Ta- eoma ; creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved February 9, 1900. 292 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1451. An ordinance providing for the vacation of the plat of cer- tain lands within the City of Tacoma, known and designated as "The Plat of the New York Investment Company's First Addition to Tacoma, Washington." Ai>proved jSIarch 2, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1452. An ordinance amending Sections 34, 37, 42, 43 and 47 of Ordinance No. 1343, entitled, "An ordinance to protect the public health, to prevent the spread of contagions diseases, and prescribing rules and regulations for the Board of Health of the City of Tacoma, prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 40 N. T., 80, 104, 155, 211, 384, 1074, 1314 and 1319." Approved March 2, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1453. An ordinance providing for holding a general municipal election on the 3rd day of April, 1900, for the purpose of elect- ing City officers. Approved March 16, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1454. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe on the center line of the alley between North Seventh Street and North Eighth Street, from the present manhole in the said alley at its intersection with Cedar Street to a point ten feet west of the west boundary of Pine Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewer upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 9th day of November, 1899, and Ordinance No. 1441, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected from said as- sessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Ap- proved March 23, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1455. An ordinance vacating East "N" Street between South Thirtieth and South Thirty-first Streets, in the City of Ta- coma ; also vacating certain portions of the alleys between blocks Nos. 8040 and 8139. and 8042 and 8141 in the Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash- ington. Approved April 6, 1900. SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 293 ORDINANCE NO. 1456. An ordinance approving and confirming: the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines: Beginning at a point on the center line of Sixth Avenue, in the intersection of the same with Steele Street; thence running south in Steele Street to South Twelfth Street; thence west on South Twelfth Street to Prospect Street ; thence south on Prospect Street to center of South Fifteenth Street. Also the following lines of sewers con- necting with that above described : On Sixth Avenue, to a dis- tance of one hundred feet east of east boundary of Steele Street, and to a distance of two hundred and seventy feet west of west boundary of Steele Street ; in the alley between South Thirteenth Street and South Fourteenth Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boundary of Fife Street to a point one hun- dred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street; in the alley between South Fourteenth Street and Bay Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boundary of Fife Street to a point one hundred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street ; in the alley between Bay Street and South Fifteenth Street, from a point fifteen feet east of the east boun- dary of Fife Street to a point one hundred and ten feet east of the east boundary of Prospect Street ; all in the City of Ta- eoma; and approving and confirming the levy and charge oi the cost of the construction of said sewers upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 4th day of January, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1447; and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected from said as- sessment, and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Ap- proved April 6, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1457. An ordinance amending Section 10 of Ordinance No. 1157, entitled, "An ordinance governing the traffic in intoxicating liquors within the City of Tacoma." Approved April 13, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1458. An ordinance levying a special tax upon certain lots and tracts of land in the City of Tacoma to pay the second annual installment of principal and interest on the unpaid installments for the second year of local improvement bonds. District No. 2. Approved April 13, 1900. 294 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLK. ORDINANCE NO. 1459. An ordinance i-cjx'alinu' Ordinance No. 946, entitled, "An ordinance i-e(|uirin^' the City A+toi-ney and the City Clerk of the City of Taeoma to give their official bond, and fixinf? the amount thereof." Approved April 27, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1461. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Sprague Avenue, from the center line of that portion of South Eighth Street that lies west of said Sprague Avenue to the southerly line of Division Avenue, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved May 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1462. An ordinance providing for the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, .to be constructed and laid on the fol- lowing described lines: Beginning at the present scAver man- hcle in the intersection of Starr Street and Taeoma Avenue; thence south in Starr Street to the intersection of the same with the center line of the alley between Taeoma Avenue and "G" Street, at a point forty-three feet, more or less, distant west of the east boundary of Starr Street ; thence in the said alley to a point one hundred and thirty feet southerly from the center line of North Eleventh Street; also a line of sewer connecting with the last described sewer running in North Eleventh Street to a point thirty feet distant, northerly from the north boundary of "G" Street, in the City of Taeoma; and providing for the payment to the amount of the cost and expense of the construc- tion of that portion of said sewer extending from a point "be- ginning at the present sewer manhole in the intersection of Starr Street and Taeoma Avenue; thence south in Starr Street to the intersection of the same with the center line of the alley be- tween Taeoma Avenue and 'G' Street at a point forty-three feet, more or less, distant west of the east boundary of Starr Street," out of the (General Fund of the City of Taeoma; and creating a special fund for the remainder of the aforesaid de- scribed sewer, and providing for the issuance of bonds, and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxinuite lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved May 25, 1900. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITDE. 295 ORDINANCE NO. 1463. An crcliuance providing- for the improvement of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "I" Street, from the northerly boundary of North Third Street to the southerly boundary of North Sixth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating; a special fund, and providing for the is.suance of bonds and for the pay- ment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved June 22, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1465. An ordinance directing the Treasurer and Controller of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of ninety-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars and sixty cents ($91.- 877.60) from the Water and Light Extension Fund, and the sum of forty-three thousand five hundred dollars (43,500), or so much thereof as may be needed, from the Salary Fund, to the General Fund of the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of paying General Fund warrants of the City of Tacoma in com- pliance with the decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, handed down in the case of Francis B. Muhlen- berg, Plaintiff, vs. City of Tacoma, et al.. Defendants, No. 3303, filed June 27th, 1899, and other similar cases. Approved July 14, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1467. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, beginning in Starr Street forty-three feet, more or less, distant west of the east line thereof, in the intersection of said Starr Street with the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street ; thence in the said alley to a point one hundred and thir- ty feet southerly from the center line of North Eleventh Street ; also a line of sewer, connecting with the last described sewer, running in North Eleventh Street to a point thirty feet distant northerly from the north boundary of "G" Street; and approv- ing and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the con- struction of said sewer upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 22nd day of March, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1462, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to 296 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved July 14, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1468. An ordinance approving; and conlirmino: the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement, by grading, of Sprague Avenue from the center line of that portion of South Eighth Street that lies Vilest of said Sprague Avenue to the southerly line of Division Avenue, in the Cit}^ of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said ave- nue upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 15th day of March, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1461, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved July 14, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1469. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eleventh Street, from the westerly boundary of "C" Street to the easterly boundary of Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved July 21, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1470. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Ninth Street from a line parallel to and six feet west of the cen- ter line of St. Helens Avenue to the easterly line of Tacoma Avenue (omitting the portion in the intersection of St. Helens Avenue now paved with fir blocks) in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the pajanent thereof by special assessment upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved July 21, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1471. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Railroad Street, from a point six hundred and eighty-five feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street, to the westerly boun- dary of Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 297 the payment thereof by special assessments upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved July 21, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1472. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eighth Street from the center line of "A" Street to the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved July 21, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1473. An ordinance providing for the appropriation of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), to be paid out of the Gen- eral Expense Fund of the City of Tacoma, in liquidation of the claim of Hon. John P. Dillon for legal services rendered by him in the matter of the proposed issue of funding bonds to take up the outstanding warrant indebtedness of the City of Tacoma. Approved July 27, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1475. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, in the City of Tacoma, to-wit : Beginning at the present sewer manhole at South Twenty- first Street and South "E" Street; thence southerly in said " E " Street to a point fifteen feet north of South Twenty-seventh Street ; Also in the alley extending through Block 2, in Byrd's Addition, as shown on the corrected plat thereof, filed for rec- ord in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, July 6th, 1875, from a point in North Street six feet north of the northwest corner of Lot 1 of Block 2 of said Byrd's Addition, southward to the south boundary of said Byrd's Addition; Also a sewer in each of the following described portions of the alley between South "E" Street and South Tacoma Ave- nue, viz. : (1) From the present sewer manhole in South Twenty- seventh Street to a point fifteen feet south of the south line of South Twenty-fifth Street ; (2) From a point fifteen feet north of the north line of South Twenty-fifth Street to the south boundary of said Byrd's Addition; and 'J9S SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. (3) Bc^'iiuiiii";- at a point fifteen feet smith of the south boundary of South Twenty-first Street; thence running south- erly alono' the alley between South "E" Street and South Ta- conia Avenue, to a common connection with the sewer hereinafter mentioned to be constructed in said North Street, and the sewer hereinbefore described, extending through the alley in said Block 2 of said Byrd's Addition; Providing, also, for the creation of a special fund to pay for the cost and expense of construct hig the above described sewers, and for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots, blocks and parcels of land ; And providing, further, that a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, conneQting with the system of sewers hereinbefore describ- ed, the cost and expense of which shall be paid out of the Gen- eral Fund of the City of Tacoma, be constructed and laid on the following described line, to-wit : Beginning at the intersection of the sewer to be constructed in "E" Street, as hereinbefore described, and the north line of North Street of said Byrd's Addition; thence westerly in said North Street to a junction with the sewers, hereinbefore de- scribed, to be constructed, respectively, in the alley in Block 2 of said Byrd's Addition, and in the alley between "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue, extending through Smith & Denton's Addi- tion. Approved August 3, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1477. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement of the alley between Yakima Ave- nue and "I" Street, from the northerl^y boundary of North Third Street to the southerly boundary of North Sixtli. Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said alley upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Coun- cil on the 10th day of May, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1463 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved August 10, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1478. An ordinance providing for tlie improvement of South Twelfth Street, from the westerly line of "A" Street to the east- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 299 erly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing- for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1479. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South * Thirteenth Street from the center line of " A " Street to the east- erly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, •contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1480. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Four- teenth Street from the center line of "A" Street to the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1481. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, in the City of Tacoma, to-wit: In the alley between South Seventh Street and South Eighth Street, from the center line of Alder Street to a point 15 feet w&st of the west boundary of Pine Street ; In the alley between South Eighth Street and South- Ninth Street, from the center line of Alder Street to a point 15 feet west of the west line of Pine Street; Providing, also, for the creation of a special fund to pay for the cost and expense of constructing the above described sewers, and for the issuance of bonds and for the payment there- of by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1482. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract made and entered into between the City of Tacoma by its Commission- er of Public Works, and the Deane Steam Pump Company, dated June 4th, 1900, for the purchase of one Deane Steam ;kx) special ordinances by title. Pump, and appropriating the snm of four thousand one hun- dred and thirty dollars ($4,130) for the payment thereof. Ap- proved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1483. ■ An ordinance authorizing and directing the Treasurer of the City of Tacoma to receive in full settlement of the special assessment made upon lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Chicago Avenue Ad- dition, for the improvement of Sprague Avenue, under Ordi- nances Nos. 1461 and 1468, the sum of $26.25 per lot, and direct- ing the Treasurer and the Controller of said City of Tacoma tc transfer the sum of $131.25 from the General Expense Fund to Local Improvement Fund, District No. 13, being the special fund" created by Ordinance No. 1461 for the improvement of said Sprague Avenue. Approved August 18, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1484. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, in the- City of Tacoma, to-wit : In the alley between " G " Street and Tacoma Avenue, from the end of present sewer in said alley, 115 feet, more or less,, north of South Twenty-seventh Street, to a point 405 feet north of the center of South Twenty-fifth Street; In "G" Street from the present sewer in South Twenty- seventh Street to a point 405 feet north of the center of South Twenty-fifth Street ; , Also beginning at a point in the last above described .sewer 215 feet north of the center line of South Twenty-fifth Street; running thence parallel to South Twenty-fifth Street to the alley between "G" Street and Yakima Avenue; thence northerly on the center line of the alley last above mentioned, and in Fourth Street (Byrd's Addition), to a point 15 feet south of South Twenty-first Street. Also in the alley last above mentioned from the present seAver in South Twenty-seventh Street to a point 15 feet south of South Twenty-fifth Street; Also in Yakima Avenue from the present sewer in South Twenty-seventh Street to a point 300 feet north of South Twen- ty-fifth Street; Also in the alley between Yakima Avenue and "I" Street from present sewer in South Twenty -seventh Street to the south boundary of lot 4, in block 1, of Forbes' Addition; SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 301 Also in the alley last above mentioned from the north bound- ary of Forbes' Addition to a point 300 feet north of South Twenty-fifth Street ; Also in "I" Street from the present sewer in South Twenty- ■seventh Street to a point 350 feet south of South Twenty-fifth Street ; Also in the alley between "I" Street and "J" Street, from the present sewer in South Twenty-seventh Street to a point 16 feet north of the center of South Twenty-fifth Street; Also in the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street, from & point 15 feet south of the south boundary of South Twenty- third Street to South Twenty-seventh Street ; thence in South Twenty-seventh Street to present sewer manhole in the intersec- tion of South Twenty-seventh and "J" Streets; Providing, also, for the creation of a special fund to pay for the cost and expense of constructing the above described sewers, and for the issuance of bonds and for the payment there- of by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land; And providing, further, that a sanitary sewer of eight-inch pipe, connecting with the system of sewers hereinbefore de- scribed, the cost and expense of which shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma, be constructed and laid on the following described line, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of Yakima Avenue and South Twenty-fifth Street, on the line of sewer in Yakima Avenue, hereinbefore described ; thence westerly in South Twenty-fifth Street to an intersection with the sewer in the alley between Yakima Avenue and "I" Street, hereinbefore described. Ap- proved August 21, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1485. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract made and entered into between the City of Tacoma, by its Commis- sioner of Public Works, and the Fabric Fire Hose Company, dated July 20th, 1900, for the purchase of two thousand feet of :fire hose, and appropriating the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800) for the payment thereof. Approved August 24, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1486. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement, by paving, of South Eleventh .Street, from the westerly boundarj^ of "C" Street to the east- 302 SPKCJAL OKDIXA.XCES BY TITLK. ' erly boundary of Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving- and confirming the le\y and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 31st day of May, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1469, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the pay- ment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved August 24, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1487. xin ordinance vacating that portion of the alley running^ north and south through block 11 in Buckley's Addition to the City of Tacoma, between lots 17 to 24, inclusive, and lots 9 to 16, inclusive. Approved August 31, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1488. An ordinance appropriating from the General Expense Fund of the City of Tacoma the sum of four thousand one hun- dred and fifty-five dollars ($4,155), or so much thereof as may be needed, for the purpose of rebuilding the south draw rest (or fender) of the Eleventh Street bridge, across the channel in South Eleventh Street, in said City, redecking said bridge, and repainting a portion of the iron work thereof. Approved Au- gust 31, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1489. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of South Eighth Street, from the center line of "A" Street to the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council May 31st, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1472, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improve- ment. Approved August 31, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1490. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of- the improvement by paving of South Ninth Street, from a line parallel to and six feet west of the center line of SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 303 St. Helens Avenue to the easterly line of Tacoma Avenue (omit- ting that portion in the intersection of St. Helens Avenue now paved with fir blocks), in the City of Tacoma; and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improve- ment of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolu- tion adopted by the City Council June 14th, 1900, and Ordi- i nance No. 1470 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the war- rants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved August 31, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1491. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of Railroad Street, from a point 685 feet northerly from the center line of South Ninth Street to the westerly boundary of Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council on the 24th day of May, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1471, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of the warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved August *31, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1492. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the alley between "A" Street and Pacific Avenue, commonly known as Court "A," from the southerly line of South Twelfth Street to the northerly line of South Fifteenth Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds, and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and par- cels of land. Approved September 7, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1493. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Sev- enth Street from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Ap- proved September 14, 1900. 304 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1499. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to remodel the rooms on the 5th floor of the City Hall Building now occupied and to be occupied by the Public Library, and providing for the payment for the same. Approved September 29, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1500. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe in Local Improvement District No. 109, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewers upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by' the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 21st day of June, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1475, passed on the 2nd day of August, 1900, and approved on the 3rd day of August, 1900, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said im- provement. Approved September 29, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1501. An ordinance authorizing and directing the City Treas- urer and City Controller of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of sixty-seven hundred fifty dollars ($6,750.00) from the Water and Light Fund to the General Expense Fund, and to apply the same to the paym.ent of general expense bills con- tracted by the City of Tacoma and filed with the City Con- troller on or before the 31st day of August, 1900. Approved October 6, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1502. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of South Twelfth Street from the westerly line of "A" Street to the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 21st day of June, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1478, passed on the 16th day of August, 1900, and approved on the 18th day of August, SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 305 1900; and providing- for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said im- provement. Approved October 16, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1503. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of South Thirteenth Street from the center line of "A" Street to the easterly bound- ary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving .and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improve- ment of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolu- tion adopted by the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 21st day of June, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1479, passed on the 16th day of August, 1900, and approved on the 18th day of August, 1900; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of war- rants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved October 16, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1504. An ordinance approving and confirming: the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of South Fourteenth Street from the center line of "A" Street to the easterly bound- ary of Pacific Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improve- ment of said street upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolu- tion adopted by the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 31st day of May, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1480, passed on the 16th day of August, 1900, and approved on the 18th day of August, 1900, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improvement. Approved October 16, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1505. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eleventh Street and St. Paul Avenue, from a line in and at right angles to the center line of South Eleventh Street, 732 feet easterly from the center of Railroad Avenue to a line in and at right angles to the center line of St. Paul Avenue, 940 feet dis- 306 SPECTAT. OEDTNANCES BY TITLE. tant southeasterly from a stone monument at the intersection of the said street and avenue, creating a special fund, and pro- viding for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land. Approved October 19, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1507. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the improvement by paving of the alley between "A" Street and Pacific Avenue, commonly known as Court "A," from the southerly line of South Twelfth Street to the north- erly line of South Fifteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and approving and confirming the levy and charge of the cost of the improvement of said alley upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 14th day of June, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1492, passed on the 6th day of September, 1900, and approved on the 7th day of September, 1900, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improveni'^nt. Approved October 19. 1900, ORDINANCE NO. 1508. An ordinance authorizing the purchase by the City of Ta- coma from Fred Tozer of lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), in block fifteen (15), in Wing's Addition to Tacoma, Wash- ington, as shown by the recorded plat of the same in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, Washington; and authorizing the payment by said City of two hundred and ninety-three and 92-100 dollars ($293.92), and the conveyance and transfer by deed of all the right, title and interest of said City of Tacoma in and to lots fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), twenty- five (25), twenty-six (26) and twenty-seven (27), in block thir- ty-two (32), in said Wing's Addition, to said Fred Tozer in full consideration and payment for the conveyance by him to said City, of the aforesaid lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; and authorizing the Mayor to execute and deliver, the Controller to countersign, and the City Clerk to attest the deed for the afore- .said lots 14, 15, 16, 25, 26 and 27 to said Fred Tozer, and appro- priating the said sum of $293.92 in payment for said first men- tioned lots. Approved October 26, 1900. SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 307 ORDINANCE NO. 1509. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the payment of interest upon the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tacoma, and for general municipal purposes of said City, for the fiscal 5'ear 1901 ; and for the ultimate redemption of the bonded in- debtedness of said City; and appropriating the same to certain funds. Approved October 26, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1510. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment roll, approving and confirming all proceedings for the assessment of the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe in Local Improvement District No. 112, and approving and con- firming the le\y and charge of the cost of the construction of said sewers upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Tacoma on the 28th day of June, 1900, and Ordinance No. 1481, passed on the 16th day of August, 1900, and approved on the 18th day of August, 1900, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected from said assessment and for the payment of warrants drawn and bonds issued to defray the cost and expense of said improve- ment. Approved November 2, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1512. An ordinance vacating that portion of the alley running northerly and southerly between lots 21 to 26 inclusive, in block 2314, and lots 21 to 26 inclusive, in block 2315. in Reed's Addi- tion to the City of Tacoma, according to the official plat there- of. Approved November 8, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1515. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines in the City of Tacoma, to-wit : In the alley between North "M" Street and North ''N" Street from the northwesterly boundary of North Ninth Street to the northwesterly boundary of North Eighth Street, thence by a curved line of thirty-six feet radius, and southwesterly in North Eighth Street to a point 56 feet northeasterly from the northeasterly boundary of North "N" Street. In the alley between North "N" Street and North "0" Street from the present sewer in Steele Street to the section line between sections 31 and 32, T. 21, N. R. 3 E., W. M. Approved November 23, 1900. 308 SPECIAL OEDTNANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1517. An ordinance provi(lin center of North Twenty-eighth Street. In the alley between Puget Sound Avenue and Union Ave- nue, from a point 125 feet south of North Twenty-fifth Street to the sewer' to be constructed in North Twenty-ninth Street. Also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land benefitted by the construction of said sewers. Approved June 7, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1563. An ordinance authorizing the construction of trunk sewers of six and eight-inch pipe, in connection with Sewerage Dis- trict No. 16, created by the Commissioner of Public Works, upon the following lines, to-Avit : Commencing at high water line in Commencement Bay at the northerly extremity of Alder Street ; thence in Alder Street to North Thirty-fifth Street; thence in North Thirty-fifth Street to Lawrence Avenue, and thence in Lawrence Avenue to the center of North Twenty-eighth Street; also in said Lawrence Avenue from the center of North Twenty-seventh Street to the center of the alley betAveen North TAventy-fifth Stret and North TAventy-sixth Street ; also in Alder Street from the center of the last mentioned alley to the center of North Twenty-fourth Street. And appropriating the sum of $925, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the materials for the construction thereof, and the sum of $1,075, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the labor of the construction of the same, and repealing Ordinance No. 1539. Approved June 7, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1565. An ordinance providing for the release of the principal and sureties upon certain indemnity bonds heretofore given to the City of Tacoma. Approved June 7, 1901. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 321 ORDINANCE NO. 1566. An ordinance amending- Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1157, entitled, "An ordinance governing the tratific in intoxicating liquors within the City of Tacoma." Approved June 7, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1567. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain electric light meters, and providing for the pavment of the same. Approved June 14, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1569. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain water pipe and specials, and providing for the payment for the same. Approved June 21, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1570. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Thirty-first Street from a line in, and at right angles to said street, 200 feet easterly from the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the center line of "E" Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund, and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved June 29, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1571. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commis- sioner of Public Works on the 12th day of June, 1901, for the cost of the improvement of Court "A" from the northerly boundary of South Eleventh Street to the southerly boundary of South Seventh Street, omitting intersections of South Eighth, South Ninth and South Tenth Streets, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1551, of the City of Tacoma, approved May 3, 1901 ; and providing for the disposi- tion of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 29, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1572. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 12th day of June, 1901, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 117, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance 322 SPECIAL OEDIXANCHS BY TJTLE. No. 1552, of the City of Taeoiiia, approved May 3, 1901 : and providing' for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 29, 1901. ORDINANCP] NO. 1573. An ordinance vacating that portion of the alley running northerly and southerly between lots 1 to 7, inclusive, in block 9, and 1 to 7, inclusive, in block 10, in Catlin's Addition to the City of Tacoma ; also that portion of the alley running easterly and Avesterly between lots 5 to 11, inclusive, in block 2, and lots 5 to 11, inclusive, in block 4, in Pierce's Addition to the City of Tacoma ; and also that portion of the alley running northerly and southerly between lots 1 to 10, inclusive, in block 15, and lots 1 to 10, inclusive, in block 16, in Monticello Park Addition to the City of Tacoma, according to the official plats of said ad- ditions. Approved July 5, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1576. An ordinance authorizing and directing the construction of a drawbridge across the Puyallup River at or near where St. Paul Avenue, or St. Paul Avenue extended, crosses said river, in the City of Tacoma, and appropriating the sum of four thou- sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund or General Expense Fund in payment of the same. Approved July 12, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1580. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in the City of Tacoma, along the following described lines, to-wit : In Carr Street from present sewer manhole in the inter- section of North Twenty-eighth Street and Carr Street to the northerly boundary of Yakima Avenue; thence westerly in said Yakima Avenue to the center line of Steele Street; thence south in said Steele Street to a point 100 feet south of the south boundary of North TAventy-first Street. In North Twenty-eighth Street from said sewer to be con- structed in Carr Street to a point 50 feet east of said Carr Street. In North Twenty-seventh Street from a point 90 feet east of Carr Street to a point 50 feet west thereof. In the alley between North Twenty-sixth Street and North Twenty-seventh Street from said sewer to be constructed in Carr Street to a point 50 feet west of said Carr Street. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 323 In North Twenty-sixth Street from a point 90 feet east of Carr Street to a point 50 feet west thereof. In North Twenty-third Street from said sewer to be con- structed in Steele Street to the center line of the alley between Prospect Street and Fife Street. In North Twenty-first Street from said sewer to be con- structed in Steele Street to a point 75 feet Avest of the west boundary of said Steele Street; and from the sewer to be con- structed in the alley between Steele and Prospect Streets to a point 40 feet east of said Prospect Street. In the alley between Yakima Avenue and "I" Street from said sewer to be constructed in Steele Street to a point 15 feet westerly from the westerly boundary of North Thirteenth Street. In the alley between Steele Street and Prospect Street from said sewer to be constructed in North Twenty-third Street to a point 15 feet north of North Nineteenth Street ; and In the .alley between Prospect Street and Fife Street from said sewer to be constructed in North Twenty-third Street to a point 15 feet north of North Nineteenth Street. Also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved July 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1581. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, in the City of Tacoma, to-wit: In the alley between South Eleventh Street and South Twelfth Street, from the present sewer in Cedar Street to the west boundary of Pine Street ; thence across Pine Street and in South Street ( Kellogg 's Addition), to a point 30 feet distant from the east boundary of said Kellogg 's Addition; and In the alley between South Twelfth Street and South Thir- teenth Street, from the present sewer in Cedar Street to the center line of Oakes Street ; Also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved July 27, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1582. An ordinance permitting and authorizing the owners of property abutting upon the easterly side of South G Street, be- 324 SPECIAL OEDTXAXrES BY TFTLE. tween Division Avenue and Sixth Avenue in the City of Ta- coma, to improve by regrading and parking- that part of said South G Street lying between the southerly boundary of Divi- sion Avenue and the northerly boundary of Sixth Avenue, at the cost and expense of said owners. Approved July 27, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1585. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "K" Street from the center line of South Twentieth Street to the center line of South Twenty-thinl Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved August 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1586. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from Sixth Avenue to South Seventh Street, between blocks 6l6 and 611, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1587. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from Sixth Avenue to South Seventh Street, between Blocks 612 and 613, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1588. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, between Blocks 3816 and 3817, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1589. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Ninth Street to North Tenth Street, between Blocks 3926 and 3927, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma. to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1590. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "L" Street, from the center of South Fifteenth Street to the center SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 325 of South Fourteenth Street, and South Fourteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the center line of Ainsworth Avenue, omitting that portion above mentioned, contained within the limits of said "L" Street, in the City of Tacoma; creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved August 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1591. An ordinance providing for the construction of a Public Library Building, with the money donated to the City of Ta- coma by Andrew Carnegie for said purpose, and costing not to exceed $75,000.00, and creating a special fund therefor. Ap- proved August 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1592. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, between Blocks 3524 and 8525, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1593. An ordinance transferring the sum of $24,000 from the Street and Sewer Improvement Deficiency Fund to the General Fund, and appropriating the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the payment of certain warrants for the salaries of certain elective officers of the City of Tacoma, which said war- rants have been validated by said City under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 39, Session Laws of the State of Wash- ington for the year 1901, approved March 1st, 1901. Approved August 23, 190L ORDINANCE NO. 1594. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eleventh Street to North Twelfth Street, between blocks 4,120 and 4,121, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 23, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1595. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain marble switchboard panels, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved Sep- tember 14, 1901. 326 SPECTAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1597. An ordiDanco approving: and confirming: the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 19th day of August, 1901, for the cost of the improvement of South Thirty-first Street, from a line in and at right angles to said street, 200 feet easterly from the easterly boundary of Pacific Avenue, to the center line of "E" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in ])ur.suanee of Ordinance No. 1570, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 29, 1901 ; and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 14, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1600. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 9th day of August, 1901, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Lccal Improvement Dis- trict No. 116, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1562 of the City of Tacoma, approved June 7, 1901; and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 21. 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1601. An ordinance reducing the alley between Blocks 3624 and 3625 between North Sixth Street and the line where said alley abuts upon Carr's Addition to the City of Tacoma, in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a por- tion thereof. Approved September 21, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1602. An ordinance reducing the alley between Blocks 3408 and 3409 and 3508 and 3509 between North Fourth Street and North Sixth Street in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, in that part of the City formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved September 21, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1603. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain electric light meters, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved September 27, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1604. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described line, to-wit : SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLF. 327 In the alley between "I'' Street and "J" Street, beginning at present sewer manhole in South Seventeenth Street; thence southerly on the center line of said alley to a point fifteen feet northerly from the northerly boundary of South Eighteenth Street; and also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assess- ment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and par- cels of land. Approved September 27, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1606. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Sixth Street from the west boundary of "K" Street to the center line of the alley between "M" and "N" Streets, in the City of Ta- coma, also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved October 10, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1607. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain electrical supplies, and ap- propriating the sum of $9,905.05 for the payment of the same. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1608. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the payment of interest upon the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tacoma, and for general municipal purposes of said City, for the fiscal year 1902, and for the ultimate redemption of the bonded in- debtedness of said City, and appropriating the same to certain funds. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1609. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 24th day of September, 1901, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewere in Local Improve- ment District No. 118. in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1580 of the City of Tacoma, approved July 19, 1901 -^ and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1610. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Coumiissioner 328 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. of Public Works on the 4th day of October, 1901, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 119, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1581 of the City of Tacoma, approved July 27, 1901 ; and providinji: for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1611. An ordinance approving- and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 4th day of October, 1901, for the cost of the improvement of South "K" Street from the center line of South Twentieth Street to the center line of South Twenty-third Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1585 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 9, 1901, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1612. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 4th day of October, 1901, for the cost of the improvement of South "L" Street from the center of South Fifteenth Street to the center of South Fourteenth Street, and South Fourteenth Street from the center line of "L" Street to the center line of Ainsworth Avenue, omitting that portion above mentioned contained within the limits of said "L" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1590 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 19, 1901, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 19, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1613. An ordinance providing for the vacation of the plat of cer- tain lands within the City of Tacoma, known as "The Plat of Narrows Heights Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington." Approved November 1, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1614. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Third Street to North Sixth Street between Blocks 3316, 3317, 3416, 3417, 3516 and 3517, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called NeAV Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved November 8, 1901. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 329 ORDINANCE NO. 1615. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Commission- er of Public Works on the 21st day of October, 1901, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improve- ment District No. 120, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of ' Ordinance No. 1604, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 27, 1901, and providing for the disposition of the monej^s col- lected upon said assessment. Approved November 8, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1616. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Puyallup . Avenue from the east end of Bridge No. 1, in East "C" Street, ; to the center line of East "G" Street, in the City of Tacoma, ' excepting certain portions thereof, also creating a special fund and providing for the issuance of bonds and for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land. Approved November 15, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1617. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Second Street to North Third Street between Blocks 3216 and 3217, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved November 15, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1618. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public AVorks to purchase certain electrical supplies and ap- propriating the sum of $1,700.00 for the payment of the same. Approved November 22, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1619. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from Sixth Ave- nue to South Fifth Street between blocks 522 and 523 in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved No- vember 30, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1620. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Sixth Street to North Seventh Street between blocks 3622 and 3623 in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved November 30, 1901. 330 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1623. An ordinance authorizing- and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase certain cast iron water pipe and specials, and appropriatinji' the sum of $5,842.60 for the pay- ment of the same. Approved December 9, 1001. ORDINANCE NO. 1624. An ordinance authorizing' and directing the Commissioner of Public "Works to purchase certain electrical supplies, and ap- propriating the sum of $1,597.50 f ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1741. An ordinance anthorizinjj and dirwtino; the Commissioner of Public Works to make certain repairs upon Bridges Nos. 3 and 4, located in East Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Ta- coma, and appropriating from the General Expense Fund the sum of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the same. Approved September 20, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1742. An ordinance appi^oving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of .Public Works on the 30th day of July, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of "M" Street, from the southerly curb line of South Eleventh Street to the center line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1691, of the City of Tacoma, approved May 29th, 1902, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 20, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1743. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Connnissioner of Public AVorks on the 25th day of August, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Ninth Street, from the westerly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of "C" Street, excepting the portion of South Ninth Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, and also the portion in and adjacent to the track of the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, which the said company is required to pave under its franchise, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1696 of the City of Tacoma, approved June 12, 1902, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1744. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 25th day of August, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Eleventh Street, from the westerly boundary of Pacific Ave- nue to the easterly boundary of "C" Street, excepting that portion of South Eleventh Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, and also the portion in and adjacent to track of the Tacoma Railway & Power Company which the said company is required to pave under its franchise, in the City of SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 349 Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1697, approved June 12th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1745. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of August, 1902, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 122, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1710, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 24th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1746. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of August, 1902, for the cost of the construction of santitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 124, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1711, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 24th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1747. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll, certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of August, 1902, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 125, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1707, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 17th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1748. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the payment of interest upon the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tacoma, and for general municipal purposes of said City, for the fiscal year 1903; and for the ultimate redemption of the bonded in- debtedness of said City; and appropriating the same to certain funds. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1749. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Commerce Street from the easterly boundary of Jefferson Avenue to the 350 SPECIAL ORDTXAXCER T>,Y TITLE. westerly track of tho Nortlici-ii I'acific Railway Company in Hood Street (now vacated), in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 29, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1750. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Thir- teenth Street, from the westerly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of "C" Street, except the portion of said South Thirteenth Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, and also the portion thereof between the rails of the cable track of the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, in the City of 'Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1751. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Fifteenth Street, from the westerly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of "C" Street, except the portion of said South Fifteenth Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1752. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 22nd day of August, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of Yakima Avenue, from the south gutter line of South Thirty-eighth Street to the center line of South Forty-eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 1690, of the City of Tacoma, approved May 29th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1754. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1167, as amended by Ordinance No. 1186, entitled : "An ordinance creating a fund SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 351 to be known and designated as the "Feed Emergency Fund" and appropriating and providing funds therefor." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1755. An ordinance transferring one hundred and twenty-four and 55-100 dollars ($124.55) from the "Fire Department Ex- pense Fund" to the General Expense Fund, and repealing Or- dinance No. 407, as amended by Ordinance No. 1118, entitled: "An ordinance to provide for disposing of condemned property of the Fire Department of the City of Tacoma and to provide for the disposal of the proceeds thereof. ' ' Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1756. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1076, entitled: "An ordinance creating a fund to be designated as the Legal Expense Fund." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1757. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1530, entitled "An ordinance granting to Fred E. Sander, Incorporated, its suc- cessors and assigns, a franchise to build and operate a street railway in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1758. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1227, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Frank C. Ross, his associates, successors and assigns, the right to construct, operate and maintain a stan- dard gauge railway over, along and upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1759. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1141, entitled: "An ordinance creating a fund to be designated as the "City Hall Emergency Fund," and appropriating and providing funds therefor." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1760. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 357, entitled: "An ordinance creating a City Hall Fund and designating what rev- enue shall be paid into said fund, and for what purpose appro- priations shall be made from said fund." Approved Septem- ber 27, 1902. 352 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1761. An ordinance authorizinji^ and directinf>- the City Treasurer and City Controller of the City of Taeonia to transfer the sum of $15,073.30 from the "Water and Light Emergency Fund" to the "General Expense Fund." Approved September 27, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1764. An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1741 of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to make certain re- pairs upon Bridges Nos. 3 and 4, located in East Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and appropriating from the Gen- eral Expense Fund the sum of $2,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same." Approved September 29," 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1767. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "0" Street from the center line of South Fifteenth Street to the north boundary line of C. P. Ferry's Addition in the City of Tacoma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and prox- imate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved Oc- tober 17, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1768. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Adams Street, from the westerly boundary of Commerce Street to the center line of South Twenty-first Street; "C" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of South Twenty-third Street ; and Commerce Street from the cen- ter line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Twenty-first Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved October 17, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1770. An ordinance appropriating the sum of $8,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Expense Fund, to be expended in making general repairs upon streets and side- walks in the City of Tacoma. Approved October 24, 1902. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 353 ORDINANCE NO. 1771. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Taconia, by its Commissioner of Public Works, and the General Electric Company, dated the 15th day of October, 1902, for the purchase of one certain transformer and marble panel, as set forth in said contract; and appropriating the sum of $725.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved October 24, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1772. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 8th day of October, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of the alley between "C" Street and "D" Street (comiponly known as '^ Opera Alley") from the southerly boundary of South Ninth Street to the northerly boundary of South Thirteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1700, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 19th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 30, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1773. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fourth Street to South Sixth Street, between blocks 408 and 409, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved November 8, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 177&.-' An ordinance providing for the improvement of East "D" Street, from the northerly boundary of Puyallup Avenue to the center line of South Twenty-first Street, and Railroad Avenue from the center line of said South Twenty-first Street to a line in and at right angles to said avenue 380 feet distant northerly from said center line (excepting the portions of said streets in and adjacent to the various tracks of the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, which the said company is required to pave under its several franchises) in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 14, 1902. 354 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1776. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, between blocks 3822 and 3823, as shown on map of New Taconia, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved November 20, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1777. An ordinance vacating Division Avenue between South Prospect Street and South Oakes Street, as platted in Waite's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington. Approved No- vember 20, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1778. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 30th day of October, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Twenty-eighth Street, from the westerly curb line of Pacific Avenue to the center line of "D" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1694 of the City of Tacoma, approved June 6th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved November 20, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1779. An ordinance vacating all that portion of Division Avenue that lies within C. P. Ferry's 2nd Addition to the City of Ta- coma, excepting any portion of Trafton Street, State Street, South Seventh Street and South Eighth Street that my be in- cluded within the lines of said Division Avenue. Approved No- vember 29, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1780. An ordinance vacating the alley extending from North Eleventh Street to North Twelfth Street, between blocks 4114 and 4115, as shown and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of New Tacoma, Washington Territory," filed in the of- fice of the County Auditor of Pierce County on the 3rd day of February, 1875. Approved November 29, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1781. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewers and drains in Sewerage District No. 26, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 18th day of August, 1902; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 355 land benefitted thereby, and providing for the issuance pf local improvement bonds against the same ; and repealing Ordinance No. 1753, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the construc- tion of sewers and drains in Sewerage District No. 26, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 18th day of August, 1902 ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land benefitted thereby, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1782. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 8th day of November, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Twenty-fifth Street, from the west- erly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of Jefferson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 1730, approved August 28th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1783. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Four- teenth Street to South Eighteenth Street, between blocks 1420, 1421, 1520, 1521, 1620, 1621. 1720 and 1721, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1784. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Tacoma, by its Commissioner of Public Works, and the Fabric Fire Hose Company and William Gardner & Com- pany, dated November 12th, 1902, for the purchase of 1500 feet of fire hose, and appropriating the sum of $1,350.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Gen- eral Expense Fund. Approved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1785. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Tacoma, by its Commissioner of Public Works, and Israel Wick, of the City of Tacoma, Washington, dated Novem- ber 17th, 1902, for the purchase of the wood required at Pump- ing Station "A" for the period of one year, and appropriating the sum of $4900.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to 3.36 SPECIAL ORniXAXCKS BY TTTLK. pay for the same, from the Water and Lij»ht Fund. Approved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1786. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Taeoma, by its Commissioner of Public Works, and N. P. Harrison and E. AV. Harrison, co-partners doing business as Harrison Brothers, dated November 14th, 1902, for the pur- chase of the wood required at Pumping Station "B", for the period of one year, and appropriating the sum of .$4732.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved December 4, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1787. An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale, transfer and conveyance by the City of Taeoma to Taeoma Cemetery, a corporation, by deed, for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars, of a certain tract of land situated in the City of Taeoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington, described as follows : Commencing at a point on the north line of section 19, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M., 217 feet east of the northwest corner of said section 19 ; said point being also the northwest corner of the land now owned by the said Taeoma Cemetery ; running thence south 25 degrees and 50 minutes east along the western line of the land of said Taeoma Cemetery, 350 feet ; thence west to a line drawn parallel with and 50 feet dis- tant from said western line of the land of said Taeoma Cemetery (measured at right angles) ; thence northwesterly and parallel with the Avestern line of the land of said Cemetery to said north line of said section 19 ; thence east along said section line to the place of beginning. Approved December 12, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1788. An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale, transfer and conveyance by the City of Taeoma to the Taeoma Railway & Power Company, by warranty deed, of a certain tract of land situate on the easterly side of "A" Street, in the City of Ta- eoma, Pierce County, State of Washington, for and in consider- ation of the sum of $3,000.00. Approved December 12, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1790. An ordinance vacating certain portions of North Tenth Street, North Eleventh Street, North Twelfth Street, North Thir- teenth Street and North Fourteenth Street lying near to the east- ern boundary line of Buckley's Addition to the City of Taeoma. Approved December 12, 1902. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 357 ORDINANCE NO. 1792. An ordinance approving- and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 29th day of November; 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Fifteenth Street, from the west- erly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of ''C" Street, except the portion of said South Fifteenth Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1751, of the City of Tacoma, approved Sep- tember 27th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 26, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1793. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 28th day of November, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Thirteenth Street, from the west- erly boundary of Pacific Avenue to the easterly boundary of " C " Street, except the portion of the said South 13th Street that lies within the boundaries of Commerce Street, and also the portion thereof that lies betvx'een the rails of the cable track of the Ta- coma Railway & Power Company, in the City of Tacoma, in pur- suance of Ordinance No. 1750, approved September 27th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 26, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1794. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 28th day of November, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of South Seventh Street, from the center line of Lawrence Street to the center line of Warner Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1731, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 28th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 26, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1795. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Center Street, from the west curb line of "I" Street to the east curb line of Wilkeson Street; Wilkeson Street from the south bound- ary of South Twenty-first Street to the south boundary of South Thirtieth Street ; South Thirtieth Street, from the west curb line of Wilkeson Street to the east boundary of Sprague Avenue; 358 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. "J" Street, from the south curb line of South Twenty-seventh Street to the north curb line of Center Street; "K" Street, from the south boundarj^ of Center Street to the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining-, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved December 26, 1902. ORDLNANCP: no. 1796. An ordinance providing for the condemnation by the City of Tacoma, under the right of Eminent Domain, and thereby ac- quiring title to a triangular tract of land containing about two and 53-100 acres, situate in the northeast corner of the John Montgomery Donation Land Claim in Section 26, Township 19 north, range 3 east W. M., in Pierce County, Washington, for the use of /said City of Tacoma in connection with its present water works and water supply in supplying said City and its in- habitants with water. Approved January 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1797. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 17th day of December, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of Pacific Avenue, from the center line of South Seventeenth Street, produced easterly, to the center line of South Twenty-first Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursu- ance of Ordinance No. 1722 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 11th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved January 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1800. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, to- wit : Beginning at the present sewer in Jefferson Avenue at the intersection therewith of the street on the north side of Spin- ning's Addition; thence Avest in said street to the street on west side of Spinning's Addition; thence south in said street a dis- tance of 105 feet. Also in the alley extending through bl(^ck 1, in Spinning's Addition, and block 1, in Byrd's Addition, beginning at the above mentioned sewer and running south in said alley to a point 25 feet north of the south boundary of Byrd's Addition. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 359 Also, beginning at the present manhole in South 21st Street jn the intersection therewith of the alley between "E" Street and Jefferson Avenue ; thence southerly in said alley to the south boundary of plat of New Tacoma, W. T. ; creating a spe- cial fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved January 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1801. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, to- wit : Beginning at the present sewer manhole in the intersection of North 28th Street and Lawrence Avenue; thence west in North 28th Street to a point 15 feet east of the east boundary of Puget Sound Avenue. Also, in the alley between North 28th Street and North 29th Street, beginning at the present sewer manhole in Law- rence Avenue ; thence west in said alley to a point 15 feet east of the east boundary of Puget Sound Avenue; creating a spe- cial fund for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved January 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1802. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the South side of South 8th Street, from Sprague Avenue to Tacoma Ave- nue; both sides of South 9th Street from "M" Street to Ta- coma Avenue; both sides of South 10th Street, from "K" Street to Tacoma Avenue; the north side of South 11th Street, from Tacoma Avenue to the west boundary of Thompson's Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; the west side of Tacoma Avenue, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of "G" Street, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of Yakima Avenue, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of "I" Street, from South 8th to South 11th Street: both sides of "J" Street, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of "K" Street, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of "L" Street, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of "M" Street, from South 8th Street to South 11th Street; both sides of ''N" Street, from South 8th Street to South 9th Street; both sides of Ainsworth Avenue, from South 8th Street to the south boundary of Ains- 360 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. worth Addition to Taconia, W. T. ; the east side of Sprague Avenue from South 8th Street to the south line of Ainsworth Addition to Taconia, W. T., in the City of Tacoma, said im- provement to consist of constructing sidewalks throughout the same, and curbs and iiutters in poi-tions thereof, all in accord- ance with the plans, specifications and diagram heretofore pre- pared by the City Eng:ineer; creating a special fund for the payment of the cost and expense of said improvement by special assessment upon the adjoining:, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved Januarv 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1807. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma to enter into a con- tract with Thomas Hurley, of the City of Tacoma, Washington, for the purchase of certain materials and supplies, in accord- ance with his award made on the 17th day of December, 1902, and the specifications on file in his office, and appropriating the sum of $546.04, or so much thereof as may be necessary in pay- ment of the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved January 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1808. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City Tacoma to enter into a contract wath William Gardner, F. H. Martin and William Ferguson, co-partners, doing business as William Gardner & Company, of the City of Tacoma, Washington, for the purchase of certain galvanized pipe, cocks, pig lead and wiping solder, in accord- ance with his award made on the 17th day of December, 1902. and the specifications on file in his office, and appropriating the sum of $4,801.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary in payment of the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Ap- proved January 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1810. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sew'ers on the following described lines, to-wit : Beginning at the present sewer in the intersection of DeLin Street and Pacific Avenue; thence in DeLin Street to the alley between South 30th Street and South 31st Street; thence Avest- erly in said alley and in the line of same produced into certain lands of the City of Tacoma adjacent to the reservoir ; thence in a southwesterly direction through said land of the City and SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 361 other unplatted land to the street along the east side of Ouim- ette 's 2nd Addition ; thence south in said street to Wright Ave- nue; thence east in Wright Avenue to "K" Street; thence in "K" Street to South 35th Street; thence east in South 35th Street to the alley between Thompson Avenue and "J" Street, and also west in said South 35th Street from "K" Street afore- said to the alley between "M" and "N" Streets. Also, in the alley between South 28th Street and South 29th Street, from said sewer in DeLin Street to the center line of "D" Street. Also, in South 29th Street, from the said seAver in DeLin Street to the center line of " D " Street ; Creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved January 31, 1903. (See Ordinance No. 1838.) OKDINANCE NO. 1813. An ordinance providing for the construction of an iron bridge across the gulch adjacent to the City reservoir on the east thereof, for the purpose of carrying sewer and water mains; and appropriating the sum of $7,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost of the same, out of the General Expense Fund, and repealing Ordinance No. 1789. Approved January 31, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1814. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 31st day of December, 1902, for the cost of the improvement of Commerce Street, from the easterly boundary of Jefferson Avenue to the westerly track of the Northern Pacific Railway Company in Hood Street (now vaca- ted), in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1749, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 29th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved January 31, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1815. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, to- wit : Beginning at the present sewer manhole in the intersection of the alley between North 8th Street and North 9th Street and Cedar Street ; thence west in said alley to a point fifteen feet 362 SPECIAL ORDIXANCES BY TITLE. east of Warner Street, in the City of Tacoina, creating a special fund for the payniont thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved February 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1816. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Steele Street, from the north curb line of North 8th Street to the cen- ter line of North 23rd Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved February 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1818. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of January, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Adams Street, from the westerly l)Oun- dary of Commerce Street to the center line of South 21st Street ; "C" Street, from the center line of South 21st Street to the center line of South 23rd Street, and Commerce Street, from the center line of South 19th Street to the center line of South 21st Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1768 of the City of Tacoma, approved October 17th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1819. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 29th day of January, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of East "D" Street, from the northerly boundary of Puyallu}) Avenue to the center line of South 21st Street, and Railroad Avenue, from the center line of South 21st Street to a line in and at right angles to the center line of said Railroad Avenue, 380 feet distant northerly from the said cen- ter line of South 21st Street (excepting the portions of said streets in and adjacent to the various tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, which the said Company is required to pave under its .several franchises), in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1775, of the City of Tacoma, approved November 14, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 14, 1903. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 363 ORDINANCE NO. 1820. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 24th day of January, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of St. Helens Avenue, from the southerly boundary of Division Avenue to the northerly boundary of South 9th Street ; and " D " Street, from the center line of South 7th Street, to the south line of lot two (2), block 708, produced across said "D" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1705, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 3rd, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved February 14, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1821. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the intersection of South 14th Street and "L" Street, running thence southerly in "L" Street to South 17th Street; thence westerly in South 17th Street to the boundary of plat of New Tacoma, W. T. ; thence southerly along same and in the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street to a point 15 feet north of South 21st Street. Also beginning at a point in the above mentioned sewer where the same intersects South 16th Street; running thence westerly in South 16th Street to* a point 170 feet west of "L" Street ; also from last mentioned sewer southerly in the alley be- tween "L" Street and "M" Street to the south boundary of C. P. Ferry Addition. Also beginning at the point above mentioned in the inter- section of South 14th and "L" Streets; thence westerly in South 14th Street to "M" Street; thence southerly in "M" Street to a point 32 feet south of the north boundary of South 16th Street. That a trunk sewer be construced as an outlet for all of the above on the following lines; beginning at the above mentioned point in the intersection of South 14th Street and "L" Street; thence easterly in South 14th Street to the present sewer man- hole in the alley between "J" Street and ''K" Street. Creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved February 14, 1903. (See Ordinance No. 1834.) 364 SPECIAL ORDIXAXrES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1823. An ordinance approviiifi' and coTifinninti: the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 3rd day of February, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of "I" Street, from a line in Division Avenue twenty-six feet distant from and parallel to the northerly bound- ary thereof, to the center line of North Thirteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, approved May 29th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved February 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1824. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Warner Street from the center line of South Fifty-fourth Street to the center line of South Fifty-eighth Street, and Birmingham Street from the center line of South Fifty-fourth Street to the center line of South Fifty-eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved February 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1825. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Tenth Street to South Eleventh Street, between blocks 1018 and 1019, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved February 19. 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1826. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North- Ninth Street to North Tenth Street, between blocks 3928 and 3929, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, AV. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion there- of. Approved February 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1829. An oi'dinance providing for the improvement of "L" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of South Twenty-seventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved February 26, 1903. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 365 ORDINANCE NO. 1830. An ordinance reducing the alley extending- from South Twelfth Street to South Fourteenth Street, between blocks 1218- 1219 and 1318 and 1319, as shown on map of New Taeoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Ap- proved February 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1832. An ordinance authorizing and directing^ the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Taeoma to advertise for bids, and enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder, for the pur- chase of a delivery counter for the Public Library of the City of Taeoma, and appropriating the sum of $825.00, or so much there- of as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Public Li- Ijrary Building Fund. Approved February 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1833. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City cf Taeoma to enter into a contract with the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, for the purchase of two A. C. lighting panels, jn accordance with the specifications on file in his office; and appropriating the sum of $1400.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved February 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1834. An ordinance appropriating the sum of $685.00 from the ■General Expense Fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the construction of that certain trunk sewer to be con- structed in connection with the sewers to be constructed in Local Improvement District No. 129, from the present sewer manhole in the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street at the intersec- tion of South Fourteenth Street to the sanitary sewer to be con- structed at the intersection of "L" Street and South Fourteenth Street, and modifying Ordinance No. 1821, approved February 14th, 1903, in so far as said ordinance is inconsistent with this ■ordinance. Approved February 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1836. An ordinance appropriating the sum of $995.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the Water and Light Fund to be applied on the purchase of certain land to be acquired and used in connection with the water system of the City of Taeoma. Approved March 5, 1903. 366 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1837. An ordinance approving- and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Connnissioner of Public Works on the 13th day of February, 1903, for the cost of construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 126. in the City of Tacoma, in pui-suance of Ordinance No. 1781 of the City of Tacoma, approved December 4th, 1902, and providing- for the disposition of moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved March 5, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1838. An ordinance providing for the construction of sewers in Sewerage District No. 27, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 30th day of October, 1902, bein^ Local Improve- ment District No. 127 : also creating a special fund for the pay- ment thereof, by appropriating the sum of .'}?15,600.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Expense Fund to pay the excess of the cost of said sewers over and above the special benefits resulting to the adjoining, contiguous and prox- imate lots and parcels of land, and by special asses.sment upon said lots and parcels of land ; also providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against said fund; also repealing all parts of Ordinance No. 1810 which are inconsistent with this or- dinance. Approved March 5, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1840. An ordinance vacating Gove Street (formerly Fifth Street)^ Cheyenne Street (formerly Fourth Street), Verde Street (for- merly Third Street), Stevens Street (formerly Second Street). Mason Avenue (formerly First Street), South Fifty-fourth Street (formerly Carlton Avenue), South Fifty-second Street (formerly Edgewood Avenue), and also the alleys described as follows: the alley between blocks 1 and 2, the alley be- tween blocks 3 and 4, the alley between blocks 5 and 6, the alley between blocks 7 and 8, all of said alleys extending from South Fifty-second Street to South Fifty-fourth Street, all of the above streets and alleys being as shown upon plat of Edgewood Addi- tion to the City of Tacoma, Washington, said p]dgewood Addi- tion covering the following described property, to-wit : The north one-half of the southeast one-quarter of the northwest one-quar- ter of section 24, township 20, range 2 east W. M. Approved :\rarch 5, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1841. An ordinance vacating that portion of North Seventh Street extending from the southerlv line of North Yakima Avenue to SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 367 the northerly line of North "J" Street, excepting the part of North "I" Street and the alleys intersecting said portion of North Seventh Street, in that part of the City of Tacoma for- merly called New Tacoma, W. T. Passed March 4, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1842. An ordinance dedicating to the public for use as a public street, the following described strip or tract of land, to-wit : A strip of land bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 1, block 2, of Traver's Oak Grove, Pierce County, Washington, as shown on map or plat of said addition filed for record in the office of the County Aud- itor of Pierce County, Washington, on the 21st day of January, 1891 ; running thence east along the north boundary of the said Traver's Oak Grove to the west boundary of Puget Sound Ave- nue; thence north along same 40 feet; thence west to the east boundary of Union A_ venue ; thence south 40 feet to the place of beginning, the object and purpose of said dedication being to continue South Fiftieth Street from Union Avenue to Puget Sound Avenue in said City, making the same 40 feet in width. Approved March 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1843. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Sewerage District No. 31, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 15th day of December, 1902 ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved March 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1845. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1140 (as amended by Ordinance No. 1144), entitled: "An ordinance licensing the sale of goods, wares and merchandise by means of automatic devices, apparatus or machines and providing penalties for the violation thereof." Approved March 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1846. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs by days work upon Bridges No. 11, situated in South Eleventh Street, and No. 12, situated in Pacific Avenue, in the City of Ta- coma, and appropriating the sum of $2950, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Ex- pense Fund. Approved IMarch 19, 1903. 368 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1847. An ordinance authnri/inn- and direetinu' the Connnissionor of Public Works of the City of Tacorna to advertise for bids and enter into a contract with the lowest bidder for the repair of Bridg-e No. 8, situated in South Thirty-fourth Street, in the City of Taconia, and appropi-iating' the sum of $6900.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Gen- eral Expense Fund. Approved ]\Iarch 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1848. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacorna to advertise for bids' and enter into a contract, under the provisions of the City Charter, for drilling and casing two wells, each of the estimated capacity of 1.000,000' gallons per day, to be located at or near the water Hume of the City of Tacorna in South Tacoma, and for the pur- chase and erection of two air compressors, with electric motor and all necessary apparatus and attachments for pumping water by the air lift system, together with house to cover said plant and apparatus, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, and appropriating the sum of $15,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the Water and Light Fund to pay for the same. Approved March 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1849. An ordinance providing for the calling of the annual mu- nicipal election to be held in the City of Taeoiiia, Pierce County, State of AYashington, on the 7th day of April, 1903, for the pur- pose of electing one Councilman for the term of two years from each of the following wards in the said City, to-wit : First, Sec- ond, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Wards. Approved March 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1850. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to lease, let and demise unto the United States of America, by proper agreement, the east half of the fourth floor of the City Hall Building of said City of Tacoma, for customs purposes. Approved March 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1851. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 369 of Public Works on the 26th day of February, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of " " Street, from the center line of South Fifteenth Street to the north boundary line of C. P. Ferry's Addition, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1767, of the City of Tacoma, approved October 17th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved March 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1852. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, to construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the material and supplies for (under and according to the provisions of the City Charter) certain water mains in certain streets of the City of Tacoma ; and appropriating the sum of $2750.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved March 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1854. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, for the purchase of one first size steam fire engine and one combination engine and hose wagon, and appro- priating the sum of $7800.00, or so much thereof as may be neces- sary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma. Approved March 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1856. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to construct and lay down certain water mains in the City of Tacoma by days work ; and to purchase, under the provisions of the City Charter, all pipes, materials and supplies necessary in the construction of the above-mentioned improvement, and appropriating the sum of $14,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund; and repealing Ordi- nance No. 1695. Approved April 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1857. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 9th day of March, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 130, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance 370 SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. No. 1815, of the City (ff Tacoma, approved February 6th, 1903 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1858. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 6th day of March, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement ])is- trict No. 132, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1801, of the City of Tacoma, approved January 15th, 1903 -, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1859. An ordinance authorizing and directing the construction of a draw bridge across the Puyallup River at a point where South Twenty-first Street, extended, of Commencement Bay Addition, crosses said river, in the City of Tacoma, according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works of the City of Tacoma; and appropriating the sum of $14,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the M^ater and Light Fund. Approved April 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1860. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Division Avenue, North Eighth Street, North Seventh Street, Sixth Ave- nue, South Seventh Street and South Eighth Street, between Sprague Avenue and Adams Street, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1861. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to purchase, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, certain real es- tate in the City of Tacoma to be used as a site for an engine house, and appropriating the sum of $500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to purchase the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved April 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1862. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "I" Street from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the east curb SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 371 line of Steele Street, and North Twenty-first Street, from the west curb line of Steele Street to the east curb line of Prospect Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining-, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1863. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Sixteenth Street to South Seventeenth Street, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AV. T., between blocks 1622 and 1623, to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved April 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1864. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of March, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Center Street, from the west curb line of "I" Street to the east curb line of Wilkeson Street; Wilkeson Street from the south boundary of South Twenty-first Street to the south boundary of South Thirtieth Street; South Thirtieth Street from the west curb line of Wilkeson Street to the east boundary of Sprague Avenue; "J" Street from the south curb line of South Twenty-seventh Street to the north curb line of Center Street; "K" Street from the south boundary of Center Street to the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1795, of the City of Tacoma, approved December 26th, 1902, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1865. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 16th day of March, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 128, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1800, of the City of Tacoma, approved January 12, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1866. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eighteenth Street, from the westerly curb line of Tacoma Avenue 372 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. to the easterly curb line of "J" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved April 16, 1903. OKDINANCE NO. 1867. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to purchase, under and according to the pro- visions of the City Charter, certain lots and parcels of land situ- ate in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, for res- ervoir site, and appropriating the sum of $12,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the AVater and Light Fund. Approved April 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1868. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight inch pipe, in the City of Tacoma, A¥ashington, in Sewerage District No. 33, created by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 18th day of De- cember, 1902, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and prox- imate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1869. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight inch pipe in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in Sewerage District No. 35, created by the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works on the 16th day of January, 1903, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1870. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from Division Avenue to South Firet Street, between blocks 12 and 13, as shown on map or plat of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Passed April 22, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1871. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "J" Street, from the center line of South Twentieth Street to the north curb line of South Twenty-first Street, in the City of i SPECIAL OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 373 Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by- special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 30', 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1872. An ordinance vacating that portion of North Thirty-eighth Street extending from the east boundary line of Union Avenue to the westerly boundary line of Puget Sound Avenue, lying be- tween blocks 72 and 76, including that portion of the alley ex- tending across said North Thirty-eighth Street between the two above mentioned avenues, as shown on map of Byrd's Addition to Tacoma City, Washington. Passed April 29, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1874. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs upon Bridge No. 18, located in South Twenty-fifth Street, near Wilkeson Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, and appro- priating from the General Expense Fund the sum of $976.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same. Ap- proved May 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1875. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, for the construction and erection of a water reservoir of 4,000,000 gallons capacity, together with all attach- ments and apparatus necessary for the operation of the same, in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works; and appropriating the sum of $18,000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the W^ater and Light Fund. Approved May 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1876. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to purchase, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, a six inch water meter; and appropriating from the Water and Light Fund the sum of $550.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same. Approved May 7, 1903. 374 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1877. An ordinance anthorizino: and directinp: the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to construct and \i\y down, by days work, and to pnrcliase the material and supplies for (under and according to the provisions of the City Charter) water mains in certain streets in the City of Tacoma, and appro- priating: the sum of .^18,355.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved May 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1878. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the material and supplies for (under aud according to the provisions of the City Charter) certain water mains in certain streets of the City of Tacoma; and appropriating the sum of three thousand and three hundred dollars ($3300.00). or so much thei-eof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the AVater and Light Fund. Approved May 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1879. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the material and supplies for, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, certain sewers in certain streets of the City of Tacoma ; and ap- propriating the sum of seven hundred and ninety dollars ($790.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund of said City. Ap- proved May 7, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1880. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Nineteenth Street to South Twentieth Street, between blocks 1922 and 1923, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AY. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a pai't thereof. Approved Alay 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1881. An ordinance appropriating the sum of $2,128.05 from the AVater and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma to pay the dam- ages and costs awarded against said City of Tacoma in the Su- perior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the County of Pierce, in the case of the City of Tacoma vs. AVm. J. Meyer, et al, for the taking and appropriating by said City of a tri- angular tract of land in the northeast corner of the John INIont- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 375 gomery Donation Land Claim, in section 26, township 19 north, range 3 east of W. ]\I., in Pierce County, Washington, and the costs taxed in favor cf said defendants and against said City in said case. Approved INIay 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1882. An ordinance amending Section fourteen (14), Section twenty-three (23), as amended by Ordinance No. 1835, and re- pealing Section 19 of Ordinance No. 1809, entitled: "An ordi- nance granting to E. J. Felt, his successors and assigns, a fran- chise to build and operate a street railway in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington." Approved May 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1883. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to repair Engine House No. 6, of the City of Tacoma, situated at the corner of "A" Street and South Ninth Street; and appropriating the sum of one thousand, seven hundred and ninety dollars ($1790.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund. Approved May 21, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1884. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fourth Street to South Fifth Street, between blocks 422 and 423, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved May 21, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1887. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Tacoma by its Commissioner of Public Works and the Fabric Fire Hose Company and William Ferguson, for the purchase of two thousand feet of tire hose, and appropriating the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1800.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Ex- pense Fund. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1888. An ordinance amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 1874, entitled: "An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs upon Bridge No. 18, located in South Twenty- fifth Street, near Wilkeson Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVash- ington, and appropriating from the General Expense Fund the sum of $976.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same." Approved June 2, 1903. 376 SrECTAL OEDTXAXCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1889. An ordinance redncinc: the alley extending; from North Second Street to Noi-th Third Street, between blocks 3218 and 3219, in the City of Taeonia, Pierce Connty, Washinp;ton, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1890. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fourteenth Street to South Fifteenth Street, between blocks 1412 and 1413, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AY. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1891. An ordinance reducing the alleys extending from North Tenth to North Twelfth Streets, between blocks 4026 and 4027, 4126 and 4127, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AV. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1892. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 1st day of May, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of AVarner Street and Birmingham Street, from South Fifty-fourth Street to South Fifty-eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1824, of the City of Tacoma, approved February 19th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1893. An ordinance establishing the grade of "L" Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, from South Twenty-third Street to South Twenty-seventh Street; and authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public AVorks to grade said street accord- ingly; and appropriating the sum of four hundred and eighty- five dollars ($485.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund of said City. Approved June 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1895. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 12th day of May, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 377 trict No. 131, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1843, of the City of Tacoma, approved March 12th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 4, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1896. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventh Street to South Eighth Street, between blocks 714 and 715, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 4, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1897. An ordinance vacating certain portions of Sprague Avenue between Division Avenue and the north section line of section 5, township 20 nort^i of range 3 east of Willamette Meridian, in the City of Tacoma, Washington. Passed June 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1898. An ordinance vacating certain portions of North Thirteenth Street and North Fourteenth Street and of the alley between blocks numbered 4314 and 4315, in that part of the City of Ta- coma formerly called New Tacoma. Passed June 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1899. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor of the City of Tacoma to execute for and on behalf of the said City a deed granting a right of way to the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company one hundred feet in width across said City's water right of way in the F. Meyer Donation Claim in the County of Pierce, State of Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00, paid by said Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company to said City. Approved June 11, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1900. An ordinance for the condemnation by the City of Tacoma, under its right of Eminent Domain, and thereby acquiring title to lots 21 and 22, in block 1, of Hayden's Addition to Tacoma, formerly called New Tacoma, in Pierce County, Washington, for use of said City of Tacoma in connection with its water w'orks and water supply in supplying said City and its inhabitants with water. Approved June 11, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1901. An ordinance providing for the payment of the premium for one year on the bonds given by the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma ; and appropriating the sum of seven hundred \ 378 SPECIAL ORDTXAXCES BY TITLE. and twenty dollars ($720), or so much thereof as may be neces- sary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund. Ap- proved June 11, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1902. An ordinance reducin.s: the alley extend injr from South Fifteenth Street to South Sixteenth Street between blocks 1522 and 1523, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1904. An ordinance reducino; the alley extending from South Second Street to South Third Street, between blocks 218 and 219. as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in Avidth. and vacating a portion thereof. Approved June 25, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1907. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the graded portions of the follov»'ing named streets and portions of streets, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, to-Avit: The westerly side of "K" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of ''L" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of ''^M" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "N" Street, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street ; both sides of "0" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of Ainsworth Avenue, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "Q" Street, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street; the southerly side of Division Avenue, from ''K" Street to Sprague Avenue; both sides of South Third Street, from "K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides of South Fourth Street, from "K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides of South Fifth Street, from "K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides of Sixth Avenue, from "K" Street to Sprague Avenue; both sides of South Seventh Street, from "K" Street to ''N" Street, and the northerly side of South Eighth Street, from "K" Street to Sprague Avenue, creating a. special fund for the payment there- of, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issu- ance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1908. An ordinance providing fcr the improvement of Fife Street, (in Waite's Addition to New Tacoma) from the center line of SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 379 South Eighth Street to the north curb line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1912. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the alley between blocks 3310 and 3311, lying and being between "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue and extending from the w^esterly curb line of North Third Street to the easterly curb line of North Fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, "Washington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1913. An ordinance approving and confirming that certain plat entitled "Amended Map of Second School Land Addition to the City of Tacoma," made and executed by S. A. Callvert, Com- missioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington, on the 5th day of September, 1902, on behalf of said State, covering all of section 36, township 21 north, range 2 east W. M. Approved July 9, 1903. ORDINANCE N0.1914. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Ainsworth Avenue, from the southerly curb line of Division Avenue to the northerly curb line of Sixth Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved July 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1915. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and award a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, for laying down and constructing sewers for storm water drainage from a point near Center and Wilkeson Streets, thence along certain streets to a creek in Gallagher's Gulch, in the City of Tacoma, Washington ; and appropriating the sum of eighteen hundred dollars ($1800.00), or so much thereof as may 380 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. be necessary to pay for tlie same, from the General Expense Fund. Approved July 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1916. An ordinance approvinsr and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma on the 15th day of June, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 129, in the City of Tacoma, in pursu- ance of Ordinance No. 1821 of the City of Tacoma, approved February 14, 1903, and providinii- for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1917. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Connnissioner of Public AVorks on the 2nd day of July, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of South "L" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street, to the center line of South Twenty- seventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1829 of the City of Tacoma, approved February 26th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 25, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1918. An ordinance approving and confirming that certain plat entitled ''Amended Map of First School Land Addition to the City of Tacoma," made and executed by S. A. Callvert, Com- missioner of Public Lands of the State of AYashington, on the 2nd day of July, 1903, on behalf of said State, covering all of section 16, township 20 north, range 3 east of Willamette ]\Ierid- ian. Approved July 31, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1919. An ordinance providing for the condemnation by the City of Tacoma, under its right of Eminent Domain, and thereby ac- quiring title to certain lots and lands lying between the north- east boundary of the Puyallup Water Way and Commercial Street, adjacent and near to South Twenty-first Street, in the City of Tacoma, AA^ashington. Approved July 31, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1920. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Ninth Street to North Tenth Street, between blocks 3914 and 3915, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 31, 1903. SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 381 ORDINANCE NO. 1922. An ordinance appropriating- the sum of five thousand dol- lars ($5,000.00) from the General Expense Fund of the City of Tacoma to be paid for the platting into lots, blocks, streets and alleys, of all of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quar- ter of section five (5), township twenty (20), north, range three (3) east W. ^M., in the City of Tacoma, commonly called "The Nigger Tract," and prescribing the conditions upon which said sum shall be paid. Approved August 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1923. An ordinance providing for the condemijation by the City of Tacoma, under its right of Eminent Domain, of the following tract or parcel of land bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly boundary of South Twelfth Street and the west boundary of Thomp- son's Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; running thence in a westerly direction parallel to South Eleventh Street, 1290 feet, more or less, to a point 33 feet distant north of the south bound- ary of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of sec- tion 5, township 20 north, range 3 east W. M. : thence parallel to and 33 feet distant from the said south boundary line west to the west boundary of section 5, aforesaid ; thence south 33 feet to the quarter section corner between section 5 aforesaid and section 6 in the said township and range; thence continuing south 33 feet; thence east parallel to and 33 feet distant from the said south boundary of the southwest quarter of the northwest quar- ter of said section 5, a distance of 743 feet, more or less; thence parallel to South Eleventh Street easterly to the said Avest bound- ary of Thompson's Addition; thence north 80.9 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. Approved August 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1924. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 13th day of July, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 133, in the City of Tacoma, AA^ashington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1868, of the City of Tacoma, approved April 23rd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved August 6, 1903. 382 SPECIAL ORDINAXCKS BY TITLE. ORDINANCK NO. 1926. An ordinnnoe in-ovidini!; for the eonstrnction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-Avit : Beginning at the end of the present eight inch sewer in the alley between Pine Street and Anderson Street twenty-five (25) feet north of South Seventh Street ; thence sonth in said alley to South Eiiihth Street; thence east in South Eii-hth Street to a point 15 feet west of Anderson Street ; Also in South Seventh Street beginning at said sewer in alley, thence east in South Seventh Street to the east boundary of Tisdale's Addition to New Taconia. In the alley between Anderson Street and Oakes Street, be- ginning at last mentioned sewer in South Seventh Street; thence south to South Eighth Street: thence w^est in South Eighth Street to a point lo feet east of Anderson Street; in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, creating a special fund for the pajanent thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and ijareels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1927. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 28th day of July, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Steele Street, from the north curb line of North Eighth Street to the center line of North Twenty -third Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 1816, of the City of Tacoma, approved February 6th, 1903 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved August 13, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1928. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 17th day of July, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of South Eighteenth Street, from the westerly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the easterly curb line of "J"' Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 1866 of the City of Tacoma, approved April 16th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 13, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1929. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 383 of Public AYoi'ks on the 17th day of July, 1903, for the cost of the nnprovement of South "J" Street, from the center line of ! South Twentieth Street to the north curb line of South Twenty- i first Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance \ of Ordinance No. 1871 of the City of Tacoma, approved April j 30th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- i lected upon said assessment. Approved August 13, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1930. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East Twen- ty-eighth Street, from the west line of lot 6, block 7818, Map of Tacoma Land Company's First Addition, to the center line of East "F" Street, ^in the City of Tacoma, Washington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 13, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1931. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Sewerage District No. 37, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of Alay, 1903, in the City of Ta- coma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved August 13, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1934. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, for the purchase of 12,000 pounds of No. 00 copper wire ; and appropriating the sum of $2,100.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved August 20, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1936. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 30th day of July, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 135, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1869, of the City of Tacoma, approved April 23rd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 27, 1903. 384 SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1940. An ordinance providino- for the improvement of Spragne Avenue from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the north line of sections 5 and 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved August 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1941. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventeenth Street to South Eighteenth Street, between blocks 1714 and 1715, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Septem- ber 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1942. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Third Street to South Fourth Street, between blocks 318 and 319, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved September 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1943. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to purchase the neces- sary materials and supplies for, under and according to the pro- visions of the City Charter, and to construct and build, by day's labor, a pump house at South Tacoma, Washington, for the pur- pose of covering the pumping plant and machinery belonging to said City at said place; and appropriating the smn of $1,000.00 dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma. Approved September 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1944. An ordinance amending Section 10 of Ordinance No. 1640, entitled: "An ordinance creating the office of Boiler Inspector, regulating the operation and inspection of steam boilers and steam generating apparatus, and the qualifications and licensing of engineers in charge of the same, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 938 and 1506, and all ordinances in conflict therewith." Approved Sep- tember 3, 1903. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 385 ORDINANCE NO. 1945. An ordinance providing- for the improvement of South Sev- enth Street, from the westerly curb line of "N" Street to the easterly curb line of Spragne Avenue, in the City of Tacoma.^ Washington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and prox- imate lots and parcels of laud, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved Sep- tember 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1946. An ordinance providing for the purchase of lots 25, 26 and 27, in block 62, of Connnencement B'ay Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Washington, according to the plat of said addition as filed for record in the County Auditor's office of said County ; and appropriating the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) from the Puyallup Bridge Deposit Fund and two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) from the General Fund in payment of the same. Approved September 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1947. An ordinance amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 830, entitled "An ordinance regulating the manner and form of making, approving, and filing plats of Additions to the City of Tacoma." Passed September 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1948. An ordinance vacating all of the streets and alleys shown upon the official plat of Birmingham and AA^allace's Addition to the City of Tacoma, and vacating said plat, as the same is of record in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, Washing- ton. Passed September 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1950. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 25th day of Aug- ust, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of the following named streets, to-wit: the south side of South Eighth Street, from Sprague Avenue to Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Ninth Street from " INI " Street to Tacoma Avenue ; both sides of South Tenth Street, from "K" Street to Tacoma Avenue; the north side of South Eleventh Street, from Tacoma Avenue to the west boundary of Thompson's Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; the west side of Tacoma Avenue, from South Eighth Street to South Elev- enth Street; both sides of "G" Street from South Eighth Street 386 SPECIAL ORDTXAXCES BY TITLE. to South Eleventh Street ; both sides of Yakmia Avenue, from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street; both sides of "I" Street, from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street; both sides of "J" Street from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street: both sides of "K" Street, from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street; both sides of "L" Street, from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street; both sides of "W Street, from South Eighth Street to South Eleventh Street; both sides of "N" Street, from South Eighth Street to South Ninth Street; both sides of Ainsworth Avenue, from South Eighth Street to the south boundary of Ainsworth Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; the east side of Sprague Avenue from South Eighth Street to the south line of Ainsworth Addition to Tacoma, AV. T., in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1802 of the City of Tacoma, approved January 15th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1951. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 15th day of August, 1903, for the cost ■of the improvement of "I" Street, from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the east curb line of Steele Street, and North Twenty-first Street, from the west curb line of Steele Street to the east curb line of Prospect Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1862 of the City of Tacoma, approved April 9, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1952. An ordinance giving the consent and approval of the Citj- of Tacoma to the mortgage of the Tacoma Cataract Company to Dexter Horton & Company, trustees, of that certain franchise granted by the City of Tacoma l)y Ordinance No. 1364 to W. T. Baker, his heirs and assigns, Avhieh franchise has heretofore been duly assigned to and accepted by said Tacoma Cataract Com- pany, and consenting to and approving of any other mortgage or mortgages of said franchise which said Tacoma Cataract Com- pany may find it necessary or expedient to execute for the pur- pose of raising funds to carry on business under said franchise, and providing that this ordinance shall not become effective un- til such time as the American Surety Company agrees in writing, to be filed with the City Clerk, not to be released of any liability I SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 387 as surety on its bonds given by the Tacoma Cataract Company to the City of Tacoma for the performance of any contract of said Tacoma Cataract Company with the City of Tacoma. Ap- proved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1953. An ordinance vacating all that portion of South Twenty- first Street lying between the eastern boundary of Alaska Street and the west boundary of the alley between Alaska Street and South "P" Street; and also all that portion of Alaska Street, lying between the southerly line, produced, of block 1, of Hay- den's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington, and the north line of lot 4, produced, in block 1, of Hayden's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington. Approved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1955. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "N" Street, from the center line of South Fourteenth Street to the center line of South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the a'djoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1956. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Twenty-fifth Street to South Twenty-seventh Street, between blocks"^2512 and 2513 in Sahm's Addition to the City of Ta- coma, Washington, and block 2513, in Reed's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved September 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1957. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 31st day of August, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of the alley be- tween "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue, from the westerly curb line of North Third Street to the easterly curb line of North Fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1912 of the City of Tacoma, approved July 9th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved September 18, 1903. 388 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1959. An ordinance anthcn-izino: and directing" the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma to construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the materials and supplies for (under and according to the provisions of the City Charter) water mains in certain streets in the City of Tacoma; and ap- propriatintr the sum of $1,810.00, oi- so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Passed September 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1960. An ordinance vacating that portion of North Tenth Street, as the same appears upon the recorded plat of the Tacoma Mill Company's Addition to the City of Tacoma. lying between blocks thirty-nine hundred and eleven (8911) and block forty hun- dred and eleven (4011), from the northerly line of Tacoma Ave- nue to a boundary formed by the prolongation southeasterly in a right line of the northerly line of said block forty hundred and eleven (4011) ; and that portion of North Tenth Street lying between block number forty hundred and ten (4010) and a line drawn parallel to, and distant fifty feet westerly from, the east boundary of said addition, extending from the southerly line of "E" Street to a boundary formed by the prolongation in a right line of the southerly line of said block forty hundred and ten (4010), in said Tacoma Mill Company's Addition. Passed September 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1961. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the payment of interest upon the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tacoma, and for general municipal purposes of said City, for the fiscal year 1904; and for the ultimate redemption of the bonded in- debtedness of said City; and appropriating the same to certain funds. Approved September 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1962. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Fife Street, from the center line of North Tenth Street to the center line of North Seventeenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVash- ington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial a.ssessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 24, 1903. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 389 ORDINANCE NO. 1963. An ordinance providing for terminating, revoking and giv- ing notice of said termination and revocation of any license, permit or privilege purporting to be given by the City of Ta- coma by an alleged Ordinance No. 1336, entitled: "An ordi- nance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to make a contract with A. H. Bowman, doing business under the name of Edison Water Works, giving unto the said Bowman a revoca- ble license to use the water mains and pipes and to supply water to the inhabitants within that part of the City of Tacoma gen- erally known as South Tacoma, and prescribing the terms and conditions and the method of terminating said license," and by a certain written instrument executed by said City and one A. H. Bowman by Calvin Philips, his agent, on the 11th day of October, 1898, or by any act of said City whereby any person, firm or corporation has been using the streets and alleys of said City within the territory mentioned in section one of said Ordi- nance No. 1336 for laying down and operating water pipes. Ap- ' proved October 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1964. An ordinance providing for the purchase of lots two and three, in block sixty-three (63), of Commencement Bay Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, according to the plat of said addition as filed for record in the office of the County Auditor of said county; and appropriating the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) from the General Fund in pay- ment of the same. Approved October 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1965. An ordinance appropriating the sum of two thousand dol- lars from the General Fund to be expended in addition to the amount already appropriated by Ordinance No. 1859 for the construction of a draw bridge across the Puyallup river in South Twenty-first Street, in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash- ington. Approved October 2, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1967. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Thirteenth Street to South Fourteenth Street, between Blocks 1320 and 1321, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to twen- ty feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved October 2, 1903. 390 SPECIAL OHDIXANCES BY IITLK. ORDINANCE NO. 1968. Au ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council of the City of Ta- coma by the Connnissioner of Public Works on the 19th day of September, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Division Avenue, North Eighth Street, North Seventh Street, Sixth Ave- nue, South Seventh Street and South Eighth Street, between Sprague Avenue and Adams Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1860 of the City of Tacoma, approved April 2nd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved October 8, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1969. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council ])y the Commissioner of Public Works on the 21st day of September, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 127, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance* of Ordinance No. 1838, of the City of Tacoma, approved IMarch 5th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved October 8, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1970. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1932 of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the con- struction of sanitary sewers in Sewerage District No. 36, created by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of March, 1903, in the City of Tacoma, Washington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contigaious and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same." Approved October 10, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1971. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Division Avenue, from the westerly curb line of Sprague Avenue to its intersection with Sixth Avenue; and Sixth Avenue, from its in- tersection with Division Avenue in Division Avenue Addition to Tacoma, Washington, to the west line, produced, of Lot nine, Block one, in said addition, in the City of Tacoma, Washington ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved October 8, 1903. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 391 ORDINANCE NO. 1972. An ordinance ordering and making a new assessment or re- assessment upon the lots, blocks and parcels of land which are adjoining, contiguous and proximate to and which have been and are specially benefitted by the improvement of South Ninth Street (formerly Alder Street), from Pine Street to Union Ave- nue (formerly Poplar Street), in the City of Tacoma, Wash- ington, to the extent of their proportionate part of the cost and value thereof, in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled: "An act relating to and authorizing the collection of assessments for local improvements by a new assessment or re-assessment of the cost and expense of making same in cities and towns, and declaring an emer- gency," approved March 9th, 1893. Approved October 9, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1973. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fif- teenth Street to South Sixteenth Street, between Blocks 1518 and 1519, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20' feet, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved October 8, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1974. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, between Blocks 3832 and 3833, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved October 8, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1975. An ordinance appropriating and transferring from the Water and Light Fund to the General Expense Fund the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00). Approved October 15, 1903.' ORDINANCE NO. 1977. An ordinance vacating the alley extending from South Thirtieth Street to South Thirty-first Street, between Blocks 8006 and 8105, in Tacoma Land (Company's First Addition to Tacoma, Washington. Approved October 15, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1979. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Eighteenth Street to South Nineteenth Street, between Blecks 1824 and 1825, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Octo- ber 23, 1903. 392 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1980. An ordinance reducing the alley extending: from South Fourteenth Street to South Fifteenth Street, between Blocks 1422 and 1423, in the City of Taconia, Pierce County, Wash- ington, to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Ap- proved October 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1981. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Sixteenth Street to South Seventeenth Street, between Blocks 1618 and 1619, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AV, T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Octo- ber 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1982. An ordinance vacating certain portions of North Seventh Street, North Eighth Street, North Ninth Street and North "E" Street, as shown on map of New Tacoma, AV. T. Passed October 28, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1983. An ordinance transferring from the AVater and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma to the G'eneral Expense Fund the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), for the payment of General Expense bills of the said City of Tacoma. Approved November 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1984. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1336, of the Citj^ of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance authorizing the Commis- sioner of Public AVorks to make a contract with A. H. Bowman, doing business under the name of Edison AVater AA^orks, giving unto the said Bowman a revocable license to use the water mains and pipes and to supply water to the inhabitants within that part of the City of Tacoma generally known as South Tacoma, and prescribing the terms and conditions and the method of ter- minating said license" app:^oved September 23rd, 1898. Ap- proved November 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1985. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East Twenty-sixth Street, from a point 221.7 feet Avest of the cen- ter line of East "C" Street to the westerly curb line of East **D" Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 393 upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local bonds against the same. Approved November 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1986. An ordinance authorizing and directing that the City of Tacoma, by its Mayor and City Clerk, quit-claim to the Tacoma Mill Company, a corporation, all right, title and interest in and to that part of North Tenth Street declared vacated by Ordi- nance No. 1960, passed September 16th, 1903. Approved No- vember 6, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1987. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and -assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 19th day of Octo- ber, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 134, in the City of Tacoma, Washing- ton, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1926, of said City of Ta- coma, approved August 6th, 1903, and providing for the dis- position of moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved November 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1988. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South ■^'C" Street, from the center line of DeLin Street to the center line of South Thirty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, AVash- ington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof by •special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved No- vember 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1990. An ordinance vacating that portion of Lawrence Street shown upon the plat of Lookout Park Addition to Tacoma which abuts upon Block 16 of said addition, and which lies between the south boundary of South Fifty-fourth Street and the north boundary of South Fifty-sixth Street, and east of the east line of said Lawrence Street in Monticello Park Addition, produced northerly. Approved November 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1995. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Fourth Street to North Sixth Street, between Blocks 3418, 3419, 3518 and 3519, as shown on map of New Tacoma. W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved No- vember 19, 1903. 394 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 1996. All ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Ninth Street to South Eleventh Street, between Blocks 1024 and 1025 and 924 and 925, as shown on map of New Tacoma, "\V. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Ap- proved November 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1997. . An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Eleventh Street to South Twelfth Street, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., between Blocks 1118 and 1119, to 20 feet in W'idth, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Novem- ber 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1998. An ordinance authorizing and directing that the City of Tacoma, by its Mayor and City Clerk, quit claim to the Tacoma Land and Improvement Company, a corporation, all its right, title, and interest in and to those parts of North Tenth Street,. North Eleventh Street, North Twelfth Street, and North Thir- teenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, declared vacated by Ordi- nance No. 1790, passed December lOtli, 1902. Approved Novem- ber 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2001. An ordinance authorizing and directing that the City of Tacoma, by its Mayor and City Clerk, quit claim to IMargaret ]\I. Arkley all right, title and interest in and to that part of North Fourteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, declared vaca- ted by Ordinance No. 1790, passed December 10th, 1902. Ap- proved November 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2002. An ordinance approving and confirming the award made by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 11th day of November. 1903, in favor of the Tacoma Rail- way & Power Company for the supplying of electric power to operate wells at South Tacoma, and authorizing and directing said Commissioner of Public Works to enter into a contract with said Tacoma Railway & Power Company for such power. Ap- proved November 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2003. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council of the City of Ta- coma by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 26th day of SPECIAL OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 395 October, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Fife Street, (in Waite's Addition to New Tacoma) from the center line of South Eighth Street to the north curb line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1908, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 9th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved November 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2004. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers of eight-inch pipe on the following described lines, to- wit: Beginning at the present sewer manhole in Steele Street, 100 feet south of North Twenty-first Street; thence south in Steele Street to a point 15 feet north of North Fifteenth Street, omitting therefrom two short lines of sewer already constructed in the street, but furnishing the present sew^ers with necessary Y's for house connections; Also in "I" Street, from the present sewer in Steele Street to a point 15 feet west of North Thirteenth Street ; Also in the alley between "I" Street and "J" Street, from the present sewer in Steele Street to a point 30 feet west of the center line of North Thirteenth Street. Also in "J" Street, from said sewer in Steele Street to a point 20 feet distant w^est of the east boundary of North Thir- teenth Street. Also in the alley between " K " Street and " L " Street from the said sewer in Steel Street to a point 15 feet west of the west boundary of North Twelfth Street. Also in "L" Street, from the said sewer in Steele Street to a point 20 feet distant w-est of the east boundary of North Twelfth Street. In the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street, from the said sewer in Steele Street to a connection with straight line of present sewer in said alley in the intersection of North Twelfth Street produced. Also in the alley between Steele Street and Prospect Street from a point 15 feet north of North Fourteenth Street to the center line of North Seventeenth Street, thence east to said sewer in Steele Street. Also that Y's be inserted in the present sewer in the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street: All in the City of Tacoma, AVashington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the 396 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing- for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved December 3, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2006. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AYorks on the 17th day of November, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of Ainsworth Avenue, from the south- erly curb line of Division Avenue to the northerly curb line of Sixth Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1914, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 9th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 10. 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2007. An ordinance correcting, approving and confirming the re- assessment roll, and approving and confirming all proceedings for the re-assessment of the cost of the improvement of South Ninth Street (formerly Alder Street) from Pine Street to Union Avenue (formerly Poplar Street), in Coulter's Addition in the City of Tacoma, Washington, which re-assessment roll was certi- fied to the City Council of the City of Tacoma by the Commis- sioner of Public AVorks of said City on the 5th day of Novem- ber, 1903, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1972, approved Octo- ber 9th, 1903. Approved December 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2008. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 27th day of November, 1903, for the cost of the improvement of the graded portions of the following named streets and portions of streets, to-wit : The westerly side of "K" Street, form Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "L" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street: both sides of "M" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "N" Street, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "0" Street, from Division Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of Ainsworth Avenue, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street; both sides of "Q" Street, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth Street; the southerly side of Division Avenue, from "K" Street to Sprague Avenue; both sides of South Third Street, from "K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides of South Fourth Street, from '*K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 397 of South Fifth Street, from "K" Street to Division Avenue; both sides of Sixth Avenue, from "K" Street to Sprague Ave- nue; both sides of South Seventh Street, from "K" Street to "N" Street, and the northerly side of South Eighth Street, from "K" Street to Sprague Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, Washington; in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1907, approved July 2nd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 18, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2010. An ordinance amending Section three of Ordinance No. 2007, of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance correct- ing, approving and confirijiing the re-assessment roll, and ap- proving and confirming all proceedings for the re-assessment of the cost of the improvement of South Ninth Street (formerly Alder Street) from Pine Street to Union Avenue (formerly Poplar Street), in Coulter's Addition in the City of Tacoma, Washington, which re-assessment roll was certified to the City Council of the City of Tacoma by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City on the 5th day of November, 1903, in pur- suance of Ordinance No. 1972, approved October 9th, 1903." Approved December 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2011. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 3rd day of December, 1903, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 137, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 1931, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 13th, 1903 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 26, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2014. An ordinance vacating all that portion of South Tenth Street lying between fractional Blocks 926 and 1026, Struve's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington, and extending from the westerly boundary of "M" Street to the easterly boun- dary of Alliance Addition to Tacoma, AVashington. Approved January 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2015. An ordinance vacating all of the streets and alleys shown upon the official plat of Runges' First Addition to the City of Tacoma and vacating said plat, as the same is of record in the 398 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. office of the Auditor of Pierce County. Washington, excepting therefrom, however, the following described streets shown upon said map or plat, to-wit: South Fiftieth Street, South Fifty- second Street, Pacific Avenue and "D" Street. Approved Jan- uary 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2016. An ordinance providing for the construction of santitary sewers in the City of Tacoma, Washington, along the following described lines, to-wit: In the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street, from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Thirty-ninth Street, and also from South Forty-first Street to South Forty-eighth Street; In the alley between "K" Street and "L" Street, from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Thirt>'-ninth Street, and also from South Forty-first Street to South Forty-eighth Street ; In the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street, from South Thirty-fifth Street to South Thirty-ninth Street; In South Fortieth Street, from "L" Street to "J" Street; In South Forty-first Street, from "L" Street to "J" Street; The above mentioned lines of sewers to be extended as far as necessary into the intersecting streets mentioned to carry the respective lines to the necessaiy outlets. Creating a special fund for the payment thereof by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved January 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2017. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1938 of the City of Tacoma. Approved January 9, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2019. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, between blocks 3824 and 3825, as shown on map or plat of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Janu- ary 9, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2020. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Sixth Street to North Seventh Street, between blocks 3618 and 3619, as sho-wn on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved Januarv^ 9, 1904. SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 399 ORDINANCE NO. 2021. An ordinance vacating that portion of Lawrence Street, as shown on the map or plat of Lookout Park Addition to Tacoma, Washington, which abuts upon block 8, of said addition, and which lies between the north boundary of South Fifty-fourth Street and the north boundary of Lookout Park Addition, and east of the east boundary line of said Lawrence Street, in Monti- eello Park Addition, produced northerly. Approved January 9, 1904. , ORDINANCE NO. 2022. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines in the City of Tacoma, AVashington, to-wit : In the alley between blocks 8816 and 8817, of Tacoma Land Company's Sixth Addition to Tacoma, W. T., from South Thirty-ninth Street to South Thirty-eighth Street ; thence in South Thirty-eighth Street to Yakima Avenue ; thence in Yakima Avenue to Coliunbia Avenue ; thence in Columbia Avenue to the alley between Thompson Avenue and "J" Street; thence north in said alley to the trunk sewer in South Thirty-fifth Street ; In Yakima Avenue, from South Thirty-eighth Street to South Forty-first Street ; In the alley between South Park Avenue and Yakima Ave- nue, from South Forty-first Street to South Forty-eighth Street ; In the alley between Yakima Avenue and Thompson Ave- nue, from Columbia Avenue to South Thirty-ninth Street and also from South Forty-first Street to South Forty-eighth Street; In the alley between Thompson Avenue and "J" Street, in addition to the sewer elsewhere mentioned, from Columbia Ave- nue to South Thirty-ninth Street, and also from South Forty- :first Street to South Forty-eighth Street ; In South Thirty-ninth Street, from "J" Street to South Park Avenue; In South Fortieth Street, from "J" Street to South Park Avenue ; In South Forty-first Street, from ''J" Street to South Park Avenue ; All the above mentioned lines of sewers to be extended as far as necessary into the intersecting streets mentioned to carry the respective lines to the necessary outlets; Creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved January 14. 1904. 400 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2023. An ordinance pi-oviding- for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit : Beginning at the present sewer manhole in the intersection of South Nineteenth Street and the alley between "I" Street and "J" Street; thence southerly in said alley to a point 15 feet north of South Twenty-first Street; Beginning at a point in "J" Street 10 feet north of the south line, produced, of lot 13, block 17, Smith and Fife's Addi- tion to New Tacoma, W. T. ; thence southerly in "J" Street to South Twenty-third Street; thence westerly in South Twenty- third Street to the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street; Beginning at a point in the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street, 15 feet south of South' Thirty-first Street; thence southerly in 'said alley to the present sewer manhole in the alley between" "J" Street" and "K" Street 15 feet south of South Twenty-third Street ; Beginning at a point in the intersection of South Twentieth Street and the alley between "K" Street and "L" Street; thence southerly in said alley to South Twenty-third Street; thence east- erly in South Twenty-third Street to the above mentioned sewer in the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street; all in the City of Tacoma, AVashington ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved January 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2026. An ordinance providing for the purchase of lots one (1), four (4), five (5) and six (6), in block sixty-three (63), of Com- mencement Bay Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, AA^ashington, according to the plat of said addition as filed for record in the office of the County Auditor of said County; and appropriating the sum of $350.00 from the Puyallup River Bridge Fund, and the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) from the General Fund in payment of the same. Approved January 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2029. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Pacific Ave- nue, from the limits of the present wood block, paving in the in- tersection of South Seventh Street to the limits of the same in South Seventeenth Street, produced, in the City of Tacoma, Washington; creating a special fund for the payment thereof. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 401 by special assessment upon the adjoining', contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved February 4, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2030. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Eighteenth Street to the north line of Smith and Fife's Addi- tion, between blocks 1820 and 1821. 1920 and 1921, and 2020 and 2021, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved February 4, 1904. I ORDINANCE NO. 2032. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit: Beginning at the present sewer manhole in the intersection of South Eighth Street and the alley between ''N" Street and "0" Street; thence southerly in said alley to the south bound- ary of Alliance Addition to Tacoma, Washington. Creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved February 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2033. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to sign a contract with Lloyd Garretson and George Youell, co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of Pacific Fruit and Produce Company, for the leasing of lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, in block 62, as shown on map of Tacoma Tide Lands, together with the wharf and spur track to be erected thereon ; and prescribing the terms of said contract ; and directing the publication of a no- tice of the intention of the City to lease said property. Ap- proved February 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2034. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1958, of the City of Tacoma, Washington, approved September 18th, 1903. Approved February 19, 1904, ORDINANCE NO. 2035. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the materials and sup- plies for (under and according to the provisions of the City 402 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Charter) certain water mains in Yakima Avenue and Division Avenue in and adjacent to Wright Park, in the City of Tacoma, Washington; and appropriating the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) from the Park Fund, and the sum of one thousand three hundred and forty dollars ($1,340.00), or so much there- of as may be necessary, from the Water and Light Fund, to pay for the same. Approved February 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2037. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public W^orks of the City of Tacoma on the 26th day of Jan- uary, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of East Twenty- sixth Street, from a point 221.7 feet west of the center line of East "C" Street to the westerly curb line of East "D" Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1985 of the City of Tacoma. approved November 6th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2038. An ordinance submitting a proposed amendment to the City Charter of the City of Tacoma to the qualified electors of said City, for their adoption or rejection. Approved February 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2039. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1954, of the City of Tacoma. Approved February 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2040. An ordinance providing for the construction of a wharf by the City of Tacoma upon those certain lots belonging to said City, known and designated as lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, in block 62, as the same appears upon the plat of Tacoma Tide Lands; and appropriating the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Harbor Fund of the said City of Tacoma; and repealing Ordinance No. 2025, of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An or- dinance providing for the construction of a wharf by the City of Tacoma upon those certain lots belonging to said City, known and designated as lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, in block 62, as the same appears upon the plat of Tacoma Tide Lands : and appro- priating the sum of two thousand eight hundred and fifty dol- lars ($2,850.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the Harbor Fund of said City." Approved Februarv 26, 1904. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 403 ORDINANCE NO. 2043. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fifteenth Street to South Sixteenth Street, between blocks 1512 and 1513, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved February 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2044. An ordinance granting and allowing credits, rebates and re- ductions upon the amounts charged and assessed against the several lots and parcels of land Avhich are charged with the cost and expense of the local improvement in Local Improvement District No. 54, in the City of Tacoma, created by Ordinance No. 1907 ; charging and assessing the total amount of such cred- its, rebates and reductions against the City of Tacoma, and pro- viding for the payment of the same by said City. Approved February 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2045. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 16th day of February, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 123, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2004 of the City of Tacoma, approved December 3rd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved March 12, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2047. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Nineteenth Street to the northerly boundary of Smith and Fife's Addition to Tacoma between blocks 1924 and 1925, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2048. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventeenth Street to South Ninteenth Street, between blocks 1712 and 1713, and 1812 and 1813, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion there- of. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2049. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Ninth Street to North Tenth Street, between blocks 3930 and 3931, as shown on the map of New Tacoma, AY. T., to 20 feet in 404 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. \vidtli, and vacating- a portion thereof. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2050. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Nineteenth Street to South Twenty-first Street, between blocliis 1916 and 1917, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2052. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter of the City of Tacoma, for the construction of a grid-iron ^t the Fifteenth Street Dock; and appropriating the sum of five hnnrded and thirty-seven dollars ($537.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the Harbor Fund of said City to pay for the same. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2053. An ordinance providing for holding a General Municipal Election on the 5th day of April, 1904, for the purpose of electing City officers and for the purpose of voting upon a Charter amend- ment. Approved March 19, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2055. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1925, of the City of Tacoma, providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 138, approved August 6th, 1903. Approved March 24, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2056. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 998, of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance regulating the construction, arrangement and equipment of theaters, opera houses, concert halls and of all buildings in which preparation has been made for public entertainments of any kind and to provide a penalty," approved June 27th, 1895. Approved March 24, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2058. An ordinance amending section three of Ordinance No. 1922, entitled : An ordinance appropriating the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) from the General Expense Fund of the City of Tacoma to be paid for the platting into lots, blocks, streets and alleys, of all of the southwest quarter of the northwest quar- ter and the west half of the southeast quarter of the northwest SPECIAL OEDiNANCES BY TITLE. 405 quarter of section five (5), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east W. M., in the City of Tacoma, commonly called *Hhe Nigger Tract," and prescribing the conditions upon which said sum shall be paid. Approved April 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2059. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to advertise for bids and enter into a contract, under and according to the provisions of the City Charter, for the purchase of fourteen thousand pounds (14,000) of copper wire; and appropriating the sum of two thousand three hundred and ten dollars ($2310.00), or so much thereof, as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the AVater and Light Fund. Approved April 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2060. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit: Beginning at the present sewer manhole in the center of the alley between "J" Street and "K" Street, where the same is intersected by North Seventh Street; thence eastery along the center line of said alley to a point 15 feet w^esterly from the westerly boundary of North Fifth Street; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2061. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to Construct and lay down, by days work, and to purchase the material and supplies for (under and according to the provisions of the City Charter) water mains in certain streets in the City of Tacoma ; and ap- propriating the sum of twelve hundred and ten dollars ($1210.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to pa.v for the same, from the Water and Light Fund. Approved April 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2062. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Ccuneil by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 2nd day of March, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of Division Avenue, from the westerly curb line of Sprague Avenue to its intersection with Sixth Avenue; and Sixth Avenue, from its intersection 406 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. with Division Avenue in Division Avenue Addition to Tacoma, Washington, to the west line, produced, of lot 9, block 1, in said addition, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1971, of the City of Tacoma, approved October 8th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. -Approved April 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2063. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "0" Street, from the southerly curb line of South Eighth Street to the northerly curb line of South Eleventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2065. . An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to lease, let and demise unto the United States of America, by proper agreement, the east half of the fourth floor of the City Hall Building of the City of Tacoma, excepting therefrom suite No. 401 for customs purposes. Approved April 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2066. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commisioner of Public Works on the 17th day of March, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 136, of the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2023 of the City of Tacoma, approved January 21, 1904, and providing for the disposition of moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2067. An ordinance providing for the payment of the premium for one year on the bonds to be given by the City Controller and the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma; and appropriating the sum of $92.00 from the (General p]xpense Fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the same. Approved April 25, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2069. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 407 of Public Works on tli.e 9th day of April, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of North Fife Street, from the center line of North Tenth Street to the center line of North Seventeenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1962, approved September 24th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved April 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2070. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Twelfth Street to South Thirteenth Street, between blocks 1222 and 1223, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved May 6, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2071. An ordinance ratifying and confirming the contract between the City of Tacoma, by its Commissioner of Public Works, and William Gardner & Company, dated April 27th, 1904, for the purchase of 1,000 feet of fire hose, and appropriating the sum of $900.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund. Approved May 13, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2072. An ordinance vacating South Thirty-second Street, between the east boundary of East "H" Street and the west boundary of East "I" Street; and the alley between blocks 8230 and 8329; and the alley between blocks 8229 and 8130 ; said alleys ex- tending from the easterly to the westerly boundaries of said blocks ; all as shown on map or plat of Tacoma Land Company 's First Addition to the City of Tacoma, Washington, and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 2054, of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance vacating South Thirty-second Street, between the east boundary of East "H" Street and the west boundary of East "I" Street; and the alley between blocks 8230 and 8239-, and the alley between blocks 8229 and 8130 ; said alleys extending from the easterly to the westerly boundaries of said blocks; all as shown on map or plat of Tacoma Land Company's First Ad- dition to the City of Tacoma, Washington," approved March 24th, 1904. Approved May 13, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2076. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the alley between blocks numbered 1512 and 1513, the same lying between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street and South Fifteenth Street and South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, 408 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BX TITLE. creatiup: a special fund for the payment tliereof, by special as- sessment npon the adjoining-, conti«iuoiis and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved May 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2077. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fifth Street to South Sixth Street, between blocks 520 and 521, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, 9nd vacating a portion thereof. Approved May 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2078. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Thirteenth Street to the easterly line of North Fourteenth Street heretofore vacated, between blocks 4316 and 4317, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved INIay 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2079. An ordinance appropriating the sum of forty-five hundred dollars ($4500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the General Fund of the City of Tacoma, to pay the judgment entered in the proceedings instituted by the City of Tacoma for the condemnation of land necessary for the establishment of South Twelfth Street, in Alliance Addition to the City of Ta- coma, and prescribing the conditions under which said sum shall be paid. Passed :May 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2080. An ordinance authorizing and directing the City Controller and the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma to transfer the sum of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) from tjie AVater and Light Emergency Fund ; and the sum of seven hundred and sev- enty-six and 6-100 dollars ($776.06) from the Water and Light Extension Fund to the General Fund. Approved May 27, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2082. An ordinance authorizing and directing the* Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to repair, by days w^ork, the following described street or road, to-wit: Commencing at the intersection of South Eleventh Street and "K" Street and extending west on South Eleventh Street to Sprague Avenue; and thence west from Sprague Avenue on Twelfth Street and on through sections 1 and 2 and to center of section 3 ; and thence south on center line of section 3, one half mile; and ap- SPECIAL OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 409 propriating" the sum of nine hundred and seventy-five dollars ($975.00) from the General Expense Fund to pay for the same. Approved May 28, 1904. OKDINANCE NO. 2083. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs by days work upon Bridge No. 9, situated in East Thirty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and appropriating the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00), or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Expense Fund. _ Approved May 28, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2084. An ordinance granting and allowing credits, rebates and reductions upon the amounts charged and assessed against the several lots and parcels of land which are charged with the cost and expense of the local improvement in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 136, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, created by Ordinance No. 2023 ; and charging such amounts of such reduc- tion as have been heretofore paid against Local Improvement Fund, District No. 136. Approved May 28, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2085. An ordinance vacating a strip of land 20 feet in width along the west side of Anderson Street on the east side of block 1, Kellogg 's Addition, and a strip of land 20 feet in width along the north side of South Eleventh Street, or Kellogg Street, on the south side of block 1, of Kellogg 's Addition, in the City of Tacoma, Washington. Approved June 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2086. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "I" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-fifth Street to the northerly curb line of Center Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved June 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2087. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit : In the alley between South Ninth Street and South Tenth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to a point 60 feet west of the west boundary of Lawrence Street ; 410 SPECIAX, ORDINANCES BY TITLE. In the alley between South Tenth Street and South Elev- enth Street, from the center line of Lawrence Street to Pine Street; thence in North Street in Kellogg 's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, to a point 25 feet west of the east boundary of said Kellogg 's Addition; In the alley between South Eleventh Street and South Twelfth Street, from the present sewer manhole in Cedar Street to a point 35 feet west of the west boundary of Lawrence Street. Creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved June 10, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2089. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and asses-sment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 18th day of May, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sewers in Local Improvement District No. 143, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2032 of the City of Tacoma, approved February 19th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 10, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2090. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2075 of the City of Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Thirtieth Street, from the east boundary of section 30, twonship 21, N. R. 3 E., W. I\I., to the east boundary of Carr Street, in the City of Ta- coma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same," approved May 21st, 1904. Approved June 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2091. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Puyallup Avenue, from the center line of East "G" Street to the easterly limits of the City of Tacoma, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and percels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 18, 1904. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 411 ORDINANCE NO. 2093. An ordinance vacating^ the east 10 feet of Pine Street, from the north line of North Eighth Street to the north line of lot 3, in block 1, amendatory plat of Tisdale's Second Addition to Ta- coma. Approved June 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2094. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North /'E" Street to a junction Avith North Fourth Street and "D" Street, between blocks numbered 3308 and 3309, as shown on map of New Tacoma, W, T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a por- tion thereof. Approved June 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2095. An ordinance vacating a strip of land on the south side of North Twenty-sixth Street, between Alder Street and Lawrence Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington. Approved June 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2096. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Thir- teenth Street, from the present block paving in "C" Street to the present bituminous rock pavement in Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment there- of, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issu- ance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2097. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Thirty-fifth Street, from the center line of South "M" Street to the center line of Ainsworth Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2098. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East Twenty-fifth Street, from the east end of the bridge adjacent to East "B" Street to the westerly curb line of East "L" Street; also East "H" Street, from the southerly curb line of Puyallup Avenue to the pavement to be laid in East Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous 412 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approvec June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2099. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Yakimj Avenue, from the northerly curb line of South Thirty-eighthl Street to the center line of Columbia Avenue, and Columbia Avenue, from the center line of Yakima Avenue to the easterly curb line of Thompson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating-] a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2100. An ordinance providing for the improvement of " G " Street, from the center line of Wright Avenue to the south line of sec- tion 9, township 20 north, range 3 east W. M., in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2102. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public AYorks of the City of Tacoma to repair by days work by the construction and laying down of a plank roadway, vary- ing in width from fourteen (14) feet to twenty (20) feet, along and over a strip of land described as follows: seven to ten feet on each side of a center line beginning at a point in the section line between sections 29 and 30, township 21, north, range 3 east W. M., where said section line is intersected by the center line of North Thirtieth Street ; thence in a general southeasterly di- rection a distance of about 1310 feet to the bridge over the Ta- coma Alill Company's log sluiceway, according to plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer and filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works of said City ; and appropriating the sum (if eleven liundred fifty dollars ($1150.00), from the Ceneral Expense Fund cf said City of Tacoma to pay for the same. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2104. An ordinance authorizing and directing the sale, transfer and conveyance by the City of Tacoma to the Tacoma Mill Com- pany, by quitclaim deed, for and in consideration of the sum of SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 413 two hundred dollars ($200.00), of a certain tract of land, situ- ated in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of AYash- ington. Approved June 25, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2105. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma on the 3rd day of June, '190-4, for the cost of the improvement of Sprague Avenue from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the north line of sections 5 and 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, in the City of Tacom^, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1940 of the City of Ta- coma, approved August 27th, 1903, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2106. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 3rd day of June, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South Seventh Street, from the westerly 'Curb line of "N" Street to the easterly curb line of Sprague Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1945 of the City of Tacoma, approved September 3rd, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2107. An ordinance amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1531, entitled: "An ordinance prohibiting the distribution of adver- tising matter consisting of or containing any sample of any drug or medicine upon any street, premises, public place or park in the City of Tacoma." Approved July 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2108. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to re-arrange the present arc-lighting circuits of the light plant of the City of Tacoma, ; and to build, install and construct two new arc light circuits, by days labor ; and to purchase the necessary materials therefor ; and appropriating the sum of $8590.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the AVater and Light Pund of the City of Tacoma. Approved July 1, 1904. 414 SPECIAL ORDTNAXCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2110. An ordinance authorizing' and directing the proper officers of the City of Taeonia to transfer from the General Expense Fnnd of the City of Tacoma to the Salary Fund the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. Approved July 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2112. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit : Beginning at the present manhole in South Ninth Street in the alley between "N" Street and "M" Street; thence south- erly in .said alley to a point 15 feet north of the north line of South Twelfth Street, i)rodueed ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2113. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma on the 16th day of June, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of "N" Street, from the center line of South Fourteenth Street to the center line of South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Wa.shington, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1955, of the City of Tacoma, ap- proved September 10th, 1903 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2114. An ordinance vacating a. portion of "E" Street (formerly called First Street) in Byrd's Addition to the City of Tacoma, the same being a triangular tract or piece of land lying and be- ing in front of lots one (1) to sixteen (16), in block two (2), of said Byrd's Addition to the City of Tacoma. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2115. An ordinance vacating that portion of Division Avenue ly- ing south of the south boundary of Sixth Avenue, produced across said Division Avenue, and abutting on lots 10, 11 and 12, in block 2, Division Avenue Addition, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the north-west corner of block 2, Division Ave- nue Addition to Tacoma ; thence north-easterly along the south- SPECIAL OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 415 erly boundary of Division Avenue 86.08 feet ; thence west 69.91 feet ; thence south 51.8-4 feet to the place of beginning. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2116. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Twenty-fifth Street to the north side of Forbes Addition, between blocks 2518 and 2519, as shown on map of P. H. Lewis' Addi- tion to City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a por- tion thereof. Approved Jvily 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2117. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from Twelfth to Thirteenth Street, between blocks 1214 and 1215, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a por- tion thereof. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2119. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-Avit: Beginning at the present sewer manhole 24 feet west of the east boundary of "C" Street and on the north line of the alley between East Thirtieth Street and East Thirty-first Street, produced ; thence easterly to and along a line 8 feet from the south boundary of the alley be- tween East Thirtieth and East Thirty-first Street to the west boundary of East "E" Street; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2120. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 139, in the City of Tacoma, AVashington ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2125. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Yakima Avenue from the westerly curb lines of Division Avenue and North First Street to the easterly curb line of Steele Street; North Fourth Street from the south line of Yakima Avenue to the north curb line of North "I" Street; and North Eighth 416 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Street from the smitli curl) line of "G" Street to the north curb line of "I" Street, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoinins:, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2126. An ordinance amending Section one (1) of Ordinance No. 861, entitled "An ordinance regulating the construction of side- walks and the material to be used therein and the manner of as- sessing the cost of the same upon the abutting and contiguous property, and defining and declaring a nuisance to exist for the failure thereof, and prescribing a penalty therefor," as amended by Ordinance No. 1189. Approved July 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2127. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Fifteenth Street, from the center line of South " M " Street' to the center line of South "N" Street; and South "M" Street, from the cen- ter line of South Fifteenth Street to the center line of South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Taeoma, Washington ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2128. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Pacific Avenue, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of South Twenty-fourth Street, in the City of Ta- eoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous ond proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved July 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2129. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "C" Street, from the center line of South Seventh Street to the southerly curb line of Division Avenue, in the City of Taeoma, creating a spe- cial fund for the payment thereof, by special asses.sment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. And repealing Ordinance No. 2124. Ap- proved July 14, 1904. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 417 ORDINANCE NO. 2130. An ordinance reducing the alley lying between blocks 1020 and 1021, between "J" Street and "K" Street, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2131. An ordinance reducing the alley lying between blocks 1120 and 1121, extending from South Eleventh to South Twelfth Streets, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 14, 1904. ' ORDINANCE NO. 2132. An ordinance reducing the alley between blocks 1322 and 1323, extending from South Thirteenth to South Fourteenth Streets, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 14, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2134. An ordinance providing for the miprovement of the south- erly side of Yakima Avenue, from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the east curb line of Steele Street ; the north- erly side of Yakima Avenue, from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to a line at right angle to said line of Yakima Avenue and passing through the intersection of the said north- erly line of Yakima Avenue with the south line of the north half of the northeast quarter of section 31, township 21 north, range 3, east of the Wilamette Meridian ; the northerly side of Division Avenue, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the south- erly curb line of Yakima Avenue; the westerly side of North First Street, from the northerly curb line of Yakima Avenue to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Second Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Third Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and ''G" Street ; both sides of North Fourth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Fifth Street, from the north- erly curb line of " I " Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Sixth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Eighth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and " G " Street ; both sides of North Ninth 418 SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and " G " Street ; both sides of North Tenth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Eleventh Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and " G " Street ; both sides of North TAvelfth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2135. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the wester- ly side of Division Avenue, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G'' Street; both sides of North First Street, from the center line of "E" Street to the center line of the alley between Yakima Ave- nue and "G" Street; the easterly side of North Second Street, from the center line of "E" Street to the north boundary line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of North Second Street, from the north boundary line of Tacoma Avenue to the center line of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Third Street, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Fourth Street, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of the alley betAveen Yak- ima Avenue and " G " Street ; both sides of North Fifth Street, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; both sides of North Sixth Street, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street; on the southerly or westerly side of Cliff Avenue, from the center line of North Third Street to the center line of North Sixth Street; both sides of "C" Street, from the center line of Cliff' Avenue to the center line of North Sixth Street ; both sides of "D" Street, from the center line of Cliff' Avenue to^the cen- ter line of North Sixth Street; both sides of "E" Street, from the center line of Cliff Avenue to the center line of North First Street; the south side of "E" Street, from the center line of North First Street to the center line of North Second Street; both sides of "E" Street, from the center line of North Second SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 419 Street to the center line of North Sixth Street; both sides of Tacoma Avenue, from the center line of Division Avenue to the center line of North Sixth Street; both sides of "G" Street, from the center line of Division Avenue to the center line of North Sixth Street; in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assassment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2136. / An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 8th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of the alley between blocks numbered 1512 and 1513, the same lying between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street and South Fifteenth Street and South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2076, approved May 21, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the money collected upon said assessment. Approved July 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2137. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 8th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South " " Street, from the southerly curb line of South Eighth Street to the northerly curb line of South Eleventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2063, of the City of Tacoma, approved April 8th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2138. An ordinance authorizing the proper officer to transfer $2018.84 from the General Expense Fund to the Harbor Fund. Approved July 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2141. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of East Twenty-eighth Street, from the west line of lot 6, block 7818, Map of Tacoma Land Company's First Addition, to the center line of East "F" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1930, of the City of 420 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Tacoma, approved August 13, 1903, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2142. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council hy the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of July, 1904, for the cost (if the improvement of South "C" Street, from the center line of DeLin Street to the center line of South Thirty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 1988 of the City of Tacoma, approved November 12th, 1903, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2143. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 140, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2060, of the City of" Tacoma, approved April 8th, 1904 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2145. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from the south- erly line of Division Avenue to the northerly boundary of South Fourth Street, between blocks 324 and 325, in the City of Ta- coma, as shown on the plat of New Tacoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 4, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2146. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Anderson Street, from the north curb line of North Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved August 4, 1904, ORDINANCE NO. 2147. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Bay Street, from the west curb line of South Prospect Street to the ' ast curb line of South Fife Street, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ine a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assess- SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 421 nient, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved August 4, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2148. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of State Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of Sixth Avenue; both sides of Trafton Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street ; both sides of Steele Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the sopth curb line of North Eighth Street ; both Sides of Prospect Street, from the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of North Eighth Street; both sides of Fife Street. from the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of North Eighth Street; both sides of Oakes Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street, both sides of Anderson Street, from the north curb line of South Seventh Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street : the east side of Pine Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 4, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2149. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 20th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 141, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2022, of the City of Tacoma, approved January 14, 1904; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 4, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2150. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 20th day of July, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 142, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2016, of the City of Tacoma, approved January 2, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 4, 1904. 422 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2152. All ordinance providiny- for the improvement of North Thirtieth Street, from the east boundary of section 30, township 21, north, range 3 east, W. M., to the east boundary of Carr Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating- a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 11, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2153. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers on the following described lines, to-wit : Beginning at the present manhole in the alley between North Oakes Street and North Fife Street, in North Seventeenth Street; thence south in said alley betw^een North Oakes Street and North Fife Street to the present lamphole at the south line of Buckley's Addition to Tacoma, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 11, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2154. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the south side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Oakes Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; both sides of South Thirteenth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to the center line of Fife Street -. both sides of South Fourteenth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; both sides of South Fife Street, from the center line of South TAvelfth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of South Prospect Street, from the center line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved August 11, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2155. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventeenth Street to Eighteenth Street, between blocks 1718 and 1719, to 20 feet in width and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 18, 1904. SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 423 ORDINANCE NO. 2156. An ordinance reducino; the alley extending from North Fourth Street to North Fifth Street, between blocks 3414: and 3415, as shown on the map of New Taeoma, W. T., to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved August 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2158. An ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No.' 2125 entitled "An ordinance providing for the improvement of Yak- ii^ia Avenue from the westerly curb lines of Division Avenue and North First Street to the easterly curb line of Steele Street ; North Fourth Street from the south line of Yakima Avenue to the north curb line of North "I" Street; and North Eighth Street from the south curb line of "G" Street to the north curb line of "I" Street, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2159. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "D" Street, from the center line of South Ninth Street to the west- erly curb line of Jefferson Street ; the w-esterly side of Jefferson Street, from the westerly curb line of "D" Street to the center line of SoiTth Twenty-first Street ; the north side of South Twenty-first Street, from' the westerly curb line of Jefferson Street to the center line of the alley between Jefferson Street and "E" Street; also the following named streets, between the center line of the alley betwen "C" Street and "D" Street and the center line of the alley between "D" Street and "E" Street, viz. : the south side of South Ninth Street, both sides of South Eleventh Street, both sides of South Thirteenth Street, both sides of South Fifteenth Street, both sides of South Seventeenth Street; also both sides of South Nineteenth Street, from the westerly curb line of Jefferson Street to the alley between "D" Street and "E" Street, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad.joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 18, 1904. 424 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2160. An ordinance providino- for the improvement of "E" Street, from the easterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the north curb line of South TAventy-seventh Street ; both sides of Fourth Street, from "E" Street to the center line of the alley between St. Helen's Avenue and "E" Street; also the following named streets, from the center line of the alley or alley produced be- tAveen "D" Street and "E" Street to the center line of the al- ley, or alley produced, between "E" Street and Tacoma Ave- nue, viz. ; both sides of Sixth Avenue, both sides of South Sev- enth Street, both sides of South Ninth Street, both sides of South Eleventh Street, both sides of South Thirteenth Street, both sides of South Fifteenth Street, both sides of South Seventeenth Street, both sides of South Nineteenth Street ; also both sides of South TAventy-first Street, from the alley betAveen "E" Street and Jefferson Street to the alley betAveen "E" Street and Ta- coma Avenue; both sides of South TAventy-fifth Street, from "E" Street to Jefferson Street and from "E" Street to the cen- ter line of the alley betAveen "E'.' Street and Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2161. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eighth Street, from the westerly curb line of Junett Street to the easterly curb line of LaAvrence Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2165. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the easterly side of Tacoma A\^enue, from the center line of South Fifteenth Street to the intersection of Tacoma Avenue and the w^esterly curb line of South "E" Street ; the Avesterly side of Tacoma A\'e- nue, from the center line of South Fifteenth Street to the cen- ter line of South Eleventh Street; also both sides of the folloAv- ing streets betAveen the center line of South Fifteenth Street and the center line of South Eleventh Street, namely: "G" Street, Yakima Avenue, "I" Street, "J" Street and "K" Street; also SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 425 the south side of South Eleventh Street, from the center line of "M" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Ave- nue and "E" Street; the north side of South Eleventh Street, from the easterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street; both sides of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the westerly curb line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Thirteenth Street, from the center line of "K" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street ; both sides of South Fourteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the Avesterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue; thie north side of South Fifteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Ave- nue and " E " Street ; both sides of South Ninth Street, from the easterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and " E " Street ; both sides of South Seventh Street, from the easterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street; the south side of Sixth Avenue, from Tacoma Avenue to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 25, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2166. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of "J" Street, "K" Street and "L" Street, from the center line of Division Avenue to the east sidewalk line of North Steele Street ; the north side of Division Avenue, from " I " Street to the center line of the alley betvv-een "L" Street and "M" Street ; both sides of North Second Street and of North Third Street, from "I" Street to the center line of Division Avenue; both sides of North Fourth Street and North Fifth Street, from ''I" Street to the center line of the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street; both sides of North Sixth Street, from the south boundary line of "I" Street to "J" Street; both sides of North Eighth Street, from "I" Street to the center line of the alley between "L" and "M" Streets; both sides of North Ninth Street, North Tenth Street and North Eleventh Street, from "I" Street to the center line of the- alley between "L" Street and "M" Street; both sides of North Twelfth Street, from "I'' Street to the south line of "K" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- 426 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. sessment, upon the adjoining, contignons and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved August 25, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2167. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 9th day of August, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 145 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2112, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 1, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 25, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2168. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Thirty-third Street, from the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of North Proctor Street; North Proctor Street, from the center line of North Thirty-third Street to the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street; North INIadison Street, from the center line of North Thirty-fourth Street to the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street, and North Adams Street, from the center line of North Thirty-third Street to the north line of Law's Addition to Tacoma City, in the City of Tacoma, creat- ing a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assess- ment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved September 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2170. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AYorks on the 19th day of August, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 144, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2119 of the City of Tacoma, approved July 7, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2171. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 19th day of August, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South Thirty-fifth Street, from the cen- ter line of South "M" Street to the center line of Ainsworth SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 4l'7 Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2097, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 23, 1904, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved September 2, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2173. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Sev- enteenth Street from the center line of North Prospect Street to the center line of North Oakes Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved September 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2174. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the north side of North Thirty-fourth Street, from the west line of Tyler Avenue to tli-e west boundary line of Goodwin's Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; both sides of North Thirty-fifth Street, from the center of Mason Avenue to the west boundary line of Good- win's Addition to Tacoma, W. T. ; the south side of North Thirty-fifth Street, from the west line of Tyler Avenue to the center of Mason Avenue ; both sides of North Thirty-sixth Street, from the center of Cheyenne Street to the center of Gove Street ; both sides of North Thirty-ninth Street, from the center -of Stevens Street to the center of Gove Street ; the north side of North Thirty-ninth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the westerly line of Mason Avenue ; both sides of North Forty- first Street, from the center of Mason Avenue to the center of Gove Street ; both sides of North Forty-second Street, from the center of jMason Avenue to the center of Gove Street; bcth sides of North Forty-third Street, from the east line of INIason Ave- nue to the center of Gove Street ; both sides of North Forty- fourth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the center •of Verde Street ; both sides of North Forty-fifth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the center of Gove Street; the -east side of Gove Street, from the center of North Thirty-eighth 'Street to the center of North Thirty-ninth Street; both sides of -Gove Street, from the center of North Thirty-ninth Street to the ■center of North Forty-first Street; the east side of Gove Street, from the center of North Forty-first Street to the center of North Forty-second Street ; both sides of Gove Street, from the ^center of North Forty-second Street to the center of North Forty-sixth Street ; both sides of Cheyenne Street, from the south boundary line of Hope Park Addition to the.center of North 4l'S SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. I Forty-sixth Street; both sides of Verde Street, from the center of North Thirty-eighth Street to the center of North Forty- sixth Street ; both sides of Stevens Street, from the center of North Thirty-ninth Street to the center of North Forty-fifth Street ; both sides of Stevens Street, from the center of North Thirty-fourth Street to the center of North Thirty-fifth Street ; both sides of INIason Avenue, from the center of North Thirty- fourth Street to the center of North Thirty-fifth Street; the west, southerly and northerly sides of Mason Avenue, from the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street to the south line of North Forty-first Street ; both sides of oNIason Avenue, from the south line of North Forty -first Street to the north line of North Forty- third Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund f( r the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contigudus and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 8, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2175. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 31st day of August, 1904, for the ccst of the improvement of South Thirteenth Street, from the pres- ent block paving in "C" Street to the present bituminous rock pavement in Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursu- ance of Ordinance No. 2096, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 18, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 15, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2176. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 31st day of August, 1904. for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 138, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2087, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 10, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 15, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2177. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of South Eighth Street, from the center of Steele Street to the center line of Trafton Street; both sides of South Ninth Street, from the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of Pine Street ; both sides of South Tenth Street, from the center line of SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 429 Lawrence Avenue to the center line of Pine Street ; both sides of South Eleventh Street, from the center of Lawrence Avenue to the center line of Pine Street ; both sides of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to the center line of Sprague Avenue, excepting the south side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Oakes Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; also excepting the northerly side of South Twelfth Street, from the easterly line of Adams Street to a point 100 feet east of the easterly line of Union Avenue; also excepting the southerly side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to its intersection with the easterly line of Adams Street, pro- duced ; also both sides of the following named streets and portions of streets between the northerly line of South Eighth Street and the southerly line of South Twelfth Street, viz. : Adams Street, Lawrence Street, Cedar Street, Junett Street, Oakes Street, Steele Street ; also both sides of Trafton Street, between South Tenth Street and South Twelfth Street ; both sides of Pine Street, from the center of South Eighth Street to the center of South Tenth Street ; both sides of Prospect Street from the south boundary of Brokaw's Second Addition to Tacoma, Washington, to the center of South Twelfth Street ; the west side of State Street, from the center of South Twelfth Street to the center of South Tenth Street; both sides of Ferry Street, from the center line of South Eighth Street to the south line of Clement's Addition to Tacoma, AY. T., and the west side of Sprague Avenue, from the center of South TAvelfth Street to a point 190 feet north of the north line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2178. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the east side of "L" Street, from the center line of South Nineteemth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street ; both sides of "K' Street, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of "J" Street, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of "I" Street, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of Yakima Avenue, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center 430 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of "G" Street, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of Taconia Avenue, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street ; the south side of South Fifteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street; both sides cf South Sixteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the west curb line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Seventeenth Street, from the center line of "K" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street; the north side of South Nineteenth Street, from the center line of "L" Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and " E " Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payhient thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and paroels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2179. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "L" Street, from the center line of South Thirty-fifth Street to the center line of South Forty-eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2180. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eighth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to the center line of Steele Street, in the City of Tacojna, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local imp-rovement bonds against the same. Approved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2181. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the west side of Pine Street, from the center line of North Eighth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street; both sides of Junett Street, from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street; both sides of Cedar Street, from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 431 South Eighth Street; both sides of Lawrence Avenue from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street ; both sides of Adams Street, from the center line of Sixth Avenue to the center line of South Eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2182. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of North Thirty-sixth Street, from the center line of Orchard Street to the center line of Gove Street; the north side of North Forty-second Street, from the center line of Baltimore Street to the center line of Gove Street ; the south side of North Forty- second Street, from the west line of Place's Addition to Ta- coma to the east line of said addition ; both sides of North Forty- third Street, from the center line of Orchard Street to the cen- ter line of Gove Street; both sides of North Forty-fifth Street, from the center line of Baltimore Street to the center line of Gove Street; both sides of North Forty-sixth Street, from the center line of Orchard Street to the center line of Gove Street; both sides of Baltimore Street, from the center line of North Fortieth Street to the center of North Forty-second Street ; both sides of Orchard Street, from the center line of North Fcrty-sec- ord Street to the center line of North Forty-sixth Street; the east side of Orchard Street, from North Forty-sixth Street to the center line of North Forty-ninth Street ; both sides of, Huson Street, from the center line of North Forty-second Street to the center line of North Forty-sixth Street ; both sides of North Ferdinand Street, from the center line of North Forty-second Street to the center line of North Forty-sixth Street, and both sides of Mullen Street, from the center line of North Forty-second Street to the center line of North Forty- eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2183. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to regrade by days labor North Forty-second Street from Cheyenne Street to Gove Street, and appropriating 432 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. from the General Expense Fnnd of the City of Tacoma $300.00 or so nineh thereof as may be necessary to pay for same. Ap- proved September 30, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2184. An ordinance ordering the completion and repair of the auditorium of the City Library, appropriating the money to pay for same, and directing the Commissioner of Public "Works to let contract for same. Approved September 30, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2185. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "M" Street, from the center line of South Thirty-fifth Street to the center line of South Forty-eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved Sep- tember 30, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2186. An ordinance levying the annual tax for the paj'ment of interest upon the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tacoma, and for general municipal purposes of said City, for the fiscal year 1905; and for the ultimate redemption of the bonded in- debtedness of said City; and appropriating the same to certain funds. Passed September 28, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2187. An ordinance appropriating $3529.96, or so much thereof as may be needed, out of the Water and Light Fund cf the City of Tacoma for the purpose of paying the ccst and expense of constructing and laying down a six inch iron Avatermain from the ten inch main at McCarver Street and North Thirtieth Street, thence north on McCarver Street to the Northern Pa- cific Railway Company's track, thence in a northwesterly direc- tion along the south side of said Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany's track to a point where said railway tracks cross Cedar Street. Approved October 6, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2189. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eleventh Street, from the westerly curb line of South "M" Street to the center line of Sprague Avenue, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 433 lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved October 6, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2190. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 20th day of September, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of East Twenty-fifth Street, from the east end of the bridge adjacent to East "B" Street to the westerly curb line of East "L" Street; also East "H" Street, from the southerly curb line of Puyallup Avenue to the pavement to be laid in East Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Tacoraa, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2098, of the City of Tacoma, ap- proved June 23, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 6, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2191. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma, of a strip of land 80 feet in width, excepting therefrom that portion thereof now a part of a public alley, as follows: Beginning at a point where the Avest line of South "G" Street intersects the south line of Byrd's Addition to the City of Tacoma; running thence northerly along said west line of "G" Street produced to the south line of North Street as shown in Byrd's Addition; thence east to where the east line of South "G" Street produced from the north intersects the south line of said North Street ; thence southerly aloAg said east line of "G" Street produced to where it intersects the south line of said Byrd's Addition; thence west to the place of beginning, in the City of Tacoma, for the pur- pose of a public street. Approved October 13, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2192. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma, of a strip of land 80 feet in width, excepting therefrom that portion thereof now a part of a public street, as follows: Beginning at a point where the east line of South "I" Street produced intersects the south line of North Street in Byrd's Addition to the City of Tacoma; thence southerly on said east side of "I" Street produced to the south line of Byrd's Addition; thence west to a point where the w^est line of said "I" Street intersects the south line of Byrd's Addition; thence northerly along said line produced to its intersection with the south line of North Street ; I 434 SPECIAL OEDTXAXCES BY TITLE. thence east to the place of beginning-, in the City of Taeonia, for the purpose of a public street. Approved October 13, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2193. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 29th day of September, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South Fifteenth Street, from the center line of South "M" Street to the center line of South ''N" Street, and South "M" Street, from the center line of South Fifteenth Street to the center line of South Sixteenth Street, in the City of Taeoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2127, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 14, 1904, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved October 13, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2194. An ordinance providing for the revision of the City Char- ter of the City of Tacoma and appropriating $125.00 out of the General Fund to pay for the same. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2195. An ordinance providing for the revision of the ordinances of the City of Tacoma and appropriating $475.00 out of the General Fund to pay for same. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2196. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 147, in the City of Tacoma, Washington ; creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2197. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2162, entitled: "An ordinance providing for the improvement of the north side of North Thirtj^-first Street, from the east end of Bridge No. 28 to the center line of Cedar Street ; the south side of North Thir- ty-first Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to the center line of Cedar Street, except where North Thirty-first Street is carried over Bridge No. 28; both sides of North Thir- tieth Street, North Twenty-ninth Street and North Twenty- eighth Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to the center line of Cedar Street ; both sides of North Twenty-seventh SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 435 Street, from the westerly line of Puget Sound Avenue to the center line of Cedar Street; both sides of North Twenty-sixth Street, North Twenty-fifth Street and North Twenty-fourth Street, from Union Avenue, where graded, to the center line of Cedar Street ; both sides of Alder Street, from the south side of North Twenty-fourth Street to the north line of Wintermute's Part of Tacoma, W. T., being the portion of Alder Street al- ready graded; both sides of Lawrence Avenue, from the south side of North Twenty-fourth Street to the north line of North Thirty-first Street ; both sides of Warner Street, from the south side of North Twenty-fourth Street to the north line of North Thirty-first Street ; both sides of Puget Sound Avenue, from the south side of North Twenty-fourth Street to the south line of North Thirty-first Street; the east side of Union Avenue, from the south side of North Twenty-fourth Street to the south line of North Thirty-first Street; the west side of Union Avenue, from the north line of school section 36, township 21 north, range 2, east of the Willamette Meridian, where said avenue is graded, to the south line of North Thirty-first Street; both sides of Washington Avenue, from the south line of Puget Park Addition to Tacoma, W. T., to the south line of North Thirty-first Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2198. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of October, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 139, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2120, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 7, 1904; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2199. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 6th day of October, 1904, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 146, in the Cit^ of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2153 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 11, 436 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 1904, and providing- for tlie disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2200. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 6th day of October, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of Bay Street, from the west curb line of South Prospect Street to the east curb line of South Fife Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2147, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 4, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2201. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AYorks on the 1st day of October, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of Yakima Avenue, from the northerly curl) line of South Thirty-eight Street to the center line of Colum])ia Avenue, and Columbia Avenue, from the center line of Yakima Avenue to the easterly curb line of Thompson Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2099, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 23, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved October 20, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2202. . An ordinance providing for the improvement of the south side of North Thirty-fourth Street, from the west boundary of Goodwin's Addition to Tacoma, W. T., to the center line of Tyler Street; both sides of North Thirty-fourth Street, from the center line of Tyler Street to the center line of Union Ave- nue ; the north side of North Thirty-fifth Street, from -the center line of Mason Avenue to the center line of Tyler Street; both sides of North Thirty-fifth Street, from the center line of Tyler Street to the center line of Puget Sound Avenue; both sides of North Thirty-sixth Street, from the center line of Proctor Ave- nue to the center line of Lawrence Avenue; both sides of Puget Sound Avenue, from the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street to the center line of the alley between North Thirty-sixth Street and North Thirty-seventh Street; both sides of Union Avenue, from the center line of North Thirty-third Street to the south curb line of North Thirty-seventh Street ; the east side rf Mason Avenue, from the center line of North Thirty-fourth SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 437 Street to the south boundary of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 25, township 21 north, range 2, east of the Willamette Meridian; the west side of Mason Ave- nue, from the center line of North Thirty-fourth Street to the south boundary of the Park and Boulevard Addition to Ta- coma, W. T. ; and both sides of Stevens Street, from the center line of North Thirtieth Street to the center line of North Thir- ty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved October 27, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2204. ' An ordinance, approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 11th day of October, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of North Thirtieth Street, from the east boundary of section 30, township 21, north, range 3 east, W. M., to the east boundary of Carr Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2152, of the City of Tacoma, ap- proved August 11, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 27, 1904.^ ORDINANCE NO. 2205. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 13th day of October, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of Pacific Avenue, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of South Twenty- fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordi- nance No. 2128, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 14, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved October 27, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2206. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Alder Street, from the center line of South Fifty-sixth Street to the south line of Oakwood Cemetery, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 3, 1904. 438 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2207. An ordinance approving and confirmino; the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 21st day of October, 1904. for the cost of the improvement of the south side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Oakes Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; both sides of South Thir- teenth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to the center line of Fife Street ; both sides of South Fourteenth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; both sides of South Fife Street, from the center line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; both sides of South Prospect Street, from the center line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2154 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 11, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved November 3, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2208. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of North Thirty-first Street from the center line of Cedar Street easterly to the Government Meander Line on the shore of Com- mencement Bay ; both sides of North Thirtieth Street and North Twenty-ninth Street from the center line of Cedar Street to the section line between sections 29 and 30, township 21, north, range 3 east, AV. M. ; both sides of North Twenty-eighth Street where already graded, from the center of Cedar Street to the section line between sections 29 and 30 ; both sides of Carr Street from the section line between sections 30 and 31, tow-nship 21 north, range 3 east, W. M., northerly to north side of North Thirty-first Street; both sides of McCarver Street from the sec- tion line between sections 30 and 31 to the center line of North Thirty-first Street; both sides of Starr Street from the section line between sections 30 and 31 to a point 100 feet north of north line of North Thirtieth Street, all being as shown on plats of "Map of Tacoma City, W. T." and "Supplementary Map of Tacoma City, W. T.", in the City of Tacoma, creating a .special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 11, 1904. SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 439 ORDINANCE NO. 2210. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 148, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved November 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2211. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Anderson Street, from the center line of North Nineteenth Street to the south curb line of North Twenty-first Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2212. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Union Ave- nue, from Sixth Avenue to South Ninth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved No- vember 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2213. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Fifty-fourth Street and Lawrence Avenue, from the east curb line of Washington Street to the west curb line of Pine Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment there- of, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the is- suance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2214. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 31st day of October, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of both sides of State Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of Sixth Avenue ; both sides of Trafton Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North 440 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Eighth Street ; both sides of Steele Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street; both sides of Prospect Street, from the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of North Eighth Street : both sides of Fife Street, from the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of North Eighth Street; both sides of Oakes Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street ; both sides of Anderson Street, from the north curb line of South Seventh Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street ; the east side of Pine Street, from the north curb line of South Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2148, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 4, 1904, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessments. Approved November 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2216. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2111, entitled "An ordinance providing for the improvement of "M" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of North Street in Orchard's Addition to New Tacoma, W. T., in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same," and repealing Ordinance No. 2101, entitled "An ordinance provid- ing for the improvement of "K" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-third Street to the center line of South Twen- ty-seventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same." Approved November 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2217. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Twenty-seventh Street, from a point 200 feet west of the west line of East "C" Street, east to the center of East "G" Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved November 26, 1904. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 441 ORDINANCE NO. 2218. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of North Thirty-first Street from the east end of Bridge No. 28 to the center line of Cedar Street ; both sides of North Thir- tieth Street, North Twenty-ninth and North Twenty-eighth Streets, from the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of Cedar Street ; the east side of Union Avenue, and both sides of Puget Sound Avenue from the south line of North Thirty- first Street to the section line between sections 30 and 31, town- ship 21 north, range 3 east, Willamette ^Meridian ; both sides of Warner Street and Lawrence Avenue from the north line of North Thirty-first Street to the section line between sections 30 and 31, township 21 north, range 3 east, W. M., in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved No- vember 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2219. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the south side of North Thirty-first Street, from the east side of Proctor Avenue to 50 feet east of the east line of Washington Avenue; both sides of North Thirtieth Street, North Twenty-ninth Street and North Twenty-eighth Street, from the east side of Proctor Avenue to the center of Union Avenue; the west side of Union Avenue and both sides of Washington Avenue from the south line of North Thirty-first Street to the section line between sections 25 and 36, township 21 north, range 3 east of the Wil- lamette Meridian, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved November 26, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2220. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventeenth Street to South Eighteenth Street, between blocks 1722 and 1723, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Passed November 23, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2221. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Tenth Street to Steele Street, between blocks 4030 and 4031, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Passed November 23, 1904. 442 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2224. An ordinance providinji' for the improvement of the east side of Union Avenue, both sides of Puget Sound Avenne, AVar- ner Street, Lawrence Avenne and Alder Street, from the section line between sections 30 and 31, township 21 north, range 3 east of the AVillamette Meridian, to the south line of North Twenty- fourth Street, and both sides of North Twenty-seventh Street, where graded. North Twenty-sixth Street, North Twenty-fifth Street and North Twenty-fourth Street from the section line between sections 31 and 36, township 21 north, range 2 and 3 E. W. M., to the center line of Cedar Street, in the City of Ta- coma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved December 1, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2225. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2118 entitled "An ordinance providing for the improvement of Ferry Street, from the south curb line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of South Fourteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same." Approved December 15, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2226. An ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1822 entitled: "An ordinance granting to Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to build, main- tain and operate an electric railway, upon certain public high- ways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Wash- ington." Approved December 15, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2228. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 2nd day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South Eleventh Street, from the west- erly curb line of South ' ' M ' ' Street to the center line of Sprague Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2189, of the City of Tacoma, approved October 6th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 15, 1904. SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 443 ORDINANCE NO. 2229. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Conmiissioner of Public "Works on the 2nd day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of North Seventeenth Street, from the cen- ter line of North Prospect Street to the center line of North Oakes Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2173, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 8th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon •said assessment. Approved December 15. 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2230. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner -of Public Works on the 2nd day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of South Eighth Street, from the center line of Pine Street to the center line of Steele Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2180, of the City of Ta- •coma, approved September 22nd, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved December 22, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2232. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1381 of the City of 'Tacoma, entitled: "An ordinance granting to the Seattle-Ta- ■coma Railway Company, a corporation, its successors or assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a railroad, telephone and telegraph line, erect poles, wires and conduct and transmit electric current and other motive power for the operation of said railway, upon, across and over and along certain streets, avenues. alleys and lands in the City of Tacoma." Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2233. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1402 of the City of T^aeoma entitled: "An ordinance granting to Wm. Jones, T. AY. Enos and "Wm. Russ and their associates and assigns, the right to lay pipes in certain streets to supply the City of Tacoma and its inhabitants with steam heat and hydraulic power." Ap- proved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2234. An ordinance amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 2057 ■entitled "An ordinance granting to Commercial Trust Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to build, maintain and operate a street railway bj' electricity, cable or other motive 444 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. power, except steam, upon certain public higrhways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington." Approvtnl December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2242. An ordinance approving and confimiing the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 15th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of "D" Street, from the center line of South Ninth Street to the westerly curb line of Jefferson Street; the westerly side of Jefferson Street, from the westerly curb line of "D" Street to the center line of South Twenty-first Street; the north side of South Twenty-first Street, from the westerly curb line of Jefferson Street to the center line of the alley between Jefferson Street and "E" Street ; also the following named streets, between the center line of the alley between "C" Street and "D" Street and the center line of the alley between "D" Street and "E" Street, viz.: the south side of South Ninth Street, both sides of South Eleventh Street, both sides of South Thir- teenth Street, both sides of South Fifteenth Street, both sides of South Seventeenth Street ; also both sides of South Nineteenth Street, from the westerly curb line of Jefferson Street to the alley between "D" Street and "E" Street, in the City of Ta- coma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2159, of the City of Ta- coma, approved August 18th, 1904, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2243. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 1st day of December, 1904, for the cost (f the improvement of Pacific Avenue, from the limits of the present wood block paving in the interseeti(jn of South Seventh Street to the limits of the same in South Seventeenth Street, produced, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance Nc- 2029, of the City of Tacoma, approved February 4th, 1904. and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2244. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the. City Council by the Commissioner of Public Worte on the 15th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of North Yakima Avenue, from the SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 445 westerly curb line of Division Avenue and North First Street to the easterly curb line of Steele Street ; North Fourth Street, from the south line of Yakima Avenue to the north curb line of North "I" Street; and North Eighth Street, from the south curb line of "G" Street to the north curb line of "I" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2125, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 7th, 1904, as amended by 8 Ordinance No. 2158, of the City of Tacoma, approved August ; 18th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys ■"collected upon said assessment. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2245. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and ;> assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner ! of Public Works on the 15th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of Puyallup Avenue, from the center lin'e of East "G" Street to the easterly limits of the City of Tacoma, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2091 of the City of Tacoma, approved June 18th. 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2246. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 9th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of the southerly side of Yakima Avenue, from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to the east curb line of Steele Street ; the northerly side of Yakima Avenue, from the northerly curb line of Division Avenue to a line at right angle to the said line of Yakima Avenue and passing through the intersection of the said northerly line of Yakima Avenue with the south line of the north half of the northeast quarter of section 31, township 21, north range 3, east W. M., the north- erly side of Division Avenue, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the southerly curb line of Yakima Avenue; the westerly side of North First Street, from the northerly curb line of Yakima Avenue to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G'' Street; both sides of North Second Street, North Third Street, North Fourth Street, North Fifth Street, North Sixth Street, North Eighth Street, North Ninth Street, North Tenth Street, North Eleventh Street, and North Twelfth Street, from the northerly curb line of "I" Street to the alley between Yakima Avenue and "G" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance 440 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. of Ordinance No. 2134 of the City of Tacoma, approved July 22nd, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected npon said assessment. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2247. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of the west side of Pine Street, from the center line of North Eighth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street ; both sides of Junett Street, from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street; both sides of Cedar Street, from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street; both sides of Lawrence Avenue, from the center line of North Ninth Street to the center line of South Eighth Street; and both sides of Adams Street, from the center line of Sixth Avenue to the cen- ter line of South Eighth Street, in the City of Tacoma. in pur- suance of Ordinance No. 2181, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 22nd, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2248. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 517 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance fixing the salary of the Clerk of the Water Commission." Approved January 5, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2249. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 504 of the City of Tacoma eititled "An ordinance creating a Water Works Com- mittee, providing for the appointment thereof, and defining the duties of the same." Approved January 5, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2250. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 947 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance creating the office of Superin- tendent of the Light and Water Department of the City of Ta- coma, fixing the term of office and the manner of appointment of the Superintendent thereof, fixing his compensation and defin- ing his duties." Approved January 5, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2251. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1283 of the City of Tacoma' entitled "An ordinance granting to Tacoma and Co- lumbia River Railway Company, a corporation, its successors: SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 447 and assigns, the right to erect, construct, maintain and operate a railway, erect poles, wires and conduct and transmit electric current and other motive power for the operation of said rail- way upon, across, along and over certain streets, avenues, alleys and lands in the City of Tacoma." Approved January 5, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2255. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "M" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the !» center line of North Street in Orchard's Addition to New Ta- coma, W. T., in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the f' same. Approved January 5, 1905. ( ORDINANCE NO. 2256. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 82 N. T. entitled "An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Light Company the right to supply the City of New Tacoma and its inhabitants v;ith light." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2257. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 96 N. T., entitled "An ordinance granting to Charles B. Wright and his associates the privilege to supply to the City of New Tacoma and its in- habitants with pure and fresh water." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2258. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 31 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance granting to John W. Sprague, his associates and assigns, the right or privilege to supply the City of Tacoma and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2259. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 151 of the City of Tacoma, entitled : ' ' An ordinance defining the duties and fixing the compensation of the City Attorney." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2260. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 314 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance reorganizing the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Tacoma," and also repealing Ordi- 448 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. nance No. 764 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance amendino- Ordinance No. 314 entitled 'An ordinance reorganiz- ing the Tacoma Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Ta- coma.' " Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2261. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 320 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance fixing the number of hours which shall constitute a day's work on City improvements with the City of Tacoma." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2262. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 785 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance fixing and designating the pub- lic market place in the City of Tacoma, and providing for main- taining the same"; also repealing Ordinance No. 846 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance amending Section 2 of Or- dinance No. 785 entitled 'An ordinance fixing and designating the public market place in the City of Tacoma, and providing for maintaining the same' "; and also repealing Ordinance No. 870 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance to establish rules for the use and maintenance of the public market." Ap- proved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2263. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 845 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance creating the office of Public Market Master of the City of Tacoma and fixing his salary", and also repealing Ordinance No. 871 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance defining the powers and duties of the Public Market Master." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2264. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1025 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance to prohibit the exercise of the trade or calling of barbers on Sunday in the City of Tacoma. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2265. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1091 of the City of] Tacoma entitled "An ordinance empowering the Civil Service! Commission, or either of the Commissioners, to administer oaths ; to issue and have served subpoenas ; and to compel the attend- ance of witnesses and the production of testimony, books and papers relevant to investigations under the civil service laws, rules and regulations." Approved January 12, 1905. SPECIAL OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. " 449 ORDINANCE NO. 2266. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1092 of the City of Taeoma entitled "An ordinance defining offenses committed against the provisions contained in the Amendment No. 19 to the City Charter of Taeoma, adopted April 7th, 1896, relative to the duties, powers and regulations of the Civil Ser- vice and prescribing the punishment for the violation thereof." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2267. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1853 of the City of Taeoma entitled "An ordinance to provide for changing the names of certain streets and portions of streets in the City of Taeoma." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2268. I An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1905 of the City of Taeoma entitled "An ordinance granting to the Taeoma Rail- way and Power Company the right to construct, maintain and operate an electric railway spur track connecting wath its main line ,on South Ninth Street and thence running southerly along the alley between blocks 902 and 903 a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet in the City of Taeoma, Pierce County, State of Washington." Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2278. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Seventh Street to South Tenth Street, betw.een blocks 718 and 719, 818 and 819 and 918 and 919, to 20 feet in width, and va- cating a portion thereof. Passed January 11, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2279. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 29th day of December, 1904, for the cost of the improvement of the north side of North Thirty- fourth Street, from the west line of Tyler Avenue to the w^est boundary line of Goodwin's Addition to Taeoma, W. T. ; both sides of North Thirty-fifth Street, from the center of Mason Avenue to the west boundary line of Goodwin's Addition to Taeoma, W. T. ; the south side of North Thirty-fifth Street, from the west line of Tyler Avenue to the center of Mason Ave- nue; both sides of North Thirty-sixth Street, from the center of Cheyenne Street to the center of Gove Street; both sides of North Thirty-ninth Street, from the center of Stevens Street 450 SPECIAL OEDl NANCES BY TITLE. to the center of Gove Street ; the noi-th side of North Thirty- ninth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the westerly line of ]\Iason Avenue; both sides of North Forty-first Street, from the center of Mason Avenue to the center of Gove Street; both sides of North Forty-second Street, from the center of Mason Avenue to the center of Gove Street ; both sides of North Forty-third Street, from the east line of IMason Avenue to the center of Gove Street ; both sides of North Forty-fourth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the center of Verde Street ; both sides of North Forty-fifth Street, from the center of Stevens Street to the center of Gove Street ; the east side of Gove Street, from the center of North Thirty-eighth Street to the center of North Thirty-ninth Street; both sides of Gove Street, from the center of North Thirty-ninth Street to the center of North Forty- first Street; the east side of Gove Street, from the center of North Forty-first Street to the center of North Forty-second Street ; both sides of Gove Street, from the center of North Forty- second Street to the center of North Forty-sixth Street; both sides of Cheyenne Street, from the south boundary line of Hope Park Addition to the center of North Forty-sixth Street; both sides of Verde Street, from the center of North Thirty-eighth Street, to the center of North Forty-sixth Street; both sides of Stevens Street, from the center of North Thirty-ninth Street to the center of North Forty-fifth Street: both sides of Stevens Street, from the center of North Thirty-fourth Street to the cen- ter of North Thirty-fifth Street; both sides of Mason Avenue, from the center of North Thirty-fourth Street to the center of North Thirty-fifth' Street; the west, southerly and northerly sides of jMason Avenue, from the center line of North Thirty- fifth Street to the south line of North Forty-first Street; both sides of Mason Avenue, from the south line of North Forty-first Street to the north line of North Forty-third Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2174, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 8th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2280. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1903 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Rail- way and Power Company, the right to construct, maintain and operate an electric railway spur track connecting with its main track on Puyallup Avenue and thence running northerly along East "D" Street a distance of one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet to a connection with the Tacoma Eastern Railroad SPECIAL/^ ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 451 Company; and the right to construct, maintain and operate an electric railway spur track connecting' with its main track on "A" Street and running thence southerly along the alley be- tween blocks 702 and 703 for a distance of one hundred and eighty (180) feet; all in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Washington." Approved January 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2281. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "K" Street, from the center line of South Twenty-third Street to the center line of South Twenty-seventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved January 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2282. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Ferry Street, from the south curb line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of South Fourteenth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved January 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2283. An ordinance appropriating fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) from the General Fund of the City of Tacoma to repair City Bridge No. 30 at Union Avenue. Approved Janu- ary 26, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2286. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 11th day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of "C" Street, from the center line of South Seventh Street to the southerly curb line of Division Ave- nue, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2129, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 14th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved January 26, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2288. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner o2 Public Works to lease to the Pacific Starch Company, a corpc - ration, that certain piece and parcel of real estate belonging to 452 SPECIAL ORDINANCES bH" TITLE. the City of Tacoma on the Avater front, situated on the north side of the Eleventh Street Bridge and on the east side of the main City water way and being at the end or terminus of that part of lower Eleventh Street, lying on the north side of said Eleventh Street bridge, for the purpose of constructing a public wharf or dock, and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to give notice of the City's intention to lease said property, as required by the City Charter. Approved February 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2289. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma, of fractional block numbered 517, Parker's Plat, and fractional block num- bered 517 of Second Amendatory Map of Stacy's Addition to Tacoma, AVashington, in the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of incorporating the same within the limits of Wright Park. Ap- proved February 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2290. An ordinance setting aside certain real property of the City of Tacoma for park purposes and placing the same under the control of the Board of Park Commissioners. Approved Feb- ruary 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2291. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 3rd day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of "E" Street, from the easterly curb line of Tacoma Avenue to the north curb line of South Twenty- seventh Street ; both sides of Fourth Street, from " E " Street to the center line of the alley between St. Helen's Avenue and "E" Street ; also the following named streets, from the center line of the alley or alley produced between "D" Street and "E" Street to tHe center line of the alley or alley produced, between "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue, viz.: both sides of Sixth Ave- nue, both sides of South Seventh Street, both sides of South Ninth Street, both sides of South Eleventh Street, both sides of South Thirteenth Street, both sides of South Fifteenth Street, both sides of South Seventeenth Street, both sides of South Nine- teenth Street; also both sides of South Twenty-first Street, from the alley between "E" Street and Jefferson Street to the alley l)etween "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Twenty-fifth Street, from "E" Street to Jefferson Street and fro^i "E" Street to the center line of the alley between "E" SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 453 Street and Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Taeoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2160 of tlie City of Taeoma, approved August 18th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys col- lected upon said assessment. Approved February 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2292. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 12th day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of Anderson Street, from the north curb line of North Eighth Street to the south curb line of North Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2146, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 4th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2296. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 18th day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of both sides of South Eighth Street, from the center of Steele Street to the center line of Traf ton Street ; both sides of South Ninth Street, from the center line of Union Avenue to the Center line of Pine Street ; both sides of South Tenth Street, from the center line of Lawrence Avenue to the center line of Pine Street; both sides of South Eleventh Street, from the center of Lawrence Avenue to the center line of Pine Street; both sides of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to the center line of Sprague Avenue, except- ing the south side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Oakes Street to a point 126.56 feet east of the east line of Prospect Street; also excepting the northerly side of South Twelfth Street, from the easterly line of Adams Street to a point 100 feet east of the easterly line of Union Avenue; also except- ing the southerly side of South Twelfth Street, from the center line of Proctor Avenue to its intersection with the easterly line of Adams Street, produced; also both sides of the following named streets and portions of streets between the northerly line of South Eighth Street and the southerly line of South Twelfth Street, viz. : Adams Street, Lawrence Street, Cedar Street. Ju- nett Street, Oakes Street, Steele Street; also both sides of Traf- ton Street, between South Tenth Street and South Twelfth Street ; both sides of Pine Street from the center of South Eighth Street to the center of South Tenth Street : both sides of Prospect Street from the south boundary of Brokaw's Second 454 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Addition to Taconia. AVashington, to the center of South Twelfth Street; the west side of State Street, from the center of South Twelfth Street to the center of South Tenth Street ; both sides of Ferr}' Street, from the center line of South Eighth Street to the south line of Clement's Addition to Tacoma, AV. T. ; and the west side of Sprague Avenue, from the center of South Twelfth Street to a point 190 feet north of the north line of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2177 of the City of Tacoma, approved September 22nd, 190-t, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2297. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of North Thirty-third Street, from the cen- ter line of Union Avenue to the center line of North Proctor Street; North Proctor Street, from the center line of North Thirty-third Street to the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street; North Madison Street, from the center line of North Thirty-fourth Street to the center line of North Thirty-fifth Street, and North Adams Street from the center line of North Thirty-third Street to the north line of Law's Addition to Ta- coma City, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2168, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 2nd, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2298. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of both sides of "J" Street, "K" Street and "L" Street, from the center line of Division Avenue to the east sidewalk line of North Steele Street ; the north side of Divi- sion Avenue, from "I" Street to the center line of the alley be- tween "L" Street and "M" Stret: both sides of North Second Street and of North Third Street, from "I" Street to the center line of Division Avenue; both sides of North Fourth Street and North Fifth Street, from "I" Street to the center line of the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street; both sides of North Sixth Street, from the south boundary line of "I" Street to "J" Street; both sides of North Eighth Street, from "I" Street to the center line of the alley between "L" Street and ''M" Street; SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 455 both sides of North Ninth Street, North Tenth Street and North Eleventh Street, from "I" Street to the center line of the alley between "L" Street and "M" Street; both sides of North Twelfth Street, from "I" Street to the south line of "K" Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2166, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 25th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2299. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 23rd day of January, 1905, for the cost of the improvement of Union Avenue, from Sixth Avenue to South Ninth Street, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Or- dinance No. 2212, of the City of Tacoma, approved November 17, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected ' upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2300. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 23rd day of January, 1905, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 147 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2196, of the City of Tacoma, approved October 20th, 1904; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2301. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 21st day of January, 1905, for the cost of the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 148 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2210, of the City of Tacoma, approved November 17, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2302. An ordinance appropriating the sum of forty-five hundred dollars ($4500.00) from the AVater and Light Fund of the. City of Tacoma to pay for wooden pipe for the extension of water main on South Yakima Avenue. Approved February 18, 1905. 456 SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2304. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from the south- erly line of Division Avenue to the section line between sections 5 and 32, tOAvnships 20 and 21 north, range 3 east W. M., between blocks 428 and 429 of the City of Tacoma to tAventy (20) feet in Avidth and vacating a portion thereof. Passed February 15, 1905- ORDINANCE NO. 2305. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Eighth Street to North Ninth Street, between blocks 3820 and 3821, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Passed February 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2308. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the west side of Tacoma Avenue, from South Eighth Street to the south curb line of Division Avenue; both sides of ''G" Street, from South Eighth Street to Sixth Avenue, and the east side of "G" Street, from Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of Division Avenue; both sides of Yakima Avenue, from South P^ighth Street to Sixth Avenue; both sides of "I" Street, from South Eig'hth Street to Sixth Avenue; and the west side of "I" Street from Sixth Avenue to the south curb line of Division Avenue; both sides of "J" Street, from South Eighth Street to the south curb line of Division Avenue; the east side of "K" Street, from South. Eighth Street to the south curb line of Division Avenue; the north side of South Eighth Street, from "K" Street to the west curb line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Seventh Street, from "K" Street to the west curb line of Tacoma Avenue; the south side of Sixth Avenue, from "K" Street to the west curb line of Tacoma Avenue,and the north side of Sixth Avenue, from ''K" Street to "I" Street and from "G" Street to the Avest curb line of Tacoma Avenue ; both sides of South Fifth Street, from "K" Street to "I" Street; both sides of South' Fourth Street, from "K" Street to "I" Street, and from ''G" Street to the Avest curb line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Third Street, from "K" Street to "I" Street, and from "G" Street to the Avest curb line of Tacoma Avenue; both sides of South Second Street, from "G" Street to the west curb line of Ta- coma Avenue; both sides of South First Street, from "G" Street to the Avest curb line of Tacoma Avenue; the southerly side of Division Avenue, from "K" Street to "I" Street, and from "G" Street to the west curb line of Tacoma Avenue, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 457 lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved March 2, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2309. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Twelfth Street, from the center of South "L" Street to the cen- ter of Sprague Avenue; South Ninth Street, from the center of South "M" Street to the center of Sprague Avenue; South "L'^ Street, from the center of South Eleventh Street to the cen- ter of South Twelfth Street; South "N" Street, from the cen- ter of South Ninth Street to the south line of the Alliance Ad- dition; South "0" Street, from South Eighth Street to the center line of South Twelfth Street; Ainsworth Avenue, from the center of South Ninth Street to the center of South Twelfth Street; Grant Avenue, from the center of South Eighth Street to the center of South Twelfth Street; "R" Street, from the center of South Ninth Street to the center of South Twelfth Street; the east one-half of Sprague Avenue, from the center line of South Eighth Street to the north line of South Eleventh Street, and Sprague Avenue, from the north line of Soutli Elev- enth Street to the center of South Twelfth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ]\Iarch 2, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2310. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Alder Street, from the southeasterly curb line of North Thirty-first Street to the south line of section 24, township 21 north, range 3 east, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved March 2, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2311. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 11th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 221, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2185, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 30th, 1904, and provid- ing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved j\Iarch 2, 1905. 458 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2312. An ordinance approving' and confirniino' the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 11th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 224, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2182, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 22, 1904, and provid- ing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assess- ment. Approved March 2, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2313. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 11th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 228, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2202 of the City of Tacoma, approved October 27, 1904, and pi-ovid- ing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assess- ment. Approved J\Iarch 2, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2314. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 20, N. T., entitled "An ordinance granting to the New Tacoma Water Company the right of way through the streets, lanes and alleys of New Ta- coma for laying water pipes to conduct fresh Avater. " Approved March 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2315. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 103, N. T., entitled "An ordinance granting to John E. Burns, his heirs and as- signs, the right to maintain, repair, take up and relay water pipes and maintain reservoirs for storing and conducting fresh water for domestic and other purposes." Approved ]March 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2316. An ordinance I'epealing Ordinance No. 107, N. T., entitled "An ordinance granting to Philip ^Nletzler, his associates, heirs or assigns, the right and privilege to maintain reservoirs, lay, take up, repair, relay and maintain water pipes and to store therein and conduct there through water for the nse of the City and citizens of New Tacoma." Approved March 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2317. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1575 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance granting to E. A. Seeley, his SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. "451) successors and assigns, the right and privilege to construct and maintain conduits for an underground telegraph and telephone system, to erect and maintain telegraph and telephone poles, and to run, suspend, maintain and operate wires for a telephone and telegraph system, in, over, upon and under the streets, al- leys and public highways of the City of Tacoma," as amended by Ordinance No. 1596. Approved March 9, 1905. i ORDINANCE NO. 2318. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2231, entitled "An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 173 of the City of Tacoma en- titled: 'An ordinance granting to Allen C. !l\Iason, his heirs, and '.assigns, the right to construct and operate a standard gauge rail- ;'road across certain streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Ta- coma.' " Approved March 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2319. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Adams Street, from the north curb line of Sixth Avenue to the •center of North Ninth Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels oi land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement honds against the same. Approved March 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2320. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the north •side of Division Avenue, from Sprague Avenue to the alley be- tween "M" Street and "L" Street; both sides of North Fourth Street, and North Fifth Street, from Division Avenue to the :alley between "M" Street and "L" Street; both sides of North Sixth Street, from Division Avenue to the north side of "N" Street ; both sides of North Seventh Street, from the section line iDetM'een section 31, township 21 north, range 3 east, and section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M., and the north line of "0" Street; both sides of North Eighth and North Ninth "Streets, from section line between section 31, township 21 north, and section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. ]M., to the alley between "M" Street and "L" Street; both sides of North Tenth Street, from Grant Avenue to the alley between "M" "Street and "L" Street; both sides of North Eleventh Street, from "N" Street to the alley between "M" and "L" Streets; T)oth sides of Grant Avenue, from Division Avenue to Sprague Avenue and from section line between section 31, township 21 north, and section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M., to 460 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. North Steele Street; both sides of Ainsworth Avenue and "O" Street, from Division Avenne to Nortli Steele Street; both sides- of "M" and "X" Streets, from Division Avenue to North Sixth Street, and "M" Street, from the south line of North Eiahth Street to North Steele Street, and "N" Street, from PToward Carr's Addition to North Steele Street, in the City of Taeoma, creatine: a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement lionds against the same. Approved INIarch 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2321. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North " E " Street from its intersection with Division Avenue and Cliff Ave- nue to North Sixth Street, except part of the gulch between North Second Street and North Third Street, and except that part already paved; North "D" Street, from Cliff Avenue to the westerly line of block 3708; North "C" Street, from Cliff Avenue to the easterly line of North Ninth Street ; North First Street from North "E" Street to the northerly line of Taeoma Avenue; North Second Street, from "E" Street to the north- erly line of Taeoma Avenue ; North Third Street, from " E " Street to the northerly line of Taeoma Avenue; North Fourth Street, from Cliff* Avenue to North "E" Street; North Fifth Street, from North "C" Street to the northerly line of Taeoma Avenue ; North Sixth Street, from the northerly line of the southerly sidewalk on Cliff Avenue to the center of Taeoma Avenue; Cliff Avenue, from North "E" Street to the nortlu'ily line of North "D" Street, produced, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the paj^ment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local im- provement bonds against the same. Approved iMarch 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2322. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South " K " Street, from the center line of South Twenty-seventh Street In the center line of Center Street, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ]\Iarch 9, 1905. SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 461 ORDINANCE NO. 2323. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Twelfth Street to South Thirteenth Street, between blocks 1212 and 1213, in the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and va- cating a portion thereof. Passed March 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2324. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner ;, of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs, by day's labor, upon Bridge No. 7 on Thirtieth Street in the City of Tacoma, and appropriating the sum of $1500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Fund. Approved March 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2325. An ordinance appropriating $1500.00 out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of repairing Bridge No. 26 on North Oakes Street in said City. Approved ]\Iarch 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2326. An ordinance appropriating $1702.00 out of the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of adjusting and satisfying the claim of Calvin Philips & Company, a corpo- ration, and Albert C. Philips, against the City of Tacoma. Ap- proved March 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2327. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of North Oakes Street, from the north curb line of North Eighth Street to the north curb line of North Twenty-first Street ; the west side of North Fife Street from the north side of North Seventeenth Street to a point opposite the north line of lot 13, block 21; both sides of Prospect Street, from the north curb" line of North Eighth Street to the south curb line of I^orth Twenty-third Street; both sides of North Twelfth Street, from the east curb line of North Pine Street to the west side of North Steele Street; both sides of North Fifteenth Street, from the W'est line of Baker's Addition to the west curb line of North Steele Street ; both sides of North Seventeenth Street, from the east curb line of North Prospect Street to the west curb line of North Steele Street ; and both sides of North Twenty-first Street, from the east curb line of North Pine Street to the west curb line of North Prospect Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, bj^ special assessment, 4&2 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. upon the adjoining', eontifruons and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved March 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2328. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North " J'' Street, from the easterly line of the westerly sidewalk on Divi- sion Avenue to the west line of the east sidwalk on North Steele Street, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ^larch 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2329. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 15th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 211, in the City of Tacoma, iij pursuance of Ordinance No. 2178 of the City of Tacoma, approved September 22nd, 1904, and provid- ing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assess- ment. Approved INIarch 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2330. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 213, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2179, of the City of Tacoma, approved September 22nd, 1904, and pro- viding for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said as- sessment. Approved March 16, 1905. * ORDINANCE NO. 2331. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 25th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 234, in the City of Tacoma, in pui*suance of Ordinance No. 2213, of the City of Tacoma, approved November 17, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved March 16, 1905. SPECIAL ORDIXA^■CES BY TITLE. 463 ORDINANCE NO. 2332. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 46, N. T., entitled "To authorize the Northern Pacific Railroad Company to con- struct and operate a railroad over Railroad and Rainier Streets and Cliff Avenue in New Tacoma." Approved ]\Iarcli 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2333. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 599 entitled "Grant- ing- to Wm. C. Pyfer and his assigns, the right to construct, op- erate and maintain a system of water works." Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2334. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs, by day's labor, upon Bridge No. 5 on Twenty-sixth Street in the City of Tacoma and appropriating the sum of $1200.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay for the same, from the General Fund. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2335. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to make certain repairs, by day's labor, upon Bridge No. 12 on Pacific Avenue in the City of Tacoma and appropriating the sum of $715.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay for the same, from the General Fund. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2336. An ordinance providing for the calling of the annual mu- nicipal election to be held in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Washington, on the 4th day of April, 1905, for the purpose of electing one Councilman for the term of two years from each of the following wards in the said City, to-Avit : First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Wards ; and for voting upon any other matter that may be sub- mitted to the voters at said election. Approved ]\Iarch 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2338. An ordinance proposing to the voters in the City of Ta- coma, that the City of Tacoma make certain additions to the existing electric light and poAver system, owned and controlled by said City, specifying and adopting the proposed plan and details of said additions, and declaring the estimated cost there- of, as near as may be, and providing for the holding of an elec- 4G-i SPECIAL OEDINA^X'ES BY TITLE. tion, at which said voters may vote for or aszainst the said prop- osition ; also providinu,- for the ae(iuisition of the huids, rijihts of way, water rights, easements and privileges, necessary for the construction and perpetual control and operation of said addi- tions, in case the voters in said City, voting at said election shall assent thereto ; and providing for the payment therefor, and es- tablishing a fund for such payment, by setting aside therefor, fifty per cent, of the gross revenues derived by said City from the electric light and power system owned and controlled by said City, (but not exceeding sixty thousand dollars per annum) until the pajmient therefor shall be completed. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2339. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of Puyallup' Avenue, from the east side of. Pacific Avenue to *'A" Street, and the north side of Puyallup Avenue, from East "C" Street to East "F" Street, and the south side of Puyallup Avenue, from East "C" Street to East "G" Street; both sides of South Twenty-fifth Street, from the east end of Bridge No. 3 to the west curb line of East "H" Street, omitting Bridge No. 4; both sides of South Twenty-sixth Street, from the east side of Pacific Avenue to the west side of East "F" Street where street is graded, omitting Bridge No. 5; both sides of South Twenty-ninth Street, from the east side of Pacific Avenue to center of block 7925, or to end of graded street; both sides of South Thirtieth Street, from the east side of Pacific Avenue to the center of East "F" Street, and the north side of South Thirtieth Street, from the center of East "F" Street to East "H" Street, excepting Bridge No. 7; both sides of "A" Street, from South Thirtieth Street to South Twenty-fifth Street; both sides of East " C " Street, from the south line of South Twenty- ninth Street to South Twenty-sixth Street, and the east side of East "C" Street, from South Twenty-sixth Street to Puyallup M Avenue; both sides of East "D" Street, from SoutJi Thirty- V< first Street to Puyallup Avenue, same being Local Improvement District No. 229. in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- M viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the ■ same. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2340. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North "G" Street, from North First Street to North Sixth Street; North SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 465 First Street, from Tacoma Avenue to Division Avenue ; North Second Street, North Third Street, North Fifth Street and North Sixth Street, from Tacoma Avenue to the present pave- ment on North "I" Street, except the street intersections al- ready paved, same being Local Improvement District No. 253, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2341. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 20th day of February, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 95 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2135, of the City of Tacoma, approved July 22nd, 1904; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2342. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 6th day of March, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 235, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2206, of the City of Tacoma, approved November 3rd, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved March 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2343. An ordinance consenting to the assignment and transfer of the rights, privileges and franchises granted to E. J. Felt by Ordinances No. 1809, No. 1835 and No. 1882 of the City of Ta- coma, to the Pacific Traction Company, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington. Ap- proved March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2344. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 1001 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance regulating the price of gas fur- nished to consumers within the City of Tacoma." Approved March 30, 1905. 466 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2348. An ordinance providinfr for the improvement of North Thirteenth Street, from the sontherly line of Yakima Avenue to the northerly curb line of "J" Street, same being Local Im- provement District No. 266, in the City of Taeoma, creatins: a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, up- on the adjoininir, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2349. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Alder Street, from the center of North Ninth Street to the north curb line of South Twelfth Street, same being Local ■ Improvement District No. 269, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ]March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2350. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Proctor Avenue, from the south end of Bridge No. 31 at North Thirty- second Street to the section line of section 25, T. 21 N., R. 2 E., same being Local Improvement District No. 271, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ]\Iarch 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2351. An ordinance providing for the improvement of State Street, from South Twelfth Street to South Fourteenth Street, same being Local Improvement District No. 272, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved ]March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2352. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 8th day of March, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 90, in the SPECIAL ORDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 467 City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2161 of the City of Tacoma, approved August 18th, 1901 ; and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2353. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 17th day of March, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 216 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2211 of the City of Tacoma, approved November 17, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2354. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Tenth Street, from South "K" Street to South "M" Street, 'same being Local Improvement District No. 232, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2356. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of March, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 215, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2165, of the City of Tacoma, approved August 25th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2358. An ordinance appropriating two thousand dollars, ($2,000.00) out of the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of settling the claim of J. A. Jones against the City. Approved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2359. An ordinance appropriating twenty-one hundred dollars ($2100.00) out of the General Fund to pay for two thousand (2000) feet of eighteen (18) inch double strength sewer pip:" and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to enter intj 468 S'PECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. contract with F. T. Crowe & Company for one-half of such sewer pipe and Taconia Trading Company for one-half of such sewer pipe. Approved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2362. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of Pacific Avenue, from South Twenty-sixth Street to south boundary of South Thirty-fifth Street; South "D" Street, from Delin Street to South Thirty-fifth Street ; South Twenty-ninth Street, from Pacific Avenue to Delin Street ; South Thirtieth Street, from Pacific Avenue to South "F" Street; South Thir- ty-second Street, from Pacific Avenue to South "F" Street; Wright Avenue, from Pacific Avenue to South "G" Street; South Thirty-fourth Street, from Pacific Avenue to South "G" Street, and South Thirty-fifth Street, from Pacific Avenue to South "G" Street, same being Local Improvement District No. 241, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the pay- ment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contig- uous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2363. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North ''K" Street, from the center line of Division Avenue to the west line of the east sidewalk on North Steele Street, same being Local Improvement District No. 248, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2366. An ordinance amending Section 23 of Ordinance No. 1809, as amended by Ordinance No. 1835 and Ordinance No. 1882, en- titled: "An ordinance granting to E. J. Felt, his successors and assigns, a franchise to build and operate a street railway in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington." Approved April 27,' 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2367. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of April, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 35, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2281 of the SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 469 City of Tacoma, approved January 21st, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved April 27, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2368. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commi.ssioner of Public Works on the 13th day of April, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 203 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2255 of the City of Tacoma, approved January 5th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved April 27, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2369. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2223 of the City of Tacoma, entitled: ''An ordinance licensing and regulating the iLse and speed of automobiles and other motor vehicles and pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof." Approved IMay 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2370. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to lease, let and demise unto the United States of America, by proper agreement, the east half of the fourth floor of the City Hall building of the City of Tacoma, excepting therefrom Suite No. 401, for cus- toms purposes. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2371. An ordinance appropriating $1600.00 out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma to settle the claim of Albert Christ- kautz and Sophia Christkautz against the City for personal injuries occurring to Sophia Christkautz on South Eleventh Street. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2372. An ordinance appropriating $2475.00 out of the General Fund to reimburse George P. Wright for fourteen horses pur- chased for the City. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2373. An ordinance appropriating $11,500.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of the Water and Light Fund to pur- chase and install a sixteen inch water main from the Alaska Street reservoir, running along either South Grant Avenue or 470 SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. South Ainswortli Avenue, north to Division Avenue and North "P" Street, and making all necessary cross connections. Ap- proved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2374. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Fourth Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to the south line of North "K" Street, except the intersection of North "J" Street and except that part to be paved by the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, under its franchise, and North Fifth Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to the north line of North "K" Street, except the intersection of North "J" Street, same being Local Improve- ment District No. 258, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bends against the same. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2375. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Lawrence Street, from the south line of South Fifty-fourth Street to the center line of South Fifty-eighth Street, constituting Local Im- provement District No. 267, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2377. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 15th day of April, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 217, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2219 of the City of Tacoma, approved November 26th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved May 4, 1905, ORDINANCE NO. 2378. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No, 2364 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of Wright Avenue, from East "C" Street to the west curb line of East "I" Street; both sides of East Thirty- I SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 471 fourth Street, from East "A" Street to East "L" Street, ex- cept that part occupied by bridges; both sides of. East Thirty- fifth Street, from East "b" Street to East "L" Street; both sides of East "D" Street, from the center line of East Thirty- first Street to the south boundary of Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma, W. T., and East "H" Street, from Wright Avenue to the south boundary of Votaw's Addition to Tacoma, Pierce County, W. T., same being Local Improvement District No. 250, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2379. An ordinance appropriating $292.00 out of the General Fund to pay for the official bonds of the City Treasurer, City Controller and Commissioner of Public "Works of the City of Tacoma for the period of one year, fixing the amount of the Treasurer's bond, directing the proper officer to procure the same, and repealing Ordinances No. 2088, No. 2365 and all or- dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Ap- proved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2380. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Jefferson Avenue, from the west line of Pacific Avenue to a point six (6) feet southerly from the southerly line, produced, of lot 6, block 1806, New Tacoma, W. T. ; also South Seventeenth Street, from the present pavement on Pacific Avenue to Jefferson Avenue; also Commerce Street, from Jefferson Avenue to South Seven- teenth Street, constituting Local Improvement District No. 251, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2382. An ordinance amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2276 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance to regulate hawk- ing and peddling in the City of Tacoma, fixing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing Ordinances No. 138, No. 880, No. 925, No. 956, No. 1296, No. 1803 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith." Approved ]\Iay 15, 1905. 472 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2383. An ordinance approvinp: and confirming- the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 27th day of April, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 205, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2282, of the City of Tacoma, approved January 21st, 1905, and provid- ing for the dispositipn of the moneys collected upon said assess- ment. Approved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2384. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 21st day of April, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 237 in the City of Tacoma in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2208 of the City of Tacoma, approved November 11th, 190-1:, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2385. An ordinance appropriating thirteen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars ($13,280.00), out of the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma, to pay L. Forrest McConihe for two vertical, double acting, triplex pumps, together with motors, switch board and wiring, and directing the proper officers to draw warrants on the said fund and to pav the same. Passed May 17, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2386. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma of a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a point where the east line of South Prospect Street intersects the north line of Vo- taw's Second Addition to Tacoma, Washington, thence north along the said east line of Prospect Street produced to the south line of Sixth Avenue; thence west along Sixth Avenue sixty-five (65) feet; thence south along the west line of said Prospect Street produced to the north line of said Votaw's Second Addition; thence east to the place of beginning, in the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of a public street. Approved May 25, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2391. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 473 of Public Works on the 12tli day of May, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 247 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2217 of the City of Tacoma, approved November 26th, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assess- ment. Approved May 25, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2392. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 12th day of May, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 268 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2322 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 9th, 1905, and providino- for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved May 25, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2393. An ordinance reducing the alley extending' from South Nineteenth Street to South Twenty-first Street, between blocks 1912 and 1913 in Burns and Blinn's Addition to the City of Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Passed May 24, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2394. An ordinance appropriating $4500.00 out of the Water and Light Fund to pay for three sanitary street cleaning and sprinkling machines, and autlprizing their purchase. Approved June 1, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2395. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 13th day of May, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 232 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2354 of the City of Tacoma, approved April 6th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Ap- proved June 1, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2396. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Work on the 12th day of May, 1905, for the cost of the unprovement in Local Improvement District No. 240 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2218 of the 474 SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. City of Tacoma, approved Noveinbor 26th, 1904 and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected npon said assessment. Approved June 1, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2401. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East "L" Street, from the north curb line of East Thirty-fifth Street north to the City limits, constituting Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 245, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2402. An ordinance providing for the improvement of both sides of Wright Avenue, from East "C" Street to the west curb line of East "I" Street; both sides of East Thirty-fourth Street, from East "A" Street to East "L" Street, except that part occupied by bridges; both sides of East Thirty-fifth Street; from East ''D" Street to East "L" Street; both sides of East "D" Street, from the center line of East Thirty-first Street to the south boundary of Tacoma Land Company's First Addi- tion to Tacoma, W. T., and East "H" Street, from Wright Avenue to the south boundary of Votaw's Adition to Tacoma, Pierce County, W. T., constituting Local Improvement District No. 250, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof,by special assessment, upon the adjoining, con- tiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2403. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 26th day of May, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 239, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2224 of the Cit}^ of Tacoma, approved December 1st, 1904, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2404. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 20th day of May, 1905, for the cost of SPECIAL OEDIXAXCES BY TITLE. 475 the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 249, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2310 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 2nd, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved June 8, 1905. OKDINANCE NO. 2405. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma, of the west twenty-seven (27) feet of lot 8 and the west twenty-seven (27) feet of lot 1, block 6, and the west twenty -seven (27) feet of lot 1 in block 7, all in Kellogg 's Addition to the City of Tacoma, for the purpose of increasing the width of Pine Street, between North Street, as shown on plat of Kellogg 's Addition to the City of Tacoma, and the south line of block 7, Kellogg 's Addition to the City of Tacoma, from thirty- three (33) feet in width to sixty (60) feet in width. Approved June 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2406. An ordinance providing for the improvement of "]M' Street, from the center of South Twenty-first Street to the southerly line of Commonwealth Addition to Tacoma, Wash- ington, constituting Local Improvement District No. 222, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment there- of, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issu- ance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2407. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Proctor Avenue, between the north line of North Thirty-fifth Street and the south line of "Wallace's Addition to Tacoma City, constituting Local Improvement District No. 243, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxi- mate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2408. An ordinance providing for the improvement of Tacoma Avenue, from the present pavement on South Ninth Street to the easterly boundary line of North Sixth Street, except that part already paved between North Fourth Street and North Fifth Street, and except that part to be paved by the Tacoma 476 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Railway & Power Company under its franchise, also Division Avenue, from the easterly and northerly line of the sidewalk on Clift' Avenue to the center of "K" Street, except the southerly side of said Division Avenue, from the center of South "G" Street to the center of South "I" Street along AVright Park, and except that part to be paved by the Tacoma Railway & Power Company under its franchise; also South First Street, from the present pavement on St. Helens Avenue to the westerly line of the sidewalk on South "G" Street, constituting Local Improvement District No. 254, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2409. An ordinance providing for the improvement of East "D" Street, from the south curb line of Puyallup Avenue to the south curb line of East Thirtieth Street, constituting Local Im- provement District No. 274, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2410. An ordinance appropriating nine hundred dollars ($900.00) out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma to pay the A. J. Coffee Company for a storage battery switch board, and di- recting the proper officer to draw a warrant for same, and repealing Ordinance No. 2398. Approved June 22, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2413. An ordinance transferring from the General Fund to the Salary Fund the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). Ap- proved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2419. An ordinance providing for the improvement of the south side of South Nineteenth Street, from the alley between South "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue to the alley between South "L" Street and South "M" Street; also both sides of South Twenty-third Street, from South "J" Street to South "K" Street; both sides of South Twenty-first Street, from the alley between South "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue to South "K" SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 477 Street; South Twenty-fifth Street, from the alley between "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue to Tacoma Avenue; also both sides of South Twenty-seventh Street, from the alley between South "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue to South "J" Street; also the northerly side of Center Street, from Yakima Avenue to South "G" Street; also South Tacoma Avenue, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to the bridge between South Twenty- seventh Street and South Thirtieth Street; also South "G" Street, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to the south line of blocks 1 and 2, Van Dusen's Addition; also South Yak- ima Avenue, from the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the south line of blocks 3 and 4, Van Dusen 's Addition ; also South "I" Street, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to South Twenty-first Street ; also South " J " Street, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to North Street; also South "K" Street, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to South Twentieth Street; also South "L" Street, from the cen- ter of South Nineteenth Street to the center of South Twenty- first Street, constituting Local Improvement District No. 227, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Ap- proved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2420. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Third Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to the southerly line of North "K" Street, except the intersec- tion of North "J" Street, and except that part to be paved by the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, 'under its franchise; also North Second Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to the northerly boundary of Division Avenue, ex- cept that part to be paved by the Pacific Traction Company under its franchise, constituting Local Improvement District No. 257, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2421. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Chandler Street, from the south line of Center Street to the flume of the T. L. & AV. Co., constituting Local Improvement 478 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. District No. 270, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joiuing, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2422. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Hos- mer Street, from the center of South Nineteenth Street to the south line of Catlin's Addition, constituting Local Improvement District No. 277, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2423. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Eighth Street from South Lawrence Street to the centei' of South AVarner Street, constituting Local Improvement District No. 278, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the pay- ment thereof, by special assessment, upon the contiguous, ad- joining and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2424. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Lawrence Avenue, from the south line of North Ninth Street to the north line of Balcom's Addition, same being Local Im- provement District No. 281, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proxin»ate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2425. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Six- teenth Street to South Seventeenth Street, between blocks 1614 and 1615, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma. to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion there- of. Passed June 28, 1905. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 479 ORDINANCE NO. 2426. An ordinance providing for the compromise and settlement of City taxes for the year 1893 and prior years and authorizing the acceptance of the principal. Approved July 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2427. An ordinance appropriating $1200.00 out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma to pay Hunt & Mottet Co. for 750 feet of fire hose and Pacific Engineering Company for 750 feet of fire hose. Approved July 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2428. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 17th day of June, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 238 in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2327 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 16th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2429. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 290 of he City of Tacoma entitled : ' ' An ordinance granting to the Lake Park Land, Railway & Improvement Company, their successors, lessees and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Washington. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2430. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North "G" Street, from the westerly line of North Sixth Street to McCarver Street; North Tacoma Avenue, from North Sixth Street to Carr Street ; North Twenty-sixth Street, from Starr Street to McCarver Street ; North Twenty-seventh Street, from North Eleventh Street to the west line of J. Carr's Addition; the west side of North Sixth Street, from "G" Street to the alley between North "G" Street and North Tacoma Avenue; North Tenth and North Twelfth Streets, from the southerly line of the alley between North Yakima Avenue and North "G" Street to North "G" Street ; North Eleventh Street, from the southerly line of the alley between North Yakima Avenue and North "G" Street to North Twenty-Seventh Street; Starr Street and McCarver Street, from Tacoma Avenue to the north line of section 31, township 21 north, range 3 east of the Willamette Meridian, and Carr Street, from 480 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. North Yakima Avenue to the north line of section 31, township 21 north, ran^-e 3 east of the Willamette INIeridian, constituting Local Improvement District No. 244, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2431. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Forty- eighth Street, from the center line of Park Avenue to the center line of South "N" Street, constituting Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 279, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2432. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Wash- ington Avenue, from North Thirty-third Street to the center of North Thirty-eighth Street, constituting Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 280, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2433. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 23rd day of June, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 266, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2348 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 30th, 1905, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2434. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 23rd day of June, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 272, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2351 of the City of SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 481 Taeoma, approved March 30th, 1905, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2435. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2390 of the City of Taeoma entitled: "An ordinance amending section 1 of OKlinance No, 21, as amended by Ordinances Numbered 371 and 1513, en- titled 'An ordinance granting the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Company the right to erect poles, and thereon to fasten wires, in the streets of the City of Taeoma.' " Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2436. An ordinance appropriating nine hundred and ninety dollaft out of the General Fund of the City of Taeoma to pay for the services of a band and for proper advertising matter to be used during Taeoma Week at the Lewis & Clark Exposition at Port- land, Oregon. Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2437. An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain by the City of Taeoma, of a strip of land thirty-five (35) feet wide immediately within and along the east side of the north half of the northwast quarter of section 23, town- ship 21 north, range 2 east, for the full length thereof, in the City of Taeoma, for the purpose of a public street. Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2438. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Third Street to North Fourth Street, between blocks 3318 and 3319, in that part of the City of Taeoma formerly called New Taeoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2439. An ordinance providing for the construction of sanitary sewers in Local Improvement District No. 150, in the City of Ta- eoma, AYashington, creating a special fund for the payment there- of, by special a.ssessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 244L An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the Citv Council by the Commissioner 482 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. of Public Works on the 5th clay of July, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 212, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2819 of the City of Tacoma, approved ]\Iarch 9th, 1905, and providing for the di.s- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 20, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2442. An ordinance approving' and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the -City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of July, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 267, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2375 of the City of "ftcoma, approved May 4th, 1905, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved July 20, 1905. ' ORDINANCE NO. 2443. An ordinance to notify the Tacoma Railway & Power Com- pany, successors of the Tacoma Railway & Motor Company, that the City of Tacoma has ordered Tacoma Avenue, from the present pavement on South Ninth Street to the easterly boun- dary line of North Sixth Street, except that part already paved between North Fourth Street and North Fifth Street, and ex- cept that part to be paved by the Tacoma Railway & Power Company under its franchise, to be paved with an asphalt road- way and brick gutters on a concrete base, and requiring said Tacoma Railway & Power Company to pave between its traeks^ and between its rails, as required by Ordinance No. 363 of the City of Tacoma. Approved July 28, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2444. An ordinance appropriating $4,591.00 out of the General Fund of the City of Tacoma to pay The Barber Asphalt Pav- ing ^Company for the asphalt pavement on the southerly side of Division Avenue, from the center of South "G" Street to the center of South ''I" Street, in front of Wright Park. Ap- l^roved July 28, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2445. 4^n ordinance reducing the alley extending from North Fifth Street to North Sixth Street, between blocks 3515 and 3514, in that part of the City of Tacoma formerly called New Tacoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a portion thereof. Approved July 28, 1905. SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 485 ORDINANCE NO. 2446. All ordinarfce providing for the condemnation under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma, of a strip of land in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, described as fol- lows : Beginning at the point where the west line of Sprague Avenue intersects the north line of section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M., run thence south along the west line of said Sprague Avenue sixty-five (Q5) feet; thence northwesterly one hundred and ten (110) feet, more or less, to the point where the west line of North Seventh Street intersects the north line of section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, thence east along said section line one hundred and five (105) feet, more or less, to place of beginning, for the purpose of a public street, and providing for the payment therefor by as.sessment against the property benefitted thereby. Approved August 3, 1905, ( ORDINANCE NO. 2447. Not published as required by section 47 of the City Charter and therefore not in etfect. ORDINANCE NO. 2448. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 5th day of July, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 53, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2308 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 2nd, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said asses.sment. Ap- proved August 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2449. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment^nd assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 14th day of July, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 225, in tlie City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2320 of the City of Tacoma, approved ^larch 9th, 1905, and providing fiu- the disposition of the moneys collected upon said asses-sment. Approved August 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2450. An ordinance vacating the street between bloclis 124 and 125 in Oakwood Cemetery and also the four foot alleys in said 484 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. blocks, in the City of Tacoma, Washington, Approved August 10, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2451. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Sixth Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to North "J" Street, and North Eighth Street, from the present pavement on North "I" Street to North "K" Street, except the intersection of North "J" Street, constituting Local Improve- ment District No. 259, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguoiis and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 10, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2452. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 28th day of July, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 258, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2374 of the City of Tacoma, approved May 4th, 1905, and providing for the dis- position of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approv- ed August 10, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2454. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2417 of the City of Tacoma entitled "An ordinance providing for the condemnation, under the right of eminent domain, by the City of Tacoma of a strip of land described as follows: Beginning at the southAvest corner of block one of Glyndon's Addition to Tacoma, running thence on the east line of Alder Street produced south from said Addition to the south line of section 31, township 21 north range 3 east, W. M. ; thence west along said section line 80 feet to ^ point where the west line of Alder Street produced south from said Glyndon's Addition intersects the south line of said section 31, thence north along the west line of said Alder Street produced to the south line of said Glyndon's Addition, thence east along the south line of said Glyndon 's Addition to place of beginning, for the purpose of a public street, and providing for the payment therefor by assessment against the property bene- fitted thereby." Approved August 17, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2455. An ordinance amending section 8 of Ordinance No. 2295 of the City of Tacoma entitled ''An ordinance granting to the SPECIAL OEDINAXCES BY TITLE. 485 Taeoma Railway & Power Company, a corporation, the right, franchise and privilege to construct and maintain pole lines, underground conduits, string wires thereon and therein and maintain the same, and to transmit thereover electricity for the purpose of furnishing power and heat within the City of Ta- eoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 551." Approved August 17, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2457. An ordinance reducing the alley extending from South Fourth Street to South Fifth Street, between blocks 426 and 427, in that part of the City of Taeoma formerly called New Taeoma, to 20 feet in width, and vacating a. portion thereof. Passed August 16, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2459. An ordinance transferring $10,000 from the General Ex- pense Fund to the General Fund of the City of Taeoma. Ap- proved August 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2460. An ordinance transferring $11,000.00 from the General Expense Fund to the Salary Fund. Approved August 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2461. An ordinance notifying the Taeoma Gas & Electric Light Company, its successors and assigns, that the City of Taeoma will lease the southeast quarter of section 32, township 20 north, range 4 east, W. M., in Pierce County, Washington, to other parties and terminating all their rights therein. Approved August 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2462. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Cedar Street, from South Sixty-second Street to the north line of Lookout Park Addition, constituting Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 285, in the City of Taeoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the ad- joining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2463. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South Twenty-third Street, from South "K" Street to South Sprague Avenue, the west side of South Wilkeson Street, from South 486 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Nineteenth Street to South Twenty-first Street ; South Sixteenth Street, from South "L" Street to South "M" Street, and Soutb "L" Street, from South Fifteenth Street to South Nineteenth Street, constitutinn: Local Improvement District No. 286, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment there- of, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issu- ance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved August 23, 190.5. ORDINANCE NO. 2464. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 8th day of August, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 256, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2328 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 16th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved August 23, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2466. An ordinance directing the Commissioner of Public "Worlcs of the City of Tacoma to execute a lease in the name of the City of Tacoma of the southeast quarter of section 32, township 20 north, range 4 east, W. M., in Pierce County, Washington, to W. H. Kneeland, and providing the terms and conditions of said lease. Approved August 31, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2468. An ordinance appropriating $6512.00 out of the Water and Light Fund to pay Marshall-AVells Hardware Company for 30,000 pounds No. 4|0000 Stranded cable copper line wire and 10,000 pounds No. 6 solid copper line wire. Approved Septem- Ijer 7, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2469. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 8th day of August, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 229, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2339 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 23rd, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 7, 1905. SPECIAL OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 487 ORDINANCE NO. 2470. An ordinance providing for the release of the Independent Asphalt Paving Company, a corporation, from fulfilling its contract with the City of Tacoma for Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 251, releasing the bonds given by said Company and fixing the conditions of such release. Approved September 14, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2471. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public Works on the 30th day of Augast, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 222, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2406 of the City of Tacoma, approved June 15th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 14, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2472. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commissioner of Public AVorks on the 30th day of August, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 278, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2423, of the City of Tacoma, approved June 29th, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 14, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2474. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Mason Avenue, from the center of North Thirty-eighth Street to North Forty-third Street ; North Stevens Street, from Mason Avenue to North Forty-fifth Street; North Thirty-ninth Street, North Forty-first Street, North Forty-second Street and North Forty-third Street, from North Verde Street to North Mason Avenue, North Forty-fourth Street and North Forty-fifth Street, from North Verde Street to North Stevens Street, con- stituting Local Improvement District No. 284, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by spe- cial assessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 21, 1905. 488 SPECIAL ORDINANCES BY TITLE. ORDINANCE NO. 2475. An ordinance providing for the improvement of North Junette Street, from the center of North Twenty-ninth Street to the south boundary of Stout's Grand View Addition, North Twenty-fourth Street, North Twenty-fifth Street, North Twen- ty-sixth Street, North Twenty-seventh Street, from North Junette Street to the center of North Cedar Street, constitutincr Local Improvement District No. 288, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special as- sessment upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and providing for the issuance of local improve- ment bonds against the same. Approved September 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2476. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South *'N" Street, from the south line of the Commonwealth Addition to Tacoma to the center line of North Street, and South Twen- ty-first Street, from South "K" Street to the center line of South AinsAVorth Avenue, constituting Local Improvement Dis- trict iSTo. 290, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and provid- ing for the issuance of local improvement bonds against the same. Approved September 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2477. An ordinance providing for the improvement of South "J" Street, from South Fifty-second Street, to the center line of South Fifty-sixth Street, constituting Local Improvement District No. 294, in the City of Tacoma, creating a special fund for the payment thereof, by special assessment, upon the adjoin- ing, contigous and proximate lots and parcels of land, and pro- viding for the issuance of local improvement bond^s; against the same. Approved September 21, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2478. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and and assessment roll certified to the City Council by the Commis- sioner of Public AVorks on the 8th day of September, 1905, for the cost of the improvement in Local Improvement District No. 246, in the City of Tacoma, in pursuance of Ordinance No. 2309 of the City of Tacoma, approved March 2nd, 1905, and providing for the disposition of the moneys collected upon said assessment. Approved September 21, 1905. INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. A Additions Page. Appropriation for purchase of Des Voigne 's 170 Approving 1st School Land 38C Approving 2nd School Land 379 Eeplat of C. P. Ferry's 164 Vacating Birmingham & "Wallace 's 385 Vacating certain streets and alleys in Edgewood's 366 Vacating Narrows Heights ' 328 Vacating New York Investment Company 's 1st 292 Vacating part of plat of Lyons ' 178 Vacating plat of Chandler 's 176 Vacating plat of Tisdale 's 2nd 170 Vacating Eunges 1st 397 Vacating St. Angelo 's 243 Alleys. Alley between "C" & "D", improvement of from South 9th to 13th 184 Alley between "C" & "D". improvement of from North 5th , to 7th 184 Alley between Blocks 3516 and 3517, improvement of 188 Alley between Puyallup Avenue and 25th Street, Improvement of from East "C" to "D" 193 Alley between "C" and "D", improvement of from South 4th to 6th 196 Alley between 24th and 25th, improvement of from East " C" to "D" 201 Alley between 2nd and 3rd, improvement of from McCarver to Carr 202 Alley between Tacoma Avenue and " G", improvement of from South 1st to 2nd 210 Alley between Tacoma Avenue and " G", improvement of from South 9th to 10th 212 Alley between Blocks 2302 and 2303, improvement of 215 Alley between Yakima Avenue and "1", improvement of from North 3rd to 6th 295 Alley between "C" and "D", improvement of from South 9th to 13th 341 Alley, improvement of between Blocks 3310 and 3311 379 Alley, improvement of between Blocks 1512 and 1513 407 Anchor, chain and buoy, purchase of 209 Anchors, purchase of two sinker 212 Annexation of new territory, election for 178 Appropriation for Advertising City at Lewis and Clark Exposition 481 Anchors, 2 sinker 212 Arc light circuits, rearranging 413 Assessment fund, deficiency in any street, sewer or special 218 Blankets for Police Department 257 Bonds, payment of interest on .204-218-227-236 Bonds, payment of interest on City Hall and Funding 245 490 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Appropriation for — Coiit 'd. Page. Bridfje across gulch on Taeonia Avenue, construction of 17ll Bridge from foot of 15th Street 226 Bridge No. 5, repair of 463 Bridge No. 7, repair of 461 Bridge No. 8, repair of ^68 Bridge No. 9, repair of 409 Bridge No. 12, repair of 463 Bridge No. 18, repair of 373 Bridge No. 26. repair of 461 Bridge No. 30, repair of 451 Bridge, rebuilding fender of South 11th Street 302 Bridge, repairs on No. 1 338 Bridge, repairs on Nos. 3 and 4 348 Bridges Nos. 11 and 12, repair of 367 Bridging gulches on South 34th Street 231 Cases vs. City, settling certain 192 Charter, revision of 160 Charter, publication of 177 Chemical Engine, purchase of one "Lindgren" 174 Chemical Engine, purchase of one * ' HoUoway " 174 Chemical Engine, one ' ' Holloway " 208 Christianson, Thomas, injuries to 183 Christkautz, Albert and Sophia, claim of 469 City assessment, making and collecting 160 City Building at South 9th and " C ", excavation of 153 City Departments, expenses of 191 City Hall, purchase of land for 174 City Hall, completion of 219-223 City's property, payment in full of all taxes due on 338 Coffin, W. H.. claim of for balance due for removal of Puyallup River draw bridge 333 Condemnation of land in Alliance Addition for South Twelfth Street 408 Copper wire 383-405-486 Counter for Public Library 365 County Hospital, one-half expenses of 213 Deficiency in Individual Redemption Fund 257-258 Des Voigne 's Addition, purchase of 170 Dillon, John F., legal services of 297 Dog License Expense Fund 253 Draw bridge across Puyallup River at South 21st Street. .. .370-389 Drilling two wells in South Tacoma and for pumping machin- ery, etc 368 Dynamo, purchase of electric 257 Election 1893, general and special 235 Electric current 342 Engine house in T. L. Co. 's Sixth Addition 233 Engine house, site for 370 Engine house No. 6, repair of 375 Fire Department, uniforms for 159 Fire Department, hook, ladder, truck, etc 154 Fire Department, payment to Tacoma Land Company on con- tract for certain land bought for 192 Fire engine, fire plugs and hose 169 Fire engine, purchase of one ' ' Ahrens " 170 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 491 Appropriation for — Cont 'd. Page. Fire engine, purchase of one "Silsby" and one "Clapp" 176 Fire engine and one combination engine and hose wagon 369 Fire hats and belts 159 Fire hose 174-220-301-337-355-375-407-479 Fire hose house 159-160 Fire hose house, six cells in 159 . Fire hydrants 159-20S Fire hydrants, repair of 219 Fourth of July celebration, $2500 for '. 20S Galvanized pipe, etc 360 Gamevvell fire alarm system 167 Garbage, scow for removing 165 Garbage scow, repair of 217 Garbage, disposing of 233 ■ Gas for street lamps 160 Grade, damages by change of 162 Gridiron at foot of South 15th Street 404 Hayes Hook and Ladder truck 168 Hering, Rudolph, claim of 220 Hess, Wm., injuries to 205 Horses, purchase of 168-170 Hospital, payment of certain taxes against Fannie Paddock ..232 Iron bridge for sewer and water main 361 Jones, J. A., claim of 467 ' Lighting panels, 2 A. C 365 Lewis and Clark Exposition, advertising City at 481 Map of City ". 161 Marble switch board panels 345 Market sheds and scales 219 Mashell water supply, investigating 217 Material and supplies 360 Meyer, Wm. J. et al, damages to for land taken in John Mont- gomery Donation Claim 374 North 42nd Street, regrade of part of 431 O 'Rourke, James, damages to 244 Painting of City, payment for 226 Park fund from licenses 235 Park, purchase of Block for 180 Parks, maintenance of 174-176-177 Paving Division Avenue opposite Wright Park 482 Philips & Co., Calvin, claim of 461 Plank road, repair of 412 Platting the Nigger Tract 381 Police telegraph system 179 Premium on bonds of Treasurer, Controller and Commissioner of Public Works 471 Pump house at South Tacoma 384 Pumps, two vertical triplex 472 Purchase of Lots 5 and 6 in Block 207 170 Purchase of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 8303, and Lots 1 to 8 inc., Block 8204%, Tacoma Land Company's 1st Ad- dition 344 Purchase of Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 516, Parker's Plat 346 Purchase of Lots 25, 26 and 27, Block 62, Commencement Bay Addition 385 492 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Appropriation for — Cont'cl. Page. Purchase of Lots 2 aiul 3, Block 63, Commencement Bay Ad- dition 389 Purchase of Lots 1, 4, 5 and 6, Block 63, Commencement Bay Addition 400 Redemption of Lots 1 to 5 inc., Block 7, Puget Park Addition. . . .208 Reservoir, site for 372 Reservoir, construction of 373 Ronayne, Patrick, deceased, claim of heirs of 331 Safe for City 162 Sewer pipe 467 Shade trees, boxing 217 Shore line road, labor on 161 Sinsabaugh, C. IL, claim of 218 Smallpox, quarantine against 218 Sprinkling machines 473 Steam road roller 170 Storage battery switchboard 476 Storm sewer from Gallagher 's gulch 379 Street assessments, refund of certain 212 Streets and sidewalks, $8000 for general roi)air of 352 Street Benefit street, opening and improving 205 Carr street, purchase of certain land in 179 Carr street, extension of 234 Center street, purchase of land in 218 Division avenue, paving of opposite Wright Park 482 " E " street, opening and extending 172 "E" street, extension of through Byrd's Addition 174 " E " street, opening and extension of 172 Fifth street in First Ward, opening 167 " G " street, improvement of 163 Jefferson street, opening and widening 167 McCarver and " G " streets, extension of 163 North 8th street, opening and extending 172 North 8th street, extension of 175 Pacific Avenue, half cost of improvement of 222 Pacific Avenue, extension of 240 South 9th street, improvement of 162 South 21st street, opening part of 167 Starr and Fifth streets, opening of 170 Tacoma Avenue, opening and widening 167 Tacoma Avenue, opening and extending 172 Tacoma Avenue, extension of 201 Washington Avenue, cost of improvement of over Engi- neer 's estimate 222 Yakima Avenue and "I" Street, extension of 177 Taxes for 1885, publication of delinquent 161 Taxes, publication of delinquent 238 Taxes, payment of interest due April 15 and June 1st, 1896, on certain 248 Transformer and marble panel 353 Trunk sewer in North 43rd street from Verde to Cheyenne 229 Trunk sewer in Local Improvement District No. 129 365 Warrants for street improvement 162 INDEX TO OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 493 Appropriation for — Cont 'd. Page. Warrants on License fund 163 Warrants on North Fifth Street assessment fund 190 Warrants for certain salaries of elective officers 345 Water 160 Water Commission, expenses of 192 Water main 344-345-369-374-388-401-405-432-455-469 Water meter 373 Water system, pipes etc. for Edison 223 Water system, purchase of certain lands for 365 Well at South Tacoma 347 Wells, 2 in South Tacoma 368 Wharf at McCan-er Street, repair of 208 Wharf at foot of Starr Street, construction of 222 Wharf in block 62, Tacoma Tide Lands 402 Wood at Station "A" 355 Wood at Station "B" 356 Wright, Geo. P., for 14 horses 469 Arkley, Margaret M., quit claim to, of City 's rights in part of North 14th street 394 Assessment for improvement of " A " street, from South Twenty-sixth to Puyallup Avenue 253 Asotin street, from Oakes to Hosmer 250 " E " street, from North 4th to 5th 262 East " D " street, from South 21st to 37th •. 239 • East "D" street, from South Twenty-first to Wright Avenue. . . .252 ' East "H" street, from Wright Avenue to North line Section 16. .261 First street, from McCarver to Steele 272 Fourth street, from Chestnut to Pine 254 "J" street, from South 35th to 48th 242 " L " street, from Division Avenue to South Eleventh 254 Local Improvement District No. 13, settlement of 300 Local Improvement District No. 54, allowing rebates of 403 Local Improvement District No. 136, allowing rebates of 409 Mason Avenue, from North Forty-first to Hope Park Addition . . . 263 "N" street, from Steele to Pine 251 North Fourth street, from " E " to Yakima 264 North Seventh street, from W^arner to Pine 260 North Thirty-first street, from Steele to Proctor 286 North Thirty-sixth street, from Cheyene to west line Section 25 . . 248 North Forty-second street, through Pacific Addition 261 Oak street, from Eoss Avenue to North "1" 248 Oakes Avenue, from Park to Alaska 260 Pacific Avenue, from South Seventeenth to Twenty-fourth 268 Park Avenue, from Bailey to Walnut 252 South Eighth street, from Tacoma Avenue to " G " 259 South Ninth street, from Pine to Union 391 South Twenty-fifth street, from Pacific Avenue to East "G". 235-244 South Thirty-fourth street, from Pacific Avenue to Eeservation. ..273 South Forty-third street, from Kitsap to East line Section 17... 248 South Forty-fifth street, from " N " to Wilkeson 248 Tacoma Avenue, from North Fourth to Fifth 264 Union Avenue, from First to Reeves ' Addition 239 Water street, from Drew's Plat to Law's Addition 253 Assessment certificate, authorizing redemption of a certain 208 494 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Page, Assessment roll for " A " street, from South 9th to 12th 283 Adams and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 61. .362 Ainsworth Avenue, from Division to Sixth Avenue 396 Alley between Pacific Avenue and "A", from South 11th to 12th. 274 Alley between Yakima and "I", from North 3rd to 6th 298 Alley between "C" and "D", from South 9th to 13th 353 Alley between "E" and Tacoma Avenue, from North 3rd to 4th. 387 Alley between Blocks 1o1l> and 1513 419 Anderson street, from North 8th to 12th 453 Asotin street, from Oakes to Hosmer 258 Bay street, from Prospect to Fife 436 Boulevard, from Porter to Hope Park Addition 266 "C" street, from South 7th to 9th 283 " C " street, from South 9th to .Tefferson 285 "C" street from Delin to South 34th 420 "C" street, from South 7th to Division Avenue 451 ("enter and other streets, Local Improvement District No. 64.... 371 Commerce' street, from Jefferson to N. P. Ry. Co.s track 361 Court " A ", from South 12th to 15th 306 Court " A ", from South 7th to 11th 321 **D" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 39. . . .444 Division Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 52 390 Division Avenue ami other stieets in Local Improvement District No. 96 40o "E" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 76. . ..452 East " D " street, from South 21st to 37th 255 East "D" street, from South 21st to Wright Avenue 255 East "D" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 50 362 East "H" street, from Wright Avenut to north line Section 16. .265 East 25th and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 98.433 Fife street, from Sixth Avenue to Orchard's Sixth Addition 289 Fife street, from North 8th to 10th 316 Fife street, from South 8th to 12th 395 Fife street, from North 10th to 17th 406 Fourth street, from Chestnut to Pine 259 "I" street, from Division Avenue to North 13th 364 "I" and North 21st streets 386 "J" street, from South 35th to 48th 254 "J" street, from South 20th to 21st 382 "J" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 219 454 Jefferson Avenue, from Pacific Avenue to " E " street 285 "K" street, from South 20th to 23rd 328 "K" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 54. . . .396 "L" street, from South 14tli to 15th, and South 14th from "L" to Ainsworth 328 " L " street, from South 21st to 27th 380 Local Improvement District No. 221 457 Local Improvement District No. 224 458 Local Improvement District No. 228 458 Local Improvement I)i.strict No. 213 462 Local Improvement District No. 211 462 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 495 Assessment Roll — Cont'd. Page. Local Improvement District No. 234 462 Local Improvement District No. 95 465 Local Impromement District No. 235 465 Local Improvement District No. 90 466 Local Improvement District No. 216 467 Local Improvement District No. 215 467 Local Improvement District No. 35 468 Local Improvement District No. 203 469 Local Improvement District No. 217 470 Local Improvement District No. 205 472 Local Improvement District No. 237 472 Local Improvement District No. 246 488 Local Improvement District No. 247 472 Local Improvement District No. 268 473 Local Improvement District No. 232 473 Local Improvement District No. 240 473 Local Improvement District No. 239 474 Local Improvement District No. 249 474 Local Improvement District No. 238 479 Local Improvement District No. 266 480 Local Improvement District No. 272 480 Local Improvement District No. 212 481 Local Improvement District No. 267 482 Local Improvement District No. 53 483 Local Improvement District No. 225 483 Local Improvement District No. 258 484 / Local Improvement District No. 256 486 Local Improvement District No. 229 486 Local Improvement District No. 222 487 Local Improvement District No. 278 487 " M " street, from South 14th to 15th 270 "M" street, from South 11th to 12th 348 "N" street, from Steele to Pine 250 "N" street from Division to 6th Avenues 316 " N " street, from South 14th to 16th 414 North 36th street, from Cheyenne to W line Sec. 25 255 North 7th street, from Warner to Pine , 264 North 42nd street, in Pacific Addition 265 North 4th street, from " E " to Yakima 267 North 31st street, from Steele to Proctor 288 North 6th street, from "K" to alley between ''M" and "N". .332 North 30th street, from east line Section 30 to Carr street 437 North 17th street, from Prospect to Oakes 443 North 34th and other streets in Local Improvement District No., K 218 449 North 33rd ahd other streets in Local Improvement District No. . 100 454 ''O" street, " from South 15th to Ferry's Addition 369 "O" street, from South 8th to 11th. .'. 419 Oakes Avenue, from Park to Alaska 264 Pacific Avenue, from South 17th to 24th 272 Pacific Avenue, from South >17th to 21st 358 Pacific Avenue, from South 2lst to 24th 437 Pacific Avenue, from South 7th to 17th 444 Park Avenue, from Bailey to Walnut 258 496 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Assessment Eoll — Cont 'd. Page Pine and other streets in Local Improvement District No. '223. . . .440 Puyallup Avenue, from East "C" to " G " 275 Puyallup Avenue, from Pacific Avenue to " A " 290 Puyallup Avenue, from Bridge No. 1 to "C '' street 332 Puyallup Avenue, from "G" to City limits 445 Eailroad street from 685 feet north of South 9th to Jetferson 303 Sewer in alley between North 8th and 9th 275 Sewer in alley between " I " and ",J" 286 Sewer in alley between North 8th and 9th, Pine and other streets and alleys 286 Sewer in alley between " G " and Yakima Avenue, from South 14th to 12th 289 Sewer in alley between "L" and "M" from North 10th to 12th 289 Sewer in alley between North 7th and 8th from Cedar to Pine .... 292 Sewer in Sixth Avenue, Steele, South 12th, Prospect and other streets 293 Sewer in Starr and other streets 295 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 109 304 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. Ill 308 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 112 307 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 113 318 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 114 310 ^ Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 115 319 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 116 326 Sew-ers in Local Improvement District No. 117 321 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 118 327 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 119 327 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 120 329 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 121 347 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 122 349 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 123 403 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 124 349 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 125 349 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 126 366 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 127 390 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 128 371 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 129 380 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 130 369 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 131 376 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 132 370 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 133 381 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 134 393 ' Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 135 383 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 136 406 Sewers in Local Improvement Ditrict No. 137 397 Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 138 42S Sewers in Local Improvement District No. 139 435 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 140 420 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 141 421 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 142 421 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 143 410 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 144 426 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 145 426 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 146 435 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 497 Assessment Roll — Cont'd. Page. Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 147 455 Sewer in Local Improvement District No. 148 455 South 7th Street, from Cliff to Pacific Avenue 308 South 7th Street from Lawrence to Warner 357 South 7th Street from "N" to Sprague 413 South 8th Street from Tacoma Avenue to "G" 263 South 8th Street from "A" to Pacific Avenue 302 South 8th and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 51 385 South 8 th and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 82 453 South 8th Street from Pine to Steele 443 South 9th Street from Pacific Avenue to "C" 268 South 9th Street from Pacific Avenue to ''A" 284 South 9th Street from St. Helen's to Tacoma Avenue 302 South 9th Street from Pacific Avenue to " C " 348 South 9th Street from Pine to Union 396 South 10th Street from Pacific Avenue to "A" 271 South 11th Street from Pacific Avenue to " C " 268 South 11th Street from Pacific Avenue to "A" 284 South 11th Street from ''C" to Tacoma Avenue 301 South 11th Street and St. Paul Avenue 309 South 11th Street from Pacific Avenue to " C " 348 South 11th Street from "M" to Sprague 442 South 12th Street from Court "A" to "A" Street 270 South 12th Street from " A " to Pacific Avenue 304 South 12th and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 214 . 438 South 13th Street from Court " A " to " A " Street 270 South 13th Street from "A" to Pacific Avenue 305 South 13th Street from Pacific Avenue to "C" 357 South 13th Street from " C " to Tacoma Avenue 428 South 14th Street from "A" to Pacific Avenue 305 South 15th Street from Pacific Avenue to "C" 357 South 15th and South " M " Streets 434 South 18th Street from Tacoma Avenue to "J" 382 South 25th Street from Pacific Avenue to Jefferson 355 South 26th Street from East "C" Street to " D " 402 South 28th Street from Pacific Avenue to "D" 354 South 28th Street from Lot 6, Block 7818, to East "F" Street. ..419 South 31st Street from Pacific Avenue to " E " 326 South 34th Street from Pacific Avenue to Reservation 276 South 35th Street from "M" to Ainsworth 426 South 43rd Street from Kitsap to East line of Section 17 255 South 45th Street from ''N" to Wilkeson 256 Sprague Avenue from Division to Chicago Avenue Addition 229 Sprague Avenue from South 8th to Division 296 Sprague Avenue from Division to North line of Sections 5 and 6. .413 State and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 86. .. .439 Steele Street from North 8th to North 23rd 382 St. Helen 's Avenue from South 9th to "C" 282 St. Helen's Avenue and "D" Street 363 Tacoma Avenue from North 4th to North 5th 266 Union Avenue from 1st Street to Reeve 's Addition 254 498 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE, Assessment Roll — Cont'd. Page- Union Avenue from (5th Avenue to South 9th 455 Warner and Birmingham Streets in Local Improvement District No. 74 376 Water Street from Drew 's plat to Law's Addition 256 Yakima Avenue from South 38th to 48th 350 Yakima and Columbia Avenues 436 Yakima Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 63 444 Yakima Avenue and otiier streets in Local Improvement District No. 202 445 Assessments, refund of certain street 212 Assessments, Treasurer and Controller to settle claims for street 266 Auxiliary Electric fire alarm system, extending time of completion. .. .251 B Ballots, reward for arrest of person who abstracted ballots from City vault 254 Bond, amount of from County Treasurer to City 249- City Treasurer to give additional 245 Fixing amount of City Treasurer 's 245 City Treasurer 's 257 Payment of premium on for Treasurer and Controller 336 Payment of premium on for (Controller and Commissioner of Public Works 406 Bonds, $350,000 for funding City indebtedness 178 For City Hall $200,000. '. 178 Issuance of Water and Light 230 Payment of interest on matured coupons of 259 For funding outstanding warrants 290 Release of principal and sureties on certain indemnity 320 Bondsmen, release of City Treasurer 's 257 Bowman, A. H., revocation of license to for water works 389 Bridges. Appropriation for bridge across gulch on Tacoma Avenue 172 Appropriation for bridge at foot of South 15th Street 226 Appropriation for rebuilding fender of South 11th Street 302 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 1 338 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 3 and No. 4 348 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 5 463 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 7 461 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 9 409 Appropriation for repair of Bridges No. 11 and No. 12 367 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 12 463 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 18 373 Appropriation for repair of Bridge No. 26 461 Ap])ropriation for repair of Bridge No. 30 451 Authorizing construction of on South 11th Street 235 Authorizing construction of on Union Avenue 236 Authorizing construction of for bicycles, etc 250 Authorizing construction of across Puyallup River, near St. Paul Avenue 322 Authorizing construction of for sewer an<] water mains 361 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 499 Bridges — Cont 'd. Page. Authorizing construction of across Puyallup River at South 21st Street ,. 370 Providing for special election for South 11th Street 225 Providing for borrowing $115,000 for South 11th Street 227 Buoy, anchor and chain, authorizing purchase of 209 c Census, providing and appointing enumerators for 171 Channel, dredging of at 11th Street bridge 240 Charter. Appropriation for revising of . .160 Providing for election of fifteen freeholders to frame a City. . . .171 Appropriation for publication of 177 Submitting ammendments to 248 Submitting ammendment to 269 Providing for revision of 272 Submitting ammendments to 333 Submitting ammendment to 402 Providing for revision of 434 Chemical Engine. Appropriation for purchase of one ' ' Lindgren "..... 174 Appropriation for purchase of one "Hollaway" 174-208 Christianson, Thomas, appropriation for payment of injuries to 183 Christkautz, Albert and Sophia, appropriation for settlement of claim of 469 Circus, license for Syndicate Show and Paris Hippodrome 243 City Attorney, employment of Attorney to assist in warrant suits 271 City Controller, payment of premium on bond of 471 City Hall, purchase of land for 174 Special election for borrowing money for building 177 Providing for borrowing $200,000 for building 178 Fixing salary of Superintendent of 194 Appropriation for completion of 219-223 Fifth floor to be remodeled for public library 304 Lease of part of 4th floor for Customs purposes 368-406-469 City Indebtedness, providing for borrowing $350,00 for funding 178 City Treasurer, requiring additional bond of $100,00 from 245 Authorized to settle with Scandinavian-American Bank 245 Fixing amount of bond of 245 To accejit certain Avarrants from Columbia National Bank 251 To credit payments of assessments 252 New bond of 257 Release of bondsmen of 257 To receive dividend from Taeoma Trust & Saving Bank 259 Payment of premium on bond of 377-471 City Vault, reward for arrest of persons who broke into and abstracted ballots 254 Coffin, W. H., appropriation for payment of balance due for removal of Puyallup River Drawbridge 233 Columbia National Bank, City Treasurer to accept certain warrants from 251 Commissioner of Public Works, ]iayment of premium on bond of 471 Condemnation for extension of South 11th Street 226 For widening part of Carr Street 227 500 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Condemnation — Cont 'd. Page. For widening part of 6tU Avenue 230 Of lot 7 Brown's Addition for engine house on "G" Street. .. .239 For securing water from Clover Creek and other sources 241 Of land for public street 330-472-481-483 Of land in John Montgomery Donation Claim for water system and supply 358 Of Lots 21 and 22, Block 1, Hayden's Addition 377 Of certain land.s near South 21st Street and Puyallup waterway. ..380 Of certain land near South 11th and 12th Streets 381 Of lands for South 12th Street 408 Of certain lands in Byrd's Addition for a public street 433 Of certain land adjoining Wright Park 452 Of certain land for increasing width of Pine Street 475 Contracts for oil and flues for street lamps 154 Excavation for City building 154 Lumber for sidewalk 154-155 Hook and ladder truck, etc 154 Truck and hose house 157 Twenty-three lamp posts •. 158 Twenty-three street lamps 158 Hose cart and play pipes 158 Sidewalk on Pacific Avenue 158 "Water from April 1st to Sept. 30, 1886 161 Improvement of "C" Street between 9th and Jefferson 161 Certain lands for park purposes 162 Settlement of damages by change of grade on Railroad Street. . . .162 Overhauling of electric lines and lighting system 277-288 Stave pipe line from South 48th and "K" Streets 279 Storm sewer in South 11th and Court "A" to South 14th 280 Repair of Puyallup Avenue Bridge 288 Electric dynamo 291 One Deane steam pump 299 One hundred and fifty electric light meters 309 Wood at Station "A" 331 Wood at Station "B" 331 Extension of water system in Oakes Addition 333 Rebuilding McCarver Street wharf 334 Galvanized pipe 334 Certain tees, elbows, etc 335 Bismarck extension to water system 33G Binding books in City Library 336 Forty-three hundred and fifty feet of wood pipe 341 Well at South Tacoma 347 Two wells at South Tacoma 368 County Hospital, appropriation for half expenses of 213 County Treasurer, amount of bond of, to City 249 D Dillon, John F., appropriating $1,500 for legal services of 297 Donating a strip of land 161/. feet wide for a public highway 346 Drain, box between Carr and McCarver, from 1st to 4th Street 183 Drainage of Block 704 149 Dynamo, appropriation for purchase of one electric 257 Sale of 335 INDEX TO OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 501 E Page. Edison water system, appropriation for pipes, etc., for 223 Election, Municipal for 1880 149 Municipal for 1881 149 Special; shall City borrow money for funding its indebtedness and for building City Hall 177 Special ; for annexation of new territory 178 General for 1892 204 Special; for purchase by City of Tacoma Light & Water Com- pany 's plant 223 General for 1893 224 Special ; for building of South 11th Street Bridge 225 Special ; for construction of trunk sewers 225 General for 1894 238 Providing for payment of officers of 239 Annual for 1895 242 General for 1896 249 Annual for 1897 , 258 General for 1898 270 Annual for 1899 276 General for 1900 292 Annual for 1901 312 General for 1902 335 Annual for 1903 368 General for 1904 404 Annual for 1905 463 Electric current, Commissioner Public Works to enter into contract for. .267 Appropriation for 342 Notice to T. E. & P, Co. of cancellation of contract with for. . . .344 Electric dynamo, purchase of 257 Sale of '. 335 Electric light meters, purchase of 309-310-321-326 Electric light station, authorizing repair of 235 Electric light system, submitting to voters plan for addition to 463 Engine house, appropriation for in T. L. Co. 's 6th Add 233 Purchase of site for 370 Eepair of No. 6 375 F Fannie Paddock Hospital, appropriation for payment of certain taxes against 232 Farrell, Wm., sale of certain land to 309 Fire Department, appropriation for hook, ladder, etc 154 Appropriation for fire hose house 159-160 Appropriation for uniform for 159 Appropriation for hats and belts for 159 Appropriation for Hayes hook and ladder truck 168 Appropriation for three teams of horses for 170 Appropriation for payment to Tacoma Land Co. for certain lands for 192 Fire Engine, purchase of two ' ' Silsby " 168 Purchase of one engine with fire plugs and hose. 169 Purchase of one ' ' Ahrens " 170 Purchase of one ' ' Lindgren ' ' chemical 174 502 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Fire Engine — Cont \1. Page. Purchase of one ' ' Hollo way ' ' chemical 174-208 Purchase of one "Silsby" and one "Clapj) & Jones" 176 Purchase of one, and one combination engine and hose wagon. . . .369 Fire hose, purchase of 174-220-330-337-355-375 Flume, reducing number of tenders 260 Reconstruction of Clover Creek 273 Franchises. Amending Ordinance No. 152, franchise to Nelson Bennett for street railway 164-165 Confirming assignment by Nelson Bennett to Tacoma Street Rail- way Co. of certain 169 Confirming assignment by Nelson Bennett to Tacoma Railway «S: Motor Co., of rights granted by Ordinance No. 152 169 Confirming assignment by Henry Villard et al., to Tacoma Railway & Motor Co., of rights granted by Ordinance No. 237 169 Confirming assignment by Horatio C. Clement to Tacoma Railway & Motor Co., of rights granted for street railway 170 Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 237 171 Amending Ordinance No. 315, granting to Tacoma Mill Co. right to construct water pipe lines 172 Confirming assignment to Tacoma & Puyallup R. R. Co. of rights granted by Ordinance No. 188 174 Confirming assignment to Tacoma & Puyallup H. R. Co. of rights granted by Ordinance No. 240 175 Amending Ordinance No. 350, granting R. B. Mullen, right to supply water in certain limits 175 Amending Ordinance No. 21, franchise to Sunset Tel. & Tel. Co. .176 Repealing part of Ordinance No. 276, granting to Tacoma Street Railway Co., assignee of Nelson Bennett,, certain rights... 245 Repealing part of Ordinance No. 152, franchise to Nelson Bennett for street railway 246 Repealing part of Ordinance No. 304, franchise to Point Defiance Railway Co 246 Repealing part of Ordinance No. 263, franchise to Tacoma Central Street Railway Co 246 Repealing parts of Ordinance No. 277, granting to Tacoma Rail- way & Motor Co., assignee of Nelson Bennett, certain rights. 246 Repealing parts of Ordinance No. 278, granting to Tacoma Railway & Motor Co., assignee of Henry Villard et al., certain rights. 247 Repealing parts of Ordinance No. 237, franchise to Henry Villard, et al, for street railway 247 Confirming assignment by Jolin ]M. Bell to Tacoma Auxiliary Fire Alarm Co ." 252 Amending Ordiance No. 153, franchise to Pacific Postal Tele- graph & Cable Co 267 Amending Ordinance No. 304, franchise to Point Definance Rail- way Co 267-279 Amending Ordinance No. 321, franchise to Western Union Tele- graph Co 331 Amending Ordinance No. 1809, franchise to E. J. Felt for street railway 375 Amending Ordinance No. 1S22, franchise to Tacoma Railway &' Power Co 442 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 503 Franchises — Cont 'd. Page. Amending Ordinance No. 2057, franchise to Commercial Trust Co. for street railway 443 Assignment by E. J. Felt to Pacific Traction Co. of rights granted by Ordinances 1809, 1835 and 1882 for street railway 465 Amending Ordinance No. 1809, franchise to E. J. Felt for street railway 468 Amending' Ordinance No. 2295, franchise to Taconia Railway & Power Co 484 Fund, regulating expenditure of road for 1880 149 Regulating expenditure of road for 1881 150 For street purposes for 1883 150 For payment of hose house 157 For payment for lamp posts 158 For payment for street lamps 15S For payment for hose, etc 158 For payment for sidewalk 158 Transfer of certain moneys to General and Road 168 Transfer from General to Sewer 170 Transfer from Road and Sewer to General 180 Transfer from General to Park 199 Transfer from Road and Sewer to General 208 Appropriation for deficiency in any street, sewer or special asess- ment " '. 218 Transfer of $1,500 to Park 230 Transfer of $19,050 from Water and Light extension to W. & L. .237 Transfer of $19,050 from W. & L. to Water and Light extension. 237 I Transfer from General to Salary 240 Transfer from General Expense to Salary 241 Transfer from General to Interest 243 Transfer from W^ater & Light Extension to Water & Light 243 Transfer from General to Interest , 244 Transfer from any and all to Interest 244 Transfer from Water & Light to Interest 249 Transfer from Water & Light to Water & Light Extension. . .249-251 Transfer from Water & Light to Salary 251 Transfer from General Expense to Interest 257 Transfer from Water & Light to Water & Light Extension 257 Appropriation for deficiency in Individual Redemption 257-258 Transfer from General Expense to Feed Emergency 260 Transfer from Water & Light to Water & Light Extension 267 Transfer to Park 268 South Ninth street, creating 269 South Eleventh street, creating 269 South Twelfth street, creating 270 South Thirteenth street, creating 271 South "M" street, creating 271 Transfer from Water & Light to Interest 272-276-277-288 Transfer from Ambulance to General Expense 279 Transfer from Water & Light Extension to General 295 Transfer from Salary to General 295 Transfer from General Expense to Improvement Fund, District No. 13 300 Transfer from Water & Light to General Expense 304-308 Transfer from Street & Sewer Deficiency to General 325 504 ' INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Fund — Cont 'd. Page. Transfer from Water & Light to Park 334 Transfer from Water & Light to General Expense 334 Transfer from Street & Sewer Deficiency to W. & L. Emergency. .337 Transfer from Water & Light Emergency to Park 346 Transfer from Fire Department Expense to General Expense 351 Transfer from Water & Light Emergency to General Expense. .. .352 Transfer from Water & Light to General Expense 391-392 Transfer from Water & Light Emergency and Water & Light Ex- tension to General 408 Transfer from General Expense to Salary 414-485 Transfer from General Expense to Harbor 419 Transfer from General to Salary 476 Transfer from General Expense to General 485 G Gamewell Fire, Alarm System, purchase of 167 Garbage, appropriation for building scow for removal of 165 Appropriation for repair of wharf and scow for 217 Appropriation for disposal of 233 Gridiron at foot of South Fifteenth street, construction of 404 H Hering Eudolph, appropriation for payment of claim of 220 Hess, Wm., appropriation for payment for injuries to 205 Hydrants, appropriation for purchase of 159-208 I Independent Asphalt Paving Co., release of contract and bond of for paving in Local Improvement District No. 251 487 Interest, payment of, on improvement bonds for Pacific Avenue 244 J Jones, J. A., appropriation for settlement of claim of 467 K Keith, P. E., sale of certain land to 317 Kneeland, W. H., lease of certain land to 486 L Lewis and Clark Exposition, appropriation for advertising City at 481 Library, purchase of catalogues for 276 Fifth floor of City Hall to be remodeled for Public 304 Purchase of lots 7 to 12, block 1112, for Public 318 Construction of building for, with money donated by Andrew Carnegie 325 Purchase of counter for 365 Completion of auditorium of 432 Licenses, revoking license of H. Dedenhoff 180 Revoking license of Henry Halstead 219 Revoking license of W. L. Tileston 225 Transfer from General to Library 318 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 505 M Page. Map of City, appropriation for 161 Marble switch board panels, purchase of 325-345-353 Market, appropriation for sheds and scales 219 Addition to 236 Mashell water supply, appropriation for investigation of 217 Meyer, Wm. J., appropriation of $2,128.05 for payment for land taken by City in John Montgomery Donation Claim 374 N National Editorial Association, committee to receive ^ 206 New Territory, election for annexation of 178 Nickels, Madeline, deed to of certain real estate 179 Nigger Tract, appropriation for platting 381 Northern Pacific Railroad Co. authorizing warrant for $2500 in favor of. 237 Nuisance, sidewalk in front of certain lots declared to be a 234-236-240 o Oakwood Cemetery, vacating part of streets and alleys In 198-483 Ordinances, providing for revision and printing of 163-180-272-434 O 'Rourke, James, appropriation for payment of damages to 244 P Pacific Fruit & Produce Co., lease of certain property to 401 Pacific Starch Co., lease of certain property to 451 Painting of the City, appropriation for 226 Parks, authorizing contract and deed of certain land from Tacoma Land Co. for 161 Appropriation for maintenance of 174-176-177 Appropriation for purchase of Block 14 for 180 Construction of dwelling in Point Defiance 274 Setting aside certain lands for 452 Philips & Co., Calvin, appropriation for settlement of claim of 461 Plats. C. P. Ferry's replat of 164 Tisdale 's Second Addition, vacating 170 Chandler 's, vacating 176 Lyon 's, vacating part of 178 Oakwood Cemetery, vacating part of 198 Streets on tide lands, approval of 243 St. Angelo 's, vacating 243 New York Investment Co. 's First, vacating 292 Narrows Heights, vacating 328 Second School Land Addition, approval of 379 First School Land Addition, approval of . . . . .' 380 Birmingham & Wallace 's, vacating streets and alleys in 385 Runges ' First, vacating 397 Powell, T. D., authorizing him to improve part of North Fifth street.. 214 Property, disclaiming all rights of City to certain 223 Public highway, donating a strip of land 16^/^ feet wide for 346 Public property, purchase of lot 17, block 1709 167 Purchase of lot 7, block 4214 168 Purchase of lots 5 and 6, block 207 170 806 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Public Property— Gout 'd. Page. Appropriation for purchase of Tk's Voigne's Addition 170 Purolinse of hind for an engine house 171 Purohjwe of land for City Hall 174 Authorizing deed to Madeline Nickels of certain 179 Purchase of block 14 for park purposes 180 Sale to ChamlK>r of Conimercce of property corner South Ninth an<1 C streets 188 Purchase from Chamber of Commerce of City Hall site 188 I'urchaae of lots 1 to o inclusive, lilock 2306, and 1 to 6 inclu- sive, block 240H 191 Authorizing deeds to Wm. Urquhart and John T. Kneeland of cer- tain lands 195 Kedeniption of lots 1 to 5 inclusive, block 7, Pugot Park Addition. 208 Purchijse of land on Center street 218 Providing for jjurchase of plant of Tacoma Light & "Water Co. . . .223 Purchase of lots 1 to 10 inclusive in block 15, in Wing's Addition. 306 Sale of lots 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, block 32, Wing's Addition. . .306 Sale of certain property at Carr street and Tacoma avenue to Wm. Farrell .' 309 Sale of certain land in H. de le Bushalicr Donation Land Claim. .316 Sale of certain property at South Twelfth and "A" streets to P. R. Keith 317 Purchase of lots 7 to 12 inclusive, block 1112. for Public Library. 318 Appropriation of $1,000 in settlement of all taxes due on City's property 338 Pun-hase of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. block 8303, and lots 1 to 8 inclusive, block 8204y2, T. L. Co. 's First Addition 341 Purchase of lots 9 to 12 inclusive, block 516. Parker's Plat 346 Sale of certain land to Tacoma Cemetery 356 Sale of certain land to Tacoma Railway & Power Co 356 Purchase of lets 25, 26 and 27, lilock 62, Commencement Bay Add. 385 Purchase of lots 2 and 3, V)lock 63, Commencement Bay Add .... 389 Purchase of lots 1. 4, 5 and 6, block 63, Commencement Bay Add. 400 Lease to Pacific Fruit & Produce Co. of certain 401 Sale of certain land to Tacoma Mill Co 412 Lease to Pacific Starch Co. of certain real estate A51 Lease to W. U. Kneeland of certain land 486 Pump house, apitr.ipriatinn for at South Tacoma 384 Pumps, ai>propriation for two vertical triplex 472 R Re8er\oir, purchase of land for 372 Construction of 373 Rigney, Robert P., discontinuance of case in Superior Court against 241 Providing for i>ayment of .-fB.OOd for riparian riglits of 243 Providing for pa\Tnent of $500 for riparian rights of 276 Roadway through Tacoma Mill Co. 's property 236 Along water front 203 For bicycles along City 's water conduit 256 Rnnayne, Patrick, appropriation for payment of claim of heirs of 331 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 507 s Page. Salaries, appropriation of $3,000 for payment of certain salaries of elective officers 345 Scandinavian-American Bank, City Treasurer authorized to settle with . . :245 tSewers in " A " street from Eirst to Fourth 204 Alley between ''J" and "K", from Isiorth Ninth to Eleventh. . .181 Alley between "N" and "O", from South Eighth to Division. .182 Alley between "M" and "N " from South Eighth to South Ninth 182 Alley between East "D" and " E ", from Puyallup Avenue to South Twenty-third [ 182 Alley between East "B" and " D ", from Pnyalhip Avenue to South Twenty-fifth '. 183 Alley between "I" and Yakima Avenue, from North Ninth to Tenth 183 Alley between "K" and " L ", from South Fifteenth to Seven- teenth 184 Alley between South Twenty-sixth and Twenty-sevontli, from East "C", lot 10, block 7721 ' 185 Alley between ''L" and "M", from North Fifth to Sixth 187 Alley between "K" and "L", from Division to North Fifth. ..1S7 Alley between "G" and Tacoma Avenue, from South Twonty- first to Byrd 's Addition ■. 187 Alley between "I" and "J", from Nortli Ninth to Eleventii. . . 191 Alley in rear of Block 3723 101 ' Alley between " M " and " N ", from Division to North Fifth 192 Alley between Puyallup Avenue and South Twenty-fifth, from East ''D""to "E" 103 Alley between "0" and "P", from South Seventh to Division. .193 Alley between "G" and Yakima, from North Fourth to Tenth 193 Alley between "M" and " N ", from North Fifth to Sixth 197 Alley between Tacoma Avenue and " E ' ', from South Sixth to Seventh 109 Alley between "O" and "P, " from Seventh to Ainsworth Ave.. 199 Alley between "M" and "N", from North Ninth to Steele 201 Alley between " K " and " L ", from Seventeenth to Twentieth . . 203 Alley between "L" and "M", blocks 3824 and 3825 203 Alley between Cheyenne and "A' from Wilcoxen to First 204 Alley between Third and Fourth, from Carr to Steele 208 Alley between "Q" and ''P", from South Seventh to 150 feet south of South Eighth , -^3 Alley between "O" and "P", from Division Avimiuc to l)U)ck 3731 il^ Alley between "O" and "P", from North Eighth to Steele 214 Alley between South Thirty-first and Thirt.v-second. from Pacific Avenue to "D"...*. --1 Alley between South Twenty-seventli and Twenty-eightii 224 Alley between Verde and Stevens, from North Thirty-ninth to Forty-third 228-232 Alley between Yakima and "I", from North Tenth to Eleventh. .232 Alley between Ainsworth and ''Q", from Sprague to Division. .2.33 Alley between North Seventh and Eighth, from Cedar to Alder. ..242 Alley between Sixth Avenue and North Seventh, from near .lunette to Cedar -"*- fiO& INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Sowers in— Cont'd. Page, Alley between "N" and "O", from Division to North Sixth. .. .245 Alley between North Eighth and Ninth, from Cedar to Junette. ..274 Alley between " I " and " J ", to South Seventeenth 277-280 Alley between North Eighth and Ninth, Pine and other streets and alleys ' 281 Alley l»etween South Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh, from East "C" 210 feet west 281 Alley l>etween "G" and Yakima, from South Fourteenth to Twelfth 282 Alley between "L" and "M", from North Tenth to Twelfth 282 Alley between North Seventh and Eighth, from Cedar to Pine... 290 Alley between South Seventh and Ninth, from Alder to Pine 299 Alley between "G" and Tacoma Avenue from South Twenty- seventh and Twenty-fifth and other streets and alleys 300 Alley 'between "M" and "N", from North Ninth and North Eighth 307 Alley between "N" and '"O", from Steele to section line 307 Alleys between North Seventh, South Eighth, Cedar, Pine, Alder and Warner 317 Alley between South Eleventh and Twelfth, from Cedar to South street 323 Alley between South Twelfth and Thirteenth, from Cedar to Oakes.323 Alley between "I" and "J", from South Seventeenth to Eigh- teenth 326 Alley between " I " and " J ", from North Eleventh to Thirteenth. 342 Alley between Fife and Prospect, from Sixth Avenue to South Eighth and in Sixth Avenue to Fife street 343 Alley between North Seventh and Eighth from Alder to Warner. .343 Alley between North Eighth and Ninth, from Cedar to Warner. . .361 Appropriation for 374 Boulevard street, from Logan to Quinne 219 " C " street, from North Fifth to Sixth 182 "C" street, from Twenty-third to 175 feet south of Twenty-fifthl83 Carr and other streets and alleys 322 Cheyenne, from Hudson to Wilcoxen 203 Division Avenue, from Logan to Quinne 219 "E" and in certain alleys between "E" and Tacoma Avenue. . . .297 East Twenty-sixth, from East "C " to lot 3, block 762:i 181 East " C " and East " E " 224 "I" street, from North Eleventh to Twelfth 191 "I" street, from South Fifth to Division Avenue 198 " J " street, from Prospect to Steele 201 "J" street, from North Fifth to Seventh 234 Jefferson, from South Twenty-fifth to lot 6, block 2509 208 Jefferson Avenue and certain alleys 358 "K" street, from North Eighth "to Ninth 182 " K ", from North Ninth to Eleventh 206 " K ", from North Eleventh to Steele 213 " L ", from North Seventh to Eighth 198 " L " from North Eighth to Ninth 205 " L ", from North Sixth to Seventh 232 T-*cal Improvement District No. 113 310 Local Improvement District No. 123 395 INDEX TO OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 50& Sewers in — Cont 'd. Page. Local Improvement District No. 126 354 Local Improvement District No. 127 360-366 Local Improvement District No. 129 363 Local Improvement District No. 131 367 Local Improvement District No. 133 372 Local Improvement District No. 134 382 Local Improvement District No. 135 372 Local Improvement District No. 136 400 Local Improvement District No. 137 383 Local Improvement District No. 138 409 Local Improvement District No. 139 415 Local Improvement District No. 140 405 Local Improvement District No. 141 399 Local Improvement District No. 142 398 Local Improvement District No. 143 401 Local Improvement District No. 144 415 Local Improvement District No. 145 414 Local Improvement District No. 146 422 Local Improvement District No. 147 434 Local Improvement District No. 148 439 Local Improvement District No. 150 481 "M", from South Tenth to Twelfth 187 "M" from North Eighth to Ninth 198 " M " from Prospect to Steele 202 North Thirteenth, from Yakima to Steele 201 North Twelfth, from Yakima to " G " 202 North Forty-third, from alley between Verde and Stevens to / Verde 228-232 North Twenty-seventh, from McCarver to Starr 239 North Thirty-first and other streets and alleys 319 North Twenty-eighth and certain alleys 35& "P" street, from South Eighth to Division 181 Pine and other streets and alleys 338 Prospect, from "J" to " M "'. 202 Prospect, from North Tenth to Fourteenth 228-233 '' Puyallup Avenue, South Twenty-seventh and other streets and alleys 312 Sixth Avenue, Steele, South Twelfth, Prospect and other streets. .291 South Twenty-third tQ channel near East "C" 182 South Twenty-ninth, from East ' ' C " to East "E" 188 South Twenty-eighth, from East " C " to East " E " 192 South Seventh, from " Q " to Chicago Avenue 206 South Eighth, from " Q " to Chicago Avenue 215 South Thirty-first, from East "C" to "E" 215 South Twenty-sixth, from East "D" to "E" 221 South Thirty-first, from East "C" to lot 6, block 8122 222 Starr, from alley between Tacoma Avenue and "G" to North Eleventh and in North Eleventh 294 Steele, from " O " to " M " 214 Steele, Prospect and other streets and alleys 315 Wright Park for storm water 222 Yakima Avenue, from North Twelfth to Thirteenth 202 Shade trees, appropriation for boxing 217 510 TNDKX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. Page. Sidewalks, appropriating; $8,000 for goncral repair of streets and 252 Kegulating constriiotion of on South Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth, between Pacific Avenue and C. .240 Siusabaugli, «'. H., Appropriation for jmynient of claim of .218 Sprinkling machines, Ajipropriation for i)urchase of three 47:! Steam road roller. Appropriation for purchase of 170 Storage battery switch board. Appropriation for purchase of 47(> Storm water sewor across Pacific avenue 234 Storm water sewer from Center and Wilkeson to creek in Gallagher's gulch 379 Streets. " A ", sidewalk south of Eighth 151 "A", grayling from South Eighth to Fourteenth 155 "A", sidewalk from South Thirty-first to Twenty-third 157 "A", improvement of, from South Seventh to South Eighth. ... 186 "A", First Ward, improvement of, from Second to Bessie 196 "A", Home Addition, iniftrovement of from Butler to Hudson.. 197 "A", improvement of, from Puyallup Avenue to Twenty-sixth. .213 "A", improvement of, from South Ninth to Twelfth 278 Adams, imi)rovement of, from " J " to Walnut 180 Adam-s, improvement of from Commerce to South Twenty-first. . . .352 Adams, imjjrovement of from Sixth Avenue to North Ninth.... 457 Adelaide, improvement of from Pine to Poplar 216 Ainswortli Avenue, improvement of, from Division to Sixth Ave. .379 Alder, improvement of from Pine to Poplar 216 Alder, improvement of in Wintermute 's Part 231 Alder, improvement of from South Fifty-sixth to Oakwood Ceme- tery 437 Alder, improvement of, from North Thirty-first to south line Sec- tion 24 457 Alder, improvement of from North Ninth to South Twelfth 466 Anderson, improvement of from North Eighth to Twelfth 420 Anderson, improvement of from North Nineteenth to Twenty-first. 439 Arthur, improvement of, from Second to " D " 199 Asotin, improvement of from Oakes to Hosmer 216 " B ". improvement of, from Third to Bessie 197 Baltimon-, improvement of from Dundas to Bessie 210 Bay, improvement of from Prospect to Fife 420 Beach, improvement of in Clement 's Addition 186 Bee, improvement of from Johnston to south line Lloyd's Add. . . .197 Benefit, appropriation for opening of 205 Birmingham, imjirovement of from South Fifty-fourtli to Fifty- eighth 364 Boulevard, improvement of from Porter to Hope Park Addition. 20.5 Boulevard, improvement of along SE14 of NW^i Section 25 206 Boulevard, imjjrovement of, from "D" to Goodwin's Addition. ..206 Boulevard, improvement of, from Goodwin 's Addition to Sec- tion 36 206 Boylston, improvement of from West Twelfth to Sixteenth 210 Bristol, improvement of from North Forty-fifth to Fiftieth 232 Broadway, along the water front, improvement of 203 Broadway, improvement of from Medianics' Addition to Philadel- phia street 220 I INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 511 Streets — Cont 'd. Page. Bush, improvement of from Wayne street, to north line Section 6. .186 Butler and Bessie, improvement of from Division to Prospect Park Addition 203 ' C ", sidewalk from South Ninth to JefEerson 150 ■ C ", sidewalk from South Sixth to Ninth 151 ■ C ", improvement of, from South Sixth to Jefferson 151 ' C ", grading from South Sixth to Twenty-first 153 ■ C " improvement of, from First to Bessie 209 ■C", improvement of, from North Fourth to Sixth 227 ■C", bicycle roadway on, from Division Avenue to South Ninth. .260 'C", improvement of, from South Seventh to Ninth 277 'C", improvement of, from South Ninth to Jefferson 278 'C", improvement of, from South Twenty-first to Twenty-third. .352 'C", improvement of, from Delin to South Thirty-fourth 393 ■C", improvement of, from South Seventh to Division Avenue. .416 Cariboo, improvement of from South Twelfth to Sixth Avenue. ..203 Cariboo, improvement of, from Sixth Avenue to Coulter 's Add . . . 211 Carr, opening of 149 Carr, appropriation for purchase of land in 179 Carr, improvement of, from First to Second 199 Carr, appropriation for extension of 234 Carr, warrant to H. D. Dodge for iand in 238 Cedar, improvement of, from South Sixty-second to north line Lookout Park Addition 485 Center, improvement of, from South J to South 1 226 Center, improvement of, from alley between " O " and " N " to South "J" 226 ' Center and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 65. improvement of 357 Chandler, improvement of, from Center to water flume 477 Commerce, improvement of from Jefferson to tracks of Northern Pacific Railway Co 349 Commerce, improvement of, from South Nineteenth to Twenty-first.352 Court A, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Fifteenth 303 Court A, improvement of, from South Eleventh to Seventh 317 Cove, improvement of, from Orchard's Second Addition to Pine Street 185 Cypress, improvement of from Coulter's Addition to Bush street. .207 "D", grading between Jefferson and lot 10, block 1307 152 "D", First Ward, improvement of, from Union to Puget Sound Avenue 197 " D ", improvement of, from First to Bessie 209 "D", improvement of, from South Thirty-eighth to Thirty-fifth. .214 " D ", improvement of, from South Seventh to lot 2, block 708 . . 341 "D", improvement of, from Puyallup Avenue to East Thirtieth. 476 " D " and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 39, im- provement of "^-^ Division Avenue, improvement of, from "I" to Chicago Avenue. .183 Division Avenue, improvement of, from "I" to Sixth Avenue 271 Division Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 52, improvement of ^~^ Division Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 96, improvement of ^^^O 512 INDKX TO ORDTXANCES BY TITLE. StrcctR— Cont \1. Page. Division Avcnuo and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 9G, improvement of 418 Division Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 225, improvement of 459 Division avenue, appropriation for i>aving of, opposite Wright Park 482 Division street, improvement of, from Porter to Quinne 215 E", grading of, between South Twenty-first and Ta«oma Avenue 153 'E", aificwalic between South Fourth and Twenty-first 156 E ", approj)riation for opening and extending 172 E", appropriation for extension of, through Byrd's Addition. ..174 'E", improvement of, from .Teflferson to Railroad 181 'E", improvement of, from South Twenty-third to Jefferson. .. 182 "E", improvement of from North Fourth to Fifth 194 E ", First Ward, improvement of, from Drew's plat to the north line of Section 25 200 " E ", improvement of, from North Fifth to Sixth 220 "E" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 76, im- provement of 424 " E ", and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 252, im- provement of 460 East, improvement of, from Twelfth Avenue to Tenth Street. .; .184 East "D", improvement of, from Twenty-first to Thirty-seventh. . 186 East "D", improvement of, from Twenty-first to Wright Avenue. 193 East " D ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East " D ", improvement of, from Puyallup Avenue to South Twenty-ninth 353 East "E", extension of, over tide flats 221 East "F", extension of, over tide flats 221 East " G ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East "H", improvement of, from Wright Avenue to north line Section 16 210 East "H", improvement of, from Twenty-fifth to alley between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh 220 East " H ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East " I ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East " .1 ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East " K ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East "L", improvement of, from Puyallup to Wright Avenue. ..195 East "L". improvement of, from South Thirty-fifth to Thirty- third 207 East " L ", extension of, over tide flats 221 East "M", extension of, over tide flats 221 Eighth, improvement of, from Wintermute's Addition to Union Avenue 216 Elm. improvement of, from Adams to South Twenty-fifth 217 Evelyn, improvement of, from Trafton to State 186 Ferry, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Fourteenth 451 Fife, improvement of. from Sixth Avenue to Orchard's Sixth Add. 284 Fife, improvement of, from North Eighth to Tenth 310 Fife, improvement of, from South Eighth to South Twelfth 378 Fife, improvement of, from North Tenth to Seventeenth 388 INDEX TO OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 513 Streets — Cont 'd. Page. Fifth, First ward, appropriation for opening of 167-171 Fif til, improvement of, from Alder to Puget Sound avenue 219 First, First Ward, improvement of, from Steele to Jefferson 180 First, First Ward, improvement of, from east line Section 23 to Verde 199 First, First "Ward, improvement of, from east line Section 26 to Verde 200 Fourth, opening of from Carr to Starr 149 "G", grading between South Sixth and Twenty-first 154 "G", appropriation for extension of 163 " G ", appropriation for improvement of 163 ' ' G, " improvement of, from Division to Sixth Avenues 323 "G", improvement of, from Wright Avenue to south line Sec- tion 9 412 "G" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 253, im- provement of 464 "G" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 244, im- provement of 479 Georgie and Bessie, improvement of, from "E" to Pacific Add. ..216 Holland Avenue, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Division . 195 Hosmer, improvement of, from South Nineteenth to south line Cat- lin 's Addition 478 "I", grading from South Eighth to Seventeenth 156 "I " appropriation for extension of 177 , "1", improvement of, from White to Pine 199 "1", improvement of, from Division Avenue to North Thirteenth. 339 "1" and North Twenty-first in Local Improvement District No. 52, improvement of 370 " I ", improvement of, from South Twenty-fifth to Center 409 *' J ", grading from South Eighth to Nineteenth 156 " J ", improvement of, from South Thirty-fifth to Forty-eighth . . 227 "J," improvement of, from South Twentieth to Twenty-first. . .372 ^'J" and other streets in Local Improvement District No, 219, improvement of 425 *'J," improvement of, from Division Avenue to Steele 462 "J" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 294, improvement of 488 Jefferson, sidewalk from Pacific Avenue to " G" 152 • Jefferson, appropriation for opening of 167 Jefferson, improvement of between Blocks 1402 and 1402 ^/^ 203 Jefferson, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "E" 279 Jefferson Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 251, improvement of 471 Johnston, improvement of, from Bush to Kennedy's and Tis- dale 's Addition 201 Junette and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 288, improvement of 488 "K, " improvement of, from North Thirteenth to Praspect 194 "K, " improvement of, from South Thirty-fifth to north line Ouimette 's Addition 214 "K, " improvement of, from South Twentieth to Twenty-third. .324 ^'K" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 54, improvement of 378 514 T\1»F.X TO ORDINANCES BY TITLK. StrwMs — Cont M. Pago. ••K," improvoniL'iit oi', from Soiitli 'rwciity-third to Twenty- seventh 451 ' • K, " improvement of, from South Twenty-seventh to Center 460 " K, " improvement of, from Division Avenue to Steele 468 **L, " improvenii'nt of, from Steele to west lino Haker's First Aihlition 19() *'L, " imjirovemeut of, from South Thirty-fifth to Forty-fifth. ... li():i " L, " improvement of, from South Fifteenth to Fourteenth 324 " L, " improvement of, from South Twenty-first to Twcnty- .seventh 364 " L, " grading, from South Twenty-third to Twenty-seventh 376 *'L" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 211, improvement of 420 "L, '' improvement of, from South Thirty-fifth to Forty-eighth. ..430 "L,-' improvement of, from East Thirty-fifth to City limits 474 Lawrence Avenue, improvement of, from South Fifty- fourth to Fihy-eighth 470 Lawrence Avenue, improvement of, from North Nintli to north line of Balcom 's Addition 478 Locke, improvement of, from Eoss to Sixth Avenue 185 Logan, improvement of, from "A" to line of Boulevard 196 " M ", imj)rovement of, from South Eleventh to Twelfth 339 "M, " improvement of, from South Thirty-fifth to Forty-eighth. .432 "M," improvement of, from South Twenty-first to North Street.. 447 "M, " improvement of, from South Twenty-first to south line Commonwealth Addition 475 Margie, improvement of, from Wayne to Bay 222" Mason Avenue and other streets, Local Improvement District No. 2S4, improvement of 487 McCarver, appropriation for extension of 16S Montana, improvement of, from east line Pacific Addition to west line 199^ Myrtle, improvement of, from Pine to Bush 207 " N, " improvement of, from Steele to Pine 210 "N, " improvement of, from Division Avenue to North Sixth. ...213 "N, " improvement of, from north to south line Section 17 .217 "N, " improvement of, from Division to Sixth Avenue 308 "N, " improvement of, from South Fourteenth to Sixteenth 387 "N" and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 290, improvement of '. . .488 North First, improvement of, from Tacoma to Division Avenues 181-269 North Third and other .streets in Local Imjjrovement District No. , 257, improvement of 477 North Fourtli, improvement of, from Yakima Avenue to "I] "...193 North Fourth, im|)rovenient of, from Yakima to Division Avenue. .212 North Fourth and others. Local Improvement District No. 258, improvement of 470 North Fifth, improvement of, from "J" to Division Avenue 190 North Fifth, improvement of, from alley between Blocks 3408-9 to "C" ' 231 North Sixth, improvement of, from "N" to Division Avenue. .. .198 North Sixth, improvement of, from "K" to alley between "M" and "N " 327 INDEX TO OEDIXANCES BY TITLE. 515 Streets — Cont 'd. Page. North Sixth and others in Local Improvement District Xo. 259, improvement of 4g4 North Seventh, improvement of, from "O" to north line Section 6 196 North Seventh, improvement of, from Warner to Pine 229 North Seventh, improvement of, from Prospect to Oakes 427 North Eighth, appropriation for opening and extending 172-175 North Eighth, improvement of, from Tacoma Avenue to "G"...185 North Ninth, improvement of, from Tacoma Avenue to "I "... . 186 North Ninth, improvement of, from "I" to north line Section 6.206 North Tenth, improvement of, from "J" to Steele 190 • North Eleventh, improvement of, from "G" to Grant 181 North Thirteenth, improvement of, from Yakima Avenue to "J ".466 North Twenty-fifth, improvement of from Puget Sound Avenue to Wintermute 's Part 229 North Twenty-seventh, improvement of, from Alder to Winter- mute 's Part 230 North Thirtieth, improvement of, from east line Section 30 to Carr 422 North Thirty-first and other streets Local Improvement District No. 237, improvement of 438 North Thirty-first and other streets Local Improvement District No. 240, improvement of 441 North Thirty-first and other streets Local Improvement District / No. 217, improvement of 441 North Thirty-third and other streets Local Improvement District No. 100, improvement of 426 North Thirty-fourth and other streets Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 218, improvement of 427 North Thirt.y-fourth and other streets Local Improvement Dis- trict No. 228, improvement of 436 North Thirty-fourth, improvement of, from Mason to Goodwin 's Addition 229 North Thirty-sixth and other streets Local Improvement District No. 224, improvement of 431 North Thirty-sixth, improvement of, from Cheyenne to west line Section 25 228 North Forty-second, regrade of, from Cheyenne to Gove 431 North Fort.y-third, improvement of, from Stevens to Mason Avenue 221 "O, " improvement of, from South Fifteenth to west line of C. P. Ferry 's Addition 352 "O, " improvement of, from South Eighth to Eleventh 406 Oak, improvement of, from Eoss Avenue to "1" 211 Oakes Avenue, improvement of, from Park to Alaska Avenues.. 211 Oakes and others in Local Improvement District No. 238, im- provement of 461 Pacific Avenue, sidewalk, from South Eleventli to Jefferson 150 Pacific Avenue, grading, from Soutli Seventeentli to Cliff Avenue. 150 Pacific Avenue, sidewalk, from South Eleventh to Thirteenth. .. 150 Pacific Avenue, grading 151 Pacific Avenue, sidewalk, from South Thirteenth to Seventeenth .. 1.^2 Pacific Avenue, sidewalk, from Northern Pacific Railway Co. 's machine shops to South Twenty-first 157 .,i„ INDEX TO OKDIN AXCES BY TITLE. Streets— Cont M. Page. Parifif Avemit', imiinneinent of, from South Seventeenth to 320 foot 8outh of South Twenty-fourth 233 Pacific Avenue, approrpiation for extension of 241 Pacific Avenue, iiiiitrovcment of, from South Seventeenth to 685 feet north of South Ninth Street 243 Pacific Avenue, inipmveuiont of, from Soutli Seventeenth to Twcnt.v-first 345 Pacific Avenue, improvement of, from South Seventh to Seven- teenth 400 Pacific Avenue, improvement of, from South Twenty-first to Twen- ty-fourth 41G Pacific Avenue and others Local Improvement District No. 2^1, improvement of 468 Pine, improvement of from north line of Kellogg 's Addition to Ross Avenue lOS Pine and others Local Improvement District No. 223, improve- ment of 430 Porter, improvement of, from "A" to Division 196-200 Proctor Avenue, improvement of, from North Thirty-second to Section 25 466 Proctor Avenue, improvement of, from North Thirty-fifth to south line of Wallace's Addition 475 Prospect, improvement of, from north line Section 6 to Eoss Avenue 186 Prospect, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Sixteenth 207 Puget Sound Avenue, improvement of from "D" to alley in Block 78 207 Puyallup Avenue, im])rovement of, from Pacific Avenue to "A". .282 Puyallup Avenue, improvement of, from Bridge No. 1 to East "G" 329 Puyallup Avenue, improvement of, from East "G" to easterly limits 410 I'uyallup Avenue and others in Local Improvement District No. 229, improvement of 464 " Q, " improvement of, from Steele to north line Section 6 196 " Q, " improvement of, from Division to Chicago Avenue 197 Quincy, improvement of, from South Tenth to Twelfth 194 Quincy, improvement of, from Ross Avenue to Evelyn 202 Quincy, improvement of, from Evelyn to Lyon's Addition 209 Quinne, improvement of, from Stevens to " E " 212 Railroad, sidewalk, from South Eleventh to Thirteenth 149 Railroad, grailing, from South Seventh to Hood 155 Railroad, sidewalk, from South Seventh to Hood 157 Railroad, sidewalk, from South Fifteenth to Jefferson 185 Railroad, improvement of, from 685 feet north of South Ninth to Jeffer.son 296 Railroad, improvement of, from South Twenty-first to 380 feet north of Northern Pacific Railway Co. 's track 353 Railroad Avenue, improvement of, from First to Union Addition. .211 Rainier Avenue, improvement of, from First to Eighth 202 Roadway through Tacoma Mill Co. 's property 236 Sixth, improvement of, from Alder to Union 186 Sixth Avenue, improvement of through Coulter's Addition. . .213-220 INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 517 Streets — Cont 'd. Page. Sprague, improvement of, from Chicago Addition to Division Avenue Addition 224 Sprague, improvement of, from South Eighth to Division Avenue. .294 Sprague, improvement of, from Division Avenue to north line of Sections 5-6 3)^4 Starr, appropriation for opening of 171 State, improvement of, from South Ter.th to Twelfth 193 State, improvement of, from Evelyn to Sixth Avenue 195-200 State and other streets Local Improvement District No. 86, im- provement of 42]^ State, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Fourteenth 466 Steele, improvement of, from North Eighth to North Twenty- third 362 Stevens, improvement of, from Logan to Butler 194 St. Helen's Avenue, improvement of, from South Ninth to "C". .278 St. Helen's Avenue, improvement of, from Division Avenue to South Ninth 341 St. Paul Avenue and South Eleventh Streeet, improvement of. ...305 Summit, improvement of, from Pine to Boylston 187 South Third, improvement of, from "J" to Division Avenue. .. .183 South Fourth, improvement of, from "E" to Cliff Avenue 181 South Fourth, improvement of, from Division Avenue to "I". .. .211 South Fourth, extension of, over tide tiats. . ' 221 South Fifth, improvement of, from "I" to Division Avenue 183 South Fifth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Seventh, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to Railroad. 184 South Seventh, improvement of, from Pacific to Cliff Avenue. .. .185 South Seventh, improvement of, from Tacoma to Yakima Ave- nue 185-272 South Seventh, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Seventh, improvement of, from Cliff to Pacific Avenue 303 South Seventh, improvement of, from Lawrence to Warner. .. .346 South Seventh, improvement of, from "N" to Sprague 385 South Eighth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "A" 184 South Eighth, improvement of, from Tacoma Avenue to "G" 185-194-205 South Eighth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Eighth, improvement of, from "A" to Pacific Avenue 297 South Eighth and other streets Local Improvement District No. 51, improvement of •^■)9 South Eighth, improvement of, from .lunette to Lawrence 424 South Eighth and other streets Local Improvement District No. 82, improvement of 428 South Eighth, improvement of, from Pine to Steele 430 South Eighth, improvement of, from Lawrence to Warner 478 South Ninth, grading from Pacific Avenue to " I " 152 South Ninth, sidewalk, from " C " to "K" 154 South Ninth, sidewalk, from "A" to alley l)etweeu ^'A" aixl Pacific Avenue 1-16 South Ninth, appropriation for improvement of 162 South Ninth, improvement of, from Pacific to Tacoma Avenue. . . .187 South Ninth, extension of over tide flats 221 South Ninth, improvement of, from Pacific Aveimc t.) " A " 278 ills TXDKX TO ORDTXAXCES BY TITLE. Strepts— Cont W. Page. South Xintli, impidviinent of, from "C" to Tacoina Avenue 29G South Xintli, improvenu'nt of, from Pacific Avenue to "C" 340 South Tenth, opening and extension of, on tide lands 185 South Tenth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Tenlii, iniproveinent of, from "A" to Pacific Avenue 2G8 South Tenth, improvement of, from " K " to " M " 407 South Kleventh. ^jrailing from " A " to " K " 151 South Kleventh. sidewalk, from " A " to " K " 151 S(uith Eleventh, jjradinjr from " A " to " T " 156 South Eleventh, improvement of, from Pacific to Tacoma Avenue. 187 South Eleventh, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Kleventh, improvement of,, from Pacific Avenue to "A "...278 South Kii'vcnth, improvement of, from "C" to Tacoma Avenue. .290 South Kleventh and St. Paul Avenue, improvement of 'M)3 South Kleventh, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "C". . . .340 South Kleventh and Twelfth, repair of 408 South Kii'>venth, improvement of, from "M" to Sprague 432 South Twelfth, improvement of, from Tacoma Avenue to "L"..186 South Twelfth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Twelfth, improvement of, from "A" to Pacific Avenue. . . .298 South Twelfth and other streets in Local Imjucnement District Xo. 214, improvement of 422 South Twelftli and other streets in Local Im]ir(i\cnient District X'^o. 240, improvement of 457 South Thirteenth, grading from "A" to Eaihoad 156 South Thirteenth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Thirteenth, improvement of, from "A" to Pacific Avenue.. 299 South Thirteenth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "C". .350 South Tliirteenth, improvement of, from "C" to Tacoma Avenue. 411 South Foiirteenth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Fourteenth, improvement of, from "A" to Pacific Avenue. .299 South Fourteenth, improvement of, from "L" to Ainsworth 324 South Fifteenth, sidewalk, from Pacific Avenue to " K " 153 South Fifteenth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Fifteenth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "C". ..350 South Fifteenth and " M " streets, Local Improvement District No. 207, improvement of 416 South Seventeenth, grading, from Jefferson to " I " 157 South Seventeenth, extension of, over tide flats 221 South Eighteenth, improvement of, from Tacoma Avenue to "J ".371 South Xineteenth, grading from Jefferson to Yakima 152 South Xineteenth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to City limits 181 South Nineteenth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "L". .197 South Xinteenth. extension of, over tide flats :221 South Nineteenth and others in Local Improvement Dictrict Xo. 227, improvement of 477 South Twenty-first, sidewalk, from Pacific Avenue to "A" 157 South Twenty-first, appropriation for opening of 167 South Twenty-third, improvement of, from "J" to Walnut 180 South Twenty-third and others in Local Improvement District No. 286, improvement of 485 South Twenty-fourth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to " c ■ ■ 21 ■'* INDEX TO ORDINANCES BY TITLE. 519 Streets — Cont 'd. Page. South Twenty-fifth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "C".193 South Twenty-fifth, improvement of from East "D" to "K". . . .195 South Twenty-fifth, improvement of, from West "C" to East "^" 195 South Twenty-fifth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to Jefferson 346 South Twenty-fifth and East " H, " improvement of 411 South Twenty-sixth, improvement of, from "A" to Reservation line 203 South Twenty-sixth, improvement of, from "A" to East " D " . . . . 217 South Twenty-sixth, improvement of, from 180 feet west of East "C" to " D " 218 South Twenty-sixth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to 165 feet east of "A". 219 South Twenty-sixth, improvement of, from East "C" to East "D" 392 South Twenty-seventh, improvement of, from East "C" to East "G"/ 440 South Twenty-eighth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "D" 339 South Twenty-eighth, improvement of, from Lot 6, Block 7818 to East "F" 383 South Thirt,y-first, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "E".321 S6uth Thirty-second, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "Y" 212 South Thirty-four, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to "G".210 South Thirty-fourth, improvement of, from Pacific Avenue to Reservation line 230 South Thirty-fifth, improvement of, from East "1" to " L "... 207 South Thirty-fifth, improvement of, from "M" to Ainsworth. . .411 South Thirty-eighth, improvement of, from South Park Avenue to ' ' N " 207 South Forty-third, improvement of, from Kitsap to east line Sec- tion 17 216 South Forty-fifth, improvement of, from "N" t» Wilkesou. . . .230 South Forty-sixth, improvement of, from "N" to Asotin 228 South Forty-eighth, improvement of, from Park Avenue to "N".480 South Fiftieth, dedication of certain land for extension of 367 South Fifty-fourth and Lawrencee, improvement of, from Wash- ington to Pine 439 Tacoma Avenue, grading, from Division Avenue to South Twen- ty-first 151 Tacoma Avenue, sidewalk, from South First to Nineteenth 155 Tacoma Avenue, grading, from Division Avenue to North Sixth.. 155 Tacoma Avenue, appropriation for opening of 167 Tacoma Avenue, appropriation for opening and extending 172 Tacoma Avenue, appropriating $4,000 for extension of 201 Tacoma Avenue, improvement of, from North Fourth to Fifth... 211 Tacoma Avenue, warrant for land for extension of 238 Tacoma Avenue, improvement of from South Seventeenth to bridge 261 Tacoma Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 215, improvement of 424 yjO INDEX TO oHDIXANCKS UY TITLE. Streets— Con t M. Page. Tnooina Avenue and otlicr .stnets iu Local liii]iiovcniont District No. ry>\, improvement of 456 Taconia Avenue ami other streets in Local improvement District No. 254, improvement of 475 Union Avenue, improvement of, from "B" to "F" 194 t'uion Avenue, improvement of, from First to Reeves' Add. .194-200 Union Avenue, improvement of, from Sixth Avenue to South Ninth 439 Union Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 239, improvement of 442 Verde, improvement of, from Woodrufif's Second Addition to Hudson 200 Walnut, improvement of, from South Twelfth to Sixth Avenue... 200 Walnut, iuij)rovement of, from Sixth Avenue to Coulter's Add. .202 Warner, improvement of, from South Fifty-fourth to Fifty- eighth 364 Washington, improvement of, from Nortii Tiiirty-third to Thirty-eif,'hth 480 Washington Avenue, improvement of, from Simth Thirty-fifth to Forty-fifth 209 Water, improvement of, from Drew's Plat to Law's Addition. .. 196 Wilcoxen, improvement of, from "E" to Cheyenne 200 Wright and others in Local Improvement District No. 250, im- jirovement of 474 Yiikinui Avenue, grading, from South Sixth to Twenty-first 152 Yakima Avenue, sidewalk from South Eighth to Eleventh 155 Yakima Avenue, appropriation for extension of 175 Yakima Avenue,* improvement of, from South Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth 182 Yakima Avenue, improvement of, from Cohnnbia to South Forty- eightli 227 Yakima Avenue, improvement of. from South Thirty-eighth to Forty-eighth 339 Yakima and Columbia Avenues, improvement of 412 Yakiuui Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 63, improvement of 415 Yakima Avenue and other streets in Local Improvement District No. 202, improvement of 417 Structure, authorizing erection of wooden and corrugated iron, in Block 1502 244 Supplie.s, purchase of 275 T Taconia < ataract Co., consent of City to mortgage of, to Dexter Horton & Co., trustees, of Ordinance No. 1364 386 Taconui Eastern Railroad Co., right of way to cross City's right of way in F. Meyer Donation Claim 377 Tacimui Gas & Electric Light Co., notice to, of termination of rights of in certain lanrls 485 Tacoma Land Co., contract and deed for certain lands from, for park purposes 161 Tacoma I..and Co., authorizing cpiit claim to, of City's rights in certain parts of North Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets vacated 394 I INDEX TO OKDINANCES BY TITLE. 521 Page. Tacoma Light & Water Co., providing for purchase of plant of 223 Taeoma Mill Co., roadway through property of 236 Authorizing deed to, of part of North Tenth Street vacated .... 393 Sale of certain property to 412 Tacoma & Puyallup Eailroad Co., granting assignment to, of certain franchises 174-175 Tacoma Eaihvay & Motor Co., granting assignment to, of certain franchises 169-170 Tacoma Eailway & Power Co., notice of cancellation of contract with, for electric current 344 Approving contract with, for electric power 394 Sale of certain land to 356 Notified to pave between its rails on Tacoma Avenue 482 Tacoma Street Eailway Co., granting assignment to, of certain fran- chises from Nelson Bennett 169 Tacoma Trust & Savings Bank, Treasurer to receive dividend from.... 259 Tax, Municipal poll for 1880 149 Time for payment of road, for 1880 149 Municipal poll for 1881 149 Authorizing special 150 Assessment for 1882 150 Annual levy for 1882 150 Time for payment of road, for 1883 152 Annual levy for 1883 152 Special to pay warrants 154 Collection of road poll for 1884 155 Annual levy for 1884 156 Annual levy for 1885 159 Annual levy for 1886 160 Special to pay outstanding indebtedness 160 Eoad poll for 1886 161 Boad poll for 1887 162 Annual levy for 1887 163 Annual levy for 1888 163 Eoad poll for 1888 163 Annual levy for 1889 166 Eoad poll for 1889 166 Special for City building 166 Special for tire engine, etc 167 Eoad poll for 1890 172 Special for fire department and ligliting streets 172 Annual levy for 1890 173 Annual levy for 1891 182 Annual levy for 1892 -05 Annual for Sinking Fund 205 Annual levy for 1893 229 Annual levy for 1894 237 Designating funds into which moneys received from general levy for 1894 shall be placed 239 Annual levy for 1895 241 Special for first installment Local Improvement District No. 1..245 Annual levy for 1896 245 Annual levy for 1897 257 Special for second installment, Local Improvement District No. 1.266 522 INDEX TO 0KD1NA^'CES BY TITLE. Tax— Cont M. Page. Aiiniml levy for 1898 267 Special for third installment, Local Improvement District No. 1.273 Annual levy for 1899 275 Special for first installment, Local Improvement District No. 2.. 277 Special for fourth installment, Local Improvement District No. 1 280 Annual levy for 1900 284 Special for second installment, Local Improvement District No. 2.293 Annual levy for 1901 307 Special for third installment, Local Improvement District No. 2.318 Annual levy for 1902 327 Annual levy for 1903 349 Annual levy for 1904 388 Annual levy for 1905 432 Taxes, compromise of, for 1893 and prior years 247-253-270-479 Appropriation of $1000 to County in full for all delinquent taxes on City property 338 Appropriation for publication of delinquent 161-238 Appropriation for payment of interest due on certain 248 u Urquhart, Win., and .John T. Newland, deed of certain land to 195 V "N acations. Alley between Blocks 1114-1115 153 Alley between Blocks 3012-3013 153 Alley between Blocks 2004-2005 154 Alley between Blocks 712-713 159 Alley between Blocks 3410-3411 164 Alley between South Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth, part of. 164 Alloy between South Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth, part of. .164 Alley between South Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth, part of 164 Alley between South Thirtieth and Thirty-first, part of 164 Alley between South Thirty-first and Thirty-second, part of.... 164 Alley between Blocks 3108-3109 164 Alley between Block 410 and Tacoma Avenue 165 Alley between Blocks 320-321 165 Alley between North Sixth and "C" Streets 166 Alley between Blocks 18-19, Smith & Fife's Addition 166 Alley between Biock 17, Smith & Fife 's Addition, and Block 2118 Barlow 'a Addition 167 Alley lx>tween Blocks 7534-7633 168 Alley between Blocks 3712-3713 190 Alley between South Twenty-second and Twenty-third, part of. .. .224 Alley between South Twenty-third and Puyallup Avenue, part of. 224 Alley between Blocks 2809-2708 236 Alleys in Hope Park Addition 290 Alleys between Blocks 8040-8139, 8042-8141 292 Alley between Lots 9 to 24, inclusive, Block 11, Buckley's Addition 302 Alley between Lots 21 to 26, inclusive, in Blocks 2314-2315, ■Reed '.s Ad.lition 307 INDEX TO OKDIMAXCES BY TITLE. 523 Vacations — Cont 'd. Page. Alley between Lots 1 to 1, inclusive, Blocks 9 and 10, Catlin 's Ad- dition 322 Alley between Lots 5 to 11, inclusive, Blocks 2-4, Pierce's Add. .322 Alley between Lots 1 to 10 inclusive. Blocks 15-16, Monticello Park Addition 322 Alleys in Blocks 77 and 78. and streets between Blocks 77. 78 and 79, Tacoma City Addition 337 Alley between Blocks 1816-1817 343 Alley between Blocks 4114-4115 354 Alley in North Thirty-eighth Street, between Union and Puget •Sound' Avenues 373 Alley between Blocks 4314-4315 377 Alley between Blocks 8006-8105 391 Alleys between Blocks 8230-8329 and 8229-8130 407 Alley between Blocks 12-13, portion of 372 Alley between Blocks 218-219, portion of 378 Alley between Blocks 220-221, portion of 343 Alley between Blocks 318-319, portion of 384 Alley between Blocks 322-323, portion of 333 Alley between Blocks 324-325, portion of 420 Alley between Blocks 406-407, portion of 172 Alley between Blocks 408-409, portion of 353 Alley , -between Blocks 420-421, portion of 341 Alley between Blocks 422-423, portion of 375 Alley between Blocks 426-427, portion of 485 Alley between Blocks 428-429, portion of 456 Alle.y between Blocks 520-521, portion of 408 Alley between Blocks 522-523, portion of 329 Alley between Blocks 610-611 and 612-613, portion of 324 Alley between Blocks 614-615, portion of 333 Alley between Blocks 616-617 and 716-717, portion of 330 Alley between Blocks 618-619, 620-621, 720-721, 820-821, 920-921, and 922-923, portion of 335 Alley between Blocks 714-715, portion of 377 Alley between Blocks 718-719 and 818-819 and 918-919, portion of .449 Alley between Blocks 914-915, portion of 347 All^y between Blocks 924-925 and 1024-1025, portion of 394 Alley between Blocks 1018-1019, portion of 364 Alley between Blocks 1020-1021, portion of 417 Alley between Blocks 1118-1119, portion of 394 Alley between Blocks 1120-1121, portion of 417 Alley between Blocks 1212-1213, portion of 461 Alley between Blocks 1214-1215, portion of 415 Alley between Blocks 1218-1219 and 1318-1319, poBtion of 365 Alley between Blocks 1222-1223, portion of 407 Alley between Blocks 1320-1321, portion of 389 Alley between Blocks 1322-1323, portion of 417 Alley between Blocks 1412-1413, portion of 376 Alley between Blocks 1420-1421. 1520-1521. 1620-1621 and 1720- 1721, portion of 35o Alley between Blocks 1422-1423, portion of 392 Alley between Blocks 1512-1513, portion of 403 Alley between Blocks 1518-1519, portion of 391 .VJ4 INDKX TO OHDIXANCES BY TITLE. Vncatioiis — Cout M. Page. I V In^twi-en Blm-ks 1522-1523, portion of .S7S i-y lu'tweon Bloi-k.s l(il4-1615, portion of 478 .y iH'twwn RI.K-ks 1618-1(519, portion of 392 ev between Blocks 1(522-1623, portion of 371 i'y between Blocks 1712-1713 and 1812-1813, portion of 403 ey between Blocks 1714-1715, portion of 384 ey between Blocks 1718-1719, portion of 422 ey between Blocks 1722-1723, portion of 441 ey between Blocks 1820-1821, 1920-1921 and 2020-2021, por- tion of 401 ey between Blocks 1822-1823, portion of 347 ey between Blocks 1824-1825, portion of '. 391 ey between Blocks 1912-1913, portion of 473 ey between Blocks 1916-1917, portion of 404 ey between Blocks 1922-1923, portion of 374 ey between Blocks 1924-1925, portion of 403 ey between Blocks 2512-2513, portion of 387 ev between Blocks 2518-2519, portion of 415 ey between Blocks 3110-3111, 3210-3211, 3310-3311 and 3510- 3511, portion of 334 ey between Blocks 3116-3117, portion of 330 ey between Blocks 3212-3213, 3412-3413, 3512-3513, portion of. 342 ey between Blocks 3214-3215, portion of 334 ey between Blocks 3216-3217, portion of 329 ey between Blocks 3218-3219, portion of 376 cy between Blocks 3220-3221, 3320-3321, portion of 337 ey between Blocks 3308-3309, portion of 411 ey between Blocks 3312-3313, portion of 241 ey between Blocks 3316-3317, 3416-3417, 3516-3517, portion of 328 ey between Blocks 3318-3319, portion of 4S1 ey between Blocks 3322-3323, portion of 336 ey between Blocks 3324-3325, portion of 332 ey between Blocks 3406-3407, 3506-3507, 3606-3607, 3706-3707 and 3806-3807, portion of 331 ey between Blocks 3408-3409, and 3508-3509, portion of 326 ey between Blocks 3414-3415, portion of 423 ey between Blocks .3418-3419 and 3518-3519, pornon of 393 ey between Blocks 3420-3421, portion of 337 ey between Blocks 3422-3423, portion of 335 ey between Blocks 3424-3425, portion of 332 ey between Blocks 3426-3427, portion of 332 ey between Blocks 3514-3515, portion of 482 ey between Blocks 3524-3525, portion of 325 ey between Blocks 3618-3619, portion of 398 ey between Blocks 3620.3621 and 3720-3721, portion of 335 ey between Blocks 3622-3623, portion of 329 ey between Blocks 3624-3625, portion of 32(5 ey between Blocks 3730-3731, portion of 330 ey between Blocks 3816-3817, portion of 324 ey between Blocks 3818-3819, portion of 333 ey between Blocks 3820-3821, portion if 456. ey between Blocks 3822-382.3, portion of 354 ey between Blocks 3824-3825, portion of 398 ey between Blocks 3832-3833, portion of 391 INDEX TO OEDTNANCES BY TITLE, 525 Vacations — Cont 'd. Page. Alley between Blocks 3914-3915, portion of 380 Alley between Blocks 3916-3917, portion of 347 Alley between Blocks 3926-3927, portion of 324 Alley between Blocks 3928-3929, portion of 364 Alley between Blocks 3930-3931, portion of 403 Alley between Blocks 4020-4021, portion of 347 Alley between Blocks 4022-4023, portion of 338 Alley between Blocks 4026-4027 and 4126-4127, portion of 376 Alley between Blocks 4030,4031, portion of 441 Alley between Blocks 4118-4119, portion of 336 Alley between Blocks 4120-4121, portion of 325 Alley between Blocks 4316-4317, portion of 408 Adams Street, between Pacific Avenue and South Twenty-first. . . .154 Adams Street, between South Twenty-first and Twenty-third 165 Alaska Street, part of 387 Anderson Street, part of 40!) Birmingham Street, in Phoenix and Westbrook's Additions 191 Birmingham & Wallace's Addition, streets and alleys in 385 Butler Street in Wingard 's Addition 206 Chandler 's Addition, plat of 176 Chicamauga Street in Phoenix Addition 191 Cliff Avenue, betAveen South Ninth and Tenth 151 Cliff Avenue, portion of 163-165-166-173 Cliff Avenue, between South Twelfth and Thirteenth 171 Cliff Avenue, between North First and "E" Streets 173 Cliff Avenue, reducing width of, .between South Tenth and Twelfth Streets 176 Delin Street, between " C " Street and Tacoma Avenue 173 Division Street in Wingard 's Addition 206 Division Avenue, from South Prospect to Oakes 354 Division Avenue in C. P. Ferry 's Second Addition 354 Division Avenue, part of 414 "E" Street in Byrd's Addition, part of 414 "E" Street North, part of 392 East Street, in Kellogg 's Addition 198 East "B" Street, between South Thirtieth and Puyallup Avenue. 164 East "E" Street, part of 224 East "F" Street, part of 224 East "G" street, part of 164-224 East " H " Street, part of 164-224 East "I" Street, part of 164-224 East "J" Street, part of 164-224 East "K" Street, part of 224 East "N" Street, between South Thirtieth and Thirty-first 292 Edgewood Addition, streets and alleys in 366 Forbes ' Addition, all streets and alleys in 165 "G" Street, between Division Avenue and North First 157 Harrison Street, in Phoenix and Westbrook 's Additions 191 Jefferson Street, between Blocks 1402, 1402^/^ and 1403 177 Lawrence Street, part of 237-393-399 Lyon 's Addition, part of 1"8 Narrows Heights ' Addition 328 New York Investment Co. 's First Addition 292 North Seventh Street, between Yakima Avenue and "J" Street . . 366 520 INDKX TO OHDIXANCKS HY TITLE. Vaoatious — Cont M. Page. North Sovonfh Street, part (if 39'J North Eighth Street, part of 392 North Ninth Street, part of 392 North Tenth Street, part of 356-388 North Eleventh Street, part of 356 North Twelfth Street, ])art of 356 North Thirteenth Street, part of 356-377 North Fourteenth Street, part of 356-377 North Twenty-sixth Street, part of 41 i North Thirty-eigiith Street, between Union & Pnget Sound Ave- nues 373 Oakwood Cemetery, certain streets and alleys in 198-483 Pacific Avenue, northerly part of 230 Pine Street, part of 409 C^uinne Street. Wingard 's Addition 206 Railroaifl Street, between South Seventeenth iind railroad track on Hood, east half of 153 Rainier Street, between Block 705 and Railroad Street 153 Rosser Avemie. jiart of 238 Runges ' First Addition, plat of 397 Saratoga Street, part of 238 Second Street, in Byrd 's Addition 171 Snyder Street in Westbrook 's Addition 192 South Street, in Kellogg 's Addition, reducing width of 173 South Seventh Street, part of 163 South Ninth Street, part of 164 South Tenth Street, part of 397 South Eleventh Street, part of 409 South Seventeenth Street, between Railroad and Hood, strip on south side of 153 South Nineteenth Street, between Pacific Avenue and Hood 154 South Twentieth, between Pacific Avenue and Adams J.54 South Twenty-first Street, part of 387 South Twenty-second Street, between Pacific Avenue and Adams. 165 South Twent.v-second street, part of 224 South Twent.v-third Street, part of 224 South Twenty-eighth Street, part of 164 South Twenty-ninth Street, part of 164 Soutli Thirtieth Street, part of 164 South Thirty-first Street, part of 164 South Thirty-second Street, between East "H" and East "I".. 407 Sprague Avenue, from Division Avenue to north line Section 5. .377 Stevens Street, Wingard 's Addition 206 St. Angeln's Addition, plat of 243 St. Helen 'h Avenue, part of 164 St. Paul Avenue, part of 287 Strip of land between Pacific Avenue and Railroad Street, 725 feet northerly from South Ninth Street 175 Tisdale 's Second Addition, plat of 170 Twenty-fourth Street, between "I" and ".T" in Lewis' Addition 184 Westbrook Street, in Phoenix and Westbrook 's Additions 191 Wichita Street, part of 238 Wingard Street, in Wingard 's Addition 206 INDEX TO OEDINANCES BY TITLE. 527 w Page. Wards, dividing City into 195 Warrants, authorizing payment of outstanding street improvement 162 Authorizing payment of interest on, for improvement of Pacific Avenue 237 Confirming issue of certain General Fund, from April 19, 1892, to and including November, 1893 237 Authorizing drawing of, in favor of Northern Pacific Eailroad Co. for $2,500 237 For land in Carr Street 238 For Peter Peterson, for injuries 238 For land appropriated in extending Tacoma Avenue 238 Confirming issue of, since November 1, 1893 238 Confirming issue of, since February 28, 1894 240 Controller and Mayor to draw and sign 250 City Treasurer to accept from Columbia National Bank, certain. 251 Authorizing bonds for funding outstanding 290 Appropriation for payment of, for certain salaries of elective officers 345 Water, approving contract -with Tacoma Light & Water Co. for 161 Water Commission, appropriation for expenses of 192 Water & Light bonds, issuance of 230 Water mains, construction of, to connect with mains to be constructed by Northern Pacific Railway Co. along water front 311 Construction of, from Puget Sound Flouring Mill to North Thirtieth 311 Construction of, in St. Paul Avenue, etc 314 Appropriating $1,580 for 344 Appropriating $598 for 344 Appropriating $938 for 344 Appropriating $980 for 345 Appropriating $2,750 for 369 Appropriating $18,355 for 374 Appropriating $3,300 for 374 Appropriating $1,810 for 388 Appropriating $1,340 for 401 Appropriating $1,210 for 405 Appropriating $3,529.96 for 432 Appropriating $4,500 for 455 Appropriating $11,500 for 469 Water meters, purchase of 6-inch 373 Water pipe and specials, purchase of 321-330 Water supply, appropriating $500 for investigation of Masbell 217 Providing for purchase of source of 243 v«^ INDKX TO OKDJ^•A^X'ES BY TITLE. Page. WattT system, appropriation for pipes, etc., for Edison 223 Purchase of certain lands for 365 Condemnation of certain land for 358 Apprti|iriating $995 for purchase of land for 365 Weil, appropriation for drilling one at South Taconia 347 Appropriation for drilling two in South Tacoma, and for pump- ing machinery, etc 368 Wharf, repair of, at McCarver Street 208 At foot of Starr Street, appropriation for 222 Construction of, on Block 62, Tacoma Tide Lands 402 Wiitworth College, conveyance to, of certain real and personal property. 285 Wickorsham, James, compensation to, for prosecuting certain suits 250 Wright, George P., apppropriation for payment to, for fourteen horses. .469 '^4 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 28, 0. T. Legalizing monumental survey. The City of Tacoma, hy its Board of TruMees, does ordain as follotcs: First— That the survey of County Surveyor C. 0. Bean, executed in July, 1883, establishing monuments, marking the center of streets within the limits of said City, be and the same is hereby adopted and legalized as the official survey, and the same recorded with the Auditor of Pierce County. Second — This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its passage. Approved January 3, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. 15, N. T. An ordinance in relation to indecent exposure. Section 1. The inhabitants of the town of New Tacoma by the Board of Trustees thereof do ordain as follows : That if any person shall indecently expose his person or the private parts thereof in any public place, or in any place v^here there are present any other person or persons to be annoyed thereby, or make any other exhibition of himself to public view or to the view of any number of persons, such as is offensive to decency, or is adapted to excite vicious or lewd thoughts or acts; or who shall be guilty of any w^anton, wilful or lewd con- duct by exposure of his own person or make an indecent as- sault upon the person of another in any street, lane, alley or place, public or private, within the corporate limits of said town of New Tacoma, such person or persons so offending shall upon conviction thereof be fined in anj^ sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every such offense, which fine shall be enforced as other fines and penalties are enforced. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed March 3, 1880. 530 OKNERAL oh'DlXANCES IX FILL. ORDJXAXrK NO. 52, N. T. To prevent the iiitrothu'tion of contagious diseases bv vessels ooniino; t'loiii infected ports. Till ('(wu)ioti Coiiiicil of Xdv Tacoma docs ordain as follows: Six'TioN 1. AVheti any vessel, steamship, steamboat or other cfiift hiiviiio: on heard any jierson sick or thought to be sick with a contagious disease of a malignant character shall ap- proach the corporate limits of the City of New Tacoma, it shall he tile duty of tlie master of such vessel, or other craft, to lie to not less than one-qnarter of a mile from the shore, and to re- main at tiiat distance from the shore until the Commissioner of Health or ^Nlayor shall investigate and give directions. Sec. 2. The master of such vessel shall not permit anyone to leave the vessel except such persons belonging to the crew as may be required to man a boat sent for the purpcse of noti- fying the authorities that a contagious disease is prevalent on the vessel, which ])oat shall not approach within fifty feet of the shore, or of any wharf or landing within the corporate limits of the city, unless permission to land be granted by the Com- missioner of Health. The master of such vessel shall not per- mit any person from the shore to go on board said vessel, except the Conuiiissioner of Health or person sent by him. Sec. 3. That whenever the Commissioner of Health ascer- tains that there are on board any vessel any infectious or con- tagious diseases liable to be coimiuuiicated to the inhabitants of the City of Tacoma he shall order a quarantine of said vessel and shall cause the same and all passengers thereon to be quar- antined luitil it is safe for them to land: and he shall take such other steps in that regard as will effectually prevent any contagiin )l N.\ .\( KS IN FTLL. OHDiXANC'E NO. 7. An Dr.liimiifc forhidilinjj tlif tMiii>lo_vniont of Chinamen or Coolies upon the pni'lic works of the City. Thr Common ('(tuinU of lln Cihi of Tdconut dors ordain as folhnrs: Si':cTi(>N 1. That .ill contracts hereafter made or entered iiilo hy the City ef Tacoiiia. or by authority of the same, for work, hihor or services to the City, shall Ix' upon the express aLrreeiiient ami condition that in pcrfoniiiii^ such work, labor or servicer, no Chinamen or Coolie shall in any way, or for any purpcse be employed by the person or by the authority of the person enterin<: into or tnkino' any contract for such work, labor or services. Skc. 2. A violation of this ordinance shall be deemed a violatit n of such contract. Approved February 7, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. 22. An ordinance establishing the monuments placed by the City Surveyor of the late City of New Tacoma within the limits of said City during the year 1883, by the City of Tacoma. WiiERE.vs. Clarence 0. Bean, civil engineer, City Surveyor of the City of New Tacoma, did. during the year 1883. make the necessary surveys and establish thereupon and thereby the several points of intersection of the center lines of the certain stn*ets hereinafter named, and the corners of the several tracts of land hereinafter named, and did establish, and place at said |toints of intersection, and at said corners, stone monuments to desifrnate the same, which said surveys were duly approved by the Common Council of the said City of New Tacoma, at their meeting on the 19th day of December, 1883, now. Till y< fore, in order to give full etfect to the approval of said surveys, and the official acts of said City Surveyor, and to legal- ize said surveys, and to ratify, approve and establish the monu- ments so located and placed by the said City Surveyor, Th( ('imnno)i Cininril of iJu Citij of Tacoma does ordain as fol loirs : Skctiox 1. That the monuments of stone, consisting of granite l)oulders containing about one cubic foot with a cross (x) chiseled on the top, so located and planned (placed) by said ('larence 0. Bean, civil engineer. City Surveyor of said City of New Tacoma, during the year 1883, to designate the several points of intersection of the center lines of the streets herein- after named, and th(^ corners of the several tracts of land 1 GEXEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. o33 hereinafter mentioned, be, and the same are hereby adopted, recognized and established as indicating respectively the follow- ing named intersection points and corners, that is to say : The intersection of the center line of "A" Street with the center line of South Ninth, South Tenth, South Eleventh and South Twelfth Streets. The intersection of a line parallel to and twenty feet east of the center line of Pacific Avenue with a center line of South Ninth, South Tenth, South Eleventh and South Twelfth Streets. The intersection of the center line of "C" Street Avith the center line of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street, and all streets intervening- between said Division Avenue and said South Twenty-first Street. The intersection of the center line of "D" Street with the center lines of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street and all streets intervening between said Division Avenue and said South Twenty-first Street. The intai'section of the center line of "E" Street with the center line of South "C" Street and South Twenty-first Street, and all streets intervening between said South "C" Street and said South Twenty-first Street. The intersection of the center line of Jeft'erson Street with the center line of South Twenty-first Street. The intersectio2i of the center line of Tacoiiia Avenue with the center line of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street and all streets intervening between said Division Avenue and said South Twenty-first Street. The intersection of the center line of "G" Street with the center lines of South Sixth Street and South Twenty-first Street, and all streets intervening between said South Sixth and South Twenty-first Streets. The intersection of the center line of Yakima Avenue with the center line of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street and all streets intervening between said Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street. The intersection of the center line of *'I'" Street with llio center lines of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street. and all streets intervening between said Division Avenue and said South Twenty-first Street. The intersection of the center line of "J" Street Avith the center lines of Division Avenue and South Twenty-first Street, and all streets intervening between said Division Avenue and said South Twentv-first Street. :,.;i (;ENK1?AT> ORDIXAXrES TX Fl'TJ.. The intcrst'ction of the center line of ''K'' Street with tlie center lines of Division Avenue and South Twenty-tirst Sti-eet. and all streets interveninpr between said Division AAenne and said South Twenty-first Sti'eet. Eaeh of the four corners of Barlow's Addition to the City of New Tacoma : each of the corners of the several forty-acre tracts composinir Buckley's Addition to the City of New Ta- coma : each of the corners of the forty-acre tracts composins: Hayden'.s Addition to the City of New Tacoma: each of the four corners of Heed's Addition to the City of New Tacoma, and the intersection of the center lines of "G" Street arid Yakima AvciHie with the' center lines of South Twenty-first Street and South 'I'wenty-seventh Street: each of the four corners of Byrd's Addition to tiie City of New Tacoma; each of the four corners of Siiiitli and Denton's Addition to the City of New Tacoma: cjich of the four corner's of Spinnn^j's Addition to tlie City of \i\\ Tacoma. The northwest, iioi'tlieast and southwest cornei-s of Sahm's Addition to the City of New Tacoma, and the inlersection of "K" Sti-eet and Tacoma Avenue with Soutli 'I'wenty-fiftli and Snuth 'I'wenty-seventh Streets. The northeast and northwest corners of Van Dusen's Ad- ilition to the City of New Taconui. and the intersection of North Street in said addition witli "(i,'' "I" and '•J" Streets and Yakima Aveiuie. and the interseeticn of the center line of Center Street in said addition with the center lines of "I" and "J" Streets ;ind witli the western boundary of said addition. Tile coi-ner to sections 4, 5. 8 and 0. towiislii]) 20 nortli. ranfre -^ ea.st. AVillamette Meridian. The corner to .sections 8, 9, 16 and 17. The corner to sections 5, 6, 7 and 8. Quarter section corner between sections 8 and 9. Quarter section corner between sections 8 and 17. Quarter section corner between sections 5 and 8. Center of sections 5, 8 and 9. Center of S. W. i of S. E. i of section 8. S. E. corner of S. AV. ^ of S. E. ^ of section 8. S. W. corner of S. W. \ of S. E. ^ of section 8. N. AV. corner of S. W. i of S. E. i of section 8. N. E. corner of S. AV. -] of S. E. i of section 8. Middle of outside boundaries of S. AY. ^ of S. E. | of sec- tion 8. ^Middle of north and south boundaries of S. W. ^ of sec- tion 8. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 535 S. W. corner of Delin's Donation Land Claim, all in said township 20 north, range 3 east, AVillamette Meridian. Sec. 2. The report cf Citj^ Surveyor C. 0. Bean, of which here follows a copy, is hereby made part of this ordinance for the purpose of more particularly describing the monuments re- ferred to above, to-wit : €ITY surveyor's SUPPLEMENTxyL, REPORT CONCERNING MONUMENTS OR SURVEYS. Tacoma, Jan. 4, 1884. The stone monuments referred to in my last report consist of the common granite boulder, and contain about one cubic foot of matter. The monuments are buried in the ground with from six to eighteen inches of soil above them. The cross (X) that is cut in the monuments is placed uppermost, and the point of intersection of the lines forming the cross, marks the exact points intended to be perpetuated by the monuments. ^Fonu- ments within the original town site of New Tacoma, and those marking government corners coincide with and are for the pur- pose of perpetuating original surveys. All other monuments are for the purpose of perpetuating careful surveys made by me. Field notes and maps concerning the monuments and surveys referred to in my report are filed and recorded in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, AV. T. C. 0. Bean, City Surveyor. New Tacoma, AV. T. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Approved March 27, 1884. ORDINANCE NO. 41. To suppress gambling. The Common Council of the City of Tacoma docs orchin as follows: Section 1. Every person who shall keep, operate, run or carry on, or who aids or assists in keeping, operating or carrying on, any gambling house or common gaming house, or who deals, plays or carries on, or who conducts, as owner or employe, any game of chance, or any mixed game of chance and skill, or any game for money or any representative of value, or anything of value, or who bets or stakes money, or any representative of value, or anything of value, or any assurance, undertaking, promise or agreement, express or implied, to pay or give, or for the securing of the paying or giving by some other person of ,,..., GKNKHAl. OWDIXAXCES IN FULL. any moiioy or i'fi)n'si'ntativ(' of value, or tliinii' of value, on any I'Vi'iit or coiitiuirency. relatiiifr to any contest or chance of any kind, whereliy one may be gainer and the other laser, within the City of Tacoina, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or In- imprisoned not less than ten noi- more t^ian thirty days. Skc. 2. W any mai'.shal or houst'holdci- sliall iTjiort to any eonniiittin^f majLristrate in writinji' that there is good ground, stating the same, for believing that any house, room or place within the City is kept or used as a fjaming house oi- j^lace. in violation of any ordinance of this City, it shall be lawful for such committing magistrate to authorize, in writing, any mar- shal to t-nter such house, room oi- i)lace, and forthwith arrest all persons found therein offending against any City ordinance pi'ohibiting gambling, and seize all implements of gaming, and convey the pei-sons so arrested and the articles so seized before a committing magistrate, and it shall be the duty of the ^Marshal to prosecute the persons so arrested for violation of any City ordinance against gambling, and, upon conviction of the per- .sons .so ariTsted, to destroy the articles so seized in the presence of the magistrate. Approved July 18. 1884. ORDINANCE NO. 44. To suppress houses of ill-fame. Till (inn moil CituiuU of llir Cih/ of Tiiconin rJoia ordain a.s' folloirs: Skctio.v 1. Every person who keeps, or who assists in keep- ing, or who is an iiniiate of, or who is employed in, in any ca- pacity whatever, or who solicits or invites any person or persons to f'uter. visit or freipient, or who frequents any house of ill-fame, or any house resorted to for the purpose of prostitution, within the City of Taeonia ; and every person leasing or permitting, either as agent or owner, any building or premises in said City to be used as a house of ill-fame or house of pro.stitution, shall, upon convic- tion thereof before any committing magistrate, be fined in a sum not l(^s than ten nor more than one hundred dollars, or be im- priscne<' planted on Pacific Avenue from Soiitli Scvcnlh Street to South 'rweiity-i'ourth Street, nor upon alh'vs Ifss tliaii 40 feet in width. Six-. 11. Trees phintod witliin the limits of any ])ublie park- shall hv set as may he pi-ovidcd by ihc City Council hy order f fhr Cihf of Tacoma does ordain as follows: Skction 1. There shall 1)0. and is hereby created, in the treasui-y nf llie City of Taeoma, a fund known as the Sewer l-'uiid. Si;c. 2. All reveinie received and collected by the City of Taconia from or on account of any assessment made for the eon- stiMiction vi sewers in said City, sliall be paid into the Sewer Fund hereby created. Sec. 8. 'All warrants when ordered drawn for the payment of any claim or demand for or on account of labor performed or materials furnished in the construction of any scAver in the City of Tacoma. the cost of construction of which is to be paid by the owner of the property abutting upon the improvement, shall be drawn payable from said Sewer Fund, and all money credited to said Sewer Fund, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby a])i)i-opriated for the redemptimi of said warrants. Ajiproved December 8. 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 228. An ordinance regulating blasting within the City limits of the City of Tacoma. The City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordain as follmcs: SiocTioN 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to lii-e off any bla.st, or blast any rock, cement, ground, logs or slimijjs within the limits of the City of Tacoma without having fii-st submitted to the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City his application for a permit therefor, together with a statement <»f the reason.s why such blasting is necessary, together with any other information the Connnis.sioner of Public Works may desire. Sec. 2. If said Commissioner of Public Works shall deem such blasting necessary to be done, he may permit the same to be done, but in such case the same shall be under his super- vision : provided, no such permit shall be granted nntil the ]>arty so petitioning shall have filed a bond in the sum fixed by said Ccnnnissioner indemnifying and saving harmless the City of Tacoma from any los.s or damage to it or to any person by reason of said blasting. GEXEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. .549 Sec. 3. The Commissioner of Public Works shall have the right to revoke and cancel any such permit at any time. Sec. 4. Any person violating- this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. , Approved January 22, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 256. An ordinance providing for the organization, establishment, regulation and government of the Fire Department in the City of Tacoma, W. T. The City Council of the City of Tacoma docs ordain as follows : Section 1. The fire department shall consist of a Chief of Fire Department, and First Assistant Chief of Fire Department, and such engineers, captains, lieutenants hosemen, drivers, truckmen, hcsemen and as many permanent and transient mem- bers as the number of engines and other fire apparatus of the City shall from time to time require. Sec. 2. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1333, approved Septem- ber 9, 1898. Sec. 3. Repealed by Section 6 of the Charter, as amended by Amendment No.^23. Sec. 4. The Chief of Fire Department shall have power to appoint proper persons to fill the respective positions in the fire department, "which appointments shall be approved * * * by the City Council. (As amended by Section 66 of the Charter.) Sec. 5. The Chief of Fire Department may at any time suspend any officer or employe of the fire department until the next regular meeting of the Council thereafter, when the Coun- cil may, at any regular meeting thereof, remove him from of- fice. The Council may, by majority vote at anj" time, of its own motion, suspend or remove any officer whatever or mcmln'r of said fire department from office in said department. Sec. 6. The Chief of Fire Department and the Committee on Fire and Water shall have power to make such rules and regulations as they may see fit, not inconsistent with the Charter or ordinances of the City, and shall enforce said rules and regu- lations by punishing the offending party by reprimand, forfeit- ure of, or withholding pay for a specified time, or with the con- sent of the Council, dismissal from tlie department. ' SDO r.EXKRATi OKDTXAXCES TX FULL. Se(\ 7. The Cliioi" of Fire Uei)nrtineiit shall investiirate the cause of all lirt^ that may occur in the City as soou as may be. aud record the result of such investigation in a book to be kej)! by the Chief of b'ii-e Department for that purpose. Sec. 8. All members of the fire department shall be subject to aud shall strictly eom]>ly witli all i-ules and regulations of llu- depai'tment. Ski". 9. 'Vhv Chief of Fire Department shall have sole and absolute control and command ovei- all persons connected with the fire department of the City, and shall possess full power ami authority over its organization and discipline. Sec. 10. The Chief of Fire Department shall at all times supci- vise and keep in repair and ready for instant use all the propei'ty of the City connected with the fire department. He shall eertiiy to all bills against the City chargeable to said fire department, llr shall keep a reeoi'd of the organization of all companies, meinbei- ship, vacancies, appointments and dismissals, and all notices is- sued, lie shall attend all fires happening in any division of tin City, and all oi-dei's issued by him to any other officer or membei' of the depart ment shall be ])romptly obeyed. He shall also cause to be kept in ])ooks for that purpose a full and complete recoi'd of all transactions in said department, of complaints against mend)ers, and the .judgment of the Chief of Fire Department thereupon, of time lost by them, and of all property placed in his chai'ge, and such other books and records as shall he w- (juired by the business of the department, wdiich books shall al- ways be open for the inspection of any member of the City Coinicil. He shall also report at the end of the fiscal year, in wi-iting, u])on the condition of the department, the innnber of fin's that have occurred in the City during the year preceding, anil the cause of the same so far as can be ascertained. Also the number of buildings destroyed or injured, the names of the owners, or occupants of the same, the value of the property de- stroyed, as near as can be ascertained, and the amount of in- surance upon the buildings and other property, which said re- port shall be filed and preserved in the office of the City Clerk, It shall also be the duty of the Chief of Fire Department to re- port to the Mayor and City Council quarterly, on the first day of July, October, January and April, and oftener if required, the condition of the fire engines, fire alarm telegraph, and all other fire apparatus belonging to the City; also to reconnnend such additions to and alterations of the same as may be deemed expedient. • He shall at all times be subject to the control and GENERAL ORDIXAXCES IN FULL. 551 direction of the ^Mayor and City Coimeil in matters pertaining to the fire department. Sec. 11. The Chief of Fire Department shall have power to appoint some one member of the company to act as clerk or secretary, who shall receive for his compensation therefor five dollars per month extra pay. Sec. 12. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Fire Depart- ment and each member thereof to be qualified by the City Clerk, by oath or affirmation, that he will faithfully support the Con- stitution of the United States, and laws and organic act of the State of Washington, the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Tacoma, and perform to the best of his ability all the duties of his office. Sec. 13. The Chief of Fire Department, or any assistant chief in command, may prescribe limits in the vicinity of the fire within which no person excepting those who reside therein, firemen and policemen, and those admitted by order of any of- ficer of the fire department shall be permitted to come. /Sec. 14. The Chief of Fire Department or any assistant chief in command, shall have poAver to cause the removal of any property" whenever it shall become necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect ad.joining property. Sec. 15. No' building or structure of any kind shall be blown up or otherwise destro'yed for the purpose of checking the progress of any fire, except in case of absolute necessity, and then only on the order of the Chief of Fire Department, or in his absence upon the order of the Assistant Chief of Fire De- partment, or in the absence of both, upon the order of the ]ier- son in command. Sec. 16. The Chief of Fire Department shall have full power, control and command over all persons whomsoever, at any fire, and in his absence the First Assistant Chief shall per- form his duties. And in the absence of the Chief and Fii-st As- sistant of Fire Department, the senior foreman in whose dis- trict the fire occurs, shall act as Chief, of Fire Department. Sec. 17. The Chief of Fire Department, or jierson in com- mand, shall have power to command such assistance from tlie inhabitants of the City not members of the fire department, for the extinguishment of fire, and for the preservation of prop- erty exposed to fire, as may in his judgment he reciuired. And in case any person shall neglect ( r refuse to render assist- ance as above required, or shall refuse to obey any other lawful 5-.L' (iK^■l•:h•AI. oK'IMXANCES IN FULL. onltM- of the iitilioer in coimnand, or who shall insult, menace or iiitcrt't're with any officer or man connected with the fire depart- ment while en duty ; or, who shall without authority ^nve any order to any memher of the fire department while on duty; or, if any fireman or other person shall refuse to do as aforesaid, such person in cither case so offending? shall, upon conviction tluM-cof ])efore the coimnittinj? magistrate of said City, be pun- islunl by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, and may be imprisoned initil such fine is paid, not exceeding: thirty days. Si;r. 18. Each Assistant Chief of Fire Department shall nh.y the orders of the Chief of Fire Department, and shall at all times assist him in his duties. In case of the absence or dis- ability of the Chief of Fire Department, the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon him by this oi'dinance shall devolve on. and be performed by the Assistant Chiefs of Fire Department respectively in the order of their rank. Si:c. 19. It shall be the duty of the fcreman of each com- pany to see that the en^jines and other apparatus committed to his care, and the several buildings in which the same are depos- ited, and all thinjrs in and beloni)tov('(l St>pUMiiber 2-"). 1889. OKDIXAXCK NO. L>!»7. All onliiiaiU'i' regulatiiifr the manner in which s^treet railway companies shall construct, alter and repair their lines of railway in the City of Tacoma. rill Cilii Council of ihc CHy of Tacoma docs ordain as foUo-ivs: Skctiox 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, co- partnership -or corporation owning or operating a line or lines of street railway within the City of Tacoma to construct any such lines, turnouts or switches or make any repairs or addi- tions thereto without first notifying the Commissioner of Pub- i,c AVorks in writing two days prior to the commencement of the same what eonstruetien, change, repairs or alterations are de- sircil to be made and when they desire to make the same. Skc. 2. No street, avenue or alley shall be obstructed a greater ilistanee than six hundred feet, for a longer period than six working days, unless the City Council shall extend the time thereof. Sec. :i. All street crossings shall be kept open during the progress of said improvement for a suflficient Avidth to alloAV teams to pass, and all sidewalk crossings shall be kept open at all times by the erection of temporary walks, if necessary, so as not to iiiterfei-e with persons traveling thereon. Skc. 4. AVithin five days after laying down, repairing, alterinu- or changing the tracks, turnouts or switches of said street railway on all .streets, alleys and avenues where the same is planked, macadamized or paved, it shall be the duty of the person, fimi, co-partnership or corporation making or having charge of the work of said street railway to pave, plank or macadamize between the rails of said railway with the same ma- terial ani'. // ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That every person, company or corporation who has a right, privilege or special permission to lay water, •sewer, gas or other pipes beneath the paved [surface of thel streets of the City of Tacoma, shall, before commencing to ex- cavate for the purpose of laying any such pipe or pipes, pro- eure a written permit from the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, describing the Avork contemplated and the number of sfpuire feet of the pavement to be removed therefor, and de- positing with the said Commissioner an amount of money equal to the original contract price per square foot, for each square foot of pavement to be removed, with twenty per cent added thereto, that an excavation made for the purpose aforesaid shall be refilled to within one foot of the surface of the pave- ment by the person, company or corporation making the same, and the Commissioner of Public Works notified thereof; it shall be the duty of the Connnissioner to notify the person, firm or corporation who originally laid the pavement, and whose duty it is to keep the same in repair, to replace the same over such excavations and pay him or them for said work the deposit made therefor: and it shall be the duty of such person, company or corporation to keep said work in repair as long as he or they are bound to keep the balance of the street in repair. Should sueh original contractor i-efuse or neglect to replace such pave- ment. Ihen the Commissitmer of Public Works shall let the work to any person wlio will replace such pavement and agree to give a good bond to the City to keep the same in repair and Hush with the balance of the .street for said time for the amount of such deposit. Sec. 2. That every person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be sub.iect to a fine of one hundred dol- lars (noo). Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall take etfect and be in GEXEEAL OEDIXANCES IN FULL. 565 force from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Approved July 27, 1891. ORDINANCE NO. 507. An ordinance to prevent* the sprearl of contagious diseases among do- mestic animals, and to prohibit any domestic animals affected with contagious diseases from being brought within the limits of the City of Tacoma. (See Laws of 1895, chapter 143, p. 356.) Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That parties owning animals affected with con- tagious diseases, or infectious diseases, or suspected of being so diseased, shall not bring such into, or drive the same through the City, nor move them from place to place within the City limits, except on order of the Board of Health. Parties owning such animals shall not sell or dispose of the same, but shall report their condition and location to the Com- missioner of Health or his assistant. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Board of Health in case of the existence within the City limits of the disease called pleuro-pneumonia among cattle, or farcy or glanders among horses, or any other contagious or infectious disease among domestic animals, to cause such infected animals, or those which have been exposed to contagions, to be secured or collected in some suitable place and kept isolated until the na- ture of such disease shall be definitely determined by a compe- tent veterinary. Sec. 3. That the Commissioner of Health, in receiving no- tice of a. suspected case of contagious disease in any domestic animal Avithin the City limits, shall forthwith order an exami- nation made by a competent person, and if satisfied there exists good reasons for believing that contagious disease is present, and in his judgment the circumstances of the case and the pub- lic good require it, shall cause to be killed and properly dis- posed of, any domestic animal which is infected or has been ex- posed to contagious diseases. Sec. 4. That any person disobeying the orders of the Board of Health, or any of its properly constituted officers, in the disposal of such animals as are suffering from contagions or infectious diseases, or who imports, drives, transports or offers for sale within the City limits any such diseased animal contrary to the import of this ordinance, shall be sub.ject to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in .jail nnt exceeding one year. Approved August 10, 1891. :,(U; r.KNKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. OKDINxVNCE NO. 520. An ordinance for tlio protection of the public parks of the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hj/ the Cily of Tacoma: Skction 1. That any person or persons who shall drive upon tlie foot paths, or pick any of the flowers, or mutilate any of the shruhs or trees, or any of the monuments or works of art, or in any manner damafje any of the pro])erty of the parks within the jurisdiction of the Board of Park Connnissioners, or shall violate any of the rules and regulations of the Board of Park Commissioners, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and he jnuiished by a fine of not less than five ($5) dollars nor iiinre than one hundred dollars ($100). Si:c. 2. All fines received for violation of section one of this ordinance shall be paid into the park fund. Approved September 14 ,18i)l. OKDIXANCE NO. 679. An ordinance defining vagrancy and prescribing the punishnicnt therefor. Be it ordmned hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. The following persons are hereby declared to be vagrants: First — All persons wandering about the streets of the City of Tacoma and having no visible calling or business to main- tain themselves, and not giving a good account of themselves. Second — All beggars or persons going about and begging alnls under any false or fraudulent pretense. Third — All persons playing or betting in any public or open place, at or with any instrument, at any game or pretended game of chance. Sec. 2. Any vagrant, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $100, or shall be imprisoned in the City jail at hard labor not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Sec. 3. All ordinances providing for the punishment of vagrants now in force are hereby repealed. Approved July 2."). 1892. ORDINANCE NO. 718. An ordinance to prevent the sale of adulterated and unwholesome milk within the City of Tacoma, and prescribing penalties therefor. Be it ordmned hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No person or persons shall bring to, or deliver milk in, the City of Tacoma for the purpose of retailing tin; GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 567 same to consumers in any open or uncovered wagon, cart or conveyance of any kind; and all milk brought to the City of Tacoma to be retailed to consumers, or for that purpose to be delivered, shall be in cars, wagons or carts so constructed that the covering hereinbefore provided for shall not come in contact with the cans or vessels containing the milk, and shall protect such milk and the cans or vessels containing the same from the sun and rain, and as far as practicable from the dust and impuri- ties of the air. Sec. 2. No person shall sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell or exchange, nor shall he expose or offer for sale as pure milk, any milk from which the cream or any part thereof has been removed, or which has been watered, adulterated or changed in any respect by the addition of water or any other substance. Sec. 3. No dealer in milk and no servant or agent of such dealer shall sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell, exchange or deliver milk from which the cream, or any part thereof, has been removed, unless there shall be securely affixed in a conspicuous place upon the outside of the vessel, can or package from or in which such milk is sold, a brass or other metal tag, not less than four inches long and three inches wide, which shall have plainly and distinctly stamped and endorsed thereon in plain clear type the words "skimmed milk." Sec. 4. No person shall sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his custody or possession with intent to sell, exchange or de- liver, skimmed milk containing less than nine per cent of the milk solids, exclusive of butter fat. Sec. 5. No person shall sell or offer foi- sale or can-y for the purpose of sale, or have in possession with intent to sell or offer for sale, any impure, adulterated or unwholesome milk, and no person shall adulterate milk or keep cows for the production of milk in a crowded and unhealthful condition, or feed the same on food that produces impure, diseased or unwholesome milk, or shall feed cows on distillery waste, usually called "swill," or vinegar slops, or upon any substance in a slate of putrif action or rottenness. Nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed to prohibit the feeding of cows on Avholesorae brewers' grain. Sec. 6. The addition of water or any other substance is hereby declared an adulteration, and milk that is (.-btaiiied from animals that are fed on distillery waste, usually called '"swill." or upon any substance of an unwholesome nature, or uixm any 568 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL, substniu'o in a stato of piitrifaetion or rottenness, or milk that has been exposed to or eonlaininated by the. St. -wart Siivrt in Pa.xtrn and :\rc:\Iillan's Addi- tion. Florenc' StT t in West Pai-k Addition, Fourth Street in Edgewood and .Miilri-'s .Vddilions shall hereafter be Verde Street. Skc. lOfl. Third Street in Edgewood 's and Miller's Addi- tion-s shall hereafter be Stewart Street. Skc. no. Pat:.* Street in West Park Addition, AVhittier Street in .Motor Line Addition, and Fifth Street in Miller and Edgewood's .\d.litioiis .shall hereafter be Gove Street. Skc. 111. Earl Street in West Park Addition, Lowell Stnvt in Motor Line Addition, and Sixth Street in :Miller's Ad- dition shall liereafter be Mullen Street. Sk»-. ll'J. Harelay Street in West Park Addition, Holmes Street in Motor Line Addition. Seventh Street in Miller's Ad- dition, shall hereafter be Ferdinand Street. Skc. 11.3. Uurton Street in West Paik Addition, Brvant GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 589 Street in Motor Line Addition, and Eighth Street in Miller's Addition shall hereafter be Hiison Street. Sec. 113|. Over Street in Motor Line Addition, Davison street in Voight's First Addition, Ninth Street in ^Idler's Ad- lition, shall hereafter be Orchard Street. Sec. 114. Oak Street in Portland Addition, Helen Street n Cromwell & Pritchard's Addition shall hereafter be Visseher street. i Sec. 115. Fir Street in Portland Addition shall hereafter be Qninne Street. Sec. 116. Laurel Street in Portland Addition shall here- ifter be Bristol Street. Sec. 117. Point Street in Park Place Addition, and Maple ;5treet in Portland Addition, shall hereafter be Vassault Street. Sec. 118. Chicago Avenue in Ainsworth, Chicago Avenue, Division Avenue and J. S. Howell & Son's Third Additions; Hall Street in Ferry's and Clement's Additions, Walnut Street. in Hayden, Catlin, Griggs & Hewitt's, Prescott's, Carroll & Bannah and McCarver Additions, shall hereafter be Sprague Street. Sec. 119. ''D" Street from Division Avenue to South Seventh Street, in the original plat of New Tacoma. shall here- after be St. Helens Avenue. Approved January 16. 1893. (See Ordinance No. 792.) ORDINANCE NO. 787. An ordinance establishing the grades of certain streets ancj avenues in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. The official gutter grades of the following streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma are hereby estab- lished at the following elevations in feet above the City datum plane. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1397.) Sec. 2. The gutter grades of IMason Avenue in AVinuard. Home, Home Place, Goodwin's and Pai'k and Boulevard Addi- tions shall be as follows : At the center line of North 28th Street 348.20 At the center line of North 29th Street 338 . At the center line of North 30th Street 331. At the center line of North 31st Street 326 . At the center line of North 32nd Street 325. (IKNKKAL l)Ul)l^■A^XES IN FULL. I At th.' •Tiit.-r line nf North '-VM\ Street 322.50 At the north and soutli .sides of North 34th Street 318. At the north and south sides of North 3r)th Street 323. At si.nl h side of North 3()th Street 325. At north side of North 3st sid.' of Hennott Street 272.5 At west lino (•f Paoifi(^ Addition 271.3 tirades to run uniform between points mentioned. Sec. 15. The gutter grades of Water Street in the Mason Wntor Front. Woodruff's, and jMason's Shore Line Additions shall he as follows: At the south line of Wallace's Addition 70.5 At the oast side of Hill Street 70. At the west side of Hill Street 69.7 At Hivcr Street. 69. At Vine Street 68. At Dale Street 50. At wost end of bridge 67 . 5 At oa.st sido of North 42nd Street 66.5 At north side of Water Street and west side of North 42nd Street .67. At south side of Water Street and west side of North 42nd Street 66.5 At ejist side of North 43rd Street 78. At west side of North 43rd Street 80. 8 At North 44th Street 80. At Mnrrison Street 78 . At a point 311' west of Morrison Street 74.8 At a point 405' west of Morrison Street 74.8 At a point 419' west of Morrison Street 75. At Horriott Street 90. At oa.st side of Cheyenne Street 62. At west side of Cheyenne Street 61. At ojLst side of Gove Street 58. At west side of Gove Street 57 . At oast side of Reeves Street 54. At west sido (if Reeves Street 53. Grades tn run uniform between points mentioned. Skc. Hi. The datmn plane to which are referred the ele- vations of grade, is the level of low tide in Commencement Bay assumed as zero (0) which datura plane is 31.54 (31 and 54-100) f.-..t l.olow the dat\im of Pacific Avenue grade as established. ' . 17. The profiles of the above named streets, with the u-rade lino shown in red, and elevations marked on plan on file in the City Engineer's office, under charge of the Board of Public Works, are hereby declared official. Approved Feb. 13, 1893. GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 597 ORDINANCE NO. 792. An ordinance to provide for changing the names of certain streets in the City of Taeoma. Be it ordained hy the City of Taeoma: Section 1. The names of certain streets in the City of Taeoma shall be changed and shall hereafter be known as follows : Sec. 2. Fern Street in Woodlawn Addition shall hereafter be North Seventh Street. Adelaide Street in Bogle's Addition shall hereafter be North Eighth Street. South Street in Tib- bal's Addition shall hereafter be North Eleventh Street. West Third Street in Narrows Heights shall hereafter be North Thir- teenth Street. West First in Narrows Heights shall hereafter be North Seventeenth Street. Sixth Street in Job Carr's First and Hannah's Additions and Garfield Street in Hannah's Addi- tion shall hereafter be North Twenty-sixth Street. Grant Street in Hanson's and A. P. Carr's Additions and Fifth Street in Job Carr's First Addition shall hereafter be North Twenty- seventh Street. Porter Street in Place's Addition shall here- after be North Forty-first Street. Railroad Avenue in Bolcom's Addition shall hereafter be Lawrence Avenue. West Street in Del Norte Terrace, AValter Street in Arthur Burns' Addition and Cowansville Street in Mechanics' Home Addition shall hereafter be Mason Avenue. Stewart Street in West Park Ad- dition, Edgewood and Miller's Additions shall hereafter be Verde Street. Verde Street in Edgewood 's. Miller's and AVest Park Additions shall hereafter be Cheyenne Street. Center Street in Voight's First Addition shall hereafter be Villard Street. Sunset Street in Highland Park Addition shall here- after be Baltimore Street. Madison Street in Voight's First Addition shall hereafter be Bennett Street. AA^allace Street in O'Brien's First Addition shall hereafter be Shirley Street. Ryan Street in Smelter Addition, Schuyler Street in Caton's First Addition and Summitt Addition shall hereafter be High- land Avenue. Sharon Street in Testimony Addition and Brier Rose Walk in Brewerton's Sea View Addition shall hereafter be Quine Street. Temple Street in Smelter Addition shall here- after be Pearl Street. Frace Avenue in Frace's First Addi- tion shall hereafter be Vassault Street. Blackwell Street in Frace's First Addition shall hereafter be Whitman Street. Sec. 3. Plummer Street in Defiance Park Addition, Park Boulevard in Tuxedo Park Addition, St. Elmo Street in Park Place Addition, Cedar Street in Portland Addition, and Rice -i,^ (iKNKKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sti-f.'t in Frncc's First Addition shall hereafter be Frace Avtiun'. Skc. 4. Pierre Stn-et in Frace's First Addition shall here- after be Lexinjnon Street. Anderson Street in Fraee's First Addition shall hereafter be Mildred Street. .Montfort Street ill Fniec's Fii-st Addition shall hereafter l)e South Eiohth S{iv«'t. .\daiii Street in Ilayden's Addition shall hereafter be South Twenty-third Street. Field Street in Cook and Clem- ent's Addition and Howard Street in St. Angelo Addition shall licrcnftcr he South Thirty-fifth Street. Eastman Street in MtN'hanics' 1 Ionic Addition shall hereafter be South Forty-first StrtH't. Chm-y Street in Latshaw's Addition shall hereafter be Stmth Forty-tifth Street. Fayette Street in Branson's and Hays' Additions shall liereafter be South Forty-eighth Street. Sheri- dan Street ill Rrewerlon's (Jem Addition shall hereafter be Stmth Fiftieth Sti-eet. Kosser Avenue in Lookout Park Addition shall hereafter be South Fifty-fourth Street. Fiftieth Street in Olynipie Addition shall hereafter be South Fifty-eighth Street. Marion Street in Montieello Park Addition shall hereafter be South Fifty-ninth Street. Sei". 5. "D'' Street in Pierson's First Addition according to Ordinance 782. shall hereafter be "C" Street. "A" Street in IMerson's First Addition shall hereafter be Skc. 6. "B" Street in Pierson's First Addition shall here- after be "A" Street. Sk(". 7. East "C" Street in Pierson's First Addition shall hereafter be East "B" Street. Sec. 8. Sackville Street in BuelFs Home Addition shall hereafter be "D" Street. "Q" Street in Smith and Fife's Ad- ilition shall hereaftei- be Asotin Street. Elm Street in McCar- vor's First Addition, and Lake Place in Wapato Park Additions shall hereafter be Hosiner Street. Sargent Street in McCarver's First Addition, and Walnut Street in St. Angelo Addition and Wapato Street in Wapato Park shall hereafter be Sprague Ave- nue. Sturgis Street in St. Angelo Addition shall hereafter be Ferry Stnvt. Burr Street in Depot Addition shall here- after ho Fife Street. Olympia Street in Tibbals' Addition, Adams Street in Traver's Addition, Chestnut Street in Andrew's Addition. Cariboo Street in G. F. Orchard's Addition shall hereafter be Junett Street. Railroad Avenue in Reeves' Addi- tion shall hereafter be Puget Sound Avenue. Rainier Avenue in Reeves' Addition and Broadway Street in Latshaw, Manning and Hays' Addition shall hereafter be Union Street. Tacoma Avenue in W. H. Bow's Addition shall hereafter be :\Iadison GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 599 Street. Water Street in Arthur Burns' Addition and East Street in Del Norte Terrace shall hereafter be Monroe Street. Villard Street in Arthur Burns' Addition and Center Street in Del Norte Terrace shall hereafter be Tyler Street. Sec. 9. Hanson Street as adopted by Ordinance No. 782 shall hereafter be Ash Street. Sec. 10. ''P" Street as known and designated upon the maps of New Tacoma and Smith and Fife's Additions and as adopted by Ordinance No. 782 shall hereafter be Ainsworth Avenue. Sec. 11. Spragrue Street as adopted by Ordinance No. 782 shall hereafter be Sprague Avenue. Sec. 12 St. Helens Street from South Seventh Street to "C" Street shall hereafter be St. Helens Avenue. Sec. 13. Hoffman Street in Cook and Clement's Addition and Saratoga Street in Laumeister's and Warburton's and Scott's Additions shall hereafter be Adams Street. Chester Street in Monticello Park Addition and Adelphi Addition shall hereafter be Lawrence Street. Sec. 14. "I" Street in Tacoma Land Company's Sixth Addition, South Side Addition and Alki Addition shall here- after be Yakima Avenue. Sec. 15. Washington Avenue in Tacoma Land Co. 's Sixth Addition, South Side and Alki Additions shall hereafter be Thompson Avenue. Sec. 16. Thompson Street, as adopted by Ordinance No. 782, shall hereafter be ''I" Street. Sec. 17. All sections of Ordinance No. 754 and Qrdinance No. 782, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall take effect from and after approval of same. Approved March 13, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 808. An ordinance regulating the storage, keeping and conveyance of gun- powder, giant powder, dynamite and other explosives. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That not to exceed five pounds of gunpowder or giant powder, not to exceed one pound of dynamite or gun cotton, or not to exceed one pound of any compound of any of said explosives shall be kept by any person or persons in any store, dwelling or other building within the limits of the City 600 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. of Tnconin except that merchants may keep any quantity of gun- powtlor and ffiant powder, not to exceed one hundred (100) pounds of each kind. Under the head of gunpowder is gun- pmvder. blasting powder and all brands where the base is not nitro-nlyct'rine. Under the head of giant powder is Giant, Her- cules. Judson, Champion, etc., and all brands where the base is nitro-glycerine. Nitro-glycerine shall not be kept in the City limits- provided, however,' that the powder shall be kept in tin or metal cannisters, or stone jars with good closely fitted and well .seounul covers thereon, and such person or persons shall notify the Chief of Fire Department in what portion of any building .such explosives are placed and kept, which notice shall be kept of record in the office of said Chief, except as hereinafter pro- vided. Skc. 2. 'No person .shall carry any of the aforesaid explo- sives, or any compound thereof, on or in any vehicle in any part of the City unless the same shall be safely secured in closed packages, and so protected, enclosed and conveyed that no par- ticle of the same can escape or be affected by sparks of fire or .sudden shocks, and such explosives shall not be allowed to remain upon any street, alley or sidewalk for a longer period than thirty (.'30) minutes. Provided, however, that such quantities of such explosives, or their compounds, as may be required by mercliants in making up their orders may be brought from pow- der magazines during the day, and may be alloAved to be kept in the City during business houi-s of that day, but not later than till sunset. Skc. 3. No gunpowder or other explosives named herein, or tiie c(mipounds thereof, shall be .sold, except between the hours of .sunri.si' and sunset. Sec. 4. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to pro- hibit any person, having a permit to blast from the Commission- er of I*ublic Works, from keeping upon and near the ground where he is engaged in blasting or grading streets, not to exceed one hundred (100) pounds of gunpowder and fifty (50) pounds of giant powder, provided the same is so kept as to occasion the len.st po.ssible danger to the inhabitants or persons passing the vicinity where it is stored. Skc. 5. That a permit may be granted to any person, per- .soas or corporation to store within the City limits not more than 1.000 pounds of gunpowder or giant powder in magazines, which shall be fire and bullet proof, the plans of M^hich .shall be ap- proved by the inspector of buildings and licenses, the location of such magazmes to be approved by the Commissioner of Public GENERAL ORDINANCES IN I^ULL. 601 AVorks. Said permit shall be issued by said Commissioner and may" be revoked at any time by the officers issuing same giving thirty (30) days' notice. Sec. 6. That caps for the explosion of giant powder or gun- powder shall not be stored in magazines with such gunpowder or giant powder, and. shall be stored in such a place as may be approved by the officer issuing the permit. Sec. 7. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $300 and may be imprisoned until such fine is paid, not exceeding ninety days. Sec. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved April 6, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 829. An ordinance regulating the use of fire hydrants or standpipes and pro- viding a penalty therefor. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No person shall open or interfere with any of the hydrants or gates of the City, without having the proper authority. Sec. 2. Parties engaged in sprinkling the public streets shall have the privilege of taking water from the hydrants or standpipes for sprinkling purposes, after having obtained per- mission from the Commissioner of Public Works; provided, however, that no water can be taken from any stand-pipe or hydrant other than the ones designated by the Commissioner. Sec. 3. Before any one shall be granted permission to use hydrants he shall sign a written agreement, pledging himself to keep said hydrants in good repair, and binding himself to pay for any damages that may have occurred to said hydrant or hydrants by said parties using the same, by giving a bond in the sum of one hundred dollars ($100). Sec. 4. It shall be a misdemeanor for any one not author- ized by the City to open any hydrant, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than five dollars ($5) and not exceeding fifty dollars ($50)., and may be imprisoned until said fine is paid, not exceeding twenty-five days. Approved May 16, 1893. ,502 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 830. An ordinanco regulating the manner and form of making, approving and filing plats of additions to the City of Tacoma. Be it onhiincd hy the City of Tacoma: Sfxtion 1. Before any plat or map of any addition, rc- jirranfremtMit. .siil)division or any other plan of platting any ter- ritory within the limits of the City of Tacoma, shall be accepted, tli«' hind thus platletl or subdivided must be snrveyed. The plat of such laud shall follow the general .system of townsite adopted by the City Council conforming as far as practicable with sur- rounding and existing conditions, and with the topography of the ground platted. The width of streets, avenues and alleys shall be as laid down in the general sj^stem adopted by the Council. Stone or iron monuments shall be placed at the corners of said additions and at every intersection of center lines of streets and at inter- sections of center lines of streets Avith the boundaries of the ad- dition. If stone be used, a cross (x) cut in the top of said stone shall mark the exact spot of intersection or corner of addition. If iron he used, the form shall be such as to meet the approval of tlie City Engineer. All monuments must be placed at least eighteen (18) inches below the surface of the ground. Corner stakes, having street name and block number plainly marked thereon nuLst be placed at street and alley corners. All boundary nnd street center lines of the addition shall be cleared of brash, stuiiii)s and trees between each monument in such manner that an instrument may be sighted from one mon- ument to another without obstruction, and the City Engineer shall not be required to make examination of the addition for approval luitil such lines are so cleared. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1947.) Sec. 2. At the time of presenting the plat or map to the City Council for acceptance, there shall also be filed with the City Engineei- a tracing thereof, drawn upon tracing muslin, which tracing .sliall ivmain on file in the office of the City En- irinct'r. The names of the streets shall be marked upon the plat or map. and the lots and blocks shall be numbered or lettered eon- M-cutivi'ly, and all jiai-ks or otlier public grounds plainly desig- nated thereon. The dimensit)ns of all lots and blocks, widths of streets and alleys, lengths of all cnso or permit from said City, as provided by this ordinance. ( As amended by Ordinance No. 1526.) '".2. The keeping or yarding of any cattle or the slaugh- •|f any animal or live stock with the City limits of the < ity of Tacoma or witliin two miles of said City, or the rendering of the offal, fat, bones or scraps from such animals or any carcass or any animal matter whatever or the establishment and mainte- nance and cariying on of the business of yarding cattle and anmials, or of slaughtering animals for food or packing them for market or rendering and disposing of their carcasses, or of anv GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 613 animal matter whatever in any of the several branches of said several kinds of business, except under and pursuant to a license and permit therefor to be obtained in the manner hereinafter provided, and except also within the prescribed limits provided for in this ordinance shall, and each of said several businesses and branches of business shall constitute and is hereby declared a nuisance, and any person or persons, corporation or firm, directly or indirectly creating or permitting said nuisance or nuisances or any of them to exist, having the right or power to abate same, shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars and not to exceed one hundred ($100) dollars in every case and to a like fine for every day he or they shall neglect or refuse to abate such nuisance when notified by the Mayor or Commissioner of Health to abate the same. Sec. 3. No person or persons, firm or corporation having the ownership or control of any animal matter which is unsound or in process of decay within the City of Tacoma, or within two miles of the limits of said City, shall permit the same to be and remain when in such condition within said City, or within two miles of the limits thereof, more than twelve (12) hours after such animal matter shall have become unsound or after the process of decay shall have begun in the same, whether it be at an. establishment for rendering or changing the character thereof within the locality prescribed and designated in Section 1 of this ordinance, or elsewhere Avithin said City, or within two miles of the limits thereof. Sec. 4. Any person or pei*sons, firm or corporation guilty of any violation of any provision of the last three preceding sec- tions shall be fined not less than twenty-five ($25) dollars and not more than one hundred ($100) dollars for every such violation, and every day that such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate and distinct oifense and shall subject the ofi'ender to an additional fine as above provided. Sec. 5. Before any license shall issue as provided in this ordinance the applicant shall file with the City Clerk his applica- tion in writing therefor specifying the place and location and character of the business for which the license is desired, and the consent in writing of the owners or lessors of the building or premises in which the business is to be conducted, and the consent in writing also of the owners or lessors of a majority of the lots or property within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the center of the proposed location ; and the applicant shall pay into the City Treasury as a license fee the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars per annum ; upon such application and the payment of 614 GENERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. siiiil liocnse tVo. a license shall bo issued in accordance with the provisions ol' this ordinance and in the same manner as other licenses of the City are issued. Skc. (). Any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall procure a license as herein provided, and who shall violate any <»f the eonditions thereof, or any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit his said license, and no part of the money paid therefor shall be refunded, and such person shall not be entitled to any license for a period of one year thereafter, and shall be subject also to the fines and penalties provided for the violation of this ordinance as hereinbefore and hereinafter provided specified. Skc. 7. The Connnissioner of Health and any or all of his sanitary ajreijts shall be permitted free entrance at all hours of the day or niofht to all buildings used for the purposes specified in Seetions 1 and 2, or hereinafter specified, and to the free and unrest i-aiiied examination of all apput'tenances and utensils used in any of the said businesses and manufacturing- processes, or in the disposal of the gases generated in such businesses or manu- facturing processes. 8ec. 8. The keeping and slaughtering of all cattle and the preparation and keeping of all meats and fish, birds and fowls and all live stock and animals of whatsoever kind used for food or in commerce or trade shall be in that manner which is or is generally reputed or thought to be best adapted to securing and continuing their safety and wholesomeness as food. Sec. 9. Every butcher and every person owning, leasing or occupying any place, room or building where any cattle have been or are killed or dressed, and every person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any room or stable where any cattle may be kept, or of any market, public or private, and having power and authority so to do, shall cause such room, building, stall or market, and their yards and appurtenances, to be thoroughly cleansed and purified, and all offal, blood, fat, refuse, garbage and unwholesome or offensive matter to be removed therefrom at least once every twenty-four (24) hours after the use thereof for any of the purposes in this ordinance referred to; and shall also at all times keep all woodwork save floors and counters of any buildings used on the premises as aforesaid thoroughly whitewashed. Sec. 10. Every building occupied wholly or partly as a slaughter house and every part thereof and of all appurtenances thereto shall at all times be kept adequately and thoroughly ventilated, no blood shall be allowed to renuiin therein over night GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 615 ai;d adequate underground connections shall be made from every such building- with a public sewer, or with a system of drainage, to carry out the provisions and intent of this ordinance; and the tioors of such buildings and yards and appurtenances upon which the slaughtering is done or upon which any of the blood is allowed to gather shall be cemented and paved so as not to absorb blood and so as to carry all liquid into the sewers or system of drainage. Sec. 11. No person or persons, corporation or firm shall kill or dress any animal or meat in any public or retail market, or have or permit to escape therein, or within one hundred feet thereof, any poisonous, noxious or otifensive substance. Sec. 12. All persons engaged in the business of boiling or rendering of fat, lard or animal matter shall cause the scraps or residuum to be so dried or otherwise prepared as effectively to deprive such material of all offensive odors, and to preserve the same entirely inoffensive immediately after the removal thereof from the receptacle in which the rendering process may be conducted. Sec. 13. No blood, fat, tallow or lard shall be melted or rendered except when fresh from the slaughtered animal and taken direct from the place of slaughter and in a condition free from taint, decay and all other causes of offense at the time of rendering, and except all melting and rendering, drying and manufacturing into fertilizers and other products to be done according to the best and most approved methods and processes, and so that as to each animal slaughtered all parts of all animals slaughtered as provided in this ordinance shall be disposed of and converted into wholesome and inoffensive foods and prod- ucts within twenty-four hours after such slaughter. Sec. 14. No person or persons, finn or corporation shall directly or indirectly engage in or carry on the business of slaughtering animals for food, or for commerce and trade, except under the provisions of this ordinance and under a special license and permit therefor as in thLs ordinance provided, apd unless also such slaughtering basiness shall be carried on with the most modern and approved means and processes, and unless also the business of slaughtering shall be so conducted that all por- tions of the animals so slaughtered, and all animal matter and refuse resulting therefrom, shall be entirely removed and disposed of and converted into wholesome and inoffensive food and prod- ucts for the market within twenty-four hours after any such slaughter as to each animal slaughtered. 610 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sf.c. 1."). .Viiy person or persons, firm or corporation who shall violate any pi-ovisionof the last eleven sections of this orilinauec shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and one hundred dolhu-s for each and every day he or they shall continue to carry on said hnsiness, or be guilty of such violation, and upon a second or snbs(H|uent conviction for a like offense, he or they shall in addition to first fine imposed for first offense, be imprisoned in tlu' ('ity Jail for a period of not less than ten days nor more than sixty days, and any license theretofore obtained by such person for conducting such business shall thereupon be imme- diately revoked by the Mayor. Skc. 16. Any person or persons, firm or corporation Avho shall conduct any of said several businesses or any of the several branches of the kinds of business specified in the preceding sec- tions of this ordinance, without a special license and permit therefor, first had and obtained in accordance Avith the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and one hiindi-ed dollars a day for each and every day he shall continue to carry on such business without a license. Sec. 17. For the purpose of carrying the foregoing provi- sions into efl:'ect it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Health to cause to be detailed a sufficient number of the police force, by permission of the Chief of Police, to make from time to time and as often as may be necessary, a thorough and systematic exam- ination of the City, to ascertain and report to the proper authorities for prosecution all violations of this ordinance or of any of its provisions, and for this purpose they shall be permitted at all times to visit and enter in or upon any buildings, lots or grounds within the jurisdiction of the City and to make examination thereof. SKg. 18. Whenever any nuisance shall be found upon any premises within the City, or within two miles from the limits thereof, contrary to this ordinance or any of its provisions, the Conniiissioner of Health is hereby authorized and directed to cause the same to be summarily abated and in such manner as lit' may direct. >^EC. 19. In all cases where a nuisance shall be found upon any building or upon any grounds within the jurisdiction of the City, ten hours' notice may be given in writing, signed by the Commissioner of Health or Acting Commissioner, to the owner GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 617 or- occupant of such building or other premises where he is known and can be found, to remove such nuisance, and in case of his neglect or refusal to abate the same, in accordance with such notice, he shall be charged with the expense Avhieh may be incurred in the removal thereof, to be collected by suit or other- wise, in addition to the tines and penalties. Sec. 20. None of the provisions of this ordinance shall be construed to apply to the keeping of cattle by private families for their own use or for dairies within such limits as they are now permitted by law. Sec. 21. All ordinances and all parts of all ordinances con- flicting with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved February 2, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 979. An ordinance to submit a new jilan or system of the extension of the water system of Taconia to a new source or sources of water supply to the electors for adoption or rejection, at the annual City election, on April 2nd, 1895, and providing therefor. Be it ordmned hy the City of Taoomia: Section 1. That there is hereby submitted to the electors within the City of Tacoma, at the annual City election to be held on April 2, 1895, the following proposed change in the adopted plan, system and adopted extension of the present plan of water works supply, to-wit: The said proposed extension to Thomas and Patterson Springs shall be abandoned ; that an extension of the w'ater system shall be made by a pipe, flume or ditch line to a source or sources of supply capable of supplying at least 10,000,000 gallons of pure fresh water per day, with sufficient force to reach the highest service in Tacoma, wdth a joressure of thirty pounds per inch ; that the character of the conduit, the size and material, the laying of the same and the grades thereof shall be determined by the City Council ; that the same shall be con- nected with the water system of Tacoma in such a way as best to supply the said City with water; that the City shall have authority by ordinance to provide fully for completing said work and securing right of way and necessary land by condemnation or otherwise ; that the sum of $330,000.00, or so much thereof as may now be available or necessary, shall be expended under the direction of the City Council in the prompt completion of said extension, and the same is hereby diverted from the Thomas and Patterson Springs extension and appropriated to the exten- sion to such new source or sources of supply ; said new source or sources of supply shall be determined by the City by ordinance. «,^^ GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Skc. 2. Tlie said proposition to extend to such new sources of wattM- supi>ly shall be substantially printed upon all the ballots to be used at the annual City election of April 2, 1895, and the ballot shall be so arranged that each voter can make a rn.ss opposite the words "Yes" and "No," and if the elector iiiiikcs a cross aftei- the word "Yes" he shall be deemed to have voted for such proposed extension, and if he makes such cross opposite the word "No" he shall be deemed to have voted against •sui-h change. Ski'. ;l Such pi-o])osition shall be submitted at the annual election on April 2, 1895, and the same officers that shall be empowered to hold such annual election are hereby authorized to n^'civc. count and make returns of the votes cast in this matter, which shall be done in the same manner that the returns for the annual election are made, and the result of such election shall be declared by the same officers that declare the result of said annual election and in the same manner; and if at least three- tifths of all the electors voting on such proposition shall vote in favor thereof, the fund heretofore appropriated to the pro- posed extension to Thomas and Patterson Springs shall be thereby diverted to and used in proper proportion to the extension to such new .sources, and provision therefor shall be made by the Council by ordinance. Skc. 4. Notice of the aforesaid proposition and election shall be given by the City Clerk by publication in the "Morning Tnion" for thirty days in each issue of said paper during that time, and said City Clerk shall also provide the necessary ballots and other stationery requisite for such election and the returns thereof. Approved March 1, 1895. (Above proposition carried, 3,346 for, 440 against. See Ordinance No. 1048 designating new source of water supply.) ORDINANCE NO. 982. An ordinance relating to malicious mischief. li( It onhiined hy ike City of Tacmia: Skction 1. That any person or persons, minor child or otherwise, who shall maliciously, by throwing stones or other ob.iects, or by breaking with sticks or otherwise, break any win- flows out of any building within the City of Tacoma, shall be defined guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than $1.00 or more than $25.00. Approved March 20, 1895. GENEEAL ORDIXAXCES IN FULL. 619 ORDINANCE NO. 986. An ordinance authorizing and ordering the construction of street railway tracks upon the South Eleventh Street bridge and its approaches, regulating the use and maintenance of the same, and providing for the cost thereof. Be it ordained hy the City of Taomna: Section 1. That whenever application is made as hereinafter provided, the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma is hereby authorized and ordered to construct upon the South Eleventh Street Bridge and its approaches a street railway track, according to the plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer and filed in the office of the Commissioner, said work to be done by day labor. Sec. 2. Whenever any person or corporation operating any street railway in the City of Tacoma shall make application to the Commissioner of Public Works to connect with the said railway tracks of the City aforesaid, said Commissioner of Public AVorks shall proceed to construct said track as aforesaid. Sec. 3. Any persons or companies using said tracks shall pay therefor the sum of 10 cents per car per trip each w-ay. The Council reserves the right to change and further regulate these charges at any time. It being the purpose of this ordinance to provide for the use of said bridge and approaches for street railway traffic with no exclusive rights to or discrimination against any company or person. Sec. 4. The cost of such improvement shall be paid out of any proceeds arising from the sale of the bridge bonds by war- rants drawn thereon, upon the amount due being certified by the Commissioner of Public AA^orks, audited by the City Controller and ordered paid by the City Council. Approved April 16, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 1006. An ordinance prohibiting the putting or placing of glass, tacks, etc., upon any street, lane, alley or other public place within the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section" 1. No person shall put or place, or cause to be put or placed, in or upon any street, lane, alley or other public place in the City of Tacoma, any ashes, glass, crockery, scrap iron, nails, tacks or any other articles which would be liable to injure or damage the tires of wheels of bicycles or any other vehicles which have wheels with rubber or pneumatic tires. 6-jo GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of the prececlinsi: section shall be liable to a fine of not less than $2 nor more than $20 for each offense. Approved August 2, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 1017. \-. ..r.lin;incc prohibiting fast driving on or over the Eleventh Street bridge, and providing a penalty therefor. />t it orduined by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That no person shall drive any animal, horse or horses, or any team or draft animal of any kind, on, over or aorass that portion of the Eleventh Street Bridge composing the steel si)aiis on either side of the draw and the draw part of the said brittge, within the City of Tacoma, at a greater speed than an ordinary walk. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00, or imprisoned in the City Jail for not less than one nor more than twenty days for each offense. Approved September 16, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 1030. An ordinance to provide a method for collecting the receipts for water and light furnished by the City of Tacoma to customers. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to prepare and file with the Treasurer at or before six o'clock on the last day of every month all bills and accounts against all persons and corporations to which the City of Tacoma has previously furnished water or light; the bills for water shall be separate from the bills for light, and they shall be made out in the usual form heretofore adopted. (As amended by Amendment No. 3 of the Charter and Ordi- nance No. 1331.) Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the City Treasurer to collect all moneys due to the City of Tacoma for water and light fur- nished to any person or corporation within the City of Tacoma ; and the said Treasurer shall have the custody of the bills and th( books of receipts, which shall be delivered to him by the Commis sioner of Public Works for that purpose. (As amended by Charter Amendment No. 3 and Ordinane< No. 1331.) GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL, 621 Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to cause the water to be shut off at each of the places for which the bills of the previous month have not been paid on or before the 12th day of the month succeeding the month for which said water was so furnished; provided, that said water shall be turned on at any time upon the payment of all delinquencies to the City Treasurer, together with an additional charge of fifty 'cents ($0.50) for disconnecting and connecting or turning on the supply, and upon the presentation to the Commissioner of Public Works of a receipt therefor. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1165, approved March 8, 1897.) Sec 4, It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to bring suits for the recoveiy of any sum due to the City upon delinquent water and light accounts whenever requested to do so by the Mayor. It shall be the duty of the Mayor to cause such suits to be brought whenever in his judgment the amounts can be recovered. Approved November 9, 1895. ORDINANCE NO. 1048. An ordinance designating one of the new sources of water supply for the City of Tacoma, and making appropriations for securing the same. Be it ordained hy the City of Taconia: Section 1. That the Carbon River and the following tribu- taries thereof, to-wit : Voight's Creek, Evans' Creek, Tolmie Creek, Kaboo Creek and Canada Creek, the Chenuis River, Ipshut, Spoquash and Cataract Creeks, be and they are hereby designated as one of the new sources of water supply for the use 3f the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. That the Board of Public Works is hereby author- ized and instructed to procure the water rights thereupon in lecordance with the laws of the State of Washington, in favor )f the City of Tacoma, to the end that the City of Tacoma may secure therefrom the amount of not to exceed one hundred and seventy million gallons of pure fresh water per day for the pur- pose of conducting the same to the City of Tacoma by a conduit ir flume line for the use of the inhabitants of the City of Tacoma ind for the use of the City in its general distributing water ystem ; and the City of Tacoma does hereby declare its intention appropriate the w-aters of the said creelcs in the amount not 'xceeding one hundred and seventy million gallons per twenty- our hours for the said purpose. ,j.jo GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 3. 'I'liis jippropiialioii shall not prejudice the City in pi-ociirinfr any other .source or sources of water supply for the use of the City of Tacnnia or its inhabitants. Sf.c. 4. That the snin of five hundred dollars be and the same is lierehy appropriatinl to be expended under the direction of the Board of i'ublic Works or its successors in office for the purpose of deterniinint? the feasibility of securing water from tlu' above named sources and of determinino- the engineering and linancial (pieslions in relation thereto, and in securing a pro- prietary right therein under the laws of the State of Washington. Api^rovrd January 22, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1049. An nriiiii.iiici' t" ])rot'ure the attendance of witnesses and production of testimony before the City Council while engaged in any investigation, trial or hearing authorized by the City Charter, and to punish persons refusing to so appear or testify. B( It ordained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That whenever any investigation, trial or hearing which shall be authorized by the Charter of the City of Tacoma, or the laws of the State of Washington, shall be undertaken by the City Council, the said Council may, by a resolution, instruct its President to i.ssue subpoena for witnesses; that the said President of the City Cuncil when so instructed shall issue a stil){)(enii in the name of the City of Tacoma, which shall be directed to the witness or Avitnesses desired, and which shall command them in the name of the City of Tacoma to appear at the time and place to be fixed therein, before the City Council, to irive evidence in the matter in question, under penalty provided by this (»rdinance; that the witness may be required also by the sub[)(i'na to produce books and papers in his possession or under his charge or control, but the demand for the same shall be stated in the said subpoena. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or any police oflficer in the City of Tacoma to serve the said subpoena, provided that no witness .shall be .required to attend in command to said subp(pna unless he shall be paid at least one day's witness fee of $2.00 jind his mileage at ten cents per mile each way, in advance, and the City Council shall make provision for the pay- ment of the same at the time it makes the order for the issuance of the subptenas. Sec. 3. That if any person .shall refuse to obey the said subprrna and shall refuse to attend at the time designated therein from day to day until he shall be excused by the President of GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 623 the Council, or shall fail or refuse to produce and exhibit any books, papers or documents in his possession which shall be desired in said examination, unless he shall have a good and legal excuse therefor, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $100 or confined in the city jail not exceeding ten (10) days, or both such fine and imprisonment ; provided, that no person shall be fined or imprisoned except upon a trial before a court. Approved January 27, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1051. An ordinance to provide for ^and authorize the issuance of warrants against any incoming tax levy made by the City of Tacoma as an assignment of not to exceed eighty per cent, of the total of such tax levy. Be it- ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That whenever any tax for any of the current running expenses of the City of Tacoma shall have been actually levied, and there shall not be funds in the Treasury sufficient to meet the current running expenses for which such tax has been levied, the Controller, Clerk and President of the City Council are hereby authorized and directed upon claims first approved by the Council, to draw warrants in payment of all such claims for current expenses, properly chargeable against such tax levy for the period for which such levy may be lawfully used, and deliver the same to the persons having such claims for supplies, salaries, wages or other current expenses; provided, that no warrant shall be drawn against any fund within the tax levy which shall, when added to all other warrants draAvn against said fund, exceed eighty per cent, of the total thereof. Sec. 2. Such warrants shall be in substantially the following form: ASSIGNMENT OF TAX LEVY. No $ Tacoma, Wn , 189. . Treasurer of City of Tacoma : From the taxes levied for the fiscal year, beginning on the day of , 18 • • , and ending on the .... day of , 18 . . , and appropriated to the fund, when received by you, pay or order the sum of dollars, with interest at seven per cent, per annum, being for necessary current running expenses of the City of Tacoma, and charge the same to the ■• . fund. OEXKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. The tax(« to be eollected foi- account of this fund are specially jipproi»i'iii1t'tructed,' in accordance with the law of the State of AVash- injrton, entitled, "An Act relating? to maintenance, repairs and renewal of sidewalks in cities of the first, second or third class, and i)r(ivi(lin(r for payment therefor by the owners of abutting; property, and declaring an emergency," approved ^Nlarch 21. 1895, which said provision shall be applied and enforced in the manner liereinafter provided. Whenever in the judgment of the Commissioner of Public Works the condition of any sidewalk is such as to render it unfit or unsafe for the purpose of public travel, the said Commis- sioner shall make formal declaration of the condition of such sidewalk and order the same to be cleaned, repaired or renewed, or such othci- form of relief as may be required to make the same fit and .safe for public travel, within a reasonable time (not less than ten days), to be specified by said Commissioner; and the sjiiti dfdaration and order shall be made a part of the official record of the proceedings of said Commissioner and shall be prima facie evidence as to the condition of said sidewalk and the nature of the relief required. The said Commissioner shall thereupon serve a notice upon the owner of tile property immediately abutting thereon, which sjiid notice shall contain a copy of the order of said Commissioner with reference to said sidewalk or portion thereof. And in case the said owner is a resident of the State of Washington, such notic- .shall be served by any person over the age of twenty-one years, by (h^livering a true copy thereof to said owner personally within the State of Washington, or by leaving a true copy thereof at the residence or usual place of abode of such owner with some per»)n of suitable age and discretion. In ease the said owner is a foreign corporation or a non-resident of the State of Wash- GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 627 ington, or cannot be found within such State (of which the affidavit of said Commissioner or his Clerk shall be prima facie evidence), such notice may be served by publishing a copy thereof in some newspaper in the county once each week for six consecu- tive weeks ; which said notice shall require said owner to comply with the provisions of the order made by said Commissioner wdthin sixty days from the last publication of said notice. The said Commissioner, or his Clerk, at the time of the publication of said notice, shall mail, or cause to be mailed, to said cnvner, at his postoffice address, postage prepaid, a copy of said notice, when such Commissioner or his Clerk shall know the postoffice address of such owner. In case such address is not known, the Commissioner or his Clerk shall make an affidavit of that fact and enter the same upon the records of said Commissioner. When said notice has been mailed to the postoffice address of said owner, an affidavit of such fact .shall likewise be made by such Commis- sioner, or his Clerk, and entered upon the records. And in case the said owner shall fail to comply with the said notice within the time therein specified, the fact of such non-compliance shall be reported and entered upon the records of the Commissioner of Public Works; and the said Commissioner shall thereupon make an order instructing the Street Department of the City of Tacoma to proceed forthwith to execute and complete the neces- sary work in accordance with the original order; and the full cost of all labor and materials employed and used in the execu- tion and completion of such work shall be charged to the said owner of the abutting property, as provided by the laws of the State of Washington, and said charge shall become a lien upon said property. AA^hen said work has been completed, the Commissioner of Public Works shall forthwith make out and certify to the City Council an assessment roll, in all respects as provided by Section 139 of the City Charter, charging the cost and expense of said labor and materials and the improvement made to the owner of the property immediately abutting along the line of said sidewalk ; provided, that said property is benefited to the extent of the assessment so made. And in case it is not so benefited, then said property shall be assessed only in proportion to the benefit received from such improvement; it being the intent of this ordinance that in no case shall the assessment levied exceed the benefits to the property assessed. Upon receiving said assessment roll, the City Clerk shail forthwith give notice, by publication for at least five days in the official newspaper, that the assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of filing the same, and that the same is open for public gent:ral ordinances ix full. nspootinn; and said notice sliall state a time within which the I'ily rouneil will meet to hear appeals of parties aggrieved by siu-ii jisst-ssiiient. The City Clerk siiall further notify the owners of property so assessed as aforesaid that at such time they may W heard upon the question of whether or not their property is iH'nefitod by said improvement to the extent of the assessment li'vied th«'reoii. And thei-eupon the further proceedings before tlu* C'ouucil and in the matter of the collection of said assess- ment shall i)c the same as is now provided by the City Charter fiir the collection of assessments for street improvements. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1380.) Skc. 2. For the purpose of this ordinance all property liiiviiif(n' to the Commissioner of Public Work. (A.s amended by Amendment No. 3 of the Charter.) GENEEAL OEDINANCES IX FULL. 629 Sec. 4. None of the duties or privileges imposed or conferred by this ordinance shall in any way be deemed to authorize or allow the obstruction of any street, either during or after any work upon any sidewalk, except under permit therefor. No material removed from any sidewalk shall be placed upon any portion of any adjacent street, alley, place or square, except permit therefor be granted. All refuse lumber and debris remaining after the completion of any sidewalk repairs or renewals shall be removed from the street forthwith, and any OAvner, lessee or tenant of any abutting property who shall fail to remove any such obstruction from any street, alley, place or square, within forty-eight hours after being notified by the Com- missioner of Public AVorks to do so, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a public nuisance, and shall be subject to the pen- alties prescribed therefor. The Commissioner shall cause the same to be removed and shall charge the full cost of such removal to said owner, lessee or tenant, and the said charge shall become a lien upon said abutting property, and shall be collected by due process of law. (As amended by Amendment No. 3 of the Charter.) Sec. 5. The Commissioner is hereby authorized to have a sufficient number of copies of this ordinance printed in circular form and to furnish a copy of the same to an^^ freeholder upon application therefor. (As amended by Amendment No. 3 of the Charter.) Sec. 6. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to limit or prevent the exercise of the existing powers of the City or the rights of abutting owners by majority petition to secure the con- struction or reconstruction of any sidewalk under the charter and ordinance provisions governing local improvements ; neither shall anything in this ordinance be construed as limiting the exist- ing powers of the City with reference to maintenance or control of sidewalks. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval, if approved, by the Mayor ; otherwise it shall take effect at the time it shall become a law under the provisions of the City Charter. Approved February 17, 1896. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL, ORDINANCE NO. 1090. An ordinance to prevent persons from improperly retaining books, papers, kev8 and other property, and from improperly withholding knowl- edge or information as to keys, locks and combinations to safes, vaults, desks, lockers, drawers and doors belonging to the City. Be it orilaiiKd by I he Ciiy of Tacoma: Section 1. That if any person or persons retain, keep or Uu'k up any books, papers, records or property of any descrip- tion l)i*lonfjin}; to this City after the same or any portion thereof have been demanded by the Mayor of the City, or any committee of the City Council, duly authorized to make such demand, or shall refuse to allow a full inspection of all books, papers, prop- erty and records belonirinj>- to this City after such demand, such person shall be aruilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tliere«)f shall be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars and stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 2 That if any officer or employe of this City shall, after his term of office or employment has ended, and his suc- cessor has been duly elected or appointed, as the case may be, and has been duly qualified, refuses to deliver up to his successor, upon demand, all keys belonging in said office or employment, and all records, books and papers locked up in vaults, safes or desks, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars, and stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Approved June 16, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1119. An ordinance to regulate and control the laying and use of wires to con- vey electricity or electric currents. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, com- pany or corporation to stretch any wires to convey electricity, or electric currents, for light, heat or motor power, upon, along or across the streets or alleys within the limits of the City of Tacoma, or from one building to another, within said limits, unless such wire or wires are placed in underground conduits under the supervision of the City Council. Provided, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any person, company or corporation now having poles set and wires stretched thereon, so far as it relates to such poles and wires, and the business purposes for which such wires are now used. GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 631 Sec. 2. That any person or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ($50) or more than one hundred dollars ($100). Approved August 10, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1122. An ordinance creating an Emergency Fund for the Police Department and providing funds therefor. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby created a fund to be known as an Emergency Fund for the Police Department, and a sum not to exceed twenty-five dollars per month from licenses and fines shall be and the same is hereby appropriated to said fund. Sec. 2. That no money shall be used from the fund hereby created for any purpose other than for telegrams, postage stamps and other emergencies arising in the Police Department. Sec. 3. The City Controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant each and every month on said fund for a sum not to exceed twenty-five dollars, in favor of the Chief of Police, and that said warrant shall be paid on presentation to the City Treasurer. Sec. 4. The Chief of Police shall present to the Finance Committee an itemized statement, with vuchers therefor, showing how said fund has been used, and upon his failure to present said statement no more warrants shall be issued on said fund until said statement is filed and approved by the City Council. Approved August 24, 1896. ORDINANCE NO. 1157. An ordinance governing the traffic in intoxicating liquors within the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the words "intoxicating liquors," Avhen- ever used in this ordinance, shall be taken to mean and include spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt and any other intoxicating liquor. Sec. 2. A license for the sale of intoxicating liquors in any quantity, not to be drunk on or about the premises where sold, shall be known as a wholesale license; a license for the sale of intoxicating liquors in any quantity, whether to be drunk on the premises where sold or not, shall be known as a retail license. 032 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 3. The license fee for the sale of intoxicating liquors by wholosHU* only shall be at the rate of $300.00 per year; and the lieen.se fee for the sale of intoxicating liquors by retail shall be at the rate of $600.00 per year. (As aniendt'd by Ordinance No. 1566.) Sec. 4. That all applications for license under this ordinance shall W by written or printed petition to the City Council, which petition shall (i('si. or attempt to use, the instrument or con- trivanoc commonly known as a slingshot, used for the purpose of throwing or propelling stones. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction "f shall l)e punished by a fine of not less than five dollars 'M nor more than twenty ($20.00) dollars. Approved May 5, 1897. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 637 ORDINANCE NO. 1196. An ordinance to regulate the purchase from minors of property and pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any second-hand dealer, or junk dealer, or any other person, to purchase any property from any minor under the age of sixteen (16) years, unless the parent or guardian of such minor shall in view of the property to be purchased, and before the making of such pur- chase, state to such dealer that the said property is the property of such minor and that such minor has the right to sell and dispose of the same; provided, however, that this ordinance shall not apply to the purchase from such minors who are engaged in regular open business of the property, articles or things consti- tuting the stock in trade of such business. Sec. 2. Any second-hand dealer, or .junk dealer, or any other person who shall fail to comply with or shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00). Approved June 1, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1198. An ordinance providing for the assessment and collection of the cost of improving street intersections, forming a part of any local improve- ment which shall be hereafter made in the City of Tacoma, in ac- cordance with the provisions of the law of the State of Washington, entitled, ' ' An act providing for the assessment and collection of the cost of improving street intersections, forming a part of any local improvement in any City of the first class, upon the property in- cluded in the district established for the payment of the cost of such local improvement and declaring an emergency, ' ' approved March 17, 1897. Be it ordained hy tlie City of Tacoma: Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the intention, and it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tacoma, that whenever hereafter any local improvement of the character herein described, or any of them, is ordered made in this City, the cost of which shall be payable in whole or in part by an assess- ment upon the property abutting or proximate thereto, such improvement shall be made under the provisions of the Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled: "An Act providing for the assessment and collection of the cost of improv- ing street intersections forming a part of any local improvement in any city of the first class, upon the property included in the ,-,38 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. district estabiisluMl for the payment of the cost of such local iuipi-ovcnicnt and doi'hirinjr an emergency," approved March 17, 1SH7. bcinj; Cliapter 110 of the Session Laws of 1897. Skc. 2. Whenever any local improvement shall hereafter be ordtTcd in tlie City of Tacoma, the cost of Avhich is payable in \\\\v\o or in part, by an assessment upon the property abnttinu', or proximate thereto, a like proportion of the cost of that portion of said improvement, included within the limits of any street in- tt'i-seetion .space, or spaces, shall be included in the amount of total (Mist to hv assi-ssed and levied u|)on and collected from, the prop- erty which shall he assessed foi- the expense of such improvement. Sec. 3. For llic {uu-poses of this ordinance any improvement made either ui>on or under the surface of any street, avenue, alley, .scpiare, or other public place, the cost of which is payable in whole or in part' of an assessment upon the property abutting- or proxi- imatc tlu'reto, shall be deemed to be a local improvement. Skc. 4. Such improvement shall be initiated, ordered and made and the expense thereof apportioned in such manner and proportion as .shall be required by the charter provisions and ordi- nances in force at the time such improvement shall be made, ex- iM'pting only as qualified by the provisions of said act of the Leg- islature. Sec. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in so far as they conflict with this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved June 7, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1204. An ordinance relating to the removal of buildings over and along the streets and alleys of the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma : Section 1. No person or persons shall move any building along or over any street or alley in the City of Tacoma until a permit shall liave been issued as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. Application for permission as is required by the jn-e- cMyling section shall be made to the Commissioner of Public Works, and a permit shall be issued by the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works upon such conditions as are prescribed herein and with snch additional provisions as may be prescribed by the said Commissi. .ner of Public AVorks in a permit when issued. Sec. 3. No permit shall be issued to move any building over or along any street or alley, under the provisions of this ordinance until the party making application for such privilege shall liave given a bond in such sum and with such securitv as shall be GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 639 required by the Commissioner of Public Works; that the appli- cant will, upon condition that the permit be issued, leave the street, or streets, or alleys, over which any building or buildings shall be removed, in as good order as they were before such re- moval, and that he will proceed with such removal continuously from day to day until completed, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, Avith the least possible obstruction to the streets or alleys thus occupied, and that he will keep a watchman in and around each building while upon any street, from sundown to sunrise, during each night the building shall remain upon the street, and that said watchman will, during said time he is on watch, keep signal lights displayed on all sides of such building, and give anyone going upon said streets such warnings as may be necessary to prevent injury to person or property by reason of the street being obstructed by such moving operations. Sec. 4. The Commissioner of Public Works shall in the permit he issues prescribe the mode of removal and the streets and alleys over which the removal may be made, and the removal shall at all times be subject to his control and direction; provided that nothing in this ordinance shall in anywise modify or qualify the provisions of any existing ordinances as to the kind of buildings that may be removed, or the prohibition against removing frame buildings within the fire limits, or the provisions governing the removal of telephone or telegraph wires, when their removal is made necessary for the purpose of moving a building upon any street or alley. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances, in so far as they conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved June 11, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1219. An ordinance to license and regulate the business of dealing in second hand goods, and repealing Ordinance No. 1158. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma : Section 1. That every person, firm or corporation who shall engage in the business of buying and selling second hand clothing or garments of any kind, or second hand goods, wares or merchan- dise, or be engaged in the dealing of second hand goods, is hereby defined to be a second hand dealer. Sec. 2. Every second hand dealer shall keep a book in which he shall at the time of any purchase enter in the English language, written in ink, a true and accurate description of every article purchased by him, the amount paid, the date and hour purchased ; 040 GKNKKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ami saiil hook as well as every article or thing purchased, shall always be opo!! to the inspection of the Chief of Police of the City of Taeoiiia, or any police officer on his order. Skc. 3. AVhen any second hand dealer shall purchase the entire household ett'ects of any house, or of any householder, it shall be deemed a sufficient compliance with Section 2 of this ordinance to enter in his book the number of the street and housr aiid a jreneral description of the property purchased. Sec. 4 Eveiy second hand dealer shall make out and deliver to tlie Chief of Police at his office, in Tacoma, before the hour of noon each day a copy of the entries and transactions in said book relatiutr to the business of the previous day. I Sec. 5. Every second hand dealer, before commencing to ■ carry on business, shall obtain a license from the City of Tacoma and i)ay t'herefor five dollars ($5.00) per annum, payable annu- ally in advance. Sec. (). Any second hand dealer who shall fail to comply with or shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first offense, and ujion the secrmd conviction of said person, firm or corpora- tion shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00), and shall forfeit his license. Sec. 7. That Ordinance No. 1158, entitled "An ordinance to license and regulate the business of dealing in second hand jfoods" be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved July 30. 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1244. An ordinance prohibiting any person or persons from wearing hats or bonnets or other head covering in theaters or other places of amuse- ment during the performance or rendition of any program in said places. lir il ordained by the City of Taco^na-' Sectiox 1. No person or persons shall wear any hat, bonnet «»r otln-r liead covering within any theater or other places of aninscmcnt during the performance or rendition of any program on the stage or platform of said theater or place of amusement, but every such hat, bonnet or other head covering shall be re- moved from the head of the person or persons wearing the same, during the performance or renditicn of any program within the said tlieater or place of amusement. Provided, however, that th.> above prohibition .shall not be held to include skull caps, I GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 641 lace coverings or other small and closely fitting head dress or cov- erings which does not interfere with or obstruct the view of the stage or platform of said places of persons sitting in the" rear of said wearer or wearers in such theaters or places of amusement. Sec. 2. No person or corporation having the lease, manage- ment or control of any theater or place of amusement where an audience may be assembled to witness any performance or rendi- tion of any program upon the stag'e or platform of said places, shall permit any person or persons during: the time of the per- formance or rendition of any program upon the stage or platform of said places, to wear any hat, bonnet or other head covering contrary to the provisions of section 1 of this ordinance; and every person, firm or corporation having the lease, management or control of any theater or other place of amusement shall give notice of the provisions of this ordinance at or before the com- mencement of such performance or program to those present by distributing or causing to be distributed, generally, net ices of said ordinance, printed or otherwise published on the official program, or in a conspicuous place or portion of the said * heater or place of amusement. Sec. 3. Any person or persons who shall violate the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than ten dollars ($10.00) or imprisonment in the city jail not less than two (2) days nor more than five (5) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its legal passage, approval and publication. Approved October 16, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1246. An ordinance creating the office of Second Assistant Librarian, prescrib- ing the duties and fixing the compensation. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma- Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Second Assistant Librarian, who shall perform such duties as may be assigned to such assistant by the City Librarian. Salary clause repealed by Ordinance No. 1333. Approved October 29. 1897. tiEXKlvAL ()KM)I. NANCES IX FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 1247. An or.linaiu-c provi or four persons one mile or less hired in common 1.50 For two persons two miles 1.50 For one person two miles 1.00 For three or four persons two miles or less 2.00 C.VLLING, RmiXG AND DRIVING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS. Carriage.' Gui'ney. For one person, fir.st hour .$2.00 $1.00 For two persons, first hour 2.00 1.00 For tliree or four persons, first hour 2.50 1.50 For each additional hour 1.50 1.00 TI1E.\TER.S, BALLS AND PARTIES WITHIN ONE MILE. Carriage. Gurney. One person to and from $2.00 $1.00 | Two persons to and from 2.50 1.50 Thn-c or four i).rsons to and from 3.00 2.00 Provided, however, that for children under eight years, in company of adult, no charge shall be made, and children between the ages of eight and fourteen half rates. No extra charge to any passenger sliall be made for the ordinary hand baggage not exceeding 50 pounds. No pers^m sliall demand, collect or receive a higher rate for the transportation of trunks and baggage than expressed in the following scJiedule: GENERAL. OEDINANCES IX FULL. 647 For one trunk, one mile or less, to or from wharf or depct within the following prescribed limits: West line of " C " Street on the west ; Seventh Street on the north : TAventy-fiftli Street on the south, and the east line of " A " Street on the east 25c One trunk from wharf or depot, taken beyond the above limits and not exceeding two miles 50c For each additional trunk 25e Any person who shall be guilty of violating any of the provisions of this section shall be punished as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 7. Every driver of any hack, cab, gurney or omnibus shall at all times Avhile the same is in use keep conspicuously posted Avithin such vehicle of which he has charge in such position as to be easily read, a printed schedule in plain Roman letters and Arabic numerals designating and showing the rates as fixed ■by this ordinance. Any driver or other person M'ho shall violate any of the pro- visions of this section shall be punished as hereinafter pro- vided. Any person who shall hereafter engage in or carry on the business of conveying persons, goods or things from place to place in the City of Tacoma for hire by means of any vehicle drawn by horses or other animals without having a license under the provisions of this ordinance, shall on conviction be pun- ished as hereinafter provided. Any owner, driver or other person who shall hereafter drive or manage any vehicle, drawn by any animal or animals for the conveyance of goods, property or any other thing (other than persons) from place to place within the City of Tacoma for hire without having a license number issued by the City Clerk and displayed on such vehicle in pursuance of this ordinance under a license whose term has not expired shall on conviction be pun- ished as hereinafter provided. Any person having charge of any vehicle provided for herein who shall falsely represent himself to be a servant or employe or agent of any person, company or corporation other than the person, company or corporation by which he is employed, or falsely represent that any vehicle provided for herein is the vehicle of any person, company or corporation other than the true owner thereof, for the purpose of soliciting or obtaining trade, custom or patronage or for the purpose of avoiding the payment of the license fee herein provided for, shall upon con- viction be punished as hereinafter provided. ^^S GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Any p.'i-soii who shall knowinjrly and falsely represent to the City Clerk or his deputy that any license number issued in pur- suaneo of this ordinance has been lost, or shall knowingly make iiny false representations to the City Clerk or his deputy for the purpose (tf (tl)taininir any license number provided in this ordi- nanci'. .sli.ill upon conviction be punished as hereinafter pro- vided. Any pel-son having a license as a licensed hackman under this ordiiumce, who shall use or manage for the conveyance of pel-sons from place to place within the City for hire a greater niunber of vehicles than that for Avhich he has paid a license fee as providetl in this ordinance, or who shall use for the conveyance of persons fi-om place to place Avithin the City for hire any vehicle without having affixed thereto a number designated for such vehicle by 'the City Clerk in the license certificate shall be pun- ished as hereinafter provided. When any corporation is the licensee for any purpose und-^r this ordinance the president, manager or other person having ciiarge of the business of such corporation to which a license has been granted shall be deemed to be the person having a license under this ordinance and shall be punished for violation thereof in the same manner as if the license were issued directly to such person. Any per.son violating this ordinance or any of the provisions hereof shall on conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars and pay for the cost of prosecution. Skc. S. 'fhis ordinance shall not apply to keepers of livery staliles so far as concerns the ordinary rental business of such staliles. Skc. !). Thi.s ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty • lays jifter its passage and publication. Approved November 20, 1897. ORDINANCE NO. 1254. An onlinance prescribing the (Uities and fixing the compensation of the .•lerk of the Justice of the Peace, hearing and disposing of cases for violation of the City ordinances. Whereas, The act of the Legislature of the State of Wash- inuton abolishing Municipal Courts has made no provision for the disposition of cases for violation of City Ordinances; and, Whereas. Such cases under the laws of the State must noAV 1)0 tried by a Justice of the Peace without anv additional compen- sation from the City ; and GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 649 Whereas, No salary has been provided for the Clerk of such Justice of the Peace by the County, and such Clerk being neces- sary for the prompt disposition of all cases in which the City is interested ; and AVhereas, There is no law prescribing the qualifications and duties of such Clerk ; therefore, Be it ordained iy the City of Tacomii: Section 1. That the Clerk of the Justice of the Peace hear- ing cases for violation of the City ordinances shall have the custody and care of the books, papers and records pertaining to said Court belonging to the City of Tacoma ; he shall be present during all the sessions of said Court and perform such duties as may be required of him as Clerk of said Court ; he shall receive all fines, penalties and fees of every kind and keep a full and accurate and detailed account of the same ; and shall on each day pay into the City Treasury all moneys received for said City during the day previous, with a detailed account of the same and taking the Treasurer's receipt therefor. Sec. 2. That the said Clerk shall receive a salary from the City of Tacoma for all of his services of eighty-five dollars per month. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2169.) Sec. 3. Before entering upon the discharge of his duties said Clerk shall file a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, : conditioned that he will well and truly perfonn his duties as ; such Clerk and promptly pay over to the City Treasurer all ; money coming into his hands as provided in section one of this ). ordinance, which said bond shall be approved by the ]\Iayor. Approved December 24, 1897. ORDINANCE No. 1259. An ordinance dividing the territory \\-ithin the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma into two assessment districts. 'Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That all and singular the territory and area lying and being within the following described limits of the City of Tacoma, shall be known and designated as Assessment District No. 1, to-wit: Commencing on the shore line of Commencement Bay where it is intersected by the section line dividing sections twenty- three (23) and twenty-four (24) iii township twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east AV. AI., and running thence south along t;,-,o gp:xeral ordinances in full. •saiil si'ctiim line to soutliwest corner of section twenty-five (25) in said township: llicnce east to the townshi]> line between rnrip's two {2) iuu\ three (3) east; thence south along said town- ship line to the southwest corner of section six (6) in township twenty (20) north, ran«re three (3) east, W. M. ; thence east along the section line on the south bonndary of section six (6) to the southeast corner of said section six (6) ; thence south along the section line between sections seven (7) and eight (8) to the southwest corner of section eight (8) ; thence east along the stvtion line on the south boundary of sections eight (8), nine (9) and ten (,10) to the west boundary of the Puyallup Indian reser- vation thence northerly along the west bonndary of said reser- vation to the north boundary of Pierce County; thence following said boundary noi-thwesterly to a point opposite and north of the i)oint 6{. beginning on the shore line of Commencement Bay. thence south to the point of beginning, including sections twen- ty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) in township twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east, AV. M. ; sections twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33), and thirty-four (34), township twenty-one (21) north, range thrw (3) east, AV. M., and sections four (4), five (5), six (6), eight (8), nine (9), and fractional sections three (3) and ten (10), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, W. M. Sp:(". 2. That all and singular the territory and area, situ- ate, lying and being within the following described limits of the City of Tacoma shall be known and designated as Assessment District No. 2: Beginning where the south boundary of section ten (10), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east of the Wil- lamette Meridian, intersects the westerly boundary of the Puy- albip Indian reservation and running thence southerly along the b(»undary line of the Puyallup Indian reservation to where the same intersects the eastern boundary of section twenty-two (22) in the aforesaid township; thence south along the eastern boun- dary of section twenty-two (22) in the aforesaid township to the SDUthoast corner of said section twenty-two (22) ; thence west along the south boundary of sections twenty-two (22), twenty- one (21), twenty (20) and nineteen (19), all in said township and also along the south boundary line of section twenty-four (24). in township twenty (20), north, range two (2) east, to the southwest corner of said section twenty-four (24), thence north along the western boundary of sections twenty-four (24), thir- teen (13) and twelve (12), in said township twenty (20) north. range two (2) east, to the northeast corner of section eleven GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULE. 651 (11). in said township twenty (20) north, range two (2) east: thence west along the north bonnckry of sections eleven (11). ten (10) and nine (9) in the township last above named, to the shore of Puget Sound ; thence northerly along the shore of Puget Sound to Point Defiance in section ten (10), twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east; thence in an easterly and south- easterly direction along said shore line to the north boundary of section twenty -three (23), township twenty-one (21) north, range two (2) east; thence westerly along the north boundary of section twenty-three (23), to the northwest corner of the north- east quarter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence along the center line of said section twenty -three (23), to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-three (23) : thence east to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section twenty-three (23) ; thence south along the western boundary of sections twenty-four (24) and twenty-five (25) in the last above named township, to the southwest corner of said last named section twenty-five (25) ; thence east to the south- east corner of said last named section twenty-five (25) ; thence south along the western boundary of section thirty-one (31), in township twenty-one (21) north, range three (3) east, and the western boundary of section six (6), township twenty (20), north, range three (3) east, to the southwest corner of section six (6) ; thence east to the southeast corner of section six (6) last above named; thence south along the western boundary of section eight (8), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the southwest corner of section eight (8) ; thence east along the south boundaries of sections eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), in township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east, to the place of beginning. Sec. 3. That in all assessments hereafter made the prop- erty, both real and personal, lying in said assessment districts, •shall be separately listed for the purpose of assessment and taxa- tion. Approved January 14, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1267. An ordinance to prevent the keeping of a dairy within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. '2^6. Be it ordained Inj the City of Tacoma: Section 1. Any person, firm or corporation "keeping or per- mitting to be kept within any barn, shed, pen, enclosure, or any •other place whatsoever Avithin the limits specified in section two ^o CrENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. of this (inlinaiu'c. more than two cows, except for the purpose of sale only, shall he deemed to be a keeper of a dairy. Ski'. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to kwp or i)ermit to be kept, or run or permit to be run, any (luiry within the followinjr limits in the City of Tacoma, to-wit: Connneneing' at a point where the section line between sec- tions 10 ami 1.") in township 20 north, range 3 east, intersects the I'uyallup reservation line; thence Avest along- the section line to thr southwest corner of section seven; thence north along the stH'tion line to the point where Union Avenue produced intersects thi' shore line of Commencement Bay at low tide; thence south- I'listtM'Iy along said shore line to where the shore line intersects South Twenty-first Street; thence east along South Twenty-first Street west, to the Puyallup Indian Reservation line; thence southerely along said reservation line to the place of beginning. Skc. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating the pro- visiims of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than five dollai-s (!|>5) and not exceeding one hundred dollars, and shall stand connnitteed until such fine and costs are paid; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons, firms or corporations moving their dairies outside of the limits prescribed by section tAvo of this ordinance within ninety days from and after February 2, 1898. Sec. 4. Ordinance No. 286, entitled ''An ordinance to pre- vent keeping a dairy Avithin the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma," passed October 31, 1889, is hereby repealed. Passed February 17, 1898. This ordinance was delivered to the Mayor February 18,. 1S9S. having been returned by him unsigned, and without objec- (Imiis; I.,.-;iine a law without his approval. ORDINANCE NO. 1282. .\ii Tinlinancc naming and designating Chandler Street, on the official plat of the City of Tacoma. Br it ordmncd hij the City of Tacoma: Skction ]. That the street lying immediately east of and adjoining Chandler's Addition to the City of Tacoma, which is not named on the official plat of the City of Tacoma, be and the same is hereby named and designated as Chandler Street. AT>prnv..d April 9, 1898. GENEEAL OBDINANCES IN FULL. 653 OEDIXANCE NO. 1295. An ordinance prohibiting expectoration in public places and providing a penalty therefor. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No person shall expectorate on the floor of any street railway car, or other public conveyance or public building, or on any sidewalk in the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding five dollars, or shall be punished by imprisonment in the City Jail of the City of Tacoma for a term not exceeding two days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten days after its passage. Approved June 17, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1299. An ordinance declaring certain bulkheads to be nuisances, providing for abating said nuisances, for the reconstruction of such bulkheads, and fixing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacotna: Section 1. That all bulkheads which are now or may here- after be erected upon the public streets of the City of Tacoma, which are in an unsafe condition due to the failure of the owners of the abutting lots to keep the same in repair, are hereby de- clared to be nuisances. Sec. 2. The Commisvsioner of Public Works is hereby di- rected to prepare specifications for reconstructing said bulkheads by building new bulkheads in place thereof. Sec. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to notify the owner or owners of said lots that said bulkhead is in an unsafe condition ; that the same must be recon- structed by the building of a new bulkhead within a period of four weeks, and that specifications for such improvements are on file with the Commissioner of Public Works. That said notice shall contain a copy of this ordinance, which shall be served by publishing the same for three consecutive times in the official newspaper. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works, when any bulkheads are in an unsafe condition, upon the failure of the owner or owners of the lots abutting upon said tUONKKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. luilklit'juls to ooniply witli said notice, to file a eoinplaint against thv siiiil owner or owners for maintaining a nuisance; and upon (M)nviotion thereof such owner or owners shall be fined in a sum not less Ihiin three ($3) nor more than ten ($10) dollars for each (lay they shall refuse or neglect to comply with said notice. Appiuwd .luly 9, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1305. All nr.linaiu'O to impose and regulate licenses, and regulate the manner of issuing licenses, and repealing Ordinances No. 138 and No. 907. /;. // ordaiiud by the City of Tacoma: Skction 1. That no person, firm, company or corporation .sliiiil l)f engaged in. prosecute or carry on any trade, business or profession within the limits of the City of Tacoma, for which a license may be rcfiuired, until he, she or they shall have obtained sueh a license. Skc. 2. That everj^ person, firm, company or corporation d«'siring to engage in any trade, business or profession for which a license is i-e<|uired shall pay to the Cty Treasurer the sum or sums re([uired to be paid therefor, and thereupon, with the re- ceipt of the City Treasurer (which receipt shall set forth the kind of business for which license is desired) they shall apply to the Cily Clerk, who shall issue a license to the parties applying, in accordance with the receipt of the Treasurer upon the sur- render of the same to him. Sicc. 3. That in every license to be taken out under or by virtue of this ordinance shall be contained and set forth the j)nrpose, trade, business or professsion for which such license is ^'ranted, the name of the person or persons, firm, company or coi-poration taking out the same, and the date or time of granting such license and the time for Avhieh such license is to run; and any |)erson, firm, company or corporation exercising or carrying- on such trade, business or profession, or doing any act for which » license is recpiired, shall, on demand of any City officer, produce such license and. unless he, she or they shall do so may be taken and deemed to have no license. >^K*\ 4. That if any person or persons exercise or carry on .11, ^ trade, busiiK^ss or profession, or do any act for the exercising, carrying on oi- doing of which (trade, business or profession), a license is i-e(|uired, without taking out such license as in that b'lialf required, he, she or they shall, on conviction thereof before justice of the peace having jurisdiction of municipal offenses, lor every such offense, besides being liable to the payment of the GE]SiEEAL OEDIXAXCES IN FULL. 655 license, be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars and costs, and shall, on his, her or their failure to pay the same, be imprisoned in the City Jail until such fine and costs have been paid, or until he, she or they have been imprisoned in said jail one day for every two dollars of such fine and costs; provided, that where a penalty has been, or may hereafter be, imposed for the violation of any specific license ordinance, this section shall not apply. Sec. 5. That license shall not issue to any person not classi- fied in other ordinances now in force, unless in the opinion of the ]\Iayor the public good will best be subserved thereby; and the IMayor may, in his discretion, grant temporary permits to persons desiring" to carry on occupations not classified in any other license ordinance, (but Avhieh are nevertheless subject to police regula- tions), for a time not to exceed thirty (30) days, upon payment by such person to the City Treasurer of such a fee as the jNIayor shall deem equitable and proper. Sec. 6. That ordinances No. 138 and No. 907 be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved July 29, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1306. An ordinance to repeal certain ordinances and sections of certain ordi- nances which have become obsolete and inoperative, so as to make a proper revision of the ordinances. Be it ordmned hij flic Citi; of To coma: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 183, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the working of City prisoners,'^ approved November 21, 1887, be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1014, entitled "An ordinance to regulate the appointment of certain persons in any of the departments of the City of Tacoma," which was passed over the ^Mayor's veto on September 7, 1895, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That Ordinance No. 99 N. T., entitled "An ordi- nance to provide for the exclusion of wash-houses from certain portions of the City limits of New Tacoma," approved February 8, 1886, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That Section 3, of Ordinance No. 741, entitled "An ordinance regulating the manner in which the record of labor ,i-0 f;KNERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. I),Tf..riiifi.l yi\nm stroet work in the street and sewer departments hlijiU 1)1' Ivopl, and prescribinp- the manner in which employes shall be paid," approved September 26, 1892, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. T). That Section 2, of Ordinance No. 850, entitled "An Ordinance regulating the manner in which the pay rolls of the Hrc and police departments shall be made, and prescribing the manner in which the employes shall be paid," approved June 15. 1893. be and the same is hereby repealed. Apiiroved August 5, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1307. An onlinanj-c repealing certain ordinances granting franchises to certain parties who have failed to comply with the provisions of the same by exercising their rights thereunder. He it ordained by the City of Taooma: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 143, entitled "An ordinance granting to F. W. Pope-Coxe and his associates, the right to sup- ply the City of Tacoma and its inhabitants with light, heat and power by means of electricity," be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 229, entitled "An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 223 by extending the time for completing ami putting in operation the street railway track mentioned in said Ordinance No. 223," be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That Ordinance No. 223, entitled "An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Street Railway Company the right to construct and operate its railway over certain portions of South Ninth Street," be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That Ordinance No. 414, entitled "An ordinance granting to Henry Hutton, his associates, their successors and assigns, the riglit to erect poles and stretch wares thereon for electric purposes," be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved August 5, 1898. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 657 ORDINANCE No. 1308. An ordinance prohibiting the excavation, grading, paving, leveling, re- pairing, sidewalking, crosswalking or filling in of any public street, highway, avenue or alley within the City limits without first obtain- ing a written permit so to do, and repealing Ordinance No. 68. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That no person shall excavate, grade, pave, level, repair, sidewalk, crosswalk or fill in any public street, high- way, avenue or alley within the City limits without first obtaining a written permit so to do from the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 2. Every person who shall be convicted of a violation of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum of not less than ten nor more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 3. Ordinance No. 6S be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Approved August 5, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1315. An ordinance creating the ofl&ce of Storekeeper and defining his duties. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma,: Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the of^ce of Storekeeper. Sec. 2. The duties of said office shall be to keep strict ac- count of all supplies and personal property of every kind and character belonging to the City of Tacoma, and to preserve and care for the same. Approved August 12. 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1316. An ordinance to provide for the cleanliness of sidewalks and gutters in the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 484. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. It shall be the duty of the owners, occupants and agents of lots or premises within the limits of the City of Tacoma, the sidewalk in front of which is laid the whole width or part thereof with tile, stone, cement, brick or planking, to keep the same in cleanly condition, and to remove therefrom all debris, dirt or other material which may be deposited thereon, within a reasonable time after such deposit or accumulation. Sec. 2. . No person shall sweep, throw, place or deposit any ashes, cinders, straw, shavings, earth, dirt, paper, rubbish or j;.-^ (-JKNERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. rofiisc of any kind or doscription on or upon any sidewalk in the fity of Taconia. except that the same may be deposited or placed, previous to the hour of ei^ht o'clock in the forenoon of any day of the week other than Sunday, in a can or other proper recep- tacle (»n any sidewalk in the business district of the City, in the rear of which lots and premises so'^situated there is no alley, for the pnrpose of having the same removed by the City Scavenger. Sk(". ;{. It shall be the duty of the owners, occupants and ajjents of every dwelling-house, store, or other building, or lot or lots of ground, within the following described limits of the City of 'raeoma : From "A" Street on the east, Seventh street on the north. "K" Street on the west and Nineteenth Street on the sontli. within twelve hours after every heavy fall of snow or hail or after the formation of any ice upon the sidewalk in front thereof, to cause the said snow or ice, unless said ice shall have been perfectly covered with sand or ashes, to be entirely removed from snch sidewalk in front thereof, and shall also cause the gut- ter in front thereof to be cleaned out to a sufficient width to allow the water to run freely along the same. And it shall be the duty of owners, occupants and agents of houses, stores, or other build- ings or lots of ground, outside of the above prescribed limits, to clean the sidewalks in front of their premises in the same manner as above described, within twelve hours after a notice so to do has been served upon them, or any of them, by the Chief of Police. Sec. 4. No sidewalks within the City of Tacoma shall be washed at any other time in any day except between the hours of 10:30 o'clock p. m. and 7 o'clock a. m. Sec. 5. Each and every owner, occupant, or agent of any building, lot or premises herein mentioned who shall violate any of the terms of this ordinance, or who shall refuse to remove any of ihe foregoing enumerated substances from the sidewalk or gutter in front of the premises or lots hereinbefore described, after having been notified so to do by the Chief of Police, shall be de«'in«'d guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not to exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50) and costs; and for a failure to pay the same, shall be imprisoned in the City Jail one day for every tAVO dollars ($2) of such fine and costs. Sec. n. Ordinance No. 484 be and the same is hereby re- pealed. Approved August 12, 1898. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 659 ORDINANCE NO. 1317. An ordinauce creating the office of Inspector of Plumbing and defining his duties. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. There is hereby created the office of Inspector of Plumbing. Sec. 2. The Inspector of Plumbing- shall be a practical l)lnmber, and shall be appointed by the Board of Health of the City of Tacoma, and shall hold office until removed by said Board of Health for cause, which must be shown. Sec. 3. The duties of said Inspector of Plumbing shall be to inspect all plumbing work for which permits are hereafter grant- ed within the City of Tacoma, in process of construction, alter- ation or repair. He shall report to said Board of Health all vio- lations of any law, ordinance or by-law relating to plumbing work, and he shall perform such other appropriate duties as may be required by said Board. Approved August 12, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1329. An ordinance fixing the license of pawnbrokers, regulating the business thereof, and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same, and re- pealing Ordinances Nos. 336 and 512. Be it ordained Tjy the City of Tacoma : , Section 1. Pawnbrokers shall pay a quarterly license of twenty-five dollars (-$25) in advance, which license shall not be transferable. Sec. 2. Every person, tirm or corporation who deals in the purchase of personal property on condition of selling the same back again on a stipulated price, or who makes a public display at his place of business of the sign generally used by pawn- brokers to denote their business, "three gilt or more or less yel- low balls," or who publicly exhibits a sign of "Money to loan on personal property on deposit or pledge," is hereby declared to be a pawnbroker. Sec. 3. That every person, firm or corporation carrying on the business of pawnbrokers in this City shall keep a book in which shall be fairly and legibly written in ink, at the time of each \oan or receipt of personal property, an accurate account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or re- ceived. And if the article received be a watch the number there- of must be given, the amount of money loaned or advanced there- on, the time, both day and hour, of ])awning or receiving said QUO GENERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. iiooAs, articles or tliiu^', and a full description of any person who pawns any goods, articles or thing ; the number of the pawn tirkol issued to any person pawning any goods, articles or thing; and no entry sliall be erased, obliterated or defaced in said book. and said book, as well as every article or thing paw^ned, pledged or deposited shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspec- tion of the Chief of Police, Captain of Police, or any detective on the police force of said City of Tacoma. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or cor- poration engaged in the business of pawnbroker to make out and (Ifliver to the Chief of Police of said City, every day except Sun- days, before the hour of twelve o'clock noon, a legible and cor- reft copy from the book required in section 3 hereof, a descrijv tion of all personal property, goods, articles or things received on deposit or jiawned during the preceding business day, togeth- er with the time, meaning the hour, when received, paw^ned, de- posited or purchased, and a description of the person pawning, depositing or selling the same. Sec. 5. No person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- nt.*ss of a pawnbroker shall receive or take in any manner pro- vided for in this ordinance any goods, articles or thing from any person who sliall appear to be, or who shall be known to such pawnbroker to be, under the age of twenty-one years, or intox- icated or an habitual drunkard ; nor shall such pawnbroker em- ployany clerk or other person under the age of sixteen years to take in any pledge; nor shall he receive any goods by way of pawn or pledge before the hour of seven o'clock in the morning nor after ten o'clock in the evening, nor on Sundays. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the buKiiH'ss of a pawnbroker who shall fail to comply with or violate any provisions of any section of this ordinance, shall, upon con- viction, be fined in any sum of not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than fifty dollars ($50) for the first offense; and upo the second conviction the said person, firm or corporation shal Ite titled ill any sum of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor mor than two hundred dollars ($200), and shall forfeit their license and in default of the payment of said fine shall stand committe to the City jail and serve one day for every two dollars ($2) o till' fin<' and costs so imposed. Skc. 7. That Ordinances Nos. 336 and 512 be and the sam are hereby repealed. Approved Si-pteniber 2. 1898. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 661 ORDINANCE NO. 1331. An ordinance to revise the Ordinances of the City of Tacoma heretofore passed so as to make them conform to the revised and amended Char- ter and the Acts of the Legislature of the State of Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That all ordinances heretofore passed by the City of Tacoma be and they are hereby revised so as to make them conform to the Revised and Amended Charter and the acts of the Legislature, as follows, that is to say : The following words shall be substituted for those now appearing in each and all of said ordinances: The word "Engineer" for that of "Sur- veyor"; the words "Commissioner of Health" for the words "Health Officer"; the word "Commissioner" for the word "Board" wherever the same appears in connection with "Public Works"; the words "Commissioner of Public AVorks" for the words ' ' Street Commissioner ' ' ; the words ' ' Commissioner of Pub- lic Works" for the words "Street Superintendent"; the words "Chief of Police" for the word "Marshal"; the word "Police- man" for the words "Deputy Marshal"; the words "Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offenses" for the words "Municipal Court," or "Judge of Municipal Court"; the word "State" for the word "Territory"; the word "Ta- coma" for the words "New Tacoma"; the words "Inspector of Buildings and Licenses" for the words "Building Inspector," "Inspector of Buildings" and "License Inspector"; the words "Inspector of Plumbing" for the words "Inspector of Plumbing and Drainage"; the words "Board of Health" for the words "Health Department"; the words "City Council" for the words "Common Council"; the words "Commissioner of Health" for the words ' ' Assistant Health Inspector ' ' and ' ' Assistant Health Inspector of the Department of Health" wherever the same occur. Sec. 2. In the revision of ordinances for publication now : in progress the appropriate words as herein provided shall be substituted for those heretofore used and now rendered obsolete and inappropriate by the amendments to the. Charter and the acts of the Legislature. And words or phrases qualifying said obsolete words may be so far changed as may be rendered neces- sary by the substitution herein provided for. Approved September 9, 1898. OKNKKAL ORDINANCES JX FULL. i'aminlKxIoDcr of iirallb. QaallRra- ilon« c'ontaKloiiR and diM'ascs. Hrport oon- t«||lOU!> dls- ■ >■... to pm bouse. Not ir«. bow Flait* snd rarda to bo oudixaxcp: no. 1343. An i.r.liiii.ii.-.' ic protect the public health, to prevent the spread of con- tJifjious diseases, and prescribing rules and regulations for the Board of Health of the ("ity of Taconia, prescribing a penalty for the vio- lation tiiereof and repealing Ordinances Kos. 40, N. T., 80, 104. 155, •J 11. : I ordained by ihc City of Tacoma: Skction 1. That there is hereby created the ofifice of Com- missioner of Healtli of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. That the Commissioner of Health shall be a prae- liciiii: i)hysieian and surgeon. Sue. 3. '{'here is hereby established a Board of Health, c.nsistinj: of the ]\Iayor, President of the City Council, Commis- sioner of Health, Chief of Police and Plumbing Inspector. Sec. 4, , The Board of Health may, at any time it may deem it necessary, employ assistance to aid the Commissioner of Health in case of any contagious or infectious disease. Sec, 5. It shall be the duty of every physician, every house- holder, every owner or occupant of any house, store, hotel, board- ing house, stable, or any building, and any tenant in any build- ing, wherein any person has diphtheria, smallpox, varioloid, scarlet fever, measles, whooping-cough, chicken pox, cerebro spinal meningitis, typhoid fever, or any other contagious or dan- ut'rous disease or diseases, to give immediate notice to the Com- inis.sioner of Health in person or by writing, of the existence of snch disea.se, particularly describing the place where the same »'xists. And whenever it shall come to the knowledge of the Commissioner of Health of the existence of any of the foregoing fontagioiis diseases, it shall be his duty forthwith, w^hen safe and practicable, if in his judgment the necessity of the case requires it. to cau.se such infected person to be removed to the pest-house, and tln're properly provided for and taken care of. When, however, it is un.safe and impracticable to remove such person to the pest-house, it shall be his duty, forthwith, at the expense of the house or place where such infected person or persons shall he, to give notice of the existence of such disease in such place by phieing a green flag and a green card in case of diphtheria, with the word "diphtheria" in large letters on said card; and a .scarlet Hag and a scarlet card in case of scarlet fever, with the words "scarlet fever" in large letters on said card; and a yellow flag and a yellow card in case of smallpox or varioloid with the word "smallpox," in large letters on said card; aiid in all other cases a white flag; where they may be seen by per- -■— passing on the street near said premises. Said flags shall GEXEEAL ORDIXANCES IN FULL. 663 "be eighteen inches wide and twenty-four inches long: and said cards shall not be less than five inches wide and fourteen inches long; and both said flags and said cards shall remain until such person shall have so far recovered that no danger of infection shall remain ; and neither said cards nor flags shall be removed except by order of the Board of Health. There shall also be printed on all of said cards the following words: "This card shall not be removed except by order of the Board of Health. ' ' Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of any person or persons own- Death in ing, running, operating, or having charge of any hospital, priv- ate or public, to report immediately any death that may occur in said hospital, the cause of death and any other information about -such diseased person as the Board of Health may deem requisite and necessary. Such report shall be made to the Commissioner of Health, whose duty it shall be to investigate the matter : and upon the request of any person, he may call together the Board of Health to investigate fully the cause of death, and in such case the City Clerk shall make a record of all the proceedings therein. Sec. 7. The Board of Health shall have power to order Quarantine, the quarantine of any house, and establish any pest house or hospital; and shall have the power to direct the Commissioner of Health to provide medical attendance, medicines and nursing to any person sick with any contagious disease in any private residence or public house, when, in the opinion of such Board of Health, the public wall be thereby better protected than by removing such sick person to the hospital. Sec. 8. The Commissioner of Health shall, whenever in his vaccina- opinion it becomes necessary to prevent the spread of smallpox, order any person or persons to be vaccinated; and any person or persons refusing or neglecting for three days to comply with such order, having it in their power to comply, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Persons unable to pay the expense shall be vaccinated under the supervision of the Commissioner of Health, at the expense of the City. And for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this ordinance the Com- missioner of Health shall be authorized to enter any house or building of any kind within the City limits and search the same. Sec. 9. The Commissioner of Health shall cause all cases ^j^|™^°| of Asiatic cholera or smallpox brought to his notice to be exam- cases, etc. ined, and shall report the results of such examination to the Board of Health, and shall see that all persons violating this or- dinance for the preservation of public health are duly prose- "cuted. OENEKAL ORDIXANX'ES IX FULL. L«un4rr Skc. 1(». No iKTSdii sliiill kcop or maintain within the City r-"''„""" uf Taeoiiia any public hiiiudry or wash house where clothes or other artieles are washed for hire, unless such public laundry or wash house is connected with the City sewer, or with any other lUuli-r^M-ouud sewer or outlet to tide water, by a good and suffi- cient underground drain, ri.imou. Sec. 11. X«> compound for food or drink, shall be offered '""^ for sale or sold under any fictitious name, label or brand. tn.|>««««on of skc. V2. 11 sliall be the duty of said Commissioner of '^"' *"" H.-alth to inspect, when called upon to do so by any person, or wli.'U in his or the oi>inion of the Board of Health, or any of its ujenihei-s, it seems neces.sary, all provisions, meat, fish, fruit, vege- tables, bread. Hour, pork, whisky, beer, wine, milk, and water, and all licpiors, and any and all things offered for sale in the City to be used as food or drink. .•..,,,1. ■,!,., 1 ^ j^j..^. j.^ gjjj^l Commissioner of Health shall have the right to enter, for the purpose of making such examination and in- spt'ction. any place or building where any of the articles enumer- atitl in sivtion 12 of this ordinance are kept for sale; and no person shall be permitted to sell or dispose of anything pro- uounci'd by said officer as unfit to be used for food; and all such articles or things shall be seized and destroyed by said officer. Sec. 14. That it shall be the duty of each and every prac- ticing physii'ian in the City to i-eport in writing to the Commis- siom-r of Health the death of any of his or her patients who may have died in said City of contagious or infectious diseases, Avithin twenty-four hours thereafter, and to state in such report the specific name and type of such disease. t?trihl* ' ^''" ■ ^'"*' ^^^'''''.v physician, midwife and other person who m;iy jirofessionally assist or advise at any birth, shall, within one week, make a report of such birth to the Commissioner of Health, and therein enter the time and place, Avard and street, of such birth, and the sex and color of the child born, and the name and residence of each of the parents, so far as the fore- ' L' facts can be ascertained. And every physician or pro- -nal adviser who has attended any person at a last illness, or has been present by refiuest at the death of any person, shall, within thirty-six hours, make a report to the Commissioner of Health of such death, stating the cause thereof and specifying Report of the date, hour and place of such death. Proper blanks for the above .shall be furnished by the Commissioner of Health. And at the end of each month, when the Commissioner of Health ^i iUait;. ""^ ' -^ his report to the City Council, he shall transmit therewith GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 665 all reports of births and deaths to the City Clerk, who shall keep a record of the same. Sec. 16. That no person shall within the City, without a Removal of permit from the Commissioner of Health, carry or remove from ^ontagioiTs' « one building to another, or from any vessel to the shore, any per- •^'^®^^®- son sick of any contagious disease ; nor shall any person, by any exposure of any individual sick of any contagious disease, or of the body of such person, or by any negligent act connected there- , with, or in respect of the care or custody thereof, or by a need- less exposure of himself cause or contribute to or promote the spread of disease from any such person or from any dead body. Sec. 17. No person, master, captain or conductor in charge Quarantine. of any boat, vessel, railroad car or public conveyance, shall know- ingly bring into this City any person or persons diseased of cholera, smallpox, ship fever, or contagious or communicable disease whatsoever. No vessel, boat, railroad car, or public con- veyance, at any time covered by proclamation of quarantine, shall pass by any quarantine station or place Avithout stopping, nor shall leave the same without special permit from the Com- missioner of Health ; and no person stopping in said quarantine, or received therein, shall leave the same without first obtaining permission from the Commissioner of Health or attending phy- sicians; nor shall any person aid or abet any master, conductor or person in charge of any boat, vessel, railroad car or public conveyance, in violating, neglecting or evading any provision or requirement of this ordinance ; nor shall any person interfere wdth, resist, neglect or refuse to obey the orders of any physician, health officer, police officer, or other person in authority at any quarantine station or place of quarantine; nor eominit any breach of peace, nor do any act calculated in any way to defeat or interfere with the provisions or requirements of this section, or of any regulations of the said Commissioner, physician or offi- cer in charge of any quarantine. Sec. 18. That no person from anv house where any person school '■ „ , T ■ T • 1 1 attendance. is sick or afflicted with any of the diseases named or provided for in section 5 of this ordinance, shall attend any school in this City until the recovery or death of said sick person; and said person must be provided with a certificate from the attending physician or the Commissioner of Health, certifying to their non-contagiousness, which statement must be presented to the principal or teacher of said school before said person will be allowed to return. Sec 19 It shall be the dutv of all physicians, upon dis- Duty of • n ^ ■ T J. ■ 4. •(- 4-1, ^ physicians, covery of any contagious or infectious disease, to instruct tiie g^p fiKNKKAI. (ilJDl.NAX* KS rX FI'LL. •Mi-iits or v'lutnliaiis of iiiiy child or minor who may be resid- m- ;it the iiir<'ctfd i>n'inis('s. of the provisions of the above sec- tion, and ill oner i-cport siicli eases to the Connuissioner of HchIiIi. And it shall he tlu' duty of any principal or teacher of any scIjooI in this City, to report at once in Avriting any viola- 'ioii of the above strtion. Si:i'. 2(1. That the commissioner, manager, principal, or """ other proper head officer of each and every public or private in- slitution in the City, keejjers. lessees, tenants, and owners of hotels. Iioardinir houses, loilging houses, shall, within six hours after the facts .shall come to his or her or their knowledge, notify the Commissioner of Health in writing of the fact of any person lately from any steamboat oi- vessel being taken sick at any such hous«': and shall in such notice state where such sick person may be found, from what vessel and when he came, to the best of the knowledge of the i)ersou or pei^sons giving such notice. v«r Si-:c. L'l. That no principal or teacher of any school shall admit any child or minor who shall not have been vaccinated within seven years next preceding the admission, or application for a.v principal or teacher of any school w^ho shall viohite any of tlie provisions of section 21 of this ordinance, or shall in any way prevent, or attempt to prevent, the Commis- sioner of Health from exercising the power conferred upon him by s(-eti<.n 23 of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be liable to thi* penalty hereinafter described. imMr.«<.ction. Skc. 2.'). That upon tlie death or convalescence of any per- Mm or persfuis atVected or sick with any disease named or pro- ^d for in section 5 of this ordinance, the Commissioner of li •-llh shall at once cause the room or rooms used by, and those in the immediate vicinity of, .said person or per.so'ns, together with the contents of said room or rooms, to be thoroughly dis- nifeeted. cleaned, fumigated, or whatever in his discretion mav 0U. GENEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. (5(57 be deemed necessary in order to prevent a further spread of the disease, even in extreme cases to destroying said contents of said room. All this to be done at the expense of the owner, when he or she is able, and when he or she is not, then at the expense of the City. Sec. 26. That no person or persons who have been affected convaies- or sick Avith any of the diseases named and provided for in sec- ^^°*^- tiou 5 of this ordinance, or who have been quarantined or isolated in any place within the jurisdiction of the City, shall be allowed to leave such place without the permission of the Commissioner of Health. Sec. 27. Upon the death of any person affected or sick with Burial of any disease named or provided for in section 5 of this ordinance, <^<^^<^- the following regulations must be observed : The remains of said person must be thoroughly disinfected and exposed to the view of no one except those absolutely necessary in preparing the body for burial, and be placed in a hearse, (but no other vehicle), which must not be accompanied by more than two vehi- cles, and shall be taken directly from the place of death to the place of burial Avithin twenty-four hours. Sec. 28. The burial of any person who may die of any of Time of the diseases named or provided for in section 5 of this ordinance "^'^ ' must take place within twenty-four hours after such death, and. when practicable, should take place in the night. Sec. 29. That whenever anv person shall die within the certificate of * death City of Tacoma it shall be the duty of the physician attending such person during his or her last sickness, or of the Coroner when the ease comes under his official notice, to furnish and de- liver to the undertaker, or other person superintending the burial of said deceased person, a certificate in writing duly sign- ed, setting forth as far as the same may be ascertained, the name, age, color, sex, nativity (giving state or country), occupation, w^hether married or single, cause, date, and place of death, (giv- ing street and number), and duration of sickness of said deceased. And it shall be the duty of the undertaker or other person in charge of the burial of said deceased person to forward said cer- tificate, with a report of the place of burial, to the Commissioner of Health, within twenty-four hours after such death. Pro- vided that in case of death from any infectious or contagious disease, said certificate shall be so made and forwarded within twelve hours thereafter. ,56.s GENKRAL (1RDIXAXCE8 IN FULL. prrniu for Skc. :{0. 'I'hat no iiiteniiont or disinterment of the dead bun. I. rtc i^^^i^^ ^ J. ^^^^^_ human beinjr, or disposition thereof in any tomb,- VHult or eeinetery. shall be made without a permit therefor L'rantetl by the Commissioner of Health of the City of Tacoma, AikI no sexton, undertaker or other person shall bury, or cause to be buri^H.!, tlie body of any deceased person, except in such L'rouiids as art^ n(»w known and used as a burial jiTOunds, or such a^i sliall lien-aftei- be by law desig:nated and authorized to be used JIN such. rr'.n"'u of" '^^•^■• -^l- ''"'>»'t i'<^ ^l^'"^l ^^'-h' or part of the dead body of "'•■»'' any human Ixmu^' shall be in any manner carried or conveyed from. in. to or throujjh the City of Tacoma by any person, or by mrans of any boat, vessel, car, stape or other vehicle, or by any public or private conveyance, without a permit therefor first granted by the Commissioner of Health of said City; provided that the sjiuie effect may be ^iven by the said Commissioner of Health to a bui'ial oi- transit permit issued by the proper author- ity of any other place or jurisdiction when the death of the person named in the permit shall have occurred within such place or jurisdiction. !^.,V " ' ' ^i-'"- -i-. 'I'liat whenever a permit for burial is applied for ..f d,-iiih ill ,.„s,. of dcatb withimt the attendance of a physician, or if it be imi»os.siblc to obtain a physician's certificate, it shall be the d>ity of tlic Commissioner of Health to investigate the cause and circumstances of such death, to make and sign the certificate re- quired by sirtion 29 of this ordinance; and if not satisfied as to the cause antl circumstances of such death, he shall refer the case to the Coi-onei-. It shall be the duty of the Coroner within tliree days after the taking of any inquest to file a Avritten state- njent with the said C(mniiissioner of Health, properly signed anowers granted by this ordinance. Skc. 4. In any case of eniergency where the said buildings mentioned in Section 1 hereof are in such a condition as to threaten great and innnediate danger to the safety of the public, the Inspector of Buildings and Licenses shall have ])ower. when GEXEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 675 in his discretion, he finds there is not time to jjive the notice hereinbefore provided for, to cause the immediate tearing down and removal of such buildings without notice. Approved October 28, 1898. ORDINANCE NO 1347. An onliuauce making it unlawful for any child to be on the streets of the City of Tacoma after certain hours, and prescribing a penalty. Be ii ordained hy tlie City of Tacoma: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any child under fifteen years of age, unless accompanied by a parent, guardian oi" other person having the legal custody of such child, to be on any of the streets, alleys, public squares, parks or sidewalks of the City of Tacoma after eight o'clock p. m. during the months of Septem- ber, October, November, December, January. February, ]\Iarch and April, and after nine o'clock p. m. during the months of May, June, July and August, unless such child is there necessarily by reason of its employment, or by virtue of a special written per- mit, dated on the date when such child is so found there and signed by such parent, guardian or other person having the legal custody of such child. No such permit to be of force unless in possession of such child when so found on said streets, alleys, public squares or sidewalks after the houre aforesaid. Sec. 2. Any child convicted before a Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offenses of a violation of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not less than one dollar ($1) nor mone than five dollars ($5), and shall stand committed until such fine, together with costs, has been paid at the rate of one day for every dollar of such fine and costs so imposed. Provided, hoivever, that any child so arrested or con- victed shall not be confined or in any way associated with the regular prisoners or criminals. Approved November 4, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1359. An ordinance providing for the compromise and settlement of causes now in course of litigation in the courts, between the City of Tacoma and other parties, relating to the purchase and management of the water and light plants of said City, prescriliing the terms of such compro- mise, and providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof. Whereas, In a certain action at law then pending in the Superior Court of Pierce County, Washington, entitled ''City cf Tacoma, plaintiff, vs. Tacoma Light & AVater Company, de- ,i7,; OKXKHAL ORDINANCES IX FILL. I'rmlHul." No. l-.;i!>T, the City of Taconia recovered a judgment in saitl «'(>urt for the sum of seven hundred and eighty-seven th.Misand tiv.' Imndred dollars ($787,500), and costs, against said Taconia Li'rht cV: Water Company, on the 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 181)6; and. Whereas, Said judgment was atiHrmed by the Supreme Court of the State of Washington, on appeal from said judg- nit-nt. on the 'i.lth day of August, 1897, with costs in favor of saiil City of Taconi;i and atiainst said Tacoma Light & Water Company ; and, Wlien^as. Said judgment is now unpaid and unsatisfied; .ind. Whcreaf^, The City of Tacoma, in order to enforce and eol- In't said judgment, on the 28th day of August, 1897, caused an execution to be issued to A. U. Mills, sheriff of said Pierce County, out of said Superior Court; and, Whereas, Said City of Tacoma caused said sheriff' to levy said execution upon certain real and personal property in said PitM-cc County, consisting of the Tacoma Gas Plant, the Puy- allup Water Plant, and a majority of the stock of the Commer- cial Electric Light & Power Company, then in the possession of the Tacoma (Jas & Electric Light Company, and claimed by said Company to be its property, but claimed by said City of Ta- coma to have been transferred to said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company under conveyances void as to the City of Ta- coma ; and AVhereas. On the 7th day of September, 1897, the New York Security & Trust Company, claiming to be a mortgagee of said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company, under a mort- u'atre executed and delivered to it in May, 1895, and covering all the |»roperty levied upon by said Sheriff, except the Puyallup Water Plant, connnenced an action in the United States Circuit Court, for the District of AVashington, Western Division, No. 555, entitled "New York Security & Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company, City of Tacoma, and A. U. Alills, Sheriff', defendants," for tiie foreclosure of its ailctretl mortgage; and said Circuit Court, on the 7th day of September, 1897, enjoined the said City of Tacoma and the said Sheriff from selling said property covered by said mort- ""fler said execution, until the hearing and determination :id cause; and said action is still pending and undeter- Miint^^l ; and. Whereas, Said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company in a certain action in the Superior Court of Pierce Countv, Wash- GEXEEAL OKDIXANCES IX FULL. 677 iiiiitcin. No. 16,481, entitled "Taeonia Gas & Electric Liulit Com- pany, plaintiff, vs. City of 'racunia, defendant," clainiin»i- to be the owner of said Puyalliip AVater Works, caused a temporary injunction to be issued by said Court, restrainini? said City of Tacoma from selling said property, under said execution, pend- ing the hearing and determination of said cause; and said Su- perior Court heretofore on the 22nd day of June, 1898, ren- dered judgment in favor of said City of Tacoma for the dis- missal of said action and for costs against* said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company; and»said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company has appealed from said judgment to the Supreme Court of the State of AYashington, and has filed a bond to con- tinue said temporary injunction in force; and said cause is now- pending upon said appeal and is undetermined; and. AVhereas, Said City of Tacoma further endeavoring to en- force and collect said judgment against said Tacoma Light & AVater Company, heretofore and on the 9th day of November, 1897, commenced an action in the Superior Court of Pierce County, AVashington, No. 16,552, entitled "City of Tacoma, plaintiff, vs. Charles B. AVright, et als., defendants." and caused a writ of attachment to be issued and levied upon cer- tain property of said AVright in said County and State, and said action has been removed to said Circuit Court of the United States for the District of AVashington. AVestern Division, and is now pending and undetermined, being No. 570, and said Wright is now deceased ; and, AVhereas, Said Commercial Electric Light & Power Com- pany heretofore commenced, in the Superior Court of Pierce County, AVashington, two certain actions for damages against said City of Tacoma, which said actions are now pending and undetermined and are numbered 15,953 and 15,954; and. AVhereas, The City of Tacoma and said Conmiercial Elec- tric Light & Power Company are each engaged in llic business of selling and furnishing electric light and power 1o the in- habitants of the City of Tacoma, in competition, and much liti- gation and competitive lowering of prices to an iniprofitable rate have resulted therefrom ; and AVhereas, Said City of Tacoma heretofore conmienced, in the Superior Court of said Pierce County, a certain action up- on a bond, entitled "City of Tacoma, plaintiff, vs. Tacoma Light & A\^ater Company, et als., defendants," and numbered 14,266, which action is still pending and undetei-uiined : and. AVhereas, It is uncertain what ])()i'ti()n of said judgment against said Tacoma Light & Water Company said City of OKXKIx'AL OI.'DIXAXCKS IX Fl'LL, T«0(»iiiii will !»• !il>K' to colU'ct. shdiild il succeed in all of its liti- jration liiTciiilx't'orc iTfcri-cd to. at the end of the certainly lony period which will lie n'(|nin>d for its determination; and Whrr.'iis. it would be izrcatly to the advantage of said City of Tacoiiia t(» aci|uii-e certain water privileues hereinafter men- tioned, and the entire electric lighting- and power plant of said Coniinercial Electric Light & Power Company, in said City of Taeoma. and cancel the franchise of said Company, exercised under Ordinance No. 318 of said City of Taeoma, entitled, "An ordinance frrantinc: to Taeoma Mectrie Company and its as- sierns. the rio:ht to erect poles and stretch wires thereon for elec- tric purposes," and approved May 31, 1890; and, Whereas; The City of Taeoma heretofore on the 9th day of June, 1896. by Ordinance 1086, entered into an agreement witli James Wickersham for the prosecution of certain actions Mirainst said Taeoma Light & AVater Company for a fee of ten per cent of whatever sum he might succeed in recovering and collecting from said Taeoma Light & Water Company. and said AVickershara is now willing to accept the sum of twen- ty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) in full satisfaction of his said contract with the City of Taeoma; and, Whereas, It is now proposed and offered by the parties interested in resisting the collection of said judgment of the City of Taeoma against said Taeoma Light & Water Company out of the property levied upon by the sheriff of said Pierce County under said execution, to pay to the City of Taeoma one Innidred thousand dollars ($100,000), and to cause to be con- veyed and transferred to the City of Taeoma the entire electric lifihting and power plant of said Commercial Electric Light & Power Company in the City of Taeoma ; and to cause to be sur- rendered to the City of Taeoma the franchise granted by said Ordinance No. 318 of the City of Taeoma, to the Taeoma Elec- tric Company and its assigns; and to dismiss the appeal of said Taeoma Gas & Electric Light Company in said cause No. 16,481, in the Superior Court of Pierce County; and to cause to be dis- inis.sed cause No. 15.953 in the Superior Court of Pierce County. Washington, entitled "Connnereial Electric Light and Power Company, plaintiff, vs. City of Taeoma. defendant": and to cause to be dismissed cause No. 15,954 in said Superior Court. entitled "Commercial Electric Light & Power Company vs. City of Taeoma et als.;" and to cause the Taeoma Gas & Electric Light Company to convey to said City of Taeoma certain ripar- ian rights on Clark's Creek in said Pierce County, hereinafter mentioned; all to be as and for a full accord and satisfaction GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 679 of said judgments of said City of Tacoma against said Tacoma Light & Water Company in said cause No. 12.397, and against said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company in said cause No. 16,481 in said Superior Court; and also to pay to said James Wickersham the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), as and for a full accord and satisfaction of said contract be- tween said City of Tacoma and said Wickersham, under said Ordinance No. 1086 ; provided, that the City of Tacoma shall, in addition to the satisfaction of said judgments, withdraw its appearance and the appearance of said A. U. Mills. Sheriff, from cause No. 555, in the Circuit Court of the United States, entitled New York Security & Trust Company vs. Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company, et als. ' ' ; and dismiss cause No. 570 in said United States Circut Court, entitled "City of Tacoma vs. Charles B. Wright et als.": and dismiss cause No. 14,266 in said -Superior Court, entitled "City of Tacoma vs. Tacoma Light & Water Company et als."; and surrender the bond sued on in said action ; and release the Tacoma Light & AVater Com- pany, its officers, trustees, and stockhoders ; the Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company, the estate of Charles B. Wright, de- ceased ; W. D. Tyler, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Charles B. Wright, deceased, appointed by the Superior Court of said Pierce County ; John C. Bullit and the Philadelphia Trust, Safe Deposit and Insurance Company, named and appointed executors of and under the will of said Chas. B. M^right, deceased, jointly and severally, from all claims, demands or liability arising out of the sale and convey- ance to the City of Tacoma, of the light and water plant and property ; and consent to the disincorporation of the Tacoma Light and Water Company; and agree that said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company shall have the right to use tempo- rarily a portion of the water from the source known as "Maple- M'Ood Springs," the duration and extent of which use, and the terms and conditions whereof, are hereinafter more particularly set forth ; and to make such reasonable assurances between itself and said Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company as it may law- fully make, to prevent competitive cutting of rates for electric and gas lights in the City of Tacoma, which assurances are here- inafter more fully set forth; and AA^hereas, The City of Tacoma is advised by its counsel learned in the law to accept the above mentioned proposition for settlement, accord and satisfaction; now, therefore. Be it ordained ly the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That whenever the said parties making Ihe (iKNKKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. sHiit.dit & Power Company of the franchise created by Ordi- " Xo. 318 of the City of Tacoma. entitled ''An ordinance ling to the Tacoma Electric Company and its assigns, the I GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 683 right to erect poles and stretch wii'es thereon for electric pur- poses," approved May 31, 1890. (3) To dismiss the appeal of the Tacoina (las & Electric Light Company to the Supreme Court of the State of AVashing- ton, in cause No. 16,481, in the Superior Court of Pierce County, entitled "Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company vs. City of Tacoma." (4) To dismiss said cause No. 15,953 in the Superior Court of Pierce County, Washington, entitled "Commercial Electric Light & Power Company vs. Cit}^ of Tacoma," and waive all claims for damages against said City of Tacoma, as- serted in said action. (5) To dismiss cause No. 15,954 in the Superior Court of Pierce County, Washington, entitled "Commercial Electric Light & PoAver Company vs. City of Tacoma and others," and waive all claims for damages asserted by said company in said action against said City of Tacoma and the other defendants in said action. (6) To pay to James Wickersham the sum of twentj^-five thousand dollars ($25,000), and produce to the Controller of the City of Tacoma the written acknowledgement of the receipt of that sum, signed by said AVickersham, together with the waiver of said Wickersham to any further claim or demand upon the City of Tacoma by reason of his contract with the City of Tacoma by virtue of Ordinance No. 1086 of said City. (7) To execute and deliver to the City of Tacoma, hy the proper deed of conveyance of the Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company, a right of way through the channel of Clark's Creek, which is the creek flowing from said Maplewood Springs, for the passage of one hundred and fifty cubic feet of water per second, at such time as said City of Tacoma may elect to use the said right of way for that purpose, said right of way to be granted through, over and upon a certain tract of land de- scribed as follows : Beginning at a point three hundred and ninety-eight and 66-100 (398.66) feet west of a monument at the northwest cor- ner of the southwest quarter of section thirty-three (33), in township twenty (20), north, range four (4) east, W. M. ; thence westerly along the south line of the north half of sec- tion thirty-two (32) in said township twenty (20), one hun- dred and seventy-four (174) feet; thence north two hundred and fifty (250) "feet; thence east one hundred and seventy-four (174) feet: and thence south two hundred aud fifty (250) feet to the place of beginning, containing one (1) acre, more or ,;s4 GKNKHAL OKPlXANCt^S IX FULL. Irss. And tn iiu'liidc llic rii^lil to enter upon said tract of land idontr saiil Clark's Creek and improve, straighten and deepen the elinnnel thereof so as to prevent the overflow of its banks; and also all of the riparian rights of said Tacoma Gas & Elec- tric Lij>'ht Company to the continuous flow of the waters of said Chirk 's Creek and ^laplewood Springs, and also all other rights of said Company to the waters of said Clark's Creels, . \c. pt such i)oi'tions thereof as are hereinafter reserved. > To I'liniish to the City of Tacoma and to deliver to the City Controller a release of all claims, rights, and demands uf any and all kinds, by or on behalf of the mortgagees and owners of the mortgage bonds of the Tacoma Gas & Electric Light Company. (9) All conveyances and transfers of real and personal j)roperty to the City of Tacoma shall contain full covenants of warranty and guaranty of title upon the part of the grantor or grantors; and a good and sufficient bond of indemnity, in sufli penal sum as the Finance Committee shall determine, with sureties, to be approved by the Finance Committee of the City Council of the City of Tacoma, shall be given, to said City and delivered to the City Controller, conditioned to guar- antee the free and unincumbered title of all the property con- veyed to the City, and to guarantee that the assignment and surrender to the City of Tacoma, by said Commercial Electric Ijght & Power Company, of the franchise created by said nnlinance Xo. 318 of the City of Tacoma, shall be complete and I'lVt'ctual ; and to save the City of Taccnna harmless from, and iudenniify it against all claims and demands of every kind; and to indemnify the said City against costs, loss, or damage of any kind by i-eason of suits or actions in law or equity, or any legal proceetlings, that may be brought against said City, or its officers, based upon any claim or demand against the property to be conveyed to said City of Tacoma in pursuance to this ordinance, or to test the validity of the assignment and surrender of said franchise under said Ordinance No. 818. (10) Said i)arties further agree to assign or surrendei-, or cause to be assigned or surrendered to the City of Tacoma that certain franchise grantesidences of all persons redeeming dogs and the date of redemption. The Chief of Police shall cause the Poundmaster to make a monthly report to the City Council showing all transactions at the City pound under this ordinance, and shall pay all moneys c(.ll.^ftcd by virtue of this ordinance to the Citv Treas- urer. , GENEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 689 Sec. 7. Any person or persons who shall attempt to pre- vent or hinder any person or persons engaged in seizing any male or female dog, or removing the carcass thereof,- in con- formity with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment as hereinafter provided. Sec. 8. All licenses issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire on the 31st day of May of each year, and no license shall be issued for less than one year. Sec. 9. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment in the City jail not exceeding one day for each two dollars ($2) of such fine and costs. Sec. 10. Ordinances Numbers 40, 1.18S and 1.311 be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved :\ray 26, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1382. An ordiuauee providing the manner of levying and collecting special as- sessments for local improvements, in accordance with an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An act authoriz- ing cities of the first class to levy and collect assessments upon prop- erty benefitted by local improvements; and declaring an emergency." Whereas, An act has been pa.ssed by the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An act authorizing cities of the first class to levy and collect assessments upon property benefitted by local improvements; and declaring an emer- gency," approved March 18, 1899; and. Whereas, It is provided by said act that cities of the first class shall by ordinance prescribe the method by which the same shall be put into operation, now, therefore, Be it ordained Ijy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. Before any resolution under the City Charter of the City of Tacoma is passed ordering any local improve- ment to be made, the City Council will ascertain and deter- mine what adjoining, contiguous or proximate lots and par- cels of land will be specially benefited and should constitute the assessment district against which the cost and expense of making the same should be charged; and the said resolution will define and contain a general description, sufficient for identification, of the property to be charged with the expenses of making such improvement, which will constitute the assessment district therefor. tfitO (iBNKI.'AL ORDINANCES IN FITLL. Sec. 12. 'I'lir cost ami cxpiMise of making any improvement sIihII be assessed upon the adjoinino-, contiguous, or proxi- matr lots or parcels of land benefitted thereby, in the manner followinir: The Commissioner of Public Works shall examine all the pi-oi>erty embraced in said assessment district and as- certain and determine what benefits will result to each and every lf)t and parcel of said land; and after such examination and determination shall make out an assessment roll charging the lots, blocks, and parcels of land in said assessment district which have been benefitted by said improvement to the extent of their proportionate pai't of such cost and expense and in an «i|uitable manner in projiortion to the special benefits resulting to each lot and pai'cel ; and in no ease shall the amount so cliarged against any lot or parcel be in excess of the benefits resulting thereto. And in making said assessment, when said Coimnissioner of Public Works finds and determines that an assessment by the front foot will result in charging said lots and parcels of land equitably and fairly in proportion to the benefits resulting to each respectively, he may apportion such i'ost and expense in accordance with the number (^f lineal feet of said real estate oi lots of land fronting on said improve- ment as aforesaid. The amount apportioned to be paid on each lineal foot fronting on said improvement shall be paid by the adjoining, contiguous or proximate pi'operty, as follows: Lots abutting endwise upon any street to be improved shall be as- sesst'd the full amount as determined by their foot frontage; any lot or parcel of land lying directly and lengthwise along the line of improvement at any street corner or intersection shall be assessed one-half of the amount as determined by its frontage, and the remaining one-half assessed upon the lots to the center of the block ; if the land be unplatted and belong to the same person or persons, then the first twenty-five feet ly- iuL' directly and lengthwise along the line of improvement shall be asst-ssed one-half the amount as determined by its frontage, and the remaining one-half to the depth of one hundred and fifty feet from the proposed improvement; provided, however, that if the parcel of land fronting along said proposed im- provement and belonging to any one person or persons shall he less than twenty-five feet, the said strip shall bear one-half nf the expense of said improvement as determined by its front- age, and the remaining one-half assessed upon the balance of said property to the depth of one hundred and fifty feet; and provided further, that any parcel of land in V or triangular shape, the ;inirl.' of which is adjoining, contiguous or proximate GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 15!) 1 to the line of improvement, shall he considered as a lot having twenty-five feet front on the improvement. And provided that the several amounts charged against said lots respectively shall in no case be in excess of the benefits resulting to the same from such improvement. And whenever the manner of making such assessment by the front foot as herein specified shall not result in a fair and ecjuitable division and apportionment of such costs and expenses upon the benefitted property, in proportion to the special benefits resulting to each lot or parcel of land, then the said Commissioner of Public Works shall not make said assessment in that manner, but shall adopt such a plan or man- ner of dividing and apportioning the said costs and expenses and charging the same upon the several lots and parcels of land in the assessment district, as will be fair and ec|uitable, and will make the charges against each lot and parcel of land respectively proportionate to the lienefits resulting to each and so that in no case shall the charge against any lot or parcel of land be in excess of the Isenefits resulting thereto. Sec. 3. After examining said property and ascertaining and determining the amount that should be charged against each lot and parcel of land in the assessment disti'ict, in the manner herein before provided, the Conuiiissioner of rublic Works shall make out and certify to the City Council an assess- ment roll, which shall show and exhibit in separate columns, first, the name of the owner of each separate lot, piece, parcel or sub- division of land separately assessed, if known to him ; if the name of the owner be luiknown, the word "unknown" shall be written opposite the number of such subdivision of land; second, a brief description, by lot and block, or otherwise, of each subdivision of land; third, the assessment number of each subdivision of land separately assessed; fourth, the amount as- sessed separately to each of such subdivisions; fifth, a diagram showing the street, highway, or alley proposed to be improved, and the lots or parcels of land to be assessed for such improve- ment ; such diagram shall be marked with tlie numbers corre- sponding with the assessment numbei- of each subdivision of land. Sec. 4. Upon receiving said assessment roll, the City Clerk shall forthwith give notice by publication for at least five days in the official newspaper, that the assessment roll is on file in his office, the date of the filing of the same, and that the same is open for public inspection; and said notice shall state a time within which the City Council will meet to heai- appeals of pai-- ties aggrieved by such assessment. And said notice shall fur- ,;92 OEXKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. lluT stnto tlwU at said time the City Council Avill hear and de- torniine all (jnestions that maj' be presented by the owners of lots or parcels of land in said assessment district relative to the special benefits which will result to each, and as to Avhether the proposed assessment against each is equitable and proportion- ate to the special benefits resulting to each, and as to whether the assessment against any lot or parcel will be in excess of the benefits resulting thereto. Sec. 5. The owner of land in said assessment district, wliether named or not in the assessment roll, may, within ten (lays after the first publication of the notice provided for in the last preceding section, appeal to the City Council from said as.sessment or assessment roll. Said appeal shall be in writing, briefly stating the objection to the said assessment or assessment roll, and be filed with the City Clerk. Sec. (). That at the time appointed for hearing appeals from said assessment, the City Council will hear and decide upon all objections which shall have been filed, by any party interested, to the regularity of the proceedings in making said improvements, in levying said assessment, and all questions as to the relation of the benefits resulting to each lot or parcel of land to the amount to be assessed against each; and will deter- mine whether or not the assessment against said lots or parcels of land is fair and equitable and proportionate to the benefits that will result thereto, and whether the assessment against any such lot or parcel of land is in excess of the benefits that will result thereto, and generally all questions as to the correct- ness and fairness of the amount assessed and charged against each lot or parcel of land. And if the said proceedings are found by the Council to have been regular, they will correct any errors which may be found in the assessment; and if the same has not been made in such a manner as to be fair and efpiitable and proportionate to the benefits resulting to each lot nr parcel of land, they will correct it in this respect, and will then pass an order approving and confirming the said pro- ceedings; and said assessment as so corrected by them, and their dwisiim and order, shall be a final determination of the regu- larity, validity, correctness and justness of said assessment and of the amount thereof levied upon each lot or parcel of land, and shall bar all persons appearing and objecting, or failing to appear, from any further recourse in law, except by an appeal therefrom to the Superior Court in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 7. The Council will provide in said order approving GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FTTLL. 693 and confirming' sneh assessments within what time the same may be paid to the City Treasurer; and all sneh assesments not paid to the Treasurer within such time shall thereafter dr-aw interest at the rate cf ten per cent, per annum until paid. Sec. 8. Before entering- into any contract for any im- provement, the Commissioner of Public Works shall invite sealed bids for such improvement, as provided by the City Charter, and such contract shall be made in writing. Sec. 9. The City Council will determine in the case of each improvement whether payment is to be made in one sum or by installments. Sec. 10. All such assessments shall be liens upon the prop- erty assessed, and shall take effect from the time of the passage of the ordinance approving and confirming the assessment. Sec. 11. Said assessment so made shall be collected as pro- vided in the City Charter of the City of Tacoma. Approved June 17, 1899. ORDINANCE NO. 1386. An ordinance fixing the bond of the Police Judge of the City of Tacoma and directing the same to be given. Be it ordained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the Justice of the Peace Avho is or shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Tacoma to act as Police Judge in said City shall give an additional bond to the City of Tacoma in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500), conditioned that he will faithfully perform all duties of his of- fice as Police Judge, and such bond shall have as surety a surety company of approved financial standing and authorized to tran- sact business in the State of Washington. Sec. 2. 'Thomas Mattison, Esq., who has recently been ap- pointed Police Judge in the City of Tacoma, shall give said bond immediately after this ordinance goes into etfect ; and every Police Judge hereafter appointed shall give such bond before entering upon the duties of his office. Approved July 14, 1899. OJM (iKNKli.M, Oh'DIXAXCKS TX FULL. OKDINAXCK NO. 1388. Aa onlinanci- |>n-scril>in^; the furni :iii(l mode of execution of loeal ini- Iirovouifiit bonds whieli are to be issued for street improvements in pnrsujince of an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, "An act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities, f«i pay for local imi>rovements. providing for the payment thereof, and declaring an emergency," approved March 14th, 1899, and re- pealing Ordinances numbered 821, 848, 1264 and 1384. Hi It ordained hij the City of Tacoma: SKrriox 1. Whenever the City of Taeoina shall hereafter order or cause to he made any loeal ini])rovenient in said City, and shall i)rovide by ordinance that the payment of the cost and expense of such local improvement or any part thereof shall be made by bonds of the district including the property liable to assessment for the payment of such cost and expense or benetilted by such local improvement, the bonds shall be sub- stantially in the following form: "Loeal Improvement Bond. District Number , of the City of Tacoma, State of AVashington. X. B. — This bond is issued by virtue of the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled, 'An act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by cities, to pay for local improvements, providing for the payment thereof, and declaring an emergency,' approved March 14. 1899, Sec- tion 9 of which act reads as follows, to-wit: 'No $ 'Sec. 9. Neither tlie holder nor owner of any bond issued under the authority of this act shall have any claim therefor again.st the city by which the same is issued, except from the special as.sessment, made for the improvement for which such brtml was issued, but his remedy in case of non-payment shall be confined to the enforcement of such assessments. A copy of this.swtion shall lie plainly wi-itten. printed or engraved on each bond so issued.' "The City (»f Tacoma, a numicipal corporation of the State of Washington, hereby promises to pay to or bearer dollars, lawful money of the United States, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent. per annum, payable annually, out of the fund estab- lished by Ordinance Xo of said City and known as 'Local Lnprovement Fund. District No of Tacoma,' GENEEAL ORDIXAXCES IN FULL. 695 and not otherwise, both principal and interest payable at the office of the City Treasurer of said City. "A coupon is hereto attached for each instalhnent of inter- est to accrue hereon, and said interest shall be paid only on presentation and surrender of such coupon to the City Treas- urer ; but in ease this bond is called for payment before its ma- turity, each and every coupon representing interest not accrued at the time this bond is payable under such call shall be void. This bond is payabe on or before the day of , 19...., and is subject to call by the City Treasurer of said City whenever there shall be sufficient money in said local im- provement fund to pay the same and all unpaid bonds of the series of which this bond is one which are prior to this bond in numerical order over and above sufficient for the payment of interest on all unpaid bonds of said series. The City Council of said City, as the agent of said 'Local Improvement District No , ' established by said Ordinance No has caused this bond to be issued in the name of said City as the bond of said local improvement district, the bond or the pro- ceeds thereof to be applied in part payment of so much of the cost and expense of the improvement of under said Ordinance No as is levied and assessed against the property included in said local improvement dis- trict and benefited by said improvement, and the said 'Local Improvement Fund, District No of Tacoma,' has been established by ordinance for said purpose; and the holder or holders of this bond shall look only to said fund for the pay- ment of either the principal or interest of this bond. "The call for payment of this bond or of any bonti of the series of which this is one, shall be made by the City Treas- urer by publishing the same in the City official newspaper of said City ; and when such call is made for the payment of this bond, it will be paid on the day the next interest coupon thereon shall become due after said call and upon said day interest upon this bond shall cease. ' ' This bond is one of a series of bonds, aggre- gating in all the principal sum of dollars, issued for said local improvement district, all of which bonds are suli- ject to the same terms and conditions as herein expressed. "In witness whereof, the City of Tacoma has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor, countersigned by its Con- troller, and attested by its Clerk, and sealed with its corporate ,;iK? GKNERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. sriil. this (lay of , in year of our Lord one tliousiind CITY OF TACOMA, (Seal) By Mayor. Countersigned by City Controller. Attest City Clerk." There shall be attached to each bond such number of cou- pnii.s. not e>oceedino- twenty, as shall be required to represent tlio interest thereon, payable annually, for the term of said bonds, which coupons shall be substantially in the follow- in«r form : "Xmnber $ ■ ■ < >ti the day of the City of Tacoma, \Vashin,s:ton, promises to pay to the bearer, at the of- fice of its City Treasurer, dollars, being months' interest due that day on bond No of the bonds of 'Local Improvement Fund, District No , of Tacoma,' and net otherwise; provided that this coupon is subject to all the terms and conditions contained in the bond to which it is annexed. And if said bond be called for payment before ma- turity ht'reof, then this coupon shall be void. ]\Iayor of the City of Tacoma. Countersigned an attested by City Controller of the City of Tacoma." Sec. 2. Each and every l)ond issued for any such improve- ment shall be signed by the :\Iayor, countersigned by the City Controller, and attested by the City Clerk, who shall affix the corporate seal of the City thereto; and each of such coupons .sliall be signed by the Mayor and countersigned and attested by the City Controller. Provided, that said coupons may, in luMi of being so signed, have printed thereon the facsimile of thi* signatures of said officers. The bonds issued for each local nnprovement district shall be in the aggregate for such an amount as authorized by ordinance; and each issue of such h. In consideiation of the provisicms of this ordinance the Northern Pacific Railway Company further agrees to coi struct, between the present Eureka Dock and the South Eleventh Street Bridge, a warehouse in the aggregate of at least six hm dred feet in length, within eighteen mcmths from the date of thi vacation of the streets herein named; and in case the said Rail- way Company fails to consti'uct such warehouse within said time. it further covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and as- signs, that it will rerledicate the ])oi-tions of the streets herein vaeate;iu*b price. li(> shall proceed forthwith to make such sale, Si:i . 4. Any ]iroperty listed, as provided in Section 1, by the Conuiiissioner of Public AVorks to the Controller of said City, of which the total estimated value is less than fifty dollars ($50), can be sold by said Controller at private or public sale at a price not less than that estimated by the Commissioner of Public Works. Skc. 5. When any property is sold by the Controller of the City of Tacoma in accordance with the provisions of this ordi- nance, he shall make an itemized bill for the same to the pur- chaser of said pi-operty. and said purchaser shall forthwith pay the amount of said bill to the City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor ; on the presentation of said receipt to said Controller he shall issue an order on the Commissioner of Public Works to de- liver such property to the purchaser thereof; and said Commis- sioner, inmiediatcly on the delivery of said property, shall cancel said order, and on the first day of each month shall transmit all orders so filled and canceled during the preceding month to the Council of said City. The money so received for the sale of any property shall be converted into the fund from Avhich the money was taken for the purchase of the property sold as herein pro- vided. Sec. 6 This oi-dinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Approved :^ Fay 11, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1466. An ordinance declaring the burning of refuse, saw-dust, or any other ma- terial by any person, firm, corporation, or any agent, or employe of any person, firm, or corporation, operating any saw mill, shingle or planing mill or other manufacturing plant, in such a manner as to cause or permit ashes, saw-dust or cinders to be cast on the premises of others, to be a nuisance, and prohibiting and punishing the same. Be it oi'dained hij the City of Taco-ma: Section 1. The burning of refuse, sawdust, or any other material, by any person, firm or corporation, or any agent f»r employe of any person, firm or corporation, operating or hav- GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 705 ing charge of operating, any sawmill, shingle mill, planing mill, or other manufacturing plant, in such a manner as to cause or permit ashes, sawdust, or cinders arising from such burning to be cast on the premises of another, whereon there is a dAvelling- house, in the City of Tacoma, shall be and the same hereby is declared to be a nuisance. Sec. 2. Any person, firm or corporation, and any agent or employe of any person, firm or corporation, operating or hav- ing charge of operating, any sawmill, shingle-mill, planing-mill, or other manufacturing plant, within the City of Tacoma, who shall burn any refuse, sawdust, or any other material, coming from said sawmill, shingle-mill, planing-mill, or other manufac- turing plant, or who shall cause or suffer the same to be burned, shall cause the same to be burned in such a manner that no ashes, sawdust or cinders shall escape or arise from such burn- ing and be cast by draughts of air or the wind, or in any other manner, upon the premises of any other person, firm or corpora- tion within said City, whereon there is a dwelling house. Sec. 3. That every person, firm or corporation, and every agent or employe of every person, firm rv corporation who vio- lates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100). Approved July 14, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1474. An ordinance to establish, control and regulate a City Jail in the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 904. Be it ordained ly the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That a City Jail of the City of Tacoma, in the State of Washington, be and the same hereby is designated and established; and that said City Jail be and the same hereby is located in that certain building, known as the City Hall of said City of Tacoma, situated at the intersection of South Seventh Street and Pacific Avenue in Tacoma aforesaid. Sec. 2. That the Chief of Police of said City shall have charge of and supervision of said jail, under the direction of the City Council; and he shall have power to establish and enforce such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Washington and the ordinances of said City, as he shall deem necessary or expedient for the good government and 7(H} GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. protection of said jail aiul those confined therein, for the main- tenance of decency, the preservation of peace, the suppression of ilisorder, the i>reservation of health and the enforcement of personal cleanliness. Sec. ;<. That all persons lawfully in the custody of the police authorities of said City shall be confined and safely kept in said City Jail until lawfully discharged. Skc. 4. That Ordinance No. 904, and all ordinances or parts or ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Approved July 27, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1527. An onliniince changing the name of Railroad Street, a certain street in the City of Tacoma, to Commerce Street. Be it ordain-ed by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the name of that certain street extendino: from South Seventh Street to South Thirty-first Street, and lyin^ between Pacific Avenue and South "C" Street in the City of Tacoma, heretofore known and designated as "Railroad Street," be, and the same is hereby, changed to "Commerce Street." Approved February 9, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1531. An iinlinance prohibiting -the distribution of advertising matter consist- ing of or containing any sample of any drug or medicine upon any street, premises, public place or park in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained, hy the City of Tacoma: Skctiox 1. It shall be unlaw^ful for any person to scatter or (li.stril)ute upon any of the streets, alleys, public places or parks or upon private grounds or premises in the City of Ta- coma any advertising matter, consisting of or containing any sample of any drug or medicine, unless the same be handed to and taken by an adult person, and unless the person or persons distributing the same is a regularly licensed distributor or a bona fide regularly employed employee of the same, as provided by Ordinance No. 1978. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2107. ) Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this "Klnumc.- ^'^'^'^ ^^ deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $100.00. Approved Februarv 16, 1901. GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 707 ORDINANCE NO. 1577. An ordinance fixing tlie charges of tlie City Engineer for official services performed by him or under his supervision, other than those performed for the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 1564, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacovia: Section 1. That when official services are performed by the City Engineer, or under his supervision, for persons or cor- porations other than the City of Tacoma, charges shall be made and regulated as follows, to-wit: First. For surveying and locating a single lot, or several lots adjoining each other and not exceeding four in number, constituting a single tract, when such lot or tract is situate within either class of fire limits as now established or as may hereafter be established by ordinance in the City of Tacoma, the charge shall be ten dollars. Second. For surveying and locating a single lot, or sev- eral lots ad.joining each other and not exceeding four in num- ber, constituting a single tract, when such lot or tract is situate without the fire limits of the City of Tacoma, as now estab- lished or as may hereafter be established by ordinance, if such lot or tract adjoins a graded street, the charge shall be six dollars, otherwise the charge shall be eight dollars. Third. For surveying and locating tracts containing more than four lots, when the services are rendered at the same time and as part of a single survey, a charge of fifty cents shall be made for each lot in excess of four lots, in addition to the charges above specified. Fourth. For surveying and locating tracts of unplatted land, lines for telephone or power wires, and other general sur- veying, the charge shall be fixed by the City Engineer, after making an estimate of the actual cost of such work at such an amount that the City will receive five dollars per day, or frac- tion of a day, profit over the wages of the surveying party employed in doing such work. Fifth. For draughting and other office work the charge shall be six dollars per day. Sixth. It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to require all charges for services to be performed by him or under his direction, pursuant to this ordinance, to be paid in advance to the Clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works by the person, firm or corporation demanding or requesting such services. Said Clerk shall thereupon turn such money over to the City Treas- 708 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. mor. who sluill place the same to the credit of the Salary Fund. Said Clerk shall fi'we duplicate receipts for all moneys received by him. pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, one of \vhioh shall he tiled by him with the City Controller, Skc. 2. Ordinance No. 1564 of the City of Tacoma, ap- proved June 7. 1001, and all other ordinances and parts of or- dinancees in contlict herewith are hereby repealed. AiM'rovod July 12, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1578. An ordinance making it unlawful for any person to wilfully mutilate, de- face, mar or injure any book, pamphlet, periodical or article of fur- niture belonging to the City of Tacoma, and used in the City Library of said City; and providing a penalty therefor and a reward for in- formation leading to the conviction of any person so doing. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to wilfully mutilate, cut, tear, mark, deface, mar, injure or destroy any book, pamphlet, paper, periodical, map, any article of furniture, or any other piece of personal property of the City of Tacoma, and used in, or in connection with, or constituting a part of the City Library of said City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. That any person violating any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sura not less than $10.00, nor more than $25.00. Sec. 3. That there be and is hereby offered a reward of $10.00, which will be paid by said City of Tac.oma to any person or persons furnishing information leading to the detection and conviction of any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance. Approved July 12, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1584. An ordinance ]>roviding for the construction of a wooden bridge, to be iwcd .iointly as a public bridge and street railway bridge across the gulch in Proctor Avenue, between North Thirty-first Street and North Thirty-fourth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Wash- ington, and the grading of the approaches to said bridge, and appro- priating the sum of $3,297.00 toward the construction of the same. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma-. Spxtion 1. That a wooden bridge be and is hereby author- ized to be constructed across the gulch in Proctor Avenue, be- tween North Tliirty-first Street and North Thirty-fourth Street, m thp City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, and that I GENEEAL OEDINANCES IX FULL. 709 the approaches to said bridge be graded, according to the plans and specifications of the City Engineer, now on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public AVorks, in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter specified in this ordinance, to-wit: (a) That the cost of the construction of said bridge and grading of the approaches thereto shall not exceed the sum of $5,797.00. (b) That the Tacoma Railway & Power Company shall pay into the City Treasury of the City of Tacoma the sum of $2,898.50 in money, to be used and applied solely toward the con- struction of the bridge herein provided for and the grading of the approaches thereto, and shall transport on its freight cars free of all expense to the City of Tacoma all material used in constructing said bridge, from any point on its lines of street railway, as designated by the Commissioner of Public Works. (c) As to whether the Tacoma Railway & Power Company or the City of Tacoma shall make and pay for the future repairs and maintenance of said bridge, or what proportion of said re- pairs and maintenance each of said parties shall make and pay for, shall be determined upon the facts as they now exist regard- ing the present old bridge in said Proctor Avenue. Sec. 2. That upon the payment of $2,898.50 by said Tacoma Railway & Power Company into the City Treasury, for the uses aforesaid, the same, together with the further sum of $3,297.00, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the General Fund, or the General Expense Fund of the City of Tacoma, be and are hereby appropriated for the construction of said bridge and the approaches thereto; and upon the construction of said bridge the proper officers of said City shall be and they are hereby au- thorized and directed to draw warrants upon the said funds for the amount necessary for the construction of said bridge and the approaches thereto, not exceeding in amount the sum of $5,- 797.00; and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay said warrants. Sec. 3. That upon the payment into the City Treasury of the aforesaid sum of $2,898.50, by said Tacoma Railway & Power Company, for the purpose mentioned in this ordinance, the Com- missioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids and to let a contract for the building of said bridge in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Char- ter of the City of Tacoma, and the plans and specifications of the City Engineer now on file in the office of said Connnissioner. Approved August 2, 1901. 710 GENKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 1599. An nnliniinci' i>roliil>itin>T persons owning or having in charge chiekens, fieesc, ihicks or other ilomestic fowl, from permitting the same to run at hirge upon the streets, alleys, parks and public places within the jionnil limits of the City of Tacoma. and providing a penalty. Be it onhin-cd hi/ the City of Tacoma: Section 1. Tluit no person or persons owning; or having the ehnrpre and eontrol of any chickens, geese, ducks, or other (lonu'stic fowl, shall jicrniit the same to run at large, during any liour of the day or night, upon any of the streets, alleys, parks or other jHiblie places within the pound limits of the City of Tacoma, as the same are now or may hereafter be defined by ordinance: provided that this ordinance shall in no manner be c(tn.slrue<] to prohibit the City of Tacoma from keeping and al- lowing to run at large in any of the public parks geese, ducks, swans or other domestic birds or fowl. Sec. 2. That the owner or person having the charge and control of any such domestic fowl as are described in Section 1 of Ihis ordinance, w-ho shall suffer or allow the same to run at large upon any of the streets, alleys, parks or public places of the City of Tacoma, contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance, shall be denned guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $1.00 nor more than $50.00. Approved September 2:^ 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1631. An ordinance creating the office of Second Assistant City Attorney, prescrib- ing his duties, and fixing his compensation. Be it ordaiwd (>>/ the City of Tacoma: Spxtion 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Second Assistant City Attorney, w^iose duties shall be to as- si.st the City Attorney in all suits and legal matters in which the City is interested. Said Second Assistant City Attorney shall hold his office for such periods of time as shall be designated by the City Council by resolution, from time to time. Sec. 2. Said Second Assi.stant City Attorney shall receive for his services the sum of $100.00 per month. Approv.'d Janiuiry 3. 1902. GENEEAL ORDI^^AXCES IX FULL. 711 ORDINANCE NO. 1640. An ordinance creating the office of Boiler Inspector, regulating the operation and inspection of steam boilers and steam generating apparatus, and the qualification and licensing of engineers in charge of the same, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing Ordinances Xos. 938 and 1506, and all ordinances in ronfiict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma-. Section 1. There is hereby created the office of "Boiler Inspector," whose duties shall be as hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the IMayor to appoint a suit- able person as Boiler Inspector, to hold office during the pleasure of the Mayor. The Boiler Inspector shall be a well qualified, practical and experienced mechanical engineer and he shall take the usual oath of office before entering upon the discharge of his duties. He shall not be interested, directly or indirectly, in the manufacture, ownership or agency of or for steam boilers or ar- ticles pertaining thereto. Sec. 3. All steam boilers and steam generating apparatus operated in the City of Tacoma shall be inspected and tested once each year by the Boiler Inspector, which inspection and testing shall be according to the rules and regulations of the United States marine laws ; and when, upon such inspection and testing, the Boiler Inspector shall find any such boiler or apparatus in good and safe condition for operation, he shall certify to such fact and issue a permit for the operation thereof covering the period of one year from the date of such inspection, which permit shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place in the room where the boiler is located ; and no person shall cause to be used any such boiler or apparatus unless inspected and a permit is granted therefor as herein provided. Sec. 4. The provisions of this ordinance relative to the inspection and testing of steam boilers and apparatus shall not apply to boilers and apparatus used in private dwellings for heating purposes only, in which the steam pressure does not ex- ceed in their operation ten pounds per square inch, nor to any steam boiler or apparatus while the same is insured in a reliable boiler insurance company and a certificate to that fact has been filed with the Boiler Inspector, nor to any marine boiler or ap- paratus, nor to railway locomotives. Sec. 5. The Boiler Inspector shall be entitled to charge and receive a fee of three dollars ($3.00) for each inspection and test of a steam boiler or generating apparatus, and one dollar ($1.00) additional when he uses or applies the hydraulic 712 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. test, wliich, however, he shall not be required to use or api)ly unless requested so to do by the owner of the boiler or his agent. Sec. 6. In the event that any person interested shall deem liiniself acTKi'i^^ved by the decision of the Boiler Inspector in re- fiusini; to jzrant a permit, they may appeal from his decision by lilinfr with the ]\Iayor a brief statement in Avriting of their griev- ances, and the Mayor shall thereupon appoint three disinterested experienced engineers to investigate the matter. Said engineers, upon taking an oath to render a fair and impartial decision in the matter, shall promptly proceed to an investigation, and render tlieir decision in Avriting, and file the same with the Inspector, who shall thereupon grant or refuse a permit according to said decision, wl^ich shall be final. Sec, 7. The ]\Iayor shall appoint to hold office during his pleasure and without compensation, two persons, who shall be experienced and well qualified mechanical engineers, who shall, in conjunction with the Boiler Inspector, constitute a Board of Examiners to examine applicants for licenses under this ordi- nance, and make recommendations thereon to the City Council, as hereinafter provided. Said examiners shall take the usual oath of office before entering upon the discharge of their duties. Sec. 8. No person shall use, operate or cause to be used or operated any steam boiler or steam generating apparatus in the City of Tacoma, unless the same be in direct charge and control, at all times while in operation, of an experienced person holding a license of the proper class under the provisions of this ordi- nance, which license shall at all times be kept posted in a con- spicuous place in the room in which the engine or boiler is sit- uated, in charge of the person named in said license as licensee. Sec. 9. No person shall engage in the business, employ- ment or occupation of a stationary engineer, or take or have charge or control of the operation of any steam boiler or steam generating apparatus, in the City of Tacoma, unless he shall have procured and hold a license therefor of the proper class, under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 10. Any person desiring to procure a license as a stationary engineer, may apply for the same to the Boiler In- spwtor, which application shall be upon a blank to be furnished by the Inspector for that purpose. He shall then be examined as to his qualifications as a stationary engineer, and at his earli- est convonience the Boiler Inspector shall convene the Examin- mi: Board, which Board shall proceed to examine the applicant toiiching his knowledge and practical experience as a stationary GENEEAL OEDIXAXCES IX FULL. 71? engineer; at the conclusion of such examination the Examining Board shall forthwith transmit to the City Council of the City of Tacoma all papers used in such examination, including all questions and answers given, together with their recommenda- tion as to the qualifications of the applicant. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1944.) Sec. 11. At its earliest convenience following the making of said certificate and recommendation, the City Council of the City of Tacoma shall act upon the same, and in their discretion grant or refuse the license, and cause record of their action to be made in the minutes. Should the Council decide to grant the license, they shall direct the City Clerk to issue to the applicant a license of such class as they find him entitled to, for the period of one year, upon his paying to the City Treasurer a fee of two dollars and presenting a receipt therefor to the City Clerk. Sec. 12. Upon the expiration of a license, the Board of Examiners may, in their discretion, recommend a renewal of the •same without further examination of the applicant for a period of one year, and thereupon the City Council may order a renewal of the same upon the payment of a fee of one dollar to the City Treasurer and presenting a receipt therefor to the City Clerk. Sec. 13. The licenses granted under this ordinance shall be classified as follows : First class, or Chief Engineer; and the holder of a license of the first class shall be entitled to take entire charge and con- trol of the operation of any steam plant in the City of Tacoma. Second class, or Assistant Engineer; and the holder of a license of the second class shall be entitled to take entire charge and control of the operation of any steam plant in the City of Tacoma, not exceeding one hundred and fifty (150) boiler horse power, or may act as Assistant Engineer to the Chief Engineer of any steam plant in the City of Tacoma. Third class; and the holder of a license of the third class shall be entitled to take entire charge and control of the opera- tion of any steam plant in the City of Tacoma not exceeding fifty (50) boiler horse power, or may act as Assistant Engineer to an Engineer of the second class, or may act as Second Assist- ant Engineer to an Engineer of the first class. Fourth class, or Special Engineer; and the holder of a li- cense of the fourth class shall be entitled to take entire charge and control of a particular steam plant for Avhich the same is granted, and which plant must be designated in the license. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1703.) 714 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 14. This Ordinance shall have no application to a iiwirine or to a locomotive engineer, nor to persons having' charge of steam boilers or api)aratus used in private dwellings for heatinjr purposes only in which the steam pressure does not ex- oeeil ten j)ounds per S(|uare inch while in operation. Skc. 1"). In case the owner or user of any steam plant shall for any cause be deprived of the services of an licensed engineer, he may procure an experienced and careful person for a time not exeeding ten days to operate said plant, without either him- self or said person being subject to the penalties provided for the violation of this ordinance. Sec. 16. All fines and license fees collected under this Or- dinance shall be paid into the General Expense Fund of the City ; and all moneys received by the Boiler Inspector for his services in inspectinof boilers shall be retained by him as and for liis compensation in full for all services. Sec. 17. Any person or persons violating- any of the pro- visions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars. Sec. 18. All owners and users of steam boilers and steam penerating apparatus who have had the same inspected under the provisions of Ordinance No. 938 shall not be required to have the same again inspected under this Ordinance, imtil one year after said inspection under said Ordinance No. 938; and all en- gineers holding licenses under Ordinance No. 938 shall not be lefpiired to procure a license under this ordinance until the ex- piration of their said license under said Ordinance No. 938. Sf:c. 19. Ordinances Nos. 938 and 1506 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved January 24. 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1679. An ordinance prohibiting the driving, propelling or taking of any omnibus. heavy wagon, traffie vehicle, truck, dray or express wagon upon that part of South Yakima Avenue commonly called the ''Speedway," Ix'ing the west half of the roadway of said Yakima Avenue, extending from South Thirteenth Street to South Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Tacoma, and providing a penalty therefor. B( it ordoined by the City of Tacoma: Sec. 1. All persons are hereby prohibited from driving-, propelling or taking any omnibus, heavy wagon, traffic vehicle truck, dray or express wagon upon that part of South Yakima Avenue commonly called the "Speedway," being the west half GENEEAL OEDINAXCES IX FULL. 715 •of the roadway of said Yakima Avenue, extending- from South Thirteenth Street to South Twenty-fifth Street, in the City of Tacoma ; provided, however, that this ordinance shall not be con- strued as preventing any such vehicle from crossing said speed- way at the crossings of intersecting streets, or from backing and i turning about on said speedway, when necessary for the purpose of receiving or unloading goods, wares and merchandise, or building material from or on any of the property on the west «ide of said Yakima Avenue. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this , ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than fifty dol- ^. lars, upon conviction thereof, in any court of competent .juris- \ -diction. Approved May 15, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1680. An ordinance creating a fund to kno^vn as the "Watei* and Light Emer- gency Fund, ' ' designating the use thereof and providing funds there- for. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Sec. 1. That there be and hereby is created a fund to be known and designated as the "'Water and Light Emergency Fund." Sec. 2. That out of said funds shall be paid any and all ■expenses duly authorized by the City Council for the investiga- tion of sources of supply for a water system, for the purpose of furnishing said City and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water. Sec. 3. That all moneys which are now on hand or may hereafter be received from George AV. Boggs and his sureties, and from J. ^Y. iMcCauley and his sureties, and from banks and their sureties, in which said Boggs and said ]\IcCauley, as City Treas- urers, have heretofore deposited money belonging to the City of Tacoma, shall be paid by the City Treasurer, upon receipt there- of, into said Water and Light Emergency Fund. Approved May 15, 1902. 71 C GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 1699. An ordinance regulating the width of sidewalks, parking and roadways irrj the streets of the City of Tacoma, outside of the fire limits, and re- jiealing Ordinances Nos. 667, 1297 and all general ordinances in con- flict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. The width of the sidewalks hereafter construct- ed or reconstructed, outside of the fire limits of the City of Ta coma, shall be as follows: In streets 100 feet or more wide, 8 feet. In streets 70 to 80 feet Avide, 7 feet. In streets under 70 feet wide, 6 feet. Sec. 2. The width of the parkings and roadways hereafter- constructed or reconstructed in the streets of the City of Tacoma, outside of the fire limits, shall be as folloAVS: The parking, in- clusive of the sidewalks, shall occupy one-fourth of the whole- width of the street on each side thereof, and the roadway shall occupy the remaining one-half of the width of the street. Sec. 3. The purpose and object of this ordinance is to es- tablish general rules governing the width of sidewalks, park- ing and roadways in the streets of the City of Tacoma to be folloM-ed when none other are specially provided by ordinance or resolution of the City Council and nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the City Council from adopting, per- mitting or ordering any sidewalk, parking or roadway to be con- structed or reconstructed, of a different width than is herein provided, as in the discretion of the City Council may be best suited to the particular street or locality. Sec. 4. The construction, or reconstruction, of all side- walks, parkings or roadways in the City of Tacoma, shall be under the supervision and control of the Commissioner of Pub- lic AVorks, whether the same be done by the City, owner of abutt- ing property, or other persons. Sec. 5. All sidewalks shall be constructed Avithin the lines of the parking and upon such portion thereof as shall be best suited to the particular street or locality, to be determined by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 6. That Ordinances Nos. 667 and 1297, and all general ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Approved June 12. 1902. GENERAL ORDIXANCES IN FULL. 717 ORDINANCE NO. 1706. All ordinance creating the oflSce of Fire Marshal, defining his powers and duties, regulating the disposition of ashes, rubbish and refuse of a ^ combustible nature and the repair of dangerous unoccupied buildings so as to render the same safe from fire. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there is hereby created the office of Fire ^Marshal of the City of Tacoma, which office shall be held and the duties thereof performed by the Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Tacoma, who shall be ex-officio Fire Marshal, but who shall receive no compensation therefor other than his salary as ■ Chief of the Fire Department. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall have the power to appoint a Deputy Fire Marshal, who shall receive no compensation or al- lowance of any kind from the City, and whose duties shall be to :assist the Fire Marshal to enforce the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal, by him- self or deputy, to attend to the enforcement of the provisions of ihis ordinance and all other ordinances pertaining to the pro- tection of the City from fire. Sec. 4. The Fire Marshal, or his deputy, shall have the right to enter in or upon any premises at all reasonable hours for "the purpose of inspecting the sam.e. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to deposit any ashes, cause the same to be deposited or placed, or to permit or suffer the same to be or remain in any wooden vessel or receptacle, or any vessel or receptacle composed of or made of combustible material, but said ashes shall be placed and kept in ■some safe depository or receptacle of galvanized iron, or other in- combustible material, and not less than two inches from any woodwork or structure. Sec. 6. Any person in the City of Tacoma making, using •or having the charge or control of shavings, hay, straw, sacks, bags, litter, or any other combustible waste, material or frag- ments, shall at the close of each day cause the same to be securely stored or disposed of so as to be safe from fire. Sec. 7. All receptacles for waste, rags, paper and other substances liable by spontaneous combustion, or otherwise, to •cause fire, must be made of incombustible material. Sec. 8. No explosive or inflammable compound, or com- bustible material of any kind, shall be kept, stored or placed near ;any doorway in any building, or used in such place or manner :is GKNKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. US It) ol)slnit'f or rcndoi* egress or ingress hazardous, in case of Hr.'. SiA'. J). It sliall lie unlawful for any person to allow or lnTinit to remain upon any roof in the City of Taeonia any accu- mulation of ])ap('i-. hay. straw, moss, or other intianmiable or- ooinhustihle iMibhisli ny iiuitciial of any description. Si;c. 10. Whenever in the judi»nient of the Fire INIarshal any slu'd, huildinj: or structure of an.y kind, or any portion there- of, or any appurtenance or fixture thereto, or any chimney, smokestack, stove, oven, furnace, or other thing connected with such l)\iihlin,ir oi- premises, is deemed defective or unsafe as to fire, the .said Fii-e .Marshal shall cause the same to be altered, repaired or (lestroyeti, as ma,v be necessary to render the same safe to life and i)roperfy from fire. Skc. 11. Whenever any unoccupied building is not prop- erly secured or enclosed the Fire Marshal shall immediately visit the premises and notify the ow-ner or person having control of the same to forthwith secure or enclose the same so as to prevent evil-di.sposed jx'rsons from gaining access thereto, and the person so notified as aforesaid shall immediately comply with said notifi- cation. Sec. r_'. Any and all persons who shall be found guilty in a court of competent .jurisdiction of the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or any person or persons wdio shall decline, refuse of fail to comply with any notice issued by the said Fire Marshal, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and sliHJI be fined in any sum not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and each day any person or per- sons shall continue the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance the same shall be deemed a new and separate otfense and .shall be jiunished accordingly. Approved .Tilly 10. 1902. OKDIXAXX'E XO. 17G5. All - r imaiicc rfKiihitiriK and fixing reasonatilc rates to be charged by R. U. Mnllon, hLs lioirs, executors, administrators and assigns, The North Sprinffs Water Company, or whoever may be operating and furnish- inj: water to the inliabitants of the City of Taeoma under authority «ranto.l by Ordinance No. 350, as amended by Ordinance No. 368 of the rniid City, and repealing Ordinance No. ]010, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. /'' !f ordaiufd by the Ciiy of Taeoma: Section 1. That R. B. .Alullen, his heirs, executors, admin- Kstratoi-s and assigns, the North Springs AVater Company, or GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 719 whoever may be operating- a water system and furnishing water to the inhabitants of the City of Tacoma nnder and by virtue of Ordinance No. 350, as amended by Ordinance No. 368, shall, from and after the publication of this ordinance, charge con- sumers of water the same rates as shall be charged by the City of Tacoma for water furnished by it to its inhabitants ; but in no event shall the charge for sprinkling lawns or gardens during the dry season exceed twenty-five cents per month for a lol thir- ty (30) feet wide or fraction thereof. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 1010, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are here- by repealed. Approved October 3, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1799. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to enter into an agreement "with the Tacoma Eastern Eailroad Company for an easement running to the City of Tacoma to lay down and maintain water pipes along and across cer- tain lots in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma : Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works of said City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute for and on behalf of said City an agreement with the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company for an easement for laying down and maintaining water pipes through and across the westerly four feet of the following named lots, towit : Lot 11, in Block 7915, Lot 11, in Block 7816, Lot 11, in Block 7815, Lot 10, in Block 7716, Lot 10 in Block 7715, all in the Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, as per the recorded plat thereof, and that the con- sideration given by said City for said easement shall be the re- linquishment of the easement which it now has across certain lots belonging to said Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company for lay- ing down and maintaining water pipes as a part of its water sup- ply system within a rea.sonable time after said Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company shall have notified said City in writing to take up and relocate its said pipes along and on the strip of ground over which an easement shall be granted by said Tacoma East- ern Railroad Company, as hereinbefore described; and said agree- ment shall provide that said water pipes shall be taken up and re- located at the sole cost and expense of said Tacoma Eastern Rail- road Company, and that said City shall have the right to forever maintain said pipes in and along the ground on and through 720 OEN?]RAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. which said easempiit shall be granted to it; and that the said Taconia Eastern Kailrdad Company shall forever hold said City| lianiiloss from any ilaiiia.uv accruing because of the bursting of said pipes. Ajiprnved January 12, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1806. An ordinance creating the office of Superintendent and Keeper of the City] Hospital, defining his duties and authorizing and directing the Com- niissioner of Public Works to enter into a contract with said officer for his services and the care of patients in said hospital. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacom-a: Sectio'n 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Superintendent and Keeper of the City Hospital, whose duties siiall be to act as Superintendent and Guard of said City Hos- pital and the patients therein confined; and also to do the nurs- ing, cooking and laundry work himself for all patients that may be sent to said hospital for any number of patients less than thirteen; and to perform all other services necessary for the proper management of said hospital and care of patients therein. Sec. 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works of said City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract from time to time, as necessity may require, wdth the person who shall fill said office upon the following basis, to-wit: That for the performance of the services mentioned in sec- tion one of this ordinance said Superintendent and Guard shall receive $60.00 per month; and shall also be paid at the rate of $3.50 per week from the first day of November to the first day of May. in each year, and the sum of $3.00 per week from the first day of May to the first day of November, of each year, for the board of each and every patient that may be sent to and con- fined in said hospital; and said contract shall further provide that for all periods of time when there are less than thirteen pa- tients in said hosjiital said Superintendent and Guard shall per- form all the services required by section one himself; but when the number of patients in said hospital shall number from twelve to twenty-one said Superintendent shall be allowed one helper at ton (h)Ilars per week; and when there are more than twenty patients in said hospital said Superintendent and Guard shall be allowed two helpers and assistants, each to be paid at the rate of ten dollars per week; and said contract shall further provide that said City shall furnish all the necessary furniture, utensils and medicines for the care and maintenance of said patients; GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 721 and said contract shall further provide that it may be terminated by said Superintendent and Gkiard giving said City thirty days' notice in writing of his intention to terminate said contract ; and that said City may terminate said contract peremptorily when- ever the Mayor of said City shall determine that the said Super- intendent is not taking proper care of said patients in said hos- pital, or properly attending to his duties. Approved January 24, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1812. An ordinance providing for the disposition of revenues received by the City of Tacoma from fines and licenses, and repealing Ordinance No. 1355, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained dy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That all moneys coming into the City Treasury, after the passage of this ordinance, from licenses and fines, ex- cepting all moneys received from licenses for bicycles and tri- cycles, and all moneys received from fines for the violation of ordinances licensing and regulating the use of bicycles and tri- cycles, are hereby appropriated into the Salary Fund. Sec. 2. That all moneys coming into the City Treasury, after the passage of this ordinance, from fines recovered for the violation of ordinances licensing and regulating the use of bi- cycles and tricycles, and all moneys received from licenses for bicycles and tricycles, are hereby appropriated to the Bicycle Road Fund. Sec. 3. That Ordinance No. 1355 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are here- by repealed. Approved January 31, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1827. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to enter into an agreement and execute the same on behalf of the City of Tacoma with the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company by which said City will acquire a right-of-way for a sewer over and along certain portions of the right-of-way of the said Railway Company between the southern boundary and the central por- tion of said City. Be it ordained hy 'the City of Tacoma : Section 1. For the purpose of acquiring a right-of-way for a sewer over and along certain portions of the right-of-way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company between the southern GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. hoiimhiry .•iiid tln' ccntriil jxirtioii (if the said City, the Coininis- sioiici- of rublif Works of said City of Taeoma is hereby author- i/.itl and diree.ted to enter into an agreement and execute the same in l)ehalf of the said City with the Northern Pacific Railway Company, in words and figures as follows, to-wit: This agreement, made and entered into this day of A. D., 1903, by and betAveen the City of Taeoma, a irninieipal corporation of the State of Washington, the party of tlie first part, and the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a eorporalion organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, the party of tiie second part, witnesseth : Thaf the party of the second part, for and in consideration of the sum ^)f one dollar to it in hand paid by the party of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does here- by grant to the party of the first part, permission to locate, con- struct, maintain and keep in repair a sewer to consist of double strength terra eotta pipe, varying in diameter from eighteen (18) inches to twenty-two (22) inches, over, along and upon the right- of-way of the party of the second part hereto, and along a route described as follows, the description applying to the center line of .said sewer, namely: Kntering upon said right-of-way, in the City of Taeoma, Washington, at tJie southerly boundary line thereof and near tile produced easterly line of "J" Street (south) ; thenc'e run- ning westerly upon said right-of-way a distance of 225 feet, more nr l.'ss. to a point in the ])roduced center line of Boundary Street 10") feet, more or h^s, southerly from the center line of the present southmost ( it being the original ) main track of the party of the .second part, and leaving said right-of-way at said point: enter- ing again ui)on said right-of-way at the easterly line of lot 4, block a. in Ouimette's Second Addition; thence running wester- ly, curving around the gravel pit ground, across blocks 5 and 6 in said addition and leaving said right-of-way at the westerly line of h»t 4 in said block 5; entering again upon said right- of-w'ay at the southerly line of said right-of-way at a point 30 feet, more or less, westerly from the produced center line of "M" Street (south), thence westerly in a more or less direct line 180 feet, more or less, to a point in the westerly line of said right-of-way, rnea.surKl along said line of said right-of-way 100 feet, more or K-ss, southerly from the center line of the aforesaid main track; entering again upon said right-of-way at the southerly line thereof at about the center line of the alley be- tw.'.-n blocks eight and nine, in Chandler's Addition; thence northerly upon and across said right-of-way along a line about GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 723 coincident with the produced center line of said alley, and cross- ing nnder said railway tracks, 75 feet, more or less, to a point 35 feet northerly from the center line of the aforesaid main track ; thence westerly, along a line 35 feet northerly from and par- allel with the said center line of said main track to the west line of Sprague Avenue ; thence westerly 190 feet, more or less, to a point 45 feet northerly from the said center line of said main track ; thence southwesterly along a line pai-allel with and 45 feet northerly from said center line of said main track to a point 25 feet, more or less, north from the north line of section 18, town- ship 20 north of range 3 east of Willamette Meridian, near the center of South Thirty-fifth Street ; thence west in a direct line 65 feet, more or less, to a point 60 feet north from the said center line of said main track and 10 feet, more or less, south from the said north line of said section 18 ; thence southwesterly along a line parallel with and 60 feet northerly from said center line of said main track 765 feet, more or less, to a point 15 feet, more or less, easterly from the produced westerly end line of the build- ing commonly known as the ' ' Nelson Bennett AVarehouse, ' ' which westerly end line is at station 227-21.8 of said main track ; thence southwesterly in a direct line 55 feet, more or less, to a jioint 45 feet northerly from said center line of said main track; thence southwesterly along a line parallel with and 45 feet northerly from said center line of said main track 745 feet, more or less, to a point in the extended east line of Union Avenue ; thence west in a direct line 75 feet, more or less, to a point 95 feet northerly from said center line of said main track; thence southwesterly along a line parallel with and 95 feet northerly from said center line of said main track 1650 feet, more or less, to the road crossing at station 252-22 of said main track, and at or near the east and west quarter section line of section 13, township 20 north, range 2 east of Willamette Meridian; thence westerly along said road crossing five feet to a point in the westerly line of said right-of- way and leaving said right-of-way at said point -. entering again upon said right-of-way at the westerly line thereof at about the center line of South Fifty-sixth Street; thence in and along the last mentioned street extended across said right-of-way easterly to a point in the easterly line of said right-of-way, and finally leav- ing said right-of-way at said point. Upon the following conditions, viz: First : Said sewer shall be placed at such a deptli below 1 lir surface and shall be so constructed as not to interfere wifh ;niy railway tracks now maintained by said party of the seeou'l !)ait upon this property on the line of said lu'oposed sewer, and if. m GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. tlie future it shall be necessary for the party of the second part to construct otlici- tracks over said property, or any part there- of, or to alter tlie location of its present tracks, the party of the first part shall, without expense to said second party, make such necessary chantres as shall be required to conform said sewer to such chancres in the old tracks or to such new tracks, if any chan^'c shall be necessary. Second : If the construction or existence of the sewer here- liy authorized, shall at any time cause any sinking of the tracks or structures maintained by the party of the second part upon its said premises, the City, at its own expense, shall restore the same as they were prior to such sinking, or, in default thereof the party of the second part may do this and the party of the first |)art will reimburse it for the expense thereof. Third : If it shall be determined that any part of the cost of the sewer hereinabove referred to and hereby authorized, should be assessed against the land and premises of the party of the second part hereinabove described, and such assessment shall be made, the party of the first part will pay, abate or otherwise discliarge such assessment. Fourth : The right to construct and maintain said sewer carries with it the right to enter upon the lands and premises of the party of the second part, whenever necessity may require, for the pui-pose of keeping the same in repair, but no injury shall be y giving notice through the City official paper, or otherwise. For violation of this order a penalty of ten dollai's for each of- fense shall be imposed and taxed against the person and prem- ises supplied, and the water will be turned off and so remain till said penalty and all other charges due are paid. Skc. 25. No person shall use water for irrigation or sprink- ling (luring the ])rogress of any fire in the City, and all irrigatiim or sprinkling shall be immediately stopped Avhen an alarm of fire is sounded in any part of the City. For any violation of this rule a penalty of ten dollars for each offense shall be imposed and taxed against the person and premises supplied, and the water shall be turned oft' and so remain till said penalty and all other charges due are paid. Sec. 26. Employes of the AVater and Light Department shall have free access at proper hours of the day to all parts of buildings in which water may be delivered from the City mains, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of rooms and families in the house, or insjiecting the condition of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used. Sec. 27. The AVater Department shall have free access to stop cocks and water meter covers. All persons are prohibited from piling rubbish or l)uilding material thereon. Sec. 28. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Buildings and Licen.ses to report to the AVater and Light Department with- in fifteen days after the taking effect of this ordinance, all build- ings then in process of construction in the City, and thereafter GENEEAL OEDINAXCES IX FULL. 731 to report the amount of water required to be used iu the con- struction of all buildings hereafter to be erected ; such reports to be on printed forms provided for that piirpose, containing an estimate of the brick, stone, cement, lime, plaster or other material for Avhieh water is required to be used in the construc- tion of such buildings, which, when practicable, shall be certified to by the superintendent or architect of the building. AVater for building purposes will only be furnished upon payment in ad- vance, and at the rates based upon such estimate, and no Avater shall be furnished in excess of the money advanced therefor with- out further payment ; provided, that for all buildings of which the estimated cost of construction exceeds five thousand dollars water shall be furnished at meter rates and payment for water so used shall be made at the same time and in the same manner as prescribed in section four. Sec. 29. AVater for sidewalk, street or lawn sprinklers, irri- gation, hose connections, closets or bath tubs, will not be fur- nished to consumers who do not also pay for the use of water for families, stores or other purposes to which it may be supplied, and the water will be turned off from the premises as soon as such payments are discontinued. Sec. 30. The use of hose for washing walks or streets, also for sprinkling and irrigation purposes, is prohibited, except be- tween the hours of six o'clock and eight o'clock a. m., and five o'clock and nine o'clock p. m., except when meters are used. For violation of this rule a penalty of one dollar shall be imposed and taxed against the person and premises supplied, and the water shall be turned off, and so remain until the same is paid. Sec. 31. All persons having connections, or a bibb on the premises to which a hose may be attached, for the purpose of ir- rigation, will be charged the regular sprinkling rates between the first day of June and the first day of September, unless notice is given in writing at the office of the Water and Light Department to the effect that no sprinkling will be done. In order to have said charse waived, the hose bibb or branch pipe supplying said fixture must be plugged as provided for in section 20. ^ The placing in anv place where it can be used by the pu])lic of any faucet, fixture or opening of any kind other than a hose connec- tion for sprinkling, which latter must be kept under cover by an iron box will not^be allowed, except where meters are used. The water will be turned off for violation of this rule, and a penalty of one dollar imposed; and the water shall vniam lurn.'.l .^11 till said penalty and all charges due shall hv paid. T32 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 32. The inside diameter of hose used for sprinkling purposes nnist not be more than three-quarters of an inch, and the inside diameter of the orifice to the nozzle of the same, or for lawn fountains, must not be more than one-fourth of an inch. The use of hose without a nozzle, or allowing any faucet, pipe (•r fixture to run open (thus wasting water) is prohibited, except where meters are used. For violation of this rule a penalty of two dollars ($2.00) for each offense shall be imposed and taxed against the person and premises supplied, and the w^ater shall be turned off therefor; in no case shall the water be turned on tO' the same premises until said penalty has been paid. Sec. 33. The charges for turning water off at the main shall be as follows: Where streets are not paved or planked, two dollars; where streets are planked, five dollars; where streets are paved otherwise than by plank, fifteen dollars. Sec. 34. ]Monthly Avater rates, where meters are not in use^ shall be as follows: Xo rate less than eighty -five cents.. Bfikcncs: No rate less than two dollars; for each barrel of Hour used each day in excess of four, fifty cents. liiirhrr Shops: First chair, $1.00; each additional chair,. 25 cents. Bafh Tubs: For private residences, each family, 20 cents; boarding and lodging houses, private schools and barber shops, each tub, $1.00. lihichsmifh Shops: First fire, $1.00; each additional fire, 25 cents. Boarding and Lodging Houses: In addition to family rates,. per room, 10 cents. Book Binderies: Five persons or less, $1.00; each addi- tional workman, 10 cents. Building Purposes: For plastering, each one hundred yards, 20 cents; for each one thousand brick laid, or for each fifty cubic feet of stone wall, including water for lime or cement, 15 cents; for wetting each barrel of lime or cement for any purpose other than plastering, or laying brick or stone, 10 cents. Cislcrns: Water for filling, for each 1,000 gallons, 50 cents ; minimum charge, $1.00. Cows: Twenty-five cents each. Elevators— Hydraulic: From $20.00 to $40.00 per month. Fnnvly Rates: Each family occupying five rooms or lessy ach additional room, 10 cents. GENEEAL OEDIXAXCES IX FULL. 733 Fish and Meat Markets, or either: From $1.00 to $3.00. Horses: Twenty-five cents each. Laiivn Fountains: With one-fourth inch nozzle, $1.50. Laivn and Sidewalk Sprinkling : For each lot with a front- age of twenty-five feet or less, 25 cents. Sewer Work or Sluicing: Charges to be fixed by the Com- missioner of Public AVorks. Street Sprinkling, Public: Charges to be fixed by the Com- missioner of Public Works. Street Sprinkling, Private: When the full width or more than one-half of the width of the street is sprinkled, 2 cents per lineal foot; when but one-half or less in width of the street is sprinkled, 1 cent per lineal foot ; minimum charge, 25 cents. Stoi'es: Drug stores, $1.50 to $2.50; grocery stores, $1.00 to $2.00; general merchandise stores, $1.00 to $2.00; wholesale stores, $2.50 to $4.00; stores not herein mentioned, from 85 cents to $2.00 ; families living in same building, family rates. Z^rinals: Self closing, 25 cents; not self closing, 35 cents; constant flow, $1.50. Vehicles: AVhen water is used for Avashing same, 25 cents each. Water Closets for Private Residences: Each family: Tank closets, 20 cents; pan or plunger, 40 cents. Puhlic: Tank closets, 75 cents each ; pan or plunger, $1.25 each. Sec. 35. Water for other uses or business than those men- tioned in this ordinance, charges shall be made by special rate as ordered by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 36. The Commissioner of Public Works reserves the right to place a water meter on any service for the purpose of measuring water supplied to the premises by such service, and payment for the same shall be made at the same time and in the same manner as prescribed in section four. Sec. 37. A water meter may be placed on any service by application of the owner or his agent for a period of not less than one year, for the purpose of measuring the water supplied to the prernises by such service, but in no case shall more than one meter be placed on any one service. All meters shall be and remain the property of the City, and may be removed and replnci^d at tlie option of the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 38. Where water is supplied by meter for manufac- turing purposes and is then used in part for other than manufac- turing purposes, such as for stores, families, barns or houses of (34 i!f:neral ordinances in full, miy (U'K('rii)tion, .ill of llie water furnished shall be charged the iv^Miliir iMi'fci- rate and Avill not be given the benefit of the rate provided fui- iiiaiiu factories. Se(". MI). Thci'c shall ho. and there is hereby established, a nuiMufactory's meter rate; saitl i-ate to apply only to such estab- lishments as are using maehinery for the purpose of manufac- turing, and are employing not less than ten persons; said rati' shall be eighty per cent, of the regular meter rate prescribed in thi.s ordinanee. Skc 40. That there shall be and there is hereby estab lishetl a rate applicable to public schools, hospitals and othe: kindred charitable institutions; said rate shall be fifty per cent of the regular rate prescribed in this ordinance. Sp:t". 41. The following establishments shall be furnishe water by meter only : Machine shops, Mills, Packing houses. Photograph galleries, Bathing houses, Barns (transfer), Brick yards, Boat houses, Bottling works, Breweries, Butcher shops, Coffee houses. Factories, Foundries, Gas works, Green houses, IIosi)itals, Hotels, Laboratories, Tianndries, Lunch counters. Printing offices. Public buildings, Public halls, Restaurants, Saloons, Schools, Soda fountains. Stables (other than private). Station houses. Steam engines. Theatres, AVater motors. Water plants. Skc. 42. In the event of a meter getting out of order and failing to register, the consumer shall be charged at the average • hiily consumption as shown by the meter when in order. Sp:c. 4.1 The rent for water meters shall be at the following* rates per annum : One-lialf inch meter $ 2.00 Thn'r-(|uarter inch meter 3.00 ( )ne inch meter 4.00 One and one-half inch meter 6.00 Twn iivh mptcr 900 Tl" 15.00* GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. r3o Four inch meter 30.00 Six inch meter 70.00 Where meters are in place on any premises July 1st, 1903, the rent for the same from July 1st, 1903, to January 1st, 1904, shall become due and payable July 1st, 1903, and where meters are installed after this ordinance goes into effect and prior to January 1st, 1904, the rent shall be due and payable when meter is installed at the proportionate rate for the balance of the year 1903. Beginning January 1st, 1904, the rent for all meters then in place on any premises shall be due and payable on said last mentioned day for one year in advance; and thereafter meter rent shall be due and payable for one year in advance on the first of January of each year ; and whenever a meter shall be in- stalled after January 1st, 1904, the rent for the same shall be pay- able in advance for the portion of the year remaining to the suc- ceeding first of January. Sec. 44. The rates for water supplied by meter shall be for the quantity used in any one month, as follows, except where otherwise provided : Price. 7 35 Cubic Cubic Feet. Price. Feet. 600 or less $ 2 00 2900 700 2 30 3000 800 2 60 3100 900 2 90 3200 1000 .... 3 20 3300 1100 3 50 3400 1200 .... 3 75 3500 1300 4 00 3600 1400 4 25 3700 1500 4 50 75 3800 1600 4 3900 1700 5 00 4000 1800 5 25 4100 1900 5 50 4200 2000 5 70 4300 2100 5 90 4400 2200 6 10 4500 2300 6 30 4600 2400 6 50 4700 2500 6 70 4800 2600 6 90 4900 2700 7 05 5000 2800 7 20 5100 50 65 80 95 8 10 8 20 8 30 8 40 8 50 8 60 8 70 8 80 8 90 9 00 10 9 20 9 30 9 35 9 40 9 45 9 50 9 55 r36 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Cubic Feet. Price. r»200 9 60 5:^)0 9 65 r,400 9 70 5r)00 9 75 5600 9 80 5700 9 85 5S00 9 90 5900 9 95 6000 10 00 6100 10 05 6200 10 10 6300 10 15 6400 10 20 6500 10 25 6600 10 30 6700 10 35 6800 10 40 6900 10 45 7000 10 50 7100 10 55 7200 10 60 7300 10 65 7400 10 70 7500 10 75 7600 10 80 7700 10 85 7800 10 90 7900 10 95 8000 11 00 8100 11 05 8200 11 10 '8300 11 15 8400 11 20 8500 11 25 8600 11 30 8700 11 35 8800 11 40 8900 11 45 9000 11 50 9100 11 55 9200 11 60 9300 11 65 Cubic Feet. Price. 9400 11 70 9500 11 75 9600 11 80 9700 11 85 9800 11 90 9900 11 95 10000 12 00 10100 12 05 10200 12 10 10300 12 15 10400 .$12 20 10500 12 25 10600 12 .30 10700 12 35 10800 12 40 10900 12 45 11000 12 50 11100 12 55 11200 12 60 11300 12 65 11400 12 70 11500 12 75 11600 12 80 11700 12 85 11800 12 90 11900 12 95 12000 13 00 12100 13 05 12200 13 10 12300 13 15 12400 13 20 12500 13 25 12600 13 30 12700 13 35 12800 13 40 12900 13 45 13000 13 50 13100 13 55 13200 13 60 13300 13 65 13400 13 70 13500 13 75 GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Cubic Feet. Price. 13600 13 80 13700 13 85 13800 13 90 13900 13 95 14000 14 00 14100 14 05 14200 14 10 14300 14 15 14400 14 20 14500 14 25 14600 14 30 14700 14 35 14800 14 40 14900 14 45 15000 14 50 15100 14 55 15200 14 60 15300 14 65 15400 14 70 15500 14 75 15600 14 80 15700 14 85 15800 14 90 15900 14 95 16000 15 00 16100 15 05 16200 15 10 16300 15 15 16400 15 20 16500 15 ''; 16600 15 16700 15 30 35 40 Cubic Feet. Price. 16900 1,5 45 17000 1.5 50 17100 15 55 17200 15 60 17300 15 65 17400 15 70 17500 15 75 17600 15 80 17700 15 85 17800 15 90 17900 15 95 18000 16 00 18100 16 05 18200 16 10 18300 16 15 18400 16 20 18500 16 25 18600 16 30 18700 16 35 18800 16 40 18900 16 45 19000 16 50 19100 16 55 19200 16 60 19300 16 65 19400 16 70 19500 16 75 19600 16 80 19700 16 85 19800 16 90 19900 16 95 20000 17 00 16800 15 For each additional 100 cubic feet, or major fraction thereof, in excess of 20,000 cubic feet, a charp:e of four cents (4c) will be made. In computing the rates as provided above, results ending in one cent and two cents will be counted "0"; results ending in three cents, four cents, six cents and seven cents will be counted "5"; results ending in eight cents and nine cents will be counted ^'10." GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 45. I'ipos for lire lu-otoction purposes must be fitted up with such fixtures only as are needed for fire protection, and .vich fixture shall be sealed by the Chief of the Fire Department and in no ease shall these seals be broken, except in ease of fire, or l»y the Chief of the Fire Depai-tment for the purpose of testinp: the pipes, fixtures or hose. AVhen seals are broken in case of fire it Khali be the duty of the owner or tenant of the premises ta notify the Chief of the Fire Department of the same within twen- ty-four luMirs after its oeeurrence, and he shall replace said seals. For violation of this section a penalty of ten dollars will be imposed, and the supply of water discontinued for all purposes until all ehariies and said penalty are paid. Skc. 4().' All connections from the street main to the curb of the sidewalk, includintr .stop cocks and valves, will be nuide by the City at the prices stated in section seven. Sec. 47. The annual charges for each fire protection service, payable in advance, between the first day and twelfth day of January of each year shall be as follows: Two inch pipe • $2.00 Three inch pipe 3.00 Four inch pipe 4.00 Six inch pipe 6.00 Skc. 48. This orrlinanee shall uo into effect on the first day of .March, 1903. Skc. 49. That Onliiianee Xo. 1058, entitled: "An ordinance fixiu);, re^'ulatinj; and controlling- the use and price of water sup- plied by the City of Tacoma and repealing ordinance No. 887,'^ as anietided by Ordinance No. 1688, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, and each and all of them, be and the .same are hereby repealed. .\pprovefl February 19, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1839. All ..nlinance prescribing regulations for the opening of the Public Library and for its use by the public. li' I' ordninrd hji the Cih/ of Tacoma: Sk When.'v.r niiuested so to do by the City Librarian, the hene made therefor. Be it ordained hy tlve City of Tacoma: Spx'TioN 1. Every officer of the City of Tacoma who is the lawful custodian of any of the official records, files or papers of said City, when requested so to do by any person or corporation, shall fnrni.sh to such persons or corporation, certified copies of such record, tiles or papers upon payment of the fees hereinafter specified. Skc. 2. Ail pei-sons or corporations (other than the City of Tacoma and its officers for the use of said City) shall pay to the oflieers furnishing such certified copies of records, files or papers as follows: First. For making copies of any record or paper, per folio 10c Second. For comparing any copy of any record, file or paper, already prepared for certification, per folio 5c Third. For each certificate, in addition to the folio charges above mentioned 50c Sex*. 8. The fees above specified which may be charged and collected from persons other than the City of Tacoma and its s f«»r the use of the City, may be retained by the officer or - furnishing such certified copies as their compensation therefor, such services being beyond and outside of the duties *■"•• vhich they are compensated by the City. \pproved March 12, 1903. GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 743 ORDINANCE NO. 1855. An ordinance fixing the percentage to be paid as license fee by the Tacoma Eailway & Power Company, its successors and assigns, on its or their gross receipts from passenger traffic on its or their street railway lines within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma. Whereas, The various franchises under and by virtue of which the Tacoma Railway & Power Company is today running and operating a street railway system along and across certain of the public streets, avenues, alleys and public places within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma for the common car- riage and transportation of passengers, each (with the exception of Ordinance No. 1004 and Ordinance No. 1230) provide that after a certain number of years from the date each respective franchise goes into effect the said City of Tacoma shall have the right "to impose a reasonable license fee" of not less than one per cent, or more than two per cent, on the gross passenger earn- ings of said street railway lines or system ; and Whereas, The license time limit expressed in any of the ordi- nances of said City granting said franchises has heretofore ex- pired, now, therefore. Be it ordained l)y the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That a license fee of two (2) per cent, per annum for the year 1903 and for each and every year thereafter, be and the same hereby is imposed upon the gross passenger re- ceipts of the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, its successors and assigns, received from the transportation of passengers on its or their said street railway lines within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. That within twenty days after the first days of July and January, commencing with July, 1903, and each January and July thereafter, the said Tacoma Railway & Power Com- pany, its successors and assigns, shall make a true and accurate written statement to the Controller of said City of its or their gross receipts for the transportation of passengers on each of its or their said lines wholly or partly within the corporate limits of said City for the preceding six months, and at the same time shall pay to the City Treasurer of said City in two installments one in July for the first six months of the year 1903 and one in January, 1904, for the last six months of the year 1903. and in two installments for each year thereafter, two per cent, of said gross passenger receipts earned and received by said Tacoma Railway & Power Company, its successors and assigns. Sec. 3. That the City Controller of said City, or any com- mittee appointed by the City Council of said City shall have the :,, GENERAL OIJD I NANCES IN FULL. ,...,;, )it rcasonabK' tiiiu's cliirin'r business hours to examine the bssors an (h-liii(|iU'Mt and a iiciialty of fifty cents shall be added to oHcli I)ill. Wlicii tlu' 12th day of the month falls on a Sunday or a leK'al holiday the oonsiniier will be allowed the first succeed- ing business day on which to pay before the penalty as prescribed in til is section shall be attached. Sfx". ir». On failure to comply with the rules and rogula- . tions H8 a condition for the use of electric current, or to pay the{ rates at the time and in the manner as prescribed in Section 14, * the eh'ctrie current shall be discontinued until payment is madej, of all amounts due. to«rether with an additional sum of fifty i cents for the expense of turning off the current ; and if payment • is not made within fifteen days after the current has been discon- tinuere shall be as follows: One incandescent arc lamp, .^1.00 per month. Two incandescent arc lamps, $1.50 per month. Three incandescent are lamps, $2.00 per month. •M'Te tlijin lliree incandcsceut arc lamps (each) fifty cents per montii. For ei^ht kilowatt hours or less i)er month, or fraction thereof, fifty cents. From eight to fifty kilowatt hours per month, or fraction thereof, six cents per kilowatt hour. Fi.r each additional kilowatt hour in excess of fifty and up to one hinidred kilowatt hours per month, or fraction thereof, five cents per kilowatt houi-. For each additional kilowatt hour in excess of one hundred and up to two thoiusand kilowatt hours per month, or fraction thereof, four cents per kilowatt hour. For each additional kilowatt hour in excess of two thou- sand, in any one month or fraction thereof, three cents per kilo- watt hour. GENEEAL OEDINAXCES IX FULL. 749 In computing' the rates as provided above, results ending in f the cla.ss determined by the amount of license fee paid, as •shown by said receipt. Sec. 3. AH tlie bill boards and structures of any name, nature and description whatsoever erected or used for posting or affixing thereto in any manner whatsoever advertising matter, .shall be erected and maintained by the person, firm or corpora- tion using the same in a solid and substantial manner so there shall be no danger of said bill boards or structures falling or blowing into any street or public place in said Citv, to the annoy- GEXERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 751 aiiee and damage and detriment of the inhabitants of said City, or any one lawfully using said streets and public places. Sec. 4. No person, firm or corporation, acting under a license taken out according to the provisions of this ordinance, shall throw or scatter upon any public street or place, sidewalk or alley, or private property in the City of Taeoma, any advertis- ing matter of any name, nature or description whatsoever. Sec. 5. Nothing in this ordinance shall prevent any person, firm or corporation, duly licensed as herein provided, from em- ploying persons to assist in carrying on the business and occupa- tion so licensed, and such license shall protect and empower such employes to act in accordance with the terms and provisions of this ordinance; but no license granted by virtue of this ordi- nance shall in no event be assigned without the payment of a fee of five dollars ($5.00) to the City Treasurer of said City, and the consent of the City Council of said City expressed by resolu- tion. Sec. 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) ; or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than thirty days, or, by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. The ]Mayor of said City is hereby given the right and authority to revoke the license of any person, firm or corpo- ration convicted of the violation of any of the terms and provi- sions of this ordinance. Sec. 8. Ordinance No. 1064 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Approved October 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1993. An ordinance authorizing the proper officers to draw -rrarrants upon the Water and Light Fund to cover the interest upon one million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($1,750,000) of bonds issued for the purchase of the Water and Light plant; appropriating the same from the Water and Light Fund and authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to pay the same. Be it ordained hij the City of Taeoma: Section 1. That from and after the 1st day of January, 1904, the proper officers of the City of Taeoma be and they are hereby instructed, authorized and directed to draw warrants upon the Water and Light Fund of said City to cover the interest I 751- GKNERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. upon one niillioii si'Wii liuiidivd and fifty thousand dollars ($1.7.")().(MX)) of bonds issued for the purchase of the Water and Litfht Phint of said City; said warrants to be drawn in favor of the Sahjry Fund or (jeneral Expense Fund of said City, and the proiMt-ils of said warrants to be used in the payment of salary or general expense's of the City of Tacoma; said warrants shall be drawn in an amount equal to one-twelfth of the total annual in- terest of eijjhty-seven thousand five hundred dollars ($87,500.00). Ski*. 2. That the City Treasurer of said City be and he is hereby authorizes to drive any carriage, buggy, express wagon, truck, dray or other vehicle upon the roadway of St. Helens Avenue, between Tacoma Avenue and South Ninth Street, in the City of Tacoma, Wash- ington, except as follows: Going in a northerly direction such vehicles shall proceed on the easterly side of said avenue ; going in a southerly direction such vehicles shall proceed on the west- erly side of said avenue. Sec. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not more than five dollars ($5.00), upon conviction thereof in any court of competent juris- signating opposite the name of each applicant, the character of labor or employment desired and the addrc-vs «.f sucii a|)plicant. No fee shall be asked or received from Hiiy f>ei-son applying: for work or applying- to employ laboi-. Sec\ 5. 'J'hat said Board shall reconnnend to the Mayor of the City of Taeoma a list of eligible persons for Clerk, from whom <.nc may be appointed by said Mayor, who shall be in oharjrc .»f .said office from eigrht \. m. to six p. m., of each day »'xc..ptinp Sundays and legal holidays. Said Clerk shall perform such duties as nuiy be rerpiired by said Board. He shall receive for his wrvic.'s the sum of sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per month to Im. p,„d by the City of Tacoina in the manner and at times "tl" >• -n.ph»yes of the City of Taeoma are paid. He shall con- •• be the Clerk of said Board until his successor is appoint- in thi.s section provided. \ S .'Ilni.ii(7i-.<1 In- •hvlinaiipc \o. 2418.) GEXEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 755 Sec. 6. That said Board shall provide all books, blanks, paper and all other necessary materials for the snccessfnl eon- ducting and operating of said office, the cost of which shall be audited and paid as other expenses of the City of Tacoma are audited and allowed and paid, provided, however, that the ex- penses provided for in this section shall at no time exceed the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per month, after the first month. Sec. 7. That said Board shall at the beginning of each month report to the City Council of the City of Tacoma the number of persons Avho during the previous month have applied for employment to the Board, the number of persons for whom employment has been obtained, the kind of employment secured for such applicants, whether such employment was in the City of Tacoma, or elsewhere, and such other information as the City Council may direct. Sec. 8. That any vacancy occurring in said Board by reason of death, resignation or otherwise shall be filled in the manner provided in Section two of this ordinance. Approved June 28, 1904. ORDINANCE XO. 2121. An ordiuanee creating the office of Building Inspector and defining his duties, and repealing Ordinances X'^os. 996, 1075 and 1318. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Sectiox 1. That there is hereby created the office of Build- ing Inspector. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said officer to exercise a supervision over the alterations and repairs of all old, and the erection of all new buildings, and enforce in regard thereto all resolutions and ordinances of the City of Tacoma which are now in force, or which may hereafter be passed by the City Council, concerning the erection, alteration and repairing of buildings. He shall issue permits for the erection, alteration or repairing of all buildings, in accordance with the building ordi- nances of the City. He shall keep a record of all permits, num- bering the same consecutively as issued. His record shall also show the size of said buildings, the material of which they are constructed, the location and kind of building, the name of the owner, architect and contractor, the cost of the erection, altei'a- tion or repairing of said building, and all other information that may be deemed necessary. His recoi-d shall be open for the in- spection of the public during business hours. He shall visit and inspect any repair or new woi-k being done on any ])uildin- in GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. the Citv. iiii.l h.' slmll have the ri^ht, so far as his duties make it necessary, to enter any building or premises for the purpose of oxaniination or inspeetiou, or to order the suspension of any work not in eonformity with the requirements of the ordinances n-hitintr thereto. He shall visit and inspect any building within t\v»-iily-four (24) hours after being notified to do so by the owner or builder thereof, and any failure to do so shall sul)ject him to a fine of not more than ten dollars ($10.00). Sec. .S. It shall be his duty to examine all buildings so dainnped from the action of the elements or decay, by fire, or through improper construction as to be a dangerous nuisance. and lie shall order the same removed, torn down, or repaired, ac- eonling to the location with reference to the fire limits, and the percentage of damage sustained. Sec. 4. He shall make a careful inspection of all passenger and freight elevators in the City at least once in six months, and se>? that the said elevator doors and shafts are in a perfectly safe condition in accordance with the provisions governing the same. Sec. 5. He shall make complaint to the Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offenses of any violation of any of the ordinances of the City of within the scope of his duties. Sec. fi. He shall submit to the City Council a monthly re- port in detail of the business transacted by him. Sec. 7. Ordinances Nos. 996, 1075 and 1318 of the City of. Tacoma, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved July 7, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2122. An orcliiiiiiirc croatiiiK the oflSce of License Inspector and defining his duties. Hr it ot'dnimd hy ihc City of Tacmim: Section 1. That there is hereby created the office of License In.spi'ctor. Str. 2. It sliiili be his duty to enforce all resolutions and ordinances now in force, or which may hereafter be passed by the City Council of the City of Taeoma in respect to licenses of every kind and nature. Sec. 3. He shall make complaint to the Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offenses of any violation of any of the ordinances within the scope of his duties. Sw. 4. Ho sliall submit to the City Council a monthly re- port of the business transacted by him. Approved Julv 7. 1904. GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 757 ORDINANCE NO. 2123. Au ordinance authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to receive bids and to execute contracts for the maintenance of asphalt paved, bitu- minous macadam paved, or brick paved streets, for a period of ten (10) years, from and after the completion and acceptance of any such and providing for the payment therefor from the General Fund. Be it ordained dy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That at whatever time the Commissioner of Public Works may call for bids and receive tenders for the con- struction of asphalt or bituminous macadam or brick pavements, the cost of construction of said pavements, either in whole or in part, being made a charge against the adjoining, contiguous and proximate lots, blocks and parcels of land, that at the same time at which bids are received for such original construction of such pavement, the Commissioner of Public Works shall also, after giving the same notice therefor as is required in other cases of contract, receive bids for the maintenance of such jjavement for a period of ten (10) years, and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for said maintenance with the lowest and best bidder therefor, payment for such maintenance to be made from the General Fund in ten equal annual installments. Said con- tract shall provide that the parties contracting to so maintain the roadway of said streets shall keep said roadways in con- tinuous good order and condition, satisfactory to the Commis- sioner of Public AVorks, ordinary wear excepted, for a period of ten (10) years from and after the completion and acceptance of the work of original construction, which keeping and main- taining shall include repairs or the entire reconstruction of said pavement, the necessity for which may be occasioned from any cause whatsoever, all in accordance with specifications adopted by the Commissioner of Public Works; provided, however, that the contractor or contractors shall not be required to keep or maintain any part of said improvement under this guarantee, which, after its completion and acceptance shall have been re- moved for the purpose of laying or repairing any gas, sewer, water or other pipes in accordance with a permit granted by the City of Tacoma for such purpose, except as hereinafter pro- vided. Should the said pavement be cut or removed for the pur- pose of laying or repairing any gas, sewer, water or other pipe, by parties having first obtained a permit from the City of Ta- coma therefor, the contractor or contractors, to agree, to within five (5) days, after notice so to do from the Commissioner of Public Works, relay, repair, and repave said pavement in strict accordance with the original specifications therefor, and with -Xs OKNKK'AI. (il.'IUNAXCKS IX FFLL. such matrriiil jiikI in such iiiiimici- ;is will loiive tlie whulr pave- nii-nt ill as l'erson, partnership or corporation to engage in the business of icket-broker, or dealer, for a period of one year, at one place in the City of Tacoma, which said place shall be described by street and number in the City of Tacoma, and said license shall au- thorize the said person, partnership or corporation to have only one such place of business ; and a like license shall be reciuired for each place in which the business of said ticket-broker or dealer is conducted by said person, partnership or corporation. Sec. 3. That each person, partnership or corporation en- gaged in the business of being a ticket-broker or dealer in the City of Tacoma, shall by 10 o'clock a. m. each day, furnish to the Chief of Police of the City of Tacoma a written certificate, duly subscribed by such person, partnership or corporation, stating the number of tickets or other evidence of railroad, railway, steamboat or steamship transportation bought or acquired by him during the preceding day; and also the number sold, ex- changed or transferred by him during the preceding day; and said certificate shall minutely describe each of said tickets or other evidence of transportation so acquired or bought, sold, as- signed or transferred, giving the name of the company issuing the same, the point of origin, the place of destination, the route, the number and form of ticket or other evidence of transporta- tion, the date of issue, and shall also show from whom the said ticket or other evidence of transportation was acquired by said ticket-broker, or dealer, and to whom sold, transferred or as- signed, the consideration paid for the same and the price at which tile same was sold. 764 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Said certificate so furnished shall be placed on file by the Chief of Police and same shall thereupon be and become a public record of the City of Tacoma. Skc. 4. That a failure to report the purchase, ac(iuin>- meiit or sale transfer or exchange of any ticket or other evidence of transportation as above required and in tlie manner above re(juired at the time above required, shall subject the said ticket-broker and each employe of said ticket-broker and each member of the partnership, if the same 1)(^ n partnership, and each officer and agent and employee of the corporatioTi. if the same be a corporation, to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and a conviction thereof shall of itself work a revocation of the license granted to said person, partnership or corporation. A failure to submit to the inspection hereinafter provided for shall likewise be a crime punishable as above pro- vided, and sliall result in a revocation of said license, and th<' said person, partnership or corporation, in the event of a revoca- tion of said license for any of the causes or reasons in this ordi- nance specified, shall not be again eligible for like license, and they shall have no action to recover any unearned part of said license. Skc. J). That the license issued to such person, partnershi]) or corporation shall be posted in a conspicuous place in tln^ place of business of said person, partnership or corporation, ami a failure to .so post shall for each day be a crime punishable rioo nt whifli same Avas sold, the Wme of purchasing, taking, sell- lii'ing the same, and said ticket-broker or dealer shall GEXEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 765 t the time of purchasing or acquiring the same, cause the person rom whom said transportation is purchased or acquired by said ticket-broker or dealer, to subscribe to said record of said pur- chase made in said book as herein provided for, the name and address of such person so selling or disposing of said transporta- |tion to said ticket-broker or dealer, and said ticket-broker or dealer shall at the time of selling or disposing of any transpor- 'tation mentioned in this ordinance, cause the purchaser thereof or the person acquiring the same to subscribe to said record of said sale made in said book as herein provided for, the name and address of such person so purchasing or acquiring the same, and the book provided for in this section, as well as the office and ■place of business of such ticket-broker or dealer shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Chief of Police of said City of Tacoma or any City police or detective officer of said City who may be designated by said Chief of Police. A failure on the part of such ticket-broker or dealer, or his, their or its em- ployees or agents, to comply with the provisions of this section, shall subject such ticket-broker or dealer or his or their em- ployes or agents to the punishment provided for in Section 4 of this ordinance, and shall result in the revocation of the li- cense as provided for in said Section 4. Sec. 7. That no license shall be granted under this ordi- nance until the person, partnership or corporation applying for the same shall give bond in the sum of two thousand dollars with tw^o good sureties, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the conditions of this ordinance, and the full amount thereof may be recovered upon the information or suit of any person and one-half of such recovery shall be paid to the informer and the other half paid to the City of Tacoma. Said bond shall be made to the City of Tacoma and shall be approved by the Mayor of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 8. That no license for the business of being a ticket- broker or dealer, as defined herein, shall be issued except on the terms of this ordinance; and it is hereby declared to be a crime to do said business without a license and upon conviction there- of the person or persons so convicted shall be i)unished as pro- vided in Section 4 of this ordinance. It is further ordained that every person accepting employment in the business of such person, partnership or corporation conducting said business with- out license, shall be guilty as though he was conducting said business, and on conviction shall be so punished. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained, that it shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to buy. sell, exchange 7,u} (^KNK1^\L ()KM)1 NANCES IX FULL. IC (I or «»thi'r\vist' iU'<|uii'c or di'iil in or solicit the purchase or sali «ny pjiss or other evidence of transjiortation issued by aii\ nulnwid. railway, steainshij) or sleanihoat line, or the persou operating: the sann'. which is and which shows on its face that it was issunl for fi'ce transportation or that is in fact and by its terms is n(»ntransferal)U' or jiood for transportation only of the person named thereon or the oi'i'rinal holder or purchaser thereof. It shall likewise be unlawful for any such person, partnership or eorporation lo buy, sell, exchange or otherAvise acquire or deal in «>r solicit the purchase or sale of any railroad, railway, steam ship or steamboat passenger ticket or other evidence of passeng( i transportation which is and by its terms is a reduced rat' . mileage, excursion, conmiutation, or non-transferable tickel or wiicrc it was and appears upon such ticket that the same was i.ssued and sold at a reduced rate or below the regular schedule rate under contract with the original purchaser entered upon such ticket and signed by such original purchaser that such ticket is nontransferable or void in the hands of any one othei* than the pei-son named thereon or the original holder or pur- ciia.scr thereof. Such person shall, upon conviction for any of the otVenses provided for in this section, be puni.shed as pro- vid<'d in Section 4 hereof. Spx'. 10. All oi'dinances or ])arts of ordinances in contiiet with this ordinance are hereby repealed. The above ordinance was passed by the City Council, signed by the President of the Council and attested by the City Cleric October 2«i. 1904, was presented to the Mayor for his approval October 27, 1!)04, and was not returned by him within five days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, as recpiired by Section 45 of the City Charter, and it has therefor become a law as though he had approved the same. ORDINANCE NO. 2209. .Xn or.linanco >fnintinK to Whitworth College the right to park, improve nii.l use thf unopenc.l extension of North Forty-fourth Street, between SteveiiH Street and the nnojieneil extension of Mason Avenue, in the- City of Taeoni.-i, and reserving all rigiits of the City of Tacoma therein. Be it ordrtimd hij the City of Taconvi : Skcthkv 1. That AVhitworth College be and it is hereby permitted to pjirk. improve and use the unopened extension of Xortli Forty-fourth Street, between Stevens Street and the un- npen.il extension of ^lason Avenue, in the City of Tacoma. in such manner as may be best suited to its uses and needs: pro- GENEBAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 767 . vided, however, that this grant shall not be construed as a vaea- ftion of said street, and the City shall at any time be at liberty to open said street to travel and at such time the said Whitworth College shall deliver possession thereof to said City. Approved November 17, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2235. An ordinance to regulate the appointment of employees of the City of Ta- coma, and repealing Ordinances No. 1014, No. 1371 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordmncd hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That no person shall be appointed or employed in any of the departments of the City of Tacoma, or upon the public works of the said Citj", in which the appointee or employee is to receive pay for services rendered out of any of the funds of me City of Tacoma, unless he shall be an actual resident and (flialified voter in said City ; provided the provisions of this sec- tion shall not apply to electricians, linemen, lamp-repairers, civil engineers or to such employees the nature of whose duties re- quire them to reside outside of the City limits; or to any public works of said City located outside of the City limits; provided, further, that the provisons of this ordinance shall not apply to the employees of any person doing public work under a contract made by the City; provided, further, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to women or minors w^ho are citizens of the United States and bona fide residents of the City of Ta- coma for more than one year. Sec. 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all persons now or hereafter appointed to office or employed in the services of said City. Sec. 3. That any officer or person having authority, who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to removal from office in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter. Sec. 4. That Ordinances Nos. 1014 and 1371 and all or- dinances and parts of ordinances in confiict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 29, 1904. 76S GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL, ORDINANCE NO. 2236. An ordinanoo to prevent the wearing or placing of bells on animals ami providing n penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No, 61, N. T.. No. 1253, No. 1303 and all ordinances and parts of orJi- nnnocs in conflict herewith. Be a ordained hy the City of Tacmna: Section 1. 'I'li.il llic wearing by or placing of bells upon any nnimal U^ be worn between the hour of 7 p. m. and the hour of 7 A. M. within the City limits of the City of Taeoma is hereby dwbirecl to be a nuisance and any officer of the Police Depart- ment is hereby authorized to remove the same and the person placing such bell upon any animal to be worn within the City limits shiijl, upon conviction thereof before a committing magis- trate, be iined five dollars for each offence and pay the cost of prcsecution, provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the territory within the City limits outside of the pound limits. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to make complaint to a Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of mu- nicipal offences of any violation of this ordinance coming to his knowledge. Sec. 3. That Ordinances No. 61, N. T., No. 1253, No. 1303 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2237. An ordinance establishing stands for hotel omnibuses, hacks, cabs and other vehicles and regulating vehicles for hire, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No. 405, No. 677, No. 717, No. 766, No. 1363, No. 1378, No. 1568 and all ordinances and parta of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordainrd hxj the City of Taeoma: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to hotel omni- buse«. and no other vehicles, permission to occupy a space on Pacific Avenue between the street railway track and the east side- walk extending from the sidewalk apron in front of the North- ern Paoifio Dop..t fifty feet north upon said street for a period of fift.--.ri iniiiut.'^ i.ricr to iho nrrival or departure of any passenger ^Lc. L'. That there is hereby granted to hacl^s, cabs and other pa.ssenger vehicles, permission to occupy the space upon Pacific Avenue between the street railway track and the east ; GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 769 / sidewalk extending irom the sidewalk apron in front of the Northern Pacific Depot seventy-five feet south upon said street, and also the following- space: Beginning at a point seventy-five feet north of the aforesaid sidewalk apron, thence extending sev- enty-five feet northerly upon said street, for a period of fifteen minutes prior to the arrival or departure of any passenger train. Sec. 3. That all horses attached to vehicles standing on either side of Pacific Avenue between the outermost extreme points as hereinbefore provided, shall stand parallel to the line of said street in a northerly or southerly direction and not cross-Avise of the line of the street. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for trucks, express wagons, hacks, carriages, coupes, gurneys and other similar vehicles for hire, except as provided in Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance, to stand between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p. m. during the months from November to INIarch inclusive and between the hours of 7 a. M. and 6 p. m during the months from April to October inclusive, whilst waiting for business or customers upon the following de- scribed streets of the City of Tacoma, to-wit: Pacific Avenue be- tween South Ninth Street and South Fifteenth Street, both in- clusive, and "A" Street between South Eleventh Street and South Thirteenth Street, both inclusive. And it shall be unlawful for any such vehicle, whilst waiting for business or customers, to stand at any time upon following described portions of follow- ing described streets of the City of Tacoma, to-wit: South Ninth Street between Pacific Avenue and "A" Street, South Eleventh Street between Commerce Street and "A" Street, South Thirteenth Street between Pacific Avenue and "A" Street ; nor shall any such vehicle stand upon any street leading from Pacific Avenue within a distance of thirty feet measured easterly from the east line of the sidewalk on the east side of said Pacific Avenue; nor within a distance of thirty feet mea- sured westerly from the west line of the sidewalk on the west side of said Pacific Avenue. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every offense. Sec. 6. That Ordinances No. 405, No. 677, No. 717, No. 766, No. 1363, No. 1378, No. 1568 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 29, 1904. 770 GENERAL OKDINAXCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 2239. An onlinaiice rogulating and preventing obstructions to streets, allej-s and sidewalks in the City of Tacoina, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No. 73, N. T., No. 171, No. 196, No. 258, No. S15, No. 1258. No. 1302, No. 1422, No. 1423, No. 1715, No. 2081 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hi/ Ihe City of Tacoma: Section 1. It sluiU hv unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation within the limits of the City of Tacoma to set, maintain or allow to remain any post, bill board or other obstruction in any road, .street, avenue or alley or upon any side- walk in said .City, for the purpose of fastening thereto any awn- injis or signs, other than electric light signs, and bicycle guide boards, or to erect or maintain any wooden aAvning, sign or shed in or over any street, sidewalk, avenue or alley or drop any awning of any material or allow the same to extend nearer to the surface of the sidewalk' than seven feet. Sec. 2. No ]ierson shall erect or maintain any building in such a position that any part thereof shall extend upon any street, avenue or alley, except and provided that bow or bay windows, bulks, cornices and other projections from a building above the first story shall be allowed to extend over the street, avenue or alley not exceeding twenty-four inches. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to erect or maintain in, over or upon any sidewalk, any stairway or flight of stairs of any kind leading to the second or any higher story of any building. Sp:c. 4. It shall be unlaAvful for any person to erect or main- tain or allow in front of premises belonging to him any opening in any sidewalk for the purpose of letting light into any cellar or basement or for any other purpose, except the said opening be cov- en'd at all times with a substantial iron grate or other iron cover- ing; but no such opening shall extend more than three feet from the inner line of sidewalk; provided that where a building is erected on a street having a grade of ten feet or more in a hundred feet, the City Council may pei-mit an opening to made in the side- walk along the side of such l)uilding, but such opening shall not exceed three feet in width and shall be protected by an iron rail- ing, securely fastened to the sidewalk. Sec. '). In shall be unlawful for any person or persons to put up or maintain or allow on any building owned by or under his or their control any pipe or conductor from the eaves of any such building to be .so put up or kept as to permit or cause GEXEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 771 thereby any flow of water from said pipe, spout or eondnetor to, across or upon any public sidewalk. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to construct, suspend or maintain or suiter any sign, transparency, flag, banner, placard or advertisement of any kind to project more than six inches on, over or upon any street, sidcAvalk or alley in the City, except that this shall not apply to any sign, transparency or advertisement which is supported by a single pedestal, made of iron, placed upon the outer edge of the side- walk, nor to any such sign, transparency or advertisement which is securely or firmly attached to a building with iron straps or rods, securely bolted, and not less than ten feet above the side- walk and extending not more than three feet from the front of the building to which it is attached, and where the same is so constructed as not to interfere with or obstruct tratific upon any street or sidewalk; and except also that the City Council may, by resolution, authorize flags, banners and advertisements, painted or printed on cloth, to be suspended and maintained over and across any street, sidewalk, avenue or alley of said City for purposes of a public nature for a limited time, to be designated in such resolution. Sec. 7. No person, firm or corporation shall place or cause to be placed on any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or other public place any building, shed or material of any kind that would endanger or obstruct traffic thereon and no person, firm or corporation that owns or is in possession of any building, shed, material or other thing in such street, alley, sidewalk or other public place shall allow or permit the same to remain thereon-, and each day that the same is thereon, it shall be construed as a separate offence, provided that this section shall not apply to merchandise or material used for manufacturing purposes whilft being received or delivered during the business hours, or apply tA building material when a permit to deposit such building ma- terial shall have been granted, or to the removal of buildings when a permit therefor has been granted. Sec. 8. Xo person shall throw or deposit upon any public street or upon any private premises or any whei-e except in such places as shall be designated by the Commissioner of Public Works, any glass, metal or broken ware, dirt, rubbish, garbage or filth, and no person shall carry upon any sidewalk, exposed so as to be offensive to pedestrians, any garbage, rubbish or filth. Sec. 9. Xo person shall drive, wheel or draw upon any sidewalk anv vehicle, except hand carriages for children and bar- 772 CiEXERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. i-()\vs or trucks loi- the purpose of delivering and receiving goods, and no person having the charge or control of any beast of burden shall intentionally cause or permit the same to stand upon any street crossing, or so near thereto as to obstruct the same. Sec. 10. Xo person shall disturb or remove any sidewalk or any part or plank thereof on any public street or alley without tirst obtaining leave from the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 11. No person shall lead or drive intentionally any animals on any of the sidewalks of the City. Sec. 12. No person shall place, or cause to be placed or maintained, auy wood and coal, whether in boxes or otherwise, on auy of the streets, sidewalks or alleys of the City, except the same be in the actual course of receipt or delivery. Sec. l;-5. Any person by whom, or under whose immediate auth(H-ity, as principal or contractor, or employee, any portion nf a public street may l)e made dangerous, shall erect, and so long as the danger shall continue, maintain around the portion of the street or highway so made dangerous, a good and sufficient bar- ]'ier and shall protect the same by lights at night. Sec. 14. No person or persons shall cut, saw or split any wood upon the sidewalk of any street within the City. Sec. 15. No person shall drag any log or timber on any of the improved streets of the City. Sec. 16. It shall be unlawful for any persons to gather in ei-owds or groups or for any person to stand singly upon any street or sidewalk of the City in any manner as to obstruct free passage thereon or to annoy any other person passing along the same, and the Chief of Police and any policeman is hereby au- thorized to disperse any crowd or group, or to cause the removal of any person violating the last foregoing provision and to sum- marily arrest any person or persons in ease of refusal on the l)art of said person or persons to obey, on reasonable direction given by such officer, for the purpose of clearing the way or pre- vent annoyance to passersby on any public street or sidewalk. Sec. 17. It .shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to re- move or cause to be removed from the streets, alleys or sidewalks any of the obstructions thereon that are prohibited by this ordi- nance and to cause to be prosecuted all persons who shall violate the same. Sec. 18. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle designed for the transportation of passengers or for any other purpose to obstruct the free passage of the sidewalk or street in GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 773 front of any theater, hall, hotel, restaurant, dwelling or place of public or private gathering and to this end the sidewalk and street for a space of at least thirty feet directly opposite any exit or entrance of such theater, hall ov place hereinbefore men- tioned shall at all times be free and unobstructed : provided, how- ever, that any vehicle may occupy the said space for the period of not more than three minutes for the purpose of receiving and discharging passengers. Sec. 19. No person or persons shall occupy any portion of any street or sidewalk for the deposit of building material with- out first obtaining a permit therefor from the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 20. A violation of any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed a misdemeanor and upon conviction there- of, the offender may be fined in any sum less than one hundred dollars. Sec. 21. That Ordinances No. 73, N. T., No. 171, No. 196, No. 258, No. 815, No. 1258, No. 1302, No. 1422, No. 1423, No. 1715, No. 2081, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2240. An ordinance imposing and regulating license on pool and billiard tables, pigeon bole or Jenny Lind tables, bagatelle tables, and bowling alleys, fixing the penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No. 136, No. 1335 and No. 1989 and all ordinances and parts of ordi- • nances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That hereafter there shall be charged the sum of twelve dollars per annum as a license on each and every pool and billiard table, pigeon hole or Jenny Lind table and bagatelle table kept for use in said City, for which a reward or compensa- tion shall be charged for using the same. Any person or persons keeping any such talile or t;ibles, ferformances, exhibitions, games, plays, shows and entertainments mentioned 77S GEXERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. in this ordinance without any fee, compensation or reward, for the purpose of inspecting the same and enforcing- the laws and ordinances of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 9. Any person, association, firm or corporation who shall exhibit or perform, or who shall attempt to exhibit or per- form or carry on, or who shall cause to be exhibited or performed or carried on any exhibition, performance, show, game or place for which a license is required by this ordinance, without having first obtained such license therefor, as provided herein, or shall violate an}' of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon convic- tion, be fined not less than fifty dollars and may be fined in any greater sum less than one hundred dollars, and stand committed until such 'fine and costs are paid. Sec. 10. That Ordinances No. 1077, No. 1203, No. 1348, No. 1544, No. 1667, No. 1906, No. 1933, No. 1994, No. 2064 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Approved December 29, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2252. An ordinance to regulate the moving, operation and speed of railroad, in- terurban and street railroad trains, cars and locomotives within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No. 581, No. 972, No. 1197, No. 1408 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No railroad, interurban or street railroad trains, cars or locomotives shall cross the tracks of another rail- road or street railroad within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma without first coming to a stop. Sec. 2. That no street car or interurban train running on the streets or highways of the City of Tacoma shall attain a higher rate of speed than is mentioned in this section within the following prescribed limits, to-w'it : Pacific Avenue, from South Seventh Street to South Twen- ty-fifth Street, nine miles per hour. "Within the following prescribed limits, to-wit: South Twenty-fifth Street on the south, "K" Street on the west. North Thirtieth Street in Old Town and North Thirteenth Street on the north and Railroad Street on the east, not to ex- ceed twelve miles per hour. Sec. 3. That on streets, other than included in Section 2 of this ordinance, the street cars shall not exceed fifteen miles an ' GENEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 779 . hour: provided, however, where double truck cars are used speed ' not to exceed twenty miles may be permitted. Sec. -4. That no street railway car or interurban train shall be allowed to attain a higher rate of speed than six miles per I hour while runnino- over any bridge, or bridges, which are now : or may hereafter be constructed within the limits of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 5. Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and may be fined in any sum less than one hundred dol- ^ lars for each and every offense. Sec. 6. That Ordinances No. 581, No. 972, No. 1197, No. 1408 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- Avith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. Approved January 5, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2253. Au ordinance to license and regulate the keepers of intelligence offices and business of employment agencies in the City of Tacoma, and repeal Ordinances Xo. 403, No. 641, Xo. 987, Xo. 1031, and No. 1236, and all ordinances and jiarts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. AVhoever shall open or keep an office or place for the purpose of obtaining employment for otbers, or for ob- taining- employes for others or giving information wbereby em- ployers or employes may be obtained, for a compensation to be paid by either party, shall be deemed to be a keeper of an intelli- gence office. Sec. 2. No person shall keep an intelligence office or employ- ment agency in the City of Tacoma without a license therefor, first had and obtained from the City Clerk, for which such per- son shall pay the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollai-s per annum, payable in advance. Sec. 3. No person shall receive a license under the provisions of this ordinance without first filing a bond with the City Clerk in the sum of five hundred ($500.00) dollars, to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned that the applicant will fully comply with all the provisions and requirements of this ordinance and will pay all judgments recovered against him for any violation of b this ordinance, together with such judgment and costs as may be ' recovered against him by any person, on account of any willful misrepresentation, or for willfully deceiving any person trans- actino' business Avith him, and pay all damages by roasiui of de- 780 nEM-:RAL OKDIXAXCES IN FULL. iii;iiulin.<: and i-oeeivino' aiiy nnusiial or exorbitant fee, or be uniJty of any deception whatever to any person who may em- ploy him or lier. as the case may be, or who may engage or em- ploy any person to perform work or any services for any other person. Sec. 4. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall apply to charitable institntions where employment is furnished by them. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be tined any sum less than $100.00. Skc. B. That Ordinances No. 403, No. 641, No. 987, No. 1081, No. 1236 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby expressly repealed. ■ Approved January 5, 1905. | ORDINANCE NO. 2254. An ordinance dividing the City of Taconia and the several Wards thereof, into election precincts and describing the boundaries thereof, and re- pealing Ordinances No. 800, No. 1274 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the City of Tacoma, and the eight wards thereof, are hereby divided into the election precincts hereinafto- named, and having the boundaries hereinafter set forth, for the holding of numieipal elections, both general and special, and for whatever purpose, Avhich said precincts are as follows, to-wit : Sec. 2. First Ward, First Preciuct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of Union Avenue on the west, the south boundary of section 31, township 21 north, range 3 east, on the south, the center line of Fife Street on the east and Commencement Bay on the north. Sec. 3. First M^ard, Second Frecwicf— Commencing Avhere the center line of Fife Street intersects the shore line of Com- mencement Bay, thence south along the center line of Fife Street to the center line of North Twenty-eighth Street; thence east along the center line of North Twenty-eighth Street to the cen- ter line of Steele Street; thence south along the center line of Steele Street to the center line of North Twenty-seventh Street; thence east along the center line of North Twenty-seventh Street to the center line of Nortli Eleventh Street ; thence North along the center line of North Eleventh Street to the section line be- tween sections 29 and 32, in township 21 north, range 3 east. "\V. ■^r. : thence east along said section line to the shore line of GENERAL ORDIXAXCES IN FULL. 781 Coiiinieneement Bay ; thence northwesterly along the shore line qf Commencement Bay to place of beginnino-. I Sec. 4. First Ward, Third Precinct— Beginning at the in- tersection of North Eighth Street prodnced with the watei's of .Connuencement Bay at low water mark, running thence south- easterly along the meanders of Commencement Bay to its inter- 'section with North Sixth Street prodnced, thence south along North Sixth Street to the center of North "K" Street; thence westerly along the center line of North "K" Street to Steele Street ; thence north along Steele Street to North Nine- teenth Street ; thence west along- North Nineteenth Street to Fife Street; thence north along Fife Street to North Twenty- third Street; thence east along North Twenty-third Street to the intersection with Yakima Avenue produced; thence easterly along said Yakima Avenue to its intersection with North Elev- enth Street; thence northerly along said North Eleventh Street to its intersection with Tacoma Avenue; thence easterly along said Tacoma Avenue to its intersection with North Eighth Street; thence northerly along said North Eighth Street pro- duced to the place of beginning. Sec. 5. Fir^t Ward, Fourth Pyecinci— Beginning at the intersection of North Sixth Street and North "K" Street, thence running southerly along North Sixth Street to its intersection with Division Avenue; thence north to the northeast corner of section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east, W. M. ; thence west along the north line of said section 6 to its intersection with Fife Street; thence north along Fife Street to North Nineteenth Street; thence east along North Nineteenth Street to Steele Street; thence south along Steele Street to intersect Noi'th "K" Street; thence easterly along North "K" Street to the place of beginning. Sec. 6. First Ward, Fifth PrcciHC^— Beginning at the in- tersection of Fife Street and North Twenty-eighth Street, thence south along the center line of Fife Street to the north line of Buckley Addition; thence east to the center line of Yakima Avenue: thence along the center line of Yakima Avenue to the center line of North Eleventh Street: thence along the center line of North Eleventh Street to the center line of North Tacoma Avenue • thence along the center line of North Tacoma Avenue to the center line of North Eighth Street : thence along the center line of North Eighth Street to the shore line of Conmiencement Bav • thence west on section line between sections 29 and 32 ni township 21 north, range 3 east, W. M., to the center line of North Eleventh Street: thence south to the center hue ot North 782 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Twenty-seventh Street; thence along the centei' line of Northf Twenty-seventh Street to the intersection of Steele Street ; thence a]on«r the center line of Steele Street to the center line of North Twenty-eicfhth Street ; thence along- the center line of Nortli Twenty-eighth Street to the place of beginning. Sec. 7. Second Ward, First Precinct — Beginning at tlie in- tersection of North Sixth Street produced with the waters (tf Commencement Bay at low water mark, running thence south- easterly along the meanders of said Commencement Bay to ils intersection with Division Avenue produced; thence southwest- erly along said Division Avenue to the line of "J" Street; thenci' westerly along North "J" Street to North Sixth Street; theniM^ northerly 'along North Sixth Street to the place of beginning. Sec. 8. Second Ward, Second Precinct— AW that portion of the City of Tacoma lying betw^een the center line of Division Avenue, the center line of "I" Street on the east, the center line of Sixth Avenue and its prolongation on the south, and the shore line of Commencement Bay on the north. Sec. 9. Second Ward, Third Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of Sixth Avenue and its prolongation on the north, the center line of St. Helens Avenue on the west, the center line of South Ninth Street and its prolongation on the south, and the City limits on the east. Sec. 10. Second Ward, Fourth Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of Sixth Avenue on the north, the center line of " I " Street on the west, the center line of Ninth Street on the south and the center line of St. Helens Avenue on the east. Sec. 11. Second Ward, Fifth i^rfci^c^— Beginning with the intersection of "I" Street Avith Division Avenue, running thence southerly along said "I" Street to its intersection with South Ninth Street; thence westerly along said Ninth Street to the alley between South "K" Street and South "L" Streets; thence noi-th westerly along said alley to its intersection with Division Avenue; thence northeasterly along said Division Avenue to the place of beginning. Sec. 12. Second Ward, Sixih Pr-ecmcf— Beginning at a point where the center line of South Eleventh Street intersects the center line of South "C" Street; thence running westerly along said Eleventh Street to its intersection with Tacoma Avenue; thence north along Tacoma Avenue to its intersection with South Ninth Street; thence easterly along said Ninth Street to its intersection with South "C" Street; thence south- erly to the place of beginning. Sec. 25. Third Ward, Twelfth Precmci — Beginning at the intersection of South Eleventh Street and the alley between South "I" Street and South "J" Street, thence running west- erly along Eleventh Street produced to its intersection with the east line of section 6, township 20 north, range 3 east W. M. ; GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 785 thence north along said section line to its intersection with Ninth Street produced; thence easterly along said Ninth Street pro- duced to the alley between South "I" Street and South "J" Street; thence south along said alley to jjlaee of beginning. Sec. 26. Fourth Ward, First Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the prolongation of the cen- ter line of South Nineteenth Street on the north, the center line of East "F" Street and its prolongation on the west, the south boundary of sections 9 and 10, township 20 north, range 3 east, on the south, and the Puyallup reservation line on the east. Sec. 27. Fourth Ward, Second Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the prolongation of the cen- ter line of South Nineteenth Street on the north, the center line of East "C" Street and its prolongation on the west, the south boundary line of section 9, township 20 north, range 3 east, on the south, and the center line of East "F" Street and its pro- longation on the east. Sec. 28. Fourth Ward, Third PrC'Cinrt-All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of South Nineteenth Street on the north, the center line of Tacoma Avenue on the west, the center line of South Twenty-fifth Street on the south, the center line of East "C" Street and its pro- longation on the east. Sec. 29. Fourth Ward, Fourth Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of South Twenty-fifth Street on the north, the center line of Tacoma Avenue to its intersection with the Northern Pacific railroad: thence southwesterly along said railroad to the west boundary of section 9, township 20 north, range 3 east; thence south along said west boundary of section 9, township 20 north, range 3 east to the southwest corner of section 9, on the west, the south boundary of section 9 on the south, the center line of East "C" Street on the east. Sec. 30. Fourth Ward, Fifth Precinet— All that portion of the City of Tacoma within the following boundaries: Com- mencing at the northwest corner of section 16, township 20 north, range 3 east; thence running east along the north line of said section to "A" Street; thence south on "A" Street to Forty-eighth Street; thence east along Forty-eighth Street to East' "A" Street; thence south along East "A" Street to South Fiftieth Street; thence west along South Fiftieth Street to tlie north and south one-half section line in section 21. township 20 north, range 3 east ; thence south on said line to the City Inij- 786 (ii:XKRAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. its; tluMicc west to the southwest corner of said section 21; thence north to the place of beginning. Sec. 31. Fourth Ward, Sixth Precinct— All that portion of the City of Taconia within the following boundaries: Com- mencing on the north boundary line of section 16, township 20 north, range 3 east, at the east line of "A" Street; thence run- ning east along said section line to the w-est line of the Puyallup Indian Keservation: thence southerly along the line of the City limits to the southeast corner of the Fourth AVard of the City; thence west along the City limits to the north and south one-half section line of section 21, township 20 north, range 3 east; thence north on said line to South Fiftieth .Street; thence east on said South Fiftieth Street to East "A" Street; thence north on said East "A" Street to South Forty-eighth street; thence west on South Forty-eighth Street to "A" Street; thence north to the place of beginning. Sec. 32. Fifth Ward, First Precinct— All that portion of the City of Taeoma lying within the following boundaries : Com- mencing at the intersection of the center line of South Twenty- first Street with the center line of Taeoma Avenue, thence west along the center line of South Twenty-first Street to the center line of "J" Street; thence southerly along the center line of "J" Street to the south boundary of section 8, township 20 north, lange 3 east: thence east to the southeast corner of section H, towjiship 20 north, range 3 east; thence north along the east l)oundary of section 8, township 20 north, range 3 east to the Northern Pacific railroad; thence along the Northern Pacific railroad to the center line of Taeoma Avenue; thence northerly alcmg the center line of Taeoma Avenue to the place of begin- ning. Sec. 33. Fifth Ward, Second Precinct— All that portion of the City of Taeoma Ij'ing within the following boundaries: Conunencing at the intersection of the center lines of South Nineteenth Street and Taeoma Avenue; thence south along the center line of Taeoma Avenue to the center line of South Twenty- first street: thence w'esterly along the center line of Twenty-first Street to the center line of "J" Street; thence southerly along the center line of "J" Street to the center line of South Twen- ty-third Street; thence westerly along the center line of South Twenty-third Street to the Avest boundary of section 8, township 20 north, range 3 east; thence north to the center line of South Nineteenth Street ; thence easterly along the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the place of beginning. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 787 Sec. 34. Fifth ^yard, Third Precinct— X\\ that portion of the City of Taeoma lying within the following boundaries : Com- mencing at the southwest corner of section 8, township 20 north, range 3 east, thence north to the center line of South Twenty- fifth Street ; thence east along the center line of South Twenty- fifth Street to the center line of Alaska Street; thence south along the center line of Alaska Street to the south boundary of Smith & Fife's Addition; thence east along the south boundary of Smith & Fife's Addition to the center line of South Twenty- seventh Street; thence along the center line of South Twenty- seventh Street to the center line of "J" Street; thence southerly along the center line of "J" Street to the .south boundary of sec- tion 8, township 20 north, range 3 east ; thence west to the place of beginning. Sec. 35. Fifth Ward, Fourth Precinct— A\] that portion of the City of Taeoma lying between South Thirty-fifth Street on the north, South Forty-third Street on the south, the eastern boundary of the Fifth Ward on the east, and the western boun- dary of said Fifth Ward on the west. Sec. 36. Fifth Ward, Fifth Precinct— AU that portion of the City of Taeoma lying within the following boundaries : Com- mencing at the intersections of the center lines of South Twenty- third Street and "J" Streets; thence westerly along the center line of South Twenty-third Street to the center line of Sprague Avenue ; thence south along the center line of Sprague Avenue to the center line of South 25th Street ; thence east along the cen- ter line of South Twenty-fifth Street to the center line of Alaska Street ; thence south along the center line of Alaska Street to the south boundary of Smith & Fife's Addition; thence east to the center line of South Twenty-seventh Street ; thence along the center line of South Twenty-seventh Street to the center line of "J" Street; thence northerly along the center line of ''J" Street to the place of beginning. Sec. 37. Fifth Ward, Sixth Precinct— AW that portion of the City of Taeoma lying between South Forty-third Street on the north. South Fifty-second Street on the south, the eastern boundary of the Fifth Ward on the east and the western boun- dary of said Fifth Ward on the west. Sec. 38. Fifth Ward, Seventh Precinct— AW that i^ortioii of the City of Taeoma lying between South Fifty-second Street on the north, South Sixty-fourth Street on the south, the east- ern boundary of the Fifth Ward on the east and the western boundary of said Fifth AVard on the west. 7SS GKXEKAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. Skc. .so. SixtJi Ward, First Prf>ci)icf—A\\ tliat portion of llic City of Taeonia lyin^- within the following boundaries: Com- iiieucinir at the intersection of the south line of South Twenty- fifth Street with the east boundary of section 7, township 20 noi-th, ranjre 3 east; thence west along the center line of South Twenty-fiftli Street to the west boundary of section 7, town- ship 'JO north, range 3 east; thence south along the west boun- dary of section 7, township 20 north, range 3 east, to the center line of South Twenty-eighth Street; thence west along the cen- ter line of South Twenty-eighth Street to the west boundary of section 12, township 20 north, range 2 east ; thence south to the southwest corner of section 12, township 20 north, range 2 east : thence east to 4:he center line of Union Avenue; thence south along the center line of Union Avenue to the center line of South Fortieth Street; thence east along the center line of South For- tieth Street to the center line of Pine Street ; thence south along the center line of Pine Street to the center line of South Forty- eighth Sti-eet; thence east along the center line of South Forty- eighth Street to the center line of Ferry Street; thence northerly along the center line of Ferry Street to the south line of South Fortieth Street ; thence east along the center line of South For- tieth Street to center line of Sprague Avenue; thence north to place of beginning Sec. 40. SixtJi Ward, Second Precinct — All that portion of the City of Taconia lying within the following boundaries: Commencing at the intersection of Sprague Avenue and South Fifty-sixth Street; thence west on South Fifty-sixth Street to its intersection with Union Avenue; thence north on Union Avenue to its intersection with South Fifty-second Street; 1 hence west on South Fifty-second Street to the west line of the ("ity limits; tlience north on the west line of the City limits to the intersection of South Thirty-fifth Street; thence east on South Thirty-fifth Street to its intersection with Union Avenue; 1 hence south on Union Avenue to its intersection with South Fortieth Street ; thence east on South Fortieth Street to its in- tersection with Pine Street; thence south on Pine Street to its intersection with South Forty-eighth Street; thence east on South Forty-eighth Street to its intersection with Sprague Avenue; tlience south on Sprague Avenue to place of beginning. Sec. 41. Sixth Ward, Third Precinct— AW that portion of the City of Tacoma lying Avithin the following boundaries: Com- mencing at the intersection of Sprague Avenue and South Fifty-sixth Street; thence south on Sprague Avenue to the south liu.. of City limits; thence west on the south line of Citv limits GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 789 to the Avest line of City limits; thence north on the west line of City limits to its intersection Avith South Fifty-second Street; thence east on Fifty-second Street to its intersection with Union Avenue ; thence south on Union Avenue to its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street; thence east on South Fifty-Sixth Street to place of beginning. Sec. 42. Seventli Ward, First Precinct— AW that portion of the City of Tacoma lying within the following boundaries: Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 6, Township 20 North, Range 3 East W. M. ; thence running west along the north line of said section to center line of Oakes Street; thence south along the said center line of Oakes Street produced to the east and west center line of said section ; thence east along said cen- ter line of said section to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of said section; thence north along said section line to the place of beginning. Sec. 43. Seventh Ward, Second Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying between the center line of South TAvelfth Street on the north, the center line of Union Avenue on the west, the center line of South Twenty-tyith Street on the south, and the center line of Sprague Avenue on the east. Sec. 44. Seventli Ward, Third Precinct— All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying in all of Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, ToAvnship 20 North. Range 2 East, and the north half of Section 12, Township 20 North, Range 2 East, together with that por- tion of the Oakland Addition lying between the center line of South Twenty-eighth Street to the north boundary of Oakland Addition. Sec. 45. Seventh Ward, Fourth Precinct — Jdl that poi-tion of the City of Tacoma lying within the following boundaries: Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 6, Township 20 North, Range 3 East; thence east along the north line of said section to the center line of Oakes Street; thence south along the center line of Oakes Street produced to the east and west cen- ter line of said section : thence Avest on the ^ corner on the Avest line of said section: thence north along the Avest line of said section to the place of beginning. Sec. 46. Eighth Ward, First Precinct — AW that portion of the City of Tacoma lying within the following boundaries: Commencing on the shore line of Connnencement Bay at its inter- section Avith the Avest boundary of Wallace's Addition; thence south to the northwest corner of Law's Addition; thence west to the northeast corner of Hope Park Addition; thence south to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 25, 790 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Township 21 Xortli, Kanwe 2 East: thence west to the shore line of Pu^'et Sound; thence following the shore line of Pnget Sound northwesterly, easterly and southeasterly to the north boundary of Section 23, Township 21 North, Range 2 East ; thence west to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 21 North, Range 2 East ; thence south to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 23, Township 21 Noi'th, Range 2 East; thence east to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 23, Township 21 North. Range 3 East; thence north to the shore line of Commencement Bay; thence southeasterly along the shore line of Commencement Bay to place of beginning. Sec. 47. Eighth Ward, Second Precinct — All that portion of the City of Tacoma lying within the following boundaries: Connnencing at the southeast corner of Section 36, Township 21 North, Range 2 East; running thence west to the shore line of Puget Sound ; thence northerly to the north boundary of Narrows Subdivision; thence east to the southeast corner of Hope Park Addition; thence north to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 25, Township 21 Nortli, Range 2 East; thence east to the northwest corner of Law's Addition ; thence north to the shoi'e line of Com- mencement Bay ; thence southeasterly to the center line of Union Avenue; thence south to the place of beginning. Sec. 48. That Ordinances No. 800, No. 1274 and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 5. 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2269. An ordinance creating a General Fund; designating what revenue shall be paid into the same; how the same shall be appropriated and ex- pended, and repealing Ordinances No. 185, No. 194, No. 1081 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. There is hereby created a fund to be known as the "General Fund.'' Sec. 2. All revenues coming into the City from any source whatsoever, unless otherwise appropriated, shall be paid into the (Jeneral P^und. Sec. 3. All warrants drawn for the payment of claims and demands against the City, unless otherwise provided for, shall be paid out of the General Fund. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 791 Sec. 4. That Ordinances No. 185, Xo. 194. Xo. 1081 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2270. An ordinance creating a ' ' Water and Light Fund, ' ' providing what moneys shall be paid into the same; authorizing the drawing of war- rants thereon, and repealing Ordinances No. 879, No. 1201 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That a fund be and is hereby created, to be known as the "Water and Light Fund," which shall consist of all moneys coming to the City as revenues from the water and light plants of the City, and such other moneys as may be au- thorized by the City Council. Sec. 2. The City Controller is hereby authorized to draw ' warrants on said fund for such purposes as may be authorized ; by the City Council ; said warrants to be signed by the IMayor and countersigned by the Controller, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay said warrants. Sec. 3. That Ordinances No. 879 and No. 1201 and all or- dinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2271. An ordinance establishing a Public Library, providing a fund for the main- tenance of same, creating the office of City Librarian and fixing his duties, and repealing Ordinances No. 932, No. 1142 and No. 1310 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That a Public Library is hereby established in the City of Tacoma, which shall be known and designated as the "City Library." Sec. 2. That there is hereby created the otHee of City Li- brarian, Avhose duties shall be to care for and manage the City Library of the City of Tacoma, in accordance with such direc- tions as may from time to time be given by the City Council. Sec. 3. The City Librarian shall be appointed by the Mayor without confirmation by the Council and such Librarian shall bold ofifice during the pleasure of the :Mayor and until his suc- cessor is appointed and qualified. 792 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 4. The President of the City Council shall appoint a Standing: Committee of seven members, to be known as the "Li- brai-y Committee," whose duties, with respect to the library, shall be similar to the duties of other standing commitees of the Council for the purpose for Avhich they are created. Sec. 5. The City Council shall, from time to time, by ordi- nance, provide for such assistance to the Librarian as is proper, and fix the salary for the same. The City Council shall also adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the library and reading room as will best secure an efficient carry- ing out of the purposes of the Public Library. Sec. 6. , For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordinance, a fund is hereby created to be known as the "Library Fund," which shall consist of all moneys coming to the City for library purposes from the general tax levies and all other moneys coming to the City for library purposes, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same out only upon warrants drawn by the proper officers of the City and in the usual manner, and the said proper officers are hereby author- ized to draw proper warrants and audit the accounts of the library. Sec. 7. The Librarian shall make a monthly report to the City Council, stating fully the condition of the library, the num- ber of books and periodicals on hand, the number added during the month, the number of visitors attending, the number of books loaned out, the character and kind of books, the attendance at the reading room and such other information, statistics and suggestions as he may deem of gen- eral interest. Such monthly report shall be presented to the City Council at the first regular meeting of each month. And at the close of each year, at the proper time for annual reports from the different departments of the City, the Librarian shall compile an annual statement from the monthly reports as above directed to be made. Sec. 8. That Ordinances No. 932, No. 1142, No. 1310 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. / GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 793 ' ORDINANCE NO. 2272. An ortlmance to establish a Board of Park Commissioners for the City of Tacoma, defining their duties and powers and repealing Ordinance No. 323 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordmned hy the City of Tacoma : Section 1. That there is hereby established a Board of Park Commissioners, to consist of five (5) members, Avho shall be appointed by the Mayor and who shall hold office during' the pleasure of the Mayor and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Sec. 2. The said Board shall have the power and it shall be their duty : First. To take charge of and exercise control over all parks belonging to the City. Second. To make report to the City Council from time to time regarding the condition of the parks, and to reconnnend appropriations by the Council for the improvement of the parks, and when such appropriations have been made, to expend the same in such improvements ; but no member of said Commission shall have power to create any debt, obligation, claim or liability, except with the express authority of said Commission, conferred at a meeting thereof duly convened and held. Third. To make such rules and regulations in regard to the ruse of the parks as shall best serve the interests of the public. Fourth. To receive in the name of the City all moneys or other property donated for the improvement of the parks by in- dividuals or corporations, and to expend and use the same in such manner as shall best carrry out the intent of the donors. All moneys received shall be forthwith paid into the City Treasury and shall be placed by the City Treasurer in a fund to be known as the "Park Fund." The Commissioners shall take duplicate receipts therefor, one of which shall be filed with the City Con- troller, and all expenditures relating to the several parks under the control of the said Commissioners shall be provided for in the same manner as the expenditures of other departments, and shall be paid from the City Treasury when required under tlie same rules and regulations governing the expenditures of other departments. Fifth. To do all things necessary and proper to secure for the public free use and enjoyment of said parks. Sec. 3. Said Board shall elect such officers from among 704 GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Ilicif iniiiilHn- as to thoiii sliall seem fit, and they shall keep a rec- ord of tlieir prooeedino's, Avhieh shall at all times be open to in- speetion by the ^Mayor and City Conneil. Sec. 4. That Ordinance No. 323 and all ordinances and parts 01- ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved Jannary 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2273. An ordinauee to prevent the obstruction of railroads and street railways in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hy tlie City of Tacoma: Seption 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to willfully place or cause to be placed upon or adjacent to the track or between the rails of any street railway company or any railroad company operating street cars or railroad trains in the City of Tacoma any obstacle whatever. Sec. 2. Any persons or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine in any sum less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or to im- prisonment in the City Jail for any period not exceeding thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2274. An ordinance to regulate the manner of boarding and alighting from rail- way trains, interurban trains and street cars within the City of Ta- coma, providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing Ordi- nances No. 207, No. 412, No. 1145, No. 1605 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to get upon the platform of or enter any car operated in this City by any street railway company, except for the purpose of being transported over the railway of such company in accordance with the terms and conditions imposed by said railway for the trans- portation of passengers or with the consent of said company. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to hang upon the rail, platform or any part or portion of any car operated by any street railway company in the City of Tacoma. Sec. 3. No person under the age of sixteen (16) years shall get on, or attempt to get on, or catch hold of, or run alongside , GEXERAL ORDIXANCES IX FULL. 79." <)f, or in front of, or attempt to obstruct the progress of any street railway, internrban train or steam ear or railroad train in the City of Tacoma while the same is in motion. Sec. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person, not a passenger or in company with a passenger, to get on or off or attempt to get on or off any railroad engine, tender or car of any descrip- tion or any part of any engine, tender or car, whether the same be in motion or not, within the limits of the City of Tacoma; provided, however, this ordinance shall not apply to any employe of any steam railway company operating engines or cars within the limits of the City of Tacoma ; or to any person having busi- ness to transact with such railway company, or to any person who shall board a passenger car for the purpose of meeting or assist in the departure of any passenger at a regular station of said railway company. Sec. 5. Any person employed as gripman, motorman or conductor and who shall Avear the usual uniform as such on any street railway, steam railway or interurban train in said City is hereby constituted a special policeman of said City for the pur- pose named in this ordinance only, and is authorized and empow- ered to make arrests for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance: but such gripman, motorman or conductor shall not be entitled to any fee or pay for his services from the City of Tacoma. Sec. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed twenty- five dollars ($25.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail not more than thirty (30) days. Sec. 7. That Ordinances No. 207, No. 412, No. 1145. No. 1605 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2275. An ordinance regulating the manner in wliich light and water companies, gas, telephone, telegraph, power and heating companies and all other companies using or operating pipes, conduits or electric lines, shall construct, alter or repair their lines within the City of Tacoyia, and repealing Ordinance Xo. 299 and all ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith. Be if onlained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration, owning or operating any business re«|uiring the use of 70(5 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. poles, pipes, mains or conduits within the City of Tacoma, to lay down, construct or repair mains, pipe lines or conduits or set any poles or make any construction or remove any of the same without firet notifying' the Com.missioner of Public Works in writing prior to connuencement of same what construction, change, repairs or alterations are desired to be made and when.^ they desire to make the same, and shall, before doing any of such work, obtain from the Commissioner of Public Works his con- sent in writing: so to do. Sec. 2. No street, avenue or alley shall be obstructed a greater distance than one hundred (100) feet, and not for a longer period than six working days, unless the City Counci shall extend the time thereof. Sec. 3. All street crossings shall be kept open during the progress of said improvement for a sufficient width to allow teams to pass, and all sideAvalk crossings shall be kept open at all times, by the erection of temporary walks, if necessary, so as not to in- terfere with persons traveling thereon. Sec. 4. Within five days after laying down any pipe or pipes, or tearing up the streets, alleys or avenues, where the same is planked, macadamized or paved, it shall be the duty of the per- son, firm or corporation making or having charge of the work of said company carrying on the work, to pave, plank or macadam- ize the said street, alley or avenue with the same material and in the same manner as the streets, alleys or avenues were improved, and leave the same in as good condition as they M'ere before the said work was commenced. Sec. 5. All surplus earth left by any person, firm or cor- poration referred to in this ordinance, in constructing, altering or repairing their lines, mains, poles or conduits, shall be removed from the streets, alleys or avenues within five (5) days after th? completion of said work or any part thereof and in refilling ditches or excavations the earth shall be tamped down hard and solid, and said street, alley or avenue left in good condition. Sec. 6. All poles along Avhich are strung electric wires shall be set so that the sides thereof next to the streets shall be inside of the gutter or curb stone of the sidewalk. Sec. 7. All work of construction, alteration or repair of the works of any such person, firm or corporation shall be so carried on as not to interfere Avith any public work of the City of Tacoma, and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corpo- ration to construct, alter or repair any lines, pipes or conduits or other works or set any poles on any street, avenue or alley of said GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 797 City where the City is makino- any public improvement or carry- ing- on any public work without first having- obtained the consent ol the City Council. Sec. 8. All hydrants and their connections put in by any water or light and water company shall remain uncovered until examined and approved by the Inspector of Plumbing, and it shall be the duty of any water or light and water company to notify said Inspector of Plumbing that such hydrants and their connections are ready for inspection. Sec. 9. Any person, firm or corporation that shall violate •any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof may be fined in any sum less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and each day's continu- ance thereof shall be deemed a separate offense. Sec. 10. That Ordinance No. 299 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2276. An ordiuance to regulate hawking and peddling in the City of Tacoma, fix- ing a penalty for the violation thereof, arid repealing Ordinances No. 138, No. 880, No. 925, No. 9.56, No. 1296, No. 1803, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here\Yith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No, person shall peddle any article in the City of Tacoma without first obtaining a license as a peddler in the manner prescribed in this ordinance. Sec. 2. The license fee, to be paid by peddlers in the City of Tacoma, shall be as follows: For peddling jewelry, fifteen dollars per month. For peddling salve, liniment, drugs, medicines, dry goods, shawls, table cloths, furnishing goods, cloths, cassimeres. dress goods, rugs, curtains, portieres, cutlery and other similar articles, twenty-five dollars per month. For peddling statuary, pictui-es. books, maps, charts or pub- lications other than newspapers and magazines, five dollars per month. And no license shall be issued for any of the foregoing named purposes for a period of less than si.x months, with the fees payable in advance. For peddling meats, game, poultry, fruits, vegetables, but- ter, eogs or other edibles, farm or dairy products, other than milk. 708 GENERAL OKDIXAXCES IN FULL. Avith ;i wauoii, witli a wasion drawn by two animals, one Imndred iloUars per annum; with a wagon drawn by one animal, seventy-^ five dollars per annum ; when the article, thing- or product men-l tioned in this paragraph is sold by a person, or persons, carryii or transpoi'ting the same by any other means or in any othe manner, twenty-five dollars per annum. No license shall be issuec for a less period than one year for peddling the articles enum- erated in this paragraph. For peddling fish, twenty dollars per year, payable semi- ainiually in advance. For peddling any article not particularly enumerated and] described in this ordinance, license may be granted by the Mayor] for a time not to exceed thirty days, upon payment by the per-j son making the application for such license to the City Treas- urer of such a license fee as the Mayor shall deem equitable andj proper. The license provided for in this section shall be numbered byl the City Clerk when issued, and the person procuring the license' shall display such number in Arabic numerals, sutficiently large to be easily read, in a prominent place on the vehicle used by him in such business, and in case no vehicle is used, then such license numl)er shall be prominently displayed on the person of the licen- see when engaged in such business of peddling. Sec. 3. The ])r()visions of this ordinance regulating the sale of goods and merchandise upon the streets of Tacoma, or any- where within the limits of said City, are not intended to apply to any mechanic or artisan peddling or oifering for sale any article of his own make, nor to any farmer or dairyman selling the product of his own farm, garden or dairy, provided he com- ply with the provisions of the market ordinance prescribing the time and place where such wares shall be sold. Provided fur- ther, that this ordinance shall not be construed so as to prohibit any grocer or butcher having a regularly established business within this City from taking orders or delivering goods to his customers. Sec. 4. All such peddlers, Avhen stopping upon the streets to sell or offer for sale, any merchandise, shall draw up to and parallel with the curb line, and no peddler shall remain in front and next to any premises for such purpose for a longer time than fifteen minutes in any part of the City, and at no time shall any peddler stop to exhibit his wares or offer same for sale in that part of the City of Tacoma bounded by the west side of Tacoma Avenu(^ on the west, the ea.st side of "A" Street on the east, th. GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 799 north side of South Seventh Street on the north and the south side of South Twenty-fifth Street on the south. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2382.) Sec. 5. Every person, except licensed auctioneers, selling or offering for sale any article by peddling the same from house to house, or upon the streets or highway or public place within the City limits, w4io shall give any public entertainment, or make any public speech to draw custom or attract notice, shall be deemed a hawker, and shall pay a license fee of twenty dollars per day. Sec. 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any sum less than one hun- dred dollars, or improsnment not to exceed thirty days or both fine and imprisonment. Sec. 7. Every person required under this ordinance to ob- tain a license, shall pay to the City Treasurer the amount speci- fied herein for his special business and receive a receipt therefor, w^hieh receipt shall set forth the kind of business for Avhieh the license is desired. The applicant for a license shall present said receipt to the City Clerk, who shall issue the license, retaining said Treasurer's receipt. Sec. 8. Ordinances No. 138, No. 880, No. 925, No. 956, No. 1296, No. 1803, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby expressly repealed. Approved January 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2277. An ordinance fixing the name of certain thoroughfares iu the City of Ta- conia, and repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the alley as now opened, laid out and ex- isting between "A" Street and Pacific Avenue, extending from South Seventh Street to South Fifteenth Street iu the City of Tacoma be and the name thereof is hereby fixed as ''Court A"; that the alley now opened, laid out and existing between "C" Street and "D" Street, from South Ninth Street to Jefferson Avenue be and the name thereof is hereby fixed as ' ' Court C " ; that the alley now opened, laid out and existing between "D" Street and ''E" Street, from South Seventh Street to South Twenty-first Street be and the name thereof is hereby fixed as "Court D"; that the alley as now opened, laid out and existing between "E" Street and Tacoma Avenue, from Six-fli Avtmue to 800 GENERAL ORDTNAXCES TX FULL. North street in Byrd's Addition be and the name thereof is hereby fixed as "Court E." Sec. 2. That all ordinances and ])arts of ordinances in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved Jiinuary 12, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2284. An ordinance defining who are disorderly persons and to provide for their punishment, and repealing Ordinances No. 2 N. T., No. 3 N. T., No. 4 O. T., No. 5 O. T., No. 91, No. 134, No. 968, No. 1366, No. 1574 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Taeonia: Section 1. That the following persons are hereby declared to be disorderly persons : All persons found intoxicated in any public place in the City of Tacoma. All persons fighting or quareling in any public place in the City of Tacoma. All persons who shall resist any peace officer or policeman, or who shall refuse, when called upon, to assist him in the dis- charge of his duty, or who shall aid or assist any person in the custody of such peace officer upon charge of a violation of any ordinance of the City of Tacoma to escape from such custody. All persons who shall by noisy, riotous, or tumultous con- duct disturb the quiet and peace of said City, or of any meeting or assemblage therein. All persons who shall use any vulgar, profane or obscene language or conduct in any public place in said City. All persons who shall be guilty of fast or immoderate driv- ing or riding of horses in any of the streets, highways or alleys of said City ; or who shall ride or drive upon any sidewalk, ex- cept at the proper street crossing, or who shall obstruct any side- Avalk, street, highway or alley in said City in any manner; pro- vided, however, that the provisions of this section, prohibiting fast or immoderate driving or riding of horses shall not apply to] South Yakima Avenue between South Thirteenth Street and! South Twenty-sixth Street, but no one shall be permitted to speed any horse or horses on said avenue between said streets in a reck- less or wanton manner and no one shall speed any horse or horses on said avenue between said streets except when going in a south- erly direction from South Thirteenth Street towards South Twen- ty-sixth Street, and then on the right hand side of said avenue, GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 801 and not closer than ten feet to the center line thereof, and then only with due regard to the rights of the public in the general use of said avenue. All persons ,who shall willfully break, impair, injure or de- face any building, fence, awning, window, sign, signboard, tree, shrubbery or other ornamental thing in said City. All persons who shall remove from or pile up before any door or on any sidew^alk or street, boxes, casks or other things for the purpose of annoyance or mischief or who shall willfully tear down, destroy or mutilate any notice or handbill lawfully posted up in said City. All persons (except police officers and other persons whose duty it is to execute process or warrants or make arrests) who shall carry upon their persons any concealed weapons, consisting of a revolver, pistol or other firearms (except by written permit from the Chief of Police) or any knife (other than an ordinary pocket knife) or any dirk or dagger, sling shot or metal knuckles or any instrument by the use of which injury can be inflicted upon the person or property of any other persons. All persons (except peace officers as aforesaid) who shall draAv, exhibit or attempt to use any deadly weapon upon, to or against another person within said City with intent to do bodily injury to such person. All persons (except peace officers as aforesaid and persons practicing at target shooting in a shooting gallery, duly licensed) who shall in the City limits fire off or discharge any gun or pistol or firearm of any kind, or bomb. Every person who solicits alms as a business. Every common prostitute or female person who practices prostitution as a business and has sexual intercourse with men for hire. Every male person who lewdly or viciously associates or co- habits with any common prostitute. Every male person who lives in whole or in part upon the earnings of a common prostitute. Every person, male or female, who procures, as a business, persons of the opposite sex to meet for the practice of prostitu- tion. Every lewd woman who loiters in or about saloons or other public place where intoxicating liquors are sold or otherwise dis- posed of, making a business of drinking with men and soliciting them to purchase and drink intoxicating liquors. 802 GlsNERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Every idle person -who is found indiscriminately associating \vilh drunken men in such a manner as to create a reasonable sus- picion that Ills ])urpose is theft or robbery. Every ])erson who shall operate or cause to be operated any gaminjr apparatus or device whereby money may be lost or won. Every professional gambler or persons who make a business of playing at games of chance for profit. Every person engaged in buncoing or swindling games and devices for the purpose of swindling and defrauding others. Any person or persons who shall smoke or inhale opium or who shall visit any place for the purpose of smoking or inhaling opium, or w,ho frequents any place Avhere opium is smoked or inhaled. Any person or persons who shall keep a house, cellar or any other place in which such person or persons or any other per- son or persons smoke or inhale opium. Sec. 2. The Chief of Police and the policemen and watch- men shall each and all of them have power and are hereby author- ized at any and all times to arrest or cause to be arrested with or without process or warrant, any disorderly person or persons found by him or them committing any misdemeanor, as defined in Section 1 of this ordinance. Sec 3. Any person so arrested shall be forthwith taken be- fore any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offences in said City, and in case such Justice cannot be found or the arrest is made in the night time, then the officer arresting such person may detain him in his custody, or commit him to some place for keeping until such Justice can be found, when said oflPender shall be immediately taken before such Justice, to be dealt with a.s in this ordinance provided. Skc. 4. It shall not be necessary, in order to prove the guilt of any person or persons keeping a house or other place for smok- ing or inhaling opium, that any one should be found smoking or inhaling therein, but the finding of the pipes, opium or other appliances used for the purpose of smoking or inhaling opium therein, shall be deemed sufficient evidence of the violation of this ordinance; nor shall it be deemed necessary, in order to prove the guilt or to convict any person or persons of smoking or inhaling opium, that they shall be found in the act of smok- ing or inhaling, but evidence that such person or persons were found in such house or other place in possession of opium, opium pipes or under the influence of opium shall be deemed sufficient evidence for conviction. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 803 Sec. 5. The Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction of municipal offences shall have power and it shall be his duty in cases of persons brought before him, charged with being disor- derly persons, to proceed summarily to try such persons and to hear and determine the alleged offence or charge against them. Sec. 6. Every person enumerated and described in Section 1 of this ordinance, is a disorderly person and shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction .shall be punished by imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by a fine in any sum less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment, and such persons so convicted shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid. Sec. 7. When any person is found guilty of carrying any knife, gun, pistol, dirk, metal knuckle, sling shot, etc., and hav- ing the same in their possession, and any person arrested for smoking or inhaling opium and having any pipes, opium or other equipment for opium smoking in his possession, the police shall confiscate such articles. Sec. 8. That Ordinances No. 2 N. T., No. 3 N T., No. 4 0. T., No. 5 0. T., No. 91, No. 134, No. 968, No. 1366, No. 1574 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Provided that nothing in this ordinance contained shall affect any right, action, suit or other proceedings heretofore com- menced and now pending in any Court of Justice for the punish- ment of offences against or in violation of the provisions of the ordinances hereby repealed. Approved January 26, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2285. An ordinance establishing grades of certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, and repealing all prior grade ordinances, excepting only Ordinances Numbered 787 and 1397. Be it ordained iy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. The gutter grades of "A" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 127. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 123. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 117.2 At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 105. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 94.5 At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 83 . S(i4 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At its intersection \vith South Fourteenth Street 72. At its intersection witli South Twentieth Street 45. At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 45 . At its intersection Avith South Twenty-second Street 51. At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 58. At its intersection with South Puyallup Avenue 63. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 73.5 At its intersection with South Twenty-sixth Street 90. At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street. . . .109. At its intersection Avith South Twenty-eighth Street 122. At its intersection Avith South TAA^enty-ninth Street 135 . At its intersection Avith South Thirtieth Street 155 . 85 feet east of its intersection Avith South Thirty-fourth Street ." 291. Sec. 2. The guttej' grades of Adams Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At the intersection of its west line Avith north line of South Twenty-first Street 98.2 Its east line at the intersection Avith north line of South TAventy-first Street 95.4 Its Avest line at its intersection Avith the west line of Com- merce Street 78 . 5 Its ea.st line at its intersection Avith the AA'cst line of Com- merce Street 83 . At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 110.5 At its intersection Avith South Twenty-fourth Street 111.5 At its intersection Avith South TAventy-fifth Street 119. At its intersection with Alaska Street 382 . At its intersection Avith Hanson Street 365. At its intei-section Avith the east line of Hosmer Street. . . .370. At its intersection Avith the Avest line of Hosmer Street. . .371. At its intersection Avith Sprague Street 382. Sec. 3. The gutter grades of AinsAvorth Avenue shall be as folloAvs : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 379. At its intersection Avith Sixth Avenue 379. At its intersection Avith South Seventh Street 376. At its inter.seetion with South Eighth Street 376. At its intersection Avith South Ninth Street 388. At its intersection Avith South Eleventh Street 391. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 393. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 805 Feet. At its intersection Avith South Twenty-third Street 375 . At its intersection Avith South Fortieth Street 361 . 8 At its intersection with North Sixth Street 390. At its intersection aa' ith North Seventh Street 403 . At its intersection Avith North Eighth Sti'eet 400. At its intersection Avith North Ninth Street 388 . At its intersection with North Tenth Street . . .\ 387 . Sec. 4. The gutter grades of Alaska Street shall be as fol- lOAA^S : Feet. At its intersection AA'ith South Fortieth Street 381 . At its intersection Avith South FortA^-fif th Street 347 . Sec. 5. The gutter grades of Alder Street shall be as fol- loAvs : Feet. At its intersection Avith Sixth Avenue 370 . At its intersection with South Seventh Street 371. At its intersection Avith South Eighth Street 371.5 At its intersection with South Ninth Street 374 . At its intersection Avith South Tenth Street 377. At its intersection Avith South Eleventh Street 378 . At its intersection Avith South Twelfth Street 374 . At its intersection Avith ^^orth Seventh Street 367 . At its intersection Avith North Eighth Street 362. At its intersection Avith North Ninth Street 362. At its intersection Avith North TAventy-first Street 330.4 At its intersection with North TAventy-f ourth Street . . . 329 . 4 At its intersection Avith North TAventy-fifth Street 329. At its intersection Avith North TAventy-Sixth Street 328.5 Sec. 6. The gutter grades of Anderson Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection Avith Sixth Avenue 373. At its intersection Avith South Seventh Street 375. At its intersection with South Twefth Street 389. At its intersection Avith North Eighth Street 367. 165 feet west of its intersection with North Twenty-first Street ^21. 450 feet west of its intersection Avith North TAventy-first Street ^28. sou GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 7. The gutter g-rades of Ash Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 256. Sec. 8. The gutter grades of Asotin Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 366 . 9 At its intersection with South Forty-first Street 361. At its intersection wdth South Forty-second Street 357 . At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 354. At its intersdetion with South Forty -sixth Street 349. At its intersection with South Forty-seventh Street 349. At its intersection with the north side of South Forty- eighth Street 351 . At its intersection Avith the south side of South Forty- eighth Street 352. At its intersection with South Forty-ninth Street 361. At its intersection with South Fiftieth Street 369. At its intersection with South Fifty-first Street 371. At its intersection with South Fifty-second Street 370 . At its intersection with South Fifty-third Street 368.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 365. At its intersection with South Fifty-fifth Street 359.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street 358. Sec. 9. The gutter grades of East "B" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South 30th Street 152. 60 feet east of its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street " 290. Sec. 10. The gutter grades of Bay Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Fife Street « 404.75 At its intersection with Prospect Street 397 . 4 Sec. 11. The gutter grades of "C" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 190 . At its intersection with North Fifth Street 213. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 213 . GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 807 Feet. At its intersection with North Seventh Street 188 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street 173. At its intersection with Division Avenue 270.5 At its intersection with north side of South Second Street . 247 . 5 At its intersection wath south side of South Second Street . 245 . 84 312 feet north of its intersection with South Fourth Street226 . 5 410 feet north of its intersection with Sixth Avenue 217.5 196 feet north of its intersection with Sixth Avenue 207.3 At its intersection with north side of Sixth Avenue 197.25 At its intersection with south side of Sixth Avenue .... 195 . 88 At its intersection with South Seventh Street 173.5 370 feet north of its intersection with South Ninth Street. 162. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 155.4 115 feet south of its intersection with South Ninth Street. 153. 90 feet north of its intersection with South Eleventh Street 140. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 136.7 At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 119.7 340 feet south of its intersection with South Thirteentli Street 112. At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 106 . 8 At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 99.3 Its east line at its intersection with south line of Soutli Twenty-first Street 95.4 Its west line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty-first Street 98-21 Its east line at its intersectioin with the north line of South Twenty-third Street -^ 104. Its west line at its intersection with north line of South Twenty-third Street 106 . Its east line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty-third Street ^^ 104. Its west line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty-third Street 106 . Its east line at its intersection with north line of South Twenty-fourth Street ■ -^ 105.5 Its west line at its intersection with north line of South Twenty-fourth Street • • -^ 10' • 5 Its east line at its intersection Avith south line of South Twenty-fourth Street lO^- 5 Its west line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty-fourth Street 107-5 Its east line at its intersection with north line of Soutli Twentv-fifth Street ^^^ • 808 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. Its west line at its intersection with north line of South Twenty-fifth Street 113 . Its east line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty -fifth Street Ill . Its west line at its intersection with south line of South Twenty-fifth Street 113. Its west line 256 feet south of its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street : 119 . 75 At its intersection with South Twenty-ninth Street 200. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 233. Its east line at its intersection with South Thirty-second Street .■ 285. Its west line at its intersection with South Thirty-second Street : 287 . 5 At its intersection with Wright Avenue 295. Its east line at its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 310. Its west side at its intersection Avith South Thirty-fourth Street 312. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 320. Sec. 12. The gutter grades of East ''C" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 43. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 59. At its intersection with South Twenty-sixth Street 72. At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street 88 . At its intersection Avith South Twenty-eighth Street 110. At its intersection with South Twenty-ninth Street 128. At its intersection Avith north side of South Thirtieth Street 155. At its intersection Avith south side side of South Thirtieth Street 158 . At its intersection Avith South Thirty-first Street 199.5 At its intersection Avith South Thirty-second Street 241 . Sec. 13. The gutter grades of Carr Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection Avith North Twenty-eighth Street ....... 92 . At its intersection Avith North TAventy-ninth Street 72 . At its intersection Avith North Thirtieth Street 59 . 8 At its intersection Avith North Thirty-first Street 26. GENEBAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 809 Sec. 14. The gutter grades of Cedar Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue ,362 . At its intersection with South Seventh Street 363.8 At its intersection with South Eighth Street 366. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 372. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 375 . At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 373. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 371. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 259 . At its intersection A\ath North Seventh Street 360. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 358.6 At its intersection with North Ninth Street 357. Sec. 15. The gutter grades of Center Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with "I" Street 255. At its intersection with "J" Street 255. At its intersection with "K" Street 256. At its intersection with "L" Street 258. At its intersection with "M" Street 260. At its intersection with "N" Street 263. At its intersection with "0" Street 264. At its intersection with Ainsworth Avenue 265 . At its intersection with Chandler Street 257 . At its intersection with Asotin Street 255. At its intersection with Alaska Street 254 . At its intersection with AVilkeson Street 263 . At its intersection with Ash Street 262 . At its intersection with Elm Street 256 . At its intersection with Walnut Street 255 . Sec. 16. The gutter grades of Cliff Avenue shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 245 . At its intersection with North Fii-st Street 242. At its intersectiton with North Second Street 245 . At its intersection with North Third Street 249. At its intersection with North "D" Street 222. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 190. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 183. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 1^9 810 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At its intersection Avitli North Seventh Street 153 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street'. 142 . At its intersection Avith North Ninth Street 135. At its intereection with South Second Street 195. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 192. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 188. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 138. Sec. 17. The gutter grades of Commerce Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 138. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 139.86 At its intersection with South Ninth Street 137.2 At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 118. 6 At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 101 . 5 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 88 . 6 At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 78 . 5 Its east side at its intersection with Hood Street 78.4 Its west side at its intersection with Hood Street 80.4 Its east side at its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 74 . 5 Its west side at its intersection Avith South Nineteenth Street 77 . 5 Its east side at its intersection Avith South TAventieth Street 78 . Its Avest side at its intersection Avith South Twentieth Street 83 . Its east side at its intersection Avith South TAventy-first Street ' 76 . 4 Its AA'est side at its intersection Avith South TAventy-first Street 81.4 Its east side at its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 88.3 Its west side at its intersection Avith South Twenty-third Street 91.2 Sec. 18. The gutter grades of "D" Street shall be as fol- loAVS : Feet. At its intersection Avith South Seventh Street 212. At its intersection Avith South Ninth Street 194. At its intersection Avith South Eleventh Street 179 . 9 At its intersection Avith South Thirteenth Street 162.9 At its intersection Avith South Fifteenth Street 150. GENEEAL OEDINAXCES IX FULL. 811 Feet. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 139. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 136 . At its intersection with south side of South Twenty-eightli Street 170 . At its intersection with north side of South Twenty-ninth Street 202. Its west side at its intersection with south side of South Twenty-ninth Street 205 . Its east side at its intersection with south side of South Twenty-ninth Street 207. ^> At its intersection wdth north side of South Thirtieth Street 247 . 4 At its intersection with south side of South Thirtieth Street 253. At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-first Street " 287.2 At its intersection with south side of South Thirty-first Street 290. Its west side at its intersection with South Thirty-second Street 309. Its east side at its intersection Avith South Thirty-second Street 308.2 At its intersection with Wright Avenue 312 . Its west side at its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street ^ 321.8 Its east side at its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 320. 40 feet south of its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 323.2 At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-fiftli Street 335. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 240. At its intersection Avith North Fifth Street 257. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 237 . At its intersection with North Seventh Street 212. Sec. 19. The gutter grades of East "D" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection wdth South Twenty-first Street 23 . 7 At its intersection Avith South TAA^enty-second Street 26. At its intersection Avith South TAventy-third Street 30. At its intersection Avith Puyallup Avenue 42 . At its intersection Avith South Twenty-fifth Street 68 . 812 GENERAL OKDINANCES IN FULL. Feet, At its intersection with South Twenty-sixth Street 83. At its intersection with noi'th line of South Twenty- seventh Street 100 . At its intersection with south line of South Twenty- seventh Street 101 . 5 At its intereection with north line of South Twenty- eighth Street 120. At its intersection with south line of South Twenty- eighth Street 121.5 At its intersection with South Twenty-ninth Street 140 . At its intersection Avith north line of South Thirtieth Street : 162. At its intersection with south line of South Thirtieth Street 163.2 At its intersection with South Thirty -first Street 205.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-second Street 253. At its intersection with Wright Avenue 295 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 315. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 322. At its intersection Avith South Thirty-sixth Street 320. At its intersection with South Thirty-seventh Street 318 . Sec. 20. The gutter grades of Delin Street shall be as fol- lows : ■ Feet. At the northeast corner of its intersection with Wright Avenue 309 . 1 At the northwest corner of its intersection with Wright Avenue 311 . 8 Opposite to northeast corner at right angles of its inter- section with AVright Avenue 309. 1 At or near the intersection of South Thirty-second Street, viz: Southwest corner 289.9 Southea.st corner 288.1 Opposite to southwest corner at right angles 289.9 Northeast corner 282 . 1 Northwest corner 283 . 9 Opposite to northeast corner at right angles 282.1 At or near its intersection with South Thirty-first Street, \VA: Southwest corner 262 . 9 Southeast corner 261 . 1 Opposite to southwest corner at right angles 262.9' GEXEEAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 813 Feet. Northeast corner 255 . 1 Northwest corner 256 . 9 Opposite to northeast corner at right angles 255.1 At or near the intersection of South Thirtieth Street, viz : Southwest corner 235 . 9 Southeast corner 234. 1 Opposite to southwest corner at right angles 235 . 9 At the northeast corner of Delin Street and Tacoma Avenue 226 . 9 Opposite, at right angle, to the last mentioned corner 226.9 At the southwest corner of Block 2810 215.3 At a point on southeast side of Delin Street, opposite to last mentioned point at right angles 215.3 At angle in Block 7908, on east side of "E" Street 207.8 At a point on the northwesterly side of Delin Street, oppo- site to last mentioned point at right angles 207.8 At the northeast corner of Block 7808 176.2 At a point on northwesterly side of Delin Street, opposite to last mentioned point at right angles 176.2 At southwest corner of Block 7809 165 . 8 At the northeast corner of Block 7809 139.4 At an angle in Block 7711 on southerly side of South Twenty-seventh Street 128 . 4 At northeast corner of Block 7612 99 . At a point on the northwesterly side of Delin Street, oppo- site to last mentioned point at right angles 99 . Sec. 21. The gutter grades of Dock Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 50.5 Sec. 22. The gutter grades of "E" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 245. At its intersection with North First Street 261. At its intersection with North Second Street 245 . At its intersection with North Third Street 249. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 278. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 281 . At its intersection with North Sixth Street 2.)8 . At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 281. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 262. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 238.8 814 GENEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 224.7 At its intersection Avith South Thirteenth Street. . 207.7 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 194.8 At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 187. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 178.5 At its intersection with South Twenty-third Streeet 173. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 178. At its intersection Avith South TAventy-seventh Street 182. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 234 . At its intersection Avith Wright Avenue 324. At its intersection Avith South Thirty-fourth Street 332 . At the intersection Avith South 35th Street 342. Sec. 23. The gutter grades of East " E " Street shall be as f olloAVS : T^ . Feet. At its intersection Avith Puyallup Avenue 41 . At its intersection Avith South Twenty-fifth Street 68. At its intersection Avith South TAventy-sixth Street 98. At its intersection Avjth South TAventy-seventh Street 120. At its intersection Avith South TAventy-eighth Street 127 . At its intersection Avith South TAventy-ninth Street 140 . At its intersection Avith south side of South Thirtieth Street 170. Its Avest side at its intersection Avith the north side of South Thirtieth Street 168. Its east side at its intersection Avith north side of South Thirtieth Street 167. Its east side at its intersection Avith South Thirty-second Street 315.2 Its west side at its intersection with South Thirty-second Street 317.2 At its intersection Avith Wright Avenue 298 . Its Avest line at its intersection Avith South Thirty-fourth Street " 306. Its west line at its intersection Avith South Thirty-fifth Street 320. Its east line at its intersection Avith South Thirty-fifth Street 319. Sec. 24. The gutter grades of North Eleventh Street shall be as foUoAvs : -r^ ^ Feet. At its intersection Avith North TAventy-fif th Street 191 . At its intersection Avith North TAventy-sixth Street 190. At its intersection Avith North Twenty-seventh Street 170. GENEEAL OEDIXANCES IN FULL. 815 Sec. 25. The gutter grades of South Eleventh Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with the east line of "A" Street 105. 214.5 feet east of the east line of "A" Street 81.40 553 feet east of the east line of "A" Street 61. 738 feet east of the east line of ''A" Street 56. 1173 feet east of the east line of "A" Street 56. At the City Waterway 22 . 5 At its intersection with Railroad Avenue 22 . 7 At its intersection with St. Paul Avenue 23.2 Sec. 26. The gutter grades of "F" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At the southwest corner of its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 235 . 9 At the southeast corner of its intersection with South Thirtieth Street , 234. 1 Opposite the southwest corner, at right angles, of its inter- section with South Thirtieth Street 235.9 At its intersection with AVright Avenue 328 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 333 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 341. Sec. 27. The gutter grades of East ''F" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 26. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 65. At its intersection with South Twenty-sixth Street 80. At its intereection with South Twenty-seventh Street 90 . At its intersection with South Twenty-eighth Street 110. At its intersection with South Twentj^-ninth Street 125. At its intersection with south side of South Thirtieth Street 143. Its west side with the intersection of the north side of South Thirtieth Street 143 . Its east side at its intersection with the north side of South Thirtieth Street 140. At its intersection with South Thirty-second Street 325 . At its intersection with Wright Avenue 293 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 303 . 8 At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 310. 816 GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 28 . The gutter grades of Ferry Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 386. At its intersection Avith South Eighth Street 380. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 376. Sec. 29. The gutter grades of Fife Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue .377. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 369. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 395. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 398 . 3 At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 402. At its intersection with Bay Street 404.75 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 406.75 Sec. 30. The gutter grades of South Fifteenth Street shall be as follows : Feet. 140 feet east of its intersection with Pacific Avenue 54.2 Its north one-half 285 feet east of its intersection with Pacific Avenue 39 . Its south one-half 275 feet east of its intersection with Pacific Avenue 36 . Its north one-half 350 feet east of its intersection with Pacific Avenue 37 . 490 feet east of its intersection with Pacific Avenue 25. At its intersection Avith Dock Street 24. 5 Its north one-half at the deck of wharf on City WaterAvay and slip 24 . 5 Sec. 31. The gutter grades of "G" Street shall be as fol- loAvs : Feet, At its intersection with Division Avenue 303 . At its intersection with North First Street 287. At its intersection with North Second Street 280 . At its intersection Avith North Third Street 310. At its intersection Avith North Fourth Street 311. At its intersection Avith North Fifth Street 310. At the southeast corner of its intersection with North Sixth Street 278. 5 At the northeast corner of its intersection Avith North Sixth Street 278. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 817 Feet. At the southwest corner of its intersection with North Sixth Street 278 . At the northwest corner of its intersection with North Sixth Street 276 . 5 At its intersection with east side of North Seventh Street . . 248 . 8 At its intersection with the west side of North Seventh Street 247 . 2 At its intersection with west side of North Eighth Street. .244.6 160 feet west of its intersection with North Eighth Street. 239. At its intersection with South First Street 317. At its intersection with South Second Street 328. At its intersection with South Third Street 334. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 333. At its intersection with South Fifth Street .327. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 317. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 308 . At its intersection with South Eighth Street 304. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 298 . At its intersection with South Tenth Street 292 . At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 286.5 At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 286. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 285. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 284 . At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 282.5 At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 283 . 5 At its intersection with South. Seventeenth Street 283 . At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street. 280. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 278 . At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 256 . At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street .... 251 . At its intersection with Center Street 253. At the southwest corner of its intersection with South Thirty-first Street 262.9 At the southeast corner of its intersection with South Thirty-first Street . .261 . 1 At the northeast comer at right angles of its intersection with South Thirty-first Street 262.9 At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 328. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 338. 818 QENEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 32. The gutter grades of East "G" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 26. Its west line at the intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 32. Its ea.st line at its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 33. At its intersection with South Twenty-ninth Street 82. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 108. At its intersection with AVright Avenue 292 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street .... 301 . 8 At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street .304. Sec. 33. The gutter grades of Grant Avenue shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 394. At its intersection Avith South Seventh Street 390. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 385. At its intersection with north side of South Ninth Street. 394. At its intersection with south side of South Ninth Street. 395. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 401. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 400. At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 385. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 392. Sec. 34. The gutter grades of East "H" Street shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 27 . 5 At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 108 . At its intersection with Wright Avenue 295. At its intersection M'ith South Thirty-fourth Street 300. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 303 . At its intersection with Harrison Street 308. At its intersection with Morton Street 311, At its intersection with section line 313 . Sec. 35. The gutter grades of Hosmer Street shall be as follows : Feet At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 257.5 GEXEEAL OKDINANCES IN FULL. 819 Sec. 36. The gutter grades of "I" Street shall be as fol- |lows : , Feet. / At its intersection with Division Avenue 308. At its intersection with North Second Street 314. At its intersection with North Third Street 330. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 340 . At its intersection with North Fifth Street 337. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 330. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 315. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 308 . At its intersection with North Tenth Street 310. At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 318. At its intersection with North Twelfth Street 320. At its intersection with North Thirteenth Street 313. At its intersection with Steele Street 299 . At its intersection with South Third Street 310. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 309 . At its intersection with South Fifth Street 314. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 331. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 345. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 338. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 338. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 338. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 340. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 339 . At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 340. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 342 . At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 346. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 349.5 At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 356. At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 361. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 366. Sec. 37. The gutter grades of East "I" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 27 . At its intersection with AVright Avenue 296. At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 299.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 302. Sec. 38. The gutter grades of Indian Reservation Line shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 210. 820 GENEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 39. The jiuttor orades of "J" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its iuterseetion with Division Avenue 323. At its intersection with South Third Street 327. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 327. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 328. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 330. At its intersection Avith South Seventh Street 336. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 342. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 345. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 345. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 349. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 352. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 352. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 356. At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 363 . At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 368. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 374. At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 377. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 378. At its intersection with South Twentieth Street 380. At its intersection with South Tw'enty-first Street 378. At its intersection with South Twenty -third Street 370. At its intersection with South Twenty -fifth Street 365 . At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street. . . .322. At its intersection with North Street 310. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 347.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-sixth Street 349. At its intersection with Columbia Avenue 356. At its intersection with South Thirty-eighth Street 362.7 At its intersection with South Thirty-ninth Street 366. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 369. At its intersection with South Forty-first Street 373. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 390. At its intersection witli South Forty-sixth Street 399. At its intersection with South Forty-eighth Street 408. At its intersection with North Third Street 338 . At "its intersection with North Fourth Street 349. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 350. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 341.5 At its intersection with North Seventh Street 340 . 5 At its intersection with North Eighth Street. 338.5 At its intersection with North Ninth Street 331. GENERAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 821 Feet. At its intersection with North Tenth 342 . At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 344. At its intersection with North Twelfth Street 345. ; ^ At its intersection with North Thirteenth Street 324 . Sec. 40. The gutter grades of East "J" Street shall be as ' follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 26 . 5 At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 300.2 , At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 303 . Sec. 41. The gutter grades of the east side of Jefferson Avenue (being 28 feet from the center line thereof) shall be as follows : Feet. At a point 179.142 feet south of the boundary of Pacific Avenue 78.329 At a point 274.51 feet south of the boundary of Pacific Avenue 81 . 60 At the south line of South Seventeenth Street 85.30 At a point 118.65 feet south of the south line of South Seventeenth Street 94.20 At a point 288.65 feet south of the soutli line of South Seventeenth Street 99 . At the north line of South Nineteenth Street 111. At the south line of South Nineteenth Street 112 . At a point opposite the south line of Lot 4, Block 1907 . . . 116 . 2 At a point opposite the intersection of the center lines of Jefferson Avenue and ''D" Street 129.68 At the north line of South Twenty -first Street 132. At the south line of South Twenty-first Street 132. At the north line of South Twenty-third Street 149.8 At the south line of South Twenty-third Street 150.3 At the north line of South Twenty-fifth Street 163.8 At a point opposite the south line of Lot 1, Block 2508. . . 163.8 Thence to the established grade of "E" Street. Sec. 42. The gutter grades of the Avest side of Jefferson Avenue (being 28 feet from the center line thereof) shall be as follows : Feet. At a point 74.5 feet south of the westerly line of Pacific ^ Avenue / 4 . 19- At a point 179.2 feet south of the westerly line of Pacific 79 8 Avenue 82-2 CEXEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At the north line of South Seventeenth Street 84. 8 At the south line of South Seventeenth Street 88. At a point 142.2 feet south of the south line of South Seventeenth Street 96 . At a jioint 292.2 feet south of the south line of South Seventeenth Street 99. At the north line of South Nineteenth Street 112 . At the south line of South Nineteenth Street 113. At a point opposite the south line of Lot 4, Block 1907. . .117.25 At a point opposite the south end of Block 1907 123 . At a point opposite the intersection of the center lines of Jefferson Avenue and "D" Street 131.2 At the north line of South Twenty-first Street 134.8 At a point 100 feet more or less south of the south line of South Twenty-first Street, to join grade of the east side of Jefferson Avenue 134. 8 At the north line of South Twenty-third Street 149.8 At the south line of South Twenty-third Street 150.3 At the north line of South Twenty-fifth Street 163.8 At a point opposite the south line of Lot 1, Block 2508 . . . 163 . 8 Thence to the established grade of "E" Street. Sec. 43. The gutter grades of Junett Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 362 . At its intersection with South Seventh Street 367 . At its intersection with South Eighth Street 373. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 380. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 384 . 8 At its intersection Avith South Eleventh Street 386 . At its intersection Avith South Twelfth Street 387 . At its intersection with North Seventh Street 360 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street 359 . At its intersection with North Ninth Street 358 . Sec. 44. The gutter grades of "K" Street shall be as fol- lows: Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 348. At its intersection with South Third Street 353 . At its intersection with South Fourth Street 358. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 360. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 360. At its intersection with South Seventh Street ,360. CtENEBAL OEDINAXCES IX FULL. 823 Feet. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 360. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 360. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 361 . At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 362. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 364. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 365 . At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 365 . At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 370. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 375. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 378. At its intersection with South Eig^hteenth Street 377. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 376.5 At its intersection with South Twentieth Street 376 . At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 375. At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 368.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 350.25 At its intersection with South Thirty-sixth Street 357. At its intersection with Columbia Avenue 364. At its intersection with South Thirty-eighth Street 370.9 At its intersection with South Thirty-ninth Street 378. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 381. At its intersection with South Forty-first Street 385. At its intersection with north side of South Forty-thii'd Street 394. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 403 . 4 At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 408 . At its intersection with South Fifty-second Street 400. At its intersection with North Third Street 353 . At its intersection with North Fourth Street 361 . At its intersection with North Fifth Street 359 . At its intersection with North Sixth Street 359 . At its intersection w4th North Seventh Street 358 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street 355. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 361 . At its intersection wath North Tenth Street 366. At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 365. At its intersection wdth North Twelfth Street. :!51 . Sec. 45. The gutter grades of East "K" Street shall hr as follows : Feet. At its intersection wdth South Twenty-fifth Street -'i. At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 301 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 302.5 824 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 46.— The gutter grades of "L" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 362 . At its intersection with South Fourth Street 363. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 364 . At its intereection with Sixth Avenue 364. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 364. At its intereection with South Eighth Street 364. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 364. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 364. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 366 . 5 At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 368 . At its intersection Avith South Thirteenth Street 369. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 370. At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 371. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 375. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 378 . At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 378. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street. 379. At its intersection with South Twentieth Street 379. At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 379 . At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 369 . At its intersection with South Thirty-eighth Street 380.6 Its ea.st side at its intersection with South Fortieth Street. 395.1 At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 413. At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 414 . At its intersection with South Fiftieth Street 385 . 8 At its intersection Avith south side of South Fifty-second Street 389 . At its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 378. At its intersection with north side of South Fifty-sixth Street 369. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 362.5 At its intersection with North Fifth Street 360. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 365. At its intersection w' ith North Seventh Street 363 . At its intersection Avith North Eighth Street 366. At its intersection Avith North Ninth Street 378. At its intersection with North Tenth Street 378 . At its intersection Avith North Eleventh Street 375 . At its intersection Avith North TAvelfth Street 351 . GEXEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 825- Sec. 47. The gutter grades of East "L" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 27. At its intersection wdth south side of South Twenty-fifth Street 52 . At its intersection with north side of South Twenty-sixth Street 78 . At its intersection with south side of South Twenty-sixth Street : 80. 3 At its intersection with north side of South Twenty-seventh Street Ill . 8 ; At its intersection with south side of South Twenty-seventh Street 116.3 At its intersection with north side of South Twenty-eighth Street 1-47 . 8 At its intersection with south side of South Twenty-eighth Street 152.3 At its intersection with north side of South Twenty-ninth Street 184.7 At its intersection with south side of South Twenty-ninth Street 189.3 At its intersection ^vith north side of South Thirtieth Street 221 . 7 At its intersection with south side of South Thirtieth Street 226.3 At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-first Street 258.7 At its intersection with south side of South Thirty-fii*st Street 263.3 At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-second Street 295.7 At its intersection with south side of South Thirty-second Street 298.5 At its intersection with Wright Avenue 301 . At its intersection with South Thirty- fourth Street 301.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 302. Sec. 48. The gutter grades of Lawrence Avenue shall b»^ as follows : Feet. At its intei-section with Sixth Avenue 390. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 391. At its intersection with South Eighth Street. 390.5 At its intersection with South Ninth Street 390. 820 C.ENEKAL ORDTXAXCES IX FULL. Feet. At. its intersection with Soutli Tenth Street 389.5 At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 389. Ac its intersection with South Twelfth Street 384. At its intersection with North Seventh Street 389. At its intersection with Nortli Eighth Street 384. At its intei'section with North Ninth Street 378. Sr:r. 49. The gutter oracles of "M" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 364. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 364. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 365 . At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 365. At its intersection wdth South Seventh Street 365. At its intersection Avith South Eighth Street 365 . At its intersection wdth South Ninth Street 365. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 365. xVt its intersection with South Eleventh Street 367. At its intersection with South Tw'elfth Street 368. At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 373.6 At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 374. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 380. At its intersection Avith Soutli Eiohteenth Street 379. At its intersection Avith South Nineteenth Street 378 . At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 369.5 At its intersection with south side of South Thirty-fifth. . .352.5 At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-sixth Street ! .... 356 . 75 At its intersection with soutli side of South Thirty-sixth Street 357.75 At its intersection with north side of Columbia Avenue. . .365.4 At its intersection with south side of Columbia Avenue. . .367.6 At its intersection with north side of South Thirty-eighth Street 382. 5 At its intersection with south side of South Thirty-eighth Street 384. 5 At its intersection Avith north side of South Thirtj'-ninth Street 398. At its intersection Avith south side of South Thirty-ninth Street .' 400. At its intersection Avith South Fortieth Street 403. At its intersection Avith South Forty-first Street 401.5 At its intereection Avith South Fortv-third Street 398 . 3 GENEEAL OEDINAXCES IN FULL. 827 Feet. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 396 . 2 At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 400.2 At its intersection with North Fourth Street 364. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 369. At its intersection Avith North Sixth Street 374. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 383. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 390 . At its intersection Avith North Tenth Street 388 . At its intersection M'ith North Eleventh Street 365. Sec. 50. The gutter grades of East "M" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Twenty-Sixth Street 68 . At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 280. S£:c. 51. The gutter grades of IMcCarver Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with North Twenty-eighth Street 104. At its intersection with North Twenty-ninth Street 78 . At its intersection with North Thirtieth Street 52. At its intersection with North Thirty-first Street 26 . Sec. 52. The gutter grades of "N" Street shall be as fol- lows : T-, . Feet. At its intei'section with Division Avenue 370. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 371.5 At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 371. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 370. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 369. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 369. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 37i>. . . At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 380. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 378. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 377.5 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 376. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 375. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street. 374.5 At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 374. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 373.5 At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 370. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 385. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 381. At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 372. S28 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. Its west line at its interseetioii with South Fifty-second Street 367. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 371. At its intersection with North Sixth Street 378. At its intersection with North Eighth Streets 401. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 400. At its intei-section with North Tenth Street 383. At its intersection witli North Eleventh Street 373. Si:c". 53. The gutter grades of East "N" Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Thirty-fourth Street 230. Sec. 54. The gutter grades of*"0" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intereection with Division Avenue 371. At its intersection with South Fifth Street 372. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 374. At its intei*section with South Seventh Street 374. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 374. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 375. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 381.5 At its intersection with South Twelfth Street. 381.2 At its inter.section with South Thirteenth Street 381.5 At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 380.5 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 381. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street 381.5 At its inter.section Avith South Seventeenth Street 382. At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 381.5 At its intei-seetion with South Nineteenth Street 378. At its intersection with South Twenty-Third Street 370. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 376. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 355. At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 358. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 372, At its intersection with North Sixth Street 382. At its intcrsectron with North Seventh Street 403. At its inters(X!tion with North Eighth Street 412. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 395, At its intersection with North Tenth Street 377. At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 375, GEXEEAL OEDINAXCES IN FULL. 829 Sec. 55. The gutter grades of Oakes Street shall be as fol- ^"^^•^= Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 376. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 377. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 390 . At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 389. At its intersection wdth South Fourteenth Street 392.5 At its intersection Avith North Eighth Street, 368. Sec. 56. The gutter grades of Pacific Avenue shall be as Feet. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 66 . 75 At its intei*section with South Eighteenth Street 66 . 93 At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 61 . At its intersection with South Twentieth Street 64.31 At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 59.3 At its intersection with South Twenty-second Street 66 . At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 73 . 2 At its intersection with Puyallup Avenue 76.7 At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 82 . 5 At its intersection w4th South Twenty-sixth Street 95. At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street 107 . At its intersection with South Twenty-eighth Street 127. At its intersection with South Twenty-ninth Street 150. At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 183 . At its intersection with South Thirty-first Street 220 . At its intersection with South Thirty-second Street 252 . At its intersection with Wright Avenue 277. At its intersection wnth South Thirty-fourth Street 301 . At its intersection wnth South Thirty-fifth Street 315. Sec. 57. The gutter grades of South Park Avenue shall be :as follows : Yeet At its intersection wdth South Fortieth Street 357 . At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 368. At its intersection with South Fifty-second Street 390 . Sec. 58. The gutter grades of Pine Street shall be as fol- lows: Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 366. At its intersection with south side of Sovith Seventh Street 372. At its intersection with the north side of South Seventh Street 371. S30 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At Its intersection Avitli South Eiirhth Street 380. At it.s intei-seetion witli South Ninth Street 385. At its interseetion with South Tenth Street 388. At its intersectiou with South Eleventh Street 389. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 388 . At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 388.5 At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 389. At its intersectiou with North Seventh Street 363. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 359. Sk(". 59. The irutter grades of Prospect Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 375. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 390. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 390. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 394. At its intersection with Bay Street 397.4 At its intei*section with South Fifteenth Street 399.5 At its intei*section with North Eighth Street 369.5 At its intei-section with section line 373. At its intersection with North Tenth Street -.376. At its intei-section Avith North Eleventh Street 371. At its intei-seetion with North Twelfth Street 364. At its intersection with Noi-th Fourteenth Street 352. At its intersection with North Fifteenth Street 343 . At its intei-section with North Seventeenth Street 335. At its intersection with North Nineteenth Street 328. At its intersection witli North Twenty-first Street 316. At its intersection with North Twenty-third Street 300. Sec. 60. The gutter grades of Puget Sound Aevnue shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 395. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 382. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 377 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street 395.5 Sec. 61. The gutter grades of "R" Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intei-section with South Ninth Street 389.5 At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 389. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 390. GEXERA-L ORDINANCES IN FULL. 831 Sec. 62. The gutter grades of St. Helen's Avenue shall be as follows : Feet. Its east side at its intersection with South First Street. . .298. Its east side at its intei'seetion with South Second Street . . . 298 . ^ 340 feet south of its intersection with South Second Street 291. Its east side at its intersection with South Fourth Street. .277. Its east side at its intersection with Sixth Avenue 241. Its east side at its intersection with South Seventh Street. .210.04 Its east side at its intersection with south side of Lot 1, Block 707 208.9 Its east side at its intersection with south line of Lot 23, Block 706 171.34 Its east side at its intersection with north side of South Ninth Street 158 . 18 Its west side at its intersection with north line of Lot 1, Block 807 202 . 87 Its west side at its intersection with south line of Lot 2, Block 807 188.44 Its west side at its intersection with south line of Lot 14, Block 807 .169.03 Its west side at its intersection with north line of South Ninth Street 164.05 Its west side at its intersection with south side of South Ninth Street 160.25 Its w^est side at its intersection with the west side of " C " Street , 150. 86 Sec. 63. The gutter grades of St. Paul Avenue shall be as f olloAVS : Feet. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 23 . 2 At angle 1070.3 feet easterly from its intersection with center line of South Eleventh Street 23 . 8 At the angle 737 . 5 feet southeasterly from last mentioned angle ' 23.4 At its intersection with Canal Street 22 . 7 Sec. 64. The gutter grades of Sprague Avenue shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Eighth Street 388 . At its intersection with South Ninth Street 390. At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 381 . At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 378. 832 GEXERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 6;i. The gutter grades of Starr Street shall be as fol- lows : T-i J. Feet. At its intersection with North Twenty-eighth Street 117. At its intersection with North Twenty-ninth Street 90.6 At its intersection with North Thirtieth Street 59.8 At its intei-section with North Thirty-first Street 26. Sec. 66. The gutter grades of State Street shall be as fol- lows: ^ ^ Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 384. At its intei'section with South Eighth Street 379. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 375.5 At its inter.section with North Eighth Street 388. Sec. 67. The gutter grades of Steele Street shall be as fol- lows : ^ Feet, At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 371. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 377 . ' At its intersection with North Eighth Street 370. At its intersection with south line of Buckley's Addition. .379. At its intersection with North Tenth Street 378. At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 375. At its intersection with North Twelfth Street 373. At its intersection with North Fourteenth Street 368. At its intersection with North Fifteenth Street 360 . At its intersection with North Seventeenth Street 340. At its intersection with North Nineteenth Street 319. 100 feet east of its intersection with North Twenty-first Street 301. At its intersection with North Twenty-first Street 299 . Sec. 68. The gutter grades of Tacoma Avenue shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 290. At its intersection with North First Street 286. At its intersection with North Second Street 267. At its intersection with North Third Street 286. At its intersection with North Fourth Street 301. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 294. At its intersection with east side of North Sixth Street. . .272. At its intersection with west side of North Sixth Street. . .271. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 222. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 219. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 833 Feet. At its intersection with North Tenth Street 205. At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 200. At its intersection with Starr Street 193 . At its intersection with McCarver Street 183. At its intersection with Carr Street 153 . At its intei'section with South First Street 305 . At its intersection with South Second Street 309. At its intersection with South Fourth Street 310. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 296. At its intersection with South Seventh Street .291. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 269 . At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 259. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 245. At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 237. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 235. At its intersection Avith South Nineteenth Street 229 . At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 220. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 218. At its intersection with South Twentv-seventh Street 216. Sec. 69. The g:utter grades of Thompson Avenue shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Thirty -fifth Street 345 . At its intersection with South Thirty-sixth Street 345. At its intersection with north side of Columbia Avenue . . . 355 . At its intersection with south side of Columbia Avenue . . . 357 . At its intersection with South Thirty-eigrhth Street 359 . 5 At its intersection with South Thirty-ninth Street 360. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 361 . At its intersection with South Forty-first Street 362 . At its intersection with South Forty-third Street 365 . At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 373 . 5 At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 382. At its intersection with South Fifty-second Street 416 . Sec. 70. The gutter grades of Trafton Street shall be as fol- lows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 372 . At its intersection with South Eighth Street 373. At its intersection with South Tenth Street 374 . At its intersection Avith South Tv;elf th Street 375 . At its intersection with North Eishth Street 383. 834 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 71. 'I'lie gutter grades of Union Avenue shall be as fol- follows: j,^^^ At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 397. At its intersection wnth North Eighth Street 391. At its intersection with South Ninth Street 393. At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 375. At its intersection with South Fiftieth Street 269.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-second Street 267 . 5 At its intersection Avith South Fifty-fourth Street 267. At its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street 267.7 At its intej-section with South Fifty-eighth Street 272. Sec. 72. The gutter grades of AVarner Street shall be as lows: pggt At its intersection Avith Sixth Avenue 399 . At its intersection with Soiith Ninth Street 410 . At its intersection wdth South Twelfth Street 390. At its intersection with North Seventh Street 399 . At its intersection with North Eighth Street 400. Sec. 73. The gutter grades of Wilkeson Street shall be as follows: Pgg^_ At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 388. At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 383. At its intersection with Adams Street 375. At its intersection wdth north line of South Twenty-fifth Street 371. At its intersection with south line of South Twenty-fifth Street 368 . At its intersection with Hood Street 253.2 At its intersection with South Thirtieth Street 255. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 346. Sec. 74. The gutter grades of Winthrop Avenue shall be as follows : -p^^^^ At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 43. At its intersection v.ith Puyallup Avenue 55.05 Sec. 75. The gutter grades of Yakima Avenue shall be as follows: „ Feet. At its intersection with Division Avenue 290.9 At its intersection with North Second Street 305 . At its intersection with North Third Street 319.5 At its intersection with North Fourth Street 324. it GENERAL ORDIXAXCES IN FULL. 835 Feet. At its intersection with North Fifth Street 320. At its intersection Avith North Sixth Street 308 . At its intersection with west side of North Seventh Street. 285. 2 At its intersection with North Eighth Street 284. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 274. At its intersection with North Tenth Street 273, At its intersection with North Eleventh Street 274. At its intersection with North Twelfth Street 278.5 At its intersection with North Thirteenth Street 280. At its intersection with east side of North Fourteenth Street 270.5 At its intersection with Steele Street 270. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 314. At its intersection with South Seventh Street 320 . At its intersection with South Eighth Street 319.5 At its intersection with South Ninth Street 318 . At its intersection with South Tenth Street 315 . At its intersection with South Eleventh Street 314 . At its intersection with South Twelfth Street 313. At its intersection with South Thirteenth Street 312.5 At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 314.5 At its intersection with South Fifteenth Street 315. At its intersection with South Sixteenth Street. 316. At its intersection with South Seventeenth Street 317 . At its intersection with South Eighteenth Street 315. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 316.5 At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 302. At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street 270. At its intersection with North Street 265. At its intersection with Center Street 260. At its intersection with Columbia Avenue 355 . At its intersection with South Thirty-eighth Street 355.5 At its intersection with South Thirty-ninth Street 357 . 5 At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 359 . At its intersection with South Forty-first Street 361 . 5 At its intersection with South Forty-third Street 365. At its intersection with South Forty-fifth Street 371 . At its intersection with South Forty-sixth Street 376 . At its intersection with South Forty -eighth Street 381 . At its intersection with south side of South Fifty-second Street 397. At its intersection with north side of South Fifty-second Street .400.3 83li GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 76. The elevations established in this ordinance are the number of feet mentioned above the Datum Plane of the City of Taeoina. the said Datum Plane being the mean low tide of Com- iiieneeincnt Bay. Sec. 77. Nothing- in this ordinance contained shall be con- strued to prevent the City of Taeoma from, at any time, by ordi- nance, changing or modifying the grade of anj^ street, avenue or alley within the City of Taeoma, where such modification or change is deemed necessary and advisable. Sec. 78. That all prior ordinances, excepting only Ordi- nances Numbered 787 and 1397, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Ap]n-oved January 26, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2287. An ordinance prohibiting coasting with sleds, toboggans or other similar devices on the sidewalks and certain streets of the City of Taeoma. Be it ordained by ilie City of Taeoma: Section 1. That coasting with sleds, toboggans or other similar devices is prohibited on all of the sidewalks of the City of Taeoma. Sec. 2. That coasting with sleds, toboggans or other similar devices on any street of the City of Taeoma which is crossed by a street car track is hereby prohibited. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof may be fined in any sum less than twenty-five dollars. Approved February 3, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2293. An ordinance creating a special fund from the revenues of the City of Taeoma to be known and designated as the "Judgment Fund," pro- viding for the payment of moneys into the same and for the drawing of warrants against the same. Be it ordained by the City of Taeoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby created a special fund, to be known as the "Judgment Fund,'' which fund shall be maintained for the purpose of facilitating the paying oif, sat- isfying and discharging of any judgments which have been, or may hereafter be, rendered against the City of Taeoma. Sec. 2. That upon tho collection and payment into the GENERAL ORDINANCES IN PULL. 837 Treasury of the City of Tacoma of any of the taxes for each year, the City Treasurer shall, upon computation to be made by the City Controller, pay into said Judgment Fund a part of all such taxes so collected, which shall be equal to the proportion of the whole levy for such year which the part of such levy made for the payment of judgments against the City bears to the whole levy for all purposes for such year. Sec. 3. That the City Treasurer shall, from time to time, as he may be directed by the City Council, by ordinance, trans- fer and pay into said fund any moneys from other funds which the City Council may deem necessary and available for the pur- pose of paying judgments against the City. Sec. 4. That when any final judgment has been rendered against the City of Tacoma for the payment of money, the same may be paid out of said fund upon warrants drawn upon said fund, upon presentation to the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma of a certified copy of such judgment with a satisfaction thereof in the usual manner. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2294. An ordinance establishing grades of certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the gutter grades of Adams Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with Sixth Avenue 402.2 At its intersection Avith North Seventh Street 405. At its intersection with North Eighth Street 405. At its intersection with North Ninth Street 406. Sec. 2. That the gutter grades of Alder Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street 286. 150 feet south of its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 290.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 290 . 5 200 feet north of its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 291.5 At its intersection with south line of Oakwood Cemetery. .298. 838 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 3. The liutter iirades of South Fifty-fonrth Street shall l)e as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Washington Street 269.5 At its intersection with Union Avenue 267. At its intersection with Puget Sound Avenue 266.5 At its intersection with Warner Street 266.4 At its intersection with Birmingham Street 267.5 At its intersection with west line of LaAvrence Avenue. . . .275.9 At its intersection with east line of Lawrence Avenue. . . .279.7 At its intersection w-ith Alder Street 290.5 At its intersection with west line of Junett Street 309. At its intersection with center line of Pine Street 312.5 Sec. 4. The gutter grades of " K " Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 365. At its intersection with South Twenty-seventh Street 362. At its intersection with north line of North Street 355. At its intersection with south line of North Street 350. 80 feet south of its intersection with south line of North Street 325. 180 feet south of its intersection with south line of North Street 293. 280 feet south of its intersection with south line of North Street 275 . 380 feet south of its intersection with south line of North Street 264. At its intersection with Center Street 258 . Sec. 5. The gutter grades of Lawrence Avenue shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street 263.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-eighth Street 264.5 Sec. 6. The gutter grades of Proctor Avenue shall be as fol- loAvs : Feet. At its intersection with south section line of Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 2 East 360. At its intersection with North Twenty-eighth Street 358. At its intersection Avith North Twenty-ninth Street 354. At its intersection with North Thirtieth Street 336. At its intersection Avith North Thirty-first Street 320 . At its intersection Avith North Thirty-second Street 309.5 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 839 Feet. At its intersection with North Thirty-third Street 310.4 At its intersection with North Thirty-fourth Street 314. At its intersection with North Thirty -fifth Street 317. At its intersection with North Thirty-sixth Street 319.5 At its intersection with North Thirty-seventh Street 317. At its intersection with North Thirty-eighth Street 309 . At its intersection with south line of Wallace's Addition. .312. Sec. 7. The gutter grades of South Twentieth Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with "M'" Street 377.5 At its intersection with "N" Street .373. Sec. 8. The elevations established in this ordinance are the number of feet mentioned above the Datum Plane of the City of Tacoma, the said Datum Plane being the mean low tide of Com- mencement Bay. Approved February 9, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2303. An ordinance providing ways and means of collecting special assessments levied to pay the cost and expense of local improvements in the City of Tacoma ; providing for the enforcement of the liens thereof ; author- izing the issuance of delinquent assessment certificates against prop- erty assessed for local improvements and providing for the foreclosure of the same, being in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, entitled ' ' An act authorizing the levy and col- lection of special assessments to pay the cost and expense of local im- provements in cities of the first class ; declaring such assessments to be a lien against the property assessed therefor ; providing for the confirmation of assessment rolls and for the collection of such assess- ments and the enforcement of the liens thereof, and authorizing the issuance of delinquent assessment certificates against the property as- sessed for local improvements and the foreclosure of the same. ' ' Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That whenever any assessment, now charged, or which may hereafter be charged against any property, for the cost and expense of any local improvement within the City of Tacoma, or any installment of such assessment, shall have become delinquent and shall have so remained for a period of three years, the City of Tacoma may bring an action in its own name in the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Pierce County to collect said assessment or installment and to enforce the lien thereof against the property covered thereby. In any such proceeding all owners of property upon which there v are delinquent assessments or installments thereof, arising under S40 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. a single roll, may be joined as defendants, and all liens for such delinquent assessments or installments thereof may be fore- closed in such proceeding. Sec. 2. The City of Tacoma may issue certificates of delin- (|uency for any and all delinquent assessments or installments thereof and any interest and penalty thereon, which may be due, in the manner now provided in the City Charter; such certifi- cates of delinquency shall constitute a lien against the property upon which such assessments were levied, and shall bear interest at the rate of fifteeen (15) per cent per annum from the date of issuance thereof, and shall be foreclosed w^hen held by the City in an action brought in its own name after a period of three years from the date thereof, in the same manner and Avith the same effect as mortgages upon real estate are foreclosed. Such certificates may be issued to the City or may be sold to any person appl.ying therefor, upon payment of the value in princi- pal, interest and penalty thereof. They may be assigned in writing and the City may sell and assign any and all certificates which may be issued to it, upon the pajnnent of the value there- of in principal and accrued interest in cash. Such certificates of delinquency may be foreclosed in the manner in this section provided by any holder thereof. Sec. 3. At all sales of lots or parcels of land for the en- forcement of assessments, or foreclosure of assessment liens, whether after publication of notice, under decree of court, or by foreclosure of delinquent assessment certificates issued to the City or otherwise, the property offered for sale shall be struck off to the City for the amount of the delinquent assessment, in- terest, penalty and costs, if there be no bid therefor equal to or exceeding the amount of the assessment, and such penalty, inter- est and costs as may be then due; and certificates of sale and deeds shall be issued to said City in the same manner and with the same effect as to any other bidder; provided, however, that said City shall hold such property as trustee of the fund for the creation of which such assessment was levied ; provided further, that said City may at any time prior to the expiration of the period of redemption pay into such fund the amount of the de- linquent asses-sment with accrued interest to the time of the next call for bonds or warrants issued against such assessment fund, at the rate provided for such bonds or warrants upon said lot or parcel of land, and shall thereupon hold such lands discharged of such trust. If any lot or parcel of land shall be held by said City as trustee as aforesaid until the period of redemption shall have expired the City shall thereupon, by ordinance, publish a I GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 841 notice of the sale of such lot or parcel of land in the official paper of the City of Tacoma once each week for three consecu- tive weeks next preceding; the date fixed in such ordinance for the sale, which notice shall be a copy of such ordinance and shall state the time and place of sale, and that the sale shall be conducted by the City Treasurer at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in any sum equal to or in excess of the face of the delinquent assessment upon said lot or parcel of land, plus the interest, accruing to the date of sale, computed at the rate pro- vided for delinquent assessments, and all penalties and costs which may have accrued, with interest thereon at the same rate, and the City Treasurer shall at such time and place, pursuant to such notice, sell the same to the highest bidder therefor for cash; but no bid shall be accepted of an amount less than the face of the delinquent assessment upon such lot or parcel of land, plus the interest accruing to the date of sale, computed at the rate provided for delinquent assessments, and all penalties and costs which may have accrued, with interest thereon at the same rate; and of the moneys received at such sale or sales there shall be paid into the fund for the creation of which .such assessment shall have been levied an amount equal to the assess- ment upon said lot or parcel of land, plus the interest accruing^ thereon, computed to the time of the next call for bonds or war- rants issued ag:ainst such fund at the rate prescribed for such bonds or warrants. If at such sale there shall be no bid in the amount aforesaid, said City may sell such lot or parcel of land at private sale for bonds or warrants issued against the said assess- ment fund to any person who will surrender to said City an amount of such warrants or bonds which, with accrued interest, will equal the amount of such assessment ag:ainst such lot or parcel of land, plus the accrued interest thereon and all costs which may have been incurred, or for lawful money of equal amount. Bonds or warrants so surrendered and delivered to the City shall be cancelled. The purchaser, whether at public or private sale, of any lot or parcel of land, as hereinbefore pro- vided, shall be entitled to a deed of such lot or parcel of land so purchased by him, which deed shall be executed in the name of the City of Tacoma and shall be sig:ned and acknowledged by the City Treasurer as such and countersigned by the City Controller, and attested by the City Clerk. Sec. 4. When the assessment upon any property is payable in installments and any installment has become delinquent, fore- closure may be had for the same in the manner hereinbefore pro- vided, or in the manner provided in the City Charter ; but such S4il GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. forw'losure of the lien of any installment shall not prevent the foreclosure of any subsequent installment when the same may beeome due, but such subsequent installment may be collected and the lien thereof enforced in the manner provided. But the pureliaser of any property at the foreclosure of any installment may pay all subsequent accruing installments, assessments or taxes upon the property so sold while the same remains unre- deemed, and such purchaser shall be entitled to collect, upon the redemption of such land, in addition to the purchase price and the interest thereon, the amount of such subsequent payment or payments with interest thereon at a like rate from the date of pay- ment. Sec. 5. In the ordinances providing for local improve- ments in districts hereafter created, the City Council may pro- vide that upon failure of payment of any installment of any assessment against any lot or parcel of land when due, the entire assessment against such lot or parcel of land shall become due and payable and the collection of such entire assessment may then be enforced in the manner prescribed. Sec. 6. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall prevent or be construed to prohibit the collection of any local improve- ment assessment in any manner now provided or which may be provided by law or Charter, but the City of Tacoma may pursue the means now provided by Charter or law, or which may be so provided for the collection and enforcement of local improve- ment assessments and the authority conferred by this ordinance, and the ways and means hereby provided shall be considered as additional and concurrent. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as making the City of Tacoma liable to the holder of any local improvement bonds or warrants, which are payable only from the proceeds of special assessments, and'the holder of any such bonds or warrants shall look only to the fund pro- vided by such assessment for the principal and interest of such bonds or warrants and shall have no claim therefor against the City of Tacoma, except from the special assessments levied for the improvement and funds thereby created, it being the purpose and intent of this ordinance to give to the City of Tacoma the right to collect such special assessments, and enforce the lien thereof and foreclose delinquent assessment certificates by the ways, means and methods set forth in the Act of the Legislature of the State of AVashington, entitled "An act authorizing the levy and collection of special assessments to pay the cost and ex- pense of local improvements in cities of the first class; declar- ing such assessments to be a lien against the property assessed GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 843 therefor ; providing- for the coufirmation of assessment rolls and for the collection of such assessments and the enforcement of the liens thereof, and authorizing- the issuance of delinquent assess- ment certificates against the property assessed for local improve- ments and the foreclosure of the same," which Act was approved March 16, 1901. Approved February 18, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2307. An ordinance establishing grades of certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the gutter grades of "F" Street shall be as follows : _, , Feet. At its intersection with South Thirty-fifth Street 341.0 550 feet north of its intersection with South Thirty-sixth Street " 345.0 At its intersection with South Thirty-sixth Street 347.0 At its intersection with South Thirty-seventh Street 354 . At its intersection with South Thirty-eighth Street 364.0 At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 369.0 Sec. 2. That the gutter grades of "G" Street shall be as follows : „ , Feet. At its intersection with South Fortieth Street 354.0 Sec. 3. That the gutter grades of "I" Street shall be as follows : ^ Feet. At its intersection with South Fifty-fourth Street 406.0 Sec. 4. That the gutter grades of Proctor Avenue shall be as follows : _, ^ Feet. At its intersection with Sec. line Section 25, Township 21 North, Range 2 East 360.0 At its intersection with North Twenty-eighth Street 358 . At its intersection with south side of North Twenty-ninth Street " 354.0 At its intersection with north side of North Twenty-ninth Street .' 351.0 At its intersection wdth North Thirtieth Street 336 . At its intersection wdth North Thirty-first Street 320.0 At its intersection with North Thirty-second Street 311.0 S44 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Feet. At its intersection with North Thirty-third Street 311.0 At its intersection with North Thirty-fourth Street 314.0 At its intersection with North Thirty-fifth Street 317.0 At its intersection with North Thirty-sixth Street 319.5 At its intersection with North Thirty-seventh Street. . . .317.0 At its intersection wdth North Thirty-eighth Street 309.0 At its intersection with North Thirty -ninth Street 312.5 Sec. 5. 'I'hat the gutter grades of State Street shall be as follows : Feet. At its intersection with South Fourteenth Street 372.0 200 feet south of its intersection with South Twelfth Street 376.0 Sec. 6. That the gutter grades of South Thirty-eighth Street shall be as follows : Feet At its intersection with "D" Street 355.0 At its intersection with Pacific Avenue 345.0 200 feet east of east line of "D" Street 354.0 At its intersection with "E" Street 358.0 At its intersection with Park Avenue 350 . 5 Sec. 7. That the gutter grades of North "D" Street shall be as follows : -p^g^ At its intersection with North Eighth Street 181.0 Sec. 8. That the gutter grades of North "C" Street shall be as follows: p^^^ At its intersection with North Ninth Street 162 . Sec. 9. That the gutter grades of "C" Street shall be as follows: ^^^^ At its intersection with South Twenty-eighth Street 161.0 At its intersection with South Thirty-first Street 270 . Sec. 10. That the gutter grade of Thirty-first Street, mid- dle of the block between "C" and "D" Streets is 284.0 feet. At its intersection with "E" Street 300.0 Sec. 11. That the gutter grade of north line of Section 9, and its intersection with "G" Street is 339.0 feet. Sec. 12. The elevations established in this ordinance are the number of feet mentioned above the Datum Plane of the City of Tacoma, the said Datum Plane being the mean low tide of Commencement Bay. Approved March 2, 1905. GENEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 845 ORDINANCE NO. 2337. An ordinance regulating the arrangement, equipment and management of theatres, opera houses, concert halls and all buildings in ^Yhich prepa- rations have been made or may hereafter be made for public enter- tainments of any kind, ^providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealing Ordinance No. 2031, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. All buildings that may be erected, altered or repaired, to be used as theaters, opera houses or places of pub- lic amusement, seating five hundred (500) or more people, must comply with the following requirements, to-wit : (A) Shall have skylight over stage not less than an area of sixty-five (65) square feet, to be so arranged as to open in- stantly on cutting of hemp cords connected with fusible link arranged to hold the skylight closed, or some other device equally simple may be used, if approved by the Building Inspector and Chief of Fire Department. (B) The proscenium wall must be of brick and extend at least four (4) feet above roof. There shall be no door or open- ing above the main or auditorium floor. All doors in said wall shall be closed by double thickness wood doors, covered with tin or some other fireproof construction. (C) The proscenium arch shall be protected by a curtain of steel or asbestos hung with steel cables and steel guides, which shall be lowered after each act of every performance. This cur- tain must be controlled from the stage fioor. (D) No smoking shall be allowed on the stage or in the fly galleries. No lumber or other material not in immediate use shall be kept on or about the stage. Every stage must have one fire alarm box connected directly with Fire Department head- quarters. (E) There shall be located on each side of stage a three (3) inch stand pipe, same to extend up to fly galleries on each side, with one connection on stage and one in fly gallery, on each stand pipe, with proper valve and hose connection for two (2) inch hose, with fifty (50) feet of hose and proper nozzle at each connection; same to be connected to the City main with direct pressure, with not less than a four (4) inch pipe. (F) There shall be a system of automatic sprinklers to cover the entire .stage and be connected to the two stand pipes. There shall not be less than six (6) standard three (3) gallon fire extinguishers distributed on the stage and one (1) on each 846 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. side of tlie t'over or auditorium. There shall be one fire axe and large fire liook on each side of the stage. (G) All seats in auditorium and galleries, except those in the boxes, shall be firmly fastened to the floor and no seat in the auditorium shall have more than six (6) seats between it and the aisle, and in the balcony not more than eight (8) seats be- tween any one seat and the aisle. And no chair, stool or any other obstruction shall be allowed in any aisle or passage way. No aisle in auditorium or balcony shall be less than three (3) feet wide. (H) Every door communicating between the aisles and passage way 'about the auditorium and lobby or corridor shall have a clear opening the full width of said aisle and passage way and all doors shall SAving outward. (I) For five hundred (500) people or more at least five exits must be provided and not less than five (5) feet wide and twenty (20) inches added for each one hundred (100) persons over five hundred (500). Each gallery or balcony shall have not less than two exits. Each exit in theater must be marked with the word "Exit" in letters at least eight (8) inches long. All exits shall be opened or doors unfastened when the house is opened for the use of the public. (J) Every portion of any building devoted to the use or accommodation of the public, seating five hundred (500) people or more, also all outlets leading to the street, open courts and corridors, shall be properly lighted during every performance and the same shall remain lighted until the entire audience has left the premises. Buildings shall be at night illuminated en- tirely by electric light and shall have at each exit and at the head and foot of each stairway a metal bracket and a candle or sperm oil lamp kept burning during the entire duration of any performance. (K) It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to in- spect and measure the exits of all buildings, including all thea- ters, concert halls, assembly rooms, lecture halls, schools, churches, dance halls and lodge rooms, and to compute the num- ber of persons said rooms, halls or buildings will safely seat or accommodate, not to exceed one hundred persons— fraction parts of one hundred being counted as a full one hundred— for each eighteen (18) inches in width for each stairway, door or exit; and when said number has been determined by said Building Inspector, he may cause a notice or notices, stating the maximum number to be admitted in said room, hall or build- GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 847 ing, to be posted in a conspicuous place near the entrance to said room, hall or building ; and it shall be unlawful for the own- er, agent, manager or trustees, or persons or person in charge or having control of any such rooms, halls or buildings, to admit a larger number of persons to such rooms, halls or buildings. Sec, 2. All theaters seating five hundred (500) people or less, having no fly galleries, shall comply with the following requirements, to-wit : (A) Each theater shall have at least two exits of five (5) feet each and a separate exit for the stage. They shall have not less than three feet aisle space running from stage to exit. (B) Chairs must be fastened to floor and must have ten (10) feet of space between last row of chairs and exit. (C) Each theater must have three (3) standard three (3) gallon fire extinguishers ; two on the stage and one near the moving picture room. (D) All moving picture machines must be enclosed in an asbestos lined room and shall have all necessary equipment for protection from fire. (E) There shall be two separate lighting systems, with independent switches for lighting exits, to be controlled from box office. Sec. 3. All theaters seating less than five hundred (500) people, having fly gallery, must comply with the following re- quirements, to-wit : (A) Skylight, proscenium wall and asbestos curtain shall b^ the same as Section 1 of this ordinance. (B) There shall be at least one (1) two and one-half (2^) inch stand pipe, with one connection on stage and one in fly gallery, with fifty (50) feet of one and one-half (1^) inch hose, with nozzle at each connection ; and automatic sprinklers over stage, connected with street main with three (3) inch pipe. (C) Must have also four standard three (3) gallon fire extinguishers, and at least one fire axe and one large hook, to be kept on stage in convenient place. (D) Each gallery shall have two exits. There shall also be two exits from auditorium and one from stage. (E) All seats in auditorium and galleries shall be firmly fastened to the floor and no seat shall have more than eight (8) seats between any one seat and the aisle. And no chair, stool or any other obstruction shall be allow^ed in any aisle or passage way. No aisle in auditorium or balcony shall be less than three (3) feet wide. S48 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. (F) Each exit in theater must be marked with the word "Exit" in letters at least eijiht inches long. All exits shall be opened or doors unfastened when the house is opened for the use of the public. (G) Each theater must have two independent lighting systems and exits in corridors shall be lighted by independent circuits, to be controlled from box office and kept lighted dur- ing all performances. Printed instructions concerning the oper- ation of lights shall be placed at each switch. Sec. 4. All existing buildings of the kind hereinbefore specified shall be made to comply with the provisions of this ordinance and shall be under the direction and supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department; said Chief of the Fire De- partment shall detail a fireman on the stage of each theater seat- ing five hundred (500) or more at each and every performance, whose duty it shall be to safeguard the public in the prevention of fire, and to inspect the building and all exits at least once a month to see that the provisions of this ordinance are complied with. No alterations shall be made in any of the theaters here- inbefore mentioned, except on approval of the Chief of the Fire Department and Building Inspector. Sec. 5. Any person, firm or corporation who violates, dis- obeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with, or who resists or opposes the execution of any provision of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine in any sum less than one hundred dol- lars ($100.00), and every such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day such viola- tion, disobedience, omission, neglect or refusal shall continue, and shall be subject to the penalty imposed by this section for each and every such separate offense ; and any builder, architect, or contractor who shall construct any building in violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be liable to the penalties provided and imposed by this section. Sec. 6. That Ordinance No. 2031 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved March 23, 1905. GENERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. 849 ORDINANCE NO. 2346. An ordinance creating the office of Assistant Superintendent of Parks, pro- viding for his appointment, fixing his salary and duties. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacama: Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of Assistant Superintendent of Parks, who shall receive a salary of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month and shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Tacoma and hold office during the pleasure of the appointing power. Sec. 2. The said Assistant Superintendent of Parks shall work under the direction and supervision of the Board of Park Commissioners and the Superintendent of Parks of the City of Tacoma and shall assist in the management, control, mainte- nance and other duties incidental to the parks of the City, as may be assigned to him by the Board of Park Commissioners and the Superintendent of Parks. Approved March 30, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2347. An ordinance creating the office of City Bacteriologist, providing for his appointment, fixing his salary and defining his duties. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby created the office of City Bacteriologist, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and hold office during the pleasure of the appointing power, and shall receive a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month. Sec. 2. The City Bacteriologist shall make such bacteriolo- gical examinations of contagious diseases and other bacteriolo- gical examinations for the protection of the health of the inhab- itants of the City of Tacoma as shall be directed by the Com- missioner of Health of said City and shall perform his duties under the direction of said Commissioner of Health. Approved March 30. 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2355. An ordinance to regulate the erection, alteration and repairing of buildings in the City of Tacoma, and to provide a penalty for the violation there- of ; and repealing Ordinances No. 999, No. 1353, No. 1805, No. 2005, and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the Ciiy of Tacoma: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall begin or continue the erection, alteration or repair of any building or 850 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. .slriR'tiiri', within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, without first having applied for and obtained a permit so to do from the Building Inspector. SUBMISSION OF PLANS. Sec. 2. In all cases, except dwellings, complete plans and specifications, showing and describing all parts of the construc- tion, shall be submitted, and upon the issue of a permit a true copy of said drawings and specifications, signed by the architect, contractor, or owner, shall be filed in the Building Inspector's office and remain on file there until the completion of all build- ing operations allowed under said permit, w^hen they shall be returned to the party who filed them; such plans and specifica- tions so filed shall not be open to the inspection of others than those interested in the building or structure, and if not claimed by the proper party within three months after completion they shall be destroyed. All plans and specifications of buildings of a public chai'acter shall remain on file permanently in the Build- ing Inspector's office. ISSUING OF PERMITS. Sec. 3. If the matters mentioned in the application for a permit, or the plans and specifications filed with the same, indi- cate to the Building Inspector that the work to be done is not in all respects in accordance with the provisions of the City Ordi- nancs, he shall refuse to issue a permit therefor until the same has been made so to comply, when he shall issue the permit. ACCEPTANCE OF PERMITS. Sec. 4. AVhen the applicant accepts a permit it shall be a guarantee by him that all the conditions and requirements of this ordinance will be obeyed. STRAIN SHEETS. Sec 5. With the plans and specifications of all buildings or structures over two stories in height, there shall be filed with the application for a permit a strain sheet, showing the weights carried by the several supports when the building is fully loaded, and the safe load said supports will sustain; all loads, weights and strains and all strengths will be checked from the author- ities Liiven ill this ordinance. CHANGE IN CONSTRUCTION. Sec 6. If during the progress of the work upon any structure it is desired to deviate in any manner affecting the con- struction or strength of the same, from the plans and specifica- GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 851 tions upon which the permit was issued, notice of such proposed change must be filed in the Building Inspector's office and his written permit obtained therefor before such alterations are made. FEES FOR PERMITS. Sec. 7. Buildinu- permits shall be issued upon the payment of fees for the same at the rate of fifty cents for work costing one thousand dollars or less ; for work costing more than one thousand dollars, twenty-five cents for each thousand or frac- tion thereof, but in no event shall the fee exceed the sum of five dollars. TO prevent obstruction of sidewalks. Sec. 8. Sidewalks shall be kept clear at all times, or a pass- age way at least four feet wide shall be constructed in front of every building during the process of its construction, altera- tion or repair, and such temporary sidewalk shall extend from the permanent sidewalk in front of each lot adjoining the sides of the lot on which the building is being erected, and shall be laid around the space to be used for the materials for said build- ing, but shall be laid Avholly within that part of the street which is so permitted to be used for such building material. Said temporary sidewalk shall at all times be kept clear for the pass- age of persons over the same, except when materials are being handled over the same ; and no person shall leave any material, tools, implements or machinery thereon. Said temporary side- walk shall be constructed of two-inch plank, laid lengthwise on good and sufficient sleepers, laid three feet apart. The respec- tive ends of said temporary sidewalks shall be laid even with the sidewalk to which it is attached, and there shall be a fence six feet high from the line of the curb to the property line on both sides of any place where the sidewalk shall be removed or obstructed by such building operations. maintenance of sidewalks. Sec. 9. No person shall occupy said street or sidewalk for building operation without first having completed such sidewalk and fence ; and during the time of such occupation of said street for such building operations, such person or persons shall main- tain and keep in repair both temporally sidewalk and fence. covering of sidew^vlks. Sec. 10. If the permanent sidewalk is to be kept open for the public it must be covered over its entire length and breadth at a height of ten feet from the walk with two-inch plank, rest- S52 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. iiii: (111 strontr supporting joists, well fastened and braced to stronjz posts at both sides; and the passageway must be enclosed at sides to a height of six (6) feet Avith one-inch boards, and all materials f<>i- tl)i> buihling must b(^ kept out of the passage at all times. FlN.U^ INSPECTION. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of every owner of any busi- ness building, before allowing the same or any part thereof to be occupied, to notify the Building Inspector, and to have the same carefully examined as to the safety of all floors; and it shall be the duty of the architects of buildings to furnish the owner of said building w'ith a certificate, verified and approved by the In.spector, certifying to the weight per superficial foot eacli floor of said building can sustain with apparent safety. A copy of such eei-tifieate shall be constantly kept posted in a conspicu- ous place on each floor by the owner, w^here the same can be readily seen. No person shall load any floor to a greater de- gree than specified in the certificate above mentioned, nor re- move any notice posted as above mentioned. The Building In- spector may require any business buildings to be examined when- ever he shall deem it necessary. These requirements shall ap- ply to all alterations as well as to new buildings. < DURATION OP PERMITS. Sec. 12. The duration of all permits shall be governed by the cost of the structure. They shall not exceed a period of four months for buildings costing $5,000.00 or less, not exceed- ing six months for buildings costing between $5,000.00 and $10,- 000.00, and not exceeding eight months for buildings costing be- tween $10,000.00 and $50,000.00, and not exceeding twelve months for buildings costing over $50,000.00; permits may be renewed once free of cost, without the right to use any part of the streets. TERMS DEFINED. Sec. 13. In this ordinance the following terms shall have the meaning herein respectively assigned to them, viz. : (a) Alterations— Any change in, to or upon any structure or thing connected therewith, and to alter means to make any such change or alteration. (b) Repairs— The reconstruction or renewal of any part of a structure or things therewith connected by which the struct- ure shall be maintained in good order and repair without change in its fire risk, strength, or sanitation, and not made for the pur- pose of converting the structure in whole or part into a new use. GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 853 (c) Foundation ir^/?— That part of the walls or supports of a building- that are above the footings and below the basement or first floor. (d) Height of Stones— The perpendicular distance from the top of the floor joists to. the corresponding point in the next story. (e) Public BuikJings—'Evevy theater, opera house, hall, church, school, hospital, or other building intended to be used for public assemblages or any part of any building so used. (f) Mortar-Cement — A mortar composed of one part of fresh cement to not more than three parts of clean, sharp sand (bank or pit) which is to be used immediately after mixing. (g) Mortar-Lime — A mortar composed of one part fresh burned lime to not more than four parts of clean, sharp sand; Avhich shall not be used before being thoroughly slacked. (h) Mortar-Cement and Lime — A mortar made of cement and lime mortar, mixed one part cement to six parts of lime mortar, measured. (i) Concrete — A mortar made of cement, sharp sand and clean gravel or broken stone that will pass through a two-inch mesh, deposited in place and rammed with a beater. (j) Tenement House— The words "tenement house" as used in this ordinance, shall include every building used or oc- cupied as a dwelling house by three families or more, living in- dependently of each other and doing their own cooking on the premises. (k) Brick and Stone — The words "brick" or "stone" or "brick and stone" buildings shall mean all buildings whose side and end walls are constructed of stone or brick or both. (1) Wooden Building -^The words "wooden buildings" shall include all wooden or frame buildings and all buildings of wood veneered with brick, iron or other material. (m) Party Wall— (a) A party wall built upon a dividing line for the joint use of two owners; (b) Every wall built or used as a separation of two or more buildings. (n) Division Wall— The term "division wall' shall apply to walls extending through buildings or blocks owned by the same party. (o) Bearing Wa/i— "Bearing wall" shall apply to those walls which carry the weight of the partitions, floor beams or joists, girders, trusses or columns above. 854 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. (p) Basement— The word "basement" shall apply to a story whose main floor, at the street front, is not less than three feet below the surface of the ground or grade of sidewalk, and whose height does not exceed eight feet above the sidewalk or street grade. (q) Area or Retaining Walls— ^' Area, or retaining walls" shall be those walls erected for the purpose of sustaining side- walks and embankments. (r) Street— The word "street" shall mean all streets, ave- nues, alleys and public highways. BRICK AND STONE BUILDINGS — HOW CONSTRUCTED. Sec. 14. All brick and stone buildings hereafter construct- ed in the City of Tacoma, and every building of brick or stone, or of both, that shall be newly roofed or covered shall be con- structed wdth sidewalls or party walls of brick or stone, or of both, and such sidewalls or party walls shall extend from the foundation to the top and through the roof of the building, and said sidewalls or party walls shall be so constructed as to sepa- rate all wood work thoroughly and completely of the interior and exterior of such building from all and every part of the in- terior and exterior of any adjoining building ; and everv^ such sidewall or party wall shall pass through the roof of the build- ing to which it may appertain in such manner as to break en- tirely any communication of wood whatever between such roof and any other building. SIZE OF JOIST. Sec. 15. All buildings within the fire district, where the ceilings are not plastered, the joists shall be at least four inches thick, and to be covered with double floors with asbestos paper between. ROOFS. Sec. 16. All roofs within the fire limits must be covered with tin, slate, tar and gravel or other approved fire proof ma- terial. DIVISION WALLS. Sec. 17. All division walls in the basement or first story of brick buildings used for commercial purposes more than one story high, shall be of brick. STUD PARTITIONS Sec. 18. Stud partitions in brick or stone buildings shall have two rows of solid bridging not less than two inches in thick- ness to finish flush on both sides of the studs of each story ; and GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 855 when the partitions are formed with more than one row of stud- ding- or are cross-furred, the bridging shall finish flush with the face of the studs or furring at each side, so as to effectually pre- vent the passage of fire or smoke. Furring against brick walls shall not exceed one inch in thickness, and no wedges of wood or iron, spikes or nails, shall be driven into the walls within four inches of any flue or fireplace; and when chimney breasts are furred out and the width of flues are less than chimney breasts, the space between the furring and the flue shall be at least two inches and fire-stopped at the ceiling line so as to prevent the passage of fire and smoke. The interior construction of stone and brick buildings of more than one story, without division walls, shall be of post and girder construction to the roof joists. MAIN PARTITIONS — HOW PLACED. Sec. 19. All main partitions supporting in any manner the floor beams or rafters in masonry buildings shall be placed directly over each other and shall rest directly on the wall plate of the story below. FLOOES— SAFE LOAD OF. Sec. 20. The floors of all buildings shall be constructed in such a manner as to be capable of bearing in all parts, in addition to the weight of the partitions and permanent fixtures and mechanism that may be set upon them, and in addition to the weight of the material of which such floors are constructed, a live load for every square foot of floor surface as follows, viz. : Dwellings, tenements and flats 40 lbs. Hotels, lodging houses, schools with fixed desks 50 lbs. Office buildings 70 lbs. Churches, theaters, halls with fixed seats 80 lbs Dancing rooms, lodge rooms and drill rooms and stores . . 120 lbs. Roofs 30 lbs. Sidewalks 400 lbs. FLOORS OF WAREHOUSES. Sec. 21. Floors of warehouses and store houses shall be proportioned to the load they are intended to carry, provided that all such floors shall be constructed to carry not less than 200 pounds for every square foot of floor surface or area. AUTHORITIES ON STRENGTH OF MATERIAL. Sec. 22. The required strength of all building material is to be determined by rules given by "The Architects and Build- ers Pocket-book" by Frank Eugene Kidder, and by Carnegie's ^'Pocket Companion." ,S5G GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. CUTTING INTO J0I8T. Sec. 23. AYater, fjas, steam, or other pipes shall not be let into the beams at a greater distance than twelve inches from the ends of the beams, and then not to exceed one and one-half inches in depth for all beams of ten to twelve inches in depth; for beams less than ten inches the depth mnst not exceed one inch. EXCAVATIONS. Sec. 24. AVhenever it is proposed to begin any excavations for any bnikling and there shall be walls or structnres wholly or partly on adjoinino- lands, or near the intended excavations, then the party causing such excavations to be made shall notify the owner or owners of such adjoining- walls or structnres of such intended excavations, and also of the depth to which it is proposed to make said excavation. The owner or owners of the adjoining walls or structures shall have the right to enter upon the property of the party causing the excavationgs to be made for the purpose of securing their walls or structures, at such times as he or they are notified that such excavations are to be made, and within three days after receiving such notice shall proceed to care for and make safe, his or their wall or structures to the depth of 10' 6'" below the curb line immediately in front of said wall or structure. If the building fronts on two streets, then the curb line of the lower street rules. In all cases Avhere the adjoining walls have been excavated to this depth (10' 6"), then the party causing the excavation to be made below such wall, shall, at his own expense, underpin and protect and sus- tain all adjoining walls that are dowai to the depth of 10' 6". DUTY OF BUILDING INSPECT(^R. Sec. 25. In case the owner or owners of the adjoining walls or structures shall neglect, fail or refuse to properly protect their walls or structures, then the party causing the excavation to be made shall notify the Building Inspector in writing, cer- tifying that the first notice mentioned in the preceding section has been served, and upon Avhom and how served ; then the Build- ing Inspector shall, in writing, notify the person or persons men- tioned in the first notice, and any others he may deem to be in any way interested, that excavations are to be made adjoining their walls or structures and that they are required by the Or- dinances of the City to underpin, protect and support their walls or structures to a depth of 10' 6" below the established grade of the streets; and in case they still fail or refuse for a period of three days after being so notified by the Building Inspector, GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 857 they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof, before any Court having jurisdiction of municipal offences, shall be punished as provided in Section 12-i of this ordinance. CLEANSING OF EXCAVATION. Sec. 26. That the space to be occupied by any new build- ing must be thoroughly cleansed by excavating down to solid ground. All old cesspools, drains and privies must be dug out and filled in w'ith solid earth, clean and fresh, and leaving the whole sanitary and satisfactory to the Health Officer and Build- ing Inspector. FOUNDATIONS. Sec. 27. Every brick or stone wall hereafter erected in the City of Tacoma, shall be built upon a foundation the footing or lowest course of which shall not be less than 18 inches below the natural surface of the earth and upon firm, solid ground suitable for the purpose. In case solid ground is not reached, then the footings shall be laid upon driven poles, timbers or such other work as shall be approved by the Building Inspector. Foundations shall not be laid upon made or filled ground or on soil containing a mixture of organic matter. FOOTINGS. Sec. 28. The footing or base course under all foundation walls shall be of brick, stone or concrete, and shall not be less than twice the width of the bottom course of the foundation wall ; each course, if formed of brick, shall not project more than one and one-half inches, and if formed of stone, the thick- ness of each course shall not be less than eight inches, and shall not project more than two-thirds of its thickness. All foun- dation walls shall be at least four inches thicker than the walls next above them to a depth of ten and one-half feet below the curb level as lawfully fixed, and shall be increased four inches in thickness for every additional five feet in depth below^ said ten and one-half feet if acting as a retaining wall. Foundation walls in dwelling houses shall be four inches thicker below the basement floor beams than the walls next above them. DAMP PROOF course. Sec. 29. A damp proof course shall be placed below the first floor joists of all brick buildings. WOOD COLUMNS. Sec. 30. The bottom of all wooden columns shall rest on stone, brick or iron base plates at least one inch above the fin- ished basement floor. 858 GEXERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. WALLS AND FOUNDATIONS FOB DWELLINGS. Sec. 31. The outer Avails of all buildings of either brick or stone, or both, used or to be used as dwelling; houses, stables, sheds, or other outhouses, shall, for two-story buildings or less, be twelve inclies thick for first story, and eight inches for second story; provided, the first story shall not exceed in height eleven feet, and the second story shall not exceed in height nine and one-half feet. The foundation shall be at least sixteen inches in thickness. THICKNESS OF WALLS FOR DWEIiLINGS. Sec. 32- For a building of three stories, the foundation shall be twenty inches in thickness, the first story sixteen inches in thickness, the second story twelve inches and the third story eight inches; the third story shall not exceed in height nine and one-half feet. BINDING IN PIERS. Sec. 33. That all isolated brick piers thirty inches square or less, shall have one or more binders built therein, either of cast iron not less than one inch thick or steel plate not less than one-sixteenth of an inch thick, or of stone not less than six inches thick. These binders shall be the full size of the pier. The distance between any two binders, or between either of them and the cap stone or base of the pier, shall not exceed four feet. All cap stones and bases shall be the full size of the pier. MORTAR IN PIERS. Sec. 34. All brick piers supporting steel beams over store fronts shall be laid in cement mortar. CAP IRONS— CAP stones. Sec. 35. That under all lintels, girders or columns, piers shall have a cap iron at least one inch thick, or a cap stone of granite at least twelve inches thick, the full size of the pier. In the case of an external brick pier the plate may be reduced suffi- ciently in size to allow four inches of brickwork to intervene be- tween the edge of the plate and the face of the pier exposed to the weather. FOOTING FOR COLUMNS. Sec 36. Columns supported by walls shall rest upon an iron plate at least two inches thick, or upon a granite cap stone at least twelve inches thick, and of a size satisfactory to the Building Inspector. GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 859 COLUMNS — HOW SET. Sec. 37. All columns must be broug^ht to a true bearing at right angles with their axis, and must be set plumb without wedging up. All iron columns shall have straight cores. Every pier or column supporting walls of masonry shall have for a footing course a broad leveler of stone of sufficient thickness, and of a bearing surface equal in area to at least the square of one foot more than the width of the footing course required for a wall of the same thickness as that borne by the pier or column ; and if the foundation of such pier or column rests upon piles, a sufficient number shall be driven to insure a proper support. BRICK WALLS IN FIRE LIMITS. Sec. 38. Exterior, party and weight bearing walls of build- ings within the fire limits shall be of the thickness shown below, except buildings erected before the passage of this ordinance : Outer walls not less than Base- 1st 2nd 3rd 4tli 5th 0th 7tli ment story story story story story story story is" 31 " 44 57' 70' 83 95 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Tor 1 story high 13 in. 13 in. For 2 stories high 17 in. 17 in. 13 in. For 3 stories high 21 in. 17 in. 17 in. 13 iu. For 4 stories high 21 in. 17 in. 17 in. 17 in. 13 in. For 5 stories high 25 in. 21 in. 17 in. 17 in. 17 in. loin. For 6 stories high 25 in. 21 in. 21 in. 17 in. 17 in. 17 in. 13 in. For 7 stories high 29 in. 25 in. 21 in. 21 in. 17 in. 17 in. 17 in. 13 in. BRICK WALLS OUTSIDE FIRE LIMITS. Sec. 39. Exterior and weight bearing walls of brick dwell- ings erected within the City of Tacoma, outside the fire limits,, may be of the thickness shown below : Height up to 15 feet 26 feet 36 feet 48 feet 60 feet Basement 13 in. 13 in. 17 in. 17 in. 21 in. First story 9 in. 13 in. 13 in. 17 in. 17 in. Second story 9 in. 13 in. 13 iu. 17 in. Third story 9 in. 13 in. 13 in. Fourth story 13 in. 13 in. 1 ifth story 13 in. HEIGHT OF WAIjLS OUTSIDE FIRE LIMITS. Sec. 40. All exterior, party and weight bearing walls of Ijrick, stone or concrete buildings erected outside the fire limits, which exceed sixty (60) feet in height above the foundation wall, shall be built of the thickness and in the manner required for the walls of buildings as shown above within fire limits: if SGO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. loss than sixty feet in lieiulit above the foundation walls, said walls may be of the thickness shown below: Height up to 15 feet 26 feet 36 feet 48 feet 60 feet Foundation 13 in. 17 in. 17 in. 21 in. 25 in. Finst story 13 in. 13 in. 17 in. 17 in. 21 in. Second story 13 in. 13 in. 17 in. 17 in. Third story 13 in. 13 in. 17 in. Fourth story 13 in. 13 in. Fifth story 13 in. HEIGHT OF STORIES. Sec. 41. If any story exceeds in height the number of feet prescribed 'in the above tables, the thickness of each exterior, party or weight bearing: wall throughout such story shall be increased four (4) inches for every five (5) feet, or fraction thereof, in excess of other tabulated height. HEIGHT OP FIRE PROOF BUILDINGS— STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Sec. 42. Buildings in which the entire frame work is of steel, and floors and partitions of fire proof material, shall not exceed two hundred feet in height, measured from the lowest sidewalk grade at building. HEIGHT OF FIRE PROOF BLTILDINGS — COMMON CONSTRUCTION. Sec. 43. Buildings with outside bearing walls and division walls of brick, concrete or stone, and floors and partitions of fire proof material, shall not exceed one hundred and twenty feet in height from highest sidewalk grade of building. HEIGHT OF BUILDINGS WITH INTERIOR MILL CONSTRUCTION. Sec. 44. Buildings used only for wholesale and warehouse purposes with fire proof outer walls and party walls and with mill construction floors shall not exceed one hundred and two feet in height above the highest sidewalk grade at building abutt- ing the same. HEIGHT OF COMMON CONSTRUCTED BRICK BUILDINGS. Sec. 45. Buildings with fire proof outer walls and party walls, and with wooden interior frame, with plastered ceilings, or having concealed spaces, shall not exceed seventy-nine feet in height from highest sidewalk or alley grade abutting against same. RUBBLE STONE W'ORK. Sec. 46. Rubble stone work in outside walls shall be limited to two storv buildings. GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 861 VENEERED BUILDINGS. Sec. 47. Veneered frame building's of brick or stone veneer shall not exceed twenty-six feet in height above the highest grade line of building. HEIGHT OF FRAME BUILDINGS. Sec. 48. All frame buildings shall not exceed fifty feet in height above lowest grade of sidewalk at the building'. CURTAIN WALLS. Sec. 49. Piers or buttresses with curtain walls between them may be used for exterior walls. Curtain walls in no case shall be less than twelve inches thick. The piers and buttresses shall be built of a size to comply with this ordinance as hereto- fore specified for loads and strength of materials. REMOVAL OF RUBBISH. Sec. 50. All rubbish and earth from clearing' of lot must be inmiediately removed from the premises and must not be de- posited on the streets or alleys. The g'utter or waterways of any street, avenue or alley shall not be obstructed by any build- ing materials so as to prevent the free passage of water along the same. FURRED WALLS. Sec. 51. In brick buildings, where the walls are furred, and where joists are built into the wall, the brick between the joists are to be built out not less than tAvo inches. BUILDINGS ON STREET CORNERS. Sec. 52. In all buildings erected on a street corner the bear- ing wall, that is the outside wall upon which the beams rest, if there are openings in it that exceed one-half of the wall surface, shall, in all cases, be four inches thicker than is otherwise pro- vided in this ordinance. WHEN THICKNESS OF WALLS IS TO BE INCREASED. Sec. 53. All brick buildings that are over one hundred and twenty feet in length without cross walls or proper piers, shall have the side or bearing walls increased four inches in thickness more than is otherwise provided for in Sections 38 to 40 of this ordinance. Piers or buttresses may be used for the same purpose and they shall project at least four inches from the face of the wall and shall have an aggregate width of not less than one- fourth the depth of the building. Division wall are to be un- derstood as interior walls and may be four inches less in thick- II 862 GENERAL ORDTXANCES IN FULL. jit\ss than heariiiu' walls of corresponding number of stories, but must not ho less than twelve inches in thickness. RECESS FOR PIPES OR OTHER PURPOSES. Sec. 54. No recess for water or other pipes shall be made in a sixteen inch party wall, nor in any other wall more than one-(|uarter of its thickness; and the recess around said pipe or pipes shall be filled up solid for the space of two feet with mor- tar on top and bottom of each story to prevent the passage of fire or smoke. BRICK WALI.S DURING CONSTRUCTION. Sec. 55. Xo portion of the brick walls during construction shall be carried up more than one story higher than the other l)(n-tions, and then it shall be securely anchored to the other portions at distances not to exceed eight feet in height and the work shall be racked back at an angle not less than four feet for the purpose of securely bonding the work. HOLLOW^ W'ALIiS— HOW CONSTRUCTED. Sec. 66. In all hollow walls th^ same amount of material shall be used in their construction as if they were solid and their two walls shall be connected by proper ties of brick or other material approved by underwriters placed not over twenty inches apart and in every eighth course, and of the proper stiffness. PARTY WALLS. Sec. 57. Party walls shall be of the same size and thickness as required by Section 38 of this ordinance for the outer walls of brick and .stone buildings. Party walls shall be understood to be of .solid brick. Should openings be required in said walls they shall not exceed seven feet in width, and shall have a solid brick arch formed with three rollocks, and shall have double fire doors covered with tin on sides and edges at each side of the wall. area or RETAINING WALLS. Sec. 58. Area or retaining walls, if constructed of brick, stone or concrete, shall not be less than tAvelve inches in thickness at the top, and shall be increased one inch in thickness for every foot of height, and proper provision must be made for the drain- atre of the same. If the area or retaining wall is near the line of the street, the foundation shall be at least twelve inches below the street grade, back side of wall must be plumb. TIMBERS IN piers OR PARTY WALLS. Sec. 59. Where wooden girders, beams or joists rest in piers or party Avails, they shall rest within cast iron boxes, or on GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 863 ledges, stone corbels or metal hangers. Girders shall have at least six-inch bed and joists shall have at least four-inch bed. JOIST AND HEADERS. Sec. 60. The ends of the joists shall be cut with a bevel of at least three inches. Every trimmer or header more than six feet long used in any building, except a dwelling house, shall be hung in a stirrup of wrought iron of a proper thickness and width for the size of the timber; and all girders, trimmers and tie beams and other principal framing timbers shall rest at least three inches on the girders. CHANGE IN THICKNESS OF WALLS. Sec. 61. All changes in the thickness of Avails shall be at the top of the joists where joists are built into wall and not otherwise, and that portion of the walls above the ceiling joists shall be of the same thickness as given for the upper story, and when the external or party walls pass on the average more than six feet above the top of the ceiling joists, it shall be classed as a full story. All intermediate or division walls that support floor joists shall be carried to the top of joists. FIRE STOPS IN BRICK OR STONE BUILDINGS. Sec. 62. Partition walls, or post and girder construction, supporting floor joists, that carry a ceiling forming enclosed spaces, shall be fire stopped with two-inch boards placed between joists above the partition plate or girder. A blind attic in build- ings forty feet or more in width shall be firestopped between the top of all bearing partitions, or post and girder construction, to the underside of roof boards with one-inch boards tongued and grooved. Furring strips for flooring to be cross furred on the same line. TEMPORARY PARTITIONS. Sec. 63. In all buildings of post and girder construction within the fire limits, where temporary partitions are required, they shall be formed of 2x6 studding placed between the posts and lathed on both sides with metal lath and plastered with hard plaster. BRIDGING. Sec. 64. All wooden floor or wooden roof joists, except in * mill construction, shall be properly bridged with cross bridging and the distance between bridging or between bridging and walls shall not be more than eight feet. 864 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. BUILDING BRICK OVER WOOD. Sec. 65. No brick or stone wall shall be supported upon posts or birders of wood, and no stone or iron steps shall be set upon wooden earriases in any part of the City. Wood plates for supporting: joists shall not be built into brick or stone walls. HEADERS IN BRICK AND STONE WALLS. Sec. 66. All stone walls less than twenty-four inches thick, shall have at least one header extending through the wall every six square feet, and if over twenty-four inches in thickness shall have one header for every six square feet on both sides of the wall, and running into the wall at least two feet. In every brick wall every seventh course shall be a through bonded header course, except where walls are faced with pressed brick, in which every fifth course of facing shall be bonded into the backing by cutting the courses of the faced brick and putting diagonal head- ers behind the same, or by galvanized iron wall ties. Vv'ALLS FACED WITH ASHLER. Sec. 67. In all walls that are faced with thin ashler, or in which the ashler has not either alternate headers and stretchers in each course, or alternately heading and stretching courses, the backing of brick shall not be less than eight inches, and four inches more than provided in Section 40, and all backing shall be of good hard brick, laid up in cement-lime mortar. ANCHORING WALLS. Sec. 68. All stone work, with alternate headers and stretch- ers, as described in the preceding section, shall be strongly an- chored to backing with iron anchors and all such anchors shall be let into the stone at least one inch. The side, rear, front and party walls, of brick or stone buildings shall be anchored to each tier of beams at intervals of not more than eight feet with good strong, wrought iron anchors, built in not less than one- half of the thickness of the side walls and have the ends turned up into the bottom of the joists and securely spiked thereto and M'here the beams are supported by girders, the end of the beams resting on the girder shall be strapped by wrought iron straps of the same size and at the same distance apart and in the same beams as the wall anchors. All wall anchors used in any build- ing shall not be less than one-quarter by one and one-half inches, • or three-fourths of an inch round wrought iron, not less than two feet six inches in length turned up into the bottom of the joists or backtie, or on the side two inches from the bottom edge. GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 865 Mill eonstiucted lioor timbers to be anchored with self-releasing wall plates. HEIGHT OF WAIiLS ABOVE ROOF. Sec. 69. All side and party, front and rear walls of any- building, fifteen feet or more in height, shall be built up and ex- tending at least twenty inches above the roof, at the nearest point of roof, and all such walls shall be covered with galvanized iron, or its equal. BRICK ARCH OVER OPENINGS. Sec. 70. All openings for doors and windows in all build- ings, except as otherwise provided, shall have a good and suffi- cient arch of brick or stone well built and keyed with good and sufficient abutments, or they shall have a lintel of iron or stone. STEEL BEAMS IN SIDEWALKS. Sec. 71. Steel beams, lintels or girders bearing a sidewalk shall rest on stone or brick piers or iron columns and be bolted thereto and in sidewalks they shall be of sufficient strength ex- clusive of the Aveight of material, to carry a weight of 400 pounds to the square foot. FIREPROOFING. Sec. 72. All columns or metal beams bearing masonry walls shall be covered with some fireproof material, as approved by underwriters. CORNICES AND BELT COURSES. Sec. 73. No cornices, entablatures, belt courses or other ornamental projections of wood shall be placed on any brick building in fire limits "A," or in restricted district. All such projections shall be constructed of some fireproof material, if of iron, to be riveted together, and shall be supported on wrought iron brackets, built into the wall, and in every instance the greatest weight of material of which they shall be composed shall be on the inside of the outer line of the wall on Avhich they may rest, in proportion of tAvo of weight on the Avail to one of cornice AA-eight. All wooden cornices or gutters on brick buildings in the fire limits, or in restricted districts, Avhich are now or may here- after become unsafe, shall be taken down and reconstructed of some fireproof material, upon an order of the Building Inspec- tor. BACKING FOR METAL PANELS. Sec. 74. All metal 'panels on exterior Avails shall be backed up with at least eight inches of brick Avork. 86r. GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. FIRE STOPS IN FRAME BUILDINGS. Sec. 75. All frame buildings hereafter built, altered or changed shall (where joists rest on ribbons) have solid fire stops cut in at the ceiling line, and for all stories over ten feet in height an intermediate row of fire stops for each story. Said fire stops shall in all cases be the same breadth as the studding where used, so as to prevent the passage of fire or smoke, and be two inches thick. All dividing partitions between buildings shall be close boarded from the upper ceilings tight to the roof boarding. P08T AND (ilRDER FOR FRAME BUILDINGS. Sec. 76. In frame buildings of more than three stories all wall and intermediate supports of joists shall be of post and girder construction to the roof. BAY OR ORIEL WINDOWS. Sec. 77. No person shall build a bay or oriel window which shall project over the line of any street more than three feet, or more than nine feet in width, nor shall the bottom of said bay or oriel window be less than nine feet from the sidewalk. No bay or oriel window shall be constructed upon any street, lane, alley or place less than thirty-five feet in width. No swell front shall be erected in the fire limits except of fireproof materials. Bay or oriel windows, constructed in brick buildings, shall, for a two- story building, have piers of not less than six feet in width be- tween them, and for a four-story building the piers separating them shall not be less than eight feet in width. The joists of bay windows in brick buildings shall be supported upon steel "I" beams at each story, and beams firep roofed as provided in Section 73. CHIMNEYS. Sec. 78. All buildings now erected, or which may be here- after erected, altered or changed, where fire is to be or may be kept, shall have chimneys of brick or stone. All brick chimneys shall be plastered on the inside from the bottom to the top. CHIMNEY^ LINING. Sec. 79. All chimneys in the fire limits and all furnace flues in dwellings shall have two-inch brick lining or terra cotta flue lining. chimneys built FROM GROUND. Sec. 80. All chimneys in buildings over one story shall be built from the ground. GEXEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 867 CHIMNEYS IN ONE-STORY BUILDINGS. Sec. 81. Chimneys in one-story buildings must come three feet below the ceiling- line, and may be supported from the floor on good, strong posts or on good, strong brackets securely fast- ened to the studding. THIMBLES IN CHIMNEYS. Sec. 82. All chimneys must be built so that thimbles for smoke pipe shall be at least six inches from any wood partition and eighteen inches from the ceiling. FIRE PLACES AND HEIGHT OF CHIMNEYS ABOVE ROOF. Sec. 83. No chimney may be drawn from a plumb line more than one-half its width. All chimneys in frame buildings shall be built so as not to increase in size from the foundation. AVhen flues are built in brick walls, if flat roof, they shall be car- ried at least four feet above the roof line and two feet above the ridge of any pitched roof. All fireplace hearths that are built in the floor shall be built on trimmer arches, the header kept at least eighteen inches from the face of the chimney breast. The backs of all fireplaces shall not be less than eight inches thick. WOOD IN MASONRY W^SULS. Sec. 84. In masonry buildings there shall be no woodwork placed on or in a wall within eight inches of any flue, whether the same be smoke, air or other flue, nor shall there be any tim- ber placed under any fireplace or hearthstone. WOOD AROUND FLUES. Sec. 85. All structural woodwork, such as joists, studding or furring shall be kept at least one and one-half inches from any flue. SMOKE PIPES IN PARTITIONS. Sec. 86. In all cases where smoke pipes pass through wooden partitions of any kiiid, Avhether the same be plastered or not, they shall be guarded bj' a thimble set in brick fourteen inches square^ the full thickness of the partitions. furnace pipes and boxes. Sec. 87. Xo tin or other metal flue, or flues, pipe or pipes, or register box or boxes of a single thickness of metal used or in- tended to be used to convey heated air in any building or build- ings hereafter built, altered or repaired in any part of the City shall be allowed, unless the same is enclosed in a wall of brick or stone; in all other cases the said flue or flues, pipe or pipes, 868 GENERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. rotrister box or boxes shall be made double, at least one-half inch apart, and the space between the pipes shall be filled in with some fire-proof material, and no furring- or lathing of wood shall be placed against any flue, metal pipe or pipes, used to convey heated air, or steam or water, in any building, and when any wall shall be furred or lathed with wood, the space between the lathing and wall shall be filled with plaster at the top and bottom side of the floor beams of each story and the ceiling joists of the roof so as to prevent the" pas- sage of fire. All hot air registers hereafter placed in the floor of any building shall be set in soapstone borders not less than two inches in width. All soapstone borders shall be firmly set in plaster of paris, or gauged mortar; all floor register boxes shall be made of tin plate with a flange on top to flt the groove in soapstone, the register to rest upon same. There shall also be an open space of two inches on all sides of the register box extend- ing from the under side of the ceiling, beloAv the register, to the soapstone in the floor, the outside of the said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate made tight on all sides, and shall ex- tend from the under side of the aforesaid ceiling up to and turn undei- the said soapstone. Registers twelve by nineteen inches or less than fifteen by twenty-five inches, shall have a space of thre^ inches between register box and casing; registers of fifteen by twenty-five inches and more shall have a space of three and a half inches. FURNACRS AND HEATERS. Sec. 88. In all cases where hot air, steam, hot water or other furnaces are hereafter placed in any building, due notice shall first be given to the Inspector of Buildings, by the owner or own- ers of his, her of their agent, or by the person or persons placing said furnace or furnaces in said building or buildings, or by the contractor for said work. In all cases where hot water, steam, hot air or other furnaces are nsed, the furnace smoke pipe must be kept at least two feet below the beams or ceilings above the same, unless said beams or ceilings shall be properly protected by a shield of tin plates suspended above said smoke pipe with sufficient space for the free circulation of air above and below said shield; and the smoke pipe shall in all cases be kept at least eighteen inches from the beams or ceilings as aforesaid, and the top of all furnaces set in brick must be covered with brick, slate or tin plate, supported by iron bars, and so constrcted as to be perfectly tight; said covering to be in addition to and not less than six inches from the ordinary covering to the hot air cham- ber. If, however, there is not height enough to build the furnace GEXEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 869 top at least twelve inches below the floor beams or ceiling, then the floor beams nnist be trimmed around the furnace, and said covering and trimmers and headers must be at least twelve inches from the same. The top of portable furnace or furnaces not set in brick shall be kept at least one foot eight inches below the beams or ceiling with a shield of tin plate, made tight and suspended below the said beams or ceiling and extend one foot be- yond the top of the furnace on all sides. PIPES ENTERING FLUES. Sec. 89. In all buildings where there is a chimney or flue into which stove pipes enter there shall be either a double collar of metal with at least four inches of air space and hole for ven- tilation, or an earthen receiving pipe extending from the inner side of the chimney or flue and coming out flush with the outside of the plastering. No smoke pipe in any building with wooden or combustible floors or ceilings shall enter any flue un- less the said pipe shall be at least eighteen inches from either floors or ceilings; in all cases where smoke pipes pass through wooden partitions of any kind whether the same be plastered or not, they shall be guarded by either a double col- lar of metal with at least four inches of air space and holes for ventilation, or by a soapstone ring not less than three inches in thickness and extending through the partitions, or by a solid coating of plaster of paris, three inches thick, or by an earthen ware ring three inches from the pipes. BOILER ROOMS. Sec. 90. All boiler rooms or boiler houses hereafter con- structed shall be built of brick, stone or iron, and shall be so ar- ranged that all openings between said boiler room, or house, and other parts of the building in which it is placed shall be closed by doors of wood covered on both sides and edges with tin. And if the boiler is set within any building, either of brick, stone, iron or wood, it shall be isolated from the other portions of the building with fireproof partitions with doors as above provided for. STEAM PIPES. Sec. 91. No steam pipes .shall be placed closer to wood than three inches, and if said space is objecti'onable it shall be protected by a soapstone or earthen ring or tube. HEIGHT OF tenements. Sec. 92. Three stories shall be the limit of height of wood- en buildings for tenements ; five stories for brick, and for more S70 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. tiian five- •stories shall be strictly fireproof construction. The height of a buildinsr to be determined from the grade of the hipfhest street or alley adjacent to the building. BUILDINGS CONVERTED TO TENEMENTS. Sec. 93. A building not erected for use as a tenement house, if hereafter converted or altered to such use, shall there- upon become subject to all the provisions of this ordinance. TENEMENTS DAMAGED BY FIRE. Sec. 94. If a building that is at present used as a tenement house should be damaged by fire, or otherwise, to an extent of 40 per cent of its valuation, it shall be altered to conform to all the provisions of this ordinance. TENEMENTS — HOW CONSTRUCTED. Sec. 95. Every tenement house hereafter erected shall have at least one flight of staii'^ extending from the entrance floor to the top floor. The stairs of each story to be placed directly over each other in the same relative position, and they shall be at least three feet wide in the clear. The stairway to the cellar oi* basement may be in some other place, and in any case shall be entirely cut off with partitions covered with metal lath and plastered on the cellar or basement side, and if glass is placed in the partitions or doors it shall be wire-glass. HAND RAILS. Sec. 96. All schoolhouses, churches, theaters, public halls, hotels, apartment houses and tenements shall have a hand rail on each side of all public stairs. ENCLOSED space AND CLOSETS. Sec. 97. No enclosed space over three feet high, nor any closet, shall be placed under a public stairway at the commence- ment of a flight. public stairs. Sec. 98. The risers and tread of stairs in public hallways shall not be over seven inches for the riser, and not less than nine and one-half inches for a tread, not including the projecting nosing. Winders shall not be permitted in any public stairway. SCUTTLE OR BULKHEAD IN PUBLIC HALLS. Sec. 99. Every tenement house shall have in the roof a bulkhead or a scuttle provided with stair or stationary ladder, and placed in a public hallway. If a ladder is used it shall not GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 871 be placed at a greater angle than seventy degrees. The scuttle shall not be less than two feet by three feet. The bulkhead door or scuttle cover shall not be locked with a key, but may be fast- ened by bolts or hooks. WIDTH OF PUBLIC HALLW^AYS. Sec. 100. The width of a public hallway shall not be less than three feet in the clear between walls, or between a hand rail and wall. CEILINGS OF PUBLIC HALLWAYS AND STAIRS. Sec. 101. The ceilings and walls of all public hallways and the soffits of public stairways shall be covered on one side with metal lath and plaster. The metal lath and plaster shall extend back of all wainscoting and base to the floor. WALLS OF public HALLWAYS. Sec. 102. The partitions surrounding a public hallway shall be firestopped at junction with all floors. WINDOWS AND TRANSOMS. Sec. 103. All transoms and windows opening into public hallways from rooms used as a store or shop of any kind, or for thp storage of any kind of material, shall be glazed with wire- glass, or they shall be removed and closed up. Glass panels in doors shall also be wire-glass. LATH AND PLASTER IN LIGHT WELLS. Sec. 104. All interior courts and light wells in wooden buildings shall be covered with metal lath and cement plaster, and casings on window frames opening thereto, shall not be over three and one-half inches wide. Shafts in brick buildings to be built of brick or other fire-proof material. SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATORS IN LIGHT W^ELLS. Sec. 105. All interior courts and light wells may be entirely open at top or covered with skylights, skylight being raised so as to leave free openings at side equal to the area of court. At the bottom of such courts or light wells a horizontal opening of at least fifteen feet area shall be provided, opening on a street or alley, and without door or glass, but may have an iron grille. If the street floor is used for store or shop purposes a metal sky- light with wire-glass may be placed at the second floor level, and the horizontal vent opening may be placed in the second story. Where bedrooms or living rooms are lighted from a court, the court shall be at least six feet in Avidth measured from the lot line, S72 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. jiiul at least ten feet in its other horizontal dimension, or more nearly square of equal area. AVhere an inner court is not situated upon the lot line, but if enclosed on four sides, the least horizontal dimension shall not be less than eipht feet. TOTLET AND BATH ROOMS. Sec. 106. For toilet or bath room the court may be three feet by six feet, or of equal area in a more square form, and shall have a horizontal opening at the bottom having four square feet ai-ea and left open. OUTER COURTS. Sec. 10'7. Outer courts shall be at least six feet wide when measured from the lot line, or when between wings of the same biiildin-^- sliall be at least eight feet wide in the clear. WINDOWS IN ROOMS AND HALLS. Sec. 108. Every room including bath room and- water closet and public hallway shall have at least one window directly to a street, alley or to an open court. The public hallways shall have one window on each floor. An alcove room containing more tlian 100 square feet shall be considered as a separate room. An alcove of 100 square feet or less shall have an opening of at least five feet wide to the adjoining room and without doors. APARTMENTS IN TENEMENT HOUSES. Sec. 109. In every apartment in a tenement house of three or more rooms access to every living room and bedroom and to at least one water-closet compartment, shall be had without passing through any bedroom, and the Avater-closet compartment shall not have a door into any public hallway. LIGHTS IN public HALLWAYS. Sec. 110. An electric or gas light shall be kept burning on each floor of a public hallway and near the stairs and to be kept lit every night from sunset to sunrise. fire escapes and stand pipes. Sec. 111. That all buildings now or hereafter erected or constructed in the City of Tacoma, three stories or more in height, except office buildings which are fireproof, shall be pro- vided with metallic fire escapes, combined with suitable metallic balconies and railings at each floor, firmly secured to the outer walls, and shall be built in accordance with the following speci- fications, to-wit: (a) Where a vertical metallic ladder is required it shall be constructed according to the folloAving requirements: GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 873 (b) All fire escapes shall be constructed entirely of iron or steel. (e) Size of metal for ladder sides shall not be less than one and three-quarters inches by three-eighths of an inch. (d) Size of rungs for ladders shall not be less than five- eighths of an inch diameter, shouldered in ends not less than one- half inch and well riveted to ladder. (e) All vertical ladders shall extend through the balconies, openings in balconies shall not be less than twenty by twenty-four inches in the clear. (f ) Perpendicular ladders shall be at least ten inches from wall of building and shall be fastened to building with angle braces one and one-half by three-eighths inch iron, and fastened to ladder with at least one-half-inch bolts; said angle braces shall be fastened to building with expansion bolts one-half inch and to •extend into wall at least four inches, and shall be fastened at least every ten feet, and shall also be bolted to each balcony frame where ladder goes through floor of balcony, the top of lad- der shall extend two feet above all fire walls and shall turn over and extend down inside of fire wall and bolt through the wall, same bolt fastening the ladder outside and inside of fire wall wherever possible. (g) Where vertical ladders join, they shall be connected and bolted with not less than two bolts on each side with one- half inch bolts. (h) Ladders shall not be less than fourteen inches wide. (i) Where lower balcony is more than ten feet from the ground a hinged extension shall be provided to be dropped with- in four feet of the ground. (j) Size of grating bars for balconies shall not be le.ss than one and one-quarter inches by five-sixteenths of an inch, and shall have ends of bars riveted or bolted and shall have a bolt not less than five-sixteenths of an inch running- through center of bars with thimbles between each bar to hold same in place, the frame of grating bars shall be securely fastened to frame of balcony. (k) The outside frames of all balconies carrying the grat- ings .shall not be less than one and three-quarters by one-quarter inch angle iron, and shall extend all around the platform and be bolted to the building; bolts shall go through the walls. (1) The size of the bracket or bearing metal carrying plat- forms shall not be less than two by one-half inch iron, and shall extend through walls of building and turn down on inside three S74 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. inches, or shall be bolted through the walls with at least three- (|nartor inch bolts, and the iron braces carrying the same shall be at lea.st one and three-quarters bj' one-half inch. (ni) The top rails of balconies of eight feet or less shall not be less than one and one-half inches by three-eighths inch iron or not less than one and one-quarter inch pipe. (n^ Corner posts for balconies shall not be less than one and one-half by one-quarter inch angle iron; pipe of one and one-quarter inch at least may be used. (o) Top rails of all balconies shall go clear around balcony and extend through wall and turn down on inside or be bolted through Avail with five-eighths inch bolts and two-inch washers on inside. (p) Balconies over eight feet in length shall have one extra rail in center of same size as the top rail or pipe. (q) The space from top rail of balcony to floor shall be filled in with grille work or additional rails and uprights. (r) All balconies shall not be less than two feet six inches high, and the width not less than thirty inches. (s) Balconies may be constructed with circular corners. (t) Brackets carrying balconies shall not be more than five feet apart, and balconies over six feet long shall have at least three brackets carrying platforms. (u) Finishing on balconies shall not extend outside the rails. (v) Grating bars of all platforms shall be placed on edge and shall not be more than one and one-quarter inches apart in clear. (w) All nuts or bolts running through walls shall show on outside of building. (x) In frame buildings bolts five-eighths inch shall be used instead of expansion bolts to fasten ladder brackets; also all brackets or bearing bars carrying balconies on frame buildings shall be bolted through the wall ; also top rails of balconies shall be bolted through the wall and all ladders shall be bolted to balcony where they pass through same. (y) Where incline ladders are required they shall be con- structed as follows : Ladders shall pass from balcony to balcony through same; opening in balcony for ladders shall not be less than two feet by three feet; ladders shall be securely bolted to balconies; ladder sides shall be made of two and one-half by three-eighths inch iron and shall have rungs at least three- quarter inch iron ; there shall be well constructed hand rails on GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 875 ladders on each side of same ; balconies shall be constructed in same manner as for perpendicular ladders. (y.) All fire escapes that are already erected and are not properly constructed and securel.v fastened to the buildings so as to be in a safe condition, shall be condemned by the Building Inspector, and the owner or agent notified to repair or recon- struct same to conform to this ordinance. (aa) Frame buildings with a continuous outside stair for €ach separate section of the building which also have inside stairs, if considered sufficient protection by the Building Inspec- tor, may be passed as having sufficient protection. (bb) If wires or other obstructions would interfere with the dropping of a hinged extension at bottom of ladders, a sliding <:xtension may be used. (cc) No person shall at any time place any incumbrance or obstruction of any kind whatsoever on any fire escape, and no ■electric, telephone or wire of any kind shall be attached or fas- tened to any part of any fire escape at any time. (dd) The Building Inspector shall have the power and authority to determine the number and location of fire escapes to be constructed and erected : and the owner or owners, agents or occupants of any building upon Avhich fire escapes shall be ■erected as aforesaid, shall keep the same in good repair. (ee) Every building of four stories or more in height shall have one or more four-inch metallic stand pipes for each separate division of the building ; such stand pipe must be situated not more than one foot from the fire escape; and the number and location of said stand pipes to be determined and fixed by the Building Inspector. Said stand pipes must extend from four feet above the line of sidewalk to roof of building, and at each story there shall be proper branches with gate valves and also a branch with gate valves above line of roof; there shall be at lower end of stand pipe an automatic Siamese inlet with couplings and threads of dimension to conform to the hose used by the fire department. (ff) After the Building Inspector shall have determined as to the number and location of the metallic fire escapes and stand pipes to be erected and placed on all buildings herein men- tioned, the said Building Inspector shall notify the owner, agent, lessee, or person or persons having the control of such building or buildings, or either of them in writing of such determination, and commanding them or either of them to comply therewith within thirty days after service of the same. The said notice 876 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. iiKiy be served bj'- deliverino- to and leaving with such owner, agent, lessee or person or persons having the charge and control of such building or buildings, or either of them personally, a copy of such notice, or, by leaving the same at his or her or their residence or place of business ; and the person or persons so notified as aforesaid shall within thirty days thereafter comply with all the requirements thereof; and it shall be unlawful to use or continue the use of such buildings if said notice of said Building Inspector is not complied with. (gg) All buildings already erected that come M'ithin the designation of buildings heretofore mentioned in this section, that are not provided with fire escapes and stand pipes, which may be hereafter enlarged, raised, altered or built upon, shall be subject to the provisions and requirements of this section, and shall be provided with fire escapes and stand pipes in accord- ance therewith. (hh) All buildings that may be hereafter enlarged, raised, altered or built upon in such a manner as to come within the designation of buildings heretofore mentioned in this section shall be subject to all the provisions and requirements thereof, and shall be provided with fire escapes and stand pipes in accord- ance therewith. (ii) No grating or bars of iron, wood, brass or other ma- terial shall be temporarily or permanently placed, fixed or built or maintained in the walls or frame work of any brick, stone or Avooden building in this city, in the basement or in any story or portion of any story of any building, or in the openings made for affording access or exit to or from any building, or in any space or opening for affording light or air, or in any opening- made in any building for doors, windows or other purposes, witbout the permission of the Building Inspector. SCUTTLES AND BULKHEADS. Sec. 112. All store buildings over one story in height in the City of Tacoma, whether already erected or hereafter to be built, shall have scuttle frames and covers or bulkheads and doors made of or covered with some fire-proof material, and all scuttles shall have ladders leading to the same; and all such scuttles or bulkheads shall be kept so as to be ready for use at all times ; and all scuttles shall not be less in size than two by three feet; and if a bulkhead is used or substituted in any building in place of a scuttle shall have stairs, with sufficient guard or. hand rail, lead- ing to the roof. The door in the bulkhead or any scuttle shall at no time be locked, but may be fastened on the inside by mov- able bolts or hooks. GENEKAL OBDINANCES IN FULL. 877 DAMAGED BUILDINGS. Sec. 113. AVhenever any building's shall be so much dam- aged by the elements or decay, or throiigh improper construc- tion, as to become in the judgment of the Building Inspector a dangerous nuisance, the owner, owners or agent for the same shall, within five days after receiving notice to that effect from the Building Inspector, have the said building removed, or pro- vided it is not damaged more than fifty per cent, he may have the same repaired in aecordance with this and other ordinances relating to the repair of buildings. NOTIFY INSPECTOR. Sec. 114. That when any building is ready to lath, the Building Inspector shall be notified by the contractor, and shall visit such building within forty-eight hours after receiving such liotiee. SKYLIGHTS. Sec. 115. All skylights in frame buldings, not enclosed with substantial railing at least three feet high, shall be protected with screens of No. 10 or heavier wire, the meshes not to be more than one and one-half inches; such screen to be secured to the sash and to be kept four inches immediately under the glass, un- less the glass contains a wire netting within itself. IRON SHUTTERS. Sec. 116. All brick or stone buildings erected in the City of Tacoma more than one-story in height shall have iron shut- ters or shutters made of two thicknesses of wood and covered with tin on every window or entrance that is within thirty feet of any opposite or diagonally exposed building. Provided, that in lieu of standard fire doors and shutters, metal frames of adequate strength, with wire glass panels in same, may be used. All own- ers, occupants, or the person or persons having control of any building provided with fire doors and shutters shall close the said fire doors and shutters at the close of business of each day. All iron or fire doors and shutters to openings on the first story of any building shall be hung on hinges, and the locks shall be so arranged as to admit of easy destruction by the fire department ; provided, that all iron or fire doors or shutters shall be securely fastened in the wall or be hung to an iron frame. This shall apply to all iron or fire doors or shutters in the front, on the sides, or in the rear of a building; and in no case shall all the iron or fire doors and shutters of a building be fastened from the inside, but at least one of such S78 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. doors in the front, one on the side and in the rear shall be fast- ened with a lock as above prescribed. Any building- already erected shall be changed to conform to the requirements of this section if it shall be considered necessary by the Building In- spector. ELEVATORS. Se(\ 117. The openings through or upon each floor of any building in which there is a hoist or elevator car not running in a shaft shall be protected by sufficient automatic gates, which shall be opened and closed by the passage of the car, and shall also be closed at each floor by sufficient trap doors, to be closed at night, and 'every elevator car and hoist shall be provided with proper apparatus to prevent the falling of the car or hoist in the event of any accident to the ropes, pulleys or other hoisting apparatus. All passenger elevators shall be run in a shaft, which shall be formed with brick Avork not less than twelve inches in thickness, or it may be formed with substantial frame work, each side of which shall be covered Avith smoke proof iron laths or wire lathing, and finished with three good coats of mortar, and said shaft shall pass up through the roof at least three feet, and shall be covered Avith a ventilating skylight, glazed with light glass. Doors in such shafts shall be covered with metal on the inside, and so placed that they can be opened and closed from the in- side, and shall be entirely under the control of the elevator oper- ator. Open passenger elevators Avithin the Avell-holes of fireproof stairs, are not prohibited if said stairs are enclosed AAdthin brick or stone Avails. The valve in the main pipe of all hydraulic ele- vators shall be closed at night. T.IGHT SHAFTS. Sec. 118. Light shafts shall be formed with substantial framing, both sides of Avliich shall be covered Avith smoke proof iron laths or Avire lathing, and finished with tAvo good coats of mortar. The frames and sashes in said light wells are to be formed Avith metal and glazed Avith thick glass. FIRE VAULTS. Sec. 119. Any building Avithin the fire limits of the City of Tacoma used or occupied, in Avhole or in part, for any of the trades or occupations hereinafter mentioned, to-Avit: Planing mills, sash, door and blind factories, carpenter or cooper shop, Avagon or carriage manufactories, cabinet and furniture fac- tories, Avood turning and veneering Avorks, agricultural implement manufactories, box or shingle factories, or any other Avood Avork- GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 879 mg factory or shop, shall have in connection with it a brick or fireproof vault of sufficient capacity to contain all shavings, saw- dust, chips or other light combustible refuse connected there- with. SLEEPING ROOMS. Sec. 120. It shall be unlawful to construct sleeping rooms in any tenement, lodging house, hotel, or any other building in the City except private residences, of wood or other combustible material, unplastered. The height of all such sleeping rooms shall not be less than eight feet, and each room must contain not less than five hundred cubic feet of air space for each occupant, and must be provided with not less than one window, eight hun- dred and sixty-four square inches in size, and a door two feet six inches wide, one of which must open upon the outer air; pro- vided that a suite of rooms may have a transom sixteen by thirty opening into a halhvay. SLEEPING GALLERIES OR BUNKS. Sec. 121. It shall be unlawful to construct mezzanine floors, sleeping galleries or bunks above the beds, or bunks placed on the floor of rooms, and all partitions separating sleeping rooms from other rooms must be plastered on both sides, or made of fire-proof material. OPENINGS IN PARTY \V.ALLS. Sec. 122. AVhenever it becomes desirable to cut an opening through any party or dividing wall separating two buildings, a notice of the desire to do so shall be filed with the Building In- spector, who shall, when satisfied that the proposed alterations w'ill be safe, issue a permit therefor. FLOORS IN PUBLIC HALLS. Sec. 123. No portion of the main floor of any public hall not used as a theater, and with accommodations for five hundred persons, shall be elevated to a greater height than thirty-five feet above the street, except in fireproof buildings. height of FLOORS ABO\^ STREET. Public halls with accommodations for one thousand persons or more shall have the main floor not over twenty -five feet above the street grade, except in fireproof buildings. No portion of the main floor of any theater with accommodations for five hundred or more persons, shall be more than ten feet above the street grade. 880 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. PENALTY. Sec. 124. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum less than one hun- dred dollars ($100.00), and the continuance or maintaining of such violation shall be deemed a new offense for each day on which the same is so continued or maintained, and shall be pun- ished accordingly. Sec. 125. That Ordinances No. 999, No. 1353, No. 1805 and No. 2005 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 6, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2357. An ordinance approving the compilation and revision of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Tacoma, and authorizing and directing the publication of the same. Be it ordained iy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the compilation and revision of the Char- ter and Ordinances of the City of Tacoma, as made by L. W. Eoys, be and the same is hereby approved. Sec. 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for printing and bind- ing two hundred copies of the Revised Charter and Ordinances of the City of Tacoma in paper and two hundred copies in sheep, and to enter into a contract for same, in accordance with the pro- visions of the City Charter. Approved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2360. An ordinance providing for the payment by the City of Tacoma from its General Fund into the Water and Light Fund of the City of Tacoma for all water and light used by the City in connection with City busi- ness, and authorizing the proper officers to draw warrants upon the General Fund, in favor of the Water and Light Fund, in payment for the same, fixing the rate to be charged therefor, appropriating the same from the General Fund and authorizing the City Treasurer to pay the same, and repealing Ordinances No. 1992 and No, 2051. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That, from and after the date of the publica- tion of this ordinance, the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma shall each month make out a bill for the amount of light and water furnished said City of Tacoma by the Water and Light Department and used and consumed by said City, GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 881 ■which bill shall be approved and ordered paid by the City Coun- cil in the same manner as other bills, and that, upon the approval of such bills, the proper officers of said City be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw warrants for the amount of such bills on the General Fund, in favor of the Water and Light Fund, and the City Treasurer of said City be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same. Sec. 2. The rates to be charged said City shall be as fol- lows : For fire hydrants, $4.00 per month for each and every hy- drant in service. For street arc lights, $5.00 per month for each and every arc light in service. 'For other light and water, the same rates shall be charged the City as are charged to other consumers. Sec. 3. That Ordinances No. 1992 and No. 2051 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved April 13, 1905. OKDINANCE NO. 2376. An ordinance regulating the plumbing, ventilation and drainage of buildings, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinances No. 72, N. T., No."l49, No. 215, No. 293, No. 393, No. 1172, No. 1320, No. 1324, No. 1326, No. 1350 and all ordinances and parts of* ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. No person shall hereafter move a building from one part of the City to another, erect or cause to be erected or converted to a new purpose by alteration, any building or struc- ture, or change the construction of any building by addition or otherwise, so that it, or any part thereof, shall be inadequate or defective in respect to plumbing, ventilation, sewerage or any other usual or proper or necessarv^ provision or precaution for security of life or health. Nor shall any owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of any building or structure cause or allow any matter or anything to be done in or about any such building or struc- ture dangerous or prejudicial to life or health. Sec. 2. No plumbing work shall be done in the City of Tacoma except in case of repairs or leaks, without a permit being first issued therefor, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Health shall prescribe ; and when such plumbing work involves or necessitates the obstruction of a street or alley, tear- S82 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ing up sidewalks or disturbing the surface of streets or alleys, a permit shall also be obtained from the Commissioner of Public Works therefor. Sec. 3. All material used in the construction of drains, waste or soil pipes, or other structures, shall be of good quality and free from sand holes, splits or other defects, and the work must be executed in a thorough and workmanlike manner. In no case will gas fitter's cement or any other preparation be allowed on waste, soil or vent pipe to repair defective pipe or fittings. Sec. 4. Drain, soil and waste pipes through which Avater and sewerage is used and carried shall be of cast iron, wrought iron, brass or lead, when within a building. They shall be sound, free from holes and other defects and extend not less than two feet outside of buildings, porches to be considered part of build- ing, with a fall of not less than one-quarter (|) inch to the foot, laid in trenches of uniform grade or securely ironed to wall, or suspended from floor timbers by strong iron hangers and run in straight line as possible. Connections made to the horizontal pipes shall be made with "Y" branches, except at the connection with vertical stacks, which may be with regular sanitary fittings. The vertical soil pipe shall be carried out at least one foot through the roof, open and undiminished in size. All horizontal soil pipes, four inches or over, twenty -five (25) feet or more in length, shall have a eleanout. All horizontal waste pipes smaller than four (4) inches, fifteen (15) feet or more in length, shall have a eleanout, and they shall be put in an accessible place. Soil pipe eleanout shall not be less than four (4) inches, and cleanouts on waste pipe not less than the size of the waste pipe they serve. Sec. 5. No brick, sheet metal or earthenware flues shall be used as a sewer ventilator, nor shall any chimney flue be used for that purpose. Sec. 6. In all buildings up to three stories, without base- ments, standard pipe and fittings may be used. In all buildings exceeding three stories, the three upper stories may be stand- ard pipe and fittings. The lower portions must be extra heavy. All joints on cast iron pipe must be made wdth a suitable packing of picked oakum, run full of molten lead and thoroughly caulked to prevent the escape of sewer gas. Sec. 7. All connections of lead with iron pipe must be made by a brass furrel or soldering nipples of the same size as the lead pipe and caulked or screwed into the iron pipe and con- nected with the lead pipe by a wiped .joint, and where a soldering GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 883 union is used, a lead washer must be used in connecting same to iron pipe. Sec. 8. All fixtures connected to the sewer must be prop- erly trapped and the trap put as close to the fixtures as prac- ticable, and having a water seal not less than one and one-half (14) inches. No traps will be allowed on main lines of sewer drain or soil pipe. Traps shall be protected from syphonage and air pressure by a special air or vent pipe, which shall be of a size not less than the trap, up to and including two (2) inch traps, and when a trap is over two (2) inches in size, no vent less than two inches shall be used. Waste pipes and traps shall not be less than the following sizes : For basins and pantry sinks one and one-quarter (1^) inches. . For kitchen sinks, one and one-half (1^) inches. For urinals, one and one-half (l-J) inches. For slop sinks, two (2) inches. For water closets, four (4) inches. The weight for lead Avaste pipes shall not be less than the fol- lov/ing : One and one-quarter (1^) inch pipe, two and one-quarter (2 J) pounds per foot. One and one-half (1^) inch pipe, three (3) pounds per foot. TAvo-inch pipe, four (4) pounds per foot. Three-inch pipe, four and one-half (4^) pounds per foot. Four-inch pipe, five (5) pounds per foot. And when a trap is concealed, the trap screw must be rein- forced. Sec. 9. The size of vent pipes shall not be less than that of the trap they serve, except in the case of water closets or slop sinks, which shall not be less than two inches. All vent pipes ex- ceeding thirty (30) feet in length, shall be increased one size every succeeding thirty (30) feet or minimum thereof. Two fix- tures, with one and one-quarter (1^) inch waste pipe, may be combined and vented into a one and one-quarter (1^) inch vent pipe. Two fixtures, with a one and one-half (1^) inch waste pipe, may be combined and vented into a one and one-half (1^) inch vent pipe. Eight fixtures, wdth waste pipes not to exceed one and one-half (1^) inches, may be combined and vented into a two-inch vent. Four water closets, or slop sinks, may be com- bined and vented into a two-inch vent pipe. One or more water closets, or fixtures having two-inch traps or less, may be com- bined into a two-inch vent pipe, calculating a water closet or slop sink to be equal to two smaller fixtures, whose traps are one 884 GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. antl one-half (14) inches or less. In the same proportion more fixtures may be added to the increased size of vent pipe. No hori- zontal vent pipe will be allowed below the top of any fixture it serves. The branch tee of vent pipes must be three feet above the finished floor. Vent pipes may be combined by branching to- gether those which serve several traps, in which case the size of the main line must be increased as it receives the several addi- tions, to the size specified, and may be connected to soil pipe, not less than three feet above finished floor, which soil pipe must be of ample size, or be increased, or they may be run separate through the roof. All vent pipes shall be run as straight and direct as practicable, or Avith a grade to avoid trapping by con- densation. Where a row of water closets are located on the same floor, they may be vented collectively by the loop system, turn- ing up with the horizontal soil pipe immediately at the end, and as close as practicable to the last water closet, and continue above the top of said water closets. For four water closets, four-inch soil pipe nnist be used and six-inch soil pipes for additional water tiloset.s. Fittings must be placed directly under water closets and not more than twenty (20) inches of pipe will be al- lowed between closets and horizontal pipes. The vent must be four inches for four water closets, and for an additional four water closets, or fraction thereof, another four-inch vent must be used. Sec. 10. All wrought iron pipe and fittings used for vents must be galvanized, and when wrought iron pipe is used for waste, galvanized pipe and recess fittings must be used. Sec. 11. The system known as venting in the rough will be allowed on vertical waste pipes only, and not more than fifteen (15) inches of waste pipe will be allowed between seal of traps and said vertical pipe, except water closets, which may have a limit of twenty inches. The top fixture of any vertical line of soil pipe may not be back vented, provided said fixture has not more than fifteen inches of waste pipe. When a water closet has no other fixture above one fixture may connect above water closet, provided it has not more than fifteen (15) inches of waste pipe and not larger than one and one-half inches, it will not be neces- sary to back vent either fixture. Not more than one-quarter (|) inch to the foot v.'ill be allowed between trap and stack when fix- tures are vented in the rough. A four (4) inch by four (4) inch by two (2) inch fitting may be used, if half of the two-inch open- ing is above the top of four-inch opening. Sec. 12. The terminal of all vent pipes must be at least twelve (12) feet from windows or other openings, or one foot GEXEKAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 885 through the roof of house or building it serves, and must be at least three (3) feet from opening of chunney or air shaft. In ease of windows or other openings of living rooms located below- said vent pipes, terminals of all said vents must be at least three feet above window or openings. Where one building is attached to or joins another of greater height, having windows or open- ings overlooking the lower building, the temiiual of all soil or vent pipes of the lower building must be carried up above the eaves or fire wall of higher building, undiminished in size, unless twelve feet from said windows or other openings. The terminal of vent pipes in outhouses must be at least nine (9) feet from ground. Sec. 13. All water closets and other plumbing fixtures must be supplied with water. All pipes for plumbing fixtures must be galvanized iron, brass or lead. In no case will black fittings be allowed in supply pipes. Water closets must never be placed in an unventilated room or compartment. In every case the compartment must be open to the outer air, or .be ven- tilated by means of a shaft or air duct at least six inches in di- ameter, and as near the ceiling as possible. All water closets must be supplied with water from special tanks or cisterns, the water of which is not to be used for any other purpose. A group of water closets may be supplied from one tank. In no case will Philadelphia Hoppers, plug closets or any other closets supplied direct from City supply be allowed. Sec. 14. In all eases, the basement of buildings Avill be con- sidered as a story. Sec. 15. All sewer pipes in yard shall be of a good quality of vitrified terra cotta pipe, properly laid and the joints made with parts of Portland cement and clean, sharp sand, and as each joint is laid, it shall be carefully cleaned on the inside and shall not be laid nearer than two feet from any exterior wall of iiny habitable building, nor shall it be less than one foot under ground, and in no case shall such sewers be laid under any hab- itable building. All sewere must be inspected before being cov- ered up. Cesspools will only be allowed where no main sewers have been put in, and they shall not be less than thirty (30) feet from a habitable building. Tapping holes in main sewers will not be allowed Avithout special permit from the Plumbing Inspector, and in no case will they be allowed to be tapped on top. Changes in directions shall be made with regular fittings and connections with "Y" branches. Two houses facing the front street may connect into one sewer and run to the main sewer provided they are owned by the same owner, and a house SS(5 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ill the rear may branch into sewer of front house, provided six- inch sewer extends to where the first branch is taken off. A row of houses faeinj2: side street may be connected up to one line, which must be six-inch pipe, but may have four-inch branches to receive the discharge of the different houses. All houses con- nected with City sewers must be provided with a water closet and sink. Sec. 16. When fifteen or more water closets discharge into a line of soil pipe, said soil pipe shall not be less than six inches in diameter. In all other cases, the soil pipe receiving the dis- charge from Avater closets shall not be less than four inches in diameter. Not more than four slop sinks will be allowed on two- inch pipes; not more than eight fixtures, having one and one- half (1^) inch traps will be allowed on two-inch pipe; not more than three fixtures, having one and one-half (1^) or one and one- quarter (1|) inch traps will be allowed on one and one-half (1^) inch waste pipe. Sec. 17. Where safe wastes are placed under fixtures, they shall be of cast iron, lead or wrought iron galvanized pipe and of a size not less than one and one-quarter inches, and must be run to some place in open sight, and when practicable, outside of house. All urinal safe Avastes shall be of the same material and must discharge into an open fixture that is supplied with water, where practicable. Sec. 18. No steam, exhaust, blowoff or drip pipe shall con- nect directly with sewer, soil or waste pipe, but must have a proper intercepting trap. Steam shall be discharged into a blow- off or condensing tank. The waste or overflow from said tank shall be provided with a suitable outlet to main drain. Sec. 19. All buildings must have at least one four (4) inch stack run through the roof, open and undiminished in size. All flashings for vent pipes must be made of sheet lead or copper and turned over top of pipes when possible to prevent leaking. The waste from fixtures may discharge into water closet bends, pro- vided they are not larger than one and one-half (IJ) inches and must be vented. Sec. 20. No rain w^ater pipes will be allowed to connect to or with any soil, waste or sewer pipe. All catch basins placed under buildings must have a back Avater valve placed in Avaste pipe to prevent overflowing in case of stoppage of sewer, and must also be properly trapped and vented and supplied from basin or water closet tank. Sec, 21. All soil, Avaste, A^ent and drain pipes before being GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 887 covered up must have all opening's stopped up and be filled with water; said test shall be made in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector, and if satisfactory, he shall issue a proper certificate, when the work can be covered up. Plumbing work shall not be used unless it has been tested and inspected. The Plumbing In- spector must be notified in writing when work is sufficiently ad- vanced for inspection and he shall inspect all work within six- teen (16) working hours after such notification. Where special fixtures or traps are required by owners or architects that do not conform to the provisions of this ordinance, a special permit may be issued by the Inspector of Plumbing, if, in his judgment, the conditions demand the use of such fixtures or traps. Sec. 22. No waste pipe from a refrigerator or other recep- tacle in which provisions are stored, shall be connected with any drain, soil or waste pipe. Such waste pipe shall be so arranged as to admit of frequent flushing and shall be short as possible, and when impracticable to run to an open fixture, it may dis- charge outside in sight. The overflow pipes from tanks shall discharge into an open fixture, properly trapped, or in roof gut- ter. Sec. 23. A trap will be considered unsealed when it shows a Avater seal less than two and one-half (2^) inches in depth. Sec. 24. No person shall throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, in any vessel or receptacle connected with the public sewer, any garbage, vegetable parings, ashes, cinders, rags or any other thing whatsoever, except faeces, urine, neces- sary water closet paper and liquid house slops, or allow any drain to be connected with any privy, vault or cesspool, or under- ground drain, or with any channel conveying water or filth, ex- cepting the soil pipes and plumbing of the house or buildings as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 25. The connections with all sewers must be made even at the inside surface in a workmanlike manner, and where a length of pipe or drain has been left in the sewer, it shall be made perfectly tight with good cement. The street must be opened and paA^ing and earth deposited in a manner that Avill occasion the least inconvenience to the public, and provide for the passage of water along the gutters; one-half of the street must be left clear for the passage of vehicles and bridgeways on the sidewalk for foot passengers. In refilling the trench, the earth must be laid in layers not more than six (6) inches in depth, and each layer wetted and tamped to prevent after settlement. The paving, flagging and sidewalk are to be restored to at least as SSS GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. jrood condition as previous to excavation, all rubbish and surplus- earth to be immediately removed. Sec. 26. Drain pipes must have a fall of at lea.st one- ((uarter inch to the foot. When it runs under the sidewalk it iiuist be at least two feet below the stringer of said sidewalk. Drains of a greater depth than ten (10) feet may be run upon grade to within three (3) feet of permanent grade of street or alley at the property line; and where the property is located some distance above the grade of street one-eighth bend may be used, and it will not be necessary to keep more than two (2) feet from surface, provided a fall of one-quarter inch to the foot can be obtained.' Six-inch pipe must be used from main sewer to property line. Sec. 27. Whenever any drain connected with any public sewer or drain becomes obstructed, broken or out of order, or det- rimental to the use of sewer or drain or unfit for the purpose of drainage, the owner, agent, occupant or person having charge of any building yard, lot of land or other premises, which are drained by said drain or sewer, shall, when directed by the In- spector of Plumbing, remove, reconstruct, alter, clean or repair said drain as the condition of said drain may require. Sec. 28. No privy, vault or cesspool shall hereafter be con- structed in anv part of the City where a sewer is at all accessi- ble. Sec. 29. The Inspector of Plumbing shall have the power in all eases, where there is a public sewer in any street or alley, to cause any owners of land upon or adjoining such street or alley, his agent or tenant, to make a sufficient drain and proper sewer connection from his or her house, yard, or lot, closet and premises, whenever in his opinion the same may be necessary, and he shall thereupon give such owner, agent, tenant or person occupying such premises notice in writing, specifying the time when such drain and sewer connections must be completed, and if said owner, agent or tenant neglects to complete the same within the time specified, and in addition to the penalties im- posed for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, the Inspector of Plumbing shall cause it to be done and shall recover the whole amount of the expense thereof, together with ten per cent additional as a penalty, by an action in the name of the City of Tacoma before any court having juridiction there- of, from said owner or persons occupying such premises, who shall be severally and jointly liable therefor. Sec. 30. Master Plumbers at the time of receiving a license shall file a bond in the office of Inspector of Plumbing in the GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 889 Slim of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), with one or more sure- ties, to be approved by the ]Mayor, for the protection of the City in case of damages resultingr from opening any sewers or streets. Provided, however, that before any license shall be granted by the City to any plumber, he shall exhibit to the Plumbing Inspec- tor a certificate issued by the State Board of Plumbing Exam- iners. Sec. 31. Any sewer builder or plumber obtaining a permit to make connections with the City sewers shall save harmless the City of Tacoma from all suits, accidents and damages conse- quent thereupon for or by reason of any opening in any street, alley or avenue made by him, or by those in his employment, for making connection with any public or private sewer, or for any other purpose or object whatever, and that he will also replace and restore the street over such opening to as good a state and condition as he found it, keep guards by day and light by night, and keep and maintain the same in good order to the satisfac- tion of the Inspector of Plumbing, and subject to his accept- ance. Sec. 32. Every tenement, lodging house or building shall be provided with one water closet for every ten rooms or less, and one additional water closet for every additional ten rooms or less. Improved privy sinks may be used in factories, as the Plumbing Inspector shall require, but in no case shall water closets be located in the sleeping apartments of any building. Sec. 33. All Master Plumbers shall be responsible for all acts of their agents or employees done by virtue of his or their license. Sec. 34. It shall be the duty of anj^ architect or architects, builder or builders or other person or persons interested in any projected tenement, lodging house or other place of habitation in the City of Tacoma, to submit plans and specifications of such building or buildings to the Inspector of Plumbing of said City, that the Inspector of Plumbing may examine said plans and specifications for his approval or rejection as to the proposed plan for ventilation of water closets and sewers under buildings, and generally the plan of drainage and plumbing. Sec. 35. The Inspector of Plumbing, or his duly author- ized agents, shall have the right to enter upon the premises drained by any house drain or connected with any public sewer at all reasonable hours to ascertain whether the provisions of this or any ordinance in regard to house drains have been complied with, and if he shall find that said drain or its attachments do not conform to the provisions of law in regard thereto, he shall 890 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. notify the owner of said premises, or his agent, of the fact. It shall thereupon be the duty of said owner, or his agent, to cause said drain or its attachments to be so altered, repaired or recon- structed as to make them conform to the requirements of law in regard thereto within fifteen days from the time of receiving such notice. Sec. 36. Any person violating any provision of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each and every violation thereof ; and upon failure to pay the same shall be imprisoned in the City Jail one day for evely two dollars of such fine. Sec. 37. That Ordinances No. 72, No. 149, No. 215, No. 293, No. 393, No. 1172, No. 1320, No. 1324, No. 1326, No. 1350 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved May 4, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2381. An ordinance providing for licensing and regulating the business of auction- eers and prescribing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 1762 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con- flict herewith. Be it ordained hy ilie City of Tacoma: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or expose for sale, by way of vendue or auction, except under and by virtue of legal process, any property, real or personal, with- in the limits of the City of Tacoma, without first having ob- tained a license for such purpose as hereinafter provided and an}'- license granted or issued under the provisions of this ordi- nance shall in no manner be assignable or transferable, except by resolution of the City Council of said City. Sec. 2. Any person desiring to take out a license under the provisions of this ordinance shall first pay to the City Treasurer the sum of $125.00, taking said Treasurer's receipt therefor, and shall then make application for a license, under the terms of this ordinance, by written or printed petition to the City Council, to Avhich petition shall be attached the aforesaid receipt. Said peti- tion shall designate the name of the applicant and his place of residence by street and number, which application as aforesaid shall be filed with the City Clerk and referred by said City Clerk to the City Council. If the City Council shall grant said peti- tion, said applicant shall thereupon file with the Mayor a good and sufficient bond in the sum of five thousand dollars GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 891 ($5,000.00) with a reputable surety company, authorized to do business in the State of Washington, as a surety, conditioned that said licensee shall not suffer or permit any fraud or imposition to be practiced upon bidders or purchasers of property from him and that he will comply with all the terms and provisions of this ordinance, and will render a true and strict account of all of his sales to the person or persons employing him to make the same, which said bond shall be approved by the ]\Iayor, and upon the approval of said bond said applicant shall file the same with the City Clerk, who shall thereupon issue to the said applicant a license as an auctioneer for the period of one year, and no license to any auctioneer shall be granted for a longer period than one year from the date of the issuance thereof, and all licenses issued under the terms and provisions of this ordinance may be revoked by the City Council by resolution whenever it shall appear to its satisfaction that the party so licensed has violated any of the provisions, terms or conditions of this ordinance or any condition of the bond hereinbefore provided for, and upon the revocation of any license by said City Council as herein provided, there shall be no rebate to said licensee for the unexpired period of said license. Provided further, that, when any stock of goods shall be brought into the City of Tacoma for disposal at auction, a special license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day, pay- able in advance, shall be paid by the auctioneer who shall sell the same, in addition to his regular annual license fee above pro- vided. Sec. 3. The City Council of the City of Tacoma, in its dis- cretion, may refuse to grant any license, notwithstanding the filing of a proper petition, if, in their opinion, the applicant is an unfit person to have such license or for any reason which to the Council shall seem sufficient. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every auctioneer, Avho shall offer for sale any watch, plate or jewelry of any kind, to an- nounce to the persons present, in a loud voice, whether the same be gold, stating the quality thereof as to carat, gold plate, silver, •silver plate, or base metal before proceeding to sell the same. Every auctioneer, who shall offer for sale any watch, plate or jewelry without first making such announcement, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall pay a fine of not more than $50.00 or less than $5.00 for each offense. Sec. 5. The purchaser at an auction sale of any watch, plate or jewelry shall have the right to return it to the auction- eer at any time within five days from the date of sale, if the 892 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. watch, plate or jewelry be not of the quality represented to him ; and the auctioneer shall return to the purchaser the price of the article. Should he refuse to do so, he shall forfeit his license and be liable to a fine of not more than $50.00 or less than $5.00, and it is hereby provided that, if it should be made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council, the said auctioneer has pur- posely avoided an otfer to return such article sold, the City Council shall revoke the license of such auctioneer. Sec. 6. Any auctioneer who shall exhibit and offer for sale at auction any article and induce its purchase by any bidder, and who shall afterwards substitute any article in lieu of that offered to' and purchased by the bidder, whereby said bidder is defrauded, shall forfeit his license and shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall pay a fine of $50.00. Sec. 7. Any auctioneer or person being present wdien any watch, plate or jewelry is offered for sale, who shall, with intent to induce any persons to purchase the same or any part thereof, make any false representations or statements as to the ownership or the character or quality of the article or articles offered for sale, or as to the poverty or circumstances of the owner or pre- tended owner of said article, or ai^ticles, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of $50.00, and if such false representations or statements are made by such auctioneer or by any other person with such auc- tioneer's knowledge, consent or connivance, the license of such auctioneer shall be forfeited. Sec. 8. All auctioneers are hereby forbidden to sell or ex- pose for sale any kind of property, real or personal, so near to the streets or public places of said City of Tacoma as to cause people to gather in crowds on the sidewalk or therein, so as to ob- struct the same; and said auctioneer shall use no immoral or in- decent language in crying, or make or cause to be made noisy acclamations or ring bells through the streets in advertising the goods, wares, merchandise or property, which they have for sale. and no bellman or crier, drum and fife or other musical instru- ments or any show, signal or other means of attracting attention of passersby, other than by the sign of auctioneers' flags, shall be employed or suff'ered to be used at or near any place of sale, or at or near any auction room or near any auction whatsoever. Sec. 9. Under the license herein provided for, an auc- tioneer may sell goods at auction any place he shall deem advis- able, provided he complies strictly with all the requirements of this ordinance. \ GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 893 Sec. 10. In case of the death of any anetioneer before the expiration of his license, his personal representative may con- tinue to act under the license for the unexpired time and such representative shall notify the License Inspector in writing' of such fact. Sec. 11. Every person licensed under the terms and provi- sions of this ordinance as an auctioneer shall, whenever any per- sonal property is put in his hands for sale, give to the owner or the person turninii' said property over to said auctioneer for sale a receipt containing an itemized list of all property entrusted to said auctioneer for sale as aforesaid, and whenever said auc- tioneer shall have sold said property, or any of the same, he shall, upon demand, strictly account to the person turning said prop- erty over to him, first deducting from the amount received from the sale of said property his commission, which shall have been agreed upon between said auctioneer and the owner of said prop- erty, and if no connnission shall have been agreed upon said auc- tioneer shall not charge a commission to exceed ten per cent of the cash sales made by him. Sec. 12. Any person, who shall sell or attempt to sell, at vendue or public auction, in the City of Taeoma any real or per- sonal property whatsoever, except under and by virtue of legal process, without first having obtained a license therefor as re- quired under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and each and every sale shall be and is a distinct offence, and upon conviction thereof such person shall be fined for each and every offence the sum of $100.00. Sec. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, where no other penalty is fixed therefor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum less than $100.00. Sec. 14. That Ordinance No. 1762 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved May 15, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2387. An ordinance regulating and licensing the sale of transient stocks of goods, wares and merchandise in the City of Taeoma and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Be it ordained hy ihc City of Taeoma: Section 1. That any person who shall bring a stock of goods, wares and merchandise into the City of Taeoma tem- 894 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. porarily for disposal shall pay a license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per day. Sec. 2. Any such person desirins; to carry on such a busi- ness shall deposit the license fee for one day with the City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, and shall present said receipt, together with his application for license, to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk shall issue such license, and the said party so licensed shall, before making' any sale, on each and every day thereafter pay to the City Treasurer the smn of fifty ($50.00) dollars and take his receipt therefor. A failure to make such payment before making any sale shall revoke such license. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of this ordi nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con viction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hun4 drel dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the City Jail not! exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprison-; ment, and each and every sale shall be deemed a separate offence. Sec. 4. Upon the trial of any person for a violation of this ordinance, proof of advertisement by any person, firm or corpo- ration of the sales hereinabove set forth shall be prima facie evi- dence of a violation of this ordinance. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall apply only to stocks of goods brought into Tacoma to be closed out and disposed of and not to be a permanent business. Approved May 25, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2388. An ordinance establishing grades of certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the gutter grades of Hosmer Street shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with South Nineteenth Street 370. At its intersection with South Twenty-first Street 365. At its intersection with South Twenty-third Street 371 . At its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street 388. At its intersection with south line of Catlin's Addition. .385. GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 895 Sec. 2. That the gutter grades of Washington Avenue shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Thirty-third Street, west side. . . .288. East side ." 286. At its intersection with Thirty-fourth Street 282 . At its intersection with Thirty-fifth Street, west side 281 . , East side 280 . At its intersection with Thirty-sixth Street, west side .... 283 . 5 East rside 281 . 5 At its intersection with Thirty-seventh Street, west side. .282. East side 280. At its intersection with Thirty-eighth Street 257. Sec. 3. That the gutter grades of South Forty-eighth Street shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Park Avenue 379 . At its intersection with Thompson Avenue 392. At its intersection with " K " Street 410 . At its intersection with "M" Street 386. At its intersection with "N" Street 365. Sec. 4. That the gutter grades of Chandler Street shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with center of right of way Tacoma Light & Water Company's flume line 265.40 500 feet south of south line of Center Street 249.76 At its intersection with Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany 's right of way 254 . Sec. 5 That the gutter grades of South Hosmer Street shall be as follows: Feet. At its intersection with Nineteenth Street 370 . At its intersection with Twenty-first Street 365 . At its intersection with Twenty-third Street 371. At its intersection with Twenty-fifth Street 388 . At its intersection with south line of Lot 14, Block 10, Cat- lin's Addition 385. S9G GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 6. That the gutter grades of North Lawrence Avenue be as follows : -r^ ^ Feet. At its intersection with Tenth Street 370. At its intersection with Eleventh Street 368. At its intersection with north line of Balcom's Addition. .364. Sec. 7. The elevations established in this ordinance are the number of feet mentioned above the Datum Plane of the City of Tacoma. the said Datura Plane being the mean low tide of Com- mencement Bay. Approved May 25, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2397. An ordinance prohibiting tlie establisliment of butcher shops or meat, fish or poultry markets in exclusively residence blocks in the City of Tacoma, unless the same is consented to by the resident owners of the majority of the lots in the block in which such shops or markets are to be located, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. Br it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. Hereafter no person, firm, association or cor- poration shall establish or maintain a butcher shop or meat, fish or poultry market in any block in the City of Tacoma which is used exclusively for residence purposes without first having ob- tained the Avritten consent of the resident owners of the majority of the lots in the block in which such shop or market is to be located. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor inore than fifty dollars for each and every offense, and each day's continuance shall be deemed a separate offence. Approved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE No. 2399. An ordinance requiring persons desiring to build sidewalks on the streets or alleys of the City of Tacoma to get written permits from the Com- missioner of Public Works; authorizing tlie Commissioner of Public Works to designate the kind and character of walks; requiring persons constructing said walks to furnish indemnity bonds to. the City of Tacoma; providing for safeguards and signals around such work; pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 2164 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with. Be if ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That hereafter any person, firm or corporation desiring to construct sidewalks on any of the streets or alleys of GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 897 the City of Tacoma shall, before beginning the construction of any walk, secure written permission so to do from the Commis- sioner of Public Works, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby empowered and required in such permit to designate and determine the kind and character of sidewalk which shall be constructed in each case, where the same is not covered and provided for by some ordinance or resolution of the City, and said Commissioner shall keep a record of such permits, showing the territory covered thereby and the character of the walks con- structed and said walks shall be completed within thirty days after the issuance of the permit. Sec. 2. That hereafter any person, firm or corporation de- siring to engage in the construction of any sidewalk on the streets or alleys in the City of Tacoma, for himself, itself, or for others, under a permit from the Commissioner of Public Works, before commencing the construction of any such walk, shall en- ter into a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the Com- missioner of Public Works, conditioned that such persons firm or corporation will construct said walk of the material and accord- ing to the specifications designated and furnished by the Com- missioner of Public Works and the City Engineer, and hold the City of Tacoma harmless from all loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carlessness or negli- gence in making said improvement. Said bond shall be filed with the Commissioner of Public Works, and shall be in an amount equal to the contract price for the work. Provided, however, that any person, firm or corporation, regularly engaged in the construction of sidewalks may enter into a good and sufficient bond to the amount of $1,000.00; said bond to be good for one year from date of execution and to cover any work being done by said person, firm or corporation. Provided further, however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be construed as conflicting with any Charter provision or ordinance of the City of Tacoma now in force, or hereafter to be enacted, relative to the construction of sidewalks by the City either by or without the formation of Local Improvement Districts. This ordinance being intended to apply only to work done under private con- tracts. Sec. 3. During the construction of any such sidewalks the person, firm or corporation con.structing the same shall keep proper and sufficient fences or barriers around said works during all the time and a proper and sufficient number of red lights around such works during the night time as a warning to travel- ' ers on said streets, alleys and sidewalks. 898 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum less than one hun- dred dollai-s ($100) or by imprisonment in the City Jail not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 5. That Ordinance No. 2164 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same arc hereby repealed. Ai>pi-oved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2400. All ordinance licensing and regulating the use of bicycles and tricycles in the City of Tacoma, prohibiting the improper use of bicycle paths and roadways, creating a bicycle road fund, designating the uses of such fund, prohibiting the running of bicycles and tricycles in certain streets, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordi- nances No. 1369, No. 1464, No. 2046 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That no bicycle shall be permitted to be ridden on or in any of the streets, avenues, squares, parks, alleys, side- walks, bicycle paths, roadways or public places within the City of Tacoma, unless a license has been procured for the use of said bicycle in the manner hereinafter specified; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to bicycles belonging to and ridden by any persons temporarily visiting in the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. A license for the use of such bicycle shall be issued by the City of Tacoma for one year, and shall be good from the first day of January to the last day of December of that year, and all licenses shall expire on December 31st of each year. Each person paying for and receiving a license shall pay the City Treasurer the sum of fifty cents; and the City Treasurer shall issue said license and furnish therewith a metal tag with the license number stamped, engraved or otherwise affixed thereon. Such tag must be attached to the steering head or other visible portion of the bicycle for which it is obtained; provided, that the same shape or color of lettering on said tag shall not be issued for two consecutive years. Sec. 3. The City Treasurer shall keep a record of all li- censes issued, including the names of the persons to whom issued, and the kind of bicycle licensed. Sec. 4. All fines recovered for the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, as hereinafter provided, ' and all GENERAL ORDIXAXCES IX FULL. 899 license fees, as provided in Sections 1 and 2 hereof, shall be paid into the "Bicycle Road Fund," a special fund, which is hereby created, and the money in snch fund shall only be paid out on warrants drawn thereon for the making and improving' of bridges, roads, paths and parking, used or to be used exclusively by wheelmen and incidentally by pedestrians, and for the pay- ment and procuring of the necessary stationeiy, printing, license tags, tools, special policemen, or other things necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance ; and the money in said fund shall not be used for any other purposes whatever. Sec. 5. It shall be unlawful for any pei-son to lead, drive, ride, or propel any team, wagon, animal, or any vehicle whatever, other than the bicycles hereinbefore named, upon and along any bicycle path heretofore constructed or that may hereafter be con- structed within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, ex- cepting at suitable crossings to be provided in the construction of such paths. Sec. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to run a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehicles of like char- acter by riding thereon, upon the sidewalks of any street, or any part of the sidewalks on any street, in the City of Tacoma, where there is a bicycle path running along such street parallel to said sidewalks, except North Twenty-first Street from Steele Street to Prospect Street. Provided further, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to run a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehicles of like character, by riding thereon, upon the side- walks of any of the following named streets and parks or parts of streets and parks herein described, to-wit : "A" Street from South Seventh Street to South Fifteenth Street. Pacific Avenue from South Seventh Street to South Twenty- fifth Street ; also on sidewalk on east side of Pacific Avenue from South Twenty-fifth Street to South Twenty-sixth Street. Puyallup Avenue, from Pacific Avenue to " A " Street. Commerce Street, from South Seventh Street to South Sev- enteenth Street. Jetferson Avenue, full length thereof. St. Helens Avenue, on east side, from Sixth Avenue to South Ninth Street. South Eleventh Street, from "M" Street to "A" Street. On all other up-hill streets, commencing with South Sev- enth Street, from "A" Street to Yakima Avenue, down to and including South Nineteenth Street. 900 GENERAL ORDINANCES IX FULL. "K" Street, from South Tenth Street to South Twelfth Street. North Tliirtieth Street, from Steele Street to Starr Street. McCarver Street, from North Twenty-seventh Street to the water. "C" Street, fi'om Division Avenue to South Sevententh Street. Sixth Avenue, from Grant Avenue eastward on the south side the entire Umoth thereof, and on the north side of sai'l Sixth Avenue westward from Ferry Street the entire lengtli thereof. All of 'Wright Park lying- on the west side of Yakima Avenue; and on all sidewalks within one block of a congrega- tion or audience assembling or dispersing from any church, pub- lie meeting or entertainment. Sec. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person to run b}^ rid- ing any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehicle of like char- acter, upon the sidewa Iking or parking of sidewalks of any street at a greater speed than six miles per hour, or upon any bicycle paths, roads, or any streets within the City limits, at a greater speed than twelve miles per hour. Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful to run by riding any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehicle of like character, in a care- less, reckless or immoderate manner, so as to endanger the safety of others. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to run by riding on a bicycle, tricycle, velocipdede or other vehicle oP like character, upon any of the sidewalks or parking' of sidewalks of any of the streets, or upon any of the bicycle paths, roads or any streets within the City limits of -the City of Tacoma, in the manner known as "coasting," that is, with the feet not resting upon the pedals; or in a manner known as "hands off," that is. with both hands off the handle bars of the wheels. Sec. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to run by riding- on any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehi- cle of like character, upon the sidewalks, or parking of side- walks, bicycle paths, roads, or any of the streets in the City of Tacoma, one hour after sunset, unless a light be carried on the front of such vehicle and visible by those whom such vehicle is approaching. Sec. 10. It shall be unlawful for anv person or persons to run by riding on a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or other vehicle of like character, upon any of the sidewalks or parking of side- walks, or upon any of the bicycle paths, roads, or any of the GEXEKAL OEDIXAXCES IN FULL. 901 streets ^vithin the City limits of the City of Tacoma, when ap- l>roachiiig' any pedestrian, riders, or street crossing, or intersec- tion of streets, unless the person so riding shall give warning nf their approach by ringing a bell. Sec. 11. Any person or persons riding on a bicycle, tri- •■ycle, velocipede, or other vehicle of like character, upon any sidewalks, or parking of sidewalks, street crossing, foot paths, bicycle paths, or any of the streets of the City of Tacoma, shall turn to the right to pass any person riding on a vehicle of like character coming from the opposite direction, and shall turn to the left to pass any person riding on a vehicle of like character going in the same direction on the same walk or path. I Sec. 12. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be so construed as to relieve any person riding any bicycle, tricycle, velocipede or other vehicle of like character, from any liability in case of accident. Sec. 13. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fijied in any sura not It'ss than two dollars ($2.00) and not exceeding twenty-five doihu's ($25.00.) Sec. 14. That Ordinances No. 13G9. No. 1464, No. 2046 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same arc hereby repealed. Approved June 8, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2411. An ordinance establishing fire limits within the City of Tacoma, and regu- lating the erection, alteration, repair and removal of buildings within the same, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 1791 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the fire limits of the City of Tacoma, here- after to be known and designated as fire limits "A," be and they are hereby established and declared to be within the boun- daries of the tracts of land bounded and described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point in the center line of Commerce Street 665 feet north of the center line of South Ninth Street ; thence running easterly in South Seventh Street parallel to the center line thereof to the easterly boundary of Cliff Avenue; thence, on said boundary of Cliff Avenue and also the portion of the 90-2 OKNEKAL Oh'DI XAXrES IX FULL. saiiu- luiw ViK'jiti'd to the noi'tlu'rly boundary of South Tenth Street; thence easterly on the said boundary of South Tentli Street, pnxhieed to Dock Street; thence south along- Dock Street to the center line of South Fifteenth Street; thence westerly alonj; the center of South Fifteenth Street to center line of Dock Street south of South Fifteenth Street; thence south along: the center line of Dock Street and Winthrop Avenue to Puyallup Avenue; thence west on Puyallup Avenue to "A" Street; thence south on "A" Street to South Twenty-fifth Street; thence west on South Twenty-fifth Street to Pacific Avenue; thence soutli on Pacific Avenue to the brow of the north bank of Galla- irher's (iulcli; thence southwesterly along- said bank to a point in the intersection of South Twenty-seventh Street and "E" Street; thence along "E" Street to its intersection with Jeffer- son Avenue; thence along Jefferson Avenue to its intersection with South Twenty-fifth Street; thence east along South Twen- ty-fifth Street to the alley between Pacific Avenue and "C" Street; thence north on the alley between Pacific Avenue and "C Street to South Nineteenth Street; thence west on South Nineteenth Street to its intersection with Jefferson Avenue; thence southwesterly on Jefferson Avenue to "D" Street; thence northerly on "D" Street to its intersection with Nineteenth Street ; thence easterly on Nineteenth Street to the alley between "C" Street and ''D" Street ; thence north along the alley between "C" Street and "D" Street to South Thirteenth Street; thence west along South Thirteenth Street to "D" Street; thence north along "D" Street to South Seventh Street; thence easterly along South Seventh Street to its intersection with Cliff Avenue and C'oniinerce Street; thence south along Commerce Street to tht- place of beginning. Also a tract bounded and described as folloAvs; Beginning at the intersection of the respective center lines of South Ninth Street and the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "E" Street; thence southerly along the center line of said alley to the center line of South Thii-teenth Street; thence westerly along the center line of South Thirteenth Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street; thence northerly along said center line of said alley to the center line of South Twelfth Street; thence westerly along: the center line of South Twelfth Street to the center line of Yakima Ave- nue; thence northerly along the center line of Yakima Avenue to the center line of South Eleventh Street; thence easterly along the center line of South Eleventh Street to the center line of the alley between "G" Street and Yakima Avenue ; thence GENERAL OEDINANCES IX FULL. 903 northerly along said center line of said alley to the center line of South Tenth Street; thence easterly along the center line of South Tenth Street to the center line of the alley between Tacoma Avenue and " G " Street ; thence northerly along the said cen- ter line of said alley to the center line of South Ninth Street; tlieuee easterly along the center line of South Ninth Street to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. That the fire limits hereafter to be known and desig- nated as ''Fire Limits B" of the City of Tacoma, be and they are hereby established and declared to be within the boundaries of the tracts of land bounded and described as follows. to-M'it : Beginning at the intersection of the respective center lines of South Yakima Avenue and South Eleventh Street ; thence northerly along the center line of Yakima Avenue to the center line of South Tenth Street ; thence easterly along the center line of South Tenth Street to the center line of the alley betAveen *'G" Street and Yakima Avenue; thence southerly along said center line of alley to the center line of South Eleventh Street; thence westerly along the center line of South Eleventh Street to the place of beginning. Also beainning at the intersection of the respective center lints of "D'' Street and South Seventh Street; thence southerly along the center line of "D" Street to the center line of South Thirteenth Street ; thence easterly along the center line of South Thirteenth Street to the center line of the alley between ''C Street and "D" Street; thence southerly along said center line of said alley to the center line of South Nineteenth Street; thence west along the center line of Nineteenth Street to the center line of South ''D" Street; thence south along the center line of South "D" Street to its intersection with Jeft'erson Avenue ; thence northeasterly along Jefferson Avenue to the cen- ter line of South Nineteenth Street; thence easterly along the center line of South Nineteenth Street to the center line of Com- merce Street; thence southerly along the center line of Com- merce Street to the center line of South Twenty -fifth Street ; thence west along the center line of South Twenty-fifth Street to Jefferson Avenue ; thence southwesterly along the center line of Jefferaon Avenue to its intersection with "E" Street; thence north along the center line of South " E " Street to South Twen- ty-first Street; thence west along South TAventy-first Street to Tacoma Avenue ; thence north on Tacoma Avenue to South Fifteenth Street; thence west on South Fifteenth Street to the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street; thence north along the alley between Tacoma Avenue and "G" Street to 9(14 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. South 'rhii'teenth Street: thence east on South Thirteenth Street to the alley between "E" Street and Taconia Avenue; thence north alon^ said alley to South Ninth Street; thence west on South Ninth Street to Tacoma Avenue; thence north alon*r the center line of Tacon)a Avenue to South Seventh Street; thence easterly along- South Seventh Street to the place of begin- ning. Shf. 3. No building, except brick or stone, l)rick and stone, brick and terra eotta, or iron construction buildings shall be built, erected or placed within the fire limits "A". No build- ing, addition or enlargement of corrugated iron or wood, or of wood covered' with iron, or other nuiterial, shall be built, erected or placed within tlie fire limits "A". No wooden building in in said fire limits "A" shall be enlarged or added to unless such addition or enlargement be constructed as prescribed in this sec- tion. The words "brick or stone", or brick and stone" build- ings, shall Jiiean all buildings whose side and end walls are con- structed of stone or brick, or both, and "iron construction" buildings, those whose weights, loads, thrusts, etc., are carried upon ii"'in or steel columns, girders, lintels, trusses, etc., or on what is known as iron or steel frame, and whose outside walls are of stone, brick or terra cotta; the words "wooden buildings" shall include all wooden or frame buildings, and all buildings of wood veneered with brick, iron or other material. Sec. 4. No frame or wooden building exceeding two stories in height shall be constructed or erected within fire limits "B" of said City of Tacoma. Sec. 5. No wooden building within the fire limits "A" shall be repaired or altered, except by written permission from the Inspector of Buildings, provided the size of the building is n(»t increased nor the shape changed; and, provided such build- ing has not been damaged by the elements or decay, or by other cau.ses, to more than thirty-five per cent of its value. If the dam- age is over thirty-five per cent the building shall be torn down or removed. The decision of the Inspector of Buildings shall be conclusive as to the amount of damage to any building, unless the owner of the building objects to such decision and files with the Inspector of Buildings a petition for arbitrators to determine the fjuestion of damages, or provided the majority of the prop- erty owners within the same block in which the building in ques- tion is located, being dissatisfied with his decision, may file a similar petition. The arbitrators shall consist of three disinter- ested, competent persons, one to be chosen by the Inspector of Buildings, one by the party filing the petition, and a third GENEEAL OEDl NANCES IN FULL. 905 selected by the two thus chosen, who shall be sworn to make a thorough examination of the damaged property. The decision of the majority of such arbitrators, tiled with the Inspector of Buildings, shall be final and conclusive. The party asking for arbitration shall, on filing his petition, pay ten dollars ($10.00) to the Inspector of Buildings, which shall be paid to the arbi- trators in full for all costs of arbitration. A frame building within fire limits "A" may be raised or lowered to the official grade of the street by permission in writing signed by the Inspector of Buildings; provided, that in case said building is raised a brick foundation or basement shall be built under it up to the curb level. No frame building within said fire limits "'A'' shall be moved except to a point outside of said fire limits "A", or to some other portion of the same lot to make room for more perma- nent improvements; provided, that no building, unless worth at least fifty per cent of what it would cost to construct such a building with new material, shall be moved from its present po- sition. Sec. 6. Any person or corporation, whether owner, agent, contractor or builder, of any building within the fire limits "A" or "B", or any other person who shall violate any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and uopn conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine in any sum not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and any building or any addition to any building con- structed or removed contrary to the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance, and, upon conviction of the owner thereof, as provided for in this ordinance, said building or addi- tion shall be torn down or removed outside of said fire limits by the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 7. That Ordinance No. 1791 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved June 22, 1905. 00(5 GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. ORDINANCE NO. 2414. All onliiiaiice establishing grades at certain points on Cedar Street in the City of Tacoma. Br If onhiincd by the City of Tacoma^: Section 1. The gutter grades on that portion of Cedar Street hereinafter referred to shall be as follows: Feet. At a point 300 feet north of South Fifty-fourth Street. . .:U4.5 At a point 150 feet north of South Fifty-fourth Street 814.5 At a point 160 feet south of South Fifty-fourth Street 289.5 At its intersection with South Fifty-sixth Street 289 . At its intersection with South Fifty-eighth Street 289 . At its intersection with South Sixtieth Street 290. At a point 417 feet south of South Sixtieth Street 284. At its intersection with South Sixty-second 284. Sec. 2, The elevations established in this ordinance are the number of feet mentioned above the Datum Plane of the City of Tacoma, the said Datum Plane being the mean low tide of Com- mencement Bay. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2416. An ordinance regulating the placing and construction of electrical wires and electrical appliances in all buildings within the City of Tacoma, pro- viding for the inspection of same, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing Ordinance No. 2306. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. All electrical construction, all material and ap- pliances used in connection with electrical Avork and the opera- tion of all electrical apparatus in buildings in the City of Ta- coma shall be in conformity to the rules and regulations set forth in the National Electrical Code, being rules and requirements for the installation of electrical wiring and apparatus for electric lights, heating and power as the same are now established, and the said rules and regulations are hereby adopted and approved for the government of electrical appliances in the City of Ta- coma. Sec 2. Upon the completion of the wiring of any building, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation doing the same to immediately notify the City Electrician of such wiring. The City Electrician shall as soon as possible and within forty- eight hours after notice, inspect, or cause to be inspected, the said work, and if approved by him, he shall issue a certificate GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 907 of satisfactory inspection, which shall contain the date of such inspection and an ontline of the result of such examination. Electric current shall not be turned on to such appliances, wiring •or work until such certificate of satisfactory inspection shall have laeen issued, and in case of any change, alteration or extension of b the wdring of any building after such inspection, the same notice to the City Electrician shall be given and the same inspection and certificate shall be required as in the cases above mentioned. In case the City shall be required to make more than two inspec- tions, the said City shall charge therefor at the rate of ten (10) cents per outlet for each outlet on said work. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of furnishing electric power or current, or any telephone or telegraph company, shall, when entering their Avires in any iDuilding, erect such wires at a distance of not less than one foot from any City wires or any other electric wires in such building, and when such wiring is done, the party doing the same shall notify the City Electrician the same as in Section 2 of this ordi- nance provided. Sec. 4. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof may be fined in any sum less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and each day's continuance thereof shall be deemed a separate oiifense. Sec. 5. That Ordinance No. 2306 be and the same is hereby Tepealed. Approved June 29, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2418. An ordinance fixing the salaries of certain officials and employes of the Citv of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 2169 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That all salaries and compensation hereinafter named shall be payable monthly as follows: Sec. 2. That the monthly salaries of the officials and em- ployees in the office of the City Treasurer shall be as follows : Assistant Treasurer $100 . 00 Clerks (when needed) 75 . 00 ft(W GENERAL ORDTNANCES IX FULL. Sec. ;3. That the monthly salaries of the ofReials and oni- jjloyees in the office of the City Controller shall be as follows : Assistant City Controller $100.00 Bookkeeper 100. 00 Clerks (when needed) 75.00 Stenoirrapher 50. 00 Sec. 4 That the monthly salaries of the officials and em- ployes of the Legal Department shall be as follows : City Attorney $200.00 Assistant City Attorney 100.00 Second Assistant City Attorney, who shall be a stenogra- pher 100.00 Stenographer 75 . 00 Sec. 5. That the monthly salaries of the officials and em- ployes of the office of the City Clerk shall be as follows : City Clerk $100.00 Deputy City Clerk 85.00 Additional Deputy (when authorized by Council) 75.00 Stenographer (when needed) 65.00 Deputies for registration purposes, each per day 3.00 Sec. 6. That the monthly salaries of the officials and em- ployes of the Police Court shall be as follows: Judge $50.00 Clerk 85 . 00 Sec. 7. That the salaries of the officials and employes in the City Engineer's Department shall be as follows: City Elngineer, per month $141 . 66 Assistant Engineers (when needed), per month 100.00 General Draughtsman, per month 85 . 00 Draughtsman, Bridge and Iron (when needed), per month 95. 00 Additional Draughtsmen (when needed), each per day $2.75 to 3.25 Transitmen (when needed), each per day 3.25 Levelmen (when needed), each per day 3.00 Rodmen and Chainmen (when needed), each per day. ... 2.00 Computers (when needed), each per day $2.75 to 3.25 Stenographers (when needed), each per month 65.00 Inspectors (when needed), each per hour .40 Sec. 8. That the monthly salaries of the officials and em- ployees of the Fire Department shall be as follows : <'^"akes Street, produced south, intersects the south boundary of Section 19, Township 20 North, Range 3 East of Willamette IMeridian ; thence west along same to the westerly boundary of the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company; thence northerly along the same to the grounds of the Northern Pacific Raihvay Company's shops at South Fifty-sixth Street; thence west, north and east along the boundaries of the said shop grounds to the northeast corner of Excelsior Park Tracts ; thence east to the westerly boundary of the right of way of City's water flume ; thence southerly' along the same by various courses to the south boundary, produced, of Oakwood Cemetery; thence east to the west boundary of Oakes Street aforesaid; thence south along same and the same produced to the place of beginning. Sec. 2. Any of the animals described in Section 1 of this ordinance found runnina- at lara'c within the limits aforesaid ills (;k\i:i>'ai, ordinances in full. may lu' takm up hy any person and delivered to a police officer or to till' person in ehartre of the pound, and it shall be the duty «»f liie Chief of Police and of all police officers to receive any animals so delivered and to take up all such animals running at larire. and impound the same in a pound or inclosure. Such ani- mals shall he provided with proper care, feed and water M'hile so confined. Sf:c. 8. The police officer impounding any animal shall give innuediate notice of the same, with the description of the animal. In- posting a notice in a conspicuous place at the pound and by publication in the newspaper ordered by the City Coun- cil to do the City printing. Sec. 4. At the expiration of five days from the date of such notice the police officer shall sell such animal at public auction after due notice to consist of at least two publications in a daily newspaper, and after deducting his legal fees and costs, expenses of taking up. keeping and selling, shall pay the remainder of the pi-o('('t'ds into the City Treasury. Sec. 5. If, at any time before such sale, the owner of ani- mals so taken up shall claim the same he shall be entitled to the possession thereof upon the payment of all legal charges and ex- penses incident to such taking up and keeping. Skc. (). It shall be the duty of the Poundmaster or person in charge of the pound to securely keep within said pound and properly care for all animals that may be delivered into his cus- tody, until 1h(^ same shall be released or sold as provided, and upon i-('(M'iving any such animal he shall enter in a register to bo kept by him for that purpose the name of the person delivering such animal to him, the date and the hour of its receipt and an infclligcnt desci-iption of the animal: and he shall also keep a eor- nvt record of the release or sale of all animals coming under his charge, showing the name of the owner to whom any animal may be returned, and the name of the purchaser of each animal sold. The l)ook referred to in this section to be kept by the person in cliarge of the pound, shall be preserved liy the Chief of Police as a part of the records of his office. Sec. 7. If any person shall willfully prevent or hinder the impounding of any animal found running at large in said City, contrary to the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance, or shall by force or otherwise remove any animal from the public pomid without authority of the Poundmaster or person in charge of the pound, or without payment of all lawful charges against such .nniTunl or shall willfully resist or obstruct the Poundmaster GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 919 or person in charge of the pound in the performance of any- official duty, such person so offending' shall be liable to a tine of not less than three dollars or more than twenty dollars. Sec. 8. If the owner or owners of any animal sold under the provisions of this ordinance, shall at any time within one year from the date of such sale, make satisfactory proof of his ownership, he shall be entitled to receive the net proceeds of such sale on deposit in the City Treasury. Sec. 9. The owner or person having charge of any animals described in Section 1 of this ordinance v^dio shall suffer or allow the same to go at large contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance shall, on conviction thereof, before a committing magis- trate, be fined five dollars for each offense, and pay the costs of prosecution. Sec. 10. That Ordinance No. 2140 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same afc hereby repealed. Approved August 31, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2473. An ordinance defining the limits within which no saloon shall be licensed by the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 2456 and all ordi- nances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma:' Section 1. That the City of Tacoma shall not issue any license for the sale of intoxicating liquors of any kind within the following described limits, to-wit : Within the borders of the Seventh and Eighth Wards of the City of Tacoma. Also within the area bordered by North Eleventh Street, pro- longed to the waters of Puget Sound, on the north ; Division Avenue, prolonged to the waters of Puget Sound, on the south ; "0" Street on the west and the waters of Puget Sound from North Eleventh Street, prolonged to Division Avenue, prolonged, on the east. Also, beginning at a point on the northeast corner of Sec- tion 17, Township 20 North, Range 3 East ; thence west on the northern boundary of Sections 17 and 18 to a point on the center line of the Northern Pacific right of way; thence southwesterly along the center line of the Northern Pacific right of way to a point on the intersection with the center line of Puget Sound Avenue produced northerly ; thence south along the center line 9:20 GENERAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. of Pujzet Sound Avenue to the southern boundary of the City limits; thenee east along the southern boundary of the City limits to the southeast corner of Section 20, Township 20 North, Range 3 East; thence north along the eastern boundary of Sec- tions 20 and 17 to the point of beginning. Also Blocks 905, 906, 1105, and 1106 of the City of Tacoma, excepting from said Blocks 905 and 1105 the first story of any building thereon, facing on and with entrance from Commerce Street. Also within the boundaries of the Fifth AVard, excepting within the following described limits of said ward, viz: Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, in Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Lots 17 and 18 in Block 8 Lots 1 and 2 in Block 9 Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, m Blocks 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 , All in Orchard's Addition to Tacoma. Lots 17, 18 and 19 in Blocks 1. 2 and 3 Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Blocks 4, 5 and 6 All in Railback's Addition to Tacoma. Lots 18, 19 and 20, in Block 1 Lots 19, 20 and 21, in Block 2 Lots 1, 2 and 3, in Blocks 3 and 4 All in E. L. Sawyer's Addition to Tacoma. Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 in Block 1 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 2 All in Brockenbrough's Addition to Tacoma. Lots 18, 19 and 20 in Blocks 1, 2 and 3 Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Blocks 4, 5 and 6 All in Chandler's Addition to Tacoma. Lots 1, 2 and 3 in Blocks 1, 2 and 3 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in Block 13 All in Carrol & Hannah's Addition to Tacoma. Sec. 2. That Ordinance No. 2456 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved September 21, 1905. INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL A Page. Additions, manner of making and approving plats of 602 Advertisements, relating to 771 Advertising matter containing any drug, etc., prohibiting distribu- tion of 706 Advertising matter, licensing, posting and distributing 750 AUevs, abutting ovrner to keep clean and free from inflammable ma- terial 540 Burning of rubbish, etc., in prohibited 555 Obstruction of by wires, poles, etc., prohibited 609 Requiring -permits for excavation or improvement of 657 Prohibiting obstructions on 770 Alteration of buildings, regulating 849 Amusements, licensing 777 Animals, prevention of cruelty to 556 In diseased condition not to be killed for food 672 Relating to Society for Prevention of Cruelty to 557 To prevent spread of contagious diseases among 565 Not to be deposited in City when dead 669 Prohibiting placing of bells on 768 Xot allowed on sidewalks 772 Eegiilating slaughtering of 611 Relating to hitching of 91 .3 Pound limits for • 916 Appointment of City employees, regulating 767 Areas, regulating erection of retaining walls enclosing 563 Ashes, regulating disposing of 717 Asiatic cholera, relating to 663 Assessment for cost of improving street intersections, how made and collected 637 Assessment Districts, dividing City into 649 Assessment Roll, how made and approved 690-691-692 Assessments for local improvements, how made and collected 689 Assessments, providing for collection of special for local improvement. .839 City may issue certificates of delinquency for delinquent 840 Sale of land for delinquent, how made 840 City not liable for payment of special for local improvements .... 842 Assistant City Attorney, creating office and defining duties of 562 Assistant Superintendent of Parks, appointment, duties and salary of. .849 Astrologers, licensing 777 Auctioneers, licensing and regulating 890 Awnings, regulating erection of 770 iXDKX TO (IKNKKAI. OHDINANCES IN FULL. B Page. Bacteriologist, ii|iiu(iiitnK'iit, duties :'.nd salary of 84;> hiigatollc, boys under 21 uot perniitted to play in public places 53';> Ballast, not to be deposited in harbor 642 Banners, relating to 771 Baw(h- houses declared a nuisance 539 Bay window, regulating erection of 770 Beggars defined as vagrants 566 Bells on animals, prohibiting placing of 768 Bicycles and tricycles, licensing and regulating 898 Billboards, regulating erection of 770 Billiard tables, etc., licensing 773 Billiards, boys under 21 not to be permitted to play in public places. .. .539 Bill posting, licensing and regulating 750 Births, to be reported to Commissioner of Health 66-i' BliLsting in City limits, regulating 548 Board of Examiners for Engineers, creation and appointment of 712 Board of Health, duties of in connection with contagious diseases on vessels 531 To appoint Inspector of Plumbing 659 Rules and regulations for 662 Who constitute 662 ^[ay order quarantine 663 May cause persons from foreign ports to be vaccinated 673 Duties of as to contagious diseases 662 Duties of as to contagious diseases among animals 565 Duties of as to impure milk 568 To regulate issuing of permits for plumbing 881 Board of Park Commissioners, establishing .793 .\ppointment of '. 793 Duties of 793 iiiiais, certain declared to be a nuisance 539 Boiler Inspector, creating office of and regulating operation of steam boilers, etc 711 liond of Police Judge 693 Bonds, form and mode of execution of Local Improvement 694 Bonnets, etc., prohibiting wearing of in theatres, etc 640 Books, authorizing donation of from City Library to othei'S 752 Books, prohibiting .sale, etc., of obscene, etc 604 Books, etc., of City, to prevent retention of 630 Bo()k.s, pictures, etc., license for peddling 797 Bowling alleys, licensing 773 Boys under 21 years of age not to be permitted to play certain games in public places .539 Bridge, construction of railway tracks over South Eleventh Street 619 Prohibiting fast driving over South Eleventh Street 620 From Pacific Avenue to Dock Street, relating to 702 Construction of in Proctor Avenue for joint use of public and street railway company 708 Bridges, speed of ears over 779^ Building material, permit for on stroptf; fm.J sidewalks 773 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 923 Page. Building Inspector, creating office and defining duties of 755 Buildings, numbering 540-569-576 Relating to removal of 638 Declaring certain to be nuisances 538-674 When Fire Marshal may order repaired or destroyed 718 Permits for erection or repair of 755 Prohibiting on streets, alleys, etc 770 For public entertainment, regulating arrangement and manage- ment of 845 Regulating erection, alteration and repair of 849 Regulating, plumbing, ventilation and drainage of 881 In Fire Limits, regulating erection, repair and removal of 901 When may be blown up or destroyed 551 Bulkheads, declaring certain to be nuisances 653 Buoys, regulating use of 643 Burial of dead from contagious or infectious diseases, time and manner of 667 Burial of dead, permit for transit and 668 Burning of rubbish, garbage, etc., on streets, alleys, etc., prohibited. .. .555 Burning of refuse, sawdust, etc., declared to be a nuisance 704 Butcher shops, where prohibited 896 Butchers, regulating business of 614 c Cabs, regulating use of 644 Cabs, etc., stands for 768 Cards, boys under 21 not permitted to play in public places 539 Carnival, licensing 777 Cars, regulating operation and speed of 778 Cattle, regulating slaughter of 611 Cellars, cesspools, etc., not to become offensive or dangerous to public health • 668 Certificates of Delinquency, City may issue for delinquent assessments. .840 Liens against property assessed : 840 May be foreclosed , 840 City may sell 840 Certificates of sale for delinquent assessments, relating to 840 Cesspool, privy or vault, where not be to constructed 888 Chandler Street, naming 652 Channel, prohibiting deposit of debris or refuse matter in 576 Charges of City Engineer for services for other than the City 707 Charges of City Engineer for making surveys for grading, sidewalks and paving 760 Charges of ofiicers of City for copies of records, etc 742 Charter and ordinances, approving revision of 880 Chickens, etc., prohibiting running at large of 710 Chief of Fire Department, powers and duties of 549 Chief of Fire Department ex-oflficio Fire Marshal 717 To designate places for burning rubbish, etc 555 To detail firemen on stages of theatres, etc 848 Chief of Police, powers of 537 Duties of as to City prisoners 546 To execute orders of Commissioner of Health 670 To take receipts for articles furnished patrolmen, etc 698 9.14 IXDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Cliief of Police— Cont M. Page. Keeper of City Jail 705 To prevent crowds on streets 772 To prevent obstructions on streets, sidewalks and alleys 772 To have free access to exhibitions, plays, etc 777 Duties of as to cruelty to animals 5.56 Duties of as to pound 918 Child, unlawful to be on streets after certain hours (375 Chinamen or coolies, forbidding employment of 532 Cigarettes, cigars or tobacco, unlawful to sell or give to minors or allow them to smoke on premises 913 Circuses, etc., licensing • 775 City Attorney, creating office of Assistant 562 Creating office of Second Assistant 710 City Bacteriologist, creating office of, fixing salary and defining duties. .849 City Clerk, creating office and defining duties of deputy of 608 Compensation of deputies of for registration purposes 753 City Council, to procure attendance of witnesses before 622 City Engineer, fixing charges of for services for others than the City. .707 Protection of monuments, etc., placed by 547 Unlawful for others to make surveys for grading, sidewalks or paving 759 Charges of for milking surveys for grading, sidewalks and paving 760 Duties of as to plats of additions 603 < ity Hospital, creating office of Superintendent of and prescribing his duties and compensation 720 City Jail, establish, regulate and control 705 City Librarian, creating office of 791 Appointment and duties of 791 City Library, penalty for. mutilating any book, pamphlet, etc 708 Authorizing donations of old books of to other libraries 752 City Prisoners, providing for working of .546 City Property, care and preservation of 698 Disposition and sale of certain personal 703 (-'ity Surveyor, establishing monuments placed by 532 Clerk of Police Court, duties and salary of 648 Coal, regulating sale of 607 Coal and Wood, not to be placed on streets and alleys 772 Coasting with sleds, etc., to prevent on sidewalks and certain streets 836 Combinations to safes, etc., of City, to prevent retention of 630 Combustible materials, regulating disposition of 717 Commerce Street, naming 706 Commissioner of Health, duties of in connection with contagious dis- eases on vessels 5.30 Creating office and qualification of 662 Duties of in connection with contagious or infectious diseases. . . .662 To investigate cause of death in hospitals 663 May order vaccination 663 Shall cause cases of cholera or smallpox to be examined 663 Shall inspect articles of food and drink 664 Shall sfizp :ni.l do^froy condemned articles of food and drink. .. .664 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 925 Commissioner of Health — Cont 'd. Page. Shall report monthly to City Council 664 Shall cause disinfection when necessary 666 Duties of as to contagious diseases among animals 565 Duties of as to impure milk 567 Duties of as to slaughter houses 614 Chief of Police to execute orders of 670 Policemen to report violation of rules of Board of Health to. .. .670 Duties of relating to nuisances 670-671 Duties of relating to impure water 672 May quarantine vessels 672 Compromise of suit against Tacoma Light & Water Co 675 Concert halls, etc., regulating arrangement and management nf 845 Conductors on railways appointed special policemen 795 Contagious diseases, to prevent introduction by vessels 530 To prevent spread of among animals 565 To prevent spread of 662 Conveyance of gunpowder and other explosives, regulating 599 Cornices, regulating erection of 770 Court " A, " naming 799 Court "C," naming 799 Court " D, " naming 799 Court "E," naming 799 Cruelty to animals, prevention of 556 Curfew ordinance 675 Curiosities, licensing 776 Cutlery, etc., license for peddling 797 D Dairy, to prevent keeping of in corporate limits 651 Dead animals, not to be deposited in City 669 Deaths, to be reported to Commissioner of Health 664 Certificate of, when and how made 667 Investigation of 668 Debris, prohibiting deposit of in waterway or channel .•. .576 Deputy City Clerk, creating oflfice and prescribing duties of 608 Dice, boys under 21 not to be permitted to play in public places 539 Diseases, to prevent introduction of contagious by vessels 530 To prevent spread of contagious 662 To prevent spread of contagious among animals 565 Disorderly houses, declared a nuisance 539 Disorderly persons, defining 800 Districts, dividing City into two assessment 649 Dock Street, opening of 699 Vacating 20 feet of 699 Paving of by N. P. R 'y Co 700 Railway franchise on and consideration therefor 699 Dogs, licensing, etc 687 Viscious, mad, or in heat, may be killed 688 Impounding of 688 Domestic fowls, prohibiting running at large of 710 Dominoes, boys under 21 not to be permitted to play in public places. . . .539 Drainage of buildings, regulating 881 •f.'G iM)i;\ TO liKNERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Page. l>riving over South p]leventh Street bridge, prohibiting fast 620 Druggist, wlien may sell intoxicating liquors without license 634 Drug or medicine, prohibiting distributing of advertising matter con- taining any 706 Drugs, license for peddling 797 Dry Goods, etc., license for peddling 797 Ducks, etc., prohibiting running at large of 710 Dynamite, regulating storage and conveyance of 599 E Easement from Tacoma Eastern R. R. Co. for water pipes 719 Easement from N. P. R 'y Co. for water main 761 Eating houses, wtien a nuisance 539 Election Precincts, dividing ^ity into 780 Electric Current, to regulate laying and use of wires for 630 Regulating use and price of 745 Electric light signs, regulating erection of 770 Electrical wires and appliances, regulating placing of 906 Elevators, inspection of 756 Employees of City, regulating appointment of 767 Employment agencies, licensing 779 Employments, offensive declared a nuisance 538 Engineers, licensing Stationary 712 Creating office and defining duties of Inspector of Stationary. .. 752 Erection of buildings, regulating 849 Excavations under paved streets, relating to 564-657 Exhibitions, etc., licensing 776-777 Expectoration, prohibiting in public places '. 653 Explosives, regulating storage and conveyance of 599 Express wagou.s, etc., stands for 768 Expressmen, regulation for 543 Extension of water system, submitting plans for to voters 617 F Fair, licensing street 777 Fakirs, licensing 777 Fast driving over Eleventh Street bridge prohibited 620 Festival, licensing 777 Fighting, declared a nuisance 539 Filth, prohibiting burning of in streets, alleys, etc 555 Fines, imprisonment for non-payment of certain 608 Fines and licenses, disposition of revenues from 721 Fire Alarm Telegraph, relating to 554-559 Fire crackers and fire works, prohibiting use of in certain limits 563 Fire Department, organization and government of 549 Right of way of on streets, etc 561 Pay roll of, how made 605 Fire ho.se, no wagon, etc., to be driven over 552 Fire hydrants, regulating iise of 601 Fire limits, establishing 9O1 Fire Marshal, creating office and defining duties of 717 Fish, license for peddling 797 INDEX TO GEXEEAL ORDINANCES I NFULL. 927 Page. Pish markets, where prohibited 896 Plags, relating to 771 Food, not to be sold under fictitious name or brand 664 Relating to unsound 672 Food and drink, articles of, to be inspected by Commissioner of Health *. 664 Fortune tellers, licensing 777 Franchise to N. P. R'y Co. on Dock Street and consideration therefor. .699 Franchises, grantees to pay for publication of ordinances for 636 Free Employment Bureau, creating and providing for maintenance of . . 754 Fruits, vegetables, etc., license for peddling 797 Fund, creating General 790 Creating Water and Light 791 Creating Judgment 836 Creating Sewer 54S Creating Water and Light Extension 60S Creating General Expense 610 Creating Harbor 610 Creating Salary 611 Creating Police Department Emergency 631 Creating Water and Light Emergency 715 G Gambling, to suppress 535 Declared to be a nuisance 539 Games, licensing 777 Games of chance, boys under 21 not to be allowed to play in public places 539 Persons playing, defined as vagrants 566 Garbage, etc., relating to .670-671-672-673-771-887 Burning of on streets declared a nuisance 539 Burning of on streets, alleys, etc., prohibited 555 Gas Company, how construct or repair pipes, conduits, etc 795 Geese, etc., prohibiting rvinning at large of 710 General Expense Fund, creating : 610 General Fund, creating 790 Authorizing payment from for water and light used by the City. .880 Glass, etc., not to be thrown on streets or alleys 771 Glass, tacks, etc., prohibiting putting on streets, etc 619 Goods, licensing and regulating sale of transient stocks of 893 Licensing selling of by stamps, etc 759 Grades, establishing 589-803-837-843-894-906-915 Grading, requiring permits for 657 Unlawful for others than City Engineer to make surveys for. . . .759 Grantees of franchises and privileges to pay costs of publication 636 Gripmen, appointed special policemen 795 Gunpowder, etc., regulating storage and conveyance of 599 Gurneys, regulating use of 644 Gurneys, etc., stands for - 768 Gutters, to provide for cleanliness of 657 JIL'S \SD\:X TO (iKXEKAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. H Pag(>. Hack drivers, regulation for 543 Hackmen, license for and regulating 644 Hacks, etc., stands for 768 Harbor, regulations for 642 Harbor Fund, creating 610 Harbor Master, prescribing duties of 642 Hats, etc. , prohibiting wearing of in theatres, etc 640 Hawkers, defining 799 Hawking and peddling, licensing 797 Health, property to be kept free from material dangerous to 540 To jiroteet public and prevent spread of contagious diseases 662 Heating conipanips, how construct or repair pipes, conduits, etc 795 Highway along water front, dedication of by N. P. E'y Co 701 Hitdiing of horses, mules or other animals, relating to 913 Horses, mules, etc., relating to hitching of 913 Hospitals, deaths in to be reported to Commissioner of Healtli 663 Hotels, when a nuisance 539 Hotel Runners, regulation for 543 Houses of ill-fame, to suppress 536 Humane Society, may prosecute for cruelty to animals 557 Hydrants, regulating use of 601 Hypnotist, licensing 777 I Ill-fame, to suppress houses of, etc 536 Houses of, declared a nuisance . . .' 539 Imprisonment for non-paj'ment of certain fines 608 Indecent books, etc., prohibiting 604 Indecent exposure, relating to 529 Infectious diseases, to prevent spread of 662 Inflammable material, streets and alleys to be kept free from 540 laspector of Licenses for Stationary Engineers, creating office of and defining duties 752 Inspector of Plumbing, creating office of and defining duties 659 Duties and powers of in relation to plumbing of buildings 88 i Intelligence offices, licensing 779 Interest on Water and Light Bonds, payment of from Water and Light Fund 751 Intoxicating liquors, licensing sale of •. . .631 When license for sale of may be revoked 635 J Jail, establish, regulate and control the City 705 Jewelry, license for peddling 797 Judgment Fund, creating g3,3 Junk dealers, licensing and regulating 697 Not to purchase from minors or intoxicated persons 693 K Keys, etc., of the city, to prevent retention of fiP.O INDEX TO GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 921) L Page. Labor in Street and Sewer Department, record of how kept 560 Laundry, to be connected with City sewer 664 Lewd and pernicious books, etc., prohibiting 604 Librarian, creating office of Second Assistant 641 Library, City, penalty for mutilating any book, pamphlet, etc 708 Regulations for 738 Establishing public 791 Library Committee, City Council shall appoint 792 Libraries, authorizing donation of books from City to other 752 License fee of Tacoma R'y "^ Power Co., fixing 743 License Inspector, creating-office and defining duties of 756 To have free access to exhibitions, etc 777 Licenses, for slaughter houses 611 For intoxicating liquors 631 For intoxicating liquors, when may be revoked 635 For dealing in second hand goods 639 For hackmen, etc 644 For teamsters, etc 644 For pawnbrokers 659 For dogs 687 For junk dealers 697 For stationary engineers 712 For bill posting, etc 750 For selling good.s, etc., by means of stamps, etc 759 For ticket brokers 763 For billiard tables, etc 773 For bowling alleys 773 For theatres, circuses, exhibitions, games, amusements, etc 775 For intelligence offices 779 For employment agencies 779 For hawking and peddling 797 For auctioneers 890 For transient stocks of goods 893 For bicycles and tricycles 898 To impose and regulate manner of issuing 654 Mayor may issue certain '. 655 Disposition of revenues from 721 "When Mayor may fix fee for 798 Light and Water, method of collecting charges for 620 Used by City, authorizing payment for 880 Light and Water Companies, how construct or repair pipes, con- duits, etc 795 Limits within which no saloon shall be licensed 919 Literature, prohibiting sale, etc., of obscene, etc 604 Local Improvement Bonds, form and mode of execution of 694 Local Improvements, assessments for, how made and collected 689 Assessment for to include cost of street intersections 638 Providing for collection of special assessments for 839 City not liable for special assessments for 842 Locomotives, regulating operation and speed of 778 Logs, not to be dragged on streets 772 930 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. M Page. Maintenance of sidewalks, providing for 62G Maintenance of paving, providing for 757 Manufactories, offensive declared a nuisance 538 Markets, care of 671 Master Plumbers, relating to 888 Mayor, when license fee may be fixed by 798 When may revoke licenses for slaughter houses 616 Meat markets, where prohibited 896 Meats, game, etc., license, for peddling 797 Medicines, etc., license for peddling ,. 797 Menagerie, etc., licensing 775 Merchandise, licensing selling of by stamps, etc 759 Merry-go-round, licensing 777 Mesmerist, licensing 777 Milk, to prevent sale of adulterated and unwholesome 566 ; To be inspected by Commissioner of Health 664 Minors, regulating purchase of property from 637 Unlawful to give or sell cigarettes to or allow them to smoke on premises 913 Mischief, relating to malicious 618 Monumental survey, legalizing 529 Monuments, establishing those placed by City Surveyor 532 Protection of those placed by City Engineer 547 Motormen, appointed special policemen 795 Mullen, R. B. fixing rates of for water 718 Naming certain thoroughfares 799 Naming streets 562-571-578-597-652-706-745 North Springs Water Co., fixing rates of for water 718 Nuisances, defining and punishment for 538 Certain bulkheads declared to be 653 Certain things declared to be and how abated : .669-670-671 Certain buildings and structures declared to be 674 Obstructions to streets declared to be 609 Burning of refuse, sawdust, etc., declared to be 704 | When products of slaughter houses constitute 611 ^ Numbering buildings 540-569-576 N. P. Railway Co. franchise to on Dock Street and considerations therefor 699 To pave certain part of Dock Street 700 Right of way from for sewer : . . . 721 To dedicate land for highway along water front 701 Easement from for water main 761 To build stairway on South Ninth Street to Dock Street. . . ; 701 INDEX TO GENEEAL OEDINANCES IN FULL. 931 o Page. Obscene books, etc., prohibiting 604 Obstruction of railroads and street railroads, to prevent 794 Obstruction to streets, alleys, etc., prohibiting 770 Obstruction of streets, alleys, etc., by wires, poles, etc., prohibited 609 Offal, when a nuisance, regulating the rendering and disposal of 611 Officers of City, fixing charges of for copies of records, etc 742 Omnibuses, regulating use of 644 Omnibuses, etc., stands for 768 Opera houses, etc., regulating arrangement and management of 845 Ordinances, approving revision of 880 Imprisonment for non-payment of fines for violation of 608 Eepealing certain obsolete, etc 655 Eepealing certain, granting franchises 656 Eevising certain, to make them conform to charter 661 Ornamental trees, providing for 544 P Packing of animals, regulating 611 Papers, etc., of City, to prevent retention of 630 Palmists, licensing 777 Parades, licensing 777 Park, prohibiting driving trucks, drays, etc., in Wright 749 Park Commissioners, establishing Board of 793 Parking, regulating width of outside fire limits 716 Parks, creating office of Assistant Superintendent of .... 849 Protection of Public 566 Paved streets, relating to excavation beneath 564 Pavements, providing for maintenance of 757 Paving, requiring permit for 657 Unlawful for others than City Engineer to make surveys for 759 Pawnbrokers, licensing and regulating 659 Pay roll for Street and Sewer Department, how made 569 Pay rolls of Fire and Police Departments, how made 605 Peddlers, regulating 798 Peddling and hawking, licensing 797 Pegs, protection of those set by City Engineer 547 Personal property of City, disposition and sale of certain 703 Pest house, removal of certain persons to 662 Physicians, duties upon discovery of any contagious or infectious disease. 665 Pictures, prohibiting sale, etc., of obscene, etc 604 Plats, manner of making and approving 602 Plumbing, creating office and defining duties of Inspector of 659 Plumbing of buildings, regulating 881 Police force, creating and defining duties of 537 Police Department Emergency Fund, creating 631 Pay rolls of, how made 605 Police Judge, duties and salary of Clerk of 648 Bond of 693 Police Matron, creating office of 699 Policemen to report violation of rules of Board of Health to Commis- sioner of Health 670 To prevent crowds on streets or sidewalks 772 93:.' INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Page. Pool, boys ULnler 21 not to be permitted to play in public places 539 Pool tables, etc., licensing 773 Posts, protection of those set by City Engineer 547 Poultry, markets, Avhcre prohibited 89 Railway trains, regulating manner of boarding and alighting from .... 794 Receipts for water and light, how collected 620 Record of labor in Street and Sewer Departments, how kept 569 Refuse matter, prohibiting deposit of in waterway or channel 576 Refuse, sawdust, etc., burning of declared to be a nuisance 704 Registration, compensation of officers of 753 Removal of buildings, relating to 638 Repair of sidewalks, providing for 620 Repair of buildings, regulating 849 Retaining walls, enclosing areas, regulating erection of 563 Revenues, dispasition of from fines and licenses 721 Riding galleries, licensing 777 Roadways, regulating width of outside fire limits ; 716 Rubbish, etc., burning of on streets, alleys, etc., prohibited 555 Regulating disposition of combustible 717 Not to be thrown on streets or alleys 771 INDEX TO GENEEAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 933 S Page. Safes, etc., of the City, to prevent withholding combination of 630 Salaries of officials and employees, fixing 907 Salary Fund, creating 611 Moneys received from fines and licenses appropriated to 721 Sale of certain personal property of City, how made 703 Sale of goods by means of stamps, etc., licensing 759 Sale of property for enforcement of assessments, how made 840 Sale of transient stocks of goods, licensing and regulating 893 Saloon, defining limits within which none shall be licensed 919 Saloons, when a nuisance 539 Sawdust, etc., burning of declared to be a nuisance 704 School children to have been vaccinated '. 666 Second hand goods, license for dealing in 639 Seers, etc., licensing 777 Sewer, right of way for from N. P. R 'y Co 721 Sewer Department, record of labor in, how kept 569 Sewer Fund, creating 548 Shade trees, providing for 544 Shooting galleries, licensing 777 Shows, licensing 777 Sidewalks, regulating construction and manner of assessing cost of... .605 Maintenance, repair and removal of 626 Requiring permits for 657 Regulating width of outside fire limits 716 Unlawful for others than City Engineer to make surveys for .... 759 Prohibiting other than cement concrete in Tacoma Land Co. 's Sixth Addition 761 Prohibiting obstructions on 770 Relating to openings in 770 Prohibiting flow of water on 770 Regulating construction of by private contract 896 Sidewalks and gutters, to provide for cleanliness of 657 Signs, regulating erection of 770 Sixth Avenue, naming certain streets as 562 Skating rink, licensing 777 Slaughter houses, licensing and regulating 611 Sleds, to prevent coasting with on sidewalks and certain streets 836 Slingshots, prohibiting use of . 636 Smallpox, relating to 663 Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, relating to 557 Stairways, regulating erection of 770 Stakes, protection of those placed by City Engineer 547 Stamps, etc., licensing selling goods, etc., by means of 759 Standpipes, regulating use of 601 Stands for omnibuses, hacks, etd., establishing 768 Statuary, etc., license for peddling 797 Steamboat runners, regulations for 543 Steam boilers, etc., regulating use of 711 St. Helen 's Avenue, regulating travel on 753 Storage of gunpowder and other explosives, regulating 599 Storekeeper, creating office and defining duties 657 I 934 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Street, naming Chandler 652 Requiring perinit for filling in of any 657 Street cars, regulating boarding and alighting from 794 Street Department, record of labor in, how kept 569 Street imjirovements, assessments for, how made 689 Bonds for, how made and executed 694 Street intersections, cost of improvement, how made and collected 637 Street railway companies, regulating repair of lines of 558 Street railway tracks, construction of on South Eleventh Street bridge 619 Street railroads, to prevent obstruction of 794 Street railroad trains, regulating operation and speed of 778 Streets, abutting owners to keep clean and free from all inflammable material 540 Burning rubbish, etc., on prohibited 555 Regulating use of by hack drivers, etc 543 Relating to excavations under paved 564 Fire Department to have right of way on 561 Changing names of 562-571-578-597-706-745 Establishing grades of 589-803-837-843-894-906-911 Obstruction by wires, poles, etc., prohibited 609 Prohibiting putting glass, tacks, etc., on 619 Prohibiting excavation, grading, sidewalking, etc., without per- mits 657 Providing for maintenance of pavement on 757 Granting Whitworth College right to park certain 766 Prohibiting obstruction on 770 Logs not to be dragged on 772 Crowds on streets or sidewalks not allowed 772 Structures, declaring certain to be nuisances 674 Superintendent of City Hospital, creating otRee of, duties and com- pensation of 720 Superintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph, appointment and duties of . . . .554 Survey, legalizing monumental 529 T Tacks, etc., prohibiting putting on streets, etc 619 Tacoma Eastern R. R. Co., easement from for water pipes 719 Tacoma Light & Water Co., compromise of suit against 675 Tacoma Land Co. 's Sixth Addition, prohibiting other than concrete side- walks in 761 Tacoma Railway & Power Co., fixing license fee of 743 Tax levy, relating to issuance of warrants against 80 per cent, of incoming 623 Teamsters, licensing and regulating 644 Telegraph companies, regulating placing of wires, poles, etc., of 795 Telephone companies, how construct or repair lines, etc. 795 Theatres, prohibiting w^earing hats, bonnets, etc., in 640 Theatres, etc., licensing 776 Regulating arrangement, equipment and management of 845 Ticket broker, licensing and regulating 763 INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. 935 Page. Toboggans, to prevent coasting with on sidewalks and certain streets. .836 Trade, offensive declared a nuisance 538 Trained animal show, licensing 776 Transient stocks of goods, regulating and licensing sale of 893 Trees, shade and ornamental, relating to 544 Tricycles and bicycles, licensing and regulating 898 Trucks, etc., stands for 768 Twelfth Street, naming certain streets as '. . . . 562 V i^ Vacating 20 feet of Dock Street 699 Vaccinated, Board of Health may order persons from foreign ports to be 673 Vaccination, Commissioner of Health may order 663 As to school children 666 Vagrancy, defining and punishing 566 Variety theatres, licensing 776 Vault, privy or cesspool, where not to be constructed 888 Vaults, etc., of City, to prevent withholding combinations oi 630 Vegetables, etc., license for peddling 797 Vehicles, what shall be deemed 644 Licensing and regulating use of 644 Not allowed on sidewalks 771 Not to obstruct free passage on streets, etc 772 Stands for 768 Ventilation of buildings, regulating 881 Vessels, contagious diseases on .530-665-666 Harbor regulations as to 642 Commissioner of Health may quarantine 672 w Warrants against incoming tax levy, relating to 623 Water, regulating use and price of 726 Commissioner of Health to inspect 672 Fixing rates of R. B. Mullen and North Springs Water Co. for. .718 Water companies, regulating laying of pipes, etc., of 795 Water craft, speed of in harbor not to exceed six miles per hour 644 Water main, easement for from N. P. R 'y Co 761 Regulating connection with 728 Water pipes, easement from Tacoma Eastern R. R. Co. for 719 Water supply, designating new source of 621 Water system, submitting to voters a new plan for extension of 617 Waterway, prohibiting deposit of debris or refuse matter in 576 Water and Light Bonds, payment of interest on from Water and Light Fund 751 Water and Light Emergency Fund, creating 715 Water and Light Extension Fund, creating 608 m^^ INDEX TO GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FULL. Page. Water and Light Fund, creating 791 Water and Light, method of collecting receipts for 620 Water and Light used by City, authorizing payment for from General Fund 880 Wliarves, regulating use of by hack drivers, etc 543 Whitworth College, granting right to park certain streets 766 Wires, laying and use of for electric current 630 Prohibiting stretching of on streets, etc 609 Wires and appliances, regulating placing of electrical 906 Witnesses, to procure attendance of before City Council 622 Wood and coal, not to be placed on streets or alleys 772 Not to be cut or split on sidewalks 772 Wright Park, prohibiting driving wagons, trucks, etc., in 749 AVritings, etc., prohibiting sale, etc., of indecent 604 Y Yakima Avenue, prohibiting wagons, trucks, etc., on portion of 714 Yarding of cattle, etc., regulating 611 FRANCHISES. OKDINANCE NO. 24, 0. T. An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Water Company, the privilege to sup- ply the City of Tacoma and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water. AVhereas, The Tacoma AA-^ater Company, a corporation organ- ized under the laws of Washington on the 20th day of Septem- ber, A. D. 1873, has made application to the corporate authori- ties of the City of Tacoma for the right and privilege of supply- ing said City and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water, and for a grant of the right to lay through the streets, lanes, alleys and ways of said City necessary mains and pipes to conduct the same. Now, therefore, the inhahitants of the City of Tacoma hy its Board of Trustees does ordain as follows: Section 1. That the said Tacoma Water Company are here- by granted the right and privilege of conducting water into said City of Tacoma, and through the streets thereof for the purpose of supplying said City and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water for which the Tacoma Water Company shall be and are hereby authorized to charge reasonable rates. Sec. 2. That the said Tacoma AVater Company are hereby granted the right and privilege of laying down, relaying, con- necting and disconnecting and repairing all pipes or mains along, through, under and over all streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, parks and public ways of said City that may be necessary or conven- ient for supplying the people of said City or any of (its inhabi- tants) with pure and fresh water. In opening such street, lane alley or way, or laying, relaying, connecting or disconnecting or repairing of said pipes, the said Tacoma AA^ater Company shall and will with all convenient haste complete the work for which the ground shall have been broken and forthwith replace the earth and make good the said street, avenue, lane, alley, public way so opened to the satisfaction of the officer or officers to whom shall be committed the care of such streets. Sec. 3. In the establishment of grades, drains, sewers or other necessary City improvements, rendering necessary the re- moval or relaying of the said water pipes, said pipes shall, upon reasonable notice (not less than five days), given by the City P.SS FKANCHISES. ;iu(lioi-itii's 1)0 romovod jiiid relaid at the proper cost and rxpense of the said Tacoma Water Company, and upon fail- ure of said Company to so remove and relay the same, the City may remove and relay the same and no claim for damages irrowinii' out of the proper removal of sneh pipes by the City or under its direction, shall inure to the said Company. Skc. 4. That the City authorities shall have the privilege of inserting, maintaining and keeping fire plugs or faucets at all proper points on said lines of Avater pipes suitable for fire pur- poses and the water shall be free to the City during any fire that may occur for the extinguishing of the same, but shall not be free for any other purpose. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed October 1, 1883. ORDINANCE NO. 25, 0. T. Th( inhol)ifaHfs of the City of Tacoma hij its Board of Trustees do ordain as foUoivs: Section 1. That Job Carr and his associates, to be here- after organized into a corporation under the laws of "VVashing- t(tn Territory, are hereby granted the right and privilege of con- ducting water into said City of Tacoma, and through the streets and alleys thereof for the purpose of supplying said City and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water, and for any other pur- pose for Avhich it might be Avanted for Avhich the said Company or corporation shall be and are hereby authorized to charge rea- sonable rates. Sec. 2. Thai the said Job Carr and his associates in their corporate capacity are hereby granted the right and privilege of laying down, relaying, connecting and disconnecting and repair- ing all pipes or mains along, through, under and over the streets, Mvcnues. alleys, lanes, parks and public Avays of said City, that may be necessary or convenient for supplying the people of said City Avith Avater or for any other purpose for Avhich such pipes or mains may be needed. In opening any such street, lane, alley or Avay, or laying, relaying, connecting, disconnecting or repair- ing of said pipes the said Company or corporation shall Avith all convenient haste complete the Avork for Avhich the ground shall have been broken and forthwith make good the said street, lane, alley or public Avay, so opened to the satisfaction of the officer or oflfieers having the care of such streets, alleys, etc., at the time. FEANCHISES. 939 Sec. 3. That no pipe or main shall be laid, so that it will interfere with the construction of sewers or drains, nor with the grading of streets and alleys, and all pipes or mains used in con- ducting said water shall be sunk to a depth of not less than ten inches beneath the surface or level of the established grade. Sec. 4. In the establishment of grades, drains, sewers or other necessary City improvements, rendering necessary the re- moval or relaying of the said water pipes said pipes shall upon reasonable notice (not less than five days) given by the City au- thorities be removed and relaid at the proper cost and expense of the said Company or corporation and upon failure of said Company to so remove and relay said pipes, the City may remove and relay the same, and no claim for damages growing out of the proper removal of such pipes by the City or under its direction shall inure to said Company. Sec. 5. That the City authorities shall have the privilege of inserting, maintaining and keeping fire plugs or faucets at all proper points on said lines of Avater pipes suitable for fire pur- poses, and the water shall be free to the City during any fire that may occur, for the extinguishment of the same, but shall not be free for any other purposes. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed November 5, 1883. OEDINANCE NO. 26, 0. T. The inhabitants of ike City of Tacoma, by its Board of Trustees, does ordain as follows: Section 1. That John N. Fuller of said City is hereby granted the right and privilege of conducting water into said City of Tacoma, and through the streets and alleys thereof for the purpose of supplying said City and its inhabitants with pure and fresh water, and other purposes, for which the said John N. Fuller be and he is hereby authorized to charge reasonable rates. Sec. 2. That the said John N. Fuller is hereby granted the right and privilege of laying doAvn, relaying, connecting and dis- connecting and repairing all pipes or mains, along, through, under and over the streets, avenues, alleys, lanes, parks and pub- lic ways of said City, that may be necessary or convenient for sup- plying the people of said City with water. In opening any such street, lane, alley or way or laying, relaying, connecting or dis- connecting or repairing of said pipes, the said John N. Fuller !i4u FRANCHISES. sliall aiui will ^vitll all convenient haste complete the work for which the ground shall have been broken and forthAvith replace the earth, and make good the said street, lane, alley or public way so oju'iied to the satisfaction of the officer or officers to whom shall he committed the care of such streets, alleys, public ways, etc. Sec. 3. That no pipe or main shall be so laid that it will interfere with the construction of sewers or drains, nor with the irradinjr of streets and alleys, and all pipes or mains used in con- ductinjr said water shall be sunk to a depth of not less than ten inches beneath the surface or level of the established grade. Sec. 4, In the establishment of grades, drains, seAvers, or other necessary City improvements, rendering necessary the re- moval or relaying of the said water pipes, said pipes shall upon reasonable notice (not less than five days) given by the City authorities be removed and relaid at the proper cost and expense of the said John N. Fuller, and upon the failure of the said John N. Fuller to so remove and relay said pipes the City may remove and relay the same, and no claim for damages growing out of the proper removal of such pipes by the City or under its direction shall inure to the said John N. Fuller. Sec. 5. That the City authorities shall have the privilege of inserting, maintaining and keeping tire plugs or faucets at all proper points on said lines of water pipes suitable for fire pur- poses, and the water shall be free to the City during any fire that may occur for the relinquishment (extinguishment) of the same, but shall not be free for any other purpose. Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed November 5, 1883. ORDINANCE NO. 21. An ordinance granting to the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Co., the right to erect poles, and thereon to fasten wires in tlie streets of tlic City of Tacoma. The Common Council of the Cifij of Tacoma does ordain as fol- 1 OIL'S : Section 1. That there be, and hereby is granted unto the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company, assignee of the Sun- set Telephone-Telegraph Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to locate, erect, place, maintain and use in the streets and alleys within the City of Tacoma, poles and thereon to fasten wires, and to stretch said Avires through said FRANCHISES. 941 streets and alleys, for the purpose of placing, constructing and maintaining telephones and telephone stations in the different buildings and sections of said City, and said City reserves the right to compel the company to place said wires underground. (a) And said Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company, assignee of the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Company, having re- quested of said City of Tacoma the right and privilege to put its main line wires underground on certain streets and alleys here- inafter mentioned, and to construct, maintain and operate con- duits for the conveyance of said wires underground, on said streets and alleys, by itself, its successors and assigns, it is hereby ordered and directed that said Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company, assignee of the Sunset Telephone-Telegraph Company, may, and it shall, construct, maintain, and operate conduits for the conveyance of its main line wires underground, in accordance with the provisions, reservations and restrictions hereinafter set forth in this section, underneath the surface of the following named streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys, in the City of Tacoma, to-wit : Along South Eleventh Street from the east line of "A" Street to the west line of "K" Street; Along South "K" Street from the south line of South Eleventh Street to the north line of South Seventh Street; Along South "E" Street from the south line of South Elev- enth Street to the north line of South Seventh Street ; Along Baker Street from its intersection with South Seventh Street to St. Helens Avenue ; Thence across St. Helens Avenue along Sixth Avenue to the east line of South " C " Street ; Also along the alley between "A" Street and Pacific Ave- nue, commonly known as "Court A", from the north line of South Ninth Street to the south line of South Fourteenth Street. (b) The construction of said conduits underground along the streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys, specific- ally mentioned in this section, shall be commenced within three months from the date this ordinance takes effect, and completed and in actual operation within one year from the date this ordi- nance takes effect. • (c. ) Before said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall begin the construction of said conduits along underneath said streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys, it or they shall file with the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma, detailed plans, specifications and profiles of said conduits as in- 942 FEANCHISES. tc'iuk'd to be laid clown along- underneath said streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys, which said plans, specifications and profiles shall show the side of the street or alley, and the dis- tance from the curb that the said conduits are intended to be laid, the size of said conduits, the location of the manholes lead- ing: to said conduits, their size and the size of the concrete jacket surroundinir said conduits, and the depth of said concrete jacket from the official grade or surface of the street ; and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall amend said plans, specifications and profiles, so filed with the Commissioner of Public Works of said City of Tacoma,'in accordance with the direction of said Com- missioner of Public AVorks, and the construction of said conduits shall not be begun, and the soil or pavements of any street or alley shall not be disturbed in any manner whatsoever for the purpose of constructing and putting in said conduits until the Conmiissioner of Public Works of said City of Tacoma shall have first approved the plans, specifications and profiles, filed with him as aforesaid, and shall have given his written permis- sion to said grantee, its successors or assigns, to construct said conduits along underneath said streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys, in accordance with the plans, specification and profiles which said Commissioner of Public Works may have ap- proved. (d.) In no event and in no place in any of said streets or alleys, or portions of streets or alleys, shall the depth of said concrete jacket which shall surround said conduits, be less than such depth as may l)e designated and authorized by the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City of Tacoma, and said con- duits shall be laid down and constructed of the very best material "used for such purposes, and in the most workmanlike manner; and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, at its or their own cost and expense, restore each and every street and alley which is unpaved to as good a condition as it was in before said street or alley was disturbed and dug up for the purpose of put- ting down said conduits ; and any street or alley or portions of any street or alley, which is paved or planked, which shall be torn up in any manner whatsoever for the purpose of putting down said conduits, shall be re-paved or re-planked by said grantee, its successors or assigns, at its or their own cost and ex- pense, with the same kind of material as they removed for the purpose of putting down said conduits, and shall be left in as good a condition as said street or alley, or portion of a street or alley was in before it was disturbed or torn up ; and the Com- missioner of Public AVorks of said City of Tacoma shall be the FRAXCHISES. 943 sole judge as to whether the said street or alley has been put in as good a condition as it was in prior to its being torn up for the purpose of putting doAvn said conduits ; and said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall not be considered to have restored such street or alley, or portion of a street or alley, so torn up, to its former condition until the said Commissioner of Public Works shall have approved the same, and after said conduits shall have been constructed and laid down and said streets and alleys, or portions of streets and alleys," restored to their former condition as aforesaid, no street or alley, or portion of a street or alley, shall be disturbed or torn up in any manner whatsoever for the pur- pose of nuiking repairs on said conduits or any part of them, without said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall first have obtained the written permission of the Commissioner of Public AVdrks of said City, and the restoration of such streets or alleys, or portions of streets or alleys, so torn up and disturbed at any time for the purpose of making repairs, shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner of Public Works as hereinbefore designated ; and in case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not restore each and every street and alley, or portion of a street or alley, to the satisfaction of said Commissioner of Pub- lic Works, and shall refuse to restore each and every street or alley, or portion of a street or alley, to the satisfaction of said Commissioner of Public Works, then said Commissioner of Pub- lic Works, for the City of Tacoma, shall have the right, and it is hereby agreed that he shall restore such street or alley, or portion of a street or alley so torn up, to as good a condition as it was in prior to its being disturbed by said grantee, its successors or as- signs, for any purpose Avhatsoever, and said work shall be done at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, its successors or as- signs ; and said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby agrees to pay to said City of Tacoma the cost and expense of said work forthwith upon its completition ; and under no circum- stances shall any conduit be constructed over and above any water pipe or gas pipe. (e.) The said grantee, its successors or assigns, during the construction and maintenance or repairs of said conduits, or any part or portion of them, shall save the said City of Tacoma ab- solutely harmless and free from any and all cost and expense of any kind whatsoever, and if any suit or suits in equity or law shall be instituted against the City of Tacoma, because of any damage alleged to have been caused to any person or property because of the construction, maintenance, operation or repairs of said conduits, said grantee, its successors or assigns shall, upon 944 FRANCHISES. notice from said City of Tacoma, by its Mayor or its City Attor- ney, defend said suit or suits at its or their own cost and expense, and in case tinal judgment shall be rendered in any such suit or suits against the City of Tacoma, said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby covenants and agrees forthwith to pay said judg- ment or judgments and save the said City of Tacoma harmless and free from the same and all cost and expense connected therewith. (f. ^ That the rights granted by this ordinance shall not be construed so as to deprive the City of Tacoma of any powers, rights or privileges, which it now has or may hereafter have, to regulate the use and control of any of the streets or alleys in said Cit.y, and nothing herein contained shall be construed in such a manner as to prevent, hinder or delay the said City of Tacoma from sewering, grading, macadamizing, paving, planking, altering, regrading, repairing or improving in any manner whatsoever, any of the streets or alleys of the City of Tacoma, nor shall the City of Tacoma be liable to the grantee herein, its successors or as- signs, for any damage that said grantee, its successors or assigns, may suit'er by reason of the performance of any such work or by reason of the exercise of any rights reserved in this section ; and whenever any street or alley or portion of any street or alley, along underneath which said conduits shall run, shall be changed or altered as to its grade, said conduits shall be relaid by said grantee, its successors or assigns, at its or their own cost and ex- pense, in accordance with the provisions, terms and restrictions herein set forth as to the original construction of said conduits. (g.) That said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall file a written acceptance of Ordinance No. 21 as amended by Ordi- nance No. 371 of said City of Tacoma, as amended by this ordi- nance, Avithin thirty days after the taking effect of this ordi- nance, and if said acceptance is not so filed as aforesaid, then this ordinance shall be null and void, without any resolution, ordi- nance or act of any kind whatsoever on the part of the City gov- ernment of the City of Tacoma. (h.) That the rights and privileges conferred upon and granted by this ordinance to said grantee, its successors and as- .signs shall continue only for the unexpired portion of the term granted by said Ordinance No. 21 as amended by Ordinance No. 371 ; and all rights and privileges granted by this ordinance shall in no ca.se be considered as exclusive, and shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance. I FRANCHISES. 945 (i.) That all and singular the grants of rights and privi- leges in this ordinance contained are, and shall be, subject to the right of the City government of the said City of Tacoma at any time hereafter to change, modify, or amend, and there is hereby expressly reserved by said City government of said City of Tacoma the said right to repeal, modify or amend this ordinance, with due regard, however, to the vested rights of the grantee, its successors or assigns, and the interests of the public. (j.) It is mutually understood and agreed between said grantee and the City of Tacoma that this ordinance is enacted by the said City of Tacoma as a. partial consideration given by said City of Tacoma to said grantee, its successors or assigns, for a certain contract entered into with the said City of Tacoma on the thirty-first day of October, A. D., 1900, relative to furnishing to the City of Tacoma certain telephones and telephonic service, as more particularly specified in said contract ; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the terms, conditions and obligations of said contract shall be binding not only upon said grantee, but also upon its successors or assigns, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall violate or refuse to perform the terms, conditions and obligations set forth in said contract as binding upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, the City government of the said City of Tacoma reserves the right to re- peal each and every of the subdivisions of Section 1 of this ordi- nance. (k.) That upon the expiration of the terms of the original franchise as granted by Ordinance No. 21, as amended by Ordi- nance No. 371, if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not obtain a new franchise for the conveyance of its or their tele- phone wires by means of conduits as aforesaid along any of the streets and alleys specified in this section, then said grantee, its successors or assigns, if they shall take up and remove the said conduits, shall restore said streets or alleys, or portions of streets or alleys to as good a condition as they were in prior to their be- ing disturbed for the purpose of removing said conduits. (As amended by Ordinance No. 371 as amended by Ordi- nance No. 1513.) KIND OF POLES AXD "WHERE SET. Sec. 2. That said poles shall be dressed and painted white, and constructed and erected in a workmanlike manner, and when erected in a street having a sidewalk, they shall be placed inside of and adjoining the outside stringer upon which the planks of the sidewalk are laid. Said poles shall be not less than thirty- H-J(5 FEAXCHISES. five feet lonof, and at least eight inches square at the bottom and four inches scjuare at the top, and shall be placed in the ground not less than four feet. They shall be placed and erected in such a niainier as may be designated by the Street Commissioner. (As amended by Ordinance No. 371.) WIRES INSULATED AND NOT TO OBSTRUCT STREET. Sec. 3. That the said wires shall be insulated and carefully connected and fastened so as not to come in contact with any object and shall be stretched so as not to interfere with the free and nnobst^'ucted use of said streets and alleys, and at such a height as may be designated by the Street Commissioner. (As amended by Ordinance No. 371.) SIDEWALK AND GROUND TO BE REPLACED. Sec. 4. That when it shall become necessary in the erection of said poles to take up any portion of the sidewalk or dig up the gfound in or near the sides and corners of said streets or alleys, then the said company, its successors or assigns, shall, after said poles are erected, without delay replace said sidewalk and prop- erly refit the planks of said sidewalk in a Avorkmanlike manner. and remove from such place, street or alley, all surplus sand, earth, rnbbish or other material which may be taken up or dug up in the construction or erection of said poles, and shall put such sidewalk, street or alley in as good condition as it was before it was taken up, dug or disturbed, subject to the approval of the Street Connnittee. (As amended by Ordinance No. 371.) WIRES REMOVED, ETC., FOR MOVING BUILDINGS. Sec. 5. That whenever any person has obtained permission to use any of the streets of the City for the purpose of removing any building, the said company, its successors or assigns, upon twenty-four hours' notice from such persons, shall raise or re- move any of said wires which may obstruct the removal of such building, so as to allow the free and unobstructed removal and passage of the same. Such notice shall be in writing and serv(Ml by any person competent to be a witness in a civil action upon said company, its successors or assigns, or its or their representa- tive or agent, and in case of its or their failure or refusal after such notice to comply therewith, the Street Commissioner shall raise or remove said wires at the expense of said company, its suc- cessors or assigns for the purpose aforesaid. FRANCHISES. 947 POSITION OP POLES MAY BE CHANGED. Sec. 6. That the City of Taeonia hereby reserves the right to order the change of position of any such pole or pok^s when- ever in the judgment of the City Council of said City such change is necessary. Snch change, if so ordered, shall be made by the- said company, its successors or assigns, at its or their expense after receiving ten days' notice in writing to make such change, and the City of Tacoma also reserves the right to amend this ordi- nance whenever in the judgment of the City Council of said City an amendment is necessary, having due regard, however, for the vested rights of the parties. term op franchise. Sec. 7. That all the privileges herein conferred upon and granted to said company hnd to its successors and assigns, shall continue for twenty-five years from the time this ordinance goes into effect, subject, however, to the conditions therein specifically set forth. when to commence erection op poles. Sec. 8. That said company shall commence the erection of said poles within thirty days from the time this ordinance goes into effect, otherwise all the rights and franchises herein conferred upon and granted to said company shall cease. Provided, that said telephonic system shall be in operation within sixty days from the passage of this ordinance, and further, should said company at any time neglect or fail to operate or finish said tele- phone system for the period of thirty days, the City shall have the right to declare this franchise terminated. (As amended by Ordinance No. 371.) company shall indemnify city for injury occasioned. Sec. 9. That the said company contracts and covenants hereby to indemnify the City of Tacoma for any injury arising from any casualty or accident to person or property by reason of any neglect or omission to keep the said poles or wires in proper and safe condition. COMPANY SHALL FILE ACCEPTANCE. Sec. 10. That the said company shall within ten days from the adoption of this ordinance file with the City Clerk, its accept- ance of the franchise herein granted, subject to the conditions herein. assage of this ordinance; and shall within the same time file their acceptance and agreement with the City Clerk; otherwise this ordinance shall be null and void. Said company, their successors or assigns, shall not be allowed to do any work upon said tramway or to run any car on any portion thereof within the City limits until after said acceptance and agree- ment shall have been filed as aforesaid. Sec. 24. Ordinance No. 90, entitled, "An ordinance permitting the Home Lumber Company, its successors and assigns, to lo- cate, build and maintain a tramway in certain streets in the City of Tacoma," is hereby repealed. Sec. 25. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. Passed July 5th, 1886. Presented to the Mayor for approval July 5th, 1886. Returned by the Mayor to the Council with his objections, July 9th, 1886. Considered by the Council and passed over the ^Mayor's veto November 6th, 1886. ORDINANCE NO. 152. .\ii iinliiiaiR-i' jj ranting to Xelson Bennett and his associates, their suc- (•e.ssors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street rail- way upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. Tin City Council of the City of Tacoma does oidain as foJloics: Secti(3N 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto Nelson l-Jennett and his associates, and their successors and assigns, the right to lay down and maintain a single or double iron or steel track with proper sidings, and to operate street railways within the City of Tacoma upon the streets hereinafter named, to-wit : Pacific Avenue from the Northern Pacific Railroad wharf to the southern terminus of said avenue at South Thirty-sixth Street: Jefferson Street from its junction with Pacific Avenue to South Twenty-seventh Street, its southern terminus; South Ninth Street from its junction with Pacific Avenue to FEAXCHISES. 959 St. Helen's Avenue; "C" Street from its junction with Jeft'erson Street to Division Avenue ; thence upon Division Avenue to Yaki- ma Avenue : St. Helen 's Street from " C " to " D " Street ; thence on "D" Street to Tacoma Avenue; Tacoma Avenue from its present southern terminus at South Thirtieth Street to North Sixth Street ; Yakima Avenue, except from South Twenty-seventh Street to its northern extension ; * * * McCarver Street, except from Tacoma Avenue to "(I" Street; Second Street from McCarver Street to Starr Street. * * * (As amended by Ordinances Nos. 202 and 1038.) Sec. 2. The construction of said lines of railway shall be commenced within thirty days from the date this ordinance takes effect, and that portion of the line from the passenger depot of the Northern Pacific railroad upon Pacific Avenue to the junc- tion of said avenue with South Ninth Street, and upon said South Ninth Street to "C" Street, and upon "C" Street to Division Avenue, and upon Division Avenue to Tacoma Avenue, and upon said Tacoma Avenue to * * * McCarver Street, and upon McCarver Street to the City Wharf, shall be completed . and in operation within four months from the date said ordinance as amended shall take effect. (As amended by Ordinances Nos. 202 and 1038.) Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway no street shall be obstructed at any one place for a greater length than one block at any one time, nor for a longer period than fifteen working days, except the Council may, at its discretion, extend the time aforesaid. The track of said railway shall not be elevated above the surface of the streets and shall be so laid that carriages and vehicles can easily and with the least obstruction possible cross ; and nothing in this ordinance nor any privileges granted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sew^ering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions; but all such work shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible, the liability to obstruction during the progress of street re- pairing, improving or altering. Sec. 4. The cars to be used shall be of the most approved construction, provided with brakes and other necessary appli- 9tH) FRANCHISES. anees, and the rails shall be of g'ood iron or steel and of the most approved pattern, and no locomotive or engine propelled by steam shall ever be used upon any of said several lines of rail- ways, or any part thereof, except by consent of the City Coun- cil first obtained. Sec. 5. The OAvners or lessees of said railway shall pave or macadamize that portion of the streets or avenues along or over M'hich said railway shall be laid, the whole width of said railway between the rails, and shall main,tain the same during the con- tinuance of this franchise. The rails on the main line, corners and turnouts, and at -points of intersection shall be laid in such manner as to least in- convenience the public in the use of said streets. The City Coun- cil may regulate the speed for running cars, and may require cars to be run on and over the lines of said railways sufficient round trips each day; and no cars shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain upon any intersection of streets for a longer period than three minutes, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offense, upon conviction thereof before any court having juris- diction. (As amended by Ordinance No. 238.) Sec. 6. The fare upon said railway shall not exceed five cents for each passenger, including ordinary personal hand bag- gage, over any part of said line or lines. The tracks of said rail- way shall be laid upon the streets so as not to interfere with the sewers, gas and water pipes, and upon the established grades of the streets, and it shall be the duty of the Committee on Streets and Public Property to see that in the construction of said rail- way the provisions of this ordinance are observed and carried out. Sec. 7. The Council reserves to itself the right at any time after five (5) years from the commencement of the operation of any part of said railway to impose a reasonable license upon said railway and its business, provided the license to be charged shall not exceed one (1) per cent., for a period of five (5) years, on the gross earnings of said railway or railways. After ten (10) years from the date of commencement of the operation of any part of said railway or raihvays, a license not to exceed two (2) per cent, of the gross earnings of said railway or railways may be imposed on the gross earnings of said railway or railways. (As amended by Ordinance No. 238.) FEAXCHISES. 961 Sec. 8. In addition to the construction and operation of that part of said railway which, by the terms of this ordinance, is to be constructed and put in operation within fourteen months from the date the same goes into effect, the said Nelson Bennett land his associates, or their successors or assigns, shall construct I'and put in operation at least one mile upon the streets and ave- mues hereinbefore mentioned, each and every year for five years after the expiration of said fourteen months, and the first mile to be built under the provisions of this section shall be on Ta- coma Avenue, from Divisioil Avenue southward. ! Sec. 9. No Chinese or coolie or convict shall be employed by any person or persons, the owners or holders of this franchise, their agents, successors or assigns, in the construction, operation or management of said railway or railways, or in or about any work or labor made necessar^^ by the passage of this ordinance, or the granting of this franchise. Any person violating this sec- tion shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars. Sec. 10. No person employed in the construction, operation or management of said railway or railways, or in or about any work or labor made necessary to be done or performed by the [granting of this franchise or the passage of this ordinance, shall be required by any person or persons, the owners or holders of jthis franchise, their agents, successors or assigns, to perform imore than ten hours' labor for a day's work. Any person vio- lating this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. 11. The said Nelson Bennett and his associates shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall, within thirty days after the passage thereof, file in the office of the City Clerk the written ac- ceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. Sec. 12. A failure on the part of the said Nelson Bennett md his associates, or their successors and assigns, to comply with jthe provisions of this ordinance, requiring the commencement, 'construction and operation of said railway, at the times and in the manner hereinbefore designated and provided, shall, at the option of the Council, work a forfeiture of the rights and privi- leges hereby conferred. Sec. 13. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall expire at the end of fifty years from the date this ordinance shall take effect; provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be so 962 FEANCHISES. constnu'd as to prevent the City Council of the City of Taeonia from passing- all ordinances and resolutions necessary for the protection of the interests of the City, and to carry out the spirit and provisions of the foregoing ordinance or franchise. Passed January 8, 1887. I Presented to the ]\Iayor for his approval January 11, 1887. Returned by the Mayor with his objections January 15, 1887. Passed over the Mayor's veto February 5, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 153. An ordinance granting to the Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Company the privilege of erecting telegraph poles and stretching wires thereon in certain streets and alleys. llie City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby granted to the Pacific Postal Telegraph Cable Company the privilege and right of erecting telegraph poles and stretching * * wires thereon along South Twenty-sixth Street from the eastern boundary of the City to Pacific Avenue; * * thence along Pacific Avenue to South Fifteenth Street; thence along South Fifteenth Street to the alley between South "A" and Pacific Avenue; thence along said alley to South Ninth Street, and along any one of the intersecting streets from South Thirteenth to South Ninth Street to Pacific Avenue. Also from the intersection of South Twenty-fifth Street southward to Hood Street; thence along Hood Street to the City limits. The poles shall be set along the outer edge of the sidewalks when set in any of the before mentioned streets or avenues, and eight feet from the boundary'- of the before mentioned alleys. • * * * « (As amended by Ordinance No. 1228.) Sec. 2. The poles hereby authorized to be erected shall be dressed and painted oak color and shall be set on division lines between lots on said streets and alleys, and shall be set in the gutter flush with the outer stringer of the sidewalk, and no poles shall be set at street corners. Said poles shall be not less than forty feet in height above the sidewalks, and not les§ than forty feet above the ground where set outside of the sidewalk as above provided, and shall be se- curely set in the ground and erected to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Said wires shall be placed not less than thirty- FEANCHISES. 963 five feet above the sidewalks or above the grounds where the poles are set outside of the sidewalks as above provided. Sec. 3. Whenever any street or alley, on which any of said poles may be erected, shall be graded or regraded so as to .change the surface thereof, the said company shall forthwith, at its own cost, reset said poles so as to conform to the established grade of the streets and alleys as reconstructed. Sec. 4. All the proceedings of the said Pacific Postal Tele- graph Cable Company under this ordinance shall be subject to any ordinance in relation to the same which may be passed by the City Council of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 5. The privilege hereby granted to said company is subject to the conditions that the said telegraph company will, whenever required by ordinance of the City Council, remove said poles from said streets or alleys and place said wires along the same route under ground; and that this ordinance may be amended by the City Council, and the privilege hereby granted may be by ordinance revoked, modified or changed. Passed January 15, 1887. January 17, 1887, presented to the Mayor for his approval. January 20, 1887, returned and filed with the City Clerk by the Mayor, without signature or objections thereto. ORDINANCE NO. 170. An ordinance granting to the Northwestern American District Telegraph Company of Washington Territory the right and privilege of erecting, constructing, maintaining and operating its telegraph system in the City of Tacoma, W. T. The City Cauncil of the City of Tacoma does ordain a^ follows: Section 1. That the Northwestern American District Tele- graph Company, a corporation created and existing under the laws of Washington Territory, its successors and assigns, be and it hereby is granted the right and privilege of erecting, con- structing and maintaining, operating and using, in and along and over and under any and all of the streets, avenues and alleys of the City of Tacoma what is known as the American District Telegraph System. Sec. 2. That said company, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to and shall erect the poles and stretch the wires of the said telegraph system so as not to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of the streets, avenues and alleys for travel, and shall erect the poles of its telegraph at such points c)G4 FRANCHISES. in tlie streets, avenues and alleys and place the wires of its tele- ^rapli at sueh points and at such height as may be designated by the Conniiittee on Streets and Public Property. Said poles shall be dressed and painted in a neat and satisfactory manner, and shall be not less than thirty (30) feet in height and properly proportioned throughout, subject to the directions and control of the Counnittee on Streets and Public Property. Sec. 3. That whenever it shall become necessary, for the erection or repair of such telegraph, for said company, its suc- cessors and assigns, to dig into or in any manner to interfere with any ]f)ublic street, avenue or alley, or any part thereof, said company, its successors and assigns, shall without delay ])ut the street in as good condition as it was before it was so broken up, dug or disturbed, and shall remove from the street all surplus sand, earth, rubbish or other material caused there- by. And said company shall defend all actions that may be brought against said City for damages incurred from any cause growing out of or connected with the erection of said poles and stringing said wires in the streets of said City, and shall pay ail costs and damages that may be recovered in any such suit against the City of Tacoma. And the granting and acceptance of the franchise hereby granted shall in all eases be considered as suf- ficient consideration for defending against and discharging all sueh judgments for damages and costs mentioned in this sec- tion. Provided, however, that nothing herein shall in any way prevent the City Council of said City from requiring said com- pany at any time upon sixty days' notice to place the whole or any part of its wires underground within said City limits. Sec. 4. That whenever any person or persons, company or corporation shall have obtained permission of the City Council to remove any building, structure or edifice through any street, avenue or alley of said City of Tacoma with which the lines, wires or poles of the Northwestern American District Telegraph shall in any manner interfere, the said company shall upon twenty-four hours' notice from sueh person or persons, company (ir corporation, raise or remove said lines, wires or poles so as to al- low free and unobstructed passage of any such building, structure or edifice, and if the said company upon such notice shall neglect or refuse to raise or remove such line or lines, said lines shall be removed or raised by the Street Commissioner or other person ordered by the City Council to so do, at the expense of said company, so as to admit of the free passage of such building or other edifice or structure. FRANCHISES. 965 Sec. 5. The City Council reserves the right to amend this ordinance at pleasure for the purpose of imposing a reasonable license upon the OAvners or holders of this franchise. Sec. 6. All the proceedings of the said Northwestern Amer- ican District Telegraph Company under this ordinance shall be subject to any ordinance relative to the same which may be passed by the City Council of the City of Tacoma, and this ordi- nance may be amended by the City Council and the privilege here- by granted, on the failure of the company to fully comply with this ordinance, may be revoked, modified or changed by the Council. Sec. 7. That the parties named in Section One (1) of this ordinance shall file their acceptance of the conditions hereof within thirty (30) days, and commence the construction within six months from the date of the approval hereof, otherwise this ordinance shall be null and void. Approved July 22, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 173. An ordinance granting to Allen C. Mason, his heirs and assigns, the right to construct and operate a standard gauge railroad across certain streets, avenues ancl alleys in the City of Tacom. The City Council of ilie City of Tacoma does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That there be, and hereby is, granted unto Allen C. Mason, his heirs and assigns, upon the condition and subject to the restrictions herein contained, the license, right, privilege and authority to locate, construct, operate and main- tain a standard gauge railway in, along, over and across the following named public streets of the City of Tacoma, viz: Starr Street, McCarver Street, First Street, Carr Street, Steele Street, White Street, "A" Street, Oak Street, Pine Street, "B" Street, "C" Street, Chestnut Street, Cedar Street, "D" Street, Alder Street, "E" Street, Eailroad Avenue, Johnson Street, Rainier Avenue, "G" Street, Puget Sound Avenue, "H" Street, Water Street and Mason Street; and each of the alleys in said City so situated as to be crossed, intersected or en- croached upon by the said railway. And for said purpose to use and occupy a strip of land not exceeding twelve feet in width extending in, along, over and across all the streets, alleys and public grounds of said City situated on the water front between Starr Street and the west boundary line of the City. Sec. 2. That said Allen C. IMason, his heirs and assigns, shall pay all damages that may be assessed for injuries to prop- 90(5 FRANCHISES. orty abiittini-- upon either of said streets or alleys caused by the use of the strip of land hereby granted for railway purposes. Sp;c. 3. Said Allen C. Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall immediately survey and definitely locate the line of said railway, and make and certify a map thereof, and file said map with the City Clerk within thirty days from the date of the approval of this ordinance. And said map shall be submitted to the City Council at a regular meeting thereof for its approval. Sec. 4. The boundaries and limits of the right of way hereby granted shall be as indicated upon said map, after the same shall have been approved by the Council; but until so approved the location and boundaries of said right of way shall be unde- termined, and said Mason, his heirs and assigns, shall not use or occupy any part thereof. Sec. 5. Said Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall construct and complete said railway and have the same in operation on or before the first day of July, 1888, and thereafter in good faith continue to operate the same. Sec. 6. Said railway shall not be so constructed or main- tained as to prevent ingress or egress to and from ship yards or marine -ways now situated or hereafter established upon or near the water front of said City and adjacent to the line of said railway by boats or vessels of any size or class or prevent the launching of such boats or vessels from such ship yards or marine ways. And in all cases where it shall be impracticable to launch such boats or vessels from such yard or ways, or haul such boats or vessels to and upon such yard or ways over said railway, said Mason, his heirs and assigns, shall cause a passage way for boats and vessels from such yard or ways to be made through said railway to the navigable part of Commencement Bay, and keep the same open for the passage or launching of such boats or vessels at such times as the same may be required for that purpose, and when the operation of said railway will not be thereby unreasonably interfered with. Sec. 7. The rights granted by this ordinance shall not operate to deprive the City of Tacoma, or any person owning or claiming lands, wharves or other improvements of any water front or littoral rights, or of any rights whatever, except as to the space within the boundaries of said right of way to be fixed and established as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 8. Said railway shall be constructed on a common level with the wharves along said right of way, as the same now is or may hereafter be established by ordinance of the City of Tacoma. FRANCHISES. 967 Sec. 9. Said Mason, his heirs and assigns, shall not allow locomotives or cars to stand upon the track within the limits of any street, alley or other public ground of the City of Tacoma, or upon or in front of any of the premises of any person without I the consent of such person longer than may be necessary to make switches, make or divide up trains, or to receive or land passen- gers, or receive or unload freight, except in cases of accident, or unavoidable delays; and shall not fence said right of way, or unnecessarily obstruct any of the before mentioned streets or alleys. Sec. 10. The City of Tacoma shall retain the same control over the streets and allleys in and over which the said railway shall be located as over other streets and alleys ; and shall have the right to regulate the speed of trains within the limits of the way hereby granted. And said Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall not run trains over said railway within the limits of the City of Tacoma at an}^ higher rate of speed than eight miles an hour, or as may be hereafter prescribed and limited by ordinance. Sec. 11. That in the operation of said railway said Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall have the right to use steam power or any other motor that he or they may deem best. Sec. 12. Said Allen C. Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall file his written acceptance of the iranchise granted by this ordi- nance, and assent to the conditions and restrictions therein con- tained, within thirty days from the date of the approval of this ordinance, and for failure to comply with the requirements of this section all the rights, privileges and authority granted by this ordinance shall without further action on the part of the Council be forfeited; and this ordinance shall become null and void. Sec. 13. That if said Allen C. Mason, his heirs or assigns, shall at any time fail or neglect for a period of ninety days to comply with the conditions of this ordinance, it shall be lawful for the City Council to declare by ordinance the forfeiture of all the rights granted by this ordinance unless such failure or neg- lect shall be the result of or be caused or produced by accident, unusual or extraordinary occurrence, or the elements or the act of God. Sec. 14. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the expiration of three days after the same shall have been first published. Approved August 19, 1887. 9ikS FKANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 188. An ordinance granting to Eandolph F, Kadebaugh and his associates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street rail- way upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. The City ConucU of ihc City of Tacoma does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be, and is hereby granted unto Ran- dolph F. Radebangh and his associates, and their successors and assigns, Avithin the City of Tacoma, upon the streets hereinaftei named, the right to lay down and maintain a single or double iron or steel track with proper sidings, to operate an electric or other street railway thereon ; and also along said streets to erect poles and string wires thereon for the purpose of conducting electricity to operate said railway, viz. : Along Delin Street from Pacific Avenue to Wright Avenue, or so much- thereof as is or may hereafter be dedicated to public use ; " G ' ^ Street from Wright Avenue southward to the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma; across all streets and alleys lying be- tween Delin and "G" Streets on the one side, and Adams Street and the section line between Sections 8 and 9, Township 20 North, Range 3 East, of the Willamette Meridian, on the other side; South Twenty-ninth Street from Pacific Avenue to Delin Street; Adams Street from Delin Street to South Twenty-ninth Street; provided that nothing in this section shall be so con- strued as to permit the said Randolph F. Radebaugh and his associates, their successors and assigns, to erect poles or other supports upon any street, avenue or alley, for the purpose of. using electricity as a motive power outside of a line fourteen inches from the outer line of sidewalk or sidewalks. Sec. 2. The construction of said railway on Delin Street shall begin within four months from the date this ordinance takes effect and shall be completed and in operation within twelve months from said date. Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway, no street shall be obstructed at any one place for a greater length than three blocks at any one time, nor for a longer period than fifteen working days, except the Council may, at its discretion, extend the time aforesaid. The tracks of said rail- way shall, upon the grade of said streets, when the same are established and graded, be so laid that they shall not be elevated : above the surface of the street and so that conveyances and other vehicles may cross the same Avith the least possible obstruction, and so that they shall in no wise interfere with the sewer, gas and water pipes, upon the line of said railway. I FRANCHISES. 969 Sec. 4. The cars to be used shall be of the most approved construction, provided with brakes and other necessary ap- pliances, and the rails shall be of good iron or steel and of the most approved pattern, and no locomotive or engine propelled by steam shall ever be used upon said line of railway, or any part thereof, except by consent of the City Council first ob- tained. Sec. 5. The owners or lessees of said railway shall, when directed so to do by the City, for the whole width of said rail- way between the rails, and for the width of two feet outside of said rails, plank, pave or macadamize that portion of the streets or avenues along or over which the said railway shall be laid, and shall maintain the same. Sec. 6. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning the cars and may require cars to be run two round trips each day on all completed portions of said railway after one mile thereof is completed. No car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain upon any street intersection. The fare upon said railway over the whole, or any part thereof, shall not ex- ceed five cents for each passenger, including ordinary personal hand baggage. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the- owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five or more than tM^enty-five dollars for every offense, upon conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction. Sec. 7. The Council reserves to itself the right at any time after three years from the beginning of the operation of said railway to impose a reasonable license fee, to be charged on the business of said raihvay, which shall not be less than one, or more than two, per cent, on the gross earnings of said railway. Sec. 8. The said E. F. Kadenbaugh, and his associates, shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges con- ferred by this ordinance unless they shall, within thirty days after the passage thereof, file in the office of the City Clerk the written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. Sec. 9. A failure on the part of the said R. F. Radebaugh and his associates, or their successors and assigns, to comply with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the beginning, con- struction and operation of said railway, at the times and in the manner hereinbefore designated and provided, shall, at the option of the Council, work a forfeiture of the rights and privi- leges hereby conferred. 970 FRANCHISES. Sec. 10. .Xotliiim- in this ordinance, nor any privileges ^'ranted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadam- izing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions, but all such work shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails so as to avoid, as much as possible, the lia- bility to obstitiction during the progress of street repairing, im- proving or altering. Approved February 8. 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 203. An ordinance granting to George F. Orchard and his associates, their suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street rail- way upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma. The City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto George F. Orchard, his associates, successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain upon the streets hereinafter named in the City of Tacoma a single or double iron or steel track with proper sidings, and to operate the same by the most approved cable or electric system ; and if operated by electricity the right is hereby granted to the said George F. Orchard, hisr associates, successors and assigns, to erect poles and string wires thereon for the purpose of conducting electricity, or to conduct the same under ground and make the necessary excavations therefor, or if operated by the system knoAvn as the "caible sys- tem," to make the necessary excavations in said streets. The streets over and upon which said railway is to be constructed and operated are as follows, viz: Eleventh Street from Pacific Avenue westerly to "K" Street; from thence over "K" Street to Thirteenth Street ; from thence on Thirteenth Street to Pacific Avenue; provided that nothing in this section shall be so con- strued as to permit the said George F. Orchard and his associ- ates, their successors and assigns, to erect poles or other supports upon any street, avenue or alley, for the purpose of using elec- tricity as a motive power, outside of a line fourteen inches from the outer line of sidewalk or sidewalks. Sec. 2. The construction of said railway on Eleventh Street shall begin within four months from the date this ordi- nance takes effect, and shall be completed within twelve months FRANCHISES. 971 from said date; and that the entire system shall be completed within twenty-four months from said date; provided, however, that nothing herein shall compel said railroad company to begin work upon said railroad, nor any rights hereby granted them be forfeited by the failure of the City to grade the streets over which this franchise is granted. Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway, no street shall be obstructed at any one place for a greater length than three blocks at any one time, nor for a longer period than thirty days, except the Council may at its discretion extend the time aforesaid. The tracks of said railway shall be laid to conform to the established grades of the streets on which they are constructed. The grade line to be obtained from the Street Committee of the City Council before the work shall be commenced, and be so laid that they shall not be elevated above the surface of the streets, and so that conveyances and other vehicles may cross the same with the least possible obstruction, and so that they shall in no wise interfere with the sewer, gas and water pipes upon the said line of railway. Sec. 4. The cars to be used shall be of the most approved construction, provided with the most approved brakes and other necessary appliances to be approved by the City Council, and the rails shall be of good iron or steel and of the most approved street rail pattern to be approved by the City Council, and no locomotive or engine propelled by steam shall ever be used upon said line of railway or any part thereof, except by consent of th.^ City Council first obtained. Sec. 5. The owners or lessees of said railway, when directed so to do by the City, for the whole width of said railway be- tween the rails, and for the width of two feet outside of each rail, shall plank, pave or macadamize, as directed by the City Council, that portion of the streets or avenues along or over which the said railway shall be laid, and shall maintain the same. Sec. 6. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning the cars, and may require cars to be run ten round trips each day on all completed portions of said railway after the same is completed from Pacific Avenue to "K" Street. No car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain upon any street inter- section. The fare upon said railwt^y over the whole or any part thereof shall not exceed five cents for each passenger, including ordinary personal hand baggage. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said railway to a fine -of not less than five or more than twenty-five dollars for every 972 FEANCHISES. offense, upon conviction thereof before any court having juris- diction. Sec. 7. The Council reserves to itself the right at any time after three years from the beginning of the operation of said railway to impose a reasonable license fee to be charged on the business of said railway, which shall not be less than one nor more than three per cent, on the gross earnings of said railway. Sec. 8. The said George F. Orchard and his associates shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall within thirty days after the passage thereof file in the office of the City Clerk the written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. Sec. 9. A failure on the part of the said George F. Orchard and his associates, or their successors and assigns, to comply with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the beginning, construction and operation of said railway at the time and in the manner hereinbefore designated and provided, shall, at the op- tion of the Council, work a forfeiture of the rights and privileges hereby conferred. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance, nor any privilege granted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the municipal au- thorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadam- izing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions; but all such work shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of rais- ing or shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. The construction of said railway shall be under the supervision of the Committee on Streets and Public Property, who shall see that the provisions of this ordinance re- lating to the construction and appliances are complied with. Sec. 11. This franchise shall not be considered as prevent- ing the right of any other street railway company, holding a franchise from the City, from crossing the line or lines of this road with another road, provided the same shall be done at same level, and upon the most approved plan of crossing. Sec. 12. This ordinance shall take effect three days after its passage and publication and acceptance by the company, and be- in force for the period of fifty years thereafter. Approved June 5, 1888. FRAXCHISES. 973 ORDINANCE NO. 216. An ordinance granting to the St. Paul and Taeoma Lumber Company the right and privilege to construct and maintain -nater pipe lines through, under, over, across and along certain streets in the City of Taeoma. Whereas, The St. Paul and Taeoma Lumber Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Washing- ton Territory, has made application to the corporate authorities of the City of Taeoma for the right and privilege of constructing and maintaining water pipe lines through, over, across and along- certain streets in the City of Taeoma, through which to conduct water to the premises recently purchased by it, upon which it is now constructing a saw mill ; now, therefore. The City Council of ilie City of Taeoma does orclain as follows: Section 1. That the St. Paul and Taeoma Lumber Com- pany, its successors and assigns, are hereby granted the right and privilege to construct, repair and maintain such water pipe lines as they may require through, over, across and along the following named streets in the City of Taeoma, Washington Territory: East "M" Street from Wright Avenue to South Twenty-ninth Street; South Twenty-ninth Street from East "'M" Street to East "L" Street; East "L" Street from South Twenty-ninth S'treet to South Twenty-sixth Street; South Twenty-ninth Street from East ''H" Street to East "J" Street: South Twentj'-eighth Street from East "H" Street to East "J" Street; East "J" Street from South Twenty-ninth Street to South Twenty-seventh Street; South Twenty-seventh Street from East "J" Street to East "L" Street; South Twenty-sixth Street from East "K" Street to East "L" Street; East "K" Street from South Twenty-seventh Street to the northerly limit thereof, and to connect the same with any reservoirs or supplies of water along the line of said streets which the said company may now own, or which it, or its successors or assigns, may hereafter acquire. Sec. 2. That in laying, constructing or repairing said pipe lines, and in all work done about the same, the said St. Paul and Taeoma Lumber Company, its successors or assigns, shall, at the time said work is done, and to the satisfaction of the officers of said City having charge and supervision of the public high- ways thereof, observe the requirements of the general ordinances of the City of Taeoma, prescribing the manner in which exca- vations and work of like kind in the public highways of said City shall be done. 074 FRANCHISES. Sec. 3. "Whenever the establishment of grades, drains, .sewers or other necessary City improvements shall render neces- sary the moving of the said water pipes, the St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company, its successors or assigns, shall, at its or their (\\pense, upon five days' written notice given to it or them by the proper City officers, move the said water pipes so that the same shall not interfei'e Avith such city improvements; and upon its or their failure so to do, then the said City officers may move the same, in which event neither the City nor its officers shall be liable to the St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company, its suc- cessors or assigns, for damages arising from such removal. Approved September 4, 1888. ORDINANCE NO. 237. An ordinance granting to Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt, Jr., and James M. Ashton, and their associates, suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway or railways upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington Territory. The City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordain, as follows: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto Henry Villard, Paul Schulze, J. H. Cummings, Henry Hewitt, Jr., and James M. Ashton and their associates, successors and assigns, the right to lay down, construct and equip, maintain and operate, a single or double iron or steel track of street railway, with switches, turnouts, side tracks and other appliances neces- sary for the operation of the same, on, along, over and across the streets, avenues and highways in the City of Tacoma herein- after mentioned, to-wit : Upon all streets, avenues and highways mentioned in Ordinance No. 152, entitled, "An ordinance grant- ing to Nelson Bennett and his associates, their successors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma." Also from the intersection of Pacific Avenue .with South Twenty-sixth Street, easterly on South Twenty-sixth Street to East "F" Street; thence northerly upon East "F" Street to Puyallup Avenue; * * * ^^^ upon South Thirty-sixth Street; also on Division Avenue from the point where it intersects Yakima Avenue, southwesterly along said Division Avenue to "K" Street; * * * Baker Street; * * * South Sixth Street; also on Second Street in the First Ward west to Carr Street in said ward; * * * "K" Street from its intersection with Division Avenue southerly to Center Street; * * * "A" Street from South Eleventh Street to South FRANCHISES. 975 Fourteenth Street ; * * * " E " Street from its junction with Jefferson Street to South Twenty-seventh Street ; thence Avest on South Twenty-seventh Street to its intersection with Yakima Avenue; * * * South Eleventh * * * Street, as it now exists or may be hereafter extended from "A" Street west to "0" Street;' * * * South Thirteenth Street from "A" Street to "K" Street; Starr Street in the First Ward from its northern terminus to a junction with North "G" Street; South Fourteenth Street from "A" Street to Pacific Avenue and South Twenty-fifth Street; * * * provided, hoAvever. that within twelve months after the passage and approval of this ordinance the said persons, and their asso- ciates, successors and assigns, shall file with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma, a written or printed notice designating and selecting four (4) of the eight (8) streets hereinbefore named and referred to as South Seventh, South Ninth, South Eleventh, South Thirteenth, * * * and South Twenty-fifth Streets, upon which they elect to construct, operate and main- tain street railways in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and thereupon all rights and privileges to use any of said eight streets, other than the four so selected for any of the purposes mentioned in this ordinance, shall absolutely cease and terminate, it being the intention of this ordinance to grant the rights and privileges in this ordinance named, on but four of said eight streets, and to allow the said persons, their successors or assigns, to make selection thereof. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1045.) Sec. 2. There is further granted to the said persons, their associates, successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain on, along and over the streets, avenues and highways hereinbefore mentioned and referred to, any road-bed tunnels, poles, wires and all other appliances necessary for the purpose of running or operating a cable or electric line of railway, and conducting power to operate any railway or railways constructed on said streets, avenues and highways, whether such power be conducted by means of cable, electricity or other motive power; provided that no locomotive or engine propelled by steam shall ever be used upon any of said several lines of railway or any part thereof, except by consent of the City Council first obtained; furthermore, that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to permit the said grantees, their successors and assigns, to erect poles or other supports or obstructions upon any street, avenue or alley, for the purpose of using electricity as a motive power out- 1)7(5 FRANCHISES. side of a line fourteen inches from the outer line of sidewalk or sidewalks. Sec. 3. The construction of said lines of railway shall be commenced within three months from the date that said Ordi- nance No. 237 took effect, and at least two miles of said railway system, in addition to that completed and in operation at the date Ordinance No. 237 took effect, shall be completed within one year from said date, and not less than one mile of said railway system shall be completed and in operation each year after said one year for six consecutive years; provided that any excess of mileage built in any one year over the mile required to be built shall apply uj^on the mileage required for the succeed- ing years, except the lines hereinafter provided to be built, and provided further that this ordinance is granted upon the express condition that the Tacoma Kailway & IMotor Company shall, within ten days after the approval of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk a written acceptance of the same, and an elec- tion of the four streets of the agreed streets described in Ordi- nance No. 237 as South Seventh, South Ninth, South Eleventh, South Thirteenth, South Fifteenth, South Seventeenth, South Twenty -first and South Twenty-fifth Streets, they elect to take under the terms of said ordinance, and a release of all claims to the remaining four of the streets aforesaid; and provided fur- ther, that the Tacoma Eailway & Motor Company, its succes- .sors and assigns, shall within six months after the approval of this ordinance, build from Pacific Avenue directly up one of the four streets so elected a double track cable or electric street railway, as far west as *'K" Street, and operate the same suc- cessfully and safely, giving full and complete service thereon, and shall each year for three successive years after October 1, 1890, build from Pacific Avenue directly up one of the four streets of said four streets so selected a double track cable or electric street railway as far west as "K" Street, and operate the same successfully and safely, giving full and complete ser- vice thereon, and within one year from the passage of this ordi- nance, build and operate six miles of electric or cable railway in addition to that already constructed and on streets over which no lines are now constructed, and shall in addition within six months from the passage of this ordinance build, equip and operate an electric street railway on Tacoma Avenue from its intersection with Division Avenue to South Twenty-seventh Street; and provided further, that if said Tacoma Railway & Motor Company fails to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance, then said company shall be subject to all the provi- FRANCHISES. 977 sions and conditions in the said Ordinance Nos. 237 and 278, as aforesaid; and the City Council reserves the right to forfeit all the rights, franchises and privileges herein granted. ' (As amended by Ordinance No. 313.) * Sec. 4. For the purpose of constructing or repairing said railways, no street shall be obstructed for a longer period than thirty (30) working days; provided, however, that the City Council may, in its discretion, extend the time; and the tracks of said railway .shall be so laid that carriages and other vehicles ; can with the least obstruction possible cross the same, and nothing . in this ordinance nor in any of the privileges granted hereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over and along which the privi- lege of constructing and maintaining a railway is granted by this ordinance, but all such work .shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the pas.sage of cars, and the owner .or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails, or otherwise changing the roadbed and ap- pliances of said railway so as to avoid as much as possible lia- I bility to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, im- I proving or altering. Sec. 5. The tracks of said railway shall be laid upon the uniform and official grade of the streets, avenues and highways (aforesaid wherever the same are established and graded by the nnuiicipal authorities, and the space between the rails of said i railway shall be planked, macadamized or otherwise paved, and ;• the owner or owners of said railway shall maintain the said planking or paving so constructed, whenever the same shall be required, in good repair the entire length of said railway, and whenever it becomes necessary for the lines of said railway to cross any stream, ravine or railway track, within the City of Tacoma, the grantees herein, and their associates, their succes- sors and assigns, are hereby granted the right to make such crossing by means of elevated structures, bridges, cuts and ' underground crossings or tunnels, the same to be constructed, made, erected or driven, in accordance with specifications to be approved by the City Council. Sec. 6. In the event of the construction or operation of said railways being prevented or interrupted by the action of the elements or other action beyond the control uf man, the period of such interruption, or during the time the construction or operation of the same is prevented iCs FRA^^CHISES. ;is iii'<»rt's;ii(l. shall not. be coiisidored in the time hereinbefore mentioned, but the time of all sueh delay and interruption shall be exi)ressly excepted and deducted from the time hereinbefore specified, within which certain parts of said railway must be constructed and in operation. Sec. 7. The equipment of said railways and all appliances used in the operation thereof shall be first-class in every par- ticular, and the rails shall be a flat rail or combination rail, and all materials used in the construction of said railways shall be of the best quality and of the most approved pattern and de- vice, and no "T" rail shall hereafter be laid on any part of said line or lines except by consent of the City Council first obtained. Sec. 8. The tracks of said railway system shall be laid upon the streets, avenues and highways aforesaid, so as not to inter- fere with the sewer, gas and water pipes, and it shall be the duty of the Committee on Streets and Public Property or of such person or persons as the City . Council may designate, to see that in the construction of said railways the provisions of this ordinance are observed and carried out. The aforesaid grantees herein, and their associates, shall be deemed to have abandoned all the rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall, within thirty days after the passage hereof, file in the office of the City Clerk a written acceptance of the privileges hereby conferred, sub.ject to the conditions and terms herein contained. Sec. \). The failure on the part of said grantees, and their associates, or their successors and assigns, to comply with the provisions of this oi-dinance, requiring the commencement and com{)leti()n of the construction and operation of said railways and portions of the same at the times and in the manner herein- before designated and provided, shall, at the option of the Coun- cil, work a forfeiture of the rights and privileges hereby con- fei-i-ed : provided, however, that when a track is laid and put in operation on any of the streets, avenues or highways herein- . before mentioned or referred to, the rights and privileges hereby 9 granted on such streets, avenues or highways, and also on all sti-t-ets, avenues and highways where a street railway is now being operated, shall be exclusive so long as a railway shall hv maintained and operated thereon in such manner as to furnish reasonable and proper accommodation to the public. Sec. 10. The Council reserves to itself the right at any time after five years from the time this ordinance takes efit'ect, to im- pose a reasonable license upon said railway and its business, 1 FRAXCHISES. 979 provided the license fee to be charged shall not exceed one (1) per cent, each year for a period of five (5) years on the gross earnings of said railway or railways. After ten (10) years from the date this ordinance takes efit'ect a license of two (2) per cent. each year of ihe gross earnings of said railway or railways may be imposed. Sec. 11. The fare upon said railway or railways shall not exceed five cents for one continuous trip one way over the line of said railway for each passenger, including ordinary personal hand baggage. Sec. 12. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning the cars and may require cars to be run at such time and as often as may l)e necessary for the accommodation of the general public. Sec. 13. All rights and privileges hereby conferred shall expire at the end of fifty (50) years from the date this ordinance shall take efi'ect ; provided, however, that the rights and privileges in this ordinance granted shall terminate at the option of the City Council of said City at the expiration of twentj^ (20) years from the date this ordinance takes effect, upon all streets, avenues and highways and upon any part thereof upon which railways are not then completed and in operation. Approved April 26th. 1889. • ORDINANCE NO. 210. An ordinauce granting to Randolph F. Radebaugh, his associates, suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets, avenues and alleys in the City of Tacoma. The City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordai)i as follotvs: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto Ran- dolpli F. Radebaugh, his associates, successors and assigns, within the City of Tacoma, upon the streets hereinafter named, the right to lay down and maintain a single or double iron or steel track with proper sidings to operate a street railway there- n, viz: From the junction of Delin and "C" Streets north in said "C" Street to Adams Street; thence along said Adams Street to Railroad Street ; thence along Railroad Street to South .Ninth Street. Sec. 2. The construction of said raihvay on Delin Street shall begin within four months from the date this ordinance takes effect, and the said railway shall be completed and in operation within twelve months from said date. Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down or repairing such railway, no street shall be obstructed at any one place for a i, f «)80 FRANCHISES. i,'jvati'r lonjitli than tliree blocks at any one time, nor for a lonper peciod than tifteen working; days, except the Council may, at its disci'etion. extend the time aforesaid. The tracks of said i-ailway sliall. upon the grade of said streets when the same arc established and fjraded, be so laid that they shall not be^ elevated above the surface of the streets and so that conveyances and othei- vehicles may cross the same with the least possible obstruction, and so that they shall in no wise interfere with the sewer, gas and Avater pipes upon the line of said railway. Sec. 4. The cars to be used shall be of the most approved const ructi'on, provided with brakes and other necessary appli- ances, and the rails shall be of good iron or steel to be approved by the City Council, and of the most approved pattern, and no locomotive or engine propelled by steam shall ever be used upon said line of railway or any part thereof except by consent of the City Council first obtained. Sec. 5. The owners or lessees of said railway shall, when di- I'ected so to do by the City, for the whole width of said railway be- tween the rails, plank, pave or macadamize that portion of the streets or avenues along or over which the said railway shall be laid, and shall maintain the same. Sec. 6. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning the cars and may require cars to be run twelve round trips each day on all completed portions of said railway after one mile thereof is completed. No car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain upon any street intersection. The fare upon said railway over the whole or any part thereof shall not ex- ceed five cents for each passenger, including ordinary personal hand baggage. And the said Radebaugh and his associates, tluMr successors and assigns, in operating a railroad under this franchise shall receive and collect as fares in lieu of money such transfer tickets issued by the Tacoma & Fern Hill Street Rail- road Company as may be presented by passengers, upon the condition that the transfer tickets issued by said Radebaugh and his a.ssociates, their successors and assigns, shall in like manner be honored and received and collected as fares in lieu of money on the cars of the Tacoma & Fern Hill Street Railroad Company: provided that the said Tacoma & Fern Hill Street Railroad Company accept the conditions hereof in regard to fares. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five or more than twenty-five dolhirs for every offense, upon conviction there- < f before any court bavins' jurisdiction. FEAXCHISES. 981 Sec. 7. The Council reserves to itself the right, at any time after three years from the beginning of the operation of said railway, to impose a reasonable license fee to be charged on the business of said railway, which shall not be less than 1 or more than 2 per cent, on the gross earnings of said railway. Sec. 8. The said Randolph F. Radebaugh, his associates, successors and assigns, shall be deemed to have abandoned ali rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall, within thirty days after the passage thereof, file in the oflfice of the City Clerk the written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred subject to the terms and conditions herein contained. Sec. 9. A failure on the part of the said Randolph F. Rade- baugh, his associates, successors and assigns, to compty with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the beginning, construc- tion and operation of said railway, at the time and in the man- ner hereinbefore designated and provided, shall, at the option of the Council, work a forfeiture of the rights and privileges hereby conferred. Sec. 10. Nothing in this ordinance, nor any privileges granted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the municipal au- thorities from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadam- izing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions ; but all such work shall be done so as to oif er as lit- tle obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the owner or owners of the railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering. Approved May 10, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 262. An ordinance granting Horatio C. Clement and his associates, their suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct a street railway upon cer- tain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Washington Territory. The City Council of the City of Tacoma does ordain as folloivs: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto Hora- tio C. Clement, and his associates, their successors and assigns, within the City of Tacoma, upon the streets and avenues herein- after named, the right to lay down and maintain « single or double iron or steel track, with proper sidings, and to operate f)SL' FBANCHISES. ail t.']i'c'ti'ic or other motive power street railway thereon for the pe- riod of fifty years from the date hereof ; and also along said streets when necessary, to erect poles and string wires thereon for the l)iirpose of conducting electricity to operate said railroad. Com- mencing on Twenty-seventh Street at its intersection wath Yakima Avenue; thence westerly on said Twenty-seventh Street to "I" Street; thence southerly on "I" Street to Center Street; thence westerly on Center Street to the City limits; thence southerly on Walnut Street to its intersection with Montgomery Street. Also on Nprth Street from its intersection with Yakima Avenue and westerly to "I" Street. When either North Street or Twenty-seventh Streets are built upon, the franchise upon the others becomes void. Provided: That nothing in this section shall be so con- strued as to prevent the said Horatio C. Clement, his associates, their successors and assigns, from erecting said poles or other structures upon said streets or avenues for the purpose of using electricity as a motive power for the operation of said road, out- side of a line fourteen inches from the outer line of the side- Avalk or sidewalks along said streets or avenues. And no steam motor shall ever be used upon any of the streets or avenues for which this franchise is granted except by consent of the City Council first obtained. Sec. 2. The construction of said railway on said streets shall begin within three months from the date this ordinance takes effect, and the entire road shall be built and in operation within twelve months from said date. Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down or repairing said railway, no street shall be obstructed at any time or place for a greater length than three blocks, nor for a longer period than fifteen working days, except that the City Council may, at its discretion, extend the time aforesaid. The tracks of said rail- way shall, upon graded streets, when the same are graded, be so laid that they shall not be elevated above the surface of the street, so that carriages and other vehicles may pass over and across the same Avith the least possible obstruction, and so that they shall in no ^vay interfere with the use of said streets. Sec. 4. The cars to be used on said railway shall be of the most approved construction, and provided Mith brakes and other, necessary appliances of the most approved construction, and the rails shall be of good iron or steel, and of the most approved pat- tern of girder or flat rail. Sec. 5. The owners and lessors of said railwav shall, when FRANCHISES. 983 so directed by the City Council, either phmk, pave or macadam- ize, as ordered, for the whole width of said railway between the rails, and for a wddth of two feet on each side of said rails, that portion of the streets and avenues over which said railway shall be laid, and shall maintain and keep the same in repair. Sec. 6. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning cars, and may require the cars to be run ten regular trips each day over all completed portions of said railway. No car shall be allowed to stop or remain in the street at the intersection of any streets. And it shall be a part of the conditions of this franchise hereby granted, that the said Horatio C. Clement, his successors or assigns, shall deliver passengers, including ordinary hand baggage, for the sum of five cents each one way, over the en- tire length of this line, and all other lines of rail\\'«y owned or operated by the persons or company owning or operating this line ; and over all lines of railway owned or operated by the Tacoma Street Kailway, its successors or assigns. Any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owners or lessees of said railw^ay to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for every offense, upon conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction. Sec. 7. The CHty Council reserves the right at any time after three years from the beginning of the operation of said railway, to impose a reasonable license fee to be charged, upon the business of said railway within the City limits, which shall not be less than one nor more than two per cent, on the gross earnings of said railway. Sec. 8. The said Horatio C. Clement, his associates, their successors and assigns, shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance, unless they shall within thirty days after the passage hereof file in the office of the City Clerk their written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained, and shall execute to the City of Tacoma a bond in the sum of ten thousand ($10,000) dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of all the provisions or this ordi- nance on their part. Sec. 9. The failure of said Horatio C. Clement, his asso- ciates, their successors and assigns, to comply with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the beginning of construction and operation of said railway at the times and in the manner herein- before designated and provided, shall at the option of the City Council, so declared, be a repeal of this ordinance, and work a forfeiture of the rights and privileges hereby conferred. 1)S4 FRANCHISES. Sec. 10. Notliin«i' in this ordinance, nor in the privileges granted hereby, shall be so construed as to prevent the nnini- eipal authorities from grading-, paving, sewering, planking^ niaeadaniizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets or avenues over which the privilege of constructing sai( railway is granted by this ordinance, and upon which any railway! may be constructed under its provisions, but all such work shall] be done so as to oit'er as little obstruction as possible to the passage of the cars of said railway, and the owners of said raihvay shall have the right and privilege of raising or shifting the rails .so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction, over portions of such streets so being repaired, altered or im- pi'oved. Approved August 5th, 1889. ORDINANCE NO. 263. An orrlinance granting to the Taeoma Central Street Railway Company, their successors, lessees, and assigns, the right to construct, maintain, and operate a street railway or railways upon certain streets and ave- nues in the City of Taeoma, Pierce County, Washington Territory. Tin City Council of ihe City of Taeoma dojps ordain as folloics: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto the "Taeoma Central Street Railway Company," a corporation duly organized under the laws of Washington Territory, its successors, lessees and assigns, the right to lay down, construct and equi]). maintain and operate, a single or double iron or steel track of street railway, with switches, turnouts, side-tracks and other appliances necessary for the operation of the same, on, along, over and across the streets, avenues, alleys and highways- in the City of Taeoma hereinafter mentioned, to-wit : South Sixth Street from "C" Street to Division Avenue; along Division Avenue to Prescott Avenue; thence west on Prescott Avenue to Pine Street ; thence south on Pine Street to * * * Bell *' * * Street, and thence Avest on * * * Bell * * * Street to City limits; provided that when the said corpora- tion, its successors, lessees or assigns, shall have chosen and built on either of the said alternative streets, then the franchise to the street not so chosen and occupied shall lapse to the City of Taeoma. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1040.) Sec. 2. The construction of said line or lines of railway .shall conunence within sixty days from the time this ordinance takes effect, and said railway shall be completed and in opera- FEAXCHISES. 985 tion Avithin one year from the said time of commencement. The franchise of that portion of South Sixth Street not at that time completed and in operation shall lapse to the City of Taeoma. Sec. 3. For the purpose of laying down and repairing such railroad, no street shall be obstructed at any one place for a greater distance than three blocks at any one time, nor for a longer period than fifteen Avorking days, except the City Council may extend the time aforesaid. The track of said railway shall not be elevated above the grade or surface of the street, and shall be so laid that carriages and vehicles can easily and with the least obstruction possible, cross; and nothing in this ordi- nance or any privilege granted hereby shall be construed to prevent the municipal authorities from grading, paving, sewer- ing, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering and repairing any of the streets and alleys over which the privilege of con- structing a railway is granted by this ordinance, nor upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions, but all work shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of cars, and the OAvner or lessees of the raihvay shall have the privilege of raising, loAvering or shifting the track so as to avoid as much as possible the liability of obstruction during the progress of said repairing, improving or altering. Sec. 4. The cars to be used shall be of the most approved construction, proA'ided AA'ith brakes and other necessary appli- ances, and the rails used shall be of the most approved girder pattern and of good iron or steel, and if any other style of rails is used, the consent of the City Council nuist be first obtained; and the motive poAver to be used shall be cable, electricity, horse or other poAA'er. Sec. 5. The oAAiiers of said railway shall pave or macadam- ize that portion of the street or aA^enue along or over AAhich said railAA'ay shall be laid, the Avhole AAddth of said railAA'ay betAA'een the rails, and one foot outside the rails, at such time and of such material as the City may paA'e or macadamize its portion of said streets. The rails on the main line curves, turnouts and points of intersection shall be laid in such a manner as to least incon- venience the public in the use of said streets. The City Council may regulate the speed for running said cars or may require the cars to be run on all completed lines of said raihvay ten times each day, and no car shall be alloAved at any time to stop or remain on the intersection of streets, and arfV violation of this section shall subject the OAsmer of said railroad to a fine of not more than one hundred nor less than ten dollars for each offense, upon conviction thereof before any court having jurisdiction thereof. .q^G FRANCHISES. Sec. 6. The fare shall not exceed five cents for each passen- ger for one continuous trip one way with ordinary personal hand baf^gaire handled and carried by himself. Provided that should said Central Street Kailway be operated under lease, assignment or sale by the Tacoma Street Railway Company, or its assigns. then one fare of five cents shall pay one way over the lines of both said street railways. The track of said railroad shall be laid so as not to unnecessarily interfere with the scAver, gas or water pipes as now laid upon the established grade of the streets. Sec. 7.' The City reserves to itself the right at any time after three years from the commencement of the operation of said railway to impose a reasonable license to be charged upon the business of said railway, which shall not exceed two per cent, of the gross earnings of said railw^ay. Sec. 8. Any failure on the part of the said Tacoma Central Street Railway Company, its successors, lessees or assigns, to com- ply with the provisions of this ordinance requiring the commence- ment, construction and operation of said railway at the time and in the manner designated and provided, shall at the option of the City Council work a forfeiture of the rights and privileges herein conferred. Sec. 9. All rights and privileges herein conferred shall expire at the end of fifty years from the date this ordinance takes effect ; provided that nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the City Council of the said City of Tacoma from passing all ordinances and resolutions necessary for the protection of the interests of the said City to carry out the spirit and provisions of the foregoing ordinance or fran- chise. Sec. 10. There is hereby granted to the said Tacoma Cen- tral Street Raihvay Company, its successors, lessees and assigns, the right to con.struct on, along, across and over the streets, ave- nues and alleys heretofore mentioned and referred to, any roa^l- bed, turnouts, tunnels, bridges, poles, wires and all other appli- ances necessary for the purpose of running or operating the cable or electric line of railway or railways constructed on said streets, avenues and alleys, whether such powers be conducted by means of cable, electricity or otherwise. Sec. 11. The said Ta(foma Central Street Railway Company, their associates, successors and assigns, shall be deemed to have abandoned all rights and privileges conferred by this ordinance unless they shall within sixty days after the passage hereof, FEANCHISES. 987 file in the office of the City Clerk their written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained, and shall execute to the City of Tacoma a bond in the sum of $10,000 conditioned for the faithful performance of all the provisions of this ordinance on their part. Approved September 14, 1889. OKDINANCE NO. 304. Au ordinance granting to Point Defiance Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a street rail- way or railways upon certain streets, avenues, alleys and highways in the City of Tacoma. (See Ordinance No. 362.) The City ConnciJ of the City of Tacoma does ordain as follows: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Jersey, as the assignee of the Point Defiance Railway Company, and to its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to lay down, construct, maintain and operate a single or double iron or steel track, with proper sidings, and all appurtenances necessary to the operation thereof. upon the streets, avenues, alleys and highways in the City of Tacoma, as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Division Avenue with the northeasterly line of Yakima Avenue, and' run- ning thence southwesterly on Division Avenue to a point on " I " Street ; thence northwesterly on " I " Street to the east line of Buckley 's Addition : thence west on extension of " I " Street, as platted in Buckley's Addition and known as North Twenty- first Street, to the point where Alder Street, extended south, would intersect said North Twenty-first Street so extended; thence north on Alder Street to a point on North Twenty-sixth Street ; thence west on North Twenty-sixth Street to the line of Proctor Street extended, in Section 36, Township 20 North, Range 2 East of the Willamette INIeridian ; thence north on Proctor Street to North Thirty-fourth Street ; thence west on North Thirty-fourth Street to the line of Cheyenne Street, extended ; thence north on Cheyenne Street to North Forty-fifth Street ; thence west on North Forty-fifth Street to west side of Orchard Street. Provided, That said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, shall, within three days after the last publication of this ordinance, accept this ordinance, and the provisions of said Ordinance No. 304 as amended hereby, in ■writing, to be filed with the Citv Clerk. 088 FRANCHISES. And furtlKr provided, That nothiiiii' herein contained shal! ill any way affect the franchise of said Tacoma Railway and Tower Company, as the assio:nee of the Point Defiance Railway Company, npon any portion of the line or lines of railway de- scribed in said orioinal Section 1 of said Ordinance No. 304. This amendment shall not be deemed an abandonment by said Tacoma Railway and Power Company of its right and franchise to construct, maintain and operate street railways upon any por- tion of the streets described in said Ordinance No. 304, except as is hereinafter provided ; but as a part consideration for this amend- ment, the said Tacoma Raihvay and Power Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall, and by their acceptance of this ordi- nance they, and each of them, agree that as soon as their line of railway is constructed and in operation upon the new line designated, they will abandon and surrender all their right and franchise upon the following' described route and respective streets and highways mentioned, to-wit : Washington Avenue from the point where it intersects the north line of Section 30, Township 20 North, Range 2 East, to the center of North Thirty- first Street (formerly First Street) ; and North Thirty-first Street from the center of AVashington Avenue where it intersects North Thirty-first Street to the east line of Proctor Avenue. Also from the intereection of Mason Avenue and North Thirty-fourth Street (formerly "C" Street), north on Mason Avenue to North Thirty-fiftli Street, and west on North Thirty-fifth Street to Cheyenne Street. And the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall, and by their acceptance of this ordi- nance they do, agree to remove their track and ties and restore that portion of the streets and highways along the route last above described, heretofore occupied by said Tacoma Raihvay and lV)wer Company and its predecessors, to as good a condition for public travel as other jjortions of said streets and highways are, and to a uniform level and grade corresponding therewith; and will remove all obstructions placed by said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, or its predecessors, upon said last mentioned streets and highways; and that such removal of obstructions and restoration of said streets and highways shall be made and done immediately after the said new line is constructed and in operation. And the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its suc- ce.s.sors and assigns, further agree, by the acceptance of the fran- chise hereby granted, that in constructing and laying the new FEAXCHISES. 9S9 line of railway provided for in this ordinance, they and each of them, shall, where they excavate or dio- up any portion of any street, restore the same to as good condition as it was before, and make the same passable. (As amended by Ordinance No. 1398.) Sec. 2. Beginning on Railroad Street at the point of inter- section of the southerly line of South Ninth Street and running thence northerly on Railroad Street to Clitf Avenue; thence northerly on Cliff Avenue to "E" Street; thence northwesterly (in "E'' Street to a point on North Second Street, and thence southwesterly on North Second Street to a point on "I" Street; l>rovided that (after Cliff Avenue, from Railroad Street to "E" Street, shall have been graded to the official grade) the City Council may by resolution require said company, its successors e operation of said railway to impose a license fee to be charged on the business of said railway, which shall not be less than one or more than two per cent, of the gross earnings of said railway. Sec. 11. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the City Council of the City of Tacoma from passing all ordinances and resolutions necessary for the protection of the interests of the City, and to carry out the spirit and pro- visions or this ordinance or franchise; or for granting to any other street railways the right to cross the tracks of the line or lines of any railway or railways constructed under this ordi- nance at the same grade. Sec. 12. A failure of the said Point Defiance Railway Com- pany, its successors or assigns, to construct any portion of said line or lines of railway within the time herein specified shall to the extent only of such unconstructed portion of said line or lines of railway work a forfeiture on the rights and privileges herein granted. Sec. 13. The City Council may regulate the speed for run- ning the cars and may require cars to be run at such time and as often as may be necessary for the accommodation of the general public. ;i9L' FRANCHISES. Sec. 14. Tliis ordinance shall continue in force for the period of fifty years fi-oni tlie date when the same shall take effect. Sec. 15, Ordinance No. 230 is hereby repealed. Approved February 3, 1890. ORDINANCE NO. 315. An ordinance granting to the Taooma Mill Company the right and privi- lege to construct and maintain water pipe lines through, under, over, across and along certain streets in the City of Taeoma. Wherea's, The Tacoraa Mill Company, a corporation, or- ganized and existino- under the laws of "California and author- ized to do business" under the laws of AVashinerate a spur track of its railway across South Twenty-first Stivrt and along a portion of Winthrop Avenue in thp City of Tacoma. lir it ordaiitfd by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted unto th ■ Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, for the period of twenty-five years, the right to lay down, con- struet, maintain and operate a spur track of its railway across South Twenty-first Street in the City of Tacoma, on a line (ex- tending from the double track of said Northern Pacific Railw;i,\ Company, near the northwest corner of Dock and South Twenty- first Streets, in a southeasterly direction, across said South Twenty-first Street and along Winthrop Avenue to the west line of P.ln.-k Fifty-seven (57) of Tacoma Tide Lands. FRANCHISES. 1027 Sec. 2. The said grantee, or its assigns, shall construct said track of railway so as to conform to the grade of the street at pi'i'sent existing, and shall fill in between the rails and on the out- side of said rails with suitable material, so that the said track shall not obstruct travel or the passage of vehicles over the same in the said streets, and shall, when directed by the City Council, pave (1)' macadamize that portion of said streets along or over which the said railway track shall be laid, and over the whole width be- tween the tracks thereof, and for a width of two feet outside of said rails, to at least the same extent, in the same manner and of the same material as the City shall pave or macadamize the same streets. And the said grantee, or its assigns, shall maintain the said street in like manner and condition at all times during the continuance of this franchise. Sec. 3. The said grantee, or its assigns, shall not allow, at any time, any car to stop or remain on the intersection of said streets for a longer period than five minutes. And any violation of this section shall subject the owner or owners of said railway, oi- the lessee or lessees thereof, to a fine of not less than five dol- lars ($5) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25) for each of- fense, upon conviction thereof before any court having juris- diction. Sec. -4. If the said grantee, or its assigns, shall violate or fail to comply with any of the terms, provisions or obligations of this grant, upon its part, for ninety (90) days after notice from the Connnissioner of Public Works, then the said grantee, and its assigns, shall forfeit all rights herein contained, and this grant may be revoked and annulled by the City Council. Approved October 7, 1898. ORDINANCE NO. 1450. An ordinance providing for the opening of Dock Street, and to aid such opening by vacating twenty feet of the east side of said Dock Street between South Eleventh Street and the north line of lot twelve (12) in block sixty-six (66) in the City of Tacoma, and by vacating that portion of South Ninth Street lying between the City Water "Way and said Dock Street, all as the same is platted on the Tide Land Plat of the City of Tacoma; and granting a franchise for a double track railway upon said Dock Street, upon certain terms and for cer- tain considerations. (The franchise referred to in above title is granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and the Ordinance is print- ed in full at Page 699 of this Volume.) 1028 FKANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 1494. Au ordinance granting the Northern Pacific Eailway Company the right to lay, maintain and operate a spur track across Fife Street and North Thirty-second Street, in the City of Tacoma. Be if ordained ly the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain and operate a single line of railroad track, to be oper- ated by steam, with all necessary appliances pertaining thereto, upon, over, along and across the streets in the City of Tacoma- hereinafter described, to-wit: Entering Fife Street (formerly called AVhite Street) near the northwest corner of Block 2, thence extending in a northwesterly direction along and across said Fife Street and North Thirty-second Street to the south line of Block "D," a distance of two hundred and thirty (230) feet, more or less. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall remain in force for a term of twenty-five (25) years, or such portion of said time as the afore^ said track shall be maintained and operated by said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors or assigns. Sec. 3. The City Council reserves the right to amend or i-epeal this ordinance at any time after two years from the pass- age hereof. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved September 14, 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1514. An ordinance granting to Tacoma Eailway and Power Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, a franchise to build, maintain and operate an electric railway upon certain public highways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington. Be it ordmned hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and are hereby granted to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and as- signs, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single track electric railway line with necessary switches, turnouts, connections and other appliances for the operation of the same, on, along, over and across the streets, alleys and highways in the City of Ta- coma, described as follows, to-wit: South Twenty-seventh Street from the junction of said FEAXCHISES. 1029 >in\th. Twenty-seventh Street with DeLin Street, easterly thereon () the center of Pacific Avenue; Also across South "E" Street from a point near the jimc- lion of South "E" Street with DeLin Street and extending asterly therefrom along and through the alley between Block X.). 7908 and Block No. 8007, to South "D" Street, in the Ta- n;iia Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma ; said alley u be used for the purpose of maintaining thereon a safety spur. Sec. 2. The construction of said lines of railway on said part of South Twenty-seventh Street and sdid alley shall be com- inenced within sixt.y days from the date of the approval of this :)rdinance, and shall be completed within sixty days after a com- plete right-of-way over any private property which it may be necessary to use, has been obtained ; but such time of comple- tion shall not in any event be later than one year from said date. For the purpose of constructing or repairing the railway track along the lines mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance, no street or alley shall be disturbed for a period longer than thirtj^ working days; provided, however, that the City Coun- cil may at its discretion extend the time. The tracks shall be laid upon the established grade of said street and alley and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or surface of the street, so that car- riages or other vehicles can pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience. At street and alley intersections the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall plank or pave between the rails and to the end of the ties, so as to afford suitable cross- ings for teams, and if plank is used, the plank shall be laid at right angles to the rails, between the rails, and parallel thereto on the outside of the rails; and M'henever and wherever any of said street or alley shall be planked or macadamized by the City of Tacoma, the grantee, its successors or assigns, shall to the same extent pave, plank or macadamize, between its rails and for one foot on each side thereof, with the same material, or if Qot with the same material, then with other material to be ap- proved by the Commissioner of Public Works, and within sixty days after the said paving, planking or macadamizing has been (completed by the City of Tacoma ; and the grantee shall main- tain its planking, paving or macadamizing in good repair during the life of this franchise; and whenever and wherever planking shall be used, the plank shall be laid on a level Avith the tops of the rails of said track, and between the rails such planking shall be laid at right angles to the rails, and outside of the rails parallel thereto. 1030 FRANCHISES. Sec. 3. The said tirantee, its successors and assigns, slial liave the right to erect and maintain the necessary poles anc wires for the proper operation of said electric railway, sale poles shall be placed as nearly as practicable on the outer side walk lines of said street and alley, and set so as to interfere as little as possible wdth the use of said street and alley. Sec. 4. In case the said grantee shall for a period of thir ty days fail to operate any portion of the railway wdiich it shall construct under this ordinance, then, to the extent that the samt is not operated, the, rights, privileges, grants and franchises given and granted by this ordinance shall be and become null and void, and of no effect whatever, without any resolution, ordi-i nance or any action whatsoever on the part of the City Govern- ment of the City of Tacoma ; provided, however, acts of the ele- ments and causes over which said grantee, its successors or as- signs, shall have no control, shall not operate to annul or repeal this ordinance. It is understood that the safety spur to be constructed on the alley named in Section 1 of this ordinance, is not to be oper ated in the regular and ordinary way for general service. Sec. 5. The grantee shall ipay to the City of Tacoma a li cense of one per cent, per annum upon the gross receipts of said railway to be constructed upon the streets named in this fran-; chise. Inasmuch as it is proposed to operate on the street and alley named in this franchise in connection with streets and parts of streets operated on under other franchises, the said license fee shall be calculated and paid upon a mileage basis: and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall annually, on the first Monday of January, make a written statement of its or their gross receipts from passenger traffic under this fran- chise, for the preceding year, which said statement shall be filed with the City Controller, and said City Controller shall be al- lowed access at all reasonable times to the books of said grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of verifying said statement. Sec. 6. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the Tacoma Railway and PoAver Company, its successors and as- signs, and shall run for a period of twenty-five years from the date of its jipproval; provided, however, that the City of Ta- coma shall at any time have the right to appropriate, by pur- chase at a reasonable price, the railway to be constructed under this franchise ; and provided further, that the franchises, privi leges and rights granted by this ordinance shall never W trans ferred or assigned by said grantee to any person, firm or cor [10 FEAXCIIISES. 1031 IxM-ation. except by the consent of the City Government of the I'ity of Taconia, given by ordinance. Sec. 7. This franchise shall be operative after its proper ;il)proval and publication, provided the g-rantee shall in writing; .iceept its terms and provisions within one year after its legal ]>ublication. Approved November 16. 1900. ORDINANCE NO. 1549. lAn ordinance granting the Northern Pacific Kailway Company the right to lay, maintain and operate a spur track across North Thirty-first Street and Carr Street, in the City of Tacoma. Be if ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to ithe Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a single or double track standard gauge iron or steel railway spur, to- gether with the necessary switches and turnouts, across North Thirty-first Street and Carr Street, in the City of Tacoma, on the line hereinafter described, to-wit : Entering North Thirty- first Street near the northeast corner of block seven (7) ; thence extending in a northwesterly direction along and across said North Thirty-first Street and Carr Street, to the east line of I block one (1), a distance of three hundred and ninety (390) feet, more or less, all of said blocks being as designated on ' ' Sup- plementary Map of Tacoma, W. T.," filed in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, February 18, 1874. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said streets to plank between the rails of its or their said spur track or tracks, and to the end of the ties out- side the rails, and for the full distance between the tracks, where double tracks are laid down, at its or their own cost and ex- ipense, and within thirty days after they have been required so to do by a resolution of the City Council of the City of Ta- coma, and to forever maintain and keep in repair said planking during the life of this franchise. And said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and a&signs, do further agree by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said streets to pave between the rails and to the end of the ties outside the rails of said track or tracks, and for the whole space between the tracks, where double tracks are laid down, and to re-pave the same and forever keep and maintain the same in good repair 1032 FRANCHISES. dni-ins' the life of this franchise, at its or their own cost and expense, said paving- to be done within thirty days after the City of Taconia shall have improved said streets by paving. All the planking and paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the re- quirements and directions of the Conmiissioner of Public Works of the City of Taeoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave a.s required by this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said streets are paved by said Cit3^ Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under ihis ordinance shall be construed to prohibit, interfere or delay, the right of said City to enter upon said streets for the pur- pose of any improvement by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, paving, planking or macadamizing, or for laying doM'n and constructing sewers, water pipe, or any other public im- provement, and if it shall be necessarj^, for the purpose of any public work or improvement in said streets or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track or tracks of said grantee, its successors and assigns, said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agree so to do at its or their own cost and expense. All the portions of said North Thirty-first Street and Carr Street, over which a franchise is hereby granted to lay, main- tain and operate a spur track, shall be kept open so as to allow free and uninterrupted public travel thereon, and no portion of the track or tracks herein permitted to be laid at any street | crossing shall be used as a dead track, whereon cars are allowed to stand that Mill in any way interfere with public travel. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of the franchise herein granted, and by the use of said streets agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of whatsoever nature, either to property or persons, occasioned by the laying down of said track or tracks in said streets, and by the operation of cars thereon. This franchise is granted in no event for a longer period than twenty-five years from the date of its passage, and the City of Tacoma hereby reserves the right, which is agreed to ])y said grantee, its succes.sors and assigns, to repeal this fran- chise by ordinance at any time, and within ninety days after service by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City o: a copy of said ordinance, attested by the Clerk of said Council] upon said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successo FKAXCHISES. 1033 and assifriis, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall, and it and they hereby agree to, remove said spur track or tracks from any and all portions of said streets mentioned in this ordinance, and to leave said streets in as good a condition and state of repair as they would have been in if no track or tracks had been laid down thereon. Approved April 26, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1561. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a sin- gle or double track railway spur, together with the necessary switches and turnouts, along, in and across certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a single or double track standard gauge iron or steel railway spur, together with the necessary switches and turnouts, along, in and across certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of East "D" Street, 350 feet distant, more or less, from the northerly boundary- of Puyallup Avenue: running thence on a curved line in and across East "D" Street to a point on the easterly boundary of said East "D" Street, 440 feet distant from the northerly boundary of Puyallup Avenue, aforesaid; also begin- ning at a point inmiediately south of South Twenty-first Street, in the present spur track crossing East "D" Street; thence running northerly across said South Tw-enty-first Street, and in Railroad Avenue, across South Eighteenth Street and South Fifteenth Street, to the southerly boundary of the right-of-way for the main line of the Northern Pacific Railw^ay Company. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said streets to plank between the rails of its or their said spur track or tracks, and to the end of the ties outside the rails, and for the full distance between the tracks, where double tracks are laid down, at its or their own cost and ex- pense, and within thirty days after they have been required so to do by a resolution of the City Council of the City of Ta- coma, and to forever maintain and keep in good repair said planking during the life of this franchise. l(i;U FRANCHISES. And said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and a.ssiirns, do further aoree by the acceptance of this franchise, and the use of said streets, to pave between the rails, and to the end of the ties outside the rails of said track or tracks, and for the whole space between the tracks where double tracks are laid down, and to re-pave the same and forever keep and maintain the same in good repair during the life of this franchise, at its or their own cost and expense, said paving to be done within thirty days after the City of Tacoma shall have improved said streets and avenue by paving. All the planking and paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the requirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and when- ever said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required by this ordinance such paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said streets and avenue are paved by said City. 8aid City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this onlinance shall be construed to prohibit, interfere or de- lay, the right of said City to enter upon said streets and avenue for the purpose of any improvement by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, paving, planking, or macadamizing, or for laying down and constructing scM^ers, water pipe, or any other public improvement, and if it shall be necessary, for the pur- pose of any public work or improvement in said streets and avenue, or any part thei-eof, to temporarily take up said track or tracks of said grantee, its successors and assigns, said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agree so to do at its or their own cost and expense. All street crossings along said East "D" Street and Rail- road Avenue shall be kept open so as to allow free and unin- terrupted public travel thereon, and no portion of the track or tracks herein permitted to be laid down shall be used as a dead track whereon cars are allowed to stand that will in any way interfere Avith public travel. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of the franchise herein granted, and by the use of said streets and avenue, agree to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of w'hatsoever nature, either to property or persons, occasioned by the laying down of said track or tracks in said streets and avenue, and by the operation of cars thereon. This franchise is granted in no event for a longer period than twenty-five years from the date of the passage of this or- dinance, and nothing herein contained shall be construed in FRANCHISES. 1035 any manner whatsoever to p:rant an exclusive franchise to said g'rantee, its successors and assigns, and upon the expiration of the franchise herein granted, by limitation of time or otherwise, unless the same shall be renewed, said grantee, its successors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said streets and avenue, to remove any and all tracks which they may have laid down and constructed under the authority granted by this ordinance, within thirty days after notice shall have been served upon it or them by the Counuissioner of Pub- lic Works or any other officer authorized by the Coiuicil of said City of Tacoma so to do ; and said gi'antee, its successors and assigns, further agree, upon the removal of said tracks as afore- said, to leave said streets and avenue in as good condition and state of repair as they would have been in if said tracks had never been laid down thereon. Approved May 81, 1901. ORDINANCE NO. 1625. An ordinance granting tc the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay doAvn, construct, maintain and operate tracks over and across East "D" Street, in the City of Tacoma, Washington. Be it ordained hy the Citij of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate tracks over and across East "D" Street in the City of Tacoma, within the boundaries described as follows : Beginning at a point on the westerly boundary of East "D" Street, two hundred and eighty (280) feet north of the north line of Puyallup Avenue, and run- ning thence north on the west boundary of East "D" Street a distance of eighty (80) feet; thence northeasterly across East *'D" Street to a point on the easterly boundary of East "D'' Street four hundred (400) feet north of the north line of Puyallup Avenue; thence south along the east boundary of Easr "D'' Street one hundred and twenty (120) feet; thence west- City of Taeoma shall plank, pave or macadamize, the grantee, its successors and assigns, shall to the same extent plank, pave or macadamize between its rails, and for one foot on each side thereof, with the same material, or if not Avith the same material, then with other material to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, within sixty days after said planking, paving or macadamizing has been com- pleted by the City of Taeoma ; and said grantee, its successors ' and assigns shall forever maintain, during the life of this fran- chise, its planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, as required by this ordinance. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall for a period of sixty days fail to operate any portion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the rights, privileges and franchise given and granted by this ordi- nance shall be and become null and void and of no effect what- 1044 FEANCHISES. ever, witliont any resolution, ordinance or action whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, or of any court. Sec. 4. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City of Taeonia a license fee of one per cent, per annum upon the gross receipts of said railway to be constructed in the streets named in this franchise, and the City Controller of the City of Tacoma, at all reasonable times, shall be allowed access to the books of said grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of said license fee. The said City of Tacoma shall have at any time the right to appropriate by purchase at a reasonable price the track and appurtenances thereto of said grantee, its successors and assigns, laid down and operated under the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 5. This franchise shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be construed as exclusive. Sec. 6. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of said grantee, its successors and assigns, in no event for a greater period than twenty-five years from the date of the final publi- cation of this ordinance. Sec. 7. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance is to go into effect. Approved JNIarch 21, 1902. OEDINANCE NO. 1671. An ordinance granting to the Xorthern Pacific Eailway Company the right to lay, maintain and operate a spur track across North Thirty-fourth, North Thirty-fifth, North Thirty-sixth Streets, and the alleys in Bloek^ (52 and 68, in Byrd's Addition, Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be if ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the line of the Bay Side Extension of said Northern Pacific Railway 143 feet north and 5 feet east of the southwest corner of lot 7, block 69, of Byrd's Addition to Tacoma City: thence deflecting 5 degrees and 45 minutes to the right from said line of railway in a southeasterly direction from point of be- FEAXCHISES. 1045 ginning, and run thence 46.8 feet; thence by a curve to the riglit of 25-4 feet radius, a distance of 239.3 feet to a point 115 feet east and 25 feet south of the northwest corner of lot 6, block 68, of said addition ; thence southerly on a tangent to above mentioned curve a distance of 665 feet to a point on south line of North Thirty-f(jurth Street 22 feet east of east line of Lawrence Street. The above described line crosses the following named streets and alleys, to-wit : North Thirty-fourth Street, North Thirty- fifth Street and North Thirty-sixth Street, and the alleys in blocks numbered 62 and 68, in Byrd 's Addition to Tacoma City, Pierce Countj^ AVashington, according to the recorded plat there- of. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said tracks shall be laid down on the established grade of said streets and said alleys, when graded, and shall be so con- structed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the es- tablished grade or the surface of the said streets, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, fur- ther agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, to plank, pave or macadamize between- the rails of said track and one foot out- side thereof within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said streets or alleys; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forever main- tain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair at its or their own cost and expense. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any portion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the rights, privileges and the franchise granted by this ordi- nance shall be and become null and void and of no effect what- ever, without any resolution, ordinance or action w'hatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, or the act of any court. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be construed as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, in no event for a greater period than twenty-five years from the date of the final publica- tion of this ordinance. 1046 FRANCHISES. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a writ- ten acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Approved April 24, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1723. An ordinance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Taeoma to enter into a contract for and on behalf of said City with the Taeoma Railway and Power Company, a corpora- tion organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal place of business in said City of Taeoma, for the settlement of certain differences and disputes heretofore existing between said City and said Company. Be it ordmned l)y the City of Taeoma: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Taeoma be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith, upon this ordinance taking effect, to enter into, execute and deliver for and on behalf of said City a contract with the Taeoma Railway and Power Company, and the City Controller of said City is hereby authorized and directed td countersign the same, which said contract shall be as follows. to-wit : Articles of Agreement made this day of A. D. 1902, by and between the Ta- eoma Railway and Power Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal place of business in said City of Taeoma, in the State of AA^ashington, the party of the first part; and the City of Taeoma, a municipal corporation of the first class, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, the party of the second part. AViTNESSETn: That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the agreements and covenants of the said party of the second part hereinafter contained, hereby agrees with the said party of the second part and its suc- cessors : First. That whenever and wherever any bridge shall hv used in common by both said parties, Avitliin the corporate limits of the party of the second part, for the purposes of streor railway traffic, and ordinary highway travel, the said party of the first part shall put in, build, construct, repair and foi- FEANCHISES. 1047 ever maintain, according to plans and specifications which shall tii'st be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works of the ])arty of the second part, as long as said use shall continue, at the sole cost and expense of said party of the first part, the longitudinal stringers, cross-ties and decking in and over any such bridge, Avhich the necessities of street car traffic over and across any such bridge may demand, said decking to be laid between the rails and between the tracks where there is more than one track, and for such a distance outside of the rails as is required by the various franchises of the said party of the first part. Second. That whenever and wherever any bridge now ex- isting within the corporate limits of the said City of Tacoma, now or hereafter used by said party of the first part for the purposes of street railway -traffic, and by the said party of the second part for the purposes of ordinary highway travel, shall be in need of any repairs to the sub-structure (that is, the posts and caps resting upon the posts which make up the framework) of said bridge, the said party of the first part shall, as long as said joint use continues, contribute to, maintain and pay for one-half of the cost of any future repairs and maintenance which shall be ordered to be made or done upon any such bridge by the City Council of the City of Tacoma, or the Commissioner of Public Works of the said party of the second part. Third. That whenever and wherever any bridge, within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, is or may be used in common by the party of the first part for the purposes of street railway traffic, and the party of the second part for the pur- poses of ordinary highway travel, shall be condemned by the party of the second part, or any of its proper officers, and a new bridge, viaduct or structure ordered to be built, the said party of the first part shall construct and erect, at its own sole cost and expense, for its own use for the purposes of street rail- way traffic, a separate and independent bridge, viaduct or struc- ture, according to plans and specifications to be first ap- proved by the Commissioner of Public Works of said party of the second part, and shall thereafter maintain and forever keep in repair any such bridge, viaduct or other structure at its own sole cost and expense, to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works of the party of the second part; and w^henever said party of the first part shall abandon or cease to use any such bridge, viaduct or other structure, then said party of the first part shall, at its own sole cost and expense, within thirty days after said party of the second part shall 1048 FRANCHISES. have failed to elect to take possession of said bridge, viaduct or structure, as hereinafter provided, remove said bridge, viaduct or other structure, and leave the street, alley or public place wherein it is erected in as good condition as though it had never been erected and used therein, unless said party of the second part shall, upon such abandonment and non-use, within thirty days thereafter, elect to take for its own use and benefit any such bridge, viaduct or structure, and in case said party of the second part does so elect, it shall be entitled to take possession of said bridge, viaduct or other structure, upon the passage of a resolution of the City Council of said party of the second part expressing such election, without any compen- sation Avhatever being paid to said party of the first part by the said party of the second part; and upon said party of the second part taking possession of any such bridge, viaduct or structure, as aforesaid, said party of the second part shall be solely responsible for its use, maintenance and repair; pro- vided, however, that w^henever any bridge, viaduct of other ' structure shall be condemned, as aforesaid, and it shall be- come necessary to erect a new bridge, viaduct or structure in the place thereof, if the City Council of the party of the sec- ond part shall, by re'solution, declare it to be impracticable to erect and build in the place of said bridge, viaduct or other structure condemned two (2) bridges, viaducts or structures, one for the purpose of said street railway traffic, and the other for the purposes of ordinary highway travel by teams and pedestrians, and that a bridge must be built for the joint use of both the party of the first part and the party of the second part, then the party of the first part shall contribute and pay to the said party of the second part one-half of the total cost and expense of the construction of such joint bridge, ex- clusive of the longitudinal stringers, cross-ties and decking, pro- vided for in sub-division one (1) of this agreement, which stringers, cross-ties and decking in any and every event are to be put in, constructed and maintained by the party of the first part at its OAvn sole cost and expense; and after any such joint bridge, viaduct or structure shall have been built, the party of the first part, as long as said joint use shall continue, •shall contribute and pay to the said party of the second part one-half of the Avhole cost of the maintenance and repairs which it shall be necessary to make upon any such bridge, via- duct or structure, according to the judgment and orders of said party of the second part, or any of its proper officers. Fourth. Said party of the first part further agrees that FEANCHISES. 1049 whenever, in the judgment of the City Council, or the Com- missioner of Public Works of the party of the second part, any bridge, viaduct or other structure within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, used in common by the party of the second part for the purposes of ordinary highway travel, and by the party of the first part for the purposes of street rail- way traffic, shall need repairs, said party of the first part, upon receiving notice in writing from said Commissioner of Public Works of the estimated cost of said repairs, and the amount due under and according to the terms and provisions of this agree- ment, which said party of the first part is obligated to con- tribute and pay for, said party of the first part shall forth- with pay to said Commissioner of Public Works the amount so estimated ; and if the amount of money deposited with the said Commissioner of Public Works by the said party of the first part shall be found, upon the completion of said repairs, not to equal its proportionate part of the costs of said repairs, then upon said Commissioner of Public Works making a true and correct statement of the total cost of said repairs to the said party of the first part, the said party of the first part shall pay to the said Commissioner of Public Works any deficiency shown by said statement to exist. Fifth. On and after the first day of April, 1903, the said party of the first part shall transport any persons from any point or place within the corporate limits of the City of Tacoma, on any line or lines of street railway owned, operated or con- trolled by said party of the first part, to the terminus of its line in Point Defiance Park for a single fare not exceeding five cents, and the party of the first part agrees that it will from and after the date of this agreement extend its present transfer system for a continuous trip one way to and from all lines within the City of Tacoma (and including that portion of the Point Defiance line outside of the City of Tacoma), but noth- ing in this section shall be so construed as to require the issu- ance of transfers which can be so used on parallel or other lines as to make it possible for a passenger to make a round trip for one fare, nor to prevent the party of the first part from making and enforcing all reasonable rules and regulations neces- sary, in its judgment, to prevent fraud. Sixth. The said party of the first part further agrees that it will not carry any freight for hire between the hours of seven a. m. and 10 p. m. on Pacific Avenue, in said City of Tacoma (provided that this shall not apply to the carrying of parcels, baggage, mail and express in single cars) ; and that it UloO FEANCHISES. Avill eonstriiet no spurs from Jiny track which it now has laid, or may hereafter lay, on said Pacific Avenue to any property abutting on said Pacific Avenue, except to property owned and used by said party of the first part strictly for street railway purposes. Seventh. And said party of the first part further stipu- lates, agrees and consents to and does hereby waive and re- linquish each and every right, privilege and authority con- ferred and granted in and by any street railway franchise now held and owned by said party of the first part to the extent only that the same are inconsistent and in conflict with the terms, conditions and provisions of these articles of agree- ment. Eighth. That said Cit}^ of Tacoma, the party of the sec- ond part, for and in consideration of the foregoing agreements made and to be executed by the party of the first part, does hereby agree that upon the proper execution in duplicate, and delivery of this agreement, by each of said parties to the other, to give its consent, by ordinance, to the transfer and assignment of all the right, title and interest in and to each and every of those certain franchises granted by the City of Tacoma for street railway purposes which the said party of the first part may now own, either as the original grantee or as assignee. Ninth. And the said party of the second part further agrees that on each and every bridge existing within the por- porate limits of the City of Tacoma, used in common by the party of the first part for the purposes of street railway traffic, and the party of the second part for the purposes of or- dinary highway travel, that it, the said party of the second part, shall forever maintain and keep in repair, at its own sole cost and expense, one-half of all the sub-structure and all of the joists laid upon the caps of the various bents, outside of the space occupied by the track or tracks of the party of the first part, and the decking laid upon said joists, excepting. always, the decking which said party of thje first part is bound to maintain and keep in repair, according to sub-division one of this agreement; and the party of the second part further agrees that whenever any new bridge, viaduct or structure shall be erected for the joint use of said parties as provided in sub-division three of this agreement, that it will contribute to and pay for one-half of the total cost and expense of the con- struction of such joint bridges, viaduct of structure, exclusive of the longitudinal stringers, cross-ties and decking provided t FEANCHISES. 1051 for in section one of this agreement, which, in any and every €vent, are to be put in and forever maintained and paid for solely by the part.y of the first part, and the said party of the second part shall contribute to and pay for one-half of all the future costs and expenditures for the maintenance and re- pair that may be necessary on any such bridge, viaduct or struc- ture; and said party of the second part further agrees that if at any time it shall order a new joint bridge, viaduct of struc- ture to be built in excess of thirty (30) feet in width (that is, measured from end to end of the caps upon the bents), and said party of the first part shall put only a single track across such bridge, viaduct of structure, then the said party of the second part shall alone contribute to and pay all extra cost and expense which may be incurred by building any such bridge, viaduct or structure in excess of thirty (30) feet; and if any such bridge, viaduct or structure be ordered built by the said party of the second part in excess of forty (40) feet in M-idth (that is, the distance from end to end of the caps upon the bents), and said party of the first part shall operate two (2) tracks upon said bridge, viaduct or structure, then the party of the second part shall alone contribute to and pay for the extra cost and expense of constructing said bridge, viaduct or structure in excess of forty (40) feet; and in de- termining' the width of any bridge, the width of any sidewalk which overhangs the batter or outside posts of the sub-structure shall not be taken into account ; and it is further agreed by said party of the second part that if any sums of money shall have been paid to the party of the second part by the party of the first part for the construction anew or the maintenance or repair of any bridge, viaduct of structure used jointly by said parties, that the said Commissioner of Public Works shall ren- der a true and accurate account of the total expenditures made by him upon any such bridge, viaduct or structure to the party of the first part ; and if said party of the first part -shall have contributed to and paid to the said Commissioner of Public Works, upon his estimate, more than the actual cost of said party of the first part's proportionate part of said ex- penditure, then said Commissioner of Public Works shall repay to the said party of the first part such amount of money as may remain in his hands in excess of said party of the first part's proportionate part to be expended as aforesaid, accord- ing to the terms and provisions of this agreement. It is mutually agreed, in consideration of the foregoing agreements made by each party to the other, that the terms, 1052 FEANCHISES. conditions and agreements set forth in these articles shall he- binding- and in full force and effect upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. And it is further mutually agreed between said parties that the sum of $1,375.00, now held in escrow by William P. Reynolds, as trustee for each of said parties, shall be divided and paid by him, one-half to the party of the first part and one-half to the party of the second half ; and upon said AA^illiam P. Reynolds paying to each of said parties one-half of said amount, he shall be fully released from any and all liability as a trustee under the terms and conditions of any agreement or contract heretofore entered into by said parties, whereby and wherefrom he now holds the said sum of $1,375.00. In Avitness whereof, the party of the first part has here- unto affixed its signature and corporate seal by S. Z. Alitchell, its General Manager, duly authorized and empowered so to do, and the party of the second part has, by ordinance, caused the same to be signed by its Commissioner of Public Works, and countersigned by its City Controller, in duplicate. By Its General Manager. AVitnesses CITY OF TACOMA, By Its Commissioner of Public Works. Countersigned this day of City Controller. Sec. 2. AVhenever and as soon as it shall be ascertained by the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma just what the proportionate part of the Tacoma Railway & Power Company, its successors or assigns, may be for the cost and expense of the construction anew, or the repairs or maintenance of any bridge, viaduct or structure set forth in the foregoing agreement, and he shall have received the same from the said Tacoma Railway & Power Company, its successors or a.ssigns, he shall forthwith pay the same in to the City Treas- urer of said City, who shall cover such payments into the Gen- eral Expense Fund of said City. FRANCHISES. 1053 Sec. 3. The terms and conditions and provisions of the agreement set forth in Section One of this ordinance shall be in full force and effect and binding upon each of the parties J thereto from and after its execution and delivery by each of said parties to the other. Approved August 21, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1724. An ordinance consenting to the assignment by the Tacoma Railway and Power Company of all right, title and interest which it may now have in and to those certain franchises granted by the City of Tacoma under and by virtue of the following ordinances, to-wit: Nos. 152, 188, 203, 206, 223, 229, 237, 238, 240, 262, 263, 276, 277, 278, 282, 304, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 551, 603, 1230, 1231, 1398, 1514, 1660, and 1661. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the City of Tacoma hereby consents that the Tacoma Railway & Power Company may assign to the cor- poration organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washingion, which corporation owns the line of electric railway now in process of construction from the City of Tacoma to the City of Seattle, in said State (and which said corporation is now Seattle-Tacoma Interurban Railway, and is about to file supplemental articles of incor- poration, amending its original articles by changing its cor- porate name to "Puget Sound Electric Railway") all the right, title and interest which said Tacoma Railway & Power Company now has in and to any and all franchises granted by the City of Tacoma under and by virtue of the following mentioned ordinances, to-wit : Nos. 152, 188, 203, 206, 223, 229, 237, 238, 240, 262, 263, 276, 277, 278, 282, 304, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 551, 603, 1230, 1231, 1398, 1514, 1660 and 1661. Approved August 22, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1726. ' An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a rail- way spur track over, in and across certain streets and avenues in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway ' Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit : Commenc- ln-.4 FRANCHISES. iii^' at a point in North Thirty-oiiilith Street in the center of the track of the Bayside Extension of the Northern Pacific Ixaihvay Company, which point, is one hundred and twenty U^O) feet east and sixty (60) feet south of the southwest cor- ner of block 73, of Byrd's Addition to Tacoma City, and run- iiinii" thence northwesterly and on the northerly side of said Bayside Extension track and crossing- said block 73, a distance of two hundred (200) feet to a point in Puget Sound Avenue. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Kailway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said street, when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the surface of the said street, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with. the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree, by the accei)tance of this franchise, to plank, pave or macadamize between the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof, Avithin thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the require- ments and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Railwa}^ Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said street is paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City to enter upon said street for the purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading,' chang- ing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing or for laying down or constructing sewers, water pipe, or any other public improvement, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any l)ublic work or improvement in said street, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track (or tracks) of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, hereby agree so to do, at its or their own sole cost and expense. FRANCHISES. 1055 Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the accep- tance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agree to save the Citj?^ of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or persons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the rights and privileges and the franchise granted by this ordinance shall be and become null and void and of no effect whatever, without any resolution, ordinance or action what- soever on the part of the City of Tacoma, or the act of any court. Sec. 4. This franchise sliall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma, given by ordi- nance, and in no event shall the said grant herein contained be construed as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, in no event, for a greater period than twenty-five years from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into eft'ect. Approved August 21, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1732. An ordinance granting to the Standard Oil Company a permit to lay and maintain pipe lines on certain streets and j)nblie ways in the City of Tacoma, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and hereby is granted to the Standard Oil Company, and to its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and authority for and during the pleasure of the City Council of the City of Tacoma, and subject to the conditions and restrictions thereof, to locate, lay down and maintain in connection with the works of said Standard Oil Company, in the City of Tacoma, pipe lines for conducting or transferring refined oil from cars standing upon the Northern Pacific sidetrack to the tanks of the Standard Oil Company, ]0J6 FBANCHISES. on said company's property in said City, on, along and beneath the surface of the following designated route in the City of Tacoma, to-wit: Commencing at a point in Block 40, of the Ta- coma Tide Lands; running thence northerly across St. Paul Avenue and South Eleventh Street to lower South Eleventh Street; thence westerly in and along lower South Eleventh Street to the City Waterway. Sec. 2. That the said Standard Oil Company be and it is hereby granted the right and privilege to dig up, open and excavate said streets, or portions thereof, along the route here- inbefore mentioned, after obtaining the proper permit from the Commissioner of Public Works, for the purpose of laying and connecting the said pipes with its works, and after the completion of said pipe line or lines, the said Standard Oil Company shall have the further right at all times necessary, upon receiving the proper permit from the Commissioner of Public Works, to dig up or excavate said streets for the pur- pose of repairing, re-laying or making connections with said pipe line. Sec. 3. That the permit herein granted shall be forfeite-l unless one of said pipe lines shall be completed within six months from the date of the approval of this ordinance. Sec. 4. That the said Standard Oil Company shall not permit or leave any obstructions in said streets to public travel by virtue of the laying of said pipe line or lines after the same is completed, and upon the completion thereof the said Standard Oil Company shall leave said streets in as good con- dition as the same were before the construction of said pipe line or lines, and shall make such restoration to the satisfac- tion of the Commissioner of Public Works. Sec. 5. '^ITiat said Standard Oil Company shall remove said pipe line or lines whenever so requested by the City Coun- cil, and without cost to said City, and the granting of this per- mit shall not be construed as giving said Standard Oil Com- pany any vested rights whatsoever. Sec. 6. That the said Standard Oil Company shall within fifteen days from and after the passage and approval of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma, its : acceptance of the benefits of this ordinance, and of the con- ditions and restrictions herein imposed ; otherwise the same shall be null and void. Sec. 7. That the said Standard Oil Company contracts and covenants, in the acceptance of the privileges hereby FRANCHISES. 1057 granted, to indemnify and save harmless the said City of Ta- coma at all times from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, cost or expense arising from any injury, casualty or accident to person or property arising by reason of any neg- lect or omission on the part of the said Standard Oil Com- pany in excavating for, laying or repairing said pipe line, or by reason of anything that may be done by the said Standard Oil Company in connection with the said pipe line, or in the maintenance thereof. Approved August 28, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1733. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate a rail- way spur track over, in and across certain streets in the City of Ta- coma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit: Commencing at a point in North Thirty-seventh Street in the center line of the Bayside Extension track of the Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany, which point is east 160 feet and south 60 feet from the southwest corner of block 74, Byrd's Addition to Tacoma City, and running thence northwesterly and on the northerly side of said Bayside Extension track and crossing said block 74, a total distance of three hundred (300) feet, and ending at a point in Warner Street, in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said street, when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the surface of the said street so that carriages or other Vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience ; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, to plank, pave or macadamize be- tween the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof with- in thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life 1058 FRANCHISES. of this franchise, its said planking-, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the re- quirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required by this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said street is paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City to enter upon said street for tlie purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, chang- ing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing or for laying down or constructing sewers, water pipe, or any other public improvement, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public work or improvement in said street, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track (or tracks) of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, hereby agree so to do, at its or their own sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agree to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all dam- ages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or persons, occa- sioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any portion of the track which it shall construct under this ordi- nance, then the rights and privileges and the franchise granted by this ordinance, shall be and become null and void and of no effect whatever, without any resolution, ordinance or action whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, or the act of any court. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said grantee Avithout the consent of the City of Tacoma, given by ordi- nance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be construed as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, in no event, for a greatei' FRANCHISES. 1059 period than tweuty-five years from the date of the final publi- cation of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no efiPect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said fran- chise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into efit'ect. Approved August 28, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1766. An ordinance conferring on the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to construct, maintain and operate a spur track on South Eleventh Street,* in the City of Taconia, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a single track standard gauge iron or steel rail spur, along, on and across that portion of South Eleventh Street, in the City of Tacoma, described as folloM's, to-wit : Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the Match Factory spur track with the southerly line of South Eleventh Street ; thence northwesterly following the center line of said spur track, as same is now constructed, a distance of fifty-two (52) feet to the true point of beginning; thence northwesterly along a tangent a distance of seventy (70) feet; thence along a curved line to the left, having a radius of two hundred and eighty-eight feet (288 ft.), a distance of one hundred ninety- one and five-tenths (191.5) feet; thence along a tangent a dis- tance of one hundred sixty-three and five-tenths (163.5) feet; thence along a curved line to the right having a radius of two hundred eighty-eight (288) feet, a distance of one hundred and ninety-two (192) feet more or less to the northerly line of lower South Eleventh Street. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said street during the life of this franchise, to plank between the rails of its or their said track or tracks, and between the tracks and to the ends of the ties outside the rails at its or their own cost and expense, and within thirty days af- ter they are required so to do by resolution of the City Council of the City of Tacoma, and to maintain and keep in repair such planking during the life of this franchise. The said Northern 1060 FRANCHISES. Pacific Eaihvay Company, its successors and assigns, do further agree by the acceptance of this franchise and the use of said street, to pave between the rails and to the ends of the ties outside the rails, and to re-pave same and to forever keep and maintain the same in good repair during the life of this fran- chise at its own cost and expense, and said paving shall be done within thirty days after the City shall have improved said street by paving. All the planking and paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in ac- cordance ,with the directions of the Connnissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, are re- quired to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done in the same manner and with the same material as said street is paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant un- der this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit, interfere, or delay the right of the City to enter upon said street for the purpose of any improvement by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, paving, planking, macadamizing, or for laying down or constructing sewers, water pipes or other public improve- ments, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public work or improvement in said street or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said tracks of said grantee, its succes- sors or assigns, said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby agree so to do at its or their own cost and expense. And all that portion of said South Eleventh Street ove^ which a franchise is hereby granted to lay, maintain and op- erate tracks, shall be kept open so as to allow free and unin- terrupted public travel thereon, and no portion of the track or tracks shall be used as a dead track w^here cars are allowed to stand that will in any way interfere with public travel. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agree to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. This franchise is granted for the period of twenty- eight months from the date of the passage of this ordinance, 1 unless sooner terminated by said grantee, and should said grantee, its successors and assigns, at any time during said twenty-eight months, remove its said tracks or cease to use the same, this franchise shall thereupon cease and determine. FEANCHISES. 1061 Nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner to grant an exclusive franchise to said grantee, its successors or assigns. Sec. 4. Any track or tracks laid down and operated under ,the privileges granted by this ordinance shall be laid down and operated upon the grade of South Eleventh Street as it now is, or may hereafter be established. Approved October 11, 1902. ORDINANCE NO. 1798. An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Eastern Kailroad Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate steam railway tracks across and along certain streets and alleys in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Tacoma. Eastern Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, the franchise to construct, lay down, maintaiii and operate steam railway track or tracks across the following named streets and alleys in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Washington, to-wit : South Sixtieth Street, South Sixty-first Street and the alley between said streets, crossing said streets and alley be- tween the right of way of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad Com- pany and the eastern boundary' of Block One (1), Bismark Addition to Tacoma, Also running in a general northerly direction from the south boundary of section nine (9), township twenty (20) north, range three (3) east of the Willamette Meridian, at or near Block 8719 in said City of Tacoma, as shown on the plat of the Tacoma Land Company's First Addition to Tacoma, along and over East "C" Street; thence across South Thirty- sixth Street (now called Harrison Street), the alley between Blocks 8617 and 8518, South Thirty-fifth Street, the alley be- tween Blocks 8517 and 8418, South Thirty-fourth Street, and the alley between Blocks 8417 and 8318, Wright Avenue and the alley between Blocks 8317 and 8218, East "B" Street, South Thirty-second Street and the alley between Blocks 8215 and 8116, South Thirty-first Street and the alley between Blocks 8115 and 8016, South Thirtieth Street and the alley between Blocks 8015 and 7916, and the alley between Blocks 7917 and 7818, and across and along East "B" Street and Dock Street (crossing all intersections with other streets and alleys), from 1062 FBANCHISES. South Tliirtieth Street, (as said streets, alleys and blocks are desi cash, a sum of money equal to one per cent (1%) of the gross receipts re- ceived during each preceding six (6) months from the opera- tion of the railway authorized to be operated by this franchise within the limits of said City for the period of five years, and thereafter a sum of money equal to two per cent. (2%) of said gross receipts, payable at the same periods, and the Secretary, or whatever officer of said grantee shall have charge of the gen- eral supervision of the books of account of said grantee, shall, on the first Monday of July and the first Monday of January of each year, make a true and accurate report under oath of the gross receipts of the said grantee from the operation of said line of railway throughout its entire length within the limits of said City for the six (6) months immediately preceding the time of making said report, and shall file the same with the City Controller of the City of Tacoma; and said grantee shall keep proper and sufficient books of account, showing such re- ceipts in an orderly and plain manner, and shall permit and allow said books, at all times within business hours, to be in- FEAXCHISES. 1077 spected by the City Controller, or by any committee or person who may be* appointed by the City Council of the City of Tacoma to inspect the same ; and in case said gi-antee shall at any time hereafter, while this franchise remains in force, fail to pay into the said City Treasury any sum of money required to be paid under this section, at the time required by this sec- tion, or shall fail to make any report or to file the same as herein required, or shall fail or refuse to allow said City Con- troller, or any committee or person appointed by the Council of said City to inspect the books of said grantee, then all rights, privileges, authorities and franchises granted hereby shall be suspended until such report and payment shall have been made. Sec. 18. At the expiration of the term of this franchise, by lapse of time or otherwise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, the grantee herein shall commence, within ten days from said expiration, to remove any and all rails, ties, poles, wires and appliances which may have been constructed or used in the operation of said street railway line over the route herein granted, from the streets, bridges, alleys and pub- lic places in which and along which said route extends, and shall finish said removal in ninety (90) days from said expira- tion, leaving said alleys, streets, bridges and public places in as good condition and repair as the same would have been had said street railway line or lines never been constructed there- on ; provided, however, that no bridge, viaduct or structure con- structed and maintained by said grantee across any gulch, gully or ravine shall ever be removed or destroyed upon the ex- piration of this franchise; and it is hereby agreed, that any such bridge, viaduct or structure upon the expiration of this franchise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, shall absolutely vest in and belong to said City of Tacoma for its own use and benefit forever, without any act of said City, or the act or judgment of any Court. And, provided further, that in case said grantee shall fail to remove his ties, rails, poles, wires and appliances within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the franchise granted by this ordinance, then the said City of Tacoma may remove the same at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, or may, at its election, hold and retain the same, together with any and all bridges, viaducts or structures across any gulch, gully or ravine, as its own absolute property, for its own per- sonal use and benefit, M'ithout any act or deed whatsoever on the part of any Court, or of said grantee. (Section 19 repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1882.) 1078 FRANCHISES. Sec. 20. Each and every of the rig-hts, privileges and fran- chises granted by this ordinance shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance. And all the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the said E. J. Felt, the grantee herein. Sec. 21. The said City of Tacoma shall, at any time, have the right to appropriate by purchase, at a reasonable price, the property of said grantee of every name, nature and descrip- tion, located' within the limits of the City of Tacoma and con- nected with or appertaining to their said street railway line or lines, together with all the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance. Sec. 22. Whenever the said grantee shall fail to operate any portion of their track laid down along any of the streets mentioned in this ordinance for a period of thirty (30) days, provided said failure to operate is not caused by riots, strikes, civil commotion, acts of the elements, or other causes over which said grantee has no control, then and thereupon all rights, privi- leges, authorities and franchises granted by this ordinance shail forthwith cease and determine and be of no effect whatso- ever as to the street or streets or any portion thereof that said grantee fails to operate, without the passage of any resolu- tion or ordinance by the City Council of the City of Tacoma, or any act of said City, or any act or deed of any Court; and said grantee shall, within thirty (30) days after written notice served upon him by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City at any time after he shall have failed to operate his track, tracks, or any portion thereof, for said period of thirty days, shall forthwith remove any and all his rails, poles, wires and appliances of every name, nature and description from said street or streets, and shall leave said streets in as good a con- dition for public travel as they would have been had no street railway tracks ever been laid down upon said streets; and if said grantee shall fail to remove said rails, poles, wires and other appliances, the said City of Tacoma shall remove the same at the sole cost and expense of said grantee; or, at its elec- tion, shall appropriate the same to its own use and behoof with- out any compensation being paid to said grantee. Sec. 23. That all and singular the rights, privileges, au- thorities and franchises by this ordinance granted shall be in force and continue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date this ordinance goes into effect; subject, however, to all and every of the conditions, provisions, and reservations herein FEANCHISES. 1079 contained; provided, however, that each and every right, privi- lege, authority and franchise by this ordinance granted, shall, without the passage of any resolution, ordinance or any action of any kind whatsoever, on the part of the City of Taeoma, be null and void and absolutely of no effect upon the failure of said grantee to perform any of the conditions hereinafter speci- fied, to-wit : First. That said grantee shall file an absolute and uncon- ditional acceptance of this franchise in Avriting with the City Clerk of the City of Taeoma within ninety (90) days from and after the 5th day of March, 1903. Second. That said grantee shall commence work upon said line of street railway within six months from the date of his acceptance of this franchise and continuously prosecute the same until said line is completed. Said street railway line shall be completed as a continuous line from the southern boundary line of the City of Taeoma over the entire route designated in sec- tion one of this ordinance, and in operation by running cars for the transportation of passengers over the whole of said line, each w-ay, by December 1st, 1905. Provideel further, that the second sub-division of this sec- tion 23 shall not apply to the construction, maintenance or oper- ation of tracks on any of the avenues, alleys or streets upon which said grantee may secure trackage privileges, as hereinbe- fore provided in this ordinance. Third. That at the time of the acceptance of this franchise said grantee shall deposit with the City Treasurer of the City of Taeoma, one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars; and in case said grantee shall fail to commence work upon said railway, con- struct and complete and have in operation his whole line of street railway along and over the routes designated in section one of this ordinance within the time and in the manner in this ordinance specified, said grantee hereby waives, relinquishes and absolutely forfeits any right of any nature whatsoever, either in law or equity, which he may have had to said one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars; provided, that the forfeiture herein to be made shall not apply for failure to commence work upon, con- struct, complete and put in operation a street railway line or lines along any of the streets, avenues or alleys mentioned in section one of this ordinance, on which said grantee shall pro- cure trackage privileges; provided, hoivever, that when said grantee shall have fully and faithfully complied with the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance with reference to the 1080 FEANCHISES. construction nnd completion of the line or lines of street rail- way herein designated, within the time or times herein designat- ed, Avithin which any and all acts are to be performed upon the part of said grantee, then upon the certificate of the Mayor of the City of Tacoma to the effect that said terms, conditions and provisions have been complied with by said grantee, said City Treasurer shall pay over said sum of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars to said grantee. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2366.) Approved January 22, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1822. An ordinance granting to Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to build, maintain and operate an electric railway upon certain public liighways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: . Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and as- signs, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single track electric railway line with necessary switches, turnouts, connections and other appliances for the operation of the same, on, along, over and across the streets, alleys and highways in the City of Ta- eoiiia, subject always to any and all rights of any owners of private property lying within the routes hereinafter designated or abutting upon said streets, as follows, to-M'it : Route A. Beginning at the intersection of "K" and South Nineteenth Streets, thence southerly on ''K" Street to an in- tersection with South Twenty-third Street ; thence westerly along \ South Twenty-third Street to an intersection with Sprague Avenue. Route B. Beginning at the intersection of "K" Street and North Eleventh Street, thence southwesterly along North Eleventh Street to an intersection with "0" Street; thence westerly along "0" Street to North Twelfth Street, in Buck- ley's Addition; thence west along North Twelfth Street to an intersection with Pine Street. Route C. Beginning at the intersection of Puyallup Ave- nue and East "D" Street, thence southerly on' East "D" Street to an intersection with South Thirtieth Street; thence easterly on South Thirtieth Street to an intersection with East "E" Street: thence southerlv on East "E" Street to an in- FRANCHISES. 1081 tersection Avith South Thirty-first Street : thence easterly on South Thirty-first Street and Upper Park Koad to an in- tersection with East "H" Street; thence southerly along East "H" Street to an intersection with South Thirtj^-sevejith Street or Morton Street; also (for use only as a safety switch) from the intersection of South Thirty-first Street and East " E " Street westerly along South Thirty-first Street to an intersec- tion with East "D" Street. Route D. Beginning- at or near the intersection of the East City Limits with the westerly line of Canal Street, pro- duced southerly ; thence northwesterly along Canal Street to an intersection with St. Paul Avenue; thence northwesterly along St. Paul Avenue to an intersection with South Eleventh Street; and thence along South Eleventh Street and lower South Elev- enth Street to the east side of the City Water AVay; also from the aforesaid intersection of St. Paul Avenue and Canal Street to an intersection with Railroad Avenue; thence across Rail- road Avenue to Inverness Street. Provided, liowevcr, that nothing in this ordinance con- tained shall be deemed or construed to amount to a warranty on the part of said City of Tacoma that any part of the above described routes are upon a legally established or existing street, but said City of Tacoma hereby grants the right to con- struct and operate said railway line subject to the conditions, provisions and reservations hereinafter set forth only in so far as said City now has, or hereafter may have, control over said streets and the routes hereinbefore designated, subject always to any and all rights of any owners of private property lying within said routes or abutting upon said streets. Sec. 2. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall with- in thirty days commence work upon each of the four routes in the preceding section designated, and shall complete and oper- ate the same as follows, to-wit : Route A. From South Nineteenth and "K" Streets to South Twenty-third and Alaska Avenue within six (6) months; and from South Twenty-third Street and Alaska Avenue to South Twenty-third and Sprague Avenue, within two years. Route B. From North Eleventh and ''K" Streets to North Twelfth and Prospect Streets within six (6) months; and from North Twelfth and Prospect Streets to North Twelfth and Pine Streets within two (2) years. Route C. From East "D" Street and Puyallup Avenue to East "H" Street and South Thirty-seventh Street, Avithin six (6) months. 1082 FRANCHISES. Route D. From intersection of Canal Street and the City limits to the east side of the City Water Way, within six (Gi months; and on the remainder of the streets in this route speci- fied within three (3) years from the time that this amendment takes effect. All dates in this section referring to the commencement and completion of work shall commence from the date of approval of the original ordinance, Avhich is herein amended, to-wit, Feb- ruary 16, 1903, except as hereinbefore specified, relating to Route D. • (As amended by Ordinance No. 2226.) Sec. 3. AVhenever the said grantee, its successors or as- signs, shall fail to operate any portion of their track laid down along any of the streets mentioned in this ordinance for a period of thirty (30) days, provided said failure to operate is not caused by riots, strikes, civil commotions, acts of the elements, or other causes over which said grantee has no control, then and thereupon all rights, privileges and authorities and fran- chises granted by this ordinance may be forthwith terminated by ordinance as to all of the lines granted by this ordinance, or as to that portion of said street or streets over and along which said grantee shall fail to operate for said period of time; and no act or deed of any court shall be required to so ter- minate the rights of the grantee in said streets or portions of streets. Within thirty (30) days after service of notice of the passage of said ordinance upon said grantee by the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City, the grantee shall remove all rails, poles, wires and appliances of every nature and de- scription from said street or streets, or portion of streets, and shall leave said streets in as good condition for public travel as they would have been had no street railway tracks ever been laid, and if said grantee shall fail to remove said rails, poles, wires and other appliances from said streets or portion of streets, in which this franchise has been declared by the City forfeited, the City may remove the same at the grantee's sole cost and expense.j or, at its election, may appropriate the same to its own use witl out any compensation being paid to said grantee, its successorf or assigns. It is understood that the safety spur provided for in Route C of this ordinance is not to be operated in the regular and ordinary way. Sec. 4. For the purpose of constructing or repairing the railway track along the lines mentioned in Section One of this FRANCHISES. 1083 tutlinanee, no street or alley shall be torn up or allowed to re- main open for a greater lenoth or for a longer time than mar be designated by the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Council. The tracks shall be laid upon the established grade of said streets and alleys, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or surface of the street, so that carriages or other vehicles can pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience. Sec. 5. That immediately upon the laying- down of the ties and rails along and over the streets designated in this ordi- nance, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall plank be- tween the rails and for the space of one (1) foot or to the end of the ties outside of the rails, and shall plank the whole space between the main track and any switch, spur or turnout on all graded streets and the crossings on ungraded streets; and the plank laid down on the outside of the rails shall have the outer edge beveled so as to make it easy for teams to cross .and re-cross said track; and said grantee, its successors and as- signs, agree to forever maintain said planking in good repair during the life of this franchise, or until said City shall pave any or all of the said streets designated in Section One of this ordinance with other material than planks; and when said City shall so pave any street (or part of a street) mentioned in Sec- tion One of this ordinance with material other than planks, then said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pave between its or their said track and outside of the rails thereof for the ^pace of one foot or to the end of the ties with the same ma- terial as that used by the City, or with other material equally as good, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public "Works, and shall re-pave and forever keep in repair said pave- ment during the life of this franchise; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, agree that in planking, paving, re- planking and re-paving, and all repairs to be made by it or them, shall be done at its or their own sole cost and expense ; and where said track shall be parallel to the track of any other person or corporation laid prior to the track of the grantees herein, on any of said streets mentioned in Section One of this ordinance, said grantees shall plank or macadamize the whole space betw^een their tracks and to the end of the ties of the track of such other person or corporation. The tracks of said street railway may be of standard gauge, and where double track shall be laid along any portion of said route,' the distance from center to center of said tracks shall [not be more than twelve (12) feet, except on streets where 10s;4 FRANCHISES. thri-c iiii' trni'ks (if other street railway lines, when the twelve (12) feet .shall be iiieasnred from the center of next track. Skc. (). The various routes specified in this ordinance shall !)»' ofn'ratetl in connection with and as a part of the general rail- way system owned by the grantee in the City of Tacoma, and the same rate, general rules and regulations as to fares and transfers in effect on other portions of the general railway system of the grantee in the City of Tacoma shall apply to v.ud l)e in ett'eet and govern the operation by the grantee of said railway system upon the routes specified in this ordinance; and it is hereby agreed that this franchise may be assigned by said Tacoma Railway and Power Company to the Pugct Sound Electric Railway of the State of Washington. Saiortion of the same, of said grantee, its successors and as- signs, for the purpose of making any improvement upon, in or underneath any street, alley or public place in said City, said grantee, its successors and assigns, upon receiving notice from the Commissioner of Public Works so to do, shall promptly and u FRANCHISES. 1089 at its or their own cost and expense change the construction and location of said railway in such manner as to conform to the requirements of said City; and in the event of the failure of said g'rantee, its successors and assigns, so to do, within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice, then said City may temporarily change, alter or remove the structure of said rail- way at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, its successors and assigns, and said City shall not be liable to said grantee, its successors and assigns, for any resulting damage, but said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall, upon demand, pay to the said City the entire expense of said temporary change or re- moval of said railway, and upon the refusal of said grantee, its successors and assigns, to pay said City said costs, for a period of thirty (30) days after demand, then all rights, grants, au- thority and franchise of every nature whatsoever conferred by this ordinance shall be suspended until such payment shall have been made; and said City reserves to itself the further right to determine and fix by ordinance the location or re-location of the track of the grantee herein, its successors or assigns, along and over any of the streets mentioned in Route D in Section One of this ordinance whenever and as soon as it shall have granted a franchise to any other person, firm or corporation than said grantee herein, its successors or assigns, to lay down tracks and operate cars, street or raihvay, along and over any of the streets mentioned in Route D ; said location or re-location to be determined and fixed bj^ said City for the purpose of properly accommodating any and all persons, firms or corpora- tions that may have street or railway franchise rights from said City on said streets ; and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall have already laid down its or their track along and over any of the streets mentioned in said Route D, and a dif- ferent location for said track shall have been determined upon and fixed by said City, then said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall, within sixty (60) days from the time said ordi- nance fixing said location goes into effect, re-locate, lay dowji and construct its or their said tracks in conformity to the lo- cation fixed by said Citj^; and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall not have re-located, laid down and constructed its or their tracks in conformity with the location so determined and fixed by said City within said sixty (60) days, then all rights and authority granted by this ordinance as regards said Route D shall be suspended and held in abeyance until said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall comply with the require- ments of said City as to said location or re-location. 2090 FEANCHISES. Sec. 17. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, does hereby agree, for itself and themselves, to forever protect and save harmless the City of Tacoma from any and all claims, actions or damages of any kind, nature and description which may accrue to or be suf- fered by any person, firm or corporation, or the property of any person, firm or corporation, by reason of any defective con- struction or maintenance or the improper operation of its or their said line of street railway, or by reason of the negligent opera- tion by said grantee, its successors and assigns, of said street railway line within the limits of the said City of Tacoma : and in case any suit or action, either at law or in equity, is com- menced against said City for damages arising out of or by reason of any such defective construction, maintenance or negligent operation, said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall, upon notice to it or them, of the commencement of any such suit or action, defend the same, at its or their own sole cost and expense; and in the case judgment shall be ren- dered against said City of Tacoma in any such suit or action, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fully satisfy and discharge said judgment within thirty (30) days after said suit or action shall have been fully determined, if determined ad- versely to said City, and if said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall fail to fully satisfy, pay and discharge any such judgment rendered against said City within said time, then any and all rights, privileges, grants, authorities and franchises given by this ordinance to said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall be absolutely suspended and held in abeyance until said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have paid and satisfied said judgment. Sec. 18. At the expiration of the terms of this franchise, by lapse of time or otherwise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, the grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall commence within ten (10) days from said expiration to re- move any and all rails, ties, poles, wires and appliances which may have been constructed or used in the operation of said street railway line over the route herein designated, from the streets, bridges, alleys and public places in which and along which said route extends, and shall finish said removal in ninety (90) days from said expiration, leaving said streets, alleys, bridges and public places in as good condition and repair as the same Avould have been had said street railway line or lines never been con- structed thereon; provided, however, that in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fail to remove its or their rails, FEAXCHISES. 1091 ties, poles, wires and appliances within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the franchise granted by this ordinance, then the said City of Tacoma may remove the same at the sole cost and expense of the said s:rantee. its successors and assigns; or may, at its election, hold and retain the same as its own abso- lute property, for its own perpetual use and benefit, without any act or deed whatsoever on the part of any Court or of said grantee, its successors and assigns. Sec. 19. That all and singular the rights, privileges and franchises by this ordinance granted shall be in force and con- tinue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date this ordinance goes into eft'ect : subject, however, to all and every of the conditions, provisions and reservations herein contained. Provided, however, that • each and every right, privilege, authority and franchise by this ordinance granted, shall, with- out the passage of any resolution, ordinance, or any action of any kind whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, be null and void and absolutely of no effect, upon the failure of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, to perform any of the conditions hereinafter specified, to-wit : First. That said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall file an absolute and unconditional acceptance of this franchise in writing with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma within forty (40) days after the publication of this ordinance. Second. Said street railway shall be completed and in op- eration by running cars for the transportation of passengers each way over the routes described in Section One of this ordi- nance, within the times mentioned and in accordance with the provisions of Section Tavo. Third. That at the time of the acceptance of this fran- chise, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall deposit with the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma one thousand dollars ($1,000) ; and in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fail to construct and complete and have in operation its whole line of street railway along and over the routes desig- nated in Section One of this ordinance within the time and in the manner in this ordinance specified, said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, hereby waives, relinquishes and aboslutely forfeits any right of any nature whatsoever, either in law or equity, which they may have had to said one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) ; provided, however, that when said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall have fully and faithfully complied with all the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance with reference to the construction and completion of the line or lines 1092 FEANCHISES. of street railway herein designated within the time or times herein designated, within which any and all acts are to be per- formed upon the part of said grantee, its successors and as- signs, then, upon the certificate of the Mayor of the said City of Tacoma to the effect that said terms, conditions and provisions have been complied with by said grantee, its successors and as- signs, the City Treasurer shall pay over said sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) to said grantee, its successors and assigns. Sec. 20. That all of the conditions, stipulations and agree- ments contained in Ordinance No. 1723, entitled: "An ordi- nance authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma to enter into a contract for and on behalf of said City with the Tacoma Railway and Power Com- pany, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, and having its principal place of business in said City of Tacoma, for the settlement of certain differences and disputes heretofore existing between said City and said Company," in regard to the construction, re- construction and repair of bridges, be and the same are hereby made a part of this ordinance, with the same force and effect as if fully set out herein. Approved Feb. 16, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1939. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across the alley in block t)8, across North Thirty-fifth Street between blocks 62 and 6S, and across the alley in block 62, all of said blocks being in Byrd "s Addition to Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wdt : Beginning at a point in Block 68 of Byrd's Addition in the center line of the present spur track of the Northern Pacific Railway Company leading to the Coenen-Mentzer Mill, as de- scribed in Ordinance No. 1671, passed April 23rd, 1902, which point is 75 feet south of the south line of North Thirty-sixth Street: thence deflecting five degrees and forty-five minutes to the left from the center line of said present spur track in a southerly direction from point of beginning, and run thence 46.5 feet; thence along a curve to the left of 459.3 feet radius f- distance of 53.5 feet: thence southerlv on a tangent 20.4 FEAXCHISES. 1093 ft'ot : thence on a curve to the right of 383.1 feet radius 97.2 feet to a point in North Thirty-fifth Street tliat is 33 feet easterly from, when measured at ri^jht angles to, the center line of the present spur track as described in said Ordinance No. 1671; thence southerly on a tangent a dis- tance of 215.4 feet to a point in Block 62 of said Byrd's Ad- dition, which point is about 100 feet east and 90 feet north from the southwest corner of Lot 7 of said Block 62; said cen- ter line having a total length of 433 feet. The above described line crosses the alley in Block 6S, North Thirty-fifth Street, and the alley in Block 62 of Byrd's Addition to Tacoma City, Pierce County, State of Washington, according to the re- corded plat thereof. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Eailway Company, its suc- cessors and assigTis, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said street, when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the ' surface of the said street, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, to plank, pave or macadamize be- tween the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street, and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the require- ments and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said street is paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City to enter upon said street and alley for the purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing or for lay- ing down or constructing sewers, water pipe, or any other public improvements, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public work or improvement in said street, or any part 1094 FRANCHISES. thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, hereby agrees so to do, at its or their own sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agree to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the opera- tion of cars thereon. . Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the rights and privileges and the franchise granted by this ordinance shall be and become null and void and of no effect whatever, without any resolution, ordinance or action whatso- ever on the part of the City of Tacoma, or the act of any Court. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma, given by ordinance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be construed as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five years from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said gran- tee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk, within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into ef- fect. Approved Aug. 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 1976. An ordinance granting to Joachim Olsen, his associates and assigns, the right, privilege and authority to erect, construct and maintain water works in that part of the City of Tacoma, in Pierce County and State of Washington, described as being all of the streets and alleys in Defiance Park Addition to said City of Tacoma lying east of arid in- cluding Frace Avenue in said Addition, to supply adjacent property and the inhabitants thereof with pure fresh water, and prescribing the terms, conditions and limitations under which such right, privilege and authority shall be exercised. Be it ordained ly the Cily of Tacoma: Section 1. That Joachim Olsen, his associates and assigns, are hereby granted the right, privilege and authority of erecting FKANCHISES. 1095 ;ind maintaining water works in that part of the City of Ta- coina, in the County of Pierce, State of Washington, described as being- all of the streets and alleys as shown and designated on the map or plat of Defiance Park Addition to the City of Tacoma, in said County and State, recorded in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, said State of Washington, in Volume 5 of plats, at page 29 thereof, lying and being on the cast side of and including Frace Avenue (formerly Plummer Street), in said Addition, for the purpose of supplying the in- liabitants of that portion of said City with pure, fresh water, and the grantee of this franchise is hereby authorized to charge the consumers of water reasonable rates, which charges shall conform to and never exceed the charges made by the City of Tacoma in supplying water to its inhabitants. Sec. 2. That in the work of breaking the soil of the streets, avenues and alleys in said part of the City for the purpose of laying, re-laying, connecting, disconnecting and repairing mains, ])ipes and service pipes in leading to places where water is to 1ie supplied, said Joachim Olsen, his associates and assigns, shall conform to the general ordinances of the City of Tacoma as the same are or may be enacted, and the directions of the Com- missioner of Public Works of said City, from whom a permit sliall first be obtained before any street is in any manner dis- tiu'bed, and in all such cases all work shall be prosecuted and completed with diligence in the shortest time consistent with uood work, and all pipes shall be laid not less than than six inches deep on ungraded streets, alleys and avenues, and not less than thirty inches deep on graded streets, alleys and ave- nues, and shall be laid in such a manner as not to interfere with the construction of sewers or drains or with grading of public highways or grounds, and all such work shall be done to the satisfaction of the officer or officers having charge and super- vision of said streets and alleys. Sec. 3. Whenever the establishment of grades, drains, hewers or other public improvements shall render necessary the removal of any of the mains or pipes laid beneath the surface of any of said streets, alleys or avenues, the said Joachim Olsen, his associates and assigns, shall, upon five days' written notice, given by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, re- move and re-lay the same at his or their oaa^u cost and expense, and upon his or their failure so to do, then the said City of Tacoma, by its Commissioner of Public Works, or other ol^cers, may remove the same, and shall not be liable for any damages in that regard, and shall be repaid any necessary expenses incur- 109G FRANCHISES. ]-ed iu that regard on said City's demand of said Joachim Olsen, his associates or assigns, so to do, and said City shall not be required to re-lay said pipe or pipes, but shall have a lien on the same, and shall or may retain the same until all of said charges and expenses are repaid. Sec. 4. The City of Tacoma hereby reserves the right and the grantee herein agrees that said City may impose any reas- onable regulations, by ordinance or resolution, as to terms and rates of service, as justice and the nature of the case may in the future be deemed by said City to require. Sec. 5. This franchise shall continue for a period of twenty- five years, unless sooner forfeited, or until such time within twenty-five years as the said City of Tacoma may be able to and is desirous of and ready to supply the inhabitants of said por- tion of said City with water, at which time all rights under this franchise shall cease, without any act on the part of said City, or the act or judgment of any court, and the said City may compel the said Joachim Olsen and his associates and assigns, to take up and remove all of their pipes and structures within thirty days after written notice shall have been served by or- der of the Council of said City by resolution on said Joachim Olsen, his associates and assigns. Sec. 6. The City of Tacoma shall, at any time, have the right to appropriate by purchase, at a reasonable price, the property of said grantee, his associates or assigns, of every name, nature and description, located within the limits of the City of Tacoma, appertaining to said water system. Sec. 7. Each and every of the rights, privileges and fran- chises granted by this ordinance shall not be assigned by said grantee without the consent of the City of Tacoma, given "by or- dinance. Sec. 8. Said grantee shall pay into the Treasury of the City of Tacoma semi-annually on the first Monday of January and the first :\Iouday of July of each year, in cash, a sum of money equal to one per cent, of the gross receipts received during each preceding six months from the operation of the water system authorized to be operated by this franchise within the limits of said City; and the said grantee herein, his succes- sors or assigns, shall, on the first Monday of July and the first Monday of January of each year, make a true and accu- rate report, under oath, of the gross receipts of said grantee from the operation of said water system for the six months immediately preceding the time of making said report, and shall file the same with the City Controller of the Citv of Ta- FRANCHISES. 1097 coma ; and said grantee shall keep proper and sufficient books of account, showino- such receipts in an orderly and plain man- ner, and shall permit and allow said books, at all times Avithin business hours, to be inspected by the City Controller, or by any committee or person who may be appointed by the City Council of the City of Tacoma to inspect the same; and in case said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall fail to pay into the said City Treasury any sum of money required to be paid under this section at the time required by this section, or shall fail to make any report or to file the same as herein required, or shall fail or refuse to allow said City Controller or any committee or person appointed by the City Council of said City to inspect the books of said grantee, then all rights, privi- leges and authorities and franchises hereby granted shall be suspended until such report and payment shall have been made. Sec. 9. Said grantee, its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, hereby agrees to forever protect and save harmless the City of Tacoma from any and all claims, actions or damages of any kind, nature and description which may accrue or be suffered by any person, firm or corporation by reason of any negligence in or defective construction of or maintenance of said water system, or by reason of the negli- gent operation of said system by said grantee, his successors or assigns, within the limits of the City of Tacoma ; and in case any suit or action, either in law or equity, is commenced against the City of Tacoma for damages arising out of or by reason of any such defective construction, or negligence in such construction, maintenance or negligent operation, said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall upon notice to him or them of the commencement of any such suit or action, defend the same at his or their own sole cost and expense ; and in case judgment shall be rendered against said City of Tacoma in any such suit or action, said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall fully satisfy and discharge said judgment within thirty days after said suit or action shall have been finally determined, if deter- mined adversely to said City; and if said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall fail to fully satisfy and discharge any such judgment rendered against said City within said time, then any and all rights, privileges, grants, authorities and fran- chises given and granted by this ordinance to said grantee shall be absolutely suspended and held in abeyance until said grantee, his successors and assigns, shall have paid and satisfied said judgment. Approved October 15, 1903. 1098 FKANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 1991. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Eailway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track along Winthrop Ave- nue and across Twenty-second Street in City of Tacoma, Pierce County, "Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track (and to construct a hopper under said track and to ele- vate coal therefrom) along Winthrop Avenue and across Twenty-second Street, in Tacoma, Pierce County, State of Wash- ington, on the following described line, to-wit : Beginning at the southerly line of the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and extending thence south- erly parallel with and twenty-two (22) feet distant easterly from the west boundary line of Winthrop Avenue, to the north boundary line of South Twenty-third Street, a distance of 500 feet, approximately. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Companj^, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said street when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or surface of the said street, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize be- tween the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street; provided, however, that said grantee, its successors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of' this franchise, to plank between the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof where the same cross said Twenty-second Street Avithin thirty days after the completion of said spur track ; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forever main- tain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving] or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and' expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the re- quirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, Washington, and whenever the said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- FEANCHISES. 1099 signs, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said street is paved by the said City of Tacoma. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City to enter upon said street for the purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, chang- ing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing, or for laying down or constructing servers, water pipe or any other public improvement; and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public improvement or work in said street, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors and assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby agrees so to do, at its or their own sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall for a period of more than sixty days fail to operate any portion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the said City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Commis- sioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track which it or they may have failed to operate as aforesaid, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance, may, as to such track, be canceled by ordinance of the City of Tacoma or the act of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee, its successors or assigns, without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordinance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be considered as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of the final publication of this ordi- nance. 1100 FRANCHISES. J Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said gran- tee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Approved November 12, 1903. « ORDINANCE NO. 1999. "i An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across and along Union Avenue, North Thirty-ninth Street and the alley in Block 72 of Byrd's Addition to Taeoma. Be it ordained by the City of Taeoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit : Beginning at the point where the center line of Union Avenue intersects the center line of the Bayside Extension Branch of the Northern Pacific Railway Company, and run- ning thence in a southeasterly direction, with the necessary frog, switch and turnout, to and along a* line parallel with said track center line and distant 15 feet southwesterly therefrom, for a total distance of 313 feet, and crossing portions of ITnion Avenue. North Thirty-ninth Street and the alley in Block 12 of Byrd's Addition to Taeoma. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid on the established grade of said street, \vhen graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the sur- j face of the said streets, so that carriages or other vehicles may ' pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the: acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize be- tween the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof within: thirty days from the time the said City of Taeoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said streets, and said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking and paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance Avith the re FRANCHISES. 1101 quirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Eailway Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said streets are paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City to enter upon said streets and alley for the purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing, or for laying down or constructing sewers, water pipe or any other public improvements; and if it shall be necessary for the pur- pose of any public work or improvement in said streets and alley, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby agree so to do at its or their sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Com- missioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track which it or they may have failed to operate as aforesaid ; and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privi- leges and franchises granted by this ordinance may, as to such track, be cancelled by ordinance by the City of Tacoma or the act of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Tacoma, given by ordi- lance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con- strued as exclusive. nO-2 FRANCHISES. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty- five years from the date of the final publication of this ordi- nance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk, within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Approved November 27, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2012. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across Steele Street, as shown on the plat of Prescott's Second Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit : Entering Steele Street on the westerly side thereof 190.194 feet south from the intersection of the center line of Centre Street with the said westerly line of Steele Street, said westerly line of Steele Street being coincident with the east line of the west half of the southeast quarter (S. E. ^) of Section Seven (7), Township Twenty (20) north. Range Three (3) east; run- ning thence from said point of beginning in a southeasterly direc- tion 30.17 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the northerly right of way line of the Northern Pacific Railway Company at a point 9.92 feet, more or less, west from the intersection of the east line of Steele Street with said northerly right of way line. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise that said tracks shall be laid down on the established grade of said street when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the surface of the said street, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize between the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof FKANCHISES. 1103 ^\ itliin thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall 1)(' done under the supervision and in accordance with the require- ments and directions of the Commissioner of Public AVorks of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Kailway (iiinpany, its successors and assigns, are required to pave, as re- (|uired in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the s.ime materials and in the same manner as said street is paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right (and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City) to enter upon said street for the l)urpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, chang- ing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing or for laying down (ir constructing sewers, water pipes or any other public im- provements. And if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public work or improvement in said street, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, hereby agree to do so at its or their own sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the opera- tion of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written no- tice upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, by its Commis- sioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track which it or they may have failed to operate as aforesaid, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said gran- Itee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privileges and fran- 1104 FRANCHISES. celled by ordinance by the City of Tacoma or the act of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordi- i nance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con-iMI strued as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors or assigns, for a period of twenty-five years from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk, within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Passed December 23, 1893. ORDINANCE NO. 2013. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay clown, maintain and operate a spur track across and along North Thirty-eighth Street and Puget Sound Avenue in Byrd 's Addition to the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit : Entering North Thirty-eighth Street in Byrd's Addition to Tacoma at a point on the southerly side thereof 12^ feet northeasterly from, when measured at right angles to, the cen- ter line of the Bayside Extension Branch of the Northern Pa- cific Railway Company, and running thence northwesterly along a line distant 12| feet northeasterly from said track center line and crossing said North Thirty-eighth Street, Block 73 of Byrd's Addition, and Puget Sound Avenue, and terminating at a point in the westerly line of said Puget Sound Avenue 12} feet north- easterly from said track center line, when measured at right angles thereto. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise that said track shall be laid down on the established grade ol" said streets, when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or FEANCHISES. 1105 the surface of the said streets, so that carriages or other ve- I hides may pass over the same with the least possible incon- ' venience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize between the rails of said track and one foot out- side thereof, within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall forever maintain, dur- ing the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or ma- cadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and ex- pense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be clone under the supervision and in accordance with the re- quirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said streets are paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right (and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City) to enter upon said streets for the purpose of improving- the same by grading, re-grading, chang- ing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing, or for laying down or constructing sewers. Avater pipes or any other public improvements; and if it shall be necessarj^ for the purpose of any public improvements or public work in said streets, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or 'assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its successors or assigns, hereby agrees to do so at its or their sole cost and expense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the op- eration of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Com- missioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said llOii FRANCHISES. track which it or they may have failed to operate as afore said, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail It operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period o1 sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privi-- leges and franchises granted by this ordinance, may, as to such track, be cancelled by ordinance by the City of Tacoma or by the act of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec". 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Tacoma, given by ordi- nance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con- strued as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five years from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said grantee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed Avith the City Clerk, within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Passed December 23, 1903. ORDINANCE NO. 2057. An ordinance granting to Commercial Trust Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to build, maintain and operate a street railway by electricity, cable, or other motive power, except steam, upon cer- tain public highways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Washington. Be it ordained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Com- mercial Trust Company, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, construct, equip, maintain and operate a single or double track electric or cable railway line, with necessary switches, turnouts, connections and other appliances, for the operation of the same, including the erecting, operating and maintaining of such poles and wire^ with their attachments as may be necessary for operating said railway, on, along, over and across the streets, alleys and high-^ ways in the City of Tacoma (subject ahvays to any and al rights of any o^raers of private property lying within tl routes hereinafter desig-nated or abutting upon said streets) f olloW'S, to-wit : Commencing at the foot of Soutli Fifteenth (15) Street FRANCHISES. 1107 where the same intersects the City Waterway, thence westerly nlong said South Fifteenth (15) Street as the same is now laid out or may hereafter be extended to the section line between Sections Five (5) and Six (6), Township Twenty north, Range Three east, of the Willamette Meridian ; thence in a general west- tn-ly or southwesterly direction to the City limits ; also eonmiene- ing at the center of Division Avenue, where the same is intersected )y Tacoma Avenue, thence southerly on Tacoma Avenue to Hood Street: thence acrqss Hood Street and the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company to, upon and over the land iiljacent to the City Reservoir in Section Eight (8), Township Twenty north. Range Three east, of the AVillamette Meridian; thence in a general westerly, southwesterly and southerly direc- tion along the right of way of the City Water Flume to its connection with Union Avenue, at or near South Forty-seventh (47) Street, in Cascade Park Addition to the said City; thence south, along said Union Avenue to the City limits ; also com- incncing at a point on the southern boundary of Point De-' riance Park and running thence in a general southerly direction through Sections Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), Twenty- .ix (26), Twenty-seven (27), Thirty-four (34) and Thirty-five (35), in Township Twenty-one (21) north. Range T\vo (2) east, )f the Willamette Meridian, and through Sections Two (2) and Three (3), in Township Twenty (20) north, Range Two (2) -ast, of the Willamette ^Meridian, to the City limits; also com- iiencing at a point near the City Reservoir in the southeast quarter of Section Eight, and running thence southwesterly to he intersection of South Thirty-fifth (35) Street and Thomp- son Avenue; thence south along Thompson Avenue to South Fortieth (40) Street; thence east along South Fortieth (40) street to Pacific Avenue; thence south along Pacific Avenue to 50uth Sixty-fourth (64) Street; thence east along South Sixty- "orth (64) Street to the City limits. Provided, however, that when said grantee, its successors )r assigns, shall have located their lines of single or double rack railway, as hereinafter provided, along the routes above nentioned which are not specifically described, such location )y said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall thereafter be leemed and taken as the lines and routes covered by this grant ind franchise as to such routes, and said grantee shall there- ifter have no rights whatever under this grant and franchise as such routes along or upon any other lines, routes, streets, al- ; eys or public places within the City of Tacoma. IIOS FKANCHISES. Provided, further, that nothing' in this ordinance eontaine shall be deemed or construed to amount to a warranty on th part of said City of Tacoma that any part of the above de scribed routes are upon a legally established or existing stree but said City of Tacoma hereby grants the right to construe and operate said railway line subject to the conditions, pro visions and reservations hereinafter set forth only in so far as said City now has, or hereafter may have, control over said streets, 'and the routes hereinbefore designated, subject always to any and all rights of any owners of private property lying within the said routes, or abutting upon said streets. Sec. 2. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall within twelve months after the acceptance of this franchise commence the construction of a street railway and shall continuously prose cute the same until said line is complete and shall expend at least ten thousand ($10,000) dollars thereon within the first eighteen months after acceptance of this franchise, and said street rail way shall be completed along all the said lines and routes and in operation by running cars for the transportation of passen gers within thirty months after the date of said acceptance, Provided, however, that within twenty (20) days after the publication of this ordinance said grantee shall deposit with the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma one thousand ($1000.00) dollars and in case said grantee, its successors an J assigns shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section within the time and in the manner specified, said grantee, its successors and assigns herein waives, relinquishes and absolutely forfeits any right of any nature whatsoever, either in law or equity which they may have had to said one thousand ($1000.00) dollars. Provided, Jiowever, that when said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have expended ten thousand ($10,000.00) dol- lars as provided in this section, then upon the certificate of the Mayor of the said City of Tacoma to the effect that said ten thou- sand dollars has been expended as provided in this section, the City Treasurer shall pay over said sum of one thousand dolla to said grantee, its successors and assigns. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2234.) Sec. 3. Whenever the said grantee, its successors or ai signs, shall fail to operate any portion of their track laid down along any of the streets mentioned in this ordinance for a period of thirty (30) days, provided such failure to opera' IS not caused by riots, strikes, civil commotions, acts of t FRANCHISES. 1109 elements, or other causes over which said grantee has no con- rol, then and thereupon all rights, privileges and authorities md franchises granted by this ordinance may be forthwith ter- liinated by ordinance as to that portion of said street or streets wer and along which said grantee shall fail to operate for said •period of time, and no act or deed of any Court shall be re- quired to so terminate the rights of the grantee in said streets tr portions of streets. AVithin thirty (30) days after service if notice of the passage of said ordinance upon said grantee oy the Commissioner of Public "Works of said City, the grantee ihall remove all rails, poles, wires and appliances of every lature and description from said street or streets or portion of streets, and shall leave said streets in as good condition for public travel as they would have been had no street railway Tracks ever been laid ; and if said grantee shall fail to remove ^aid rails, poles, wires and other appliances from said streets n* portion of streets in which this franchise has been declared \v the City forfeited, the City may remove the same at the :i'antee's sole cost and expense, or, at its election, may appro- jriate the same to its own use without any compensation being laid to said grantees, its successors or assigns. Sec. 4. For the purpose of constructing or repairing the •ailway track along the lines mentioned in Section One of this u'dinance, no street or alley shall be torn up or allowed to emain open for a greater length of time than may be desig- lated by the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Council. The tracks shall be laid upon the established grade of said streets md alleys, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the ■ails shall not be above the established grade or surface of the itreet, so that carriages or other vehicles can pass over the same vith the least possible inconvenience. Sec. 5. That immediately upon the laying down of the ies and rails along and over the streets designated in this ordi- lance, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall plank or rrade between the rails and for the space of one (1) foot or II the end of the ties outside of the rails, and shall plank or irade the whole space between its tracks wherever a double track s constructed, and shall grade or plank the whole space be- ween either or both of said tracks, and any switch, spur or urnout on all graded streets and the crossings on ungraded streets, as the Commissioner of Public AVorks or City Council nay direct ; and any plank laid down on the outside of the ■ails shall have the outer edge beveled, so as to make it easy !or teams to cross and re-cross said tracks; and said grantee, 1110 FRANCHISES. its successors and assigns, agree to forever maintain said plank- ing or grading in good repair during the life of this franchise, or until said City shall pave any or all of the said streets desig- nated in Section One of this ordinance with other material than planks; and when said City shall so pave any street (or part of a street) mentioned in Section One of this ordinance, or any street upon which a railway may be operated under this franchise, with material other than planks, then said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall pave between its or their said tracks and outside of the rails thereof for the space of one foot or to the end of the ties, with the same material as. that used by the City, or with other material equally as good, and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and shall re-pave and forever keep in repair said pavement during the life of this franchise ; and said grantee, its successors and as- signs, agree that in planking, paving, re-planking, repairing and re-paving, and all repairs to be made by it or them, shall be done at its or their own sole cost and expense; and where said track shall be parallel to the track of any other person or corporation laid prior to the track of the grantee herein on any of the streets mentioned in Section One of this ordinance, said grantee shall plank or macadamize the whole space between their tracks and to the end of the ties of the track of such other person or corporation. The tracks of said street railway may be of standard gauge. and where double tracks shall be laid along any portion of said route, the distance from center to center of said tracks shall not be more than twelve (12) feet, except on streets where there are tracks of other street railway lines, when the twelve (12) feet shall be measured from center of next track. Sec. 6. That whenever it shall be necessary to cross any gulch, gully or ravine in any street, alley or public place along the route of said railway, as designated in Section One of this ordinance, the said grantee shall at its own cost and expense, construct, maintain and forever keep in continual repair, bridges, viaducts or structures necessary for carrying the traffic of said street railway line across said gulches, gullies or ravines, which said bridges, viaducts or structures shall be constructed of the, very best material used for such purpose, and according to th( plans and specifications which shall first have been submittedl by said grantee to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, and approved by him, and the surface of any such bridge,] viaduct or structure shall be so constructed and forever main-] tained during the life of this franchise in such a uumner as FRANCHISES. 1111 to afford free, open and unobstructed travel for teams and pe- Icstrians; provided, however, said grantee shall not be required to build said bridge a greater width, exclusive of sidewalks, than is necessary for its own traffic; and such bridge or bridges shall be further constructed in such a manner that a sidewalk of the width required by the ordinances of said City shall be built and forever maintained by said grantee during the life of ihis franchise on one or both sides of such bridge, viaduct or •;tructure, as said City may elect, together with a proper rail- iiiu' on both edges of said sidewalk; provided, further, that if •\ street railway line or lines shall cross any gulch, gully or ^ ine along any portion of its said route, upon any bridge or ilges belonging to said City of Tacoma, then said grantee shall pay to the City of Tacoma, during the life of this fran- ihise, one-half of the cost of construction and re-construction, maintenance and repairs of any bridge or bridges so crossed and used by said grantee, and whenever the City Council of the City of Tacoma shall authorize the construction, re-construc- tion or repair of any bridge or bridges so crossed and used by ■>aid grantee for street raihvay purposes, said grantee shall forthwith pay to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City one-half of the estimated cost of the construction, re- •diistruction, maintenance or repair of any such bridge or l)iidges, and when such bridge or bridges shall have been con- structed, re-constructed or repaired, said Commissioner of Pub- lic Works shall render a true and accurate account of the cost af any such work to said grantee, and if the amount contributed and paid by said grantee to said City shall exceed one-half of the actual expenditure therefor, said Commissioner shall re- fund the excess to said grantee, and if the amount paid by said grantee, as aforesaid, shall not have equalled one-half of the actual expenditure for said purpose, then the said grantee shall forthwith pay to the said Commissioner of Public Works the imount of deficiency; and if at any time said grantee shall re- cuse or neglect to contribute and pay its proportionate part for the construction or re-construction or repair of any bridge, as aforesaid, for three (3) days after any such w^ork has been adered by the City Council of said City of Tacoma, then it is u^reed that each and every right, authoritj^ and franchise grant- (1 by this ordinance to use any such bridge or bridges, shall Fiathwith cease and be suspended, and said grantee shall have no riiiht whatever to operate any car or cars across any such l)iidge or bridges, or any portion of them, until it shall have ■niitributed to and paid for one-half of the entire expense in- 1112 FKANCHISES. eurrecl by said City in the construction, re-construction or repair of any such bridge or bridges ; provided, however, that no bridge, viaduct or structure constructed and maintained by said grantee across any gulch, gully or ravine shall ever be removed or destroyed upon the expiration of this franchise; and it is hereby agreed, that any such bridge, viaduct or structure, upon the expiration of this franchise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, shall absolutely vest in and belong to said City of Tacoma, for its own use and benefit forever, without any act of 'said City or the act or judgment of any Court. Sec. 7. The fare for one continuous passage over said railroad from any one point to any other point within the City shall never exceed five cents; and the payment of a fare shall entitle the passenger to a transfer to any other system of street car lines within the City of Tacoma which may give and re- ceive transfers to and from the system of lines operated under this franchise. Sec. 8. This franchise may be assigned by said Commercial Trust Company with the consent of said City, given by ordi- nance. Sec. 9. That said grantee shall pay into the Treasury of the City of Tacoma semi-annually, on the first Monday of Janu- ary and the first Monday of July of each year, in cash, a sum of money equal to one per cent (1%) of the gross receipts received during each preceding six months from the operation of the rail- way authorized to be operated by this franchise within the limits of the said City for the period of five years, and there- after a sum of money equal to two per cent. (2%) of said gross receipts, payable at the same periods, and the Secretary, or whatever officer of said grantee shall have charge of the gen- eral supervision of the books of account of said grantees, shall, on the first Monday of July and the first Monday of January of each year, make a true and accurate report under oath of the gross receipts of the said grantees from the operation of said line of railway throughout its entire length within the limits of said City for the six months immediately preceding the time of making said report, and shall file the same with the City Controller of said City, and said grantee shall keep proper and sufficient books of account showing such receipts in an orderly and plain manner, and shall permit and allow said books, at all times within business hours, to be in- spected by the City Controller of said Citv, or by any com- imttee or person Avho may be appointed by the Citv Council of said City to inspect the same; and in case said grantee shall FRANCHISES. lllS at any time hereafter, while this franchise remains in force, fail to pay into said City Treasury any sum of money required to be paid under this section, at the time required by this section, or b shall fail to make any report or to file the same as herein re- quired, then all rights, privileges, authorities and franchises granted hereby shall be suspended until such report and pay- ment shall have been made. Sec. 10. It is further agreed by said grantee, its successors and assigns, that the City of Tacoma shall at any time have the right to appropriate by purchase the property of said grantee, its successors and assigns, constructed on streets and parts of streets described in this ordinance, at a reasonable price, and shall have the right and power to regulate the moving and operation of cars on said streets or parts of streets, and to pro- vide for the protection of persons and property against injury in the use of said street railway lines ; and said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, further agrees that it will never charge any greater fare for one continuous passage over said railroad from any one point to any other point within the City, or from any place within the Citj^, to any place at or within Point Defiance Park, than five cents. Sec. 11. That before said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall enter upon any portion of any of the streets or alleys described in Section One of this ordinance for any pur- pose whatever for constructing and building its track or tracks, or setting any poles, or disturbing the surface of any street in any manner whatsoever, all damages that may be occasioned thereby to property abutting on said streets along which said track or tracks are to be laid down, in so far as such damages shall be claimed by the owner of, or any person interested in any such property, shall be ascertained and determined and compensation made therefor by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in the manner provided by law. Sec. 12. That before said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall disturb the surface of any street, paved or unpaved, or any public place, for the purpose of laying down, construct- ing, re-constructing or operating its or their track or tracks, it or they shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma and the City Engineer of said City complete plans and specifications, giving thereby the intended location of such track or tracks in said streets, the kind of ties and rails to be used in constructing said track, and also specify any and all turnouts and switches intended to be laid down, poles to be erected, giving the location and manner of erection of said poles, 11 U ■ FKANCHISES. which said plans and specifications shall be approved by the said Commissioner of Public Works of said City before said o'rantee, its successors and assigns, shall have any right or author- ity under this ordinance. Whenever the track or tracks of said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall cross or be crossed by the track or tracks of any other line of railway, the rails of each shall be so altered or cut as to permit the cars of each to pass without obstruc- tion. Sec. 13.' All electrical currents used by said grantee, its successors and assigns, must be cared for so as to insure a re- turn of the same along its own metallic conductors; and the City of Tacoma reserves the right to compel the said grantee, its successors and assigns, to adopt any method in actual, practi- cal and successful use for the operation of said line of street railway so as to insure such return of such current. Sec. 14. All poles that shall be erected in any of the said streets, alleys or public places, or any portion thereof, for the purpose of said railway shall be painted black for the first eight feet from the ground, and the remainder thereof white, and they shall be erected or re-set from time to time as public convenience may require, at such places as may be directed by the Com- missioner of Public Works of said City. All poles and wires and all appliances of any name, nature and description, and whatsoever connected therewith, and the materials and construc- tion of said track or tracks, and of the roadbed thereof, shall be of the most approved character so as to interfere as little as practicable with any other public use of said street, and both the material and workmanship thereof shall be of the very best kind and quality. Sec. 15. Whenever any person has obtained permission to use any of the streets of said City for the purpose of removing any building across the track of said grantee, its successors and assigns, it or they shall, at its or their own sole cost and expense, upon twenty-four (24) hours' written notice from such person, immediately raise, cut or remove any and all of its or their wires which may obstruct the removal of such buildings across said track. Such notice shall be served by any person competent to serve process in a civil action upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, at its principal place of business in the City of Tacoma, and in case of its or their refusal to comply with such notice, then the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma is hereby granted the right, power and authority, and it is hereby agreed by said grantee, its succes- FRANCHISES. lllo sors and assigns, that the said Commissioner of Public Works shall raise, cut or remove said wires at the expense of said grantee, its suceessore or assigns, for the purpose aforesaid, and the amount of said expense shall, upon demand upon the part of said City, be paid by said grantee, its successors or assigns, to said City, and whenever any of its or their wires are cut for the purpose aforesaid by the Commissioner of Public Works, said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall replace said wires at its or their own sole cost and expense; provided, however, that no person shall be permitted to cause the suspension of traffic on said streets or parts of streets for the purpose named in this section for a longer period of time than is necessary to accomplish the purpose ; and, provided further, that all houses shall be moved across said railway tracks at a time when sus- pension of traffic for such purpose will cause the least inconveni- ence to travelers in the cai^ of said grantee, its successors and assigns. Sec. 16. That said City of Tacoma hereby reserves the right at any and all times to limit and regulate by ordinance the rate of speed at which cars shall be moved under this ordi- nance within the limits of said City; and each and every car operajted by said grantee, its successors and assigns, within the limits of the City of Tacoma, under the provisions granted by this franchise, shall be provided with both a motorman and conductor, each of whom shall be skilled in his several duties. All cars shall be first class in workmanship, and so constructed as to give the greatest amount of comfort to the traveling pub- lic. They shall be well lighted, and lights shall be so placed that the steps of said cars may be clearly seen by persons entering and departing from said cars, and said cars shall also be provided with safety gates and proper and legible and illuminated signs showing the destination and route of said cars; and the City of Tacoma hereby reserves the right, which is agreed to by said grantee, its successors and assigns, to require by ordinance that reasonable number of cars shall be run and as often as may be necessary to accommodate the traffic of said lines within the limits of the City of Tacoma. Sec. 17. No part of any track laid down by said grantee, its successors and assigns, under the provisions of this ordinance shall be used as a dead track, whereon any car or cars shall be allowed to stand to the obstruction of any street, alley or pub- lic place; and no freight shall be received, loaded or discharged by said grantee, its successors and assigns, upon any public street, alley or public place in said City, except package freight. 5n6 FRANCHISES. iiml no one package shall exceed one hundred and fifty (150) pounds in weight, and no freight shall be handled by said gran- tee, its successors and assigns, until it or they shall have estab- lished a proper and suitable freight yard upon private property. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have the au- tliority under this franchise to construct and operate its or their track or tracks into said yard under the provisions, con- ditions and restrictions of this ordinance as to paving, planking and macadamizing between and outside the rails of said spur, under the direction and in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, who shall have the right to approve or disapprove of any portion (or the whole) of any spurs so to be constructed by said grantee, its successors and assigns; subject, however, to the right of the City to regulate by ordinance the hours during which and the particular streets upon which freight may be carried. Sec. 18. This ordinance shall not be construed in any man- ner whatsoever so as to deprive the City of Tacoma of any power, right or privilege which it now has, or may hereafter have or receive, to regulate the use and control of the streets, alleys and public places of said City; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed or interpreted as to prevent, hinder, delay or embarrass the said City from sewering, grading, macadamizing, paving, planking, repairing, altering or improving any street, alley or public place in said City ; nor shall the City of Tacoma be liable to said grantee, its successors or assigns, for any dam- age whatsoever, of any name, nature or description whatsoever, that said grantee, its successors and assigns, may suffer by reason of the performance of any work of any kind whatsoever made by the City of Tacoma in the improvement of any street, or by reason of the exercise of any right which the City of Ta- coma now has or may hereafter have, in, upon or over any street, alley or public place in said City; and the said City of Tacoma reserves the right to itself, at any and all times, when- ever it may deem it advisable, to change the grade of any street, alley or public place, over or along which said street railway shall have been constructed, and to construct sewers, water mains or any other improvement, in, upon or underneath any such street, alley or public place, and for any such purpose to suspend temporarily the running of cars on such railway: and whenever it shall become necessary to remove temporarily the track, structure, poles or wires, or any portion of the same of said grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of mak- mg any improvement upon, in or underneath any street, alley FRANCHISES. 1117 or public place in said City, said grantee, its successors and assigns, upon receiving notice from the Commissioner of Public "Works so to do, shall promptly and at its or their own cost and expense, change the construction and location of said railway in such manner as to conform to the requirements of said City; and in the event of the failure of said grantee, its successors and assigns, so to do, within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice, then said City may temporarily change, alter or remove the structure of said railway at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, its successors and assigns; and said City shall not be liable to said grantee, its successors and assigns, for any re- sulting damage, but said grantee, its successors and assigns, shad, upon demand, pay to the said City the entire expense of said temporary change or removal of said railway, and upon the refus- al of said grantee, its successors and assigns, to pay said City said costs, for a period of thirty (30) days after demand, then all the rights, grants, authority and franchise of every nature what- soever conferred by this ordinance shall be suspended until such payment shall have been made. Sec. 19. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, does hereby agree, for itself and themselves, to forever protect and save harmless the City of Tacoma from any and all claims, actions or damages of any kind, nature and description, which may accrue to or be suf- fered by any person, firm or corporation, or the property of any person, firm or corporation, both during the construction of its railway and its operation thereafter, by reason of any defective construction or maintenance, or the improper operation or neg- ligence in connection with the construction of its or their said line of street railway, or by reason of the negligent operation by said grantee, its successors and assigns, of said street railway line within the limits of said City of Tacoma ; and in case any suit or action, either at law or in equity, is commenced against said City for damages arising out of or by reason of any such acts or defective construction, maintenance or negligent opera- tion, said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, upon notice to it or them of the commencement of any such suit or action, defend the same, at its or their own sole cost and expense; and in case judgment shall be rendered against said City of Tacoma in any such suit or action, said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall fully satisfy and discharge said judgment Mdthin thirty (30) days after said suit or action shall have been fully determined, if determined adversely to said ■ City ; and if said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fail to fully satisfy, 1]1S FRANCHISES. pay and discharge any such judgment rendered against said City within said time, then any and all rights, privileges, grants, authorities and franchises given by this ordinance to said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall be absolutely sus- pended and held in abeyance until said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have paid and satisfied said judgment. Sec. 20. At the expiration of the terms of this franchise, liy lapse of time or otherwise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, the grantee herein, its successors and assigns, shall commence within ten (10) days from said expiration to remove any and all rails, ties, poles, wires and appliances which may have been constructed or used in the operation of said street railway line over the route herein designated, from the streets, bridges, alleys and public places in which and along which said route extends, and shall finish said removal within ninety (90) days from said expiration, leaving said streets, alleys, bridges and public places in as good condition and re- pair as the same would have been had said street railway line or lines never been constructed thereon ; provided, however, that in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fail to re- move its or their rails, ties, poles, wires and appliances within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the franchise granted by this ordinance, then the said City of Tacoma may remove the same at the sole cost and expense of the said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, or may, at its election, hold and retain the same as its own absolute property, for its perpetual use and ])enefit, Avithout any act or deed whatsoever on the part of any Court, or of said grantee, its successors and assigns. Sec. 21. All mail carriers, police officers and firemen of the City, when in uniform, and all inspectors in the employment of the City and having with them the certificate of the head of the department of the City to which they belong that they are actually engaged in their duty as such inspectors, shall be per- mitted to ride free of charge over any of the lines of said rail- road in pursuance of their several employments and duties ; and school children going to or coming from school shall never be charged more than half fare. Sec. 22. That all and singular the rights, privileges and franchises by this ordinance granted, shall be in force and con- tinue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date this ordinance goes into eifect; subject, however, to all and every of the conditions, provisions and reservations herein contained ; provided, however, that each and every right, privilege, au- thority and franchise by this ordinance granted, shall, without FRANCHISES. 1119 the passage of any resolution, ordinance or any action of any kind whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, be null and void and absolutely of no eit'eet upon the failure of the said grantee, its successors and assigns, to perform any of the con- ditions hereinafter specified, to-wit : Fii^st. That said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall file an absolute and unconditional acceptance of this franchise in writing with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma within sixty (60) days aftei' the publication of this ordinance. Second. Said street railway shall be completed and in operation by running car.s for the transportation of passengers each way over the routes described in Section One of this ordi- nance within the times mentioned, and in accordance with the provisions of Section Two. Third. That at the time of the acceptance of this franchise said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall deposit with the City Treasurer of the City of Tacoma one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), and in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall fail to construct and complete and have in operation its whole line of street railway along and over the routes designated in Section One of this ordinance, within the time and in the manner in this ordinance specified, said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby waives, relinquishes and absolutely forfeits any right of any nature whatsoever, either in law or equity, which they may have had to said one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) ; pro- vided, however, that when said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall have fully and faithfulh^ complied with all the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance with reference to the construction and completion of the line or lines of street railway herein designated, within the time or times herein des- ignated, within which any and all acts are to be performed upon the part of said grantee, its successors and assigns, then, upon the certificate of the JMayor of the said City of Tacoma to the effect that said terms, conditions and provisions have been complied with by said grantee, its successors and assigns, the City Treas- urer shall pay over said sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) to said grantee, its successors and assigns. Approved March 24. 1904. 1120 FEANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 2073. Au ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Eailway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across and along Dock Street in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and as- signs, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described line, to-wit : Beginning at a point in the center line of the most easterly siding of the Northern Pacific Railway Company opposite and westerly from Lot Twelve (12) of Block Fifty-eight (58), Ta- coma Tide Lands; thence curving to the right with a 339 foot radius a distance of forty (40) feet; thence continuing on a curve to the right with a 193 foot radius to the western line of Lot Eight (8) of Block Fifty-Eight (58), Tacoma Tide Lands, aforesaid, a total distance of 250 feet, approximately, and cross- ing a portion of Dock Street in the City of Tacoma. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree, by the acceptance of this franchise, that said track shall be laid on the established grade of said street when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade of the sur- face of the said street, so that carriages Or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize be- tween the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said streets, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this fran- chise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of good repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking and paving required by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision' and in accordance with the re- quirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma, and whenever the Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as the said streets are paved by the City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or de- ! FRANCHISES. 1121 lay the right of the City to enter upon said streets for the piir- jtose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, changing of urade, planlving, paving, macadamizing or for laying down or eonstriicting sewers, water pipes or any other public improve- ments, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public Avork or improvement in said street, or any part thereof, to tem- porarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its successors or as- sio'ns, hereby agrees so to do, at its or their sole cost and ex- pense. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance cf this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said street, agrees to save the City of Tacoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or persons, necasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the operation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, i'or a period- of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Commissioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to 1 Iterate the' track mentioned in said written notice for the l)eriod of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance may, as to such track, be cancelled by ordinance of the City of Ta- coma, or the act of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordi- nance, and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con- strued as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of said grantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-fivc! years from ' the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this ordi- nance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said gran- tee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof, filed with the City Clerk within thirty days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Approved May 21, 1904. ]lo2 FRANCHISES. ORDINAN'CE NO. 2074. An onlinanee granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across, over and along North Thirty-seventh and Lawrence Avenue, as the same are shown I on Byrd 's Addition, Supplementary Map of Tacoma, filed in the office of the Auditor of Pierce County, on the 18th day of February, 1874, Jj< If ordained hij the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, p. fi-anchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spurj track on the following described line, to-wit : Entering Lawrence Street in Byrd's Addition on the east side thereof at a point fourteen (14) feet northerly from when measured at right angles to the center line of the Bayside Ex- tension Branch of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and running thence in a northwesterly direction parallel with and fourteen (14) feet distant northerly from when measured at right angles to the said center line of the Bayside Extension track, and crossing Lawrence Street and North Thirty-seventh Street, and having a total length of three hundred sixty (360) feet more or less. Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise tiiat said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said streets, when graded, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the surface of the said streets, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience: and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize between the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall plank, pave or macadamize said street, and said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a state of ffood repair, at its own cost and expense. All planking or paving required by this ordinance shall be (lone under the supervision and in accordance with the re- (luirements and directions of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma. and Avhenever said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving shall be done FRANCHISES. 1123 with the same material and in the same manner as said streets i are paved by the said Cit}^ ^ Said City of Taeoma reserves the right, (and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City) to enter upon said streets for the purpose of improving- the same by grading', re-grading, changing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing, or for lay- : ing" down or constructing sewers, water pipes or any other pub- .' lie improvements, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public improvements or public work in said streets, or any pa'rt thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said gran- tee, its successors or as.signs, hereby agrees to do so at its or their sole cost and expense. Said gi'antee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and by the use of said streets, ao:rees to save the City of Taeoma harmless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- son, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the oper- ation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any portion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Taeoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Commis- sioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track Avhich it or they may have failed to operate as aforesaid, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance may, as to such track, be cancelled by ordinance by the City of Taeoma or by the act of ■ of a court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Taeoma given by ordi- nance and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con- strued as exclusive. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said C'rantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five .\ • ars from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. 1124 FEANCHISES. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this or- dinance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said gran- tee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise by a written acceptance thereof tiled with the City Clerk within ninety days from the time this ordinance shall go into etfect. Approved May 21, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2157. An ordinance granting to the Northern Pacific Eailway Company the right to lay down, maintain and operate a spur track across, over and along- certain portions of South Fifteenth Street and Dock Street, in the City of Tacoma. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and there is hereby granted to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, its successors and assigns, a franchise to construct, lay down, maintain and operate a spur track on the following described lines, to-wit : Beginning at a point on the south line of Fifteenth Street 130 feet, more or less, east of the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block 59, Tacoma Tide Lands; running thence across Fifteenth Street into and along Dock Street by a 16 degree curve to the left to a point in Dock Street 80 feet, more or less, north of the north line of Fifteenth Street and 16 feet west of the east line of Dock Street; thence along a tangent parallel with and 16 feet distant Avesterly from the east line of Dock Street 150 feet, 'f; more or less, to a point directly Avest of the northwest" corner of ^ Lot 21, Block 62, Tacoma Tide Lands; and having a total length v in said streets of 350 feet, more or less. 1 Sec. 2. Said Northern Pacific Railway Company, its sue- , cessors and assigns, agree by the acceptance of this franchise . that said track shall be laid down on the established grade of i; said streets, when graded, and shall be so constructed that th'.^ ' tops of the rails shall not be above the established grade or the surface of the said streets, so that carriages or other vehicles may pass over the same wdth the least possible inconvenience: J and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree by "m the acceptance of this franchise to plank, pave or macadamize " between the rails of said track and one foot outside thereof - within thirty days from the time the said City of Tacoma shall ^ plank, pave or macadamize said street, and said grantee, its • .successors or assigns, shall forever maintain, during the life of this franchise, its said planking, paving or macadamizing in a . state of o-nod repair, at its own cost and expense. I FRANCHISES. 1125 All plniikiiii;- or i)nvino- i-oqiiired by this ordinance shall be done under the supervision and in accordance with the require- ments and directions of the Conniiissioner of Public Works of the City of Taconia, and whenever said Northern Pacific Rail- way Company, its successors and assitrns, are required to pave as required in this ordinance, said paving- shall be done with the same material and in the same manner as said streets are paved by the said City. Said City of Tacoma reserves the right, (and no grant under this franchise shall be construed to prohibit, interfere with or delay the right of the City) to enter upon said streets for the purpose of improving the same by grading, re-grading, changing of grade, planking, paving, macadamizing, or for lay- ing down or constructing sewers, water pipes or any other public improvements, and if it shall be necessary for the purpose of any public improvements or public works in said street, or any part thereof, to temporarily take up said track of said grantee, its successors or assigns, or any part thereof, said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, hereby agrees to do so at its or their sole cost and expense. Said Grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise herein granted, and b.y the use of said streets, agrees to save the City of Tacoma hamiless from any and all damages of any nature whatsoever, either to property or per- sons, occasioned by the laying down of said tracks and the oper- ation of cars thereon. Sec. 3. In case said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, for a period of more than sixty days, fail to operate any por- tion of the track which it shall construct under this ordinance, then the City of Tacoma reserves the right to serve written notice upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by its Com- missioner of Public Works, to abandon any portion of said track which it or thej^ may have failed to operate as aforesaid, and if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail to operate the track mentioned in said written notice for a period of sixty days after such written notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors or assigns, then the rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance may, as to such track, be cancelled by ordinance by the City of Tacoma or by the act of ci court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. -4. This franchise shall not be assigned by said gran- tee without the consent of the City of Tacoma given by ordi- nance and in no event shall the grant herein contained be con- strued as exclusive. 1126 FEANCHISES. Sec. 5. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the said f?rantee, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five years from the date of the final publication of this ordinance. Sec. 6. The rights and privileges granted under this or- dinance shall be null and void and of no effect unless said gran- tee shall accept the terms and conditions of said franchise hy a written acceptance thereof filed with the City Clerk within ninety days from the time this ordinance shall go into effect. Approved August 18, 1904. ORDINANCE NO. 2227. An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, the right to construct, maintain and operate a spur track, making con- nection with its main track near the junction of "A" Street and Seventh Street, and nmning thence southerly along the east side of the alley between Blocks 702 and 703 to the north line of Eighth Street. Be ii ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. There is hereby granted to the Tacoma Rail- way and Power Company, its successors and assigns, the fran- chise to construct, maintain and operate a spur railway track, together with the ordinary appliances for operating the same by means of electricity from the main track belonging to the grantee, near the junction of South Seventh and ''A" Streets along the east side of the alley between Blocks 702 and 703 of the plat of New Tacoma to the north line of South Eighth Street. Sec. 2. Said track shall be laid down on the established grade of said streets and alley, and shall be so constructed that the tops of the rails will not be above the established grade, and in such manner that wagons and other vehicles can pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall plank between the rails and one foot on the outside of each rail. AYhenever the adjoining streets or alley or any part of the same adjacent to said track shall be permanently paved, the grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, shall pave with the same material or witli a material in the judgment of the Commissioner of Public Woi-ks. equally good, between said rails and one foot on the outside o^ (-ach of said rails. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall at all times maintain in good condition the planking and paving hei-ein specified. Sec. 3. In case the grantee, its successors oi- assiuiis. shall FEAXCHISES. 1127 at any time abandon said track or any portion thereof it shall repair said streets and alley to as ^ood condition as the bal- ance of the streets or alley by gradino- and paving' the place Avhere the said track was constructed, in the same manner as the balance of the street. Sec. 4. It is understood that this spur shall be operated in connection with the main tracks of the grantee, its successors and assigns, and all business transacted on this spur shall be subject to the same license fee as is imposed upon the balance of tlie i^i-operty of the grantee in the City of Taconui, but in case i-ny independent revenue is derived out of the operation of this spur, for any purpose, then the grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall pay to the City of Tacoma on such independent busi- ness, two {'2'/( ) per cent, upon such gross receipts. Sec. 5. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall not have The right to allow cars to stand for the purposes of loading or unloading upon either "A" Street or Seventh Street, but for said purposes, cars may be allowed to stand in the said alley hereinbefore described, but the said urantee, its successors and assigns, shall not be pei-mitted to block said alley in any un- necessary manner, or in such a way as to prevent the passage of teams thereon and shall not be permitted to store or allow the accumulation of freight or anv kind of merchandise in said alley. Sec. 6. This franchise shall not be assigned by the gran- tee, its successors and assigns, without the consent of the City of Tacoma. granted by ordinance, and this grant shall not be construed as being exclusive. Sec. 7. This franchise shall inure to the benefit of the grantee, its successors and assigiLS, for a period of twenty-five (25) years on condition, however, that the grantee shall accept in Avriting and file such acceptance with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma. within sixty (60) days after this ordinance goes into effect. Approved December 15, 1904. 1128 FKANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 2295. An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, a cor- poration, the right, franchise tind privilege to construct and maintain pole lines, underground conduits, string wires thereon and therein and maintain the same, and to transmit thereover electricity for the purpose of furnishing power and heat within the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinance No. 551. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, a corporation organized and existing nnder and by virtue of the laws of the State of New Jersey, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty- five (25) years, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to erect and maintain pole lines and underground conduits and to stretch wires thereon and therein, over, along, across and also underneath the streets and alleys of the City of Tacoma in the manner hereinafter provided, for the purpose of trans- mitting, distributing and selling electric current to be furnished and used for the purpose of furnishing power and heat, or either of them, and the further right to charge for such current a reasonable compensation, and for any other use or uses to which electricity may be put, except as hereinafter provided ; provided, that neither said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, nor its successors or assigns, shall have any right to supply electric current to be used directly or indirectly for lighting purposes, or to run motors, dynamos or other machines by which electric current shall be generated for lighting purposes, to any person, firm, association or corporation, except, where the grantee here- in, its successors and assigns, may furnish current for street railway purposes, then and in that event current may be sold for lighting street cars, but for no other lighting purpose what- ever. It is the intention of this section to grant to the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, the light to sell power for power and heating purposes and for lighting street cars; but in no event, except as hereinafter pro- vided, shall the said grantee, its successors or assigns, furnish power to be used for lighting or generating electricity for light- ing; provided fiirtlier, however, that nothing in this section contained shall prevent said City from granting the said Ta- coma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, by special permit, the right to furnish any person, firm or cor- poration within said City, or said City," electric current for lighting purposes, subject to the provisions of the City Charter i FRANCHISES. 1129 and the laws of the State of Washington ; such permit, however, to be revokable at any time at the option of the City. Sec. 2. All transmission wires erected under the provisions of this ordinance which shall be used to carry twenty-five hun- dred (2500) volts or more, shall be strnng npon poles at least forty (40) feet in height from the ground; and w'ires shall be placed as far as practicable along: streets on wiiich said gran- tee, its successors or assigns, are now operating or may hereafter operate street railway cars, and on i^aid streets wires shall be placed, wherever practicable and not in conflict with other provisions of this ordinance, on the same poles used for the transmi.ssion of electric current for operating street cars. Where it is necessary to extend Avires and pole lines off the streets on which street railway lines are operated, alleys shall be used when- ever practicable. On streets and alleys poles shall be placed wherever the Commissioner of Public Works of said City shall designate and when the Conniiissioner of Public Works con- siders it necessary to relocate said poles at any time, the gran- tee herein shall do so upon thirty days' notice in writing from said Connnissioner, and at the sole cost and expense of said gran- tee, its successors and assigns. All poles are to be located and painted according to plans and specifications, which shall first be filed with the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, and approved by him; provided, lioicevcr, that the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have no right whatever, under the terms and conditions of this franchise, to string any Avires on any poles on Pacific Avenue from South Seventh Street to South Twenty-fifth Street: on ''C" Street from South Ninth Street to Jefferson Avenue; on Taconui Avenue from South Ninth Street to South Seventeenth Street, except where neces- sary to cross street intersections. Sec. 3. That said City of Tacoma shall have the option and right, at any time, to recjuire the said grantee, its suc- cessors and assigns, to place all or any portion of its or their said wires in underground conduits, except the main transmission line from where the same enters corporation limits from the generating plant to the main distributing station ; and when- ever said City shall so elect it may prescribe by ordinance the manner in which wires may be placed or strung in said con- duits, or, the said City may. by ordinance, if it shall so elect, cause said conduits or pole lines to be constructed b.y the City of Tacoma and require said grantee, its successors or assigns, to place their wires on said pole lines or in such conduits so constructed b)'^ said City: and may require said grantee, its sue- 1130 FEANCHISES. eessors or assigns, to pay to said City a reasonable compensation for the use of said conduits or pole lines ; and the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall thereafter, during the term of this franchise, place and maintain their wires in purusance of said ordinance or any other ordinance regulating the same sul)- ject matter that may be subsequently enacted by the City of Ta- coma; and said grantee, its .successors and assigns, shall there- after have the right to transmit electric current through and un- der the streets and alleys of said City for the purposes mentioned in section 1 of this ordinance, as fully and effectually as though the mode of transmission had remained unchanged ; provided, however, that said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall not be required to place its or their wires underground except upon the same street and alley or streets and alleys, and to the same extent that the wires of all other persons and corporations, used to transmit current for power and heat, are required to be placed underground. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall permit the City of Tacoma to erect and maintain at the cost of said City upon any of the poles of said grantee, its successors and assigns, on(^ cross arm, and to string wires thereon. The use of the poh^s of said grantee for said purpose shall be free of cost to the City and the wires strung thereon may be used by said City for any purpose. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall permit any person, firm or corporation that has been granted a right to string and maintain wires through the streets, alleys and public places of the City of Tacoma. for the purpose of transmitting power thereon, the privilege of stringing their wires upon the poles of said grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purpose of power and heat, wherever such use of the poles does not interfere with and hamper their use by the gran- tee, its successors and assigns. All appliances on said poles for the stringing of such additional wires shall be placed there- on at the expense of the person, firm or corporation intending to use such appliances, and as a further condition to such use, such persons, firm or corporation shall first pay to the grantee, its successors and assigns, the proportion of the original cost of said poles, together with six (6) per cent, interest thereon, which the space occupied by such person, firm or corporation desiring the use thereof bears to the space on the said poles oc- cupied by the grantee, its successors and assigns, and therc^- after the cost of the maintenance of the said poles shall be in proportion to the space occupied by each of the parties havinu" .ioint use thereof. In case the poles belonging to the grantee FRANCHISES. 1131 ;!re not of sufficient size or are not otherwise adapted to the use of such other person, firm or corporation havinsi' the riiiht to use the same street or alley for the transmission of electric cur- rent for the purposes of heat and power, then in case such other ]ierson. firm or corporation desires to use said street or alley for said purpose, such other person, firm oi- corporation shall reconstruct the pole line on said street or alley lielonein^ to llie tii-antee under the supervision of the Connnissionei' of Puiv lic Works so that the same shall be adapted to such joint use, and such other person, firm or corporation shall provide on said pole line facilities for sti-inirinii" wires at least equal to those on the pole line which may theretofore exist on said street or alley belonirinu' to the grantee, and such other person, firm or corporation shall bear the expense of removinji' the wires of the ■jrantee to said joint pole line, and the facilities of the gran- tee on said joint pole line shall be such that the urantee shall not in any way be inconvenienced, hampered ov damaged by its joint use on said line; it beiuii iniderstood that the party hav- in,ir first (X'cui)ied any street or alley shall at all times have the ])referenee of position on any joint line thereaftei' constructed on said street or alley, and in case of any dispute arisino- be- tween the parties relating' to the i-easonable exercise of said pre- ference, such dispute shall In* summarily settled by arbitration in the usual manner and in case the parties refuse to select arbi- trators, such arbitrators may be selected by the Mayor of the City of Tacoma. The maintenance of all joint poles shall be in pro]>ortion to the space occuj^ied by each party usin^' the same and the ownership of such joint poles shall be in the same pro- l)ortinn and in case either party refuses to pay the reasonable cost of maintenance, the right of such party refusing' to pay such reasonable cost of maintenance shall immediately cease, and in case of any dispute as to the necessity for expense for maintenance, such dispute shall be settled by arbitration as hereinbefore provided. The right of joint use of poles herein provided shall extend only to such persons, firms or corporations as have accepted substantially similar obligations in their fran- chises by virtue of which the grantee herein may enforce the joint use of poles belonging to such other person, fii-m or cor- ])oration. Sec 4. All work authorized or required by this franchis<^ shall be done by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in a safe. thorough and workmanlike manner, and according to plans and specifications which shall have first been filed with and approv- ed bv the Connnissioner of Public AVorks of said Citv; and said 1132 FEANCHISES. Commissioner of Public Works is hereby given the right and authority to stop and prohibit the work of construction and the maintenance of any pole lines, or the stringing of any wires which is done or maintained contrary to the plans and speci- fications as approved by him; and said City may, by its Com- missioner of Public Works, at the expense of said grantee, its successors or assigns, at any time, without notice, do any and all things necessary to restore any street, alley or public ground left hj said grantee, its successors and assigns, in a dangerous condition to life and property, to a safe condition in said re- spects; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall, upon demand, pay to said City of Tacoma all costs of any such work performed by it. Sec. 5. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, upon writ- ten notice from the Conunissioner of Public AVorks, shall at its or their own cost and expense, adopt from time to time, such improved methods and devices as are in general use for the pur- poses for which this franchise is granted, and make such changes or alterations in its or their pole lines, wires, cables and con- duits for the purpose of protecting life and property as the Commissioner of Public AVorks, with the approval of the City Council, may require, and in case of its or their failure so to do said Commissioner of Public AVorks may, after written no- tice to said grantee, its successors or assigns, furnish the ma- terial and do the work necessary to comply with the require- ments of said notice, as provided in this section; and said gran- tee, its successors and assigns, shall, upon demand, pay the cost of any such work to said City; provided, Iwivever, that the time within which such changes and alterations shall be made shall be fixed by the City Council and stated in said written notice. Sec. 6. Said grantee, its successors or assigns, at its or their own cost and expense, upon twenty-four hours' written notice from the Commissioner of Public AVorks, shall cut, raise or lower any wire or cable maintained by it or them and move any conduit or pole to permit any local improvement, the re- moval of any building or buildings, or the laying down of any sidewalk, sewer or water pipes, and upon its or their failure to comply with such notice, said Commissioner of Public AVorks may do the same, and the said grantee, its successors or assigns, ^;hall. upon demand pay to the said City of Tacoma the cost and expense thereof; and whenever any of its or their wires or conduits are cut, raised or loAvered by the Commissioner of Pub- lie AA'orks of said City, or by said grantee, its successors or as- signs, for any of the purposes set foi'th in this section of this FRANCHISES. 1133 oiv.Hnanee, said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall replace said wires or conduits at its or their own sole cost and expense; provided, however, that when any of said wires or cables have t(^ be cut, raised or relocated because of some public improve- ment made by the City of Tacoma, or under its authority and direction, (or for the removal of any building) said City shall not be liable in any nianner Avhatever for any damage, loss or detriment caused thereby to said grantee, its successors or as- signs, or to any person, firm or corporation to whom said gran- tee, its successors or assigns, may at the time be furnishing elec- tric current: provided, further, that the Connnissioner of Pub- lic Works shall, in case of the removal of buildings as herein- before provided, fix .the time when and the time within which such building shall cross any line of said grantee, and in case of a longer interruption of such line than the time so fixed, the person so moving such building and the owner thereof shall pay the damages resulting from such continued time of interruption. Sec. 7. Whenever said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall discontinue the use of any pole or poles, it or they shall immediately, upon the direction of the Commissioner of Public "Works of said City of Tacoma, remove such unused poles from the streets or alleys. And whenever it may be necessary, in the erection of said poles or the construction of cables or conduits for said grantee, its successors or assigns, to take up any portion of the sidewalks or to dig up the ground in any of the streets or alleys, it or they shall, after such poles are erected or such cables or conduits are constructed, without delay replace said sidewalks with the same materials as that removed, and properly renew the stringers and planking, or other material thereon, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and refill such openings as may have been dug in the ground, and remove from such streets, sidewalks and alleys all rubbish, sand, and dirt and other ma- terial that may have been placed there, taken out or dug up in the erection of such poles or in the construction of such cables or conduits; and shall restore such sidewalks, streets or alleys to as good condition as they were before they were taken out, dug up or disturbed. Provieled further, that if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail or refuse, for a period of twenty-four hours, after written notice shall have been served upon it or them by the Commissioner of Public Works to com- ply with any of the provisions of this section, then said Com- missioner of Public Works is given the right, for and on behalf of said City of Tacoma to perform such work as may be speci- fied in said notice; and said grantee, its .successors and assigns, 1134 FRANCHISES. shall foi'thwitli, ii])oii demand, pay to said City of Tacoina the costs of any such work performed by said Connnissioner of Pub- lic Works. Sec. 8. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City of Tacoma, in addition to the ordinary taxes levied upon its property, a license fee of two per cent, upon its gross receipts derived from the sale of electric current under the provisions of this ordinance for the life of this franchise. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agree that an- nually on the first Monday of January they will make a state- ment under oath of its or their gross receipts from the sale of electric current under the terms of this ordinance, for the pre- ceding year, which said statement shall be filed with the City Controller, and at the same time that said statement is filed with the City Controller, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City Treasurer the license fee due said City under the terms and provisions of this ordinance : and the City Con- troller, or such other person or persons as may ])e designated by the City Council, shall be allowed access at all reasonable times during business hours to the books, records and contracts pertaining to power charges of said grantee, its successors or assigns, for the purpose of verifying said statement ; and in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall at any time hen- after, while this franchise remains in force, fail to pay, on writ- ten notice, into said City Treasury any sum of money required to be paid under this section, or which may hereafter be requir- ed under this section, at the time required by this section, or shall fail, on written notice, to make any report or file the same as herein required or fail to permit the inspection of its books, records and contracts pertaining to power charges, as herein provided, then all rights, privileges, authorities and franchises hereby granted shall be suspended until such report and pay- ment shall have been made. (As amended by Ordinance No. 2455.) Sec. 9. That the grantee herein, its successors and assigns, by accepting this franchise, covenants and agrees that no ex- cavation or obstruction M'ill be unnecessarily made, placed or continued by it or them in any street, avenue or alley or pub- lic place, and that all excavations or obstructions made or placed by it or them at any time in said street, avenue or alley or pub- lic place shall be properly guarded and the public shall be suit- ably protected against accidents therefrom-, and that it and they will fully indenniify and save the City of Tacoma harndess from and against all claims, actions or suits, at law or in e(iuity. of FKAXCHISES. 1135 any name or nature, for daniaiies to persons or property' result- ing: from, occasioned by, or orowing out of its or their omission to properly guard any such excavations or obstructions, or to speedily remove all dirt, rubl)ish or surplus material placed or left in any street, alley, avt-nue or public place, or to restore speedily any street, avenue or jiublic ground, Avhieh it or they shall disturb or interfei-e with, in as good condition as it was before such disturbance or interference, or in consequence of or growing: out of the transmission of such electricity into the City, or within the City, in the manner herein provided ; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree to reim- burse and save said City harmless from any damage or detri- ment to any water, gas or sewei- pipe, or any other structure or improvement of said City that may be occasioned by the trans- mission of electric current under the terms and conditions of this ordinance; and in the event of any suit oi- action, either at law or in equity, being brought against said City by any per- son, firni or corpoi-ation. Iiecause of any injury to any person or property, alleged to have been occasioned by said City, or said grantee, its successoi-s or assigns, either or both of them in the exercise of the rights, grants and privileges granted by said City and enjoyed by said grantee, its successors and assigns, under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, then said grantee, its successors and assigns, in any such event, agree, at its or their own sole cost and expense, to defend any such suit or action brought against said City, as aforesaid -. and in the event of a judgment being rendered against said City in any such suit or action, said grantee, its successor.s and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, agree to pay said judgment and to save the City of Tacoma free and harmless from any and all judgments, costs and expenses, growing out of the use of the streets and alleys in said City by said grantee, its successors and assigns, under the terms and ])i'ovisions of this oi-dinance. Sec. 10. In part consideration of this franchise, the gran- tee herein, its successors or assigns, will at any time on or before the 8th day of November. A. D. 1907, at a time to be fixed by the Conmiissioner of Public Works of said City for receiving bids under a call or calls made by him as hereinafter set forth, duly submit to the Commi.ssioner of Public Works of said City a bid in due and legal form accompanied by a proper check as provided by the Charter of said City offering to furnish elec- tric current to said City in such quantity as the said City may require for supplying its lighting system with the necessary cur- rent, and for any and all other purposes for which said City 1136 FRANCHISES. may call for electric power and current for its own use at a price which shall not exceed one and one-fourth (lie) cents per kilowatt hour, and in case the contract or contracts for fur- nishing such electric current or any part thereof as herein pro- vided, be awarded to the said Tacoma Railway and Power Com- pany, its successors or assigns, it or they will execute such con- tract and deliver the same to the proper authorities of said City, together with bond or bonds to faithfully perform the same as required by the Charter of said City. Provided, hoivever, that said grantee, its successors and as- signs shall not be obliged to submit such bid unless the Commis- sioner of Public "Works shall issue a call in accordance with the Charter of said City, calling for the submission of bids at some date or dates not later than the 8th day of November, A. D. 1907, for furnishing electric current to said City, such call for bids to be based on reasonable and usual specifications and form of contract without unusually severe burdens or penalties, and which shall entitle and require the lowest and best Ijidder, if his bid be accepted, to furnish all the current used for the base lighting load of said City and for all other purposes for which said City may call for electric power or current for its own use up to five thousand (5000) horse power, but not at any time to exceed five thousand (5000) horse power for a fixed term of five (5) years from the date of beginning service, which date shall be the 8th day of November, 1907, payments by said City to be made monthly, it being further provided in such call or specifi- cations, that within ten (10) days after the date for receiving bids a contract will either be duly awarded to the lowest bid- der, or all bids received will be rejected. Provided furtlier, that at the option of said City such n bid may be accepted as to the lighting contract and rejected as to the contract for other electric power or current required by said City, or may be awarded as to the contract for such other electric power or current and rejected as to the lighting con- tract, or a contract for both purposes may be awarded to the same bidder, or either contract may be awarded to the lowest bidder for either separately, and Provided further, that if all bids be rejected by said Com- missioner, he may, as soon as may be thereafter again call for bids, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall again sub- mit a bid as hereinbefore required and so on until such con- tract is awarded or the call thereon abandoned by said City, but the obligation to bid shall cease on the 8th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1907, and in case of failure to so bid as specified in FRANCHISES. 1137 this section, this franchise, may, at the option of said City, be forfeited. Sec. 11. That each and every right, privilege and au- thority and franchise by this ordinance granted shall, without the i)assage of any resolution, ordinance or any action of any kind whatsoever on the part of tlie City of Taconia, be null and void and absolutely of no effect, upon the failure of said grantee, its successors or assigns, to perforin any and all of the conditions in this ordinance specified and mentioned, for a period of thirty days after notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City, under the directions and authority of the City Council of said City to the effect that said City will, if said failure is not corrected before the expira- tion of thirty days from the service of said notice, consider this franchise null and void and absolutely of no. effect because of the failure of said grantee, its successors and assigns, to per- form any or all of the conditions in this ordinance specified ; and in the event of the forfeiture of the franchise hereby grant- ed, on account of the breach of any of the conditions herein, the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall also forfeit and surrender to the City of Tacoma, all poles, lines, wires or other property th'at may be located or constructed in pursuance here- of, within the City of Tacoma, unless the same are removed within sixty days thereafter and said streets, alleys and pub- lic places from which they are removed put in good condition, and the same shall thereupon become and be the property of said City of Tacoma. Sec. 12. This franchise shall continue in force and effect for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of its passage, unless sooner terminated, according to the pro- visions of the franchise herein contained, and the rights, privi- leges and authorities granted by this ordinance to the said Ta- coma Railway and Power Company, a corporation, shall in nn event be assigned or transferred to any other person, firm or corporation, without the consent of the City of Tacoma by or- dinance; but this franchise may be included in any mortgage that may be given covering the property of the grantee, its successors or assigns, for the purpose of securing its or their bonds or similar obligations. Sec. 13. Said City of Tacoma shall have the right at any time during the life of this franchise to purcha.se any and all property of said grantee, its successors and assigns, erected, constructed and maintained under the terms and provisions of 1138 FEANCHISES. this ordinance upon the payment by said City to said grantee, its successors and assigns, of a reasonable price therefor. Sec. 14. It is further provided that the granting of this franchise shall not be construed so as to preclude said City of Tacoma from constructing, maintaining and operating an elec- tric light, heat and power plant, or any of them, of its own at any time hereafter that it may be desired; and said City re- serves to itself the right to so construct, maintain and operate such light, heat and power plant, or any of them, and to sell power or electric current for any purpose for which the same may be used, either noAV or hereafter, notwithstanding the granting of this franchise; and it is understood that this fran- chise is in no sense exclusive. Sec. 15. Upon the acceptance of this ordinance by the grantee, all rights, privileges and franchises granted by Ordi- nance No. 551, entitled "An ordinance granting to the Tacoma Railway and Motor Company, its successors and assigns, tho right and privilege to furnish and sell from its present electric plant and lines and those hereafter to be constructed hy it, elec- tric power and current for the purpose of driving stationary motors and heating buildings," approved December 21st, 1891, shall cease and said ordinance shall stand repealed. Sec. 16. The said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be deemed to have forfeited and abandoned all rights and privi- leges to the franchise conferred by this ordinance, unless said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall within sixty (60) days after the approval of this ordinance file in the office of the City Clerk a written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terras, conditions, stipulations and obligations herein contained ; and in case of its failure so to do, this ordinance shall be null and void and of no force or effect whatever. Sec. 17. This grant is subject to the right of the City Council at any time, on thirty days' written notice to said gran- tee, its successors and assigns, by the Commissioner of Public AVorks, authorized so to do, hereafter to repeal, change or modify this grant, if the franchise granted hereby is not oper- ated in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or at all, and the City Council reserves the right so to do and thig section shall be considered as a cumulative and an additional remedy to that provided by section 11 of this ordinance. Approved February 9, 1905. FRANCHISES. 1139 ORDINANCE NO. 2361. An ordinance fixing the rights of the Taconia Railway and Power Com- pany on North " K " Street in the City of Tacoma, and modifying the terms of Ordinance No. 363 of the City of Tacoma, which grants the franchise on North "K" Street to the Tacoma Railway and Motor Company, and providing for the giving of notice to the Tacoma Rail- way and Power Company. Whereas, the City of Taconia is taking steps to have North "K" Street in the City of Taconia paved with a permanent pavement ; and Whereas, the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, the assignees of the Tacoma Railway and ^Nlotor Company, by Ordi- nance No. 363 of the City of Tacoma, were granted the right to construct, maintain and operate a single or double iron or steel street railway, with switches, etc., on North "K" Street from Division Avenue to Steele Street, thence along Steele Street to "K" Street in Buckley's Addition and thence on said "K" Street to its continuation to the City limits on the west, but for more than seven years the said grantees and their assigns under said franchise have had only a single track on said street and have not exercised the right to build a double track thereon, but are now^ claiming that they have a right under said fran- chise to construct a double track at any time hereafter; and Whereas, the said City has notified the Tacoma Railway and Power Company that the City intends to pave the said street and have served notice upon said company to elect whether they will put down a single track in the middle of the street and abandon the right to a double track, or to put down a double track; and Whereas, the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company have elected to put down a single track in the middle of the street ; with such switches as shall be necessary for the proper accommodation of the public ; and Whereas, the franchise under which the said Railway Com- pany are operating on said street contains a provision that noth- ing in said ordinance contained shall be construed so as to pre- vent the City Council from passing all ordinances necessary for the protection of the interests of the City ; and Whereas, in the opinion of the City Council, it is deemed necessary for the protection of the interests of the City that an ordinance be passed, declaring that the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company will not be allowed after the paving of said "K" Street to put down a double track and that a copy of this ordinance, duly certified, be served upon the proper 1140 FEANCHISES. officials of said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, notifying them of the passage of such ordinance and the modification of their franchise on said street ; now, therefore, Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That the rights, privileges and franchises granted to the Tacoma Railway and Motor Company by Ordi- nance No. 363 and now owned by the Tacoma Railway anil Power Company, be and the same is hereby modified, so far as it affects North "K" Street in the City of Tacoma, as follows: Said Tacoma Railway and Power Company shall have th^^ right to lay down, construct and equip, maintain and operate only a single iron or steel track street railway, with switches, turn outs, side tracks and other appliances necessary for the operaticm of the same on that portion of North "K" Street, upon which a franchise is granted to said company by Ordi- nance No. 363, which said single track shall be laid in the mid- dle of North "K" Street, and the actual construction and lay- ing down of said track in the middle of said North "K" Street, together with the necessary switches, turn outs, side tracks and appliances necessary for the operation of the same, shall bt^ constructed and completed before the pavement is laid upon said street and shall be done as soon as possible after the service of a copy of this ordinance upon the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company. Sec. 2. Immediately upon the publication of this ordi- nance, the Commissioner of Public Works shall serve a duly certified copy of the same upon the proper officer of said Ta- coma Railway and Power Company and this ordinance, when so served upon said company, shall be notice to them that their right to lay down and construct a double track on North "K" Street has been repealed and that their rights to lay down, build and construct a track on said street are modified according to the terms of this ordinance. Approved April 13, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2389. Au ordinance granting to the Tacoma Eailway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, the right to erect, maintain and operate an electric street railway line within the confines of Point Defiance Park in the City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington, and repealing Ordinance No. 1004. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to tho Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and as- FE AN CRISES. 1141 siiTiis, the license, right and privilege to construct, operate and maintain a line of double track, electric street railway, together with the necessaiy poles and wires for electric purposes within Point Defiance Park, subject to the rights of the government of the United States in and to said premises; the rights and privileges herein granted to said Tacoma Raihvay and Powder Company being as hereinafter set forth and none other. Sec. 2. That the said Tacoma Railway and Power Com- pany, its successors and assigns, shall have the license, right and privilege, subject to the rights of the United States, to construct, operate and maintain a double track, electric street railway, within the following boundaries: Beginjiing at one-quarter corner on the south side of Sec- tion 14, Township 21 north, Range 2 east W. ]\I., thence east along south boundary line of said Section 14, a distance of 48 12-100 feet to a point: thence northeast(>rly at an angle ol 68 degrees and 5 minutes from .said south boundary line a dis- tance of 314.24 feet to a point; thence curving to the left with a curve having a radius of 246.68 feet and running a distance of 84 and 67-100 feet through 19 degrees 40 minutes of curva- ture to a i^oint; thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 298.61 feet to a point ; thence curving to the left with a curve having a radius of 1171.21 feet and running a distance of 160.81 feet through 7 degrees 52 minutes of curvature to a point : thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 337.71 feet to a point : thence curving to the left with a curve having a radius of 383 feet and running a distance of 293.23 feet through 43 degrees 52 minutes of curvature to a point : thence running tan- gent to said curve a distance of 279.95 feet to a point; thence curving to the left with a curve having a radius of 102 feet and running a distance of 71.21 feet through 40 degrees of curva- ture to a point ; thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 53.11 feet to an intersection with a curve which has a radius of 115 feet and which has the same center as the last described curve having a radius of 102 feet : thence continuing to the left with a curve having a radius of 115 feet and running a distance of 342.55 feet through 170 degrees and 40 minutes of curvature to a point ; thence curving to the right with a curve having a radius of 232.5 feet and running a distance of 227.95 feet through 56 degrees 16 minutes 32 seconds of curvature to a point ; thence continuing to the right with a curve having a radius of 266 feet and running a distance of 93.94 feet through 20 degrees 25 minutes of curvature to a point; thence continu- ing to the right with a curve having a radius of 473 feet and 1142 FEANCHISES. ruiinino- a distance of 97.4 feet through 11 degrees 49 minutes 36 seconds of curvature to a point; thence continuing to the right with a curve having a radius of 585 feet and running a distance of 131.15 feet through 12 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds of curvature to a point ; thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 249.5 feet to a point; thence curving to the right with a curve having a radius of 1131.21 feet. and running a dis- tance of 167.85 feet through 8 degrees 30 minutes 6 seconds of curvature to a point; thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 298.61 feet to a point; thence curving to the right with a curve having a radius of 206.68 feet and running a dis- tance of 70.94 feet through 19 degrees 40 minutes of curvature to a point ; thence running tangent to said curve a distance of 331.33 feet to said one-quarter corner on the south side of Sec- tion 14 and the place of beginning. Provided, that the operation of the road within the park shall always be subject to the general rules and regulations adopted by the Park Commissioners for the government of the park. Sec. 3. At the terminus or loop of said railway and for a distance along the main line, to be agreed upon by said Railway Company and the Board of Park Commissioners, the said Rail- way Company shall construct and maintain a wire fence six feet high, with suitable gates and turn stiles for the protection of the public in getting on or off the cars. Provided, that said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to erect and main- tain such necessary side tracks, spur tracks and waiting rooms, as may be necessary for the convenience of the public, within the limits described in section 2 of this ordinance. Provided, also, that no improvement, except maintenance, shall be made or work done unless first approved by the Park Commissioners and a permit issued by them, and that all im- provements under this ordinance shall be made and maintained as required by the Park Commissioners. Sec. 4. The rights and privileges herein granted to the said Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, are upon the condition that if any other street railwa}^ company shall hereafter obtain the privilege of entering saic park, such street railway company shall have the right, upoi payment of a reasonable compensation therefor, to make the necessary connections with and use the track of the said Tacomi Railway and Power Company, its successors and assigns, withii FRANCHISES. 1143 said Point Defiance Park ; provided, that such connection and use shall not interfere with the reasonable use of said track by the said Tacoma Eaihvay and Power Company, its successors and assigns. Sec. 5. For and in consideration of the grant of this right and privilege the Tacoma Railway and Power Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, does hereby agree, and by its acceptance will agree to pay to the City of Tacoma, one-fourth of one per cent. of the gross passenger earnings of the said road as now con- structed and to be constructed within Point Defiance Park re- ceived by it between the first day of April and the first day of October of each year, which shall be paid into the Park Fund of said City of Tacoma, and shall belong to and become part of said fund ; said one-quarter of one per cent, to be in addition to the two per cent, tax provided by Ordinance No. 1855. Said Tacoma Railway and Power Company', its successors and as- signs, "shall render to the Park Commissioners on or before the 10th day of each and every month a statement of its gross earn- ings as above provided for the preceding month, and shall pay the amount due thereon as above provided on or before the 10th day of each and every month. Sec. 6. That all improvements other than the track and its electric appliances, poles and wires, shall be the property of the park, but shall not be removed while the company is oper- ating under this privilege, and the company shall have the right to use said improvements during the life of its privilege, and in case of failure of the company to conform to the terms of the ordinance and rules of the Park Commissioners, this privilege may be declared forfeited by the City Council, and the company shall remove its tracks from said park within sixty days after notification by the Park Commissioners of such forfeiture, or the said property shall revert to said park. Sec. 7. That the said Tacoma Railway and Power Com- pany shall, within sixty days after the approval of this ordi- nance, fully build, equip and have ready for operation the said line of road, and shall within said time file its written accept- ance of the rights and privileges herein granted. Sec. 8. The time for which this grant shall run shall be twenty-five years from and after the taking effect of this ordi- nance. Sec. 9. That Ordinance No. 1004 be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved ^lay 25, 1905. 1144 FEANCHISES. ORDINANCE NO. 2412. An ordinance granting to the Seattle-Taeoma Power Company, a corpora- tion, the right, franchise and privilege to construct and maintain pole lines, underground conduits, string wires thereon and therein and maintain the same, and to transmit thereover electricity for the pur- pose of furnishing power and heat within the City of Tacoma, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 1364 and 2028. Be it ordained hy the City of Tacoma- Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to the Seattle-Taeoma Power Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wash- ington, its successors and assigns, for a period of twenty-five (25) years, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to erect and maintain pole lines and underground conduits and to stretch wires thereon and therein, over, along, across and also underneath the streets and alleys of the City of Tacoma in the manner hereinafter provided, for the purpose of transmitting, distributing and selling electric current to be furnished and used for the purpose of furnishing power and heat, or either of them, and the further right to charge for such current a reasonable compensation, and for anj^ other use or uses to which electricty may be put, except as hereinafter provided ; Provided, that neither said Seattle-Taeoma Power Company, nor its suc- cessors or assigns, shall have any right to supply electric cur- rent to be used directly or indirectly for lighting purposes, or to run motors, dynamos or other machines by which electric current shall be generated for lighting purposes, to any person, firm, association or corporation, except where the grantee here- in, its successors and assigns, may furnish current for street railway purposes, then and in that event current may be sold for lighting street cars, but for no other lighting purpose what- ever. ' It is the intention of this section to grant to the Seattle- Taeoma Power Company, its successors and assigns, the right to sell power for power and heating purposes and for lighting street cars; but in no event, except as hereinafter provided, shall the said grantee, its successors or assigns, furnish power to be used for lighting or generating electricity for lighting; provided further, however, that nothing in this section con- tained shall prevent said City from granting the said Seattle- Taeoma Power Company, its successors and assigns, by special permit, the right to furnish any person, firm or corporation within said City, or said City, electric current for lighting pur- poses, subject to the provisions of the City Charter and the laws of the State of Washington; such permit, however, to be' revocable at any time at the option of the City. FRANCHISES. 1145 Sec. 2. All transmission wires erected under the provis- ions of this ordinance which shall be used to carry twenty-five hundred (2500) volts or more, shall be strung- upon poles at least forty (-iO) feet in height from the ground; and said poles and wires, whenever practicable, shall be placed in alleys. On streets and alleys poles shall be placed wherever the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City shall designate and when the Conunissioner of Public AVorks considers it necessary to re- locate said poles at any time, the grantee herein shall do so upon thirty days' notice in writing: from said Commissioner, and at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, its successors and assigns. All poles are to be located and painted according to plans and specifications, which shall first be filed wdth the Conunissioner of Public Works of said City, and approved by him; provided, how€VC)\ that the said gi'antee, its successors and assigns, shall have no right whatever, under the terms and conditions of this franchise, to string any wires on any poles on Pacific Avenue from South Seventh Sti-eet to South Twenty- fifth Street; on "C" Street from South Ninth Street to Jeffer- son Avenue; on Tacoma Avenue from South Ninth Street to South Seventeenth Street ; except where necessary to cross street intersections. Sec. 3. Tluit said City of Tacoma shall have the option and right, at any time, to require the said grantee, its success- ors and assigns, to place all or any portion of its or their said wires in underground conduits, except the main transmission lines from where the same enter corporation limits from the generating plants to the main distributing stations; and when- ever said City shall so elect it may prescribe by ordirumce the manner in which wires may be placed or strung in said con- duits; or, the said City, may, by ordinance, if it shall so elect, cause said conduits or pole lines to be constructed by the City of Tacoma and require said grantee, its successors or assigns, to place their wires on said pole lines or in such conduits so con- structed by said City ; and may require said grantee, its suc- cessors or assigns, to pay to said City a reasonable compensa- tion for the use of said conduits or pole lines ; and the said gran- tee, its successors or assigns, shall thereafter, during' the term of this franchise, place and maintain their wires in pursuance of said ordinance or any other ordinance regulating the same sub- ject matter, that may be subsequently enacted by the City of Ta- coma ; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall there- after have the right to transmit electric current through and under the streets and alleys of said City for the purposes men- :]4(i FRANCHISES. tioned in section 1 of this ordinance, as fully and effectually as though the mode of transmission had remained unchanged; provided, Iwivever, that said g:rantee, its successors and assigns, shall not be required to place its or their wires under ground except upon the same street and alley or streets and alleys, and to the same extent that the wires of all other persons and cor- porations, used to transmit current for power and heat, are re- quired to be placed under ground. The grantee, its successors and assigns, shall permit the City of Tacoma to erect and maintain at the cost of said City upon any of the poles of said grantee, its successors and assigns, one cross arm., and to string wires thereon. The use of the poles of said grantee for said purpose shall be free of cost to the City and the wires strung thereon may be used by said City for any purpose. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall permit any person, firm or corporation that has been grant- ed a right to string and maintain wires through the streets, alleys and public places of the City of Tacoma, for the pur- pose of transmitting power thereon, the privilege of stringing their wires upon the poles of said grantee, its successors and as- signs, for the purpose of power and heat, wherever such use of the poles does not interfere with and hamper their use by the grantee, its successors and assigns. All appliances on said poles for the stringing of such additional wires shall be placed thereon at the expense of the person, firm or corporation in- tending to use such appliances, and as a further condition to such use, such person, firm or corporation shall first pay to the grantee, its successors and assigns, the proportion of the original cost of said poles, together with six (6) per cent, interest there- on, which the space occupied by such person, firm or corpora- tion desiring the use thereof bears to the space on the said poles occupied by the grantee, its successors and assigns, and thereafter the cost of the maintenance of the said poles shall be in proportion to the space occupied by each of the parties having joint use thereof. In case the poles belonging to the grantee are not of sufficient size or are not otherwise adapted to the use of such other person, firm or corporation having the right to use the same street or alley for the transmission of electric current for the purposes of heat and power, then in case such other person, firm or corporation desires to use said street or alley for said purpose, such other person, firm or cor- poration shall reconstruct the pole line on said street or alley belonging to the grantee under the supervision of the Commis- sioner of Public AVorks so that the same shall be adapted to J FRANCHISES. 1147 such joint use, and sneli other person, firm or corporation shall provide on said pole line facilities for strinoino- wires at least e(inal to those on the pole line which may theretofore exist on said street or alley belonorino- to the grantee, and such other per- son, firm or corporation shall bear the expense of removing: the Avires of the grantee to said joint pole line, and the facilities of the grantee on said joint pole line shall be such that the gran- tee shall not in any way be inconvenienced, hampered or dam- aged by its joint user on said line; it being understood that the party having first occupied any street or alley shall at all times have the preference of position on any joint line thereafter con- structed on said street or alley, and in case of any dispute aris- ing betAveen the parties relating to the reasonable exercise of said preference, such dispute shall be summarily settled by arbitration in the usual manner, and in case the parties refuse to select arbitrators such arbitrators may be selected by the Mayor of the City of Tacoma. The maintenance of all joint poles shall be in proportion to the space occupied by each party using the same and the ownership of such joint poles shall be in the same proportion and in case either party refuses to pay the reasonable cost of maintenance, the right of such party re- fusing to pay such reasonable cost of maintenance shall imme- diately cease, and in case of any dispute as to the necessity for expense for maintenance, such dispute shall be settled by arbi- tration as hereinbefore provided. The right of joint use of poles herein provided shall extend only to such persons, firms or corporations as have accepted substantially similar obliga- tions in their franchise by virtue of A\'hich the grantee herein may enforce the joint use of poles belonging to such other per- son, firm or corporation. Sec. 4. All Avork authorized or required by this franchise shall be done by said grantee, its successors or assigns, in a safe, thorough and Avorkmanlike manner, and according to plans and specifications Avhich shall have first been filed with and approv- ed by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City : and said Commissioner of Public AVorks is hereby given the right and authority to stop and prohibit the AA'ork of construction and the maintenance of any pole lines, or the stringing of any Avires Avhich is done or maintained contrarv^ to the plans and speci- fications as approved by him : and said City may. by its Com- missioner of Public Works, at the expense of said grantee, its successors or assigns, at any time. Avithout notice, do any and all things necessary to restore any street, alley or public ground left bv said irrantee. its successors and assigns, in a dangerous 1148 FEAXCHISES. condition to life and property, to a safe condition in said re- spects; and said grantee, its sucessors and assigns, shall, npon demand, pay to said City of Tacoma all costs of any suclr work performed by it. Sec. 5. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, upon writ- ten notice from the Commissioner of Public Works, shall at its or their own cost and expense, adopt from time to time, such improved methods and devices as are in general use for the pur- poses for which this franchise is granted, and make such changes or alterations in its or their pole lines, Avires, cables and con- duits for the purpose of protecting life and property as the Connuissioner of Public Works, with the approval of the City Council, may require, and in case of its or their failure so to do said Commissioner of Public Works may, after written no- tice to said g'rantee, its successors or assigns, furnish the ma- terial and do the work necessary to comply with the require- ments of said notice, as provided in this section ; and said gran- tee, its successors and assigns, shall, upon demand, pay the cost of any such work to said City; provided, however, that the time within which such changes and alterations shall be made shall be fixed by the City Council and stated in said written notice. Sec. 6. Said grantee, its successors or assigns, at its or their own cost and expense, upon twenty-four hours' written notice from the Commissioner of Public Works, shall cut, raise or lower any wire or cable maintained by it or them, and move any conduit or pole to permit any local improvement, the re- moval of any building or buildings, or the laying dowm of any sidewalk, sewer or water pipes, and upon its or their failure to comply with such notice, said Commissioner of Public Works may do the same, and the said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall, upon demand, pay to the said City of Tacoma the cost and expense thereof; and whenever any of its or their wires or conduits are cut, raised or lowered by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, or by said grantee, its successors or assigns, for any of the purposes set forth in this section of this ordinance, said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall replace said wires or conduits at its or their own sole cost and expense ; provided, hoioever, that when any of said Avires or cables have to be cut, raised or relocated because of some public improve- ment made by the City of Tacoma, or under its authority and direction, (or for the removal of any building) said City shall not be liable in any manner whatever for any damage, loss or detrnnent caused thereby to said grantee, its successors or as- signs, or to any person, firm or corporation to whom said gran- FRANCHISES. 1149 tee, its successors or assigns, may at the time be furnishino' electric current: provided, furflicr, that the Commissioner of Public Works shall, in case of removal of building' as herein- before provided, fix the tiim^ when and the time within which such building- shall cross any line of said urantee, and in case of a lonijer interruption of such line than the time so fixed, the person so movinji- such buildino' and the owner thereof shall pay the damag:es resultinii' from such continued time of interrup- tion. Sec. 7. Whenever said izrantee, its successors or assit>ns, shall discontinue the use of any pole or poles, it or they shall immediately, upon the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works of said City of Taeoma, remove such unused poles from the streets or alleys. And whenever it may be necessary, in the erection of said poles or the construction of cables or conduits for said grrantee, its successors or assigns, to take up any por- tion of the sidewalks or to dig up the ground in any of the streets or alleys, it or they shall, after such poles are erected or such cables or conduits are constructed, without delay, re- place said sidewalks with the same materials as that removed, r.nd properly renew the stringers and ]>lanking, or other ma- terial thereon, in a neat and workmanlike manner, and refill such openings as may have been dug in the ground, and remove from such streets, sidewalks and alleys all rubbish, sand and dirt and other material that may have been placed there, taken out or dug: up in the erection of such poles or in the construction of such cables or conduits; and shall restore such sidewalks, streets or alleys to as good condition as they were before they were taken out, dug up or disturbed. Provided, further, that if said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall fail or refuse, for a period of twenty-four hours, after written notice shall have been served upon it or them by the Couunissioner of Public AVorks to comply with any of the provisions of this section, then said Commissioner of Public Works is given the right, for and on behalf of said City of Taeoma to perform such work as may be specified in said notice ; and said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall forthwith, upon demand, pay to said City of Ta- eoma the costs of any such work performed by said Commis- sioner of Public Works. Sec. 8. The said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City of Taeoma, in addition to the ordinary taxes levied upon its property, a license fee of two per cent, upon its gross receipts derived from the sale of electric current under the provisions of this ordinance hn- the. life of this franchise. 3150 FRANCHISES. Said grantee, its successors and assigns, hereby agree that an- nually on the first Monday of February they will make a state- ment under oath of its or their gross receipts from the sale of electric current under the terms of this ordinance for the pre- ceding year, which said statement shall be filed with the City Controller, and at the same time that said statement is filed with the City Controller, said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall pay to the City Treasurer the license fee due said City under the te^-'ms and provisions of this ordinance; and the City Controller or such other person or persons as may be designated by the City Council, shall be allowed access at all reasonable times in business hours to the books, records and contracts per- taining to power charges of said grantee, its successors or as- signs, for the purpose of verifying said statement ; and in case said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall at any time here- after, while this franchise remains in force, fail to pay, on writ- ten notice, into said City Treasury any sum of money required to be paid under this section, at the time required by this sec- tion, or shall fail on written notice to make any report or file the same as herein required, or fail to permit an inspection of its books, records and contracts pertaining to power charges as herein provided, then all rights, privileges, authorities and fran- chises hereby granted shall be suspended until such report and payment shall have been made. Sec. 9. That the grantee herein, its successors and assigns, by accepting this franchise, covenants and agrees that no ex- cavation or obstruction will be unnecessarily made, placed or continued by it or them in any street, avenue or alley or public place, and that all excavations or obstructions made or placed by it or them at any time in said street, avenue or alley or pub- lic place shall be properly guarded and the public shall be suit- ably protected against accidents therefrom ; and that it and they will fully indemnify and save the City of Tacoma harm- less from and against all claims, actions or suits, at law or in equity, of any name or nature, for damages to persons or prop- erty resulting from, occasioned by, or growing out of its or their ommission to properly guard any such excavation or ob- struction, or to speedily remove all dirt, rubbish or surplus ma- terial placed or left in any street, alley, avenue or public place, or to restore speedily any street, avenue or public ground, which it or they shall disturb or interfere with, in as good condition as it was before such disturbance or interference, or in conse- quence of or growing out of the transmission of such electricity into the City, or within the City, in the manner herein provided ; FRANCHISES. 1151 and said grantee, its successors and assigns, further agree to re- imburse and save said City harmless from any damage or detri- ment to any water, gas, or sewer pipe, or any other structure or improvement of said City that may be occasioned by th^ trans- mission of electric current under the terms and conditions of this ordinance; and in the event of any suit or action, either at laAV or in equity, being brought against said City by any per- son, firm or corporation, because of any injury to any person or property, alleged to have been occasioned by said City, or said grantee, its successors or assigns, either or both of them in the exercise of the rights, grants and privileges granted by said City, and enjoyed by said gi'antee, its successors and assigns, under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, then said grantee, its successors and assigns, in any such event, agree, at its or their own sole cost and expense, to defend any such suit or action brought against said City, as aforesaid; and in the event of a judgment being rendered against said City in anj'^ such suit or action, said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, agree to pay said judgment and to save the City of Tacoma free and harmless from any and all judgments, costs and expenses, growing out of the use of the streets and alleys in the said City by said grantee, its successors and assigns, under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 10. In part consideration of this franchise, the gran- tee herein, its successors or assigns, will at any time on or be- fore the 8th day of November, A. D. 1907, at a time to be fixed by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City for receiv- ing bids under a call or calls made by him as hereinafter set forth, duly submit to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City a bid in due and legal forni accompanied by a proper check as provided by the Charter of said City offering to furnish electric current to said City in such quantity as the said City may require for supplying its lighting system with the neces- sary current, and for any and all other purposes for which said City may call for electric power and current for its own use at a price which shall not exceed one and one-fourth (l^c) cents per kilowatt hour, and in case the contract or contracts for furnishing such electric current or any part thereof as here- in provided, be awarded to the said Seattle-Tacoma Power Com- pany, its successors or assigns, it or they will execute such con- tract and deliver the same to the proper authorities of said City, together with bond or bonds to faithfully perform the same as required by the Charter of said City. ll,3i> FRANCHISES. Provided, however, that said grantee, its successors and as- signs, shall not be obliged to submit such bid unless the Com- missioner of Public Works shall issue a call in accordance with the Charter of said City, calling for the submission of bids at some date or dates not later than the 8th day of November, A. D. 1907, for furnishing electric current to said City, such call for bids to be based on reasonable and usual specifications and form of contract without unusually severe burdens or penalties, and which shall entitle and require the lowest and best bidder, if his bid be accepted, to furnish all the current used for the base lighting load of said City and for all other purposes for which said City may call for electric power or current for its own use up to five thousand (5000) horse power, but not at any time to exceed five thousand (5000) horse power for a fixed term of five (5) years from the date of beginning service, which date shall be the 8th day of November, 1907, payments by said City to be made monthly, it being further provided in such call or specifications, that within ten (10) days after the date for receiving bids a contract will either be duly awarded to the lowest bidder, or all bids received will be rejected. Provided further, that at the option of said City such a bid may be accepted as to the lighting contract and rejected as to the contract for other electric power or current required by said City, or may be awarded as to the contract for such other electric power or current and rejected as to the lighting con- tract, or a contract for both purposes may be awarded to the same bidder, or either contract may be awarded to the lowest bidder for either separately, and Provided further, that if all. bids be rejected by said Com- missioner, he may, as soon as may be thereafter again call for bids, and said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall again sub- mit a bid as hereinbefore required and so on until such con- tract is awarded or the call thereon abandoned by said City, but the obligation to bid shall cease on the 8th day of November. A. D. 1907, and in case of failure to so bid as specified in this section, this franchise may, at the option of said City, be for- feited. Sec. 11. That each and every right, privilege and author- ity and franchise by this ordinance granted shall, without the passage of any resolution, ordinance or any action of any kind whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma be null and void and absolutely of no effect, upon the failure of said grantee, its successors or assigns, to perform any and all of the con- ditions in this ordinance specified and mentioned, for a period I FRANCHISES. 1153 of thirty days after notice shall have been served upon said grantee, its successors and assigns, by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, under the direction and authority of the City Council of said City to the effect that said City will, if said failure is not corrected before the expiration of thirty days from the service of said notice, consider this franchise null and void and absolutely of no effect because of the failure of said grantee, its successors and assigns, to perform any or all of the conditions in this ordinance specified; and in the event of the forfeiture of the franchise hereby granted, on account of the breach of any of the conditions herein, the said grantee, its successors and assigns, shall also forfeit and surrender to the City of Tacoma, all poles, lines, Avires or other property that may be located or constructed in pursuance thereof, within the City of Tacoma, unless the same are removed within sixty days thereafter and said streets, alleys and public places from which they are removed put in good condition, and the same shall thereupon become and be the property of said Cit}' of Tacoma. Sec. 12. This franchise shall continue in force and effect for a period of twenty-five (25) years from and after the date of its passage, unless sooner terminated, according to the pro- visions of the franchise herein contained; and the rights, privi- leges and authorities granted by this ordinance to the said Seat- tle-Tacoma Power Company, a corporation, shall in no event be assigned or transferred to any other person, firm or corporation, Avithout the consent of the City of Tacoma by ordinance; but this franchise may be included in any mortgage that may be given covering the property of the grantee, its successors or as- signs, for the purpose of securing its or their bonds or similar obligations. Sec. 13. Said City of Tacoma shall have the right at any lime during the life of this franchise to purchase any and all property of said grantee, its successors and assigns, erected, con- structed and maintained under the terms and provisions of this ordinance upon the payment by said City to said grantee, its successors and assigns, of a reasonable price therefor. Sec. 14. It is further provided that the granting of this franchise shall not be construed so as to preclude said City of Tacoma from constructing, maintaining and operating an elec- tric light, heat and power plant, or any of them of its own at any time hereafter that it may be desired; and said City re- serves to itself the right to so construct, maintain and operate such light, heat and power plants, or any of them, and to sell power or electric current for any purpose for which the same 1154 FRANCHISES. may be used, either now or hereafter, notwithstanding the grant- ing of this franchise; and it is understood that this franchise is in no sense exclusive. Sec. 15. The said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall be deemed to have forfeited and abandoned all rights and privi- leges to the franchise conferred by this ordinance, unless said grantee, its successors or assigns, shall within sixty (60) days after the approval of this ordinance file in the office of the City Clerk a written acceptance of the rights and privileges hereby conferred, subject to the terms, conditions, stipulations and obli- gations herein contained ; and in case of its failure so to do, this ordinance shall be null and void and of no force or effect what- ever. Sec. 16. This grant ,is subject to the right of the City Council at any time, on thirty days' written notice to said gran- tee, its successors and assigns, by the Commissioner of Public Works, authorized so to do, hereafter to repeal, change or modify this grant, if the franchise granted hereby is not oper- ated in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or at all, and the City Council reserves the right so to do and this sec- tion shall be considered as a cumulative and an additional rem- edy to that provided by section 11 of this ordinance. Sec. 17. Upon the acceptance of this ordinance by the grantee, all rights, privileges and franchises granted by Ordi- nances Nos. 1364 and 2028 of the City of Tacoma shall cease and said ordinances shall stand repealed. Approved June 26, 1905. ORDINANCE NO. 2440. An ordinance granting to Fred J. Chamberlain, his heirs, executors, admin- istrators and assigns, a franchise to build and operate a street railway by electricity or other motive power, except steam, upon certain public highways in the City of Tacoma, County of Pierce, State of Wash- ington. Be it ordained by the City of Tacoma: Section 1. That there be and is hereby granted to Fred J. Chamberlain, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the right, privilege, authority and franchise to lay down, con- struct, equip, maintain and operate by electricity or other mo- tive power, except steam, a single or double track railway line with necessary switches, turnouts, connections and other appli- ances for the operation of the same, including the erecting, operating and maintaining such poles and wires with their at- tachments as may be necessary for the operating of said rail- FRANCHISES. 1155 way. on, alonir, over and across the streets, alleys and highways in the City of Taeoma (subject always to any and all rights of any owners of private property lying Avithin the routes here- inafter designated or abutting upon said streets) as follows, to-wit : Commencing on South Twenty-first Street at the intersec- tion of said street with the east boundary line of Pacific Ave- nue, thence easterly along said South Twenty-first Street to *'A" Street, thence southerly along said "A" Street to South Twenty-fifth Street, thence easterly along said South Twenty- fifth Street to the easterly boundary line of the City of Taeoma. Provided, however, that nothing in this ordinance contained shall be deemed or construed to amount to a warranty on the part of the said City of Taeoma that any part of the above describ- ed routes are upon a legally established or existing street, but said City of Taeoma, hereby grants the right to construct and operate said railway line sul^ject to the conditions, provisions and reservations hereinafter set forth only in so far as said City now has, or hereafter may have, control over said streets, and the routes hereinbefore designated, subject always to any and all rights of any owners of private property lying within the said route or abutting upon said streets. Sec. 2. That there be and is hereby granted to Fred J. Chamberlain, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the further right, privilege, authority and franchise, during the life of this franchise, subject, however, to the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance, to operate his cars on Pacific Avenue in said City of Taeoma, from South Twenty-first Street to the northerly terminus of said Pacific Avenue, along and over the railway track or tracks of any other person, firm or corporation running and operating street cars on said Pacific Avenue in said City of Taeoma, or which may hereafter oper- ate cars on said avenue, over which the said City now has, or may hereafter have, the right to grant trackage rights and privileges, or from which said grantee can secure trackage rights and privileges and to construct, operate and main- tain on said Pacific Avenue the necessary track or tracks to connect with the tracks of such other person, firm or corpo- ration with the track or tracks of said grantee at the intersec- tion of said South Twenty-first Street with the east boundary line of said Pacific Avenue. Sec. 3. The rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance shall in no sense be exclusive and the City of Ta- 1156 FEANCHISES. coma shall have the right at any time to grant similar privileges to any other person, tirm or corporation. Sec. 4. The said grantee shall, before commencing work on the road to be constructed under this franchise, make, execute and deliver a bond running to the City of Tacoma with a good and sufficient surety company as surety for the penal sum of $2500.00 to indemnify and save harmless the City of Tacoma for any loss, damage or expense which the City may suffer by reason of the construction of said road. Sec. 5. Whenever the said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall fail to operate any portion of his track laid down along any of the said streets mentioned in this ordinance for a period of thirty days, provided such fail- ure to operate is not caused by riots, strikes, civil commotions, acts of the elements or other causes over which the said gran- tee has no control, then and thereupon all rights, privileges, authorities and franchises granted by this ordinance may be forthwith terminated by ordinance of the City of Tacoma, as to that portion of said street or streets over and along which said grantee shall fail to operate for said period of time, and no act or decree of any court shall be required to so terminate the rights of the grantee, in said streets or portions of streets. Within thirty days after the service of notice of the passage of said ordinance upon said grantee by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City, the grantee shall remove all rails, poles, wires and appliances of every nature and description from said street or streets or portion of streets and shall leave said streets in as good condition for public travel as they would have been had no street railway tracks ever been laid, and if said grantee shall fail to remove said rails, poles, wires and other appliances from said streets or portion of streets, in which this franchise has been declared by the City forfeited, the City may remove the same at the grantee's sole cost and expense, or at its election may appropriate the same to its own use without any compensation being paid to said grantee, his heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns. Sec. 6. For the purpose of constructing or repairing the railway track along the lines mentioned in section one of this ordinance, no street or alley shall be torn up or excavation al- lowed to remain for a greater length of time than may be des- ignated by the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Council. The tracks shall be laid upon the established grade of said streets or alleys and shall be so constructed that the tops of the FKAXCHISES. 1157 rails shall not be above the established grade or surface of the street, so that carriages or other vehicles can pass over the same with the least possible inconvenience. Sec. 7. That immediately upon the laying down of the ties and rails along: and over the streets designated in this ordinance, said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall plank, pave or macadamize between the rails and for a space of one foot outside of the rails, and between the tracks where a double track is constructed and also the whole space between the main track and any switch, spur or turnout, on all graded streets and the crossings on ungraded streets, as the Commissioner of Public "Works or the City Council may direct; and any plank laid down on the outside of the rails shall have the outer edge beveled so as to make it easy for teams to cross and re-cross said tracks; and said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, agree to maintain said planking, pav- ing or macadamizing in good repair during the life of this fran- chise, or until said City shall plank or re-plank, pave or re- pave, macadamize or re-macadamize any of the streets mention- ed in section one of this ordinance, when the grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, shall plank or re-plank, pave or re-pave, macadamize or re-macadamize with the same material as that used by the City, or with other material equally as good to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works or the City Council ; and shall keep said planking, paving or macadamizing in good repair at all times during the life of this franchise at his own sole cost and expense ; and where said tracks shall be parallel to the track of any other person, com- pany or corporation, laid prior to the track of the grantee herein on any of the streets mentioned in section one of this ordinance, said grantee shall plank, pave or macadamize the whole space between their track or tracks, and the end of the ties of the track of such other person, company or corporation. Any paving to be done under this franchise must be com- menced within thirty days after notice by the City of Tacoma and completed within a reasonable time thereafter. The tracks of said street railway shall be of standartl gauge, and where double tracks shall be laid along any portion of said route the distance from center to center of said tracks shall not be more than twelve (12) feet, except on streets w^here there are tracks of other street railway lines, when the twelve feet shall be measured from the center of the next track. Provided, that, when the City of Tacoma shall desire to pave any street upon Avhich the said grantee shall by this ordi- 1]58 FRANCHISES. nance be granted a franchise, if the said grantee shall not have already constructed its track or tracks thereon, he shall imme- diately proceed to construct the same, and in case said track or tracks be not constructed and completed within thirty days after written notice from the Commissioner of Public Works so to do, the said grantee shall forfeit his franchise on such street, and it shall not be necessary to pass any ordinance or take any action whatever to forfeit such franchise. Sec. 8. That whenever it shall be necessary to cross any gulch, gully or ravine in any street, alley or public place along the route of said railway, as designated in section one of this ordinance, the said grantee shall at his own cost and expense construct, maintain and forever keep in continual repair, bridges, viaducts or structures necessary for carrying the traffic of said street railway line across said gulches, gullies or ravines, which said bridges, viaducts or structures shall be constructed of the very best material used for such purpose, and according to the plans and specifications which shall first have been sub- mitted by said grantee to the Commissioner of Public Works of said City and approved by him ; and the surface of any such bridge, viaduct or structure shall be so constructed and forever maintained during the life of this franchise in such a manner as to atford free, open and unobstructed travel for pedestrians: provided, lioivever, said grantee shall not be required to buiJd said bridge or bridges a greater width, exclusive of sidewalks, than is necessarj^ for its own traffic ; and such bridge or bridges shall be further constructed in such a manner that a sidewalk of the width required by the ordinances of said City may be built and forever maintained by said grantee during the life of this franchise on one or both sides of such bridge, viaduct or structure as said City may elect, together with a proper railing on both edges of said sidewalk; Frovidcd, furtlicr, that if said street railway line or lines shall cross any gulch, gully or ravine along any portion of its said route, upon any bridge or bridges belonging to said City of Tacoma, then said grantee shall pay to the City of Tacoma, during the life of this franchise, one-half of the cost of construc- tion and reconstruction, maintenance and repairs of any bridge or bridges so crossed and used by said grantee, and whenever the City Council of the City of Tacoma shall authorize the con- struction, reconstruction or repair of any bridge or bridges so crossed and used by said grantee, for street railway purposes, said grantee shall forthwith pay to the City of Tacoma one-half of the estimated cost of the construction, reconstruction, main- FRANCHISES. 1159 tenaiice or repair of any such bridge or bridges, and when such bridge or bridges shall have been constructed, reconstructed or repaired, said Commissioner of Public AVorks shall render a true and accurate account of the cost of any such works to said grantee, and if the amount contributed and paid by the said gi'antee to said City shall exceed one-half of the actual expen- diture therefor, said City of Tacoma shall refund the excess to said grantee, and if the amount paid by said grantee, as afore- said, shall not have equalled one-half of the actual expenditure for said purpose, then the said grantee shall forthwith pay to the said City of Tacoma the amount of the deficiency ; and if at any time said grantee shall refuse or neglect to contribute and pay his proportionate part for the construction or reconstruc- tion or repair of any bridge, as aforesaid, for thirty (30) days after any such work has been ordered by the City Council of said City of Tacoma, then it is agreed that each and every right, authority and franchise granted by this ordinance to use any such bridge or bridges shall forthwith cease and be suspended, and said grantee shall have no right whatever to operate any car or cars across any such bridge or bridges, or any portion of them, until he shall have contributed to and paid for one- half of the entire expense incurred by said City in the construc- tion, reconstruction or repair of any such bridge or bridges. Provided, however, that no bridge, viaduct or structure con- structed and maintained by said grantee across any gulch, gully or ravine, shall ever be removed or destroyed upon the expira- tion of this franchise; and it is hereby agreed, that any such bridge, viaduct or structure upon the expiration of this fran- chise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, shall abso- lutely vest in and belong to said City of Tacoma for its own use and benefit forever, without any act of said City or act or judg- ment of any court. Provided, however, that two weeks before the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall begin the construction of any bridge on the route of his proposed street railway, he shall give notice in writing to the Commissioner of Public Works of his intention to construct such bridge and if the City of Tacoma' shall desire to have such bridge constructed of sufficient width to accommodate team traffic, said grantee, his successors or as- signs, shall construct said bridge according to plans and speci- fications to be furnished by the City of Tacoma and the cost of the construction of said bridge and its maintenance thereafter during the life of this franchise shall be borne equally by the said grantee, his successors or assigns, and the City of Tacoma, 1160 FEANCHISES. and the City of Tacoma shall have the right at any time dur- ing the life of this franchise to enlarge any bridge that the said grantee, his successors or assigns, shall construct, in order to make the same of sufficient capacity to accommodate team traffic and the City of Tacoma shall pay the cost of such addition to such bridge and thereafter the cost of maintenance of such bridge shall be borne by the said grantee, his successors or as- signs, and the City of Tacoma equally. Sec. 9. The fare for one continuous passage over said rail- road from any one point to any other point, within the City, shall never exceed five cents; and the payment of a fare shall entitle the passenger to a transfer to any other system of street car lines within the City of Tacoma which may give and receive transfers to and from the system of lines operated under this franchise. Sec. 10. This franchise may be assigned by said Fi'ed J. Chamberlain with the consent of said City given by ordinance. Sec. 11. That said grantee shall pay into the Treasury of the City of Tacoma semi-annually, on the first Monday of Jan- uary and the first Monday of July of each year, in cash, a sum of money equal to one per cent, of the gross receipts received during each preceding six months from the operation of the rail- Avay authorized by this franchise within the limits of the said City for the period of five years, and thereafter a sum of money equal to two per cent, of said gross receipts, payable at the same periods, and the Secretary or whatever officer of said grantee shall have charge of the general supervision of the books of account of said grantee, shall on the first Monday of July and the first Monday of January of each year, make a true and ac- curate report under oath of the gross receipts of the said gran- tee from the operation of said line of railway throughout its entire length within the limits of said City for the six months immediately preceding the time of making said report, and shall file the same with the City Controller of said City, and said grantee shall keep proper and sufficient books of account show- ing such receipts in an orderly and plain manner, and shall per- mit and allow said books at all times within business houi-s to be inspected by the City Controller of said City, or by any committee or person who may be appointed by the City Council of said City to inspect the same; and in case said grantee shall at any time hereafter, while this fran- chise remains in force, fail to pay into said City Treasury any sura of money required to be paid under this section, at the tune required by this section, or shall fail to make any report II FRANCHISES. 1161 or to file the same as herein required, then all rights, privileges, authorities and franchises granted hereby shall be suspended nntil such report and payment shall have been made. Sec. 12. It is further agreed by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that the City of Tacoma shall at any time have the right to appropriate by purchase the property of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, constructed on streets and parts of streets described in this ordinance at a reasonable price, and shall have the right and power to regulate the movement and operation of cars on said streets or parts of streets, and to provide for the protection of persons and property against injury in the use of said street railway lines. Sec. 13. That before said grantee, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, shall enter upon any portion of any of the streets or allej's described in section one of this ordinance for any pui-pose Avhatever for constructing and building his track or tracks, or setting poles, or disturbing the surface of any streets in any manner whatsoever, all damages that may be occasioned thereby to property abutting on said streets along which said track or tracks are to be laid down, in so far as such damages shall be claimed by the owner of, or any person inter- ested in any such property, shall be ascertained and determined and compensation made therefor by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, in the manner provided by law. Sec. 14. That before said grantee, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, shall disturb the surface of any street paved or unpaved, or any public place, for the purpose of lay- ing down, constructing, reconstructing or operating his track or tracks, he shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Tacoma and the City Engineer of said City com- plete plans and specifications, giving thereby the intended loca- tion of such track or tracks in said streets, the kind of ties and rails to be used in constructing said track and also specify any and all turnouts and switches intended to be laid down, poles to be erected, giving the location and manner of erection of said poles, which said plans and specifications shall be approved by the said Commissioner of Public AVorks of said City before said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall have any right or authority under this ordinance. Whenever the track or tracks of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall cross or be crossed 1162 FEANCHISES. by the track or tracks of any other line of railway, the rails of each shall be so altered or cut as to permit the cars of each to pass without obstruction. Sec. 15. All electrical currents used by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, must be cared for so as to insure a return of the same along his own metallic con- ductors; and the City of Tacoma reserves the right to compel the said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to adopt any method in actual, practical and successful use for the operation of said line of street railway so as to insure such return of such current. Sec. 16. All poles, erected in any of the said streets, alleys or public places, or any portion thereof, for the purpose of said railway, shall be painted and they shall be erected or reset from time to time as the Citj'' may require, at such places as may be directed by the Commissioner of Public Works of said City. All poles and wires and all appliances of any name, nature and description and whatsoever connected therewith, and the ma- terials and construction of said track or tracks and of the road- bed thereof shall be of the most approved character so as to in- terfere as little as practicable with any other public use of said street, and both the materials and workmanship thereof shall be of the very best kind and quality. Sec. 17. Said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, at his own cost and expense, upon twenty-four hours' written notice from the Commissioner of Public Works shall cut, raise or lower any wire or cable maintained by him and move any conduit or pole to permit any local improvement, the removal of any building or buildings, or the laying down of any sidewalk, sewer or water pipe, and upon his failure to comply with such notice, said Commissioner of Public Works may do the same, and the said grantee, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, shall upon demand pay to the said City of Tacoma the cost and expense thereof ; and whenever any of his wdres or conduits are cut, raised or lowered by the Com- missioner of Public Works of said City, or by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for any of the pur- poses set forth in this section of this ordinance, said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall replace said wires or conduits at his own sole cost and expense; pro- vided, however, that when any of said wires or cables have to be cut, raised or relocated because of some public improvement made by the City of Tacoma, or under its authority and direc- tion, (or for the removal of any building) said City shall not FRAXCHISES. 1163 be liable in any manner whatever for any damag'e, loss or detri- ment caused thei-eby to said grantee, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns; provided, further, that the Conunis- sioner of Public AVorks shall, in case of removal of buildings, iis hereinbefore provided, fix the time when and the time within which sucli building shall cross any line of said grantee, and in case of a longer interrujition of such line, than the time so fixed, the person so moving such building and the owner thereof shall pay the damages resulting from such continued time of inter- ruption. Sec. 18. That said City of Tacoma shall have the option and right at any time to require the said grantee, his successors or assigns, to i)lace all oi- any portion of his or their wires in underground conduits and whenever said City shall so elect it may prescribe by ordinance the manner in which wires may be placed or strung in said conduits; or the said City may, if it shall so elect, cause said conduits oi* pole lines to be construct- ed by the City of Tacoma and rtnjuire said grantee, his success- ors or assigns, to place their wires on said poles or in such con- duits so constructed by said City, and may require said gran- tee, his successors or assigns, to pay to said City a reasonable compensation for the use of said conduits or pole lines; and said grantee, his successors or assiorns, fjhall thereafter during the term of this franchise place and maintain his or their wires in pursuance of said ordinance or any other ordinance reuulat- ing the same subject matter that may be subsequently enacted by the City of Tacoma ; and said grantee, his successors or as- signs, shall thereafter have the right to transmit electric current in the City of Tacoma through the streets and for the purposes mentioned in section one of this ordinance as fully and effectu- ally as though the mode of transmission had remained unchang- ed ; provided, lioirever, that said grantee, his successors or as- signs, shall not be required to place his or their wires under- ground except to the same extent that the wires of all other per- sons or corporations operating a street car business are required to be placed underground. Sec. 19. That said City of Tacoma hereby reserves the right at any and all times to limit and regulate by ordinance the rate of speed at Avhich cars shall be moved under this ordi- nance within the limits of said City, and each and every ear or train of cars operated by said grantee, his heirs, executors, ad- ministrators and assigns, within the limits of the City of Ta- coma under the provisions granted by this franchise, shall be provided with Doth a motornian and conductor, each of whom 1164 FEANCHISES. shall be skilled in his several duties. All cars shall be first class in workmanship and so constructed as to give the greatest amount of comfort to the traveling public. They shall be well lighted, and lights shall be so placed that the steps of said cars may be clearly seen by persons entering and departing from said cars, and said cars shall also be provided with safety gates and proper, legible and illuminated signs showing the destina- tion and route of said cars; and the City of Tacoma hereby re- serves the right, which is agreed to by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to require by ordinance that a reasonable number of cars shall be run and as often as may be necessary to accommodate the traffic of said lines within the limits o'f the City of Tacoma. Sec. 20. No part of any track laid by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, under the provis- ions of this ordinance shall be used as a dead track whereon any car or cars shall be allowed to stand, loaded or discharged, to the obstruction of the said street and no freight shall be receiv- ed by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs, upon any public street in said City, and no freight shall be handled by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, until he shall have established a proper and suit- able freight yard upon private property. Said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall have the au- thority under this franchise to construct a spur from his track or tracks into said yard under the provisions, conditions and restrictions of this ordinance, as to planking, paving or mac- adamizing between and outside of the rails of said spur under the directions and in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner of Public Works of said City who shall have the right to alter or amend, approve or disapprove of any portion of any spur so proposed to be constructed by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. Sec. 21. This ordinance shall not be so construed in any manner as to deprive the City of Tacoma of any power, right or privilege which it now has or may hereafter have or receive, to regulate the use and control of the streets, alleys and public places of said City; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed or interpreted as to prevent, hinder, delay or em- barass the City from sewering, grading, macadamizing, paving, planking, repairing, altering or improving any street, alley or public place in said City; nor shall the City of Tacoma be liabl? to said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for any damage whatsoever of any name, nature or description FRANCHISES. 1165 ■whatsoever that said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, may suffer by reason of the preformance of any Avork of any kind whatsoever, made by the City of Tacoma, in the improvement of any street or by reason of the exercise of any right which the City of Tacoma now has or may hereafter have, in, upon or over any street, alley or public place in said City; and the said City of Tacoma reserves the right to itself at any and all times, whenever it may deem it advisable, to change the grade of any street, alley or public place over or along' which said street railway shall have been constructed, and to construct sewers, water mains or any other improvement in, upon or underneath any such street, alley or public place, and for any such purpose to suspend temporarily the running of cars on such railway ; and whenever it shall become necessary to remove temporarily the track, structure, poles or wires, or any portion of the same, of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for the purpose of making any im- provement upon, in or underneath any street, alley or public place, in said City, said grantee, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, upon receiving notice from the Commissioner of Public Works so to do shall promptly at his own cost and ex- pense change the construction and location of said railway in such a manner as to conform to the requirements of said City; and in the event of the failure of said grantee, his heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns, so to do, within thirty (30) days after receiving such notice, then said City may temporarily change, alter or remove the structure of said railway at the sole cost and expense of said grantee, his heirs executors, adminis- trators and assigns, and said City shall not be liable to said gran- tee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, for any re- sulting damage that said grantee, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, shall, upon demand, pay to the said City the entire expense of said temporary change or removal of said railway, and upon the refusal of said grantee, his heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns, to pay said City said costs for a period of thirty (30) days after demand, then all the rights, grants, authorities and franchises of every nature w^hat- soever conferred by this ordinance shall be suspended until such payment shall have been made. Sec. 22. Said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, by the acceptance of this franchise, does hereby agree, for himself and themselves, to forever protect and save harmless the City of Tacoma from any and all claims and actions for damages of every kind, nature and description, 1166 FRANCHISES. Avhieh may acenie to or be suffered by any person, firm or cor- poration, or the property of any person, firm or coi-poration, both during the construction of his railway and its operation thereafter, by reason of any defective construction or main- tenance, or the improper operation or negligence in con- nection Avith the construction of his said line of street rail- way, or by reason of the negligent operation by said gran- tee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, of said street railway line within the limits of said City of Tacoma, and in case any suit or action, either at law or in equity, is com- menced against said City for damages arising out of or by rea- son of any such acts or defective construction, maintenance or negligent operation, said grantee, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, shall upon notice to him, of the commence- ment of any such suit or action, defend the same, at his own sole cost and expense; and in case judgment shall be rendered against said City of Tacoma in any such suit or action, said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall fully satisfy and discharge said judgment within thirty (30) days after said suit or action shall have been fully determined, if determined adversely to said City ; and if said , grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall fail to fully satisfy, pay and discharge any such judgment rendered against said City within said time, then any and all rights, privileges, grants, authorities and franchises given by this ordinance to said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall be absolutely suspended and held in abeyance until said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall have paid and satisfied said judgment. Sec. 23. At the expiration of the term of this franchise by lapse of time or otherwise, unless the same shall have been duly renewed, the grantee herein, his heirs, executors, admin- istrators and assigns, shall commence within ten (10) days from said expiration to remove any and all rails, ties, poles, wires and appliances which may have been constructed or used in the oper- ation of said street railway line over the route herein designated, from the streets, bridges, alleys and public places, in Avhich and along which said route extends and shall finish said removal within ninety (90). days from said expiration leaving said streets, alleys, bridges and public places in as good condition and repair as the same would have been had said street railway line or lines never been constructed thereon; prov-ided, hon-eve)% that in case said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall fail to remove his rails, ties, poles, Avires and FEANCHISES. 1167 appliances within ninety (90) days after the expiration of the franchise granted by this ordinance, then the said City of Ta- coma may remove the same at the sole cost and expense of the said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or may at its election, hold and retain the same as its own abso- lute property for its perpetual use and benefit, without any act or deed whatsoever on the part of any court or of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. Sec. 24. All mail carriers, police officers, and firemen of the City, when in uniform, and all inspectors in the employment of the City, and having with them the certificate of the head of the department of the City to which they belong that they are actually engaged in their duty as such inspectors, shall be permitted to ride free of charge over any of the lines of said railroad operated in the City of Tacoma in pursuance of their several emplo\mients and duties; and school children going to and coming from school within the City of Tacoma shall never be charged more than half fare. Sec. 25. That all and singular the rights, privileges and franchises by this ordinance granted shall be in force and con- tinue for the period of twenty-five (25) years from the date this ordinance goes into ett'ect, subject, however, to all and every ot the conditions, provisions and reservations herein contained ; provided, however, that each and every right, privilege, author- ity and franchise by this ordinance granted, shall, without the passage of any resolution, ordinance or any action of any kind whatsoever on the part of the City of Tacoma, be null and void and absolutely of no effect upon the failure of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to perform any of the conditions hereinafter specified, to-wit: First. That said grantee, his heirs, executors, administra- tors and assigns, sliall file an absolute and unconditional accept- ance of this franchise in writing with the City Clerk of the City of Tacoma within sixty (60) days after the publication of this ordinance. Second. Said street railway line shall be completed for the entire distance of the line herein provided for in section one of this ordinance, and in operation by running cars for the trans- portation of the passengers over the whole of said line each way within two (2) years from the time said grantee shall have filed his acceptance of this franchise, as hereinbefore provided; pro- vided, further, that this second subdivision of this section twen- ty-five shall not apply to the construction, maintenance or oper- 1168 FRANCHISES. ation of tracks on any of the streets, avenues or alleys upon which said grantee may secure trackage privileges, as herein- before provided in this ordinance. Third. That at the time of the acceptance of this fran- chise said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs, shall deposit with the City Treasurer of the City of Ta- coma one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and in case said gran- tee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall fail to construct and complete and have in operation his whole line of street railway along and over the route designated in section one of this ordinance within the time and in the manner in this ordinance specified, said grantee, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators and assigns, hereby waives, relinquishes and absolutely forfeits any right of any nature whatsoever, either in law or equity, which they may have had to said one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) ; provided, however, that when said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall have fully and faithfully complied with all the terms, conditions and provisions of this ordinance with reference to the construction and comple- tion of the line or lines of street railway herein designated, within the time or times herein designated, within which any and all acts are to be performed on the part of said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, then, upon the cer- tificate of the Mayor of said City of Tacoma to the effect that the said terms, conditions and provisions have been complied with by said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, the City Treasurer shall pay over said sum of one thou- sand dollars ($1,000.00) to said grantee, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. Approved July 20, 1905. INDEX TO FRANCHISES. Electric current. Page. Tacoma Railway ami Power Company 1128 Seattle-Taconia Power Company 1144 Fire Alarm System. Bell, John :\r 1015 Fire and Police Alarm System. Rei.l, RolxMt T., et al 1017 Light. Sprague, John W., et al 948 Railroads. Commercial Union and Terminal Railroad Comjiany 998 Mason, Allen C., et al 965 Northern Pacific Railway Company. Spur track across P]ast "D'' and South Twenty-first Streets 1020 Spur track aero.ss South Twenty-first and along Win- throp Avenue 1026 Double track railway on Dock Street 1027 Spur track across Fife and North Thirty-second Streets. . 1028 Spur track across North Thirty-first and Carr Streets. .. 1031 Spur track across East "D" and other streets 103.3 Spur track across East " D " Street 1035 Spur track across South Eleventh Street 1037 Spur track across East " F " Street 1039 Spur track across North Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth Streets 1044 Spur track from North Thirty-eighth Street to Puget Sound Avenue 1053 Spur track from North Thirty-seventh Street to Warner Street ". 1057 Spur track on South Eleventh Street 1059 Spur track across North Thirty-fifth Street and certain alleys in Byrd 's Addition 1092 Spur track along Winthrop Avenue and across South Twenty-second Street 1098 Spur track across Union Avenue and North Thirty- ninth Street 1100 Spur track across South Steele Street 1102 Spur track across North Thirty-eighth Street and Puget Sound Avenue 1104 Spur track across and along Dock Street 1120 Spur track across North Thirty-seventh Street and Law- rence Avenue 1122 Spur track across South Fifteenth and Dock Streets. ... 1124 Tacoma Eastern Railroad Company 1000-1061 Todd, A. B. Foundry and Machine Company 1001 Standard Oil Company 1055 1170 INDEX TO FEANCHISES. Street. Eailways, Page. Benett, Nelsou, et al 958 Carr, James O., settlement of certain differences 1021 Carr, James 1024 Chamberlain, Fred J., et ai 1154 Clement, Horatio C, et al 981 Commercial Trust Company 1106 Felt, E. J., et al 1065 Orchard, George F., et al 970 Point Defiance Railway Company 987-1002 Point Defiance, Tacoma and Edison Eailway Company 1012 Pnget Sound Electric Eailway, assignment of certain fran- chises to 1053 Eadebaugh, Eandolph F., et al 968-979 Tacoma' Central Street Eailway Company 984 Tacoma Eailway and Motor Company 1006-1010 Tacoma Eailway and Power Company. On South Twenty-seventh Street, together with a safety spur from Delin Street 1028 For third rail on Pacific Avenue, South Fourtocntli and ''A" Streets 1041 Spur track on Center and South "O" Streets 1043 Settlement of certain differences 1046 Assignment of certain franchises to "Puget Sound Elec- tric Eailway " . 1053 On "K," North Eleven Hi, Enst "D," Canal and other streets 1080 Spur track in alley between Blocks 702 and 703 1126 Modifying Ordinance No. 363 as to right of Company on "K" Street ". ...1139 For railway in Point Defiance Park 1140 Villard, Henry, et al 974 Telegraph. Bell, John M., et al 094 Northwestern American District Telegraph Company 963 Pacific Postal Telegraph Ca])le Company 962 Western TTiiion Telegraph Company 950-993-1009 Telephone. Sunset Telei^hone-Telegraph Company 940 Tramway. Hart, .T. F. and Company 951 Water. Carr, Job, et al 938 Fuller, John N 939 Mullen, E. B., et al • 996 Olsen, Joachim, et al 1094 Tacoma Mill Company 992 Tacoma Water Company 937 St. Paul and Tacoma Lumber Company 973 APPENDIX. Titles in Brief of Repealed Ordinances. OLD TACOMA. 1. Time and place of meeting' of Board of Trustees. Pass- ed June 13, 1874. Kepealed. 2. Relating: to dogs. Passed June 18. 1874. Repealed by Ordinance No. 40. 3. Collection of nnmicipal poll tax. Passed June 18. 1874. Repealed l)y Ordinance No. 16, 0. T. 4. Disorderly conduct. Passed June 24, 1874. Repealed by Ordinance No. 134. 5. Resistance to officer. Passed June 24, 1874. Repealed by Ordinance No. 134. 6. Relating to payment of taxes. Pa.ssed June 24, 1874. Repealed. 7. Defining duties of ^Marshal. Passed June 24, 1874. Repealed. 8. Regulating fees and duties of Clerk, Marshal and Treas- urer. Passed August 3, 1874. Repealed. 9. Levying road tax for 1874. Passed August 24, 1874. Repealed. 10. Fixing time and place of election. Passed without date. Repealed. 11. Relating to hogs. Passed July 5, 1876. Repealed. 12. Relating to public moneys. Passed September 4, 1876. Repealed. 13. Relating to pa>auent of taxes. Passed September 4, 1876. Repealed. 14. License for peddling. Passed May 17, 1877. Repealed. 15. Relating to Chinese graveyard. Passed March 7, 1881. Repealed. 16. Fixing poll and road tax. Passed April 23, 1881. Repealed. 17. Fixing place of meeting of Board of Trustees. Pass- ed May 9, 188L Repealed. 1172 APPENDIX. 18. For prevention of contagious diseases in New Tacoma. Passed November 8, 1881. Kepealed by Ordinance No. 155. 19. No ordinance. 20. For prevention of contagious diseases. Passed De- cember 5, . Repealed by Ordinance No. 155. 21. Relating to chimney flues. Passed March 5, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 30. 22. Disposition of fines. Passed March 5, 1883. Re- pealed. 27. Licensing Chinese wash houses. Passed November 5, 1883. Repealed. NEW TACOMA. 1. Time and place for meeting of Board of Trustees. Pass- ed February 23, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 22, N. T. 2. Prevention of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Passed February 23, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 134. 3. Prohibiting the use and carrying of deadly weapons. Passed February 23, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 134. 4. Relating to nuisances. Passed February 23, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 86. 5. Relating to swine. Passed February 23, 1880. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 84. 6. Defining fire limits. Passed February 23, 1880. Re- pealed. 7. Relating to dogs. Passed February 23, 1880. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 11. 8. Licensing theatrical exhibitions, concerts and shows. Passed February 23, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 92. 9. Licensing hawkers, peddlers and runners. Passed Feb- ruary 25, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 25, N. T. 10. Defining duties and fixing compensation of Marshal. Passed February 25, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 82. 11. Relating to dogs. Passed February 25, 1880. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 40. 12. Fixing amount of bonds of Toavu officers. Passed March 3, 1880. Repealed. 14. Relating to cruelty to animals. Passed IMarch 3, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 275. APPENDIX. 1173 16. Relatinrr to enforcement of fines. Pa.ssed March 10, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 83. 17. Amendintr Ordinance Xo. 9, licensins,- hawkers, ped- dlers and runners. Passed ^Nlarch 31, 1880. Repealed. 19. Fixing compensation of Clerk of Board of Trustees. Passed April 28, 1880. Repealed. 20. Franchise for New Taeoma Water Company. Passed April 28, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2314. 22. Time for .stated meetings of Board of Trustees. Pass- ed May 12, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 44, N. T. 23. Xo ordinance. 24. For protection of water rights. Passed June 2, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 829. 25. Repealing Ordinance Xo. 9. Passed June 2, 1880. Repealed. 26. Relating to draining lots in Block 704. Passed June 23, 1880. Repealed. 28. Organizing Xew Taeoma Hook and Ladder Company, Xo. 1. Passed July 7, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 256. 29. Providing payment of interest on municipal warrants. Passed July 28, 1880. ' Repealed by Ordinance No. 1080. 31. Xo ordinance. 33. To prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Passed :^rarch 2, 1881. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 40, X. T. 3(). Time and place for meeting of Board of Trustees. Passed June 1, 1881. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 44, N. T, 38. For construction of sidewalk on Pacific Avenue. Pass- ed August 3, 1881. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 39, X. T. 40. To prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Passed X^ovember 4, 1881. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1343. 41. Fixing the amount of fees of City Clerk for issuing licenses. Approved X^ovember 8, 1881. Repealed. 42. Regulating the building and care of privies. Approv- ed December 21, 1881. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 85. 44. Time and placed for meeting of the Common Council. Approved January 5, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 79, X. T. 45. To impose and regulate licenses and manner of issuing same. Approved ^larch 1, 1882. Repealed. 46. Franchise to Xorthern Pacific Railroad Company on 1174 APPENDIX. Railroad and Rainier Streets and Cliff Avenue. Passed March 7, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2332. 47. Establishing the grade of Pacific Avenue. Approved (no date). Repealed by Ordinance No. 198. 48. Regulating fees of City Treasurer. Approved May 10, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 65. 49. No ordinance. 50. Relating to annual assessment of taxable property. Approved May 22, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 58. 51. Defining duties and fixing compensation of Health Officer. Approved June 7, 1882. Repealed. 53. Tax on dogs. Approved June 14, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 40. 54. Licensing and regulating the posting and distribution of bills. Approved June 14, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1064. 55. No ordinance. 56. Regulating width and manner of building sidewalks. Approved July 12, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1297. 57. No ordinance. 60. No ordinance. • 61. Preventing placing or wearing of bells on animals. Approved July 5, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2236. 65. Fixing compensation of City Officers. Approved September 13, 1882. Repealed. 66. Vacating a portion of Jefferson Street. Approved September 20, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 76. 67. No ordinance. 68. Grairting Phillip Metzler the right to lay water pipes on Eleventh Street and Pacific Avenue. Approved October 18, 1882. Repealed bjj Ordinance No. 107. 69. Creating a sewer fund. Approved October 18, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 224. 72. Compelling privy vaults and drains to be connected Avith street sewer. Approved October 24, 1882. R.epealed by Ordinance No. 1350. 73. Relating to obstruction of streets and sidewalks. Ap- . proved November 14, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 196. 74. Imposing and regulating manner of issuing licenses. Approved December 27, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 81, N. T. APPENDIX. 1175 75. No ordinance. 78. Vacating: a portion of Jefferson Street. Approved December 6, 1882. Repealed by Ordinance No. 160. 79. Time and place for meetings of Common Council. Approved (no date). Repealed by Ordinance No. 108, N. T. 80. No ordinance. 81. To impose and regulate licenses. Approved Feb- ruary 10. 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 174. 82. Grantnitr the Taeoma Lifrlit Company the riulit to sup- ply the City with lijrht. Approved ]\[ay 4, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2256. 83. For construction of sidewalk on Pacific Avenue. Ap- proved ^lay 21, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 900. 85. Prohibitiuir shooting fire crackers and other explosives within certain City limits. Approved June 9, 1883. Repealed. 96. Granting to Charles B. "Wright, et al., the right to supply the City with water. Approved August 24, 1883. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2257. 98. Establishing grades. Approved September 18, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1385. 99. Providing for exclusion of wash houses from cert.ain portions of the City limits. Approved September 21, 1883. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1306. 103. Franchise to John E. Burns for furnishing water. Approved September 21, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2315. 107. Franchise to Philip ]\Ietzler for furnishing water. Approved October 9, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2316. 108. Time and place for stated meetings of the Common Council. Approved October 9, 1883. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1. 113. Fixing the compensation of City Officers. Approv- ed November 9, 1883. Repealed. TACOMA— (ConsoKJated City.) 1. Time and place of meeting of Common Council. Ap- proved January 15, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 4. 2. Requiring City Officers to give bonds. Approved Jan- uary 15, 1884. Repealed. 1176 APPENDIX. 3. Fixing compensation of City Officers. Approved Jan- uary 30, 1884. Repealed. 4. Time and place of regular meetings of Common Coun- cil. Approved January 30, 1884. Repealed. 5. Defining fire limits. Approved February 2, 1884. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 15. 6. Regulating erection, repair and removal of buildings in fire limits. Approved February 2, 1884. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1000. 10. Granting the Tacoma Electric Company certain rights for electric light purposes. Approved February 15, 1884. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 20. , 13. Authorizing Purchasing Committee to bind the City in sums not exceeding $50. Approved March 6, 1884. Re- pealed. 15. Defining fire limits. Approved March 21, 1884. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 99. 18. Creating City funds. Approved March 24, 1884. Repealed. 19. Directing upon what fund warrants of salaries should be drawn. Approved March 24, 1884. Repealed. 20. Granting the Tacoma Electric Company the right to erect poles, and stretch wires for electric light purposes. Ap- proved March 24, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 178. 27. Establishing grade of Railroad Street, "A" Street and Third Street. Approved May 8, 1884. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 2285. 30. Regulating the erection of chimneys, etc. Approved May 16, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 265. 31. Granting John W. Sprague, et al., the right to sup- ply water to the City. Approved June 9, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2258. 33. Establishing grade of Railroad and "A" Streets. Approved June 20, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 37. Licensing bar rooms and drinking shops. Approvt^d July 18, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 195. 38. (Vetoed by the Mayor). 39. (Vetoed by the Mayor). 40. Providing for taxing and killing dogs. Approved July 18, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1377. 45. Defining vagrancy and prescribing punishment there- i APPENDIX. 1177 for. Approved Aiipiist 11, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 679. 48. Fixing the compensation of City Officers. Approved August 20, 1884. Repealed. 49. Prescribing manner of making and filing statements of cost and expense of public improvements, assessed upon the lots and land abutting thereon. Approved September 3, 1884. Ixepealed by Ordinance No. 177, 54. Establishing grade of certain streets and avenues. Approved October 2, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 491. 56. Amending Section 5 in Ordinance No. 48, fixing com- pensation of City Officers. Approved October 16. 1884. Re- pealed. 57. Time and ]>lace of regular meetings of City Council. Approved October 29, 1884. Repealed. 61. Prohibiting keeping any place for smoking or inhal- ing opium, or selling or furnishing same. Approved Decem- ber 4, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 91. 62. Regulating the conveyance of garbage, etc. Approv- ed December 4, 1884. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 6S. Prohibiting the excavating, grading, paving, sidewalk- ing or filling any public street, avenue or alley within City lim- its without written permit from City Council. Approved Feb- ruary 19, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1308. 75. Prohibiting certain animals running at large within certain limits. Approved ]\Iarch 20. 1885. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 193. 76. Organizing a Fire Department. Approved April 4, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 256. 80. To protect public health and prevent the spread of dangerous diseases. Approved May 8, 1885. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1343. 81. Prescribing the duties of the Health Officer. Ap- proved ]May 8, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 82. Repealing Ordinance No. 10, N. T., defining duties and fixing the compensation of Town Marshal. Approved July 14, 1885. Repealed. 83. Repealing Ordinance No. 16, N. T., for enforcement of fines for violating Town ordinances. Approved July 14, ]885. Repealed. 84. Repealing Ordinance No. 5, N. T., relating to swine. Approved July 14, 1885. Repealed. 1178 APPENDIX. 85. Repealing Ordinance No. 42, N. T., regulating the building and care of privies on Blocks 703, 704, 803 and 904. Approved July 14, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1350. 86. Repealing Ordinance No. 4, N. T., relating to nuis- ances. Approved July 14, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 133. 88. Fixing the compensation of City Officers. Approv- ed July 21, 1885. Repealed. 90. Granting the Home Lumber Company the right to locate, build and maintain a tramway in certain streets. Ap- proved July 22, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 126. 91. For suppressing smoking or inhaling opium. Ap- proved September 21, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2284. 92. Relating to shows and public entertainments. Ap- proved August 17, 1885. Repealed by Ordinance No. 287. 95. No ordinance. 98. Repealing Section 3 of Ordinance No. 88, fixing the compensation of City Officers. Approved November 24, 1885. Repealed. 99. Defining fire limits. Approved November 24, 1885, Repealed by- Ordinance No. 189. 103. Fixing the compensation of Policemen and City Mar- shal. Approved January 5, 1886. Repealed. 104. To prevent interments of dead within City limits. Approved February 8, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 106. Establishing the grades of certain streets and ave- nues. Approved March 23, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 113. 109. Requiring City Assessor to make road poll tax list. Approved March 20, 1886. Repealed. 110. Establishing the grades of certain streets. Approv- ed April 5, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 210. 113. Establishing the grades of certain streets and ave- nues. Approved April 17, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No, 2285. 118. Establishing the grade of "C" Street. Passed May 10, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 122. Defining duties of Street Commissioner. Approved June 7, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 176. 128. Defining the duties of City Surveyor. Approved July 20, 1886. Repealed. APPENDIX. 1179 129. Establishing the jrrade of "C" Street. Approved August 9, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1385. 132. Authorizing contracts for grading and improving streets. Approved August 30, 1886. Repealed. 134. Defining disorderly conduct and prescribing punish- ment for same. Approved August 30, 1886. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 2284. 135. Fixing the compensation of City Officers. Approv- ed September 6, 1886. Repealed. 136. Regulating license on billiard tables, bowling alleys and shooting galleries. Approved September 6, 1886. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2240. 138. Regulating licenses and manner of issuing same. Ap- proved September 20, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2376. 139. Establishing the grade of "C" Street. Approved October 2. 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 140. Establishing the grade of "D" and other streets. Approved October 18, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 141. Providing for the payment of Treasurer's commis- sion, interest and deficiencies on street improvement assessment. Approved October 18, 1886. Repealed. 142. Defining the duties and fixing the compensation of Fire Warden. Approved November 10, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 916. 143. Granting to F. W. Pope-Cox, et al., the right to sup- ply the City with light, heat and power by means of electricity. Approved November 11, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1307. 144. No ordinance. 145. Repealing Section 16, of Ordinance No. 138. Ap- proved November 22, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1305. 146. Establi.shing the grade of St. Helen's Avenue. .Ap- proved November 22, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 147. Amending Section 10, of Ordinance No. 138. Ap- proved November 22, 1886. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1305. 148. Regulating the manner of making, approving and fil- ing plats. Approved December 6, 1886. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 830. 149. For protection of public sewers and providing for connecting therewith. Approved December 6, 1886. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 1326. IISO APPENDIX. 151. Defining the duties and fixing compensation of City Attorney. Approved January 5, 1887. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2259. 155. To protect public health and prevent spread of con- tagius diseases. Approved February 7, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 157. To provide for numbering buildings. Approved March 7, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 158. 159. Re-establishing the grade of "D" Street. Approv- ed April 4, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 164. Vacating portions of South Seventh Street and Clifi: Avenue. Approved May 24, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 172. 165. Establishing the grade of Starr and other streets. Approved June 6, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 166. Establishing the grade of "G" Street. Approved June 6, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 167. Fixing the compensation of City Clerk, City Treas- urer and Street Commissioner. Approved June 9, 1887. Re- pealed. 171. Relating to the use of streets for building purposes and removal of buildings. Approved August 1, 1887. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1302. 174. Repealing Ordinance No. 81, N. T, Approved August 19, 1887. Repealed. 175. Establishing the grade of Starr and other streets. Approved September 20, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 176. Repealing Ordinance No. 122. Approved October 13, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 204. 177. Repealing Ordinance No. 49. Approved Octobt^r 13, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1382. . 179. (Vetoed by the Mayor). 182. Re-establishing the grade of Yakima Avenue. Ap- proved November 21, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 185. Creating a "General Fund" and "Road Fund." Approved December 6, 1887. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2269. 187. Providing harbor regulations and prescribing the du- ties of Harbor Master. Approved January 25, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1247. 189. Establishing fire limits. Approved February 10, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. APPENDIX. IISI 190. Amendinor Section 4 of Ordinance No. 138. Ap- proved March 23, 1888. Eepealed by Ordinance No. 666. 191. E-stablishing the grade of "G" Street. Approved ]\rarch 23, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 193. Establishing- pound limits. Passed March 23, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1242. 194. Creating a "General Fund" and "Road Fund" and repealing Ordinance No. 185. Approved IMarch 29, 1888. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2269. 195. Licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors. Approv- ed :\Iarch 29, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 406. 196. Regulating and preventing obstruction to streets, alleys and sidewalks. Approved April 10. 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 197. Fixing the compensation of ]\[ayor and members of City Council. Approved April 10. 1888. Repealed by Section 216 of City Charter. 198. Re-establishing the grade of Pacific Avenue. Ap- proved April 25, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 201. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 189, establish- ing fire limits. Approved ]\Iay 9, 1888. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1000. 204. Defining the duties and fixing compensation of Street Commissioner. Approved June 18, 1888. Repealed by Section 133 City Charter. 206. Granting to G. W. Thompson, et al., the right to con- struct and operate a street railway upon certain streets and avenues. Approved July 2, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 630. 207. To prevent injury to persons and property in the operation of street railways. Approved July 17, 1888. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2274. 210. Establishing the grade of certain streets and avenues. Approved July 25, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 211. Preventing removal of garbage in open wagons. Ap- proved August 6, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 215. Providing for construction of sewers and fixing pen- alty for injuring same. Approved August 20, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1326. 217. Regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors. Approv- ed October 15, 1888.^ Repealed by Ordinance No. 221. 1]82 APPENDIX. 218. Prohibiting scattering hand bills or posting same along the streets or sidewalks. Approved October 15, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1064, 219. To prevent leaving any horse or other animal un- guarded on the street or hitching same to posts, shade trees, etc. Approved October 31, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2238. 220. Re-establishing the grade of South Twenty-fifth Street. Approved October 31, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 221. Repealing Ordinance No. 217. Approved Novem- ber 9, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 280. 222. (Not passed). 223. Granting to the Tacoma Street Raihvay Company the right to construct and operate its railway over certain por- tions of South Ninth Street. Approved November 24, 1888. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1307. 226. Fixing the salary of Harbor Master. Approved De- cember 15, 1888. Repealed. 227. Re-establishing the grade of Jefferson Street. Ap- proved January 14, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1367. 229. Amending Ordinance No. 223, by extending the time for completing and putting in operation street railway track. Approved February 26, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1307. 230. Granting to Hugh C. AA^allace, et al., the right to construct and operate a street railway upon certain streets, avenues, alleys and highways. Approved Februaiy 28, 1880. Repealed by Ordinance No. 304. 231. Establishing the grade of certain streets and alleys. Approved March 21, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 234. (Not passed). 235. Re-establishing the grade of Puyallup Avenue. Ap- proved April 29, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 246. Levying special tax for providing for fire apparatus and water supply. Approved June 3, 1889. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 252. 251. Defining the duties and appointing a special In- spector of Buildings. Approved June 21, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 292. 253. Re-establishing the grade of the alley between Blocks 908 and 909. Approved June 27, 1889. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2285. APPENDIX. 1183 254. Re-establishiiiii' tlir izi-ade of South Twenty-fifth Street. Approved June 27. 1889. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 633. 255. Fixing' the salaiy of City Attorney, City Surveyor, Chief of Police and Street Commissioner. Approved June 27, 1889. Repealed. 258. Reiiulating- and preventint;- obstructions to the streets, idleys, and sidewalks, and repealing: Section 8 of Ordinance^ \o. 196. Approved July 15, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1422. 260. Amending: Section 1 of Ordinance No. 189, estab- lishing: fire limits. Approved Aufjust 13, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. 265. Regrulatinp- the erection, alteration, repair and use of buildings in City. Approved August 12, 1889. R^epealed by Ordinance No. 999. 268. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 256, relating: to Fire Department. Approved August 20, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 319. 280. Regulating the manner of conducting bar rooms, sa- loons, club rooms and drinking houses. Passed October 30, ]889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 406. 286. Prohibiting a dairy within City limits. Approved November 2, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1267. 287. To license theatrical shows and places of public ajuusement, and repealing Ordinance No. 92. Passed November 9, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 391. 288. Vetoed. 290. Franchise to Lake Park Land Railway and Liiprove- ment Company. Passed November 30, 1889. Repealed by Or- dinance Xo. 2429. 291. Franchise to W. E. Anderson, et al., for a street railway. Approved December 5, 1889. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 631. 292. Defining the duties and appointing special Inspector of Buildings. Approved December 2, 1889. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 385. 293. Regulating plumbing, ventilation and drainage of buildings and for licensing and registration of plumbers. Ap- proved December 30, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1350. 294. Amending Section 9 of Ordinance No. 135. Ap- proved December 10. 1889. Repealed. 21S4 APPENDIX. 295. Amending Ordinance No. 280. Approved December 24, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 406. 296. Fixing the compensation of City Attorney and City Clerk. Approved December 30, 1889. Repealed. 298. Licensing wholesale liquor dealers in City limits. Ap- proved December 31, 1889. Repealed by Ordinance No. 305. 299. Regulating the manner in which light and water com- panies shall construct, alter and repair their lines. Approved January 4, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2275. 303. No ordinance. 305. Repealing Ordinance No. 298. Approved February 8, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 406. 306. Amending Ordinance No. 265. Approved February 14, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 999. 307. Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 189. Ap- proved March 1, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. 308. Re-establishing the grade of Puyallup Avenue. Ap- proved February 26, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 309. Regulating the storage and sale of gunpowder, oils and other inflamable and explosive substances. Approved March 13, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 808. 311. Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 189. Passed March 29, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. 314. Re-organizing the Volunteer Fire Department. Ap- proved April 15, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2260. 318. Franchise to Tacoma Electric Company. Approved May 31, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 951. 319. Amending Section 2 of Ordinance No. 256. Approv- ed June 5, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 431. 320. Fixing number of hours constituting a day's work on City improvements. Approved May 5, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2261. 322. Vetoed. 323. Establishing and defining duties of Board of Park Commissioners. Approved June 9, 1890. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2272. 324. Establishing the grades of ''C" and Adams Streets. Approved June 9, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 333. Amending Ordinance No. 138. Approved July 1, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1305. APPENDIX. 11S5 335. Amending Section 22 of Ordinance No. 265. Ap- proved July 1, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 999. 336. Regulating- the business of pawn brokers. Approved July 1, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1329. 337. Providing for borrowing $240,000.00 to fund the out- standing indebtedness of the City. Approved July 1, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 410. 341. Providing for borrowing $200,000.00 for building a City Hall. Approved July 21, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 409. 342. Amending Ordinance No. 311, establishing fire lim- its. Approved July 21, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. 344. Relating to construction of sidewalks. Approved August 4, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 404. 345. Fixing salary of certain officials. Approved August 4, 1890. Repealed. 348. Amending Ordinance No. 193, fixing pound limits. Approved August 18, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1243. 349. Amending Ordinance No. 295, licensing saloons. Ap- proved September 6, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 406. 353. Amending Ordinance No. 265, relating to the erection of buildings in City. Approved September 6, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 999. 357. Creating City Hall Fund. Approved September 15, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1760. 365. Franchise to the Peninsula Electric Railway Com- pany. Approved October 9, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. ^629. 366. Amending Ordinance No. 64, establishing grades. Approved October 9, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 491. 367. Amending Ordinance No. 244, relating to construc- tion of sidewalks. Approved October 9, 1890. Repealed by Ordinance No. 404. 378. Amending Ordinance No. 293, relating to plumbing and drainage of buildings. Approved November 24, 1890. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1350. 380. Fixing salaries. Approved December 4, 1890. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 642. 381. Providing for appointment of Clerk of Police Court. Approved December 10, 1890. Repealed by House Bill No. 30, Februarv 28, 1891. 1]S6 APPENDIX. 382. Vetoed. 384. Health ordinance. Approved Janiiaiy 6, 1891. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 385. Creating- the office of Inspector of Buildings. Ap- proved January 6, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 645. 387. Establishing street grades. Approved January 23. 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 390. Fixing salaries. Approved February 5, 1891. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 642. 391. Licensing theatrical shows and other places of amuse- ment. Approved February 9, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1077. 393. Regulating the plumbing and drainage of buildings. Approved February 25, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1350. 403. Licensing intelligence and employment agencies. Ap- proved March 16, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2253. 404. Relating to construction of sidewalks. Approved March 16, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 861. 405. Establishing stands for hacks and other vehicles. Ap- proved March 16, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1363. 406. Licensing the sale of liquor. Approved March 25. 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 881. 407. Providing for disposal of condemned property of Fire Department. Approved April 2, 1891. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1755. 412. To prevent minors from jumping on railroad trains. Approved April 7, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2274. 414. Franchise to Henry Hutton to erect poles and stretch wires for electrical purposes. Approved April 7, 1891. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1307. 415. E.stablishing fire limits. Approved April 7, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1000. 416. Appropriating a portion of the money received from liquor licenses to the Park Fund. Approved April 13, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1053. 430. Fixing salaries. Approved April 29, 1891. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 642. 431. Amending Ordinance No. 256, relating to Fire De- partment. Approved April 29, 1891. Repealed^by Ordinance No. 1333. APPENDIX. 1187 432. Salary of City Clerk. Approved May 4. 1891. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 642. 438. For construction of sewer. Approved May 11, 1891. Repealed by Ordinajiee Xo. 452. 444. For the improvement of East "D" Street. Approv- ed May 18, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 476. 448. For the improvement of South Fourth Street. Ap- proved ]\Iay 18, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 485. 464. Prohibitinjtr the use of bicycles upon sidewalks. Ap- proved June 8, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1191. 480. Relatiu": to the purchase of water and light plant. Approved July 3, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 500. 484. Providing for cleaning of sidewalks. Approved July 11. 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1316. 486. Providing for the improvement of Xorth Sixth Street. Approved July 14, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance X^o. 516. 491. Establishing street grades. Approved July 14, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2285. 496. Transferring $2,000.00 per month from General to Park Fund. Approved July 20, 1891. Repealed bv Ordinance Xo. 549. 503. Amending Ordinance Xo. 393. relating to plumbing and drainage of buildings. Approved July 29. 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1350. 504. Creating. "Water Works Committee. Approved July 20, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2249. 506. Amending Ordinance Xo. 393, regulating plumbing and drainage of buildings. Approved Augast 3, 1891. Re- Xiealed by Ordinance X'o. 1350. 509. Establishing street grades. .Approved August 17, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2285. 512. Amending Ordinance Xo. 236, regulating the busi- ness of pawn brokers. Approved August 17, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1329. 514. Fixing license of auctioneers. Passed August 8, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance X^o. 541. 515. Establishing street grades. Approved August 28, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2285. 517. Fixing salary of Clerk of AVater Commission. Ap- proved August 31, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2248. 1188 APPENDIX. 540. Providing the manner for parking streets. Approv- ed October 6, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 667. Sil. Licensing auctioneers. Approved November 11, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 543. 542. Amending Ordinance No. 265, relating to the erection of buildings. Approved December 3, 1891. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 999. 543. Licensing auctioneers. Approved December 3, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 574. 551. Granting Tacoma Railway and Motor Company the right to sell electric power. Approved December 21, 1891. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2295. 553. Fixing salary of Chief of Fire Department. Ap- proved December 21, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 642. 574. Licensing auctioneers. Passed December 26, 1891. Repealed by Ordinance No. 666. 581. Regulating the operation of railroad and street rail- road trains. Approved January 5, 1892. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2252. 582. No ordinance. 585. For improvement of South Eighth Street. Approv- ed January 11, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 639. 599. Franchise to "Wm. C. Pyfer to maintain system of water works. Approved January 27, 1892. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2333. 602. Transferring $2,000.00 per month from the General to Park Fund. Approved February 8, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 742. 604. Establishing street grades. Approved February 15, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 628. Appropriating $250.00 per month to the Public Li- brary. Passed March 5, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 932. 633. Establishing street grades. Approved March 14, :!892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 641. Amending Ordinance No. 403, licensing intelligence and employment agencies. Approved May 9, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2253. 642. Repealing certain ordinances fixing salaries. Passed April 30, 1892. Repealed. ,643. Fixing salaries. Approved May 18, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 840. APPENDIX. 1189 644. Creating the office of ^Mayor's Clerk. Approved May 18. 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 973. 645. Creatiujr the office of Inspector of Buildings, Plnmb- ing and Drainage. xVpproved ]\Iay 18, 1892. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 961. 646. Amending Ordinance No. 397, creating the office of Assistant City Attorney. Ajiproved ^Nlay 18, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 828. 649. Establishing street grades. Approved May 18, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 666. Licensing auctioneers. Approved June 15, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1351. 667. Providing manner of parking streets. Approved June 15. 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1699. 677. Establishing stands for hacks and other vehicles. Approved July 25, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2237. 697. Fi.xing salaries. Approved August 15, 1892. Re-' pealed by Ordinance No. 840. 709. Amending Ordinance No. 193, fixing pound limits. Approved August 15, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1241. 717. Amending Ordinance No. 677, establishing stands for hacks, etc. Approved September 6, 1892. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2237. 719. Defining duties of Harbor Master. Approved Sep- tember 8, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1247. 726. Creating the office of License Inspector. Approved September 13, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1070. 736. Amending Ordinahce No. 709, establishing pound limits. Approved September 20, 1892. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1243. 757. Amending Ordinance No. 187, relating to duties of Harbor ^Master. Approved November 1, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1247. 763. Amending Ordinance No. 643, fixing salaries. Ap- proved November 21, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 840. 764. Amending Ordinance No. 314, relating to Volunteer Fire Department. Approved November 21, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2260. 766. Amending Ordinance No. 677, establishing stands for hacks, etc. Approved November 28, 1892. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2237. 1190 APPENDIX. 777. Establishing- street grades. Approved December 30. 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 779. Amending- Ordinance No. 643, fixiijg salaries. Ap- proved December 30, 1892. Repealed by Ordinance No. 840. 781. For the cancellation of illegally issued certificates of sale. Approved January 11. 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1012. 783. Establishing street g-rades. Approved January 16, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 785. Establishing a public market place. Approved Jan- uary 25, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2262. 797. Establishing: street grades. Approved March 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 800. Establishing precincts. Approved March 23, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2254. 804. Establishing street grades. Approved March 30, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 812. Establishing* Board of AYater and Light Commission- ers. Approved April 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 948. 815. Amending Ordinance No. 196, relating to obstructions of streets, alleys and sidewalks. Approved April 11, 1893. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 817. Establishing street grades. Approved ]\Iay 2, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 821. Fixing form and mode of execution of local improve- ment bonds. Approved May 11, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1388. 822. Providing* for the improvement of Pacific iVvenue. Approved May 11, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 858. 837. Amending Ordinance No. 709, establishing pound limits. Approved May 22, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1243. 838. Amending Ordinance No. 406, licensing sale of liquor. Approved June 2, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 881. 840. Fixing salaries. Approved June 6, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 937. 841. Amending Ordinance No. 628, providing for payment of $250.00 per month to the Public Library. Approved June 6, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 932. 845. Creating the office of Market Master. Approved June 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2263. I » APPENDIX. 1191 846. Ainendiiisj; Ordinance Xo. 785, desijrnating market place. Approved June 13, 1893. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 2262. 848. Amending Ordinance Xo. 821, prescribing form and mode of execution of local improvement bonds. Approved June 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1388. 851. Ordering construction of storm sewers. Approved June 22, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 890. 856. Licensing sale of intoxicating liquors. Approved June 28, 1893. Repealed by Ordinan<;e No. 881. 869. Ordering construction of trunk sewer. Approved July 25, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 888. 870. Establishing rules for maintenance of public market. Approved July 25, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2262. 871. Defining powers and duties of ^Market Master. Ap- proved July 25, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2263. 872. Fixing term of office and bond of Clerk of Municipal Court. Approved July 25, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1254. 873. Amending Ordinance No. 464, regulating use of bi- cycles, etc. Approved July 28, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1191. 875. Establishing street grades. Approved August 2. 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2285. 879. Creating the Water and Light Fund. Approved August 19, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2270. 880. To regulate hawking and peddling. Approved August 21, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 2276. 881. Regulating the sale of intoxicating liciuors. Approv- ed August 22, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 1157. 886. Amending Ordinance Xo. 840, fixing salaries. Ap- proved August 29, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance Xo. 937. 887. Regulating the use and price of light and water sup- plied by City of Tacoma. Approved August 29, 1893. Repeal- ed by Ordinance Xo. 1058. 891. flaking re-assessment of cost of improvem.ent of Union Avenue. Approved September 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordi- nance Xo. 898. 893. Regulating manner of collecting and removing gar- bage. Approved September 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 1192 APPENDIX. ' ' 894. Providing' for the improvement of Pacific Avenue. Approved September 13, 1893. Kepealed by Ordinance No. 1002. 895. Providing for the improvement of Pacific Avenue. Approved September 13, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1002. 897. Fixing salaries of officers and employes of Water and Light Department. Approved September 19, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 937. 904. Establishing a City jail, in City of Tacoma. Ap- proved September 28, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1474. 907. Amending Ordinance No. 138, regrulating licenses. Approved September 28, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1305. 913. Amending Ordinance No. 840, fixing salaries. Ap- proved October 18, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 937. 914. Amending Ordinance No. 897. fixing salaries. Ap- proved October 18, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 937. 917. Amending Ordinance No. 391, licensing theatrical shows, etc. Approved November 2, 1893. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1077. 924. Amending Ordinance No. 193, establishing^ pound lira- its. Approved December 5, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1238. 925. Regulating peddling. Approved December 5, 1893. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2276. 928. Establishing grade upon extension of South Eleventh Street. Approved January 10, 1894. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 2285. 931. Regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors. Approv- ed January 15, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1157. 932. Establishing a Public Library. Approved January 19, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2271. 937. Fixing salaries. Approved March 26, 1894. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 973. 938. Regulating operation of steam boilers and licensing of engineers in charge of same. Approved jNIarch 26, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1640. 939. Amending Ordinance No. 917, licensing theatrical ■ shows, etc. Approved March 26, 1894. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 1077. 940. Regulating the use of bicycles, etc. Approved March; 26, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1191. APPENDIX. . 1193 945. Prohil)itinp- variety theatres Avithin certain limits. Approved June 18, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1098. 946. Requiring: City Attorney and City Clerk to give their ollficial bond and fixingr amount thereof. Approved June 20. 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1459. 947. Creating: the office of Superintendent of the Water and Lipht Department. Approved July 3, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2250. 953. Fixing: salary of Building: and Plumbing Inspectors. Approved August 6, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 961. 956. Regulating hawking and peddling. Approved August 13, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2276. 960. Fixing compensation of Plumbing Inspector. Ap- proved August 22. 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 973. 961. Defining duties and fixing compensation of Building Inspector. Approved August 22. 1894. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1075. 962. Prescribing duties of City Physician. Approved August 28, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1322. 965. Fixing the price of electric lights. Approved Octo- ber 1, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1009. 968. Defining who are disorderly persons. Approved November 2, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2284. 971. Establishing street grades. Approved November 5, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 972. Regulating speed of street railway cars. Approved November 19, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2252. 973. Fixing salaries of officials and employes of City of Tacoma. Approved December 8, 1894. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1016. 976. Regulating the use of bicycles, etc. Approved Feb- ruary 1. 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1191. 977. Granting to George P. Eaton the right to operate a telephone service. Approved February 2, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1127. 983. Regulating the business of junk dealers.' Approved March 25, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1414. 984. Amending Ordinance No. 978, relating to slaughter yards. Approved March 29, 1895. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 1323. 987. Amending Ordinance No. 641. relating to employment 1194 APPENDIX. agencies. Approved May 7, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No, 2253. ■ 988. Fixing' salaries. Passed ]\Iay 4, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1016. 995. Repealing part of Ordinance No. 785, relating to pub- lic market. Approved June 6, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2262. 996. Defining duties of Building Inspector. Approved June 21, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1075. 997. Amending Ordinance No. 940, regulating the use of bicycles, etc. Approved June 27, 1895. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1191. 998. Regulating the construction and equipment of thea- ters, etc. Approved June 27, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2056. 999. Regulating the erection and repair of buildings. Ap- proved June 27, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2355. 1000. Establishing fire limits. Approved July 5, 1895, Repealed by Ordinance No. 1579. 1001. . Regulating the price of gas. Passed over the Mayor's veto July 6, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2344. 1003. Amending Ordinance No. 983, regulating the busi- ness of junk dealers. Passed July 13, 1895. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1414. 1004. Franchise to City Park Railway Company. Ap- proved July 27, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2389. 1005. Defining saloon limits. Approved August 2, 1895, Repealed by Ordinance No. 2416. 1009. Fixing the price of electric lights. Approved Au- gust 5, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1156. 1010. Fixing rates to be charged by North End Water Company. Passed August 3, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1765. 1014. Regulating the appointment of certain persons in any of the departments in the City. Passed August 31, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2235. 1016. Fixing salaries. Approved September 13, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1084. 1022. Designating depositories for City funds. Approved October 22, 1895. Repealed by Charter Amendment No. 18. 1025. Closing barber shops on Sunday. Approved Octo- ber 28, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2264. I APPENDIX. 1195 1031. Amendinfj Ordinance No. 641, relatinjr to intelli- penee and employment asreneies. Approved November 12, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2253. 1032. Repealing Section 9 of Ordinance No. 138, fixing licenses. Approved November 12, 1895. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1305. 1034. Distribution of funds to be received from George AV. Boggs, J. W. ]\rcCauley, sureties and banks in M'hich they have made deposits. Approved November 18, 1895. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1133. 1036. Repealing Section 11 of Ordinance No. 138, fixing licenses. Approved November 25, 1895. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1305. 1042. Repealing parts of Ordinance No. 278. Approved January' 3, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1044. 1043. Repealing parts of Ordinance No. 237. Approved January 3, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1045. 1046. Licensing bicycles, etc. Approved January 22, 1896. Repealed by (Ordinance No. 1252. 1047. Authorizing the use of a strip of land as bicycle road. Approved January 22, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1130. 1053. Transferring monej^s received from licenses and fines to the Interest Fund. Approved February 18, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1082. 1054. Re-assessment for the improvement of Tacoma Ave- nue from North Fourth to North Fifth Street. Approved Feb- ruary 17, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1106. 1057. Appropriating ten per cent, of receipts from liquor licenses to the Park Fund. Approved March 2, 1896. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 1812. 1058. Fixing the price of water supplied by the City. Ap- proved March 2, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1828. 1063. Amending Ordinance No. 938, relating to licensing engineers. Approved ]\Iarcli 18, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance; No. 1640. 1064. Licensing the posting and distribution of advertis- nig matter. Approved March 18, 1896. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 1978. 1068. Fixing the amount of Treasurer's bond. Approved April 20, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1153. 1196 APPENDIX. 1069. Amending Ordinance No. 1016, fixing salaries. Ap- proved April 20, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1084. 1073. Amending Ordinance No. 1046, licensing bicycles, etc. Approved May 18, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1252. 1074. Creating the office of Commissioner of Health. Ap- proved May 19, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1343. 1075. Creating the office of Inspector of Buildings, Plumb- ing and Licenses. Approved May 19, 1896. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1318. 1076. Creating a Legal Expense Fund. Approved INIay 19, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1756. 1077. Licensing theatrical shows, circuses, etc. Approv- ed May 28, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 1078. For construction of a bicycle bridge on South Thir- tieth Street. Approved June 1, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1089. 1081. Repealing Section 3 of Ordinance No. 194, creating a General Fund. Approved June 9, 1896. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2269. 1083. A franchise to Puget Sound, Mt. Tacoma and East- ern Railway Company. Approved June 9, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1269. 1084. Fixing salaries. Passed June 6, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1085. Transferring moneys, receipts, licenses and fines to the Salary Fund. Approved June 12, 1896. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1151. 1088. Establishing grades. Approved June 16, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1091. Empowering Civil Service Commission to administer oaths. Approved June 24, 1896. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 2265. 1092. Defining offenses against Amendment No. 19 to the City Charter, relating to Civil Service. Approved June 24, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2266. 1111. Fixing salaries. Approved July 20, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1112. Re-assessment for improvement of Tacoma Avenue from North Fourth to North Fifth Street. Approved July 20, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1215. 1118. Amending Ordinance No. 407, relating to condemn- APPENDIX. 1197 €d property of the Fire Department. Approved August 10, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1755. 1120. Fixing the price of electric lights. Approved Au- gust 10, 1896. Repealed by Ordinan<'e No. 1156. 1123. Transferring money from AVater and Light to Salary Fund. Approved August 24, 1896. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1151. 1132. Providing for the issuance of funding bonds. Pass- ed September 12, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1413. 1133. Repealing Ordinance No. 1034, distributing funds to be received from George W. Boggs, et al. Approved Sep- tember 30, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1192. 1134. Fixing salaries. Approved October 6, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1135. Fixing salaries. Approved October 6, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1138. Fixing salaries. Approved October 12, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1140. Licensing automatic devices for the sale of goods. Approved October 26, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1845. 1141. Creating a City Hall Emergency Fund. Approved October 26, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1759. 1142. Creating the office of City Librarian. Approved October 26, 1896. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2271. 1143. Fixing salaries. Approved October 26, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1144. Amending Ordinance No. 1140, relating to automatic devices for sale of goods. Approved November 9, 1896. Re- ])ealed by Ordinance No. 1845. 1145. Prohibiting minors from getting on arid off cars. Approved November 23. 1896.. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2274. 1149. Fixing salaries. Approved December 14, 1896. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1150. Directing the Treasurer to pay certain warrants is- sued April 19. 1894. Approved December 16, 1896. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 1430. 1151. Transferring money from "Water and Light Fund to Interest Fund. Passed December 12, 1896. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1199. 1152. No ordinance. 1155. Amending Ordinance No. 1064, regulating the dis- 1198 APPENDIX. tributing- of advertising matter. Approved January 19, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1978. 1156. Fixing price of electric lights. Approved January 26, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1301. 1158. Relating to second hand goods. Approved January 27, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1219. 1159. Amending Ordinance No. 1058, regulating the use and price of water supplied by the City. Approved February 2, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1828. 1163. Amending Ordinance No. 1084, fixing salaries. Ap- proved March 1, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1164. Amending Ordinance No. 1159, regTilating the use and price of water supplied by the City. Approved March 1, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1828. 1166. Amending Ordinance No. 1151, transferring certain money from Water and Light Fund to the Interest Fund. Ap- proved March 10, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1199. 1167. Creating the Feed Emergency Fund. Approved March 10, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1754. 1172. Amending Ordinance No. 319, regulating plumbing and drainage of buildings. Approved April 1-2, 1897. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 1350. 1173. Transferring certain moneys to the Interest Fund. Approved April 12, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1200. 1176. Amending Ordinance No. 938, licensing engineers. Approved April 20, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1640. 1181. Fixing salaries. Approved April 23, 1897. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1333. 1185. Repealing Section 3 of Ordinance No. 1167, creating Feed Emergency Fund. Approved May 11, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1754. 1186. Amending Ordinance No. 1167, creating Feed Emer- gency Fund. Approved May 14, 1897. Repealed bv Ordinance No. 1754. 1188. Amending Ordinance No. 40, relating to dogs. Ap- proved May 21, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1377. 1189. Amending Ordinance No. 861, relating to construc- tion of sidewalks. Approved May 21, 1897. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2126. 1191. Regulating the use of bicycles, etc. Approved ]\Iay 21, 1897. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1369. APPENDIX. 1109 1192. Providing- for disposition of moneys received from riee of electric current. Approved April 14, 1899. Repealed In- Ordinance No. 1886. 1373. Amending Ordinance No. 1058, fixing the price of water. Approved May 5. 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1828. 1376. Fixing salaries. Approved May 26, 1899. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 1383. 1378. Stands for hacks, etc. Approved ^May 26, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2237, 1379. Amending Ordinance No. 219, relating to hitching of horses and other animals. Approved June 2, 1899. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2238. 1381. Franchise to Seattle-Tacoma Railway Company. Ap- proved June 12, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2232. 1383. Fixing salaries. Approved July 1, 1899. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 1476. 1384. Prescribing form and mode of execution of local improvement bonds. Approved July 1, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1388. 1385. Establishing street grades. Approved July 1, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1387. Licensing junk dealers. Approved July 21, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1414. 1402. Franchise to "Wm. Jones, et al., to supply the City 1204 APPENDIX. with steam heat, etc. Approved August 25, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2233. 1408. Regulating speed of street railway cars. Approved September 15, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2252. 1422. Preventing obstructions to streets, etc. Approved October 27, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 1423. Amending Ordinance No. 196, preventing obstruc- tions to streets, etc. Approved October 27, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 1431. Establishing street grades. Approved December 8, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1433. Providing for issuance of funding bonds. Approv- ed December 8, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1440. 1436. Establishing street grades. Approved December 22, 1899. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1442. Fixing salaries. Passed January 18, 1900. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1476. 1443. Repealing Ordinance No. 1442, fixing salaries. Ap- proved February 2, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1476. 1449. Establishing street grades. Approved February 16, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1464. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, regulating the use of bicycles, etc. Approved June 29, 1900. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2400. 1476. Fixing salaries. Approved August 10, 1900. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. 1495. Fixing salary of Police Judge. Approved Septem- ber 21, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1622. 1496. Creating the Street and Sewer Deficiency Fund. Ap- proved September 21, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1682. 1497. Distributing moneys received from George W. Boggs, et al. Approved September 21, 1900. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 1693. 1498. Fixing price of electric current. Approved Septem- ber 29, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1886. 1506. Relating to licensing engineers. Approved Oet:ober 19, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1640. 1511. Establishing street grades. Approved November 8, 1900. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1516. Fixing salaries. Approved November 26, 1900. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. APPENDIX. 1205 1520. FixiiiiT salaries. Approved December 21, 1900. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. 1529. Establishing street grades. Approved February 9, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1530. Franchise to Fred E. Sander, for street railway. Approved February 11, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1757. 1538. Fixing salaries of foreman and assistant of bicycle road. Approved ^Farch 8, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No, 1559. 1539. For construction of trunk sewer. Approved March 15, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1563. 1543. Fi.xing. salaries. Approved March 23, 1901. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. 1544. Tiiconsinir theati-ieal shows, etc. Approved March 23, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 1545. Fixing salaries. Approved IMarch 23, 1901. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. 1556. Fixing salaries. Approved Mny 10, 1901. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 1559. 1559. Fixing salaries. Approved INFay 24, 1901. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1564. Fixing charges of City Engineer. Approved June 7, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1577. 1568. Establishing stands for hacks, etc. Approved June 14, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2237. 1574. Defining disorderly persoiLS. Approved July 5, 1901. Repcroled by Ordinance No. 2284. 1575. Franchise to E. A. Seeley for telephone. Approved July 6, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2317. 1579. Establishing fire limits. Approved July 12, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1763. 1583. Fixing salaries. Approved July 27, 1901. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1596. Amending Ordinance No. 1575, granting franchise to E. A. Seeley. Approved September 14, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No.'2317. 1598. Fixing salaries. Approved September 23, 1901. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1605. To prevent getting on or off railroad cars, etc. Ap- proved October 5, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2274. , ]206 APPENDIX, 1621. Establishing street grades. Approved November 30, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285.. 1622. Fixing salaries. Approved November 30, 1901. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1639. Fixing salaries. Approved January 24, 1902. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1665. Establishing fire limits. Approved March 29, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1763. .1667. Licensing theatrical shows, etc. Approved April 4, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 1668. Fixing price of water. Approved April 11, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1828. 1669. Fixing bond of City Treasurer. Approved April 11, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2088. 1687. Providing for improvement of Commerce Street. Ap- proved May 29, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1712. 1688. Fixing salaries. Approved May 29, 1902. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1695. For construction of a water main. Approved June 6, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1856. 1701. Fixing salaries. Approved June 19, 1902. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1715., Preventing obstructions to streets, etc. Approved July 31, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 1753. Providing for construction of sewers. Approved September 27, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1781. 1762. Licensing auctioneers. Approved September 27, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2381. 1763. Establishing fire limits. Approved September 27, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1791. 1769. Fixing salaries. Approved October 24, 1902. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1774. Fixing salaries. Approved November 14, 1902. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1789. For construction of an iron bridge near Citj^ reser- voir. Approved December 12, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1813. 1791. Establishing fire limits. Passed December 10, 1902. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2411. 1803. Regulating hawking and peddling. Approved Jan- nary 15, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2276. APPENDIX. 1207 1804. Fix ill": salaries. Approved January 24, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinanee No. 2169. 1805. Relatins: to erection of buildings. Approved Jan- uary 24. 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2355. 1811. Fixing salaries. Approved January 31, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1817. Establisliing pound limits. Approved February 6, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2140. 1831. Fixing salaries. Approved Februai-y 26, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1835. Amendinu' Oi-dinance No. 1809, street railway fran- chise to E. J. Felt. Approved ]\Iarch 4, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1882. 1853. Chanirinij- names of certain streets. Approved March 26, 1903. Repealed l)y Ordinance No. 2267. 1873. No ordinance. 1894. Fixing salai-ies. Approved June 4, 1903. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1903. Granting to Tacoma Railway and Power Company the right to construct a spur track. Approved June 23, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2276. 1905. Granting to Tacoma Railway and Power Company the riglit to construct a spur track. Passed July 1, 1903. Re- [lealed by Ordinance No. 2268. 1906. Licensing theatrical shows, circuses, etc. Approved July 2. 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 1910. Fixing salaries. Approved July 9, 1903. Repeal- ed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1911. For construction of sewers. Approved July 9, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2004. 1921. Fixing salaries. Approved July 31, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1925. Providing for construction of sanitary sewers. Ap- proved August 6, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2055. 1932. Providing for construction of sanitary sewers. Ap- proved August 13, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 1970. 1933. Relating to certain streets parades. Approved Au- gust 19,. 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 1935. Establishing grades. Approved August 20, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 1938. Providing for the improvement of certain streets. 1208 APPENDIX. Approved August 27, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2017. 1949. No ordinance. 1954. Providing for the improvement of certain streets. Approved September 10, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2039. 1958. Improvement of Tacoma Avenue and other streets. Approved September 18, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2034. 1966. Fixing salaries. Approved October 2, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 1989. Licensing billiard tables, etc. Approved November 12, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2240. 1992. Authorizing warrants for payment of water and light furnished the City. Approved November 12, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2360. 1994. Licensing theatrical shows, etc. Approved Novem- ber 12, 1903. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 2000. Fixing salaries. Approved November 27, 1903. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 2005. Amending Ordinance No. 999, regulating construc- tion of buildings. Approved December 5, 1903. Repealed b}' Ordinance No. 2355. 2025. For construction of a wharf. Approved January 21, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2040. 2027. Establishing pound limits. Approved January 30, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2140. 2028. Transfer of franchise from Tacoma Cataract Com- pany to Snoqualmie Falls and White River Power Company. Approved January 28, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2412. 2031. Regulating arrangement and equipment of theaters, etc. Approved Februarv 16, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2337. 2041. Fixing salaries. Approved February 26, 1904. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 2042. Fixing salaries. Approved February 26, 1904. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 2046. Amending Ordinance No. 1369, regulating use of bicycles, etc. Approved March 12, 1904. Repealed by Ordi- nance No. 2400. 2051. Providing for payment of water used for public parks. Approved March 19, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2360. APPENDIX. 1209 2054. Vacating South Thirty-second Street. Approved .Alareh 24, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2072. 2064. Licensing theatrical shows, etc. Approved April 8, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2241. 2068. Fixing bond of City Treasurer. Approved April 25, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2088. 2075. Providing for improvement of North Thirtieth Street. Approved May 21, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2090. 2081. To prevent obstruction of streets, etc. Approved :\ray 28, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2239. 2088. Providing for bond of City Treasurer. Approved June 10, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2365. 2092. Licensing the .selling of goods by means of stamps, etc. Approved June 18, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2133. 2101. Providing for the improvement of "K" Street. Ap- proved June 23, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2216. 2109. i\Iaking it unla\vful for any person other than the City Engineer to make surveys for sidewalks. Approved July 1, i904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2139. 2111. Providing for the improvement of "M" Street. Ap- proved July 1, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2216. 2118. Providing for the improvement of P'erry Street. Approved July 7, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2225. 2124. Providing for the improvement of "C" Street. Ap- proved July 7, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2129. 2140. Fixing pound limits. Approved July 29, 1904. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2467. 2144. Establishing street grades. Approved August 4, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. 2151. Fixing salaries. Approved August 11, 1904. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2169. 2162. Providing for the improvement of North Thirty- first and other streets. Approved August 18, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2197. 2164. Regulating construction of sidewalks. Approved August 25, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2399. 2169. Fixing salaries. Approved September 2, 1904. Re- pealed by Ordinance No. 2418. 2172. Establishing street grades. Approved September 7, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2285. ]210 APPENDIX. 2215. Amending Ordinance No. 2169, fixing salaries. Ap- proved November 26, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2418. 2222. Amending Ordinance No. 2169, fixing salaries. Ap- proved December 1, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2418. 2223. Regulating use and speed of automobiles, etc. Aj)- proved December 1, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 23G9. 2231. Repealing Ordinance No. 173. Approved December 29, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2318. 2238. Regulating hitching of horses, etc. Approved De- cember 29, 1904. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2458. 2306. Regulating placing and construction of electrical wires, etc. Approved March 2, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2416. 2345. Amending Ordinance No. 2169, fixing salaries. Ap- proved March 30, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2418. 2364. Providing for the improvement of Wright Avenue and other streets. Approved April 20, 1905. Repealed by Or- dinance No. 2378. 2365. Providing for bond of City Treasurer, City Con- troller and Commissioner of Public Works. Approved April 27, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2379. 2390. Amending Ordinance No. 21. Approved May 25, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2435. 2398. Appropriating $900 for storage battery switch board. Approved Juije 18, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2410. 2415. Defining saloon limits. Approved June 29, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2456. 2417. Providing for condemnation of certain land. Ap- proved June 29, 1905. Repealed ])y Ordinance No. 2454. 2447. No ordinance. 2456. Defining saloon limits. Approved August 17, 1905. Repealed by Ordinance No. 2473. I UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 994 544 5 «ii^